HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNHOMES UNIT 31 LEGALI Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of C-ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 tax: 97O.479.2452 web: www,ci,vail.co.us Prciect Name: Cook Deck Addition DRB Number: DR8020315 Ptoject Description: Deck addition Participants: OWNER COOK, PATRICIAA. 09/11/2002 Phone: 56 CHARLOU CIR ENGLEWOOD CO 80111 License: APPUCANT A&B Builders Inc. 09lILl20OZ Phone: 303-768-8555 7285 S. Revere Parkway #704 Englewood, CO Michelle 80112 License: ProjectAddress: 1520 SUNBURST DR VAIL Location: J31 Legal Description: l-ot: Block Subdivisionl VAIL GOTfCOURSE TOWNHOME Parcel Number: 210109104031 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote; DateofApproval: 0912412002 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate re\riew committee(s). Cond; 0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: DRB Fee Pald: $25O.OO SEP-O4-62 14.51 FROM= TOV-lD ' 97@4?.92462acoM-o DEV-DEPT. u^J6 TOI,[Nffi General lnformation: Al projeds requirlng design rryieMv Tu* rcceive apprwal prbr to submicirg a buildlng permk applkatjon. p,tcase r€ftr to.th€ srbniBal requiremenE for tlre particuLr appnovat drat is requeied. l" a-pfiloOon 6. Oesrgn Cevlen,cannot be acfted until all requiretl informauon is received by tfie dmmuntty Dev{{opmert Depaitner|L Thepruject nray also need to be rs/iev\€d by the Town Council ad/or the ebnnini and Erwirsnnenht CornmissionDerign lwie$t approtal lapoes nnb6s a bqlldiDg p€rmlt b ba|ed and ojn*uction commences wittinone year of Hre approyeL Application for Design Review Deparbnent of Cornmunity Da/dopmert 75 Souh Frontage Roa4 Vail, @lorado ef657 tdt 9m.4n.2159 t?dj 970.479 _2452 web: www.ci,vail,co,us DesaiptionortheRequese, . .-.,9ddificp of micdJdegt @_-res_i/e/,Tia|,condomitri urn. Location of the ploposah LoE_BIock_ Subdivision:x /&p, Physr'cal Address:llr45 Gol* J?rrqce- \iail Ctatl 6urse+ T3l PAGE 2/ 7 3 Parcdilo,: alotoqtoqoSl (Conhct Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-32&88t0 fur paraet rroJ--'---zonins= LDftZ ...__ ,...,_.- llame(s) of Ovrrner(s): Maiting Addrees: S 6 C'.,rc,te- Phone:' blg- totl Owner{s) Sgnatur€(s): Nameof Applicafit: Mailing Addrcse; E-mail Addess: Type cf Review and Fee: tr Signs D Conceptual Revieu, O Nerv Cor$Uctiontr Addition Minor Atteration (mult'-lbmily/commercial) Minor AlEratlon (sir€le'fam ilylduptex) Changes to Appro/ed nans Separation Reque* $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $250 Ptus 91.00 per sqare 6oot of total Sign area, For consfudion d a new fuildirq or demo/rcbuitd- For an additlcn where square fuotage b add€d b any rqjdentlal or qnmercial building (indudcs 250 addidons & interior convemrons). For minor dnnges to buildings and site lmprovements, sjch as, reroofing painting, windour addhiorrs, landscadng, ftncec and retaining walls' etc$20 For manor danges to buildings and site improrcmcnts, *rcfi as, reroofing pairting, windoar additirns, landspfng, funces and rcEilning walls, etc.$20 For revisisrs to dans already approved Desbn R€vier Board. No Fee tr tr W Phnning Staff or the RECEIYEO SEP-O4-O2 14:51 FROM. TOv-coMt -DEV-DEPT.t D.9?24520479t PAGE 3/ 13 T0--'m JOINTPROFERTYOWilER WRITTEN APPROVAL I."ETTER. desaiption) l{rt{S GroFF TtrrqCe, VAit CnF C,,rroe "P T3l , prwftJe this letter as wrtten apprclal of the ptans dabd 9-s-o>.which have been submitted to the Toi rn of Vail C-ornmunity De\,elopment Departnent for the propootl imprc /snents to be compkted at the addrcss noted above. I underctand that the proposed imprcvemerts include: I fiitther understanct that minor rnodifications rnay t€ made to fte plans over the 6urse of fte leviev,, prccess to em.ure compliane with tfie Torrrn,s applicable codes and regulations.tuF-effi q -q-oa I, (pnnt *tn")-^Pgkiqq A. C0o( . alrintoarnerof property tocated at (addr€syteEal (hte) i?,'' v ll" Pd Page 2 of l2l}3l29l0z sEP-O4-a2 14.5r FROM.TOV-COM-DEV_DEPT, -,v rD=970 2452479a PAGE 4/ '3 MINOR ilTERIOR. ALTERATIOTIS TO BUILDINGS AND STTE IMPROVEMEI{TS SUBTIIITTAL REQUIR.EM ETIITS Genetd Information: Thls applicatrbn is required for proposah invotving minor e,rterfor atterdtions and/or site improvenrcflts. Proposals to add landsaping do. ltoJ rcquir€ DnE approval untess they involve the addiu; of patbs/ water ffiures, grading, or the addition of retaining nbib_ I. SUBT.IITTAL RBOITIREMENTS B Stamped topogrcphk survey*, if applicaHe -fr Siteand GradinE ptan, if apptimbte-' q Landscape Phn, if applicable*o, PhoG or drawings which dearly convry uisting conditbns* X ry* or drawinfs which deaay connrey Ore proposeO building or ste atbratbn(s)*X b(erior aolor and material samples and specifications. .E/ Lighttng Plan* and Cdth€et(si for proposed bdur€sf if apptirabb ! written approral frrom a condomanium association orJoint-owner, liapplicabhO The Mministuator and/or DRB may reguire tfie submlssion of additbnal plans, drawings, speciificatirrns, samphs and ofter materials (irrcluding a model) if deernAd nimsary t6d&nnine whefter a poject will conply wittr oesign Gudelin& or if U€ inbrit of the Froposal ls not clearty indicated, PXeare sabmfi three (3) copies olthe noerials nued with an arlrerkk (*). Topographic $rrryey:o Wet Smp and signaturc of a lirrnsert suwq/ortr Date of surveyD North arrour and graphb bar scaleo Scaleof 1o=10'or L"=20)B tegal dessiptxrn and ptrpical addresso Lot sbe and buildable area (buildable area e(dudes red hazard avalandte, slopes greater than 4096, and floodplain) El Ties b odsting bendlrnark, efther USG landmark or ss^/er invert This infonnatbn mu* be dearly Sted on the surveyo Profrty boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot acorracy, Dlstances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship b dte esfiablGhed aomer.tl Slnul right of way ard property lines; induding bearing+ distances and curvie information.a Indicate all ecernents idenfified on the subdMsion plat and recorded againstfte property as indicated in the title report. List any easernent resuictions.tr Spat Ele\rations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frornage of tlre poperty at tu{enty-fte foot interrrals (2S), and a minimum of one spot elarauons on either $de of the lot.o Topographic condlfions at two foot contour intervatso Exis$ng trees or groups of Uees having trunks with drameters of 4" or more, irs measured from a point one foot above grade.o Rock oubooPpings and other significant naturat features (large bouklen, intermitEnt feams, etc.).o All ai$ing improvencnts (induding foundation walls. roof ovrerhargs, building overhargs, etc.).O Environmenbl FlazarG (ie. roddall, debris florv, alralanche, w€dands, floodplain, sclils) Page 3 of rZli3lzgloz sEP-Cr4-O2 t4 . 52 FROM. TOV--DEV-DEPT.coMa rD=s7oT24s2 PAGE 3./ 7 3 watermurce setbadG, if applicable (stro,rr enGrline and edge of stueam or s,eek in addltbnto the rcquired stream er seak setback) show all utilfty m€cr bgtory, including any pedestals on site or in tfte rightof-way aqiaoent to tfte site- Exad loehbn of elo-sting utility urrces and proposd scrvice lines fromte-r soure to the sffucture. utitities to include:GbhTV Server GasTdephqne Water Eleckic Slze and type of drainage cul\€rts, s^,ahs, etc. Adtacnt rodr.rdlrs labeled and edge of asphatfor bodr si(ks of the roadway shovrn br a mlnirnum of 250'in either direction from property. Site and Grading ptan: o Scah of 1"=20'or largero Property and setback lines Er Existing ard proposed easernentstr Existirg and prorcsed gradeso Blsting and prcposed layout of buildings and other strucfures induding ded<s, patioo, fences ard walls. Indicate the bundation wlth a dashed line and the roof edge wi$ a solid line.a All proposed oof ridge lines with proposd rldge eleratirons. Irdiee odsting and propd grades shorvn undemeath all rcof line, Thas will be used b caloiab buitding heighlo Propas€d drivorays, induding percent slope arrd spot eleyatrbrs at the property [ne, grdge slab and as necessary along the centerline of tfie driveu/ay to accuntey iefiea lraae. - cr A 4 wide unlEaled concrete pan at ttre edge of asptElt for drivernays Ulat edt the street in an uphill dircctbn_o locatircns of all uttlities indudirp exist'ng sources and proposed s€n/ie tines fiorn sources to tlre *ructures.f,l *ogoged surfae drainage on and off.site.O Lrocation of hndscaped areas.o Location of limiB d dtsurbane ftncingo Locauon of all rcqulred parking spaaesB Snor storage areas.tr Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster endosure_o Retaining walls with proposed ele\ratbns at top and bottom of walls. A deEfl€d Goss€ecdon and elerratbn drawings shalt be provided on ttre plan or separa6 sheet Sbmped engineering drawings are required for walb betlveen 4, and 6, feet in heighLn Delineate areas to be phased ard approprlate Uming, if applicable Landscape Plan:o Sele of 1" = 20'or largero landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the sife phn.o Location of existing trees, 4' dhmeter or la,ger- Indicate Uees to tEfitain, to be relocated (irdudirg nevrr locatlon), and to be removed. Large stands of bees may be slrovrn (as bubble) if the strand is not bearg aftcted by Se proposed improvernenB and qrading.o Indicate all o<isting grourd cove and strrubs.o Detailed kSen4 listing the Vpe and sDe (caliper for decirJuor,s trees, heigtrt for onifers, gallon size for shrubi and heiEht fior fioundation shrubs) of all the qisting and proposed plant material lnduding ground orrer.s Eineate crfticat root zones for o<isfing trees in dose Foximity to sre grading and construction-o Indiate the locatlrn of all proposed plantings.o The location and type of oclsting and proposed uraErirp qysbrns to be ernployed in carirg for plant maErial fiollowing its insbllation. Pdge4 of 12/03/29102 o o SEP-O4-@2 14, s2 FROM = TOV_COM_DEV_DEPT. - tr),9"@47FJ2452a PAGE 6/ I3 o en*-lts and propomd @ntour lines. RehinirE raralls shall be irdud€d with the top d walland the bottom of wall elevatiors noted. Lighting plan: cl Indicate type/ location and number of fttures.O Indude height above gracte, lunrers ouer.rt, luminous areact Attacfi a cut sheet for eactr proposed fixture. rr. REPAIiIT PROFOSATS For all ptoposals to repaint o<isting buildings, tfre follorring supplemenal informabbn is rcquir€d: o Color dtip or colorsamqrle inclucting the manufadurer name and color numbe(s)El ArdtiEcfi'tral de'ration dnwings which dearty indicate ttre locatbn of proposeO'6cfors 1re.sidang, stucao, windo/v trim, cloors, fasch, soffits, etc.) Ttre folbuving'b an elomple: - Page s of WAUA(O2 SEP-O4-@2 14= 52 FROM.TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT. I' Enikling Matefiah lD.3?@4792452o PACE 7/ t3 PROPOSED MATERIAIS TYpeof MaEtiral Color Roof Sding Other wall Materiab Fascia Soffits w.ndot,s WinrlorTrim Doors Doortrim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashlng Chimneys Trash Endosures Grcenhouses Retaining WaAs Rterior Ughting Otfter lloftes: uJoad oajP*d 1o rroftrr hers€. ilrclu^ral fruish Pbase speciV the manuhcrrrer/s name, the olor name and number and attadr a olor chip. Pages of QlA3ngnZ SEP-O4-62 14.s3 FROM = TOV-COM-DEV-DEPr. rD,g?o4?gl2452 pAcE a./13 ttu PROPTOSED LAITbSCAPInG Bolanical Name Common N?,m6 Ouantih, Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EISnNGTREES tx$e, TO BE R€MOVED Minimum Requiremenb for Lanrtscaping: Deciduous Trees - Z" Calipr Confferous Trees - 5' in heigtrt Shrubs- 5 Ga]. Tvpe Souare Footaqe GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRTGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please speciff other landscape f€atures (i-e- retainirg wa{ls. fenes, wvimming poots, erc.) Page 7 of L2/A3l29l0Z SEP-c,4-O? 14.53 FROM, TOV--DEV-DEPT.tD,976 2442 Au$ofiad Sianature Date coMo 475a PAGE 9/ 13 UTILTTY TOC,ATION VERIFIC'ITIOT{ nq foT is to veriry se|vie availaHllV and location for nev\' @nsucnm ard shoutd be used inonjgnctio.n with preparing your utility plan aM sdreduling instailations. The location and araitability of $Jitio' wS .t|er $ey are main tunk lines or proposed frk, must be approved and verified by ttre ' follovring utilities for the accompanying site phn. QWES'r 970.384,0238 (tel) 970.384.025/ (fd| ContacE lason Sharp E(CEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.?:62.107/ (H) Conhacb Brian Suher HOLY CROSS EI.ECTRIC ASSOC. e70.94s.5E92 (et) 970.949.,{565 (tU) 6ntad: Ted Husky O(CEL ENERGY 974.262.q24 Gel) 970.262.4{}38 (fcx) Conbct Kft Bogart EAGIE RIVER WATER &SANTTANON DISTRICTX 970.476.7,180 (td) 970..+76..tO89 (fax) ContacH ro Haslee AT&TBROADEAND 9m.x9.L221x 112 (tet) 970.949.9138 (fal<) Contach Flo'yd Salazar lPl"ase povide a Srt€ plan, floor plan, and deyatixs when obtainirg appmrral frun tE EaSle Ri\rer Water & Sanffiion D[rtri{C Fire fiory needs must be addressed. 1{OTEST 1. If the uttlity \€rification form has sitnaturcs from eadr of the utllfty @rnpanles. and no omnents are rnade direcfiy on U1e form, the Tovr/n will pres.tme ftat Utere are no proucrns and dre derdopment can proceed. 2. ft a utility aompary has oncrerns with the proposed constuction, me uflrty r€presentative shallnde direcdy on the utility verffication form that tjrere is a probhm yrhich ne€G b be r€sofi/cd. The issue should tlen be d€biled in an attached letter to the Torun of Vait, Horrenrcr, please lccp in mind that it ls the responsibility of the utility @rnpany and the apdicaot to resolve HenUfied ptabl€nrs. 3. These verificatjr:ns do not €lieve the conrtractor of rhe resporEtbility b ohaln a hrbtic Way Fermit fiom tjte hpanment of Public Worl(s at tfte Torrn of Vail. Utility lo€tions mrrst be obtained beforegryry in arry public dgttoFway or easement'willrin the Town of Vail. A buildino permit is not a Public-\/Fv oermit and must be obbined seoaraftefu. PaseSof LUB/?9/}? SEP-04-02 l4:53 FROM. TOV--DEV-DEPT. NOTESTO ALLAPPLICANTS Pre-aoolication Meeting A pre+pplication meeting with Town of Vail sbff is encounged, The runose of a pre.applkadon meeting is to idenufy any critical lssues peftaining to the applbnfs FopGat and to'derc;iine the gpPrcpriate daaelopment rerievv process tur an apflicatbn. ti'manv eses, fre pre-applicagon meetinghelps to e)pedite the dryelopment rs/ie, prreid as critical issu€s al€ id;nified and dealt wtth in tGprelimtnary stagres. A pgapplicadon meedrrg may be scheduled Uy contacting luay noortEuez at 974.47 9.27?8 or irodn'guE@cl-vail -o..us Tirr,rF.BFouirements The De$gn Revie$, Board meets on the lst and 3rd Wednesdar of eash month. A complete appfr'eflonfom ard all accompanyng matenlal mu* be accepted by the Conmuntty Devebpnent oepaoiim priorb applicauon deadlines' A sdledule of DRB rne€fings anO associateA apbfication deadlines may be f6und on tfte World Wide Web at htte://ci-v,ail.co.us/commdev/pbnning/drt/'meetinos/ctefaulLhtm For a rrernr rcsftiential daebpmeng the application aeautin@ a oesgn nevi,ew soarahering. Revieur Criteda The proposal will be revi'evYed for complianae wirh fte Design Guidelines as set turfi in Tide 12, (Zoning ReEulations) and rrtle 14 (Development standards) of the Town of vail Municigal code. lf a pnoperty is located in oradraaent b a mappeA hazara area (i.e. snow avalandlc, rcctdall debris flour, floodplain, wetlaod, poor soils, etc.), the Cornmunity Developme;t Depafinert nray require a siFspecifrcgeologicd in\€stigation. ff a sitespecinc aeologi?| irwestigtirn Oetermire that the s:bJect propi*ty ls Pcaq in a geologically sensitive area, lhe proper} oarne4sl must sigrn an affidavit ,ecojnidng itp hazard report prior to the issuance of a buitding permn. npptlcants an:-strongly encounged-to cdnsult wlth @mmunity Development staff prior to sromlttng a DRB applicadon to adrmine ttreietaUorsrup otfte property b all map@ hazards. Rq$giBsg P{,an She€'t Formd For all survep, site plans, landscape plans and other slh improrenrent plars, atl of the following mu* be slpwn. 1. Plan sheet size mu* be 2,t\ 36". For hrge projecLs, larger plan size may be ailorired.2. S€le. Theminimum scah is Ln=20'- All plans mustteatthesarnesale.3. Graphic bar scale.4- North arrow. 5. Trde bloclq pmjed name, project address and legat description.6. Indicatkrn of plan preparer, address and phorre number.7. Dates of orEinal plan preparation and all rwis'on dates.8. Vicintty map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000. or larger.9. She€t labels anC numbers. 10. A border with a minbnum left side margin of 1.S.. 11. Names of all adjacent roadways. 12. Plan leSend, coMo tD,9t"@4792452 PAGE IO./ 13 Page 9 of t2/03129102 sEP-O4-@2 l4 : 5g 5p9y,TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT, For new orsuction and additions, the applicant mu* #ke and tape tlre proJect src b irdi€Eproperty lines, pttcposed buildilp and building @mers. All trees to be n:nroved ritust letap"c.- rrreapplicart must ensue that s_bking done during fie winter G not buried by snoar. AII ste tapings andstaking must be mmpleted prior to the day of the DRB rneeEng. ll]e qppllcan9 or their representative shall be present at the Design R*ien, Board Hearing. Applicants*.ho Fil to.appear before the Design Rwieur Boerd on Ureir sdredubO meeting date ard ito irire notasked in adtane that discussion on tlg'r llern be posoned, will have their iteris removed from fte DRBagcnda until srrdt U'me as f|e itl3m has been republlshed. If the DRB apPrcves the application urisr conditircns or rnodificafions, all aonditions of approval must be resohrcd pn-orb &e issrnn€ of a building permit SrffApproval The Admini5trdbr (a menrlrr of the planning sbtr) rnay rcvie\,v and appro/e Design Rerri{tw applicatiorB.apDove with ceftain modfications? deny the application, or refier the applicanon- m tfre Oesijn nevia6r Board for a decisr'on. All staff approrrals are rwievrred by the Desen ner=relry goard and any sfrftdedsto; is sublect to final apprronl ry Ure DRB. Additional Revis and Fees If this.applicaton nequir€S a separ& review by any local. state or Fedenl agency odrer than tJte Tor^m ofVail, the application fee shall be incr€ased by $200.00. E<amples of such-rerriarv, may include, bG arenot limited to: @lorado Departmert of Highway Access permns, Arnry oorps of gndineeis <o+, efu- T_he appli€nt S|all be responsible for paying any publishinE fe€s in s(cess of 50% of the applietion fee,II' at the appllcaffs rcquesq' any matter is posqroned for hearing, causing the matter b be re.published, then the entirc fee for sucfr re-publir:ation shall be paH ry dre adpficanf - Applicati'ons deenred by the Cornmuni$ Development Defarunert to have design, lard use or otherissues' whlch may have _a significart impact on the cixnmun'lty, may requirc revielv by o<tenral consultanb in addition to Town staff. Should a determinaton le maOe 6y Town sEfi drat an exernalc0r6ulbnt is needed, the oonxnunity Developfliert Deparmeft may hire the consufiant The DeParil|ent shall estimat€ the amount of monel1 nec€ssary to pay the corsultant and this amount shall be fiprw-arded to the Town by the appl-rcant at the time of filing an applietbn. The applient shall pay gpqses inarned by the To^'n in exqesg of the amount forwarded by ihe applicaton to the Town witfiin3) days of nodfta0on fu the -Iolln. Any excess funds will be retum€d b the appticadt upon rer/ier cornpletlrn- 1O.97@4792452 PAGE II/13 Dgign Review hge 10 612/0B/?9.l0z SEP-O4-O2 '14,54 FROM : TOV-COM-DEV-DEFT.rD,9?@47s2452 PAGE 12/ 13 r0nN Survey/Sib Plan Revlew Checklist Deparbnent of Community De /elopmert 75 Soum Fontage Road, Vait, @hrado e1652 Ef : 970.479.2139 ?ui 9m.4n.2452 v\,€b: www.ci,\ail.@,us *This Mist m.tst h stbmiw Ns b paffirc work reyfrew of a pqwd Mopttwtt orrners/@ectrurtt", b*old. P. C*f- -@edaddress; lbqS GutF Terrqco, Vail flp}F f oarB. +rst ,. .- Applicane A+S Suilaop, lfr-p. phoneNumber: 3C3-lbg-_t€gs q Landscape plano TitUe Report (Secbon B) a Environmenbl l-taz?rds (ae, rod<talf debrb flot, atalandte, w€flancls, f,oodplain/ soib)o Waterqourse setbad<s fif applicab{e) O Treesa Labeled eesernents (i.e. drainage, utility, pedestrian, etc..)o Topographyo Utllty locab-ons El Mjacent roadways labeled and edSe d asphalt for both si'des of the roadway shown for a minirnum of 250'in eittrer dlredbn from prcpefy. submattalo Starnped survey of propertyo Cvil/Siie plam Surrev Requir€ments: a Surveyq/s wet sbmp and signaturcA Dateofswveyo Nortr arroaro Proper scale (1"=1€f'or l"=ZV)o Legal descridiontr bb of bearings / Bendlmarktr Spot Elerr*iomo Labeled rpht of way and property lines; including bearings, dishnc€s and cuile information-ct Lot Sizect Bulklable Area (o(dudes red hazard aralandre, slopes grcaterthan 4096, and floodplain) S[EPlen lteouiremenEl L Access (clrcck all)El Drivevrray type arrd finistred surfae are strcurn on the s@ plan.O Unheated E Heated (portion in ROW in a separaE zone)El Snow storage areas are stu rn on the site plan wihin profrty bounaaries leOgo of driviway area it unheated; 10% of driveway area if heaed)o AII drtvetnay gGdes' dimenslons, radii are clearly nded on the site phn and conform to D€n elopfllent Sandards. p. I1. Steepest Scdion Driveraray Grade (ilo,t fte arerage grade):_o Pa*irg spacs and turnirp radii alc noted on site phn and conform-to Development SAndards,pp.12&14 II. Consbucdon Site (dred< all)B Locatbn of all utilities ard meter plts are shown on tre siE plan.o Umits of disturbance construdion funcing is shown on the site flan.o I am avJare that approved Staging and Constuction Tt"ffic Con$ol plans, as Der B|e Manual of Unibrm Traffic Control Dwices, will be necessary prior to aonsbuction.o I am aware that a RevocBble Right of Way Permit will be rcquired prior to oonst.uction. P.ag€ 11 of rAA3/29102 sEP-@4-O2 14. S+ FpOM - ttt -DEV-DEPT.-coMa rD,9"@4792452 PAGE 13/ 13 Itr. D6inage (dreck all that appty)o lle rcguircd valteil Pan b shown on the srte plan as per Devdoprncnt standards, p. 12.o (Nre: Vailey pan must not be teated)El 4 Foot Cono€te pan q g Foot Gncrete FEnG Positive and ad€quate dainage b mainbined at alt times within tne proposeo slte.o AAe$ tnve bee! provided and are labeled and dirnsrskxred on tr! Sb plan.o A Hydmulic report has been prwided. (As reque$ed byTorvn Englneer) ry. Ernsion Control (Ctreck all that appty)a Disturbance area is greater than one half acre.q A separate Erosion Contnol plan has been professionally erginffi and pE shrnped.o Less than one half acre has been dbturbed, and propei erosr'on ontsot dadces arc shotfii on the sitephn. V. floodplain (cneck a[ ftar appty) Er The projcc lles within cr adjaent to a 100 year Hoo<tplain,o 100 year Flmdplain b slrown on the site plan.D A Floodplaln study has been prwi<led. (Required if fhoctplain is within @nstrucion limhs or 6 requested by Town Engineer)o The prolrt does not lie within or adjaent b a 100 )€ar Floodphin lft. GeologicayEnvironmenbl Haards (checkall UratappV)o The proiect li6 within a Geotogri{Environm€ntal nazalt area. (see De\€lopment $andarG, p. 20)Et A Hazard Report has bererr povidedo The projed does not lie wiBtin a tulogtc/Environmental l-tazard area. VII. Grading (dreck all that appty)o Edsting and proposed grades/ontours are pre\rided on the site plan.cr All disturbecl arcas have been retumed b a Z:1 grade.o All dishtrH areBs not rebJmed to 2:1 grade tnve been Profsionally Engineered wi$r slope prctectftrn and/or stable soils. pE stamped details are prcivided within plans.o only o<isting corrtours are shovrrn on the she plan, ttrerL s rro proposei grading. VIU. Parkirg (deck all)D All reidential and ornmerchl parting spaces conform bthe Developrnent Sbndards, pp. l2&l5. D(. Retaining Wa[s (dreck alt that appty)o All retaining walls conform tg the sbndards in the Derelopnrent sbndards, p. 19.o All re0aining walls and combination waJls o/er 4 feet have been Proiessionaliy Engineered and a pE stamped detail ha been provided witrin the plans.tr Ail rctaining walls are shown on tfie sibe plan wtUr labded top and bdtom of wall elevatirns and typeqf wall can*uction.tr No retarhirg walls are requircd for this project X. Sigtrt DistarE (check alt that appty)n Proper sigitt disnce has been atbined and shorim on site plan as per Darcloprent Standatds, p.12.tr Proper slght dl*ance has not been atbined. Eplandon wtry:_ ndditional Comments Pbase prwide arry additional omments that pftin b PuHic Worls Re/ie^'. Page 12 of Wo3/29102 sEP-09-02 HoN 02rt? Pt{ A & B BUiLDERSr- d-o?. I :rrFMic',nrrfl! Brr r!y FAii N0, 3037098118 J'""'""" P, 02/03 $cpttrnbcr 9, 2002, 2002 Cornmunity Dcvclopmclt Departn€nt 'Iown of Voil 75 S, Frontago Road W Vail. CO 81657 Ilc: Vqil Golftoumc Townlromes, Phr$o IlI. Unit 3l 1645 6olf Terrace Dcar Slrs: Ite _nurnory otthis lengr ts to convcy th6 epproval of rbe vail Goltbornse Townbones, phssc tll' for the Ovuner of Unit 3l to install a sliding door in tho dining arca whprc thcr€ ar€ suncntly ttrcu wiadows and to insrall a redwood dcck not to expeed 12,0'iwido x I I'0" depth (per theqfinohod akctafics and the attac.hcd uNANltrtous coNSENt'IN LIEU oF ,l spEc?.i MNWTNO OF TT{E EOARD OF DIRF.(7OXS THE VATL GOT.FCOT]RSE'I'Or/7VI]OMES, PII{SE l70 on thc conrmon alca adjoining rhe buildi:rg in i'ronr of rhe kitoben. The rxlwood deoking materiat shall bc finishcxl with clcar supcn{esk md not srainad il ruy color, Any txt+rior lightiug fixtutos shail hc thc smc fixtr.un Es that installcd on ths brlcony offrhc iiving roQln Plcasc call if you have ury furth* qucsiious. C Mr. Don Cook via US Mail A&11 Builderc via facsimile 30J ?6e-81lg PO. Bor 129?, Vril. Colorado 8ifi58l l65D Vail Vallcy Drivc - Pallridee, Suire C.3 9704764300 / FAX 9?S{?94s34 email. hom@c.rogsroad€realtyvall.com websltel wwvidossroadsraaltyvell.com !i incerr_ly, {L",// Bill Sargent Choesroad,s Rcaltg Lt<i. Managing Agrnt Voil Oolfcotnsc Townhomes, PhasL. III SEP-C9-02 !10N 02117 ptl A & B BUTLDERS FAX N0, 30376881i8 p, 03/03q- e'o? ? t:taFMic..!'U;;;uscoNs'*,'rNlrEuor.4'v/u41'lrbn+ rr 5? ! $PECIAL MMTING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TIIE VAIL SOLFCOUR$B TOWI{HOME-S A.SSOCIATION, PI{ASE TI TIIE uNt)ERSIGI\tsD, boing ali oftho Direotors of lho Vait Gotfcourse Townhornes aesoci*tiorl Phass ltr, ( tha "Assochdut" ), a Golorado non-p,ofit corporati$\ h€re.by waivo tho holding of arnccting aud alopt the following ltmolution: WIIDRI|AS drc Ownsr of Utrir 3 t, ( tbo "Applicanf' ), Has rubrnJtrod plans to tho Aisocirtioa for insfdtng a dcck rnd door off ftc dining arer of the unit fld thc Directort htve rovlewod lhose plnns, it is: RBSOLVED' that lhc Dircclors of tlre Aseosialiou hereby approvo the request to irutall lha dsck and door, as filccl with tlw Association, subject to the conditions statod hqein: l. AppmvdisgrontcdbasodonthclocationofUnir3l,numcnouspriorapprovalsofsimitar doors and dcslc and thc misimrt irnfact tlris cbange will hav" oPo" thi n"lgbbor* and rasidr'nts of dris arca of thc Asaociation. 2, l.lo specific or lpphcd upproval is grantcd for any spccial or cripandud riglrt ae to cgrrss, ingrccc or usc of thc As$ociation ground owncd iu commonbyits munbnrs. 3. Any ard ell s06tc including, but rrot lirnitcd to, the cost of the wort and clcaniug up during or aJtor ths wor* shall b€ at the sxpcoso of ihc Applicant tnd his sole responsibility. Ia addition, any and dl costs roquited to rctum any disttubod landrcrping or inigation syst€m to thelr exietiag stato sitall bo at the expense of thc Appliout 6trd hisloti rasponsibility. I{, dffidq thi aowto of oonstuatior. anyfreoe ue damagedorremovcd, Aruiicant shall pay tho Assooiction fornplacemcut of sald kcos at locrtions to b€ dderrlined solclyby the .Aesociolion 4' Applicaut and all lutrrs Ownsrs of Unit 3I ehalt bear the msts of rnaintainitg the dech md dmr. l'hs rqlwood decking slrall bs sealcd with a uatual tht is, colorlere, weod sestmt. All firm€ maintenance whlch may inclrde replacenrent of wo'oden fi€rnb€$, foot€rs ard sealing of tlect ss well rs uim frrufirg for ths door, lhe door itsclf and pabting of thc6€ elemcnts shall be done by thp Assocladon, ot Ils eole discretiqn, snd all'reluedlxpcnnce sball be chargcd to tho Applicant tll rightg tnd oblig*ions between thc A,pplicurt an<t rhe Associltion, aE $sl out in the Condominium llecleration and other governhg documcntc with respect !o this ryproval anrl the worlr conlcmplabrl thcrcby, remain in firll forco aud effecL '[his Reeolution moybo rcoorded, by thc.A^.tsociation, at the expense of Applicent, in the Rqal htp€tly Rccodt of Eaglc County. Thie Roeolutioo m&y be oxsautcd sinultancously in one ot morc cormterparts, eaoh of which thall be dcued m origiral, and becoqrs offoc'tiw whcn sigrcd by all Direcron of the Aerociation. ADOPTfiD, ar ofthis glh dayof Septembw,2002. Director ,vud o Due4 Aetrrod TE2%c7 conl-ee *ilgl ,(@ '*. ,r,f,E of tfurill$ttt-y'hlo't', -lD 1J",rt 6r-tw?- Deog- Ouf TD lWl^: DEC( $o$ TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEW STAFF APPROVALh tb45 vAlL Coo( Gour Gav? |f," tlretl @ ?ar tJr g's-oa \\ \\ \\o\\ \\ \'\\\\\\.. l o \Jil & Fl 6f1 gL I q 7-.s tqott\ tfr' Nxtn(, * 0 tni tl {.l 't oil'il LF sr v 'L'l t.q \ct /s d\ hl .t :f: tJ-':1: {-s rrF\5 -\ | 7 -,! o 4T $v g {c) t, B t(r s .ti 4 d afi IJ ,d $q 1,, tr I-l€-r}?flv0.' c).l> -dr t rl 1\T-"b\...-f 2 Itf-llu I l, I"*J \\ 66-pnfr" psF "11 -{l rO fr$[ ift's>*vfi';L -cr J, f-, {) o\ \ q LF o 1l $ q ,.D -L,oaut\ @ vt'l A {-l hI 7. 1 0L moo *ov 3 8l q +$E f '\ n { L -L c0 o +* **** * +*+****+l*'}++ + + + ******+4.'S* * *** * * * ****** *** * ****+ + *+a++ * tt*+***+ *+ * ***+ +****+t*a+tt**+ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement*iX*******+*i***t*tl+**++*'t'***++***t******+**+**{'***********+++**l't+'}'lr'}**{r***tt****+**tl+**** statement Number: R000003068 Anount: 9250.00 09/IL/2OO2O3:55 pM Payment Method: Check InLt: iIAR Notation: 13955 A&B Buildere Permit No: DRB020315 Tlpe: DRB-Minor Alt, Conrn,/lhr1ti Parcel t{o: 210109104031 Sl-te Address: 1620 SUNBI'RST DR VAIL LocaLion: if31 Total FeeE: $250.00This Payment: $250.00 Total AJJL pmta: $250.00 Balance: $0.00 *'l*{t't**+ | *t l***f+{t***+{.*** *** * **'t 'l'}'ta ** ** **l** *rtif* ****+{' {'****l' {' '} t *tt** **+ + * **l' * ** +** ** *{' 'l' * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniotion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 250.00