HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 12 BLOCK 2 LOT 12 CONTRACT LEGAL,J.' ADDE![DI'M Oryner fuchitect Civil Landscape Contractor Siructural Mechanical Electrical Telecommunications Food Service Project Vail Mountain School ProJectNumbert 2001.028 Ownen Vail Mountain School 3160 Kabos Ranch Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Addendum No.: AD0l Date of lssuancet - May 23,2003 Architect: Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. 1512 Larimer Sheet, Btidge Level Denver, Colorado 80202 Gontrac't for: New Construction This Addendum is issued to modify or interpret the bidding doarmenls, including the Drawings and Specifications. Please acknowledge receipt of this Addendum on the Bid Form. Bidders are hereby instructed that the Contract Documents, Specifications, and plans for the above referenced project are modified, corrected, or/and supplemented as hereinafter described. Description: ARCHII'ECTURAL: AD01-A.01 Refer to Contract Specifications, Section 01030 - ALTERNATES: Revise altemate No. 3 b read "Match Architects sample no. $5-038 from Rocky Mountain Pre-cast" AD01-A.02 Refer to Contract Specifications, Section 12345 Manufactured Casework: Delete item E of part 2.6. AD01-A.03 Refer to Contract Drawing A2.1.0- Main / Lower Level Floor Plans: Refer to AD01-'l, AD01-2, AD01-3, AD014, AD01-5, and AD01-6 for added invert elevations for perimeter drains. AD0'|-A.04 Refer to Contract Drawing A2.1 .2- Roof Plan: Add .25/ 12 cricket at intersection of 2/12 and 6/'12 roofs approximately between grid lines S25, 526 and E9, E10. AD01-A.05 Refer to Contract Drawing A2.1.2- Roof Plan: Revise General Note 4 tro read-"Maintain /r" per foot at all flat roof conditions. Overflow roof drains shall be a minimum of Z above primary roof drains. Set overflow roof drain flush with tapered insulation." AD01-A06 Refer to Contract Drawing A2.2.3- Main Level Ptan- Area "d: In Stcrage Room number C1 05, revise location of mlumn shown in exterior wall per Structural drawing S2.23. ADOI-A.07 Refer to Contract Drawings A2.2.3- Main Level Plan- Area "C and 42.2.6- Upper Level Plan- Area "C": Relocate section cut at east wall of Gymnasium 3/ 45.2.6 10'-0" north. Revise anow to point south. AD01-A.08 Refer to Contract Drawing 42.2.3- In Boys Toilet Room C153 and Girls Toilet Room C163, add floor drains as shown on M2.23. lssued by: Page 1 Date: May 23,2003 o AD01-A.09 Refer to Conhact Drawing M.2.5- In U.S. Science Classroom 8203, M.S. Science Lab Room 8200, M.S. Science Classroom 8202, U.S. Science Lab Room 8231 and U.S. Science Lab Room 8234, add floor drains under eye wash stations as shown on M2.25. AD01-A.10 Refer to Contract Drawing A2.2.5- Upper level plan- Area "8": th Grade Science Classroom, Room number 8235. Delete Eastem most type "L window. AD01-A.11 Refer to Gontract Drawing A2.2.6- Upper level plan- area'C": Revise detail 4/A5.2.6to read2lA5.2.7 along grid N4 near grid W4. AD01-A.12 Refer to Confact Drawing A2.2.7 - Meaanine Level Plan and Stripping Plan: Detail 4,Upper level plan- area "C": Relocate door C240 north along east wall of Room C240. Centerline of door shall be 9'-2'from south wall. Coordinate with Mechanical ductwork as required. AD01-A.13 Refer to Contract Drawing A2.2.7 - Mezzanine Level Plan & Stripping Plan: Detail 5: Revise main Basketball court to be 84'x50'from inside striping to inside striping. Revise 5'-1 1" dimension locating east court line to be 4 -1 1". The basketball backstops (in the down position) shall be located 4'-0" off of the inside of the floor stripping for the basketball court. Revise main volleyball court dimension to be 30'x60'- AD01-A.14 Refer to Contract Drawings A3.2.0-A3.2.5 - Reflected Ceiling Plans: Modifo general note 10 tio read: "Refer to Mechanical drawings for mechanical systems. Refer to Architectural drawings for supply diffuser and retum grille locations. AD01-A.'15 Refer to Contract Drawings A3.2.0: In Lecture/Rehearsal Hall Room A020, add (2) recessed lights above north stairs Refer b E3.20 for location. AD01-A.16 Refer to Contract Drawings A3.2.0: In Electrical Rooms 4025 & A038 add light fixtures as shown on Sheet E3.20. AD01-A.17 Refer b Contract Drawings A3.2.0: Reference attached sketch AD01-7 for mechanical diftrser location in Janitorrs Closet Room A015. AD01-A.18 Refer to Contract Drawings A3.2.1: In Storage Room A127 and Water Service Room A117 add light fixtures as shown on Sheet E3.21. AD01-A"19 Refer to Conhact Drawings A3.2.1: ln Hall.A110, add recessed lbht fixture above doorA1l0 as shown on E3.21.. AD01-A.20 Refer to Contract Drawings 43.2.1: Reference attiached sketch AD01-8 for mechanical diffuser locations in Hall A140 and Hall A'120. AD01-A.21 Refer to Conkact Drawings A3.2.2: Reference attached sketch AD01-9 for complete extents of Main Level Area "8" Reflected Ceiling Plan. ADO'|-A.22 Refer to Contract Drawings 43.2.2: ln Reception Area 8113 and east of Hall 8130, add recessed light fixtures as shown on E3.22. AD0J-A.23 Refer to Contract Drawings 43.2.2: ln Entry Vestibute 8160, add exit and ernergency light fixtures as shown on sheet E3.22. AD01-A.24 Refer to Contract Drawings A3.2.2: Reference aftached sketch AD01-10 for mechanical diffuser locations in Hall 8130 and Electrical Room 8122. AD01-A.25 Refer to Contract Drawings 43.2.2: Reference attached sketch AD01-11 for mechanical diffuser locations in Library Room 8100. AD01-A.26 Refer to Contract Drawings 43.2.3: ln Gymnasium C100, eliminate the four pendants shom along the north wall. Refer to E3.23 for light type and location for that area. Coordinate final locations with Architecl AD01-A.27 Refer to Contract Drawings 43.2.3: ln Foyer C124, add (2) recessed light fixtures, Boys Toilet Room C153, relocate light fixture, Girls Toilet Room C163, relocate light fixture, Climbing Wall Room Cl71 , add (3) Page 2 of 12 Date: May 23, 2003 pendant light fixtures, Storage Room Cl12, add light fixture, C164, add tight fixture, & C172,add light fixture, all as shown on sheetE3.23. AD01'A.28 Refer to Contract Drawings 43.2.3: In Hall C140, add ('l) recessed lightfixture above doorC140 as shown on sheet E3.23. AD01-A.29 Refer to Contract Drawing A3.2.3 - Reflected Ceiling Plan Main LevelArea C: The following rooms shall receive ACT-3 (vinyl faced tile): Kitchen C131, Dry Storage C133, Hall C135, and Warewash C'|36. AD01-4.30 Refer to Conbact Drawings A3.2.3: Reference attached sketch AD01-12 for mechanical diffuser locations in Foyer C100. AD01-A.31 Refer to Contract Drawings A3.2.3: Refersnce attiached sketch AD01-13 for mechanical diffuser locations in Boys Locker Room C150, Conidor C140, Girls Locker Room C160, Hall C135, Kitchen C131 and Ware Wash C136. AD01-A.32 Refer to Contract Drawings 43.2.4: Reference attached sketch AD01-14 for light count and locations in Stair 001 and Hall 4120. AD01-A.33 Refer to Contract Drawings 43.2.4: In Shir 003 add (2) recessed lights and in Photo Room 4206, revise light fixture type as shown on sheet E3.24. AD01-A.34 Refer to Contract Drawings 43.2.4: Ref€rence attached sketch AD01-15 for mechanical ditfuser locations in Control Room 4231, Conidor 4220 and Work Room M41. AD01-A.35 Refer to Conhact Drawings 43.2.4: Reference attached sketch AD01-16 for mechanical diftlser locations in Conference Room A213. AD01-A36 Refer to Contract Drawings A3.2.5: In Coridor C22O, delete (1) recessed tight fixture in gypsum soffit at the far west end of conidor. Refer to E3.26 for location in this area. AD01-A.37 Refer to Contract Drawings A3.2.5: Reference attached sketch AD01-17 for extents of Upper Level Area "Ef reflected ceiling plan. AD01-4.38 Refer to Conbact Drawings A3.2.5: ln Stair 004,add (2) recessed light fixtures, Stair 005, add (2) recessed light fixtures and in JanitoCs Closet Room 8222, revise type and mounting of light fixture as shown on sheet E3.25. AD01-A.39 Refer to Contract Drawings A3.2.5: Reference aftached sketch AD01-18 for mechanical diffuser tocations in Conidor 8240. AD01-A.40 Refer to Contract Drawings sheets ,45.2.'l details 3, 4, 5- Enhy/ Commons Wall Section, A5.2.2 details 1 ,2- Administration/ Science Wall Sections, A5.2.3 detail 1- Kindergarten Wall Sections, A5.2.4 detailsl,2,3,4,5- Dining/ Locker Room Wall Sections, A5.2.5 details 1,2- Auxitiary Gyrn/ Storage Wall Section, A5.2 .7 detail 2- North West Courtyard Wall Sections, A5.2.11 details 1,2- Gallery/ Music Wall Sections: Add 2' rigid foam foundalion insulation between drain board and backfill. Vertical extents of insulation shall be from perimeter drain to finish grade. AD01-A.41 Refer to Contract Drawings sheels 45.2.1 details 1,2- Entry/ Commons Wall Section: delete perimeter drain and insulation. AD01-A.42 Refer to Contract Drawing A5.2.12 detail 1- East Entry Wall section: Revise per aftached sketch AD01-19 AD01-A.43 Refer to Contract Drawing A5.2.,|2 detail 1- East Entry Wall section: Revise per attached sketch AD01-20 AD01-A.44 Refer to Contract Drawing 46.1.0 detail 2- Stairs: Revise per aftached sketch AD01-21 AD01-A.45 Refer to Contract Drawing 46.1.0 detail $ Stairs: Revise per attached sketch AD01-22 AD01-A.46 Refer to Contract Drawing A6.1.0 detail 6- Stairs: Revise per attached sketch AD01-23 AD01-A47 Refer to Contract Drawing 46.1.1 detail 9- Stairs: Revise per attached sketch AD01-24 Page 3 of 12 Date: May 23,2003 ADO1-A.48 Refer to Contract Drawing A6.1.1 detail 3- Stairs: Revise per aftached sketch AD01-25 AD01-A.49 Reference Contract Drawings sheet 47.1.2, Elevation 5: Add stone cladding (04400) to south end of east wall to match extents of stone cladding on west wall (approximately 4'-6" long). AD01-A.50 Reference Contract Specifications - TABLE OF CONTENTS: Revise Section 15300 to read ?utomatic Sprinkler and Standpipe Systems" in lieu of Fire Protection Systems. AD01-A.5'| Reference Contract Specifications - TABLE OF CONTENTS: Revise Section 16720 to read 'Fire Detection and Alarm System" in lieu of Fire Alarm and Smoke Detection System. AD01-A.52 Reference Contract Specifications - PROJECT TEAM: Add the following Consultant to the project team: FIRE PROTECTION CONSULTANTS Rolf Jensen and Associates, Inc. 1324 Fifteenth Streer Second Floor Denver, Colorado 80202-1606 Brian Thompson, P.E. AD01-A.53 Refer lo Contract Specifications Volume ll Architectural Details, Detail E14 revised per aftached AD01-26. AD01-A.54 Refer to Contract Specifications Volume ll Architectural Details: add Detail lP30 per attached ADO1-27. AD01-A.55 Refer to Contract Drawing A2.2.3: Add detail notation lP30 TYP in Boys Shower Room C151 per atiached ADo1-28. END OF ARCHITECTUML ITEMS STRUCTURAL: AD0'1-S.01 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 51.00 - Section 8/S1.00 - Change the location of the 'l0db dimension on the stirrups to define the lap of the two ends of the bar. AD01-S.02 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 51.00 - Section 8/S1.00 - Change the word 'of in the Masonry Lintel Schedule notes to "oved AD01-S.03 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 51 .00 - Section 9/S1.00 - Delete the headed bolts anchor rods in the upper right hand comer marked as *. AD01-S.04 Reference Contrac,t Documents - Sheet 51.00 - Section 9151.00 - Revise the dimension from the edge of the plate to the center of the anchor bolts on 5" and larger columns from 2 W lo 1 W except at columns at exterior walls. AD01-S.05 Reference Conhact Documents - Sheet 52.20 -Easement Foundation and Floor Plan - Revise the grids noted as 24 and 25 to S24 and S25 respectively. AD01-S.06 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.20 -Basement Foundation and Floor Plan - Revise the wall on grid S24 between grids E2 and E5 from GW12a to RW12a. AD01-S.07 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.20 -Basement Foundation and Floor Plan - Modify the top of concrete elevation at the two pilasters at the steel columns on grid E12lo 87'4. Step the Wall down only at the pilasters. AD01-S.08 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.20 -Basement Foundation and Floor Plan - Add an F30 footing mark to the footing below the 1'-9 wide section of concrete wall on gdd E10. AD01-S.09 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.21 - Area A, Main Level Foundation and Floor Framing Plan - Add the following to the tiebaclc/anchor notes near grids E18 and N1 I , and S23 and E18: 'Coordinate with shoring placement to avoid interference". Page 4 oI 12 Date: May23,2003 AD01€.10 ADo1-S.11 AD01-S.12 ADo1-S.13 AD01-S.14 ADo1-S.15 AD01-S.16 AD01-S.17 AD01-S.18 AD01-S.19 ADo1-S.20 AD01-S.21 ADot-s.22 AD01-S.23 ADo1-S.24 ADO1-S.25 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.21 - Area A, Main Level Foundation and Floor Framing Ptan -Revise the section cut near grids S22 and E1 from 16/53.32 to 1 6/53.22. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.21 - Area A, Main Level Foundation and Floor Framing Plan -Omit the L 4x4x1l4 on grids 517.2 and S24, between grids E2 and E6. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.21 - Area A, Main Level Foundation and Floor Framing Plan - Revise the 4'-10 % dimension from grid S24 to the isolated column 6'-9 south of grid E5 to 4'-3 %. Revise the angle designation at this mlumn from 75.66 degrees to 75.68 degrees. Reference Conlract Documenb - Sheet 52.21 - Area A, Main Level Foundation and Floor Framinq Plan -Revise the section cut neargrids 519.5 and E5 from 14lS3.13 to 1253.13. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.21 - Area A, Main Level Foundation and Floor Framing Phn -Revise the 4'-3 dimension from the C5 column centerline south of grid E6.5 near grid S25 to be to Grid S25 instead of to the face of the concrete wall. Reference Contrac't Documents - Sheet 52.21 - Area A, Main Level Foundation and Floor Framing Plan -Revise the section reference in the note near gdds E7 and S17 fiom 12153.22to 11tS,9.22. Reference Conbacl Documents - Sheet 52.21 - Area A, Main Levet Foundation and Floor Framing Plan -Revise the section cut near grids E10 and S20 from 19/53.22 to 18/53.22. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.21 - Area A, Main Level Foundation and Floor Framing Plan -See accompanying addendum drawing SX1 for top of wall steps between grids E5 and E1.0, and grids 517 and S20. Reference Contract Doc ments - Sheet 52.21 - Area A, Main Level Foundation and Floor Framing Plan -See accompanying addendum drarving S)€ for top of wall steps around the elevator near grids N15 and E12- Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.21 - Area A, Main Level Foundation and Floor Framing Plan -The north/ south W12x14 steel beam near grid N15 north of El2 should have <6> headed anchor studs on it similar to the beam g'-O to the west. See accompanying addendum drawing SX2. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.21 - Area A, Main Level Foundation and Floor Framing Plan -The note that indicates that the top of the soulh wall of tre ramp near grids E'12 and N12 also applies to the north wall of the ramp. See accompangng addendum drawing SX2. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.21 - Area A, Main Level Foundation and Floor Framing Plan -The top of concrete elevation for the pilaster for the C4 column at the east end of the north wall of the ramp should be 102'-0. See accompanying addendum drawing SX2. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.21 - Area A, Main Level Foundation and Floor Framing Plan -The top of concrete elevation for the pilasters on the north south watl between grids N12 and N14, and grids E'|2.5 and E15 should step down to 102.-0 at the pilasters only. See acmmpanying addendum drawing sx2. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.21 - Area A, Main Level Foundation and Floor Framing Plan - Revise the column mark at grids E13 and N14 from C8 to C8A Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.21 - Area A, Main Level Foundation and Floor Framing Plan -Add the footing mark F4.0 tc ttre footing at grids E15 and N14. The top of footing elevation at this footing should be (102'{). Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.21 - Area A, Main Level Foundation and Floor Framing Plan - Revise the dimension string at the left side of the page between grids E12 and E13 from 3'-1,1'-11and 11'- 7 to 3'-0 3/4, 1'-1 1 3/8 and 1 1'-6 7/8. Page 5 of 12 Date: May 23, 2003 AD01-S.26 AD01-S.27 ADo1-S.28 AD01-S.29 ADo1-S.30 ADo1-S.3't AD0't-s.32 ADo1-S.33 AD01-S.34 AD01-S.35 ADo1-S.36 ADo1-S.37 ADo1-S.38 AD01-S.39 ADo1-S.40 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.21 - Area A, Main Level Foundation and Floor Framing Plan - Modify the pilaster at grids N15.1 and E17 to be a mirrored image of the pilaster at grids N5.9 and E17 on sheet 52.22. The west face of the pilaster should extend 1'-0 west of grid N 15.1. Reference Confact Docr.rments - Sheet S2.2 t - Area A, Main Level Foundation and Floor Framing Plan - Add a top of concrete wall step from 99 -7 to 99 -8 at the wall comer at grids S22 and E7.5. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.21 - Area A, Main Level Foundation and Floor Framing Plan - Revise the 6'-6 % north/south dimension near grids E12 and S23 to 6'-11. This dimension should go from grid E12 to the centerline of the two C4 columns atthe corners of the elevator. Reference Contract Doorments - Sheet 52.21 - Area A, Main Level Foundation and Floor Framing Plan - A portion of the window opening note, at the dght side of the page, was cut off. See addendum drawing SX3 for this entire note. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.21 -Area A, Main Level Foundation and Floor Framing Plan - Revise the number of headed anchor studs on the easVwest W12x16 beam, 5'-6 south of grid E10, between grids S23 and S25 from <8> to <14>. The connection at the east end of this beam shall be revised to a double shear connection into an EPS embedded plate. See addendum drawing SX4. Reference Contract Doorments - Sheet S2.2'l - Area A, Main Level Foundation and Floor Framing Plan - Add W12x26 with <4> headed anchor studs to the north/south beam 2'-0 west of grid S25 south of grid E10 with no designation. Both ends of this beam shall be double shear connections with the north end connecting to an EPS embedded plate. See addendum drawing SX4. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.21 - Area A, Main Level Foundation and Floor Framing Plan - The pilaster 5'-0 west of grid S25 on grid E10 shall be a type P2 pilaster. See addendum drawing SX4. Reference Conbact Doq.rments - Sheet S221 -Area A, Main Level Foundation and Floor Framing Plan - Step the top of concrete wall in the easUwest walljust south of grid E10, between gdds S25 and 526, down to 99'-4 at the doorway. See the architectural drawings for the door location and s2e. See addendum drawing SX4. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52 .21 - Area A, Main Level Foundation and Floor Framing Plan - Add a '16' x 16" concrete pier centered under the steel column on the footing 2'-3 north of grid E12 on grid 526. Top of pier elevation shall be 99'-4. Reinforce the pier with 4 - #6 vertical dowels with 1'-0 horizontal hooks at the botbm and th3 ties @1? and 2 ties at the top. See addendum drawing SX4. Reference Conhact Documents - Sheet 52.22 - Area B, Main Level Foundation and Floor Plan - Modify the foundation for the fireplace and add fireplace details. See addendum drawings SX9 and SX10. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.22 - Area B. Main Level Foundation and Floor Plan - Revise the top of concrete elevation along the south wall near grid E7 to step the wall down to 99-4, only at the pilasters, at the columns at grids 59, S10, 511 and 512. Also, step down to 99'-4at the south mlumn only at grids W0.5 and S8. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.22 - Area B. Main Level Foundation and Floor Plan - Add a step in the top of concrete elevation at Ere south end of ttre north/south wall 8'-3 east of grid 512 from 99'-4 to 100'-0 at the north face of the wall on grid E7. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet S2.22 - Area B. Main Level Foundation and Floor Plan - Add a pilaster similar to item S.34 of this addendum at the column and footing 13'-2 east of grid 512 on grid E8. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.22 - Area B, Main Level Foundation and Floor Plan - The wall/pilaster ai grids N5.9 and El7 should retum to the east 1'-0 from grid NS.9. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.22- Area B, Main Level Foundation and Floor Plan - Revise the footing below the c6A column 6'-6 % north of grid E12 and 14'-3 west of grid s17 from an F4.0 to an Page 6 of 12 Date: May 23, 2003 ADO1-S.41 AD01-S.42 ADo1-S.43 ADo1-S.44 ADo1-S.45 AD01-5.46 AD01-S.47 ADo1-S.48 AD0't-s.49 AD01-S.50 AD01-S.51 ADo1-S.52 AD01-S.53 AD01€.54 ADo1-S.55 ADo1-S.56 ADo1-S.s7 Page 7 of 12 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.22 - Area B, Main Level Foundation and Floor Plan - The too of the pilaster at the west end of the north curved ramp wall near grids N7 and E12 should be 102'{. The top of concrete at the other two pilasters on the north curved ramp wall is 99'-4. The top of the north ramp wall between pilasters shall slope similar to the south ramp wall. See addendum drawing SXS. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet S2.22 - Area B, Main Level Foundation and Floor Plan - Revise the column location for the C6 column 23 -5 % east of grid N6 to be 4 7i south of grid E12. The top of wall at this wall noled just above this column on the plan shall be cfranged from 102'-0 to 102'-8. This column bears at 102'-8. See addendum drawing SX5. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.22 - Area B, Main Level Foundation and Floor Plan - Revise the north/south dimension string north of grid E12 west of grid N9 from 8'-2, 1'-11 and 11'-7 to 8'-1 314, 1'- 'f 1 3/8 and 11'-6718. See addendum drawing SXS. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet S2.22 - Area B, Main Level Foundation and Floor Plan - Step the top of the north/south concrete wall 17'-10 east of grid N7 between grids E12 and El5 down to 102'{ at the column pilasters only. Reference Contract Documenb - Sheet 52.23 - Gynr/Dining Foundation and Floor Plan - Revise the pilastec on grid 52 and grids Wl and W2 from Pl to P2. Reference Contracl Documenb - Sheet 52.23 - Gym/Dining Foundation and Floor Plan - Step the top of concrete wall down to 99'-4 at all doors as shown in section 10/53.22. This occurs north of grid W1 between grids 57 and 58, on grid 53 south of grid W12, on grid 52 south of grid W3 and out of the storage rooms and toilets along grid 51. See the architectural drawings for door sizes and locations. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 32.23 - Gym/Dining Foundation and Floor Plan - Revise the location of the column on grid Sl now shown 5'-1 north of grid W4 to 10'-6 north of grid W4. This also changes lhe 17 { dimension just north of the 5'-1 dimension to 1i'-7. Reference Contract Documenb - Sheet 52.23 - Gym/Dining Foundation and Floor Plan - Revise the top of concrete elevalion at the pilasters only at ihe columns along grid Sl, W3 and at grids W2 and 53 to 99'-4. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.23 - Gym/Dining Foundation and Floor Plan - Revise the comer of the foundation near grids WB and N1. See addendum drawing SX6. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.23 - Gym/Dining Foundation and Floor Plan - Add a C6A steel column and an F4.0 footing centered below the north end of the W24x55 ridge beam on sheet 52.26 and with the column centered in the masonry wall near grids W4 and 52. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.23 - Gym/Dining Foundation and Floor Plan - Cut section 13/53.10 Similar pointing south on the wall on grid N3 between grids W7 and Wg. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.23 - Gym/Dining Foundation and Floor Plan - Extend the floor slab depression for the wood flooring south of grid W4 just east of the climbing wall pit. See architectural drawings for extent of wood floor. Also, see architecfural drawings for extent of wood floor at dooruays. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.23 - Gym/Dining Foundation and Floor Plan - Revise the angle between walls at grids W4 and N4 from 97 degrees to g8 degrees. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.23 - Gym/Dining Foundation and Floor Plan - Revise the top of concrete elevations along grid N4 between grids E13 and W4. See addendum drawing SX7. Reference Contract Documenb - Sheet 52.24 - Revise the mlumn mark on the column on grid E10, 5 -0 west of grid S25 from CX to C5. This column should have a 1 %" thick offset base olate to fit on the wall. See addendum drawing SX8. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52 .24 - Area A, Upper Level Floor and Low Roof Framing Plan -Relocate the duct openings shown near grids S25 and E12. See addendum drawing SX8. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet S3.18 - Sections and Details - Section 6/53.18 - Eliminate ihe special anchor bolt note at the bottom lefthand comer of the section. Date: May 23, 2003 ADo1-S.58 ADo1-S.59 ADo1-5.60 ADo1-S.61 ADo1-S.62 ADo1-5.63 ADo1-S.64 ADo1-5.65 ADo1-S.66 AD01-S.67 ADo1-5.68 ADo'l-s.69 ADo1-S.70 ADo1-S.71 AD01-S.72 ADo1-S.73 ADo1-S.74 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.24 - Area A, Upper Level Floor and Low Roof Framing Plan - Revise the easUwest dimension string between grids E7 and 88, and S22 and S25 from 18 -10 and 20'-3 to 18'-10 and 20'-2. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 32.24 - Area A, Upper Level Floor and Low Roof Framing Plan - Revise the easuwest dimension string between gdds E10 and E12, and 519 and S21 from 11'-11 718 and 23'-11 1/8 to 12'-0 and23'-11. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.24 - Area A Upper Level Floor and Low Roof Framing Plan - Revise the matchline sheet reference along the west side of the plan from sheet S2.5 to sheet 52.25. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.24 - Area A, Upper Level Floor and Low Roof Framing Plan - Revise th€ column markon the above only column 15 -1 1l2 south of gridEl3 and 2'4 east of grid SlTfrom C5 to C6. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.24 - fuea A, Upper Level Floor and Low Roof Framing Plan - Revise the wall at grids N15.1 and E17 as noted in item 5.26 of this addendum. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.24 - Area A, Upper Level Floor and Low Roof Framing Plan -Step the top of concrete rllrall down at grids N12 and E17 to 112'-9 % for the W18x35 beam to bear on a type BP8 embedded bearing plate. Frame the W14 from the south into the W18. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.25 - Area B, Upper Level Floor and Low Roof Framing Plan - Step the top of concrete wall down at grids Ng and E17 to 112'-g % for the W18x35 beam to bear on a type BP8 embedded bearing plate. Frame the W14 from the south into the W18. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.25 - Area B, Upper Level Floor and Low Roof Framing Plan - Revise the 120'-3 7/8 top of steel elevatbn between grids N10 and Nl1 north of grid E16 b 120'-2 7/8. Reference Contract Doormenb - Sheet 52.25 - Area B, Upper Level Floor and Low Roof Framing Plan - Provide slab openings for ductwork in the areas framed out by beams south of grid E10 just west of grid 59 and between grids S12 and 516. Coordinate with Mechanical. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.25 - Area B, Upper Level Floor and Low Roof Framing Plan - Revise the easUwest dimension string between grids 512 and 516, south of grid E10 from 24'-9 and 19'-6 3/4 to 25'-0 and 19'-33/.. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.26 - Area C, Upper Level Floor and Low Roof Framing Plan - Add a C6A column below the north end of the W24x55 ridge beam near grids W4 and 52 as noted in item S.50 of this addendum. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.26 - Area C, Upper Level Floor and Low Roof Framing Plan - Revise the bearing plate elevations near grids 53 and W4 and grids 53 and W7 from 1 18'-119 to 119'-0. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.27 - Area A, Upper Roof Framing Plan - Revise the finish of the roof deck in the note at the dght hand side of the sheet from painted to galvanized. Reference Contact Docr:ments - Sheet 52.28 - Area B, Upper Roof Framing Plan - Add a W12x14 beam over the column on gdd E10 between the W18x35 beams spaced 7'-9 apart between grids St2 and 516. Reference Conbact Documents - Sheet 52.28 - Area B, Upper Roof Framing Plan - Revise the top of steel elevation north of E10 neargrid N10 from 133'-0 3/8 to 133'-0 1/8. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.28 - Area B, Upper Roof Framing Plan - Revise the finish of the roof deck in the two notes at the right hand side of the sheet from painted to galvanized. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.30 - Area B, Existing Building Plans and Sections - In section 4/S3.0, he existing structure will need to be shored to remove the existing bearing wall and install the new steel beam. A continuous beveled wood plate will need to be installed between the existing 10" ceiling joists io bear the '14" roof joists on. Nail the beveled plate to the continuous nailer with 12d @ 6". Page I of 12 Date: May 23, 2003 o AD01-S.75 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet S3.1G- Sections and Details - Section 13/53.10 - Place 6x6 - W2.'lxW2.1 welded wire fabric extending 5'-0 into the slab at 99'-9 5/8 on the right hand of the section. Add a note to shor€ the top of the concrete wall until the upper slab is in place. At the sections marked similar, a slab occurs at 100'4 on the left side of the section and the dowels and \&WF can be omitted. AD01-S.76 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet S3.1 1- Sections and Details - Section 1/S3.'l 1 - The dowels ftom the footing on the dght side of the wall should be #7 bent bars @ 9" with a 5'-0 vertical leg and a 2'-4 horizontal leg tumed to project into the toe ofthe footing (left). Dowels shall also be 2" clearfrom the face of the wall matching ihe vertical wall bars.. AD01-S.77 Reference Contrac{ Documents - Sheet S3.1 1- Sections and Details - Section 2/53.1 1 - The dowels from the footing on the dght side of the wall should be #8 bent bars @ 6' with a 7'-0 vertical leg and a 6'-0' horizontal leg tumed to project into the toe of the footing (left). Dowels shatl also be 2" clear from the face of the wall matching the vertical wall bars. AD01-S.78 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet S3.11- Sections and Details - Section 3/53.1 1 - The dowels from the footing on the right side of the wall should be #8 bent bars @ 6" with a 7'-0 vertical leg and a 4'-0' horizontal leg turned to project into the toe of the footing (leff). Dowels shall also be 2'clear from the face of the wall matching the vertical wall bars. AD01-S.79 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet S3.11- Sections and Detiails - Section 4/53.11 - The dowels from the footing on the left side of the wall should be *f,5 bent bars @ 10" with a 4'{ vertical leg and a 1'4' horizontal leg tumed to project into the troe of the footing (right). Dowels shall also be Z clear from the face of the wall matching he vertical walt bars. AD01-S.80 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet S3.11- Sections and Details - Section 7/53.11 - Space the dowels @12". AD01-S.81 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet S3.12- Sections and Details - Section 1253.12 - Omit this section.AD01-S.82 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 53.22- Sections and Detiails - Section 10/53.22 - Add 144 bar continuous horizontal in the slab at the bend location of the slab dowels. AD01-S.83 Reference Conhact Documents - Sheet 53.22- Sections and Details - Section 11lS3.22 - Delete the 2'-7 dimension. The #7 @ 1? bars are required from the top of the 5'-0 section ot#7 @ 6' bars up to the top of the wall. END OF STRUCTURAL ITEMS MECHANICAL: AD01-M.01 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M0.1 - Mechanical Cover Sheet - Modifo Exhaust Fan Schedule per attached sketch MX1. AD01-M.02 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M0.1 - Mechanical Cover Sheet - Modify General Notes per attached sketch MX2. AD01-M.03 Reference Conhact Documents - Sheet M0.1 - Mechanical Cover Sheet - Modiry Plumbing Fixtures per attached sketch MX3. AD01-M.04 Reference Conlract Documents - Sheet M2.20 - Partial Basement Level Plumbing Plan - Remove notes per attached sketch MX4. AD01-M.05 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M2.21 - Paftial Main Level Piping Plan Area A - Modify water entry room and add plumbing to sink Pg per attached sketch MXS AD01-M.06 Reference Contract Documenb - Sheet M3.20 - Partial Basement Level HVAC Plan - Remove notes per attached sketch MX6. ADO1-M.07 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M3.20 - Partial Basement Level HVAC Plan - Add thermostats oer attached sketch MX7. Page 9 of 12 Date: May 23,2003 AD01-M.08 Reference Contract Doormenb - Sheet M3.20 - Partial Basement Level HVAC Plan - Add lhermostats per attached sketch MX8. AD01-M.09 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M3.21 - Partial Main Level HVAC Plan Area A - Add thermostats per attached sketch MXg. AD01-M.10 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M3.21 - Partial Main Level HVAC Plan Area A - Add thermostats per attached sketch MX10. AD01-M.11 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M3.22 - Partial Main Levet HVAC Plan Area B-Add thermostats per attached sketch MXI 1 . AD01-M.12 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M3.23 - Partial Main Level HVAC Plan Area C - Add thermostats per attached sketch MX12. AD01-M.13 Reference Contract Documenb - Sheet M3.23 - Partial Main Level HVAC Plan Area C - Add thermostiats per attiached sketch MX13. AD01-M.14 Reference Contract Documenb - Sheet M324- Partial Upper Level HVAC Plan AreaA-Add thermostats per attached sketch MX14. AD01-M.15 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M3.24 - Partial Upper Level HVAC Plan Area A- ModE ductwork per aftached sketch MX15. AD01-M.16 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M3.24- Partial Upper Level HVAC Plan Area A- Modify ductwork per attached sketch MX16. AD01-M.17 Referenc€ Contract Documents - Sheet M3.25 - Partial Upper Level HVAC Plan Area B - Add thermostats per attached sketch MX17. AD01-M.18 Relerence Contract Documents - Sheet M3.25 - Partial Upper Level HVAC Plan Area B - Add thermostats per attached skotch MX1B. AD01-M.19 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M3.25 - Partiat Upper Level HVAC Plan Area B - Add thermostrats per attached sketch MX19. AD01-M.20 Reference Contract Documenb - Sheet M3.25 - Partial Upper Level HVAC Plan Area B - Add thermostats per attached sketch M)e0. AD01-M.21 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M326 - Partial Upper Level HVAC Plan Area C - Modify Diffuser call-out per attached sketch M)e1. ADO1-M.22 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M3.26 - Partial Upper Level HVAC Plan Area C - Add thermostats per attached sketch MX22. AD01-M.23 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M4.10- Mechanical Diagrams - Add diagrams per attached sketch MX23. AD01-M.24 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M4.10- Mechanical Diagrams - Modifi7 diagram per attached sketch MX24. AD01-M.25 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M2.20 - Partial Basement Level Plumbing Plan - Modify piping per attached sketch MX25. AD01-M.26 Reference Contract Specifications Section 15300: Insert attached Section 15300 - AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER AND STANDPIPE SYSTEMS into the Specifications. END OF MECHANICAL ITEMS. Page 10 of 12 Date: May 23,2003 ELECTRICAL: ADo1-E.01 ADo1-E.02 ADo1-E.03 ADo1-E.04 ADo1-E.05 ADo1-E.06 ADo1-E.07 ADo1-E.08 ADo1-E.09 ADot-E.10 AD01-E.11 ADo1-E.12 AD01-8.13 ADo1-E.14 ADo1-E.15 ADo1-E.16 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet E2.22 - Power/Auxiliary Plan - Main Level Area B- Relocate j-box and flag note f18 (for owner security panel) located in Conidor 8112 to the west wall of Entry Vestibule 8160. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet E2.22 - Power/Auxiliary Plan - Main Level Area A- Tech Support ,4101 soulh and east walls provide wiremold series AL300 above counter tops. Provide receptacfes every 24". Circuit a maximum of (4) receptacles per circuit using L1E2 - 26,28,30,32. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet E2.23 - Power/Auxiliary Plan - Main Level Area C- Dining Room C130 add ffre alarm pull station at west door. Locate pullstation on the north wall at column lines W?S3. Reference Contract Documenb - Sheet E3.20 - Basement Level Lighling Plan - Delete one CR10 fixture in the norlh paft of the hall and move other CR10 firfure to match architecfural layout See sketch EXI . Reference Contract Docrmenb - Sheet E3.21 - Main Level Lighting Ptan - Area A - Change length of fixture SP2 shown in Classroom A152 as eight foot (8') long to a length of twetve feet (12'). SeesketchEX3. Referenoe Contract Documenb - Sheet E3.21 - Main Level Lighting Plan - Area A - Add one more fixture type CR7 to the south side of Kitchen A122 and re-space existing fixture to match architectural la)rout. See sketch De. Reference Conhact Documents - Sheet E3.21 - Main Level Lighfng Ptan - Area A - Add one more fixture type CR2 to the north entrance intc the Lecture hall and re-space existing fixture to match architecbral layout See sketch D(2. Reference Contract Docr.rments - Sheet E3.21 - Main Level Lightng Ptan - Area A - Delete one CR2 fxture in enry vestibule of Girl's Bathmom, A142. Referen@ Contract Documenb - Sheet E3.22- Main Level Lighting Plan - Area B - Delete four type SW3 fildrres in Entry Vestibule 8150. See skotch EX6. Reference Contract Doormenb - Sheet E3.22 - Main Level Lighting Plan - Area B - Add eleven (1 1 ) CR2 downlights in Library 8100 to match architectural layout. Add one switch to conbol downlight and pendants. See sketch EX4. Reference Contract Doctrments - Sheet E3.22 - Main Levet Lighting Plan - Area B - Delete one type CR2 fixtures in entry vestibule to Boy's Bathroom 8142. Reference Contract Doqrments - Sheet E3.22 - Main Level Lighting Plan - Area B - Change lengh of fixture SP2 shown in Classrcom 8152 as eight foot (8') long to a length of twelve feet (12'). Seesketch EXs. Reference C,ontract Documents - Sheet E3.23 - Main Level Lighting Plan - Area C - Delete the middle fixture type CW1 along the north side of Gym C100. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet E3.23 - Main Level Lighting Plan- Area C - Delete fixture one type CR2 in he entry vesdbule to Girl's C126 and the entry vestibule to Boy's C127. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet E3.24 - Upper Level Lighting Plan - Area A - Add three type CS6 fixtures in Siage A135 and respace fixtures to malch architectural layout. Circuit all 1 I fixture to H2E1-15. See sketch EX7. Reference Contract Documents - Sheet E3.24 - Upper Level Lighting Plan - Area A - Delete middle CR8 fixture over the proscenium in Auditorium 4130. See sketch EX7. Page'11 ot 12 Date: May 23,2003 AD01-E.17 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet E3.24 - Upper Level Lighting Plan - Area A - Change length of fixture SP2 shown in Classroom 8252 as eight foot (8') long to a length of twelve feet (12'). See sketch EX8. AD01-E.18 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet E3.25 - Upper Level Lighting Plan - Area B - Circuit fixture type CS7 in the coves in Conidor 8210 to H2W1-l 5. Add flag note # l 1 . See sketch EXg. AD01-E.19 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet E3.25 - Upper Level Lighting Plan - Area B - Add flag note #11 to read: "Control circuit H2w1-15 by (2) three-way keyed switches, and ('t) four-way keyed switch. Locate one switch at the south end of 8240 with others. Locate second switch at the south end of A240 with others. Locale ftnal switch in A220 near the switches next to the theater door." See sketch EX10. AD01-E.20 Reference Conhact Documents - Sheet E3.25 - Upper Level Lighting Plan - Area B - Add two type CR9 wall washers in Conidor B210 to match architectural layout. See sketch EX1'1. AD01-E.21 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet E3.25 - Upper Level Lighting Plan - Area B - Delete one CR2 fixture in the entry vestibule to Girls 8242. See sketch EXI 1. AD01-E.22 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet E3.24 - Upper Level Lighting Plan - Area A - Add two type CRg wall washers in Corddor 8210 to match architectural layout. See sketch EX12. AD{)1-E.23 Reference Conbact Documents - Sheet E3.24 - Upper Level Ughting Plan - Area A - Delete one CR2 fixture in the entry vestibule to Boys A242. See sketch EX12. ADO t -E.24 Refer€nce Conlract Documenb - Sheet E3.25 - Upper Level Lighting Plan - Area B - Delete two type CR10 fixtures in Prep. 8232 to match architectural layout. See sketch EX13. AD01-E.25 Reference Contract Documenb - Sheet E3.26 - Upper Level Lighting Plan -Area C - Delete two type SP10 fidures in Board Room C222 to match arcfiitectural layout. See skelch EX14. AD01-E26 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet E3.24 - Upper Level Lighting Plan - Area A - Delete gpe SPs fixture in Stair 001. AD01-E.27 Reference Contracl Documents - Sheet E3.25 - Upper Level Lighting Plan - Area B - Change fifrrre type SP2 at South end of Corridor 8240 b SF6. See sketch EX11. AD01-E.28 Reference Conbact Documents - Sheet E3.24 - Upper Level Lighting Plan - Area A - Change fixture type SP2 at South end of Conidor A240 to SF6. See sketch EX12. AD01-E.29 Reference Contract Doq.rments - Sheei E2.23: Add a pay phone outtet on the east wall of Foyer Cl 10 just south of door Cl 10. Provide conduit above nearast accessible ceiling. AD01-E.30 Reference Contract Specifications: Replace Section 16720 in its entireg with the attached new section 16720 - FIRE DETECTION AND ALARM SYSTEM. END OF ELECTRICAL ITEMS END OF ADDENDUM NO. 1 Page 12 ot 12 Date: May 23, 2003 02700- FOuNOAIr0r{ DM|N;(dv l I lo inlet. re: civil O27OO- FOUNDA]ION ORAIN; e = C! :I hiqh point, c {forjndotion lf/,' f [// | t' I li I ll il lfif I EJJ{.78-... @-+ Fom@ ,46----r ffiFlE nm flfl ..1 @---_l ${E l/t0'.t'-0 ffi /!. /: /i" ".\ :-\ K LrPP CoLUssY JENKB DuBots ARCHrrtCll. t- c. MMbr: An.'ls. l.thrt. 6l A.hn.d' w' .. Sq!o6, | 5 I 2 L6drn6. St.ol sride. |.v.r. Ofwr, Cdoddo ao2o2 ph 403-6t3-199O io' 303.493-2204 !flf m ldffinl 6u4 d Ua .;:d5!F Fl !- <ia g c H , ! AD0t -r I21H GMOE ct{ssR00|i|@ K LIPP CoLUsSY JENKs DUBOTS alcfilllcrl,2c Mdb..: Afi.n<on Innibr. .f Arthil..rt wrir.r sq(o.., I512 (o.in.r 516.r a.rdo. Lrl, D..v.r, Cdoodo AO2O2 p,! 3qt-6t3-l99O lo' 3O3-€193-??Oa SEIEN ftdadul I Eg H t E I nucn .FI FCt'E+JEr{o Fl; /r !t!t,l I I I I I I I l l F ,i--f I I I I @ ---rI I I I l I I I I @ I l @ I I @ I Idd I I j .:l- " -**-..*,if wt rf I I I I I l I I |(INOERGAfiITX -l--r h$.11-/ -E-EI qHFIE Nfln Efl - TII IB'E ADO r -2 TOIUI CORRIDOR TTlT'rol t-la =_=@--I I IGFHFII tilHjtril H::|=- @ GAIIIRY@ II{RRIIIflY@ JN. I I I I-f I fi5 I I I I -l llru l,' | | -lrl,--l- l--l@il I ll =l;:: trt I 4 Eti 6 -. - -?ilffiE-li )k _cci{slRl|crr(jr,i +l I I /g I I I w 6A I I I @ I I I w qHFlERm flff{ - Sl| IwE IUSrC- --cu$Ruom rr-----r llAill I L,'-- -- , , ..- - ""' ,. 1 I u'\- |I )-\i'\^ wl\ \-/lt\lI v--\t ( g ) 0270{l- F0UIIDATI0N DRAIN';| \ .t/ lOWn t0 louer level | - an{$ ,. 1 .\ l/'r'- STAGECMFI I I A116l I I KLrPP CoLUssY J ENKs DuBoIs ARCH rltCt5, t,C Nr.,*a Aa.'i6^ lditul. oa A'rhil.<|. wdlrsqud. 151 2 tddtuSn-r s.idg. r&c. Off, C.bd& gO2O2 ph 3O3-493-l99O lot 303-€93-2204 6qEEM ldhtun I o nv) .P? -lU Jto f' g I E ADO1 -3 \t//4 )V I I I 6CY I I I \N/0 )Y I I I _l_ _1_ - FOUNDATION DMIN; cleon oui [ypicol E TIi E l,- ,:i -r- i"- ,.i l I I =--I iffic=.=-.==.-.==l# @ T I I I I /._**' il,S. COTIPUIER l- *{Y68rr428) t) COI/PUIER I,A8 lAr04 | , Ir-027(a- F0Ur{0Afl0N DM|N; down to lower level - -81t1-44- ffifiE Roff rufi - Hr lnE- P:\2001 028.00 Voil Mtn School\2 Drowings\o1 Architecturol\Bidding ond Negotiotionlm-A2.l.00.Dw0 Moy 2J, 200J -- I -- KLrPP CoLUssY J ENKs DuBots ^rcHrrrcrt Pc M@b.: ^.n..i.o. l^iirqr. oI &lhir.<ir wiit.r Sqoor., | 512 Lo.h.r St..t AddO. L-rl, O.d.r, C.loddo ao2gz Fh 3O3-a93- | 99O i.r 3(B-493-2204 Egf Ef,l lddndrn I a1 (J V) ld*.Fi ;(!5!= FIE o (! '\t- F I g t T ADO r -4 .:{ =l I I I I -+ -Ti Ii Ifffi:_rrul ,.=T_ =l@r'Lqlj-qjlrn J0l----- n,,r,--rtTffiHl * i -_- | FOYER@ ltv6 lV I I \N7 )Y I I tN9 | I I I coRRt00R@ @ I I fAY I I ffifi rfl-1 =_rE.-:I @ I G)Y I I ffi[IE R|In Efl . III ITYE. $llE Ul6'.1'-ll' 6dY I I @,-r t'tl lt tt I lrtl 8JJ4.27 6J31. VOLUN]EIRS@ I I I Ilt,i I l.trt-rd l0Ril T INFIRIIIRY@ 8ri+.lt---..-.\1_ --:l -lr 5IH GRTDE cussR0orr@ I2IH ffiADT_ oN'sn(|o{ _ I Brsr I --_ 8IH GRADTctAssruu__ _@SIORACE II I Ar25l ll --JLASST HTAO SlPPORI P:\2001-028.00 Voil Mtn School\2 Drowings\01 kchitecturol\Bidding ond Negotiotion\vm-A2.100.Dl{C Mcy 2J, 2003 KLrPP C oLUssY J ENKS DuBots AiCHI TE CT 5, P.c' Mm6.r: An..i<ot ltttru,. oa /whil&' wrn.r SqloE, 13 I 2 lodndsrod Bids. L.v.l, O!tv!, Colorodo ao2d2 pl 303-49a'1990 loi 303-693-2204 , E$E BIN ffinl ADOr -5 (n l-. I ('5.IJ E|-{u FlF o t\ H I E E t i l't,l, -+-*-------::- .-@,li EIICTRIST -Frst I I I @ rl -[w I @ Aw v 'l\_-----T----_ JIt-_il I ' -r-8322.79u/l O27OO- FOUT{DAIION DRAIN OUTLIT TO ARTA ffiIIERffi HflI.IIm[IE. -,^^i ^ KLIPP CoLU5sY J ENKS DUBOIS ^RCHlt!Cr!, P C- Ms6.i Ad.d6^ l.tisr. .l AGhll.ct writ r Sqq6-. | 51 2 to.d.. 5r...r sridO. t a.r, O..v-, C€ldCc 60202 th 30+493-t9to (d 3@-493-220. Eqf H[ &|lrl o a.! Ua .F. E(t5.P? -lIFtE o f' H I g , P:\2001-028.00 Voil Mtn School\2 Drowings\01 Architecturol\Bidding ond Negotiotion\vm-A2.l.00.D\4'G lr,|oy 2J,200J I ADO r -6 € -6 -@ € ELEC1RICAI- ROOl.|@ RMffED CETG RXI - IOffi 18,8. DMlll'l SY: VP SlECKt0 B/: TM tssuB Mdendum I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Lnrlmer street Eridge Levet oen!€r Colorado 80202,303-893-1990 Fax : 303-B9I-22IX ADOI-7 ci0.'id|nDtncea'EI|ba!in5|''f'dil0{scWe,.rd0s9'd.ra'ri's[tFo'efbo,fr'dit!t|.Pd,fsio'|o.Ur0tth;56canenliskitedondEl P:Vml-028.m Voil lltn Schoo\2 Dro{ings\o| Architectwd\t}iddiq ond legoli0ti0n\rn-rJ.2.00.d|9 Y,oy 2J, 2003 DRAIIN BY: VP CHECK$ Bf: IM VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. '1512 Larimer street Erldge Level Denver Colorado 80202, 103-893-1990 Fax:301-891'?204 ISSUE: Addendum I ADO1-8ARCH. PROI. N0.: 2001 c.9ri4rI}n*oarnu*b0n;nd'Umentol3gti.!.md0'rrl,rdmiJEl|EFop.J!dlhlrdircLF.'ni'!io|orus!o|ui5dod''IEntbhit.d0.ldba4r! P:\2001-02&00 voi tltn lhooAz Drorings\0l Architeclfio\&rlding ord l,legoliot-oo\m-A].2.0].d{9 lhy 23, 2005 KLrPP CoLUssY IENKs DuBors ARCn ll I CT 5, P C. Mldbr: Ar.nE. h!|ilsr. o{ Achil.dr w.ii.r Squ6.., I b | 2 [cnm.. sk..r EriCc. L.vJ. Odvt, Co.oddo a'd2o2 plt 3o&lrt& I 99O 161 3{t3-693-22O4 NIf E& ldtoidn I t-: Ua t4 ^.Ei(!b+JEl-'u FIE (t g I E F I !E rm lli Fo=rl I f F0-ji'1 NflEIED CEff Nfl - HI ETB.trT B $[E r/tr=r-{ BOYS@ Eil N lBl2 | rr--Sr Pr\2001-028.00 Voil Mtn School\2 Drowings\O| Architecturol\Bidding ond Negotiotion\vm-AJ2.02.dwg Moy 2J, 200J ADO t -9 DMY{N 8f: VP CHECIGD Sf: TM scAll: 1/8"=t'-0' 6SUe Addendum l VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larimer Street Eridge Level Denver Cotorado 8020?, l0l.89l-190 Fax : 301'893-2204 ADO1-10ARCH. PROJ. N0.: 2001 W* ml:Ir'6 &cuo€irl k o hslMnsi 0l s€oi!. 0"d 0s nxf. 'adns lh p.oted, ol [re Ld'iled. P6' si P:\2001-02E-00 Voil utn School\2 Drcrinqs\0i Achihcluo\Bidd,ng ond egoliolion\wn-Al 2 02.dxg ltroy ?3, 2003 -- I I.-i- ()PIN T(} AEWE l* Bon@ RFIIXXE (trffi Nfi. Tf,I IflU.MB B P:\2001-028.00 Voil Mtn School\2 Drowings\01 Architecturol\Bidding ond Negotiotion\vm-AJ.2.02.dwq Moy 2J, 200J KLrFP CoLussY JENKs DuBols tcHrrEcT 5. P C ^r.dt r: adri.o. hJilqr. ol athil.cl' w.rf..squ.r., l5l? L..ld.r s|[.i Andgr lt.l, O.aw, Coro@do aC2O2 ph 303-493- | t9O ld 303-493-220. Fqf ml ,ffir I t-'l (J ct) co.;i E tr-l.{o ni F + E t T ADO1-r r n REIEIEI CflIG PIIII - UT EE.'ffAC DMTIN BY: VP CHECK$ Bf; TlJ ISSUI: Addendum 1 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail. Colorado Ktipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larim€r street Erjdge Levet Denver Colorado 80202, 303-893-1990 Fax : 303-893'22&ADOT.I2 Cqli{t 2S} nis document is P\?001-028.m V0il ln Schoo\z Dr0{irgs\0] Afchitecturo\Bidding ond Negotioti0n\vm-Al.2.0j.dr9 Lloy 23, 200J IS$JE Addendum I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. l5t2larimer Street Bridge Levet Denver Colo.ado 80202,103-E9l-1990 Fax i 301.893.220,1 ADO1-1 &Oridt O0tnis d@tridrl b 6 hslrumErt o{ s.rvir, di as nd\ rrds he Fpdf ol the kctil.d. Parisioo tor ose o{ P:\2001-M8.00 Voil llln Schoo\2 ororings\0| Architeduro\Siddirg ond ltepliotion\vm-A3.2.0t.drg tloy 2J, 200J ISSUE Addendum I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larirner Street Bridge Level Denver Colorado 80202, l0l-893n 990 Fax'. 301-891'2204 ADO1-1 Wt2m}Di.dcuifJ'I.|sohstn,nedor5Yi.i.qd6$d.'diE['ePro0eit'olUEkdlR!d.fnish'l|o.us.o,ttir&cunlis!dl€dotdc0nheqby!iium P\2ml-04,m Voil ltn Schoo\z orurings\ol kchitecluro\$ddiq ond ltegou0lioM-AJ.2.01.dr9 tloy 2J, 2003 t- I__t_ I I nmElEt cflfG PtIt - uPa lI}E lflt A ISSUE: Addendum 1 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 La.irner Street 8ridge l-e\€t oer e. Cotorado 80202,303-891-1990 Fax : 103-891-22IX AD01-1 M{ E0} nis dauidl b 6 insltrknl ol sr.vh€, ad os $rh. r€dEios he propdty ol lh! lrdited. P\2ml-028.m Vol tlln Schm\2 Drorings\01 trrchitectu0l\fiddir! ond tlegoliotion\rn-AJ20{dr9 tloy 23, 200J ISSUE: Addendum I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Ktipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larimer Street Bridge Level Denver Colorddo 80202, 301-E9l-1990 Far : 103-893-2204 ADO1-1IRCH. PROJ. N0.: 2001 Coft{gti 1003: fis d0clm€,i b oi hslfirn d ol sdvia,ond os eirn, rgnins lh€ pof€d) ol P\2001-028m Voil un kioo\2 Dro$ngr\0l Archilecluro\Eidding ond llegotiolionlm-AJ.2 05.drg lloy 2J, 200J I55UE Addendum 1 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Cotussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P, C. 1512 Larlme. slteet Bridqe Levet Denver Cotorado 80202, 103-893-t990 Fax : 303-891-220,{ADO1-1 Copttiit 2f}lis dmrrEnl is on imlrumr{ ol i.ryir,0d 05 sicn, refdns lh. Fof.tt ol lirc lrdilrl. Peroisrion P\2001-028.0 Voil Uln School\z 0r0uin9s\01 Architecluro\8iddi0g ond Negoliotion\vm-A!.2.05.dq lloy 23, 2C0J 075m- SNGTE PLY MEIIBRANE R00FIN0: odhered 07500- R00F rNsuLAToN ()g2M-GYP$JM BOARD - IYPE )( ISSJE Addendum I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. l5l2 Ladmer St.eet Sridge Level Dq$rEr Colorado m202, lol-893-i990 Fax: $l{91-2?(X ADOI-19 Cagtidtt fo*nis e{fGtl b or hilrlnxd 0l ssnice, ond os *dr. runoins t progcdy ot ltr rr.iilat phision ld lse ot P\2ml{26.m Vd Utn Sdroo\2 0roiry\01 &chitect0ro\B'df{B ond },te9ot'rtinr\,n-t52.t2dr9 0y 2J, Z00J KLrPP CoLUssY J ENKs DUB ols ARCI rT t Crl P C Mmb.n A..rlcon l.trirql. ol AEhir*ir wnr.r squ.6. l5l2 Londd Sra.. g.idg. !d.l D.n€., Cdoddo ao2o2 ph 3O3-6t3.l99O hr aOA-993-2tlO. NIf ET} ,ad.ndn I (J U) d. +J E B P:\2001-028.00 Voil Mtn School\2 0rowings\01 Archileclurol\Bi'Cding cnd Negotiotion\vm A52.l2.dwg Moy 2i,200J AD01 -20 I I I--J I I l2'lo 1l'= r1'-0'6'-4 1/2' I,ANDTNG @ -@ UP ,1 7 112' rssuE Addendum'1 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larimer Street Brldge Levet Denver Cotorado 80202, 103-891'190 Far:303-891-?204 ADOL_27Afi[fi. PR0J. ],10.: 2001 ATIidi m Ii! doo,mdrl b o ;EtrunEnl ol s.r*r, ord os suci, rdrxins lhe FDp.rt ol P\2001-028.00 Voil Uln $hm\2 0r0rings\01 kchil€rtu(ol\fidding ond uegoti0lioM-A6.t.00.dr9 llq 23, 200J l'-l I'5'-4"6T@11'=5'-6'0-J J. -f UP '-0" 11' --\_@ srun I r---------_--r I L_qq?_J- II I I I 12 I@ll'=11'-0' ISSUE Addendum 1 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P, C. 1512 larimer Street Bridge Levet Denver Colorado 80202, ]03.891-1990 Fo(:301'E93-2ZX ADOT.22 ODift m0llb do6tsu'l h 0n idtru 0{ stnlr ord d! srdr..mi6 U'! p.!p€{ ol thr ldilccl- Pembs;or lor uc B\2ml-U8.m Vd Utn SeJrod\2 Drorinqs\o| kddectud\&ding ord qotidion\m-A6.1.00.dr9 lloy 2J, 2mJ ISSUE: Mdendum 1 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail. Colorado Klipp Cotussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larlmer Street 8ridge Level Denver Colorado 80202, 303-893-1990 Fax: 303-891-?2(X ADOI.23 C$tritl rml }is eori.d is or hCnflr ol s.wi:e dd 05 i,ch, rdioiE tr Flpsv ot ti€ lrditcl fsdlsion tr urc 0l F\2001-02&m Voil l/h Schooft 0r0rings\01 lrchiteclurd\Biddrng ond egotiotioo\w-A6.1.00.drq lJoy 2J,200J s, I I I I I ll I sTrn 0 q5s utt - ut ltIE_ ISSTJL Addendum l VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail. Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larimer Strect Bridge Levet Dener Colorado 80202,103-891-!9911 Fax : 303-893-2?04 ADOT-24 C.Odd{ m} ni5 d@nE{ b ar;drunHrl or sdb, ond G s'rf\ drfs lhe rpdly 0l h.lnhl€ct hmirtr td 6. ol tis &cmott; tnld ud car F\2m1-028.m Voil tlln Sch0o\2 0r0ri0F\01 tchit€rtur0\g'dding ond tJe9oti0tioM,A6.t.0t.dr9 Uoy lJ, 2003 CORRIDOR@ snn 0 Ermn ils - $I tttE- tssuL Mdendum I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Ktipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larimer Street Eridge Level Dervcr Colorado m202, 303-891-1990 Far: 303-893-2ZX ADOI-25 qtdd{ }ni! e.und b m fimq{ ol !tic.. utd 0s edt, Grir6 lhe Fof.rlt ol [E lrditlrL Pdriiin &r 6. ol l* d@n'.r ; Iited o{ cat P\2001-028.m hil llt! Schod\z 0rorings\0l .{rchitectur0t\Sidding ond flegoli0tion\vat-A6-t.0t.dr9 tto} 23,2003 UNE OF CONC, ItAn BtL0tl 07200- Mn Nsut,Ai0N 0s200- J s/8' DTAGoNAL B&\CING .cBOVE; re: 15,2j2 06200- l|l00D srDrNG; boord & botten 06200- v'1000 rRrM; 2xl0 07900- stALAM & BACKIR ROD 06100- 2x !VD. BL0CKING 05100-sItB- sTUm 09200- 5/8' t)(l cYP. SHIITHING O48OO- STONE VENEER: COLUMN CORNER AT ART STUDIOMUSIC 09200-5/8" rYPt'X' GYP. BOARO 092m- J 5/8' MrL SruD O78OO- SPRAY-APPUED NREPROONNC O5IOO- TUBT STEET COLUMN dry-stocked DRATIN BY: KS CI|ECKED 8Y:GC EXTERIOR DETAILS IS$JE Addendum I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. l5l? larirher Street B.idge Lev?i De"rver Colorado 8O2m, 303-89].1990 Fax r 103-893.220,1 ADOI-26 qtidt UXI*n6 doc{ nt'6 cr iisltufnl ol s.ni,a, oid o5 $h, rdrd$ tE Fopdty ol lh Ldtllrt. Pdmissbn lor 6! o, P\2001-028.00 Voil Uln School\Z Dr0{ings\ol tchit€ctro\&dding ond Negotiotirn\0eloils\wn-El1.dr9 Moy 23, Z(DJ 09300 - cEMllrc T|LE {)92()O- CEI,IINTIOUS MCKER BD. (lN ALL SHOII{TRS) 07200- MrT NSUtAlloN m200- 8" MTL. STUm UNE tr C.I.P. II$ICfi BEYOND 09Jm- CEMI,|IC IILE: non-slio :\ SLOPE 1/{: IIIN Pm F00T fRoil lltDPotNI 0F R00[l T.0. C0I'ICREIE L0lttR [E!tl +.----B- roofo'-v 03J00-coNcRilE T0PP|N0 03J00- C0NCREIE S|_AB 154110- FL00R 0RA|N IP30: DETAIL @ SHOWER TROUGH DRAIN DMYill{tr: KS O1tCl€D Br:m INTERIOR PLAN DETAILS ISSUE Mdendum I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail. Colorado Klipp Cotussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P, C. 1512 Larimer Street Sridge L€vet Denve. Colorado 8gl0l, 303.891.1990 Fax:301-891-22M ADOL_2] CqiJt lXlI ll* dGrnd{ i on ndnn'd{ 0{ !dic., qd c !rdr. fdiE lbc NrF ol ttE lrrfLd P.rdidor h 16€ oI [is doqut'6 kriLd atd B\2fl1-020.0 |,oil tltn Sdoo\2 olorirEs\0l lrchilecturol\Biddiry ond egolio$00\0etok\nn-PJ0.drq l,hy 2J, 200J ^t-l- KLrrP CoLUssY JENKs DuBots ARCHr Tt C r5, ?.C. M.mbr: Arn.'i.o. hnitlr. oa A'd Gr' w.ir.. Squ6', I512 LoriD.r 5r...r arids. L.'.1, Orn'.., Cor.@do 60?02 ph 3O3-a93.lt9O i.t 3O3-at3-22O4 Egf lEM lddadm I d(,v) a{^.=t63!rzaro FTE l'.- g I E F I I I I 42'-o' # S -t I ult vslt8utft;;;;t i ron. -- / krodl /- '**t[61,91n*' roooo-ffin,!flrn; Rm Hfl - rft ttw.ffil c P:\2001-028.00 voil Mtn 5ch0ol\2 Drowings\01 Architecturol\Bidding ond Negotiotion\vm-A2.2.0J.dwg Moy 2J, 200J ADO1 -28 <-1 <J' o!@L! 5'-e t/2' S'-r (99'-1) oer-1 ssrf:ml VAru., ^/flOnlNT'AlN SCH@X, VdtColando ffiep Coftrs$t JGob Dtoob ardtftccts, P.C. xt|l |fr:gnct rqr ld DsE @.rb @, G|,&t90 h: S{t&iAOa Cdtrlftefldbrtfidofsnir.on6rrr.Eiriil!!c!ollHiL(tftrrishlaedb&q|rdiHdrdGarhdddcttrffnqr.ttdat|qtbl6tJ*OA*rtd.b'?C '-rr t2l t'-t' . a'-1 t, f|O SIEP N o!a'-! mil Br: $I 0f0CD Et: IPS VAU-,MOIJNTANN SCIil@L Ktsp Go&Esy Jqrhs 0l8ob ArtfrftE(fe, P.C" ttll lltrcr ttli f|{.||rd OrE &lnd en, S&}$to Fi( ! {tqt-22o1 [srf: Gfdi lol E A.m,f t d iEhnq{ d .sti!. !d c rri, runir h F!9ctt d [r f,.[tad. Fcriiir h G. of 0is dodrld b l6t€d dd .o h .{dt d o.g t i .i ogtsrs{ S [F eb{ J* mt c.ffi0 etd(mt Nn mAilAXln ARH ffiffiJtr Mtp0r Ptlfri$ N ffiffitE: MJOI EETN6 N CAWEE Y4I5 AE ro E J'tAffifi (a( M wg nAilItf ntvaayaIEDE arcilwrs trnat 0w Fm ilnwr gE & ttrAllilt 4t MS Attr^EV W FunfrArfit HUt ARE TO E gEO *ET{M2 AS ?I' ER frR ffiftXrf z6tu tfs.t$ rnE0 & aMIEWET allffiH'E Ot PtAilS nflan ilEfrtffi suo yiltt o\tl'RtW r ta a4ff stEa 6E snps o t6'Ar rills t PARAPEIS (W t0 tJ' wS.WtE0 tt7gt| Y/ ffilt 6't tE QtElP tNnat ntac ArJ4tes tr ffiiM RatM ilutmt nir6 sruns twAr l0 Huf srEml VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architecs, P. C, l5tz L.tl9€r str€Gt Bdqe tevet DeiE Cdorddo &I2@, X,3-tt3-1990 Fd::L3-3)'-?2Ol C'.'i trttn5 5on , it 6 tEli|rd d !.it d 6 i.\ e'dE U. tfl?clt d rr hih(t ftr||isi! l' G. .a lir &qrtrd b H.d qd cd h ffi d t rl.o qtdd a E ? Crflq Jd oAt rid*it' tC 6'- t/1' f 2-15 r 6'-0 o,f Ar s.A8 ilA-at?tu Ar AU frE-fr'lnAilr cwilffi 2'-o' [srEml VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL VaiL Colorado Kllpp Colussy Jenks DuBols Archlt€cts, P. C. t5l? tartt|er Stn€t lrldfe L6.el 0e tlr Colo.ado gnm, m}E9'l9m Fax : 303.t9!-2201 oryS&f!itd@ndboidnlutotstir,q{{s"+t*Crtrgrqc,g0lUfidilcd.hdi{trb|A.dEdoodtmdtdcmhd4..ddrrhtffratqtdm{ff&9ftllvJcl60&ilntrcb'PC' '-6 t2' tt'-il' f-2 JA' 6'-9 '/1' te @ n'-q' UJNi 1'-J' \ ESIEml VAII,MOI'NTATN SCH@N- Vril,ebrrb Xnpp Gokssy &nkr &So& &drybds, P.CItll lrh..gnrl iq.ld oas Goler& t@m, S{t&tlfo Fs 3 S{ll-2lol c?la ftE dflnd b r i*rrl J rstt rd s rd. cda l |!?rt d i.lrfikd lcili b 6. J tir id.d ir *dddcr t ffi ot t -{.r ot!.rd rO EtP Cdlq }C llhl hlcb' ft t ffirW#,"fffirrWfh :@- ,.(@'/l+ @'t'-0, ffi*o VAM, MIOIJNT'AIN SCHOON, VriL(bhe Kbp Cof$sy &nk3 US* a'd|roal P.c. lll2 |JFqnct Dldf Li.f 0.rrrr Colfrdo re, Sfq'OS h: S{18.2201 [srEml Oif miEdqdb.h&ctdid*B.d6eAqiELFdtlLr4tiid.l!*rt.bGcJ*riodbliihdd.!|b.d{*,af t rfh q..d f Ee Coflt }t'b mit rtlkh n S ) IFJO '(gg'-1) I T VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. l5l2 Lnd.rEr st.eet E ldge Leret 0eo\,€r Colorddo AD6l, fol€93'1990 Fax:303-E93'ZlX 6SrEml o|'iil l!&IE fuird b. llhrd.lrt*c,rd 6 r.\ rd5 b trFf d bltnat kiri. k E d llr docct b Hd ol tr L od.rd q t rn.i.'rtaa - &0 Ol6ry JS 0air krf!.b. fC (o -l!f.. .(.$ -l { $ $ 07vt tb' twa( 8Ag PtltE mffi 8f:5[I OtfrtD fl: nS 6SrE VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail" Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. l5l2 Larlme' St eet E ldge t vef Derver ColE .do 80d'2, XD.893-190 Fd: 3o3{r3-2lx Cqltll.lfedddlalMd..tit,dGlrlrditrroFqdbHd.tllirL|r|!.olE&E{i!ruld.af.i..dqffla+.r.afl4ecrr6tftb0t1bbrtnd,,?C F50 F50(ee'-t) (st'-o)-f50 F.q . :.. Ft0(s|1)s.l\ l'-0r12'-0t8'-0r/p o t2'EAat mr ffifiat (99'-t) ljrcflp ffiietE PfESr[ r/ -t\ VAIL MOIJNTAIN SCHOOL Vail' Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBols Architects, P' C. i5l2 ttrtnc. Str€€t &idg. t€lrel De.!€. Coldlito 10202, a)3{C}'l9S Flr : 303'8!t!'2AX 6SrEpl @!dotrit,EriE |tFlpdtrdn rdld.ffilaG.dttd6rutblddqi.!h.tkradqhdbog.ffir*rnc.l6q&tftD&artdiLcb'fc $cwq n rP6 rru (tt6'-0) rF tat(@rns coro n rP6ttu (t2t-0) a,ro r-gcnns nnflrfr6n0uwAau&TrMIUuflop natvt6'-a 6SrEltl VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL VaiL Colondo Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois ArchitecB, P. C. i5l2 Larh|cr 9tre€t Srldfc ttrl D6rEr Coloc..b AnOz. !ot-193-1990 Fu : lD{r3.22(x Cloila lit l|. 6or.a b r hl|td d lqicc, a'd G srf rqritrU.rqdtdbffi.r!ff.*.c.d!a&and'6nadocrt dsdd !N t 116 qt!'.d fi rm &r6t ltb Dfit idiliit lC l.l Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001-{,28 Construction Documents Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P,C. SECTION I53OO - AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER AND STANDPIPE SYSTEMS PART l.GENEML AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER AND STANDPIPE SYSTEMS RolfJensen and Associates, Inc. SUMMARY Work lncluded l. Provide all materials and labor for the design and installation of new supervised automatic sprinkler and standpipe systems in accordance with the applicable codes and all requirements of this speciffcation. 2. Supply: The systems shall be supplied from the public water supply provided via underground main to the flange inside the building. Work begins at the flange.3. Waterflow Switches: Provide, install and properly adjust sprinkler system supervisory switches and waterflow indicators as required herein.4. Drains: Provide direct piped connections to building drains necessary to drain and test the sprinkler systems, 5. Shields: Install shields necessary to protect electrical equipment from sprinkler discharge.6. Submittals: Prepare and submit shop drawings, record drawings and other submittals required herein. 7 . Tests: Test each new sprinkler system. The Sprinkler contractor shall also attend all ffre alarm tests and smoke control tests to aid in testing sprinkler system monitoring devices. The Contractor shall be responsible for carrying out required tests. The Architect and Authorities Having Jurisdiction may require separate tests. Guarantee: Guarantee all new equipment and systems during installation and for a one-year period after ftnal acceptance of the work by the Architect. Approvals: Obtain all approvals required for the work of this section from all public authorities having jurisdictiory from the project insurer, and from the Architect. Fees: Pay all fees required to obtain permits or approval of this work. Coordination: Coordinate work with other trades working on the project. Underground: Excluded as water supply is provided to flange inside building. Valves: Provide all control valves, and other appurtenance as required for a fulty operable system by the Authority Having Jurisdiction and the contract documents. Unit Additions: Provide additional equipment and labor as described in the Bid Format sheets for the specified unit lump sum prices. Wiring: Excluded, as wiring is provided under the Electrical Division of these specifications. Painting of sprinkler piping: Exduded Related work specified elsewhere l. Supply Piping: Water supply piping to the flange inside the building. Section 15400.2. Alarms: Wiring and connection to sprinkler system alarm and supervisory devices. Section 16720.3. Drains: Floor drains and other facilities for receiving discharge from sprinkler system drains. Section 15400. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. I? 14. 15. I6. 15300 - I t-2 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001-028 Construction Documents Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. AI-TTOMATIC SPRINKLER AND STANDPIPE SYSTEMS Rolf Jensen and Associates. Inc. QUALITYASSUMNCE NFPA Standards: All work shall conform to the requirements of the applicable portions of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standards and Recommended Practices listed herein, as adopted and modified by the Town of Vail. L NFPA 13, 'Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems." 2. NFPA 14, "Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems." 3. NFPA 25, "Standard for the Inspection, Testing and Maintenance ofWater Based Fire Protection Systems.' 4. NFPA 26, "Recommended Practice for the Supervision of Valves Controlling Water Supplies for Fire Protection." All standards enforced will be those found in the current Edition of the National Fire Codes. Governmental Jurisdiction: A1l work and materials shall conform to all Federal, State, and local codes and regulations goveming this installation including the current editions of the Town of Vail Building and Fire Prevention Codes, as modifted or interpreted by the Town of Vail and/or Fire District officials. Code Conflicts: If there is a conflict between the referenced NFPA Standards, Federal, State or local codes and this specification, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to bring the conflict to the attention of the Architect for resolution. Permit Fees: The Contractor shall be responsible for filing a1l documents, paying all fees and securing all permits, inspections and approvals necessary for conducting this work. Equipment: Al1 devices, systems, equipment and materials furnished and installed shall be new and shall be oftypes or models approved by the Architect for use in systems and occupancies ofthis type. Contractor Requirements: The Contractor shall: 1. Hold all licenses and obtain all permits necessary to perform work of this type in Vail, Colorado. Copies of the Contractols licenses shall be provided with bid submittal. 2. Have at least ffve (5) yean of experience in installation of systems of this type and be familiar with all applicable local state and Federal laws and regulations.3. Be regularly engaged in the designs installatioq testing and servicing ofautomatic sprinkler sjrstems. 4. Provide a job site supervisor who is to be present at all times when work is actively in progress. AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGN CRITERIA Densities: Hydraulically calculated wet-pipe sprinkler systems shall be installed, designed to produce discharge densities of: l. 0.10 gpm/ft'over the hydraulically most remote 1,500 f in office areas, classrooms, educational areas, auditorium, libraries, gymnasiums, and exit ways [Lrght Hazard Occupancies).2. 0.15 gpm/ff over the hydnulically most remote 1,500 f in kitchens, small storage rooms, mechanical rooms and mezzanines, and_electrical rooms (Ordina ry Hazard Group I Occupancies). 3. 0,20 gpm/ftt over the hydraulically most remote 1,500 f in stage areas, science laboratories, wood shops. (Ordinary Hazard Group II Occupancies.) D. F. 1-3 15300 - 2 1.4 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001-028 Construction DocumentE Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois ArcNtects, P.C. B. Areas of operation shall be modiffed as follows: I. Wet pipe sprinkler systems installed under sloped ceilings with a pitch exceeding 2" in 12" shall have an area increase of 30% if spray sprinklers tlrat utilize the area/density method to determine their discharge criteria (standard spray upright, pendeng sidewall spray, large drop). 2. Wet pipe sprinkler systems using quick response sprinklers throughout a system or portion of a system having the same hydraulic design basis may reduce the area of operation in accordance with NFPA 13. C. Minimum Standards: The stated densities and application areas are the minimum acceptable. The Contractor shall confirm densities and areas of application with local codes and local authorities as modifications may be needed. D. Combustible Concealed Spaces: Where unsprinklered combustible concealed spaces exis! the adjacent design areas shall be 3,000 square feet. E. General Criteria: The Contractor shall follow the hydraulic design criteria contained in NFPA-I3. F. Hose Stream: The calculations shall include a 100 gpm inside hose stream at the hose valve dosest to the floor control assembly. The combined (inside and outside) hose stream for the calculations shall be 250 gpm. STANDPIPE SYSTEM DESIGN CRITERIA Minimum sizes: All piping supplying standpipe outlets shall be of the following sizes as a minimum. 1. Ginch when supp$ng three or more 2 Yz -inch hose valves. 2. 4-inch when supplying two 2 % -inch hose valves. 3. 2 l/2-inch when supplying one 2 % -inch hose valve. Oudet Locations: Oudets shall be provided: l. On each side of the stage and shall be 2 % -inch outlets with I % -inch reducen with caps. Outlets shall be located as approved by tlre Architect and Town of Vail. Outlets shall be provided in a Hose Valve Cabinet with a Hose Vdve for each outlet. Performance Criteria: The system shall be a dry-manual type system with separate fire department connection (FDC) from that for the automatic sorinklers. SUBMITTALS Procedure: Refer to Section 01300. Shop Drawings: The Contractor will be authorized to start each portion of the work when the shop drawings, catalog cuts and calculations for that portion of the work are received reviewed and approved by the Architect and the Town of Vail Building and Fire Department. Installation prior to these approvals shall be at the risk of the Contractor. l. The Contractor shall submit four (4) sets ofshop drawings, four [4J sets ofcatalog cuts, and four [4) sets of hydraulic calculations to the Architect for approval in accordance with the shop drawing submittal schedule and procedures. A{-ITOMATIC SPRINKLER AND STANDPIPE SYSTEMS Rolf Jensen and Associates, Inc. 1.5 c. B. 15300 - 3 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001-028 Construction Documents Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER AND STANDPIPE SYSTEMS RolfJensen and Associates, Inc. 2. Shop drawings shall show all of the information required by NFPA-I3 for working plans and shall include drawings showing the location of all equipmen! controls, piping valves and drains. The drawings shall also show: Locations of all sway bracing and of flexible couplings installed as flexure joints, and location and diameter of all necessary core drills, pipe ileeves and pipe clearance openings in walls and floors. 3' Shop drawings shall contain a list of all material to be used for the sprinkler system on this project. The manufacturer, trade name and catalog number shall be given for each item.4. Product Data: The Contractor shall submit a product data submittal with the shop drawings: four (4) sets of Manufacturer's Data Sheets showing the type and model of a1l equipment or material proposed. This information shall include type of pipe or tube, hangers, valves, pipe fittings/joining methods, sprinklers, waterflow devices, superviiory devices "rd fir" department connections, escutcheons, and signage. When a Data Sheet shows more than one product, the specific proposed product shall be clearly indicated by arrows or other suitable means.5. Samples: Within l5 days of authorization to proceed the Contractor shall submit to the Architect for approval samples of all types of proposed sprinklers, including types of finishes available and a complete list of where each type and finish will be installed. No such samples shall be installed without approval from the Architect. Installation prior to approval shall bi at the Contractors own risk. 6. Permits: Prior to start of installation, the Contractor shall submit copies of all permits and approvals to the Architect necessary to conduct this work. 7 . Certiffcates: The Contractor shall provide the Architect with one copy of all documents that are reviewed and approved by the local code authorities. These documents shall include but not be limited to, the following: a. Site inspection forms b. Permit drawings c. Final inspection forms All documents shall indude a1l required approval stamps, signatures or other information necessary to properly certi$r that the installation has been reviewed and accepted by the Town of Vail Building and Fire Departments. 8. Operation and Maintenance Manual: The Contractor shall provide the Owner with a looseleaf manual containing: I l" x 17" reduced copies ofthe record drawings required below. Copy ofNFPA 13. Copy ofNFPA 25. Copy of all test certificates and approvals. A list of recommended spare parts. Sewice directory. 9. Draft O&M Manual: Within 60 days of authorization to proceed, the Contractor shall submit to the Architect two (2) copies of the draft manual for approval (excluding test certificates and drawings. 10. Final o&M Manual: within 30 days of the completion of the work, copies of the approved manual with reduced drawings and test certificates shall be delivered to t}re Architect. I l. Record Drawings: The Contractor shall provide and maintain on the site an up-toiate record set of approved shop drawing prints whicir shall be marked to show each and every change made to the sprinkler system from the original approved shop drawings. This shall not be construed as authorization to deviate from or make changes to the shop drawings approved by the Architect without written instruction from the Architect in each case. This set of drawinsi shall be used only as a record set.12- Final Submittal: Upon review ofthe blueline record drawings, before final approval, one set of reproducible mylar record drawings and additional sets of blue line record drawings shall be delivered to the Architect. a. b. d. f 15300 - 4 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001-t128 Construction Documents Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. I.6 DELTVERY,STORAGE,ANDHANDLING A. The Contractor shall be responsible for all receiving handling and storage of his materials at the job site. Use of loading docks, service driveways, and freight elevators shall be coordinated with the Architect. 1.7 RUBBISH REMOVAL A. Contractor shall remove rubbish and debris resulting from his work on a daily basis from the work site. Rubbish not removed by the Contractor may be removed by the Architect and back charged to the Contractor. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 7.1 GENEML A All equipment and system components fumished and installed shall be new and of first quality, and be listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc, or approved by Factory Mutual (FM) for theirlntended use. AII such equipment and system components shall be installed within the limitations of the respective UL listings or FM approvals. 7.7 PIPEAND FITTINGS A' Sprinkler system piping or tubing shall meet the requirements of NFPA 13. Contractor shall base his bid on the use ofany one or a combination of the following: l. Thinwall Pipe: Schedule l0 Pipe meeting ASTM A-53, A-135 or A-795 requirements with: a. Mechanical grooved pipe couplings and ffttings for roll grooved pipe sizes 2 7z -inches and larger. b. Plain-end pipe couplings and ffttings for pipe sizes l-inch through 2-inches, inclusive.c. Threaded ffttings for tubing specifically listed for such uses and installed in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations and listing requirements,2. Schedule 40 Pipe: Schedule 40 Pipe meetingASTMA-53, A-135, andA-795 requirements with: a. Threaded pipe couplings and ffttings b. Mechanical grooved pipe couplings and fittings for roll or cut pipe sizes 2 l/2-inches and larger. c. Plain-end pipe couplings and ftttings for pipe sizes l-inch through 2-inches, inclusive. 3. XL Pipe: Allied XL pipe meeting ASTM A-135 requirements with: a. Threaded pipe couplings and ffttings and tubing speciffcally ltsted for such uses and installed in accordance with the manufacturen recommendations and listing requirements. 4. Copper Tube: Copper tube and fittings as listed in NFPA 13. All joints for the connection of copper tube shall be brazed except that soldered joints shall be permitted in accordance with NFPA I3. AI.ITOMATIC SPRINKLER AND STANDPIPE SYSTEMS T53OO - 5 Rolf Jensen and Associates, Inc. Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001-{128 Construction Documents Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. a. Joints shall be properly cleaned with approved abrasives or wire brushes; self-cleaning fluxes are not to be used. b. For soldered joints: Only use a mildly corrosive soldering paste, containing zinc and ammonium chlorides. c. For brazed joints: Use free-flowing braising ffller metal (6% silver). d. Solder shall be 95-5 Tin-Antimony ASTM Standard B-32, Alloy Grade 95TA. e. At connections between copper piping systems and ferrous piping approved type dielectric separation shall be provided. f. UL listed grooved ftttings and couplings shall also be acceptable when installed within the limits o[ their listing. 5. Pressure ratings: Pressure ratings of all ffttings shall meet or exceed maximum working pressures available within the system. 6. Corrosion protection: All piping and hangers where exposed to the weather or installed in a corrosive atmosphere shall be protected against corrosion. 2.3 CONTROLAND DMIN VALVES A Types: Sprinkler rystem control and drain valves shall be the following types: I . O.S.&Y. gate valves. 2. Butterfly valves that are approved for use in sprinkler systems. 3. Butterfly valves with integral valve supewisory switches, whose entire assembly is approved for use in sprinkler systems. B. Listing: All valves must be UL listed or FM approved for their intended use. l. Signs: All water supply control valves and drain valves shall be permanendy marked with metal signs to show their function and sprinkler system zone which they serve. C. Pressure Ratings: Pressure ratings of all valves shall meet or exceed maximum working pressures available within the system. D. Supervision: All control valves shall be locked and electrically supervised. L Locks: All valves shall be provided with a breakaway shackle lock (and chain if required). All locks shall be keyed the same. Provide Architect with a minimum of four (4) keys on ring appropriately marked. E. Access Panels: Provide and install access panels (minimum size l2-inches by l2-inches) for all control valves located above finished ceilings or concealed in walls. Architect will select ffnish of access panels. Access panels installed in fire resistive construction shall be of the types required for maintaining proper protection of assembly. AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER AND STANDPIPE SYSTEMS 15300 - 6 RolfJensen and Associates, Inc. 2.4 Vsil Mountain School ProJect Number 2001428 Construction Documents Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. SPRINKLERS Types: Automatic sprinklers shall be of the following types: l. Recessed pendent sprinklers shall be installed in all public areas witrh finished ceilings.2. Architect will select sprinklers from those supplied by the Contractor as sample for installation in the main entry areas, classrooms, library, and corridors.3. Standard upright or pendent sprinklers shall be installed in non-public, unfinished areas. Final Selection: The Architect will select ffnishes for all automatic sorinklers and escutcheons from samples of available ffnishes supplied by Contractor. Uniformity: All sprinklers within a space shall be from t}le same manufacturer and have the same heat response elemen! including temperature rating and response characteristics. Temperature Rating: It shall be the Contractods responsibility to install sprinklers of the proper temperature rating as required by NFPA 13. Corrosion Resistance: Sprinklers located on exterior piping systems, or located in corrosive atmospheres shall be corrosion resistant, Sprinkler Escutcheons: Escutcheons shall be metal and be listed with the sprinklers for recessed sprinkler locations. Sprinkler Oriffce: All sprinklers shall be standard orifice sprinklers (l/2" orifice) unless speciffcally approved otherwise. FIRE DEPARTMENT HOSE VALVES AND CABINETS Fire Department hose valves shall have a polished brass ffnish and shall be installed in a flush mounted cabinet with full glass door and clearances as required by the ffre departmenL Size: All fire department hose valves shall be 2 l/2-inches and shall be threaded as required by the ftre department. Confirm local size requirements. Bracing: The valve supply piping shall be braced securely to the building structure. Cabinet finish: Architect will select cabinet ffnish from information supplied by the Contractor. IDENTIFICATION SIGNS Contractor shall fumish and install hydraulic calculation signs for each new sprinkler zone. Contractor shall also provide identiftcation signs for all valves installed under this section. Required Information: Hydraulic calculation signs shall include all information indicated in Figure 4.16.5 of Appendix A" NFPA 13. Valve identiftcation signs shall identifu the function of the valve and the area served. AIJTOMATIC SPRINKLER AND STANDPIPE SYSTEMS RolfJensen and Associates. Inc. A B. D. 2.5 F. G. A B. c. D. 2.6 A. 15300 - 7 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001-l)28 Construction I)ocuments Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. C. DescriPtion: Signs shall be rigid flat steel or aluminum plaques with embossed enamel background and lettering. Signs shall be secured by chain or durable wire to each sprinkler zone control valve, or in an obvious location specifically approved by the Architect. 2.7 SUPERVISORY AND AI.A.RM EQUIPMENT All waterflow and valve supewisory switches shall be furnished, installed and properly adjusted by the sprinkler contractor. Wiring and alarm monitoring of these devices will be by others. Contacts: All waterflow and valve supervisory switches shall be provided with two "Form C' (D.P.D.T.) contacts for monitoring. Speciffc contact rating shall be coordinated with the fire alarm contractor. Waterflow Switches: Vane-type waterflow indicators shall be provided to indicate waterflow in each new sprinkler system zone. Supervisory Switches: Valve supervisory switches shall be provided for all valves controlling the water supply to any portion of the sprinkler system. Loop Type Switches: Valve supervisory switches shall be the yoke mounted or integral type. Contractor shall not use remote mounted, wire loop type switches. BACKFLOW PREVENTERS Backflow preventer shall be an UL listed double check valve type. The assembly shall have two spring- loaded independently operating poppet-type valves mounted in a common body between rwo OS&Y gate valves. The assembly shall have four test cocks and shall be designed for installation in a horizontal or vertical flow attitude in accordance with its approval listing. MISCELI.A,NEOUS PRODUCTS Pressure Gauges: Pressure gauges shall be UL listed 4 l/Z-inch minimum dial type gauges with a maximum limit of not less than twice the normal working pressure at the point installed. All gauges shall be provided with a shut-off valve fuauge-cock). Exterior Light and Hom: Exterior light and horn shall be UL listed and shall be outside weatherproof electric alarm at tle ffre entry assembly, consisting ofaudible hom and visual light Fire Department Connection: A ffre department connection shall be installed at a location approved by the Town of Vail Fire Department for their access. Additionat approval of the location is required by the Architect. Connection shall be UL listed and complete with clappers, Town of Vail hose threads, caps and chains. Wall plate shall have l-inch high letters and read 'AUTO SPKLR'for the automatic sprinkle-r system. A separate wall plate for the fire department connection of the dry-manual standpipe system for the stage shall also have l-inch high letters and read'STANDPIPE". c. D. 2.8 2.9 A A. AT.TTOMATIC SPRINKLER AND STANDPIPE SYSTEMS RolfJensen and Associates, Inc. 15300 - 8 3.1 Vail Mountain School ProJect Number 2001-{128 Construction Documents Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois .A,rchitects, P-C. PART 3-EXECUTION AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER AND STANDPIPE SYSTEMS Rolf Jensen and Associates, Inc. WORKING CONDITIONS It shall be the Contracto/s responsibility to inspect the drawings and become familiar with the conditions under which the work will be performed. Working Hours: AII work may be conducted during normal working hours. Construction Meetings: The Contractor shall be responsible for attending any weekly construction coordination meetings with the Architect. PREPAMTION FORWORK Cooperation with other trades: The sprinkler Contractor shall coordinate with the work ofthe other trades _towards the general purpose of having the construction progress as rapidly and as smoothly as possible with a minimun of interference between trades. Openings, cutting and patching: Before the start of Structural Work, the sprinkler Contractor shall submit instructions for openings and penetrations required for his work to th; Architect Instructions sh41 be flrbject to the Architect's approval. The sprinkler Contractor shall provide any subsequent additional penetrations or openings or relocation required but not delineated in his instructions at no additional cost to the Architect. Approval prior to installation: No work shall commence prior to approval of shop drawings by the Architect. Any change in work that has been installed prior to approval of the shop drawings shall be made without additional compensation to the Contractor. GENEML INSTALI.q,TION Aesthetics shall be a primary consideration when installing sprinklers and sprinkler piping. The Contractor to the Architect's satisfaction shall revise anv fecet of sprinkler installation that does not meet with the Architect's approval. Holes: All holes made by the contractor in any wall, ceiling or floor shall be patched by the Contractor, restoring the wall ceiling, floor or member to its original conditioq ffre resistance and integrity. General Locations: Location of all equipment, controls, piping, valves and drains shall be subject to Architect's approval. Special Installation lnstructions: All sprinklers and equipment shall be installed in accordance witrh manufacture/s instructions. All special tools recommended by the manufacturer shall be used. Detectors Distances: Sprinklers permanently installed shall be installed with the deflector to ceiling distances in accordance with NFPA I 3. B. c. 3.2 B. C. A. c. D. 15300 - 9 3.4 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001-028 Construction Documents Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois .4,rchitects, P.C. AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER AND STANDPIPE SYSTEMS Rolf Jensen and Associates, Inc. PIPING All sprinkler piping installed in public areas or non-public areas with suspended ceilings shall be concealed in the walls, ceilings or sofffts. Pipe in unffnished areas may be expoied. Escutcheon Plates: All exposed pipe which passes through a wa[ ceiling or floor shall be provided with escutcheon plates. Minimum Height: Al1 exposed piping and devices shall be installed as high as possible, but no less than 7-fbet O-inches above the finished floor in trafftc or working areas, and so as not to obstruct any portion of a window, doorwan stairway or passageway, and shall noi interfere with the operation or acieisibility of any mechanical plumbing or electrical equipmenL Operating Chains: Valves controlling water supply to the sprinkler systems shall be less than 7-feet 0- inches above the finished floot when speciffcally approved by the Architec! they may be higher if they are provided with operating chains. Protection: The Contractor shall provide Architect approved adequate permanent protection for any installed piping,_ valves, devices or accessories, which, in the Architect's opinion, are rubject to physical damage or may be hazards. Sealant: Pipe which passes through fire-resistive barriers (including shaft walls) shall be sleeved and grouted or sealed to maintain the integrity and rating of the ffre resistive barrier. SYSTEM TESTAND DRAIN CONNECTIONS The sprinkler subcontractor shall provide all test valves and drain connections as required by NFPA 13. Discharge: All test connections and drain connections shal1 be hard piped to discharge wasre warer directly into a floor drain. The sprinkler contractor shall route the pipe and modifi, any floor drain Srates as necessary to minimize splashing due to discharge. In locations where the Architect allows, the drain may discharge with a down turned elbow at the building exterior. In these locations the contractor shall provide a concrete splash block to protect the landscaping. RISERS The Contractor shall locate the standpipes for the sprinkler system in order to minimize obstruction to traffic or building operations. Exact location of risers shali be approved by the Architect. Refer to Mechanical drawings for fire entry location. Zoning: The fire sprinkler system shall be zoned on a per floor basis and divided into zones as necessary for system size limits identiffed in NFpA I3. Supervisory Switches: Valve supervisory switches shall be provided on all valves controlling water supply to the ffre sprinkler system, including valves located at -backflow preventers. B. D. F. 3.5 B. 3.6 15300 - l0 3.7 3.8 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001428 Comtrucdon Documents Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. 3.10 A. FLUSHING AND SANITIZATION Prior to connecting the sprinkler piping with trhe underground main, the Contractor shall verif' that the main has been flushed and sanitized in accordance with NFPA l3 and the Health Deoartment and the water company's standards. TRA]NING The Contractor shall conduct two (2) training sessions of four (4) hours each to familiarize the building personnel with the features, operation and maintenance of the sprinkler and standpipe systems. Training sessions shall be scheduled by the Architect at a time mutually agreeable to the Contractor, Owner and the Architect Agenda: The Contractor shall submit a proposed training agenda for the Architect's review and approval within 60 days of authorization to proceed. The proposed training agenda shall include, but not be limited to, the following: l. Ovewiew of system operation. Z. Overview of system equipment and device locations. 3. Detailed operation guidelines. 4. Detailedmaintenanceprocedures. 5. Periodic testing procedures. Final Agenda: The Contractor shall submit the ftnal approved training agenda 14 days prior to the ffrst training session. SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS Sprinkler piping on any floor level may cross building structural separations such as expansion and seismic joints, provided that the piping is specifically designed with flexible connections at each crossing and able to accommodate the calculated differential motions during an earthquake, but not less than a minimum of 4-inches. All required structural, differential movement and drift calculations shall be prepared by a licensed structural engineer possessing current State of Colorado registration. (Contractor shall verifu locations of seismic joints.) SWAY BRACING FLEXIBT.E COUPLINGS, HANGERS All flexible couplings, hangers and sway bracing shall be designed and installed as required by NFPA l3 (including all appendices). Flexlbility, internal pressure, and differential movement 6etween the piping and building earth, or other supporting structure(s) shall be allowed for, so that no allowable stress is exceeded in any member. FINAL INSPECTION AND TEST The Contractor shall make arrangements with the Architect for final inspection and witnessing of the final acceptance tests. The Architect and the Fire Protection Consultant will conduct the final inspection and witness the ffnal acceptance test. This test shall be separate from testing by the local authorities- 3.1 I ALNOMATIC SPRINKLER AND STANDPIPE SYSTEMS Rolf Jensen and Associates, Inc. A. B. 3.9 A 15300 - 1l Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001-028 Construction Documents Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. B. Required Tests: All tests and inspections required by the referenced Codes and Standardg the Town of Vail Fire Prevention Bureau and Building Department and the Architect shall be performed by the Contractor under this scope of work. I. When local code aut-horities are required to witness tests, the Contractor shall be responsible for making a1l necessary arrangements with the code authorities and coordinating the work with the Architect. 2. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining all test documents with necessary approval stamps and signatures of the code authorities. The Contractor shall submit one copy ofeach of these documents to the Architect. C. Notice: Contractor shall provide at least ftve (5) wo*ing day's notice for all tests. D. Final Approval: Final approval and acceptance of the work will be given by the Architect when: l. The completed sprinkler systems have been inspected, tested and approved by the Architect and the Town of Vail Building and Fire Departments.2. Required submittals, system operation and maintenance manuals, record drawingg spare parts, special tools and training have been provided to, reviewed and accepted by the Architect. 3.I2 RECETVINGANDHANDLING A. The Contractor shall be responsible for all receiving, handling and storage of his materials at the job site. Use of loading docks, service driveways, and freight elevators shall be coordinated with the ArchitecL 3.I3 RUBBISH REMOVAL A. Contractor shall remove rubbish and debris resulting from his work on a daily basis from the work site. Rubbish not removed by the Contractor may be removed by the Architect and backcharged to the Contractor. END OF SECTION I53OO AI-TTOMATIC SPRINKLERAND STANDPIPE SYSTEMS I53OO - 12 Rolf Jensen and Associates, Inc. *W' EXHAUST FAN SCHEDULE c(xx 18 cv-s VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Veil, Colorado Klipp Cotussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. t5'12 Larimer Street Bridge Levet Oeover Cotor.do 80202, 303-893'1990 Fd(:303{93-22tx slE Addendum I Oolpr'f ml ft bl b $ a*u rl o, s*r. qra.. sr[ criiE b. FFtt d fr rru n *cr la * d ia ncrd i hftd od.a !. ohdld q4't irbt q!!r|!f dr rF odq tt [ait rtdi'dr '( U\Cd6t Pr0i!ct{75ll.O vd llddrn Sd'o0N5ll.0\trC C0dd\6ll0llu0l.&g Ioy 21. z(x|t IERAL NOTES: NT :MENT PING. AND IRE, noN t ONS 11.MAKE FINAL CONNECTIONS TO ALL KITCHEN EQUIPMENT. PIPE INDIRECT WASTE FROM EQUIPMENT TO FLOOR DRAINS AND FLOOR SINKS. REFER TO KITCHEN PLANS FOR EXACT LOCATION OF ROUGH INS AND INDIRECT WASTE PIPING REQUIREMENTS. REFER TO FOOD SERVICE DRAWINGS FOR EXACT LOCATIONS AND ADDITIONAL MECHANICAL REOUIREMENTS. PROVIDE DUAL TEMPERATURE HOT WATER, COLD WAIER, STEAM, DUCTWORK, GAS, POWER, INTERLOCKS, CONIROL, ETC. AS REQUIRED BY THE FOOD SERVICE EOUIPMENT SUPPLIER. SEE ARCHITECTURAL REFLECTED CEILING PLAN FOR ALL CEILING PENETRATIONS AND AIR DEVICE LOCATIONS. 12. i5. 14.COORDINATE ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL, FIRE PROTECTION, ELECTRICAL, LANDSCAPING, AND INTERIOR DESIGN DRAWINGS PRIOR TO STALLANON. 16.ALL DU DIMENSIONS AREA. DUCT LINER ACCOUNTED FOR. 17.SUPPORT PIPE WTH ROD AND CLEVIS, R|NG HANGERS, TRAPEZE. OR CLAMPS. NO PIPE TAPE ALLOWED. ALL HANGERS SHALL BE SIZED FOR OD OF INSULATION, IF ANY. PROTECT INSULATED LINES WITH 20 GA SHEET METAL SHIELDS FOR PIPING 1_1 /12,' AND LESS. PROVIDE CALCIUM SILICATE INSULANON INSERTS FOR ALL IHsuuTEO PIPING 2" AND LARGER. MAINTAIN VAPOR EARRIER ON ALL COLD LINES. ISOLATE BARE COPPER LINES FROM HANGERS WTH V1BRASORB OR EOUIVALENT, COPPER COATED HANGERS ARE NOT SUFFICTENT, WRAPPING PIPE WTH TAPE NOT ACCEPTABLE. REFER TO PLUMBING FIXTURE CONNECTION SCHEDULE FOR PIPE SIZES TO INDIVIDUAL PLUMBING FIXTURES. TTINGitN6" BY LOORSioF TEST UIT, ]ONDUIT IESCENT CABLE. 18. Rmuun A ^,"H:mEEIEI*.'g g!E*" 15. MOUNT ALL 4'-6'' A.F.F. COORDINATE LOCATION WTH WALL FINISH, AND TO AVOID CASEWORK, FURNITURE, DOOR SWINGS, HEAT SOURCES, AND EXTERIOR WALLS. COORDINATE INSTALLATION LOCATION WTH ARCHITECT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. REPORT ALL CONFLICTS TO ENGINEER. m|fl: $H CHECKID BY: l{Ou DRAWING NUMBER SERIES mE 5i2iloi scflE N0 scllr HIE Adendum I 5123103 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBols Architects, P. C. 1512 Larimer Str€€t Btldge Levet oenver Cotorddo 80202, 303-893'190 Fax:303{91-22M nmExE ll0.t mnc iltm MX2ARC1I PR0J. N0.: 2001-028.00 ei;+?OlI;eqr.fit.l{r6t.tsrtia.icd..rlraLFFN0,htffdhiri!bcditeqrdadde{aLdndd*hr{.qd-fPCdqJ*la*ldildrfi lj\Golttl PrlFtvsll.O rd lqddr 5dE0\t5l lot\et oddv5llt}l5ol.drf rot 21, m l\?[iilftffi?l 'o 11fl:r5iEE I usls lr iw[ )l Roiri,, I - | lellm.wl "" 1",&Ttri ff' l\--ro,* -+n,, l-_._.-._.13l@i r{'( | I I '# | *sNi-,. |ffitr-[ffiLi' l\ folu+^xr| "" lm'" I "ffi | ru l(wlx'1,--^---*f II l@l ffi | lryr*l ffi | ,ffi | | | lel resl I | ** I ss | | | lel ; l cnrur us€PA lo fo E'PI.I lo aEtuirl lq srFrr 2- le IEIUII ^ lq gIPlY I,l fA lEsro.{ | | | srlrrss I orv crev | - | hl /;\IIPP!Y +'Hf *#:l::==F ec m $-i5 | ryi==F:*-t -l-:'=::- ^ f 0s ^rraJsrl\j:/l sr|( | - | Pn'6 | '.^ | z-rror | | - | I Ylo g.PP!Y lq ifl|ft l/a EIrl|.rst6,|r a rya.9a!!\:./ Cdl _wnHffi* WH" il4ffi gf: EPH CHIO(ED BY: [lDt ilrE s/23l03 SCIIE NO SCATI ESIE ld&ndum I 5l9l0l VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larimet Steet Eridge l€yel. Ilenyer Colorado 80m2, lol-E9l-lEx, Fax : 301-893-220,1 NEEErc8 ilO.I ffil|m MX3ARCH. PROJ. t0.: 2001-028.0( PARTIAL BASEMENT LEVEL PIPING PLAN *:wifu HX-I $lE lP'= 1-0' VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail. Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architecb, P. C. 1512 Larimer Street Sridge Le./eL oc.v€r Color.do E0202, 303-693-1990 Fax:303-693-22q sxE lddendum I Wfmlti'O-nlb!|du!.dol!ai!,lrdcrr\rrrrilhprO.rt.at|ldihd.ffir|{cdfitact'trdbft{datd.!tbdrid!*rt|rltttryldEffl'r'9Co&q&i6m&fni&drR U\Golddt trd..b\7511.00 tld lhddr Sdroo$5ll0l\m Codff5ll0l$Il0.drg rot 21, 200t Y."CW/HW & 6"HWR 6"Hws/DN I AND-1jilte-flf --- Il II,.2-- UH-I, UNITI HEATER. SUPPORT FROM STRUCTURE VIA VIBRATION-r ^ lsolLAToRs.li€14) i I --.LtZ----J- HWS Vt" th"w uP1 I l!a"w DN. o STAGECRAFI@ L---H I-----J )r I4 coMBtNE F|RE/DOMEST|C WATER ENTRANCE. IREFER TO CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR CONTINUATION. PARTIAL PIPING PLAN *:ffiltMAIN LEVEL AREA A DOMESNC WATER,/FIRE ENTRY. BEFE_R _Lo_ QTAGBAMS @, @pN SHEET M4.r0. 9t8l/8'=l-0' NIE &ldendum I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 tarimer Str€et B.idgd Lc\ el Denwr Coto.ado E|1202, 303-E93-1990 Fax : 303-893-22(N ettri$l &t B eq4.f a. hht'd ol.atu od G rd! |rrrt|t [t F!t!t.l n? rE*d klilir h |' oa F dBrEt a md dd.o b ddd dt t rtlF oftr'lf |l| fF Cdq J.ls 0fti dldr R L\C!flE [ni[lsv5ll.(I} Vd hrndt S.h0\751tol\8ffi Codd\75|uuQzl"drg rq 2t. 2Ot + A I I I tltltl PARTIAL BASEMENT *:ffi,LEVEL HVAC PLAN UNIT HEATER. MOUNIT STRUCruRE VIA VIBRhTION Io*lolifttu* ro otrfmo ' I sNowMELT Henr rxfnnrcrn. TO DRAwrNpr IrFHEF At4.10. LLL\,,1 [f \,AL $lE l/a'= l'-0' lslE Add€ndum I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larlmer Street Bridge Level oenver Cotorado &]202, 303-E93-1990 Fax: 10l{93.2204 q|''|igllfDtEH'.ra&Ftdri+oiG!n,t{irbFFltJhru.Pcrit Ic0,|irHaUd!dchdltadqtdlrq!.!r.i5ne Cdq 56 Ub fdldr fl U\Cddat Pn;ct\rfl lfn Yd lqd0h Sdrd\r5llJl\ffi Cdd\i5llilu:n0.&q lq 21, zfl|! iT195 24x24 TYP, 2 DC-66 DC-72 6Ox22 1O"O RA DUCT UP IN CHASE. (o x{N N PARTIAL BASEMENT LEVEL HVAC PLAN NIE Addendum I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. l5l2 Lrimer Sgeet &|dge L€let D6rv6 Cotorado 802D, 303-893.1990 Fax: $3-893-22(N WZmlEb-arhhrd.trigrdqrr[r!ri5lrrtrtt.an?rdbdPtdablcdEdo|!daHllrabcHdqtr t rytr'r{ $ rp odrt fd! [L rdrd{ l L\oddct BlFts\isll.O lU lur*'n sdoN5ll.0l\ffi C0d!\75ll0ll8j20dq lot A, zOJ --l--l:--- 22"6 S^ DUCT UP IN CHASE. I I llL-- ri--i_-___ PARTIAL BASEMENT LEVEL HVAC PLAN $[E l7a''= | -0' VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Ladmer Street Eridge tevet l'€nv€r Col6ado 80202, 301.893-19t0 Fax : 303{93'220'{ NIE Mdendum I htrl Onfit aaEf b o lffi d r*r !i c rd\ n{it h FlF .lbHad.l!*rirlrsdLdaHddrot.ttidof t tk.I.r'trf a rp Cdtt Jds 0tb Atfld, R L:\Go56r Prli.*Vsll.m t/d lqdd SdroN5rlnl\8ffi CodAr5ll0lqt20.dr9 lqt 21, 2mJ RETURN AIR OPENING LOCATED N \€RTICAL FACE OF STAGE. 1O''O R.A. RISER IN CHASE. THRUST ll1r4l O"O R.A. RTSER IN CHASE. 22"O S.A. RISER IN CHASE.22"0 S.A. RISER IN CHASE. SIAGI@ 20"o FLUE TYPE "PS" BOILER lN 28x28 CLEAR SHAFT. 56x24 o.A. DUCT UPIDN. PARTIAL HVAC PLAN MAIN LEVEL AREA A VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail. Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 tarimer Street Sridge L6ret O€nve. Cotorado E0202, 301-893-19$ Fax:303-E93'Z2(X EgE lddendun I eftidtffiEa!fltdbqthdrrE{gl!rti!.qn0rtdrtq!d!lrr.Art{ablrdibdSrfrbtr0lEdcrEtbhtlddtd(!lh&td!datttttDqtltEfftff9C4lq&fQqAi'Hilds,fi L\C05q| ft!i!d{6ll.O Ifl lhd& SdrooNSllnl\m Coddv5ll0luj?lrq l&t 2l.zltrJ I --tArR- @ DIFFUSERS IN THIS AREA LOCATED tN FLOOR. REFERI rO SHEET M3.10 FOR SUPPLY DUqTWORK. I a PARTIAL HVAC PLAN MAIN LEVEL AREA A $[E t/s''= t'-0' 6gE lddendum I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. l5l2 l-rrlmer Street Eridge L€vet D€nver Cotorado 80202, 303-893-1990 Fax : 303-891-22(X ffifi. mCI. N.: 2ffi1 O'dfl mtd.ra a F idtrd ol !6ir, ra G ]d. .rrdr h mt d h,td.d F!|*!b lr |' d 6t t rEt a Hd rd.6 b d !t t r n qE[!f fi trF Cdrq' 5a ltlit frtfldt, fi U\Colddt frliccbvsl l.m W lqrfth Sdlo\t5llnl\8Gtr Coddv5ll0llfiJ?l.drg rot 21, 200J **Eil - 'il € 48x20 R.A. DUCT -.) ?ol uP rN CHASE. / | PARTIAL HVAC PLAN MAIN LEVEL AREA B 6SE Add€ndum 1 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail. Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuEois Architects, P. C. l5l2 Larimer Street Brldge Level De$/er Colorado 80m2,303.891-1990 Fax:303-891-229 clt'Iifi mlL a6ntd l o lEhrir{ oa r*+ rd o. !t!r '.nft gr Fltdt 0l h! Md" llirir lr r! d frt doqrd l Hd !'d @ b # qt t itt .Er.tC df q? odq,Irra [ll* r.dtldx R U\Gdd$ ftlirt\75ll"m W thrtd' SdroNlrll\m{I Cddv5lr0r!6?1dq edr 2r. 2mJ 22x12 S.A. DUCT TO DRAWNG 1, M3.27 FOR CON 50x26 S,A. MEZZANINE DRAWING 1, FOR CONNNUA 24x24 PARTIAL HVAC PLAN MAIN LEVEL AREA C e{ r+(\ VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larlmer Street Eridge Le\€l Deft€r Color.do 60m2,303-E9l-1990 Fax:303-893'22(X stE Mdendum I mf,t run td !r i*dd ric. irrO, -*f tndtehktld.nrfi.lrcoaEt dbddrd€!t doltdhqlrd arrc{tqJ*0AalHr[. R L:\Cob ft!icls\?5ll.U, Yd toddt sdodt5ll.0\0Ct 0!dv5ll0ll[.l2J.ilr9 rq 21. m! ROOF WITH DUCTWORK TO KITCHEN HOODS. SIZE TO BE \ERTFTED W/ KTTCHEN CON AFTER SELECTION. I I] ANT 1o', PARTIAL HVAC PLAN *:ffi,MAIN LEVEL AREA C x 9.dF SlEl/8'=l-0'NNft tPH 0|EC1G0 SY: llDlf VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larlmer Street Srldge l-eve{ D€nver Cotorado E0ru2, 103-t93-19!r0 Fax:303.$l'22(X slE Addmdum I oog'i Af lit hEf b q| i!firrl d !*r or.i $i,.nri! l| Fltdt d b ttdiH. kdrir b c ol h ddrtrt l dld dd Gar b tdg|6 lrt t ilkt o'trld s fff, od!!t Jda 0ftit rdft.t, R L\oddcr ftli.cb\All.m W ro'rtdr Sdro.|\t5llnl\SE Cdd\6||0luIJJr! Iry ?1, 2tn$ ELEVATOR SHAFT VENT. MOTORIZED DAMPER AT TOP OF ELEVATOR SHAFT. oo C{ z-5 Fi4n F=lt9 6u <- f...:J sluDio +- l-l 24x24 7- 12x12,/ll PARTIAL HVAC PLAN BtrffiT' UPPER LEVEL AREA A WW'*,& lffi ct tPH SltfiED SY: ilDl,$f,El/8'=l-0' VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Kllpp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. l5l2 L.rirr|€r Street Bridge Level. Derwe. Cotorado 80202, 303{93-190 Fax : 303-E93-22(x NIE lddendum I oDdffd&|I'bnsliriffioas*r,sdct!6,fln-hlq.q.,i.d.dPrilinh|!0lttiqrEtbtrdd.orhdclttilhotlrlrldiECOllqJ.ftllftldib.lxR u\Go.dil Pr!ii|t5vs .0o Yd ro'll(il sdr0oN5lr.0l\8ctr codd\6ll0l$cn{Jrg llq 21, 2oJ KILN EXHAUST HOOD & FAN PROVIDED BY }orHERS. I ROUTE SA DUCT STRUCTURE. KEEP SA TIGHT TO ROOF STRU --1t/r ) - RoUtrE 18"0 SA TTGHT ROOF RIDGE. REFER TO FOR EXACT LOCATION. - -G,^\--./--1448x18 R.A. DUCT DN IN CHASE. 44x18 S.A. DUCT DN rN ClAlE. PARTIAL HVAC PLAN W', UPPER LEVEL AREA A fiffi{T* 1Lt; $f,El/8'=l-0' VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBols Architects, P. C. l5l2 Larimer Street Brldge Le\€|, Denver Colorado 802m, 301-E93-1990 Fax:103-893'2m4 NIE Addendum I o{tul aE|Edsd a o i!hn'.d 0l..ni., rrt a rrt Rb f. Feqt.t lrffi. k**r lrs d b ad b nd d.! t dd at t rlhn !t!d - Iit odit &tb e frddr fi tj\Goldlr ?r!i{ft\r5ll.m H Uqntdr Sd$0N51l.ol\Bqt C0ddv5li0ll062{Jr9 rst 21, not ROOF, SEE DIAGRAM @, El3 EF_l7, EXHAUST FAN SMOKE EXHAUST FAN 24x1824x18 20.'O TYPE "PS'' BOILER FLUE DN. MAINTAIN 3'' 84x24 DUCT UP FROM AS HIGH AS POSSIBLE ABOVE BACK WALL OF UVA'TNYA\,: SCALE:1/8" PLAN UPPER LEVEL AREA A = 1'-0" PARTIAL HVAC PLAN UPPER LEVEL AREA A PROVIDE SOUND BAFFEL WTHIN VERTICAL DUCT. VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colusry Jenks DuBoir ArchitecG, P. C. t5l2 l-arinE Street kidge Level Deover Cotorado 80202, 303{9}1990 Far : 3o3-893-2ZX NIE Addmdum I &'|ifi 2Ol li t d b d i*qn t ol F!i(t, qld € d! td! U. f.qrb !a h tld.d Fflrair la B.l ltr tqid'B nd o{ Gar h ffi qt ry it|tr oEr.ld rnl fF Cd!ry Jdl6 |la& |H.dr R L\Gddi P0l.clr\75 .00 rrd routdr Sdroovst ltlr\fict codd\t5ll0ltflJzl.d4 rq ?1. 2m5 t Cr.l c{ {E a el:it- 160 15x15 TYP. 2 I I I--- I <- ut 24 ryil"'*t$ PARTIAL HVAC PLAN UPPER LEVEL AREA B *:wi, srE lddendum I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 La.lner Street Bridge Levet Derryer Colo.ado E0201, 303-E93''1990 Fax: 303-893-22(X qDddttrIEl.eqrE{'!oiEltnd!,nir,mdo!14md!['.Frt.rtrhtd-P!|idrfrt1iol0;eanribfda{.Drb..rbndGttntl6rotlalgf|l!rlpcd6tJ*04*|'dikrs.R lj\Gdar P&i$Vsll.o Vd lhrtdr SdFdV5l l.l}l\ffi C.odd\tsl l0tuj25"dr9 loy 21, fl01 t ,no 24x24 TYP. 4 I ? Ho ;y#r OH,GH-"-H I E+@r PARTIAL HVAC PLAN UPPER LEVEL AREA B NIE Addendum I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. | 512 larimer Street Eridge Levet oenver Cotorado &1202, 303-893.19$ Fax:303-$3-2201 oqdtf ml li h a ei i*tnEt ol !6'tt,.a G lrl.!ldr f FFb ol It hil.d. tsi$ lr l' d ti aoid b Hd od a l d|S tN f rth ott ttaahCdltl-0fl.ffir R tj\G{ah Eoids\isll.m td hdfi SdldVsll0l\BCC Cqddvsll0lul5ftg Iq 21. 2OJ 90 Da_nn 12x12 12"@ DUCT DN TO 18" PLENUM, TYP. 6. 18"0 RA DUCT TO PLENUM. REFER TO ARCH DRAWNG FOR DETAIL. 22X22 EXHAUST DUCT RAN IN ATTIC. PARTIAL HVAC PLAN *:ffi,UPPER LEVEL AREA B t-tllIItl tlgo=l----->J 24x24 T\P. 4 stE Addendum I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBok Archftects, P. C. 1512larirnerst eet f.idge l-evet Deft€r Colondo 80m2, l0l-A'3-1990 Fax:303-8l}]-Zq 0qtifl20lfdaoi*!ddrirqnor!4nriEhStdt!H.d.nri-bcd56dbRad.!|Lflrttrfl|.otr.r!..llhllpCdltJ*OAirrddrF lj\G.lGr Ptlicb\7sllJl Yd roddt Sd'm$5ll.0l\808 Cddv5ll0luJ[drg Iq 21, m5 + tllz= FI 16x10 16xl 0 PARTIAL HVAC PLAN UPPER LEVEL AREA B Mffi 8T EPH CHECKED BY: tlD[Y NIE lddendum I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Cotussy Jenks DuBols Archltects, P. C. 1512 tarimer Street Brldee tevet Derver Cotorado 80202, 303{93-1990 Far r 303-893-2204 mCH. PR0J. N0.: 200t f an} n6 6qnrl t a tdia. d !.{o. cn 6 r*,r l|n& lh eqrt 0l || /tdt ct Flmili|| b s d ia &orrr{ 1f.d !d cor b drd clt t rdLr.'r!l!f f |cp C..l!r J.fs |* ldildr R U\C.Um n!ie6tv5l1.00 vol thdoh 5d'00\751l.0l\8ffi Coddv5ll0|lfrJz5.d|9 loy 21, 200t 12 #.-@ri! iz 2O"O S.A. DUCT UNDER 3O"O S.A. nr r^T PARTIAL HVAC PLAN *:H;ihUPPER LEVEL AREA C #ro srE Mdendum I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Kllpp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. | 512 larlmer Street 8n?ge Level De.ver Cotorado 80m2, m3-Ar3-1940 Fax: S3{93-220,1 Cqt+a 2OtE dord i.aH ol s*r d c rd, ruir L tqu d L ffi- nr#o bGrdltd lHdoda h.fad 6t b rf.. 'r.|rrt - h CClt *'is Bit rrd'f.dr. R L\Coltr ftr&dvsll.O W llor{dr Sd'00\r5ll0l\m Qdd\i5 0ruJ20.6ry Iq 2|, 2m! 56x26 EXHAUST DUCT DN. REFER TO DRAWNG 4. SHEET MJ.27 FOR MECHANICAL IN IHIS AREA. DC-62 22x22 EXH IN ATNC. DC-63 SHOWN IN MEZZAN 100 15x15 I I 9,n*n, PARTIAL HVAC PLAN *"'wikUPPER LEVEL AREA C h EF-13 56x26 nlB 6 slE Addendrm I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Archltects, P- C. 1512 Larlmer Street Erldge Lev€l De €r Cotor.do 80m2, !03-t9l-lm Fax:303{t3-ZO{ 0iiilf a[lts drd i.lffi d t6rtr id G d, r* t r.Flt !a t H.d. ffi b c d E Oqntrl i Hd na a f..dad.d q{ tt itlF $ttt d rO [m Cdlt J* lflir trlldl tr lj\Colda Rlidt\i5ll.tx) Yd lqr{on sd0o\btlnl\Str 00ddv5ll0luttl6.d{ IE 21, ru5 A MECHANICAL DIAGRAMS *:Hdk & rd DOW}ISIR€ATT G EIBOI{. WALI CABNET IF REftIIREO. Rg)ucEn. sro{t cLAss. IEST VAL\G, f uuo f/ BR^ssosncf usc nlH A HOtE E(I'AL IOfiE FLOI' tr OiE SPRNI(I-ER HEAD. AUXUARY DRAIN VAL\G. DRAlll U E SAXE gZE DRAII PAN CLEAN ot.,T. EIDG W IL TO FIRE FRO]ECIION SYSIBTS.-\F+ . cot{r€cDot{. @fior]{alE lY|lH FnE DEPT. Ar{O 1ESI VAL\E RPE TO BUI.DIiIC EXTER|oR. cw sERvtc€. sEE. DIAGRM @, THE 9IEEI FOR FLOW S$rg{ rO ALARUS, S€E SPECS. oRAIN VAL\E: PIPE INORECT tO tl.OOR DRAIN, TYP. sr{UT-trT vAL\€. ]'OUBLE O€O( IYPE EAO('TOW PRE\ENEN. TAT'PER SAITO{ES OI VALVES NRE SERVICE FLA'{CE FLOOR. 9IEEI FOR coNltNUATt0N. l-F ffi8|: tPH CiICIGI] BY: llDll NIE lddendum I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail. Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. '15'|2 Larimer Street Bridg€ Ley€l De$€r Cotorado 80202, 301-891-190 Fax:303-893-22@ 0ryit* Of |tii hr.f a o id|l'|r!a oa sic., !a c rrr. l!!i! h FFU C h Hikd Rd*dq| b €. d (* &qr||d ir tr 6d o h .d!id ct t r{,r ry.it f i! E 0d!{f Jda lt&i kfkd!, 1 L:\0.5dr hids\isll.m Yd rod'n SdnoNslll)l\ffi hddvsll0l[{l0d|9 Iq ?1. ml SECURE TO REINFORCEO WALL. COOR'D V c.c. TO IRRIGATION J-CW TO BUILDING. RELIEF VALVE TO FLOOR DRAIN PRESSURE WATTS #22J. TYP. BY-PASS VALVE DOMESTIC WATER ENTRANCE SCHEMATIC NO SCALE BACKFLOW (REDUCED PRESSURE TYPE) WATTS # 09, TYP. WA1ER MEIER WI III REMOTE READOUT, 2!4". YTATER SERVICE SHUT-OFF VALVE. cw sERvtcE F&oM MA|N. SEE DIAGRAM (e). SET PRV '1 . o50 PSr..-3" PIPE TO FLOOR DRAIN. SEI PRV #2e40 Psr.. -r'. MECHANICAL DIAGRAMS BEARING AREA OF BLOCK IN [slE Addendum I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL vait, colorado Klipp Cotussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P, C. 1512 Larimer Street Bridge L€vet Denver Cotorado $Xn, 303-E93.1990 Fax:303-893-22q btitl lDlE dsd b o .r*urrt o, r*r, d c rd. Ei| b rlFb J h k|llrl Nlirir k c oa fired l d dr b d cf t ix.. ot.Ff * rt AfE J* Uft r|rfld1 R tj\Gddr ftrids\Ell.O vd lhntdr Sd|oo\?5llJl\8G$ Cddv5fl0rlfr4l0irg er 2t. !ru 2"V UP TO JANITORS SINK rN ROOM A||3. r 1,2"v uP. STORAGT PARTIAL BASEMENT LEVEL PIPING PLAN *:wlL 6SE Mdendum I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBols Architects, P. C. 1512 Lariner Stre€t Bridge Levet Denver Colo.ado 80202, 303-89:-1990 Fax:303.893-2ZN Olori'l Am|E &q..d b c ilhrE{ ol t(r, ai G !rdr..!lir b F 6tt i h kILd, ffi b r d lt tcrEt'! Hd od 6 t .rhnd q|N it dtr o||tuf fi |ct C.f!t J* 0I}i' frt|fldr A U\Cdddt Pnidsvsll.O Vd lhdn Sdmvsll0l\ffi Cdd\blloluflUrg rot 21, zOJ ADDEIIDIIM cMl Landscape Contradr Electrical Telecommunications Food SeMce Prorect Vail t\ilountain School P'",."N"tryti_ ^__orner: - E ltOpy Vail Mountain $chool 3160 Kabos Ranch Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Addendum No.: AD02 Date oflssuance: May 30, 2003 Architect: Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Arcfiibcts, P.C. 1512 Larimer Street, Bridge Level Denver, Colorado 80202 Gontrac{fon NewConsbucton This Addendum is issued lo modify or interpret the bidding docrlments, including the Drawings and Specifications. Please acknoivledge receipt of this Addendum on the Bid Form. Bidders are hereby instructed that the Contrac't Documents, Specifications, and plans for the above referenced projec't are modified, corrected, orland supplemented as hereinafter described. Descriptlon: ARCHITECTURAL: AD02-A.01 Refur to Conbact Drawing A2.2.0, detail 1, FborPlan- Lower Lenel: t\ilodify wall secton cut 03/A5.2.13 b read 03/A5.1.12. AD02-A"02 Refer b Conbact Drawing A2.2.0, d€tail 1, Floor Plan - Lonver Levd: blodiry weil sec'tion cut 03/A5.2.0 per attached sketch AD02-1. AD02-A.03 Refer b Contract Drawing A2.2.1 Floor Plan - lvtain LevelAroa A: lilodify wall sectbn cilt 0?A5.2.10 (thrcugh Independant Classroom A124) b read 01/A5.2.10. AD02-A.fi Refer b Conbact Drawing A22.1 Floor Plan - lrthin Level Area A: Modlfy per attacfied sketcfr AD02-2. AD02-A.05 Refer b Contract Drawing A22.1 Fbor Plan - Mein Level Arca A: tt4odifu wall sec-ton cut 03ilA5.2.12 (thmugh Conidor Al 16) b reed 021 A5.2]12. AD02-A.06 Refer to Contrac* Dravring A22.1 Floor Ptan - Main Level Area A: Modiff window tag J (at souh extsrior wafl of Stege A135) b read J1. AD02-4,07 Refer to Conbac-t Dnwing A2.2.2 Fbor Plan - Main Level Area B: Modify walt section cut 03i/M5.2.1 (thtough Enfy Vastibule 8160) to re€d 05/A5.2.1. AD02-A.08 Refer to Contract Drawing A2.2.2 Floor Plan - Main Level Arca B: In Server Room B1(M, delete elevation tags 10,11/A7.1.7. AD02-A,09 Refer to Contrac{ Dlanting A2.2.2 Floor Plan- Main Level Area B: In Toilet Room 8132, revise elevation lssued b tags 9,10/A7.1.10 b read 7,8fA7.1.10 Page 1 of 10 Date: May 30,2003 AD02-A.10 AD02-A.11 AD02-A.12 AD02-A.13 AD02-A.14 AD02-A15 AD02-A.16 AD02-A17 AD02-A.18 AD02-A.19 AD02-A.20 AD02-A.21 AD0,2-A,22 AD02-A.23 AD0.2-A'24 AD02-A.25 AD02-A.26 AD02-A.27 AD02-A.28 AD02-4.29 AD02-A.30 Page 2 of 10 Refer to Contract Drawing M.2.2 Flpor Plan - Main Level fuea B: In Library 8100 (opposite side of Resource Room 8101), delete one of the two windovv tag W6. Refer to Contract Drawing A2.2.2 Floor Plan - Main Level Area B: In Library 8100, move to detail tag lP06 to west side of entry doors (Grid N10/E12.2). Refer to Contract Drawing M.2.2 Floor Plan - Main Level Area B: In Commons 81 11lStair 001, delete O.H. to dehiltag lP03 (Grid S17/E10). Refer to Contract Drawing A2.2.3 Floor Plan - Main Level Area C: Add sink per attached sketch AD02-3. Refer to Contract Drawing A2.2.3 Floor Plan - Main Level Area C: Move wall section cut 02lA5.2.6 east to show through Storage C102. Refer to Contract Drawing M.23 Floor Plan - Main Level Area G: Modifu window tag LL (at south wall of Kindergarten C121) to read G. Refer to Contract Drawing A2.2.1 Floor Plan - Main Level Area C: Modify window tag GG (at south wall of Foyer C124) to read MM. Refer to Contract Drawing 42.2.3 Floor Plan - Main Level Area C: Delete window tag E at east oxterior enty of Storage C108. Refer to Contracl Drafling A2.2.4 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area A: Move wall section cut 04/A5.2.10 (through Art ShJdio A202) north, to show through window. Refer to Contract Drawing A2.2.4 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area A: Changs Interior elevation tag 1O1A7.1.2 to rcad 'lAA7.1 .2 In Hall A240. Rofer to Contract Drawing A2.2.4 Floor Plan - Upper L€vel Area A: Chang€ Interior elevation tag 25147.1.1O O.H. b r€ad 33/A7.1.10 O.H. in Boys M42. Refer to Contract Drawing A2.2.4 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area A: Revise interior elevation tag 171A7.1.1O to read 1 7/A1 .1 .8 In Control Room 4231 . Refer to Contract Drawing M.2.4 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area A: Change interior window tag 13 to read W12 in Division Head A244. Refer to Contract Drawing M.2.4 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area A: Chang€ wall type ? b read 1D in Division Head M44. Refer to Contrac't Drawing A2.2.4 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area A: Change detail tag tM15 to read lM09 at @unter section in Control Room A231. Refer to Contract Drawing A2.2.4 Floor Plan - Upp€r Lev6l Area A Change detailtag E13 O.H. to read E13 in Stage A135. Refer to Contract Drawlng A2.2.4 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area A: Change location of wall sec,tion tag 4145.2.10 to be cut through window in Art Shrdio A€02. Refer to Contract Drawing 42.2.4 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area A: Change exterior window tag LL to read Y at Stair 003. Refer to Contract Drawlng A2.2.5 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area B: Change interior window tag 13 to read W12 in Division Head 8244. Refer to Contract Drawing A2.2.5 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area B: Clarifo dimension sbing in Counseling Support 8225 - dimension = 8'-0". Refer to Contract Drawing 42.2.5 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area B: Change interinr elevation tag 17,'|'8, 19, 20/47.1.5 to read 14, 15, 16, 171A7.1.5 respectively in Entry Vestibule 8160. Date: May 30, 2003 AD02-A.31 Refer to Contract Drawing M.2.5 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area B: Change interior elevation tag 131A7 .1.7 to read 12147 .1.7 in AV Storage 8241 . AD02-A.32 Reter to Contract Drawing M.2.5 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area B: Clariry note in Toilet 8214 - note is R = 165 -4' and refes b the radius of the curved wall. This also applies b south wall of A223. AD02-A.33 Refer lo Contract Drawing A2.2.5 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area B: Clarify location of N.l.C. counters in Classrooms 8200, 8202, & 8203 per attached sketch AD02-4. AD02-A.34 Refer to Contract Drawing M2.5 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area B: Cladfy location of N.l.C. counters in U.S. Science Labs 8231/8234 per attached sketch AD02-5. AD02-A.35 Refer to Contract Drawing A22.6 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area C: Change exterior window tag B b read Bl in Stair 005. AD02-A.36 Refer to Contract Drawing A2.2.6 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area G: Change wall section tag 4/A5.2.6 to read 2/415.2.7 along Grids W4 & N4. AD02-A.37 Refer to Contract Drawing M.2.6 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area C: Delete exterior window tag A at Mechanical Mezzanins C240. AD02-A.38 Refer b Contract Drawing 43.2.5 Reflected Ceiling Plan - Upper Level Area A: Modif dehil tags 1C25, lC27 and lC28to read lCG25, lCG27 and lCG28. AD02-4.39 Refer to Contract Drauring A4.1.0 Building Elwations, detail 1: Change note 10200 - Architectural Louver to read 10200 - Archiiectural Louver Ll2 in reference to stage louvers. AD02-A.40 Refer to Contract Drawing 45.2.0 Audibrium Wall Sections, detail 2: Modifo room nam6 Dressing Room A025 to read Dressing Room A033. AD02-A,41 Refer b Contract Drawing A52.0 Audibrium Wall Sections, detail 2: Charge exterior louver sec'tion per attadled sketch AD02-6. ADO2-4.42 Refer to Contract Drawing 45.2.4 Dining/Locker Room Wall Seciions, detrail 2: Modify room name Foyer C110 to read Vestibule C142. AD02-A.43 Refer to Contract Drawing A5.2.5 AJnfiary Glm/Storage Wall Sections, detail 3: Modiry room name Storage C104 to read Storage Cl05 and Storage C105 to read C106. ADO2-A,44 Refer to Contract Drawing A5.2.7 North West Courtyard Wall Sections, detail 3: Modif room name Independent Classmom 8226 to read Counseling Conference 8223. AD02-A.45 Refer to Contract Drawing A5.2.10 ArUComputer Lab Wall Sections, detail 2,3,4,5: Modi! room name Computer Lab A00 to rcad M.S. Computer Lab 4102 and Art Studio AO00 to read Art Shrdio A202. AD02-A.46 Refer to Contract Drawlng A6.1.0 detail 3- At landing modify detail tag S03 b read S19. AD02-4.47 Refer to Contract Drawing A6.1.1 detail 11- At landing modi! detail tag S03 to read S19. AD02-A.48 Refer b Contract Drawing A6.1 .1 detail 2,6- Revise per attacfied sketches AD02-7 - AD02-9. AD02-A.49 Refer to Contract Drawlng A7.1.0 detail it- Commons 811 1 East: Modiff detail tag llvt? to read 1S01. AD02-A.50 Refer b Contract Drawing A7.1.0 detall 7- cymnasium C100 South: Elevation Tags b road: T.O. Sound Block EL. 120'-0" and B.O. Sound Block: EL. 113'-4". AD02-A.51 Refer tD Contract Drawing A7.1.1 detall +Hall A120 South: Delete detail tag lG? AD02-A.52 Refer to Contract Drawing A7.1.2 detail $ Conidor C12QlFoyer C124 East: Extend elevation per attached skstch AD02-10. Page 3 of 10 Date: May 30, 2003 AD02-A.53 Refer to Contract Drawing A7.1.2 detail '1,2- Hall A1 10/Conidor A116 - East/West Modifu doors to be 7.{" doors. Pocket for doors remains 8'-fl tall. AD0z-A.tr Refer to Contract Drawing A7.1.3 detail 2- Conidor 8210 North: ReMse center portion of elevation per attached sketch ADO2-1 'l . AD02-4.55 Refer to Contract Drawing A7.1.3 detail 5- Conidor 8210 South: Delete horizontal line which runs through entire elevation at 6'-0'. AD02-A.56 RefertoContractDrawingAT.l.5detail 14,1$EntryVestibule8160South&West: Modifydetail taglG?to read E31. AD02-A.57 Refer to Contract Drawing A7.1.5 detail 21-WorkArea 810$ South: Modi! dimensions to read righl side up. AD02-A.58 Refer to Contract Drawing A7.1.7 detail 2- Resource Room 8101- East Modifo detail tag l$? atsitlto rcad lS21 and detail tag l$.? at header to read 1530. AD02-A.59 Refer to Contract Drawing A7.1.7 detail 3- Resource Room 8101- South: Modify detail tag l$? b read wl0. AD02-A.60 Refer to Contract Drawing A7.1.9 detail 12- U.S. Classroom 8234- South: Modifu Etevation Tag to read U.S. Science Lab 8234 - South. Modify detail tag lS-? to read R09. AD02-A.61 ReferbContsactDrawingA7.1.9detail 14-Prcp8232-West: Deletedetail tagt$? AD02-A.62 Refer to Contract Drawing A7.1.10 detail 3- Room A154 & 8154 - West Delete note0640&WOODTRIM; 4". AD02-4.63 Refer to Contract Drawing A7.1 . l0 detail 1& Room C126 - West: Note on left side of drawing (refening to backsplash) should read MT-1. AD02-A.64 Refer to Contract Drawing A7.1.10 detail 2G Room C161 - South: MT-2 to continue at walls of showers. AD02-}q.65 Refer to Conlract Drawing A8.1 .0 Door & Frame Type, Interior Window Type 6: Add Section Mark 4S SIM at head condition. AD02-A.66 Refer to Contract Drawing A8.1 .0 Door & Frame Type: First lnterior Window Type to read Interior Window Type 1. AD02-A.67 Refer to Conlract Drawing A8.1.0 Door & Frame Type: Add Interiorwindow Type 14 per attached sketch AD0.2-12. AD02-A.68 Refer to Contract Drawing A8.1.0 Door & Frame Type: Modiry lderior Window Type 6 per attached sketch AD02-13. AD02-A.69 Refer to Contract Drawing 48.2.0 Window Type: Revise alphabetical order of window types per attached sketch AD02-14 - AD02-15. AD02-A.70 Refer to Contract Drawing A8.2.0 Window Type: Add Lower Type L12 per attached sketch AD02-16. AD02-A.71 Refer to Contract Drawing 48.2.0 Window Type: Add note to Typ€ S window: 1" translucent insulating glazing inside at Auditorium Backstage south wall. Provide melal funing and 2 layers of gypsum board. Finish fuce b be flush with rough opening of wall. AD02-4.72 Refer b Contract Drawing 1D2.1.0 Maln/Lower Level Floor Plans: In Mechanical Room A031, Elechical Room A038, and Boiler Room A037, delete PT-1 and RB-1. AD02-A.73 Refer b Conhact Drawing 1D2.1.0 Main/ Lower Level Floor Plans: In ffice A041, modifo CN-l to read vcT-1. Page 4 of 10 DatB: May 30, 2003 ADOa-A.74 AD02-A.75 AD02-A.76 AD02-4.77 AD02-4.78 AD02-A.79 AD02-4"80 AD02-A81 AD02-4.82 ADo2-A.83 AD02-A.84 AD02-4.85 AD02-A.86 AD02-A.87 AD02-A.88 AD02-A.89 AD02-A.90 AD02-A.91 AD02-A.92 Page 5 ot 10 Refer to Contract Drawing 1D2.1.0 Main/Lower Level Floor Plans: In Equipment Room A032, delete PT-1 and RB-1. Modify VCT-I to read CN-1. Refer to Contract Drawing 1D2.1.1 Upper Level Floor Plan: InToiletRoom C224,addVCT-I. Refer to Contract Specmcations Section 09644 - Wood Athletic Flooring: Add "2.4C - Painted school logo: Provide an allowance of $5,000 for painting custom logo / school name, etc. on the floor. Final design / layout to be determined by Architect and Oilner. All unused portions of the allowance shall be credited back to the Owner in the form of a deduct Change Ordef Refer to Contracl Specifications Section 01030 - Altemates and Section 08800 Glazing: Add the lollowing altemate: ?ltemate No. 9 (Fire Glazing): Base Bid: Provide $,ire glazing at interior borowed lights and sidelightB as scheduled and shown at firerated partition locations. Additive Altemate: Provid€ a price on a souare foot basis to replace the wire glazing scheduled with "Fire Rated Glazing'. Fire rated glazing shall be "Firelite NT' by Nippon Electdc Glass Co. and dlstributed by Technical Gtass Pmducts or approved equal. Final determina{ion of locations and sizes of glass to be replaced by fire glazing will be made by the Architect and otltrner prior to final frame and glass order shop drawing submittals. Refer to Conhact Specifications Volume ll Arcfiitectural Details: add Detail lS30 per attached ADO2-17. Refer to Contract Specmcalions Volume ll Archibctural Details: add Detall E33 per attached AD02-18. Refer to Coniract Specifications Volume ll Archibchrral Details: add Detail 519 per attacfied AD02-19. Refrer to Contract Specifications Volume ll Architectural Details: modify Detail E18 per attached AD02-20. Refer to Contract Drawings Sheet 42.2.3 and Specifications Section 10801 Toilet and Bath Accessories: Delete reference to Hair Dryers in Rooms C'150 Boys Locker, and C160 Girls Locker. Add the following note: '10800 - Robe Flook; (20 each) to be field located by Architect and Ornef. Provide Bobrick Model number 86707 or approved equal. Refer to Conbact Drawings Sheet A2.2.4 - Upper Level Area A Floor Plan: Revise the first (2) rows of fixed seating in Auditorium Al30 to be noted as 'Removable". (47 seats) Refer to Contract Speciftcations Volume ll tuchitectural Details: modify Detail lM01 per attached AD02-21. Refer to Conhact Specifications Volume ll fudribctural Details: modifu Detail lM02 per attached ADO2-22. R€fer to Contract Sp€cifications Volume ll Architectural Details: modify Detail lM03 per attached AO02-23. Refer to Contract Specifications Volume ll Archibctural Details: modify Detail lM04 per attached AD02-24. Refer to Contract Drawings Sheet A7.1.1 1, Elevation 4 - Auditorium lnterior Elevation and Sheet E3.2.4, Upper Level Lighting Plan Ar€a A: Add sbp lighting (fiture type SWl1)in Auditorium (both east and west elevations) as sholfln on attached skebh AD02-25. Circuit added fildures to Circuit #93 b match existing. Veriff exact location of fixtures with Architect. (1? total fixtures ADDED to elecbical sheet). Refur to Contract Specifications Section 12345 - Manufaciured Casevuo*: Clarification to paft 2.6 (C), 2.6 (D): The following rooms shall receive Chemical Resistant Countertops: 8202, 8203. The following moms shall receive Epoxy Resin Countertops and Sinks: 8200, 8201, 8,231,8,232, and 8234. Refer to Contract Specifications Section 1 2610 - Fixed Audience Seating: Revise part2.1 (A) as follows: Quattro S3H3S wilh DP donor plate and Q style end panel (plate to be installed by mfr.) lrwin 4586H8 with donor plate (plate to be installed by mfr,) American Seating Refer to Contract Specifications Section 12610 - Fixed Audience Seating: Delete part 2.1 (F). Refer to Contract Drawings Sheet A8.2.0 - Window Types: Add note "08800 - Translucent Glazing" to Date: May 30, 2003 1. 2. 3. window type A. END OF ARCHITECTUML ITEMS STRUCTURAL: AD02-S.01 Reference Contract Documenb - Sheet 51.00 - Section 1 1/S1 .00 - R€vise the remarks for embedded olate mark EP3 to include W14 beams as well as W16 beams. AD02€.02 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.21 - Add the top of pier elevation of 100'{ to the pier at the steel column 6'-9 soulh of grid E5 and 4'-10 % east of grid S24. AD02-S.03 Ref€rence Contract Documents - Sheet 52.22 - Changs the column size for the column located at grids Eg and SlT lrom a C4 column to a C6A column. AD02-S.04 R€leren@ Contract Documents - Sheet 52.24 - Revise the north/south dimension string near grid N14 from grids E12 to E1 3 fmm 6'-6 % and I 1' -7, to 6'€ 5/8 and 1 1'-6 7/8. AD02-S.05 Reference Conlract Documents - Sheet S2.24 - Revise the north/south dimension string between grids N12 and N14 fiom gdds E12 to El 3 from 1'-7 % and 13 €, to 1'-T 114 and 13'6 1 14. AD02-S.06 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet S2.25 - Revise the north/soulh dimension string near grid N7 from gdds E12 b El 3 from 6'€ % and 1 1'-7, to 6'-6 5/8 and I 1'-6 7/8. AD02-S.07 Reference Conbact Documents - Sheet 52.25 - Revise the north/south dimension sfing between grids N7 and N9 foom grids 812 to El 3 from 1' -7 % atld I 3'-6, to 1'-7 I 14 and 13' -6 1 14. AD02€.08 Reference Conbact Documents - She€ts 52.21 and 52.24 - Add W16x31 as the size of the sloping auditorium beams between grids EB and E10 and gdds S20 and S21 refered to in the notes in lhese areas as sloping W16's. AD02€.09 Reference Contract Documents - She€ts Sl .00, 52.20 through 52.25 and Section 14lS3.11 - As a clarification, concrete pilaster Integral in continuous concrete walls, shall be sked per the pier schedule in Sectbn 2/S1.00. A.s noted on the plans, the pier size shall be taken as a Pl or 14"x14" pier centered under the column unless noted on lhs plan. This would indicate that tho typical pilaster should be 14" wids and the face of the pilaster should be f from the column centerline unless rpted. Other pilasters shall be sized per the designation on lhe plan and the schedule. To match this requirernent, the typical pier dimensions shown on sheet S2.20 at grids S22 and E2 on sheet 52.20 and on lhe pier just west ofgdds N14 and E18 on sheet 52.21 shall b€ deleted. The 1f dimension from column centerllne to face of pilasbr shown in sec{ion 14/53.11 shall be adjusted accordingly. AD02-S.10 Reference Contract Documenb - Sheets 52.20 and 52.21 - Add a pilaster to the wall at grids ET and 522 on sheet 52.20. This same pilaster shall be shown projecting from the east side of the wall as well as the west side prcjection already shown on sheet S2.21. AD02-S.11 Reference Contract Documenb - She€ts 52.20 and S2.21 - Modiry the pilaster width at grids S20 and E2 b accommodate lhe embedded plate for the W16 beam to frame into it. The pilaster shall be 1 '-9 wide extending 1'-2 r,vest of grid S20 and 7 east of grid S20. AD02-S.12 Reference Contract Documenb - Sheets 52.20 and 52.21 - Modify the pilaster width at gdds S22 and E2 b accomrmdate lhe embedded plate for the W16 beam to frame into it. The pilaster shall be 1'-5 wide extending 7" west of grid S22 and 10" east of grid S22. AD02-S.13 Reference Contract Documents - She€ts 52.21 and 52.22 -The pilasters on the north curved ramp walls just north of grids E12 belwesn N7 and N'|0, and Nl 1 and N14 shall be 14" wide and proiect 7" north of the north face of the \ rall. No pmjection is required on the south face of the wall. Set the south anchor bolts on the 5' and 6" tube column base plates in 2' from the south face of the wall (3 7i south of the column centerline). AD02-S.14 Reference Contract Documents - She€ts 52.21, 52.22 and S3.1'l - Revise the pilasters for the three columns 1 1 '-'l % west of grid NO and the three columns '11'-1 y2 east of grid N12, between grids E13 and El5. The pilasters shall proiect 1 ,/2' past the face of the wall on the library side and 4" past the face of the wall on the classroom side. Revise Section 10/53.11. See Addenda Drawing SX-11. Page 6 of 10 Date: May 30, 2003 AD02-S.15 Reference Contract Documents - Sheeb 52.24 - Revise the top of steel elevation for the W18x35 beam running north on grid S25 from the column on grid E6.5 from 114'-3 to 107'-0. AD02-S.16 Reference Contract Dooments - Sheeb 52.25 - Revise the top of steel elevation for the W16)eO beam running easuw€st on grid E13 near grid N5 trom 114'-3 to 107'-0. AD02-S.17 Reference Contract Documents - Shests 52.24 and 52.25 - Eliminate the C15x33.9 on grid S17 from grid E8 to grid E10. Extend the beam on grid El0 b the west to frame into the norttlsouth W24x55. Revise the W'l8x35 to be a W18x40. See Addenda Drawing SX-12. AD02-S.18 Reference Conbact Documenb - Sheet 52.24 -Revise plan to include Riggirq Support Framing o\rer stage area as required by TS5.0.0. See Addenda Drawing SX-13. AD02-S.19 Reference Contract Documenb - Sheet 53.16 - Revise detail ?53.16. See Addenda Drawing SX-14. AD02-S.20 Refurence @ntract Documenb -Sheet53.16- Revise detail 6/53.16. See Addenda Drawing SX-15. AD02-S.21 Reference Contract Documenb - Sheet 53.14 - Add detail 3/S3.14. See Addenda Drawing SX-16 AD02-S.22 Reference Contrad Documents - Sheet S3.1 8 - Add detail 17lS3.18. See Addenda Drawing SX-l7 AD02-S.23 Reference Coniracf Documenb - She€t S2.22 - Change spread footings at grids S16/E9 and S17/E9 fiom F3.0 b F4.0. AD02-S.24 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 53.19 - Section 1/53.19 - The channel welded to the boftom of ihe steel beam should be an 8" long section of CSxl 1.5. END OF STRUCTURAL ITEMS MECHANICAL: AD02-M.01 Reference Contract Docirmenb - Sheet M2.21 - Partial Piping Plan Main Level Area A - Plumb sink per attached sketch MX'1. AD02-M.02 Reference Contract Documenb - Sheet M2.21 - Partial Piping Plan Main Level Aroa A - Plumb sinks per attached sketch MX2. AD02M.03 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M2 .22 -Pxtal Piping Plan Main Level Area A - Itlodify gas and acid waste piping per attached sketchMX3 AD02-M.04 Refererrce Contract Documenb - Sheet M2 .22 - Partial Piping Plan Main Level Area A - Add plumbing to sinks per attached sketch MX4. AD02M.05 Reference Contract Documents - Sheetlfr'22 - Partial Piping Plan Main Level Area A - Add Flag Notes to drawing per attached sketch M)(5. AD02-M.06 Reference Confact Documeflts - Sheet M2.23 - Partial Piping Plan Main Level Area C - Add plumbing to drinking fountain PO per attached sketch MX6. AD02-M.07 Reference Contrac{ Documents - Sheet M2.23 - Partial Piping Plan Main Level Area C - Modiry wall cleanout to floor cleanout and show€r d€signations per attached sketch MX7. AD02-M.08 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M2.23 - Partial Piping Plan Main Level Area C - Modify shower ffxture designafions per attached sketch MX8. AD02-M.09 Reference Conbact Documents - Sheet M2 .25 - Padial Piping Plan Upper Level Area B - Add Flag Nob per attached sketch MXg. AD02-M.10 Reference Contract Documenb - Sheet M2.25 - Partial Piping Plan Upper Level Area B - Modi! gas piping. and sink designalions per attached sketch MX10. Page 7 of 10 Date: May 30,2003 AD02-M.11 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M2.26 - Partial Piping Plan Upper Level Area C - Modify location of refdgerabr box per attached sketch MX11. AD02-M.12 Reference Contract Do@ments - Sheet M3.20 - Partial Basement Level HVAC Plan- Add Notes per attach€d sketch MX12. AD02-M.13 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M3.20 - Partial Basement Level HVAC Plan - Modify Return Air size per attached sketch MX13. AD02-M.14 Reference Contract Documenb - Sheet M3.2. - Partial HVAC Plan Main Level Area B - Remove retum air gdlle per attached sketch MX14. AD02-M.15 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M3.22 - Partial HVAC Plan Main L€vel Area B - Modifo diftuser layout per attached sketch MXl5. AD02-M.16 Reference Contrac{ Documents - Sheet M3.22 - Partial HVAC Plan Main LevelArea B - Modify localion of retum air gdlle per attached sketcfi MX16. AD02-M.17 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M3.25 - Partial HVAC Plan Upper Level Area B - Modify diftiser layout per attiached sketch MXl7. AD02-M.18 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M5.11 - Waste and Vent lsometrics, Drawing ffi - Modi! vent connection per attached sketch MX18. AD02-M.19 Reference Conhact Documents - Sheeb M2.21, M2.22, M2.24, M2.25 Pi1tng Plans: Revise Toilet P-2 to P-1 in the follorving rooms: Alil, 8154, C122, PCil,B2g. AD02-M.20 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M2.25 Upper Lev€l Area B Piping Plan: Revise all P-9 sinks in rcoms 8200 and 8201 to be P-20. Sinks revised to epo)qy resin bp and sinks these two rooms. END OF MECHANICAL ITEMS ELECTRICAL: AD02-E.01 Reference Contract Specifications - Section 16650 - Section 2.00, Pmducts - 2.01, Manufacturers - Add Generac Power System as an approved manufactJrer for generator. AD02-E0.2 Reference Conhact Documents - Sheet E0.2 - Electrical Schedule: Fixture type S5 to have black finish. AD02-E.03 Reference Conbact Documents - Sheet E0.2 - Electrical Schedule: Add note #2 belolr General Notes of Specialty Fixture sohedule b read as follows: "Refer to architectural detail lM19 for fixture design and dimensions." For fi*Jre type SPg add '2" in Notes column. AD02-E.04 Rof€r€nce Conbact Documents - Sheet E.02 - Electrical Schedule: Add nots #l below General Notes of Specialty Filture schedule to read as follows: "Refur to architecfural detall lM20 for fixture design and dimensions." For fixture type SP5 add "3" in Noies column. AD02-E.05 Reference Conkact Documents - Sheet E1.0 - Electrical Site Plan: Add note #2 to read as follows: "For mounting detail of type S5 not locat€d within a wall refer to architectural detail E32." AD02-E.06 Reference Contsact Documents - Sheet E2.23 - Power/Auxiliary Plan - Maln Level Area C - Delete (4) j- boxes and flag nbte #15's (for hair dryers) located in Girls Locker C160 and Boys Locker C150. AD02-E.07 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet E2.23 - Power/Auxiliary Plan - Main Level Area C - Add receptacle, voice/data outlet and flag note #12 on south wall of gym near backboard switches. ADO2-E.OB Reference Gontract Documents - Sheet E2.24 - Power/Auxiliary Plan - Upper Level Area A - Add receplacle, voice/data outlet and flag note #10 on north wall of Auditorium Al30 (south wall of control room A231). AD02'E.09 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet E2.25 - Power/Auxiliary Plan - Upper Level Area B - Add receptacle, voice/data outlet and flag note #9 on north wall of Lab M.S. Science 8200. Page I of 10 Date: May 30,2003 AD02-E.10 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet E3.24 - Lighling Plan - Upper Level Area A: Add hree (3) type SW3 to Stair 001. See architectural shset A6.1.0, Detail 8 for exact location and height of wall scon@s. AD02-E.11 Reference Contract Docum€nts - Sheet E3.21 - Lighting Plan - Main Level Area A: Provide emergency battery ballast for recessed light CR2 over vanity in Rm. 4142. ADO2-E.12 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet E3.22 - Lighting Plan - Main Level Area B: Provide emergency battery ballast for recessed light CR2 over vanity in Rm. 8142. AD02-E.13 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet E3.23 - Lighting Plan - Main Level Area C: Provide emergency battery ballast for recess€d light CR2 over vanity in Rm. C126. AD02-E.14 Reference Conbact Documents - Sheet E3.23 - Lighting Plan - Main Level Area C: Provide emergency baftery ballast for recessed light CR2 over vanity in Rm. C127. AD02-E.15 Reference Contract Documenb - Sheet E3.24 - Lbhting Plan - Upper Level Area A: Provide emergency battery ballast for recessed lpht CR2 over vanity in Rm. A242. AD02-E.16 Reference Contrac* Documenb - Sheet E3.25 - Lighting Plan - Upper Level Area B: Provide emergency battery ballast br recessed light CR2 over vanity in Rm. 8242. END OF ELECTRICAL ITEMS LANDSCAPE: AD02-L.1 Refer to Contraci Drawings sheets L1.1.0- Partial Grading Plan- West: Change sheet title to read Partial Layout Plan- West Ref6r to Contract Drawlng L1.1.1- Partial Layout Plan-East Pod: modify per attacfied sketch LX-s Refer to Contrac't Drawing L1.2.1- Partal Grading Plan West Classroom Pod: modiry grading per aftached sketch LX-3 Refer to Contract Drawing L1.2.1- Partial Grding Plan- East modify grading and modifo retaining walls per attached sketcfi LX'4 Refer to Contract Drawing L1.4.2- Ptayground Layout modiry ski mck locations and hard-scape per attached sketch LX-l Refer to Contract Drawing Ll.5.2- Playgound GradirE: modify grading and hard'scape per attached sketch LX-2 AD02-1.2 ADo2-1.3 AD02-L.4 AD02-1.5 AD02-1.6 END OF LANDSCAPE ITEMS ACOUSTICAL: AD02-TS.01 Refer to Conhact Specifications, Section 11060 - THEATRE SYSTEMS: Reviss paragraph 1.08, B. to read 'A minimum of (8) eight hours of instruction in equipment operation and maintenance shall be fumished for the Theatre lighting system. Instruc{ion shall be furnished as two discrete 4*tour sessions. AD02-TS.02 Refer to Contract Specifications, Section 11060-THEATRE SYSTEMS: Add item to paragraph 2.11,L.,1.: Architectural Lighting Inbrface ETC ER4 1 "with Optosplitter ETC tsM 1" AD02-TS.03 Refer to Contract Drawing TS5.0.0 - Stage Rigging Plan: Revise rigging support beam locations per Structural drawings. Add (6) unisbut rigging supports between rigging beams (by Thoatre Contractor) refer to attached sketch AD02-TS03. AD02-TS.04 Refer to Conkact Drawing TS2.2.1 - Lighting System Floor Ptan: Change symbol from "CF" to 'FB" refer to attached sketch AD02-TS04. AD02-TS05 Refer to Contract Drawing TS5.0.1 - Performance Syst€ms Details: Delete 'DMX2Out" fmm "C1" Page 9 of 10 Date: May 30, 2003 description in one-line diagram. END OF ACOUSTICAL ITEMS FOOD SERVICE: AD02-K.01 Refer to Contract Specifications, Sectbn 11,t00, Foodservice Equipment, lbm 23, Range with Griddle and Trrc Ovens, Change lttlodel Number b Read: Garland H284. Add Une No. 8 to read: K.E.C. to veriry owners preference of bumer / griddle configuration prior to ordering. AD02-K.O2 Refer to Contract Specifications, Sectbn 11400, Foodservice Eguipment, ltem 17 and 31, Drop,ln Double Bowl Sink, Change lvlodel Number to Read: Mvarce Tabe. D,-2-m12. END OF FOOD SERVICE ITEMS END OF ADDENDUM NO. 2 Page 10 of 10 Date: May 30, 2003 EQUIPUO{I ROOII@ DRA$I EY: vP Slt0l(E) Sf:ill IS$JE: Addendum I Addendum 2 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail. Colorado. Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. i512 Larlmer Street Bridge Le\€{ Denver Colorado E{r202, 303{93-1990 Fax : 303-893-220,1 AD02-1 fit m& lis do!"El b o iastdnrnt ol sdyi!, ord o! r.t, 6riE tE Fipdty of th t dir.t Pqniish for Fa of thi. &onc{ b hiLd @d P:\2ml-02&00 vol xt0 Schoo\z Drcffqdol Ardl,lecturd\fddirq ond llepliotion\m-A?.2.00.dr9 lloy 29, 2003 65Ue Addendum I Addendum 2 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. l5l2 Larlmcr St.eet Sridge Level Den€r Colorado E0202, n3-E93-'1990 Fax: 30!-E93-221N AD02-2ARCH. PR0J, N0,: 2001 ottitt lUE nh eorEnt i $ irdrrErt of s{vir, ond oi !*h, GroiE th Flo.tiy .l tf, lrdthct. Pdri$in k us. of 0ir 6oxns *\2001-028.m Voil llln 5doo\2 0.oin9\01 tuditeclurol\Biding ond tlegoliotim\rn-12.2.01-dry lot 29, 2mJ t0 ^4.@ i., IOYTR@ -- K[{0ffi$ffENs rcr2ll ^^. '(@)rv tl v t0 .Tl-l*+\ I--f I R=5'-5" tl tltl-f-f- tl - w000 p I J'-1114' RmHfi-HrltE mtc DRAY{ll BY: VP CHECKTD BY:ltl VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1 512 l-arlm.r Strcet Srldge Le€t O,enver Cotortdo &201, 303'a)3-1990 Fax : !01'$1'220,1 $sue Addendum 'l Addendum 2 ADO2-3 rdrmf'doo,'g'ti3oi.rlruiFto'!fic!'qd0s9,dt,4rtdGlit!'!,dt}o|the|,c|iH.Pd'nisin|0,6col||i5doo'Ebmddco'lhadald.do'i P;\2001-028.00 Vdl tn Sdro0\2 Drorings\ol ftchitecturol\Bidding ond tlegotiolion\nr-42.2.03.dr9 tloy 29, 200J KL|PP CoLUssy J ENKS DuBors ArcHtttcTt ec M.nh..: ldrk6 htitur. of Ad fdr w.hn&!.-, l5l2 t dtu gr..t andC. t !.1, O..v-, Cddodo a('2O2 Ph 3O3-At3- | 99O Grsdl-493-??o. $fEm ffi|tl2 Uv) .Er<o5{JE/_r O 5So H 6n E E t 6'-4' | 4'-2 t/2' 6'-4'T J'-ll I i------i i------i rb---!.!c,l L------i L__t__rlc -cFnnE _ _t__ J i---nlc:l i---nft,-i------i i------1L_____-i L_____..i i---nlC i---nlc;i------i i------ j L______i L_____-i t)tv. HEII)@ 1'-s tl rcur@ 1" Tt- .tF: 5'-10 t/4' 7'-6 3/1'r__-F- I I I mt 2.^. @v ruIn f,fl - uPn lau.mfl B P:\2001-028.00 Voil Mtn School\2 Drowings\0l Architecturcl\Biddinq ond Neqoliotion\m-A22.05.dw9 Moy 29,200j AD02-4 ulr coRRr00R \JI uq { L4J A Lql _l I l l, cEvl J'-6" 5'-4"8'-r0'5'-4" I 3"r { u.$ srEltct lt8 C Rffinil-uPnun rnnS t-ll'(@ I inrc.-- I *--T- it5 I ---l--i '-r ;l 'l I N.r.c. iii .Ati hz.t.sl ; tl.tc.il-lij-----L=_i (@)''1'l - V l--L--'-; 16 I l* ti i'(@ i-"li | --L___--l--- |L--i-r L-+--.., mlilN Br: EC CHECKil SY: I|;a ADDENDUM 2 ISSUE: Addendum I Addendum 2 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. l5l2 Larlmer Sre€t Brldgr Lcvel Drr|vrr Colorddo 8@02, 103{93-1990 Fax I XB{9}22fi AD02-5 Mc{2f&nildo.uutboii'6hftdo|!dticr'fd.s$d,rdi.iE0tF$ol|htdlr.t.f'n8'i..lor6e0lll*d6,'Entbh'td0'$crr'beat$dol'b'nithnoE|fhJ* R\m0l-028.m W Uh Scl'00\2 Dmring\0| lrcl iecturo\Slldrq ond fu0thlim\rn-A2.?.05.dq tloy 29, 2mi :*/;\ 12r'-9' (8357.s') 0sf00- ffin sruDs l02m- ARcHrrtcruMt_ DRAilI{ BY: EC SIEC(O BY: lU ADDENDUM 2 ISSIIE: Addendum I Addendum 2 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 t-.rher Strcet Eridge Levet Denver Colorado E(n02, 303-E93-19q, Far:103-893-229 AD02-6 &gtit* 2mn* docltnirf bd idrunatt ol srir, ond oi r[h, nrrdE th Fiodlt ol th ldit6d. fnriri lor E ol b &orE{ b t dd col P:\2001-02E.0 ld lttn Sd'oo\2 0rminq\01 lrchitecturd\Eildinq ond N€90ti0ti0n\m-15.2.m.fi9 lloy 29, 200J ISSUT: Addendum I Addendum 2 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBols Architects, P. C, 1512 larirner Str.ct Bridge Le€t ltcnwr Cotondo 802@, 303-$3-19110 Fax: l0!-693-22fi ADO}-7 c.odftm}nit6o'gri5oibtIu''g'tol9fb'qdc5d',tc''dr'thF!c.d,o{lhMi|!cl.Pd'iri$|o.6rol0idodtE'dbHedqdc!ohedgddon|'ni|tr'lo9|!e'ItihhHr P:\2001-028.00 Voil lln Schm\2 0md!s\01 lrciitecldo\SHdinq rrd hgliolion\m-16.l.0l .dq loy 29, moJ IS$JE: Addendum I Addendum 2 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Kllpp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C, 1512 Lertrcr Stre€t Erldge Lev€{ Defirer Color.do q}l(n, m3-E!rl-1990 Fu : 3ltH93-22(X AD02-8 Otttul tlE d6rrf b o iEtunad oa s.rix, nd c rdr, ci!.t! llr F!e.rtt ol trr klLd Pr iir ld e ol b dmrEl a r 6d.6 te ad.rfd !*t bt rfb qrD dt qp C*r Jab tl&'b ldiLtt, PC P\2ml-02&00 \td ttn Scho\2 0roril5\01 ftcn eduro\ttildiog od llegotiolion\rn-A6.l.01.drq [0r 29, 200J o0BUNG EL 95-s 1/8' r_rilDnG B- gJ-r 5A +ffi O55M- PRTFABRICATTD SIITL SIAIR rfirTH c0NcRut FrtLtD SITIL IREAN 06500- 0UARDMI- O55M- HNDRAIL S1JPPORI O]JM- CONCRIIE ON ilEIAI. OICK ON MEL BTAIIS AJ PIRIIIITIR ae -*ffiffi,J,WW'' ffi ,rr:.r(rtt'fiiiiiii iiliiill ihnlii it ii ii ii ii ..'-'=.A -/ lrJl J,lz,.rl II trlltt::rl VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Archltects, P. C. 1512 Lrdme. St.ect Mdge L€rl oefivlr Cotorado 8m02, lol.6lrl.t99o Fax: l0l-691-22(X r$ut: Addendum 1 Addendum 2 AD02-9 wfelI8dooIE|l$iEfuia|di'*rod6$x|r'aiEhFq''o'hltdibct'b|iiinkd..Idsecuiciir!ihd!dcohodaddorN';tbt09'!E'Eijbrp0c.br'Jntstn ft\2001-028.m Voil tttn Sdroo\2 lkorinp\0| kchilecluro$lidding ond €9di0lioM-A6.l.0l.dr9 llcy 29, 2003 OtiCt 201nis dodns{ b o iEinrE d,a*r, ot{ or $c\ rsroiE li. ptpaly ot lh.lrcnl.ct p,nirin lcr u!. ol 0* dodrrit b Inil P:\2Ol-028.00 V0il tlln Schoo\2 Drorings\ot trchitectu'ot\Biding ond t{E0l;oti0n\m-A7.t.02.dr9 ltoy 29, ?00J . RICISSTD INIRY - 09200- c0NTR0t JO|NI I YALL lPr SCONCI;16000_ LICHIING FIXTURE I Ier *l ; 6' typ.g ,JE=I ;l c =I RECESSEO ENIRY I6000- UGHIING FIXTURE 064m- lrt000 TRIM C0RN[R; 1! I SIIIOEI) ARIA INOICATES UII]IS OF TOOD PNfl; KLrPP C oLussy JENKs DuBols Atcrlt IE cTs. P.c Mrmbc An.,i.6. hni&r. of Aehr*rr ward Squod, tSt? r-d@r Sr...l s.i.lg. t.v.l, O.^v'. Cdq.do sO2O2 !,rr 303-49€- | 99O tox303-ae3.?2ga stf EtD ,a&r 2 6;n: o c/)(-^'-. T -.uni o - F * g e P:\2001-02800 Voil Mtn School\2 Drcwings\0l Architecturol\Bidding ond Negotiotion\vm-A7.t,OJ.dwg Moy 29,2003 AD02- I I l^ /-0' [. 2'-0' L 2'-0' ,4 .1 11"th! I I -l I -l I INITRIOR WINDOI'I/ IYPE 14 SCALE: 1f4" = 1' - 0' DRAllll BY: VP CHECKO Bf: Ttil VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail. Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larimer Stieet Bridge Levet Denver Cotoiado 80202,103-893-1990 Fat | 103-893-2204 ISSIIE: Addendum I Addendum 2 ADO2-12ARCH. PR0J. Ml.: 2001 fDtiCt lE lhb docrtEit b on indr!f.ti ol !?wix, dd 6 ercf, rE noir6 lhe Fo0nty ol I P:\?00!-028.00 Vot tltn Sd00\2 Drorings\01 Archil€cturol\8iddiog ond tleg0li0ti0n\vm-M.1 00.drg |toy 29, 200J 06400 - rNl[RroR'aRr'iilr$ Yfiff w00Dr{0RK; 2'-0' --_1 $5m- lllooD |ivtilD0rts 06+00 - rNrf RroRs$Rc#it8tyft i,, IV IYPE 7- n"--U t[ sc, INTIRIOR llvINDOW TYPE 6 SCALE: 1f4' = 1' - 0" 6SUE: Addendum I Addendum 2 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBols Archltects, P. C. l5l2 Larlmer 9trcet 8rldg.l.,\r'rt D.ov.r Cotondo 8020, XU-893-1990 Fax : 303-89]-22(X ADO2-T3 &6r1f* f* Ilb docrmart h m imtnrnrnl ol snvrce. ond G srh, Ei.iB th. pot r! ol lh kcnibd. P.misroi P;\2001-0?8.00 kil tn $hoo\2 0r0 ngs\01 Architecluro\frdding ond Neq0ti0lion\vm-18.1.00.dr9 lloy 29, 2001 o K LrPP CoLUssy JENKS DuBoIs ARCH II ECT S, P,c. M.ob.c Anti<or r,Erih,r. d A.d r.crt w'if.r &wr, tst 2 rorra* sr6.r lddg. r.!.1. Dtll!, Coto.6.b AO2qZ Fh 3O+StA-lt9O ld 3O3493-22O!t MEM fttndn 2 oo (Jrt) -l (!{r ---. (\t E I g I TPE Jl iiilffi.\ !p,l -ffi4 I u01lI slrl I r-o' I?-------J 4 il()1 -,-ffirl ffir lm2 | I r-o' I?-------J @A il21 VN TYPE K1 TYPE L TYPT K TYPE J TYPE H TTPE G m7 $r P:\2001-028.00 Voil Mtn School\2 Drowings\01 Architecturol\Bidding ond Negotiotion\m-A8.2.00dwg Moy 29,200i ADO2-14 t28- tilfiE ocq,6 wot trcJ I I WINDOW ITPES KIrPp C oLUssr JENKs DuBots Atcstrt ctt, P c_ M-nb-: ^frd€. td|'ub ot ArEtn .n w.lisSq!66, rst ?.to'id- St'tl arida. ti.l, O..a, C.lo6do aO2Oa pn 3oil-69i|.r 99O to. 3O3-a9:l-22O4 ct) cd5r)nr-a () .F,;o a- g I E F P:\2001-028.00 Voil Mtn School\2 Orowinqs\O| Architecturol\Bidding ond Negotiolion\vm-A8.2.00.dwg l/oy 29,2003 AD02- I 5 ll-_----{ l-l irrL________________ r rL______________ r | |lF--------llF---x s.l il-ll---------{-l Iri----- rr: | | rt|---------{tl------------.. t __,t IlE:::===::::i li-----rl I ill-_-Jl lL-----Jl I E I --------i- r- |lF-lltr_l .-, 1 |lE:::=::-llE--------11 > i Il=--------lrF::r------l " | |lF-__-_----lllF-l i-, 1 |[---------------- l l1---------------]l I I -----!- I v+' h1 3'-4" I - I /-o' I - LOUVER TYPE LIz ADDENDUM2 SCltf:174''= t'-o' VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail. Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. '1512 Larlmer St.eet Bridge Level Denvcr Colorado 80202, 303-893-1990 Fax | 303.893-2201 ISSIJE: Mdendum I Addendum 2 ADO2-16 Cat rtC{ m} ni5 docur'.nt b m ia{ti€nl ol !dti!. oid os sud, rnoins lf. poFrly ot the rrdt P:[{Dl-026.00 vor l|ln Scn00\2 Dr0r;nq6\01 lrchieclurol\Bidding o'rd ileqotioton\n-t8 2.00.dr! ltoy 29, zmi 061$- r100D rRru; 07m- sHrM sPAcE SEAI.AI{T BOTH SffiS 08t00- H0ltot{ tli|tTAt tMllt 08100- ct-AlrNc sIoP IS30: SECTION @ WINDOW FIEAD IN LIBRARY INTERIOR SECTION DETAILS VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larimer street Brldge Lcvet Dcnver Colorddo 80202, 3o1-E9l-1990 Far:303-g)3-2ax ts$f: Mdendum I Addendum 2 DRAIIIIIG NUIIBIR ADO2-17 C00nt i 2llN:lhb d.cundrl h on inslru,n nl of s.fice, nd os srh, Enoins th. p.opaty o{ i P:\2001-028.00 Voil llin School\? orwings\0| Archilecturol\Eiding ond liEoliotion\Detoik\n-lsl0-A002.drg !y 29, 200J 092m- llEIAL SIUDS; i 5/8" 062m- LNr 0F fl00D TRIM BEL0I{; re: E04 O48OO- STONE VTNEER BILOW; dry-stocked 06200- 2x vt000 BLocKrNc 06200- l{00D SrDrNc: lx3 botten 6 14" o.c. 062$- WOOD SIDING;lr boord O51OO- SIEET SIUDS 09200- 5/8' ilPE 'X' Gn. BD. 0i200- BAn NSUtur0N 09m0- 5/8' En. GYP. SHEAIHING - EXPNSION JOINT ASST}IBI-Y titOOD TRIM; 2x8 (}58M- EXPNSION JOII'IT A$TMBLY: re: lCG05 833: EXPASION JOINT DETAIL VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C, 1512 Larlmer Street Brldte Levet Deover Cotorndo E0202,103-891-1990 Fax : 303-E9l-?204 ISSUE: Mdendum l Addendum 2 REFTRENCE: l/A6.1.1 AD02-18 Coprtig 2m his docmnt is on instfn ni oJ Fri€e, 0d oi cri, dn0ins P:\2001-02E00 Voil tn School\2 DrorinF\01 lrchileclurol\Bi{ding ond ilegoti0li0n\tht0ils\m-tiJ-l0D2.drq Moy 29, ?00i .9- - - 4 BAS AS SCHOIi.ED O55M- SIEEL STRINGER 05lm- SmL CMNNEIj beyond O92M- 5USPENOED GYPSUM BOARD CEILIi,IG 06200- tf00D stDtNG: boord & botten 06100- r{00D BL0CKTNG: 2x4 0 16" o.c.'verl. (l92(](l- EXTERIOR GYP. BMRD SHEATHING 6100- SIETL SIUDS (}72()()- BAII INSULANOil OJJOO- CONCRETE ON tlETAL t)TCK O5IOO - S]RIJCIURAL SIEET nl/2\ ( S19: STAIR LANDING AT EXTERIOR WALL\\!/\_,\_r\_-\__/,.-_ VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. l5l2 Larimer Street Brldge L.evel Den\€r Colorado E0202, 103-893-1990 Fax i 103-893.22M ISSUE: Addendum 1 Addendum 2 ADO2-19 0qn!tr[*door'tisonincund||o|!d*![dc$d'af0ins|hF00dlyo|lhl,ciilrd.Panbin|o.Useo|llG&o'Yx'l;!hil.dddconhodUf|b P:\200t-02E.00 Vdl Uln Sdroo\2 Drorir$\01 lrchit€ctufo\Biddiig ord €90liothn\0el0ils\vm-Sl9-lm2.dr9 lot 29, 2O] 011[-cAsT rN PtAct 0s20(l- t8'lrAT ClrNr{EL ()92(l()- 5/E" EN. GN. SHEA]HING 0i200- ilrT 6,m-srEEL SIUDS 09200- 5/8" TYPE 'I' GYP. - t{00D TRIM; 2xl0 06200- ll00D TRIU; 2x8 062fi1- W00D lRltl; ZxB 062ff- rf00D srDtNG;'lx boord 062@- WOOD SIDING: 1x3 botten 6 14'o.c. 06200- 2x 11000 8L0crffiG 0{8{n- $0}lE \,tNEtR ffLOW; dry-stocked 06200- L|NE 0F lr{000 TRIM BEIOW: re: [04 E18: PLAN CORNER@ GYM/FOYER Cl10 ISSUE: Mdendum 1 Mdendum ? VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Kllpp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 LartnEr Street Srldge Lev€t oenver Colorado 8m(n, !01.893.1990 Fay: lt!-893-22(X AD02-20 C0tttidl 2UE nb ec!fr.itl is on iElnrDnl ol r€ryic., ond ds such, .!tiG lh pqedy 0l ti. tchitr.l. Plili$ioo t0. 6. P:\2COl-028.tt0 Voil llln Schoo\2 0rorirgs\Ol Archit€cturc\Bidding ond Neq0ti0li0n\0el0ils\m-E18-100?.dv9 lloy 29, 200J l-J t-o r-J :--------_l I i r0'-0' _ DIIIEN$ONIL STOI.IE VTNTER - 8" CtlU - FIREERICK t0200- GAS Loc lM- SIEEL COLUMN l$m- 20' Dh FIUE; obove smoke chomber UNE OF STOIIE IIff{IE- AEOVE UNE 0r flu/$or{E BA5[ m0[ Ul{E OF SIOTIE HEAfiIH IMOI: PLAN DETAIL AT BASE OF FIREPLACE FIREPLACE DETAILSI)RAtl{ BY: KS CHECKED BY:Ilra VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois ArchitecB, P, C. l5l2 tarlmer Street Bridge tevet oen\r'er Cotorado 80202, f01.893.190 F.x: !03.891.2201 ISSUE: Addendum 1 Addendum 2 ADO2-27 Cogfit{ m'lik do.0ms is on iGhnnr ol s.ficq ond P:\2001-028.00 Voil liln Schoo\2 Drorings\o1 Architedur0\Bidiling ond l{eqotir:tion\0etoils\m-lM0l-AD02.dr9 Moy 29, 200J - DII|ENSIOML STOilE VINIIR - 8" CMU lOO- STEEL COLUI|N t5m0- 20' DrA. FLUE CttSS A rNSUr,ArtD DOUBTE I{AIL FLUE. A]TACH TO MASONRY AT SIIOKT CMi/|BTR WITH U.t. APPROVEO BOIT.ON CONNECTOR UNE OF SIOI{I IIANIB. BtrOIT IMO2: PLAN DETAIL AT FIREPLACE FIREPLACE DETAILSDRlllN BY: I[l CHECKED Wr GC VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Archltects, P. C, 1512 Larirn€r Street orldge Levet Denver Cotorddo 8o2{n, 113-893-1990 Fax: 303-893-220,f ESIJE Addendum I Addendum ? AD02-22 c!0'iitu|c,njs&d]mu'tbon;Nt0mm|oJs.olr'oidos$rh'rm0inslh.p'opdt,0{ P:\2001-02E.00 Voil lltn *hool\2 0ronings$1 kchihduro\Bidding ond Negoti0lion\&t0ih\rn-lll02-A002.drq llay 29, 2tt0J - DIIIENSIONAI STONE VTNIER - STIEL COLU}IIN - 8" CMU - MITAL STUDS - SLOPT I5(l()()- OOUBtf I|ATI FLUE; IMO3: PLAN DETAIL AT CHIMNEY t'-0' 5';6' l'-0' offset os slprn - ORMI|INTAL SHTTT llTIAL 0N 3/4'PLYXTo0D rf/ gAR Srm,PS - CLAY FLUE TILT FIREPLACE DETAILSDMIIIIBY: IM CHECIG0 BY: cc IS$JE Addendum I Addendum 2 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado. Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 LarLner Street Bridqe t y€l tten€r Colorado 802@, 10l-893-1990 Fax:103-893-22(N AD02-23 oridt UIl llir doftirf a oi i,stmr{ ol lsrir, ond d. !r1', rcnoiiis lfr F.pclt .a th€ hilr.L PqnisiM lor 6. ol [* doorn$t b liH dtd P:\2001-02E.00 voil tltn Sdroo\2 Drorings\o| lrch''tecllr0l\Bidding ond [40ti0tion\DdoilM-[,0J-002.drg lloy 29, 200J - ORMTIII.IIAL SHEN s]tEt PAI'rELS 0N J/4" PLYlto0D - 8' $,|U - 6" CMU 15000- D0UBLE r'lAll- FLUE - rY000 nnAPPto sTtEt COLUltN \m,ss u$to FoR ctftrtY - FIRE PROOFING UNE tr SIOE ITII{IEL M$T IMO4: PLAN DETAIL AT CHIMNEY INTERIOR PLAN DETAILS VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larlmer Street Eridge Level Derwer CoLoiado 80202, 103-8931990 Far : 303'891'2204 ISSUE: Addendum 1 Addendum 2 5/30/03 AD02-24 &Dridim}n*doc'In6ri'0nir6t'utncn|ol3d!ir'dtdos!'.i,GI'0itsEg4e'ty0l|hkd.d'P'ni5gio'|,o.G.o'U*d@'ndt;rhihda'dconhei'db P\2001-02E.00 vdt Ih! schoo\z Drcrin$\ol lrdilecluro\SlHing ond Negliotion\&lor1s\nn-t01-00?.dng lloy 29, 200J - IITTAL CATYiATK - GYP 8OIfiD; curved, re: l/AJ.2.4 for hyoul ilIENt) GTP BOARO TO U}IDtr$t)E OF CIflUI{G O57OO- METAT SIRAP - r,l/000 GRI-LE 061$- tf0{0 rRlM; m{00- rl00D cot-ur,tN ENCLOSURT 06()0 - t'/000 PANEUNC; B4(){)- DIMINSIONAL SI0NE; typ AUDITORUI| AIJO - IIEST Pr\2m1-028.00 Voil Mtn School\2 Drowings\01 Architecturol\Bidding ond Negotiotion\vm-A7.1.11.dwq Moy J0, 200J KLrPP CoLUssY .lENKs DuBors lRcHrItcT5, P, C, M.f,b.. ,'.d.o. l^iirsr. o{ ArdrirGtt wrft.r squor. | 512 L.n6.r 516.r 6dg. !.!.1, o.B&, C6ro6do 60202 ph 3(,3-493-199O i.r 303-€93-220.1 NfEN ,tLatu! 2 uc/) 'Fr X(€b.PEalor-t E F I E F AD02-25 mffi Bf! S[f OfllEl EY: IPS 6SlEm2 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Cotcado l0lpp Colussy Jenks DuBois Archftects, P. C. l5l2 hrlrEr Stnct Bddgo Lcvd ol||ltr Colondo 102d2, !0]Nelt90 Fu: !o3-!flt-Utr q,|l&nirfGndbcrLddr*rd.rdr,tUfrbtqrtdhr.hd.blrt!d|tlqrdlFdritr|.dSrtbrft.Flf trEg0{qH! mirffid, fC Ggf &ll*s doormnl h oi imtvrEi d r{dcr, dd 0s ndr, ddr [. Fle.dt o, lF lrdhd. Ptnilrtn td ur ol ttr doqrnd b tritd d cor h. drbndd dlt bf ttLl Oi'* flk dF,ttcf ii qr i*trEt ol !ril, !i .t rdr |mt tE fqqtt ol tr /Wi!d. fr fr utr ol [t frd h md od .6 b. dtr{d {t, t rth.t!.trrf $ Ep ebq }d6 fA* [di..1i, PC t2 SECTION SCALE: 3/4" mfil BY: S[f $[U@ [Y:lPS ISUEm2 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBols Archltects, P. C. 1512 Larlmer Street BrldB. L.\€l De €r ColoEdo 80202, 18.891-1990 Fax I l03Slt3-221x o['s&ni!dol|t.*imtduiatdr*r,ai!sedr.c/fi!trFqqttrf0Efd.d.frl{|Eottit&qrisrtbHdlrdcrtb.abddotbrrttiqlqtEltdhhCet*fq0l&blflildlFC J, RfrF OECK MTtrtffii &tE sn & gl t26'-J6 - 'ffi,2 t25'4b SECTION tlf,ltml SY: $t 0f0g) SY: m fisrEm2 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Coloqado Kllpp Colu3sy Jenks DuBols Archltects, P. C. l5l? larimer St,€et 8.ldg. L€lEt tl€i\€r Colorado &nln, 303-893.1990 Far:1'349!-22{X oNtfa&116aq|n*bd|l*Ft.l*lignd!|.drt.d!h.Fqrfdlhibdffiok|..dtdoodtmdd.!rL#dqlttrtut.FaEfflthhqJrbDA'i'Hihd,PC tAt! 2, STAEHffiIE g/WT atAil tr s,21 SECTION SCALE: 3/4" = 1' milr 0r $f ffU@ Bf: m VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail. Colqado Kllpp Colussy Jenks DuBols Archltects, P. C. 1512 l-a.lm€r Strret 8.ldge l6€t Den\.er Cold.do dn(n, 3lr'!93-t99o F.x: m3{93-22(X slEm2 m &I*t d6crt b q| h&rf||at d !.r*r. !i 6 rri Erir! !r. FWtt d h ,htbd. ffii h 0r d tt idrrl b Hd !|a .. t dd rt t rtut qt!.rd flt |cp oirit ft5 0{lir |d*.b, tt HTEm2 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Ktipp Colussy Jeib DuBois Architects, P. c. 1512 Larim€r stre€t Mdge Lsvct lrcntEr Cotor.do EOdn,36{e3-1990 Fax:301-DI-2ZX ryltEnaddndlcirlultd!rir,!i0tndrrcidrhctqqtdUr.H.d,lar*rhlawdt*h'tr{irHddrnLdttddqtttr'L.{tc*llhhltJ*0etdftrhtC r!,'sMS/sMR ,olrru. REFER TO SHEET Ml.O FOR CONTINUATION. REFER TO DRAWNG 1 SHEET M4.]0, FOR WASTE & VENT ISOME1RIC AND DRAWNG 2, THIS SHEET FOR DOMESTIC WATER PIPING. lw"cw/t-tw Et 1vz"w uP, iu2"cw/Hw DN & 1!/z"w ro a lt t2+$t_€RAgE_ _ _ CI,ASSROOM@ DC-9?n i\|1 Ararll|li.a i (.l l|-|- l PARTIAL PIPING PLAN *whMAIN LEVEL AREA A VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail. Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 teriher Stre€t Bridge L€vel Derver Colorado 80202, 303-893-1990 Fax: $l-E93-229 NIE Mdendum 2 &0ri[a!]n6erlrrfad|igunrtolr*qdiGiri.rdt]fof40l]tntrLffifrr-dtMlndoiq|hddtnlitqrrttrdltErdltlqrs|lA*rdid5ff lj\Co5!r ftoildsvslllD \td llortoh Sd'ooN5ttnl\8cfi Cdd\isll0l$l2l.dtg lht A mI TO DRAWNG 2. SHEET FOR WASTE & VENT TRIC AND DRAWING 5. SHEET FOR DOMESTIC PIPING. v2"cw/Hw & 1r'2" vz"cvHw DN & PARTIAL PIPING PLAN *,:H;iE MAIN LEVEL AREA A SHEET M2.10 S0lE l/8'= l'-0' VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larlner Street Brldge Levet Denver Cotorado E0202, 103-893n99o Fax | 103'891-22(X NIE lddendum 2 oofdfdn5:naeqndboirtur{ofrariF,cncrrrrrdrtlnpqtldlhldilftPtla-ibqdtlitfdttlbhidodcobetdduttiihofltEffqeh6tJ.e tj\G0ld6t Poied{?5ll.O vd uou oh Sd'00\r5ll.0l\Bfff CoddvsllOllfljl2l.&g roy 29, zOJ vl"cw/Hw uP DATA@ uELrc. @ lth"w uP 1th"w uP Y2"CW UP 1 rr2"w uP 'tL"cw/Hw uP ACID DILUTION BASIN ABOVE. h"cw/Hw uP PARTIAL PIPING PLAN *'ffiDMAIN LEVEL AREA A VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larimer Street Eridge Level Denver Cotorudo 80202, 103-89!-1990 Fax: 303-893-2201 slE Addendum 2 C!ffittll[&tbdcrnrfir!|i*u'.lols!rb,d0r!rd'.llrdE[r!.torltoa!rfdfud.fibrEdlbd@Fibmdddc!|bdaddatttrrtrrldfftE9CdErttiB08irktl4tsR L\Gdden Proieclsv5l1.00 rd uqrtoh SdrmNsllol\8tr Cddv5ll0ll0l22.d4 l&t 29, mj G , SHEET M5.11 T IN THIS AREA. r r/""^u, /uu, I ro PARTIAL PIPING PLAN MAIN LEVEL AREA A B eAuotr-Grxze oddlh.b.'rb. /'- v2 ,/rrr lth"w u Y+"CW,/HW T0 MAINS IN CORRIDOR. $lE 178'= l'-0' VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Cotussy Jenks DuBols Architects, P. C. 1512 Larimer Street Bridge Levet oeover Coloredo 80202, 301.893'1990 Fax : 303-E9l'2204 NIE Mdendum 2 ofr!|dE;rnd@'tbr'ld^'rid.cri.!,gdoirrt\G'rfhF!F|'d!r,brlcd.Pc'iqii|rEo|tl..qutrhHadGolhcdd6|'|''itlqorq{s&eebvJ6'|gM[ ti\cddq' Proicclsvsll.0tl hil Xqnhh 5dro0\751l.0l\8ffi Cddv5tl0lld22.dry Toy 29, 200J o o NOTES: 1.REFER TO PIPING TO REFER TO ON SHEET FIXTURES. REFER TO PIPING TO DTAGRAMO, sneer M4.r1, FoR Hws,/HwR CABINET HEATERS AND UNIT HEATERS. PLUMBING FIXTURE CONNEC1ION SCHEDULE MO.l FOR CONNECTION SIZES TO INDIVIDUAL DTAGRAM@, sHeEr M4.11, FoR Hws,/HwR DUCT COILS. PARTIAL PIPING PLAN MAIN LEVEL AREA A *:ffiDESH*- ffill- FLAG NOTES: o R\:/ PLUMB FOR FUruRE FLOOR MOUNTED WATER CLOSET. PLUMB FOR FUTURE SINK. UP TO FUME HOOD. IMfi: PH SIECKCI BY: llDll NE s/J0/0i $lE 178''= l'-0' 6SE Addendum 2 51W03 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail. Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larimer Street Bridge Levet Denver Cotorado 80202, 303'A)3't990 Fa,r: $3-893-220'l NEEEf,E U2.22 mnsilm MX5ARCH. PR0J. N0.: 2001-028.00 ffif* mifft A"-'f b ol i!tt'||s{ ol !*r rn G ldt |tniE lb FlFlt of th ldLd ffr b rr ol ltit dranl b Hd otd cd t! lnltf !N t nilGt.t!6tnl rih l(If? fbV Job f&it ftdib.lr R U\etd€n Proircb\islln0 rbil utrnhh Sdoo\?5llll\mtr C0dA?5ll0lld2?n'9 lot ts, 200J REFER TO DRAWING 3, SHEET M5.11, FOR WASTE & VENT ISOMETRIC AND DRAWING 2, THIS SHEET, FOR DOMESTIC WATER PIPING. I Io I I sg*+II+ I,, 4'W zri' 2" 3" 2v; ttD V+" 2h". 4.,W UP, w DC-29 1!/z''W DN: 1l/2"W UP. REFER TO DRAWING 5, SHEET M5.11 FOR WASTE AND VENT ISOMFTRIC. PARTIAL PIPING PLAN *:witMAIN LEVEL AREA C Yz"Cw, 1W"w & 1Yz"V DN TO DRINKING FTN. $lE l7s''= | -0' VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Archltects, P. C. '1512 Ltrlmer Str€et Bddge Levet Oeover Cotirado E0202' 303-893-19q) Far:301'893-229 NIE Mdendum 2 ARCH. PR0l. N0.: 2001 Cl?tr4{An}l*eqrEfbgtidirrrt0lsiqad6r.lrttri!Itfrytoth.hihd.priirbtr0lt|ith|I!lb&tdqicnf!i.td!*tfrfk!.t.ttdt0fFftf.tJdq[A*d.ds'R L\Colda ftoi:cb\rtlln0 vd lltrdoh Sd'oorysllil\m Cddv5ll0l[zz$tg lct A. 2OJ CONNECT 2"V TO LOCKER ROOM VENTS. KtICHtN = (o SHEET M5.10 BING IN THIS 1Vz"W 1t/2" w PARTIAL PIPING PLAN *-:ffiih MAIN LEVEL AREA C rf c.o., BEFER FHEET I FLOOR CLEANOUTro ofecnnu @, M4.10. VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail. Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Archltects' P. C. 1512 Larimer Street Bridge tr\€t DeD€r Cotorado 8m02, 103'891'1990 Fax: !Ol{93-2204 NIE Addendum 2 oqtidf An} |L fidrrtd b E lEhn{ d lrir!, !a G urr |rr-F lb tFlt .l ir /Ydir.t 9!it*in t tc ol lb actrd a n ! !d .!| l' dd q b dbt ottqEd t trF C!f!t S 0lit trldr fr u\Gosa Pni*tsV5ll.m w bnloh 5d'00\El llllN6tr Cd4i5tl01u22Jft9 rot n 200J = REFER TO DRAWING 4, SHEET M5.11 FOR WASTE & VENT IN THIS AREA.@- SP-z, SUMP TO DIAGRAM PUMP, REFER Q, sHrer u+.t0. c.o.T.G.SP-2 2OOO GALLON GREASE INTERCEPTOR. REFER TO DTAcRAM @, snrer M4.r0. PARTIAL PIPING PLAN I BEAuDttl-Guze MAIN LEVEL AREA C 0o.dlha t.bxr fr ? lmil m PH CHECKE0 BY: MDl| VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail. Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larimer Street Bridg€ Levet Denver Colorado 80202, 303-E93-1990 Fax:303-893-22(X stE Addendum 2 C0?tV{XI}}fah|xdictilhrElotsrtr,ciGslrGri![rFlrrtt0fhl.dff.ffirttrd!-hdiHdadqtlqdiftrtLnrytrnrf*EPCdq.f*fiftiuibd!.R U\Cdda &oiectsv5ll.m Vd lurildt Sd'o0$5ll.0l\8Gff Cddv5ll0lW2ldq lot 29, n()J o o NOTES: 1.ROUTE VTR'S UP IN ARCHITECTURAL CHIMNEY FEATURES AS REOUIRED. VERIFY EXACT CHIMNEY LOCATION WITH ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. REFER TO PLUMBING FIXTURE CONNECTION SCHEDULE ON SHEET MO.1 FOR CONNECTION SIZES TO INDIVIDUAL FIXTURES. REFER To DTAGRAM@, sHeEr M4.r1, FoR Hws/HwR PIPING TO DUCT COILS. PARTIAL PIPING PLAN UPPER LEVEL AREA B BeAuoril n*HTafl EHHffi* ffiH" FLAG NOTES: PROVIDE FAUCET. DRAIN STOPS AND ACCESSORIES ONLY, SINK SPECIFIED BY ARCHITECT. mm pH CHECKED BY: MDI{ mE 5/J0/0J $f,E N'ONE srE Addendum 2 51W03 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Ktipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. '1512 Lariroer Street Eridge Le\€l Den\,€f Cotorddo &202, 303-893-19911 Fax:103'813-2ZX 880tr8il2.25 MGilM MX9ARSI. PR0,. l'10.: 2001-028.00 o{'ilf 2(0&lb &|tr'f bqr ilhd 0l rit, ltd 0r rrn, rri6 lh ldt d h ind, fttlair b E d lE -.trd i f&d d c.n t !S at t iir Fr.f aE tdq J* OAE r'.fldx P( L\Co5dt Prqedsv5ll.m vd lhnkir S.lEdV5l l0l\8CC C0dA75ll0ll[221d4 lot A. Z00J c0uNstulrc offrct@ \- h- DC-51 s. scrtN I-A8@ m - 2"v DN To ---- BATHROOM GROUP'S. ltlll| | | l\tttl| --t-----+-- IL-j-J L-i-" tltltl \€NT DTRECILY TO OUTDOOR. PARTIAL PIPING PLAN UPPER LEVEL AREA B Vrul MoUNTAIN scHool Vail. Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P' C'. 1512 t-arimer it'reet Eridge Levet Denver Colorado 80202' ml-893-1990 Fax:303"693-z2q ssE Mdendum 2 PR0.J. 1'10.: 2001-028.of tt ritil lq|.lril dt l(Io Cd!ry lti€ Mtb ftditedr R UiCoUo, p.i"t Vfrrm Vdl Uotrtoin $hoo\75110t\8Gfr Codd!5ll0ll{025'dr9 UoI A' 200t 2''CW UP TO AHU-6. 2L"HWS/HWR UP TO AHU-6. DRAWNG WASTE & 5, SHEET VENT ------ f-,---- II- l l I ! I I l 1" MB GALTTRY l-/.tl1-lI \/t:Lt I ! I l Iri I *:ffiDPARTIAL PIPING PLAN UPPER LEVEL AREA C o-HWS VAU MoUNTAIN scHooL Vail' Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Archltects, P' c' . tStZ tarimer'St'reet Saatc L-er"t Deover Colo6do EO02,l0l-893n90 Fat:303-t93'22(N slE Addendum 2 b ldla d cr b dd q t ittr qt.tItr a m Cdct Js{6 0{b ltflEtr P( U\daoar p.ins\rSrr.m Vd lqt{dr Sdt o\t5ll.0l\mE C0ddv5lt0lW20'd!9 lot A' 2m0 26x12 SA DUCTWORK TO SERVE STAGECRAFT lnee. srncecRAFr TO BE SUPPLIED v FLOOR MOUNTED DIFFUSERS. PARTIAL BASEMENT LEVEL HVAC PLAN *'H;ifr d NOTES: 1. ALL S.A. DIFFUSERS TO BE TYPE "A" U.N'O. 2. ALL R.A. GRTLLES TO BE TYPE "8. U'N.O. sE t/4'= t'-0' VNU MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail. Colorado Klipp Cotussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P' C'- 15!2 Lartmer!;eet f.ide€ Levct Denwt cotorado 80202, 103{93-190 Fax:30}!91-2204 ESIE Addendum 2 lfll,| f. r frvu, uN.--l cornnt !tr'riior'r.".u-ror ffiftffi*d [id1ndtacr b#iqf t -&o ry..ld fr EDoilts llb ffi!' Pl uidt prr*r,\nrrm w rqd,r, sdo\rslllt\occ c.ddv5ltoluJ2odq rry 8' 2o0 24116 R,A. OUCT UP. REFER IO SHEET M3.I5 FOR CONIINUATION. - TECTURE / REHEARSAL HALL PARTIAL BASEMENT LEVEL HVAC PLAN VruI MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail. Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P' C', r:t2 Larlmeritlreet Bridge t;et Denver colorado Eo2o2, m3'89!'1990 FEx:303'E9]-22M NIE lddmdum 2 !' dft qFI{ - fF C-tt tit iic r=iFi 1 L\doldct Poieclsv5l|.ll) W lhnkfi Sdr.NSll0l\8ffi Cod{?5ll0tu:n0rhg rlt il' 2mj +-l cD | ---------> )at-l -_ l;<-lG)l--..---+ri I I l0x8 1OxB Jr--..---> 1- -J I c{ oc{-J @ N -12 i 260 J 24x24 I rYP. 14 1 _-- PARTIAL HVAC PLAN MAIN LEVEL AREA B I tt=t Vrul MoUNTAIN scHool Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P' C' t5t2 Larimer it;et Bridp ievet Den\€r Cololrdo Eo2o2, m3'893-1990 Fax : 303-893'2204 NIIE lddendum 2 rrv.r 4vvr wrv,vvl cnoig 2ol ni dG,rd i " iotrrrl or ffiiffi* d r,i' e.-rlbr*l oo or tc r*ta a1t nit!' .yrd'r dh rD crlq J.r. fiak rtdnld' Pt lj\Cddcl Proircb\nll.m voi x toh Sdoo{7s|l0l\Bctr CdA75ll0ll0622irg ury 29,2O5 I\l*\.^ l(o Ajl5o.' -1=)---@ cRADt------- *s-,N--"- 16x12 16x12 ElS; I 6- DC-18 I I I II'- 48x20 R.A. DUCT ---) iow I PARTIAL HVAC PLAN MAIN LEVEL AREA B VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P' C. 1512 LarJmer itreet Bridge Le\€t Denver Colorado 80202, ml'893n990 Fax:303-E93"zM slE Addendum 2 dsid !*t bt iitr' ogstrrl dr h &I!t Jale Dd* frdrf.ch Rfro,lrliroJjtto"*tb"l*,'dato*o,"n"sdr,nfriBll'.rlFlt!t0|.l.d.dFcdtibb|idlli!&orutNtilldai.!|!ca L\Golden ProtddT5l l.D vol l&'r{oi0 SdFd\El l.0t\8ctr Codv5ll0luJz.drg rat 29, 2005 100 12x12 30x18 130 24x24 160 24x24 TYP. 2 PARTIAL HVAC PLAN MAIN LEVEL AREA B Herunw f-r "*H'rafl to{ol-gl.{t- fr-zz z'- 48x18 9:A: ^qucT c{ o 14x10 I SfxE t/o''= t'-0" VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail. Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Archltects, P' C' 1512 Lariner ifuet Eridqe Le\€t tteN'er cotorado !0202,303-893-1990 Fax:303'891'22(N [slE Addendum 2 @qd6i.[6,riE !rFlFtrot hl|dilrdp.t'irir| h Ed 0idcirrt f\Cdar ftoirtsv5ll.m \,oil tl0{ttoh 5d'ooA75l Inl\BCS Cddvsllolltxu?Jtg rot 29, zOJ ff,A !{ - t rlrnU nrf t tllst of!.!ri di rtp C4fcct .ftrs oAb l'dftd!, R -llt-=t*)rii 6' CONNECT 28x18 SA 58x32 SA DUCT lN MEZZANINE. TRANSITION 14x8 TO 12xB AND DROP DN CHASE, 1 6x'I0 f,fl2l 16x10 |,l+ |El$s--r t il* Dc-ail I I U.J. IJLILI'I\ l---L-cLdsnoot -?-l-ls2ollt{ ---m--Ff PARTIAL HVAC PLAN UPPER LEVEL AREA B VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larimer'street Eridge Leve{ Oenver Coloftdo E0202, 103'893-1990 Fa)(:303'891-2201 [slE Addendum 2 orn mfrt n-iUn rr 6! d [a ficlrF{ '! Hd d .o h aLdd oN t rttln ott r t rF Cdq Jds Dftb rfi !.h R L:\Gddrn ftoi.cbv5ll.m hit llor{oh Sdrdv5ll0l\efi C0d475ll0lldl25.d'ry loy ?9' 200t o FD wc WASTE & VENT ISOMETRIC NO SCALE: *'ffii, ?' ->-REFEB To_ sHEqT^-M2.23 FOR CONTINUATION. VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail' Colorado Klipp Cotussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C.. 1512 Larlrner i:reet Eridge Levet Oenver Cotor.do 80202, 303'E93'19$ Fax:103'&l-2zx slE lddendum 2 |ra rO * to ot*l n; t rilrr .tc.ra nt rp cdq s Ulir bilcrlr R lj\Coldc| Pnilct3\nll.m Vd l.oniar Sdrdv5ll0l\ffi Cddv5ll0ln5luE lot P' 200J IirhrEtir alhGtds*f r!ridr,rldllrFF d*frdiffi.hfliii!h|Ed!6hrurihddfl!.d*d{ttiib{r.lirf |irq0t@Jd'bMttrrdftdtK. l:e-.0-flrs lled]rs lTs.T'ln IC :[lru :@lnr :@nr t.r. ..\.'.".t. :. l.'l :'l :..7 ;. ;4 V'trTCHsu0.Glry' , \nlm$ff:i-.$r.."._,*--.- -:\t| ..: rl PLAYGROUND GRADING ;)iliillii$Y i.JAr i.ftii{aa t': i:rj 'Ji.[ 58002 -liiilir lli'*i 'rl" j:illt. Addendum I t903 VAIL I\,IOUNTAIN 5{HOCL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. 1512 Lariner stcet Bridge level3?€jlg:_::locdo 80202, 303{93-l eso Fd: ililtii;ii: 11.5.2 Addendum2 58003 0ltv"ll;6 iii;liiijIi tx-2 ;lii.li iiii;i. a!i; :it:.i:;l ;i ::iri:i::l:: llitd6nrnbdilltlrc{ds*!,da!dr,r!r*rfFqrttdit ldi[d.tnbb"!16.dbdollr 6f.d(.r!.!:'tddtltrttd|qlltrf dtm(*q*Dr6& t6,K. ., './ .,' X o' 2s tl PARTIAL GRADING PIAN WEST CLASSROOM POD ;.r:l 5/1002 !t .4l.i: I "'lC"i' rliii{I BY :tAi ,,l"l,tiliir,ll; iiii r!lirll Addendum 1 Addendum 2 VAII" MOUNTAIf{ 5C F'I OOL Vail. Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. 1512 Ladm€r ltrEet Bridge Level 3Dmv€ ,Colorado 80202. 303{93-1990 Fax: ;:iiiil.rii:l t;i. :C114:3iil Itbdqmed; idn Ent olglh, r'n !!ldr, rsiri[fFqslyoldradnt(t fnddrlrolfiik!rF !fr'doh!fCd!dttntnrqFr*itrfqp(dqIrfD'ro6adr'nc,f .\J z1 :i , t- I '- -- *../-.r:!;y.7 ,/i ",-- .-..', / /a/.i /i PARNAL GRADING PI,AN.EAST 1 I I # t I --------J VERIFY 0tr[: 58002 5lil.i: 1 '*1"1''"t" DFi!',rii 8Y iiil ailt:;Xil i;1t iiv VAIL MOUNTAIN 5CI.{COL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. 1s12 ta.ime. street u,'O*,-* r?Ti$tllorado 80202, 303{e3-l eeo Fax: ffrlRilii 11,2.1;!illil Ad&ndum I Aftmdum2 i!i:l ia0t. ili 2.1t14:t;rj li dJ0rnfitii r iffxt|al d !s*!, in 6rd', nirrE tr Fqctd 0r rrdrKt Mb1 bl&d hii d6rri i ffi rd ('r h rudd qttttiftt.qr!L{|$ fO(d!9ltbh&iatnh, t( . '-*-,...---|*;:o"*-.-\'-:t-.--t-il&'i \ \,.'., 'i!^: l! i--=: _Jv /t ATED r-------- PARTIAL TAYOUT PLAN.EA$ /,r ;'i.rilfi; 'oY i'lil aiiti (:ij i!: iilj iSiiii: Adendum I Addendum 2 VAIL MCIUNTAIhi SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. 1 slz Larimer Stre€t Bridge teirel 3?ej$$3.-!glorado 80202, 303+93-1990 Fax : r jj Ji: ,t ,:i jilt.:Jl "j 'ft8 &stEtb r il&]nfl 0lsiq .'a ! rd, cnrr! tr l(sdtd $r ltdild ltiiltn h u. d lirdcrl i fd ('l hd of bt|rl[n.qrgtrntu'h q0 (d!t l'$0'a! $iB, K. t tl : -t-. . . , --. .'--, ,-'.-- -..,-,...---... .l 'i llr,i:: :' i; ' ! ,n i|aiil-] 1 I J'-r0'lJ'-10" I i' J-IU , J-IUa- -!-' ".'i'-r0' 3'10"l'l' 1' -D i! 40'A' 1' o"-u I -l') t: a i. i,: l) r:ijt-i j 1 i! i ij i:: I;i I ;;------iii:liii Iii:i STACI RIGGING PIAN K r. rtl ( : ! , r. r.r J l Y , rt N K s I)llll('rl At(:Hrrf (.rt r' a. ArdtJd: ^nnn, o^ In*r& cr A-.6n- rr Wr r' 5rreru, Iti2 Ltinimr,gt'r.r gdrle. Lrel, Osnvrr . iio'!?io 8(l,(rt ph .'rl!r-3t:r l t.,(' 6J,tt(fj,\9't-/2('1 o I O nb rJ c,C= --J>(J _o t3 3 a * ISSUI RTCORO: Mendufi 2 ADO2-TSO3 IUS trFE a-,t&E R]-v{R mlm srsm Rm nfl - H lmflnA mlm gY: D|iaP CHECKD 8Y: s{A 0AlE s/J0/03 $AlI: l/8'= l'-0' ISSUE Addendum L 5/9103 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBols Architects, P. C. 15'!2 Lrrlrner Str€et Bridqe Leyel Denver ColoGdo 80202' 18.893.t990 F.x I !01'8!13'2204 RfftR$ct rs2.2.l Addendum 2 5/Sl0J DRAIIINO ]{UIIBR: ADO2TS4ARCH. PR0J. l{0.: 2001-028.00 Crdf & ** dodnot b o iEln r.nt ol rcyir. dd o! $dr, 'striE h! FrFq ol th hiL.L Pdritli). lo. E! ol tlb d.qdrt b Hd otd c$ b. .rb$d dt t iin n P:\2001-028.00 ol tltn 5do0\i C0ntr0cl tdminisk0tbn\01 Dounents\B ProFc.l Communimtions\0J Comrltonts\09 Acodin\hcuninvm-IS2.2.01-lD02.dr9 l0y ?9, 2mJ House EIR 8 ENtRr StAnOl H0u5E tE t tRofl TIITII 'ANON HIx,sT TESI R[I8 tNE SrAl|ql l|lt st SlcHI tto r oarRr swn r+8+C+C+C+C+D+t+t+t STICE RIGHT coilrRol slAlrorl {c+c+D+E{Ei[ 4Ntl 120 l/|c, 601{r J-PTUSC a- 88 + GmJn. 120l20E vrc. 400a 60lt INI LEGEU) A - (r) BEt0EN E17rI = (l) EErDElt 9728 c = (t) 8€u)fit 97?9 D - {2) '16 {G snnio€Dt : {t) ,t1 r{c slM|lo€o NOIES 1. ColNECItor{ 0f atr nEu ffiI$ sy ELECIRE{. 2. llsE f10 ltH[ 'lRlrG foR cox|l€cllcft 0f THtrnrcar u0fill]10 t0t05.J. Cot$ttcl rfl.lsE $Hrrs I0 DrgB Rto( rs sPEcrfrfo Br €ucrntca.r. sannrlt xEoR|t 6 ngltRa0 fd Ero{ 0{ar$ ona.Il DRAWN Bf: SAA CHICKID BY: SM ISSU[:VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larimer Street Bridge Ler,,el Deriver Cotorado 80202,301-893.1990 Far | 301-893-221t4 ARCH. PRO.I. N0: 2001 l.t Vail Mountein School Project Number 2001-028 Construction I)ocuments Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P-C. SECTION I 67 20 - FIRE DETECTION AND AT-A.RM SYSTEM PART I -GENERAL FIRE DETECTION AND ALARM SYSTEM Rolf Jensen and Associates. Inc. DESCRIPTION Provide all materials and labor for the design and installation of a new automatic fire alarm system, hereafter referred to as the system, in the Vail Mountain School building. All work shall be performed in accordance with tlrese speciffcations and good practice. No modiffcations to these speciffcations will be accepted without the expressed written approval of the Architect System concept drawings sheets E2.20 through E2.26 arc for information only to show potential system arrangement. Contractor shall ffeld verifu all information contained on these drawings and is responsible for design and installation of the system in accordance with the speciftcations. The bid drawingi do not show all information necessary for installation of the system, but are intended to be used as a guide by the Contractor for th. p,rrpor. ofd.rigning the system ani preparing a bid. As such they indicate:l. Approximate device locations. 2. Types and minimum quantities of initiating devices and notiftcation appliances.3. location ofthe new ffre alarm control panel. 4, Location of remote annunciator pands. INTENT OF SPECTFICATIONS It is intended that the work performed pursuant to these speciffcations be complete in every respect, resulting in a system installed entirely in accordance with the applicable codes, standards, manufacturer's recommendations and Underwriters laboratories Inc (UL) listings. It is further intended that upon completion of this work, the Owner be provided with:l. Complete information and drawings describing and depicting the entire system as installed induding all information necessary for maintaining troubleshooting and/or expanding the system at a future date. 2. Complete documentation of system testing.3. Certiffcation tlut the entire rystem has been inspected and tested is installed entirely in accordance with the applicable codes, stan&rds, manufacturer's recommendations and UL listings, and is in proper working order. WORKINCLUDED Provide and install a new ffre alarm system consisting of:1. Fire alarm control panel located in Electrical Room A038 on the basement level and remote A. c. t't B. .LJ A. 2. 3. ann nciator panels (3) located at the East exit {Vestibule Cl42) Main entry {Entry Vestibule Bl60), and West entry (Corridor Al l6) all on the main level. Manual fire alarm stations at all exit stairways and at grade level exit doors. Spot type smoke detectors thmughout all areas except those areas where the environment or the occupancy is best suited for other detection such as heat detection. Reference Electrical construction documents for guidance. Include the top of elevator shafu and door holder activation. Duct type smoke detectors in air handling systems.4. 16720 - | Veil Mountain School Project Number 2001-1128 Construction Documents Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architectq P.C. FIRE DETECTIONAND ALARM SYSTEM RolfJensen and Associates. [nc. 1.4 1.5 A. 5. Heat detectors in bathrooms, mechanical equipment rooms, boiler rooms, elevator machine rooms (one within two feet of every automatic sprinkler head), kitchen, locker rooms and areas with showers. Reference Electrical construction documents for guidance. 6. Fire alarm horns throughout the building including classrooms to achieve appropriate sound decibels in accordance with NFPA 72. 7. Visible notification appliances in all public or general areas including the auditorium, commons areas, libraries, restrooms, meeting rooms, lobbiet corridors, hallways, lounges, offices, shops, work areaq locker rooms, theaters, and classrooms. 8. Provide and install devices, equipment, and wiring necessary to monitor the activation of special hazard ffre suppression systems (kitchen hood suppression systemsJ. Final checkout of inter- connections shall be made by activating the special hazard ffre suppression systems(s) detection circuits. Contractor shall include the services of the special hazard {ire suppression systems(s) contractors(s), if needed, to fully test the interconnections. 9. Provide and install devices, equipment, and wiring as necessary to monitor the activation of automatic sprinkler and standpipe system supervisory and alarm devices. 10. Provide and install devices, equipmen! and wiring necessary to transmit fire, trouble, and supewisory signals to the security/ffre department (or central station). ll. Provide and install magnetic door holders or coordinate with door contractor to provide. Provide and install wiring and equipment necessary to activate door holders upon alarm by nearby smoke detectors. 12. Provide necessary interface wiring to fan(s) and air handling unit(s) Direct Digital Control (DDC) OR Motor Control Center (MCC) electrical panels for start-up or shut down of fans when smoke is detected and/or smoke control mode operation is initiated (stage). 13. Provide and install relays necessary to initiate primary and altemate floor elevator recall and devator power shunt trip interruption. 14. Provide and install devices, equipment, and wiring necessary to monitor the emergency generator for running conditions, failure to starg and other supervisory conditions. 15. Test and adjust all new equipment and systems 16. Prepare and submit shop drawings, contractor record drawings and other submittals required herein. 17. Guarantee ell new equipment and systems for one year after final acceptance ofthe system by the Owner. 18. Obtain, secure, and pay for all permits, plan check approvals, and inspections necessary to perform the work. 19. Provide testing of all devices after normal working hours and repair as necessary during the warranty period up to and including the ffrst annual tests, as required in NFPA 72 as a minimum. 20. Coordinate all work with other Contractors working in the buil&ng or concunent construction or installation of other systems (9g, adjusting waterflow alarm switch retards by tlre Sprinkler ContractorJ. WORKINC CONDITIONS It shall be the Contracto/s responsibility to inspect tle job site and become familiar with the conditions under which the work will be oerformed. QUALITYASSUMNCE Codes, Standards, Ordinances, and Permits l. All work shell conform to the requirements of the applicable portions of the National Fire protection Association (NFpA) Standards, Guides and Recommended practices listed herein: INOTE: Use current editions of NFPA Standards unless local codes require earlier editions.)a. NFPA 70, National Electrical Code. 16720 -2 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001428 Construction Documents Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. FIRE DETECTION AND ALARM SY.STEM Rolf Jensen and Associates. Inc. b.2. AI NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code. work and materials shall conform to all Federal, State and local codes and regulations 5. governing the installation, including the current editions of the Town of Vail Building and Fire Prevention Codes, as modified or interpreted by the authority having jurisdiction. If there is a conflict between the referenced NFPA standards, federal state or local codes, and this specification, it is the Contractor's responsibility to immediately bring the conflict to the attention of the Architect for resolution. NFPA standards shall supersede unless local codes are more stringent. Contractor shall not attempt to resolve conflicts directly with the local authorities unless speciffcally authorized by the Architect. All devices, systems, equipment and materials fumished and installed shall be new and listed by Underwriters Iaboratories lnc. (UL) for their intended use. All equipment shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and the UL listing limitations. Listing requirements for fire alarm systems, smoke control system equipmen! heat detectors, notification devices, manual stations and smoke detectors shall be met. The Contractor shall provide evidence, with his submittal, of lisfings of all proposed equipment and combinations of equipment. All devices, systems, equipment and materials furnished and installed shall be of types or models approved and required by NFPA Standards or UL listing for use in systems and occupancies of this type, unless the Town of Vail Building and Fire Department requirements are more stringe nVrestrictive. The Contractor shall be responsible for filing of all documents, paying all fees (including but not limited to plan checking and permit) and securing all permits, inspections and approvals (includlng but not limited to Engineer of Record requirements) necessary for conducting this work. Upon receipt of approved drawings from the authority having jurisdictio& the Contractor shall immediately forward two sets of drawings to the Architecc These drawings shall either be stamped approved or a copy of the letter stating approval shall be included. Qualiffcationsl. The Contractor shall:a. Be specialized in fire detection and fire alarm systems with five years documented experience, certiffed by manufacturer as ffre alarm installing contractor.b. Provide a job site supervisor who is to be present on-site each day that work is actively in progress. This individual shall be the same person throughout the course of the project. The Manufacturer shall be specialized in fire detection and ftre alarm systems with ffve years documented experience with addressable alarm systems. SUBMITTATS General I. The Fire Protection Consultant shall review and recommend approvaL/disapproval or take other appropriate action on the Contractols submittals induding shop drawings, samples, documentation and record drawings. This review is to verify conformance to project speciffcations and design concepts expressed in the contract documents. This action shall be taken with all reasonable promptness as to cause no delay in the work, while allowing adequate time to permit adequate review. Review of such submittals is not conducted foi tlre purpose of determining the accuracy and completeness of other details (i.e., dimensions) or for substantiating installation or performance of equipment or systems designed by the Contractor, all of which remain the Contractor's responsibility to the extent required by the contract documents. The Fire Protection Consultant's review shall not constitute approval of safety precautions of constructiory means, methods, techniques, sequences of procedures, or approval of a specific assembly of which the item is a part. Z. lf submittalq upon review by the Fire Protection Consultanq are found not to conform to the requirements of these specifications, the Contractor shall be required to resubmit with modiftcations. The Contractor shall be responsible for the extra expenses for subsequent reviewfs) 1.6 16720 -3 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001-028 Construction Documents Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBols Architects, P.C. of rejected submittals necessitated by the Contractofs failure to make the requested modiffcations. Approval of the submittals shalf in no case, relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to meet the requirements of this specification. B. Subcontractors l. Contractor shall submit with his bid, a list of all proposed subcontractors. A1l proposed subcontractors are subject to the approval of the Architect2. The installing electrical subcontractor(s) shall: a. Hold all licenses and permits necessary to perform this work. b. Have at least five years of experience in the installation of systems of tlls type and be familiar with all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations. c Be regularly engaged in the servicing installatiorg and testing of ftre detection and alarm systems. C. Equipment Lists 1. The Contractor shall submit with his bid a detailed equipment list, identi$ing types, modds and quantities of all materials, devices and equipment proposed. This submittal shall include manufacturers' data sheets showing the types and models of all equipmen! devices, material and wire proposed. Evidence of UL listings and local approvals shall be submitted with the data sheets. The submittal shall include, but not be limited to, the following: a. Conduit, raceway, junction boxes, terminal cabinets, device backboxes, ffttings, hangery and mounting hardware. b. Wire, cable, connectort terminal strips, and electrical tape. c. Fire alarm control equipment and annunciators, including all components, modules, and enclosures. d. Manual ffre alarm stations, detectors, auxiliary function relays and solenoids, and notiff cation appliances. e. Unintemrptable power supplies and standby batteries. f. Any other materials, devices, or equipment to be provided. g. Fire alarm schematic riser diagram supplemented with narrative descriptions as necessary for clarity and completeness. 2. When a data sheet shows more than one product, tfie proposed product shall be clearly indicated by arrows or other suitable means. D. Work Schedule 1. The Contractor shall submit with his bid a proposed work schedule rnd representative charL This schedule shall indicate the time necessary for: Project start-up. Property survey. Shop drawing submittals. Installation. e. Contractor testing, f. Final acceptance tests. 2. The proposed work schedule will be reviewed and finalized during the preconstruction meeting and will be updated at each weekly construction coordination meeting. Samples l. Within 30 days of authorization to proceed the Contractor shall submit samples of all proposed alarm initiating devices, audio/visible notification deviceg wire, and cable to the Architect for approval Permits, Licenseg and Certificates I' Prior to start of installation, the Contractor shall obtain and submit copies of all permits, licenses, certiffcates and approvals necessary to conduct this work. b. d. F. FIRE DETECTION AND ALARM SYSTEM Rolf Jensen and Associates. Inc.16720 - 4 Vail Mountain School Project Number 200f 428 Construction Documeuts Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. G. Shop Drawings l. Prior to installation, but within 30 days after awarding ofthe contract, the Contractor shall submit four fulI sets of blueline shop drawinls, one set of reiroducible [sepiai shop drawings, five full sets of data sheets updated to reflect any changeg and installation manuals/instructions detailing the manufacturer's installation recommendations for all equipment to be installed, to the Architect for approval. lnstallation prior to receipt of approved shop drawings shall be at the risk of the Contractor. 2. The shop drawings shall consist ofthe following: a. A drawing legend sheet identifiTing: 1) All symbols used on the drawings, by type of device or equipmen! manufacturer, and manufacturels part number. This information shall correspond to the manufacturer's catalog data sheets required elsewhere in this section. D All conventions, abbreviations and specialized terminology used on the drawings, as necessary to understand and interpret the information contained therein. 3) All color codes and conduig conductor/ circuit and device numbering systems.q A complete drawing list/index identifring all drawings in the shop drawing package by tide, drawing number and Speciffcation cross-reference. b. Clean architectural floor plans drawn to scale and a system riser diagram with a tide bloct on each drawing. Floor plan drawings required for this submittal shall be generated using the bid drawings as background. l) The floor plan drawings shall indicate: a) Location of all devices, equipmen! risers and electrical power connections, Addressable systems shall indicate device addresses for all addi.essable components shown on each drawing. b) Number, sizg and type ofconductors and conduit- c) Point-to-point wiring connections showing individual circuits and circuiVconduit routing. This information shall be depicted in sufficient detail to readily locate specific conduits, raceways and circuits in the ffeld and to identiS, tfie speciffc conductors/circuits contained therein. All penetrations of fire rated barriers shall be individually noted. French curve routing is not acceptable for depicting new conduits, raceways and circuits. d) Typical wiring diagrams for all alarm initiating devices and notiffcation appliances, showing the size and type of conductors, wiring terminations and terminal identiffcations. e) When remote transmitting panel power is derived from "local" source of building emergency power, the shop drawings shall show wire routing and point of connection (locationJ to the building "E' circuit. 0 Conduit fill calculationg in chart form, indicating the cross-section area percent fill for each type of wirey'cable in each size of conduit used in the system. A maximum of 40 percent ffIl is allowed- 2) The riser diagram shall indicate: a) Number, size, and type of riser conduits/raceways. bl Number, size, and type ofconductors in each riser. c) Number of each type ofdevice on each circuit on each floor. c. Detailed wiring diagrams for all alarm control panels, public address panels, control panel modules, power supplies, electrical power connections, auxiliary function relays and solenoids, remote signaling equipmen! and annunciaton, identifoing all required terminations, including terminal identifications. All unsupewised conneitions and terminations shall be noted *unsupervised.' a) These diagrams shall depict and identifu all circuit boards, modules, power supplies, standby batteries, wiring harnesses, terminal strips and connections thereto, including spare zones and circuits. Where multiple components of a similar type are provided each shall be identified by a unique component number. FIRE DETECTION AND ALARM SYSTEM Rolf Jensen and Associates. Inc.16720 - 5 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001428 Construction Ilocuments Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. b) These diagrams sha1l include front-view details of all control panels and annunciators, depicting and identifuing all indicators, controls and zone labels, including proposed nomenclature. c) These diagrams shall depict the required information to relative scale, actual size or larger, showing proper spatial relationships between components, and shall reflect the corresponding system components as they are to be installed. d. Standby battery capacity calculations. Battery calculations shall list the type of devices (UPS, detection, monitoring and control), and modules; quantities, unit and extended amperage draw for quiescent and alarm conditions, total amperage draw and battery amp/hour rating. For design criteria, the calculated load shall be tfie design load, including spare capacity. In additiory the battery capacity used to meet the calculated load shall be a maximum of 80 percent of the amp/hour rating listed by the manufacturer. e. Voltage drop calculations shall list the percentage of drop for compliance with the local authorities' requirem ents. f. A complete zone/address list identifying each signal initiating zone, annunciator zone, notiffcation signaling zone, remote signaling and auxiliary function zone and the speciffc devices associated with each zone. g. A Cause and Effects Matrix, or a sequence of operations section deftning the system operation, This matrix or sequence shall cross-reference each signel initiating zone to its corresponding annunciator zones, notiffcation signaling zones, remote signaling zones, and auxiliary function zones, and indicate system operation in the event of each type of trouble condition recognized by the system.3. Each drawing shall be cross-referenced to all related drawings and speciftc drawing details as necessary for the submittal as a whole to clearly depict the proposed installation. Each drawing shall show revision number and date indicated in the title block. Revisions shall be douded or otherwise highlighted between submissions. Revisions made without clouding or other highlights will not be reviewed and any approval of the revised drawings will not apply to those unnoted revisions. 4. The Contractor will not be authorized to start installation until all of the shop drawings and data sheets are received reviewed and approved in writing by the Architect and the Town of Vail Building and Fire Departments. H. Operation and Maintenance Manual l. The Contractor shall provide the Owner with a loose-leaf manual containing: a. A detailed narrative description of the system architecture, inputs, notiffcation signaling, auxiliary functions, annunciation, intended sequence of operations, expansion capability, application considerations, and limitations. b. A detailed description of the operation of the system, induding operator responses. The approved sequence of operation shall be placed in, or adjacent tq the operatols control panel. c' A detailed description of routine maintenance required or recommended or as would be provided under a maintenance contract including a testing and maintenance schedule and detailed testing and maintenance instructions for each type ofdevice installed.d. Manufacturers' data sheets and installation manuals/instructions for all equipment installed with detailed troubleshooting instructions for each speciffc type of trouble condition recognized by the system, induding opens, grounds, parity errors, 'loop failuresn, etc. These instructions shall include a list of all trouble signals annunciated by the system, a description of the condition(s) which will cause those trouble signals, and step-by-step instructions describing how to isolate those problems and correct them (or call for sewice, as appropriate). e. A list of recommended spare parts. f. Service directory which includes the main 24-hour emergency service number and at least three alternate numbers which are monitored on a 24-hour basis. FIRE DETECTIONAND AIARM SYSTEM Rolf Jensen and Associates, Inc.16720 - 6 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001-028 Construction Documents Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. g. Small scale (l I inches by 17 inchesJ contractor record drawings of the system.2. Within 90 days of authorization to proceed, trhe Contractor shall submit to the Owner four (4) copies ofthe draft manual for approval. 3. Thirty (30) days prior to completion of the work, six (6) copies of the approved manual shall be delivered to the Architect. 4. This manual shall be written, compiled and edited speciffcally for this project and the system installed. Unedited manufacture/s catalog data sheets and/or equipment manuals are unacceptable as content for this submittal. I. Contractor Record Drawings l. The Contractor shall provide and maintain on the site an uptdate record set of approved shop drawing prints which shall be marked to show each and every change made to the ffre alarm system from the original approved shop drawings. This shall not be construed as authorization to deviate from or make changes to the shop drawings approved by the Architect without written instruction from the Architect in each case. This set of drawings shall be used only as a record set. These drawings shall be made available to the ArchitecA or their re presentative, upon request. 2. Upon completion of the work, the record set of prints shall be used to prepare complete, accurate ffna1 record drawings reflecting any and all changes and deviations made to the ftre alarm system. 3. Upon completion of the work, two sets of blueline record drawings shall be submitted to the Architect for review. 4. Following Architect's review and acceptance of the blueline record drawings, and before final approval, one [1) set of reproducible mylar record drawings and four (4J additional sets of blueline record drawings shall be delivered to the Architect. 5. The contractor record drawings are required to show and to identifr quantities ofjunction boxes, spare conductors, color coding of conducton, splices, device backboxes, and terminal strips. These drawings shall include a schedule of all connections/terminationq indexed by junction box, device backbox and terminal strip and shall reference wire identiffcation taped numbers as installed. 6. Provide contractor record drawings on diskette. J. Software Documentation l. Documentation of Software Modi{ications shall include: A complete printout of the system program prior to the change. A complete printout of the system program subsequent to the change, with all modiff cations highlighted. c. A letter prepared and signed by the individual who made the changes, describing each change made, and the reason for that change. This letter shall certifr that the preparer has personally reviewed and compared the before and after program printout and veriffed tlre correctness of the modification(s). 2. A copy ofall software documentation required by this section shall be maintained on-site by the Contractor, in a binder, arranged in chronological order. This binder shall be turned over to the Architect at the completion of the project. 3. Once the ffre alarm system is put into servicg in whole or in part, and the associated building(s) partially or wholly occupie4 no software changes shall be performed without the prior written permission of the Architect. 4. All software changes to the ffre alarm system, once it is in service, shall be performed by a certified, manufacturer's representative, trained in the execution of such changes. A complete printout of the system program changes shall be provided. 5. Each revision to the software shall be identified by a unique version number and date. K. System Program Pre-Testing I. All ffre alarm control equipment shall be assembled, connected/interconnected in the manner in which it will be installed in the building powered, and pre-tested by the Contractor for a minimum of 30 days, prior to delivery to the project site. This period shall be used by the a. b. FIRE DETECTTON AND ALARM SYSTEM Rolf Jensen and Associates. Inc.16720 -7 1.7 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001-028 Construction Documents Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. Contractor to prepare and test the system software. The fire alarm control equipment and software shall be delivered to the project site as a complete package, in an operational tested conffguration, with all monitor and control points programmed in permanent memory and disabled in RAM. A letter from the Contractor certifi/ing successful completion of the required Program pre-testing shall be supplied to the Architect at the time the equipment is delivered to the site. 2. At least one total reprogramming shall be included in this contract after project conditions, system inter-connections, and required text are ffnalized. L. Test Record l. System certification and documentation of system testing shall be submitted to the Architect for review and approval at least 14 days prior to the ftnal acceptance test. WARRANTY Warranty Period l. The Contractor shall warranty all materials and workmanship during the installation period and for a period of one year, beginning with the date of ffnal acceptince by the Architecr The Contractor shall be responsible during the desig4 installatiorl testing and warranty periods for any damage caused by him or his subcontractors or by defects in his or his subcontractors' work, materials, or equipment 2. During the warranty period the Fire Alarm Contractor shall inspect and test the entire [new and existing components) ffre alarm system in conformance with NFPA 72. All devices shall be tested at a minimum interval of 6 mont]rs apar! wfth a written report after each tesu The warranty period shall include the ffrst annual inspection and test. Emergency Service l. The Contractor shall provide emergency repair service for the system, at no cost to the Owner, within four houn of a request for such service by the Owner during both the installation and the warranty perio&. This service shall be provided on a 24-hour per day, seven days per week basis. Spurious A-larms l. If the Owner experiences an unacceptable number of spurious or unexplained false alarms during the installation and warranty periods, the Contractor shall be responsible for providing the necessary labor, material, and technical expertise to correct the problem to the setisfaction of the Owner. Z. The following number of spurious alarms, calculated as a ratio of false alarms to number of initiation devices, shall be considered unacceptable:a. Automatic (system connected) smoke detectors - More than two spurious alarms per 100 detectors per six months during the system warranty period. If this number is calculated to be less than two, two spurious alarms shall be considered unacceptable. Any calculated number shall be rounded up.3. Any spurious alarms shall be considered unacceptable for the following types of equipment:a. Manual ftre alarm stations. b. Sprinkler or standpipe system waterflow devices. c, Sprinkler or standpipe system valve supervisory switches.d. Range hood and duct fire suppression system monitoring devices. TRAINING l. Timing a. Conduct four (4) training sessions of four (4) hours each to familiarize the Ownels personnel with the features, operation, and maintenance of the new systems. Training sessions shall be scheduled with the Owner at a time mutually agreeable to the Contractor and the Owner. FIRE DETECTIONAND ALARM SYSTEM RolfJensen and Associates- Inc. A D. 16720 - I Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001-028 Construction Documents Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architecb, P.C. b. The Contractor shall submit a proposed training agenda for the Owne/s review within 30 days of authorization to proceed. Ttre ffnal, approved training agenda shall be submitted 14 days prior to the ffnal system acceptance test. 2. Agenda a. Training shall include all system operational functions needed by building and security personnel. This shall include, but will not be limited to: l) Alarmacknowledsment. D Interpretation ofihe scheme used to provide identiffers. 3) System reset. 4) Basictroubleshooting. E. SPECI,AL TOOTS 1. The Contractor shall supply as a part of the contract, three (3) complete sets ofany special tools or keys necessary for normal operation and maintenance of the system. F. FINALAPPROVALANDACCEPTANCE l. Final approval and acceptance of the work will be given by tfie Architect when: a. The complete system has been inspected tested, and approved in writing by ttre Architect and the Town of Vail Building and Fire Departments- b. All required submittals, including system operation and maintenance manuals, contractor record drawings, test reports, spare parts, special tools and training have been provided to, reviewed by, and accepted in writing by the Architect.c. All system software changes stored in RAM have been transferred into permanent memory and verifted in writing by the Contractor. PART 2 - DESCRIPTION OF THE SYSTEM GENERAL The system shall utilize the analog point-addressable, multiplex technology providing a discrete system naddress" for each individual initiating device. All equipment and system components furnished and installed shall be new and listed by UL for their intended use. The equipment and system components shall be installed in accordance with the applicable codes and standards, the manufacturers' recomrnendations, and within the limitations of the UL listings. All equipment and system components shall be the standard product of a single manufacturer. Evidence of UL listing is required. System components shall be modular in design to ensure future expansion capability of the system. Spare capacity shall pertain to quantities of devices, circuits, power supplies, amplifiers, conductor ampacities {size) and lengths. The system shall be capable of expansion to support a 20 percent increase in the number of initiating devices, and in the number of control and notification appliance circuits. Control cabinets and power supplies installed as a part of this work shall be sized accordingly. Spare cabinet and power supply capacity shall be evenly distributed throughout the system. Dlectromagnetic Interference l. All fire alarm control equipmen! devices, and wiring shall be protected against unwanted radiated electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio frequency 2.1 B. D. FIRE DETECTION AND ALARM SYSTEM Rolf Jensen and Associates. [nc.16720 - 9 2.2 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001-028 Construction Documents Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P,C. FIRE DETECTION AND ALARM SYSTEM Rolf Jensen and Associates, [nc. interference (RFI) which can interfere with normal system processing and possibly cause unwanted alarms. 2. The system shall be designed and installed to be unaffected by the operation ofa hand- held portable radio (walkie.talkie) of 5 watts power generating capability, or cellular telephone, within 12 inches ofany system device with all appropriate covers installed. POWER SUPPLIES Except where otherwise required by local code, all AC power connections shall be to the building's designated emergency electrical power circuit and shall meet the requirements of NFPA 72. Al[ portions of the system, including CRT's/LCD's and printers shall be designed and equipped on standby (rechargeable) battery power, either directly or by provision of an uninterruptable power supply or supplies. Upon failure of normal (AC) power, the affected portion(s) of the system shall automatically switch over to secondary power without losing any alarm, trouble or operator acknowledgment signals. Operation of any portion of the system on secondary power shall annunciate as a trouble signaf identifying the inoperable power supply(ies). Standby batteries shall have sufficient capacity to maintain all portions of the system in a normaf non-alarm condition for a minimum of 60 hours, after which it shall be capable of operating all notification appliances simultaneously for a minimum of 15 minutes. All standby batteries shall be continuously monitored by the system. Low battery and disconnection of battery power supply conditions shall immediately annunciate as a trouble signal, identifiiing the deficient batteries. All power supplies, including UPS, shall be capable of recharging their associated batterieq from a fully discharged condition to a capacity sufficient to allow the system to perform consistent with the requirements of this sectiorl in 24 hours maximum. Standby battery capacity may be increased to meet this requirement. All batteries shall be maintenance-free type. Wet cell lead acid standby batteries are prohibited. Design load connected to any power supply, percent of its rated capacity. ANNUNCTATION General amplifier and batteries shafl not exceed 80 D. F. G. 2.3 A. l. The system shall be designed and equipped to receive, monitor, and annunciate signals from devices and circuits installed throughout the building.2. Receipt of alarm, trouble, and supervisoiy signals shall aclivate integral audible devices at the control panel(s) and at each remote annunciation device. 16720 - l0 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001-028 Construction l)ocuments Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. a. The integral audible devices shall produce a sound output upon activation of not less than 85 dBA at l0 feet. b. Alarm, troublg and supervisory signals shall initiate recognizably different audiblg outputs. Trouble and supervisory signals may initiate the same audible output if distinction is by visible annunciation. c. lntegral audible devices shall continue to sound until silenced by a system operator actuating a switch designated for that purpose.d. Receipt of subsequent alarm or supervisory signals shall cause the integral audible devices to resound. 3. The system shall be designed and equipped to provide inputs and outputs as described in the Cause and Effect Matrix. 4. The system shall recognize and annunciate the following signals: a. Fire alarms. b. Supervisory alarms. c. Trouble conditions. d. Operator acknowledgment of annunciated signals.e. System reseL 5. All alarm signals, supervisory alarm signals and trouble conditions shall be annunciated by the control panel(s) and by each remote annunciation device. Operator acknowledgment of smoke detection signals and system reset shall be annunciated by the control panel(s). B. Fire Alarm Signals l. Activation of the following devices shall be recognized and annunciated by the system as ftre alarms: a. Manual fire alarrn stations. b. Open area system type smoke detectors, including induct smoke detectors.c. Heat detectors, d. Waterflow switches. e. Devices monitoring actuation of special suppression systems. C. Supervisory Alarm Signals l. The following conditions shall be recognized and annunciated by the system as supervisory alarms: a. Valve supervisory switch actuatiorlb. Emergency generator running, failure to star! and other supervisory conditions.c. Devices monitoring condition or supervision of special suppression systems.d. Main fire service flow, standpipe riser flow, or other sectional waterflow signal. D. Trouble Signals t. The system will also recognize and annunciate the following trouble conditions:a. Initiating device circuit trouble conditions per NFPA 72.b. Signaling line circuit trouble conditions per NFPA 72. c. Notification appliance circuit trouble conditions per NFPA 72.d. Power supply trouble conditions. e. Remote annunciation device trouble conditions If. A smoke detector, with automatic drift compensation feature, requiring I maintenance when it reaches 80 percent of its threshold limit for a period of 24 hours, or equivalent UL listed performance. FIRE DETECTION AND AI-ARM SYSTEM Rolf Jensen and Associates. Inc.16720 - tl Vail Mountain School Project Number 2ffi1-028 Construction Docu ments Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. E. OperatorAcknowledgmentSignals L Silencing of integral audible devices shall be recognized and annunciated by the system as operator acknowledgment of the signal displayed. 2.4 FIRE AI./,RM CONTROL PANEL A. Description of Equipment l. The fire alarm control panels shail be designed and equipped to provide: a. Conventional horns in general alarm or selectively sounding by floor or area shall sound the standard evacuation signal. b. A visible alpha/numeric LCD display indicating current status of the entire system. c. An interface for a security, fire department, or central station connection. d. Standby power supplies capable of supporting all dependent devices and equipment. e. The system control unit shafi have provision for an alarm veriftcation feature for alarm signals received from smoke detectors or smoke monitoring heads. 2. Auxiliary relays to effect tlre following functions: a. Elevator recafl. b. Air handling units shut down. c. Damper operation. d. Door holder release. 3. Devices or controls to effect reset ofthe svstem. 4. The control panel(s) shall not be capable-of being reset until all alarm conditions have been cleared. 5. The control panel shall have a switch for silencing the alarm signaling appliances (both audible and visible). The switch shall be key-operated or located within a locked cabinet. Upon activation, any existing alarm will be transferred to a visible indicator. Any subsequent alarms from other zones will operate the alarm signaling appliances. If there is no alarm and the switch is in the "silence' position, a visible alarm indicator shall be lit and a trouble signal shall sound until the switch is restored to unormal." The panel shall also provide a common switch to disable audible and visible signaling devices for test pulposes. When activated ("silence" position) a system trouble signal shall be activated until the switch is returned to the "normal" position, 2.5 ANNUNCLATION DEVICES A. Description of Equipment l. Indicating Lamp LED Displays a. Indicating lamp displays shall indicate all fire and supervisory alarm signals received until such time as the alarm condition is cleared and the display manually reset. b. Indicating lamp displays shall indicate all trouble signals received until such time as the trouble condition is cleared. c. Indicating lamp displays shall be clearly labeled using nomenclature approved by the Owner. d. Operating (electrical) power shall be derived from the control panel(s) via a supervised circuit. FIRE DETECTION AND ALARM SYSTEM RolfJensen and Associates, Inc. 16720 - 12 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2ffi1428 Construction Docu ments Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. 2.6 MANUAL FIRE AI."\RM STATIONS A. Description of Equipment l. Manual fire alarm stations shall be of the double-action, non-coded type. They shall consist of a housing, fitted with a pulldown lever, which when operated, locks in position to effect activation of an initiating or signaling line circuit. The body of the manual station shall be permanently attached to the back plate assembly. Resetting the station after operation shall require the use ofa key or special tool. The manual station shall be suitable for either surface or semi-flush mounting. 2. Manual fire alarm stations shall annunciate by point and be addressable3. Manual fire alarm stations shall be installed so that the handle is 48 inches from the floor. 2.7 SMOKE DETECTORS A. Description of Equipment l. Spot Type Smoke Detectors shall be: System-operated, photoelectric or ionization type plug-in detectors which mount to a twist lock base, to prevent unauthorized removal of smoke detector heads. The detector shall contain an alarm initiating LED, which will illuminate to signal activation of the detector. Detectors shall be listed by UL as "Smoke-Automatic Fire Detectors,t tested according to UL 268. Detectors listed as "Single and Multiple Station Smoke Detectors," tested according to IJL 217 shall not be used Each smoke detector shall be monitored lndividualln via an integral, analog addressable element Duct Smoke Detectors Duct type smoke detectors shall be installed in conformance with the requirements of NFPA 72, and in accordance with the detector manufacturer's installation instructions. Duct smoke detectors shall be suitable for the full range of air velocity conditions in the air handling systems in which they are installed. Calculations or measurements of air velocities shall be provided to ensure duct detectors are installed within their UL listed range of air-flow. Duct smoke detectors shall be system typE consisting of a plug-in photoelectric type detector head in a duct mounted housing equipped with air sampling tubes providing air flow through the detector housing. Duct smoke detectors shall be listed or approved for that application including temperature and humidity listings. Duct smoke detector operating voltage shall be 24 VDC supplied by the ftre alarm system. Each duct smoke detector shall be monitored individually via an integral, analog addressable element. Sampling tubes shall extend across the full width of the duct The ends of the sampling tubes shall be accessible from outside the duct and shall be sealed with removable plugs (to facilitate detector testing). Sampling tubes shall be perforated type. Slot type sampling tubes shall not be acceptable. A short pick-up tube not extending across the widest dimension of the duct shall not be acceptable. Each duct smoke detector located more than 5 feet above the floor, shall be provided with a magnetically operated remote test station, incorporating a remote alarm LED. Test stations shall be labeled with engraved laminated plastic b. FIRE DETECTION AND ALARM SYSTEM RolfJensen and Associates. Inc.16720 - 13 2.8 Vail Mountain School Project Number 200f -{n8 Construction Documenb Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architectg P.C. FIREDETECTION AND ALARM SYSTEM Rolf Jensen and Associates- Inc. labels identifuing the type of detector and detector address and shall be installed at the ceiling tile below the duct detector. g. Provide necessary interface wiring to fan and air-handling unit DDC or MCC panels for shutdown of fans when smoke is detected and/or smoke control mode operation. Provide necessary interface with the fan control paneVrelays for automatic smoke control mode operation and manual override. HEAT DETECTORS Description of Equipment L Heat detectors shall be low profile, combination rateof-rise and fixed temperature typg or fixed temperature type. 2. Heat detectors shall actuate when the temperature either increases at a rate exceeding 15" Fahrenheit per minute or reaches 135'Fahrenheit 3. Addressable elements sha[ be integral to the detector, except where multiple detectors in one room make it practical to monitor multiple, non-addressable detectors with a single addressable module. 4. Mounting bases shall be such that the heat detectors can be interchangeable with smoke detectors. AUDIBLE/VISIBLE NOTIFICATION APPLTANCES Description of Equipment l. Notiftcation appliances shall consist of a fire alarm horn "public mode" and strobe. 2. Audible notification appliances shall be installed, spaced and tapped so as to produce a sound output on alarm, which is clearly audible above the ambient noise level throughout the building. In no case shall the audible alarm be less than 15 dBA above the ambient room noise level or less than 5 dBA above the maximum ambient noise Ievel. a. Fire Alarm Horns shall: 1l Be listed in accordance with UL 464. D In no case produce a sound outpu! on alarm, of less than 90 dBA at l0 feeL 3) Be electronic type with multiple tones consisting of continuous horn, warble, siren, and slow whoop. 4 Wall mounted horns shall be mounted not less than 90 inches above the finished floor, and not less than 6 inches below the ftnished ceiling.3. VisibleNotificationAppliances a. Visible notification appliances shall be a minimum of 15 and maximum of 120 candela-seconds. b. Visible notification appliances shall consist of a Xenon flash tube, high intensity strobe lamp, with clear (nominal white) light having a flash rate of I to 3 flashes per second. The maximum pulse duration shall be 2/10's of one second (0.2 seconds) with a maximum duty cycle of 40 percent. The pulse duration is defined as the time interval between initial and final points of l0 percent of maximum signal. c. Wall mounted visible notification appliances shall be mounted not less than 80 inches above the finished floor, or 6 inches below the ceiling, whichever is lower- heat heat 2.9 A. 16720 - t4 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001-028 Construction l)ocuments Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. 2.10 A D. 2.12 A. 2.1I d. Ceiling mounted visible notification appliances shall be located in accordance to NFPA 72. e. Placement of visible notification appliances in rooms and corridors more than 20 feet wide shall be in accordance with NFPA 72. f. Placement of visible notiftcation appliances in corridors 20 feet or less in width shall be in accordance with NFPA 72.g. Visible notification appliances shall be listed in accordance with UL 1971.h. Visible notification appliance circuits connected to this device shall be configured so that all associated wiring is supervised, and is on separate circuits from audible notification appliances. i. Visible appliances shall activate anytime audible appliances are activated.j. More than two strobes within the same view shall be synchronized in accordance with NFPA 72. k. Synchronized flashing shall be deftned as all strobe lights flashing within 50 milliseconds of one another. SPARE PARTS The Contractor shall supply as part of this contract, the following spare parts:l. Automatic detection devices - Two percent of the installed quantity of each type.2. Manual fire alarm stations - Two percent of the installed quantity of each type.3. Glass rods or panels for break glass manual ftre alarm stations iif used) - Ten percent of the installed quantity, but no less than two devices.4. Audible and visible devices - One percent of the installed quantity of each type, but no Iess than two (2) devices. 5. Light bulbs - Five of each for each type of lamp used in the system.6. Fuses - Five ofeach for each type, rating and size of fuse used in the system.7. Keys - A minimum of three sets of keys shall be provided and appropriately identilied. SPRINKLER SUPERVISORY AND AI..A,RM EQUIPMENT Vane type waterflow indicators with retard mechanism shall be provided to indicate waterflow in each sprinkler system zone, as indicated on the concept drawings. Valve supervisory switches shall be provided for existing valves controlling the water supply to the sprinkler systems, as indicated on the concept drawings. Valve supervisory switches shall be the yoke mounted type. Contractor shall not use remote mounted, wire loop type switches. Each waterflow switch and valve supervisory switch shall be individually addressed. RETMNSMISSION OF FIRE A[-{RMS TO CENTRAL STATION Receipt of any fire alarm signal (initial signal only) shall be automatically retransmitted to the UL listed Central Station. B. c. FIRE DETECTION AND ALARM SYSTEM Rolf Jensen and Associates, Inc.16720 - 15 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001 -028 Construction Documents Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. B. All wiring and terminations between the fire alarm system and any on-site equipment necessary for performing this function shall be electrically supervised. Faults in monitored circuits, which may prevent retrarsmission of fire alarm signals to the Central Station, shall cause a trouble signal at the Central Station. C. All connections between the protected premises and the Central Station alarm station shall be electrically supervised from the Central Station. DOORHOLDERS Magnetic door holders shall have an approximate holding force of 25 pounds. The door portion shall have a stainless steel pivotal mounted armature with shock absorbing nylon bearing. Unit shall be capable of being either surface, flush, semi-flush, or floor mounted as required. Door holders shall be UL listed for their intended purpose. ADDRESSABT^E CIRCUIT INTERFACE MODULES The Contractor shall provide, install, and test addressable circuit interfaces as necessary to comply with cause and effects matrix, whether shown on drawings or not. All circuit interfaces used for supervisory or control functions shall be mounted within 3 feet of this monitored switch or circuit. Addressable circuit interface modules shall be provided for monitoring/control of roof access doors and roof hatches, door holder devices, elevatol rcc"ll, ffr€/smoke dampery (open/closed) and fan status (on/off). Contractor shall be responsible for providing addressable modules for control and monitoring of Iire/smoke dampers and fan units. Damper status shall monitor units for 100% open and closed positions. Contractor to provide sufficient quantities of modules to provide proper control and status functions. PART 3- EXECUTION STARTING AND COMPT-ETION DATES The starting and completion dates for this work will be established by the Architect. INSPECTION The job site supervisor shall examine daily all areas in which the work will be performed on the day prior to beginning work. The supervisor shall immediately report Lnsatisfactory working conditions to the Owner for resolution. The supervisor shall not proceed with the work until all unsatisfactory working conditions have been corrected. 7.t3 A. B. C. D. 2.14 A. B. c. FIRE DETECTION AND ALARM SYSTEM Rolf Jensen and Associates, Inc. 3.1 3.2 16720 - 16 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001-028 Construction l)ocuments Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. 3.3 INSTALTATION GeneraI 1. All holes made by the Contractor in any wall, ceiling or floor shall be patched by the Contractor, restoring the walls, ceilings, floors to their original condition, fire resistance and integrity 2. Removal and repair of all finished surfaces shall be coordinated with the Architect and is subject to the Architect's approval. 3. All piping and conduit shall be installed at a height so as not to obstruct any portion of a window, doorway, stairway or passageway, and shall not interfere with the operation of any existing mechanical or electrical equipment.4. System riser(s) shall be installed in mechanical raceways or conduig located to avoid physical harm. They shall be routed through protected spaces, such as electrical closets. Locations such as loading docks and less than 7 feet above the floor in elevator lobbies shall be avoided. 5. Locations of all equipment, controls and system components are subject to the approval of the Architect. 6. Contractor is responsible for protecting smoke detectors during construction. These detectors shall be covered during construction. All such covers shall be removed upon completion of work. 7. Cut-out disks, which are created by cutting holes in the walls of pipe for flow switches and non-threaded pipe connections, shall be wired near to the pipe where they originated. They shall be displayed for six months after the sprinkler system is completed. The Owner may require the Contractor to back-flush the sprinkler system if the cut-out disks are not displayed. Concealment l. All wirg cablg conduit, raceways, junction boxes and device backboxes shall be concealed in wallg ceiling spaces, electrical shafts or closets in all ftnished areas. Conduit raceways, junction boxes and device backboxes may be exposed in unfinished back-of-house areas or mechanical equipment room.2. Exposed condui! raceways, junction boxes and equipment backboxes shall be painted to be as inconspicuous as possible. The Architect shall approve the paint color selected. The Contractor shall prepare color samples for inspection by the Architect prior to painting. 3. Accessible conduig raceways, junction boxes, and other associated items related to the conduit netrvork shall be provided with red bands every l0 feet with junction box covers labeled as fire alarm, unless specifically instructed otherwise. 3.4 TESTING A. System Tests l. The Contractor shall provide the Owner with written certiftcation that all equipment:a. Has been inspected and tested by a manufacturer's certified representative.b. Is installed in accordance with the manufacturels recommendations and UU listings. c. Is in proper working order.2. Acceptance Testing a. Upon completion of each installation phase, the Contractor shall perform document on an approved format, system tests as required herein. A. and All FIRE DETECTION AND ALARM SYSTEM Rolf Jensen and Associates. Inc-16720 - r7 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2ffi1-028 Construction Docu ments Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. acceptance tests shall be performed in the presence of the Owner or his designated representatives. 1) All conductors, including shielding conductors, shall be tested for continuity, shorts to ground and shorts between pairs. D All remote transmitting panel monitor points shall be functionally tested and monitor point identifications verified. 3) All alarm initiating devices shall be functionally tested. I4 All supervisory functions of each initiating device, signaling line circuits, I and notification appliance circuit shall be functionally tested. 5) All fire safety functions (i.e. elevator recall, smoke control, door unlocking etc.) initiated by the fire alarm control panel shall be tested. 6l Receipt of all alarm and trouble signalg initiated during the course of the testing shall be verified at each annunciation device. 7) Correct labeling of all annunciation device LED's shall be verified. 8) Sound level tests shall be performed in at least l0 percent of rooms on each floor and all corridors. 9) The system CPU and annunciators shall be load tested for 24 hours on standby battery power. l0) Any additional tests, required by the referenced codes, standards, or criteria, or by the rchitec! shall be performed. I l) Documentation of such tests shall include: a) The date and time of each test. b) A reference set of contractor record drawings, numerically identifoing the individual components and circuits teste4 test locationq and indicating t'he measured sound level in each location. c) A description of each test performed. d) A checklist of each device and circuit tested, indicating the results of each test. e) The names and signatures of the individuals conducting and witnessing each test. 12) The Contractor shall post suitable signs the day prior to, and shall maintain durirg testing which indicate the date and time lire alarm testing is to occur. The signs shall be located in lobbies, elevator lobbies and other suitable locations so as to notify occupants of the testing. B. Final Inspection and Tests l. The Contractor shall make arrangements with the Architect for ftnal inspection and witnessing of the final acceptance tests. The Architect and the Fire Protection Consultant will witness the final acceDtance test.2. If after being advised by the Contracior that the work is completed and ready for test, the work has not been completed or the final acceptance tests are unsatisfactory the Contractor shall be responsible for the Owner's extra expenses for reinspection and witnessing the retesting of the work. 3. The Contractor shall provide at least five working days notice for all tests. 3.5 MATERIALHANDLING A. Storage FIRE DETECTION AND ALARM SYSTEM Rolf Jensen and Associates. Inc.16720 - t8 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2Wl{28 Construction l)ocuments Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. l. The Owner will provide the Contractor with a lockable storage space for the Contractor's use during this project. The Contractor shall be responsible for the security of this space. 2. Overnight storage of materials is limited to the assigned storage area. Materials brought to the work area shall be installed the same day, or returned to the assigned storage area unless previously approved by the Architect B. Receiving and Handling l. The Contractor shall be responsible for all receiving handling, and storage of his materials at the job site. Z. Use of loading docks, service driveways, and freight elevators shall be coordinated with the Architect. C. Rubbish Removal l. The Contractor shall remove rubbish and debris resulting from his work on a daily basis. Rubbish not rernoved by the Contractor will be removed by the Architect and back<harged to the Contractor. 2. Removal of debris and rubbish from the premises shall be coordinated with the Architect. END OF SECTION 16720 FIRE DETECTTON AND ALARM SYSTEM Rolf Jensen and Associates, Inc.t6720 - 19 PARTIAL BASEMENT LEVEL LIGHTING PLAN *:ffin FSE Addedrrm I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks Du8ois Architects, P. C. 15,|? ta.imer Street Bridte Levet Denyer Cotohdo m202,303.&3-1990 Fax:303-893-22& Ooq'ttff ?0||}lBeqdS!|flM.lrria.d6rrt c'ni6hfq.lt.lhH!.tlrlnirbcdB&odaHdat.!lLcrhd!|!rrthFEf di rp f{llq J* 0& lh|rdr R U\Cddn koidsvsll.m vd Uqrloh Sdbovsr l0r\8cE CodA?stmrgJ20d|g lhr A zSJ AUDITORIUM@ PARTIAL MAIN LEVEL *":ffi,LIGHTING PLAN AREA A $ftE 178'= l'-0' FSIE Addendum I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 tarimer Street grldge Le\€l l)€nver ColoEdo 80202, 3{B-$l-1990 Fax:303-893-22(X fttft{&}l|idlondbrllrhrEtolry|b,dn6rrn,lrdF[.Flgdt0ltrHihd-tlri*rbr;ol[66omtbH.idcohdid.dr*thifhoEtdrldiff,Cd!ry.]'16lO*rdidrP( L\Oil.n Prcld\?5|1.00 Vd lloddr Sdro\?sll0l\8ffi Cddvsll0lD62l.dr9 Iq ?, 2qt} PARTIAL MAIN LEVEL *:m,LIGHTING PLAN AREA A NIE Addendum I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Cotussy Jenks DuBols Architects, P. C. 1512 tarim€r Stre€t Sfidee Le.yel Denver Cottrado 80202, $3-E93-190 Fax: ml-893-22)4 Ca''Vf &* [. dqrd b (. h*utt a of $tr ad o. $, t!i! [. f|{rlt 0l t ffi nnd$o b |r d lb 6aEt a kird cd .o t c{# cft h rllqr qrsFf flt tlp cdq 'lal6 03*r trdftdr N L\Gddat hidsvsll.O Vd llorrrki' Sd'm\75ll.0l\S{t Cddvsll0lD(t2tJry roy 2, 2mJ L- , l--L csz I o cxt PARTIAL MAIN LEVEL *:NitLIGHTING PLAN AREA B cnFiio I .r, [slE Addendum I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P- C. 1512 faiinEf Street Brldge t.eveL Denver Cotorado 60202,303-f93-1990 Fax:303393,2204 h9lltllu)ll*fiqrEf'!tidu|rddsriqdcrr[.tnirS.Fltrtd0rlditrdPtnir*nlqcdl*ttmrt'lCbffiatdcob.n!dqttdenottanftfrEpodlq,ff08irtdir.l!.FC U\oddar koFrtv5ll.0o vd rhr,'ktr 5db0\6 .0t\trfi Cddv5r tolflJzz.d;g l$r }2, 200J ORAGI C51 PARTIAL MAIN LEVEL *:ffinLIGHTING PLAN AREA B NIE Addendum l VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larimer Street Brldge fevet Denver Cotorado 8OZ(lz,Il{93-1990 Fax:303-$l-?t(x qDiid{ m} [a eqrrd b r irtrri ol sir, cd c trlt .lttdt f ftlttlt d lt tr*d. nfdlto tq tE ot tt doqi'od ir f q{ oqt ir daH !'tt t rlhr og!.n!d rth qt CdEq Jala tlb f.d.dt R U\GdEl Pnirb\rfllS) Voil Uqdoir Sd'o0N5ll.0l\8CG Oddv5l l0lgJ22Jr9 Isy A, 2ml !EI llollllFJ- !!! I- !I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:! L,J !2rII-a!! ,l lr. @';Lrcr-\. L_!u')<:Io- PARTIAL MAIN LEVEL LIGHTING PLAN AREA B *:wi, D NIE Addendum I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Cololado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. i5l2 Larimer Str€et Bridge Levet oem€r Colorado E0202,303-693-1990 fax:303-E93-22q Cryitf ?00lll. &o|'.f b a idnd ol ria qrd G rd, '!|d! h Fqdt oa b f.dilrd. Fldri! b r! d [E dcn il b dd .i F !. ffi lrt t ild qt rlf i| qg cdlq J* ollir rnH.d., R L\G.ldcl Pr!iect{?5ll.m W brild Sd'm\l$l l0t\8cct Cddv5tl0l002fi9 lkr A il05 I H2E1-r cs6 PARTIAL UPPER LEVEL *":ffir,LIGHTING PLAN AREA A ${E t/8'= l',-0' 6SrE Mdendum I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 brimer Street 8.idge Ls/e{ Deiver Col.o.-ado E(ntn, 103{93.19}0 Fa)(: IO3-691-Z?{X t{gdft flE nii d@rEf 'r or lEtui.|t ot tt** !d 6 rd, r|tir U. Fw{t 0l !'. rbi*d. Fqdsi. lr !r. .t tti! dqrEt k Hd od q t dlidd of tt rX.' otld a fin cdlt Jr6 oAir ddr rc U\0d.n Proilkv5ll.0 Yd lqdd' Sdt[\blt-0l\m C.od4?5 0tDQt"dr9 lot 22, tqE tr PARTIAL UPPER LEVEL Rerunn-GNzE LIGHTING PLAN AREA A M* cR2 cR2 sslE Mdendum I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Archite€ts, P. C. 1512 Ladher SrEet Eridge Lelel Den€r Cdorado 802f2, m3-691-199O Fax:303-893.22& qDritfXntlbedicl!l!i!t.lsicct'dctdrEiElr.F.t4oabhihd.Pciii.hcdtirditSod{ahdddlirttii&.TtlditlSCbtc60A*tdtch,?C L\Cd€lt ftoictsvsu.m yot lhfti SdnA?5l|.0r\SCt Coddv5flol8Jzr.dtg ltot Z, 2mJ I @r 5W4 *;@ L2W1-54 PARTIAL UPPER LEVEL R EAUDN /Z- *"-Hr%LIGHTING PLAN AREA B ffiI EI TPH CtIECfiED gY: JEB [slE lddendum I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail. Colorado Ktipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. '1512 Larimer Stre€t Brldge Levet Den€r Cotorado 80202, 303{91-1990 Fax | 303-8}3-2i0.t oqftit{ et|B dqd b r iEhn 't ol tlia d G !4 lllrir b fF .l f. d.d- F d!i! ta e d ta&ddl bHd d.r !? # 0q t rt r.r.rcf a Etp tdlr J* 0A* ddr p( L\Cdar tuidsvSll.O W lhdrn Sdtodv5ll.0l\8m Cdd\istt0lDtJ2sJq Isr A mJ .l v v FLAG NOTES: ( 1 ,} CIRCUIT SECTION OF THIS FIXTURES SUCH THAT BATTERY - BALLAST IS ONLY UTILIZED IN THE EVENT POWER IS LOSTlHE BUILDING. OTHERWSE FIXTURE SHALL BE SWITCHED WTH OTHER FIXruRES IN THE ROOM. TO oe o TO DECORATIVE PENDANT OVER STAIR. CONNECT CIRCUITS H2W1-7 AND L2W1-44 VIA A 4 POLE CONTACTOR LOCATED IN ELECT 8144. CoNNECT CTRCU|TS, LzWl-46,48,50 & 52 VtA A 6 POLE CONTACTOR. LOCATE CONTACTOR IN ELECT. 8221. SEE SHEET E3.22, FOR LOCATION OF SWTCH TO CONTROL PENDANTS, CONNECT CIRCUITS, L2W1-56 AND H2WI_23 VIA A 4 POLE CONTACTOR. LOCATE CONTACTOR IN ELECT. 8221. SEEo (6 J PROVTDE OTRAN, QXl5OMV-12-1-rsA-CK-S, REMOTE--.'- TRANSFORMER. LOCAIE ABOVE TILE CEILING IN ROOM #235. PROV|DE NECESSARY WtRtNc AND CONNECT TO FIXTURES SUCH THAT VOLTAGE DROP IS LESS THAN 1Z- ( 7 ) DoUGLAS, wPC-5700, DAYLIGHT - SP7 WHEN DAYLIGHT PROVIDE A LEVEL. SENSOR TO DIM FIXruRE SUFFICIENT LIGHT (8J WATT SrOppER, DT-300, DUAL TECHNOLOGY OCCUPANCY - SENSOR TO TURN ON,/OFF THE DOWNLIGHTS AND WALL SLOT ONLY. 6 wlu- scoNcES coNTRoLLED - LocarED tN coRRtDoR A220. BYA SEE WALL BOX DIMMER SHEET E3.24. ACCESSIBLE CEILING@PROMDE NECESSARY J-BOX ABOVE FOR FUTURE CONNECTIONS TO THIS T UNDER PHASE il. A PARTIAL UPPER LEVEL LIGHTING PLAN AREA B :NiEEHffi_ PE*_ C0NTROL C|RCU|T H2wl-ls By (2) THREE-wl,v xEyeo srvrTcHES, AND (1) FOUR-WAY KEYED SU/ITCH. LOCATE ONE SWTCH AT THE SOUTH END OF B24O WTH OTHERS, LOCATE SECOND SWITCH AT THE SOUTH END OF A24O WTH OTI{ERS. LOCATE FINAL SWITCH IN A22O NEAR SWTCHES NEXT TO THEATER DOOR. rmtil: CHEfiEO BY: TPH JEB UIE s/zJloJslE N0 scnt ESIE Mdendum | 5/23/03 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail. Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenk DuBois Archltects, P. C. 1512 La.imer 5treet Bridge Levet Denver Colorado 8@02, 30!{!t3-1990 Far:3G"f93-2204 NEHEf,E E3.25 MMF l||TR EXl OAR$|. PRO,. N0.: 2001-08.0( etitl dlE dEld b. i*ird of sit, d G !d, iri! u. FFt d b *drd" ffi b c d E &.rd a nd ca .!| b dn.d odt t ri[.. qtrd i fp cdrt ,,!t olbtdi..tr ft lj\G6td6t ft0jrfb\isll.tt} td llqrf(il sdtrotv5tt.ol\0m C0dA75 0tgJ?5.dr'9 Iry Z, lmf PARTIAL UPPER LEVEL LIGHTING PLAN AREA B H2W1-r3 NIE Addendum I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larin|er Street f.idge Le\iet Denver Cobrado 80202, 30!-893-19q) fax : 103.891-2m.{ e#fl mf a. aad a a i*-.t d lria !i 6 t trlrrlichFqq|dhffi. lodr-b6.d [*dd iddodot ffoqtnktqrrlrf h 0fGq J* Ubrr&. PC U\Gddn Proirbvsll.m yd hntir S&o\Elll)l\ffi Cddv5ll0tflJ25.d.S lrrt n, A(}J ..4 t- A cR2 coq PARTIAL UPPER LEVEL **winLIGHTING PLAN AREA A NIE Mdendum I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larlmer Street Eridge Level Denr'er Cotorado 80m2, 303-Srl-1990 fax i 303-893-2704 etdtf2Olnit-qdiolf-Cdtsttr,dcrd.r!.rbbtqltch/Hikd.Flnilirlqr|olfa-qrEatHctd.dbdqrtddttr4||..!rdd'qp0d66tJdsDlIi'Etrd3,tC. fj\Gofden Pniecrsvsu"0() rrdr rhnkn s&oN5nlt\sct hdN5lt0rg!{.d4 w n, ffiJ , I L2E1- r 23 I!! _t!! PARTIAL UPPER LEVEL LIGHTING PLAN AREA B slE Md€ndum I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. l5l2 tariDer Stre€t Eridge Levet Denver Colorado 8{n02, XB-893-1990 Fax:303-E93-2ZX 009fitfaIIBd€ntdboiE&trst.ti!l|t(qdcrrt,'!tri!lhFlflttdl'.bilrd.grririoLEolL6cnElif.icdc''h.dad.ddttrttnq.r|r{d[&pCd6tJ.rbMhbrr{frhgt L\Cddll ProiEtsv5ll.m W lortoir SdD0|\75tt.0t\8GCf Cdd\i5tt0t$J25.drg ltoy A, 2mJ --=-t-F--..--- I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I t I i I i I L2W1-58 PARTTAL UPPER LEVEL BV:AVL LIGHTING PLAN AREA c WH#:"& :--ff!.IL H2WlE cR2 ESIE Addendum I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenk DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larimer Street Sridg€ Le\€t De$/er Cotorado 80m2, 303-893-.1990 Fax:303-&l-22(X c,ttn'f ?oo1 E e.|ttri b F i*uEl.{ 5|iiq!, oi (. ||t .t'itu n FlFlt oa lr klht nr||irin ftr E0a [i bd b Hd ta o b # !t t r .n o't..|d ff! |IF Cc!q' Jr& 0&n dldr 9( L\Gordll Poj.ct{?s fi rH rqr{dr 5dm{?5 .0t\0cfi cdA?5 0tu$6.da &{, 21 ?Dl