HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 13 BLOCK 2 LOT 20 LEGALo4t*,s{rY oEr,,ELFltSf rt Design teview Board ACTIOII FORII{ Departmeilt of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 faxr970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com Prcject Name: MUSSON RESIDENCE Proiect Description: Participants: PruJectAddress: 2460 BALD MOUNTAIN Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: DRB Number: DR8070428 FINAL APPROVAL FOR THE INSTALLATION OF AN AIR CONDMONER TO THE EXTERIOR OWNER MUSSON, PAUL & EUSA 9402 CRYSTAL LN LONGMONT co 80503 APPUCANT BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS,INC 08/20/2007 Phone: 970-926-3202 P.O. BOX 426 EDWARDS co 81632 License: 158-8 CONTMCTOR BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS,INC 08/2012007 Phone: 970-926-3202 P.O. BOX 426 EDWARDS co 81632 License: 168-8 2460 BALD MOUNTAIN RD VAIL Locationl ROAD Loh 20 Block: 2 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 13 2101-033-0100-4 0812012007 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACIION ActiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalt 0812712007 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of thb proffi shall lapse and become roid one (1) year followlrg the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction ls ornmered . r and ls dilpenHy pursued to$rad @mpletion. Cond: @N0009259 Within 30 days of lnsbllatbn, the'appllcant shatl palnt the air ondltlorpr condensor b mat$ the exterior olor of the adJacent wall of the house, Plannen Bill Gibson DRB Fe Paid: t2O.0O Minor Exterior Alterations ft Application for Design Review t\$ |,/^,1 Department of C,ommunity DevetopmentmwFffig ^'i:i:iiflB:!$";:';.x1'!,i l"i8y,::u" web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must re@ive approval prior to submitting a buiHing permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of th€ approval, Descriptlon of the Request:Installation of an Air Conditioner Condenser to the Exterior vngil oUI {r-) @Location of the Propos alz tot:zo eK)ck: 7 Subdivision: Physical Address:2460 Bald Mountain Road, Vail CO 81657 parcel No.: 210103301004 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Vi uut..e Zoning:gs,b6,\lT tL Name(s) of Owner(s):Paul & Elisa Musson Mailing Mdress: . 9402 crystal Lane Longmont, CO 80503 Phone: 303.682.1916 Owner(s) Signahre(s): Name of Appl16611; . Boles Custom Mailing Address:P.O. Box 426 Edwards. CO 81632 Phone: 970-926'3202 E-mail Address: . bfoster@bchi ner Fax: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review O New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration +)u No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total For construction of a new building fur an addition where square commercial building (indudes 250 For minor changes to buildings and re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved ry Pbnnlng Staff or the Design ReMew Board. No fue tr tr (multi-famlly/commercial) Minor Alteration (si n gle fam ily/du plex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request **+++++++'i**+**'**********+**{tf**t+++*****++**********'*'t***********************+****t++****** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *'!f **** * * * I I + +* * ********** t** *+** * {' * * + * * * +** +******************** * * * * ***********t!i*'t******** Statement Number: R070001611 Amount: 920.00 oB/20/2OO7o3:14 pM Payment Method: check EUSTOM BUIIJDERS Init : .TS Notation: 42392/BOT'E,S Permit No: Parcel- No : Site Address : Irocation: This Payment: DREO?O42Q T\rr|F. 2101-033-0100-4 2450 BAI-,D MOIINTAIN 2460 BNJD MOI]NTAIN DRB-Minor AIt, SFR/DUP RD VAIIJ ROAD $20.00 $20.0o $20.00 $o. oo Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts : Balance : ++*******,1******'*'***+************+**********************'**+***,t*,i,t'i'i,i*'t i.it 't*** 't't'i ** * i**** **,1. * ACCOLINT ITEM LIST: Account Code De scr ipt ion Current Pmts DR 00100003LL2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 *m JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAT TETTER letter as wrltten approval of the plans dated B-t3-o7 which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Communlty Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the addres noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I, (print nu*"'1 ?nnt I E lrg+ floflr,t,a joint owner of property tocated at Z 1f, o Bo-tJ I/l n rrru{r, tw B,"o 4 , provide this Additionally, please checkthe statement below which is most applicable to you: D I underchnd that minor mdifiations may be made to tlrc plans over tle cource of the reuiew errys n ensure compliane with the TownS arylicable code and regulations. ll4((Itt ial here) LI I rcquat ttnt all modifiations, minor or otherwisg which are made fu the plans over the course of the reuiew process, be brought to my attention by the appli@nt for additional approual before undergoing further review by the Town, (Initial here) joint properry qwner letter revited l0/18/2006 Er F:\cdev\FoRMs\Permib\Planning\DRB\drD_minor_ah_1-25-2007.doc Page 2 of 13 rLlz3l7o05 MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: Thls application is required for proposals involving mlnor exterior alterations and/or site improvemenE. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features/ grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIR.EMENTS** o Stamped Topographlc Survey*a Site and Grading Plan*o Landscape Plan*o ArchiteduralElevations*o Exterior color and material samples and specificatons.a Architectural Floor Plans*D Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtureso TiUe report, including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easemenb*o Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where appllcable,o Written approual from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicableo Site-specific Geological Hazard Repoft, if applicable*o The Administrator and/or DRB may requlre the submission of additional plant drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (induding a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will mmply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please sabmi, three (3) copt:es of the mateials noted w'th an asterisfr (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior dlanges, the submittal requirements include a complete set of exisung and proposed floor plans, a title repoq and wrltten approval from a condominium association, landlord. and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: PrcJect Name: Contractor F:\cdev\FORt'4 5\Permits\Planning\DRB\d rb_minor_alt_1-25-2007.doc Page 3 of 13 tLl2312005 Turn to the Experni Product Data n$o" Canier's Air Conditioners with Puron@ refrigerant provide a collection of features unmatched by any other family of equipmenl The 24ABA has been designed utilizing Canier's Pumn reftigerant. The etrvironmentalty sound refrigerant allows you to make a responsible decision in lhe protection ofthe earth's ozone layer. As an Energy Staro Partner, Canier Corporation has determined that this producl meets the Energy Staro guidelines for energy efficiency. Refer to the combination ratings in the Prodrct Data for system combinations that meet Energy Star@ guidelines. INDUSTRY LEADING FEATURES / BENEFITS Efficiency o 13 - 14 SEER/10.55 - 12 EER . Microtube Technology - reftigeration system . Indoor air quality aocessories available Sound . Sound level as low as 76 dBA Comfort . System supports Thermidistat" or standard thermostat controls Reliability Purono refrigerant - environmentally sound, won't deplete the ozone layer and low lifetime servce cost. Scroll compressor Intemal preszure relief valve lntemal thermal overload Filter drier Balanced refrigeration system for maximum reliability Durability WeatherArmor - proteclion package: Solid, durable sheet metal construction Dense wire coil guard Baked-on powder paint Applications Long-line - up to 250 feet total equivalent length, up to 200 feet condenser above evaporator, or up to 80 fl. evaporator above condenser (See tnngline Guide for more information.) Low ambient (down to -20"F128.9"C)) with accessorv kit WarranE 5 year limited comprcssor warranty 5 year limited pans wananty a a a a 12 t3 NN 30 8 7 8 9 10 'r1 N N N IVII A/N A/N 336A00 A E Tler 123NNA 244 MODEL NUMBER NOMENCLATURE SEER """"ij|il 3=13 SEER @n$o nF gM@ns*dry .@nd .elrlg6Br A/t'l A Major S€rl€s A=Puron Varialiona Open Voltage Sertes 3=2osr23o-1 o9ial Series Op6n 0=Not Dsfn€dA=standard 3#T.B=Base Product Family A=HES AC Product Seri€s 24=AC US Tnb prcdlct has be€i d€o gned rnd mnuldcturcd to m..l Em|gy Stln8 crilerla lor €.€f9! 6tllcl.i1.y wh€n habh.d fith 6ppop.6ro col codFoHta tlc@i propd rElrlg.i$n chdg. rxl FmF an llow a€ cndcal ro lchia€ d€d c.p&lt dnd etflcbrcy. lftt llaron ol lh 3 p@dsl shoLrld iolbw . manuhclldng dngdant ch.€ing dd .ir llo* iGlruclioig. fdturr to conll.t ?oF. chdt, |rd .h nd m.t r.d!6 6r!y .ftlcl.ncy .nd .hod.n .qrlpm.nt lr.. STANDARD FEATURES Feature 18 24 30 36 42 {8 60 Puron Refrigerant X X X X X X X 13 SEER X x X X X X X Scroll Comoressor X x X x X x X Dense Wire Coil Guard x X x X X x X Field Installed Filter Drier X X X X X X X Front Seating Service Valves X X X X x X X Inbmal Pressure Relief Valve X X X X X X X IntBmal Thermal Overload x x X x x x X Long Line c€pability X X X X X X X Low Ambient capability with Kit X X x X X X X PHYSICAL DATA UNIT SIZE-VOLTAGE. SERIES 18-31 24-31 3{t-32 36-31 42-31 48-31 60-32 Operating Walght (lb)1 125 124 152 't 89 216 Shlpping Welghl (lb)146 146 149 175 218 z,5c 250 Compressor '[pe Scroll BEFRIGERANT Puron@ (R-410A) Control TXV (Puron@ Hard Shutotf) Charge (lb)4.25 4.35 4.0 5.2s o,z CONO FAN Propeller Type, Direct Drive Alr Dischsrge Vertical Air Oty (CFM)l EEO 22!o '1880 2950 3170 it.roo 3r100 Molor HP 1112 1/10 1/10 1t4 115 't 14 114 Molor RPM 1 100 1 100 1 100 1100 1 100 1 100 425 coND cor|- Face tuea (Sq ft)9.85 9.85 14.77 17.25 21 .56 22.69 Fins per In.20 25 25 25 Rows 1 1 'I '1 1 Circuits 3 3 4 5 VALVE CONNECT. (ln. lD) Vapor 518 314 314 718 7t8 7t8 Liquid 3i8 FEFRIGERANT TUBES. (ln. OD) Vapor (0-80 Ft Tube Length)c/o 314 314 7tE 7B 1-t la Liquid (0-80 Ft Tube Length)3/8 seis or me Nob: See unit Installalion InEtruc,Uon lor propet installation. VAPOR LINE SIZINGAND COOLING CAPACITY LOSS PURON 1. STAGE AIR CONDITIONER APPLICATIONS IONG LINE APPLICATION: An application is considered "l,ong line" when the total equivalent tubing lengrh exceeds 80 ft or when there is more than 20 Ft vertical separation between indoor and outdoor units. These applications require additional accessories and system modifications for reliable system operation. The maximum allowable total equivalent length is unit is above indoor unit, and up to 80 Ft when the ouldoor unit is below the indoor unit. Refer to Acc€ssory Umge Guideline below for required accessories. See l-ong-Line Application Guideline for required piping and system modifications. Also, refer to the table below for the acc€ptable vapor tube diameters based on the total length to minimize the cooling capacity loss. 250Ft. The maximum vertical is 200 Ft when outdoor ACCESSORY TIIERMO STAIIS THERMOSTAT / SUBBASE PKG,DESCRIPTION TSTATCCPRHOl - B Thermidistat Control - Programmable / Non - Programrnable Thermostat with Humidity control TSTATCCPACO1 - B Thennostat - Auto Changeover, 7-Day Programrnable, "F/"C, 1-Stage H€at, 1 -Stage Cool TSTATCCNACOI - C Therrnostat - Auto Changeover, Non - Programmable, oFI'C, 1-Stage Heat, 1-Stage Cool TSTATCCBACO 1 - B Builder's Thernbstat - Manual Changeo,€r, Non-Programmable, 'Fl"C, 1-Stage H€at, 1-S-taqe Cool TSTATCCSENOl -B Outdoor Air TemDerature Sensor TSTATXXBBPOl Backplate for Buildsr's Thermostat TSTADONBPOl Backplate for Non- Programrnable Thennostat ISTATXXPBPO'I Backplate for Programmable Thermostat TSTADOGNV1O Thermostat Conversion Kit (4lo 5 wires) - 10 Pack ACCESSORIES KIT NUIIBER DESCRIPTION Slze - Volhge &Serles t8-31 a-cI 3{r-cI 36-3r 42-31 48-31 60-32 KAAFTO'IO1AAA FFEEZE TIIERMOSTAT X x X x X X KAAIDOl Ol TDH TIME DELAY RELAY X x X X X x KAAWSO,I 01 AAA WINTER START X x x x x x X l{sAlAo3ol 410 LOW AMBENT PSW x X X X X x l(sALA0601 AAAt MOTORMASTER 23OV X X x x x x HC32GE234 MOTOR FAN BALL BEAHING x HC34GE239 MOTOR FAN BALL BEARING X X HC40GE226 MOTOR FAN BALL BEARING X x HC38GE219 MOTOR FA|I BALL BEARING x HC,+0GE228 MOTOR FAN BALL BEANNG x KSAltS1701pdA HAFD START (CAP / RELAY)X x x x x x X t(sAcYol01MA CYCI,E PROTECTOR X x X X X X x t{sAsF0101AAA SUPPORT FEET x X X X x x x KAACSO2O1 PTC START ASSIST PTC x X x X X x KrdqCH1201AAA CBANKCASE HTR x x x l(McH1401AAA CMNKCASE I-TTR x x x x KSATXO2O.I PUR TXV PURON HSO X X X KSATXOS1 PUR Tn/ PURON HSO X x KSATXO4O1 PU R Tn/ PURON HSO X KSATXO5O1 PUR rXV PURON HSO x l€AsH0601coP SOUND HOOD X X X x x x KSASH21 01 COP SOUND HOOO I(AA-POSOI PUR LOW PRESSURE SWTCH X X x x x X t(AtF O401PUR HIGH PRESSURE SWTCH X X X x x x x t Requked accessorles include ball bearing lan motor, @mpressor start assbt (CAp / Felay), crankcase heater, evaporator ke€z€ stat, hard shut-otf TXV ACCESSORY USAGE GUIDELINE ACCESSORY REAUIRED FOR LOW-AMBIENT COOLING APPLICATIONS (Below ss'F/12.8'C) I.IEUUIHEU F(,It LONG LINE APPLICATIONS* (Over 80 Ft.) xErtutHEu FUt{ SEA COAST APPLICATIONS Olvlthln 2 mil$) Accumulatof No No No Ball Bearlng Fan Motor Yest No No Compresao? Start Agsbt Capacitor and Relay Yest Yes No Crankcase Healer Yest Yes No Evaporator Freeze Thermostat Yest No No Hard Shut-Off TXV Yest Yes Yes Llquld Llne Solenold Vahre No See Long Line Application Guldeline No Moto. Masler€ Conlrcl or Low-amblenl Pre$ure Swltch Ysst No No Support Feet Recomff€nded No Recommended t Bequired lor Loly-Amblent Controller (lull modulation feature) MotorMastero Contol. Accessory Description and Usage (Listed Alphabeticstly) 1. Ball-Bearing tr'an Motor A fan motor with ball bearings which permits speed reduction while maintaining bearing lubrication. Usage Guideline: Required on all units when MotorMastero -2. Comprtssor Start Afsist - Capacitor and Relay Start capacitor and relay gives a "hard" boost to compressor motor at each stafl up, Usage Guideline: Required for reciprocating compressors in the following applications: Long line [,ow ambient cooling Hard shut offexpansion valve on indoor coil Liquid line solenoid on indoor coil Required for single-phase scroll compressors in the following applications: Inng line Low ambient cooling Suggested for all compressors in areas with a history of low voltage problems, 3. Compressor Start Assist - PTC Tlpe Solid state electrical device which eives a "soft" boost to the comprcssor at each slarl-up- Usage Guideline: Suggested in installations with marginal power supply. 4. Crankcase Heater An electric resistance heater which mounts to the base of the compressor to keep the lubricant warm during off cycles. Improves comprcssor lubrication on rcstart and minimizes the chance of liquid slugging. Usage Guideline: Required in low ambient cooling applications. Required in long line applications. Suggested in all commercial applications, 5. Cycle Pmtector The cycle protector is designed to prevent compressor short cycling. This control provides an approximate 5-minute delay after power lo the compressor has been interrupted for any reason, including power outage, protector control trip, thermostat jiggling, or normal cycling. 6. Evaporator Fneze Thermostat An SPST temperature-actuated switch that slops unit operation when evaporator reaches fteeze-up conditions. Usage Guideline: Required when low ambient kit has been added. 7. Low-Ambient Pr€ssurr Switch Kit A long life prcssue s,witch which is mounted to outdoor unit service valve. It is designed to cycle the outdoor fan motor in order to maintain head pressure within normal operating limits (appioximately 100 psig to 225 psig). The control will maintain working head prcssurc at low-ambient temperatures down to ooF when properly installed. Umge Guidelhe: A lrw-Ambient Pressure Switch or MotorMastero Low-Ambient Controller mu* be used when cooling operation is used at outdoor temperatures below 55oF (12.8"C). E. MotorMastero Low-Ambient Contmller A fan-speed conhol device activaled by a temperature sensor, designed to control condenser fan motor speed in response to the saturated, condensing temperature dudng operation in cooling mode only. For outdoor temperatures down to -20"F G28.9'C), it maintains condensing temperature at 100'F =10'F (37.8'C t -12"c). Usage Guideline: A MotorMastero l-ow Ambient Controller or Inw-Ambient Pressurc Switch must be used when cooling operation is used at outdoor temperatures below 55'F (12.8'Q. Suggested for all commercial applications. 9. Outdoor Air Temperature S€nsor Designed for use with Carrier Thermoslats listed in this publication. This device enables the thermostat to display the outdoor temperature. This device also is required to enable special thermostat features such as auxiliary heat lock out. Usage Guideline: Suggested for all C-arder thermostats listed in this oublication. Accessory Description and Usage (Listed Alphabetically) l0.Sound Hood Wraparound sound reducing cover for the compressof. Reduces the sound level by about 2 dBA. Usage Guideline: Sugge$ed when unit is installed closer than 15 ft to quiet areas, bedrooms, etc. Sugge$ed when unit is installed between two houses less than l0 ft apart. 11. Support Feet Four stick-on plastic feet that raise the unit 4 in. above the mounting pad, This allows sand, dirt, and other debris to be flushed from the unit base, mhimizing corrosion. Usage Guideline: S,,qgested in the following applications: Coastal installations. Windy areas or where debds is normally circulating. Rooftop installations. For improved sound ratings. 12, Thermostatic Expansion Valve (IXV) A modulating flow-control valve which meters refrigerant liquid flow rate into the evaporator in response to the superheat of the r€ftigerant gas leaving the evaporator. Kit includes valve, adapter tubes, and external equalizer tube. Hard shut off types are available. NOTE: When using a hard shut off TXV with single phase reciprocating compressors, a Compressor Stad Assist Capacitor and Relay is required. Usage Guideline: Required to achieve ARI ratings in certain equipmenl oombinations. Refer to ombination ratings. Hard shut ofr TXV or LLS required in air conditioner long line applications. Required for use on all zoning systems. (Continued) ljl. fime-Delay Relay Al SPST delay relay which briefly continues operation of indoor blower motor to provide additional cooling after the compressor cycles off. NCITE: Most indoor unit contmls include this feature. For those that do not, use the guideline below. Usage Guideline: For improved efficiency ratings for certain mmbinations of indoor and outdoor units. Refer to ARI Unitary Directory. 14. VVinter Start Contml This conhol is designed to alleviate nuisance opening of the low-pressure switch by bypassing it for the first 3 minutes of oDeralion. ELECTRICAL DATA UNIT srzE- VOLTAGE, SERIES V/PH OPER voLTsr coitPR FAN MCA lulN wrFE srzEt MIN WIRE stzEt irAx LENGTH Gn+ itAx LENGTH (FT)* MAX FUSEr* OT CKT BRK AUPSMAXI N LRA RI.A FLA 60P C 75" C 60' c 75' C 16-31 2@12s0,11 253 197 48.0 on 11.7 14 14 67 64 24-91 s8.9 13.5 0.75 17.6 14 14 45 43 za s0-32 64.0 12.4 0.75 16.8 14 14 47 45 36-31 77.O '14.1 1.4 19.0 12 63 42 -31 112.0 170 'l .1 23.5 12 EA al 40 48-31 1@.0 19.9 1.4 26.2 10 10 76 73 40 60-32 1S4.0 26.4 1.2 s4.2 A 8 ol 86 50 range t ffwirc is appli€d at ambient greater than 30"C (86'R, consuh lable 310-16 of lhe NEC (ANSyNFPA 7O). The ampacity ot non-metallic-shearhed caue (NM), trade name ROMEX, shall be that ot 60.C (t,O.F) condi ons, per the NEC (Al.tSt/NFBA 70) Ar|tct6 336-26. tf other than uncoated (no-ptated), 60 or 75'C (1/O or td7'D Insulatlon, copper wire (solid wlr€ ior 10 AWG or smallei stand€d wlre ior larger than'loAWG) is us€d, consult appllcable tabtes oI the NEC (ANSYNFPA 70). + L€ngth stEwn ls as measured one way along wke path between unit and service panel toJ vohage drop not lo excaed 2%.r' l-me-Dehy tuse. Fl-A - FullLoad Amc LRA - Lock€d Rotor Amps lrCA - Minimum Clrcuit Amoe RLA - Rated Load Amp6 NOTE: Control cfcult ls 24-v on all units and .equir€s €xbmal power source, Copper wle must be used from se|.ic€ disconn€cl to unlt. All motors/compressoF contain Intornal overload orotectlon. SOI]ND POWER UNIT SIZE - VOLTAGE, SERIES STANDARD RATING (dBA) WPICAL OCTAVE BAND SPECTRUm (dB, withoul tone adlu3|menl) 125 250 so0 1000 2000 4(x)o 60@ 18-31 s2.0 61.0 67.0 70.5 67.5 60.5 24-31 56.5 64.0 @.5 67.O oo.u 30-32 76 s.5 69.O 72.O 69.0 64.5 59.5 36-St 76 58.5 64.0 6E.0 @.5 66.0 62.5 55.0 42-t1 7A 57.5 65.0 71 .0 73.0 70.5 67.5 62.5 48-31 7A 50.5 67_O 72.6 73.0 70.0 67.0 62.5 60-32 78 53.5 61 .0 67.5 74.5 68.5 62.5 61.O SOUND POWER WITH SOUND SHIELD uNlT stzE - VOLTAGE, SERIES STANDARD RATING (dBA) TYPICAL OCTAVE BAND SPECTRUM (dB, wlthoul tone adlustment) 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 E000 18 -31 74 50.0 61.5 64.5 66.5 64.0 61 .0 54.5 24-31 75 58.0 oc.c 69.0 70.5 68.0 65.0 s9.0 s0-32 76 64.0 69.5 'r1 R @.0 64.5 58.0 36-31 5E.5 64.5 68.s 68r.5 67.0 63.5 58.5 42-91 77 57.5 65.0 72.O 70.0 67.0 62.0 48-31 77 5!r-c 67.0 72.0 72.O 69.5 66.5 62.0 60-32 s3.0 61.O m.5 73.0 66.0 60.5 57.5 CIIARGING SUBCOOLING (IXV.TYPE EXPANSION DEVICE) UN]T SIZE- VOLTAGE & SERIES REOUIRED SUBCOOLING OF (.C} 18-Sl 8 (4.4) 24-S'l 13 0.21 30-32 16 {8.9) 36-91 16 (8.9) 42-31 10 (5.6) 48-31 17 (9.41 60-3a 1 1 (6.1) br= u g sge r h :;i EE; O aB. r- -e or=i i- r- et 3.j .i ; i tEt H z ;ii iE E\*!* e =-c =9 5A (hz az COMBINATION RIITINGS Unh Slze- t ollagp, S.d.s lndoor odel Total Cap. BTUH Faclory Supplbd Enhancam€nt SEER EER Fumeca ModclSlandard Rating TDR 018-sl *cAP**,1814A**17,500 Tls/13.00 1 1.00 cAP*r1814A*"17,2@ TDR&T)Or'14.00 1 1.70 58CV(A,n070-12 cAP**2414Ar'17,500 TDR&D$/14.00 1 1.70 58CV6,n070-12 cAP**24144r*17,700 Dry 13.00 I 1.00 17,600 TDB&]]ry 14.00 11.70 58CV ,,nGD-r6 cAPr+24174*r 17,500 TDR&T}$/14.00 11.70 58MVB0@- t 4 cN'.1*2417 A*''17,7N D0/13.O0 11 .00 cNPF*2418A"*17,700 TXV 13.00 11 .00 cNPH'2417Ar*17,500 TDR&DO/14.00 11.70 5ecv(4,n070-r2 cNPH*2417A**17,600 TDR&Dft/'| 4.00 1 1.70 ssCV(A,X)o90-16 cNPHr2417A*r 17,500 TDR&IXV 14.00 'I 1.70 58MVB0/+0-14 cNPH*2417A**17,500 TDR&T}I/14.00 11.70 ssMVBmO- 14 cNPHr2417A'*'t7,6@ TDR&Dft/14.00 '11.70 58MV8080- 14 cNPH*2417A**17,7@ D(V 13.00 '11.@ cNFfr'*18144**17,200 TDF&TU 14.O0 'I 1 .70 58CV A,XloTo-12 oNPV*1814A**17,500 TXV 13.00 1'1.00 cNPV*2414A**17,500 TDR&DO/14.00 11.70 s8CV(A,X)070-r2 cNPV*2414A**17,700 TXV 13.00 11 .00 cNPV"24t7A"*17,6q)TDR&D(V 14.00 11 .70 sSCV(A,noso-r6 cNPV*2417A**17,500 TDR&Iry 14.00 11.70 sSMVBo€o- 14 cNPV*24174**17,700 TXV 13.00 1l.00 csPHr2412Afi 17,5@ TDR&DS/'t 4.00 11.70 sscv(4,n070 - r 2 csPH*2412A**17,600 TDR&T}ft/14.00 11.70 sSCV(A,n(xX)-16 csPHr24t2A**17,500 TDR&D(V 14.00 11.70 58MV8040-14 csPH*2412A**17,500 TDR&D(V 14.00 11.70 58MV8060 - 14 csPH*2412A**17,600 TDR&D$/14.@ 11.70 58MVBO80-14 csPH*24124**17,7W Tru 13.00 I1.00 FFlENPO18 17,400 TDR&Dry 13.00 1 1.00 FFl ENPO24 17,600 TDR&D(V 13.20 11.@ FV4BNFOO2 17,800 TDR&DO/14.00 12.00 FXitCNF0lS 17,600 TDR&Dft/14.00 11.70 FX4CNFO24 17,900 TDR&DW 14.00 1 '1.70 FY4ANFOl8 17,400 TDB&Dft/13.O0 1 1.00 FY4ANFO24 17,500 TDR&D$/t 3.oo 1 't.00 tztl-31 23,000 TXV 13.00 I 1.00 cAP**2414A**22,6W TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 58CV(A,X)070-12 cAP**2417A**22,NO TDR&D(v 14.00 1 't .70 58CV4J0090 - I 6 cAP**24174**22,600 TDR&DOr''t 4.00 11 .50 58MVBO60- 14 cAP**2417A*i 22,W TXV 13.00 11.00 cAP**3014A**22,800 TDR&T}S/14.00 I 't .50 ssCV(A,Xlo7o-12 23,O00 DO 13.m 'I 1.00 cAPr'3017Ar*22,8@ TOR&D(V 14.00 11.70 58CV(A,n09O-r6 cAP*3017A**22,4O0 TDB&DOr'14.00 11.70 58MV8060-r4 cAP*r3017A**23,000 TXV 13.00 11.@ cNPF2418Ar*n,a@ D0/13.00 11.00 22,6@ TDR&DO 14.00 1 1.50 sscv(A,x)o7o - 12 cNPH*24174**22,6(n TDR&Dft/14.00 1 1.50 58MVBO40- t 4 cNPH*24174**22,6@ T(V 13.00 1 1.00 on ps. C0MBTNATTON RAIINGS (CONT.) Unlt Siz.- Voltagq Serles lndoor llodel Hd Cap, BTUH Faclory Supplled Enhancoment SEER EER Fumac€ llodelStandald Rallng TDB o24-51 cNPH*3017A*'22,8@ TDR&Dft/14.00 11.70 58CV(A)0070-12 cNPH*3017A**22,46 TDB&DO 14-00 1 1.70 58MVBO40- t 4 cNPH*3017A**23,000 TXV 13.00 1 1.00 cNPV*2414Ar*22,ffi TDR&D(v 14.00 tl.50 sscv(A,n070-12 cN PV*241 4A**22,W TXV 13.00 11.O0 cNPV*2417A**22,600 TDR&DO 14.00 11.50 58CV(A,)0090-16 cNflr'*2417A*r 22,6N TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 58MVBO60-14 cNPV*2417A**22,800 D{r'13.00 1 1.00 cNPV*30'|4A**22,8@ TDR&TXV 14.00 '| 1.15 sscv(A,n070-12 cNPV*3Oi 4A**23,000 13.00 1 1.00 cN PV*301 7A**22,AOO TDR&D(V 14.00 11.70 sscv(A,x)0€o- t6 cNPV*3017A**22,8@ TDR&D(V 14.00 11 .70 58MVB060 - 14 cNPV*30174**23,000 't'try 13_00 11.00 csPH*2412A*+22,6@ TDR&Dfl 14.00 1 1.50 58CV(A.)0070-12 csPH*2412A*.22,AOO TDR&TXV 14.00 1 1.70 sscv(A,n090-16 csPH*24124*r 22,8@ TOR&DS/14.O0 1 1.50 58CV(A,X) 1 10-20 csPH*2412A*"22,W TDR&T}O/14.00 11.50 sEcv(A,n135-22 csPH*24.12A**22,@O TOR&T)ry 14.00 11 .50 58MVBO40 - 14 csPH*2412A**22,W TDR&DV 14.00 11.50 SsMVBO@-14 csPHa2412A*r 23,000 TXV 13.00 11 .00 csPH*3012A+i 22,800 TDR&DO 14.00 11.70 sscv(4,n070-12 csPH*3012A**22,4@ TDR&TXV 14.00 1 1,70 sscv(A,x)ogo - 16 csPHi30124**22,8@ TDR&DO/14.00 11.70 sscv(A,nl to-20 csPH*3012A*r 22,800 TDR&TN/14.00 1't.70 58CV(A,X)135-22 csPH*30't2A**22,W TDR&D(V 14.00 fi.70 sscv(A,n15s-22 22,800 TDR&T(V 't4.00 11.70 sgMvBo/to- 14 csPH*3012Ar*22,WO TDR&D(v 14.00 11 .70 SsMVEO@-14 csPH*90124**22,EOO TDR&D 14.00 11.70 58MV8080-14 csPH*30124*"22,AOO TOR&Tlt/14.00 11.70 58MV8080-20 csPH*3012A**22,4@ TDR&TW 14.00 11.70 58MVBi00-20 csPH*30124**22,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 1 1.70 58MV8120-20 23,000 D(V 13.00 1 1.00 F(A,B)48N(F,C)024 22,4@ TOR 10.75 F(A,B)48N(F,C)030 22,600 TDR 1o.90 FF1DNAO24 22,200 TDR 1o.55 FFl DNAO3O 22,ffi TDR 10.70 FFl ENPO24 22,6@ TDR&T(V 13.00 1t .00 FFl ENPO3O 2.,@O TDB&Dry 13.00 11 .00 FV4BNFOO2 23,000 TDR&Dry 14.00 11.70 FV4BNFO@ 23,000 TDR&D(l|/14.00 12.00 FX4BNFO3O 22,6@ TDR&TX/13.00 1 1.00 FX4CNF024 23,0@ TDR&TN/14.00 1 1.50 FX4CNF030 23,200 TDB&]-JO/14.00 1 1.50 FY4ANFO24 22,600 TDR&DS/13.00 1 1.00 FY4ANFOOO 22,AOO TDR&.l)ry '13.20 .00 030-32 *cAP**3014A**28,000 TXV 13.00 r1.00 cAP**30144*r 27,W TDR&DV 13.50 11.20 58CV(4,n070-12 28,000 TXV 13.00 11.00 cAPrr3017A**27,600 TDR&DU 14.00 11.50 58MVts060-14 cAPr*3Ol7A**27,600 TDR&Dft/14.m 'I 1.50 ssCV(A,n09O-16 GAP*1361 4A**27,0@ TXV 13.00 11.@ cAP**3814A*r 26,600 TDR&D0,/14.00 1 1.50 58CV(A,)0070-12 on 10 COMBINATION RATINGS (coNT.) 030-32 G36-sl tl COMBINAIION RATINGS (CONT.) Unn Sizs- lrollag6, Serlog Indoor llodel Total Cap. BTUH Faclory Supplled Enhancement SEER EER Fumac. ModelStandald Ratlng TDB 036 -31 cAP**,+221 Ar *34,000 TXV t 3.oo 11.00 cpP**4224A*t 34,@0 TDR&T}S/'14.00 11.70 s8CV(A.)C13s-22 cAP**42244*r 33,800 TDR&T)(V 14.00 I t.s0 s8MVBozlO- 14 cAPr*4224Ar*34,000 TXV 13.00 11 .00 cNPF*3618A 34,O00 13.00 11.00 cNPHr36l7Ar*33,400 TDH&D(V 13.50 11.20 58CV6,n07o-12 cNPHi3617Ar*33,400 TDR&TXV 13.50 I 1.20 5SMVBOIO- 14 cNPH*36174**34,000 TXV 13.00 1 1.OO A,n070-12cNPH*4221Ar*33,800 TDR&D$/14.00 11.50 sscv{ cNPH1422tA**33,800 TDR&D$/14,00 11.50 58MV8040-14 cNPH*4221A**33,800 TDR&T)O 14.00 tl.so 58MVBO60- 14 cNPH1422lA*r 34.000 TXV 13.00 fi.00 cNPV*3617A1*3l3,600 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 s8CV(AXogo-16 CNPV*3617Afi 33,400 TDR&D(V '13.50 11.20 58MVB060- t4 cNPV*3617A**34,000 DA/13.00 1 1.00 cNPV*3621A**33,800 TDH&T)(\/13.50 'I t.20 58CV(A,n1ro-20 cNPV*3621A**33,600 TDR&Dft/13.00 I 1.00 58MVBO80- 14 cNPW3621A**34,OOO 13.@ 11.m cNPVr4221A**34,OO0 TDR&.l](V 14.00 11.70 s8CV(A,X)1r0-20 cNPVr422lA++33,800 TDR&T)ry '| 4,00 11.50 5EMVBO80- 14 cNPVr4221Arr 34,000 TXV 1S.00 1'1 .O0 csPH.3612Ar*33,600 TDR&DO/14.00 11.50 58cV(AJii)070- 1 2 csPHr3612A**33,600 TDR&T}ft/'14.00 11 .50 58MVB040-14 csPH*3612A**34,O00 1]0/13.00 11.00 csPH*4212A*r 34,000 TDR&T)Or'11.20 sscv(A,x)07o-12 csPH*4212Ar*3K|,000 TDR&T}I/13.50 1 1.20 58MVBOf0- 14 CSPH*.+212A'*34,0@ Dry 13.20 '| 1.20 FF1ENPO36 s3,800 TOR&D(V 13.00 11.00 FV4BN8006 35,400 TDR&TN/14.00 12.00 FV4BNFOO2 33,600 TDR&TXV 14.00 tl.50 FV4BNFOO3 34,000 TDR&T)(V 14.00 t1.70 FV4BNFOOs 35,000 TDR&D(V 14,00 12.OO FX4CN(8,R036 34,400 TDR&TOr'14.00 .50 FX4CN(B,D042 34,800 TDR&TW 14.00 11.50 FY4ANFO36 33,800 TDR&TXIr'13.00 1t .00 FY4ANFO42 34,400 TDR&TW 13.00 11.00 042-31 *cAP**4221Ar*41,0m Dry 13.00 11.00 40,500 TDR&TXV 13.50 11 .20 58CV(A)0110-20 cAP**4221A**40,000 TDR&TN/13.50 1 1.20 58MVB@O-14 cAP**4224A**40,500 TDR&D(V 14.00 11.50 5ECV(A,X)135-22 cAlc**/+224Ai */t0,000 TDR&D(V 13.50 11.20 58MVBO40- 14 cDP'i42244.*41,o00 TXV 13.00 11 .00 cAP**48,| TAtr 40,@0 TDR&Df,/14.00 11.50 58CV(A,n090-16 CAP**4E17Ar*4'o,000 TDR&.l.)(V '| 4.OO tl.50 5EMVBOd)- 14 cAP**4817A*r 40,s00 DO 13.20 11 .00 cAPr*4821A'*41,O00 TDB&D(lr''| 4.00 1t .s0 sscv(A,x)110-20 cAPir4S2lA**40,500 TDR&Try 13.50 11.20 58MV8080-14 cAP*.4821A'*41 ,500 13.20 '| 1.00 cAP**4E244*i 41 ,000 TDR&Dry 14.00 11.70 58cV(A,)0135-22 on p9. 12 COMBINATION RATINGS (CONT.) Unlt Size- Voltag6, Series lndoor Model Total Cap. BTUH Factory Supplied Enhancement SEER EER Furnace ModelSlandard Haling TDR o42-31 41 ,000 TDR&TXV 13.50 1 .20 581\4V8040- 14 41,500 TXV 13.20 '1 .00 1 ,500 TXV 13,20 1 .00 40,s00 TDR&TXV 13.50 1 .20 58CV(A,X)070- 12 cNPH-4221A**40,000 TD R&TXV 13.50 1 .20 s8 t\4 v8040 - 1 4 cNPH*4221A"*41 ,OO0 TXV r 3.00 1.00 41 ,000 TDR&TXV 13.50 1.20 sscv(A,x)070-12 cNPH*4821Ai*40,500 TDR&DO/13.50 1.20 58t\rvB040- 14 cNPH"4821A**41,500 TXV 13.20 1 .00 cNPV*4221A**40,500 TDR&TXV 4.00 1 '1 .50 58CV(A,n110-20 cNPV*4221A**40,000 TD R&TXV 3.50 11.20 58[,1V8080- 14 cNPV*4221A**41,000 TXV '13.00 '1 1 .00 cNPV*482'lA**41 ,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 58CV(A,X)110-20 cNPV*4821A**40,500 TDR&TXV 13.50 1 1.20 s8t\rv8080- 14 cNPV"4821A**41,500 TXV 13.20 1 't .00 cNPV-4824A**1 ,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11 .70 58CV(A,X)13s-22 cNPVr4824A**1 ,000 TDR&TXV 13.50 11.20 58MVBO40- 14 CNPV*,1824A"*1 ,500 TXV 13.20 11.00 csPH*42124'i 40,500 TDR&TXV 13.50 11.20 58cV(A,X070-12 csPH*4212A**40,000 TOR&TXV 13.50 11 .20 58l\4V8040-14 csPH*42124**4't ,000 TXV '13.20 11.00 .i csPH'48124**1,000 TDR&TXV '13.50 1 1.20 58CV(A,X)070- 12 csPH*4812A**41 ,000 TDR&TXV 13.50 11.20 58MV8040- 14 csPH*4812A**'1,500 TXV 13.20 11.00 FV4BNBOO6 42,500 TDR&TXV 14,00 12.00 FV4BNFOOS 40,500 TDR&TXV '14.00 11.50 FV4BNFO05 41,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.70 FX4CN(B,F)042 41 ,500 TDR&TXV 13.50 11 .20 FX4CN(B,F)048 42,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 1|.50 FY4AN FO42 41 ,000 TDR&TXV .13.00 11.00 FY44N FO48 42,000 TDR&TXV '13.20 11.00 048-31 *cAP'*4821A+r 46,000 TXV 13.00 11.00 cAP**481 7A*'44,000 TDR&TXV '13.50 '11 .20 sscv(A,x)090- 16 45,000 TXV 13.00 11.00 :a ': l' 45,000 TDR&TXV 13.50 11 .20 58CV(A,X)110-20 cAP**4821Ai*45,000 TDR&TXV 13.20 11.00 58tvtVB0B0-20 45,000 TDR&IXV 13.65 11.40 58[nVB100-20 45,500 TDR&TX/13_50 11 .20 58CV(A,X)135-22 cAP**4824A*i 45,000 TDR&TXV 13.50 11 .20 58MV8120-20 46,000 TXV 13.00 11.00 cAP**6021A*i 46,500 TOR&TXV '13.50 11.20 58CV(A,X)r 10-20 45,000 TDR&TXV 13.50 11 .20 58MV8080- 20 cAP**6021A**46,000 TXV 13.20 11.00 46,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 1 1.50 58CV(A,X)135-22 46,000 TDR&TXV 't 4.00 11.50 s8l\4V B.t 20 - 20 47,OOO TXV 13.20 11.00 cNPF*4818A**45,000 TXV 13,00 11.00 ri t'r on pg. IJ CoMBINATION RITTINGS (CONT,) unn sze- Vonage, Series lndoor llodel Total Cap. BTUH Factory SupplLd Enhanc€ment SEEF EER Fumace llodelSlandard Fating TDR 046-31 CNPH*€21A 45,000 TDR&DW 13.50 1 ,20 sscv 090-16 cNPH*4€21A**45,5@ TDR&Dry 13.s0 1 .20 58CV 10-20 cNPH'4821A**,15,0@ TDR&M/13.20 1 1.00 58MVBO80-20 CNPH*tl82lA**,f5,00O TDR&Try 13.50 1.20 58MV8100-20 CNPH*48214 46,000 Dry 13.00 1.00 cNPH*@244**216,000 TDR&TXV 13.50 58CV @0-16 CNPH*60244 .16,00O TOB&TXV 13.50 1.20 sscv 110-20 cNPH*6024A**46,000 TDR&Iry 13.50 1.20 58MVBO8o- 20 cNPH*0024A'r 46,000 TDR&DO/13.50 1 .20 58MV8100 - 20 cNPH'00244**47,000 TXV 13.20 1 ,00 cNPV*4a21A**rts,00O TDR&T(V 13.50 11 .20 58CV(A,X)r 10-20 CNPV*,l82lA**45,000 TDR&DI/13.20 11 ,00 s8MVBO8o-20 CNPV*,1821A"*46,000 ]1ry 13.00 1 .00 cNPV"4824A**45,O00 TDR&TW 13.50 1.20 58CVi A,X 135-22 cNFVi4824A**,+5,Om TDR&DO 13.50 1.20 56MV8120-20 CNPV*,18244 116,000 DO 13.00 1.00 cNflr'*6024A**,16.000 TDR&T(V 14.00 1.50 58CVr A,X 135-22 cNFVr6024Ar*/t{1,000 TDR&TN/13.s0 1.20 58MVB 20-20 CNPlef*6024A**47.000 TXV 13.20 1.00 csPH*4812A 45,500 TDR&T}S/13.50 1.20 58CVl ,A,X)o9o-16 CSPH*,1812A**45,000 TDR&T}S/19.20 11 .O0 58MVB080-20 csPH*4612A**46,000 TXV 19.00 1.00 csPHr6012A 46,000 TDR&.l)ry 13.50 11 .20 58CVl A,n@o-10 csPH*8012A**46,000 TDR&D(V 13.50 1 .20 58MV8080-20 47.000 TXV 13.20 't .00 F\/4BNB(x)6 47.000 TDR&DO/14.m 1 .70 FV4BNFOO5 46,500 TDR&T(V 14.00 I .50 FX4CN 048 47,000 TDR&D(V 13.50 1.20 FX4CN 060 47,500 TDR&DOr'14.00 1.50 FY4AN8060 46,500 TDR&TW 13.20 11.00 FY4ANFO4{I ,$,om TDR&D 13.m 1 .00 000-32 *cA|r**m24A**57.500 Dft/'| 3.00 cAP*r6021A**56.000 TDR&Dry 13.20 1.00 58CV1 A,X 110-20 56,0@ TDR&DV 1S.00 10.60 58MVB@t)-20 cAP**6021 A**56,000 TDR&D(V 13.00 10.80 5aMVBt00-20 cAP"*6021A**56,500 D(V 13.00 '1.00 cAP*+60244 56,500 TDR&Try 13.20 1.00 58CV 135-22 56,500 TDR&D(V 13.50 11.20 58CV 155-22 56,500 TDR&DU 13.00 1.00 58MVB1 ?o-20 cNPH*6024A**56.000 TDR&l](V 13.50 1.20 sscv 135-22 CNPH*60244 56,500 TDR&T)W 1.20 58CV(A t#-22 cNPH*6024A**57,000 TXV 13.00 11 .00 cNPV'6024A**56,000 TDR&T(V 13.50 1 .00 58CV 135-22 cN PV*60244**56.500 TDR&Dry 13.50 'l.20 58CV(A,155-22 57,000 TXV 13.00 1 .00 csPHr60t2Aft 56.500 TDR&T(V 19.20 11.OO 58cv 110-20 csPH*0012A**56,500 TDR&DU 13,50 1.20 sscv 1 -22 csPH*6012A 56,500 TDR&D(V 13.sO 1 .20 58CV(4,1s5-22 csPH*60124""57.500 TXV 13.00 1 .00 FV4BN8006 57.O00 TDR&D 13.sO 1.20 FX4CN(B,D060 58,000 TDR&D(V 13.20 1.00 FY4AN8060 56,500 TDR&DO 13.00 11.00 t ln most cas€s, ooly 1 m€$od shoold b6 u6€d to achie\rE TDR fundon. lklng more lhan I m€thod in a 3yst6m may ca6t d€ndation in perfomEnc€. [.b€ Eithet ih. .cc.ssory linE-D€|ay Rday KAATDoIo1TDR or | turnac€ €quipp€d wfi TDR. Mo€t Card€r tumaces are eq'jpp.d |litt ]DR. EEn - En€rgy Elfidenct Rslto SEER - S€asonal Enlgy Efici€ncy Ra0o TDF - Tim€-o€|a'/ R€lavfxl, - Th€rnb€tdia ErD'irEion valv€ 1 . Ratings €re n€t vElu$ ra{€ctng lre €fi€ct6 of cjrculdjng lan moior h€d. Suodemstd €lectric hest is not inclu(bd, 2. Tet€d oudoorihdoor coftbinalions hav€ b6on t€sted an acco.dance with DOE l.3t proc€dures lor c€.ttsl ajr condilion€rr. RatlngS for o$€r combinelions ar€ det€min€d und€r DOE compuler simulation prccedures 3. O€t€nr{na acfual CFM valuas obteineble ior your systern by rel€ring to tan D€rlofinanc€ dda in fan ccil or fumace coil llt.fahrte, 4 Do not apply rNih capillery lube coils as p€rbnnance End r€ll*llity {e ftdod, l4 DETAILED COOLING CAPACITIES# EEpordor Alr COllDEl{sEF ENtERlllG AIR TEIIPERATUnB 'F (oC) 75 (239)85 (29.4)95 (361 to6 l{o'.)115 &|arl t25 (51.7) cFtl El/lrB CQrcly [Etttt rbtrl Syatam KWr. C+rclty UBhtrt TOld Syrtem KW** C|padly lrHunt Totd Sfstem t(w.. Crpqclty Suht Etll Syston lav** Crpaclv E&ht Totd Syltom KVt,r* C|p.dty Eluhf td Slrt n KlvfiTo|!l Sen!+lbrd Sen!+Tot.l Sen.+Tolrl San!+Tot{9anr+Told Srn+ 525 72 20.44 10.26 1.21 19.55 9.92 1.36 18.5E 9.57 1.53 17.62 LP 1.71 16.5f 8.86 1.9'l 16.40 E.45 2.13 67 18.79 12.62 1.22 '17.95 12.25 1.37 17.05 11.93 16.12 1.72 15.13 11.18 1.92 t 4.03 10.76 2.19 63n 17.57 12.26 1,24 16.71 1t.91 1.34 15.91 11.55 1.54 15.02 't1,'17 1.72 14.06 10.78 1.92 13.01 10.35 2,19 62 't7.27 14.98 1.22 18.4,9 14.63 '15.68 14.25 1.54 14.83 13.85 14.q)14.00 1.92 13.t5 13.15 2.13 57 t 6.78 16.78 '1.23 16.15 1.37 15.48 15.48 1.31 14.77 14.77 1.72 14.00 14.00 1.92 13.15 '13.15 2.13 0q, 20.m '10.74 1,24 19.&t 10.,{0 1.39 18.83 10.05 1.56 9.70 1.74 '16.76 9.34 1.94 15.55 8.gl 2.16 gl s.lt 13.42 1.25 14.8 13.08 t.40 17.30 12.72 1.56 18.35 12.9t 1.74 '| 5.3t,1 1.97 1.94 14.m 11.54 2.16 63r1 7.89 13.@ 1.26 17.05 12.67 1.41 16.17 12.30 1.57 15,25 11.92 1.75 14.27 11.52 1.95 13.19 11.08 2.16 62 7.68 't6.08 't.25 16.87 15.70 1.40 16.06 16.06 1.58 15,32 1.75 14.51 14.51 1.94 13.61 13,61 2.1e 57 7.48 17.4e 1.25 16.79 16.79 1.40 18.O7 16.07 1.56 '| 5.32 15.32 1.75 14.51 '14.51 1.94 13.61 13.01 2.1e 675 2't.03 11.21 1,27 20.02 '| 0.86 1.42 18.99 10.51 17.97 10.16 1.77 18.88 9,79 9.38 2.14 67 r9.33 14.19 1,27 18..|l}13.84 1.42 17.8 '| 3.48 1.59 16.51 13.'t1 1.77 '| 5.48 12.72 1.97 14.33 12.8 2.19 63TI 18.12 't3.74 1.29 17.28 13.34 1.44 16.36 13.O1 1.60 15.42 12.63 1.74 1.97 13.33 11.76 2,19 62 18.01 17.91 1.24 17.30 '17.30 1.43 16.54 1€.*'t5.76 1s.76 1,77 14.92 14.92 1.97 13.97 2.15 18.01 18.01 1,24 17.30 1.43 16.s5 16.55 1.59 15.76 1.77 14.C2 14.92 't.97 13.97 13.97 2.19 coolng Indoor Modd C+rclV Pouvet Frmaco Model 1.00 1.m 1.01 1.01 cAla*241 7Ar+1.01 1.01 cNPFi2418A'r 1.01 1.01 cNPHr24l74fi 1.01 't.o1 cNP!'r18144r*1.00 1.00 cNB/*2414A*a 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 FFl ENPO1E 0.99 o.99 FF1ENPd24 't.o1 1.01 Sse notes on pg. 20 Coollng Indoot llodel Capdcty Fower Frmacr llodll FV4BNFOOz 1.M 0.90 FX4CNFO18 1.01 0.95 FX4CNFO24 1.02 0.96 FY4ANFO18 0.99 0.99 FY4ANFO24 1.m 1.OO cAr*1814At 0.sa o.g2 6ECV(A,X)070 - 1 2 't.m 0.94 58CV(4,)0070 - I 2 cNPHr2417A**1.00 0.94 5SCV(4,n070-12 cNPVil814Ar*0.98 0.92 58CV(A,X)070 - I 2 CNPV*2414A*'1.m 0.94 58C1r'(A.nO70 - | 2 csPHrz4l2A*1.00 0.94 50cv(A.no70-12 cAP**24174fi 1.0'l 0.95 58CV(A,X)00O-16 Cooing Indoor Model C{aclty Fouer Rrmrco t{odal oNPHi24tTAi*1.01 0.95 58CV{A.X}090 - 1 6 cNPV.2417A**1.01 0.s5 58CV(A.X1090-16 1.01 0.95 58CV(A,X) 090- I 6 cNPH.2417A"1.00 0.94 sEMVB{XO-,I4 csPH*2412A**1.00 0.94 58MV8040-14 t.0o 0.94 58MVBO60-14 CNPHi2417A 1.00 0.94 5SMVBO60-14 cNPV.241 7A* *1.00 0.9/1 58MVB{XIo - 1 4 csPHr2412A*r 1.00 0.94 58MVBO€0- 14 cNPH*241 7A'i 1.0'l 0.95 58t VBO80-14 csPHr2412A.r 1.Ol o.s5 sElrvB{t8o- 1 4 DETINLED COOLING CAPACITIES# (CONT.) Enrporator Alr CONDENSEF ENTER'iIG AIN TEMPERATURES 'F CC} 75 {:}&91 E5 (ZS4t 95 (35)105 (1106l 5 (44.11 125 (51.71 CFM EWB Crpdly Btuht T@ Stdrn Knt Cap.dty MBuht Tolrl Sydem Crprclty lrEtulrt TOtal Sem KW*. C.pachy H uht TOt!l Syd.m KW.r Capa.w llduht rott Sfd.m 1(ly.. Capaclty er|t Elrl Sf.tom Totd S.n.+Tot l Se||!+ftta S€nt+lbtrl SonE+Totsl Sant+Total Sen.+ mo 72 27.11 14,06 1.61 25.97 13.63 1.81 24.75 't 3.18 2.@ 23.47 12.71 2.28 n.@ 12.21 2.55 20.55 1.66 2.44 67 24.45 17.33 1.61 23.8't 16.89 2.6 18.42 2.00 2'l.45 15.93 2.8 m.15 15.41 2.55 18.73 14.85 2,45 631r 23.01 16.72 't.61 21.98 1626 1.E0 20.E9 2.0t 19.74 't5.29 2.24 16.52 14.77 2.50 17.20 1421 2.79 e2 2,.46 20.58 1.61 21.46 20.11 20.81 19.01 2.W 19.72 19.08 2.24 18.65 18.65 2.56 17.57 2.86 n.24 22.24 '1.61 21.43 21.43 1.52 20.54 20.56 2.O4 19.64 19.64 2.28 '18.65 18.65 2.56 17.57 8tx) 27.54 14.74 1.64 26.35 14.31 1.44 25,08 13.85 2.06 23.76 't 3.38 2.3'l 2.U 12,44 2.8 20.75 12.9.2.AA 67 25.31 1&4 1.64 24.19 17.S 1.85 23.00 17.52 2.O7 21,75 '17.03 2.31 20.42 16.50 2.59 18.96 15.9:l 2.8S 63Tr 23.42 17.76 1.44 n.6 17.@ 1.83 21.22 16.82 2.M 20.04 16.@ 2.24 18.78 15.79 2.&17 -43 15.n 2,U. 23.37 2.10 1.65 22.36 21.60 1.E5 21.35 21.35 2.O7 20.38 20.38 2.92 19.33 19.33 2.59 '18.18 18.t8 2.49 23.14 23,14 1.e5 22.24 22.24 1.85 21.38 21.36 2.O7 20.38 20.38 2.32 19.33 '19.33 2.59 '18.18 18.18 2.89 9q, 72 27.43 15.39 1.68 26.61 14.95 1,88 23.31 14.49 2.lo 23.96 14.O2 2.34 2..9 13.51 2.61 20.47 12.95 2.91 67 25.61 19.51 't.68 24.4 19.05 1.88 2325 18.57 2.10 21.97 19.08 2.35 N.61 17,54 2.82 19. t2 '| 6-96 2.52 63n 23.72 IE 76 1.68 2'@ 18.30 1.97 21.47 17.41 2.@ 2026 17.30 2.31 18.98 16.76 2.57 17.60 '16.16 2.8 @.23.85 23.85 1.64 2'8 22.86 22.@ n.@ 2.10 20.s8 20.98 2.6 19.87 19.87 2.62 18.66 18.€A 2.92 23.47 23.47 'l 68 n.97 22.97 1.88 22,@ 22.O0 2.10 20.98 20.98 2.#19.87 19.87 2.62 18.66 18.66 2.92 Coollng Indoor llodd Caprclty Fouel FrrfEce ilod€l rcA,*r2414A*1.00 1.00 0.99 0.99 cAtrr.301 4Ai r 1.00 1.00 cAltr,3017A. r 1.00 1.00 CNPF*241 gArr 0.99 0.99 cNPfli241 7A**0.99 0.99 cNPH*30t7A.r 1.00 1.00 CNPV*24 t4A*'0.99 0.99 cNPVr24r7A.i 0.99 0.99 't.(x)1.00 1.00 1.00 csPHr2412Alr 1.00 1.00 csPH{3012A"*1.00 't.00 FFlENPO24 0.98 0.94 FFl ENPO3O 0.90 0.98 FV4BNFOO2 1.@ 0.94 FV4BNFOO3 't.00 FX4CNF024 1.00 0.96 on ps. Coollng Indoor irodol Crprclty husr Frmm€ ll,odel FX4CNF030 1.01 FY4ANFO24 0.9t 0.98 FY4ANFO3O 0.99 0.99 cAlt**24,144fi 0.98 o.94 sscv(A.x)070 - 1 2 0.99 o.95 58CV(A,nO70-12 0.98 o.94 58CV(A.nO70 - 12 cNPH*3017A*r 0.0s 0.93 58CV(A.)0070 - t 2 cNPV*24144*0.98 0.94 58CVIA.[070-12 cNPvtSo.|4Air o.s 0.98 s8cvtA,xl070 - 1 2 0.99 0.95 5SCV(A,X)070- l 2 csPHr3012A.r 0.99 0.93 sscv(4,x1070- 1 2 0.98 o.M.s8CV(A.X)090-18 0.99 0.93 58CV(A.Xl090 -'t 6 cNPVi24l 7Ar I o.9a 0.94 58CV(A.X!090-16 cNPVi3ol74"0.99 0.qt 58CV(A.noeo-16 o.99 0.93 sEcV(A.X)090-16 csPH*3012A*r 0.99 0.*|58CV(A,X)090- r6 csPH*2412A**0.99 0.95 58CV(A,X)110-20 Coollng Indoor odsl C.prclV Powsr Rrmac.Iodel csPHr3012A'*0.99 0.93 5SCV(A.X)110-20 csPH*24r2A**0.99 0.95 58CV(A.X)13s-22 csPH*3012A*r 0.93 58CV(A,X)135-22 csPH.30r2A'r o.93 58CV(A,X|15s-22 CNPH*2417A*0.99 o.94 58MVBO40- t 4 CNPH*3017A.*0.09 o.93 58MVBO40 -14 csPH*2412Ar*0.s8 0.94 58MVB{X0-14 csPH*3012A'*0.99 0.93 58MVB&I0 - 14 0.sa 0.94 58MVBO80-14 0.90 0.s3 SaMVBOO-14 CNPV.241 7A* *0.98 0.94 saMVBOd)-14 0.90 0.93 58MVB06o-14 csPH{2412Ar*0.99 0.95 58MVB060- l4 csPHr30t2A 0.se o.91,58MV8060-14 csPH*301 2A'i 0.99 0.gt 58MV8080- t 4 0.99 0.93 58MVB080-20 csPH*9012A'.0.99 0.9{l 58MVB100-20 csPH+3012A**0.99 0.9'58MVB t20-20 DETAILED COOLING CAPACITIES# (CONT.) EYrpordor Alr CONDENSER ENTERIiIG AIN TEflPERATURES 'F CC) 75 (23,91 85 eg.'+l 96 (361 105 (4116l r15 (44.11 125 (5t,71 cFt EWB Crpaclty lt$uhl Totrl Sy.lem Ktvrr Crpaclly MB[uhl TOtrl Sydcm KW.r Clplclv MBtuht Tottl 3yltem tcrtt*, Caprclty MBtuhl tottl Sy|*dn KWrt Cepadly MBtuhl rbtcgy{em Kw'r C$rclty MRuht TOtal Sydom KYYTTlbtalSo|rrf Total Scm+Tbtal S.nt+'lirLl Son.+Totd S.nrf rbrd S.nr+ 875 3at.@ 17.24 31.65 16,73 2.32 30.20 16.20 2.57 24.44 15.64 2.U 26.9+15.O4 3.14 25.O7 14.38 3,47 67 30.33 21.4 2.09 8,@,20.47 2.31 27.e.20.31 2.56 26.14 19.72 2.4 24.$3 19.O9 3.14 2'e.18.43 3.47 63rr 28.36 20.76 2.@ 27.@ 20.21 2.3'l 25.73 19.62 2.8 24,30 19.01 2.U n.7a 18.37 21.15 17.69 3.47 a2 27.91 25.4t 2.09 2n.70 24.96 2.31 25.43 24.54 2.56 24,17 24.17 2.U 2.*2.93 3,14 21.61 2't.61 3.47 27.41 27.41 2.09 8.40 28.40 2.31 25.Q.25.32 2.56 24.17 24.17 2.44 2.93 2,,93 3.t4 21.41 21.61 3.47 1000 72 st.47 18.07 2.14 32.06 2.36 s0.58 '17.03 tA1 24,97 16.47 2.89 27.21 15.86 3.19 25,29 15.N 3.52 67 9.77 2.13 29.43 22.25 2.36 2A.OO 21.64 2.61 26.4 21.09 2.89 24.44 20.45 3.19 23.08 19.77 631 28.81 u.oa 2.13 27.51 21.50 234 26.12 20.92 2.ts1 24.65 20.30 2.49 23.07 19.64 3.19 21.42 't8.94 3.52 28.53 27.37 2.13 27.37 27.37 2.26.25 m.25 2.81 25.04 25.O4 2.89 23.73 23.73 3.19 2.32 2,P.3.52 28A5 n.6 2.13 27.9 27.s 2.#26'25 4.25 2.61 25.O4 25.O4 2.49 23.73 23.73 3.19 22-3.2 2..e 3.52 1125 72 33.78 18.86 2.19 32.U 18.35 2.41 30.81 17.e.2.ffi 29.18 17 25 2.94 27.9 '16.64 3.24 25.12 15.97 3.5-' 67 31.10 24.Oe 2.18 2e.73 23.56 2.41 24.27 2.*2.66 26.73 u.g 2.94 25.06 21.73 3.24 2327 21.O2 3.56 29.15 23,29 2.14 27.&.22.73 2.41 26.40 22.14 2.46 24.91 21.5'l 2.94 23.31 20.83 3.24 21.44 20.10 3.57 62 29,24 29.24 2.14 24.17 24.17 2,41 26.99 26.99 2.66 25.73 25.75 2.S3 24.3A 243e 3.24 22.44 22.48 3.56 57 29.24 29.28 2.18 28.18 28.18 2.41 26.S9 26.99 2.46 23,73 25.73 2.93 24.36 24.36 9.24 22.8 2'8 3.58 { Coollng Indoor l|odel C+aclty Pou€r Rtrr|acs Moda{ 't.00 't.00 1.00 1.00 cAlt**3€14A1*0.98 0.96 1_00 .00 cAP**3621A**1.00 .00 cNPFr36l 8Ar r 1.00 .00 cNPHr3017Afi 1.(x).q, cNPHr9617Afi 1.00 .(x) 1.00 ,00 cNPV*3017A**1.00 .00 cNPV*361 7A' *'1.00 .00 1.00 .00 csPH*30124f 't.00 .00 1.OO .00 FFl ENPO3O 0.94 0.98 FFlENPO36 1.{X'1.00 FV4BNFOO2 0.so 0.96 FV4BNFOO3 1.00 0.94 FV4BNFOOS t.Gl 0.94 FX4CN { B, F) 036 r.0t o.9a FX4CNFO3O t.m 0.98 FY,+ANF(xlO 0.90 0.99 FY4ANFGl6 0.99 o.99 0.se o.e7 58CV(A.X)070-12 0.91 58CV(A,X)070-12 0.99 0.94 58CVaA.X)070-12 cNPH.3617A*'0.99 0.94 58CV(A,X)070-12 Coollng Indool llod€l Crp!clly Fouer Fl|m|Cr Model cNPVr30l4Afi 0.99 0.97 sgcv(A,x)070- I 2 0.99 0.94 5SCV(A,n070-12 c s PHi361 2A* *0.99 0.94 56CV(A,X)070-12 cAP**301 7A*r 0.ss 0.94 58CV(A.)0090 - 1 6 cAP.'3tt 1 7Af'0.99 58or'(A.X)osO-16 0.99 0.94 58CV(A.nO90-16 cNPVr3617A."0.99 0.94 58CV(A,n0O0-r6 cA|'''3€214'.0.99 0.95 5gc1/(A,Xlt 10-20 cNPVi362lA*r 0.99 0.95 sScv(4,)or10-20 cNPHr3017A*0.99 0.97 58MV8040- 14 0.9s 0.97 58MV8040-14 csPHi3012Ar.0.99 o.97 58MVB040-14 0.99 0.94 58MV8040-14 cAPrr301 TAlr 0.90 0.9l1 58MV8060-14 c/\Pr.3fi 7Arr 0.s 0.94 58MVBO60-1 cNPll,lr301 7A*i 0.90 0.94 58MVBOA0-4 0.94 58MV8060-4 0.99 0.95 58MV8080- cNPV.3621A*.0.99 0.94 58MV8080- on ps. DETAILED COOLING CAPACITIES# (CONT.) Evrporalor Alr CO DE AER EiITERIIIIG AIN THIPERATURES .F CC) 75 (23,91 E5 (29.41 95 l35l 105 (40.61 rr5 {116.12515r,n CFM EWB Capdly tl unt TO|aI Sy!t€m KW.. C.padry Mduht Ibtal Syrlcm |(wr. CrpGlty MEtuht TOtrl Syltemt(w* C.prdv BUht TO]l| Sy.ll||l t(l,v*' Capaclly MBtulri lotr 8y.Lm KWr' C$.dty MBUht Totll Sytt l|| l(w**Told S.n.t lbt!l S.n.+llrlrl Son!+ftLl Sen.+Totd Senr+rbarl Scn.+ 105{t 72 4).12 20.30 2.4 38.42 19.64 2,74 36.61 19.04 3.oli 34,70 18.3A 3.35 p.62 17.64 3.71 30.32 16.85 4,Oe 36.62 25.05 2.47 35.03 24,41 2.73 33.34 23.75 3.02 23.05 3.34 29.42 22.e,27.fi 21.51 4.09 6gr r 34.09 24,23 2.47 34.s8 23.5S 2.73 30.98 3.01 29,29 2'21 3.Ct 27.48 21.47 3.6E 2s.4t)20.65 4.07 a2 9t.54 29,77 2.46 32.11 29.11 2.72 30.61 28.39 3.01 29.0€29.06 3.4 27,82 27.42 3.70 25.90 25.99 4.09 92.88 32.84 2.4 31.70 31.70 2.72 30.44 30.44 3.01 29.@ 23.09 3.34 27.8 27.8 26.00 26.00 4.09 t2(xt 72 4.72 21.24 2.*38.06 20.e.2.80 37.@ 19.97 3.09 35.11 | 9.29 3.41 9.97 18.56 3.76 30.60 17.76 4.15 a7 37.19 26.58 2.53 35.54 25.9 33.80 25.24 3.08 31.e6 24.8 3.40 29.98 23.83 27.81 23.0t 4.15 63rl 34.65 25.87 2.53 33.0E 25.O2 2.74 31.'fl]24.35 3.07 29.69 23.63 3.39 27.45 22.47 3.74 25.79 2.04 4.12 34.30 31.85 2.52 32.U 9.44 2.74 31.55 31.55 3.O7 30,12 30.12 3.40 23.56 3.75 26.E3 26.83 4.14 34.15 34,15 2.52 32.8n 32.89 2.74 31.55 31.55 3.07 30.12 &.12 3..O 28,56 28.56 2ts.83 m.83 4.14 1E50 72 41.16 2..'13 2.60 35.4 21.s0 2.6 37,42 20.84 3.14 35.40 20.t6 g-47 9.21 't9.42 3.82 30.78 14.61 1.21 67 37.62 24.06 2.59 35.93 27.42 2.85 34.15 4.74 3.14 Q.27 26.Gt 3.,16 30.25 2526 3.81 28.05 24.41 4.m €3rr 35.07 27,OE 2.58 33,47 26.41 2.U 31.78 25.72 3.13 30.00 24.W 3.45 28.10 24.20 3.80 2ts,O4 23.33 4.18 e 35.18 35.1E 2.*33.E6 33.E6 2.44 32,45 32.45 3.13 30.95 30.95 3.46 29.31 29.31 3.E1 27.fi 4.20 57 35,19 35.1S 33.86 2.44 s2.44 32.48 3.13 30.95 3.46 n.31 29.91 3.81 27.fi 27.*4,20 @ Coollng Indoo. odel Capac- Itv Fotuaf fumacs Uodel icAPfi36t7Afi 1.00 '1.00 cAPr.3614A o,s7 '|.00 1.00 't.(x)1.00 cfft'.42,44*'1.00 1.00 '1.00 't.00 cNPlt*36174'r 1.00 1.00 1,00 1.m cNPV*361 7Ai i 1.00 1.00 cNP\,'*3621 Arr 1.00 1.00 oNPV.4221A..1.m 1.m 1.m 1.m 't.00 0.96 FF1ENPO36 0.99 0.99 FV4BNBOOo 1.(X 0.95 FV4BNFOO2 0.95 FV4BNFOOS .00 o.94 FV4BNFOOs .06 0.94 FX4CN(B,Dm6 .01 0.97 FX4CN(B.R(X2 .o2 0.e8 FY4ANF0s6 0.99 0.99 FY4ANFO42 1.01 1.01 o{r*r3fi4A.*o.9a 0.s4 58CV(4,$070-12 0.98 0.96 58C1/(A.nO70-12 cNPH*4221A"o.9s)0.95 58C1/(A,nO7o-12 0.9s 0.95 58CV(A.X)070-12 CSPHr,l212A*1.00 0.98 58CV(A,X)070-12 Coollnq Indool l|odrl C.pac-lv Fower Frmrc. Mod.l cAtr**3€17Arr 0.99 0.95 58CV6. X)Ogo - 16 0.99 0.95 s8c1r'A.n@o - 1 6 cAtrr r3621 Ar*0.99 0.95 5gcv(4,n110-20 cAP* *4221 A**1.00 0.96 58CV(AJ0110-20 cNPW36a1A'.0.99 0.94 58ci/(AnrlO-20 cNPVr422lA*'1.00 0.94 58CV(A)0rrO-20 cN'**42244*1.00 0.94 sgcv(AJo r 3s-22 0.99 0.95 58MV8040- 14 cNPH!36.|7Ai.0.98 0.96 58MVBO40-14 cNPH*4221A 0.99 0.95 58MVBO40- l4 0.99 0.95 58lvlVEO40-14 0.9e o.98 581vlVBO40- 14 0.99 0.95 56MVBO60-14 cNF Hr4221Arr 0.99 0.95 58MVBO60- 14 cNPV*3817Ar*0.98 0.96 58MV8060-14 cAP**3621 A* *0.99 o.97 68MVBO80-'t 4 cAtrr*42214 0.99 0.95 58MV8080-14 0.99 0.99 5AMVB080-14 0.99 0.9s 58MV8080- t 4 on DETAILED COOLING CAPACITIES# (CONT.) Enpordor Alr CO DE SER ENTERIII|(! AIR TEMPEMIURES OF CC) 75 (zltl E5 (29.4)96 (35)105 (40,6)116 |/L.11 r25 (5r.4 CRil EWB Caplclty Bluhl Eta| Syd!m K|lyr* Capadry M uhi Toad Syrtam KWr* Capaclty M$uht Tolll Sy.tem Kl/vt. CrFcny MBtunl Iotal Sy .n torr*. Capacly tlBluit TOtd Sy.tem t(lv.. C.prclty MEtuht TOtrl Sy.l.m KW.*Total S€n.+Tolrl Sonr+Total Smt+lbtd Ssnr+Totd sona+Tolrl Scn!4 12,6 72 la.s1 24.35 3.3{t ,+6.40 23.62 3.68 44.17 n.81 4.m 41.83 21.97 4.51 39.30 2't,08 4.Sg 36.50 20.10 6.51 a7 14.45 30.01 3.31 42.55 40.46 28.,O 4.06 38.30 27.9 4.50 35.96 26.63 4.SA 33.41 25.66 5.51 dt,r ,f1.6il 29.'t 6 3.35 39.79 28.36 3.70 c7.u 4.04 35.77 26.4 4.51 33.56 25.72 4.57 31.13 5.,lE 62 40.85 35.60 3.29 39.08 34.79 37.24 *1.93 4.O4 35.33 33.O1 4.48 33.39 33.39 4.97 31.44 31.44 5.50 57 3S.76 39.76 3.29 38.32 38.32 3.64 36.79 4.04 35.17 4.48 93.41 93.41 4.97 31.45 31.45 5.50 tlt{!o 72 49.n 25.47 3.40 47.O2 24.68 3.7ts 44.72 23.86 4.15 42.30 23.02 4,59 39.69 22.'t'l 5.07 36.79 21.13 45.18 31.78 3.38 43.15 30.97 3.74 41.00 30.13 4.13 38.76 29.24 4.57 6.37 23.37 33.74 27.37 42.*30.82 3.44 40.41 s0.00 3.79 38.38 29.15 4.17 36.26 24.24 4.50 33.98 27.34 5.06 31.i18 26.3t2 5.56 82 41.71 39.92 37.18 3.72 38.04 38.04 4.12 3€.38 36.38 4.56 34.50 34.50 5.05 e.41 Q-41 5.5E 41.24 41.24 @,74 39.74 3.72 34.11 34.11 4.'t2 36.38 36.3S 4.56 34-50 34.50 5.05 e..41 e..41 5.58 t575 72 45.76 26.51 3.4S 47.49 25.71 3.84 45.12 24.@ 423 42.d}24.03 4.61 3S.95 25.12 5.'t4 36.90 2.12 5.66 67 45.71 stt.49 3.46 4it.61 32.68 3.82 41.42 31.85 421 33.13 30.98 4.65 36.68 30.05 3t|.so 29.01 5.65 63r I 42.E6 32.43 3.52 40.89 31.62 3.87 38.82 30.77 4.25 36.64 29.88 4.68 34.31 28,92 5.14 31.77 27.8 5.64 e2 42.55 42.15 3.45 40.E9 40.E9 3.80 39.17 w.17 4.20 37,34 37.34 4,64 35.37 5.12 33.16 33.16 57 42.52 42.52 3.i15 40.89 40.89 3.80 39.17 99.17 4.N 37.35 4.64 35.37 35.3t 5.12 33.10 39.16 Coollng In.loor ilodd C.paclv Fortr Rrmaca ilodal icNr.'42214.r 1.00 1.00 cAt **4224A 1.00 1.00 cAPrr48.t 7A**0.99 0,9s cAPi.4g2tA 1.01 cAP{.4824A}r 1.0'l .01 cNPFr4818A*.1.01 .01 cNPHr422tA*r 1.00 .00 CNPH'4E2IA'*1.01 .o1 '1.00 .@ cNPVr4@1Aii '1.01 .01 cNPV*4{t244*.1.01 .01 csPHr42l2A**1.00 .00 csPH*481 2A* *1.01 ,01 FV4BN9006 1.()4 0.95 FV4BNFOO3 0.s 0.94 FV4BNFOO5 1.01 0.95 FX4CN(8,R042 1.01 0.90 FX4CN(B,DO48 1.04 0,99 FY4ANFO42 1.00 1.00 FY4ANFO48 1.02 1.02 0.97 58CV(A)0070-12 1.00 0.98 58CV(A,nO70-12 csPH,4212A*i o.99 o.97 5€CV(A)0070- I 2 csPHr4al2A*1.00 0.98 58CV(A.)0070- 1 2 0.98 58CV(A,n090-16 0.99 0.97 58CV(A.nr r0-20 1.00 sscv(A.x) t |0-20 Coollnl lndoor llodGl Capadry Pouer Frmlca Mod€{ cNPVr422rAfi 0.s 0.94 sSCV(A.X)10-20 CNPVi/€21 Ai'1.m 0.96 sgcv(A.x)10-20 0.9s 0.94 58CV(A.X)35-22 cAlti 148244.*1.00 0.s4 58CV(A,X)35-22 CNPV'48244.r 1.m 0.94 58CV(A,X)35-22 0.98 0.s6 58MVB0im-14 cAPrr4E24Afi 1.m 0.94 58M\t8040-'14 cNPH1422lAr*0.sa 0.96 sEMVBOO-14 cNPH.4821A'*0.99 0.97 sgMvBoiro- 1 4 cNPVi4824A**1.00 0.98 58MV8040- 14 0.98 0.96 58MV8040-'t 4 1.00 0.94 5SMVB040-14 cAPr*481 7A* *0.98 0.9s 58MV8060-'14 o.98 0.96 58MV8080-14 0.99 0.97 58MV8080-1{ CNPVr,t221 Ar*o.98 0.96 58MVB0SO-14 CNPV.4821Ai*0.99 0.97 58MV8080- 14 on ps. DETAILED COOLING CAPACTTIES# (CONT.) Evaporator Alt CONDENSER ENIERING AIR TEMPERATURES 'F {'C) 75 e3.91 85 fit9.4)95 (361 lo5 (40.6)t15 (441)t25 {5r.71 cFll EWB Capaclty MBuht btot Syd.n KU9'T C{rdty Arhl Totol SyEfem KwT Cap8clty ilBtuhi ro&rl Syltem Crp..tly MBluht Totrl Sfd.n KWfi C.plclly MBuht Totrl Sy.t ml(w- Caprclty Biuht TOtAtWm KUY'TTotdscn +Trtal S.n +brc Sen$rbrd S€nr+Totd S.ru+fttl S.n.+ 1'llt(t 72 55.04 28.89 52.@.27.94 50.08 26,94 4.20 47.38 25.S0 4.72 44.49 24.&5.30 41.25 23.59 6.01 67 ,19.86 35.01 3.35 47.63 34.03 45,27 33.02 4.21 42.71 31.96 4,73 40.10 30.85 5.33 37.08 29.60 6.08 6.24 3{t.83 3.36 44.14 32.44 3.75 41.92 3t.82 4.19 39.56 30.75 4.69 37.06 29.63 5.25 34.24 2E.40 5.96 a2 ,15.26 41.18 3.35 ,til.3()40,33 3.76 41.28 99.46 4.U.39.15 38.58 4.74 37,27 3727 5.34 35.05 35.05 6.09 57 ,f4.65 ,14.65 3.35 42.99 42.99 3.76 41.23 41.23 4.2 39.35 39.35 4.74 37.<t 37.33 5.34 35.06 6.@ i6{10 72 56.06 30.07 3.12 53.54 29.10 3.42 50.89 24.09 4.27 ,[8,0s 27.qt 4.79 45.0e 25.S1 5.36 41.76 24.68 6.06 67 50.79 36.87 3.42 ,€.45 35.88 3.42 46.00 34.95 4.24 43.40 33.7f 4.80 40.63 32.63 5.3e 31.37 6.14 63r I 47.O9 3.44 44.89 34.58 3.42 42.59 33.52 4.26 40.14 34.43 4.76 37.54 31.29 34.U 30.03 6.03 62 46.36 44,07 3.42 44.40 43.27 3.83 42,52 42.52 4.17 40.77 &.77 4.81 38.63 38.63 5.40 36.19 36.1S 6.15 4.41 46.41 3.42 44.64 44,64 3.83 42.77 42.77 4.25 40.74 4.74 4.81 38.83 38.63 5.40 36.19 36.19 6.15 1800 72 56.83 31.14 3./€9.72 30.16 3-E9 51.49 29.13 4.U ,f8.61 28.0,6 4.85 ,15.53 26.92 5.43 42.11 25.69 6.12 67 51.48 38.50 3.49 {9.06 37.58 3.89 46.53 36.53 4.35 43.86 35..14 4.47 41.00 34.24 5.48 37.80 33.04 6.20 63r r 47.72 37.16 3.5'l 45..16 36,14 3.90 /€.08 35.08 4.34 40.56 33.98 4.8<l 37,88 32.81 5./O 34.94 3't.67 8.11 62 47.45 46.93 3.50 45.69 45.E0 3.90 44.03 .14,03 4.36 41.94 41.94 4.88 39.69 39.69 5.47 37.12 37.12 6.21 47.47 47,87 3.,+9 46.01 46.01 3.90 44.O4 44.O4 434 41.95 41.95 4.88 39.69 39.69 5.47 37.13 37.13 6.21 N Coollng Indoor odsl C|paclty Fotrar Hrm.c. llodel t.(x)1.00 cAP*i4817A*o.ss 0.98 cAPr,4824Ai*1.00 '1.00 cAPr*6021 A*r 1.(x)'1.00 cAF*16024Ar*1.@.1.O2 cNPF*4818A 0.s 0-s8 1.00 -00 1.@ .@ 't.00 .00 cNPVr4824A' r 1.00 .00 1.92 .M. 1.m .@ 1.92 .@. FV4BNBOOo 1.O2 0.9€ FV4BNFOOs 1.01 0.97 FX4CN(8,D048 1.02 1.00 FX4CN(S,D060 1.03 0.90 FY4AAIBO€O 1.01 1.01 FY4ANF(XS 1.00 1.00 cA>r*4817A o.96 0.94 58CVtA.nO90-16 cNPHr4g2lAri 0.98 0.96 58CV(4,n090-16 cN PH*6024A* I 1.00 0.98 sgcv(A,x)090 - I 6 0.99 0.97 58CV(A,n090- 1 6 csPHr6012A*1.00 0.98 sScv(A"noso-16 c/\P.*4&14.i 0.96 56CV(A)0110-20 1.01 0.99 5SCV(A)0110-20 0.99 0.97 58CV(A,X) 1 1 o-20 Coollng Indool Iodcl Capadly Polter Frmace lfodal cNPH '6024A**1.00 o.98 sEcv(Ax)110-20 0.99 0.96 58CV(A-n110-20 0.99 0.97 58CV(A,X)13s-22 cArt6o24Ari 1.01 0.s7 58CV{A.n 1 35-22 CNPV*4824A.r 0.98 0.96 s8CV(AJ)135-22 CNPW6@44*1.00 0.96 58CV(A,n135-22 0.94 0.98 58MV8080-20 cAP**6021A**0.98 0.96 58MV8080-20 cNFHi4821Aii 0.98 0.98 5SMVB080-20 cNPH*6024Afi 1.00 0.98 58MVB080-20 GNPV'482'l A 0.98 0.s8 58MVBO80-20 o.98 0.94 5SMVBCn-20 1.00 o.s8 58MVB@-20 0.98 0.94 58MVB100-20 cNPH.4821A*r 0.98 0.96 sEMVBl(xl-20 't.00 0.94 58MV8100-20 0.9E 0.96 58MVBt20-20 cAP'r60244.*1.00 0.96 saMVBl20-20 cN P\,'4E24A**0.98 0.96 58lvl\f8120-20 cNF\r'i60244*r 1.00 0.94 58MV8120-20 on ps. DETAILED COOLING CAPACITIES# (CONT.) Et/Todor Alr COI{)EiISER ENTEFIIT|G Aln TE PERATnES 'F fC) 75 eaol 05 (29.]11 s t33t 105 (/to.6l fi5 (46.1)125 (51.71 CFtrl EWB C$*lly MBtuht EII ay3|.m KW.' C|P|GIV Auhl Etd Sydcm t(w'. C+rc|ty [Btrhf Totrl Syrt n KVrr C{dty Btuhi TOtC Syc.rn l(w.. Crpadly llBtuht T al Sldcm Klf.r C.p.clly Etat &t!l Strtant KW.'lbrd Srn4 lbtd Srrd Totd Sen!*Told Son.f hd Scnrl Ibtd 8.r|!* 1780 72 67.9t 34.89 4.35 64.83 33.80 4.80 61.64 32.64 5.4 54.24 31.43 5.ea]9.52 30.11 6.41 50.31 28.85 7.U 67 62.53 4€.30 4.24 59.78 42,14 4.73 56.82 41.00 5.2,53.89 39.76 5.78 50.29 34./*l 6.stt 46,47 36.96 6.90 63rr *72 ,f2.13 4,23 5€.15 41.01 4.68 53.37 39.ti 5.17 50.43 38.56 5.7t 4?.8 37.25 6.31 43.72 35.76 6.95 e 57.74 51.6ti 4.22 55.26 50.49 4.6 52.80 49.24 5.16 49.85 49.43 5.71 47,17 47,17 6.31 44.m 44,20 6.90 57 *.44 56.,14 4.20 5i1.39 54.39 4.65 52.16 54.16 5.15 49.79 49.79 5.71 47,14 47,14 6.31 44m 44.20 6.96 2mo 72 68.70 36.tr|4.46 65.64 3{t.43 4.91 6233 34.26 5.40 68.81 33.03 s.94 *.s7 31.@ 6.52 50.63 30.21 7.14 67 611,il2 ,15.98 4.39 60.56 44.46 4.83 43.66 5.lKt 54.27 42.41 5.n 50.76 ,11.06 6.46 ,16.84 7.00 03r I 59.63 44.87 4,34 56.94 43.52 4,74 54.07 42,32 5,8 51.04 41.O5 s.82 47.76 39.@ 6.41 44.11 38.17 7.06 6a 58.86 55.26 4.33 50.34 55.78 4.75 53.EE 5.4 51.S5 5.83 44.55 48.56 6.42 45.57 45.37 7.07 57 5E.44 58.,14 4.32 56.26 5826 4,74 s3.88 53.88 5.24 51.35 51.35 5.dt ,{4.56 48.56 6.42 4534 45.38 7,O7 ZM 72 69.36 38.09 4.57 66.19 36.98 5.01 62.79 35.79 s.50 59.18 34.55 6.(X 55.24 43,21 6.62 50.79 31,71 7,24 6l 64.04 ,f8.55 4,49 e1,12 47.42 4,94 57.98 4621 5.43 54,67 44.54 5.97 51.08 43.55 6.58 47.O7 41,97 7,19 qr,l 6.27 47.O4 4,44 57.52 45.93 4.89 54.56 44.70 5.38 51.46 i(t.41 5.n 44.11 42.O1 6.51 ,14.39 10,42 7.18 e.60.07 60.07 4.44 57.75 57.75 4.89 5524 3321 5.39 52,st 52.57 5.94 49.6it 49.63 6.54 8,24 '16.28 7.14 57 60.07 60.('4,14 57,75 57,75 4.89 5525 5525 5.39 52.fi 52.58 5.94 ,$.64 49.64 6.54 4.24 4A.n 7.18 N Coolln9 Indoor ilodel C|Prclty Fow Fnrca fodal rcAP,16024A'*1.00 1.00 o.gt 0.s cNPHr8024Af o.99 0.99 cNru*6024Afi o.se 0.9s csPH*60124*1.00 1.00 FV,€NA(n6 0.99 0.97 FX4CN(B,F)060 1.01 1.O1 Coollng Indool llodsl Cr@ty Fowel Rrmace lrodel FY4ANBOA)0.s8 0.98 cAPriS02tA 0.97 o.97 s8CV(AI)110-20 0.98 o.9a 58CV(AJ)110-20 cAtr.6024A' r 0.s 0.98 58CV(A"X}r 35-22 0.97 0.96 58CV(AJ}r 35-22 CNPW@44.i 0.97 o.s7 s8CV(AJ)136-22 0.98 0.97 58CV(A)() 135-22 Coollng Indoor Iodel Crpaclty Pouvgr tum*e ilodol cAP.i6024A**0.98 0.97 58CV(AJo15s-22 0.98 0.97 sScv(A,x)15s-22 0.98 0.97 s8cv(A,xl155-22 csPH16012Afi 0.98 0.97 58CV(A.x)1 56-22 cAtri r€02.t A**0.97 1.O1 5EMVB080-20 o.97 0.€o 58MVB'l 00-20 0.98 0.96 581vlVB1 20-20 * Test€d comblnatlon. t Total and sandble capaclties are net cspaciti€s. Blower fixrbr heat has been sublrasbd. t S€nsiblo capacti€s shown are bas€d on 80'F (27oC) enterlng alr at the lndoor col. For ssnsid€ capacites al olh€r than 80"F (27'C), deduct lEls Btuh (245 kW) p€r l0(CFM (480 L,/S) of hdoor col air lor each degree below g0'F (27'C), o. add A$ Bth (245 k\q por 100O CFM (480 L/S) ol Indoor coI alr p€r d€gt€6 8bo\to 8O'F (27'C). t Dstal€d coollng capacldes are basad on indoor and ouldoor u occur. *r Syst€m kur b total ot Indoor and outdoor unil kilowalb. It At TVA mting indoor condition Os'F odb/83'F ewb). All olher Indoor al iemp€ratures are at g)'F 8db. NOTE: Wh€n the t€quir€d data lalls bstl€on the publbhed data, Interpolailon may bo p€rformsd. Exbapolatlon ls not an accaphbl€ prac'tic€, ElflB - Ent€ring !!bt Bulb NOTE: \tyhen iho l€qulred data lall b€lwe€n lhe publbh€d dat4 Intorpolatbn may be performed. Exfspolalion b not an acc€plabls practice. GIIIDE SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL Systan Description Outdoor-mounted, air-cooled, 6?lit-system air conditioner unit suitable for ground or rooftop installation. Unit cotrsists of a hemretic compressor, an air-cooled coil, propeller-type condenser fan, and a conhol box. Unit will discharge supply air upward as shown on conhact drawings. Unir will be used in a rcAigeration cirqrit to match up to a packaged fan coil or coil unit. QualitJr Assurance - Unit will be tated in acclrdance with the latest edition of ARI Standard 210. - Uait will be certified for capacity and efficiencf/, and listed in lhe latert ARI directory. - Unit construction will comply with latest edition of ANSV ASHRAE and wirh NEC. - Unit will be constnrcted in accordance with UL standards and will carry the UL label of approval. Unit will have c-UL approval. - Unil cabinet {'ill be capable of withsanding Federal Test Method Standard No. 141 (Merhod 6061) 500-hr salr spray tesl. - Air-cooled condenser coils will be leak tested at 150 psig and pressur€ tested at 450 psig. - Unit constructed in ISO9001 approved facility. Delivery, Storrge, and Handling - Unit will be shipped as single package only and is stor€d and handled per unit manufacturer's rccommendations. Warranty (for inclusion by specifying engineer) - U.S. and Canada only. PRODUCTS Equipment Factory assembled, single piece, air-cooled afu mnditioner uoit Contained within the unit etrclosurc is aU factory wiring, piping, conholg mmpressor, refrigemnt charge Pumno (R-410A), and special features required prior to field start-up. Unit Cabinet - Unit cabinet will be constucted of galvanized seel, bonderized, and coated with a powder coat paint. AIR-COOLED. SPLIT-SYSTEM AIR COI\DITIONER 24ABA3 1-U2 TO 5 NOMINAL TONS @ - Condens€r fan will be dircct-drive propeller type, discharging air upward. - Condenser fan motors will be totally enclosed, l-phase type with class B insulation and permanently lubricated bearings. Shafts will be corrosion resistant. - Fan blades will be statically and dynamically balanced. - Condenser fan openings will be equipped with coated steel wire safety guards. Comoressor - Compressor will be hermetically sealed. - Compressor will be mounted on rubber vibration isolalors. Condenser Coil - Condenser coil will be air cooled. - Coil will be construded of aluminum fins nechanica'lly bonded to copper tubes which are then cleaned, dehydrated, and sealed. Refriseration Comoonents - Refrigeration circuit components will include liquid-line shutoff valve with sweat connections, vapor-line shutoff valve with sweat connections, system charge of Purono (R-4f0A) refrigeranq and compressor oil. - Unit will be equipped with high-pressure switch, low pressure switch and filter drier for Puron refrigerant. Operating Characteristics - The capacity of the unil will meet or exceed _ Btuh at e suction temperature of _ oF. The power consumption at full load will not exceed _ kW. - Combination of the unit atrd the evaporator or fan coil unit will have a total net cooling capacity of _ Btuh or greater at conditions of _ CFM entering air temperalure at the evapontor at _ oF wet buh and _'F dry bulb, and air entering the unit at _ "F. - The system will have a SEER of _ Btuh/watt or greater at DOE conditions. Electricrl Requir€ments - Nominal unit electdcal darac'teristics will be _ v, single phasg 60 hz. The unit will be capable of satisfactory operation within voltage limits of _ v lo_v. - Unit eleclrical power will be single point connection. - Control circ it will be 24v. Special Featurts - Refer to section of this literature identirying accessories and descriptions for specific features and available enh ancements. Copydgh 2007 C.rler Corp. . 7S10W MorrisSt.. lrdianapolis,lN 46231 Pdrnod in U.S.A. Mrorar.t|Itf i..ra.. Oe rlhr b .trrye, .t rry ti6., rp.clicrtioB rnd deittB eftioot mtir .rd rlttout oblbdioE. 22 Edilion Oate: 04/07 LANDSCAPE NOTES' I- ALL EX 9TIhX3 TREES AND LAIDSCAPII.{C TO REfIA N- PROTECT DUR Ncr COr.lgTRlCTlOr.r A9 NECE55ARY. 2. AI AREAg OF NEIIJ gTONE FAVERg (CFF KIICI.]EN) gOD ANDgEED AROUND PAVERg, 4. PROVIDE NEIIJ 6OD AND SEED AT ALL GRAS9 AREAg DIgBRtsED tsY CONSTRIICT ION 9, FEgTOFE OR REFLACE ALL LAD5CAPII!6 DISIURtsED DURING C4I5TFUCTloi.l. 6. COO@INAIE ALL gTE UJOFK UJITI.I EXISTII.IG SFR T<LER 9Y9tEr.1. 1- SLOPE ALL 6RADE A[]AY FRC|' T]OTJSE AlD PFOVIDE FOR FOg I\/C DRAINAGE AIJAY FROtl 9TFUCruRE 9HEEi NOTE9' l- glTE pLA l9 sCr.]Ef1AtlC ALy- lt 15 EAgED ON A rlAD DRA|],}I 9 E FLA FROI1 rl]E PREV1AJS REI'1ODEL. MOSAIC ARCHITECTS 1 829 PEARL ST. BOULDER, CO 80302 303.247.1 100 TEL 303.247.1 l0r FAX ,/\ LOl 20, ALOC)< 2, VAIL VILLAGE, I3TI{ FILII€ 2&O BA-O tlcr$ltAtN ROAD o po -t: AY f' Al-/lYIq/ / f-<E€A ,/-1tl Exl6rlfr6 9TO|.G FETAINIII<i II]ALL z Fz =o o m F\(r)\o j ci uz Fz f 2oJ .o c.l ro REtlAlN FEgIDEIICE LUoo LUM gEAL EX 9T IIG LOT 19 (E') STOr€ IIJALL TO aE) cloiE DRAWING TITLE: SITE PLAN LINE \ ) REVISIONS: DR8 2SUSMN^L: PTRMI5ET: DR8 SI]EMIIAL3 PRICING SEI 2: DRB S!BMMALT: 0€.03.05 oa.t .05 092 05 10 2 n5 03.23.06-.......\ \ \ \ \ t DATF: B is. B?F1 PROJECT NO.: oscr DRAWN BY: cJ .i\ SITE PLAN l',_ro ,' 10' 20' \ -----\ --l-"' O 2ms MA At -01 AFEA 'F Iq' 5EC6O i'O'R '1iSIEF gITIE (,!r9 t!',rc@ crrttcY) AG'Y I l* MOSAIC ARCHITECTS I829 PEART ST. 80uLDER, CO 80302 303.247.t 100 TEL 303.247.1 l0l FAX - --LlE|utAolEl al|lEa 61'tfoAf) z z =o o m F\ro-o @ o() j ci u.z zfo o .o C.l --(|__-araEJ.er* _ __jlaNls|. (Kltcrct{,a ald-o' (foft)LUoo LUu 4\ gOUTH ELEVATION\" o2'4'O', DRAWING NTLE: EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS i-lElllAtEt a.rGa tDl-4. fiotl-Y)----4ffi'-".'REVISIONS: SO PRICINGSO: C5 22 C5DDsFI: C6.02.C5DRBSUBMIIIAL C6.26!5PRTCTNGSFI C7 15 C5DRB2SUEMNAL: GO3i5 PEFr\TIT SEt: S. I i C5DRBSJBMmAL3: C9.2rc5PRCINGSEI2: l0.2iC5 l|t atdJrRlL rxlrclanr_a tm'-d 6D*)DATE: 05.05.05 PROJECT NO.: oscr DRAWN BY: C.J +.IEEI NOTEg' l. UINDOIJ I]EADER r.{ElcllTg ARE TO IFE fOF OF LllNDoui Ulilt AiD DO NOT INCLUDE ROUC*] OFFNIN6- 2, ALL EXTERIOR 9TOt]= TO BE "ELLURID: GoLD A\D TO APPEAR DRT gTACK qllr.l GROUT r.]:LD BACi< 3. S|UCCO TO BE INSTALLED PER IIANUFACTURER 5 FECOI4YENDATION9 INCLUDIIIG ALL U,EEP gCREEDg, lR N9, ' FLAgI.I N6 REOUIRED, 4. PEOVIDE FA N'IED IGTAL GUTTERg I DO{N3POU'Tg AT ALL EAVES. 5. REUgE EXISTING I]EADERS UI1EN PO99 BLE. /i\ EAgT ELEVATIONtt-Fo2'1'O' @ 2ms MA A5-02 MOSAIC ARCHITECTS ]829 PEART SI. 80uLDER, CO 80302 303.247.t r00 TEt 303.247. r r0r FAX iIaEEICEEE 2ito *oG z Fz =o o m F\ro 'o @ o O j IJ oE.z z fo o.J co -o c'l A HA|N LFv€l 6rtad oo LUu NORTIT ,IFEA c' rBrJ aECOfp ftod nat:r lll! - EYaD DRAWING TITLE: EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS \ 0frE?i'frr'DEE-REVISIONS: So PRfCINGSn: 45.22.05 DO sEI: 06.02.05ORBSUEMIIIAL 06,2605 PRICING SEI: 07.15 05 DRB2SUBMTT^L: 08.03.05 PERMT SET: 08.I '.05DRBt!8M|TTAL3: 0t.2'.05 PRICING SEI2i 10.2 .05ry99191 DAIE: 05,0s.05 PROJECT NO.: osol DRAWN BY: cl A I'1AIN LIVEL (ENTRTL a oo'.ta, ctoF) |tr!lt -----4Mn3-&cfi E!!v.a ac'-6' oorr) ------y'rl4EAI-EOel ELEV.Y El'.O'<f pFl gr.]EET NOIE9, . IIJINDOIIJ I.]EADER I1EI6I.]T9 AEE INCLUDE ROII6|I OPENIN6, 2- ALL EXiERIOR gTONE TO BE uJlTl-{ G'ROUT HELD tsAcK SH EEI: '.5IUCCO TO BE INSTALLED P:R I1A](FACTUFER'9 INCLUDII{G ALL UEEP 9CREED5, TR||l5, . FLASH 116 4- PROVIDE PAINTED I1ETAL A,]TTER9 ' DAjI1SPAJT9 AT ALL EAV€3, 5. FEUEE EXISTING H;ADERs UJI.]EN POgSIBLE- ATION @ 2ms MA A5-01 o DEPARTMENT oF coMMUNrrtt"ropMENrTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Ua'.-( O, L\t '*. \3/\NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 806-0087 lrgalDescription: -o?)-ProjecrNo, rs565'61({\ Job Address: 2,+60 BALD MOUNTAIN RD VAIL Location.....: 2460 BALD MOUNTAIN ROAD Parcel No...: 210103301004 $0.00 TOTAL FEES--------------> $5,s15.s3 Total Permir Fee----> $5,815.83 Payments----------------- > $5 , 815 . 8 3 \n/.) la, -B\k 4 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 04118120[,6 Issued. .. : 0512312ffi6 Expires. ..: lIll9l2ffi6 owNER MUSSON, pAUr_, & ErJrsA 04/20/2006 9402 CRYSTAT I.lN IJONGMONT co 80503 APPI_,ICANT BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS, INC 04/20/2006 phone: 970-926-3202P.O. BOX 426 EDWARDSco ar632 L,icense:168-B CoI{TRACTOR BOLES CUSTOM BUIIJDERS, INC 04/20/2006 phone3 970-925-3202P.O. BOX 425 EDWARDS co 81632 I-,icense : 168 -B Description: REMODEI, AIVD ADDITION, THE ADDITTON INCLI'DES A NEW EIfrTRY EIJEMENT A}TD A NEW 2ND FI.,OOR MASTER SUITE. EXTERIOR CTIAIiIGES Occupancy: R-3/U Type Construction: V-B Valuation: $676,120.00 Add Sq Ft: 606 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 2 # ofcas Logs: 0 # of wood Pellec 1 *******+****,r{.t***:i't:*t t *t*++t*a:}:t:}:B:F**:t *'ttr(d(*:}t **{*****ri*,t't**'t*:t*+,f ** FEE suMMARyBuilding-----> S4,0?4.50 Restuamnt Plan Reviex'- > Plan Check-- > S2,548.43 Recreation Fee-------- > 80.00 Total Calculated Fees- > $6,815.83590.90 AdditionalFees-----)l0 .00 Investigation- > Will Call---- >$3.00 BALANCE DUE-------->90.00 Approvals: IIEM: O51.OO BUILDING DEPARTMEMT 05/22/2006 cgunion Action: AP ITEM: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT 04/24/2006 ee Act,ion: AP on condition that all Fire Dept requirements are met. Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT o5/L8/2O06 JJR Action: COND See conditions. Item: 05500 PIIBI-,IC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plarq and state ttut all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sfiucture according to the torvns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQT'ESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOTJR HOIJ'RS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPI{ONB AT 49 OR AT OllR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM- ect ft/& SIGNATURE OF OWNER O CTOR FOR AND OWNER PAGE 2**************'l'*{'*****'&!r**************{.**d.**d.'f *****{<*r!ttr*r(****:E****,F*****r.*.!r(+'t *rt {<{<*{.**d(*(***rF{.;}i.t'r+t +'*+x< CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #; 806-0087 as of 05-23-2006 Stanrs: ISSUED**************{.*{.t ****t +******************+***,t **!t **.*****'t ***{.d!******.**i(:{rt,t ++'{.!t {.*r<*****:F4.***.*r.***d.*ar**** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Apptied: C/'Ag,?:ffil Applicanr BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS, INC Issued: \slZ3tZOM970-926-3202 To Expire: llllgt?M Job Address: 2460 BALD MOUNTAIN RD VAIL Location: 2460 BALD MOUNTAIN ROAD ParcelNo: 210103301004 Description: REMODEL AND ADDTTION. THE ADDITION INCLUDES A NEW ENTRY ELEMENT AND A NEW 2ND FLOOR MASTER SUITE. EXTERIOR CHANGES **{.****************************************:F*:F**** COnditiOnS ************************************r:|l*,F,t(r}*,t * Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R313 OF THE 2OO3IRC. Cond: CON0008062 Fire sprinkler system required and shall comply with NFPA 13R(2002) and VFES standards. Cond: CON0008063 Monitored fire alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002) and VFES standards. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS lN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS To BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 18 (BLDG.): STAIRWAYS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R3l1.s OF THE 2OO3 IRC OR SECTION 1OO9 OF THE 2M3IBC. Cond: 19 (BLDG.): GUARDS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R3l2 OF THE 2OO3 IRC OR SECTION 1012 OF THE 2OO3 IBC. Cond: 39 (BLDG): EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENINGS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R31O OF THE 2OO3 IRC OR SECTION IO25 OF THE 2003 IBC. Cond: CON0008076 DECORATIVE SHROUDS MUST BE LISTED FOR USE WITH THE FIREPLACE PER IRC/IFGC Cond: CON0008077 l HOUR DWELLING UNIT SEPERATION REQUIRED BETWEEN CARETAKER AND MAIN HOUSE. **************'F,i*+*+*+******'t***'F:l.t**'t*'*'*********'t {.************|**t|+|******r***'r***'}*****!t* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement+*******'************:t*++**'**'!***:t!*****:t++++****t*'i******************+f***+f+++*****+******** Statement Number: R050000660 Amount: Payment Method: check Builders 4805 $4,168.40 os/23/200609:42 AII Init I DDG Notation: Boles Cugtom Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: L,ocation: This PalmenL: B06-0087 2101-033-0100-4 2450 BAI,D MOT]IITAIN RD VAIL 2450 BAIJD MOUNTAIN ROAI) $4, i-G8 .40 T}4)E: ADD/AJ,T SFR BUIIJD PERMIT Total Fees: TOT I ALL PMtS : Balance: $5, 815 . 83 $6, 816 . 83 $0.00*********4' **** * * * **,i.*+*******************r.{r't"i***i**ft* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * + * * * * * t * * * * * * * * ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion current Pmts BP 0 010 00 031r-1100 RF 1110 0 0 03 !L27 00 wc 00100003112800 BUILDING PERIIIIT FEES RECREATTON FEES WIIJIJ CSIL INSPECTIOIT FEE 4.O74.50 90 .90 3.00 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! *********************!r*******f****r.******FoR oFFlcE usE oNL € CONTRACTOR INFORMATION own of Vail Reg. No.:Person and Phone #'s: 3 t*nAef (1\{Zt !.cz address: 1 Fax #: .1 ZC - LC7 V COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $ G3O PLUMBING:$ lO .ttl;t_t TOTAL: $ ForParcelf Canlact Assessors Ollice at 970-328-8640 or vrlctt Percel,# Zl )tags a/ ooq Job Name: 6q\d {v\o.-, rrlorir\ he*^ode\ Lesaf Description ll tot LD ll erocr: Z llritins: t3 ll srbaiui=ion, )aA tt,\V^q g Owners Name: pc\ut M" :ic.1 Address: {-iOZ C4;Sfrrl Lfl. L.,,'.,m,,+rtl Phone(:J bgz - t.1 ( u ArchitecuDesign"''14c.'j. ,c ll o9qtgti' i..-,i ,g. p-,-ir,{ec. it: czc,y7!Phone:>o:, r41 \\cfr Engineer:(gt4 toro: c,llc. n trt Phone: ? r/143q/ Detailed description of work: I rlfcq-ror Ee'rro.,r.*\iq.\ ri,r', iQ'l-l- Ac\A\o.r ) nr\^r J. ar\t..,, , !!vi1a,;{g 1g (r.r; rc. 5c. \a€ ( Vr f€r. ! !- i.\ '\\ vr '. r\<) \t .\\\5, t c-ic15, zF \oqflr\.) WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel D{. Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both Fl Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family (') Two-familV ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( )t Logk oS+ No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: L No. of Accommodation Units in this building: 4>-. No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas t-oqs *J Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq &) ., No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs d,) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( trCE['rVlE F:\cdev\FoRMS\Permits\Building\building permit.DOC Page 1 of 16 Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Depaftment of Community Development Proiect Name: Project Address: This Chqklirt must be omoletd beforc a Baildina Permit aoolication is accephd. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Plan Check Fee required at submittal for projects valued over 9100,000.00 (see attached fee schedule) Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Work checklist) J{o dumpster,park-no or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval Asbestos test and results submifted if demolition is occurring Architec{ stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(3 sets for remodels,4 sets of plans for SFR and Duplex, 5 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial Buildings) Window and door schedule.Y futt structural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) E Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) D Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection { fir. resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated / Smoke detectors shown on prans V Types and quantity of fireplaces shown 6 d 6 d D -d odJ J o\e > C'r';\ory'\ i3o '\\'c-\Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: Received By: F: \cdev\FORMS\PermiB\Building\buildhgJ]ermit, DOC Page 2 of 16 0210912005 WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUTRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OFTHE FOIIOWING QUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FORA.PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": Is this a new residence? Does demolition work being public property? Is any utility work needed? Are there any improvernents YES_ NO Ko o o o peformed require the qse of the Right-of-Way, easements orYES NO X o o o o YES_NO ^being done to the driveway? YES -NO X Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES NO--AJ Q- '/ / Datesioned: 7/rz/od; - Is any drainage worK being done that affecls the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YES_NO \ Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES- NO K Is the Right-of-Wa% eagements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES NO N/,+ If answer it NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works?YES_ NO x- If you have answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Works office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in PublicWorks at970-479-2t98, I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESNONS. Contractor Signature Job or Project Name: Company Name F: \cdev\FoRMs\Permits\Buildi ng\bu ildin gurermit. DOC Page 7 of 16 0awP00s BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Depaftment Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks, All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) week to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. ( S"-\=s L.,'s\ow' R"-\\'\:> Signature ,t/ ,/gvlsi "//// /ai Project Name: bo.\ \ W\,r.r' F: \odev\FORI'l S\Permits\Building\buildi rg4ermit. DOC PagE 5 of 16 o2l09l20os MATERIAL STORAGE AND CONSTRUCTION PARKING Please read and ched( off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-1O: DEPOSITS ON PUBTIC WAYS PROHIBITED Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewallg alley or public place, or any portion thereof. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenV four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Direcbr of Public Works, In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocK, mud, dift, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or ctuses another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Toan for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 14-1 of this code. t{otice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any perrcn to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-+1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A-1 AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (ord. 2(1968) 5 1) Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-+lLO2, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest gaEge or other plae of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of sudr vehicle shall be drarged to the owner ofthe vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) g 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: Position or Relationship to Project: Date Signed; F :/everyone./forms/bldpermT F:\cdev\FORM S\Permits\Building\buildi ngJermit. DOC PagE 11 of 16 02l09lzws IWtrY& Cor t{|Y 6,[LnFrE]ft Design Revievr Board ACTIOI{ FORM Department of communaty Deyelopment 75 Sruth Frontage Raad. Vail. Cclorado 81657 tel: 970.479,2139 fax: 970.479.2452 yreb: w$Yr,{ailgov.co r Plorect ]{ame: MUSSON RESCHANGE Project D€sdFfron: DRBNumben DR8050083 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS Participants: owNER MUSSoN, PAUL & EUSA 03129/2A06 9402 CRYSIAL I.N LONGMONT @ 80503 APPUCANT MOSIAC ARCH|TECTS 0B12912W6 1113 SPRUCE STREET BOUTDER co 80302 ProjcctAddr€+i: 2,160 BALD MOUNTAIN RDVAIL 2460 BALD MOUNTAIN ROAD LocaHon: legd Dercripdon: Lo$ 20 Blodc l Subdivision; VAILUII-AGE FIUNG 13 Pilel Number! 2101-033{10(H Conmenb: SEE CONDmONS Houon By: Seond By: Votel CondlUons: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ ACdON; STAFFAPR Date of Apprcval: 03/3012006 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written onsent of Town of Vall staff and/or $e approprlate rwierv ommittee(s). Oond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please aonsult wlth Town of Vail Building personnel prlor to consFuction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not becorne valid for 20 dap following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and beaon'e void ore (1) year following tfie date of linal approval, unless a bulHlng permlt ls issued and cDnstruction ls commenced and is diligendy pursued toMrard aompletion. Cond: CON0007913 Prior to the applkarfs submittal of building permit sets of plans to the Community Development Departsnent, all Fire Depatuner* requiremenb must be met. HPR 1? eOOG 1 : 28P1'1 BOU Aprfl 1?,2006 Boles Custom Builders Mr. Brad Foster 210 Rlwards Village Blvd #B-101 Vail, CO 81657 R ENVIRONMENTFLLDEo 1(466o 1 6StS -4121 p." Boulder Environmental Managemenq fnc. 5 Deer Treil Road Boutder, CO g0il02 Phone: (303) zttg-117S tror: I (8661 6W_4tZl RE; !1$ sampling of suspected asbestos-containing materials 2460 Bald Mountain Road, Vat! Colorado Dear Mr. Foster: Attached is the report for the asbestos flrrvey and bulk sanrpling of suspected asbestos-containing building materials at 2460 Batd Mountein Roa4 v-alt, coibrado. This investigation was conductsd on behalf of and for the exclusive use of Boles CustomBuilders (client) solely for use iu a limited asbestos suwey of the property. This reportanj the findings hercin shall not, in whole or in part, be dissemin#d or oonveyed to anyo$gp"ryfor.used by any other party, in whole or io purt, without prior writte,n consent of Boulder Environmcntal Manageinent The resulb of thir suwey axe limited to materials that were assessable and foreseeable. Additional materials may exist behind hard surfaces. personnel knowledgeabte of asbestos containi:rg materials should always overse€ demolition activities] Demolition work should be halted and sampling perfomred by a state of Colorad.o liceused building inspeotor if additional materials, which *e suspeited. of containing asbestos, are eucountered- Ifyou have any questions regarding the contents ofthis reporg please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, ifrt Au_,/l Chris Maron Project Manager *Asbestos*Lead*Industrial llygiene*Safety*F inat Atr Tesdngr*Ilealth and Safety Tralnlng* RPR 1? zOOE I : 28Pl'l BOULDER ENV I RON]IENTHL 1o B oulder Environmental Management. 5 Deet Trail RoadBouldff, C0-b0302 t 466o lnc. I 6S9 -4t21 p.3 Sampling: Drning the sanrpling pmcess, suspect ACM was separated into tbree EpA categodes. These categories are thermal s]'stem insulation (TSr), surfacing ACM, and miscellaneousACM' TsI includes all materials used to preveirt tr# tors or jaio o. wat", condensation on mechanical systems. Examples of rsl are pipe coverings,Eoiler insulation, duct wrap' and mud packed fitting ceme,nt. S'rfacing AcM includes a[ ACM that is sprayd bowelled, or otherwise applied to a zurface. These ap,plications are most commonly usedin fireproofing decorative and acoustical applications. Miscellaneous materials include all ACM not listed in the therrnal system insulation or surfacing categories, such as linoleunU vinyl asbestos flooring, and ceiling tile. Boulder Environmental Managemcnt, Inc. fonowed EpA rccommended sampling guidelines for iderrtification of asbestos in bulk uraEices. A set of thee (:), five(f, or seveir (7) samples were collected for each material t'rye and analped by pbtarizea ught Microscopy (PLM). Each sample set was systematically analpea. upln deterrnination that a sample in a set contained asbestos, analysis of the rerraining samples in the set was discontinued. If no asbestos was detected dwing the analyses, the susptt material was determined to be negative for asbestos content. Phone: (303) aa9-1175 Fax: I (866)699.4121 BULK SAMPLINGRBPORT 2460 Bald Mountaln Road, Vail, Colorado lntroducdon: 9! apn l4,2006,Bouldcr Environnrentar Management, Inc.'s building inspector,Matthew Jacobson, conduoted bulk samnlinp of Lsrrec+ert qnhccrnc-nn'+oi-i-- *^ *Asbestos*Lead*Industrial Hygtene*Safety*Final Alr Testin g**Eealth and Safety Tralning* RPR L7 zOOG 1:zsPM BOULDER ENVIRI]NMENTHL I (4661 69s-4121 g ouf O$nviro_nmental Managemrnr,t. "o*", i,lrTlfif, }i* *SE ",.,-?B ot, ur^ p.4 Results: The following materiars were aaallzed and determined to be non asbestos-containingutilizing polarized light microscopy (pLM) Illscussion: sarnple analyses results are reported inpercentiages of asbestos andnon-asbestos components- The EPA defines any uraterial that contaius greater than one percent (r%o) asbestos, utilizing PLM, as being au asbestos containing uraterial, Materials that areidentified as "non detected'are specified as not containlrg asbestos. Concluslon: The materials sampled do not contrln asbestos. The rezults of this survey pertain only to materials tested. The laboratory reporrs supporting these findings abovc are attached. Please contact Boulder Euvironmental Managerrelrt, Inc. with any questions or ooncen$ regarding this report. Sincerely, /1U /'fl_- / l \ Chris Maron Project Manager *Asbestos*Lead*fndustrial Hygiene*Safety*F lnal Alr Testingr*Eealth and Safety Trainlng* NON ASPESTOS-CONTAII\mYG MATERIALS LOCATION Drywall with orenge poel Lower level living roorn south wa:i Lower levol SW bedrmm south wall Lower Ievel NW bedroom east wall Upper level dining room north wall 04-14-MJ-0lA 0l|.14-MI-02A 04-r4-MJ-03A 04-I4-MJ-04A 04-14-MJ-05A Sheet flooring Laundryroom(upperlevel)- Iaundry rmm (upper level) 04-1,{-MJ-06B 04-14-MJ-078 0+14-MJ-08B TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2t38 O DEPARTMENToF coMMU*rr"C*roPMENr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BIJILD PERMIT Permit #: B06-0087 Job Address: 2460 BALD MOLJNTAIN RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 2460 BALD MOLJNTAIN ROAD Applied . . : 04ll8l20fi6 Parcel No...: 210103301004 Issued . .. : 0512312ffi6 Irgal Description: TRSO$- O,(G \ Expires . ..: llllglzffi hoject No : " owNER MUSSON, pAIrJ & ELISA 04/20/2006 9402 CRYSTAIJ IJN IJONGMONTco 80s03 APPI,ICAI{T BOLES CUSTOM BUIIDERS, Il{C 04/20/2006 phone|. 970-926-3202 P.O. BOX 425 EDWARDS co 8L632 IJicense I 1-68 -B CoNTRACTOR BOIJES CUSTOM BUTITDERS, rNC 04/20/2006 phone: 970-926-32O2 P.O. BOX 425 EDWARDS co 8L632 License: 168-B Description: REMODEIJ AND ADDITION Occupanry: R-3/U Type Construction: V-B Valuation: 5775,120.00 Add Sq Ft 606 Fireplace InforEltioD: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 2 # ofGas Logs: 0 #of Wood PeUec l it++*+++++i++lli*l,**l**rt*:8:i:.*:**t ****tr.*ii**it *{t,t*:}'t*****'*'r****i*+t*+ FEE SUMMARYBuilding--*-> i4,544.15 Restuarant Plan Review- >Planche.k--> $2,954.09 RecreationFee--------> Investigation- > Will Call----- >$3.00 $0.00 Total calculared Fe€s-> 91 ,922.74 990 .90 Additional Fees-----> $0. 00 $0.00 TOTAL FE€S-----------> $7 ,922.i4 Toral Permir Fee----> $1 ,922.11Payments------**-> 11 ,922 .'t4 BAI,^ANCE DI]E..---->$0.00 Approvals: IIEM: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARTI{ENT O5/22/2OOG cArunion Acrion: Ap 09/0L/2OO6 cArrnion Action: AP approved conplete eet of revised plans refleeting changes to original approval . ITeM: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTI{ETTT 04/24/2006 ee Action: Ap on condition that, all Fire Dept requiretnents are met. 09/06/2006 eer Action: AP revisions approved by planning; sets not yet compiled ITEN: O55OO FIRE DEPARTII{EMI 05y'18/2006 ,t,JR O Action: coND see "ooaitioJItem: 05500 PITBIJIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to *te towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQIjESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOIJRS IN ADVANCE BY PM. AT 479-2149 OR AT OIJR OF:FICB FROM 8:00 AM - 4 -{u 4Dt^'6 OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER PAGE 2 'F**l.**:f:t:s*'t*!8*'t:f!*|8't*:t***;|t:|.!*******:t*tN***:t!t*****:t***************1.*******'t.*{.******e*******l***:tt:F'|t:**:N.******** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: 806{087 asof@-062006 Status: ISSUED *****:**:t*******f *'t!**'****'1.*****{.*****:Fl:tf !*'i******1.*{.tf {.***{.*{.***{.******t ******+:F+:F+:t***'t*:l*,**:}:t:f ***:******* Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BLIILD PERMIT Applied: Mtt8t2Cf,i6 Applicanc BOLBS CUSTOM BUILDERS,INC Issued: O5/nnn6970-926-3202 To Expire: lllI9l20fi6 Job Address: 2460 BALD MOLJNTAIN RD VAIL Iocation: 2460 BALD MOUNTAIN ROAD ParcelNo: 210103301004 Description: REMODEL AND ADDITION :i:f *:t*{.'lt:i't*********{.**************,}***,St*********** COnditiOnS ***{.*{.**13:t t3***:lB*******tr*'t*rS'f *'f :t{.*{.*******{.** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQIIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R313 OF THE 2OO3 IRC. Cond: CON0008063 Monitored fire alann system required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002) and VFFS sandards. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALIJ, CEILINGS, AND FIOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 18 (BLDG.): STAIRWAYS ARE REQLIIRED TO MEET SECTION R311.5 OF TIIE 2OO3IRC OR SECTION 1OO9 OF THE 2M3 IBC. Cond: 19 (BLDG.): GUARDS ARE REQ{IRED TO MEET SECTION R3l2 OF THE 2OO3 IRC OR SECTION 1OI2 OF TTIE 2OO3 IBC. Cond: 39 (BLDG): EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENINGS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R3IO OF THE 2OO3 IRC OR SECTION 1025 OF THE 2003 rBc. Cond CON0008076 DECORATIVE STIROUDS MUST BE LISTED FOR USE WITH THE FIREPLACE PER IRC/IFGC Cond: CON0fi)8077 1 HOUR DWELLING UNIT SEPERATION REQUIRED BETWEEN CARETAKER AND MAIN HOUSE. f'}***l'{"t**'i*t++tf,*{'+++++*+**d.*1.**+**{.!t****+tt*******'}++++++++tlttfflt++++++++++ff'}lff+*+**** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement *{'*'*{t'}****t*t**+*f******1.'***'t**x****!fr * * * * + + * * t t +t + | * + * * * + * + * + * * + ttf *** **********f**f*'l'****** Statement Nuriber: R060001381 Anount: $1,105.91 09/06/200501:35 PM Pa)ment Method: Check Inits: DDG Notation: Bo1es custom Builders 4860 Permit, No: 805-008? 114)e: ADD/ALT SFR BUIITD PERMIT Parce1 No: 2101- 03 3 - 0100 -4 SiTe Address: 2460 BAID MOI'NTAIN RD VAIL Locat,ion: 2460 BAID MOTJNTAIN ROAI) Total Fees: 97 ,922.74This Paynent: $1,105.91 Total AIrL Prnts: #7,922.74Balance: S0.00if +*******'i*'t'|'l'l'l'|!*'|***+**:|!'t't*'|ttttif ***!t*******{r'i*t 't,!***+*****'t***,t**************'t't******!t** ACCOT]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUIIJDING PERIiIIT FEES PP OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CIIEEK FEES 470.25 63s.66 I WILL Tffifltr 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657*All Revision submittals must include the Field Set of approved plans. No further inspections Willbe preformed untilthe revisions are approved, ** APPLICATION NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Permit #: tt ob oo ?1 Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.l CONTRACTOR INFORMATION : JOE, J& CHARLIE, CREG,CHRIS REV|SED AMOUNT: $ - aLaao OTHER: $ 7O" ***ELECTRICAL: $ -3 ae MECHANICAL:$ - 6 ,ZN REVISED TOTAL: $ - 7J. o-e EVALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT & Materials For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www. FOR OFFICE USE ONL F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Building\building-rovision_1 1 -23-2005.doc Page 1 of 2 Z\ 0l osso\oo Job Address:--- "'-'---'Z4Ao b*d rnrln{ . Subdivision: Io-q oF Vz',\ a.v I M .,Sso/\ '363-2.{r, ttoo )o-7n caq(O Aor q:i) 2- tlarl.Lo \,v.nn oecr +91t anL 0tnnirrt roo."tr' ,a- : qica\ 51ro.irrl.re\ WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel $; Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Bothdd Type of Blclg.: Single-family (9Q Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building: F:-No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Noffvoe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Aooliances (\ ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood :GasAooliances( ) GasLoos( ) Wood/Pellet( ) Wood ALLOW rowN 9s!t 1218/2005 o Coordinator tl Questions? Call the Development Revierrrt at479-2128 Department of Community Development Project Name:b"*\\ Project Address: Tht's Checklist must be omnleEd before a Building Permit apnliation is aceofud, All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form C,ondominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex Complete site plan submitted (4) Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public WorK checklist) Staging plan (a) included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,oarkinq or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulderc without written aoproval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Gommercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for MultFFamily and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to fmting inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown 0 o o o o o D o a o u o D o n tr I have read and understaD*tfi,4 I Applicant's Signature: U2<: Date of submittal: Received By: Flcdev\FORMS\Permits\Building\building-revision-1 1 -23-2005.doc Page 2 of 2 1Z8nO05 From: To: Date: Subject: Dax "Loren Hill" <hillpcl @msn.com> "Dax Masso" <dmasso@bcbi.net> 0U2412W610:04:08 AM 2460 Bald Mountain renovation The piping and electrical penetrations through the l-joists and LVL beams at the 2460 Bald Mountain renovation project appear to be acceptable according the hole guidelines set forth by the material manufacfurer. There should be no structural concerns for these penetrations. Please call if you require anything else. Thanks Loren R. Hill KRM Consultants, Inc. (303) 973-9806 (303) 973-9847 FAX lrh@krmconsultants.com www. krmconsultants.com -- Original Message --- From: Dax Masso To: lrh@krmconsultants.com Sent: Wednesday, Augusl 23, 2006 8:16 AM Good moming Loren. Here are a few pics of the LVL penetrations that I wanted you to review. Let me know what you think. Thanks, Dax Masso CC:<gdenckla@vailgov.com> TOWN OF VAIL ?rro*r"r*T oF coMMU"rr" or#opMENr 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES ELECTRICAL PERMTT permit #: E06-0110 lgoa .oo<l Job Address: 2460 BALD MOUNTAIN RD VAIL Sratus . . . : ISSUED l,ocation.....: 2460 BALD MOUNTAIN ROAD Applied . . : Ml28l2W6 Parcel No...: 210103301004 Issued. . : Cf't30l20f6 Project No : -qRJOS-6 ZC I Expires . .: 12127/2ffi6 o9lNER MUssoN, PAIIJ & ErrrsA 06/29/2006 9402 ERYSTAIJ IJN LONGMOf'TT co 80503 APPIJICAT{r M.D. MOLLER CO 06/28/2006 phone: (970) 559-3913 PO BOX 1508 EDWARDS co 8L532 Iricense: 355-E CoNTRACTOR M.D. MOIJIJER CO 06/28/2006 phone: (970) 569*3913 PO BOX 1508 EDI{ARDS co 8L632 License: 355-8 Desciption: ELECTRICAL FOR REMODEL AND ADDITION, THE ADDITION INCLUDES A NEW ENTRY ELEMENT AND A NEW 2ND FLOOR MASTER SUITE. EXTERIORCHANGES Valuation: $0.00 Square feet: 47W Elecnical------ > S2l 0 .4 s Toral Calculated Fees-> 9213 _ 45 Additional Fees------ >$0. 00DRB Fee----- > lnvestigation-- > $0.00 90.00 Totri Permit Fee----- > $213 .45 Will Call-------> 53.00 TOTAL FEES--> $213 .45 Approvals: Item: 05000 EI-,ECTRICAIJ DEPARTMEMT 06/28/2006 shahn IteM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT BALANCE DUE.--.-> $213 - 45 Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. Cond: CON0008218 Prowide are fault protecEion for arry nelu 120 volt outlets in bedrooms per NEC 2003. Entry: 06/28/2006 By: shatrn Actj.on: AP Cond: CON0008219 GFI protection required in all baths and kitchen at final . Cond: CON0008220 smoke detectors required in each bedroom, outside each bedroom and on every floor at final . DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with atl Town ordinances and state laws, ard to build this structure according to the towns zoning and zubdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQTJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR PM. 49 OR AT OI]R FROM 8:00 AM - 4 CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF 'l'*****************'**********+***********************+*********************************'t+*'t:t!:t! TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement t'***+***************,i**+tl'**********+*,t'*********'|********'******l************'****:l**'r**'l {.i.!t *** Statement Nuniber: R060000911 Palzment Method: Check Company / ck 4596 Anoune: $21"3 .45 06/30/2OO5t2:04 PM Init: LT Notat ion:MD Moll-er Permit No: ParceL No: Site Addrese : Location: This Payment: EP 00100003111L00 wc 00100003112800 2101-033-0100-4 2 4 6 O BAI,D MOI'NTAIN RD VAIL 2460 BAIJD MOI]NTAIN ROAD T)rtr)e: EITECTRICAI PERMIT Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts : Balance: 805 - 0110 $213 .4s * ** * * * * t' {' * * t t t * | * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * I' l' **f******* * * *,1' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !t* * * * + *'i***,t**** * * ****** + + + ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts $213.45 $213.45 $o. oo ELECTRICA], PERMIT FEES WILL CA],IJ INSPECTION FEE 210.45 3 .00 AppLrcATrorOrLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMplEfo* r*r,ozt{ ,IVWNOFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 For- oll0 Project #: Building Permif#: Electrical Permit #: 9V O-47 9-2149 (Inspections) TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Town of Vail Reg. Ng.:and Phone #'sr COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VAIUATIONS FOR AtL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUMT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ Contad Assessors Office at 97O-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel # rt lA o*\l(Dq Drob Name: bAU MOO n1a.-il.t_rob Address: fgff, Wd frW''tw 4', . Legal Description Lotr Blockl Filing:Subdivision: owners Nu "Wn,n ] fn 4€"f\ ll Addrcssdu(fi)fufl mn+' Pd'Phone: Engineer:n/a_Address:Phone: Detailed descriotion of work: WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel (Q Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (4' )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-familyfi) DuOlex( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: .No. of Accommodation Units in this building: I Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) rrro f0();r tr--(ffima Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) tlo ( ff)Does a Fire Sprinkler [em Existl vas ( F l{ql{K) lill 11*@ JUN ze Wl.t.dF. 2006 llll lul,*******#*lVA'L I Tft'+)-" \WAiI\dAtA\CdEV\FORM S\PERMITS\EL,ECPER M, DOC 07/26/2002 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 Q.*rrr*r oF coMMU*rr" orutPMENr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M06-0204 3o(" - o6aJ Job Address: 2460 BALD MOUNTAIN RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 2460 BALD MOUNTAIN ROAD Applied . . : 08102120f6 Parcel No...: 210103301004 Issued . . : 08107120f]l6 Irgal Description: ='-fsos -oQQ 1 B"pires. .: Ul03/2w7 Project No : owlrER MussoN, PAIIIJ & ErrrsA 08/02/2006 9402 CRYSTAIJ LN ITONGMOIITeo 80503 APPLICANT SKYIJTNE MECHANICAL 08/02/2006 phone: 970-524-6809 P.O. BOX L258 GYPSI]Mco 81637 License: 121-M coNrRAcToR sKYr_,rIfE MECIIAIITCAJ., 08/02/2006 phone: 970-524-6A09 P-O. BOX 1258 GYPSI'Mco 81537 License: ]-2L-lq Desciption: REPLACE 2 FURNACES AND REPAIR DUCT SYSTEM, VENT NEW BATH FANS Valuation: S4.600.00 FifeDlace Infornration: Restricted:# of Cas Ap,plianc€s: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of wood Pellet: 0 irr****rrt!r*d.*+'r:.:FF*****'F**{.r.)****'i*******{.i't'}**t ***********ri.*'r't +++t++ FEE SUMMARY' Mechsnical-- > S1oo. oo Res0arant Plan Review- >30.00 Total Calculated Fees-- > 5128 . 00 $2s.00 TOTAL FEES-*-> $128. 00 Additioml Fe€s------ >$0. 00 $128. O0 Plan Check-- > lnvestigadon- > Will Call--- > $0. 00 $3.00 Total Pcrmit Fee-----> Payments-------- > $128 - 00 BAI-ANCE DUE-----_>$0. 00 ITEM: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT oe/o2/2l,6 JS Action: Ap IIeM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENf CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEI,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED To cHEcK FoR eoDE CoMPIJIANCE. Cond:. 22 (BIJDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF TIIE 2003 IMC AIID SECTION 304 OF TIIE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): BOIILER INSTATTATION MttST CONFORM TO I4AI.IIIFACTURERIS INSTRUCTIONS Al{D CHAPTER 10 OF TI{E 2OO3 TMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPIJIATICES SIaIJL BE VmITED AccoRDI}IG To CIIAPTER 5 oF TITE 2OO3 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO MECHAI.IICAL, EQUIPMENI MUST COMPL,Y WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 rMe Ar\rD .HAPTER 3 oF TrrE ,oo?"*".. Cond: 31 (BL,DG.): BOIL,ERS SHAL,L BE MOIINTED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBL'E CONST. ITNLESS I,ISTED FOR MOTINTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AlfD CODE ANAIYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAIT ROOM PRIOR TO Af.I INSPECTION REQIIEST. Cond: 30 (BL,DG'): BOILER ROOMS SHAIJL BE EOIIIPPPED IIITH A FTOOR DRAIN OR OTITER APPROVED MEjMIS FOR DISPOSING OF r,rQUID WASTE pER SECTION 1004.5. ****:ll.:t********** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read ttris application, filled out in firll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree !o comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, kternational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. FGQIJFSTS FOR D.ISPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOT'R HOTIRS IN ADVAN PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR 479-2149 OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:(X) AM - 4 FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF *t******+'t't{'{'*+*+++++f t+* {.* *****{.**** ****++++**'} **t'******'}*,}****'r's'r*******t{t**,}*,}***!tta***** TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Statement******+'t****+*+++++++++{'******++*****'*i!*++**+************.}*,t*'t**'t*'******{r**lr*****lott********* Statement Number: R050001155 Anount.: Payment MeUhod: Check Mechanical Inc. 952L $128.00 08/01 /2006L2t20 PNr INiT: DDG Notation: Skyline Permit No: M06-0204 Tlt)e: MECHANICAJ., PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-033-0100-4 Site Address: 2450 BAIJD MOIINTAIN RD VAIL I.ocaIion: 2460 BAI,iD MOI,NTAIN ROAD Total Fees: This Payment:$128 . O0 Tota1 ALL Pmts : Balance: $128.00 $128 . O0 $0.00*'|.********$$t******:1.'lr{.*'t*****'i***{'**++ ++** * ** {' *!N N' * * *'t*****'t ** * * * * * + * * * * *******+***f *******+* ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts MP 00100003111100 PF 00100 0031123 0 0 wc 001000031128 00 MECITANICA]J PERMIT FEES PI,ATiI CHECK FEES WILL CA],I., NiISPECTION FEE 100.00 25.00 3.00 ga/6u26a6 L2|26 9745246AL6o AppLrcArror{ wnl ilor eE AccEprED rr *co'pffS#ltu-rfp,.qt.0:1( f\ou-ozov ffi*lffi SKVLINE MECIHANICAL PAGE qTIAE ,'lrt t ?lrL l;r-vr'd':--:F - ---- --- -- Permit u/itl not be accepted wi$tout the follouring: -4t il : -o comutgon Air Duct Sltse and l.ocatiotl-tE+Ah"ft --- r n"", Vttn and Gas Une Sia and locationq{o f,r : X":1ff*?F;occsheer3 colcig+ETE VAIUATTOIII FoR llECHAtlIcAt prnrir Qabor & lraterials) iG E il VEJil AU6 ul2006 lu Job Mdress:2iobName: BALD f(fhl rxtf NLrr' grtf Work Ctass: Na,{ ( ) Oid*on ( ) artentlon (}f, Repair (., ) OtrerJ ) %nt ves() No() Does an EHU exl* atthis lc BailerLocauon: Interiot Orterior( ) other( ) o"pt.o<t t n,l,,tu'rumiv( ) Comlerual j Ce$aurent ( ) tlther ( ) ilffimm"daf"" units in this bullding; N-i,lf e-,tt"S Dwelting UnlB ln this building: ( ) wmd/Pellet(ffi nrcoa*s jIfriGo au-ins (NoT AtLowED) ivEcr-lANrcAL: t U La OEQ.- \z,e t+*+*** l:lF',If * *11* *.*1*,*** :t',F **** ***:tE**:F* tl.;3***** t?:Fls*+tF G. rd.d.'rAArfrrrrr|* tt'eShoelm AAlAIl2ggE t2:,28 Registerud To: For: 9795246 sl6o st{/Lil€I!€CHANICA-o PAGE A2Ig6 Skyllne llechanical Eald Mountain 2a60 Bald Mountrin RD' Vall, Colorado Rseldentlal Heat Loc€ and Heat @in Celculetlon ln accordancc with ACCA Manual J Deelgn Gonditlono: Vail lndoor: SummorGmperafure: Wnter temperature: Relative humldlty: 70 7g 50 OuHoor: Summertemperature: 100 \Mnbrbmperatrre: €0 Summer grains of molsture: 100 Dallytempantur€Enge: HiSh Bullding Gompon.nt 9cnslble Gain (BTUHI Latent Gain (BTUH) Totrl tleat Gain (BTUH) Totrl Heat Loae (BTUHI ll,78lt 2,159 2g,&tE 70350 Infilbatlon 19,418 WintcrACl'l: .3: SummerACH: .2 Duct above 120: Enclosed in unheated Floor 192 sq.ft. 301 R-4I 1,568 sl4 - Over elrcloscd crarrl sp-?cq Hardwood; R'19 (4 '.9'9 in*t) * Swall 110 -Wooo Fame. with srreethinsi sloing or bdc*: R-19 5 1/2 in': R{' 50 r 1,700 2'055 - Double pane; Thcrmally improved metel; low emittance - No inridi ehqdilg; Coating: None (clear glass)j]lo oueid"e shadiqg' . rilal go so 165 593E Wal|96 sq. or briclq R-,|9 5 1/2 in'; R'0'5 12 in'-Wood 1,584 0 1,5E4 - Double pane; Themally imprwed metal; Loyt' emltlance - No insidewffi 85 sq.ft None (clear No ousidE 1& R-19 5112 1& with Glassdoor 35 gq.fr.1,44 : R{.5 12 in. 1!4 board 525 @ - French doors; Double panq Metal frame; Low emittance - No inside shadinE; Coating: None (clgqlglqqq}55% shade{: Ceiling - Underventilatcd 192 sq.ft. 246 R-38 (10 incfi); Dark 256 sq.ft. 4.813 0 245 AB/gLlzAgE t2226 9745246 SKVLI]€ MECFENICA- Ssnelbll , LatantGain Gain(BTUH) (BTUH) PACE 63186 Total anrLow Total HeatGain H€etLoss(Ef,UHl (BTUHI 81So Page 2 Bald Mounbin Bulldlng Componont Infiltration eborre 120; Enclced in unheated R4-6Floor256 sq.ft 350 e24 874 1,8O2 686 - Tightncgs:'Best Wnter ACH, .3.; JgmmqAQl,.L Duct ' - Ovar enclosed cawl e WCn 9o sq.lt R-19 (4 -6.5 1& -Wood with sheathing, Wndor 35 sq.ft 15r'.0 R-lS 51l2in;R4.5 1/2|n. 2,310 2,310 - Double pane; Thermally impmved metal Lottr cmJttance - No inside ehadlng; Coating: None (olearglace); No ouside 1,44 - Frcnch doors; Double pane; Metal fiame; Lor emittance 1,444 1,781 - No inside None (clear 55% eheded. Cclltng 256 sq.fL 326 - Under ventilated R-38 (10 inch): Dark lnfilhation . Suoplv above 124 EncloEed in unhebd R-,4 7O sq,ft.0 926 382382-670 sq.fi. -nghtress: Best WinterACH: -3j SummerAGH: '2 . . Dud 18 2M 147Floor - Over enclosed crawl R-19 (4 - 6,5 inctl 172100 gq.ft.172 618EWall -Wood wlth or R-19 61/2 ln.; R4.5 1/2 in. sq.ft.103 0 103 board S - Wood frarne, wlth sheathing,or brick; R.19 5 1/2 in.; R'0'5 12 in.board 70 sq.ft.89 - Underventil#d atlic; R€8 (10 inch)'' Dark 108 lnfltration Bed; wnbr AcH: .3 ; Summer A-cl!-.2 Duct aborc 120: Endosed in unheabd 72 sq.ft. 5 R4TFloor . Ovcr eneloged crawl -Wood Room R-19 (4.6.5 103 or bricK R-19 6 1/2 in.; R'0.5 1/2 in. 625 625 60 sq.ft with 675 1,300 3,474 -Tlohtncss: BGsti W|nETACH: .3 : SurnmerAcH: '2 ' ,-5'O22 - Suoplv above 120: Enclosed in unheatad spacc; R4 Fi6ace o o 97652468Lso Bald Mountaln 440 sq.fr. ABlAll2SEE LZi26 SKVLINE MECHANICAL PAGE g4IA6 Page 3 Building Componcnt Senclble Galn (BTUH) 0 btant Gain (BTUHI 0 Total HeetGain (BruH) 0 w1no06 Tot l Heqt Lo6a (BruHl 1,176Floor - Ovgr enclosed crawl R-19 {4 - 6.5 Inch 214125 sq.ft.0 214 772SWall -Wood R-lS 51li2in.; R-0.5 1/2 In.board 4,590 6,548 with Wndow 135 sq. - Double pane; Thermally imprwed metal; Lor emittance - No inslde Ceiling 44O sq,ft. - UnderventilaEd aflic; R{8 (10 inch); ?3tkuainiffiEffiil Best WinterACH: .3 DuGt abow 120: Enclosed in unhcaEd R-.4 Floor '180 sq.fi. NWall 150 sq.fl 257 None {clear No ouslde 4.211 1,995 100 561 5El 1,174 4,flz 11 1S3 632 482 -overencfosed craud gpace; Hardwood; R-19 (4:q,'9 indl) - Nr^rart 'l(rl cnft 257 o -T- h{lltrallon -Wood with or brick; R-19 5 'll2 in.; R'0-5 12 in. Gyg@! 223 R-19 5 1f2 in.; R-0,5 2?'3 rm board 803130 sq.ft.WWall - Wood frame, Wth Wndovrt bath 3 lnfilfratlon Duct Floor 54 so.ft, abo/e 120: Enclosed in unheated 54 sq.ft. 5,4 sq.ft, 112tn. 20 sq.fr.0 1,320 822 0 145 - over enclgqed crawl spacgj Hardwood; R-19 (4 ' 6.ffi o jJ-_-E'93 Best; Winbr ACH: .3 ; Summer W NWall .Wood with R-1S 51/2 in.; R{.5 1/2In.board 6 sq.fr 126 0 - Double Pane; Thcnnally imprcved metal; l-otivemltlance - No inside None (dear No ouside above 120: Enclosed in unheated : R-4 Floor 196 sq.fi.0 180 0 lnfittation I to t"z - Tightness: Best WillerACH; -3 ; Sum Duct oa 247 526 - Owr anclosed crand space; Hardwood: @ o -Eu-""" wlth 105 sq.ft. or brlck R-19 51?in.', R-0'5 12In' Gypsum boardSWall -Wood galaLl2ga6 L2.26 Page 4 Bald Mountain Eullding Component 6enelble Galn (BTUHI 940Glassdoor35 sq.ft. - French doors; Oouble pane; Metal frame; Ls\i' omitance s7652458t sr{fLrhE MECHANTflL Latent Gain (BTUH} 0 Totel Heat Galn (BTUH) s40 PAGE A5/46 E/l/2006 Toilal H€atLols (BTUH) 1,781 WinterACH: .3 ; SummerACH; .2 134Dud - Supply abore 120; Enclose!!jI unlqqte!! 60 sq.fr 16 R4 0 161Floor - Over enclosed crawl R-19 (4 - 6.5 inch 93 334Eq. -woodframe, wlth Window bedroom Bedroom R-19 61?ln; R-0.5 1/2 in 6 sq.ft 2c/-0 48:]278 300 278 247 13,403 255 - liohinecs:WlnterACH: .3; SummErACH: .2 Duct abore 120; Enclosed in unheated Floor 255 sq.fi. 166 R,4 0 - Owr conditioned sPace _, __SWall rrO-sq.n- - 1Es 660 -woodfume. with sheathing;siding orbriclq R'19 5 u2 in'; R{'5 1/2 in' G 2,M0 2,466 - Doubte Panc; Thermalty imprwad mcEl: Lowrmittance :l,lo in-sjdl srraOing;_ggrqlgiNo"ne (cleargl?ssX No ou$de shadiqg' -- --- 120 sq-ft.sq-206EWall 0 -Wood fiame, with sh€athing, siding or R-1S 5 1X2 in.; R-0,5 1/2 in. GvpsuF lgqrc! 150 sq.257WWall -Wood with Gelllng 255 sq,ft. - Underventilabd atic; R-38 (10 closet 70 sq.ft lnfilfation R-19 51l?in'i R-0.5 1/2 in'board 925 325 683 1.096 0s2 ?i2 156 rc2 Floor - Oner oonditioned W WAII 70 sq,fi" 91 sq.ft 1,054 156 - Tightness: Best WnterACH: .3 ; SummerACH: .2 Duct - Suoolv aborre 120; Enclosed in unh€aEd spqcc; R-4 - woF ramc, ndtn sheatnind sioing or odck; R-1e " 5 1lz in.; E-0.5 1tz in. GVF€um boar.d aslgu2ga6 L2t26 9795246 -Wood with 70 sq.ft. - UndsrventilaFd R€8 (10 Bathrcom 140 sq.ft lnfiltration . Over conditioned N Wall 124 eq,ft. R-19 51l2in.; R'0'5 12 in-board 0 e9 1E7 11V2 14 412 fre- o 213 766 818o SKYLI]€ MECHANICAL PAGE Ailg6 Page 5 Bald Msuntain Bulldlng Component SenGible Gain (BTUH) 594Windotn9 sq.ft - Double pane; Thcrmally improved metal; Lonemittance Ldent Grln (BTUH) 0 Tot!l Heat Galn (BTUH} 594 8/lnooe Total Heetl'oec (sruH) 370 74u :Tiqhhcss: B€t;WinterACH: .3; SummerACH: .2 " T-----MDua 4s o - Fuppty abore 120; Enqloeed in unheab9 space; Ri ,, - ", .,00 - Wood frame. with sheathing, slding or R-ls 51112 in.; R-0.5 1/i2 in. Gvpsum board 16 sq.ft.336 336 658 . Doubte pane; Thermally lmprowd mebl; lowemittance - No insicie ehadlngi Coating: None (clearglaqqi-!9lus'dc EWall -Wood cBlllng wilh '172 ffiboatd 100 sq. 140 sq.ft. 172 R-lS 5 1/2 in.; R-0'5 1A ln. - Undcr ventilated R-38 (10 incfi): Dark 27,739 2,1r8 29,898 irvaCCalc Resident'p|4.0 by HVAC CompubrSysbms LH'. t o* celcutsdcs:n c$inaer oly. un bris riy vary dr ouadlrrtc aomkucdm dftr'rr"' EEE 736-1101 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 nM79-2138 Q*o*r""Nr oF coMMUNrrY o"utrr""t NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PErMit #: MO64:249 3& -6as 1 Job Address: 2460 BALD MOUNTAIN RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 2460 BALD MOUNTAIN ROAD Applied . . : 0911512006 Parcel No...: 210103301004 Issued . . : l0ll9l2ffi6 lrgalDescription: .-pn ._. ,^< -,,-\.j,. r Expires, .: MllTDW ProjectNo ' ?Rls05-ozr- |. ol,{NER MUSSON, PAItt & ErrrSA 09/15/2006 9402 CRYSTAIT IrN I,ONGMOMT co 80503 APPIrICAriilr R & R HEiaTTNG 09/t5/2006 phone: 970-524-12!0 PO BOX 1r_54 GYPSUM co 81537 Lricense:2L6-Yl co![rRAcToR R & R HEjATTNG 09/t5/2O06 phone: 970-524-]-27-0 PO BOX 11_54 GYPSI'M co 8a637 License: 215-M Desciption: REPLACE RADIANT HEAT TUBING THAT WAS DAMAGED DIIRING REMODEL Valuation: $16.000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellefi 0 Plan Check-- > Inv€stigation- > will cdl--- > Mochanical-- > S320.0o Res0rarant Plan Review- >S0.00 Total Calculated Fees-- > 9403.00 s403, oo Additional Fees------- >sss. 00 Toral Permir Fee----- > S458, oo Payments---------- > $458 - oo BALANCE DI,'E----- >s0. 00 $80 . oo ToTAL FEES---..._-> $0.00 $3.00 It,EM: O51OO BUIIJDING DSPARTMENT o9/t5/2OO5 JS Acrion: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPITIAIICE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIOIiI AIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF TIIE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOT{N OF VAIIJ. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): BOIILER IIISTALIA:IIOII MUST CONFORM TO M,AIIUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND CI{APTER 10 OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25(BLIX}.): GAS APPTTIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BL,DG.): ACCESS TO MECHAIIICAL EQUIPMENf MUST COMPI-,Y WITH CHAPTER 3 OF TI{E 2003 IMC A}{ID CI{APTER 3 OF TTIE 2OO3 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SIIALL BE MOUNfED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBL,E CONST. ITNLESS I.,ISTED FOR MOI'NTING O}I COMBTIBIJE FIJOORIIIG. Cond: 32 (BI.DG.): PERMrr,PrJAlTs AIID coDE ANArrysrs Musr BE posrED rN MEcItAlrrcArJ RooM pRroR TO EN IIISPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BIjDG. ) : BOILER ROOMS SIAIJIJ BE EQUIPPPED WITI{ A PIJOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED ME,AIIS FOR DISPOSING OF LIQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1.004.6.tlt*allttttrtt*t?* DECLARATIONS I hercby acknowledge tbat I have read this application, filled out in frrll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the infonnation as required is correct. I agree to cornply with the information and plot plan, to comply with dl Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stnrcture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes ard other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESf,S FOR tr{SPECTION ST{ALL BE MADE TWENTT.FOUR HOI.JRS IN ADV PM, 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET l"l'1.*'tl.{t* tl t+ + {t'}'f ****+t'}t*lrltf *$'f tf +*{.{.*****+l'l'tr{,ar*{.*{.'}{.{.{.'tl.***i****l'++*****************{'l'*'t*** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement t't*ar*{.{tl.{.*****{r*{r{tar****l*ttlll*'f+++**++******t'l't*l'++*i|*****dr*+**+x'}*'t*l'!0*+{'!trt{'{'++*fl++l'++tt* Statenent Nunber: R060001?48 Payment Method: Check 8821 Amount: $458.00 n/Lg/20067o:14 AMt Init: DDG Notation 3 R & R heatsing Permit No: M05-0249 Tl4re I IIIECI|AIIICAL, PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-033-0100-4 Site Addreas : 24 5 0 BAIJD MOITIiITAIN RD VAILI,ocation: 24 5 O BAIJD MOIJNTAIN ROAD Total Fees: $458.00 Total ALL Pmtss: Balance: $4s8.00 $4s8.00 $o. oo Thie Payment: {.{'*tl.i.l.+*t*{r*'ti.{.,1.1.{.,t,t*******'t'*****{rt*t******tta+tttt*t**+**{'****+**{'{'++:t**{':t:t:t:t**+***'}*'t**** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDti.on Current Pmta CL MP.PF wc 55.00 320.00 80.00 3.00 00100003123000 0010 0 00311110 0 00100003112300 00100003112800 CONTRACTOR IJICENSES I{ECTIAIiIICAI PERMIT FEES PIrAN CHECK FEES WIIJIJ CAIJIJ INSPECTION FEE 75S. hntage Rd,t/ail Golorado 81657 Prrylde llechankal Rmm Layout dlawn to scale b inch,rde:o Mechanical Room Dimensioneo ConbusdonAirDuctSbeandLocaHon &P;*Jo Flue" Vent and Gas Llne Sire and locationo HeatLmsGalcs,r EguipmentQrt/SFcSheens L\,C 9"> I (,r yAr+, I'ESHANIGAL PER|SIT A,pp|JC Permit will nct be aept€d withoutlfie following: Affieat visit forPatd # Parcel * atr"t. oatrr\ OOtt-- -Job Name:fY\u<sorr Kt-6.'oT*aquo (ttl ,7,+. aJ Lesat pescription tr bu ao I Bb;k a I Finns: \ b ll s"nc,"r"i*, idt *l*.,^ o $Owners Name:Address:Phone: Phone:Engircer: lEdress:I. Detail€d descripdon of worlc Q,.it\n cn Q. A... ,'.\ \"^t \,.\*i -....\A \Ae, Ao^oJ A*r^^ r r ."...."Afro Does an EHU exist atthis locaUon: Yes ( ) No ( ) No, d EdstirB DwellirE tJnits in trls buildfrp:No. of Ammmodation Untts in thls buildtuio: No/frtpeof FireplacesEdsfing: esAppllanaesC ) Gasl4ss( ) Llbod/Pellet( ) l,VoodBrrntnq( ) Nofiype of Flreplres Roposed: GasApplianes ( ) Gas l-oSs ( ) Wood/Hlet ( ) Wood Burning (NoTALIOWED) Is this a onversion from a wood burning fireitl 4|, -**{.****:F**rc*t *:F!r*rt3rr*tr*r**pga oFFIcE usE oNLy{.rrr{.tt *:Frt ***rf *************x**** FtUrcnUSulhG.bccr}{EC-tIPERM.DOC 0u04nfil4 B I ue Foam Insu I at i on TEL | 970-949-7900 ApillllllRrRAnoil AilD Et{FOnc EMENT 11:55 No.001 P.01 F'GURE 102,5.1 Jim Benson f e6i 9l Bcavcl Crcok ploco Avon, co g 162t) (970) 949- I r.ss {o70ll49-79syru jf"lP'?3f'*T,'*?' This Attic Has Been Insulated To 4L "*t#:"*mt-gyr rns ur ation Contractor_:- dffi.#:"'1iltff-Hi# ry, q""rffid-r;;;JJ^ E;EEaE*1,9HliosR""#*uHfn'"',,standardr,regul*io*-i"a-a"n}if?iUlill rJe-J t00le00.d ,EZs-l zn?il'0rB Iilildt|]3^to ilfMfiot .ilv^ JO ltol-rorl ults,80 90-8ernI g*lz6lzg$E 15:31 s7B524f II€TLVAIL \r'r?ll'2ln PA€ 93/03 Certafttreedf Builderr Statemcnt &4 A O Bacb mod${tbr* qD OPTTIVI4'*Vur- Bel ck lrmrdarim used in the ElowJn Bhnkc{o system ft!.'nilAqn.o'ro b..n hrhn:do'tus opruna .*rc g porrie r-*r.orr_l_3_o*,s 1..3 ,.g. ofarrrnr r mJ a 6 4nr fta d.rr t. ta- *EJff r r-v'..'!! t' I oa, rHlrArArftFonitAr{€I oplllvl^b. Lffi Flll tnnrlrdonbnrsruhc+redbrdorcdcaWrydixdon truhfbdbdtndofitw{ Febrlc rF{tF hsho.id ndh tedb "p." H;di{hffi" ln scoda{}ca rryHr rhedu,n behr. *'r r,,n-rcr rndeG9'rtrte{& rsnouEn ttDrrcdlorcp61rtlovapflldolr. lnitr|idancarr6trdpd.niiet r, l*r-ri*J-fr*lHHTIj3l7"*$l^ry.:.ggAI {il .,r-A;'iffiffiffiffi ;fr.E-,.rbrcd. coven6e bR+elrdcwity *rHrmcc I brci.' Corlerap teacnd tui +ecflcd fseacfr n+,rUrie. brced m l ncr*rrt ea u. ffiriri'ilffirii;il;'i&-i'ffi"ruHf#S5ffiff'lffi;Tffi "ffi gg,hTtrHf R[Hi ;dsr ec +.ffiilffiilTffiiff"Ttr;"d R.i,rrrc. rhb p,Dd,c,ffi*lffimmxgrhatd not be mld xd& d€r thrniFru crh*d €6E cillgot Crvldrrtbdrrc l{hmai.?dqt i L t' i A9/2gl?€rffi 15i31 e7a52431 II.ISI.LVAIL t FASE tr2183 Gertaft{Iedf Builders Statmnt /{\v 110 / &16 0 {Irs-D nnoo.r gD- OPTTM4'" jradd nc be rnbcd rrAh drer hbnB I Cdndd dq$cr&rdorfierttA 6&d. eF{effi ApFROIflS FOR UiE tN rHC ElOTiHN-tlANrFrisfltrtMc&rFe}.d.d*qt'lrnrr rr0Ferod*rdurrtd,kthlbffi* hr,Oi,rr.rsoloc$. Ofr6{/l- bindrrmlit&|!tr$dC$po*ertErrAs{rryr cuxrQ{tft fto. tox ro,uil,tR Fonqr m r$uo&rcl+?t l e Cc.b3|ord Oooffifm 6rec V*tu (n . ffter Clas Insdation rrsd in Sre Bbw.ln BIankeF Syatum nr oFnHA qt0G6trt bc." ffid q otnffA tdrfon frr pmddr r Rdte ef n, t.{-,rres I4 *gr ochrtHorio ffitrf6f.cgnrrrhctCacrrr firbcr od 3 S-krAe* Ogtrl\{Anr Loee Hll tn$tlel{otrh-msnfumd brdoscd mrWsFplkesor irsalled bshhd Opttr!{A Fabr&cor:+4fl€"t tt crould ncbe u*d sor open blmry "pptGoutrs. tn i#ffi';rth r#dil; b-n". *i,'riJ-trc"llote firttnun nurnOcr <f @a par I,0O0 n ft. dnaatg for erch R_valrdcafiv dddtn66s l!*rad'crnsese tr1|An:Fm,-r numbrdhrya p"r I,OoO lq ft.;I for erch R-valr*dcandty dddoretr lbbi'Corurrge lsF'd ql I runtnat zO tU. tiis: rhe.msdiriiun ',.t ce,cad;us ild;"d ,i;i;;ffi-di;.h;fffi; - ffi g131$tflT[3l$T;ti$,ry E n 6f htuLdo{r will rsrh h e tudrred R-,6&re Thi6 FodrcrFilm to frrtdl ttre reqrlrcd dinkn nr weiglr p"' q fr, "fT;Ld"{r-;li r*rtt pr "tEeo$qtr6 mtoo mbled wilh dE bfolm In*a*knr q-tfte{tc|tnNl *ifi5 will becorp lnraftd. TII!RilAI. PIRFBNffANG Da.iltrr. rt'(t n odIt!. hrCE B TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2t38 Qr*rrr"r oF coMMrrNrr" o"utoPMENr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE FOSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT PCrMit #: PO6-0067 Job Address: z4ffiBALD MOUNTAIN RD VAIL Stahrs . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 2460 BALD MOUNTAIN ROAD Applied . . : 0613012M6 Parcel No...: 210103301004 Issued . . : 0712612C[i6 Legal Description: ,-ir/.-T\.: _hiL ( Expires . .: 0l12212ffi7 ProjectNo : ?K-sO> -AKA\ owNER MUssoN, pAItL & ELrsA 06/30/2006 9402 CRYSTAIJ IJ}iI I,ONGMONT co 80s03 APPLICANf R & R HEATING 06/30/2006 phone: 97O-524-L2LO P O BOX 1154 GYPSI]M co 81637 License:145-P CONTRACTOR R & R HEATING 06/30/2005 Phone: 970-524-L2LO P O BOX 1154 GYPSUM co 81637 L,icense:1-46-P Desciption: PLUMBING FOR ADDITION Valuation: $14,000.00 Fireplace lnformation: Resdcted: ?'! # of Gas Appliances: ?? #ofcas Logs: '!'l #of Wood Pallet: ?? ,*:t*ir**lr**{r***:t*****'*:t******r.***t*+:t*+:}+*+:}+:t'}+:f r},t *,8*******{<**+,}+***** FEE suMMARy ************{.***********t********r,:i'i:r*t||t)t,'1.:r|ltl.ti.'1.**+++:r++:t:r:t Plurbing--> $210. 00 Restuarant Phn Review-> $0 .00 Total Calculated Fe€s-- > $255.50 Plen Check-- > gs2 . s0 TOTAL FEES------> S26s. s0 Additioml Fees----- > S5s.00Investigation-> $0. 00 Totrl Permit Fee----- > $320.50wilcail-"-> 93.00 fffflE;;::_:l r.3l:i8 ***********'t+**1{. Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMEMI 06/30/2006 ,Js Action: Ap ITCM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, frlled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and ptot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQT,ESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOI]R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPIIONE AT 479-2T49 OR AT OI]R OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM . 4 PM. .I;*.ir't^^f--- *'l*'8*t!t+++*++* * * * * 'N.'t*{' * * ** * * * * * * ** **********'t't*N*rt***tt1.'&*'t't**********!**!***,t't*'t'**'****$******* TOWNOFVAIL, COI.ORADO Statement ******+++++++++*{'*******'1"}'}****,},}************+**t***i***********{.***************t'1.*1.******** Statement Nuiber: R050001080 Amount: Pal.ment, Method: Check 8674 $320.s0 07 /26/200603 :23 PMInit: DDGNotation: R & R Heating Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : LocaE,ion l This Palment: et 00100003123000 PF 001000 031123 0 0 PP 0 010 00 0311110 0 wc 00r-00003112800 P06 - 0057 T)4)e: PIJUMBING PERMIT 2101-033-0100-4 2450 BAT]D MOI]NTAIN RD VAIL 2450 BAI,D MOIJNTAIN ROAD $320 . s0 Total Fees: Total AL,L PmtE : Balance: $320 . s0 $320 . s0 $0.00*'****++*+*'***********'F*,F'l*********:******+fff+flfl'f'frlalft!*****+++*+*+**++****+**+++********** ACCOI,]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Ptnts CONTRACTOR IJICENSES PI,AN CHECK FEES PIJI]MBING PERMIT FEES WILI, CA],t INSPECTION FEE 55.00 52.50 210.00 3 .00 Jun 30 06 0B:07p R&RHeating, lnc 1215 APPTICATION wlLL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOIIPLETE OR 524o p.1 6- 0Z6 ( Pob, ooc?Building Permit #! Plumbing Permlt #: 970-479-2L49 75 S. Ftontage Rd. Vall, Oolorado 81857 COMPTETE VALUATIoN foR PIUMBING PERITIIT (I.abor & Mat€rials) descridion WorkOass: New() Adrtitionil) Atterauon( ) Repair( ) orher( ) Ty60FBHg': Singr+famiry() Dupre<( ) Multi-famiryt I c"tture"i.r t I nestaurant( ) osruJ I No of Etisting Dwelling Unlts in this building;No. of Acommodation Units in this buitding: toanEPAPhaseIIdevke? yes( ) No l"+ qrq. a\54 * ****r********* *********tr*********t ****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY********************.**************** \lvail\dEhcdcllVORMS\PEllMtTS\PLMBpERM. DOC G E-[VE JUN 3 0 2006 IOWN OF VAIL 072;6'20M 02-15-2007 Inspection Request Reporting Page 16 4:37 pm Vail, CO'- City Of - Requested Inspect Qat€: Er$ay, february 16,2007 lnsDeitlon Area: CG Site Address: 2460 BALD MOUNTAIN RD VAIL 2460 BALD MOUNTAIN ROAD Comment: Comment: Inspecton Histow Item:10Item: 20Item: 30 A/P/D lnformation rNc tNc Comment: Comment: Comment: Roouested lnsoection(s) Item: 90 BLDGFinal Requestor: BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS, Comments: Assioned To:- Action:Time IIRAIL TO FOR NOT Status: ISSUED Insp Area: CG It 0?'U"-o Requested Tinie: 0{:30 PM' Phone: 376-4048 Entered By: DGOLDEN K TO BE EXTENDED TO TOP RISER TRADES FINAL. REOUIRED NG LVL PENETRATIONS. CTRICAL NOT COMPLETE. RAME IS DONE. FINAL. : CR CORRECTION REQUIRED AT BATHTUB. THE SHOWER SEAT. OW-IN AND SPRAY INSULATION. AP APPROVED Comment: 09/05/06 Comment: 0si07106 Comment: 09/11/06 09/26/06 Comment: Item: 60 Comment: 10t02t06 Comment:Item: 70 BLDG-Misc. 10i06/06 Comment:Item: 90 BLDG-Final 12t28t06 : A-BUTLD s'o tjg8: 09J* Phone: 970-92&3202Phone: 970-92G3202 ELISABETH REED AND FIRE. STAGING PLAN ROUTED TO PUBLIC that Fire Requirem€nts are met; DRB set combined and placed in Rack E-5 - i SPACE OVER THE KITCHEN AND CHRIS GUNION, ELISABETH REED. qlwt; r,^,il iL", * . r "/ilTO BUILD FROM KRM n Action: Inspecton cddVis Action: Lathe inspection approved complete APPROVED, VENTILATION NOT INSPECTED AND CRAWL VAPOR BARRIER AT BUILDING Action: AP APPROVED REPT131 Inspector: NSC Action: DN DENIED Run Id: 5381 l/"aWt t3, td28, Deslgn Review Board ACTIO]I FOR]I Department of Ccmrnunity Development 75 South Frontage Roadn Veil, Colorado E1657 tel:970.47S.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: www.vailgo%€orn DIF+ COM;.FIIY IEVELOFTtrTT Prcject Name: MUSSON RES CHANGE Project Description: DRB Number: DR8060083 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS Pafticipants: owNER MUSSON, PAUL & EUSA 0312912006 9402 CRYSTAL LN LONGMONT co 80s03 APPUCANT MOSIACARCHTTECTS 0312912006 1113 SPRUCE STREET BOULDER co 80302 ProjectAddresst 2460 BALD MOUNTAIN RD VAIL Location: 2460 BALD MOUNTAIN ROAD Legal Descriptionr Lot! 20 Block 1 Subdivision: VAIL WI-IAGE FIUNG 13 Parel Number: 2101-033-01004 Gomments: SEE CONDfiONS Motion By: Second By: Vo@: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: SIAFFAPR Date of Approval: 03/30/2006 Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not bmme valid for 20 days following the date of approval. @nd:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is ommenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007913 Prior to the applicant's submittal of building permit sets of plans to the Community Development Deparhmenl all Fire Department requirements must be met. Cond: CON0007914 The applicant shall install the new trex decking so that no cut ends are exposed. Cut ends shall be hidden frorn view by the facia boards of the decks. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee paid: $2O.OO rf-'l !' o Lcgal Addrcss Osncr Arch itcc t Zonc disri Lot sizc Total GRFA Prinrary GRFA Rctaining Wall Hcigha Parking Caragc Crcdit Drivovay 30.06 .-_+-{a:5ffirSr)= ZONE CIIECK Phonc Phonc Proposcd usc Buildablc Allorvcd Existing . hoposcd ,*' U",IUlloT tril^, tt =-73$l \tfr.It!.t Rcmaininq = t{3t2 koe ry3tu 'fU3-:H) '+ee'{#5e=-- - + + 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs tlris rcqucst involvc a 250 Aootionf //0 _ l^nd*aping foffo rvrinjmum l3robt _U|to" 3',t 6', Rquircd Encloscd Conrplics rvitb TOV Liglring Ord.inancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss tlan 2:l (50%) Environmcntal4Iazards Prcvious conditions of rpproval (cbcck propcrty filc); ls thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: Goo)@eoo).(r2oo) 45tX PcrmittcdSlopc 8 * proposcdSlopc l,*"TltrrT ".r-X- No-_ Y"r-X- No- l) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%)'t tllNft% 2),Floodplain 5) Ccologic Hazards a) SnorvA b) Rocldall c) Dcbris Florv Projccb DESIGN REVIE}V CMCKLIST .,i ' .tr. . irt . '- ri(r.i.!i( ti::{'\i' tr FLooRFLA].,$ C] SURVEY Ssalc I Scatc.; 9.. \ r. '*6Mi4c..:, ,1 i \ i. :1.r./.,) 250 additional GRFA J ".:. CraM\Attic Spacc EHU r, ' r: .,Q gutt onva gLEvATroNs ' . ---:- tr SITEPLA}I J , .j " r" f'D,.(' $ r $ Scalc Building Hcight Encroachrncnb Sclbacks Sitc Covcragt :,.i;:: Eavcs/Ovcrhangs (4J Declis,fBalconics -- Carag.c conncction . . Siie cioirstopc - Rcaininjlva[r 't 'r .'.'..,- i,. 1..\.' ..: i, t\F_ r lyrslrhrlj :. l. - .' lrY vatfiri,cs; i..r\J I ': ; :lTf'*""* F....E{sung trccs .- ,Proposcd bccs Lcgcnd I .rr,- 'I i ,'".'. MISCH r_{vrgu, ',ConddAppoval Tftlficport(A&B) Utility vcrifcation form roo.r{s ol srlc Buil ding matcrial samptcs C.O. Vcrilicati on Sun\Shadc Anglcs \.r Utilitiqi{nndcrg.orrrrd) ''l t vicub;inidDrs, E1 Appllcatior tur Derlign Revlew D#iltnert d Gnr&u8y DE elopm€nt t5 Sd$t Efibge Rod, vaiL Cdorado 8155t td:97I).{J!}:139 fac971}.479.2{52 weo:w|rvr.4pl-dn Garcrat Inlonnatlcnl AI prqec$ re$frftg ddgn rpvisAr |nust r€ceiE approv"t prbr to s*rnffiGg a hdgrE pernlt tr|i.atlxt. Please reftr to tfE srbmetal rcq$€nEnts for $e pa{kubr app'onf thrt b requcsbd. AD apdittbn for De€iJn Ret ierd €annd h aaaefd und al rga*ed iifrffiEtbo F r€etred b &e eilI,t*y De\do$fitcftt DepBrfnctn The pnteEt .rEV aEo need b be reil*l$red by tie Isun Concl ard/or the Pbndng and Fnvircrrrpr*d Cdrmlgdm. Oab|r |tvlil surd lsF €ur{6s bdHrrg psndt Ir hd ard or*r.dicr qnnrdFrt widdnq|.yffd[taApmr.L DeacriDtioil ot U|e geraf lfo,: 7l A I O Z4A I ool tcorb€t Eqle co. lssessor at 9?e-32&8t$ for perd rc.) Zorttge lbttr€dlDdlcr* ilalhgrdf* v \.., TypodrciwrndF".: tLr*r+vtvt+9't'tvn U AJ tpo f.t oo @d $50 plus 91.00 p€r squar€ foot d tobl {7n arca. ilo Fee $650 Fs coFslllrctbn !t a nerr bdl*'|g * detidrebu$d. $300 fur en dHqr wf€re sqJst ffiSe ls a{tded to sry rcddafial or conr*rsdal hrikfirg {mclld€s 250 ad*bns & ht€.ifi ryYer*ns). $250 For mincr dw$es to brtldl|us and sfte irfiprqtetnerfrs' iicn ag 1€ Esnng, pdrdrg, n;n6sw addtions, laftdsodng' hrEs and rehinif|g lEUs, €ic $20 rs n*nor $il9e6 b buldngs and ste itntrougtplts, eEn aq' rcrufing, FffiE wirdofl aOduorq htd*ap$e f€(Gs ard r€tainfug rlrEls, €e. f20 F6 fwidons to plans akeady apptated 4 Planning Staff or tl€ DesigF Revi€w Boaff' lb Fee ,lt-' 12i L:L-. tr ggns tr Coneftd Ratleul A ilflGdElluctbnB Adddon f,l HhorAlbatbfl (munltm$r/cilffi|emAl) tr lldrtrAlErdo.l (snrgbff|y/(lupEx) ;{ c"r,sonolptr .dH"* tr SeFraton R€quest PtffiAddrsl q*n t.lAR 28 2006 U TOWN OF VAIL ***'|****+***I||+*******{'***+++++**********:t'r+*********************{r{.++*,t ****+++*+*********** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Shtement********'s**+**tft+****************+++****:****r.*******+*:fttt+++t'**++******t**+*****t*tttf++*** Statement Nuniber: R050000313 Anount: g20.OO 03/29/200608:55 AMPalment Method: Check IniE: ,JS Notation: 1285/MoSrAC ARCHTTECTS PC Perrnit No: DRB060083 Tl4)e: DRB- Chg to Appr plans Parcel No: 210I-033-0100-4 SiTe Address: 2450 BALD MOI'NTAIN RD VAIIJI.,ocaIion: 2460 BAIJD MoUI\ruAIN RoAD TotsaI Fees: $20.00Ttri s Payment: $20.00 Tocal AIrL pmt.s: 920.00Balance: S0.00{.*'}**'t'**,***********+**********'F********************{.*{.****** * * * * * *:* * f + + + ++ | + * * * * * * * *'}'t't* * !t * * ACCOTINT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript.ion Curren! pmts DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DESIGN REVTEW FEES 20.00 r^nosotc 0rchitei:is Ironsmiflol Dole: Morch 23,2006 Job Nome: Bold Mounfoin To: Elisobeth Eckel Job Number: 0501 C.ompony: Town of Voil Dept. of Flom: Jennifer Cories Community Development Addres: 75 South Frontoge Rood Sent vio: FedEx Voil' co 81657 cc: Eliso ond Poul Musson E Attoched I odginols $ orowings E speciffcotions fl otner fl Under seporote cover ! erints E Shop droWngs I Chonge order tr - E For review/comment E For opprovol n For your informotion I For your use fl As requesled Copies: Dole: Descdpflon: 3 03.23.06 DRB Submittol 4 Architecturol Drowings Applicotion for Design Review - chonges to opproved plons Applicotion Fee Hello Elisobeth. Per our conversofion o few weeks ogo, olloched ore orchilecturol drowings reflecting chonges to DR8050298, opproved plons. The new scope of work offecling lhe exlerior includes odding on Upper Level Mosler Suile {included in lhe opproved plons) ond replocing the exterior moteriols, windows ond doors. Specificolly, lhe chonges to lhe opproved plons ore os follows: eliminoted the entry funef; modified the existing entry with new extedor moteriols ond overfroming of the existing roof; eliminoled lhe roof chonge over lhe Living Room; eliminoled the Living Room boy window; ond kept the existing sloirs lo lhe coretoker unil. You mentioned in our convenotion thol you could possibly opprove ihese chonges lhrough the stoff opprovol process. After you hove inifiolly reviewed these drowings, pleose let me know if you still think this will be possible. Thonk you, Jennifer Cortes 1829 Peorl Street Boulder CO 80302 p: 303.247..| 100 f: 303.247.'l'l01 \/ww.mosoicorchitects,com V*e V/tnq- /z /otl en ,btb*- c{a rirY ulcloFtG,fi Deslgn ReYiew Eoard ACTIOI{ FORlr{ Department sf Community Development 75 Sruth Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 t€l: 97t1.479.I139 fB:(: 970.479.245? web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: MUSSON ADDnON Project Description: DRB Number: DRB05O432 Remodel of interior and addition to west, south, and east side of home, including a master bedroom level, a new enFy tower, aM improvements to the seondary enbance of the residencel all specifications in file, Participants: owNER MUSSON, PAUL & ELISA 08/2212005 9402 CRYSTAL LN LONGMONT co 80s03 APPUCANT MOSIAC ARCHNECTS O8I22I2OO5 1113 SPRUCE STREET BOULDER co 80302 ProjectAddress: 2460 BALD MOUNTAIN RDVAIL 2460 BALD MOUNTAIN ROAD Location: LegalDescriptlon: Loti 20 Blorkl 1Subdivision: VAILVILLAGE FIUNG 13 Parel ilumber: 2101-033-0100-4 Comments: see conditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Dunning Dorward +0-0 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: APPROVED Date of Approval; O912112005 Cond: 8 (P|.AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate radew commlttee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. C.ond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valld for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. @nd: CON0007566 Prior to the applicant's submittal of building permit seb of plans to the C-ommunity Development Department, all Fire Department requirements must be met. Planner: ElisabethEckel DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.OO Earzoos ut: TOI{N 3036541071 ELISA PAGE g? ;vJlriln.6 t '. $50 FIIJs il .m per s$r'e loot ol told ign re. tilo Fsr vvr6to4 c -J65O\ fur Gf,Etruc|tn of e rcw buldip or defildfsuild.(r-IS-/ For an add[on wlEre square botage E adde{t b s1y rEsi&nrial or -I}\- cff)mErd.{ lruillhU (hdufer etO ilJr.fitirrl & itth*lllr srnvtsftaors)' \,W For mimr clrapes b buikftEp ad sb impu,ErEnb, $rdl 6' rsldng, phfitg, rlxbrr eddtlcl. la*€9ltE, 5rE ad tElaiitg t i ,20 ##;;;;;;;;;.;-" --- w crufing. peintn$ vrirbi additit|E' hnds4atlg' blE and tEiahhg L f20 fft-ffit.rt to phl13 artdy ?Foted by Pbnning Sbtf or tha Edgn Ia}R:{bw8or{. f NOF'F Application for Design Review Deportr|.nt of Comfirnity Oecloom.nt 75 soud! fontrgc flotl, Veil, Coloildo O1e$f taf : 970,tt79.2139 tu: 97O.4-||'.'2+52 r€b: rtlv,vailgw,com General Iniormatlon: Al F oir'ctr rrquiring deeen rc,ricrf, must rrriw approral prior b subtr*tting a buildirU pctnit epplication, Ptffi €fe? lo he'!|i'rftel ;q,rirD Ent for lhe F6'|icu[ar apOu,Et fr' b, lEq.Eded. A! edi:'|in b. ctdgn E|ri.il cannd ba ..DeF.d umfl d |tqd'Ed inftrmrim 3 rs1sl ry fE Cmnwtry frer€loonstt lhpailment Tha plr'tec,t may S ncd to be| lqrLr,g.l !y uri fory7r oour;t eaUoc Orc Flgr.*rg .,rd E r,i'grnntd Omfrrdon. O.clgt rvicl lpprcrrJ lepcc untsr e bulHlng permit is icoued rnd conrtructlon coomlnc€s rithin on. tear ol lhc rggttval. Dcaoription ol thc 'fu *s*: a pnF.€f Addrc$, 1*!ot, fu)d,,frouurtl7*Vw PrrEer Hc.: ?.JplL-@pJ-g (Conladt Eagb Co- le**ror at e7O-:IzeBe{O for Snrcal no.) Zot||ng:2'&.nt raila ot^Dfllomt: Ialllng Arftlnco: Typc of Rcvlcw lad Fcc:. :ngnr. CqlHtrrrlRc',l€w . t{esOO€lndon. ffiirbn ' ilhorAltaratbo (rrrti-Erlyrcornerial) . lf,vAllcldicr (sindafrrty/dda) . orilges l! ADpru|€d Pbns . SepdBnon Reqmst Ery/eloflU0,,nl/o, ..'l ++***+***'il'}**ti*****+**++f+++****************+**t++{'{'+**{'********f**tt+++t+f+tffftf{.******,} TOWNOFVAII. COITRADO Sratement++****'t'3**tl*lr*t****+***+**+*+++++*+**+*******1}t**t'*lia.***************a+**tr***+t'i********+** Statement, Number: R050001342 Amourt: $30O.OO Og/22/20050?:55 AM Palment Method r Check Init: ,JS Notation: LL22/MOSAT.C ASSOCIATES Permit No3 DR8050432 I)4)e: DRB - Addition of GRFAParcel No: 2101- 03 3 - 0100 -4Site Addresg 3 2460 BALD lrtOU![TA.fN RD \IAIL I,Ocation: 2460 BAI,D II{OUIITAIN ROAD This Palment: $300 - OO Total Fees: $300,00Total ALL, Pmts: $300. OO Balance:$o. oo***+*********+tra'tt*t*****+*+*******+f++++++++++++*+++fftl.***********r.*,1't{.***{.1*{.{.***'ttf{{'{+* ACCOTJNT ITEM IIST: Account Code Description Current Ptnta DR OO1OOOO3IL22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 300.00 t- 4{r' #o & .fl.O CF Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs V Conceotual Review E New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (M ulti-familyi Commercial) tr Minor Alteration (Single-Family/ Duplex) tr Changes to Appro/ed Plans tr Separabon Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 Construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' $300 An addition where square footaqe is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 Minor changes to buildings and site improvements' sucn as'' re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls. etc' $20 Revisions to plans already approved by Planninq Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Conceptual Review AnR I icatjog.for Desi g n Review Deparfnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2L28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com ffiffil3fP*Jffitffi. review must receive approvat prior to submittins a buildins permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An aPplication for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Deparbnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. iXiign revie* approval tapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the apprcval. DeSCriptiOn Of the ReqUeSt: A RE n'roo€u 4 Auo r-n o^r : -I.la.*s>rrrop t^rcuuoas* * Niu €Lc--r.rtr (st.^re. r..c+r) ^.ro ^ NEr! Zpo F,-oo- |^ ati'uf=-!:fte6-e v!--Tt{i /- r 14€ 1 Locationof theProposal: Lot: zo Bbck: Z subdivision: VAluVru-nc,e (J3t{r'u'^r<) *Es" -l Physical Address: Z4bo Et.-'' Mo'',o-*lA Parcel No.:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:Z' f crn, Name(s) of Owner(s): t-Aut-J 6u,s^.- M.rssoJ Mailing Addrcss: ?4oz Ca)s'n,- L.q^.,a , Lo^rcr^^6^rr CO EoSo3 Phone: 3o3-68?- t9l6 Owner(s) Signature(s): i Name of Appl;656; Chlsf"ph', Ja-\r', / Ja".- S^l{..,- - Mos'r' .- krt-q 're'rs lSbL ba*oueyDe,"e/ t sac.at 'b$LDc-n- co geaoz phone:3rs-sa1 -sill E-mail Address:Fax: 3o3: R#tl*;,jsii JUi,l 2 7 2ii5 TOV-Cfrfd.BFV. -']t-5ttq 0?:llr FrorT0f,l 0t YAlt c0ttllTY 0EYELoHf,iT et0{re?15?T-tzt P.002/002 t-850 Codeptrnl Review Aedk[og{A_Desisn Review ffitof Codnrxr*tOodoptrent 75 sordr Frcugt RF4 vdl Cdrao 81057 dz 97o.4:r!rAl28 til; 9mA79 ':4nrieb:xru-rdgmsn €a*eltrfrnndbn: A[ pfoin$ rl$.tirg dq*F reviciy muEt t€eha ipgrod p4F.b srbofif€ i-birttild pcrrn aodiceibn- Ptee r!fo b Ut3 effi rr{r|unails fu fie nmfar rpfuvn &* c reqtrd- ft .petrddon fur oE{n RevlerYffi bc r!"F!.J urlt d rnquhd lfrlrnrdm iE lEdu€d t|} tlr Cornunry Oewhgngt O6Ffiment The fqld my e nead b bc rrvicn d bt tr Torui Oorrd nard/c the Plqmhg ad €oYt$nErtd CmrrtE$otllXitt ru||' {FGd bgr gtce a tffrf r-rtt & trrrd -d dtilnt d.n fficE rlillt|m;cdtirrForci. Oeendilcn dd|t nrqn* A ?crraocu 4+Aocrrr*r r -fla. iroryr?r,r rrrer-uocr* r+ rrrr,r rcclthr dt|r. FrEF3d: f*-39-god.: 3--ssdtffii: VArL-Vrt.iGA {13il F't"'d ftsttrtrer* 'e4f'o Er*o Pror**ru -- tAnE Elg|e Co. As8tsr at 9r&tl$86{0 ftr patd rc.) ,t{r ?lrdtb.: Zsrilg:2- Inr(ildrltmcr{r): 1ilry fdCmec otm(rl lfenrdfgp[ane ffir:rs lYFGofn il|3tildF*tr sigrr ,}f oneotana*w tr llrnCor$|din , t] Ad.J6ar islrAlrnilirr(ir{}faflfy/ernGril) r.r!rltir.|hrt(skrgh'@dcr) Changcr b fpgrovld Flatro Seeabrneqrct €o AoaoZ 6loI .It.o CF'f550 $m ta50 luo #F t50 Fll3+illtrtr{sftotrfbtdcgnra. llo Frc RCr,lfiAililftbtu ffiuc[dr d. ncil hldrf c grstrcbdd. tn dffi.r *trer€ sqra{€ lbo6 e a&d b rnv llffil or !fitEtcrdd hffrtg (idd66 25O rffitE e hlodor GwCrfft|. l*ur.fi*tgr3 b AflfigE.td t|b llFPttffi, nEr q, a'tufig,-!ffi!. r*iton rO0tolt+ bnedn$ forts .rd r€rrf$gr*'cEt*s drgs o hlC{F tr.t S i.npr! ,lltlG' Sdt at' rHssfng. p*Sttg' iiltrw afficr1 lrdtcqllg. frnoa etrl rrlllinlrgrS,c. nnm*oplne *eavqmrg !y Hart!il $lFor t'E o35i9no tr tr{iH'='Eill Jtiil 2 ?zrt)5 |-f+t'-C*..'x.DEV. I Fndldfrtr-: -* J -z-o -o Bolctlb.: I I CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REVIEW SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS GENERAL INFORiIATIOI{ The conceptual review is intended to give the applicant a basic understanding ofthe compatibility of the proposal with the Town's Design Guidelines. The DRB does not vote on conceptual reviews. Complete applications must be submitted two (2) weeks prior to a scheduled DRB meeting. L SUBMITTALREQUIREMENTS A conceptual site and landscape plan at a minimum scale of 1"=20' or larger; Conceptual architectural elevations showing exterior materials and a description of the character of the proposed structure or structures; Completed DRB application form. Written approval from a condominium association, landlord and joint owner(if applicable). r.l.t A1p II. PROCEDURE Upon receipt of an application for conceptual design review, the Department of Community Development shall review the submitted materials for general compliance with the appropriate requirements of the zoning code. If the proposal is in basic compliance with the zoning code requirements, the project shall be fonvarded to the DRB for conceptual review. If the application is not generally in compliance with zoning code requirements, the application and submittal materials shall be returned to the applicant with a written explanaUon as to why the Community Development Department staff has found the project not to be in compliance with zoning code requiremenB. Once a complete application has been received, the DRB shall review the submitted conceptual review application and supporting material in order to determine whether or not the project generally complies with the design guidelines. The DRB does not vote on conceptual reviews. UI. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD MEETING REOUIREMEI{TS For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the proieqt site to indicate property lines, proposed builOings- and bu be tapeo. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All gilg tapinos and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeti4g. The Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Board on their scheduled meeUng and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have items removed from the DRB agenda unUl such time as the item has been republished. { -dX date their MWN OF VAIL Page2 of 4/1210404 .f. I ., ,,_m "ru;-ffirJ,:T: I, (print name), a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Depaftment for the proposed improvemenb to be completed at the address noted above. I understand fiat the proposed improvemenE include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (Signature)(Date) Page3 of 4/12/02/04 ,at' Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclozures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Ughting Other Buildinq Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Sf,uccc, t l.=*.aJG€ }.I,/A €xrsr,ocl Color l.tifc.l €"(Srrdq CeD+L coPPe$_ €rod(, E*-fta1g_ SfUCc-o S;rur.g v \dcoD Srrrcc-o =--___5 P€u.-*--?eo d5 Sfo. co f\4e114.{ Grr-,f {C-fC- \^JCCD Mnrrr-q Bi-r 4c--rr- \eors Burratc PtlrUr t^r\Ta4 f&6oF l^'\r4}l Rr{ Hc.4a J€LlrJ(LrDg c>ol.D Notes: Please speciff the manufucture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. ra09rc4 e€D^F S.lrtrrS Sirev€^l u{frupeueafirJ Sruoro5 ex1g,1,o,C Coqorz-S : 3rr..,-o mrwcA \NC.:9 f-4.,r.- - HtrT<-4 (>rli (:-9-S" ftt- bxrsrr'Jcr 6UTTI"-ILS 'ro I Z4roo 3^.$ MouNr-*, I R-'t> s|.4 qc-lb Ssr-r."-o-f-r.\^^ - M'rrc'r tIA t\ c- -lt E>^4 r{ c-16 B€ fi€g'--A<-Eu 6trrrt=-t-S I v,,d eoppeG- Dov$Ntpa$rS. Rcor,st::' --8*rrros Setu G1,?t* B"or= Gret Ceu..*- S,l,,rr.-g51o l,\rrT c+t €xrSrrrJ q (+r rJ)*si-ruSs,te) $ru..oCo* .1 Ttr?-G-tT iltnroo, Co-.trz- \crrvr Co.,i € F H{ ^ti'r5,'z ij &, I":fi f fti ? ii:j,t"{>-La o frqs J Y,,8 J-fd3l5 t/, 0" .f,+A-r\i! Eg,7c d o? rj ?a t, 0o t4) ru D d)J ,q)( a I ll I li; *#l* fl ftil :1 '';g Steven Handelman Studios: Chelsey 12" Wall Bracket a LANTERNS: Ch€lsey 12" Wall Bracket Ba.!! I gt-d-er Ngw I qorlact U! | shades I Finish -chaicer I Glass ch!'Lces Hage t oI | .i;.1;t1 i,r'.+--c' l. i1jr": '1'r:: 1:,- -,1.'. Ii',':1,r.-. l:tr 1:. ] lirr;!.':-,,i i " l:jri !1.\'l :Ir,l' l1;:!ijr:,1-it' l .i:r,r'.':,;:i:.: l ,.Jr,. ;j. ':r 1:!: ),.iii',f. f . ''t!',. fl'r t1..Ji ::.'''..r'.:,., 1 l;:i:::.,;i.*'- 1i:-ii-:n -:-i:-jl-' {,i;ii ' .'l l "ri , { }l i !rr :r ii-. 1,,t.'.. iiliii\.'.r, : Chelsey 12" Wall Bracket Product #:OL57 12WA 22 Price: $495.00.00 - Wall Mount Width: 12" Height 21" Projection: 14.5" Point of Aftachment to Top:4" Point of Attachment to Bottom:17" Canopy Size: 5 Weight20 lbs. Max Wattage: 1(60) Upgrade Finish Tier 1 : $34 (Tier 1 Finish choices) Tier 2: $40 (Tier 2 Finish choices) Tier 3: $44 (Tier 3 Fiflish choices) Upgrade Glass Tier 1 : $26 (Trqf 1 Glass chpices) Tier 2: $32 (TieJ 2 Glas6 qbo-ic9s) Tier 3: $42 (Tier 3 class cbo-ices) Steve's Gomments: 'Priced with Black fnish. # Shades are sold seperately, To see shade choices glrcJJr-e_re. 2{,.o Bm-o Mo.r,tr*rnJ Roqs F^f*f,.>I\ Lr 611 3?:. (Fit"rr-'^ra Frarr D."r ) http:i/www.stevenhandelmanstudios. com/products/lantemsiroduct.php?webid:22 6t26/20( 1 .Sbven Handelman Studios: Catalog Page 1 of 2 l}l.rurihleds i'frritr NI*n lodet tur- ledr.ls.UAtqt I *frqrtUt lthgt tE l'ftrrr tr C$iffd[lf lelct rfnr*rrr.<mr {fn39ffre4ni {U*ttnru} lcrr,wrxuna;f lounxnn uxrrrrltsf lu,ur ln ncr*[ {rlte*:rut>sf l.tcctlxx*lnsf GL SE3 C[d( on phuffi bebrv ior h4nr [rugm and rmte i|rbrmaliim. tLr I Heavy S€ody Gh8. Tier 1 3 Rodoradon Glar3 Honcy Opd Gh3s Trer 1 Tier 1 ttr t Any fodeO wision of Tier 't glass ohoico6. Eompb: llrr t Trro ton d dtoicos using Tier 1 color choioas. Apdhabb to a ftmibd numbor of Ortdsr LanbmE ruch as Andalu6i6 and ltoum Oudoor Lante.ns. ftva- -- - An&lu8la I lnch \t r[ Braolet Laouoa 9 inch Flu8h Mount R@rd3 | b50t6 http ://www.stevenha ndelmanstudios.com/products/glass, php 7lL8,l?:gO5 *even Handelman Studios: Catalog Anthue Gold Tier 2 10 Page 1 of 2 FI ISHES: Click on pictures below for latger images and more information. Standard Black 1 Nulrneg Rust Tier 3 7 Records 1 lo 15 of 15 http ://www.stevenha ndelma nstudios. com/productsfinishes. php a-^ - I- Ir- I- IT Rustod P6$br Tier 2 15 IiJ*'i.r,r;'rr lgr']qrr l.:folrr)U,.1il4ilif lrlit4+< u't1ror' i:igrtl-'!r.c!tir $J.uU [+i:aarrl';;F [1i:rr:lx;;.]:iv I'r.rgc.ei,E fi ia:r,iltJ*co+ !'.\g;rti1,.f,t 4r*.,1".,*t ;if.rL?if J:;gtri 'if,X;lilt*iU1 {t r r.t:.r rt,;.rt,rtsl [r'r u r< x rl L.rl"r i.ursl lrr \r,r :*r,-ri('iril lt tut,x'ratt-rs] l.rtct,-x* tti,r*sl I trrxrsr rns I -A -.r--r - - I-I- rr-I-r- --r -Old St6el Tier 3 4 l_, - _- I- I-IIr- - -II Pewter fier 2 q rltrrIrI Bumbhed Gokt fier 3 14 l_ - r-I-- - -rIr- trF Bleck Rust Tier 1 --l_ -r-- r- - rI -- I- I- Rustad Sand Tier 3 I Arrlr- r- -,-r- I- IT Bro$rn Rust A0gr€gate Tier 3 't3 IT Bronzo Ve{d€ Tiet 2 6 il 7lr8l2o05 Page I ofl SrRnoo,^to 8a*t p?con^lc1; kal g -I-e.e-. f,,eoarrc (ru*o"'") !1o-3?$-2.oio http:/Anww.dallqsams.com/imagedmetalroofjpg 7ttlt2005 Page I ofl hqp://ncroofers.com/pics/radial jpg 7tflnws Page I of I htp://www.ccbda"org/publicationdpub34/images/34photo I jpg 7/r7t2005 Jt)) A o 3 &or. :t q t Ji!l &- J (/ r!Jd)aA R+ryt iotu- A't.r. ir-r/ee-! - \'Li p.., Lr or.J .- |,co' nl, - C,r..ptr- St't,^t - V l**u; -- l/ermtfii The simflktty of Wrmllion rerninds yut of onepir:e Windows ore oddd to breok up the suong vertkol orhntqthn of the desiga creoting the perftct com*mentto mdem,uditionol or ru*,k orchitxutn. Q,o[um6ia- The dossk splitJook of Cofumila is rerniniscent of swing out doors from um+f- thxenwry caniop howr.r.,cowrty homr.s and cottog€s. Cross hrts ond widwts odd vori*y to the desig4 while rccening wtth qtjoll,ol wrouglt irwt hondls ond hinga cmqhtct},e look ?,rc*oc- The thrce-segment Pownoc may lonl< lil<c lt osordions to the side, hrt horhontol section breoks allsw he door u open uPunrd. Holf bu*s odd choroaer tp he design, wfiile the orch top sotisfles orchitntrol styhs tfiot dtctote o cuwed top oPD€i,rcnce. $avannnfr" Sovonnoh imitqtes the clossic beouty ond strengfr of bi-fold <r,nirrge doon with its four+egrnent feda WiJf,orrs offer greot yoriety to tfic des@, oftn fulo?rctug o homes orchiteanol period ond style. You can\ truly ochieve orchitecturol style if your door's beouty is only skin deep. That\ why eoch Amerkon Rivers design is crofted using onty the fnest woods ond moteriols - from the inside out i gX.J IffiIffiIr BN-r l;iiiii Iii'ffiry B.d'Bo.d (C.d.r) lO' romdcd proth, spocsd +pro)dmt lt l" aparq run vrrtically on tontue and gfodE lumbGr (kaimcotirq), trilt 1 . solid douglas fit framo. Pmvidlng unrurparsed strcng6 and structurrl intalrtry, doon arc fnrred ustry high-drmity, hofi-fin6er lolnted, | 3/8" thick (35mm) Doughs Ftn 2. cedar trim boards. Trirn bo.r& art consrruchd frDm 5 l/f X 5/8'Westem Red Cedar. Widr naual tmnin oils 1cdrE I prcrerv"tiv€s to rurirt d€cry and ins€cts, cad$ ofi.rs bodr dunbltity ild bcerrrf 3. oxtorior-g]8dg plywood, Thc doo/s inorior b bocl@d widr l/4' extariongrede pfamd. ltlo fro6rlb or prthcr erc dlov*4 rs.uhirg h r smoo6 ftnldred rppcarancr det rc.dlty acce?ts 3ain or p.ht tl, polystyrene insulation. Americrn Rivcrr doorr ere hsuhtad $ddt | 3/tr rhick Crc-frc€ o(P.ndcd potptyrene prwiding en R-nlue of 7.70. 5. cedar or M00 surface matetial. Choose forn \rVesram Rcd Ceder surfece natertal in .l' v.tnooE or bea&b€rd mllh,vork optbns, W6tam Rcd Ceda/s rich tnin te)(ullt rnd rnrm toml rar6a ofien m ouGandlrq rurhce lor either st.in or Finc Alro ey.ilrbb b f,ush nredlum danrltt oY.fhy (MDO). fhb snoodi surace prwidce rn o(celbm prlftrcd .rue for p.frcd doon. 6. integrat€d drip cap. A rpecblly-cnfted drip cap in thc baom .cction duntrels wzt r amy fr,onr dre hce d tfre door. 7. cop r|. Cope & stkk ioincry (mords. teoon iotnt) provld€s incr€arcd stronSdr and $ablllrt. 8, cedar fillet stlip. dre doorb rurface rnterlal endgraln hom dlrcct mol6utrr eJqoturr, Fludr (HDO) Joha of tontua .|rd Sroorc hir up to lect odrar to brfll flat qr.rior turftcc. Anrcricorr Ritcts doo6 orc otso ovoiolle lbr rubus wndbod op@rzCootrrr.your @rw dedi''ftr d&luld/ dask. Scroovr (Cedar) Boerdr cut at. e {Soergh and fit togedter to form av{roove, rpaced apprordmately f agart .:.l. :- :. i - =;,*. .! i*11"" ri = '- simulates 1-piece swing-up style. The simplircity of Yermillren reminds you of oneaixe swing up doorc of the post Windows ore odded to breok up he strong vertkol o entotion of the duign, creatjng the pefea amplement to modem,traditionol or rustk orchiteaure. 1-sogmsnl Avab'ble (n}']st have top buck wth witdows) hint-grade lgray pdmsdl, Cleaf l/8" 0SB. Wbt€I Glass, Insulated. NonB Single Car: 2, 3, 4 Doubls Car: 4, 6, I l-pane, 2-pane, s-psne. Avaihde lextends watanty to 4pan€. 2-over2. 3-orer3, 3 yaarcl +o\et-4 12 I 3 lites aaoss only, g-pane prarie Galvanized Istandarol, Hardles avaihbl€ Antique Copps or White P}t'td€,ccEl loptional) singlo-car panBl c0nfigurations.' 3qrnn toP tr:=lIr-n[-N rrch top double-car panel lr===-nIHIHT l[:_ftt----r1 quare rop F===-lr=---lir-T[-n[:-:]fl--{tL--------Jtr-------Jt uth top double-car r-n--lF:-:fitr= It-----11t----l tq|tlle (oP IZ::RZ--]r-nt-IFlt]I--il I L-----Jt I L--------J I .n$ rop 'single.cer conftu {uarr top with top h|Cl( t-lF: Ir_---1 arrh rop wtdr top h|(k configurations - with X hrck .rdr top with bp b0cl A X hrck without simulated center post.'z K 4rjl|!! roP t-lq:vll t-lF:-lltt^l 4ffrDP vddr rop buck a X hd( iqurr top wldr top bud(rquarc op wi& X hrk |'ch top wirh top hr* & X h,ck simulated c€nter post.' sq€'r bp with X hrck a|€h top with top hrck & X hr(k squ.E lop wih lop buct I X buck sqrnre top wldr top h*k &X hrck ldoubh-or confgur bns shown in 16' x I rirar millwork options .rch top wfi top hI<* rdtions - with b€ad'board EXISTING TREES ALONG NORTH ELEVATION TO REMAIN EXISTING WOOD BURNING FIREPI.ACE TO BEMAIN I_t 24 6 -I:/\u M o.r^rr4, oDe ENTRY ELEVATION AND COURTYARD AS SEEN FROM BALD MOUNTAIN ROAD WEST ELEVATION AS SEEN FROM DRI\IEWAY {..- .r- r'?i'i,:b+/ l-Flj lfr r*"+_--] ;-.\. r*.. - ..ir. - -i. SOUTH ELEVATION VIEW FROM THE SOUTHEST SOUTH & WEST ELEVATION VIEW FROM THE SOUTHWEST tt ENTFY COURT - NEW TURRET TO BE ADDED. EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN EXISTING ENTRY, REPTACE WTH NEW STONE TURRET E(STING GARAGE, STONETO BE ADDED & ROOFEXTENDED LA F LJ t!LJF <;(n, . vE><rl Itt IIII lba r //n r g?l/ Total CRFA +- =_7j97* Prinrary CRFA __ r (42j) (6lS*1_ Sccondary CRFA + (q25) (67j+) = '._--.--- + 67j = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs rhis rqucsr involvc a 250 Addirion? / /fr Complics rvirh TOV Lighting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2:l (50%) Enrironm cn tal4lazards Prn'ious conditions ofapproval (clrcck propcrty filc); Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: Horv much of rhc alloivcd 250 Additjon is uscd vjth this rcqucst? Sitc Covcragc Hcight Sctbacks 20' .l5' 15, t-andsc-aping Rctaining Wall Hciglts Parking Caragc Crcdit Drivcrvay ---- 1tl<l Addrcss Olncr Architctt Zonc district Lot siz-c 'tl Phonc Proposcd usc Buildable arca Allorvcd Existing Proposcd 4- |qt _= lztr _44. |tt = 3/zi ff.K + o .= g{J _..-.+_ _-_ l'frfl7 . lmd = Z%g _1r'n' -_.-"- (30x33) Front Sidcs Rear -)/,, Proposcd Stopc /J/fr y 3) Wctlands 4) Watcr Course Sctback (30) (50) 5) Ccologic Hazards a) SnorvAvalanchc b) RocHatl n,u", 0b-Zl. td Lcgal dcscription: Lot Bsnirqits Minimum 13, lUg Requircd ..r___ _.--..- Encloscd riooliootigoot r / ,/ , ..r2oo) fF, r fu^*n -/'-'ra c) Dcbris Florv '> DESIGN REVIE\Y CHECKT,IST Projcct: a-:,l/ /1ru_z lo 2tsfr i.Scalc I tr FLooRPLANs B.cnclunark Lcgal dcscription Lot Sizc Buildablc fuea Ea\cmcnts topog\hy.\ 100 rr. flood Flein Watcr Counc Sclback Environmcnhl Hazards -Trees Rctaining Walls Fcnccs Parking/Garagc Tuming Radius Drivcrvay (acccss and gradc) Scalc CRFA 250 addirionat CRFA Crarvl\At1ic Spacc EHU u Utility locations Spot clcvations SITE PLAI.I// v Scalc,/Y Buildirrg Height * , Encroachmcnts ,/ I scbacks v Sitc Covcrage t / Eavcs/evcrhangs (4) /'v _ Dccks/Balconics Gangc conncction Site Gradc\Slopc Q raxosc,c,pEpLhxinil Existing Proposcd trccs Lcgcnd MISCEL US Utility.vcrifi cation forrn Photos of sitc Jk. ,nor" storagc A BUILDtsELEvATIoNs t-l s"a, / V _ ColorWatcrials Roofpitch lt C.O. Vcrification Sun\Shadc Anglcs Utitities (undcrground) Vicrv Corridors Varianccs Plat reshictions Firc Access IOI{INOT'I/AIL Department of Commaafuy D evelopme nt 75 South Frcntage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 tutx 970-479-2452 www.vai.lgov.com July.,1, 2005 Mr. Christopher Jahn 1582 Bradley Drive Boulder, CO 80305 (fax) 303.499.1670 Re: 2460 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 20, Block 2, Vait Village 13th Filing DR8050298; Conceptual review of an addition/remodel Dear Mr. Jahn, Thank you for submitting plans for an addition and remodel at the Musson Residence. Currently the application is scheduled to be conceptually reviewed by the Design Review Board at its public hearing on Wednesday, July 20'n, 2005. Please note that the foflowing items do not need to be addressed p(ior to the conceptual reylew, but must be addressed prior to final submittal of this application. r' Please provide the applicable owneds signatures (two signatures if the second dwelling unit is owned sepal?tely). _.-.- r' Please provide a lighting plan which identifies the location of each existing and proposed outdoor lighting fixture. Per the Vail Town Code, not more than one light fixture shall be allowed per 1,000 square feet of build-able lot area. Therefore, the maximum allowable exterior lighting fixtures upon lot 20 is twenty one (21 ) (Section 14-1 0-F-9). r' Please provide appropriate elevation drawings ofeach affected elevation ofthe residence. r' So that I can appropriately calculate the existing square footage of the residence, please provide verification that the living room space within the main unit does/does not exceed sixteen feet (1 6') in head height. Any square footage that exceeds sixteen feet in head height will be considered Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) on two levels. / Please submit specification sheets of the garage door and the copper roof. I will plan to see you or Jane Snyder representing the proposal at the July 20th Design Review Board meeting, held at 3pm in the Town of Vail Council Chambers. Altematively, because this is a conceptual review, I could likely schedule the proposal to be heard by the DRB as soon as this coming Wednesday, July 6h. lf that works with your schedule, please contact me at the number listed below and we will try to anange accordingly. I look forward to speaking with you soon. Best {p ^t"*"r"o r^rt luworl/flr Deparlmenl of Connifrty Developnent 75 South Frcntage Road Yail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 138 FAX 970-479-2452 wwwlailgov.com July,l, 2005 Mr, Chrlstopher Jahn 1582 Bradley Drive Bouldar. CO 80305 (fax) 303.499.1670 1-\, €,r*tsrd, fteffir tir Me }<+rbw lF yaJ NAID fu7t{'lt:G eLSe FoG- 1t{ts r\ true.Or-teSUany k f-tetiT,d 6. Rei 2460 Bald Mountaln Road/Lot 20, Block 2, Vail Vlllage 13'n Flling DRB050298: Concaptual revlew of an addltion/remodel Doar Mr. Jahn, Thank you for submltting plans for an addltlon and remodel at the Musgon Resldenco. Curr€ntly tb€ppffcation ls scheduled to be c6nceptually reviewlO by th6 Deslgn Revierrv Board at ils public hearlng on Wednesday, July 2dn, 2OOS. Pl6as€ note that the foflorlng llems do nof noed to be addrcssed Nior to me conceptual nvbw, but must be addressed prior to final gubmlttal of this appllcation, -./.. Please provide the anOtlgpe eurne/t-shnat{€s (traro signatures lf the second dr,velling unit is ownad separately). -/Please provlde albb$!S_dg! ,,vhlch idontifiso the location of eacfi exlothg and propos€d oulcloor ligrhting fl*ure. Per the Vall'Town cotEffiliifr than ono llght llxture shall be allored per t]000 iquire feet of build-;bls i-ot area. ^ -,fugrana mcee6ilt.4. 5F 12scf 1aa-11r' Please submit speclfication she€tg of the oanaioe door and thc mooir roof, t"??-t- t<€GF LiocrTr---na FA ggr<^qrqa - aa arpA..oc- il^.,togs \ I will plan to see you or Jane Snyder representirp the Froposal at th€ July 20r" Deslgn Revlew Board meoling, held at 3pm In aplca* 1 tha Tofln of Vail Councll Chambers, Alt€matively, because this is a concepfual r€view, t could likely sch€dule the proposal lo -/ be heard by the DRB as soon as this comlng Wednesday, July 6h. lf that ritorl(s wlth your schodule, pleaso conla6't ms at the Therefore, the maxlm iqhting lixlurss upon lot 20 ls t'.r,€nty one (21 ) (Section 14-1o-F-g). r' Pleas6 pr f each affected elevatlon of the reeldence. *S_St AS_CLt syfttt can$lro--lfieiretymFtflSi6'i-ne existing square footage of the rcsldence, ploase provide verlf,cetbn thatth€ AinUeqlD-Uegg wlthln th6 maln unit doee/does nol e,(ce€d dxtean fu€t (t0') in hsad height. Any squarc footage ffitffiedEEBen feet In head helght will be considelgd Gross Reeldeitlal'Floor Area (6nrn) 6n hro levels. A6- oL number llst€d bblow and we wltl try lo arrange accordingly, I look bnvad to spaaking wlth you soon. Beef r€gfl6; than ono llght llxture shall be allored por 1,000 squere feet of build-abls loi anea. ^ - +,'""ggdd{liq!ti"j n*rrreiupon tot io ts i',ronty bne (2i ) (d;;d idlo:i-rii-'A3 - o{ f,p NBCICI,AD PIPEN Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-24s2 www.vailgov.com July 21, 2005 Mr. Christopher Jahn 1582 Bradley Drive Boulder, CO 80305 (fax) 303.499.1670 Re: 2460 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 20, Btock 2, Vail Mllage 13rh Fiting DR8050298; Conceptual review of an addition/remodel Dear Mr. Jahn. Thank you for anending yesterday's Design Review Board public hearing during which the Design Reviq^, Board visited the Musson residen@ and made guggestions and comments regarding the proposed design. I have summarized their comments below for your review and convenience. 1. In general, the Board felt that thought the proposed stone lunet is an interesting addition to the residence, the feature doesn't necessarily 'address the existing geometries of the building'. 2. The Board commented that the enlrance to the secondary (or caretaker) unit should be architecturally enhanced and made to seem like less of a 'backdoof . One idea mentioned was the addition of stone to the existing support post,. Overall, the Board was pleased to see a proposal to enhance the exterior of the residence. I will wait to receive from you a final application and fe€ and the associated revised plans as a resull of yesterday's conceplual review. I will not schedule the applicaton for another Design Review Board hearing until such items have been received. Please feel free to call with any ncems. Again, thank you for your patience in what is not always a simple design review process. 970.479.2454 {p ^""r.""o rnrt August 17,2005 Design Review Board Musson Residence addition background At the July 20,2005 Design Review Board hearing, the following comments were made concerning the addition of a stone turret, the addition of GRFA, the exterior re-paint and addition of stone veneer (etc.), and the removal of bay windows at the 2460 Bald Mountain Road: F In general, the Board felt that though the proposed stone tunet was an interesting addition to the residence, the feature didn't necessarily "address the existing geometries of ihe building" The architect has revised the plans to incorporate a hexagonally-shaped tunet instead of a circular turret in order to befter echo the "geometries of the building". F The Board commented that the entrance to the secondary (or caretaker) unit should be architecturally enhanced and made to seem like less of a "backdoot''. One idea mentioned was the addition of stone to the existing support post. The architect has added morc stone across the fagade of the building and incorporated a more substantial support post and a new stone veneer retaining wall at the entrance to the secondary unit. D Overall, the Board was pleased to see a proposalto enhance the exterior of the residence. :w /Aau,+/Arau, rrZt zr*-razr*X/).wptt r 7fu4a** /6rr", ftarrrrh* ,#" /4/ /;r*ohu..ao'( fT(. lt* eh4 -aryt ( / / ,rlfr* //a*/r* /-zltfia i'4" 4 /#t / fur'ru//.?vl * b/fi, / / ' rt nn prnthtu,ta 6. frt/, na 4 fu.r*a/2d,hr>A;"a*1rt@va-,,F>a* .tf !" fuA /h /'herar/ */utd.zatfu.*ztFq,,,ri/, h*/%,',h.d*nz/; *e* *# /*/r;ir, /b,' h lab7 / f/.,re,h"r4'.7 tu"/fu"., ,ffi "t/6&/r Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com August 19,2005 Ms. Jane Snyder Mosaic Architects 1582 Bradley Drive Boulder, CO 80305 (fax) 303.381.2566 Re: 2460 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 20, Block 2, Vail Village t3h Filing DR8050298; Conceptual review of an addition/remodel Dear Ms. Snyder, Thank you for aftending Wednesday's Design Review Board public hearing during which the Design Review Board made suggestions and comments regarding the amended proposed design. I have summarized their commente below for your review and convenience. In general, the Board felt that the proposed octagonal stone tunet is an improvement to the previous proposal for a circular tunet.some concem was expressed l The Boad commenled that continued attention should be paid to_l&r styte and material selections of the tunet. Ctruf Wrd'ffiffitotheStandingseamcopperroofshouidyouchoosetffiei-dtain its cunently proposed shape. Additionally, some comments were made regarding lowering the overall height of the tunet or extending the stone less high Eran the top of the turet, which suggestions you menlioned had alrcady been consider€d. The Boad was complimentary ofthe proposed colols, stucco, and stone finishes. 4.Finatty,theBoardrequestedtoseegffioftheproposedchange8'othetesidenceattheir nert pu ic hearing on Sep.lr-mber /". The Board then tabled the item until thal time. I have scheduled that review to be a "final" instead of a "conceptual" revieu, as a result of our receipt of the applicable cover page and fee last Wednesday. I woutd request to see that rendering and any associated changes to the cunent submittial sheets by two weeks from today, Friday, September 2no, which will allow me some time to review the project prior to the meeting on the 7'. I have enclosed all the sheets applicable to the garage door, per your request' Again, thank you for your patience in what ie not always a simple design review process. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any remaining questions or concems. {p ^".t"""o rtr". enclosures Gomnaurury DevrLopMENT Rounruc Fonn Routed To:Fire Date Routed:06/29/05 Routed By:Elisabeth Eckel Date Due:07/06/05 Proiect Name:Musson residence Project #:PRJ0s-0261 Activity #:DR805-0298 Description of work:Remodel and addition Address:2460 Bald Mountain Legal:Lot: 120 Block:2 | Subdivision:Vail Village 13'n Filing Status: I Approved 11 Approved with conditions I Denied Gomments: Fire Date Reviewedr '7 ' d 'o/ nt lssues. Need additional review bv Fire I Status: I Approved Cortlrltuury DEVELopMENT Rounnc Fonur I Approved with conditions ffi Denied Elisabeth Eckel Description of work:Remodel and addition Address:-2460 Bald Mountain Legal:Lot:20 Block: | 2 I Subdivision: I VailVillaqe 13'" Filinq Gomments: Fire Date Reviewed: ent lssues. Need additional review bv Fire From: To: Date: Subiect: Mike Vaughan Elisabeth Eckel 091201200511:25:24 AM 2460 Bald mountain Road... Hey there. ljust went and walked the lot. I am satisfled that the topography is not as burdensomE as I had originally believed. I proposed to Jennifer that installation of a monitored fire alarm system would be acceptable In lieu of a sprinkler system. Unfortunately, I already dropped the plans back on pur desk (duh. I guess you already figured that out) so I don't have the activity number to change my comments. Shoot me the number if pu will, and I will take care of it. Thanks, have a great day. Mike. a- TOITNOF I/AII Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 tutx 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com September 22, 2005 Ms. Jane Snyder Mosaic Architects 1582 Bradley Drive Boulder. CO 80305 (fax) 303.381.2566 Re: Musson Resklence 2,160 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 20, Btock 2, VailVillage 13h Fiting DR8050298; Final review of an addition/remodel Dear Ms. Snyder, Thank you fbr making the drive to afrend yesterday's Design Review Board meeting during which the Design Review Board unanimously approved the proposal for the Musson residence subject to the following condition: 1. Prior to the applicant's submittal of building permit sets of plans to the Community Development Deparunent, all Fire Department requirements musl be met. I have enclosed the most recent e-mail that I received from fire Fire Department indicating the need for a fire alarm system. Please don't hesitate to contact Mike Vaughan (mvauohan@vailoov.com) if you have any remaining questions about that requirement. Also, I noticed in my final review of the project that a couple sheeb of the design review set still reflect the presence of copper finishes instead of painted melal, specifically sheets 4502 and A701 . Thank you for your attention to this small delail prior to building permit submittal. Finally, your efbrts in producing a rerdering of the project were much appreciated by the Board. The Board members are more than confidenl hat the proposalwill re€ult in a beautiful renovation of the residence. I have enclosed the approval form that will be necessary to provide as a part of the building permit submittal set. Again, thank you for your patience in what is not Elisgbeth Eckel 970.479.2454 enclosures Ftt f g/lP]|' {p *"tr."to,o,"^ \ { : I I I I F. (' I' R t-':I l "il \ii t\ >x.\ - lt!]l! ,(:f ,.tsr , a;l ti. ' 'l.. ,r ' ''r:J,:a 'ti- . _,:4r I I t; ti I I \ W] rlJ11 iH ,j? -\r\-rjI (t I I I I I ,llI I t ,l I J e LoL'z,u- Vtti( SLLZ t iI Bf* TOWN OF VATL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENI OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT NO{[E: TIIIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AI-,L TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT PETMiE #: B9B-01-?8 .JOb AddTCSS: 2460 BALD MOI]NTAIN RD L,ocation . . -. 2460 BALD MOIINTAIN RD Parcel No.. : 2l-0L-033-01-004Project No. : PR'J98-0118 Description: Clean-Up NEW DECK approved Oecupancy: R3 Single Family Residence am0untT\pe Construction: V N Tlpe V Non-Rated {JAt$val-uaLion: 2, 000 Add sq Ft: SEaEus. . Applied. Issued.. Er,<pires, ISSUED 07 / 06 /L9e8 07 /07 /!998oL/03/t999 APPI.ITCANT DR. C. P. BRIDGES PhONC: 970-476-L705 2450 BATD MOI'NTAIN ROAD, VAIL, CO 81657 CONTRACTOR DR. C. P. BRIDGES Phone: 970-476-L705 2450 BAIJD MOI]NTAIN ROAD, VAIL, CO 8].657 O$INER BRIDGES C PIJOWDEN & MICHAEI.,' WITT eer_s ArJTo DR, LA MESA C.A. e1e4r_ TOV/Comm. Dgv. Firrplrc6 Informalion: Reatsricccd:#of ea6 ADD1 iances:*of oas LogB:*of wood/PallcC I Building-----> Plan chrck-- -> InveEtigation> will crll--- ->Clran-Up Deposit.-- -- -- - -> TOTAI, FEES.--_- 5s.00 42.25 - 00 3.O0 ' 00 20 ,00 Recreation Pee----------> ,00 Restuarant PLan Revielr- -> DRB Fee-------- Total CaLculated Feea-- - > 2?0.25 Addilional Fe€6---------> .00 Total Pcfllits Fee--------> 23o.2s Palrnent e- - ----- - 23l).25 BAIANCE DUE.--- Deposit Refund accuraCc pLot and plob plan' 6ubdiv{!1on 100.oo 230.25 i*i rrJrrrtait'r * Item: 05100 BUILDING DEpARTMEIiI| Dept: BUILDING Division:07/O6/L998 JEM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED .]RM.ITbM:.O54OO PIJANNING DEPARTMEI{T DEPT: PI-'ANNING DiViSiON:07/06/L998 JRNI ACTJ.ON: APPR APPROVED PER-CHRISTIEILbM:.05600 FIRE DEPARTT4ETIT DEPE: F]RE DiWiSiON:O7/06/L998 JPjMI AcLion: APPR N,/AITbM:'O55OO PIJBLIC WORKS DEPT: PUB WORK DiViSiON:07/06/L998 JRM Actj-on: APPR N/A Irrttai*a**l*** t t * t I * t * 'r * * l * t r * i * * * I * * * t * * * * * * * a * r * * * * t * * * r t r * i * * i See Page 2 of Ehis Document for any condit.ions tshau may apply Eo this permiE. DECI,ARATIONS I hcreby acknowledge that I hrvc rcad thi6 applicalion, filled ouc in full che infonnaEion requircd, conpletsed an plen, and ECale Chat a]l the i,nformation provided ae requited is colrccC. I agree Lo comply with lhe informatsion bo comply rritsh all Tonn ordinanceA and gtsatse Iawe, and t.o build Chi6 strucEure according to the To!,n'6 codc!, de.ign rcvicw approvcd, Unif,or$ Building code and olher ordinancer of che ?own applicable thcreto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECIIIONS SHAIrtr BE MADE TWEMY-FOUR HOIJRS IN ADVANCE BY Send Clcan-Up DepoBiL To: c.P. BRIDGES AM 5 ! 00 PM SIGNATT]RE OF FOR HIMgEI,F AND OWNER t; Page 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permi.E, #: 898-0178 a€i of 07/07/98 SLatus---: fSSUED *******************************************************:l************************ Permit Tlpe: ADD/AIT SFR BUrLD PERMIT Applied--: O7/06/.L998 Applicant--: DR. C. P. BRIDGES Issued---: O7/O7/L998 97O-476-L705 To Er,cpire t oL/o3/L999 Job Address: 2450 BALD Mouli[rArN RD I,OCAts1ON---:. 2460 BAI-,D MOI'IiTTAIN RD Parcel No-- : 2101-033-01-004 DescripEion: NEW DECK * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :* * * * * * * COnditj-Ong **Jr****Jr********************** 1 . FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRBD TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPITIAIiICE. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUTRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 IJBC. a rrrrrr'rJ,rrrrrttttrtrrrrrir*rrr.r+i TOI{N OF Vl'I!, @IJOR'ADO Scccrmnt ttttttttttttttt .'r r i. r *** *r*t rtt.iar gBrcltrnB !{ut!b.t. RBc-0,!21 Auounu: Pryo.nt H.rhod! C'K Notatlon: 723 2ro.2s o7/o7/98 14tl6 InIE: MAII P.rolC No! B9a-o17s T!tr.3 A-BUTLD IDD/ALT AFR BUITD PE Prrccl No: 2 LO1-O33 -O1-O0{ glt. Mdr..e. 2a5O BAID UOITNTAIN RD l,oc.sIon. 2450 BAID t'lol,l{rAlN RD Tota1 Fee6 ! PryrrcnE 2Lo.2s ToE.l ArJrJ PDt6! Balanc€: 230.25 .00 f tt.r t.r a rr,, t, r, !, r rr t AccounB Coda De€cription EP O01O00O31!11OO BUILDIIIG PERIIIT FEE8 PF 00100003112300 Pl,tlt CHECI( FEBS AD 00100002403100 cl|atlfuPDEPoltrTg rc o0100003tt,2800 t{rlrr cttJL lNsPEcIroN PEB Amounts 65. 00 42 .25 loo. oo 3.OO D*..m?,'jved SonEacc Eagla CounEy Asscssors Offlce aE 970-32q-8.640 fqr Parcel /1 . ToWN OF VATL SONSTRUCTf6N DATE:v PER.\IIT /: t{i-nuiraing [ ]-Prunbing [ ]-Erectrical [ ]-uechanitar [ ]-other rob Nane: CF R",'dFc,- S Job Address: Legat Description: r,ot!g_ Blockl++*\FiLing rwners Name: ( Q B Jr-.: Address: e-lec. 6r- t^^lprten.q>f t/a; \rch itect:Address:Dl.i 3eneral DescriPtion: \,,lork Class: fr-l -New [ ] -Alteration I l*Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Iurnber of Dwelling Units:Nurnber of Accornmodation Units: |mber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances Gas Logs_ Wood/Pellet k * * * * * Jr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS ****:t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ***** )]UILDING: $EI'ECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ MECFIANICA, \cldress: J ilectrical- Contractor: iddress: TOTAL: S TI N ***.&****************** ri**** Town of VaiI Reg. No. td /-L"Phone Nunber: (,. t6r-4la-O. ns Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: i'":'li rl'il1)Iunbing contractor: lli}lHti'_J,,.iil;,\,r/i'l: ,.:r',ir Town of vail Reg. .i..,''irechanical contractor: JUI Z 1;l! , '.; Town of vail Reg. No.-----\croress: i.iJ ,-f,i,,;i;i Iii;ii i.rr:".df _ phone Nunber: : .-' ',j ' Lrl.,l i'r ', , , IirLr I t x:k >r:t * *:t r! rt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *i * * *ii' pgp OFFfCE USti * * rr * rr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,t * )r * * * * ]UILDING PERMIT FEE: )LUMBING PERMIT FEE: IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: 'LECTRICAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: pFapFt.nTnN t E'F . BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PI,AN CHECK TEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: bK\JUT lornments: VALUATION , CLE3.N UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: PREPARBD 3/29/0t, 14: {3:59 PROGRAM MR{15U Torrn of Vall DEPOSIT REFUND RBPORT-UPDATE PAOB 1 CUST-ID CUSTOMAR NAl,lE CHARGE coDE DESCRIPTION DEPOSIT DAPOSIT-AII] ADJUSTMENT AFTER.REFUNDTX-D}TB AJ.DATE AUOUNT A].IOUNI . EfiOI'NT .A'{OUNT 1123 B9S-O178 C.P. Bridges D2 DEp08 DEPOSrT 7/08/98 3/29/OL LOO.OO 1OO.OO 1OO.OO_.00 100. 0u 100. 00 100. 00- GRAND TOTALT 100.00 lo0.oo 100.00_ DEPOSIT COUNT: 1 TOTAL FOR CUSTOMBR TYPE: D2 G./L BATCH CRIATED: BATCH-00974 2001/03 ITSERID-,JGUTIiRIE Ap HEI,D CoTJNT- .00 1- 00 AuouNT-100.00 o Status: thsp rqr€&: jl'eTfrT'_ _i35ffi_1trffiftry:L '**o R€quested Insp€ct Dste: Asslgned To: Inspecfi6n ]'yp€; lngB€cdon Area: Elte Ador€ss: Arf,lDlnlbrm!frct AcSrty: B9&O178 Tl€€: A-BUIIDCondTvDe: Occ0Danclfl 00Ot Psirct:. 2t01o3:m1oo4 Apsllcsftt DR. C. P. BRlDcEgCo-nb*tor: DF. C. P. BRIDCrSOfln$: BFlr4ES C PI.OWDEII & ltlfcHAEL W[rT Tuesday, l**rch !0. 2001 COAMS BLDG CD 24iO B$LE ilCUHTAIi{ RO VAIL ?4{'O BALD S'OIJNTAI{ RD SubT!tr€: SFft USe: VN Phons: 970"47&1?0tt Pfune: 97&47$1706 rssuED CD 06:00 AM 4764&tt JMONDfrAGON ryEedgHtstoIv, llem: t0 BlDGF.li,tin$sl.Sted i0FtioilgD * A*lptov€xt * 0?0&98 lnsp€cb{: Jfrtr4 Acrion: ,{FPftAPPROvUf) Cr-{n*leilts: AFpROVEfi WITH C(fNC{TI{3N *em: 20lFm: tr)i9@qtl) 07J24,$8 ln*p€clofi C Comment*: AfPROVED (Ofltk,odl * AOprsrcd -CC, Acuon: FPPRAFFROVED BLDB'ldtsc. ioFirofratlBLDGFim! lH*+rk*dl l' 07$&'S8 lnspoclor; JRM Asfon: COCER'IFPATEOFOCCUTIAI.ICY Csr$rn6nts: ADDTL COMiiS . ThlAt RE6AR BE lillSTAl-LEO WHERE t"rEPTH tS LC$S TF{AN 48 BLSC'-Foundati'xlr/S!€€l 8L@{ra1n1n41 ham: 70lbm: Sl I,rt.{ !.{ c t REPT131 rtfli Run Id.: 466 t Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparfnent of Community De\relopment 75 Souff,r Frontage Roa4 Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: wrrrrw.ci.vail.co.us PrctGGt llame: Bridges re-roof DRB ilumber: DRB010304 Projcct Deccription: Re-roof same for same shakes Participanb: OWNER BRIDGES, C. PLOWDEN - MTTERO9/06/2001 Phone: BOLI-ARD, MORRIE VAUGHN 9915 ALTO DR I.A MESA CA 92041 License: APPUCANT BRIDGES, C. PLOWDEN - W[TER@/06/2001 Phone: 323-650-2351 BOLLARD, MORRIE VAUGHN 949 N. Kinsg Rd #116 Los Angeles, CA 92041 License: ProjectAddrcee: 2460 BALD MOUI{TAIN RD VAIL Location: legel Dcccription: Lot: 20 Blockr 1 Subdlvision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 13 Parcel l{umber: 210103301004 Gomments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vofre: DabofApproval: 09/06/2001 Conditione: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written cons€nt of Town of Vail sbtr and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constihrte a permit br building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to @nstruction activities. Planner: Judy Rodriguez DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 ,r*m Application for Design Review Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970379.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: This. application. is .br any prcject requirirg Design Review approval. Any project requiring design ra/iew mustreceive. approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please rebr to -the suUhittat requirements fon theparticular apprwal that is requested. An application for Design Re/iew cannot be accepted until all reguipdinfoffnation is received by the-Community Dareiopment Deparunent. The project may also need to be reviewid bythe, Town council and/or the Planning and Environmental ilommission. Design Review Board approvrl lapseiunless a building permit is issued and construction commences within-one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Location of the Propos alz t-ot:/Zo Block: ?Subdivision:Vkt Physical Address: Parcel No.: :- Zoning: Name(s Mailing Owner(s) Signature(i): Name of Applicant:.il :-\ b \ \1h0 \0 th{uct Eaete co. Assecsor at e70-328-8G40 for parcet no.) Type of Review and Fee; tr New Constructiontr Addition .K Minor alteration tr Changes to Approved Plans $20 /3 r7\ Name(s) of Owner(s):Cf Nt $200 $s0 $20 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square botage is added to any residential or commercial bullding (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvernents, such a6, reroofing painting, window additions, landscaping, ftnces and retaining walb, etc. For rcvbions to plans aheady approved by Planning Staff or the Design Rwiew Board PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SUEMTTTAL REQIJIREM ENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. Questions? Call the Planning Staff at 479-2138 TOI4N TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS D Stamped topographic survey*, if applicablea Photos or plans which clearly convey existing conditions*c Photos or plans which clearly convey the proposed building or site alteration(s)*o All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used.o Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicablea Written approval from a condominium association or joint owner, if applicableo The Administrator and/or DRB mav reouire the submission of additional olans, drawings. specifications. samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). II. REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: o Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color numbe(s)o Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc,) The following is an example: Buildino Materials LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIAIS Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia SoffiB Windows Window Trim Doors DoorTrim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls bcterior Ughting Other Notesr Please specify the manufacturer! color and number and attach a color chip. All o<terior lighting must meet the Townb regulations regarding lighting (see Title 14 - Development Standards). If exterior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number offixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fixture type and provide the height abwe grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet ofthe liqht fixtures. PROPOSED I.ANDSCAPING Botanical Name C;ommon Name OuantiW Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS DCfiNG TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvoe Souare Footaoe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION WPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e. reftaining walls, fences, swimming pods, etc.) UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION This form is b veriff seMce availability and locaUon for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of yt{lities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the folloaring utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Sionature Date QWEST 970.384.0238 (tel) 970,384.0257 (fax) Contact: Jason Sharp PUBUC SERVICE HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.468.2s28 (tel) Contact: Bruce Miller HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970.949.5892 (tel) 970.9a9.4566 (fax) Contact: Ted Huslqy D(CEL ENERGY 303.571.7518 (tel) 303.571.7877 (fax) Contact: Paul Kellogg FJGI.E RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT* 970.475.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 970.949.1224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar *Please prcvide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining approval from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. Fire flow needs must be addressed, NOTES: 1. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2, If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the uUlity representaUve shall noG direcdy on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obtained before dioqino in any public rightof-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildino oermit is not a Public Wav oermit and must be obtained seoaratelv. NOTES TO ALL APPUCAITTS Pre-aoolication Meetino A pre-application meeting with Town of Vail staff is encouraged. The purpose of a pre-application meeting is to identify any critical issues perbining to the applicanfs'proposal and to deEr;ine the appropriate development ra/iew process for an application. In many cases, the pre-application meeting helps to o<pedite the development review process as critical issues are identified and dealt with in thE qF-liry1aJv staoe. A pre-application meeting may be scheduled by contacting Judy Rodriguez at 97 0.47 9.2128 or i rodrio uez@ ci. vail.co_. us Time Reouirements The Design Review Board meeE on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdap of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Department prior to application deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at htto://ci.vail.co.us/commdev/plannino/dlb/meetings/default.htm For a new residential development, the application deadline is typically 3.5 weeK prior to a Design Redew Board hearing. Review Criteria The propmal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in TiUe 12, Chapter U (Design Review) and Tide 14 (Development Standards) of the Municipal Code. Reouirements for orooefies located in hazard areas If a propefi is located in or adjacent to a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rocKall, debris flow, floodplain, wetland, poor soils, etc.), the Community Development Depaftment may require a site-specific geological investigation. If a site-specific Aeological investigation determines that the subject property is located in a geologically sensiUve area, the property owner(s) must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult with Community Development staff prior to submitting a DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. Reouired Plan Sheet Format For all surveys, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvement plans, all of the following must be shown. 1. Plan sheet size must be 24"x 36". For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed.2. Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All plans must be at the same scale. 3. Graphic bar scale.1, North arrow. 5. Tide Utock, project name, project address and legal description.6. Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number.7, Dates of original plan preparation and all rsrision dates. 8. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,00O or larger.9. Sheet labels and numbers. 10. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5", 11. Names ofall adjacent roadways. 12. Plan legend. o Desion Review Board MeeHns Reouirements For new construction and additions, the applicant must sbke and tape the project site to indicateproperty lines, proposed buildings and building corners, All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. Applicanb who fail b appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. ff the DRB approves the application with conditions or modificaUons, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit. Staff Aooroval The Administrator (a member of the planning shff) may re/iew and approve Design Review applications, approve with certain modificauons, deny the application, or refer the applicauon to the Design Review Board for a decision. All staff approvals are reviewed by the Design Review Board and any staff decision is subject to final approval by the DRB. Additional Review and Fees If this application requires a separate review by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may includg but are not limited to: Colorado DeparUnent of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineem 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees in excess of 50% of the application fee. If, at the applicant's request any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have design, land use or other issues, which may have a significant impact on the community, may require rwiew by o<lernal consultanB in addition to Town staff. Should a deGrmination be made by Town staff tiat an external consultant is needed, the Community Development Department may hire the consultant. The Department shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. The applicant shall pay expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the application to the Town within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any o<cess funds will be returned to the applicant upon review completion. o JOINT PROPERTY OWTTER WRITTEN APPROVAT LETTER I, (print name) . a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) pro/de this letter as written approval of the plans dated been submifted to the Town of Vail Gmmunity Development Department for the proposed improvemenb to be completed at the address noEd above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I fufther understand that minor modifications may be made b the plans oyer the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulaUons. (Signature)(Date) which have o t*t**t||tlt|+tttt**tt****rt|'i***r*tf **,t******,*ttt*rt,t*,t****!t*++***t**t**,1,|*t*****:rr*,t***a*tt***,*****{,* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO stsremeill+rtlf **'t't+*+*'i*'f t*****+**+*ttt'f tt|+{'tr+**+r+*ar+f r*rt**r*t***rtrt't*t**rtt**rf t**+**:r*r*:t:}*rtt*,a** Statement Number: RO000O13SO Amount: gZ0.O0 Og/06/ZOOtOt:46 pll Palment ltethod: Check fnit: JAR NotatioD: 429 Permit No: DR8010304 Tl4re: DRB - t{inor Alteratiorl ParceL No: 210103301004 Site AddreEg: 24G0 BAID IOI'NTAII{ RD \rAIIr Location: Total Fees: 920. O0Ttrie payment: 9a0.00 Total ALIa l,rrtg: $20.00 Balance: 90.00It*f +t**t|++'+*+'a't!t|}*{t*,}**:i***i*;t!t**'t*'i**,}i+'}*'t*tt+++'f *+++t'}+ii*:*:i,}**++**irt***++*+**t,f,*r*{rtrr*rr ACCOI,INT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Rnts DR OO1OO()O3I122OO DESIGN RTVIEI.I FEES 20.00 o) Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Bridges Residence Project Description: construction ofa free-standing deck Owner, Address and Phone: Dr. C.P. Bridges, 9915 Atto Drive, La Mesa, CA 91941 (619) 462-0775 Architect/Contact, Addrcss and Phone:Dr. C.P. Bridges,9915 Alto Drive, La Mesa, CA 91941 (6191462-0775 Project Strcet Address: 2460 Bald Mountain Road LegalDescription: Lot20,Block2,VV 13th Parcel Number: 210l-033-01-004 Building Name: Bridges Residence Comments: Motion by: N/A Secondedby: N/A Vote: N/A Conditions: N/A Town Planner: Christie Barton Date: June 5, 1998 Board i Staff Action Action: StaffApproval F TEVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\98\BRIDGES.605 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 1 qucstions? fl thc Planning StalT ui 479-? 128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION ?Qzt-o(t( This application is for any projcct requiring Design Rcviov approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign review must rcccivc Dcsign Rwiov approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit For specific information, sce the submittal rcquircnrcnb for thc particular approval that is requcsted. Thc application cannot be acceptcd until all the requircd infornration is submiftcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Envirottnrcntal Comnrission. Dcsign Rcvierv Board approval cxpires one year after final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is started. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: T0r{N0Fvfit, LOCATION OF PROB. c. D. E, F. G. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: PHYSICALADDRESS: J PARcEL#:Zl o\-433-Ol Eaglc Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONINC: NAME OF OWNER( MAILINC owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OFAPPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: PHONE: H. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: tr Ncw Construction - $200 tr ^A,ddition - $50 -\3dno. Alteration - szO Construction of a new building. lncludes any addition whcre square footage is addcd to any rcsidential or comrncrciat btlilding. lncludcs minor changes to buildings and site improvcnlcnts. guch as, rcroofing. painting, window additions. landscaping, fences and retaining walls. ctc. DRB fces are to be paid at the timc of submittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building pennit. please identiff thc.accurate valuation ofthe project Thc Torvn ofVail will adjust the fce according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THTS APPLTC.A.TION, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEETOTHE DEPARTMENT OF COJ}IMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vArL, coLoRADO 81657. oooo />1/'w | \-l I t/v", R4-(}-1-!r l" .- \-1 -.'-,rv \e12.u' \\ e "btpb L9{22G .. ,9'Qrv Hr:='*" (1 z\- L-- @r,,".-.A\ /1 \\\ 'v.\.e\o,. !A, \ \ \ \\ er$+Y /i\ 6 'B) LC)]- CC, 3,-aJJa 2, \/CJL- \,.,'j---,--'3:.- | '; -^T1J t--' I t I r l. --.i1_.-r_! r- !! l trj _{ lZJ?t'J €x--Ul M"J.*,1.j-t"<,lt--i ":i--(*.C. 7b6 ,4\J'....\ A "J'>- \,6.w--' \\'-'--''/. \ \\ I I l \ .' 'i) LtuD;,,:acll i? -\ \l A\J'\'O;, {-j 't\\(() 'C{\-,-\ \s, _\Po \ r-\ '( \\ ffiI,UJC^aTvE-tJLl . -,.o, ,cl1i'l \ / \' 6\,(J- A\..'s--ry1S't@-- nqptJ,l:#ir',;-> . 1gw .''..2. ad -t4/ I t2'Yt ta-\L,L. -tL-, ^ ^-/ 1771 IffiVI Fffi f.Et ir.\r-j-' .^ i= -'r,.\. -\/' *,Y)i^,-}.,,- >{j: !.1;, 1*.^l'( I ll( f,: / F l-\lilil ?i;,L /,:,4,_=i:C= r{- "! .. -: r -=f r Il' rlrk (i (J l f (.) o- zo z F tr. ) coNSrRUcnoN pERMtr. RV.J - nnhn=il/ department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT EUILDING IJI PLUMBING ELECTRTCAL I rouruoarroru MECHANICAL tr LEGAL DESC. LOT IU B LK I rttnGa i'l V il-|age-13th- t-JOBNAME: KEN SHAPIRO HOUSE ADDITIO OWNER unnaKen Shapi ro MAIL ADDRESS clw ps. 1122 ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL AOORESS ctw PH. GENERAL co\TRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. lrr"rr,.o,- CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUVBTNG CONTRACTOR FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR F18M TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. [r NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE 'y3 uuiJuJPERMIT NO.T.TYPE oF cONsTRucTtoN txxt tvU) 2.occupANcycRoup teety@ orvrsroN @ r"3rl GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - NNF EAMII V DECTNtrN'F ANNTTTNN TA AiI zotr eurLorFc 70,000 ELECTRICAL 5,000 PLUMBING '| 0 ,000 EXISTING ONE FAMILY RESIDENCE MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G,R.F,A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES V R 1354 62,000 BUILDING PERUIT 343 - 00 g R$ $q\s 5hl V M 388 g,000 PLAN CHECK I71 4n ELECTRICAL 45. 00 NEW( ) ALTERAION ( ) ADDT ONAL ( ) REpAtR( )PLUMBING 100.00 owELLTNG UNTTS ]-JOt5ftol,rruODATrON UNrrs _ HETGHT rN FT. - No. FTREpLAcEs I MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE 203.00 INSULATION:THICKNESS R-VALLUE FLOOR F. G.6* EXT. WALLS F.G.3++l 11 + 2 BOOF tnermlx 'l 2 TYPE ELEC. I cAsoF--=_-]HEAT soLAR I woOD ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED ST. CUT BLASTING PARKING DESIGN REVIEW EOARD 50 nn CtEAN.UP OEPOSIT 250 nn USE TAX ?5n nn TOTAL PERMIT FEES 1,5.|2.50 -//@+r-, __;Azs/hvsurrbrNc-oFrrcrlf - -/v L-- - D'AIE - -/-7- :ONING ADMINISTRATOR :ONING & BUILDING NOTES: DATE I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in futl the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is coirect. Iagree to comply with the information and plot plan, tqcomply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to buitd this structure according to'tng,floln's i5ning dAA zuUOivision coAes, review approved, Uniform Building code and othYrrjinances of tfjflLfew4-apptifabte tbe u.Lr"l-llzr. [-_+#rtL^_(- SIGNATUFE OF ANO THE OWNER. CONTRACTOR FOR HI a CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION department of community TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOF TO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT trntr Etr E BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL LEGAL lpESc. LOT BLK FtLl..l6il Viltage l3th tJoBNerrE' KEr{ sHApIR0 HgusE ADDITIS1 OWNER MAIL ADDRESS clrY PH1122 ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. SENERALco\rRAcroR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. TELE. l, .. llr.€Prnrcal coNTRACTOR't FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO er{rr,rdrrrrc corurR4m9n FIRM tbwN oF vArL REG. Not.b IIAFCHANICAL col\rRAcroR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO ,r OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO TELE. lhe prlnlery,/vail QJra n t^-+t,,/,m n> t€ab t/ 6 ,/) 1, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION III IIt IVY.' 2. occuPANcY GRouP n e e H (.h_!ri rt DtvtstoN iLzlaec TIE-tA?fi8[''il89 ff tl8ff 'Aurrnoin_rtrAn- PERMIT NO, z E eurLorftd'-/U,UUU ELECTRICAL 5,000 ffl{MBTNG l0 ,000 UECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VATUATION PERMIT FEES v R 1354 62,000 BUILDING PERMIT 343100 \-\ +-( -L<lr i4 388 8,000 PLAN CHECK 1 71 .50 ELECTRICAL 45,00 NEW() ALTERATION() AODITIONAL () REPAIR(PLUMBING 100.00 DWELLTNG uNrrs 2 tot$"o"roDAroN uNrrs I HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIBEPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE 2C 3.00 TYPE THICKNESS DESIGN REVIEW BOARO 50.00 CtEAN.UP DEPOSIT 250.00 USE TAX 350.00I Ll|er]||I^ f TlooF lr.e. I t: lse TYPE OF ELEC, HEAT SOLAF GAS WOOD TOTAL PERMIT FEES ,5lz.b0 ,/ _. - ,. ,,,, _L _ 1'_L_ utLotNG oFFtctAL DATEADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED; Y N INITIAL ttlrr.r-u, I I I )NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ONING & BUILDING NOTES: PAF,KTNG _L_l oaro - HIMSELF I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inlormation provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the informaiion and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to ttF Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ot the Town applicable theretol ;' ( ii AND THE OWNER. NOTE DATE PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE,2 _ COPY OF,:/ -,''- i;':393 " 11]) corusrRucrloN PERMIT DArE ._- pRorEcr No.- \ --..'z{'.i t lgru-fiailt/ I r rvoe er6opsrRuclol t tt ttt tv(g)_ l- department of community danelopment TYPE OF PERMIT G sur-otf.rc -x Plutt atNc -r4 EITCTRICRL - FOUNDATION ONLY l MECHANICAL , , LEGAI I Lor 29 - BLK -.- 2 -,c<^ Fn Nr i VA I l, VTLLAGE 13th t__-_j JO3 NAML: KEN SHAPIRo HOUSE ADDITION OV,'N F R ;1...,7.. KEN SHAPIRO r!{Ai-rg-cress P- o. -s"L9g --- cr i.,. Vail p147 6-1122 ARCH ITECT SHAPIRO CONSTRUCTION F C ( uarr nooness P, O. Drawer 1448 cl1y Vail pn.476-1280 GiNERAL CO N TRACTOR rrnu SHAPIRO CONSTRUCTI9-N-C{ v Ari AuiiR|.s CITY PH ,L€crRrcALONTRACiOR UNKNOWN MAit AODRESS c TY PH. Pt tii!4BlNG CONTRACTOR urq9lIli9!N C ITY PH Iil ECHAN ICAL COIJTRACTOR g'11v UNKNOWN VAII ADDRIiS --- CllY - PH OTH FR CONTRACTOR MA:'- ADDRESS fIRM ClTy Pfl /\ L TypE Or CONSTRUCTION I tt ttl tvv) 2 OCCUPANCYCROUP ABEHI@ DrvrsroN {r)z z$o cENERAL DEscRtprroN oF woax ."---QNL-I3.II-LLY-- RESIDENCE ADDITION TO AN EXISTINC ONE FA},IILY RESIDENCE PERMIT NO. z tr. l BUILDING 7A . de9 ELECTRICAL *3-- eeo PLUMBING /e eeo MECHANICAL -T TYP€ GROUP SQ. FT. VALUATION PERMtT FEESS / V R t\g,l -6-z ooo BUILOING PE RM IT ,7ls I/ 2,t ,, -So"M 388 ?loae PLAN CH ECK EI ECTR ICAL 2/5' i' PLUMBING leo i MECHAN ICALrAlt'r r AL IER! l ION , r ncOnrONll{fr, n rfryif--.] OWELLING UNITS I c R FA l3s1 COMMERCIAL SYST . z'IsTq-! - AccoMMooAlloN uNlrs- @-eeo*oous 2 -.. RESTAURANT ST AI ING --23 serHrus,,sHoweR 2 1-ruo.totters 2 - TJNCOVERED PARXING HE IGHT IN FT. NO FIRE PLACES COVERED PARKING RECR€ATToNFE€ ,/f Jo3.oo i DESIGN REVIEW BOARD -{a. oo t CLEAN.UP DEPOSII J.,S:e. ea I3s-a-ooiUs, Ta t rort pERutr rEEs /s/ 2sq: INSULATION FLOOR E XI. WALLS ROOF TY PE THICKNESS R.VALUE F. G.6\19 ONING NU IL5' nerm]-x 3\+ r 1I+2 F. G.13 3B HEAT I ltt RuBl \cx\{ls't-tl)(;l Tll;\r I tlr\-r Rt.\f) Tltts.\PPt.l(l^Tllls ,\iiD sT \Tf T'l '\ r Tlt t Au(|vu ls (ltltkr,(:l- ,tNt' \(;Rt:t: 1r) ( ()llPl-l ! tT .rt.l- T()\{s r)ltl}t:!,15('t:s \tlJ sT\-lI l.Aws Rl.(;AtlDlsc 8l ll-ttl\_(; (:()\sl-l(. ( 1l(t\ ErEc I GAS.I00,000 BTU/HR soLAR. I wooo: VAIL WAIER & SAN OIST IAP FEE SP€ CIAL NCItS 75 south lrontage roed Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ofllce of communlty developmsnl March 8, .|984 RE: Ken Shapiro House Addition Building Permit #1389Lot 20 - Blk 2 - VV 13th Dear Ken, l,le have checked our building permitof occupancy expired on Noieinber 4,the. inspection request, listing theto be taken care of. Youi'. permi t wi 1 1 expi rre' in lg0 dayi , Ken Shapiro P. 0. Box 904 Vai'l , Colorado, 81658 Building Inspector GM/rme fi'les, and your temporary certificate1983. hle have enclosed a copy of items on the punch listed that needed 6.6p1i, permit wilI 6e'required at that time. Please contact this office within fifteen days from the date of this notice.Failure to reply to this notice will result in further action by thisdepartment. t' I 1l Project Applicalion Proieci Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot -. f'1 Block (*"', Zone - Com ments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Str opiro C o n "trn "0, o nlf, o. G KEN SIIAPIRO RESIDENCE ADDITION JOB *42 June 29th, 1983 eoonnoun # 14 Delete slidlng glass door. Add: 2 - 3N48 wlndows and I - 3t-6tt wide door with insuLated glass panels ln upper ha1f. Franer Note: Add two 3 - 2 x 4 posts (on each side of door) to support steel beam above. LNcuose SFelcff ROOF: SIDING: CHIMNEY: TRIM: FLASHING: FOUMATION: GARAGE DOOR: Cedar shakes; natural. 1 x 8 V-Ruettc shlplap sldtng horizonralpainted w/cuprlnol SC-82 beach beige. 1 x B V-Rustic shiplap sidlng horlzontalpalnted w/cuprlnol SC-82 beach beige. Rough-eawn stalned w/Olymplc semt-transparent #704. Flashing next to slding will be palntedw/euprlnol SC-82 beach belge; ali otherflaehlng w1ll be pa{nted to match t.rlu. Any- exposed concrete Le to be gray-coatedald painted w/'cuprlnol SC-82 beach belge. Flush iainted; same as sidlng. ^.vo It I zor{E 0t[cK for n P/s zoNE DTSTRICTS Legal Descrfption.: Lot z,o Block ?-' Fif ing v4lL sFR,R, i*r,,*,2. +t^ omer hBhl 6HAP lA9 trichitecr -Proposed Use Lit Area z-.177fd"" " "" eight Allo,..red 30'30' Proposed Setbacks: Front-nequiibTid;*iiiofiosea Sldcs-Required l5' pruposed Rear -Requirect"l5' proposed .. llaterccul'se-required N* 'Proposed t(vJtH Propo:ed *3 3"ry9- Primnry Propcsed Zil],i Proposed Proposcd Pnopr;:ed il-f ActuaL oi( 'GRFA: . . GRFA: A]lor.red | . .l.lz7 Primary Allorred _ Secondary A'l lor.red Secondary Proposed Site Coverage:Al:loived qTt'/ Landscaping:'Required Itq-1,.:-^.I st f\.rr5. .Required Drive: Slope Permitted Environmenta'l/tlazards: .Aval'anche Hlt oPes1 Flood P'lain Nh It*ttr' 2,r:t3, 7t :tinir : /..tr1ri.o\.r:i!,rD i *; ppio.'::ti f).rt (. : F I ( ;!: KFs Aqerl?p ?Esr DENcOADDl[p_^J ,i'llrri,,: r..,i 2o t.l j,.F. inf,:rrmeL iorr i.; r.crluir.t:tl l-'or sulrr.: r Lt.rrl by thc aP|l j(:;rilL to the Dcs i1:rr lir:vi.r,r,a f j.rrlrl li)llrovir l c;rrr be j;iven: i.t.'il:ll IA[.S 'l'ype o{' i! rtj--|t.jrl !,L\,! Ceu,re _SfqKFs _,-NATueAu l'ja I I &lat cr ial s i,,1, f,f,(j ;,. ,i . [_b_oj1io5 L --,', ,,', aF ar.lE le Qd-erliu6. {J-N r T' .- Fasci.a Soffi c s Windoris l{indow Trin Doors Door 'l'rim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Grecnhouses Other YAt rtTeD .vJfC u?e' rt or* Sc--A_Z E^Eac-H 9eta € Rouq+ {*u:*t oLlnPic !t.* -* .. / uftzlleL-Js -8v Sarrre ,lo .,',t " .1" . -_ _ _ _N/n- . - -TEi(Lg Nht-t- <Teet- (v({z;]".rou Sc-q,w 5Hee( mfL - - _ au.(E,'p o (- ge- 6v *at^-e d/r 9'da'h A ic 54\Pt-AP t?r"g.r*Sn"^rf . otVn-f,'c rz,t ttttt (- t4 lU ir oL6ar9 B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer:phone : PI.ANT MATERIALS TREES ea(iN6t ExcEpT reANs Pr-A NT r N 6 tS Fcn rt N'g D, Botanical Name Cormon Name Quanti ty Fs(Ar/z I Size SHRUBS I ffill?sAL; Focrrir;t s0D SQUARE FOOTAGE SEED TYPE SQUARE FOOTAGE TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL . C. Other Landscape Features (retaining wal'l s, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Shapiro Construction Company February 21st, 1983 Jirn Sayre Town Planner Toun of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81,657 RE: KENNETH E. SITAPIRO - 2460 BaLd. Mtn. Road Dear Jlm: xc : Eri^rln Bachrach lf42 rov da1 Suite C-3, F6ll Ridgl€ Condominiums P. O. Box 1542 Vril, Colorado 81657 Tel€phon€: (303) 4761980 rl uA o L2 NN f.,{ Thank you for your letter of February 17th, 1983 acknowledging Design Revlew Board approval of the addition to my home. I am writlng to clarlfy that at no tlme durl"ng the meeting was lt approved condLtioned upon the entire house being painted after construction of the addltion. The language added to the motlon for approval rnerely stated that when constructlon was completed, the exterlor of the additlon must natch the exterior of the existing house in a manner so that the home had one color scheme and looked like a single residence. This, of course, is agreeab le. Please check your notes on this matter. If I Errn not advlsed in writing of the contrary, I will assume that you agree with my recollection of the mot ion. Thank you. SLncerely, \f t:\ ADDITION TO PRIVATE RESIDENCE Vlce-Pres iden t 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 February 17, 1983 Erwin Bachrach Shapiro Construction Co. Box 1547 Vail, Co]orado 81658 Dear Erwin: 0n February 16, 1983 the Addition as submitted. constructi on. RE: DRB Submittal of 2-16-83 Design Review Board approved the Shapiro's The entire house should be painted after Si ncerely, 4;-1 /-Jim Sayre Town Planner JS:df /%./ | -r' .-- --Ke,,., \HBDa4' (p'',' nery6z /4,s x zLt =1bb @ z< 9 t.q80 I l,ryc o ,7 O 200 r Ta*"c" )S.s- x 3Q{ t4,6 x zl za,b x zs pE nP., zo,.u r zs 56U L\IL 515- = €t {\r, r :_L r 2re9 e3{ 8z--ooo - /t b- /oy'uo 32"6o- egsa {ss-aa '%: 3o /ea z /d)20oo -,'--3?-bS A /€oqryvru ,/lau : Proiect Appllcatlon I.IJI S::,1,-FIIi) RLST'iJ]INLg .{D'I,'ITI.'\N Date Proiect Proiect Contact Name: ACrlltion of oni. dnelLl":rg u::i tDescription: Person and Phone Err"rln Bachracir 476 L28:.\ Owner. Address and phone: 3ien Sl.raplro ' 2460 lrtald I'lountain !,oxl - Va1l (--() ill.r558 Phone: 476^728i (i'la-in) or ,i75 112! (evenlnge) Architect, Address and Phone:Er'*l,n lac:rraeh - c/o Siraplrc Constr,:c;lon il(' P.0. Drawer 1448 Vail . CO !ii655 -- Phorie: tr75'l-?l]t 2.4 Filing Vatl i7lilage.l3tir Zone - Legal D€scription: Lot Block Comments: Design Review Board o^r" f-f f, lt , J3 Motion by: Seconded by:FlEwr) .- ai'piioilnL Il*_="-'7-() DISAPPFOVAL Summary: E statt Approval oor. sb iipi JoB NA r,,rt! (r i- CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER TUES PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V,tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER n BOOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION B SHEETROCK tr POOL/H.TUB NAIL tr tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL l '.,, rr ,,j\ (r...ril}.).r,'-., --.--------]r - i -'-r.. r *jrai--tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REII{SPECTION REOUIREDI{SPE QU CORREGTIONS: INSPECTOR i, rta.\ l sf INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED ),rl /1 ,'JHURl'r> e BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATEB N FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER ," PLYWOOD NAILING-t. O INSULATION , .' tr GAS PIPING tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POIVER o'.r r/f rJ i B HEATING -- tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR ,#, INSPECTION ^fr*aoGff REQUESTVA|L I DATE 31/n-/f-JOB NAME TOWN OF a READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: t tn < il) fr6 /arf o' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATERD FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEF- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trO ' ', ,// qr'lt'rrrvnl Fr?/ y''^ e t ru' E FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FJDIAL tr FINAL {'lpssvE6 DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS:-q-tz 7{€ P/A:E itdr '/r'bz/-t..7- 1- Zce. n.tzall.'- n-rzr4 * -.'- d,- -</,-. r;4T o-. ly'-*4.-, ri 7./rrt441 DATE /',r- z t^ ,1'} j JOB NAME L,_ j.-,,-f lri /-t,'.r.'l':, . CALLER ...,' .r:i.. t '--.....\MON TUES -i WED THURREADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: INSPECTION REQUEST (y''On / 2-"-\'r',.: {-; _ I, AM. ' pM / iL- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON / STEEL r-r BOOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILINIG E INSULATION - tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL - tr/-, - .-,..-g ',-/ci*. il ' ,t.. /f.-. .',. ' , bltL AI tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICALI tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr E F$4(tr FINAL ffisyss tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR # INSPECTION, TOWN OF REOUESTVAIL I DATE READY FOR LOGATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR AM {.(' l7 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING f-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB F,SHEETROCK NAIL tr_ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr tr ROUGH T] EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL 4 tr tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: rffiisaeeRovED REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR I i /'r | -t DATE Y I (>i JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL WED THUR @,PMREADY FOR LOCATION:'i t''\" BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H, TUB tr n NAIL tr n a tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr m ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS GONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR Etrj -, ,'. *- C -(j tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORREGTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN ,, {=y rHUR FRr - AM !6) it OF VAIL t0 INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES BUILDING: O FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL ON / STEEL -tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION -POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE ,*rill"toN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL INSPECTION: CALLER TUES JOB NAME MON WED THUR FRI PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNDtr FOOTINGS / STEEL - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. -tr FRAMING - tr ROUGH/WATER n l9.95lsi.iFl tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING - T] INSULATION -- tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tru tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr C] FINAL CI FINAL TI APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR t,- +...-t{r4{ .. DATE NAME ,*rt"*oN TOWN OF t] REOUEST VAIL DATE JOB CALLER TUES WED THLJRFEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON PMAMFRI i F BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER T] FOOTINGS / STEEL B FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING -, ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtLtNG o u tr n GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n NAIL POOL / H. TUB T] FINAL E] FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER ITIECHANICAL: tr HEATING E ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL T] FINAL -APPROVED CORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED EI REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR t.S'i'. DATE DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST ._*_ lowN oF vArL-*_ /owN oF vAr_ "'1 t/'r { .,f t ,- ,-, Z.'cO nviINSPECTION: CALLER TUES 6;, PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND .;{houcn / D.w.v. X ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING Xcns PTPTNG N INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR TNSPECTOB.- r INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES {/''- ) !t(, ff; rHUR FRI Z:cd il'lt fu BUILDING: t] FOOTINGS / S tr FOUNDATION l TS FRAMING -/n ROOF & SHEE- PLYWOOD NA tr INSULATION D SHEETROCK tr PL tr tr tr tr tr tJ UMBING: UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE tr1 trF trC E CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR n rv&t tr FINAL t/ PROVED tr DISAPPROVED TP:="Yp:*'""/t'. CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR I*rF JOB NAME READYFoR|NSPECT|oN:MoNTUEsWEDTHUR,.FR|'-AMPM4.,: . ,' a fi nAI n r' \ t'-' LOCATfON: 1 - t. \" l.-yL\q If t f f. A tii'INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE a* <" .a. a ra-r /- 4J ff r^orro .CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL T] FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER xoucH - N CONDUIT FINAL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND BOUGH / D.W.V. _ ROUGH / WATF _ h4GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB - FINAL - EGHANICAL: HEATING EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR - FINAL - tr tr tr tr tr tr tr M tr tr u tr tr tr D tr tr tr tr tr tr NAIL DArE !' /?- f.7 rNsPEcroR CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL? DATE I JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON THUB FRI BUILDING:PLUITIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,"ril"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL oo* i,f- rt' JoB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: LOGATION: UR FRI PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr n UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D,W.V. tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr_ POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH t] EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D- tr FINAL ,/'ldaPeRovED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 1.DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION: t JOB NAME MON CALLER ues , |; '.] CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING E} GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL B FINAL ELEGTBIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEAT]NG tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E ---tr E},FINAL tr FINAL E}:APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR CTION.TOWN OF REQUESTVAIL I DATE NAM READY FOR INSPECTION:oyi LOCATION: JOB {M Fl c"f r BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.ON / STEEL tr ROUGH / WATER tr 19.953 SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING - tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAF'PROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED CORRECTIONS: INiSPECTOR11 l CTION REQUEST DATE '* ,.' i.' ,-, ,,,' tr: j READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME M9N CALLER TUES WED /,THUR ,t, ,"- -, i ,, AM PM *ir ' TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL/H.TUB NAIL tr - ,-/ ''E t1i t. r.\ t , i' \', /<'-t< t t:> l..{fi-l E tr FINAI tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n- O SUPPLY AIR tr.4wFIt'tA{. tr FINAL trt*4 tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQU]RED CORREGTIONS: INSPECTOR,._( ".,- _-:: _._. * 'Nst INSPECTION: JOB NAME '...'':'.',-.i'. MON- CALLER TUES CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL '') READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI AM. PM BUILDING: gI.FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUItIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION T] POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL - tr _tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER T] ROUGH tr CONDUIT ITIECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr-rtr tr FtNAk'.: tr FINAL ,tr 7{q?ROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE tr DATE , INSPECTION , TOWN OF TASLQuEst INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: BU trl d( trl tri trl trl tr ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER tr tr tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL o tr FINAL ELECTR!CAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr F)N$z/-E] FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECT DATE d-i, OB NAME rNs READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR PMFRI CTTON REQUEST VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUttlBlNGr tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHE€TROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E tr FINAL tr FINAL T] APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE .t ,.-:* JOB NAME 41,.,!"',-'| ! t' l "' INSFECTION: MC ..,- l.-:*r INSPECTION REOUEST DATE ' 3 t'q1 t l17-/t'? TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr cl n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND BOUGH i D.W,V. tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB F SHEETROCK NAIL I n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR tr FtNrd_tr FINAL ,dppaoveo O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORHECTIONS: INSPECTOR o TETTER OI TRANSMITTAI ilI NICOT AND P.O. 8ox 1702 . GIITNER . coNsurTlNc Souldrr, Colorodo 80306 . ENGINEERS (303) .g+llro'.' *7=-_ tal) lor ERWN FACJ{RAT-H AtLntlon: Cantl.o|.nt Wr trsrrnlt hrnwlth lh.lollowlng ltrnrr: ! Shopr Drowhgr I tttnh I l?oclner Dotat MAYv2,A& 'LUAY 1 g 1c83 Copl.r I D.|€rlpllcl RgtAtfltf.l(- wAu, PEIAIL- eeDJ^lF- Thrra ora trcn3mMrd ot chrckrd bolow: !. Approvrd cr rubmtned fi "tpprovod or nctrd ! trrurned tor corr.ctlonr Rrmorlt; l.irorep--l n iror rrvtrr ard conrnrrrl El'ro, to- ,r. ! Ar rrquorrrd n Slgnrd:Copl.r lo! 41 #'tN s2CAq) >*>'h, \4d) ?r14F!ilt ,-'_ *,\*ffieea a)vldrte v)V W@t+grz"e'*rgbrLz\812 &il rEttl€ljd.:) u'"a1ffi&Zt^?t-= , r,St /;In oto"o|;'rrvu'?Nq,,,e , (oz ub) (*n,d\ 4* tanilu.rBtt'rvd'nn)'-dp o gr:Bl ssj L',t'lL l? -lq' i \$0 o ,k\ ,0": d^* d^t D' sT ,r\ Z--o1 S:t: ffi \ R N z.no NE s.e&\z fl,' i l 'a1.7tnr.tf - 9/.' lf 4'. !ft-.tr' ., ..- l9D- tf 31'E 3c.FL.63 t"2d d V^ Sror,* (*,'o srJce that to the best of m1. knowledge andbelief, this plat accurately representsthe improvements in relation to the .. . proferty llnes as shown, and tlrat thJ ;,' :, J.ocation and dLmensi.ons of all builcllng'''..: !---^- irnprovements, easements or rights-of-t'' w.ay in evidence or known tb me, and encroachments by or on the premis€s " ;.,. are accurately spown. llot to be used .'i it: : ". n;i";;1,,; .":f;it".il;i;r;iii;.;r:.i.:' " -i :. ,_.r ., - ,:. "- . i.,i;:... jli ttl:l ,.:::,,, 1t,1.-.: , o 0{r3 { ,i/ ^''il$rT aa dF t- t'"-., -h Dehrars€ =^=:i:{ + cnP flo l::-rel'-Itt, ,1 ize'ail t.\, , f-JI ! i^t"l t,,,-Jt rt ao r $r I|n(\l tl 5 b4' 07' 23" t|4PFd>.rE'Pt6 N'f c-_*.._-.:...< g iio. ea' -B r'Tu\GT ar*T'* F\Lt116'. - Lqf 2D r b\e* zr t - -. -^.+t Lo:. 20F . Professional , Surveyor No" lit-i-i-D i:r. oRAwN: 'r|rl.<e_. SHEET I of t '*'$ R I CH ARDS ENGI ERING o o .\ It ti 1: ,l'1 i o^r, b'LT 'b.1-- rcn ug*i'J ul ro,z fG1" $Y4 U*\FAIA) fr, fl-te h/dx bq,w\ 7),.yr r*p<-fr. fb**, 544a cu'fip$*e 't/4S t Project Application o^," da- /- ?7 Project Name: '\:1.,,' '' .-' - t ,'.+r" ,', n *'*,.,,- Prorect Desc!'iotion A r. l. .^.| ..r-.. r r r l j'"bontactpersonandenon" l-".,. ll H^f!,,t" //7€? Lap"^r--,* *Dz- ,',/2 - z1? -{ Owner,Addressandphone: <.,. 'f 1r,,,-.\o'-n '-t);'rtr.o'- -/7,1 f ZJ/^'{, 'f-' . ffi* Legal Description: Lot 2ts Block Filing Design Review Board Date Motion byl Seconded by: APPROVAL DISA PPROVAL Sum mary: BUILDTNG MATERIALS: LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: U6 COLOR:+ ll (roo.)__ aIJRoof Sidiug Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flucs Flashings Chirrmeys Trash Enclosurcs Creenhouses Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting* * Other ll vaet(rs{rEo cd3€) p6(tirEc u@o u6 UA u6 u6 U${VE ST]UE ll ttAs, r 6T0. (ro.o.; * Please specifu the manufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip ** All exterior lighting must meet thc Town's Lighting Ordinance 18,54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number offixturcs and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fixture type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut shcet ofthe lighting fixturcs. PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Namc Commor Quantity Size* t tot Hri 8LnPROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: (B.t.tr +Minimum requirements for landscaping:dcciduous trecs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trees - 6 fcet in hcight s hrubs - 5 gallons GROUND COVER EE SEED IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please speciff. Indicate top and bottom elevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. I Common Namc Square Footage Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST P.O. BOX 2 srLT, coLoRADO 81652 Phone / Fax (970) 876-5400 (24 HOURS) May ? | IggT C. Flowden Bridges 99t5 Alto Dr. La Mesa CA 91941 RH: Additiono 446() Fsld Mt. Rd. Dear Sii r : At present o an addi ti on t s pt anned on the uphi I I {aci ng porti on o{ the home, as ghown. The home ls juet into the High Haaard Rock*al I Zone mapped by me in 1?84 {or the Town o{ VaiIt end also in the Moderate Dehris Flow Zone mapped by Art Mears in the eame year (see his letter). The rock outcrop above this home is thin and {ractured sn that only infrequent, emall rocks will came down the hillride; I do not HXpHct any to cross the road to neach the house or the proposed addition. Tha gmalI bern above thie site will provide partial protection to your unit and the addition by directing flowE to the eaet o{ the home; much rnaterial wlII {Iow well west of the home rjmwn the rclad, if and when another rnudf L ow Bnsues. The smal, I opening towarcJ the home between the berm and the curve in the rnad iE not 1i kely to be breached.$ee the l'lears I etter f or i ts recommendf,tian6 h,rut I believe the haaard ig even less than etated there. t'litigation is not warranted for the addition ae plannedt but adequate drainaEe {rarn this eide n{ the home needs to tla in place go that water does not accumul ate near the frnnt o{ the entr y. The addi.tinn will not increase either hazard to other properties or strlrctures or to public burildings, rights-o{-i4€yr roadstgtreets, easements, utilities, or +acilities of any kind. I{ there are other questions pl ease contact me. $i ncarel y n Nicholae Lampinis CsnEulting Geologi*t Egf.l (Namq .. - r.. - /',i- *.'.t AA A 1n ' 'i, T t-'l- ) ) ss. ) Tf,e fc.egoing ;nslrurirnl was acknorylCoged belore rrre this __. 19..--, by ._ , known to rne lo : whose na,id rs subscribed lo the fore€pfnE instrument and acknowledged lo , executo,l lhe same lor tha purpos{ano c-onsg$tion lherein €rpregeg6. ,/ \-\OY -n.J :rt lr€ My com,iristi o., e\pne?/ ^rn$k1' t\Y2'b\' --- STATE O!'CCLORADO ) COUNTY OF ) ss. ) 19_, by person whose name is subs*ibed to th€ foregoing instrument and acftnowledged to me that hE execr.rled lhe same fot.the purposes and consideraiion therein expressed. ,,r',/'/My commissioy'explres: / (Legal 0escrlptlon) cJlunr\hnrd o" 5/f%?t bc(oro mq @oR o cALttonfllA ALI-PURPOSI ACKiIOWLSOCME!'T Lynth)aA Uvlw' Notan/ P4ttc -Tsa?.TltEt|rro'6ry-ttEq9.prrrorrftyrppcrra (rn tleb PtoWcfcn U dF -p.lncd 0o co ol Og belb ofrrttlbctoty crvldclco ao bo rto lcrtoll| 'tc uru{\p}c rub*ru{ lo*30! w||ilr lrtlraE.lt rld actrrorkdrcd'i6- nc ttrklffidlDf orccntcd ttt $qe t9 @{:nl}fr rqthor{zcd crpc@$1ud tblt by@Sffdh{r lfdtrnd or tb brtnnclr 6r p.|Id$ or oodSr rpon Dcbrlf of rllcl|l rc!o4ccddOolrrltunt. i\ W'tTl{lssrylududoilcblnl 't -t laqrigF ttodilr Dcbrrb mtrrqolltd D5r bvrt utyprcvonlurbtotopcrronr rcfbgon tbc docucntrnd could prwclt ftruddcrt rlettechnat otllb foru. CATACITY CI../UMED EY SI'3 NER v rrdMdud CotlnntcOtrlcorl DESCRJPTION OF ATTACEED I'OCT'1}IEIiIT rt ,n- i.r' aeotqic nazara trev'ano - Tltlc or TYPG of Docuucot I 6lL5tq,1 NunbcrofPrgcr Datc-of Docuucnt a Ttrl{!) !' Drrtacr(r) AttonffcptrFrct Trlrlco(r) Gurrdlu/Goorcrvetor Llultod Gclcnl ot$or:- ' SIGNXR, III RIPBIIIIIITING: Nrno ol pano(r) or ll${cr) t TEL: (619) 229-4127 FAX, (619) 229-4635 May 12, 199? WILLIAM M HUGHES ARcH ITECTURAL AND STRUCTU RAL DESIGN CoNsU LTANT 4768 CARoLINE DRIVE 5AN DrEGo, CALTFo RN rA 92115-1949 WMH Project No. 973?9A Proposed Remodel and Addition toBridHes Re s idenceIocated at the exi, s t ing PHOTOGRAPHS AT NEW ENTRY LOCATION PHOTO NO. 1 Look i ng northwest from Baldthe motorlentry court. Newarea on the inside corner ofIocat-i on, only the crabapplewrrl be rernoved and replbiedthe.area Lo the right 6n Lhegarden area. Mountain Road down the drivewav intoefrlry wiII occupy the lower leielthe entry court. From Lhistree against Lhe Family Room waIJ.wrth tle entry structuie. Most ofcar will- be occupied with the new Rn*of::;3:t'$3:"Btno PHOTO NO. 2 Looki nE southwest aL currentFami ly-Room which was former I evel in this corner. Nativeto define new garden area and Paee 2lZfrav97 entrance in the corner and door i-ntoEarage. New entrv wi I I occupv I ower"stoie sarden wall wiIl be eilendedprovid6 barrier from debris flow. PHOTO NO. 3 Stone wa.l kwav.date new enl ii garden wallconstruct ion and sprrrce wi I I be. See SheeL 6 for rernoved to accommo-new Landscape Plan. TOWN Ot; VAil_ItF-Ct, rr No. l)l:I ltli\lr:\-f Of Co.\t l t Llif lt. | ) t:r.I:t_O I.\tr:.sr t.,,r,,, 4, -PJ-e.s,-c*-.-IF^Jgs_/4.I_ A l)l)ttr"ss_ ___ 9l ll:Clis IrA Dl: t^\'nnl.[ t o TO\\']i ( r vAt r_ 0l (X)00.12.1 |-rifT0b.olf.ri riuN;i,ftti-*[]P-r+g=s3F - _ - rlNll,atii NlTTiril (.(J Dt t+ | ()o00.11.1 t2 _r'igi i. niiiC ii fi Nifr##'ilh,- -- _i lll! Ir iisif rvtfti:aTiUeRT.Ilil=iStOlin o t: lr lT()Ttri iil,\iS t ;t : L.'iiir N t'tT S-c'tiN'r rt nc rt)trSr rc.i:rrrSi-sljlli:Tti;li' nI'iil rc';ii'iftN iTlljnrllfr r i dii,r'rJ ic; UXe;if if lt V I'cl-. li i T, I r d.[,t. r'Tr iIN n L iIi iili,i I ltillsT'; N tilii4jj a)v-ii^Tiii iNifi:Ui\ #,1F3lir1{i,a.r$r,# | fi)(,O.11i71 -ot-0am riTj j- I o0(r0.1.a.i.11 , | (.,()0() .1 1.1 l1-atl_titi[d.r l.r 0l 000(r .n.rJ0 CAStr t.--1 cx.r1 B? 3/ r ll.OLt ,r.@- oI ZONE CHECK Lcgal dcscription:Lot Zg Block Z Filino Addrcss Architcrct Pbonc Phonc hoposcd Buildable ,asc Z', r^l^0.,. Allorvcd Existing Proposcd Total Rcmaining TotarcRFA //28_+ ?9o =_5423_ 3r'3? + zAo = 3€7? ,/{g/ Primary CRFA _+ (425) (675+) _2,/f/ +Z€o = 217/ Sccondary GRFA + (425) (675+) =_.- ZS3 + a 675=425 creditplus 250 addition Docs this rcquest involve a 250 Addition? Horv much of the aliorved 250 Addition is used with this requcsr? Sitc Coverage t ag-V, zs-, 6 + z{,t. = z{z ) Hcight Sctbacks lo n,s\ ,/3. ( e*;"1.,^, tS, ts/ = 7s3 ilo Landscaping RctainingWall Heiglts Parking Carage Crcdit Drivcway (30x33) Front Sidcs Rear Minimum 3',/ 6', Requircd 20' r5' 151 a-5 Encloscd Complies rvith TOV Liglting Ordinancc Arc finished gradcs less than Z:l (50%) Environmental,&Iazards (3oo) (600) (eoo)@oD ryg r-/ PFrrninn; Ql^^^ o/ D-^-^^^J crt^---,.pu _Vo Proposcd Slopc _% Yes_ No Ycs No l) Pcrcent Slope (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wetlands 4) Water Coursc Setback (30) (50)_ 5) Geologic Hazards _ a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Rocldall Prcvious conditions ofapproval (cbcck propertv file); Is thc propcrfy non-conforming? Dcscribc: Zoncdistrict -t^ Af raou', tCo..t C.:l$i c) Dcbris Florv CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEF'SON JOBSITE oAfE 5124/89 003BBt de.rtmont of community dcvcloprncnt TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT ts!! Etr! BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL 1q1 20 Bt FILING lJ Val r V{ llage JOB NAME: PrltzLaff Addition NAME PrLtzLaft MAILADDRESS 2460 BATi Mt. Rd. FlRu PiDer Architects lrArl ADDRESS P.O. Box 5560 rrRm AT Snith Corporation TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 107-8 FIRM Hunt Electric PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, TELE. OTHER CONTRACT r. wPE oF coNsTRucflot{ I ll lll lv 0 2. OCCUPAI.ICY GROUP AB EH I8 M OIVISION r2zao4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF wORK : - t A rrrrt\trtt r'rlnlr Airt\Tr'lTrltl PERMITNO.- BUILDING 3,400.00 ,-/ ELECTRICAL 300.00 ,,- PLUI{BING \oo.*/ TECHAI{ICAL TOTAI 4 .000 . 00 WPE GROUP G.F.F.A. VALUATIO'{PERMIT FEES I'R-3 32 sq. ft. G .15 BUILDING PERMIT 61.00 h tn H * $ PLAN CHECK 32.00 ELECTRICAL 44.00 NEW ALTERATION AODITIONAL ( )O REP^IR PLUUBING 10.00 DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMOOATION UNIIS - MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT- - NO. FIREPLACES RECREATIOI{ FEE 5.00 INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R.VALLUE DESIGI{ REVIEIY BOARD 10.00 CIEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100.00 Exr.wALLs | | |USE TAX ROOF TYPE ELEC. OF SOLARHEAT GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES 263.00 wooD Joe Norris 5/24/89 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL sr. cur I | | Dil{GOFFtCh. OATE - Betgl Bgsg_149k_ _ _ _5/L7181 _NGAOMINISTRATOR OATE BLASTING ING A BUILOING NOTES: oeuolll I hereby acknowledg€ that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the intormation provided as required is correct. I agr€e to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning aqry' subilivision cod€s, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other orJlinaBQes of ff Town applicable thereto.,z\e"s.\' -\5.xri.\;gt1 4 *zfA--'< Nr:f Fi ''\\r^\,.,i'^jtJ+Mt*i:r:wNE* oR coNrRAcroR FoR H|M'ELF " '(.'T,,ffi . . . . "tlcparlntDnt of cornrnurrily rlevelol,rnerrtr**i*l,LIASE HLL 0utt l,ilEnE IilE (ij' i.rnnr.s nne rto 8€ flLLEo our cor.tpr E, €Ly pntofl TO rssu^t{c€ oFpEnMtT CONSTRUCTTON PERMIT .QelurrnrrcIJ FOUNOAIIONtf TYPE OF PE'II,{Ir EFourturrc Q+t-rcttucrrtfJ MEcilAr{lcAL JOB NAME: Lor p.c.. BLK_ A. _-- FILING T ELE.:FIIIM rowN OF VArt nEq. No, lowr{ oF vAtL REG-NO. ---+-+-= ANCHITECT GENEN^L CONTRACTON ELECtntcAI NTRACTON :--- PLU/tIBING coNTRACIOtl MECt.tANtcAt CONTRACION :=:_- OIHER cor{ I nACTOt I.IYPE OF CONSINUCIION 2. occuPAl{cY CnouP l llrn@ eoeHr@u \/.cEn€n^L o€scn,;::l:';:""r-, t ,' :@( t^ o..r.r 4.... Q- ^^ L,l_\.\ -- PENI,IIT FEES BUILOTNG PERMtT Pt-AN Ctf EcK EtEcrntcAL Ptur,tElt{c tr'lECllANtCAL Irt|ctII l Fr.NO. rtn t!PL^CEStnsularor,rl-JFE ntcnEAIlort rEE TlflcxNcSs n.v,rrrG trIs,cN nevr€w uoAnofLOOn Ex r. w^tls noor cttA .UP DEPOStt USE TAX IYPE ET€c.::==::*_::_ _-<- SOLATI TOTAL P€nMtr,fEES ADOIIIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y OF INIIIAL I.--- ---,_- q'ffi;l",Ff^#EK -=/#Fo- -- ZONING e SUILDING NoTEsi i nipii"i:tff rJ;if,: lj i: I ;,:l i:: ff ^.1,t',, .*" l?::tJ" comPlv wilh I.lie irriornrarion;;J;i;i';;;^e-rn_rortnalion ptovidcd as rerluired is corect. l.ff:"rlf,ltJ#l,,li';,;l'H.Jtft#l##il ji,^,l";i!ilil#!',xit,yijlr:l*i"-;i;;;;Jrn E, u,,o,ns ""0: : :: orher ordinani;, ;ii;;#;llJl,?,loiliil;j,?,] r" srcrnruneoFn@XX 7- ; l .0urLorflc ElECrnrc/tt ^rEct t fllc,1t NOTE - COpy oF-FERM|T TO BE KEPT ON JOBSTTE 3A8Qf onre TIIE FOLLOI4III{G Is IIEEDED FOR FILIIIG PERI.II T:l. !.j,:i rrom condo assn. tiF'ripplifiiir.e2. 2- Scts,rtf conpteLa dravtiiiilrroilirli, 1.\n' 05.-..,_, V - e rii 75 soulh fronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: olflce ol communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOhIN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKTNG & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. G states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, ,J"i, sand, clebrisor material, including trash durnpsterl , portable ioilets andworkmen vehicles fpon. any street, sidewair, aiiey or publicp-119e or any portion rheieof" rhe rishi:;i_;;t-;n arl rown ofVaj.l streets and.lg"gr is approxinateJ-y 5 ft" off pavemont.This ordinance will be strii:Lfy enforcid by the Tor.r, of VailPublic works Department. pers6ns found .rilr"!i"g thls ordinanceyil}- be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said materiar.rn the event the person so notified does ,r-t "o^ply with th;--notice within the 24 hour time specified, the puiiiic worksDepartment wilr renove said mateiiat at itr" ""p""se or personnotified- The provisions of this ordinance sirall not beapprr'cabre to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in thelrljfri_"_ruy. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full,Vail Building Department to obtaincooperation on this rnat_ter. Read and acknowledged by: please stop by the Tolrn ofa copy. Thank you for your Date oo B,rr2/l* nn /* .7 hru*47 Arr+rrt * &an d fra'l / , /ar!, a Cr/t-/r F/Ate nz^* 7o.2/L, ille haW rka!4 //red4aaz/ a ,lna. a./ J/4O BrU ,4uth" Pt^9 'in adJ. /& aft- a$d/e V4"f 'fliit hapz )s /eo6/ a -a- plogL/r'a, pz^z,irg d,@4) anc! Aarrt rulzttld ctlL t4M- Ar* A ,4t/ ,4ro,,a ' .vtr t+r?/ / /n 7VUlj /qfS, v Arf g,rle*r, ^a- Aa zztfu cntt u/tan/, t1//kd#Uo Srld //atrrk^' ?^d A ,4n- /ffs and rznatxl a/,^q'6ild Hanhu, 'fud A ,a4 /ffs anl nutatxd c4{.2 /ulaayy t^.r(,1/'1 h *i/if k dnlrrts &,s dz.,zf {/L hr!4r1"/ l- fef a - a /erfu 7b ?^ {/"/,1 W pW+ tunrrL a-l'VL h, dr/,/ _*q ,st, t?E ilc /,atL' Fet/ a^/ rclruue/ fut /4fr4 'a^d a'cz- aui,L ri % p"tA /tr +h" ,@ a"A /ar" ^ 'q^u irt*t ara."'p4t2{4'Ww,aallut dhlry k z{ao Z// v,!*4, l'^n 1^- L ^/ I J .. t ,,t'r/ -.'rtt{u! tre" h cLl,-J * a.f 476-sa4o a- d'Do i ' !'it' , //c"'i Fl6tP. ttu- a7y'r",il. y ra,rD 'yul'" no //o, / / , &nau/- 6An Ld A" kJl=t.F 7iln4 g, /?87t' Prolect Application t ,61s f{ey I . I Q8Q ' Projeci Name: PRITZI-dF!' IDIIITTON ' Project Descriplicln; 32 s.f. add{tion to erl qtlng rpr{donce Contact Person and p[66s l)rrano P{ Jrer 949 7n?4 Owner, Address and Phone:John and Anne Prltzlaff 949 5513 2450 iJald Hounta{n Rd. 476 Architect, Address and Phone: Piprr / Archjteets B6fd Avon, CO 94q 7o7n Legal Description: Lot ?O , Block t , Filing valr vllt.ge ltth. , Zone &:glerc- Comments: Design Beview Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summaty: Town Planner q(. Statf Approval 1. t o APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF t)RB , t .' ..1. .DRB APPLICATIoN .,;:;i:: ..,'{4:fq *****THJ5 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBIIITTED***** I. PRE.APPLICATION MEETING: be resolved before a building pennit is lssued. A. PROJECT OESCRIPTION: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member.is strongly suggested to il.[.*ine ii-inv aaattionat inforiration is needed. No applicat'lon will be accepted ,nt.ts it is compl's1g (must inc'lude all items required.by the zoning administrator). lI ii-tf," applicint,s responsibility to make an appointment.with the staff to find irt iUout aiiitionat submittal requirements. P'lease note that a C0MPLETE applica- ; iion will streamline the approval process for your projgc! by decreasing the number oi-Conditions of approval lhat the'oRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approva'l must B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Descri pti on APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Address Legal Zoni ng NAME OF Address NAME OF Address Bl ock Filins W. I5L. terephone. WC terephone q*utt:Pn +_ APPL I CANT : E. NAME OF OWNERS: 5 i gnature Address F.ORB FEE: The fee will VALUATION . $ 0-$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $:.50,001 - s 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000'000 $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: l. In addition to meeting submitta'l requiremdnts, the_apPlicant must stake the site to indicate property iines ana building corners.. I"3"1 that will be removed should also be markld. ihis work must be completed before the ORB v'i sits the . si te. ?. The review process for NEll BUILoINGS will normally involve two separate meet'i ngs of the oesign Review Board, so plan on at leas'c two meetings for the'i r.approval . to appear before the Des'i9n Review Board at their scheduled have not asked for a postponement wj11 be required to be 3. People who fajl meet'i ng and who repubj i shed. teiephone %L*qW be paid at the time a bui'l ding permit is requested' o LIST OF MATERIALS MI'IE OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: irnErr ADDRESS: oEscntprlon or p The follorving infonnation is required for submittal Eoard before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MTERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL Roof Si di ng 0ther l.lali'Nateriais Fasci a Soffi ts lli ndows }Jindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other Name of by the applicant to the Design Review COLOR B. LANDSCAPING: PLANT MTERIALS: PRo:oSE: t*.t: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Comnon Name Quani ty Nse, Des i gner : phone: Botanical Name Si ze* *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees'Indicate height for cohifers. . (over) ;,PLANT I'IATERIALS: /rnnr+\\ r.w r. e, SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Botani cal Name NoNe Nn$?t Comnon Name Type GROUND COVERS Souare Footaqe s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c.OTHER'LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa]'ls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. tt ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: LEGAL Block 2 Filine $V t3S' - ADDRESS: Ot.lNER ARCH I TECT ZONE DI PROPOSED USE LOT SiZE Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA SecondarY GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear t/ater Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retajning Wa11 Park i ng Credi ts: Garage A1 I owed (30)(33) 4A I ed'( 3it @arueo) Pro po s ecl hl_-4+- 9s G( -!A-r5 N/A. ,1*, oa+6 -+Hei ghts ?nl L5' 15' (30)(so) %2 (3oo)(600) (soo)(1200) (so)(ioo) (2s)(so) (2oo)(4oo) Mechani cal Ai ri ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmenta I /Hazards : 5lope Actual Aval anche Flood Plain Sl ope tletl ands Geol ogi c Hazards Corments: Zon'ing: Approved/DisapPioved Date: --Jtatt 5lqnature '<? UTILTTY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NA}TE The location of utillt1es, whether they be nain trunk lines nust be approved and verified by the following uciliEies for site p1an. Authorlzed S lqnacur e LOT 4O BLocK 1z--FrLrNG l?& \|y'. ADDRESS z4Fo Fd,r€ l^4f. pO. _ or proposed llnes o the acconpanyi.ng Ar.- tvnurzrcg Arft€ 9$sttJ. f- Dat e Mountaln Be11 468-6500 Wescern Slope Gas Co. t 800 922-1987 llarry Moyes Public Service Company 949-57 8L Gary HaII I{oly Cross Electlrc Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Hericage Cablevi.sion T.V. 94 9-s s 30 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Va1ley Water & Sanicacion Dis trict 47 6-7 480 Fred llaslee NOTE: These verificacions do noc relieve the contractory of his responsibillty to obtain a screec cut. perml! fron the Town of Viall, Department of Public I,lorks and co obtain utility locacions before digging in any public righr- of-way or easemenE in the Tor.rn of Vai1. A buildi.ng pernit ls not a streec cut permit. A scree! cuc peruri! nusE be obcain4d separacely. Thls forn ls to verify servlce avallability and location. This should be used io conjuactlon with preparing your utllity pJ.an and schedullng lnstallations. ,' tt(Please bring a slce plan uhen obgalning Upper Eagle Val1ey Water & Sanitac.lon slgnalures ) L-z th rr"/v! Ar lzz l'fft b 4/: J7/L -b f ./- _(.'-zt,\2 -1 ztrlt/ 4/f -, { 'ld tt. 1 p-s z- E ,J t>)( -r'O2Z-> r-/.,{} >, e L/ - 7'2'nn7-aal/' ,{ "'o t-= -'}-'t'-1 J s / -,/ oI t1t r { {b I .^ nl I@tdv / - tt ,/ tD-4 I / .: /" ..\ ') i ,f--n n )'/.''r // .\- .//lv * rt')*,4 ''Y'rtd >--/P )(I /-/ /o n> /L// / Ot-Yr(L'2- /J-Lol Lll\rt<-.{2"lv lo F{ D(t &-.,,"- ?,;- ? -} o )-r., I/2-o fr9L < U{/tg7\ ta ARTHURI. MEARS, P.E., INC. Natural Hazards Consultanb 222 Eal Cotlic Avc. Guuilon, Crlorado 81 210 303 -6r'.1.7216 Ju]-y 29, I9B5 RE: Site-specific analYsis of debris-flow hazard- to Lot 20t Blk 2' V.V. 13th flling. Dear l!tr. Shapiro I At your request, I visited the above-referenced property on lvlay 29t L9B5 to d.eterrnine exposure to d-ebris flons and to evaluate the effectiveness of recent landscaplng in reducing d-ebris-flow clanage. The following reports the results and conclusions of ny investigati-on. TiIE 1984 DEBRIS IT,OI{ A]iD MITIGATION EFFECTIVENESS The debrls flow of May, 1p84 impacted. BaId Mountain Road east of LoL 20, dissipatlng nost of its energy on the pavenent. Sone nud aJ]d. granular rnaterial spread laterally d.orn the road, finally spllllng onto I,ot 20 and into the house. Flow velocity at the house was quite snall because the flow hacl nad-e two right-angle turns and flowed. several hundred- feet before reaching the bui1d.1ng. Structural darnage clid. not occur; damage d'id occur as a result of deposition and inund.ation of parts of the lnterior. Future il-ebris flows can occur in the same nountain drainage affected in 1984. ]f future flows have characteristics similar to the 1984 f1ow, the berms bul1t on Lot 20 during the sumrner of 1984 would protect the house by deflecting the flow east and north of the property. The nost probable flow d"irections are shotm on the attached. landscape plan by Matthews and Associates' d-ated' 6-20-84 with revislons dated- 8-29-84, POSSI3IE EFFECTS OF FUTURE FI,OWS Future d.ebris flows nay affect areas not reached- fu1 1984. Pulses of rnud. and rock containecl within the flow rnay themselves behave as berms and may block and/ or cteflect flows to r.rnexpected. directions. A future flow could overtop 'the 18"-high bern located- at the edge of Bald Mountai-n Road, spilI into the driveway area, and- ctepos.it as much as /-Lo-) feet d.eep against the walfs of the buitd.ing. The bern/swa1e systen on the east edge of Lot 20 should cteflect the flow and. prevent clirect inpa,ct fron that direction. Such flows r.rill have smal1 velocities and energies thus structural darnage is unlikely.. oDepositional loads at the base of the flow deposit niIl not exceed 150 lbs/ft- aricl- will decrease f.inearly to the top of the deposit. In sumrnary, the hazard to L,ot 20 has been substa.ntially reduced by the land- scaplng, but not conpletly elininatetl,. The remaining hazaf,d is sna,Il anil structural- d.amage to the building is not antlcipateci. Sincerely, ft,t Nm't Arthur 1. Itlears, ?.E. Ma$ Wosting . Arnlanches c Amlonche Conlml Engincering Mr. Ken Shapiro P.0. Box 904Vail, C0 81558 AMllc Encl. FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The below items giving a permit PIease check off need to be compl ete before a final C of 0. 'in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE: FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING CERTiFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMP0MRY C of 0 DATE: I PE2'-, t" /.I.. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME tNs CTION REOUEET TOWN OF VAIL tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE READY FOR LOCATION: -_a-aPPROVED -CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED BlrlDlNG:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND B ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL - tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOUNDATION i STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION B tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAI FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER IIECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr EI trtr FINAL FINAL ll INSPECTOR - i.^ ,/ i':*-='-:' t/ PniR*'c'" DATE rNs CTION REQUEST I PE TOWN OF VAIL \1 PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT-\ \ .\ t\DATE .\} _ .' JOB NAME BEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CATLER ruEs WED THURMON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBlNG: (FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr tr tr tr tr f'l UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK r'l POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED r*fisrco DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ',''"'JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED READY FOR LOCATION: tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr g tr tr tr tr tr v.ROU ERGROUND GH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER o tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr cl tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR nffisre I PErNs CTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL .,iw INSPECTION: CALLER TUES l THURMONWED FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.E FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATEB r.r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOI i H. TUB EETROCK NAIL .*T'"tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL B FINAL .,9 APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED P"frisrp DATE INSPECTOR UI BEI lc, TOWN OF VAILlo# CALLER ---€--TUES(_WED )THUR ROJEC hrP'TPERMI DATE T JOB NAME "){r + READY LOCATI MON oif FOR INSPECTION: cY [ {. ,, u fo. '^- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS O FOUNDATI tr FRAMING PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK o D fI FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr ROUGH tr o tr tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL FINAL r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAIL KAPPRoVED *ConREcrrorus: O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR t INSPEC-TION REQUEST PERMIT NU DATE READY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF VAIL . - .1^ - t2r t.,L ,,k=c'( v' , ,*$JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER IUtr5 WED THUR BUILDING: f] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDEFIGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, D ROUGH / WATEBtr FRAMING ,__ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D tr tr FINAL fI FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr ROUGH U HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED DISAPPROVED ffnerruseecroN REeutRED RRECTIONS: rt.{347 INSPECTORDATE $'j\N" PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT\rr \rtr -1\ DATE \\) - t'-'i \- \r JOB NAME rNsPEcLPil, $F9uEsJ THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES AM PM I BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr UNDERGBOUND D ROUGH / D.W,V. D ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER.- PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR {tr Dtr FINAL FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ni$s{o" D^rE 25-/0-[2 rNSpEcroR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT department of community development TYPE OF PERMIT mf,f m mx BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY LEGAL DESC. IOT 20 BLK 2 FILING vv 13r_h )loer.rarure, shapiro Greenhouse & Hot rub ]wruen NAM F MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH, ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR 1?6-A rrnu Shapjro Const. MAIL AODRESS PH Ji,1'#?3h FIRM MAIL ADDRESS . PLUM BING CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR F IR I\,I MAIL ADDRESS OTHER CONTRACTOR FIR M MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH' lha p?lniety/vail 9419 6o9^80 PROJECT NO.- PERMIT NO. 1, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION | !l 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B .GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK : PERMIT FEESTYPE GROUP SO, FT, VALUATION BUILDING PERMII ALTERATION () ADOITIONAL () REPAIR() RECREATION FEEDWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS G.R.F.A. N,/A eEonoor'as COMMERCIAL SYST -RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT. - BATHTUB,/SHOWER NO FTREPLACES -NO. TOILETS COVERED PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT TOTAL PERMITAEES ING ADMINISTRATOR DATE N1NGNorEs: Staff anproved 5-30-80 INSULATION THICKNESS R-VALUE FTOOR EXT WALLS ROOF t,Aws R,6GARDING EtrlLDlNG CON S',I R |C i l()i\i. I HAREBY ACKN0IA'LI]DGI] TH AT I H,1\'E RllADTHIS APPLICATI()r" AND ST.\'l E'l-IIA t TllF: ABOVE IS COIIIiECl AND AGRI.:T] 'I'O COTIPI,Y WITII AI,I, TI)WN 0RDINANCES AND STA'I F: ELEC: Thermal VAIL WATER & SAN. DIST TAP FEE : SPECIAL NOTES: hu,$r"B CONSTRUCTION PERM!T department of community development [] MECHANTCAL LzT PLUMBING[] rouruoeroN oNLY D EGAL ESC. rct &D BtK-- &- FILTNG ,VV F& . e, rl/afrn fuu,lu','nt ?ry * * ooo*rr"- 411a b%_o44_r_- il- i,,r"\/ur.L t(l ,"/2fb TRCHITECT GENERAL INTRACTOR ,'-1T:?3h -|-- )LUMBING I-*t* ECHANICAL )NTRACTOR OTHER )NTRACTOF FIRI!.1 MA!L AODRESS CITY PH. rl < tr cnvV(ul-, CD eu./Jt) FIR IJ MAIL ADDRESS FIRM MAII ADDRESS FIRM M AtL ADDRESS FIRM MAIL AODRESS crw PH. rr.: -r i ? r r r. ri rr r' .'\\' r f e r) L ('al\ T P .i ('?r )t{ 5e-tuDATE PROJECT NO. PERMIT NO. I. TYPE OT CONSINUCTION 2- OCCUPANCY CROUP otvtstoN cENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK i Iilill I ABEH t a zaOo BIJILDII{G ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECI.IANICAL PERMIT FEES2TYPE GROUP SQ. FT. , VALUATION EUILDING PERMIT PtAN CH ECK ELECTRICAL PLUt.lBING MECHANICALNEW ALTERATTON ADOITIONAL () REPAIR RECREATION FEEOWELTING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION c R F.A. , BE fPoMS coMMERcTAL sy " N-,|{^TRANT sEArtNG HETGHT lN Fr. /-FanrrruB/sHowER NO FIREPLACES -NO. TOILETS COVERED PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING DESIG N REVIEV/ BOARD , /a. aa CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT TOTAL PERMIT FEES EIAI OATE,/jd - -5:3..0'56-ISTRATOR DATE INSULATION R.VALUE ONING NOTES: VAIL WATER & SAN. DIST.TAP FEE : I }IEREBY CXIjOWLEDGE THAT I HAI'E READTIItS APPLICATIOT- AND sTA?E TItAT TllE . AAOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COT'PLY II'ITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE LAWS RECARDING BUILDING COiiSTR LICTIO:t.. Project Application s-so-trO Project Name: Proiect Description: - 9n. Legal Description: Lot di-, , Btock * , riting VAL{- UJ-UUq/- 15- Zoning Approved: 3ii f. Design Review Board Motion by: o^t 5-3o- 7O DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: APPROVAL Summary: Chief Building Official S[^4/. (iO.'' Ittside '#^dn{;:filJ"!.1, TOWN OF, VAIL ?/*tnt loot.-DATE READY FOR LOCATION: oK 7;* JOB NAME INSPECTION: o BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL D POOL / H. TUB tr E] {rrr'rnr-tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED )RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED NS ,. / ',;, j- t' , ..-t- .-.,Jt-, rrt*cnoN- REeuE€r DATE JOB NAME CALLER TUES TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:)WED THUR FRI PM.::'/ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr c/rrrull tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL N FINAL $ eeenoveo boRRectrorrrs: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTO Proiect Name: Profect Application Rnt;rlr'-4e Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Archit€ct Address and Phone: Ar0 a , Filing (./ (-/Legal Doecription: Lot Zone: Zoning Approv€d: Dgsign Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL (^t-'>1 o(f .1 > A {, nou-, I 0,, ol lo --/-o'/ Summary: Chief Building Otficial 6) coNsTRUcTloN P dmmd, department of community development I1 BUILDING6 Elecrntcel ElaecHnnrclr- E6,r"r,*"E rouruoRloNoNLY! TYPE OF PERMIT LEGAL DESC. tot 2 O. BLK-Z-t"'@ Naue'6Ja9*tQ,", ER "o,r.ooonrs r)/ te4jFl CITY PH. ARCHITECT '.rrluS,gEPl@ (.oz.t MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR ,,^u*DPt,enG'<r MAIL ADDRESS -RICAL ACTOF FIRM MAIL ADDSESS PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS C ITY PH. ERMIr oare altsllg PRoJEcr No. \22'JlZ PERMIT NO. N9 06? T.TYPEOFCONSTRUCTTON I ll lll lvcr) 2.occuPANcYcRouP eee x r@ DtvtstoN iil9*'*gilqRAL \ tnt DESCRIPTION OF WORK ALF. z tr BUILDING a/, ?8a ETECTRICAL 3D 12 PLUMBING Z-ao MECHANICAL tsoo TYPE GROUP SO. FT. VALUATION PERMIT FEESE2-z z&8 r7D 280 BUILDING PERMIT 3m-8A $1c.'kl v lr.\qLa // ,oo PLAN CHECK /5-O . 10 ELECTRICAL sz. 6g PLUMBING 2A MECHANICAL /c-NEWil ALTERATION () ADDITIONAL() REPAIRO DWELLING UNITS AACCOMMODATION UX S- - e.n.r.e./?36@/S--BEDRooMS 3 COMMERCIAL SYST -RESTAURANT SEATING -HETcHT rN FT. -BATHTUB/SHowER z / No FTREPLAcEs ' No.ToTLETS 2- covERED pARKrNc Z utlcovERED pARKTNG - RECREATION FEE z?o.1 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 50 CIEAN.UP DEPOSIT ,/,aD- >fff= roul eenuf rees -96q.z-) INSULATION NING AOMINISTRATOR DATE FLOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF TYPE THICKNESS R-VALUE NING NOTES:7-tl7-rl7-tq HEAT I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE AEOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE LAWS REGARDING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. ,/^ ta .O- 4A- n.^,t-i,., ,tF- @FA,U d@) SOLAR: IWOOD; vAlLwArER& sAN. orsr.rAp FE r,5 / // O SPECIAL NOTES: F =E lrJ(L v f .a\(/ I l9J lo i I I I I I t__, lr.l IE t(.'tzro zl a t= | Hlo I o<l z 9HlHz<?o-i-rr->iF -.rOU)UFO ;) < . Zl-IFF<.,Fir.-ltt;;i . 5 o 9 7o'lz* <7i<ozE =zz;')z Y - 14) -YFFOc0 <QIAZ: >:l;=xr;6:;;<UI'l?o-.1 9 li'<ca> -v)<ci-olq=<d<'l NOtrvnrvA YE ;ZZtL- h o- -9= Xr>Ytr I of, l,(Jcrz.,ooo!1,ozX lL<o* duJ t-i E9U s ac.t(J - "fi x F6-,8,H =F5 i3sd6F.i-i6(JLrrUr<oz<68'll2) z6? FQA zdo r- Lu Lu-TtE UJOOr,z() =22 ==t! J F J LU zil uJ z IJJ(roo =Etr uJ o I = I a IIJ o J =E tr oa UJEo J a E tr UJ(r o a E tr IJJEoo)g uJEoo ) IL trO LIJ iZ}} F tuF T .Y <F l,lj <zE LLJ F(rzoO Jt<o(JF t< t- TI]-J(J E zt- =< :zr'! oO -) tY<F =F7a) =#itZ--o E = uz. J<()a9.trt u-lfo oz F C)tll-) TE o- I,IJF o t- =E,lrl Jz. z--o z.Q d]o>z O- u- J."i5\J\J= =et 6d> nnn q' E oo oE ': E#o;i(,x'ox E rrrox.tr>rFocto1l o-zIF(JfEFazo CJ ,,(-l\/ i\---t\ L;-N=,I r./Its\/E .=ntrD Pornit No.'. l'(J rJ.- VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT WATER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERMIT WILL NOT BE ED UNTIL T HAVF BEEN PAID IN FULL, NAME OF JOB cENERAL coNrnAcron .Cl+ ap.' aa Lrc. No. PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR Lrc. No. Ltc. No.EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP:Waler MeterSize NUMBER oF uNrrs | , I 5- (x s6oo.oo) = Amount Dat€ Billed Date paid /O lunn //lo.oa LOCATION AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION Bldg. Oopl.-WhitE; -Waterend Sanitation -Gr6sn;- Publlc Works - Canary; - Contraclor- Pinki- Accounting - Goldenrod -r'rr r1tl* '|i?{lltE1'>. Proiect Name: i:t\E!'l'r:nrE tt4€g"EF'{- * Project ,Proiect Description: Ownor Address and Phone: Archil€ct. Addr€ss and Phone: Legal Dsscription: Lot 2o Block , Filing2 Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board /t,*" 7/B/tF DISAPPROVAL Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL Ot^ Summary: er, I-, I t" / '> *Oale /l l> ! r u Date. Chief Building Olficial ' '-Trr"F? ttST4.]rqiSI.4'::: f' 'th t .,- .i-1:;.. !-:r'.:f ::1-.'', .i t Project Appllcatlon Q-s ide ProjectDescriprro^, \nUJ Fea'- Project Name: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: R,O Zoning Approved: f t rl,flL 4fi>"1,u { L- Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL ,^," ?/a/7{ // DISAPPROVAL d k .*'i' --"". summary: Mp-arl a savrnP/e o€ .lesi^eJ ':-olo-- Zoning Administrator Ctm"au*@++eia DESIGN REVIEW BOARDi- March 30. 1978DATE OI' MEETING: MEMBERS PRESENT:BILL BUOFF LOU PARKER BILL BISHOP RON TODD ABE SHAPIRO SUBJECT:Shapiro Lot 20 (Conceptual) ACTION LOA 20 BY BOARD: faon SECONDED BY: AGAINST: , BIOCK ,FILING Vail Village 13th TAKSN MOe[O]l VO{T8: ABSTEMIION I 4-, ?'tti?-a APPROVED:Co4C€fixtF,> Jt-'4 DISAPPROVED: ST]MIIARY: APPLICANT r '-t It LincolnDd/orc lmO W€st Fillmore St. Colorado Sprinss, Colorado 80907(303) 632-3593 Home Office Shapiro Construction Company Box 1547 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Lot vail 20, Block 2 Village, Filing S13 Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, we have completed a soilsinvestigation for a proposed residential structure at the above refereneed location. The investigation consisted of one test boring, located as shown on the Test Boring Loca-tion Diagram. This test boring indicated one main soilgroup. SoiI Group No. f: This material consisted of a very coarsegrained silty sand and gravel, with many nested cobble andboulder sized particles. These soils are generally of acolluviaI nature. The fine matrix materials are slightlyexpansive, developing stvell pressures of about 5OO psf. Atshallow foundation depth, these soils were found to have a maximum allowable bearS-ng capacity of 2900 psf. These soils were relatively free of sulfates. Regardless of whether the structure will be constructed withor utithout a basement, the foundations will probably lie inSoil Group No. I, Foundations can be designed based on a maximum allovyable bearing value of 2900fsf; a 500 psf minimum dead load pressure should be maintained at all times. In an effort to limit possible differential movement beneaththe structure, contact stresses beneath the exterior load bearing walls should be balanced to within about 500 psf atall points. Isolated interior pads should be designed forunit loads of about 200 psf less than the average used for P.O. Box t643 {J=:Xl,""0::::: November 30, L977 27OO Highway 50 West P.O. Box 1427 1og Ros€mgnt Plazq !.O. Box 607 Fie6tb.'"CoiJbtOos --' Orenwooo Springs, Colo 81601 Montros€, Colo 81401 Gunnison, Colo 8t2CO is-m) saeliso (gos) sas-6oeo - (303) 24{f-7838 (3o3) 641'2278 Rock Sprlngc. Wo 829Ot (307) 382-2049 Lot 20, November Block 2, Vait Village 30, 1977 the exterior waI1s. The balancing should be accomplishedusing the dead load of the structure plus about one-half ofthe live load. A11 footings should be placed a minimum of 3.5 feet below the ground surface for frost protection. Floor slabs should be constructed so as to act independentlv of all bearinq walls and columns. Adequate drainage must be provided in the foundation area, both during and after construction, to prevent the ponding of water above foundation materials. The ground surface around the structure should be graded such that surface water will be carried quiekly away from the st,ructure. The overall drainage should be designed such that the runoff from one structure does not move into the area immediately around another struc- ture. Roof drains should be carried across backfill areas and discharged well away from the structures. A subsurface peripheral drain is recommended around the exterior of the structure. Any topsoil or debris should be removed from the construction area prj-or to beginning construction of the foundation. In addition, should any pockets of debris or organic material be encountered during excavation of the footing, this material- should be removed and replaced with backfill compacted Eo 95% of maximum Proctor density, ASTM D-698. lFhe open footing excavation should be inspected prior to the placement of concrete to establish that materials of the proper design bearing capacity have been encountered and that no soft spots or debris are present in the foundation area. Backfill around the proposed structure and in utility trenches should be compacted to at least 90% of maximum Proctor density. The native soils may be used for this purpose. The more plas- tic soils should be used as an impermeable cap to prevent the infiltration of surface water through backfilled areas and into the foundation soils. Material should be placed in lifts not to exceed 6 inches compacted thickness and at a moisture content approximately equal to the optimum Proctor moisture content, plus or minus 2%. Backfill should be compacted to the density required by mechanical means. No water flooding techniques of any type should be used in the placement of back- fill on this site. T i19"* ,!t"r' vi'lase "30, 1977 Iy i\Fortant, due to the nature of data obtainednaplJ-ng of euch a variable and nonhomogeneousar solL, that we be informed of any changes in the leg_eondltions observed during constructlon from those,;end outlinad in tha body of this report. ConstructionFl;,aftsrr16 be made familiar wLth the content of thisand lnstructed to rcport any of these differenceE immed-en engouRtered. thrt all p€rtin3nt points concernLng the sub- ;,$1" eitc havc been covcred in thiE report. F - !r$-thaf,;{,lnf oJrrr tidr . Lt .. d.e g ltred r,, plcace ",..thc f"eboretory at eny time. R.eepectfully subnitted, LIUCOLN-DEVORE TESTING IAB.*g' I.tartin F. Essigmann ,tr. - Glenuood Springa l,Pfa.1cc.. Cuilding OffJ,eiat, Veil, CO P. E.lric, 1, Toct Hole No. Top E levoti on snrrft 6aArtA., : eott Dfr, I.ED.ErSpt #,8'6dq 8. t45.EaE|snl 's4/'6 t*2 ItoE6&*6t, 0hy'mo*nftLHdE DRILLING LOGS LINCOLN-DcVOR E TE STING LABORATORY COLORADO SPRINGS-PU E8LO. COLORADO 8o11 Sa-rnple Sn ( &rrrrr ote/a-) ProJect ,Smaao Rogoew Eample l,ocatlon THtb t@9' 100 90 s0 ?o 50 50 4 30 20 lti tYz" O ..l'- Meci itu,, I Fitt l ast-ic to Plastic Test Date No. /92/3 65'6/2 il- ?-27 ',-est by TUU SII,.T TO CIAY % Paselng SAND E(, H H }'{ FIzH frr E{2 FI &9tA .E!: iiil!l{t iil til I tlilili r 11T1 't 'f-.1 Iit I'I-l _'-l_ rl.+4 *ro bt.'"f"r- t'fi3 +20 #40 #1( L L/2 3/4" I,, L/2':__ 3/8"?9,t IO 20 ^t0 ot.o 5t.3 &.4 J. t, (r-- -_ 200 20,?.0200 ,0050 ,?.(. s'lfttt' z6at o* SampJ-e No. Speciflc Gravity l'lolsture Content Effectlve Slze Pinenegg Modulus L.L. z5.z * p r. fiP_=_* BEAAInG ?9@__psf l,r0rttvr.rF,f ttrNnum LTNCOLN-DEVORE TESIING IABORATORY cotoRADo SPRTNGS, COLORN)OGN,AIN SIZE ANALYSIS II.r*CTION REQUEsT TOWN OF VAIL ,2ryto* (try wED rHUR I DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME t' INSPECTION:AMFRI BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING g tNsuLnrroNr tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr 'y'-iiri FINAL tJ\4 i'/ f- ELECTRlCAL: U TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL ] APPROVED DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIO l1 )-- ,/.: i1 ./ a_--!\ ..'t: li-l_i)A r.t *-.r- axe/T / j_./ .:t i rNspEcroR ' ',trpl.,r,yr",ir V* /'^/ /) / LI.'l't:'t ^.'r,\/ -rE^^p E t\/;V qL-A-{f ^- e -a'V.+<-Ar lru*cnoN REeuEsr : DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME tt\, /MON / CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PM BUILDING: E] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL FINAL /.-El,U iL Q r-.'. i r.l /' '\ -'l l-\/ i. - EL tr n tr tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr FINAL FINAL y/neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED .TIiREINSPECTION REQU IRED t, ,{fOU€ Tt/F f. d r./8.{- ctt r L;' G I E-r 4+ELE N Lz '*t C) tryst*.r- fi,,t o E ..i,'lrl i.i A/{t t.,U <"tllt-r-S ezi A€A-:f tu.,'rt t,v ('t'/k tsF ,f .i :, INSPECToR --'-l'i' ,n ,lcL-4.-t-zDATE o /L// ffil d S/* +"''^l*"t{ I v-*-({ 1 DisP llhA 4'P/- t L\trtt)A- Fro It f ,l |l A-rH J E-f \A-t/ | - Laury Tu,B L - tttt- btrtr DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON IN*cTIoN .REQUEsT CALLER @ ----@ PMwED rrrfA FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. E ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING T] POOL / H. TUB E FINAL FINAL E] HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR N FINAL a i{FFnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED t4 / ./-' / > i"'--DATE / LJl '1 / / :) INSPECTOR,// rNseetoru TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAIVIE RECEIVED-- AM PM CALLER ! orHrn E panrral LOCATION R EADY FOR INSPECTION WED THURTUE AM PMMON COMMENTS: fJneeRovED ! uporu rHe CORRECTIONS D orsappRovED FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: I nerNsPEcr DAT E INSPECTOR rNSeetoru FIEEUEST VAILTOWNOF DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AI\1 PM CALLER ! orHen f, pnnrrel LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURTUE FRI AM PMMON COMME N TS: E nppRovED n uporu rsr CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED FO L LOWIN G COR RECTIONS: ! ne rNsPEcr DAT E INSPECTOR rNseetorv rtEBUEsT TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PIV] CALLER I ornen D pnnrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION IVION TUE WED TIIUR FRI COMMENTS: AM PM ;,- : ! nppRovEo n DrsAppRovED ! nerNSpEcr tr uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR lheprl.le.y va' DAT E rNSeecOo* TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I orHen I pnnrrel LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURTUE AM PMMON COMMENTS: n nppRovED I uporu rue CORRECTIONS I otsapPRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: ! n r rNSPEcr DATE INSPECTOR rNsieefioru TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM JOB NAME ! orHen MON COMMENTS: I paRrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED . THUR FRI AM PM /7-2a-/) XlnppRovED r}.tSLUPON THE FOLLOWING CoRRECTIONS: I orsnePRovED REINSPECTnLJ 't/ DATE rb rNseeelloru FrEeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL a".a.: t.,'l) t.: ''' ' JOB NAME).r_l RECEIVED .., ' AM:?Mi CALLEB ' j. ^ ':. '1 f]ornen I pnnrtnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION DATE TIME MON COMMENTS: TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM PPROVED E upolr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS n orsnppRovED I nerNsPEcr ,z'y'DArE ,+ - 3,t- 2 7 INSPECTOR rNseefroru FTEouEST TOWN OF VAIL IJAIC JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n ornrn LJ PARTIAL LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI COMMENTS: AM PM ,v,,iNt8R ,'oCi I neeRovEo tr DrsAppRovED J nerNSpEcr D uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR lh. rrinlery , r'l DAT E