HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 12 BLOCK 2 LOT 4 LEGAL/ TOWN OF VAIL ?5 ,^s.. FRONTAGE ROAD vATr,, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 Job Address...:Location......: Parcel No.....: Project Number: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER FRISCO FIREPLACE & STOVE P O BOX 1330, FRrsco co FRISCO FIREPLACE & STOVE P O BOX 1330, FRrsco co MUELLER JOHANN 910 FAIRWAY DR, VAIL CO 3155 BOOTH FALLS Cf 2101-02 3-0 L-027 Status. . . applied. . Issued. . . Expires. . Val-uation: #of Gas Logs: ISSUED L0 /oe /Lee5t0/osfiees 04 /06 /tee 6 SHOP 80443 SHOP 80443 816 57 Phone: 3036683760 Phone: 3036683760 Description; GAS LOGS IN NEI{ RESIDENCE Firaptace Information: Rrstfictcdi llechanicat---> 160.00 Ptan check--> 40.m #0f Gas Appt ianccs: Restuarant P l,En Reviev-> .00 Totat cal,cuLated Fees-> ?03.00 Additiona! Fees------> .00 7,310.00 #of Uood/Pattct: ffiffi FEE SUi,ll'IARY fir*r***f***f,f#ffi DRB Fer------- TOTAL FEES_---- .00 203.00 Total Penmit Fee-----> Paynents---- BALANCE DUE-_--__> 203.00 203.00 .00 lnvestigation> tliLL Cat l,--> .00 3.00 ***tt******* t*t*** Dept: BUILDING Division: STGi{AIURE OF OUNER OR CO TRACTOR FOR HIIISELT AND OIINER /," rY /Q , (// t-+t ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M95-0175 Iter: ,05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT- 10109/1995 DAN Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAI, 1. FrELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUIE'ED TO CHEC$-EOE.-qODE COMPLIAIICE' t : iN$fiLltiiiloN -Muiii -Cdtlrct3fr - to-uallgrlc_rqRE s INsrRucrI oNs AND-- iat-fftFE-liDrt-cHAPTER 21 oF THE lee1 wg.- -^ -.s . GAs- AFF-1, rrulcs3i--s HLL-L- se - VelttEo -eqqQnD I NG ^ to-qHAPTEB -e- AND'' sir-ALir-tERi4rNEre-[-s-5peer!,TeD-u{--sEc.e06 0F THE 1991 nMc. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS t hereby ackmutedge that I hav! read this apptication, fitted out in fuLt the infornation required, conpteted an rccurate ptot ptan, and stltc that att ttre iiiormaiion p.oli aea "" |'i,gui".d i" correct. .I agree to compl'y riith ths inforrnation and ptot ptan, to cofipty eith !u, Toen ordinanccs and stitc [aws, and io build this stpucture according iothe Tom's zoning and suHivision codesr'disign rcvicu approved, uni{orm BuiLding code and other ordinrnces of the Toun apPl'icabl'e thcr'to' R€ouEsrs FoR tlspEcrror{s sHALL BE ttADE TIENTv-FouR t{ouRs It{ ADvANCE BY TELEPHoNE Al 479-2''38 oR At ouR oFfIcE FRoll 8:00 'rtl 5:00 P[ TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 Job Address...: Location......: Parcel No.....:Project Number: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAIJ PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M95-0176 APPLICANT FRISCO FIREPLACE & STOVE P O BOX 1330' FRrsco co CONTRACTOR FRISCO FIREPLACE & STOVE P O BOX 1330' FRTSCO CO OWNER MUELI.,ER JOHANN 910 FATRWAY DR, VArI-, co DescriPtion: GAS LOGS IN NEW RESIDENCE #0f Gas App[ i rncrs: 3155 BOOTH FALLS CT 2101-023-0 r-027 Rcstuarant Ptan Revieu--> DRB F TOTAL fEES.----- SHOP 80443 SHOP 80443 81657 Status. . . Applied. . Issued. . . Expires. . Valuation: fof Gss Logs: I S SUED to /oe /Lees to /0e /L9e5o4/06/Lee6 Phone: 3036683750 Phone: 3036683760 7,310.00 #of Lood/PaLtet:Fircpt.cc lnfofmtion: Restricted: rhrntsilrkt**** FEE SUllllARY M****fi**frrl**l*H TotaL crtcutated Fees-> 203.00echlni cat--> 160.00 Ptan check--> 40.00 Invcstigltion> .00 tli tt Cat l.--> 3.m .m .00 203.00 Additionat tees------> Total Perni t Paynent s-------------> BALANCE OUE----- .00 203.m 203.00 .00 rtem: -0s100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT- id/Os/19r-5 oeN Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAI, 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ABE REQUIBED TO CUEqli_EOts -qqPE COMP!I4!{gE 'i : ifrEiALr-,ailon -iriliii taucctBq- tq_M4Nqre_eqREs lNsrRUcrIoNs AND-- i6-[DpENnrx- cHAPfER 21 oF rHE 1991,quq.-- s . cIs' ibFiiaiicEli'-sHli,t,- Ep wutED -AqeaRDIuG^Io-qEAPTEB e- AND-' Eiifui:-rEni,riNEin-.lili-SpnerrIEn-rN -sEe-. e06 0F rHE 1ee1 uMc. ******************+************************************************************* DECLARATIONS I hcrcby ackrlovtedge that I have rrad this appl,ication, til,ted out in lutt the infornatlon requircd, corpleted an accufat! Ptot ptan, and statc that att th! info.matim pnovided as requirJ is correct. .I agree to conpl'y riittr tite infornation and ptot ptan' to cospty uith aU, tom ordinances and stlte [aus, and io build this structure according to thc T*n's zoning and subdivigion cod.s, design a"ui a* "pprou.d, uniforo Bui tding code and othrr ordinances ot thc Town appticable thefeto' REouEsrs FoR lNspErrroNs sHALL BE r,lADE Tr,lEt{Ty-FouR HouRs IN ADVANcE BY TELEPHoNE Ar 47g-21fi oR AT ouR oFFtcE FRol 8:00 Ail 5:m Pn Dept: BUILDING Division: SIGNATURE OT OI'NER OR COilTRACTOR TOR HIIISELF AND OI'II'IER I **************+*****i******************************************* TOWN OF VArL, COLOR.ADO statemnt ;; ;; -;;. ;;iii * * * * * * * !r * * * ** * * * * * * * !r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ) t^- t^- .at-.t.l Statennt Nurnber: REC-0152 Amount:2o3.OO A6/05/96 13:28/05/ Palnnent Method: CK Notation: #14899 Init: DS il Permit No: Parcel No3 Site AddresE: This Payment !!95-01?6 TlPer 2t0L-023-0L-O27 3155 BOOTH FALLS B-MECII UECHAIIICAL PERI'IIT CT Total FeeE: 203.00 Total AL,L Pmte: Balance: 203.00 203.00 .00 ***!.*****************************t***********t****************** Account code DeecriPtion ilmount OX OOOO 4L3L2 MECITAI'IICAL PERMIT FEES 160'00 01 00oo 41332 PLAN CHECK FEES 40'00 01 00oo 41336 WILL CAlr. TNSPECTTON FEE 3'00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE MECHANICAL PERI,IIT NoHfrot\ lclr'l9s JOBSITE AT ALL BIMES Permit #: M95-0176 Phone: 3036683760 Phone: 3036683760 3155 BOOTH FAI,I-,S CT Statu6...: APPROVED Applilo. . : Lo/os/Lsssrssued...: ro/09/L995 Expires , .: oa/06/L996 Job Address...:Location......: Parcel No.....: Project Number: 2101-O23-Ot-027 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OV'NER 910 FATRWAY DR, VAIL CO Description: GAS LOGS IN NEW RESIDENCE Fireplace Information: Restricted:fof cas Apptianccs: FRISCO FIREPLACE & STOVE P O BOX 1330, FRISCO CO FRISCO FIREPTACE & STOVE P O BOX L330, FRTSCO CO 160.00 RestuaFant Ptan Revie*-->40.00 DRB SHOP 80443 SHOP 80443 8165 7 Valuation: fof Gls Logs: 7 | 310.00 #of tlood/Pat tet: FEE SUIIIIARY l{echani ca [---) Pl.an check---> Invest i gation> U'i l. L Ca L L----> -m .00 203.00 Tota f catculated Fees--->2o3.m Additional, Fees--------> .m Total Perrit FeF------> 203.00.OO TOTAL FEES----- 3.00 POSTED ON ITem: 05lOO BUILDING DEPARTMENT1010911995 DAN Action: APPR Payments------- MLA CE DUE---- Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL ]. . FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED gO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI.,IANCE.2. ]NSTALLATION MUST CONFOR-I{ TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS ANDTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.3. GAS APPIJIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 ANDSHAIL TER.II{INATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE 1991 UMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoutedge that I have read this apptication, fil,l.ed out in futl, the infornation required, compl,eted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that al,[ the information provided as requi red is correct. I agree to comp Ly rrith the infornation and ptot p[en, to conpty uith att Tovn ordinsnces and state [aus, and to buiLd this structure according to the Tovnrs zoning and subdivision codcs, design reviev approved, Uniform BuiLding Code and oth.r ordinances of the Toun applicab[e thercto. REqUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TIIE}ITY-FOUR HOTJRS IN ADYAIICE BY TELEP}OIIE Af 479-213E OR AT OI'|R OFFICE FRO}I E:OO A 5:M P[ SIGNATURE OF OUI{ER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OI.INER &'*:i;iffiU#trETYRffi*rr#g t aor azzc 7g-3ru:i;i%ffUffiq,]-T :: al ApplrcArroN r.rusr BE FTLLED our couplErrrv[fl/ {,1ffi,,/H{f$"fl[8Ji"rro f,***************************** PEIII{IT INFORMATIoN ***************************** -t l-Building t l-Pru$ing [ ]-Electrical 1]1-uectranJ.cat I J-other Job Name: Lega1 DescriptJ. ont f,oX ,L BLock 2-Fa"a<e / owners Nane: {' ' " ^ Address: Architectr Address: General Descriptio 'I Wotk Class: [l]-New [ ]-Alteration I l-Additional I Nunber of l-Repalr I J-Other Aceornrnodation UnLte : ^ |pnber and Type of Flreplaces: cas Appliances-fu Gas Logs;l Woodr/pelletv ,T********************************* VALUATTONS **************************** BUILDING: PLWBING: $ l***************************, teneral Contractor: EIJCTRICAL! !.TECHANICAL: CONTRACTOR $]-L/ee)- TNFORMATION Nurnber of Dtrelllng Units: ***** Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** FOR BUTLDING PERMIT FEE! PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: I'IECHANf CAIJ PERI'IIT FBE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF TEE: DRB FEE: OTHER: TOTAL: *************************** Town of Vail Reg. NO._ Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. Town of Vail Reg. NO. ,/e//4 Phone Nunber: //;4-i?2,.> * * ******* * * *************** * * *** PI,AN CHECK TEE! OFFTCE USE BUTLDING PLI'!,TBING PI,AN CHECK FEES I{ECHANICAI, PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI,E,AN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAI PERMTT FEES: esllPrlsi M'' dil ' ttt'q 'q{ SIGNATURE ZONING: SIGNATURE: Conments: CLEAH I'P I}EPOSIT BEPTIND !O: VALUATION HARGROVE'S Wqsten Pine! Experi€nce the beauty ol mountain grown pine in the comfort ot your own home. Crattsmanship and details so relined you will be checking your fingers lor splinters. HARGBOVE'S Weslern Pine logs are casi lrom real pine trees selected lor lheir knarls and twisls. Clean: No logs lo carry in, no ashes lo carry oul, no messy woodpilel HARGROVE gas lo96 produce less pollution lhan burning wood. Safe: HAHGBOVE logs are cast in relractory ceramic malerials and reinforced with sleel. They will withstand temperatures of over 2000" F and €liminale dangerous sparks made by wood tires. Economical: For less lhan the cost of burning wood, these logs will radiale heal for hours aller lhe gas has been lurned off. Convenient: A realislic lire is yours by simply slriking a match and turning on a valve. All HAFGHOVE gas log sets are designed to funclion in a fully vented metal or masonry lireplace wilh a natural gas supply where wood can be burned salely. The llue damper musl be lully open during use. HARGROVE gas lire logs carry a limited lilelime warranty againsl breakage in lhe original lireplace. All accessories carry a two year limited warranty in the original fireplace. Proof of purchase required. PACKAGE INCLUDES: '1. PEDESTAL GRATE is made ot l/2'steel especially designed to place lhe logs in porlecl oosilion lor the besl llame oattern. 2. EMBEF BURNEF PAN is made ol heavy 16 gauge sleel and forms the loundation lor the burnef meota. 3. SILICA SAND is used lo maximize diffusion ol nalural gas. Vermiculite is used with propan€. 4. EMBEBS cfeale the illusion ol a bed ol glowing coals- 5, CINDERS are used to decorate the fireolac€ lloor lor a'Tinished" look. 6. Aluminum CONNECTOR is used to ioin the gas supply to lhe ember burner pan. 7, FIRELOGS are the ultimate lealure that makes the HARGROVE gas log sels authentic! Optional: L Safety Pilot Valve combines the convenience of on-ofl control with safety feature. Available laclory assembled. Please specily Natural Gas or Propane Gas when ordering. Western Western Plne 2d'Western Pine 3O' TRISCO IIREPLACE & STOVE SHOP '43IEN MILE DRIYI P.0. Box 1330 nlsco, c0 80443'1330 Plne 18"Weslern Pine 21" Available as a heat circulator or a radi- ant fireplace, the NOVUS meels all your needs. You also have a choice ol three different sizes, accommodating a small, medium or large room. The NOVUS offers a variety of options to differentiate your fireplace from all others. A combination ol split logs, trim, fixed glass doors and relraclory creates your distinctive fireplace beauty. This direcl venting syslem has been designed lo use only outside air for combustion. Direct vent also means you can vent directly out your wall, eliminating lhe need and expense ol a conventional chimney. lf you thought you could install your fireplace in only one place, your options have dramatically multiplied with the NOVUS direct vent Series. This fireplace can be located on an exlerior or an inierior wall, il can be put in a bedroom or bed/sitting room, a mobile home or a kitchen. The standard tempered glass and safety fire screen are designed for quick and simple removal so lhe glass can be easily cleaned. A beautifully designed ceramic liber log set is the basis tor an enjoyable fire. Burning embers and tall, golden flames dance around these logs to create the ambiance you've been wanling. Avallable as a heat circulator or a radlant unit, wlth standing pllot or electronic ignltion start-up system for a variety of cholces. Choice of lour oplional upgrade features that may be installed at the lactory prior to shipment: ceramic glass, split log set, simulated brick relractory and a lan for heat circulating models. Heatilator Flame Technology (HFTil) crleates tall, dancing, yellow flames around a bed of glowing embers and large, ceramic fiber logs for the look of authentic burning hardwood. 32,000 Blu/hr. input for 36" versions; 25,000 Btu/hr. input for the 30" and 33" versions keep utllity bills down. Largest fire-vlewlng area available today on fireplaces these sazes. Ceramic fiber ash lip provides a true mesonry fireplace appearance. Entire burner and ignition controls are one plalform piece* that easi- ly lafls out to provlde easy adiustments, service and future upgrades. Tempered glass with a low visibility safety fire screen has been deslgned wilh a quick access system* to enable removal for cleaning in seconds, wlthout the use of tools. Glass also has a protectlve edge to make handling easier and safer. A 19t/s" depth allows installation with the use of mlnimal tramang materials, keeping construction costs down. Top dlrect venl allows installation along Interior or exterior walls, below grade, or in corners. Sealed chamber uses only outside air for combustlon, helping to preserve indoor air quality and prevent negative air pressure problems. Flexlble stainless steel gas connector, manual shutoff valve and dual gas knockouts provlde easy installation. Baked-on powder coat paint has a deep, solid luster and as resistant to abuse. Hinged access panel for easy accessability. Built-ln ONiOFF switch makes installalion and operatlon simple. Approved tor installation in bedrooms and moblle homes. 'Patenls applied Figure 1 All dimensions are in inches. 'f 1r //7,', Badiant Heat Circulating Side views Top view oo F t-II F.i z :: 'ttc 3 = $ fi TOWN OF VAIL DEPAR n\l EifT on CO\ttt ul\-rTy DEIELOt trtEliT t4 *\\illqf L';hlqtL otr." lL ,if , ?L vc'l'toa (sr 4,610d-2, {*il ADDRESS---_.-- ^'..nrno. 4V1YP -^^,r- {u\Je{Gr "*orr.r ll5o (La+^ 0 I 0000424t5 UNIFORM FIRE CODE s36.0tl0000 424 l5 NATIONALELECTRIcffi st7.00l0I 0000 421t 5 OTIIERCODE BOOK-lu .l wou 4l)4E IiL:vE PRINTS (MTIaRs)s7.00luI rnJuu 4t4IL -'oPtEs s0.250ooo0 424t2 J I UL'!Ls 0 0000 424 l2 TOVFEIjS coMPU TER PRoGF.AM_---*s5.0000000 42i71 PI:NALTY FEES / LE:IIISFEeTF 0 oo00 4 t Jl2 I'L^N RIIVII:w Rt-ClmeRTEE l?. 0 0000 42332 OI F I IOU RS IN S FEETIONTE-ES- 0 oo004l4r2 CONTR^C-TOEI-IMNSESFE_ES l-r0im00ziall-Dr\Jl\ .i/\t't'LlLn I tuN l-Ll:s20.000oo00 4 t4 l3 N D D I T IO N N L S I G N ^C]-F' EW 0 0000 4241il VTC ART PRoJI]CT DoNATaFI t+ 0 0000 413i I l'!r rj pA I n Dt js lc N RtrVI ITWTOARDFEE- 0 0000 4237 |I NVESTTGnTION F'tjE (tsutLDINc) 3 0000 451 l0 TOVPnRKINGffi 0 0000 22027 TOVNI]WSPNPI]RDISffi ai * 0t 0000 2l I l2 r^xIRfEETlsffi* 0l 0000 410t0 IAXABLE 14 4 . 07" (TowN) =t.:1 I{ ol o0oo 42171 luutLDING tNVESrffi == VeFtaA l .s 0 0000 4t330 ADDITIONAL G s200.0000000 41330 UNlJI I I(JNAL US,Il PERMIT 5200.0000000 4 t330 EXTERIORALTFW $200.0000000 4 r330 EXTIRIOR^LTEMW s500.000l0000 41330 |SPECI^LDW 5 1.500.0000000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPM ENT DISTRIETFI]qR-TNMND s 1.000.00 =l 0 oo00 4 1330 SPECI A L D EV E LOPM I ] NT D I STR]ET-TNiIIIOR ATiEND 5200.000l oo00 4ti30 SUBDIVISION 0l 0000 41310 VAzuANCE s250.00 u r (ru0u 4l Jio ZONINGCODEAffi s250.00ut (ruuu 4l J_iu RE - ZONING s200.00()11{ER O'I HER ITOTAL: 2.{tD ort '\.\r i- ?\ |:oMMFrrs: , \\s \Q \-_- \ ,/.., f,\ e ,l \ CASEt-------J cx.or ZllV ,M.OL-I u"."", fu-\ . ; ,..,'*fJ fifin*x ffi'u##ia.- P.eceip? * Alg3l4 Flcccr.rnt''+ CE * ?104 fiUELLEP COT.ISTP\OIff CASH O€POEIT 'Flr*orrnl. terrdsred l lrae gaid glaB66S?62666s in.*r* relurned :' ?51B,BA ,ffsrrt Faid ?314. Ss g.9s } DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEME THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this bl and among@ (hereinafter called the OF VAIL (hereinafter called the "Town"). oay ot D€c . . rs$ nv "Developer'), and the TOWN ftvPgo -Se99 t'i i{\^ WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condition of approval of the \\U'E,-eru -DUFL€'Y plans, dated lArQrL \ , 19$f, wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgment of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth below; and WHEREAS, the'Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including construction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the following: Developer agrees to establish a cash deposit with the Town of Vail in a dollar amount ot S ?u5 id'- 025k ot the total cost of the work shown below) to provide security for the following: IMPROVEMENT \. ?inr.uT tl,2u hsequ q 6' s Qq$(E 3 g' SRRr.rgg 13 \sT\O+ EAAIT eCL \ \ QsaEt^\r\-L!A bq-rsq.s -,. Wru$tFtI)\DER \e€) hUe.eggt1 9oy NOW, THEREFORE,.in consideration of the following mutual covenants and -agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment and material necessary to perform and complete all improvements, on or beforeluue- r - a*I The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all improvements as listed above, in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced governmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until Legal Description: Lot l- Blocx ?e, Account Number: 01 -0000-22026 .o o A cash deposit account in the amount ot E_25!O.E_to be held by the Town, as escrow agent, shall provide the security for the improvements set forth above if there is a default under the Agreement by Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance oi the same, nor shall the Town, nor any otficer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereofl that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer may I t<lv8. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town and the Town shall authorize for partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement at such time as such improvements are constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will the amount of the collateral that is beinq held be reduced below the amounl necessary to complete such improvements. 6. lf the Town determines that any of the improvements contemplated herein are not constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications set forth herein by the date set forth in paragraph 2, the Town may, but shall not be required to, withdraw from the cash deposit such funds as may be necessary to complete the unJinished improvements. The Town shall release such funds upon the written request of the staff of the Community Development Department stating that the improvements have not been completed as required by the agreement. The Town shall not require lhe concurrence of the.developer prior to the release of the funds, nor shall the Town be required to verify independenily that the improvements have not been completed as required by this Agreement, but shall release such funds solely upon the request of the Community Development Department. lf the costs of completing the work exceed the amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against suih property. lf the permit holder lails or refuses to complete the cleanup and landscaping, as defined in this chapter, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of the Zoning code. 7- The Developer warrants all work and material for a period of one year after acceptance of all work referred to in this Agreement by lhe Town pursuant to Section 17 '16.250 if such work is located on Town of Vail property or within Town of Vail right-of.way. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. i-r,I t STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE My commission expires:' STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE updated 92&Il4 ss. 3r.J,ii'5qEt':"'t"lsx3;"'"sgiff llffi .ffi '1.,p?,sp*:f .'"*etT. .The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledqed before me this day of Dr.c-saLGr( . r@uy I) F lMsile r A le, Witness my hand and officialseal. My commission expires: Or^a t ^t t "tl 'e.,, ,&t'; _b'. .. : ,.,i b GAv ?ON t wnp Wy<-) t ir4ry .,:i,;;. lta"4'r u|* 64 ? 1,,,; ; |;,r"fL ; I ..' ,1.,',-; .tl :it.,t.,,] lzea+ oI- E ''. ll rl.b-+ l.ll ;,' 210I 82-3lrn02l sWestStar !an[ ''*'HHri;99'o* NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PCrMi.t #: M95_0134 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970479-2452 Job Address...! Location......: Parcel No.....:Project Number: Department of Communiry Developmew APPLICANT JERRY SIBLEY PLT'MBING P O BOX 340f MINTURN CO CONTRACTOR JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING P O BOX 340, MINTURN CO OT'NER MUELLER JOHANN 910 FAIRWAY DR, VAIL CO 3155 BOOTH FALLS CT 210r.-023-01-027 Status. . Applied. Issued.. Expires. Valuation: #0f Gas Logs: ISSUED 08/2e /rees oe /L3/7ee5 03 / Lt/7ee 6 8164s 81645 81657 Phonez 3038275736 Phone: 3038275736 29,000.00 fof tlood/Pa t tet: Description: MECHANICAL NEW SFR Fircptace Infornation: Restricted:#of Gas AppIian6es: tt#rrurffiffi**ffi*******trffi************ff******* FEE SUllllARY *****ffiff#*#*ffi*****l*ffirtff:tidrffi:H$H(l$ llechEni cat---> Ptan Check---> Investigatior> l'f i Lt caLt---> .00 Total Catculated Fees---> Addi tiona t Fees-------> Tota[ Pernit Fee--------> 728,00 Paynents----- BALANCE DUE--*lrti'**ffi**ffiffiffiffiffffi**ffi***lnl*lr**iffiffffiffi***li**ffi*****ffi**ffiffi****ffi**ff*****************ff******* 580.00 145.00 .00 3.00 Restuarant Plan Revi ew--) DRB Fce-------- TOTAL FEES----- .00 72E.00 728.00 .00 728.00 .00 Item: ,O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT08/29/1,995 DAN Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC.6O7 OF THE 1991 UMC.2. ACCESS TO HEATING EQT'IPMENT MUST COMPLY WIiH SEC.5OS EIIO ZOgOF THE 199]. UMC3. TNSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS ANDTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.4. qag,App!.,rANcES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDTNG TO CHAPTER 9 OF THE19gl uMc AND SHALL TERMTNATE AS spEcrFrno-iu-S-iiel-SO6 6F iYE1991 UMC.5. BOI EBS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTTBLE CONST- uN ss I{IST D FOR MOUNTTNG ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORTNG:6. FIELD INSPEqTIONS ARE REQUIRED-iO-EHEEK-FON_C6DE-'EOUPT,TENCE.7. pEBl4rT,p!,4N9 ANQ CODE ANALYSTS MUST ee-poStSD-rN MECHANTCAI-ROOM pRrOR TO AN TNSPECTION REQUEST. *****************************************************************************Jr*: DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknovtedge that I have fead this app[ication, fiLLed out in ful.l, the infor]rtion requircd, conptetcd an accur.te plotpl'an, and state that a[[ the information provided as requi red is correct. I agrec to conpty vith tire iniormation and pl,ot pl,an,to.comPLy vith al'L Town ordinances _and statc tavs, and to bui!d this structure according tothc Town's zoning and suMivisibncodes, design review approved, Uniforra Buitding code and othar ordinances of the Toun appticabLc theneto. {S'"*ot"uo BE }IADE TllEtlTV-FOt R H0UIS ft ASVAIICE 8Y TELEPHoIIE AT 479-2f3E OR AT Oun OFFICE FRon EllXt A 5:00 Ptl FOR HTIISELF AI{O OI'IIER,IOWNOFVIN 75 Soath Froruge Road Yail, Colorado 81657 97Un-213V479-2139 FAX97A479-U52 Depart ner'' of Cowwnity Dcvcbpment {grn*"nrr* * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** !* rl * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * TowN oF vArL, coLoRADO Reprintedt 09/L3/95 0922L Statemnt ***************************************************!r************ Statemnt Number: REC-o069 Amount: Payment Method: CK2333 Notation: 9 CTTotal Fees:728.OO Total ALIJ Pmt6:' Balance: .00 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * !r ** * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * *ik * * Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4L3I2 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 M95-0134 Type: ztoL-023-Ot-027 3155 BOOTTI FALI,S B-MECH MECIIANICAI, PERMIT 728.AO 09/L3/95 O9;2L Init: MMC 728.OO 728.00 Description MECITANICAIJ PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALI INSPECTION FEE Amount s80.00 145.00 3. O0 TOIW OFVAIL NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALIJ TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M95-0134 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2r38/47e-2139 FAX970479-24s2 Job Addreas... Location Parcel No..... Project Number D e p artme nt of C o mmunity D ev e lo p me nt APPLICANT JERRY SIBLEY PLTIMBING P O BOX 340, MINTURN CO CONTRACTOR JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING P O BOX 340, MINTURN CO OWNER MUELLER JOHANN 910 FAIRV|AY DR, VAIL CO 3155 BOOTH FATLS CT 2101-02 3-Ot-027 Status. . Applied. Issued.. Expires. Valuation: fof Gas Logs: ISSUED o8/2e /tee5 oe /13/Lee5o3/tL/tee6 8164s 81645 81657 Phone; 303827573b Phonez 3038275736 29, 000 .00 fof Uood/Pa I Let: *|wdffi*ffi*#*ffi,.*ffi*fiffi****#ffi*******irt*FEEsUM|'|^RY***ftffi*ffffiff**ffi****ffi,r*#*** Description: MECHANICAL NEW SFR Fi reptace InfoFrrtion: Restri cted:#of Gas App[i ances: Restuarant Plan Revi eH--> DRB tee-------- TOTAL FEES----- ilachani cat---) PLan Check---> Invest i gation> $i t t Ca l. l,---> 580. @ 145 .00 .00 3.00 .00 728.00 Total Catcutated Fces--> 72E,00 Addi tions t tces-------> Total Pernit Fee-------> PaYme115----- .q) 728.00 72E.00 Ite.m: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENTO8/29/L995 DAN Action: AppR Dept.: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. COMBUSTTON AIR IS REQUIRED pER SEC.607 OF THE 1991 UMC.2. XqCESS Tg-trEATrNG EQUTPMENT MUST COt{pLy WrTH SEC.5OS allO ZOIOF THE 1991 UMC3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS ANDTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.4. GAS APPLIANCEg SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 OF THE1gg1 uMc AND SHALL TERMTNATE AS SPECTFTED rN gEC. 906 OF tTE1991 nMC.5. BOTLERS S{ALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTTBLE CONST. UNLEgS LISTED !'OR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.6. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO_-ITEEK-FON-CODE--d6MPI,IANCE.7. p_EBl4r!,p!4N!^AND qqDE INALYSTS MUSr BE pOSfED rw l,recnAr,rrdAiROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. ************i********************r.***************************r,*****************{ DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknovtedge that I havr read this apptication, fitted out in fult the information rcquired, conpleted an accurate ptotptan, and state thrt a[[ the infornation provided as requirad. is cornect. I agfee to conpty riith tirc information and ptot pLan,to comPly vith al'l' To]rn ordinances and state [ar.rs, and to buitd this structure according iothc ToHn'3 zoning and subdivisibncodcs, dssign Fevi!u approved, Uniform Building code and other ordinances of the Tohn appl,icabte thereto. {p^ot"uoru* n€s,EsT8 FOn SIGfiATURI OI BE IIADE TllBlTY-F0Un HoURS Il{ ADV t{CE BY TELEPI{o||E AT 47}A3E oR AT oun OFFICE FR0tl ESO A[ 5:00 P[ FOR HIIISELF AI{D OTI EN T0wt{ 0F 75 SouthFronmge Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970479-213V479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 I Departmetx of Conmanity Development *************************!r************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Reprintedz 09/L3/95 09:21 Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0069 Amount: Payment Method: CK2333 Notation: 9 ?28.00 09/L3/es o9z2tInit: MMC Permit No: M95-0134 Type: B-I{ECHParcel No: 2101-023-OL-027Site Address: 3155 BOOTH FALLS CTTotal FeeE:728.O0 This Payment 728.00 Total ALL Prnts: 728.OOBalance: .OO *******!ktr*********************tt*************************.***t***** MECHANICAL PERilTT Account Code 01 0000 4L3t2 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 Description MECTTANICAL PERMIT FEES PIJAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Anount 580.00 145.00 3.00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit *: M95-0134 Job Address...: Location... . ..: Parcel No.....:Project Number: APPI.,ICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER 3155 BOOTH FALLS CT 2LOL-023-01-027 Status. . . applied. . IBBued. . . Expires. . Valuation: fof Gas Logs: APPROVED 08/2e /tee508/2e /Lee502/25/re96 Deecription: MECHANICAL NEW SFR FireDtace Infonmation: Rrstricted: Phone z 3038275736 Phone : 303827 57 36 29, 000.00 #0f l@d/Pal. tet:#0f cas Appt i ances: 5E{r.00 Restuafant Plan Reviey--> .m JERRY SIBLEY PLWBING P O BOX 340, MINTURN CO JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING P O BOX 340, MTNTURN CO #m ToHANN 910 FAIRWAY DR, VAIL CO 81645 8154 5 8165 7 *trffiffi FEE SUtlitARY nechani ca[---> Ptan Check---> Invest igation> tli tL Catl.---> 145.00 DRB TOTAL FEES----_ .00 728.00 Totaf. cal,culated Fees---> 724.@ Additional, Fces------> .00 Total Pernit Fee-------> 72E.OO Plymlnts------ BALANCE OUE---- .00 3.m s,,,' Dept: BUILDING Division:IIen: -O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT08/29/7995 DA\t Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC.6O7 OF THE 1991 t'MC.2. ACCESS Tq HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND 703 OF THE 1991 IJMC.3. INSTALLATION I.{UST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS ANDTO APPEND]X CHAPTER 2]- OF THE 1991 t'MC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 OF THE1991 UMC A}ID SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC. 906 OF TYE1991 UMC.5. BOILERS SHALL BE MOI]NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.6. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.7. PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. *******************************************************************************!t DECLARATIONS I hereby acknontedgc that I have reld this apptication, fitted out in ful,t the informtion requi rcd, coipteted an accur.te ptot ptan, and state that a[[ the infofmation provided as required is correct. I agree to corply with the information and plot pl'!n' to conpty with al,l, Tovn ordinances and state [aus, and to buiLd this stpucture according to the Tovnrs zoning end subdivision cod$, design reviev approved, Uniforr Buildiqg codr and other ordinances of the Tom eppticabtc thereto. Du,pt:K ft&/gpte N'' rrc r - oz7 s r vt ':H4i;frS'Iffi I l-Dutldtng [ ]-PlurnbtnE Job Name: Legal Descrlptl.on: Orrners Nane: Archl.tect: I J-Electrlcal rTob Addrees: Block2/ Fll fi-uectranlcat [ ]-other Address: Address: Ptr.tlTb-SlS? Ph. General Descriptl.on: AIe rrJ trlr.e cl^qr. i co.\ *yfu V Our e' work class! [t'1-xew t l-AIteratlon t t-Addttlonal [ 1-nepalr I l-other tlunber of Ihrelll.ng Uni.tr!Nurnber of Accouodatl.on Unlts: Z . ryPnber and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appriances- cas rogs- wood,/Pe11et_ lt****************.**********i****** VAI;UATTONS *********************************rl Eulr,DtNe : ElEcrRrcaL: l_ orrIER: ! L Electrical Contractor: Address: Address: ********************************FOR BUII,DING PERI.IIT FEE3 PTI'UBING PERMIT FEE: I.TECIIAIITCAIJ PER}TIT FEE s EI,EqIRICAIJ EEES OTTIER TYPE OF EEE: DRB FEE3 Phone Nunber: 8L7 { Town of VaLl Reg. No. Phone Nunber: Town of VaLl Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. Phone Nulober: S? oFFrcE usE ***r*************************** BUILDING PIAI{ CEECK FEEs PU'!.!BIN9 PfAl{ CEECK FEEs UECIIAI{ICAJJ PIJAI{ CIIECK FEES RECRE,ATION FEES CL,EAI{-UP DEPOSITS fOtrAIJ PERI.IIT EEESs Plunbing Address: Contractor: BUfIJDING! SIGNATT'REs ZONTNG: SIGNAIIIIRE: l{echanical Contractor :NO twr_r_r_ ttl r-t-l-.I-r-r_ f,T,.-EAt TP DFP.OSIT BBfrt}I|' lOF IvIANUAL .I:?rh Ed. s/N 3204 Job #:FOT: MT'ELIJER RESIDbNG@d IJNIT A By: i)en;erj - - /._Y ,JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING Vatidity 0, p'rinii Sec. 303 {c) t9 U.ts C RIGHT-J: VL-73 Ftre t-] I -24-95 Htg Clgoutside db -25 81rnside db 70 75Design TD 95 6Daily Range - HInside Humid. - 50Grains Water - 0 olan :]W === = == == = = == = = ======ROOM NAITIE GAR;AGE EIiITRY LOWER BEDROOM LOWER BATH LIVING/KITCHEN MAIN LEVEI., BR MAIN LEVEL BATH STUDY \MSTR BEDROOM MSTR BATII BATCONY/STATRS CIG CFM BSBRD Rr ILOw Hrc4'l -Bt-? {l n o8 61 043l_1s0 37 I ====IIIG BTUH CLG BTl'H 509 238 L82 46 s80 1_43 63 r_54 348 r_55 124 2642 L34E4 4552 2513 458 29802 3540 L2L9 7037 1r_788 3851 306 /qoo,o 0 0 0 o lY,.======i to I OE 130 il, q! wn of vail 6 2 L2 o 0 0 o 0 ============= = = = = == = = === ==== = = =================== = = = = = ====== = ============= ==Entire HouseVenEilation AirEguip. @ 0.95 RSMLatent Cooling == = === ===== = ============ ==== = = =TOTALS I zs+z I ?tol{l o 01130 98 ======l====l======0$ 78oee I 98 li Iown ut Vall Comrnunr& RIGHT -,f EVEgffOISb FORJ'I Health n -4\.a-7 ',/I lj'::l::_qg ol sjanring^o] a_permit.or.approvar 0r prans *ufiolit"iffit*X" 3';r:i:r.:ttions shall not be construed to be I permit io,. o, an HEAr r NG eoui ff uffi #',,:ll,.H: ;l iiJ l:i,$:,:ixll:' ln :l$gimNc Eeur pME,irr Make ; f"'.[li-fn|H,n3j;ns,.!oeciticaqg$_a!d otner oara snairModel ,,. ,,,rion 'oi"J#;"i;"Jll'';i,li,TmjlT,i,'or1'J'g,ll: 11'qg i:.ia " qrp€t- Ef f iciency / irspr' \^rr. o. o c-op/een/ssen o. ogeating Inputs '"Ir 0 Btuh. Sensible Cooling O qEubHeating OuEpuE 0 Btuh Lat,enE Cooling 0 Btuh low Output Basebrd 600 Btuh/Fr Torat CooLing- O BtubTotal Low Basebrd 130 FeeL Actuar cooJ-ing Fan o cFM EisL-ougpgt Basebrd Boo BEuh/FE ctg Air Flow Facror 0.000 -qFM/BEubToEal High Basebrd 98 Feer, Space T'hermostat Load SensibLe Heat Ratio O ===========AREA IsQ. FT. I /4-{us-/tu V fo"F /MroLTt'nf Jq\ alIo f ((l 63 J.tr> L<$ =- -9 tq,-ti6<U]\-3 J ,p .l aev-dg. rde2.a .tlV- a ?'r a/F7 (D tt ': i j t4ibes; L $g e oto ',174-- tl nn-1 - | ,a10vdv2 *r1 '-'t+,rt4 ,tu'\.''\ ,\.\14 Hff:: ? dE-;> a IvIANUAL,,f:7rh Ed. s/N 3204 Job #:FOT: MUELLER I'NIT B RESIDENCE By:.]ERRY SIBLEY PLI]MBING HEATING EQUIPMENT Make ModeI lypeEfficiency / nsprHeating Input IleaEing OuUput Low Output Basebrd ToLaI Low Basebrd High ouEpuE BasebrdTotal High Basebrd Space Thermostat RIGHT-.f SHORT FORM v1.73 8-24-9s Htg CIg ouEside db -25 81Inside db 70 75 Design TD 95 6Daily Range - HInside Humid. - 50Grains WaEer - 0 RIGTIT-J: ConsE - Q'uaIitY# of Fireplaces COOTING EQUIPMEIIT a 0 0-0 0 Btuh 0 Btuh 500 Btuh/Ft 139 Feet 800 Btuh/Ft 104 Feet. Make Model TYpe COP/EER/SEER Sensible Cooling I-,atent. Cooling ToEal CooJ-ingActual Cooling Fan Clg Air Fl-ow Factor 0 Load Sensible Heat Ratio 0.0 0 Btuh 0 BEuh 0 Atuh O CFM 000 cFr,r/Brutr 0 ===================== = = = === === = = = = === = = = = = =ROOM NAI'18 AREA sQ.FT. 547 300 181 4L 1-94 52 842 11r_ 23L 254 HTG BTUH CLG BTUH BSBRD FT LOW HIGg *+t/4I to l_ 48 lo&n ot E# CIG CFM ============ = == = = = = === = = = = = ================= = ======= = ==== ===================GARAGE ENTRY SE BEDROOM SE BATH NW BEDROOM NW BATH LIV/DIN/KIT.STT'DY MSTR BEDROOM MSTR BATH/CI,OSET Entire HouseventiLat,ion AirEquip, @ 0.9s RSM Lat,ent Cooling firtrE\ 5s90 437L L248 s268 998 38555 27LO 6585 7320 Ssoo 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 = = = ================-======= = = = = =2753 .fst6+ a" q& * aong<n To fa o F /rv6 rqa 'i4*P. $/,i'') '?--6u cn vTo) O-r,b cr.Yii. 8" 8 nrrr4 vTtL \ Vr"'\,i)a- (-,j Zeq lep qtl 75 ",'!h t?-E mbh tau $loer's iar.-t {,n ?^*d* b;t".:lt'. oo*qn4P'E LW,^ W [4 w:.th Y.: lr\ ENTRY O too.o ,'\ ,/(fr''t ,4aIAr- Q.1lv*)l ./. 3{Sf 8ro+h {e.ilz r----.--\lrr R*v r'@"'/- -"V 2n lown 0t vri! l:-E cL. ,9 PLANTERAEV OFFI0ECOPY TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEIJOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT I,IUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT oN JOBSITE AT 4&L TIMES Permit, #: M96-0066 Job Address...: 3150 BOOTH FALLS CTLocation...... : 3150 BOOTHFALLS CT Parcel No..... : 2101-023-01-026Project Number: PRJ96-0038 APPLICANT JERRY SIBLEY PLI'MBING P O BOX 340, MTNTURN CO CONTRACTOR JERRY SIBTEY PLI]MBING P O BOX 340, MTNTURN COOWNER MUELLER .]OHANN 910 FAIRWAY DR, VAIL CO Description: DUPIJEX HEATING SYSTEM 8164s 816 45 8165 7 Status. . . App1ied.. fssued... Expires. . Valuation: #0f Gas Logs: 7 ] SSUED 06 /07 /Lee6" o6 /lo/tee 6 72/07 /Lee6 Phone: 3038275736 Phone: 3038275736 27 ,975.00 #0f trtood/Pal, tet:Fireptace Information: Restricted:#of 6as App [i ances: ffi** FEE SUl, tARy l4echani cat-_> Ptln Chcck-> InvestigstiorD Ui t t C!tt-> 560.00 Restuarait Ptan Revi ew--)140.00 0R8.OO TOTAL FEES-_--- 3.00 TO EPPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE V 1 OF THE 1991 UMC.BE VENTED ACCORDII .00 Totat Catcutated Fees---> .00 Additional Fees------>705.00 Totat Pefmit Fee----> Payments-------- 703.00 .00 703.00 703. m BALANCE DUE__ffi ffi ffi ***ffi lr*ffir*tr#r#r*J***if,H*t*trR itsl*iiffi*r* Ite-m: -O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DeDt: BUILDING Division:06/10/1996 CHARLTE Action: AppR CIiARLTE DAVrS CONDITION OF APPROVAL FIELD ]NSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 UMC.INSTAILATION MUST COIiFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND 'l 2.3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. SHATL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE 1991 UMC.ACqESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 ANI703 0F THE 1991 UMC.BOILERS STIALL BE MOTJNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE COT\BOILERS STIALL BE MOTJNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.I'NLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECITANIC! ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST. PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECITANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST. DRAINAGE OF MECHAI.IICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER $UPPIJY BOITERS SHALL B9 EQUIPPED IVITH A FI,OOR DRAIN PER SEC.2119 0F THE 1991 lrMC. ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 ANsEc.906 0F THE 1991 UMC.T COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND 9 AND ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECT DRAINAGE OF MECHAI.IICAL R ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I heEby ackno*tedge that I have read this appticEtion, fiLted out in tul,t the infornation rcquired, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and stat! thlt r[[ the information providcd as requi:'cd is correct. I agfee to compty vith th. infornation and pl,ot plan, ': ii66faiaifi nili;;te;t;, unir.." ruitalng c6ai ina othar ordinanccs of thr Tolm aipticabte thereto. IiI NTOUESTS FOR INSPECTTOI{S SHALL BE |'IADE TT'ENW-FOUR HOURS IN AOVANCE EY ::: SIGI{ATURE 0F OtlNER OR CO0ITRACIOR FOR HIIiSELF AllD AT 479-2'138 oR AT ouR oFFlcE FRott E:00 All 5:00 Plf ;',.{ l:.**************************!t************************************* M96-0066 Tlpe: B-MECII MECIIANICAL PERIIIT 2101-023-01-026 3150 BOOTIT FALLS CT 3150 BOOTHFATTS C9 Total Fees: ?03.00 703.00 Total ALL Pmts: 703.00Balance: .00 ***********************************************************r**** r.oprrro StatenntieowN oF vArrJ, coLoRADo'.t;'****************************'k******ii**************************** ii'staternt Number: REc-0154 Anount: ?03.0o o6/Lo/96 !3242rl: Payment Method: CK Notation: *24090 Init: cD ts l'" : Pernit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Palrment Account Code 01 0000 4t312 01 0000 4t332 01 0000 41336 Description MECHANICAI PERMIT FEES PI-,AN CHECK FEES WILL CAIIJ INSPECTION FEE Anount 560.00 140.00 3.00 a NOO* O"'O'O DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArr,, co 81657 970-479-2L38 NOTE: THIS PER.I"IIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL ]IIMES PI.,,UMBING PERMIT Permit. #: P96-0082 Job Addrees: 3150 BOOTH FAL,LS CT Location...: 3150 BOOTH FALLS CT Parcel No. . : 2101-023-0I-026 Project No. : PR.rg6-0038 JERRY SIBLEY PLI'MBING P O BOX 340, MTNTURN CO 81645 JERRY SIBLEY PLI'MBING P O BOX 340, UTNTURN CO 81645 MUEI,I,ER JOHANN 910 FATRWAY DR, VArL CO 81657 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . I 06/.o5/.L996 I66ued...: 06/05/L996 Expires. . : L2/02/1996 Phone: 3038275736 Phone: 3038275736 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER oescription: PLUMBING FOR NEw DUPLEX ***tr****k*ftntt*f,r*****r*f*f*f,r*f*r*f,f,***lr*****t*f*f,**** FEE SUllllARY Valuation:40,796.O0 **rrrt**ftf,ti***ttfrrlt*f**f*l'**r*r'r******t**f*lttt**f**ti** .00 771 .75 Totat Catcutatcd te!s--> Tl1'75 Additlonat Fees----r-r> Total Permit f ee------> Payrents-*- BALANCE DUE-------> Ptu bi ng----> Ptan ch!ck---> InvestigatiotDItitL catt__> 615 .00 153.75 .00 3.00 Rcatuarant Plan Revi eH-> TOTAL FEES-----.(x) Tt1 .75 Tt1 .75 .00 ****t****i**t*'*rr*t*****tf rrt*t**************rrlt*************t******t****t**********rt*****rr**tr*****rr*ffi*rt*,r*ffiHt*irhttr#**rttr Item: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEUTT- Pgpt: BUILDING Division: 667dt/1990-ctrAnl,rs- AcEion: APPR CHARLTE DAvrS ***ffi*************t**r****t**fft*t****ril*****t**********t***t********rr******t***f*****#***fi*****ti****i***************t***** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIoNS ARE REQ,D To-gt-IEcI! EoR coDE coMPLIANcE2. er,L-wonx uusr coMPLY wrrH THE 1994 uPc. *lbt*ftff*ftnt*r$fr*trf,t**rtffi*trfff*rt*tr*rt*rntr**rr*****ft***f*t***ti*****f,H*********f,t***r!tlr***t***f**tt**ffi****ft**'r*******f*** DECLARATIONS I het.by ackmutedge that I have read this apptlcatlon, fltted out in futt the infor ation rcquired, conPl'.ted.an ptl",-"i,6 "iiti ttit alt the infornation pro;ided as r-quired. i.s aorrect. .t agree to compty Hith thc inforlFtlon i;-;6ptt uiifi ati Tom ordinanccs and stlrte taes, €nd io bui Ld this structure-ac:ording,:? -_tl?^t!!1::-:oni nS t* ;;;;;"iil'..ri*-ipp".".0, uniforn Bui tding code and other ordinances of the Toun apPlicrbte thcncto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I{ADE TI'ENTY-FOUR HOTJRS IN ADVANCE accurate ptot and plot ptan, subdivision ';i;.1: ':. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArr,, co 8L657 970-479-2138 Ptunbing,----> 615.m PLan Check-) 15t.75 Investigation> UitL C6t l--> .00 3.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITT DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PI,UMBING PERMIT Permit #: P96-0082 Job AddreBs: 3150 BOOTH FALTS CT Location...: 3150 BOOTH FAL,LS CT Parce1 No.. : 2101-023-0L-O26 Project No. : PRJ96-0038 APPLICANT JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING P O BOX 340, MTNTURN CO 8L645 CONTRACTOR JERRY SIBI,EY PLT'MBING P O BOX 340, MTNTURN CO 81645 OWNER MUELLER JOHANN 910 FATRWAY DR, VAIL CO 81657 Deecription: PLUMBING FOR NEW DUPLEX #******rrf,t****t********ttntrt*ff*t*l********f,f**********t FEE SUl'lllARY Statu8...: ISSUED Appfied..: 06/05/L996ri3ued...: 06/os/r996 Expiree. . : L2/02/L996 Phonez 3038275736 Phone: 303827 57 36 Valuation:40,796.O0 ** t*********t***lrrf,t***f,r***fi*****f,f *******f,**ttrrt**tt** .00 Tt1 .75 Totat cal,cul,€ted Fees--> Tl1-75 Additionat Fees-----> .0o Totat Pernit Fec------) 711.75 Restuarant Ptan Revierr--> *********fi*t*t*tffit*.ffi***l******tffi****t***i***f*t****t*t*t****t*********tlr***t*****|t*!t***llt****,'**i***'t**t*tt**t** Item: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT --Dept: BUILDING Divieionl 6Efti i t i6 g o - cfr inr, r s'- -AcEiiiii ; - EpFn cHanr, r E DAV rs **"t*t*fttfl****tt*i*t**t*t*t******tt****tlttrt****!ht**trt*rr***trtt*f**t*t***tS**tt***t********t****i*****t**tt*****t********tlrtttt* Payrents-_--_._-> BALANCE DUE--_ Tt1 .75 .00 accurate ptot and ptot ptan, subdivi sion CONDITION OF APPROVAL I..FIELDINSPECTIONSAREREQ'D..TO.qEECKqORCODECOMPI-'IANCE2. hr,i-froRK-MUSt-coMPLY wrrfi THE 1994 uPc. **ff************************r***f,*****************t*t*******tt***********ff***fii***it*******r*t*t********t*******l**********f,t DECIJARATIONS I hereby acknoHl,edge thst I have fead this application, fittcd out in fuLt the information tequired, conpteted.an pt.", -"'10-ii.i" itit rtt the infornation prov"loed as riquired. i.s cofrect. .r agree to corply !'ith the information i;-;".ptt uiifr ett Torn ordinances and stitc [avs, and do buitd this structurc according to the Tounrs zoning and iloliliiriii'"il.;-;p;;il, uniforn Bui tdins code and other ordinances of the Tonn appti cabte thereto- REAUESTS FOR INSPECTTONS SHALL BE IIAD€ TIIEI{TY-FOUR HOUNS IN ADVANCE cE FRol'l ***************************************:t************************ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO St'atemnt *******************************************!******************!t** Statemnt Number: REc-0152 Anount: 77L.75 06/05/9.6 14:40-p.y*""t Method: CK Notation: *24073 Init: DS Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: Thie Payment Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 4t332 01 0000 41336 Total Feea: 77L.75 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description PI-,I'MBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILI, CAI,I, INSPECTION FEE P96-0082 Type: B-PLMB PLITMBING PERMIT 2101-023-01-02 6 3150 BOOTH FAI,LS CT 3150 BOOTH FAIJTS CT **************************************************************** 77L.7s 771.75 .00 Anount 615 .00 153 .75 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 Pl,ur$ing---> PLan Check---) Investigation> lli l.L Cat !---> 615.m Restuarrnt Ptan Revi cu--> DEPARTI4ENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P96-0082 Job Address: 3150 BOOTH FALLS CTLocatipn...: 3150 BOOTH FALLS CTParcel No. . : 2LOL-023-01-026Project No. : PRJ96-0038 APPLICA}Itr JERRY SIBLEY PLI'MBING P O BOX 340, MINTURN CO 81645 CONTRACTOR JERRY SIBLEY PLIN{BING P O BOX 340, MINTURN CO 81645 OWNER MUELLER JOHANN 910 FATRWAY DR, VArL CO 81657 Deecription; PLTMBING FOR NEW DUPLEX ****rtf,****t*r* FEE Statu6... I APPROVEDepplied..: 06/.osnee6 Issued.. . : 06/05/L996 Expires. . : t2/02/L996 Phone z 3038275736 Phone: 3038275736 Valuation:40 t796.00 SU iIARY *i*t*t******ffi*****ffi .00 n1 .75153.75 ToTAL .00 3. O0 Totat Catcutatcd Fees---> AdditionaL Fees--------> Totat Pefnit Fce--------> PaymeYrts------- 771 .75 .00 771 .75 .00#1.,1"ffi ****;;i.'---**A#-* Ite.{r! .991q0 BUILDING DEpARTI.{ENT Depr: BUTLDING Division:06/05/L996 CIIARLIE Action: AppR CHARLIE DAVrS CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. F]ELD,INSPECTIONS ARE REO'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-JIANCE2. ALI, WORK MUST COMPLY WITff THE 1994 UPC. ***ir||t'ti**tffi *Hltt*ffi ffiffi **f,rri*ffi *ffiS DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknovtedge that I have read.this appticltion, fil,tcd out in tutt the informtion required, completed an accurate pLotp[an, aM state that atl thc infornstion pfovided as requi red is correct, I agree to compl,y riith tire information and pl,ot il,an,to.coryl'y uith al'l' lovn ordinanccs lnd state [aws, and to buiLd this structure according io- the Town,s zoning and subdivisibncodes, design rcvi cl approvcd, Unitorn Buitding code and other ordinances of the Toyn afpticabl.e thereto. REGT ESTS FOR INSPECTI0f{S SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-fOuR IiOURS IN ADVAI{CE BY TELEPHoiIE Af 479-2138 0R AT OUR OFFICE FROir 8:00 An 5:00 p SIGNATURE OF OI.'NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HI}iSELF AND OIII{ER $**'t' (}o* oF vArL co*srRucrro*O PERT,IIT //alolol3 oj.d>le PERMIT APPIrrgATroN FoRl{oltrgz b/Sle btJ Pef?6 - oo3.B , APPttrCATrON MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT I.Cly NOT BE AccEp?ED x* **************t ****** !t****** PERUTT TNFORI{ATTON ******r**********************rl [ ]-Buildip , {-nunbips [ ]-Electricat [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other rob Name: lnknl /1r .tltf rob Addrerr, Bouh&lls A,,^{ J- aloct-Z- Filine Y#J,#ltln' " #rpgar Description: rot ,l alock_Z- rtltne___ _{ffJrri;!,i3'r? s # / > oryners Name: N/# ArchLtect z S4nd,"q l@-1Vl44 8'u-v( vm I l f b.rP pn{fl" -pj7_g Ph. General Description: l{ork Class: [ ]-Nen [ ]-Alteration I ilnuber of DtrellLng Unlts: 2- I l-Repal_r I J-other ,$*." and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ Gas r,ogs_!t wood/petlet_VIt********************************* vAIltATroNs *********************************IBUILDING: EI,ECIBICAI,: s qIHER: $ BrnuBrNGs W r{Ecm}rcd;i-- ilrfi; *f P?aL@^ ---- H:::l.:;;:::ffi * * * * * * * * coNsRActrloR rrr.oRr.rArrou * * * ** !r * * * * * **** * * * * * * * * * * * * adarese:----------r' -- ff*""f#:l,Y' *'- Electrical Contractor: Address:Reg. NO. Plunbing Address:Reg. NO. llechanical Contractoric Address:Reg. NO. Address: Address: ******************************** FOR BUII,DTNG PERUIT EEE: PIJ'}TBING PERUTT TEE8 u6cHarrcer, pERI,trr EEE: EI,ECTRICAI, FEE: )TUER TYPE OF FEEs DR8 FEE: Nunber of Accommodation Units: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Iorn of Vail Phone Nunber: oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDING PIAN CHECK FEB: PU'UBINC PI.AII CEECK FEE: UECEA}TTCAL PHI.I CIIECK FEE: .RBCRE.ATIOI.I EEE: CI,E,AII-UP DE9OSITs IOITAIJ PERTTT TEESS B|IIILI'TI|G: SXGI{ATURE: ZONXNG: SIGNABTIRE: gr-rAt DEPOSIT 'l MEMORANDUM ALL COI.ITRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1gg4 .WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'.IS REOUIRED following questionnaire regarding the need fora'public way permit.: TO: FROM: DATE: RE: YES X 4't ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ts different a@ess needed to sitE other than existing ddveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done aftecting the right of way, easements, or public propedy? 4 ls a'Revocabte Right Of Way permit. reqgired? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for $aging, padcing or fencing? B. lf no to 8A. is a parking. staging or fencing plan required by Community ' Development? ' ll-ryr qyered yes_to ary ofthese guestions, a 'Publie way permn must be obtalned. f^"!q -ry_"y^Perpil' applcdrons may be oharned a uJ. ponc worKs office or ar TjlTulllty Devq|oplent -ltlo(t h9Y_e a1_y questlons please call Chartie Davis, the Townof Vail Gonstruction tnspeaoi at 4Zg-Z1Eg ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use of the right of way, oasemenls or public properfy? ts any utitity wod< needed? NO 1) 2l 3) X \ X X X X I have read and answered allthe above lmn TO: EROM: DATE: su&fEqr: 75 .outh front gc rcld urll, colorrdo El6S7 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2139 olflcc of communlty dcudopm.nl rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 etates that it Ls unrawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit. any-soir,-"i.i, sand, debrisor materiar, incrudlng traslr it'npsters, portabre toilets andworknen vehicres. ypon-any streer', -=iaEiuix; ;i;y or publr.cB1?:"_::-:lty portion theieor. -rir. rishr-oi-"ii-in art rown oivalr streets and..fga-d" is approxiuateiy 5 ft. iti p.rr"r"rrt.This ordinance w-it I be. ;ar_$il;'-enforced by the Town of vailPubric works Deoartnent. perslns found viaracrn; this ordr_nancewilL be given a 24 hour rriit;;-;"[i".-t"-;;;;;"="id nareriar.rn the event the person so notified-aoes-notloipry wit-h thenotice wirhin the- 24 rrour -tGe-"p""rii"e,'.i;";:;tic worlsDepaftnent wilr rer'ove said raat"iiii-"i-irr"'!"iJise or personnotified' The orovi=ions-"t-trrri orainance sharr not beapplicable to cinstruction,-r"irt"tt.nge gr repair proJects ofany street or'altey or any'utili€ies in i["-rleii_"_t.y. To.review ordr'nance.No. 6 r.n furl , please stop by the Tohrn ofvair Building Departnent to outiin a copy. rLani< you for yourcooperation on this natter. AI,L CONTRAqIORS CURREIIELYL REGISIERED WrIE TITETO}JN OF VAIL TOIIII OT VArL PUBLIC I{ORKS/COUUI'NITY DSIIEIOPIIENT MARCII 16, 1988 CONSTRUSTTON PARICING E UATER.TAL STORAGE. (i.e. contractor, owner) PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: 1) Fill out our check list provided with a buitdinq permit aoolicatton.lf yes was answered to any of the above questions then a "public way" is required. You can pick up an application at either community Development, located at 75 S. Frontage Boad or Public Works, located at tgdg VaitValtey Diive. 2) Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must fietd verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies iequire up to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. 3) A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used. This plan willshbw locations of all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Staging, etc..). This plan will.expire on Oct. 1Sth. and will need to. be resubmitted for approval through the winter. 4) Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the tratfic iontrot ptan oi a 6teplan for the job. 5) Submit completed application to the Public Works's office for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. the locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 49 houis to perform. 6) The Public Work's Construction Inspector will revievv the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the siatus and any thli may needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being recdived, but pteas6 allow up to one week to process. 7l As soon as the permit is processgd, a copy will be faxed to community Development allowing the "Building Permif to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit'with a'Building Permit' to do work on a project itself. NOTE: I !tr9 gbove process ts.for work In a pubflc way onty.* Public Way permits are valid onty uhflt ttoveriUer isttr.'A new Pubtic way permlt is requlred each year lf work ls not complete. c,,lpt .y 75 aou$ frontrgc aord ud, cdaldo 81657 (3dt) 4?8438 FA) 4}}?139 ofllce ol communlly dw. elopment NOITCE TO CONTRACTORS/OIINER BUILDERS Effective June 20, r99L, the Town of vail Building Department hasdeveroped the forlowing procedures to ensure that new constructionsites h-ave adequately estabrished_proper dralnage rrom luirainjsites arong and adjacent to Town of vair roads or streets. The Torn of vail pr:b1ic worka Departueat rill be required toinspect and atrlprove drainage adjac-ent to Tora ot v"il -roads orstreeta aod the iusta]'lation of teaporaq, or pelaanent cufrrlrte i[accesa points fron tb.e road or street on to tle const?uction site.such approval must-be obtained prior to any request for inspecti_onby the Town of vail Ruilding Department ror robtings or temporary-electrical .o. any. other inspection. prease Jarr 47g-zi6o tl,request an inspection from the public works Department. Alrow aminimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Tohrn of vair pubrii works D€partment wilr be approvingall finar 'drainage and culvert instatiatio" *itn resutting roadpatching'as nece5sary_. sucn ipprovar. niust be obtained prior toFj.na1 Certificate of Occupancy iisuance. 75 South Fronmge Road Vail" Colorado 81657 303479-21s8/ 479-213e FAX 303-47e-2452 Department of Communiry Developrnent rrFonl|llttof ITBEDED nfiEr tpptturo FoR t, t|EcEArIcnL i3mtrt EE,AT ISSS CALCUI.ATIONS. TO SC&IiE EIOOR plAlt OF UECEATTICAL ROOU tfl:ilr EQUrpl.tENTDRAI{N r}|- schlE, IfrTH pEysICAI" DIUEI{SIONS A}ID BtU RATTNGS OF AIJJ BQUIPMENT IN UECEAIIICAI, ROOM. sHow sIzE altD r,ocATIoN oF cot{BusfloN AIR DUCTS, FLI'ES, VENT CONNECTORS A$D GAS LIIIES. NOTE lfttETltER EL,EVATOR EQUIPIIEIIT TNILIJ AL,SO BE INSTAIJ,ED IN MECHANTC.AI, ROO!,T. Flrr.unE so PRovrDE l8ls rrFon|trroE rr[L DELf,l touR pERl|ra. 1. 2. 3. 1. PERMIT # ^, APPLICATION !|UST BE FII,I,ED oUT C0I'!PL,EIEL,Y OR ff UAY liroT BE AccEgtEDITIr***************************** pEtu{IT ffForu.IATlolt ****+************************7ll [ ]-Bulldtng t l-plunbing [ ]-Erectrical t[,-uecrranrbar [ ]-other _ Job Narne: Legal Oescription: fot t orners Name: Jdnn YV\rxllgq Address: Architect:Address: Ph Ph. General Description: I{ork class: fi-rew [ ]-Arteratron [ ]-Additlonar t l-RepaJ.r [ ]-other ._ Nulber of f,fselling Units: a Nunber of Accornrnodation Units: Electrical Contractor: Address:Town of VaiI Req. NO.Phone Nunber: PJ.unbiirg Address:. Mechanical Contractor: BUTLDING PERUIT FEE: PIJ'UBIIIG PERMTT FEE: TECEANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: II.,ECIRTCAL FEE: )TTTER TYPE OF EEE: )RB'FEE: Address: Foe t* ****** ** *** ** ***** ******* ** r **FOR OFFTCE usE ******************************* Town of vait Reg. No. RF l3qPhone Nurnber? O.: :. - S:>€-E-- Town of Vail Res. No. P- t3tlPhone Number: gfZr-S>- BUTIDTNG PI.AI{ CHECK FEE: PI;UUBTNC PIAN CHECK FEE:IIECEAIIICAI, PI..AN CTTECK FEE: .RECREATTOr{ nEB! CLEiIN-UP DEFOSIT: :IO:TAIJ PERJTIT EEES: BUTDDTNG: €TG$AT{TRE: ZONINGs STGNAXIIRE:onments: }'q! \ pp nEposn r'Fnf,p'o: ,S#if::rro, O MEMoRANDUM ALL COI.ITRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMET.TT M4Y.9,1994 WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERM.Ir'..IS REOUIRED TO: FROM: DATE: RE: YES n NO X )( x I )\ x X ls this a new residene? ls demolitlon work being performed thal requires the.use of the right of way, gasements orpublic propeqty? 3) fs any-utifiry work needed? X 4l ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls different aocess neededto site other than existing driveway? . 6) ls any drainage work being done affecting lho right of way, easements, or public propeny? T ls a'Revocable Rigtrt Of Way permit' reqlred? 8) A" ls th€ right of way. easements or pubfic property to be used for slaging, parking orfencihg?' B. lf no lo BA, ls a parking, slaging grfelcing ptan required by C6mmunir[' Development? 1) 2' I have read and answered all the above guestions. o 75 .outh trDnlrgc ru.d U|l!. colo.rdo 816t7 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2139 ottlc. of oot||munlty ctevclopmcnt IO: rRolt: DASE: stt&rEqt: AI.L CONIRACTORS CURREIiITLYL REGISIERED IrrIB THETOIIIS OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBIJC I'ORKS/CO!.I}TIINITT DSUEIOP}IE*IT IitARCfl 16, 1988 COIiTSTRUqNTOII PAAIGNG & UATERIAI, STORAGE. (i.e. contractor, olrner) rn sumarar, oralinance r{o. d states tbat it is unrawfur for anypqrson to ritter, track or deposia "nt-";il,-r"Jr,"=iia,-i"iii=or material, incruding tras5 ir'rpsters, porlable toilets andvorloen vehicles. upon-any streer', "iaEiaiil -;ii;y or pubricprace or anv oorti6n tueieoil-Ee ;iid:lli-rii-;n arr rown orVail streetl ina.r"ia= G-"ip=""rrqae1y 5 ft. off paveuent.this ordinance wilr ae "triE[i]"entorcgd by the Town of vairPubric lrorks Departnent. --p"i"6ns found vi6rating this ordinancevilt be g'iven a 24 hour *riii""-'""€i""1"-;;;;;'said nareriar.rn the event the person so notiei-a-q"""'";i;;;pry with tbenotice within t'he- 24 rroui tGe specified, ttre puttic r{orksDepartnent wirl renore.said aateliir-;r-th;';.;Jise ot personnotified. The orovisions-or-trri"-"iai"u;; ilfii not beapplicabre to c6nstnt"tiot , -ri-iit"tt nce or r6;i; iTJ:!It= oeanv str.eet or'arlev o= anv'uiiriii!=--i" il"-;ifii-"-*.y. To revieu ord.inance.No. 6l.n full , please stop by the Town ofvail Building Departnent to ortiin a copy. .tirani you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. Read and acknowledg^gd by: t PUBLIC WORKS PERIIIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: 1) Fill out our check list provided with a buildino oermit aoolication.lf yes was answered.to any of the anove questionstnen a.public-way" isrequired. You can pick up an apptication at eiiher community Development,. located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Publib Works, tocated at 1gdg Vait vit6y oiive. 2) Notibe sign .-o.Ts fol utility. companies. All utilities must fietct verify (locate). respective utilities prior to signing application. Some udtity companies iequire ui to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. 3) A consEtrction traffic contrcUstaging phn must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be usdd.- Tnis plan will sh'ory locations of all trafiic control devices(signs, cones, eb..) and th-e work zone, (area of Construction, Staging, etc..).'tirls ptan witi.expiie on Oct. t5th. and wilt'neeO to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. 4l $ketch of work beingperformed must be submitted indicating dimensions (teng6h, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic funtrot ptan oi a iiteplan for the job. 5) Submit compteted application to the Public Wqrks's office for review. tf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Eiectricians and lrrigation cretn . fne locates take place in the moming hrt, may require up to 4g nou-rs to perform. 6) The Public Work's Construction Inspector will reviernr the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the siitus ano any ttrli mayneeded. Most permits are reteased within 48 hours oJ being reciived, 6ut pteas6.allow up to one weet to process. 7) As soon as the permit is proceqsed, a copy will be faxect to community Development allowing the'Building Permif to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a'Building Permif to do work on a project itself. NOTE: I Itt: P9f" proce$i ts for work In a pubtic way onty.* Pubtic Way permtts are valld only uh[t ffoveiUer istr.* A new Fublic way permit ls rcquireo each yar lf work.ls not complete. cdFny luun otfie of @nrmunlty da;dopment?5rcuhtrooLgercad Ye& colondo 8165t p03)e192133 (ffi)a?9213o . NoTrcE To coNrRAcIoRs/oIINER BUITDERS 'Effective June 20, 1991, the Town of vair Buirding Department hasdeveloped the following procedures to ensure that new Lonstructj.onsites h_ave adeguately estabrished proper drainage from build.ingsites along and adjacent to Town of ValI roadi or st.reets. lbe Tora of vail public grorks Departuerit rirl b€ required toiaspect and approve diaiaage adjaelat to Tora of vail roads orstreets and the iastallatioa of teuporaa? or pereaaent culverts ataccess points fron the road or street on to tbe construction site.such approvar must be obtained prior to any requesL for inspectionby the Town of vair Building Department for footings or remporary.erect.rical or any olher inspection. please catt 4'tg-2i60 t;request. an inspection from t.he pubric works Department. Alrow aminimum of 24 hour noti_ce. AJgor-.the Town of vail public: works Department wirt be approvingall finar drainage and culvert installat.ion with resutriig roaipatching'as necessary. such approvar. r[ust be obtained prior toFj.nal Certificate of Occupancy llsuance. i.l 75 South'Frowage Road Vail, Colaiado 81657 303479-2138/479-2139 FAX303479-2452 1. 2. rrFomrilllor TEEDED r|EElr lPEr.lrrc Fon I t|EcEtffctL pERt{r:r 3. 4. EEAT IJOSS qALCTIITATIONS. TO SCAIA ETJOOR.PIJAN OF !'IECEENTCAL ROot{ WITB EQUTPUENT:DRAI{N,.rtrN :BO S(hr,E, IfrTg pEISrcAr, DIUENSIONS ArrD BTURATT$GS OT AI,L AQUIP!,IENT IN UECEANICAT- ROOU:_ _ _sxgg-!^r-zE 4l{D r,ocaTloN oF OOUBUSTTON ArR DUCTS, FrjrEs,VENT CONNEEBORS AIID GAS I/INES NorE I{EETEER Er,EvAToR EQurPuElrr wrr,L Ar,so BE rNsrarrrED rN. !,IECEAITCAI, ROOM. FlrrrnRE so PRoutnE IHrs rxFonilA:frfr HILE DELtt to-uR pERttr!. o ,td MUELLEE DUF.LEX\ WEST UNIT LOT 4 FLI.i Z VAIL VILLAGE VAIL CO Hamen Supply Cc., Box 436 95{t 1t1'311inqham Enad Avcn, Cg B1g2O Phsne (3O3) 94S-43O+ 033C|JJ0 ' FA lo u,rol FAX S4g-4049 JJ LESS 91486 IN 5015 BOARD FT E 55O FTU,/FT E IB{' F. ROOI'I NUMFER ROOIY4 NA['IE HEI6HT LENGTH t^JIDTH EXPOSED WALL LENGTH* I,JALLS WITH OFENINGS EXPtrSED GLASS AREA L INFILTRATIONO CEILING S FLOtrR S8 FTS SLAE LINEAR FTE COLD FARTITIONS I^'ALL GLASS TT]TAL LOSS G 1OO DTD BASEBOARD FEET € lEO GAIN . olEt 9876.03 1140 0.45 1863 o.56 105.:rO I LIVINISRFI 14.0C, 19.00 20.00 40.o(t 2 187.50 23$73 4?. O I l4elo .7 DININGRM 11. oo 15. OO s.50 12.50 1 48.50 . o12 1EB1.03 428 O. C!5 445 cr. 56 27 L6 -47Cl -J.'J 3459 3 KITCHEN B. OO 14.50 10. oo 20.50 ? 28. OO .018 20BA.o3 435 0. 05 680o.56 1568 477t 4.7 ?55E 4 HALL 14.OO ?4.50 7. OO lE. OO 1 28.50 .o12 2891.o3 515 o,o5 923 Cr. 56 1 428 5746 lo.4 3320 ROOM NUf'IBER ROOM NAHE HEIGHT LENGTH t^IIDTH EXFOSED IdALL LENGTH * WALLS HITH I]PENINGS '.:i. EXPOSED 6LASS AREA 5 POWDER 12. OO 4.50 4.50 7.0Q .t 3.00 6 BEDRHl 11. OO 1O. tlo B. Oc) 34.50 -J 62.50 .o?7 237A . Og l4{:} o. 05 1C'35O.56 35ClO 7L5t 13. (l 3632 7 BEDRI"I2 El. oo 15.00 12.50 26.5C) 2 58.EO .018 ?700 .c'4 O. Cts o.36 E BATH?+2Q 8 .00 5. Orl' s.oo 5. Ct(t I 3. OO .o12 3E]4 . 04 16Ct o. 05 185o.56 168 1076 =.o€t?5 L INFILTRATION O trEILING S FLtrOR 5E FT S SLAB LINEAR FT E I:OLD PARTITION 5 bIALL o. 05GLASS C'.56 TOTAL LOSS € 1OO DTD EASEBOARD FEET E 1EO GAIN , o12 ..]3 29? 61 4CrE 168 925 L.7 873 75Ct 768 3276 7494 13.6 3744 FOOM NUf'IBER ROOM NAHE HEIGHT LENGTH t\lIDTH EXPtrSED I,ilALL LENGTH* I^IALLS I^,ITH trPENINCs EXFOSED GLASS AREA 11 SEDRI'!3 a. oo 17,50 1C'. oo L7,=,rQ 38.50 . c, 1? I 6BCt .04 700 0.05 523 o.56 19BB 4S91 €.9 2766 1? BATHS+?I) B. OO 6.50 10. oo 11.O(t I 15.75 .o1? 6?4 . 04 260 o.05 361o.E6 Bg2 25E3 4.6 1467 L INFILTRATION O CEILIN6 5 FLOOE 5A FT S SLAEI LINEAR FT E COLD FARTITION 5 WALL GLASS . o1? .04 0.05 o.56 9t2 380 698 25.2 2242 4.1 1320 q HALL2 8.00 s.50 10. crct 14. OO I 4.50 10 STORAGE g. o{J 5.50 7.50 1. O$ .04 165 o.o5 40 TT]TAL LT]sS G 1OO DTD HASEFOARD FEET G lBO 6A IN 205 0.4 0 REOI",I NUHBER ROOT'I NAHE HEIGHT LENGTH t"lIDTH EXPO5ED WALL LENGTH* I,IALL5 NITH OFENINGS EXPtrsED GLAsiS AREA L INFlLTRATION T] CEILING S FLOOR SA FT S SLAF LINEAR FT E ']BLD PARTITII]N S I^IALL GLASS TOTAL LOSS G lOO DTD :.FASEBOARD FEET G lEO I3AIN 13 BEDRI"I4 s. oo 20.00 10. oo 18. OO 2 47.25 .o1B 2BBO .04 soo o. crs 4E140.56 2646 14 I'ISTRBED 9. O0 21.50 14. O0 39.o(t 1 819.50 .c,1" 3?51.03 903 O. 05 l3CrAo.56 EO12 10473 19. O 6Crg(r 15 HIC 9. OO €t. oo 11.C)O I 3, cl(l I 4. OO .o1? s50.o3 264 fJ. crE 5630.56 224 ?003 3.6 1366 16 I'lSTRBATH 9. Orl ro.50 10. cro 27.5c1 7. 70. oo .o1B 1701 . {rE 315 s.o5 863o.56 3920 6599 12. O 3900 6810 12.4 3!99 i I f- 1---.\g/p/ni ..UTR 1) I-{- t\ TnueJ\es- ?r_r/ Lt txr\ 3\€D So{hFa\\g (} U&\L t.6\o* adO .P;,HS VfrJ Ft\ o- \g^ flp$&'..'* o rqe- _-=-..\_.\\. .,il+'-r'_2 i /J'. il e 4(!E_ llq s'L l.iamen Supply Ct:, Fax 436 950 N*ttingharn Faad Av,-u, CO 416?0 Phone (3Ct3) 34S-43OO FAX 949-404€l MEULLER DUFLEX \ BTUH LOSS 72A37 EAST UNIT LOT 4 FLT{ : VAIL VILLAEE VAIL |]O GAIN 3 ROOH NUI'{BEF 1 ROOH NAME STUDY HEIGHT 1?. C'oLENGTH 15.50 WIDTH IO,OO EXPOSED WALL LENGTH 23.C}O# I^IALLS !.IITH OPENINGS 1 EXPOSED GLA55 AREA 52.50 132. CrZ FT. € 55O BTU,/FT € 1g(_r F. L INFILTRATIONO CEILINGS FLOI]R SG FT5 SLAB LINEAR FTE f,OLD FARTITIT]NS WALL GLASS .o12 ??3?.03 465.o4 620 o. 05 11tB Cr.56 2940 . o3 Ets .03 2?5 o. c15 150 7 POWDER 10. cro 6. EO 4. EO 3. CrO 3 HALL s. oo 15.00 5.00 4 LAUNDRY 10.00 5.50 s. oo a. oo 1 4.30 .o12 5S4 . 03 149 cr. cr5 378o.56 25: L372 ?.5 1 101 TOTAL LO55 G lOO DTD FASEEOARD FEET G lBC' GAIN 7373 13.4 40?+ 338 o.4 {l ?73 o.4 C) ROOI"I NUHEER R00l,l NAI'IE HEI6HT LEN6TH I^IIDTH EXFOSED I^'ALL LENGTH# WALLS I,,'ITH trFENINGS EXFOSED GLASS AREA 5 HITCHEN 1O. r-to 14. OCt 9. C)Ct 14.50 t ??. 5Ct E ENTRY 11.CrO 11 .5(t 6.50 1t. oo I 7 LIVINGRM 12.el0 ?2.OA 30.50 44. OO v 113. OO . 01B 974't . $3 1353 O. C)5 21175 o.56 63:A a DININERH 11. ffO 14. EO 1 0. ocr ?6. Cro 2 1Cr5. OO .o1B 287t . Cl3 435 Cr.05 9O5 o.56 SEBI) 1OC,g1 1€}.3 56Bs L INFILTRATION , O12 1512O CEILING . (13 379S FLOOR 5E FT S SLAB LINEAE FTE TOLD PAETITION s I.,ALL o. 05 613 ELASS 0,56 1260 TSTAL LBSS € lOO DTD 3763 BASEFT]ARD FEET G 1SO 6.A,EAIN 237:- - . c)1?947 ?:4 3171 5.S ?138 Q. cJS 533 o.56 1429 19498 35.5 898]3I ), RClOl.t NUI"IEER ROI]FI NAI"IE HEIGHT LENGTH t^IIDTH EXPOSED I.'ALL LENGTH {+ WALLS WITH T]PENINES EXPNSED GLA55 AREA I FEDEI-I1 8.00 13,50 1 1. CrO 14.30 I 26. OO 1C' BATHl +?O El. o0 11. EO 5. OO 7. OO 61? 1.1 o l1 BEDRHI B. OO 17.50 12. OO ?8. OO 2 -+5. OCt . otB 3cr?4 .04 840 o.05 8950.56 ?52t) 7279 13,2 3407 1? BATH2+2O B. S0 5. +S 7.50 6, e0 I 3.00 .01? 360 .04 150 o.o5 22eo.E6 169 10s4 2.O 826 L INFILTRATIONT] CEILINGS FLT]trR SS FTS SLAB LINEAR FTE COLD PARTITIT]NS WALL ELAsS TOTAL LOSS G lOO DTD BASEBT]ARD FEET E lEO 6AIN .012 L42E .04 594 o.05 4500.56 1456 . 04 33Cl o.05 2ao 39?6 7.L 2270 Rtrtrf",I NUf.IBER RtrtrT't NAI'IE HEI6HT LEN6TH t.IIDTH EXFO5ED HALL LENGTH* WALLS I"IITH T]PENINGS EXPOSED GLASS AREA L INFILTRATION tr [EILING S FLOBR 5G FT .O4S SLAS LINEAR FT E CtrLD PARTITIT]N S t"lALL 6LASS .TOTAL LOSS G 1OO DTD BAS}EBOARD FEET € lEO IJAIN 13 HALL B. OO 1 1 .5Cr 4. C,O tB4 14 I'ISTRFED 9. C)O 1T.50 13.o(t 33.5* ? 73.5t' .olE 4tO7 .04 1014 o.05 1140o.56 4116 1fi377 1ft.9 d+EE5 15 HSTRFATH 9. OS 13. OO 12. OO 1S. O0 1 4.0{, .Qt? 1555 .o4 374 o.05 7900.56 ?24 3145 3.7 1655 16 wIc a,00 6. OO 5. OO . 04 120 184 o.3 o 120 o.2 0 a t-.a' I .\ T{llrlH BF (JFIII- tliscell{Fdls Castl 6?-16-96 1?:BB:48 Receipt * 26.3212 ficcourrt* EK*1935 HUELT€R CONSTRLETIOh|\PRSPCID D'RB FEE gt"*rrt tenderes ) 2g'€B It€n Paid h|'|t Paid sr@@4133146g aA'gE Ctrangre returned ) g'@ THFIHI< 1fOL' It, I I vqrr cashier HEIDIt_i--t- OC,gn Revrew Acuon FCn TOWN OF VAIL Category Numbef l?- Project Name: Building Name: rUood *\vr.c> Owner, Address and Phone: Architecvcontact, Address and Phone: 'ALegaf Description:Lot 4 Block b Subdivision Pro,ect Street Address: Comments: Zone District Motion by: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval X starnpprovat Conditions: Town Planner I tt fttoate: \.t,i.f.t-- ltz, -i !.r DRBFeepre-paid {?D,0O-l;*i- i, I 't. '..vt d, al77l9a DBsrot RE\nrEty BoaRD ApprrrcATroN - TorfN oF vArL, coffin{op 1996 DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG: tt******** I. A. t*tl*rl****** DESCRTPTTON: sork TAuu.S B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Consrrucr,ion ($200.00)Addition ($50.00) -JMinor Alteration (920.00)gaConceptual Revie\r ($0) c. D. ADDRESS: IJEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivision If property is described bydescription. pLease provid-to this appl.icat.ion. a meets and boundson a separat.e sheet lega1 aDd attach G. ZONING: NAII{E OF APPIJICAIiIT: :{.S-Mai\inq Address:vA\L _s!!sr_Phone NAIi{E OFMailinq APPLTCAIVT' S REPRESENTATIfE:Address:_ Phonte H. NAIfE OF OwIrTFlR(S): olfi IEBI.9 l__lIdVAfi.rRE :Mailing Address: F F. I. ,t. APPrrr&lrroMs wrrJr' t{'Or BE PRQcEssED Jf.IfI6/w o.'JlvER t s srcfriatyonB Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at thetime of submittal of the ona apprication. r,'aiei, wfrenapplyils for a building perrnit; please iderrtify the accuratevaruation of the proposar. The bown of vair. wLr.r. aajust thefee according Eo the tabl_e below, t,o ensure the corrlct feeis paid. FEE SCIIEDIIIIE: VAIJUATION$ o-$ 1o,ooo$10,001 -$ 50,000$50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 9500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 DASTGN RSIIIE|I BOABD APPRSVAIJ EXPIRBS APPRO\IIAIJ I'NI'ASS A BIITI.DING PBRIIIT ISIS STARTBD. FEE $ 20.00 $ 50.00 s100.00 $200 .00 $400.00 $s00.00 OITB YEAR AFTER FIIiIAIJ rssuaD aND cofsTRucrroN oII. A pre-applicat,ion meet,ing with a member of the planningstaff is encouraged to deter:mine if any addit,ional.appLication infornration is needed. It is the applicant'sresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff tod,etendne if there are additional_ submiEtal requirenents.Please note that a COMPLETE application wlll streanline thereview process for your project. III . ilfPORTANIT IIOTICE REGITRDING AI,I, SIIBMISSIOI{S tlO ITHB DRB: A. rn addition to meeting submittal requirernents, theapplicant must, stake and tape the project site toindicate property Lines, buitaing linLs and buildingcorners. A11 trees to be removed must be taped. AlLsite tapings and staking must be completed plior to the DRB site visit. The applicarrt must ensure that stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUIIJDINGS nomally reguirestwo separate meetings of the Oesign Review Board: aconceptual review and a final. review. C. applicants who fail to appear before uhe Desigm ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their iten bepostponed, wil-L have their iteurg removed from the DRBagenda untiL such time as the iten has beenrepubJ.ished. D. The following itens may, at the diEcretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the ConnunityDevelopment Departnent staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB nay not be required): a. slindows, skyl.ights and similar exterior changeswhich do not aLter the existing plane of tshebuiLding; and b. Building additions not visibl_e from any other lotor public space. At the t,ime such a proposal issubmiEted, applicants must include Letters from- adjacent property owners and/or from the agent foror mEurager of any adjacent condominiun aeEociagionstating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,wetLand, etc.), a hazard study mugt be submitted andthe owner must Eigm an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a buil.ding pernit,.Applicantg are encouraged to check with a Town plannerprior to DRB application to deterinine the relationshipof the property to alL srapped hazards. F. For al.I residential constructions a. ClearLy indicate on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior gtructural waLl_s of thebuilding; and b. rndicate with a dashed l_ine on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior facL of thebuilcling walls or supportinq columns. c. If DRB approves the appLication with conditions ormodifications, aLl conditions of approval must beadd,ressed prior to the applicacion ior a buil.dingpermit. 2 IJfgT OF IiATBRIALS I{A}IE OF PRO{IECT: ITEGAIT DESCRIpTION: LOT_$_ BLOCK 2 SI'BDIVISTON \A,. T\U\UG The foLl-owing infor:rration is Review Board before a finaL required for submittal. approval- can be given: to the Desiqn BUIIJDIIIG ITATERITI.IS : Roof Siding other walL Fascia Soffits Windowe Window Trirr Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rai1s Flues - FJ.ashings Chimneys Trash Enclogures Greenhouses Retaining waLls Exterior Lightlng Other ryPE OF UATER.I]AI.|A.COI|oR +\ Materials Desigmer: Phonei B.I-ATiIDSCAPING:Nane of PIJAI{T uamnls:Botanical- Name "'.'rr-.t.r" ouantirv size* \PROPOSED TREES AI{D SHRI'BS *Indicate caliper for deciduous trfor deciduous trees is 2 inches - ees. Mininrum caLioer Ind,icate heigbr for c. coniferous trees. Minimr:m heicrht f or conif eroustrees is 6 feet.**Indicate size of proposed shn:be. Minimum size of shrubs is5 oal-lon. Tq)e Souare Footage GROI'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION COIiITROIJ IJAI{DSCAPE L,fGHTTNG: If exterior Lighting is proposed, please show tbe nu&ber of fixtures and locations on a separatelighting plan. Identify each fixture from the Lighting planin tlre space below and provide the height, above giade, - tfr;re oflight proposed, lumen output, Luminous area and i cuc sneet otthe light f ixture. (Section 18.54.050 ,t) D.orHER rJaiIDscAPE FEATITRES (retaining walLs, fences, awinningpoolsr €tc.) Please specify. IndicaEe beiqrhts of retainingwalls. Maximum height of walLs within the front setback i;3' . Maximum height of walLs elsewhere on the property is 6' ilign Review Action FCn TOWN OF VAIL Category rurmO"f Proiect Name: Building Name: Projecl Description: ArchiteqVContact. Address and Phone; Proiect Street AOOieG LegalDescription:tot / Ut?:+ _-Zone District P Daret / ?'26 DRB Fee Pre-paid ./s6r2 /r{ Printe&bv Randy Stouder From: Ml.ke Mcgee lDo: R€urdlt Stoud'€rgubjeec: Mue]"l-sr DuPla:( -J----. ===Norlt===============4/ 03 /96'==B ! 32am== cc: J€ff AEencio we t.I.aver€visedfill.lagspaetr, Page: 1 Community oun"lon*.nf n Routing Form Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Creg Flall, Public Works Teni Martinez, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Department MNDY STOWER, Community Devclopment 3/20i96 DRT Meeting 3152 Booth Falls Ct Lot 4, Block 2, Vail Village #12 Umhle lo fend url'hrr'' /.5O' +" 4// errfua1 ->ffJions a( -l-\,.,.S S-l,..x-lrrs (eor* ^r f46,ftv|dWiess P.rl. o€C to,?Ps. TxruVb"n end€ {* Shqbe frpq *"v>f fo, h,n/ - ,<L%: ( 4s f,nnr{erl SDnhtJer lh"*fu SnnElifu\ 4 cc,l5 7'nfaft-c4+. -- D/^,/s 7 <; ,q//Ack) ---- h Datereceived: ?- | 7-f b 10.201-10.204 1991 UNIFORM FIRE CODE Division ll FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROADS General Sec. 10.201. Fire epParatus access roads shatl be provided and maintained in accordance with this division' Plans Sec. 10.202. Plans for fire appara$s access roads shall be submitted to the fire department for leview and approval prior to construcnon' Fequired Access Sec. 10.203. Fire apparatus access roads shall be provided for every faciliry' b;;;;;;;;;i;i'oiuitaing h"r""fter constructed or moved imo orwithin the iurisdiction when any Porrron or the facility or any po-nion of an exterior wall of '#ilt.Jto;;;th" uliuing is located more than 150 feet from Jire apparatus access as measurcd by aPproved route around the exterior of the building or facility. EXCEPTIoNS:.l.whenbuildingsarecomPletelyProtect€dwithanapprwed automatic fire sprinkf"' 'y""*' O" piotisions of this section may be modified by the chief. 2. When access roads canno. be installed due !9 t:pocTPhvl wllY-?1,:11111- sri*il;;;;; il;,im ""onoitions' rtte chief ls autirorized lo require addi- ilonal t-rri prorection as specitied in Section 10'501 (b)' 3. wrren rhere are not more than two Group.*'Dto1:t:i 1-::,-G.]"lt '11o";;;"i;r, the requirements of this section miy be modified, Provided, in the Ji:n1ffiH;iii;i"i,'-ii;h,'ing - '"t"u" op"'ations wouldnot be impaired' More than one hre apparatus road shall be provided whel it is determined by the "#f;;;;;tt by urii-,!t.,ouo rnuy u" impauedby vehicle congesdon' condition .?i"ttul., "rftu,ll, conditions or other factors that could limit access' For high-piled combustible storage, see Section 8l'109 (a)' For open yard sorage, see Section 30'102' For hazardous materials, see Article 80' For fire safety dunng consruction, alteration or demolition of a building' see Section 87.103 (b). Speciflcations' Sec. 10'204. (a) Dimensions' Fire apparatus access mads shall have an unob- d;;;;;ffi;.in; iess than 20 feet and an unobstructed venical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches. EXCEPTION: UPon aPpoval by the chief.' vertical clcarance 1ar be rcdu9ed' oa"ra"J*"rt *a*ti6n aoii not itpat *cess by fire apparatus and approved signs i* i.tJf"J *a ."intaincd indicating the esrablislred vcrtical clearance' 61 10.204-10.302 1991 UNIFORM FIAE CODE Vertical clearances or widths shall be increased when, in the opinion of the chief, vertical clearances or widths are not adequaE to prcvide firc apparatus access. (b) Surface. Fire apparatus access mads shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus and shall be provided with a surface so as to provide all-weather driving capabilities. (c) Tlrning Radius. The tuming radius ofa fue apparatus access road shall be as approved by the chief. (d) Dead Ends. Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with approved provisions for the turning around offire apparatus. (e) Bridges. When a bridge is required to be used as access under this section, it shall be constructed and maintained in accordaace with rhe applicable sections of the Building Code and shall use designed live loading sufficient to carry the imposed loads of fire apparatus. (0 Grade, The gradient for a fire appcatus access road shall not exceed the maximum approved by the chief. Obstruction Sec, 10.205. The required width of a firc apparatus access road shall not be obstructed in any manner, including parking of vehicles. Minimum requircd widths and clearances established under this section shall be maintained at all trmes. Marklng Sec. 10.206. When required, approved signs or other approved notices shall be provided and maintained for fire apparatus access roads ao identify such roads and prohibit the obstruction thereof or both. Division lll FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESS TO BUILDINGS Premlses ldentif ication Sec. 103)1. (a) General. Approved numbers or addresses shall be placed on all new andexisting buildings in such aposition as to be plainlyvisible and legible from the street or road fronting the prop€rty. Said numbers shall contrast with their background. (b) Street or Road Signs. When required by the chief, smels and roads shall be identified with approved signs. Key Bores Sec, 10J02. When access to or within a structure or an area is mduly difficult because of secured openings or where immediate access is necessary for life- 10.302-10.4011991 UNIFORM FIRE CODE savrng or firefighting purposes, the chief is authorized to require a key box to be installed in an accessible location. The key box shall be a type approved by the chief and shall conhin keys to gain necessary access as requircd by the chief. Shattway Marking Sec. 10,303. Exterior windows in buildings used for manufacturing or for storage purposes which open directly on shaftways or other vertical means of communication between two or more floors shall be plainly matked with the word SHAFTWAY in rcd lett€rs al least 6 inches high on a white background. Waming sigrrsshall beeasily discernible from the outside ofthebuilding- Door and window openings on such shaftways from the interior of the building shall be similarly marked with the word SHAFTWAY in a manner which is easily visible to anyone approaching the shaftway from the interior ofthebuilding, unless theconstruction ol the partition surrounding the shaftway is of such distinctive nalure as to make its purpose evident at a glance. Exterior Doors Sec. 10.304. (a) Obstruction and Elimination. Exrerior doors ortheir function shall not be eiiminated without prior approvai by the chief. Exterior doors which have been rcndered nonfunctional and which retain a funcdonal door exterior appearance shall have a sign affixed to the exterior side ofsuch door stating TTIIS nOOn SLOCKEp. The sign shall consist ofletters having principal stroke ofnot less than 3L inch wide and at least 6 inches high on a contrasting background. Required fire depanm€nt access doors shall not be obstructed or eliminated. See Anicle 12 for exit doors. (b) Access Dmrs and Openings. For firefrghting purposes' access doofs, openings and exit doors shall be provided and readily accessible in occupancies as required by the Building Code. For'access doors for high-piled combustible storage, see Section 81.109 O). Floor Openings Sec. 10.305. Floor openings shall be surrounded by guardrails as set fonh in the Building Code or shall have covers which are automatic closing or maintained in a closed position at all times. Division lV WATER SUPPLIES FOR FIRE PROTECTION General Sec. 10.401. An approved water supply capable of supplying the required fire flow for fire protection shall be provided to all premises upon which facilities' buildings or portions ofbuildings are hereafter constructed ormoved into orwithin the jurisdiction. When any Ponion of the facility or building protected is in excess TOWNOFVAIL Terti Martinez A,\o€r\el. DrPr€>r frPna\ 1to.$ef regeltld cA'o\'q$ ftartor.re d CA' {rr 'q'U OfN,,r*,r c\ "ho!^d bo ZL' \ (ehxc\'ed 6{'0? 'fu (..,r cr prc.k <rde55 t"tid6\ \Y aDl'b.rL- J Lunrstl(l,\( I'{'^ggru-,ed f,r RDGYCIED FAPER I co-,oo?r, Development Ptan *""o; Form Approved X o.ni"d (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Mike McGee, Fire Departrnent MNDY STOUDER, Community Development 3/13/96 3/20196 DRT Meeting 3152 Booth Falls Ct Lot4, Block 2, Vail Village #12 New duplex.Description: I 7, V tXt'tt. oV \ +,(ur"n fw/^ k*rfu& 7'w.9[-0 .t n 0[Urt*",4 W f-rl/( 4Wtl rr{ "fUt tl ,/ * @,fu!6 ZONE DISTRICTS I onu, 3-z{O o ,l +1 LEGAL_DESCRIPTION: LoL ? s:,.o"u 'l suuaivision ,\DDRESS: OVINER ARCIIITDCT ZONE DTSTRXCT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE PIIONE D t. BurrDABtE to! ^REt\ ltlk 'Total &- ptlgcz(swrr'fiacar^*"t n?t*/*J f- kt^- fu^1 ,r//'+"F t+ ) f1 d,ds^- r^t^tl- {r{Zz' 'u rt*,r n^nifrLfrr,upfg6^.d] r"6l#i'iffi* lw 'uqe lz* t -WzE TrTl^lTl I4 U(f t( Proposod 27.7{' f2 6r pa s{ s'{o1 b7w c- t/Ff 7 EnctL 4otono credir, (300) (600) tgool@-L/zto ufrLue, Permit't'ecl slope F t Proposed sLope 7 sa '-Complies with T.o.v. Liqhting Ordinance vut '1' No -,rtaYer courso SeLback (30) (50) A///- , 6o nnish Grades Exceed 2:1 (501) ' YEs- w.oE- /nnultonmenual/l'lazards: 1) Floocl Plain ,/ , ft*='flr"*l 2) PercenL sLope @' n+'l ' t 312o / "2 ,.\ ,/'Vol---- 4tt' it-,tlvf .r'r"51 Geot ogic Hazards /poe" this requesL invoive a 250 irririibiorr? 4: -vzftow much of fhe aI].owedl 250 lrddition is used wiLh this Previous conditlons of approval (check properly file): nm'?;';/;::"e -5) ceotoqic ttazards ',r*/F{';yr4ryf -tj,_I/i";;r.r fi'z,q fu c) Debris Etow _Uoy:('i4*r*S{.rt 7rr*>1"4 e/"6 6 4 ) wet,lan ds ild-,,". -:-".( L,F+r/ 'flt( il/4 vicw cor{idor Encroachmont: Yes..-- No€- rcqnesuzlLL allowed 2B' 15' 151- 9/a.7w 4nascaPins Lu7't'v\Ln ,31o"autnins wall Ileiqhls r/./ Ce f^*"7 '1or1 4/wr,4arking ' d 3so{ /o,zzL 4b( //rn 3, /6' {*uqra Geoloqic ttazards 10 $tt d aILT l9l DBSIGN RE\rIEW BOARD APPIJICATION ' TOI{N OF VAIIJ, COIJ DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DR3 MEETING: *iltt!t*tai* II|IICOMPI'EITE APPI'TCAITTONS I,AY NOIT BE SCEEDuI"ED FO4' REIIIEII. **!l||****t* PROiIECT INFORI{ATION: DESCRIPTION: nr tFt-9( TYPE OI' REVTEW: X new ConstrucLion (9200.00) Addirion (s50.00) c. D. ADDRESS 2 3161 (bola FALL-6 C'( IJEGAIJ DESCRI Sub<livision Block 2 I.IAft rvEmj B 1990 , ti\l I. A. B. Minor Alteragion (920.00) ConcePtual Review ($0) If property is described bY description, pLease provide to thls application. E. F. G. ZONING: DO"Lry a meets and bounds on a separaLe sheet 1egal and attach r.lAldE oF Mailing APPI.ICAT{T: Address: NA!,IE OF r'iaif ing APPIJICAIiIT ' S REPRESENIATIVE: Address: Phone Phone H. I.IAIITE OF OIIINER(S) : I. J. OJINER(SI SIGTTATORE:Itailinq Address: APPITICATIONS ltIlJIJ NOT BE PnocEssED twlrilow ollNER' S SIeiliIATUF& Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid aL t'he eine of sr.rbmiueal of lhe DRB application. IJater, when appLying for a building permit, please identify the accurate viiuiti6n of lhe propo;at. The bovrn of vail wiLL adjust-!he fee according to itre taUfe beLow, !o ensure the correct f,ee is paid. FEE SCHEDI]LE: VAI,UATION$ 0-$ 10,000 $ 10,00L $ 50,000 $ 50, 001 $ 150, 000 $150,001 - $ 5oo,0oo $500,001 - $1,000'000$ Over $1, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVA! E:TPINES APPR(ryA! UIIIJESS A BUILDING PERUIT IS IS STARBED. FEE $ 20.00 $ so.0o $100. 00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00 .00 ONE YEAR AFIIER FINAIT ISSUED AT{D CONSTBUCTION Phone LIST OF ITATERIAI,S l&Al'tE oF PRwEcT- nllqr tr72- T>LlFt trY rJEGArr DEscRrPTroN; LoT j- BIJocl( --3- slrBDrvrsroN VV FILIN/'lz "STREET ADDRESS , ? 152 Ervtnt at t <- Z;11 | The following inforuraEion is reggired for subrniLtal Lo Lhe Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUXIJDING MATERIAL,S: Roof Siding Olher wall MaLerials Fascia goftits Windows Window lrim Doors Door ?rim Hand or Deck Rails Flues FLashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining walls Exterior r,ighting IYPE OF MATERIAIJ COLOR P,4T7A5 nE€ a-o41- PA{aZ'? //v #/1p- DecY-9 AeE g-X('a Ze?u)a.'r]:,. I+AZTruED CLAO l/{ffifl*'FP 4^Ht€71\ Ofa PA'.( cfl/qp b@LDN cAF ax+ c-qe t,I txtz p t'l€L' Nr'.r ?ArW6 'tNl6-i OEE Ae€ Beaar-l rt4. a^/c, Name af Designer:Phone: 47b'8\qqQ Herat- NfrT HrrAL. NA7 +.fttc. . k rllilE NA At"A OLher LAICISCAPING:E' o Botanical Name o CoruIton Name ouantitvPLAT.IT !{ATERIAIIS: PROPOSED TREES AI\ID SIIRUBS trees is 5 feet-**Indicat,e size of proposed shrubs. 5 cralLon. Size* TPFHT)totpE<' FaPu)< ^( ?a/ // 2t' FlCa PAAr6a{t 12^ 'ea/- .4Qt - 7 A'3 8' P.2mlr/t/A 5 ahL InVDAlt44r* lO 4 6/'+(- *IndicaEe caliper for deciduous Lrees. Minimum calioer for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous trees. Minimum heiqhL for coniferous Minimum size of shrubs is T\rDe Egtrare--EgsEsce - -.' .- -- /-//t'.14- 't t//X O +a Zfau'?n / er. 1aa"{a,4-25 /v/x@ 7 zbr(ooa'tcriag?4 ov l+vpta> Hztces =d arz+*1 C. IJAI{DSCAPE IIGIITING: If exterior light,ing is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and Locations on a separate lighting p1an. Identify each fixture from the lighting pLan in the iplce below and provide the height above qrade, tslrpe of light pr-oposed, lu-nen oirtpuf , lum:Lneus area and a cut sheeE of the light, f ixture. (Sect,ion 18.54.050 J) / /t GROT'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METIIOD EROSION CONTROI, A.f;D4, D.OTHER LAI|DSCAPE EEATITRES (retaininq wall's, fences, swiruning pools, eec.) Please specify. hdicate heights of retaining iralls. rqaximurn height ot witts within Lhe f ront seLback is 3|. Maxirnrm height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6'. 16 r6500 )90 Partiai iaoie of Gont ihe Fuii r-ine Cataiog FIXTURES, ACORNS AND GLOBES See our 24 page catalog in your Sweet's GBR and EER files. MAIN STREET/OXFORD MS80S.A./62|0-TFP A ereat old strcer firturc in non-rust aluminim and tcxtrrrcd acrylic lens. Shown in Black, it sc:rlcs 17"x38". The MS805-8 model docs not have the spikes. For added soecifications see Daae 9. Our 6210-TFP nole featurcs an iitriiare design witlr deep'flaired flutcs shnins in the base and continuins uo thc tapered pole and scales 18"127" firh a 6"to 3" tapcred section, A 6/\, €- t.... 't t.jf,\ .;j-':-ll3 -t|:rl\ lii ll \M1/ SU NU e ri| i / i' t"--i i r\ii[trir\ffiti/ LIU 6 / \\ u-----\r5l \\ //\ IVVOE .q0 A'F, r-1 -- .:-=' 1-: ,\ /- r-..-t #i-,'+ Il4/gg.liF_Fr N+rr E=r :.hJ, E, \T E' Al=n.;-_'^* .,' \- ".1, /,'-ifl'olr.,[/ tflMFIItr lf .1 "Ar,A A ::s.' i\ '; ;r,c.: /' - ts,;xf-,r--r trmf Fi Li A ::iWgVW gW\W\qryWtr6U(gEtrY Miny cxrrnples Dt mulliDlc firluie( clln bc fo'rtnrl on nrces 8, 12.15.34-3t MULTIPLE FTXTURES DOWN LIGHTING t. tt -i.i, ,i '. \. .{'.. ,'gl lriwt E5tt-4 WYI/ V lrl,' r a AAAtrAt r \ itvLJUr=]1T V€1-fte €> WALL/PIERiH ANG ING FIX'I'TJIT I'S @,r*' (')4),1 \11"J_ iAj'J5h'x ryqJ 1 0A.Et TJ-ia \ig 5F ll--)a},F BRACKETS .Ir+ 61: hawingr -6 6.r"nn,on. \!rii l, l:ol brlclatl |fa or1 ll paSc 62, ln.us! photo. **---l I lre 3hown tluourhout K-l I the cjl!!o8. - \. llffi\li=/ " ^.x, ZONE CHECK . FOR Single FamilY Residence, Duplex, ZONE DISTRICIS Primary/secondarY DATE: HAz-cH b nqh IJEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 1l Brock jL subdivision W ADDRESS: owNER JoA.N,tN t4DELLd-- Height TOt,Al GRFA Prinary GRFA secondary GRFA scLbacks Allowed (30) (33) FTONL Sides Rear 5', BUILDABIJtr Exis tinq ^Rw\ l-7, l1L2 Proposed ToLaI q I r3,a +o17. +Gq? SiEe Covcrage J\r 'L t ) #\/\1LandscaPing 4,O - ztt4 7+/q ReEaining wal] IlcigirLs )'/6' Parkins --al"\u/ b 3ln'.cl carase crcdit (300) (60Y) (900) (1200 | 6ao Drive: Permit'Lcd /t\" I x Proposcd srope5-7% Complics with T.o.v. Liqht'ing ordinay'cc \ Yes '/ No vfaLcr Coursc scLbacl( (30) ({0) \ A// YEs No / Do Finish Grades Excced 2:1 (501) | \ rr:) 'v- Environmcn Eal /IIazards :1) rl.ood Plain zl fut."n, slopc \ t rott ll4 z- 3) bcologic llazards\ I a) Snow nvalafl\be /Uo b) RockfaIl "i Debris tfoi \, rUo 4 ); wet lands I view Corridor EncroachmcnL,: Yes No, poas fhis reqliesl irrvoivr: a 250 iitidiLiorr? lulQ, liow much of ihc atlowccl 250 Aclqiition is used wiLh unrs previous condiLions of approval (check propcrLy file) : *rrrrroq i a -\'Y$vr-'--- ').^ ' tavt|ed 8lL7l9l trOT{N OP VAIL UTII,ITY I,OCATION VERIFICATION FORI{ ,tOB NAI{E STTBDIVISIONtor ADDRESS The form is used to verif,y service availabirity and location. Thisshould be used in conjunction with preparing your utiliry pLan andscheduling installations. For any new construct,ion proposal, theapplicant must provide a completed utility verification form. The location and availability of utilities, whether they be maintrunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by thefollowing utilities for Ehe accompanying site p1an. All auuhorizing signatures neefl to be originals. Authorized Siqnature Date U.S. wesE Communications 468-6860 or 949 -4530 Public Service Company 949 -6r.3s Gary Hall/Rich Cooley HoLy Cross Elect,ric Assoc. 949 -5892 Engineering Dept. Ted Husky/Michael LaverLy 3 -U -70 **TCI CabLevision of the Rockies 949 -L224 Mark Graves *iUpper uagle valLey water & ganitation District * 47 6 -7 480 Fred Haslee **A gite Blaanust be shownoffer senrice the site plan. Utility; the property line. Any l*6 7{ .i' . ;:'? d tion of knoYrn utiliEies locatioas may or may noEutiLit:r extensioa required is on toshall be the responsibility of the prope5uy owner. NOTE:1 If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the ut,ility irepresentirlive should not direccly on the ut,ility vqrificaLion form that thereis a problern which needs Uo be resolved. The issue should then be spelled ouq in detail in an atEachedletLer t,o the Town of Vail. However, please keep in nind thal it is Ehe responsibility of the utiLity conpany Eo re,golve identified problens. It the ut,iliEy verif,icabion fonn has signaLures from each of the utility companies, and no conmenEs are made direcLly on Lhe form,. the Town will presume thaL there are no probLens and that the development can proceed, i These verificaLions do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a streeL cut pernit from the Town of vaiL, Department of Public works and t,o obtain uLilitv locations before diqqinq in any public right-of-way or easenent in Lhe Town ofVaiL. A buil-dinq oermit is not a street cut qermit. A street cut, permiE must be obtained separately. InstaLlation of service Lines are at the etq)ense and responsibility of the property owner. 2, 3. 3-{- 4. VILLAG BOOTH FALLS MTN. HOMES \.I VAIi '{i/r', t/g i*" 8554.94 w Ela'Lg'rfiv a aSatl? TWELFTH FILINGt rt' --- @ l @ (Sl9r'j TRACT A s ait52.0ax 6364@ TRACT C nv E a3r6,l2rw t aJra.tz lfrv i!21,,r:i rfrv t3la,25 E &!J4,0! v yl atJ7.o5 INTERSTATE HIGHWAY NO.70 R.o.w. @TRACT(ffi * *gl^olyle.conrain only seneral informa- > _-)RE ff;ff f"$:"1T;?jTrdili,,%ffi ll,i'ffiil';l';"Flto :yq;.dril. P#ffi lTff ;ll*i'f:i.--;1" $ ;t .;il;' -il :ffi .;:,Tlil ffilm*"*xP*+-;;"fiiffff# ffiffiffiETilffitr,TilHr /'./7 1RACT C H111i,"s, elcavation. m" bi"ti"e *aftfl-**lsv"r..ils ffi$ tilllT: lTff^:'"P1t1-tg tng lcatiL or existence or theill1lfr il,":#itr 3,ri -*- "" tr,,*- J**ffi,"1**y;111-.31.'r",t*ii;;;'J#?#llHlines and sewer and ",if,i"ii#"". AL lA CWl.ltll S l1-,r '!' POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY S'TF;\VAR'I- TTTLI' , GUARA\rTY OOMP-,I.NY '';ilr_ SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS, STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, a Texas corporation, here n called the Comoany, insures, as of Dale of Policy shown in Schedule A, against loss or damage, nol exc€ed ng tne Arrrount oi lni.rrinoe :;tai€d ir Schedule A, susla neo or Inc!rr';.,d by tlre nsr.rred by reason of: 1. Title to the eslate cr rir'r€r(,J:jr ocsofli.rt)ci ir :ichedule p. being ./esleo utirer th.1r as staled lhereini 2. Any defect In or lien or encumbrance on the title; 3. Unmarketability of the title; r- "i;. :, r .. .,:r:,. . .:,,i.li _t4. Lack of a right of access to and from the land."' :' The Company;vill also ca:r' lh+;osls, ailorn-o,/s' fees and expenses incu(ed in detf,r'rse of the tltle, as insure.], but only to the exteni prov ded rr lro l:r,-j,ri0i.': :nq Slrp..raiioIs. lN WIINFSS WHEnEOF, Sleviart Trtle Guafanty Conrpany has caLrseC rhis tiJli(ry 1o be s gnod and sealed by rts duly authorized otficers as ol lhe Date ol Policy shown in Schedule A. "ii,i /i :i , t..,|1i ."t1., Company EXCTUSIONS FROM COVERAOE The following matters ate expressly excluded lrom the coverage ol this policy and the Comgany will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys fees or expenses which arise by reason oll1, (a) Any law 0rdinance or governnrental regulation (inctuding but n0t limited t0 buitdinq and zoninq laws, orLiinances, or regulations) restricting, regulating. prohbln0 or relatn0 10 (ii the 0c0uponcy use.0r enioymcnt 0{ the land; (ii) the chcractef dimensions 0r location ol any improvement now 0r pub|c r€cords al Datc ol i-'o lcy (b) Any governmental iJolic€ powcr rot excludeO by (a) abovc, except to tire rjxtenr lhal a lrorice ot the e)ercise thereof or a notice 0l a delect lten or encumbrance resulling trom a violation or alloged violdtion atlecting the land has been recorded iD the public records at Dare of Policy.2. Rights ol eminent domain unless notice of the exercise ther8ot has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy, but not excludlng ftom coverage any taking which has occurred prior to Date ol Poli0/ which would De binding 0n the rights ol a purchaser for valuc ,vrthout knowledge.3. Defecls, lleFs. encuTnbranc0s, adverse claim' or other |nJfirrs: (a) CrtJaler. :rrrlered t:rsu:rc(1 o: aqrced lj b:,/ trt€ jrstrre(i r)l-irntrnt. the CO,npall), 1"1'/ lh,J itsiiit]1.L:1i,,rlilrt ,li!r I1 ' r.t'rlrr .': rt:.tr: l 0l,i t,.i,ri lei r le.jt,itt!riXl | i'rr tllspf! :. (c) resultlng ln n0 1os:j 0r t1:rr1qt 1,-' :lri rj,;'11 cln ir:lir' , (d) attachrng or created subscquent lo oar.:j 01 Poitcy, or (e) resulting in loss 0r damaoe which would nol have becr' sustarneo i1 the insured c/aimant had paid value l0r lhe estate or interest insured by this policy4. Any claim, which arises out of lhe transaction vesting in lhe lnsured the estate or nterest insured by this policy, by reason o{ the operation ol lederal bankruplcy, state insolvencv, or sjnrilar cr(jditors rights laws, that is based onl(a) the transaclii)n .real,n0 llre estate 0r interest insurcd by lhrs F.olicy being deerned a fraudulent convetance of lraudulenl transler; or ib)lne1ranSact.uI1le.r|in0|.|8e:!a|eoIlntelesll|lsuredbVlhisco||.ybel|q frcrn the laiiur,l { ) 10 llIrfl/ rl:l0rir ll ,; r-!lrr rltfi '! il,-\ff' c.(l) 0l S!ch re{;0rdalrofr 10 ir,rpart r)rr re l3 a prrcnasif l0f r.tue or,t Jt0tJtDent cr tin l'.:jrla)l STF:\^IART TI'ILE ,c v r x ^ N r. r . () M t- A N y C- 00r (Fov r0.r 7.t2i r-o[ay 0.99!3-.-l-lg!-Q! ir 1, '. i" . :.fif ;r,;,;i .rs+" Sg+l SCHEDULE T I POLICY NO.:oRDER NO.: 94010288 :DATB 9r PoLIcYs April 29, A!!OI'NT OF INSI]RANCE: S o-999 3 -173185 1994 at L1':09 A,l.t, 360,000. oo 1. NAI,TE OF INSURED: *,r ,i. iIoHAlrN !,IUELLERr: '..}.ti . . 2. 4. IS: Fee Sirnple TITLE TO THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE I,AND TS I/'USTED INS .'OHANN MUELLER THE tAND REFERRED TO IN THIS POLICY IS IN THE S COUNTY OF EAGLE, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: OF COLORADO, LOTS 3 and 4, BIJOCK 2 r I VAIL VILLACE 12th FILING T TITLE COMPANY t I SCHEDUIJ POLICY NO. : O-9993-L73185 AGATNST LOSS OR DAMAGE (AND THE AT'.PORNEYS/ FEES OR EXI]ENSES) SHOWN BY BY THE rights-of -Wa1',: as shc.'Jn c,n the Platrecorded AugusL 15. 1972 tn Book 225 ]-20855. EB , 1. 2. THIS POLICY DOES NOT INSURE CoMPANY WrLL NOT PAY COSTS, WHICH ARISE BY REASON OF: RIGHTS OR CLAIMS OF PARTTES IN POSSBSSTON NOTTHE PUBLTC RECORDS EASEMENTS, OR CLATMS OF EASEMENTS, NOT SHOWNPUBLIC RECORDS.3. DISCREPANCIES, COI.IFLIC'IS IN BOUNDARy LINES, SHORTAGE INAREA, ENCROACHMENTS, AND ANy FACTS L\THICH A CORRECT SURVEY AND INSPECTION OF THE PREMISES WOULD DISCLOSEAND WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN BY TH8 PUBLIC RECORDS.4. ANy LIEN, OR RIGHT TO A LIEN, FOR SERVTCES, LABOR OR MATERTAI.,, HERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER FURNISHED, IMPOSED BYLAW AND NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLTC RECORDS.5. UNPATENTED l'11!'IING CLA.IMS; ;IESERVATTONS Crt EXCEPTIONSIN PA'IENTS OR AN ACT AUTI.IORTZING TIIIi ISSU}.N']}: T}.IEREOFi WATER RIGHTS CLAIMS OR TI'I'L8 TO WA'IER. 6. Taxes for the year 1994, not yet a lien due and payable. 7. The effect of inclusions in any general or specific waterconservancy, . fire protection, ioil conservation or otherolst.rtct- or rnctusion rn arry water scrvic:<t or st:-eet improvementarea. 8. Reservations or exceptions contained in u.s. patents, or in Actsauthorizing the issuance thereof, of recorC reservin6 rl nishtsof the proprietor of a vein or rode to extracL and rSnove hisore therefronr and 2) rights of way for ditches and canarsconstructed uncler the authority oF the United States, 9. Restrictions, rvhiclr do not contai.n a forf eiture or reverterclause, recorded_August_rG. L97z ln Book 225 at page ee ai--leception No. LZ08g4 and airended by instrurnent rec5rdedSeptenber 25, 1972 in Book 225 at Fage 475 as Reception No.121250. 10. Easements, rest'r j ct_ions anciof Vail Village Filing 12,at Page 88 as Reception No. 11. Any__speciar districts or speciaL assessments created by the Townof vail, including the gooth Parrs Bern speciar assessinent. . A Deed of Trust dat-ed Aprit.26, ]-gg4t executed by JohannMue11er, to the Public T'rusi:ee of !-aolp .'.rrnt\/ to Secqre anindebtednu=s of -{ 3 5,1, O0O . oo, - i."iui.i-Ir"igii"l i;nit eC partnership Iecorded April 29, 1994 in Book 638 at page 950 as ReceptionNo. 535001. EXCEPTIONS NL'I,IBERED 1-4 ARE HEREBY oMrT'TED L2 rl. .1. I ----:--.-:-_ --TEndtt ctF rrfllL iirollrmrn Grtl 6{-r | -a14,ttt57r29 Reccipt f 195f55ncccrrrt* tril47254 NELLEN COISTRTTI$}.FFE IEt' BfiD FEE f,reJnt ferdred > F9TD D€5IEI REU ttn P.td gt@+rst006 Ctrrrqs rrrwrrnd > ?}|iltr \- \L lr *f n ;.T f ".1q} tl {,'. ftstr*#f r*13 str!lr'' :: il t sIt h t { Ftfif \ f* f+trlt