HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 12 BLOCK 2 LOT 12 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL 1989 PART 2 LEGALI I I I T I I I I I t t I I I I I I I 0t o2 n? 04 05 UO a'l 08 09 10 I1 L2 13 14 15 15 t7 J. at 19 20 2L 22 z5 24 z5 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 JU 51 az 54 57 89-363 0795r - 9 _ Provide masking tapes or other prdcautions to prevent migration or spillage of prlmer or sealant materials onto adjolning sur- faces. Remove excess primer or sealant promptly as the work progresses and clean the adJoining surfaces as may be necessaryto eliminate any evidence of splI1age. Prlme or seal the bonding Jolnt surfaces ln accordance with the sealant manufacturer I s recommenddtlons. negln the lnstallatlon of each maJor type of sealant only in the presence of the manufacturer's technlcal representative. Comply with manufacturer's prlnted instructlons and representa-tlve recommendatlons or except as may be otherwise directed bythe manufacturerrs representatlve and approved by the Archl-tect. Use only the types of equipmen! recommended by the sealant manufacturer. Seal all lnterlor and exterlor Jolnts, unless otherwj-se shownor dlrected. Where a specific sealant type is not shown for ajoint, provide appropriate sealant and Joint filler as speci-fled herelnbefore under "Locatlon of Sealants" and "Location ofFlllers". Apply sealants ln contlnuous beads or rlvers, filling Jointsfrom the bottom wlthout openlngs, voids or alr pockels. Force sealants to si-des of Joint bond surfaces, forming equal areasof contact with sealant. Apply sealants in concealed compresslon joints accurately sothat excess sealant will not exude from the Joint. Apply sealants ln the depth shown or, if none is shown, applyin accordance with the manufacturer's reeommendations and the following general proportlons and limitatlons: Apply elastomerlc sldewalk, pavement and simil-ar horlzon-ta1 joint sealants to a depth equal to 75% of the Jointwldth, but not less than 3,/8" (9.5 mm) and not more than 3/4" (19 mm). Apply elastomeric sealants which are not subjecl to traff- 1c or other abrasion to a depth egual to half the joint width, but not less than 1/4" (6.3 run) and not more thanL/2" (12.7 mm). For sllicone sealant Joint, depth shall not be less than 1/8" (3.2 mm) and not greater than 3/8" (9.5 mm) lypically and 1/4" (5.35 mm) at stone joints. Apply non-el-astomeric sealants to a depth approxi-mately equal to the jolnt width. 02 03 04 ntr 05 61 08 09 10 11 T2 13 L4 L7 18 19 20 2I 22 ZJ 24 z5 25 z6 z> ?n ?1 32 33 34 35 35 37 Jtt 39 40 41 1Z 43 44 45 45 47 48 49 50 5Z 54 55 89-353 07951 - 10 Tool exposed surfaces so as to compress sealants to the proflle shown o?, 1f none shown, tool surtace slightly concave except provide a sllght wash on horlzontat jolnts where horlzontal and vertical surfaces meet. Pour self-leveling grade sealants in horizontal jolnts I/L6" (1.6 mm) below the adJolning surfaces. Against rough surfaces or ln Joints of uneven widths avoid theipp.ii"n." 5f .*"Jss sealant 6y roiatrng lhe sealant well back Iinto Jolnt wherever possible. a I I I I Maintain a minlmum temperature of 40oF (44.4"C1 durlng the lnstallation and curing of seal-ants unless the manufacturerspecifically recommends appllcatlon of hi-s materlals at lower temperatures. If job progress or any other condj-tion reguires the installatlon of sealants at temperatures below those recom- mended by the manufacturbr, consult lhe manufacturer's repre- sentatlve to establj-sh the minj-mum prov!-sions requlred to ensure satisfactory work. Record in writing the conditions under which such installatlon must proceed and the provlsions made to ensure satisfactory work. 3.05 CTJRING AND PROfEC,'fION: Cure the sealants 1n accordance wlth the manufacturer's Lnstructlons, to obtain maximum bond to surfaces, cohesive strength and durabillty at the earliest possible date. Protect the sealants during the remalnder of the constructionperlod so that they w111 be wlthout any lndlcation of deterior-atlon or damage at the time of acceptance. 3.o5@: Waterproof Test: After curing exterlor sealants, test Jolnts for leaks by apply-lng a stream of water perpendicularly from a 3/4" (19 mm) hoseheld al L/8". (3 mm) frorn Jolnt face at normal water Pressure.rest, the sealed Joint system of not less than 5t of the con- structlon components. Conducl tests in the presence of the Architect who will deter- mine the actual percentage of Joints to be tested and the period of waterflow exposure, based upon any evidence or leak- age. Repair Leaks or other defects and retest as dlrected. Repalr or replace other work damaged by such leaks. END OF SE TION 0795I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I lo, 02 til rl: 09lll L2 li: 16 lle 19 )ii, ril 26. 12" 29 rii rii 36lii )ii lil 46 rii l:i 53 l3t 55 l;3 89-363 08114 - I sEgrIoN 0811{ E)IJO]w UETAI, PART 1 - GEIRAI.. r.00@: Drawlngs and general provislons of the Contract, lncludlngGeneral and Supplementary Condltlons and the Divlslon-l Speclflcatlon sectlons, apply to work of thls Sectlon. 1.01 W: The extent of hoIlow metal work j.s shown on the Drawings and schedules Thls Sectlon lncludes hollow metal pressed steel frames for doors and related openlngs. Includes Eollow Metal Frames forvestibule'to match exlsting. Refer to Section 08800 for glaz- lng. 1.02@: Provide and lnstaLl hollow metal conplylng with the appllcable requlrements of the followlng prblications: AfA ParnphLet No. 80 NBHA (Natlonal Builders Hardware Assoclation; N.F.P.A. Standard No. 80P.S. (Product Standard) 4-56s.D.I. (Steel Door Instltute) No. 100s.D.r. No. r05U.L. Standard for Safety No. 63U.L. Guide 120 I.D,O. NAAM Standard CHM-1 Fire-Rated Assemblles : Provlde fire-rated hollow franes lnvestlgated and tested as aflre door assembly, complete wlth type of flre door hardware to be used. Identlfy each flre door frame wlth UL lables, lndl--catlng appllcable flre ratlng of frame. Provlde UL labels permanently fastened on each door frame whichis wlthln the slze llmltatlons established by NFPA and UL forlabellng. Provide anchors for ur, labeled franes reguired by the authority havlng Jurisdlction. Construct assemblles to comply wlth NFPA Standard No. 80, applicable NAAMM Speclflcatlons, and as hereln speclfled. 01 02 03 04 05 05 07 NA 09 10 I1l2 13 14l5 16 t7 18 19 ZL 22 ZJ 24 zc 25 27 28 4t 30 <l 32 33 34 36 37 ?A 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 al 58 5v 60 89-363 08114 - 2 I.03 SUBI,IITTAf,S: Shop Drawinqs: Submit Shop- Drawlngs for the fabricatlon and installatlon of hol1ow metal work. Include details of each frame type, eleva- tions of door deslgn types, conditlons at openings, detalls of constructlon, location and lnstallation requlrements of finish hardware and relnforcements, and detalls of Jolnts and connec- tions. Manufacturerts Data: Submit copies of manufacturerrs data for fabrication, shoppalntlng and installation of custom steel work. Provide one copy of instructions by transmittal to the Installer. tabel Constructlon: Sdbmit manufacturerrs certiflcation for each custom steel door frame whlch is shown for a fire rated openlng but ls larger than the size llmitations establlshed by NFPA and UL for label-ing. State that the unit has been constructed ln accordancewlth all the applicable requirements for labeled construction. r.O4 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND IIANDLING: fnspect hollow metal work upon dellvery for damage. Minor damages may be repalred provlded the finlsh items are egual inall respects to new work and acceptable to the Architect;otherwise, remove and replace damaged items as dlrected. Store frames al the building site under cover. Place units onat least 4" hlgh wood s1lls or on floors in a manner that wi]lprevent damage. PART 2 - PRODU TS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS: Provlde hollow metal work as manufactured bv one of the foll-ow- lng: W.R. Crabb western HoIIow Metal Tex-Steel CorporationTrussbilt 2.O2 MATERTAI.S: Frames: Comply with ASTM A366. Cold-rolLed steel , zlnc-coated forexterlor frames. Fabricate exterior frames and frames over 48" wide of 14 gage material , all other frames 15 gage. I I I t I I T I l I T I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I 89-35 3 I01 o2 03 04 05 05 07 08 09 10 11 L2 1? 14 IJ r6 L7 18 19 20 2I 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 3l 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 48 49 50 52q? 54 55 5tl 5t 08114 - 3 Furnlsh wlth flxed stops butted. At O,tu and concrete openlngs provlde removable stops to conceal bolts. Provide loose gLazl lnq beads not less than 2Q gage, corners butted. Use roIIed sectlons for flre-rated openlngs. Provlde rT' strap anchors at nasonry wa1ls, UL anchors for fire-rated openings, strap anchors at wood or metal studs, and other types as lndlcated or as approved for condltions of use. Do not use exposed screqrs except where lndlcated or speclfi-cally approved. Hlnge reinforcing plates must be full Jambwidth. Drlll for door sllencers and lnstall grout plugs at factory. Pss.: Cold-rolled, stretcher leveled steel , zinc-coated sheets forexterior door face panels. Use 15 gage face sheets for exter- 1or and 18 gage for lnterlor doors. Provide loose stops of notless than 2Q gage channel sectlon with mltered corners. Pro- vide manufacturer's standard sound-deadenlng insulation for alldoors. Provlde mineral flber core lnsulated doors where scheduled. Supports and Anchoring Devices: Structural steel complying wlth ASTM A35; or sheet steel com-plylng with ASTM A355 cold-rolled or ASTM A559 hot-rolLed. Fabrlcate from minlmum 15 gage (1.5 mm) material . Zinc coatingto comply with ASTM 4'153, Class B. Fasteners: Galvanlzed or cadmium plated steel . Bolts and Nuts: ASTM A307, Grade A Expanslon Bolts: FS FF-S-325, Group III, expanslon shleld(se1f-drilling tubular expanslon she1l bolt anchors), Type I or 2 wlth galvanized bolts. Machlne screws: FS FF-S-92, carbon steel , Type rII cross- recessed. Deslgn t or II recess, style 2c flat head. Sheet Steel Prlmers! one of the followlng compatible wlth scheduled finish: FS TT-P-57 Type I: Oll/Alkyd, Zlnc Chromate, Iron Oxide base. FS TT-P-57 Type II: Alkyd, ZL'lc Chromate, Iron Oxide base. FS TT-P-554: Rust-1nhlblt1ng, lacquer-resisting. ZLnc Chromate, Iron Oxide base. 01 o2 03 04 0s 06 o7 08 09 11 L2 t3 I4 I5 IO I7 I8 19 2L 22 23 24 z5 25 27 28 29 JU 31 JZ 34 35 36 39 40 41 43 45 rto q6 <Lt 5L 3Z 5J 54 JO 57 89-353 08114 - 4 2.03 FABRICATTON: General: Fabrlcate hollow metal unlts to be rlgld, neat in appearance, and free from defects, warp, or buckle. Accurately-form rnetal to required sizes and prof1les. hlherever practlcable, fll and assembie unlts ln the manufacturer's plant. Clearly identify work that cannot be permanently factory-assenbled before ship- ment to assure proper assembly at the project stte. weld exposed Joints cbntlnuously, gtind, dress' and make smooth, flush, and invisible. uetaIllc filler to conceal manufacturing defects is not acceptable. Provlde contlnuously weLded fuIl mlters on the back slde at frame corners and stops. Edges shall be straight and true. Grind welds smooth and flush on exposed surfaces. Exposed connectlons with halrline Jolnts shall be accurately machined, filed and fi-tted, unless otherwise shown. conceal all fastenings, unless otherwise shown. Counterslnk exposed screws uslng flat phllllps head screws. Comply with requirements of "Structural Weldlng Code" of- the emeiilan weldinO Soclety for weldlng of steel. welds shall be strong and durable. Finish Hardware Preparation: Prepare holLow rnetal units to recej-ve mortised and concealed finlsh hardware, including cutouts, reinforcing, drllling, and tapplng in accordance with flnal Finish Hardware Schedule and templates provided by hardware suppller. Comply wilh appll- cable reguirements of ANSI A115 "speciflcations for Door and E'rame ereparatlon for Hardware". Locate per NAAMM CHM-I unless otherwlse indicated. rf not speclfied, follow the recommendatlons of the hardware manufacturer. Relnforce hollow metal units to receive surface-applledhardware. Drilling and tapping for surface-applied finish hardware may be done at project site. Through bolting will not be permitted. Finish Hardware Relnforcement : ReLnforce frames for requlred finish hardware with steel secured by spot-weldlng as follows: Hlnges and Pivots: 3/16" (4.76 mm) thick x 7-t/2n (3e.1 mm) wj-de x 6" (0.15 m) longer than hinge. t t I t I I t I T I T I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I I 01 o2nt 04 05 06- 08 09 10 11 L2 13 l5 15 L7 18 L' zu 2L zz 23 24 z5 25 27 28 29 30 3I 32 34 J5 36 JY 41 .t4 43 44 45 46 48 .tt JU 51 az 54 55 5b 57 58 89-36 3 0 8114 -5 Strlke PLate Clips: 3/16" (4.76 mrn) thlck x ].-I/2" (38.1 mm) wide x 3' (76.2 mn) Iong. Surface-Applied Closers : 12 ga. (2.7 mm) by slze as regulred. Jamb Anchors: fnsert lype with notched cllp to engage melal- stud, weldedto back of frames. Provide at least 4 anchors for each Jamb for frames up to 7t-6't (2.3 m) high; 5 anchors up to' 8r (2.4 m) Jamb helght; one addltlonal anchor for each 24" (0.61 m) fraction thereof over 8 ft. (2.4 m) hlgh. Floor Anchors: Provlde floor anchors for each Jamb and mullion formed of notless than 12 gage (2.7 mrn) galvanj-zed steel- as follows: Furnish Jamb anchors as requiredconstruction, formed of not less vanized steel . Metal Stud Partitlons: C1lp type anehorsreceive fasteners, recelve fasteners, Head Anchors: to secure frames to adJacentthan 18 gage (LZ mm) gaf- with two (2\ 3/8" (9.52 mm) holes to welded to bottom of jambs and to welded to bottom of Jambs and mul-llons. I t I t I Provide two (2) anchors at head of frames exceedJ-ng 42" (1.1 rn) wide for frames mounted in steel stud wafls. Head Strut Supports: Provide 3/8" (9.52 mm) x 2" (50.8 mm) vertical steel struts extending from top of frame at each Jamb to supportlng con- struction above. unLess frame is anchored to masonry or to other structural support at each jamb. Bend top of struts toprovide flush contact for securlng to supportlng constructionabove. Provlde adjustable bolted anchorage to frame jamb members. Structural Relnforclnq Mernbers Provide structural reinforcing members as a part of frame assembly, where indlcated at mullions, transoms or other loca- tions which are to be bullt into frame. 01 02 n? 04 U5 05 o7 08 09 10 11 I2 13 L4 15 l7 18 l9 20 2I 22 23 zo 27 28 29 30 3l- 5Z 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 46 47 48 4t 50 51 52 5b J6 59 50 89-363 08114 - 6 Eead Re:tnfo4l4g: For frames over 3' (0.9 m) wlde in masonry wall openlngs, pro- vlde contlnuous steel channel or angle stlffener, not less than rz gage (2.7 mm) for futl wldth of opening. weld to back of frame at head. Rubber Door Sllencers: Drll] stop to recelve three ( 3 ) silencers on slngle-d_o_or frames and four -(a) silencers on double-door frames. Install plastic lo keep holes clear during constructlon. 2.04E!@sG: Clean, treat and palnt exposed and concealed surfaces of fabri- cated hollow metal units. Clean steel surfaces of mill scale, rust, oil , grease, dirt and other foreign materlals before the appllcation of the shop coat of pa1nt. Select one of the methods speclfled ln SSPC-SP-1-53for the removal of oil or grease. Apply pretreatment to cleaned metal surfaces, uslng cold phos' phate solutlon (SSPC-PT2), hot phosphate solution (SSPC-PTI) or basic zinc chromate-vlnyl butyral solutlon (SSPC-PT3). Apply shop coat of prlme paint within tlme limlts recommended by pletreatment manufacturer. Apply a smooth coat of even con- sistency to provj.de a uniform dry fll-m thickness of not Iess than 2.0 mils (0.05 rnm). Apply two coats of metal- primer to relnforcement and attachment steel which wlII be in contact with masonry or concrete. PART 3 _ EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECIIOI{: Installer must examlne the substrate and condltlons under which hollow metaf work ls to be installed. Notlfy the Cont'ractor,in writing, of any condltlons detrimental to proper and timely completion of work. Do not proceed until unsatisfaclory condl-tions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to the Installer. 3.02 INSTAI,I,ATION: General: Perform installation work under Sectlon 05100 as herein speci- fied. Install hollow metal units and accessori-es in accordance wlth the final shop drawings, manufacturerrs data, and as herein specified. I I I I I I I I I I 1 t 1 I I I I I I lo, ,,.02 l3; 05 TI: lii L2 li;15 ri: fil, 22ril ril 29 l3?32 ril .36 7zt 39 Iii 43 Jtt 4r) li3 I 89-36 3 08114 - 7 Settlno Masonrv Anchorage Devlces: Provide masonry anchorage devices where requlred for securlng ho1low metal frames to in-place concrete or masonry construc- tion. Set anchorage devices oPposlte each anchor locatlon, ln accordance with details on flnal Shop Drawings and anchorage devices manufacturerrs lnstructlon. Leave drilled holes rough,' not reamed and free from dust and debrls. Powder-actuated fasteners may be used for anchorage to concrete if so lndlcated on final Shop Drawlngs. Placinq Frames: Set frames accurateJ-y ln position, plurnbed, allgned, and braced securely unti] permanent anchors are set. After wall construc- tion is- complete, renove temporary braces and spreaders leaving surfaces smooth and undamaged.' Place frames at flre-rated openlngs in accordance wlth NFPA Standard No. 80. Remove spreader bars only after frarnes or bucks have been properly set and secured. Door fnstallatlon: Flt hollow metal doors accurately ln thelr respectlve frames. Place flre-rated doors wlth clearances as speclfled in NFPA Standard No. 80. Flnlsh hardware installatlon ls speclfied under Sectlon 08700. 3.03 ADJUST AND CLEAN: Flnal Adlustment: check and readJust operatlng finlsh hardware ltems in hollow metal work just prior to flnal inspection. Leave work 1n com-plete and propel operatlng condltion. Remove and replace defective work, includlng frames which are warped, bowed or otherwise unacceptable. ElrD OF SEerrON 08114 I I I lo' o2 l3: 05 ll: ..09lll L2lil ti: 19lzt 22 ]il rii 29 l3l 32 ril -36 133 J> ri\ til rlb li349 !;i )Jl:t 56 l:3 89-353 08210 - I sEgrIoN 08210 wooD DooRs PART I - GENERAI r.oo@: Drawlngs and general provislons of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Condltions and the Divislon-1 Specification sectlo$s, apply to work of this section. 1.01 @: The extent and l-ocatlon of each type of wood door is shown on the drawings for tenant fj.nlsh work. The types of doors requlred lnclude the following: Solld core flush wood doors wlth veneer faces. Related work Specified Elsewhere Secti-on 05100: Rough Carpentry Section 08I14: Hollow Metal Sectlon 08700: Hardware 1.02 OUAI,ITY ASSTIRANCE: Reference Speclficatlons: Except as modlfled by governing codes and by thls speclflca-tion, conform to applicable provisions and recommendations of the followlng standards. "Quality Standards"; Architectural Woodwork Institute (AWr ) . "connercj-al standards (cS)"; U.S. Department of commerce. t'voluntary Product Standards (PS)"; U.S. Department of Commerce. "Industry Standard (I.S.)"; National woodwork Manufac-turerrs Association (NWMA) . "Interim Standard for Mat-Formed Wood Particleboard"; Natlonal ParticLeboard Association (NPA). Standards: Comply wlth the requlrements of the following standards unless otherwise lndicated. I 01 o2 n? 04 05 05 07 08 09 10 11 L2 t3 14 15 15 17 18 19 2L 22 .A z5 25 27 28 29 30 31 JZ 34 35 37 39 40 4L tLz 45 AA 45 46 48 49 trn 52 54 55 89-363 Manufacturers: Provlde wood doors as manufactured by one of the following: Algoma Georgla-Paclfic Weyerhauser Calwood I.O3 SUBMITTAI,S: Product Data: Submlt door manufacturer's specifications andinstaLlation rnclude details of core and edge constructlon,trim for openlngs and louvers (if any), and slmlIar components. rnclude certiflcations as may be requlred to show compliancewlth the specifications. Shop Drawinss: Submlt shop drawlngs indlcating the locatlon and slze of each door, elevation of each klnd of door, detallsof constructlon, locatlon and extent of hardware blocklng, flreratings, requlrements for factory finlshlng, and/or otherpertinent data. gggg$y: Submlt written agreement in door manufacturer's standard forni signed by the Manufacturer, fnstal]er, and Con-tractor, agreeing to repalr or replace defective doors which have warped (bow, cup, or twist) or which show photographing of construction below face, do not conform to tol-erance limita-tlons of NWMA, or delaminate. The warranty shal1 also include 08210 - 2 Flre-Rated wood Doors: Provide wood doors with flre-reslstance ratlngs lndlcated or requlred to comply wlth governing regulatlons and whlch are identical tn materlals and type oE constructlon to those used in assemblles which have been tested 1n compliance with ASTM E L52 and are labeled and listed by a testlng and lnspection organi-zatlon acceptable to authority havlng Jurisdlctlon. Provlde UL label on each labeled door and panel . Should label be unobtainable because of door size, hardware, a1r or sound seals or any other reason than door constructlon, supply manufacturer's ceitlfication that door meets label con- struction Non-Fire Rated wood Doors: NWMA Industry Standard I.S. l "wood Flush Doors'r of the INatlonal wood-work Manufacturer's Association, and Awf standard INo. 1300. Factory- mark each door wlth the NWN,IA "Quality Certified' ISeal of Approval for conformance with MIMA I.S. t. I I T I I I t I T I I I I I I I oJo, .02 lsi 05 tl: ,r 09llr L2 lii ti: 19lli 22 )il 26 Jz,, 29 f3t32 til -36 I33 39 tii ril 46 l"z49 i;i 53l:t rii 89-353 08210 - 3 reflnlshtng and relnstallatlon whlch may be regulred- _due to repalr or ieplacement of defective doors. Warranty shall be in effect for llfetime of lnstallatlon. 1.04 : Protect wood doors durlng transit, storage, and handllng to prevent damage, solllng, and deterloratlon. Comply wlth thenOn-Slte Carre" recommendatlons of NWMA panphlet 'Care and Flnlshing of Wood Doorstr and wlth manufacturer's lnstructions. Deliver wood doors cartoned and/or crated to provlde protectlon during transit and Job storage. Flre-Rated Doors: comply wlth manufacturer's lnstructlons for precautlons required to prevent moisture deterioration of flre- retardant salts. PART 2 _ PRODUqTS 2.01 MANUFACTT]RERS: Provide wood doors as manufactured by one of the followlng: Algoma ceorgia-Pacific Weyerhauser Calwood Eggers 2.02 BASIC MATERIALS Ar{D FABRICATION MEEIODS: So1id Core Doors: Staved Lumber Core: Blocks staggered and glued together. All glued core, Type f construction. Partlc1e Board Core: Slngle thickness slab of 3-ply particle board conforming to NPA TS 5594 B or CS 236,lype f, Denslty C, Class I, hot pressed wlth synthetic resin glue. Linear exPan- sion shall not exceed 0.02t ln elther directlon when tested in accordance wlth ASTM D1037, Sectlons 75 thru 79. Faces of core slab shalL be of O.O1u (0.25 mm) thick flakes wlth resln content a minimum of 50t higher than core resln content. Face layer shal1 be a mlnlmum of 25t hlgher than core denslty. Mineral Core: Mineral composLtion of calcium sllicate with asbestos flber and havlng a denslEy of 22 lb./cu. ft. (352.4 kg/cu. m). 2.O3@.: fnterior Locatlons: PS 51, Type ff, water resistant typlcally' @waterproof glue ln areas of hlgh humidlty. I o 2.04 yENErc: @: Type: Standard thlckness, conforming to- PS 51, PREMIUM GRADE. fiLricate to AWI premlum standards. Edge bandlng expo^se_d on the face of the door !s not acceptable. Match faces of doors ln palrs and end match transoms. Face veneer shal] be tapeless Specles: As selected to match existing. I |' Edqe Bands: Kl1n drled hardwood matching face veneers for lnatural finish. I Cross Bands: Minirmrm L/6" (1.6 mm) thick, properly drled hardwood. Extend crossbands full width of door wlth grain at rlght angles to face veneer, tapeless spllced wlthout voids. 2.05 FACTORI PREFITTTilG AND PREMATGTNG: preflt doors and panels in accordance wlth tolerance reguire- ments of NlrMA tndustry Standard I.S. 1. Provide standard beveL or radius to edges'of doors as reguired by the installation. Machine doors and panels for hardware templates. flnlsh hardware ln accordance with PART 3 - EXEEUTION 3 . 01 .UggEU[Q[: Installer must examlne door frames and verify that frames are of the correct type and have been installed as requlred for proper hanging of correspondlng doors' Installer shall notify the- contraltoi, in writing, of conditions detrimental to the proper and timely lnstallitlon of wood doors; do not proceed wfth installatlon unt11 unsatisfactory condltlons have been correcled ln a manner acceptable to the Installer. Install fj.re-rated doors ln corresponding flre-rated frames 1n accordance with the requirements of NFPA No. 80. 3.02 @tn:E9E: Perform installation under Sectlon 05100 as specified herein. Do not instaLl doors until wet trades are completed and dried in the areas to receive doors. Conditlon doors to average prevalling humidity 1n installatlon area pri-or to hanglng. I I I t 08210 - 4 t I I T I t I I l I t t 01 02 03 04 05 UO 07 08 09 1n ll L2 13 I4 l-5 16 T7 18 19 20 2L'22 23 24 za 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 1A 35 35 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 46 47 48 49 5U 5l a4 54 55 5'l 5t' 89-363 lo,' 02t:; 05 tl: ,r 09lll I2tii li: 19 131 22 )ii 26 l3t 29 r1; ril 36 l:35t ui fil 45 89-363 08210 - 5 Apply hardware ln accordance with hardware manufacturerrs tnstiucttons and Section 08700 - BUTLDERTS HARDWARE. AdJust door lnstructlon to provide unlform clearance at head and Jambs, and to contacf stops unlformly. _ Remove and replace doors which are found to be warped, bowed or otherwise damaged and cannot be properly fltted in frames. Manufacturer's Instructlons: Install wood doors ln accordance with manufacturerrs lnstructlons and as shown. Job Flt Doors: Fit doors to frame for proper fit and unlform clearance at each edge and machine for hardware. Seal cut surfaces after fittlng and machining. Bevel nonfire-rated doors I/8" in 2n at latch and hinge edges. Bevel fire-rated doors l/L5" 1n 2" at lock edge. 9E@,: For nonfire-rated doors provlde clearances of: 3/32" at jambs and heads; L/8" at meetlng stl1es for palrs of doors; and 3/8" from bottom of door to top of decoratlve floor Job Slte Finished Doors:See painting sectlons of these speclflcations for requlrements for finlshlng wood doors 3.03 A$IIIS:UNTE'EAE: Operation: Rehang or replace .doors which do not swing or operate freely, as directed by the .nrchitect. Finished Doors: Refinish or replace doors damaged duringlnstallation, as directed by the Archltect Protection of Completed Work: Installer shall advlse the Contractor of proper procedures requlred for protectlon ofinstalled wood doors from damage or deterloratlon until accept- ance of the work END OF SECrION 08210t t I 01 02 03 04 05 06 o7 08 09 IO .LI I2 1? L4 L5 15 L7 1A t9 20 2T 22 ZJ z5 26 27 28 29 30 'l 1 32 34 35 36 37 38 JY 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 A1 48 49 50 51 5Z 54 57 58 59 OU 51 89-353 08305 - I sEerIoN 08305 ACCESiS DOORS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.00@: Drawlngs and general provislons of Contract, lncludlng,General and Supplementary Condltlons and Dlvision 1-Specification sections, apply to work of thls section. 1.01 w: The extent, location and size of each type of access door required is shown on the drawings and in schedules, and 1nc.l-udethe followlng: Wall or ceillng access doors. Provlde access doors lndicated on the drawlngs. Provlde access doors not indicated on the drawings but reguired by Codes or needed by the work. Provlde access doors for all concealedwork lncluding nlumblng, Electrical and Mechanlcal requiringperlodic servlcJ-ng or inspection. Flnal locatlon and type of access doors shall be approved by. the Archltect prlor to lnstallatlon. AIl access doors shall be provided by one manufacturer forentlre proJect. Cyllnder locks keys or screw drlver latchesshall be the same for all access doors. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: Section 04200: Masonry Sectlon 09250: cypsum Wallboard System 1.02 OUALITY ASSTJRANCE: Slze Variations: obtain Deslgnerrs acceptance of nanufacturer's standard size units which may vary sllght1y from sizes indlcated. Provlde steel access panels as a single lntegral unit with frame, anchors, hardware, accessory parts, fittlngs and fasten- ings. units are to be the standard products or modificatlons if regulred. Flre Resistance Ratlnqs;t I l wherever a fire-resistance rating 1s shownlnto which access panels are to be instal-led, panel assembly of type and manufacturer listed Laboratorles, "Classlfied Bullding Materials UL label on each fire-resistance rated access for constructlonprovide an access by UnderwrlterrsIndex". Providepanel assembly. 01 02 03 04 NR 06 07 08 09 10 1t L2 t3 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 z5 24 z5 26 27 28 29 30 31 '32 33 34 36 '41 38 39 rlU 41 42 43 44 45 46 48 49 5U 51 52 5J 56 57 58 59 89-363 08305 - 2 rnserts and Anchoraqes: Furnlsh lnserts and anchorlng devlces whlch mrst be bullt lnto other work for the lnstallation of access doors. Coordinate delivery wlth other work to avold delay. 1.03 SEts!EI}E: Product Data: Submlt manufacturerrs technlcal data and lnstallatlon lnstruc- tions for each type of access door assembly. Transmit copy of each instruction to the Installer Provide settlng drawlngs, templates, instructions and directlons for installation of anchorage devices. PART 2 - PRODUETS 2.Ol T,ATERfALS AD{D FABRIC.ATION: Furnish door assemblies manufactured as an integral unit, com- plete wlth all parts and ready for lnstallatlon, factory prlme-oat palnted for steel , m1J-l finish for alumlnum. Fabrlcate. unlts of continuous welded steel constructlon. Grlnd welds smooth and flush wlth adJacent surfaces. zurnish attach- ment devlces and fasteners of the type requlred to secure access panels to the types of support shown. Manufacturer: Provlde access paneJ-s as manufactured by one of the followlng: Milcor Dlv-fnryco, fnc. Birmlngham Ornamental lron Co. Karp Assoclates, Inc. Access Door Unlts: Furnish assemblles wlth manufacturerrs standard constructionwlth details, anchorage for use ln exposed masonry, exposed concrete, drywall , ceramic tile, plaster, acoustic cellings (other than exposed grid). Flush Panel - Masonrv/Tlle: I I I t il I t I T I ! Frame shall be 15 gage (1.6 mm) steel with a nominal 1" (25.4 mm) exposed frame flange. Panel shall be 14 gqge (r.9 !nlsteel , - fitted flush with frame flange. Provide concealed spring hlnges permitting J-75o opening, galvanlzed steel masonry anchois and flush key operated cyllnder locks in sufficient number for the size of panel . A11 mild steel shall be factory prime palnted. I I T I I I I I lo,. o2 rll Ti: rii T2 til lt3 r9fli22 ril 25 13" 29 ui il: 36 tii tii 43 li3 46 )ii 50l:l 53 ri: 89-35 3 0830s - 3 Flush Panel - Drvwall: Frame shall be 15 gage (1.5 mm) steel wlth an lntegral galvan-lzed steel drywall bead. Panel shal1 be L4 gage (1.9 mm) steel , fltted flush with lntegral bead. Provlde concealed sprlng hlnges permittlng 175' opening and flush key operatedcylinde locks in sufficient numbe for the slze of panel . AIImild steel shall be factory prlne painted. Fire Rated Panels: where shown or required construct panels and frames to complywith the requlrements of Underwriterrs Laboratorls, Inc. forl--l/2 hour, "8" label , 250'F (121'C) rating. Install UL label on each panel . Frame sha1l be 15 gage (1.5 mm) steel with a nominal 1" (25.4 mm) frame flange and J.ntegral masonry anchors. Panel shall be 20 gage (0.9 mm) steel , sandwich construction, with a non-com-bustlble insulatlon core. Provlde continuous steel piano typehinge for the length of the panel and a latchi.ng device withflush cyllnder lock and interlor latch release. Provide an automatlc panel closer for panels over 12"x12' (0.3 m x 0.3m). all mlld steel shall be factory prlme palnted. Locking Devlces: Furnlsh fIush, screwdriver-operated cam locksof the number reguired to hold door in flush, smooth plane when closed. PART 3 - EXECUTTON 3.01 TNSTAI,LATION: Perform installation work under Sectlon 05100 as specified herein. Comply with manufacturerrs lnstructlons for installatlon of access doors. Coordlnate lnstallatlon wlth work of other trades. Set frames accurately ln posltlon and securely attach to sup-ports wlth face panels plumb or level 1n relation to adJacentfinlsh surfaces. AdJust hardware and panels after j.nsta1latlon for proper opera-tion. Remove and replace panels or frames which are warped, bowed or otherwlse damaged. END OF SEETION 08305l I lo, 02 rll rli 09lilL2 ril li: 19 l3t 22 rii z6 l3t 29lii rii 36 13339 )ti 43lll 46 ui 50l;l 53 t;; t:l 89-363 08520 - 1 sEerrort 08520 AT,UTdINT'}I UII|MI| AIfD DOM FRA}IES PART 1 - GENERAI, r.oo@: Drawlngs and general provlsions of the Contract, includlng General and Supptementary Condltlons and the Divislon-l Speclficatlon sectlons, apply to work of thls Sectlon. 1.01 DESGIHIIOII OF ttlORK: The extent of alumlnum doors are shown on the Drawings and ln schedules. The followlng types of alumlnum doors are required: vestlbule doors Sealants: Include atl sealant work assoclated wlth alumi-num framing lnstallatlon, lncludlng Jolnts between framlng and adJacent materlals, as speclfled in Sectlon 07951. Related lrlork Speclfled Elsewhere: Sectlon 08800: Glazing 1.02@: Standards: Comply with the requlrements and recommendatlons in appllcable Speciflcatlons and standards by NAA!!M, AA!.!A and AA, lncludlng the termlnology deflnltions, except to the extent more strlngent requirements are lndicated. Manufacturer: one (1) of the following: amarlite/Anaconda Alumlnun Divislon Kawneer Company, Inc. PPG Industrles, Inc. Northrup Architectural Systems Performance Regulrements: In addltion to other requlrements as indlcated herein, fabrlcate materials and components of door unlts to wlthstand the antlclpated trafflc as follows for the llfe of the bulldlng (40 years) wlth normal malntenance: Buildlng Entrances: 1,000 open,/c1ose cycles per day. wind Loadlng: Fabrlcate exterlor door and frame unlts to with- stand the wma Pressure loadlng shown of,, lf not shown, 20 lbs. per sq. ft. on the gross area of the frames, doors, panels and glass, acting lnward and also actlng outward. I 01 02 03 04 05 05 o7 08 09 r0 11 t2 13 14 15 15 I7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 4L 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 52 53 54 56 57 89-35 3 08520 - 2 Weather Reslstance: Fabaricate exterlor door and frame unlts, lncluding weatherstrlpping and thresholds (if 'any), -to prevent the uncohtrolled penLtrallon of alr and water under normal severe weather condltlons. 1.03 WjEElIfis Shop Drawlngs: Submit Shop Drawings for the fabrlcatlon and lnstallatlon of doors and assoclated components of the Work. Show anchors, Joint system, expansion provlslons and other component-s not lncluded ln manufacturerts standard data. rnclude glazlng detalls. s3m&.: Submlt three (3) samples of each requlred alumlnum finlsh,'on L2" Iong extruslons or 5" square sheets, of the alloys to be used for the Work. where normal- color and texture varlatlons are. to be expected, lnclude two (21 or more unlts 1n each sample, to show the range of such varlatlons. Samples wlII'be reviewed by Archltect for color and texture on1y. Compliancewlth other requirements ls the excLuslve responsiblllty of the Contractor. Warrantv: Submlt two (2') coples of wrltten warranty slgned by the Manu-facturer, Installer and Contractor agreeing to replace aluminum window frames which fail ln materials or workmanship wlthln three (3) years of the date of acceptance. PART 2 - PRODUCIE 2.01 @: D€E: Provlde doors with full weatherstrlpping to match profile as shown on the Drawlngs. @!re: Cyltnder to be provided for ln Section 08700. Manufacturer's standard latchsets wlth lever handles. @ryLS.: Doors to be medium style complete with lever handLe latch sets, and all related hardware. AlI exterlor door condi.tions to havefull weatherstrlpping and thresholds. t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I lo'. 02 I3:05 ll: 09lll L2til ri: 19 fz: 22rii 25 lzt 29lii l:i 35 r:i tri 43 J^^t 46rii l:; l;l 56 t:i 89-363 08s20 - 3 Compresslon Weatherstripplng: Provlde manufacturerrs standard repLaceable stripping of elther molded neoprene gaskets compJ.yl lng wlth aSw o20OO, Deslgnation 28C415 to 38C620, or molded evC gaskets cornplylng wlth ASTM D2287. Compressions .gasketslnclude gaskets- 1n bottom ralls of doors (silt gasketsl and collapslble flnger gruards at plvot Jambs as well as bumpertype gaskels at door stops and laps. Sealants and Gaskets: Provide sealants and gaskets- in the.faUrtCation, assernbly and lnstallation of the work, which are recommended and gruaranteed by the manufacturer to remaln perma- nently efastic, non-shrlnklng, non-mlgratlng and weatherproof for the llfe of the buildlng. 2.02 EIE&E$EEIQE: The detall-s shown are based upon standard detalls by one or more manufacturers. It is lntended that simllar details byother manufacturers will be acceptable, provlded they complywlth the size requlrements. Cut, relnforce, dr1l1 and tap frames and doors as regulred to recelve hardware, except do not dr1lI and tap for surface- mounted ltems until the time of installatlon at the proJectslte. Comply with hardware manufacturer's instructlons andtemplate requlrements. Use concealed fasteners wherever posslble. 2.03@: General: Preparatlon: After fabrlcation of frames, prepare the alumlnum surfaces for flnlshing 1n accordance with the alumlnum produc- er's recommendations and standards of the flnlshes or process. Process a1l components of each assembly slmrltaneously toattaln complete uniformlty of color. Samples: Match the Archltect's sample for color and texture requlrenents, except for finlshes which are indicated to comply wtth lndustry standard colors and texture samplex. Establish samples of the required flnish, for Architect's acceptanceprlor to fabrtcatlon of the work. The Architect reserves the rlght to reJect materlal finishes wlth obJectlonable variations from the establlshed sarnples. Anodized Flnlshes: As selected. PART 3 _ EXECUTTON 3.01 S!AL!SEEQ[: Comply with manufacturer's Specifications and recomrnendationsfor the installatlon of alumlnum doors. I 01 o2 03 04 05 05 o7 08 09 10 11 L2 I3 l4 15 15 t7 18 89-353 08520 - 4 t I I I I I I I T I t I J I ,l t I I I Separate alumlnum and other corrodlble metal surfaces from soirces of corrosion or electrolytlc actlon at polnts of contact with other materlals. Set stll members and other members tn a bed of compound as shown or with jolnt flllers or gskets as shown to provlde weathertlght construction. Advlse Contractor of protectlve treatment and other precautlons regulred throughout the remainder of the construc_tj-on.perlod' to-ensure thaf doors wltl be wlthout danage or deterioratlon (other than normal weatheringl at the tlne of acceptance. oF sBerrox 08520 lo, o2 fll il: 09 litL2 tii 16ll; 19tii ril 26 J:,t 29 ri; 33lll 35 tii 40 Jt; 43 rl: rii 50*t 53 t:: l:3 89-363 08510 - 1 sEerror 08610 rNOOD TrINDqIS PART 1 - GENERAE 1.00@: Drawlngs and general provlsions of Contract, lncluding Generaland Supplementary Condltlons and Divlslon-l Speclficationsectlons, apply to the work of this Sectlon. 1.01 pEStCRrPTrOn OF WORX Work Included: Provlde wood windows where shown on the Draw-lngs, as speclfled hereln, and as needed for a complete andproper lnstallatlon. 1.02@: Use adeguate numbers of skilled workmen who are thoroughlytralned and experienced ln the necessary crafts and who arecompletely famll-1ar wlth the specifled requlrements and thenethods needed for proper performance of the work of thts Sectlon. Standards: . Comply with ceneral Requirements of ANSI A200.1, "Industry Standard for Wood wlndow Units f.S.2-73x by Natlonal Woodwork Manufacturers Assoclatlon (llWI.{A), except to the extent more stringent requlrements are lndlcated. Manufacturer: Provide wood window units produced by a singlefabrj.cator, capable of showlng prlor successful productlon ofunlts slmllar to those requlred. Pella Corporation Anderson Corporation Marvln Performance and Testlng: Provide windows which have been test-ed and labeled for structural performance (ASTM E 330, alrlnfiltratlon [ASTM E 283]), and water penetratlon (ASTM E 331];and wlth results complylng wlth NWMA Standard I.S.2-73 forClass "A" wlndow units. 1-03 SL]BI.{ITTA[,S: Product Data: Submlt manufacturerrs speclfications, standarddetalls, and recommendatlons for each type of wood wlndow requlred. Include certiflcations as may be required to show compllancewith the speclflcations. I 01 o2 03 04 05 06 o7 08 09 I1 T2 13 14 15 15 T7 l8 19 20 2T 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1l 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4I 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 505l 52 53 54 55 55 57 58 59 89-363 08510 - 2 Shop Drawlnqs: Subnit shop drawlngs, Includlng wall elevatlonsat Ll4" scale, unlt elevatlons at 3/4n scale, and half-slze sectlon detalls of every typlcal composlte member, lncludlng g1azlng. 1.04 : Protect wood wlndow units durlng transit, storage, and handllngto prevent damage, soIllng, and deterloratlon. PART 2 - PRODUETS 2.01 E[EDqruElg: Materlals: AII Perma Shlelcl wlndows shown on drawings shall beas manufactured by Anderson, or approved egual by Pella or Marvin. Wood: western plne or other suitable fine-gralned lumber whichhas been treated wlth water repellent preservative after machinlng and kiln-drled to a moisture content of six percent(5*) to twelve percent (r2t) at tlme of fabrlcation. All surf-aces shall be Vinyl or Teflon covered. Color as selected byArchltect. window Units: Type as shown on the drawings, lnclude standard' hardware, lnsect screen, lnsulated and safety glazlng asrequlred on the drawings. PART 3 - EXEctITTOlr 3.01 INSPECIION: Examlne the areas and condltlons under whlch work of this Sectlon w111 be performed. Correct condltions detrlmental to ttunely and proper completion of the work. Do not proceed untlLunsatlsfactory condltlons are corrected. 3.02 INSTAILATTOII comply wlth manufacturer's lnstructlons and recommendations forinstallation of wood unlts, hardware, accessories, and other components of work. Set unlts plumb, level , and true to Ilne, without warp or rackof frames or sash. Provlde proper support and anchor securelyin place. Refer to olvlsion 7 sections for Jolnt fillers andsealants requlred for lnstallatlon. 3.o3 aSISIENLSEAN: AdJust operatlng sash and hardware to provide smooth operatlonwlth tight, weatherproof closure. Lubrlcate hardware and mov-ing parts. I T I I t I I t I I I I I t l I I I lo,. 02 fll 05l:; 09 ti; ll; 89-36 3 08510 - 3 Clean glass of window units promptly after tnstallation; complywtth reqprlrements of "Glass and Glazing" sectl.on for cleaning and maintenance. Instltute protection required through remalnder of constructionperlod, to ensure that wood unLts wlll be wlthout damage ordeterioratlon (other than normal weatherlng) at time of accep- tance. oF sEerlor{ 08610 I I I r I I I I t I t I l l lo, 02tll il: 09lll L2 lil r5lll 19ri\ .ii 26 J3"29 rli 33lll 36 f:i )i\ 43llt 46rii l:i 53l;l 55 lii 60l" 89-363 08700 - I seeiror oSzoo ITARDWARE PART 1 - GENIERAE 1.OO RET,AIED DOCTIUETSS: Drawings and general provlsions of the Cbntract, lncludlng General and Supplementary Conditions and the Divlslon-l Speclflcation sectlons, apply to work of thls sectlon. 1.01 DESCRIPIIOT{ OF I{ORK: The extent of finish hardware is shown on the drawlngs and in schedules. Provide flnlsh hardware for all doors lncludlng all j-tems known commercially as bullders hardware or flnish hardware. Includelock cyllnders for locks furnlshed 1n other sections where so specifled. Related work Specifled Elsewhere: Section 05100: Installation of Finlsh Hardware Section 08114: Hollow Metal Secti-on 08210: Wood Doors I,.02 OUAI,ITY ASSTIRANCE: Coordinate the application of hardware items with door and frame detalls and with methods of fastenlng speclfied. Where the type of hardware specified is not adaptable to the flnished size of members requirlng hardware, submit an item having a similar operation and quallty for review. Make finlsh hardware to templates, with wood and/or machine screws as applicable to door and frame detalls. Furnish tem-plates and schedules to door and frame manufacturers and other trades so that doors and frames can be cut, relnforced and pre- pared in the shop to receive hardware. No names, designs or labels w111 be perrnitted on the following ltems: Face of cyllnders, turnpleces or operating trlm of locksets or latch sets, case covers of surface applled closlng devi-ces and underslde of door holder arms. Where several manufacturers are specifed for one type of hard- ware, use only the products of one manufacturer. General: Hardware Brands: All locks and latch sets must be one (1) brand, all overhead closers mtst be one (1) brand, all floor checks must be one (1) brand, all hinges must be one (1) brand. 01 02 03 04 05 06 o7 08 09 10 11 T2 13 l4 15 16 L7 I.' 19 20 2L 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 5Z JJ 34 35 2< 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 45 47 48 49 50 52 tr? 54 57 58 89-35 3 08700 - 2 Hardware at Labeled Openlngs: Provlde hardware for flre-rated openlngs ln compllanc6 wtth A.I.A. (NBFU) ramphlet H-o. 80 and nFpa S-tandard tt-o. 80. This reguirement takes precedence_over other reguirements for such hardware. Provlde. only hardware whlch hasi been tested and llsted by UL for the types'and slzes of doors requlred, and complies wttn tne requirements of the door and door frame labels. Where panic exlt devlces are requlred on fj-re-rated doors, (with supplementary marking on door UL label indlcatlngiFlre Ooor to be Equlppeil with Flre Exlt Hardwaren )provlde UL labe1 on -exif devlce lndlcating "Fire Exit Hardware". Appllcation Assurance: The Contractor assumes overall- respons- @of this Sectlon, to assure that all assem- blles, components and parts shown or requlred, comply with the Contract Documents The Contractor also assures that all components, speclfled or . requlred to satlsfactorlly complete the lnstallation are com- pa{:.ole wlth each other and adlbinhg substrates, mater'lals and work by other trades and wlth the conditions of installation and expected use, 1.03 SUBIi(ITIAIS: Hardware Schedule: Submit flve (5) copies of the hardware scheEle tn the manner and format speclfied, complying with theactual construction progress schedule reguirements ( for each draft). Hardware schedules are lntended for coordination of the work. Review and acceptance by the Archltect or Owner does not relleve the Contractor of his exclusive responslbility to fulflll the requirements as shown and specifled. Flnal Hardware Schedule: Based on the bullders hardware regulrements indlcated, organlze the final hardware schedule in€o "hardware sets", lndlcating complete designation of every ltem requlred for each door or openlng. nrrnish initial draft of schedule at'the earliest possible date, ln order to factli- tate the fabrication of other work (such as metal- frames) whlch may be critlcal in the project constructlon schedule. zurnlsh final draft of schedule after samples, manufacturer's data sheets, coordlnatlon with shop drawlngs for other work, deli- very schedul-es, and slmllar lnformatlon has been completed and accepted. wherever needed, furnlsh templates to fabricators of other work which is to receive finish hardware. Tools for Malntenance: E'urnlsh a complete set of speclalizedtools as needed for Ownerrs contlnued adJustment, malntenance and removal and replacement of builder's hardware. T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I lo. o2 rll TI: 09 $lI2 lil 15ll; 19ri\ til 26 J3" 29 tii ??lll 36 tig lii 43ll: 46 )ii 50l:l 53 u; 1;i 50l" 89- 36 3 08700 - 3 Addltlonal Materials: Furnlsh an extra gross of each dlfferent slze, type and flnlsh of attachlng screws and/or bolts used for applylng the dlfferent ltems of flnlsh hardware. Key Schedules: PrePare keylng schedules for a,pproval , factory kei locks in accordance with approved sc-hedu1e. Furnlsh ln trlpltcate complete schedule of key marklng and master key system to Rrchitect prior to flnal acceptance. Samples, Flnlsh and Color: Prior to submlttaL of the hardware aEhEiule and prlor to dellvery of hardware. submlt one sampleof the followlng, flnlshed as requlred and tagged with full descriptlon for coordlnatlon with the schedule. Sample w111 be reviewed by the Archltect for desLgn, color and texture only. Compllance wlth other requirements 1s the excluslveresponsibllity of the Contractor. warrantv: Furnlsh three (3) coples of the followlng wrltten warranty to be included in the Malntenance Manuals: Door closers against mechanical fallure for a five (5) year perlod. Failure of parts for all other hardware including cylinderlocks, for a two (2) year perlod. 1.04 PRODUCT EANDLING: ProvldE secure lock-up for hardware dellvered to the proJect, but not yet lnstalled. Control the handllng and lnstallationof hardware ltems which are not lrnmediately replaceable, sothat the completlon of the work will not be delayed by hardwareIosses, both before and after installatlon. eackaging of hardware. on a set by set basis, ls the respon-slbllity of the suppller. As materlal is received by the hardware supplier from the various manufacturers, sort and repackage ln containers marked wlth the hardware set number. Two l2l or more ldentlcal sets may be packaged in the same contalner. Inventory hardware Jolntly wlth representatives of the hardwaresuppller and the hardware installer untll each ls satisfiedlhat the coun! ls correct. I.O5 JOB @NDITIONS: Coordlnatlon: Coordlnate hardware wlth other work. Tag each Ltem or package separately, with identlficatlon related to the flnal hardware schedule, and include basic installatlon instructlons in the package. Furnlsh hardware items of ploper design for use on doors and framds of the thicknesses, profile, swlng, securlty, and slmilar regulrements indlcated, as neces- sary for propei lnstallation and functlon' Dellver individual-Iy packaged hardware ltems at the proper tlmes to the proper locatlons (shop or project site) for installation. 01 o2 03 04 05 05 o7 08 09 10 11 t2 13 14 15 t5 L7 1.8 I9 20 2I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 ?q 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 45 47 48 49 50 51 5Z 54 5(l 57 58 89-353 Lock Sets and Latches: 38'l from f1oor. 08700 - 4 T t I I I T I I I I l I I I I I t I I 1.06 PRE-INSTALLA:TTOIT CII|FERBTCE: After dellvery of hardware and prlor to its installatlon, meet wlth the ercf,itect, Installer and manufacturer's representa- tlves. Compare flnal samples wlth actual hardware delivered to assure acceptablllty. Revlew catalogs, _brochu:es, templates, lnstallatlori lnstrulctions and the itnal hardware schedule. Rehearse lnstallatlon procedures and workmanship with speclal emphaSls On unusual Co-nditions, so as to-ensure correct tech- niQue of lnstallatlon and coordlnatlon wlth other work' PART 2 - PRODUETS 2.01 $$!$$!!: Refer to Hardware Schedule for appllcatlon of indlvidual hard- ware items as referenced to each opening or function. Item numbers herelnafter listed set the style of the hardware. slze and number of ltem shall be determined by the best prac- tlce for opening indlcated. Best practj-ce includes the most partlcular -requitements of these specificatlons and the manu- iacturers for the hardware ltem lndicated. Travel of Door: The Drawings show the sqln_g or travel of each aGIGEE-ITEEI, rlght, rev-erse bevel, sllde, etc. ) ' Furnish each item of hardwaie for proper lnstal1atlon and operatlon of the door travel as shown. Acceptable Deslqns: Part 2 of thls Section j.ndlcates products whlch are of acceptable deslgn and guallty for prlmary expo- sure. Do not substitute other products except wlth Architect's wrltten acceptance. 2.02@; Produce flnlshes to exactly match wlth Archltect's selected samplels;. Reduce varlance in hue in the color of each flnish' as much as possible, whether the base metal is cast, forged or stamped or when platlng ls applied over steel , brass or bronze. Fini-hes of the same deslgnatlon, that come from 2 or more sources, shall match when the items are vlewed at arms length and approxlmately 2 ft. (0.6 m) apart. Unless otherwlse s_pecl- fied,-match the ilnlsh of each item of hardware with the flnish selected for lock sets and latches. 2.03 IIARDT{ARE MOUII'TTNG IIETGTITS: The followlng mounting helghts shall apply throughout the work unless otherwlse shown or specified. (0.95 m) to center of knob or lever from door lo,. 02 tli il: 09 lltI2 ril 15llr 19tii ]il zo lzl 29 rii 33l* 35 tis rl; 43 J'^t 45 rii 50l:l t:; r;i I 89-363 08700 - 5 Butt Hlnqes: 10t' (0.25 m) to bottom of lowest hlnge- flo-offiio.l2s m) to top of upper hlnge from top of space other hlnges equally between lower and upper hinges. Door Pullsz 42r (1.12 rn1 flnlsh floor to cente'_ of pulli EEnIer TIne 1n 5'r (0.r25 m) from edge of flush doors, and centered on stlle of narrow st1le glass doors. Cross-Bar of Exlt Device:of cross-bar, 42n (I.05 m) flnish floor to center Push Bar: 42" (L.05 m) flnlsh floor to center of push bar. Flush Bolt Operatinc Mechanisms: Top bolt 55tt lo 'Iztt (1.65 m @nlshecf floor, bottom bolt 12't (0.3 m) above fintshed floor. 2.04 ryEEBg: Manufacture hardware to conform to publlshed templates comply- ing wlth Commerclal Standard No. 9 and generally prepared for' maihlne-screw installation. Provlde fasteners appropriately for the hardware and substrate materials. Provlde concealed fastenings wherever posslble. The use of self-tapping or sheet metal scresrs is prohlbited. Concealed Fasteners; Furnish hardware ltems wlth approprlateother fastenings suitable totype and length of screws or ensure permanent anchorage. Exposed Fasteners: Furnlsh hardware wlth countersunk ehillips oval head type screws where conceal-ed fastenlng is not pos- slble. Flnlsh screws, exposed under any condlti.on, which areto match the hardware flnish or, if exposed in surfaces of other work, to match the flnlsh of such other work as closeJ-yas posslble lncludlng "prepared for palnt" ln surfaces to recelve painted flnlsh. EU$.tt:!N9E: General: Pack all hlnges wlth machlne or wood screws as regulred by door and frame constructlon. Where door Jamb or trim proJe-ts to such an extent that the wldth of leaf sPecl-ffed wlll not allow the door to clear such frame or trlm, furn- lsh hinges with leaves of sufficlent wldth to clear. Furnlsh template hinges ln accordance wlth door and frame materlal requlrements. Butt Hlnqe Sizes for I-3/4' (45 rnnm) Door Thickness: Poor wldth 36" (0.9 m) and less Hlnge Slze (H x W) 4-L/2"x4" or 4-!/2" (0.125 m x 0.1 m or 0.112 m) 01 o2 03 04 05 06 o7 08 09 10 11 L2 13 14 15 IO L7 r8 19 20 2I zz 23 24 z5 26 27 z6 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 4I 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 JI 52 53 54 55 56 57 89-363 37' to 41o(0.9 m to 1.04 m) 42" to 47' ( 1.0s m to 1.19 m) Butt Einqe Ouantlties per loor treaf: Height of Door 60" or less 11.5 m)6I" to 90" (1.5 m to 2.25 m) 91" to 120" (2.26 m to 3.0 m) Manufacturer Hager Hlnge Schlage Lock Co. von Duprln Norton Trlmco Pemko Door Controls RockwoodH. B. IVES Rlxson-Firmark 08700 - 5 4-L/2"x 0.1 m or 0.112 m) x 0.112 m) I I I t I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I HA SC VD NO TR PE DC ROfv RI 5 "x4 tt or(0.r25 m 5"x4-L/2'(0.125 m 2.05 EABIEAEE!: Furnish hardware in accordance with the hardware schedule at the end of this sectl-on and as indicated on the door schedule. Schedule is intended as a grulde to indicate hardware functlons. Provide all items needed for door function lncludlng flre-ratlng and labeling requlrements for flre-rated doors. 2.05 ITARDT{ARE LEGEND: General ! No. of Hlnges 2 3 4 Approved Substitutes Lawrence Bros., Soss, Stanley NO SUBSTITUTION NO SUBSTITUTION Corbin Series 120, Sargent Seri.es 1250 Quallty, clynn-Johnson, Rockwood Reese, Zero Glynn-Johnson, Ives Trimco, QualityDoor Controls As approved Flnishes: Eurnlsh all ltems in US25D Satln Chrome, except where otherwlse noted. Weatherstrlp shall be natural alumlnumfinlsh. closers shall be palnted alumlnum. EEE!re: Suppller w111 meet wlth Owner to flnallze keylng regulrements and obtain flnal j-nstructlons in wrj-t1ng. SEeII!: Standard System: Except as otherwlse lndlcated, provlde new master key system for proJect. keys each olo, o2lll ll: 09lll L2 rii 15llr I9ri\ )ii 26 llZ zt li; lil 36 l3; 39 Ji\ 43 lrs 46rii l;; 53 t:; 55 t;3 I 89-363 08700 - 7 Cvllnders: Equlp locks with manufacturer's specjlal 5-pin tum- Sffiinderl wrtrr constructlon master key feature, whlch permlts voiding of constructton keys wlthout cyllnder removal . Provlde Contractor wlth 10 constructlon keys. F1nal Change and Master Keys: Retained by hardware suppller untll area or entlre bulldlng ls ready for occupancy. At such tlme and when dlrected, make necessary modlflcatlon to locks so that construclton keys w111 no longer work and permanent keys and keylng system w111 be operatlve. S.: Provlde keys of nlckel sl-lver on1y. Fr:rnish two 12) change keys for each lock; flve (5) master for each master system and flve (5) grandmaster keys for grandmaster system. Dellver keys to Ownerrs representatlve. Provide a key control system includlng envelopes, labels, tagswith self-locklng key c1lps, recej-pt forms, 3-way vislble card lndex, temporary markers, permanent markers and standard metal cabinet, all as recommended by system manufacturer, with capa- clty for r50t of the number of locks requlred for the project. Key control manufacturer to set up complete cross lndex system and place keys on markers and hooks ln the cabinet as deter- mined by the flnal key schedule. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 IN9EE9E[9U[: Examine substrates and adJolning construction and conditlons under whlch work is to be lnstalled. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditlons detrlmental to the proper and timely completlon of the Work have been corrected. 3.02 INSTAf,I,ATTON: general: Recelve hardware for doors as shown and scheduled and spEEiEied in the appllcable hardware portions, of these specifi- catlons. Store in a locked space to prevent loss. Apply to doors as recommended by hardware manufacturer and as regr:ired. Flt locks and latch sets ln their respectlve- doors and- remove before palntlng. Relnstall after palntlng of doors ls completed. Upoh completion, adJust and lubrj-cate hardware for proper operation. 'Instruct Owner,s personnel in the proper adjustment and main- tenance of hardware. OI o2 03 04 05 05 07 08 09 11 L2 13 14 I5 I6 L7 18 19 20 /,L 22 23 24 z5 zo 27 28 29 30 32 34 35 35 37 39 40 4I 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 EN 51 )z 5J 54 55 5l 58 89-353 08700 - I Perform lnstallatlon under Sectlon 06100 as speclfled hereln. Mount hardware unlts at helghts recommended in 'rRecommendedLocatlons for Bullders' Hardware" by NBIIA, except as otherwlse speclflcally lndlcated or requlred tg comply _wlth. governlng rigrulatlons, and except as m-y be otherwise directed by the Archltect. tnstall each hardware ltem in compllance with the manufac- turer's instructlons and recommendatlons. wherever cuttlng and flttlng is requlred to lnstall hardware onto or lnto surfaces whlch are later to be painted or flnlshed ln another wd!, install each ltem completely and then remove and store ln a secure place durlng the flnlsh appllcation. After completlonof the finishes, re-lnstall each ltem. Do not lnstall surface- mounted Ltems unt1l finishes have been completed on the sub- strate. Set unlts level , plum and true to line and locatlon. AdJust and relnforce the attachment substrate as necessary for proper installatlon and operatlon. Drlll and countersink units which are not factory-prepared for anchorage fasteners. Space fasteners and anchors in accordancewlth lndustry standards. Jolnt units wlth concealed welds or concealed mechanical -jolnts. cut smooth openlngs for splndles, bolts, and slmilaritems, if any r 3.03 AD-IUST AND CEEAN: AdJust and check each operating item of hardware and each door,to ensure proper operation or function of every unit. Lubri- cate movlng parts with type lubrication recornmended by manufac-turer lgraphite-type if no other recommendedl. Replace unlts whtch cannot be adJusted and lubrlcated to operate freely and smoolhly as lntended for the applicatlon made. Hardware sup-pller shall make final check and adJustment of locks, closers, and other items requiring fine adJustment. Flnal Adjustment: Wherever hardware lnstallation is made more than one (1) month prior to accept€rnce or occupancy of a spaceor area, return to the work durlng the week_ prior to accep-tanceor occupancy, and make a flnal check and adJustment of all hardware items in such space or area. Clean and relubrLcate operating items as necessary to restore proper functlon andfinlsh of hardware and doors. AdJust door control devlces to compensate for flnal operation of heatlng and ventllatlng equipment. Instruct owner's personnel in proper adJustment and maintenanceof hardware and hardware finishes, during the flnal adJustmentof hardware. I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I o. 8e-363 ll: 08700 - 9 t I 10. 1I L2'l? 14 15 16 L7 t8 l9 20 2I 3 Pr, ButtsI Ea. Lockset2 Ea. Flush Bolts 1 Ea. Dustproof StrikeI Ea. CloserI Ea. O.H. Stop 2 Ea. Sllencers Ei-t?.: Doors: 4, 5, 8, 32 Each Door to Have: I Set Smoke SeaI (PE HA SC TR TR NO RT TR 22 z5 24 25 1.5 Pr. ButtsI Ea. LocksetI Ea. Closer (HA (sc (NO 27 2829 IIw #3: Doors: 3, 31, 32, 54 f:; l:l 'r,a l:i J'ti 43 2 Ea. Flush Bolts (TR 1 Ea. Dustproof Strlke (TR 2 Ea. WaIl- Stop (RO 2 E,a. Sllencers (TR ELt4.: Doorst 9, ]-6, 34, 37 Each Palr to Have: 3 Pr. ButtsI Ea. Lockset Each Door to Have: 1.5 Pr. Butts 1 Ea. Lockset1Ea. Cl-oser 2 EA. PUII 2 Ea. Closer (HA (sc (HA (sc (NO (RO (NO ELtS: Door: 2 Each Pair to Have: 3 Pr. Butts (HA 2 Ea, Push Plale (RO 54 55 56 5t 58 59 2 Ea. Kickplate (TR 2 Ea. Wa1l Holder (RI 2 Ea. Sllencers (TR60l,' 02r03 l!4-05 3.04@: I I I 44 45 46 t 47 1 Ea. Vtall Stop (RO f aa r Set smoke Seal (PEr49 50lsr*52 E!l_tl.: Doors = 5, 7 09 Each Palr to Have: 26 1 Ea. Wall Stop (RO BBt279 4.5 X 4.5 NRP A80PD Ply X 11-095 x 10-025 39L7 -L2" 3 911 P8301 x TB (Actlve Door) 8-1320 (Inactive Leaf) L2294 BBL279 4.5 X 4.5 A80PD Ply X lr-095 X 10-025 8301 Reg x TB 405 S88D llead and Jambs t279 4.5 X 4.5 NRP A80PD Ply X 11-095 X 10-025 3917 -L2" 3 91r 406 L229}. 4L, 45, 45, 47 , 48, 49 , 53 BBr279 4.5 X 4.5 A70PD Ply X 11-095 X 10-02s 8301 Reg X TB 405 S88D Head and Jambs BBL279 4.5 X 4.5.10 4" X 15rl r11 8301 Reg X TB 8n x 2, L.D.W. X.050'|, 998 X Voltage as required. L229A 01 o2 03 04 05 06 o7 08 09 l0 11 t2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 r9 20 ZL 22 ZJ 24 25 26 ZI 28 29 JU 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 48 49 50 51 5Z 54 55 3t 58 59 60 61 89-363 08700 - 10 I t I I I EL.tg.: Doors: 1, 39, 42 Each Door to Have:. 1.5 Pr. Butts 1 Ea. Panic 1 Ea. Cyllnder 1 Ea. CloserI Ea. KickplateI Ea. WalI Stop 1 Ea. WaIl Holder 3 Ea. Silencers - Verify voltage E!!_tZ.: Doors: 10, 11, 12 Each Pair to Have: Pr. ButtsEa. PanicEa. PanlcEa. cylinderEa. ClosersEa. Kick PlatesEa. O.H. StopsSet WeatherstrlpEa. Astragal StripEa. ThresholdEa. Door Bottoms BBL279 4.5 X 4.5 99K-F X SNB 20-o57 P8301 or 8301 as 8" X 2" L.D.W. X 406 998 x 24vDC (Dr. t229Awall holder (rrA (VD (sc (NO (TR (RO (RI (TR on reguired. .050 " 1, only) , 13 iIA VD VD SC NO TR RI PE PE PE PE 19, 20 zr, 29 T 3 1II 2 2 A 1 2I 2 S[-$g: Doors t L7 , 18, Each Palr to Have: 3 Pr. Butts1 Ea, Panlc 1 Ea. Panlc1 Ea. Cyllnder2 Ea. Closers2 Ea. Kick Plates2 Ea. O.H. Stops1 Set Sound Seal EW_t9.: Doors z 14, 15, Each Door lo Have: 1.5 Pr 1 Ea. 1 Ea. I Ea.I Ea.I Ea. I Ea. 1 Set 1 Ea. Butts Panlc Cylinder Closer Kickplate O.H. Stop Threshold Weatherstrlp Door Bottom 881191 4.5 X 4.5 9927NL X SNB 9927D1 X SNB zo-022 P8301 X TB8" x 2" L.D.W. X.050' 1-33r 305AR llead and Jambs 3OsAN 170A 209AV BBL279 4.5 X 4.5 NRP 9975K-FX576AXSNB 9927K.F X SNB 20-001 P8301 X TB 8u x 2u L.D.w. X.050' 1-331 S88D Head and Jambs 881191 4.5 X 4.5 NRP 99NL X SNB 20-022 P8301 X TBgu x 2u L.D.w. x .050" 1- 3 31- 1704 305AR Head and Jambs 209AV I I I I I I I I HA VD VD SC NO TR RI PE I I HA VD SC NO TR RE PE PE PE HA VD NO TR, RI PE PE PE HA RO RO NO TR RO TR HA SC TR TR RO RO PE PE PE lo, o2 rll ll: 09 ri; tii I5lll 19 ril, 23lzt 25tii tii 33l:t 36 tii ri\ 43 II; 46 ris 50l;t E? t:; l:i 50 lu' 89- 35 3 08700 - 11 g!_t!.Q.: Door:33 Each Door to Have: 1.5 Pr. ButtsI Ea. Panlc1 Ea. CloserI Ea. Klckplate1 Ea. O.H. StopI Ea. Threshold1 Set 9reatherstrlp 1 Ea. Door Bottom EW-.3[!L: Doors: 23, 30 Each Door to Have: 1.5 Pr. Butts1 Ea. Passage SetI Ea. CloserI Ea. Wall Stop1 Set Smoke Seal EW.: Doors: 22, 28 Each Door to Have: I.5 Pr. ButtsI Ea. Push PlateI Ea. PuIlI Ea. Closer l- Ea. KlckplateI Ea. Wal]- StoD 3 Ea. Silencer3 IIW #I3: Doorsz 25, 26 Each Palr to Have: 3 Pr. Butts 1 Ea. Deadlock 2 Ea. Flush BoltsI Ea. Dustproof Strike2 Ea. Pulls2 Ea. Wall StopsI Ea. Astragal 1 Ea. ThresholdI Set weatherstrlp EW_t!!: Doors: 24, 27 Each Door to llave: 1.5 Pr. Butts 1 Ea. Prlvacy SetI Ea. WaIl StoP1 Set Door Seal BBl191 4.5 X 4.5 NRP 99EO X SNB P8301 X TBI'X 2n L.D.V|. X.050n 1-3 31 1704 305AR Head and Jambs 2094V HA) BB1279 4.5 X 4.5 SC) AI0S P1y x 1l-070 X 10-025 NO) 8301 Reg X TB RO) 405 PE) S88D Head and Jambs BBL279 4.5 X 4.5 70 4n x 16" 111 8301 Reg X TB 8n X 2u L;D.91. X .050u 406 L229A BB1t91 4.5 X 4.5 NRP 8462P X L2-076 3917 -L2" 3911 111 406 355AV 159AV 303Av l{ead and Jambs ( ( I ( HA) 1279 4.5 SC) A40S Ply RO) 405 PE) S88D Head x 4.5x 11-070 x 10-025 and Jambs ( t \ ( 01 02 03 o4 05 05 o7 08 09 10 11 t2 1? 14 t5 L7 18 t9 zv 2L 23 24 z5 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 2A 38 39 4t 42 43 45 46 A'f 48 49 50 JZ 54 57 50 89-363 I I I I I I I I I I 3 HA SC SC NO RO PE PE PE 08700 - 12 S4_-tL5.: Doors: 35 Each Door to Have: 1.5 Pr. Butts 1 Ea. DeadlockI Ea. Passage SetI Ea. Closerr Ea. walL stopI Ea. Threshold1 Set Weatherstrlp 1 Ea. Door Bottom 4--t!€.: Door! 35 Each Pair to Have: 881191 4.5 X 4.5 NRP 8462P X L2-076 A10S Ply X 11-070 X 10-025 8301 Reg X TB 406 1704 305AR Head and Jambs 2094V 881191 4.5 X 4.5 NRP 8462P X L2-O76 A10s Ply X 11-070 X 10-025 39L7 -L2" 3911 P8301 x lB (Actlve Leaf) 44L 355AV 170A 305AR Head and Jambs 209AV ? 1I 4II 2 1I 1 2 HA SC sc TR TR NO RO PE PE PE PE Pr. ButtsEa. DeadlockEa. Passage SetEa. Flush eoltsEa. Dustproof StrlkeEa. CloserEa. Floor StopsEa. AstragalEa. ThresholdSet WeatherstripEa. Door Bottom &t-!.2.; Doors: 38, 40 Each Door to Have: I.5 Pr. ButtsI Ea. LocksetI Ea. WaIl Stop 3 Ea. Silencers 4f:_l_9.: Doors: 50, 51 Each Door to Have: 1.5 Pr. ButtsI Ea. Prlvacy SetI Ea. CloserI Ea. Wall StopI Ea. Smoke SeaI IIW #19: Door: 44 Each Door to Have: 3 Pr. 1 Er.^ 2 Ea.1 Ea. Butts Lockset Auto Flush Bolts Dustproof Strike (HA) (sc) (Ro) (TR) 1279 4.5 X A80PD Ply x 406 L229A BBI279 4.5 A40S Ply x 830r. Reg X 406 S88D llead 4.5 II-UYO x 10-025 x 4.5 11-070 X 10-025 TB and Jambs I t I I (HA) (sc) (NO) (RO) (PE) (HA) ( sc)(rv) (DC) BBI279 4.5 X 4.5 NRP A70PD Ply X rr-095 X 10-02s 5568 80 I I lo, 8e-3G3 02 ri: 08700 - 13 I Ea. Coordlnator (DC) 500 with Flller r05 2 Ea. Closers (NO) 8301 Reg x TB Ioz 2 Ea, Klckplates (TR) I' x 2" L.D.w. x .050'r!08 2 Ea. Floor Stops (R0) 44r09 2 Ea. Silencers (TR) 1229AlroI 11 E!!_-t 2.9. r Door : 4 3 t2 r 13 Each Palr to Have:I14! ls 3 Pr. BuEEs16 I Ea. Panlc I rz 1 Ea. PanlcI18 I Ea. Cyllnder19 2 Ea. Closerf2O 2 Ea. Klck Plateslzt 2 Ea. wall Holders- 22 I Set Smoke seal -.23 2 Ea. Astragal Strip)24I zs HW #21: HA VD VD SC NO TR RI PE PE BBL279 4.5 X 4.5 NRP 997sK-FX575AXSNB 9927K-E X SNB 20-001 8301 Reg X TB8" X 2" L.D.W. X .050u 998 X voltage as required S88D Head and Jambs 3OsAN 26 lZt Add at basement existj.ng corrldor.door:428 29 I Ea. WaIl Holder (RI) 998 X voltage as Required | 3? EilD oF s'erro* o87oo t I l T I I I I t lo, o2 rll li: 09lilL2 ril 15 lle 19rii )il 26 Jtt 29 rii 33l:r 35 t:i ri\ 43lll 46 rii 50l;t 53 t:: l" 89-35 3 08800 - I sEerrorf 08800 GT.ASiS AilD GLAZIITG PIRT 1 - GNRAI, t.0O REf,,AIE' D(EUiTEIYT|S: Drawings and general provlslons of the Contract, lncludingGeneral and Supplementary Condltlons and lhe Division-1 SpeclfJ-catlon sections, apply to work of this Section. 1.01 W: The extent of G1ass and Glazlng Work is shown on the Drawings.The types of work or locatlon requirigrg glass and glazing lncJ.ude (hrt are not necessarlly llnlted tol the followlng: wlndolr unlts not lndlcated as factory preglazed. Related work Speclfied Elsewhere: Section 08L14: llollow Meta1sectl0n 08510: wood wlndows 1.O2@: General: Obtaln glazlng materlals from one manufacturer, cured by oneprocess and of unl-form texture and color, for each typerequlred, fot each contlnuous area and vlsually related areas. Do not change brands durlng the course of the work. Applicatlon Assurance : The Contractor assumes overall responslblllty for the work ofthls Sectlon, to assure that all assemblies, components andparts shown or requlred, comply wlth the Contract Documents. The Contractor also assures that all components, specified orrequlred to satl-sfactorlly complete the tnstaLlation, are con-patlbJ.e with each other, wlth adJolnlng substrates, materlals and work by other trades and wlth the condltlons of installa-tlon and expected use. Safetv clazlnq Materlals: Comply wlth the requlrements of laws orto the use and appllcatlon of Safety hazardous locatlons. ordlnances with respectGlazlng Materlals at I 01 02 03 04 05 05 o7 08 09 10 I1 L2 13l4 15 I5 L7 t8 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4I 4Z 43 44 45 45 47 48 49 50 52 53 54 55 50 57 58 59 89-363 08800 - 2 Standards: Glass: Comply wtth FS DD-G-451D for the applicable quallty herelnafter specJ-fled for each t of glass, except that heat-nerelnatter specltled tor eacn type ot grass, excepE EnaE neaE- strengthened, tempered and spandrel glass shall conply wlth FS DD-G-14038. Colors and Defects: For heat absorblng or reflectlve glass, the acceptable range of color and/or defects 1as deflned by Fs oo-casrc) shall be determlned by samples of such defects and/orcolor range. Glass whlch does not faIl wlthln the accepted sample range shal-l be subJect to reJectlon by the Archltect.In the event such samples are not or cannot be provlded, the Archltect will determlne the acceptabillty of glass relatlve to color and/or observable defects ln each case. Deslqn CrlterLa: Refer to Section 08900, vlINDOw WALL, GENERALfor crlterla pertalning to the deslgn of glass and framing mem-bers for exterlor glazing applications. Glazing detalls shownare for convenlence of detalllng only and are to be conflrmedby the Contractor re.Latlve to the cited standards and flnal framing detalls. Glazlnq Standards: Comp1y wlth reconunendations and requlre- ments of the nGlazj.ng Seallng Systens Manual" published by the FGI'IA except that for heat absorbing g1ass, reflective glass, spandrel glass and lnsulating g1ass, comply wlth the manufac-turer's recommendations when they are at variance with FGt'lA. Safetv Glass: Comply with CPSC 15 CFR Part 1201, "SafetyStandard for Architectural Glazing Materlalsr', wlth certlfylngIabel on each plece. Manufacturers: Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., tibby Owens Ford Glass Co. or as approved by the Designer. 1.03 ggEE:EEgIfis @: Submlt manufacturer's Speclflcatlons and lnstal-J.atlon lnstruc-tlons for handllng, storlng, lnstalllng, cleanlng and protect-tng al-l glazlng materlals. lnclude test data substantlatlngthat glass complles wlth speclfled requlrements. Manufacturerrs Data: Submlt ln wrltlng the fo1Iowlng lnformatlon from the manufac- Eurer: Statement from the glass nanufacturer that he has revlewed glazLng details 1ncludlng the use of sealants and gaskets and that each product to be furnlshed 1s recommended forthe appllcation shown. I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I l t I I t t I 0t o2 03 04 05 05 o7 08 09 10 t1 L2 13 L4 1E 16 L7 18 19 20 2T 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 55 57 58 59 60 89-353 08800 - 3 Statement from the glass manufacturer that he has revlewedthe appllcatlon of heat absorbing or reflectlve glass forthe effects of partlal or full shadlng under the exgectedservice temperature ranges and that the resulting thernalstresses will not reducE the "Glass Statlstlcal Factor' below 2.5. llarrantLes: Samples: Subnlt written warrantles from the manufacturer. Submlt samples of each type of glass, gLazLng sealant, tape or gasket. LzrxLzn samples of each type of glass speclfled. 12" long samples of glazing gaskets. Orred glazing sealant samples. 12n long samples of glazing tapes. 1.O4 EB@p$LEEEW: Dellver glazing materlals to proJect site Ln manufacturer's unopened contalners. fully ldentlfled wlth trade name, color,slze, hardness, type, class and grade. Store each ltem in accordance wlth manufacturerr s lnstructlons. Dellver and store glass ln accordance wlth manufacturerrs reconunendatlons, protected from weather, stalnlng, damage and1oss. Durlng storage and handllng of gIass, provlde cushionsat edges to prevent lmpact damage. Protect faces from scratches and abraslon. 1.05 jI9rc!UEEI9SI: Do not perform glazlng operatlons when temperature ls below 40oF (4'C), unless the manufacturer of the glazlng materlalsspeclflcally recorunends appllcatlon of hls materlals at lowertemperatures. If Job progress or other condltions requireglazlng work when temperatures are below 40oF (4'C), or belowthe mlnfumrm temperature reconmended by the manufacturer,consult the manufacturer and establish the mlnlmum provlslons requlred to ensure satlsfactory work. Record 1n wrltlng to the manufacturer, wlth copy to the Rrchitect, the condltlons under whlch such glazlng work was performed and the provlslons madeto ensure satlsfctory work. PART 2 . PRODUCTS 2.01 : Clear Float Glass: Type I, Quallty q3, clear, L/4" thlck except lndlcated as otherwlse Drawlngs.Provlde 1" lnsulated glass where shown on the 01 a2 03 04 05 05 o7 08 09 10 11 L2 r3 14 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 z4 z5 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 35 37 38 39 40 4I 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 55 57 58 59 89-36 3 08800 - 4 I I I I I I I I T T I I I I I I t I I l{lred Glass: Type II lpatterned and wired glass, flat), Classr ltianslUcent), Q'r,ral.i€y qs (glazing); complytng wlth ANsr z97.Li L/4n thlck; of form and nesh pattern lndlcated below: Pollshed $tLre Glass: Mesh ml (dlamond). 2.02 EEQgEiSP-gE}Sg: Tempered Glass: Form I (wired, polished both sldes) Provlde prlme glass of color and type lndlcated, whlch has been heat-treated to strengthen glass ln bendlng to not less than 4-L/2 tlmes annealed strength. Manufacturer heat treated glass by horizontal (roller hearth) Batch occllJ-atlng process withroll wave dlstortlon parallel wlth bottom edge of glass aslnstalled, unless otherwlse lndlcated. Htgh speed horizontal process shall not be used. Bow and warp shall not exceed 3/L5" (maxlnum) as measured diagonally across when ln plumb and balanced vertlcal- posltion. 2.03 9LA4E!9_G45EEE|: Molded Neoprene Glazlnq Gaskets: Molded or extruded neoprene gaskets of the profile and hardnessrequlred for watertlght constructlon; comply with ASTM D2000 deslgnatlon 2BC 415 to 3BC 620, black. 2.04 $EA[II{G SEAEAS|: General-: Provide black exposed glazlng materlals, unless another colorls lndlcated or unLess another color ls selected by Deslgnerfrom rianufacturerrs standard colors. Provide hardness ofmaterlals as recommended by the manufacturer for the requiredappllcatlon and condltlon of installatlon ln each case. Pro-vlde only compounds whlch are known (proven) to be fully compatible wlth surfaces contacted (refer to Sectlon 0795r). Butvl Rubber: For lnterlor gJaztng, conplylng wl-th FS-TT-S- 001557, Type 1. l-Part Acrvllc Glazlnq Sealant: Solvent-based, acryllc ter- po11mer, thermoplastlc sealant; 95t of sollds acryllc; com- pounded speclflcally for glazlng; complylng wlth FS TT-S-230, Class B, Type II. 2.05 !!!!$: Butvl Rubber: A nrlcanlzed h-ttyl rubber tape; self adheslve, non-stralning for compression 1n the Joint; PTI 505 (Protective Treatments, Inc. ) or Tremco 7150 (Trernco Mfg. Co. ) lo,. o2 rll ll: 09lll L2 lil li: t9rii rii 26 lzz 29 rii 33 133 35 lii ri\ 43 li3 46 rii tii 53 l;s 56 t:i 50I 89-353 08800 - s 2.O6 : Settlnq Blocks, Spacers, Edqe Protectors: Neoprene meetlng NAAMM Standard SG-1-70. tested for compatibility with theglazing sealant. Settlng blocks: 70-90 Shore A durometer hardness. Spacers: 40-50 Shore A durometer hardness, adheslve backed on one face only. Jamb Edge Protectlon: 20-30 Shore A durometer hardness. adheslve backed on one face only. Cleaners, Prlmers and Sealers:gasket manufacturer. Type recommended by sealant or 2.O7 FABR,ICATIOII: Exposed edges of glass, lncludlng butt glass wlthout sealant,shall be pollshed to a brlght reflectlve flnlsh. where glassls butt wlth sealant, lt shall be ground smooth or poJ.lshed. No flle marks or other roughness will be allowed at exposed edges of g1ass. Cuttlng: Obtaln slzes from Shop Drawlngs or by fle1d measure-ment. Ctrt glass to f1t each opentng wlth mlnirmrn edge clear- ances and blte on glass as recommended by glass manufacturer. Do not n1p glass edges. Factory cut heavy heat absorblngglass, 3/8" (9.5 run) and above. Edges may be wheel cut or sawed and seamed at manufacturer's optlon. Eor glass to be cutat site, provlde glass 2t (50.8 mn) larger ln both dlmensionsthan requlred, so as to facil-ltate cuttlng of clean-crrt edgeswlthout the necesslty of seaming or nipping. Do not crrt, seam, n1p or abrade tempered, heat-strengthened and spandrel glassafter temperlng. when glass ls to be precut to slzed obtalned fron Shop Drawings take fleld measurements of each openlng before glazlng toverlfy adequate bite on the glass and mlnimlm edge clearance. Open-ings whlch do not faIl wlthln the tolerances for which precut glass has been sized shall be glazed only wlth glass speciallycut to fit such openings PARI 3 - ETECUrION 3.01 STAI|DARDS ATfD PERKFMAITCB: Protect glass from edge damage at aII tlmes during handllng,installatlon and operation of the bulldlng. Comply wlth combined reconunendatlons of glass manufacturer and manufacturer of sealants and other materlals used ln glazing, except where more strlngent requlrements are shown or are soeclfled. 01 02 03 04 05 05 07 08 09 IO 11 L2 13l4 15 16 T7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3l 32 ?? 34 35 35 1'1 38 39 40 4L 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 tr1 52 s3 54 55 s5 57 58 59 89-363 08800 - 6 franlng memberscleaners recom- Comply wlth "Glazlng Manual" and other appllcable publlcations Uy Ffat Glass Marketlng Association except as shown and specl- f-led otherwise, and except as speclflcally recommended other- wlse by the manufacturers-of the glass and glazlng materials. hspect each plece of glass lnunedlately before lnstallatlon and dlsEard any wtrtctr hav-e observable edge damage or have face lmperfectlons. 3.02 EBE!Bd[I9U: Clean glazlng channels, stops and rabbets to receLve glazlng materlals of obstructlons and deleterlous substances which mlght fall ln adheslon or Lnterfere wlth bond of sealants. Comply wlth manufacturerrs lnstructions for flnal wlping of surfaces immedlately before applicatLon of primer and glazing qompounds or tapes. Wlpe meta] surfaces wtth zylol or toluol . Prlme surfaces to receive glazlng compounds ln accordance wllh manufacturer's recommendations, uslng reconunended prlmers. 3.o3 SEIIi&AEI9E: General: colored (tlnted) and heat absorbing glass as "Technical Service Report No. 104' by PPG glass as reconunended in "Technlcal Services by PPG Industrles. Make exterlor glass watertight, alrtlght and capable of wlth- standl-ng temperature changes, wlnd loading and lmpact from doors and operable sash, wlthout failure of any klnd lncludlngIoss or breakage of g1ass, failure of seal , exudation of seal-ant and excessive deterloratlon of glazlng materials. 3.04@: I I I Ctrt and lnsta].l recommended lnIndustrles. Cut and lnstall Report No. 130" I I I I t T Clean excess sealant or compound from glass and lmmedlately after appllcation using solvents or mended by manufacturers. Protect glass from breakage immedlately upon installatlon. Use streamers or rlbbons sultably attached to framlng and held freeof the glass. Do not apply warnlng markl-ngs directly to the g1ass. Protect qlass and glazlng materlals durlng the constructlonperiod so that they w111 be without any lndlcatlon of damage ordeterioratlon at the tlme of acceptance by the owner. Coverglass as required to protect from weldlng, sand-blastlng andother actlvl-tles that mlght abrade the surfaces. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l t I t I I 0l 02 03 04 05 05 o7 08 09 10 11 I2 13 L4 15 I5 L7 18 19 20 2I 22 23 24 25 26 89-353 08800 - 7 Remove and replace glass, during the construction perlod, whlchls broken, cracked, chlpped or damaged ln any way and from any source, lncluding weather, vanda]-lsm or accldents. Malntain glass in a reasonably clean condLtlon durlng construc-tlon so that lt w111 not become stalned and wl1l not contrlbut€to the deterioratlon of glazlng materlals. When glass ls lnstalled adJacent to or below concrete, other masonry surfaces and weatherlng steel , whlch are exposed toweather, examlne glass monthly durlng constructlon. wash glass lmmedlately when lnspectlon reveals dlrt. ssum, deposlts orstalnlng; or after ralnstorms, to remove any corroslve ash ordlrt which may adhere. wash glass and plastlc on both faces not more than four (4) days prior to acceptance by the Owner. Comply with lnstruc-tlons and recommendatlons of the glass and plastlc sheet manu-facturer and glazJ-ng materlals manufacturer for eleaning ln each case. EnD OF SEerrolf 08800 I lo, o2 ril 06 ls3 09 rii ril l5lt; 19rii ril 26 UZ29 l:i 33 I33 36lii 40I* 43 Ir: lli 50 l;1 5J t;i l:i 50I 89-35 3 09250 - L sBefrort 09260 GTPST'U WAff.BOARD SYSIrEUS PART 1 - GENERAtr 1.00@: Drawlngs and general provlslons of the Contract, lncludlng General and Supplementary Condltlons and the Dlvlslon-l Speclficatlon sectlons, aPPIy to work of thls Sectlon. 1.01 DESG,IPrIOil OF HORX: The extent of the gypsun wallboard work ls shown on the Draw- lngs and in schedules, and is hereby defined to include gypsum board work with a tape-and-compound Joint treatment system known as "drywall flnishing" work. The types of work requlred include the following: cypsum wallboard lncluding screw-type metal support system (cellings) - wood studs speclfied in Section 06100. Gypsum wallboard flnishlng (Jolnt tape-and-compound treat- ment; Related work SDecifled Elsewhere: Sectlon 06L00 Section 08rr4 Sectlon 08210Sectlon 08800 Sectlon 09900 Rough Carpentry Ho110w Metal wood Doors Glass and Glazing Paintlng r.02@: Flre-Reslstance Ratlnq: Where work 1s lndicated for fire-ieslstance ratings, lncludlng those requlred to comply wlth governlng regulatlons, provide materials and lnstallatlons' identical wlth appllcable assemblies which have been tested and Ilsted by recognized authoritles lncluding UL and AIA. Industrv Standard: Comply wlth applicable requlr,ements of cA:2i5 "Appllcation and Flnlshing of Gypsum Board" by the Gypsum Association, except where more detailed or more strin-gent requlrements are indlcated including the recommendatlonsof the manufacturer. Reference Standard: Comply with requirements of ASTM C754,-i-ept where more detailed or more stringent requlrements are shown includlng the recommendatlons of the manufacturer. Requirements of Requlatorv Asencles: CompJ-y e,rlth the appllca- Efe reqrdienents of all governing codes and authoritles, unless otherwlse shown or speciflced. 0L 02 03 04 05 05 o7 08 09 10 11 L2 13 14 J.3 15 ),7 18 l9 20 2L 22 z5 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 s0 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 89-353 09260 - 2 Manufacturer: bbtaln gyPsun boards, trlm accessories, adhe- sltEs and-l-olnt treatmenf products from a slngle manufactureror from manufacturers recommended by the prlne manufacturer of gypsun boards. 1.03 PRODT'CI HANDT,ITG: Dellver gypsun wallboard materials ln sealed contalners and bundles, --fully identlfl-ed wlth manufacturer's name' brand, type and grade; store in a dry, well ventllated spqce, Pro-taated from the weather, under cover and off the ground. 1.0,r J9rclU[Sl: Maintain amblent temperatures at not less than 55oF, for the period of twenty-foui l24J hours before wallboard finlshlng, during tnstallatlon and untll compounds are dry. ventllation, either natural or supplied by fans, clrculators or alr conditiontng systems shall be provlded to remove excess moisture durlng joint treatnent. PART 2 - PR.ODUCTS 2.01 @: @: To the extent not otherwise lndicated, comply wlth ASTM C754, "fnstallatlon of Steel Framing Members to Recelve Screw- Attached Gypsum wallboard" (as specJ-fj-ed and reconunended) for metal system supportlng gypsum drywall work. Ceillnq Suspenslon Maln Runnersl ].-L/Z" steel channe1s, 0.475lb. per foot, cold-rolled. Hanger Wlre: ASTM A641, soft, Class I galvanlzed, pre- stretched; slzed ln accordance wlth ASTM C754. Hanger Anchorage Devlces: Provide concrete inserts,cllps, bolts, screws and other devlces appllcable to the lndlcated method of structural anchorage for ceiling hang-ers. Slze devlces for 3x calculated load supported, except slze dlrect-pulI concrete lnserts for 5x calculated load. Studs: Refer to Sectlon 05100. Backerplates2 20 ga. (0.9 mm) galvanlzed per ASTM A154, tyPe RS or heavler, size as requlred. Metal Furrinq Channels: Hat shaped, 7/8" (22 mm) h19h, 25 ga. (0.53 mm;, galvanized per ASTM A154, tyPe RS or heavler. t I t I I I t I T I I0,. o2 ui ll: 09 litL2 ril 16 f13 19 ri\ 23 lzt 25 ris l:i 22 l:t 36lii l^l\ 43lll 46 rii 50l;r 53 l;; r:i 50l.' !\rrrlno Anchoraqes: 15 ga. (1.5 mm) galvanized wlre tles, rnenuEacturer's standard wlre-type cllps, bolts, nails or scresrs as reconunended by furrtng manufacturer and complylng wlth ASTM c754. 2.o2 EgtE9_U!E[ArS!: Exposed Gvpsum Board: Equal to U.S. GyPsum Co. 'Sheetrock",tapered edge, 5/8' thlck unless otherwlse indicated, Type 'X',4r width by maxlmum lengths to mlnlnlze edge Jolnts. Tlle Backlnq Board: Egual to U.S. Gypsum Co. I'water-resistant panels", 5/8't thick, Type "X", unless otherwlse lndicated. 89-363 . Gvosum FolI Back Board; ASTMBack Sheetrock, 5/A" thLck, lndicated. 2. 03 UrSCF-r.r.ilYEOUS ttATERlAf,Si : 09260 - 3 C36; equal to U.S Gypsun Fo1lType nX", unless otherwlse General: Provide auxlliary materials for gypsum wallboard workof the type and grade recommended by the manufacturer of the gypsun board. Gvpsum Board Fasteners: Frarfling to Structure: Power driven fasteners provldlng f90 Ib. (A6.2 kg) slngle shear reslstance and 2OO lb. (90.7 kg1 bearlng strength. withln DrywaII Systemsz 3/8' (9.5 mm), Type S or S-I2, pan head. Gypsun wallboard to wood Framing: lengths as required Type S or S-12, bugle head. Trim Accessorles: Provide trlm accessorles of the sizes required for the drywall applicatlons shown and specified, fabricated fron galvanlzed steel and of the following types: Provide metaL corner bead at external corners wlth smoothrigld nose and perforated and knurled flanges. Provlde metal casing bead trlm for protectlon of exposed drywall edges around openlngs, with sqluare or round nose,jolnt compound tieatment requlred. Provlde beaded nose wlth exposed flange knurled for joint treatment. where kerfed Jambs are shown, provlde trlm wlth speclal leg deslgned for lnsertlon lnto jamb s1ot. where drywall abuts or lntersects dlssimllar constructlon,provide sguare edge casing bead, joint compound treatment necessary. 01 02 03 04 05 05 o7 08 09 10 11 I2 13 L4 15 15 L7 t8 .19 20 2t 22 ZJ 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3I 32 33 34 35 ?( 37 38 39 40 4I 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 55 57 58 59 50 51 89-35 3 o 09260 - 4 vlhere control Jolnts are shown or regulred in drywal| -are99aprovlde one-p16ce Jolnt assembly of non-corroslve rnetal wlth Lontlnuous r.irperfolated expanslon strlp for lnsertlon lnto J olnt Manufacturer: equal to U.S. Gypsun Co. No. 104A for external corners No. 200A for termlnatLon exposed to vlew No. 93 for expanslon control Joints Jolnt Treatment Materials: Jolnt Tapes: P1aln or perforated complying wlth ASTM C475. Jolnt Compounds: Adheslves wlth or wlthout flllers complylqgwith ASTM- C475. Provlde ln dry powder form or premlxed ready for application. Two-Compound Treatment: Provlde compatlble Jolnt com- pounds, one compound belng sultable for embedding and the other compound sultable for flnlshlng of Jolnts. Chemlcalsettlng type, egual to U.S. GyPsum co. 'Durabond 90' forfirst two 12, coats and vlnyl type top coat speclally fonmrlated for finish topplng. PART 3 - EXECUTIOII 3.01 IEEEQEIQN: Installer must examine the substrates and the spaces to receive gypsum wallboard and the conditions under which it is to be installed; and shall notify the Contractor, in writing, of con- ditions detrlmental to the proper and tlmely completion of thework. Do not proceed with the lnstallation until unsalls- factory condttlons have been corrected ln a manner acceptableto the Installer. General: Constructlon Tolerances for Gvpsum Drvwall Work: Do not exceedr/8" (3.2 mm) in 8 ft, (".4 m) varlation from plumb or level ln any exposed line of surface, except at Jolnts between units. Do not exceed L/L6" (1.5 mm) variation between planes of abuttlng edges or ends. Shlm as required to comply with specl-fied tolerances. Cr:ttinq, Fittlnq and Trlrnmlnq: Accurately measure and prggut @r all penetratlons, prlor to lnstalla-tlon. Make all cuts from face slde by scorlng and snapplng away from face slde or by sawlng. Completely cttt paper_ on backface; do not break paper by tearlng. Maintain close tolerances for accurate fit at Jolnts between sheets and at framed openings and to a11ow for coverlng of edges of cutoutswlth plates and escutcheons. Cut edges smooth as regulred for neat and accurate flt. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T t I I I I t I I I t I t I I I T I t I I I I 01 02 03 04. 05 05 o7 08 09 10 11 I2 13l4 15 15l7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 37 ?e 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 50 89-35 3 09260 - 5 @,: Apply drywall screws wlth a positlve-clutch electrlc power-drlven screwdrLver equlpped wlth an adjustable screw depth control head and a Phllltps blt. Drlve screws not less than 3/8' (9.5 rm) from ends of edges of wallboard and to a . unlform depth not over L/32't (0.8 mn). Backerplates: Fasten to studs for the attachment of surface mounted accessorLes at requlred locatlons. 3.02 GENEI|AL G?qSUU BOARD INSTAT.T,ATTOI RBOTTIREME]ITS: General: Pre-rnstallatlon Conference: Meet at the proJect slte wlth thelnstallers of related work and review the coordination and seguenclng of work to ensure that everythlng to be concealed by gypsurn wallboard has been accomplished, and that chases, access.panels, openlngs, supplementary framlng and blocklng and simi-lar provLslons have been completed. tnstall metal trim and accessories with screws. General Standards: Unless oLherwise shown or speclfied,install gypsun drywall , includlng accessori.es, in accordance with gypsum manufacturer's printed lnstructions and ANSr A97.2. Provide drywall of the thickness shown, or lf not shownr pro-vlde not less than the minfumrm thickness reconunended by the drywall manufacturer for the applicatj.ons shown. Installatlon: InstaII gypsun drywall board wlth face sldeout. Do not 1nstal1 lmperfect, damaged or danP drywallboards. Butt boards together for a llght contact at edges or ends with not more than L/L6" (1,5 mm) open space between boards. At hollow metal door frames, cut boards to flt around hardware relnforcement or mortar boxes. Spot grout frames with a gulcksetting grout or compound at each Jamb anchor c1lp Just prlorto insertion of boards lnto frame. Insert boards into frame sothat lts edge ls fully bedded agalnst inslde surface of theframe. Butter the edge of boards wlth Jolnt compound lf neces- sary to achieve full bedding. Locate edges or end Jolnts over suPPorts except in horlzontal applicatlons or where lnterrnedl-ate supports or gypsun board UacXnlocklng ls provided behlnd end Joints. Posj-tlon boards sothat tapered edge Jolnts abut and nlll-out or field-cut endjolnts. Do not place tapered edges agalnst cut edges or ends. Stagger vertlcal Jolnts over different studs on opposlte sides of partitlon walls. Provide addltlonal. frarnlng and blocking as required to support gypsum drywall at openings and cutouts and to support bullt-1n anchorage and attachment devlces for other work. 0l 02 03 04 05 06 o7 08 09 10 11 L2 I3 I4'Itr 15 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3I 32 33 34 J5 36 37 38 39 40 41 4z 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 :)I 52 53 54 trtr s5 57 89-353 09260 - 6 Where chase walls are shown wlth stud constructlon, provJ-de braclng between parallel rows of studs. Unless otherwlse shown,-provide gypsutn d'rywa}1 braces not less than 1/2" (L2.7 mm) thl-ck x t2a- - 10. 3 mml wlde and cut to wldth of chase. t,,oiate at quarter Polnts 'in wal} helght between each palr of parallel sCuds. risten with not less than 3 screws at each stud. lnstall cetllng boards ln the dlrectlon and manner whlch will nlnlmlze the number of end-butt Jolnts, and whlch wll1 avold end Jolnts tn the central area oi each celllng. Stagger end Jolnts at least lr-0'. lnstall wall./partltlon boards vertlcalJ-y on1y. Comply with ttle method stated- in GA-5OO for the tested assembly. hstall boards }ong enough to allow for probable varlance(s) in level of concrete floor slabs. At hlgh walls, lnstall boards vertlcally with end jolnts over horlzontal- runner above ceil1ng. Form controt Joints ln drlmal} constructj.on on 30 ft. (9.r m) centers unless otherwlse shown. Allow 1/2" (I2.7 mm) contin- uous openlng between edges of adjacent drywall boards to allowfor insertlons of control Jolnt trlm accessory specified. Do not locate Jolnts withln 8" (0.2 mm) of corners of openj-ngs, except where control jolnts are shown at Jamb lines or where openings occur adjacent to exterior or interlor angles of anarea. lrlherever possible, cut boards so that slngle vertlcal Jolnt occurs over center of door openlngs. cover both faces of studs wlth gypsun board in concealed spaces 1(above cellings, etc. ). I Isolate perimeter of non-load-bearlng wallboard partltlons at structural abutments. Provlde L/4n to 1/2" space and trlm edgewith J-type seml-flnishlng edge trln. SeaI Jolnts with acous-tlcal tape and sealant. Use tile backing board as base for wet areas and slmilar rigid applied wa}l flnishes, lnstall backing board, single layerunless otherwlse indicated. Screw apPly to studs 1n accordancewlth manufacturer's recommendations. Flnlsh wallboard to receive paint. 3.03 INSIAI,I,A:TIOIT OF WAI.I,BOARD ETNISHTNG: General: Apply treatment at gypsum board jolnts (both direc-tfons), flanges of trln accessorles, penetrations, fastener heads, surfaCe defects and elsewhere as reguired to Prepare I I I I I I T I t I I I T I T I I I work for decoralion. I I I I 0l o2 03 04 05 06 o7 08 09 10 11 t2 13 14 15 15 L7 r.8 l9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 89-35 3 09260 - 7 Preflll open Jolnts and rounded or beveled edges, uslng type of compound recommended by manufacturer. Apply Jolnt tape at Jolnts between gypsurn boards, except where trlm accessory ts lndlcated. TaPe ln corner beads and termlnatlon metal lexcept exposed type). Apply joint compound ln three (3) coats lnot l_ncludlngpi-ffff of openlngs ln basel, and sand between last two (2) coats and after last coat. Revl-ew and coordlnate wlth flnlsh schedules and Divlslon 9 Sectlons to assure proper condltlons to recelve finishes as requlred and speclfled. Partlal Flnlshinq: Omlt third coat and sandlng on concealed work which is lndl- cated for wallboard flnlshing, lncludlng sound, fire, alr and smoke-rated work. 3.04 PRCIECIIOII OF WORR: Installer shall advlse Contractor of required procedures forprotection of the gypsum wallboard work from damage and deter-loratlon durlng the remalnder of the construction perlod. 3.o5 SEiEIHE: CLean floors of drywall debrls and leave broom clean. Remove excess materlal , scaffoldlng, tools and other equlpment upon completlon of work. ElfD OF SEqTTOrt 09260 I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I lo, o2 tll 06 ls3 09 rii lil 15 ll3 19 rii 23lli 25llt29 rli 33 l:3 35 lii rli 43 u: rii 50l:l li: l:3 89-36 3 09300 - I sEerlol5 09300gII,E PART I - GEXERAtr r.oo@: Drayrlngs and general provlslons of the Contract, lncludlngGeneral and Supplementary Condltlons and the Dlvision-l SpeclfJ-catlon sections, apply to work of thls Sectlon. 1.01 DESCR.IPIIOII OF T|oRf,: The extent of tlle work is shown on the Drawings and in the schedules and includes: Ceramic waIl tlle Related Work Soeclfled Elsewhere: Refer to Section 09250 for wall tlIe backing board. Section 07951: Jolnt Sealers r.02@: Manufacturing Standards : Furnlsh tlle conformlng wlth Standard Grade requlrements of TCA 137.1. When uslng settlng and groutlng materlals manufactured under TCA ]lcense, include ldentificatlon together wlth formula on each contalner. Provlde materlals obtalned from only one (1) source for each type and color of tile. Proprletarv Materlals: Hand1e, store, mlx and apply proprletary settlng and grouting materials ln compllance wlth manufacturer's instructlons. 1.03 STIBMITIII.,S: Manufacturer's Data: Submlt coples of manufacturerrs technlcal lnformatlon andlnstallatlon instructlons for aII materlals requlred. Includecertlflcatlons and other data as may be regulred to show com-pliance wlth the speclflcatlons. Provlde one copy of all technical lnformatlon and lnstallatlon instructlons by trans- mlttal to the rnstaller. 01 o2 03 04 05 05 07. 08 09 10 11 T2 13 I4 t5 16 I7 18 19 20 2I 22 23 24 25 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4L 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 55 57 58 59 60 89- 36 3 09300 - 2 Samples: Submlt samples of each type, class and color of tlle, not lessthan l-2" (0.3 m) square on pllmood backlng and grouted as requlred, for approval . Submlt full slze samples of each tlle accessory and 6" (0.r5 m) long samples of stone thresholds. Subrnlt samples of trlm and other unlts if requested by thearchltect. Certlflcatlon: Furnlsh Master Grade Certlflcate for each typeof tlle, slgned by manufacturer and Installer. 1.04 i4!E_@UEE!EE: Malntain substrate and amblerit temperature of not less than 50'F during lnstallatlon of tile and for at Ieast seven (7) days thereafter. Maintaln higher temperatures for proprietary mortars and grouts where recommended by manufacturer. l.Os@: Dellver packaged materials and store ln origlnal containers wj.th seals unbroken and labels lntact unt1l time of use, in accordance wlth manufacturerr s lnstructlons. 1.05 EXIRA STIOCK: Upon completlon of work, dellver one extra box of tile to ownerof each slze, pattern and color tlle furnished on Project. T1le shall be ln original , marked containers. PART 2 - PRODUETS 2.or !f@: ceraml-c wall Tlle: Provide ceramlc tlle wlth non-vltreous body Ln size. color andpattern shown. Provlde sushlon edge unlts, except where square edge unlts are shown. wall TiIe: Manufacturer: Dal-TlIe Slze: 4tt x 411Color: To be selected Trlm and Special Shaoes: I I I T I I I I I t I t Provlde rounded external corners and and sill of opening, of same materlal and as folLows: Base: Sanltary cove units trlm shapes at head, Jamband flnlsh as fle1d tile, I I I T I I t I I I T I I I I I t I I I I 01 o2 03 04 05 05 o7 08 09 10 11 T2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ?? 34 ?E 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 J3 56 57 58 59 50 2.02 lf TIR3 Latex-Portland Cement Mortar: Latex-modtflid portland cementthln-set mortar complying with AI{SI 118.4 and tatlcrete 4237 physJ-cal propertles. Orqanlc Tlle Adhesive: Comply wlth AIlsI A135.1. Provldeprlmer-sealer as recomnended by adheslve manufacturer. 89-353 2.03 $[$]$!: Latex-Portland Cement Grout:portland cement wlth latexless permeable grout. Color Jolnts; +L/32" (0.8(1.5 mm) ln 3' (0.9 m) 3.04 IEgiE4![48!98: 09300 - 3 Proprletary compound composed ofaddltive for a more flexlble and as selected by the erchltect. mm) Jo1nt width at any locatlon; L/L6" from plumb and true. L&M Dry Grre; L&M Surco Mfg., fnc.Tlle-Mate Dry TlIe Grout; The Upco Company Tec Dry Tl1e Grout; H.B. Fufler Company PART 3 - gXElCUntOr 3.01 ISIEEQEEE: Installer mrst examine the substrate and condltions under whichtlle ls to be installed. Notlfy Contractor, in wrltlng, ofcondltlons detrlmental to proper and tlnely completlon ofwork. Do not proceed with work until unsatlsfactory condltions have been corrected ln a manner acceptable to Installer. 3.02 EBEE|BSSIS: Handle, store, mlx andmaterlals ln compllance 3.03@: apply proprletary setting and groutlng wlth manufacturer' s instructions. Do not exceed devlations llsted hereln from level and plumb, and from elevatlons, locatlons, slopes and allgnments shown: walls; L/8'(3.2 rm) ln 8r (2.4 m) in any dlrection; t1l8u(3.2 mn) at any location; L/32" (0.8 mrn) offset at any loca-tlon. Comply with appllcable Al[Sr standard lnstallation Speclflcatlons A108.1 through A108.7 except as otherwise indi-cated. Malntaln mlnlnrun temperature llmlts and installatlon practlces as recorwnended by proprletary mortar and grout mater- ia].s manufacturer. Neutrallze and seal substrates in accordance wlth mortar or adheslve manufacturerr s instructlons. 01 o2 03 04 05 05 o7 08 09 10 11 L2 13 l-4 15 16 L7 18 r9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 89-36 3 09300 - 4 Jolntlno Pattern: Unless otherwtse shown, lay tlle ln lrld pattern. Placement Methods: Latex Installatlon: Comply wlth N.ISI A108.5 for settlng tlle uslng the dry-set mortar method. Orqanlc TlIe fnstal-Iatlon: eomply wlth ANSI A108.4 for settlngtlle using the organic tlle adhesive method. Groutlnq; Grout ln accordance with manufacturerts recommenda-tlons and appllcable AI{SI standards. Cleanlnq: Upon completion of placement and groutlng, clean all ceramlctlle surfaces so they.are free of foreign matter. Unglazed tl1e may be cleaned wlth acid solutlons only when permltted by the tile and grout manufacturerts prlnted instruc-tlons, but not sooner than fourteen days (14) after installa-!1on. Frotect metal surfaces, cast iron and vitreous plumbing fixtures from effects of acld cleanlng. Flush the surface with clean water before and after cleanlng. Flnished Tlle work: Leave flnlshed lnstallatlon clean and freeof cracked, chipped, broken, unbonded or otherwlse defectivetIIe work. oF sEcfrors 09300 I I I lo, 02 l3i05 ll: 09 l1: L2 lii I6ll; 19rii ril 25 l1'" 29 li; 33l:t 36 r:i .ii, 43llr 45 )is r:i 53 ri; lu' 89-353 09ss0 - 1 sEerIoN o9sso rcOD FTffiIITG PART 1 - GENERAI, 1.OO RETJI1ED DOctlrIEI*TS Drawlngs and general provlslons of the Contract, includlng Gen-eral and Supplementary Condltlons and the Dlvlslon-l Speciflca-tion sectlons, apply to work of this Sectlon. 1.01 @: rhe extent of wood floorlng is shown on the drawlngs and in schedules and includes: wood Sol-ld Strlp Floorlng Wood Trim SleepersStrlping for basket ball and volley ball requlrements. 1.02 OUAT,IfI ASSTIRAIICE: Installer! SpeciaLtzed wood floorlng firm wlth not less than three (3) years successful experlence in lnstallatlon of types specified and acceptabLe to manufacturer of wood floorlng. General Standard: Comply wlth recommendatlons of National Oak Flooring Manufacturer's Associatlon (NOFMA) . Source oralitv Control: obtaln floorlng of each type from asingle manufacturer or source, to ensure match of guality, co1or, pattern and texture. Fire Retardant Treated Wood: Treat those items required to be treated by Bulldlng Code havlng jurlsdlction at the site of the proJect and those items shown or speclfied as "Flre Retardant Treatment wood." Factory-Mark each plece of lumber and plywood wlth tyPe, grade, miIl , -nd gradlng agency, except omit markings from surfaces to be exposed wlth transparent flnlsh or wlthout finlsh. r.03 suEE&aIfi: Product Data: Submit manufacturerrs Speciflcatlons and InstruEtions for each type of wood flooring, lncluding instal-latlon, storage and flnishing recommendations. Samples: Submlt sets of range samples for e_ach type of wood floorlng, lncludlng flnlsh on 75t of each sample. a2 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 L2 13 I4 15 16 I7 18 19 2A 2L zz ZJ 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 JZ 34 J5 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 44 45 46 48 49 50 51 az 54 56 58 59 89-353 09550 - 2 rnclude samples of border unlts where boarders of dlffer- ent color, texture or pattern are lndlcated. Include mlnlmum 6" Iong samples of each type of requlred acces- sory item such as wood-or metal feature strlps, reducer strips, baseboard, trlm moldlng and noslngs. Certlflcatlon of Flre Retardant Treatment: Submit certlflca-t salts used, comPllance with Iocal buildlng code requlrements and with AWPA Standard C20 for lumber, and c2z for plywood; and that lt wtll not bleed through palnted surfaces. Malntenance rnstructions: Submlt manufacturer's written In-Eructions for reEommended maintenance practlces for gach type of wood flooring. Replacement Materlal-: After completlon of work, deliver to proJect site not less than 1% quantity of each wood floorlng material instalLed. 1.04 @E_-@EE[9ISi: Do not proceed with lnstallation of wood flooring until spaces have been enclosed and are at approxlmate humidity condition planned for occupancy. Conditlon wood for flve 15) days prior to start of lnstallatlon by placing in spaces to receive fl-oor- ing and maintalning ambient temperatures between 65'F and 70'F (18"c and 2l'C) before, durlng and after installatlon. Installer rmrst review'lnstallation procedures and coordinatlonwith other work, with Contractor and olher Contractors and Sub- contractors whose work will be affected by floorlng. 1.05 DELTVERY AND STORAGE3 Protect wood flooring materlals from excesslve moisture in shlpment, storage and handllng. Dellver matertals ln unopened bundLes and store in dry place wlth adeguate alr circulation. Moisture Content: At time of dellvery, llmit average moisture content of wood flooring to L24, with 14* maximum for any piece. 1.05 SPECIAL PRO.TECI IIARRAIITY: Submlt three-year warranty slgned by Manufacturer, Installer and Contractor, agreeing to repalr or replace wood floorlng whlch shrlnks, warps, cracks or otherwise deteriorates exces-sively, or which breaks its anchorage or bond with substrate or otherwlse fa11s to perform as reguired, due lo failures of materlals and/or workmanship and not due to unusual exposure to moisture or other abusive forces or elements not anticipatedfor applicatlon. I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I t I I t T I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I 0l o2 03 04 05 06 o7 08 09 10 11 L2 13 14 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4L 42 43 44 45 45 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 55 57 58 59 50 89-363 09550 - 3 PART 2 - PRODUCI|S 2.01 !!!EE&[!Ifl: @: Manufacturer: Kentucky wood Products, or approved egual .Specles: No. 2 or better uaPleGrade: SelectDlmenslons: 3/4tt x 2-L/4" w x random lengths.Sleeper: 2e x 3t wood wlth preattached 3/8n rubberiPerma-Cushlon". Sleepers shall be 12" Assembly: o.c. ShaLl be 2-5/8" from top to bottom. Wood Trlm: Where indlcated to match wood flooring, provlde wood strlpplng, nosings, saddles and thresholds, as shown in or adJacent to wood floorlng, of same species, grade and cut as wood flooring. Finlsh: Slte sanded and stained to match the approved. sampleof Architect. Flnlsh wlth moisture curing type three coats o gyp flnlsh Polyurethane specially compounded for multiple-coat applicatlon on wood floors; FS-TT-C542, as approved by MFMA and floorlng manufacturer. Woollne or apProved equal . 2.02 : Asphalt Saturated FeIt:15 Ib. type, ASTM D-226. Fasteners: As recornrnended by manufacturer, but recommended by NOFMA in nrnstallatlon Manual". wood gl}ler: Paste type wood flller, pigmented to match Architect's sample. not less than if necessary, Cork Expansion Strlp: Compositlon Cork Expanslon Strlp, Fs- HII-C-576, Type I-8, Class 2. wood Base: Thickness and helght as shown to match floorlng. 2.03 lmtl:BEE4ETE: Flre Retardant Treatment: where flre retardant or 'rlon-com"lfled, requlred by code, or otherwlse indlcated, comply wlth the AWPB standards for pressure lmpreg- natlon with flre retardant chemicals to achleve a flame-spreadratlng of not more than twenty-flve (25) when tested 1n accord- ance wlth UL Test 723 or AST!.! E84. Provlde UL label on each plece of flre retardant lumber or plywood. Klln-dry treated ltems to a maxlrmtm moisture content of 151. OI 02 03 04 05. 05 07 08 09 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 L5 L7 18 19 20 2T 22 23'24 25 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 JI 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 tr1 52 53 54 55 55 57 58 59 89-363 o 09550 - 4 t I I I I I I I I I T I I I t I I PART 3 - TXECUTIO}| 3.01 .SEEE[9!: . Installer tmrst examlne substrates on whlch wood flooring wlll be lnstalled and condltlons under whlch work wlll be performed and nust notify Contractor, ln wrltlng, of condltlons detrlmen- tal to proper tompletion and malntenance of wo,od floorlng. - Do not pro-eed wlth work untll unsatisfactory conditlons have been corrected ln manner acceptable to Installer. 3.02 EEEBIE4EIISN: Wherever direct appllcatlon of wood ftoorlng to concrete sub- strate is indlcatb-d, test for dryness before proceedlng wlth lnstallatlon. Test wlth 3* solutlon of phenolphthaleln |ngrain alcohol . Sprlnkle a few drops on concrete at several Iocations. If drops turn red, do not proceed. 3.03@: General: Comply wlth floorlng manufacturer's lristructions and recomlnendatLons, but not less than recommended by NOFMA ln. "Hardnood Floorlng fnstallatlon Materlal" and by recommenda- tlons of APA, Inc.-, as appllcable to type floorlng required. Eg!!g: Comply wlth pattern or dlrection of pattern for lay- fng wooa floorlhg as shown or, lf not shown, as directed by Archltect. Expanslon Space: Provlde expansion space at walls and other o6=truEEions and terminations of flooring, not less than 1/4" unless otherwj-se shown on Drawlngs. Unless fully concealed by trim, fill expanslon space with flush cork expansion strip. Lavinq Solid wood P1ank Floorlnq: B}lnd nail flooring in acEotdance witfrOrue ana in accordance with the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer' Use onJ.y screw type flooring nalls. 3.04 SANDING AND EINISIIING: Machlne sand lnstalled unflnished flooring to remove offsets and non-level condltlons, ridges, cups and sanding machine marks which would be vlsually noticeable after finlshlng- Use three (3) grades of sandpaper, endlng wlth 00 grade. vacuum clean and turunedlately apply finlsh, Do not pennlt traffic on floor after sanding and until flnlsh ls completed. Cover sand- ed floor wlth bulldlng paper to provide access for appllcation of flrst flnish coats. Apply wood flller by brush, followed by wiplng across graln tow6ir'lnto pores and-cracks.' -"-- -' I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I 01 o2 03 04 0s 05 o7 08 09 1n 11 L2 13 14 15 t5 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 z5 26 89-363 09ss0 - 5 Apply finlsh ln accordance wlth manufacturerls lnstructions. Apply as many coats as may be needed to bulld a dry f1l-m thlck- ness of 1.0 m1ls. Retaln empty contalners for confirmatlon of ftlm thlckness Apollcation: Apply floor sealer (2 coats) ln accordance with manufac6iEr's ihstructions, lncluding machine buffing with steel wool , in-the-wet where recommended by manufacturer. NOTE: at the tlme of the application of the penetratlnst wax' addltlonal tlme for buffing rmrst be allowed to heat the the wax sufficlently and to allow the wax to penetrate the wood surface. 3.05 PRCTECTIOII: , Institute procedures requlred for protection of flnished wood floorlng during remainder of construction period so that floor- ing and finish w111 be wlthout damage or deterloration at time of acceptance. E!{D OF SEerrON 09550 lo,. o2 rli ll: 09lll T2 til 16llr 19ri\ rii 26 lzt 29 lii 33l;l 36 l:s lt\ 43ll: 45 lri r:i 5Jlil 3(' rii 50I 89-35 3 09550 - I sEcrrolr 09650 RE;ILIENT EIOORIIG PART 1 . GENERAE 1.00@: Drawlngs and general provlslons of the Contract, lncludlng General and Supplementary Conditlons and the Dlvlslon-l Speclflcatlon sectlons, apply to work of this Sectlon. 1.O1 @: The extent of reslllent flooring and accessories is shown on the Drawings and in schedules and includes: Reslllent floor tllesReslllent base and accessorles 1.02 OUAf,ITY ASST'RANCE: Wherever posslble, provide resilient floorlng and accessories produced by a slngle manufacturer. Flame Spread Ratlnq:(75) or less.AsrM 884 flame spread of seventy-flve fnstall t1Ie after other finishlng operatlons, lncluding palnt- ing, have been completed. Moisture content of concrete slabs,building air temperature and relative humldity mrst be withinllmits recommended by tlle manufacturer. 1.03 ggEtsIEEAEti: Product Data: Submltlation instructlons manufacturerrs technical data and instal-for each type of resillent flooring and accessory. Samples: Submit two (21 sets of samples of each tyPe, color and ftnish of reslllent floorlng and accessory requlred. FulJ. size tlIe samples5" long sample of resl]lent floorlng accessorles Maintenance fnstructions: Submlt manufacturer's written ln- EEru-tlona for recommended malntenance practlces for each type of resll1ent flooring and accessorles. Replacenent Material: Deliver to the Cwner, after completlon of work, replacement materlals from the same manufactured lot, as materlaL installed and as follows: TlIe floorlng, not less than one (1) box for each fifty(50) boxes, or fractlon thereof, for each type, size and color lnstalled. 01 02 03 04 05 05 o7 08 09 10 11 L2 13 L4 I5 15 I7 18 19 20 2T 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 50 89-353 Pattern: Color: 2.02 ACCESSORTES: To be selected To be selected Roppe or approved equal To be selected 4n 09550 - 2 1.d4 iM[.1E!Et:rE9NS,: contlnuously heat areas to recelve flooring to 55'F for. at least forty-s1tht (48) hours prior to lnstallation when proJect conditions- are such that heating is reguired. Maintain 55'F temperature continuously during and after installatlon as rec-onunended by flooring- manufac-turer, but for not less than forty-eight (48) hours. Installer mrst revlew lnstallatlon procedures and coordinatlon with other work, wlth Contractor and other Contractors and Sub- contractors whose work wlll be affected by flooring. 1.05@: Deliver materlals to the proJect slte ln the manufacturers'original unopened contalners, clearly marked to indlcate pat- tern, gage, Iot number and sequence of manufacture. Carefully handle all materlals and store in orlginal contalnersat not less than 65'F (18'c) for at least forty-elght (48) hours before start of installatlon. Stack all boxes of each pattern and color ln sequence as numbered by factory. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI TIEE FLOORING: vlnvl Composltlon Tile (VCTI: FS SS-T-3128, Type IV, 12nx1 2"xL/8" gage unless otherwlse lndi- cated, pattern extending through full tile thlckness. Manufacturer: Arnstrong or approved equal Reslllent Base: Provlde rubber base complylng wlth FS SS-w-40, Type I, wlth matchlng end stops and corner unlts, L/A" 9a9er(RB-f) straight base wlthout cove at carpeted floors, topsetstyle elsewhere. Manufacturer: Color: Height: Strlps: Resllient Edge Strips: L/8" thick, homogenous vinylor rubber compositlon, tapered or bullnose edge. vinvl Reducer Strips Between Carpet and Tlle: As selected. I Adheslve for Resillent Floorinq: Type recommended by reslllentfloorlng manufacturer, best suited for the Purpose. I I I I I I I I I 01 02 03 o4 05 05 07 08 09 10 11 L2 1? L4 t5 15 L7 l8 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 37 ?A 39 40 4L 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5I 52 53 54 55 55 57 58 5' 50 89-353 095s0 - 3 Adhesive for Resillent Bases: waterProof type as recommended by base manufacturer. Prlmer: Non-stalnlng type prlmer as reconmtendeil by resillentfloorlng manufacturer. Levellnq and Patchlna Compounds: Latex types as recommended by floorlng manufacturer . wax: FS P-W-55, 15t concentration; sI1p reslstant, water emrl- slon base. PART 3 - EJXECUTTON 3.01 SPEQE4LE: Installer rmrst examine the substrate and condltlons under which resilient floorlng and accessories are to be lnstalled. Notify Contractor, j.n wrltJ-ng, of condltions detrimental to proper and tlmely completlon of Work. Do not proceed with Work unt1l un-satisfactory condltj-ons have been corrected in a manner accept- able to rnstaller. 3.O2 EEEP@U: PrLor to laylng be covered andtlon lndlcatesresponslblllty the floorlng, broom clean or vacuum surfaces to lnspect subfloor. Start of floorlng lnstalla- acceptance of subfloor conditlons and ful1for completed work. Use leveli.ng compound as recommended by floorlng manufac-turer for fltllng small cracks and depresslons 1n sub- fLoors. Perform molsture tests on concrete slabs to determlne that concrete surfaces are sufficiently cured and ready to to recelve floorlng. Apply concrete slab prlmer, lf recommended by flooring manufacturer, prlor to appllcation of adhesive. apply ln compliance wlth manufacturer's dlrectlons. 3.03 TI{STALLATION: General: tnstall flooring after finishlng operations, lncludlng paint- lng, have been completed and permanent heatlng system is opera- tlng. Molsture content of concrete slabs, buildlng alr temper- ature and relatlve humldity nust be wlthln llmits recornrnended by floorlng manufacturer and as herelnbefore specified. Place floorlng wlth adhesive cement ln strlct compliance manufacturerrs recommendatlons. Extend floorlng into spaces, door reveals, closets and slmllar openlngs. with toe 01 02 03 04 05 05 o7 08 09 10 11 L2 r.3 L4 15 15 17 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 z5 z5 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 JI 52 53 54 55 55 57 58 59 50 89- 35 3 096s0 - 4 Malntain reference markers, holes or openlngs that are ln-plac9 or plalnly marked for future cuttlngl by repeatlng on flnlsh floorlng as marked on subfloor. use chalk or other non-Perma- nent marking devlce. Install flooring on covers-for telephone and electrical ducts and other such ltems as ocsur withln finlshed floor areas. Malntain overal-I contlnulty of color and pattern with pleces of floorlng installed ln these covers. Tightly cement edges to perimeter of floor around covers and to covers. Prlme Coat: Apply primer to concrete surfaces worklng -weII into surface uifng mlninum quanttty that wlII assure complete surface cover- age. A1low primer to-dry before applylng adhesive. Prime coat miy be omitted tf recommended by resillent flooring manufac- turer, Adheslve: Apply to substrate with properly notched steeL trowels; allow adhesive to become tacky before applylng resillent floorlng. Tlghtly cement floorlng to subbase wlthout open cracks, voids, raislng and puckering at Joints, telegraphing of adhesive spreader marks or other surface imperfections. Tile Floors: Unless otherwlse indlcated on the Drawings, lay tile from cen-ter marks establlshed with principal walls, discounting mlnoroffset so that t1le at opposlte edges of the room are of equalwidth. AdJust as necessary to avold use of cut widths less than I/2" tlle at room perlmeters. Lay tiJ-e square to roomaxis, unless otherwlse shown. I Match tlles for color and pattern s€rme sequence as manufactured and and around all fixtures. Broken,tlles are not acceptable. by using tl1e from cartons inpackaged. Cut tile neatly to cracked, chlpped or deformed t t Adhere tl}e flooring to substrates using fuII spread of adhe-slve applied ln compllance wlth floorlng manufacturer's dlrec- tLons. Accessorles: Apply reslLlent base to walls, columns, pllasters and other perm-nent flxtures ln rooms or areas where base is regulred. tnstall base ln as long lengths as practlcable, with preformed corner uni-ts or fabrlcated from base materlals wilh mitered coped inside corners. Straight pieces less than 24n long are not permltted.t lo, o2 ut ll: 09lit L2 ril ri: 19 l3? 22rii 26I* 29 l:; T;; 89-36 3 09550 - s Tightly bond base to backlng throughout the length of each plece,- with contlnuous contact at horlzontal and vertlcal surfaces. On masonry surfaces-or other simllar lrregrular surfaces, f111 voids along top edge of reslllent wall base wlth manufacturerrs recommended adhesive fIIler materlal . Place reslllent edge strlps ttghtly butted to flooring and seflrre wlth adhesive. tnstall edging strlps at all unprotected edges of flooring, unless otherwise shown. 3.04@: Remove any excess adheslve or other surface blemlshes using neutral type cleaners as recommended by flooring manufacturer. Protect installed floorlng from damage by covering. &!.Ehilsr: Not more than four (4) days before acceptance or occupancy bythe Owner, clean the resll1ent floorlng and base. Wash thor- oughly with a cleaner recommended by the floorlng manufacturer,in accordance with the flooring manufacturerrs recommenda-tlons. As soon as the resllient flooring ls completely dry,apply wax and buff, wlth number of coats of wax and buffing procedures in accordance with the floor and wax manufacturerrsinstructlons. E}ID OF SECrIOH 09550 T lo, 02 l3; 05 ll: 09llr L2 ti: li: l9 l3l 22 rii 26 llZ 29 lj; 33l:l 35 13339 ll; 43 Ii3 46 It^i rii 53l;; f,o l:i 89-35 3 09680 - r sEgrroN 09680 CARPETIITG PART 1 ; GEI{ERAf, 1.00@: Drawlngs and general provlsions of the Contract, lncludlng Gen-eral and Supplementary Conditions and the Division-1 Speciflca-tion sectJ.ons, apply to work of this Section. l.o1 @: The extent of each type of carpeting ls shown on the Drawings and 1n schedules, and lncludes accessorles. Contractor furnlsh and lnstall . 1.02@: Appllcable Code and Standards: Flammabllltv and smoke densltv: Carpet Contractor shall pro-vldE certlflcatlon that carpet proposed for installatlon has been tested for flane spread rating and determined not to create any undue flre hazard for installatlon on a non-combus-tlble floor. AII carpet shall meet Federal and Local code requlrements for flame retardatlon and smoke denslty under A.A.T.C.C. 134 pro- cedures. Statlc build-up: Carpet shall be manufactured to permanently reduce statlc to 3.0 Kilovolts at 20* relative humidity and 21'C (70'F) as tested. 1.03 glIaB4ElEEIi: Manufacturer's Guarantee: Bidder rmrst obtain from the manufac-turers of the specifi.ed carpets a letter of guarantee, signed by an officer of the manufacturlng facllities, covering the gruarantees outllned beIow. Such letters shall be attached tothe Contractors Form of Agreement. Fallure to submit such guarantees may result in reJectlon of the proposal . The manufacturer shall unconditlonally guarantee that the carpet he proposes to supply w111 meet or exceed the Specificatlons and will be free of manufacturlng defects. He shall further guarantee to remove. replace and re-lnstalI at hls expense, for a perlod of two years after the completed installation, al.l carpet which does not meetthe above requlrements. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 L2 13 I4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2T 22 23 24 za 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 ?C 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 JJ 55 57 58 59 50 89- 35 3 09680 - 2 The manufacturer shall uncondltionally guarantee that be will provlde complete supervlslon of the carpet-lnstalla- tlon to lnsure that the hanufacturerrs recomrnended proce- dures are followed. @: In addltlon to the gruarantees whlch are required of the manu- facturers, the Contfactor must submlt a letter of guarantee, slgned by an offlcer of the Contractorrs organizatlon, covering the gruaiantee outllned beIow. Such letters shall also be attached to the Contractor's proposal . The Contractor shall uncondltlonally guarantee that he wlll provide a completed j-nstallatlon free of defects and satlsfac- tory to the owner and the Architect. He shall further -guafgn-tee- to provide, at his expense, aII labor, carpet ald other materlals needed to correct such defects for a period of two years after the final acceptance of the completed installatj-on. 1.04 S!E!!!EEAEEi: Manufacturer's Data: The followlng shall be obtalned by the Contractor from the manufacturer for each type of carpet speclfied and shall be submltted with the bid prlor to lnstal-Iation. Manufacturerrs printed lnstallatj-on manual. Manufacturer's wrltten malntenance gulde. Manufacturerrs statement of normal shadlng qualltles to be expected for any cut pile carpet grade specified. Contractor's Data: The Contractor shall supply the followlng information wlth the b1d: A list of lnstall-ation of slmilar size completed by the f1rm.Tlme required to recelve the speclfied carpetlng and maLerlalS from date of order. Indlcate any items on whlch delivery ls crltlcal . rf no lndicatlon is made, items will be assumed to be avallable on tlme. Shop Drawings: Submlt to Archltect detailed Shop Draetlngs for areas to be carpeted showing all cross-Jolnts, seam locatlons and _lengths,p1le dlrection,-detalls of seamlng and lnstallatlon of carpet- lng, accessorles and provlslons for work of other trades. The Contractor mrst verify all yardages with actual- measurementstaken after the areas are completed and ready to receive carpet t lo,. o2 ui ll: 09lll L2 rii li: 19 l3? 22ril 26 llZ 29 lj; 33l:t 35 rii .ti 43 li3 46rii 50l;l 5J l;3 56 rli 50I 89- 36 3 soon as posslble after award ln herein and reglstered wlth the A11 carpets: Minim:m sLze 24'1x24" . Seamlng samples: Both side and cross seams, mj-nimum length. Carpet Edge Guard: 12" Iength each type. Maintenance Instructions : Submit to the Architect, for transrnittal to the Owner, three(3) coples of the manufacturer's carpet malntenance instruc-- tlons, lncludlng lnformatlon needed for the removal of commonstalns from each type of carpet requlred. I.O5 JOB COIIDITIONE! AITD MATERIAL IIAT|DI.IITG: "rtt"*" *"aa"r; The Contractor shall be held responsible for the schedullng,recelvlng, lnspectlon and placement on the floor of goods and materlal- to be used ln thls work. Goods shalI be dellvered to the Job slte ln the manufacturerrs rol1s or packages and shall be clearly marked as to slze, dye lot and materiaf. Measurements: The Contractor shall vislt the site and shall verify aII dimen- sions and other conditlons as required to accurately lay out and ftt all ltems speclfled hereln. The Contractor ls responslble for determlnlng any discrepancies between actual condltions and those shown on Drawings. Any difference found shall be submltted to the Architect for consl- deration before proceeding wlth the Work. The Contractor shall be totally responslble for the accuracy of his rneasurements on total yardage requlrements to be furnish- ed.No requests for materlals or installatlon extras will be considered due to measurement or takeoff errors by the instal- lation Contractor. 09680 - 3 Seam locatlons may be shown tn red pencil on one set of seplaprlnts of Archltect's plan sheets. Any rev.J-slons made to the seamlng dlagram w111 be done at no cost to the Owner. The Contractor shall not be relleved of responsibility for any deviatlon from the requlrements of the Contract Dosuments, unless the Contractor has recelved wrltten approval for the deviation from the Archltect gsts&s,: o Sanples shall be submltted astextures and colors specifled Architect. 01 02 03 0d 05 05 07 08 09 10 11 L2 13 14 r5 16 L7 t8 19 20 2I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3t 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 tr? 54 57 trA 59 89-35 3 o 09580 - 4 The Contractor sha1l be responsible for the security of all goods stored on the Job slte.- He shall coordlnate locatlon of itorage areas withln-the bulldtng wlth the General Contractor. Insta1ler nust revLew lnstallatlon procedures and coordlnatlon wlth other work, wlth Contractor and other Contractors and Sub- contractors whose work will be affected by flooring. Exlstlng floor shall be leveled wlth floorstoneing - or grlndlng to a tolerance of L/4" ln 1O'-0" (non-accumula- tlve) PART 2 - PRODUETS 2.ol EEIE@.: Face Material: General: Provtde manufacturer's carpet face materials_.co1flY- ing--wltn the mlnirmrm requirements hereinafter specifled for carpet. De-Statlc Additlve for aII Carpetinq: Wlre addltive shall be sEEinless steel wire integia[y woven wlth the carpet face materlal . The static electricity generated ln a step and stroll test shall not exceed 2500 volts at 70"F, +/- 2"F wlth relatlve humlillty of 2O*, +/- lt RH when tested for static propenslty ln accordance wlth Anerj.can Assoclatlon of Chemists and Colorlsts procedure A.A.T.C.C. f34-1969. Brunsmet: Brunswlck Corp., Skokle, fL,Brunlon: Brunswick Corp., Skokle, ILZefstat: Dow Badlsche Co., wllliamsburg, vA Conductlve Backlnq: In addltlon, all cut plle carpet shall have a conductlve latex backlng. gnplre Adheslve co., Reading, MA General Latex e Chenlcal Corp., Cambrldge, MA Antron Plus: lrlhen carpet is tufted from Antron IIIor Antron ANITON III Plus yarn, statlc control shall be maLntalned wlth or Antron PIus and the carpet's prlmary back. 2.02 CARPtt @lfSTRUCfrOr: Provlde manufacturer's carpet which complies with the followlng minlmrm requlrements. Dye process for all carpet types shal1 be yarn or skein dyed. A11 types of floor carpetlng shall be provlded wlth de-statlccontrol to provj-de the degree of shockproofness hereinbefore speclfled. t lo, o2 l3; 05 ll: 09lll L2 ril ti: 19 l"l22 ril 26 a'rl 29 l:i ril 35l:t 39ri\ rll 46 ui l;; 53 l;3 50 l;i 89-35 3 Submltted samples wlII be used forparlsons and only mlnor varlatlonsthe ordered and dellvered carpetArchltect's offlce. 2.03 gaBgE!_,9!EEi: CA-l: 09680 - 5 Each manufacturer shalI submlt hls eguivaLent speclficatlonsand sanples to match the control sanples supplled by lnqarchltect ln the form of hls o$rn samples and detalled speclflcatlons vlsual and constructlon com- w111 be allowed. Color ofshall match samples 1n the Manufacturer: Construction:Pile Content:Pile Helght Above Back: Flnlshed Pile Weight: Total Carpet Welght: To be selected width: Col-or: Deslgn: 2.04 : Carpet Edqe Guard: Carpet edge gruard shall be installed at every locatLon where the edge of carpet ls exposed to trafflc, except where another device such as an expanslon Jolnt cover system or threshold occurs. Proflles to be 1./4u to 3/8" but-tlng gage as determined by height of carpet and pad at each Iocatlon. Mlscellaneous Materlals: Provlde the typesthread, nalls, adheslves and other accessory by the carpet manufacturer and rnstaller forinstallatlon and use wj-thout fallure durlng carpet. Doub1e-Faced Tape: Plastlc coated. of seaming tape, i-tems recoinmendedthe conditions ofthe life of the Blndlnq Tape: Manufacturer's standard blndlng tape matching carpet colors and Architect's samples. Carpet Seamlnq Cement: water and flame-resistant latex carpet adhes:Ive for sealing raw edges, seamlng, relnforclng seams andpatchlng. Provide fast drylng, easy sPreadlng carpet- s-eaming adheslve havlng excellent aglng characters recommended by the carpet manufacturer. Plastic-Coated Fabric Tape: woven fabrlc impreg_nate9_ wlth @ith adhesive havlng hlgh-tack adheslon formlng a secure bond, Provlde water-resistant plastlc-coated tape whlch will unwlnd without adheslve transfer. 89-3 63 09680 - 6 Adheslve for Carpet: Provide release-lypq-adhestve as recom- ffi manufacturer, whlclr- W111 al1ow removal of carpet at any tim-e without damage to carpet.. Provlde adhesive whlih complles with flame spread ratlng requlred for the carpet lnstaIlat1on. Reslllent Base: Provlde vlnyl base complylng wlth FS SS-ll-40, Type-I wffi-matchlng end stops, L/8" gage, (RB-l) stralght blse wtthout cove at carpeted floors, L'L/2" hlgh. Vlnyl base locations are lndlcated on Drawlngs. Base to be supplled ln 50' length rolls. Rubber Base Type I. PART 3 - E|FcI'EIOil 3.01 IEEEEE9E: Substrate: Installer must exanine the substrate and the conditions under whj-ch the carpeting ls to be lnstalled and notify the Contrac- tor, 1n writing, of condltlons detrlnental to the proper and timely completion of the work. Do not proceed with the work untll unsatlsfactory conditions have been corrected ln a manner acceptable to the Installer. once the rnstaller conmences installation of the work under thls Contract, 1t shall be assumed that the condltlon of the subfloor has been accepted and any repairs or further correc- tlons in the subfloor surfaces shall become the responslbllityof thls Contractor. Upon recelpt of materlals, the Contractor shall inspect each roll of carpet. wrltten notj.ficatlon that the mater- ials are free or not free of defects, shall be submittedto the owner and the Architect withln one (1) week after receipt. 3-02@: t'leet wlth the manufacturer, Owner and Archltect's representa-tlve at the project site to review the carpet installatlon procedure and coordl.nate wlth other trades. The Contractor must have avallable at thls meeting the carpet manufacturer's recommended workroom and installatlon procedures for the carpet types speci.fied. 3.03@: Deliver carpet and accessories completely identlfied ,forinstallationl Use care 1n handllng and storing to prevent dam- age and solllng, The Contractor shall schedule carpet dellver- ies so that material is not allowed to stack up on the Owner'sproperty, but is lnsta1led without delay. A11 garpe_t-shaI1 have registered number tags attached and lntact when dellvery' to the job slte is made. o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I 01 o2 03 04 05 05 o7 08 09 10 11 L2 t3 14 15 L6 L7 l8 19 20 2T 22 z3 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 37 38 39 40 4T 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 3(, 57 58 59 50 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I o01 02 03 04 05 05 o7 08 09 10 I1 T2 l3 14 15 15 T7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3l 3Z 33 34 35 35 37 ?A 39 40 4l 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 52 tr? 54 5f, 55 57 58 59 60 89-353 09680 - 7 3.O4 EBEE4@!N: Before orderlng any matertals or fabrlcatlng any work,_ tI" Contractor shall veitfy all measurements and condltlons at the site for al.l work which must be accurately fltted to other construction, lnctudlng wall-to-wa1l , offset, door and other dlmenslons controlled Ey _other trades and shall be responslble for the correctness of sarne. No extra charges or compensatlon w111 be allowed on account of dlfference between actual mea- surements and dlmenslons on the drawings. Dlrectlon of seamlng and varlous color and pattern locatlons shall be shown on the Shop Drawlngs. Clear away debrls and scrape off cementltious deposlts from surfaces to recelve carpetlng. Make substrata leve1 and free from irregrularitles. Assure one constant floor height after carpet is lnstalled, filling low spots and grlnding hlgh spots as requlred. vacuum substrate lnunedlately prlor to carpet lnstallation, and remove atl deleterious substances which would lnterfere with the lnstallatlon or be harmful to the work. If concrete shows evldence of dustlng, apply sealer to remedy thls condltlon. Sequence carpetlng wlth other work so as to mlnlmlze the possi- billty of damage and soillng of carpet during the remalnder of the constructlon perlod. 3.05 ITSTAf,I..ATTON: General: tnstall the carpet and accessorles in compliance with final shop drawlngs and the manufacturer's recommendations, maintaln- ing the plIe lay and weave in the same directj-on as shown on the approved shop drawings. Side to end seaming will not bepermitted. Protide aII cutting and fltttng required for a complete lnstallation. Installatlon shall- be made by skllled mechanlcs. ln accordance wlth recommendations of the manufacturers of materlals used, and with the highest degree of workmanshlp. Installation craftsmen shaIl be requlred to show evldence of at least three years experlence in -carpet installatlon work of a slmilar quallty. Installatlon shall be direct glue-down method and shall be done ln accordance wlth manufacturerrs recommendatlon. At doors, center seams under doors; do not seam ln trafflc directions at doorways. Extend carpet under open-bottomed and raised-bottom obstruc- tlons and uhder removadle flanges of obstructlons. Extend car- pet lnto closets and alcoves of rooms lndlcated to be carpeled, 01 02 03 04 05 05 07 08 09 10 11 T2 13 t4 15 I5 L7 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3L 32 33 34 35 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 45 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 35 55 57 58 59 60 89-363 09680 - 8 unless another flbor flnish j.s lndlcated for such spaces. Extend carpet under all movable furnlture and equipment, unless otherwlse indlcated. hstall carpet edge guards at every locatlon where edge of -car-pet is expo-sed to-trafflc, except where another device, such as ln expanslon Joint cover system threshold, is lndlcated nlth an lntegral carpet blnder bar' Provlde cut-outs as lndlcated for removable access devices and floor-type door closers ln the substrate. Blnd edges as neatly as poss-ibte and secure both sldes of crrts to the substrate. Use-double-faced tape on carpet cut-outs whlch must be llfted from the substrate fo gain ac-cess to the devlces, unless other- wlse lndlcated. o.lt ohly three (3) sides wherever 1t ls fea- sible to provlde a carpet flap ln lj-eu of a fully-removable cut-out. Seams shalt be pressed by hand and/or sultable tool to produce the best posslble even top pile wldth-to-wldth. AdJacent wldths of carpet must be lnstaLled to finish at exactly the same elevatlon, or the work wj.l1 be reJected and replaced at no addltlonal cost to the owner. The Contractor shal1 flnish trlm each slde of each roll of car-pet on the Job slte as requlred to get a perfect seam, but no more than 4i; at that polnt, any dlfferential ln carpet thick- ness shall be the responsiblllty of the carpet manufacturer to correct to assure a flush and leve1 seam l-nstallatlon. A11 carpet widths shall be installed with all rows of pile runnlng in the same dlrectlon, unless otherwlse shown on the approved shop drawings. ff the plle of the carpet has been compressed while laylng in storage, so that there appears to be a dlfference in color 1n adJacent wldths of materlal , the Contractor shall neutrallze the plIe wlth a steam machlne and obtaln a unlform pile dlrec-tion throughout by brushing the carpet whlle lt is still damP, at no addltlona] cost to the Owner. 3.06 GLTIED-DOIN INSTAT,I,ATTOI: tnstall a test sample to demonstrate proper adheslon and removal capablllty of the bonding system. Demonstrate instal- latlon and removal procedure to owner's personnel , wlth Archltect present. ort and flt sections of carpet of each room of space, prior to appllcatlon of adheslve. A11 floors mrst be dry and free of wax, grease, and any sub- stances that would interfere with the bonding of the carpet tothe floor. A11 expanslon Jolnts, cracks and lndents shall be filled wlth a good quality latex patchlng compound. I lo, o2 l3; 05 ll: rii t2lii Ir: 19 lz:, 22ril 26lzt 29 rii rii 36ll: 39 lt; 43llr 46rii r:i 53l:t 5Dl;i I'o 89-35 3 09680 - 9 seans shall be prepared by trlnmlng far enough ln from the car-pet edge so that -a clean and even seaming edge ls provlded. futtfng tools havlng razor type blades should be used for seampreparatlon. Seam the seam edge wlth seamlng latex. After edges are trlnuned and sealed, strlke a chalk llne at the starting seam and a1lgn one breadth to the chalk line. OverIaP the secbnd breadth approxlnately L/8" down entlre length of seam. Fold back both pleces of carpet from end to end about l/3 of the wldth of the carpet, thus exposlng about 8 feet of floor to be cemented. Uslng a good grade of rmrlti-[rurpose latex adhesive, and follow- 1ng adheslve manufacturerrs reconunended trowel notch slze,apply the adheslve to the exposed area of the floor. Care should be taken not to leave any voids, puddles, ridges, etc. Place the breadth of carpet that was allgned to the chalk llnelnto the adheslve. work out all alr pockets and ripples sothat carpet lays flush wlth the-floor at all polnts. Place the overlapping breadth into the adheslve, taklng care to maintaj-nr/8" overlap down the entire se.rm. Form compresslon seam byslldlng away overlapped breadth with fingertips. Carefully smooth the seam edge so carpet will come together perfectly level . Release any fullness at the seam by working away from seam toward uncemented area. Be careful to keep carpet anchor- ed at seams so compression ls not lost. Immedlately clean any excess adheslve wlth adheslve manufacturerrs recommended clean-lng solvent, followlng dlrectlons on label . Repeat the above procedure lf more than two breadths are needed. rhe carpet must be trimmed to flt all vertlcal surfaces and edges trlnmed before the adhesive has set to lnsure a good bondat these polnts. Cross seams shall be made in a like manner. All loose or protrudlng ends of yarn rmrst be trimmed to preventpulls or raveling. A11 cut edges that abut door trj-ms, eleva- ted floor plates, etc., ln traffic areas, should be sealed wlth seam sealer to prevent raveling. 3.07 CLEA$II{G AND PR TECIION: Remove debrls from lnstallatlon, carefully sorting pleces to be saved from scraps to be disposed of. Vacuum carpet wlth a commercial machine, with rotating agitator or beater ln the nozzLe. Remove solled spots. Carpet 1s to be protected with a mil clear plastlc wraP or egual durlng remalnlng work until flnal acceptance. At the completlon of the work when dlrected by the Owner, the covering shall be removed, the carpet vasuum cleaned, soillng removed and the carpet left ln perfect condltion to the satisfaction of the Owner. 01 02 03 04 05 05 07 08 09 10 89- 36 3 3..08 ATHTC STOCK: Attlc stock, lnthe amount of 5* EtrD oF srcflor 09680 addltlon to anyof the requlred 09580 - 10 over-run, shall be provlded lnlnstallatlon yardage. I I I T I I I I I I t I I I I t I I I lo, o2 l:; 05 ll: rii L2 ll; 15 li: 19 l,,i zzrii ril 29 l:? 32 lil 35 l:3 ri\ lil 46 Itz 49 t:i 53 l;t l;i exterlor and lnteri-or exposed surfaces Schedule in Part 3 of this Section, asas needed for a complete and proper Unless otherwlse lndlcated, palnting is not required on sur- faces in concealed areas and lnaccesslble areas such as furred spaces, foundation spaces, untility tunnels, pipe spaces, and duct shafts. Metal surfaces of anodlzed aluminurn, stalnless steel , chromiumplate, copper, bronze, and slm11ar flnlshed materials will notrequlre painting under this Section except as may be so speci-fied. Do not palnt moving parts of operating unj-ts; mechanical orelectrlcal parts such as valve operators; linkages; senslng devlces; and motor shafts, unless otherwise lndlcated. Do not paint over requlred labels or equipment ldentiflcation, performance ratlng, name, or nomenclature plates. Do not paint concrete which has been sandblasted. peflnltlons: "Palnt", as used hereln, means coatlng systems materlal-s lncluding primers, emulsions, epoxy, enamels, seal-ers, flllers, and other applied materials whether used as prlme, lntermediate, or fini.sh coats. 1.02 OUAI,IW ASSTIRANCE: Use adequate numbers of skilled workmen who are thoroughlytralned and experienced in the necessary crafts and who are completely familiar wlth the specified requirements and the methods needed for proper performance of the work of thls Section. I 89-35 3 09900 - I sEefroN 09900 PAITTTING PART 1 . GEIIBAL 1.OO RELATED DOCI'MEITTS: Drawings and general provlslons of Contract, lncludlng General and Supplementary Condltlons and Divislon-1 Speciflcatlon sectLons, apply to the work of this Section. r.01 @: Work Included: o Paint and finish thelisted on the Paintlngspecified herein, andinstall-ation. $Iork Not Included: 89-353 o 09900 - 201 o2 03 04 05 05 o7 08 09 10 11 t2 13 14 15 15 L7 t8 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 JJ 34 ?E 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5I 52 tr? 54 55q4 57 58 59 50 Palnt Coordlnatlon: Provlde flnlsh coats which are comPatlble wlth the prlne coats actually used. Revlew other SectLons of these Spectficatlons as requlred' verlfytng the pri-me coats to be used and assurlng cornpatiblllty of the total coating system for the various substrata. Upon reguest, furnlsh lnformatlon on the characterlstlcs of the sleclfl; finlsh materlals to assure that compatible prime coats are used. Provlde barrler coats over noncompatlble prlmers' or remove the prlmer and reprlme as requlred. Nottfy the Deslgner ln writlng of antlcipated problems in uslng the ipecified coatlng systems over piime-coatlngs supplied under other Sections. 1.03 STJBI,{ITIAI,S: Comply with pertlnent provlslons of Section 01300. Product Data: wlthln fifteen (15) calendar days_after the contractor -has recelved the Owner's Notice to Proceed, submlt: Materlals llst of ltems proposed to be provided under this Section. Manufacturer's specifications and other data needed to prove compliance wlth the speclfled requlrements. Samples: Following the selectlon of colors and glosses.by the oesfgner, as descrlbed under "€olor Schedules" in Part 2 of thls Section, submlt Samples for the Archltect's revlew- Provlde three Samples of each color and each 9!oss for each materlal on whlch the flnish ls speclfied to be applied. Except as otherwlse dlrected by the Architect, make Samples approxlmately 8" x 10" ln slze. ff so dlrected by the Archltect, subml-t Sanples durlng progress of the work ln the form of actual appllcatlon of the-approved materials on actual surfaces to be painted. Revlse and resubmit each Sample as requested until the requlred gIoss, color, and texture 1s achleved. Su_ch Samples, when-pproved, w111 become standards of color and flnish for accePt- ing or reJectlng the work of this Section. Do not commence finlsh paintlng until approved Samples are on flle at the Job site. I lo, 02 ul ll: 09lll L2 ril li: 19 l?i 22 ril 26 l3Z 29 rii ril 36 l;3 39rii 43lll 46rii l:i 53 l;3 55 l:l 89- 36 3 09900 - 3 r. 04 iIQE-COprp:lEIeS!: Do not apply solvent-thlnned palnts when the temperature of surfaces to be painted and the surrounding aLr temperatures are below 45o E, unless otherwise pennltted by the manufacturers'.prlnted lnstructions as approved by the Archltect. Weather Condltlons: Do not apply palnt ln snow, rain. fog, or mist; or when therelatlve humldity exceeds 85t; or to darnP or wet surfaces,unless otherwlse permitted by the manufacturers' prtnted instructions as approved by the Architect. Appllcatlons may be continued durlng inclement weather onlywithin the temperature limits speclfied by the paint manufac-turer as belng sultable for use durlng applicatlon and drying periods. :..os EE!!!-$!ggE: ' -Upon completion of the work of this Sectlon, deliver to the owner an extra stock equallng 10t of each color, type, andgloss of paint used ln the Work, tlghtly seallng each contaj-n-er, and clearly labellng wlth contents and location where used. PART 2 - PARODUETS 2.01 BAIS.UAEEBE.: where products are proposed other than those specj.fied by name and number 1n the Paintlng Schedule, provide under the product data submlttal reqr.rlred by Article 1. 3 of this Section a newpaintlng schedule complled in the serme format used for the Paintlng Schedule lncluded 1n this section. Undercoats and Thlnners: Provide undercoat palnt produced by the same manufacturer as the finish coat. Use only the thlnners recommended by the paint manufacturer, and use only to the recommended llmlts. Insofar as practicable, use undercoat, flnlsh coat, and thlnner materlal as parts of a unlfled system of palnt flnish. 2.02@: For applicatlon of the approved palnt, use only such equlpment as ls recommended for appllcation of the partlcular palnt by the manufacturer of the particular paint, and as approved by the architect. I 01 oz 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10II L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 l8 19 20 2T 22 23 24 25 26. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 JO 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 5l 54 5f 55 57 58 59 50 51 89-353 09900 - 4 Prlbr to use of appllcatlon equlpment. verlfy that the pr-oposed equlpment ls actuilty compattble wlth the materlal to be- apl pited, and that integlity of tne flnish wlll not be Jeopardlzedby use of the proposed equlpment. 2. o3 9!EB_-U4EESI4ES,: Provlde other materlals, not speclflcally described but re- quired for a complete and propei lnstallatlon, as selected by lhe Contractor sublect to the approval of the Rrchltect. PART 3 - ETECIIIIOII 3.0r@: Examlne the areas and condltions under which work of thls Sectlon wtll be performed. Correct conditions detrimental to tlmely and proper completion of the work. Do not proceed until unsatlsfactory condltions are correcled' 3.02@: @4: Mix and prepare palnt materlal-s in strict accordance with the manufacturersr recommendatlons as approved by the Architect. when materials are not is use, store in tightly covered con- talners. Malntaln contalners used in storage, mixing, and applicatlon ofpaint ln a clean condition, free from foreign materials and residue. Sti.rrlnq: Stir materlals before applicatlon, producing a mj-xLure of uniform denslty. I Do not stlr lnto the materlalsurface, but remove the fllmmaterial before us1ng. 3-03@: any film whlch may form onand, if necessary, straln rffil Perform preparatlon and cleaning procedures i-n strlctwlth the paint manufacturersr recommendatlons asaccordance approved by the Archltect. Remove removable items which are in place and are not scheduledto recelve palnt flnish; or provide surface-applled protectionprior to surface preparation and painting operations' Followlng completion of palntlng ln each space or area, rein-stal1 the removed ltems by uslng workmen who are skilled ln the necessary trades.I tlo' 02 ut l[: 09lll L2 rii 16lll I9 .ii ril 25 11'' 29 rii rli 36 l:3 39 ri\ 43lll 46 tii rii s3l;l 56 r;i 50I 89-35 3 09900 - s Clean each surface to be palnted prlor to applylng paint of surface treatment. Remove olL and grease with clean cloths and cleanlng solvent of low toxlcity and flash polnt in excess of 2OO' F, prlor to start of mechanlcal c1ean1ng. Schedule the cleanlng and palntlng so that dust and other con- tamlnants from the cleanlng process w111 not faIl onto wet newly palnted surfaces. Preparatlon of Vfood Surfaces: Clean wood surfaces unt11 free from dlrt, o11 , and other forelgn substance. Smooth finished wood surfaces exposed to view, uslng the proper sandpaper. Where so requlred, use varylng degrees of coarse- ness in sandpaper to produce a unlformly smooth and unmarred wood surface. Unless speclfically approved bywith palntlng of wood surfacesthe wood is Lz\ or less as approved by the Architect. : the trchitect, do not proceeduntll the molsture content of measured by a moisture meter Thoroughly clean surfaces until free from dlrt, oil and grease. on galvanized surfaces, use solvent for the lnltial cleaning, and then treat the surface thoroughly with phosphoric acidetch. Remove etchlng solutlon completely before proceeding. Allow to dry thoroughly before appllcatlon of.paint. 3.04@: General: Touchup shop-applied prlme coats whlch have been damaged, and touchup bare areas prlor to start of flnlsh coats appllcatlon. Sllghtly vary the color of succeeding coats. Do not apply additlonal coats untll the completed coat has been lnspected and approved. Only the lnspected and approved coats of paint wlr]I be consldered ln determinlng the number of coats applled. Sand and dust between coats to remove defects vislble to the unalded eye from a dlslance of five feet. On removable panels and hlnged panels, paint the back sldes to match the exposed sides. 01 02 03 04 05 06 0? 08 09 10 1I L2 L3 14 I5 16 I7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50ql 52 53 54 55 55 57 58 59 60 89-36 3 09900 - 6 Except as speclflcally other wlse approved by the Archltect, confine spray appllcation to metal framework and slmilar sur- faces where hand brush work would be lnferior. lrlhere spray applicatlon is used, apply each coat to provlde the hiding equlvalent of brush coats. Do not double back with spray equlpment to build up ftlm thick- ness of two coats in one pass. For completed work, match the approved Samples as to texture,color, and coverage. Remove, refinlsh, or repaint work not in compliance with the specified requirements. : Exposed mechanical ltems: Finlsh electric panels, access doors, condults, pipes, ducts, grilles, registers, vents, and items of slmj.lar nature to match the adJacent wall and cel11ng surfaces, or as directed. Palnt vlslble duct surfaces behind vents, reglsters, andgrllles flat black. Wash metal wlth solvent, prime, and apply two. coats of aklyd enamel . Exposed plpe and duct insulation: Apply one coat of latex palnt on lnsulation whlch has been sized or primed under other Sectlons; appfy two coats on such surfaces when unprepared. qryss: Al-low sufflclent drylng tine between coats, modlfylng the perlod as recommended 5y the material manufacturer to sult adverse weather condltlons. Conslder oil-base and oleo-reslnous solvent-type palnt as dry for recoatlng when the palnt feels firm, does not deform or feel stlcky under moderate pressure of the thumb, and when the appllcatlon of another coat of palnt does not cause liftlng or Ioss of adheslon of the undercoat. Brush Applicatlons: Brush out and work the brush coats onto the surface ln an even flIm. Cloudiness, spottlng, holldays, laps, brush marks, runs, sags, roplness, and other surface imperfections w111 not be accept- able. Sprav Appllcation: I I I I I I I I I I I lo,. 02 l3; 05 ll: rii L2 ril li: 1-9 a"? 22 .ii 26 l3Z 29 l:; 33l;l 35 133 39 rii 43lil 46 lt349 t:i 53l;t s6 rii l:l 89-35 3 09900 - 7 Match color df adJacent surfacds. Remove band before palntlng, and replace after palnting. Hardware: Palnt prlme coated hardware to match adJacent surfaces. Wet areas: fn toilet rooms and contlgiuous areas, add an approved funglcide to palnts. For o11 base pal-nts, use lt Phenolmercurlc or 44 sodlum tetrachlorophenate. Interlor: Use 'rstlpple" flnlsh where enamel ls specified. Exposed vents: Apply two coats of heat-reslstant paint approved by the erchltect. 3.05@: Provide the followlng palnt flnlshes: B@gsl: First coat:Exterlor wood prlmer #289 Second coat: Stuc-O-Llfe *1300Third coat:Stuc-O-Life *1300 : Flrst coat: vlnyl block prlmer #1010 Second coat: Stuc-O-tife #1300 gs@,: Lusterless (FIat) Acrvlic 8lnish: 2 coats wlth total dry film thickness not less than 2.5 mils. First and Second Coats: Acrylic Emulsion (E'S TT-P-19). Devoe: 15XX wonder-Shield Exterlor ecrylic Latex Flat House PaintGlldden: Y3525 spred Glide-onMoore! Moorglo House and Trlm PaintPittsburgh: 6-610 speedhide lcryllc Latex House Paint P & I,: Pro-Hlde Plus Latex House Paint S-W: Weather Perfect Acrylic Latex FIat Exterj-or Flnlsh Concrete Masonrv Units: Lusterless (Flatt Acrvlic Finlsh'. 2 coats over filler coat not less than 2.5 mlls, excluding flller coat. 0r o2 03 04 05 05 07 08 09 10 11 t2 13 14 15 16 L7 18 19 20 ZL zz 23 24 za 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 J5 36 37 38 39 40 4L 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5J. 52 53 54 55 56 57 EA 59 89-363 FLller Coat: Surfaces (FS Devoe: Glldden: Moore: S.W: Flrst and Second Flnish Coats: (TT-E-489). Devoe: Glidden: Moore: Plttsburgh: P & L; S-W: Rouqh Sidino: Low-Luster Eln:Lgh: _09900 - I Solvent Thlnned 81ock Filler for Porous TT-F-1098). 52901 Bloxftl hterlor/Exterlor acryllc Latex Block rlller Y-531? Ultra-Hlde Acryllc Latex Block Filler Moorers Waterprooflng Masonry Palnt Pro-Mar Block Fl11er Acrylic Bnulslon (FS General Palnted $lood: Alkvd closs Flnlsh: 2 flnlsh coats over prlmer wlth total dryfilm thickness not less than 3.5 mi-ls. Flrst and Second Finlsh Coats: TT-P-19 ) . Devoe: Glidden: Moore: S-W: Prlme Coat: Devoe: Glidden: Moore:Pittsburgh: P & L: S-W: 15xx Wonder Shielct Exterior Acrylic Latex Flat llouse Palnt Y3525 Spred Gl1de-On Moorgard Latex House Paint weather Perfect Acryllc Latex FIat Exterlor Flnlsh Exterlor Primer Coating (FS TT-P-25). 1102 ALl-Weather Exterlor Alkyd House Palnt Prlmer Y-1951 Spred Gel-Flo Base Coat Moorets Moorwhlte Prlmer 5-Line Speedhide Exterlor ulood Primer Permallze Exterior PrimerExterlor Wood Primer Exterior Atkyd Gloss Enamel I I I I I I 7oxx Mlrrolac Interlor/Exterlor Enamel Y-4500-tine Glld-Gr.tard Industrial Impervo HLgh closs Enamel 5-Line Speedhlde Qutck-Dry Alkyd Effecto Enamel S-w hdustrles Enamel 2 coats. Alkyd Gloss EnameI EnameI Flrst and Second Coats: Alkyd-oll Paint for Rough Sldlng (FS TT-P-52). Devoe: 14XX De-Vo-Ko Exterlor Alkyd FIat shake PaintGlldden: Y-700 Spred solld o11 StainMoore: Moorers Pentaflex I I 01 lli 05 t:; 08 rii rii 15 ri: ril 22 lzt 25 ri.' rii 32 l;; 35 ri: ,r 39lit 42lti45 ll: 49l:l 52 l:i 56 l;3 59 I'o 89-353 09900 - 9 Plttsburgh: 5-Llne Speedhlde Exterlor Wood Flnlshes P & L: Solld-glde Rustlc StalnS-W: S-ll Exterlor Solld Staln @t: I'ulI .Gloss Alkvd Enamel: 2 Flnlsh coats over prlmer. Prlme Coat: Red Lead Plgnented Primer (FS TT-P-85). Primer is not regulred on items dellvered'shop prlned. Devoe: 4L82L Bar-ox Red Lead Metal PrlmerGlidden: Y-5532 Glld-Gtrard Red Lead Metal PrlmerMoore: Ironclad Retardo Rust Inhlbitlve PaintPlttsburgh: tJC :-0424.Red Lead PrlmerP&L: P&LRedLeadPrimerS-W: S-w Kromlk Metal Prlmer Flrts and Second Flnish Coats: Hlgh Gloss Alkyd Enamel (FS TT-E-489). Devoe: 70XX Mirrolac alkyd Gloss Ename1Glidden: Y-4500-LlneGlid-Guard Industrial EnamelMoore: Impervo Hlgh'Gloss Enamel Exterj.orlfnteriorPittsburgh: 6-252 Speehide Quick-Dry Alkyd Enamel P & L: Effecto EnamelS-W: S-W Metallstlc II Enamel Zinc Coated Metal: ffio.*"r: 2 Flriish coats over primer. Prlme Coat: Zinc Dust-Zinc Oxide Primer (FS TT-P-641). Devoe: 14100 Zinc Dust Prlmer and FlnishGlldden: y-5229 Glld-Guard Al1-Purpose Metal PrlmerPlttsburgh: 6-215 Speedhlde Galvanlzed Steel PrimerS-W: S-91 Galvanized lron Prlmer Flrst and Second Flnlsh Coats: Hlgh Gloss Alkyd Enamel (FS TT-E-489). Devoe:70Xx Mirrolac fnterior/Exteri-or Alkyd Gloss EnarnelGlldden: Y-4500-LineGlld-GtrardAlkyd rndustrlal EnameIPittsburgh: 6-252 Speedhlde Qulck Dry alkyd Gloss Enamel S-W: S-W Metallstlc II Enamel 3.o5@: @: Lusterless (Flatl E:nulslon Flnish: 2 Flnlsh coats over filIed surface. 01 o2 03 04 05 06 o7 08 09 10 1l t2 r3 L4 15 15 I7 r8 19 20 ?L 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4I 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 55 57 58 89-35 3 09900 - 10 Filler Coat: Solvent-Thtnned Block F111er (FS TT-F-1098). APPIy flller coat at a rate to ensure complete coverage wlth pores fllIed. Devoe: 52901 B1oxfl1 Acryllc FIat Latex Block Fl]Ier Glldden: Y-5317 Line Ultra-Hlde Acrylic Block FllLerMoore: Moore's Waterproofing Masonry PalntS-W: S-W Pro-Mar Block Fll1er Flrst and Second Flnlsh Coats: -Interlor Latex Emulslon (FS rT-P-29). Devoe: 36XX wonder-Tones Latex Flat wa1I PalntGlldden: Y-3400-Llne Spred Satln Latex Wall PalntMoore: Moore's Regal I{alI SatlnS-91: S-w Pro-Mar 400 tatex rlat Wall Paint @3 I ! I I Fil-ler Coat: Latex type masonrycoat at a rate to ensure completed Second and Thlrd Coats: Polyester Elrst Coat: Devoe: Glldden: Moore: Plttsburgh: P & L: S-W: Second Coat: Devoe: Glldden: Moore: Plttsburgh: P & L: S-W: block flller. Apply flller coverage wlth pores flIIed. Epoxy (FS TT-C-s4s). I IPlttsburgh: 15-610/16-530 Pitt-Glaze Hlgh Polyester Epoxy Flnlsh Coatings. Gvpsum Drvwall Svstems: Lusterless (FIat) Flmrlslon Flnlsh: 2 coats. SoIlds fnterior Latex Base Prlmer Coat (FS TT-P-650) 50801 Wonder-Tones Latex Flat waIl Palnt Y-3416 Spred Prlmer Sealer Moorers Latex Quick-Dry Prlme Seal6-2 PPG Qulck Drylng Interlor tatex Prlmer Sealer Pro-Hlde Plus Latex Primer S-W Pro-Mar tatex WaLI Prlmer Interlor Flat tatex Base Paint (Fs rT-P-29). 36XX Wonder Tones Interior Latex FIat wa]-I Paint Y-3400 Llne Spred Satln Latex WaIl Palnt Moore's Regal Wall Satln 5-70 Speedhide Latex Flat wall Palnt Pro-Hide PIus Latex Flat s-w Pro-Mar 400 Latex FIat wa1l Palnt I I I Ordorless Seml-Gloss Alkvd Enamel Flnish:dry film thlckness not less than 2.5 mlls. I 3 coats with total lo,. lli 05 l3t08 rii L2llr li: )i3, 22 lz:"25 ril 29l:l 32 l:i 36 t:; 39 lti Tli 46 lt3 49 l:i ril 55 l;3 89-35 3 09900 - 11 First Coat: Devoe: Glidden: Moore: Plttsburgh: P&L: s-l{: Second and Alkycl Enamel Devoe: Glldden: Moore!Plttsburgh:P&L: S-W: @@t: Seml-Gloss Enamel Flnlsh! 2f1ln thtckness not less than Prlme Coat: Red lead Base Prlmer (FS TT-P-86). Prlmecoat ls not requlred on ltens dellvered shop prlmed. Devoe: Glidden: Moore:Plttsburgh:P&L: S-W: Flrst Coat: Devoe: Glldden: Moore: Plttsburgh:P&L; s-$l: Second Coat: TT-E-509 ) . Devoe: Glidden: Moore: Plttsburgh:P&L: S-ttl: Interlor Latex Base Frimer Coat (FS TT-P-650) 50801 wonder-Tones Latex Flat wall Paint Y-3415 Spred Primer Sealer Moore's Latex $rtck-Dry Prlme Seal6-2 PPc'qrlck orying Interior Latex Prlmer Sealer Pro-Hlde PIus Latex Prlrner s-w Pro-Mar Latex WaLl Prlmer Thlrd Coats: Odorless InterLor Seml-Gloss (FS Tr-E-509). 25xx velour Alkyd Semi-Gloss Enamel Y-4600 Line Spred Lustre Seml-Gloss Moorers Satin Impervo Enamel 27-lo9 t{all lllde Seml-Gloss Enamel Pro-Hide Plus Alkyd Seml-Gloss S-w Pro-Mar alkyd Seml-Gloss Enamel coats over prlner, with total dry 2.5 mlls. 4L82L Bar-Ox Red Lead Meta1 Prlmer l-5532 G1ld-Grard Red Lead Metal PrimerIron-Clad Retardo Rust Inhibltlve Palnt u610424 Speedhlde Red Lead Primer P & L Red Lead PrimerS-ll Kromlk Metal Prlmer fnterlor Enamel Undercoat (FS TT-E-543). 8801 VeLour ^*lkyd Enamel Undercoat Y-4500 Serles Spred Lustre Semi-Gloss Enamel Moore's Alkyd Enanel Underbody 6-5 Speedhlde qulck Drylng E:namel Undercoaterfnterlor Trlm Prlmer S-lrl Pro-Mar ;[kyd Seml-Gloss Odorless Interior Seml-GIoss Enamel (FS 26xx velour Alkyd Seml-Gloss Enamel Y-4500 Llne Spred Lustre Seml-Gloss Moore's Satin fmpervo Enamel 27-LO9 l{all-Hlde Semi-Gloss Enamel Pro-Hlde PIus Alkyd Senl-Gloss Enamel S-w Pro-Mar Alkyd Seml-Gloss Enamel 01 o2 03 04 05 06 o7 08 09 10 11 t2 13 14 15 I6 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4L 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 <'t 52 53 54 55 89-35 3 09900 - 12 Palnted Woodwork and Hardboard: Seml-G1oss Ename1 Finlsh: 3 coats Flrst Coat: Interior Enamel Undercoat (FS TT-E-543) Devoe: 8801 velour Alkyd Enamel UndercoatGlldden: Y-555-Line Spred UndereoaterMoore: Moorets Alkyd Ename1 UnderbodyPlttsburgh: 6-6 Speedhlde Qulck-Drylng Enamel Undercoater I I P&t: s-tll: fnterior Trlm Prlmer S-tf wall and Wood Primer Interlor O1l Staln (FS TT-S-711) 95xx wonder Woodstaln alkyd staln Y-20I tlne-Ultra-Hlde Interl0r Stain Benwood Interlor Staln 77-302 Rez Medlum Tint Base S-Serles Tonetic wood Staln S-w o11 Staln Bleached Shellac (FS TT-S-300). 4900 wonder Woodsealer Qulck Dry Sealer Moorers Benwood Ouick Dry Sanding Sealer S-lf Pro-Mar varnlsh Sandlng, Sealer on Open Graln t{ood: Paste Wood Flller (FSl{lpe before flrst varnlsh coat. 4800 Wonder Woodstaln Interlor Paste WoodFlller Y-700 Llne Paste Wood Filler Moore's Benwood Paste wood rilIer S-W Sher-Wood Fast Dry Filler I I I t I I I I I Second and lhird Coats: Odorless Interlor Semi-Gloss Enarnel (FS TT-E-509). Devoe: 25XX velour Alkyd Seml-Gloss Ename1Glldden: Y-46o0 Llne spred Lustre Seml-GlossMoore! Moore's Satin Impervo EnamelPlttsburgh: 27-IO9 wall-Hide Semi-Gloss Ename1 P & L: Pro-Hlde Plus Alkyd Seml-Gloss EnamelS-W: S-$f Pro-Mar Alkyd Seml-Gloss Enanel Stalned Woodwork: 3 Flnish Coats over staln Staln coat: Devoes Glidden: Moore:Plttsburgh:P&L: S.W: Flrst Coat: Devoe: Moore: S-W: Flller Coat TT-F-335 ) . Devoe: Glidden: Moore: S-W: I t I F1n1sh: lo,. 8e-363 09900 - 13 -:02 1,03r04 05 Second and Third Coats: Oll Rubbing VarnLsh (FS TT-v-85). 105 l0? Devoe: 4500 wonder Wood Satln altVd Satln varnlsh- 08 GLldden: Y-10 Satln Spred Pol!rurethane Varnlshr09 Moore: MoorErs Benwood Satln Flnlsh varnish lro Pittsburgh: 77-7 F(ez Satln VarnLsh-11 P & r.: 51 Cleaa Finlsh varnlshL2 S-lf: S-W O11 Base varnlsh, Gloss!rs114 E[fD OF SEerrOt 09900 I I t I l, II I I I I I I t I I I 1,. lli 05 ll; 08 lii T2ll: 15 fi: ril 22rii )ii 29 l:l 32 lii ti: .39lll 42 rii li: liiaz t:: l;: 59 l:l 89- 36 3 10r00 - sEeffol{ r0r.00 I|ARtrRBOIRDS Ap TACKBOIRDS PART 1 - GENERAI, 1.OO@: Drawlngs and general provlslons of Contract, lncludlng Generaland Supplementary Condltlons and Dlvlslon-1 SPeclflcatlon sectlons, apply to work of thls Sectlon. 1.01 @: The extent of markerboards and tackboards i-s shown on the Drawlngs. The types of markerboards and tackboards specifled in this Section include the followlng: Porcelaln enamel-on-stee1 wrlting surfaces rackboards 1.o2@: General: t"t"* otherwise acceptable to the Archltect, furnish all markerboards and tackboards by one manufacturer for the entire proJ ect. tn addition to the requirements of these Speciflcatj.ons, com--p1y with manufacturer's instructions and recommendatlons forall phases of the work, lncludlng preparation of substrate,lnstallation of grounds and anchors and application of mater-ials. Provlde colors and textures of materlals for markerboards and tackboards as lndlcated or, lf not lndicated, as selected by the Archj-tect from manufacturerrs standard colors and patterns. Fleld Measurements: Take field measurernents prlor to preparatlon of Shop Drawings(lf any) and fabrlcatlon where posslble, to ensure proper flttlng of the lrork. However, do not delay Job progress; allow for trlmming and fltting wherever the taklng of field measure- ments before fabrlcation mlght delay the work. 1.03 S!@![rfi: e@: Submlt two (21 copies of manufacturer's technlcal data and lnstallatlon lnstructions for each materlal and component part, lncludlng data substantlatlng that materials comply with requlrements. 01 Q2 n? 04 05 05 07 08 09 10 11 I2 r3 14 15 15 L7 rft I9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 25 27 28'29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4t 42 43 44 45 46 4g 49 50 51 JZ tr? 54 55 55 57 58 59 89-353 10100 - 2 Sples.: Submlt one (1) set of samples for each type and color 6Fmartcerboard, tacliboard, trim -and accessories requlred. Provlde 12' square sample of sheet naterlals anq 1?" l^engths of trlm members. Rrchiteit's revlew of samples wlll be for color, pattern and texture only. Compllance with all other iequirements ls the excluslve responsiblllty of Contractor. Shop Drawinqs:Submlt Shop Drawings fol each type of. markerboard anA'EEoa;tl. Include dlmensloned elevatlons. Show anchors' grounds, relnforcement, accessorles and lnstallatlon detalls. PART 2 - PROIX'CTIS 2.01 EIEEE'rers.: @.: Manufacturer: Alliancewall , Claridge, or aPProved equal . Al1 porcelln enameL oa 22 GA. leveled steel; made of hlgh fired frits as follows: Nickel deposltlon coat of two (2) grams per sq. ft. Cobalt prlmer coat of .0025" min. thlckness The side opposlte the wrltlng surface shaLl have two (2) uni- form coats conslstlng of: Nlckel depositton coat two (2) grams/sg. ft. and a cobalt ground coat of .0025". Color: To be selected Deslgn components to allow for expanslon and contractlon for a minlmum amblent temperature range of 100'F without causing buckllng. Form metal work to requlred shapes and slzes wlth true curves,llnes, angles wlth all edges turned back 1/4' radius. Jolnts shall be butt Joints. Chalktrav:' Furnlsh the manufacturerrs standard contlnuous, solld ExErusion type alurnlnum chalktray with rlbbed sectlon and smoothly curved eiposed ends, for each markerboard. Map Rall : Rrrnish map ral1 at the top of each unlt, complete wlth the followlng accessorles: Display Ra1I : Provlde continuous cork dlsplay_ rall appoxlmately 1rr or 2" wlde, as indlcated. lntegral with the map rail. End Stops: Provlde one end stop at each end of the map rail . I t l I I T t t t I I I I I I I I I lo,. ll; 05 lti lii tii I5 ri: )i3, 22 131 25 Jiz 29l:l 32 l:i li: 39lll 42 lil 46lll 49 f:; t:l l:: 89-353 10100 - 3 Map Hooks: Provlde 2 map hooks for each 4' of map rall of fraction thereof. Tackboards z ' Natural Cork Tackboards: Provlde slngle layer 1/4" thlck seam- @raln bullettn board quality natural cork sheet, face sanded for natural finlsh, complylng with MS MIL- C15116, Type II . PART 3 - EXECTEION 3.01 SEEEEU: Insta]Ier must examlne areas and condltlons under which units are to be installed and mrst notlfy Contractor, in wrlting, ofcondltions detrimental to proper and tlmely completlon ofWorkr Do not proceed wlth Work untll unsatlsfactory condltlons have been corrected 1n a manner acceptable to the rnstaller. 3.02 INSTAI.LAITIOil: Install units in locations and mountlng heights as shown on Drawlngs and ln accordance wlth manufacturer's instructions, keeping perimeter llnes stralght, plunb and level . Provlde allgrounds, clips, backlng materlals, adheslves, brackets, anchors, trlm and accessorles for complete lnstallatlon. Dellver factory-bullt unlts conpletely assembled in one plece without Joints, whenever posslbIe. $rhere dinensions exceedpanel slze, provlde 2 ot more pleces of equal length, as acceptable to the Architect. When overall dlmenslons requlredellvery ln separate unlts, preftt at the factory, dj-sassemblefor dellvery and make f1nal Jolnt at the s1te. Use spllnes at Jolnts to malntaln surface allgnment and smooth joints. hstall unlts wlth concealed hangers plunb and level 1n accord- ance with the manufacturer's prlnted lnstructlons. tnsta]l uslng adheslve recontnended by the manufacturer and ln accordance with adhesi.ve manufacturer's prlnted lnstructions. Coordlnate Job-assembled unlts wlth grounds, trim and acces-sories. Join aII parts wlth neat preclslon fit. 3. 03 lUISi:LAflp_gE'E,lU: verlfy accessories regulred for each unlt properly lnstalled and operating units properly functionlng. Clean units ln accordance wLth manufacturer's instructions, breaklng in only as recommended. ElrD OF SEqfrorf 10100 t olo,. tl: 05 lst08 lii T2ll: 15 ri: ril 4Z l1'.- 25ril lii 32 l3; J5 ri: .J' 1n 42lil lr: 49l:l 52 t:i ,...55I:I 59 89-36 3 10150 - I sEefroN .10150 IIOIIfiT PARTITIONS PART 1 - GENERAI, 1.00@: Drawlngs and general provlslons of the Contract, lncludlng General and Supplenentary Condltlons and the Dlvlslon-I Speciflcation sections, apply to work of thls Sectlon. 1.01 DESCRIPFTON OF WORK: The extent of toilet partltion work is shown on the Drawings.fnstall under Section 05100 as specified in this Sectlon. The types of tollet partitions include the followlng: Floor supported partitions Related work SDectfled Elsewhere:. section 05500: Metal Fabrlcation Section 05100: Rough Carpentry Sectlon 10800: Toilet and Bath Accessories 1.02@: F1eld Measurements: When possible, take fleld measurementsprior to preparatlon of Shop Drawings and fabrlcation to ensure proper fitting of the work. otherwise, lndicate field measure- ments on flnal Shop Drawings. Inserts and Anchoraqes: Furnish inserts and anchorlng devices whlch must be bullt lnto other work for the installatlon ofto1let partltions and related r,cork. Coordlnate delivery with other work to avoid delay; 1.03 SSEIII:EIALS: Product Data: Submlt manufacturer's detalled technlcal datafor materials, fabrlcatlon and lnstallatlon. Include catalog cuts of hardware, anchors, fastenlngs and accessorles. Transmlt copy of each to the Installer. Shop Drawings: Submit ShoP Drawlngs for the fabrlcation and erectlon of tollet partitlon assemblies whlch are not fully descrlbed by manufacturer's published literature. Include plans and elevatlons at minlmum 1" to Lr (1:10 metrj.c) scale,lnd lnclude details at a mlnlmum 3" to 1' (1:5 metrlcl scale. Show anchorage, accessory ltems and flnlshes. Provide locatlon template drawlngs for bolt locatlons in supportlng members. t 01 02 03 04 05 06 o7 08 09 1n 11 L2 1i 14 15 15 I7 18 19 20 2I 22 23 24 z5 zo 27 28 z> 2n 31 JZ 34 J5 36 ?,1 38 JY 40 4I 42 43 44 45 45 48 49 50 51 52 54qtr 55 57 58 89-353 10150 - 2 Samples: Submlt three (3) 6x (0.15 m x 0.15 m) samples of each i6@a .flnish and color. Prepare samples on metal of the sanie form, aIloy, temper and hardness as w111 be used 1n the partltlon assemblies. 1.04 : Dellver metal tollet partltlon work cartoned or crated to provlde protectlon during transit and Job storage. Inspect metal tolIet partltlon work upon dellvery for damage. Remove and replace damaged ltems as dlrected. Store netal tollet partltion components at the bulldlng slte under cover. Place the unlts on at least 4" (0.1 m) high wood sl1ls or on the floors ln a manner that w111 prevent rust and damage. Avoid the use of non-vented plasti-c or canvas shelters whlch couLd create a humidity chamber. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 @,: The following manufacturers offer products complying wlth the requlrements of this Sectlon. Manufacturers not listed below must recelve Architect's written approval . Sanymetal Products Company, rnc., Cleveland, Ohio Robart Div., International Fabrj-cators, Inc. The Mills Company, Cleveland, OhioGlobal Steel Products Corp., Deer Park, Long Island, New York 2.02 MATERIAI,S: @: Type:Floor supported , I I I I I I I t T I t I tConstruction: Flush type, of galvanized and bonderlzed steel , minimum .00015' thlck zlnc coating each slde. com- partment partitlons and doors to be lrf thlck, partitlonsof 20 gage and doors of 22 gage minimum'steel sheets. Provlde vertlcal honeycomb type flller core of I/2" maxi- mum cell s1ze. Doors to be relnforced wlth ztnc alloydie-cast integral flttings to receive hlnges. Provldecutouts, anchored for hardware and tollet accessorles specified. Pllasters: Shall be 1 L/4" L}:lck, 18 gage steel sheets, same constructlon as pllasters, except core to be fullsize solid flller board. Include base trim cover of 304alloy stalnless steel .031" thick. ,| I I t I t 01 tli fl; 08 fii lii 1tr li: ril 22 Jzz z5 )iz 29l:l 32 ut li: Jn 42 )il ri,' 49l:l a4 r;l ,\ 50l;l tro I 89-353 10150 - 3 Hardware: Mountlng brackets: Heavy duty extruded alumlnum anodized brlght fintsh stlrrup brackets of types and at locations shown on the DrawJ.ngs Door hlnges: Non-rlslng chrome-plated zlnc alloY lle-cast' zLnc alloy pivot pins and bearlngs. Vandal-proof hidden locking d-evice bottom hlnge mounted wlth Pln in slngle. shear ln bottom corner cutout. Door 1atch,/strlke: Concealed }atch wlth rubber bumper on keeper or sllde latch unlt uslng corroslon reslstant steel or stalnless steel bolts. Door coat hook/bumper: Comblnatlon Coat Hook and Bumper: Hook and pln with rubber bumper one unit requlred on each door.unless otherwise shown or speclfled. Door puII: Manufaclurer's Standard Unit. Anchoraqe'Devlces and Trlm: Provlde manufacturer's standard exposed fasteneis of stalnless steel or brass, wlth finish to malch hardware. Use theft-reslstant (one-way) type heads and nuts for exposed anchorages. For concealed anchors, use hot-dip galvanlzed steel items. 2.o3 $${rs@: Baked Enamel Flnlsh: After fabrication and before gpplying e,namel coating system, clean the galvanized steel surfaces to remove processlng compounds, oils and other contamlnants. Pretreat the metal surfaces with a phosphale coating. Prime the metal wlth a baked-on rust-inhiblting prlmer. Apply two flnlsh coats of thermosettlng acrylic enamel, applled ly- the electrostatlc process and baked 1n accordance with the plint manufacturer's lnstructlon. Apply materlals to provide a mlnimurn total of 1.5 mlIs (0.4 mm) dry film thickness. Color: To be selected. PART 3 - EXEC-TIIIOT{ 3.01 TNSPECTTON: Installer must examlne the areas and condltlons under which toilet partltions and related ltems are to be lnstalled and notify the contractor, 1n wrltlng, of condltlons detrimental to the proper and tlmely completlon of the work. Do -not proceed wlth-the work untll unsatlsfactory condltions have been correc- ted 1n a manner acceptable to the Installer. 01 o2 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 L2 13 1.4 15 I5 't? 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 z5 zo 27 28 29 A11 3I 32 33 34 J5 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 48 49 89-35 3 3.02 I@[: 10160 - 4 I t I lGeneral: hstall partltlons rlgld, stralght, _plumb and level ilftir tne panels lald out as shown. Provlde clearances of.not more than l/2" between pllasters and panels, and not more than 1" between panels and walls. Secure pane'! s to walls wlth not less than two 12) stlrnrp brackets attached near top and bottom of the panel. Locate walL brackets so that holes for wall anchorages occur ln masonry or tlle Joints. secure panels to supporting walls wlth manufacturerrs recom- mended heavy duty anchorj-ng devlces, as shown on flnal Shop Drawlngs or ln manufacturer's lnstructlons. Floor Suoported Partltlons: secure stlrrup to waLls at loca- tfon.s shown on the Drawlngs. Atlach pllasters to the floor wlth expansion bolts and shields as recommended by the manufac-turer. Level , plumb and tighten the installatlon with the Ieveling devlce. AdJust bottoms of doors level with the bottomof'pllasters when doors are ln the closed posltlon. Hardware AdJustments: AdJust and lubrlcate hardware for proper operatlon after installation. Set hlnges on in-swing doors to hold doors open approxi- mately 15 degrees from the closed position when unlalched. 3.03 : Protect unlts so that there will be no lndication of use or damage at the tlme of acceptance. Perform final adjustments topilaster leveling devices, door hardware and other operatingparts of the partitlon assembly just prior to final inspection. Clean exposed surfaces of partitlons, hardware, fittings and accessorles, and touch up mlnor scratches and other flnish imperfections using materials and methods recommended by thepartition manufacturer. Replace damaged unlts which cannot be satlsfactorily field repaired, as dlrected by the lrchltect. END OF SECTION 10160 I t T t l I I I I I I I I I I lo'- iti fl; 08ln 11 tii I5ll; 18 rii )ii 25 Jil, rii tii 35 t:: r;i 42lil ri2 49l:l 52 rii l:: 89-353 10400 - 1 sEqrroN 10400 IDETTTIF:TING DE\TICES PART 1 - GENERAf, 1.00@: Drawings and general provlslons of Contract, lncludlng Generaland Supplementary Conditlons and Dlvj-slon-I Speclflcatlon sectlons, apply to the work of thls Sectlon. 1.OI DESCRIPTIOI| OF WORK: Work Incl-uded: Provlde identifylng devlces where shown on the Drawings, asspecified hereln, and as needed for a complete and Properinstallatlon lncludlng, but not necessarily llmlted to: Door Signs 1.02 OUAI,TTr ASSTTRANCE: Use adequate numbers of skllled workmen who are thoroughlytralned and experienced in the necessary crafts and who are completely famlllar wlth the speclfled requirements and the methods needed for proper performance of .the work of this Sectlon. 1.03 SUBMITTAI,S: Comply with pertlnent provlslons of Section 01300. Product Data: wlthln flfteen ( 15 ) calendar days after the Contractor has received the owner's Notlce to Proceed, submit: Materials list of items proposed to be provided under this Sectlon; Manufacturerrs speclflcatlons and other data needed to prove compliance with the specified requiremenls. Details of installation and anchorage sufficient to enable proper interface of the work of thls Section with the work of other trades. Manufacturerrs recornmended lnstallation procedures which, when approved by the Deslgner, will become the basis for accepting or reJectlng actual installation procedures used on the Work. I UI 02 03 04 05 05 o7 08 09 10 11 L2 13 I4 15 15 L7 r8 19 20 2L 22 23 24 z5 27 28 ZJ 30 31 5Z 35 o 10400 - 289-363 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 @: To match existlng. Provlde the products upon which design ls based, or provide equal products of another manufacttrrer approved ln advance by the architect. 2.02 p9gE-$EgEg: Provide door sign plagues to match exlsting at all new rooms. PART 3 - EXECT'TION 3. 01 STIRFACE C€NDITIONS: Examine the areas and condltions under which work of thls Section will be performed. Correct conditions detrimental to timely and proper completlon of the Work. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory condltions are corrected. 3.02 INSTAI,LATION: Install the work of thls Section in strict accordance with the manufacturers' reconmendations as approved by the Designer,using only the approved mounting ma.terials, and locating all cornponents f1rm1y lnto positlon, level and plumb. END OF SECTION IO4OO I l I I I i I I T I I I I l I I I I I t 0l rl; .05lloe t07-08 rii L2lr; 15 ti,, tii 22 Ji'.. 25 v,, fil 32ll;J5 t:: iii 42 ril Ir: 49l;l 5Z r:l t;: 59t 89-353 10500 - 1 sEerroN 10500 UETAf, IOCKERST PART 1 - GENERAIJ 1.00@: Drawlngs and general provlslons of Contract, lncludlng General and Supplementary Condltlons and Dlvlsion-l Speclficatlon sectlons, apply to the work of thls Section. 1.O1 @: Extent of metal lockers 1s shown on Drawlngs. Types of products in thls sectlon lncludes the followlng: . Box Lockers (four-tier) 1.02 OUAI,ITY ASSTTRANCE Uniformltv: Provlde each type of metal Iocker as produced by a single manufacturer, lncludlng necessary mounting accessorles,fittlngs and fastenings. 1.03 SSEUEEIAE: Product Data: Submit manufacturerrslation lnstructions for metal- locker technical data and instal-units. Samples: Submit color samples on squares of same metal to be used for fabrlcation of lockers. Shop Drawlnqs: Submlt Shop Drawlngs for metal lockers, verlfy- tng dimensions affecting locker lnstallations. Show lockers in detall , method of lnstallat1on, flllers, trim, base and acces- sories. Include locker nurnberlng sequence informatlon. 1.04 i[9g]g9EUEEIoNS,: Do not dellver metal lockers until bul1d1ng is enclosed and ready for locker lnstallatlon. Protect from damage durlng delivery, handling, storage and lnstallatlon. PART 2 - PRODUEIS 2.or@: Manufacturer: Subject to compliance wlth requirements, provide products of one of the following: Box Lockers: Republlc Medart, Lyon or approved equal box lockers (four-tier) standard lockers. n1 o2 03 04 05 05 07 08 09 IO 11 T2 r3 14 I6 t7 l_8 I9 20 2L 22 23 24 z5 25 27 zd 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 40 42 43 44 45 45 48 49 51 az 53 54 50 <e 89-353 10500 - 2 2.02 I.{ATERIALS: Sheet Steel: Mlld cold-rolled and leveled steel' free from ffiie and surface lmperfectlons. I I t I I I I I t t I I I l I I t I I Fasteners: Cadmlum, heads, slotless type;nuts on moving parts. Equlpment: Hooks and hang rods of cadmium-plated steel or cast aluminun. 2.o3 E4E@E!98: General: ' Constructlon: Fabrlcate lockers square,_ rlgid and .wlthoutwarp,- wftE metal faces flat and free of dents or dlstortlon. Make all exposed metal edges safe to touch. Weld frame members together to form rigid, one-piece structure. Weld, bolt or rivet other Jolnts and connectlons as standard with manufac- turer. Grind exposed welds flush. Do not expose bolts or rlvet heads on fronts of locker doors or frames. ,: Fabrtcate of 15 gage channels or L2 gage angles, minl- mum. with continuous stop/strike formed on vertical members. Flnlshinq: Chemlcally pretreat metal wlth degreasing and phos- phatlzing process. Apply baked-on enamel finlsh to al-l sur-faces, exposed and concealed, except plates and non-ferrous metal . Color: Provide locker units in color(s) as shown on Draw- ings, or if not shown, as selected by erchitect from manu- facturer's standards. Unless otherwise indicated, con- cealed parts may be manufacturer's standard neutra] color. 2.04 I,OCKER ACCESSORIES: Number Plates: Manufacturer's standard etched, embossed or stamped, non-ferrous metal number plates wlth numerals not lessthan 3/8" high. Number lockers in sequence as dlrected byArchltect. Attach plates to eaclr locker door, near top, cen- tered, with at least two fasteners of same flnlsh as number plate. !gS,: Provide nominal 6" legs by extendlng vertical frame mem-beri or by attaching grusset type legs made of not less than 16-gage steel sheet, with provisions for fastening to floor. Separators: Provlde horlzontal dlvlders of not less than 15-gug" sheet steel between doors of multiple-tier lockers to ensure rlgidlty. zinc or nickle plated steel; exposed bolt self-locklng nuts or locker washers for I 01 rii 05 ll; 08fii ri; 15 Jli18 lii 22 ln z5til tii 32 l3;35 ti: ?olll 42 ul ril tii 52t I I 89-363 10500 - 3 Trim: Provlde trlm at Jambs and head of recessed lockers' con- ststtng of not less than l8-gage cold-ro116d steel , 2" or 3uwlde as necessary. Factory-flnlsh trlm to match lockers. Secure trtm to lockers wlth concealed fastenlng cIlps. Fl1ler Panels: Provlde filler panels where lndicated, of not fa==--tnan tg-gage steel sheet, factory-fabrlcated and flnlshedto match locker unlts. Sloped Tops: Provlde l6-gage sheet metal sloped tops-. PART 3 - E(ECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION: l'leld Measurements: 'Take fleld *.u"rrr.t"nts prior to prepara- tion of Shop Drawlngs and fabrlcatLon of special components, when posslble, to ensure proper ftttlng of work. However,allow for adJustment and flttlng of trlm and filler panels wherever taklng of fleld measurements before fabrlcatlon might delay work. 3.02 SEEEE&S!Q[: Install metal lockers at locatlons shown ln accordance wlth manufacturerrs lnstructlons for plumb, level , rlgld and flushlnsta1latlon. Space fastenlngs about 48' o.c., unless otherwise recommendedby manufacturer and apply through back-up reinforcing plates' where necessary to avoid metal distortlon; conceal fastenersinsofar as possible. rnstall trim, metal base, sloping top unlts, and metal fil-Ierpanels where indicated, uslng concealed fasteners to provide f1ush, hairline joints agalnst adjacent surfaces. 3.03 ASMSjEII@N: AdJust doors and latches to operate easily wlthout binding.verify that integral locklng devlces are operating properly. Touch-up marred flnishes, but replace unlts whlch cannot be restored to factory-finlshed appearance. Use only materlals and procedures reeconmended or furnished by locker manufac- turer. Et[D OF SEerrON 10500 lo, lli .05 l!: fii lii 15li: rii 22 lz'^ 4Dtil ilii 32 lit fi: 39 lit-42 rit tt'. 49l;l52 l;i ll: 59 l'o 89-353 10520 - r sEcrroN 10520 FrRE Ei!(TrrrclrrsHmq erBrNErs Al{D Am6soRrEs PART 1 - GENERAL r.OO RET,ATED DOCTTUENTS: Drawlngs and general provlslons of Contract, lncludlng Generaland Supplementary Condltlons and Dlvlslon-1 Speclficatlonsectlons, apply to the work of thls Sectlon. 1.Ol@: Definltlon: "Fire extlngiulshers" in thls sectlon refers to units which can be hand-carrled as opposed to those which are equlpped wlth wheels or to flxed flre extlngrulshlng systems, unless otherwlse indlcated. Type of products in this sectlon include: Flre extingulsher cablnets. Mounting brackets. Fixed fj.re protectlon systems are specified in Divlsion 15 sect,lons. 1.02@: Provlde cablnets and accessories by one manufacturer, unl-ess otherwlse acceptable to Archltect. 1.03 E!E!!!!!!IE: @L!.ab: Submit manufacturer's technical data and installation instruc-tions for a1l protable flre extinguishers required. For fireextlnguisher cabinets include roughing-ln dlmensions, anddetalls showlng mountlng methods, relationshlps to surroundlng constructlon, door hardware, cablnet type and materlals, trim style and door constructlon, style and materlals. where color selectlons by erchltect ls reguj-red include color charts show-lng full range of manufacturer's standard colors and designs avaiLable. Samples: Submit samples, s1x (5') lnch square, of each required finish. Prepare samples on metal of same gage as metal to be used 1nthe work. where normal color varlations are to be expected, include two 12) or more unlts in each sample showlng the llmit'sof such varlati.ons. 01 02 03 04 05 05 o7 08 09 1n 1I t2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 I9 20 2t 22 23 24 z5 zo 27 28 29 30 3I 5Z 33 34 35.\A 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 46 A1 48 49 50 3Z 54 s6 57 58 59 60 51 89-35 3 L0520 - 2 SART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 @:(By Owner) 2.02 T'OUNTING BRACKETS: Provlde manufacturerrs standarcl bracket design to prevent accldental dlslodgement of extlngruisher, of proper size for type and capacity of extingulsher lndicated, in manufacturer's standard plated flnlsh. Provide brackets for extingulshers not located in cabl- nets and for those located in cabinets, where indicated or required. 2.03 : General: Provide fire extlngulsher cabinets (FECB) where indi-for houslng flre extlngrulshers of typescated, of sultable slze and capacj-ties indicated. Constructj.on: Manufacturer's standard enameled steel box, withtrlm, frame, door and hardware to suit cabinet type, trimstyle, and door style indicated. weld aII jolnts and grind smooth. Mlter and weld perlmeter door frames. Cablnet Tvpe: Suitable for mounting condltions lndicated, of the followlng types: Seml-Recessed: Cabinet box (tub) partially recessed 1nwalls of shallow depth. Trim Stvle: Fabrlcate trlm j.n one piece with corners mltered, welded and ground smooth. Exposed Trim: One-plece comblnatlon trlm and perlmeterdoor frame overlapping surroundlng wall surface wlth exposed trim face and wall return at outer edge (back- bend). Rolled-Edqe Trlm:as folLows: Depth: 2-\/2" Rounded edges with backbend depth Il t I I I T I t il I I Door Materlal and Constructlon: Manufacturer'sconstruction, of material lndicated, coordinated type and trim styles selected. standard doorwith cabinet t T I I I I I Enameled Steel: Manufacturerrs standard flnish, hollowsteel door construction with tubular stlIes and rails. Door Stvle: Manufacturer's standard design as lndicated below and on drawlng. Break Glass Panel: Float glass, I/8" thlck, wlth lnsldeffi t01 lti 05 |:;08 tii ri; , 15 li: ui 22 Jzz 25 ai tii 32 tl: ti: ^ 39 ftl"42 tit 89-36 3 10520 - 3 cleanlng and pretreat- enamel coatlng. Baked Enamel Finlsh: Immedlately after ment, apply manufacturer's standard baked Provlde colors or color matches as lndlcated ot, if notlndlcated, as selected by Aichltect from manufacturerfs standard colors. PART 3 - E:XECTIIION 3.OI INEiTAI,IATTOIT: * ,*rs lncluded ln this sectlon 1n locatlons and at mountlng heights lndlcated, or lf not lndlcated, at heights to eomply wlth appllcable regulatlons of governlng authorlties. Prepare recesses 1n waIls for flre extinguisher cabj.netsas requlred by type and slze of cablnet and style of trim and to comply wlth manufacturer's lnstructions. Securely fasten mountlng brackets and flre extlngulshercablnets to structure, sqluare and plumb, to comply wlth . manufacturer's lnstructions. Where exact locatlon of surface-mounted cablnets and bracket-mounted flre extingulshers 1n not lndlcated,locatE as dlrected by Archltect. 3.02 IPEEE@U: rdentlfy flre extlnguisher ln cablnet wlth Ietterlng spelling 'FIRE EXTINGUISHER' palnted on door by sllk-screen process. Provlde letterlng on door as lndicated, or lf not indicated, asselected by Rrchltect from manufacturer's standard lettersizes, styles, color and layouts. Identlfy bracket-mounted extingrulshers wlth red letter decalsspelling "8IRE EXTINGUISHER' applled to wall surface. Lettersize, style and locatlon as selected by Archltect. Er{D OF SEqrrOn 10520 t l I I I lo' rli 05 li: tii rii . l_5 ti: rii 22 )zz 25 ril, rii 32 rii t:: 39lll 42 rii -46ll; 49 t;?52 tili 89- 36 3 10800 - 1 sEerroN 10800 $OIf,ET Al{D BATII ACCBSSG.IES PART 1 - GENERAf, t.00@: Drawings and general provlslons of the Contract, lncluding General and Supplementary Condltlons and the Dlvlsion-l Specification sectlons, apply to work of thls Sectlon. r.01 @: The work includes each type of toilet and bath accessory as shown on the Drawlngs and schedules, unless otherwise lndi- cated. Related work Speclfied Elsewhere: Section 05100: Rough Carpentry 1.02@: fnserts and Anchoraoes: Furnlsh lnserts and anchoring devlces whlch must be set in con-crete or bullt lnto masonry for the installatlon of tollet and bath accessorles. Products: Provide products of the same manufacturer for each type of ac- cessory unit and for units exposed in the same areas, unless otherwise acceptable to the Architect. Stamped names or labels on exposed faces of units will not bepermitted, except where otherwise lndicated. Provlde locks where lndicated, wlth the same keying for eachtype of accessory units i-n the proJect wherever possible. Furnish two (2) keys for each lock. 1.03 SE!!IE!AE: Product Data: Submit manufacturer's technlcal data and installatlon lnstruc- tions for each accessory. Provide Settlng Drawings, templates, lnstructions and directions for installation of anchorage de- vlces ln other work. I 0t o2 03 04 05 06 o7 08 09 10 1I 72 t3 14 15 15 I7 18 19 20 2T 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 JZ 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 tr? 54 5f 55 57 89-363 10800 - 2 P}RT 2 . PRODUCTS 2.01 UESEEIaESI: Manufacturer: ilrrnj.sh Bobrl-ck washroom Equlpment, Inc.- ltems wEe manufacturer's numbers are lndlcated or equals by llatrous, Inc. or Charles Parker Co. Include anchorage devlces, trlm and accessorles as required for complete lnstaIlatlon. 2.02 ISSISQEEE: I l I I I I I I I t Surface mounted tollet tlssue dispenser. Paper towel dispenser and waste receptacle. 8-165: Framed mirror 18'r x 24". PART 3 - EXECTTfIOI{ 3.01 ENgEEgg!ry: Installer m-rst examlne the areas and conditlons under which tollet and bath accessories are to be lnstal-led and notify the Contractor, ln writlng, of condltions detrimental to the Properand timely completion of the work. Do not proceed with the Work untll unsatisfactory conditlons have been corrected ln a manner acceptable to the Inst.aller. 3.02 INSTAf,T,ATION: Provlde anchors, bolts and other necessary anchorages and attach accessorles securely to wa1ls and partltions ln loca-tions as shown or directed. Install conceaLed mountlng devices and fasteners fabrlcated of the same materlal as the accessor-les or of galvanized steel as reconmended by manufacturer. Install exposed mountlng devices and fasteners flnlshed to match the accessories. Provide theft-reslstant fasteners forall accessory mountings. Secure accessorles ln accordance with the manufacturer's lnstructlons for each ltem and each type of substrate construction. Unless otherwlse indlcated, allgn unlts wlth fixtures, other el-ements and as directed by the Archltect. Conform to ANSI A117.1 for posltlons and mountlng helghts for access to the handlcapped. All accessorj-es shall be mounted to blocklng or backing for "heavy dutyn, rough use. A1l items not anchored properly to' blocking, etc. shall be removed and blocking added, wall re- finlshed and properly reinstalled at the Contractorrs expense. END OF SECTTOil IOSOO B-585: B-35907: T t t I I I t i t 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 1I T2 13 14 15 l6 L7 r8 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 25 27 28 29 30 ?1 32 33 34 35 35 37 38 39 40 4t 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 s0 51. 52 53 54 55 55 57 58 59 50 89-35 3 12555 - I sEerroil 12555 GI}IIIASIT'H EOIIIPUHTT PART I.- GENERAI. 1.oo@: Drawlngs and general provJ-slons of Contract, lncludlng Generaland Supplementary Condltlons and Dlvislon-r Speclflcatlon sectLons, apply to the work of thls Sectlon. l.o1 W3 work Included: Provlde gymnaslum equlpment where shown on the Drawlngs, as speclfled hereln, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. Includes: Basketball Backstop ScoreboardVolleyball Inserts 1.02 OTIAI,ITY ASSTIRAI{CE: Use adequate numbers of skllled workmen who are thoroughlytrained and experlenced ln the necessary crafts and who are completey famlllar with the specifled requlrements and the methods needed for proper performance of the work of thls Sectlon. 1.03 SIEEEEEIS,: Comply wlth pertlnent provlslons of Sectlon 01300. Product Data: l{1th1n flfteen (15) calendar days after the Contractor has recelved the Ownerrs Notlce to Proceed, submit: Materlals llst of iterns proposed to be provlded under thls Sectlon; Manufacturerrs speclflcations and other data needed to prove compliance wtth the speclfled requirements; Seatlng plan showlng proposed conflguratlon to achieve the speclfied arrangenent; Shop Drawings ln sufficlent detall to show fabrlcatj-on,lnstallation, anchorage. and interface of the work of thls Sectlon with the work of adJacent trades; Manufacturerrs recommended lnstallatJ-on procedures whlch, when approved by the lrchltect, w111 become the basls for acceptlng or rejecting actual installation procedures used on the work. 01 o2 03 04 05 05 o7 08 09 10 I1 L2 13 14 15 I5 l7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 27 z8 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4L 42 43 44 45 45 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 55 57 58 59 89-35 3 L2655 - 2 PART 2 - PRODUETS 2.01 SCOREtsOARD: Manufacturer: Naden Industrles or aPProved equal Model No.: SS-598PEV Eurnlsh and lnstall complete, lncludlng all cable and wlring. 2.02 BASXETBAT,L BACKSSOP: Manufacturer: Porter or approved equal Model No.: Series *900 Center Strut xNon-Foldlngn Furnlsh and lnstalJ- for a complete lnstallation. 2.03 VOLf,ETBAtrf, FT,OOR SI,EE17ES Manufacturer: Porter or apProved equal Model No! 00770-000, 2-3/8' dla. f100r sleeve wlth chrome plated cover plate 2.0,r 9EEWSEAI{I: Provlde other materlals, not speclflcally described but required for a complete and proper lnstallation, as selected by the Contractor subject to the approval of the Architect. PART 3 - EXECTITIOI{ 3.01 @: ExamLne the areas and condltlons under whlch work of thls Sectlon will be performed, correct condltlons detrlmental totlmely and proper completion of the work. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory condltlons are corrected. 3.02 JEEEAEEAEIQE: Coordinate as requlred with other trades to assure proper and adequate provlslon In the work of those trades for lnterfacewlth the work of thls Sectlon. Install the work of thls Sectlon in strlct accordance wlth theorlglnal deslgn, the approved Shop Drawlngs, pertinent requlre- ments of governmental agencies havlng Jurlsdictlon, and the manufacturerrs recornmended lnstallatlon procedures as approved by the erchitect, anchorlng all components flrnly lnto posltionfor long life under hard use. Upon comPletlon of the lnstallatlon, touchup all scratches and abrasions to be conpletely lnvlslble to the unaided eye from a distance of flve feet. EITD OF SEErtOIt L2655 I I I t T I t l .I l I I T I 1 I i I I I 01 02 03 04 05 06 o7 08 09' II L2 13 14 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2T 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 2tr 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 55 57 58 59 89-353 T27T2 - T sEerron L27L2 SNO{ASII'M SEATIITG PART 1 - GENERAtr 1.OO REIATED IXrcUUEIITS Drawings and general provisLons of Contract, lncluding Generaland Supplementary Condltlons and Divlslon-1 Speclficatlonsections, apply to the work of this Sectlon. 1.01 @: Work fncluded: Provide telescopic gymnaslum seatlng where shown on the Draw-ings, as speclfled hereln, and as needed for a complete andproper installatlon. 1.02 OUAr,ITE TSSI RAttCE: Use adequate numbers of sk11led workmen who are thoroughlytralned and experlenced ln the necessary crafts and who arecompletey famillar wlth the specified requlrements and the methods needed for proper performance of the work of thls. Sectlon. 1.03 SIIBMITIAI.S: Comply wlth pertlnent provlslons of Sectlon 01300. Product Data: wlthin flfteen (15) calendar days after the Contractor has received the Owner's Notlce to Proceed, submlt: Materlals list of ltems proposed to be provided under this Section; Manufacturerrs speclflcatlons and other data needed to prove compliance wltb the speclfied regulrements; Seatlng plan showing proposed conflguration to achieve the speclfled arrangement; Shop Drawings in sufficlent detail to show fabrication,installation, anchorage, and interface of the work of this Sectlon with the work of adJacent tradesi Manufacturerrs recorunended installation procedures which, when approved by the Archltect, w1lI become the basLs for accepting or reJectlng actual lnstallation procedures used on the work. I I I I I I I I I I I I o1 o2 03 04 05 05 o7 08 09 r0 'tl L2 13 l4 15 15 L7 I8 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 37 38 39 40 4L 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 52 53 54 55 57 58 s9 60 89- 35 3 Furnlsh accessorles as scheduled below. 2.o2 QEEEIEIIE3 indlcated on Drawlngs and/or as L27LZ - 2 Furnlsh Sym seating as shown on Architectural Plans and as described below: Model: t2000 Seatlng Capacity: 2OOOperatlon: Manual NOTE: mrmber of rows and length shall be as shown on the Drawlngs.Materlal: Wood o I I I I T I I I l I I I t I I I I I I PERT 2 - PRODUETS 2.01 eEE&l&-qgE: Gymnaslum seatlng shown ln arehitectrs plans and speclficatlonswftt be type as manufactured by Hussey seating Co., North Berwick, Malne, or equal as approved by the Archltect. Gymnaslum seatlng will be dellvered, unloaded lnside gyrnnaslun, and completely installed by the manufacturer or hls authorized agent. All rows w111 extend and stack ln a telescopic actlon. Each row w111 lndtvldually and automatlcally lock ln extendedposltlon wlthout the use of floor plates or shoes. Sclssors actlon llnkage between succeeding rows will not be accepted. 2.03 Q$[$[: Telescoplc gymnaslum seatlng w111 be deslgned to support a llve load of 120 pounds per llneal foot on both seat panels and footpanels, and a horizontal ssray force of 24 pounds per llnealfoot. Tubular steel columns will forn all uprlght supports. Tubularsteel columns will be Jolned to the lower sklrt panel wlth angle iron braces to prevent side sway Attached to each rlght and left hand foot panel support will bea high denslty urethane roller to provide an even horizontal row alignment and provide lndlvldual row support ln the stackedposltlon. Each support column wlll rlde on three heavy-duty composltion rubber wheels, 1-118' wlde x 3" dlameter, ground and trued to prevent marrlng of floors. Wheels will have a bushlng for eachrolling actlon. fo, rii 05 le;'08 rii ^L2tl: 15lit-18 rii 22 Jli25til tii 32 l3:35 ti: 39lfi 42 rll ll: 49 Gi t:l .s6 lu' 89-353 Alt unlts mrst have(seml-closed deck) atblocklng vlew of floor The back panels, back(shown ln accessoryfeatures and are to grymnaslum seatlng. 2.04 9EE'rte:EE!4IfI:' both an upper and a lower sklrt panel each ron to provide a vlsual barrier as spectator walks up the unlt. ralls, end ralls, and 'seat level alslesIIst) are extremely lmportant safetybe considered an lntegral part of the wlth the requlre-and the approved t27I2 - 3 Seating sectlons shalL have a mlnlrn:m chair helght of 17 ' from seat to foot panel. The front of the unlt shall be ln vertlcalregistratlon when closed. One Year Guarantee: The entlre lnstallatlon wlll be gruaranteed agalnst faulty materlals, workmanshlp ancl operatlon for a perlod of one year. Safetv: Provlde other naterials, not speclflcalJ-y described butrequlred for a complete and proper lnstallation, as selected bythe Contractor subJect to the approval of the Rrchltect. PART 3 - EXECITTIOIS 3.01 @: Examlne the areas and conditlons under whlch work of thisSectlon w111 be performed. Correct condltlons detrlmental totlmely and proper completlon of the work. Do not proceed untllunsatlsfactory conditlons are corrected. 3.02 EEMEIAEI9E: Coordlnate as requlred wlth other trades to assure proper and adequate provislon ln the work of those trades for lnterfacewith the work of thls Sectlon. hstall the work of thls Sectlon ln st'rlct accordanceorlglnal deslgn, the approved Shop Drawlngs, pertlnent ments of governmental agencles havlng Jurlsdlctlon,manufacturerrs recommended lnstallatlon procedures as by the Rrchitect. upon completlon abrasions to be dlstance of fLve oF sEcrro$ L27L2 of the lnstallatlon, touchup al1 scratches and completely lnvlslble to the unalded eye from a feet. I fo,' lli 05 ll: 0ii L2ll;l5 ri: ]il 22 lzt 25 til, lii 32ril l:: 39 Ir?42rii 46lll 49 r:i t:i 50 l:3 89-353 14212 - t sEcfror L12L2 EtDRAttLIC PASSETTGER EB\tA:$(nS PART 1 - GENERAI, 1.00@: Drawlngs and general provlslons of Contract, lncludlnq _Genera]and Supplenrentary Condltlons and Dlvlslon-I Speclflcatlon sectlons, apply to the work of this Sectlon. 1.01 @: Provide hydraulic passenger elevator system the Drawtngs, as specifled herein, and as needed and proper lnstallatlon. Other preparatory work not lncluded in this Section: Provlding a legal holstway properly framed, enclosed, and guarded. Provldlng a pit of correct depth, waterproofed and drained as requlred. erovldlng properly slzed and prepared machine room for the specifled equlpment. Provldlng holstway structure requlred to wlthstand the forces and loads resultlng from the speclfled equlpment. Grouting as requlred under hoistway entrance s1IIs and between door frames and walls. 1.O2@: E@tcgd:where shown onfor a complete Use adeguate numbers of skIIIed workmen who are thoroughly tralned and experienced ln the necessary crafts and who are completely familtar with the speclfied requirements and the methods needed for proper performance of the work of thls SectLon. use components produced by manufacturers regularly engaged ln the buslness of manufacturlng, 1nstalllng, and servlclng eleva- tors of the type required by thls Sectlon of these Speclflca- tions, and wit[ a history of successful productlon acceptable to the Archltect. Codes and Standards:In additlon to comply with pertlnent @nmental agencies havlng Jurlsdlctlon, com- ply wlth ANSI A17.1, "safety Code for Elevators' Drmbwalters' I Escalators, and Moving Wa1ksr'. 01 02 03 04 05 05 07 08 09 10 11 L2 13 14 15 l5 L7 18 I9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 50 57 58 59 89-36 3 L42L2 - 2 Terms used in thls Sectlon have the meanlng deflned ln the ANSI Code. fn cases where a devlce or part of the equlpment is referred to ln thl-s Sectlon by the slngtular number lsuch as trmoto!"), lt is lntended that such reference applles to as many such devlces as are regulred to complete the tnstallatlon. 1.03 WEEAISI: t I I I I I I I I I l I t T t I t t I Conply Product wlth pertlnent Data: Wlthln provlslons of Sectlon 01300. flfteen (15) calendar days after the Con- the Owner's Notice to Proceed, submLt:tractor has recelved Materlals list of ltems proposed to be provlded under thls Section. Manufacturer's speclflcatlons and other data needed to prove compllance with the specifled requirements. Shop Drawlngs in sufflcient detail to show fabrlcation,lnstallatlon, anchorage, and lnterface of the work of this Sectlon wlth the work of adjacent trades. Samples of proposed finishes of exposed materials. Manufacturer's reconunended installation procedures which, when approved by the erchltect, will become the basls for accepting or reJectlng actual installation procedures used on the work. Upon completlon of this portlon of the Work, and as a conditionof its acceptance, deliver to the Archltect three (3) copies of an operation and malntenance manual complled ln accordance with the provlslons of Sectlon 01730 and these Specificatlons. PART 2 - PROIXICTS 2.01 @84&: Acceptable Manufacturers: DesLgn ls based on use of equlpment rnanufactured and lnstalled by Dover Elevator Systems, rllc., andthe terminology used may lnclude reference to proprlgt9ly P!o-ducts of that company. Consttue such reference as establlshingonly the guallty bf workmanship and materlals to be used underthis Sectlon and not as llmlttng competltlon. Provlde the products upon which design ls based, or provide equal products of: Otis Elevator Company Montgomery Elevator Company Other manufacturer approved ln advance by the Architect. lo' rli 05fl: lii L2fl: 15 ri: I9 Jzl, 22rii tii 29lll 32 ril t1: 39lll'42 ril 46 lle 49 r;i til 56 l;3 59 89-353 L42L2 - 3 Except as otherwlse approved by the Rrchitect, provlde elevator systems havlng the followlng attrlbutes: .udet: orantltv and Tvpe: gs@!s: Speed: E#t: Landlnos: Openlnqs: Platform Size: Car Enclosure: Clmarron, *20-H One (1) passenger elevator 2000 pounds Elevator w1.11 ascend at an approxlmate speed of 125 feet per mlnute and de- scend at an approxlmate speed of 125feet per mlnute. Refer to drawings. Two Two ln llne. Refer to drawlngs. To be selected baked enamel . Hvdraullc Devices: A Hydraullc Power Unlt, especially designed and manufactured for this service, will be furnished. It will be enclosed wlth steel , sound isolating panels and will be mounted on vlbratlon dampeners to isolate the unit from the building structure. A mrffler, designed to reduce pulsation and noise whlch may be present ln the flow of hydraulic oil ,wlll be provided in the o11 llne near the Power Unit. Control valves, lncludlng safety check valve, up directj.on valve wlth high pressure rellef lncludlng up levellng and softstop features, lowering valve lncluding down levellng and manual levellng feature, will be mounted in a compact unlt assembly. A valve, deslgned to shut off the flow of oil be- tween the cyllnder and the Power Unlt, wlll be provided ln the o11 llne ln the machlne room. Automatic two-way levellng will be provlded to automatlcally stop and malntain the car approxi- mately leve1 with the landlng, regardless of change ln load. An up traveling car w111 automatlcally descend to the lower termlhal landlng if the hydraullc system does not have a sufflclent reservoir of oll . Power operated car and holstway doors wlll automatlcally open at the lowest termlnal landlng permlttlng passenger egress. The doors wlll then automatlcally close and all control buttons, excePt the Door open Button in the car operatlon panel . w111 be made lneffectlve. An accrrrately ground and pollshed hydraullc plunger w111 . be provlded. Ctre- bottom w1I-I be fltted wlth a posJ.tlve slgp deslgned to prevent the plunger from leavlng the_cyllnder- The top of the plunger wlIl be fastened to the car platen pIate. I 01 o2 03 04 0s 06 o7 08- 09 L0 11 t2 13 I4 15 15 I7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 37 38 39 40 4L 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 52 tr? 54 56 57 58 59 89-35 3 t42L2 - 4 I I I I I lhe hydraullc cyllnder w111 be machined from steel pfp: lltt-t ?machlied.steel flange at the upper end and a heavy steel dlshed bulkhead welded at the lower end. The cylinder wlII be connec- ted to the o11 llne. A safety butkhead ls provlded ln the cyltnder, designed to safely lower the car in the event of fitlure of the Uottom cyllnder head. A packlng gland -wlthgrulde bearing, wlper rlng and packing especlally de.slgnel fgtf,ydraullc eLEvatoi servlCe w1]1- be mounted at the top- of the clllnder along wlth an o11 collector rlng and draln hole. The cyltnder wLlf be protected wlth a corrosion reslstant outer coatlng especlally deslgned for thls use. Evdraullc Mechanlcal Equlpment: Elevator car Gulde Ra1ls will Flumb and securelY fastened to the holstway franlng. Deslgn and provlslon of holstway framlng w111 be-the ceneral Contractorts responsibillty and wlll be of adeguate strength and properly positioned to wlthstand loads appt-ted 1n conJunctlon wlth data provided by the Elevator Contractor. Roller Guides will be provlded for the car and w111 be mounted at the top and the bottom of the car frame. Each roIler guide assembly wlll conslst of wheels arranged to malntaln constant contact on dry, non-lubrlcated ra1l surfaces. The platen plate will be mounted on sultable sound dampeners deslgned to isolate the platen plate from the car frame I Spring buffers will be provlded in the elevator pit. The frame, which supports the elevator platform and car enclo- sure, w111 be designed and provided ln accordance wlth the duty proposed. A light wlth guard and swltch and a duplex, 120 vAC outlet w111 be provided under the car. An Inspectorrs Operating Statlon will be provided on top of the elevator car consisting of Up and Down constant pressure buttons and an emergency stop swltch. This devlce wlll also contaln a l1ght wlth gruard and switch and a duplex, L2O VAcoutlet. An emergency stop swltch wilJ- be provlded ln the e1e- vator plt, designed to cut-off current supply to motor and downdirectlon valves and bring the car to rest lndependent of the regular operatj-ng devlces. An electrlc slgnal beIl wlII be provlded ln or adjacent to the elevator holstway. lhis beII w111 be connected to the alarm button 1n the car operating panel . Passenoer Car Enclosure: The Elevator Car conflgrratlon wilt meet the requirements of the ASME/ANSr A17.1 Elevator Code,lncludlng all Supplements lssued to date, lncludlng Coderestrlctlons pertaining to flame spread and smoke generatlon. Passenger Type Holstwav Entrances (U.L. "8" Labeled): Hollow twaY entrances wlll be Provlded. I I I I t I I I t I I and 1n 01 02 03 04 05 05 07 08 09 10 11 L2 13 14 15 16 T7 L8 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 c1 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 6r. I I I J I I t I I I I t 89-353 L42L2 - 5 E:ntrance type and clear openlng entrance slze wLll be in accor- dance wlth--data. Sl-lls, struts, headers, hanger covers, and unlt frames wlll be erected by oover and set in proper relatlon to the car guide ralls. Such erection l-s to be accomplishedprlor to constnrctlon of rough walls. Door panels w111 be installed after the wall erection ls completed. Entrances wlll lnclude unit franes, flush deslgn door panels, sign guards, sllls, strut angles, headers, hange-r covers' fascla-ptates, toe guards, dust covers and necessary hardware. Materlal/Fln1sh w111 be as follows: Fascla, hanger covers, toe giuards, dust covers tura.L members w111 be fabrlcated and finlshed dance wlth Elevator Manufacturer's standards. Entrance Frames: Baked Enamel . Door Panels and Sight Guards: Baked Enamel . Entrance S111s: Extruded aluminum. well for Cvllnder: (OPF-SP-?A) The Elevator contractor shal1provide the hole for the cyllnder on the basis of normal earth dlgglng condltlons. For the basis of lnterpretatlon, normal digging means uslng normaL bucket type drl1l1ng equlpment insoll whlch wlI]. not cave in and without the need for an outsidewell casing. Should the elevator contractor experlence rock, sand, water, or other unusual condltlons, he shall be relm- bursed at his normal bllling rate. Payments made hereln will be over and above h1s contract prlce. The elevator contractor shal-I have access to hls work area uslng standard dr1lling equlpment. Plunqer and Cvlinder: The plunger and cylinder shall be mount- ad undEf the center of the car platform. The length of the plunger shall be sufflclent to 11ft the car the requlred amount of fj-oor travel plus normal overtravel . The deslgn character- istlcs shall be such to wlthstand a ivorklng test pressure of 4OO PSI and the structural strength shall be sufflclent to lift the weight of the elevator as well as the elevator load with lega1 margln of safety as determlned by appllcable elevator codes. The assembly shall be lnstalled true and plumb. The hydraullc cyllnder shall be provided wlth a protective coating to gruard the buried cyllnder agalnst corrosion. This coating shall conslst of a heavy appllcatlon of bitunastic coal , tar, epoxy, or alternate applicatlons of polyester resln and heavy ftbeiglass. The elevator contractor will provlde corrugated caslng for cylinder well and PVC caslng for J""!cyllnder. FlJ.L space between PVC and cyllnder with Union Gard 150 per manufacturers recornmendatlons. Provlde adequate corroslon protection for cyllnder well and caslng for the cyllnder. struc- accor- o I l I I I I I I I t t I t I I I I I I 01 o2 03 o4 05 06 07 08 09 10rl L2 1? 14 I5 16 L7 18 19 20 2I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ?? 34 35 35 37 38 39 40 4I 42 43 44 45 46 48 49 50 51 52 54 55 56 57 58 s9 89-363 L42L2 - 6 2.o2 QIER MATE$IAIS,: Provide other materials, not speclflcally descrlbed but requlr- ed for a complete and proper installation, as selected by the Contractor subject to the approval of the ArchLtect. PART 3 - EXECT}TIOIr 3.01 @: Examlne the areas and condltlons under which work of thls SectLon will be performed. Correct condltlons detrlmental to ttrnely and proper cornpletlon of the work. Do not proceed until unsatlsfactory condltlons are corrected. 3.02 @ORDIITATION: Coordinate as required with other trades to assure proper and adequate provlslon in the work of those trades for lnterfacewith the work of thls Sectlon. 3.03 ISIIAEEaETE: Install the work of thls Sectlon in strict accordance wlth theoriginal design, the approved Shop Drawlngs, pertlnent requlre- ments of governmental agencies havlng Jurisdlction, and the manufacturer's reconunended lnstallatlon procedures as approved by the Archltect, anchorlng all components flrmly into posltlon for long life under hard use. Upon completion of the lnstallation, make arrangements for and secure required lnspections, tests, and approvals of the com-pleted elevator systems. Make all changes and adJustments required at no addltlonal cost to the owner. 3.04 r.tAnfTEt{AI{CE: rn addltlon to requlred malntenance and protectlon during con-structlon, provlde malntenance on the entire work of this Section for a perlod of one (I) year cornrnenclng on the Date of Substantlal Completion of the work as that Date 1s established by the Architect, J-ncluding but not necessarily llmited to: Systematic examlnation, adJustment, and lubrlcation. Repalr or replacement of parts as requlred, using o!}y genuine standard parts approved for the orlglnal installa- t1on. Malntenance work as requlred during regular working hours and regular worklng days, but wlth emergency call-backservlce available at all tlmes durlng this malntenance perlod. EITD OF SESTIOIT L12L2 I I I I DrvrsroN 15 - wrroN 15050 BASIC !,IDSRIAIS AIIID I'lEtrruS PART I - GENEFJIL 1.01 REIA@ ffiUr{EblIS: ttre general prorrisions of the OontractT inclding General afll SmlgttsrrtarT Conditions and @neral nequirstEnts, alply to ttte wonk ctr a]l sestions of ttris Division. 1.02 PERtrfIlE, FEES, AtD Inil{ES shall be inclded in t}is rcrk witb oertificates of final a€eptance bJrned over to the Owner at cc4letion. TaIr, nain e*tensions' ard all fees shall be inclucted in bitl. L.03 CRDIMIG! AIiD ODE go\terning vrqk stnll be fol-lq,sed as minfututt requirqrEnts. Etollcn pJans arut qecifications if higher quality is intticatecl. AII recqnrerdations d ASHRAE, $&Clia, NFPA' and gorerning codes with annenftentE sball be follorecl. 1.04 ENERGY @DE: A11 qlriF€nt, controls, insr,rlation' etcr shall ccnply witlt the Ado$ea Erergy Oode. 1.05 PdER mcmR of equignent orer I.0 (W shall be over 85t, or changeil to 90t. I.05 VISII SIIE to €uicertain e*isting conditions. 1.07 OPERNIIIG IIiEIIRIETICIE| shall be typerritten for each systern giving tJe sasonal start-rp arrl shrt-'ilown proaedures. Itenrize each piece of quigrent ard list lrbricatlon type aruf intertral as vell as filter repJacunant sizes ard types. Give tilane, Address, and Telephone nrrnber of eacfl Contractor to c€ntast for the yrearts guarante. Revis ttre Bno,per cperation witi tte Ormerr s representative. 1.08 $lBSfflItTIOI\F will be handfed as "Charge Orders' after biclling to permit ernLuation. All electrical ancl brilcling alterations to facilitate substitute eguipsrt stnll be included. Bids shall be baEecl on equignent nentioned on plans c if noe, the first rnned in specifications. Srrbstitrrtions shall be quo'ted to Contractor prior to bicHing to azoid "Bid Pe&lling". 1.09 MffinNICAL DRAI{IIGS are diagrarmatic and are noC to be scaleil for dfurensions. Itefer to Architecb:ral drawings, stnrobrral draringsr c€rtifieil equig{Ent clranirgsT and cqrfirm by fietd lrEasuretrpnts trrior to fabricaLing any rrork. Verify rcuting wittr cttrer trades arrt pn:ovide offsets as required as no etrtraswill be allqved for correcting. 1.10 AS-E ILT DRIWIIiGSI shall be providecl to &gineer recording aIL changes frcrn Oontract Plans. If a recharketl draring canno't, adequaEfy cuver ttte charrgesr the oontractor shall prepa.re scale drarings. I.11 srcP DRAslIIiK! shall- be sulcnittect on all valvesr fixhrres, inzul-ation, anil equigrEnt to Engineer for written aproval-prior to ordering. Farr (4) cqies of each in qre sutrnittal within 20 days of signing contracl. 1.12 lip EKBA GIti, DE[..gg[OqSr 0R CHAIGEII will be allflecl unless (bltar arnrnt ard description d wk is aprorrecl in writing try Bqineer prior to rcrk beirg done. t t I I l t I T I t 1,.,15050 - 1 o I 1.13 qnRA$EE all wk for me year frcm date of aaceptance ty Orner. Any equitrrrent not cperating prqerly at final aacep'tance d buildirq sfnft have itrs aee4tance date c.cnrerce after it has been poren to o1Erate prqerely. 1.14 IRE-CoL€IRUCrION CGiIEEREtiffis lfittrin 7 itaye after l.lorticre to ProceedT alL lbchanical (Division 15) s$r€ontractors strall cqttact the tbchanical @ineer fc a reetirg to tliscrrss job g,oqress arrt to sqrer arllt questions as to dlesign intent gior to cunrencing any vork. 1.15 I.ffi-UP CIAIISE: Prion to proc€ealirEr, a protot$p of each apartrent type shall be oonstnrctect arrl approved try the BriLclirq Oepartrcnt anl the Architect.. A11 eqrrignantr piping, &.rstrorkr and furrirq shalt be installed in sufficient oorpletenes for I00$ aproval. PART 2 - PRODUqfti 2.01 4UrHrtBtT AllD IIHIERIAL shall be nen and of highest grade of brarxt specified' with all- accessories recannerded try the manufacturer for the agplication for a ccnptete ard functioning installation. Itollov nnnufacbrer's Elrinteil reccmnenlations. lhnufacb:rerrs representalive shall ascertain start+tp and inst:.tlation pnoceeihrres are 6nrfornredl in acudanc-e witt reepective installation nnnual. 2.02 BAS|ES, S{JPPCRIE, qJRBS, A[UtmS, CTITIIIiG AND PetreHIIG shal]. be irrcluilecl in ttris division rmless qecifically stpron in oEtrer clivisions of vork. suqports' shall be rigict arrt braced to prevent ssrcry or vibration. Provide steel angles, threadecl rcds q "Ilnistnrtn systsr as applicable. No ctrainr tnF€r or wires allcrecl. Arrchors ard inserts shall develop full bolt strength. Inserts shall be Phillips or lGiljit. Ctrbs ancl pads shall be 12" ninimm above rmfs and prcperly covered., qq:nterflashedt anCl flashed. Otting ard patching nay be done orly 'rittr the Ergineerrs aSproval ancl no struc,lalral Erber may be ant unless reinforced as directed by &rgineer. Use coper clrye on owperpipirS. Provide pipe offsets and anchors to cantrol pipe elqnnsion and sannd transdsEion. Crt ard patch to matdr adjacent are€ur. 2.03 \ALVES At{D FITTIIGSi shall be full line size 125 PSIG minimm 9{P of Crane' Jenkins, I{bfucorth, or Stockharn, wittr reducers for changes in size. tib hrshings pernitteal. Gas valves to be tilcrclstrunr lrbricated taperea ilug. lbter valves to be Apollo or Gane ball rralves 2'r and snallen. Valves over 2" shall be Keystone rmfer or lug hrtterfly valves. Globe valrres to be Gane 14 VzP. 2.04 @i{ROL AlD INIERICK WIRI}G shall be 24 volt nrn in oriluit and inc}:declin this section d vrsk. Provide nagnetic starters fqs r'l'l rrctors under lbchanicrl Divisim d vbrk with protecEion qr aIL 3 leads. Provide all cdltrol arrl interlock wiring per nanr:factr:rerts recrendations. A11 equigent shall restart after poller cuttage. I'IOIE: See electrical plans arrl specifications for voltage and phaee of P0[9ER WIRIIIG prorideil. Confim wittt Electrica'l Contractor prior to ordering. 2.05 SLEEVE| shall be provided for all pipins ancl dhrcbrsk thrangh flors, rvalls' anil rcofs. Sleeves shall be stanilarrcl reight steel pipe artl e*tend 1.25" abotreflors in unfiniEhecl €rr€Elsr, ard, V2" in areas wtrere esctrtcfieqrs are Srovided. FLL L/2" titick FR Arnaflex arourd pipes to avoitt nrtbir\l v€ar ard scund transnisson. Prorride collars for ducts for neat appe.rrance. Pack mineral rm1 t I t I I I I I I I T I t t I I I8962rs050 - 2 o I I l tightly between pipe ard slewe wtpre passing throrgtl a requireal fire ratdl assemfy. 2.06 EfXtrcHmEi shall be Broritletl for all pipes tnrorgh mllsr flors ard ceilirqs in ftntsheat areas. BeC chrure plateil. Use black ooqmition ct carpeted flors. 2.07 II|SITIAIIIG qtPLIIiEi shall- be proritlecl vrtrere disginilar ntetals are cqurectercl. Patrol Oo. or quaf by $lco. 2.0g SCI,]E ISOIALIION shall be pa:wided for aIL fans arrt aorrlensing units per rnnufacturerr Korfund c Vibration lhrntlngs Inc r,ecquendatio'ns. Prorride sBring srmonts on rubberin strear with inertia bases as ASHRAE recrerds for ryecific aEFlication. 2.09 ACHTS PAIIEI{! shall be pnwiclecl wittr tringes of a size to qprate' naintain, arril srure any quiWrtl valves, darpersr etc. Milcore c equal of tltpe to suit cqtstnrtion. 2.10 EfERIrlCtr{EIERfi AtlD GAtffii: shall be prwided for inlets and cutlets of alL heat transfer devic€s; Taylorr serice, or lfbiss' irxtuEtrial t]lge lt accuracy 9" red r.eadirq rerslrrf tfienruneterst 4 L/2n bronze Bqrrdon urbe, h:sheil rehanign gages with L/4" ball rlallres. Provide }F45PT 1,/2" Unirrersal Nordell preasure-tetqnrabrre taps m inlet, ard qrtlet qf a]l [rlmpgr coling coilsr osvertersr ancl other tpat transfer tlevices. PARtr 3. EI(ETIOI{ 3.01 @RDMIEE !GK: Ocsrunicate wittt cther trades to.a\toid cpnflicts. Oonceal piptng arrl &rctrrwk in fi:rrecl spac€s or drases prorided r:rder the General Division of !{crk. Closely sbrdy architechrral' electrical' and structural plans for crcrdination gior to ccmnencing work. Follqw rmnufacbrrer I s printed reccnrrendationE. 3.02 CAUL,K arqld all qenings with approrred catlkirq qpouna. thiokol or equal for mtertight ard airtigtrt insta[ation 3.03 @bmAL a]l rsk in finislpd arerur. 3.04 E|CA\/AE N{D BACKEI],L for dl nechanical ruck. Use ccrpacted sand for o\rer excavation. Do not use cinle,rs s ccrosive soil for bacldill. Ccrpactin 6n nanimm layers to 95t AASID ffi Procter density and revprk if any settlelI|slrt o€urs. 3.05 RE!,ot/E '.IRASH frcrn site ilaily. Rmrrc any rrrusecl or abandoneil piping' eqrrigrentl etc. as directecl by &gineer. Sahraqeable itm stored as directsd by Orner. 3.06 DETGEERIIG sha[ be Broviclect to keep the project free of all later ard pipecl to a safe letion. 3.07 RfiEFIN NID EIIiAt @NNEI all kitchen qrrigrent pen Kitchen Contrastorrs approved sfpp &arrings arxl certifiect quigrent gints. Prwide valves for al'l pipinS nrgtrins €lic€pt, lnste arrd rrent. Prorride aU pipinq ard specialities requireil for a coqflete installation. Reeiver urrtate, assernbler installt anl insure all qrrigrt. Provide "ULr approraed rwImlly clo€ett line size gas I I I I I I I [",15050 - 3 qalre in smly to qldpent uder }g|. Seee valtt€B clee rtpn tr.to1l sttterir4t rysten is actttratert. . Er$ ffi stEIroDI 15050 ut050 - 4896?' I t I I t I t I t I I t I I I l I It DMSToN 15 - SECTToN 15300 FIRE PROTECTION PART 1 - GENERAL Al1 work under this section shall be subject to Section 15050 and the Contractoris referred thereto. Refer to Contract Plans for general arrangement and detai'l s. 1.01 SC0PE: Prov'ide all labor and materials incidental to furnishing and installing the complete Fire Sprinkler system for the remodelled portion of the Building as shown on plans and specified hereln. It is requ'ired that the Contractor performing this work be familiar with detailed requirements of the Fire Department and Building Department. The entire installation shal 1 complyuith NFPA reconrnendations, Denver F'i re 0epartment, Building Department, and 0wner's i nsuri ng agency (F actory Mutual ) . . PARTS 2 & 3 - PRODUCTS AND EXECUTION 3.01 SH0P DRAI{INGS: Prior to commencing work, shop drawings drawn to scale as required by agencies having jurisdiction shall be prepared by the Contractor and submitted to the Fire Department, Build'i ng Department,0wner's Insuring Agency, and other agencies having jurisdiction for approval . After alI corrections are made and the drawings signed 'APPR0VED" by al 1 the above, submit a set to Engineer for acknowledEnent prior to installation. Any changes made during construction shal 1 be neatly recorded and turned over to the Engineer for "As-Built" condition of the syst.em. Equipment to be Grinnell, Allenco, Standard, Potter Roemer, or Elkhart. 3.02 INSTALLATI0N: It'is expected that this section of work will be coordjnated with the other sections of work. If prefabrication is des'ired on this work,prior approval must be obtained from all other trades involved'i n the specific installation area on the job. No extras will be allowed for relocation of piping, heads, or equipment to avoid conflicts or attajn a neat and workmanlike arrangement. Conmunication with all other trades is necessaryto schedule work and keep pace with construction. AII work shall run concealed in finished areas. Run piping clearance in areas without cei1ings to Slope piping to drain per Codes. as high as possible for maximum clear ductwork, lights, and equipment. 3.03 PIPII{G shall be standard we'ight black steel above ground with 175 PSIG tl.P. fittings. 3.04 HAI{GERS ANO SUPP0RTS shall be per NFPA Pamphlet 13 and 14. Mains and branches shall be supported from adequate structural members. 3.05 SPRINKLER HEADS shall be Grinnel chrome plated flush (7/8x maximum protrusion) type 12" clear of grid or edge of lighting fixtures for a neat and uniform pattern in finjshed office areas. 3.06 EXTRA HEAOS, head wrench, and steel box with hinged cover for storing ENI) OF SECTION 15300 15300 - 1 I I o I DIVTSToN 15 - SETroN 15400 r Pu!{BnG . PARXI-@IERAIJ t ALl wk r:pder this section strall be subject to Section 15050 anal the Oontractor is !€ferreal tttereto. I I.01 S@FE: Provide arl labor arxt naterials irrcidental to furnishing arxl instatling ttre ocnplete pfunlcing system as shown cr plans and specifieil hereinr inclucling all f6ss. PARTE 2 E 3 - PROTTtrTS AND E(EIIIISI | 3.01 sou., voSIE shall be cast iron with lead and oakun,I approrred ltbFfrrb, neoprene lYseaL or equal. IEste piping five (5) feel or farthen fron briding may be V€P with gfer neoprene Fennadoint joinLs or t Code aprwed olasLic P\rc. Use cast iron (C.I.) urder drivamys, road,s, or I hrildings. xHt/ ccpper may be usecl in tight areas abore grde mly with figineer's rdritten lnrmission. t{o ccper may be used on water closet or .a rlrinal mstes. Pipe n]r e\rap pan drains with 4" deep P-trap 1" to tmste. I Stonn drain pipins nay be sarE or schedule 40 gahmnized steel above grade. f 3.02 CI.EANCTTS stnll be provided at tJre base of al I staclcsr just prior to leaving f brilding arxl 50f-0" naxinm o.c. for lprizontal lines in hrikling. SrterNt I cleanqrts in eilirg plenrn up to flor abo\re ancl proride floor cleancut (no cleanqrts in eilirg plenrns). Josam 58010 in corrcrete florsr Josan 58450 in - wmcl florsr arrcl Josan 58710 in rmlls. Ortside cleanqrts shall be 100r-0" I o.c. and shall be Josan 58090, set, iJl a 24"x24rx12" ttliclc ooncrete @ ltit|tt top flush wittr finished lFade, c"onnected to 'Y' in seroer rnain. Elnbecl "Y' into an 18":c18'x12" tiick qqtcrete archor bloclc.II(I 3.03 VEIU PIPIIG shall be cast iron, galvanized steel, DliM c€[per' all per Oode and shaLl be qathereal together to penetrate roof. Ttte area of tfe terminal ? vents shall be equal to building vraste pipe area, r{ith 4 pounal lead flashing t turned dcnvn into tenninat above ruf . - 3.04 DCII{ESITC 9BTER PIPIIG shall be trKi cc44ler soft tenper with 15t minfum I Eilver cqttent sihrer solder joints vrtrere brried a$a[ 'l,ln c€pper wittt 95-5 = hard solder abor/e ga:de. Conneet to nain as slplrn. Prorride neterr rralrre pit, anl svice per loca1 ortlinance. I 3.05 e'AS PIPIIG shall be starrdard r,right black steel with mlleable screwedlfittirgs wbere not hrrieal. Btried pipirq c piping cocealeil in hrilding I shall have brttrrelded forgeit steel fittings. uilt lrrap a] 1 brrieal piping I vrittr unlrroken layer of cpal tar Kraft ketecEo ltrap including fittings. Costs'- irnrolveit in gas senrioe shall be inclualeal in bid. Provide line size rralve Just gior to ent€ring the hriJdirg. Provide equiFent regulators to suit I pressnrre srplieil. Gas piping on roof shall nrn m 12n high pitch podrctI sutltrloft,s per Oode secr:rley anchored to roof . 3.06 PIEts IlGiUIAftOit: Insulate dtcnestic hort later ard hot mter circrrlating pipirq irrclr:ding valves arrl fittings with l" high ilensity prefonneil Fiberglas preforned pipe insul-ation wlth FR^I fire retartlant jacket. 1,,,15400 - 1 o I I I I l ) T l I I t I I I I I I t 3.07 INSUIAEIIG qrPLM shall be provitleat wtrere dissirnilar retals qnect. Patrol Co. q qnal by &so. 3.08 AIR CmMmRS shall be poviclect at each onnection to pre\rent rnter hmrcr. Chders shall be nhimm 24n high. Josan 1485 shoc:l< absorbers shall be proridletl [Er rIDIr recrrnprdations on the ends d ech branch EI{ and O{ min serving clotbes vrastrers, flush valvesr nrinalsl solenoid, rptorizeclr or guidc-closirg valves. 3,09 EDCNRts @NlEtrTtCISt shall be drrcrre platecl ard neatly arangecl for a rninimnt of oqnsure. Provide valves sr each fi:<lure to permit, replacing washers or valve seats on €ury fixture \rittlout affecting other fintures. Locate valves adjasent to arcess pnels. 3.10 EDfiJRES: Prorrider rougtrinr uncr€lter installr antt final connect all finturee in accordance wittr nranufacturerrs recqnrerdations with fi:<trrres securely anchored to stnrcture bry netal $44lorts - no vrod al1oued. Prorride necessary blodcirg and anchors. All rctal trin ancl ereosea piping to be heavily chrcne platecl. Prorride china caps for vater closets. Fi:rtures shall be as stpwrr an plans. Kohlerr Craner or luerican Standard. lhis qrtractor to insure fixeures. 3.IL FI0R DRAIIS|: Josan 30000-55 sq:are top chrorc plateil in finished areas and Josan 35000 &rctile iron top in quigrent r€rEt. See plans for special drains. Provide 4" deep traps for all drains. Provide flashing claping device with flashing for all drains not slabrcrgrade. Provide dcrrcs for drains in bdtcm of sqnps. 3.12 llAsg all flor drains ard roof clrains noE slab on grade with 4 pqrd leed flashirg a<terding 8" radially ortlaril frqn cuter eclqe of drain. Clanp into drain flashing clanp. 3.13 SILL CffKS: filcoatforcl freezeproof wittr vacrnun breaken style called cut on plans (*865 wittr lose key stop if nct stnln) for mll thicknees strcmn on architechrral plans. Install concealed in an interior partition. 3.14 DCMESTIC finffi. IIEFIIR: Provide an insu]ated rretal jacleteal dcnestic mter teater with aLl antcmtic cperating arul safety cqrtrols of sizel t1pe7 and capacity noted on pfans. IGA and tiFF atpro\red, vent thnr roof, AS,!E le\rer Qpe Watts P-{I reli€f valve pipecl to mster arxl drain vakre oplete. Insulation shall ecq[y wittr ASHRAE 90-75 Erergy Ooile. 3.15 'rEsmIiG shall be &ne 1er Cocle and shall at least include the folloring: a) Flll all stacks to try and leave 24 horrs withort Lo6s of rater in the entire vent ard waste system. Fi:rh:res to be fitleal to flooding level fox 24 bqrrs. b) Subject entire sl,st€to to 150 psig trydroststic test for 8 hours witlrcut leaks. c) Gas pipirq shal-L be tested witlr ccn4ressed air per Code with all joints soap tested for leaks. it) EErigent not able to withstand the abore shatl be testeal seperatlyat design pressure. 8952 15400 - 2 I I I e) L€akE EtraIL be ffilecteil by disantling arrt ocrpletely r€naking jotnts. f) sests shall be repeatedl until 100t leakproof. I 3.16 cHI{RnnE all fl61p6tic water pipurg and water side of all quigent byf ttrororghly fh:shing, filting vittr 50 gm 'free' chlorine anrl let set for six (5) tpurs' then thoranghly flush again. I E!{D @ ffi",oN rs4oo I I I I I I t I I I I I t 1,.,15400 - 3 I t I I t t I I t I I T I l I l t t I DnIISro{15-wfroN15800 AIR DISf,RIHIIION PAES 1 - @IERAL AII vprk urrler this specification shall be subject to Section 15050 and this Contractor is referred ttereto. 1.01 SC13PE: The sprk under this section includes a'll laborr rmterialsr feesr [prnitsr equi6nrent' and senrices for arul prWerly incidental to the installation of the trcatirq and air curditioning $/ste[n as slpnn qr ttre rtrawingrs and herein specifiecl. 1.02 DESCRIPTION CE SY]9[EM: lt'he wstsn is ccrprised of ventilation / heating rcof top unit, ductlrcrk, ec(haustr hot*ter gas boiler, fintuber crntrolsr and niscellaneous eEripent. I.O3 ENERGY COI{SERVNTTON @MPLIAII@: ASHRAE Starriard 90-75 sttall be rnet for equirment C.O.P., E.E.R. r poeer factor(0.85 or higher), bal-ancing clerricesr and insutation. 2 - PRoDrgS 2.01 PACKAGED SII.ER,: Peer1ess, Riter or Aja:< of Btq/fr sea level inprrt stnn ot1 plans, nahrral gas firedr 30 PSIG workin-g pres$Ee. Ccnplete package unit wittt boiler burner, firebo:r, errtra cafety gas crfoff rralve' lt&Milfan *63 low vater cutoff , thenncneter, pressure 9a9er insulationr jackgt trimr arrl controls factory wired and assernlcled wittr ASII{E starpr ACA ratedT atnospheric clraft iliverter, ASII{E rated 30 PSIG set, relief \ralves witll test lever arul discharge piped toflor drain. Gae fired hrrner shall be alrpsphericr clrilledl port witi ges shrtoff cock, gas Eressure regulator, arrl nrain gas rralrre esrripped for firingat 5000 feet. elevation. Oontrol circuit shall be LL0/60/L, wittr rriring color codeat. Brrner oortrols shall consist of ttre follorirq: Low vnter cut-off , series wired thnr high limit to internrprt f:he poren to Ute fueL supply closing the cperating gas valve anil an nDDITIoBArJ autcrnatic reset quiclc closing Genenal Oo,ntrols tryalrarntor c FireEle 81IA gas safety cutoff valve nnurted lpetrearn of the cperating rralve qr rnain firel supplyline. Qnrating control aquastat to Aerate a rmin gas diap*rrilr gas valve' w'ittr Ims-qrtdor thenpEtat, aruil a O.A. stat to stnrt boiler ard heating plps off abo\re 55 F. Dbnual stnrt-off aod< and gas presrsure reqrilator shall be providecl. Atrto qgark igniteal pilot with thernncorple anct pilot spitch bo<, wittr shut-doiln of the nain gas rralve in ttre errent of a pilot faiLure shall be prozided. All cqrtrol wiring to be high terperature apliancre wire, heat anl npisb.rre ls800/1 resistant' good for 125 c (195 F). AIt elecErical winrg fon boiler csrtrols shall be firrnisheil arul insta-llect by trhcbanical Corffactor. 2.02 FITER ITfIKE-I]P shall be try a glyco/vater tanlc (as ilescribed herein after). 2.03 Er{PAr.lSrON stNK shall be .llttrol wittt t2 PSIG ait charge d size, t1pe, and capacity as sttoldn on plans. 2.04 PtlMPS shall be Belt & Gosset,, singLe stage, single suction, entrifugal unitsr witjt rptor on cqupn shaftr tlesigned for Eurping tro't^ Idaterr cast iron casingr bronze fitted, witfi steel shaft and nechanical seaf d size shcnn on pJ"ans. 2.05 EINIUBE RADIATTO.I: ArEor Sterling, or {urrt of capacity stnvJn on plans. Etclosures shall- exterd vaalL-to<sall, r:nless stpwn ottrerwise. Delpers shall be ctntinuo.rsr but not lorger ttnn 4 feet per secLion. Provide all acceesories including srryport brackets' joinirg pieces, and end enclosures. Finbrbe qcver shall be furnished in ove'r heights asr sfn$nr, arourd colrnurs ancl vrall offsets for a neat arr:l finished appearanc€. liUlE: Fql rivit c fLush scran strips a$t enal caps sectrrely in place. 2.05 EXPAI.ISION JOINIE, AIiEICRS, AND GIIDES shall be as rnanufactured Qr l(eefle*r lrttrolr Elo<onics tdel IIr or lhermo4ecfr. Provide expansion joints wtrere shonn or dravdngsrin center of all nrns oser 40 feertr proEprely anctrored and Edcleil. Stainless sfel bellols sharl be ratedl at L L/2't rninintm ccnqrression arril 1,/4n lninfunrn eortension' Pipe anctors sball be installed at the closest feasible point to all- changes in pipe clireetion ard e.levation arrl at main branch takeoffsr excep't near elqansion lops. ell piping shalt be supqnrteil, anchoredr bracecl' anil guitleil to oontrol e$pansiorr-cqttraction ancl pipe rrcrrsent itre to Fessure frcrn shock. 2.06 HEHII}C PIPIIG shall be schedule 40 steel pipe vrith serewed orreldecl fittingsr or "M" copper witlr 95-5 solder fittings (welded steel or "K" cc64rer silven soldered where brrieat). 2.07 nsturAErohr of feating pipirq in boiler rocnr ircluiling Rollairtrol nalves ant fittirqs shall be I' ttriclr Fiberglas wittt FRJ jadcet. lilxlE: Pipirq hxrq in ceilirg arr:l nrnqrts to teatirq elerents are not to be insulated. 2.08 SHEEf, MEIAL !GK:A) cOhEl3llrcratoN: Jointsr llagesr and. bracing shall be per latest reccnnendations of tlte ASIIRAE Gride or ${AC!n. Concealeal drcts may be rectangular or equivilant rouryt at Contractorrs qrtiqrr if space pertnits. lbte3 Prorride bracing arul aau'lking for 6t static Erressure m clisc*nrge side of suptily fan. I I I I l t I I I t I I I I I t It5800/2 I t I 1 I I I t I l t t l I B) FIEI(IEIA [UlIEi shall be rI]L 181 Ctass 1r (apprcnrecl for ceiling p1erurc per Air Division CcnnciL Be* FF72RL) Genflex or lttrerrnaflex insulaterl flexible tlucts wittr vapor barrier cover' In thick insulationr steel spring helix arrt FiSerglas reinforcecl rulti*It with seanless air seal. C) FLEKIBLE @DI{E[[OIS: Prwide Ventfab r-ttl. 181 Class 1r fireprof f1e* cqnections (rcatherprof vfiene eqnsedl) frcrn chrctlrork to inlets and ortlets of aU fans. D) D(LT lIlRllS: Prorride 1-V2 insitte radius easy bends c acq:,gtical uranufachrredl hollqs \rane Urrning blades eq'Jal to D:cbrns as manufachrredl by Airsan Acu:sticr at all elbons arul offsets of 45 tlegrees or pre' in srr[plyr reblrrr' ard ecrhaust ducts. E) JOni[TS AltD OPENIIilsI in &rcts arrl arqud equigrent shall be caulJced air tighL wittt Hardcast c 3!{8800. $ystsrs to have IaXIMJM 5$ leakage. 2.09 SUPPIJ DIFFT'SERS rr:TT.NiE DISFUSiER (CD) AT{D REMRSI GRIIJ.E! (RGi): a) Returns and Ertrausts: l€tal-Alre Rts-D wittr cpposed blade dlanpers; 0.05r rrudrnra friction each. I'tanufact:rer to cteck a1 1 s<haust rregistes for nnxirnm 0.05" r*ater friction at CFM nded on plans. AII shall be satin paintable ahnrinrn. Equal by Titusr KruEer' or Agitair are acceptable. 2.L0 EArrs to be AIrg rated, penenenufy hbrietecl ball bearings. nV' belts to hare 150 minimn serrrice factor. Prorride bird screens, backilraft clanEprsr arrl crrbs ccrylehe. Fans shall be &ok, Penn, or Jenn-Air. 2.11 VEfrS: Prcnride letabestos \rents for all fitel fireil equigmntl $pe "8" if abrcspheric hrner with draft hooal hrt "L" if not. 2.12 }DKFUP AIR ITNITS shall be lbatherite, Eastings, or Reznor wittt bp stage heatingt FA - RA - ORe1ief controlled b'y stat in rnixed air to naintain 50 F entering unit. Provide freeze statin spaoe to stop unit beLorlr 35 F afit sord alarm. Pr,o\dale ionizecl srolce detectors in stqply and rehrrn th:cts tost@ unit ard sanrd alarm. Spac€ terpenaUre shall be oontroed t4r space stat to bring m hrrners in 2 stages. Provide night set baclc tirlre clod< wittt 10 hcur sprirS over=ide to clcle rrnit qr 100t return air to rnaintain 55 F in spac€. Prvicle a "rnrlcTiler 0-tl hor tirrEr to o\rer-ride tfue clocls for Day (oocttp) moile. 2.13 GLYCOL SYSIEM: Proride a 55 galtor nakearp tank wittr an Oberrilorfer 991R ro'tary gear pltp with bronze gears and bnonze trin to purp V5 GHtl at 100 PtiI. Provide a l'lercoid. pressure switcir to Etart trrrrp to maintain 75 PSIG in I'cnter lnter systenr. Provide a li@onnell 9001,1 lor $ater qrtoff in tank to stop gfiql if glycol-ater nix in tank falls belor gnp Euction. @at inside and cutside d tanlc wittr Rrst*I-sur. Elush €ntire systsrr wittr raterr draint ard fill entire ltxer ruater systsn with a 80t water 20t Dorctherm gR-'r mix. I I ls800/3 Provide qmer an un-qened 55 gallcr tlrum d SR-l after syst€s has been qeratecl for qte week with slrsten fi[ed aruil suction tank filleal. PART 3 - EXrcI'I[ot{ 3.01 SHEEf, METAL: A) CIilRACER @ EIE ttERK: Itre Oontractor shall exercise the utlcet care to obrtain a smmth surfaae inside of all drrst rmrkr absolutely free frurr large arrt srall fins, inperfect Joints, or oEhen cbstructions rrhich rnight, car:se noise and increasect air friction. AIt joints rnrst be air Ligtrt. Any additional drrct offsets G brns not stpnn an plans c inseases in lengttt of run necessary to overcane obstacles shall be gorrided. Under no circrmstance shall the crosrr srection of any ilust be decreaseil b'y dents G by pipes or rodls nrnnirq througtr it. Dapers mst be absolutely rigid ard supporteal in bearirgs wtrich al1op no rattling. B) JOII{TS At{D OPENI}GS in drts and arornl equigent stnll be eulked air tight. C) II{SUIAIE a'l'l supply, retr:rn, and fresh air drcts wittr 1" t}rick 3 pdnil tlensity neoErene f;aceil rtl, 181 Clase Ir aprozeil Fiberglass acqrstical tiner attached with Stic-Rlipe 15" o.c. each my, anil 100t area corering of fireprmf adt€sive. Drcts arposecl to ortside shall be cqrered wittr 1" tnick 3 polrd density dust linen qr to;l side, corzered wittr 26 gage sheet neta-l reatlrerpnof correrirg. See tletails cr plans. !OTE: Increase sheet netal to allcrr for liner. TESTS AI.ID ADITJ$ITTIENIIi: Each air ard ho't. vater syEten shall be balancecl and all nctor aq)erages, t€lq)erature ctrops across teating elqrents, and CFM's recorclecl in ttuee (3) bqrxl ccpies to clesign Brgineer €or approval at acueptance. Inch:de in report: 1) CFlf specifieil arxt CH{ recorded at each 9ni11e and diffuser. 2) CFlr specifiedl and G'u recorded at unit (neasured at cpil or in straightportion of srpply duct). 3) ALt notor naneplate arps ard neasured anps wtren cperating at full loadafter hrltncirq air. sbt drives for 95t nntrimrn d naneplate tuperage. 4) nalance rater qlstene for 20F drop across fintube radlation, 40F drop for fan oil, 5F drop in dorestic tr, mter systensr ard 10F rise ttrnr chilledrater coils. 5) Balanc$ arrt adjrrsting shall be done bry an irdepenitent test ant balancirq firm wit}t a Professional &rgineers seal on written report. lrcllE! BAIATG sr4p1y1 returrr, ancl straust syst-ems by elarpers in branctr ductat [BIN. Do t€f use danpens in registers or diffi:sers. Inclrde in bidresetting tfie brarrch danpers after Grner has rncnredt in wittr equipent andoeupants. Iearze register and diffuser tlanpers (alcrg with adjustable bladee) l00t wide cpen to permit Gupants to reduc€ tre anrarnt of air hrtnot increase sane. Fan nptors shall be loadeal to 95t rrEximrn of naureplate. Rechroe qgeed if noiee is a pxo,blam. I I I I l I I I I l t I I I I t I I t15800,/4 I I I t t I I I t I I I I I I I I I t 3.02 FT IBTER, HEMIIiG: ndtr bating Ehalt be foroed hort, mter, trc pipe, aut@tlcally controlletl. 3.03 IIEAfiIIG PIPIIG: At all ctarqes in elevation in ctirecLion d flor arxf where slrvJn' provide a rnnual air vent as follms: Instalt a full pipe size air dratrer arut pipe tlwr wi$r l,/4" cqper b$ing to pet oodc. If Ute rrent is abo\re the ceilirqr the pet co'd< sttall be insta,Ueal jr:st above the ceiling rrhere en ily aeesEible. l$ere piping is el<posedr eurterrl tfie pipirq dolrr nearest mIl to 7r-(l; above flor wittr elegtriaal tlps r3r bq wlth $lain over. Provide narual air vent q1 all fintrber coilsr antl unit hEa@rs. 3.04 IEMPERAIURE @tiIBOLc Provide a corplete systsn of electric tgperabrre mntrol furnislpd, installed, arut wireit r:rrler this division d wqk. Robertstnrr, Barber&tnan' Eone!ryell, Johnson, Colorado Contro1s, or Fcr€rs ane acceptable. All wiring to nrn cqtcealeal. All rcnk to be in accordance wittr Is?A, NEtr' and other gorernirg coile6. Oontrol to'be electric, eLectronic' or grannatic. Roof top nnit to be controllecl try a tire clock located as directedl. See plans for special ndes. 3.05 @b}IROL AS FIJ€SF:A) Def (Ocqpiecl) SEIIIIG: Rooftop Vent/Heat unit fan to nrn oontiruorsly. Boilen ant heating trtrps to rrrn onLinuorsly cr respective reset schetlule frcm solar ccrpensator wtpn belcry 65 F ortside. A frill FA-RATRELITP sys@n of qrtrol shall- mintain 58 F ninfus and 75 F Exirnn mi:<ed air entering r:nit. 100t EA antt REIJfp befiueen 60 F and 76 F B) NIGHI (Unocqrpieal) SEITII\C! . Roof top units shall sto6r. Contensing rrnits ard e*hau.st fans (orceEt toilet exbaugt fans cqrtrollecl frcnr a ligtrt *ritctr) shall be off &rring night set bad(. Boilen arut trcalirq prnrps shall s@ above 65 F crrtside Night set baclc shall be arcoplisherl by 7 atary tinE clock with 10 ttqJr override sp,rirg arrt neekend crrt{rt. ko\riale a 0 - 12 horr l,brk4furp tirer to over rid,e night set. bad( rpder nn:ntedl along side rspective dalc over. lttf,IE: Cordensing units shall nd, nrn unless enrap. fan is mnning. Wiring shall be furnished ancl instalLeil urder tiis (nerpenabrre Oontrol) section ofrruk. Ocrrplete wiring of any substihrteal quigrent sttall be incluilecl in bitl. SILER @tiIFOI{i: Eovide an cutside master thernpstat witlt bdtb in solar cc[pensator aposed only to respective zoner served to reset spply later te$perabrre irwersely with reepect. b cutside air tgqerature (190 f suply I 0 F qrtsider 150 F srmly g 60 F cutside). 3.06 IONIED Sfr(E DETErcRS in bo,tl ttre return arrl supply air ctrcts d units wittr orrer 2'000 Cnt capacity. 3.07 lENInI. RESET FRES@ STNCS shall be prorided in space suplied W units capable of 100t FA. Set at 45 F. 15800,/5 aI01 tli 05 ls; 08 lii lii 1tr ri: r)1 22 l":^ 25ril rii 32l:; t;: 39lll 42 til ril 49l:l 52 t:i 55l;l 59I 89-353 16010 - I sEefron 16010 E.EEIRICAI, GENERAI, PRO\TTSIONS PaRT I - GENqAr, 1.OO RELATD DOCIIME}TEfi: Drawlngs and general provislons of Contract, lncludlng Generaland Supplementary Condltlons and l)i-vislon 1-Speclflcatlon sectlons, apply to work of this sectlon. 1.01 DEC&[EI[QE: Work covered by thls Sectlon shall consist of furnlshlng all labor, equlpment, supplies, and materlals unless otherwlsespecified, and in performing all operations necessary for thelnstallation of complete electrlcal systems as required 'by these specifications and/or as shown on the drawings, subjectto the terms and condltlons of the contract. The work sha1lalso lnclude the completion of such details of electrlcal work not mentioned or shown which are necessary for the successful operatlon of all electrical systems described on the drawlngsor required by these speclfications 1.02@: Certaln labor, materlals, and/or eguipment may be furnishedunder other sections of these speci.ficatj-ons, by Utillty Companies or by the Owner; when such ls the case, the extent, source and descriptlon of these ltems will be as indlcated onthe drawings or described ln the specifications. Unless other- wise noted, all labor, materlaLs and/or equipment for the com-plete lnstallatlon of the electrical work shall be provided under thls Section of these speclflcations. 1.03@: Standards for MaterlaLs: A11 materlals sha1l conform wlth thecurrent applicable lndustry standards. Workmanshlp and neat appeararlce shall be as lmportant as th electrical and mechanical operation. Defectlve or damaged materials shall be replaced or repai-red, prlor to flnal acceptance, ln a manner havi.ng the acceptance of the Arcbltect and/or Elnglneer and O!'rner and at no addltional cost to the Owner. All electrlcal materlals requlred, permitted, or lmplled by these plans and speciflcatlons and by the Natlonal Electrlcal Code shall be acceptable for lnstallation only lf labeled or listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory or 1f accepted by loca1 authorltles. The latest editions of the followlng standards are mlnlmrm reguirements. 01 o2 03 04 05 05 o7 08 09 10 11 t2 13 14 I5 16 L7 18 r9 20 2L zz 23 24 z5 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 tr1 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 89-36 3 16010 - 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Natlonal Flre Protectlon AssocLatlon (NFPA) Underwrlters Laboratorles, Inc. (UL) Natlonat Electrical Manufacturers Assoclation (NEMA) Amerlcan Natlonal Standards Instltute (AI$SI) Insul,ated Power Cable Englneers Assoclation (IPCEA) National Electrical Safety Code Llstlng of Equipment: Submlt wlthln 30 days after the award of contract a conplete typewrltten 1lst of those ltems o{ gSulP- ment which will- be fuinished under thls Olvision. fnclude the name or description of the ltem, name of manufacturer, model type, and/or catalog number. Record Drawings: Malntaln a contract set of electrlcal draw- lngs at the sj-te, wlth al.). changes or devlatlons from the origlnal drawings neatly marked thereon in contrast_lng color, Thls shall be a separate set of drawings, not used for con- structlon purposes, whlch shall be kept up to date as the Jobprogresses and shal-t be made available for inspection by the Architect and./or Engineer at aII times. Refer to Section 01720 for completlon and submlttal of record drawlngs. Submittals: Shop drawlngs, Iayouts manufacturerrs data, wiring dlagrams, and materlal schedules shall be submltted in accord- ance with Section 01300 for the following: All switchboards, panelboards Wiring devicesLlghting fixtures Sound systemFlre alarm and detectlon system r.04 : Make provlslons for the dellvery and safe storage of all mater- laLs, lncluding any Owner furnished materlals to be installed by thls Contractor. Carefully mark and store alL materials. Dallver matertals to the Job at such stages of the work as wlll expedlte the work as a whole. Carefully check materlals fuinlshed to this Contractor for lnstaIlation, and furnish a recelpt acknowledglng acceptance of dellvery and condltlon of the materlals received. Thereafter, assume fu11 responsibllltyfor the safekeeping of same untll final installatlon has been reviewed and accepted. 1.0s egBuMs[gN: (Refer to Sectlon 01040) Coordlnate work with that of all other trades. Where conflicts of work occur and departure from the lndicated arrangements are necessary, consult wlth other Contractors involved; come to agreement as to changed locatlons and elevatlons, etc.; and obtaln wrltten acceptance from the Architect of proposed changes before proceedlng wlth work. I l I I I l o I I I I I I l I l I I t 01 o2 03 04 05 05 o7 08 09 10 Ll- T2 13 14 15 t6 L7 18 I9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 J5 36 31 38 39 40 4L 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 55 57 89- 35 3 15010 - 3 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 @: A1I maJor equlpment components shall have the manufacturer's rlame, -addreJs, model number and serial number permanently attached ln a consplcuous location. PART 3 - ETECUTIOIT 3.O1 : The lnstaller of the work under Divlslon L5 as well as hls employees and/or subcontractors selected to perform the work as descrlbed hereln and shown on the accompanylng drawlngs, shall be well-versed and skllIed in the trades involved. This sub- contractor shall be wholly responslble for the completion ofthe lnstallatlon as shown on drawings and specified herein,lncludlng such minor details as are necessary to complete thelnstallatlon. 3.O2 CTIASESI. OPENII|GS- CIIFrIIIG AITD PATCIII]TG: Refer to Section 01045 3.03 EB9GBE!L!H!98[: Order the progress of electrlcal work to conform to the pro- gress of the work of the other trades. complete the entlreinstallation as soon as the condltion of the building wlllpermlt. Any cost resultlng from defective or lll-timed work performed under thls Sectlon shall be borne by thls Contractor. 3.04@: Obtain and pay for all permits and licenses required andfurnlsh the Archltect and/or the Englneer, for the owner, acertlficate of flnal lnspectlon and approval from the authori- ties havlng Jurisdlction over the e.lectrlcal lnstaLlatlon. 3.05 IRENqIING AT|D BAGETLT,ING: Perform al1 trenchlng and backftlllng regulred formed under thls Sectlon ln accordance wlth the gradlng speclfications i-n Sectlon 02201. by work per- excavting and 3.O5 : Heater units in all motor starters shall be slzed for approxi- mately 115 percent of full load motor current. Check and coor- dlnate all thermal protectlve devices wlth the egulpment they protect. o I I I I I I l I l l I I I I I I t I 01 o2 03 04 05 05 o7 08 09 10 1l T2 13 L4 1tr 15 l7 18 I9 20 2I 4Z 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ?? 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4L 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 3t' 57 58 59 50 89-353 15010 - 4 Provlde for each motor one-third horsepower and below' a horsepower rated dlsconnect swltch and thermal overloadprote-tton unless lntegrally provlded wlth the motor. ihermal overload swltches for slngle-phase motors shall be allen-Bradley Bulletin 5OO or equlvalent. Size heater units for approxlmately 115t of fu11 load motor surrent. See "Grounding" Section. Provlde equipment connections in accordance wlth "Raceway Systemsn Sectlon. Provlde motor control egulpment lstarters) for each motor,or group of motors requlrlng a single control . See "MotorControl- Equipment (Starters)" Sectl-on of thls Speclfl-catlon. and "Motor Control Centers" Section 15400. Mlscellaneous Equlpment: where outlets are lndlcated for mlscellaneous equlpment requlrlng electric power or con- trol , provlde wire, condult, etc., and make aLl connec- tlons to same, unless otherwise lndlcated. The ElectrlcaL Contractor ls referred to the Mechanical Speclficatlons and Plans coverlng sprlnkler systems. Provlde wirlng,conduit, outlets, etc., and provide final electrical connectlons to all equipment. Provlde 120 volt control transformers for all combinationstarters. -I Each 3-phase motor rated 15 HP and larger shall have a phase monllor and control relay, Go-Tronic #51-100 or. accepted, wlred into the motor starter control cj.rclrit to dlsconnect the motor on under-voltage, phase failure, and phase reversal condltlons. Provlde a NEMA 1 enclosure for each relay or mount in Motor Control Center. 3.07@: General: As a part of the completlon work, provlde the following ser- vlces and/or materl-als to asslst the Owner ln understanding the operation and malntenance of aII systems. Dlrectory cards, nameplates, and labels: No temporary type of markings which are visible on equipment shal1 be permanent. Repalnt trims, houslng, etc., where such marklngs carurot be readiliy removed. Defaced flnlshes must be reflnished. All engraved metal or plastlc nameplates shall be whlte letters in a black or grey background. Ralsed letter type tape shall not be used. No abbrevlatlons ln labeling w111 be permitted with-out speclal approval . All panelboards shall be labeled as deslgnated on the electrlcal drawings. Labels shall be attached to equJ-pment by two screws or rivets. Directorycards, nameplates, and labels shall lndlcate the general area and type of electrical load served by each clrcuit. Provldelabels of the type and at locatlons as foJ-lows: lo,. rli 05 l3t08lii L2ll: r5 ri: lli zz lzt 25 ri,. 29 l3l 32lil 36l:r 39ll; lll 46I* 49 t:; r:i 55 l:3 89-353 16010 - 5 On each feeder swltch or circult breaker ln motor control centers, maln service equlpment, or sub-dlstributlon, the main swltchboard or panelboard, and all sub-distrlbution panelboards, and all speclal equlpment hous4 ,in cablnets:- L/4 inch mlnlmrm helght letters engraved in metal or plastlc nameplates. On each separately mounted disconnect and starter for motor or fixed appltance, Indlcate motor or appllance deslgnatlon, voltage, and phase. (Motor or appllance deslgnatlons shall be as glven on the mechanLcal orarchitectural plansl. (3/L6 inch mlnimum height letters engraved ln metal or plastlc nameplatesl. on all telephone termlnals lndicate terminal . On alJ. branch circult panelboards lndlcate panel deslgna-tion. AJ-so lndlcate voltage and phase on all panels--3/16 lnch mlnlmum helght letters engraved ln metal or plastlc nameplates. Apply to the lnslde of each door. A11 emer- gency panels and disconnects shall be painted wlth red enamel . For aII branch clrcult panelboard dlrectorles, provlde neatly typed on renovalbe type cards with protectlveplastlc face. For all device plates for switches used'to control exhaust fans or other equipment, provlde 1/8 lnch mlnimrm heightblack fltlecl engraved letters ln stainless steel device plates. For all exposed conduits, Junction boxes, wlringgutters, etc., provlde 3/4 lnch mlnlmum height stenclled letters. Labels shall be provided at the fol}owJ-ng locations: Enterlng or leavlng panels or swltchgear or enc],osures. Operatlng manual and parts llst and lndoctrlnatlon of operatlng and naintenance personnel furnish the ser- vlces of a quallfled representative of the suppller of each item or system ltemized below who shall lnstruct speclflc personnel , as designated by the owner, in the operatlon and maj-ntenance of that item or system. hstructlon sha]l- be made when the particular system ls complete and shall be of the number of hours indlcated and at the tlme as requested by the Owner. A representatlve of the electrical contractor shall be present for all demonstratlons. I -01 oz 03 04 05 05 07 08 09 r0 11 I2 I3 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 55 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 32 53 54 55 55 3t 58 59 89-35 3 15010 - 6 SYSTEM Flre alarm system HOURS OF INSTRUCTION 4 Electrlcal dlstrtbutionequipment 3 Deliver three (3) complete operating nanuals.and parts llsts to the Oetner (or trts deslgnated representatlvel at the tlme of the above requlred lndoctrlnatlon. Operatlng and malntenance manuals shall lnclude manufacturers com- plete data, operatlng lnstructlons, malntenance lnstruc- Lions, complete parts llsts and complete lnternal and external wiring dlagrams. Rrlly explain the contents of such manual-s as a -part of required indoctrlnation and instruct the Owner's personnel in the correct procedure ln obtalning servlce both durlng and after the gugranteeperlod. The operating manual and parts lists shal1 give-omplete lnformatlon as to whom the Owner shall contact for service and parts. Include address and phone nurnber. Evldence shall be furnished that an authorlzed servlce organizatlon regnrlarly carrles a complete stock of repairparts for the above ltems or systems, and that the organi-zatlon is avall-able for servi-ce. Servlce shall be furnlshed wlthln 24 hours after reqr:est. Refer to Section 0r710. C1ean-up: Remove aII materlals, scrap, etc., relative tothe etectrlcal installations, and leave the premises andall equlpment, lamps, flxtures, etc., in a clean, orderly conditlon. Acceptance demonstratlon: Upon completlon of the work, ata tlme to be deslgnated by the Archltect and/or the Englneer, demonstrate for the Owner the operatlon of theentlre electrlcal lnstallatlon, lncluding any and all speclal systems provlded under thls contract. Tests: operatlng and acceptance tests provide aIIlabor and equipment for the perfonnance of the followingtests as itemized below. Submlt three (3) copies of atypewrltten test report to the Archltect and/or the Engineer for hls approval . Perform the followj.ng tests: Record the fuIl load current ln each phase or llnefor the maln service entrance and for all feeders leavlng the maln distrlbutlon panelboard. Readings shal1 be taken with the maxltmrm installed load connected. Perform an lnsulatlon reslstance test on all feeders leav-ing the main dlstrlbutlon swltchboard. Such readlngsshall be ln conformance wlth the Natlonal Electrlcal Code. I I I I I I t l I l I I t I I I I I lo' d; 05 ri: lii L2ll; 15 li: lii 22 131 25rii 29l:r 32lii ti: 39lil 42 tll 46 lle 49 tii l;l 56 lu' 89-35 3 15010 - 7 Perform the test uslng a 500 volt megiger on all phase busslng In the maln swltchboard wlth the servlce dlscon- nected, wlth all fuses (lf any) ln p1ace, the mains closed, and all outgoing feeder switches open. Measure the resistance to ground for the service ground. Thls shall not exceed 10 ohms. Perform a careful lnspection of the maln swltchboard bus structure and cable connectlons to verlfy that alJ- connec- tlons are mechanlcally and electrlcally tight. 3.08 ET,EEIRICAI; PR,UIISIOilS FOR ROOFS: Condults penetratlng the roof shall be installed ln such a manner as to preserve the inteqrity of the roof. zurnish and lnstaIl pltch- boxes for all roof penetrations caused by this work. These pltch boxes wtll be fllled by lnstaller of roofing systems. Condults routed exposed on roofs shal] be lnstalLed a minlmrm of 12rr above the .flnished roof surface, and shall be supported on metal stands installed in pitch boxes wj.th no more than 10 feet between stands. Provide weatherproof duplex receptacles on roof such that all eErlpment installed on the roof ls within a 50 foot radlus of a receptacle. 3.09 : Refer to Section 01500 3.10 TiISCEELIUfEOUS EOUTPMENT CONl{ECrrOt€: Mlscellaneous equipment wlII be provided under another divl-sion, however, provtae wlrlng for same, and make up all flnalelectrical connections ln accordance with manufacturerrs recom- mendations. where equipment ln open areas ls fed from wiring ln the slab, termLnate condult 1n a flush coupling at the flooror sultable water-tlght box wlth telephone elL, from whlchpolnt, extend a rigld condult nlpple at least 8 lnches abovettre floor, and provlde flexlble condult connection to the equipment. Make all conduit connectlons at the floor water- tlght. Provlde flexibld metal condult or type rrs'r rubber cords, pig tails, caps, etc., as required for an operating system. All flexible Lords shall have a groundlng conductor. Ground all equlpment. See "Groundlng" Sectlon. See Sectlon entitled "Outletsn for mounting heights. I 01 o2 03 04 05 05 o7 08 09 10 11 L2 r3 t4 15 15 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2n 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4I 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5I 52 53 54 89-353 15010 - I Refer to all equlprnent manufacturer shop drawlngs for detal}s of equipnent co-nn6ct1ons. Provide receptacles as regulred. to match- ttie cord caPs on the equipment furnlshed. Provlde elther dlrect wlrl_ng or ?eceptacles-unter the base bld for flnal con- nectlon to elutpment -as required for the partlcular. egulpment furnlshed, relarrdless of the type of outlet shown on the plans. Provlde a disconnect for all flxed appllances, (such as ranges' kllns, mlxers, cooklng tops, water heaters, saws, drllls, etc') as required by the Natlonal Electrlcal Code. 3.1T MTSCEIJ.ANEOUS ECX'IPUEI| TYIRIITG ATfD CONNECTIOTfS: Provide aII condults, wire, outfets or receptacles, control devices and disconnect switches, as requlred by the Natlonal Electrical Code, for mlscellaneous equlpment requlring electric power or control , and make all electrlcal connectlons to pro- iide a complete operating system. Provide all electrical work as requiret by the equipment manufacturerrs shop drawlngs. attentlon is directed to other divislons of these speclfica- tions covering the detailed requlrements for these equipmgnt ltems. Prior to roughing-in condult and outlets, refer to the shop drawlngs to ascertaln the exact locatlons and exact type of flnal connection requlred. Provide flexlble metal condult or type 'rsrr rubber cords' pig tails, caps, etc., as required for an operating system._ (Refer to sectloh entltled 'Conduit Systems" ). A11 flexible cords shall have a groundlng conductor. Ground all equipment. Provlde elther dlrect wirlng or receptacle under the base bld for flnal connectlon to equipment as reqr.ri.red for !h"partlcular equipment furnj.shed, regardless of type of outlet shown on plans. 3.12 ELEVATORS: Equlpment Connectlons : The elevators and assoclated egulpment w111 be furnished, instaLled and connected under a separate divlslon of the specl- flcation. Provide all dlsconnect switches and extend feeders from the disconnects to the equlpment controllers. Provlde emergency power outlets of the control Power and car lights ln elevator- shaft or in machlne room where dlrected by elevator lnstalLer. Provlde a receptacle, swltch and l1ght for service at the bottom of the elev-tor p1t. Comply wlth a1I elevator company lnstall-ation regulrements. EnD OF SEqrrOIt 16010 I I I I I I I I I I l I I t I I I I t lo,. lii 05 l:: 08 lii L2fl; 15 li: lii 22ltl za ri,' 29l;r 32 rii t:: 39lll 42lii .i2 49 l;r52 l;i 55l:l 59 I'o 89-353 r.01 : followj.ng;: GROUNDING: Sectlon 15400 o 15050 - I sEerrolt 16050 BASIC MATERIiALS AND l.lEIgODS (But not limited to the PART 1 - GEI'ERAI, 1.oo@3 Drawlngs and general provlslons of Contract, lneluding General and Supplementary Condltl-ons and Divislon 1-Speclflcatlon sectlons and Sectlon 15010, aPply to the work of thls sectlon. PART 2 - PRODUCIS 2.01 E94SB_.Q!qBE: Each slngle phase manual starter shall consist of a toggle swltch, single or double pole, with a thermal overload heater element capable of lnterruptlng the clrcuit in case of over- Ioad. These manual motor starters shall be flush or surface mounted as required. The starter shall be furnlshed with NEMAI enclosure. unless otherwlse speclfied. Single phase manualstarters shall be Allen-eradley Bulletin 500. where tndlcated ln Section r5010, provlde across-the-line magnetic type comblnatlon motor starters lswltch tyPe, fuslble or nonfuslble as requlred) having undervoltage release, 2-wlre,maintained contact automatlc restarting control and atrip-free, thermal- overload relay in each ungrounded phase conductor. Overload relays shall be of the manual reset type.AU contacts shal]- be malntenance-free, double-break, sol-idsllver cadmlum oxlde alloy. Starters shall be deslgned as to prevent freezLng of contacts upon coil fallure. rt shall beposslble to install auxiliary contacts without removtng the starter from lts enclosure. Contactor solenoi-ds and control clrcult devlces shall be supplled sultable for operation wlth LzO volt control power. Provlde the LzO volt control power wirlng by means ofl control transformeis. Control power shall be arranged to de-energlze the control clrcults whenever the operatlng power supply to the partlcular equipment 1s d1s_con- nected. - Control -clicuit conductors shall be protected in accordance with the Natlonal Electrlcal Code. Provi-de hand- off-automatlc switches in the starter face for all starters. The hand posltlon shall not bypass flrestats, etc. 2-02 84@4!9: Provlde raceways as required fot alL electrlcal systems. Mlnlmum 1/2" conduit. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 IO 11 L2 1? L4l5 15 L7 18 I9 20 2I 22 23 24 25 zo 27 28 29 30 ?1 JZ 33 34 J5 36 37 38 39 40 A'I 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 s5 57 58 89-363 15050 - 2 I Rigld condult shalt be hot-dlpped galvanlzed steel wlth zlnc coitlng or corrosion reslstant J-acquer on the lnslde, complylng with lrnderwrlters Laboratorles Standard UL5 and Amerlcan National Standards Instltute C8O-1. Flttlngs shal1 be threaded. Plastlc coated conduit shall be rigld steel condult havlng a o.O3O inch minlmrm thlckness, factory bonded Pvc Jacket, wlth preJacketed (PvC) coupllngs, as manufactured by_ Occldental , ettlsburgh, Robroy, PlisttC AppJ.lcator, oE accepted equal . Electrlcal metalllc condult (EMT) shall be galvanlzed on the outside and coated on the lnslde wlth a smooth hard flnlsh of lacqger, varnish or enamel . EMT shall comply wlth Underwrlters Labo-ratorles Standard VL797 and Amerlcan Natlonal Standards Institute c8o-3. E!,tT fittlngs shall be steel compresslon gland type, Tomlc tap-on or Tomic twist lock type. Intermedlate metaLllc conduit shall be hot dlp galvanized com- plylng wlth UL Standard L242. Provide threaded type fittlngs. Flexlble conduit shal1 be galvanized steel wlth steel flttings as manufactured by Trlangle. Ligutd-tlght flexible condult shalI be Amerlcan Brass "sealtlte" with Appleton nST' connec-tors, or as accepted. L/2n mlnimrm trade size except tha! 3/8" mlnlnum trade slze will be acceptable only for recessed fix- tures. Suriace raceways shall be $liremold, or accepted egual . Race- ways, elbows, fittings, outlets, and devlces shall be of the same manufacturer, and deslgned for use together. wi.reways, where lndlcated on the drawlngs, shal1 be of the hlnged type, of slzes lndicated, complete with elbows, tees, connectois. adaptors, etc., wJ-th all parts factory fabricated and of the same manufacturer. wireways shall be Square-D 'layln duct", General Electrlc Company type "HS'r, Square-D "Square Duct'r or ITE KBL-duct. Rlgld, heavywall, Schedule 40, polyvlnyl chlorlde (PvC) -plasticcondult, suitable for dlrect burlal . Condults shall meet requirements of Underwrlters Laboratorles. Conduits shall be manufactured by Borg-warner, Carlon, Ethy1 , Xrayloy, or,Tri- angle. eLl offsets and 90 degree ells sha1l be rigld, galvan- ized steel conduit havlng a .030" minlmum thickness, factory bonded PvC Jacket, using preJacketed coupllngs to provide sub- stantially water-tlght Jacketlng system. 2.03 OUrfeP BOXES3 outlet boxes shall be constmcted of zlnc-coated or cadmlum plated sheet steel . Minlrmrm sj.ze shall be 4' sqJuare x r-L/Z'l deeo. I T I I t I t I I I I I I I lo, lii 05 l3t 08 lii I2ll; 15 ti: )il 22 l?125 lil, 29 f:l 32 l:l t:: 39lil 42 til 45llr 49l:l52 lil 55l;l 59 t:? 89-363 15050 - 3 TiIe boxes shall be Steel Clty serles "G:lvn or accepted equal . RIl boxes provlded shall be of sufflclent slze to accommodate the number of conductors enterlng the box ln additlon to the devlces lnstalled.ln the box, per the Natlonal Electrlcal Code. Egulp flxture outlet boxes with 3/8" flxture studs. 2.04 : Junctlon and FuIl boxes: Construct Junctlon or pull boxes not over 150 cublc inchesin slze as standard outlet boxes, and those over 150 cubic inches the same as "cabi.nets" wlth screw covers of the same gauge metal . Removabfe covers m:st be accessible ataII t1mes. Mount per "Otrtlets" Section. Provide a standard access panel havlng a hlnged metal doorneatly fltted lnto a flush metal trim, where a Junctlonbox or equiprnent is located above furred cellings or behlnd flnlshed walls. Coordinate locatlon and type wlth the Archltect. Cablnets: AII cablnets shall meet Natlonal ELectrlcal Code reguire- ments, be of standard make, UL labeled, of sheet steelwlth corroslon resistant flnlsh, and wlth ample space forall wires, connectlons, and equipment. Provide each cabinet wlth a door and flush catch and lock. All locksshall be keyed alike. Furnlsh two (2', keys/panel to the Owner. Cabinet fronts sha1l consist of sheet steel panels with a hinged door. Fronts for flush cabinets shaLl be approxj-- mately 3/4" larger than cablnets on afl sldes and set so that the front will rest flrmly against the flnlshed wall surface. Provide sultable devices for securing, supportlng and adJustlng panel-board interiors and fronts. Cabinetsshall be arranged to provlde a wlrlng gutter not less than 3" or larger as speci.fied ln the National Electrlcal Code. ell boxes and cablnets shall be of weatherproof constructlon wherever appllcable. 2.05 E&AWE9IiE: All conductors shall be in accordance wlth the appllcable sectlons of UL-and fPCEA standards. Minfumrn conductor size shall be No. L2 for light and power and No.14 for control' unless noted otherwlse on the drawlngs or in the speclfica- tlons. No. 10 and smaller shall be solld and No. 8 and larger shall be stranded. o01 o2 03 04 05 05 o7 08 09 10 11 L2 13l4 15 16 T7 l-8 L2 20 2T 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ?? 34 ?tr 35 37 38 39 40 4L 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5L 52 54 55 55 3t 58 59 50 61 89-36 3 15050 - 4 AI1 wlre shall be coPPer. Al-1 termlnating fittlngs, corulectors, etc.,' shall be a type suitable for the speclflc cable furnished. Insulatlori: All- conductor insulation types shall be rated for wet and dry locatlons (unless speclflcally otherwlse noted) and shall be -accepted by the Natlonal Electrical code for the partlcular appLlcatloh. All wlre and cable shall have the-ollowing (or better) insulation classes: All wlrlng in high temperature areas, where the temperature will exceet rgzo F., shaLl be rated 105'C. minimum, and a type accepted by local code. Thls shall lnclude any_wlrlng within 3 feet- horliontally or 10 feet above any boiler or heatlng appliance. A11 wirlng lnstalled in floor slabs on earth flll, 1n conduit ln fll-l under floor slabs, and wlrlng to exterlor fixtures, devtces, outlets, etc., subject to weather, type tttlu minimum. All feeders and other wlrlng *4 AllG and larger, type TI{w mlnlmrm. other wiring #5 and smaller, type fnwr'r or THHN. Type Tw not permitted. Color Coding: A11 wiring for control systems to be 1nstal1edin conJuction wlth mechanlcal and/or miscellaneous equlpment,shall be color coded ln accordance wlth the wlrlng dlagrams furnlshed wlth the equlpment. All branch clrcult wlrlng lncludlng clrcults to motors, and all feeders shall be coded by line or phase as follows: wire No. 2 and smaller shall be factory color coded. wire No. 1 and larger may be color coded by flelil palnting or color tap- lng of 5' length of exposed ends. 120l208 Volts A - BlackB -RedC - BIue Neutral - White Ground - Green wire-pulllng lubricant sha1l be equal to ldeal "Yellowtr or Dow Cornlng Compound *4. 2.05 IIEBE_€NUEQIQS.: No. 6 and larger wlre: Connectors shall be solderless or compression type. Lugs and connectors shall be Blackburn, Burndy, Penn-Unj-on, T & B, or acceptable. No. 8 and smaller wire: Twist tight and apply lnsulated pressure connectors. Connectors shall be pressure, copPer (steel not acceptable; spllce caps wlth nylon lnsulator as manufactured by Buchanan. I I I I I I I I T lo,. d: 05 l:; 08 rii I2ll; 15 ri: lii 22 ltz 25til T:i 32 rii li: 39 li?42 rli 46ll; 49 l:i l;l 56 I:I 59 l:l 89-363 15050 - 5 2.0? : Provlde enclosed, fuslbte or nonfusible safety swltches where Lndicated and hereln speclfled. Safety swltches shaLl bear the underwrj-ter's label wlth each enclosure belng of the NEI'fA type suitable for the surrounding area and conditions. All swltches shall be mlnlmlm normal duty, horsepower rated, and shall have quick-make and quick-break mechanlsm. AlI switches used on motor circults shall have adequate horsepower ratlng for the motor served. Safety swltches ernployed as motor disconnect devices for two or more loads shall be of the fusible type. Swl-tches shalt be as manufactured by General Electr1c, Sguare-D, or acceptable. 2.08 FttSES: !\rses sha1l be as manufactured by Bussman. For all fuses in the main servlce equlpment except for motor clrcults, provide current limltlng, 200,000 RMS amperes symmetrical intermptlng capaclty, Bussman Limltron or acceptable. For a1I other fuses, provlde duaL-element tyPe with 200,000 RMS amperes slnnmetrical lnterrupting capacity, Bussman "Fusetron' or acceptable. Control fuses shall 'be Bussman one-time nonrenewable fuses. 2.09 : Provlde the followlng devlces where indlcated on the drawlngs. Devlces shall be lvory color. Types of devices other than those listed below shall be of the same standard or quality. The catalog numbers and manufacturer listed are intended to lndicate the type and quality. Egulvalent, speclfication grade devices and plates shall be as manufactured by Arrow-Hart, Bryant, HubbeII , Leviton, or as acceptable. All devices shall have screw type termlnals. o R€ceptacles: where special receptacles are requlred suchas for business or vendlng machlnes, etc., verify the exact type requlred before orderlng. A11 receptacles and plug conflguratlons shall conform wlth NE!,IA standards for amperage and voltage classiflcation and shall comply with Federal Speclflcatlon w-C-8958 wlth NEMA wD-l and Ut 20 tests. Grounding type cluplex throughout; Levlton 5362. Duplex weatherproof receptacle (shaIl have integral ground fault protectlon) Levlton 6398 with 5195 cover 01 o2 03 04 05 06 o7 08 09 10 11 T2 13 I4 15 16 T7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 z6 29 30 J.t 32 34 ?E 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5l- 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 89-35 3 16050 - 5 Clock outlet: Leviton 5351-cE. Floor receptacle: Hubbell 82529 wlth 5-3925 cover. Neon type pllot light: Arrow-Hart #1720 or *L722. Special outlets: As lndlcated on drawlngs. Floor mounted telephone outlet - rnrbbell 82529 with 52525 cover. I I t I I I I I I I I I I Lampholders: Keyless, 29815C. Provide with noted. Leviton 9875, Pullchaln, Levlton IOOA, 130 V lamP unless otherwlse Swltches: Al-I swltches, unless noted otherwise, shall be the a-c tumbler gulet type, Levlton #1121 serles, 2OA. Switches shall be fully rated for either lnductive or lncandescent load and shalt comply with Federal SPecifl- cation w-C-595D as verlfj.ed by U.L. wlth ueua Tests wD-l, 3.02 through 3.10 and U.L. Tests U.L. 49B. Key switches shall be Leviton *1121L series. Device plates: Provlde a devlce plate for each outlet to suit the devlce installed and blank plates or covers for Junctlon boxes or empty outlets. 'Flush device PlgtPssfratt be satln brush flnish stainless steel , 0.030" thick. Devlce plates shall be as manufactured by Slerra for metal finish plates or as manufactured by any manu- facturer as llsted ln paragraph entitl-ed "Wlring Devices " . Device plates shall be of the one-plece type of suit- able shape for the devices to be covered. Sectlonal device plates witl not be permltted. where.exposedwirlng 1s permltted, devlce plates shal1 be gal- vanlzed. Provide blank plates for all unused telephone outlets Iwlth finish to match other plates in area. I Where the devlce plate does not cover the outlet' openlng, the Contractor shall patch the openlng to the satisfactj.on of the lrchltect and/or E:ngineer. Sectlonal devl-ce plates will not be permltted. Telephone plates shall have bushed center or tele- phone jack openlng. 2.10@: Brackets or hangers shall be Klndorf, Elcen, Blnkley, Multl- Frame, Power-Strut, Unlstrut, or accepted. I I t I I olo,. rli 05 l3t 08 lii L2ll;1tr li: ril zzlil 25 ri9 lil 32 l3l 35 ti: 39lll 42lii ri2 49 r:i l;i 56l:; 59 89-353 150s0 - 7 PART 3 - EIIECITTIOI| 3.01 MCfG CDT|IROL: Thermal overload relays shall be set at 115t of the nameplate full load motor current for 40o C. rlse motors. Ilual element fuses shall be slzed at I5Ot of the nameplate full load notor current. 3.02 CONDTIIT SYSTEI,TS: General: Provlde condults as requlred below for all systems, unless noted. Minimum slze conduit shall be L/2" - Conduit slzes not noted on the drawings shall be in accordance with the reqrrirements of the Natlonal Electrical Code, _Table 3C, lexceptflexible connections for lightlng flxturesl for the quantities and sizes of wlre lnstalled thereln. Where non-metalllc con- duit ls utilized, the Contractor shall provide sizes as requir- ed to conform wlth the f111 requirements, with the grounding conductor consLdered as an additlonal lnsulated conductor. Securely fasten all condults. Embedded conduit shall be securely tied in place prlor to embedment. _ La_y out work- in advance- to avold excessive concentratlons of rm.rltiple conduit rrns. Locate condult so that the strength of structural mem- bers !s unaffected and they do not conflict with the services of the other trades. Install 1n or larger condult in or through structural members (beams, slabs, etc. ) only when and in a manner accepted by the erchltect. Conduit Installation: Above Grade: Deflned as the area above finished grade for a buildlng exterlor and above the bottom floor slab for a buildlng -lnterlor. Installation of and materials for above-grade condults shall conform with the followlng: tnstall all condults concealed except at sur:face cabinets, for motor and equipment connectlons and ln mechanlcal equipment rooms. install a minlmum of 5" from flues, steam plpes, or other heated llnes. Provide fl_ashing- and countei-flashlng or pitch pockets for waterprooflng of aII condults, outlets, tlttlngs, etc., whlch penetrate the roof. Route exposed condult as hlgh as possible, parallel or perpendlculai to bullding llnes with rlght- 1ng1e !u5nsand- syrnrnetrlcal concentric bends. concealed condults shall -be run ln a dlrect llne, and, where posslble, with long sweeplng bends and offsets. Provlde sleeves 1n forms for-new Concrete wal-Is, floor slabs, and partltions for passage of condults. Waterproof all sleeved conduits ihere-required. Provide one emPty 314" condult for each four spaie, sPace or unused pole of each flush mounted branch-circulf panelboard. .Termlnate empty 3/4" conduitj-n a Junction box, whlch, after constructlon completlon, is accessible to enable future branch circult extenslons. t 01 o2 03 04 05 05 07 08 09 10 11 I2 I3 14'Itr 16 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 za z6 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 37 J6 39 40 4L 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5.l. 52 53 54 5C 55 57 58 59 89-363 160s0 - 8 Provlde condult expanslon Jolnts wlth necessary bondlng conductor at bulldlng expan-ion Joints and where requlred to compensate for condult or bulldlng thermal expanslon and contractlon. Termlnate condults (I-I/4n and largerlwlth lnsulated bushlngs or raintlght connectlons wlth lnsulated throats. Rlgid Condult: Hot-dlpped glavanlzed rlg1d steel condult (GRC) shall be lnsta1led ln the followlng above-grade areas: where exposed to weather. Where exposed to mechanical inJury. Where speclflcally requlred by the National-Electrlcal Code. AIt remaining areas except as permltted or speclflcally required in the following para- graphs. Provlde double locknuts and bushlngs on all conduits ttermlnatlng at outlet boxes, cablnets, grutters, etc. Intermediate metalllc condult (IMC) may be installed as follows: where exposed to mechanical inJury. All remaining areas except as permltted or speclflcally required in the- foltowj-ng para- graphs. Provlde double locknuts and bushings on all condults -termlnatlng ln outlet boxes, cabinets, gutters, etc. I Electrical metallic tubing (EMT) may be lnstalled asfollows' I Concealed locations in furred walls or ceilings. t Embedded in above grade concrete walls and floor Islabs. Exposed at least 5 ft. above the fLoor. EMT fittings shall be steel compresslon gland typefor EMT 2"and smaller. Setscrew steel fittlngs wiJ.l be acceptable for larger sizes. A11 fittlngs shall be made up wrench tlght. Flexlble steel conduit shalJ. be provided 1n suffl-clent (mlnimum 2 ft. ) tength(s) for: I I I I t t I I I I I I lo, ili 05 ll; 08 lii L2ll: 15 li: lii 22rii ri| 29l:l 32 ril li: 39lll 42 ul 46 It', 49 ui lil 55 l;3 89-35 3 16050 - 9 Makeup of motor or equlpment and racewaY conneitlons where lsolatlon of sound and vlbratlon transmlsslon ls requlred. For sald equlpment connectlons ln locations exposed to weather, or ln interlor locatlons subJect to moLsture, 1lqu1d-tight flexible condult shall be used. Connectlons to recessed llghtlng flxtures 3/8' mlnLmrm trade slze. In remodel areas where raceways m:st be fishedln exlsting walls and celIlngs. A11 lengths of flexlble metal conduit (includlng llgultl-tight) shall contain a separate groundlng conductor as outllned under nGroundlng". Surface Raceway: All wlrlng done ln flnlshed areas 1n the exlstlng portlon of the bulldlng shall be enclosed ln surface raceway. Below Grade: Deflned as the area below flnlshed grade for a building exterlor and below or withln the bottom floor slab for a bulldlng lnterlor and withln exterlor buildlng walls that are below grade. Below grade condult termj-- nated under maln servlce equipment, padmounted trans- formers, etc., above floor slabs and equipnent foundatlons shall proJect 2' minlrmrm above floor or foundatlon finlsh to prevent water entry. fnstall exterlor underground condults 30" minimrm below flnlshed grade. Provlde raceway systems for lnstallation in or below slabs on grade or ln earth or gravel conslstlng of rigld PvC condult. AlI offsets and 90 degree ells shall be rlgld, galvanized steel conduit having a .030" mlnlrm:m thickness, factory bonded PvC Jacket,uslng preJacketed coupllngs to provide substantially watertlght Jacketlng system. Jolnts shall be solvent welded ln accordance wlth manufacturerr s recommendatlons. Dtrct. flttlngs, elbows and cement shall be produced by the same manufacturer. 3.03 Q!f!!S$: The exact location of outlets and equlpment shall- be governed by structural condltlons and obstructlons, o1 9-th9r equipment ltems. When necessary, relocate outlets so that when flxtures or other devlces are lnstalled, they will be symmetrlcally located accordlng to the room layout and w111 not lnterfere wlth other work tr egulpment. verlfy flnal locatlon of aII 01 02 03 04 05 05 07 08 09 101l L2 13 14 15 15 17l8 19 20 ZL 22 23 z4 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 5Z 53 54 55 56 57 89-363 Itall switches Convenlence outlets- long axls horlzonta] wtth groundlng pole on rlght side Panelboards 1to top of trim) Standard telephone outlet (long axis horlzontal) WaIl mounted telephone outlet Wall mounted shelf-type payphone outletFire alarm horns Flre alarm slatlons CLock outlets 15050 - 10 4t - 5 lnches 1r - 0 inches5r - 3 lnches 1' - 0 lnches4t - 6 lnches 4t - 0 lnches 12 inches below celling4' - 5 inches As noted outlets, panels, equipment, etc., wlth Architect. p-rior .torough-ln. - Locatlons- sf,all be permitted to be adJusted .by -theercf,itect up to lo-feet from tEe locatlons shown wlthout acldl- tlonal costl lfhere flxtures arE mounted on or ln an accesslble type ceilJ.ng, provlde a Junction box and extend flex1b1e. conau:.t to e-ach fixture. Or.rttet boxes in finslhed celllngs or walls shall be fltteit wlth approprlate covers, set to come flush wtth the flnlshed surface-. Where more than one switch or devlce is located at one polnt, use 9an9 boxes and covers unless otherwise lndlcated. -Provlde barrLer partitl-ons between adJacent swltches Located ln the same box when voltage between sw-ltches exceeds 300 vo1ts. Sectlonal swltch boxes or utlIlty boxes wlll not be perrnitted. Provide a dry wall extender ring as requlred in order that the outlet box is a maxlrmlm of l/8" from finlshed face of wall . In lieu of grounding separate or lsolated sectlon boxes' the Contractor may provide factory prewired plgtalled switches, Sierra #5400 serles or equal , ganged 1n a cornmon outlet box.Partltlons havlng a grommeted hole between sectlon arE also acceptable at the Contractor's optlon. 'Back-to-back" outlets in the same wall , or "thru-wall" type boxes not permltted. Provlde 12" (mlnilmrm) long nlpple to off-set all outlets shown on opposlte sides of a common wall to mlnimlze sound transmlsslon.. Mountlng Heights: Dlmenslons given are from finlshed floor to centerline of outlets. Adjust helghts of outlets ln masonrywalls to correspond wlth consistent brlck or block course.ortlets ln blocli walls shall be lnstalled ln the core of theblock. (Notatlons on the drawlngs shall supersede the follow- lng): I I I I * Except over counters, benches, special egulpment, baseboards,f1n tube radlators, etc., where they sha1l be at a height toprevent lnterferences to servlce equipment, or as noted on the drawlngs. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 I1 T2 13 t4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 25 27 28 29 30 3T 32 33 34 35 35 37 38 39 40 4L 42 43 44 45 45 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 50 57 58 59 60 51 89-35 3 15050 - 11 3.04 C'ABINETS AND PANEI,EOARDS: A11 cablnets sha1l be set rlglclly tn place wlth fronts stralght and p1umb. Center panelboard lnteriors ln panelboard door openlng and adJust ctead fronts fully outctard to meet the trlm. 3.05 EE-@EEiE: Provide a complete system of conductors ln raceway systems. A11 wlrlng sha11 be routed through an accepted raceway regard- less of voltage applicatlon. Branch clrcults whose length from panel to flrst outlet exceeds 75 feet for 120 volt clrcuits or I75 feet for 277 volt clrcul-ts shalJ- be No. 10 or larger, as requtred to comply wlth the Natlonal Electrlcal Code. AlL wlre shaU be lnsulated for 600 vo1ts. wlre sizlng noted on draw- ings sha1l extend for the entlre length of a clrcuit (e.9. taps and rlsers up llghtlng poles) unless noted otherwise. Install wlre in raceways tn strlct conformance with the manufacturer's recommendatlons. Use an accepted wlre-pulllng lubricant. Strlp lnsulatlon so as to avold nlcklng of wire. 3.06 : General: AII termlnating fittlngs, connectors, etc., shall be a type sultable for the speclflc cable furnlshed. AII fttti.ngsshall be made up tlght. Make up all termlnatlons ln strj-ct conformance wlth manufacturerrs recommendatlons uslng special washers, nuts, etc., as requlred. Connectors and lugs: Spltces and connectlons sha1l be made as follows: Connect No. 4 and larger wlre to panels and apparatus wlthproperly sized, solderless or compresslon lugs or connec- tors. Connect No. 5 and smaller wire by twlsting tight and applylng lnsulated pressure or wlre nut connectors. Flashover or lnsulation value of Joi.nts shall egual that of the conductor. corulectors shall be rated at 500 volts for general use and 1,000 volts for use within fixtures. Bends ln cable at termlnatlon sha}l be -made prlor to installing compression devlce. A11 flttings shall be made up tlght. Recheck all splices and termlnatlons and make mechanlcally and electrlcally tl-ght durlng a 1s-day perlod immedlately prior to flnal acceptance of the work- 3.O7 : tnstall safety and dlsconnect swltches in general area of egulpment and accesslble to malntenance .personnel . Secrrre swttitres flrmly to supportlng structure wlth acceptable faslen- ers. verlfy ilze of swltches for each lnstallation- slhere practicable,- switches shall be mounted such that the. top of the swltch ls 6'-3" above the flnished floor or surface. 01 o2 03 04 05 05 o7 08 09 l0 l1 t2 13 14 I5 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 z5 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5J, 52 53 54 J5 55 57 89-3 53 15050 - 12 3.08 l,rOlOR @il1ROLr-,ERS: install ln accesslble locatlons to serve respective notor, and where high ambtent temperatures w111 not affect overload relqycallbratlon. Controllers shall not be located on roof, regard- Iess of plan notation. Provide controllers bavtng . anblent temperatuie compensated overload relays for aII controllers insialled where- the maximrm ambient temperature w111 exceed 115" F. or as noted. 3.09 WIRIITG DE\IfCEfi: tnstall wlring devices of the types as indlcated on the draw- lngs. AIl connections shall be made up tlght and the devlces set plumb. Use care in lnstalling devlces ln order to prevent damage to the device and the wlre in the outlet box. Device plates: Provlde a device plate for each outlet to suit the devlce lnstalled and install blank plates or covers for Junctlon boxes and empty outlets. 3.10@: Support and align all raceways, cablnets, boxes, fixtures,etc., ln an accepted manner and as herein speclfied. SupPort raceways on accepted types of wall- brackets, specialty spring steel cttps or hangers, celling trapeze hangers, or malleable i-ron straps. Plumbers perforated straps not permi.tted. Do not suspend raceways or equipment from steam, water, or otherplping, or ductwork, but provide independent and secure supportmethods. Provide toggle bolts or expanslon lsplder type) anchors ln hollow masonry unlts, lead expanslon shlelds insolid masonry or concrete, (or preferably use present concreteln concrete), machlne screws, bolts, or weldlng on metal sur- faces, and wood screws on wood constructlon. Note: Nalls, of proper type, may be used to anchor 1n wood construction in lleuof screws only where rlg1d support will be provlded by theiruse. Use of power-drlven studs ls prohlbited wlthout express permisslon from the Archltect. Where suspended cellings are 24tt or less below the structure lbar Jol-nts, concrete, etc.1 provlde lndependent support fromthe structure for all raceways. Where a space of over 24" to suspended celling occurs, the suspendlng wlres or hangers may be utillzed to support condults of 3/4n or less trade size. Mount all conduits above any accesslble type celllng at a height sufficlent to permit relocation of recessed flxtures to any location. nacklng of condults will not be permltted from celllng suspension wj-res. Structural concrete members shall not be drllled or plerced wlthout prlor acceptance from the erchitect. I t I I I I I I T I I I t I t I T I I I 01 o2 03 04 05 05 o7 08 09l0 11 L2 r3 14 15 I5 t7 18 I9 20 2L 22 23 24 ?5 25 27 28 29 89-353 16050 - 13 lrlhere outlets are lnstalled ln steel stud type systems, provlde addLttonal cross braclng, brldglng, and/or straps as requiredto make the outlet completely rlgld prlor to the appllcatlon of the waII faclng materla]. 3.11 FUSES: Provlde acsurately calibrated fuses, of the correct capacltyfor overcurrent protectlon for all clrcuits utlllzlng fusedprotectlve devlces. Fuses shal1 be rated for voLtages at whlch they are to be applled, or hlgher when so noted. Parallellngof fuses wtlJ- not be permltted. Al-I fuses shall be properly coordlnated and of the same manufacturer. Elrses for appllcatlon at over 500 volts shall be as speclfied. Provide two sets of three (3) sparg fuses for every fuse sizefor all fuses lnstalled. Provide a metal cablnet havlng a hlnged door and shelves or holders for neatly storing boxed fuses and mount same near themaln service equipment. Label 'Spare Fuses'r on face of cablnet. ElrD OF SECIION 15050 I I I I I I I elo,. rli 05l:; 08 lii L2ll: 15 ri: lii 22 lzz 25 rii 29l:l 32 l:i l:: 39lll 42 ri: rii 49 l:r 52 l;i 55l;l 59 sHICIr 15400 SER\rICE AilD DISBIBTTIIOI{ PART 1 - GE}TERAG 1.OO REI,AIED IX)CUUEIES: Drawings and general provlslons of Contract, including Generaland Supplenentary Condltlons and DlvLslon 1-speclficatlon Sectlon and Sections 15010 and 16050, apply to the work of this Section. 1.01 : The servlce w111 be 2og volts, 3-phase, A'wLre, and wlll be made avallable at the secondary terminals of the padmounted transformer. 1.02 MATII $IITCHBOARD . PANELBOARDS: Main swltchboard and panelboards shall. be deslgned, tested and assembled ln accordance wlth the appllcable standards of the anerlcan Natlonal Standards lnstitute (ANSI), the National 89-353 15400 - I Electrlcal Manufacturer's Association Underwrlters Laboratories (UL). (NEMA) and the Submlt complete shop drawlngs wlth outline dlmenslons, descrip-tive literature and complete descrlptlon of the frame size,trlp settlng, class, and lnterrupting rating of all breakers orswltches. Available spaces shall be identlfied. 1.03@: Meterlng equipment sha1l be an integral part of the main servlce equipment. 1.04 : The emergerrcy and exlt system shall be ln conformance with Article 700 of the National Electrical Code. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MEIER,ITG FACTLITIES: Meters, meter bases, and current transformers are to be furnlshed by the utillty company. 2.02 GROUNDING: Water pipe ground clamp shaLl be T & B serles 3900. Ground rods shall be copper clad metal 3/4" x L0'-0" Iong. t 89-35 3 15400 - 2 2.03 EMERGBNCY AND EI(I[ SYSTEDIS: The emergency and exlt systems shall conslst of all the fLx- tures aeitgnltea on the -drawlng as well as other electrical Ioads as designated on the drawlngs. 2.0,1 : Provlde dead front, clrcuj-t breaker type panels' wlth the slze and number of branches indlcated. Breakers shall be thermal magnetic type (botted; employlng qulck-make and quick-break mechanisns for manual operatlon as well as automatlc ope-ra- tion. Automatlc trlpplng shall be lndicated by the breaker handle assumlng a dlsfinctlve posltion from the nanual "on' anduoff". All multipole breakers shall have a cornmon tr1p. Tle handles will not be permitted. Panelboards havlng branch circuit breaker sizes of 15 to 100 ampere shall be: General Electrlc rrNLAB", for operation on I2o/208 volt systems. Type 'NLAB" and ,NIiIBrr panelboards may contaln two subfeed bieakers havlng a ratlng in excess of 100 amperes but less than 225 amperes. Panelboards havlng branch circuit breaker slzes of 15 to 1,000 amperes shall be General Electrlc trcqB" for aII panels having more than two branch clrcult breakers rated in excess of 100 amperes. AI1 spaces shall be fully equipped. RlI panelboards shall have a grounding lug for the egulpmentgi-"riarns system. I Clrcuit breakers shall have a minimrm interrupting capaclty as followsz l2o/208v - 10,000 amperes. Panelboards shall be a minj:mrn 17" wlde (box). A11 busses sha1l be copper. Bhe above panelboard deslgnatlons are General Electric; how- ever, provide any of the followlng equlpment, or as accepted: oOI 02 03 04 05 05 07 08 09 10 l1 L2 r.3 14 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2T 22 23 24 25 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 3"1 38 39 40 4I 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 s0 5I 52 5J 54 35 55 JI t I I r20 /208v General Electrlc NLABI.T.E. NLABSquare-D NQOBWestinghouse wEB 15-1200A ccB CDP HC CDP I lo,. lli 05 l3t 08 rii rii 15 ltt18 lii 22 lzt 25rii 29l:l 32lil l:: 39lil 42 lil 46lll 49 l;; t:l 56 l;3 59 I:l 89-35 3 e 15400 - 3 2.o5 E!I!_SEEQE(E8D: Swltchboard shall be a completely self-supportlng structure of the required number of vertlcal sectlons bolted together to form one netal enclosed rlgid switchboard (90') high. The sldes, top and rear shall be covered with removable screw-on code gauge steel plates. Switchboard shall include all protec- tive devlces and equipment as llsted on drawings wlth necessary inter-connections, lnstrumentatlon and control wirlng. Busses shall be copper sized on I'[E!iA and N{SI Standards. The bus bars shaLl be lnounted on supports of hlgh impact non-tracklng tnsulating materlal and shal,I be braced to wlthstand 50'000 anperes RMS. smal-I wlrlng, necessary fuse blocks and terminal blocks within the switchboard shall be furnlshed when requlred. ALl groups of control wlres leaving the switchboard shall be provided with termlnal blocks with suitable numberlng strips. All steel sur- faces shal,J. be chemlcally cleaned and treaded to provide a bond between paint and metal surfaces to help prevent the entrance of moisture and formatlon of rust under the paint film. The swltchboard exterior shall be flnished ln ANsr-6r light gray. A1t hardware used on conductors shall have a high tensile strength and have a sultable protectlve flnlsh. A ground bus shall be furnished secured to each vertlcalsection structure and shall extend the entlre length of theswltchboard. A-B-c type bus arrangement-left-to-rlght, top- to-bottom, and front-to-rear shall be used throughout to assure convenlent and safe testing and maintenance. Swltchboard shall be provlded wlth adeguate llftlng means andshall be capable of being rolled or moved into installatlonposltlon and bolted dlrectly to the floor wlthout the use offloor sllls. Swltchboard sha1l be lndoor constructlon wlth depth necessaryto accommodate the equlpment but not greater than 48 lnches.All vertlcal sectlons shall align ln front and rear. Thedlstrlbutlon branch protectlve devlces shall be indivldually mounted with front coverplate and necessary bus connectlon straps. AI1 vertical buses shall be completely tsolated on the front by means of sheet polyester insul-atlon arranged so that the only exposed energl-zed parts wiII be at the point of con- nectlon. Live buses shall be isolated in the rear of the swltchboard to prevent accldental contact belng made wlth bus when making up devlce load termlnal connectlons. The device load termlnals sha1l be extended for convenlent connectlons. Where called for on drawlngs "space for future" shall mean to lncl-ude all necessary bus, devlce supports and connectlons. Protectlve devices shall be modul,ar slzed and so arranged as to be lndlvldually removable and readlly interchangeable from the front of the switchboard. Each devlce shall be provtded with large vlsible means of ON-OFF identiflcatlon and clrcult breiker extension handles shall have anpere slze indlcators. 01 02 03 o4 05 05 o7 08 09 10 11 t2 l3 14 I5 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 z3 24 z5 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 JJ 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4t 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 s2 5J 54 55 55 89-353 PART 3 - EXFCTITIOil 3.01 : Necessary LzO/208 volt, 3-phase,dry type transformers. 3.02@: 16400 - 4 SwLtchbord shall be rated 240 volts arrangbd for operation on clrcuits rated L2o/z}a volts, 3-phase, {-wlre, full capaclty neutral . Swltchboard reguirements : Incoming feeders by cable. Fr.rII length ground bus. Provlde a 4-1nch concrete pad under swltchboard. Overcurrent Devlces: The maln fused swltch and feeder circuit breakers shall beprovlded wlth ground fault protection fully ff9_1d-dlustable ln pickup current and time delay, adjystable long tlme trlp, adJustable lnstantaneous trlpi ald indl- cators for overload short circult and ground fault. The fusible maln swltch shaIl also include protectlon against slngIe-phaslng. The main fusible switch shal1 be Prlngle Magne-Matic or Barkelew BoIt-Loc or as accepted. Feederclrcuit breakers shall be nolded case type rated 500 volt, 3-phase, of current rating shown with a mj.nlmum shortclicuit rating of 35,000 amperes nns slmmetrlcal at 480 volts. A11 spaces shall be ful1y equlpped wlth bus and mounting straPs. Meterlng at the swltchboard shall consist of an ammeter with selector switch and a voltmeter with selector switch. Metersshall be switchbaord type wlth lt accuracy. Provide currentfor metering as requlred. The switchboard shall be General Electric Company's rAvw I1neor acceptable product of Square-D. Catalog numbers usEd are those of General Electrlc Company. I I power w111 be obtalned from AIl meterlng facllities will be provided in the maln switch-board. Orrrent and potential transformers and watt hour meters shall be provided by the utillty company. I I I I I I I t I T T I I I T I I I I I 01 o2 03 04 0s 06 o7 08 09 10 11 L2l3l4 15 15l7 18 r9 20 2I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3I 5Z ?? 34 J5 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5I az 53 54 5s 55 2t 58 59 50 89-353 16400 - 5 3.03 GROI'NDIITGs All servlce equlpment, condult systems, suPports, cabinets, equlpment, transformers, fixtures, etc., and the grounded clr- ctrft- conductor shall be properly grounded in accordance with the latest lssue of the Natlonal Electrlcal Code. Provlde all bondlng Junpers and wlre, groundlng bushlngs, clamps, etc., 9srequlred- foi complete groundlng' Route ground conductors to provlde the shortest and most dlrect path to the ground elec- trode system. AlI ground connectlons shall-have clean contact surfaces, tlnned and sweated whlle boltlng. lnstall all ground conductors ln condult. Make readily acces- slble connectlons to a contlnuous, metalllc underground cold water plplng system at the point where it enters the building.If this is .not practlcal , connect to a cold water piPe andprovide a meter Jumper. Make connections to the water pipe grounding the condult enclosing the conductor, as well as theconductor. Bond the service equipment to a separate grounding electrode per code requlrements. Provlcle a separate grounding conductor, securely grounded on each slde of all raceways containlng sectlons of plastic. or flexlble raceways. Size ln accordance with the National EIec-trical Code and route lnside raceetay. Provlde a green groundlng Jumper from the ground screw to a box grounding screw or clip for all grounding type devices. Use lnsulated wire. fn installatlons where a separate ground wire is not provlded, the Contractor may supply self grounding recep-tacles, Arrow Eart 5252 SI or acceptable, ln lIeu of the groundlng Jumper. ProvLde grounding type bushlngs for alJ- secondary feeder con-duits whlch origlnate from the secondary section of the maindlstrlbution panel and lndivtdually bond thls raceway to the ground bus ln the secondary sectlon of the distributlon panel . Provlde a separate ground conductor ln rmrltloutlet assemblles. 3.04 : Provlde a separate raceway system wlth minirmrm wlre slze of *10 Awc copper. Extend system to all exit llghts and emergency Iights lndlcated on drawings. verlfy locatlons of aII exit flxtures to assure they wlII be vislble. Palnt the emergency dLsconnect, and emergency panel wlth red enamel and plalnly Iabel "Emergency System". 3.0s EIEE$EEEI: lnstall panelboards with the top of the trlm 5r-3n from the flnlshed floor. o I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 01 o2 03 04 05 05 o7 08 09 IO 11 I2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3L 32 ?? 34Itr 35 37 38 39 40 4L 42 43 44 45 45 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 55 57 58 59 89-35 3 15400 - 5 Fleld check all panelboard loadlng and reconnect clrcults as requlred to provlde balanced phase and line loads. Cables lnstalled ln wlrlng gutters of panelboards shall be neatly bundled, routed, ancl supported. Minlmrm bendlltg radlusas recommended by the wlre and cable nanufacturer shaLl not be reduced. 3.06 }TAIIT SWIIEBOARD Inspectlon: The swltchboards shall be inspected at the factory by the manufacturer before and after assembly to _assure. com- plLance wlth shop drawlngs, accuracy of assenbly and guallty- of workmanshlp. aJ a part of the final lnspectlon, the manufac- turer sha1l subject the cornpletely assembled switchboard to a hlgh'potentlal fest. The te-t shall be in conformance with the NEMA -Standard for Power Swltchboard Assemblies, ParagraphSc5-4.9. The manufacturer shaII furnish a certifled copy of the test report together wlth each operating manual . The swLtchboard nameplate to be furnlshed by the manufacturer,afflxed to the front of the swltchbord, shall contain the following data: Manufacturer's -name and address Manufacturerr s type designation Manufacturer' s identiflcatlon reference Rated voltage Rated continuous current Rated frequency Provide engraved bakelite nameplates screwed to panel front for each lten in swltchboard. The record shop drawlngs to be furnlshed by the switchboard manufacturer shall include the followlng: outllne drawlngs: Indicate any and all shlpplng spllts One-Llne Dlagram Llst of Devi.ces Sectlonal Vlews Base PIan: Show dlmenslons of base includlng boltdown holes. List of avallable replacement parts END OF SECIIOrI 15400 lo, lli 05 l3t 08 lii I2ll; 15 li: lii 22rii ril 29l:l 32 l:i li: 39lll 42 lil l^tz 49 t:; l;i 55 l;3 59 l:i 89-353 L6500 - 1 sEerroN 15500 LIG[fTIITG PART 1 - GENERAE r.oo@: Drawlngs and general provlslons of Contract, lncludlng Generaland Supplementary Conditlons and Dlvlslon l-Speciflcatlon sectlon and Sections 16010 and 16050, apply to the work of thls Sectlon. 1.OI DESCR FITON OF IIORX: The Contractor shall furnish and lnstall al-l llghtlng egulpment and lighting flxtures lncluded ln flxture schedule and as reguired for all outlets lndicated on the drawlngs. AJ-I llghting fixtures shall bear the Underwriter's label and manufacturerrs labe1 . PART 2 - PRODUEIS 2.OI T,IGIfTII{G EIXTURES: Provide lightlng egulpment as shown on the drawings and as specified herein. Provide complete llghting equlpment, lnclud-1ng canopies, suspenslons of proper lengths, supportingbrackets, hj.ckeys, caslngs, sockets holders, reflectors,ballasts, dlffuslng materlals, Iouvers, lamps, recesslng fix- tures wlth plaster frame and flanges approprlate for the ceil-ing type. Where a discrepancy 1n length exists between thefixture deslgnated ln the schedule and the length lndicated onthe plan, the scaled length of fixture shall determine theirlength. Provlde speclal plates, barrlers, rlngs, etc., as requlred to comply wlth the Nattonal Electrlcal Code. Design and construction of flxtures utillzlng ballasts shall be such that the ballast case temperature will not exceed theU.L. 90'C. limit ln a 25'C. ambient. Flxtures to be lnstalledin a damp or wet locatlon shal1 be constructed with proper gasketing and corrosion resistant materials and/or coatings. Construct steel flxture channels, end caps, interlor barrlers,reflectors, etc., of adequate gauge. Provlde a1l- ferrous metal surfaces with a protectlve flnlsh havlng rust lnhibitlng propertles. Palnted finishes sha1l be a mlnlmum of 1.5 mlls thlck and shall have a balance between hardness and bendlng propertles suitable for the application. White flnlshes shall have 8?t minimum reflectance. applicatlon and cleanlng shall be-performed so as to prevent saponifica- tion. A11 flxture wire shall conform to the latest requirements of Underwrlter's Laboratory and be concealed within flxture con- struction. 0r 02 03 04 05 06 o7 08 09 10tl L2 13 L4 15 t6 L7 t8 I9 20 2I 22 23 24 25 26 27 z6 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3t 38 39 4L 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5I 52 5J 54 55 55 57 58 5:t 60 89-35 3 16500 - 2 All plastlcs used for ltght transmission shall be 1001 vlrgln mateilals and 0.125" minl-mrm thlckness. M1nlmum unpenetrated thickness shall be .035't. No blends or copollmers permitted. all plastlcs shall be ETL certlfled as light stabllzed, non- yellowing. Ba1lasts furnished shalI meet Underwriter's Laboratorles specl- flcatlons for C1ass P llsting and appllcable N{SI Standards.provlde CBM-ETL certlfled, hlgh power factor ballasts which w111 operate on the nomlnal applied system vol_tage variatlon, and which conform with crrrrent-ipp11ca51e U.L. deslgnated Class P reguirements. All ballasts shall have automatlc resetting type -thermal protectors (for the coll) -?nd a nonresettingpi6tector (for the power capacltor). All fluorescent ballasts stratt be General El-ectric'Maxl-Miser II" or Unlversal 'SLHwatt Reducerrr. Metal hallde ballasts shall be hlgh power factor constant wattage autotransformer type. Alt flurescent lghttng flxtures furnlshed shall be "amblentrated' by the fixture manufacturer or its authorlzed represen-tatlve. - Such "amblent ratlng" shall be subnltted 1n wrltlng and shall conslst of the maxlrm.rm ambient temperature, ln degrees fahrenhelt, Ln which the fixture will functlon contlnu- ouily without lnterruptlon of the protector employed ln the class P balIast. Exit flxtures shall conform with local code requlrements. Lamps shall bear labels of General Electric, Westlnghouse, or Sylvanla, and be per Generl Electrlc lamp deslgnatlons shown on the Flxture Schedu1e. rnstall all fluorescent lamps allgned for proper lamp contact. All incandescent lamps shall be as follows: "A" Lamps sha1l be 99 serles, 130 volts. nPAR'r and rrR" lamps shall be r30 volts. PART 3 - EIIFCT}TIOII 3.01 lttOUilTfNG: Set luminalres true, free of tight leaks, warps, dents, or other lrregrularltles. Provide the length of stems as requiredto hang al1 lurninaires level and ln the same horizontal plane. verlfy the type of all celllngs before biddlng, and provide flxtuies and mounting to suit. Mount all outlets at posltlon and helght to clear equlPment, duct-work, piping, ,etc., in mechanical equipment room, storage rooms, etc. Securely fasten al-I recessed fiitures in suspended celling to the celIlng fram- lng member. I lo, tli 05 l3t 08lii L2lu 15 ri: lii 22 lzt 25 ri; 29l:l 32lii ti: 39lil42 ril 46 lt3 49 l;? 89-363 15500 - 3 Surface mounted flxtures contalning ballasts shall be mounted wlth a mlnimum L-L/z( sPacer where mounted on a combustlble material unless spectflcally approved for the appllcatlon. Support }umlnaires only from structural elements which are capante of carrylng the total weight. All tlghting flxtures shaU be nounted itgtaly, wlth no I'rocking" actlon. Where fixtures are surface-hounted on a suspended grid type celling, provlde two supports lspaced at least 5n apart and nornal to ttre longitudln-l axls) at each end of each 48u sectlon of flxture (or on 48" minimum centers at tees). Flxtures shall be supported from maln (Ioad bearlng) tees only. Where flxture orlentatlon does not permlt such support to maln tees, provlde addltlonal cross supports above the hung celling to provlde bearlng from the maln tees, or extend supports dlrectly to the structural systen of the celIlng above. Protect wlrlng wlth tape or tubing at all points where abraslon ls llkely to occur. Provlde chase nipples where fleld wiring through knockouts. wiring in fluorescent fixtures shall be sultable for temperature condltlons and 1n no case less than 90'C. (194'F. ) rating. Install all lncandescent and fluorescent lamps In accordancewlth type lndlcated on flxture schedule. 3.02@: AIl llghtlng fixtures having an adjustable type of beam spreador being of the adjustable aiming type (floodlights, track-' lights, wall washers, spot llghts, etc. ) shall be field adJusted or afuned at this Contractor's exPense and to thesatisfaction of the Architect-Englneer. AI1 fixtures of the above types (refer to drawings) shall be fleld adjusted (verify flnal placement of flxtures also; ln accordance wlth the manu-facturer's almlng reconunendatlons, and as indlcated on the drawings and as requlred 1n the fleld. rnclude an allowance lnthe bld to cover all costs of aimlng or adJustlng these flx- tures. rnclude an overtfune alLowance ln the bid for aiming or adJustlng exterior fixtures at night. 3.03 Q@!S: Clean aII fixtures as speclfled ln Section 0r7l-0. Relamp fix- tures to extent regulred and as specified in Sectlon 01500. EnD OF SETCIIOT 16500 I lo, rli 05 l3t 08 lii I2ll: J.3 li: fil, 22rii ri| 29l:l 32 ril li: 39lll 42 ril rti 49 l;r52 lil JO l;t 59 o L672I - I89-353 sEcrrolt L672L EIRE AIARU SYSTEM E:XPAITSIOI| PART 1 - GENERAT 1.OO@: Drawlngs and general provlslons of the Contract, lncludlng Gen-eral and Supplementary Condltions and the Dlvislon-l Speclflca-tlon sections, apply to work of thls Sectlon. 1.01 DSEEEEKE: Furnlsh and install all necessary parts and devices to expandthe exlstlng flre alarm system as shown on the plans and as outlined ln this speclflcatlon. The exlstlng system ls Kidde, TyPe KDR and all new equipment must be compatible to this system. all field devices mrst be cross llsted by UL for use with the exlsting equipments. 1.02@: The Contractor shall furnish and install all input panels, zone modules, output panels and signal modules as required to pro- vide a complete operatlng system ln compliance wlth all natlon-aI and local codes, The system shal1 be tested and certifled by a authorj.zed repre- sentatlve of the manufacturer. 1.03 EIEEEEEEI€.: The owner and./or hls designated representatlve will revj-ew aII equlpment submittals for approval , prior to installatlon. General requlrements are as follows: Manufacturers orlglnal catalog data and descriptlve infor- matlon shall be supplled for all flre alarm equipment. Shop drawings, prepared to a scale of not less than !/8" =1'-0", shall be a part of the submlttal package. Drawlngs shall show all termlnatlons and fleld wlring informatlon.Battery calcuJ-atlons shall be provided for the entire system. It ls the Contractors responslblllty to meet the intent of thls Speclflcation. 1.04@: All equlpment, devlces, cables, elc., shall be UL llsted for use with flre detection systems. I 01 02 03 04 05 05 07 08 09 10 11 I2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 r9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 76 27 28 29 30 3l 32 33 34 1q 36 37 38 39 40 4L 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 54 55 55 57 89-36 3 L672L - 2 lhe completed systems shall comply wlth all local and natlonal codes The system shall comply with the appllcable provlsj-ons of NFPA standards 728, 72F. and 70, PART 2 - PROI'UCTS 2.OI SISTEM OPERATION: The operation of any manuaL statlon or automatlc actlvation of any sinoke detector,-heat dectector, or waterflow devlce sha.ll cause: A11 evacuatlon horns to sound and lamps to flash contlnu- ously. Indlcate on the control panel the zone that 1s in alarm. Transmj.t a slgnal to the fire department. Perform any addltlonal functlons as speclfled hereln or as shown on the plans. RecaII all elevators to the flrst floor. 2.02 !$!!: The control device is returning to normal and the control panel is manually reset, except that the alarm may be sllenced as described elsewhere in these specifications Any alarm may be silenced by a swi.tch ln the control panel . when the alarm is cleared, the panel shall not reset untll this switch is restored to normal posltlon. When alarms are silenced, the zone lndicators on the control panel shal1 remaln on untj.l the operated devlce ls restored to normal . All alarm signals shall- be automatlcally locked ln at the control panel until the operated devlce is restored to normal . Each lnltiatlng and alarm slgnal circult shall be electrically supervlsed for opens and ground faults in the wirlng. The occurrence of a fauLt shall be lndicated at the control panel both vlsuaI1y and audlbly. Twenty-four (241 hours of rechargeable battery standby power shall be provided. Load calculatlons to confirm the total sys- tem requirement shaIl be provided as part of thls contract. Replacement of exlstlng batteries w111 be required. I t I | 0,. rli 05 l3t08 tii L2ll: 15 ri: lii 22 a'r'^25 ri.. 29l:l 32 lil 36l* 39 at^\ lii 46 Itz 49 ui ril 5t' l:3 59 89-363 L672L - 3 PART 3 - EIECT'TIOI| 3.01 TdANTIAI, STATIOI{S: Manual statlons shall be Kldde, Model- Fi6, single poi., nlo contact. 3.02 : Area smoke detectors shall be Kldde, Model PSD7125, operatingoff the llght scatterlng, photodlode prlnclple. Detectorsshall be 2 wire nonpolarlzed type compatlble with the control panel . Rate of rise heat detectors shall be Kidde, Model 501, and functlon on both the rate of rise and flxed temperature prlnci-ple. Tetnperature shall be set at 135 degrees F. ProJected beam detectors, used in the gymnaslum shalJ. be of thepulslng, near-infrared type, uslng a emitter and recelver.Sensltlvlty shall be fleld adJustable from 15t to 70t obscura-tlon across the span. The settlng shall'be verifled by the useof callbrated filters and a 100 microampere meter. The devlce shall have a range of 328 feet. It shall slgna1 atrouble conditlon if the beam ls blocked for more than 30 seconds and shal1 automatlcally reset when the blockage ls removed. It shall also signal a trouble condition when thelens of elther emltter or the recelver becomes slowly contaml- nated by dlrt or other alrborne contamlnants to the extent that50t of the orlglnal beam strength ls blocked. Thls shall also be true when changes in allgnnent causing + or - 20r^ of onehalf of the beam input to be received. Unlt shall be sultable for either wall or ceiling mountlng. Model SPA-248 manufactured by ttochlkl America, no substitute. 3.03 $[$$!!$: Audlble slgnals shall be vibratlng horn, wlth a 90dba output. Kidde, Model 35T-24R. vlsual indicatlon shall be by pulsating strobe light that may be a integral part of the audlble slgnal device. Kldde, Mode1 WSP-24 FR. Remote visual lndlcatlon shall be provided for each automatlc lnitlating device located behind locked doors. Kldde, Model RAI-2. 3.0,r }{fggElEiEBlQqSi: Provide protective guards for all devlces that are located in areas subJect to physical abuse. t 01 o2 03 04 05 05 07 08 09 10 11 89-36 3 L672L - 4 The entlre system shall be checked out and certlflecl. by a auth- orlzed representatlve of the manufacturer. Accurate, as-bullt drawlngs shall be provlded by. the Contractor before flnal payment and acceptance of the system. EI{D OF SECrIOTI L672L I t I t I I t I I I I I t t I t I I t o Mf st, eT Projecl Applicatlon Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: Date: E Statt Approval r:' ) i-rr i l" : F I ff l.rl Fztil cr (c,i ,:].Jl -JuJl r:,f -'l :isEli rrIld{\::1. 'qei:FjiqiFil l-B 6 t' E ssijf I3E: * -oQ o€<o, !, N ot P rO6 'o Frr W rd #l.,-irF, it $ ts- f,(! t, F, "'f <flnli(F. f O - ts Or{5rrJf,tit {, }-.}ir O O Bp*OFfD IA5/ 5 {#H{rfiro O,< o, .- XFB{-A {}5/ O SF$OF& i,. D. t-: FJ H55O t I F-rr lil &f}l:f hitl Ft rt. tr Xt* iE-=#-{ .t p.f t*H&H tr' dH X }tt < O I,Or'{O. g I . ftflOYdHFr $n0! ri HF, n F.Ftp.ft t- F irffoproHo !, o r"!t r* o r..,. sDrt {tlot! L- l< D{D:'tf(f ri:tGo lrt Lr.p *ttsr{ <frv I - rtH DFFS P.nO4 ft O iOO 9{Dg €> <F ofio ottlt| o oE I Etf F-EA f (t :$rf 5dFt 5 r., 5 {rO l\'0,OHfr L :' r{r Hr ir 0P. m.tokf .. d r- c!,4 ut*GOOOflFb 0 FhJo UF t'lo {D r'lsPE |.r ts- $3 o oft { ts l*ts!'tr F.O Ort<5 . Pl O ctdOOOflftO nq, P- 16 l'lF€p.nlf ff rt P.of t$5 Ett F{}yts. itF.tsd N.} OP(} rt4 !o oD ft !\}vJ 5ot/:rldBl Eit -tO rftssott tr ryrdoo ro:tOOrt Ott Or-lgH lO Uft rt €I'OF O|DJH' NO Orl ].1 ]&o lD 5 }t''d ftN PP uO.d O +,m 5 O D, Sr O t*r rtOOOFID F o E l'-PJ {fiP rt o n,'{t d o },.5 *{ x[r l,.J tt SrpJ IJ tF frK O Ul lP 0 Fl O rr rQ 0) t< ..-' O3rr *ft E O H5(i ;|ncf P.4 O{D!f E obrlro600Po FrJ our otsortoSSFr lQo. (,oftE 9l Ptr rr F-F/ "r' FF*ft F,.H F,.K F. 05 fdSlroEO P r-1 OrtSs I t $5 o,0. E o o Bfr o F-P- ft otr t O g'ftt lJ 01 l* F.Pt'Ort OE€ rrtSSfi Fr tr P rQ rnOOilr<fiIfl ri o!40!f !rft5 rfo,rioOPOqOHO OOStljrrEfi|AX' tD ttl ut oo ft P-r< tsrf !(OOO X OrIr O:t!frtrl ir rr rr it5dUlFt?!throoo o0lIt*O5Oi+t'. F{ pl{J p, t_.,tsrF OtrP.FF. of- . O OrFnFo Hro H5 ryrrts5 tstE EtQ rtE' $ € r'' rt {:rF - OfiUr ifotD5 F" {UOSA P ;,. Otdo f lq tofb V !,!rf rl}|H (l. O,r<l o q () Ll rne f =J = :"'m {D <! ao -" lrEAsFE {ct:! It{) 6'Q = a€-(.9 ,11 fl: woq { m.{ n-' CIrd GLofl eltr 0rtrr{(|r fi,Nstf {rl{$ Sianlorf, fjlecE 3. Sirile 1000 ;:rlli**i:a*#P;."'O {303} 6Sq '2770 Tels\ 501?85 iWOODwAfiD DVBI F;,V lfo. FROJI1; rP you p9 Nof' RecErvE ALL oF fl{EsE pt6ES OR flArrE AJ{y PROBtEdSt PLEASEAr (t03) 694-2770. -iruM.B.ER OF PA6F5 (LfiCLUDTN. CO'SA StrgE? I 2 p*o,recr rvo. RtJ74 - H i 7z (frOS) I{E$6A€Er Woodward'flyde Gcnsultants TEIACOPY COVER STIEg:P Gnnrulrifig Engtntt_r. graloe kru a|1d Environftcnrl $€lrilEtr Ot{.c$ in Orhrr Pricclprl Cli{tg I[J,J 33]bi HEANEfl*IAltr i-';'ii 7,t'tj r'!irl lf l-, il$ :-; I,i r-ll--': i +Q'f'f Stgnlord Plgcr 3, Suttr iOO0 4582 South Ulrt6r SUaol p!ftway oanvar, Coto.sdo 80237 (303) 694-2770 TElsx 50t 285 (wOODWAFD DVB) l.|oy 8, 1989 +DENVER WCP f',tl Woodwald.Glyde Gonsultarlr Snowdon & Hopklns 201 Gore Creek 0r1veVall. C0 81657 Attentlon: Ms. Pame'ta Hopklns Re: valI tlountaln School Extenslon ProJect No, 22279-Zl37t Oear l'ls. Hopklns: 0n Thursday, l4uy 4, 1989, I recejved fron Mr. Joe Jehn of Jehn and Assoc.te.re.a. c0!y 9.f l,l1'l0n Architects' drawlng C-2 (ProJrct No, 10BB), dated l-:.-i:lshowlng the proposed regradlng after the schoo't dxtenslon nrs bien conrpl:ter.. The drawlng shows the crest of the existing rock control berm be'lng cut bil.ken 1ts western end by approximately 30 feet on the north -side i'..j approximately 36 feet on its south side. This js slgnificantly differer t trcr, an earlier scheme that I reviewed, having'no reduction in the crest'lenqilr cfthe berm. The revlsed version offers less protectlon against 'rctintt,r-rockfall than the existing berm. I consider that after the school arjclr:lcr,has been constructed and the gradlng has been nade, that the berrn shoulc...:.rebuilt to its present crest elevation by extending the berm ln a rtrlr wester'ly djrecti0n such that the tota'l crest length 1s not less tt,an itrpresent length, and possibly extended as the constraints of tvai'l able;;r.ti permi t. tloodward-C1yde Consultants wou'ld be happy to prepdre the design fer..liir modification and oversee lts constructlon in due course. This work dces :,LLof course fa'l 'l within the scope of our current asslgnment. If you have any questions regardlng the above letter, please call. Manager of Geosclences 0lvls'lon JH8:blb fiLs/2?zlste2l(l copy sent)1c: F1'le Consuitin0 EngineeG, GeoloOisls .nd Envirenmenlal gciantlsts Ottices In Olhe. Pfincioal Chies h lnwn 75 roulh tronlagc road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 470-7000 oftlce of communlty developmenl March L, 1989 Mr. Mark MilanMilan Architects, P.C. L775 Lee Lane Lakewoodr CO 802L5 Reference:Addition and Dear Mark, On March Lst, 1989, the Design Review Board approved the Vail Mountain School's request to construct a gynnasiurn and parkingIot. The approval included the followi-ng conditions: f-) Buffalo Juniper wiII be changed to Potentilla in areas where native grasEes are used. 2) The retaining wall by the bike bath shall be terraced so that lt has a naximum height of 2-L/2 feet. Theretaining wall shall be made of wood. The terraced area shall be planted with wIld flowers and/or shrubs. 3) The trusses will be heavy wood with bolts and will be located in the three dorner areas per the model alongthe south elevation. 4) The entire parking lot shall be plowed to allow for one way traffic flow during the winter. congratulations on your project. I believe the Design Review Board felt you did an excellent job of responding to theirsoncerns. Good luck with construction this Spring. Sincerelv,.A\) | 1l IM .tl {. ^'*'\]\lvir\n lIl r? Kristan Pritz Senior Planner KP! sm t o P.C. MILAN AFICHITECTSI, (303) 232-2256.l 775 LEE LANE LAKEWOOD. COLORADO 802 1 5-2a93 March 28, 1989 Mr. Edmund E. Hill Highway Malntenance Supervisor Colorado Department of Highways ?14 Grand AvenueP. O. Box 298 Eagle, CoLorado 8L631-0298 Ret Vail Mountain School Dear Mr. Hill: We are in receipt of your letter of 14 March 1989 concernj.ng landscapingrestrictions on Highway Department right-of-way. Thank you for your statement that with the latest changesr our plans wiLl now meet with Colorado Department of Highways approval . fn the interest of continuity and wLth your permissl,on. I shall brieflyreview the instructions given to me by Mr. Al Pierce of your departmentby telephone before we modifj-ed our landscape plan. The landscape lestrictions as agreed to by Mr. Pierce are as foLlows: 1. No new plantings closer than thirty (30) feet to the traveled roadway edge. 2. No new trees with a caliber sJ-ze large! than three (3) incheswill be allowed. A11 other conditions are as set forth in your letter of 14 March 1989. We have advised the onner that prior to any work being conmenced on State' ttighway right-of-way, all required written approvals must be obtalnedfrom your office . If you have guestions concernl-ng any of the foregoing, pl-ease do nothesi.tate to contact this office. Respectfully, >\(o ^;F. Ivlilan, Architect Architects SupervisorVaiI Mountain School Mr. A1 Plerce, Sr.,Mrs. Pamela Hopkins, Highway MaLntenanceBuilding Comnittee IIEX!EN OF THE AXERICAN II{STITUTE OF ARCHITEC?S ArcHtItct r rJ?llrxxll TIIAT --. \t \tr I r-\ \tl,rttt.-Jttrl\ \ .L\ 'I\ \L'L ':'T.\TI o; -\F I tt-Ul 'r 6t DEPABTMFN] OF Eal: (' :'aa,'f .i-. ii:GHI\AYS ..f----^. _.1-11t.: ..r.,t.r, ! ::tlatr, ...,1.r-,. Iir : \ :\.1 j 1.: .::.1 a:r, Sclt(,oJ f Gent l emen : I har€ re\-leried 1-o'r p,Ians ior the \ait l.rountain School riith therelocated b:.!i* path oll ol Highr.ar. I)epartnrent rrght oi. r.,a1-. hiththis chan€i€' and restrrctj'orri- --for lartdscaT,rns- -th-ese,-1lgiirs n ljJmeeL rili-1, tii€ Lolorado Department ot' Highwal-s' approva.r. Landscap:.ng rest rictions ril l be as follows: t . No ner. pl.ant i ngs wi 1r be closer to the t ra\.eled roadwar-. edge then the existin8 planti.ngs. 2. lro mature trees r.rith a base Iareer than 4 inches indiameter wiIl be a.Llowed The t'ol.orado Llepartment ot- HighwayB reaerves the riEht .to revohethis pernissron at any ti.ne. ih" D.p""traeni can at an]- futuredate require deretions and nodifications .to rendscaplng. .The colorado Department of Highraye will not be reeponsitle for an1-oarnaEes crone to landscaping in the coufse of nornar right of wal'8|arntenatrce or snorl- reDova_l operations Arrr- trne r^'orh is performed on the colorado Departnent of'Hrghr^a1's' right ol wav traf f ic eontro] will be done j.n accordance$ith the tre-Dgef_pf Uni f orn Traf f ic _!_qff-g-e-s. Sincerelr-, J. Brvce Sanburg Hr.r-. Mtce. Supt. III A. L. Pierce Sr. Hu1'. Iltce. Supr.. ' ",f . ,.(i-lJ+-'.'...'---..:l-:-- .'1,,,\r-.' Edmurrd E. H i -r I . Hu]'. Ittce, 5upr'. Sarrbrr re I Itr i e t h frret ( ezfl i.l .l I'erslie ['a1ri, I i.t ..i.3LE o oProject Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: ------: Architect, Address and Phone: . _ li- Legal Description: Lot Block Filing , Zone - Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL ri i \ ' I,; .-! f i 'i '"' '.';.' tr Staff Approval lnwn 75 routh trontlgs rold v.ll, cotorado 8165? (303) 476-7000 otflc. of communlty developmenl February Z2t Lggg Mr. Mark MilanMilan Arctritects, p.C. .L775 Lee Lane " Iia.kewood, Colorado 90215 Reference: Vail Mountain School submittal Dear ttark, o-n February 22' 1989, the Design Review Board reviewed the vailMountain school addition. tnef tauted the p""j"* and nade thefollowing comments which shour& be consid""La io.. the March lstrneeting: 1. The forns of -the new addition need, to be norecompatible with the existing building. 2. There are too many different roof pitches on thebuilding. 3. The_design solution for the addition nust create onebuilding due to the needs of the clients. For this_re?9olt, the design thene between the old and newbuildings nust b6 conpatiUie. 4. The area in front of the new building should beheavily landscaped. 5. Ehe size of the traffic circle should be d.ecreased. 6. The Design Review_Bo?rd requested the specific heightof the bern in relation to ttre road. ti"V-ii=oenphasized that the bern was very irnpoitiirt In oraerto screen the parking area. 7. The Board was not coufortable nith the bike pathdesign. They suggested looking at the possiLility ofhaving the parking and bike path on the north side ofthe berm with sone landscape separation. 8. They asked that you look at one way traffic withoutthe circle through the parking area. 9. They asked that you look at landscaping on the northside of the exit out onto Booth FaIIs Road. Thislandscaping would screen the traffic and car lightsfrorn adjacent neighbors. 10. Some members felt that additional landscape rnaterialswere needed. They suggested using high irnpactmaterials (spruce, etc.) on the south side of theaddition to provide as much year round greenery aspossible. 11. Design Review Board reguired that the school present adumpster enclosure desigm at the next neeting. I If you have any furttrer questions please feel free to caII me at479-2L3A. Sincerely, 1(''1r"?-t Kristan PritzSenior Planner KP: Sm ,trt'' +. i Peter Pattelr - Responded todiscussion of the intentionregard to parking. application? Sidney's question with aof the CCI zone district with Motion: Second: Vote: Va7. Permitwith by Kristan conditions: OO ,v\ 't{ n ielt .' it/f- Sidnev Schultz - Was staff arrare of the creation of a newparking space through thls Donovan - Approve per the staff memo, tree must berelocated near pedestrian bridge. DRB to look atlandscaping closely. Grant Riva 6-0 School: Conditional Useis for approvalPritz. Recommendation l-. CDOH approval of relocated. bike path.2. Rockfall mitigatlon prior to building perruit.3. frrigation of landscaping on CDOH property willrequire CDOIT approval . VaiI Mountain School - Variance reguests for site coverageand front setbaclc (parking).Kristan Pritz gave the staffpresentation. Staff reconmendation is for approval, therequests are reasonable and the site can handle thevariances. John Milan (Architect for the project) - Presented asection drawing through the parking/bike path/bern area. The CDOH has verbally approved the bike path on the stateproperty and will follow-up with a letter shortly. He discussed the possible rockfalL hazard at the site and alsopresented the landscape plan for the project. Grant Riva - Overall schene is good. Traffic circulationEfso gooa. Pleased with project and is in favor. Peqqy osterfoss - Questioned rockfall rnitigation. WilI gymwall be able to handle the blow from a falling boulder? John Uilan - Woodr'tard-Clyde is the geologic consultant andffiI do further study, h6wever, the rear waII of the gyrnwill.be designed to nitigate any rockfall. Peqcry osterfoss - Overall plan is a positive improvernent.Are all those parkJ-ng spaces needed? John l,lilaq - Not really, but it will be buffered by J-an-dsc-apilg. ! t"L .?I Diana Donovan - Have bike path curve around the existingEIeAs;T;Cad of just a slraight shot. cars may be paiked too close to the soccer field. DRB should look at Iandscaping. Sidney Schultz - Questioned the vertical separation betweenthe Frontage Road and the bike path? ,fohn Milan - About 6, ot 7,. Jirn Viele - Mountain School has been a good neighbor. Runbike path as originally planned and do not relocateexisting trees. Motion: Second: Vote: Motion: Second: Vote: Motion: second: Vote: 8. Grant Riva - Conditional Use Permit, approve as sufiliE"ed__ittea with conditions I - 3 lisied- in staff memo. Diana Donovan 5 - O (Pan Hopkins abstained) Diana Donovan - Approve variances per staff memo Peqcry Osterfoss 5 - O (Pan Hopkins abstained) Vail Run Satellite Dish - Variance Request: Rick Pvlnan - Presented the staff memo. Staff recommendation is for approval . Hardship has been shown and it would not be a grant of special privilege. Color is white. Pegqv osterfoss - Approval of variance. DRB shouldrequire additional landscape screening if tennis bubble is ever removed. Grant Riva 5-O 9.Bed and Breakfast Ordinancez Peter Patten - Updated the PEC on the progress of the Bed and Breakfast ordinance. .a o TO: FROM: DATE: SUB.TECT: Planning and Environnental Comnission Conmunity Developnent Department February 13, 1989 A request for a site coverage variance in order to builda glmnasium and a front setback variance in order tolocate parking within the front setback for the Vail Mountain School . Applicant: Vail Mountain SchooL T DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCES REQUESTED The VaiI l.tountain School is reguesting two variances in orderto allow for their glmnasiurn expansion. The first varianceis for site coverage. Under the agricultural open spacedistrict, not more than 58 of the total site area shall becovered by buildings. The school property has a total sitearea of 6.L22 acres or 266,574 scruare feet. The allowablesite cov . The school isreguesting a site coverage of 7.938 or 2L,L64 square feet. The site coverage is broken down into the following areas: S?o a0frttt{ ,r"ot }.Q)'ic #tr" Existing school -Existing historic New addition - tl ,546 square feetcabin - 780 sguare feet L2 t838 square feet In addition, the Vail Mountain School would like to locate aportion of their new parking area in the front setback. leprqaiegrte-l]|__zg €P499q-sould engroach 6 ft. lDte-lhe-to_ff .-- gEtuacti. tnE agrTEii:.Euial bffi states ttr-at noreguired parking shall be located in any reguired setback area. II. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS , Total - 2L,L64 sguare feet -<t,n <b A. F+- ^ 'utar-r*nl 1 SlltlThis is a difference of approxirnately 7,830 s<1uare_le$ cpDrv t between the allowable analroposed site?ove!&. Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section L8.51.060 ofthe nunicipal code, the Department of Conmunity Development recornmends approval of the reguested variances based upon thefollowing factors: q. A.The gorlsideration of Factors: onshi of the ested var ce toortent proposed.ces are not excessive qiven th er existin Je feel 9ite coveraqe variance: The staff believes that the 2.932increase in site coverage will have rnininal impacts on usesand structures in the surrounding areas. The gyrnnasiunraddition has been designed to ariow for a uast<6tuarf courtand stage area. Adeguate storage and lobby areas are needs for this type of use. to achieve locate thelocacloser to resid€'ntii p_er&14 Eron_!!e FrontagE Road can be rninirnizedlands B.The d to which rel from the strict or literalretationenfot or a specified Staff believes that it iscars in the front setback and + 928) even with the ation islity of uniform it ob of treatnentectives oamonsites in the vic or to attain thethistle without qrant o aL Driv Site coverage variance: .' standards intended toof the site needs to beactivities. predominantl for the agricultural open space district arepreclude intensive urban development. The degreecoverage variance is quite small. A gymnasiuna certain size in order to accommodate recreationStaff believes that the site reroains Front setback varlance:The par in the setbaalready been establis e front setback. The Mountain School hasrates tha ;; parking while minimizing as buildings. In order to provideparKrng wrrtre mj.nimizing asphalt, it is necessary that thespaces be located in the f/ont setback. qeve r oltget r-n a manner which concentrates the buil dinos on the :astern, r>grt+gn of t . @ne parKrngbe Iocated adjacent to the buildinqs. In order to nrowide - c.The e of thedistr facsafetv. There shouldvariance. Inbe no significantract. the vafifro rom many of the residential varl_ance on Ii t and airtransportatonand traffices and utilit es and public impacts duece to locate to eitherrk s of uses qnd structures in the vicin rivil &,ft," areas surroun ng ool . ." .. i Such.other factors and criteria as the cofnnisS1e4deenq a III. FINDINGS rv. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grantof special privilege inconsistent with the limitations onother properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance niII not be detrimental tothe pubJ-ic health, safety or welfare, or materially injuriousto properties or irnprovements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of thefollowing reasons: The strict or literal interpretation or enforcement ofthe specified regulation would result in practicaldifficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistentwith the objectives of this tltle. There are exceptions or extraordinary circurnstances orconditions applicable to the same site of the variancethat do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The strict interpretation or enforcement of thespecified regulation would deprive ttre applicant ofprivileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties inthe same district. STATF RECOMMENDATION Staff reconmends approval of both variances. The difference between the atlowable site coverage and proposed site coverage is approxinately 7,827 square feet. If you deductthe historic cabl-n, which was reguired to be preserved, thedifference is actually 7,O47 sguare feet. SlqfE__betigyesthat given the fact that 67 et, the1;coverage Isof dtris size. support the front sethack variance for the parking lot duethe fact ttrdffi-roclte thJp:':Tin--9 in othei areas on thete would decrease the open space character of the property.is felt that parking can be buffered by landscaping frome North Frontage Road. W^t \*")tofitrt Itn TO: FROM: DATE: SUB.TECT: Planning and Environmental commission Conmunity Development Departnent February 8, 1989 A reguest for a conditional use pernit in order tobuild a grynnnasium and classroon addition.Applicant: The VaiL Mountain School_ The proposed structure wilt be located west of theexisting school building, approximately where thepresent outsj-de basketball court is located. Theexpansion witl provide additionaL recreation andeducational facilities. Activities in the gYrnnasiumwill include basketball, volleyball, indoor soccer,weight lifting, and locker room facilities. Flooringfor the gynnasium space is to be a multi-purposenaterial to accommodate basketball, dances, assemblies,and theatrical productions held in the g1m. Third floor expansion for new classrooms, 21985 sguare -feet: Additional classrooms, teachers offices and a student lounge will be constructed on the third floor of theexisting main school building. Provisions to lock offthe glannasium from the main buildinq will beincorporated into the design to allow activities afterschool hours with ninirnal concern for security in thebalance of the facility. The new facilities are notplanned to serve an increased enrollnent, but rather toprovide a better physicaL plan that will accornrnodate the needs of the present dchool popul-ation. A new parking lot and bike path connection: Entry into the site will be from Katsos Ranch Road to a new drop offlpick up circle drive. Exiting to theFrontage Road can occur at Katsos Ranch Road to the east,and Booth Falls Road to the west vj_a an exit only drive.53 new parking spaces are provided with the current I. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE The Vail Mountain School is located in the agricultural openspace zctne. under this zone district, anj-Efansion toTl6sctrool must be reviewed as a conditional use. The VailMountain School is p@d.ditions to theirfacility: fA) Multi-purpose gl4nnasium, 13r330 square feet, 2OO person, '>=/ caPacity:tl\\l'. 6 .tAU4Pltt1w PtY- p1an, along with acconmodation for one bus parking space. The parking plan totals will provide a total of 80 spaces. The bike path which extends from Booth Falls Road intothe Vail Mountain School parking lot will be re-routedto run to the south of the parking area. The path will extend to the east to Katsos Ranch Road. Rockfall Mitiqation. The Vail Mountain School has proposed that rockfallnitigation be accoraplished by increasing the structural-capacity of the gynnasiums north wall to withstand the impact of fallinq rocks. This approach is based upon a recorurendation by Woodward Clyde Engineers who designedthe present Gabian retaining wall at the site. It appears that the neighborhood-wide rockfall barrierwill be built this summer. This r.riIl be a far superiorsolution in our opinion in that it will protect theentire school site from rocks, not just the building. We feel that this is particularly important in thatchildren will be using potentially all parts of the site ',and shouldn't be subjected to any danger from rockfall. II. BACKGROUND OF TI{E VAIL MOI'NTAIN SCHOOL: The Vail Mountain School received approval to construct a newschool in Booth Creek in L978. The request eras for aconditional use permit to aLlow a private school of approximately 9,000 square feet for a maximum of L1-0students. Conditions of approval were as follows: 1. The maximum floor area for,tb+{qil Mountain School'buildinq is not to exceed Q0o9)6Suare feet. 2. 3. The VaiI Mountain School is to be used only Mountain School for school functions. Additional parking shall be provided by the Mountain School if the proposed parking isplanning and environmental commission to be by the vail Vail found by the inadeguate. The location of the scJhool building and its activitiesare restricted to the area designated on the plans approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission at t- {trtJ4. cr, \ \da the october 24, ].,97g rneeting, which are on fite in the '{.,,{f ' Cornmunity Development department. A deed restriction ^A\'- from VaiI Associates will limit the amount of land to be/ used by the school on this designated area. The balanceof the seven acre parcel is to be restricted as greenbelt. fov, r,8 $1i'nq' tqffi-!'e-! r4(\ "tvp.:,OQf tf,f,) I \b\tr )' ! expansion as well as the vacation of the deedrestriction. The Planning and Environmental Conmissiondeternined that it woutd be appropriate for the deedrestriction to be voided. Representatives from the VailMountain School , Dlarsha Sage, President of the Board ofDirectors and l.fr. Peter Abuissi, Headmaster indicatedthat there would not be a major increase in developmentafter this expansion. Since that pEC ureeting, the deedestriction has been voided. ITT. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS upon review of section 18.60, the conmunity Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use per:mit based upon thefollowing factors: Consideration of Factors. ' Re_latiolship and impact of the use on development ob-ieetivesof the Town. The cabin currently on the property is to be preservedand restored either in its existing location or inanother location restricted to the eastern part of thesite as shown as slrown on the subnitted plairs. In Novenber 1979, the VaiI Mountain School receivedapproval for a lunch room, indoor recreational , and darkroom. Conditional use approval was given in October198L to remove the restrLction liniting the nunber ofstudents at Vail Mountain School . In August 1983, theschool received conditional use approval to accommodatea sodded soccer field. In L984, the school received approval to addapproxinately 3,096 square feet. The proposal providedspace for a print roon, computer room, language lab, twoclassrooms, one meeting room, and one kindergarten room.A parking/hard space/play area of approximately +rOoosquare feet was located on the existing parking area.During this conditional use review, a rock fall barrierwas also proposed on the north hillside above theschool . At this time, the vail Mountain School has atotal gross separe footage of Lsr57L square feet. own for -\ --...'-r,*"* _\ --:.rrrF,- f|l-On January 25, 1-988 a work session was htlFon the Vail- Mounffiiscuss the glmnasium and classroom The agricultural open space zone district states thatrr..Schools and certain tlpes of private recreation facilitiesand institutions are suitable uses in the agriculture andopen srpace district, provided that the sites of these usesremain predominantly open. Site developrnent standards are intended maintain naintains(.48 acres been separatedbike path is an toth th o preclude intensive urban d and open space character to n e f vaJ-I zontng cooe 16. J developed in a manner . ol-o) The which B.The gff-?ct of the use of l-iqht and air, distribution ofpopl:Iatign, transportation facilities, utilities, 3chools,parEs and recreation facilities, and omes needs. The project will provide ad4llionaf recraation andeducational facilities. Tti6 expansion is not-intended toprovide new space for more students. Instead, tbq schooLproposes to provide more space for the existing(C- vailMountain School Students. The effgct upon traffic with particular reference to -conqes_tig!, auto_motiye and pedestrian safetl.a,nd convenience,traffic flow an . Staff believes that the new traffic circle adjacent to thegymnasiurn wiII provide for usersof the site. Originally, the school proposed to provide a new egresspoint south of the traffic circle. The highway departrnentapproved an access perrnit for this proposal . However, one ofthe conditions of the access permit approval was that theschool widen the Frontage Road by building a right turnacceleration lane 12 feet wide and 550 feet long, includi4g- 180 foot taper.-i[EGEEool-FroposeA-]nstr create a newegress drive extending fron the new parking lot west to Booth School has open spacethe 6 acre from the parkinginportant safety character of the area.site is covered by buildings.) drive will arnount ofe_1it. The bike pa s c. &ot I 6Q0rw/\l K(l.Falls Road. The staff believes that thisalso function-f6f-tEe schoof .-a Frontagis-tR.oad-sed decreasasphaft and Frr vgqr'g[1,k;tt I area. The relocation of the improvement. The number of parkinq of spaces for the project was arrivedat by reviewing reguirements from other comrnunities. Mostrnunicipalities do not have'a specific reguirement for agynnasiurn. The architect_eenf,acied Lakewood, Jefferson Auro ton and e requirementfor a church called fof 3 4 seats. Parking parking space. Staff believes that the piopose-a parking isadequate for the project. The classroon addition-shouldcreate only a sright demand for additional parking due to theincreased nunber of teachers. The number oi stud6nts is notanticipated to increase. toa4 - ro.r a cnurcn carrec tor ]- space every 3 to 4 seats. parkin iJIt r ^0. requirements varied fron 50 to ?O spaces for a 2OO person \K \,ry, :i:l?::v^I::i' i'r; ^ -:3-l?y--:q1"::- :':- !':!9="d prus- oTe bustip D.Effegt ppoJr tbe charaqter of the area in whj.ch the proposed use is to be located including the scffi $drod is'^1 t^rilA ',^+" J -\i\e- use relation to surround uses. Building bulk is definitely increased by the expansion. Thei a ss-a naf )fu I F a-f th6-ffi 53i un aaAitrori- hal u EE-n -mf hfur i z e d bysiting the gymasium at an angle to the existing schoolbuilding. The structure has also been built into thehillside on the north elevation of the school . The height ofthe gymnasiun on the north elevation is approxirnately 26 feetfrorn fj-nished grade to roof ridge. The gymnasiurn does notexceed the 33 foot height rnaximum for the agricultural openspace zone dj.strict. The new windows and dormers proposedfor the third floor classroom expansion should also help tobreak up the mass of the existing building on the north andsouth elevations. $' .r Jt,,#ih lH,. o pLI{dA- IV. Such.other factors and criteria as the cornmission deemsapplicable to the proposed use. V. FTNDTNGS: That the proposed location of the use is in accord with thepurposes of this ordinance and the purposes of the districtin which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditionsunder which it would be operated or maintained would not bedetrinental to the public health, safety, or wel-fare ormaterially injurious to properties or irnprovements in thevicinity. That the proposed use would conply with each of theapplicable provisions of this ordinance. VI . RECOMMENDATION: lhe Community Development Departrnent finds that the request rneets the findings for conditional use approval and recornmends approval with the following conditions: The Vail Mountain School rnust receive approval toconstruct the relocated bike path from the ColoradoDivision of llighways l/efore a building pernit will bereleased for the project. The bike path shall be builtbefore a fLnal certificate of occupancy is released. Tbe'Vail Mountain School shall subnit engineered drawings for the rockfall nitigation before a buildingperrnit will be released for the project. The rnitigationsolution rnust neet the requirements of the Town of Vail GeologicaL Sensitive Areas Ordinance. The proposed landscape plan shall include irrigation forthe bern along the Frontage Road. If it appears it isnecessary to locate irrigation on highway right of way,the Vail Mountain School shall request approval fron CDOH. If t, the staff believes that the Vail Pl!g_' - We_would recommend that anysite.er reqluests to expandin order to maintain the zone district. the school be looked at very closelyintent of the agricultural open space o Wolr"rU. Clyde Consuttants . PROPOSED AODITION TO THE VAIL IIOUNTAIN SCHOOL susan Bean, of our office trave'led to the school on December 11, lgg7. The purpose of the vlsit was to observe the berm in relation to the proposed addition and to refresh our fami]larlty wJth the site. t{e understand from your lqyout sketch that the proposed campus center will be a structure approximately 120 ft by 80 ft, connected on the west of the exlsting school bui'lding by a cove;'ed walkway. In addition, we have reviewed the informa-tion ln our flles and also new Jnforrnation concerning rockfal.ls in the Booth Creek area. since our original study performed in mid-19g4, a rockfall study has been conpleted for the Town of vail. This report was submitted to the Town by schmueser and Associates Jn 'late 1994. Also, additlonal studies have been conducted by the colorado Geo'logical survey in the Booth creek area, but have not yet been publ'lshed. l.|e understand, from contact with the staff,that the colorado Geo'logical survey is current]y mapping the rockfall paths' and the'locations of rocks in the area that may have originated as rockfal I s. The schmueser and Assoclates report is a map showlng the distribution ofpotential rockfa'l I hazards. Hazard zones in the area of concern are divided 'into hlgh and medium severity zones based on a number of factors. The vail Mountaln school is located outside, but irrnediately downslope of a high severity rockfall zone north of the school. This should not be Interpreted to mean that the schoo'l Js not in a rockfall hazard zone, but rather that the potential darnage mlght not be as severe as in the area ups'lope of the school. The conc'lusjon of these other studies and our the school is in a zone where the potential rocks that danraged severa'l houses this fall field reconnaissance is that for rockfalls exists. The are recent examples of the 2?s,8t-2t3jt/n (r22OEt) (pRO) o contjnujng hazard. In a described the rlsk to the conditions expected for the that letter is attached. o lifoodward.Clyde letter of June 19, 1984 to the school , we schoo'|, and that discusslon ls app'licable to proposed addition. For convenience, a copy of Gonsultants Rocks falling from the cliffs above Booth Creek and the school trave'l down- s'lope by a combination of bouncing, rolling and sliding. The dlrection of movement of the rock is generally the shortest path downslope, therefore, the topography of the sjte is lnportant. The existing berm provides some 'level of protection prlmarlly against ro'l'ling or sliding rocks, for the areas 'irmediately downslope of the berm, including the existing school. Under certain circumstances, it'is posslble that a rock block could continue in a bouncing trajectory as far downhill as the existing schoo'| . under such circumstances Jt is possible that any economica] 'ly feasible barrier could be overcome. The smalt hill immediately west of the ex'isfing school may supply some protection because lt is a topographic high. Rocks reaching the hill would tend to be deflected around it rather than over it. The proposed Campus Center additjon to the school is planned for an area that is not dlrect'ly downslope of the existing bern. Therefore, the existing berm wi] I not provide any direct protection to the proposed struc- ture. The existing h'il1 adjacent to the berm may provide some degree of protection. The hil'l wi'l'l not provide any level of protection if it is removed during construction of the addition, as the plans indicate. The plans appear to show that the new bujlding would be inrnediately adjacent to the existing berm. In response to the request of the Town of Val 1, the fo1 lowing conc'lusjons can be made. There exlsts a potential for rockfa'l Js or runout of rocks jn the area of the Vail Mountain School as wel] as ln the area of the proposed addition. 2208r-2r357/na (12206l) (PRO) oXt'l i.., , /'I I Woo*"rO.ClydeConsultants The existing berrn upslope of the exlsting school wi'l'l not provide the same degree of protectlon to the proposed campus center, as lt does for the existing building. Some type of additional protection wlll be required. Your suggestions concernlng potential addlt'ional protect'ion neasures included a westerly extension of the berm, or construction of a reinforced concrete wall upslope of the proposed extension. These are certajnly worth early consideration. The plans for the proposed Campus Center show the structure adiacent to the existing berm. Extens'ion of the berm must rema'in upslope of the proposed structure. The locatlon of the Campus Center and any restrictions in the utility easement north of the school may ljmit the roon availab]e for an extension of the berm. This shou'ld be considered during further design phases. A reinforced concrete wal 1 on the upslope side of the building may be acceptable. The wa'l'l would need to be engi- neered to absorb the impact and force that a rock at whatever size and velocity expected, m'ight impart on the wa'll. These calculations are beyond the scope of this report. Since the size of rock blocks re'leased from the cliffs above the school could weigh from perhaps a few tens of pounds to over ten tons, the kinetic energy lnvolved could be very considerable' If a reinforced concrete wa]l were incorporated into the bui'ld'ing, the renainder of the building and fittings wou'ld need to be designed to res'lst shaking lnduced by imPact. Another possib'le option that could be considered would be to relocate the proposed extension so that it renains behlnd the existjng berm, and put' for example, the parkjng lot where there ls no berm. The geometry and other conSiderations could, hovrevei, preclude this as a viable option. (FRO)2?06t-21J17/nt (122081) o lle would be haPPY to help You assist You in selectlng the schoo'l . t"dward€lYde Consultants ^:' exp'lore these and possibly other options and one nost appropriate to the needs of the t{oodward.ClydeConsu]tantsrepresentsthatourservicesareperformed wlthinthelimitsprescrlbedbytheClient,inamannerconslstentwtththe level of care and skilt ordinari'ly exercised by other professional consultants under similar circumstances' No other representation to Client, expressed or lmplied, and no waranty or guarantee is included or intended. 22081-213i?'/nr (122081 ) (PROI o dh" i trhdL hiton, \o.hi&,*, ir a- nmU dAL. Brtt\ fuW 0q ao o- uul,.ila- pd tlN$su I 6ont, ala$U- r,]oxro bHh qdu- flt^i t,th qffi' Domn, ,D\o mo,.,rn\nru b'!LSh ffi,[ f,^d rvrt * trD- I qula"lio"'' * lD 5Q@r,fu-\d-,urilrcL\ tut#.r tid,l- d':al1 A lrwUcallg 5t n V. , lr^t\ \c\oo\. $cry qoDJ npr*hhf- wOA- ntsr"$^. +D hJ +\n+ truLuare- \i^,$nry + \Dcrtt , \ffifficsu+u q*krl{j+"k AEr s,d, o\- 4r"ct{M ,trr.,O or. - fu.Ljrv coni"!or-u'$' Ilol{,^*,, u,$. 3 .fu'^,q-"k t*r) * c-n-t lt"b"^h,r,-, K Donolrn, alOcaro0_)Y qffi a,iru ourop\ qt "u\ fcotir^"t'l Clra'tr"'lkn$ I- a$A ?ork / t'V t( ttq i. .t o PUBLTC NOTTCE NorrcE rs HEREBY crvEN that the planning and Environrnentar. cornniEslon of the Town of vail witr hord a pubric hearr.ng in accordance with section 18.56.060 0f the nunicrpar code of the Town of valr. on February 13, 1989 at 3:oo pu in the Town of vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1' A reguest for an exterior arteration in comnercial core r ln order to renoder the sitznark Lodge. 183 core creek Drive, Lot A, Block 58, VaiI Village lst Flti.ng. Appllcant: Sl.tznark Lodge 2' A request for a variance to the nurnber of satelrite dlshes arLowed on one lot in order to rocate an additionar dish on the Vail Run property. 1OOO North Frontage Road West, Portion of L,ot l0 & Lot 1.1, Block C, Lionsridge Filing t. Applicant: Ciscorp 3. A reguest for a conditional use pernit, a variance for parking in the front setback and a site coverage variance in order to eonstruct an addition to the VaiI Mountain School . Lot 12, Block 2, VaiI Village 12 Flling, 3160 Frontage Road East. Applicant: VaiI Mountain School 4. A request for a conditional use permit in order to construct an addition and a parking structure to the Vail ValJ-ey Medical Center. Lot F, VaiI Village znd Filing, l-81 West Meadow Drive. Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center 5. A request to anend Special Development District #14, Doubletree Hotel . 250 South Frontage Road West, Lot 2, Block L, Vail Lionshead, znd Filing. Applicant: Vail Holdings, fnc. The applications and infornation about the proposals are available in the zoning adruinistratorrs office during regular office hours for pubtic inspection. TOWN OF VAIIJ COMMUNITY DEVELOPUENT DEPARTMENT Published in the Vail Trail on January 27, L989. a PUBLTC NOTTCE NorrcB rs HEREBY crvEN that the pranning and Environmentar connission of the Town of vail will hord a public hearing in accordance with section 18.G6.060 of the municipar cod.e of the Town of vail on January 25, l-9BF at 3:oo pM in the Town of vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A reguest for a minor subdivision to create two Prirnary/Secondary lots on Lot 4, Block 4, Vail Village 3rd Filing, 443 Beaver Dan Road. Applicants: Ben and Martha Rose 2- A reguest for an exterior aLteration, a minor subdivision, and a rezoning to special Developnent District in order to redevelop the Golden peak House building located. at 27a Hanson Ranch Road Applicant: Catacombs, Ltd., Golden peak House Association, Vail Associates, Inc. 3. A request for an exterior alteration and a cornmon area variance in order to construct a spa and to enclose a portion of the existing dining deck at the Gasthof Grammshammer Iocated at 23L core Creek Drive. Applicant: pepi Gramshammer 4. A request for a work session on a proposar to construct a glmnasiurn and classroorn buirding at the Vail Mountain schoor located at 3l-60 Frontage Road East. Applicant: Vail Mountain School - 2-r,.'(.,/ ,/r7rf The apprications and infornation about the proposals are available in the zoning administratorrs office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMI,IUNITY DEVEI,OPMENT DEPARTII{ENT THOMAS A. BRAUN Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail on January 8, tg}7. Project Application Date : - :iij- iig VaiI iic,untair SchoolProject Name: Project Description:Gyrnnasium Acdjtjon Contact Person and Phone l'1r. Fred 1-)ttc, Attorney-at-Law 0rii0 Ea:,le ,l.cad, lartle-Vai 1. Cclorado 81620t 949-5380 Owner, Address and Phone:Vail I'icuntaii-r School 31tti f.alsos Rarrch iicad. Vai I . Colorado t1657: 476-3850 Architect, Address and Phone: Milan Architr:Ctq, P.i-. 1775 Lee Lane. Lakewood. Colorado 6illil; 2?,2-?25i Legal Description: Lot li , Block fiting Vail Vil'i agE, 12th , Zone Lold rticr.ll Fili:",:i [;se Perm.i t Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Date: lmn }'|estern Cormercial Investments, Inc. 2525 Camino Del Rio S. 5-125 San Diego, CA 92108 *jl i[S t'lr^-r,,.'"-..'.,'i. i :.-,-i sa-rrar { 'i,,:.-" : : r:' l'r"!'rqo 75 soulh fronlage roed Yall, colorado 81657. ollice of community development IRET\,'," iu stlt,-r.H lronuronniNc t l_o na:n ue.!l!q: O 6,, zE ff PUBLIC NOTICE NoTTcE IS HEREBY GMN that the Planning and Environmenta] Comrnission of the Town of vaiL will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of Vail on February 13, 1989 at 3:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Buildinq. Consideration of: 1. A reguest for an exterior alteration in Commercial- core I in order to remodel the Sitzmark Lodge. 183 Gore Creek Drive, Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village Lst Filing. Applicant: Sitzmark Lodge 2. A request for a variance to the nurnber of satellite dishes allowed on one lot in order to locate an additional dish on the Vail Run property. l-000 North Frontage Road West, Portion of Lot l-O & Lot 1-1-, Block C, Lionsridge Filing 1. Applicant:Ciscorp 3. A request for a sonditional use permit, a variance for parking in the front setback and a site coverage variance in order to construct an addition to the Vail Mountain School . Lot 12, Block 2, VaiI Village L2 Filing, 3L60 Frontage Road East. 4. A request for a conditional use permit in order to construct an addition and a parking structure to the Vail Valley Medical Center. Lot F, Vail Village 2nd Filing, j.gt- West Meadow Drive. Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center 5. A request to arnend Special Development District #14, Doubletree Hote1 . 250 South Frontage Road West. Lot 2, Block 1, Vail Lionshead, 2nd Filing. Applicant: Vail lloldings, fnc.- The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning adrninistrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAII, COMMUNTTY DEVEIOPMENT DEPARTMENT Published in the Vail frail on January 27, 1989. | '-'i'--r-" i I I I ,/-T-\,\L/ I I I I'-J-.\ s *bz(1 ,lii,F1.': ii{;iffii\ cit II IIf EI ' -i^-i ee=.rHI*=3Gr-::- A>>GFrrrG rl,-tLrEL.Lr-=ts_rwa'-t3t=t 'LJ4s..g," )rrr. (o.rrr{ A. r,. -a l- aA-Flcicr-l 4ll4F4lf a{qFc^}t ;-E€4.lEEllsf, I +rr*/t t.tlt tt tl .aaru Tltlor.rrs.l .=s.t,.*l+{$.!, rlrrr,rpxart I crn'./i t+etf DFH 5-.-C=ggry* F{e.6t?t ssrlr n/Lstr}tr.r3t 'Arr-J, I c^r * *ry't'*, s -- *cy'-.rrr rrrt -rl ?fllvttt< 57ac-tf Prlrt.Jc Efrre3r srl E:{tettrl< P.*.tl c.l NcvJ 4zar'l | >rt+/]r*1r, ?6' + gf rir*** fa*OnWEf, = Z-ls u5 =.t-d * Frrtu eo'o st!,, '7"oTIt- ((.( f' {Q :' to; K(.t . I r;r*e ,/ 1 to^r, I sr**./4 *srtr --Ftr.t.*a-So 5- i.-i MILAN AFIGHITEETS, e.c. 1775 LEE LANE LAKEWOOD, COLORAOO aoz1 5-2493 'January 25, 1-989 (3o3) 232-2256 Ms. Kristan Pritz, Senior PlannerOffice of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVai1, Colorado 81-657 Re: VaiL Mountain SchoolConditional Use Application Dear Kristan, I am reaponding to your letter of January 18, 1989 statingthe planning staff's review of the Vail Mountain School proposal . In the interest of good order, I shalt respond to t,he items as they appear in your l-etter. #L. Please refer to the attached revised elevations showingthat the peak of the g!.mnasium roof has been lowered to an elevatj-on of 33'-0" above grade. The total building site coverage, including our proposed addition and existing buildings, is at '7.932 of thetotal sl-te area. fhis exceeds the 58 allowed in the zoning ordinance, At this time, we wish to request a variance to al1ow this smalJ- difference. Please let me know the application procedure. Please refer to the attached site plan showing revisj-onsto the parking and site circulation configuration. #2. Please refer to the attached tist of adjacent propertyowners. I have vertified thi-s with the Eagle County assessor t s office , #3. Please refer to the attached site p1an. This shows thatthe easement is not in conflict with our proposed addition. E R alGXrllclrrdttaxxll TERlCAI{ INSTITUTE OF AFCHITEC?S coLoiAoo ttLt ot3 TEXAT aBtto A wYourl{G Kristan Pritz ,January 25, L989 Page Two *4. Please refer to the attached state highway accesspermit. The highway department would only allow a right turn configuration with a 550'-0" acceleration lane. This is the main reason for the new vehicularcirculation design shown on the site p1an. *5. Please refer to the attached table showing a breakdownof square footage for our proposed project. t6. Rockfall mitigatJ-on shall be accomplished by ourstructural engineer consultant by increasing thestructural capacit.y of Lhe gymnasl-um's north waII to withstand the impact of falling rocks. This approach is based upon a recommendatJ-on by Woodward-Clyde Enqineers who designed the present gabion retaining vrall at thesite. Please refer to the attached project descrlption addressing these issues. #7. The one-way exit onto the frontage road has been changedto a one-way exit onto Booth FaIIs Road at the west endof the property. Low-profile signage shall be locatednear Booth Falls Road to limit acceas. Please refer tothe attached site plan. #8. Please refer to the attached landscape plan whichl-ndicates the existing and proposed new plantJ-ng design. ff you have any questions or addLtional commentsf please donot hesitate to contact our office. J. Mark Milan Milan Architects, P.C. cc: Ms. Pam Hopkins, Architect, Board Member Fred Otto, Esquire, Chairman, Building Committee 'v|ILANAFICHI?EE?s, p.c. Sincerel MILAN AFICI{|TEETtl. p.c. 1775 LEE LANE T"AKEWOOD. COLORADO AO21 5-2893 <303) 232-22rfi ,.Tanuary 25, 1989 DESCRIPTION OF PRO.JECT The Vail Mountain School is proposing to build a gymnasium addition to their facility. The proposed structure will belocated west of the existing school building, approximately wherethe present outside basketball court is located. The expansion will provide additional recreation andeducational facilities. Activities in the gymnasium will includebasketball, vol1eyba1l, j"ndoor soccer, weightlifting, and locker room facilities. Flooring for the gymnasium space is to be amulti-purpose material to accommodate basketball, dances,assemblj.es, and theatrical productions held in the gym. Additional classrooms, teacherts offices and a student lounqe willbe constructed on the third floor of the existing main schoolbulldlng. Provlsions to lock off the gymnasium from the mainschool bullding will be incorporated into the design to a1lowactivlties after school hours with minimal concern for security inthe balance of the facility. The new facitities are not plannedto serve an increased enrollment, but rather to provi-de a betterphysical plant which will accommodate the needs of the present school population. Exteri-or materiaLs for the new addition will be similar tothose of the exl-sting structure, thus maintaining the residentialcharacter of the school and allowing the new addit.ion to subtlelyblend with the archit,ectural total architectural composition ofthe campus. Vehicular access and circulation has been addressed in theslte design. Entry into the site will be from Katsos Ranch Road,to a ner,ir "Drop-off/Pick-up,, circle drive. Exiting can occur atKatsos Ranch Road to the east and Booth Falls Road to the westonto the frontage road through an '.Exlt Only', drlve. Thlrty-six(36) new parking spaces are provided in the current p1an. alongetith accommodation for bus parking. The new parkJ-ng plan totalsfifty-eight (58) automobile parking spaces. It is the intention of the Vail Mountain School to provide apleasing and eompatible design solution with minlmal neighborhoodimpact, maintaining the open-space feeling of the sl-te. They hopeto continue to be an asset to the Vail cornnunitv. trETBER OF THE AilENIC N IilSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS atcHlttctrrJ?taxxtt oLonaoo lLLrNOt3 TETAT AntzoltA WYOTIHG . ',Vail Mountain School Squere Footage Breakdown - 'Finished useable space o o f*96€'!e1t V,-r=W l@r.Levrl Finbh.d So€"""""""""'4,750 4,750.........,...... d750 Ed,Elol.lrtd Olffccr. Ghsrroms and Libr8ty......................... 7-050 7,050..,.....,....,.. 7,050 E(lrry/Lobby/Steirs'- "'--"--'"- 1,065 Gymnasium...,........ -.--...--....7375 wseating for 200 proCc Lod<cr Boom: Gin! ----"-""""""425 Boys......,,...,.,,.....--4@ 825..................,....,.....,.sasSta9e...............,..... .....................625 Steg.hoE. ..,......... .....,,..............800 Storaga Ind@r Equipmenr....... 1,O Ortdoor Equiptrrcrl-..180 Chair Sbrago....,,......190 51 0.....,.....,,.........,....,...510 I 1,200................................'l 1,m0 SsrcodEllllod Cl.lsrcom!,....................8 210 5,780............,...... 6,780 IDid.&cld (Elhhg Bdalm€d efrlc ap€) C|asErooms1@ 3m1@ 3s01@ 3851@ 4€o 1.535............. 1.535R6tr6ms I Gids..., 60 iBoye...g L120................120 { Tcadr.rs o|ficas I3@ r(xr................31s IJanito/3Clolet.,...,.......,...,.....95 | Cofikof...................,,,,....... /ta0 / 2"185......-"-....1^{s' Tord Squan Foqc tlor-dnmo DEPARTMENT O"t o"ttAYs-"' STATE HIGHWAY ACCESS PERMIT Vail Mountain School 3160 Katsos Ranch Road Vall, CO 81657 I is hereby grinted permission to construct and use an access to th€ state highway ai the location noted below. The access shall be constructed, maintained and used In accordance wilh the terms and conditions of this permit, including the State Highway Access Code and listed attachments. This permit may be revoked by the issuing authority il at any time the permitted access and its use violate any of the terms and conditions of ihis permit. The use of advance warning and construction signs, flashers, barricades and flaggers are required at all times during access construction within State right-oFway in conformance with the MANUAL ON UNIFOBM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES, Part Vl. The issuing authority, the Department and their duly appointed agents and employees shall be held harmless ag ainsl any action for personal inju ry or properly damage sustained by reason of the exercise of the permit. LOCATION: On the north slde of I-70 Frontage Road, a dlstance of 3350 feet east from Mtle Post 179. ACCESS TO PROVIDE SERVICE TO: Vall Mountaln School, OTHER TERt'S AND CONDITIONS: See Attached Sheets (2). MUNICIPALITY OR COUNTY APPROVAL Required only when the appropriate local authorily ratains issulng aulhority. By (X) Not Required 9"1" Upon the signing of this p€rmit the permitt€e agrees lo the te[ms and conditions and referenced atta_chm€nts contained herein. All conslruction shall be completed in an expeditious and safe manner and shall be linished within 45 days lrom initiation. The permitted access shall be compleled in accordance with th€ t€rms and conditions of th€ permit prior to' being used. The permltlee thall nollly Al Plerce r70F ltTe .631L Town of Vall 30219 388108 $75.00 ! 8- 23-88 :ti}r,lk, Dist/Section/Patlol: DOH Permit No.: Permil F€e: Dale of Transmillal: wllh lhe Colorado O€parlmenl ol Hlghwayr In as 328-6385 , at leart 48 hou]! pdor lo commondng conrlrucllon wlthln lhe SLte Hlghway dght-of-way. The person signing as the pormitt€e must be the owner or legal representativ€ of the prop€rty served by the permitted access and have fullave full agthority to accept the pgrmit flnd all it's terms anC'cenditions.T,il44""":trTfKy'"U',"7"ry',+'*,^,"?Uttr This permit is not valid until signed bya authorized representaiive ot the State Department of Highways. STATE OF COL OF AYS ROBERT L. Date 9- 12-88 Dlstrlct ROt{ Engineer (Date of issue) Pr.ylour Editio rra Ob.oLta lnd will not b. us Pormllteo (X) Title Roqulred; l. Dilrrlcl (Origlnal) 2. Applicant 3. Start ROW Mtlro coplc8 ar n6c6slrry lor; LocllAuthorlty In3pcctor MTCE Petrol Trattic Englnscr DOH Fdtti 10 sa By (x) PERMIT NO. 388].08 Local ordinance requires a constructlon permlt from Town ofVail. This drlveway is limited to right turns only. Left turns arenot approved. I Driveway shall be constructed 24 feet wide wlth 50 footradli. Surfacing for driveway approach is required asfollows: 12rr of class l gravel Ln 2, 6" lifts; 5" of class 6gravel in 1, 6r' llfts.Also 3'r of HBP in 2, 1.50'r lifts of grade E, EX, orequivalent. The asphalt cement in the HBp shall be AC 10.Fill/cut slopes shall be at a 2: 1 slope on the roadway andat 5:1 on the access approach. Approach shall not be used untj-t channelizatLon is completed. On site storage of drainage shall_ be provide to prevent anyincrease of drainage time of concentration to the hlghway system. A new 18r' CMP culvert shall be used. AlI cutverts (sldedrains) installed in open dltches shall have flared endsections. Highway widenlng for the rlght turn acceleration lane shallbe 12 feet eride and 550 feet long, including a 180 foottaper. tanes shall be constructed as per Colorado Department of Highways specifications, with the following material placedfor final gradez t2tt ABC , Class 1; 5" AIIC, Class 6; and 3"of HBP, Crading E or EX place in the following lifts: 2 6nlifts class 1; L 6r'lift class 6; 21.5'' lifts HBp.Shoulders along the speed change lanes shall be 4 feet andpaved. The new pavement shall slope on the same plane asthe present pavement surface. The entire roadway shall beoverlaid with 1.5r' of HBP. permanent highway striping andsignlng shall be done by the Colorado Division of Highways The actual cost of the work will be billed to thepermittee. The cost, will not exceed an estimated $2000.A REGTSTERED pRqFEssIoNAL ENGTNEEE must providece ne meeling specification. CERTIFICATION Will be sent to the Colorado Division offfigfir\^rareE:pavement, design for construction may bemodified upon submission of an approved design by aprofesslonal engineer. Such design shall have a Structural Number no less than 3.36. Written approval of the modifieddesign is required before construction. No drainage from this site shall enter onto the surface ofthe highway. A11 existing drainage structures shall beextended to accomnodate all new construction and safetystandards. Contractor shall follow the applicable constructionspeclfications set for by the Department of Highways in thelatest manual Standard Specifications for Road and BridqeConstruction. The property owner is responsible for anymfEles-d'Crupted by the-construcrion of tnis drivewa| andall expenses incurred for repair. Any damage to anyexisting Highway facitities shall be repaired prior tocontinuing other work. Compaction of sub-grade, embankments and backfill shallcomply with Section 203.11 of the Division of HighwaysStandard Specifications. Compaction of Hot Bituminous pavement (HBp) shal1 complywith section 401 .L7 of the division of Highways StandlrdSpecifications.If frost i.s present in the sub-grade, no surfacing materialshall be placed untll aII frost is gone or removed.Sl* 9T score asphalt, to assure a straight edge for patching.The first 20 feet beyond the closest highway-lane, includinggpeed change lanes, shall slope down and away from thehighway at a 2t grade to ensure proper drainige control .A11 excavatlons on Utllity lines, culverts, other trenchesor tunnels shall meet the requirements of ColoradoDepartment of Highways, OSHA, Colorado Industrial Commissionand the Colorado Division of Mines whichever applles. 10 11 L2 L3 L4 15 16 L7 PAGE NO. 1 o 2JL<-errI frao -- - \t fris-ar+t Faq-s tlonr.a*rrtezi Asce. 4o E,ze- E-qqep-s - * - Bax-J31o 3P,.*r/',ett ;-b. - - -- -,-Z16 .4^Flht6. .Pzl;,-.L_3lle-j_-: t.rrye+,[. *€-abr_E€++-_<A- Ja/o6_ "f, ,,f't' .11 OO Oo /rt'a' ' i' jf OwNasPlmrc NunbenArd 4n-2r3t 479489 75 roulh trontrge roed Eil, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 olllcc of communlty d.Yclopment January 18, L989 Mr. Uark MilanMilan Architects L775 Lee Lane Lakewood, Colorado B0215 Re: Vail Mountain School Conditional Use Applicationifanuary 1989 Dear Mark: The staff reviewed your proposal and has the following connentson the VaiI Mountain Schoo1: 1. The project is located in the Agricultural and Open Spacezone district. Agricultural and Open Space (AOSj has a maxirnum height of 33 feet. the builaing is proposed to be 34'6t1 . Unless the building is lowered by a 1r6n, a heightvariance will be necessary. The staff would prefer thaf.you lower the buildlng by Lr6r', as it seems that the heightrequirement can easily be met. Aos zone district also calls for a site coverage maximum of58 of the totat site area. please subrnit the iigures forthe site coverage given your addition. Parking is not allowed in the front setback according tothe AOS zone district. A variance will be necessary tohandle the parking as located on the plan. 2. The names and addresses of the adjacent property ownersshould be checked to nake sure that there have been nochanges since your previous application. This can be doneby calling the Eagle County Assessor, g4g-5257. 3. Please submit information on the vacation of the easernentin the area of the addition. oo oo 4. Please submit inforrnation frorn the Highway Departmentconcerning the new exit. We would appreciate someinformation as to whether or not the Highway Departnentfeels that the proposal is acceptable. 5, Please subrnit a breakdown of square footages per use andbackground on the proposal . The background inforrnationshould include a statenent on how rockfatl will behandled. 6. Please subnit an explanation as to the capacity of the VaiIMountain School and how that relates to required parking.WiIl there be an increase in enrollment due to the newclassrooms? what type of expansion is anticipated in thefuture for the Vail Mountain School? Staff believes thatyou should add parking to the west of the new parking lot. We also feel it would be appropriate to locate one or twobus parking spaces in this area. 7. Please subrnit information on how the one-way exit will becontrolLed. 8. The landscape plan should indicate existing and proposedIandscaping. Staff believes that the berm needs morelandscaping and that it should also be irrigated. life wouldprefer to see a rnix of deciduous and evergreen trees alongthe berm. Deciduous trees must have a minimum caliper of 2rr and evergreens a minimun height of 6,. I{e would also recommend that landscaping be added on the north and westsides of the gynnasiurn addition. I would appreciate it if you would subrnit this additionatinfornation to our office by January 25, 1989. If you have anyfurther guestions, please feel free to give rne a call at 479- 2138. Sincerely, {(,tf'- R'h Kristan PritzSenior Planner KP:br cc: Peter Patten t.oaMILAN AFIEHITEETS. p.c. 1 775 LEE LANE LAKEWOOD. COLORADO AO21 5-2a93 August l-5, 1"988 Ms. Kristan Pritz, Senior PLanner Department of Cononunity Development Town of Vai.l ?5 South Frontage RoadVail. CO 81-65? \a!J'r a5a-alao RE:Vail Mountain School CondiLlonal Use_ ApplS.cation Dear Kristan: I am ln receipt of your letter dated August 8, 1988 concerning' the Fire DeparLment's review of the proposed drawing's on the above-ref erenced project. I have contacted Mr. McGee, the Fire Chj.ef, and we discussed the three items in your letter. In the interest of good order we shall respond to the items as they appear in your correspondence: 1. Pursuant of our Code Study; lre intend to sprinkle certain areas of the Existing Structure and portions of the new addition ' 2. The new Hanmerhead Turnaround at the west end of the new parking area wlll be increased to accofimodate vail Fire Department Equl-pment. The bike path will be configured to avold the new Hanrnerhead Turnaround. 3. Mr. Mccee advised me that me that Ate addlt.tonal fire hydrant will be required for fire protectlon of the netd addition. He suggests that five additional fire hydrants would be excessive. with the foregoing j-n vi-ew, I believe Mr. McGee's concerns have now been addressed. The above items will be incorporated in the construction documents. ff you have questions or additional concerns, please do not hesitate to contactthis office. Sincerely, /7M J. l4ark Milan Milan Architects. P. C. ccr Fred Otto, Esq., Vail MountainMr. Michael McGee, Chief. Vail MEMBER OF THE ATERI SchoolFire Department CAN Ilt'STITUTE OF ARCHITECTS alcr{rltctrrJ?taxxtl oLonaoo lLLlt'lOll TIIAS ARIZOTA wYoull|G oo oo 75 aoulh trontego road yail, colondo 8165t (303) 476-7000 August 8, 1988 offlcc of communlty devolopment Mr. J. Mark MilanI.filan Architects 1775 Lee Lane Lakewood, Colorado 80215 Re: Vail Mountain School Conditionat Use Application Dear Mark Mike McGee from our Fire Departrnent reviewed your subrnittal forthe Vail lilountain School and had the fo]Iowing cornnents: 1. The new additlon is in excess of 15o feet from the FireDepartnent access. Tbe building nust be sprinklered. 2. The access and fire truck turn-around are at a rninimum. No reductions or encroachments will be allowed without aredesign. 3. +*-erddi**;rdL dire fryarants will need to be installedfor your addition. I suggest that you contact Mike lifcGee at the VaiI FlreDepartment if you have further questions on these comments. You can reach hin at 476-7000, ext 223. Sincerely, \) I Ar {rirlr^VfuKristan Pritz Senior Planner XPbr 75 south trontago road vall, colorado 81 O57 (3O3) 476.7OOo July 28, L988 Mr. Mark Milan Milan Architects L775 Lee lJane Lakewood, CO 8021-5 Re: Tabling of vail l.[ountain School Conditional UseApplication Dear Mark: I received your letter stating that you would like to table theVail Mountain School ,s Conditional Use Review. I ranted toenphasize that when you do choose to go forward with theproject, it will be necessary to send out notices to your adjacent property owners. In order to allow for thisnotification, please make sure that you give us notice of yourintent to proceed before a regular subrnittal deadline for a PECrneeting. Without this lead time, the staff will be unable toinform adjacent property olrners of the review. Attached is theIist of subrnittal deadlines and PEC dates for 1988. If you have any other questions, please feel free to give me a call. Sincerely, '! ) ) nl\J. I l)'+-,,fhrfhn t(rthKristan Fritz- Senior Planner Attachment KP:Kc l PI,ANNING AND E}TVTRONMENTAL COMMISSION1988 SUAMTTTAI., AND MEETING DATES DEADLTNE December 28 ilanuary 11January 25 February 15February 29 I'Iarch 14llarch 28 ApriJ. 11ApriJ. 25 ltay 16 May 31 ilune 13June 27 iluly 1l ;Iu1y 25 August 15 Augrust 22 October 1?October 31 November 14 November 28 1989 MEETING DATE ,tanuary 25 Sebruary 8February 22 March 14 March 28 April ltApril 25 May 9 May 23 June L3 ifune 27 JuIy 11July 25 August 8 August 22 Septenber 12 Septernber 26 September 12 October 10Septenber 26 October 24 Novenber 14 Novernber 28 Decenber 12 December 26 December 12 ;fanuary 9Decernber 26 ,Ianuar! z3 January 16 february 13January 3o februarri i? oo oo 75 south lrontrgo road vall, colot.do 81 657 (3Os) 476-7000 July 13, 1988 Mr. Mark MilanMilan Architects 1775 Lee Lane I-,akehlood, CO 802L5 Re: Vail Mountain School Conditional Use Application Dear Mark: The staff reviewed your proposal and has the following conmentson the Vail MountaLn School: 1. The bike path shou14-!g:'pushed to the sbuth of theproposed parking area. Routing the bike path into theparking area creates a safety problem. We realize thatthe bike path would need to be routed on Highway Publicright-of-way. However, many of our bike paths are locatedon right-of-way and this nonnally does not create anyproblerns for the Highway Department. Please investigaterelocating the path. 2. The basketball court should be moved to the south and a berm should be created along the north perimeter of yourproperty. Separation between the court and adjacent residences needs to be created. 3. We would like to know the capacity of the new facility and how that relates to the parking you are providing on site. We would also like to know if the additional classrooms onthe third floor of the existing school will increaseenrollment. Basically, rdhat we need is your rationale forthe additional parking and how that relates to the people capacity of the new building. 4. I would Like a breakdown of square footage for the gyrnarea, support facilities, cJ-assroom, and seating capacityof the new building. i of oo 5. I have subnitted your drawings to the public Works andFire Departnents. If there are any comnents, I willinfom you of their concerns. I have also talked to Paro Hopkins about getting thedocumentation of the deed restriction. She is in the processof getting this document to me. Please address these lssuesand if you have any further guestions, please feel free to callme. I would apprecLate it if you would send me revised'drawings by July 25, L988. Sincerely, v. t 0,\ n$1an t'ftKristan Pritz Senior Planner KP:Kc ooMILAN AFICHITEETS. r.c. .I 775 LEE LANE L-AKEWOOD. COLORADO aoa 15-2493 <3o3> 232-2256 .TuIy 11, 1988 Ms. Kristan Pritz, Town Planner Department of Community Development'rown or varr 75 S. Frontage RoadVaiI, Colorado 8l-657 Re: VaiI Mountain School GymnasJ-um Addition. Planning and Environmental Commission.July 11-, 1988 Submittal. Dear Ms. Pritz: Enclosed herewith please find the formal planning and environmental submiLtal . In the interest of good order, f will reference the ltems in the same sequence requested from the "Material to be Submitted" list supplied by you. I have enclosed a copy for easy reference: I. New Construction A, Topographic Map and Slte Plan Items #1 through #? have been included on the enclosed survey. Items #8 through #10 have been included on the enclosed architectural site plan. B. Utility Verification Enclosed please find letters from Mountain 8e11, Public ServJ.ce, Holy Cross Electric, Upper Eagle Va11ey Water and Sanitation District, and Heritage Cablevision. You will probably notice that I didn't submit a fetter from western Slope Gas. I spoke with Mr. Don Paquette on ,Ju1y 1-, 1988. Mr. Paquette has informed me that Western Slope Gas has sold their gas interests to Publj.c Service Company. C. Title Report . Enclosed please find the olvnerrs title insurance policy to show their ownership. UETBER OF THE Af ERICAN II{STITUTE OF ANCHITECTS alct'trttcta.attaxxll coLorAoo rLLrfl 0rt ARIZOT{A wYoIt G |p oo Ms. Kristan Pritz, Town PlannerJuIy 11, 1988 Page Two D. Landscape Plan Items #1 through #3 have been included on the enclosed Iandseape plan. E. Architectural Plans The enclosed drawings contain an exterior perspectivef floor plans and elevations. Also enclosed please find photographs of a 1/8" : 1'-0rl scal-e study modeL prepared by this office. This modelis on display at the Vail Mountain School. I have submitted photographs since the model measures approximately 24r' x 36r x 72n. ff the model wil-l assist you with your review and analysis of the addition,please cal-I and I will have the model dellvered to your office. II. Adriitiona I Tssues A. lilritten Description of Project Enclosed please find a narrative explaining the purpose and intended use of the project. B. State l{iohway Access Permit This office has been coordinating with Mr. A1 Pierce ofthe State Department of Highways. We have madeapplication for an access permit and have enclosed a copy for your information. C. Rockfall We have been advised by the owners that the Neighborhood Homeownerrs Association is joining together to build arockfall uphill from the resl-dences and below therlmrock ledge to protect the entire development. The owners will report directly to you on the status of therockfall construction. ff you have any questions, concerns or any additional requirements,please do not hesitate to contact this office. We are anxiously await j.ng your conments . Milan Architects, P.C. cc: Fred Otto, Esquire, MILAN AFICHITEETB. p.c. Sincer ,J. Mark 'MiLan Vail Mountain School ,t oo ooMILAN AFICHITECTS, p.c. 1775 LEE LANE L.AKEWOOD, COLORADO AO2t 5-2493 (303) 232-2256 DESCRIPTION OT PRO'JECT The Vail Mountain School- is proposing to build a gymnasium addition to their facility. The proposed location will be to thewest side of the existing school butlding where the outside basketball court is presently located. The expansion will provJ-de additional recreation and educational facilit.ies. Activities in the gymnasium will include basketball, vo11eyba1l, j-ndoor soccer. weightlifting, and Locker room facilities. Flooring for the gymnasium space is to be a multi-purpose material to accommodate dances, assemblies, and theatrical productions held in the gym, Additional classrooms anda student loungie wlll be constructed on the third floor of theexisting maj-n school building. Provisions for securing the gl.mnasium from the main schooL buitding will be incorporated intothe design to allow gym activities after school hours with rninimal concern for securj.ty in the balance of the facility. Exterior materials for the new addition will be similar to those on the existl-ng structure, thus maintaining the residentialcharacter of the school and allowing the new addition toarchitectually blend with the total composition. Vehicular access and circulation has been addressed in thesite desi-gn. Entry into the site wl-l1 be from Katsos Ranch Road,to a nernr "Drop-off/Pick-up" circle drive. Exiting will occur ontothe frontage road through an 'Exl-t Only" drive. Application has been made to the state highway department for this configuration. Al-sof 34 new parking spaces have been provided on-site. It is the intention of the Vail Mountain School to provlde apleasing and compatible design solution with minimal neighborhoodimpact, maintaining the open-space feeting of the site. They hopeto continue to be an asset to the VaiL communi-ty. TETtEER OF THE AIIERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARC}IITECTS algHrl:clr rd?t/lxt{ll TEIAI !t. MILAN AFICHITEETS, p.c. 1775 LEE LANE LAKEWOOD, COLORADO AO2 r 5-2A93 VATL MOUNTAIN SCHOOLPreliminary program/Space Requirements(subject to revlsion) Apr j-l 18, 1 998 qTTF TQCITFC VacatLon of utility easement through soccer field Rewiew with city agencies . Plan review procedures . Additional parking requlrements . Zoning requirements . Utility availability and location . Fire department review RevLew frontage road access rrith State oo oo access. Review Of "Rock StOp" earth Impact of new constructionsize. GYMNASTUM BUTI,DTISGS Physical Education ActivitLes . Basketball (303) 232-2256 Highway Department for new l berm with Woodward-Clyde EngJ.neers. on existing soccer field location and 6 backboard,/hoops with glass boards 4L enas Vo11eybal1 Provide equipment floor inserts fndoor soccer IIEIIBER OF THE AIIERICAI{ IN6TI?UTE OF ANCHITECTS Alcltlttcrrrdttaxtll coroBADo rLrtltort TII 3 Anr20lta wYorrrG ? 1=J}oo oo Vail llouattl,n ScboolPage :!ro GymnastJ-cs Frovl-de equiprnent floor Weightroom and ceiling inserts ovenS sLie) room code Retractable bleachers Electronlc gcoreboard Floor sraterial ls under J.nvestlgatJ-on School Actlvltl.eg Stage Music performance wlth lnstrurnent storage Drama Performance wLth dressLng rooms Assenbll-es Servlng kLtcben BeEidentLal type equipment and - (2) four-burner rangetops - (2, stackable convectlon - No mLcrowave Support facLlltles Locker roomE (boys/glrls equal - Slx shower stalls ln each - Indlvldual Ehower stalls: 20 lockers Ln each room - ToLlet facllltles as per a to ao VaiI Mountaia Sehoo].Page Tbree Physical Education Office - Private teachers shoner and toilet Eguipment Storage Outdoor storage - Accessible from soccer fleld Additional skl storage Clrair storage (possibly under stage) General storage as needed Classrooms (1) large classroom: 50 people (2 or 3) small classrooms: 20 people each Possible science lab with greenhouse Provide adequate soundproofing from g1m noise Connectino Ll-nk to School . Public Ently . . Public Restrooms a-Ar+Er-1rl{a. Two-story space with cLrculation on both levelstf tn* ,' ,.existing schoolrs hallways to the nes glrm . Provide abllity to lock-off the school for evening andweekend gym activitles Miseellaneous -. Mechanical,/Electric Rooms . School Storaqe |V|ILAN .AF|CHITEETS. r.c. (oo oo i,'n*^H*\r.d 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 January 26t lggg olflce of communlty development Ms. Pam Hopkins Snowdon Hopkins Architects 2O1 East Gore Creek DriveVail , Colorado 81652 Re: Vail Mountain Schoo1 Addition Dear Pam: On January 25, lgggr the planning Cournission reviewed the VailMountain schoor addilion at a .woik session.-- i"'g.""r"r, theBoard members felt that the.project was positivel Berow is alist of issues and info.rrnatiln. inat shoutd be subnitted beforewe wilL be able to schedule the-froject i"" ii""i pranningCornrnission review: 1. Woodward and Ctyde's rockfall rnitigation report and.preliminary design, which shourd iiclude ariwings ttratwill show where the nitigation wirr ue-i"""I"a and what itwill look lixe. 2. The inpact of the rnitigation on neighbors to the northshoul_d be addressed. 3. The_proposed-parking to the west by the soccer fiel_d mustbe landscaped and sEreened from neignrors. --ar"o, we feerthat the parking area nust be small6r so thal you are notimpacting the soccer fierd ind the rot to-itre nortn of theparking area. 4' The new one-way exit should be controlred in such a waythat it wirr be difficult to enter ttrrougn-Ihis exitpoint. This was mentioned as a concern by one of theplanning cornmission nenbers. rn aaaiiionl ltre start wouldrike to know the finar highway a"p"iir"n['"Jr,aitions ofapproval for the one-way exit. ;. rt appearlFt the pEc had no r"j""Qtrns with thevacation of the deed restriction. The ptanning stafffeels that the conditional use review gives us the meansto review any future development at the school . Ouropinion is that the restriction may be lifted. Pleaselet me know what your attorney is asking from VAconcerning the deed restriction. After the meeting, d Mr. John Burdick asked me about the Vail Mountain School froposal . He is the owner of Lot l-t-. He is concerned about the impacts of the additional parking by thesoccer field on his lot. f gave hin your name and phone number, howgver, you may wish to also contact hirn. you mayreach hirn in Boulder at 447-2000. Once we receive the infornation above, I will schedule theproject for a final Planning Commission review. I think thework session was a good idea and hope it was helpful to the school . Sincerely,,,1 nl (rr-ln^ti,+ Kristan PritzSenior Planner KP:br iltruanr AnCH|TECTS,p.c. I 775 l--ee t-ane L-akewood, Cotorado 8O2i s J. MARK MII. Rojec, .a!_ Elus. (3O3) 234ZZfi //oo 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oltlce of communlly development December 15, 1987 Ms. Pam Hopkins Snowdon and Hopkins Architects 20L East core Creek DriveVaiI , Colorado 91657 Re: Vail Mountain School Conditional Use Review Dear Pam: As we discussed on the phone today, the following informationmust be submitted before we wirr be abre to scheiule theproject for Planning Conmission review. l-. An-updated survey showing existing topo lines, existingbuildings, site inprovenents, and the rockfali barrier] 2. A list of adjacent property owners with their mailingaddresses. 3. Vail Associatesr approval of the request. The lettershould specificalry address the fact, that the structure isbeing buj-lt outsid.e of the deed restricted area. 4- The rockfall-rnitigation report and associated. d.rawingsfrom a certified engineer or geologist. 5. Elevations 6. A written statement of the reason for the request thatincludes proposed, square footages and parking. r would also recommend that you contact a titre conpany as soonas.possible to update the titre report which is in the-Town ofVail file for the project. The schedule B attached to the deedis dated 7/L9/Bo. r im asking that you subrnit an updated titlereport before the project goes to the Design Review Board. or Kr{unQrh Kristan Pritz Town Pl-anner KP:br nt 1..lr Once lre have received this infornatLon, we witl schedule theproject for the earliest planning Conmission neeting possible. Good luck. Sincerely, MILAN AFICHITEETS. p.c. I 775 LEE LANE LAKEWOOD, COLORADO AO2 1 5.2493 JuJ-y 22, L985 oo to <303) 232-?256 Ms. Krl-stan Pritz, Senior Planner Department of Cofiununity Development Town of VaiI 75 S. Frontage RoadVaiI, Colorado 81657 Re: vail MountaLn SchoolConditional Use Application Dear Kristan, Pursuant to our phone conversatlon today, the ownersto place the Conditional Use Application on I'hold.' Mr. Fred Otto and he gave me authorization to notifyVail of the school board's decision. If you have any questions, please donrt hesltate to have decldedI spoke with the Town of contact our office or Mr. Otto. Sincerely, J. Mark Milan Milan Architects, P.C. c.c. Fred Otto, Esquire HEXEER OF THE AIIERlCATI INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTg alcxrltcrrrl?laxxll OLORADO tLLtrot3 IEIAT AtrzoxA WYOTIHG I I aTt*"d. Cltde Consultants I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIFICATIONS PROTECTIVE EMBANKMENT ANt) TRENCH EXTENSION NORTH SIDE OF VAIL MOUI{TAI}I SCHOOL vAIL, C0L0RA00 Prepared for Snowden & Hopkins Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive Va'i1, Colorado 81657 Job No. 22279-2L377 I 22279-21377 (22279sCv 06-li-89) (SpC) June 1989 I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I 1. 2. u0*"tU. Clyde Gonsultants Paqe 1 2 2 2 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 10 10 11 13 13 13 13 13 L4 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCT ION SPECIAL CONDITIONS 2.T PLANS ANt) SPECIFICATIONS2.2 ENGINEERING ANt) CONSTRUCTION2.3 PLANT AND EQUIPIIENT2.4 RIGHT TO CHANGE LOCATION ANO2.5 RIGHTS-OF.t{AY2.6 CONTRACTOR'S FACILITIES2.7 EMERGENCY PROTECTION2.8 LOSSES FROI'I NATURAL CAUSES2.9 WORK SCHEDULE AND COMPLETION PLACEMENT OF EMBANKiIENT EXTENSION 3.1 GENERAL3.2 EMBANKMENT EXTENSION PLACEMENT3.3 EMBANKMENT EXTENSION FILL EMBANKMENT EXTENSION REINFORCEMENT 4.1 MATERIALS4.? CONSTRUCTIOil PROCEDURE SEED ING 5.1 GENERAL5.2 SITE PREPARATION5.3 SEEDBED PREPARATION5.4 SEEDING5.5 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER OBSERVATION PLANS OF }IORK 3. 4. 5. 22279-21377 (22279sIc 06-r3-89) (SPC) -'t - fi *.*.Clyde ConsultantsI t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I 1. INTRODUCTION These Specifications are for use in constructing the extension of the protective embankment and trench on the north side of the Vaj'l Mountajn School. It is understood that the materia'l s to be used jn constructing the embankment extension will be avajlab'le as a result of earthwork be'ing carried out on the school property and off-site bomow if necessary. It is understood that the materials available on school property are clean sands and grave'l s of glacial origin. If, during excavation, jt js found that the characteristics of these materials differ substant'ia1ly from those expected, the Owner reserves the right to amend these Spec'ifications accord i ng1y. The Technical Specificat'ions inc'luded herein only address the construction of the embankment extension and trench and the seed'ing of the embankment thereafter. It is expected that the Contractor will supply sultable labor and equipment in order to carry out the proposed work. The Owner/Archjtect will specify the chain'ljnk fence to be erected a'long the top of the embankment and the final s'ite grading independent of the embankment extens i on. Measurement and payment and unit quantltles are presented in the General Conditions of the Contract Documents. 22279-21377 (22279s 06-13-89) (SPC) -1- I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I T t I 2zz7g-21317 azz?'ss o6-rf-Be) (spc) I Wf*"tO.Chrde Gonsultants 2. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 2.1 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS The Plans and Specifications are jntended to be coordjnate. Anything shown on the Plans but not mentioned in the Speclfications, or vice versa, or anything not expressly set forth in ejther but which is reasonably implied, shall be furnjshed as though speciflcally shown and mentioned in both without any charge. Shou'ld anything be omitted from the P'lans necessary to the proper operation and utj'llzation of the structure which ls the subJect of this Contract,'it shall be the duty of the Contractor to so notify the Owner before signing the Contract and, ln the event of the Contractor failing to give such notice, he shall complete the structure so that lt wll1 operate properiy for jts Jntended purpose without extra charge. 2.2 ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTIOI'I OBSERVATION The Owner shall furnlsh all boundary surveys and establish all baselines for locating the principal component parts of the work together wjth a sultable benchnark adjacent to the work. From the informat'lon provided by the Owner, unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall develop and make all detaj'l surveys needed for con- struction such as slope stakes, batter boards, and other work'lng polnts, 'l ines, elevations and cut sheets. The Contractor shal'l carefully preserve benchmarks, reference points and stakes and, 'in case of willful or careless destruction, he shal 1 be charged w'ith the resulting expense and shal1 be responsible for any mistakes that may be caused by their unnecessary loss or disturbance. The Contractor shal'l keep the 0wner lnformed, a reasonable time ln advance, of the tjme at which he intends to do work in order that necessary measure- ments for the record of payment may be made with a minimum of lnconvenience to the Owner and delay to the Contractor. -2- tfr*"rO.CW ConsultantsI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I Al'l materials furnished by the Contractor shall be subject to the examjna- tion and approval of the 0wner, or his representat'ive, at any and al'l tjmes during the progress of the work and until the final complet'ion of the same. As soon as the materia] s are examined and tested as appropriate, the Contractor shal'l imnedlate'ly remove al'l rejected material from the slte. No materjal shal'l be used before be'ing exam'ined and approved by the 0wner or his duly authorized representatjve, but the failure on the part of the 0wner, or h'is representat'ive to condemn or reject lnferior materials or work shall not be construed to imply an acceptance of the sarne should their inferiority become evident at any tlme prior to one year after final acceptance of the work. The Owner shall in all cases determlne the quantities and the several kinds of work which are to be paid for under thjs Contract. He shall determine all questions in relatjon to sajd work and the construction thereof. He shall in all cases arbltrate every question that may arise relatjve to the execution of thls Contract on the part of the Contractor, and hjs estinates and findings shall be the condition precedent to the r'lght of the Con- tractor to any actjon of the Contract, and to any rights to receive any money under the Contract. The Owner and hjs duly authorized representatives shalI have free access to the work at all t'imes, and the Contractor sha1l furnish them with facili- tles for ascertaining whether the work be'ing performed or the work which has been completed is 'in accordance w'ith the requirements of the Contract, even to the extent of uncovering, testing or removing portions of finjshed work if such 1s necessary. The Owner may order the Contractor to suspend any work that nay be damaged or endangered by cllmatic condjt'lons. In the event adverse climatic conditlons are unusual and extensjve, and extenslon of tlme may be granted the Contractor at the dlscretlon of the Ourner. 22279-21377 (2?279s 06-13-89) (SPC) -3- I I I I t I I I T I t I I I I T I I 2zz7s-2tt7t (zz.7ss 06-13-89) (spc) ! fffi rvarU.ClydeConsultants l,lhenever the work provided and contemplated by the Contract shal1 be com- pleted, and the fjnal clean'ing up performed, the Contractor shall notify the 0wner that alI work under the Contract has been completed, and the 0wner will, within five days of such notjce, make the flnal inspectlon. If the 0wner finds that the work has been satisfactorily completed'in accordance with the requ'irements of the Contract, he will accept the work and make payment jn accordance with the provislons set forth jn the Contract. 2.3 PLANT At{D EQUTPMENT The Contract shall provide plant and equlpment of adequate capacity and suitable in character to do the work as specifjed and jn the time pres- cribed. Said plant and equipment shall be subject to the approval of the 0wner. 2.4 RIGHT TO CHANGE LOCATION AND PLANS As additional jnformation regarding the topography, geologic formations or other cond'itions becomes available as a result of excavation, testing or other exploratory work, the Owner may fjnd it desirable to change a'lign- ment, d'imens'ions or design of the work to conform to the newly disclosed conditions. Toward this end, the 0rrrner reserves the right to make any such reasonable changes and the Contractorrs plant shal'l be'laid out and his operations shall be conducted so as to acconmodate reasonable changes with no increase ln prices as bid'ln the Schedule, and the Contractor shall be entitled to no addltional compensation therefrom. 2.5 RIGHTS-OF-}IAY The Omer will provide the necessary rights-of-way and site required for any bomow areasr for d'isposal of waste naterlals, and for access thereto. -4- I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I lfirorO. c|rde Consultants 2.6 CONTRACTOR'S FACILITIES I The Contractor wil1 be permitted to use, without charge, for constructionIfacility purposes, land within the confines of the property of the Owner. Sanitary conveniences for the use of a1'l persons emp'loyed on the work shall be provided and majntajned by the Contractor ln sufficient number, of such manner, and at such places as shall be ordered or approved. All sanitary fixtures and receptacles and toi'let rooms, laboratories and washrooms shall be kept acceptably cleaned and shal'l be frequently disinfected. The waste disposai methods shall be approved by the 0wner and shall be in compliance w'ith Federal , State and 1ocal requ'irements. A11 garbage and rubbish shall be disposed of daily in an acceptable manner and in compliance with Federal , State and local requirements. 2.7 EI',IERGENCY PROTECTION Whenever, in the opinion of the 0wner, the Contractor has not taken suffi- cient precaution for the safety of the public or the children of the Vail Itlountain School , or for the protectjon of the work to be constructed under th'is Contract or of adjacent structures or property, and whenever, in the opinion of the Owner, an emergency has arlsen and jmmediate action is considered necessary, then the Owner, with or wjthout notice to the Con- tractor, may provide suitable protection by caus'ing work to be done and material to be furnjshed and placed. The cost of such work and materia'l sha'l 'l be borne by the Contractor, and, if the same is not paid on presenta- tion of the bll1s therefor, such costs may be deducted from any amounts due or to become due the Contractor. The perfornance of such emergency work shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibi'l ity for any damage wh'ich may occur. 22279-2t377 (22279s 06-13-89) (SPC) -5- I I 2.8 L0SSES FRotl NATURAL CAUSES t A'l 'l loss or damage arising out of the nature of the work, or from the I act'ion of the elements, or from floods, or from overf'lows, or from groundIwater, or from falling rock or from any unusual obstructjon or difficulty, I or any other natural or existr'ng circumstance, ejther known or unforeseen, I which may be encountered in the prosecution of the work, shall be sustajned I and borne by the Contractor at his own cost and expense. I 2.9 HORK SCHEDULE AND COMPLETION OF I.IORK I The Contractor may not begin construction prior to I shall satisfactorily complete the work by I I t I t I I 2227s-21377 (zzz,ss o6-ri-8e) (spc) I rrl*orU. Clyde Consultants t I T -6- I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I t T I I atG"oa. Clyde Consultants 3. PLACEMENT OF EI'IBANKMENT EXTENSION 3.1 GENERAL Placing embankment extension shall include furnish'ing labor and equipment requ'ired for construction of the embankment in accordance with provis'ions and requirements spec'ifjed herein including proper tje-jn with the exist'ing embankment, proper p'lacement and compactjon of fill and construction of the embankment extension and random fil'l to the lines and grades shown on the Plans or established by the Owner's Representatjve. 3.2 EMBANKMENT EXTENSION PLACEMENT The embankment extension shall be constructed to the lines and grades shown on the Plans. The embankment extension shall be tied into the ex'isting embankment. For this tie-in, soj'l wjthin the ex'istjng sheets of reinforcing grid shall be removed to the extent shown ln the Plans or as required by the Engineer w'ithout damage to the existing reinforcing grid. The existing sheets of reinforcing grid shal'l be tied back to the existJng embankment in such a manner that placement of the embankment tie-in can proceed unimpeded and that ravell ing of the so'il in the existlng embankment is ninimized. Reinforcing grid for the embankment extens'ion shall be overlapped with the existing reinforcing grid the amount shown in the Plans. The embankment extension shall be constructed in llfts extendjng across the entire length of both the t'ie-in area and the extension. The embankment extension shall be constructed of suitable materials as specified herein, and all materials shall be placed ln approx'imately horizontal layers of the specified thickness. Previously p'laced materjals shal1 be moistened or aerated, scarified, and worked with harrows, disks, or other sujtable eguipment as appropriate in a manner and to such depth as wi'l 1 provide a satisfactory bond'ing surface wjth the new materials, 22279-21377 (22279s 06-13-89) (sPC) -7- I I t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2227s-21377 (22z7es o6-r3-Be) (spc) I UO*"d.CseConsultants Each'load of materia'l piaced in the embankment extensjon, whether from excavation, other parts of the work or bonow areas, shall be placed in the location designated by the Engineer. l{o materials shal1 be placed in the enbankment extension until the founda- tion has been cleared, stripped, or otherwise prepared as required, in accordance with the provisions of these Specifications. The foundatjon shall be roughened so that surface materials of the foundation will be well bonded with the first layer of compacted fill. l'lo frozen fill shall be placed and no fill shall be placed on frozen ground. 3.3 EMBANKMENT EXTENSION FILL The conpacted fj'l 'l of the embankment extension shall be constructed of materials from required excavatJon or other parts of the work and sha'l 1 jnc1ude inorgan'ic so'l ls placed as directed by the Owner. If sufficient quantities of sujtable materia'l s are not avai'l ab1e from required excava- tion, they shall be obtained from borrow areas as specified by the 0wner. No cobbles larger than 6 inches shall remain wjthjn the embankment exten- sion and material shall be mjxed as necessary during excavatjon and placement to result in a unjform and acceptable product. The mojsture content of the embankment extension prior to and during compaction shal'l be distributed uniformly throughout each layer of the material . The distribution and gradation of materials throughout the embankment extensjon shall be such that the material will be free from lenses, pockets, streaks, or layers of material differlng substantial 1y ln texture or gradation from the sumoundlng material . The combjned excavat'ion and placing operation shal'l be such that the materlal when compacted will be blended sufficiently to secure the best practicable compaction. -8- I I I I I t I t t I I I I I I I I I I t0*"d.Chf,e Gonsultants If, 'in the opinion of the Engineer, the surface of any layer of fi'l I is too wet or dry for proper compaction of the next layer of materjal to be placed thereon, it shall be dried or moistened, then compacted to provide a satis- factory surface before succeeding layer of fill is placed. llhen each layer of materia'l has been conditioned, it shall be spread in layers not exceeding 8 inches jn thickness (loose) and compacted wjth a minimum of 6 passes of a pedestrian-controlled, 2-axle vibratory ro11er, such that the fina'l th'ickness of each layer placed shall be 6'inches. Care sha'l I be taken near the edges of the embankment extension to avoid excessive bulging of the fill. 22279-2t377 122279s 06-13-89) ( SPC) -9- I I I ,to*rd. Clyde Gonsu ltants 4. EMBANKIvIENT EXTENSION REINFORCEMEI{T 4.1 MATERIALS Relnforcement of the proposed embanknent extenslon shall be made using I sheets of polymeric geotextile material placed in horizonta'l layers at I intervals of 18 inches, extending from the open edge of the embankment I extensjon for a mininum distance of 8 feet on the north side and 10.5 feet I on the south side except as noted on the P'lans to avoid geotextile p'l acenent in the uti'l ity easenent. The material to be used sha'l 'l have theI I fol lowing Specifications: I Polymer PolypropyleneI Minimum Tensjle Modulus (lb/ft) I along length 18,500I a*ois width 3o;ooo rl Minimum Junction Strength (lb/ft)I :ll::,';tgll l:333 I Nomina'l Junction Th'ickness (in. ) 0.16t Nomjna'l Aperture Size (in.) 1.0 x 1.3 '' Tensar S5-2, manufactured by the Tensar Corporation, 1210 Citizens Parkway, I Box 986, Morrow, GA 30260, conforms to the above Specifications. ) In order to prevent loss of materlal at the edges of the embankment exten- ! sion, a polymeric material wjth a smaller mesh and higher resistance to r decay by U.V. llght 'ls required. The material sha'l'l have the fo'llowing I specifications: I Polymer H'lgh Density PolypropyleneI M'lnlmum Peak Tensile Strength (lb/ft) 335 t Nominal Unit t'leight (oz/yd2) 2L I -10- ' 22279-2137i (2227% o6-li-89) (spc) - I ,fi *"a.Ctyde Gonsultants 58 0.3 I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I I Nomina1 0pen Area (#) Nomjnal Opening Size (in.) Sunllght Resistance Stabi'llzed for long period of exposure to U.V. Tensar NS 1300, manufactured by the Tensar Corporation, I2l0 Cit'izens Parkway, Box 986, Morrow, GA 30260, conforms to the above specif'lcatjons. 4.2 CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE The sheets of Tensar SS-2, or equ'iva1ent, sha'l I be incorporated lnto the embankment extension as construction proceeds. with the Tensar CE 121, or equ'iva1ent, being used to contain the edges, as shown on the P'lans. Prior to 1qy'ing any sheet of reinforcement, the upper surface of the embankment shall be cleaned of any cobbles larger than 4 inches jn diameter, and any other naterial likely to damage the re'inforcement. The embankment fill shall be properly compacted prior to laying the reinforce- ment sheet. The grid sheet shal'l be lald with the long axis of the openings perpendicular to the long axis of the embankment extension. 0verlap between the SS-2 and NS 1300 (or sin'i1ar) shall be at least 2.4 feet. A six-inch layer of topsoi'l shall be placed along the faces of the extension and be enclosed by the SS-2 and NS 1300 (or sim'i1ar) as shown in the Plans. A slope forming tool sim'i lar to that shown in the Plans, or other such approved former supplied by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer shall be used to ensure correct side s'lopes. The c'lose-weave mesh (Tensar NS 1300 or equiva'lent) shall be used to wrap the edges of the embankment fill as shown in the Plans. Upon reaching the top elevation of the embankment extension, the uppermost 'level of the ilS 1300, or similar, mesh sha'll be doubled over as shown on the Plans to form a continuous perimeter bolster prior to placement of the flnal two layers of granular fjll and the'layer of topso'i1. I zzzTs-21377 (z227es o6-ri-8e) (spc) I - 11- t W]*.t*Cft de Gonsultants The upper surface of the embankment shal I surface drainage. be sllghtly cambered to aid 72279-2t377 122279s 06-r3-89) (SFC) -L2- (1) l,lestern wheatgrass, (2) Indian ricegrass 25 parts per 100 25 parts per 100 I I I T I I t I I I I t I I l t t T I tTt*"d. Glyde Gonsultants 5.1 SEEDING 5.1 GENERAL Seeding for mixed grasses shall be completed on the crest, faces and end slope of the embankment extension. Seeding for mixed grasses shall consist of ground preparation, furnishing and plac'ing approved seed and mulch; and furnishing and spreading approved commercjal fertilizer. All seeding operat'ions shall be performed in accordance wjth the following provlslons. 5.2 SITE PREPARATION A'l 'l debris such as large stones, tree branches and large tree roots that wi'l 1 interfere with normal seeding operating shall be removed from the crest and end s'lope. Materja'l suitab1e for the vegetation seedbed should be contour tilled (to 3 or 4 inches) and evenly topdressed with a minjmum of 6 inches of topsoil. No site preparation is required on the faces of the embankment extens'ion. 5.3 SEEDBED PREPARATION The seedbed on the crest and end slope should be weed free, t'i 'l led to a 3-lnch depth, smoothed, fertil'lzed and firmed. In areas where equipment cannot be operated, the seedbed will be prepared by hand. No seedbed preparation 'is required on the faces of the embankment extension. 5.4 SEEDING The Contractor sha'l I furnlsh and sow a suitable grass seed mixture, specified by the Owner or as follows: 22279-21377 (22279s 06-13-89) ( SPC) - 13- t t t (3) Crested wheatgrass 35 parts per 100 I (4) Cicer milkvetch 5 parts per 100 (5) I'linterfat 10 parts per 100I Al1 seed used shall be pure live seed. Seed shall be sown at the rate of I 24 pounds per acre. (r-' I The mixture of grass seed specified herejn shall be unlformly broadcast on I the crest and end slope. It should be raked in or covered wjth soil to a depth of L/4 to l/2 inch.l, I 0n the faces of the embankment extension, the grass seed specifjed'is to be I placed by hydromulching.a I Grass seeding should be accomplished in early spring before July 4; or from f,' August 15 to August 30; or after 0ctober 1 for next spring germ'ination, but r not from July 4 to August 14; or from August 31 to September 30. 5.5 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER 'a I, A standard commercial fertjlizer shall be uniformly broadcast by hand and I raked to a 2-lnch depth or applied mechanically to 2 inches at the crest!r and end slope. It shall be hydromulched for the embankment extension I faces. It should be applied iust prior to cormencement of seeding t operations. Application rate sha'll be 40 pounds nltrogen per acre and r 40 pounds phosphorus per acre. - rn fi*"d.C[@ConsuJtants I I I 2227s-21377 tzzzTss o6-r5-Be) (spc) l -14-