HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 12 BLOCK 2 LOT 12 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL 1990 - 1995 LEGALvJ V,tkF\ R 8,",k2 r"rT r,z vd ,tl-'s.-llfttt r($ o/) 1gg0 r 1995 fI/ 1995 Gign Review Action Fan TOWN OF VAIL category nuro" o^t" i lt;'QJ' t Project Name: Building Name: Owner, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot _ Block_ Subdivision Zone District P roiect Street Address: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval D Disapproval p StaftApprwal Conditions: r'l,/d;,,/ 6>t2 / / (..; t,Af, -. .ort -;:1t-(4 1 yz.e-t '";.: ,. kc*t DRB Fee Pre-paid Town Planner \ JrJL-91-95 FtOH -'r'' r Architeots 90tt-47&e?01 81657 4:O v I SNOI,IDOI'.1 & HEP}( I HS ARcH I T F.e1 4, PrGEs, r*cutDrilc 'ttttrs @vEa ClllEtEfE' PLEASE CALIJ (303) 176 IO\/.C0fu|ill. ffit/, DEN EUEEII. IF ANIS z20L tl,aa t4 a t'vuisJ ntbPba. lr/4/'w Un"N U4/t^"{nt;^4drel l\tulr fulhT ffid w ar-la-Wr{ u4P,#r4: ffif-i,^#|-diils Mrt,lf hatd M4 fu'{*r ; ?haah4ra, A* DATE t trIIGI t\L . [-^\J* r-lfi'v\e r N',Fv "o\M o $"un YAos'\' r\ Ifutfr 4#DoL, -Tl.(JItw*Pd' *ffi=JutY-4r; l '' 2/P 6CA;Eaol Goro Cmok Ddve Vrll, Colorado 81657 g09 a7s.2rq1 r*x 478-7491 EH+ firf * fu i$r $i$ ti* sifi ft$r $fFH $l$ t I 0 $ Ut { f $ $1 . \L I -t tr$ s$$+$** IHi$ ie HIE I '.9,t0 Fr i$q H$t $$i $ fie IT $sf *rl > [.$If .tr N .=s YT$1{ I $I JHr $$$J l'7 $fi {. ir l-'o{*f," $t$$i :,( Uffio tilt {fd 3'/Z-7'3 /wrr " '?',. i I NOTE:RMIT MUST BE POSTED ON loo/er,r coMM BUrLD PERMT Job AddreEs: 3160 KATSOS RANCH RD Locati-on... : VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL ParceI No.. : 2101-023-01-018 Pro-iect No. l PRJ95-0051 JOBSITE AT Permit # ALL TIMES : 895-0080 Status.. Applied. Issued.. Expires. ISSUED o4/L8/tee5 o5 /L2 /tee5 LL /08 /rees APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: BECK & ASSOCIATES, rNC P O BOX 4030, VArL CO BECK & ASSOCTATES, rNC P O BOX 4030 ' VAIL,, CO VAIL UOIJNTAIN SCEOOL BOX 602, VArL CO 81658 Phone: 3039491800 Phone: 3039491800 Phone:476-3850 .OO Tota[ calcutated FerE--> 3'729.n z(D.m Additionlt Fces--> -0o 1?9-10 Tota[ Pcnmit Fr€_--_*> 3,729.80 816s8 81658 Paynent BALANCEDUE------> REQUESTS FOR IilSPECTIONS SMLL 8E ITADE TIIEI.ITY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROIT 6:M Ail 5:OO PII 3,729.& .m;*r*i**#iiii; Ite.m: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARII'{ENT Dept: BUILDING Dj.vj-sion: O5/09/L995 DAN Action: APPR1i!ei1.'.6's'460-'p-i,anurnc'DEFAni'MiiNi-- Dept: .PLANNING Division: O5/!I/L9_9-5 RANDY Action: APPR approved-nq -condiligns R:tt'em:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Drv.l-Ell-on: O5/L2/L995 GARY Action: APPR PER MIKE Mg:GEE ia'ena'-05500 FUeLrc wfRK$ Dept: PUB woRK Divrgj-on:o5/o9/L99s DAN Action: APPR See page 2 of this Document for any condi-tions that rnay afply to this pernit. DECLARATIONS I hcreby acknoltedge that t have read this apptication, fitl,!d out in ful,l, the infonnation requi red., colpLeted an accuratc Ptot pl,an, aird stlte th;t ett the information proi/ided as riquired is corfect. I agpee to comPty uith the infofnatiori and Ptot-ptsn, io c6apty vith atl, Tovn ordinances and stlte [avs, and io buitd this structure according to the Tom's zoni ng and subdivision codesr'dieign reviev appfoved, uniforn Buitding Codc and othef ofdinances of the Tonn appticabte thercto. LIBRARY EXP./LOCKER ROOM occupancyr EL/A3 School with Assembly Type Construction: V l-HR Type V l-Hour TIT)e Occupancy: Valuation: Fireptacc InforlEtion: Restricted: 354, 000 Add sq Ft: 1294 fof ces Appli.ncca:#of Gas Logs:flOf uood/P!l.tct: Bui Lding----) Ptan Chcck--> Invcstigation) ui [t catt-> 1,756.@ Restuarant PtEn Revieu-> 1,141 .18.00 Recrcation Fee--------)3.00 ctesn-uP DePosil----*1 TOT L FEES----- 500.00 3.729.& clcan-up Dcposit ASSOCIATEC '5+ **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Reprintedz 05/L9/95 15:08 Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0021 Anount:3,679.80 os/Lg/95 12:55Init: MMCPayment Method: CK Notation: Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address:tocation: ThiE Paynent Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 30 0000 4s032 01 0000 41336 Tota] Fees:3,679.80 Total ALL Pmts: BaLance: 895-0080 Type: A-COMM ADD/ALT COMM BUILD P 2101-023-01-018 3160 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL MOIJNTAIN SCHOOI, **************************************************************** Description BUII,DING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WILI, CALL INSPECTION FEE 3 1729 .80 3 r729 .80 .00 Amount 1,756. 00 150.00 1,141.40 500.00 L29 .40 3.00 | -. CHECK REgUEST PREPARED BY: 2 ?o-.*r*t DATE: \TENDoRNAME, '4"2 ) 4,n-*-)/A,Qo- . VENDORNUMBER Da aSo-S DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFITND FOR BP #%-AarA AMOUNTOF REFL]ND. 65A A) DATEAPPROVED:/1T APPROVAL SIGNATURE: /l/,*,aflrtn, A- NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 3160 KATSOS RANCH RD Location... : VAIL MOITNTAIN SCHOOL Parcel No.. : 2101-023-01-018 Project No. : PRJ95-0051 Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 04/L8/Le95 Issued...: 05/12/L995 Expires..: tT/08/L995 Phone z 303949L662 Phone: 3039 49L662 Phone:476-3850 JOBSITE AT ALL Pennit #: TIMES 895-00 60 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER RON'S ELECTRIC COMPANY P O BOX 591, AVON CO 81620 RON'S ELECTRIC COMPANY P o Box 591, AVON CO 81620 VAII., MOUNTAIN SCHOOi., BOX 602, VArL CO 81658 Description I ELEC FOR ADDITION *********r***** FEE Itern: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENIo5n2/r995 Gp.l.Y Action: APPR Valuati-on:42, 000 . 00 SU IARY Total catcul.atcd F.es--> 759.00 AdditionaL Fees------> .m Tota[ Permit F!!-------> 759.00 PayDents---------> . 759. m gnlmce oue---- E tectri c. t--> 756.6 DRB feetnvestigation> .00 lli tt ca[l,---> 3.00 TOTAL FEES---> 759.00 Dept: BUIIJDING oivision: ****************tt******i**i**l***************ti***t*t*t***********************t******i**!rt*****tr.t*rtt!t***rt***t****rt****rt******** CONDITION OF APPROVA]., DECLARATIONS I hepcby acknoHl,rdge that I have read this appl.ication, f il,ted out in fu[t the infornation required, colpteted an accurate plot pt"", -i'r,a "i"t" ttEt att the informati_on provided as required. i.s €orrect. _I agree to conPty uith the infornation and ptot P[€n, to conpl,y nith a!1, Toln ordinances and stite [aus, and io buitd this structurr according iothe Tovn's zoning and subdivision codesr'dlsign reviex apprared, uniforn Buitding code and othcr ordinances of the ToHn aPPticabte therrto. REouEsrs FoR rl{spEcrro s SHALL BE }|ADE T}lE}try-FouR HorrRs IN ADVANCE By rELEp}bNE Ar 1?9-?138 oR AT qrR oFFIcE FRoNI 6:(x} Afi 5:00 Pil or,ntER oR ioHtnlcron FoR Hrl'lsELF AND oIJNER *******!t******************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COT,ORADO Reprinted? 05/L9/95 15:09 Staremnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0021 Amount: Payment Method: CK Notation:?se.00 05/L9/9s 13:00INi-t: MMC Permit No: Parcel No:Site Addrese: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Total FeeE:759.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Descript,ion EIJECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CAI.,,L INSPECTION FEE E95-0060 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2101-02 3-01-018 3160 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL MOI'NTAIN SCHOOIJ **************************************************************** 7s9 .00 7s9 .00 .00 Amount 755.00 3.00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAIJ PERMIT Job Address...: 3160 KATSOS RANCH RD Location. . . . . . : VAIIJ MOI'NTAIN SCHOOL Parcel No. ....: 2101-023-01-018Project Number: PRJ95-0051 APPLICANT STONE SHEETMENTAL I{ECHANICA]., 1111 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND JUNCTION CONTR,ACTOR STONE SHEETMENTA]-, MECITA}IICAL 1111 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND JUNCTIONOWNER VAII, MOUNTAIN SCHOOL BOX 602, VArL CO 81658 Description: MECH. WORK FOR ADDITION JOBSITE AT Perrnit #: ALL TIMES M95-00s9 Status. . Applied. fssued.. Expires. 81501 81501 ISSUED o4/L8/Lee5 0s/t2/tee5 Lt/oe/tee5 Phone: 30324250]-4 Phone: 30324250L4 Phonez 476-3850 fof Gas Apptiances: Valuation: #0f Gas Logsl 3,500 . 00 fof tlood/Pa t Let:Fircotace Infornation: Restricted: t EE SUI'IIIARY l'techani ca l,---) 8O.OO Restuarant Ptan Revieu--> .00 lotal C.tcu[ated F!es---> 105.00 P[an Check--> 2O.OO DRB Fe.--- Invcstigation> .00 TOTAL FEES----- t',i I' t' ca[ t'---> 3'm Pay!Ent8------ BALANCE DUE--- .OO Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Item: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENTA5/12/L995 GAF.]f Action: APPRIt'em:' 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT657Ir/16i5-cenv - -- -AcEion:- AFen u/e CONDITION OF APPROVAIJ ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hcreby acknoul,edge that I havc read this apptication, fitted out in futt the infornation required, cornpteted an lccurate ptot ptan, a-nd strte tlrit alt the infornation pro;id.d as riquircd is correct. t lgrce to conPty Hith the infoPmation and Ptol pt8n, io cinp ty uith att ToLrn ordinances and statc [aus, and io buiLd this stfucturc according to the Tomt3 zoning and subdivision codesr'dlsign revieu approved/ Uniform Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of thc Tovn aPPl'icabl'e thcreto. REauEsTs FoR tNspEcrloNs SHALL BE itADE TuENTy-FouR HouRs rit ADvANcE By TELEpHoNE AT 479-213s oR AT olrR oFFIcE FRol E:00 Alt 5:m P SIGI{ATURE OT O}INER OR CONTMCTON FOR HTIISELF AND OIINER ***!k************************************************************ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Reprinted2 O5/t9/95 15:09 Statemnt**************************************************************** Statennt Nunber: REC-0022 Anount: Payment Method: CK Notation:103.00 05/t9/e5 13:03Init: MMC M95-0059 Type: B-MECH MECHANTCAL PERMIT 2101-023-01-018 3160 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOIJ Total FeeE:103.00 Total- AI-,L Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payrnent Account Code 01 0000 4L3L2 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL TNSPECTION FEE 103.00 103.00 .00 Amount 80 .00 20.00 3. 00 e*'4) ,ft lttt- NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AII.,. TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT PermiI #: P95_0044 Job Address: 3150 KATSOS RANCH RD Status...Location... : VAIL MOIINTAIN SCHOOI-, App1ied.. Issued. . . Expires. . ISSUED 04/t8 /Lees0s/12/tees LL/oB/lees Parcel No. . : 2101-023-01-018Project No. : PRJ95-0051 APPLICANT CONCEPT I4ECHANICAt, INC Phone| 3039262693 P O BOX 1165, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC Phone: 3039262693 P O BOX 1165, AVON CO 81620OWNER VAIL MOITNTAIN SCHOOL Phone: 476-3850 BOX 602, VArL CO 81658 rration: 16 , 000 . 0O3iffi*fi8t33* ooor'ro* varr FEE SUITI'IARYp[urbing---) 2{O.OO Restuarant pLan Revi.r.--> .00 Total catcutated Feca_-> 303.00 Pl.an Chtck--> 60.00 ToTAL FEES-----Inv.stigatiorD .(X) trtilt CaIt--> 3.00 Tota t Perrit BALA cE DUE-- Ile.uri .951Q0 BqILDING DEPARTI'IEUTE Dept: BUILDING Division:0s/12/rees GA'.' o"E6ffBirt6fi*o, o""*ouoo DECLAMTIONS t hcrcby ackmytedge that I have read this application, fitted out in ful,l, the infomation rcqui rcd, colPtetcd an accuratc plot pl,an, aird state that att the informatim prcvided as required is corncct. I agree to compLy vith the infofmation and plot-pten, io conpty vith atl, Toun ordinances and stite [avs, and io buitd this stfuctufe accofding tothe Torn'g zoning and subdivision codcr, desiEn revien approvcd, Uniforr Buitding Code and other ofdinance3 of thc Tovn applicabte therrto' REOUESTS tOR TNSpECTIONS SHALL BE I|ADE Tr,rENTy-FOt R ttOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Af 479-2138 OR AT OUi OFTICE FROII E:.00 AH 5:m Pilt&-*^iYi ,< 4"4-- .. SIGNATURE OF OI,IIIER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF AND OIINER **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COIJORADO Reprintedt o5/L9/95 15:09 Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-O022 Amount: Payment Method: CK Notatj-on: 303.00 os/t9/95 13:01rnit: lfi'{c P95-0044 T!pe: B-PLMB PLUMBTNG PERMIT 2I0l-023-01-018 3160 KATSOS R.,,ANCH RD VAIL MOT'NTAIN SCHOOIJTotal Fees:303.00 Total AU., Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site AddresE: Location: Thie Paynent Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 Deecription PI,TJ},IBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 303.00 303. 00 .00 Anount 240. 00 60.00 3.00 TOWN AFVAIL NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST PLI]MBING BE POSTED ON PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: P95-0095 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970479-2138/479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development Job Address Location. . . Parcel No..Project No. 3160 KATSOS RANCH RD 2101-02 3-01-018 PRJ95-0051 Status. . Applied. fssued. . Expires. ISSUED o6/08/tee5 06 /2e /Lee5t2/26 /Lees APPLICANT BECK & ASSOCTATES, INC P O BOX 4030, VAIL CO 81658 CoNTRACTOR BECK & ASSOCTATES, rNC P O BOX 4030, VArL CO 81658OWNER VAIIJ MOUNTAIN SCHOOL BOX 602. VAIL CO 816s8 CONTRACTOR ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC 6045 E 76TH #12, COMMERCE CrTy 80022 Description: FIRE ALARM AND SPRINKLER SYSTEI'! Valuation:12,045.00 ffi*ffi******f****i***ffiif,i*f,***ffi****ffi**f,rtt"rt***** FEE SUl4tlARY ff*f*tffi**ff**tr*******tr*rr**ffiffi*ffi**ffi* Phone: 3039491800 Phone: 3039491800 Phone:476-3850 Phone: 3032883901 .00 Total Catcutated Fees--> Additional, Fees---------> TotaI Pernit Fee-------> Paynents------ P Lunbi ng---*> Ptan Check--> Investigat ion> Ll i l. L Ca l. l.----> 195.00 18.75 .m 3.m Restuarant Ptan Revi eu-> TOTAL FEES-----246.75 216.75 .00 246.75 ffir**ffi****#*#*ffiffi*#***r*ffi*rir*ffiffir***************:lHl:i-lli;;;;;;;i-*********;ff*** IEeni ,O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:o6/2L/I995 DAII Actj-on: APPR FIRE DEPART OKD 6-2L-95 ***ffiffi*ffi*ffi*f,***ffi*ffi|ht#**t**r*ffirrtffi*******ffi****r**ffiffi**i****#****ffi*ffi*******f*t*ffi* CONDITION OF APPROVAL **rrffiffi*****i*f,*t**ffi**ffi#ffi#******r**ffi***************ffi*****ffi************#*ffi*ffffi#********* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I have read this apptication, fitted out in ful,L the information required, conpteted an accurate ptot pLan, and statc that alt the infortDation providcd as rcqui red is correct. I agr.e to compl.y vith the infofmation and pl,ot i:Lan,to conpty rrith atl, ToHn ordinances and statc [a]rs, and to buitd this structurc according to'the Torn,s zoning and subdivisiLn codes, design review approved, Uniform BuitdinE code and other ordinrnces of the Town appticabl,e thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TIIEI'ITY-FOUR HOURS TN AOVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-21'8 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROII 8:OO A[ 5:OO Pi {S*nnuoruo o o TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt ***************i************************************************ Statemnt Number: REC-0042 Anount: Payment Method: CK5l97 Notation: 246.75 06/29/9s 72:54fnit: MMC P95-0095 Type: B-PLI'{B 2101-023-01-018 3160 KATSOS RANCII RD TotaL Fees:246.75 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: * * * * * * * ** * * * * *** ** ** * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** * * * !* ir * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Permit No: Parcel NoiSite Address: This Payment Acsount Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 4t332 01 0000 41336 PLUMBING PERMIT 246.75 246.75 .00 Description PLT'MBING PERMIT FEES PI,AN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 195 .00 48.75 3.00 TO!{l{ oF vArt coNsTRucTION PERMTT APPLICATION FORH DATE: S/O,rgS , APPLTCATION MUST BE FILLED out coIttPLETEL,Y OR IT I'fAy NOT EE ACSEpTEDITItl******************!t*********** PERI,IIT I}IFORI{ATfOII ******** ******** *.***:r*******,' [ fl-Buirding t ]-plurnbinq [ ]-Electrical [ ]-MechanicaL [ ]-other Job Name: VATT..MNT scHnor, Job Ad.dress: 4? w- MEnnws nR.^-_flArr'.c o - Ft66? Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing suBprvrSION: owners Name: vArE MNT. scgonr, Address: az w- lrnnows nn- ph. Archi-tect:Address:Ph. { KT'/r-rn'; t PERI.IIT # cas Logs_ Wood/pellet ************* **** * ************** * General Description: ,*,ffi1 / F)2.2, 7,tZrn,{q- 5rSlo,*^ _ worlc class: I i-New t(]-arterarion t\4-Additionar f(l-Repair I J-other Nunber of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Accornrnoelation 1lnits: Ihber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances f* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS BUTLDING: $ELECTRICAL: $ OTHER: $PLUUBING: $ "'l..tt(7,c:c MEcHANIcaT_,r$- ioiil; W7\*************************** coNTRAcroR TNFoRMATToN ***************************Eeneral Contractor: ^r rGeneraL contractor: Ar,r, - srATE FTRE pRo,l.F:crroN T-own of VaiJ- Reg. No. 370sAddress: Ao45 E ?6rh ayE .nrvrT L2 , lhone llunnei: _Zj3=-?.9Oj__lG1;.ota<'-Electrical Contractor: Tr,ar.,^ ^r rrq6l D^-;;;;;;=;-' \'\J'|rLr'c'|L;L(Jr; Town of vail Reg. No- ?$- ^- ^ rr----r.rrr.\J,t s-J . Plunbing Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. No.Address:. phone Nurnber: llechani.cal Contractor:[ddress:Phone Number: t******************************* FOR oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEES]UTLDING PERMIT FEE: ?IUMBING PER,MIT FEE: IECHANICAL PERMIT TEE: ILECTRTCAL FEE: (2 PIJT]MBING PIAN cHEcK FEgs },IECIT,ANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FSES RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI,TIT FEES: )THER TypE OF FeE1;/t,)t/@ )RB FEE: BUTLDTNG: STGNATT'RE: ZONING: STGNATURE: :I,EAI{ I'P DEPOSIT REFTIilD TO: o luwn 75 3outh trofitage rord . eail, colorado El6S7 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 ofllco of communlty devrlopmenl BUILDIIiG PERI.iIT ISSI'ANCE TIME FRAI,IE If this peryri.t qequfeg a Town of Vail fiire Departnent Approval,EnsineerLs (pub]ic r.glfrl 1eviery and approvai,'i iiiiiiini'b.purt .nt_review or Health Departm6nt_review, ani'a_review by the Buirding-Department, the estimated time tor'a totar ".uitn-iluv i"k;';a r6rs -- as three weelis. All commercial ('large or smail) and ailr murti-famiry permits willhave to follow the iuove rentlon"a-riximum requ.irements. Residentialand.small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smaller projects impact the various auove mentionecdepartments with reoard' to-necessary "eview, il"i" p"oj".[i'*v a'l so take the three week periroO. Every atternpt wil'l be made by this departrnent to expedite thispernit as soon as possible. - I' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. X, r Communi ty Devel opment Department. 75 3oulh lrontage rord vail, colorado 81857 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TECT: oftlce of communlly deuelopmcnt rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any ""if,-"o"i, sand, debrisor naterial, Lncluding trash itunpsterl, p"it"ui" toirets an.workmen vehicles.upon any streetl sia"*aixl-;ii;y or publicplace or anv portion trreieof. - itt" right-oi-;;t-;" arr Town ofvail streetl ind.5g"g= is approiinately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance w1r] be. =tr_iElrv -enforced by the Town of vailPubric works Departnent. perslns rouna-vi3r.Ii"g this ordinancewill-be given a 24 hour written-notice to remove said naterial .In the event the person so notified.aoes noi- colnpfy with thenotice within the 24 hour tirne-"p""tiiil,";;";ffi1ic worksDeparrnent will remove said nate;iai-;[-ih;';d;;=e of personnotified. The provisions "r-iirir ordinance sharl not beapplicable to cinstruction, ,"irri"r".ce or repair projects ofany srreet or alley or any utilities i; rh"-;I!fri-"-r"y. -T".I"yigy Ordinance No. G in full, please stop by the Tordn ofYii-1 B"ilding Department to obtain a copy. rirani< you for yourcooperation on this natter. ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH SIIETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMIJNITY DEVEIOPMENT MARCIT 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKIUE E UATERIAL STORAGE (i.e. contractor, owner) - '! t* oF vArL coNsrR'crroN PERUIT APPLICATION FORI,TDATE:@!!!Q- re95 {: itr )!li'ttl I ll APR t I 1eg5 Appr.,rcArroN MUsr BE FTLLED our co!,rprJnrEl.y oR m ffirffjiWi*$F$flip i ****************************** PERMIT INFORMATION ***************************** [x]-Building [){-Plunbing fx]-Electrical [ ]-Electrical [ ]-other Job Name: V,ail Mountain School= - Job Address: 3160 Katsos Ranch, vailLegal Description: Lot3ssgl2Block_a Filinggai owners Name: vail l'tountain schoor Address: 3160 Katsos Ranch. Vail ph.47G-3950 Architect: Snowdon / Hopkins Address: 2Ol Gore Creek Dr-. VailPh.476-2ZOL General Descriptiol! Library Exoansion ./ l{ew Locker Room Work Class: [ ]-New [x]-Alteration [x]-Additional [ ]-Repair I l-Other Number of Dwelling Units: 0 Number of Acconnodation Unlts: 0 Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances__ 0 Gas Logsa Wood/PeJ-IetJ)_ PLWBING: ********* General Contractor: Beck & AssociatesAddress: p-o- Bo:r 4030 Vail. co a1658 Electrical Contractof! ion!s Electric AddreSS: P-O- B,rrlr qql , Apron - CO 8162O -.. Plunbing Contractor ! concept uer.trani r.al AddreSS: P-O- Box ll55 Arron - eO A't 52O BUILDING FERMIT FEE: PLU!{BING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: Town of vail Reg. No.anz__' Phone Number: g4g-t Rno Town of vail Reg. NO.JJB-+- Phone NurnLer: Town of VaIReg. NO.J-AS_+_ Phone Number: qr6-76.9a Mechanlcal Contractor: Stone llechanical Town of Vail Reg. NO.rr-rra Address: p-o- Box 3o65 Vail. CO 8't658 , Phone Nuurber: 8?7-\'t2r *******************************rt FoR oFFICE USE ******************************* RECREATION FEE: orHER rYPE oF FEE: f{@ BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PIAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: CLEAN-UP DE TOTAL BUII,DTNG:VALUATION ZONTNG:gnature: May6, 1995 Mr. Dan Stanek, Building Inspector Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Vail Mountain School 1995 Expansion and Remodeling MichaelG.Perkin Architect PO. Box 1351 Vail, Colorado (303) 81658 827-4146 Dear Mr. Stanek: This is to contirrn our telephone discussion yesterday regarding the above referenced project which, as you know, is currently being reviewed by your office for the issuance of a building permit. As we discussed on the phone, your office would like us to address three issues. I will address each issue and propose our solution. I would like to request that you review our proposed solutions and then let me know if your office finds the solutions acceptable. When we reach agreement on the proper solution to each issue, I will then in tum issue directives to Beck and Associates, the general contractor on the project. lssue #1 : "Wood shake shingles on the roof are not specified to be Class B or better." Proposed solution: Specify wood shake shingles to be Class B or better. lssue #2: "Ceiling-roof assembly does not meet one-hour fire rating requirement." Proposed solution: Specify that an additional layer of 5/8" Type X gypsum wallboard be added on top of the one layer of 5/8" Type X gypsum wallboard shown on the drawings. This would occur at the bottom of the new wood roof trusses and at the bottom of the new 2x12 wood rafters shown on the drawings. This assembly would be installed per Gypsum Association File #FC 5406 specifications and provide one hour fire resistance protection for the wood framing. lssue #3: .A.D.A. accessible shower must be provided in the new locker room." Proposed solution: As we drscussed on the telephone, rather ihan providing an accessible shower in the new locker room which would leave only one shower in the new locker room, we would like to propose converting one of the showers in the existing locker room to an accessible shower. We believe this solution would produce better shower facilities for all of the students while still providing an accessible shower unit for a disabled person should the need ever arise. We hope this idea makes sense because the locker room facilities at the school have never been dedicated as "boys" or "girls" locker rooms and it is the intention of the school that this would be the case in the future. That is to say, in the future sometimes both locker rooms would be used by boys at the same time, and likewise for girls. The school's administrators will continue to assign girls or boys to a given locker room during a given time, and, therefore, can easily assign the locker room with the accessible shower to any girl or boy who may need it at a given time. a Page Two Lefterto Mr. Dan Stanek May6, 1995 Thank you for considering this and, again, I will wait to hear from you as to whether or not these proposals are acceptable to your office before pr€paring the neco$ary dnawings and change orders for your office and the contractor, MichaelG. Perkin cc: Pam Hopkins, BillAnderson, Snowdon and Hopkins Architec{s Bec* and Associates OIlail tu[ountain S{fiool ocrober 27. 1995 Mr. Dan Stenek Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Stenek: I am writing to inform you formally of the school's intention to extend a sidewalk from the newly installed exterior bathroom on the west side of our Campus Center to the front of the building. 'Ihis will make it accessible to handicapped people. It is our intention to do this work as part of any subsequent modification of the campus. If our iniention is not to your liking, please notify me in writing; otherwise we will assume that you accept our plans as appropriate. Thank you for taking time to consider this information. PeterM. Abuisi --IIe6dmaster PMA/ty 3160 KATSOS RANCH ROAD r VAIL, COLORADO 81657 r (970) 476-3850 r FAX (970) 476-3860 K4me$r n4T 3 B 1gg5 ifU DEPT Sincerely, o I=BECKI I ,oHo ASSOCTaTES. 'HC.ilr August 22,1995 Dan Stanek Town of Vail Department of Community Development ?5 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Fax: 479-2452 To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to veri$ installation dates for ADA required bathroom fixtures and lighting fixtures at the vail Mountail school. All ADA bathroom fixtures will be insalled by September 10, 1995, and all lighting fixture installation will be completed by September 15, 1995. Sincerely, 6rrr*e7trfu Bruce Molcsan Project Superintendent Bmk and Associates, Inc. BIvI\di Ge irrE'ffAl co(Yllti:T tF s P.O, BOX 4A30 vatL, <:DLoeaDlt t1alE 13031 94+ t EOO l.l$Y-22-95 l10N 13:43 ,|| Itloy ??, 1995 BECK IATES FA}| N0, 3039490319& ASSoCI P, 02 Tswn of Veil Dclnrtment of Conr munity Development Attenrion: Dall Staflel( 75 South Fronhge Road West Vail. Colorado 81657 Dear Dan: .-',rt'l 'JrLPtt"'This letn-r is to verifu the discussim we had on Mny 17, [995, concerning ttre unOershbYJuct ^rwork at Vail Mountain Scirool. r.r4fr4'* We ogrccd that lt would be acccptable to the Town of Vait to terminate the underslabful* **t apprunlnately 3' to 3t/L' from the window opening on Window #6 on the plans for the Vait Mountain School Remodel, Thank you. Bruce Molcsan Bec.t and Assoclates, Inc. B!'d\di il"zez-a4;4.+6- .a/z i/4,/ €vaz-tr tlAY-22-95 iloN 13:43 BECK & ASSOCiATES FAX N0, 3039490318 P,0t BEft AryD- Assocrfhns, rNc.FAX TRAIISIT{ITTAL F/ >+/ qtDATE: TO: ATTENTION: FAX #; FROM: RE: COMMET{IS: RESPONSE REQUIRED: Q7 5a. Uc t >--eofr + / ?t{7 7}aq -,fr/^A HARD CoPy To FoLLow: yEs t I No )QIF YOU HA\IE TROUBLE RECEMNG, OR DO NOTRECEI\IE ALL PAGFS, PT,EASN CONTACT US AT(303) 94e-1800 xusp Notl P,o,8ox{030 o VAIL. COLORADO I g1653{030 ( **rI."r,tl-1 Jn* 47 / Fon TELEPHONE l03.E49. * CALLER TUES WED THURREADY FOB INSPECTI LOCATION: l"-*--DATE \Y U INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 tlT,J, 5cl,ul BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB T] FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER B HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE tt,-',/ - ./ ";INSPECTOR ,*rt"toN REeuESr DlgnYH,:^''PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJEC DATE .| INSPECTION: I JOB NAME MON CALLEB TUES WED THURREADY FOR LOCATION: AM PMFRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATERB FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL .E trtr tr FINAL E FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING r] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr O FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DAIE ',""' ' t ':'i".ll ,O" 479-2138 MON TUES WED THUR O DISAPPROVED IU, INSPECTION REQUEST,/ TOWN OF VAIL AM,PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ts-eppRoveo O REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr rl tr E]tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr trFFINAL FINAL c -- ,(:t'' DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION:MON INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL +' ,i'"f i 7;,bt. I3479-21 CALLER TUES WED THUR (l-Bl-r -$b iir,,READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING ,._'' ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtL|NG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETFOCK NAIL tr tr g FINAL C t)EI FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr E tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr U FTNAL FINAL tr iiveo CORRECTIONS: T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED COPY DATE INSPECTOR a aa s PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ,*#"roN REeuESr WED THUR TOWN OF VAIL ? 479-2138 CALLER oarc 4gfug--JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS trirouruonrt tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATEB ON / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING - tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB E SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH :tr EXHAUST HOODS u coNDprr .' tr SUPPLY AIR tr _._-._____.____,u clitrNAL O FINAL lffioveo. :bRneclolrs' tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR a rr l READY FOB INSPECTION: LOCATION: t INSPECTION =REQUEST TOWN'OF VAIL 479-2138-7/ DAIE Tli JoB NAME /n,, ftiouNrn rl MON d THUR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT 74y BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEEF PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION(*tfr sHeetnocrc POOL / H. TUB AsfieErAoct< yaly tJP(Tt4ttS L" Fzoc$,4ZAsi-ftaoai@ A-1 o /,!,7( Ht€ 'Ot E tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING T] ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr D tr F.lr(AL tr FINAL VED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR I -* f'rQ! i'',:8 0 a ar t PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: -INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479i2138 i I l,-t'+ 16<-DATE I 1,7 ' I' J JOB NAME tr1/i t CALLER '1r1, FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEEF PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING POOL i H. TUBINSULATION ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT - tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ' GT C READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER f T.-,, ruES '66' rHUR ilINSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 ;i!lrr -{1g, PM BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBINGI tr UNDERGROUND O BOUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n flooF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB qr SHEETROCK o_ tr n tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS B CONDUIT D tr SUPPLY AIR tr F IITIIL tr FINAL ffiouro c6RRrcrrorus: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED "t/ ()rI -- / | - - -t \DATE / LLT I) INSPECTOR ' .1. ;il PECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL INS it,,:t^i*':'(-'l V''i - fttc r DATE READY FOR LOCATION: NAME CALLEF TUESTroil,INSPEC'1 .(., BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O BOUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING l!tttsulnrtoru tr POOL / H. TUB r] SHEETROCK NAIL tr E': O FINAL .O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP; POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr -tr TFtNAL tr FINAL # _'.;_ gvED CTION tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED S: * t-- l}.q* *t INSPECTION REQUEST$06- cagc PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER r' READY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 'l'l BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGFOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.O FOUNDATION / STEEL (rnaurruo tr ROUGH / WATER r_r ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING B INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB D SHEETBOCK NAIL tr o O FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o_tr tr F/l.rAL E] FINAL Lfrpouro /oRnecrtotts: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR I ti I DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:, MON ,/.*\ WED THUR FRI t ,t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER TUES 479-2138 BUILDING: 'flroorrnrcs / srEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W.V, O ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n. ROOF & SHEER" FlYWooD NA|LING B4'TSULATION - *.L" O GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL L-l tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS i *' - tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o o tr FINAL tr FINAL fQreoueo )RRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE / - i- (,?: I !' .. / ,-.1 INSPECTOR t ".,f il INSPE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138ITNPERMBER OF PROJ CT DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER 'r; ':'I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NA|LING O GAS PIPING B INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB T] SHEETROCK NAIL tr_ tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING T] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr o F|FAL _O FINAL 'ftKoveo )FRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIFED DATE INSPECTOR ) ,' 1 :^'' DATE :.' -JO8 _''._------..-.--l- INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 TUES WED THUR ( FRI 'i ,i "" nU, PMINSPECTION: i .'*-: ! '. !!:i' PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT READY FOR LOCATION: MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V, tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL U FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING O INSULATION 'tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWEH \ O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT - tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL |. -('tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*r#"roN REeuEsr€ fs- oabo PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ooru f// READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 CALLER ____@( BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMEING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ I] HOUGH / D.W,V, tr FRAMING O ROUGH / WATER r_r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS E SUPPLY AIR 'rwat l nT/c:o,r /tlqft. ,r1o----..; , o F'NAL T] CONDU u tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED a,.i al PERMIT NUMBEF OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 L'AI E J:JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON WED THUR CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING o 19.9.1^LSi.qFl . ^tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING B INSULATION ,,is poor- / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n, tr_ tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o .{.. tr FINAL tr FINAL O APPROVED COHRECTIONS: I ''i ..tr DISAPPHOVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED i ,t i' DATE INSPECTOR ,*#'"roN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL PERMlT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: NAME TUES WED TH frs--/z6a ?rB{ $a BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUTTIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - tr ROUGH / WATER r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETFOCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR tr_tr d"'"ot tr FINAL APPFOVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED coRREcTIONS: DATE f - t-6' 9s- tn r ? PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL \I ^rr'\ Arvt ! { DATE ,. READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: ' ; --' JOB NAME WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNOATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. - tr GAS PIPING -tr POOL / H. TUB -r-1 _ r-r _ O FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING E EXHAUST HOODS C] SUPPLY AIR -r-r _ T] FINAL PLUMBING: tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr tr ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER E ROUGH B CONDUIT tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE "' E 1{ioudo r' R OF,PROJECT ll,t/t, -7zr v/'{lqr JoB NAMEDATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER WED tfr BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND t] FOUGH / D.W.V.T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ,-1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr E] FINAL E FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED IONS: Xo"tto' CORRECT U'rDATEL:'INSPECTOR ..*r rl * t t)-i-,0a PERMIT NUMBEF OF PROJECT "*, 6/:cf ?5 JoB NAME lNs CTION REQUEST ft CALLER L-j TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL D tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W,V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING { nouon tr EXHAUST HOODS tr coNDU[ n SUPPLY AIR T] FINAL O FINAL APPROVED .4C1./., tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED(,--'L )RRECTIONS: DATE v-INSPECTOR &s' j il /^t ,?'l? oo("o ,*r#"roN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL 475-2138 JOB NAME CALLER MO\ TUES PERMIT uly'BER OF PHOJECT l -1 / 1. DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: :.' '., t. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBINGI tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB T] SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL:.MECHANICAL: tr Y tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr tr FINAL EI APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ilts. F tNs t PE CTION REQUEST tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED / t1-, lezD^rE t€/ I \f / ) JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED ,HReenoveD I.'CI DISAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr_ O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING houoH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D tr tr FINAL _N FINAL DATE INSPECTOR tar * lr * INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILE?g-oooo PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ,o',, b1L41 JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: 0 479-2138 stu WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING o 19.9f^Lsi.EFn.. ^tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING E INSULATION T] POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL- ;g heenov ro f! CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 'lbfl' . il '*. w -r)()1'- "dr' -INSPECTION REQUESTY-C0 TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND !*5roucn / D.W.V. fnouox / wArERO FRAMING - ROOF & SHEERu PLYwooD NA|LING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER tr HEATING tr CONDUIT tr, FINAL PROJEQT [-zr ar READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION:----@ pM tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTIONT FEQIJI RED i,,; 4/)''n" ''INSPECTOR .lFF* I READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MoN ,.,iyrr, DATE ';.._:=-J JOB NAME t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL FRIWEDTHUR RMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ,I.i)L'{ BUILDING:PLUMEING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL NDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr tr D o tr o n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOI / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWEB MECHANfCALi -,i.:'.1:. _.)-t/,-z/r.' j -r_1-\gHEATf NG .s ,,1 :,:../rzt .-41 .-r< ./ -_: 2 tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL FRAOvED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER TUES THUR.'' 479-2138 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND ET ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ;=.'/- -:.' li./.",,"< tr FRAMING D ROUGH / WATER ,_ HOOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL D FINAL TAPPBOVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ;fDATE INSPECTOR its '-$, INSFECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr cl tr u GAS PIPING tr INSULATION itr SHEETROCK POOL / H, TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL UNDERGROUND ftnouon / D.w.v. ROUGH / WATER ELECTRICAL: tr TEIIP. POWER MECHANICAL: T] HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT -tr SUPPLY AIR E tr tr FINAL tr FINAL 6Fdl Et ct trf tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ONS: ,/tDATEfu lNSPEcroH t,nn Review Action ,lt TOWN OF VAIL .4) , t /i. catesory nu*d", 4{tl f//(hot Dare 2-/5'-'11 Project Name: Building Name: Owner, Address and Phone: Architecvcontact, Address and Phone: Legaf Description:Lot f) Block T Subdivision Project Street Address: Comments: Zone District +/q^ Board / Staff Action Motion bv: ?at a , voei {'O Seconded av: fuA-+^U, r( do*."{ Or p-f )! DisapproVal ! Staff Approv-al 11 tt.4/Date: ^/ ' 1 (/ 't) llzrrfa.zJ V"f- ,l 't =_--- - 1)ail 7[ ountarn S?fr0 o I January 23,1995 Ms. Kathy Langenwalter Chairperson Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Ms. Langenwalter: I am in receipt of your letter of January 9 addressed to the Board of Directors of Vail Mountain School informing us that a site coverage variance and conditional use permit have been granted, allowing for the expansion of our library with a classroom space above it. We appreciate your decision and accept your advise regarding rezoning. We have employed an architect for the express purpose of creating a complete campus plan. This was suggested to us a year ago as the first step in applying for rezoning. We will consult with Mr. Stouder, the Town Planner, as needed. It is our intention tq submit a request for rezoning as per your advice. Again, thank you for your letter, advice and encouragement to move ahead with rezoning preparations. Peter M. Abuisi Headmaster PMA/ty IJ LI I. JAil -, r ,-,,. .!v1l I,Av -triii,lryi, Jij [,i Sincerely, 3160 KATSOS RANCH ROAD . VA|L, COLORADO 81657 . (303) 476-3850. FAX (303) 476-3860 o F FL T $fiFV 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I se FAX 303-479-2452 January 9, 1995 Deparnnent of Community Development Board of Directors G/O Peter Abuisi Vail Mountain School 3160 Katsos Ranch Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Board of Directors: At our meeling on December 19, 1994, the Vail lvlountain School was granted a slte coverage variance and a conditional use permit to allow for the expansion of library and classroom space at the Vail Mountain School. Although the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) approved the variance, there was consensus among the Commissioners that the Vail Mountain School should file a rezoning request to change the zoning on the property from the Agricultural and Open Space District to the General Use District. The PEC and the Town Council recently adopted changes to the Zoning Code which established the General Use Districl specifically for uses such as the Vail Mountain School. The rezoning process should include the development and Town approval ol a master plan for the property that will guide development for the next decade or two. The PEC only approved the latest variance requesl because it involved a "minor reshuffling" of square footage lrom one side of the building to the other. This latest approval was consistent with the March 1994 approval which established a maximum site coverage ot 22,027 square feet or 8.260/0. Since we now have a suitable zoning designation for the Vail Mountain School, rezoning, rather than variances, is the appropriate process to allow for future growth. The PEC strongly encourages the Mountain School to make application for rezoning with the Community Development Department as soon as possible. Flandy Stouder, Town Planner, outlined the rezoning process with you previously and would be glad to answer any questions you may have regarding this process and scheduling. Town of Vail Planning and Environmenlal Commission xc: Pam Hopkins Planning and Environmental Commission Vail Mountain School Headmaster Feter Abuisi stands in tront ot the East Vail school, which add-ed gytn- nasium space several years ago. A library and Classroom expansion has been approved by Vail's Planning and Environmental Commission. ly Allison Anderson. Vail Mountain School has received permission for the second time to expand its building on Katsos Rmch Road. Last week the Planning and Envi- ronmental Commission granted the school a site coverage variance and a conditional use pemrit to expand its library and classroom space. The remodeling project will go next before the town's Design Review Botrd. Architects on the project are Pam lloptins of Vail and Mike Perkin of Minfrrrn. Perkin said construction on ttc school should take place in 1995, ; trr students leave for summer vac* ' tio. The school's permit will lapse if colstruction does not begin within two years of the Dec. 19 approval. The Vail Mountain School has made numerous requests to exPatd since tbe town originally certifed it to operate in 1978 with ll0 students. 5 percent of the lot could be covered lte following year, the town granted by buildings. But because the school oermission to-ddd a lunchrooi and a hid previously been granted a site ilarkoom. In 1981, the town released coverage variance, itcurrently covem the dead restriction tlrat limited the 7.89 percent of the property at 3160 student body to ltO chil&€n. Tlrcre Katsos Ranch Road. The addition are 209 students and 28 faculty at the phnned for next summer would schoolnow. ^ increase the coverage to 8.26 percenL underthe most recent plan, a firsJ- curnutte said that although tlrc floor addition would enlarge the Plannins and Environmental Com- library. A second-floor addition mission-anoroved the latest variance, would create an additional classr.oom. pEC meriiers indicated they might The proposal also includes buildi-n8 1 6" uo*iifing to do so again in ihe new entrvway, relocaUng .ue. nonr future. Curnitte said PEC members sldewalk and mounq some lanosc.aF said the agricultural and open sprc ing' The architecn'i.'yb qq.btif; l""r"Cl--i'"iip-*ate for ihe scirool 11-g-.,ryf:S.t-^*ould match me sG.iopotitrv'trtoorabecb4ed'f il,lffilho* rryll* *"#:lffifJ:frfh'il#ffi *l to expand its library and gym. B ;#itil;;ddl;;{" d;,li on6"" c'umune said' He said zoning now be part of the library additi; for the sie couldpossibly bc chagsd ffi ril'c;;n";f vuirrr c;;;: to general,use, thich.is standi'd fc il;ffi;"1ffi;il;d;i. -- public am quasi-public buildinss' A --fu;i li;ilil; s"fr"oitit" on * private school zuch as vail Mo,tnhin F;v;i;ilth"t-f"*J;4gi""t- School could bc allowed in a gencral OrtyffiWlbf t "ut uoO op"n .pro. Normalli, only use district as a conditional uso' a j MichaelG. perkin PO. Box 135'l Vail, Colorado (303) or if we need to supplement this information you may need. Architect 81658 827-4146 January 9, 1995 Department of Community Development Town of Vai I Va'il . C0 81657 RE: Library and Classroom Expansion Va'i I Mountain School Dear Community Deveiopment Staffr Attached please find a completed Design Review Board Appfication form and associated documents for the above referenced project, It is my understanding from Pam Hopkins, architect, that this project in a slightly different form received Design Revjew Board approval on April 20, 1994. As you know the Vajl Mountain School has elected to eliminate some portions of the project wh'ich received approval back in Apri'l of last year. Therefore, the drawjngs submitted today show a proposal to only expand the library and upper level classroom. That'i s to say, the current drawings do not jnclude such ideas as a gymnasium storage room addition, elevator, library basement, etc. Please contact me if you have questions, appf ication package with any addjtional Thank you. Sincerely, Michael G. Perkin cc: Pam Hopkins 'rt^{trd_ nv.i{w,;L; rl F t ? F VAIIJ \.vl..d 7 /l4l9a DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPI.,TCATTON - TO}JN O DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: ****t***!t* , 'COIJORADO l',< I. A ******!t:t** PROJECT TNFORMATION: DESCRTPTTON:Library and C I assroom ex a ansion at ma l n level and uppEr1eve1 , southeas-corner 0 exlstln unl a r n (' TYPE OF REVTEW: I:3.:?Htit::i:1, (g200.00) _yinor Alrerarion ($zo.0o)._._ir__, _,- qu uJ-\Jl.t ^ +ddicion ($50.00)-1ADDRESS: 3160 Katsos Ranch Road Conceptual Review (gO) e D. F L,EGAL DESCRIpTfON: Lot 12subdivision _Vai I ViI Iaqe fnE'TiTind- NAME OF APPLICANT: Vail Mountain School rf property is described by a meets and bounds legaldescriptlon,.pldase providl on a separate sheet and attachLo this applicaLion. zoNrNG: nqrt.rttrrut una oJ!figllulStttiption is attached) Block 2 Mailing Address: NAME OF APPLTCANT 'S REPRESEN?ATTVE: pam Hopkins _ ArchitectMailing Address: Phone 476- NAME qF OWNER(S) : Archi tect, P.0. Box 1351-GlI OB (, ual -.t J- Treasurer K€olt€ Mailing Address I vqr r. uu oror/ phone 949_5390 APPLICATTONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSSD WITEOUT OWNER'S SIGNA?|TJRE I. Condominium Approval if applicable. ,1 . DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are to be paid at, thet.irne of submi t [al of the DRB app:-ilatiorr. - -l,.t.er, whenapplying for a. building permit, please identify Lhe accuratevaluaLion of rhe propoial. The iown of vuii-rirr .aj""r-cri. f:u'.'1?:otding ro tne- canre berow, .o ."""i. rhe correcr fee_v us4s t FEE SCHEDULE: FEE + zu. uu $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400. 00 $s00. 00 OITE YELR AFTER FTNAL I$.SUED AlilD CoNSTRUCTION :r 'ij (: ., \tt: n .: : i,. VALUATION$ 0 $ 10,00c$ 10, 00L - $ s0,000$ s0 , 001 $ 1s0, 000 $1s0, 001 _ $ s00, 000 $500,001 _ $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPRdVAL EXPIRESAPPROVAL I'NIJESS A BUTIJDING PERMIT ISIS STARTED. atsos Ranch RoaVail, C0 81652 I-,fST OF I'{ATERIALS NAME OF PROJECTt Librery and Classroom Expansion, Vail Mountain School L,,EGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 12 BL,OCK 2 SUBDfVISION Vail Vi llage 1zth Filing STREET ADDRESS: 3160 Katsos Ranch Roao The following informalion is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING I{ATERIALS: D a\ a\.F Sidinq i-l OLher wall MaEerials Fascia Soffit.s Windows window Trim Doors Door Trim i{and or Deck Rails FIues Fl r ch i nrrc 1-h i rnn or.t cv.. *.rr^r vJ e required approval TYPE OF for submitLal can be ,tJiven: MATERIAIJ Lo the Design COITOR Natural to match existingCedar Shake Shingles Synthetic Stucco Light Yellow to match existing 2X Rough Sawn Cedar Dark Brown to match existinq Rough Sawn Plywood Dark Brown to match existing Metal clad wood frames Dark Bronze to match existinq 1X Rouqh Sawn Cedar Dark Brown to match existinq (No exterior doors proposed) (No exterior doors proposed) (No flues proposed) Exposed copper or sheet metal Sheet metal painted Dark Brown to match (No chimneys proposed) exr s|r ng Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Ret,aining wa11s ExLerior Lighbinq OLher LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: Phone: (No new landscaping is proposed as part of (No new trash enclosure proposed) (No greenhouse proposed) (No retai n ing wal Is proposed ) Recessed can liqhts in soffit above existinq entry doors. of three existing evergreen trees and the disturbed by the construction operations.) this expansion, except repair of all existing the transpl ant'i ng landscaping o LEGAL iss. aa' I\ \ \ oo\do, o N/nt \\ A I .--.---=-- \srucco \WALL \ s -flcJtdt{ r-tF u;= i 1- i'! i =ce1 I =nelu=: f,.=th '-. : .:j r, - 'r''r i{:tl'r'1;il ' 1 1,:: i'-:i:!j!.qr-:i.i-:-1iii-_rj"r' :-ji. al'ir:::-i: :i:i .. r. ii -r '"r'-t r f1!ra.r. i I.i " !i: :i i:l_: ''' ..t ...-.- j 'i'!! l' .i']i ' j'':| || jl:., :' J I te;ii Pai'j 1,1 : i:i,;li.ilj,:i ";:f I i. [r'r:ir i::i i,:ii"r':,,., i,i:'i:iii i;,:,.1 : , t9(i; !:: i:: r':: '-: *iiiai-;rr l p-=id lr;:. ritl -fHFl*--lti rJifi-l ti*.;l r :sl-ri,=:. i:'iii-i-li..l --- - --- - - -;;::i:::-::::--:-- - ;-'::;--:-;-:::J;--1;:!-:l:;:'-:::--::i-:; --- " RECEIPT - rde Town of VailI I I I I I I I I I tl DATE Ng lE86{l RECETVED FROM ADDRESS LLARS Permit Numbers , t.,, By Police- RoceiPt Numbers -. : I . ' j HOW PAID-Cash-.-_Check'-' ' -" Io 1994 fx rttr ',f{JUI s - FE[.E STAFF PRESENT Mike Mollica Jim Curnutte Andy Knudtsen PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION December 19, 1994 MINUTES MEMBERS ABSENT Dalton Williams MEMBERS PRESENT Greg Amsden Bill Anderson Bob Armour Jeff Bowen Kathy Langenwalter Allison Lassoe Lauren Watefton George Ruther Tom Moorhead 1.A request for a site coverage variance and a conditional use permit to allow for an expansion at the ffi*Wft.fiffi* located at 3160 Katsos Banch Road/Part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing. Applicant Pam Hopkins, representing the Vail Mountain School Planner: Randy Stouder/Jim Gurnulte Jim Curnutte made a presentation per the staff memo. He stated that staff was recommending approval of the reguested site coverage variance and conditional use permit with the two conditions outlined on Pages 6 and 7 of the staff memo. Kathy Langenwalter inquired how the master plan for the Vail Mountain School site was progressing. Pam Hopkins stated that they would be working towards a master plan in 1995. Bill Anderson had no further comments on this project. Bob Armour asked staff about the rezoning process. Greg Amsden would like to see the property rezoned to General Use District (GUD) in order to avoid future variance requesls. Jeff Bowen and Allison Lassoe had no further comments. Kathy Langenwalter would like to see the property rezoned to GUD. She told Pam that the PEC would be hard pressed to approve any further variances in the future. Jeff Bowen made a motion to approve this request for a site coverage variance and a conditional use permit per the staff memo with the two conditions outlined on Pages 6 and 7. Bob Armour seconded the motion and a 6-0 vote approved this request. Planning and Environmental Commission Mindet Oecember 19, 199,1 o FIL E COPY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department December 19. 1994 A request for a site coverage variance and a conditional use permit to allow for the expansion of library and classroom space at the Vail Mountain School. located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Part of Lot 12, Block 2, VailVillage 2nd Filing. Applicant: Planner: Vail Mountain School/Pam Hopkins Randy Stouder I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The Vail Mountain School is proposing a two-story expansion at the southeast corner of the school. Both the first and second floors will be exoanded 1o the east and the first floor will also expand to the south. The first floor addition enlarges the library, The second floor addition expands the area available for classroom space, allowing for one additional classroom, The proposal also involves the creation of a new entry (airlock), retocation of the front sidewalk, and relocation of landscaping. The architectural style and building materials proposed will match the existing building. The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit and site coverage variance for the proposed additions. The school is located in the Agricultural and Open Space zone district which limits site coverage to 5%. The existing site coverage is 21,037 square feet (7.89%). The requested variance is tor an additional 990 square feet of site coverage (037"A. Thus, the total site coverage proposed is 22,027 square teet (8.26%). II. BACKGFOUND The school is located in the Agricullural and Open Space zone district, which lists private schools as a conditional use. The Agricultural and Open Space district limits site coverage to 5%. The school currently exceeds the maximum allowable site coverage as a result of the construction of a classroom space and gymnasium building sometime after 1989. The classroom and gymnasium additions were part of a larger proposal lhat required Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) approval of the lirst site coverage variance for the school in 1989. Thus, any further expansion of the school building requires approval of a site coverage variance and conditional use permit by the PEC. ln October of 1978, the Town of Vail approved the operation of the Vail Mountain Schoolwith a maximum enrollment of one hundred and ten students. The Vail Mountain School has made numerous requests for expansion since the original approval. In November of 1979, a request to add a lunchroom and dark room was approved. In October of 1981, the Town approved the release ot the deed restriction which set a cap of one hundred and ten students. In October of 1983, the Town approved construction of a soccerfield and in 1984, a computer room, language lab and kindergarten room were all added. In January 0t 1988, all deed restrictions were lifted from the property. In February 1989, a majorexpansion of the school facilitieswas proposed thatwould require a site coverage variance from the PEC. The 1989 proposal included the addition of third floor classroom area, a gymnasium and a lobby area at the gymnasium entrance that included bathroom facilities. The PEC approved the site coverage variance request which would allow the school a maximum site coverag e ot 7,93yo or 21 ,1 64 square feet. The Town Council called up the PEC approval, and upheld the PEC's decision. Due to monelary restrictions, the gymnasium and some of the third floor classroom space were the only items that were actually constructed related to the 1989 expansion approval. On March 23, 1gg2, the Vail Mountain School requested approval for a small addition to the library. The PEC approved the library addition request and granted a site coverage variance to allow a total coverage ot7.68/o. This expansion was never constructed, and the Town approvals lapsed. On March 28, 1994, the PEC approved a site coverage variance to expand the library, add classroom space above, and add bathrooms and storage area to the gym. This expansion has not been constructed to date. The 1994 proposal to expand the library is similar to, but larger than the 1992 expansion request. The 1994 approval granted a site coverage variance for 765 square feet or 0.29% additional site coverage ior the library/classroom expansion, and 225 square feet or 0.08% of additional site coverage for the gym expansion. The total site coverage variance lor the March 1994 approval was 990 square leet O.37% of additional site coverage. This approval would have resulted in a total site coverage for the property ot 22,027 square feet or 8.26%. The current proposal is lor 22,027 square teet and does not include any addition to the gymnasium. The applicant wishes to use all the square tootage approved in March 1994 in the addition to the library and classroom space. III. ZONING STATISTICS Lol Size: Selbacks: Heighl: Parking: Site Coverage: 6.122 acres ot 268,674 square feel Required/Allowed Front: n'Side: 15' Side: 15' Rear: 15' 33' Delermined by the PEC. 13,334 6q. ll, (sol") Exislino/Proposad 84 parking spaces (no change) Existing School: 20,185 sq. tl. Historic Cabin: 852 sq. ft. ProposedAddition: _Q![5a[ Tolaf Proposed: 22,027 sq. tt. (8.26%)' o1 100' 570' 142' Front: Side: Side: Rear: 27' 'The square footage of lhe sile coverage variance rsquesled is the same as lhal approved by PEC and Council eadier this year. tv. upon review of section 18.60, the community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development obiectives of the Town. As is clearly demonstrated by the various approvals granted by the Town of Vail previously, the Town feels that the Vail Mountain School is an appropriate use at its current location. Library and classroom expansions were approved in March 1992 (approvals lapsed) and again in March 1994. The applicant is requesting approval of an expansion that is very similar to the previously approved proposals. The curent proposal involves a larger expansion of the library with approximately the same amount of classroom space, and does 4! include the gymnasium expansion approved with the 1994 proposal. The proposed addition of a entry foyer has not been considered before. The library expansion is proposed to meel the wide variety ot needs of its student population. According to the applicant the classroom expansion will not increase enrollment (currently two hundred and nine sludents and twenty-eight faculty), but will allow for more elficient use of space and distribution of the student population throughout the building. The new entryway will clearly identify the main entry point for the school. Staff believes that the proposed additions will not impact surrounding public or private lands, but will certainly improve the schools ability to provide a quality educational experience. 2. The efiect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public tacilities needs. The proposed expansion will not increase the number of students or faculty, and thus will not impact transportation facilities, utilities, or other public facilities, such as parks and schools. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and conlrol, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas, The studenvfaculty numbers will not be increased as a result of the proposed expansion. No additional students will be enrolled and no faculty will be added. Thus, the applicant does nol propose to change the parking layout or vehicular access to the property. There are currently eighty{our parking spaces on the site. The parking lot appears to work etficiently as a one-way lraflic flow enters from Katsos Ranch Road and exits onto Booth Falls Road. There is no direct access onto the Frontage Road. Stafl believes that this plan provides safe, functional access and parking for the school. 4. Etfect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. Since no increase is proposed in the student population, staff does not believe that the proposed additions will have any additional impact on the surrounding community. The school has generally been a good neighbor since it was built in 1980. Staff received nothing but positive comments from neighbors during the March 1994 review. The library and classroom addition will be constructed in an area of the property that is not visible to the surrounding neighborhood or' surrounding residences, and thus will have minimal visual etfects on the adjacent residential neighborhood. The proposed additions are small relative to the existing buildings, and will be constructed to match existing architecture and materials, B. Findinqs ' The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinqs belore qrantinq a conditional use oermit: 1. That the proposed location of the use in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each ol the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. V. VARIANCE CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62,060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested variance based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Staff does not believe that the proposed additions will have any impact on the surrounding neighborhood. The library and classroom expansion occurs along the east side of the building and is surrounded on three sides by existing structures. This addition will be constructed in an area of the property that is not visible to the surrounding neighborhood or surrounding residences, and thus will have little or no visual effect on the adjacent residential neighborhood. The library addition will require the removal of three spruce trees (12', '13'and 14' tall). The applicant has agreed to either transplant these trees to new locations along the east wall of the proposed library addition, or to replace these trees wilh new spruce of similar size, subject to Design Review Board (DRB) review and approval. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. Staff believes that this request is consislent with previous approvals made by lhe Town. The March 1994 library and gym expansion approval, allowed the applicant 8.26% site coverage. The applicant is currently proposing 8.26% site coverage, in a slightly dilferent configuration. Staff believes that the proposed addition will have little or no impact on the surrounding community. Staff believes that approval of the requested site coverage variance is @j! a grant of special privilege. However, staff feels that the recently created General Use District (GUD) is a more appropriate zone district for the Vail Mountain School. A private school such as the Vail Mountain School would be allowed in the GUD as a conditional use. The revised code language in the GUD would allow the Town and the Vail Mountain School to establish appropriate zoning controls for this specific property and use. Staff would urge the applicant not to submit additiona variance requests until the property has been master planned and rezoned to the GUD. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. As discussed in the Conditional Use Criteria section ol this memorandum, staff believes that there will be little or no impact on transportation, tratfic, public facilities and utilities and public safety. No change to lhe student population, parking, or vehicular access to the property is proposed. Findinos The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinos before qrantinq a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. B. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or wellare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That fhe variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives ol this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to lhe same site of the variance that do not apply qenerally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in lhe same district. VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval ot the site coverage variance and the conditional use permit with the conditions outlined below. Stafl believes that the proposal meets the crileria for a conditional use permit in this zone district, as well as the variance criteria. Again, staff recommends that the applicant not submit any additional variance requests until the property is rezoned to the GUD. Recent code changes were made to establish a GUD with the explicit intent to create a zone district for uses such as private schools and churches. Currently, these uses are contained in the Agricultural and Open Space District which is not the appropriate zoning category for these uses. The school should develop a master plan to address future expansion needs and should propose this master plan as the delining element of a rezoning proposal. Staff believes that the proposed school expansion provides a significant benefit to the Town. Statf believes that the proposal will have little or no impact on the surrounding residential neighborhood, public facilities, traffic and transportation, Stalf believes that granting the proposed variance is consistent with past approvals granted by the Town, and that there is no grant of special privilege to the Vail Mountain School. The public health, safety and welfare will not be adversely effected by the proposed expansion. The strict literal interpretation of the site coverage requirements for this zone district would unnecessarily limit the effective functioning of the school. Statf recommends that the following conditions ol approval be imposed: 1. The applicant shall propose a landscaping plan to help soften the proposed addition. The landscaping plan shall include trees and shrubs to be strategically located around the new foundation. The landscaping plan shall be reviewed and approved by the DRB. o o 2. The existing three spruce trees along the east wall of the library shall be hansplanted, or replaced (wlth like kind, size and number) to a Rew location adjacent to the east wall of the proposed library addition. Please note lhat, under Section 18.60.080 of the Town of Vail Zoning Code, the approval shall lapse if construction is not commenced within two years of the date of issuance and diligently pursued to completion, or if the use for which the permit is granted is not commenced within two years. l:\pccvnen6v[tschlI 2. I I 1l/0li/8{l7:17 €}.to;l 8{5 t.: v sl,R\t,:l,t\(;@ o02 lge lhfi',,it 6 3 ?,l. ad.-ltl d Or,EC gor 1:30 Iqrtb. tlo E1632 g34S-1.& BUILDING 1S,530.80 SO. FT. ROoF oVERHANcg (+4' SEloND HAL! LINE_q) L,E5{.0? SQ.FT.ffi ret^[ s7 '?,57% cl'sit<l I{UMEERS SliOIf}f A.RE FOR CALCUL},fION F:'S,PCSES ONI.Y iND BILL VARYPgR THE PRECISIO$ OS. !'I!)LD HEE9UREMENTS. # W-f , * oi"o r-Eg I.RE i ..r-ii:. r - pEt-o-oe. -nr!! r{ r NE r- It. ) I I I l I I l i I I I I I : I I I l I i sT _r + aI \s i-o ) 1 t t /t/! I I i I I I I I l I l ! l I I r -t T t $ o VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL srb.dq rrd |16rlr . d!r6f-IBRARY EXPANSTONVAIL COLORADO o $ fr tz \ $ 1! 3t \r \ Ns\).::ls7- '!-l\ -{.Y-* K$'s.? ' z\s FX}N\D= tN.suEJ. -T- - J-. .t.-:i -t- i.,L:.r:+l- !-*I $jr $ rE-$'$r.g t-- N.Sr: P r-- :r:E_-1+-r- -{ --a + -l -: *.. i i I - -r- -l - -.t -L I-J b+ 11 .F,4=3brO -lt- 70+tr ={l#. t$$i - ---*s=' -'"\'-'"l-:il*r Ttz fi 4l\s..t)<INl*'lJ-t\.t-t- J-slr- I'S IJ- It't-t-lr- t-\l: I II -1t- -ttr-t\\ $- \-'.Si rs 5_ --.:; . *Or.ptf, I I\- \ r-iT trl +'$$tK+ +$ $*$s Y.s $$+ \ \\(\\\\\ #$ z$ t\ 4. c\ \, 3:ti \.d\\ -r'.I'' .\Y t\"F+ SR,{4'$ *r$'$ .- -\ .s,\'ut 1-r .{ 5_\tsa-s -\) \.-x \.r-li --{ '{+ c-1 N71. $ ls N,( ^rI5S2E 1'{ 'rj'r ,H t 6z >+x---{, 15:c .(r>\- I I',1 I I t$fir T$foJ NS[:f, is' tN \ _N $ \ oT) T -?- s \, a;!'N s--t{ \s\ \.s \s\ R \ ---\ ---q NX = -f\S : F* \ S EiG\> -R +l' ..-.\ F-tE-*= -.\:s+SY E \+*{F\G\ -LF I _''.' \J +rv N!/ v :,/ i I lr--rlil tlil tlil tlt"l.t\j{ r,j N N d $ \((x $ =:t $\ .,_.._._l >(- j .ITT r4 -1 rn HJ' r\ F. I -1 T s 7 - 7,t/ U fuF=?!:0\E f,z $$.J-? \\ $rx-- s<t:*$ a \-\ \t \\ s F(l (\r I I ? :- \) tff. s\r N-(s kt- $$ iR INlsis I ! ar $.T :{\\ ]s NT {- Nr, -1 -$$ 4i$ /sb -$q =*\i-s\ \IL $\4sT.a 'F* $1 sfJ ) FEB- ]-4-94 1'loH '' lrb- TOUN OF VAIL CON.DEV s.Ylrrtl wtsli| 11JE shroHDoH I D I50E-479-2432 & *or*u FlRcHTT P-s2 FEB 09'94 14r20 N0.007 P.0i APPI lcat'lon PEC MEETING TDDI.ICI\TIO|| l0n I vlSItllCE PATE HoNB 44L3850-..-- i Tl ':'.---... i,emher 2Rt 19ga.;"-.\ | DaE6 ', :t I.rhls Droc€clure la requlrBd for-anv pf9J99!-199Y vliiir-r,ti. The apprtiatlon wlll not be accePtsq lniornatton ls submltted, A. N ME OF APPl.lCAll!-* E, 8. NAUE OF AFPI,ICANT,8 REPRESENTATIVEJAM HOPKiNg' ATChJt"ECt ADDRE$S 201 Gore Creek Drive VaiI, Cqlple!o_!l!52 C,NAME OF OVINER(S) (tv or prln oWNER (s)SIG}'IA ADDRESS V ltoNLlzIiJBso'- D,LOCATION OF PR0PoSAL: T,BGAL DSSCRIpTI0N i l,01'*kll[-gi-.Lot 12 BL9CK-JI* rrl,rNs y,ail v-illaqe lzth ., ',", '.. ADDRESS-,-3150 SatV\s Ranch RrtFrl -.-. ' - rEE gzs0.00 p$pfr?1&x **bJz!*ay ,S -^'/c,,///yil*"..'le--r'-'-'. TrilEe,*ffior** @ rHE rtsts @ DE PAID FEFORE rl$ coHt DEFAIilfHFNT_TILI, ACCSPf YOUR PROPOB^L. E, $tanrped, addrsgged envelspes of the nsmes of ouners of alr propertv iaiicent io ttre 'ubJect propert'y INSIUDING pnoB-sRi'i-aEilrND-hND AcROss srREErs' ahd a llsc of tholr narnsE'and maltlng addressec. TtlE APPI,ICANT WILL Fp RESPONSIBLE FOR CORREC! MAILING JIDDRESSES' rI. A pre-appllcatlon confereno€ wlth a plannlng.etaff rnember lS etionsly- suqgesced to d€t€rmlne tf any addlElantl intorfralton-io needed. No appllcaLton wt]I be eccepLed unleee lt to completc (mucg Jnclude ell lterne requltod by the zonlnq &dnlnlstraeor). IE is the appllcant'8 reeponetbitlty to tnake an appotntmenq wtth Ehe Btaff to flnd ouu' about addltlonal submtBtal requirementg, i. *, :-rv q ItI. DtpASE NOt$ IHAT tr CO0ctI,Er! APPLICITTION !{ILL g?REAI{L,INE TllE AFpROVI\L PR0CESS FOR YOUR PR0JEC! BY DECREASING ?HE NOMBER OF CONDITIONS OF AFPROVAI. THAT TIIE PLN'INING AND FNVIR0NMENTAI CO]4'IISSION (PEC) MAY $TIDULATE, lJ,tr CONDITIONS OT'APPROVAL MUST EE COMPTINT) WITH BEFORE A BUII.DIN0 SERMII I$ IS9UED. FOUN. (I) COPIEA OF TIIE FOLTObIING MUSI BE SUBMIETEDI A, A I{RITTEN SIATEMENT' Ob' T'Hhi PNECIST} NATURF OT THE VARIANCE REOUESTED AND TTt[i RFGULATTON INVOIVED, THF STATEMENT MU98 AL$o APDRESS| i I. The reletlonshlp 6f the requosted vartsnoe to oLhor oxLstlng or potential uEes and strucbures ln the vlclniEy, .\ fiu-'t{11 'ft*lrcd L0l5l92 A. NA!.IE OF APPL ADDRESS NAME OF ol|NEB(s) ADDRESS or{NER (S ) SI ( D. E. LOCATION OF ADDRESS Thls procedure ie requlrodoondLtional use permlt. fhe appl3-cation wlll not besubmltted. .l Date of Date of T APPLIC,ATTON EOR CONDITIOIIAI, USU PENMII for any proJocu required to obtaln a accepted untll all information ls (print,ype, -w! L l-,^.uffifr/N ML App:Llcat,ion PEC Meeting :,o cK :LF r LrN c --A-AJ t lh B. c. ffio :tt'wtB lb2tu1 wrort12B NA},IE OF ADDRESS EEE sa00.00 p^rDJUZljt* cK * .15?o . _ av,, THE FEE UgE[, BE PAID BEFORE tHE DEPATTIMENT OF COMMUNTTy DEVEIJOPMENT WILL ACCEPI TOUR PROPOSAL. E. St,ampEd, Eddressed envelopes of the tlamog of owners of allpropergy adjacent to the subjecc prol)sagy TNCLUDTNG pRopERly BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETST ?od a 1isr: of names and mailingAddTCSSCS. TH!: APPLICANT WILI BE RE$PONSIBLE FOR CORRECT- OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. II. PRE-APPLICAIION CONFERENCE: A pre-application conference wieh a plann;i.ng sgaff mernber lsstrongly suggeet€d to determlne if any adcliiional informaLion lsneeded. No appllcatLon wirr be accepied rrnress it comprete (mustlnclude arl lt,ems requlred by Lhe zoiring adnlnistratorj . rg iEthc appltcant,s responslbility to make in appoingment wlth the' staff to find out about additlona] submit..:ai- requirements. III. PLEASE NOIE THAT A eo!@LBfg APPLTCATIoN w,.LL $TREaMLINE TllEAPPROVAI PROCESS FOR YOUR FNOUSCT BY DECruJASING THE NUMBER OFcoNDrrroNs 0F APFROVAL I'HAT THE PLANNTNG iiND EWTRONMENTAL COTMISSION (PEC) t'tAy STIPULATE. ALL COND::TIONS OF AppROvAL MUSTBE COMPIIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. Four (il) copies of the following lnfonnation must be oubmitt ed: a Snowdon and Hopkins . Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive 3O3 426-2201 Vail, Colorado 81657 0ctober 31, 1994 Town of Vai I Department of Community DevelopmentVail, C0 81657 ATTACHMENT I-ETTER TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION AND VARIANCE APPLICATION Dear Community Development Department Staff: As you are aware, in March of 1994 the Vail Mountain School received approva'l of a site coverage variance which permitted an expansion of the school by 990 square feet of site coverage as shown on drawings, dated 4/14/94, prepared by Snowdon and Hopkins, Architects. That vari ance approval allowed the school to expand the library area by 765 square feet of site coverage and expand the gymnasium storage area by 225 square feet of site coverage (total site coverage increase approved was 990 square feet). Prjor to the March variance approval the total sjte coverage of the school was 21r113 square feet whjch represented a 7,93% site coverage. The variance approved in March adding 990 square feet of site coverage added 0.37% of site coverage which represented an approved total site coverage of 8.30%. Between the time of receiving the March variance and today, the Vail Mountain School has re-analyzed its needs to provide better facilities for the education of the students. For that reason, today, the Vail Mountain School is requesting review of a new proposal which requires an additional site coverage variance. As shown on drawings dated 8/10/94 prepared by Snowdon and Hopkins, Architects, today's variance request adds an additiona.l 341 square feet of site coverage to the library area. The 341 square feet of site coverage proposed today adds 0.13% of site coverage, and if approved, would result in a total site coverage calculation of 8.43%. The school feels it has tried to be a good neighbor to the adgacent property owners over the years, has long range plans to improve the aesthetics of the building and site, and feeis the addition of 341 square feet of site coverage would not cause any detrimental impact to the community or.immedi ate neighborhood. |ihile not a public school, the VaiI Mountain School does serve an important, and quasi-pub1ic, need and as part of the comnunity, has made every effort to build as attractjve a physical campus as possible. The school feels the proposed addition would enhance the appearance, and provide needed architectural interest, to the southeast corner of the building. The proposed addition will most probably have little or no visual impact to anyone except to the traffic passing on I-70 and the Frontage Road. The school believes that if the property was currently in a school zone district, the existing and proposed site coverage wou1 d not vjolate standard and sound planning practices. As you know, your offjce has on file data submitted with the vari ance application that was approved in lularch of 1994. But please know that we will be happy to supplement this application with any additional information you may need upon instructions from your office. Si ncerely, Snowdon and Hopkins, Architects .lt MIKE McGEE p,g l,gil a r$l TODD OPPtrN,il-iFiMEll INNDY STCUI)iJIIHclurn lo TO: Town Pi::nnc.r PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: , *("|'-- DATE OF PUB EARING ,I CoMMENTS NEEDED sv: tlf/6 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF TIIE PROPOSAL: Engincoring: Revicwed by: Commenls: Date: [berrrU q'i:qA - CPo[ fiaq requi rg odd\ttffo.\ turninl \o$e \$\t\1 o*ponticn S$rr(e, tcdG\c\g . IJhSCFIIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL:rt ty-rb{, !:f #lyn^y,t^ ry1s -;*..-Ji.,{'?;#- $epn^-fl,tu^ ^/y 6-,/^/1t8il} a&y^():1* !4*^(7yrf 7+ t,jJ*-l e4 (W ) trulf'ta-'7 - ('ql! ,wA r-{ 4 d* w^-r fr [.^fu q^ ,tat>l tf+tl)ctu{4y fl '[ut wtf* 4* ^q /--/--A fia-ttv &lLvy7 "/^I/J fqw(t)er*c fbrs# Landscaping: Reviewed by: Commcnts: Fire Dept.: Rcviewcd by: Commcnts: Dalo: Date: Dislributcd to rhc Fire Deparrmcnr, pubric works, and Landscaping on McGEE GREG HALL /^l 'a^ ' )eX". Zi/a^r<ra>- - DATE OF PUBLIC I.IEARING 'l TODD OPPFNj!-{EiMEtl MNDY STCUDIIII HCtUrn to Town Planncr COMMENTS NEEDED BY: /I / /6 BRIEF DESCRIPTIO.N OF THE PROPOSAL: t4 er'*'orLy', /,^; ii*\ #*^ u< qlrfcu2 a,/ t&o^Nq - ,o)r,-|'"n trJt ?f e4 n*' ( U^ - .-/- (t',6* ;lr^t 't1a ,aon J At+'-{;--= Enginacring: " PROJECT: DATE SUBMIT'IED: Reviewed by: Commcnls: Landscaping: Reviewed by: Commcnts: Firo Dcpt.: Reviewcd by: Dalc: Dalc: tl- 1-E4,- M'-T Date: Commcnts: )7.1--V \o - | \, \I}' fl a49re I la <s 1 9 r, rJ-r'---l vr-'ec'c) INTER.DEPARTM ENTAL R EVI EW rr ltDistributcd to the Fire Dcpartmenl, public Works, and Landscaping on ffiW Snowdon & Hopkins. Architectr 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 (303)476-220 1 F M 47 6-7 491 To: Randy Community Development Town of Vail October3l,1994 Pam Hopkins Mike Perkins will be dropping of our submittal for the Vail Mountain School. Please add these envelopes to that submittal. Thanks. PH I Ir/ro Iq+ - a{aorrs Sur o-r-l- e(U AdT THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 ol the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on November 28, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln consideralion of: 1. A request for a worksession lor a major exterior alteration in the Commercial Core I zone district and site coverage, slream setback and loading and delivery variances to allow for the redevelopment of Serrano's located at 298 Hanson Ranch RoacUlot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Margretta B. Parks Planner: Andy Knudtsen A request for a site coverage variance and a conditional use permit to allow for an expansion at the Vail Mountain School located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing. Applicant: Pam Hopkins, representing the Vail Mountain School Planner: Randy Stouder A request for a change to the Land Use Plan from Park (P) to Low Density Residential (LDH) for a parcel owned by the VailValley Consolidated Water District, located at 967 Vail Valley Drive/Tract C, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: VailValley Consolidated Water District, represented by Pat Dauphanais Planner: Jim Curnutte A request for an amendment to Section 17.26 ol the Town's Subdivision Regulations - Condominiums and Condominiums and Conversions. Applicant Town of Vail, represenled by Tom Moorhead A reuqest for a conditional use to allow for an expansion to the existing liquor store located at Cascade Crossing, 1031 South Frontage Road WesUan unplatted parcel north of the Glen Lyon Office Building. Applicant William Van Schneidaw Planner: Andy Knudtsen 3. 4. 5. Robert P. Lammerts 'i25 Park Avenue Okfahoma City, OK 73102 Lot 4, Block 2, W12th Garton Development Company Box 880 Vail, CO 81658 Lot 5, Block 2, Vv1zth Patrick G. & Suzanne E. Dauphinais Box 1515 Vail, CO 81658 , I Lot 67, Block 2, W-lah Edward J. Gund 3100 Booth Falls Court Vail, CO 81657 Lot 8, Block 2, VV12th Craig & Susan K. Patrick c/o Pitt Penguin 96 Quail Hill Lane Pittsburgh, PA 15238 Lot 9, Block 2, W12th Charles & Virginia D. Crowley . Box 4il0 Vail, CO 81658 Lot 9, Block 2, VV12th Caulkins Family Partnership 1600 Broadway, Suite 2100 Denver, CO 80202 Lot 10, Block 2, Wlah John A. auroicrQ Box 2267 Boulder, CO 80306 Lot 11, Block 2, W12th Barbara B; Schabacker & Karen J. Jones 32 Charlou Circle Englewood, CO 80111 Lot 16, Block 1, W13th Patricia E. March 3011-A Boothfalls Road Vail, CO 81657 Lot 17, Block 1, Wl3th K. Lee & Amy l. Kuhle 1501 Stanford Avenue Englewood, CO 80110 lot 18, Block 1, W13th Duane & Carolyn Piper Box 5560 Avon, CO 81620 Lot 8, Block 1, W13th John Galt Mountaineering, Ltd. , 193 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 ' Lot 8, Block 1, W13th Jorge & Sybill Navas 3255 Ktasos Ranch Road Vail, CO 81657 Lot 9, Block 1, W13lh o Bralrfless Cadmus Real Estate?8i Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Lot 10, Block 1, W13th Rodnie W. Garton & Lynne Erion 1545 Lake Drive Loveland, CO 80538 10, Block 1, W13th Vail Associates Inc. Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 l Tract C, Block 1, W13th oo TOWNOFVAIL RECBIFT NO. DEP. ARTI'BTIT OF OOXI.I'NTTY DEI'EIIHENT /n 2/ qU " r.---/-L,'J--:--- CIIBCf,S I'AXE PAYABLE TO TI)WN OF VAJL 0l m00 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 01 m00 42415 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE $50.00 01 fino42415 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE $36.000l 0m042415 TINIFORM MECHANICAL CODE $32.00 01 0000 42415 UNIFORMFIRECODE $36.00 01 0000 42415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE $30.00 01mm42415 OTHERCODEBOOKS 01 0000 41548 BLUE PRINTS GVM-ARS)i7.00 0100ffi42412 )il]ROXCOPIES a-?5 01wffi42412 STUDIES 01w0042412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $5.00 0l finO 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE - INSPECTIONS 01 fino41332 PI-AN REVIEW RE-CHECK FEE t$4O PER HR.I oLmi.JfJ42332 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 01 ofixr 41412 CONTRACTORS, LICENSES FEES 01 0000 41413 SICNAPPLICATIONFEE $20.00 01 (nn41413 ADDITIONALSIGNAGEFEE [$I.OOPER SQ.FT.I 01wffi424/,0 VTCARTPROJECTDONATION 01 0000 41331 PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEV BOARD FEE 01 fino42371 I}.{VESTIGATION FEE (BUILDING) 3l uxto45110 TOVPARKINGFUND 01mo022tr27 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND| 0l 00(n2lt12 T !\BLE @ 4Eo (STA"|E\ + 0t (nn41010 TAXABLE@4% (TOWN) 01 0000 42371 BUILDING IT{VESTIGATION OTFIER 01 finO41$n_ADDITIONALGRFA "250" 0lmw4t33g,CONDITIONALUSEPERMIT /$200.00 ->0>01 OfiD,ff,rJ0 EXTERIOR ALTERATION ILESS THAN 1OO SQ.FT.I $200.00 01 finO 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION IMORE TTIAN TOO SQ.FT.I $5m.00 0l 00m 41330 SPECIALDEVELOPMETSTW $15m.00 01 0000 41330 SPECIALDEVELoPMENTDT $1.000.00 01000041330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TMINOR AMEND $200.00 01000041330 SUBDIVISION 0lo@4r33D VARIANCE $250.00 L</)-- 01 0000+fir0 ZONINGCODEAMENDMENTS $2s0.00 01 0000 41330 RE - ZONINC $200.00 OTHER OTHER /J, IT0TAJ-: ?- L) : COMMENTS: , ,.1t ) cASHr .,"**Mtr -t-+src oo'"-,-,- A1 -r0hrlt clF LJFI r L_ l'liscel I aneous Cash 1!-[i!-!4 iej:f,f,:2? Eec*ipt t+ l5Ef,f,f, R,:':c,un t #r:l'i + 1565 9757ff Ilera paid :--l'lr:rl.ilt10H f; H||pl : I HS gEt:H ] TEC T g,. t:r:rf..lir I T I t:ril f .iL ii:_iE pEEt'l I T,'UffE ifft{riE Flnr*un t. t.ende red ::" 4FLt , ffrl * 1 ftErifi41 It$F-lffff t:h.ang* rF tu rnF,J :) -rHFhil{ vctl-l ftnDlrnt Fsid 458, LlriJ a;. ';;ii TECEIVED FROM ADDRESS hmit Numben ?*ur cashier HE I0I RECEIPT-The- vmofVail oJ t7136 llOW PAID-Cash Check_ ,.f ;1 '?nn A request for a site coverage variance and a conditional use permit to allow for an expansion at thellrlllocated at 3160 Katsos Ranch RoacyPart ot Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: Planner: Fred Otto, representing the Vail Mountain School Randy Stouder Randy Stouder made a presentation per the staff memo. He stated that staff was recommending approval ol this request with the two conditions outlined on Page 6 of the staff memo. He stated that he had received letters lrom adjacent property owners who were generally in lavor of the Vail Mountain School expansion. However, He said that he had received a phone call before today's meeting lrom a neighbor who was concerned about the aesthetic condition of the rockfall mitigation berm' Randy raised a question about staff Condition 1 which called for landscaping along the wall of the bathroom/storage addition proposed along the gymnasium building' Pam Hopkins staled that the school had two hundred students and that the soccer leagues lrom all over the Valley utilize the field. She said that it would be difficult to keep any landscaping alive due to the amount of foot traffic in this area. She stated that the soccer players use all of this open area for practice, including the wall of the gym which they use as a backboard. She said that she was looking into planting on top of the existing berm. She added that every year the students add landscaping to the site. She said that there was only so much one could do with the playing field. She asked that Condition #1 be deleted which stated that the applicant will propose and implement a landscaping plan to help screen the bathroom/storage addition. The landscaping plan shall include a minimum of four trees and foundation plantings, to be installed along the west wall of the addition. Greg Amsden stated that he agreed with Pam concerning Condition 1. Bob Armour also agreed that Condition 1 should be eliminated from the approval of this item. Jeff and Allison had no further comments. Kathy Langenwalter agreed with Greg's and Bob's comments. She felt the DRB should review the site plan for landscaping issues. Prior to the motion, Planning Commission members discussed the proposed addition. The members felt that the proposed expansion was modest in size and would fit in well with the existing building. The commission felt that the scale of the proposed addition was well within the scale of the overall school building. They felt that the proposed additions would blend in well with the existing building and would be well screened from adjacent neighbors by the existing building. The staff noted that the proposed expansion was very similar to an expansion that received a sitg coverage variance in mid-l992. The previous proposal also involved expanding the library and classroom area to the east. As a result of the comment made by statf regarding one citizens concern over lhe rockfall mitigation berm, the commission asked several questions of staff. Commibsion wanted to know what the condition of the existing rock fall mitigation berm was, and whether the berm was still necessary since the Town had construcled a larger rock fall f"r {-r r l' i i"r ..r. .r,.' ! E 4. Planning rnd Environ[Fnlr I Commissioft ilarch 28, r 994 .i ,7 - 5. mitigation berm higher up on the hillabove the school and adjacent neighborhood. Pam Hopkins stated that a portion of the berm had been removed to allow for the development of the gymnasium building. She discussed the general condition of the berm stating that the black fabric material sticking out the side of the berm was a parl of its construction and was necessary for the integrity of the berm. She discussed the condition of the fence on top of the berm as stated that it was in a bad state of repair and that she would look into either repairing or removing the chain link fence altogether. She stated that Vail Mountain School was open to the possibility or removing this berm if it was determined that the mitigation berm constructed higher up on the mountain would adequately protect the school. She remained concerned about liability issues related to removing this berm. Greg Amsden made a motion to approve the requested site coverage variance and conditional use permit per the staff memo with the deletion of Condition 1 of the staff memo. Jeff Bowen seconded the motion and a 5-0 vote approved this request. The PEC cited the compatibility of the expansion with the building and the minimal impact to the site and adjacent property owners. lt was also felt that the expansion was very similar to the previous conditional use and site coverage variance which had expired. A request for a worksession setback variance to allow for an expansion to the residence located at 4295 Nugget Laneilot 7, Bighorn Estates. Applicant: Planner: Margaret Gross Randy Stouder Randy Stouder stated that Bill Hein was present to represent the owner. He made a presentation per the statf memo. The applicant wished to encroach within 5 feet of the property line rather than the 4 feet stated in the staff memo. Bill Hein stated they were attempting to preserve as many trees as possible on this property and that only two trees would be removed with the proposed construclion. He stated that they would be modifying their proposal so that the proposed expansion wouJd extend to within 5 feet of the front property line. Bill also discussed possible roof changes that would be part of this request. Greg Amsden saH that he was not opposed to the deck as long as the evergreen tree could be saved, Jeff Bowen stated that he did not have any comments. Allison Lassoe said she did not have any further comments. Bob Armour asked how far up the tree would need to be limbed to allow people to move around the tree on the deck. Plonnlng and Environ||rfltll Comnilrior llrrch 28. 1904 f"r/e- hi86/z?",w 1th(f^6** *- t Item No. 3 was Ordinance No, & Series of 1994 first reading, an ordinance of the Town Councildesignating certain areas within the Town of Vail as fire lanes; Xdopting a iire tane map as tt " olficiam1p of $9 Town of vail; q4 :{"g forth details relating thereto. Miyor peggy osfofoss read thetitle in tull. Dick Duran, vai-l -Ere chief, "*pl+"d thi need for an'updatfr" fir" i"; ;;;;;explained his intmt for signs. Yg" Lapin moved to approve Resolution No. 8, with a second by JimShearer. A rrote was taken and the motion *a" "ppri.rea unanimously, 60. Item No. 4 was Resolution No. 11, Series oI 7994,a resolution of the Town of Vail supporting thetransfer of mills to the Vail Park and Recreation District Mayor Peggy Osterfoss read the title in fullMerv Iaantn mgved to approve and support Resolution t to. ir, witfrisecrcnd Uyyan St a"O. n "ot"was taken and the motion was approved unanimously,6{. Item No.-S_wa9 a- sign.yariTce-reques! for the Concert Hall P.laza Building, located at 616 WestLionshead Cirde/Vail Lionshead +th Filing. Applicanh Concert Hall plazalftark frlat*r"*i, SfifoManagernent ComPlnI: .Fi"eu" kitz explainei-because the C-oncert Hall plaza is reques6"t6;i 1 sign on Town of Vail ?ro-perg, a variance was required. The Community'Devefipnr^mt Departsnent, as well as.DRB, had ipproved the variance.'Merv Lapin moved to a'pproue the simvariance based on the findings and-staff recommendations from ttrl aprit O rs% ;,;.";a-t il;with a second by Jim Shearer. A vote was takm and the motion was passed unanimously, G0. Item No.5 was an-appeal 9f _th9 DRB approval of Kernpf derno,/rebuild request located at 135g VailValley Drive/l-aa 27, Block 3.,.val lattgr-lst ni1e. ewelanh Dr. and ivtrs. Kochman, adjacmt ProeSty ol|ert ryPrTenq by Rohn Robbins. Randy Stouder began with an introduction of tnuapplicanf Chris Kempf and appellants, Dr. and Mrs. Koclman. fu"ay erglained *rat pgC naa SPprgved the applicanfs-application for a conditio""I lry perrnit to ilto"i " Type Il " pioy"" ihsusing unit on the Kempf property. Randy also described the Design neview uoaid process,'wticltook three meetings and resulted in several significant changes to"the original appiication before ., approval^was given. Rohn Robbins,representitrg Dr.ana Vrs" focnman, alrussed Design neviewg:iteria_q$Pter 1854, Tcfudlng 18.54910 CtntenO and 1854.60 (DesignGuidelines). \,ri.e Amett,Chair of DRB, addressed the issueof blocking the view of the Koctrmai's residence stating the DRdfgun! no grotnds for refusal and supporti the remodel. Tom Moorhead stated ttraittre png Guideline referenced to sight brrffers did not pertain to the preservation of corridors. Jan Strauch lxPressed conceln with.the ardritectural design in relation to the surounding neighborirood. RickRosen' representing Chris I*p_t prys,eryed letters from numerous reiaend and neighbors ::9::,Yeh,g.:"fpq* for Chris Kempf, clearly stating that they felt tlut the desigr of tfris itqecirneeb the ardftectural compatibility requirernents. lim Sheair moved to den/the "pp"a i"a lp-hold DRB'8 decision for approval of the Kempf dimo/rebuild request, with a second'by paul Iohnsbn. A vote was takm and the motion pass-ed unanimously,6{. Item No. 7 Y_ut "1 appeal of the PEC decision to grant a conditional use permit and site coveragevariance to allowforan orpansion to thelibrar',/clissroomarea at thetlocat&at 3150 Katsos Ranch Road,/part of Lot 12, Btock e Vail Village 2nd Filint. ,{pfu*"t, vailMgunlain School, represented by Pam Hopkins. Discussion focus,fr on the berir located behind thescttool, its appearance and need for repair. Fred Otto and Pam Hopkiru spoke on behalf of the shortt€rm master plan and the long term (S year) master plan which is not lret available. Merv Lapin Tgud to uphold.the approvat of the conditional "se pe-rit and site coverage variance o allowior this exparuioru with a secrcnd by tim shearer. A vote lias taken and the motioir passed unanimously, G0. Item No. 8 was a rePort by $e Tgwn Manager. Bob Mclaurin reporEd bids for the Chapel Bridgereplacement proiect * Iiq\g^S* originaily expected. work may be delayed "".il j;tifi; fug*t 1, Tying up to $25,000 by not havin! to-work in high -utet. G""g uuu -iu **t 1ritt,Sonnenalp Managemmt and The Firstbank 6t vait before fiulizing ttre decrion. M;;pi" requested to see a constrlrction schedule before a decision is made. fhJPotce Building addition liasr€Ported p be on budget and proceeding per the construction schedule. Contrac6rs are in the Proc,Ts of -replacing tn9 f{]tlding on the rnunicipal building, which replacemmt should becompleted by the end of April. The estirnate for replacing T-t11 oi ttre ",i"fi"^t building siding had been estimated at $50,000. Kristan Pritz will researctr pas-t sihrations to find if-the Towi of Vai frasrequired someone to replace his/her siding to match in addition. Bob Mcl-aurin asked to have thewpt qltry rentodel plan reexamined in order to not block as numy office windows. This should not raise the anount of money qt rvill be spent on the entryway. ivrerv Lapin suggested scfredulinga half-hour executive session during a wbrk session to disctrss meeting piocedures. V.ll Torn CqrEi E .rdn8 lic.ttrg Uinut- .glgga MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Com munity Development Department fffr f '" r"' f-r t i' TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: March 28, 1994 A request for a site coverage variance and a conditional use permit to allow for the expansion of library and classroom space at the Vail Mountain school located at 3160 lGtsos Ranch Road/Part of Lot 12. Block 2, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: Planner: Vail Mountain School Randy Stouder I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The Vail Mountain School is proposing a two-story expansion to the east side of the school. Both the first and second floors will be expanded to the east and the first floor will also expand to'the south. This proposed expansion will allow the enlargement of the library space and classrooms above (1 ,120 square feet). Two bathrooms and a storage area 1225 square feet) are proposed along the west wall of the existing gymnasium building; the bathrooms will be accessible from the exterior of the building. The architectural style and bui6ing materials proposed will match the existing materials on the school and gym buildings. The school is located in the Agricultural and Open Space zone district, which lists private schools as a conditional use. The Agricultural and Open Space district limits site coverage to 5%. The existing school currenty exceeds the allowable site coverage as a result of the construction of fie gymnasium building which previously received a site coverage variance from the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC). Thus, any expansion of the school building requires approval of a site coverage variance and conditional use permit by the PEG. The applicant is requesting the conditional use permit and site coverage variance to allow for the proposed additions as described above. The applicant is requestlng a varlance to allow an additional 990 square feet ot sits covErage (0.474. II. BACKGROUND In October of 1 978, the Town of Vail approved the operation of the Vail Mountiain School.with a maximum enrollment of one hundred and ten students. The Vail Mountain School has made numerous requests for expansion since the original approval. In November 0f 1979, a request to add a lunchroom and dark room was approved. In October of 1981 , the Town approved the release of the deed restriction which set a cap of one hundred and ten students. In October ol 1983, the Town approved construction of a soccer lield and in 1984, a computer room, language lab and kindergarten room were all added. In January of 1988,.a11 deed restrictions were lifted from the property. In February 1989, a major expansion was approved. The major expansion included constuction of a gymnasium, third lloor classroom area and a gymnasium lobby. The gymnasium and some of the third floor classroom spaces were the only items that were actually constructed related to he 1989 expansion approval. ln March 1992, he Vail Mountain School requested approval for the expansion of the library, which was also approved by the Town. In March 1992, the Town approved the expansion of the library, which required a site coverage variance and a conditional use permit. This expansion was never @nstructed, and the approvals lapsed. The cunent Vail Mountain School proposal to expand the library is similar to but larger than the March 1992 expansion request. The 1992 request involved a site coverage variance of 345 square teet; the cunent proposal requires a site coverage variance of 710 square feet (library/classroom expansion only). III. ZONING STATISTICS The Vail Mountain School is r€quesling a site co\,€rage variance. The allorrable aite coverage for lh€ sile is 13,344 Equar€ f.€l (57o) and the existing site coveragE is 21,256 square teet (8%). Th€ Mounlein School is proposing an addilional 990 sqrare leel ol site coverage (0.4%) which, if approved and construGled, would put the tolal sile covsrage d n,246 square leet (8.4%). Lol Size: 36lbaoks: 8.122 acres or 266,674 squars f€et R6quired/Allo$red .t'I Fronl: Side: Sbe: Bear: 33' Determhed by the PEC. 13,334 sq. fi. (5%) ExistindProposed 90' 100' . 570' 142' 84 parking specgs (no chErnga) Existing Sdrool: 20,40a sq. ft. Historic Cabin: S52 sc. fi. ProposadAddition: _999S. Toral Prcporedr 22,246 3q.lt (8.47"f 20' 1s', l6l ill Fronl: Side: Side: Rear 27'Heighl: Parking: Site Coverage: 'Sile coverage variancE is rEquesled. IV. COND]TIONAL USE CBITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. Relationshap and impact ot the use on development objectives of the Town. As is clearly demonstrated by the various approvals granted by the Town of Vail previously, tte Town feels that he Vail Mountain School is an appropdate use at its curent location. The library and classroom expansions were approved previously in March of 1992, the approvals lapsed, and the applicant has retumed and is proposing a similar request. The library expansion is proposed to meet lhe wide variety of needs of its student population. The classroom expansion will not increase enrollment (currenfly two hundred and nine students and tweng-eight faculty), but will allow for more efficient use of space and distribution ol he student population throughout the building. The proposed addition of bathrooms to the gymnasium building will allow students and sports teams using the soccer field to access bathrooms while the school is closed since the bahrooms will open to the exterior of the building. The proposed expansions will help the school to function more effectively in serving its student population and the recreational enthusiasts hat use the soccer field on the weekends. 2. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilitiss needs. The proposed expansion will not increase the number of students, and thus should not impact transporlation facilities, utilities, or other public facilities, such as parks and schools. 3. Effect upon tratfic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic tlow and control, accgss, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parklng areas. The studenVfaculty numbers will not be increased as a resull of the proposed expansion. No additional students will be enrolled and no faculty will be added. Thus, the applicant does not propose to change he parking layout or vehicular access to the property. There are currently eighty-four parking spaces on the site. The parking lot appears to work efficiently as a one way traffic flow enters from Katsos Ranch Road and exits onto Booth Falls Road. There is no direct access onto the Frontage Road. Staff believes that this plan provides safe, functional access and parking for the school 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk ot the propolred use In relation to surounding uses. Since no increase is proposed in the stJdent population, statf does not believe hat the proposed additions will have any additional impact on the sunounding community. The school has generally been a good neighbor since it was built in 1980 and staff has received nothing but positive comments from neighbors responding to the public notice sent out regarding this application. The library and classroom addition will be constructed in an area of the propery that is not visible to the sunounding neighborhood or sunounding residences, and thus will have little or no visual etfect on the adjacent residential neighborhood. The addition to the gymnasium will be visible from residences along the north and o west sides of the property. Staff has proposed a condition that would require the applicant to provide landscaping adjacent to this addition to help mitigate any visual impacts to the surrounding residences. The proposed additions are small relative to the existing buildings, and will be constructed to match existing architecture and materials. Findinqs The Plannlno and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinqs before orantino a conditional use oermit: 1. That the proposed location of the use in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the puposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of he use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties 0r improvemenls in the vicinity. 3. That the.proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section ol the zoning code. V. VARIANCE CR]TERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested variance based on the following factors: Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship ol the requested variance to other existing or polential uses and structures in the vicinity. Staff does not believe that the proposed additions will have any impact on the surrounding neighborhood. The library and classroom expansion occurs along the east side ol the building and is sunounded on three sides by existing structures. This addition will be constucted in an area of the property that is not visible to the sunounding neighborhood or surrounding residences, and thus will have little or no visual etfect on the adjacent residential neighborhood. The library addition will require the removal of three spruce trees. The applicant has agreed to either tnnsplant these trees to new locations along the east wall of the proposed library addition, or to replace these trees with new spruce of similar size. The gymnasium addition connects two existing covered entrpvays to the gymnasium along the western side wall. This one story addition will be partially B. hidden by the steep hillside along the north side of the soccer field, but will still be visible from residences along the north and west sides of the property. Staff has proposed a condition that would require the applicant to provide landscaping adjacent to this addition to help mitigate any visual impacts to the sunounding residences. 2. The degree to wfiich relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sltes in the vicinlty or to attain the oblectives of this title without grant of special privilege. Staff believes hat this request is consistent with previous approvals made by the Town. The 1989 major expansion approval, allowed the applicant up to approximately 8olo sile coverage. The applicant is proposing 8.4olo site coverage. Although this is slightly more than the Town approved in 1989, staff feels that the proposed addition will have little or no impact on the sunounding community. Staff does not feel tlxat granting a site coverage variance is a grant of any kind of special privilege. Staff is in the:process of amending the Zoning Code, specifically, sections relating to the Agricultural and Open Space zone district and the Public Use District. Once the code changes have been made and approved by the Vail Town Council, the appropriate zone district for the Vail Mountain School would be the Public Use District. A private school such as the Vail Mountain School would be allowed in the Public Use District as a conditional use. The revised code language in the Public Use District would allow the Town and the Vail Mountain School to establish appropriate zoning controls lor this specific pr0perty. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportatlon and traffic tacilities, publlc facilities and utilities, and public safety. As discussed in the Conditional Use Criteria section of this memorandum, staff believes that there will be little or no impact on transportation, traffic, public facilities and utilities and public safety. No change to the student population, parking, or vehicular ae,cess to the property is proposed. Findinqs The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinqs before orantino a variance: '1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with he limitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in he vicinity. That fre variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical ditficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with he objectives ot this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to oher properties in the same zone. ;. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other propertiesin the same district.vr.ry Staff recommends approval Of the site coverage variance and the conditional use permit with the conditions outlined below. Straff believes that the proposal meets the criteria for a conditional use permit in this zone district, as well as the variance criteria. Staff recommends that once code changes have been made.to the Agricultural and Open Space and Public Use zone districts, hat the Vail Mountiain School should be rezoned to the Public Use District. At a minimum, the school should develop a master plan to address fulure expansion needs/desires. Staff believes that the proposed school provides a significant benefit to the Town. Staff believes that the proposal will have little or no impact on the sunounding residential neighborhood, public facilities, traffic and transportation. Statf believes that granting the proposed variance is consislent with past approvals granted by the Town, and that there is no grant of special privilege to the Vail Mountain School. The public health, safety and welfare will not be adversely effected by the proposed expansion. The sfict literal interpretation of the site coverage requirements for this zone district would unnecessarily limit the effective functioning of the school. Staff recommends that the following conditions of approval be imposed: 1. The applicant willpropose and implement a landscaping plan to help screen the bathroom/storage addition. The landscaping plan shall include a minimum of lour trees and foundation plantings, to be installed along the west wall of the addition. 2. The existing three spruce trees along the east wall of the library shall be tansplanted if feasible, or replaced (with like kind, size and number) to a new location adjacent to he east wall of the proposed library addition. 2. 3. Please note hat, under Section 18.60.080 of the Town of Vall Zoning Code, thE approval shall lapse if construction is not commenced within two years of the date of issuance and diligently pursued to completion, or if the use for which the permit is granted is not commenced within two years. cgeci|n.mc\rmcchoo.328 a+a| a2alFaaa aLaal rL\-A 1,'IR 4tta ?al -.!f&Lafia1a---+ ," ,/ *frt)4#t LOT 5 SC^L€ 1". 30' DAiE OF SURVEY : l2 /?9 / €? | ropoahrarr) oalE OF UPoaTE, 3/r5l94 ( t-L.C ONLYI xort, !.o lnor oE.?r. t? lra o, lrro.ratotocr.rir rrl {r ur!.rto I I \N I i {, \'\ \i =.-----*o--iid, LOT 4 --=- :--.-.- l4'!l 3 I \\" N i\' /_l /'"1 r---- r\ / qiwnl:-ftr' ."". i.."3 \\urrurr:A3ElErr oc! P : T EFbl a3rQ gg s* r.rLl R.190.80' L. ra{ oo' ,, ".,.;ig' *::- '"'' 'i"1,_ _ ,,-"fra -" * _l ,T V>AUdTtzt+ d"b mmi-tu- d-: 16{:t,sryl itm('5rft uwf / I I I ,tbx?'( ?vl<ti / r-atn ,bvav , , i ti ii .i ,iqlzt/rf Yu" o t''d' . l/b" = l'-?tt ' lr\*tf (*"*-tl &J#it {N',,6f 1ry22 r t4,^it;.12 t+^Tzn axgf'n4 PbfrIAL AU,T ?I.?VNV* AYJJetll z4ar+4? A'b/etflart u. Y-*W\*A Wn?41 I I I a25 4, Atar;lf.arl ' l'it"at4nratuvl a12la4? . I/btt.= 1t-ott .#^ TU , 0 ., ^ /*,Yt M,etl&-J#'"a. {Mit r, -rrF- Ir*'-"d^ | Iyffi\)p^* &ltfuftr Peo Wtuvtrres 4. A request for a site coverage variance and a conditional use permit to allow for an expansion at the Vail Mountain School located at 3160 Katsos Ranch RoacliPart of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Uo Applicant: Planner: Fred Otto, representing the Vail Mountain School Randy Stouder Randy Stouder made a presentation per the staff memo. He stated that stiatf was recommending approval of his request with the two conditions outlined on Page 6 of the staff memo. He stated that he had received letters from adjacent property owners who were generally in favor of the Vail Mountain School expansion. However, He said that he had received a phone call before today's meeting from a neighbor who was concemed about the aesthetic condition of the rockfall mitigation berm. Randy raised a question about staff Condition 1 which called for landscaping along the wall of the bathroom/storage addition proposed along the gymnasium building. Pam Hopkins stated that the school had two hundred students and that the soccer leagues from all over the Valley utilize the field. She said hat it would be ditficult to keep any landscaping alive due to the amount of foot traflic in this area. She stated that the soccer players use all of this open area for practice, including the wall of the gym which they use as a backboard. She said that she was looking into planting on top of the existing berm. She added that every year the students add landscaping to the site. She said that there was only so much one could do with the playing field. She asked that Gondition #1 be deleted which stated that the applicant will propose and implement a landscaping plan to help screen the bahroom/storage addition. The landscaping plan shall include a minimum of four trees and foundation plantings, to be installed along the west wall of the addition. Greg Amsden stated that he agreed with Pam concerning Condition 1. Bob Armour also agreed that Condition 1 should be eliminated from the approval of this item. Jeff and Allison had no further comments. Kathy Langenwalter agreed with Greg's and Bob's comments. She felt the DRB should review the site plan for landscaping issues. Prior to the motion, Planning Commission members discussed the proposed addition. The members felt that the proposed expansion was modest in size and would fit in well with the existing building. The commission felt that the scale of the_proposed addition was well within the scale of the overall school building. They felt that the proposed additions would blend in well with he existing building and would be well screened from adjacent neighbors by the existing building. The staff noted that the proposed expansion was very similar to an expansion that received a site coverage variance in mid-1992. The previous proposal also involved expanding the library and classroom area to the east. As a result of the comment made by staff regarding one citizens concern over the rockfall mitigation berm, the commission asked several questions ol staff, Commission wanted to know what the condition of the existing rock fall mitigation berm was, and whether the berm was still necessary since the Town had constructed a larger rock fall Plmnhg md &flit€nr ill oomr srion llrch 28, lega 4 hLV4ll.U WM 4Y /t\h4lDl ezrayaae Ak'|'llfl ai Hrw^Y'#Am{Mnt mitigation berm higher up on the hill above the school and adjacent neighborhood. Pam Hopkins stated that a portion of the berm had been removed to allow for the development of the gymnasium building. She discussed the general condition of the berm stating that the black labric material sticking out the side of the berm was a part of its construction and was necessary for the integrity of the berm. She discussed the condition of the fence on top of the berm as stated that ii was in a bad state of repair and that she would look into either repairing or removing the chain link fence altogether. She stiated that Vail Mountiain School was open to the possibility or removing this berm if it was determined that the mitigation berm constructed higher up on the mountain would'adequately protect the school. She remained concerned about liability issues related to removing this berm. Greg Amsden made a motion to approve the requested site coverage variance and conditional use permit per the staff memo with the deletion of 9qndilionl_of the statf memo. Jeff Bowen seconded the motion andirSff-@ The PEC cited the compatibility ol the expansion with--1ffi'5liidfi;-ld'ng and the minimal impact to the site and adjacent property owners. lt was also felt that the expansion was very similar to the previous conditional use and site coverage variance which had expired. 5. A request for a worksession satback variance to allow for an expansion to the residence located at 4295 Nugget Lane/Lot 7, Bighom Estates. Applicant: Planner: Margaret Gross Randy Stouder Randy Stouder stated that Bill Hein was present to represent the owner. He made a presentation per the statf memo. The applicant wished to encroach within 5 feet of the property line rather than the 4 feet statsd in the staff memo. Bill Hein stated they were attempting to preserve as many trees as possible on this property and that only two trees would be removed with the proposed construction. He stated that they would be moditying their proposal so that the proposed expansion would extend to within 5 leet ot the front property line. Bill also discussed possible roof changes that would be part of this request. Greg 6nr6"n said hat he was not opposed to the deck as long as,the evergreen tree could be saved. Jeff Bowen stated that he did not have any comments. Allison Lassoe said she did not have any further comments. Bob Armour asked how far up the tree would need to be limbed to allow people to move around the tree on the deck. Pl-nh9 rd Envhonmrfil C.m|ri||lon Lrch 2E, tena 10. Andy Knudtsen stated that the owners of the Creekside Building had contacted him and said that they are concerned with the proposed exterior alteration to the Gasthof Gramshammer Building. A request for a wall height variance and driveway slope variance to allow for a driveway to exceed 10% located at2445 Garmisch Drive/Lots 10 and 11, Block H, Vail das Schone 2nd Filing. 11. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Jeff Bowen made a molion to table this item until March 28, 1994 with Greg Amsden seconding this motion. A 5-0 vote tabled this item to the March 28, 1994 PEC meeting. A request for a site coverage variance to allow for an expansion at the Vail Mountain School located at fl4li- Fred Otto, representing the Vail Mountain Schoot Randy Stouder TABLED TO MARCH 28,1994 Jetf Bowen made a motion to table this item until March 28, 1994 with Greg Amsden seconding this motion. A 5-0vote tabled this item to the March 28, 1994 PEC meeting. A request for preliminary plat approval of a major subdivision (Trappers Run) on Lots 16, 19 and 21, Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 West, generally located north of l-70 and west of the Vail Ridge Subdivision. John Ulbrich, represented by Gateway Development Steve Sheridan and Adam Szpiech Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO MARCH 28,1994 TABLED TO APRIL 11, 1994 12. 13. Applicant: Planner:Jim Curnutte Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this item until April 1 1, 1994 with Greg Amsden seconding this motion. A 5-0 vote tabled this item to the April 1 1, 1994 PEC meeting. Approve minutes from February 28, 1994 PEC meeting Jefl Bowen made a motion to approve the rninutes from the February 28' 1994 PEC meeting with Greg Amsden seconding ihe motion. A 5-0 vote approved the minutes from the February 28, 1994 PEG meeting. *rryk*d-hil^, g-.1*( * yM L6-frJ,,^^oi;; pS ^ b'44- SDD- ,{rfutrffi{ $ @ *rr iln^* *€ re^^/& DAIE: E/e/ff LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot t / Block t<FiIlng ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE **LOT SIZE Height TOTA} GRFA Prinary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks PHONE PIIONE F76- 3Pci| /76 - 3Fo) rta'rl ld $z< st"" )7u_afloo{ (t-,/ ts) Existino Proposed Total (30) (33) Front Sides Rear Setback (st") Nle I Heights + 425 + 425 20t1E' 15' (30) (s0) / 3, 331/,nater Course / Site coverage Ir LandscaPins ylS"t"tnins lral tt^ fParkins nNft ifi\narase credit iril*' lorive: 3' /6' Reqrd (300) (600) (900) (1200)_ Pernitted Slope _,,rgl Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: View Corrldor Encroachment:Yes No 2'>'> Environmental,/Hazards :FLood Plain Percent Slope Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfallc) Debris Flow4) wetlands Prevlous conditions of approval (check property file) Does thie request involve a 250 Addition? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used wittr this request? **Note: Under Sections L8.L2.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code, l-ots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are less than 15'000 sg. ft. in area may not construct a aecond dwelling unit. The Conmunity Development Departnent may grant an exception to thisrestriction provided the appJ.icant neets the crlteria set forth under Sections 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code including permanently restricting the unlt as a long-tern rental unit for fu]l- time employees of the Upper Eagte Valley. 1) 2l 3) 2/+,t h,t - rtf|'t N ",,f 10 rDt?.47s-245i '"' i6'7'/1r HAFI- I g-84 TU-r':|:ffff: ' !! t 1t t 'i.--: E tE!29 FHOI.tDOH I }1 OFKIHg ARCHIT F.61 ttrtR rl'{ 15r45 N0,004 p,CIi ;{ , Drtc Datr ctof tr,Thtr.Drooedurlooncttlonrl ure fh.. rppltsrElonlubnttt.d, A. NNdE OF .[9 Appllortton Dnc ldoot lnt lE e[$$ro!t ron co,trDsstoNrt' utfi Dl&Nts lr^r-ogpdrod for rny proloou s.qutmd 0o obblln apCrnlt I $llr noB bo rearplod unill rll lnfomotlen lr E, 0.NA!{E 0r olfNER(St (ElnB gwul flxlr(gl rt,. lDDhEtt_- Dr [OClft0N 0r ERoDotAt r f,DDRE88 wam,no{EE{,oc E, rlt f!!e,os prrD-.amg aR 4!-l.tJLDt /,t IHE rEE NEL D!_ DAID BEFoR! IHt DDpaRTMENT of Co}{lluNtTrD!V!Do1HE!I! tfil.tr ICCEpt IoUR trK0F0$A1,. tr 3tanrp66r rddrcrrcd anvflopeg Ot lhg tl{mgf ot otrnctrr of rttplgpg_lsy-.ldltpgl! 9o cbr iubJoce propsrty rNcrlr,blifc nnoppirr ButtIND IND lcRo8s trREE[f, rnd r ilcl, cf-nrmri ina-rnaiiiil--ldClllrl.tr ^,lHU rFDt ICil{S nlu, $E RlJfiDoNsistu-roi-c0iiae6"' olfNERf INlt colnEcs ||DDRE8gt8, fr, DnE!l}Dtrcf,8lorf dontlrawcgr A pru-lppllcrtl,on oonloronce $tEh rl Dlannr:.6g 3trff rnerrrber llqlrqngry rugEeElec t? crEg-rntni tt rnv rdr[,clonrl lntornstlon trn3?ol$r H0 rppil.catton HrIt bg qccopttd uulorc lt oomplrll (rnusttnetuce ru tfbmr roqurrrc uy uni iohtng aominict,irio-iil--it ''Ii-- !lr?^lpp$9iry-,. rcrpdnrtbt rrly ro. aahc in apibiiinrrni-irtrn-ino-tBall lO f,lnd Out rbout rddiftonfl rubmt$rri- slqulrcrnontr, ilI, PLnng! l-{orD TrtI 4 !@lf,rl A9DLICATIoN r{.;lu sFan&urtNE TltEUlFqYry laocDet qoE-STIT'trouaci rr' nuciuiA8 r [6- CiiH-r.riialaE[-OuggllDr?lotff, 0F AppnovAt 'fHAf rns nLf,Nnlno ruo alliri6lwuiAt; -- gg!ry$qlQN (PEp| utl snrrut.lll. [e comrutorib'oii-i$Ffroial uuerE! cgMDlrED ntm EEEoRE I BurmtnE-Tsnurr ri iggulo, t 80!4r^ ({} .ooptcr of thq foll.orlng ln[urnntlon murt bcsubntttedt I' I draotlDllon.9t thi preglrl nirr,urs e! Ehr pFgpossd usgIn6 lF,r opGtsttng cheroogrrlrtlrrl rrrd ncltuieo' DtoDoards9 Datg tho uto oomplt[f11 wlrh oghu proiiiiloi ri afiavlo*nlty. Sho Cilcrlptlon,murt rtro rddtr$ll , ., Si:lliliygr.if,.rfiBifi: oo r.ru ure on cevrrcpnrnr /tnoa f E4f Rehrm " fr4 56r*'rz-, ' Town Planner PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC COMMENTS NEEDED BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: [-f bro^1, offfib^ iSt- &,j,(^? \h, ,urr,"*o^ &n, ,(iz-r) Reviewed by: Igc' &o<a Date: 2l z2lq^ Comments: f,e.-n oaditicrr at 5oire (btnt mo:l c<.\ot'rt\(\\n 5C\-\COI' (eA$i(€ \elt lvtctd burn L6I^ED rt\to th€ /" Eo.,t ert -xrr \c\\ eF; f ttor granr do nc srrcs: ,-lPpt r ocjdrr K},\ r:\\vre- Cf€? (-9,"o,- c6\ '*c(ote ocdr\rc\' - hst\r/3'q1q er'Pa\\'-^cl-l (s{ @'i't 4e $a yrrofc fiV Ww6af Uar's ft r,jl, ^rd J., ?s, i [o U nal 1^*" f?* C,,rl,&'S (<L-1, c,h.d tlrgE )o ,PJ oo/ I r! INTE R.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC H COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: )n^y "f'{,il^ | vt&uo,f ft,^ z z z.2z/' Comments: ,) Alfa"r.-Z /,* )F/<.-./-1t< .,/.,u 4c'.//2'/-'? 'r7-rlz2t'- Jr. VAIL ASSOCIATES P.O, BOX 7 vArL, co 81657 ROBERT LAMMERTS 1225 PARK AVENUE R. GARTON & L. ERION 1545 LAKE DRIVE LOVELAND, CO 80538 GARTON DEVELOPMENT CO. P.O. BOX 880 BRANDESS CADMUS RE 281BRIDGE STREET vAtL. co 81657 JORGE & SYBILL NAVAS JOHN GALT, LTD. DUANE & CAROLYN PIPER 3255 KATSOS RANCH ROAD 193 GORE CREEK DRIVE P.O. BOX 5560 vAlL, co 81657 VAIL, cO 81657 AVON, CO 81620 K. LEE & AMY I. KUHLE PATRICIA E. MARCH B. SCHABACKER & K. JONES 1501 STANFORD AVE. 3011-A BOOTH FALLS ROAD 32 CHARLOU CIRCLE ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 VAIL. CO 81657 ENGLEWOOD. CO 80111 JOHN BURDICK CAULKINS PARTNERSHIP CHARLES & VIRGINIA CROWLEY P.O. BOX 2267 1600 BROADWAY, SUTTE 2100 p.O. BOX 430 BOULDER, CO 80306 DENVER, CO 80202 VA|L, CO 81658 C & S PATRICK,% P PENGUIN EDWARD J. GUND PAT & SUZANNE DAUPHINAIS 96 QUAIL HILL LANE 31OO BOOTH FALLS CT. P.O. BOX 1515 PITTSBURGH, PA 15238 VAIL, CO 81657 VAIL, CO 81658 oKLAHOMA C|TY, OK 73102 VA|L, CO 81658 r-r^ lr .^+<- Rr,rrt a API hl lz-:tlqA - actlocuvr,ts \ul-lr o-t-t v ' \r -l " !t- **,, # ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance iitn Section 18.66.060 ot the Municipat Gode of the Town of Vail on March 14, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Builcting. In consideration of: ' 1. A request for preliminary plat approval of a major subdivision (Trappers Run) on Lots 16, 19 and 21, Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 West, generally located north of l-70 and west of the Vail Ridge SuMivision. Applicant John Ulbrich, represented by Gateway DevelopmentPlanner: Jim Curnutte TABLED INDEFINITELY 2. A request to modify the landscaping plan associated with the previously approved exterior alteration proposal for the Slifer Building, 230 Bridge StreeVPart of Lots B and C, Block 5, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Rod and Beth SliferPlanner: Krislan PriE 3. A request for a variance from Section 18.69.040 (Development Restricted) of the Vail Municipal Code to allow for the construction of buildings on slopes greater than 40% located at 4335 Bighom Road/Block 3, Bighom 3rd Filing. Applicant Michael Lauterbach/BAB PartnershipPlanner: Jim Curnutte 4. A request for a worksesslon for variances to allow for otf-site parking, GRFA in the lront setback, and site coverage to allow for a new Primary/Secondary residence located at 1799 Sierra Trail/Lot 17, Vail Village West 1st Filing. Applicant: George PlavecPlanner: Mike Mollica A request for a site coverage variance to allow for an expansion at the Vail Mountain School located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant Fred Otto, representing the Vail Mountain SchoolPlanner: Randy Stouder 6. A request lor a variance to allow for a 6 foot fence located in the front setback located at 5118 Gore Circle/Lot 3, Block 3, Bighom Sth Addition. Applicant: Robert SchonkwilerPlanner: Randy Stouder 7. A request for a major exterior alteration, site coverage and setback variances for the Lifthouse Lodge commercial area, Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing/s4g West Lionshead Circle. Applicant Bob LazierPlanner: Jim Curnutte 8. A request for a wall height variance and driveway slope variance to allow for a drivaray to exceed 10% located at2445 Garmisch Drive/Lots 10 and 11, Block H, Vail das Schone 2nd Filing. Applicant: Steve ShEridan and Adam SzpiechPlanner: Andy Knudtsen TOWNOFVAIL DEFARTMETIT Or @MMUNITY DE1,E.oPI!IENT CHECES MADE PAYAALE TO TOWN OP VAIL ACCOUNT NO.llF-M, 0l 000041540 ZONINGANDADDRESS MAPS $5.00 01 000t) 42415 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE $50.00 01 00m 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE 36.00 0r 000042415 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE i32.ffi 01 0000 42415 UNIFORMFIRECODE i36.00 0t 0000 42415 NATIONAL ELECTRI CAL CODE $30.00 01000042415 OTHERCODEBOOKS 0t 0000 41548 BLUE PRINTS (IVTYLARS)$7.00 ot00w4z4l2 XEROXCOPIES $0.25 0r00[042412 STUDIES 01000042412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $5.00 0twn4x7r PENALry FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 0l 0000 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE-CHECK FEE I$40 PER HR.I 01offi42332 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 01 0000 41412 CONTRACTORS LI CENSES FEES 01 0000 41413 SI6NAPPLICATION FEE $20.00 0l 0000 41413 ADDITIONALSIGNAGEFEE I$I,OOPER SQ.FT.I 01 0000 42440 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION 0l 000041331 PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE 01 unO42371 INTVESTIGATION FEE (BUILDING ) 31000045110 TOVPARKINGFUND 0t0nno22o27 TOV NEWSPAFER DISPENSER FUND * 01 00m 2il12 TAXABLE @ 47o (STATE) + 0l fi)00 41010 TAXABLE @ 47@ (TOWN) 0l 0000 42371 BUILDING II\TVESTIGATION OTHER PEC APPLICATION FEES:' ..r : 'alf 0l 00tn41330 ADDITIONALGRFA '250'$2(n.00 01 0000 41330 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $200.00TmmTsmm01 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION ILESS TI{AN lM SQ.Ff,I 01000041330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION IMORE THAN lOO SQ.FT.I 01 0000 41330 SPECIALDEVELOPMENTDISTRICT INEWI $1500.00 01 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TMAJOR AMEND $1,000.00 01000041330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMINOR AMEND $200.00 01 0000 41330 SUBDIVISION ,-0To0m41330 VARIANCE $?J0.00 ?<) -_0fm-4r$o ZONING CODEAMENDMENTS $250.00 0l 000041330 RE - ZONING $2m.00 OTHER OTHER ITOTN;. e?,J)- COMMENTS: MO.# t l cK#oontZ&,Zy'"".."t; Z- tlriteeglJll,lttl TEkll..l {fF L,Fr I L l'liscel lanesls C#h S:-1S-94 14: t6:14 Fle,ceiPt * l419F,f Rcrlrunt* *h:*?331 lilniri.atl t,rt'q1 p5'.t.rfi I L t'lrn 5cHo0L'"uFlF: IFHcE F,*ou.,a ten,J*re'-J ) ?FB'BS Ircm Peid F$sJnt Paid ':r1EEEri4ll.JEtBL1F 358' BB l-.h.:n,;e reiuFrred .j. FJ' Btl THFIH]< 1'{}L' 'y'r'u r c'=::h ie r FiEFITHR FEB. 14 '94 L2;A3FID- 1.1 -94 t"toH T0l,l{ 0F UAIL Cgl't.DEV rtul|ro roftlaz t I I :56 8l{Ol.lDON I D t [0U-47t-a{t? A.ncHtT F.tt2 r8t 0l'94 14t?C N0,OO? P,01 .i,. ._ ,: lggt # t*tt{N , l,Thto grooedunvarllnct, Ihflnfcrntrtlon lr r}r&$t[r$l lr rrqulndrpptlirtlonaubnltttd, C. D, !r IZawmt - rr r ---r- .' -,rr | | '." ,. ,r'r r*rr JllONE---- PnotosAt r tDGAt DE$cm{$oN I WqlW* lff/Z ruE l2to.00 tArD-_4jr trul pt0.00 ttio*4,*x tj.*A*v 4N?lillWJl 4-Llffi, I TH! r!! EllI r! rf,rD ltronr flG co$*tnrrt uwnLoFrcN|' t DBFAnI!{9[-6TI!D ACCmr rouR DRoDoB't$; 4 lr Itrr Itl, hporrarsto aiDln. l,+ ts'Ziwlwf lq4+ PEc lreErtt{ si otrLkLhZkrutfr. I 44+ !0n f, vttlrrol lor rnt ptorecfr!.Il not b0 lcF rOquerilne trplad untll, rtrt A. t|l}E OF IDDNEgg D, HNIE OF AFPT.TCINI'$ I8InISENTIT N||ltD 0l ot{Hln{81 oilNEn(il (t STONT LoCABIoN 0t saocx;L,* t }DDBD$8 .' StrrtrDcdr adftatrcd cnueloper of tho tnrtrfr of onncn ot !!I_HqP|!!I_lltr9!n!_!!-lh!_tsfloer proFffry rNct uDrNopRorlFtt EEHTND-AI,fD ACRo89 STFEEtg, rhC i ltis 0f thotr!r43f rnd rnrltlng addnrrqr, tl! Al0tIcANg nll,& EFsEfroNttBtt tor oonnEcr ilAtttNo ftDDtlffET. LPl!:ttPllg!919!..00n!rs.no. wttn r plrnnlns rsrff ncnl,cf, tretrongtry SuEgsrBrd Eo d.usnntna tf ahy ecctflonrtrnroEnrgl9n ll nllcld. lfo rppllorglen w{ll bt rccrr'tecyll.!!_f!_r:.9?Tpt*r. (nurg liroludr. crl lirrnr-riuilia-tvEn. ronlng.tdmtnlrgtluor). Ig l! cht rDnllcrntrj fifffiii'iiil'ft'S*3'$ilrl8li*ll[fiil'Hlll,ln' rsrrr to trnc ,r, r, l. ,.ry ., I iiliilriliisi$ti inffstFt *gtiit'tH,ttit, fi 3-iilil,fiilfi,1l' 91 99ryDIfIoNE 0? ieti0vll Elltt ulu llAbtNiNii-i[tD '- - " i$ff ilii$!:ll"isHriii$;trgl Hil,lr;iili'iiilfl;,,nf,, ^DUII'DIN0 PeR$Ir 18 IttUDD. tout (al COFIS! Or thE fOLlonINC MrJg! FEIIUBMITIIDT r, l-lErsTEN 8'rA.I.Nr O!, ltHtl pntcrtF ilttue& $ rHE ; vAnrf,NcE RloulrND rl{D iiF nErunitifii'ilivoitei'j- nr+IIIBPHEN! MU08 [Id0S tDDnEgt r -' it. Thr rrlrt,lgTl$? o! gh. rrguortrd vlElrnoa tooshor ontlulnl -or potrnrlrl ucii-rni-iiiiitu".r rnlho vlolnlty,- Snowdon and Hopkins hitects t o Arc Lffir#@F rRANSnflrT=rAL wE ARE SENDING YoU X nttached ! Under separate cover vaa'' / \ DATE 4IW14+ IJOB NO PE Uktt, 1,4(.Ut lIAlN 4HML,t'/t%h?? U\ffitlstN 1 hLlM 6W€b ftWrn:dl the following items: ! Samples {J Specifications n Return - corrected prints n Submit - copies for distribution ! Resubmit-copies lor approval ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US 201 Gore Creek Drlve Vall, Colorado 81657 303-47&2201 FA(47&7491 TO ! Copy of letter n Shop drawings f Change order {erints THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked ! As requested n For your use n For approval fl Returned tr Approved I Approved i Plans for corrections as noted as submitted f ror. ,"ri"* and comment.N FOR BIDS DUE- u l9 coPrEs DATE,NO-DESCRIPTION LII4W aFk -tn,/.60.n I 0lwq+rs"tilrrqryc/ lltuVfzLre nl *ta,^.r's <wl h1' LIWIq4 awllbu 4bkruraf' nr rLl t4lqF +l , A/-.Ary I t'l/,/ffi l-aeb - +D lT tudat L vT/al?4-- SIGNED: COPY TO ,t encrosuacs ara not as noacd, ,indly noaify us al onca I Snowdon and Hopkins o Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive 303 476-2201 Vall, Colorado 81657 February 14, L994 Vall Mountain School SLte Coverage VarLance The vail Mountain School was originally built in 1980. Akindergarten addition and aoccer field were added in 1984. Withthe completion of the gymnasium and etage in 1990, the studentpopulation became stable and our goal of an average size claEs of 15 was reached. We are now, fifteen years later, finding that the originallibrary's size cannot meet the neede of the etudente and teachers. The Board of TruEteeg hae decided to ask for a eite coveragevari-ance to soLve this need with an addition to the eouth and eastsides of the existing library. Ife would also like to finish the storage areas and outdoor acceaato two new toilets along the west Eide of the g)mnasium. These were in our original plan in 1979, but were cut because of budgetrestrictions. These additions will not affect any of the surrounding propertiesin any way. We believe we have been a good neighbor and citizenof the conmunity. We do not see this as a special privilege but a6 a means to which we can improve our purpose aa a collegepreparatory school . t Snowdon and Hopkins o Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive 303 476.2201 Vail, Coloraclo 81657 February 14, 1994 ValI Mountain School Site Coverage Varlgnce The vail Mountain School was originally built in 1980. Akindergarten addition and aoccer field were added in 1984. Withthe completion of the gynnaeium and etage in 1990, the studentpopulation became stable and our goal of an averagle size cLass of 15 was reached. We are now, fifteen yeara later, finding that the originallibrary's size cannot meet the needs of the students and teachers. The Board of Trustees has decided to ask for a eite coveragevariance to eolve this need with an addition to the south and eastsides of the existing library. We would also like to finish the storage areas and outdoor accessto two new toilets along the west side of the gymnasium. Thesewere in our original plan in 1979, but were cut becauee of budgetrestrictions. Theee additions will not affect any of the surrounding propertieein any way. We believe we have been a good neighbor and citizenof the conmunity. we do not see thiE a6 a special privilege but aa a means to which we can improve our purpose as a collegepreparatory school . Robert P. Lammerts 125 Park Avenue Oklahoma City, OK 73102 Lot 4, Block 2, VV12th Garton Development Company Box 880 Vail, CO 81658 Lot 5, Block 2, W12th Patrick G. & Suzanne E. Dauphinais Box 1515 vail' co 816s8 ' les Uofe{ fra-?os' Lot 67, Block 2, Vv1zth Edward J. Gund 3100 Booth Falls Court Vail, CO 81657 Lot 8, Block 2, VV12th Craig & Susan K. Patrick c/o Pitt Penguin 96 Quail Hill Lane Pittsburgh, PA 15238 Lot 9, Block 2, VV12th Charles & Virginia D. Crowley Box 430 Vail, CO 81658 Lot 9, Block 2, VV12th Caulkins Family Partnership 1600 Broadway, Suite 2100 Denver, CO 80202 Lot 10, Block 2, W12th John A. B Box 2267 Boulder, CO 80306 Lot 11, Block 2, W12th Barbara B. Schabacker & 32 Charlou Circle Englewood, CO 80111 Lot 16, Block 1, W13th Patricia E. March 3011-A Boothfalls Road Vail, CO 81657 Lot 17, Block 1, W13th K. Lee & Amy l. Kuhle 1501 Stanford Avenue Englewood, CO 80110 Lot 18, Block 1, W13th Duane & Carolyn Piper Box 5560 Avon. CO 81620 Lot 8, Block 1, VV13th John Galt Mountaineering, 193 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Lot 8, Block 1, VV13th Jorge & Sybill Navas 3255 Ktasos Ranch Road Vail, CO 81657 Lot 9, Block 1, VV13th t i urdick Karen J. Jones Ltd. ' f-.; } Brnndess Cadmus Real 281 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Lot 10, Block 1, W13th i Estate Rodnie W. Garton & Lynne Erion 1545 Lake Drive Loreland, CO 80538 Lot 10, Block 1, W13th VailAssociates lnc. Bot( 7 Vail, CO 81658 Tract C, Block 1, W13th ' '"',,(;.t-f N4t-r, sE"ccl AoVlo-otloJ VAIL ASSOCIATES P.O. BOX 7 vArL, co 81657 JORGE & SYBILL NAVAS 3255 KATSOS RANCH ROAD vAtL, co 8't657 K. LEE & AMY I. KUHLE 1501 STANFORD AVE. ENGLEWOOD. CO 80110 JOHN BUBDICK P.O. BOX 2267 BOULDER, CO 80306 C&SPATRICK,%PPENGUIN 96 QUAIL HILL LANE PITTSBURGH, PA 15238 ROBERT LAMMERTS 1225 PARK AVENUE OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73102 la la+ - R. GARTON & L. ERION 1545 LAKE DRIVE LOVELAND, CO 80538 JOHN GALT, LTD. 193 GORE CREEK DRIVE vAtL, co 81657 PATRICIA E. MARCH 3011-A BOOTH FALLS ROAD vAtL, co 81657 CAULKINS PARTNERSHIP 1600 BROADWAY, SUITE 21OO DENVER, CO 80202 EDWARD J. GUND 31OO BOOTH FALLS CT. vAtL, co 81657 GARTON DEVELOPMENT CO. P.O. BOX 880 VAIL, CO 81658 , hr r 51-1r.f crf S)'J BRANDESS CADMUS RE 281 BRIDGE STREET vArL. co 81657 DUANE & CAROLYN PIPER P.O. BOX 5560 AVON. CO 81620 B. SCHABACKER & K. JONES 32 CHARLOU CIRCLE ENGLEWOOD, CO 80111 CHARLES & VIRGINIA CROWLEY P.O. BOX 430 vAtL. co 81658 PAT & SUZANNE DAUPHINAIS P.O. BOX 1515 vAtL. co 81658 THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66,060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on March 28, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration ol: 1. A request for a minor subdivision to allow for the relocation of a building envelope located at 1314 Spraddle Creek Drive/ Lot 15, Spraddle Creek Subdivision. Applicant: William and Julie EsreyPlanner: Jim Curnutte 2. A report to the PEC regarding the February exterior alteration submittals: A request for a variance to the Gore Creek stream setback, common area variance and a major CCI exterior alteration lo allow for an expansion to the Gasthof Gramshammer Building located at 231 East Gore Creek Drive/Lot H, Block 58, Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant: Pepi GramshammerPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 3. A request for a sehack variance to allow for an expansion to the residence located at 4295 Nugget Lane/Lot 7, Bighorn Estates. Applicant: Margaret GrossPlanner: Randy Stouder 4. A request for a major CCll exterior alteration and setback variance to the Lionshead Center Building to allow for the expansion of the Vail Associates offices located at 520 Lionshead Mall/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicanl: Vail Associates, Inc.Planner: Andy Knudtsen 5. A request for a major CCll exterior alteration and setback variance to allow for the expansion of dwelling units at the Lionshead Center Building located at 520 Lionshead Mall, Units 208,209,308 and 309/Lot5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Victor Cano Faro, Transcon Investments, lnc., and Jose Luis GhainPlanner: Andy Knudtsen e 4' 6. A request for a variance from Section 18.69.040 (Development Restricted) of the Vail Municipal Code to allow for the construction of buildings on slopes greater than 40% located at 4335 Bighom Road/Block 3, Bighom 3rd Filing. Applicant Michael LauterbachiBAB Partnership Planner: Jim Curnutte 7. A request for variances to allow for off-site parking, GRFA in the front setback, and site coverage to allow for a new Primary/Secondary residence located at 1799 Sierra Trail/Lot 17, VailVillage West 1st Filing, Applicant George Plavec Planner: Mike Mollica 8. A request for a wall height variance and driveway slope variance to allow for a driveway to exceed 10% located at2445 Garmisch Drive/Lots 10 and 11, tslock H' Vail das Schone 2nd Filing. Applicant: Steve Sheridan and Adam Szpiech Planner: Andy Knudtsen A request for a site coverage variance and a conditional use permil to allow for an expansion at the Vail Mountain School localed at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: Fred Otto, representing the Vail Mountain School Planner: Randy Stouder Oo TOWNOFVAIL RECETPT ARTMENT OP OOMT'UNITY DEVEIOPMENT '/Q lJs '2 tw 4)toms_- -)_t _J__Q__r __J_' CHECKS MADE PAYABII TO TOWN OF VAIL AC{)O|n|TNO. . , , 01 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 01 0000 42415 UNIFOR,M BUILDING CODE $50.00 01 000042415 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE $36.00 0r 000042415 UNI FORM MECFIANICAL CODE $32.00 01000042415 UNIFORMFIRECODE $36.00 01000042415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE $30.0( 0l 0000 42415 OTFIER CODE BOOKS 0l 0000 41548 BL_VE PRINTS ( lvrYI-ARS)$7.00 or0nno424t2 XEROXCOPIES $0.25 or00[o424t2 STUDIES otwoo42412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $5.00 01 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE - ]NSPECTIONS 01 0000 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE_CHECK FEE t$40 PER HR.I otwco42332 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 01 finO 41412 CONTRACTORS LI CENSES FEES 01 0000 41413 SIGNAPPLICATION FEE $20.00 0l 0fi)0 41413 ADDITIONAL S]GNACE FEE I$1.00 PER SQ.FT.I otrnm4u40 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION 0r 0m0 41331 PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE 01 00m4B7r ITIVESTIGATION FEE (BUILDING ) 3t 0000 45110 fOVPARKINGFUND 0rwNzzw7 TOV NEWSPA?ER DISPENSER FUND * 01 00fit2lll2 TAXABLE@47o (STATE) 'i 01 fino 41010 TAXABLE@47O (TOWN) 01 0000 42371 BUILDING I}.IVESTIGATION OTFIER 0r 0gm4l330_{DL'I'I'IONALGR}A'25U"$zxl.oo (o1 0000 41330 'ONDITIONALUSE PERMIT $200.00 ,q(fin 01{xm41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION TLESS TFIAN lOO SQ.FT.I $200.00 01 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION TMORE THAN IOO SQ"FT.I $500.00 01 0000 41330 SPECIALDEVELOPMENTDISTRICT TNEWI $1500.00 01 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TMAJOR AMEND $1.000.00 01 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMINOR AMEND $200.00 01 0000 41330 SUBDIVISION 01 0000 41330 VARI.ANCE $250.00 0l (M)0 41330 ZONING CODEAMENDMENTS $250.00 0l finO 41330 RE _ ZONINC $200.00 OTHER OTI{ER ITOTAL: -)r-Y f --------------- *+.-.- COMMENTST Mo*r ,.".,lY)tJl,t DATe_/_/_ T{]lrfF{ (fF L'Fl I l* Pliscel laneous Castt fft-11-94 14:37; 85 E€.':FiFt * 1+5f,{f' ffrcnunt# r:F:*?375 :;r'lnL'rr.,r,H g, FlcrFli. I l{s'.t:0NFI T Itr]'lgL usE FEEII IT Hrrrgun! t*ndered ? Iten Paid EI EErj.ir:l4I33[tffFE l.l-r$nge re turned il 388,66 Fmrnt Faid t6a. Bs Ei.8E -rHFlFl]< IfELI \j'rur c'ashier PEFTHFI N9 45894 ADDRESS g :;'7' z''' ''' hrmit Numbers lnW PAID-Cash-Check ' :' -i ;t J /;,:, ^-L r'l-^^t- / .'l f By T-{fhrFl 0F l.rFl I l- Pliscel lanes.rs Cestl F4*:.2-F4 88:52: ?1 E*rFiF-li S 14i1€'7 Flrc*untS fP.$7384 :,r.tilttt]lt.l Hr]F[j; I ils'.EEFfi Firial-rn t tend*red .} :F6.6A Iterrr psid fuiount Paid Eil Bfjr:rrr4 l f,Ifrfrrlr:r tff8. BE lh;ng* r*tui'n*d l $. EEI .I-HFIFI|< I/OIJ iJ,:,r-rr c.r=hier EEHTHR )/NE d6fi{S krit Numbers fr'v PND-osh _-*"*@ FtEtFF: r r{E o=. _ }.T , Frr O rIfllfll 0F UnIL Cot'l'l€v IDll0E-a?9-2453 ll"{R Je F' {ero' ni''i ,4;htfnr arauffi rvlrrc l/UCl lt! rrl}ucililo|| r lgl0l ,01 tfi!&r **'Bltlcfl'il'ffi11fi8: t liAR 2 S 1994 It DrgPrstr lr crrctlbfd t'Itdrrctlblloitr Flilll Dtovtdlrttrch ED lhtl tsgll-erston. !, 8oHtil€ | lr t, ?ll lr &0? ttllr tt t|quti|C, r9Dllclnt Fid 'lcvlct r eurtfns ItlFPfrt lrtwty Jhorlnf lot tlltr dr t, tr! ,| 10100I r0t00 ilee i[e It0t i 00l{001C0 'lt00i 00 ilrf 0$ Ylll lttlB IIIH. E rt r$Er[ rfiD cD[fttlo$gtt tf ,-l*wr$mgiffi*rf$Fluo lr Fsrf,!*rxllllhl,l9El Ar l. ttt! 0t ngrrytrl _ ,irn Eo0rtlstgtoh ffi;n;i;;-riii,qoG. lsDl&0lr Dr t!or! F!8C8ltfl{toll ?0f fiubd{virten I trl00,elt -Jrlncr] $t|IttlHl (110,001 $rE Df oro{mtt h|nlhkriilr*ll nrfiolflrr|0 ltrl|tof,lloil ' 1. t l MINUTES VAIL TOWN @UNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 18, 1992 7:30 P.M. I resutar meeting of the Vail Town Councll was heH on Tuesday, February 18, 1992, at 7:00 p.M., in the Council Chambers ol the Vail Municipal Buitding. MEMBEHS PRESENT: TOWN OFFICIALS PBESENT: Peggy Os{edoss, Mayor Merv Lapin, Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Gibson Jim Shearer Tom Sleinberg Rob LeVine Bob Bud<ley Ron Phillips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Assisiant b the Town Manager Manha Raecker, Town Clerk The lirsl item on the agenda was citizen panicipation, ot which there was none. Second on the agenda was approval ol the minutes of the January 7 and 21,1992 eroning meeting minutes. Merv Lapin moved to approve the minutes, with a second from Jim Shearer. A rrote was taken and th6 motion passed unanimously, 7-0. ftem l'lo. 3 on the agenda was Ordinance llo. 2, Series of lgg2, second reading, an ordinance repealing and re- enacling Ordinance No. 19, Series of 1991;to provile for the amendment of th6 approved developmeniplan for Special Development District No. 6; adopting a revised development plan for Phase iV-R ot Speciat Devebpment District No.,6, Vait Village Inn; and setting lorth details in regard thereto. Mayor Osterfoss read ine title in lull. Mike Mollica brief ly rwiewed discussion lrom lirst reading and indixted changes and conditions to the ordinance had been made as direcNed. Additional dialogue followed regarding the underlyirB public accommodation zoning, the definilion of "lodge' (18.04'210), the expiration of previous approvals, the issui ol tearing down this new phase lV-A to accommodate the final Phase lV accommodation unil development, and the sruauieO parking reguirements. ll was indlcated lherg rys the opportunily for Council to lurther modily the ordinance at sebnO reading. Josef Staufer reviewed the SDD history of the Vail Village Inn (Wl), and said he hoped Courril would not pass ihe ordinance on second reading if rental restrictions would bB part of lhe ordinance because he muld not risi( the large investment involved if there were rental restriction condilions. Additionally, he dil not want the Gateway pedestriin conneciion indicated as a condilion ol approval, although he said he would take care ol it. Bill pierie spke about pafting concerns, noting lhe Applicant's parking study showed 30-50 spots were available. He said he felilhe Town's iarking requitement was too high. Peggy Osterfoss asked how it would be known public parking was available there. giil saio they would fumish ample signage to adverlise the lad, but lelt'wordof-mouth'would more than adequately spread news oJ available public parking. He also re-emphasized the Wl's need to build the free maftet dwelling unii in'order to build the additional 14 hotel rooms. Merv Lapin moved to disapprove Ordinance M. 2, Series of 1962 on seond readjng in thal il was not in compliance with lhe parking and loading rEuirements as outlined in Ghapter 18.52 under lhe Special Development Distric't criteria. Peggy Osterfoss seconded the motion, Before a rcle was tiken, peggy said she wanted it slaled as parl of the motion the project was not in conformity with the applicable elements otitrl Vait Comprehensive Plan, with regard to the restriction ol residential units, and improving pedestrian ways and adding sidewalks. Merv amended his motion to include that lhe ordinance was also not in dmplance wilh i.3.t and 3.4.i of the Vail-Comprehensive Plan. A vol€ was taken, and the molion failed, 2-5; Jim Gibson, Jim Shearer, Tom Sleinberg, Bob Buckley, and Rob LeVine opposed. Merv Lapin then moved that Ordinance l,lo. 2, Series of 1gg2, be approved with lhe following modilications to the SDD in order to meet the SDD criteria: (1) that the Town res{rid the residential unil in otder to conform with the Vail Comprehensive Plan 2.3.1. according td Section 17.26.075, (2) thal lhe previous condition 13, which was the sidewalk along the Frontage Road that was deleted be reinstated whbli was lo prwide a pedestrian walknay adjacenl to the South Frontage Road beginning 0n lhe west end ol the Vail Village Inn property whete lhe Galeway sidewalk ends and continue ihe sidewati east to te western boundary of the Viil Village Inn Phase lll property and this condition of approval was to be subject to the Colorado Department ot ttignway's 1c1101fl o! the sidewalk, (3) that the quare footage of the dwelling uniymndo unit be removed fom the requirbO GRFA lefl in the project, (4) that signage which wai acceptable to the statf and DRB be provkled so the public was aware ol the 65 spaces ol available public parking. Bob Buckley seconded the motion. Bdbre a wte wasiaken, Jim Gibson, Rob LeVine, and Jim Shearer stated opposilion to the reslriclion placed on the dnelling unit. A vote was laken and the motion failed,3'4, Jim Gibson, Rob LeVine, Jim Shearer, and Tom Steinberg opposed. Rob LeVine then moved to use Merv Lapin's second molion as stated wiih the elimination of the restridion on lhe condominium unit. Jim Gibson seconded the motion. A vole was taken and the motion failed, 3-4, Tom Steinberg, Bob Buckley, peggy Osterloss, and Merv Lapin opposed. Rob LeVine then motioned to table Ordinance No. 2, Series of 1ggZ, loia oeri6il ol two weeks, with a second from Tom Steinberg. Larry Eskwith advised the ordinance muld not be tabled atter deteat on second reading. Rob LeVine moved to wilhdraw his motbn to table the ordinance. Jim Shearer seconded lhat motion' Jim Gibson then moved 1o approve Ordinance No. 2, Series of 1992, using Merv Lapin's second motion without restriction on lhe dwelling unit and eliminalion of lhe sidewalk requirements, with a second from Rob LeVine. A vote was taken and the motion passed,4-8, Bob Buckley, Merv Lapin, and peggy osterfoss opposed. Mayor Ostertoss n€xt mov€d ahead to ltem No. 6 on lhs agerda as the engineer, Ken Brobky, and geologisl Nick Lampids, both from out of Town were both prosent b glw testimory in accordance wlth .|8.69.0b'b, regirdinfremoval of the Booth Creek Area ftom the Rock Fall Hazard Map. L&M Contmc{ors had now ompleteO 1he ho* fal Mitigation Berm, and Banner Engineering had cedified the berm as substantialty completed. As the b€rm was now c0mpleted' Larry Eskwlth asked Council to heartestimony from lhe engineer and geologist, and to consider removing the atea from bolh the high and moderate hazard rock lall zone. Mr. Brobky, repreienting Banner Assodaes of Graril Jundbn, identilied himself as the engineer on the trojec't. He sall he was responsitle for Oesigning the berm financed by the local imprwement dbtrbt in question. Lary recalled Mr. Brotsky had spoken to the Town inine past about now the berm was designed, but had never testificd as to the construction of the berm and whether jl had been comoleted in accordance with the specilications set lorth in original plans. Mr. Brobky said L&M had now rebuilt the berm almost in ils enlitety, and il was now built in accordance wilh lhe approved plans ard specilications. Jim Ghson asked if there was any immediacy required to remove the area from the rcck fall hazard map. Larry explained the residents in the area wouH shottly be asked lo start paying for the berm, and tlnse resldsnls wantsd their popsrty rsmored lom the Rock Fall Hazard Map. Mr. Lamphis testifled he had onstructed the ar€a mars and he feil s8-Ss/" of rodr lall in lhe ?rea wo,uld be stopped by the present bem. He said he had m reluclance in removing the alea frcm lhe Rock Fatl Hazard_ Map. Ron Phillips aded the berm had been in place lu tuo yean and was uofting saHactorily. Fu[her, lhe ordinancs regarding removal ol an area lrom the Rock Fall Hazard Map indicated Counciiwas to makea decision lo do so based on a hearing of expert lestimony corrcerning the design oonstructbn and mitigation etforts. Rob LeVine moved to approve removal ol lhe Eooth Creek Area lrom the Bock Fall Hazard Map and the area maps b€ amended, with a second trom Tom Steinberg. Before a vote ws taken, Jim Shearer askid if the Town assumed any extn liabilily by removing the area from lhe Rock Fall Hazard Map. Larry said it would not A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 7-0. Mayor Oslerfoss relurned to item No. 4 on the agenda, Ordinarrce No. 3, Series ol 1992, linsl reading, an ordinance amending Section 8.24.090 of the Municipal Code of the Town ol Vail, Colorado, to provide lor the owner or occuoant ol any propefi within the Town of Vail to keep the sidewalks in the public rightof-way on adiacent or abutting such lot or parcels free and clear from ice, snow, and other obstruclions. She read the titli in full. After brief discussion regarding individual property owne/s obligations, Tom Steinberg moved to approve Ordinance No. 3, Series of lgg2 on lirsl reading, with a second lrom Hob LeVine. A vote was laken and the motion passed unanimously, 7-0, llem No' 5 was Besolution No. 4, Series of 1992, a resolulion authorizing the Town of Vail to open a Franklin Adiustable U.S. Government Securities Fund, oi the Franklin Group ol Fundi ("Funds'), and to deposit or withdraw such funds of lhe Town in the account as lhe Town deems necessary or desirable. Mayor Osterloss read the tille in full. Sleve Thompson noted Council had previously approved the Town's use of this type of fund, and brielly explained inveslmenl plans and expected results for the next year. Jim Gibson moved io approve Resolulion No. 4, Series ol 1992, with a second from Tom Sleinberg. A vote was taken and the molion pased unanimously, 7-0. llem No. 7 was a briel presentation requested by Steve Miller from Channel 23, Vail Valley Community Television. He welcomed Jim Shearer as lhe Town's liaison to Channel 23. Mr. Miller said he wanted 16 educae thi mmmunity and expand Council inlerest in community access TV. He invited Council to view operations at Channel 23, recently relocated to Avon. He expressed concern abotrt lack of use of the opprtunity to use the level of media Channel 23 ollered as a community access stalion, and encouraged its use. Tom Sleinberg inquired about its use to help promote public radio. Mr. Miller also provided some general inlormation regarding Heritage Cablevision's franchise ienewal. There was brief discussion regarding Channel 23's uncertainty about lending supprt to Heritage. Council thanked Mr. Miller for his presentation. ltem No. 8 was a presentation by Fred'Skip" Kinsley ol Kinsley Geolechnical, Inc. Council had requested presentation from Mr. Kinsley regarding the proposed Forest Service posilion on oil and gas exploration in ihe Town's sunounding areas' Mr. Kinsley briefly discussed oil deposit formalion facts, and concluded there was no chance of oil and gas being lound in this area. Council thanked Mr. Kinsley lor his input. Item No. 9 concerned conditions lor funding ol the Dowd Junc{ion Recreation Path. Ron Phillips reterred to a letter he received from the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) dded February 13, 1992, advising him they had Iecommended lo the Colorado Transportation Commiss'nn tundng be budgeted tor conslnni'Dn ot a b'rfde- recreational trail extending lrom the South Fronlage Road at Wesl Vail to Highway 6 al Dowd Junction, primarily io help remove birrycle tratlic lom l-7010 enhance salety. This lunding was proposed under the sudace Tnanspoilafonprogram' The recommendation was made based on the unoerstaioing itre'rown of vair ,nas cunenfly funding thedesign of the]nil and had agreed to.acquite any necessary righlof+rai in areas wnerelhe traitwould be outside ofcurrent CDOT rightof-way. Further, the re@mmendation requesteO the town commit to the operational mainlenarrcrol the proposed trail leaving b19 term caPital maintenance io coor. lh Gibson rou.o ro approve the conditionsset forth in cDors February 13, 1992 letter, committing the Igyl to tunoing oesiin orih. prop*ro trrit and takingtesponsibilily for operalional maintenance of saki trail. iom steinberg .r*ioro tir ilion. A vote was taken andlhe motion passed unanimously, 7-0. Before adiournmenl, Ron Phillips announced, etfective February 10, 1gg2, Mafiha Raecker was named rown clerk.Council congratulated Martha. There being no further business, a molion to adinurn the meeting was made and passed unanimously. The meelingwas adjoumed at 10:15 p.m. Respec.tf ully submitted, ATTEST: Mt^#. t. A"b*t^, Marthd S. Raecker, Town Clerk Minut€s talen by Dodanns S. Deo , cllillNFESr8.92 -- NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE JIINE 20 , 1994CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION 6782 deportment of community dwelopment TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT !! g ffif, BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANIC/\LU IS RANC LEGAL IESC. LOT L2 BLK FILING W12TI{. VATL MTN SCHOO TJoBruAuE' vArL MTN scHoor, ALT OWNER MAIL ADORESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM BECK & ASSOC rowN oF vAlL REc. No. 117-A rELE. 949-r800 *-l'-'^Hlr plpp RONS ELECTRIC rowN oFvArL REG. No. 103-E rELE. 925-6062 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MECHANICAL FIRM STONE SHEETMETAL TeluN oF vAtL REG. No. L24-l'I UUNIKAUIUT(*t c 242-5014 OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTOT{ | t tV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IR M DfVfSfOt{ r22e34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : ONE HOI]R ACOIISTTC CETT.TNG IN PERMIT NO. - zIF =J BUILDING Tnnn nn ELECTRICAL ?nnn - nn PLUMBING 1onn nn (qpPTNrar Fp\ LUNCH ROOM MECHANICAL looo_oo 12.000.00 TYPE GROUP G.B.F.A. VALUATION PERMTT FEES 1^-_rrr 1rS. il BUILDING PERMIT i65.00 rft rN $" $ PLAN CHECK 107.00 ELECTRICAL 54.00 NEW ATTERATION E9 AODITIONAL REPAIR(PLUMBING 15.00/Pc 4.OO ll D*ELLTNGUNTTS o - o""otugoo'o" r*,r, o HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIFEPLACES MECHANICAL 20.}o/s.00 Pc /l RECREATION FEE R-VALLUETHICKNESS DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT lnn nn USE TAX WILL CALL 12.00 TYPE OF ELEC. HEAT soLAR wooo TOTAL PERMIT FEES 482.00 I-STANEL -6-?3:44_ DING OFFICIAL OATEADDITIONAL PEFMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL sr. cur | | |NGADMINISTRATOR OATE BLASTING ING & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the informalion and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to lhe Town's zoning and subdivision codes, designlaws, ano to DU o tnrs structure accorotng to lne lown's zonrng ano suD review approved, Unilorm Building Code and other o_rdinances of;llqe Town thereto. UP DEPOSIT TO:Cl,EAN €4ftbo AND THE OWNER. FOR HIMSELF TOWN OT' VAIIJ CONSTRUCTION PERUTT APPLICATION FORMoArvtk/7-74 Jut{ 1 0 Appl,rcArroN MUST BE FTLLED our coMpLErELy oR rr Mctuvot(Hsl\jl[sbsfT' ****************************** PERMIT INFORMATION * ******** * ** ******** ********* [ ]-P1unbing t]-Electricar [ ]-Electrical lbrl lehul ' rob Addressz 3lbD /+k" olrners Names f/rr.l fn.ln- Vn -4 Address: at(t4 z- Architect:^/lr 5X-e'.iraitts ,lob ttarne: \lh' Legal Descriptiont LotjL Block ;l Fillng Address: General Description: Work Class: [ ]-New Number of Dwelling Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas * * *** ****** * ** ***** ** * * *********** **************************** CoNTRACTOR INFORII,ATrON ********** * **************** BUILDING:qHR4*Hf€: SeYi\ ( lc a Address:'/ ' d-O Electrical contractor: Address: "ib-N SC(kusn.'a I IPluurbing Contractor: N /L Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: BUILDING PERI'TIT FEE: PLIIMBING PERMIT FEE:{:{-" J4n --MECHANICAL PERMIT tr'EE: RECREATION FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: il ELECTRICALi AIDEI,IECHANICALz 4D?-t c>T- heeh*n' c a \ gq1-otner 4J/.4,4 e la,+ Ph. Ph. Number of Accommodation Unitss Appliances cas Logs_ Wood/Pellet VALUATIONS *********** * ** * ****************** '3 Ooa - Town of Vail neg. No./D3-€ Phone Number: ?Ab'bpaz Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Nurnber: Tonn of vail, Reg. No.lP4'n, Phone Nunber: /o7,- 7-BUII,DING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PI.,UMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: BUILDING: OTHER: rorAL: Z;7trtr-ed-/Z'ue Town of Vail Reg. No.l/V-$ Phone Nunber: q4+/nAa lAlteration l-Additionat [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Tcrxt ZONING: Signature: Sincerely,"#,fu tEffi#.#,K June 17, 1994 Town of Vail Building Department Vail Mountain School Permit We will be installing a one-hour rated acoustic tile ceiling in the lunch room at the Vail Mountain School. Included will be installation of new Troffer Lighting, reconfiguration of limited H.V.A.C., and reconfiguration of existing sprinkler heads. I have spoken with Mike McGee in regards to sprinkler work. He will require a shop drawing prior to work being done. We will have our sprinkler sub-contractor supply this drawing to the Vail Fire Department. CEr,lEBAt CON'RACfOPS PA. BOX 4oio VAtL, COLORATX) A1(r5a leosl94s-1aoo Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: VAIL MTN SCHOOL ADDRESS: 3160 KATSOS VAIL, OOI.ORADO OCCUPANCY: E TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: lll-lHR DATE: G20-94 CONTRACTOR: BECK & ASSOC ARCHITECT: NONE ENGINEER: NONE PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK 1. 2. 3. CoRRECTTONS REQUTRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQIJIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. FrFrD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQIJTRED TO CTTECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER MAYBE REQUIRED TO APPROVE ANY STRUCTUAL CHANGES BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION IS APPROVED BY TOV. Project Application su," fraa z/- r zz Project Name: Project Descriplion: Contact Person and h(- Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Com ments: Design Review Motion by: Date {-2/-f3 DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: Datei t z/- fs 't r r-{ rlrilcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL CALLER 479-2138 ----@'"READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: MON TU tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDAITON / S;fEEL tr ROUGH / WATER r..' ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr tr tr tr tr HEATING EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED QORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED I t IN IF"rJ-o$, $fSUFil'au I JOB ?/?-Ea, NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: g UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING _tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H, TUB tr tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor, ' Qf - ?1 rNSPEcroR Ia 1993 T Nicholas I eryrpiris, Ph.D. @NSULNI\KI OEOLOGIST P.O. BOX2 srLT. coLoMoo 816s2 l:ii 1!tt- t1li t tlt: l.: tb (38) 87S5@ (24 HOUFS) July 21r t??3 Ton l'loorrheed Town Attorney Town of Vril 75 S. Frontrge Rd.Vrll CO 81657 RE: Eooth Crcek Rockfell Dirtrtctl Ed Bunn Hone Dear Tonr Now that we hrve flnally recelvtd the lctter +rom iton tJhite ofthe Colorado Geologic Survey on tha matter of whether the abovrrefercnced property ie protacted by the txistinE berm, I cen Elvemy concluslons. As you mey know, Rick Andrew (formerly of the CGS) end I rpent rome time in lllay of thia year, af trr thl rnow had gone, on the hillside ebove thc Eunn homa. After vl ewing the nest end of the barm and ite configuretlon, lndnotlng the ldouble" falI llne o{ that hillstde whlch rlopes tothe Eouthwest rrther than the routh, we both consluded that the Gunn houre was protected by thc berrn as much er the evarege .nefiber of the dietrict. Thie, rven if the condominiumr ln therunout zone wEre not there. Tha fact that thay ere thlrc furtharactg te protect downsloFe propcrties due to the Gnergy which would be absorbed i{ e nock wcre to hit thoEE unltr, No home in the dlstrict hag IOOZ protection. lloreovar, eB .nexanple, the Vai I l'lountain School is f ar less I t kely to have erockfall rvent than the home furthert eest in thr dtrtrlct(formerly owned by Jeanlne Hollanbeck) whleh tr Jurt below theberm. Trying to quantlfy tha degrce of protectlon of rach homrie counterproductive, end rll thrls of the rxp€rtr to vlrw theaituetian ln llay egree thet thc Bunn hpme ir protected by thebern (let lt be noted thet ilon Whlta rmch€d . hlr conclurionwtthout clinbtng to the barm). lty prelininary ertlnatE of thedegree of protrctlon wag med: ln jlenuary Hhen snow depthrprevrnted rn rdEquate drterninatlon of the rltuatton. Thr felllin€ weE perticularly dtffleult to Judga. To rummarire, lt lr rny opLnlon that el 1 menberr of thc dirtricthave e hlgh degree o{ protectton. If you have gucrtionr plaese contect ne. 6i ncerrl y I Nleholas Lempiris Coneultlng Beologirt Io 1992 a Town of Vaif 75 S. Frontage Rd. VaiI, Co.81657 (303) 47e-2r3E ie93 CASE NO. DA'nE 4-23-?.2- (For Staff Usc Only) BOARD OF APPEALS Application is hereby made for an appeal of an interpretation of the Uniform Building Code as provided in Section 204 as adopted- OWNER a i I ltlounta in School pHONE 475-3850 (Please prinr or rype) OWNER'S 6pp11g5s 3150 Katsos Ranch Road, . Vail C0 81557 Street COI.ITACT PERSON (if other than owner) Byron Rose CONTACT PERSON'S ADDRESS 2895 Booth Creek Drive Vail c0 81657 Legaldescriptionofproperrywhichissubjectofthereqrn.t A oart of lot 12. block 2. vail Villaqe, l2th filinq. Town of Vail. Eaqle Countv. Address or location of property which is subject of the req""*t 3150 Katsos Ranch Road REQIJEST (cite specific section and subsection of the Uniform Code from which an appeal is requested): We request that you waive the requirement(s) that would require that Vail Mountain School install an elevator to comply w-i th the orovisions of the new Uniform Buildinq Code, The cost estimate from our Contractor for a comolvinq elevator is $103,500. This is more than 252 of total project cost and hence qualifies for an appeal under Section 3114(a)Z of the new UBC. Ciry State ZIP being Signature of Owner /l Da." 4p4Q - . Uiil Motmtain Sfiool h'r ,I April 22,1992 Mr. Gary Moran Ctrief Building Ofiicial Town of Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Moran: Vail Mormtain Sdrool intended to remodel the first and third floors of the school starting the day after school closes on May 21. Pledges and grants of approximately $200,000 have been receirred from parents, fourdations and other conFibutors. We nuw rmderstand that Congress recently passed, and the Town of Vail adopted, regulations that would rcquire VMS to install an elevator if we wish to utilize orr third floor. l{e do not have ftnding for an elevator and will be forced to abandon the project if one is required. We believe VMS qualifies for an appeal to have the compliance standards waived under Section 3ll4(a)2, Request for Appeal, since the cost of compliance would exceed 257o of the total project cost. Backgrormd VMS was the first school in Vail and operated as the only sdrool from 1962 mtil 1968. We are an independent sdrool with 186 students and 24 faculty. VMS has met in a nurrber of locations in its nearly 30 year history and moved into its crrrent home in the Booth Falls area in 1979. The building the school occupies was constmcted with an upper level that could be utilized if and when the school grew to a size requiring additional space. History of the Third Floor F;eansion At the request of parents, in 1987 VMS started a Campus Center campaign to raise capital for major renorration and construction at the school, including the Third Floor kpansion. After three years, over S1.1 million was pledged by farnilies, friends and foundations. Unfortrrrately, the cost of orn plans exceeded wtrat we were able to finance and we were forced to eliminate a nrrnber of components of orn plans, including the Third Floor Expansion. We opened the Campus Center in 1990 with minimal "ftrrrishings" for the interior space. In additiorU costs escalated to the point that we instituted a Bond Program vfiidl requires all parents to purchase a $2,500 Bond per student, repayable wtren the child leaves VMS. This was required to meet the increased costs of the reduced Campus Center program. The Campu.s Center expansion met many of orr objectives and provides diversiff in orn program and a resor:rce for the commrmity. Both the Bolshoi Academy and Brarrol Colorado nsed orn facilities this past surnmer and the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra has requested the space as a back up rehearsal hall this sunmer. 3160 KATSOS RANCH ROAD . VA|L, COLORADO 81657 o (303) 476-3850 ' V^il Mountain sfi*l Crnrent Plans T.aqt fall, the Board decided to commence a campaign to raise ftnds to finance the Third Floor Expansion. The campaigfr has been successfrd and we now have pledges and grants of approximately S200,000 to meet an estimated project cost of S265,000. Fnndraising is continuingbutwe expect to frnance the final $50,000 with debt. We had also hoped to expand the library but lack of financing will force rrs to abandon those plans at this time, The Problem By the time construction started on the Campus Center in the Srnnmer of 1989, it was clear that VMS did not have the fu:ds to complete the Third Floor Expansion. Hence, after some disctrssion, the building permit application did not cwer the third floor plans. In retrospect, that appeam to have been a major mistake since we must now face the cost of compliance with regulations that would not have applied had we requested the building permit urder orr original plans. We have discussed two methods of compliance with the requirement of ftrll accessibility for the disabled, a ramp to the second and third floors and an elevator serving the basement and three floors. Under the requirements, a ramp cen rise only one foot for every fifteen feet of length. Even if the Design Review Board would allow construction, sudr a solution is clearly impractical. An elevator is the only solution to provide full accessibility. Our general conhactor, Beck and Associates, has estimated that the cost for an eleyator wtridr meets all the prcnrisions of the UBC would be $103,500. Financiallg this solution is not feasible. An elevator would increase the cost of the Third Floor Expansion by 39?o and VMS would be forced to borrow over $150,000, almost doubling the debt service csst of the sdrool. The VMS Board would not start a pmject which forces borrowing of this magnitude for a project that includes a 28?acoinponent of cost (the elevaior) that we rriew as unnecesssary. Why Is Full Compliance UnneeessarJd VMS is an independent school with no disabled students or faculty. Nor are we aware of any applications by disabled students or faculty. Curently, 61.57o of the square footage of the sdrool is fully accessible to the disabled. AJter completion of the Third Floor Expansion, 55?o of the square footage of VMS would be fully accessible. VMS has had students with injrries which have restricted them from full access. However, by design, all of their academic, art and physical education needs were addressed successfully. VMS has demonsfated the ability to handle the physicaily challenged. One of the goals of the Third Floor Expansion is to provide the school greater flexibility to move classes and classrooms to accommodate circrrnstances sudr as disabled students or faculty. If the third floor is not completed, VMS will have a greatly diminished capacity to accommodate such persons. 3160 KATSOS RANCH ROAD . VAtL, COLORADO 81657 r (303) 476-38s0 V^il Motmtun S&*l Probable Results af ltenial of the Af'Feal As expected, demand for VMS increased after completion of the Campus Center- VMS has a faculty and administration that could accommodate over 200 students and we have budgeted for 190 next year. Hcrurever, there is insrdficient classroom space at orr ctrrent size. The sdtool is operrating rrrder short term "solutions" whi& can only be temporary. We believe that VMS is an asset to the Town of Vail and the valley. We are avrare of families who chose to msve to Vail because of the school. Ttre school provides a dilrcrsity of families in the commurity that should be encorraged. Curently, approximately 10% of orr operating budget is designated for financial aid. \IMS needs to occupy ttrc third floor to accomrnodate the current demand for the school. Om only option is to expand upward to orr third floor. Ctlrent site coverage resbictions of the town do not allovr any expanqlsn oubward Hence, if the third floor expansion is not allowe4 we would be forced to consider reducing the size of the sdrool. The financial implications of such a move would be severe since the costs of operation wordd rremain the same but be spread over a smaller student body. Conclusion We request that you waive the requirement that would force VMS to install an elevator. The financial bwden of full compliance with the UBC would stop the planned Third Floor b<pansion. Hence, denial of this appeal would actually reduce the school's ability to accommodate the physically drallenged. Sincerelv. Jd)z., -,//'/,.,////./ lqi:7,7 "sqv -/- \v- -Bwon Rose Chairman of the Board 3160 KATSOS RANCH ROAD r VA|L, COLORADO 81657 r (303) 476_3850 o TOWN AF VAIL 7J Soatb Frontage Roail Yail, Colorado 81657 I 0t -47 9 -21 1 I / 47 9 -21 1 9 D epartment of Comm*dty Dcoelopmcnt Mr. Byron Rose Chairman of thc Board Vail Morurtain School 3160IGtsos Ranch Road Vail, Colorado 81657 May 5,1992 Dear Mr. Rose: I have reviewed the Vail Mormtain School's r€quest for not installing a elevator in the School, for the cost would exceed 25% ofthe Third floor expansion. Your Appeal has been ganted nnder Appendix Chapter 31 of 1991 Uniform Building Code Section 3ll4 (a) 2 . This Approval has been ganted nnder the Uniform Building Code only, and any requiremeirts that the (ADA) Americans ttrith Disabilities Act may require is the sole responsibility of the Vail Mountain School. Chief Building Official cc: File Pam Hopkins CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE _ COPY OF PEHMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOSSITE DATE RECEIVED APRIL 14, 1992 n(] PLA5N rN SLOr_.1'l _ PERMIT NO. department of community dwelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT EFeutLontc EFelrcrntcnl g!PLUMBING FOUNDATION EF ME.HANlcAbroFrurros RANcrr R'AD r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTOT{ | [ t |V V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M DIVISION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : CAMPUS CENTER FXPANSTNN PHASE TT TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION LOT I? BL FILTNG VAIL v449E #U BUILOING PERMIT 1 , 296. 00 r334 1335 i\t' 842.00 85.00/Pc=71.00NAME VATI. MOIINTATN SEIIOOT. @ ATTERATION ( ) ADDITIONAL (xt REPAIR ( ) DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMOOATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEOED: F|RM sNolfDoN HoPKINS MAILApDRESS 201 GoRE CREEK DR 61ry VAIL ; CO en!76-220l ArD/ 200 . 00 GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM BECK AND ASSOCIATES rowlr op vlt nee. l.to. 117-A 949-1800 TOTAL PERMIT FEES $3,818,00 DAN STANEK 5/19/92 2127le2 & BU1LD1NG NorEs. SEE ATTACIIED NOTES TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. PLUMBING I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structur6 according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unilorm B.lilding Code and other ordirevrew approved, unrlorm uJJrrdrng GLBAN IIP r0: E#t|:yng,E;;'+L='o SIGNATURE OF AND THE OWNER. {++.*+{+{+v*'t , e-t et b'.3 CONTFACTOR FOR HIMSELF FIRM TRD TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACT TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. TELE. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT depanment of community devalopment TO SE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOB TO TSSUANCE OF P€FMIT TYPE OF PER M IT ! pluMatNc I FouruolrtoN! BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL V /\ \r) t\ 'frl { ' ( LEGAL ncc^ LOr /2 BLK---4-- FILTNG VUI-YiIqs--E- OWNER .'*V4' I .0ott61pu4ta-2bl K*t^ ARCHITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR . QIQ-\Roc> TOWN oF va!! rEg: NOj ) rrr.r*,.o, CONTRACTOR - TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. PLU[IBING CONTRACTOR .,.u A) f A TOWN OF VAII REG- NO. TELE. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR -i-,_- ,rou A) | * TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. TELE. OTHER ^ONTRACTO FIRM TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. >--- {i fgg? PERMTT no. 5ll J / t'^ ERAL OESCRIPTION OF r', t. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I tl lll lv \v "' Z OCCUPANCY GROUP A B€}I I R M DIVISION 122231 z F ) EUILDING ELECTRICAT 1.' Jz r' /-2,,7PO.,O e----B PLUMBING UECHAI{ICA 1.cr, -fflAO,oo Y t Yt\\-':.i. \\. ,=7rrl"=ilooo,r'',- TYPE GRqVP G-R.F'A. VALUATIOII ;!7,9 | ru( r-'..'. PERMITFEES l-ttv f ?qi -r u BUILDTNG PERUIT /A?o .ac: PLAN CHECK 9tl Z, t'<: ETECTRICAL Jrt',"r,' PLUMBING .JFe-.ou/f(1 //,aNEwl ) ALTERATIOw i noolttonec(x REPAIR( ) ACCOMMOOATION UNITS -- NO. FTAEPLACES OW€LLtNG UNITS HEIGHT IN fi, THICKNESS R.VALLU€ TYPE ADOITIONAL PEAMTTS NEEOED: INSULATION: FLOOR EXT. WALLS ST. CUT BtJ^STING PARKING ECHANICAL /.t.c-r.;fi' /ti -t' RECNEATION FEE 44?, aa OESIG REVIEW BOARO iT779.,9 'L.t fut /)t-z , d I CLEAN-UP OEPOSIT 1Z)() , ()(\ USE TAX TOTAfTPERMIT FEES 4q t*,aa ANO TI.IE OWNER. I hereby acknowledge tnat I have read this application. filled out in full the informalion required' compleled an accurate ptot ptan, and state that alt t|re-iJormation provided as required is correct' I ;il:';;;;p'v *itn iti" inioim"tion and plot plan' to complv wit'h alt Town 'ordinances and state taws, and ro buird tn,, .,,']""t'-iiJ;!;"'-i''i l;'.1h;t::l^t-:i:':p.::t":::t#:iii""3:,?ti,:i"'.'n"itY,:*"$;"#"0':"u;il;ril'illi;i"g c"a;"ia "tner oroinances ot |J,'erown apeticable thereto' x o.'l ,/, Fo{'tsC / exrer,.6c,n'-1 '-'^^r'':r'"irtl trl* / f,,dd ?r,-ck. iio. ' slax -aoga*.&)<CHECK REQUEST PREPARED BY: VENDORNAME:f,l---, u c- VEnNDORNUMBER: OOO e7 ,Oz DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE:CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND FOR BP # NA}rffi OF JOB:P h^-.--7 ACCOLINTNUMBER: 0r 0000 22002 AMOLINTOFREFL|ND, ds*-o O- ._ DATE APPROVED: APPROVAL SIGNATURE: ;ioiir Fl o--n EH:E anF={ F{vo r-. (D\om9x'"mT{ oz a_og,a{ m 'o m,3 =zI l-lo lctl li tJl \c) (o N) Nt!= Nm= tr I -5-<v< =6z Y =z m! = R5 >o niJsto zcz I o z m f t- cm Fz vrHFzHF 0l c)lo! +l o1 -l I I I I b4 ,{z € z =z 6. I I >t-{ml I I I ; gl ill N' t) \o i.J F @ F 2ozoI i-lF l>IH IFlc) ItEk!lulz lrl l14 l(/l I I -o April 14, 1992 Gary Murrain Town of Vail Building Department 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Gary: Attached you will find 2 stamped sets of plans and an application for a Building Permit. Per out meeting today with Pam Hopkins, Bryan Rose, Dan, myself and you, Vail Mountain School will schedule an Appeal with regards to the elevator. We unde.rstand that your plan check is contingent on the outcome of that Appeal, but that the plan check can occur prior to the Appeal outcome. Should you have any questions, please call me. Sincerely, M.. IE 6ruW Bill Anderson Project Manager Beck and Associates, Inc. BA/di Attachment -/ / TOWN AF VAIL 42 West Meadow Driae Vuil, Colorado 81657 10t-479-22t0 Vail Fire Department uo apn 2 stssel MEMORANDUM TOWN OF VAIL BUIIJDING DEPARTI{ENTVAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT ,..-)Mlchaet Mccee, FIre Marshal Uileff Atencio, Flre fnspector -,47tt.t 2&, t?72 .:t-L/'(,t /":n1,/ 5.H 2ea''x< /- The Fire Department has revier+ed the plans for the projectabove. The iterns marked belor,r need to be: TO: FROM: DATE: RE: named Fire // subnitted revised furni-shed. sprinkler shop drawings need to be subnLtted: with a colorado RegLstered Englneerrs or N.r.c.E.T. r.,,evel 3(nininun) stanp. wlth cut aheets on naterial_s. with hydraulic calculatlons. .-_--_.2_ with a State of colorado plan Registration form. TOWN OFVAIL 42 l4/est Meailow Driae Vail, Colornilo 816J7 t03-479-22t0 TO: FROM! DATE: RE: submitted Flre alarn Vail Fire Deptrtment !,IEMORANDt'!I TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT VAIIJ FIRE DEPARTMENT Michael Mccee, Fire Marshal,f_eff AtencJ-o, Fire Inspectorzfurz< Z&, t72z a)n'z 7-4F,., .r--z'-n/ -/ /-u*-Z- -The Fire Department has reviewed. the plans for ttre proJectnaned above. The itens marked below need t6 be: -/7'/ revised furnished. shop drawings need to be submitted; with a Colorado RegJ.stered Engineerrs staup. with polnt to polnt wlring diagraur. with typlcal device wlrlng dlagrans. with battery calculations. with a llst of speciflc device model nunbers. with equipment cut sheets for each type of device. with the nunber of each type of device. with lnformation l-ndicating the specific zones. with circuit diagrans. with wiring type, size, and nunber of conductors. with source of A.C. power circuits. with emergency lighting at the fire alarm with Lnfornation lndicating nonitoringmonitorLng agency. panel . method and 'Town of VaitO w-DAFE23pg| 75 S. Frontage Rd. VaiI, Co,81657 (303) 479-2t38 jcAsENO. / 9s"19 't-€ @on StaffUsc Onty) BOARD OF APPBALS Application is hereby made for an appeal of an intelpretation of the Uniform Building Code as provided in Section 204 as adopted- OWNER Va i'l Mounta i n School pHONs tt76-3850 OWNER'S ADD (Please Fint or type) 160 Katsos Ranch Road c0 81657 Street CONTACT PERSON (if other than owner) Byron Rose CONTACTPERSON'S mDruSS zSg5 Booth c.""k p Street Ciry Srare AP Legal description of property which is subject of the reque"r A Da rt of l ot 1 2 . Vil laqe, l2th fil inq. Town of Vail. Eaqle Countv. Address or location of property which is subject otttre req""". 1150 K"tsos R REQLIEST (cite specific section and subsection of the Uniform Code from which an appeal is being requested): We request that vou waive the requi rement(s) that wou ld require that Vail l.lountai n. School install an elevator to complv wjth the provisions of the new Uniform Buildinq Code. The cost estimate from our Contractor for a complvinq elevator is 103'500. This is more than 25? of total oroiect cost and hence qualifies for an State zw appeal under Section 3114(a)2 of the new UBC. Signature of Owner ,*"-&4a* 'VatJ Mountain Stwl h,c,'. April 22, 1992 Mr. Gary Moran Chief Building Official Town of VaiI Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Moran: Vail Morurtain School intended to remodel the first and third floors of the sdrool starting the day after school closes on May 21. Pledges and grants of approximately $200,000 harre been receined from parents, forrrdations and other contributors. We now wrderstand that Congress recently passe4 and the Town of Vail adopted regulations that wordd require VMS to install an ele\rator if we wish to utilize otr third floor. l{e do not have ftnding for an elevator and will be forced to abandon the project if one is required. \{e believe VMS qualifies for an appeal to have the compliance standards waived urder Section 311t1(a)2, Request for Appeal, since the cost of compliance wordd exceed 259o of the total project cost. Backgrormd VMS was the first school in Vail and operated as the only sdrool from 1962mtil 1968. We are an independent sdrool with 186 students and 24 faculty. VMS has met in a nunber of locations in its nearly 30 year history and moved into its current home in the Booth Falls area in 1979. The building the sdrool occupies was constnrcted with an upper level that cordd be utilized if and when the sdrool grevi to a size requiring additional space. History of the Third Floor b+ar:sion At the request of parents, in 1987 VMS started a Campns Center campaign to raise capital for major renorration and consbuction at the school, including the firird Floor Expansion. After three years, orrer S1.1 million was pledged by families, friends and formdations. Unfortrmately, the cost of our plans exceeded what we were able to finance and we were forced to eliminate a nurrber of components of otn plans, including the Ttrird Floor Expansion. We opened the Campus Center in 1990 with minimal "fnrnishinp' for the interior space. hr additiorl costs escalated to the point that we instituted a Bond hogram which requires all parents to prrrhase a 82,500 Bond per student, repayable when the child leaves VMS. This was required to meet the increased c-,osts of the reduced Campus Center program. The Campus Center expansion met many of orn objectives and provides diversit5r in orn program and a resotrce for the commwrity. Both the Bolshoi Academy and Bra'aol Colorado nsed orr facilities this past summer and the Rodrester Philharmonic Orchestra has requested the space as a back up rehearsal hall this summer. s160 KArsos O"" RoAD . vArL, coLoRADo s1654(303) 476-3850 .Veil Mountain Sc?ool Crntent Plans Last fall, the Board decided to commence a campaign to raise ftnds to finance the Third Floor E:pansion. The campaign has been successful and we now have pledges and grants of approximately $20O000 to meet an estimated project cost of S265,000. Frurdraising is continuing but we erpect to finance the final S50,000 with debt. We had also hoped to orpand the library but lack of financing will force rrs to abandon those plans at this time. The hoblem By the time consbrrction started on the Campns Center in the $muner of 1989, it uras clear that VMS did not harre the ftnds to complete the Ttrird Floor fxpansion. Hence, after some discussion, the building permit application did not cover the third floor plans. In retrospect, that appears to harrc been a major mistake since we mrrst nor face the cost of compliance with regulations that wordd not have applied had we requested the building permit under orl original plans. We havre discussed two methods of compliance with the reqtrirement of foll accessibility for the disabled, a ramp to the second and third floors and an elevator serving the basement and three floors. Under the rcquirements, a ramp can rise only one foot for errery fifteen feet of length. E\ren if the Design Review Board lvodd allow consb:trction, such a solution is clearly impractical. An elevator is the only solution to proride full accessibility. Otn general conhactor, Beck and Associates, has estimated that the cost for an elevator which meets all the provisions of the UBC would be $103,500. Financially, this solution is not feasible. An elevator would increase the cost of the Third Floor Expansion by 399o and WIS would be forced to bonow orer $150,000, almost doubling the debt service cost of the school. The VMS Board would not start a pmject wtrich forces bormwing of this magnitude for a project that includes a287o component of cost (the elevator) that we view as unnecesssary. Why ls Full CornFliance Unnecessary? VMS is an independent sdrool with no disabled students or faculty. Nor :re we aware of any applications by disabled students or facdty. Ctnrently, 61.5% of the sqnare footage of the sdrool is fully accessible to the disabled. After completion of the Third Floor Expansioru 55% of the square footage of WIS wotrld be fully accessible. VMS has had students with injrries u,hich have restricted them from lfill access. Howerrer, by design, all of their academic, art and physical education needs were addressed successfully. lruS has demonstrated the ability to handle the physically challenged. Ond of the goals of the Third Floor E4pansion is to provide the sdrool greater flexibility to mone classes and classrooms to accommodate circunstances sudr as disabled students or faculty. If the third floor is not completed, VMS will ha.ie a greatly diminished capacity to accommodate such persons. 3160 KATsos O"* RoAD . vArL, coLoRADo 816s4 (303) 476-38s0 hobahle Results of llenial of the Appeal As expected, demand for VMS increased after completion of the Campus Center. VMS has a faculty and administration that could accommodate over 200 students and we have budgeted for 190 next year. Hcmrcver, there is insrdficient classroom space at orn ctl:€nt size. The school is operating rnder short tenn "solutions" $tictr can only be temporary. We believe that VMS is an asset to the Town of Vail and the valley. We are arvare of families wtro drose to move to Vail becawe of the school. the sdrool provides a dfirersity of families in the commurity that should be encorraged. Ctrrently, approximately L$?o of orr operating budgpt is designated for financial aid. WtS needs to occupy the thid floor to accommodate the ctrrent demand for the sdrool. Otr only option is to expand upward to otr third floor. Crrrent site crwerage restrictions of the town do not allow any expansion outward- Hencg if the third floor expansion is not allorued, we would be forced to consider reducing the size of the sdrool. Ttre financial implications of such a mo\ne would be severe since the costs of operation would remain the same but be spread over a smaller student body. Conclusion We request that you waive the requirement that rrodd force \&IS to install an elevator. Tlre financial buden of fuIl compliance with the UBC would stop the planned Ttrird Floor Bpansion. Hence, denial of this appeal r,rlould actually reduce the school's ability to accommodate the physically drallenged. Sincerelv./W4fu Blron Rose Chairman of the Board s160 KATsos lO", RoAD . vArL, coLoRADo 8160 (303) 476-3sso 'at' TAWN OFVAIL 75 Sortb Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 816t7 1 0t -479 -2 r 3 I / 47 9 -2 1 t 9 D cp artmcnt of Commanity D co elopmcnt Mr. Byron Rosc Chairman of the Board Vail Mor:ntain School 3160 Katsos Ranch Road Vail, Colorado 81657 May 5,1992 Dear Mr. Rose: I have rcviewed the Vail Mormtain School's r€quest for not insta[ing a elevator in the School, for the cost would exceed 25o/o of the Third floor ocpansion. Yor:r Appeal has been ganted rmder Appendix Chapter 31 of 1991 Uniform Building Code Seaion 3114 (a) 2 . This Approval has been granted under the Uniform Building Code only, and any requirements that the (ADA) Americans With Disabilities Act may require is the sole responsibility of the Vail Mountain School. Chief Building Official cc: File Pam Hopkins o t' Plan Review Based onthe 1992 Unifom Codes NAME: VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL DATE: 5-L4-92 ADDRESS: 3150 KATSOS RANCH RD. CONTRACTOR: BECK & ASSOC.VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: SNOWDON-HOPKINS OCCUPANCY: E ENGTNEER: ALBERT ANDERSON TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-1HR PLANS E){AI4INER: DAN SIAI{EK CoRRECTTONS REQUTRED Tbe itens listed below are not lntended to be a complete li.stiagof all possible code requirenents in tbe adopted cod€s. It is aguide to selected sections of, tha codes. Tbe foJ.lowing ig not tobe construed to be an approval of any violation of aay of tbe pro-visions of tbe adopted codes or any ordinance of tbe Town of Vail . ].. FIRE DEPARTMENT OKAY REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. ANY NEW VENTILATION SYSTEMS NEED TO HAVE PLANS APPROVED BY THE TOhIN OF VAIL BEFORE ANY VENTILATING hIORK CAN BE STARTED.3. WINDOWS TO BE TEMPERED IF WITHIN 24'I OF DOOR.4. DOORS IN CORIDOR TO BE 20 MINUTE RATED AND CLOSURE AND SMOKE SEAL REOUIRED.5. SPRINKLER SYSTEM AND FIRE ALARM SYSTEM NEEDS FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED ON THESE SYSTEMS.5. GUARDRAIL AND HANDRAILS TO MEET SEC.17 & SEC.33 OT 1991 UBC. o ./ {tr |} rxsrucrroilrs co{PLETEI) The ltens belor ueed to be co'uplete beforegtvlng a pelilft a floal C of O. Please check off ln the bor provlded. m n rINAL HECEANICAL DATE: tl I I TilPRovEMENT suRvEy RBsrD. f,AuE: FINAL ELECTRICAI TEMPOaARY C OF O CERTIFICATE OF OCCUP I.A}IDSCAPING DIIE FILE NAl.lE \stt o sD Jui i 41gg2 ttte mi mueller co., inc. 7 July 1992 Pan llopkins SNO!{DO}I & HOPKTNS ARCHITECTS 201 Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 8L557 Subject: Structural Inspection VATL }fOT]NTAIN SCIIOOLVail, Colorado Dear Pam: At the reguest of tbe Town of Vail Building Department, this officehas inspected the following iteus at the above referenced project: a) NEW ROOF VALI;EY BEAITtEi-The valley nenbers referensed on plansby ANDERSON-IIASTINGS dated I Aprll l_992 were installed perplan. The valley beam connection shown on Detail c was revisedto not require L/An sieel plates between the val-Ley beams andthe supporting meubers. The upper end of valley beams werenotched for bearing, the portion of the valley b,eAlns below thenotch were bolted to tbe suptrtorting beams wiE}a 2-3/4r diarneterx 8rr lag bol-ts. lltre lower end of the valley beams as installedare adeguate for the design loads without the addition of anyhardware. b) ART ROOI{ IIINDOW-A new 32rr wide by 24rr tall window will beinstalled into tbe existing foundation wall on the south sideof the building. The window opening must be placed between stems of the concrete double Trees supporting the floor above.llhe top of the window nust be cut uinimuu 3Z!r beneat-h thebearing points of the stems. place an L6x6x5/1G tintel intothe opening and bolt to the concrete with 5/8i diameter Trubott Wedge Anchors spaced e 16tr on center installed per manufacturers details and specifications. provide minimum 4rlbearing each end of lintel and grout with non-shrink epo:(y. c) PREVIOUS INSPECTIONS-See Observation Report #t by AIIDERSON- HASTINGS dated 11 ,June L992. This office confirmedinstallation per plans of all beans and built-up columns inaccordance with above mentioned report. This office alsopreviously conducted an inspectioJ to verify installation ofadditional nenbers referenced on plans by this office dated 3June L992 clvff, archltectural ancl structural englneering o p.o. box 2747 vail,colorado 81658 476-2627 I Page 2 Pan Hopkins7 July 1992 rf you have any guest_io:rs regarding ttris letter or the proJect,please contact this office at the phone nunber shown ue,toi. Sincerely yours, TIIE til r,mrluen 6o., tltc. l,lark J. Mueller,Uafl( iI. llueller, PE .- ]President cc: tlike l{armenhoven llail Mowlain stA boMAY 15€s2' I May 13,l$l2 Mr. Gary Murrain Chief Building Olficial Town of Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr, Mrnrain: Upon receiving yorn letter of May 5, I was disfressed to see tlrat I completely blew the spelling of your last name. Please accept my apologies. I get quite a few interesting variations of my first rvrme, so I knoqr what it's like. On behalfofour Board Iwant to thankyou foryourvery quick attention to our appeal. Pam Hopkins also informed rls of yorr ruork leadirlg to orn proposed nse of a "deltge" system to solve other building code problems. It is very refreshing to deal with a public oflicial who approaches problems with a desire to solve them. At otrr Board meeting today, we gave ftrll authorization to proceed with our third floor expansion. We all look forward to a mudr msre comfortable sdrool next year. Again, thank you. Sincerlv.,., -i /t 7m44// Bwon Rose C-hairman St60 KATSOS RANCH ROAD . VAIL, COLORADO 81657 o (303) 476-3850 - JUL-r,=-92 HOb,.l AqL.cr,C I !rarr Sr.r(fwdonH(=Fk i n= P-€2 - Sflli:;' 131ssz : 2_€tI s FEl s' s' *+ t4"A/Fv leb#r4 A??,,f @ 4,tl.L-t Ln-:.ehh/E llrlnilft* ];WW UHlaTW+ l."trl-r|k?|al^fl wafl J uLY"l, It41 ' e Y+l -- lt-A. HflU4 Hr'j"l,be^I1ffil'4tr'1p.H a*+*Vpp ' n&-{*ffnffi#^" frUtt-l1*l rt"4; -"."4i-ffi.HF-ahl #p naf f INSPECTIONTOWN OF THU_Rr FRI lld ri REOUEST o" Q;; AIV L CALTER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: s'//z PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT . t/,--t .1: 'ApiiE Lr,z ';//2-- JOB NAME INSPECTION: 7./6c BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNDtr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEE.V tr o tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr E] tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATE ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILI NG GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL \ . /l ./\l xVz *r*2, a-1...---..,.., FINAL c o FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL flnenoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR i+ - T . PERMIT NU DATE INSPECTION REQUEST vAlL'.... ..-1 :i :r ,4 ,/ /(t/i ./,., 4*-,-..t TOWN OF CALLER TUES )pvREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: 7 tL i /{,a RI 11 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING : n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION E SHEETROCK CI FINAL tr UNDERGROUND - ,\RouGH / D.w.v. - VnoucH / wArER - 'E GAS PIPING -tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER , MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL F APPROVED CORRECTIOi\IS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR JOB NAME t INSPECTION REQUEST i2<rrt ' > t-1< ,'t", C DATE READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER IUEJ { (cO WED THUR {FRI AM PM (.!L'0 BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W-V.D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING E INSULATION D SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr n--) tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING $noucx b'g EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr_n tr FINAL tr FINAL ,/aeeeovea . ' CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR ''a-,--- .-\\\\ ..'il} :-j-\ \ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST DATE 1 .6*t READY FOR INSPECTION: LOG*TION: (nnnnoveo !JOB NAME OWN OF VAIL AM PM tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDtr DISAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR JUH-25-92 -f HU 6:4? A <{. L,{ o. C i =er 5 t-r o |ar d o r-l Fl {1 F k i 11g l'- kJt-ffi ANDERso5Hnsnncs Cor,muw5prtuNEERS'INc qfrp 205e BRYANT sr. ' DENVER, coLoRADo 80211 r (303)'433.84E6 a '' frA,1;*\ffi.nA . oBFsnvR'rrotr'BEBOnB [o- I DATE: 6tLLlg2 8Il[El ,, l0i!a-e'X'-- pRogDcIf vail Mountatn,-Fchoaf, -_ OOB # 999'45-02 - Parn EoEkins (dnowden I HoPkins) uike wlrmenhdoven (Eesk cbnstructlon. co' ) Biltl Anderson (Becli qo-ns-q419-t'_i91. C93-) ..: hls eol.ution. Met on slte to observe ProEresa of, remodEl and revierr nodlflcatlong nade tO structural svsteis-bv-r'riir-mrerrei as aiieciea by Pan lrypklT?:-, l!::1 beans had been add,ed uhere it tras aeterifilIa-tili tearing warri Feloy eLther dl-d iil[ *otii"fri-e"LE[-"r-:atd not extend to the foundation. the ttee]. beails are supported ly U"if{ "l pi"oA-stud-coiottts. -It wsg po-stble'to observe one of the gteeL beens -ie B-iyw"oa shCithing wis 111 pface'and coverLng the otherE' -The lnEtatlatlon of, new g1u 1an beane was In ProgresE i*lth nogt of, that lut"n renal.ning to bE conPleted. The bul,lt up tiuber coluunE $ere obEerved and ln general the follotrlng comnents apply: 1. AsEure that all colunns extend tp foundation walls and allgm '', vertlcally.Z. a"sure-iuii bearing between ooluran pleces Enfl eupported plecee' i. i.c. bearlng plates.. 3. Aesure-tfrai'aii p!.eces of biullt up coluilnn are ful1 helght fron f loor -tJ-iio"r-1io sPrtcesl . fn perfornlng the conetruetion it was dlscovered that bearing walls-used to frame tlre new roof did no! exl.st oi-w"r"-noi-contin""ui to tfre fgundEtl-on' t[i-i w"i-rd*trida-t;-[e;;=iiied bv ""ies on the stmctural drawlngs (Pran i;i; itt.--in-a"-eriori to expeariE bhe contlnuity of constructton Pan iiopirr,e'ina-dne- c;ilil1 Co"triotor-ooniactea w. llu9r1e5 for 1_.g1.+:1. deslsn soiutiin. We naii'-i"vfew"a Ur, lfueiftr'e deelgn and talce no exCeptlons to I -?" lv! Ron gtqvlnE ,--- .-* Ptrr Eopkin6 .+- sn9wqe.F.8...nLll Anderson - Beck €on *i" =rt\ i\ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT \ \t- :'i'\'r-\\r, DATE \ \.\J ; JOB NAME INSPECTION:q9J-- ruES wED rHUR FRI INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL '.- READY FOR LOCATION: AM (-PM- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEE- - ROOF & SHEER-. PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr tr GAS PIPING NSULATION POOL / H. TUB - SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL i tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR N FINAL D FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED ffisnop PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL I 3:. -t .-. , :, -ri . INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES FRI AM.PMREADY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V,tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER D EI tr tr ROOF & SHEER*' \'A. O GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL o tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: bTEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr BOUGH - tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - tr E FINAL tr FINAL ' B,APPROVED,^ CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED DATE INSPECTOFI t - ,.-\ t tt"',\ JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBEF OF PROJECT DATE CALLER f -...---- MON \ TUES WED THUR FRI INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL a INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr E tr t-l UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGBOUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATEBtr FRAMING r-1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB HEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PROVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR PERMIT NU F PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WE t INSPECTION REOUEST O REINSPECTION REQUIRED[.4eenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE. tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL D D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR g FINAL tr tr FINAL O POOL / H, TUB INSPECTOR ^t_t-5 Y /l PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT L ro, *oraDATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES THUR FRI {. ,IJ! g PM CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION N POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL 0 tr - tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n O SUPPLY AIR tr / r,*o,-D FINAL APPROVE tr DISAPPHOVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED /t CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR Pffis"op PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT//d /'> '-/OzDATE 4 /.1 _/ ' JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST, TOWN OF VAIL CALLER READY FOR TNSPECTON: ,e4si TUES .rtteo) rHUR FRr - AM Fti LocATloN: "* ' * v l)krz le i- BUILDING:BEST 'q.,F+*PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOOTINGS / STEEL O FOUNDATION / STEEI tr FRAMING _ - ROOF.& SHEER" pr-vWooo NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED niFs'op DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUM Lt-,DATE '.. READY FOR LOCATION: 4ro" *ote il ttV rt..-{ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL'K :,,, €.^/. r t-<, CALLER INSPECTION:MON ER OF PROJECT BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEI tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED \-Jn -rE |' '- ! =__ INSPECTORu^ t L ,7 INSPECTION TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL NAME CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON.ri WE P(APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ' tr DISAPPROVED EhErNSPEcroN REQUtRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND -D FOUNDATION / STEE_tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEBtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYwooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING -tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL MECHANICAL: D TEMP. POWER N HEATING tr ROUGH E] EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL .//.I. ../,, ,.INSPECTOB 1i... . ,' , '- i -DATE -'47''"' t ,\ './a rNstctoN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE 7 77'/3 JoB NAME /tI,"r gt'ztz,l-- ftl<t 4 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: CALLER MON WED THUR FRI Z -4 tt__=-ZLAlVl PM LOCATION: BUILDING: N FOOTINGS D FOUNDATI O FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL - BOOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr INAL tr E FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING E E g ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL o E FINAL feqenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ,-) s4 7/ PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE 1./1:22-Joe iJaME INSPECTION REQUESl TOWN OF VAIL REAOY FOR LOCATION: A UILD ING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL I NSPECTION:MON WED UR FRI n{* CALLER TUES '/. O FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMEING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATERo o D o o FRAM ING BOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAIIING O GAS PIPING INSU LATION SH€ETROCK O POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr E oFINAL O FOUGH FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TET"'P. POWEFI MECHANI CAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL tr FINAL O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRFO APPAOVED CORRECTIONS:. a Project Application r!Project Descriplion: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Arch itect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: "^," //r/r. DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: /r//J-.u*(;t t r / V-f'V3 p{,^,^pproval V,,n.t 1.Ar /-,, ,t,-. ,- \ FILT $$I,Y Pnesent Greg Amsden Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Ludwig Kurz Kathy Langenwalter Dalton Williams Gena Whinen PLANNING AND ET.IVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION March 9,1992 Staff Kristan Pritz Mike Mollica Jill Kammerer Andy Knudtsen Shelly Mello Amber Blecker The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Diana Donovan at l:05PM. l. A reouest for a worksession for a minor suMivision and a zone district change from Primarv/Secondarv Residential to Low Densitv Multiple Familv. for the Schmetzko properrv. generallv located at 2239 Chamonix line. morg particularlv described as: Parcel A: A tract of land containing one acre, more or less, located in the South 1/2 of-tn" Soutrr East 1/4 of Section 11, Township 5 South, Range 8l West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the NE corner of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 11; thence westerly along tlrc northerly line of said SW L/4 of the SE 1/4 bearing south 86 20' W a distance of 167.80 ft. to a point: Thence southerly along a line 167.80 ft. distant from and parallel to the east line of said SW 1/4 ofthe SE l/4, a distance of200.00 ft. to a point: Thence easterly a distance of 167.80 ft. along a line 200.00 ft. distant from and parallel to the north line of said SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 to a point on its east line; Thence easterly on a line parallel to the north line of the SW 1/4 of the SE l/4 of Section ll, a distance of 50.95 ft. to a point: Thence northerly and parallel with the west line of the east lf2 of the SE l/4 of said Section Il, a distance of 200.00 ft. to the point of intenection with the extension of the north line of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 11; Thence westerly on a deflective angle left of 95 2l'00" along the extension of the north line of the SW l/4 ofthe SE l/4 of said Scction 11, a distance of 50.95 ft. to the NE comer of the SW l/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 11, being the point of beginning. Planning and Environmental Commission . March 9, 1992 . Page I Parcel B: Tract A, Vail Heights Filing No. 1 according to the recorded plat thereof. Applicanc Erich Schmetzko Planner: Andy Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen explained the request and issues surrounding the proposal. Chuck Gist asked why the Iand Use Plan called out this area as Medium Density Residential. Kristan Pritz said MDR was a general range of 3-14 units, and was used as a guide. Greg Amden asked if the Commission should then give the applicant a development range. Rick Rosen, representing the applicant, said they wanted to obtain approval for as many units as possible. He said the hazard mitigation plans were still being worked upon, and that he would like to see direction from the Commission on the maximum number of units which would be approved. Greg asked for a history of the parcel. Rick responded that when Mr. Schmetzko purchased the property, it was not yet annexed into the Town of Vail. At that time, he believed it was zoned for 5 units by the County. When the Town annexed the alea, he balieved the owner was given no notice that the Town was going to down-zone the property. At this point, Mr. Schmetzko wished to rezone the property and replat it into one parcel for continuous access. Diana Donovan indicated that how the County had zoned the property was not the issue. She indicated she could only support increasing the density of the property if sufficient mitigation was performed. She believed it was unbuildable without mitigation. In addition, she felt it was critical that the mitigation be performed on the property, not off-site, as there would be too much scarring if the mitigation went back into the BLM lands. She challenged the owner to address the aesthetic cor$erns of the mitigation. Kathy Langenwalter was not comfortable rezoning the property. She thought a Special Development Disrict would be more appropriate. She was leery of giving the parcel a new zoning, then having it sold- Since the mitigation was critical to the proposal, she wanted more development controls placed on the property than just zoning. Diana agreed, but suggested placing plat restrictions on the parcels. Kathy did not believe that would be enough control, as the mitigation was part of the design process. Andy indicated that standards for the mitigation construction could be placed on the plat. Kathy believed the rezoning request would be easier to support if it was known who would develop the property. Rick replied that if the property was restricted through use of the plat, the developer would still be required to go through the planning process. If a site-specific request werc approved, it would be difficult for Mr. Schmetzko to sell the property, as it would limit the use and value of the land. Kathy reiterated that the site is very sensitive, and she did not believe a plat restriction would sufficiently protect the character of the area. Planning and Environmental Commission . I{arch 9, 1992 . Page 2 I o As this was a worksession item, no vote was taken. The public meeting was called to order at 2:50PM. All the Commissioners werc in attendance. 1. A request for an exterior alteration in the Commercial Core II zone district for the Cano Residence. Lot 5. Block 1. Vail Lionshead First Filine/52O East Lionshead Circle. Applicanu Viqtor CanoPlanner: Andy Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen presented stalfs recommendation for approval. Kathy Langenwalter asked if the window cladding would match the others in Lionshead Center. She was assured by Mike Krohn, the Cano's representative, that it would match the enclosure immediately above this proposal. Dalton Williams moved that the rEquest for an exterior alteration in the Commercial Core II zone district for the Cano Residence, Lot 5, Block l, Vail Lionshead First Filing/520 East Lionshead Circle be approved per the staff s recommendations. Ludwig Kurz seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously, T-0. 2. A request to extend a conditional use permit to expand the Vail Mountain School. located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/ Lot 12. Block 2. Vail Villaee l2th Filine. Applicant Vail Mounain SchoolPlanner: Andv Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen explained this was for a renewal of a previously-granted conditional use approval, and the renewal would be in effect for two years. Staff recommended the approval be renewed. Chuck Crist moved the request to extend a conditional use permit to expand the Vail Mountain School, located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/ lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing be approved per staffs memo. Kathy Langenwalter seconded the motion. It was unanimously approved by a vote of 6-0, with Gena Whitten temporarily absent during the vote. 3. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for the expansion of the Upper Eagle Vallev Consolidated Sanitation District administrative offices. at 846 Forest Roadfl-ot 31. Vail Villaee 2nd Filine. Applicant Upper Easle Vallev Consolidated Sanitation District Planner: Shellv Mello Shelly Mello presented the request to add additional administrative area to the existing Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District facility. Planning and Environmental Commission . March 9, 1992 . Page 1 , Greg Amsden asked if any of the adjacent property owners had given feedback on the proposal. Shelly indicated none had been received and all adjacent property owners had been notified. Steve Isom, representing the Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District gave a brief history of the property. He indicated a minor subdivision, as discussed in the staff memo, would be very expensive. There was no question of the boundaries, and the Disnict did not want to pay to "clean up" the problem. Shetly agreed that the cun€nt condition of the properfy lines was confusing, which is why staff felt it was important to address at this time. Kristan Pritz indicated the Town may be able o split the cost of the subdivision process. Diana asked if having the subdivision in place at the time a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy was issued was realistic. Shelly thought it would be. Dalton Williams did not think it rnade sense to use tax dollars for a formality between two government agencies, especially when there was not a conflict between the entities. Steve agleed, stating that when the property was deeded, both sections were given to the Town. He agreed to work with the Town to rcach an agreeable solution. Kristan also agreed to work out the issues. Diana Donovan believed it should be a requirement of the project. Steve addressed the height and landscaping issues, stating that the exact height of the addition would be 25'-9" due to an increase in structure needed to carry the snow load. He did not believe 5 more trees in the front of the property would be beneficial. Kristan suggested placing the nees in a landscaping "gap" toward the gas station. Diana felt there were locations which could also benefit from additional landscaping. Diana asked if employee housing could also be built in conjunction with this application. Steve indicated that the offices were above the aeration and settling basin, and were definitely not desirable for housing placement. Diana did not see the justification for 6,000 additional square feet, as she believed the building worked at this time. Steve responded that t/a of the space was for public meeting area. Kathy Langenwalter was concerned that the architectural detailing be carried over to the addition and that it be consistent with the existing facility. Kathy moved the request for a conditional use permit to allow for the expansion of the Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District administrative offices, at 846 Forest Roadfl-ot 31, Vail Village 2ndFiling be approvedper the staff memo, with the condition the Design Review Board review the addition's detail to ensure it was similar to the existing building and verify location of 10 additional evergreen trees to be planted, noting the building height was 18 inches higher than reflected in staff's memorandum, and recommending that the Town of Vail and the District pursue a minor subdivision. Ludwig Kurz seconded the motion. Before the vote, Dalton Williams encouraged the Disuict to consider additional landscaping, where appropriate. The motion was approved by a unanimous 7-0 vote. Due to the anival of an adjacent property owner to the Schmetzko properry, the Commission briefly returned to discussion of the first worksession item. Planning and Environmental Commission . March 9, 1992 . Page 8 r,ql.-rr|.r- >J, t'run crJ.-: lu:vl.ltL r0-t I luflHL IJHnK d4 ,T-//L Hb'abaL |EL HUr JgJl4 ab;4tbb\,I FJb:, F rltC vail National Banlc]'os South FrontaEe Road lfeetveil, oo 8l6sz Ee: Certtflcate of D€poBit tso4667Vall ilountal,n SctrootUnder Develolnent Agrre€ncntDated epril a:, tggl I TbiE- letters servca as authoriaation for vall Na{ional aenlsllquidate thc absv.e-ret""tncea iiEif, icate "r Gp"-ir-i"""r.iirrginetsuctions receivea *our lll ll-rf u"untar, ;;i;i.- ' toto A",Utrt/,*14-lffi \for ttre fonn of vall \'--- I I t'. f Planning and Andy Knudtsen March 9, 1992 A request for an 1991, which allowed an located at 3160 lGtsos Ranch Applicant: vail Mountain school Planner: Andy Knudtsen I /kdt aln 4, 1/{z granted on March 11, SchoolfacilltY, Vail Village 12th Filing. I TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST on Marcfr 11, 1991, the Planning and Environmental commission approved an approximately 3,300 sq. ft. addition to the thirdJloor of the primary building to orgvi{q additional classroom space ai the Vail Mountain School. This conditional use approvalwill lapse on March 11' 1'gg2 untess it is extended. The Mountain School is currently tundraising, and would like to construct this phase this summer, if the approval is extended. The memo and minutes from 1991 are attached and explain the proposatin detail. The plans have not changed from the 1991 approval. On February 24,lggz,the Mountain School submitted an application for an expansion to their library. Thii request has not been previously approved, and- is separate lrom the request for an eitension to iast year's approvai. The library expansion is approximately 700 sq. {" T9 . will require a site coverage vdriance as well as a conditional use review. Staff has scheduled this iteh for the March 25, 1992 Planning and Environmental Commission meeting. Staff wanted the pEC lo be aware that anothel request from the Mountain School will be presented soon, II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the requ€st to extend the conditional use approval' based on the attached PeC m'eho. The two conditions of approval relating to landscaping and drainage, tied to the March 11, 1991 request, have been tulfilled' MEMORANDUM L-.1 Il *lio r L\\tI tvwf 't \ t\\"5\ of a conditional use a| )aqsion of the existing clpedmemo6vnh6ch,S09 lTn. FROM: DATE: STJBJECT: I'EMOR]A}IDT'M Planning and Environmental Commission Community Developrnent Department I. March 11, 199L Reguest for a condiLional use pernit in order to expand the existing Vail Mount.ain School f4cility, located aE 3160 Katsos Ranch Road,/ Lot 72t Block 2' Vail village 12th Filing.Applicant: Vail Mountain School DESCRIPTION OF 1989 APPROVAL On February 8, 1989, the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) approved a three phase expansion program for the Vail Mountain School. Phase I (10'318 sg. ft.) has been completed, which included the gymnasi.um, focker roorns and a stage. The Town issued the building permit for this consLruction on May 25, L989. Phases II and III are unbuilt, but were approved under the February 8, 1989 approval . Phase If is the 3240 sguare foot addition of a third floor within the primary building to create classroom space. Phase III will incLude a lobby, restrooms, kitchenette and a gym offi-ce. These rooms will be built sorith of the existing gymnasium under the existing covered entry. DESCR]PTION OF CURRENT REQUEST At this time, the applicant has applied for a conditional use to re-activate only the approval for Phase ff. The reason the applicant needs to return to the PEC for a new conditional use approval for Phase II is because the 1989 conditional use approval has lapsed. The zoning code language in Section 18.60.080 states thaL: "The zoning administraLor shall issue a condltional usepermit when action of the Pl-anning Commission becomesfinal, subject to such conditions as may be prescribed by the Commission. The pernit shall lapse if construcLion is not commenced within one year of the date of issuance and diligently pursued to completion,or i.f the use for which the perrnit is granted is not commenced within one year." II II If the PEC approves this reqirest, Lhe applicant will haveone year to pu11 a building pernit for this construction.The applicant must return later to the PEC for reapproval ofPhase III. Conditional use approval for that phase hasalready lapsed, and this request does not include that.phase. The reason the applicant has not reguested Phase fIIapproval is because the specific plan for the proposed roomshas not been designed. At this time, it is not clear ifanother site coverage variance is needed. The applicantwill wait until funds for Phase III are available, do thedesign work, and then apply for a site coverage variance (if needed) at that time. BACKGROUND OF THE VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL The Vail Mountain School received approval to construcL a new school in Booth Creek in 1978. The applicant requesteda conditional use approval for a privat.e school ofapproximately 91 000 sguare feet for a maximum of 100students. Condit.ions of approval were as folLows: 1. The maximum floor area for the Vail Mountain Schoolbuilding is not to exceed L0r000 square feet. 2. The Vail Mountain School is to be used only by the VailMountain Schoof for school functions. 3. Additional parking shall be provided by the Vail Mountain School if the proposed parking is found by thePlanning and Environmental Cornmission to be inadeguate. 4. The location of the school building and its activitiesare restrict.ed to the area designated on the plans approved by the Planning and Environmental Commissionat the October 24, 1978 meeting, which are on file inthe Community Developrnent Department. A deedrestriction from Vail Associates wilI limit the amountof land to be used by the school on this designatedarea. The balance of the seven acre parcel is to berestricted as green belt. 5. The cabin current.ly on the property is to be preserved and restored either in its existing location or j-n anot.her location restricted to the eastern part of thesite as shown, as shown on the submitted plans. fn November, L9'l 9, the Vail Mountain School received expansion approval to construct a lunch room, indoorrecreational area, and a dark room. Conditional use approval was given in October, 1981 to remove the restriction limiting the number of students at Vail Mountain School . fn August, 1983, the school received conditional use approval to accommodate a sodded soccer field. In 1984, the school received approval to add approximately 31096 square feet. The proposal provided space for a print roon, computer roon, language lab, two classrooms, one meeting room, and one kindergarten room. A parking/hard space/play area of approximately 4r000 square feet h'as located on the existing parking area. During this conditional use review, a rock fall barrier was also proposed on the north hillside above the school . At this time, the Vail Mountain School has a total gross sguare footage of 18r571 square feet on January 25, 1988, a work session was held on the vail Mountain School- to discuss the gymnasium and classroom expansion as well as the vacation of the deed restriction. The Planning and Environmental Commission determined that it would be appropriate for the deed restriction to be voided. Representatives from the Vail Mounlain School, Marsha Sage, President of the Board of Directors and Mr. PeLer Abuissi, Headmaster, i"ndicated that there would noL be a major increase in devel-opment. after this expansion. Since that PEC meeting, the deed restriction has been voided. 0n February 8r 1.989, the Planning and EnvironmenEal Commission approved a three phase expansion approval described in the first seclion of this memo. The first phase of that has been constructed, which had 1,0'318 square feet. After the 31240 square foot expansion of Phase II is built, the total fLoor area of the school will be 32rt29 square feet. III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Department recommends approval of based upon the following factors: Communit.y Developmentthe conditional- use permit A. Consi.deration of Factors: The development objecLives of the Town listed in the purpose sect.ion of the Open Space andAgricultural- District section of the zoning code state that "parks, schools, and certain types ofprivate recreation facilities and institutions are suitable uses in the agriculture and open o a z. space district, provided that the sites of these uses remain predominantly open." Staff believesthat the site is predominant.ly open, and that the use complies with the purpose of the Section asstated above. The school currently covers 7.932of the 6.122 acre site. Though this may appear Lothe PEC as a very smalL amount of site coverage,the code limitation for this zone district is only5*. The addit.ional 2.93+ of site coverage was approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission on February 13, 1989 in a site coveragevariance. Staff continues to believe, hovrever,that a site that is 92.07t open meets the intentof the purpose section. Construction of Phase IIwill not increase the site coverage. The effect of the use on liqht and air, neeos. Since the expansion is not intended to increasethe nunber of students, the current level of impact will not change. 3. Effect upon traffic with part.icufar reference tocongestion. automotive and pedestrian safetv and convenience, traffic flow and control, access,maneuverabilitv, and removal of snow from the street and parkinq areas. The appli-cant does not propose to change theparking layout or the access plan. There are currently 84 parking spaces on the site. Theparking lot is accessed from Katsos Ranch Road, with a one-way traffic flow, exiling onto Booth FalI Road. There is no direct access onto the Front.age Road. This is the desigrn which staff and PEC reviewed and supported in 1989 when the applicant was requesting Lhe three phase expansion to the schoof. If the applicant were to propose expansions other t,han those listed in the 1989 proposal' staff believes it would be necessary to reevaluate theparking demand and possibly require additional- spaces. However, because the existing design andparking supply were determined to be appropriate for the construcLion outlined in the 1989 review, and because this request does not involve anyfLoor area that was not described in that reguest,staff befieves t.hat the comprehensive site design does not need to be changed. As it has turned outin the past year since the parking lot has been constructed, the 84 spaces are more than enoughfor the demands of the school. The new windows and dormers proposed for the thirdfloor classroom expansion will actual-ly help break up the mass of the existing building on the north and south elevat.ions. As a result, the buildingwill appear less bu1ky. As part of the earlier approval, Lhe applicant intended to landscape the area north of the schooLto creaLe a buffer between this use and theresidential neighborhood north of the site. As this has not been done yet, staff is recommendingthat the applicant plant a buffer in this areaprior to the issuance of building permits for thisconstruction as a condition of approval . Becausethe landscaping requirements are part. of the Phase I approval, staff wil-l not issue a finaLCertificate of Occupancy (C.0.) for the consLruction until- the pfanting is installed. However, even though the Town has this condition on the final C.O., staff believes it is more appropriate for the applicant to complete this landscaping before starting Phase fI or at minimum, to provide a letter of credil for these improvements before any additional buildinSpermits are issued. Landscaping shown on the original approval southof the site was designed to screen the parking 1ot from the Frontage Road. This was particularly important to the Tor4rn, sj-nce part of the parking 1oL encroaches into the 20 foot front yard setback. A variance was approved for the parking in this location with the understanding that theapplicant would screen it with landscaping. The applicant has planted about half of the 30 trees shown on the plans, but several have died becausethe irrigation system failed. Once the irrigation system is fixed, the applicant will replace the surroundins uses. a o dead trees and plant the rest of t,he trees calledfor on the original landscape plan. Completingthe l-andscaping in this area should be anothercondition of approval for this request. Public works staff has identified a drainageproblem, crealed when the parking lot was expanded, which should also be corrected at thistime. IV. Such Other Factors and Criteria as the Commission DeemsApplicable to the Proposed Use, Attached to this memo is a letter from the Tor"rn to the Booth Creek neighborhood regarding the rock fa]l nitigation ditch. The concepL of t.his mitigation is one that provides the bestprotection to the school as it not only protects thebuildings, but also t.he play fields. As the letterindicates, the Town has written commitment from thecontractor to rebuild the berm in accordance i"rith theengineering compaction specificatj-ons. Ihe Town hopes to have the berm rebuilt during the summer of 1-991 . V. FIND]NGS That the proposed location of the use in accord withthe purposes of t.his Ordinance and the purposes of thedistricL in which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and thecondit.ions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the publichealth, safety, or welfare or materially injurious toproperties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each of theapplicable provisions of this Ordinance. VI. STAF.F RECOMMENDATIONS . Upon review of Section 18.60, the Conmunity Devel.opment Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: Consideration of Factors Staff believes that the current request meets Findings A, B, and C as it is in accordance with the purposes of this zone A. o district, it will be operated in a way which is not detrimental to public health, safety and welfare, - and that the request is in general eompliance with the zoning code' Staff believes ttrai the proposal is along the lines of what has previously been approved, does not increase the impacts of tire school-use at Lhis site, and will be architecturally beneficial to the existing building. As stated in the 1989 memo, however, Town staff does believe that with the construction of Phases I, II and III as outlined in the first section of this memo, the vail Mountain school will have reached the development potential of this site' Staff would recommend that any further requests to expand tbe school be fooked at very closely in order to rnaintain the intent of the agricultural open space zone district. The Community Development Department recommends approval of t,his request with the following conditions: Prior to issuance for building permits for this project, the applicant shall: A. Submit revised drawings for review and approval by the DRB that show what landscaping will be planted north of Lhe school to buffer the project from the residential neighborhood, and what landscaping will be planted south of the parking lot to screen the parking from the Frontage Road-. . Prior to the issuance of a building permit, this Landscapi-ng shal1 be installed' or a letter of credit for 100? of the cost for the landscaping shall be provided to the Town- Applicant shall secure CDOH approval for any improvements in the right.-of-wayr if necessarY. B. Submit for the review and approval of the Town Engineer a design which will solve the existing drainage problem. This work shall be completed prior to issuance of a TCO for the third floor classroons. :t". iill"lli' 1ffi';T:3 5;$:":rulni::'f :: ji:i'E:lil'irpreviouslY discus lossible, given t The short ove:nriew by Anily Xnudtsen of the appllcation began with reference to the iitl piin' ilndla indicated tlre location ot the il;;i-expan=ro"l -an-a-"iatea. tiat the . applicltign would not result in an incr"l=e- in height' ie reitiiated that this uas somewhat of a lrouEekeeping lssle, -"-i"."-i condLtional use penoit had been granted'i;' ifi;;,1"t-ttia, rapsea' The appllcation wourd only apply to the Phase il orpanslonl and not Phase III' The issues Andy discussed rere the effect of lhg-recruest on the character of the neighborbood. Si"ii-r"if"n i"ai-"a€ed tlre need for a landscaping buffer between itre scrrool and the adjacent residentiaf propSrties' staff requests that tt-re pemit be conditional upon landscaping betwSen the school and adjacent housing being f"rli-i:."a--or iunas ioi finascaping escrowed before a bullding pemfi-i=-i"f""="d for-iuture construction. The same condition would ;p;iy-;;-trre-ranasr.pi"e between the school and North Frontage Road. public Works bad raised an issue of a drainage problen on the site. This probr.t-"ppeiis to have been creited during construction, and shouLd be correci.a-r"rote completing the work of Phase II. Staff findings reconnend approval of the conditional use pernit iiirr-tt .--.oii6itio"i-lf "t"a in their nemorandun. PaE Hopkins, representing vait-ltountain Schoglr-ltated that the school was troubled by the condition-itrat a building per:nit for phase II wourd re-coniingent -upon-ianascaping being instarred. !ts. Hopkins revilw;"6;'eiffilurties thi scf,ooL lrad in naintaLnins the iliE="'iii1s -;1ti"n rtad been installed' and declared ttrat tnE t.r'ooi h;d hir;d a landscape maintenance filu' She indicated tfrlt-tfre-icfroof .wanf"a i" a" tire.Iandscaping, and do it right, t"i-irrI[-t[e -iining -oi-tn. conditions would create difficutties. in"'-ii="-inaleat6a-tftit stn"e tlle school is a non- profit orgarrir.ii;"1-l-t.![ei or-"i"ait-tto"].d be costlv' Kristan britz clarified -fi;i f e-ir'" ranas-altng L'as not planted' the I EEsT COPY AVAH,AEI-E B:ii:y::' i"*:: =t: *::-;::il^*:]::!:tli:i;i3"lEii.?3i.T*3points or interest. pan inaicitJa tnr" ,Jur--';;-"::$8ilil:r]..ffi A nelghbor of the- sehool, Joe Tonahlll, indLcated that he at-J';;;have concerns with any obstmction or viEws-tt-th" ptrase rrexpansion- Pan rtatea tnat since Joe trad tatcEn it upon hGsetfto plant sereening evergreens, the school defini€ely wini-a-i--work with hin to devise-a satisfactory solution. Joe said. hewould like to see trees of a hlgher quallty than aspens, orsonethlng wirich would acconplisfr tne-screeiring noresatisfactorily, placed by sr"nner, not falr. ioe arso indicatedhe was representing another ohrner who had concerns with thefencing near a berm on the northeast corner of the school . Thatortner, Robert r.arrrence, believed tlrat the fence rf,as an eyesore, .and it touched hls Iot. rt waE d.iscussed that thls fencing waireguired by code, but that at sone future date, it rnight b6renoved. Diana Donovan declared that it appeared the school was trying tobe a good neighbor, and she did ;ot have any problen with-therequest. Joe Tonahill reiterated that he would like to see theplanting in the sunner, but otberwise he felt the plan was good. r,uclwis Kurz moved to approve the reguest for a conditional usepergit in order to expand the existing vail Mountain School -facility, located at g1eO Katsos Rancf, Road,/ Lot 12, Bloek 2,Vail Village 12th Filing per ttre staff reconrnendati6n. Jirnshearer seconded the notion. rt was further noved by Ludwig thatstaff and applicant sould work out a satl_sfactory financial-guarantee for the landscaping work. Jin accepted tnat notionwith his second. The notion-passed with a unlninous 6-0. After a brlef recess, the Cornmission reconvened at 3:40. 5.A rgcruest for a rrorksession on setback and site coverage JilI Kannerer briefly reviewed the outstanding j.ssues fron theFebruary 11, 1991 PEC dlscussion of this iten. At that tine, theplanning staff and PEcrs main concerns vere the roof connection,landscaping, whetlrer the roof nould be sloped or flat, thetyrolean flavor of the arctritecture, transparency of the facade,and the.inpact of the addition on the pedal fowei/Vail Ski Techconnercial space and the Lifthouse Condominiun enirance. at 559 East Lionshead Circle/ Lot 3. Block 1, VaiI Lionshaadlst Filinq.Applicant: Robert T. and Diana Lazier Reviewed by: tranna';rf a . Date: 5:ettlao '\. \ I I I I I I I I I !I/t,r/}I I I, I I I I : 'l I -) 2o(ao !tl| F o 2I I I tl trl I c c e I tl ti'l , I I I I I I ll $I I I$I E $ a m zC'ao .!IMl!! i'>1- /\Itv T+ /r /F /L 'fur E ) i1-.VAIL MOUNTAINgi;tsg.gF$e'scHooL EXPANS!ON rl*.tttft.^,chaE:;- -Enx] rr l|l t' nl mt<.> .x'o r'.2t oo 5I m .tl(<{>T{ro:2 {.-) t llh",!Lt'#E'val|-. coLORAlto scHooL EXPANSIOI{ hr-rltlfr.&rB t!-(itb:r...- it )K \ yrrl-tts l-ct-yu-QuO41 tt:r*tcu J/'lO/t,\ & *,tTVy(i 'lt -u 'i t a" pugurc NorcE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailvill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town ol vail on March g, 1992 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town ot Vail Municipal Buiiding. Gonsideration of: 1. A request lor an exterior alteration in the Commercial Core ll zons district for the Cano Residence, Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Llonshead First Flllng/S20 East Lionshead Circte.Applicant: Victor CanoPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 2. A request to extend a conditional use permit to expand the Vail Mountain School, located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/ Lot 12, Btock 2, Vail Viilage 12th Fiting.Applicant: Vail Mountiain SchoolPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 3. A request for a worksession for a minor subdivision and request for a change in zone district boundaries from Primary Secondary to Low Density Multiple Family for lhe Schmetzko property, generally located at 2239 Chamonix Lane, more particularly described as: Parcel A: A tract of land containing one acre, more or less, located in the South 1/2 of the South East 1/4 of Section 11, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the NE corner of the SW 1/4 ot the SE 1/4 of said Section 1t; thence westerly along the northerly line ot said SW 1/4 ol the SE 1/4 bearing south 86 20' W a distance of 167.80 ft. to a point: Thence southerly along a line 167.80 ft. distant from and parallelto the east line of said SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4, a distance ot 200.00 ft. to a point: Thence easterly a distance of 167.80 ft. along a line 200.00 ft. distant lrom and parallel to the north line ol said SW 1/4 of the SE 1l4to a point on its east line; Thence easterly on a line parallel to the north line of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 11, a distance of 50.95 ft. to a point: Thence northerly and parallel with the west line of the east 112 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 1 1, a distance of 200.00.ft. to the point of intersection with the extension of the north line of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 11; Thence westerly on a deflective angle left ol 95 21'00' along the extension ot the north line of the sw 1/4 0f the sE 1/4 0t said section 11, a distance of 50.95 fi. to the NE corner of the SW 1/4 of the 'SE 1 /4 of Section 1 1 , being the point of beginning. Atrt ;'p -q>- 4. Parcel B: Tract A, Vail Heights Filing No. 1 according to the recorded plat thereol. Applicant: Erich SchmetzkoPlanner: Andy Knudtsen A request for a major amendment to Cascade Village, SDD #4, Area A, Millrace lll, 1335 Westhaven Drive, Cascade Village, more specifically described as follows: A part of the SW 1/t, NEYo, Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th P.M., described as follows: Beginning at a point of the North-South centerline of said Section 12 whence an iron pin with a plastic cap marking the center of said Section 12 bears S00"38'56"W 455.06 feet; thence along said centerline N00"38'56'E 122.81 feet to the southerly ROW line of l-70; thence departing said ROW line N66'53'25"E 39.15 feet; thence departing said ROW line S81"23'19'E 165.42 feet to a point of curve;thence 122.83 feet along the arc of a 143.20 foot radius curve to the left, having a central angle of 49'08'51" and a chord that bears 515"57'45"E 119.10 feet;thence 540'32'10'E 3.00 feet;thence 66.30 feet along the arc of a77.21 foot radius curve to the righl, having a central angle of 49"12'10" and a chord that bears S15'56'05'E 64.28 feet;thence S8"40'00"W 90.27 feet; thence N38"42'24"W 224.55 feet: thence S78:10'32"W 101.44 teet to the Point of Beginning. Applicant: Michael LauterbachPlanner: Jill Kammerer A request for a conditional use permit to allow lor the expansion of the Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District administrative offices, at 846 Forest Road/Lot 31, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation DistrictPlanner: Shelly Mello A request to amend Section 18.34, Parking Zone District of the Vail Municipal Code to allow construction staging as a conditional use, Applicant: Town ot VailPlanner: Andy Knudtsen An appeal of a slaff decision regarding grandfathered office space in lhe Mill Creek Court Building, 302 Gore Creek Drive/a part ot Block 5A, Vail Village First Filing. Appellant: Ned GwathmeyPlanner: Shelly Mello A request for the eslablishment of a Special Development District at the Christiania at Vail, 356 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot D, Block 2, Vail Village First Filing, and Lot P-3, Block 5-A, Vail Village Fifth. Filing. Applicant: Paul JohnstonPlanner: Mike Mollica Any items tabled lrom the February 24, 1992 PEC meeting agenda. 5. 6. 7, 8. 9. o The applicalions and inlormation about the proposals are available for public revieu, in &e Community Darelopment Depariment office. Town of Vail Community Development Department Published in the Vail Trail on February 27.1W2 t Onn Caft Mour*aineering '193 E. Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Duane Piper P.O. Box 5560 Avon, CO 81620 Jorge & Sybill Havas 3255 Katsos Ranch Road Vail. CO 81657 Brandess Cadmus Real Estate 281 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Gr a Anne Baker -135 Boothlalls Coud Vail, CO 81657 Roberl P. Lammerts 125 Park Avenue Oklahoma City, OK 73102 Joe H. Tonahill, Jr. P.O. Box 3326 Vail, CO 81658 John A. Burdick P.O. Box 2267 Boulder, CO 80306 .UItumI a,'.' , lavid and Nancy Dowell l'/''g ?98 Hanson Ranch Road Vail, CO 81657 Bill and Anne Eggers P.O. Box 3340 Vail, CO 81658 Colorado Division ol Highways P,O. Box 2107 Grand Junction, CO 81502 Booth Falls Townhomes Homeowners' Assoc. cr/o Susan Fritz P.O. Box 356 Vail, CO 81658 Snowdon and Hopkins o Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado January 28. t992 Mr. Andy Knudtson ?own Planner Town of Vail- Dept. ?5 South FrontageVai1, CO 8l-657 RE: Vai-l Mountain Dear Andy: of Corununity Road School 303 476-2201 81657 Development The Vai] Mountain School- would like to apply for a PEC extension for Phase II. we are in the niddle of a fund raising campaign and if all goes successfully, we will apply for a building pernit in April, L992. Thank you for your assistance. Please you have any questions. Sincerely, SI..IOWDON AND HOPK]NS - ARCHITECTS do not hesitate to call- if I{\r Pamel-a W. Hopkins, AIA Partner PwH/slh FI!. E 75 south frontage road Y.ll, colorado 81657 (303) 479'2138 (303) 47S'2139 otfice ol communlty developmenl December 19, 1991 Ms. Pam Hopkins Snowdon & Hopkins Architects 2201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Coiorado 81657 RE: Vail Mountain School Dear Pam: I wanted to follow up on our meeting of November 22, lgg1, when we discussed the Vail Mountain School. As I understand there are three phases which were planned as expansions to the original facility. Phase I was the gymnasium, which has been completed. Phase 2 will be an approximately 3,000 square teet addition of third floor classroom spaoe. Phase 2.5 will be a library expansion which was not anticipaled until recently. Phase 3 will be an enclosed entry, lobby and restrooms, at the front of the gymnasium. I have tried to put together lhe current status of the various phases. Please conect me if you have a different understanding of the following information. After the gymnasium was constructed, approval of the other two phases lapsed. phase 2 was reapproved March I 1, 1991. Phase 2.5 has not been submitted to the Town for review or approval. Phase 3 has expired and has not been resubmitted lor reapproval. Please note that the site coverage that was previously approved must be reviewed and approved again. Staff believes that there are no PEC or DRB approvals lor Phase 3 which are cunently valid. As a result, there is no 'grandfathered' site coverage approval for the Mountain School and all new additions must meet the current site coverage code standards. As I am sure you are aware, the zoning code currently states that Conditional Uses expire one year after PEC approval. As a result, you have until March 11, 1992 to pulla building permit for Phase 2. ll a permit has not been pulled by that time, the approval ol Phase 2 wilr expire. COP Y .1 Ms. Pam Hopkins December 19, 1991 Page 2 An alternative to pulling a building permit is to go back to the PEC for an extension. lf you would like an extension, please let staff know by February 1, 1992 so we can schedule this item for a PEC hearing before the expiration date. Stalf is currently proposing a change to the zoning code, making conditional use approvals valid for two years. Depending on the way the ordinance change is linally adopted, this project may have two years, from the date of approval, belore expiration. Please call staff in late January to lind out how the code change will affect the Vail Mountain School. One of lhe reasons we have put this information together is to be sure that when the Vail Mounlain Scfiool is ready to move ahead with one of these phases, you can do so without having to spend time in the planning review process. Please call me at 479-2138 il you have a different undertanding of any of this information or if you have questions. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely,?//i //77 /1"; '.-l I nndy Knbdgsd Town Planner ./t'a^ \ 7--t<^i. llrd l Project Application o^r" 4-3-q/ Project Name:4t Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Com ments: Design Review Board Motion by:La,"-r,t-/ Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Summary: D Statt Approval - r SNOWDON & HOPKINS ARTHTTECTS,. 2Ol Gore Creek Drive, vAlL, coLoRADO 91657 LETTT @F TRANSNflITTAL TO the following items: E Plans tr Samples E Specifications n wE ARE SENDING YoU f.lttacneo D Under separate cover via tr Shop drawings tr Copy of lettar n Prints E Change order coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION h /l)/4lql D4' ailom,#al / nmldlM*ru THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: E For approval I For your use As requested . Approved as submitted tr Approved as noted E Returned for corrections E Resubmit-copies for approval tr Submit-copies for distribution tr R€turn-corectGd prints r'l For review and comment tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US Rii,ii:r _ c rrct REMARKS COPY TO -'T'\-ta srGlNEDt'f(!4L ftoDilclr0r @hc, gfrt! k ol1lt.,t aocrourtr at! aot at ndad, t t^dlt aotfiy, ua d ot'E'. ttF'.\'F n.," - .4 I ' --- - - lilr,-i-' - '.1-.....,,',''''''''''-|G'..F'iI&- 2 rLIr c€ .i, x{ [" BE ACqSPTSD UNTIb At..I,, INFO$i}|TION*i**t?HJS APPIJICfrTION t'rlLtr NOT IS SUBMITTEDT**t* I. PRS-AFPLICA ION* UEEII}iC I o DR8 }PP!JICf,TI9N DATE AFPLICAT1ON RECEIVED; DATE OF DRB XEEBINGI A pro-appllcatlorr neetlng t'ith a,'plsrning gtaf f benbsr ls EcronEly Eu,?gested'"ii"ae{'e*'tne, ti any addiElona} tnronnartcn ls nilaii. .-l!"-.drti-ffiru Htff. -ri; trt t-ry1 r:litliffi iit* r : I rir' :i':: ?:,: li[io " "i:'.3: lB,1' "u5li':i:lt' ll:".:3'11.3*lililii : |;iliit::l:: ;.":'::3:"Hl' iH: ":"tlnilg'i;':;;i rllitii"Y; 1i:!i!l;i l:a-:*i.lpp.:o"'1gnAE A \;ei'.yL(/r& clJv..r'!.'r...r'r't---,lStng the nUfnbgf Ofpro*ess for y_cur p"li?"i':I l::tl"" :nev ar.trrulare.E:ffi:iiJ,3'ol"iipil'ii"iri'" il; til. *lr t:lt:lo:";,,,tllcondt?tgns or apprevsr r..:erv v,!s iio:"ei ue:-orc a bulldlng;;;;iii;;i ot albroval :rust, ?? r-'..., -^,.,,^a xr.r,eacc4d pennrlc lg lscued.ii"iliitiiu-wiii ngu be processed l" l, irltnout o?rner I s S lg nabure ' A. PRCJECT DESCFIFIIOT{; 8.:^OCITION CIf FROSASAI,| lddrrss 9r \t. rlr.-. !,t Lrgal, Descrlpt tor'"ot'PMaL&I!frgloclt- ^'Yiti Subdiv-lai on -i,U eonlng C. D. TIA}18 Of AFFLTCANT! Phon9 l,lall lrrg Address ! NA}IE Of AFFLICANT I g REPF.TS EHTAT TVE : Ma!.I!ng &ddress:l/)//ii-:n.q + !Al"iw{+tWk::f&-*.I,rut , Fhone E, NLIE OA CHNER$: StrdNITURS ( t'ta i I ins Addi'ess r *?,llLlL*. ?trJzazffi M_.o,l[ ij_..Fhone €orrtlovnlnlulT' Apprgvar lt appLlcable' DRB FEo ! [Mb"e-.*i.uJe-Ea]d*al"$s-$,sF-n--bttildJgs -.tx.LL IrAWA?LoN $ o* $ 10,00x * $ 30,00L . $tr50,001 - f gOO.' atAL -I g./ef $ 10,oco$ 50, c0Q$ 150, o0o5 5po,000 t1,,66OrtrOO $1 , oco, ooo q'r lrr..B.E $ ro.ooI 25.00g 6o-00 9100, 00 QI9u r AV $300.00 (c'rEB) LrID I LlI lvlAJ,'I;KIAJJS NN.TE OF PRq'ECTSPL.IJEGAL DESCRIYiii AIH BI.OCK a-su B Dr v r s r ox ],AJj-\r'| Lf&,&4a_ffi +1H fu^D fluF{r1STREET ADDRESS:uaauwi , DESCRIPTION OF PRq'ECTI The tollowlns Rcvlew Board- lnfornatlon 'i" bcfore a flnal regulred for subnlttalapproval can be glven: TYPE OF MATERIATJ to the Draign COIPRA. B. BUII.,DING UATERIAI.JS S Root Sldlng Other l{aII Materialg Fascia 6olflta Windows I{lndow trln Doorg Door TrIn Hand or Deck Ralls Fluaa Flaahlngs Chlnneya Traeh Enclosures Greenhouees Other I.A}IDgCAPINGI NANE Of Designer: Phone s PIANT I.I,ATERIAI,S I EROPOSED TREES i l ConrFo.n Nane Ouantttv Slze:!AAe?reuA th fn,t"tntrl,WVh **,,r,4v4 s!4+,.bloIa eW-,Wv EXISTING TREES TO BE RE}.TOVED *Indlcate caliper for deciduous treei.ll:g:. . MiniTnu_E cario?r forfllcate height, for conlfelEs PIANT I{ATERIALS:?vWAPfm PROPOSED SHRUBS tzfulYadadcz :PWlbr-bwe EXTSTTNG SHRUBSTO BE REI.IOVED ffiffiffi*Ouantlty Si,ze* tlndlcate size5 gallon.of proposed shrubs. Ih. lb F*u, Ib ae+.. Scnrare Eootaoe Type GROI'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF trRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OFEROSION CONTROL C. OTHER ti3:i^'3,::3:'3::"i;::.+:l?t.y,l!r - rences, swrnnrnE i"tl"!i".uaxrmurn-.h"lUir-ir";;ii"-:il:lr;l: :;"li"T::;:Li iliit : "i!;1,."i';:*,:;::t:i;:$elFrii'iii,f;;3'$' ":I:iilitgwa11e. uaxirnun-n"igni'Ji'iiiri"ii:aEe nersh." of_l::aiJri1,i ? r9"!. u"i-irurn'heiqhr or sratt.'lll1l.!!: ltolt eetback ii PIAIINING Present chuck Crl8t Diana Donovan Ludwig Kurz Kathy LangenwalterJin Shearer Gena l{hitten Absent Connie Knight The neeting was called to order at courmission welconed Gena whitten as Cornrnission. I r{- [ C0PI AIID EWIRONMENIAI, COI,TMISSION I{arch 11, 1991 staffKristan Pritz Mike MollicaJlIl Kanmerer Andy Knudtsenshelly lileIIo Amber Blecker 2:30Plt by Diana Donovan. Thethe new mernber of the I. This itern was postponed, due to Pete Burnett being called in forjury duty. 2. Notification of PEC of Etaff approvaL of Minor Amendnent to SDD #6 - Val-l vlllaqe Inn, to allos for the installation of a satellite dish in a setback.Applicant: satel-l-ite Receivincr Svstens Shelly MeIIo briefly explained the process of a rninor amendmentto a SDD. The approval was per the previous PEc neeting, where the Cornmissl-oners expressed their desire that the dish be placed at ground level . Shelly elaborated that there would be a brown, wood fence to roatch the building trin and 3 spruce trees pLaced to screen the dish. Additionally, shrubs will be placed on the south of the dish. Shelly concluded her presentation by statingthat the Design RevLew Board has not yet reviewed or approvedthis placement, and their approval would be necessary before the dish could be installed.She then ca1led for conment bY the Conmissioners. Chuck Crist began by asking if the adJacent condoninium ordners had been notifled. shelly verified that aLl adjacent property owners which would be inpacted had been notified of this proJect over a week before. Procedurally, Diana Donovan reguested cl-arification from staff of whether the Comnission could discuss this without formallycalling it up. Shelly indicated that if the Cornrnissioninformally agreed with the staff's approval , no action would be necessary. If, on the other hand, it was apparent that the PEC was in disagreement, the issue shoul-d be discussed by the PEc. When the public was asked for coument, Irene Westby, manager of the Talisman Condominiuns, asked for clarification of theIocation of the dish. Shelly Mello indicated the location on asite plan and explained the request. Ms. Westby indlcated she had no problen with the landscaping, and she didn't believe the owners would have any difficulty with tbe entire placement. Since there was no further public conment, Diana Donovan opened Commission conment by stating she had no concerns over theIocation, but she did not like the idea of moving the trees in order to instatl a fence for screening. Further, Diana cornmentedthat the efforts to screen structures often result in making them more obvious. She suggested that the fencing be integrated with the existing Landscaping. Jj.m Shearer stated that he tiked the plan. Ludwig Kurz stipulated that he had the same couments as Diana, and that he would like to see the trees remain where they were, as it would be healthier for the trees. In concluding the discussion, Diana Donovan stated that the comrnlsgiqn was in favor of upholding the staff approval , with a strong recornrnendation to DRB regarding the integration of theexisting landscaping and the proposed fence. 3. A recruest to amend Ordinance No. 13, 1983, to establlsh--an RangeAppLicant: Town of Vail Andy Knudtsen sunnarized the changes which had been nade since the previous submission of this iten to the Conmission. He indicated that staff had rephotographed the proposed viewcorridor without clouds surrounding the Gore Range, per the PEC's reguest, and at a height of 5'-2tr to better reflect the angle at which an average person nrould be looking at the vLew. Stafffurther taped the photo at both the staff's recommendation forthe boundaries of the corridor and the PEc's reguest for the boundaries to better illustrate the specific lines. In addition, on one of the photographs, the proposed post-Christiania expansion had been taped as a reference point for discussion. Sal's to the east over the Red Lion Buildincr toward the Gore o Staff's recommendation incl,uded the provision that the Red Lion's chinney be included in the view corridor so that, if at some future date, the Red L,ion proposed a renodel , the chinney could be renoved. staff believed that building walls provided better boundaries of a view corridor than architectural proJections such as chLnneys or balconies, and the staff reconnended photographs reflected this philosophy. Andy also expl.ained that Etaff believed a grace period provisionfor this ordinance, similar to the one uEed for the flreplace ordinance anendnent, nas appropriate. under that grace period, an owner would have six weeks fron the second reading and adoption of the ordlnance by the Town Council to subnit a conplete DRB application without being affected by the new viewcorridor linitations. Regarding the proposed text cbanges, staff's goals were enunerated as being to clarify the entLre view corridor ordinance, prevent any building above the line of the viewcorridor, and prevent the cluttering of vLew areas with new developnent. As an example, Andy cited View #6, which includedthe Clock Tower. If a developer were to build above the viewcorrldor line, that construction would compete with tbe prominence of the clock Tower. llre same philosophy applied to view #l-. Even if the addition could not be seen fron the point the corridor was based on as a result of being ilbehl.ndr the clock Touer, it would still conpete with the prominence of the Tower in general views of the Village. Andy also elaborated on the factthat, when a view corridor is created, these are focal points which are intended to remain and are set forth in the descriptionof the corridor. As the discussion opened up for public conment, Jay Peterson started the discussion by nentioning that the Christiania project already had DRB approval . Paul Johnston of the Christiania remarked to the Commission that when he had atteurpted to re-photograph the corridor himself without clouds surrounding the Gore Range, he was thwarted because there were clouds over at least part of the Range between 3-4:ooPM on l-4 consecutive days. In addltion, he conmented that he had found staff's obsenration that people were stopping to Iook at the Range to be valid, but clarlfied that it was more due to curiosity at what was being photographed. Jay elaborated that the additional photographs were being suEmLtted to illustrate what happens to the vlew corridor during differing conditions. In the Bunner' Jay hlpothesized that trees block nost of the corridor, while in wlnter, the clouds were blocking the Range itself. PauI stated that, through his observations, moie people stopped to look at the tree sturnp in a window than at the Gore nange. Jay Peterson continued with his conments, stating that the past view corridors sere created withsensitivity to what an owner could do with a buildinq in thefuture. He reflected that the Town Council had amended. some of the original PEC recommendations to allow more flexibility for development. Mr. Peterson reconmended that tlre Connission look at the original 39 view corridor photoEraphs to deternine if this particular corridor was any nore signifl-cant than the others. He asked thatthe Conmission be sensitive to the owners affected by this ordinance, but reiterated that the ChrLstiania had received DRB approval for their proJect. To conclude his statements, he subnitted additional photographs to the Conmissj.on for ttreir scrutiny. Kathy Langenwalter asked if the christiania, if built as approved, would encroach into the view corridor, and would then be encouraged to be removed at a future redevelopment. KristanPritz responded by indicating that when staff fornulated the view corridor proposal , they were trying to define the best posslble view, without looking at the Christiania project specifically. Kathy Langenwalter indicated that she understood the reason whystaff recomnended the corridor follow the roof lines, and believed that the Christiania's proposed roof line should determine the view line when built. Kristan expressed her concern that, if the Christiania redevelopnent were used as the boundary of the corridor, the result could be that the corridor ordinance approval would be unnecessarily delayed. Jay Peterson said he thought it could be included now, but Kathy Langenwalter replied she believed staff would want an exactsurvey. Kathy continued by saying she tlas comfortable with thestaff's recommendation, wlth the provision that the corridor be rephotographed after the christiania expansion was completed, so as not to precipitate problens ln the future. Kristan Pritz suggested that the Commission approve the corridorwith the provision that staff would amend it after the construction of any bullding or addition, subnitted to the DRB during the grace period, was conpleted. This would aLlow for the establishrnent of the view corridor without delay. Kathy Langenwalter indicated she felt this would be appropriate, as the staff's reconmendation conformed best to the previously- defined view corridors. Jin Shearer agreed with Kathy, but expressed his opinion that straight lines were easier to dealwith, but that conforming to the roof line allows for a greater area of corridor. Ite supported the proposal that the corridor wouLd be amended once all approved projects were completed. t Discussion ensued among the CornrnisEion Denbers, staff and concerned public about the specific points of the corridor. Atthe conclusion, Chuck Crist indicated he supported Kathy !,a.ngenwalter'E opinLon regarding ,the proposed view corridor. Ludttig Kurz and Gena l{hltten rrere also Ln aEreement tlrat this vas a reasonable solution. Diana Donovan requested dlrectlon fron the staff as to how the motion could be rlritten. I(ristan replied that, once Town Council had proceeded through second readinq of the ordinance, appll.cants would have 6 weeks fron that tine to subnit conplete DRBapplications. If an application is approved, and construction isstarted before approval lapses, staff would revlse the view corrl,dor lLne, basing the boundary of the Corrldor on the conpleted construction. Diana stated that, with thls provision, she believed the ordinance could be voted on today, but clarified to Jay Peterson and Paul Johnston that the DRB approvaL could not lapse. If itdid, the current Christiania proposal would not be able to be approved at a later date. Jay responded that he felt comfortablewith that provision, but asked that the Comission look at additional pictures to gain a better understanding of view corridors as a whole, and this particular viev corridor inspecific. IIe asked that the Comnission be sure that this was aItsignificantn corridor, with nore iurpact than those which had been rejected in the past. Kathy Langenwalter noved that the Planning and Environnental Counission reconmend approval of the reguest to Anend ordinance No. 13, 1983, to establish an additional vlew corridor, and toclarify wording in the ordinance. The view to be protected extends from Frivolous Sal's to the east over the Red Lion Building toward the Gore Range per the staff memorandum and the staff recommended photograph taken at a height of 5'-2tr on February 25, 1991 with a 5Olf,m lensi and further, that after the 6-week grace period from the adoption of the ordinance by the- Vait Town Council , any project subraitted during the grace period, receiving DRB approval , and such approval being valid until conpletion, will be alLowed to be built, vith the boundaries of the corridor being defined after the construction is completed. The notion was seconded by ilin Shearer. Chuck crist clarifiedthat the €traee period would be in the flnal ordinance. Jay Peterson asked that a few more pictures be coneidered by the Cornmission. The vote was taken, with a unaninous 6-o approval of the motion. After the vote, Chuck Crist expanded upon his opinion regarding view corridors, stating that this was an lnportant, environnental issue. He stated that these view corridorE add critical visual interest to the Toim, and that he felt the PEc should try to Inalntain that interest. Diana Donovan contLnued that she would lLke to adopt more of these view corridors, and asked that staff bring more to the PEC, perhaps in 6 weeks or 2 months. KristanPritz stated that staff sas intending to do a view analysis, but had not anticipated bringing nore to the Commission that quiclcly. However, staff nould investigate returning some of the viewspreviously discussed. to the Connlssion for their reviev' ifpossible, given their responsibLlities to other projects. 4. A recruest for a conditional use rernit to expand the Vail Mountain School-, located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/ Lot 12. Block 2, Vail Villaoe 12th Filing.Applicant: Vail llountain School The short overview by Andy lGrudtsen of the application began with reference to the site plan. Andy indicated the location of the Phase II expansion, and stated that the application would notresult in an increase in height. He reiterated that this was sonewhat of a housekeeping issue, since a conditional use pennit had been granted in 1989, but had lapsed. The application wou1d only apply to the Phase II expansion, and not Phase III. The issues Andy discussed rdere the effect of the reguest on the character of the neighborhood. Staff review indicated the needfor a landscaping buffer between the school and the adjacentresidential properties. Staff requests that the per:mit beconditional upon landscaping between the school and adjacent housing being installed or funda for landscaping escrowed before a building pernit Ls released for future construction. The same condition would apply to the landscaping between the school and North Frontage Road. Public Works had raised an issue of a drainage Probl-em on thesite. This probt-em appears to have been created durJ-ng construction, and should be corrected before completing the workof Phase II. Staff findings reconnend approval of the conditional- use permit wlth the conditions listed in their nemorandum. Parn Hopkins, representing Vail Mountain School , stated that the school was troubled by the condition that a building permit for Phase II would be contingent upon landscaping being installed. Ms. Hopkins reviewed the difficulties the sctrool had in maintaining the landscaping which had been installed, and declared that the school had hired a landscape maintenance firm. She indicated that the school wanted to do the landscaping' and do it riglrt, but that the tinlng of the conditions would createdifficulties. She also lndlcated that since the sehool is a non-profit organization, a Letter of credLt would be costly. KristanPritz clarified that if the landscaping was not planted, the o school could provide a flnanclal guarantee to cover the costs. Kristan explained further that many developers escrow a portJ.onof their buitding loan to ensure the landscaplng vould beperfotmed. This nethod would not cost the school additionalpoints or interest. Pau indl-cated thls would be acceptable. A neighbor of the school , .toe Tonahill, indicated that he did not have concerns with any obstruction of views by the Phase II extrransion. Pam stated that since iloe had taken it upon hinselfto plant screening evergreens, the school definitely wanted to work with hin to devise a satisfactory solution. Joe said he would like to see trees of a higher quality than aspens, or sornething which would accomplish the screening noresatisfactorily, placed by sunmer, not fall. Joe also indicated he was representing another owner wbo had concerns with the fencing near a ber:u on the northeast corrrer of the school . That owner, Robert lawrence, believed that the fence was an eyesore, and Lt touched his lot. It was discussed that thls fenclng was required by code, but that at sone future date, it nigbt be removed. Diana Donovan declared that it appeared the school was trying to be a good neighbor, and she did not have any problem with therequest. Joe Tonahill reiterated that he would like to see theplanting in the summer, but other:wise be felt the plan was good. LudwJ-g Kurz noved to approve the reguest for a conditional usepernit in order to expand the exlstlng vail Mountain schoolfacility, located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/ I,ot 12, Block 2, vaiL village 12th Flling per the staff reconmendation. Jin shearer seconded the notl-on. It was further moved by Ludwig thatstaff and applicant would work out a satLsfactory financial guarantee for the landscaping work. Jim accepted that notionwith bis second. The notion passed with a unaninous 6-0. After a brief recess, the Connission reconvened at 3:40. Jill. Kannrerer briefly reviewed the outstanding issues from the February 11, 1991 PEc discussion of this itero. At that tine, the planning staff and PEC'E nain concerns were the roof connection, landscaping, whether the roof would be sloped or f1at, the tyrolean flavor of ttre architecture, transparency of the facade, ana tne inpact of the addition on the Pedat Power/Vail Ski Tech commercl-aL space and the Lifthouse Condominium entrance. 5. With regard to the landscaping, staff will continue to work toward iesolving the propoEed landscaping to the satisfaction of the Pulrllc Works, Flre and Connunity Development Departnents, the Town landscape architect, the project archl-tect and the Lionshead nerchants. 1n addressing the landscaping, the staff's goal is to acconplish more plaza shading to soften the starkness of the plaza area and to create a sense of enclosure for the nortfiern plaza area. Regarding the connection of the addition's roof to the existing structure, staff felt the connection point was an inportant design element, and that a connection point at the floor level of the second story balcony would better respect the strong architectural line of the existing building and elininate the cantilevered appearance of these decks. Regarding the vlsibility of the Pedal Power,/Vail st<i Tech area,staff felt the changes nade by the applicant increased the visibility and were more acceptable. Holtever, these changes would result Ln a need for a site coverage variance to allow the approxJ.mately 850 sg. feet of additional site coverage to be constructed. Jill Karonerer explained the allowable site coverage is 7Ot and tbe additional 850 sg. ft. would increase the coverageto 74t, resulting in the need for a site coverage variance for the 4* of site coverage over the allowable. calen Aasland, project architect, made the presentation for the applicant, explaining the changes made in the design since the February l-lth presentation. At the conclusion of hispresentition, the conmission began dl.scussing the project design. Gena l{hitten began by stating she was concerned with the exposure of the northwest corner conmercial space and that felt the color of the roof should better relate to the color of the existingstructure. Galen responded that they had exanined using a ltashed white or grey stone color. In response to Chuck Crist guestioning whether the roof was going to be gravel' Kathy Langenwalter told the applicant if the roof was to be a flat, gravel roof, it should be capable of supporting ballast. Further dLscussLng the roof, Kathy stated she felt that whether the roof is flat or pitched, it was important that it go above the line of the botton of ttre balcony. She further indicated as long as there were no roof penetrations (such as vents), she would not nind a flat roof, but preferred a slight pltch with a rnetal roof so that debris would not collect frorn the wind. Kathy then exarnined the projection of the comnercial space southof the Pedal Power space. She thought the proJection nade the pedestrian area too tight. She would also llke to see ttre roofline change, perhaps with a jog in. In Kathy's opinlon, the Banner Sports area was nuch better, butnext tLne she would like to see proposed planters staked. In exanLnlng the Llfthouse CondonlnLun entrance, Kathy sal-d she believed the entrance was too narrou. Gena t{hltten echoed thisopinion, stating that the entrance needed to be betteridentified. Kathy sumarized her statements by clarifying she was concernedwith both the Lifthouse Lodge Condoniniun entrance and thevisibility of the Pedal Polrer connercial space, the point wherethe roof interfaced with the existing building. She elaboratedby saying she would like to see a 2-12 pitched roof, and the line moved back so the entire pedestrian area would be more open. Ifa flat roof was being proposed to control drainage, she reconmended the installation of a concealed grutter to enlrance drainage control . Jirn Shearer commented that he would definltely like to see a sloped roof for the project. calen asked for clarLficatl.on on whether the Connission would like to see tbe slope continuing beyond the point where the roof Lntersected llLth the floor levelof the second floor balcony. Kathy answered she would like to see the slope continue up until lt intersected with the facade ofthe existing structure, and the applicant should not worry aboutthe relationship of the roof slope above the condominium entranceto the west facade roof slope. Ludwig Kurz concurred with Kathy that he would like to see theroof be a pitched metal roof. He also agreed that the buildingprojection near the Pedal Poner space should be elininated. Holrever, he was not as concerned with the plaza area. Ludwig thought there would be enough space for pedestrians. He expressed. a desire to see the staff work with Public Works to ensure snow dump and fire access issues didn't dictate the designof the building. Jin Shearer examined the proJect, elaborating on his conments in favor of a sloped roof. He felt a flat, graveled roof was tacky. I{e agreed with Kathy and would also like to see sonething happenJ-ng on the roof lLne near the condoniniun entrance Hefurther agreed with Kathy that the planters on the west facade may create an obstruction because they project out so far fron the buildLng. He expressed concern as well that trash wouldcollect in the corner, which he sould not want to see happen..fin felt that the Irodge entrance was not identified well enouglr. Galen Aasland suggested that the roof line near the condoninium entrance come across straight, then be hipped at the end. Katby L,angenwalter reconmended instead a small dorrner be added at the plane of the door. Jin Shearer conmented he liked Katby's suggestion that the door be enunciated in thls ruanner. when Galen indicated the facia would go straight across and then =[ep Ua"t< 2 feet, Jlll Kannerer asked-if, beyond the plane of the faciae of the baicony, whether or not the roof rrould continue to Ue sfopea or whether-it would flatten out until it intersected witft tire facade of the existing structure on top' Kathy indicated a strong preference to have the roof continue to sloPe "[-tn" -irne pitctr-u'ntif its intersection with the existlng structure. Attention turned to the issue of the wood pillars in front. Jin isked if they were rough, and Galen answered that they would_ be snoothed out. Jim was concerned with the conpatibility,of the "tViJ-"ith the existing structure. If th9 nillar detail were co-ntinued along tt" en€ire facade, .fin felt--it-would be too nuch. Jir aia not life ttre way the pillirs married thenselves to the ""i=ii"g tuiiaing. Katiy elaLorated the pillars were a detail ;;;i-ri tJ e.tt5t sport-s, and should rernain as such' Jim and iitfw both thought tire piitars should be sirnply a Banner Sports entry detail . chuck crist and Diana Donovan lilere opposed to a flat roof for the piJ:ect. Chuck thought perhaps a fight gray roof color would be i"i6-ipptopriate. xitfry-disagreed, itating slre liked the darker roof c-oiorl because there was so rauch reflection in the area now. Both Chuck and Diana were concerned with the possibility trash would collect on top of the roof.and then be visible to people accessing the plaza from the stalnray. Diana thought the point where tbe roof of the addition connected i" tt" Lif€house-wis criticar. She thought the current design buried visibiLitv of the Pedal Power space' and that the pi"j""tf"n shoul& be elinl-nated. negaiding_the wood pillars_' she Letievea that fewer were better. Sht vas ilso concerned with the tlpes of trees to be installed in the grates in the plaz-a' Allause of the extreme sumner and winter temperatures, she-uggested tall, hardy trees be installed. She preferred to see a sr5iea roof and ttre installation of the maximum of landscaping poslilte. negarding the J-npact snow dunp coneerns and fire e;;;;6;"t vefiicurai access concerns had on the landscaping,. i"tfry suggested =iitf work with the Fire Department and Public works to devise a compronise design. Kathy would like to see the exterior of the entirl L,ifthouse l,oage renovated in conjgnc!1-on with this proposal . Jay Peterson reiponded he would talk with Packy to sle itrat ttre L-odge's tine taLle rtas for making inprovenents to the exterior. 10 o 6. A recnrest for a front setback variance for the Perot reEidence. located at 64 Beaver Dan Road/ Lot 31, Block 7,vall vl-llage Flrst Flllng.ApplLcant: Ross P€rot Staff presentation was given by uike MollLca. llhe request was to encroach a maximurn of 6 feet into the front setback of the lot in order to expand a ground level entrance. Mike indicated that theexisting three-car garage under constrrrction in the front setback was acceptable since the lot slope average was over 308. After giving a brief history of the lot's deveJ-opment, ltike elaborated on the analysis of the zoning. He stated that thesite coverage and GRFA was at the naximum allowed for the site. Regarding the Consideratlon of Factors, Mike conveyed that thestaff had a difficult tine with this request. Although there would be a negligibte inpact on the surrounding neighborhood,staff could not determine what site hardship existed to warrant the granting of a variance. Staff believed that since the house had gone through extensLve plan revl-ew and design' the entrance could have been designed without the need for a variance. As an exanple, the entry could have been desLgned in conjunction with the garage. Mike reninded the ConmLssl-on that ln order to grant the variance, they nust find the grantlng of the variance would not be a grant of specJ.al privitege, that the granting would not be detrimentalto the general publLc, that the strict or literal interpretationof the regulation would result in practical difficulty orphysical hardship, that there uere exceptions or extraordinary circunstances applicable to this site which were not generally found in the same area, or that the strict interpretation of the regulation would deprive the appLicant of privileges enjoyed by others in the same zone dlstrict. staff believed that the current variance application did not meet any of these criteria.In conclusion, staff reconmended denial of the variance request' as there nas no finding of hardEhip or unique circumstances. Jin Morter, archl.tect for the appllcant was gueried by Diana Donovan of what would be accomplished with the addition of an open gate to the entry vestLbule. Mr. Morter responded that the gate ms open air wlth a wrought Lron door, but not openable for security reasons. When Kathy Langenwalter asked why the entrance was belng moved, ur. Morter ieviewed the changes on the site p1an, and sald that there were special circumstances surrounding !!r. Perot with llfe and death conseguences. rrThe security concerns had arisen from a change in world events subseguent to the desigm of the house.rr This expanded entry \tas a change requested by Mr. Perot's security team, and was believed to be a problen in the sight area surrounding the entrance. 11 Kathy Langenwalter quizzed the staff about whether a variance woul-d be necessary lf the walkway were designed with decorative netal , but no roof. Mike clarified that there would need to be avall or fence height variance under that circumstance. l,!r. Morter elaborated that walls without a roof would not solve the security concerns. Chuck Crist requested infot-ration on what naterial would be used on the outside wall. Jin Morter Eaid it would be stone. Jim Shearer asked if the walkway walls could be sloped or loweredto be more architecturally pleasing. Jin Morter thought that perhaps the grades next to them night be able to be ral-sed. Turning the Cornmission's attention to the requirements necessaryfor granting a variance, Diana Donovan stated she believed that there rras a unique hardship to the owner. she supported thereguest. Hoerever, she felt that if ownership of the house changed, that the addition should be removed. Gena l{hitten said she dld not beLieve there were enough inpacts to warrant acondition of l-ater removal . Diana believed that to not requirethe later removal sould be setting a precedent. Kathy Langenwalter reiterated that the owner could not create thehardship. Jim Shearer elaborated that he felt granting this variance night be a grant of special privilege. chuck Crist explained his opinion that if the ownership changed, there would no longer be a hardship, and that the entry wallc should be removed. Gena thought that the removal should be at Mr. Perot's expense. Diana asked the Connission how they would like a condition of approval phrased. Mike Mollica reguested clarification that the Conmission was looking for language that would reguire the addition to be removed if Mr. Perot sold the property. Diana answered affirnativeJ.y, that the expansion should be removed upon a change of titte. Jin Morter requested that the provision be expanded to state that renoval of the entry would be reguired if ttre ownership of the property left the fanily. !Ir. Perot night want to visit his children if they were the subsequent olrners. The same security concerns would exlst as long as the ownership remained in the Perot fanily. Kristan Pritz offered guidance to the Connission that if they wanted to approve the variance, it woutd be difficult to reguire an approved structure to be removed, but that if the Connissionfelt the variance was for safety concerns, it would be appropriate to approve the request, and there were unusual circumstances on the site, Euch as the topography and thelocation of the garage already eneroaching into the setback. L2 Jin Shearer confided his hesitance to set precedent to base a variance on security concerns, as there could be many in the Town who believed they had sinllar concerns. Kathy Langenwalter expressed her belief that this particular variance vas based on extraordinary circunstances. She wanted to be Eensitive to the owner as well as to the site, and compared the reguest to one for an owner with a particular disability. She believed the variance was for a unigue conbinatlon of site constraints and owner hardship, and that if the ownership of the property clranged, theaddition should be renoved. Gena Whitten said she did not think that a renoval condition would be necessary. Ludwig Kurz agreed with that opinion. Neither Chuck Crist or Jin Shearer had an opinion on the condition. Kathy Langenwalter moved that the Cornmission approve the reguestfor a front Eetback varLance for the Perot reEidence, located at 64 Beaver Dan Road/ Iot 31, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing' as submitted, and with the flnding that extraordinary circun- stances are applicable to this site which does not applygenerally to the other sites in the zone district,, in that the garage was located in the front setback of the property due to the overall slope of the lot exceeding 30*. Additionally' an expanded entryr/security gate was necessary for this owner. chuckCrist seconded the notion. Kristan Pritz indicated this would not be counted as GRFA for the house. The vote $as a unaninous 6-0. subsequent to the voting, Diana Donovan indicated she appreciated the staff's assistance in fotsrulating the wording for the variance, even though they had originally reconnended denial . 7. A request to anend Chapter 18.04 of the Municipal Code -_Definitions; to add a new definition for affordable housingunit.Applicant: Town of Vail 8. A recruest to aroend Chapters 18.10 - Sincrle-Fanily Distfict, re J2 - !'wo-ranily nesidential District and 18.13 - Pri4ary/ Secondary Residential District to allow affordable housingunits as a Conditional Use.Applicant: Town of Vail A request to anend Chapters 18.14 - Residentlal ,CluFterDistiict. 19.t6 - Low Densitv Multipte Farnily pistrict, 18.18 - lfediurn Density l,lultiple Famllv DiEtrict, 18.22 - Public Accornnodation District. 18.24 - Cornnercial Core 1 District, 18.26 - Comrnercial Core 2 Dlstrict, 18.27 - comrnercial core 3 District, 1S.28 - conrrqeqial-€enli-se 9. 13 Publ-ic Use District, and 18.39 - Ski Base/RecreationDistriet; to allow affordable housincr unLts as a Conditional Use.Applicant: Town of Vail 10. A recruest to arnend Chapter 18.58 of the l,luniciEal Code - SuppLemental Recrulations to provlde specific developnent/ zoning standardE for affordable housing units.Applicant: Town of Vail These four itens were presented together by Mike Mollica. He described the changes requested, namely explaining that the changes were recornmended from the Town of Vail Affordable Housing Study as Phase I changes. He suunarized these as being proposed as conditional uses for differing zoning districts, as well asdefining Affordable Housing Unit (AFtt). The staff recommendation was that all suggested changes be approved. Type I units would be allowed as a conditional use insF, 2-F, and PrlS zone districts. Types II and IIr would be aconditional use for Residential Cluster, Low Density uulti-Fanily, Medium Densi-ty Multiple Family, Public Accoumodation, Commercial Core I, Conmercial Core II, Conmercial Core III, Commercial Service Center, Arterial BusLness District, Public Use and Ski Base/Recreation Zone Distrlcts. staff also recoumended adoption of the definition of AffordabLe Housing Unit as being rra dwelling unit, with a restricted floor area, that shall be usedfor tong-term rentals, or ownership, by local employees in the Upper Eagle valley (Gore Valley, Minturn, Red Cliff, Gilman, Eagle-Vail , and Avon and their surrounding areas) for thespecific purpose of housing.rl Staff also encouraged the adoption of the developnent standardsfor AFUs, Tlpes I, II and III. These development standards would be in the Zoning Code under Section 18.58.330 and cross- referenced. Chuck Crist asked for clarification on the parking requirements,specifically if an AFU were placed on a P/s lot, would the enclosed parking be 5 spaces? Kristan responded that yes, there could be up to 5 spaces, but one enclosed space would be requiredto be on the lot. She also clarified that there would be no GRFAcredit for the garage. Mike Mollica further e:ryIaJ.ned that the AFU hrould have to come from existing or avaLlable GRFA, but thatthe rr250 ordinancerrr after possible revision and reenactment forthis specific purpose, could be used for a portion of the GRFA. Jim Shearer requested lnfornation on what specifically would be included in a full kitchen. Mlke stated that it would include arefrigerator, sink, range and/or nicrowave. Mike continued his explanation of the three types of AFIts. TIpe f would consist of 3OO-7OO sq. ft., including a bath and full kitchen. Tlpe II is L4 larger, ranging frorn 450-900 sg. ft, and would also include a bath and fuII kitchen. lwo people per bedroon would be allowed, and the unit must be on a bus line or a private shuttle sould berequired. Further, both Alpe I and Tlpe II units would be permanentty deed restricted. Blpe III units would consist of 200-300 sq. ft., and sould have a bath and kitchenette consistingof a small refrigerator, sink and microwave oven. A central. kitchen and lounge area would be required for every 5 llrtrle III AFus in eactr building. storage lockers and laundry facllitles would also be reguired. Jin requested that the language rrin each buildingrr be added to the storage lockers and laundry facilities sentence of the description. Ludwig Kurz asked for a definition of what rraccessiblerr to the Town of Vail bus line would mean. Mike replied that it should be more clearly defined. Kristan Pritz suggested using the ternrrwalking dlstance.rr MLke recommended perhaps using ltreasonable walking distance.tr Jim reiterated his desire to see a clear definition. Diana Donovan thought that a rrreasonablerr walking distance would be appropriate, as the Conmission could review each request as it came up through the Conditional Use pennit process. She also believed that the prectuding of the use of cars should be stated as the obJective for this reguirement. Mike Mollica turned the attention of the Connission to the issueof densLty. He stated that TlDe III units would equal- 0.333 dwelling units, or three units would egual 1 dwelling unit for the purposes of density. He further explained that these units would not be allored to exceed the allowable GRFA for tbedistrict. Chuck crist asked if the density could be exceeded. Mike indicated tlrat it could not. Kathy Langenwalter asserted that the proposed density Lang'uage was not cLearly stated. llike agreed to change the denEity langruage to delete the rrif the 0.333 density standard is utilizedrr to clarify the section. ltLke asked the Conmission for their opinions regarding the tlpe III units, and questioned whether these units qtere necessaryr as they seened to receLve a cool reception during the previous public hearing process. The Commission stated very clearly tbat they believed this type of housing ttas necessary for seasonal workers. Kathy L,angenwalter asked if a qrpe I unit would be allowed in a garage if the garage was placed in the front setback of apropErty. xriitan-explained that there was,already language in Ltre-coae regarding this, but she would nake the changes i! the definition of qrp- I AFU to read I'if a garage iE located in the front setback of a prope*Y, a T,qpe I AI'u shall not be allowed.rl Kathy also inquired now tne 250 bidinance would be used- She did not like the use of the 250 in a P/s distrLct by both owners to provide 5OO sguare feet. She believed that 250 square feet per Iot should be the maximun allowable. She felt that if two 250s 15 were used, the buildlngs would be too large. Jin Shearer asserted that verbiage was needed so that the property owners could decide between then who would use the 250. Kathy expanded on to say that there would only be 1 AFII allowed per lot, and both owners would have to agree on it. Diana Donovan asked if this had been a big discussLon Lten duringthe Zoning Code Task Force neetings. Kristan explained that theexisting 250 ordLnance was proposed to be eliminated, and then perhaps it could be re-establLshed specifically for the AFUs. She agreed to the change in language that there would be 250 perlot, rather than per dwelling unit. She suggested that the 250 language be taken out of the current definition, but with a footnote as to intention to reinstate, once the current 250 ordinance is repealed. Kathy Langenwalter asked if the Housing Authority would set therental rates for the units. Kristan replied that they probablywould. Diana stated stre believed it was part of their job. Kristan said that Jill Kauunerer would investigate that vith theAuthority. Jill explained that the Authority was stLll trying to decide how, or if, to set the rates. Diana asked that guidelines be established, to wtrich Ludwig Kurz suggested the rates be set on local nages. Jin Shearer declared he believed a range ltas necessary, and tbat the Housing Authority should be the ones toset it. Diana agreed with settlng guidelines, not specific rents. Diana Donovan reiterated her opinion that Tlpe fII units were necessary for seasonal ernployees. Jln thought that conmercialbuildings coul-d provJ-de these units on ttre top floor. Kathy believed sDDs would also be a good source to provide the units. Diana viewed a definite need for these units, and expressed her opinion that the workers who would occupy Type IIIs would not necessarily be the ones to turn out to public hearings. Mike Mollica asked Kathy what Ehe would like to see for parking. Kathy replied that she did not bel.ieve 1 parking space ltas adeguate, but was not sure reguiring more would be practical . Kathy asked staff to add wording that all required parking bebuilt as a part of the conditional use. Diana also wanted to explore Aspen's plan that a second car would have to be parked ata location other than the AFU. She also stated that if parking becaure a problern, the cars could always be ticketed and towed. Mike Mollica agreed to amend the parking changes ln the AFU langruage. Diana explained to those members of the Conrnl-sslon who vere not on the Affordable Housing Task Force that the rationale behindthe density requirenents was to protect the neighborhood. Chuck 15 wondered if these units would ever be bullt. Dlana answered that she thought many second hone owners would be happy to have a caretake; unit to watch their house. The conml-ssionrs attention turned to rental rates. Jill Kamerer ocpr"rrea that it woul-d be difficult to set specific rates, as cJ-nrtruction costs would have to be taken into conslderation' oii"a Donovan objected to that logic, and suggested that long- term rates be se€ as a range. .lin Strearer asked that a cap be pla-ea on the range, so ttrit.the units would be rentable, and not just used "s grue"€ rooms. ,fill suggested that Valley-wide costs i"r "quare fo5t could be nonitored-to detemine acceptable coEts' ilarG-Gdicatecl that these rates were readily-available, anq_ postuiated that "--""pott=ible developer and builder could build a i"ii i"" approximaterl gso per aquare-root. Ile suggested the rental ratll not be ti-ed to construction costs, but sea1'e aa g"i-d.1t""t-io- i"cote and rental leve1 . Kathy langenwalter-etated €h.t tftere could be higher-ineorne employee units, but Jin Shearer iliU"ti"a-ly-siying tfra€ ttre unlts strould be reasonably rentable' xristan saia tirat-a tie-in to nedl.an incone levels iE connon ;;;t-h""sing projects. Jin Sheqrer agreed, "lYltte that it t9Yl9 torc6 enployir-s i6 p"y a reasonable-wage. I.fe.did, however,._still "r"nt a nixiiun rentil-cap on the units. Xristan sald that the Ievele could be re-exauiied each year, and that since construction costs were often tied to the economy, a balance should be reachable. In concluding the discussion, Diana Donovan asked that the GRFA language be ie-worded. staff agreed. 11. ilim shearer noved the minutes fron the February 11' 1991 neeting be approved as written. Diana Donovan seconded the notion. lxhe notfb-n passed, 4-o-1' with chuck CriEt abstaining' L2. Approval of ninutes from Februarv 25' 1991 meeting' Jin Shearer noved the February 25, 1991 ninutes be aceepted.as written. Kathy Langenwalter -secoirdea. 111tre vote was 3-0-1 in favor, with Dilna Donovan abstaining. A date for the PEc workshop,/dinner rtas established as {rf} r, 1991 at s:36plt, io take pfite at the Vail Golf Course clubhouse' Upconing joint n9e!ing9 betseen the PEC and Town CouncLl were discuEsed. Speclficaily, the t{arch X2 ilaster Transportatlon P}an and March x9, 1991- streEiscape PIan were discussed' The neeting was adjourned at 6:O5PM by Diana Donovan' L7 -i ilY tdEUOnlt{plm To: Planning and Environnental Connisslon FRou: Conmunity Developnent Departnent DATE: llarch 11, 1991 sURfEqf: Request for a conditional use permit in order to exPand the existing Vail Uountain School facility, located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/ I-,'|- L2, Block 2, VaLl vJ-Ilage 12th Filing.Applicant: VaiI llountaLn School r::I :t I. DESCRIPTION OF 1989 APPROVAL On February 8, 1989, the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEc) approved a three phase expansion program for the vail lilountain School . Phase I (10,318 sq. ft.) has been completed, which included the grlmnasiurn, locker roorns and a stige. The Town issued the bullding pemit for this construction on May 25, 1989. Phases II and III areunbuilt, but were approved under the February 8' 1989 approval . Phase II is the 3240 square foot additlon of a third floor within the primary building to create classroom space. Phase III will include a lobby, restroons, kitchenette and a qtlm offlce. These rooms will be built south of the existing glmnaslun under the existlng covered entry. IT. DESCRIPTION OF CI'RRENT REOUEST At this tirne, the applicant has applied for a conditional use to re-activate only the approval for Phase II. The reason the applicant needs to return to the PEC for a new conditional use approval for Phase II is because the 1989 condLtional use approval has lapsed. The zoning code language in Section 18.60.080 states that: nThe zoning adninistrator shaIl issue a conditional use permit when action of the Planning Connission becomes iinal , subJect to such conditions as nay be prescribed by the connission. The pemit shall lapse if construction is not conmenced withLn one year of the date of issuance and diligently pursued to conpletion' or if the use for which the pemit is granted is not comrnenced within one year. !l flr If the PEc approves this reqluest, the applicant will have one year to pul} a building pernit for this construction. The applicant must return later to the PBC for reapproval of Phase III. Conditional use approval for that phase has already lapsed, and this reguest does not include that phase. The reason the applicant has not requested Phase III approval is because the speclfic plan for the proposed rooms lras not been designed. At thls tine, it is not clear if another site coverage variance is needed. The applicantwill wait until funds for Phase III are available, do the design work, and then apply for a site coverage variance (if needed) at that time. II. BACKGROUND OF THE VAIL !,IOI'NTAIN SEHOOL The Vail Mountain School received approval- to construct a new sehool in Booth Creek in 1978. The applicant requested a conditional use approval for a private school of approximately 9,OOO square feet for a maximum of 10ostudents. Conditions of approval were as follows: 1. The maximum floor area for the vail Mountain Schoolbuilding is not to exceed 1oroo0 sguare feet. 2. The Vail ltountain School is to be used only by the vail Mountain School for school functions. 3. Addltional parking shall be provided by the VaiI MountaLn School if the proposed parking is found by the Planning and Environmental Conrnission to be inadeguate. 4. The location of the school building and its activities are restricted to the area designated on the plans approved by the Planning and Environmental Comnissionat the october 24, 1978 meeting, which are on file inthe Conmunity DeveJ.opnent Departrnent. A deedrestriction from Vail Associates will linrit the amountof land to be used by the school on this designatedarea. The balance of the seven acre parcel is to berestricted as green belt. 5. The cabin currently on the property is to be preserved and restored either in its existing location or in another location restricted to the eastern part of thesite as shown, as shown on the subnitted plans. In Novenber, L979, the Vail Mountain schooL received expansion approval to construct a lunch room, indoorrecreational area, and a dark room. Conditional use approval uas given in October, 1981 to renove the ( I restriction linitlng the nunber of students at Vail llountain School . In Augiust, 1983, the school received condltional use approval to accornmodate a sodded soccer field. In 1984, the school received approval to add approximateLy 31096 square feet. The proposal provided space for a print room, cornputer roon, language Iab, two classrooms, one meeting roon, and one kindergarten roon. A parking/hard spacer/play area of approxinately 41000 aquare feet was Located on the exJ-sting parklng area. Durlng this conditional use revlew, a rock falt barrl.er was also proposed on the north hillside above the school . At thistine, the Vail Mountain School has a total gross square footage of 181571 square feet. on ilanuary 25, 1988, a vork session was held on the Vail MountaLn school to dlscuss the glmnasiun and classroon expansl-on as well as the vacation of the deed restriction. The Planning and Environmental Conmission determined that it would be appropriate for the deed restriction to be voided. Representatives fron the Vail Mountain School , Marsha sage, President of the Board of Directors and l!r. Peter Abuissi, Headmaster, indicated that there would not be a major increase in developrnent after this expansLon. since that PEC neeting, the deed restriction has been voided. on February 8, 1989, the Planning and EnvironnentaL Cornmission approved a three phase expansion approval described in the first section of this nemo. The first' phase of that has been constructed, which had 1or318 squarefeet. After the 3r24o square foot expansion of Phase II is built, the total floor area of the school will be 32'L29 sguare feet. III. CRITERIA AND FTNDINGS Upon review Departnent based upon of Section 18.60, the Connunity Development reconnends approval of the conditional use pernit the following factors: A. Consideratl-on of Factors: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on developnent obiectives of the Town. The development objectives of the Tosn llsted in the purpose section of the open space andngrltultural District section of the zoning code state that I'parks, schools, and certain tlpes ofprlvate recreation facilltieE and institutions ... are suitabl-e uses in the agriculture and open 3 2. space district, provlded that the sites of these uses remain predoninantly open.n staff believesthat the site Ls predominantly open, and that the use conplies with the purpose of the Section as stated above. The school currently covers 7.932of the 6.L22 acre site. Though this nay appear to the PEC as a very smatl amount of site coverage,the code linitation for thls zone dlstrict Ls only5t. The additional 2.93* of sLte coverage was approved by the Planning and Environmental commlssion on February L3, 1989 in a sLte coveragevariance. Staff continues to believer however,that a site that ls 92.07t open meets the intentof the purpose section. Construction of Phase IIwill not increase the site coverage. The effect of the use on light and air'distribution of population. transportationfacilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Since tbe expansion is not intended to lncrease the nunber of students, the current level of inpact witl not change. Effect upon traffLc with particular reference to conqestion. automotive and pedestrian safety, and convenience. traffic flow and control . access' maneuverability, and removal of snow from thestreet and oarkincr areas. The applicant does not propose to change theparking layout or the access plan. There arecurrently 84 parking spaces on the site. Theparking lot is accessed from Katsos Ranch Road'vith a one-hray traffic flow, exiting onto BoottrFalI Road. There is no direct access onto the Frontage Road. This is the desigrn which staff and PEC reviewed and supported in 1989 when theapplicant ltas requesting the three phase expansionto the school . ff the applicant were to propose e:<pansions other than those tisted in the 1989 proposal , staff believes it sould be necessary to reevaluate theparking demand and possibly require addLtionalspaces. However, because the existing deslgn and parking supply were determlned to be appropriatefor the construction outllned in tbe 1989 revielt, 3. 4. and because this request does not involve any floor area that waE not described in tbat request, staff believes that the comprehensive site design does not need to be changed. As it has turned out in the past year slnce the parking lot hae been constructed, the 84 spaces are more than enough for the deuands of the school . llhe new windows and dormerEi proposed for the third floor classroou expansion will actually help break up the mass of the existing buiLding on the north and south elevations. As a result, the building wilJ- appear less butky. As part of the earlier approval , the applicant intended to landscape the area north of the school to create a buffer between this use and the residentl.al neighborhood north of the site. As this has not been done yet, staff ls reconmendingthat the applicant ptant a buffer in thiE areaprior to the issuanbe of building permits for this construction as a condition of approval . Because the landscaping reguirements are part of the Phase f approval, staff witl not issue a finalcertificate of occupancy (c.O.) for the construction untll- the planting is instaUed. However, even though the Town haE this condition on the final. c.o., staff believeE it is nore appropriate for the applicant to conplete ttris landscaping before starting Phase II or at rninimun, to provide a letter of credit for these improvements before any additlonal buildinqtpernits are issued. Landscaplng shown on the original approval south of the iite ms designed to screen the parlcing lot fron the Frontage Road. This was particularly irnportant to the Toqrn, since part of the parking Iot encroacheE lnto the 20 foot front yard setback. A variance was approved for the parking in this location sith the understanding that the applicant would acreen it with landscaping. The applicant has planted about half of tbe 3o trees slown on the plans, but several have died becauEe the irrigation system faited. once the irrigation system is fixed, the applicant will replace the and bultc of the proposed use in relation to dead trees and plant the rest of the trees called for on the original landscape plan. Conpleting the landscaping in this area should be anottrer condl.tion of approval for ttris reguest. Pubtic works staff has identified a drainage problem, created when the parking lot was expanded, which should also be corrected at thistine. IV. Attached to this meuo is a letter from the f,own to the Booth Creek neighborhood regarding the rock falL nitigation ditch. The concept of this nitigation is one that provides the best protection to the school as it not only protects the buildings, but al-so the play fields. As the letterindicates, the Town has written cornmitruent from the contractor to rebuild the bern in accordance with the engineerl.ng conpaction specifications. The Town hopes to have the berm rebuilt during the summer of 1991. V. FINDINGS A. That the proposed location of the use in accord witb the purposes of this ordinance and the Purposes of thedistrict in which the site is }ocated. B. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or naintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious toproperties or inprovenents in the vicinity. c. That the proposed use would courply with each of tlre applicable provisions of this ordinance. VI. STAFF RECOMIIENDATIONS Upon review of Section L8.60, the Conmunity Development Department recornnends approval of the condLtional use per"mit based upon the following factors: Consideration of Factors staff believes that the current request meets Findings A, B, and C as it is in accordance with the purposes of this zone district, lt wlll be operated in a way which is notdetrinental to publtc health, safety and welfare, and thatthe request is in general conpliance with the zoning code.Staff believes that the propoeaL is along the lineE of what has previously been approved, does not increase the inpactsof the school- use at this site, and will be architecturallybeneficial to the existing building. As stated ln the 1989 tneno, however, Town staff does believe ttrat wlth theconstruction of Phases I, II and III as outlined in theflrst section of this neno, the Vall ltountain school will have reached the development potential of thiE site. Staff would reconrnend that any further requests to e:<pand the school be looked at very closely ln order to naintain the Lntent of the agrLcultural open space zone district. The Connunity Oevelopnent Department reeornmends approval ofthis reguest with the following conditions: Prior to issuance for building petruits for this proJect, the applicant shall: A. Suburit revised drawings for review DRB that show what landscaping will approval by theplanted north of approval of the Town Engineerthe existing drainage be completed prior tothlrd floor classrooms. and be the school to buffer the project from the residential neighborhood, and what landscaping will be planted south of the parking lot to screen the parking fron the Frontage Road. Prior to the issuance of a buildingpemit, thls landscaping shall be installed, or aletter of credl-t for 10Ot of the cost for the landscaping shall be provJ.ded to the Town. Applicantshall secure CDOH approval for any inprovenents in the right-of-way, if necessary. B. Subrnit for the revlew and a design which sill solveproblem. This sork shall issuance of a TcO for the o o February 14, 1991 To All Property (hmers ln the Booth Falls Local Group and Distrlct Dear Property Owner: I am wrltlng to update you on the status of the Booth Falls Rockfall llitlgatlon Berm. As you are presently aware, the berm which was conslructed ln the sutrmer and fall of 1989 dld not meet the conpactlon speclflcatlons of the englneer who designed t[g-gtructure. Although the engineer has certlfled to us in writing a0Sfft the berm is safe and is effective ln stopplng rocks at the present time, the engineer's concern is that because the compaction specificatlons have not been rret there is a posslbillty that the berm will s'lowly s'luff and thereafter lose lts ability to work effectively to stop frlling rocks- The Tonn of Vail has been sued by the contractor who bui1t the berm for funds which we have refused to pay because of what we conslder to be a substantial default in the contracton's performance. The Town has counterclaimed against the contractor and the legal action ls ongoi ng - The Tovm now has a written conmitment from the contnactor to rebuild the bern ln accordance with the compactlon specifications of the engineer beglnnlng as soon as possible at the beginning of the 1991 Uuilaing seison. -The Town is hopeful that the berm can be rebullt in the fashlon requlred by the engineer prior to the 1991/1992 ski season. If you have any questlons concerning this mtter, please don't hesitate to glve me a cal 1. Very truly yours, LAE/jc xc: Town Council Rondall U. Phillips L-arry 6/ Eskwith Tourn Attorney ") I : I I I I I i II I I I I I I I I I I I I ,) i J PT lt 20 @o !i! |-mom2 C, t I IIi I I I Il ! I I I I : I I I 2{ '|l z C'oo .!alt Fr I>Lz o $ ,fulE { '$ $ nfr!| ri tnl|r. an a.aVAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL fl ll I ffi I III r I I !I -l'c giifBir"SFNIT ExPANsroN PHASEI m 6 n lllt<l>t{ 50:. { oo 5- Il||-.m(<(>l-l 13c,:,2 {. VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL n*rar*a.xc!-t rrb-b9i'tlft8Flltr ExPANsroN PHA'E rl ! tI t:-o!-l- mrrirt 5E;4zt VAIL MOUNTAIN CAI'PUS CENTER scHooL EXPANSIO]I PHAS rutiatdltlrr.l|libaEg- "!fi VAIL' ILORADO #4,u" i/i,,*. -q W* 7* Wtr* /l,l|'t *,':,^ l:,,, tr",/ lul' , \tu\ lt',' ., I PUBLTC NoTIcE lt'v' f'A- - NoTIcE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environrnental . 'r .: .i:j.-Conmission of the Tonn of Vall wlll hold a public hearing in :.-' accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the munl.cipal code of the Town of Vail on March L1-, 1991 at 2zOO p.n. in the Town of VailMunicipal Buildlng. Consideration of: 1. A request for a front setback variance for the Perotresidence, located at 64 Beaver Dan Road/ Lot 3L, Block 7,VaiI village FLrst Filing.Applicant: Ross Perot A reguest for a conditional use pemit to expand the Vail Mountain School , located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/ Lot L2,Block 2, VaiI Village 12th Filing.Applicant; VaiI Mountain School A reguest for setback, landscape and site coverage variances and an exterior alteration to the Lifthouse Lodge at 555East Lionshead CircLe/ Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead LstFiling.Applicant: Robert T. and Dlana Lazier A request to amend Chapter 18.04 of the Municipal Code -Definitions; to add new definitions for accessory unit,affordable housing unit and studio housing unit.Applicant: Town of VaiI A request to anend Chapters 18.10 - Single- Fanily District, L8.L2 - Two-Family Residential District and 18.L3 -Prinary/Secondary ResidentiaL District to allow accessoryunits as a conditional use in the above referenced zonedistricts.Applicant: Town of Vail A request to amend Chapters 18.1-4 - Residential ClusterDistrict, 18.L6 - Lon Density Multiple Family District, 18.18 - Mediun Density Multiple Fanily District, 18.20 -High Density Muttiple ranily District, L8.22 - Public Accommodation District, L8.24 - Connercial Core L DJ.strict, L8.26 - Commercial Core 2 District, L8.27 - Commercial Core3 District, 18.28 - Commercial Serwice Center District, L8.29 - Arterial Business District and 18.36 - Public UseDistrict, 18.39 - Ski Base/Recreation District; to allow deed restricted affordable housing units and deed restrictedstudio housing units as a conditional use in the above referenced zone dlstricts.Applicant: To$rn of Vail 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. w 4'r'# ,.9 O All itens tabled fron tbe FSnrary 25, t99L PEC ueetirq aEerda. The appllcatlons and Lnf,ormation about the propogals areavailable f,or publlc J.nepectLon ln tlre Cqmunlty oevelopnent Department offlca. Town of Vail Comunity llevelopnent llepartnent Publiehed in tne vall trrail on Februarl 22, 1991. John GaIt Mountaineering l-93 E. core Creek DriveVail, CO 8l-657 Duane Piper P.O. Box 5560 Avon, CO 8L620 -.Robel P. LanmertsL25 *blc Avenue -Oklahoma City, OK 73LO2 Joe lI. Tonahill, ilr. P.O. Box 3326Vail, CO 81658 colorado Division of Highways P.O. Box 21O7 Grand Junction, co 8l-502 Booth Falls Townhome Homeortners' Assoc. c/o Susan Fritz P.O. Box 356 Vail , CO 81658 Jorge & SybiLl Havas 3255 Katsos Ranch Roadvail, co 81,657 Brandess Cadnus ReaI Estate 281 Bridge Streetvail, co 8L557 Pat & Anne Baker 3l-35 BoothfaLls Courtvail , co 8L657 John A. Burdick P.O. Box 2267Boulder, CO 80306 David and Nancy Dowell 298 Hanson Ranch Roadvail, co 81657 Bill and Anne Eggers P.O. Box 3340vail, co 81558 ') -/ ("tu,lvrZ\A ilthr-TJ L>r LETTTER o#mnNsnnlr TAILSNOWDON & HOPKINS ARCHITEC 201 Gore Creek Drive vArL, coLoRADO 81657 TO the following items: ! Samples E SpecificationsX D tr tr Prints Change order D tr (303) 476.220r oArE olll l4l lJoBNo ATTENTION *- l)*t b l,lnuNfkl/.l ffiJmu //)r/b"/f/D9ru b% F7ffi'717 wE ARE SENDING vou !, Attached f] under separate cover via Shop drawings Copy of letter COPIES DATE NO.DESCRIPTI,ON?ao //ffit/o*T/0/-{ / kfrp,t/w frF14ff/+LI I -Ab 6//tH t:4ofu 1 lprmtm.,tb.tf I A-bJA{4tkl FFtuZrQ Dtt}@ THESE ARE TRANSMITTED E For approval E For your use fi.,, As requested as checked below: E Approved as submitted D Approved as noted E Returned for corrections Resubmit-copies for approval Submit -copies lor distribution Return-corrected prints tr tr tr E For review and comment ! tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO ,.-T-\ tln r, '&tK Pr00rr242 /,6/hq6ddr, t& ola ,t ancrofrraar rra noa ta rroacd, kindlt ',otttlt ua al onca. INTER-DEPARTMENTAIJ REVIEW PROiIECT: DATE SUBMITTED: 2-U- ql DAIE oF puBl,rc ITEARTNG 3'ft1t CoMMENTS NEEDED By: >-Zb'Cl BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAT: AyJ;,--'( ,n"Jd i,,. f('*- o-th . 9P at e- al\ puBrrrc woRKs -u1(,31-'^a 6,^.d-tu6 l; L- d" ^ed RevJ-ewed byl comments: FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comment,s: POLICE DEPARTMENT RevJ.ewed by: comments3 RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date: Jo"s ra,'vr.^-i dL;,J d1,,- 4 tk Date: Date: Date: S^/ 6 nr./f* b/s z/rz/r7 o INTER-DEPARTMENTAI, REVI EW PROJECT: DAl'lI SUBMITTED: 7-lb ql DA,I'E oF pugr,rc uEARTNG }:tt-tt coMMllNtS NIlItlrELt Dy: Z-Zb'41 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF TIIE PROPOSAT:[;/. d" ^aA fl^r-- Jos a-,-trv.,.us,{yy't.*^,t .a"Jd puB rc "oRKs :,=6^A $t:Utw6 ' RevLewert ay, 4tE Ar-ll Date: z/.uht conments: D Sunrol +h,o- lJ €h,r* h"ot-l *,eJ s. L 7 z) u-ra-> -Hns s} L pl-^ c*^_5 -|r-,_t--1. l^).-: _14"_- ).n ft'* o-t h . sp a( e-q\ tL tL;,J {tr-. 4 t{^- lr.-.-!r.^f tt^p ,r"J-tLl h-t^-^-^ 'lL'* ba/---,cJt- '-"'{ Q^6{ ? 3) -f1.4- ^t"il +- cbr,-.. u p L-*y fr.' -*-, , Date: lc.tf a-L) o l-,'..'-'r V lr---- a'*tl"."-'-O *t-'q .-p, ; t"i^s J*/L d I l,-L ^--L C?u*u n /, t) ; {t< t'!tt/ eV a,.v-l ;n /r lt fL<- FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: ConrmenLs: ---t-J I'J''*. , n 6. $rt,-',?, rl POfJICE DEPAR'I'},IEN'T' Reviewed by: Conments: RECRUATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comrnents: Date: :. t/Z/t> /q t/ *r // i'[i ou-J^,*Sr[^,J , Ct-*t ' / 5 c2, Z*2a q'7 o *^;l 47- rcw."-.*h c/ dC */,','t< ,'*-----al '? {r. ,'Q,'/ /,-/4,.^ a tlaaI ,a4J ) February 27, l-991- Ms. Pam llopkinsl.tr. Craig Snowdon Snowdon & Hopkins Architects 20L core Creek Drivevail, co aL657 Re: Vail l.tountain gcbool 1988 PEc Approval and PLtto VarLanceLot 3, Bloek I Vail Vl.llage l't.tb Filing Dear Pam & Craig: I an writingr this letter to respond to letters you sent inAugust, L99O, concerning the Vail l,[ountain School and Pittovariance. According to the Town of Vail Municipal Code. you mustreapply for the Conditional Use Perurit and the Variance youreceived for the above projects. The staff is not in a positionto staff approve an extension of the Planning Couunissionapprovals. I would suggest that you subnit your applications anda letter stating your intent to reguest the exact same approvalper the approved plans which are on file in the Cornrnunity Development Department. We will then schedule your applicationas soon as possible for the next Planning and Environmental Conmission meeting. Attached is a schedule of upcorning meetings. Please remernber to check the adjacent property owners and submita nehr list for notification purposes. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Kristan Pritz Connunity Development Director /abEnclosure Snowdon and Hopkins o Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive 309-476-2201 Vail, Colorado 81657 February 25, 1991 Mr. Andy Knudson Conmunity Developrnent Department ?own of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVaiI, CO 81657 RE: Vail Mountain School Campus Center Expansion Dear Andy, In February and March 1989, the Vail Mountain School received Planning Commission and DRB approvaL for a Campus Centeraddition. As the bid came in. the school had to phase the construction of the project. Phase I, the gymnasium, one locker room and the stage were completed in January 1990. We would liketo begin Phase II which is the landscaping and classroom expansion on the third fl,oor. These new cl-assrooms are planned to provide "a better physical plan to acconmodate the needs of the present school- population". We were notified last nonth byKristan Pritz thaL the time lirnit of our approvals has expired. We are re-applying for the same approval to complete Phase II. The Phase III plan is to enclose the covered entry to the Campus Center for public restrooms, a emaI1 kitchenette, Iobby; andupstairsr a 9ym offi-ce and mezzanine area as shown on theoriginal p1ans. Please give me a call if you have any questions. Sincerely, q7^ l{qdil"' Pamela W. ttopkins, Partner SNOWDON AND HOPK]NS - ARCHITECTS PWH/slh ApPi-:cATlCN FlR CciicliloiiAL usE pER!'1i"f prcccdure lg requ{red fqr ar'y proiect requl're'1 t0 obtaln pennl t. aPPjlcotionulllnotbercctptedunt,l]ulllnforrnlt|onlssuul{tted. .4,tJ HAI4T OF APPLIC'AT{T ADORTSS Cate of PEC ileettng. -- -. ....-, "----* t condlt{onsl fiAl,rl CF ADDRTSS APPL ICAhT. S REPRESdIiTAII'JT t ttAftE 0t OIJNIfts) (Prlnt type ) 0riNtR(S)' Sl Gi{AT AOCRESS l.Thl s ute The A. n ?HoN|jFlh,:frffiD PHoilt a, D.LOCATION 0i pR0p03ALr LTGAL: toti!L-etw(:LFtLL F, A 11st of the names of oHn?rs of .al'! ?|?iglly adJ.acent to lltq subJ.ect propertY iHii[crHc iaoprtii-gir:Lc rrl nctois lirngEri' arrd the{r nrt'l'l1e-rd!Ii!t9!: THt AppLlcAtr uiu. er it!plririLE ioe-coflilci orlxEns AhD c0RRtcT AD9RassES, ll. PRE,-APitl|:ATl0N CCriFltiriitr A PRe'A?PLiCATIotl ccftigRErlci xlTil-A rLAl'filitiG $TAFF,Mgt'lbtR !t lliqlglY SUGSISTE0 ro'nirriruiii ir"hi'ibttiiorit'l_ilrgni"rAilcN-ls^[rfpF0:- t'0 AflllElIl9l! lllL BE AccrpTtD utiilss ti :s c0MeLtri (ii!i'iircilli-lil tTEr'rs RtQulflq^ll-I^!l.zoNlN6 i[u?rriiinrioij, tT ts TiiEA2pr:lqti's-Riiior,iilrti!.to ttrra Ar{ APP0INTT'fEriI ltiH T'ig st$.FF TC iiiS Oti rb,liii eCOitiOul.i iubttlTTAL RiQUlREl'ishTS' FLtAst LCT6 Til6 A !0l{tiEti A.iilr(ATiiN tii[L sTtEAf'lLirit TfiE APPR0VAL PRoctss FcR Ycun PeoJeii ivSfcmrs:i'o iii'r';ueci'ol [i;'SiiicHi 0F A?PRovAL TtiAT THE pec fg.y STtpuLATr, Ari iciior"flcris ci lppncva[-xu!; gt c0l'lPLllD t'llTH BEFORE A guiLclrc-piPJ/,:T IS l55uID. AODRgSS [. ft[ $100 PAi [}*."**. THE FEE I'IUST BT PAIC SIFCRC ?ilT ACCiPT YCUrr FR0PoSAL, cK#*.*- BY_ ,._-- DEPARTIIEi{T OF COFJ'IUIIiTY OEI,ELOPHEI{T }IILL t, 1,, (c'/[R) o snowdon and Hopkins r Architects // WrOUO /1?/ 201 Gore Creek Drive 303-476-2201 Vail, Colorado 81657 l/rtt1, //cu lrfiN &#aou 4*uan %Nrw *NAOUNT -fr-tffifl ? lluNhtra', Vl/ l/L'th, bLr2L /w a 'A' -laftu atr l.laatlTut-lsfuna /4? F,ms;{far/ # u+tL b/ret 'b' DM/-/b prup tux %h0 AuoN / HPzo /,ff 4 Jop& i 4?blu H"+UAg 4/64 /*fm ft+14/+ tuwtL hlast UT /O 'A' #zANDF* n4DHE rffiL %TMbhhl eT u*lb, 0o Ha51 \ ht 'Wf r h$tJb b^y€p- 0196 'bu(+1ffi1l3 cP1sP7 UklL t Lo flb57 ' 'Vl) lq.th bb00h *] e brr 4 -pohgfl' P. LA///4EFTS l?q fupf HE ,khthvA ctrlt olz i3loz b?T 4 JDb ll , TDt/At+lb #,fux 3?zp UALL | lo blpEb Laf ll Jo#lt A , bwD/alz ftoX z2b1 boundF , 4D hlvDd UU 15tu ffi,oaL z Do'f lb 'A' D+utD 'flA/,/df Donbtu 44h #*tgorl #l/uJ fu. Unb , ln 9161 'h' btLL q rt^/N6 frbA,ps box eo4D l)AlL I lo b/osb hortl FAuts -r\wrll-Louu t/w* ^|il$tps w. o/o ltWN FFlfz box +5tu YhtL / lo 6bst huW*tn Ptulgtn^l F fflHnNr< frnx lll'l z+?WD =WoTtoN , nog,ro, a 'nr'| ' ? 'i DEFABTMtrNT @F .E@MMUNITV DtrVtrL@FMENT XXXXXXX sALEs AcTroN FoRM xxxxxxx t 0000 41f30 COM. DEV. APFUCATTON FEES ZONING rilD ADDRESS I/APS 1S88 UNTFORIT BUII.DINC CODE 1 0000 42415 I9E8 UNIFORII PLUTIBINO CODE 100c0 42113 T988 UNIFORII UECHANICAL CODE 1 0000 42415 IS88 UNIFORII RRE CODE I 0000 42415 1S87 NATIONAL ETJCTRICAL CODE 10000 4211s OTHER CODE BOOKS PRtltTs (unensl 01.0000 42412 0x coPtEs ,/ sruors I oooo lzszt r4s / RE-INSFECTION r oooo +tsiz oFF HouRs tttspacaoH rL= coNlR^groRs UCENSES ?EES 0l 0000 4t413 .slctf t?Pl,lcf,Tloll FILE COPY 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 (303) 479-213e office ot communlty development l"aerch 26, 1932 Vail L'lcuntain School rJv(lr 1r Wl | | L,/uL(iUi) 310'.r Kaisos Flri:oh Fioad \tai! CO 616q7 Re: I:e cent Planning and Enuircnrnental Commission Approval Fegarding Sii,: Coverage Variarrce Dcar Rcard oi Trusiees: Hecently. the Pianrring and Envircnrnental Comrnissicln approved a site coverage variance lor the llountain School to allow a library additior on the east side of the school. On Marc:r 2.1, 1932, the Vail Tow:r Ccuncil reviewed the Planning and Environmental Commission tjccisio;.rlr-; uphcid the :lpproval. Once the library acjdiiion is built, the total site coverage fcr tlre sch.;cl iryill be 7.632L. !n 1939, lhe Vlll ll;untain School rec,;ivcd approval from the Town for rJevelcprr:orrt of 1trc siie,tesuliirrginaT.93%sitecoverage. TheTownCouncil wantedtoreiteraiethebelief tii?t thi :'iie covcr3ge appro','cC in 1989 is the nnaximum amount appropriate fcr tills site. In tire it.'tt'rc, lf the scirDol woulC like to pursue cther development expansions, such as a lobby a;rJ iesticctns to the south side of the gym;rasium, the proposal will have to bc Cesigned in such e,r/av so i: dces nct exceed the 1989 approval (7.99% site coverage). '{i:t-,,cncd to tl,ls leiter is a copy of the staff niemorandum to the PEC of N4arctr 23, 1992. irls nlcrno evil'iiies ihe litrrary expansion, using bc!,|'r the corrditionai use ancl site ccvurage var;arroe criieril. The mcrnc crovicies a det3ilecJ:xplanatinn of the way the sile develo;lnt:nt relates 1u thJ 23,ling starrrlirrcjs. Thr: Town ap.oreciates the benefits the Mouniain Cichorrl Fas contrtbuted to tire co!-nmunity, but wartts to mal,e sure there is a clear ur:dsrstanding abctri il:: way th,' cJt'rent facility excee ds the zoi:ing stanctards, and ihat lulure erpansions sittr':ld n:l ex'-'c:J ihe i999 siie ccvcrace varii;:c3. ..*-^i . -.-)\'^r,, t Vail Mountain gchool March 26, 1992 Page 2 lf any of the Board members would like to discuss this further, please feel free to call me at 479-2139. Sincerely, oir Ln*r""n\ I Town Planner lab Enclosure ''l\-t!f PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION March 23,1992 Present Staff Greg Amsden Kristan Pritz Diana Donovan Mike Mollica Kathy Langenwalter Jill Kammerer Dalton Williams A-ndy Knudtsen Amber Blecker Absent Chuck Crist Ludwig Kurz Gena Whitten h lLI ur.,r i LJggW( toD,n^f After an executive session, the meeting was called to order by Chairperson Diana Donovan at approximately 2:10PM. 1. A request for the establishment of a Special Dcvelopment Disfrict at the Christiania at Vail. 356 Hanson Ranch Road4.ot D. Block 2. Vail Villaee First Filine. and I-t P-3. Block 5-A. Vail Villaee Fifth Filine. Anplicanfi Paul Johnston Planner: Mike Mollica Mike Mollica explained the changes in the request since it was previously reviewed on March 9, 1992. The Commissioners and memben of the public examined the plans. Paul Johnston, the owner and applicant, reiterated that the purpose of the request was to upgrade his property, while maintaining the maximum number of hotel rooms. He said he had done his best to cooperate with the rcquests made by the Town with regard to Iandscaping and other issues. Jim Lamont, representing the East Village Homeowners Association, stated that the Association viewed the 1991 PEC approval for the Christiania as being supportable. However, the Association was very concerned with this project bccoming a Special Development Disuict. They did not view this project in a similar light as the Garden of the Gods, as it was not a complete demolition and rebuilti, and did not believe it was appropriate in this instance as it would change the zoning. Jim continued that the Associarion may support a series of variances, rather than an entire SDD, and that changing the request to variances should not alter the time frame for final approval, both being targeted for mid-April. In addition, Mr. I-amont believed the trash enclosure should be addressed with an interior solution, and that the sFeetscape around the property was not complete. He believed certain aspects of the approved Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission . March 23,1992 ' Page I l Streetscape Plan were not being addressed specifically pavement fieatment and street lighting aspects. He also did not believe having the required landscaping for the project installed on Town of Vail land was appropriate. Mr. l,amont also ad&essed the Mill Cleek C.ourt Chute. He stated improved safety for this area should bc dealt with, specifically rccommending a 5-8 foot sidewalk, at a minimum. Jim asked that he be given more time to speak with his Board, and that the streetscaping and trash enclosure be addressed more fully. Mill agreed with Mr. ces of his Board Special Paul Johnston indicated that his proposal had taken into consideration, and complied with, a non-adopted view corridor in the area, and had worked in good faith with the staff. Kristan Pritz commented that a final solution to the issue of ownership and rights of Lots P-3 and J would be necessary before an appropriate solution to the Mill Creek Court Chute could be addressed. Diana Donovan stated she did not feel it was appropriate to hold up approval of the Christiania when the disputes and questions were not caused by him, nor would they be increased by this project. Greg Amsden commented that it appeared the Christiania had parking rights to l-ot P-3, and that the addition of valet parking spaces, both on P-3 and on the applicant's property, met the additional parking generated by the request. He was not sure the garage was necessary, especially since it extended into the setback. He suggested eliminating the garage and using that space as the location for a dumpster enclosure. Regarding the issue of a sidewalk along the Mill Creek Court Chute, Greg Orought it could be placed on the west side of the chute. On the question of whether an SDD was appropriate versus applying for multiple variances, Greg believed there would be a problem with requesting a variance for increased density, as he could see no hardship which would justify such a variance request. Dalton Williams read from a prepared statement as follows: "After reviewing this rcquest, I am convinced that this project would be a positive addition to the Town of Vail. Certainly Paul Johnston continues to provide Vail with a fine family run lodge that greatly contributes to the ambiance of Vail. I also telieve that the proposed upgrade to the Christiania at Vail is positive for the community. In particular, I find the 'alpine architecture' to be attractive and in keeping with the image of Vail. The proposed streamwalk, landscaping and the upgrade to the property are positive steps that are necessary to keep Vail the premier rcsort we all want it to be. Planning and Environmenul Commission . March 23, 1992 . Page 2 Kathy wanted the applicant to use whatever was available under the architectural projection section of the code to make the north facade more interesting. She further asked that staff use its discretion to determine what was appropriate. She also stated she was talking about something like an additional 6 inches of projection. Kathy reiterated that she could not supPort the variance for the north elevation as submitted- Kristan suggested, as an altemative, the PEC apProve a setback encloachment of a certain distance in addition to the requested setback variance in order to accommodate architcctural projections. Dalton W'illiams asked if an encroachment variance was granted to the end of a roofline (overhangs). Kristan indicated it was based on the submired plans. Dalton continued that, if a variance was given to the overhang line, then the bay window did not require sepiuate approval, as it was a lesser distance from the prcperty line than the overhangs. Jill disagreed, stating that approval was given fo'r a specific set of plans, and any additions or changes required an additional variance approval. Kristan agreed, stating that a grcater roof overhang did not equate to an automatic variance for the bay window. Kathy said she could not find a hardship to justify supporting a variance for the bay window, but would like to allow 6" for relief from the blank appearance of thc no'rth facade through the use of architectural projections. Diana also could not justify a variance for the bay window, and reiterated that a variance was given for every projection, be it roof or wall. Greg Amsden agreed with that assessment, finding no hardship to justify the bay window. Kathy Langenwalter moved to apprcve the request for setback and site coverage variances for the Grubbs Residence, 1031 Eagle's Nest Circle/Iot 1, Block 1, Vail Village 8th Filing for the east and west elevations, and deny the request for a setback variance on the north elevation per staff's memo with the finding that the rcquested variances met the criteria for hardship based on the existing building's location. In addition, a strong recommendation would be given to the Design Review Board to review the north elevation and allow ttre applicant to submit plans which encroached an additional 6-8 inches to allow for "interest" and relief from the blank facade of that elevation. Greg Amsden seconded the motion. It was unanimously approved, by a vote of 4-0. After the vote, Flo Steinberg voiced concerns about notification procedures for adjacent propefiy owners, as well as encouraging the Commissioners to be more consistent with their use of microphones during the discussions. 2. A request for a sie covera e variance and a conditional use oermit for the Vail Mountain School. 316O Katsos Ranch RoadlPart of Lot 12. Block 2. Vail Villase l2th Filine. Aoplicant Vail Mounain School Planner: Andv Knudtsen Since the issues identified in the staff memo were explained to the Commissioners during site visits, they waived a presentation by staff. Planning and Environmental Commission . March 23, 1992. Page 7 Dalton Williams moved to approve the rpquest for a site coverage variance and a conditional use permit for the Vail Mountain School, 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing per the staff memo. Greg Amsden seconded the motion. It was approved, 4-0. 4. Review of Planning and Environmental Commissions in other communities. Present€r: Susan Scanlan A discussion was held between the Planning Commissioners and Susan Scanlan. Diana Donovan could not support another level of govemment at the Town level, but could maybe see an environmental commission of the type curently used by Telluride formed at the county level. Greg Amsden liked the fact that, in Telluride, 5 of the members of the commission were residents of the town, but 2 could reside in the counfy outside the town limits. He also favored the appmach of the commission being a non-regulating body. Dalton Williams found himself changing his opinion toward the commission toward favoring the implementation of such an organization. He believed it could be a positive aspect of the Town process. Kathy Langenwalter liked the fact the Telluride commission was a pro-active board, along with the fact they could review specific environmental proposals. Susan agreed, also favoring the fact that subcommittees were formed within the main group for research purposes on an individual issue. Diana stated again she would still prefer to see such a board formed at the county level to address the general envircnmental issues. Kristan Pritz did not think there were a grcat number of projects in the Town which had large environmental impacts, citing those which had been received in the past few years. Kathy agreed, but stated those large projects had not had the environmental concerns addressed in the same degree of depth as those areas of the proposals which were more familiar to the Commissioners. 5. Letter to U.S.F.S. concernins the Air Resource Manaeement Plan- Presenter: Susan Scanlan The consensus of the Commissioners was in favor of sending the letter as presented. After additional comments by the Commissioners regarding DRB procedures, and a request to stalf to research an appropriate memorial for Arne Hansen, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 5:00PM. t Planning and Environmental Commission . March 23- 1992 . Page 8 \ Ol ''l t' ,\q : t'r-'\ \j" /\,,c"1 {itr-' TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department .'t ,ti/i'L, 4 ),i| {'"u\ rAr ft^C J..tr1 March23,1992 A request for a site coverage variance and a conditional use permit to expand the library and classrooms of the Vail Mountain School, 3160 Katsos Ranch RoadPart of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing. Applicanc Vail Mountain School Planner: Andy Knudtsen I. DESCRIPTION OF TIIE REOUEST The Vail Mountain School is proposing a two-story expansion to the east side of the school. Both the first and second floors will be expanded by approximately 345 sq. ft. for a total of 690 sq. ft. of floor area. The first floor space will be used as a library and the second floor space will be used as classroom area. The applicant proposes to replant 2 evergrcens, which will need to be transplanted, to new locations adjacent to the addition. All of the materials used for the addition will match the existing school. The school is located in the Agriculturq and Open Space zone district, which lists schools as a use requiring a conditional use permit. An expansion to an existing use also requires conditional use approval. The proposal requires a site coverage variance as it exceeds the standards for the Agriculture and Open Space Zone District. The zoning allows a maximum of 57o site coverage which, for this property, is 13,334 sq. ft. When the gymnasium was added to the school in 1989, the Town approved a site coverage variance which resulted in a site coverage of 7..939o or 21,164 sq. ft. Not all areas of the approved plans were built, resulting in a current site coverage of 20,143 sq. ft., or 7.55Vo. This addition, if approved, will bring the site coverage up to 201487.98 sq. ft., or 7.687o. Below is a breakdown of the site coverage: Site Coverage: 13,334 sq. ft. or Sclo 20,487.98 sq. ft. or 7.687o ) o r'- " Existing School: 19,228 8'. ' Historic Cabin: 914.0 1,,,- proposedAddition: z#orl.asqo fa *_4 sl^,& { l.- ok-rs . In the future, the school would like to do another expansion to the front of the gymnasium. This would actually be Phase Itr of the larger remodel proposal approved in 1989. According to the applicant, no other expansions are planned for this property, other than this project. If the school can raise funds, they would like to purchase a home in the Booth Falls neighborhood for a headmaster or possibly consmrct one on vacant land in the area. If pursued, any proposed construction of this nature would occur off the school property. Please note that all of the materials on the addition will match the existing school. Attached to this memo is a list showing the number of enrolled students at the Mountain School for the past 5 years. Enrollment figures show a recent increase, since the gymnasium addition was completed. Staff understands from the Mountain School that their policies do not allow more than 16 students per class. With 13 grade levels, the resulting maximum enrollment is 208 students. The library and classroom addition will not directly increase enrollment or number of teachers. One of the reasons the Mountain School constructed the gymnasium was to rctain students in the higher grade levels. The tnend reflected over the past flve years of enrollment is a result, the Mountain School believes, of meeting their goal of retaining students through the higher grades. The Mountain School believes the current facility and number of teacbers can accommodate the maximum number of students they would allow. This addition does not affect their standards for maximum enrollment. il. BACKGROUND Below is a list of each of the requests the Mountain School has made to the Town of Vail. The approval made in February, 1989 is the first one to involve a site coverage variance. l. October, 1978 2. November, 1979 3. October, l98l 4. October, 1983 5. 1984 6. January, 1988 7. February, 1989 Original approval, 110 students allowed; Expansion fdr lunchroom and darkroom; Town approved release of deed restriction, allowing more than 110 students; Town approved construction of soccer field; Town approved addition for computer room, language lab and kindergarten room; All deed restrictions lifted from property; Major expansion approved, (later broken into thee phases). This includes the gymnasium, a third floor expansion of classroom arca and a lobby located south of the gymnasium. The gymnasium was the only phase lo be constructed from this 1 I t l apprcval. This rcquest involved a site coverage variance, a front setback variance, and a conditional use. 8. March, 1991 conditional use for third floor classroom re- approved bY the Town; 9. March, 1992 Conditional use approval of third floor classroom space is extended; 10. March, 1992 Expansion of library is requested, requiring site coverage variance and conditional use. ilI. ZONING STATISTICS Zoning: Agriculture and Open Space Lot size: 6.122 acres or 26,674.3 sq. ft. Requircd/Allowed ProPosed Setbacks Front: 20' 90' Side: 15' 100' Side: 15' 570' Rear: 15' 142' Height: 33' 27' parking: Determined by PEC 84 (no change from existing) for private school use Site Coverage: 13,334 sq. ft. ot SVo 20A8.7.9 sq. ft. .,- ., 'o87o Existing School: i 19,228.9 Historic Cabin: - 914.0 Proposed Addition: - 345.0 20,487.9 or 7.68V0 IV. CONDITIONAL USE CRTTERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon thc following factors: I , IA.Consideration of Factors: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on the development objectives of the Town. The proposed expansion to the school meets the intent of the development objectives, in staffs opinion. The purpose section of the Agricultural and Open Spacc Zone District calls for parks and schools "provided that the sites of these uses remain predominantly open." Staff believes the 7.68Vo site coverage proposed by the school (leaving 92.32Vo open) meets the "predominantly open" objective. 2. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Since the expansion is not intended to increase the number of students, the curent level of impact should not change. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion' automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traflic flow and control, accessr maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. The applicant does not prcpose to change the parking layout or access plan' There are currently 84 parking spaces on the site. The parking lot is accessed from Katsos Ranch Road, with one-way traffic flow, exiting onto Booth Falls Road. There is no direct access onto the Frontage Road. This is the design staff and PEC reviewed and supponed in 1989 when the applicant was rcquesting the three phase expansion to the school. Staff believes tftis plan provides safe, functional access and parking for the school. The number of parking spaces needed for the facility to function is not expected to increase, as the number of teachers and students is proposed to stay the same. The zoning code does not list private schools specifically in the off- street parking and loading requirements. For any use not listed, the parking requirement is to be determined by the Planning Commission. Staff believes the existing parking lot is adequate, given the nature of the expansions proposed, and that additional students and staff arc not proposed. J 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. The character of the neighborhood will be impacted very little, if any, from this+ proposal. The addition is designed to be built between the existing facilily and the historic cabin. Because of the steep slope of the hillside and rockfall barrier immediately north of this portion of the site, the proposed addition will not be visible to most of the neighborhood. The exterior appearance of the addition will match the existing building and should not negatively impact the character of the surrounding area. B. Findines The Plannine and Environmental Commission shall make the followine findines before eranting a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location of the use in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located, 2'. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. V. VARIANCE CRITEzuA AND FINDINGS Upon review of the Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Departrncnt recommends approval of the requested variance based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: l. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The relationship between the neighborhood and the school will not be significantly changed, in staff s opinion, with the addition of approximately 345 sq. ft. of site coverage and 690 sq. ft. of floor area. Particularly in light of the - rFI{ 19 '9. LS.\A Uxl Mwrdam slfrrrll .' P.1 TCI Atdylftttdson CsrilntJuityDovclopnutt . FRO}[ $ara Fishrr OffeeeAqidgratr. .DAiIE .Y"tfi lg,LW RE: EomltncolFigurcs Following rc tbe fignrcs ftat Pam Hqplins requcsrcd be pnt-to_ yw. should ym hnre any qrrstiois, Plcasc di uot hcsitar to oodact mc u tbp urmberb*tr'. l9S? - 1988 t6l studEnts l9E8 - 1989 ' 170 siudpnts ' 1989- 1990 l80studants. ' 1990 - 1991 .185 sndenu ' l99l - 1992 l86studcots 3160 KATSOS RANCH FOAD r VAIL, COLORADO 81657 t (303) 476-3850 ' , ,.r:.. . :,i'r'i;, . ' ;.',, BFI l'";,: ,rljj'-.-.+.^**ii:o :.,. r;3i ..iti 'l:'.:':' :,ifJ .a-_. nr.> 1.'..'i.,.iJ { ti'.I H...r';,i,i l:.; '.: ' rt. .l:..i - ,;i:r a*.i ', ;.: -.:.. I f-o ltJE tllJ0 'TESo< I N\r t- t{t -=n ff :*l tt+ttr $ m m m -1L--tr-r r-1 oo 6:l r,_{gs \ \\\ s s l$E 1** 'I'.i it- zlvlrq -zlulqi <tl I r rlta l"lt t toltrs dn,^i'-ry4 d-tLrzv',,-Fc. z-t-ea zt-<l MZttTt+l .,rd,uJ {;) .,: " . 1| , /|'.|LIi,| ,-'l ;-'rl-' II oo l-lAFt- t-92 TIJE I B : 201 Gore CrEek Ddvo Vall, Colorado lfarab 3, L992 Aq.u(rE I =er S rr r= w d F, r'r H q F k I 11!+ P-62 Snowdon and Hopkins o Archltecls Mr, Andy Knudtten fown Planner Town of val.1 Dept. of Corurnunl,ty DeveloEfleat 75 South Frontage Roadvail, cQ 81657 RE3 Vall Mountein Schoolr PEC February z4f 1992 variancc ApplLcetlon Dear Andys Ehe Vail Mountain SchooL would lihc to eal}and thcir llbrary I'F ft.to the east. Thia expausl.on uould inoreaEe tbe llbrary capacity to 15'000 volumes which it the aiac rccowtteaded by the ACIS leeeoeiatloo of, Colorado lndependcnt Eahoolt) for a lottcr, nLddle and upper scbool library. Tlia expansion alao doubleg the. eeattngto z{-ald lnoludea an aiea for tlvdcomputers, qne $icrollcbe and A CD ram. aE sell aB a BeIErat€ lovcr gchocl seating BE€tr thig expaneion wlll not lnerEaee or change the EcbesL'c nu$bEr of, pupile. Ehc grantlog of, thiE variance ie for cxceptional clrcurnstanoee that do n5t genofally apply to other propertlee itr the seme Eone. thlsproporti te uniQue'in-that it hai icchool on iu. Ebe additloralElte co?erage we are aehing for Ie tuinor - 0,14t. Pleae€ recogmize that the pu6lla beuefitg fiorn thc sohool. Ths publlc bur rtop ia oil thc rchool'r property, bhe eoocer fleld ls ueed aa-a public- park in the Fulurer' and the landscaping hac been nell recei?ed by ttle nelghbora. Tbe echoal is unlvereally accepted by the nalEhborhood and hae provsu to be posltlve ou land values. we belleve thie expansion ie very i:nportant for the school tofiai[talq ite educational Ettndarde. Please g5.ve ne e caII lf you have auy guestiorlB. Sincerelyl 609 476.2201 816t7 . ARCAITECTS i:l SNOWDON AT{D HOPtrINs r/)tfil,iln* Parnela w. fiopklns,Partner PWH/Elh AIA - ,r.1-tlVc ,t-Uw -rtr4 ,A+Uol Jjo,u,\ ,t- -)i,^(i il a t_,_a a " pugrrc NolcE v .A?r,\FNOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that fre Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town ofVailrrrill hold a public hearing in accordance wlth Section 18.66.060 ot the Munlcipal Code ofthe Town of vail on March g, 1992 at 2:00 p.m. ln the Town of vail Municipal Buiiding. Consideration of: 1. A request for an extedor alteration in the Commercial Core il zone distrlct lor the Gano Residence, Lot 5, Btod( i, vail uonshEad Fint Fillng620 East uonshEad orcte.Applicann Victor Cano x2. PlannEr: Andy Knudtsen A request lo extend a condiilonal use p€rmit to expand the Vail Mounlialn school, located at 3180 l€tsos Fanch Road/ Lot 12, Btoc* 2, vait Viilage t2ttr Flilng.Applicant: Vait Mountain SchoolPlanner: Andy Knudtsen A request for a worksession for a mlnor subdivision and request for a change in zone district boundaries kom Prlmary secondary lo Low Density Muliiple Familyior the schm_etzko property, generaly tocated at i2g9 chamontx'Lane, hore pariicutarty described as: Pare.gl A: A tract of land containing one acre, more or tess, located In the south l/2 of the south East 1/4 of section 1 1 , Township s south, Range gl west ot the sixth Principal Meridian, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the NE comer ol the sw 1/4 of the sE 1/4 of said section 11; thence westerly along the northerty tine of said sw 1/4 of the sE 1/4 bearing south g6 20'w a distance of 167.80 ft. to a point: Thence southerly along a line 167.80 tt. distant from and parallel io the east line of said SW 1/4 ot the SE 1/4, a distance of 200.00 ft. to a point: Thence easterly a distance of 167.80 ft. along a line 200.00 ft. distant from and paralel to the north line of said SW 1/4 of the SE 114 to a point on its east line; Thence easterly on a line parallet to the north tine of the sw 1/4 of the sE 1/4 of Section 1 1, a distance of 5C.95 ft. to a point: Thence northerly and parallel with the west line of the sast lt2 of the SE 1/4 ol said Section I 1, a distance of 200.00 .ft. to the point of intersection with the extension of the north line of the SW 1/4 of the SE tl4 of sald Section t1; Thence westerly on a deflective angle left of 95 21'00' along the extenslon of ttre north line of the sw 1/4 0f the sE 1/4 0l said section 11, a distance ot 50.g5 ft. to the NE comer of lhe SW l/4 ot the'SE 1/4 ot Section 11, being the point of beginning- 3. ryo 75 South Frontage Road Vatl, Colotudo 81657 Bill and Anne Eggers P.O. Box 3340 Vail, CO 81658 l' frasl WN OFVAIL O WNOFVAIL 75 South Frontage Rmd Vall. Colomdo 81657 Pat & AnnE Baker 3135 Boottfalb Court Vail, CO 8t657 75 &uth Ftontage Road Va Colondo 81657 sir owoo r -a #"T:|_t #,[. {crs vArL. coLoRADO 81657 LETTTER ON TMANSNfl ITTAL tr Samples the lollowing items: I Specifications (3{r3) 476-220r TO , WE ARE SENDING YOU p\Attached fl Under s€parate cover via ffRrint"tr Plans E Change order tr tr Shop drawings n Copy of letter coPrEs OATE NO.DESCRIPTION4alr4l4t-4lfhfltri , Ff,lryffi?h ,F(ffinrtl,l I 4rfu 4/FUC/ I 4hah**tra lawiwa reD UNA .4/0k{ 4b74 4lilnbrl r//MlNgryltD .a THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: I For approval ^! "For your use [$s requestea n Approved as submitted E Approved as noted E Returned for corrections tr Resubmit-copies for approval tr Submit-copies for distribution D Return -corrected prints I For review and comment n D FOR BIDS DUE 19- D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO -.-f--> srexeo:'*flill..-., PRoot cr zto2 ,@ tc. oft\ k l)llli It cDcro3urar lra not at notad, kiodllt notlfy ua at oncc. /2 15! 25 l]P&P 1-!lZ !4ON 14t rrvlr.C glvgl 22 Acucc I rrr ihhey.lco o r.r H ApFlt€.ttqn Drt tEc I'rEElt{C D}T PREE 2 opklr.tr P.ltg 4 tggt thls prooedusc lr tfqultodsrllrho.. Thl appllct0lon lnlormrtlon tr subnlttad, tgr t trrlrfigl for any proJlor requecElng e..t|lll not be lqosPged untll rlr tt?lrcrttol I, ADDruT8 D. , J/Allul^,*frlh,frL*:HsN@ B. NN{B OT AFPLICAI{T'S F,EIi.ISENTATS €, NAIqE OF ohT{En(sl (sypo 0r prtn or|NER (s)8TONtr ADDRE9g --',. llill, r h fi-/&i '*JHpNE t0cAT30N 0r ELoc(*..a.* PNO9OSTII LEOAL DESCRT9TtrONt l.t FII,IN0.. /z -*- ---}--- --..= --, ADDREES Er r88 |160,00 9AID_JX t4BI rHE 8EH Hggts, BE PIID EEFORE ?HE COMMUNITY DEVEI,OII,IENT DEDARIMEN? ?IItIJ ACCEPI YOUR PROPOS}L, f. tr llct of the nriler of ol{ncrr of rl,l prop€rty rdrrccnt bo th. rubtcor ptoprsiy IHoLuDlNc DRoD&RTY DDnIND AltD ACRoSI SIREEIET-anal thglr nallLng lddreeror, THE AIPLICANT ltltlr BE RESPONSTBI,E fOR CONRECT bIATT.INC ADDRESSES, tl. I prc-eppllcetlon €onftscno. wlgh r ptrenn{ng ltrfg n.r6as llrErongly !ugg.8r,cd ro dct.rntnE lg rnv lddltl,onrllnlormrtlon ls needed, No rppllcaclon nlll b0 fosoptedunlees ic {r conplrt. (nurs liroluds rlll ltcnc rcqui-rcd bygho tonlng rdnlnlssrrtor) , It l8 t,he appllcan!,seergcnrtbility to nakc tn rppolntncnc wl,ch tho FErfl No flnd oug aboug addltlanrt tubmjgcal rcqulsc$tngt, "'' llB R8fi ^lo$RoB lt g $0ftsryffif;r$*foBl|'ll' 35iHll!' $8Yifl'fr Ufi .If,' OF CONDITION8 OF T'PROV}L TI{AT THE PLANNINc AND ENVTROI|I'|ENtA! CoM}trgCt0N (pEC) HAy tTtpulrT!, lllrCONOIStrON9 O' AIDROVAI. MUE! SE COMPT.IED: WITIT EEFOFE A BUILDINO EERM1T Ig ISSUSD, POUR ({) COPIEE OF THE EO'JI'OI{TNC I'IUgt BE SUBMIT?EDI lt. A WNITTDN EfATEM&NT Or I$n TRECIEEi NATURE or THEVARIN{C! RToUEST&D IND 'rHE REoUlAqEoN INVOIiTED, BHE ETIIEMENI ltugt tt,sO ADDR"&SS, 1. ?ho ttlrtlonohlp of t,hr rgquented vrrianar !ogthet.extrt,tng br potentdr[ uhcr and etructusci lnth8 ulclrllty, ADDN.EE8 ,-y '' (t "ot, A*'s' FEE.24,9: 15:13 D?&FFEB-?1-?A l.tOH 14 r z 1 nvlred ,lvl\, n4L{tC l*rr g|t('|'C('FrHGrFL l PNGE 1 h- P-Cz r88ltcAEIOH DoR v8! I,Thlr prooodurr condlllonal use Thc appllcrtlon tubmlEtrd. r, NAI{E 0r Ip lr regutrrd PCrnt t,. '{tll nog bE Blil 3!$rt'ffiitt #@ COIDIEIONIL ,FANMT! jrfqulred to obglln rg0r 3ny Pr0J00t focrDted untll ,rll lnforrnrglon l. B. C,NAI'|8 0y 0wNER(g) (Frlnt or fype orfirR(8, 8r ADpRSSg_ E' D, rEE 82OO.OO PAID NAI{E OT ADDREEE tl cK r' - .-! -,--. BYfulwlwllE IHE 8EE..UHEI..EF-?ll? DETORE THE DEpARtMENs Or COu{UNrryDDVELo9|{ENI- }rrLL ACCEPT !oun-i;nopobAili'- F, A llfu ot ghr nrncr ot gyl!lq,^o_f qll proporsy rdjaceng rothe eubjrcB .prgp?rry lticr,uDir,'c inoianti' bnrutoo nfio-icnogssrREErs;-ild-qla{t irri,Itn-g- oaarmsll. "*ri mplfdins-itii,r. aeREspoNsrErE FoR coRREct 0rlr{Ent-iNo-co*nici rDbRiiiiHi. "-- trT. IRE-APSLTC}BION coNFERSNcEI t^ pl?:ippllcrt l0n .conf3rrnor, vf{r,h -l pirnnl0g Eraf f mernbEr lrsttonErv sussrsc.d to docarrrrlng . r,r-a[t -Iiiiironri - r'iiilJiiliri6n unesdcd. ro rpprrcatron irii 6i, iiciiicd-[iiiri-ir-;fiiil;;-j^urglncluda rrr.ttima requrrad-by ile-;;;fid iifrinrrt,.rsor) . rs l.!|e-qnnuqflg,I io;ptinrililiiy i;.mi'a;- ;n"Ipiorntmcnr, urrh rhracrff so frncr our sLoui-roaiilonit' iijErnitcif'requtrcm.ngr. "'' il3i3i^rorRotiii' iffffif,iili !ilii:lHsHti' ltiififr il$rit',,CONDIIIONS C !gMII.q!-rg! (lEql Mnv sritur^tFi_..+ll-c<iNnicioNs oF AppRovAr. r,rusrBE CoMETTED wrrH BEFORE n BUrrorltd-FpmaiF-i6'rgsuEo. Four. (4! .coprer of thr followlng lnfolrnrtron muat bcrubnlterdr - Post.lt'* brend fsx tranomlilrl mCno Z6n J # NC { 4- N H K $ S o \) -)\\cax \\ ( o N N Ns- TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMEI{T OF COMMTJI\IITY DEVELOPMENT SALES ACTION FORM 01000041330 01000041540 0l 0000 42415 0r m00424 15 0r 0000 42415 010m042415 0l 0000 42415 OTHERCODEBOOKS0l 0000 42415 01000041548 )GROX COPIES / STI.JDIES0l 0000 42412 010000423?1 0r 0000 41412 01000041330 01000041413 LdD - C-t^ J; A *-^-/ uL''* ) -TDLJT.I $F LItl I r_ I'li=re I laneous CEsh i=:*;7-':':14: f,7: Ef, i;.*.:*:. F t * tt-'r;lE:35 r.r''" :i r-.rrrt 1+ t-:'i,i 1+ Fi I LJE I jirI1__ i'1i"ruf.{Ttiii.i 5;ilr_rt-Jl-..t.ril5 FEr:: FJFP ,-:..i!i.!:-!|-I i t,:'niBr*,:j ,'' 458.ff8 I tenr psid Fmoun t paid [i] iii:3{1it.:1.:I,;;ii:iiiitil} +sEt, fiB i.llr.liiilii, ri:t,r-rrt*':1 :' B. tjij ]-H$fF{H l/tflJ ri'*r,.ri'::;ii-risr l"lEPHFll'lIE Ia 1991 --I -4tPr q, ql o"" 4-4-41 Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Architect, Address and Phone: Owner, Address and Phone: c Legal Description: Lot Design Review Board Motion by: lh -t[+ seconded o, D1".,^r{. r{e 4-o-t DISAPPROVAL Su m mary: Elsrttvnv Adoc ls38 .l-1.1"1':llll<i !:i i. fJ/,'l.tlfiid iltr'0 ,V0O 11 (lO lx ( ( ::rllijVtl:lAV/hil)I I V.lA;1il Nvlhl )*T ) *'' l: " fl' li.l N.i tlcl t $ .:li\l i l ''.l U li1,':nt,r'litriltlrt.'r $'l1ult;r)cl .. $xfiilli'V::lltV",tif'llli r,t'lt i:itri3r.t,1l t;rll,t.ti:r:;r (rt(.t"[;r.;r(.1 -, tt,+,11161. vi:llJv hll vlrl r.trr l#erjru ltGlilr,tr:)r,t qr,.lu"r(rd ." F3'f. d tt (JN,,'l{ t.,r,'!il,I$ t t ()o"':)r:t f:l . tll r'tlrgl; (' ) V:illl' N rlvtj3J, t.\ri.t l ri 1 "11 vA I 't]NI,ldll:lAV :ilAV N thr/xvN NIbl X\rl^l Ll$$hlnN $J"N tCltJ li,l lii,,','IVNV .:J(,1 iitNV'lcl :d1.1,J. nI ilV"'ll'ti)IilNHrJl I NtJ i:.l,V.l,,Fliilil,tlil ri rl J ,lN.tl'll -.lNI. ':iN.,l.r $Ari tri\ 1,1.1111 1 1 : Lli).::l (.t!lllv<13llcl ,)hJVN :lllI:VNt hlll-l f:l;!fiNflN ,llt $ I lii:1ll:l t/N,[hlf'l''l t0 tl:iHlti : $Nt.t l.t.vi.il.l"] .tr,J it:ltitl -**. Nrll. tvNilf,",,N.t Atilvt4l ]:tSfJfii'l'l!:i T[$t;"i:. "fi r.i!(lt,t{q,.:rrfi$."- :l,'" TIHNFJII" lNll :;irtI)lc;lfill Nltfi,tltlN$i: : : " : ;il;CI,'tlli;i tiilli: .tii)i*1.' 1.1.'t,|::l Lrr.;lIi!.!,):)'t. I$klIv "{rul,'Att|i'crut$tJ,:lNVt-lsJtJ fJf,i()ti F |,,{l"t qllt lifN rfltttl$ifAv tl(']llrir ]llr( | i.,, Ia .')Ll[|r.,lr::rr]t'l r')l I # x trlrr)F*rlr* # r( *##s, ;?x*** ',,tf *::F f )t * * * 'l.**l(****t***,, i {, il,r- t( *** =.*J"v., rT ll..lL-rT- :-rl.lHl.l).|', ll{'1,! qFr:lR T6, 'trF ,i:lli !l'if:,. L"l,Nf:. HL.I|VAt:ff]N O F:li|ll::.f l'A'f I(iN rillnt lT ilIhlfji[, 1..:lhll:i, O Dl:rtrii{f;,t,r;iIH: Il'rer l{INtiiu t,., INt'.] :i$ *r*uvir'o,t thsr trcr.tit,*m r)f;y{,rrr...:',rfl,;1,y,$i,$.:itl[ lli Anf: IN FU()It::i0Nt,t.tiii]r; ll-[ lL[ pHrN"r,0l.tt r-Hr|T, 1r] fel$if.li so r,fiirr:r / rNr",f.,lfll., ri r)t';: F'tt tN'f'nt,t t t"iltc l,il tiil i tiilM r,iir i,r ti I / tNr,:t 1 BEST ^'$ryi COPY AVAILABLE n. n^ ' ,.a- ot The Horterqs'' Series lb4l witir fiarl Pd }aed I ier,3n.,g ior rrrcjcy'r odvenceo .::':r' :i.l:r-.di grri+s or,d englneergc icr f rerrliu:n ;:ricrrncrce, 1i9 (groirnc i3r1'1 ly 3ii9:1 .: ".lr riEr.rs c:no speci:. ers .r ic1-'i'r r s',cotecl s*lecrron ei ou:cocr iqi:tirrt l;rlr;:ts. Tccioy s corparote oi{ice pork5, comrnerciol r€loil cenlers, autemolive deolerships qnd fost-{ood lrcnchises ore up scole ond high profilc in derign. The locus ir on orchilecturql detoil - color, size, rhope ond texture. The Cqrolino fomily'e Hilton, Kiowoh, qnd f,lotte/os Seriel of fixturer oxtend fiece delqils oi your building derign into the porking orea qnd graunds. The rcsult ir q complele oerlhetic stolement. The Coroiino fomily offers on engineering pockoge to effectively ond efficiently rneet the rnort demonding specificotions. Outdoor lighting ployr on integrol role in ths nighHime merchondising ond sccurity of your building, ond our trio of fixturss offerl the oelthetics end sofety you require, doy ond night. Let ho Csrolino fomily of fixturpr qdd confinviry ond cnhsnccmenr to yovr building designl ()n th+ covtr.. , t?+I .r,itg^ \,!;ir ttrv fu'{l Vo^, o l(tF.r; e;rh llcli &ooo Ooccl G,pn Merbh ttanuo, wirh Clw(rt/l t*nlltc Otcol FUG gg'91 11:tS EN6II'iEERIH{; E{:0t\0l,1ICE It{Cl P,7/LZ Tnroc^RoLrNA p?nrrLy /6"+*^4 *--t-*I ./'-^-\. T /---\ ]_T-1 \C / \ic=1--\? L-- \8c -*qulHATTERAS'" r I c HAS sma! Affl Moun.!l4' !$Small Foli't-oo 15-314'23-3i8' HAM.Medrum Aim Mosni l'tAPM lrdidm Polr Too ?7.3!1' i o'F-- r --f . /- -^,---._--\. .i =...'-_--ja€1 HILTON'" i'*-a_-{i--rJ* c,#f t'-fI l-J9Crw{ KTAWAH'' I B c FOW TO ORDER LUMTNATRES 5et6ct appropriate choice from each coiumn. Lumlrrhc Prtllx 0itlribulion Larnp Wrnrge LigitSource'L0ns Lin, Voltrqe Luminalre tinich 0pli{0t Smtll Arm tlonrf IAS - l.laneras HtB - 8ittofl \ KlS - 61.n.n Small Pol0 To0 HAPS - Hanems HlPS - Hilton KIP$ - Kiawah 2-Typeil .3 - lyoo lllffi* S0uars t0 7i 100 1t HFS - Hron Prc iA 7T-mTlt Mil - tuieht Hall 100, 175 wari Contoufed Tcrnpere0 glass u [0nl0.ired Folvcarbori,lr*HEII llrAtE€ '-th-og4?\Fdft 1rn\/ e08v 240V 271V 480v MT- MurliTa, ttE ''qil.gP1 Sr. {rrd tsRZ - Eronle CoA - Cocor VAN ' Ve nili. trls - Lioht Gotd Drcal ls slandard Standafd gt( - elgck . Pl"1 - Platinuln wH'l - Uihits t30 - Charcosl Metatlic D?ce I is standard Con!oil flClory gfrl - tsrlck GRA - Grlnite [1AB - lri1.1r!lt PCR - photorldctfic Contfoi\ aid AeceDtaclr LL - Lf$$ Lamp CL - Coarsd Lamp FS - ir&n0 ior 120V and 277V (sxssPl lst 1900U/ in 120V) -Fgt . Fvriry tof 120V for 100&i FD - loucre Fuging for?08v lrr0 240V FDl - 0ouble Fusrno to/ 4E0V HSS - House gid! Shield N0 . l!o oplions Allnrnatc Cot0t gactlt" (Adqjlional T'/rO lvoak Lcad T irn? j-iEt ded ) 55 - Siact< 94 - 6r'ignr Slue tJEralric 6r - gri!it Tssl 01 - Cnfomc 33 - 0ark Bfown 59 - 0att 0rsen 5'i - Cerk Red 92 - !fi6/old D'enond lctallic 3?/ - l,listEr Yellor/, 309 - Putly 50 - Write 1g - Vline Klawah Arm.oFliorst 123K - I ?' Boti.0n Af|^,l 143K - l{' 8ch-0n Ar!'n Medium Am Mounl HAlrl - Hatreras rllM - Hillon KIM - KiAviah Midlurn Polc Top IAPM - Hatteras HIPM - HiltoB KIPM - Kta,ir6h 2 - Type rl FP - Psrimrrer Foruard Throw 5-TyprV Square r50 175 250 100 HPS - i.trf n PtoSsurE.Scoiurn, 150. 2)0,400 W:rt I SMV - Slper Metar i.latide (V6nrcal) 400 War! MH - fulerat Hatiot 1i5, !50, 400 wart Largc Arn mounl Hrt - Hilton |(lL - l lrnutn lafg! Pole Top HIPL - Hiltor' KIPL - Khwah 2 - Typs ll FP - Prrirfioter FoMard Throw FA - Aulomotive Forwsrd Thtow 5-TypeV Square 100 1000 HP$ - Hrgh Pressurr Soorun 400, 1000 watt SlrV - gupor Metai H6tide (verlieat) 400, 1000 watt iltH - Hetal Hatid? 400, 1000Wat Conlor,cd Tcnpe.e d Gls.s,$ --.ffi:t'tll littl llrrrl ,ttttl EXAMPLE OF A TYPICAL ORDEB HlL- FP - 1tlCI{) * SMV - CT - MT - PLT - 19 Nott; Feflocrors ar.llrld roBtAbte On fiedium rnd ,aroe trr:ure$, 'lonsull racr5ry t0r 0ilure Mgfcurl, Vapor of0er requ?gtS, ' 'Crrnsull fectory {ot ettarn11. coict decar stlocli0ns BRACKETS 6" Arm Mount (Botl-On tsrackct) or Pole l'opis includecl wh9n erdering all tuminalres. rWnln orogrrng a Kiotvan rumintire rn r 0900, T90', Tlll?C' Or Ci0: fn0uilrto icrr:igurNtron you nlust orosr a 12' arm (128(l on gnrirl 0r rr,€diJni Kilwth, 0r ll arn ('148() on lir0& Kre!./an. (Mounling Hub)ffi fiuffi*s srsr'm', AUrl a9 ,91 t1:19 ENGINEEFII'Ir; Efllttcl"llc.i itlrt1 - :4r9!.,*r{)-&, ,.F _!, :. F.1e/18 o{t revised 6/L8/9L DRB APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO DATE APPI-,ICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETTNG: rErs rppLrcArfil ;r1; lior "r AccEprED I'NITL AI.I, REQUIRED INFORMAIION TS SUBMITTED PROJECT INFOR}4ATION: A. DESCRIPTTON: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction (S200.00) Addition ($50.00) ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivisi-on Lot Jinor Conce Al-teration tuaL Review ($20.00) (s0) D.Block If property is described bydescription, please provide attach to this application. ZON]NG: a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and LOT AREA: If required, applicant must provide a currenL stamped survey showing lot area. NAME OF APPLICANT:/*,* Mailing Address: Phone H.NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT, S REPRSSENTATIVE : Address: Phone NAME OF OWNERS: *SIGNATURE (S) : Maj-ling Address: Phone J. Condoninium Approval if applicable. K, DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the tirne of subrnittal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permi.t, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vail will adjust Lhe fee according to the table below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE PAID: S FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION s 0 - $ 1o,ooo $10r001 -9 50r000 $50,001 -$ 15o,oo0 $150,001 - s 500,000 $500,001 - 91,000,000$ Over S1,0001 000 *NO ADPT.TCATToN WTT.T. EIE: DEONEISSEITI FEE $ 20.00I s0.00 s100.00 $200.00 $400.00 s500.00 WT TTIOTIT OIiINER ' S S IGNATI'RI ia ,l oO JffLY zs, 1l 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail. Colorado 303-47G2201 81657 oO Snowdon and Hopkins o Architects July 23, 1991Mr. Andy Knudtsen Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVai1, CO 81657 Andy: As lier orr.!: ccrnversation of JuIy 22, L99I, I have spoken with Mr. Andy Beck of Beck and Aseociates and Mr. David Leach of GoreVaIIey L,,andscaping about being able to complete the installationof assoqiated landscaping for the proposed rernodel work being done on the VaiL Mountain School this summer. David feels that he should have no problem completing the landscaping work by September l-, l99I . I have apprised David, Andy and Mr. Fred Otto that should the Iandscaping not be completed by September l, L99I, the VaiI Mountain School- cannot be given a temporary Certificate of Occupancy to begin their fall school sessioil . In addition, fundspresently established for landscaping will need to be convertedto a l-etter of credit (to the Town of Vail) to insure such workwill be completed. As for a target cornpletion date prior to September 1, 1991, I am not sure one has been set for the landscaping work, so Septenber 1, 1991 shoutd probably beestablished as such. I would aasume this letter is what you needed for your files toallow Beck and Associates to pick up the building permit andbegin work on the project. If you have any questions concerningthis matter or need additional informati-on, please let me know. ,Sincerely, SNOWDON AND HOPKINS - ARCHITECTS /,t ,4t/,r t ffWq'llrilM4ry Craig N. Snowdon, AIA Partner cc: Andy Beck David Leach Fred Otto CNS/s1h THIS CERTIFICETE EVIDBIICES tr DEFOSIT IlI TEB l{trME(S} Olr IIV TEE trIIiOI'NT OF I 804667Certilicate Number Accounl Numbet 3/1!l l;! gB EHh2oa19 $E;E8Ft{&a HHEF tr IERM, AfUAffl AND DESCAIPflON: This certificate has a term of . ii rjvil (nrsti inature on i)c?et1l-!,r. I r., 19 lt The minimum balance is $ ' MIEREST: Yoqr deDosit will eam interest at the rate of per year to the lirst maturitv dat€. We calculale intelest uslnglhezLiJ:2:-t daysperyearmethod.WewillcomPoundinter€st(accru€interestoninteresl). We will pay interest The inter€st late we will pay on automatic renewals of this certilicat€ will be the same rate we offe! on new certilicates. on the -maturltY date which have the same term, mirrl'mum balance, and other characteristics as this original certificate. You may call us on or shortlY before the maturitY date and we can tell you what the inl€rest rate will be for the next renewal lerm. ioun orr6slr wrLL NoT EARN I rEBBsr ArrEn rBE MnTURITT DATE UNDER TIIIS CBSIIFTCATE $!{LESS IT IS BEIIEWED). ,19i.:4. - ----i:-i .r-i-- DOLTIRS S t+j'-nej+:4.t-- VAIL NATIONAL BANK IO8 SOUTH FRONTAGE EOAD WEST VIIL, COLORADO 81657 (u te ['ri' u'il l;rl] (0/\ |J'lE (u(g["rv RENEWATS: n If ch€c&ed, we will automaticallY renew this ceriificate on each suc- ceedind maturtv dat€. Each renewal telm will b€ the same as the original term. beeinninq on th-e maturitv date. We ulll not automaticallY renew this certificate ( tilf vo,i te[ t s not lo do so, in wdting, on or before the next matudtY date, or (2) if tou present this certificale to us ficr paYment (or olhet disPosllion) on or willrhi lO c lendir davs after tlle rnaturity daie if it has a l€rm of mot€ lhan 31 days, and one calendar doy if it has a term of seven to 3l daYS By SlllGlE MATURIIYT ! lf checked. we will not automaticallY renew this certilicate It will mature once on the maturity date. o o LJ TEMFORATT fl prnunxrrr stcrATttBE c[RD The IIUMBEB OP ENDORSEMENTS need€d for withdrawal or any olher purpose ls, i '"' r 4..ftlii{3775 SOCIf,I, SECUAIIT 08 EMPLOIERS I.D. XT'UBBR. Under penalties of peqiuy I certift that the abore number is my corrcctTaxpayer ldentification Number. x EACKIIIP WIrHIIOLDING - Under penaltles of pe{ury I ceriify that I am not suhieci to badruP wlthholding either because I haw not been notilied that I arn $hiect io ba*up withholding as a rcsult of a fallurc lo rePort all intereit or dividendi, or the !:temal Revenue Senrice has notifred me that I am no lonlpr subjed to baclqlp wfthholding. xo o I AGAE TO IIIE IERIVIS STAND OtT l,EE x x x NETD ONiEI SIDB AOB TDDIIIOTTT TEIMIT NON-PERSOI{AI ACCOUNIS: Deposilor is a: n n Partnership , qi'I r\'l n Corporation Authorization dated PERSONA'L ACCOIINIS: You have r€quested and lntend the type of account matked below. fl tndividual n Joint Account - With Survivorship laru nor as rgnans ! Mulipte Depositor, - wo su-iuoritri'*f,Tff#o',,p n I Trust Account coftunon] n sutjea to Separate Agleement ! suu3ea To Terms On This Form Benefi ciaries Named B€low ! Pay-on-Death B€neficiaiies Nsmed Below o 1983 BANKERS S\sTEMS, tNC., ST CLOUD, MN 563(}1 COM8. CD-SC (2) lutSl8g NAME v*tlnt*r gtbr O O 1?8S*,lg N ATF--ffi NON.NEGOTIABLE SAFE KEEPING RECEIPT YAlt, tlA?g{tgill" Ssi{*t. 3:. 8,:r ?Sgesrn cor.snA$o erG8t ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT FROM THE ABOVE NAMEDTHE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY FOR SAFE KEEPING, SECURITIES RECEIVED RECEIVED ABOVE SECURITIES R ECEIVED ABOVE SECUR ITI ES n-a&"tuhs-re.806 CUSTOMER 1. Theexpen8es, toperform and approval of the Developer at lt6 sol,e coet andmater:aI neceEgefv tonH"-i99t. i€--tbe tr_l*cLj-on h+e . eet-$egt}n." \ :rr'"'..,., , ' ,r,', | , 4l,u t*- y,\ i i ,.,r' , f, THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 23rd day ofAplil,. 1?91, by and arnong VaiI Mounrain School thereinaitercalled the "Developer,,), and the TOWN OF VAIL, ihereinaftercalred the "Town") and t,he vail National sank, ihereinaftercalled "VNB" ) . - . - WHEREAS, the Developer as a condition ofVail Mountain School, wiihes to enter into aImprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the.Developer is obligat"9 !g provide securlty orcolrat'erar sufficient in'ine-Juil*unt of t.he Town to make I:l;f, ";:i:-i':Xi"tons ror "o'i,t"Eion - oi- "Ji:io ii"i^p'ovemenre eer 'THEREAS' vNB has agreed t,o hord ttre cash escrow ascount onterms and conditiong a6 seE tortli hereln, 'HEREAS, the Deveroper.wiEhes to provide corlaterql toguarant,ee performance of- this agieemenl, incl.uding "onetructionof, the above rererenced i;;;;";fr"nr" bt'*;;;;'Ji"in" rorrowins: Developer aqrees to eetabligh a caeh esqrow account at vNBin a abl'tar'amount ae ser iorth,below, such caeh eEcrowaccounr ehaII provide security tor thi ioiio"ing, Refer to A1 , Vail Mountain Scirool campus CenterExpansion phase 1ll lqla:iupu'-Jiu"i;;-;;p;;;uj-tvDesign Review Board 4/3/gI NOW TH'REFOREf in considerat,ion of the following mutuar;:yiffil:' and asreemenr', rhe oe"eropii ;;; ;;;";L"n *er"" ., Developer hereby agrees, -furnish alI equipment andcomplete, on or before Beerbuilding permit- fs not iEsueA ),itttntl / \.lK'1" L'l6'lnt' '-' Developer Improvement AgreementVail Mountain SchoorApril 23, 1991 T*-t-:Y:loper sharI. comprete, in a good worknanrike manner, arlrmprovements ae Ii6ted Lbove, in ac6oraance-rllt,-iff plans andspecificarions frred in t,ne-6iii"L or-iili-co*i"iiiiy oeveropnenrDepartment, the Town ot.vairl-;;; ro do aII work incidenralthereto according ro and i"-loipii"n""-riir, ri"^tirrowing: d. such other designs, drawings,. mgpE, _speclfications,eketches, a'd o€her raii"i'submitted hy the Deveroper tobe approv"d-!y uny oi-i[J-above-retereiced governmentarent,iries. Ali eaia woil-siall be done under theinspection.gf ,_ano to-iir-e-eatrsfaction of the TownEngineer, rhe Town euiiJinq ofii;i;r,..oi-oii,"" offteiatfrom the Toyn.ot vaii,-"iI6"t"a.by speciar dietrrcts oreervice dist.ricte, ""'t[ul' respelcivu iniere"t nayappear' and sharl not be deemed'""rpi"tJ"iitir approvedand accepred_aE compteieO-iy .rl,: toi,n-oi i"rf CorrunityDevelopmenr Deparrmrnr -ana- i,uuric'ilii:r.I'oJiarrment. oo Page 2 cost of seid work and improvenents2, Theie the eum of total estlmated To secure and guarantee performaric€ of its obligationE a€:;ir:i::[h::"]:ir:fre D;;;i;pEi""s,u"s to provioe Eecuriry and A caeh escrow account in the amount of g r5,g90.00 to beheld bv vNBl-ll-"?c:oY "g";i, -eharI provlE-rne gecuriry forthe lmprovements eet torih uborr" it L.irere-ie a defaurt, underthe Agreement by oeveiopei.- 3 ' The Developer, may at any time substit,ute the colrateraroriginally Bet fort-h auov! ior-"iot'er form of corrateraracceptabre to the^Town to-guiruiiu".the fait.hiut-comptetion oftho6e improvements refer."d-io-iiirein and the performance of t,heterms of thie Aoreement. Such acceptance by the Town of,atternarrve coriacerar shali-6"-ir ii;"i;r;r"'!Ir" diecrerion.,4' The Town^Ehalr nor, 195 shall_:ly offlcer or employeethereof; be llable._or respoirsiUie ror any accident, J.oss oroamage happening.or-occurring-to-cne .work specifred in thiEAgreement prior !g rhe "o*plEtfon and acceptance of the eame, norehalI the town' nor any ofiicer or.emptoy"-" tnJi"tf, be, riabretor any pereons o5 p5o!erty inJuieg.ui, ,6".o_"Ji'tn" narure of,:::3,::'[i iil: ;:i"i:r::li'ri"diiiri;; ;h;ii ,;; lre hereby Page 3 Developer Improvement Agreement, Vail Mountain SchoolApril 23, 199tr The Develoo:r l"lgby agrees to indemnify and hold harnleeethe Town, and a-ny of.its'oifi."irt gggrts anr emproyeee againeLany rosses, claiirs,.oamage-,-;;-ii"biii;i";";o-*f,i"n the Town orany such of irE officers, agents,.or erpioy";; ;;y become eubiect,to' insofar aB any euch io;i".,-ia"a*s, damagea or riabiritiei(or actiona in respect, t,here;ii lh;l .ii"""'"rii-oi o, are baEedupon any performange. by the Deveroper hereunJ"ri-und theDeveloper sharr reinbuiEe itr"-iorn ror any and arr regar or otherexpen'es reasonably incurred bv Ehe Town in <:onnection with+l:::llg:.ile or. oltenJil,;-i"{'such rose, . c }aim, damase,rraDrrrry or action. This inle,nnity_ provision ehaII be lnaddirlon to any other iiiuiilrv"whish the Deveroper may have. 5, It, is nutually agreed t,hat the Developer may apply toth€ Town and rhe.Toqn ii,uii-Jicio"i"r- for parriar rerease of thecorlar,erar depositea riirr-vw;-;;; each category of, rmprovement ateuch time as iuch i*pio""*e;;"';;"_con6tructed-in compriance wrthBit.f,l"$|"ilo "o""iii;;ii;;" -I"'lur.;;;;il-;;i"inou, and accepred 6 ' rf the Town determineE thst any of such inprovements ascontenplated hereunder are ioi-"on.trucled in compriance with theplans and epeciricaiions-;";-;o;lh.herein, ir: ehlrr furnreh t,heDeveroper a- lisr,.ot splciiiJ a!ii"i"n"iu"'oni Iiilrr be enritredto conrinue ro wirhhoid "ori"Jiiir-a;-i;;r;;-r;ffi comprrance, rfthe Town determinee that ti,"-o""lrop"r-riri-nJi-ion"truct any orall of t,he inprovenents in iccoraance with ai] of gneepecificarroni ano rimi iluil.-"" set forth nuriin, t,he Town maygive the Deveroper. written ""iil" and unress such rmprovementeare complered bv.rt," oii"" ;;-;;; forrh above or wirhln areasonabre peri6d. artJi-"""n-oIII ir-*lur[Ii"cI!" nor, permir rheconplerion 6f euch^iriprr"",i"ni!,"the Town mey withdraw from thecash escrow accounr eirch i;;;;-;" may be n.r"i,""iiy so compr.et,6tbe unfinished improvemenrs bur-not i.n ;" ;;;;;;'gr""t"" Lhan rheanount aB set forlh opposite-iiu""ut"gory listed above and notbefore such improvements uru "o*preEed. VNB :ray rsleaee euchrund8 upon written regue"t una-iEpresentaLion Ly-the Town thatsuch improvenenrB, are^-compIui"a. --vN;-;;;ii".oiru. obligar€d t,orndepencienrly verify. t,hat such work' i"-ij6rpi*Ii,"Uua ehalI fundsuch reguest' upon ihe rown-ot iiitr wrltten authorization. 7, The DeveJop:r h,arrents al] work and nalerial for aperiod of one v"ar !iiei-;;i;;;"ice or arr"*or[-ref,erred ro inthis Agreementrbv the.Town rf iufir wort< is l0caued on Town of,vail Iand or roai rigi,i:;f-i!yl"' ' 8' The parties hereto mutually agree that thie Agreemsntmay be amended f:oT. !itn: to. fi*", piovioeo tiai sucir arnendmentebe in writing and executea Uy-aii parties hereto. .'' -,,?3litfl3ff.iTH1Gl22l Asreemenr April 23, . ATTEST: STATE OF COLORADO I ss. Page 4 _^.,^-:::-YNB-ag{e€a to be bound by this Agreenent and to notrelease any funds from the cash eicrow aciount without the priorwritten authorization of tire iown. 10' This Aqreement-.shar1 expire and funds shalr be reteased\bv vNB upon iesri.n"e-oi ifi;-;";'"1-v;ti iiiiiiri-permit, . ) Dated the day and year first above written. VAIL NATIONAL BANK BY! TOWN OF VAIL BY; coUNTY oF / Oqi.P- The foreqoing Developer fmprovement Agreement vraggs#.,J;f "J": ":",.:ii;;#;1*:iffi ' I e e 1 by witnees my hand and official eeal. - My. commieeion expires onl ,_ a/s/q;- , , PRESIDENT AIN SCHOOL TRUSTEE ATTEST: Daveloper Improvernent Vail Mountain SchoolApril 23, l99l STATE OF COIJORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE . TIe foregoing acknowledged Sefore Jmprovementday of Page 5 Agreement wa8 =;-' 1991 bv hraS Agreement ss. Developer me thiE a6a6 of the rown of-Eil. WiEneEe my hand and officia] Eeal. My conmission expires on: STAIE OF COLO&ADO a )) ss. ) COUNTY OF tAAK oveing Defore m as forego 9Fd be D/1tn The wledLl..kno 1 t I a fmprovenent u a e I a V My conmission expires on: ily Commierion EPito 11/2:l/94 and .s,,t J>t 'ao uEtro DA?EI May 6, 1991 T0: Andy Knudson Torrn of Vail Cofftunlty Developme*t PROM; oavid taaeh RE' Gore Valley tandrcaplng & Malntenilncef fnc. Vall Mountaln 8e! snowdon and nopkilS'-Tf;::i.tl'trllll, *tf t* * t*************t* trt*t*ttr,i,***t***********lf *************** i** Deer Andyr lIy estirnate f,or tne rsnaJcaping ?houcand DoIlqrt ($ii,00O;0b;;"conrscr me at 1303) 4?6-{t{13. aB ghorrrn on trt"you have rhcrb A1 lE Fiftecnany qurltionr, pleree Dq/rrq Letch .f ,7G-ora Valley tnffi-decaplng &ilaj"ntenance, lno. trAGF = t'lirt qq l -4tr-,.1 e 1t:17 ""ffiiVg ffieeezN4 \;; f&qt E#n* ran*Hr"v .r'"'47ry4mK". \\__/ w)wwm_r?ar!?: Wfr^),#%' ,{o -v : ,t ia;fi6iffi.%; SHRUES:Q$l*ffi,F-ffi r.**ffiffi"ffiH ffi &- ffistr v . EJ^.o ! rtti (fyp-r, COrfr frtt\ls/ffi ---Fl i--* CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE )ATE 4l30l9L ft4i/c ?-*, 7/ \ \pr.liqs n'r slor \ \ -) .; 004978 tT, t\ d,i\ tm rlnii dopartm€nt of community development \ TO BE FTLLEO OUT COMPLETELy pRrOR TO TSSUANCE OF pERMtT -\Jt K TYPE OF PERMIT EI sutt-orlrc >a PLUMBING FOUNDATIONS Etr elecrntcnl D EF MECHANICAL f, PERMITl.rYPEoFcoNsrRucrroN rnn r@ lhr. 2. occuPANcY GRouP l o@r r n u DrvrsroN Qr r" t o GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - FIRST LEVEL OFFICE REMODEL L2,564.00 ,l9l?199/ tc/A TYPE GROUP G,R.F.A VALUAT LEGAL DESC. LOT PART OT' 12 BL FtLtNG vArr velEY prH E! rc, FrJ \4 s! JOBNAME: VAIL MgUNTAIN SCIIOOL NAME VATI. I{OINTA TN SC{fML MA|LAr.'pREss3160 KATSOS RANCII ctrYvArl., c0 P#76-3850 NEW| ALTERAT ) AODITIONAL I REPAIR ( DWELLING UNITS HEIGHT IN FT. - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - NO, FIREPLACES INSULATION:FtRusNowDoN & HoPKINS unrrmoness20l GORE CREEK DR g1ry VAIL; C0 pn.476-220l CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT GENERAL CONTRACTOR F|RM BECK & ASSoCIATES towru or vnt nee. lro. 117-4 TOTAL PERMIT FEES MICIIAELUHXTAKEE- - -J./J9IgL__J|LD|NG OFF|C|AL OATE 7 /23/9L NING ADMINISTRATOR & BUILDING NOTES: LANDSCA?ING INCLIIDING AREA BY TONAHILL RE IDENCE, MUST BE INSTAI.,LED BY SEPT. 1, 199I TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTO I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatio.n, filled out in full th6 inlormaiion required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inlormation provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordi of the Town applicable thereto. CLEAN UP DEPOSIT TO:fur/, t ft,* c 4ti,i '4czt 1,/d;-( , C,'. OR CONTBACTOR FOR HIMSELF TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. OTHER CONTRACTO of communatY dweloPment TO 9€ FILLEO OUTCOMPLETELY PSIOF TO TSSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT BUTLOING ELECTRICAL MECI-iANICAL a F CONSTRUCTION PERMIT D pruuatne ! rounonrtoi{! ,t nt , I , I .l \ , \ Ld-Parf rj_U-aLx 2 FtLtNG Veil--Vd,U-cv left-LEGAL OESC. JoBNAME: Vail Mountain School.-. UwNEn Vail Mountain School ur,r rnnnpss 3160 Katsos RaDgh crw Vai I PH,!17,6:-385O ARCHITECT r,*u Snowdon & Hopkins crry Vai1 pn.476-2201 201 Gore Creek Dr GENERAL CONTRACTOR ,,*u Beck and Associates, Il rowN or vrtl nEe. Ho. 1 17 -A rELE. 9a9:!9QQ-: ELECTRICAL flteect= PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. OTHER CONTRACT FIRM TOWN oF vAlL RFG. NO- TELE. 4/30/9r 4It&PERMIT NO. r.rYPEoFcoNsrRucrtox fit ur w@ tW a. occuPANcY GRouP t d,9 n r e u otvlsto* pz r" t o :1trfl Ei,"J'i"bTr3'.:"ff"''iil" 12.564.00 160. 00 WPE GROUP G.RF.A. VAI-UATION dlc- BUILOTNG PERMIT iewr r rLienrnor(X) Aooll!e!4!!--l--!!Pt!l ACCOMMOOATION UNIrS --_- NO. FIREPLACES INSULATION: EXT, WALLS AOOITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: INITIAL TOTAL PERMITfEES /t v^t, ) &*lJtu -zP/"t -roi /OATE & BUILDTNG NOTES: 'J^ //.1i, 'J. t/.,{ Lt S.tl r. ft ? / I hereby acknowredse tnat I have read this.applicatl",l:1!!L3tlllll^'l:11?1T,1t:t'1:?,Xl,ll?oi:#;tH;.IJ;;il il;i ;;: il 'Li;!Fi ;lttn:l{:a?.ti-"i.P':y9-d.:j,Tllll"i iLfli,';i;;[ETj";#fi;rili#];6;;;ii"" -g e,qlo^,Sl,j:..::,T?!_yI3,"'":Ii,311,':""i"^1"":":":lll:ilil: Jno.^il'"#iri'inii'It',"t,i" ""i"ioi"i to'the rown'sztdnil.s^3ll:Y!ai1:i:::,:d.g,-o:tis' review approved, Uniform Building Code aN AND THE OWNER. OR COHTNACTOR FOR HIMSELF fl PERMIT NUMBEry OF PFIOJECT o*, . l? 14 | JoB NAME I ,l 'i?, li*._:L VAIL N'1i06--( READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER .ruqs WED RIF IPM oo INSPECTION REQUEST BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. fI ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELEGTRICAL; tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,. ,Ii lll --i ;:! ---'*INSPECTIONTOWN OF I ii REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT(..-\ -\'\ _\-',\\DATE \\ TJ '\\ JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON THUR @ CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W"V. tr ROUGH i WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER ",RLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr n GAS PIPING SULATION POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr D tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr D FINAL N FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR lsts rl T NUMBER OF PROJECT 4't'1r JOB NAME rl INSPECTION, TOWN OF .,.- - REQUEST VAILPERMI DATE 'r:a, y' CALLER MON 'tTIES Weo TflUR __<@READY FOR LOCATION; INSPECTION:|'.,: ,, , |.1 py'reeaoveo t,' t D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D FOUNDATION / STEEL O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr D ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING y/noucH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOB---.'Z hSFsnop oo* fi'? -'7/ PERMIT OJECT JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THU AMIPMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB HEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT rriJ-.VUT' INSPECTION '! REQUEST VAILTOWN OF DArE blzDic, I JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: 3lr"o f,rol$: il-nur*' (*[cnr-r-rn LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING E GAS PIPING D INSULATION POOL i H. TUB tr FINAL N FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR -tr FINAL f,neeaoveD .--4 CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED -tl'/ ,'/, /oate d - z t' "// rNSPEcroR AM INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL \ /" ^- /^ JoB NAME VAIU IY\ht,-l-rs \cr-tr-'a- -,tV.i'.- -t,'>> i-,L\"'. *' t'A READY FOR INSPECTION: MON CALLER -.\TUES \{ED) THUR FRI PERMIT NUMBER F PROJECT DATE LOCATION: BUILDlNG: - FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEU tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING B GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL E FINAL ELECTRICAL: f] TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH U EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTO{' I nnru, nsPEcrrot{'s coururreo I Tbe lteus below need toglvlngapernftaflnal Please check off 1o the FINAL PLU{BINC bc cooglete before CofO. box provlded. l-] DATE: FINAL UECEANICAI.ll DATE:I IMPROVEUENT FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCTIPANCY r-l,ri FILE NAilE: \\.sru, \ Io 1990 Project Name: Proiect Description: o Project Application ,^" tft4f qo Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Archilect. Address and Phone: Btocx ?--^ ,rli^s Va)/ h;//a-,.. /z*2"^" A6/aS Motion by: Design Review Board /APPROVAL \ OISAPPROVAL : Seconded by: Slafl Approval +,1 +\\uss NNqq\\A NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE onre -:.u*-Ll9goCONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION +ItdifHrr!-sDdF-- 04499 hm department of community developmant TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PEBMIT TYPE OF PERMIT ffi!I IffiE BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2- OCCUPANCY GROUP olvtstoN GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : t t tvv ABEHIRM l??a34 ADD TWO SMAT,T. CI.ASSROOMq TN EXT qTT\IN PERMIT NO. z tr EUILOING 5 ,000 ELECTRICAL 750 PLUMBING 2 .000 LUNCH R00I'1.MECHANICAL I .000 TOTAL 8,750 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES III lHR E-l I,750 BUILDING PERMIT 105 $ N "\hY B\iDi rN).i(J+. PLAN CHECK 69 ELECTRICAL 44 NEW ALTERATIONtrX) ADDITIONAL O REPAIR PLUMBING 20 DWELLINGUNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL 15 RECREATION FEE TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUEINSULATION: FLOOR EXT- WALLS DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT 100 USE TAX TYPE GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 3s4.00OF HEAT soLAR I wooD ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL ST. CUI X BLASTING x PARKING x DEMO x MICHAEL WIII AUc. 9, 1990 ,ILDING OFFICIAL ,\ - -oAiE ANDY KI]ND EN AUG. 14, 1990 INING ADMINISTRATOR DATE )NING E BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, lilled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree lo comply with the information and plot plan, lo comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other CLEAN UP TOE le thereto. ffi SIGNA7<r i (/k735 AND THE OWNER. ihe T FOR HIMSELF LEGAL pEsc. LOT BLK- FILING JoBNAME: **ffi-trffi#'frffi, ! OWNER NAME ' MA|L^DDRESS 3160 KATSoS RANCI ctTy VAIL px. 6-3850 ARCHITECT F|RM sNoliDoN & HoPKINS MA1LADDRE35 20f GORE CRK DR, clry VAIL pa. 6-2201 GENERAL CONTRACTOR flau Bqcj ANp AssocrATEs 117-A TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 949-1800 Prrr.r*,.o,,,**, ffirTE RMR ELECTRT0 TowN oF vArL BEG. No. 145-E UUNIf(AUIUF(949-1403 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM SIBLEY PLUBMING roluN oEt{ArL REG. No. 134-P rcJ.e 827-5736 MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM SIBLEY PLUI'{BING TowN oF vArL REG. No. 134-P TELE. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TELE. dopartment ol community development TO BE FTLLEO OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOF TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT E K EI BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL 8l pt-uuetNc n rouHoertonn r. wPE OF CONSTRUCTIOI{ | ll lll lv v 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A8€H I RL DIVISION 122d34 GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK : I4LIUOSUA.IL- l classrooms in existino lunch room. f PERMIT NO. z tr BUILDING 5 ,000. 00 €LECTRICAL 75o.oo I PLU EING r,s00.00 '4e'd K MECHANICAL z5o.oo l@D X T K75e TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATIOiI PERMIT FEES llt" lt1 €-9"7*BUILDTNG PERMIT lee ?o PLAN CHECK (4 ELECTRICAL Ll tl PLUMEITIG znfrEwl ) ALTERATToN!<t AoolrloNAL ( ) REPATR( ) OW€LLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS -HEIGHTI FT. - NO.FIfi€PLACES TYPE THICKI{ESS R.VALLUE TYPE OF AOOITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: . INSULATION: FLOOR EXT. WALLS ELEC. ST. CUT ALASTING PANKING MECHANICAI t3 RECREATIOfl FE€ oEsrG REVIEW 80ARO CI-EAN.UP OEPOSIT tCIo USE TAX TOTAL PERMIT F€ES 354 __ru&., ----tdg/@OING OFFICIAL N6AO;I1ISTRATOR DATE ING t SUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge lhat I have read rhis application, filled..out l" tYlt tFi{^tj.T1t1",1 l"^l::ldl;#ftffi;';il;;; ;i;i ;[;;;;;ate ihai;rr the inrormarion^P'9y'9"-d,.1'j-"1:::*]i l3l'3ii;lIi#'iol;;il-;ithid;l;it;ition and prot p^ran, to "9,Tq! YI^"1-r-9:1,:!-9,'::1"^","-:"::t*:;il, ;;ji;''fiiri'i'tir'itrr"trre icioroing to the Town's ioning and subitivision codes, design ,"uL* ippror"d, Uniform Building Code aid other ordinances,of tire Tytn applicable thefeto' SIGNATr OWNEF. il }( LEGAL DESC. LOT._-BLN FILING ffirilscHool OWNER NAME VAIL ]iIOU]'ITAIN SCHI)OL ylrr nooness 3160 Katsos Ranch Rd clrv VaiI pn.476-3850 ARCHITECT rrltr nooness 201 Gore Crk Drive crry Vail Px.a7j:220)- SNOI.ID()N & HOPKINS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 'r, c 949- 1800 BECK AND ASSOCIATES, INL TOwN Or VnrL Rec. rO. ll7-A I ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FrRu wHrTE RMR ELEqIU!_ rOwH Or velt- neO. HO. 145-E PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM SIBI.EY PLU}IBING rown Or vlt ReG. tO. 134-P Ttr E 827-5736 MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR SIBLEY PLUII,IBII{G rowH or verl nec. No. 183-8 rFr F *0& %&#0 FIRM OTHER "coNrnncro TOWN OF VAIL R€G. NO. TELE. FIRM o 75 south lronlage road vall, colorado 81557 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 ,t TO: rROM: DATE: SUBJECT: oftlce of communlty developmenl ALL CONTR,ACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED !{ITII THE TOIIIN OF VAII-I TOWN OF VAIIJ PUBLIC WoRKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPI,IENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE In sunnary, Ordinance No. 5 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor materlal , including trash dunpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, a).ley or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VailPublic Works Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to rernove said material .In the event the person so notified does not cornply with thenotice within the 24 hour tine speeified, the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alLey or any utilities in the rJ-ght-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. Read and acknohrledged by: (i.e. contractor, owner) 8-3 -1 o Date Pos it ion,z Relationship lnwn o otfice of community developmenl75 south fronlage road Yaal, colorado 81657 (301t) 47$,2138 (303) 479-2139 PIan Review Based onthe l-988 Uniform Codes PRoJECT NWBER: 8/3/90 ADDRESS: 3]-5O KATSOS NANCH RD.vArL, coLoRADO OCCUPANCYT E-l TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: III-IHR. NAME: VAIL }fTN. SCH. REMODEL 90 DATE:8/8/90 CONTRACTOR: BECK & ASSOC. ARCHITECT: SNOWDON & HOPKINS ENGINEER: NONE PI,ANS EXAUTNER: MICITAEL WHITAKER coRRECTrOrfg REOUTRED 1. Glazing in hazardous locations to be safety glazed asper UBC 5406. 2. Maintain exits sign with illunination as per UBc 3313,3314. 3. E.l,t. lighting for band/lunch room to be maintained. 4. Return air for new classrooms to be provided (overcut bottomof doors or provide vent louver/screen cut-out in door or wall to adjoining roorn. 5. All changes in fire alarm systen to be approved by 6. Doors exiting band/lunch 7. Doors exiting band/lunch room hardware if occupancy is 5O or 8. Replacernent door to headrnaster mininun. 9. Rooms used shaLl not tO" ,ftt G"+' system and/or fire sprinkler Town of vail Fire Dept. to be one hour rated. to be provided with panic more. (l-000 sq. ft. ) quarters to be 35tt width for kindergarten, first or second grade pupils be located in basements. UBc 802 (c). $- toe I hr. *LJ ar f"- 7jy W ,0". '-PECTION REQUEST' TOWN OF VAIL +'+11 PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT DAf E U,qt r lg; -n D tnEl NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON tNs WED THUR FRI cnllen TUES cetv ar.,n tsro". (*tiEu t 2t-Et.t.,I .l AM PM K BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSUTATION tr POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n FN^€-O FINAL ELE trl FF trc B tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL -- tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR' fi .A ":t 1.i*,. INSPECTION TOWN OF r+11 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT REOUEST, VAIL CALLER TUES @ultu FRI AM Ft Dmr 06'72 -4o JoB NAME VA.t, Mou{r AgN sc*lot- READY FOR INSPECTION: LoCATION: VlLo BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V,tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER -- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr n POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER EI tr tr tr HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL {eenovro CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR tlt+44+ v rNsp,EcroN PERMIT NUMBER oF PRoJECT ToWN oF REQUEST' VAIL Ioor. ofi'7f-4e JoB NAME V/a/-- t4o,*vra=* <"ttoo CALLER TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:vlb, ( BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBlNG: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. B ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION N POOL / H. TUB p.sHeernocK NArL n tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL - PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED COBRECTIONS: ', -1 -'> /2 ---\oor, [. - z_'/ -: /zO tNSpEcroR OF PROJECT INS CTION REQUEST' READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: i,l t, c JOB NAME MO rtf 2',, .CALLER TUES WED !,.i. ( THUR FRI a I I T NUMBER BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E ROUGH / D.W.V. C ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr n TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUSTROUGH HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n /r,*or -tr FINAL APPROVED..- CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR N REQUEST. OF VAIL -/ '.-1 NI 4flt,. t ilr,'.-.,t.JOB NAME PERMIT NUMBER OF JECT DATE PRO { tREADY FOR INSPECTION: -'l LOCATION: BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H, TUB n r-l tr FINAL MECHANICAL: O HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR - r-l tr FINAL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL ,r'r-l ELECTRICAL: d'TEMP. POWER tr r'l tr ROUGH CONDUIT tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DA]E /0 'L/- f () tNSPEcroR ,ilr. rnsprcrrouts couslsmD The :ltens belor need to be coqrlete before glvlag a per.nl.t a flnal C of 0. Please check off la tbe box provlded. INAL PLIffBING FINAL UECEANICAI, DATEI IUPROVEMENT SURVET RESID. IIA!{E: m CERTItrICATE OF' OCCI'PAI{CT DATE: EILE I{AI{E: Nq:-o \l\ \tn$rrN Ia+,I {nu tt, 7a Vall ilouatala Elebool 3160 trat.or Brncb Eoad Vall, Go. 81667 !!s. lkLrtaa P"ttz Departnut of Corylratty Develop-nt Town of, VaLI 75 Soutb Frontagc Road TaLl, Co. 81657 Dear Krletaal Tbls lotter Ls te coafl.rn tbat School tbat lts landcoaPlag be of tbo Vall lteuntala carly aucr of 1900. January ll' 1990 lt la tbr tatent colpletod by the M of Trustrr: Vall llouatain School 7 .t At.1 -4 tr -'3 rf THI.I 1r1 :B E|jrFI}-IEE FlS=;r: rI F.l |:F-!:r1 BANNER F,,'.<-X lii: A\:l lfissloN : .:., i;.:-)*'llr' .- - '....;, ',2,3) Eauner Associates, fnt, 2?77 Crcssrcads Elvd Grand Juaction, CO 8i5-1+ {31}3) 2a3.!:.i? FAX t30s) ?4?-3:i1i ' _r J _I,'tt 11 (-\ F,:;L()Wi,.i lq T'MD, i,'.5h ;\irt5; Flau : Prorr, $ : ()<:prrs To : re+,...1q; AVAILABLE lrq - ? ts-t D ^ /-'.+ t.Ax 4 Fno:u h{ESSAGE 4-< eJ----Taial uumber of pages sent, iaclu.lirr6 thi,s cover rh.rtt ==*'- Pleg*- I call (3t13) 243-2242 if you do not .:+,;ei.,'e all pages. F'T I SSSt'EtSHh,ttlg J-E: FI TtHl-E€:- i I ": F.l Hf' i,ids,..36 i[Lif,! ' TI9l8 OqHUO]OJ'N?dSY N\.,{ tSrS 919 '9 3uft5 ! t :SJililEY B SUI:INlg\:l 9Nl.rtr"l$l,i0f, ' J50 s3lHf,ossv [t:'l,wa Zt;,7 -;"..7 ffiti ' 9.lE;E fii-] tilll-1\ji"jl. {rivH!ctY l-lilrlE sivouSic g:r cllxstf t;JH})rv * irfliNltrll s\jIL'lsNoJ -- :'.i' i ?i\dllv--,5 F : Il ::'iug 'pau6Tsap sB ele.rado pInolls fiue Fafl.Fr?=u+; ,.,,.3q FnEi{ suoT?pJTJTcads pus Fueld a'.{1 Lr; -iGJ F+t:E's Ftl scl;}6T^{rrd eEeule.rp "q1 lEI{l eaEls uEc aF. '+'.i+1]{a iqI.(} t}} r.irj€ s ; -i'tr rt+Trrt anr6€ a$ 'urf,dq €qi Jo f,1 laaFull eq? +1 ! E::: I, i .1 sT lilJ€q aqt pulqaq sbEuTeJp re'Jo-Id 1eq1 s*1s?'r F! ' .'-'''. i ' . , E irrdcreT seIoqcTH f o e abEd Jo qdc-I6pred Eui :1;E e!; 'sTr{3 e{laTql'e c+ {-1trF8" .r.'i1eqnl "nF.rnd a1 spualuT ulrloJ! eq1 lEti1 f,:'tlpu*:ir: :., I iT 'BuO]4ErTJIped$ aql I{1T/4 a3'r€Tldi}ro.} 6:luT +:';^ii;.5 'si{1 rtro,qar pa ,uEsse3ad sT ;st{.1 +tr '*'t "1.''i;..;+ij:'fra; o+ dl TIIqP aq? sEq uAoJ, aql'1c"r1;;] +,"i1; i;r.;-i J3i.ii:l lBr{f aAaTt€q a}i 'l3P-r?ufJp "q:} Jo x-r*ir +i. .i;'J l;r,,. JO U4O1 Aq1 lPq+ p"FueutxtsAJ Seq 'rL-itil 'r',:; ,''', :Ft ;eql FuE iiaIlcEdu:oc Fe.Irnhel *,i,1 'ri tr;q: ::.'-. -.. r';,.r.l&'iI(rq uT rolap.rluor: 6tq1 lut{l uIJrir-i{,:\ lT,ijq :;,''i:r: - . i: .1r. I dols o1 Inraq tsq? Jo I+Tllqe 6q1 ;*.*J.;+ ii:-,.. :1 :., . : IIeJ plnci} puE 'euo1trer:13T'iargs 6r.i.-i! ;(: :. j:.;.,.:.{..-'' , , - -^',i';r3 f ou sBi{ tu,f ar{ e'.{1 asnEi}+q s i ' ;, '..': r' ;1 i: -1 -r -T+J 'Jsltr3a1oJd XEq? SilT.tlTT€nI? ;Gi 1rl1Ef,:;3-r ::1.:i r':i , -"-f,';*Fejrl ?T sE TaneI aIqEuosEeJ E il l. FAI?F.1.'-:J'J t-ii Tili:r{:': ::. :*j*aT -+€ T66i-066T f o -ra1UIfl f i-+'.ii! .dE-e.'! aIll?r,r; .i.-,ii.,' +:=': -:.i: .r;if, irirluSco.dur Et 1T ?nq-'"rr 3a?e+5 aa ";.;i.:'il;.,:i :;.=.; ;"::"ii ]$pii,l ""{1 ,{q locqcE aq? 01 5,apT.".,:,;'f r.i'f,I?:i3;'i.{c 3 .. r-i -r" ;..3+ 6Tt{ u€AIF sel{ aq '586I 'Lt{ J+i,:r,}l€G !:=,ieit t;.;.- -- i', '- 'i*.1;1 3 u+pr4.ous el J"il?T sT*{ t-:I 'l iEir J* ul::::i +::: .r .' .:'.i li3sd paFl^o.i: sErj 'lstf,'FI-rFg '=r.ii.* ii'l .'r:"!. i.'.i:i :' ' ir.'i.:;- ' i:..r'1 .:eJo.rd ap1+cr'J .i ,t+TItqu .irfi ['ri€ r.1i*:a,.ill :. .i,*'5:1efi:11l'I p.rezPH IIEJ )icd5 {aa;;. q={.'j11 'rt.ii; trf, ii.: :i ):: '.OJf,bA: ur)]iESrer:r-r+3 .rno c1 a-rlli+Jaj*-1 ;.:i Fi. .i+-lt:+: : :auT?sTr:i : p.Ie?E-i{ 'iI€J :'rr;f.I l+r.\aJ; '.ila+€| = \-- 0i) ' 1l e.n, q+:!''Ii' ! l. .{{] }t$!!euTf=i.iN 066I ,11 ,{-runueg r.E91 I F,E+S Ff'el\I+.zJ 'I IVA ?1T.Id hJ=NNVEI f, t.t I :-r-j.=u f,l 3t'lHtitg l=: t'I t-l H -L EJ €, *. 1I -l'ld-r- Krlstlne Prita TOIJI; OP 1ttrJ1 fanuary 11, 1990 tsage 2 BANNEI-1 _.i',,,- I-,,: '€ &ll! q'J€stlonsr please do rt*t hesltate to let u* ' _: , ;rlllffr, ,.+L'IA'il'. }, Iilc. ,1Jt ','.t' .." .-' r'*- - r r{ti1f:.i, P,E.' -;t.: '.'rt:!i1i't:t 'tJ It}O J-/, /t, ? o. BANNEFI January 1L, L990 Kristine Pritz TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Va j-I , CO 81"657 RE: Booth Creek rock Fall Hazard Dear Kristine: This letter is in reference to our conversation regarding the status of the Booth Creek Rock Fall Hazard Mitigation, Phase 1- project, and it's ability to provide protection for the school . Nicholas Lampiris, Geologist, has provided Rock Fall ruappingfor the Town of Vail . In his letter to Snowden & Hopkins,Architects, dated December LO, L989, he has given his opinionas to the protection provided to the school by the Phase l- Rock Fatl project. He states !r...but it is rny opj-nion thatfor the near future (say until winter of 1-990-199L at least) the school is protected to a reasonable level as it presently exists.rr His reason for qualifying that protection for rrnear futurerr, is because the berm was not compacted to reguirements of the Specifications, and could fail which of course would affect the ability of the benn to stop rocks. This letter witl confirm that the contractor in building the bern did not obtain the required compaction and that Banner Associates, Inc., has reconrnended that the town of Vai-l- not accept the work of the contract. We believe that under the terms of the contract, the Town has the ability to require the contractor to do what is necessary to rework the project to bring it into conpliance with the Specifications. It isour understanding that the Town intends to pursue whatever action is necessary to achieve this. rn the second paragraph of page 2 of Nicholas Lampirislletter, he states that proper drainage behind the berm iscritical to the longevity of the berrn. we agree with this and to that extent, we can state that the drainage provisions as called for in the Plans and Specifications have been constructed and should operate as designed. BANNER ASSOCI,ATES. INC. CONSUIIING ENGINEERS & ARCHTTECTS SUITE 6, 605 EAST MAIN ASPEN, COLORADO 81611 . (303) 925-5857 BANNEB ASSOC TES. INC. CONSULTTNG ENGINEERS & ARCHITECTS 2777 CROSSROADS BOULEVABD GRAND JUNCTION, CO 81505 . (3031 243-2242 t Kristine TOI{H OF ilanuary Page 2 Pritz VAIL 11, 1990 If you have any queetions, know. Sincerely youra, , P.E. Senior rr,tB/bq iee-ldent E}ANNEFI please do not heELtate to let uE