HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNHOMES UNIT 41 LEGAL4nndr*rgf 6tS- 6, 6 66',rzcfaun h dr"z- Design Revlew Saard ACTIOII| FSrRljl Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Roed. vait, Cqlorado Slf57 tel:970.479.2139 fax:979..t79.245? web: www.vailgov,corn6&fi.&rwFJEtngul{f Project Name: DONLON MNDOW Project Description: P.O BOX 2432 VAIL co 81658 License: 404-B Project Address: 1588 GOLF TERRACE VAIL 1588 GOLFTERMCE UNIT41 Locatlon: Legal DescripEon: [ot: Block: Subdivision: VAILGOLrcOURSETOWNHOME Parcel Number: 2101-091-0404-1 Comments: no removal of trees DRB Number: DR8060108 FINAL APPROVAL FOR THE INSTALLATION OF AN EGRESS WINDO FOR A BASEMENT. Participants: OWNER DONLON, WILLIAM A. PO BOX 6569 ANNAPOUS MD 21401 APPfICANT ACHELPOHL CONSTRUCTION 04lI7l2W6 Phone: 970471-2364 P.O BOX 2432 VAIL co 81658 License; 404-8 CONTMCTOR ACHELPOHL CONSTRUfiON 041til2006 Phone; 97047L-2364 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of ApprovaE OS|0U2006 Cond:8 (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 Minor Exterior Alterations ApplicaUon for Design Review Depaunst d Corurunitv De\reloprnent 75 South Frontage Roatl, vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479,2128 foc 970.479.2452 L1A.TF:- web: www,vailqw.oarl Gcmral Infonnation: All prctsds t€quiring design rerrieu, must rcelve approral prbr to $Jbmittrqg a building perrft appllcation. Pleas rcfur b tie srbmitbl rcquiHnents br the partif,rhr app|o\al that b lequ#. An applicat|on ftr D€sign R€riew canrrct be ac@d unul all rcquircd InfornatlDn is rccived by the Community Deveiloprnent DeptrUTEnL fhe prcFct r|tay abo need b be revi€Mred by the Town Cqncil andlor the Planning ard EwironflEntd commi$ion, Dcslgn rwlew appmval bpcec urdc'| a tulHEng pcrmft b karcd and oonstru(ilon commener wltJrin ane yrar of t|rc .pprov* Deccription of th€ R€qu€skn)Aa-{l,E* Et-tt-e. I-CWN OF UAII DE3;i]I',I HEVIEW ST.r,Fr- APPROVAL Location of the Prcpcal:Loe_Bock_fPhplcal Arldress: paroril No,: AOI C.1l U1d4l (conbcr Eagte co. Assesr at 970-32&8dt0 rlr paret no.) Zonlngl Itlamc(s) of Ownc(s): otrner(s) Slgmtur€(r)l llamc of Applicant: l,laillng Mdrass: E-mallAddrcss: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of btal dgn arca. lb Fee $550 For @rEUucflon of a new buildil|g or demo/rcbuild. $300 For an additlon where squarc ffig|e is added to any rcsidenfial or comnerclal bulldirg (inc{des 250 addfrions &. Inbrbr coilr€t$ons). $250 For mirpr changes t0 bulHlngs and dte improvements, glch as, re-rcdrE pdnfug, window dd[trors, lan&ping, fences ad rEtaying wdh efr.$20 For mirEr danges to hrldhgF ard site lmprcv€rnents, stdr 6, re|odql, painting. wfrdovr addiuors, landmflng, ftnces and r€hlning rYalls, €h. $20 Fof r€\,i6bns to plan6 aleady approved by Planniru Staff or the Deign Rodav Boanl. No Fee *+t. u f"l 0rooot 0r) Typ6otRwiewand Fee: tr Slgrstr conepu.lal Reviet/v tr New Csr*nctionD Adtlltlcn ! Urnr alterationt \(nrlu{adlv/commerdd) tr Minor Albntion (drylefamiV/duplor) n Changes to Approrcd Plans D Separauon Request trY' ",** 3?Q* oae €: t? -Ob REAL ESTATE SALES & MANAGEMENT August 2,2005 Community Development Department Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West West Vail, CO 81657 Re: Vail Golfcourse Twonhomes, Phase III Building J, Unit 4l 1635 Golf Terrace Dear Sirs: The purpose of the letter is to convey the approval of the vail Golfcourse Townhomes, Phase III, for the addition of a window well in the rear of the unit per the sketches provided. Similar window wells have been installed on a myriad of units in the project and provide additional safety for the occupants. Please call if you have any questions. P.O. Box 1292, YaiI, Colorado 81658 . 1650 Vail Valley Drive - Fallridge, Suite C-3 l97o) 47G4300. FAX {970) 479-9534 home@crossroadsvail.com . www.crossroadsvail.com bourse Townhomes. Phase III HII(ln, ETTERIOR. ALTE RATIOT{S TO BT'I1"DIilGS ATD SITE IIIIPROVEUEilTS SUBI,IITTAL REQUIR EI,IEilTS Goeral Inlbrmadon: This apdkatiofl is required br proposals inrcMrg minor extedor atEratiom and/or site imprc'\reinents. Propoeals b add landscapns & not require DRE approval unles SEV Invdw the additton of patio6, waEr fuatures, grading, or the additbn of rctainirE ualls. L SuBnrrr+nEourREHEtniil o Sbmped Topographic Survqlrr Site and Gradirry Plan*o Landscape Plan*o ArdribcturalElevations*q Eftrfi'r color and material samples and spedficatirons.a Ardiltectural Fmr Plans*o L[hfing Plan* and Cut-shee{s) for popoeed flxtureso Title report, induding Sdrcdules A & B to wrifu orrrership and easementsro Photos of the odstirE $h and adJa€t firtJr€s, where apfllcable.B Written apgoval iom a ondominlum Miafion, landbrd, and lfnt owne, if applicaHeo SlFspecific Geological Hazard RepoG f applkat €iFo The Adminiffir and/or DRB may Equire the g.brssilon of additional platrs, drawings, specificafiors, samphs and otlnr mabriab (ircludirg a rnodel) if deemed necessary to d&rmlne whe0pr a project wtll comply with Dedgn GlilelirEs or if the inHt of tie proposal is nd dearly indiated. Plu,v,tst*tr&ltree(l)coplsa/fr enmhr{abnoldrnilhaaa$enbt0. **For interior @nversiolE with no o<terior dranoes. the submlttal requirements indLde a complete set of €rdstng and proposed l1@r plans, a Utle rcport, and written apprcMal from a condofinlum assoclauon, landlord, ard joint o$rner, if applkable. I have rcad ard undqrtend the abore lbted rubmitlel rcqdrcmfitc: Prujfit Cont?ctol Date Signed F:kdw\FoRt4s\permits\Planning\DRBu6-mimr-alt*1 l-23-20(F.doc Paqe 3 of 13 rtn3nws ai ++***'!***l**{'**+t++***'t**tt*+{.t***+***++********++'}*****'t'r'++{.**,r.,r.*tr*+*****!t*****i**'}********f* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO StAtCMCNt**,r*{.*'t******l.t***t***'}*****rl****'t*lr*++**r'*'**{'*+++****+**+*+********t+++******++af+**+++r**+ Statement Number: R050000393 Amount: 9250.00 04/t7/200601 :58 pM Payment Method: Check fnit: ,JS Notation: 3907/ACAPOLCO ENTERPRISES Permit No: DRB0601OB Type: DRB-Minor AIt, Conm/MultiParcel No: 2101- 0 91- 04 04 - 1sit,e Address: 15gB cOr,F TERRACE \tAIr., I,OCATiON: 1588 GOT,F TERRACE I]NIT 41 This Payment: $250.00 Balance:$0.00 't*+*'t****ff********f+**+*'t+++l*****'t!t+++++********+ff*****,i*{.***tf**{r*:*:t ******{r'}************ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code-----------Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3LL??OO DESIGN REVIEI{ FEES 250.00 Total- FeeE: S25O - O0 Total ALL Pmts: $250. 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