HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 12 BLOCK 2 LOT 7 LEGAL,ffi t,tr^#rP : fu , //k k*L ( :'W+ Legal Descript Subdivision: V Address: Developer: Proiecl Number: lmprovement Completion DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT is 4 oayor Novernl^er . 20 D3, by and among _ (the and the Town of Vail (the "Town"). WHEREAS, the Der4eloper, as a condition of approval of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for (address, legal description, and prolect number) wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement Agreemenl and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgement of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth in the attached estimated bid(s) in accordance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including completion of the all improvements referred to in this Agreement, by means of the following: The Developer agrees to establish a cash dgposit account with the Town of Vail, as escrow agent, in the amount of $ j - 3GE w (125% of the total costs of the attached estimated bid(s)) as collateial for the completion of all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in the event there is a defaull under this Agreement by the Developer. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to furnish all equipment and materials necessary to perform and complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement. The Developer agrees to complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement on or before the _ dayof 30, Jtr\-l ,2004. The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manne@inthisAgreement,inaccordancewith;||approvedp|ans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Planner, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Community Development Department and Public Works Department of the Town of Vail. F:\cdev\Bill\Proiects\DlA\DlA Cash draft 121202.doc Paqe 1 of 5 ''.''i |,' ''t: .: ' .(. 2. To secure and guarantee performance of the obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide collateral as follows: A cash deposit account with the Town of Vail, as escrow agent, in the amount of $ 3,3bK * (25% of the total costs of the attached estimatedb@comp|etionofa||improvementsreferredtointhis Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of security or collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein in this Agreement and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative security or collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any offlcer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall be and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer my have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply for and the Town may authorize a partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement after the subject improvement is constructed in compliance with all plans and speciflcations as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition shall the dollar amount of the collateral that is being held by the Town be reduced below the dollar amount necessary to complete all uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvemenls referred to in this Agreement are not constructed in compliance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail or not accepted by the Town as complete on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 1 of this Agreement, the Town may, but shall not be required to, draw upon the security refened to in this Agreement and complete the uncompleted improvements refened to in this Agreement. Pursuant to Section 12-11-8, Vail Town Code, the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy refened to in this Agreement may be revoked until all improvements referred to herein are completed by the Developer or the Town in accordance with this Agreement. F:\cde'v^Bilf\Projects\DlA\OlA Cash dratt_121202.doc Page 2 of 5 i' lf the costs of completing the uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement exceed the dollar amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent (12oh) per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the Developer fails or refuses to complete the improvements referred to in this Agreement, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of Title 12 (Zoning Regulations), of the Vail Town Code, and the Developer shall be subject to penalties pursuant to Section 12-3-10 (Violations: Penalties) and Chapter 1-4 (General Penalty), of the Vail Town Code. 7. The Developer shall warranty the work and materials of all improvements refened to in this Agreement located on Town property or within a Town right-of-way, pursuant to Chapter 8-3, of the Vail Town Code, for a period of two years after the Town's acceptance of said improvements. L The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Flcdev\Bill\Projects\DlA\DlA Cash draft_'l212o2.doc Page 3 of 5 Dated the day and year first above written. I I STATE OF COLOMDO Developer ) ) ss. coUNTYoFEAGLE ) ldat The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement.was qcknowledged Qefore me this4 oav ot Ncvernhrr- .zooluv Ftcr-\.Uu Gz*-z,toc-tu'.- Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires STATE OF COLOMDO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing _Day of ) )ss. ) Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this20_ by Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Notary Public Flcdel^Bill\Proiects\DlA\DlA Cash dratl_'l212o2.doc Page 4 of 5 ATTACHED COPIES OF THE ESTIMATED BID(S) Flcdev\Bill\Projects\OlA\DlA Cash draft_121202doc Page 5 of 5 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE - DESIGT,I'BUILD BOTAITIICAT GART}ET.IS " WAIERFEATURES' IIATII/€ RESMRJITION 33601 Highway6&24 Edwards, CO 81632 Phone: 970.926.5504 Fax: 970.926.5506 E m ai I : coal pines@hatma il. eom h\ Facsimile Transmittal fr.*ur*tn ll.qsnecgps{nd fJcoeseRat& n rr*, Ll-(l- zL{57 ,. rr"o,arl5}.\ cuerqrrp UAzrttd, t RagOf.ucE -, .H NJ€, ComP, lqeA_As " "Frrrrg_As. .rdE_____ ". VeaE-... JSI 0rc*eD--lg-*. L-e,$tr-.. $.iacr-r,xr- -. (.r.t*lq.. trs s. . tt"av€ -fr> 6*u€relF.- tlI6PgaJ c-ZracH .... -Bsllbe--Cc*.rerr-- j"-Yg-*(*rr-d-AAJ:r_Qr*sgrls,r.J!"_ fo {oftrr6L InC, I AN0SCAPE ARCHITECTRE -- DESGNAUID BOTANICAL GARDENS' WATER FEATURES' MTIVE RESTORATION October 28,2003 RE: Guioglu Resldence 3120 Booth Falls Court Petmil #: B0i-156 Toum Of Vail Planning Commission Matt O€nnett Wq Colorado Alpines, Inc. arc finished working on the Gazioglu residence Iandscape for 2003 as of today, October 2E, 2003. We bave completed all off the trses, sluubs, planting bed+ rock work, seeding and *osion conhol. The perennials and dwarf conifers are the only items to be completed in spring of 2004. We hnve approximrtely $31368 to complete ia 2004 iosluding materiel and lo,bor. If youhave any qucstions or concgmq please contac.t me at 970-9040875. Thankyotl Colorado Alpines,lnc. Alot o{3C, OX 3 i\ r rr.t{. . t4 ko{?,3t\\4W 4-\\ V(t\<r.<(a- \4 / t/'\\'J a36ol Hlghmy8&z4 Edwade.0O E1632 Tclcphonc: (970) 9:&5504 Far (970) 926.55O6 Emall: coalpines@hotmail.com Twn of Vall- Depariment of Community Developmant 75 S. Frcntage Road Vail. CO 8't557 Name:LL-Receipt No.5 'tLe@ b Address: Project:oat" l( 1Q t A3 Please make checks payable to the TOtlYil OF VAIL Account l{o.Item l{o.Code #Co3t Each Total 001 0000 314 1110 Zoning and Address Maps ZA $5.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Building Code - 1 997 - Volume 1&2 CB $50.9s 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Building Code - 1997 - Volume 3 $60.65 001 0000 314 1112 International Plumbing Code - 1997 CB $36.00 001 0000 314 1112 International Mechanical Code - 1998 UEl $35.00 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Mechanical Code -1996 $35.60 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Fire Code $36.00 001 0000 314 1112 National Electrical Code $42.60 001 0000 314 1112 Abatement of Dangerous Bldg.'s 1997 qo oq 001 0000 31411't2 Model Energy Code - 1995 $10.00 001 0000 3141112 Analysis of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes $12.75 001 0000 3141112 Other Code Books CB 001 0000 314 1211 Blue Prints/Mylar Copy Fees BF $7.00 001 0000 3141111 Xerox Copies XC $0.25 001 0000 314 1 1 't 1 Lionshead Master Plan MS $40.00 001 0000 3141111 Lionshead Master Plan Appendices MS $20.00 001 0000 3141111 Studies, Master Plans, etc.MS 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees CL 001 0000 240 3300 Oevelop€r lmprovement Agreement Deposit O2-OEP l0 AD tSkb- 001 0000 312 1000 Restaurant License fee (TOV)RL 001 0000 230 2000 Spec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Deot.Rev.JA 001 0000 319 3100 Greenstar Program 1 10 0000 314 1 1 15 Resale Commission Other -MS Other -MS Other -MS Other -MS Other -MS .001 0000 201 1000 Tuable @ 44% (Stato) - Tax pryablo TP-001 0000 310 1200 Taxable @ a% fiwn) - Retail Sales Tax T7 115 0000 310 1200 Taxable @ .5% (Torm) - Confurence Gtr TC TOTAK )i@h.''e Comments: Gash_ llonryOrder#Chad(#19e.1 Recoircd by: ;! Tonn of Uail r*r [lJST0llER RECEIPT *r* 0oer: PiHfiPE TYPe: FB lhalnr: 1 [5iei iiiso/ei ot Riieipt no: 15s74 Custorer Location ltarr Arount-- i4re e454I#LIKIE cotltsLu AD -AR:DETSITS t3368.00 HM-IDE EAZIIRU fiEtEIpT i54666 Tender detai Icx-ireu 1959 r3sq.os rilat iinaereo t3368.miiiii iiiient tdl68.oo Trans date: 11105103 Tire: 1{:39:17 TI#IR YIIJ FtlR Y(IUR PRYIEI{T: Itrorl .o @: I FIo2.o i-z 40 oFTF zo . H E vE o q U k4 ci H F aa o ET E l!, o o EloF Fl trOHo01 oFl 4A QFzzDD rrl E zz EOFE A AZdDroE{EH4 cll Fl tlz ooAE F E 4 EIF xtr 2 F EU ZA o EEI ca <o a FI p F FI EI z FI :: op =>l'l E q.r ao 3 a LoT a DESIUTi IiiI:,;IE\{ $OARD ^.^*,. 1 /z+ /oz - DATE: soo4T -Tl rr(f) ooC 4 s s- fr.bbE zr SITE PLAN r+r.rt-L-rr\-/ rffi.Nf9 \]/ Y@faH €trbNr: VErueeg- Couut-,tr*la Af, exr+1Nt per-,g- . (0.r,-TS,uNE ",o nspEl{ r}P-) -r{r5xrr-F r ErD-.iEa.Ltbrdtb-id ! .Ear-aa.E$rrDarrtsrarE!/la!-r-ran.-Gt-DlE.r----.rrdltrEDG6{rr-E -. ..rr-!.1.r-,'.Dj--t--t- a talrrgltrF-irtnial-ra a*r6Edrt-llr-tlLltttll-!!6ltI nati**-.i r*r6--Ila*anrraatDttt-,Fatrr._' *w lfu@a.!ft,Le tttl-I- -rl- t'il iL__ " LJ|GOFE'Jfif[{i9E.x. ll il ll I L___J I :::::il It ll tl f6r otc! tct( t6ll avofit @[ot^Do raiD lttotatlttr ?l7otttll 6tt5T-R@M t atttEal Ato J.G r.@l ll ll ll ll tli Fii Dotflt at CONSTRUCTION GAZIOGLU RESIDENCE 3r20 BOOTH FALLS COURT VAIL 6b PLAN F.,H'IJilftH.Y"HTTO:?*O i.I.','-\\ \GAIDE'. Foi Pf{AsE | .--.-'"2- _-/-,/-\ \ - 4. ?E ORATID DRA] lmtf?i 4'A-D?'!UG DR I{ tllll.l PHASE I NTS "O 42.0 IL L,tJ tl il tl II _:_J I L. l ;lt:: LIIG OF I ll It ll sl€rsD rEqrca |\Icrlr tqtf orct Ex r.i|r avoN @tpiADo tra2! T'lQt1'l{l F otat5El rrlv\|, 8clfT:gr. cofl 4t*r*han 4...t&a |/nelt./-.ttaFDnr-lDrra-r'Ertr-lrhr --rar- - rr,- etu) t.t.- lb- -ra.-dts 6rlar-- -Ebr--rt!r-DttE-r -Bi-BrtEr-dEtt--r* lDI-6-!am.!n!-flli!tE-.-rlElt --r-t-rtDCa lr*..dl-tru&rarrn4.-n*anE3r.ao*e. r .h|r-<r-rrtrara *rrE E r-hrEa.ErrrEr.!.4r---.Fa r .ftmrr *6.-ar-.r-DrrE aEErr-F*r-- - 4rY-arrarc!*-E !-r-ra}r- o,Jf.sl'-j- i&,rdrrttar.-. aLlEr.Er]rE!!tsrqsrarD-Drraas--Dr-*tsr. nrDnr'r|!-aa}r-rt 3* bb MOD TO FINAL DRB au6(Fr I l. 1m3 PROJECT: GAZ]OGLU RESIDENCE 3 r20 BOOTH FAII.S COURT VAIL LOWER LEVEL FLOOR PLANt'"'t'/---- l.Jo l|.IrT-nr s' Tt,E No rt STER Tai ca LO\|VR' TEIiACE Anf,A TO gEA ROCI( - - - - - - \GA.D Fon n{AsEI -"2'a'-/ D(lttt' -EX PLAN - - - - 4r fEfttArE DiA|t t nDl ,f lot-D FrlOlttER tt titflt'l a.|DaEta ----Ir PHASE I ovb j-' t-Jf,S "O A2.OR ll )\f/ext9ft6Root Y lLEv ' D!t46:t' -a ELe! . ba42-. ah' r t ex|5flt6 PooF ,l ELEV . 4366-5' l'/ _ _ _JF@F 4eLEv I Ct64r7 ttl' -' ,U,r#F + \ r z neorurn oecr I lLa./ . dtlt -t' 1' TO. 9.6'100I L'"CR LEVEL A ,/. ELEw . 617r.-5. Y ,.\ NORTH ELEVATION v ,Gir!?F Nts EX5rDr6 RaEl. A ELEV . 6t!al5' I' ll il SfEh{aho RE5()UnC6 lltc / Al PO5T OF rCE gOX t62t AVON COLOMOO I ta2o r!)ro 9.9ll0l rt o t:tt 'llwww.l&aacHFrct cor,t SLtSTa-a-- a r / Exrgflt|G' raEt Y ELEv ' ag+rr' 'f ELEV. t'.2,.tta' \ ..g_ 'r lllv ' a}||a .' 9el?v ,Jroa;; :-72-- - - =/ 11}----___J-t ELEV , A4,IIL r6f | 4 or Exen|E oooR CONSTRUCTION lt E D.263 PROIECt: GAZIOGLU RESIDENCE 3 t20 BOOTH FALLS COURT VAIL EXTERIOR ELEYATIONS EXISTIN6 NEA EAST ELEVATION 41ffi"'-T5.-:- - 6ArE ttlrc|}{ r.9,o, LE6END A3.0 Ar/Exr9rrr{6ROOF 'r ELEV J 63.|6 -t' ll ll Ac4r.tc-.l- lLlv r 6ta'.-4' AY/EXr97|l9ROOF-r ELEV . !t!b'-t' t aEV . E. t- a !vrr. \ a?/EaAt Y AF/ ! Aa4f- 4' 'f 4f1t = ''c4'- 2 W2. 4{L______-/.t ELEV . 6E!Dr |a. EAST ELEVATION HOD TO FINAL DRB auq.|sr I r, tl,! - - -lau d, ELEV i O5A4a2 Ua. r' -**7o# i NORTH ELEVATION ll $qaD iEtx.[cE Ncrla lost OfFCE m)( to/t alpll @toi^Do ||dD Tttota& E ot '|tlwv\,\ r. SralcHrlc|. @|a l--t-un".nn* E)o3rr6 RooF /I - -ErEv- ' -a:t!r-.r'Y PRqtECT: GAZIOGLU RESIDENCE 3 r20 BOOTH FALLS COURT VAIL EXTERIOR ELETr'ATIONS EXI5TIN6 NEI,{ fE D$t&l1EIr. LE6END A3.OR _ _ j4,1!EYa f/ECDF L elEv ' b342' 4 3t.- Y ll ll \ 1/e(9fltr6Rolt? t A.ev , b,b's- 1b_ -,4od4_ _ _Y ELEV . O36a.2 l/a'!TII.T 9{ttHarD aatoutcE li( I ^aPOS' OFBCE lOX iot avoN coloMoo 01620 tt o 9t lllD fyto tt5lll www. sRAicHttEcT. coM fu*-. Y,":,#.+ A116l{ *t'| na! toP WEST ELEVATION 1or!_-gorc.J--f El.Ev t 6A1r'-3- dJ /_!qr!E cq<_I aEv . 6An -o' +'*.f,,.\ SOUTH ELEVATION \-,/ .crr|1'.,ltra N.T-.3.lt|i | | ,-cd<lErr.*^I r---------J./' FantD^Trax aHo ll rJ'-\-J dof€,R€rE 9L^e Ar PH^E€ II +b-:rseor- - -'t lllv . Et}'-6- @t'l\__, 'tttsggirlt NXS . - _ _rt&aF_ d+ ,/ ELEV ' O5o.a? '/4r CONSTRUCTION FROJECI: 0223 GAZIOGLU RESIDENCE 3 r20 BOOTH FALIS COURT VAIL EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS / ELe','bECtat'-.ffi,# -J- - Y/ FF!4P!-!FEE!' le€kL ,/ ElE\t. dt6d-1v."1' =-=-<_:?f{F.tr+",*4Etrs\ I /i,PP!R Ol<,K A4!v ' tt'rq _.' Y 1 r u xcprtx oecx ,,L -e.i .-asr:E. -9 f / Lo|L'R OECE ^LJ-' ,r'E ilr-'"oi? I i_-r-_]__ lrAT4|{ Ext9flr,|6 EEC&*O *A tta, caf€Ra 1^a ^r SFi|r€r F'o|t.a oa FLATI Kr. / | r-r---l---t-+.-FLAr{7}6EGD / \ PHASE IIJ hI-T:S LE6ENO A3. I i.*.#HI+ 7 | Ext9ltrl6 taooF ,L el Ee . D946 1' 1' - - -!/ !9914+ eLe]/ , b3a2r 4 3/4. 1. .+ an-r6,r{ ,{rtH TH€ toP WEST ELEVATION ll a r / Err9nN6 RooF 'r ELEV ' 0306.5' -A- r'*eer- - -- ELEw , O3O1r2 tJ.. 6rLry__t ELEV = D36l -6- )\ a / uEat,4 oEeK / 'r ELEV . ,511'-t' <bJ /!9€e qESK- ' ELEV ' Alr''o' +'..-sj l+ It rlTTrI sHeflqD IAOURCE l.JC I M tQsT otf,cE Bo)< t6ta AVON COrOi tto !ta20 Il7otl'ltor EDo'.t!t2l www srqrcHlrEcT, coH ,..-. PARTIAL SOUTH ELEVATIONV *+;-rs,. Nr.r. MOD TO FINAL DRB AUClrSl I r, r00r PROJECT: GAZIOGLU RESIDENCE 5tlu BOOTH FALLS COURT VAIL EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS I _ _ _r 1!x!ztN9io9l+ AEV . 63qo -3' ! ./. Tr' F F!O''R I-IFFIR LEVEL^ -,- - - !"-!v-65o;'il.:9 r +Rtrro Potttl OR PIATE l+l6tlYA \ T /|]PP€R A€',T /L - r-rr' -' aaiF-i9 \ r r veoror otcr .,t ELEV ' a3i5:3' 1' 1 / tovr€R oEc< ^-o"-. ' og t-_.o'rr-x.-tnoiP r I at^ IEnPj€E -L eLEv - 6i,61 -o' -' E' EA.LOER AALL{ ELEe :64,6a.o' r slo_t]=r@Rl!T E|-h/ : t5ll -9' {bli Erirla rll r ELEV r a3.ii -o' TfrhT ldJ-filo^lc.eEc64D ?^ ftB 4O}€REIE 9LAE AI LE6ENP , '. aa<.ef]e 9P^ -' ). FA D^rO.r ^rio\- J CO|CRE-rE SLAA Ar SOUTH ELEVATION IPR|IE FOtXr o{ 4 TE HT. eLEv - O3n'-D Oll' I o.'-rr^". n^.. JEeta!.li . F{agE 2l EXI5TIN6 43.I R LOT A APPROVED BY THE TOWN OF VAIL PLAl,lNlNG AND $nfl rcN MElttAL @it Mlss loN PITNT{ER G"u P^,+*( b-o l"tJ Pt*^p[-,rd,-*,,t."+) uoo -lI 'Tl rr(t) ooC 4 F s_ fro F LoT t2 OILY IO lHEtlAP. Ar.r oN t2/7/sL N O,o,,-H,ffi* *.,ref4 srbFlE:- VENee€- Couutvttti Af E)crgTrNe ue<#-. c.^ 1 LoT 4 ,E tT +' 9R=id \- lortnnxo s-ryz-oo ul-t rn3 (Akssklqtk \ n*) -reop-eRfi utNr .. APPFOVED BYTHE TOUN OFVAIL DESIGN REI'IEW BOAND DATE: FiII'INEFI: PARTIAL LOWER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN \p s\' s\ firnc(t rn mxoI o U c\ A otrtrz.o H 6 -l p= IH'7t oilz)t3:r rn Ctnrins- q6 =o ftl rn tc\ | \,lxtT1t\/t'^- IuIL)n -1 o--t -t I llX ulfza t-z rTt -Tl rflX $t --'1zo U I tlon * rfl gr fn mX $\-tzq\ rl oa\ A -ztn N5> 3t.l! f>>o:Q!tr rnSxtqr 6ry F {rrlq Et-li1\w \_ti \j I I 4**y*,, L|NE oF ExtsrlNo pEcE 4rtt----ltlL__l =4f* !q-n^y lanayt+ 2o,4n5'-O" ,r-n !t€+z-ru >-t z FI F =gl I / j 'r I t__ - - ll tl tl tl _J I -lr-t:::::: LIIC OF E(5M6 EEF iil I I A,EsT'Rtri.ttt@lt;:; - 9l--i !i :- -a; -'o -qvr :lr.ElPqlfrrEt \ iIl tt'|lq.att I .I llt ll|-lLa|r llt E|CtlI CA.||'.. 11 4a nffi ar &a ea bea G-,Fi-rthtEa-rr rata-tE r--ffi*ffi'ls#€?a=Hf sElll:=ffi F;z5Egq._ jr El|lde-E.r-_ I ::-:-:.: iB ll \--l-**k rf ll ll II tl ll ll ll ll ll rii Irt *rl :-rl*tl lttttta dr JL irrr rrrJ lnl!.-rd$firconat u. PISN PHASE I -"t1"'t---- t__t'"'t"''__;-l\\\ t'lo c,iLTlN s?A TUi '.tO r.tAsTA,lAilCE Lol'I'R TANACE ANCA TO gE A ROCX G nDAn foN,PH ItE I Hd--- --- gcrtl --E - - - -..,tltFlAtE tt ] rtltltl -,.-,,-..e lptglE ltt ucEl lta|| tt!|tl,l a-- Nrt *s A2.0 tl It tl $etflo t50tEE rrc/l|^ REr OtC: bX ttaa voN @t i@ ar{p rrro''tn ttotrl|zl tilltw.ln tctftEt @rt GAz|OGLU RESIDENCE 3 r20 BOOTH FALLS COURT VAIL LOWER LET/R FLOOR PI-AN I Jltl*,r- ti \,J t--LIC Cf r irr--rrrrJ tl II tl tl ?Ho+D 3 61uxl9 VF+V-f+ -D,LF- c,ou)rvlrD a rlt-i-lltt-t-IDt-r*r-a arErffi tnt4..tFn4r-tlrtMt--FJtEtrEtq|r|.itrtElrislffiG?ffi3H:Gf lEHr g=F rEegffiul=t.*r.-.rrr-r!rrd-d-..--- Datl|r dr^o J...a PHASE I NO elLTlN 9A TUl' NO a,t SIB.IA.IACE to\,vB. TeucE AIEA TO 8EA nOCr G fDFt FOr. F{AS€I ------j.]i---\ arr.elol'liddrlir PLANNr:.O gd-^- -- gcnr -la - - - - i, ?|!ltla!D DlAt t tlltt ---.!-tt- .f &trEr tl|! u3a DlAtt 'tr'Bl lT- il;. a-' ll il 584t ED iEqtall hrc / AA rclI omcE xD( taitt a!!x @t.otlDo 8|.a t''otttIt Pttottlnl lvltw' St|^ict{fEl @lt GAZIOGLU RESIDENCE 3 t20 BOOTH FALLS COURT VAIL LEVEL FLOOR PI.AN A2.OR I r . 'r at/tpatnr{trEEFYfi, -. ar.o--o:- Fcr.rv-. iiz-. r fi. -x ..*- *l#F"-o.=' *..r-. *O]o.- - - +ffi*--- a&3a F||90rr fRcF t ,/ lr<,3nr€ R40F .! ELEV: al66'-t' Y - - _:!e4 _6- eLEv r 6ta.'-2 |/a' Y _ _ Jp@ _4_Er-!v.5561'-6' Y \ r / l1€olr|r o!4x -r eLeV . Aflt'-1l. Y _-l9. Sq-og!.LoE3 qg+_d, lllv I at.r|'-f l' NORTH ELEVAT]ON '\{.ns. l)iltrt€ ,@f ,r_ ELA, ' otlcq' ?' -NEta{ I 1___1 PHASE II aar€llT 9lr\a At l/n"*** EXr91N6 ll tt sl|trcro llsqJtct |L, AA POlt oFatc! 8ox t62l avoN @(oi^t o rraD Tto rt JJol t70,|''21 M/WVY. SRlr ('ltlEcr. cofl GAZIOGLU RESIDENCE 3 t20 BOOTH FALIJ COURT VAIL EXTERIOR ELFr'ATIONS A3,.0 -*il.9H+ t,/ Extltt6 ROOF r ELEV ' aEeo'.t' Y ,J\ r / elrBnf6 Roof r ELEV i At66:!' #/-rs'!!csEE-' a-6/ . !atr-o' r.rpccEe< AZ[.bt1c 4' 1' +':# x465w. #ffi-o,-'.o= {,4w,wr_-r Elev r 4rE,-rr dJ/-t4!E@E-' El6/ . arg f-o. +r-# xE'r ,€oo r$roctr /"\ souTH ELEVATION - fr|^ra /-l PARTTAL SOUTH ELEVATTON'.J'm:i ll .aEEEE sPA ', -;========) l' .ur(tallo|{ ^xa,\J 6CINCRqE 1J!I Afarr\rt x +ffiE"*.- _ _rl_rxE$e5 b_4!v . agqc!!' ' allllra xrx tl{! l@ot qo6 ,'-a"-'ffi,,+ -_ < ru_Elgrc_oB_G4n! Hggl'J. = _ _ _ _ _ !!-6, r !rr+-, !rr..t/ \_ ulrE PglE<LeLA, r dtXr{' l' -\_' /_.I!!?!!l qgxtL El\/ ' CCI:I -r. 'Y _ _t t-!o!=3 Er{LlLlv r a:'lF<r- GxrtTr.Gl l- f t ra r!fr,&a L eL6/.61c1'-o' 'l/ lO. EalLAlt nAILr eLA, I dt6-o' V WEST ELEVATION Et6a'ot,-t. :____ Filp-tl s*i"*.H.F"f_ I I FICESI'ID 5PA rUD cor€,RlE 1r€ i||r EXI9TIN€ NE "{ r.r rc,N lxrSircr "*iir€ N.ts. LE6ENO 43. I -a lf ll sHerao ienn(E h,ct la rost officE 60x - rart A\,oN COTOR OO 0t{]! t rotlrt a '109l'tl2lwwvy. siaAcSlTtgr. coH CONSTRUCTION lrtt tl2d FrorEcr: GAZIOGLU RESIDENCE 3 t20 BOOTH FALIJ COURT VAIL OfiERIOR ELEVAT1ONS ,l I r. t 4ftiffi*-,.-=- I L ro, 4.a,i_oo< LoxlR LrvE-_<L ,.. elEw r 6t?r-t' Y =_______=_-_ _ _ _ _.ii_#'=9 ,l r ltlxtsrr|6t@ .L E:IIV . '"A:q' 'l' - _ -t@F _b. ei-Ev . oarGart t/a. l, - - JruE 4,,-EL€v , AtOt$. Y \ r,, l{Eoi}| o!a,K ,l E|-lV ' AtTt-t' l' 4|d3ri6El'. r EIEV . A!E6-9' 7 Nr-s A 1 / €r|9rll€ ECt tY6;;oEi.o- tf €!!v ' Ot 2- a 9r'4' \ -.g- VeF .-arrlir- Y&;-ag-:-u.- - - =,a$-------J-r EL6, . O6aO.- rO. l/un*** 6Ar! c,!9191 rl'D. EXtEr|!16 NEN EAST ELEVATION A3.OR ll ll 5fiGiD iEqtcEttrra ridtT oticE @( Jaaa Al,oN cq.oa oo at(D ttlt!tttI F totrt|l| YYYWT. s|AlclrrEgl Col{ Pi.OJECT: o?2:t GAZIOGLU RESIDENCE 3 r20 BOOTH FALIS COURT VAIL EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS l'-.' I o )\ I / axtgnt{, eoaFrr ELEV . !E6a,L!. {i_ '4_ _ _a a€v , do1.-2 v.. *ffio,o,-.-"'- .#,lswEcEJ- Y EIEV ! !t1!L3. +J 44r1!R C!E(_ ' eLEV ' agrtl-o' +'# li lt cor€Rllt !F^t -;========J ,r fd|ijoa?lat{ ^ND'\j Car€EE E SLA9 Ay _ _ -cl'tsrd_ I t rxt 116 ecpe t /L Y1c,:::lY Root' -clar-.&"=-9 {aat ' allr*--t:- - - Jl 59cl4\-sLEv rarq2a.3/a. Y d tAO€_ _ _-f ElA,/r A t-6. <bJ/ggq!9,<-! Elv. att|'-€'. ||?@oeK6, A.'Ata'-4' t7 +;3J ,a- -*r-'ffi # -J- - Vf'€!!.JttTg! l€Gdr- ,/ ILEV ' FOCf{ l'l'r'Y \_ t ^tlER E!,|!{L!LA/ . 4t.tl.-rr. l, \-rr-relr+s.-z!EllV . 4t15'-t' !r, - -r !.rery4+ !LA/ ' OlYlf-o' alx,cflr6, r f La Ltue,.2 .L ELE9 . dc'r.€ Y AO. eq DllR ,{^r.(a !L!v . AltGaY-a' '1' &a9N'Oq ELEVATION A{TF, ,t a|.n fli{ l|G rEaoF tto4 {go.ll3@r iiFV! tlE rE'Y alv . atrtr<r ={-i s&Ht':PA7uD w&rtjFa coi€f,rE E 9tiA5 At ExtSTtN6 NEI'{ , -;=====:==.'y FaraD^trot ^r-)coi€rt]YE E -^O ^tr''|^6! n /1 PARTTAL SOUTH ELEVATION \_./ *ir+r.G N,T.r. /] wEsT ELEVATTON \-,/ icrltrrFt.E N T > LEGEND 43. IR II ll g€flgD ittcrrcri rE/ A rost ftE !O)( ta:t{ aloi qoi oo ata2! Tnotattu fto''fllt W!,VW. $UtCl{rECt @fl x@ toi{an MOD TO FINAL DRB a/qE t t.l&t PioJECr: GAZIOGLU RESIDENCE 3 t20 BOOTH FALIJCOURT VAIL DffERIOR ELEI/ATIONS Planning and Environmental Commission *,. ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community D€rvdopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97O.479.2L39 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us Project Name: Gazioglu Variance PEC Number: PEC030O46 Project Descrlption: approval of three new stone veneer columns which will replace o<isting wood column structure suppofting an existing wood deck which extends farther into the setback than allowed. Participants: OWNER GAZIOGLU, HAUDE K. 08/11/2003 Phone: 3120 BOOTH FALIS CT VAIL CO 81657 License: APPLICANT Shepherd Resources, Inc. 08/11i2003 Phone: 949-3302 Savinay Yiese/Dean Koll POB 1624 Avon, CO Deank@sriarchitect.com 81620 License: ProjectAddress: 3120 BOOTH FALLS CTVAIL Location: 3120 Booth Falls Court Legal Descraption: Lo$ 7 Block fl.Subdivisionl VAIL VILLAGE FILING 12 Parcel Number: 210102301023 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Rollie Kjesbo Action: APPROVED Second By: Doug Cahill Vote: 5-0-1 (Lamb abstained) Date of Approval: 09/08/2003 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Planner: Matt Gennett PEC Fee Paid: $500.00 ll-os o3:4lpm From-T0llil 0F VAIL COt+lUNlTY DEVEL0PIEiIT 5704192152 T-208 O O Aftachment: Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Deparbnent of Community Development 75 south Frontage R.oad, Vait, Colorado 81657 tef : 970-a79.2139 faxi 97OAn -2452 web: www-ci,vail,co,us General Information: All,.projecB requiring Planning and Errvironmental commission review mu$ receive apprqval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the srlbrnittal requircments for the partiojai apprarat trat is requesfid_ An application for Planning and Svironmental Commission revier,/ Gnnot be accepted until alt requircd Information is received by the communily Developmert Deparbnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board, Type of Application and Fee; T0l,ml O Rezoning $1300O Major SuMivision $1500tr Minor Subdivision $650D EGmption Plat $650tr Minor Am€ndment to an SDD $1000n New Special Development Distdct $5000n Major Amendment to an SDD $6000E Major Amendment to an SDD $1250 (no sterbr m odi fra tions) Description of ttie Requestr Zoning:It'n Name(s) of Owner(s): Address:5 Owner(s) Signature(s)r Name of Applicant: tr Conditional Use Permit O Floodplain Modiff@Eontr Minor b<tecor Atterationtr Ma;br Erterior AlteraUontr Development PlanE Amendment to a Development Plantr Zoning Code Amendmert )( yg'irLo"u 5tgn vanance $5s0 $400 $650 $800 $1500 . $2s0 .s1300 .F (Conbct Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no,) t- . Ga. Phone: E-maifAddress: @* To - 14,'Slzl For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: Page I of6-01/18/02 -lr'; SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC / AIA POST OFFICE BOX I624 AVO N COLOq.n DO I 610 re70 949 3302 F970 949 5tZl WWW, S RIARCHITECT COT,lAugust I l, 2003 Town ofVail Planning and Environmental Commission 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Co. 81657 GAZTOGLU RESTDENCE, PROJECT # 0223 3I2O BOOTH FALLS COURT REQUESTED VARIANCE Dear Planning and Environmental Commission The Oarner is seeking a variance for three proposed new stone veneer columns which will replace existing wood columrs supporting an existing wood deck. The new stone veneercolumns will locate on the south side of the residence within the setback. Refer to attached olan A2.0R andelevations A3.0R and A3. I R (item 9 clouded on drawings) Per Zoning Regulation # 12- | 4-5 and l)- | 4-6, deck can project into set backs. lf the deck is less than 5'-0" off the ground, the deck can project l0 or hatfthe set back (7.5') into the set back. lfthe deck is greater than 5'-0" off the ground, the deck can project 5-0" into the set back. Part of the existing deck is less than 5-0" off the ground and part is greater than 5'-0" of the ground. The existing deck, which was built in | 975, is in violation of both | 2- l4-5 and | 2- l4-6. The existing wood columns do not blend very well with the new columns of the remodel already under construction. The owner is requesting the variance to allow the new stone veneer columns to be buih to support the existing deck and improve the appearance of the srpporting columns and the deck. Koll AlA, Vce President, Managing Architect ll RE: ll il \Mrth Best Regards, .. .Oi/o'/zoOJ 10:08 FAI AGE RD , "3121 Attachment: B , "E0210^ , "co", "81657"& t -!v+v-JrrJ,rr*e t YrrlL t ,xR015 g4g ", "211)10230103L', ;,'PARLTAMENT, Athy & BELLFLOIilER", "VArL", "CO", "81657" 13931agf " Il1l9L93I919,.?lil, lllgHgE,, rNvEsrMENr cAsEY" r "" co", "10275 LITTLE PATI'GNT FAMTLY FTNSHP", "1600 BnoADti,AY \ ,. KUUOU/J t ILULUZ >1"R0o8257":"210102--- $vuErlJt , ZJ.\,LVaJt'M.t I )IEI|IILET MTLiIAEL l{ BUrH KOHL"T_]'pO Bo)( 2024tt, t'VArL,"',CO", "9165g,'' ^"R010044" , n210102301012", "stoRy, RAy- E. , JR" Rffi' ^"R010044",010044",,'2101!23010X.2 ", " , "DANvrLLEtt, "cA" , "94526-Lqul,"SToBy; RAy E., JR","",'62 LEEDS cTEtr."526-4348"-.--" R010675 ", " 2 10102 ","LUBrN. KENNETH A."?1' tetE ll-57-4635 ;n6r6G7ii lilr6rdll6roiin;" i[ BDtt r " tt r "vArL" r ttcott r ttSl6ST-46 sR00E766", "210102301010" . "cll RclAD". tttt. tvArLtt , t'cot'. "81657" rtu r t r^4L I bt, IsR00E766", "210102301010", "CuRRENT. tr'rLLrAlrt C. & NANCY N. RCIAD", tttr tvArLtt , t'cot', "81657" ,r i, A1 a t\E1 r. lr li j't't ,ttltra arrrtttl ttrr^r r^ ,"3236 KATSOS RANCI{ "'3235TRUDI -","JOHN DAVrD & KATSOS RANCI.I -JT", tttt r "163 GORE -JTtt r tttt, ttPo B(D( S FRONTAGE --i;db-r+6ori, ;?i6r6ziirio7iiinnvns, roRGE A. - youncerrrsr, CREEK DR", "VArL". "@". "81657' --aigq.qifi"i*io*:giggi,',"ror oF vArL",',c/o F:rMNcE psm",,'75 --.-"R045114'r "210102301Q{$r', r'5pECK, ERrc J, ", "'r "5401 w }locKrNGBrRD LN'r , "DALI-AS" , "TX", "75209" >@ I(AT5OS RANCH ";"GAzroGLu, HALTDE K,",u3120 B@Tt{ FALLS il'EEN-NETT, lqLgl ,"c,/o GoRE CREEK pRopEREEs","po Bfi MOU^TTATN Scllocrl". "pO B()x 502",'", "VArL", "CO",'8X.658" , t"trtt3010 BOOTH "R043331 ","210102301046","Lrsc|{ER, IIICHAEL E. & litARrE R.-JT" r ttt',"1228 plrue -f,Ttt, "" r t24738 " t', ttcol.lcoRDtt r "lt4,At' r tt01742 t' "" r " i[5 PARKWAY 5560", ""r_"4voN" r "cot' r t'81520" ----, "R005929","210102301041',"JA5PER, HARRY J. & DEBOMH J. Fq)THTLLS DR N" r "GOLDEN", "CO", "80401" -_- "R009938r' , "2101023010401: , "wuRlrs; JoHN s . " , "11 CEDAR Hy'', , R. KENNON & ROBrr{ S.-JTttrttttrt'3fj10 B r ROY A.",""r"PO t sarv-u3Jrr-irJ, I rtt, FALLS CT EttrttVArL",t'Cott, "E16 , JOHN E. & TAMI4Y -JT"r"r'3115 BOOTII .os/05/Z0oS l0:08 FAX, .r 't @ oor Booth Creek.txt AI.AN M. - T{ALKER, KAT!{LEEN M, ''F[dEmFi;"2i0i0?i0i0i7","vail-i.i6ulriiirr"iciooiFffi66ffioorHFALLS RD", rtvArLti, t'Co" , "t1557r! Page 2 Attachment: C r-o o (-)Y zflf;tflr-lz I @. t;T, z'isg$ti;i1\{,ir.r3Ft Fg' , K*,* ) -L?Jnot €1-lvl Hroo€ F o 0\ i *qg.a{m\ s*E\s$ @L'lE PARTIAL LOWER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN r/6'. 1! o" z @ !f, iEfi.&F-:,E:.EsF!!n:rE5===r=5E33L=1r=lE? I t=::J It_,J L,i ltt; l l=:::::::: ulC ot EGrIlE D!r: .r.-.--.., 1l ll ll i1 Ill Itt EItl $l ll Ro,Ei GAZIOGLU RESIDENCE 3tm SOOTH fATIS COURT LOWER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN |I) rrr.$ 9^ r!! E ur|r ruMctrowsraraclar rolr^rocr ------:--r =ztG'gq:::\{ PLAN*r "tDo7b lt lt ll .. -...:. J I.OWER LEVCI FIOOR FLANp ur$ s nt.ro Bstu rsr caL4rareu.t.rCro -;rot ^-\- rilEE.'ErrEf.Eaata|rG-,EtE :3fi!Er=c !:!E!.-HEar#==? lIiz|l;r#EW =/-$ewr:fs A2.OR Qlfft+.------ Yr-s;;-:,------ sj,g __ 1l ll IT fE 5:9.!4.99 _dr _-__-_tBe,4t - - -r6c'l -al -aF .-a!ii.-rq t-"'* riols: GAZIOGLU RESIDENCE 3t20 BOOIIT FALLS COURT -.--- Extgl||l€l .J-!9IIllL!y4It9!_ *ffi*.--------- Yat;!-{----- -!- *L€3-+'.- ---- *'lE?*= r*- - - F Qa*-,a4-o- - "'z /,:\ EAST ELEVANON 43.0 ----_-_44i'd ____-l1Eei11F99Fa ll 16-'49s-----___,- ___---:,:-..:.i! rJAIM$elIlllFVAIloN ll II dJ/-!4!4<r-_-___ H;Eif^, rT ----ttt@'-d. - r= --!9ilg-d-4^3 rlEd{L - - - _L' 15ol!,l!r{..r _ ____rAGptlE+ - - --]1 _ _ - ----:/:arl|!. a rioJ6' GAZIOGLU RESIDENCE 3 t20 AOOTH fAlls COURT ---- EXl9Irfi6 - XEN sJ /-r4!! or€i_ - 6\_wEsll!!y Il9!_A3.I *iJF*..-* ll ll il@-,.-.. +.".-*-*-l- rl j-=qfli-- 1- r----;-----.-61 ^ _.F.H# $I l, riNn---li1 --;==-'ji\Lia__f:'_.j.* {^ /\ NORTH ELEVATION - -aJ.-.r-.. 'P i6.s.a------- -!- ar1!.41 ___ -_ riojEcrl GAZIOGLU RESIDENCE 3 t20 SOOTH FAITS COIJRT -- Exrstlf6 /:\ EAST ELEVATION A3.OR _ _ 4'E r4. _____J,g!4+ ^ SOUTH ELEVATION q-tii;i*-q- ll --@I IrffH9 ll IT +#i +r /-!4r3E - a_I4l]4$e r{r"E!!y4lloN .-*.ffi+ -rAcqg'Elr4 nol.cr' GAZIOGLU RESIDENCE t t20 BOOTH FALLS COURT / | L---- PHASE IIJ ,A,. ,.\ WEST ELEVATION A3.IR Attaclrment: E SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC / AIA POST OFFTCE BAx. 1614 AVO N COLORADO 8I62O T9 t'0 949 3102 F970 949 5t! WWW SRIARC4]IECT COIlAugust25,2003 Halide Gazioglu 3 120 Booth Falls Court Vail, CO 81557 IT RE: AUGUST 20, 2003 LETTER FROM NETGHBORS Dear Halide. We have reviewed the above-mentioned letter and do not in theory disagree that some landscape upgrades should take place between your deck and the lot 6. property tine. fne existing and approved Planting Plan dated 61'3rc3, sheet LP-2, already shows two new spruce trees, three new aspens, six native chokecherry trees, seven bailey dogwoods, and three yellow currents between your deck and theproperly line, See attacbed ln*i.'^ .'f chect I P-L I have spoken to Jim Christie of Coiorado Alpines, Inc.,your landscape architect, and he and I believe we can revise the approved plantings if required to meet with you and your neighbors approud. We do not suggest that you sign the Rugrlt ZO, i003 Agreement because the suggested plan does not work because:l. The proposed location of the desired berm is in disregard of the drainage flow line from under the decks and from your front yard. 7. The three sPruce trees on the proposed plan are only shown approximately 4 feet aDart. The gifth of a l0' tall spruce tree is approximately 6' diameter. Therefore, at a minimum, . l0' tall spruce trees should be planted 6' apart. This will still not allow for much growth at the base because the trees wilr be planted already touching each other.3. The plan submitted states, "specific location not to block iriportant view from Lot 7 - to screen new deck". The proposed location of the three new spruce trees is directly between your new Family Room, Lower Deck, and f4edium Deck and the hillside and falls across l-70. This is specifically one of the view corridors you instructed us to try to nracan/a The letter also implies that the access has been a hardship and that the neighbors were given assurances that the properfy would be restored in full. I had heard that the access was proceeding iairly well and no one has told me that Evans Chaffee Construction Group will not restore the property in full. Has something happened, without my knowledge, to make the neighbors question whether you will fulfill this agreement? Additionally, when you asked us to design the proposed new columns, which violate the setback and require a variance, you advised that the neighbors were in favor of the upgraded stone columns. lf you wlsh, we can withdraw the variance request and go forward without the added three columns. ll ?!iikn ; {rii In summary, we believe that a meeting should be held with you, the neighbors, the landscape architect and us to discuss some possible planting revisions that both screen yor.i.- deck and respect your view corridors, Please also be aware that any landscape revision will need the approval of the Design Review Board, as all landscape changes or additions by anyone need their review ani approval. II ll ',: l:.il .;,- :i: Vice President, Managing Architect CC: Toran of Vail, Matt Gennet Colorado Alpines, Inc, Jim Christje Evans Chaffee Construction Group, Bryan Johnson EI ROCK GARDEN TYPICAL BOULDERS PLACTD ON GRADT TREE LINE TRTTS TO Br REMOVTD Q) "!iio ALL DiSTU<g-D ARTASr.VEGrT ATTD W/ASPEN STED o \ I \ SEWER CLEANOUT TONE -N, LOT 7 5', Dl August 28, 2003 To: Ken and Robin Guerry George and Lizzette Lamb Re: August 20, 2003 Letter Dear Neighbors, I would like to start by apologizing for the inconvenience that my construction has seemed to cause you. I am troubled that you have been so disturbed due to my construction, as I did not intend for that. Therefore, we are searching for solutions to avoid further inconveniencing you by possibly using the west side of the house for future access. Also, we are very committed to fulfilling our assurances of repairing any damage to your property. I apologize Ken, if you feel I was rude Thursday evening, as our neighbor Lizzette informed me saturday morning. I didn't intend to sound rude, but i was somewhat taken back by the tone of the letter. At any rate, somehow you took my response as negative and conveyed that to the Lambs, who insinuated that I Tay no! live up to my commitment. I have shared the letter with my architect, Dean Koll (shepherd Resources, Inc.) and Landscape Architect Jim christie (colorado Alpines, Inc.) as I indicated that I would during my conversation with Ken Thursday evening I had never intended not to add landscaping between our properties, which is obvious on the approved planting plan. At this time, it does not appear your proposal works, per my professionals. Please see the attached letter, which states why your proposal would not work. However, I believe that a solution that works for both you and me can be reached. Thank you for taking the time to read our concerns and I look forward to our meeting with Jim christie and Dean Koll. Please let me know what date would best work for you. Very truly yours, GlahdjJtwfu Halide K. Gazioglu CC: Town of Vail, Matt Gennett Colorado Alpines, Inc., Jim Christie Evans Chaffee Construction Group, Bryan Johnson Gary Hartmann' Doug Cahill John Schofield Erickson Shirley George Lamb Rollie Kjesbo Site Visits : Chas Bernhardt 1. Reske Residence 2319 Chamonix Rd' 2. Vista Bahn BuiHing 333 Hanson Ranch Road 4. Gazioglu Residence 3120 Booth Falls CourV rflt 80Py PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION PUBLIC MEETING Monday, September 8, 2003 PROJECT ORIENTATION / - Gommunity Development Dept. PUBLIC WELCOME l2:00 pm MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERSABSENT Driver: Matt NOTE: lf the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board may break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 Public Hearinq - Town Gouncil Ghambers 2:00 pm 1. A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-10, Landscaping and Site Development, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a new primary/secondary residence, located at2319 Chamonix Rd. / Lot 9, Block A, Vail Das Schone Filing 1. Applicant Brian ReskePlanner: Allison Ochs Motion: Gary Hartman Second: Rollie Kjesbo Vote: 6-0-0 Approved with the conditions as provided in the staff memorandum 2. A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, to allow for the modification and enlargement of existing deck columns, located at 312O Booth Falls CourVlot 7, Block 2, VailVillage 12th Filing. Applicant: Halide Gazioglu, represented by Sheppard ResourcesPlanner: Maft Gennett Motion: Rollie Kjesbo Second: Doug Cahill Vote: 5-0-1 (Lamb abstained) 3. Approved with the conditions as provided in the staff memorandum A request for review of a minor subdivision, re-subdividing a part of Lots L and K, Block 5E, VailVillage First Filing, to create Lots 1 and 2, Block 5E, Vail Village First Filing, 20 Vail Road, 62 East Meadow Drive, and 82 East Meadow Drive. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, represented by Braun Associates Inc.Planner: Warren Campbell Motion:Doug Cahill Second: George Lamb Vote: 6-0-0 Approved with the conditions as provided in the staff memorandum with an additional condition that the Town Attorney approve of plat note number 1 1, prior to Town Gouncil approval of the proposed easement agreements A request for a final review of an exterior alteration or modification, pursuant to Section 12-78-7, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for an addition to the Lodge at Vail; a request for a variance from Section 12-21-10, Development Restricted, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 17, Variances, Zoning Regulations, to allow for the construction of multiple-fami! dwelling units on slopes in excess of 4Oo/oi and a request for the establishment of an approved development plan to facilitate the construction of Vail's Front Door, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (A more complete metes and bounds legal description is available at the Town of Vail Community Development Department) Applicant: Vail Resorts, represented by Jay PetersonPlanner: George Ruther Motion: Rollie Kjesbo Second: George Lamb Vote: 6-0-0 Tabled untif September 22,2003 A reguest for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of a proposed amendment to the FORD PARK MANAGEMENT PLAN - An Amendment to the Gerald R. Ford/Donovan Park Master Plan, to allow for the construction of a public parking facility and structure, a request for a variance from Title 14, Chapter 5, Parking Lot and Parking Structure Design Standards for All Uses, to allow for a deviation from the minimum landscape area requirement and to construct an unpaved, gravel parking surface, and a request for a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a public parking facility and structure atop the athletic fields at the Gerald R. Ford Park, located at 580 South Frontage Road EasUFord Park Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Greg HallPlanner: Warren Campbell Variance: Motion: Doug Cahill Shirley opposed) Second: George Lamb Vote: 4-2-0 (Schofield and Variance - Approved with the conditions as provided in the staff memorandum Conditional Use: 4. 5. +. RJtt --14, --- 5c)- t OR IGINAL Memorandum Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department September 8, 2003 A request for a variance from Section 12-6C-6 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for the location of three stone veneer deck columns in the required fifteen foot (1 5') setback of the Two-Family Residential (R) Zone District, located at 3120 Booth Falls Court / Lot 7, Block 2, Vail Village 12m Filing. Applicant: Halide Gazioglu, represented by Shepherd Resources Inc / AIA Planner: Matt Gennett TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: il. SUMMARY .J The applicant, Halide Gazioglu, is requesting a variance from Section 12-6C-6, Lot Area and Site Dimensions, Two-Family Residential (R) Zone District, to allow for three new stone veneer columns, which will replace three existing wood columns, to be constructed within the required fifteen foot (15') side yard setback. The applicant is requesting the variance from the setback requirement to allow the new stone veneer columns to be built to support the existing deck and significantly improve the appearance of the overall structure. Staff is recommending approval of the variance request as it meets the criteria and findings contained in Section Vlll of this staff memorandum, and does not contribute to a significantly greater level of nonconformity. DESGRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant is requesting relief from the Two-Family Residential (R) zone district's minimum side yard setback of 15' from the property line. Variances to setback requirements are allowed pursuant to Chapter 17, Variances, Vail Town Code. The three stone veneer columns will each project exactly one foot beyond the line of the existing deck, as depicted on the attached, reduced site plan (Attachment C). Pursuant to Sections 12-14-5 and 12-14-6 of the Vail Town Code, decks may encroach into setbacks: if the deck r.s /ess lhan five feet (5') above grade, it may encroach up to half the setback (7.5'); and if it is more than five (5') above grade, the deck can project five feet (5') into the setback. Part of the existing, non conforming deck, which was built in 1975, is less than five feet (5') off the ground, and part of the deck is greater than five (5') off the ground, as shown on the attached elevations. III. BACKGROUND I April 29,1975, the original building permitwas approved fortheexisting singlefamily residence on Lot 7, Block 2, Vail Village 12'n Filing. . April 21,1995, an application for a281 sq ft addition and interior remodel was approved by the Design Review Board (DRB). . May 21, 2003, an application for an exterior modification, involving the deck and landscaping, and an addition was approved by the DRB. . July 18, 2003, an application for a change to the approved plans was staff approved. IV. ROLES OF REVIEWING BODIES The PEC is responsible for evaluatinq a prooosal for: Action: The PEC is responsible forfinal approvaUdenial of a vaiance. The PEC is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this Title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. Desiqn Review Board: Action: The DRB has AIO review authortty on a variance, but must review any accomp any i ng D RB appl ication. Town Council: Actions of DRB or PEC maybe appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the PEC or DRB ened with apprcvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or ovefturn the boad's decision. Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submiftal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also adv,'ses the applicant as to compliance with the design guidetines. Staff provides a staff memo containing background on the property and provides a staff v. evaluation of the project with respect to the required citeria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Starf a/so facilitates the review process. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUiIIENTS Town of Vail Zoninq Requlations: Chapter 6: Residential Districts, Article B. Two Family Residential (R), 12-6C-6, Setbacks: ln the R district, the minimum front setback shall be twenty feet (20'), the minimum srde sefback shall be fifreen feet (15), and the minimum rear setback shall be frfteen feet (15'); Chapter 14: Development Standards Handbook, Section 10.C: 2. Porches, sfeps, decks or tenaces or similar features located at ground level or within five feet (5') of ground level may project not more than ten feet (10') nor more than one-half (1/z) the minimum required dimension into a required setback arca (...). 3. Balrcnies, decks, terraces, and other similar unroofed features prcjecting ftom a structure at a height of more than fue feet (5') above grcund level may project not more than fue feet (5') nor mote than one-half (j/) the minimum required dimension into a required setback area, or may project not more than five feet (5') nor more than one-fourth (1t4 the minimum required dimension into a required distance between buildings. (...) Chapter 17: Variances Section 12-17-1A:. Reasons For Seeking Variance: ln order to prevent or to /essen such practical ditriculties and unnecessary physical hadships inconsistent with the objectives of this title as would rcsult from stict or literal interpretation and enforcement, vaiances frcm ceftain regulations may be gnnted. A practical difficufty or unnecessary physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of existing structures thereon: from topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; orfrom other physical limitations, street locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity. Cost or inconvenience to the applicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a vartance. Section 12-174: A. Factors Enumerated: Before acting on a variance application, the planning and I environmental commission shall consider the following factors with respect to the requested vaiance: 1. The relationship of the rcquested vaiance to other existing or potential uses and structurcs in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or litenl interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sifes rn the vicinity, or to aftain the objectives of this title without gnnt of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transpoftation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 4. Such other factors and criteia as the commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. B. Necessary Findings: The planning and environmental commission shall make the following findings before grcnting a vaiance: 1. That the granting of the vaiance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other propefties classified in the same distict. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public heafth, safety, or welfare, or mateially injuious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is wamnted for one or morc of the following reasons.' a. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would resuft in practical diffrculty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There arc exceptional or extnordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the vaiance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. (Od. 80973) S 19.600) Section 12-17-7: Approval of the vaiance shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion within two (2) yearsfrom when the approval becomesfinal. (Ord. 48 (1eel) $ 2: ord. 16(1978) S 5(c)) 4 Section 12-17-8: ln addition to the conditions whbh may be prcscribed pursuant to this chapter, any site or use subject to a vaiance permit shall also be subject to all other procedurcs, permits, and requirements of this and other applicable chapters and regulations of the town. ln event of any conflict between the provisions of a vaiance petmit and other permit or requirement, the more restrictive prcvision shallprcvail. (Od. 8(1973) S 19.900) SITE ANALYSIS 3120 Booth Falls Court lLot7, Block 2, VailVillage 12th Filing Zoning:Two-Family Residential (R) District Land Use Plan Designation: Residential vil. Current Land Use: Development Standard Lot Area: Setbacks: Front: Sides: Rear: Stream Building Height: Density: GRFA: Site Coverage: Landscape Area: Parking: North: South: East: West: Residential Required/ Allowed 15,000 sq ft 20' 15' 15' NA 33' Two units per lot. 4,279 sqft Existinq Proposed 16,291.44 sq ft nlc 18' nlc 15.5'& 13' n/c118' n/cNA n/c 2O.4' n/c One per 16,291 sq ft n/c 3,292 sq ft n/c (n/c = no change, NA = Not Applicable) SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING 3,256 sq ft (2OYo) 1,995 sq ft (12Yo) 2319sqft(157d 9,774 sq ft (600/o) 9,965 sq ft (61olo) 10,916sqfi(67olo) 3 spaces 4 spaces nlc Zoninq Two-Family Residential District(R) General Use District (GU) Two-Family Residential District (R) Natural Area Preservation District (NAPD) Land Use Residential Residential Residential Open Space 1 VIII. CRITERIAANDFINDINGS Consideration of Factors Reoardino the Setback Variances: The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures In the vicinity. The requested variance is not of any negative consequenceto otherexisting or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Both immediate neighbors, to the north and south of the subject site, have given theirwritten consentto the proposed improvements and the variance required to build those improvements as they believe it will enhance the visual appeal of their neighbor's residence. The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. The encroachments of the proposed stone veneer columns do not cause any visual harm or nuisance to neighboring properg owners and, in fact, blend in better than the existing wood columns with the new exterior improvements. As depicted on the attached, reduced site plan and proposed south elevation, the new columns are an aesthetic improvement over the visual appearance of the existing wood columns. The degree to which relief ftom the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinig, or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. The granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. The applicant's proposal will not increase the level of existing encroachment into the required side setback of the Two-Family Residential Zone District. The level of nonconformity, which is preexisting due to the original construction of the existing deck, will not perceptibly increase with the granting of this variance request. lt is apparent to town staff that unique circumstances apply to this lot and some relief from the strict interpretation of the zoning regulations may be necessary in order to achieve the best possible end result for both the owner and the neighbor to the south of the subject property. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, diskibution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff does not believe ihat there will be any negative impacts associated with this proposal. The deck has existed in its present location for nearly three decades and the neighbor most impacted by its encroachment (on the south) has stated that the new stone veneer columns, in concert with proposed Al. 3. t t'( tx. landscaping, will improve their enjoyment of their own home by having a more appealing structure to viewwhen looking in the direction of thesouth elevation of the Gazioglu residence. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinqs before orantinq a variance: 1. The granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. The variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. Exceptions or extraordinary circumstances orconditions applicable to the same site of the variance exist that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the request for a variance from Section 12-6C-6 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allowforthe location of three stone veneer deck columns in the required fifteen foot (15') setback of the Two-Family Residential (R) Zone District, located at 3120 Booth Falls Court / Lot 7, Block 2, Vail Village 12'n Filing. Staffs recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, subject to the following findings: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a granting of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvemenG in the vicinity. 3. That the strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. 4. That the strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive i I the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve the variance request, staff recommends the following condition: 1. That an lmprovement Location Certificate (lLC) be submitted and approved upon completion of construction X. Attachments A. Vicinity Map B. Applicant's proposaland letterto the PEC C. Reduced site plan, architectural elevations and floor plans D. List of adjacent property owners E. Correspondence between the applicant and neighbors Attachment: ,o Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, C.olorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: wwwci.vail.co,us Proiect Name: Change to approved plans DRB Number: DR8030324 Project Description: construction of phase II; stucco color change; window color change at neur windows; deletion of muntins on new patio doors; replace 2 existing patio doors with new; new timber trim at south, main level, gable end; stone veneer select columns; new Participants: OWNER GAZOGLU, HAUDE K. 08/11/2003 Phone: 3120 BOOTH FALLS CT VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT Shepherd Resources, Inc. 08llLl2OO3 Phone: 949-3302 Savinay Yiese/Dean Koll POB 1624 Avon, CO Deank@sriarchitect.com 81620 License: Proiect Address: 3120 BOOTH FALLS CT VAIL Location: 3120 Booth Falls Court Legal Description: Lot 7 Block lsubdivision: VAIL VIIIAGE FIUNG 12 Parcel Number: 210102301023 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: SrAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Approval= O9ll120A3 Conditions: @nd:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO z--r ffie,\ APPlication for Design Review \ -w: I Departrnent of Community Devetopmenr IOh,,\ mt/ ^'iii:ii6:il1:i,1?"aX1!,.fiT;:,",#'' web: www.ci,vail,co,us General Information: All projects requinng design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requesled. An application for Design Review.cannot be accepted until all reguired information is received by the Community Development Department. Theprolec may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the planning and Environmenral Commission.Design review approval lapses unless a buitding permit is issued and construction commences withinone year of the approval. - Locatlon of the Zoning: Brock: 2 i/y'J#'_ffi$A "YE? c-our*r'is (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) €,{(-- \a€- "--paA Name(s) of Owner(s): H4uf C-' :frlGt t L Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of .Applicant: Mailing Addressl 44 c-o st 7 o?- Fax:ql w 0r. r$e $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of tobl sign area. No Fee $650 For construchon of a new building or demoi rebuiid.$300 For an addltion where square footage is added to any residential or commerctal buiiding (includes ZS0 additions & interior conversions).$250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting. window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc$20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fenco-s and QgerJ f4rLl Blt4*t Yd+€- anL Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review D New Construction Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-fu mily/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/duptex) Description of the Requesh Physical Address: E-mail Address: Lf ZLf .4.. r r.4. [""'r?fl'"jt5::'t' cnecr ruo.: 1??-t, ey: Applicatron Date: neR Nr.Planner:_ pr.lrect No.: \-/ -. J--F retalnrnq walls, etc. //x{ Lnanges to ADproved Plans / SZO 1 For revrsrons to plans already approved by Planning Staff or thefr Desrqn Kevrew Boaro.. Separatron Request No Fee Aur-08-03 03r42pm From-TOl{N 0F VAIL ITY DEVELOPIfiI{T st01792452 ]OINT PROPERTY OWT{ER WRITIEN APPROVAL LETIER. TOYW I,(printname) tf,\uoE Grsraaur-l .a){ovvnerof propertyroetedat(address/eEal description) prcvide this letrer as wdtten apprcval of the plans dated whhh have been submitted to the Town of Vail Gmmunity Development Depa*ment for the proposed improvemenb bft completed at the address noted above. I understand tnt the proposed improvements include: I fufther understand $at minor modificaUons may be made to the plans over the course of ttn rarbvrt proess to ensure compliance with the Townt applicable codes and regulatons, C0t'lUl{o T-a08 P.016/027 F-920 r_i t{Mr", D6r\c*j tan%) lrE/rrlsi _(D{te) I Page 2 of l2loAoTlo2 Buildina Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exter:ior Lighting Other la \a^'I t.+t/ q +-x tt\l IntgT t'.lAfaH EXI6TINa Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and I flATrH €vlart-lh.l6 a ,l.|.el4-1p1M e: oo mh,MAr.t rErEu I --,- - =E- =,= 9r(l=W)*,ndows f ?*1b wE ffiAFJM 4l-rrP \^l€o W,NDol^tt =M4TfH F(tiTtN6 (ryF.) MATcft EKrrTtNG tsl,4TaH -LxllT7il6'1'4,4-[rH +xl5flh[6 -hl{rc}.l EK|5rtNG wiltrafl +xrfrnr,16 fI4 N.A YIN(A Extfltt]E g,E|\lr - T?+frrt r.rnean-#r.t I{A- TH FKI5TIFL6 MAICH- EXCTING L.aew.A, : CFr.|.l E :CY b44fiq++#flNc; Page 6 of tZ/02107102 number and attach a coior chip, IF SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC / AIA DOST OFFICE BOX I624 AVO N COLORADO 8I52O r97O e49 3342 F97A 949 5t)l WWW.SRIARCHITECT.COMAugust I l, 2003 Town ofVail Department of Community Development Design Review Board 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Co,81657 RE: GMIOGLU RESIDENCE, PROJECT # 0223 3I2O BOOTH FALLS COURT CHANGE TO APPROVED PLANS Dear Department of Community Developmentand Design Review Board, The attached application and drawings are submitted for Change to Approved Plans for the meeting of September 3, 2003. Changes are key noted on the plans and elevations. The following are proposed changes:I The entire project was originally given approval. The ownerthen split it into Phasel and Phase ll and received only approual for Phase I at that time. Phase ll is now proposed to be constructed at this time. 2 Patio door muntins are proposed to be deleted. Two small west elevation windows are proposed to have one vertical and one horizontal muntin.3 All new windows and patio doors arc proposed to be aluminum clad wood with a clad color of cranberry. 4 A smaller, new window is proposed at the north family room side. The previously called out, reuse existing master window, does not {itthe proposed opening. 5 Two pair of existing patio doors at mdn level, south elevation, are proposed to be replaced with new aluminum clad wood patio doors. 6 New timber trim surrounds are proposed to tdm around the main levelgable end of the south elevation. This timber trim is proposed to have semi-transparent stain. Color to be determined.7 The existing and new stucco color is proposed to be chang:d from match eisting. Color to be determined. 8 Stone veneertype has been selected and is proposed to be Telluride Gold Chopped Tumbled, rectilinear, random, and drastack. Stone veneer was previously approved for use, but type had not been determined or presented. 9 Three new stone veneer columns supporting and existing deck are proposed. Existing wood columns are to be removed. The three stone veneer columns supportingthe existing wood deck (tem 9) are located within the setback and are submitted to the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEQ for review and variance. The PEC meeting is on September 8, 2003, lt is our hope to be approved with condition of the three stone veneer columns being granted the variance by the PEC, rather than being required to. await the September 17 ,2003 Design Review Board meeting. IT ll ll aO IT ll ll * ** {r * * * * **:}t +** | + +'} * * * * *'} * * '8 'r * f, * **'} * * t,t,:t,,tt * a * ataftt ftftt I f*f*f +***t t*fff t ft' + f + t** i | {.,* ** *,}*** * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Sratement ** * f*!if | + **f * {' *** *** ** +l *** +'t{r'}* ***'}'lt* *ar**** ftltaf t tt**f +ft+f tflf | + f ftf** +**f + f *t** {.+** * {.*rr* {. Statement Number I R030004457 Arnount: 920.00 0g/tL/200304:45 pM Palment Method r Check IniEI LC Notation: *99?5/Shepherd Resources Inc. Permit No3 DR8030324 ltr/pe: DRB- Chg to Appr Plans Parcel No! 210102301023 Site AddreEg : 3 12 0 BOOqIH FAIJIJS qf \IAIIJ L,ocatlon: 3120 Booth Falls Court Thia Pa)ment: $20.00 Descri pti on TotaL Feea: $20.00 Total AIrL Pmts: 920.00 BaIaDce: S0.00**'i'|!**,t**f*'lt'i'}'t'il.*******t'i***++atll++tfltftt******t***{'*ft*t++ftr++ff+f*tf+f+altf*+t+a****** ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI.I FEES 20.00 I0i4iN Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the paAicular approval that is requested. An application for Design Rwiew. cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:ie(J- (-s rrl L<a l,"S _f"rq ]Locationof theproposat: Lot:_ Satwr 2 suuoivision' - iilig'dJf -tei? Physical Address: Parcel No.:Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Name(s) of Owner(s): ffi rN Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s)l Name of Applacant: Mailing Address:,Y3 G"-+ E-mail Address: &a-n E-@ +r'r a-rah rax: Jf au1l . Z..r t\. Type of Review and Fee: D Signs D Conceptual Review E .J,,lew Crnstruction dnooition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) E Minor Alteration (si n gle-family/duplex) E Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request Phone: L4lO) 476 '7t% 1*1" 196-a z-16a;*}J C.O blL.Zo $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Q*-w*l F$Ll fut*)*t YL4E-- For Office Use Orrlvi Fee Paid: 400 a" ADD|ication Date: Planner: DRB No.: TONftI ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel| 970,479.2139 f a* 97 0.479.2452 web: wwwci.vail.co.us Project Name: Addition & exterior modification DRB Number: DR8030124 Project Description: Addition, new deck, new roof, new entry posts and landscaping Participants: OWNER GMIOGLU, HAUDE K. 04/28/2003 Phone: 3120 BOOTH FALLS CT VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT Shepherd Resources,Inc. O4l28lZOO3 Phone: 949-3302 Savinay Yiese/Dean Koll POB 1624 Avon, CO Deank@sriarchitect.com 81620 License: ProiectAddress: 3120 BOOTH FALLS CTVAIL Location: 3120 Booth Falls Court Legal Description: Lot: 7 Block{SuMivision: VAIL ULLJqGE RUNG 12 Parcel Number: 210102301023 Comments: Seeconditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Bill Pierce Action: APPROVED Second By: Hans Wolridch Vote: 4-0 Dateof Apprcvaaz O5l2Ll2O03 Condltlons: Cond: 8 (P|AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005872 All public works requirements must be met prior to obtaining a building permit. (1. Construction staging area access must be depicted on the site plan & 2. Parking spaces in R-O-W must be lengthened to meet town standards.) Cond: CON0005873 New deck expansion cannot encr@ch more than Il2 way into setback. JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER IOI4,IV I, (print name) [-FALlFtr GAzlOGl U , a Prirft owner of property located at (address/legal description) 3l2O Evqt+ FAliLt ^ CntF>f ,VAIL provide this letter as written approval of the plans aarca O4 / pB / zmtr' which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: LA|-\P I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. <6E6 ?Mtt rJ }rt ,{-rff<<l oF>'' zo*h< (Ddte) Page 2 of t2l1407lOZ I IOI4AI ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL SU BMITTAL REQUIREM ENTS General Information: This application is required for all proposals involving the addition of GRFA (gross residential floor area). This includes proposals for 250 additions and interior conversions. see Tltle 12. chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for specific regulations. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS** B Stamped Topographic Survey* -' o Site and Grading Plan*o Landscape PIan*o Architectural Elevations*o Exterior color and material samples and specifications.o Architectural Floor Plansxtr Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtureso l-itle report, including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easements*s Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable.u Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicablea Site-speciFic Geological Hazard Report, if applicable*tr The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). *xFor interior conversions with no exterior chanoes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applieable. Topographic survey:o Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyoro Date of surveytr North arrow and graphic bar scaleEt Scale of 1"=10'or 1"=20')o Legal description and physical addressB Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40olo, and floodplain)tr Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the surveyo Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner.o Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.D Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as inclicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions.o Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot.o Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals Page 3 of 12102107102 a, a Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade. o Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.).D All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.).o Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils)E Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback)o Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include: Cable W Sewer GasTelephone Water ElectricB Size and type of drainage culvefts, swales, etc.o Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. Site and Grading Plan:tr Scale of L"-20'or largero Property and setback lineso Existing and proposed easementso Existing and proposed grades o Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including deck, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.o All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height.u Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade.s A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction. Et Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures.o Proposed surface drainage on and off-site.tr Location of landscaped areas.E Location of limits of disturbance fencingB Location of all required parking spacesa Snow storage areas. * - -:7 Xo Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure.o Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4'and 6'feet in height.o Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable Landscape Plan:o Scale of 1" = 20' or largero Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan, o Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed, Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading. tr Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs.tr Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including grouno cover.u Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction.I Indicate the location of all proposed plantings. Page 4 of I2lO2lO7lO2 o The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation.D Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Architectural Floor Plans:o Scale of 1/8" = 1' or larger; 1/4" is preferredg Floor plans of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scare.o Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building.o Label floor plans to indicate the proposed floor area use (i.e. bedroom, kitchen, etc.).o One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" indicating how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. see -iitle 12, chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for regulations.o Provide dimensions of all roof eaves and overhangs. Architectural Elevations:o Scale of 1/8" = 1'or larger; 1/4" is preferredo All elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevation drawings must show both e{istin+and flq!9@1grades. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale.a If building faces are proposed at angles not represented well on the normal building elevations, show these faces also.o Elevations shall show proposed finished elevation of floors and roofs on all levers.o All exterior materials and colors shall be specified on the elevations.o The following shall be shown graphically and fully dimensioned: fascia, trim, railings, chimney caps, .. meter locations, and window details.o Show all proposed exterior lighting fixtures on the building.o Illustrate all deck, porches and balconies,D Indicate the roof and building drainage system (i.e. gutters and downspouts).u lndicate all rooftop mechanical systems and all other roof structures, if applicable.a Illustrate proposed building height elevation on roof lines and ridges. These elevations should coordinate with the finished floor elevations and the datum used for the survey.o Exterior color and material samples shall be submitted to staff and presented at the Design Review Board meeting. Lighting Plan:E Indicate type, location and number of fixtures,o Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous areao Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II. IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE (ILC} Once a building permit has been issued, and construction is underway, and before the Building Department will schedule a framing inspection, two copies of an Improvement Location Ceftificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registered professional engineer must be submitted. The following information must be provided on the ILC:a Basis of bearing and tie to section cornerD All property pins found or seta Building location(s) with ties to property corners (ie. distances and angles)o Building dimensions, including decks and balconies, to the nearest tenth of a footo Building and garage floor elevations and all roof ridge and eave line elevationso All drainage and utility service line as-builts, showing type of material, size and exact locationo All easements Page 5 of IZl02lO7l02 Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Buildinq Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material t44Tcl{ Exk'flNG l-tATa+l €Xlt1flr.Lc HlrtCLl €Xttflt.lG MAT'H EKISTII.{A }4ATCH FXliTlN6 L4ATTH FX.IATIN6 t<WCu €Yff'Ir.lG tslATlH €Xlaflh,Ld \\.,\ NL N.A Color rtATrH d<ttrt-lltt6 rl{r(A f:xttillilG t44tcl r|tl'rruG l4ATCLt rx6Tlf.t6 h441cr+ FKtcTlNG MATTH EXId.NNG }4ATC,FI EKI'trIN6 MATCH trXISTINA MA-ITII TXEfll.I.G fiFrcu txnrrM; t/Hf,At +xllt-tt t6 N.A (l r rlATCtl FvlaiflN6 Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 5 of 12lg2l07l1z tJA/24/2443 18:38 97832813L4 Q^erc,c*r^ ?%. O CITV MARKET reoFog@urGrcrPm lrhifl,,lE r@.TE PAGE 6'J,arHla", <-t ry* E&rAsftsn,tBtt* o,,,srr"rl'pa)ArFE{r['E6 P,+e,ttD.*x,Fr.rq GFrr"^ 4R"4F Ra*G'f+r+.tsk ngHtE{cilE-ADE foo'r,s hro,,Fr'Fqg1) Bfrgr-beluo0 S,,nrrS vrga.rrrrfr:* hng.- CEesrrrl ?w* (.;.-L.el-'(r,t-tt' DrfrZf /orrrnz€-q &lrg-u$)gtgJat AEg<J**er4Y !ts,+ s f,,e*+pT {- i4_ :h'-trl' ln'4f+T #r --Ir+E 1E:+ro -!FtG ..l!E ?r( -1 }|h|rnrn Fqurilrrt lE i.rds!9rng:4dmrTlE-f trrF CbnifuqETrr-6'o nqf* Strttu-JGd. mo.lm covB. SD &D nrRE^Tfdtl .ry! &-Prn rtr L<TaAC.Prl'gnrr TYFEoFqogoiloilno[ - r' E{Farrce=.Eflg-. 7G !p.dy oEerhfl;rf lcrurer (i.c. |tnn[ng Prf.7 C''fizlulo2 rooG m.lfgv lx4 rl:or tooz/ta/ ro Authorized Sionature Date l\j\f!nt'n h- ,lrt ewEsr "'i|}.lY'^ ,' \ e7o,3'4.oz3' (ter) t\dyo[ f^O,"# )e70.384.0257(fax) \l \ll!" contact: Jason sharp \5p/0-ft &" / UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION This form is to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. rl {O . Authorized Sionature 'r" A - '[ [' i t 'ruggE I\w";0,|" "_ EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4077 (tel) Contact: Brian Sulzer HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970.949.5892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky tr LtrL trI\trKb Y 970.267.a024 (tel) 970.262.4038 (fax) Contact: Kit Bogaft EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIIATION DISTRICT* 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 970.949.1224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar *Please provide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining approval from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obtained before digqing in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A building permit is not a Public Way permit and must be obtained separately. Page B of L402107102 NOTES TO ALL APPLICANTS Pre-aoplication Meeting A pre-applicatlon meeting with Town of Vail staff is encouraged. The purpose of a pre-application meeting is to identifY any critical issues pertaining to the applicantb proposal and to determine the appropriate development review process for an application. In many cases, the pre-application meeting helps to expedite the development review process as critical issues are identified and dealt with in thi preliminary stages. A pre-application meeting may be scheduled by contacting Judy Rodriguez at 970.479.2L28 or irodriquez@ci.vail.co.us Time Requirements The Design Review Board meets on the lst and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Department prior to application deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at htto://ci.vail.co.usicommdev/plannino/drb/meetinos/default,htm For a new residential development, the application deadline is typically 3.5 week prior to a Design Review Board hearing. Review Criteria The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in Title 12, (Zoning Regulations) and ritle 14 (Development standards) of the Town of Vail Municipal code. Reouirements for Droperties located an hazard areas If a property is located in or adjacent to a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, debris flow, floodplain, wetland, poor soils, etc.), the Community Development Department may require a site-specific geological investigation. If a site-specific geological investigation determines that the subject property is located in a geologically sensitive area, the propefi owner(s) must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult with Community Development staff prior to submitting a DRB application to determine the relationship of the propefi to all mapped hazards. Required Plan Sheet Format For all surveys, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvement plans, all of the following must be snown. 1. Plan sheet size must be 24"x 36". For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed.2. Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All plans must be at the same scale.3. Graphic bar scale.4. North arrow. 5. Title block, project name, project address and legal description.6. lndication of plan preparer, address and phone number. 7 . Dates of original plan preparation and all revision dates.B, Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000' or larger.9. Sheet labels and numbers. 10. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5". 11. Names of all adjacent roadways. 12. Plan legend. Page 9 of L2/02107/02 Desiqn Review Board Meetino Requirements For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow, All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. The applicant, or their representative shall be present at the Design Review Board Hearing. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit. Staff Aooroval The Administrator (a member of the planning staff) may review and approve Design Review applications, approve with ceftain modifications, deny the application, or refer the application to the Design Review Board for a decision. All staff approvals are reviewed by the Design Review Board and any staff decision is subject to final approval by the DRB, Additional Review and Fees If this application requires a separate review by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees in excess of 500/o of the application fee. If, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have design, land use or other issues, which may have a significant impact on the community, may require review by extemal consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by Town staff that an extemal consultant is needed, the Community Development Deparfnent may hire the consultant. The Department shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shbll be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. The applicant shall pay expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the application to the Town within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any excess funds will be returned to the applicant upon review completion. Page 10 ot l2lo2lo7l02 TOI4'Nffi Suruey/Site Plan Review Checklist Depatment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us *This checklist must be submifted prior to Public Worlcs review of a propsed development Owners/Project Name:fLtouL4 KEa rO' t/*tt-' Applicantl Submittal tr Stamped survey of propertyo Civil/Site plans Surey Requirements: o Surveyor's wet stamp and signatureD Date of surveyo North arrowo Proper scale (1"=10' or t"=20)a Legal descriptiona Basis of bearings / BenchmarkB Spot Elevationss Labeled right of way and propefi lines; including bearings, distances and curve information. Et Lot Sizeo Buildable Area (excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40olo, and floodplain) Site Plan Reouirements: I. Access (check all) u Landscape plano Title Repoft (Section B) o o tr PhoneNumber, 147 -97 o?- [nc'€ant P*t-,-/aaV rr*lftT'l e+e o Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) tr tr o Water@urse setbacks (if applicable) Trees Labeled easements (i.e. drainage, utility, pedestrian, etc...) Topography Utility locations Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. o Driveway type and finished surface are shown on the site plan. o unheated o Heated (portion in ROW in a separate zone)q Snow storage areas are shown on the site plan within property boundaries (30o/o of driveway area if unheated; 10o/o of driveway area if heated)o All driveway grades, dimensions, radii are clearly noted on the site plan and conform to Development Standards, p. 11. Steepest Section Driveway Grade (not the average grade):_o Parking spaces and turning radii are noted on site plan and conform to Development Standards, pp.12&14 II. Construction Site (check all)D Location of all utilities and meter pits are shown on the site plan.o Limits of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan,tr I am aware that approved Staging and Construction Traffic Control Plans, as per the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, will be necessary prior to construction.tr I am aware that a Revocable Right of Way Permit will be required prior to construction. Page 11 ot LzlA2lO7/A2 m. Drainage (check all that apply)u The required Valley Pan is shown on the site plan as per Development Standards, p. 12.tr (Note: Valley pan must not be heatqd)-_a 4 Foot Concrete Pan D I Foot Concrete PanB Positive and adequate drainage is maintained at all times within the proposed site.o Culverts have been provided and are labeled and dimensioned on the site plan.o A Hydraulic repoft has been provided. (As requested byTown Engineer) IV. Erosion Control (Check all that apply)a Disturbance area is greater than one half acre.D A separate Erosion Control Plan has been professionally engineered and PE stamped.o Less than one half acre has been disturbed, and proper erosion control devices are shown on the site plan. V. Floodplain (check all that apply)u The project lies within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain.u 100 year Floodplain is shown on the site plan.o A Floodplain study has been provided. (Required if floodplain is within construction limits or as requested by Town Engineer)u The project does not lie within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain VI. Geological/Environmental Hazards (check all that apply)tr The project lies within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. (See Development Standards, p. 20)o A Hazard Report has been provided D The project does not lie within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. VII. Grading (check all that apply)n Existing and proposed grades/contours are provided on the site plan.r All disturbed areas have been returned to a 2:1 grade.u All disturbed areas not returned to 2:1 grade have been Professionally Engineered with slope protection and/or stable soils. PE stamped details are provided within plans.o Only existing contours are shown on the site plan, there is no proposed grading. VIII. Parking (check all)B All residential and commercial parking spaces conform to the Development Standards, pp. 12&15. IX. Retaining Walls (check all that apply)o All retaining walls conform to the standards in the Development Standards, p. 19.tr All retaining walls and combination walls over 4 feet have been Professionally Engineered and a PE stamped detail has been provided within the plans.o All retaining walls are shown on the site plan, with labeled top and bottom of wall elevations and type of wall construction.o No retaining walls are required for this project, X. Sight Distance (check all that apply)o Proper sight distance has been attained and shown on site plan as per Development Standards, p.12.oProper5ightdi5tancehasnotbeenattained'Exp|anationWhy:- Additional Comments Please provide any additional comments that pertain to Public Work Review. Page 12 of L2/Ozl07/o2 I tmuil LOCrTlot{ tmrfrotTrd Thls furn: t': to ircrfy sqvl= adatflny erO los*m tr nrwca*rru..l"t rd sluuH De ,sed lnaot{un.k"r wrrh pr€?arirE r'{-S.ry and sorcoullng hcrail*i.na' tt -t6ui;nlia ",atflry "rutrlfl'lcs, r'r:rctrnr rr*v ar€ nrh trunrnireorp'ogo,ra nis, nnst x "ppaoJ mi i*iinuo-itrefirllrwing . iJlitirs for tlla a@rnpanyhg ft Uio!,' QWEsT 970Je4.r, JS (!et) 970.38.i. . 5? itax) Conl,g$: lsrtr sh.rrD D(CE(. i'i:r:t I pP.bSSURE GAS 97O.2r)?.':17 gen Crntsd: ,l rlln Sukcr HO|J Cni:,is !t ECfUC ASSOC. 9/0.949.. .r9, (tsrJ 97b.949.. ,f'f' (fox) Qrora.t: txl JusW EXCFL L. -RriY 9m,262, 12i irct) 970.26l. 13[| . trx)(kntac.: .;t i.:i:c5rl flg-i.E r' . . :R 'rlA rER & sAtsrArloN DISTfdf" 970..176. .gC (tnl) 970.,171i,. 189 ifax)ConEc(; ; rcd Haslrre 4T&I gil ,qf,DAt'tD 9,r(!.949., r-)jr x I t2 {!cl} 970.94.5.'rL3S ilor) Cs Liri. jloyct Salaz tPleasa t( Sanri o - a 1 - qa i 1 z : r gP|vt ; qwEST Jun-ZI-OZ lO:51 l+?l.C..Wi i:4;..-r,1 ;97O 384 O257 r-. z,- z P.O2o rb.?17 P.9/13 A$orlred8b.ldu.. ro L,o6-zt.o.L l''; ii i*93.n#;H'# ffiffi ob..hns €ppo^'Er nun ure Easb Rrver !$aer NOTE.*: l. lf tr'. rtilillr verillcatbn hq hE ryrq* ft,o,tt Gldt ef fte drlty compcnhs, End nO cofirnp,nt'lJc ;.'.{de directy on drc irm, ttre rcnr *r pcr,-e t|rt'ati?rc ;E ilffi#. rrd rheder,... !:r!!snt can pmqld. z. lf i. iiirq,' iompany h.e orF n6.wl$_Ore propoorl ufftrthr} Ure udEy represortrttrn *ra[noti :irerrfy on ttE uHtv-tEticaton ttrm irpi Urere-u a pro[br firch ]ced, to be l€rotved.Tlr:r ;lrt: shourd then n-artrca rn an ato.ffi fihr-6 $,o Tohrn of Vail, ibrrver, carre t€ep1:.: o .,;,t I E th. |l3ponft{tty *A.Gnf-dmpi,v €rd rfr. lpptbnr t" lsulvr tdl|lt|nslBcr" . I r! .'t. Tl;, ..:::::rahons do nof rdieve flF @nt|!dor ol SF ,.spoisbnfy b obtatr e pu6[c Wry psmrtt.si. lc lr,:intrtment ef R$lic lrybrfs atUrGTorJa;V.n-_@rt;r'" ; ie nrry p grc rfghr-or-rcy or "asgr,en t idi; -ule rdfr' "FGir.'ffiffi.u*gEi{'.}al"'..r:@. P*;e 0 t:' t)ioZlSTlO2 _ Jt-Et. c4.4N4 / r CbI+'l:lun-?l -O? lit: lO HALY o lqtr( -7? .:/!/I]tz .J; .l.lFt.t (}{O:js VFIIL NO. 4ZA 97 P. ('2 f'lo.?17 P.g.r" lmuwtocrtFrrrFrHGATu t hls frm ' i tu 'rcriry 53w@ strffibfv .nd lsEn ftr ru omtudar ild StEUtd be ur.d inflncr:1:llrpg'€]qtr t nydr| ad *tr:dr*rg hdado,r3. Tll f€c.ffioo {d afrltH af*jll? *.':l* |||et-a't fltah Erunt rill3 of prE9od lilEs, rfirf, E +trq,Gd fif nrild tir hc ' rltpwtnc r.utis:c5 fof t le mrnginFl|g !|E t|t. QWtsr97o-3re.., j6 qqol; T'r0.384.,, . 37 (trx) Gntoci: ,rs:n Sham PCEI' H" I I P:IESLIRE GASe70.1Q..]77 (tcf) Contac: : -ian Sulzer tl0l.Y C.'i( 5g ILCCfRICASSOC 97!.949.1 :9? (tet) 970.949.. :66 (rox)(brtlce .'cd tlEky Ht(p1 r" *ot 97a.)_6?. tt4 (tsl) 970.26:. t3e (mx)Cgrtaf .:f $)orrt EAGLE r, . :R .i..A rFiR I s^tutrnoilorsrRlc:' 970.4?G.::tro inet) e70.c?6.--.'89 af3;)Qrtg6r :;rcv't Hi$cc AT&TSI.4D:!\ND 970.t1r..:.?s x tr? (Et) 97D.949.', i36 (f*r) Cuttllcr: lay! SillArer ftlho4s3ifn*n llge rlcqur*rs- I oa*ft5 4 q 4---G-zs-eE./ :Fl"li"')v;f.':.rsitcphn,n6orda&gndalcdGrcwhJrolbhfilOtFrltn|tsr,6.AghRhrG'wElcr& SBni:... :r !.11;-5x1.. Hre fh n-G ||r,tt f fOllesrf,'- l{oTE!: l- lf li:. ulili[y rrcdficstqt brrl lu| tlgaelr fqr, cd, d S,e $fr, €ornpattacr rd oo onrmrusafu :,,ricie {lt6y On ft trrn, Ure foon rril pfs!ilf $*.di;; Jc-'*'p'!d'rs aad GFder/rr. !?rn*dt (gO Ft!eC{.2' r i ' :ilh' .'cmFalry hm cncsm wil^d* ptsocd @r*udion, tB $rv ,lgrerrtltit,c !fialno|: iir.ri(v on thc uHly.v.rftcaridr ,ornr'aor dtln b r psblcin ,rtttdr ;CG b bc nr*,hd.r" ivc:rrourd hQn b€'&fi|€d rr m iidcna mi-6 fij1(}rr,r of iin" i;&, F€se r6€pi!' ,. i1 i rlt ii t, thc .rlgotr!frdity of ths ,r1nf a.t|Prrry slC thc fdtort to ,Edav. tdontn dFt(!' ,Irl.. ;i. Ih "' r:i:atorti do nottetlevEthe€drtcbrolthe reryardurybobh at$[eltlrry Dczrnlr'oi I--'.Hm.g3*f-!!! { nc tg1qo tae_uilv hqFF,.,rirct il;bi"ilh'hiue d^i1iiny putlE dett*trcy r *rrrrrtslrn UctUrii'Fvd..!h'J"cnnt r.ttd ilttrt bc rih6lo'frqpt tlilli, litlt. ' Prge 9 t, t?ll?toVirl _ Jltrt.?7.?g9? 8;88ff4Jl.Jt'r-21-l.J2 t.)€l r r.6 TCI o RVON COLO FFi. f3, 3qq. :r ,r?F,!j NO.983 P. !/1. t0.?t? P.94S P-O2 g1rrlTrt.ogtlbtwtmclrrloil l?tic fomr .r to |Edfy serv[e ArdhWlV lnd loBttsfl fot nArr ortfu(flon ild shor/Et lrc urd ln ffiffi:rl#iltrfrffiffiH.ffi iffi H#ffi F,ffi M" AuUrorEG{t glailton Doh QWEcI 970,384.1, j8 ((rf) 970.38{.; .F? iior.:tConhrt. rsorr Shlm eILEt H;:.ii.l pnEcStJnE GASe/4.2.8." in 3el,Lonta$t i .,itn Srrher l$tl!-: .:.t' it*fl*t ^tt"'97a.949 .;GG (rhi)cbrtaff, 'ca gqstc/ E(CF-L E. .,irll' 9m.26?. it4 {tet)970,26: ,3$..r#l Contac:. .:t T.ocrr:ir Ef$i,ii , ':R r.vafER & snNrr^rlory 97n-47r.,. ',,r9 t$t)szo.lre,.,.tos ifai)qonEct; .;red Hfis-E. ATAI 5i, .(nE NI) 313:313,lilt#G.,, ConBrqi:'lrrVg Sirlaar I "P;euEc R 5!nrr ' t{oTEs. r, It u... rfe . rJc\,.. .{. [f r, nalo Ttlrl&j, -Iesr? -.iv i1t ,t. slF plaru lloor prlan, rr - v r. ,r,.qr" i.1.. Fi,e fttr, _,. -,11 lllsl "!en ohfllNqFvrt fqn $e ErgE Rjucr t|lbr:r ,)r.ql?'fl.. Fireflow nitjirirE Efi;J: rl'illq' vedf,<aton frrm har Jpnrgt?c f?m trh of tlr€ stlisy comp.,,e5, ilcr no co'frE rEIti#*"**Lff hn, tfo ro"tt t'lf et itt-;h#';,* a,* rp o..brarr rM f,e :llllY s0mFany hls onctms ISJ! ?fTqf.d GotEEfUcn, 0E u$try rcrEsensuc rtnr1ffi ?;,".rL:''il-,Jfi Fry.W,*Sffi51"gggg i,,,. ., 't rr t'c rE Frttrry * rl-. *ri6 dtpily-Ii'ito upp,** to rewhrc irrnnncd J f'u 4l;::lcitfid$ do nol religc ftr 6nra.h,.r rr- ---'..,r\. L ,a^ , att Pags 0 i;: l?tfi?JETw JUN 2L 'gZ E9:94 FR Jult-Zl -92 OA:20 tfi't.7A,?qAJ :! { jn4 g7g 6?.4038 TO Autior*lsinfrun &e P.At P-Ol tfi,'t L7 P. ?/L3 Y'EI o ENER6Y 94?6fiffi o u?tutt t ocltlor rrEtcstsrifloil ]t 11. :i r}) verify seFvt(r mila.Hity fl,c hcrd& ftr narr ordnrcdon ard strould le uscd tn fit'T,i{lf }wlw,'ffi,.ffiH#'H'H:fsffi Hlffiffi ;p"tQflOwinQ lhtncr f(r Ule lqmga,rrff $e d;n. Qwc.tr 970.384.:. f,n ri.c:) 970.384., . 5l ;i!r) Corltn.:t ns:r,(r sttlm Exc€t fit I .. iJ t F.Essun5 GAS97O)g]' r17 11p.1,y Coniact: ,. :i!ft Suts€r HOIY ci{ ss SLECIRIC AS50c910.943., :9t (t!t) 970.949. 56 itux)cottrfi: .i l HltltrY EXCrt 1." qgy 97o.2$; i2. rt.', 970.25.:. r3S :'fc;)Cdrllrc: .rf t-1i)eart --lL__ -Zl-Zoo7 I (" fiifffi". .,;rt \ri -rER & s,Ar,rrrArroN 9m..17b. :8rU ;:-el) 9/O.476.., t89 (ki) C;gtrEbLt: .:re{r Hodee AT&f F: -AitCL(rr:O 3fi!l;,:iii#,"D Cantar,l: :li.:yl Sgl3rar tPlea:c - & S.i,rr: -'v : : ,r site Dteir, ftFr ebn. 5nd *Tfj!_w{rerr obAlnirp .pDrtr,al lhom tfie Fagb Rtvcr Wate,) :'.r...-llci frru ttqr nee& nrugt DG ixbtEtleal. " ,,,,:;pg;ig**3m1lfj:t?lFbi'' to otr..n a pub,'< ftv plm'rt ;,:;;if Tll;.*-dP^uurcu,odcsrft .rqwn;iv",i.G6 lF,:iJlllltf rr.nsr,,a1,"+-s"iiJ,i,iilrlli,,-Jrffi , PqFi e r rZlO:/07/02 r{oTEr l ' lf t' 'rrtiry verific'tlon brm hc s(yratres fto'qrh of the stfl;ty {D.ipaftie', and no c.,nmems3i; *:,#'ffY,fl* rsm' de roin'*ni Ei,niJn"r 'ri'e l[ i'-"#[*'#nc ,,," 2. tf :- . rl:i; r-641J166y has cortcms wjth thr poporcd (otrsb|GuoQ $e UUXV Epresefltatv4b.rna:s "if3c(rv or' the sbirity rcrr,caoori tr"t 6..itf i'Try* wh,:dl neeG b E ..trdrr€d,.r n" :::'c sh"urd th.n be debfud_ tn an aiiati- r#6 i,.. ro"n of vatl ]rornnr, pra*e n,e9ll, ;r, ' : r: it k th€ tt+"tsilrttv oi $,eii6 ffiv"'o* r" .on,ort ro rlsoke idenrri.d :l i t1. Jrt,; tt,t;e a.TI]Tfl- PAGE.61 lt r\l ?t r a:t aQ: ?cl JUN-41-46@ 15: 15 FRS,!! --,.. ,*',utf,-Zl -OZ Ogr55 hqi.=.s: 1: '1?P!l (llilE5f 9?0.38a.* i:ll ttel) 970.384. .S7 lrrx)Grlttft: lgor: shal? A(CEI H: .1 PRLSSUnIGAS 97(t262. 177 (tcD Cortad: ; .ibn Su0zer r{)LY oi(- s3 clIeTRIc Ass(r tfu919.'r97 (r|U em-9{9...':ffr (ra$ Cnntad: . .:d Hu;lw FXCpr rr llGY 97C.26i. l?4 {rdi 970.i162. t38 , Lrx) (?nt lf -: .:t ::rg$t E rct { t. Lii wafER i s iltrAllorl OISTRICT 970.476.. ,,S(: (r,cl) 9?O.a75,- 189 (tuit) fuUcti ..tr1n Hrslia AT&T 6l .lOt/rli0 9in.94st.'. 27-q r I n (H) 920.9c9..,:t0 {fu) Cortact: lcyr l€bear L-r{ - o:_- Yphulc ' ).,'!r r .r flh gltn, ilor Fton, lrd dadhnt sfrn omffitg 0FFod fton ttt E{h Btrcr UEGr it !'irnf. . r': ;l:ririd. Firc fiow rndC mu* bl !tll!ld, tfoTE!. r. lf li.. :rtility verlJkfigo Fr|i hB dgns|nEs flq|l dr d dlc tfflftt sil@ and m ern:tE aftj ....{Je'dlrca0y on ltc fun, SF Tar|| r{l nsrrnc lFt ntctl! lle tto Fldc'trs ild the d{w.r. n:rtlt cm gaEcad Z If : . jaliiy cffiFarty tll8 €gfirms s,l$ tE ftleo€d c!|Ettfrt, dle tftEy cFrsrntrhc ehrf t'r6{*: jrrrrr,ly on tln rdllV rrdfiatirn hm Ott tt|GtG F r prffin dtfn ntcc b f nsohrcd. Tlr. ' 'iirc rlrorld tt€'t br deblqt tr rtr rlbAd btr tr thc Torn ol Vall. thEf,r, PLD leee lrr .. d rt:':t i'. h U|. rr+o.nSfity d thc tfilV qilFnt.rd fF oFF[ar||t E rc3duE Ltc.lttH pi:., ni i. T:, ..:i.:t:rrBffi.5 not n{etc 0le cota(F oa 0r |I poatg!fty !| chsh a Pdfis $,.t Fc|trit I i'J, rc '::epc'tmg$ C h6!G Uuls at th ?oy.n of lru[. @(ficj:l J in nnV prtlE flelt olvl a clranilt uttrh UE Trnlt of t/r[. A h,'lEiu cmtir-otl,l Et{ : Bjit up.nnil acd mrt bc obbbad erqrlut, Frgc 0 u 17lo1F'r7,$2 :4765688 a Tu t,'ruw ucrlloil wi!flrrirsl Thlc fom', ii u| 'reruy En lc! lBhilB oti lctitt h' ru coGhlc&l aut smu|d c td ir' ' Goruundur with prcporirg vqr'fiffigfi-ttu *4t1g9ryt' rhc bcdin nd svddtt d stttha, i,.rgrher rncr rn rrnn frIfi'; FoFtd lhes, mu* E .pFllnd sll Erfled by Uta folb$,inq ' JIUFS ior rb .4orpanvhg d! d.ft &h!.d-$rmtrlG ED f6.717 P.9/l? P.@1,/@L 9.OZ SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC / AIA POST OrF CE BOX 1624 AVON COLORADO B I62O T970 949 3302 F970 949 s r2 | www sRtARc! Ttcr.coYMay 16,2003 Matthew R. Gennett & Leonard Sandoral Town ofVal Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Val, Colorado 81657 GMIOGLUADDITION 3I20 BOOTH FALLS COURT VAIL, COLOMDO PROJECT # 0223 RE: DearMatthewan@ We reviewed tre commenb of Town of Vail, regarding an addition to Gazioglu Residence at 3120 Booth Falls Court, Vail. Please find attached revised set of drawings and fre answen belcrvr: -To,wn of Vail Zoning Regulaions require 2.5 parking spaces for a residence wifr a GRFA more than 2000 sf. Existing house currendy has space for four cars. -The concrete space on the north west side of the lotwas built approximatety 2-3 years ago byJ.L.Vlele Co. on tre existing concrete retainrng wall where there used to be dift at the same level at the request of our dienl We do not have the information whether rt was approved or not. -The General Contractor wrll provide revocable right of way permit and the informdion for access into the site at the building permit stage. Please refer to the atbched revised set of drawings dated 5/162003 for the following adjusted gnding, existingtree at contour 8362, bottom elevatron of proposed deck, a limrs of disturbance fence and landscape plan. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerelv. Sevinay Yese Assishnt Project Manager TT ll ffiffi Cc: Halide Gazioglu 7 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, March 19, 2003 3:00 P.M, PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS PUBLIC WELCOME PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Communityr Development Department %*r MEMBERS PRESENT Bill Pierce Hans Woldrich Margaret Rogers SITE VISITS MEMBERS ABSENT Clark Brittain Charlie Acevedo 11:30 pm 1:30 pm 1. BalE - 3786 Lupine Drive2. Kendrick - 2975 Manns Ranch Road3. Hill residence - 2605 Bald Mountain Road4. Tommy Bower Ski - 278 Hanson Ranch Road5. Sun Vail Condominiums - 645 North Frontage Road6. Whiterock LLC - 1249 Westhaven Circle7. Rosen - 'l 150 Westhaven Circle8. Vail Amoco - 934 S. Frontage Rd.9. BeaverDam residence-363 BeaverDam Road10. Antlers Condominiums - 680 W. Lionshead Place11. Mezzaluna Restaurant - 660 W. Lionshead Place Driver: Warren PUBLIC HEARING -TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3:00 pm 1. Beaver Dam residence DRB03-0032 Bill Final review of proposed driveway gate 363 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 3, Block 3, Vail Village 3'o FilingApplicant A2Z Holdings, LLC, represented by Fritslen Pierce Architects MOTION: Margaret Rogers SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE; 2-0-1 (Pierce recused) TABLED UNTIL APRIL 2, 2OO3 2. Whiterock LLC DRB03-0036 Bill Final review of proposed exterior alteration 1249 Westhaven Circle/Lot 35, Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant: White Rock LLC, represented by Tab Associates, Inc. ) MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE: 3-0 TABLED UNTIL APRIL 2. 2OO3 \ 3. Kendrick residence DRB03-0049 Bill Conceptual review of remodel and addition 2975 Manns Ranch Road/Lot 6, Block 1, Vail Village 13th FilingApplicant Clinton J. Kendrick, represented by Segerberg Mayhew Architects CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE 4. Children's Garden of Learning DRB03-0030 Allison Conceptual review of proposed private educational institution Parcel B, a resubdivision of Tract D, Vail das Schone 1't Filing, generally known as the 'Hud Wirth" property. (A full metes & bounds description is available at the Departmeni of Communig Development upon request). Applicant: Children's Garden of Learning CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE 5. Rosen residence DRB03-0051 Allison Conceptual review of proposed new single family residence with Type ll EHU 1150 Westhaven Circle/Lot 39-2, Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant: Robert Rosen CONCEPTUAL _ NO VOTE 6. Safeway lnc. DRB03-002E Allison Final review of proposed door replacement 2131 N. Frontage Rd./Lot 3, Vail das Schone 3d FilingApplicant Safeway, lnc., represented by Pioneer General Contractors, Inc. MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE: 3-0 CONSENTAPPROVED 7. Baltz residence DRB03-0042 Warren Conceptual review of proposed addition 3786 Lupine Drive/Lot 6, Bighom 2n0 AdditionApplicant BalE Family Partners ll, LLC, represented by D.H. Ruggles & Associates CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE 8. Tommy Bower Ski DRB 02-0375 Warren Final review of proposed amendment to an approved sign program 278 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot A & B, Bock 2, Vail Village Filing 1 Applicant: Tom Bowers MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:3-0 CONSENT APPROVED 9. Sun Vail Condominiums DRB 03-0436 Warren Conceptual review of proposed pool house 645 North Frontage RoadA/ail Potato Patch Applicant: Sun Vail Homeowners Association, represented by David Peel CONGEPTUAL - NO VOTE 7 10. AntlersCondominiumsDRB03-0047 Final review of proposed exterior alteration 680 W. Lionshead Place/Lot 3, Block 1, Lionshead 3'o Filing Applicant: AntlersGondominiumAssociation MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE; 3-0 GONSENT APPROVED WITH I CONDITION: 1. That the stucco return to the inside corners. 11. MezzalunaRestaurantDRB03-0052 Conceptual review of proposed addition 660 W. Lionshead Place/Lot 1 . Vail Lionshead 1"t Addition Applicant: Deryk Cave, represented by Michael Hazard Associates CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE 12. Vail lnternationalDRB03-O020 Matt Final review of proposed new stair & window reconfiguration 300 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1"' Filing Applicant: Vail International, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects STAFF APPROVED 13. HillResidence DRB 03-00fl Warren Final review of change to an approved plan. 2605 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 12, Block 2, VailVillage Filing 13 Applicant Jemes Hill, represented by Bill Hein MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE: 3-0 DENIED - (Faux stone does not meet design standards). 14. Vail Amoco DRB03-0034 Warren Final review of proposed service bay addition 934 S. Frontage Rd./Unplatted Applicant: George Brodin MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE: 3-0 APPROVED WITH 4 CONDITIONS: 1. That the applicant shall not be permitted to store any items on the deck except for a picnic table, chairs, or grill. 2. That the applicant shall submit revised plans for staff approval showing wrapped stone from the west elevation onto the south elevation at a minimum height of 48 inches, which will extend past the approved door and terminate, prior to applying for a building permit. 3. That the applicant shall submit revised plans for staff approval showing a lowered roof on the new service bay by relocating the peak, prior to applying for a building permit.4. That the applicant shall revegetate all disturbed areas, prior to issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy. Matt Matt \ 15. Slifer residence DRB03-0022 Wanen Final review of proposed deck extension 193 Gore Creek Drive/Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village 1$ FilingApplicant Rodney E. & Elizabeth W. Slifer, represented by Slifer Designs MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 3-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the applicant shall submit revised plans for staff approval, showing either the sloped roof extended to create a wall on the west elevation, which appears like that existing on Unit 3, or remove the roof entirely and place a facia around the entire deck painted to match other trim on the building, prior to applying for a building permit. 16. Town of Vail Sign Code Matt Conceptual review of proposed text amendments Applicant: Town of Vail CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE Staff Approvals Flying Bunito DRB03-0044 Bill New sign 482 Lionshead MallAionshead Centre, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1"t FilingApplicant Lynnette & Mark Miscio Lionshead Jewelers DRB03-0041 Bill New sign Lifthouse Lodge, 555 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1$ FilingApplicant Lionshead Jewelers Mchugh residence DRBO2-0217 Bill Addition 4014 Bighorn Road/Lot 1, Gore Creek ParkApplicant M. Joseph McHugh VailLLC residence DRBO3-0038 Bill Change to approved plans 1250 Westhaven Drive/Lot 30 Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant: Bill Reslock, Architect The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation availab|e upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. tI Land Title Guarantee Comoanv cusroMER otsrmsurrdN Date: 07-15-2002 Property Address: LOT 7, BLOCK 2, VAIL VILLAGE 12TH FILING Our Order Number: V276281 RICHARD DOMINICK ARCHITECT P.O. BOX 323s AVON. CO 81620 Attn: RICK DOMINICK Phone: 970-949-4441 Fax: 970-949-4412 EMail: rda@vail.nel Sent Via Fu Fcm DEUVERY ot Land Title Guarantee Company YOUR CONTACTS Date: 07-15-2002 Our Order Number: VZ7628l Property Address: LOT 7, BLOCK Z, VAIL VILLAGE 12TH FILING Buyer/Borrower: TO BE DETERMINED Seller/Owner: HALIDE K. GAZIOGLU Ifyou have any inquiries or require further assistance, please contact one of the numbers below: For Closing Assistance:For Title Assistance: Vail Title Dept. Roger Avila 108 S. FRONTAGE RD. W, #203 P.O. BOX 357 vArL, co 81657 Phone: 970-476-2251 Fax: 970-476-4534 EMail: ravila@ltgc.com Need a map or directio_ns for your upcoming closing? Check out Land Title's web site at www.ltgc.com for directions to anv of our 40 ofllce locatiois- ESTIMATE OF TITLE FEES Information Binder $175. O0 TOTAL $175. OO Form CONTACT THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER! oo Chicago Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A PropertSr Address: LOT 7, BLOCK 2, VAIL VILLAGE 12TH FILING l. Effective Date: May 20, 2002 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be Issued, and Proposed Insured: Infonnation Binder Proposed Insured: TO BE DETERMNED Our OrderNo. V276281 Cust. Ref.: 3. The estate or lnterest in the land described or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effecdve date hereof vested in: HALIDE K. GMIOGLU 5. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: ' LOT 7, BLOCK 2, VAIL VILLAGE, TWELFTH FILING, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED AUGUST 16, I972IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 8S, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. oo ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirements) Our Order No. V276281 The following are the requirements to be complied with: Item (a) Payment lo or for the account of the gra ors or morigagors of the firll consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. Item ft) Proper instmment(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be execuled and duly liled for record, to-wit: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessments levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Item (d) Additional requirements, if any disclmed below: THIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY. AND NO POLICY WILL BE ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO. oo ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. vZTfiZBl The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: l. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are nol shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. 6. Taxes or special assessmenls whlch are nol shown as existing liens by the public records.o the Treasurer's office. 7. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any.. 8. In addition, the owner's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, noted in Section I of Schedule B hereof. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OFA VEIN OR LODETO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETMTE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 06. 1905. IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 273. r(). RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE I.JNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 06. 1905. IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 273. 11. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS. WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILTAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENAI\"T ($ IS EXEMPT IjNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAPPED PERSONS. AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST T6, 1972. IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 88 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 25.I97Z.IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 475. IZ. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATTONS AND NOTES ON TTIE PLAT OF VAIL VILLAGE TWELFTH FILING RECORDED AUGUST 16. 1972 IN BOOK 225 AT PACE 89. oo LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Note: Pu$uant to CRS l0-ll-122, notice is hereby given that: A) The subject real property rnay be located in a special taxing district. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing Jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer's authorized agent. C) The information regarding special dislricts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained from the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Note: Effective September l, 1997, CRS 30-10-406 requires that all documens received for recording or filing in the clerk and recorder's office shall contain a top margin ofal least one inch and a left, right and bottom margin of at least one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may refuse to record or file any document that does not conform, except that, the requirement for the top margin shall not apply lo documents using forms on which space is provided for recording or filing information at the top margin of the document. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires that "Every title entity shall be responsible for all matters which appear of record prior to the time of recording whenever the tide entity conducts the closing and is responsible for recording or filing oflegal documents resulting from the transaction which was closed". Provided that Land Title Guarantee Company conducts the closing of the insured transaction and is responsible for recording the legal documents from the transaction, exception number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the Lenders Policy when issued. Note: Alfirmative mechanic's lien protection for the Owner may be available (gpically by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commitrnent from the Owner's Poliry to be issued) upon compliance with the following conditions: A) The land described in Schedule A of this commitment must be a single family residence which includes a condominium or townhouse unit. B) No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanics or material-men for purposes of construction on the land described in Schedule A of this Commitment within the past 6 months. C) The Company musl receive an appropriate afh<lavil indernnifing the Company against un-filed mechanic's and material-men's liens. D) The Company must receive payment of the appropriate premium. E) If there has been construction, improvements or major repairs underlaken on the property to be purchased within six months prior to the Date of the Commitment, the requirements to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will include: dlsclosure of certain construction information; financial information as to the seller, the builder and or the contractor; payment of the appropriate premium fully executed Indemnity Agreemenls satisfactory to the company, and, any additional requirements as may be necessary after an examination of the aforesaid information by the Company. No coverage will tre given under any circumstances for labor or material for which the insured has conlracted for or agreed to pay. Note: Pursuant to CRS f0-11-123, notice is hereby given: A) That there is recorded evidence that a mineral estate has been severed, leased, or otherwise conveyed from the surface estate and that there is a substantial likelihood that a third party holds some or all ioterest in oil, gas, other minerals, or geothermal energl in the property; and B) That such mineral estate may include the right to enter and use the property without the surface owner's permission. This notice applies to owner's policy commitfients containing a mineral severance instrument exception, or exceptions, in Schedule B, Section 2, Nothing herein contained will be deemed to obligate the company to provide any of the coverages referred to herein unless the above conditions are fullv satisfied. ForE DISCLoSURE oa ' JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fidelity National Financial Group of Companies/Chicago Title Insuralce Company and Land Title Guarantee Company July 1,2001 We recognize and respect the privacy expeclations of todav's consumers and the requiremenls of aoolicable federal and slale pritacy laws. W-e believe that inkiirg vou aware of fiow we use vour non-oubfic personal infloirnation ("Personal lnlbrmation"), and lo whom it is discloseif, will form the basis for a rbiationshiri of truilt between us and the'oublic lhat we serve. This Privacy Statement provides that expla,nation. We reserve th6 right to change this Privary' Slatement tiom time to lime consistent-with applicable privacy laws. In the course of our business, we may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources: * From applications or other forms we receive from you or your authorized represenlative;* From ybirr transaclions with, or from the services 6eing p6rformed by, us, ojur affiliates, or others;* From bur internet web sites;* From the putlic records .maintalned_ by governmental entities that we either obtain direclly from those entities, oi from our afliliates or otheisiand* From consumer or other reporting agencies. Our Policies Regarding the Protection of the Confidenttaltty and Seilrity of Your Personal Information We maintain phvsical, electronic and procedural safesuards lo orolect vour Personal Information from unauthorized access or intrirsion. We limit access td the Personal Informatioli onlv t6 those emDtovees who need such access in connection with providing products or services lo you or for other l6gitimate busineds purposes. Our Policies and Practices Regarding the Sharing of Your Personal Information We may share your Personal Information with our affiliates, such as insurance companies, agents, and other real estate s-ettlemerit service providers. We also may disclose your Personal Informatiori: to agents, brokers or reDresenlatives to orovide vou wilh services vou have reouesled: t^o third-par$ confacto-is or.service providers w}o provide servicds or perforni marketing or other functioni ori our behalf: and to others wilh whom we enter into joint marketing agreements for producls or services that we believe you may find of interest. In addition, we will disclose your Personal Information when vou direct or sive us permission, when we are required by law to do so, or when we-susoect fraudulent or criminal aclivities. We also mav disclose vour Personal Informadon when otherwise periritted bv applicable nrivacv laws such as. for exa"mole. wheh disclosure is needed to enforce our rights arising but of any a'gre'dment, trinsaction or relationship with ybu, One of th_e important responsibilities of some of our afiiliated companies is to record documents in the public domain. Such'documenli may contain your Personal Information. ' Right to Access Your Personal Information and Ability to Correct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletion Certain states afford you the right to access yolu Personal Information and, under certain circumstances, to find out lo whom your Persoial Informltion has beei disclosed. Also, certain states afford you the risht to request correctioti, amend.mert or deledon of your Personil Information. We re,serve the right, wherE permittbd by law, to charge a reasonable fee to cover the costs incumed in responding to such requests, * All.requests submitted _to. the Fidelity National Financial Group of Companies/Chicago Title Insurance Company shall b-e in writing, and delivered to-the following address: Privacv Comoliance Officer Fidelifr Natirinal Financial. Inc. 3:ll,kls#fliitli?3' Multiple Products or Services lf we provide you with more than one financial product or service, you may receive more than one privacy notice from is. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. Fonn PR lV. POL. CH I I l'4ay 16, 2003 SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC / AIA POST OFFICE BOX t624 AVO N COLORADO 8I62O 'r970 949 3302 F970 949 5l2l W W W. S R IA R C H I T E C T C O IY IT RE: Matthew R. Gennett & Leonard Sandoial Town ofVarl Depanrnent of Community Dwelopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8 1657 GMIOGLUADDITION 3 I2O BOOTH FALLS COURT VAL, COLORADO PROJECT # 0223 Dear Mathew and Leonard, We reviewed the commenb of Town of Vail, regarding an addition to Gazioglu Residerrce at 3 120 Bootfr Falls Court, Vail. Please find anadled revised set of drawings ard the ansrers belor,,r: -Town of Vail Zoning Reguldiorr require 2.5 parking spaces for a residence witt a GRFA more than 2000 sf. Fxisting house cunently has soace for four can. -The concrete space on the north west side of the lot was built approximaety 2-3 year.s €o by J.L.Vlele Co. on the existing concrete reaining wall where tlere r.rsed to be dirt at the same leirel at the request of our client. We do not harc he informatron whether it was approved or not. -The General Contractor will provide rerocable right of way permit and the information for access into the site at the building permit sAge. Please refer to the atbched revised set of dra,'vings dated 5/ | 62:m3 for the follo,dng; adjusted grading, existing tee at cortour 8352, bottom ehldion of prcposed deck, a limis cf dLturbance fence and landscape plan. Pleae call if you have any questions. Sincerely, SwinayYese Assistant Project l''1 anager ll ll Cc Halide Gazioglu Orrncr Architcct Phonc PhoncZonc districr Lot sizc Proposcd usc Sctondary GRFA + (.12j) (67j+) . * 675= 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs tlris rcqucst involvc a 250 Arldition? M 0 Allorvcd Existing .. hoposcd Total RcmainincrotarcRFA :tl,7ri l tsqc n =zl{ = ',rlt\ . l^"dPrinraryCRFA-+1+ZS1 IOZS*1=__ *_ =_ Go)g ag' .l lflrrt w/cv7T- /v/ L rr{ Ycsy'- Nq Y., / wo 2) floodplain 3) Wcrlands 4) Watcr Coursa Sctback (30) (5 5) Ccologic Hazards a) Snorv Av b) Roclfall Horv much of rhc allowcd 250 Addition is uscd with Ns rcqucst?_\ Sitc Covcragc Hcigbt Sctbacks l-andscaping Rctaining Wall }icighs Prrki ng Garagc Crcdit Drivcrvay Front Sidcs .Rcar lvfinimum Conrplics wirh TOV Liglring Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2:l (50%) Enr'ironmcnta l/llez' rds Prcvious conditions of approval (chcck propcrty filc); ts thc propcrty non-ronforming? Dcscribc: 1. 20, .J 5' t5, ///4 6,u' Rapircdl./{Encloscd (300) (600) (900) (1200)-/ Pcrmittcdsfopc -/ u proposcd slopc / ,/; c) Dcbris Florv '.. '.. . !.r- . r t., '',r ) ./, MrooRplAl.{s Scalc GRFA ]l t.t 250 additionat CRFA Crarvl\Attic Spacc EHU ScaJc ColorWatcrials RpofPircJr PLAN r*sqF ....\ MISCEUNNEOUS. . .. Condo Approvat rf,irlc-rcport (A & B) r/"ITE PLAI{ -r- I-+- ?, (t Buil ding mataial samplcs C.O. Vcritication Sun\Shadc Anglcs Utilitics (und crgrorlr d) Vicrv Conidors, i\ rvdiar,tJ' l "*.1 Plat rcsbictions J--rF 'o \1\ ) ':'\'r' ''r' -i . r.....\ . ,; -r"s.5 $.s{';r' }\1. if o X- 'tt EtPt '.l -b tli{ltt [!! ./ "/ '-lr.: :.1- L )- : .- i ,' ' :r!,r )i .-:,'-.1 ' r;-? .: -.::-' !\ I t*i 2 L t*" l.\f -lra Depmtment of Commwlty Development 75 South Fruntage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vqil.co.us August 19,2002 Rick Dominick Architect PO Box 3235 Avon,CO 81620 RE: The Gazioglu Residence Dear Riclq Since we harie not received thehew drawings for the Gazioglu Addition application, the August 21,2002 DRB meeting date is no longer possible to keep. Please give me a call or stop by with the requested information at your eailiest convenience. If you have any questions regarding the application or the modifications requested by Public Works and Community Development, do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerelv. ./ //;W Matt Cennett Planner II {i *t*uo"o ' '*'r.*{*x****************************,$***'**'}***xx*'r{.**,r.**:r**rf*********'F**'r'F*+*{.:rr.t}r*:r.{.t}i'r.'r*r'r'r,r TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * * * ** *:& ** * * *** * * *+ * * * +** * * ** ** * ** * * * ** {.*:* !ii*** * ** *:r* * ** * ************ * +* * * + +****** * **f 't,t'tr *t *'t Statement Nurnber: R030003862 Amount: $300.00 04/ZA/2OO3O3:45 pM Palment Method: Check Init: JAR Notation: 9779 Shepherd Resources fnc. Permit No: DRB030124 Tn)e: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 21O1O23 01023 SitC AddrCSS: 3120 BOOTH FAIJIJS CT VAIIJ Lrocation: 3120 Booth Fa11s Court Total Fees: 5300.00 This Payment: $300.00 Total AJ.,L Prnts: $300.00 Balance: S0.00 *1.'lrt '1.'t:t*'*****************{.{.**************** 'f ***X****t '},f :}*{.:{.!t r*!**,{.****1(,t r.*{.,t ,t *!*{.*1.**{.t '*!i*:1.{.**rt ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Curr^ent Pmts DR 001000031i2200 DESIGN REVIET'/ FEES 300.00 ) 1,'( ***+ +*+'t+*t,t*+*,1* * *t***+***+++**+***+***a******f+tltf't'f***'ir**++***+****i*f'********+l+'}l**** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO statcment ** *{.**{.***,t ,},}t ,t **I,t +lt +++**++ +* +,} * *,t * * * +* ** '} + + + * * * * * * * t'3* * +* * ** + ** * l|l * * * * t +t *'}* * 'i lt' * l * + + t 'lt * * * * * gtatement Number: R000002724 tunount: $300.o0 07/L5/2002O2251 ?M Payment Metshod: check rnit: JAR Notation: 1384 250'00 Gazioglu 50'00 cash PermLt No: DRB12O22'1 114)e: DRB - Addition of GRFA' Parcel No: 2LoJ-o23oLO23 Site Address : 3120 BooTH . FAr,r.,s er VAIL IJocatlon:Tota1 Fees: $300. O0 Thls Paymenc: $3oo.oo Total Arrt PmcE 3 9300'oo BalaDce: S0.00 {.*rrt}tt****r.*,rr*t*+*++++++*!****+***+**t***++****fa*****t+f++**+{.t *** *****a aa * + * '}a****'tl'+ft * * ACCOI.JNT I'I'EM LIST: Account Code Descniptlon Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN RTV]E|.1 FEES 300.00 ,,-ffi Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 tax: 97 0.47 9.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Gazioglu Variance PEC Number: PEC030045 Project Description: approval of three new stone veneer columns which will replace existing wood column structure supporting an existing wood deck which extends farther into the setback than allowed. Participants: OWNER GMIOGLU, HAUDE K. 08/11/2003 Phone: 3120 BOOTH FALLS CT VAIL CO 81557 License: APPUCANT Shepherd Resources, Inc. 08/11/2003 Phone: 949-3302 Savinay Yiese/Dean Koll POB L624 Avon, CO Deank@srhrchitect.com 81620 Licensel ProjectAddress: 3120 BOOTH FALLS CTVAIL Locataon: 3120 Booth Falls Court -u Legal Description: Lot: 7 Block:J6ubdivision: VAIL VILI-AGE FIUNG 12 Parcel Number: 210102301023 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Rollie Kjesbo Action: APPROVED Second By: Doug Cahill Vote: 5-0-1 (Lambabstained) DateofApproval: 09/08/2003 Condltions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the wrlften consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Planner: Matt Gennett PEC Fee Paid: $500.00 fo {o InA.ffra LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE * DESIGI{/tsUII.D BOTAI{ICAL GARDENS 'WATER FEATURES ' NATIVE RESTORATION Octobcr 10,2003 RE: Gazioglu Residence 3124 Eooth Falls Courtt Permit #: BU!-It6 Town Of Vail Planning Commission Matt Cr€nnett I We, Colorado Alpines, Inc. are wr:rking on the Gazioglu residence landscape. We will not completc thc project this fatl (2U03). We will cornpletc all offthe trpes, shnrbs, planting beds, rock work. seediqg and erosion contol. The items tlrat till not be complEted until next year re: perennials, dwarf conifers and irrigation. Wc do not plant porounials arrrl clwarf uunifers at this time of the year do ro the fapt thal they usually do not make it through the wrnter without being established. We also do not put in thc inigation at this tirne do to the fact that we cm not te$t for looks. All of the itEms rhat axe uot completed this year will be completed as early as the wearher condiiions allowinthcspringof2004. Wewillhaveapproximately$12,000lefttocomplctein2004. Ifyou have any questions or concernsr please contact mc at 920-904-0875. Tlunf, you, Jim Christie, ASLA Colorado Alpines, Inc. I t\ /^ 'sEOo I HighrYay 6 & 2.+ Edwar&, CO 81632 Telephone (970) 9e6€504 Fax; (970) C26{506 Emarr: coElplnes(4hormat l.c0m TRANSMITTAL RECD SEP 12 ZOO3 SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC ./ AIA 37347 US HWY 6, 5UlrE 102 POST OFFICE BOX I624 AVO N COLORADO 81620 T970 949 3302 F970 949 5l7l www.s Rt A RcHtrf cr.c ot1 FrLE crrEcoRY: Ei.fl-. PRofECr No: d23 tl PRofECr NAME: &A@u @IDOJ(E DArE, gflzfzdDt fl APPROVAL f] RE€ORD coPrEs COMMENTS DESCRIPTION g[ REVTEW & CoMMENT E USE INFORMATION OTHER tr tr ll -ftf*- cAlt F- Yoa, ll ,'ffi' JE tt. -r' CY-)a c\l C\l t-l o- u-J ct) F<Jlr IE TOI4TAI Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139'tax: 970.479.7457 - t , *eb: www'ci.vair.co.us z- 6t I lo I .a Generalrnrormation: G l7 loz 4dbptf<F L.- Fol< I !-tl -' All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review. cannot be accepted until all reguired information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:l<bv{ Location of the Proposal: Lot:f Subdivision: tG_ b.6-l.t^rft ?-u2- t t'16tl'. Physical Address:2-s Co (-,o. Parcef No.: 2la\ DLl o lsLj (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel nqGM7A4J . Zoning: \u€Jf Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Addressi E-mail Address: 6FJ Cc, Phone:o- Fax: ?axil gsue/dEhJal '{ate- Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square foordge is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)., For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenG, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and Type of Review and Fee: C Signs C Conceptual Review D New Constructiontr Addition n Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Fiinor Alteration (single-fam ily/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved Desion Revrew Board.(ua K&nhrg?e<- by Planning Staff or the oF <4L €46n t(T8L 1"3 $s0 No Fee 5D)U $300 $2s0 $20ai x tr No Fee For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: Check No.: L.1 A € SLIAlo-tfiF, th(r PRopERTy owNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER at (address/leg ,V*tLdescription) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: which have t. off+e &a,h Qet-s,^n€5 6 g,sc-6 h?ar>{o.vr. I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. Xunu 4, 'aJ (Date) Page 2 of 72102107102 s $ I ( \ \ \ eli\ EHil I$H.I ul lL =rkgaq o r<\diet- tu 0a {Tor s CO d 3?N3€r€3:l tNrl€lx3 io 3Nt'1 - .Af , Slu t/" Y/ry ,r&fte NOTE: THTS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT PLI'MBING PERMIT Permit #: ALL TIMES P9 5-009 9 Job Address: 3120 BOOTH FAILSLocation...: Parcel No. .: 2101-023-0L-023Project No. : PRJ95-0120 CT Status. . . applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Phone:970-4 APPROVED 06/27 /Lees06/2e /tee512/26/Lee5 7 6-3042APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OltlNER CONTRACTOR Description: Pl,umbing----> Plan check--> lnvest i gation> t, i l, L Ca l, l,---> J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 1000 s FRoNTAGE RD WEST *202,.T.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 1OOO S FRONTAGE RD WEST #202, GAZIOGLUHALIDEK&GAZI vArL co 81657 vArL co 81657 .00 115.50 Phone : 9? O-47 6-3082 Phonet 303949L747 1360 WESTHAVEN DR 7C, VAIL CO 81657 VALLEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAIJ I P O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81620 ADDITION Valuation:5, 319 . oo ,*rrrrrr*tffi****ffiffi*ffiiffit******ffi*fi* FEE SUttl,lARY 90.00 22.50 .00 3.00 Restuarant Ptan RevicF-> TOTAL FEES----- Tota I Catcutated Fees---> Additional Fees---------> TotaL Pertrit FeF------> 115.50 .00 115.50 .oo 115.50BALANCE DUE-__ *ft******ffi*ffi*ffiH. DeDt: BUILDING Division:ITem: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENTO6/29/L995 DA\t Action: APPR ffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL ffi #***Jr***|H(rt*rr****H*},ttrfr tffir*:ht DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I have read this appl,ication, fitted out in ful,l, the inforration required, conpl,eted an accurate ptot ptan, and statc that atl the infornation provided as required is corr.ct. I agree to compty Hith the infornation and plot plan, to co ply yith al,l Toun ordinances and state [aws, and to buitd this structure according to thc Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design reviev appnoved, Uniforr BuiLding Code and othen ordinanccs of the Tonn appticabte thereto. REqUESTS FOR I}ISPECTIOIS SHALL BE TIADE T}IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVAIICE BY TELEPrc E Af 479-?138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII E:OO AN 5:OO Pil SIGNAIURE OF OIINER OR COI{TRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AI{D OI.'NER VU *****************:k********************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Nunber: REC-0042 Amountz 20.00 06/29/95 L4 144 Payment Method: CK Notation: PF.E-PAID DRB Init: DS Permit No: 895-0192 Type: A-BUILD ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PEParcel No: 210L-023-01-023Site Address: 3120 BOOTH FALLS CTTotal Fees: 1,985.85 This Payment 20.00 Total ALL Pmts! 20.00 Balance: L, 965.85 ***************L{.*********************************************** Account Code Description Anount 01 OOOO 41331 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 2O.OO NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTBD ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E95-0139 Job Address: 3120 BOOTH FALLS CT Status...: APPROVEDLocation...: Rpplied..: 06/27/1995 Parcel No..: 2101-023-0L-023 Iseued...: 06/29/7995Project No.: PRJ95-0120 Expires..: L2/26/I995 APPLICANT J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION Phone: 970-476-3082 1000 s FRoNTAGE RD WEST *202, VArL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTTON Phone; 970-476-3082 1000 s FRoNTAGE RD WEST #202, VAIL CO 81657OWNER GAZIOGLU HALIDE K & GAZI 1360 WESTHAVEN DR 7C, VArL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR HIJNT ELECTRIC Phone: 3039491913 P O BOX L984t VAIL CO 81658 Description: ADDITION Valuation: 6 ,249.00 FEE SU]I]IARY . Elcctricat--) 126.6 Totat calcutatld Feca---> 129.6 DRB Fcelnvestigation> .00 Total Permit Fer------> 129.q) Ui l,l, CaLl,---> 5.00 Paynents----- IOTAL FEES-_> 129.N EAUWCE DUE--- Ite,Bi ,qqqgo ELECTRICAIJ DEPARTMENT 'Dept: BUIIJDING Division:06/29/L995 DAt{ Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge th€t I have read this apptication, f itl,cd out in fuLl the infornation required, coeteted an accurate plot p[an, and state that a![ the inforration provided as required i3 cornect. I agree to co[pl,y vith the inforration and ptot pLan, to corpty vith al,l, Tovn ordinances and statc [aws, and to bui|d this structurc according to the Tovnrs zoning and suMivision codes, design reviev approved, tlnifopr Building Code and othen ordinanc$ of the ToHn applicabl,e theneto. REGIT,ESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TIIEI{W-FOUR HOURS II{ ADVAIICE BY TELEPHO]IE AT 479-213E OR AT OTIR OFFICE FKII 8:(xl A 5:(n P SIGNATURE OF OI'NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OTNER Legal Descriptionz r.ot 7 Block e Firing Ie suBprrttto*, Ilil Yt'/laq-:--/'Jn-"t,,t-l -\-- -- owners Nane: (qZi,Jlu, Ha l'le Address: l,?q,t*{*ilrytTD!,,re;7c pn.476-Enez_ attArchitect : L"r rc le h)c 9f Address:P}r.471.osoz ceneral Deseription: work class: [ ]-New 1ty'-ttteration [ ]-Additionat [ ]ln"p.i, [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelling Units t / BUILDING: | 10 Addressl Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Address: Contractor: Number of Acconnodation Units: Gas Logs_ wood/pellet ****** ** * ******** ******* ******* ** / ELECTRICALt l_6-44?. UEcHANICAL: $-OTIIER: $ ctor: Mechanical Address: ********************************FORBUTIJDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER IY.PE OF FE["oii-isi'-- -' --W l**lc-Fldrl--l= TOTAL:W INFORUATION ********* ** **************** I.own o-{ Vail Reg. No. tBB.+Phone Number: 426-3oST 3;:1."f"ffi:if3"8;# Req. NO. /A3- O 949- lTtt+ Town of Vail Phone Nurnber3 Town of VaiI Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. oFFICE USE ***** * * * ****** * * * **** ********** BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK I'EE: PLWBING PIAN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: ,6f 287 CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: AL PERI,IIT rNG: STCNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATTIRE: CLEAil I'P I'EPOSIT rEriNrO L. 5/t. neO A't a*urZ.;* ,h.. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: O MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1gg4 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED Job Na Dale: Please nswer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a'public way permit": YES NO ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use ol the right of way, easernenls or public property? ts any ulility worftneeded? ls the driveway being repaved? ls difierent access needed to sile other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfeAing the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit" 1) 2t 3) 4) s) 6) &2,;i,4.2a.?s' required? 8) A. ls the dght of way, easements or .r'- public property to be used for staging, pafting or fencing? B. It no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? !t_V9u, algwered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way permit" rnust be obtained.?ublic Way_ Permit' applications may be obtained at the public Works officE or atC9.ry1ultf Deve.lopment. lf you have any questions please cat Cfrartie Davis,lhe Townof Vaif Construction Inspector, at 429-215f..- I have read and answered allthe above questions. Job Name Contracto/s Signature frn, . luwn 75 south trontage rold uall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 ottlcc of communlty devclopmcnl BUILDING PERI.lIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAHE If this permi.t requires a Town of vair Fire Departnent Approvar,Ensineer's (pubii. ISIFJ review .na ipp"ouuil.i iii,i,iiii"b"p."t "ntreview or Health Department review, .ni-u-"iui"; ;r-l;;;";"itoing lio?[H;.h"[!: "'.t'uted time ru"'a-totur ;;i;" ;"i"LlI'u, r6ns fll cgrnmgrgiar (large or smat) and at murti-familv permits wir'lhave to follow the above menti6ned ma"imum requirements. Residentia.land small projects shourd take a teiie" amount of time. However, ifresidentiar or snnrter,projtcis-impiii' the various above ment.ioneddepartments with regard to-necessily-revlew, these proje.tr"#|"='also take the three week period. Every.attempt wil'l be made by this department to expedite thispenni't as soon as possi bl e. tv r^rsv ' Ls: I' l:^il. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeTrame. t was turned inHor Development Department. , Aur-09r03 03:4lpm Frorn-T0liN 0F VAIL C0lfilufllTY DEVEL0PIEI{T Ei0179215e JOIilT PROPERTYOWilER WRITTEN APPROVAI. LETTER T-?08 P.003 F-920 TOh4V I, (print name) $A r- t DE- Glrz.rocuj , " }qd owner "r properry locabd at (addr6s/t€gal description) ptllvi(h dris letter as wriEen apprcval of the plans daed which have been submitted to the Town of Vail communlty Development Department for the proposed imFovdrents to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvernenb include: ..A*??E lklSlTt\te VeN?a .oa)\ANA t FLp,+<4'Nq ?tu#rNq I further understand that minor modifiations may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's appl'rrable codes and regulations. Page 2 of6-Ol/lE/O? , Aur-08-03 03:4lpm Fron-TOlltl 0F VAll C0lil4|Jt{lTY DEVEL0PIEiIT t704792152 Application for a Variance Submittal Requirements T-208 P.005 F-920 T0i,1l l G Ef{ E RAI_ r N FO RMATI_OJ Vlqnces may be granted in order to prarent or to lessen such pnctrical difficulties and unnecessaryphpical hardships as would result from the sffict inErpretation an /or enforcement of the mningregulations inconsistent with the devetopment objectivbs of the Tonvn of Vail. A practicat ditricrrl[T orunnecessery physical hardship may rcsult Fmrn the size, shape, or dimensions ofa sibe or the location of existing structures thereon; from topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical llmitauons, street locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity. co6t or inconvenience to the applicant of sbict or litenl compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason forgranting a variance. I. SUBMITTALREOUIREMENTS Y Pee: 9500.00 o Stamped, addrcssed envelopes and a list of the prop€rty owrersi adl"acent b the subj€ctproperty, induding properti€s behind and across sbeets. The list of propefi owners shall include the.owners' name(s), corresponding mailing address, and the physical address and legal description of the property owned by each. The applicant is resporrsible for corrcct names and maiiing addresses. This information is available from the Eagte County Assessorr's offrce. TiUe Repolt induding Schedules A & B Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. A written description of tlre natste of tlre variince rcquested and the specific regulation(s) involved, including an explanation of why the vaniance is required and why the nrict or literal interpretation of the specilrc regulabbn(s) would result in a physical hardship or practical difficulty. o A written statement addressing tlre tullowing: a. The relationship ofthe requested variance to other existing or patential.uses ard structures in' the vicinity. h. The degree to which relief from the stsict or literal interuretation and enforcement of a specified regulafion is necessary to achieve compafibillty and uniformity of treatnent among siEs in the vicinity or to atfain the objectives of this tiHe wi$rout gmnt of special privilege. c. The effect of the van'ance on ligftt and air, distn'bution of poptrhtion, transpoftaEon, traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety.d. Hot r the request complies with adopted Town of Vail planning policies and development objectives. tr Stamped Topographic Survey (Four complete sets of plans). a Existing and Proposed Site and Gmding Plans (Four complete sets of plans). s Bdsting and Proposed Architectural Etevauons (Four complete sets of plans). E Existing and Proposed Architectrral Floor Plans (Four complete sets of plans). tr All plans must also be submitted in 8.5' x 11" reduced format, These are required fior the Planning and Environmental Commissircn members' infiormation packets- u Additional Material: The Administrator and/or PEC may require the submission of additbnal plans, drawlngs, speclficatlons, samples and other materials if deemed necEssary to propedy evaluaE the proposal. Page 3 of6-01/18/02 D q \ , Aur0q-03 03:4lpn From-TOlll{ 0F VAIL C0WUi{ITY DEVELOPIEI{T 8101752152 T-208 P.006 t-geO II. . DET+ILED SUBMITTAL REOIr_IREMENTS Topographic suruey:o Wet stamp and signafure of a llcensed surveyoro Dete of suryeyO Nofth arrow and qraphlc bar scaletr Sele of 1"=10'or L"=20)O Legal description and physiel addrcssD lot size and buildable area (buildable area o<cludes rcd haard avalanche. slopes greater th an Nvq and floodplain)o Tres to exisUng benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be cleary Stated on the surveytr ProPerty boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Dis'tanes and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show e<isting pins or monuments found and their relationship to the esbblished corner,o Sho,v dght of way and property llnes; induding bearings, rlistances and cunne information.n Indicate all easements idendtied on the subdivision pht and recorded against the property as indicated in the title reporl List arry easement rcsffictiorls.tr Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the sbeet fronhge of tile property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'). and a minimum of one spot elev-ations an eltier side of the lot.n Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervalsa Existing trees or groups of kees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured frcm a poitrt one foot above grade,tr Rock quktoppings and other signifrcant natural feah.rres (large boulders, intermitt€nt streams, etc.).o All e(isting impmvements (induding foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.).tr Environmenbl Hazards (ie. rod<hll, debris flow, avalanche, wedands, floodplain, soils)a Watermurse setback, if applicable (shorv enterline and €dge of stream or oeek in addition b the requircd stream or €reak setback)D Show all utility meber iocations, indudlng any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines From their source to the structurc. Utilities to include:CableTV Sewer GasTelephone Water ElecEico Size and type of drainage otlverts, swales, etc.n Mjacent roadways labeled and edge d asphalt for both sides of the roadway shorarn for a mlnimum of 250' in either dircction from property. Site and Grading Plan: El Scale of 1"=20'or larger Et Property and setback lineso Existtng and proposed easementso Existing and proposed gradq tr Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other strnctJres including decks, patios, fenes and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the mof edge with a solid line.n All proposed roof n:dge lines wilh proposed ridge ele\rdtrlons, Indicate e{sting and pncposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building heighLq Proposed driveways, induding percenE slope and spot elevadons at the property line, garage slab and as necessa.y along the centerline of the drive\/ay to accurately reflect grade. tr A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for clriveways that e)dt the s&eet in an uphill direction.tr Locations of all utilities induding existing sourc€s and proposed service lines ftom sources to the Structures.tr Proposed surface drainage on and off*ite.tr Location of landscaped ar€as.o Locauon of llmits of disfurbance fencing Pqe 4 of 6-01/lE/02 . Aur0Q'03 03:4lpm FronrT0llll 0F VAIL COtltUtllTY DEVEL0HEilT 9701792152 T-208 P.007 F-920 A Locauon of all required parking spacesn Snow stordge areas.o Proposed dumpster locatlon and detail oF dumpster endosul€.o Retaining walls vvith proposed ele\rdtions at bp and bottom of walls. A debiled cross-section and elevation drawings shail be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stampecl engineerlng drawings are required for walls between 4'and E'feet in hcight.o Delireate areas to be phased and apprcpdate timing, if applicable. Architecturat Floor Plans:B Scale of 1/8" = 1'or larger; 1/4" is prefenedo Floor plans of the proposed developrnent drawn b scale and fully dimensiared. Floor plaris and building eleyations must be drawn at the same scale.a Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the extenbr structural walls of the building.D Label flmr plan5 to indicab the proposed floon area use (i.e. bedroom. kikhen, etc.).D one set of floor plans must be "n:d-llned' hdlcating how the gross residenual floor area (GRFA) rvas . calculated. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for regulations.o Provide dimensions of all roof eaves and overhangs. Architectural ElevaUons:O Scate of 1i8" - 1' or larger; V4" is prefuned o All elevations of the prcposed development drawn to scale and tully dimensioned. The elevaUon drawings must show both existing and finished grades. Floor phns and buildinq elerrations must be drawn at the same sale.o If building fuces are proposed at angles not represented well on tte normal building ele\,'ablons, show these bces also.D Elevations shall show proposed finlshed eleuation of floors and roofs on all levels.o All oderior materials and colors shall be specr'fied on the elevations.o .The fiollowing shall be shotirrn graphielly and fully dimensioned: fascla, bim, Eilings, chimney caps, rneter locations, and window details.o Show all proposed elterior lighting fixtures on the building.o Illustrate all decK. porches and bakonies.o indkate the roof and buildlnq dninage F/stEm (i.e. gutters and downspouts).o Indicate all rooftop mechanical systems and all other rpof structures, if applicable.o Illustrate proposed building height elevatbn on roof lines and ridges. These elevations should @ordinate with the finkhed floor ehvathns and the datum used for the survey.o. Exterior cplor and material samples shall be submitted to sbff and presented at the Design Re/iew Eoard meeting. PRE:APPI-ICAIIIOil cON FER-E-!{CE A pr+apdication.conference with a plannlng staff member is strongly encounged. No application will be accepted unless lt is complete. It is the applienfs responsibility to make an appoinbnent with the stalT to determine submittal requirements. TIi.IE REOUIREMENTS The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the Znd and 4th Mondays of each mon$. A camplete applicaton form and all'accompanying mabrial (as desoibed abotre) must be accepted by the Community Development Depaftrnent by the appropriate submitbl date, which is a minimum of four (+) week prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. Approval of a variance shall lapse and become \Did if a building permit is not obtained arxC consbuction not commenced and dilligently pursued toward completion wfthin iwo (2) yeas from when the approval becomes final. Page 5 of6-0l/16/02 - ,{ur0!-03 03:r{lpm From-To$N 0F VAIL Con4L|illTY DEVEL0PIEi{T gt01ls21l2 T-?08 P.008/0?7 F-SZ0 ADDTTIONITL R.EWEIJI' A. If this.application requires sepa€te review by any local, State or Federal agengy other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be incr€sed by 9200.00. ftampfes of such review, may indude, but arc not limited to: Colorado Department of Hlghway Access Permib, Army Cor?s of Engineers ,tt)4, etc. B. The applhant shall be responsible for paying any publishing ftes whktr arc in excss of 50% of the application fee. If, at the applicants rcquest, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing thimatter !o be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publicauon shall be paid by the applicant. C. Applications deemed W the Community Development Deparunent to have design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on $e cornmuntty may require revlew ry consulbnts in addlUon to Town sbff. Should a determination be made by *r'e town siaff tmt an oubide consulbnt is needed' the C.ornmunity Development Department may hire the onsultant. The Department shall estimate the amount of money necessry b pay the consuhnt and this amount shall be fionararded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an appllcation. Expenses incuned by the Town in e<cess of the amount Forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the appltcant within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any excess funds will be retumed to the appllcant upon rerriew completion. Plese note thct only complete appllcaions *ill be accepted- AII of thc required informarion mryt be submihed in order for the applicaion to he deemed contptete Page 6 of 6-01/ 1 8/02 a*t***tl**+*'i**+*+*l+t**++**'|litfa+f+f**+*++tftf***+*+++**a+tl't+ta*****++*++++******+***f*t* TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Statement**t*+*tf**++t**l+aftl++*++**tafaf++*******+ta*f***t+**+*+*tfaaftf+*********+f*+f+**.t*+'t****'a Statement Nuriber: R030004469 Amoune3 9500.00 Og/LL/2OO3O4:53 pM Pa)m€nt Method 3 Check Init: LC Nogation: *99?8,/Shepherd Resources, Inc. Permit t{o: PEC030046 Tlpe: PEC - Variance Parcel No: 2101023 01023 Site AddresE: 3120 BOOIIH FALLS SMIL Location: 3120 Booth Falla Coure Total Fees: $500.00This Pa)znent: $5o0.oo Totsal Alrrr pmts: $500.00 Balance: $0.00 *l*'.ff**t**'i'il|*tf*ff*****{.***f***t*tt**t'}la*t*tltr'}tti*a**tf*+**********flfllllall***++**tt** ACCO{JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Curnent Pmts PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPLICATION FEES 500.00 LOT E soo-{T -Tt rr(t) ooC 1 F s_ ro,9bE a- I, ?ERTANS ONLY IO IH€ oN oF lHrs M P- Aj. DoitE Oll 12/7/91. No o.'' -H,l$* *.r sTbFlF- VEr.teeE- CouutvtNa Af, Ext+TtNe Der+_. SITE PLAN OAa LOT 6 r +- r--r-darssrt tf trBaDDitlDrtaf,lrarlE-t-fir-- .!E-c-r tE r- .t rEdD-ffi rt--,-rl!-na.tscra-rE''qlllr|rr-iaErcdt-aG r-a-rtsflr.!t-r3lct=tl--lrrasdDcrtltrntldrE-F.r!-f rit r-.h E-'D.E qr-r- L,,J I Al't*trrpH'tatg..l'-a-ca*^a#?rar-rrutrt -- e s;- ta-ffiffrfigsJs$4lr.rt .t 5rxfllrltrr-Dttr..rrF-u-fE- | -llDEalltEFtltua-rl-t- ralr-alErmll-'ani-trtlA! ttttt ba.. rStt-tr*naa- .-DaEr-traa* *w ftrosr*uqll*' aEgTlfrtl NIc.---o nl|9@lx|'a4lr 10 Dotnxl IL-I D6flt Door EEpOtltEOt ^l?.Nl'D JtoJEta9a3D bb J-# .e-e"e/- iIO ETJILTJN sPA TI,S, NO I.IASTER TERRACE ICIA/B TETUCE AREA TO IE A ROCK GAiOEltt FOi ?tt sEI --.-------.,-\ PLANDctrtb -E .t ?EftRA.rE Dit^L t'lrl'l /t. g..D ?FE IIDlll DFAII 'Y'IDI PHASE I 5-- Nrs, .O A2.0 ll ll il SHeBqD nEloUiCE llE / AA P6T Offrct 80X tdta A\'A COtOt DO ||dE Ttrotrl30 Fro''lt5|ll wtl,rt st|Ai€1i|lEql. @r CONSTRUCTION GAZIOGLU RESIDENCE 3 t20 BOOTH FALLS COURT VAIL LOWER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN -IEIE r!*aorksr.aF.-Enar--rr.rr.[--r. .a -*trtrEq-lrr,'{r.Ef,rrDrrlDi-tDx-r-EtErrrar!-Fr-rt-.o-rrtt.rl|r--.isr -I.tlratE.-Er'rrErD -r---rDArrIrH-E-..I.34 r rarlr-air-E nrarsrDr*axrfri'fli----l.Lfr ffi a n aa.r-r-$lEita I r*-E^tr;!alt!t*4--at* ItnaaFaa*a!rurrnF-rrat.luEE'l--t 5.rmaanrr.5rrr*4r .J*|!*r-rlro* Fr,rrEt*-r-EEE3ad. ErF rr-Elr-rdlltqaEr.r{Etfanr.aEep E3E3jll|. r'rrrr r. r|rsrr.irE ,rr''rr b Aln Ilifi .ErrrEr-Frran a.-cFltr-tairEtrBlerrn-F. -rI.E : ff!#r-r-rrr-r-.8.---*4 fl ,bffirrrHD..o.tir I L::tl- - tl tl tl tl lt JI L,tl llt: LllC t tt(Eftt Eota l'rl6.r!R EbROOlrt4 *** *.1"* dtatlEtt NO BIJILT.IN SPA TUB. NO HASTCN TERMCE LOVV€i TERIACE ATEA TO 8E A IOCK GAIDE{ FOft f}TASE I 6l|d61GffiCO.D(xi8 PLAN frb Efif --- 96',Dp -lq - - - - arfltrot^lE ll^ttt'al -.,-,.-..- /ar lofD tl|t uaR lta|| titEll --v.a|.-' ----I- PHASE I =1'-- NTS -O A2.OR IT ll il $eHaDun tc6lr/la tocT orc tox taiH atoN cotoi^Do ttaib Tttottittl P''ott5|ll !rrY!,r. sit tatfftcr- coi MOD TO FINAL DRB AUqJSI I r. &O! PROIECT: GAZIOGLU RESIDENCE 3 t20 BOOTH FALLS COURT VAIL LOWER LEVEL FLOOR PI.AN dE-t MFXg q-f Zr ou1 ($ HHxrn dE #s-o6go:-n6i -llt-I Io l o-T fiIx urIzo oflt- z.o ffi 6+-1 zm o-11 rnX (-f)Izo U rnon fi@svtttv rnX ur -.tz Gr ro =oTi Io mx ulIz.o o-t- Jr* 13o 11 ooF +)ru.O ,tt- F TE rnr- rn tl sul + 'd1 ;6 de rnQx; qrcrq 6f F )' -lrn UI Ftn \- 71(\ -\\)'i fflrrn tl CDulJ 1n t-qlI LINE OF EXI9TIN6 DECKT--lll },'_1 6z, gfz (tl z Ht- {orr:*.'t L\NE PARTIAL LOWER LEVEL FLOOR PIAN SO\LE: l/4n= lr-0'r .dc$t{L - -'. ELlv ! al|4A {' ^ f t a't9ft 6 RaaE 'r aLEV r 63.b43' ,6-l /-:99_ _ _'7 ElEv . 6442 - .5t1' R6r9E i{fioox Ftotr f I Ext9fDtc cooF ^eLEv r AEE6 '5' '1' - - -Jtcg 4+!L!V . AtO. -2 r,/.' 'l' - -JM 4+aLeV I EDr-b' Y \ r / r.€oh r oEcE ,{ eLEv . aAEr' Y ra. ilraft_ooc Lor{R L6/EL ,,L - - - -er.F 'Ea'-r-' -9 _ _ _ rl_EA€ER_ErEa9E_d- ELA/ ' A!? -.D' Y txt5rt'|o aoq /.L a-A/ . AtA6'-t' l' 6c.4Fr:-'r ELEV r 66.|6.-a. l\r/cxErD('iod 'r lLlv r 6!.Llt' 'f tLE\r ' 6 2- aat . \ '1- !(!v r ar.la .' -f l|.av . A:|..! 2 r/2' s--_Y ELlv r at6ca |a. Qff"c9?*fq- - - It'un"*** EXr9nN6 NEfi NORTH ELEVATION 'ii!FttF+' l--l .T5. 6^r! tla|cir rD.o, LE6END 43.0 IT ll il treH€to r€5outc$ $tc / AA ttJT oFatc€ tox 16lr AVOnr Cotoraclo ata20 ntto 9,rt ]to2 t'o trr!21 wv/w. sfuARcHltECt CO|l CONSTRUCTION PfiO'ECr: GAZIOGLU RESIDENCE 3t20 BOOTH FALLS COURT VAIL EXTERIOR ELEVAT]ONS - _ -c![-sYa_ELEV r o3e6..' '!/ f t ext9flr6 eot .l etev t 63<6:t' !' - - :tg4\-EL6/ . 6!.?: . 3,/.. Y ff.""19+ A r ,, tJr|gr[G, RaroF T ELEV ' ,t66-5- /b* '/F9ol_ _ _Y 8L!v | 6ta.a2 r/.. {b- r49?!_ _ _T ElEv t aaar -.r. +rlEryE1J-T Etev ' 6!1r-9. <tJ /_Lo'tEE c!gK_ ' €!€v ' 6tnr.o. +#SOUTH ELEVATION ss€rir-Ff N 15, PARTIAL SOUTH ELEVATION T.tI L;=======:-'t )'/- ffi^r'on uo L -,/--\ J CoV,4E SLtrD fPr 9E tl l+J4eef- - -'r ELEV ' a!ror'-6. #o.l!regr!l'rEl.lY. a!Ff-!' $l/ I sEE Y!EE4{rl _ _Y !LA/ ' 6trr-ct. ALt6)a }{tH T!€ TOP WEST ELEVATION ./ ELEV. 09t _,/_ _ r/ F FrooP LP'ER !e€!A ,/ llEV. a!60r-. ra'l' : --L 'J9f!l!,6--':t oC-E!4IS I'SEa|LC! e|.lv ! 6trq -o 3/..7 \_ I_4.!Sr S!-cV+ ELIV | 6!'rai-.. Y -\ r / rcorrr occE a-ir-Ei .-arrii'-'P _ _" l!or1!3 ogr<> Itew ! At.|r"O' alxrgnN&) r 1 J 9A IIRP}4E ,L alv r Altctlo' 'tz 9r, EOi Oli n tL! eLEV r DO6t'.(t' -Y M rcH EX|9ID6 eac|!.lo *a lrD a6€aErE 4-2A ^1 EXr9TrN6 NEN : | ; | <4&RE\E *^' -;==a:=====-./' Forp^r'o ^r{D\- J 40NC'.!E 9_Aat ^r tFnl{t Farlrl on P!^r! }.r.I V-€F :-€rc.-ozi4.- -.,1 3cn.r,,r_rq Nf,5 LE6END A3. I ll IITTIT !}ral+|F.o r6o(tct5 tftc I Alr aott ofnc! 60x t5L ^voN cotoN^co at6r0 lt7olat tro! F o9.r5El 'n vw SRta cHtTEcT. coltl CONSTRUCTION GAZIOGLU RESIDENCE 3 120 BOOTH FALLS COURT VAIL EXTERIOR ELEYATIONS 1 / EXtSftFO FooF ! ELEV . 6566 -5_ r - - :Fc4r-4 ELEV = d* -2 |4' 1' _ _ __:4E(4Za _101- ELEV ' A56r'-6- NORTH ELEVATION N.T ', lz--'u n "''"'" o'"" Exr5flr6 FTOOF /|- -..ii,E*:li--'P EXISTIN6 NEr.{ ,l\T/Exrgfl|€ROOF Y ELlv . al4a -t' 't' rL\r r or42-.3t.. \ a'1s^" - -.i' ELEV r A3qt! a' II/B!^M 'r ELEv . OTq- 2 v2' +ffi:#F ,.-., EAST ELEVATIONffi LE6END A3.OR ll ll TITI sSttqD l5ouRcts T€rAl tost oFrcE Ecx t61t AVON @tOtAOO 8t620 l'to rt !J@ ftto 9t95tt! y,wvt st|Aio{rEcr, co|l MOD TO FINAL DRB PROIECT: GAZIOGLU RESIDENCE 3 120 BOOTH FALLS COURT VAIL EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS | 1/E(tallt&R@F a ELEV a Dts&r,r9. f / Ett9ru!., PaoF L EtEv.614b-5''/ _ _ :/!?F4 eLev I b342r. Z/z' r Y."ffi.+ .r|.'/Rq - -a ELe\t . 65D< -2 t/.. 5t1yeryrgc4,-'f ELEV t Aar5 -t. dJ /-!gES qEgK_ ' EIEV ' titrl-o' +'i#,-\ SOUTH ELEVATION \_/z sg*iF.F N.T.9 N€ri RArLrr,rc,S ffr#r riJ- 51Dr{A. 'd6'ffir Nf t | - - -"eq- 4: ^!|6 rfrH DG rop ./ E!E:/ - Eblr2 rld .ffi# ,/ vFtL@RtftRLe.r'el-L eLev ' 63@-' tt'"lt / :PRtvr Pott'f a 4arE HEE|{Ta ELev ' 66F'O 3l'-1' \ T ]i,IPFER OEA( A -\_r !$qrlr o!a<-<! FLEI/ . 6aL-a' Y lffi,='ie r / SPAIERP'4E L ErEv-b 14' 'l' 6r aou-o€R x^LLr ---_--El- ErEv. bZ63ro' .' PARTIAL SOUTH ELEVATION $ao_!'LgsR d r r ya:Eg rs3n^alg -T ELEV ' D3.li -O' / t_i{;_tIL pLeur.s ero / \ |/L: PHASE IIJ RECE9*O 'PA IE coigeefE ttae aJ EXISTIN6 NE14 | -totcpere q,e =t )t FarNo^r|ot ^aoCOiICRETE :'AB AI aPR|l€ POrNt ofa FTATE xY. eLa\l, I e)14rD oJa' I taatdF Ext5fltE ,..-.. WEST ELEVATION \J r..*lir.-r.C| N-T ,+. LE6END 43.IR tl ll ITIT slElBg rEOUicE t tC / Ah FOSI OFTCE 80X t6ta AVON @tOiADO !t{20 T''o '.'llo F tor4r5|ll www. $arcHrEgT. ccl{ MOD TO FINAL DRB ^uGL6l I r. rrl PRoJECTT GAZIOGLU RESIDENCE 3 r20 BOOTH FALLS COURT VAIL EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS ** ** *:1. * ** * * *+ * 'f t ** ******,li * *{':i,t'tr +* * *****'r:}* ** *'i * * rt*:*!r * * *** *** *l * *'t +t'f {.i.*:}:t't :r. ***:t{.,* ** * * *,**{.,r't t TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 06-ll-2003 at t5:30:10 06/1t/2003 Statement i(*i.*****i****f :N+****'t ,rr.***'i'***rr{r*tt****+*,t{.*'ltt rt:tr****,r,*!i**********tt*+:t:}+++*r}t}trt**}i*,t .t **{.i.:} Statement Number: R030004158 Amount: 920.OO 06/LL/2OO3O3:29 pM Palment Method: Check Init : iIAR Notation: 9857 Shepherd Resourceg Inc. Permit No: DRB030212 T]4le: DRB - Chg to Appr planE Parcel IiIo: 2101023 01.023 SitE AddrCSS: 3120 BOOTH FAIJIJS CT VAIL Location: 3120 Booth Falln Court Tot,a1 Peea: $20-00This Payment: $20.00 ToE,al AIrIJ pmts: gZ0. oo Balance: $0. O0 * * + * * ** * * *,* * 'N * * * * *** * * * * * * * {.* * * + * * *!** **** * * * * {r * * * **** r. * *:f * * {r * * * lr * * *{.*** +*f *if t't {. * t * 't,t! {. t' {.{.*'r * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Cunrent Pncs DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI{ FEIS 20.00 TRANSMITTAL SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC / AIA 37347 US HWY 6, SUTTE t02 POST OFFICE BOX I524 AVON COLORADO 8I620 r970 949 )307 F970 949 5t2l WW\^/.SRIARCHITECT.COM ,"' *t "N Grv,r"n,'h f . l"r*# ','r.^'roo*', FpF pRoJECr No: DLZj PRotEcr N^nE /h$zl cxaLd PE4, .DAIE: B. Il.o.g TT rRANsMtrrALvrA /4"nrp E APPROVAL ! RECORD co P tEs DESCRIPTION n REVTEW & CO|"IMENT E usE INFORMATION OTHER tr r o lxtT +.lS +f- Ll2notJ ll CO14MENTS ll coPlEs To '_ii ! \ \hll r ls..r:l v{rr" I Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 MX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us May 13,2003 Sevinay Yese PO Box 1624 Avon,CO 81620 RE: Gazioglu Residence - Single Family Residence, 3120 Booth Falls Court, Lot 7, Block 2, Vail Village Filing No. l2 Dear Sevinay The Town of Vail Staff has recently reviewed the Design Review application for the Cazioglu residence. The following is a summary of the preliminary comments from that review: - A limits ofdisturbance fence needs to be depicted around the entire are to be disturbed,- All disturbed grades must be returned to a ratio of2:1.- Please see the enclosed comments from Public Works. Please be advised that an ILC will be required at framing inspection to verifo building location and height. A public hearing (DRB) is scheduled for 3:00 PM on May 21, 2003, in the Council Chambers of the l'own of Vail Municipal Building located at 75 South Frontage Road. In order to remain on this schedule, revised plans and the additional information noted above must be submitted for further review by no later than Noon on Friday, May 16,2003. Ifyou have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (97O) 479:2140. Matthew R. Gennett Planner II Town of Vail {g*n "*or r* L"+ ? ua.L 4 t lt-z- Vr I L7*- NOTE! THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES .]ob Address Location. . . Parcel No..Project No. 3120 BOOTH FATLS 2101-0 2 3-01-02 3 PRJg 5-012 0 CT Status. . . Applied.. fssued... Expires. , ISSUED 06/27 /teeso6/30/tee5 L2/27 /7ee5 J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 1OOO S FRONTAGE RD WEST #202,J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 1OOO S FRONTAGE RD WEST *202, GAZIOGLUHALIDEK&GAZI 1360 WESTHAVEN DR 7C, VAIL CO VAIL CO VAIL CO 8165 7 Phone: 816s7 Phone: 81657 97 0-47 6-3082 97 0-47 6-3082 Description: ADDITION 287 SQ.FT. 812.00 Restuarant P lan Review-->527.EO DRB Fee-------- .00 Recreation Fee---------->3.0O Ctean-Up Dlposit-------> .00 Total Catcutated Fees---)100.00 AdditionaL Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee-------> 1 ,985.85 .00 1 ,985.85 fte.m: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT06/2911995 DAN Actionr APPRIt.e.m :. -O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT06/29/L995 RANDY Acrion: AppR COLLECTIIE.n:. 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT06/29/L995 DAN Acrion: AppRIte.m:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKS06/29/1995 DAN Acrion: AppR N/A Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division:S3O DRB FEEDept.: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB VJORK Division: T0W0F/IILH +Bsrr,rr ssn eerrs rerer*rr.ro,+u +, sgs erga 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970479-2452 Department of Community Development APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up Deposit Refund approved '+4- ffi:tEffIiruction, $'" ;#:t; il:il1i:r::"t0""'ai'mount Fq.{ . A i^-l- valuarion: r:l,2us Add sq Fr: 287 date 476(('l F i rcptac! Information: Restricted:tof Gas AppI ianccs:#0f Gas Logs:tof Umd/Pat tet: **********H**rnffi*ffi***************ffi******t***#ff** FEE SUI'lllARY ******J.t******ffi****JcH******i*ffiffirri******## Bui Ld'ing-----) Ptan Check---> Investigstion> tli l, L Ca l' l.---->500.00 Payments------ TOTAL FEES.----*rt**ffi ffi ffi 'rt**ffi *ft *trff r*ff(*rrtd.i**#ff ffi ,r***#r**ff do*trffi **ffi ffi ffi **t#*ff ff *ffi(ffiiff **fr **lr****ff ***ffi ***ffi ffi ffi Jr*t t*Jrt****ffi 'Hrffiit*ffi **##ffi #*ffi #***#ffi ffi *ffrffi ***ffi ,|*t*ff ** See Page 2 of this Document, for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS l-hrfcby.acknoutedge that I have read_this appl.ication, fitLed out in tutt the infornation requi red, conpl,eted an accufate plotPtan, and state that alt thc infornation Provided as required is correct. r agree to conpLy vith tire infornration and pl,ot itan,to _Gorply tith Btl' Tovn ordinances -and state [aus, and to buitd this structure acconding io the toyn,s zoning and subdjvisilncodes, dcsign reviev approvcd, Uniforn Buil.ding Code and other ordinances of the Town aipticabte thcf.to. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL 8E I'IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: J.L. VIELE {p *""r"uo ru"* AFVAIL o fuWg_Ettglwrl$lg2 as of 06/30/9s srarus---: rssuED*x*s1p!,ffi!hbv43r***************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMITApplicant--: J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 97 0-4't 6-3082 Job Address: 3120 BOOTH FALLS CTLocation---: Parce1 No--: 2101-023-01-023 Description: ADDITION 287 SQ. F'T. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COndit.iOnS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AS PER SEC.1210 0F THE 1991 uBC.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.3. HANDRAITS AND GUARDRAILS REQUIRED TO MEET SEC.3306 AND 1?12 OF THE 1991 UBC.4. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER WILL BE REQUIRED TO APPROVE ANY STRUCTUAL CHANGES BEFORE TOWN OF VAIL WILL OK FRAMING.5. ALL EXTERIOR MAFERTALS AND COLORS TO ARE TO MATCH EXISTTNG. THE NAVAJOE RED COLOR INDICATED AS THE PROPOSED SIDING COLOR ON THE BUILDING PERMIT PLANS IS NOT APPROVED AND MUST RETURNTO THE DRB BEFORE THIS COLOR CAN BE USED ON THE BUILDING. 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Department of Community Developmen CONDITIONS epplied--: a6/27 /t995Issued---: 06/30/1995 To Expire: t2/27/1995 {sronuoruo o **i*********t*************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * Staternnt Number: REC-0042 Amount: 11955,85 O6FA/95 L2207 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #32515 fnit: LRD 895-0192 Type: A-BUrr.lD ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PE 2tot-023-01-02 3 3120 BOOTH FALLS CTTotal FeeE:1,965.85 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !r * Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 30 0000 4so32 01 0000 41336 1,985.85 1,985.85 .00 Amount 812 . 00 80. 00 527 .80 s00 .00 43.05 3.00 ot TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-47e-21i8479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Ptunbi ng-----> 90. O0 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PLI]MBING PERMIT PeTmit AT ALL TIMES P95-009 9 Department of Community Development APPLICANT J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 1000 s FRoNTAGE RD WEST *202, VArt CO CONTRACTOR J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 1000 s FRoNTAGE RD WEST *202, VArL COOWNER GAZIOGLU HALIDE K & GAZI 1360 WESTHAVEN DR 7C, VAIL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR VALLEY WIDE MECH. 5( EIJECTRICAL I P O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81620 Description: ADDITION **trffi ffi ffi ****#ffi *#***ffi #rffi ffi ***ffi ** f EE Phonez 970-4 8165 7 Phonet 970-476-3082 81657 Phone r 303949L747 Valuation:5,319.00 SUltl'{ARY *ffifi **********************t**ffiffi ffi**trtiffifi 115 .50 Job Address Location. . . Parcel- No..Project No. 3120 BOOTH FALLS 2101-02 3-0 L-023 PRJ9 5-012 0 CT Status. . . Applied.. Issued... Expires. . TotaL Catculated Fees---) Additional, Fers--------> Tota I Permit Fee--------> PayDents------- ISSUED 06/27 /tees 06 /30 /Le95t2/27 /te95 7 6-3082 Restuarant Ptan Reviey--> TOTAL fEES---_Ptan check--> Inv!stigation> lli l.L CaLt---> 22.50 .00 3.00 115.50 .00 115.50 115.50 BALANCE DUE_--***|h***'t**ffit*ffiffiffiffififfi*J(t*ffr*****ffi*ffi*i***ffff**fiff**ffiffi*ff******ff**ff****ffi*ffi**ffi*ffiffi ITem: -O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT06/29/1995 DAlt Action! AppR Dept: BUILDING Division: *******ffi*ffiffi**ffi**fi****ffi*#*****##***ffi*********ffi*ffi*ffiffi*#*Hffi*ffi*****ff,r*t ****** CONDITION OF APPROVAL ffi***ffi#*ffiff***#d(#*ffi**i**#H*********ff********t*****ffi***lr******ff***ffi**ir*ffi*ffi#*ffii** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedgc that I havc read this apptication, fil,ted out in ful,L the inforlEtion required, comptetld an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the informtion provided as rcqui red is corrcct. I agree to corp Ly riith tie iniornation and ptot itan,to comPly vith att Town ordinlnccs and statc Laus, and to buiLd this structure according to-the To n,s zoning and subdivision codes, design Feviev approved, Uniform Buitding code and oth"r ordimnces of the Tolrn appticabte thcfeto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIOI{S S}IALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-FOIJR IOURS tN ADVANCE BY SIGNATURE OF {g *r"rororu"* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0042 Amount: 115,50 06/30/95 12:10 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #32515 Init: LRD P95-0099 Type: B-PLl,tB 2101-023-01-02 3 3120 BOOTII F'A],LS CT Total Fees:115.50 Total ALL Pnts: Balance: ****************************L*********************************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: This Payment Account code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 PLWBING PERMIT 115.50 115.50 .00 Description PLI]MBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Anount 90.00 22.50 3 .00 TOWN OFVAIL NOTE: TH]S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT PCrMit #: 895-0139 75 South Frortage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 .rob Address: 3120 BooTH FALLS FAxsTo-47s-24s2 i3l3li"$;: : ; 210r.-023-01-023Project No. : PRJg5-0120 APPLICANT J.L. V]ELE CONSTRUCTION 1000 s FRoNTAGE RD WES! *202, VAIL CO CONTRACTOR J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 1000 s FRoNTAGE RD WEST #202, VArL COOWNER GAZIOGLU HALIDE K & GAZI 1360 WESTHAVEN DR 7C, VAIL CO 81557 CONTRACTOR HUNT ELECTRIC P O BOX t984t VArL CO 81658 Description: ADDITION Department of Community Development CT Status. . . Applied.. fssued. . . Expires. . I S SUED 06/27 /rees 06 /30 /tee5t2/27 /Lee5 Phonez 97O-476-3082 81657 Phone : 97 O-47 6-3082 8165 7 Phone: 3039491913 Valuati-on:6 ,249 .00 ,d*ffi*ffit.*rtsitffi#rffiff*ffiff**tr*ffi*'**# FEE SUtlllARY rffi**ffi*ffiffi*ffiJoHrrffi***ffi* E Iect fi ca [---> DRB tee Investigation> tli l. L Ca t t---> TOTAL FEES_-> 126.00 .00 .00 3.00 129.00 Tota I Catcutated fees---> Additionat Fees---------> Tota I Perrit FeF-----> Payments------ BALANCE DUE---- 129 .OO .00 129.00 129.00 .00 ffiffi*ffiffi*ttttffiffiffiffi**trt***ff***ffi***it#riifi*ffinHr*#r***ffi*****ft*******ffit*ffiffi*fi******** Item: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT06/29/1995 DAtt Action: AppR Dept: BUILDING Division: ******ff***ir*ffit*ffi***ffi***ffi#'rtit*#lr*,r**ff******ffJrffi***lr,*lr**ffi***'***ffff******#lffirffi*'r#*ffi*ff CONDITION OF APPROVAL * Jrl-t***it*****f ilt**Jr*ffi ffi ffi lr|tffi ****ff *Jr*ff tr****ft ffii****ffi ffi *********ffi **ff ffi ffi ***ffi **ff *** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I havc rrad this appl,ication, fitl,ed out in ful,l. the infornation requi red, compteted an accurate ptotp[an, and state that atl the information provided as rcquircd.'is correct. I agree to conpl,y riith tire information and pl,ot ptan,to conpty vith att Torrn ordinances _end state !aws, and to buil,d this structure according io'thc Town,s zoning and subdivisibncodes, design review approved, Unifonm BuiLding code and other ordinances of the toun aipticabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE ^I 179-?1l3A oR AT OUR oFFlcE FRot'l 8:00 Al't 5:00 {p *tno"oruo TOlrlN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Staternnt Number: REC-0042 Amount: 129.00 06/30/95 12:08 Palrment Method: CHECK Notation! *325L5 Init: LRD E95-0139 Type: B-EL,EC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2!Ot-023-01-023 3120 BOOTH FAT,LS CT Tota1 Feesi129.00 Total- ALL Pmts: Balance:************************:r*************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: This Payrnent Account code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE L29.OO 129.00 .00 Anount 126.00 3. 00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M95-0175 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970479-2138/479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 Job Address...:I-,ocation......: Parcel No.....:Project Number: Department of Community Developmen APPIJICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: NEW HEATING SYSTEM Fi reptace Infornation: Restri cted: 3120 BOOTH FALLS CT 2101-02 3-01-02 3 PR.l9 5-012 0 THUMBS UP PLT]MBTNG AND HEATING 1"014 west Fifth, Rifle, co 81650 THUMBS UP PLT]MB]NG AND HEATING 1014 west Fifth, Rifle, co 81650 GAZIOGLUHALIDEK&GAZI 1360 WESTHAVEN DR 7C, VArL CO 81657 Phone: 97 0-625-9032 Phone z 970-625-9032 5, 600. oo fof tlood/Pa t tet: 153.00 flOf Gas App [iances: Status. . . Applied. .Issued... Expires, . Valuation: #0f Gas Logs: ISSUED to / 04 /Lees L0 /Lt/Lee504/08/Lee6 Jd****lr*lrffi**********ict************#**ffff*********** tEE SUlll'IARY ****************lcffi****#ff**ffi**ffi*ff*f,**#******t' tlechani cat---> 120.00 Rcstuarant Ptan Revi ew-->.00 Totat catculated Fees--->153.00 Ptan check--> lnvesti gati on> $il.L Cat L----> 30.00 3.00 DRB TOTAL FEES-_--Totat Pernit Fer-------> Payment .00 Additionat Fees-------> .00 > 153.@ BALANCE DUE----00*tffi**tik*Jr*trffi***i**********t******t********t***#ft**t*****ffiff******irr*ffir#*ffi*****ffi**r*************f,*tt*ffi*t rTem: O5lOO BUILDING DEPARTMENT7O/04/L99s DAN Actions APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 60? OF THE 1991 r'MC.3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS ANDTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACEORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND_ SIiALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE 199]. UMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST EOMPLY WITH SEE.505 AND703 0F THE 1991 UMC.6. BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FTOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTTNG ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED rN UnCUenrCRl,ROOM PRIOR TO AN TNSPECTION REOUEST.8. DRATNAGE OF MECHANTCAL ROOMS eourAillruc HEATTNG OR HOT-WATERSqPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEE.2119 0F THE 1991 UMC. **************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknovtedge that I have pead this apptication, fitl.ed out in futl, the information required, complcted an accurate pIptan, snd state that atl the informat'ion provided as requi red is correct, I agree to corpty iith the in?orrnation and ptot i:Lto conPty vith atl, Town ordinances and state tars, and to UuitO this structufe according iothe ToUn,s zoning and subdivision {S o"nuoru"o Unif tding Code and other ordinances of the T i cab[e thereto. BE }IADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS I[ ADVANCE,BY TELEPHONE AT 479-OR AT Ola O'FICE FOR HIIISELF IND OIJNER o own aPp[ o orm Bui FR01,l E:(X) A 5:0O P srcff0flal 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 e70-479-n3q47e-2r39 FAX 970-479-2452 of C o mmunity D evelopme nt {pr""*'-'uo .e' *******************************:t******************************** TOhIN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt ******!r***************************************!t***************** Statennt Number: REC-0085 Anount: Palrrent Methodz YK5t27 Notation:1s3.00 lohL/gs 11:36rnit: MMCT M95-0175 TIG)e; B-MECH zLOt-023-01-023 3120 BOOTH FAILS CTTotal Feea!153.00 Total AtL Ptnts ! Balance:***************************************************'************* Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4L3L2 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 MECHANICAL PERMIT 153.00 153.00 .00 Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 120.00 30.00 3.00 gf ?AneFlr. {!r-'----- "' / Legal Uescription: Lot -l Btock A.-Ftling ohrners Name: L,iael q Architect:Address: General Description: __j Nunber of Dwelling Units: Work Class: [ ]-Nev [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Addttlonbl Nrmber [ ]-Repair I J-other__ of AcconmodatLon UnLts: - {pnber and rlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appllances_ Gas r,ogs_ wood/peuet_v tf":******************************* VATTIATIONS ***********.********************** lg-Lt-Plllgr Er.ECrRrcAL: I orHER: $ fhone Number: Q76-zT Electrical contrastor: Address:Town of Vail ReE. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Mechanical Contractor: Plunbing'Address: Address t ** * * **** ***** ********* **********FORBUILDING PERI.IIT FEE: PLI'II'BING PERUIT FEE: I.TECITN{ICAIJ PARMTT FEE : ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB F8E: Town of Vail Reg. No.@P Phone Number: Var-qd OFFfCE USE *************************!r* r*** BUTLDTNG PIA}I CEECK FEE: PLI!I'fBfNG PI"AI{ CHECK FEE: UECHANICAIJ PIA}I CEECK FEE: RECRE,ATION EEE: CI.EN{-UP DEPOSITs TOTAI, PERUIT BUTLDTNG! SIGNATT'RE: ZONTNG: STGNATI'RE! Contractor: GROUP Cotnments: CI.EAIT I'P I'EPOSIT NgFI'ilD fl}: o g.-6xrc" cotuot)sTroil)'f fiCR LouveRS t- @ ta" BeL,.> c.rthq t - DdJ tu' fl ha,c- Fa^dl H-f Boi\*" trt" ^!rfi"* rl-u" -wler)1"<, ltcu;rs r*;*th-r-nftr g'-\ lq" rJ.{o" Szruic€ E.n*ruatg Pcrt l tlte*cr b , tD Town of Vtil )FFICE COPY li(ryTYRII l'OV.C0llltrll, DEV. DEF t 5c^f'q l"= I' G,+=oot-rl IrAec*+Og<+l Roorn -To't/. Fnolec- *ruqgO,ao FOR YOUR SAFEW: Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapdrs and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. WARNING: lmproper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or maintenance can cause injury or property damage. Refer to this manual. For assistance or additional inlormation consult a qualified installer, service agency or the gaJsupplier. FOR YOUR SAFEW - WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS:. Do not try to light any appliance. . Do not touch any electrical switch; do not use any phone in your building. ' lmmediately call your gas supplier from a neighbor's phone.' Follow the gas supplier's instructions.. lf you can nol reach your gas supplier, call the fire department. 7\'TELEDYNE TAARS Gontents SECION 1 General lnlormation TABLES AND FIGURES Temperature Rise .......'.'......'....'.......-.'.. 4 Maximum Suggested Circuit Length in Feet ....................."...'..'.....-.'..4 Minimum Boiler Clearances From Combustible Surfaces ......'.'......-... 5 Gas Piping Si2es............'................-......5 Minimum Becommended Air Supply to Boiler Room ................'..........6 Gas Valve Selection ...................'..------' 1 4 Water Temperature Settings .........'..'... 1 5 Troubleshooting Analysis ..'..............--.' 1 7 Vent Damper Installation ......'.'......'.-...... 3 Closet and Alcove Installation ........-....... 5 Typical Combustible Floor lnstallation .......'...'...-.'....5 Dimensional Inlormation .......................'. 6 Vent Pipe Sizing ..............................'..'... 7 Typical Plumbing lnstallations .......'........ S By-Pass Piping Diagram ....................... 1 0 Field Wiring Connections ...................... 1 0 Wiring Diagrams (U.S.) ..............'....'-...'1 1 Wiring Diagrams (Canada)...... ..... -. - -..... 12 Multiple Zone Wiring'..........'..........--'.'.. 1 3 Honeywell Gas Valves ..................--...... 1 4 Main Burner Flame Pattern ......'...--.--'..' 1 5 Parts ldentification ..........'."'...'..-......-...22 \- Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8 Flgure 1 Figure 2 Flgure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 10 Figure 11 Figure 12 Figure 13. ffi@@ General Information IMPORTANT WABNIN6: The JV hydronic boiter must be installed in accordance with the procedures detaild in this manual, or the Teledyne Laars warnnty will be voided. The installation must conform to the requirements of the local jurisdiction having authority, and, in the United States, to the latest edition of the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI 2223.1. ln Canada, the installation must conform with the latest edition of CAN/ CGA-8149.1 OR .2 installation codes for gas burning appliances, and/or lrcal codes. Any modifrcations to the boiler, its gas controls, gas oriftces, wiring or draft divefter may void the warranty. lf field conditions require modifications, consult the factory representative before in iti ating such moditicati o n s. 1A.Introduction This manual provides information necessary for the inslallation, operation, and maintenance of the Teledyne Laars Model JV copper tube hydronic boilers. These boilers are available in two coniigurations; the JW has a thermocouple/continuous burning pilot, and the JVS has an electronic intermittent ignition device (l.l.D.). Look for the model designation on the rating plate, which can be lound on top of the boiler in the right rear corner. The Teledyne Laars automatic vent dampers are standard on all U.S. models. The Teledyne Laars side wall power venters can be used on both JVS and JW models. Special instructions for their installation are included in the vent damper and power venter packaqe. Read them carefully belore instailation. All application and installation procedures should be reviewed completely before proceeding with the installation. Consult the Teledyne Laars factory, or local factory representative, with any problems or questions regarding this equipment. Experience has shown that most operating problems are caused by improper installation. lB.Warranty The Teledyne Laars Model JV boilers are covered by a limited wananty. A copy of the warranty is printed on the back cover of this manual. The owner should fill out the wananty registration card and return it to Teledyne Laars. All warranty claims must be made to an authorized Teledyne Laars representative or directly to the factory. Claims must include the boiler serial number and model (this information can be found on the rating plate), installation date, and name ot the installer. Shipping costs are not included in the warranty coverage. Some accessory items are shipped in separate packages. Verify receipt of all packages listed on fie packing slip. Inspecl everything for damage immediately upon delivery, and advise the canier ot any shortages or damage. Any such claims should be filed with the canier. The carrier, not the shipper, is responsible for shortages and damage to the shipmenl whether visible or concealed. 1C. FieldAssembly 1. The Mini-Therm ll boilers have built-in draft diverter lor natural draft operation. 2. Find the venl damoer box which is located in the boiler package (Vent damper is optional in Canada). 3. Install the vent damper directly to the top of the draft diverter outlet with the damper operator facing to the front of the boiler, and with the flow direction anow pointing upward. Use the vent damper wire hamess provided with the boiler to connect the vent damper to the boiler. The bracket end of the harness should be connected to the vent damper actuator. 4. For Model JVS only: Install the metal plug provkled with the vent damper onto the damper plate hole. Section 1 Vent Damper Harness Vent Damper (oplional in Canada) Draft Diverter (built-inl Disregad the metal plug in case of standing (continuous) pilot boilers. The damper plate hole should never be blocked on all JW models. 5. The field assembly is now complete. The boiler is ready for water, gas and electrical connections and venting installation. 6. Do not modify the automatic vent damper device. h is very important that no other vents are closed. Provide at least six inches clearance between the automatic vent damper and combustible construction, and be sure to allow access for servicing the damper. CAUTION: Do notlorce motor operation when opentor is fastened to the damper by moving the damper blade, tuming the shaft or by turning the position indicator. NgE: ln @nada, the vent damper, blocked vent safe| switch and flame roll-out safety switch are optional. 1D. Flow Requirements All high recovery, low volume water boilers must have adequate llow for efficient operation. Pump selection is critical to tfris goal, and pumps should be selected to provide for system design water temperature rise. Table 1 details temperature rise and water flow (GPM) for the Mini-Therm boilers. Damage lrom lmproper flow is nol warranted. ':ailure to insure proper water flow through the heat exchanger of the boiler will void the Teledyne Laars warranty. Flow can be veriiied by measuring the difierence in water temperatures between the boiler inlet and outlet. For example: For a JV-100 installation, the inlet water temperature is 160'F, and the outlet temperature is 180"F. That means there is a 20 degree temperature rise through the boiler. According to Table 1, Size 15.F 20er :z5-a GPM HL GPM GPM HL 50 5.3 0.3 4.0 o2 3.2 0.1 8.0 0.6 €.0 0-3 4.8 0.2 100 10.7 1.3 &0 o.7 6.4 125 2.2 10.0 8.0 0.8 160 17.0 2.5 ., t.a 10.2 225 24.0 5.0 18.0 3.J 14.4 tq GPM High Noranal Low GPM=Water llow in gallons per minute. HL=Ptessure drop (haad loss) through the boiler, exorgss€d in Ft. ol water. Note: Shaded area is lhe recommend€d tlow and temoerature rise. that would indicate a flow rate of 8 GPM. Temperature rise must be measured with the longest (highest head) zone calling for heat alone. Other factors to be considered before selecting a pump are pipe size, the number of fittings throughout the system, smoothness of the interior surface of the pipe, the quantity of water tlowing through the pipe, whether a glycol solution is being used,and the total length ol piping in lhe system. Table 2 can help in making that determination. lE. Boiler Placement The boiler must be placed to provide clearances on all sides for maintenance and inspection. There must also be minimum distances maintained from combustible surfaces. At least 15" access must be available in lront of the boiler for burner removal. Consult local codes for clearances to hot wat€r pipes and accessories. lf the boller ls to be installed in a garage, all burners and burner ignltlon devices musl have a minimum '18'clearance above the floor. The Model JV-50 through JV-100 boilers can be installed in a closet, as long as the minimum clearances shown in Table 3 are observed. Special attention should be paid to clearances between the front of the boiler and the closet door when it is closed. The Model JV-125 and JV-225 boilers can be inslalled in an alcove, which would be the same as a closet but without a door. Consuh the American National Standard 221.13 tot more information conceming closet and alcove installations. In Ganada, refer to the latest edition of CAN/CGA-B149.1 and 2. o Siz6 1t2" Piqe 3Ya" Pipe 1" Pipe 1-1/4" PiPe Pump H.P.Pump H.P.Pump H.P.Pump H.P. 1t25 1t12 1t25 1/12 1t6 1t25 't t12 1t6 1t25 1t'|2 1t6 50 50 99 390 680 75 Ji 160 300 460 640 100 77 150 260 330 620 125 27 80 140 170 360 160 57 160 330 190 480 225 110 69 330 'A circular and/or primary/s€condary piping are r€quifed. Consull taclory. 1. Chan is based on 30"F maximum temperalute ris6. 2, Calculations ar€ bas€d on Type L copper tubing with ons zone valv€ and eight elbows. 3. Typical cirdlating pumps: '%. HP=Taco 007, B&G LR-20 or SLC'25. Grundtos UP 15-42F, or €quivalent. 7,, HP=B&G LR-12, Grundtos UP26-42F, or €quivalent. 76HP.BAG!€ries HV, Grundlos UP,t3-75, or equ'valent. IMPORTANT: The boiler shall be installed on a flar of non-combustible construdion with non-combustible flooring and surtace finish and with no combustible materials against the underside, or on fire-resistant slabs or arches having no combustible materials against the underside unless listed for installation on a combustible floor. All boilers must be installed on a non-combustible surface. That means a surface not capable of being ignited and burning, such as surfaces consisting entirely ol a combination of steel, iron, brick, tile, concrete, slate, Clos€t I nstallation For Mod€ls JV-50 to JV100 glass or plaster. All boilers can be installed on a combustible floor if a non-combustible base assembly, available from Teledyne Laars, is used. See the boiler rating plate for the appropriate base part number. Boilers must never be installed on carpeting. As an alternative to the Teledyne Laars non- combustible base plate, the National Fuel Code allows a boiler to be olaced on other than a non-combustible surface when such an installation complies with the American Insurance Code. This code soecifies the surface under the boiler be protected with hollow masonry no less than 4" thick, covered with sheet metal at least 24 ga. in thickness. Such masonry must be laid with ends unsealed, and joints matched in such a way as to provide a free circulation of air from side to side through the masonry. See Figure 3. 1F. Gas Supply and Piping Review the following instructions before proceeding with the installation. Verify that ihe boiler is fitted for the proper type of gas by checking the rating plate. Teledyne Laars boilers are normally equipped to operate below a 2000 foot altitude. Boilers equipped to operate at higher altitudes have appropriate stickers or tags attached (next to the rating plate). Use the figures in Table 4 to provide adequate gas piping from the gas meterto the boiler. 1. U=Unobstucted Models JVl60 & JV225 can only be inslalled in atcoves, not closets. Distance From Gag Met€r Boiler Size 50 100 125 160 25 Ind€s 0-50'1t2 3t4 3/4 314 1 50-100'3t4 3t4 1-1t4 100-200'3t4 1 1 1-1t4 1-1t4 Noio: ThEsa figur€s ar€ in tlatufal cas (.65 Sp. Gr.), and are bas6d on 112'water column pr€Bsure drop. Check supply prossur€ wilh a manomatsr, and local cods requir€mants for variations. For LPG, r€duce lipe diameter ong size, but maintain a l/2' minimum dian&r. A 'normal' numbar of T€66 and slbows hav6 b6en tak6n into allowanco. shoer M€lar cqne, AN.)riZ( solnt Mln. Thickness 24 Gauge \L\*fitrf concrelrGatuanized \tir Block A fap (drip leg) must be provided ahead of the gas controls (see Figure 7). A manual gas shutoff valve must also be provided for service convenience and safety. Check the local codes. Disconnect the boiler from the gas suppty pipe before pressure testing the pipe for gas leaks. Provide gas supply pressure to the boiler as follows: I{OTE: The boiler and ail other gas appliances sharing the boiler gas supply line must be firing at madmum capacity to properly measure the inlet sudy uessure. Low gas pressure could be an indication of an undercize gas meter and/or obstructed gas supply line. 5. The correct bumer manifold gas pressure is stamped on the rating plate. The regulator is pre-set at the factory, and normally requires no further adjustment. 6. Before operating the boiler, the complete gas supply system and all clnnections must be tested for leaks using a soap solution. lG. Combustion Air Supply The boiler location must provide sutficient air supply for proper combustion, and ventilation of the sunounding area as outlined in the latest edition ol ANSI standard 723.1 or in Canada, CAN/CGA-8149.1 or .2, and any local eodes that may be applicable. In general, these requirements specify that boiler rooms which represent confined spaces should be provided with two permanent air supply openings; one 4. I IMPORTANT: See gas line selection chart, Table 4 orevious page, lor gas line sizing. In all cas€s, Fpe size is larger than inlet conngction on hgater. Run pip€ size shorrn in chan and reduce at heater inlet. O rn lneruml @"* Qortlsrprvl L 'Afea indlcated is tor one ot two oponings; one at floor tevel and one a ths ceiling, so the lotal nel frs€ aroa would be double th6 licuros indicatsd. For special conditions, rsler to Nrpls+ elst zz-zg.r. tn Canada 1616r to the Natlonal Standard CAN1-8149.1 or .2 which diffeB lrom this table. NOTE: Ched( with louvgr manufactJre6 tor N6t Freo Aiea of lourrots. Correcl tor screen resistanca to the Nst Free Arga it a acresn is A 13ih lgth 16rh 16% N/. 2g/. B 2V/t 27t/r 28% 28tA 283/t x1u, c 235A 24Ua 24% 235A 235/r 23% D 3v. 3% 414 4V. 4'/t 43A v c 6 6 within 1 2 inches of the ceiling, the other within 12 inches of the floor. Outside Air Supply: When combustion air is supplied directly through an outside wall, each opening should have a minimum free area of one square inch per 4,000 BTUH input ol the total input rating of all appliances in he enclosed area. Inslde Air Supply: When combustion is supplied trom inside the building, each opening should have a minimum free area of one square inch per 1,000 BTUH input ol the total input rating of all appliances in the enclosed area. These openings should never be less than 100 square inches. $lg: ln Canada, follow Canadian Standard, CAMCGA- 8149.1, .2 or local codes. Exhaust Fans or Vents: Any equipment which exhausts air from the boiler room can deplete the combustion air supply or reverse the natural draft action of the venting system, This could cause flue products to accumulate in fie boiler room. Additional air must be supplied to compensate for such exhaust. The information in Table 5 is not applicable in installations where exhaust fans or blowers of any type are used. Such installations must be designed by qualilied engineers. lf a blower or fan is used to supply air to the boiler room, the installer should make sure it does not create drafts which could cause nuisance shutdowns of the pilot. lf a blower is necessary to provide ad€quate combustion air to the boiler, a suitable switch or equivalent must be wired into the boiler contml ciroit to prevent the boiler from firing unless the bloiler is operating. The boiler must be completely isolated and protecled lrom any source of corrosive chemical fumes such as fio6e emitted by tichlorethylene, perchlorethylene, chlorine. etc. V6nl Piftng Leng h 1H. Venting The draft diverter outlet is to be connected to an unobstructed vent pipe of the same or larger diameter' terminating outside the building. The vent pipe must have a listed vent cap, and extend at least two feet above any object within a ten foot radius. All conneclions should be made with rustproof sheet metal screws. TMPORTANT NOTE: Do not use sheet metal &rews at the snap lock joints of Type B gas vents- Do not weld or fasten lhe vent pipe to the boiler draft diverter. The weight of the stack must not rest on the boiler. The draft diverter and boiler too must be easily removable lor normal boiler service and inspection. Avoid horizontal runs of the vent pipe, and 90' elbows, reductions and restrictions. Horizontal runs should have at least a 1/4" rise per toot in the direction of flow. A vent connector shall be supported tor the design and weight of the material employed to maintain clearances and prevent physical damage and separation of joints. Avoid terminating boiler vents near air conditioning or air supply fans. The fans can pick up exhaust flue products from the boiler and retum them inside the building, creating a possible health hazard. Always use double-wall or insulated vent pipe when used as a chimney (Type B or equivalent). In cold weather, uninsulated outside vents can chill the rising flue products, blocking the natural draft action of the venting system. This can create a health hazard by spilling flue products into the boiler room. Use engineered venting tables acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction to size the venling pipe or liner. Avoid oversize vent piping or exfemely long runs ol the pipe which may cause excessive cooling and condensation. Rule of Thumb: The total length of the vent, including fre connector and any otfset, should not exceed 15leet for every inch of vent diameter (See Figure 5). Lorger total lengths shown in venting tables are based on maximum capacity, not condensation factors. Before connec{ing a vent connector to a chimney' fre chimney passage$/ay shall be examined to ascertain frat it is clear and free of obstructions. Whsn inspeclion reveals that an existing chimney is not safe for the intended application, it shall be rebuilt to contorm to nationally recognized standards (see National Buildng Code or ANSI/NFPA 21 1), lined or relined with a suitable liner, or replaced whh a vent or chimney suitable for the equipment to be attacfied. 1ll-1. Common Venting System l/Vhen an existing boiler is removed from a common venting system, the common venting system is likely to be too large lor proper venting of the appliances remainlrg connecled to it. At lhe time of removal of an existing boiler, the lollowing steps shall be lollowed with each appliance remaining connected to the common venting system placed in operation, while the olher appliances remaining connected to the common venting system are not in operation. I . Seal any unused openings in lhe common venting system. 2. Vsually inspect the venting system tor proper size and horizontal pitch and determine there is no blockage or restriclion, leakage, conosion and other deficiencies which could cause an unsafe condition. 3. Insofar as it is practical, close all building doors and windows and all doors between the space in which lhe appliances remaining connested lo the common venting system are locaied and other spaces of the building. Tum on clothes dryers and any appliance not connected to lhe common venting system. Turn on any exhaust fans, such as range hoods and bahroom exhausts, so they will operate at madmum speed. Do not operate a summer exhaust fan. Close fireplace dampers. Place in operation the appliance being inspected. Follow the lighting instructions. Adjust thermostat so appliance will operate continuously. Test for spillage at lhe draft hood relief opening after 5 minutes of main bumer oDeration. Use the tlame of a match or candle, or smoke from a cigarette, cigar or pipe. After it has been determined that each appliance remaining connected to lhe common venting system properly vents when tested as outlined above, retum doors, windows, exhaust fans, fireplace dampers and any other gas burning appliance to their previous conditions of use. Any improper operation of the common venting system should be conected so the installation conforms with the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI 7213.1-1988. When resizing any portion of the common venting system, the common venting system should be resized to approach the minimum size as determined using the appropriate tables in Appendix G in the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI 72{3j-1988. 4. 5. 11. Water Piping of Boiler System Figure 5 shows 'typical'plumbing insiallations. Be sure io orovide unions and oate valves al the boiler inlet and oullet so it can be isolated for service. Check local codes for specific plumbing requirements before beginning the installation. An ASME pressure relief valve is supplied on all JV boilers, and is pre-set at 30 PSl. The valve outlet piping must discharge to a drain. Under no circumstances should the relief valve piping be a closed circuit. A pressure reducing valve (automatic feed) must be used to maintain system at constant proper pressure (see Figure 5). Supply properly installed purge valves to eliminate air from each circuit. A drain valve is supplied with the boiler, and can be found in the plastic bag shipped with each boiler. This valve is to be installed on lhe lower right side of the boiler, see Figure 4, and is used for draining the unit. To drain the boiler completely, open the drain valve and. nefnove the turo drain plugs located on the lower left side of the boiler. Be sure to include air vent devices located at the highest point in the system to eliminate lrapped air, and an air elimination device near the outlet side of the JV boiler. Manual vent valves are recommended. Hot water piping should be supported by suitable hangers or floor stands, NOT by the boiler. Due to expansion and contraclion of copper pipe, consideration should be given to the type of hangers used. Fligid hangers could transmit noise through the system caused by the piping sliding in the hangers. lt is recommended that padding be used when rigid hangers are installed. Gas piping should also be supported by suitable hangers or floor stands, not the boiler. A propedy sized expansion tank must be included in the system. Teledyne Laars otfers an aircharged diaphragm-type expansion tank, with an automatic feed valve, which includes a pressure regulalor sel at 12 psig. The Paft Numbers are: Less Than 20 Gallons in System 20 to 45 Gallons in System A0066800 A0066900 1l-1. By-Pass Piping The following inlormation and suggestions are made on by-pass piping as it affects the temperature rise at the boiler. A boiler temperature rise must be taken on all JV boiler installations. lf the temperature rise exceeds 30"F, it is an indication that the boiler is not receiving adequate water flow. Check the pump for any obstruction, replace the pump with a larger size where necessary, or inslall a system by-pass as indicated in Figures 6 & 7. On JV sizes 125, 160 and 225 with a multiole zone system, a by-pass is required to ensure proper flow in addition to properly sized circulator and piping system. 7. O Air Cushion Tvos Exoansion Tahk Optional , - ..ll- ,' _ Fe€d Watst l=+rd=i Flo Checf(s Zono Pumpg |n!.r !. .i..d te9.rly) Boile.pump Primrry S€condary ilultl-'Zon6 Pump Sysbm Prlmary/Secondary ilfuhi.Zone VdwS1st€Nrl Low Temperailrc lnstalhtion Primary/Sccondary ilnlthZone Vatuo q;sbm Fto Chocka Zone Pumos(ft/n a. 3i..d p..Dat) max A Zono Pump Artlust Bahndm Vahr€g For 1 1 0"F min. Inlot T€mo'0. srlb r*rErrrct |lrE! ta.) Bdler C,ontml Sal at Dosirsd TemD. xev: euun r{\ cxecru .u, /1 ve,-ueffi ,*.uor-* & ur,rror E ouroo,rr.rro., f, ME: On JV sizes 160 and 225 a primary/secondary piping system is recommended. ln this system, a circuldor is dedicated to pumping the boiler only. This ciranlatw shwld be sizd for the boiler head loss atd llow rate. The tnp above piping configurations can also apply to JV sizes 50, 75 and 100, but generally, these units require tlo,v rdes which are easily obtained withoul a by-pass. All precautions must be taken by the installer to insure lhat a maximum temperature rise lhrough the boiler does not exc€ed 30'F. The temperalure rise on boilers installed in multi-zone systems using zone valves must be laken when the zone of the longest length and/ or lhe zone of the highest head loss is open. Please note that a 1'diameter by-pass wittr balancing ball valve must be installed if a return water temperature of below 1 10oF is expected under operating conditions (see Figure 7). lJ. Chilled Water Systems lf the boiler is inslalled in conjunction with refrigeration systems, it shall be installed so that the chilled medium is piped in parallel with the heating boiler wih appropriate valves to prevent the chilled medium from entering the heating boiler. When boiler piping is connected to heating coils, which are in close proximity to refrigerated air circulation, there must be llow control valves or other automatic methods Balancing Ball \Alve Left Side View Afull size by-pass musl be installed. In Orn(Retum) (Supply) to prevent gravity circulation ol the boiler water during the cooling cycle. 1K ElectricalWring Follow these instructions to make the necessary inilial electrical connections. 1. Remove the lwo screws attaching the front cuer ol the control box. 2. There are four wires coiled in the area on the right side of the control box, supplied with wire nuts: 2 black wires twisted together, a white wire and a brown wire. 3. Follow the schematics in Figure 9. Remove the wire nut lrom the two black wires, and connect the hot lead from a 115V pouter supply to both wires. Secure the three wires with the wire nut. The white. neutral wire should be joined to lhe other neutral lead coming from the 1 15V power supply, and the neutral lead coming from the pump. The brown wire attaches to the hot side of the pump. 4. Attach the leads from the wall thermostat to the R and W terminals on the terminal strip, located on the left side ol the control box. 5. When using a Teledyne Laars or field supplied power venter, the proving swnch must be connected in series with the hi{imit. See wiring diagrams, document 1056. See figure 1 for vent damper and blocked vent safety switch connections. 6. Check lhe boiler wiring and pump for correct voltage, frequency and phase. lf the pump circuit is other than 1 15V, be sure there is an appropriate transtormer or relay installed. The pump relay is suitiable for pumps of % HP or less. 7. For systems with multiple zone pumps or valves, see Figure 10. A means of disconnecting the electrical supply must be u Pqw€r-l SUPPIYBLK-Hor | 1,'sv Ac WHT - Neutrall 60 Hz wHT - N€utrail To PumP BRN - Hot l115VAC On = Call | 3/4 H.P. lor h€8t I u"t ---. 115V Fietd Wiring - 115V Fastory Wiring proviJed within sight of lhe boiler. The pump and boiler must be wired as shown to insure thd lhe pump is running whenever the boiler is fring. WAfr{ltlG: The boiler must be electrically gratMed in awrdance with the tquiremenb of the authority having juri$iclion or, in the abwnre of such rquhements, with the latxt edition of the Natbnal Electrical Cde, ANSINFPA 70, in the U.S. and with laust ditbn of CSA C22.1 Candian Electrial Code, Part 1, in Canada. Do rnt rely on the gas or water piping to grwN the metal parb of the fuiler. Plastic piry or dielx,tric unions may isohte the boiler elffibally. Seruice aN maintenane perwtnel who wofu on or around the fuiler may E standirg on wetfloors aN could be eledocuted by an ungrounded boiler. Hitmit Switch: Factory setting is'190'F. This setting is correcl for normal operations, and should only be changed by an authorized service technician. Under no circumstances should the setting exceed 220oF. Florv Sruatch: lf the system includes a llow switcfr, it should be wired in series with the higlFlimit switch. The boiler will not tire unless the pump is running and the flow switch is closed. Field installed safety devices and operaling controllers, such as a valve end switch, drafi switches, relays, timers, and outdoor temperafure reset devices, can be connected to the boiler through the wall thermostal ciroit. Do not exceed a draw of 30VA on the transformer secondary. Heat Anticipator: For single zone installations, the wall thermostat heat anticipator should be set at 'l .0 amperes. For multi-zone installalions, have a qualified electrical technician make the necessary measurements to properly set the thermostals. 1L Filling the System It is crucial to the efficient operation of the system that all air be removed from the circuit. For this reason, an air scoop and vefi should be localed close to the boiler outlet, and lhere should be a minimum distance between cold water ieed and system purge valve. 1. When the system has been completely installed, close all air vents and open the Model JVS United States \tb.n t}.|iFr R€c.dad€ Ura[ Th€r|r|clat (Freld S'fFlisd) Potor V6nbr PovtrE S{idl R€ceotede EK _ gbd( So€ Doc. 1056 3A - Brw' F - fi.d O -Onne. Bt.3||l G - G.Er - a.v- Frbr wd - sFt ledin lvr. l,r ol !. dlghd ilB (&rmld *i d..drEl mrJlla |tFLaa4 | mul b. r€ffcad ri$ gtarE rifl[ nt€Ebl !rld6 h. 105 .ht'f, BI th.k d V€nt S.hy S.t|dt Rolout Model JW United States hrr16r a! ta i€aid v€nt Danp€r R€cafiade WallThormo$d (Fleb S$pll€d) O 'orlrIe BL" lle G - O|.ai - 1t 3V . FEory Wrad - e.V. FEb.y Wi|d - Sprt llnhr'n Wlr. lt lny ot lttd orishil ai€3 (r3 luFd.d hdlh tha lFplb|E€) mud b€ 6plaaad, I nr6| !9.trLad wnn alclirrlc. ri.in9 n'!|!.rid rulLDl. lor | 05 !.9ia.3 Model JVS Canada WdTtEnct (Fkt! gr0li.d) Nrrd Groundh0 Cord'rad ,h- Punp (Fhrd St fdird) A(-E( El-ar - fl* - F.c!.l tlttd - aa!/ - F.d.y lttd trtc'.ctaar.l {-rtf-rbl|. sr.,Fl||ral b rrbd, n nrli bar*.- |,!| ap9L'€ riri!!i.!a rl$|. ld ro5 d.c....Gr3 Vako HW VRE304 ModelJW Canada wall Th€mo6trl (Fi€ld Supp|bd) l{ostrd Gmo k! m T.nnhal srip ftrnp(Fbh Suff|.€d) 8K - &d( AL - 8a/o - i i5v . F*bry llrr$ - aw - F67 $,rtd n rny.. d. dbkd n t3 (!. a!O{.d $lh ih. 4FIo6)!i!3 !. |tplc.d, 't rrat t Qac.d rin aPtatE rinDrd.d rrtialor 16d.t .3 makeup water valve. Allow the circuit to fill slowly. 2. ll a make-up water pump is employed, adjust the pressure to provide a minimum of 12 psi at the highest point in the circuit. lf a pressure regulator is also installed in the line, adjust it to the same pressure. 3. Close all gate valves. Purge one circuit at a time as follows: a. Open one circuit drain vafue and let water drain out for at least 5 minutes. Be certain there are no air bubbles visible in the water stream before closing the drain valve. b. Repeat lhis procedure for each circuit. 4. Open all gate valves after all circuits have been purged. 5. Run the system circulating pump for a minimum of 30 minutes with the boiler shut otf. 6. Open all strainers in the system, and check for debris. 7. Recheck all air vents as described in 3 above. 8. lnspec't the liquid level in the expansion tank. With the system full ol water, and under normal operating pressure, to ensure proper water level in the exDansion tank. 9. Start up boiler according to the procedures described in Section 2 and operate the system, including the pump, boiler, and radiation units, for one hour. 10. Recheck the water level in the expansion tank. lf it exceeds 7a of the volume of the tank, open the tank drain and reduce the water level. 11. Shut down the entire system, and venl all radialion units and high points in the system. 12. Close the water makeuo valve and check the strainer in the pressure reducing valve tor sediment or debris. Fleopen the water makeup valve. 13. Verity system pressure whh the boiler pressure gauge before beginning regular operation. 14. Within 3 days of start-up, recheck and bleed all air vents and the expansion tank using these instructions. a a (. 1 J I I I - tler. FACToHYWFED i---- !15v. FIELDWtnEO i - 24V . F CIORY wlREo I --zav-F|ELDW|FEo I ll ------.1---.1 -----.ii OTE THEIOru P(M€F FEOI'BE E|{T OFIHEzollEV lvEA $lC{lLD NOr €xcECo r+rE Tor lc PlcrY ofTHE TRIIFFOF$EFS S€E zoLE v[VE UAIIUFICTUFEFS INSIAIIAIIO'I 0rsTRJclrcr{s Fofi rrAlvE EIECTFICTI iEOUIBEIENTS. I it-- i I THEBMOSTAT ZONE 2 VALVE iilitl ___ __.i___itltl-----+ i Wiring withTaco ZoneValves r10v60|k POV{En SUPPLY il $ra!! i-g?-- THERUOSIAT I L..J ^.l!ilY-. r C;-l--r ,t, IHERIrcgTAT zot{E 3 VALVE ------------- -- -- -.l TMNSK)FMEA AELD SI'PPI-IED 1r0vr24v SPS' BELAY THEFMOSIAT I I I 't I ?- Itii ------1---i tlrl------i irltltl ll NOIE: lHE roial POI{ER FEOfiE|El{I OF HE 21I'IE VALVES 6}iOJLD {OT ACEED IHE IIIA! CAHCTTY OF IHE TRAi6FOFMEiS. SEE 2ONE \AVE Urr{r.,ltnfERs nacr|urlE rsnR cn6rs FOR VrAE E!ECIB|o l nEoufEMErals- 1lsv - FASIOBY WIFEO -- l15V - FIELDWIBED ZONE 2 W,l'iiio."*r', ZoneValves -- 24V - F|ELoWTRED I I I I ------i---iil -----.a Ili1r0v60H: pov{EF SUPPLY THEFIFSTAT ;t- -- -- ----- - -- - -l zoa.rE 3 VALVE TFANSFOAUEF FIELD SUPPLIED THEA OSTAI zorl€ 2 Ei'-LilA ZONES SVWIGHED YIIT}i HONEYWELI IIIIIA1G SWIICH$IG FELAYg OR Eoulv Lg,lt i l-";:"; ! i -' I r 5v ' F|EIO WIFED: | -24v-F croFYwFEDI I -- zav - FtElo wtBED Wiring with Multiple Zone Pumps For primary/secondary pumping: Connect to 'W''in lieu ot "A." Boiler relay is used for boiler pump and connection to "W" will energize boibr pump wnen any zone is calling lor heat' ?i? 6i& ?i?- r:r rir::::0 --s 0id 3. Wait five (5) minutes. JVS Models: Honeywell VR83M 4- Tum gas valve knob counter-clockwise to ON. 5. Restore power to the boiler, and set the thermostat to the desired temperature. The pibt will automatically ignile when here is a call for heat. JW Models: Honeywell VR8300 4. Remove louvered bumer cover by loosening the two thumb screws. 5. Push in red knob and turn counler-clockwise to PILOT position. 6. Depress knob fully, allowing gas to flot , to the pilot, and light pilot, using the match holder supplied witr he boiler. 7. The knob musl be depressed for approximately one minute to ensure the pilot will remain lit. a. It the knob lails to pop up when it is released, stop and immediately reler to Troubleshooting part of this manual. b. lf the pilot {ails to stay lit after several tries, turn the gas knob to OFF and refer to Troubleshooting part of this manual. 8. Turn knob counter-clod<wise to ON position. 9. Replace the louvered airbox cover and tighten the two thumb screws securely. 10. Bestore power to lhe boiler and adjust the thermostat high enough to call for heat to verify the boiler is operating properly. 'l1. Set the thermostat to the desired temperature. 2A-2. Sequenoe Of Operation 1. Wall lhermostat calls for heat. 2. The damper activator rotates damper blade to open position. Indicator light comes on. Operation and Maintenance 2A-1. System Stalt-up Verify that the pump syslem is operating properly: a. Shut otf lhe manual gas valve located outside the boiler. b. Raise the wall thermostat high enough to call for heat. c- The pump should come on immediately. lf it doesn't, test the electrical circuits. Pilot Lighting: a. The JVS boilers do not require manual lighting. The pilot is cofirolled by the automatic ignition system. b. The JW boilers do require manual pilot lighting. For access to the pilot bumer, remove the lowered arrbox cover by loosening lhe two thumb screws. c. Ditferent models of the JV boiler utilize various gas valves. Allhough the gas valves may have different cofirol knobs, they are all similar in operation. The JVS gas valve has a two-position knob, ON and OFF. The JW valve has a three- position knob, ON, OFF and PILOT with extra push-button. The folloruing table and illustrations can be used to identify the various gas valves. All Models: 1. Shtn off elestrical power to the boiler. 2. Tum the gas valve knob clockwise to oFF. 1. 3. Pump relay will tum on the circulating pump' 4. lf water temperature is below the limit setting on the spark ignition models will light the pilot and check he flame existence. 5. Atter pilot is proven to be lit, the mdn gas valve will open, ttre main bumers will ignite and continue until either the hi'limit or wall thermostat opens' 6. When the wall thermostat is satisfied' the bumers will shut ofl. The pump relay will turn otf the pump' and the damper will close. When the room lemperature ialls below the wall thermostat setting' the cycle will rePeat. NgE: When equipped with pump delay option' the,*np will run for short time alter the burners tum on ans me danper closes. 28. Water TemPerature Setting In Canada, for models equipped with modulating gas vahes. in addition 1o the main gas valve' These controts are factory set at "5'which is salislactory lor most installations. Lower settings may be appropriate for radiant floor syslems, or when heating requirements are lonr. To change the factory sefting simply adjust the red knob on the valve to the desired water temperature according to Table 7 (temperatures are approximate)' 2C. Maintenance 1. Lubricate the water circulating pump per the instructions on the PumP' 2. lf a strainer is employed in a pressure reducing valve or the piping' clean it every six months' 3. At start-up, and periodically thereafter, the bumer flame should be observed' lf the llame has the aDpearance of 'sooting'tips, check tor debris near the orilices and call the service technician' 4.Inspect the venting system lor obstruction, leakage or conosion at least on@ a Year. Keep the boiler area clear and lree lrom combustible r"i6ti"r., gasoline, and other flammable vapors and liquids. Be sure that all combustion air ard ventilalion openings are unobstrucled' Upon completion of the installation, inspect the.. extemat surlaces of the heat exchanger lor fouling based on the following schedule: 24 hours 7 days 30 days 90 daYs Once every six months thereafter' ll the boiler is not going to be used for long perio'ls. of time in locationi where freezing occurs, it should be completely drained of all water' To accomplish this, there is i drain valve on the right side ol the . . boiler wnich can be opened. This will drain the rigttt side of the boiler. There are two plugs located on the left side ot the heater whicfi must be removed to drain that side. Both sides must be drained' 9. The gas and electric controls on the boiler are engiieered for long lite and dependable operation' buitne safety of th-e equipment depends on their proper functioning. lt is strongly recommended that ihe'basic items listed below be inspected by a qualified service lechnician every year' a. Water lemperature controls b. Pilot safety system. c. Automatic gas valves. d. Flow sensing safety devices' e. Vent damPers and Power venters' 1 0. Low waler cutotls should be inspected and tlushed periodicallY. flgf': The Warranty does not cover damagc causd TtaX ot requird malntenatue, lack of water llow' or improPer orynting Pncties' Fouling on the external surlaces ot the heat exchanger is ""r""I Uy incomplete combustion, and is a sign of venting and/or combustion air problems'-Th9..h9?t - exchaiger can be inspected by using a flashlight and- Fdng; mirror undei the bumers' An alternate method is to 6move the venting and top panel to insPect the exchanger from above. The vent system should be i""p"afo al the same time. lf cleaning is required: a. Shut ofi all Power to the boiler' b. Bemove the draft hood, venting top' flue collector, and heat exchanger baffles' Remove the burners by lifting them off the orifices and pulling them out of the boiler' Use a hand-operated spray bottle filled with 7. f---^--1 \tittfiql'rl\ l--%:JPWI t f1' 1':--'------l -F+=--t JVT Pilot water, and a wire brush lo clean soot and loose scale from the underside of the heat exchanger. DO NOT USE COMPRESSED AIR, HIGH PRESSURE WATER OR A GARDEN HOSE. Clean any fallen debris from the bottom ol the unit. Check to make sure the burner ports and pilol assembly are free of debris belore returning the burners to their original position. Reassemble the boiler in reverse order, making sure to replace the heat exchanger batfles. Place the second lead on the orange wire terminal on the hi-limit switch. lf no voltage across the switch, check for defective hi-limit, open circuit due lo excessive water temperature, or a low temperature setting. Place the second lead on the orange wire terminal on the blocked vent sfety switch. lf voltage is present, the vent damper is open. lf voltage isnl present, connections or the vent damper could be defective. Verify lhe voltage across the blocked vent and roll- out safety switches. 9. On JW boilers, test for voltage al the TH'lerminal on the gas valve. lf none is found, follow steps 1 .fhrgh 8.lr10.\._.s determined that there is voltage to the gas valve, the pilot is lit and the lhermocouple is properly positioned, and the thermostat is set high enough to call for heat, the gas valve or the pilot thermocouple may be defective 11. There are lwo tests necessary to make sure the problem is not in the pilot thermocouple. The first lesl can be pertormed by unscrewing the compression fitting on the gas valve, and placing one millivoltmeter lead on the center post of the tube and the other lead on the copper tubing. lf the meter shows a reading of approximately 30 millivolts, proceed to the second test. lf it doesnl, replace the pilot thermocouple. The second test requires the use ol a Millivolt Beading Adapter to test the thermocouple under load. Once again, remove the pilot thermocouple compression litting from the gas valve. Replace it with a Millivolt Reading Adapter, and screw lhe thermocouple fltting into the end of the adapter. Attach one lead from the millivoltmeter to either side of th€ adapter and the other lead to ground. Light the pilot and set the wall thermostat high enough to call for heat. With the boiler firing, take a millivolt reading. lt should be in the 15 millivolt range. ll it isn't, replace the pilot thermocouple. 7. s. 1. 4. 2D. Electrical Troubleshooting Remove the control box cover on the tront of the boiler. Verify that 1 15V is reaching the boiler by testing across the black wire on the pump relay and the white wire on the transformer. Venly 24V transformer output by placing the meter leads on the yellow and red wires. lf 24V is not evident, replace the transformer. Perform the following series of tests with one meter lead attached to the yellow wire on the transtormer. Place the second lead on the'W connection on lhe terminal board. Tum the wall thermostat high enough to call for heat. lf the meter fails to register 24V, the thermostat or its circuit may be deteciive. Make sure thermostat is set high enough to call for heat. Place second lead on the "A" connection on the lerminal board. lf voltage is evident, skip to step 6. lf no voltage, test the circuit between lhe red wire on the lransformer and terminal 4 on the pump relay; trom terminal 6 on the pump relay and the'A" @nnection on the terminal board; and from the purple wire lerminal on the pump relay to the "W' clnnection on the terminal board. lf no outout is found, the connections or the pump relay could be detestive. oo ] Check citcuit breakers and poirer source. Pump delective ................ Reolace. Inconectly wired .. ......,....., Rebheck wiring diagrams. 'l'."-:-':.?.'.:::::.1lllll.:::::::::::::::.:::.::.::::.:8"'3iHlt1'#H"3lffi3*,ii*f"?"gffi"Tl%9",J','.:ie:f riiiii ii#iiii,liiiiiii.t.i.JiiEii'iil;id """"""'prcpane sas' an unstable_blowing pilot ........-....:,.,,.....,...,,. Prossure should be r€gulated within limits shown above. Weak or defeclive thermocoup|e......,............ Replace lhermomuDle-. Damaged pilol or thermocouple .............,...... Baflace. Dirty pilot .....,,...,...,,,......... Blciw dust or lint out of Dilot. Plugged or undersiz€d pilot orilice ................ Clean or raplace Fitot dritice. Blocked llue......... ..........,,. R€move blockaoe. Pilot out of position (d€lay€d ignition) .........,.. Correct Dilol goiition. Elocked heal exchanger or flu-e..................... Clean aird ctinect as necessary. Refractory tile out of 01ace.....,.......,....,.,,.,.,... Corr€cl or r€place lile as necessary. Altered drafi diverter ....................,........,........ Insl,all factory-provided draft divertdr. Srtllage at drdt divon€r Cold chimney ...................A110w boiler to operate 5 minutes to create draft aclion.yent pip€ pitches down to chimney ............... Reinsfall vEnt pip€ to pitch up trom boiler to chimney. Blocksd chimney .................,...,...:................. Remove blockaire.Draftdiveneraltbred .........Installlactory-p6videddrattdiverler. Pre-tabricated chimney with irEonect cap ....Install U.L. listi# vent cap. Corect manifold Dressure accordino lo ralino Dlate. Con€ct odlice size if n€cessary (see parts lEU. Cteai iilmer ports if orny. lnar ne gas suppv ..................................Gas meter too small. Gas lirc lrom meter to boiler loo small.L(ry nranitold gas pressure ........................... Gas pressure on boiler manifold, with ModusnaD valve wioe ..-.--..--..op€n. Should b€ adjusted to 4.0nV.C. naturat gas, 9.0nV.C.prcpane. Replace wilh boiler of higher inpul. Bleed air from volute. Chec* pump alignment. r.r€uace wom o€u$. 1:::Y:-*:T:iiTl9l3-li1::.:::::::?l.F["'ilff'€lHl,115:,fH3?J,illl?'#fl1"i*3]F,Ji{#H??;" ............ tise is over 25oF, indease Ffpe size or oump caDaciw br bcate ............ obstruction. Check for stuck blosed zone valves. Chehk for zone .,...,.,.....,... pumps not operating. Check tor closed valve in system. ::ll*lfr'l::::::::::::::: ::::.: : :: :::::*1?ft"f:!j1#;:l5f'L ''3:lf"Tir""lffimbT*"'jx"*" Pump cavitales or low water or€ssure at boiler gEugs or bubbles in system al high temperature Delective till valves or pressure reoulator ..... Reolace. Oversized exoansion tAnf ,...,.....,..-.....,.......... Reblace. Expansion lank piped incorrect|y........,.......... Rebipe expansion tank lo suction size of pump. IL Pressure retief vave opens Water-logged expansion tank .,...........,..,....,. Drain %of the water lrom the expansion tank. Pilot is lit but main Gas valve not.at "on'position ,......................Tum nob to'on" position. bumers will not Boiler off on hi-limit control Check lor low water tlow or hi-limit sening. . Ch€ck continuity through thermostat circuit wih wires .disconn€cl€d lrom R & W. i'::,'H,:l,,'il : :,,,,''',,,,ffi*3f*i$,lili'i"lf*r$,lH##t:l:;i"fr'!"'i'il: ....,........ should be wired to R & A terminals. Boiler off on blocked venl switch ................... Remedy as in symptom #4. Reset the manual reset switch. Boiler off on llame roll-out switch .................. Bemedi as in sfmftom *3. Roset the manuit reset iwiicn.Broken wire in thermostat circuit Boiler shorl cydes Heat anticipator in room ttermosiat s€t 1oo tow ........,.. ..,.......... Increase sening (1.0 is usually satislactory). Low water florv through bci|er.........,..............Increase size oJ irumo or incr6ase oicrino 6ize. HFlimit switch may hi set too low .................lncrease sEtting io ai teast 2O"F ovbi orftet water tempeEture. Troubleshooting Honeywell 58600 Intermittent Pilot System Some heatec may be equipped with an ignition module that shuts off pilot gas it pilol fails to light. To reset, intenupt power to heater . Check ignition cable ground wiring, ceramic insulator and gap, and conect.. Check boot of the ignition cable lor signs of melling or buckling. Take protective action to shield cable and boot from excessive temperalures. Stail Tum off gas supply. Tum thermostat (controller) to call for Check line voltage power, low voltage transformer,hi- limit switch, thermostat (controller) and wiring. Pover to module (24V Pull ignition lead and check spark at module. Spark okay? . Check that all manual gas valves are open, supply tubing and pressures are good, and pilot bumer orifice is not blocked.. Check electrical connections between module and pilot operator on gas rtrol. . -"feck tor 24 Yac across PV-MV/PV terminals on module. lf voltage is okay, replace gas valve; if not, replace module. Tum gas supply on. Note: lf S8600H goes into lockout, reset system. Lockout is used on L.P.G. models. . Check continuity of ignition cable and ground wire.. Clean flame rod.. Chec'h elecfical connections between flame rod and module.. Check lor cracked ceramic flame rod insulator.. Check that pilot flame covers flame rod and is steady and blue.. Adjust pilot flame.. lf problem persists, replace module. Check for 24 Vac across MV-MV/PV terminals. lf no voltage, replace module. Check electrical connections between module and gas valve. lf okay, replace gas valve. Note: lf S8600H goes into lockout, reset system.. Check continuity of ignition cable and ground wire. Note:.lf ground is poor or enatic, shutdowns may occur o@asionally even though operation is normal at the time of checkout.. Check that pilot tlame covers flame rod and is steady and btue.. lf checks are okay, replace module. System runs until call for' heat ends? Call for heat ends. System shuts ofi? . Check for proper thermostat (controller) operation.. Remove MV lead at module; if valve closes, recheck lemperature conlroller and wiring; if not, replace gas valve. Troubleshooting ends Bepeat procedure until trouble-free operation is obtained. Glossary of Terms Air Vent Anoher device used to purge air from the Circuit. Should be located at the highest point in the Circuit. Branch The section(s) of suppty and retum piping, including the heat distribution units connected direcfly to the trunk-. Also refened to as a "zone.,' By+ass A seslion ol pipe (including an adjustable valve) that diverts part of the water flow from undersized piping to the boiler. Adjusted to maintain minimum flow requirement (GPM) through the boiler. Circult Enlire water circulation piping, beginning and ending at the boiler (Series Loop System). Frqanslon Tank (Compression Tank) Installed in the circuit to accommodate excess water produced by heat expansion. H€t Distrlbution Units Transfers heat lrom lhe water supplied by the boiler to the area lo be heated through the use of baseboard. conveclor, radiator, finned tube. Also known as "radiation." lsolatlon Valve Used lo isolate ths boiler from the circuit. lt minirnizes the amount of water drained lrom the system. Primarv-Secondary Pioing Two or more interconnecting circulating loops, each with its own pump. Primary=Syst-rn Circuit' Secondary=Boiler Circuit. Reverse-retum Plping Balanced, equal flow (first in, hst out) piping. utitized witr multiple boilers and/or radiation. Applied with single system pump6, or primary-secondary pumps. Side Wall Power Venter This Teledyne Laars accessory allows the boiler exhaust to be routed horizontally through an adjoining outside wall, ralher than gravity venting wittr a ctrimney or stack when local codes allow. Svstem Purge Valve A device used to purge air lrom the circuit. Should be located as close as possible to the cold water feed, but not immediately after the cold water feed. Trunk The section of piping which connects the boiler retum and supply with the branch(es). Also knorryn as a "main, or "header." Should be same size as boiler inleUoutlet connections. Vent Damper (optional in Canada) Standard on JV boilers. This energy-saving device prevents heated air from exiting the open vent when the boiler is not operating. Zone Pumo Circrlators installed in branch piping that divert hot water coming from the boiler into various areas (zones) of a building. Zone Valve Diverts hot waler from the boiler into various areas (zones) of a building. llh* rG*Jl' n Vu *[iId no ]r s DUgr srzE MAX MAX DISCHARGE CFM SOI{ES MNC SIRAIG}IToufi MAr@ravotT I.EN6T}I WATTSI AMPS' USE IN C(lNTROL HousrNG Norui ITTERJ{AL {HOOOI VETftlLAMR HOBIZONTAT vcKgn vffincAL 210 3m ill 40 :tr'2{5 L4 3-tlir x to vcKr A,J H0RlZ0I'ITAL vM4r0 vEfiincAt 3t0 :FO 6.5 a0 :t0'355 32 3-rf x rr vcHS A"8"0 WN6MO VERNCAL 6m t'l/A 50'1ttr 3.4 8 BoUl'10 N/A B WNI(l(l(lO VERNCAL tm N/A 15'6(Il f IT ROUNO 1,1/A nEl|olE lR00F 0R grEnilAt wAul vErmumns HOFIZONTAL vR600 VEFIICAL 56{t 5g) t{/A IUA 10'n5 5.7 r ROUNO l/cKl. vcHE B.F,G,H HORIZONTAL vTRr0000 VEFNCAI 94{t 900 N/A N/A 5{t'550 6.7 ro R0uN0 vcKl, vcH8, vcH36. vcHt[ C,E,G,H > > $zr 1" t vRr400 Y 1400 N/A to'l4fll r28 rc R0ut{0 vcH36, vcH54 C,EG,H A = May require mof iack 12556 or wlll i8ck 12551; I = Use in -H' series hoods; C = U3e wi$ 'H' and 'PH' sstiss hoodg D = Standard in 'H8' sariss hood$ E = 0ptional hsrvyduty bld( draft damper iocluded; F = olrtional hsavy- duty back drafr damp8r available (VRD6|; G = No roof orwalliacl roquired; H = Nots collrr ftrt lxtands bolotv mounting flangs into foof,iflall crea; | = For uso with -PH'wall mod.ls onlE J = Us€ tor cusbm hood application$ Thmnfu ttl ,lVt!r'* -.r.Wt i 1u' i 4" II ah" ( I g" I . I ! ?lz i T Al'/2 ' ' sttEct- ltuar 15" il,'t,' k-'b' ' '' tlp_ __-_ : _ ) furr*r y'te;*t l'sl'-O" I i dilAusrwd6l'A|4AL A^tfz&lAR It 'i I rl&t-mfO, ft1sfGfl8l A'c. d4l.^ttASS. SErEt- 4qDt/,v? 4/aft$4i Etkt €Ltcqf ay Je6,t/,.o' .., b" ..) ? 6" t I le I 'fr' A' .. I €12/2" F. I I I II I I It i ! cAktoFf ftEE,ca(frElLdsfwj, frvulP 6 ge PAIUTY9 DY OhJilE,FS' ?u\tlHftS. I ! I I N{e" 16" 12'. 14" ,'7 t't'/2." tt /4" 1" 1" t /zh '^tt!1,'' t a'I{,li I I Lo"a.o,I Ftw, h" Q+ I { -t I I L', I SEAIIOSS Vers 5.0 Copyrlght 1986-199{r' Tbonas'and Aasociates, Bellalre, Uf(516) s33-8472I i* ** * * *t** I * ****t * t* *** a****t * att ****lt** ***** **t***** aa **t *t+*** ** * ata** *** * i * DNIIJ GIJENI{OOD SPRINGS 3356 GI.EN AVE GIJENII@D SPRII|GS C!. 81501945-2331 1-8Oo-252-32,15 GAZIOGI{' VAI& HeatlosE is based on a Design TaDp. Difference of 90The 8Tu,s per foot of, radiatLon is 880 08-10-1995 -t' .i !1 .t - Ir"-".1*..s'--:i..,- -k' - i- \ ' S*t*tg**! LTVINGR@II CEILING EETGI{T IS 11.00 EEE!. VOLI'UE IS 4,290 CT'BIC EEET5 EXPOSED OPENINGS, TOTaIr!NG2 E:(POSED WALLS, not including openl.ngB, TOTAIrENG >>>> 309.4 SeUtRE EEET RooU SIZE rS 26.0 IpNc by "t.:i.o TIDE, lOTAI4lfc >> 390.0 seIIAtE gEEr wINDoW TYPE Is3 u-value - .551r Doubl.e pane, Clear elasE WALL TyPE IS: It-Value - ,06, Frar€ Insulated " ' .. CEILING TYPE IS: U-Value = .033r Uncondltloned Attis Spaee tboveFIroR TSPE Is: lt-ealue - 0,.El.oor ov€r any .-U--tl1#S"SB3* I'lle Total BfoE for tb€ outsldc ralls are _. '-'.L,671 zo.' DBLIllle Total gntE lor tbe &porcd openl.ngrs are '"7,023 oe The tota]' glrgE for tbe c6ll1rlg|s .,.-.r 1,170 S.i at diIhe total EI',('II for tb6 lloor! 0 The BTITB lnfl.ltration for the openings lerIlE TOTAIJ BiTgtr AOR TEIS ROOI.I Ig Tbe total feet of radiation laguired tbls rooD ' 8,540 L8 ,4O4 20. 9 6t DINING CETLI$G TIEIGM IS 11.00 EEET,voutua Is6 SKPOSED OPEIIINGS, TOTAIJIIG2 HKPOSED WAIJls, not lncluding openings, TqTAlIt{c >>>> ROoM SIZE IS 26. 0 I,NC by 13 .5 I{IDE, 1ICIIAIJNG >> The Total BTITE for tbe outsid3 FalLg arethe Total EtgE for tbe ExFo..d opcningr are The total BTttH tor the cel].lngr llhe total BTITE tor tbc tloorc.!t'he BTlttE inflltratlon lor tbs openings is TIIE TOIPAL BIrUE FOR lIlEIS ROC'T IS The total feet o! radLation r€quired this rool 3,861 CttBIC FEET 138.0 SQUAIE EEEr 295.5 SQUARE EET 351.0 SQIIARE rEEA I{fNDOW TYPE I8: g-Valu€ - .551r Double Pane, Clear Glass $ALL fypE IS: g-Valu. - -06e tr:.!!€ fnsu1at66 tii':.::.:;. :r."'.,, ., . eEIL,ING TYPE IS: g-Valu€ - .033r ltncondltion€d Attic Space lbove FLooR TyPE IS: g-Value - 0, Eloor sner arryr CondJ.tl.oned Space EEATIOSS' 1,501 6,845 1, O53;o. 8,323 L7 ,e22.20.3.tt'+bt 3,?* lb,, drr.tq IGTqEETcElrJlrc BETGI{I rs 11.00 EEET,1 E{POSED OPENII{GS , mTAI.I}IC2 EKPoSED WALLS, not includlng openinga, ToTALIIIG >>>> RoOU SIZE IS 1O.0 IPI{G by 19.O rfDE, TqfAlI}lC >> The Total BIIrE for tbe outald. salla areItte Total ETUU for the ExIlo8ed Openings areIhe total BTttH for the ceillngelbe total E|IoII for the tl.oorglte BrUE infiltratl.on for the openinge isTB8 TO4IAL EIII'H FOR 1BIS IOOr IS The total leet of radLatlon leguired thls roq! VOEI'}IE IS 2, 09O qtBrc EBE! 3O.O SQUTRE FEEtr157.0 SQUARE IEETuro.o sQutRE FEEr WINDOI| TSPE fss U-Val,ue - .551r Double pane, Clear clasg I{ALIJ TYPE IS: I,-valu€ - . 05 , Eane fnBulat€dcEILfNc IYPE fg: g-va.Lue - .033r Unconditlon€d Attlc Space AboveFIltoR ryPE fs: U-value - 0, Floor orer any Condltl,oned gpace EEJATI'SS 848 1, 488 570 0 1,809 1,7L5 5.,1 POI{DER + cErrJNc aBIGm rs 9.0o rEET, . VOEDUE rS 810 CTTBIC rEgr1 EXPOSED OPENINGS, TOIIALING1 EXPoSED I'AIJ.S, not iDcludlng openlngg, IOEAIj c >>>> ?5.0 SOI'ARA EEE!Roolit SIZE IS 10.0 IoNG by 9-O WIDS, FTILII|G >> 9o.O SeUAnA !BgrlfINDOlt ITPE rS3 U-Value - .551, DoubIe pan€, Clear ClaE6 WAI.L TrPA IS3 lt-Value - .05, F:ia!€ Insulatld CEILfNG TYPE ISs U-Value - .033, Ilnconditl.oned Attlc Space lboverLOR ffPE IS: U-valu. - O, Ploor over any Condltioned gpace EEAtIpSSThe Total BTttE for the outaLde salls are{tte total EgttB for tbe Bpoaed Openinge aref'he total B[tE for the ceiJ.ingaItle total glgE for the lloors Ttre BTI'I| lnflltration for tbe op€nings la TtsE TCITAI BTI'E FOR !EIS ROOI{ ISSe total feet of radlatLon requlred tbLs roo! .405 744 270 0 905 2,324 2.6 -,.::,.-:-, I,IUD OFFICE CEILI G EETGBT IS 9.00 pEg[, vountE Ig L,224 cualc pEEt I EXPOSED OPSNINGS, IOTAIJIIIG2 EXPOSSD I{ALI.S, not Includi.ng openLngs, TOIII,rNG >>>> 123.0 seUeRE ESET ROOU SIZE IS 8.O Irtrc by 17.O LIDE, ToTAI^IIG >> 136.0 SQUIRE FIEA $MDOW fI?E IS: U-Value - ,551r Xlouble Panc, CI.ar class 'WALL IYPE fS: t'-Va]-ue - .06, FriaDe InaulatedqEILING TI(PE IS! U-Value : .033r ltnconditlon€d Attlc Space Above FI,OR ffPE IS: lt-Valus - 0, Floor over any Conditioned Space EEATI.',('SS 66{me Total E[!OE for the outside walls are . 408 0\.267 3, 381 3.8 BED I, CEfLfNG EEfGln fS 8 . OO FEEI, VOEttttE IS 1, ,tS8 CITBIC FEgf 1 lTlosgD oPElrrrrcs, TcnAIJllc _2 E(POSED t|ArJ.s ' not lncludlng openlngB, rrorArJ[c >>>> 175.2 sQuAFE ET ROOITT SIZE IS 13 . 5 I,NG by 13 . 5 nIDE, TOTAIJtfc >> 182 . 3 SQUARE iEEf,WfNmSt IYPE IS: U-VaIue - .S51r Double panc, C1ear c1a83 WAIJ& SYPE IS: U-Value - .06, FraDe InaulatedctsII,Il{G TyPE fS: U-Value - o, condltionod Epace aboveFrcoR TYPE rs: u-value - .o7Lt Floor, orrei gnclosed, unconditioned space Itte total ST0E lor tlre outsLde ralls areThe Total gfBE for th€ ExDosed Ooeninqs arethe total BTlgtr for the ce-llingeDe total Bf,tOl for the floorB - lt|e ErUH lnfLltration for tbG oE)enings Ls THE IOTA! EI['E FOR STg ROOU ISlte total feet of radlation Fquir€d thl.e ro@ . EEATI'SS : l*.:'"t: 2tO21' -::. 0 : i' ,:'. . 583'..;_,..2r46t -. 6, 01{ 6.8 cErrJNG EETSET rS 8.00 FEE!, vorJtuE Is 320 CIIATC SEET1 HT(POSED OPENINGS T IOtTAIJtrtfC1 El(PosED WALI'S, not Lncluding openings, TOTAIJI|C >>>> 34.0 CegARE FEAI ROOU SIZE rS 5.O LNc by 8.O IiIDE, tCrrALIt{G >> 4O.O SQUARE SEEInINDOW TIPE IS: U-Valus - .551, DoubLe pane, clear cla58 WAIL tyPE IS: tt-val,u. - .OC, frale InsulatedqEIIJNG TYPE Igs U-Value - 0, Condltion€d spqco .bo\r.EI,OR TyPE IS: U-Value * .071r Floor, onei Encloaed, gncondltLoned stace AATII 1 I'b6 Total EtuE for tbe out8ld. ral]'g areIlre Total EtttE for tha E:qrorGA OpenlJrgs @ ,.r. i..:.:... .llhe total BTttE for the ce llingr .. ,; ' .'. ....- , -. .. 1.;' + -- ": "Ss total EftUE for tbc floors : . ; .jr; 'nr- Itre BTttE lnflltration for thc openLngs lsUE TgTAL BII'E FOR MIS ROOU TS lttre total feet of radirtlon rEqulr€d tlis ro@ .... EETTIOSS 184 398 .o l:t8 362 972 1.1 '1t ,t. BED 2 CEILING EEIGIIE IS 8.OO FEEE,voEUl{E rs L,248 GtBrC tEEr 15.O SQUARA AEEI1 EXPOSED OPENTNGS, TOTAIJNC >>>>>>>>> ,t ilr !:1 J{ t It ' ui6. o SQI'AAE tEEr : Tbe Total BIUE for the outsld€ v!1ls argTbe Total RrOE for the E<pos€d openings arelbe total BtrUIt for tlre ceillngslhe total EfgE for the floorc The BTt B infiltratlon for th. openlngs isTIIE TO1rAI, BTT'II FOR IETS ROOU rSlhe total feet of radl,atlon rcquircd this roon BAqlI 2 CEIIJNG SEIGBT rS 8.00 SEET,.0 ExPosED OPENINGS , lcrltAlJlrc1 EXPoSED I|AI,LS, not lncludlng olreningB, fiIfAlrtrltc >>>> ROOl,r SIZE IS 9.O IpNC by 7.O IIDE, TOtfAr.Il{G >> I{INDOIY ITPE IS: lt-Value - Or lto oE gnings Ln thie rootnAl!tr IYPE IS! U-Value - -06, F:.a!€ Insulat€d .,._ CEIIJI{G rYPE fS: U-Valu€ - 0. @nditidr€d apace above VOEI'UE IS 504 CLBIC rEEro.0 SQUARE gEEf, 72.0 SQUIRE EET63.0 SQUARE ESET EI40R TIPE IS: U-VaIue - .o?lt gloor, ov€r Bnclo€€d, Itncondltloned apace Tbe Total, EntE lor tb.e outcldc'r"l1" "r"Ibe lotal EFttE for tb'c Exlrosod O,penlnqa arelrhe total E|[UE for tbe cclllngsttle total BTU8 for tb€ floorig'he BTITE infiltration for tbe op€nings ls TIIE TOTAI. Bf,I'E FOR EES R@!{ TSlhe total feet of radiatl.on r.gulred tbis roon , ", AEATIPSS :r;t' "':. 389"o o 202 o 591 o.7 :1,..,.STSI}IG CEII,TITG EEIGET IS 8. OO PBSI,2 E](POSED OPSNINGS, TOTAI.ING voutlrE Is 2.048 CUBIC !EET '10.0 sQIteRa rEEE _1 EXPOSED WAI.LS', not lncludlng op€nlngs, tOTAIrXltG >>>> 88.O S9UARS EBtf iRool{ SIZE IS 16.0 IIrilc bf' .16.0.rID8, IrmAflltc >>: :.,256.0 SQUARE FtEt .F.IfIIIDOI{ ryqE IS: g-Vaf'u. - .551r Double panc, CL.ar claaa I : WALIJ TYPE IS: U-Value - -06, Eale Insulated CEIIJNG 'll?E IS! U-va1u€ - O, @nditloned Epace ab6/e EI,OR TYPE IS: U-va]'ue - -O7Lt Eloor, o?er Enclosed, Uncondl,tioned qnce. . EE,ATIOAS:tbe lotal ErUE for the outgldc ral1a are l7Slbe Total ElttE for tbe Bqlos.d Opanings a:ce 1198{Itre total EntE for the ceill'nEa .. 0 'Ilte total EI0f, for tbe floors 819Itre BT['I{ lnfll.tratlon for thc openings is Z.1LzrlrE ToTAIT EnU FOR !EIS ROOU tS 5,690 The total teet of radlatlon r€qul!€d thls rosu 6.5 BED 3 cBrrJrNG EErcBr rs 8. 00 mEB' voru!|a rs L,L14 c{tBrc IEET1 EXPOSED OPENINCS, IOTALINGI EXPOSED WAL,I,I', not lncludl.nE openingc, TO,iIALII|G >>>> 89.0 S-eUeRB FEE!Rool,l SIZE IS 13.0 I,NG by 11.o WIDE, TCTTALiING >> 143.0 SQUARE EEETIfMDOlf TIPE f8! U-value - .551, Dou.ble pane, Clear clasa WALL ffPE IS! It-Valu. - .05, Ftarlc Insulat€dCEILING IYPE fS: U-Value - 0, Condl.tLoned spacs abov€rr,ooR IYPE r8: It-valu€ - .o7Lt Floor, ov€r Enclosed, uncondLtloned sDace EE]ATIPSS 481 7tl 0 /r58 905' 21588 2.9 lllre lotal 8nE tor th. outalale ralla a:'cThe Total EntH for tb. Ext oscd OpcttiDEc rrethe total B|lun for tbe celllngsItre total EIUE for the floorgIhe BtrqE infiltratl.on lor th. opelrinEB ls TtsE TOTAI/ SN'l| FOR 1!IS ROol{ I!'Se total feet of ladiatlor Esquired this ro@ i qEIIJNG EEIGm rS U.OO FES!, voIJDuE ts a,598 CttBIC EEBI7 ET(POSED OPETIINGS, troTAtINC2 E:XPOSBD mLIS, not lncludlng op$rlnga, Tq[Alrft{c >>>> 349.5 SOUARE pEE! Roou SIZE IS 19.o tplfc by 22.o rrDE, tIroTAIJlrc >> 418.0 SQUAAE AEE!FINDOI{ lyPE IS: U-Value - .551r Doubh paDc, Cl€rr clasg WALL TIPE fS3 U-Vllue - .06, Ita!. Insulated CBILING TrPE IS: g-Valu€ - .033r ltnconall.tl.oned Attl.c Epac€ tboveEfpoR gfPE fg: g-value - .07lr Floor, oncr gncloaed. Itncondl,tl,oned sltace IIASTER BED ttre lotal BfU|l for tbe outgide yalla arethe ?otal gntn for thc B<por.d Openlnga arclhe tota1 BTSE for the cel'llnErIlre total BtrIrU for tbe floorg The BTITH lnflltratlon for tJrc openlDgs ls THA TqIAL 811'E FOR lrIS ROqU TSlllre total te€t of radiatl.on requlred- tbl.g roon f,EATrItSS '1, 887 5r 034 L,254 1,338 6.L22 1!t, 63 5- 17.8 DRESSTNG CIO CEILT G EETGE! IS 8.O0 gEB!, VCTI;ITUE IS 1.404 CITBIC AEEAo ExPosED oPEltINcS, TqfAtllfc >>>>>>>>>>>>1 E:IPC'SED I'AIJS, not lncludlnE opGnl.ngr, T(IfA[trlIc >>>> 108.0 SOUARE fEEf ROOU SIZE I8 13.5 I,NG by 13.0 rIDB. I!qrALTNG >> 125.5 SQIIARE FEgr wXNDow ffPE fS: O-value - 0, llo opcnlnga ln t'blg roou WAIf. TYPE IS! U-VaIu. ' .05r Frane In3ulated CEILII{G fgPE IS: t -Value - .033r Unconditl.oncd Attic Space lbove rIFOR IYPE Ig: g-Value - .071, Floor, ov.r Enc1os6d, Onconditloned strnce .^ ' . j.s83 :,.,..-] o 527 562 0 L,572 1.9 I4ASIER BATE cEItrNG flIIGEt IS 8.00 FBIE, VOIITUE IS 2,L28 CITBIC PEET2 ET(POSED OPENII{GS, TOTAIJNC3 ETPOSED WA&IS, not lnc].uding openl.ngs, TOTAEII|G >>>> 289.0 SQUARE rEET RoOl{ SrzE fS 14 . 0 IpNG by 19. o WIDE, TmAI|Il{c >> 265. 0 SQUARE rEET ttINDOtg TYPE fS: U-Valua - .551r Doub1e pane, Clear GIaEs WALL IYPA fS ! U-Value - ,06, FEaDe Illgu1atedl .;+i;.i: r. j cEIIJNGlYPEIs!u.va1ue..033runcond1t1onedAttl'cspacaAbov€ffroR ltPE Is: U-Vrlue - .O71r gloor, cryer Enclosed, ItncondLtloned Epace .: ' ',.$.li EEAIITSS The Total EruE for tb€ outsld. salla are .' ':i !*J1.561 the lotal BTttE for th€ E:qrosGd Openlnge are .i-'iL.:.:1;538 The total EIUE for tbe ceilingE . :, :,j;.- 799 The total gfuf, foE the floora ,!i -. '.ir. ."." ' :'.:l;+;--r." gtt Tlle EfoE infllbration for the openilgs Is '::i .1r87o fiE TOtgAL Bnte FOR mIS ROol{ Isi . i!','.6,618 rbe torat feer of radlariot! lqufrea 9"" T- ,,,r;:,-..i!.r.z.s VOLT]UE IS z7,L27 CITBIC FEElr 594.9 EQEIRB EEET 2,350.6 SQgAnE rSET O.O SQUARB FEET ?,856.8 {tQUAnA rEET .g *:s' ii:. .Fj. O ETI(III The total feet of radlatlon raquired 101.8t*******t***t***t***a*at*tt*t!t**ta********t*a:a*tt*t1*t*ta*:l***tatl*t***ltt**t***. Eod of EeporE E:XPOSED OPENINGS, TOTAIJTNG 8]@OSED I|AIJ,S, above glade not includlng openl.ngs TOTAIT SQUARE FEEI, of walls b.Ios grade StooR AltD cEIIfiIc srzE Is T}te Total EIOE for the sal].a alrove grradc ara EEATrIpSS. 1J2,694 Tlre Total Eft E for tbc walls bclou gn:ade are ,.. .:-:.-i+r 0 tlthe Total BntE lor tbr bcposcd opcnir|gs ar" ,.. .1o -'t.-fr,29,5o8 Tle total EfttE for the celllnEB :.i- ' . . '{ 4qi '-'' ri :T1,:5,050 Tll€ total EF('E for tbe tloorg .. 5,,139 The Elun infl.ltratlon for tbe openings Ls .. ._ 35,881 TOTAL BtgE, rErE iUTUDTXG '89,573 C,az,qt^ - Pq"4# enL7fi/2' KFM CONSULTANTS, tNC. P.O, BOX 4672 KRH COHSULTAHTS, I C. 3AE94915??F. Ot {9701 949-93s1 FAX g4a-1977 Ffi( TNANSMTTTAL 3. 4. COMPATW COMP parp- -la/z/qs - FA)(TO: 1. NAME ?ON Y GOMPAI{Y VIELEFt\x-l4l4-**:La NAME COMP. FA'( PROJECT . ct^ ?l o d{ L U NUMBER OF PAGES IINCLUDING THIS TRANSMITT GOMMET'ITSr JOS NUMBER , 7tu2:l,o z :\dil'f\ill1lwJ'Aol r[]gil-fuffI srGNEo V,;*m y J"" coNsuLTeNTe, ruc.l".rr=tt P. a2 llBU consulrAilrs, rr.,rc.F.O.80x aEn2vA[.'coLoRADo 8t368 {8701949-939t. FAX e{et577 NEI^D NEPONT TO::ffi E, ^, lZ:35 p_rt DEPAIT:li Oa nv WEATHEF; ATTENTIOI* FFOIECI: I rcvbwed tu ctructr ral frnntro rr,,r ,6hr :. _ L _ilrhg and ftxt tt !o be h enpgrncr $,it'| our Cms |nd rpecillcfions. coPrTq -r.L V,ELE .austr- *M^Fc F4 x 4zu - =t-n - PREPIRED 2l2OlOL, 10r{{ r33 Pf,o(tnllt mal5ufwE ot ltrit DIPOgI' RIII'D IIP('RI-I'PDAII Pt('t 1 qtgt-rD qttrrdR ru! cBlrot TTPI DEEOSIT DIEOIIIT-AIIiT TD'!8NEM IIIIR-nlln['lI-rDTE raT-DrrE nrcUlt rrogxT rrcIrul tlloltlT {58 B95-O192 iI.L. VL.l. D3 DEPO6 Dep-Clealup LlLrlgS 212010L 5OO. OO 5OO. O0 500.00- .00 so0.00 s00.00 500,00- .00TOll& FOR Cltg$0||88 TIPE r D2 o/r, aATcH crr aED: BArcH-00s26 20o1/o2 usERrD-itsufHnlE Ap HELD c{rtrT- GRtl@ !OIA!: so0.00 s00.00 500,00- .00 DB?OAIT COUDT! 1 1.00 rrroo r- 500,00 MB t_i IT NU I PERM DATE iR OF1PRO,,]ECT ll i4t JoB NAME 'r,,,lrr INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 '' 07a-s AM 6iiREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: 7i i )l'(': 'V'r0{8 (t r. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND I] ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION U POOL/ H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL ELECTFIOAL: tr TEMP.. POWER MECHANICAL: tr SUPPLY AIR FTNALi O FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED oor- fi /tt/*-r rNsPEcroR J PErNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND .8 ROUGH / D.W.V.D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,.) .& ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING h ons PTPTNG a tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK O POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr otr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. pOWen MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING O ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr, O FINAL N FINAL OVED O DISAPPROVED T] REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JO8 NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED.itr{APPROVED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL ;i;,uruoencnour.ro D ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICNL: tr TEMP. POWEH MEGHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED DATE INSPECTOR NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 CALLER READY FOB LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- Huruoencnouruo tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATEBtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr S}JEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr 0trFINAL FINAL ELECTFICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr tr FINAL t] FINAL /fsw,,o 'ORRECTIoNS: tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED cTroNs /") DpJE y'1 - .v'5 TNSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PHOJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER TlJES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEE.- tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEEF" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB T] SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL EI APPROVED 'OORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED " '.. DATE INSPECTOR i''. /-\ /LA.'1''---f\t t .) PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:, fr,fbfl) INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 CALLER TUES LOCATION: -Czo UR BUILDING:PLUMBING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n BOOF & SHEEH- PLYWOOD NAILING fi ttlsurerroN - tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr RNAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr E FINAL T] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB o tr tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ..,-INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE 479-2138 ' i L{.JOB NAME MON WEb THUR FRIREADY FOR INSPECTION:AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: PLUMBING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDEFGRoUND - D FOUNDATION / STEEL D ROUGH / D.W.V, Fl FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n'ROOF & SHEERu pLyWOOD NA;L;NG D GAS PIPING T] INSULATION - N POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O trtr tr FINAL O FTNAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: T] TEMP. POWEB tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - flr-1 tr FINAL O FINAL i..,:! tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ' .^F DTSAPPROVED D,IlEINSPECTION REQU IRED DATE ffir-i ( tD *: ,2rri/t;d:i'U Q- tr DTSAPPROVED -\r Prr!&/ 'c,t:rll+-€-€ t *t} INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2139 {1:enoveo '., CORRECTIONS: tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED BUILDING:. tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ING tr BOUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr otr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING r] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL S ..^-l f"c-,rrv'€ [- xt S-Iir*-it. l{,io-,tof NATtr ll- ,t5 a PERMIT NUMBEF QF PBOJECT i. -' .' tiDATE i,,. JOB NAME rNs t PE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 CALLER .. TUES THUB FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATEBO FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING El GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL -_---_- D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICALT tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR O FINAL ,tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR IINSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:(ise) T- MON -4;reenovED .r',:tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ' ("' BUILDING: F FOOTTNGS / STEEL PLUMEING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGHOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " pLYWooo NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION T] POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH -tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr T] FINAL tr FINAL DATE /-,'INSPECTOR CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 eLe )a_J READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:UR, FRI PM /-^' PERM'T NUMBER OF PROJECT oor, -7/ ) {t/ ?S ,o, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: ;{rour.roaloN / srEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING T] GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr. B FINALtr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER IIEGHAN!CAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tl tr FINAT tr FINAL O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ECTIONS: INSPECTOR Project Name: llign Review Action eh TOWN OF VAIL I Category tlumUer-Z Building Narne: Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: Rrct'iteQffiAddressandphone: ZL---','. ru.n,,, (',n l r,',,/ L-.-, Legal Description: Lot / Block / Subdirlrsion../. wl. lZh 8/6s1ZoneDistrict # Projectstreet Address:31 ft\ 6a-nr r , E- t /o (U- @taffAction Seconded Oy: fr -o-.^ ,-,.*-,- J fr 4rl,ouat/4 .... (, , t ,L) r.'!1., t r /' I ! Disapproval Motion by:vote: 5 -O /on'ot t DRBFee Pre-paid Zt)' - ,t tJoxe, <,lQ /l'S N 1- t 'j olign Review Action Fnr TOWN OF VAIL ,l Category Number Proiect Name: Building Name: Project Description: /'.1'L,-, "c -. /o ..r, ,, Lu. ! .--t,,.,i .',r 'L'/ .ut.t., .".,.n Owner. Address and Phone: nrcnitecq@odressand phone: ?era.z LnLni-,,',,'r ,-,,-,* zo11 tJ y'-',, ,.-r.-r,- Legal Description: Lot 7 Block (- Subdivision \r-..', , tl I t , " - 'lZ ZoneDistrict 'P/t Project Street Address: Comments: ---:-----==-' -Boari{Staff Action Motion by: Vote: Seconded by: [] Approval 3 Disapproval fr Staff Approval Conditions: !r .4fi.. ,- K tt* I Town Planner oae: ///;/ t/ts - DRB Fee Pre-paid 7 /) Ltu,/_u. i t.vt1.a Ah7l9! ' DE'TGN **r""Qo*o ApprJrcATroN - Tor{N ol^-o, corJoRADo DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING:********** INCOMPLETE APPI,ICATTONS ITAY NOT BE SCHEDUNED FOR NSTTIZW. PROiTECT INFORMATTON: PTroN: 9quO,tt $OLcoLof I. A. B.TYPE OF REVIEW: PTION: LotVA\L v is described by please,, provide ieationi BLock a meeE,s and bounds on a separate sheeE ,JV"A;ii,,-dl[t ********** c. D. F F. I. *T. IJEGAI, DESCRI Subdivision If property description,to this appL ZONING: legaL and attach NAl,rE oF ApplrcAr{rt HFt[4!4. C,AZlO4urlMailinq Address: G.NAME OFMailinq APPLICANTI S REPRESENTATIVE: Address: Phone Phone AZr ocduv Ur.r,5. H. NA!,[E OF OWNER(S): OIINER(Sl SIGNATURET Mailing Address: APPLICATIONS WILIJ NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOW OWNER'S STGTI'A"UR.E Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are Eo be paid at thetine of submittaL of the oRn applicaEion. Later, when applying for a building permiE, please idenLify Ehe accurate valuation of the proposal. The Town of vail will adjust the fee according to the table beLow, Eo ensure correct feeis paid. 00 ll FEE SCHEDUIIE: VALUATION$ o $ 1o,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $ 50, 001 - $ 150, 000 $150,00L - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 DESIGN REVIEW EOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES APPROVAI I'I\[.,ESS A BUII.,DING PENMIT IgIS STARTED. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200 .00 $400.00 $s00. 00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAI, ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION Phone Circle West 3\DtNtq. fto@:Fo co\;o4; tt'za'Qs' \ (uor 1 1 P5Loa Y zt v A\L v\LtAqE Flur sq + tz; \ t-- 51u"o couocz { I l \A\,Al( ) \\lll ll.1 I,t\FN F.t:t)l L ], I]RICKI)I.JS'I c-{AZr oq\-\) V-€4ro€ u LE trf tNOOt,."f -Ta^ALOwo(- rlooO 6 P--: I , .; \ 6r :il:: iljl '.:i*:rii i -i-..'= i 'j '' :.r r-iii -1, i':i:i =-+:=f-l!''-- L:J{!!-: 4.----_ - tlrtrncf H x? {?1?0 DA ':F-d IECEIVED IDDRESS Police ReceiPt NumbeT Rrmit Numberg H}t lAill-oa---&d ft 1.=-,-"-G-: -tL..E 1G:L-- 1='?t ttnr'tlGt't2''t-'aErt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 3e FAX 303-479-2452 May 4, 1995 Mr. Peter Koliopoulos Cirole West 2077 North Frontage Road, Suite 108 Vail, CO 81657 RE: Gazioglu Dear Peter: Department of Comntuniry Developnentftr rr rr r t0PY Thank you for appearing before the Design.Rcview Board (DRB) with thc proposod residential addition to the Gazioglu residencc located at 3120 Booth Falls CourUl,ot 7 , Block 2, Vail Village Filing #12. The DRB has conditionally approved thc proposcd addition. The condition placed upon the approval by the DRB is as follows: l. Should the applicant desire to repaint the building, the applicant will need to reappear beforc the DRB with a scparate requcst forthe color chaoge. The proposed Navajo Red (Devoe ST #97) is a fiansparent color. A solid body stain will be needed to cover the existing dark green color on the building. If you have any questions or concems with regard to the information addressed within this letter, please do not hesitate in giving me a call at 479-2138. Sincerely, ,-lI.l"-c-r- George Ruther Town Planner u.H7t-'1 \i::-'P'|N & cAP t \ 4.** \REryUVE[ ' i.,,l' c[t'ml' urtt'DLt i Gozio \,^ Rqld TMpROVEMENT LocATtoN cERTIFIcATE ('rRtr rr+r TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY Pr- e,i- A tn/, LOT 7, BLOCK 2 '-/ | r u("[/- VAIL VILLAGE TWELFTH FILING TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO9/ 9' 20/ q4 JOB 166 Single Family ZONE CHECK . FOR Residence, Duplex, Pr ZONE DISTRICTS o imary/Secondary ARCHITECT AIlowed nxistinq (3ougrT) ProDosed Tof.al QL-- 38t1ft + + 425 q3Jtsi +425= 20' 15, 15' 42s?' * c))r< ,+ -l-LJgL-3'/6' 5 neqra (30) (s0) /99s *(x_ OL L EncL /8' ..,.-u-'-zs'-*t' ' ''t1i .5J't3' -*..-.-.,+ ' -2,,,. -jJE-- SiLe Coverage Landscaping ReLaining WalI lleighLs Parking carage Crcdic Drivc: Compties wil:h T.O.v. LighLing Ordinance ltYes !/l{ No 'r.IA Do Finish Gradcs Exceed 2:L (50%)YEs--!-14-- No- EnvironmenLal/llazards: 1) Flood P1ain QL r > ^/\.2l PercenL sloPe (< > 30%) a l(J7o 3 ) Geologic Hazarcls a) Sno\d Aval-anche oL b) Rockf all- oY- c) Debris FIowg 4) Wet.lands OY View Corridor Encroachment-: Yes- No-,--%- Does Lhis reqriesl invoive a Z'tO riciriiLion? l-'lo t.l IIow much of the allowed 250 AddiLion is used wiuh Lhis requesL?N/n Previous condit,ions of approval (check properLy fiLe): (3ooy6fo},eoo) (1200 | 9Z'1 dl\__'----/ PermiEted slope I * Proposed slope O(+' .1lA 4 / T'rr\Trr. 4/ // /o.< IJEGAL DESCRIpTION: Lot -]L ntoct< 7 SrtAaiwision xl 't 'r't r "-'/ZADDRESS: OWNER PHONE PIIONE ,-.1-.r.n. IZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT SrzE .3-74 BUILDABIJE LOT AREA HeiqhL ToEal Gnttt5T:;rl'.-+ 1ic, Primary GRFA Secondary GRF]\ SeLbacks FronL Sides Rear wat.er Course SeLback L0 lr, '1r 'i. Ner'Teott A/17 /94 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPLTCATION - ToTTIN , DATE RECETVED: )ATE OF DRB MEETING: ***rt****** **********I. A. PRO,JECT INFORMATION: DESCRTPTION: flOOtr.JC.U#u: {u ruJ,oocr.ls i9!. FkPAuo ffi#'-.m DATE OF DRB MEETING: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: , New Construction ($200.00)V aaairion (gso.00) ADDRESS: Minor AlreraLion ($20.00) Conceptual neview (90) D.LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot,Subdivision VAr G.NAME OF APPLICAi{T' S REPRESENTATTVE: Block 7 meets and bounds Iegala separate sheet and att.ach \)f> taL1l1 1C-Phone 41L:a1BL I If property is described by adescription, please provide onto this application. zoNING: {ruo FA/qrLy F€"(OFJT|AL OlSTtetaT, NAME OF APPLICANT' N/(E. LMailing Address: Mailing Address:la. Co. H.NAME OF OWNER(S) : APPr'rcATroNs wrLL Nor BE PRocEssED wrlrilovr owNER's ITGNATURE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are t.o be paid at thetime of submit.t.al of the DRB application. LlEer, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify the accuratevaruation of bhe proposal . The Town of vail will adjust thefee according to the table below, t,cL ensure the correct feeis paid.? 5 {p r. J. FEE SCHEDULE: $ oy VALUATION0 - $ 10,000$ 10, 001 - $ s0, 000$ 50, 00L - g 150,000 $150, 00r" - $ 500, 000 $500,001 - 91,000,000g Over 9j.,000,000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVAIJ I]NIJESS A BUIIJDING PERMIT ISIS STARTED. Mailinq Address: A,e/- FEE $ 20. 00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAIJ TSSUED A}ID CONSTRUCTION aPRE.APPLICATION MEETING:II A pre-application meeting with a member of the planningstaff is encouraged Lo determine if any addit.ionalapplicat,ion information is needed. It is the applicanb, sresponsibility to make an appointment with the st,aff E,odetermine if there are additional submittal requiremenLs.Please noLe that a coMpLETE apptication will sb.reamline therevi-ew process for your projecE. III. IMPORTANI NOTICE REGARDING ALI-, SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape t.he project site t,oindicate property 1ines, building tines and buildingcorners. A11 Erees bo be removed must be t.aped. Allsite tapings and staking must be completed prior to the oRe site visit. The applicant must ensure that sLaking done during the winter is noL buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUII,DINGS normally requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Rewiew Board: aconceptual review and a final review. C. Applicant-s who fail Lo appear before t.he Design Review Board on Lheir scheduled meeting daLe and who have not asked in advance that. discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such t.ime as the item has been republished. D. The following items may, ab the discret.ion of thezoning administrator. be approved by the CorununiLy Development DeparEment staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore Lhe DRB may not, be required): a. Windows, skylights which do not alt.erbuilding; and and similar exterior changesthe exisLinE plane of the b. Building additions not visible from any other lotor public space, AL the time such a proposal is submit.t.ed, applicanLs musL include leLEers from adjacent properLy owners and/or from Che agent foror manager of any adjacent. condominium associaLionstat'ing the associaLion approves of E,he addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche. rockfall, flood plain, debris fIow,welIand, etc.). a hazard study must be submitted andthe owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town Plannerprior to DRB application to determine Lhe relationshipof the property t.o all mapped hazards. F. For all residential construction: a. Clearly indicaLe on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior slrucLural wa11s of thebuilding; and b. IndicaLe with a dashed line on the site plan afour fooL distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporLing columns. G. If DRB approves Lhe application wiEh condit.ions ormodifications, all condiEions of approval must be addressed prior E.o the application for a buildinqpermit, IJrST OF }IATERIAITS I NAME OF PRO.JECT:AZ\o4Lo YF-+AFiPC-F; IJEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: I.,or_f_ BLOCK L SUBDIVTSTON The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUITDTNG MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wa1I Materials Fascia Sof f i t.s windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Ch i mrr orr q Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Wa11s Ext.erior Lighting Other LANDSCAPING: Name of required for submit.Lal approval- can be given: TYPE OF MATERTAIJ to the Design COLOR "DEu4ia FXt$'{1prq To (g-trt4tu lt, To la€lyl4rrl fs b. lrcl+waN- --'r(o 6yr9i'tt,lrOFvoE,, ppao ?/.f? 7. /0 &9n1ru H5 /e ltl4 Designer: Phone: ExrS{lNc1 _ B. !, Corunon NamePLAI\IT MATERIAIJS: Bot.anical Name PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS OuantiLv Size* *Indicate cal-iper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches.Indicat.e height, for coniferoustrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous t.rees is 6 feet.**rndicate size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is 5 qallon. T.r'pe Square FooEaqe GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. L,AI{DSCAPE LIGHTING: If exLerior liqhting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locahions on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fixLure from Ehe liqhting plan in the space below and provide the heighE above grade, Lype of liqht proposed, lumen output, luminous area and a cut sheeL of the light f ixture. (SecL.ion 18.54.050 J) D. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa1Is, fences, swimmingpools, et-c.) Please specify. Indicate heights of reE.aining wa1ls. Maximum height of wa11s wiLhin the fronE setback is 3' . Maximum heiqht of walls elsewhere on the property is 5'. Ner'Teott A/17 /94 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPLTCATION - ToTTIN , DATE RECETVED: )ATE OF DRB MEETING: ***rt****** **********I. A. PRO,JECT INFORMATION: DESCRTPTION: flOOtr.JC.U#u: {u ruJ,oocr.ls i9!. FkPAuo ffi#'-.m DATE OF DRB MEETING: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: , New Construction ($200.00)V aaairion (gso.00) ADDRESS: Minor AlreraLion ($20.00) Conceptual neview (90) D.LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot,Subdivision VAr G.NAME OF APPLICAi{T' S REPRESENTATTVE: Block 7 meets and bounds Iegala separate sheet and att.ach \)f> taL1l1 1C-Phone 41L:a1BL I If property is described by adescription, please provide onto this application. zoNING: {ruo FA/qrLy F€"(OFJT|AL OlSTtetaT, NAME OF APPLICANT' N/(E. LMailing Address: Mailing Address:la. Co. H.NAME OF OWNER(S) : APPr'rcATroNs wrLL Nor BE PRocEssED wrlrilovr owNER's ITGNATURE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are t.o be paid at thetime of submit.t.al of the DRB application. LlEer, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify the accuratevaruation of bhe proposal . The Town of vail will adjust thefee according to the table below, t,cL ensure the correct feeis paid.? 5 {p r. J. FEE SCHEDULE: $ oy VALUATION0 - $ 10,000$ 10, 001 - $ s0, 000$ 50, 00L - g 150,000 $150, 00r" - $ 500, 000 $500,001 - 91,000,000g Over 9j.,000,000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVAIJ I]NIJESS A BUIIJDING PERMIT ISIS STARTED. Mailinq Address: A,e/- FEE $ 20. 00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAIJ TSSUED A}ID CONSTRUCTION aPRE.APPLICATION MEETING:II A pre-application meeting with a member of the planningstaff is encouraged Lo determine if any addit.ionalapplicat,ion information is needed. It is the applicanb, sresponsibility to make an appointment with the st,aff E,odetermine if there are additional submittal requiremenLs.Please noLe that a coMpLETE apptication will sb.reamline therevi-ew process for your projecE. III. IMPORTANI NOTICE REGARDING ALI-, SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape t.he project site t,oindicate property 1ines, building tines and buildingcorners. A11 Erees bo be removed must be t.aped. Allsite tapings and staking must be completed prior to the oRe site visit. The applicant must ensure that sLaking done during the winter is noL buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUII,DINGS normally requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Rewiew Board: aconceptual review and a final review. C. Applicant-s who fail Lo appear before t.he Design Review Board on Lheir scheduled meeting daLe and who have not asked in advance that. discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such t.ime as the item has been republished. D. The following items may, ab the discret.ion of thezoning administrator. be approved by the CorununiLy Development DeparEment staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore Lhe DRB may not, be required): a. Windows, skylights which do not alt.erbuilding; and and similar exterior changesthe exisLinE plane of the b. Building additions not visible from any other lotor public space, AL the time such a proposal is submit.t.ed, applicanLs musL include leLEers from adjacent properLy owners and/or from Che agent foror manager of any adjacent. condominium associaLionstat'ing the associaLion approves of E,he addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche. rockfall, flood plain, debris fIow,welIand, etc.). a hazard study must be submitted andthe owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town Plannerprior to DRB application to determine Lhe relationshipof the property t.o all mapped hazards. F. For all residential construction: a. Clearly indicaLe on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior slrucLural wa11s of thebuilding; and b. IndicaLe with a dashed line on the site plan afour fooL distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporLing columns. G. If DRB approves Lhe application wiEh condit.ions ormodifications, all condiEions of approval must be addressed prior E.o the application for a buildinqpermit, IJrST OF }IATERIAITS I NAME OF PRO.JECT:AZ\o4Lo YF-+AFiPC-F; IJEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: I.,or_f_ BLOCK L SUBDIVTSTON The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUITDTNG MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wa1I Materials Fascia Sof f i t.s windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Ch i mrr orr q Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Wa11s Ext.erior Lighting Other LANDSCAPING: Name of required for submit.Lal approval- can be given: TYPE OF MATERTAIJ to the Design COLOR "DEu4ia FXt$'{1prq To (g-trt4tu lt, To la€lyl4rrl fs b. lrcl+waN- --'r(o 6yr9i'tt,lrOFvoE,, ppao ?/.f? 7. /0 &9n1ru H5 /e ltl4 Designer: Phone: ExrS{lNc1 _ B. !, Corunon NamePLAI\IT MATERIAIJS: Bot.anical Name PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS OuantiLv Size* *Indicate cal-iper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches.Indicat.e height, for coniferoustrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous t.rees is 6 feet.**rndicate size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is 5 qallon. T.r'pe Square FooEaqe GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. L,AI{DSCAPE LIGHTING: If exLerior liqhting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locahions on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fixLure from Ehe liqhting plan in the space below and provide the heighE above grade, Lype of liqht proposed, lumen output, luminous area and a cut sheeL of the light f ixture. (SecL.ion 18.54.050 J) D. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa1Is, fences, swimmingpools, et-c.) Please specify. Indicate heights of reE.aining wa1ls. Maximum height of wa11s wiLhin the fronE setback is 3' . Maximum heiqht of walls elsewhere on the property is 5'. . .,; ' ..- ';1 , --,/ . ..... A {-)/U/U?Ul--. ''. ..;' 'f'. ,:, ;:tu TtfLlhl 0F uFl I t- ,' ',.aj :' i.,,:rr': . \:L; Fliscel lanesus Cash .,4;'iH :..r .",1. r: .l " {.: ld{:l u.l*1;-35 1 1 r:'3:57 1 i' '!'i-- ' lrl .. ifiece i E i ++ i it:?5 ',.. 'l-i'fic,:a,-,nt # r:F. * IEEE 'fuy1 "'ttrrrlE I,JE5T FRf,HITECTs\.rIRB FEE i:. ..' t .grn,:un t. t.*n,Je red ) ':E ' FB ,' ',t . . , I tern paid ffroun t Paid : ;t ., 4.'1 ,,*l : ," . trl EBriJEi4 L f,f, lBffF '1r3. tlei .: ttl "' ]L: ' ':i'.''-:n.rn't* re t u rrr*,J .l g ' BB :'r* . j.-i ,1l. 'j -:" : JHffhll{ 1/EU '. : .. l '..": ' ' Tc'ur rs=hi*r FIEHTHH ",,','.+----* " ttr' . ,. , .,..1i"i \-, f,EClr?f -: tbr nl-tv 46615DATE .RECEryEDFROM: . SDDRESS ) I 'IU ,- I t* I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t^ oO TOWN OF VAIL ,r."nrno. Y6 ( /5 A DDR F.ss a-l ,^-,.- , (?n Li& qlr,- DATE CIfECI{S MADE PAYA.BLE TO TOWN OF VAIL AccorlNT tio. v rrEdv ' .- T^X cosTill"i TOTAL . 0 0000 4 1540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS s5.00 0 0000 42415 UNII.'ORM tsUILDING CODE s54.00 0 0000 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE s39.00 0 0000 42415 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODL,$37.00 0 0000 42415 _MTFORM FIRI-] CODE sl6.0u 0 0000 414I5 NNTIONNL ELECTRICAL CODE s37.00 0 0000 4241 5 -OTNER CODE BOOKS 0 0000 4l 548 tsLUE PzuNTS (MYLARS s7.00 0 0000 424t2 XEROX COPIES [i0.25 0 0000 424 r 2 STUDIES 0 0000 42412 TOVFEIiS COMPUTER PROCRAI"I s5.oo 0 0000.12_171 PENN LTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 0000 4l3l:PLAN REVIEW RE.CHECK FEE tS4O PER IIR. 0 0000.12332 -OFF IjOURS INSPECTION FEES 0 000041.+12 CONTRACTORS LICITNSES Fl.llS 0 0000 41413 SICN APPLICATION FEE s20.00 0 0000 .114 I _l ADDITIONAL SIGNAGL I"I.H ISI.OO PER SO,FT. 0 0000 4244+-lt/TC ART PROJI:CT DONATION 0 00ur4l33l 2RE PAID DF,SIGN RI.:VIEW BOARD ITEE w 0 00Ou?Df7T INVESTICATION FEE (BUILDTNG 3 0000 451 l0 TOV PARKING FUND 0 0000 22027 TOV NI]WSPAPH,R DISPENSER FUND* 0l 0000 2l I l2 T,\XABLE @ 1% (STATE * 0l 0000 41010 IAXABLE ad,4% (TOwl- 0 0000 42i71 BUILDINC INVEST]CATION }TIIL,R r- FEES 01 0000 41i30 TDDITIONAL GRFA "250"s200.uu 0l 0000 41310 EONDITIONN L USE P[,RI,IIT $200.00 0 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION ILESS THAN IOO SO.FT.$200.0t) 0 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTEMTION TMORE TIIAN IOO SQ.FT.s500.00 0 0000 41330 SPECIALDEVELOPMENTDISTRICT I"NEW $1,500.00 0 0000 413i0 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TMAJOR AMEND s I,0t)c).00 0l 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMINOR AMEND $200.00 0 0000 413i0 SUtsDIVISION 0 0000 41330 VARIANCE s250.OfJ 0 0000 41130 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS s250.00 0 0000 41130 RE - ZONING s200.00 OTHER OTHER IToTAL: /a -_-. cAsE r r cKFr IKX,) -,r.0, ,*ur."t'V. Olgn Review Action fol TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: 1 Building Name: V-rr-i-J, .1.- ,, , -, r.r, , E/0SZ ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: .a .t . t t - ,./i - ; -a 1t r" .. t-. Legal Description: Lot 7 Block Z Subdivision Project Street Address: Zone District Board / Staff Action Motion by: 6 ^ ,:, ^'? - , , ,. Vote: 5- F Approval ! Disapproval a StaffApproval _ ./ /,-l- JDatei 1/ z,\i t4 DRB Fee Pre-oaid o APPIT I re.ris ed 9/a/9L C'ATTON . TOI{N.OF VAIL, DATE APPTICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: COIORADO REC'I)MAR 2$ 199.1 I. **r******* EEIS IPPI.ICjtrIION }'rLT. NOE BE ACCEPTEDUNrII. II.L REQUIRED ITIE'ORI{ATION IS SI'BMI'IITED****i***** PROJECT INFORMATION: ';A. DESCRTPTToN: (oul- C HA4)c€ B. TYPE OF REVIEW: Negr Construction Addition ($50.00) ($200.001 $ainor Alteration ($20.00) ($0 ).crcrition ($50 .00) Conceptual Review ADDREss z 3l?-o T oo rT/t+ccS Cfc. D. a meets and bounds legalon a separate sheet and F. G. H. NAME OFMailing NAI4E OFMailing K. Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEE; DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe t,lrne of submittal of DRB appticat,Lon. Later, whenapplying for a building permit, please ldentify theaccurate val-uation of the proposal . The Town of VailwiJ.l adJust the fee according to the tabLe below, toensure the correct fee is paid. -_r,,.-. rrAzcp rlFEE PAfD: S Od(-]'vt-/\ ll l-I ,[+.1b4d VALUATION$ 0 - $ 10,000s 10,001 - $ 50,000. $ 501001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - s1r 000,000$ . over $1r 000,000 FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 tfIlsout LEGAL DESCRIPTION: L,ot ? Subdivision If property ls described bydescription, please provide attach t,o this application. ZONING: LOT AREA: If required, APPLTCANT: Address: APPL]CAI{T' S REPRESENTATIVE : Address: Phone I. NAME OF *STGNATURE (S} :Mailing Address: applicant must provlde a currentLot area. ]ock laalq* * DESIGN REUIEI| BOARD APPROVAI., EXPIRES ONE YEAR .AI'TER I.XNAII APPRO1IAI TINUESS A BSU.DING PERMIT IS ISST'ED A}ID CONSTRUCTTON IS STARIED. **NO APPLICATION IIII,IJ BE PROCESSED 1 O9INER' S SIGDTATURE II. a pfg-?pplication meeting with a member of the planningstaff is strongly encouriged to determine if any additionarapplication information is needed. It is the applicantrsresponsj-bifity to make an appointment with the ltaff todeternine if there are additionat submittal requirements.Please note that a coMpLETE apprication wlll streamrine theapproval process for your project. III. IMPORTN{T NOTICE REGARDING ALt SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal reguirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the pioject site toindicate property lines, Uuitaing fines and buiJ_dingcorners. A11 trees Lo be removed nust be taped. Affsite tapings. and staking must be conpleted plior to theDRB site.visit. Th. applicant must ensure Lhat stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. B- The reviehr process for NEW BurLDrNGs normarry requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Review eoard: aconceptual approval and a final approval . Applicantsshould plan on presenting their devel0pment p-roposaL ata minimum of two meetingi before obtaiiring finaiapproval . c. Applicants who fair to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, wiII have their items removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the item has beenrepublished. D. The following items may, at the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the CommunityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. i formal heariigbefore the DRB may not be reguired): a. Windowsr skylights and sinilar exterj-or changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of the-building; and b. Building addition.proposals not visible from anyother lot or public space. At the time such a - proposal is submitted, applicants must j.ncLudeLetters from adjacent proberty owners and,/or fromthe agent fo! or manager bf any adjacentcondominium association stating the associationapproves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e.gnow avalanche, rockfall, flood p1ain, debris flow,netland, etc) r a hazard study rnuit be subrnitted and theo$rner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prlor. to the issuance of a building perrnit,.Appricants are encouraged to check with a Town prannerprior to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property to aII mapped hazards. F. For alI resldentlal construction: ar Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insid.efaee of the exterior structural walLs of thebuilding; andb. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior facL of thebuilding walls or supporting colunns. G. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodifications, atl conOitions of approval must beresolved prior to Town issuance of- I Ouitding permit. NA},18 OF LIST OF MAIERIALS I LEGAL DESCRTPTION: LOT_I BrOCK STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PRO.IECT: SUBDTVISION Tbe following lnformation is Revi-ew Board before a final A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enc Greenh Other B.],AND DRrFrwooDGRAy SOF f lf reguired approval for submittal can be given:to the Design TY--OR Asc l At^JD^&rn o* {.4 sures CAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: MATERIAIS:Botanical Nane Common Name Ouantitv Size* OSED TREES EXISTINGe 6."^ta, BE 4)-i[at*-t 1 *Indicate cal per for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for Indicate height for coniferoustrees. O o-uL.,--./, ,tanolL'a-/, ^#-t -atl'"bA"'-- 1*f -b EVERGREEN PLANT *'"t', PROPOSED SHRUBS Botanical Name .o.*? ""*"Quantitv Size* ,1 t EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMO\ED *Indicate size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is5 qallon. Square Footage GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: rf exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and l-ocations on a separatelighting p1an. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the wattage, height abovegrade and type of light proposed. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swiruningpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwalls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is3 feet. Maximun height of walls elsewhere on t.he propertyis 6 feet. D. ,0 -E-.f Llf-{ fiF t_J$a I L fii.;cel l sneou= C.==h t1:l:;:i3:.1.i r. .'. ::, : t:, i. .i l. 'j.ii,,:::'"ii'i , ,i i, i :i:l: i.l,: i+ ?i:..:j.ir '. :'.! i :,.i i,..iiti.l. l:r r. i.':::Fi: l:r:::. :: ' ': l .: ,:jf iij,.,,, i"il,.:r -itar, r,=iri ' I i r. r,,:.i i THl:1r-{}i ;1t:1 . tli:l RfiiDUnt Fsid :.iil,, !Jil vr_-rl-l DAIB i i,- , le't 4 Fi? {800s &ECEIVEDFROM ADDRESS 't Numbers o 't/A ,<y'-'a3t t *u b--"---J. (-a-.-, l. , , t-+.- >-*s //---' t--.) - -<!'w.^, o{ -4-" --/. /'r'<) 5^r/,?-'/IU l,/.2y'-*-u{- -<lt \J 1') )a-G-a t) '-)--* -Jr,/'o--t2o1,,- li ' .1.<-, L<> t -C-./-t--..",, r-g^- /'"-f--;J// (,-----'t -z t L-<-r't-/"-: - 'l .'t/ - /// --*-'=-<.-<-- 1-^--/-ti. A./r. 5-O Y'- Proiect Name: -Project Description: Contaci Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: S/>O 6oot4-ka-{4 4u^n Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: B lock Ll,F-effi'z:r=- ) t'r) / " -tieo- /,', Design Review Board o^" ar/t sr/r o Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL D ISAPPROVA L Summary: K 6t .{o. ( Date: Town Planner f', s,"tr Approval ,J'."'"t Project Ap$lication Projecr Descrip 1i6n'. €'* ' !r . -rt |,t 'lr 4 'lContact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot a Block ) ritina ,". _r__r_ut_, Zone _ Comments: Design Review Board on" 4 sr/? c Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: I (l /? /-: ,. /^.-J ' :-tJ Dale: Town Planner t' stutt Approval o DRB appr.rcArroil ,, ./ I Rfc'0 JUN r i tggo DArE APPLrcArroN REcETVED: Ult/f- DATE OF DRB }IEETING: *****I'HIS APPLICATION WTLL NOT BE ACCEPTED T'NTIL ALL INFORUATIONIS SUBI,IITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION UNSTINC: A pre-application neeting with a planning staff nenber isstrongly suggested to determine if any additionalinfotmation is needed. No application will be acceptedunless it is conplete (nust include all items required bythe zonino administrator). It is the applicanttsresponsibifity to make an appointrnent with the staff to findout about additional subnittal requirements. Please notethat a CO!{PLETE application will streanline the approvalprocess for your proJect by decreasing the number ofconditions of approval that the DRB raay stipulate. ALLconditions of approval nust be resolved before a buitdingpernit is issued. Appllcation will not be processed wj.thout Oqmer's Signature. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B.IOCATION OF PRO Address L M" Cf- c. D. E. $ 10r0oo $ 50,000$ 150,000s 500,000 sl,000, 000 sl, 000, 000 FEE $ 1O.OO $ zs.oo $ 50.00 9100. 00 s2oo.00 $300. 0o Legal Description Lot _ Block Subdivision _ Zoning NAI,IE OF APPLICANT. LANNY .Kf Mailing a66r""=rkx ltt|Y t/*t -t /4 / n/ -QPhone q/6 ub J o NAIIE OF APPLICANTIS REPRESENIATIVE: SA*4- Ilailing Address: Phone NAIqE OF OWNEF SrGNATURE (8) s tlaiJ-ing Phone /a/r- F. Condoninium Approval if applicable. c. DRB FEE: The fbe wlll be paid at the time a buildingpernit is paid for. VALUATION $ o- $ 1O,OO] -$ 5O,O0l. - $L50,001 - $500,001 -$ over (ovER) II. IMPORTAI{T NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBI,IISSIONS TO THE DRB8 A. In addition to meeting subnittal requirenents' the applicant must stake the site to indicate propertylines and building corners. Trees that wiII be removednust also be marked. This work must be conpletedbefore the DRB visits the site. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will normallyinvolve two separate neetings of the Design Review Board, so the applicant should plan on at least two neetings for a final approval . c. Applieants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled neeting and vtro have not askedfor a postponeurent will be required to be republished. D. At tbe discretion of the zoning adninistrator, thefollowing itens nay not have to be presented to the DesLgn Review Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Planning Departnent for approval: a. Windows, skyllghts and Einilar exterior changesthat do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building additions that are not viewed frorn anyother lot or public Epace, whieh have had letters submitted fron adjoining property owners approvingthe addition; and/or appraval from the agent for,or manager of a condoniniura association. E. You nay be reguired to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You shoutd check vith a Town Planner before proceeding, o OT UATERIAI.S NAl,lE OF PRO'.IECT: I,EGAL DESCRIPTIONs STREET aOOPssS: 3/ LOT- BIOCK SION DESCRIPIION OT PRq'ECT: The foLlowing l-nfornation LsReview Board before a f1nal A. BUILDING I{ATERIAI.,S: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia soffitB I{indows t{indow Trin Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck RaIIE Flues FLashings ChLnneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other regulred forapproval can TYPE OF nloE zmglD (/ t/ (/ B.CAPING: PIANT }!A PROPOSED EXISTING TREES TO BE RE!{OVED Name of Designer: Phone: : Botanical Name Cornmon Name Slze* *Indicate cal for declduous trees. MlnLmun calLper for trees.Indl-cate hetght for conlferous PIANT UATERIALS: Botanical Name Conmon Nane ouantitv Size* PROPOSED SIIRUBS \ EXISTING SHRUISS TO BE REMOVED \, *Indicate size of5 qallon.shrubE.lrtinLmum size of shrubs is TyPe Scruare Footage GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPA OA IRRIGATION.. TYPE OR I.IETIIOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LAI{DSCAPE FE.Apools, etc.) Please l-s 5 feet. walls. Maxinurn height o\3 feet. Maximum height o (retaining nalls, fences, swirnningify. Indieate heights of retalnlngwalls within the front setback is walls elsewhere on the property Exterior Cohrs house and trim anints Ready-Mixed Colols Charcoa Gray KEY 1'.' Counlry Redwood Forest Creen Dark Brown 37 Black (0 i) rs availablc rn rnosl Devoe extelor paints. Colony Yellow Availatrle in vVONDtR-SHlELD"Acrylic Lalex Flat(15XX),ALL WEATHER'Alkyrl Closs (lXX) and select RECENCY HOUSE"Acrylic Latex Closs (18XX) Finishes. Manyof these co ors can also be custom-mixcd in Devoe's Acrylic Larex Flat (12XX, 1 5XX), Satin (16XX, 19XX) and Closs (1 ttXX) Finishes and z\lkyd Semi-C oss (29XX. 502XX) t Inish. KEY 2' Sandsione Butl Modem lvory Cloud Gray Rrch Brov!n Tiverton Blue Suner s Gold Ponery Rusl c Redwood Tree Green THEcoion KEY PRoCIAM* ,#- i nternational color reference to,./(\ 19 t n-r COLOR HARMONY MADE EASY THE COLOR KEY PROCRAM color seleclion system is unique because it assures that the selected color combinations are har- monious. This system, with over 860 colors, is divided into two separate Broups, identified as the KtY 1 COTORS palette, having a blue undertone, and the KEY 2 COLORS palette, having a yellow undertone. Every color in the KEY 1 COLORS palette harmonizes with everv othercolor in this oalette. The KEY 2 COLORS pal- ette works the same way. Simirly choose the palette you prefer and selecl all your colors from that paletle lor perfect harmony. Large 2' x 3" chips are available from your Devoe dealer for fu rther assistance on vour color decisions. O f*voti . tort,l l>.9o G.+L t Crz-y)1 f/ C.._--<. I I - 9t* (.>ttt /s-, sw . s' 64c +* P,4" u^ 2t<! t1'.4 ll,rt ) 7t/.v Tr r'r THt COTOR ltY PROCRAM, COLOI l(tY XtY I COtOnS and Xt! 2 COTORS are retis- tered trademarls of the Color Key Corporalion. How Much? Todetermine how much paint is needed: Add the length and width (,10' + 20' = 60'). Then multiply that by the height (60' x 12' : 720') and then multiply that by 2 (720' x 2 = 12140 square fea). Thar will equal the surface area in square feet- Be sure to subtract the surface area of anything you do not intend to paint. For pitched roofs and gables, multiply the height by % the width (8' x 10', as shown). Then add this total to the resuh above. IFGINCY H(XJSto trrcriol Acrylic bter Hal (12XX) o. Gh6. (l0xn Hou* & Trin P.int. It's lhe finest latex painlwe have everollered. lt is hithly resistant to pcelin8 and fadint, has a mildew .esislant film and offers oneroat coverage wilh easy soaD and water cleanuD. Choose tlat or aloss finishes. ALl-WtArHtR " trrcrir Altd ch65 Hor.G & Trim P.int (lX$. h's our finest solvent-base paint and laaexceeds the perlotmance of linseed oiltype paints. lt has maximum adhesion to old chalkY surfaces so less surface prepara- tion is needed on rou8h and wearh€redwood. ll is hiShlyresis- tant to peeling and has a mildew resistant film. A semi€loss linish is also avail_ able in TRIPLt-COVERo Exterior Alkyd Semi-cbss House Paint (502XXt. IIGINCY HOUST Int(ri')r-trtft aor Arrylic Litex Sirin Painl (rgXX) or VttOtJR@ Inl€rior.€rterior Allyd Scrni-Close tn m.l129xX). Awide ranSe of deep, rich COLOR KEY'- ac.ent colors a'e available in either oI lhese p.e- mium qualily finishes. Borh are highly reiislanl to peelin8 and have a mildew resislanl film. wONDtR-SHlELDo Erlerio. Acrylic Ltex Flat Houle Painl (l5XX) or Satin (16XX) House Painl. Add beautyand rirhness to your home lrom awide selection ol ready-mixed and cuslom- mixed colors. lt resists peelinS and ,ading, has a mildew resist- ant film and olfers one-coal coverage with easy soap and water cleanup. Choo5e flat or salin finishes. .*lu, Division of Crow Group, Inc.D200 200M 3/88 c) -1988 Devoe & Raynolds Co. DEVOE & RAYNOLOS CO. 4mO Dupont Ci.cle Louisvilfe, KY 4ON7 (502) 897-e861 DE-VO-KOo Alkvd Rustic Ranch & Barn Paint 10620 lron Oxide Red 1M45F SlrandIITI 1M52D Vintage CUStOm-MiXgd COIOfS avaitabte in woNDER-SHtELD€ Acrytic Latex Ftat (r5xx) & satin (16XX), Regency Houseo Acrylic Latex Flat (12)(X) and Closs (18XX), ALL-WEATHER- Alkyd Closs (rxD and select TRIPLE-COVERo Alkyd Semi-Closs (502X.D Finishes. KEY 1 1M56E Mignonette 1M24D Honesty 1M48D Field Mouse 1U498 Brown Cork 1 H47G Beige Desert 1M46E Desen Wind 1VR35A Moulin Red'1D51C Commander 1H52F Pollen 1M51E Dauphin GrayrIII 1UM33A Juno' 1H60F VentureIIII 1Dt4C Blue Chaleau 1UM38A Damon-'lBLt6A Tall Tree Green'06 Shutte. Green' .Available in RECENCY HOUSE Acrylic Latex Satin (1gXX) or VELOUR Alkyd Semi-Closs (29XX) tinish only. The colors illustrated here may vary substantially depending upon the type of sur{ace texture, lighting and the number of t:c o:,:g,kt$:".:l"TlJllT,::l::*:.H,itffJ"1lff:?J,:1,ii11,"n0'*u.*, ,,,, important, then, to select the color combinations that are right for you. To help you in your color selection process, we've grouped harmonious colors together on the houses below. Keep in mind that accent trim and body colors are interchangeable, giving you greater flexibility in coordinating a look lor your home. The paint colors used are listed below each house. Please note that the actual paint colors cannot be reproduced heie, due to the limitations of the printing process- These are simply repre..entalions ol the colors to help you visualize the final result. Colonial ffiI 2M39O Meleor 2D40C Drake 2H4OG Pussw llow G.ay 2M36E Chariol 2D36C Yosemile 2M,lr D Fawn Phanlom 2M59D Brandywine 2UM25A BrigFdoon 2M19E Sky Rockel I +i=, Contemporary 1U538 Adam 1H50G Autumn Acorn 1M53E Frosry Flint ii,j.:1,4?: r "no. ",n* uu"n,.*,n 1M60E Delta Fog I trouo "u"^t"n 2H52F S€neca Sand 2U2EB Exotic Green 2M28o Chinchilla Grc€n I Victorian IIm r O52C Eborry Hue 1O21C Harbor 1M528 Tokay 2H5lF Frosty Sherbellffi ,rroa aogon," "o."ll- ztusno smtra L*u" ",o o,"no" ' 2M47E Caisson 2Ml7E Oaisy Yellow The colors below have been arranged in suggested color combinations. The large chip represents the body or siding color. The smaller chips represent suggested lrim and/or accent colors. The colors within each color (ombination shown are interchangeable. KEY 2 Semi-Gloss 2H55F Heather Beige2H32G Floret 2BL2lA Shoreham'2D54C Meadowlark 2H14F Straw Tone 2U428 Currant Brown 2D36C Yosemite rIIT ITIT 2D31C Pavilion Blue 2M55E Spring BlushII 2[r45D Sand Stream 2M430 Bighorn 2D47C Derby Tan ts applied. 2[,148D Tlrrk 2Y03lA Cinnamon Stick'2U548 Magnel box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-s613 : Arthur and Shelby Kleimeror Laurence and. Susan Ast 3L20 Booth Falls CourtVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Owners of 3120 Pl-ease be advised that I have received a complaintregard.ing the parking and storage of vehicles on yourlot. Residential areas are not appropriate for storageof trailers or for the ongoing presence of large trucks.The continuing appearance of the trash truck on theIot should be stopped, as this disturbs neighbors.AIso, the trailer in the front yard-should be movedto a more suitable storage location. I would greatly appreciate your voluntary compliancewith these items. department of community development December 9, 1980 'l/,114' v Ar lt /<A*L.- Sincere A. PETER P.Al Senior Planner APP:bpr ffi ooth Falls Court T0wt{ 0t BUILEIINGi l,A IL PEFIMTT .z-p^r/.1 ,/3" TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOF AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPI,Y WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE CLASS OF WORK NEW fl ALTERATION( } ADDITION{ } REPAIR(} USE OF BUILDING HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING NO. OF STORIES NO. OF LIVING UNITS SO. FT. COMMERCIAL R( }ELEC UNIT() 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V IHR 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C O E F G H I J DtvtstoN1234 BUILDING PERMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FEES FIRE SPRINKLERS ORY STANDPIPE ENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK AREA SEPARATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION OWNER OR CONTR.ACTOB TOWN OF EIIJILtrII IVG VA IL PEFIMIT TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA BATIO EASEMENTS VAB IANCE UNCOVERED DAT E ,APPLICATION ACCEPTED PLAN CHECK APPROVAL PERMIT +T I HEREBY ACKNOWT,FJDGE THAT I HAVE READ lHIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT TIIE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COIVTPI,Y WITII ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE LAWS REGARDING BUILDING CONSTRUCTTON. SIGNA'ITIRI] OF OWNER OR CON'1'RAO'fI]R INSPECTION RECORD (Por Department Use Only) Phone 476-2310 5 advance notice rsquir€d {or insp€ctions FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE AND ACCESSIBLE TO INSPECTOR t 4 hoLrr REO. lNSP. SPECIA L INSPECTOR APPROVAL OATE COMMENTS / LOCATION SIGNATURE a (,z 6 f SETBACK FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING STEEL STEEL STEEL FOUNDATION WALL FOUNDATION WALL FOUNDATION WALL FOUNDATION WALL FRAME FOOFING ROOM VENTILATION FIREPLACES WALL COVERING (INT} FINAL oz F UJI APPLIANCE SYSTEM FINAL z = J WATER SUPPLY & DIST. DBAIN & WASTE VENTING STANDPIPES AUTO. SPRINKLER SYSTEM FINAL F llJ ul SEFVICE ENTRANCE ROUGH ROUGH ROUGH FINAL CORRECTION OBOER LEFT STOP ORDER ISSUED;RELEASED: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED REMAFKS: NOTE: rH rs CARD IS TO HAVE BEEN BE FIETURNED TO THE BLDG. DEPT- MADE TO AUTHOBIZE ISSUANCE OF AFTE R ALL REOUIFED INSPECTIONS CE FITIF ICATE OF OCCUPANCY. TOWN OF-EuruotNG t|AIL PEFIMIT i t TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANC€ UNCOVERED APPLICA,TION ACCEPTED PLAN CHECK APPROVAL pennrr # I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLTCATTON AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGT'IJE TO COMPLY WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND S'fA't'D LAWS REGARDTNG BUTLDTNG CONSTRT_IETION. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTBACTOR INSPECIION RECORD (For Department Use Only) rdtFoRM rs ro BE PosrED oN JoB SITE AND ACCESSIBLE TO INSPECTOR -.t Phone476-231O 4 hours advdnce notice required fol inspections REO. INSP. SPECIAL INSPECTOR APPROVAL DATE COMMENTS / LOCATION SIGNATURE z lo SETBACK FOOTI NG 'FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING STE EL STEEL STEEL FOUNDATION WALL FOUNDATION WALL FOUNDATION WALL FOUNDATION WALL FRAME FOOFI NG ROOM VENTILATION FIREPLACES WALL COVERING IINTI FINAL oz F utI APPLIANCE SYSTEM FINAL z o =l J WATER SUPPLY & DIST. DRAIN & WASTE VENTING STANDPIPES AUTO. SPRINKLER SYSTEM FINAL J IEF() IJJ ul SEBVICE ENTRANCE ROUGH ROUGH ROUGH FINAL COBRECTION OROER LEFT STOP OBDER ISSUED:RELEASED: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED REMARKS: NOTE: rsrs cARD ts ro HAVE BE EN BE NETUFNED TO THE BLDG. DEPT. MADE TO AUTHOFIZE ISSUANCE OF AFTE FI ALL REOUIFED INSPECTIONS CE FITI F ICATE OF OCCUPANCY. TOWN OF t'A It PEFIMIT €xrTs BEo. oArE oF APfficArloN f- t- t .t. 7.J- NEW (I ALTERATION AODITION REPAIR I ) USE OF BUILOING SO. FT. OF BLOG,HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST, PARKING NO. OF LIVING UNITS Lof ,) sLK ,-L prr_rte 1 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V I HR 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D E F G H I J DtvtstoN 12 3 4 BUILDING PERMIT SPECIFIED FI RE SPRINKLERS NERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK AREA SEPARATION TOTAL FLOOR AREA IOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED u77/zS READ T}IIS APPLICATION AND STATE TTIAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY wITH AIJL rowN onDrNA/f,dES AND srATE LA?EJARDTN " FrW coli,uRyro-\. E THAT I HAVE #Var I Town of Vail fi:I,NCf,RICAL PERMIT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee 136 Total Fee Date of Application. Electrical Contractor EA APPROVAI,S ..6.:.8.[.2.:. Z€..- JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTIOI{ 2,4 HOURSI ADVANCE NO1ICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTTONS $..........-................- a I PLUMEilNG/MECHAI\ilCAL FEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL '\---*.-_'- (orr*ouro DATE zf -20 .*BNAMEI 14.--.-t-il C, Z--' - A,-/ A, owNER 4,*,* d ADDRE'' a/a,/ 49" coNrRAcro:\)./*,, /f**- GV d/ H. i"o*.328-/?Ab //(/ USE OF BUILDING: oF woRK: El "r* flnoorror,t E neuooel E nepo," IPTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATfoNS 'f ZAa. er VALUATTONS 3 Ov* F FEMARKS:REMARKS; d- PERMIT ,rr/T 11 ,5O )PERMrr rrrF"/Z, Sa ) .r\ TOTALFEES: f * Date Pa PROJ ECT LEGAL D LOT S IZE SETBAC KS : HrcoT- SCR I PT ION 1(o' ta a ; FR0f'ITAGE Z0l,l I NG rrflECKL I S UY:'A RY -_) ARCH ITECT 2 aJ ST id )-ir/lr USE ZONE H ; PROPOSED USE(S) e--42-0 ,/ost - e"-/-9.-zz-Oj. , S i des to lel ,/c /a /.1,7o, Rear 4o / i'7O , , Sides er/- ,,lLd,/o , Rear llQ' ; --J 't ' ) Z t'' -z t '- '-z'l-z'-t| a' '/''-Rea u i red ..lr-4 a-za-ez- 4427., Aciual-----v- Ave rage Grade Height Allovred .4f Ratio, A I lowab le sq. fi'. q,d).f , ActuaL sq FL00R AREA: Perceniage allowable ^ r Allowable sq. ft. Allowable o1 f %, Allowable Sq, +t.?-etE_, Actual /r( f" J, rto ttn*lu 7 oo sq. ft., Actua 6-1,4-' G ro u n d L e ve l----5-, /od fr,Common LANDSCAP I NG:Requirea Lo 7, 3-lo-4e-=q. ii., Actuat f/.3 fr t3,oqo sq.ft. PARKII'lG AND LOADIIJG: No. Requ i red a , No. Actua I , Covered Re- q u i re d No.; Covered Actual J , Required - Front Actual - Front E BETI^/EEN BU I LD INGS: Ao Jo D I STANC HEIGHT: G.R.F.A,: COMMERC IAL BUILDIN Req u i re S ITE CO d 0f fsets VERAGE: , Actua I R o./ ; rt .4,,5/0,751 Actua I sq. ft. G BULK CONTROL: Allorvable rnaxi mum length A^+..^ | t ^^^r-t-.r1LIUOI ttjlrtrrl u I dsjrrrro r L-,/ roLJrJlro I Actua I sq. ft. USEABLE 0PEN SPACE: Required ZON ING APPROVAL DES IGN REV IEW BOARD APPROVAL UT I L IT IES APPROVAL ENV IRONMENTAL IMPACT APPROVAL | /7,D2a sq ++ %; 4- tu-79- Chairman, Des ign Rev iew Board Tow n Eng ineer t)d |\i Mayo r Zon i ng Acimin i ra I o r Date Submitted Dafe S ubm i tte d Date Submitted Extens ion of { or 7on i f or Des i for Envi ng Review g n Re v i ew ronmen ta I Dea d I i ne Dead I ine fr: ln lmpact Re v iew l"o Dead I i ne as perrnltted .l:r1cl of 0rd inance No. B (Series ot 1913)h., Qaz-1i nn COMMENTS: item Qz/ r--7# /t-*r-^- !!.r*/t Jdt \ J7,O' = 17 6. ar 27,r x "?o.f f/'3, ?t- tf/a'oo I z("' z >- (f, ia) qk* A-L{4-L'"rV.= /, c-4 f' 3f,5 U .?5- ^ A> '/o1z,r 2.{ '2 /./ ,5 /o't Jo./o ?7a.2>-,/ "'1t 0 '<- 't 4 {/ a.7{ 4",lzt-'7-'V t**40 i.U-aq.3C*/ot/" &,c3O (a'"zaS /6 ' to o /V,ozo f.^-j %ra't''q .-/" 4.r-t @*,1',"4) Da te Submi? t.. R€view *oor^rrw MENTAL REV IEi.I CHECKL I P roJ ect ,o , Type of erd'1ect 0wner An enli ronmenta I i mpacf repori must be made fornontrivial effeci on ihe environment. Effacts ces of both primary and secondary nature. The following questions shall be used as guidelinss to declde whe+hernegative declaraiion or an environmenfal impact report. (lf answer Iwriterrunknowni in yes./no co lumn ) . l. Could fhe project signlfican+ly change present uses area? 2. Does th6 p rojectplans and ihe Vai s I gn i f icant ly conf II l4aster Plan? af fect the usa ofvarue or p re-emPT a va I ue? ict with applicable gene ra I a recreational area, or area ofsite wi+h Dotential recreation- Could the proJect i mporfant v is ua I a I or oPen sPace *L z._ A -ll xx X t0. . V{ill the project involve construction, of facilities iry an area of geo lo9 ic irazaros? U4-2,'f .42 */^d*4. t-Ct <. / .Ae- r { c fua._gJ, wi | | rhe projecr i nuott';'*#o3 "r7#,fr,3/,,To;,t:*a'" 14. Could the proJec+ change existing {eatures ot any of the regionrsstr€am frontage or greenbelt a16as? 15. Wi ll the project remove substan'tial amounts of vegeta+ion includ-ing ground cover? 16. Could the projecf result in signiflcant change in +he hydrologyof the area? Could the proj€ct resul+ in the displacement o{ comrnuni}y residents? Could the project s€rve to encou16ge development of presently un- developed areas or intensify d€veloprnent of already developed areaS? 19. ls th€ra appreclable opposlflon to +he proJecf or is lt llkely to be controve rs ia l? a 4. O 6. 8. 9. t2. ta t7. t8. ,Lx x x_ L X I )t inc I ude envi ronmenta I conseouelr- to make a s ufiknown, YES NO X x x l'tl i ll any natural or man-made features in the project area whichare unique, that is, not found -in,olher,^pa[ts of th,l3 Town, County,or State be affected? OJ'L4-L l-L4i{.+- - t,t( -{.ac Qc- tlt',*.Lt{ Willthe project involve constructlon of facilities on a slope ofJ0 percent or greater? s ubj€cf +o ava I anche? Could the project change exis+ing fea'fures or involve constructionIn any f lood plain, natural drainage course, or watercourse? l9 +he projecl, as part of a larger proJect, one of a series of cumula+ive actions, which al.though lndividually small, may as anhole have significant envi ronmental inpact? ooes the proj€ct involve extensive excavation or fill? Does fhe project ar6a or the project site serve as a habitat, foodsource, nesting place, crossing, wintering,area, sogrce of yater, etc. for witdlife soeqi es ? , Jl-r-L2-1&1-^ A-lpL'/ -/.* &-.L-Q-.t\-l d"+da /c )--, &.<-Lt' dt.z ttt-.1c-A -4 lr-zaCould fhe py'oject slgni f icantld/ atiec{rearl n9 areas or habi+atof tish species? Are ihere any rare or endangered plant species in the oroject area? of the p roject ?o, lJ{l|| the 21. ll|llIthe potent i a I ?2. Could the 23, Cou ld the 24, Wi|| the Yrastes? project cr6ate new or aggrava'te exlsting proJect involve the applica-lion, use orly hazardous materials? project generate s ign i f i cant amouniS ol porject generate signif icant noise? project dlscharge slgnificant volumes ot hea lth hazards? d lsposa I of dust or odor? solld or liquld NO JL XxJ x Y x ] 2r, Could +he rpoject result ln damage to soil capability or agr i cu llura I land? 26, Could the project signlficantly affecf +h€ po+en+ial use,tlon, or conservatlon of a natural resource? loss of extrac- ?7, Could project a lter loca I trafflc patterns or caus€ a signifi-cant increase in traffic volume or transit servics needs? 28. Additional remarks: n"ul"* cn".lst comp leted by Date 4-t/-zs Check I i st R€vi6wed by Title Based on the above revlerr, lt ls found that an Envi ronmental lmpaci Reportls requi red, 5l gned Da te NEGAT IVE DECLARAT ION ( and the statement be low, )slgnlficant env i ronnenta I Sfgned _'- Da fe STATEMENT OF ENV IRONMENTAL EFFECTS For any points answe16d yes or rrunknownrt, the reasons are as folloyrs: Based on th6 p roject does above revi ey,not cause any i t I s found +hat th is I mpac+. /-tL Q-a-r-n.-. r-l-.E , DESIGN RIVITI.I BOAI]D DAIE 0F i4[tTIltG: Le-[ru4-Ly--€--L9]5- -/ t4El'i3El?S PRESEI{T: Dqdlef-A$S!!- t/ - Bill ljanlon ,./ - - ,/ Lou Parker ,/ --Bill Rg1tff t/ ls--!r:snt f'- ; if SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD; $t0T I0t'l:Abbott S[C0|{DED BY- tlttg.!!---- VOTE: F0R;AGA]I|ST; APPROVED: . 'Unanimously DISAPPR0VED ' SUI{4ARY: The p'lans rirere approved rrpo[ the cc'ndition that - Pl ans Appli cant i]) DATE TIME RECEIVED."' AM E ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE fl pnanel.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED , , .-'' ,'-.', FR| ,;, . | ,'--,.' AM PMTHUR APP ROV E D LI UPON THE CORRECTIONS D orsnppRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: I nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIvEd / : , ,!...AM PM CALLER o tNseec*ru HEeuEEir TOWN OF VAIL . I orsen n pnnrrnu LOCATION MON COMMENTS: TUE READY FOR I E nppRovED D orsappRovED \ r-rL-l UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS E nerNSPEcr ' .:..'- DATE DATE TIME rNsr=r$* FtEGlrJEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orHen MON COMMENTS: E pnnrrnl.LOCATION TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM PM [-ereRovED LI UPON THE CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: E nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR rNs"=rG* REouE=r DATE v't?'t+ ,: ;- TOWN OF VAIL /--|./ji r:4- 9..,rrME REcEfvED '7 ; ? 1i AM PM D ornen , MON COMMENTS: TUE n pennll LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FR PM E eppRovED I orsneeRovED D nerNsPEcr E upor'r rHE FoLLowtNG coRREcrloNs: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR rNsPErS* HEGluEsr TOWN OF VAIL TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER .,',, E orrren MON GOMMENTS: f] pnnrrnl. LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED THUR l.FRI AM PM E appRovED -IJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS n orsnppRovED E nerNSPEcr INSPECTOR DATE rNsPErtG* .TOWN OF FIEOIJEST VAIL OATE.,"fd';),.,' " JOBNAME-- TIN/IS'RECEIVED- AM PM CAITER D orxen MON GOMMENTS: n penrral LocATloN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE ve)THUR f,LnreRovED I orsnpp Rov E D f] nerNsPEcr E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR INSPEC FTEOUEST VAILTOWN N OF E ornrn MON GOMMENTS: TUE n pnnrtnl. LocAroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM fl Rpp Rov E D D orslppRovED E nerNsPEcr D upol*r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOB rNsr=.t* TQWN OF FIEBUEsiT VAIL n orHen E pnnnal. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECT]ON <@)FRI $rFrnoveo E orsapp RovE D E UPOI'I THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS E nerNsPEcr DATE ,F'. * /:"'-.,.:., .: t.- a r\rsit=.tG* FrEBlJEsr T.OWN OF VAIL ,' iIOB NAME TIME hECEIVED- AM PM gAYYEg t't / D ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE I pnnrral. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED '/'"' \1:THuR 1" rRi """ '-.:. tnu-ervl EI..nppRovED El uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToN$: D orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE