HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 13 BLOCK 2 LOT 21 LEGAL,,-ffi Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Departmert of Community Development 75 Sodh Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: WCKERS, GMVETTE, & CONN PEC Number: PEC030032 Project Description: Duplex SuMivision Review Pafticipants: OWNER CONN, JUUE cOX 06/2312003 Phone:l LINCOLN PI.AZA 26K NEW YORK NY 10023-7136 License: APPUCANT Stephen Croke 0612312003 Phone: 748-8738 Box 1298 Edwards, CO 81632 License: ProiectAddress: 2425 BALD MOUNIAIN RDVAIL Location: 2425 Bald Mt Rd Legal Description: Lot: 21 Block 2 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 13 Parcel Number: 210103301006 Comments3 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: DENIED Second By;Vote: DateofApproval: Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Planner: Bill Gibson PEC Fee Paid: $100.00 Revissd 5/292 (PLEASE PRINT OFA, APPLICANT MAILING ADDHE osto Flecslv€d by the Communily 0svalopment 0eoanmanl: APPLICATION FOE OUPLEX SUEOTVISION REVIEW (Chaptor 17.24 Vait Municipal Codel $utre Cx Conn nooness B.n lZdtB, d Iru.u!.g,1o fftaXa rnolre 4 ?d -? 1t t?l$ PROPERTY OWNER OWNER'S SIGNATURE PHONE MAILING ADORESS STHEET ADDRESS MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED:6-ao'oS l. Two mylar copiss and on€ psp€r copy ol th€ 3ubdlvision plat shell be submhlsd to Ihe Department ol Community bevelopmint. The plal shall includs ths lollowingl a. The final plat shall be drawn by a rsgisterEd surveyor in Indla ink, or other subslantial solution, on a reproducibla madium (preferably myler) with dimension ot twcnty.four by thlny-slx inchas and shall be at a scale ol one hundrBd fest to ona inch or la€er with msfgins of ons and one-half io two Inches on th€ lsft and one-half inch on all oth6r sides. b. Accurale dimensions to tho nearcrt one.hundredih of e foot lor all llnes, engles and curves used to describe boundari6s. gtreats, selbacks, allgys, easemants, sfuctures, arees lo b€ rtserved of dsdicated for public ol comrnon uses and othet important loalures. All curves shall be ci/oular arcs and shallb€ d€fined by tho radius. conlral angla. ara scored distancas and bsaring. All dimsnsions, both llnaar and aflgular, ar6 to b€ d€l€rminEd by an accurate control survoy in the fleld r'/hich must balance and closE wilhin a iimit of one in ten thousand. c. Norlh arrow and graphlc scale. d. A Systematic identificalion of all €:(lsting and proposed buildings, unils, lols, block, and nam€s for all strgots. 6. An ld€nllf,cation ol the stre€ts, alleys, parks, ard othar pt.bllc areas or lscllltles as shown on the plat, and a dBdlcelion thersof to lh€ publlc u66. An rdentiflcalion of' the €ssements as shown on fie plat End a gfant hareof to lh6 public uss. Areas reserved for futura publlc acquisition shall also bo shown on the plat. f. A wrilten survgy descdptlon of th€ arsa includlng th€ total acreego to the nsaresl- appropdats signiticad ngure. The acreage of each lot or parcel shall b€ sholt/n in thts menner as well. g. A dcscriplion ol all suley fionumsnts, both found and sst, whlch mark the bor.rnclariels of tha subdivision, and a description ol all monuments ussd in conducting the sujvey. Monumsnt perlmetar p6f Colorado slatutes. Two p€rim6ter monum€nts shall be astablished as mljor control monuments, lhe materials which sheli be delermined by rh. town €ngine€r. h. A slalemenl by the land suweyor explaining how bBering bas€ wasdetgrmingd. l. A cortifrcat€ by tha r€gist€red land surveyof as outlincd in Chaprar 17.32 ol this D. c- r. AppLlcANT's REpFEsENTATIvE gtEil\e\ C |uhe- LocAloNoF PHoposAL: U 0 I OV30 /AC A r-or Z[ eLocx Z sueorvrsroru AppLtcATloN FEE $100.00 pAtD_ CHECK # lrcd=.m Received Jun{14-2003 03:l9pl Frc-$terart Title fo-Gore Range Surveying Pagc 002-.oo SCIIEDTILEA 0r&rNumbec 03033583 l. Eftctive datc: tray 12, 2OO3 at 7:45 A. . 2. Policy or Polici:s to bc issuc& Amornt of lnsurance (a) A.L-T.A. Osvner's $ nmeed Insured: (b)A-L.T.A. L@r hopced Insured: (c) Leascbold Propmed Insurcd: 3- lte estate m intercst in thc lmd descdbed or refetrcd !o in this Commitnent and covered herein is fee ci4rle 4. Titlc to fte fee riugle cstatc or inbrEst in said land is at lhe effcctivc datc hffeof v€stcd in: --9 IIICIAE P. VICCEnA ad OOnfU r. CRAVEIIE (elRCEr. A/SATCEL 2) _> drulirE cot @u! ( prncEl. E/paaclx, l) 5. Thc land rcferred to in this Cmnnitmeot is described as follops: aEt t|IrActED taqr& D8scBrgtrotr PrElrori€d ldtlreeer STATEMENT OF CHARGES 242, Thcsc clrargcs arr due ad payablo bcforc a YIIL, co 81557 Policy can be issnd. Recelved Jun{14-?003 FrqFSterart Title To-Gore Surveying Page 003 SCHEDI]LEA OrderNurfiec 03033583 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Prrccl t ako tuqnr at Parcel 2tlhat portLa of lat 2L, Eloclr 2l' Vf,If,, Vft;!A(5 fffff8Emf PILfre. boilg nore partiaularty de€crlbed as follortt: E€gt!,!f.!g at a potnt rhetc€ t[e uottiregt Conrcr ot t,iL 2!. Eloct 2, Vall Yiltage ltirtceath Filiag beara forth ?6" 55'33" I|est a distance of 70.08 tect, tbsnoe lortl 66'21,07. Ea6t a dLstato€ ot 36.80 fe€t t tbence gooth 23038,53" East a digtarce of 32.30 feet; tbeDce South 66021,07' tteBt . iltstaDce of 9.8O feet; tben€ sonttr 23c38,53' East a all€taDc€ ot la.so l€et ttbere goutb 66021'07. tfert a ilistance of rl.5o f,eett tbeDce So|ttb 23c38'53. last a dLstaao€ ol 8.OO feet; tbeoce South 66021.07' Wcst a dirtance of 22.4O fett tbeDce lorth 23c38.53' rest a dlstalce of 5O.3O feett tb€oc€ goutb 66oZt,O7' ltest a allstarae of O.Orl fcdr tberce [ortb 23038,53' Itert a alistaoce of 5.0O feet !o 6e true Foilt ot Begtrqhg. Par€el B also hcm as parcel 1: That grortloa of bt 2L, Sloal 2, Vttlr \rtt IAGB EBffAEEUtfPtLIfit, beJag nore t articularlt' dcrcribeil aB foltor6: Segtrairg at 6 tro:lBt rrteac€ tha lorthwe5t Corl€r af ,at 21, Elock 2, Vail Villag€ lLirtecath Filing lean lorth 46o t0'15" |?ert a <listaace of 51.O4 feell tbenoe Aoutt 23'30.53' East . dt 6tanc€ of 32.80 fe.tt tbeaoc lortb 66021,O7" Eart 6 ilistalce of 9.8O feet; tbeDos south 23038,53. EaEt a illstaro€ of 11.50 f€et t th€nae trorth 56"21,07. East a alistaao€ of 4.{O fo€tt theocc Soutb 23038'53' Eart a dktrrlee of 8.OO fcet; theDe€ [ortD 66c21'O7' Eaat a dlstana€ ot 22.10 f€€t, tbeaoe forth 23038,53' tfcst a ilistalce of 5.0O feet; tb€Dc€ South 66"21,07- tt€st a ai8tatc€ of O.Ol feet; tbeDq trortb 23038,53' tf€Bt a illst.lc€ of 5O.3O f€et t tbeaee South 66021'07' lfcst s alirtaoce of 36.!10 feet To the lEu€ poilt Of E€gllttlg. c@!ar oF EIGI.E SIIIE OF COIIIREDO gmo Rangeo Received Jun-04-2003 03:l$pn Fron-Stewart Title To-Gore RangE Surveying PaeE 00d_o - SCIIEDTJI,E B -Sectim2 0ribr Nrunbec 03033583 EXCEPIIONS The poticy or policiee to bc issued will contain oxc4timr ro the following unlcso the samc are disposcd of to the satisfactio of tbe Compauy: t. Righb or claims of parties in po$ession, nol shown by the public rcorib. 2. Enemenb, or claims of easernents, not showtr by the public Ecords. 3. Disryncies, @trflictt in boundary lines, shutage in area, encmachments, md atry facts wtich a oorr€ct suwcy aad bspection of thc premises would disclose and which arc Eot shown by &c public rccords. 4. Ary lia, or right to a lien, for serrices, tabor or rnaterial herc(oforc or hcreder fomichcd, impoocd by lan' and not showu by tbe priblic recortb. 5. Def€cts, lieas, eacumbrauccs, advcrse claims or other matters, f ny, eratcd, first appeaing io thc prblic ...o63 e1 attrching subsequ€lrt to lhe cffective dete hereof, but prior to the datc the propced imured rquircs of record for valrr tte esbte or intercst or mortgage thereon covercd by fris commiment. 6. Unpdented mining claiurs; reservatims or exceptiorB in patents, or ar act authorizing the issumce thercof; waEr rights, claims or titls to watcr. 7. lny arral all uapaid ta:res aril assessLots ald ary urrsdeeil tar aafer. 8. ?D€ etfect of lacluel,ols ia aay go!€rat or Epsolf.lc rater col.ervatcy, lfue protectiol l soil coraerratioa or other district or i.lclusion in aly rater acrglce or street iqtEov€oatrt ar€a. 9. Reser:vatiols aad e*ceptious la Pateots. or Acts auttorizilg tle Lpsuaaoe thereof r hcluillag tt€ r.Bervatl.on of tb€ rlght of prolrrl,etor of a v.h or lode to cxtract ald reoove hlr ore therefro should tbe roe De found to De!€tnteor tDt€raect ttre pr''r s€s as r€3€ffsa i! Utlted Stat€s Pateot recorded lug[tst 22. L936 i! Book 157 at Pag€ SOtl ald recorded ltat 61 1905 il Book a8 at Peg€ 273 aal recorded fray 6, 1905 it Book 48 at Page 5O9. 1O. Bercrvatioaa or erceprliols in SateEtE, or il Acts authoriri.lg the Lcsuace tlereof, lrcluallDg the r€e€rvatlon of a rlght of ffay for dttc[es or carlalB c@etrusterl by tb€ autbority of th€ ftltted Stat€s, as reEerreil h UElted States Pateat lecordeil Angust 22, lgt6 in Eook 157 at ?ag€ 304. recqiled Iat' 6, 1905 .lq Eook 08 at PagE 273 ard r€corded tcat 5, t9O5 i! aoot 18 at gag€ 5O9 enat reoorded tlarch 311 1915 i.a Book 48 at Page 591. 11. n€s€rvatior of on€-lalf of alt oll, gae aDd oth€r lherals as colta.betl ia Deeil recorded tlay 3, 1950 iD Eooh 165 at Page 227. 12. All ratterc as ebotra oa glat of Vail Vlllage, Girteeltb Pililg recorded trsvcder LO. 1972 in Book 225 at Pag:e lrl5 as Re'cetltior no. 121932. 13. Pntective Covcra[tr recordetl Uoveder LO. L972 i! Eook 226 at Page 1{6 aa aecqrtt@ ro. 121933, First t[€rd!!€at r€corded septob€r 2L. L978 !r Dook 295 et Pag€ 628 .s neception !o. L72A37. c@tlnneal @ r€rt pag€ :.,. Received Jun-04-2003 *,tb Frou-Etewart Title To-Gorelanee Surveyins Page 005 cootinu.tLor ot scheafule ! - Sectlon 2 Orrler rrderr O3033583 14. D€claratioa of Coveaants, Coadiliom, aad lettriqtiaa for ,,ot 2!. Blocl 2, Yril Yillage, Ihirtccatb rililg recordcd Deoelbcr L8, ,,97S iu BooI 243 !t Fage 738 aa n€ceptlou !o. 139880. lt. trtter to Eagle Blver reter arrd SatLtatlot Dlstrtct r€garalt-ag sater Deter recorileal rtuly 21. 1997 in Bootr ?32 at PaEs 586 aE Bec€ption llo. 628544. 15. r Deed of tnrrt alated Uaf ,, 2OO3. €:€cuted bf Dotrald E. Crav€tte aail nlctael P. vickers, to tbe Public trurtee of Eagle courtt, to s6utrs an ildebt edaes r of t ^ -F $355,OOO.OO. ln favor of e3l?g!I, B3nr e grust coqrary recoriled rGrt 13, 2o{t3 as \\; noce;rti@ [o. 833251. lrffectffin\ 17. A D€ed of TntEt alat€d .taloart' 23, 1998, €8ectrted by Jutl€ t. Cor. to th Publlc lr!.tee of 8agle Cormty, to sccure ar iadebt€drclr of S68,000.O0, ia fayor of t . ,,tt FhstBar* of vall recorded Uarch 4, 1998 aB neceptloD tro. 6118845. s\'ArrigErleot of abwe Deed of lrust to @ordeilD€ceDber 7, L998 ae Becept!.on Uo. 679U9. (AffectE parcel B/paae€l l) ***'****:l****tt*{.**:t****{.****************,f +++**,t*++*t *,t *+ * * *{.* * rt {!****t*.ir*:f *{t ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ******{''tl.*********'t****{.***,r*****+t*+*******:}*****x'*r.***r.'$***+rt f f **'iir***{t****r.**r'***'t|****** Statement Number: R030004222 Amount: 9100.00 06/23/2OO3O4:03 pM Palment Method: Check Init : ,fAR Notation: 3074 Sawatsch Land Company Permit No: PECO30032 TlDe: PEC - Duplex Subdivision Parcel No: 210103 3 01006 Site Address: 2425 BAL,D MOI'NTAIN RD VAIL IJocation: 2425 Bald Mt Rd Total Fees: $1oO.0OThis Payment: 9100.OO Total AIJL, FInEB I $1OO,0O Balance: $0,00 **********{.*1.***+*f************'r******:****!*****************:*r**'**{.*,t *** * ** ** ****lr **r! f*{.{.**tr *'r ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Prnts PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPLICATION FEES 100.00 r,{.f tr/Pr Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.w July 8,2003 Stephen Croke PO Box 1298 Edwards, CO 81632 RE: Vickers, Gravette, Conn - Duplex Plat 2425Bald Mountain RoadlLot 21, Btock 2, Vail Village l3'n Filing Dear Stephen, Town of Vail Staffis currently reviewing the proposed Duplex Pl*. for 2425 Bald Mountain Road. The following is a summary ofthe preliminary comments from that review: l All plat title and certificate formats must be in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 13- 11, Vail Town Code. 2. The plat must contain the following language: For zoning purposes, the two lots created by this subdivision are to be treated as one entity with no mole than two-family residence allowed on the combined area of the two lots. 3. A copy of the declarations and/or covenants attached to the subdivision must be submitted to assure the maintenance of any common areas which are being created. 4. All taxes ad valorem ta,res applicable to such subdivided land for yean prior, must be paid at the Eagle County Treasurer's Office. 5. A check paid to the Eagle County Treasurer in the amount of $ I 1.00 must be submitted to the Town of Vail for recording fees. Ifyou have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2173. .z ,/tzrlr,,z-rz4- fu - .4,<_- Bill Gibson, AICP Planner II Town of Vail I RNrcLED PAPENfi WN OFVAIL FILT CCIPY of C ommun ity D ev e I opment South Frontage Road Colorado 81657 70-479-2138 970-479-2452 '.ci.vail.co.us September 24, 2003 Stephen Croke PO Box 1298 Edwards, CO 81632 RE: Vickers, Gravette, Conn - Duplex Plat 2425BaldMountain Road/Lot 21, Block 2,VulVillage l3th Filing Dear Stephen, To date, I have not received a response to my letter date July 8, 2003 (a copy has been attached for reference). Please address the issues identified in that letter by no later than Wednesday, October 1,2003. If you have any quostions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2173. I RECYCLED PAPER 4./*><--: h. Z,L- Bill Gibson, AICP Planner II Town of Vail t3 WN OFVAIL FILE of Community Development 5 South Frontage Road 'ail. Colorado 81657 70-479-2 t 38 970-479-2452 ,.ci.vail.co.us October 6,2003 Stephen Croke PO Box 1298 Edwards, CO 81632 Vickers, Gravette, Conn - Duplex Plat 2425BaId Mountain Road/Lot 21, Block 2,Yail Village 13'n Filing Dear Stephen, It is my understanding that the owners of 2425 Bald Mountain Road are currently negotiating the terms ofthe declarations and/or covenants for the property, and therefore have not completed their Town of Vail application for approval of a duplex plat. Please submit all necessary materials and make all necessary corrections to complete this duplex plat application by no later than Monday, November 3,2003. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2173. fl''t -o t Vio " RE: Bill Gibson, AICP Planner II Town of Vail I RECVCI.ED PAPEEs FII.E of Community Development 5 South Frontage Road hil, Colorado 81657 70-479-21i8 1AX 970-479-2452 '-vailgoucom May21,2004 Stephen Croke PO Box 1298 Edwards, CO 81632 RE: Vickers, Gravette, Conn - Duplex Plat 2425BaldMountain Road/Lot 21, Block Z,Varl Village l3th Filing Dear Stephen, The purpose of this letter is to infomr you that the Duplex Subdivision Review application submitted for2425 Bald Mountain Road (application numberPEC03-0032) has been formally denied by the Town of Vail. The required corrections for this application identified in a letter dated July 8, 2003 (and restated in letters dated September 24,2003, and October 6, 2003) have not yet been addressed. Since these required corrections have not yet been submitted to the Town, the Town has no option but to deny this application. Should you wish to create a duplex subdivision for2425 Bald Mountain Road at some future date, a new Duplex Subdivision Review application will be required. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2173. Ff\rlrrVVr'l ar///-- r'a. zz--- Bill Gibson, AICP Planner II Town of Vail {} L"r'""oo"'* /of ?l \ktwtt'1 , Qt'dbf*at'tn| /7 Pla nni ng Ad mi nistrative Action Form Department of C-ommu nity Developrnert 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 fa* 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Prcjed Name: Description: VICKERS/GMVETTE/CONN DUPLE( SUBDMSION ADM Number: ADM040009 Participants: PrcjectAddress: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: OWNER CONN, ]ULIE COX 109 UPPER HOOK RD 09/2112004 Phone: I(ATONAH, NY 10536 License: APPUCANT VICKERS, MICHAEL P. - GRAVET09/21|2004 Phone: 8480 E ORCHARD RD STE 6200 GREENWOOD WLI.AGE, CO 80111 License: 2425 BAID MOUNTAIN RD VAIL Location: Loe 21 Block 1 Subdivision: VAIL VIII-AGE RIJNG 13 210103301005 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: APPROVED Date of Approvah 1212212ffi4 Conditions: @nd:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Planner: Bill Gibson ADM Fee Paid: $100.00 2l/2AA4 IA.22 303-796-4366 -1004 0?:t6 Fron'llEAl TIIVERS r PCRrlils I?rttu Fru'T0ill 0r VllL Smillfi DFl|n0nHtT cAM PAGE 62/42 I'Us P.009/006 F t0? I'!lt F.00!/!0t FrlN g]I,4PARK SJSINE5S er0t?67110 9?01?ltl5l trr EI 900 $.00 ,AJ *'Jlffi[,3,ii#ffi"ffi fWrof Qflicadonrndn*t 6H#m[ffih*" DEtrtFSon dthEnlqucc tr00 1100 ffiHffiffiffi- - r-.t;_A_-plsdbnof tlnFloFoFlt tc,!f,-L rfrtdcalAddr* AE pirualtro.r ZloloS?bloDf . . .(@nH liagle co"A$erorrt97!-328€6a0 brpad ru) Zoilng: lErndel downcf(g); lrtallingrddlsl own€|ts) sfgnrBlt{t)t 6aqrrergfisrrcofApplbff *Lrco urilngrdaresl iE Frnllittldrcss; RECE]VM .sFP 2 1 20C4 UOV€OM.DEV. owg *'|*{'t+rtlt*rt*****t***!t+*a*,t*t{r*'l****ri*lt*{r'a!}*t't**'t****t*t*{r:r****{.*r.,tt't{.'**'tt **'t'}{' {(*'t+* tt*:*'***'}:t TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ir***t+*:**{'}'t***{,**l**+'}r{r*t!'a*l***r** 1***t* tr:}:t'}* *+tr*rt:tf ****'}:} i**{.'tt't**'}f **{.:t*+*:t:f ,}*+*it'r******{. Statement Nuiber: R040005704 Anount: $100.O0 O9/2L/2OO4O1 :0? PM Payment Method: Check Init: dIS Notarionr #52SISARAI| iI. BAKER Permit No: ADM040009 flEes A&ninistrat,ive Parcel" lilo3 210103301005 Slte AddresE : 2425 BAIJD MOT,IITAIN RD VAII,, IJocation: 2425 BaId Mtn Rd Total Fees3 $X00,0O Tlris Payment: 9100.00 Total ArJIJ pmts: 9x00.00 Balance: $0. OO +{'****rt'}+* **'tl.**'} *'} *lr*,}*++ *'}t* t*!*+* **'}'t'tt*'tr****t*ir**'t**+:t'}*ttr**+'t***'t*++****{r**'}t**!at*a****+ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts PV 00100003112500 Mministrative Fee 100. 00 O+eop of Comthunity Development South Frontage Road Colorad.o 81657 70-479-2 r 38 970-479-2452 vailgov.com October 8,2004 Donald Gravette cy'o Compark Business Campus 8480 E. Orchard Road, #6200 Greenwood Village, CO 801 1l RE: Vickers, Gravette, Conn - Duplex Plat 2425 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 21, Block 2, Vail Village 13'Filing DearDon, Town of Vail Staff has reviewed the proposed Duplex P lat for 2425 Bald Mountain Road. As previously stated in my July 8, 2003, letter to Stephen Croke, the follolving is a summary of the comments from that review: I . All plat title and certificate formats must be in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 13- I l, Vail Town Code (see enclosure). 2. A check paid to the Eagle County Treasurer in the arnount of $11.00 must be submitted to the Town of Vail for recording fees. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, ArZtZt 'h-ZLt-- Bill Gibson, AICP Town of Vail Enclozure: Chapter l3-l l, Vail Town Code fp It tt ",t r", iltt uP of Community Development 9N0-479-2 r 38 F+Y e70-479-2452 w(.vail9ov.com I I May 21,2004 Stephen Croke POBox 1298 Edwards, CO 81632 RE: Vickers, Gravette, Conn - Duplex Plat 2425Bald Mountain Road/Lot2l, Block 2, Vail Village 13'Filing Dear Stephen, The purpose of this letter is to inform you that the Duplex Subdivision Review application submitted for 2425 Bald Mountain Road (application number PEC03-0032) has been formally denied by the Town of Vail. The required corrections for this application identified in a letter dated July 8, 2003 (and restated in letters dated September 24,2003, and October 6, 2003\ have not yet been addressed. Since these required conections have not yet been submitted to the Townn the Town has no option but to deny this application. Should you wish to create a duplex subdivision for 2425 Bald Mountain Road at some future date, a new Duplex Subdivision Review application will be required. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2173. Bill Gibson, AICP Planner II Town of Vail f,tplu""t,uo 'o,u 7l South Frontage Road Vdil. Colorado 81657 F. GRAVETTE OR MTCHAEL VTCKERS Eagle County Treasurer - I lllT/2004 2425 Bald Mtn Rd. Lot 21, Block 2, Vail Village l3th Filing ,tA7I 11.00Recordine Fees 2425 Bald Mountain Rd-Duolex Plat Lil2AE4 15:44 3A3-796-43A5 CII4PARK BIJSINESS CAl,4 PAGE AL MDXA Dwelopment, LLC , Fax Transmittal ** 7 *t5 F. lJ Mh (Jr /a, [- "q.* t/ tr llqent E For Renlern tr Pleero @mfiFnt tr pleesr Reply tr pleeee Recycle fr|rdfttf|lAulldirE 8480 Eastturad Rod Suite EFo Groglh,Eqd VfllagE @ SO111.SOZ9 30s86-Ct00 fax 3{F-796{30€ 21,L772A84 15:44 -.f 3S3-795-S3A6 I PARTY WALL AT\D DUPLEX DECLARATION WHEREAS' Mchael P. Vickers and Donald B. Cvravette (collectively refened 0o as "oravette') jointly own oE€ sidc of a duplex, aad Julie cox conn ('conn) owas thE other side of the duplex located on a single lot at 2425 Bald Mountain Roid, Vail" Colorado, and legally described as: I,l;lt2l, Block 2, Filing 13 of the Vail Villagc Subdivision" according to the plat thereof recorded at Book , Page _ Recrytion No. *ffi?ffiT*;,q"* of thc crerk andRecorder of Eagre countv, IVIIEREAS, Gravette and Conn desire to firrtber srrbdividc the kopsrty into two separate lots, Lot 21A owned by Comn and Lot 218 owned by Gravette, by executing and recordiug a Resubdivision Plat for the Propcrty (thc '?laf) and this Declaration in the real ostate rdcords ofEagle County, Colorado. WHEREAS, Gtavette and Corn dEsire to revoke thc Declaration of Coveoants, Conditions and Restictions for Lot 21, Block 2, Vail Village Thirteelrth Filing, recorded Decemtior 18,1975 in Book 243 atPzge 738, unde.r Reception No. 139880, ald replace it with this Declaratioa. NOW TI{EREFORE, Gravofto aad Con:r do hereby publish and declare that the fonowing terms, covelratrts, conditions, easemeob, restictions, uses, resetrvations, limitations and obligations Shall.be deerned to arn wilp the lmd descripe{ hqrqin, shall be a br.nden aad a betrefit to Gravette and Conn, their suicessors ane assiiTs, and my person acquiring or. owning ari interest in the real propaty which is described herain and improvements built thorein, their grantrees, personal representatives, heirs, succesgors and assigru. l. Division of Real Pronerrtv iato Two Lots. The subjoct propcrty is, hereby' and upon the recording of tha Plat, divided into two lots (individually, a 'T-ot".and collectively, the "I,ots") each consisting of the Lot designated with tho oorresponding letter, togetber with all impmveurcnts theceon and all oasements and rights located theroon or appurtenant thereto as provided herein, as follows: I-atzLA, oranred by Coian Lot 21B, owned by Gravette such Ints being shown on thc Plat; and I 2. Descriotion oflot- (a) Each Ini shall encumbered only as a residence. COI'IPARK zuSINESS CAM PAGE g2 be inseparable and may be loased, dsvised or L7l2A84 15:44 3A3-796-A346 COIPARK BIJSINESS CAM PAGE S3 (b) Title to 1 Lor may be held individually or ia mt fo.rm of,concureat ovrnership rccosized ir Colorado. In case of any such concurrent oumership, ' each co-owner shalt be jointly and scverally lia,ble for perforoance and, observancc of ali the dutieg and reqponsibilities of an "ownc,r'r with respiot to the Iot iu which he owns an interest. For the purposes. herein, thera shall be deomed b be only two owners, thc ownerof Lot 21A aad the ormen of rot z1B. The parties, if more thaa onc, iooiog ftt owncrship of each such Lot shall agree among th*wiues how to share the righd and obligaticins of such ownership, but all nrch parties shall be jointly and. severally [aOte for performance and obsen:vmce of all of the duties and obligations -of .n "owuerf here,rnder with respect to the Lot in whic.h they ovrn aa interast. G) Any conkact of salg deodo lease, deed of tnrst ) mortgage, will or' othe'r instum€rf dtrecting a Lot nay rlwctibe it by its Iot number and by reference to the Plat. (d) Each Lot shall be con$id€red a separate Lot ofreal propcrty aird shall be separately assessed and taxed. 3. Landsqmins and Service Facilities (a) Each ownor shall be responsiblo for all ladscapr4g md gensral outdoor imptovements on his.individual Lot and, except for any et(p€ilrse or liability 9"u"ud tr*tgh the ncgligenci or willful act of the other owner, his fami.ly, 4geil$ or invitee, which shall be borne solely by such othq owner, eaoh owner sh.a[ pay atl e)cpenses, liabilities and.general upkcep reslonsibilities with respect to such landscaping and outdoor improvements located in or on his own Lot, The owner of one Lot shan boi unreasonably *image the value ofthe other Lot such as by shoddy upkeep outside, and both owners shall make all reasona,blc Efforts to prcs€rve a harmonioui comulon appearauce ofthe Lots. (b) Comrnon utility or serrvice connections, cornrnon facilities or othet comibor equipment md pro,perty, if any, shalt bc ouared as tenants in comnoir aud, excbpt for any experises or liability caqsod throueh the uegligence or willful act of any owrrsr, his fapily, agent or invitee, which shall be bome solely by such owrer, alt $(Penses and liabilities conceracd with such propefy shall be sbarcd proportionately with such ownership. The owners, if nccessary, shal designatc one owner to receive all joint utility bills ftowwcr, the bills will be in the joint nasros of both owners) whic,h rire used in common with both l,ots and that designated owner shall be respousiblg spbject to conkibution from tbe other owner for his slrrre of tbs enpelrse, for tbe payrncnt of such utility. All such oommon expenscs shall be borne equally betwcen lot zlA md Lot 2lF- The designatdd owner sUall notifv the anpmprriatc oUtity conp"ny aud iuform tUu*i of tn* oommon billing address. lVhere scparato metsrs for measrrring costs or o(peDses for such utility service aro available, such cost shall bo an individuat expEnse and.not a joiut eryense of the oumers. Expenses for constuction and futrrre maintenaucq rgplacement ,aad repair of futwe colrunon utility. smrices to the snbject properly shatt bt aflocated among the. owners of the Lots as desoribed above for replacemon! rcpair and maintenance o?qrses of existing utilities. Notwitbstanding the abovq tf a utility is L7l2qA4 15:44 303-795-A366 CT]MPARK BI.JSINESS CAM PAGE g4 seperately metcred but such service or any portion thereof is for the benefit of both Lot 2lA and lrot zLB, then the cost of such service shatl be equitably adjusted betweenr the ow:ners. 4. Drivewav. The Lots ehall have a cornmon driveway, and there is granted hereby a non-cxclusiv€ eas€lrr€nt for ingress and egress purposee over arrd across those portions of a Iltt wtdch is used as a driveway, to tbe extent recoAsary bo accesS the othe'r Lot No owner shall bind.er nor psr4it his guost to hinder reasonable access by the other owner and his guest to his Lot. Maintenance, repair or improverneut of such cotrrmm drivcway pray be reguiied from time to time, and the same ehall be mdertakm try9l tre unanimous agreement of thc owners who shall share all cxpenses in accordance with the proportionate area of the driveway located on eaoh Lot. If eittrer otvtr€tr's negligeurce shall cause darnage to or destnrction of said drivenay, such negligeot party shall bear tho entire cost of rcpair'aad reconstructiou. 5. PartvWall. G) Each owner of a separate Lot shall have a perpetual reciprocal eascnesrt in and to that part of the subject property orrnred by the othcr owner and on . wbioh fbe party wall is located, for party wall purposes, including maintenance, reP&t lrnd inspection; neither owner shall alter or change the p4rty wall in any manncr, interior dscoration e)ccepteq and the party woll shall always remain in the sa,me location as wha e*ected: The costs of maintaining the party wall sball be borne equally by both owners' (b) In the event of damage or defirrstiqn of thc party wall from any cause, other thar-r thc negligence of eithetr party thereio, the tbm orr,ners shall, at joint elpcnsc, repair or r$uild said wall to its previoru condition which specifically includes thJ prwious sound taasmission cooffi.cient, and each part!, thcir sucoessors anrl assigns shall have the right to the fulI usc of said watl so rspaired md rebuilt- If eithcr owneds negligence shall cause danage to or destruction of said wall, such negligent party shall 'boar the eutire cost ofrepair and roconsfinction. (c) Either owner shall, have the right to break through ttre party wall. for the purpoae ofrepairing br restoring utilitios, subjoct to tho obligatim to restore said wall to it! provious strucflral condition, whioh specifically includes tho prwious sound tansmiision coefficient, at his own o(pe[$e and the paFnent to the adjoiniug owner of any damage caused tbereby. Either owner shall have the right t9 make use of the parly .wall pmvided such use sball not i-p"u tle structrud support or the sound transnrission coefficient of the paffy wall- 6. Alteration Maintenance and R.cpgi( G) If any improve,ment on Lot 2lA or I.or 2lB is dmagcd u destroyed, such damagc or desbuction shall bo promptly rtpaired and reconskucted, unless thi ovmer of each .I,ot agrees not to repair or roconsElrct thc improvements, Repair and reconstn:ction means the restoration of the improvements to substantially the same condition in which it existed prior to srch damage or destuction. The cost to repair L7l2gA4 15:44 383-796-4366 .and reconstuct any improve,rncnt o,n' Lot 21A or l,ot 218 shall be tle sole expense ofthe owner of said Lot Lxcept as rqodified by Scctions 3, 4 or 5 above and without pr{udice, however, to the right of any mle of taw regarding liability for negligence or willfirl actit or omissioas. Notwithstanding anything contained abose to tlre .conftary, if the nogligeoce or willful act or odrission of any owner, his ageot or invitee, shall cause aacnago to, or destmction of any improveane,nt on any Int srrch owner shall bear sntire costs ofrcpair or reconstruction. (b) Each owner shsll be solely responsible for all maintmanoe ad rrpair of. the exterior and intsi6r of his reside,lrce, including all fixtues and imprwqents and all udlity lines and cquippeot located therein of in; on or. upoi his Lot, and seruing suchLot only. (c) Utility or sen'ice connections, fqsilities or other utility.equipmsf and property located rn, ou or upon either of l.ot 2lA or Lot 218 which is used solcly to supply a se,lvice or utility to one Lot shall be ownod by the.owner of the Lot using such utilityor serrrice and alt etqrenscs aod liabilities forrepair and nrainteoanca sball be borne solelybythe ovnrer of such Lot who shall hare aperyetual eascm€ot itr and to that part of such other Lot containing such poperty for purposes of mainteoance, repair and rnspection. (d) No owner shall malce or suffer any stnrch$al or design change (including a oolor sche,me ohange), either pemranqt or tilryorary and of my tlpe or nature wbatsocfy€r to the ortcrior of his Lot or oonstmst arry addition or ioprovement ou his tot without firs1 sltaining the prior wdtteo cousent thseto from the othetr ownerr, which consent shall not be uureasonably vntttheld or delayed. (e) Wh6re the owner of either Lot, tI compliance with the othetr pmvisions of this Deslaration, desircs to buil{ Jenorrato, exoavate, impmve or otheisrise alter the structures or improvenents located on his Lo! and qrhcre the owner has obtained the writen oonsent thereto of the owner as providd in Section 6(d) above, tho ovrner of the other Lot shall coopaate to the octemt necossary to enable that owner to obtain any required building perrrit or similar pe'nnit ol liceasc. Nsffithstt'hding mything contained hereiq rro owncr may modify any imprcivbmcnt which would utilize more ttran the zoning d€frsify or other zonhg rights available to such Lot. Lot 21d and 7,atzLB shall ssch shall be entitled to one-half (l/Q of any such zoning density or rigltb allocated, to Lot 21. Any costs or expenses associated with thc obtaining of a building or similar permit shall.be the eirpcnrse of tne oimer desiring said pmit'and shall not be a joint expeose oftheownem ofboth Lots. (g In the event thx Either Lot, or fraction thersof, io takear by eminent domain or in condeurnation, the owner of that IDt shall reoeive alry suns payable with respect to such taking. In the event that both Iote, or any fractions thcreof,, are taken by esrinent alomain or in condemnation, the owners shall divide any surns papble prnsuant to zuoh taking in proportion to the relativo valucs of the LotS, or fraotions thcreofl takeal with respect to Ints. C0MPARK BUSIT€SS CAl.{PAGE A5 2tLTl28g4 15:44 3A3-?95-83A6 '1. Mechanic'sLiens.Indemnif9ation (a) Except for items incuned as a comhon elryef,se as provided for herein" if either owner shall cause any material to bo furnisbed to his Lot or any iaprovements therbon or carse any labor to bc performod therein or theroon, the othq owner shall not under my circumstanceri be liable fsr the pald.€tlt of any Expense incurred or for the value of any work done or material ftrnished; all zuch work shall be at the expenpe of the owner causing it to be done, a&d such owrcr shall bc solely rcsponsible to confoactors, labofers, EateriaJmeil and other pcrsors fiudshing labor or nnate"ials to his Lot or any imprnvernenrts (heroin or thereon. Nothing herein coutained shall authorize eitber owner or any persou dealiag ttrrough, with or under cither owncr, 0o charge the l-ot of the other owner rvith any mochanic's lien,or other lien ot encunbrance uAateveq and, on the contqry (and notice is hereby Slven), tfte right and power to charge any lien or encumbrutce of aay kind against the other owtrer ot the oths owner's Lot for work done or material fimished to one ou'ncds Lot is hcrcby expressly dqxied. (b) Except as provided for in Section 10 below, if because of any act 'or onrission of cither owrer any mechanic's or other lien or order for the payrcnt of money shall be filed against the other owneds Lot or any improve,nents therein or tliereon, or against the other owner (whether or not suoh lien cir onder is valid or .eoforceable as such), the owncr whose act or omission forms the basis for such lisl or order shall, at his owu cost and expeDse, carse the same to be oancelled and discharged of record or bonded by a surety company reasonably acceptable to the other oum.€r, within fo'rty'five (a5) days aftcr the date of filing thereo4 and firthe'r shall indefinify md save the othon owner harurless from and against aay and all costs, expenseE, claims, losees or damages, including reasonable attomoy's fees, resrrlting therefiom. 8. Use Resbictions. (a) The Lots shall be used for residential purpgses only as a permitted use, and conditional and accessory uses shall be as definod by the County of Eagle ?.DnW Ordinances- No sfuctrues of a temporry character, trailer, tent, shack, garage, ba,ra or other out-building shall bc used on any por0on of auy of the property at any time as a residence, either temporarily or permaoently O) No animals, livestook or poulty of any kind shall be raised' brcd or ke,pt otr imy of said property, ficcpt that a total of tqrq (2) dogs, oats or othcr household pets may be kept provided that they.are not kept, bred or maintained for auy oorrmercial purposes and provided firrther that they do not urreasonably iaterfere with tho quiet e,njoyment of the other Lot by its ovarer- (") No advertising signs (otcept one "For Rent" or "Fot Sale" of not noore than throo (3) squarc fcct per Lot), billboards, unsightly objects ot nuisancos shall be erected, placed or pea:nittod to rerna:in on the subject prcpcrty, nor shall any Lot be uscd in any way or for any purpose which may endanger the health or wreasonably disturb the owner or resident of the adjoining lot. C0MPARK zuSII.ESS CAM PAGE 86 UL7l2Ag4 15:44 3S3-796-4305 COMPARK BUSII€SS CAM (d) Afl nrbbislu tash or garbage shall be regularly rmoved from each Lot and shall not be allowod to accuorulate thereoa. All such expenses are the expenses of each individual owner, and are not a joint ercpente of the oumd. (e) An ovnor shdl do no act nor afly work that will unpair any eaEeBx€nt or hereditameirt or do aoy ast or allow any condition to E:rist which will adversely affeot the other Lot. ' 9. Insurm,cc. . (a) Each owner shall keep his Lot and all imprrrvmonts and fixttras located thereon insured against loss or damage !y fire and extcnded coveragc perils (inoluding varrdalism and maliciors mischief) for the maximum replacempnt value thaeo4 and oovering such othen risks of a similar or dissimilar nature as are or shall hereaftcr customarily be covsed with respect to similar prgpcatics issued by a responsible iasurance company or companies authorizod to do businoss in the State of Colorado. Each owner shall name tlte other owner as an additjonal inswed pafiy rmder such policy. (b) Each owner shall provide and keep in force for the protection of himsslf geneml public liability and property dm.age insurance against claims for bodily injury or death or property da.mage ooourring in, on or upo[ his Lot and the improvecrents thetroon, in a limit of not less than Fivc Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) in rospoot to bodity i{ury or death to any nrxnber of persons adsing out of one accident or disaster, or for drmage to prcperty, and if higher limits shall at any time be custnmary to protect against tort liability, such higher timits shail be carried and each owner shall narne the other ovnre,r as ar additional insurid party under such policy. (c) Each owner sirall deliver to the other owner certificates evidencing all iaiurmce requircd to be carried under this Section 9 upou reasonable requost, each 6eafrining 4greem€trts by the iusruers lot to oanoel or rrodiff the policies without giving the othor owner trittEn notice of at least thirty (30) days, Each owper nhall have the right to inqpect and copy all such inswaqce policies of the othcr owuer and require widence ol Itlre palmsrts of prendrrms thcreon. PAGE A7 (d) Nothing provided in this Scction shall prweart the owners.from jointly aoquiring a single policy to oov€r any dae or more of the haeards required in this Sectign 9. Such'prcnriums shall be apportioned according to the relbvant covora.ge to each Lot. G) Eash owncr may obtain additional insurauoe at his owu cxpense for his own benefit provided that alt such policies shall oontain waivers or eubrogianion rmd, provided ftrrther, that the liability of the oanicrs issuing covering the Lots hereundef, i shal I dot be af[ected or diminished by reason of any such insurmce carried by any owner. LTt2Aa4 15:44 343-796-63e6 @MPARK BU5INESS CAM PAGE O8 (D Insurauce coveragc on any persoaal Foperty items stored witbin thc improveineuts located on each Ipt shall bc thi responsibi[ty -of tfre owner thseof. Howwer, nothing herein shall be construsd to require such insrrrance. . 10. . Fnforcopent (a) If an ownor, at auy time, shall ueglect or reflrse to perforu or pay his. $are .of aay obligatiou required hereuqder, the other os,ner may, but shall nof ui obligated to, after twenty (20) days writte,n notioe to the other owner ualess the oircumstances require immediate action, malce such payaneot, or, on behalf of such other own€r, e)(peud such sum as may be ncceesary to perfomr such obligation, including but not limited to, the paynent qf any insurancc premiums rcquir€d hererurder for repair, restoration or maintenanoe, aod such other oumer shell have an cas€ment in and 0o that part of such defaulting own€rr's Lot as is reasonably necessary for suoh repair, restoration or mainterrance- (b) All suns ao paid or arpended by ao owner, with iaterest thereon at the rate of .eighteen percent (1870) por aonum fiom the date of such paym.eot 9r expenditrue, shall be pal'able by the owner so faiting to perform (the "defaulting owner") upon dernand ofthe other owner. (c) A1l sums so denanded but unpaid by the defaulting owner shall coustihrte a lieq on the Lot of the defaulting owner in favor of the other owner prior to all othcr liens and encumbtances, cxcept: (i) liens for tanes and special assesments;,(ii) the ' lien of any first uortgagE or first deed of trust of record eocumbering such L,ot The lie,n shall attash from the date when the unpaid sum shall becomc due aqd may be foreclosed in like manner as a mortgage on real propefy. To widence srrch a lim, witten notice of the lien shall be prcpared, sotting fortb the arnount of the rupaid indebtedness, the name of the defaulting owner, and description of the Lot to which thb lien shail attach. Such notibe shall.be signed by the owner in whose favor the liein shafl be filed, and the lien shall be recorded in the ofEce of the Clerk and Recorder of the Cou:rty of Eagle. .In arry foreclosure or othen collectiou prooeedings, the defaulting owner shaf be required to pay the costs and oxpenses of such proceedings, including reasonable acomey'o fies. (d) Thc lien provided for herein shall be subordinate to the lieu of my first mortgage or deed of hust, including all additional advau.ces fhereon' Sale or fiansfer of either Lot as the result of corut foreclosure or a mortgage forcolosrue tbrough the publio trustee, or any procceding ia lizu of forcclosure, Jfr"ff ' cxtinguish the lien as to pa),ra6nts thereof which become due prior to such sale or kansfar, but. shall not relieve any formerr owner of persond fiability thcrefor. The first mortgagee of such Lot who acquires title by way of foreclosure o( the taking of a deed in lieu thereof shall not, however, be liable for any past due amounts and/or obligations due herqunder and shall only become liable for future amourfs aud/or obligations btt the date it becomes the owner of such Ior No sele or trmsf€r shall.relieve such lnt frou liability for any amounts and/or obligations thseaffer bccoming due or fom rhe lien thereof. Iu the eveirt of i$e sale or hansfei of a Lot with rcsp€ct to wlich sums 'shall bc unpaid by a dcfallting owner, exceipt tansfers to a first mortgage in connection with a foreclosure of UL7|2AA4 15:44 363-795-6366 COMPARK N,FINESS CAM PAGE A9 its li€n or a deed in lizu thereof, the purchaser or other tansfsree ofa interost iu such Lot shall be jointly and severally tiabla with the seller or kansferor theroof for any such uapaid suns. G) Upon written request of any owner' frortgageq prospectirre mortgageq purchaser or'other prospective transfsree of a Lot, the owner of the other Lot shall iszue a written staterrerrt setting forth the amount he is owed under this Section 10, if any. Such statement is btoding upon the executiag owner in favor of any perton w}ro may rely thereon in good faith. Unless a requcst for such stat€ment shall be conrplied with within fiftcen (15) days aftcr receipt thereof,, all. unpaid sr.rms u'hittr besome due prior to the data ofmalciqg requost shall be subordinated !o the lieq or other inte'tost of the person requesting such statement. (0 Fach provision of this Declaration shall be enforceable by any owner by a proceeding for a prohibitivo or mandatory irjunctionr or by a suit or action to recover damages. If court proceediags are instihrted in connection with the rights of enrforoement and remedies provided in this Declaration, the prevalll'g party shall be entitled to recover its posts and €xpenses in connection thcrewith, rncluding reasonable attornet's fees. (g) Each ownerr hereby agrees that any and all actions in equity or at law which are instituted to cnforee any provision hcneunder .hall be brougbt in and only in the cor:ds of the Courfy of Fagle, State of Colorado. (h) Failure to emforce my provision of this Declaration shall not opwafe as a waivcr of any such provision, the right to enforce zuch provision therea.fier, or of any other provision of this Declaratioo. (i) Any cxcrcise of aay right granted hereurder by ono. ormer witl. respect to the othEr owner's [o! including but not limited to, the we of ary easemEnt granted hcrein, shall be exercised in a marmcr which shall not unreasonabty hinde,r, irnpede or irrpose upon such other owneds use of his Int. 11. Eassnents. G) Each Lot shalj bo subject to an oasEment for encroachments oreated by constnrction, sottling and overhang, previously cxisting or as desigred and constucted by the Deolarant or as a result of any addition or improveroerrt prusuant to thrs Declaration. A valid oasement ftr euch encroachmeflts and for the maintenauoe of saloe, so long as thoy exist shall and does exisl In the event any inprovement is partially or totally destropd, and then rebuilt, tho owners agree tlat minor cncroacbmonts of parts of an adjaoent Lot due !o consfirction shall be pernittcd a,ud that a valid easem,cot for said encroachmcart and the maintenance thereof shatl exist so long as the impmvements slrall stand. O) Each Lot is zubject to ablaoket easement for support and a blankct ea$ernsnt for the maintEnance of the residences and other stuctruos or imptoveriearts presently siftated, or to be buitt in the firhrre, on the Lots- UL7/2494 15:44 3A3-796-6305 COMPAR( BI.JSINESS CAvl i i G) There is hereby created a blanket eascment upou, acloss, over andi' undcr the unimproved portiou of each of the Lots for tho benefit of thc Lots and the structqes and improvemqils sifirated t&ereon, including the party wall, for ingoss and egress, installatio4 replacin& re,pairing and maintaining all common pmperty and utilities, including; but.not limited to, watq, sewcr, gas, tolephone, cable tv.and . elecuicity. Said'blanket easqnerrt includes futr:re utility senrrices not presently availablc to the tots whioh may reasonably bc required ua the future. By virtue of this easem,ent, it shall be expressly perrmissible for the companies providing utilities to erect and rnaiatain the necessary cquipment on any of the Lots and to affix aDd maintain electical and/or telephone wires,.circuits and conduits 04 above, aoross and under the roofs and exterior walls of the improvenrentsr all in a manner cubtonary for such companies in the area surmrrading the subject prcpaty, Notwithstanding the forgoing, all such .utility .equipment, wires, circuits and oonduib will be placed on the Lot benefitted thereby to ttre exteot practicable, will be placed undergronnd if possible, and to the artent pr.actioable tvill be plaoed as close to. the Lot lino as practicable, Bither owner shall bave tho riSht to relocate withi:o his Lot any utility at his sole cost and qxp€nse. 12. Ge,aeralProvisions. (a) Notice. Each owner shall register its mailing address with the othcr owner and all notices or dmands intenaed 0o be served upon owrers shall be sent by oertified rrail, postago prepai4 addressed in the name of ttre owner at such registered rneiling address. In the altenrativen notices may be delfuered if in $/riting, peisonally to owners. O) Amendment or Rcvogation. this Deolmatiotr rnay be'arnendcd or revoked at any time upoa tmaaimous vnitte,n approval in recordable fonn of dl owners of . of l,ots 27A ad 2lB. The covqpnts and restric'tions of this Deolaration "h"11 be anended or revoked only by an iastn:meat which specifically refers to this Declaration and wtrich is signed by each of the then existi.g ol,mers: Any easemeirt made mrxt bi propedy rccorded at thg of;Eoe of the Clerk and Recorder of thc County of E4gle, State of Colorado. (c) Eflect of Provisions of DeclaratioR. Each provision of this Declaratior, and any agreement, promise, covenant and undemakiag to complywith each provision of this Declaration, and any nesessay ocmption or reservation or grmt of title, estato, nght pr interest to offectuate any provision ofthis Declaration: (i) shall be deemed incorporated in each deed or othcr inshurnent by which any dghq title or interest in ay portion of Lot 21A or Lot 218 is granted, devised or conveyed, whether or uot 6et forth or refe,ned to in such deed or othcr instrument; (ii) shalj, by virtue of acceptance of any righq tftle or intcrcst in any portion of Lot 2IA or l-ot 21B by an ownq, be deemod laccepted, ratific4 adopted and declared as apcrsonel coveoant of such oqmer and, as a lpusonal ccivcqant, shafl be bindiug on zuch owner and his heirs, personal rqrrese,ntatives, lsuccessors and assigns; and, shall be deemed a personal coveDant to, witlr and for the I beacfit of cach owner of any portiou of Int 21A or Lot 218, md (iii) shall be deemed a freal covenant by Declarant, for itself, its administatars, successors and assigns. and also I I PAGE Lg I 2/.17t2184 I 15:44 363-796-6388 CI]MPARK BUSII€SS CAM PAGE 1]" an equitable scrvitude, nming in eacrh casc, alr a bnrdsn witb and upon thc title to each and weryportion of Lot 21A and Lot 21B. (d) Seveiabiliff, Invalidity or unenforceability of any provision ofthis Declaratioa in whole or in part shall aot affect thc validity or onforceability of aay other provision or any valid and enforoeablc part of a provision of this Dccltration which shall rcnain in ftll force and effecl (e) Cap{ons. The captiors and hea{ings in this instntment eonvenience only ald shall not be considered in constiling any provisions Declaration. (D Constuction. When neccssary for proper conskuction, thc masculine of any word used in this Declmtion sball iaclude the ferrinine or neirtcr gcoder, and the singular the plural, and vico vsrsa- (g) Governinr Law. This Declaration is madc ard execrrted rrnden and in respect wilt be gove,med and oonstnred by the laws of the State of Colorado where thc properry is sihrated, (h) Cormterprt Simatures- firis ,tgreelncnt aay bc enecuted in comtqrparts, oach of whioh shall be deemed en original, bu! all of which whe,rr akeo together shall constitute one and the same instnrment. a.ra for of this IN WTINESS WHEREOF, the undersigucd have executed this Declaration this 21 aayot ?+e"nber . .ZOOI. Iulie Cox Conn Donald B. Gravette Misha€l P. Vickers 10 /t srArB oF (blrralo \ coItNTY ,r ,hnofo hee l'"' - The fopmine instument was acknowledgedbefore me this Itrnrry ot Dea+ hat- - .---2003 by Donald B. Gtavette' The forqgoing irutnroeirt was acknowledged before me this Jfuvot 2003 byMichael P. Vickors. WIINESS BY HAND AND OFFICIAL SBAL. MY COItdI,ilSSIO lsEALI E;ElicntsEorr' Disk COI"IPARK BUSINESS CAM2,lLilzAA4 L5.44 393-796-0365 wrrNsss By HAND A]\rD OFFICTAT. SEAL. NfiT COMMISSION EXPIRES : PAGE 12 srArE ot(L\S-x-q..\ )''. )ss- couNTY onEs{g----_-],.-\ The Joregoing fusgument was achowledgedbefore me this $\.. Ca:, cN 2003 b-v Julie Cox Conn- i'i+rqq$f. rrv.4Fly.. irE;; i'.......:5 #i5tr!!F.4S;;yt^"r! .{ualrcrilt:...'..:i 1'1 2/tvl21s4. 15'244 383-7e6-4345 -l I I COMPARK zuSINESS CAM PAGE 13 JOII\DER OF LIEIIOR Thc undcrsigned, bencficiary under the Deqd ofTrust tlatcd Jaruary 23, 1998, aod recqded lv{arch 4, L998, at Re cqtioo No. 648845 in the officc of the Clert and Recordcr of Eaglc County, Colorado, as asrcnded and supplenrented ftom time to tirre (thc "Deod of Trust"), for itsclf aud its succeseors aud assigns, the forcgoing Party Wall and Duplcx Deolaration affecting a pction of the Property encumbcncd by the Deed of Trust, and agrees thrt no foreclosrre or other cnfucemeirt of my remedy prusumt to the Deeil of Trust stull irnpa r, invalidate, eupersede or oth.rwisc sffem the cor/anent6, conditions, restrictiqs and easem€nts csteblishd by that Declaration. STATBOF CALIFORTTA ) CoTJNTYOF YHqURA ) ) ss' The foregoing instrtment was acloowledged bcfq€ mo tlis2OO4 .-_._by [crri Stallinga /ft / | | t t N gld$ffiil{fly'WVtwr.lfl W | | f I / | | | f I t t | | | | | | / t 4r f f t | | | f f./ WTINESS uy hand and official seal. My corunission exp;ws 2/16/2.9A6 ISEAL] ll. llarzec \2 lp.2/L?t2qa4 '.1 15:44 383-796-4365 CI]MPARK BUSII€SS CAM CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTYOFVENTURA On this 12 AuV of Augus! 2grg4, before me, M. Marzeg Notary hrblic, pmsonally appeared teai Stalling.s, personally knoum to me to be the persoo(s) rvtose nam{s) iVare zubscribed to the within inshme,nt and aclsnowlcdged !o me that hdshe/thcy executed tle safle in his/h€r/their authorized capacity(ie), and that by his/her/thcir signsture(s) on tho instr:ment &e person(s), dr the entity upon Sehelf of which thc person(s) acted executed the instrnme,nt. WITNESS myhand asd offisial seel. PAGE L4 )) ss. ) Notary Public - ComEission No. 134335E Comnission Expires: February I 6, 2006 I I L5:.44 393-795-S996 CT}FARK BUSINESS CAM OTIJENOR The undersigned bencfioiary ruder the Deed ofTrust datcd mdrecordcd at Rcception No. _ i" the office of thc Oerkard Recorder of Eagle County, Colsrado, as arneoded snd supplerncnted Aorr timc to time (the "Decd of Tnrst'), for itself and its euccessdrs and aesigas, approws thc fcregoing Pqrty Wail aud Drplor Declaration affecting aportion ofthe Property encunbered by thc Dced ofTrusq and agrccs that no fuecloswe or otler enforcemeirt of any remedy prrsumt ti the Deed of Tmst ahall irnplh, i$Eliddte, supersede or otb€fioiss affect the coveaars, curditions, rcetictiue ond cascrncats eshblishd by that Declaration. Narne: Title: srATE tr________,_l ) ss.COI'NTYOF ) Thc fmcgoing instrum€mt was aoknowledged before me this , day of PAGE 152ILTI By: by WITNESS my hand and oficial eeal. My comnrissiou aEires tsEArl !3 tri Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Community Development 75 South Fontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.21J9 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us Project Name: Vickers exterior changes DRB Number: DR8030418 Froject Description: Re-roof, same-for-same cedar shake; re-paint deck, garages, trim, same-for-same. Pafticipants: OWNER CONN, JUUE COX 09/2312003 Phone: 109 UPPER HOOK RD KATONAH, NY 10536 License: APPUCANT VICKERS, MICHAEL P, - GMVET09/23|2003 Phone: B4BO E ORCHARD RD STE 6200 GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80111 License: OWNER WCKERS, MICHAEL P. - GMVET04/10/2003 Phone: B48O E ORCHARD RD STE 52OO GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80111 Prcject Address: 2425 BAID MOUNTAIN RD VAIL Location: 2425 Bald Mtn Rd)\>7 Legal Description: Lot: 21 Blockf{./Fubdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 13 >"( Parcel Number: 210103301006 21010330100s Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovat 09129/2003 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PIAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $O,OO n! ,,' 'trl'4' " ' n)'" IOI4N Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 fa:x: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us , $Ifrfr? ceneraf lnformation: , htrFffi-b4<S All projects requiring desiqn review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. flease lF{A*refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review L cannot be accepted until all required information rs received by the Community Development Department. The proJect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, , Descripti Subdivision: I L:i Physical Address: , RtzffilNT.- ^,\t4,8 T I/AII (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) :l',iq1 1\L/0 - ?N.r19 u*L -l Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Addressl Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: JuiLr. c<>i Cna,J E-mail Address: Type of Review and Feei D Signs [J Conceptual Review n New Construction! Addition Minor Alteration (single-fam ilyldu plex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request retaining walls, etc. \Zo For minor chanqes to'--./'. rerooflng, parntrnE/ retaininq walls, etc. $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 .-, .ou 0"1_ sT6. //z /(b-.'>lt Tzti - .4'22 e,'zf Plus $1,00 per square foot of total sign area. L/ / "/ c'/ v For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and burldings and site improvements, such as, window additions, landscaping, fences and approved by Planning Staff or the RtcDsEP 222003 \t'U\L ! tr tBJOrU"-qyttgean ( multi-ta mily/com rercial) Parcel Detail Page l of4 n"*.lf site tndexll .ounr* . on."..,ll sEARcH Eleded officiEls t Countv sereices !'Msltors !Community ,? Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information Assessor/freasuref Property Search I Assessor Subset Query I Assessor Sales Search Basic Building Characteristics I Tax Information Sales Detail I Value Detail I Resid€ntial/Commercial Improvement Detail I Land Detail I want to. ,. v Tax Area Account Number Parcel Number Miil Levy sc103 R009217 210103301005 45.853 Owner Nam€ and Address VICKERS, MICHAEL P. - GRAVETTE, DONALD B, 8480 E ORCHARD RD STE 6200 GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80111 Legal D€6cription Location Property Tax Valuation Information :VAIL VTLTAGE FIIJNG 13 BLK:2 :21 DESC: UNIT 2 BK-0695 PG-0918 Physical Address!2425 BALD MOUNTAIN RD VAIL Subdivision:VAIL WLLAGE FILING 13 Acr€s!0 http:/iwww.eagle-county.com/Goodturns/assessor/paxcel.asp?ParcelNurnber-210103301005 09/22/2003 Parcel Detail Page 2 of 4 Basic Building Characteristics Number of Resid€ntial Buildinqs3 Number of Comm/Ind Buildings:0 Tax Information HEATED AREA: II1,263 MAIN FLOOR AREA:1,263 DEGK:122 ABSTRACT-CODE:SINGLE FAM,RES.IMPROVEMTS ACT-YEAR-BLT:t975 AIRCOND:NONE ARCH-STYLE:1 STORY BATHS:2 BEDROOIIIS:2 BUILDING TYPE:DUP-TRIPLEX CONST-QUAL:GOOD EFF-YEALBLT:1975 EXTERIOR-WALL:WD SID AVG I FIXTURES:L2 FLOOR:SHT VINYL FLOOR:CARPET INV FRA E:WOOD FRAME HEATING FUEL:GAS HEATING-TYPE:FORCED AIR INTERIOR-WALL:DRYWALL NEICHBORHOOD!BOOTH FALLS NO PROBLEM ROOF-COVER:CEDAR SHAK ROOF-STRUCTURE:GABLE/HIP ROOl,lS:f, STORIES:STORIES 1.0 UNITS:1 USE-CODE:RESIDENTIAL WALL FIN:N/A SUPER-NBHD:EAST VAIL / BOOTH FALTS http://www.eagle-county.com/GoodtumVassessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumbeF210l03301005 09122/2003 Parcel Detail Page 3 of4 Tax Year Transaction Amount 1997 Tax Amount $ 1.1s3.35 1997 Tax Amount $97.00 1997 Tax Payment: First Half ($s76.68) r997 Tax Payment: Rrst Half ($48.s0) 1997 Tax Payment: Second Half ($s76.67t 7997 Tax Payment: Second Half ($48.s0) 1998 Tax Amount $1,256.65 1998 Tax Amount $97.s0 1998 Tax Payment: First Half ($628.33) 1998 Tax Payment: Flrst Half ($48.7s) 1998 Tax Payment: Second Half ($628.32) 1998 Tax Payment: Second Half ($48.75) 1999 Tax Amount $97.50 1999 Tax Amount $1,412.68 1999 Tax Payment: First Half ($706.34) lees I Tax Payment: First Half ($48.75) 1999 Tax Payment: Second Half ($706.34) 1999 Tax Payment: Second Half ($48.75) 2ooo I Tax Amount $1,455.62 2000 Tax Amount $rtsol 2000 Tax Pavment: First Half Gn8.:1t 2000 Tax Payment: First Half ($4&?st 2000 Tax Payment: Second Half G?r8r1t 2000 Tax Payment: Second Half ($48.?st 2001 Tax Amount $1,498.64 2001 Tax Amount $97.50 2001 Tax Payment: Whole ($1,498.54) 2001 Tax Payment: Whole ($97.s0) 2002 Tax Amount $97.52 2002 Tax Amount $1,578.72 2002 Tax Payment: First Half ($789.35) 2002 Tax Payment: First Half ($48.76) 2002 Tax Payment: Second Half I ($789.36 2002 Tax Pavment: Second Half ($48.75) Top of Page Assessor Database Search Options I Treasurer Database Search Options Contact us by phone: (970)328-8540, in Colorado (800)225-6136 By mail: Eagle County Assessor, 500 Broadway, PO BOX 449, Eagle, CO 81631 Or by email The Eagte County Assessor and Treasurer's Offices make every effort to collect and malntain accurate data. However. Good Turns http://www.eagle-county.com/Goodturnsiassessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumbeF2l0l0330l005 09/22/2003 Parcel Detail Page 4 of 4 Software and the Eagle County Assessor and Treasure/s Offices are unable to warrant any of the information herein contalned. Copyright @ 2001 Good Turns Software. All Rights Reserved. Database & Web Deslgn by Good Turns Software. http://www.eagle-county.com/Goodtums/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber-210103301005 09D212003 Parcel Detail Page I of3 E*p-!,H".r,ffilt-ryr-r no**ll site in,lexll .oun ,.onr"..,ll SEARCH Elected offiaalsr Countg selvices !'Visitori v Communitv v I n Ent to.,,t Eag le County Assessor,/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information Ass€ssor/Treasurer Property Search I Assessor Subset Query I Assessor Sales Search Easic Building Characteristics I Tax Information Sales Detail I Value Detail I Residential/Commercial Improvement Detail I Land Detail Tax Area Account Number Parcel Number Hill Levy scl03 R009216 210103301006 45.853 N. JULIE COX 109 UPPER HOOK RD TONAH, NY 10536 Owner Name and Addrcss Legal Description SUB:VAIL VILLAGE FILING 13 BLK:2 LOT:21 DESC: UNIT 1BK-0251 PG-0392 BK-02s1 PG-0393 R655220 QCD 04-01-98 Location Physical Address:l@hL Subdivision: .r|-- IIVAIL VILLAGE FILING T3 acres: Ilo property Tax valuation Information http://www.eagle-county.com/Goodtums/assessoriparcel.asp?ParcelNumber=210103301006 09122/2003 Parcel Detail Page 2 of3 gasic Building Characteristics Itumber oiFesider*iat auitdfigs:lli-- Number of Comm/Ind Buildings: ll0 Tax Information Residential Building Occurrance I Characteristics HEATED AREA:1,263 }IAIN FLOOR AREA:L,263 DECK:LZZ ABSTRACT*CODE:SINGLE FAM.RES-IMPROVEMTS ACT-YEALBLT:1975 AIRCOND;NONE ARCH-STYLE:1 STORY BATHS:t^tz BEDROOHS:z BUILDING TYPE:DUP.TRIPLEX CONST-QUAL:GOOD EFF-YEALBLT: :IERTOR_W Lr: FIXTURES: FLOOR: FLOOR: LJ/> WD SID AVG:l2 CARPET INV SHT VINYL FRAttlE:FRAME HEATING-FUEL:ELECTRIC HEATING-TYPE3 ELE. B/B INTERIOR WALL:DRYWALL NEIGHBORTI(X)D:BOOTH FALLS NO PROBLEM ROOF_COVER!CEDAR SHAK ROOF-STRUCTURE:SHED ROOI{S: STORIES:STORIES 1,5 UNITST I USE CODE!RESIDENTIAL WALL FIN:N/A SUPER-NBHD:EASTVATL/ BOOTH FALLS It http://www.eagle-comty.corn/Goodturnsiassessorlparcel.asp?ParcelNumber-210103301006 0912212003 Parcel Detail Page 3 of3 Tax Year I L Trangaction Amount 1997 Tax Amount $t,137.70 L997 Tax Payment: First Half ($s68.8s)l 1997 Tax Payment: Second Half ($s68.ct 1998 Tax Amount F.€rsrl 1998 Tax Payment: First Half ($61s.801 1998 Tax Payment: Second Half ($519.79) 1999 Tax Amount $1,396.66 1999 Tax Payment: Flrst Half ($6e8.33) 1999 Tax Payment: Second Half {$698.33) 2000 Tax Amount $ 1.440.10 2000 Tax Payment: First Half ($720.0s) 2000 Tax Payment: Second Half ($720.0s) 2001 ffi f $1,481i, 2001 Tax Payment: Flrst Half ($740.61) 2001 Tax Payment: Second Half ($740.61) 2002 Tax Amount $1,560.36 2002 Tax Payment: Flrst Half ($780.18) 2002 Tax Pavment: Second Half ($780,1e) Top of Page Assessor Database Search Options I Treasurer Database Search Options Contact us by phonei (970)328-8640, in Colorado (800)225-6136 By mail: Eagle County Assessor, 500 Broadway, PO BOX 449, Eagle, CO 81631 Or by email The Eagle County Assessor and Treasurer's Offices make every effort to collect and maintain accurate data. However, Good Turns Softrvare and the Eagle County Assessor and Treasurer's Offices are unable to warrant any of the information herein contained. Copyrlght @ 2001 Good Turns Software. All Rlghts Reserved. Database & Web Deslgn by Good Tums Software. http:/iwww.eagle-county.com/GoodturnVassessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber-210103301006 09t22t2003 Category Number ilgn Review Action F;I TOWN OF VAIL Date PrgeaName: U--''C{ Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: [\,\ ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: ,.) | ---r i L6gal Description: Lot 4 Block 't'- Subdivision Project Street Address: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: fl Approval . D:gwal -ffStaff Approval Conditions: j- /') a)t "ti'; DRB Fee Pre-paid TOWN OF VAIL D E PA RTi\{E}iT O F COIVI}1LiI.{ITY D EVELO P}IENT . S,ILES ACT]ON FOR}{ 75-SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD zchT\c .d\D .t DDR-Ess I'iA.ps0l 0ao0 4 )510 0l csOc 424 l5 ln\rJ:r;O L\ { B LTTLDL \-C COD E ot oooo rz<is U M FOR-\{ PLU!61\-G C OD E 0l 0.100.124I5 l UMFOR-\t )\fECH.r-N'lCr.LCODE 0t cocc {2<15 | u,"*lFon rt FrRE coDE 0l o,roor2.ll5 | iv,rnoN,rLrtEcrpicAlcoDE OT]JER CODE SOOKS0t 0000.{21t5 BLUE PR,D{-IS GI}AATT0l cr}]o .{ ! 54s 0l 00el{21r2 | ):ERox coPGS/STUDGs 0l occ{.{23? I PENAl.fi FEES i RE.!\SPECIIONS 0l 00cc 1i -132 PL,,LY REvjS'v RE.CIIECK FEg [S.:0 FER. HR.l 0l 0c00 42323 OFT iiOURS t\SPECflO}T FEE5 CON]?,\CTORS LJCL\S ES FTIS0l 000c.tl{12 0l C{'@ jl:''30 .01 olc04l4r3 SICN APPL]CATJOi.I FEE ADDITION/'t. SICNAGE nE fsl.oc;'ER SO.IT.010000,il413 0l 0c9c 121.{0 \TC AR,T PROJECT DONANON 0t 0000.{)331 PRE PiJD DESIGN.\,E\']E1V BOARD FEE OI OOOO424I2 I BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERTYIT COI'IPUTER DI *.01 0000 41010 T.lx (42 0r 0000 42371 rNvEsrIGArroN IEE (BUTLDTNG) I TOreL oue, 0t 0000 .{ I l I'NONAL U5E PER\{IT sTlJA.l.r t00so.Ft'. OI OOTJO.I I3-iO I LYTERIO;I ALTE,RAT]rioRE THn'{ I CO SO.FT. SPECIAL DEVELOP.\ 0t 0000 ,( 1330 lsPEClz\L D 0t 0000r'1310 TSPEcL4L DEV 0t 00c14 r 330 0l 0000rli coDE ,r"vE\Dl,tErrTs0t 0300 .{ 1330 * t * * * * * * r{ t'q^ -r{}Lll.l tfF UFrIL llisell*reqls Caetr 12- 14-93 14:45:34 Receipt + 1352*; Hccnunt * CK S B1\D8B FEE tlnount. iendered ) Iter paid 58.AO hun? paid 81866941331809 50.@ Change r*turned ) 8.SB THJTHI< 1fOIJ Vour c*tisr REflTIF ?tt P@l JAll AS '9d 14:39 l9l9.9Et3i39 | F,TER-F|OU.ITA| t.t El.rG. ffi IE $fiH EE *q :Ela --l H ti$ $s$ g.." g$r t;; .}t rFr, ir liis ! mi Eifl il I ,l t- U Et E ?It 2- oN <t o%* :rti "it gi I iiit a._r\t6 g rrl t,"rt 'q rF, t." slH\' a d€I t{ t'-rJ ...1 I.b $6 hld6l:EE ts6, 9A f.Hf5 A o3J.lr,rr-r5A€6 DA?E: LEGAI DESCRIPTION: Lot ADDRESS: O}INER ARCHITECT 4-LL ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE **Lor srz6 t Height, Total GRFA Primary GREA + 425 Secondary GRFA + 425 Setbacks E'F.\ i'\ t- Sides Rear water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: Environmental,/Haz ards : tl z__r Block aL Filing PHOHE , +-t--Yl_ lzr14l'-/- PHONE ,::V.T .J, 3'/6' 5 seqra 6v,tsMA Allowed Existinq Proposed Totat (30)@ 4ctct r?g - qb@ 37 36 4co 43zb lltecl /LL'o |^ '.' \I v'l lnvl .1 t*=lI I \t/ | / 1)1./ 20, 15t 1qt (30 ) (s0 ) $oo)@(eoo) (1200, t- Permitted Slope --.'1g3* Actual Slope Date approved by Town. Engineer: Nl+ /tYes- No r'_ ???_ 1) Flood Plain 2') Percent Slope 3) Geologic Hazards Ianche FLow4) Wetlands Prevloue conditions of approval (check property file) Does this request involve a 250 Addition? How much of Lhe allowed 2s0 Addition is useffif6Eis request? **Note: Under Sections 18.12.090 (B) and 18.13.080 (B) of the MunicipalCode' lots zoned Two FamiJ-y and Prinary/Secondary which are less tiran1^5r000.sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. Thecommunity DeveLopment oepartment nay grant an exception to tnisrestriction provided the applicant meets the crit.eria set forth undersections 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal code including Permanentry restricting the unit as a rong-term rentbr unit for furl--time empl.oyees of the Upper Eagle Valley. nndt I/J- UN<'\ ,^;!tL AIA^Io 0n- ov+) 4r.k,a\ , " PNn\c'' 1t*'u | 10\l DRB CT,TION - TOWN.OF \TAII,,COIPRADO t APPTT DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG: ********** TEIS APPLICATION IIILT NOT BE I|CCEPIED ttNTIL ArrJ REQUTRED INT.ORMATION IS SUBIIIIAED****tJr**** PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: revised 9l4l9l RrclDEc 1 51995 r. B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction X Addition ($50.00) C. ADDRESS: D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivision E. ZONING: (s200.00)\ Minor Alterat.ion (s20.00) Conceptual Review ($0) \ot -L Block 2 If property is described bydescription, please provide att,ach to this applicaLion. a'meet.s and bounds legal on a separate sheet and F H. G. r.NAII{E OF O$INERS: LOT AREA: If reguired, stanped survey showing applicantlot area. must provide a current/7, b?4 a. -, bts,,..h) Co.) NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE : Address: *L7 Phone *SIGNATURE (S) :Mailing" Add;i_es Condominlum Approval if applicable.'' Ll+b €n2Ll DRB EEE; DRB fees, as sholrn above, are to be paid atthe tlme of subnittal of DRB application. Lat,er, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify theaccurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vailwill adjust the fee according t,o the table below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. 1", eO """ notDt t -t,'' FEE SCHEDULE: VAI,UATION$ o - $ 1o,ooo*s 10,001 - $ s0,000 . s 50,001 - s 150,000 $1501001 - $ 500,000 $500r 001 - s1r 000r 000$ . Over $1r 0001 000 * DESIGN REVIE}I BOARD APPRO\TAI UXPIRES ONE YEAR AI'TER FINAI, APPRO\TAI. T'NI.ESS A BUII.DING PER!,fIT IS ISST'ED A}ID CONSTRUCTION IS SIARTED. **NO AFPI,ICATION WIIJIJ BE PROCESSED WITBOUT OWNER'S SIGNATORE 1 K. FEE $ 20.00I s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 NAME OF APPLICANT:Mailirg Address: LtTb- 5q 2q (oortucl-,','(co^^) II. a p!9-?ppLj-cation meeting with a member of the planningstaff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additionalapplication inforrnation is needed. It is the applicantrsresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff todetermine if there are additional submittat reguirements.Please note that a coMptETE application will sirearnline theapproval process for your project. III. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ATL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the pioject siti toindicate property lines, buitaing lines and buildingcorners. All trees to be removed must be taped. A1lsite tapings. and staking must be compreted p.ior to theDRB site.visit. Th. appricant must ensure Lhau stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUTLDTNGS normally requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Review eoarO: aconceptual approval and a final approval . Applicantsshourd plan on presenting their development pioposar ata ninimum of tvro meetingi before obtaiiring rinaiapproval . C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the item has beenrepublished. D. The following items may, at the discretion of thezoning admj.nistrator, be approved by the CorununityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. i formal heariigbefore the DRB may not be required): a. windows, skylights and sirnilar exterior changeswhich do not alter the exist.ing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building addition proposals not visible from anyother lot or public space. At the time such a - proposal is subnittedr applicants must includeLetters from adJacent property olrners and,/or fromthe agent for or managler of any adjacent condominium association stating the associationapproves of the addition. E. If a property is locat,ed in a napped hazard area (i.e.enow avalanche, rockfall, flood ptain, debris flow,wetland, etc) r a hazard study nust be-submitted and theowner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior. to the issuance of a building permit,Appricants are encouraged to check with a Town prannerprior to DRB application to determine the relationtiripof the property to all mapped hazards. F. For all resldentlal construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insidefaee of the exterior structural walLs of thebuilding,. andb. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterLor facL of thebuilding walfs or supporting columns, If PRB approves the application vrith conditions ornodificatJ.ons, all conditions of approval must beresolved prior to Town issuance of- i Uuitding peimit. G. - LIST OF MATERIA],Stt Z4Z€ &La ltr ka.I / NA}IE OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRTPITON: !OT_!l BLOCK SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PRO..IECT : The following informati.on is requlred for subrnlttal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUILDING MATERIA],S: Roof Siding Other walI Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Wlndow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FLues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other TYPE OF MATERIAT,cotoR c tuQu ( p*) ty lrnpb _ frp l)F-at /bttp *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Mininum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous l/art*- h)*t 2x &*r Exriraol? - fio NeaJ /Uauz -- ilor4t7-te+i7zzB. .IPIIISCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS; BotanicaL Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED trees. Minimum heiqhL for coniferous trees is 6 feet. Metsnrt:.o**o,l-*" PROPOSED S EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMO\ED size of METHOD OF CONTROL Botanical NarnePLANT *Indicate 5 qallon. ouantitv Slze'r .l I Propo Tvpe shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is Square Footaqe is proposed) please on a separatethe lighting plan height above GROI'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR EROSION c.-Ftr /+/PL(WDE--E LIGHTIN9t _Tf. exterior lighting show the number of fixtures and locationsJ.ighting p1an. Identify each fixture from on the list below and provide the wattage,grade and type of light proposed. D. walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the propertyis 5 feet. 3 Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST P.O. BOX 2 stLT, coLoRADO 816s2 (303) 876-5400 (24 HOURS) Juna lB, 1??S Jef { and I'tolly Glorsuch 24?5 Br Beld Mt. Rd.Vail, C0 S1657 REr Rock Falf Httigation for Both Unlte RE0flvED itl{ ? i1tB3 Dear Mr. and Hrs. Glorsuchs I have vieited the property refer.enced above for purpoges e{ RockFall review for the Town o{ VaiI. The Eite ie a duplex unit atthe above referenced addresE on the north oide of Eald llt. Road. ThtE ig in a locatlon where tha nlope, contalning the nource ofthe potential {alling rocksn ie rlght behind the building withonly about 6 {eat between the baee and the {eundatlon wall. Arock whlqh had hit the houee recently wae etill lying et the Eite when I viEtted the eite. It was nearly epherical and about twofeet in diameter. The type of nitigation which I rectrmmend for thl* Eite iE e wal1wlth strength o# at least 3SO poundr p€r Equare {oot and 3 footheiqht behtnd the entine bqilding includinE any Hrea which mlghtbe an addition in the future. Thle wall ehould be about $ feetfrom thr building but thie can vary Eomewhat. Putting energyaboorptive material on the uphllt eide can extend the li{e of thewalI lf rock falI ie {airly frequent. The conatruction of this small wall wlll not increaEe the hezardto othar property or Etructurrar oF te publie rights-of-way,buildings, roadsf streets, eaeements, utilities or facilitiee orother propertler o{ any kind. If there are questione pleaeocontact ma. Nicholae LanpirrXstronrulting GeoloEirt cq! Tom Frye CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE oerHU:--!es KEPT ON JOBSITE 0436 3 PERMIT NO, depertmgnt of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT IJ PLUMBING D FoUNDATIoN .2425 BALD I{TN. RD. trtrtr BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2- OCCUPANCY GROUP AB E H IR M DfVISfON r22a34 GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK : REMOVE ELECTRIC HEATER A}ID REPLACE WITH GAS FORCED AIR. PLUMBING TYPE GROUP G.F.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES 4,000 p11_11i16 VAIL VILLAGE 13Tf, JOBNAME: GORSUCH, JEFF HEATER NAME JEFF GORSUCH #pR clrY vArL PH 6-2294 BUILDING PERMIT OWNER NEW() ALTERATION (rTroNAL( ) REPATR( ) DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT, - NO. FIREPLACES INSULATION: TYPE THTCKNESS R-VALLUE RECREATION FEE ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: INITIAL GENERAL CONTRACTOR F|RM SHAEFFER CotrETRUCTrON TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, 129-8 84s-5656 TOTAL PERMIT FEES JOE NORRIS MAY 7, 199 rrnu EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC 156-E TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 827 -5772 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING CONTRACTO VAIL VALLET PLI]MIBNG 949-777 L I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the intormalion provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the in{ormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and other ordina ot the T plicable thereto. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER. CLEAN uP rot sftfh#? MECHANI CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. . .J hm CONSTRUCTION PERMIT dopartment of community development ***'*PLEASE FILL OUR WHERE THE (X) MARKS ARE to ae riLteo our coMpLETELv pRtoR To tssuANcE oF PERMtr TYPE OF PERMIT Sllt-otl.lc @Urra31x6ELECTRICAL U FOUNDATION MffHANIcAL n X X X X ( ( ( LEGAL I)ESC. LOT ?.\ 8LK__a FILING .1oeNRME' Ter.f Cnr<.cc,tlJ OWNER navrc ,-IEFF Gan<ut ll uereooness 16? (.ae CA6F/) clrY hn pn../7k2214 ARCHITECT rnu n/A MAIL ADDRESS PH.CITY GENERAL CONTRACTOR anu Canar Sl#?ffitz rown, o, uarr- nec. "o. 149 -6 Iq- rcw. ?15 - 56<6 Or.r*,.o, CONTRACTOR nnu(mt& tlelJ.ft. E<aue to*" or uo,r ".n. "o. /.Ff -F rFr F *a', -<7 ? ? PLUMBING CONTRACTOR rowHorvntunee. r'ro. / /ff-f -.,.9./q -7?7 / MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG.ITO TELE. lhr prlnl€ry/vail I NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 4zloz E) on DATE --\.THE FOLLOWING IS NEEDED FOR FILING PERMIT:1. Letter from condo assn- (IF APPLICABLE2, 2 Sets pf complete drawings/explanatio I r.wPE oFcoNsrRucnoN r rr rtr r@ 2. occuPANcY GRoup eee n @m DrvrsroN r z z"@ GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK : - t R*--.'c EIc-;7= t?ar>t * R=-.--, zo J EUItDING fu6{z:-+-* ELECTRICAT HEE- +*rF X PLUMBING 3#: ?=ar';<r X ' rqzr 6es 6<e &r<MECHANICAL Xffi- hrno9 x TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES {?--4 BUILDING PERMIT Ue,e9 PLAN CHECK z)e ELECTRICAT 4q.k ryElry( ) ALTERAT|OITj!)--*0D|TTONAL ( ) REpAtR( )PLUMEING &,rIt>. - DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNTTS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS F.VALLUE OESIGN REVIEW BOARO CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT toos USE TAX IYI'E OF HEAT AODITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL ELEQ. ST, CUT BLASTING PARKING TOTAL PERMIT FEEfi 2qq.a --\-,/- -lJx- -Q-f=AD- --rrr-oTttc-oFflcTel-n - - -DAtr -/l INING ADMINISTRATOR )NING & BUILDING NOTES: DATE ANO THE OWNER. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinangJrs ol tle To;ivn applicable thereto. - x The lteus belos glvlng a pernLt Please check off FINAL PLI'}EING AI. INS?ECTION'S ueed to be conplete a flnal C of 0. ln the box provlded. COMPLETED before t! DATE: DATE ! FINAI, BUILDING EAST SIDE!I{EST SIDEi TEMPORARY C OF O DATE: 1-_ -).-./ /7-lDATE: J ..<</^ 7/./---- - u - ' -L- I.ANDSCAPINC DIIE CERTIFICATE OF OCCT'PANCY FILE I[AI{E: I-\\i5 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT Xs \U JoB NAME READY FOFI LOCATION: I .. t ., rru#cnoN REouEsi' TOWN OF VAIL \ CALLER MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SF{EETROCK NAIL r N FINAL CTRICIL: J tr tr tr tr o tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTION oor, :f- 9/-?a rNSPEcroR /.1 t t,tJ, , vI \t4 At n-)\J | / \.V ./ PERMIT NUM ER OF PBOJECT 1.,'T\ I E q JOB NAME INSPECTION: I SPECTION ''. REQUESTVAIL I I 'r \-t( ft fi \dvL :\a_\ TOWN oF CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION:Llt d tl BUILDING: El FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING O ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOoD NAILING 2(o. PTPTNG tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK C D POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP, POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tl D SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL OVED CORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR Pnffisnop CONSTRUCTION PERMIT of community development TYPE OF PERMIT xtr TI BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHAN ICAL AME:f PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY LEGAL DESC. ER ARCH ITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR .ffi'^i?3 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MECHANICA CONTRACTOR OTHER CONTRACTO LOT /vf BL FtLtNG v a.'Lv;( MAIL ADDRESS C ITY PH. CITY PH. tu trta[i MAIL ADORISS MAIL ADDRESS MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH, DATE {*,,",NO. PERMIT NO. /6 N9 055 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III I 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH DIVISION 722a34 "' Eh"5'lllili'1fi i"5 :wsx-PLUMBING TYPE GROUP SO, FT, VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERM IT I\4ECHAN ICALNEW( ) ALTERATION AODITIONAL REPAIR ( RECREATION FEEDWELLING UNITS G.R.F A - ACCO I\,I MODATIO N UNITS COMMERCIAL SYST - RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT. - BATHTUB/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO, TOILETS COVERED PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT TOTALPERMIT FEES f,r/'fr-/ INSULATION FLOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF THICKNESS LAWS RT.GA RDINC BUILDII{C CONIi,J{RUCTI0N r HEREaY AcKNowLEDcE rnlr t utv6/?ll REA D THrS APPLTCATTON AND STATE THAT THEJ) I I #- wb ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY - WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANC" O"O "O'AX VAIL WATER & SAN, DIST. TAP FEE : SPECIAL NOTES: Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST P.O. BOX 2 stLT, coLoRADO 816s2 (303) 876-5400 (24 HOURS) Juna lB, 1??S Jef { and I'tolly Glorsuch 24?5 Br Beld Mt. Rd.Vail, C0 S1657 REr Rock Falf Httigation for Both Unlte RE0flvED itl{ ? i1tB3 Dear Mr. and Hrs. Glorsuchs I have vieited the property refer.enced above for purpoges e{ RockFall review for the Town o{ VaiI. The Eite ie a duplex unit atthe above referenced addresE on the north oide of Eald llt. Road. ThtE ig in a locatlon where tha nlope, contalning the nource ofthe potential {alling rocksn ie rlght behind the building withonly about 6 {eat between the baee and the {eundatlon wall. Arock whlqh had hit the houee recently wae etill lying et the Eite when I viEtted the eite. It was nearly epherical and about twofeet in diameter. The type of nitigation which I rectrmmend for thl* Eite iE e wal1wlth strength o# at least 3SO poundr p€r Equare {oot and 3 footheiqht behtnd the entine bqilding includinE any Hrea which mlghtbe an addition in the future. Thle wall ehould be about $ feetfrom thr building but thie can vary Eomewhat. Putting energyaboorptive material on the uphllt eide can extend the li{e of thewalI lf rock falI ie {airly frequent. The conatruction of this small wall wlll not increaEe the hezardto othar property or Etructurrar oF te publie rights-of-way,buildings, roadsf streets, eaeements, utilities or facilitiee orother propertler o{ any kind. If there are questione pleaeocontact ma. Nicholae LanpirrXstronrulting GeoloEirt cq! Tom Frye CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE oerHU:--!es KEPT ON JOBSITE 0436 3 PERMIT NO, depertmgnt of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT IJ PLUMBING D FoUNDATIoN .2425 BALD I{TN. RD. trtrtr BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2- OCCUPANCY GROUP AB E H IR M DfVISfON r22a34 GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK : REMOVE ELECTRIC HEATER A}ID REPLACE WITH GAS FORCED AIR. PLUMBING TYPE GROUP G.F.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES 4,000 p11_11i16 VAIL VILLAGE 13Tf, JOBNAME: GORSUCH, JEFF HEATER NAME JEFF GORSUCH #pR clrY vArL PH 6-2294 BUILDING PERMIT OWNER NEW() ALTERATION (rTroNAL( ) REPATR( ) DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT, - NO. FIREPLACES INSULATION: TYPE THTCKNESS R-VALLUE RECREATION FEE ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: INITIAL GENERAL CONTRACTOR F|RM SHAEFFER CotrETRUCTrON TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, 129-8 84s-5656 TOTAL PERMIT FEES JOE NORRIS MAY 7, 199 rrnu EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC 156-E TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 827 -5772 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING CONTRACTO VAIL VALLET PLI]MIBNG 949-777 L I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the intormalion provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the in{ormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and other ordina ot the T plicable thereto. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER. CLEAN uP rot sftfh#? MECHANI CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. . .J hm CONSTRUCTION PERMIT dopartment of community development ***'*PLEASE FILL OUR WHERE THE (X) MARKS ARE to ae riLteo our coMpLETELv pRtoR To tssuANcE oF PERMtr TYPE OF PERMIT Sllt-otl.lc @Urra31x6ELECTRICAL U FOUNDATION MffHANIcAL n X X X X ( ( ( LEGAL I)ESC. LOT ?.\ 8LK__a FILING .1oeNRME' Ter.f Cnr<.cc,tlJ OWNER navrc ,-IEFF Gan<ut ll uereooness 16? (.ae CA6F/) clrY hn pn../7k2214 ARCHITECT rnu n/A MAIL ADDRESS PH.CITY GENERAL CONTRACTOR anu Canar Sl#?ffitz rown, o, uarr- nec. "o. 149 -6 Iq- rcw. ?15 - 56<6 Or.r*,.o, CONTRACTOR nnu(mt& tlelJ.ft. E<aue to*" or uo,r ".n. "o. /.Ff -F rFr F *a', -<7 ? ? PLUMBING CONTRACTOR rowHorvntunee. r'ro. / /ff-f -.,.9./q -7?7 / MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG.ITO TELE. lhr prlnl€ry/vail I NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 4zloz E) on DATE --\.THE FOLLOWING IS NEEDED FOR FILING PERMIT:1. Letter from condo assn- (IF APPLICABLE2, 2 Sets pf complete drawings/explanatio I r.wPE oFcoNsrRucnoN r rr rtr r@ 2. occuPANcY GRoup eee n @m DrvrsroN r z z"@ GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK : - t R*--.'c EIc-;7= t?ar>t * R=-.--, zo J EUItDING fu6{z:-+-* ELECTRICAT HEE- +*rF X PLUMBING 3#: ?=ar';<r X ' rqzr 6es 6<e &r<MECHANICAL Xffi- hrno9 x TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES {?--4 BUILDING PERMIT Ue,e9 PLAN CHECK z)e ELECTRICAT 4q.k ryElry( ) ALTERAT|OITj!)--*0D|TTONAL ( ) REpAtR( )PLUMEING &,rIt>. - DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNTTS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS F.VALLUE OESIGN REVIEW BOARO CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT toos USE TAX IYI'E OF HEAT AODITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL ELEQ. ST, CUT BLASTING PARKING TOTAL PERMIT FEEfi 2qq.a --\-,/- -lJx- -Q-f=AD- --rrr-oTttc-oFflcTel-n - - -DAtr -/l INING ADMINISTRATOR )NING & BUILDING NOTES: DATE ANO THE OWNER. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinangJrs ol tle To;ivn applicable thereto. - x The lteus belos glvlng a pernLt Please check off FINAL PLI'}EING AI. INS?ECTION'S ueed to be conplete a flnal C of 0. ln the box provlded. COMPLETED before t! DATE: DATE ! FINAI, BUILDING EAST SIDE!I{EST SIDEi TEMPORARY C OF O DATE: 1-_ -).-./ /7-lDATE: J ..<</^ 7/./---- - u - ' -L- I.ANDSCAPINC DIIE CERTIFICATE OF OCCT'PANCY FILE I[AI{E: I-\\i5 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT Xs \U JoB NAME READY FOFI LOCATION: I .. t ., rru#cnoN REouEsi' TOWN OF VAIL \ CALLER MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SF{EETROCK NAIL r N FINAL CTRICIL: J tr tr tr tr o tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTION oor, :f- 9/-?a rNSPEcroR /.1 t t,tJ, , vI \t4 At n-)\J | / \.V ./ PERMIT NUM ER OF PBOJECT 1.,'T\ I E q JOB NAME INSPECTION: I SPECTION ''. REQUESTVAIL I I 'r \-t( ft fi \dvL :\a_\ TOWN oF CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION:Llt d tl BUILDING: El FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING O ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOoD NAILING 2(o. PTPTNG tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK C D POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP, POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tl D SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL OVED CORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR Pnffisnop CONSTRUCTION PERMIT of community development TYPE OF PERMIT xtr TI BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHAN ICAL AME:f PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY LEGAL DESC. ER ARCH ITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR .ffi'^i?3 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MECHANICA CONTRACTOR OTHER CONTRACTO LOT /vf BL FtLtNG v a.'Lv;( MAIL ADDRESS C ITY PH. CITY PH. tu trta[i MAIL ADORISS MAIL ADDRESS MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH, DATE {*,,",NO. PERMIT NO. /6 N9 055 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III I 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH DIVISION 722a34 "' Eh"5'lllili'1fi i"5 :wsx-PLUMBING TYPE GROUP SO, FT, VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERM IT I\4ECHAN ICALNEW( ) ALTERATION AODITIONAL REPAIR ( RECREATION FEEDWELLING UNITS G.R.F A - ACCO I\,I MODATIO N UNITS COMMERCIAL SYST - RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT. - BATHTUB/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO, TOILETS COVERED PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT TOTALPERMIT FEES f,r/'fr-/ INSULATION FLOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF THICKNESS LAWS RT.GA RDINC BUILDII{C CONIi,J{RUCTI0N r HEREaY AcKNowLEDcE rnlr t utv6/?ll REA D THrS APPLTCATTON AND STATE THAT THEJ) I I #- wb ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY - WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANC" O"O "O'AX VAIL WATER & SAN, DIST. TAP FEE : SPECIAL NOTES: ';. _n ' -1; Prolect Name: Project Application Date proiect Descrip tiont Al'Qp-'vn lfazna'--q Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: ai .^'i ,) lc-Legal Description: tot d-l . abck d I , Fiting / -s -- Zoning Approved: Design Review Board ,^,. {1 t/zF Motion by:{ ^,",-4".-, APPROVAL Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Summary: Zoning Adminislrator Chief Building Off icial tI I ,.\tt, ,t) 4n torro,- . _,f-.o Lt c''L , ' /]tt; ,'Le.L ,r( ("/r, rlu d..tyd/a;*, t'/ (j .-;r--- - l--. ,, LaIxo 1h^zth il.* E4leu;"- Qr'raQu'[nc'^'1 s""^67<- te,ptan16rs of r*\--b bY- L r , box {zl /Aru MAgfrru JoNe\'Irt'-itba ," to:fZ t aAto -t$-f. tOAO {h+ Shielcts resicli:r,€_ LorelW44YY-F-Y ffwtiftrslp uf (Drrutrsnrg @nrun (Df liluil 4uitilttrg Frpurtmrnt TIIIS CERTIFICATE ISSUED PURSI]ANT TO THE REQUIRETIENTS OF SECTION 306 OF THE I]NIFORM B{]ILDING CODE CERTIT"YING TIIAT AT THE TIME OF ISSUANCE THIS STRUCTURE wAS IN goMPLIANCE wtrH THE vARrous bnomexcts oF THE TowN REGULATTNG BIIILD- ING CONSTRUCTION OR USE. FOR TIIE FOLLOWING: Larry D. MulLin and Robert Serafin Use Classification I - Residential Building Permit No.145 Type Construction Owner of Build Larry D. Mullin and Bobert Serafin ) Lot 2I, Block 2, Group -./,tsuildllg/dthess -q Fire Zone 3 Use Zone 13th Filing hffi0mDate POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE TOWl{ OF EIUILElING; l,A IL PEFIMIT *K //-futu'/ TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED DATE P penrurr # el o +t, I HEREBY ACRNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORBECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE DATE OF APPLICA TOTAL FLOOR AREA CLASS OF WORK MAI L ADDRESS ALTERATION( } ADDITION( } REPAIRI) USE OF BUILDING COVER ED OFF ST. PARKING MA,I L ADDAESS OFF ST. LOADING NO. OF LIVING UNITS MAIL ADDRESS SO, FT. COMMERCIAL WATER( I FORCEDAIR tor 4l etx tl rrlrruc /3 r. TypE oF coNsrnucrroN I n rr rv vr4f a. occuPANcY GRouP a B c D . r n \i\, DtvtsroN 12 3 4 BUILDING P€RMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FE ES FIRE SPRINKLERS ORY STANDPIPE ENERAL DESCBIPTION OF WOBK ANEA SEPARATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION S Nraw€ \p€cT., fusr/,uG fta-a:7 TOWN OT l,A IL EXITS REO. DATE OF APPLICATION MAIL ADDRESS NEW O ALTERATION I ) ADDITION( IREPAIR USE OF BUILDING OFF ST. PARKING NO. OF LIVING UNITS SO. FT. COMMERCIAL WATER ( I FORCEOAIR( I ELECI I UNIT( I ".x 9- ,,.,ro l/, I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V I HR 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D E F G H I J DtvtstoN 1234 BUILDING PEFMIT SPECIFIED FIRE SPRINKLERS AREA SEPARATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VAHIANCE UNCOVERED t# 7t THAT I HA READ THIs AppLrcATloN AND surn fner rne / ' ABovE rs coRREcr AND AcREE To coMp$L-- wtTH ALL TowN oRDINANCES AND srer-!f-.rwrr' ALL TowN oRDTNANCES AND sr ,ol.f-.1g) LAWS,FEGARDING BqILDTNG CON&IRUCTION. f (lhrf f@l+*-)5 Town of Vail ELECTRICAL PERMIT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee PE- Inspection Fee Total Fee Date Paid--..--. ll ,k-*-*t ./.f..?..a. (/ BE POSTED OI{ colrsTRUcTloNReceived By Bulldlnl Otftctal THIS FORM Ig JOB SITE DURII{G 2I HOIJRS ADVAN@ NOTICE REQI,'IRED FOR INSPECTIONS Date or Apprication.... ..& *. .-...2^.3. .. ............... -..rcZ -&- -...- 223 Electricar cont n"tor-M k"mXe, $-. $.. nvot .*,t... o,r (FiN. n.au*\ APPROVALS $....-.-.-........-,-..-.-.-. $.. /a .'/ - 4? - 26 Jo_tS Y(e-. rHE r,.. HaEcrat l0.r oExv€r !ro4s! 'r,(*iln ro,a'!Fee @i*ta (;K.75 Jll, /r-t ,[ r rrl" rrtnrtr Received By--..........--.....I\r JOB SITE DURIilG GOI{STRUCTIOI{ rorr.qameA.f *-/,.&.&.&t.?*{r.l{.*i[.a,|1/*y.#/r+qtts,M,Town of Vail Fx.l.lcTRICAL PERMIT N9 3.41, Erectrical cont ntor-f,.il-sr-/ti*--F/u.{-*-.Cu'..-.---------. Butrding valuation $-....-.................. . . teerc*t-..4(*;/ fu Etectrical valuation #./.fi-,. P"O......- /)n6: APPROVALS Permit Fee $...-..Ll:.-.-.-...- .- rxYrr l0rlr t 2T HOURII ADVANCE NOTICE REQUINED FOR INSPECTTONS Permit No. tlAIt WATER A}IO SAl{ITATIOI{ DISTRICT WATER Al{D SEWER TAP PERMIT T,AP PERMITWILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL TAP FEES HAVE BEEN PAID IN FULL. NAME OF JOB hn LOCATION AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP: Water GENERAL CONTRACTOR NUMBER OF UNITS Dare Billed x $300.00 = Amount Ltc. No. Llc. No. Ltc. No. Finance Director - Contractor - Pink; - Accountlng - Gold€nrod Date Paid gldg, Dopt, - White; - Wat€r and Sanitation - Gr€6h; - Publlc Works - Csnary; GENEIiAL*AIl con:trrtction sh,::li equ.rl or exceecl local building r:odes, zoning ordinances and resfrictive covenants. Ivf ilterials shall be ne'tt anc h.:st grade or quality stated. Erectiirr, appiiration, cr installation shali u* in u..ol [^;lwitir manufacturer's directiorrs or best starrciard practice and clcne ln a wor!<rnanlike rnanrrar. All buildings must becoinplcte and rcady for cccupancy, ccnnecticns rvith utilities completed, ancl all equipment in operating conciition attirn<l of f irral inspcuc tion f ' AREA oF Dw*LL!'\c, sq. rt.--3-7-4!------Typc of Dwettinsfr-rer!=;t'!/--E#%. 2' EXCAlr'/rTlsldS: -ry;:e of soll 44lJ-:$\4ad,4:b1*_*-*- fl€asement I Crawt Space I Sptit Basemenr g. FouNDATfili'-is Ar{n FfQ-irF:6s;, I'e'448e'\e4&ft *f/wr- Footings: S;ze ..-----t:!-.Y--l k"'---....- pian. size et-a"a Foundation Weils: Material I4. f|!IIPLACE: llctal Form I,Jr Firc Brick [f Flug Lining fJ nFacing: De,;cribe lst [:ireplace,r#?3d4{1 *=*Mll____- __"_*__ 2ndFirqiacf':///y'fu-La ae:___ Sheathi 6. FLooll FRAMtF.t{i:.toisrs-Urrc{ -* Srze_8_r-U*g_ _- Sprcigs-J6-: ."____-_ ?. sUF!-ofiR: Materiar..-#ii,!*L4-___- SizeZS_-__ 8. Frr.ilsit Fr.O$i',ls!; L.i lrh,:.3,,", and finish [ie-infcrcir':3: Walis Miscellanecus Si for each roorn Thickness. ITtt. ROOF FRAMtNfi: Grcdc .::nd Siz[l-;&l!g-' - XiOOFING: Descr-ibre type .rrrd Rooi Vents-..:x / g- ------*. e n d D'vms;rou ts : Ga g{'A$ri+-4I Por"chas E Roc'f I Windows and Doors [f Gravel Stop t&. ! 5. A'I/' material-*9/.:!oa--? 'Iype and number SHggT MITAL: Gutters Flashing: $ Firepl:rce !4. lnTERloR siNrfil: lith";inri.Piastf,'e ,il*nl\d..-poytrns,n (tthcr-.A.*f.*t.u,-&lu-_- Dcscilbe fi4.x8/,-v-(*ti", r.{t'J,-:!,a.ez.lt+ri*a"t [./Jr4,/"&se]:___ __ --.___ -."..___ a I5. DECORf\TING I Kitchen and Barh___---__--__ r5. Doots: Interior: rype and tinish -*o-fD.:-iJit#;-:--;--,-;::-:;-_:-;:_;-_;_._ -;-_-_*:__-:-:-_-:_._Exterior: Type and finish--,a+l,rd., -_suA.&ft\ I *4el]4\l g.{*,t AV f_0/!a-r_"lJ^tu_r*-xpAa* Screen Doors S Storm Doors I Comb. f] .lterior trim.6+e-l-----_ ljase me nt Windowr-erA t?. WINDfIWS: Type and material ---- Areaways-Specify------wlNDow5: Type and materialf-91&:-.'LJ,-It*ta:tp4al.,.Q--.---- weaiherstripping,,{34_:__--_--_____-_ Spccial glass.- Type of sills__-__---__-:_._--_+-___-------_____-__- Screenslm:"r.2146)pccrat gtass._ Type of sills__-__---__-:_._--_+-_____--_--________- Sc reens-fflr.zrcg18. v/[ATF{ERsrRlFFlNG AND cALtilNG: s} windows [f Doors $Thresholds c."i";"; l:e.,t"; ;(i;I;:: Cabinet tinish.*4fui-* 19. ifiTcr-ffiN CAB!Nt Gas Scrvice: [] Utility Company fl Liquid Gas D.Orher--__-_-_ Handra i I t r*8*e,l+*<-+lAt-N- ?.I.PLUFds|NG:QSewer|]ScpticTankLin,ft'ofFieldTile.-.......--.... Sj Water Mlin I Welt ^' Supply Pipin6: N/Steel-, $ Copp-cr No. of Sill Cocks_-__.15-__-----_.--_. V/ater Heater : MakeEltif.-- d,-€.,---------- /a^.. C^-..1-^. ri I tr:t:r-- /r, t - 2?-. F;.UMBING 5li{TUttES: Describe: Make. Size. Coloru.llfu il,1ain Bath: M lavatory D Tub gf Sho*r. . g1 Water C Sccorrd Bath: M Lavatory Nl Tub $ Sho*cr g[ Water C Basenent Bath: fl Roughed-in, Fixt{r€l:glapletg pl Lavatory D Tub el Showl Laundry Tray: [f Single I Double; I f toqr Drairt; E Tyse of Disposal_.deA4.]A Number and Sizes of Medicine Cgbinet_s- / eiult*nlg.6t-_h&L-__-.-_-_.-,_ _____-_ fr V 33. !'{IA.TING: I Forced Air _ J] F.aXty S Hot War_er Make and lr4cdel of Furnace..F-&t--. P ' fr*ip_ --4ryrat*t\l+,Jt.L-1h39 size.li .o-h,u* !lt-9..t4o, -*l(iiciren Fan -f{o-.---,... ----------____-__-_____" _ Ran/ge_V_ Hood-r'_---_-..-"-_--*---:,_______?4,. EL[CTR!C*,[. WlRIhl€r Scrvice: S Panel F]l CircuitBreaker S Conduit I Non-Mctallic D Othar------_-- irTo. or switch-*.**++n*^r,a d;irt _;a*G?;;A d i;"6" o;;il; No. and Type of Bath Accessories]-uJfr*c-_t-qi1+t-t-{-S_e4t?-_5-tlful"_fra{b--10 _-_ E Vanity _5___- Fixtures: Allowancc S--9).-.--,,t.- !{hlmes I Bel 2?. W.A.LL'ilL{i AS{b M"rin Bath, Walls,Floor-- Floor Kitch e8. B/{S[MEt,lT FlS,!lS!.1: Describe in det;i Other fing, Floors *r/tl 29. SI.'ECIAL EllU!Ptf EtlTl List and describe rll. applia.nces s-\t.u*rt-lky."lt*----5.ar.r,r.rt---;---f,e*.{--n4,tt---_.. 30. ;;;dA; s;ed;"14'- * Describe interior finish, if anyi1. $.{ALKS p.Nn FiilVES: Walks: Marerial Driveways : Matcrial qa.,u:!ThicknessAll .- - -- Lengthtl6.l- --- - 33. OT!-inR Oil{SITE ifilPii:OVIMi!'iTS: ff Incineraior, TypeI Clothes Poles arrd Wires Jt"] Fencinc Describe-_-- _--_I Clothes Poles arrd Wires ffJ Fencing pespripe-_--_--. FORCHES AfdD TERRACE: $ Front. Tvpe Ar[Ch-9t1- 34. 1.,{rscELIANEOuS: Rear, Type----- a MI}IUTES BOOTH CREEIi ARCHITIICTUITAT, CONTROL COMMITTEE Tlhe rtoottr creek .Architectr:.ra1 control cornmitLee met on Friday. May 3, 'L9'1 4 . . In att.endanee I Peter Seibori:, Gcrdon PiJ.B Gues*: PROFOsitD OUpaa>M Block Z, v.-J. l3th) (Toi,in of Vait) The Cornmittee ::evierseC a plan subrnitted lly Larry l,lullin. The C.:rn-raitiee had only one objection. with reEard to syinmet-ry. Thefollcrr,ing suggestiorls were made : 1. They woulcl l-ilee to see a break ol: offset in the iengthof the southern elevaLion of the buii-ding" The pl"ans r1o no{: corres-pond to Lhe Architeclural Control Guid.eline with regard to duplexregul-ati.ons as fa:: as builCing :nass is concerned. L. The ga::age alonrs rnal' l)e a littLe toc pron-i-nent. Suggi:streC.indenti.on or'red-uction in size, and the materiaLs used on the doorsshould conforrn to the cedar sidin.g now on the buil.ding. 3. Mr" Mullin shouid be sure to check wit"h the Torrn of Vai]and Vail Associates, Inc. prior to excavatior"r for cuLverts to becertaiir of proper drainage for the building. Prelitninary approval was given by the Conrmittee. I'tr" MuLl-inwill- present BkeLches of a revised plan as soon as changes are made. Respectfully submittecl, cfr*^- d$-,, Fran Villa IJ ce, Jen l{right, I,a.r:ry Mu1lin Des i gn.iieview i." &-'2- ZON ING CHECKL I ST S U I/MA RY ; ARCH I.TECT ou1" FJi d a LEGAL DESCR I USE ZONE PROJ ECT PTION K LOT stzE /-7,b?/ ; FROIITAGE SETBACKS: DISTANCE BETI^/EEN BUlLDll'.lGS: Reouired /9 , Actuat zlz.o adz.<-.4*--2./'-fZ HEIGHT: Average Grade -* Height Allowed --'- , Actuat Jl,iO ; G.R.F.A., , 3{ Ratio, Allowable sq. f t. COMMERCIAL FL00R AREA: Percentage allowable_r Allowable sq. f -f . - , Acrual sq. ft. - _; BU|LD|NGBULKC0NTR0L:A|lowab|ernaximum|ength Required 0f f sets --'-*' , Actua I length SITE COVERAGE: Allowaole e?f /,, Allowable sq. ft, 4{At,b6, Actual ft Actua, ,0. -, USEABLE OPEN SPACE: Required '75-O tq. fr., Aciual 0, 4. tq. ft., Ground Leve I -i4 -h, Lommon - %; Requirea 6tJfi, /orbtb sq. ft., Actual PARKING AND LOADING: No. Required -4 , fo, Actual , Covered Re- n tr i ra A ZON ING No. ; Covered Actua I -%APPRO VA Zon ing Admin istrator Da te DES IGN REV IEW BOARD APPROVAL Chairman, Design Re v iew Board Da te UTILITIES APPRO VA L Required - Front 3,O , Sides ly t! , Rear 44 Act'ua| - Front _, Sides _, R.a. --; LANDSCAP I NG: 3 ,6 o , Actua I sq. +t.3'7t3'/3 i Tow n PROPO S E D ENV IRONMENTAL II4PACT APPROVAL .-a+4tt qyo Date S ubm i Date S ubm i Date Submi Exten s ion by Seclion COMMENTS: ng Review gn Rev iew ronmental tte d tted tte d of for f o r for 7on i Des i Envi uea 0 | Ine Dead I ine Date Date lmpact Rev iew TO Dead I ine r< nFrrni tio d d a te B (Series ot 1973) Dead I i item of 0rd inance No. rlA'14'-% ?,f v,' t z ot( o- X /1, 2 5- Jb, r Y '11 Z lrx a L /t'r >< r I /t,r ,( t Yz . A 7 t7,63 d 86, s-o 3 r/,/ ,. o 7Trl,r3 l /ac/,a b tt 16.13 //6/'aa t7c.5'o rilfrPEcloru.negiJiar -. - - - _,-._ -:r... _jir ., DATE TIME.RECEIVED- At,I PM cALtTil E ornen TJ PARTIAL. LOCAT]ON READY FOR INSP:ECTION WED THUF rnr 5- An@) fifaeeRovED ElotsnpPRovED il nel NsPEcr @"o*^t.rloNs Furoru THE FoLLowlNG coRRECTIoNS: DATE DATE TIME IN€iPECTIN HETI|JEEiT RECEIVED- AM PM I ornen TUE flpnnrrru.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION FRI AM PMMON COMMENTS: r-THUR -.' TOWN OF VAIL EI App Rov E D fl uponr rne CORRECTIONS E otsappRovED FOLLOWI NG CORREGTIONS: E netNsPEcr DATE 't-.-.,,t .,;" , '-= INSPECTOR ' tnrseecGru FlEctt.tElsr TOWN OF VAIL n, 'l ,"''); 1I 7,JOB NAME PM CALLER flornen f] panrrel. tocnrtont READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE FRI ,AM PM flnppRoveo E orsappRovED I nerNsPEcr , LI UPON THE FOLLOWING GORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE iruseecrDru HEGrue'sr ! orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE fl penrrnl. LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR E nppRovED fl orsnpp RovED D nerNsPEcr lJ UPON THE FOLLOWING COFRECTIONS: tcoRREcTloNs " ; ., 5f7-..,Cr-' il' rNseecfclN FtEEUTQTWDATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER E orHen E pnnrrau.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR t{" rnr 5. oM@) COMMENTS: ElnppRovED florsappRovED ! nerNsPEcr UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: DA'E i t -,it )s TNEiPEer}N ntEGrue'sr i TOWN OF VAtL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED .AM'PM CALLER D ornen f]penrrnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECT]ON WED THUR El-aie RovED E orsapp RovED E nerNsPEcr E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR oo 2/:, 7-7 6-a 7v/ o e/3 rNsFEcr3ru FIEBUEST TOWN OF VAIL I l" r ./DArE&JOBNAME TfME RECEIVED- au,6i; CAL E orxen MON GOMMENTS: READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR Elpnnrnu LocATroN TUE FRr-nm,,Fffi) Qnrr RovED E orseppRovED E nerNsPEcr E upolrr rHE FoLLowrNG conREcnoNsl CORRECTIONS DATE FlEEUESiTrNsiPEcGru -l 4t ziz.-6419 .' -t,,_ a( /. ///J JOBNAME _ TIME RECEIV€D- AM PM CALLER OTHER MON E penrtll LocATroN ,.^lv READY FOR lNSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM COMMENTS: A^:RovED I orsaeenovED IJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: EnerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR t lNspEc#rv FIEGTUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CAL , i.' fl pnineu LocArroNI.I OTHER MON COMMENTS: READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRITUE AM'PM I orsneeRovED I upon rHE FoLLowlNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS HappRovED E nerNsPEcr n, DATE INSPECTOR