HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 13 BLOCK 2 LOT 25 LEGALt4; t W lt'q. /of>5, b/" DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT l3 ch 2- TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 Bui Lding-----> Ptan check---> Investigation> lli LL CaI,t----> NOTE: THTS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED aoo/al,r sFR BUrLD PERMTT ON JOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES Permit €.: B97-0360 Job Address l Location,..: Parcel No..: Project No.l 2355 BALD MOUNTAIN 2355 BALD MNT RD 2 101-0 3 3-01-013 PRJg 7 -019 6 I SSUED to /03 /ree7 LO/07 /tee704/05/ree8 > 1,571.00 Status. . . Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . APPLICANT BROWN_WOLIN CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 701, VATL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR BROWN_WOLIN CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 701, VArL CO 81658 OWNER ORTHODONTICS ASSOCIATES OF GREEL 34OO 16TH STREET, GREELEY CO 80631 Descript j-on l COMPLETE UNFINSHED SPACE INT REMODEL WINDOW UPGRAD Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type Construction: V N Type V Non-Rated Phonel. 9709494786 Phone l 9709494186 Addi t i onat Fees---------> .00 Total Permi t Fee--------> I ,57t+.OO Valuation:100,000 Add Sq Ftr ti.eplace Informat i on: Restricted: Y f0f Gas App I i ances:Iof Gas Logs:,0f [ood/Pa L tet: 1 **rr******************************************************** FEE SUtlllARY **********************tt********************************** 740-00 Restuarant Plan Revi ev--) 4El .00 DRB Fee-------- -00 Recreation Fee---------->3-00 ctean-up Deposi t--------> .00 Totat CaLcutated Fees---) 1,571.OO 100.00 .00250.00 Payments *'(**************************'(**********l?lll*llii;;;;;;;;;;;iiii********liill;ll*******lllili5-?1fi;;;;;;**iiiii************ill*** ITem! O51OO BU]LDING DEPARTMENT DepT: BUILD]NG DiViSiON: 1Ol03 /L997 CHARLIE ACtiON: APPR CHARLIE DAV]SItqni,,O54QO PLANNING DEPARTMENT DepT: PLANNING DiViSiON:70/03/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR PER LAURENIt,eml,05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DepT: FIRE DiViSiON:rO/03/\997-CHARLIE Action: APPR N/AIt'em:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKS ' Dept: PUB WORK Division:70/03/L997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A ******rrt******Jr*tffff*rr*******Jr****************tr**f*i******t*****************ir*triff****ffi:H(***ffrr**ir*tct*tr**********Jrt****** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I have read this appl,ication, filted out in ful.L the informat'ion required, compteted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that a[[ the information provided as required is correct. I agree to coBpty uith the infofmation and pLot pl.an, to compty uith atl, Tovn ordinances and state [aws, and to build this structure according to the Tovnrs zoning and subdivision FR0f4 8:00 Al4 SIGNATURE OF OLINER OR HII4SELF AND OIINERSend ctean-Up Deposit To: BRoIJN-IIOLIN CoNSTRUCTIoN Page 2 * * * * * ** * * * * * * *** * * * * * ****** * *** *** * * **** *** * * ***** t * * ** **** * * * * * * *** * * * ** * ** * * * * CONDITIONSpernit t: 89?-0360 as of 70/07/97 status---: rssuED*************************************************r.****************************** Permit TypeApplicant-- Job Address Location--- Parcel No-- Description COMPLETE UNFINSHED SPACE INT REMODEL WTNDOW UPGRAD * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOns * * * ,! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ]-. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED ]N ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC. 3. DECKS NOT APPROVED BY DRB. NOT PART OF THIS PERMIT 4. EGRESS rS REQ',D OUT OF UNFTNTSHED SPACE 1991 UBC SEC 1204 VENTILATION REQ'D IN BATHROOM PER 1991 UBC SEC 1205 ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT BROWN-WOLIN CONSTRUCTION 97 09 494186 2355 BAID MOUNTAIN RD 2355 BAID MNT RD 2 r_ 01-0 3 3 -01-013 applied-- | 70/03/t9e7 rssued--- | 70/07 /7997To Expire I 04/05/1998 TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt. Number: REC-0342 Amount: Payment Method: CK Notation: 8812 t,s74 .00 ro/07 /97 13;40Init: JR Permit No: ParceI No: Site Address: Location: This Paymqnt Account Code 01 0000 413r-0 01 0000 41331 01 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 897-0360 Type: A-BUILD ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PE 2101-0 3 3-01-013 2355 BALD MOUNTAIN RD 2355 BALD MNT RD 1r 574.00 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: BaLance: * * * * * * * t dr d. !k * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ****** * * * * **** * ** J. * * * * * * * * * * * * * Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WTLL CALL INSPECTION FEE 1r 574.00 I ,57 4 .00 .00 Amount 740.00 100.00 481.00 250.00 3. 00 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 9t 0-47 9-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit f : E9'7-O24IELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 2355 BALD MOUNTAIN Location...: 2355 BALD MOUNTAIN Parcef No.. : 2101-033-01-013Project No. : PRJ97-0196 NEW ELECTRIC INC, P O BOX 957, AVON CO 81620 NEW ELECTRIC INC, P O BOX 957, AVON CO 81620 ORTHODONTICS ASSOCTATES OF GREEL 3400 16TH STREET, GREELEY CO 80631 RD Status. . .RD Applied.. Issued... Expires. . I S SUED . ^ /^^ la ^^-ru/uJ/ LJY t r0/07 /7e97 o4 /05 /LeeB 9 4657APPLTCANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Phone: 97094 Phone: 9709494657 DescriPlion: ELECTRICAL FOR REMODEL AND FINISHED SPAva.].uation: FEE SUI'IIIARY 10,000 . 00 E Iectr i ca [---> DRB Fee lnvest i gation> Uil.t ca t l.----> TOTAL FEES___> Tota I catculated Fees---> AdditionaL Fees---------> Tota I Permit Fee--------> 180. OO .00 .00 3.00 183.00 181.00 185.00 183.00 .00BALANCE DUE---- Item: O6OOO BLECTRTCAL DEPARTMENT10/03/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPRIt.em:' 056OO FIRE DEPARTMENT7o/03/1997 CHARLIE Actionr APPR N/A Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: ******************************'t************************************************************************************************t(** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1, FIELD INSPBCTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ***************************************************i***********i********i***************lr**i********************************i***** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this appLication, lil,l.ed out in fuil, the information requined/ compteted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that atl the infofmation provided as required is correct. I agree to compty with the informat'ion and ptot ptan, to compty with aLL Tor./n ordinances and state taws, and to buiI,d this structure according to the ToHn's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, uniform BuiLding Code and other ordinances of the Town appticabte thefeto. 58 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRO},I SIGI{ATURE OF O!'NER OR FOR HIIIS€LF AND OI,INER REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TIJENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY *********************************************r,****************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt ******************L********************************************* Statemnt Number: REC-0342 Amount: Payment Method: CK Notation: 8812 183.00 Lo/07 /9'7 13242 Init! JR **************************************************************** Permit No Parcel No Site Address LocaUion This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 897-0241 Type: B-ELEC 2 101-0 3 3- 01-013 2355 BALD MOUNTAIN RD 2355 BALD MOUNTAIN RD EI-,ECTRICAL PERMIT Total Fees: 183.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description EIECTRICAI.,, PERMIT FEES WIIL CALL INSPECT]ON FEE 183.00 183.00 .00 Amount 180.00 3.00 ,*Contac! EagJ c County Assessors( ar 97O-328-8640 for Parcel /1 ,'PARCI'L //: tlol -03.-Ot-ot3? tJ-L'(r4 A589 VATL CONSTRUCTION APPLICATION FORM PER}IIT il 1.lo -_._P}j. =st - 5?oo DATE. ?/e6fq1 .iOfflce TOWN OF PERMTT ^ t APPLICATIoN MUST BE FILIJTD ouT CoMPLETELY oR IT t'{Ay NoT BE AccEpTEDtur*rt**************************** PERI,ITT TNFORMATION *****************rl***********tl tf,l-nutraing ti)-plumbinq xl-Electrical I J-Mechani-ca1 [ ]-othert / - _ 7'- |' J -.YY..B L J vr. Job Name: trEdqy.n ,1"^ol"l tqk -d_"1_l_qn Job Address:/14d", Legal- Description: Lot { 5 llock_rl Filing o.Ihodq.trys .4F:i>s .49soc,olr.''or,rners Narne: "'-t4o1ot+"L3€nTo'*" eddr"ss: 3tl? rr I w'* t6l'x GeneraL Descripti onzca,ri I$1evlorVlytt! jrf/.* "ll co6 TA epait [ ] Number of Accomnodation work crass : [ ] -New ry'-it#],iY"1rlT't4tl#(k:,rtm Nurnber of Dwelling units D1c* ]UTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: :LUMBING PERMIT FEE:,IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ILECTRICAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: VALUATION BUTLDINGS SIGNATURS; ZONTNG: SIGNATI'FJ: eo4lfa^o* f,o'." {pmber and Type of Firep}aces: Gas Appriances*,cas Logrs__ wood/peLret.-lr. . PKsaT^otql'li * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 'l * * *'t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * vatuCirb'Hg -*iii********{******************** I vrrLUatl'J.(JNb xrrt BUILDTNG: $ 75 oe-_ ELEcTRfcALt $Jo-,-ooO _ o.r..IlER: $PLUMBTNG, TlSTa MEcpiANicAi., s....,...',"F m^mrr - {!,!u.crrr_rNc: t trrooo MECp;ANICAI-,, $_ O - TOTAL: $-%OrgrA__ |} * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,r CoNTRACTOR INFORMATION * * * * * * ,. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *teneral Cont.ract,or: 5,r oar,,, -U).t1 ,,- (^-ts T'General Cont.ractor: Drorvyr _e)al ,n 6"^t.Tfr Town of Vai.t_ Reg. NO.lda_AAcidress, fJdy 70/, v4TUEjT-% Dl.nna ry,r*r_^_- ,\),.1 ::-:-;-1---o56000000000000000 Phone Number: gttq-;lG_ Electrical contractqt _fVe- E-/-{r-ii3'iE!!?"!dlffi!ffi-q,W 3;:l""ii,,x i:I :31{&E prumbing co4tractor, -KooJru,4h'n&r1-,4frJ:o",tlrr' ,f Vair negr.wo. a?J.=p\ddress, _-1/q3ari phone Nurnber: -'_ Uf _ r=!_.___ Towir of Vail Reg. No.Phone Number: {echanical Contractor: \ddress: k******************* *******r..****FOR oFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PIAN CHECK FEE:PLWBTNG PIJ\N CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: :onrnents: Bnr',n -ao/tn A* Fr-- ,(Jey7o) ) V;l)Co SILSS ]LEA}T UP DEPOSIT REFII}TD TO: IOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2r38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLUMBING PERMIT Job Address: 2355 BALD MOUNTAIN RD Location...: 2355 BALD MOUNTAIN RD ParceL No.. r 2101-033-01-013 Project No. I PRJ97-0196 APPLICANT ROAD RUNNER PLUMBING, INC. P.O. BOX L8324, AVON, CO 81620 CONTRACTOR ROAD RUNNER PLUMBTNG, rNc. JOBS ITE Pernit €: Status. . . epplied.. Issued... Expires. . AdditionaL Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee-------) Pavments------- ALL TIMES P9 7 -0141 AI OWNER P Lunbi ng-----) P lan Check---) Invest i gati on> !i LL ca I l,----> P,O. BOX 18324, AVON, CO 81.620 ORTHODONTICS ASSOCTATES OF GREEL 34OO 16TH STREET, GREELEY CO 80631 Phone:. 970-949-IQ34 Phone. 970-949-1034 ISSUED 1O /03 / |ee7 ro/o7 /ree7 o4 /05 / teeB .00 2a1.75 ?81-25 Description: PLUMBING FOR BATH ADDITION AND REMVaIuationl 15 r 000.00 ***i*i**********t*******t**t***rr*************************** FEE SUlrlfiARY *t**irt*t******#********td******************************** Total Catculated Fees---> 2at+.25225.O0 56.25 .00 3.00 -00 2a1,.25 Restuarant Ptan Review--> TOTAL FEES--.-- BALANCE DUE---- ************trrr******irltr*************************tf***************************Jr******ff*********i***************************i****** Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division: IO/03/1997 CHARLTE ACTJON: APPR CHARLIE DAVISii'eft:'0s600-i;Tiin-DnpARTMENi -- - --.- --- Dept: FrRE Division: 70/O3/T997 CHARLIE ACTiON: APPR N/A r*******t*rt**td***************************************************t**********Jrl*************rr*****fflr**********Jr************* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ********************************************************ff******t************ff*************************Jc************************* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknol,ll,edge that I have read this application, fitl,ed out in futt the information required, compteted an accurate Ptot ptan. aird state thit atl the information provided as requi red is cornect. I agree to comPty Hith the inforBation and Ptot Ptan, io compty r.,,ith aLl. Town ordinances and state [aws, and to buiLd this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review appnoved, llniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town appticabte thereto. REQUESTS FOR TNsPECTIONS SHALL BE t4ADE TIJENTY-FOUR HoURS IN ADVANCE BY IELEPHONE/Ir a7 AND OIJNER ***********************************!F:g*************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-o342 Amount:284.25 t0/07/97 13|42Init: JRPayment Method: CK Notation: 8812 P97-0141 Type: B-PLMB PLUMBING PERMIT 2101.-033-01-013 2355 BALD MOUNTAIN RD 2355 BALD MOUNTAIN RD Tota1 Fees: 284,25 TotaL AtL Pnts: BaLance:***********************************'***************************** Permit No: ParceL No: Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 0L 0000 4131_1_ 01 0000 4t332 01 0000 41336 Description PLT'MBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 284,2s 284,25 .00 Anount 225.0O 56.25 3.00 ilstllE es $t ,Hg or fl 9l d-l uJl d+tal F9 $t 96 $g I E:EEEgi rgE;EE$ EE:9EE; sfie€ tei F;E€E€i $E FFE E€ egEEF"-HiI .|) (l' O CtC aj't q -(n'Ej ir- Ctl oti:\'= =ce.!z o6 c'J>d q) <t) tl i Fs F-*€ ou-- coEa -9c) |l)EI uu Ee GI t- s r.l F..- ilIl-I a J 2l-I t,, $ |\ x .Ji1 4t, rl -t ilI rt;rl rr u $ il il, N. {. t\ k\''b ot{{{s,ft f.$A.\>-- _t'r l- .'s A.,:e {f.. =,A $-o{'sB\ ), "r- ;s .; i? i =s j' \9 d' 6e\ N<^: ,iaon o44 aht /*1s dot,l" i-' d,l- t' i{ d"* '7 n* {d, ^t t/r*/ru- DeB *f,& *',, Hixffi;:x';*' nry*rh')r' , -!" , flr^ri,do'* a',tW<'-<,o',a + k *-J cal"- a+ '4'#,i1 vi'nlut9 ' . (" n^otJre ofk* wtl'"1{ o--lv"s< r/*h, EDe Ra.N 4 r*-;t Deac-s Wwsr PAe v*l 'o^l 2 nr,-, r'n'loo, ''^'L rePlat"fk 7u n,i< s"e ),t14 t;t. N-.ol) r,f rtr-l-s) f 'Jf".r,- ,A t<Su ?a >-- it( I f, .I t:\L' sv' il,r Ewi ng Engineering Vai I, Colorado 81558 ILCg?7€!]6o October 1, 1997 RE: Edgren Residence 2355 Bald Mountain Road Vai l, Colorado 81657 Brown-WoIin Construction requested that I inspect andproject. since he was pouring the piers monolithically. I have done so and it is to my satisfaction. Albert N. Ewincl Colorado P.E. L5862 O. Box 2526 approve the TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 APPLI@NT CONTRACTOR OhINER Blectrical,---> DRB Fee fnwe 6 t. j.9 at i on > wiIl call----> TOTAI FEES- - - > ELECTRIEAL PERMIT 'JOb .A.ddrESS: 2355 BALD MOI]IITAIN RD LOCALiON,..: 2355 BALD MOIINTATN RD Parcel No. . : 2l_0i_-033 -01-014Project No.: u+Lg furvz v6^Ll/;I t3 JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit. #: 899-O244 st.atus...: ISSIJED Applied. .: L|/t2/t999Issued...: LL/L2/1999 Ercpires. . I 05/LO/2000 Phone: 970-686-1040 Phone: 970-686-1040 Phone: 970-355-1455 DEPARTMENT OF EOMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TII1S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON SECI]RITY & SOI]ND DESIGN, INC.P.O. BOX 548, VTTNDSOR, CO 80550 SECURTTY & SOI]ND DESIGN, INC.P.O. BOX 548, WTNDSOR, CO 80550 EVERETT H KE}flT & MARILYN T 1,627 N 35TH W, GREELEY CO 80634 Description: INSTAITIJ AI_,ARM/SMOKE DETECTORS SYSTEM Valuat.ion:2,000.00 FEE ST'I4MARY 50.o0 .00 -00 3.00 53.OO 75.O0 128 .00 Total Calculated FecE- - - > Additional FeeB---------> Total Pernits Pee----- --- > rECM: O55OO FTRE DEPARTITEMTLl/L2/1999 KATHY Act.j-on: AppR N/A Palmeng€------- 128.00 BAI,ANCE DUE-. - - Dept: FIRE Division: II,CM: O6OOO ELEqTRICAL DEPARTMENT DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:Lt/12/L999 KATr{y Acrion: AppR AppRovED pER-rff CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. * * * * * * * * * * l| * * * * * * * * r a * * r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r * * * * *a**r*ti**r**** DEEI,ARATIONS I hereby acknouledge that I have r.rd thi6 application, filled ouf in full the information requiled, compLetscd an accurat6 ploh p1an. and Etsale tshae all the information provided 16 r€quired is correcb. I agree co cornply with th€ information and ploE plan, t.o conply wiEh all Town ordinanceB and 6t.at.e lawB, and to build Chls Btructuf,e accoriling to the Town,s zoning rnd eubdivigion code!, d.Bigrr review approweil, uniform gui.ldinE goda and other ordinances of lhe Torn appl.ierblc lhereto. REQUBSTS FOR INSPECTIONS SmIJIT BE MADE TIIBMY-FOI R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-213a OR AT OI'R OFFICE FROM e:00 AIi{ 5:0O PM SIGI{AI"URE OF OT{NER OR COTfIRAC:TOR FOR HIMSEI,F ATID OI{NER Z'i v- **************************************************************** TOI{N oF vArIJ, COTORADO SEaE,emlt****************++************:l********************************* statemnt Number: REC-0589 Amount.: 128.00 LL/L2/gg Lo:29Pal4nent Metshod: cHEcK Not.ation: #2566/SEC&SO[I{D rnit: KMW Permit, No: 899-0244 Tlpe: B_EI_,EC ELECTRICAL PERMITParcel No: 2101-033-01-014Sit,E AddrEES: 2355 BALD MOUNTAIN RDI,OCAI,ION: 2355 BALD MOT'NTAIN RDTotal Fees: 128.00This Palment. 129.00 Total AL,L prnts: l_28 - 00 * * ** :r*'r* * * * * * * * ** * * ** * * * * *** ** **** ** **.:?l?ff:i- * * * * * * * * * * * ;:: * * .A,ccount Code Description AmountEP OO1OOOO31114OO ELEqTRICAL PERMIT FEES 5O.OOcL 00100003123000 coNrRAcToR LTCENSES ?s.00wc 00100003112800 wrLL CALL rNspEerloN FEE 3.00 o APPLEANOII Euildins( ) I*d Dtcctltrion: Etdi(rrld tvlcchrdcat ( )oocr( ) Omcrs Nroc: i 'tt1, \ID PEIS TOWN OF VAIL COIISTRUCNOil PERII]T .FORil If,lOnllArI9N !.I!ST B.rrgOltU.gll on Tll ADplJcATlOt{ W{rL l[ BLIECITD ffi W E'oE County Assrsfot ofiF'- A STOSBAW tu Prlsl J $roat-_ +tol a=-t ot t!,tl Duc:11-8-99 Permfil Job Nrns:KENT & MARIL}I!{ EVEREIT ;6 666s. 2355 ISUIITAIN RD. P-luoblngr r bt-:3- Etocl KENT EVEREIT j-s8 rL Ad&rsr:1627 N. 35rrr AVE. - CREntr* CM_970-3.56-ra55 rtrdriacct;Eud Dc*rigiooff$' INSTALIAIIO| OE AI4RI'|'9ISTD| w tcuti: ".oF A|.|iloo ( ) tt'|r$cr of Drplirg Uil$;-SZP-- fdEEDff 8d TIF of Firtpls: Gnr Aplkact BUI-DING: $ i.\euioft+l ( )!t s.L ( )Onct ) Nunbs d Accomnoddol Udk-.- (hrI4r Woon Pcll4 PI.TIMDING $ Golrd-Corrttor vAlll Tt9ilE Etr.SCTRICEIL 3tEclr Mc.^r.s GOt{"i crort lrrFPR$AnoN Addnsr: ' rsil/o of vd ncr|lflha No.-{QQ=ggrpp nbo I To*rof VrilSdsdio Elnrfic.rconrneton, SEC@ Mdr.$: l2m 9AROIJEH. DR. #222 I{TNDSOR' C0- 80550 No, 116{-5 rtoct 970-686-1040 Ihslirr.Glgtrgr Adk Itsrc fTouofvdlRcti${io|| lfduH.f*ftedl( No. Torrn of vril RtiirEfltur tih. Addsr.l Inonc fl foBqFncF usE lultDlNo: $I€NATT'RE: ZANI G: SI6MTURE: +-15oi- c.snTscTtt-, Fl€- spsc4hL era Sovd zBlt9ab6as'o r NOV s 8 1999 'IdaO-n3O-lloJ-n o& ' ngld eO'Ft EE-aO-AOr! E'[!,rar.artt of c/,nwnirY DevcloPnunt 7!t Srlldt ftwmga M WL Cotorado Et657 nol?g-2r3t F xno.1n2152 Butr,ililG ?EIIIIIT SSUA'IC!'TIITII llADil ffeb pcrnit ftcuir* e Tom of Vrrl Firc Dqormeni Apprral' En$ncc's Oubtic WoLt) rorie*utlryproral,aPlauiugDcportncmrwiouofHatrhDGpofilcilttwkrw'r'darevtcw bytoEuilditrgDcpatttatol-tho eststlilcdtinc fqrtml rcricrvnreyutc re lqrg$ tbrg (3) srGd6. NtcomrrcrgLl(tencormll)urdaltmu}ti.farnilypcrrnirrwillhrt.ctofo|loll|sc|Dot,c rncdionorluerrimurn'cqil'G[ncoB.adrmeltprpjccrrshorrtdratoelcs$lrernountof tinrc. Ilwwct if nsit*unl or'*'" l*Tl5ff ffiff mr, "* defrmcfs witlr ngsl to mccssary rwicw' tbcrc pfoll Fdod- Evcfy 6mPr tviu bG rudo by fis dqumc[t 8o o(lcdltl 6ir pcrnit as 9oo u gocntlc' L&g$dcaigD04undcrstgrdtbcPlrnClrec\procdurcurdtigrcfrernalatlouldc(tle'd&rtif thc ocnrrit b act pckca up by rho cxeinrion ib&" tb l m|t nitl py the f'tu Chcpk Fcc rnd *t''n i*tto L so it ney rffccl tubtc pcilia" il'rt I rpply for- A'G.dtobv: )S\ - f^d ' ' ProJcctltaxc wi ___-__.-- ulodt Sh:a ws ulcd idp tE Comdd' Dstill4fitdDqt- -"]o" "r. on." , o , $rmcaa'l-'*t'rdro-n Eo-xor-nol 'flotJ Eo'91 EB-eO-AON TOIdN OF VATL 75 S. FRO}TTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 Uf35r//KpO I t/, /i//,ys Bll DEPARTIVIEIIIT OF COMMUNITY DE\TELOPMEIVT THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT PRO,JEC"T TITLE : EVERETT/EDGREN DUPLEX ADD/ALT SFR BUTIJD PERMIT PETMiE NOTE:AIJIJ TTMES *: 899-0192 AddTESS: 2355 BALD MOI]NTAIN RDIiON...: 2355 BALD MOUIiITAIN RD eL No.. : 21_01-033-01-0L4 Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: 07/2L/1999Issued...: 07/27/t999 E>q>ires. . : 01/23/2OOO Description:RERoOF SHTNGLE FOR sHrNGr-,E Nurnber of Dwelling Units: 002 Town of Vail Adjusted ValuaLionz 29,85Q Fireplace Infornatsion: Restrieted:fof ('as Appliancaa:*of caa T,oga:*of wood/Pa]ler: FEE ST]IO{ARY Phone: 303 -288-2635 80022 Phone: 303 -288-2635 80022 Tohal calculated Fees- - - >880,50BuiLding- - -- -> Plan Ch€ck- - - > Inv€stigat.Lon> wiLl. call----> 350.00 22'1 .50 .00 3.00 . oo 50 .0o . oo 2go . oo ago.50 ss0.50 Restuarant PIan Revies- -> DRB Fee-------- Recreation Fee----------> clean-OF DalrosLt------ --> Total Permit !.ee--------> PalmenEB------- Additional Fees---------> .0o ir i * i r.r irr r rrrt a t!, * r ri*tr rr ir. BUTLDING DEPARTI{ENT Depr:.fRM AcLion: APPR APPROVED .fRM PLANNING DEPARTIIEI{T DepL: JRM ACIiON: APPR APPR PER BRENT FIRE DEPARITJIEIIT DCpI: BAI,ANCE DIJE---- .OO BUILDING Division: PI'ANNING DJ.viSiON: FIRE Division: Dept: PIIB WORK Divj-sion: IEem:05100 o7 /21/L999 IEem: 05400 o7 /2L/LeegItem: 05600 07 /2L/1-999It,em:05500 07 /2r/L999 JRM Actsion: APPR PI]BLIC WORKS.JRM AcEion: APPR N/A N/A See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions t.hat may apply to t.his permit.. DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknowledge tshat I have read this applj.calion, filled out in ful1 th€ infornation required, corrPleled an accuratse Plot plan, artd 6tsate EhaL all the inforEalion prowided as required 16 correct. I agr€€ co comply rith che inforoac.ion and ploE plan, Eo comply I'iEh all Town ordj.nanceB and state 1a!r6, and to build !hi6 scalrcture according to the Torm'E zoning and gu.bdiwieion codes, deeign rcvj-ew approved, Uniforlr Building Coda and oBhcr ordinances of the Tosn applicable th.t!.tto. RSQI,ESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SI{AIJL BE MADE TIIEI\I:Y-T.OUR HOI]RS IN ADIDNCE BY send clern-I4r D.trosit To: DoITOLASS ROOFI]|CI TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up rpproved amount date APPLICATiTT COTiTTRACTOR OWNER Project No. : PRJ99-0210 EARL F. DOUGLASS ROOFING CO 7281. EAST 54TT{ PIACE, COMMERCE CITY CO EARL F. DOUGLASS ROOFING CO 7281 EAST 54TH PLACE, COMMERCE CITY CO EIIERETT I{ KEMT & MARIIJYN T 1527 N 35TH W, GREET,EY CO 80634 Refund PAGE 2******************************************************************************** COIIDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit, #: 899-0192 as of 07/27/99 Status: TSSUED******************************************************************************** Permit l]pe: A.DD/ALT SFR BUITD PERMIT Applied: A7/2L/1999Applicant,: EARI F- DOUGLASS ROOFING CO lssued: O7/27/L999 .JOb AddrCSS: 2355 BALD MOI]NTAIN RD. LOCATiON: 2355 BAI.,D MOI'NTAIN RDParcel No: 2101-033-01-014 ******************************************************************************** COI{DITIONS******************************************************************************** 1. FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COO{PLIA}ICE. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUTRED rN ALL BEDROOMS A,t{D EVERY STORY AS pER S8C.310.6.L 0F TI{E 1997 I,BC. t lold OF VAI!. @LOEIDO ttt B.lrnr t*lltlttl'i'ltl'.ttrJaattt*ttttt*r*.rtrrrtttt*tJ'r{trrrtr!riftfat.ftaA+t,t, SErtmtt Btdcr: llc-05{3 l@lErc: 8t0.50 0?,/27199 13:55 Prlrnett f,Ggh€d3 Ctr trolliion: 1331,frlDftclf ROO! IDiC: I p.!.Eit, tror 199-0192 Type. I-BITILD eltD/tlt SrA BITILD pE P!!c.l No! ,101-033 -01- 014 ItlE !dd!.|r: 2355 BILD oIn[IIJW RD Loe.Ei@. 2335 Erf.D XOIIITAIT' RD tot.l Bc€.. ASO.5O ItrL. PEtru.Bg 830,50 lotal llll PEts!: A8O.5O Ealatrrca .00 rrt!lrtttarrrttrtrtttt'lttttatttr*****taataattorlttttltttart:tt*t*tt:trt AcoouaE dod. Daaellption teunt Bp 0010000311r.100 Bu:LDING paR$IT rgtg 3s0,00 DR Oo1OOOOlLlzrOO DE{IIOI R'stEBW FEE,E 50.00 pF 00100003112300 DLA!| CHECR PtEg 227.50 tD De-Drpog cLBAmtP DEPOgtTg 250.00 nc ool,ooooltl2coo tf .L c L! IllsDletl@ FaE 3.00 rtuN-93-E9 l4, 3O FRoM' lov-Cgl.l-DEV-DEPr. Tear off exl-atins gg{41' sh{nsles - install nes 5/8tt OSB $rs6{ {s6tine. Ice and Dcscrinitn of Job; sater shield on ihole roof, ildge vent, nes 470#- Certainteed Grand f,anor aophaltshingles. ..c.r441rEr-.a.561 DuildinE( ) mE&he LcgdDtmildos: Lot_ I Cqdars N@r| Kent Everett Archtect: ElccCrlcel Coltncfor: Torm of V6,;l Regisuetiou No. PlunbinsCurlcnon w tln Eagtcoourry Asses$ors otfr6 d c. egzffir/o tv parct #Parcl# 210103301014 I)ilc July 16, 1999 ate 'e$to scetve( Jo6Address 2355 Bald lltn. Road ( ) Ol!cr(x) Tear off and Replace -' s 970-356-145s IDcETvEDJUL 16 1999 BUII.9ING: SIGiIATURE ZONING: Wo*Class: Ncw ( )Altcrdion( ) Additioul( ) R€eatu( )Ottcr8') Tear Off and NuberofDun[iugUnir$ . Reroof ldmbcr sf Acconnodation U!fts Nderaod Tlae ofFinplac*: @r Applialccc @IoSt WoodPdla vALlano{rts BUII,DING: S OTIIE& S PLI'MBINo ' MECITAMCALS TOTAL s 2e.8so.oo cairTRAcTon nu ponum.ol Gcns:dComrOor: Barl F. D,ouglaes RooflngbAddnssl 7281 E. 54th P1-, Comerce City, CO 80022 pho6# 303-288-2635 Fax 303-288-8602. Ad&css; All - Otqu . Pbrc# Addres$ tuE#Tora dVail Rrgisaion No.. Mcchadcel Cortraglpf: Town ofvail RcgirariLm No. Ad&css: Ptmc# SIGMTURE i l ! <,, '. ," DOUGI-Ag,S JULY 12,1999 EXHIBIT A Dr. Kent Everett 1627 N. 35th Ave Ct. Greeley, CO 80634 REVISION-FOR COPPER FLASHINGS AND 5'8"OSB SHEATHING RE: DUPLEX - 2355 Bald Mtn. Rd.-Vail Dear Dr. Kent, Thank you for the opportunig to submit the following proposal to you for the duplex in Vail. Existing design is a cold roof system. Douglass Roofing prcposes the following scope of work: 1. Tearoff existing cedar shakes, felt, and related llashing.2. lnstall 5/8" OSB sheating on entire roof surface.3. lnstall Grace lce and Watdr shield on entire roof surface.4. lnstall new 20o2. Copper metal flashings on eave edges, rakes, headwall and sidewall roof transition flashings5. Install a ridge vent system on main-upper ridge and along (2) lower headwall transitions areas.6. Install 2 cone hood caps missing on heat stacks.7. Replace existing plumbing jack flashings that appear to be leak areas in the past with new lead jack flashings.L Cleanup and remove alldebris from site, dump fees included.9. Permit and associated fees included.10. lnstallCERTA|NTEED GRAND MANOR asphatt shingtes with associated ridge trim per manufacture's specifications. BASE BID: $29,850.00 OPTION #1: Replace 2 chimney caps with new copper chimney caps with existing flues the same. ADD: $950.00 to base bid. , -t --.. Ar - -J tr 6r ON TOP OF COLOR,\DO : iiiii' u,,i:i:i iiii: " j,' ': | ;>--' ,. . g.l';:..''1,1; .."31:-fy'' ;ii:s":t Exclusions: Sanrcufring, painting, snow and ice remonal, nnork on existing chimney caps (see option #1), sheet metal nrork not specifically listed above, substrate ftaming repair, or winterwork (Nov lst thru {pril30th). Please review scope of work, call with any questions Sincerely, Douglass Roofing Company:R;R^*^ Ron Brewer Project Manager/Estimator Date Accepted: Dr. Ken Everett Owner Dete Accepted: Dr. BUtdEfi Edgren i€) 6 ..?.*.----- firigo Review n.ttr Form TOWN OFVAIL BuildingName: Architect/contact, Address and Phone: 3r%trr1"$lfitfr? 7281F,.54e Ptace, Commerce city, co Project Street Address: 2355 Bald Mountain Road Legal Description: Lot25, Vail Village 13th Filing Project Name: Everett / Edgren Duplex Project Description: Re-roof Owner, Address and Phone: Kent Everett Parcel Number: Comments: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: July 20, 1999 rd Motion by: Action: StaffApproved Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: l) Entire duplex will be re.roofed. Project#: PRJ99-0210 Board / Staff Action ,a l^trD '' DRB Fee Pre-Paid:S20.00 (add to permit) F :\EVERYONE\DRBL4PPROVAL99\DVEFJTI.W?D [:7l{il rre o7 : EB REtruEsrsl?S":[r["iHi-"EhEE?3o'o*,]Bol 1 eee 'i PABE 3 AREer CD Aetivityl Address: Locat i on: Parcel: De scri pt i on : Appl icant : O*nerl Contractorr 899-O19e A/3O/1i Typer A-BUILD 9tatuer ISSUED tronetrr fiDUtr 8355 BALD FIOT.|NTAIH RD 8355 BALD MT]UNTAIN RD e101-633-gt-014 REROOF SHINGLE FOR SI{INGLE EARL F. DOUTjLfISS RfIOFITS CI' EUERETT H KENT & I{ffRILYN T EARL F. DOUGLfISS RT]OFING CIl Occr User V N Phone: 3O3-2AA-2635 Phone r trhone: 3O3-?A8-2635 fnspeetion Request Infor.ation..... Requestorr RON BREIfER Req Tirer OIrOO Correnter REROOFIters requested to be Inspeeted... Action Eorrents Phoner 393-eBS-4635 Tire Exp QIbgTO BLD6-Flisc- Inspeetion History-.... Iterl OOSfO driveway grade finaIterr OGOTS BLDG-Footings/SteelIter : OBSaS BLDE-Foundat ion/Ste Iterr OOS?O trLAN-ILC Site trlanItert OOOSS BLD€-FraringIter: Jdlf}+il * * Not On File * * Iterr OrtgSS BLDE-Insulat ionIterr 0O960 BLDE-Sheetrock Nail Iterl'tsOltAO * * Not On FiIe * *. fterr ${EA7E BLDG-ltlisc.Iterr o16&96 BLDE-FinalIter: OO53g ELDG-Terp- ClOIterr Olt54O BLDE-Final C/O PRIPTR@ el"L/99t 15 ! a4.3t DBPOEIT REII'ND REPORT- UPD}rl .Dlat 1tlo@ll n{lsl, lovn of vail curT-rD . ct gI0 ER rrxt lltr CB1ROI DAPOAI? DTPOSIT-TDJ TD''UE$NEE IFT'Bi-R!'TtrtD----------.-:T---l::3TIg. -T:3T.--T:TT-- -----iH-----.---g--.------3T--.-----.tr- 1531 Bt9-O1t2 DOIEI.ISA R@FINO D2Drpos DEPOSTI 7/28/e9 s/!L/te TOTAJ, FOR CT'8:IIIIER TYPE:250, 00 250. OO 250.O0-.00 250. O0 250,00 e50.00- ,o0 GRIlfD TotrlI.: $"* **r, c./L Bl'lell CREITBD!BttcH-02239 1999i/08 USARID-i'POPBCK rP EET,D 250. OO- 1.OO AI,IOIIHI- 250. O0 cour'll- 250-OO 250.00 I (, t esign Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Everett / Edgren Duplex Project Description: Re-roof Owner, Address and Phone: Kent Everett Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Douglass Roofing, 72818.54s Place, Commerce City, CO 80022,303-288-2635 Project Street Address: 2355 Bald Mountain Road Legal Description: Lot 25, Vail Village 13tr Filing Parcel Number: Buildine Name: Comments: Projecf#:PRJ99-0210 Board / Staff Action Motion by: Action: StaffApproved Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: 1) Entire duplex will be re-roofed. Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: July 20, 1999 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 (add to permit) a D F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\99\EVERET'I.WPD o D esign Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Orthodontics Associates of Greeley Project Description: New doors and windows Owner, Address and Phonc: Orthodontics Asrociates of Greeley ArchitecVContact. Address and Phone:Brown-Wolin Construction, PO Box 701, Vail, CO 81658 Pdect Steet Address:2355 Bald lVlountain Road Legal Description: Lot 25, Block 2, Vail Village 13th f'iling Parcel Number: Comments: BuildingName: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Lauren Waterton Date: October 2,1997 Board / StaffAction Action: StaffApproved Deck addition not approved at this time" A site plan indicatlng the proposed deck is required prior to any approval. F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\ I DRBAPPR.FRM DRB Fee Pre-Paid:$0 Qrrcstions? Cnf t rtt"Qlni,rg Strff at 479-212S APPI.,ICA'[ION FOR DESIGN RIIVIEW APPI{OVAI., elNl:t!Al-_ll_'l I.o sMduoll 'fhis applicatiorr is lbr atry projcct lcqtri|ing Dcsign Rcvicr,v approval' Any projcct rcqtririrlg dcsign rcvi$v nrttst rcccil,cDcsi1irrI{cvicrvappr-ovir1prior.tosulrnlil|irrgforai,,,lijlngpcr.nrit.[;or.spcci|icilr|orntltlirltl,scctllcstlbtlrittal ,.cq,,irc,.,",., t.i 1br tlc pnrticular lplrroval thut is rcqucstctl. TIrc alrlicatioti carlllot [r; acccptctl trntil all thc rcquircd i.lbr'rutiorr is subrnittc6. 'l-trc pio.lcct nny also ncctl to [.,c rcvicwctl try tlrc Torvn C]oLrncil arrd/or thc I)larltring arrd j.:ltvircnrncntal Conrrnissiorr. Iicsign Itcvi$v llorrrtl approvrrl crpiros 0rrc ycnl aftcr finnl npplovrl ttnlcss a trrrilrling pct'nlit is issucd itnd constt'uctioll is st:trlcd' /(enl ,t,1r' r--l 1,i lL'lA, DI]SCRIPI ION OII TI-I[ RIJQUESI' t) d,4lt >re '/a<L 4..5G$t q' fr e,- ur'i,),*a D u".J= /a''rs tbrnlou-_''-t-. I,OCNTION OIT PROI'OSAL:r.oT:slocK: A FILING:el flt h-lt PIIYSICAI- ADDRTiSS: &5 o( ol lf n?o-"t Lv'+t ha4 ZONINC: I).NAMII Ol'OWNI:lt(S): MAII.INCJ ADD owN rill(s) s I c;N A'l' LJ Il Ii(S) : NN MI] OII APPI-ICAN1" MAII,INCi ADDRIJSS: (;. .fYPD OF REVIN\\' AND I;I]I]: fl Ncrv Construction - $200 Clortstnrction of a ncrv btrildirlg' 3 Arl6ition - $50 lnr:lutlcs any addition rvhcrc squarc footngc is atldctl to any rcsidcrltial or cotrtrncrcial builtling. . $ IViuor Altcrat'on - $20 Incltrrlcs nrinor chaugcs to buildings and sitc i rttprovctttcnts, stlch as' rcroofing, painting' wirtclorv adclilions, Iiurdscaping' fcnccs ancl rctaining rvalls, ctc. ' ! Couccptrral l{cvic.rv - $0 Fol any application rvhcrc thc applicant wishcs to llrcct with Dcsign IlcYicw Iloard to rlctcrminc rvhcthcr or l)ot thc pLojcct gr:ncrally complics rvith thc rlcsigrrguirlclincs,ThcDRBr]ocsnotvotc0nconccptttalrcvicivs. I)RB fces arc to bc paid at thc tinrc of submittal. i,atcr, whcn applying for a builcling pcmrit, plcasc idcntify tlc accuratc valuation of t1c projcct. 'Ihc l'orvn of Vail will adjtist thc fce accordingto thc projcct valr'ration' PT,BASE SUBMIT TIIiS APPLICATION, ALL SUBIVIITTAL RBQUIREIVIITNTS AND THE FI|'E TO THB DtrPAllTMiiN'I oF coMI\'IUNITY DEVIILOPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, p, / 1'0lyA |ltvNL S vrr,.l, pln' 1!ec{ A Assrc,ih r\c:Nr:.: 770 'it('* 5q oo -- PIIONE: VAII,. COLORADO {tI657. Updated I/97 BUILDING MATERIALS: LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: NA NA eQLQ.R:* Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flues Flashings Chimncys Trash Enclosurcs Greenhouses Pildni6g-\Md{s i\.J?,,r \ Exterior Lishtine** I/-/Other I -/E 1o-r,<- on -t4r*'r . n V\ !ff(it^- /VA. J l;") (o+< u 4grrf,r------t N- F-* )u^ "-'J lry ll&--1a-... * Ltprsfn ' iVA /JA IA ^/AAtA. )"-ld ^ lot o /VA th,,f.^ * Plcase specify the manufacfurer's color, number and attach a small color chip ++AllexteriorlightingmustmcettheTown'sLightingdrdinanc"l8.54.050(J). Ifcxtcriorlightingisproposed, please indicate the number of fixhues and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identifu each lixture type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area" and attacb a cut sheet ofthe lighting fixtures' PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Conrmon Nantc Quantity Sizc* PROPOSED TREES AND SI{RUBS: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: +Mini nrunr rcquirenrcnts for landscaping:dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shnrbs - 5 gallons Squarc Footagc GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE ORMETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Iniilcate top and bottom ctevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on thc property is 6 feet. Botanical Nanrc ze>ei€i/ eL,or".e - 7'6"izn+rv D"1 o.J1,t.r,rnf) \tf4r,*"i:t'li -.- a'a"Da..(^"2p.* | i5".*."oprJ ,zt TE ?P7 i.tirl ti', lt-t. t, :Y?:=-Z Z.s*4r..-u_v €?'7 T-€.i-, L,,ht T/1t 7 1r;atl = ,- )/zt/y7 /gvei€T/hL'oa,r.e - 7'(,"i2^+,, D,,4 u-.J 9,a. nifi {yA*,q,"tt,") --,.'Q D""[t-35.... / / S^. c" /*r_ T4 ?ts= , :ld' 't.V €P:7 :??.=; ?:2,-*... /1r ? It-a ---r) )/zt/y7 --r ictJ5cZ{lE p. E3 t{$*-tiifi $,*li--" Ti {F ii;F; ii{{ t+ sEr q -t! \ Ilsi ,'f "?^l' $. d=:t- a 3d\-vv,sLi {Er< 3a/tu,iY {-i?-\ '-trr-NS\q s :S bl i)ts>.!$:A,--/-\t +'urj\vcy \,?dl- ad..-SGaL --s-x st\\ NJ 3 I \ It- J Fti r,ui3oe.-|Id F. [3 E v { Is F} 5,,j$ --n .\ t$qF* $$fN il 3F3 t*I{{";t {iqi q { -i \ I q t' d F-r{ .1=Y-o 3.t h3 TEi< 3a/tu'iY '{:?.\.',nrJ s\S s :s bl o3>-N;A.;\F\A r-Nj\y$ -J?df- [a].-$G<L -tfl-X ss-\ E$ 3 '1, qla-\Quefsr Call thc Planning Staff at 479-2138 APPLICATION FOR PI.,ANNING AND ENVIROI\MENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION I This application is for any project requiring approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission. For specific information. see the zubmittal requirements for thc particular approval that is requestcd. Thc application can not be accepted until all rcquired information is submited. Thc project may also need to be revicwed by the Town Council and/or thc Dcsign Rwiew Board. A. TYPE OF APPLICATION: p Adaitiona GRFA (250) tr Bcd and Brcaldast tr Conditional Use Permit tr Major or E Minor Subdivision tr Rezoning tr Sign Variance tr Variancc tr Zoning Code Amendment Major or E Minor Amcndmcnt to an SDD DESCRIPTION OF THE REQI.JEST:CA *n{,^,lAJ q6aft.q< are.\ 'rsfo LocArtoN oFPRoPosAL: Lor-.:l5-eLoCK-g- ru-wc Uo,( (/,ilqt I3fA fi/'r4 *op,,ss a35!tu-U/tt FJ, W& /> *rLp^o*o*W tr Amendment to an Approved Development Plan tr Employee Housing Unit (Iypc: tr Major or tr Minor CCI Exterior Alteration (Vail Village) tr Major or tr Minor CCII ExtcriorAltention (Lionsbead) Special Dwelopmc,ltt Dshicttr tr 1C C. TOWNOFVAIL D. F. G. NAME OF OWNER(S):0 *Lo lrni.s ksrciott MAILINGADDRESS:oo il,* t 6fl,Co 606 o$rNER(S) STGNATURE(S) : NAME OF REPRESENTATTVE: MAILING ADDRESS: FEE - SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. STJBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL STJBMTTTAL REQTIIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, For Office Use Onlyl r""pa*JQ0!-cw: BbTb ny, R.lr. BrBruu Application Darc' 6'30'17 PEC MeetingDat", 1-ZS-17 V.A,IL, COLORADO 8r 657. Rovised 6/96 tr APPLTCATION FOR ADDITIONAL GROSS RESIDENTIAL FLOOR AREA (GRFA) (250) GENERAL INFORMATION All Additional GRFA (250) rcquests. except for interior 250 requests, must bc approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC). Any interior 250 that involves no exterior modifications may be approvcd by thc Departmcnt of Community Dcvclopmcnt. A pre-application conference with a mcmber of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to discuss thc provisions undcr which additional GRFA can be added to a site. It should be understood that this ordinance docs not assurc cach property an additional 250 square feet of GRFA. Rather. the ordinance allows for up to 250 square fect ifthe conditions set forth in Chapter l 8.71 of thc Town of Vail code are met. After PEC approval, thc proposal must bc rcvicwed and approved by the Desigt Review Board (DRB). I. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application confercnce with a planning staff member is strongly encouragcd. No application can bc accepted unless it is complcte. It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointrnent with the staff to dctermine additional submittal rcquirements. T. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS owncrs and owncrs on tne same C surc to includc es The applicant will be responsible for correct namcs and mailing available from theEaglg Cquqry Aslcslgl!!Sc:_ Condominium Association approval (if applicablc). Verification that the dwelling is at least five ycars old. Photos of the existing sructurc. Specifications of all materials and colors. addresses. This information rs o tr tr tr o o A preliminary title report, including schcdules A and B, to vcrifu ownership and easemcnts. A topographic survey, indicating existing improvcmcnts, stamped by a Colorado licensed suwcyor. Three (3) copies of the followinq: Existing and proposed floor plans of the structure. at a scale of l/8" = I' or larger. Site plan showing existing and proposcd construction. Indicate all roof ridge elwations with cxisting and proposed grades shown underneath. tr Existing and proposed building elevations. addressed envelopes and a list of the names and maili4g addresses of all adjacmt properfy Pagc I of2 PLEASE NOTE THAT ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS CAN BE ACCEPTED. ALL OF THE REQUIRED TNFORMATION MUST BE SUBMITTED IN ORDER FOR THIS APPLICATION TO BE DEEMED COMPLETE. REVIEWCRITERIA Your proposal will be rcviewed using thc following critcria: Effcct upon the existing topography. vegetation, drainage and existing structures. Impact on adjacent propcrties. Compliancc with the Town's zoning rcquirements and applicablc development standards. tv.TIME REOUIREMENTS The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each montb, A complete application form and all accompanying material (as described above) must be accepted by thc Community Development Departmcnt by the appropriate submittal date. which is a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. Incomplcte applications (as dctermined by the planning statr) will not be acccptcd. Approval shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not issued and construction is not commcnced within onc ycar from the date of approval and diligcntly pursucd to completion. ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES If this application requires a separatc review by any local. Statc or Federal agcncy other than the Town of Vail, the application fcc shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such revier:r', may include, but arc not limited to: Colorado Depanment of Highway Access permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for palng any publishing fces which are in excess of50% ofthe application fee. If, at thc applicanfs rcqucst. any mattcr is postponcd for hcaring, causing the matter to be rc-published, then. the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the appticant. Applications deemed by the Community Dwclopment Department to have desigr, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on thc community may require review by consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a deterrnination bc made by thc Town staff that an outside consultant is needed. the Community Devclopment Departmcnt may hire thc consultant. The Department shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant urd this amount shall bc forwarded to the Town by the applicant at th€ timc of filing an application. Expenses incurred by thc Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any excess funds will be retumed to the applicant upon review completion. B. C. A. B, B. c. Page 2 of 2 -f ffiNS-ln\EZ J.r: ,,\ .rr ,'t ii ')$L- -ts -s.\n {f\'{. -{l\ A DA *€rN \$s I\brl *sl*slS= G-s i$"/ \olsv {s.- N r9le .rt i_{t.A \) v{\: d UI EI a \n N M ,t)q rO ,) L{ I I I r ,r,l t l,' --P' ;t- \l I ri.lvl -1 qI b te * -.1. :4\:l i;J:1 '--tf .:t t-I, -.{- -t-: \-fr.J ,f rl tl lll,|lll 1l IIllIt'l !{ \r I $I \-- t-'- / '.1 r .t - ,\-' rt tt ,t I q- I l I \ (\ t\,j ri L r.:{$l^ 1>. -. r.r fI_V ;l =::=l \-.1 '-, I 3 r-*l r.L\E ).-nd0 -f.,*.1 <U Lrt tE ,l oaf ffiN '.-i 3 Its F rl J+, |'$$lii lqqE S€z tl U? [J 4 \n d I\4 ? ,J) as ,-t lJl I t, ri I, 4., I,l, i ^-l-' t'\l iz- l .i_'l \)/ I 'l I I rf. IJl3 "{-: \-tr { iul -.1 .:t 1-tr -.{- \,A \ t *,(: 'i- ^.1'..-.-,-l (\ rJ li !- ,.:t! l* rrtL-V 3..-t r.l'"!5 f. */t i t^Irrrll;v lrG*ABry^ /B*^r"-,Lrjot,n' ,* P,n ?+?-flg( a!,*1"*,;' yf *fl e /r4',y *_+2E f _6/*/r, (ffhy^'ligffi(tf xtfl/-rry iz.ar/t 'q.>{'k zt.xs/t r7r . >{/* .CKJ ,1o ,a/ f1 t 037.07i, -306.r<'dX 2,./'*,',"(4"^ . whp*,^ ^JSk,; ^ 6;%z*( H"{,*1 ^J /*;' &,t .,."^,, r{"rir^nl/ ^ 6"""A. /" 4zBM/tM^ k*l Tq Ho^ 6dv-,','ar*( 61 .5a 31, Ba lL.M r7/{-4".h t tr,,.( 1lo,'nrn- 't loq.4 17#,r{-J 3, to1.1r 3 06. t3 sry '/'/,2 ffi*x ft+-" /1t"4t^r u/bE {,! a^J €*,tt z p/ba/Bl,LZ"*t Qzoe .i=a7 l2<tuotell b Lt*6lp{"J Ptn &J,-^zr*( J,fln"6/NiYu6,fEt, i .<M 23lO R.v. 4rlr6 AMERICAN LA o t\tD TITLE ASSCICiATlciU COMMITftTEi,.;' - .t97O fiev. Jrrr-r lr.rsuRANcE Co*pANy or |\/|rNNEsorA a Stock Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota ]'ITLE INSUnANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA, a Minnesota corporation, hereiq c.altcd the,Corrrpan)',for a valuable consideration,-hereby cornrnits to issue tts folicy .;;;i"il;iiril" il;;;;;;, ;ia-*iiii.J j" i.,l,.*r,,r*A, in favor,of the.proposed Insured narned in Schedule i, "r o*n"r "r *ottg"g"" of the estate.r, i,ri"r"ri.rrr."r".lhereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment oI lhe-prenriunrs and chargei ti,.,r.,f,rrl ullsubiect to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the brn&ii"i" ""C- iiiiul"ti,,.,. he.",rf. 'l'his Cornrnitrrrent shall be effective onlt.*L"l th-e i<.lentity of rhep.roposed irrsu;eo arrd theanxrrrrt tiI the policl'or l,olicies committed for have been inserted in Schetlule A hur"of Uyifr.'6o"ipan;,, elther at-the tirne of the iir,,u,1""ofthisComnrittnentorbysubseguentendorsement.-...'-...... This Commitmcnt is preliminary to the issuance of such policy_or poJicies of title insrrrance and all liability a1<lobligations bereunder shall cease and terminate six months "ft".ih" effective date t.reor oi o t eu it " j-u"y ,,.policies committed for shall issue, u'hichever firsf occurs, provided tf,"t tf," l"iL." to ,s:ue such pJiilioi 1i,,ri"i*, i,not the fault of tbe Cornpany. CONDITIONS AN D.STI PULATIONS I' The term "mortgage", rvhen used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other seiuritl,linstnrprent. t ' ' -.r- ^,2'_ If^lh" Prop.osed,Insured has. or acquires actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse clairl 9ro(ner. ma(terattectlng the estate o_r interest or nrortgage thcreon covered by this Commitnrent otheril1an th<xe shownin.Schedule B-hercof, arrd shall fail to disclose suih"kn-rr.' 'ledge ro the d,;;t;;; in u,;-iting. th" c",,,p;;;;i;iii;;rclie'ed frorn liability for an1'loss or dantage resulting frQ.m ariy.a.t "ir"rir"I. rr'"reon io tl;e eritent tiu', Crrrpuny isprejrrdiced bv failuie of the proposed Insuied to so dlicloie nrli t""";r.J?".li l;;;,.;;;;il,""#;;ii'jisclose ,.such knou'ledge to the companj',.or if the Company other*'ise acquir;;;r";fk.r;t"og" ol ".nyiu.,r, a"J""t, rie",etncutnbrance, adverse clairnor other ntatter, the Company at its opiion may arnencl Schu jule B oi this Co;l;;;#;iaccordingll', but such arnendment sball noi relieve tire Corifitf-; fi"diiity pr".'riourli.i;"".;;J;;;;;,i;; .' 1laragraph3oftheseConditionsandStipuiation'-,.. .3 l.i+ility.,of ,the Complny under this Commitment shqll 5g'.r1r,to the nam...r proposed Insuredlnd such, a,:. l^1'.0:Tlld::djl.1:t^9,.definitio.of lnsuredint]reform;i;"li"y"1i"mi"s'comr,rittedtorandonty,foraetuat,.-1..., loss rncurred in reliance hereon^in undertaking p.good faith (t) to iomfly with the rti[lirementih"."6ioi lUl t" ' '' elirninate exceptions shown.in Schedute n, oi 1c1io acquire or create ihi estate or interest or mortgage thereoncovered by'this' Comntittnent. In-no event shau such Uability exceed the arnoui t st"tec, in scttedule n for-ffioll"y o, *'S:"j'::..T1]'.tj1d !r and suchliability is subjec to the i"'*in! pro'i'ion' una ii. conaition, ria siipui"fiJ,,, "ndIne Lxcttlslons trom uoyerage ol the torrnof po.licy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed Insgred rvhichare herebf incorporated by reference and nrade a f"it "i it,L c"ilil;;i ;;;;pt u, "*pi"riiy:r,.Jiii"a t.r"i". 4' Any actir.rn or actions or rights of action that the proposed Insured may har.e or ma). bririg against theComPanY arising out of the strrtus of-the title to the esi"te orlnterest or thestatus of the rrortgage thereon covered bythis conrmitrnent must be basid on and are r"uiJ io ti," p;;;-rr;;; ;iil;i"Co-*,,*e*." STANDARD EXCEPTIONS .Exceptions I through 5, of scheduie B-2 on the reverse side hereof, are is folrows: - I' Rights or claims of parties in possession not sbown by the pubric records.2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records.3' Discrepancies' conflicts in.boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, aird any facts rvlrich a correct. sun'9v and insPection of the prenriies u'ould disciose ";d;ti;h;;"Lirr,'rt, Uy',r," p'Urill""-ar.4' Any lien, or right to,a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter f,,i'irhuj, i*poluJlv r"*and not shorvn by the public records.' 5' Defects, Iiens, encutnbrances, adverse clainrs or other matters, if any, created, first airlrearing in thenublicrecords or-attaching sub.sequent to the effectiv" d"t" h;;;;f'b"l ljir".? ,irl,'jil';il'il;;r:J],lrur"oacqrtires of record for valui the estate or interest or rnortgage tlrer'eon couer"a Uy tfrir 6"i,iJi*"rt.:l : - :'-'- :::: "" ':LIiEOii, 'I'itlc Ilrsurance Cor'pany of \iinrre-ioia has causetl rts corprrrate name and s""l ,o b"Itereunto affixed bv its dulv autliorized of ficers on the iate shown ilS;i;ilj;A;i;;;;-:t i*f*,, """,,t"rr-ig""a uy "validating officer or other authorized s.ignatory. irTi;lfTT,i+ffit:. i . .'r..r'.r.r:l.li frn-e lxsunnuce $orvreeruv or fl{rrurrresorA 'r 'J I /'L Countcrsigned: ,,&.y'Til,/,H*t Vrrfirlatirrg (Xficer ://A//KF** .ll-?Ttiil, ilifili' rur O,7o Rev SCHEDULE A t. EffcctiveDare: Drcr$rr g, l97g rt g;00 M 2. Policy or Policics to be issued rnd proposed issued: OWNER'S POLICY crrrcxJ-"r,tuGU{F,rt"o,yl,*,lrrf.g!"r"c.5 oN E U-- o,-rA', o\yN E R,s po 119If."",J[ f .i?7 9, ) Proposed Insured: 0nTmDOlfIICS ASSOCIAIES 0F LOAN POLICY r.sO'r'rii.)rrcn'r'r:li oFF;i;E oi; LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY BOX 367 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 PHONE:47C2251 AC.303 Appiication 11o. 61 765{ s 16,000.m SREELEY, p.C., A C0I0RAD0 CoRpoRAtIolf ..ALTA. LOAN pol-tcy le70 Rev. , (!l 195,06.q' propose,r rnsured: til n:Ag iltlfT* BAr,x,;'gLf$'000'm The estate ofinterest in the land described or refered to in this comnttmenl and covered herein is: { p[f Title to lhe estate or int€rest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: mrc[As rf. ilAYES The land referred to in this Contmitment is described as follows: lhf t A, Let tE, slst A, YAIL yIL[.tGt Condmlnltn)lcclrtlng t'e $e Fccor&d Cardd;frDeclrrrtlsr nrcot*d ltotrdcr 2t- lq7 tlta Condmlnlm Prp 565, CorrntyDeclrrror&d ftom$cr 21, lgillof Eagle.lorrdo. The following are the I . Payment to or for the consideration for the estate or interest to be insured,2. Proper instrument(s) creating the executed and duly hled for record, to-wit:3. hlrrrc of DccC of Trurt [. ]IAYES to tlro Irss At{o L0Ai AssoclATt0x rt hf l:n.m, 19n le Bsot 263 conreylrts 3ubJect CS ISSOCIATES OF GREELEY. P.C. J- 5. l3tl Ffltns (AIrp ttanof urdla Boot 262 rt ft{lg IFltre of Ersle cdrrtrc/Of A5516I{5 tc rccune thr 1. Gsod ad Sufflcf*t Osed frn OfrnlIS H. t{AyESProFrty. 5. tsq{ fnd Sufflcfant Deed frn 0fil[Is ]hGIR to ORT]|CA OL0nAm ctRpORATIoI, coryetlns iolecf pripi"ii. 6. Derd sf Trust frs 0trIttOD0lfiICS ASS0CIATES 0F gRE€LEy, p.C., A C0L0RAD0 00RP0MTI0H totfie Publlc Trust$^g! Easle county ior ttre;;e-;i-GRiirtv riiilonar-ililt{i,-inst e tosecune tie lup of 995,000.00. 7- Deed-of rnrst frm ryrFDgt{rlcs Ass0cIATes 0F cREE-Ey, p.C." A C0L0MD0 C0Rp0RATIoir to- tie,Publfc Trustec of Eagle counti ioi ure ,rie-lii oouA.ns r. tEyES to iccure the srnof $30,000.00. SCHEDULE B-2 The policy or policies to be issued will conrain ,-*o,,""liTliii"t,"*", unless rhe samr 6r' disposed of ro the sarisfaction of thc Conrpany: l. Starrdard [xccptions I through .5 printcd on rcvcrsc sidc lrcreof. 6. Taxcs and asscssnlents not yet due or payablc and spcciul asscssrncflts not yet ccrtilled to thc'frcasurer's office-1. Any unpaid taxcs or assessntcnts against said land. (Trcasurer's certificate of taxcs {ue has been ordered), - J. -^-.r- .;, ;,."-.- ..-.-, ;rll scwcr chargcs, ifany.9' rcrT|r Cmdftlons md Provisi$s rs contdned In the condom,lnfun Declerrilon rccotsedl{onder 21,19n In goot 162 rt paga 665. l0' kstrlctlrc covonrnts' xlrfctr do not coitaln a forfelturc sr rcnsrtrnchuse, lscont fi,rd In tnrtnmnt rccordcd Dece*er i, tgiz i;-ilt izo-il'i;i.-iG:-' ll' utlllw.egslml! rs-gnnted to YAIL tdATtR ,\\D SA,{ITATI0,I DISTRICT by Instr.umntnecordad July ?3, 1973 ln Bo0& ZtO rt prge ?ll.ll0TE: Itlqs l, !, 3 and 4 of Sdrcdule B-Z.are-lreretry @lets{ f1fir tbe Hortgagec,sPolley. - Iten I rlll bc deleted lf The c*pin!'roioris tae insrumntsreqylreg m thls.Conrnltnent rnder Sdreduie's-i. -iil s lrill not-anoearq thg l'lortgrgraers Pollcy to be lssued. Fora 100 inaor:erninf "if i'G-'rttached to tlrc i'lortgagee's Po'llcy lf posslble. The clrarge-io" fonn iOOEndoxcrents ls i10.00 1"-\ Rick & Tcrry Pirog- Residcnt Prcsidcnt P.O. Box 3138 Vail, Co.81658 Bald Mountain Townhornes Inc David & lori Hinshaw-Association President 2032 S. Fillmore Street Dcnvcr. CO.80210 Town of Vail 75 Frontagc Roacl Vail, CO. 81657 Neil & Kathy Hicks 24886 Jeronirno Lane El Toro, CA. 92630 Stcphcn & Sylvia Bandak 441 Wcst glst Strect Indianapolis, lN 46260 I Adjacent Propcrty Owners for Lot 25. Block 2, Vail Village l3th Filing THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental commission of the Town of Va-it wirr nof O a public n""ring iniccorOance vfitn Section 1 8.66.060 of the Municipal.Code ol the io*n or Vail on July 28, 1957, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building' In consideration of: A request for a worksession to discuss a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction ol the Alpine Garden Education Center, located at 620 Vail Valley Drive/Tract A, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Vail Alpine Garden Foundation, represented by Helen Fritch Pianner: George Ruther/Mike Mollica A request for a site coverage variance from Section 18.13.090 and side Setback variance from Section 1g.13.060 oiine ftfinbipat Code, to allow for the construction of a garage addition' located at 1780 Sierra Trail/Lot 24, Vail Village West Filing No' 1 ' Aoplicant: Marc Lashovitz Pidnner: George Ruther/Lauren Waterton A request for a minor subdivision, to amend the location 0f the platted building envelope' locatbd at 1094 Riva Glen/Lot 4, Spraddle Creek Estates. Applicant: sBc Development, represented by Resort Design and Associates (Gordon Pierce) Planner: Dirk Mason . A request for an interior remodel, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 2355 Bald Mountian lgacj, West/ Lot 25, Block 2, Vail Village 1sth Filing. TtrDpticant, Orthodonics Associates, represented by Rich Brown- Planner: Tammie Williamson A request to amend the existing conditional use permit for the outdoor dining deck, to allow for iff;;td;t*iler?ion or " uattlig cage, tocaiJo Siras r. Meadow Drive/LolP, Block 5D, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Dave GartonPlanner: Dirk Mason A request lor a conditional use permit and 4 additional 250 !q.-f!. of GRFA, to allow for the consiruction ot a fype-1 Eff U, fbcateO at 186 Forest Rd./Lot 9,'Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing' Applicarrt: Mike Fla.nnery, represented by Russeil Pialt Planner: Dirk Mason The applications and information about th€ proposals are.available tor Oyni1q,l11ry9tion during reguldroffice hours in the project p_lanner's office located at the Town ol Vall Uommunfiy Divelopment Department, TSSouth Frontage Road. Community Developmenl Department Published July 1 1 , 1997 in the Vail Trail' r t I I I I I I IrI?' 18008 rueET-lbtlrdU on , Jr^r. 3D ,PgL RECEWEDFROM ADDRESS TEI'JFI OF UFII t- l{iscel l$reorrs Cesh E*cFiF,t * ??F-,??I*ccc'unt+ C:H+B*,EE sFltrflt.l-trhllIH t:rlil5Tn IHc'..Ftrt)ITIBHF|L GEFFI s{,*Iff-?r Flri--'un t t.endeJ'ed ,,\ Item paid r3lE1JFE4133EBqE [trrrnqe rs l'u rrrP'J :r 14:33:46 :tiq.l3E ffrFunl. paid .JEB. E8 [! . it,i1 THFIT-I}< V(fLI V,:u r car:frier EEHTHF{ {661 g - tvlr May 8, L997 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road \bi'l rlr\ a16<? Re:'2355 BaId Mounta We have reviewed ourplans and approve of PLease contact us if are nee(led. Road, West half of duplex remodelingneiqhbor's inEeriorthe project,. any additional approval letters duplex #ffi44 tilnulqD tauffi- Kent or Marilyn Everett 2355 Bald Mountain Road, East half of o Fil.t c0Py T0WN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 47e-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-24s2 September 1, 1994 Depanrnent of Comnruniry Development Ms. Grace P. Willis 15 Norlh Long Spur Drive Woodlands, TX 77380 RE: 2355 Bald Mountain Fload, Unit 3/Lot 25, Block 2, Vail Village 13th Filing Dear Grace: Thank you lor your letter of August 17,1994. ln response to your request for an extension of the Design Review Board (DRB)approvaldated August 31, 1993, I am hereby granting you a one year extension. This extension is in accordance with Design Review Guidelines, Section 18.54.110, which states that Community Development staff may extend the period of approval if there have been no zoning revisions or a'nendments to the Guidelines that would alter the conditions under which the approval was given. lt is our finding that the Design Guidelines have not been significantly amended since your approval was granted, thus the approval will be extended to a date of Augusl 31, 1995. lf you do not submit lor a building permit prior to this date, your apprcval will lapse and you will have to re-apply for design review approval. lf you have any questions regarding this matter, please call me at the number above. Sincerely, /, ^a l/{,t // L6( //{o.--,4 6 Yt--4*/ Randy Stouder Town Planner o 15 North Longspur Drive Woodlands, TX 77380 August 17, 1994 Mr. Randy Stouder Town Planner Town of VailCommunity Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re:2355 Eald Mountain Road (Unit B). Vall Lot 25. Block 2. Vail Vlllaqe Flllno 13 Dear Randy: In accordance with our telephone conversation on Tuesday, August 16, 1994, this letter represents a formal request to e)dend approval of the remodeling proiect at the above address for one year until August 31, 1995. Attached is a copy of the original approval signed by Shelly Mello of the Design Review Board on August 31, 1993. As I mentioned to you on the phone, we have had considerable difficulty securing a contractor for the project. Now that we have found one, the time of year and cost of the remodel make it difficult to begin until next spring. lf you are kind enough to extend the approval, please send notification to me at 15 North Longspur Drive, Woodlands, TX 77380 (713-363-1165). lf you choose, I can also receive a FAX at Click Office Supply, FAX #713-367-2493. Please put my name and phone number on your FAX so they can notify me. Sincerely yours, ,Attachment Grace P. Willis Prolect Applacauon Proiect Name: Pro ject Description: /1 ,,'L'1.2 Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone:lfli rl i .'r1 L'- t Legat Descriptio n, tot 'i-4 . an"x Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL tl-lf Summary: Staff Approval U;C bP ?, 7101 West Yale Avenue, No 601 Denver, Colorado 80227 303-986-6658 Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz, Architects, P. C. 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Attn.: Mr. Eric Johnson R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc.- July 21, 1993 1 f99J Re: Engineering Geologic Hazard Study, Willis Property, 2355 Bald Mountain Road, Vail, Colorado. Job No. 286 Gentlemen: As requested by your Mr. Eric Johnson, the undersigned conducted an engineering geo- logic reconnaissance of the R. A. Willis property and vicinity in Vail, Colorado. The property, at 2355 Bald Mountain Road, is Lot 25, Block 2 of the Vail Village 1 3th Filing. That lot, at about El. 8340 feet, straddles the topographic transition from the foot of a spur off Bald Mountain to the northern side of the floor of the Gore Creek Valley about 2 miles east of the village of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. The hillside immediately upslope from the duplex that has been constructed on the property slopes at aborft 1.5:1 , but within about I 00 feet (slope distance) of the duplex the hillside steepens to about 1 : 1 , and continues on that slope for 400 to 500 feet. My objective has been to generally oftline geologic conditions pertinent to the property and to evaluate the probable impact to those conditions on several minor additions to the structure as well as to evaluate the potential impact of that construction on geologic condi- tions. New construction is to include a z-story, 5O7-square foot addition and a low retain- ing wall on the northem side of the duplex; a deck on the eastern side; and a low garden wall and stairway on the southem side. The retaining wall is to be founded on a spread footing; the deck is to be founded on drilled piers. Sedimentary rock strata of the Minturn Formation of Pennsylvannian -age (about 280 to 320 million years ago) constitute bedrock across the ridge slope and beneath the floor of the valley. These strata include sandstone, siltstone and shale mainly but also a few thin to thick beds of limestone. They appear to strike eastward and to dip southward, thus out of the d:"i"..,%\'S JuL rqqr Vc\JI ,E- ^#${,"ilr? $, ^g*lncxnecnec,;j,t/. ..\::\<crJiritjz Consultanl to Desrgners, Contractors, Planners R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. hillside, a few degrees. For the most part these strata are blanketed by slopewash, residual, morainal and debris fan soils an estimated 3 to l5 feet thick, but 3 units of more erosion- resistant sandstone crop out to form long, narrow, l0 to 20-foot high bluff-like ledges in a band about 200 feet wide beginning about 100 feet above the Willis property. Numerous large and small boulders of sandstone are strewn across the slope. These typically are thin and flat, and of sandstone, but a few are of granitic rock. The sandstone boulders were de- rived from the sandstone ledges, but the granitic rock boulders were dropped from glaciers that occupied the Gore Valley intermittently for about 2 million years, ending about 10,000 years ago. Two potential geologic hazards are evident on and immediately upslope from the pro perty. The duplex occupies a sector of the eastem perimeter of a debris fan, and rock falls are generated periodically from the outcrops of sandstone upslope from the duplex. The risk associated with either hazard has 2 components: the recurrence rate and the magnitude of the event. The risk can be evaluated only in empirical, subjective terms--low, medium, and high-because the state of the geologic practice does not permit a quantified, subjective rating. That is to say, my evaluations of geologic risk necessarily are opinions based on my geologic observations and experience. The debris fan on the westem side of the property has been created by sudden, flash floods carrying a considerable amount of soil and rock debris debouching onto the floor of the Gore Creek Valley from a narrow ravine that heads about 1 100 feet horizontally and about 600 feet in elevation upslope from the Willis property. The fan is about 400 feet wide across its toe, and is about 60 feet high from apex to toe. This debris fun does not appear to have been enlarged for a long time because both the ravine and the fan are covered densely by brush and aspen, and no fresh erosion scars are evident in the catchment area. Moreover, the catchment basin of this ravine is small, thus the opportunity for large floods is re- stricted. Consequently, I conclude that the risk of another debris flow from the ravine during the occupied life of the duplex is no more than medium, and that the risk of that event being large enough to seriously impact and damage the duplex during the occupied life of that structure is low. Some small flooding should be expected periodically, but debris flows should be small and are expected to recur at intervals on the order of several hundred to several thousand years. The rock fall hazard appears to be increased by several factors and ameliorated by several others. The sandstone beds that make-up the 3 rock ledges upslope from the Willis property are thin to flaggy bedded, and many plates and small blocks are loose or detached. For the most part, however, major, near-vertical joints are widely spaced and strike into I R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. the hillside' The large blocks formed by those joints are not undercut by erosion, thus they appear to be relatively stable. Many thin plates have broken away from those ledges. Many have stayed close to their source, but many have rolled well down the slope. Although the slope below the ledges of bedrock is steep, it is vegetated densely, for the most part, with low brush and aspen, thus small slabs and blocks that roll and bound down from the ledges have been trapped by that foliage. Those generally appear to be embedded in the soils, thus essentially immobilized. on balance, then, it appears to me that the rock fall risk for the willis property is medium both in terms of the probability of occurrence and the potential for significant damage to that structure. Both risk elements could be reduced (but not eliminated) by re. moving the loose rock debris from the bedrock ledges and placing those typically flat, slabby boulders on the slope below, where they are unlikely to be moved by gravity. Apart from my concern for rock falls and debris flows, I believe that geologic conditions pertinent to the property are relatively benign. I found no evidence of other potential hazards, such as landslides or avalanche runs. So long as the natural ground stability is not significantly disturbed by large cuts and fills-and these, we understand, are not planned as a part of the planned additions to the Willis duplex--the planned construction activity should have a negligible impact on site geologic conditions and should not trigger any geology-related hazards. consequently, that building activity, in my opinion, will not increase the geology-related hazard to other property or structures, or to public buildings, roads, streets, rights-of-way, easements, utilities, or facilities. I hope my evaluations and conclusions will be of some service to you. lf you have any questions, please feel free to call. Yours truly, obt. JameS4rish Consulting Engineering Geologist I I I I gg/30/ 199S tAr4A . f hne s /PF e il,/E ch u I t :,0,f,,0,.P. S2 Rlehard aud Grace wlllts 15 North LoaEspur DrLve Th€ Woodlenfls, lfx 77380 Rugust 30r 1993 Town of Vail Connunity Dcvelopment 111 South Frontage Road W6st va,'l ' co 81 557 ; I i i "i i r'' .! 'l tg't'Re: WtIliE Recidence 2355 Bald tdountein RoadVatI, Colorado To Whom It Uay Coacern: RcEardlng thc Lsrue of ny propcrty at tha above addreee beLng in* gcologl.calJ.y scnsJ,tlve arca ae dctcrnLned by the Tqvn pf Vailclebrlg flow hazard analyaLa, I have read the JuIy 21 | 1993,Ietter from k.J. frlglr Consultlng EnglneerlaS (#2S6). Having receLvcd pcraonal notl.f,isntion of the fact that saidreEidence le in an aroa of geologlcal. seaeitivlty, f accept thecondltione of the report and notios of the etudiea coaducteil todate with regard thcreto. slncerely? po".,- n)-zz=, crace lfilll,t -l 6*'tss?ATE OT G€T€**DO) Mon+{.om*grs' COUNTY OF IIIGEE ) J ftre foreqolng inatruf,ent was ecknowlrdged before nc thia s7 ,}dayor tL,4 ,A.. _, leJL,ny Gnce-h/,t/ts - tlLtneaa ny harrd and offlcl,sl scal . DONITA DI'{I.AP MY C0ryd{fisstoN qfrm &ooi$6r23. lS0 lfiy eornmJ.esions expires r TOTNL P, S2 2355 BALD MOUNTATN ROAD HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATTON Lot 25 A & B, Block 2, Vail Village 13th Filing A CONDOI'{INTI,JM Dr. Burdett Edgren_ presidentOrthodontics Associatlon of Greeley3400 L6th StreetGreeley, Colorado g0631, rluly 27, l-993 Shelly Mello, planner- Town of VailDepartment of Community Oevefoptrent1L1 South Frontage Road l{estVail, Colorado 8L6b7 Dear Shelly, As a property owner and president of the home ownersassociation for Unit A of the uLorrg address, I give my permi-ssionfor the irnprovements to unit B ouiri.nea ili;; ."d "rro"r, in the tluly ?fu -ttn, plans and elevations by Cw.tfrr"Vf pratt/Schultz Architects, APPROVED TMPROVEMENTS l-. Kitchen and Master Bath Addition_ North 2. Deck Addition and Dining Room Doors_ East 3. Hot Tub and Deck Addition_ East 4. Guest Bedroom patio Doors_ South 5. Main Entry Doors and Den tfindows_ South 6. Entry Walk and Landscape_ SouthEast PLease contact ne should you have any other questions. truly yours, . Burdett Edgren, president Association of Greeley /-5"-'1\ ';rr 4uo to"^ 2 QsH"q4-$*k rr,rtP Orthodontics PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board will be reviewing the following application on August 18, 1993, in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Willis Residence located at 2355 Bald Mountain Road, Lot 25, Block 2, Vail Village 13th Filing. Applicant Grace Willis The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrato/s office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on July 23, 1993. N\o^'o{= o\}A r\r J\-trNi"a \\,.-"*-, -f tv IQs\ ," lQs ?r PLEASE I',IAKE TOWN OF VAIL D EPA RTi\{E}iT OF COMMLJNITY DEVELOP}TENT' S^LES ACT]ON FORtr.I 5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD 81657 0t 00004t540 ZCN'L\-O,tu\D A DDRESS l.iAPS 0l c{t00421t5 IINIFOL\ { B UiLDf \'G CO D E UMFOR.\,I PLU}AI\G CODE0l 0'100 {24l5 0l 000042.115 .l UMFOR\.Ii\{ECH,r-}{lcALcoDE 0r 0000 42{ t5 UNIFOR,\{ FIRE CODE 0t 00c012{ l5 N,\TIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 0t 0000 {24 t 5 on{ER coDE}@KS 0t 0000.u 543 BLUE PRDTTS (\I}'I.AR 0l 0000.12412 }:ER,OX COPIES / s'iUDIES 0l 00co1237t PENA I,TY FEES / R E.!.'\ S PECTONS OI OC'CO.It332 i PL,L\REVIE\VRE.CHECKFEE IS{OPERHR.I OFF HOURS NSPECNON FELS 0l 000041.;ll2 CONTIL\CTO RS LICE\S ES FEIS 0l CrC004l-r30 SIGN APPL]C^TION FIE.01 c0004t4t3 0l 0000414t3 ADDITION^I. SIGNAOE F;'E ISI.OO FER SO.IT. 0l ccsc 4z.i.,t0 lTC ART PROJECT DONAT]ON PAJD DESIGN REVIE1V BOARD FEE BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PER}4IT COMPUTER D *.01 0000 41010 TAX 0l 0000 42371 rNvEsrrcArroN FEE (BUrLDrNc) 0r 00001r330 ONAL USE PERUIT 0l 0000{t330 RIOR ALTERAT]ON IT r'I330 ISPECLAL DEVELOP DISTRTCT II-IINOR ATI * * * t* ,t * * * # ;ru--- TBlrtb'l EF lJFl I l- l'tiscel lareous Csh Etr-14*93 t 3:54:51 FjIT:HI1FJT] I{TLLI5 .,. FBSITIOH\FRE FD C'BB F.im*un [. t*rljerP,l ::' 5F.98 FiEcEiFt S 13€'1+9 Flccr-,urrt tl t:H # :8155 Itanr Paid L1J. Bfi$S4l TTl BBEI ihilng* rrl t Lr f'nFd .'} FEE Arunt Paid 58.68 E.lrtff THFT}.IK l/ElJ rr'r'ur- ':eshier JEHHIFEE DATE i] RECETVED FROM ADDRESS RECETPT - The Tovrn ofVail { 1. N9 47902 LLARS $ *'' '.' -,| ,,. '1-ti $rmitNumbersffi tlciw Pxn- ash-checur'----' PLEASE CHECKS TOWN OF VAIL DEPART;\{ENT OF COIVIMLINITY DEYELOP}IENT S,\LES ACTION TOR:\{ DATE 13 0t 00004r540 ZC|\T\G,d\D A DDRLSS I'f APS 0l ct'|0042415 LNITOL\{ BUILDI\G CODE 0t 0000 {24t5 UMFOR\,I PLU!'fi T\G CODE 0l 000042415 .l UMFOR_\| N{ECHA}'ICALCODE or oooo{2{ri I uxrronv FrR-EcoDE 0t 00gJ d2{ l5 N,\TIONAL ELECTRTCAL CODE 0t 0000.{24t5 OTI{ER CODE !OOKS 0t 0000{t543 BLUE PRL\TTS oIYLAR 0t 00ql {2412 | >:enox coPcs / s'iuDrEs 0l ooco123?I i prxrr.ryFEEs/RE.t\spEclloNs 0l 00c0 .t t 3i2 i pt-,t"v Revtnv RE.CH EcK FtE ls{o FER HR. 0l 0000 42323 OFF HOURS NSPECTION FEES 0t 000041{12 CONTL\CTORS LICL\SES FEI:S 0t ctoo{t330 .01 cs004l4r3 516N APPLICAT]ON FEE 0l 00C,041{t3 ADDITION^IJ SIGNACE FEE ISI.OO "ER0l 00c9 421.10 \TC ART PROJECT DONANON 0t oc€o 4133 |PRE PAJD DESIGN REVIE"WBOARD EE 0r 000042412 | BUTLDTNG-CONSTRUCTTON PERMTT COMPUTER Dr 0000 41010 TAX 01 0000 42371 TNVESTTGATT0N FEE (BUTLDTNG) 0t 0000.il330 R ALTERAT]ON ITIORETII.I 0l 00004t3 0t 0000d1330 rsPECLA * * rt * ?t * * * *' 5rh T{f LIF{ tfF (JFt I t_ l,liscel laneous Casfi Eri .- 1+'_:J,,14:14:6? E*r*ipt S 1?glEl Fcr*urit i+ fl4 # :EFg eI iHFlRfr ['i ILL l5'.fll.,ti IT I61]RL 6EFA 256 RmJJn i i*nder*d ,: lBA. Ag Ir*r* paid Rmount peid fiir-r{t_.ir;-r4133,;ttlt*u, lEB. B6 il-t..ri;g+: .'; t r,i rt-i*,J .:r B. SL:t THt?l.tl< vtllJ lra r cashi*r JEHHIFER . PLEASE MAKE TOWN OF VAIL D EPA RT;\{EI-T OF C0MlvltiNITY D EVELOP}IENT' S,TLES ACTION FOR}{ SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD 657vRADO N,T}IE DATE 0l 0000 4 t540 ZCI\T{C .1!\D ADDRESS },lA}S 0l 0000 42415 LTNIIO L\{ B UIL DL\-G C OD E 0l 0000 {24 l5 U M FOR\{ PLUYA 1..-'G C ODE 0l 0000 42.r t5 UM FOL\.I )WEC H,I.I-iICAL CODE 0t 00cs {2415 I I UNIFOR.,\{ FIRE CODE 0r 0000{2{15 N,\TIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 0l 0000.{2415 OTIIER CODE BOOKS 0t 0000.1154s BLUE PRI}TTS OIYLAR 0l 0000 1241 2 XEROX COPIES / S'I'UDIES 0r 00c0123?l PENAI.TY FEES / RE-L\-sPEcnoNs ol o/-lco {r3iz i pLlv nEvltrv RE.cHEcK FEE [s.to FER. HR.l 0t 0000 42323 OFF HOURS NSPECTION FEES 0t 0000.r1{t2 CONTL\ CTO RS LICE\S ES FEIIS 0t 000041330 SIGN APPL]CATION FEE.01 c000 41413 0t 00004t4t3 ADDITION^IJ SIONACE F;E ISI,OO PgR, SO,IT. 0l 00c€ 4?1.10 VTC ART PROIECT DONA]ION 0t 0000 .t r 33 r PRE PAJD DESIGN REVIE1V BOARD FEE OIOOOO424I2 I BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COMPUTER DI !t'01 0000 41010 l'AX 0I 0000 42371 TNVESTTGATToN FEE (BUrLDtNc) 0t 0000{1330 SE PER\{IT 0t 0000.{1330 ..\lloN llioRE 41310 TSPECLAL D OPTfENT DISTRICT IhIINIOR AI{E\I) ZOMNG CO DE A"V E\ DTIENTS * tr * ,. * * * * * ..,'''' I IDCH?T - Tlc Trr J rcl L N9 4?903Dliff. i - RECEIVED FROM ADDRESS r lPermit.Numbers - t' .HOrt Pen-cash-Che4L By T{fhlF{ {fF tJFl I t_ l,liscel laneu.rs CaEh EIF*14-Ff, T l3l 56: ?4 E*c*ipi. * 1?6158ffcraunr.+ r:li: #lEF6EIfHgfti i,tIL.LIi'.FtF[,ITILtHpL 6RFF ?S0Rrri':uni. i'*ndere,l J lEg. BB Itefir psid 01 ffFEr[r4 1. f,:BFs[t Ch.:rrg* rel.ur-risd :i Anomt paid 1BS. BE Ll. tll:l t-HFtF.{}< ltDL' !"rr-rr-,:g=hi *r JEHNIFER REC'D JUL | 5 1995,|ev,E/,id ?tz4rCar il. Date of Apptication_1 [ p-lqz Date of DRB Meeting_ I7-Zl-a Dateof pECMeeting(if@ AppLtcATtON FOR ADDmONAL GRFA (250) TYPE OF REQUESTX Standard 250 Type I EHU 250 Type il EHU 250 Type V EHU 2SO A. PHOJECT DESCRIPTION AdJ" A pre-application conference with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged todiscuss the provlsions under which additional-GRFA can be added to a site. lt should beunderstood that this ordinance does not assure each property an aoo[ionat250 square feet ofgRFA. Rather, the ordinance_allows for up to 250 squarb leet if tfre conoitions set forth inchaprer 18.57 0r Chapter 18.71 0f the TormmG;aher. Applications tor additions. under this section will not be accepted unless they are complere.This includes all information required on this form as weil as Design Aeview Board submlttalrequirements. III. APPLICATION INFORMATION .[ f-t?+th^/- D--W +*ar b-a 4a7. -o-, lLlrV /a€d.'+'-; B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address ?€e B> Ltr Fto..,fu'J Legal Description:Lot 6 Bloclgz- Fiting \A/F \zZ, Zone D C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Addr"r. D.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: A?3 A-.C,-. +,€- Addr.rt E.NAME oF owNER(sy: Gr=- wr*= >8,<_,Phone 114. 762. ltbs tY/r ired at time of submittal of a standard 250. For a * Slgnature(s Address &- F. Filing Fee U, the fee is waived. loo 11,:'M -h'1'X ';* i? l/e/+z t;-t-- ./ request involving Pt/@ FOR APPLICATION PROPERTIES IN FCR ADDITIONAL GRFA EXCESS OF ALLOWABLE GRFAJyTAULL uKrA Rlflf .1111 I Z-,lgg' Date of Appl ication-a!31!+ oate of o*u ^""trnn g/ 1 117 A pre-application conference with a member of the q].gnling.staff is strongl.y. enlou""blo to discusi ihe provisions.under which additional GRFA can be added io-i-siie. it strouia ue-uhoerstood that this ordinance does not assure each property in iaAitiona'l 250 square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance allows for!gE 250 square feet if certain conditions are met. Aoolications fOr additions under this section wil'l not be accepted unless.they l'rb complete. This includes al'l information required on this form as well as Des'ign Review Board submlttal requirements. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF Address PROPOSAL: 2-rcr6 P-ld Legal Description:Lot 26 \NF Zon€ Oistri s1 D-?ltx .C. NAME OF APPLICAI{T:@c>- - W ltl-t1z Tti.c. hr@d ne-?Jb&3..rb'Address ft D. NME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Address tooa ., . F,no^*Efc. Fd V{ | phone--tlG ._ll^4.f- NAr'rE 0F O|,JNER(S): Signature(s) AddreSS att- -bove- F. Filing Fee of $100.00 is required at tine of submittal The fo]lowing information, in addition to DRB submittal requirements' required with this submittal: l.' verificatlon that the unit has received a flnal certificate 2. Names and mailing addresses of:radiacent property.owners and units on the samE ioi.--inis infoimation'is available fron Assessor's office. 3. Condomjnium association approval (if applicable)' 4. Existing floor plan of structure' E. ff of of the occupancy. - owners of Eagle County r?+L hone shal I be G. Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with vail's comprehensive Plan' Lot 25-A Lot 24-A IJot 24-B Tract A Lot 26 AD'IACENT PROPERTY OWNERS RTCHARD AND GRACE WIIJI.,IS IJot 25, Block 2,Vail Village Filins L3 2355 Bald Mountain RoadVail, Colorado orthodontics Association of Greeley 3400 l-6th Street Greeley, CO 8063L Stephen and Sylvia Bandak Forest Park CrescentThornhill-Ontario, Canada l-'3T 2M7 Neil and Kathy Hicks 24886 Jeronino LraneEl Toro, CA 92530 Toun of Vail 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, CO 8L657 BaId Mountain Townhouses Inc, David and Lori Hinshaw-Assoc President 2032 S. Fillnore StreetDenver, CO 8021-0 Richard and Theresa Pirog-Resident Pres. P.O. Box 3138Vai1, CO 81658 i o*r },rcarroN - rowr{ revised 914/9L OF \IITL, RECEIVED: MEEIING: .8. ****.****** TSIS IPPLICATION I'TLL NOT BEI'NrIL ALL REQUIRED INFORMATTON****t***** DATE APPLICATION DATE OF DRB APPLICANT: Address: ACCEPTEDIS SUBMrITED Minor Alteration Conceptual Review (s2q.9o) ($0) E. Phone H.NA.I{E OFMailing NAME OF OWNEF *STGNATIIRE (S) :Mailinq Address: - Tha- -W@Jlz',A.h @e+ I. Phone J. Condominium Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe time of submit.tal 0f DRB application. Llter, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify tireaccurate varuation of the proposal . The Town of vailwill adjust the fee according. to the table below, to ., -/ensure the correct fee is paid. r^,^ag ilh5>FEEPAfD: S2l). ''''' FEE SCHEDULE:fq)\ ,l I l7-(q2VALUATION FEE ry (I s 0 - $ 10,000 $ 20.00$10,001 -$ 50,000 $50.00$ 50,001 - s 150,000 sl_00.00s150,001 - s 500, 000 $200.00$500,001 - $1,000,000 $400.00$ Over $1, 000, 0OO $500.00 * DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPRO\IAI EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FTNAIAPPRovArr tNLEss A Burr.DrNG pERurT.rs rssuED tlfD coNsTRucTIoN IgSIARTED. **No .APPr.rqarroN wrLL BE PRocEssED wrrEouE OI{NER' s STGNATIIRE '" JUL 12lp.96, r. PROJECT INFORMATION: A.DESCRIPTION: TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200.00) X aaaitiott ($50.00) C. ADDRESS:7-bqe bz Me.,r-t1 ; D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LoE L6.)' Block 2- Subdivision Vrrl V KBc- ta +t^ Fitt'^-, If property is_described by a meets and bounds legal. description,.pLease providl on a separate sheet andattach to this application. zoNrNG = Pvelox LOT AREA: If required, applicant must provide a currentstamped survey showing l_ot area. iV CArn +F NAME OF Mailing APPLTCANT' S REPRESENTATTVE :Address: o 1.., t'' w. RDnF. }{da*|Gnq' &,.tu--.,, rb H <3 NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTIoN: LOT-{ BLocK:L SUBDIVISIop Vv F.lra,<, l} srREEr ADDRESS | 2-b# et>lA n+v.. F-.ld' - DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: LIST OF MATFP.IALS U)c? tar"tE{ Tapt-. r),,- l4JJi{r,j,n e' The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other WalI Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues' Flashings Chimneys Trash EncLosures Greenhouses Other reguired for submittal to the Designapproval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR EI LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv ^'*-' b-Size* zll EX]STING TREES TO BE REMOVEDN/^ *fndicate caliper for deciduous t.rees.deciduous trees is 2 inches. fndicate Minimum caliper forheight for coniferous - trees. ,"o"rl^rt"r, PROPOSED SHRUBS Botanical Name % Ouantitv Siz- ?afaatill, \6 abat . EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED N/x *Indicate size5 qallon. GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL of proposed shrubs. Tvpe Mininum size of shrubs is Sguare Eootaqe c.LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, pleaseshow t.he number of fixtures and locations on- a separatellghting p1an. Identify each fixture fron the lighting planon the list below and provide the wattage, height-above - grade and type of 1i_9ht proposed. D.oTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimmingpoo1s, etc.) Please specify. Indlcate heights of retainingwalls. Maximum height of wal1s within the front setback it3 feet. Maximum height.of walls elsewhere on the properE,yis 5 feet. DATE: I lelq+ LEGAI, DESCRIPTION: ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS rct--L Block -3 Filing vV F itri^F I +il F€')JADDRESS z 'Lb6?P>ld tnarn*>i^ OVONER @t><c- h/ lL-t-t<z ARcHrrEcr AeA *rd'+e* Do7lry- Pzaida^fiit l(t bbb +F Allowed (30) (33)' Existinq ProPosed Total '1.'7,66 zzt69 av,6 1n +Cc PHONE PHONE 41b. n+1 ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE **LOT SIZE Height TotAI GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks 425 425 210".+ += LzoS .6- 20, 15' 15t (30) (s0) 7 4t+- a1n 1169." t 16.8.6 Front Sides Rear av t1+ z -L + gw 11b7 Water Course setback Site Coveiage '\-o"h Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: Environmental /Hazards : 3' /6' ;-Reqrd (300) (600) (900) o6ob*?* 7l (1200)- Permitted Slope 8* Act.ual Slope -tlADate approved Yes Tovrn EngJ-neer:by N 1) Flood Plain Percent Slope Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalanche_ '-b) Rockfallc) Debris FLow4) Wetlands Previous conditions of approval (check property file) Does this reguest invol-ve a 250 Addition? YE+ How much of the aLlowed 250 Addition is useffi-th-is reguest? 149,q **Not,e; Under Sections 18.12.090(B) and 19.13.0g0(B) of the Municipalcode, lots zoned Two Faniry and primary,/secondary which are less than15'000.s9. ft. ln area may not construit a second dwelling unit. Thecomnunity Development Department may grant an exception t6 ttrisrestriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth underSections 18.12.090(B) and 19.13.080(B) of rhe Municipat Code includingpermanently restricting the unit as a long-term rentll unit for fulr-time employees of the Upper Eagte VaIIey.- L0 oX ??a 2',, 3) l,*,*Tffi,r,*$ DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot sToek 7 ADDRESS:qq OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE **LOT SIZE Allowed (30) (33) Existlnq Proposed eB,,.L Hetght rorar. GRFA 'lf,tv + PHONE PHONE bq> AIW 5t?,4 - 6paD + 42s.=- aglfL+ ?,+t 2egb 20, 15' L5t (30) (s0) h'ryf4 3'/6' fi x"q'a g{ v Un- 4thb, .........''..'-. (3oo) (6oo) (9oo) (1200) i'?,oc\ Actual Slope Engineer: nog{ zzz 1) 2',, 3) Prlmary GRFA Secondary GRFA + .l!25. =Setbacks Front Sides' Rear water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive:Permitted Slope _.rgl Date approved by Town View Corridor Encroachment: Envi ronment a1,/Hazards :Flood Plain Percent Slope Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfallc) Debris Flow4) wetlands Prevl.oue conditions of approval (check property file) c Yes Does this request involve a 250 Addition? v)**a , llow much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with thi I, s request z 24 b **Note: Under Sections 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code, Lots zoned Two Family and Prinary/Secondary which are less than 1.51000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelllng uniL. The Conrnunity Developnent Department may grant an exception to tbisrestriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth underSections 19.12.090(B) and 19.13.090(B) of the Municipal Code includingpermanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for full-tine employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. f*o tt" cuARANrEEt"r"ANY Representing Old Republic National Title Insurance Company April 0?, 1993 Our Order No.: BUYER/OWNER: IIIAI{K TOU FOR TOI'R ORDER v20848 RICHARD A. WIIJJIS AI.ID GRACE P. WTLLIS SErJJER: ADDRESS: CITASE !,IANHATTAN BA}IK #8000 2000 s. coLoRADo BLVD. DENVER, CO 80222 Copies: 1AttN: CAROLYN HILL closSR CopLes: 1Attn: KERRY Reference:FAX 758-8783 759-L4LL Reference: PICKED UP FOR DELIVERY COVENANTS ATTACHED YES FOR TIILE QUESTIONS CALL FOR CLOSING QUESTIONS CAIJIJ AI,I PU KAREN FLETCHER 303 KERRY I,OETSCITER NO 476-225L "rt coMMrrMEN";" SCHEDULE A Our Order No. V2OB4g For Information only - charges -Alta Lender Policy Tax Report Endrsnt # 335.6 Endrsnt # rrS.r Endrsnt # LOo.29 Endrsnt # 103.1 Endrsnt # Ze]-.t --TOTAL-- $330. OO $zo. oo 92s. oo 94o. oo s50. 00 $50. oo 925. oo $540. Oo ****WITH YOI'R RE!{ITTANCE PLE.ASE REFER TO OUR ORDER NO. V20848.**** 1. Effective Date: March 29, 1993 at B:OO A.M. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insureds rrALTArr Loan Policy 9150, OOO. OO 1987 Revislon (Anended 1990) Proposed Insured: cHAsE UANHATTAN PERSoNAL FTNANCIAL sERvIcEs, INc., and/or its successors and assigns 3. The estate or interest in the land descrl.bed or referred to inthis Cornmitnent and covered trerein is: A Fee Sinple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at theeffective date hereof vested in: RICITARD A. WILLIS AND GRACE P. WII.',I-',IS 5. The land referred to in thiE cornmitnent is described asfollows: UNIT B, Lot 25, Block 2, VAIL VIIJ,AGE 13TH FILING (A CONDOI,IINTW) ACCORDING TO TIIE CONDO!,IfNIUM MAP RECORDED NOVEITIBERL8, L977 IN BOOK 262 NI PAGE 546 AND AS DESCRIBED IN THEcoNDoulNrw DECLARATION RECORDED NOVEUBER 21, 1977 rN BOOK 262 AT PAGE 665, COI'NTY OF EAGIJE, STATE OF COIORADO. PAGE 1 COMMITMENT SCHEDI'LE B-1 (Reguirenents)Our Order No. V2O848 3. 4. The following are the reguirenents to be complied with: 1. Palment to or for the account of the grantors or nortgagors ofthe full consideratl-on for the estate-or interest to be-insured. 2. Proper instrument,(s) creating the estate or interest to beineured nust be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: RET,EASE oF DEED oF TRusr DATED ,ruly 24, L987, FRoI{ RTcITARD A. wrl,1,rs AND GRACE P. WILLIS TO TIIE PUBIJIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COI'NTY FOR THE USE OT MBANKHOUSTON, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION TO SECI'RE TTTE St'!,t OF 9121,500.00 RECORDEDAugust 07, L987, IN BOOK 467 AT pAcE 462. RELEASE oF DEED oF BRusr DATED July 30, Lggz, FRott RTCHARD A. wrl,I,rs AND GRACE P. IIILLIS TO THE PI'BLIC TRUSTEE OF E.AGIJE COT'NTY FOR THE USE OF CHASE .MANHATTAN FINANCIAT., sERvIcEs, INc. To sEcItRE THE slrl,t oF 915o,ooo.oo RECORDED August 05, L992, IN BOOK 586 AT pAcE 225. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS ASSIGNED TO TIIE CHASE },TANHAETAN BANK, N.A. INASSIGNMENT RECORDED August Og, L992, IN BOOK 586 AT PAGE 27S. sArD DEED OF TRUST WAS ASSTGNED TO CTTTBANK, N.A. IN ASSTGNMENT RECORDEDOctober 30, L992, IN BOOK EgZ AT PAGE 890. AGREEI,IENT SUBORDINATTONG THE DEED OF TRUSr RECORDED AUGUST 5, 1992 IN BOOK585 AT PAGE 275 TO TAE DEED OF TRUST TO BE INSTJRED IIERETN. DEED OF TRUST FROM RICHARD A. WILLIS AND GRAC8 P. WTLLIS TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF E,AGLE COUNTY FOR TIIE USE OF CTIASE MANHATTAN PERSONAL FINANCTALsERvrcEs, rNc., and/or its successora and assigns To sEcuRB TIIE stM oFSlso, ooo. oo. IF THERE IS A CHANGE IN OWNERSIIIP OF ltTE PROPERTY TO BE INSI'RED HEREIN FROMTHE VESTED OWNER SET FORTH rN ITE[.] 4 OF SCHEDITLE A HEREIN, THE TERMS,PROVISIONS AND CONDITIONS OF THE TOI{N OF VAIIJ TRANSFER TAX AND RTGHT OFFTRST REFUSAL PROVTSION OF THE CD MAY BE APPLICABLE. THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFTCE REQUIRES RETI'RN ADDRESSES ON DOCI'MENTS SENT FOR RECORDING! ! 5. 6. PAGE ^-t";";;"-;-;-&iF ! t (Exceptions)Our Order No. V20848 The_policy or policies to be issued wirl contain exceptions to thefollowing unless the same are disposed of to the satiSfaction ofthe Company: 1. standard Exceptions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and specialassessments not yet certified to the Treasurerrs oifice. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said 1and. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VETN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HTS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SA!48 BE FOI'ND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREI4ISESAS RESERVED IN TNITED STATES PATENT RECORDAD May 06, 1905, IN BOOK 48 ATPAGE 509. THE EXISTENCE OF THE MINERAL EXCEPTION AND/OR RESERVATION SHOWN AS ITEIII 9, SCHEDUIJE B-2, WILL NOT AFFECT OttR ABIIJfTY TO ATTACA COLORADO ENDORSEMENTNO. 100.29 TO OUR I{ORTGAGEES POLICY WHEN ISSUED. 10. RIGHT OF VIAY FOR DTTCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AIJ1THORITY OF THEUNTTED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNTTED STATES PATENT RECORDED May 06, 1905, IlrBOOK 48 AT PAGE 509. THE EXISTENCE OF THE EASEMENT SHOWN AS ITEM NO. 10, SCHEDUI_,,E B-2, WILL NOTAFFECT oItR ABILITY TO ATTACH COLORADO E!{DORSHTtENT No. 103.1 TO OUR MORTGAGEES POIJTCY W1IEN ISSUED. 11. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, WHICH DO NOT CONIAIN A FORFEITI]RE OR REVERTERCLAUSE, BUT OMTTTTNG RESTRTCTToNS, rF ANy, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELrcroN,OR NATTONAL ORIGIN' AS CONTAINED IN INSTRTTUENT RECORDED Novenber 10, Lg72lIN BOOK 226 Al PAGE 146 AND AS AI,IENDED IN INSTRTMENT RECORDED Septernber 2i,L978, rN BOOK 275 AT PAGE 628. 12. THOSE PROVTSTONS, COVENANTS Al'lD CONDrTroNs, EASE!,iENTS AND RESTRTCTToNS, Y{HrCH ARE A BI'RDEN TO THE CONDOI{INrW I,NIT DESCRIBED rN SCHEDULE A, ASCONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED Novenber 2L, Lg77, IN BOOK 262 AT PAGE565. PAGE ^.t)CO!tMITMENT SCIIEDI'LE B-2 (Exceptions)our order No. v20848 13. IITILITY EASEI,IENT 20 FEET IN WTDTII AFFECTING TITE NORTTIERLY I.,OT LTNE OFSUBJECI PROPERTY As SHOI{N ON IIIE RECORDED CONDO!,IINIW }IAp OF Lot 25, Block2, VAIL VILLAGE THTRTEENTH FIIJING (A coNDollINIW). 14' TERI'!S' CONDITIONS AND PROVfSfONS OF GRAlflI OF EASEIIENT RECORDED Decenber OZ,1991 IN BOOK 568 AT PAGE 135. 15. DEED oF TRUsr D4TED Jury 30, Lggz, FRoM RTcITARD A. wrLlrs AND GRAqEP. IILLIS TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COT]NTY FOR THE USE OF CHASEMANHATTAN FTNANCIAL SERVICES, TNC. KNOWN AS CHASE I.IANHATTAN OF COIJORADOINC. TO SECIIRE THE S(JM OF S50TOOO.OO RECORDED Augrust 05, Lg92, IN BOOK 586AT PAGE 276. SUBORDINATTON AGREEMENT IN CONNECTION WTTH SATD DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDEDTBD, fN BOOK n/a AT PAGE n/a. ENDORSEMENT 335.6 WTLL BE ATTACIIED TO ALTA LOAN POLICY WHEN TSSUED. COLORADO ENDORSEIIIENT FORM 115.1, WrI.IJ BE ATTACHED TO MORTGAGEES POLTCY WHENISSUED. COLORADO ENDORSEUEMT FORM 28T.L, WIIJL BE ATTACHED TO MORTGAGEES POLICY WHENrssuED. PAGE I.AN!.' _a DTSCLOST'RE STATEI,IENT Required by Senate Bill 91-14 A) The subject real property nay be located in a special taxingdistrict. B) A Certificate of Taxes Oue listing each taxing jurisdictlon may be obtained from the County Treasurer or the CountyTreasurerrs authorized agent. C) The infornatLon regarding special districts and the boundari.esof such districts nay be obtained from the Board of CountyConrmissioners, the county Clerk and Recorder, or the CountyAssessor. Required by Senate Bill 92-143 A) A certificate of Taxes pue listing each taxing jurisdictionshall be obtained from the County Ereasurer or ttre CountyTreasurerrs authorized agent. TITLE INSURANGE POLICV AMERICAN LAND TTTLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY FORM B - 1970 (Amended 10-17-70) ISSUED THROUGH THE OFFICE OF: LAND ]T[T[-tr GUARAN]rctr COM]PANV P.O. Box 375 108 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81658 (3031476-22sr ITLE NSURANCE,OMPANY OF t,|NNESOTA Home Office: 400 - znd Ave. So.. Minneaoolis, Minn.5540'l . 612/37'l-1111 FoucYNo. AZ 444479 AI,IERICAN LAND TITLE ASil'CIATIOI{ OWNER1S POLICY ^ FORM B - i9Z0 (Amended lGlT-70t ^4, frr-e lr.rsuner.rce florvrenruv or [/f rrunEsorA I - a Stock Company, of Mlnneapolls, Mlnn$ota SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, TTIE EXCEPTIONS COMAINED IN SCT{EDIJLE B AND THE PROVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPTJI.ATIONS HERIOF, TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MTNNESOTA, hercin called the Company, insurgs, as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A, against los or damage, not exceeding the amount of insurance staied in Schedulc A, and costs, attomeys' fees and expenses which the Company may become obligated to pay hereunder, sustained or incuned by the insured by reason of: l. Title to the estat€ or interest described in Schedule A being vested otherwise than as stated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on such titlc; 3. lack of a right of access to and from the land; or 4. Unmarketability of such title. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Title Insurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate nrme and seal to be hereunto affixcd by its duly authorized officers as of the date shown in Schedule A, the policy to be ralid when countersigned by an authorized oflicer or agent of the Company. Jrrr-e lr.rsunar-rce flourearvv or ffirruruEsorA 4-4-..-:zz.-- President -Ez.,y-*.f."=-- Secretary EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this poliry: l. Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning ordinances) restricting or regulating or prohibiting the occupancy, use or enjoyment of the land, or regulating the character, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hcreafter erected on the land, or prohibiting a scparation in ownership or a reduction in the dinrensions or area of the land, or the effect of any violation of any such law, ordinance or govcrnmentd regulation. 2. Rights of eminent domain or governmental rights of police power unless notice of the exercise of such rights appears in the public records at Date of Policy. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant; (b) not known to the Company and not shown by the public records but lnown to the insured claimant either at Date of Policy or at the date such claimant acquired an estate or interest insured by this policy and not disclosed in writing by the insured claimant to the Company prior to the date such insured claimant became an insured hereunder; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (d) artaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy; or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustain€d if the insured claimant had paid value for the estate or interest insured by this policy. -4;>, Fortn 130 2/73 3OM - !j, CoovrronT '! 969 Americ6n Land Title Assoctarion I i ,:.- Authorized or Agent -. - !.r r'- e- iliigIcS,.;ri (il.t urelrnr ot msurance srated in Scheciule A. TIl"l tlulrrers Fernr 131l Fgl icv Ntt. 4244447* File Nc,, VlOpCtd Arnount 5195'Otlf-t.Oc, SEHERULE A Addr'es s 1, Fol icr ftate: Aueust 1O' 1?S7 at S:cl(, A.l"l. l. Name of I nsured: RICHARIT A. TJILLIS and GRAfiE F. IIILLIS , as Tenants irr tl:c,mnrtn 3, The estate or irrterest irr the land described in thit 5gl-rg'Jt"r1e and urhich is cc,vered bv this p{'l icy is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or inter'est covered h'r this Fol icy at the date her.ec,f is vested in: RICHARI' A. I^JILLIS arrd GRAf,E P. WILLIS , as Tenarrts in Commrn 5, The larrd referred ts in this etlicv is situat€d in EAGLE Cc,unt'r' tlgI orado, arrd is described as f ol I surs: UNIT B, Lst 15, Bl,rck 2' VAIL VILLAGE 1STH FILING (A coNrrcrtllNluH) ACCBRSING TO THE CONDOMINIUH MAF RECt'RnEtr NCTVEI"IBER 18, 1977 TN EgDH 2{]2 AT PAGE 54€. ANB AS EESCRIBED IN THE ESNDTIHINIUil NECLARATI$N RETORT'Etr NOVEHBER 11, I?77 IN BOOK 36I AT PAGE 64.5, CEUNTY FF EAELE, ETATE gF CFLI]RAT'fl. F'ase 1 This F*l icv val id c,rr'l v if Schedule B is attached. o TIl"l Ourrer Fc,rrr 2313 File N,r. VIO?OG Pol icr" Na. 42444478 a SI::HETIULE B This p'rl ict does nr't irrsuF€ asainst I oss or danase try reason c,S the fr, I I rlu, i rrs: 1. Rishts c'r rlairns af earties in rcrssession nat shnurr by the pub I ic records. l. Easementsr oF clainrs of easenrents' not shsulrr by the FUhl ic recoFds. 3. fliscrerancies' carrf l icts irr b*rlndanrr I irres, shortase in area' encnr,a,:hnr€fitsr and any facts urhich a csrnect suFve.r and inspectic'rr c'f the rremises uloul d discl o9e and urhich are not shrlun bi* the pu!, I ic records. 4. Arrr I ierr, sr risht to a l ierr' f sr' services' labtrr' or material theret'lf ore or her'eaf ter furnished' irrposed bv lau and not shc,urn bv the eubl ic recordE. 5. 1?137 TAXES NBT YET DUE ANB PAYABLE. 4., LIEN$ FOR UNFAIF NATER ANn SEWER CHARCiES' IF ANY. 7. RIGHT OF FRI]PRIETI'R I]F A VEIN BR LOBE TO EXTRACT ANE REMCIVE HIS i]RE THEREFROI'I SHI]ULTI THE SAT4E BE FBUNT' TCI PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE FREHISES A5 RESERVEB IN UNITETI STATE$ FATENT RECI]RIIED I"Iav {)6' 1905' IN B']EF: 4S AT FAGE 5CI9. r3. RILiHT OF t^lAY FOR FITCHES SR CANALS CENSTRUCTEIT FY THE AUTHCTRITY EtF THE LINITETI STATES A5 RE::ERVETI IN UNITED STATES FATENT RECBRTTEE I'IaY O6' 19f.I5' I Etrt:rK 4g AT PAriE 5Cr?. ,I . RESTRIUTIVE I::TIVENANTS, bIHIf,H BI:I NAT CONTAIN A FBRFEITURE I:'R REVERTER ELAUSE, EUT OI',IITTINE RESTRICTItrNG' IF ANY' BAE;EN ON RAEE' EETLBR' RELIIJII:IN' trR NATIANAL ORIGIN, Ag CONTAINETI IN INSTFUHENT RECCIRTIED NoveMbeT 1(T' L,:J72, IN BOIIH 126 AT FA$E 146 ANB A-q At4ENDEtr IN INSTRUf'IENT RECCTRBED Septemb€r 21 LP7E,, IN BEOI{ I75 AT PAfiE 6?9. 1{r. THOFE FRCrVIsIflNg, CCTVENANTS ANn CI'NnITIONS, EA:SEHENTG ANn REGTRICTITINS, WHICH ARE A BURTIEN TI] THE |:ONTIfiI-4INIUI"I LINIT NESCRIBEN TN ECHEBULE A' AS EONTAINEtr IN INSTRUT4ENT REtrDREEB Navernber 3t, !?77, IN Fr:ttrr{: l6t AT pACiE 665. t Fase I a TIH Ouner Fsrm 2313 File No. V1O?O& polirr. N,r. A?44447e'. ^ SCHENULE B 11. UTILITV EASEHENT lCI FEET IN t"lInTH AFFECTING THE NOFTHERLY LOT LINE OF SUBJECT FRIIPERTY AS SHBI^'N ON THE RECORNED CtrNNOHINIUI'I MAP BF LOt ?5' BI OCII 2, VAIL VILLAISE THIRTEENTH FILING (A CONDf,I}4INIUH). 12. DEED OF TRUST TIATETI .IUlI 24, 1?97, FROI"I RIE:HARD A. I'IILLIS ANd GRACE P. I^JILLIS TS THE FUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE trOUNTY FOR THE U3E AF MBANK HIIUSTI]N, NATIONAL ASSOCIATIBN Tfr SECURE THE SUI-I OF $1?1'5OO.CIO RECORDEN Ausust cr7, t987' IN BSOH 4h7 AT PAGE 46?. Pase 3 ar6 qb$tf GRANT OF EASE},IENT ?/ro - FI!. E COPY KNOII ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the undersigned, ORTHODONTIC ASSOCIATES OF GREELEY, P.C. (hereinafter called "Grantor.), for a good and valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby granL unto TOtrN OF VAIL, a municipal corporation, the right of ingress and egress across lands of Grantor, sit,uale in the County of Eagle, SLate of Colorado, described as followsl Lot 25, Block Z, VaiI ViIIage 13th Filing, Vail, as recorded in Book 262, aL Page 546 of the records of the Clerk and Recorder at Eagle County, Colorado. And an easement for the construction, maintenance, repair and reconstruction of a storm eewgr system. said easement ls hereby described as follows: The southerly ten (10) feet of said lot 25, Block 2, Vail ViIIase 13th Filing. Grantee agroes to resLore within thirty (3O) days the surface of the ground to its former condition, as nearly as is practicable, and shall promptly replace any and all trees, brush, and vegetation removed or damaged by Grantee - Grantee agrees that the Grantor shall have the right to landscape r^rithin the above described easemenL with prior approval from Grantee, so long as such landscaping does not interfere with Grantee's use of the easement as provided herein. Grantee agr€es t.o indemnify and hold harmless the Grantor, its officers, employees, and agents from all Iiability, claims, demands on account of injury Ioss or damage, including bodily injury, personal injury, death, property Ioss or damage, or any other loss of any klnd, which may arise from crantee's activities hereunder, includins all costs associated with the defense of any such claims such ass attor neys fees and court costs _ TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, said right-of*way and easement, together with all and singular, the rishts and privileges appertaining thereto, unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, forever. IN HITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has caused these presents to be duly f.- "-t 46AA73 8-572 F-756 OE,/1g,1g2 J2:4I FG J AF IJOHNNETTE FHILLIFS FA6LE. COUNii itENX, COLORAT)A /TFC JO"O0 DOC o.oo o v execuLed on this daY of Sr^.y TOtIN BY: TITLE: hand and official expires: Notary 46AA73 A-572 F-756 tJz,lJ3/?2 J2."42 FG2AF2 , 199.:- ) ) ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thisf*___*._. "fury-, tv?aav f. r{ I Ti tIe sea I CONSTRUCTION PERMIT of community dwelopment TVPE OF PERMIT mnn EErL BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY LEGAL DESC. |-o, r >.f BLK_4 FILING VV \ 3-t{.- {BNAME: Medina Bsmdel oVNER NAME Medina MA;LADDRE5523SS Bald Mtn. B{- ctTy Vai1, @ pn. 0o@ ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH, GENERAL CONTRACTOR F;RM Big Pine Mtce. Oo. MAILADDRESSBOX 582 crrv Vai 1 - Cfl pH 5488 .ffi'^T?3h FIRM MAIL ADDRESS PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADORESS CITY PH, OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS C ITY PH. 7 /r-o/7e %-79 DATE PROJECT NO. N9 316 r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP DIVISION GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : llryrrda'l orri <rf i ncr nqrrt | fl t rv v ABEHIRM t2?a34 '.1t oro?r9to16 PERMIT NO. z tr ) BUILDING 10,500 ELECTRICAL 1,000 PLUMBING 1,500 to spa ncqn MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP SO. FT. VALUATION PERMIT FEES zffi 12,000 BUILDING PERMIT 55.50 PtAN CHECK ELECTRICAL 18.m PLUMBING 15.OO NEW () ALTERATION (I ) ADDIIIONAL () REPAIR (MECHANICAT DWELLING UNITS -ACCOMMODATION UNITS- G.R.F.A. -BEDROOMS COMMERCIATSYST - RESTAURANT SEATING -HEIGHT IN FT. - BATHTUB/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO. TOILETS COVERED PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING - RECREATION FEE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES 188.50 ,ILDING€fFICIAL. \ DATEifutlJ-== - -uLetp. 4rf.lc ADMTNTSTRATOR DArE INSULATION FLOOR EXT, WALLS ROOF TYPE THICKNESS R.VALUE INING NOTES: HEAT ELEC: IGAS: SOLAR: I WOOD: VAIL WATER & SAN. DIST. TAP FEE : SPECIAL NOTES: depanment.o'f -commun ity development TYPE OF PERMIT EGr,r-o,*c El'Er-Ecrnrcrl I l.tECHANrcAL ffpLurulsrNc! pouNonroNoNLY D ,sc. r.rr q atvLr_, , _Y_ FTLTNG VVt<+'- B NAME: MEuruA VCgva66g*1u^t qarrn IA€DI.AJA r,r,r*noon.ss 2355 BgQhMt crTY 'JAJ PH.47b-6b CHITECT ;ANERAL .. ITRACTOR] lt7b-8 ECTRICAL-tu: LUI,lBING*tto* :CHANICAL NTRACTOR OTHER NTRACTOff F rR l.! I.I A'L AODRESS PH. r,'0,,- oo*ess Eole S g:1= ;;6J ^ s4lb FrR t,l I,! AI I. ADDRESS EITY PH FtR f,r . !,t AIL AODRESS F tR !,1 I'IAIt ACORESS F rR f,! l,tAlL AO0RESS CIIY PH' I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP otvlsroN rrl A8 lv v HIRM 34 GE NERAL OESCR IPTIO N OF WORK TYPE GROUP SO, FT, V,ILUATION NEVi ATTERATION() AODITIONAL REPAIR DWELLING UNITS COMMERCIAL SYST HEICHT IN FT. ACCOMMODATION UNITS - R.ESTAURANT SEATING -BATHTUB/SHOWER NO FIREPTACES COVEREO PARKING .-No.TotLETS - UNCOVERED PARKING INSU LATION R.VALUE VAIL WATER & SAN. DIST. TAP FEE : N9PERh.tIT NO. F J BUILOING cLc.L I rl rlAL ooo PLU I"1B ING b MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES sUILDING PER[.IIT <A q-n -) -t ' -)lJ PLAN CH ECK E t ECTR ICAL /8,at _ PLUMSING /5.d) t.IECHAN ICAI R ECN EAIIO N FEE DESIGN REVIElV BOARO CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT /oa, oo TOTAL PERI/IT FEES /8A,9 BUILOING OFFICIAL ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OATE OATE ONING NOT€S: I IIEREBY ACKITOWLEOCE IH^I I HAvE R'Er D TH tS ,r peltCATtON AttD STATE ttt^? TXE ABOVE IS CORITECT A.ND A6REE TO COIiPLY WITII ALL' T(IWN ORT}INANCES AND 57A?E LAwS R EG A lt DI}|C 8UlLOl,r-O COIjSTRUCTIOll. {t(i\,\Tlrt{t t}t' tl!\\t'lt trt| r'ttrjttl \l'Tdrl DATE INSilCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL AM' PM 3-,i i-S--{, .&oL l-v'-vtru^. (.1. , " JOB NAME CALLEB READY FOR INSPECTION:MoN (rues LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION D GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTR!CAL: T] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 7ltu/ti, v, .,(n,'" !,')/ i' n, i;n C. t JOB NAMEDATE READY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ N FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: N TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL F4PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR oorc ll- / V JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: I LOCATION: 1 INSilCTION REQUEST tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDP.APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED TOWN OF VAIL WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS D FOUNDAII tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL tr INSULATION - O GAS PIPING qSHEETROCK NA|L n POOL / H. TUB tr tr _o FINAL E FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr BOUGH tr CONDUIT MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr_ _ o tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR rNsilcnoN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: -.'n:*.:*- CALLER TUES WED BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDEBGROUND - O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. ,r' 2 ET FRAMING B4oUGH / WATER O INSULATION - tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL D POOL / H. TUB T'l r-'l tr FINAL tr FINAL E IJILIJINT:: |,LUlv|I'INiJ: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDEBGROUND - O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. ,r' 2 ET FRAMING B4oUGH / WATER O INSULATION - tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL D POOL / H. TUB T'l r-'l tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB N HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR - tr FINAL D FINAL O APPROVED El-DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR ti,' ./ L- -S f i'':.' :': , JOB NAME - ,,li ,,DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSilCTION REQUEsT TOWN OF VAILI i !,'i:.... ! 'I -,! ' I CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI X FRAMING / STEEL ON i STEEL tr INSULATION - C GAS PIPING D SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB _ !n D FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -I -_ tr FINAL O FINAL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR .iriQ, 41t -'.41.6 ,'il'.t- ie u J DATE .?ll-l-Lu - i,rc Li o r;{ '4,'t';''rll , i.l ' t i,l ,. i.. .-"'t I L.) / 1- 'ti INSilCTION REQUEST iI, JOB NAME OF VAIL ,1ri 0 t<JJ ,te{}, WED THUR FRI TOWN ,..r/l- (L READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION: Z-a1 D PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr FOUNDATI ON / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr CONDUIT tr TEMP. POWER dRoucH ..- tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ! DISAPPRO}ED DATE INSPECTOR DATE j!-/.' t ,,>,' 'l t- | l -) o JOB NAME TUES 1,.4 n,, INSilCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL tr REINSPECTION BEOUIRED READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: --'--J--{- J .).,) ,1d RReRoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND - I] ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB t-l D FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - r-l tr FINAL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER zfr6ucn tr CONDUIT tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR F.wryrfu,tC //b &/L efrl- .T0tTt{ 0t l,Atr BUILEIII\IG PEFIMIT TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO UNCOVEREO APPLICA WS BEGARDING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. I IIEN,EBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATTON AND STATE THAT ?HE ABOVE IS COBRECT AND AGREE TO CDMPLY WITH ALL ?OWN ORDTNANCES AND STATE grM tr-SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTBACTOR a-8-s 'bYfiz Ii"fl'\ F O Fzc O 3 p 2 HH!Hz<t { }!;cr,EiF < :- V z F =?F<qF!r.r -zr,: ..i a 9? !X;o9,.q:ryiE 5<4za;2AA)>9<E5lFFoe9<o<OI'lZ: IiEE;:<Uigr lg lHr <(tr> -u)<cf=a.a !<r(<!:".' F ut Jul z) z yd. 6-(J o z z IJJ = uJ F E J t! tc ) J cc cc Jt!) L E tr lrl o o z -o -Jf E => lro =, =C= 6 ! Et NOtMlVA :- !rt )t,.4 u*N UIF 2 o= z tr9qd6FC(20A> :z:< ulJ >o ;ci EXITS REO.TYPE OF OCCUPANCY DATE OF APPLICATION CLASS OF WOBK NEW I,4.-ALTERATION I ) ADOITION( I REPAIBI IMA|L ADDRESS 12fr/ / COVEFED USE OF BUI LDI OFF ST. PARKINGSO. FT. OF BLOG. OFF ST. LOADINGNO. OF SlORlEsMAIL ADDRESS NO. OF LIVING UNITS F 7(J MAI L ADOR ESS : OF HEAT. WA.TER ( I FORCEOAIF( IELEC( IUNIT{ I Lor T- !) aLR 7 FILTNG INT. WALLS EUILOING PEFMIT 1- TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I tl lll rv @ r nn 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D E F G H@J DlvlsloN 12 3 4 PLAN CHECK FEESSPECI FIED FIRE EPBINKLERS DRY STANDPIPE SMOKEPROOF ENCLOSURE TOTALAREA SEPABATIONRAL DESCRIPTION OF YVORK OCCUPANCY SEPARATION SPECTAL INSPECTOR PLAN NUMBER TOllvN EITJILtrlING OF \lA IL FEFl]VIIT VARIANCE APPLICA t HEITEBY ACKNOWLEDGE T}IAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATTON AND STATE TI{AT TIIE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITTI ALL I'OWN ORDINANCES AND STATE WS REGARDING BUILDTNG CONSTRUCTION ,Iff,t]',8b tl t| .7 AW i9Fa laE :1 | ttt | .'7'/AW .iv Mn TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT ARE,A FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS UT']COV€ REO sIcNATlrRI,j oF. owNEtt OR CON l'r{,\c'r'0R Town of VaiI ELECTRICAL PERMIT 19._.._-.._....-._..* Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 461, $.-........-...-........_._-. $.-......--..-..........--.-. Received By t3 I3 TO JOB SITE DURIl{G Datc BE POSTED ON coNSTRUCTlOl{ 24 HOIjNS ADVANCE NOIIG NEQUINED FOR INSPECIIONS r,h N *,\f,Jafl.R.o.. Lra ":5^Date of APPROVALS 8.73!e. THr !, F. Hrrata! !!.r DEivrt tr0.52 7 'Permitto. 000273 *"V:'",j-'#; Ltc. No. Ltc. No. Ltc. No. NUMBER orunns-- =fu1b - x$s00.fi1 =Amount DEte Eilled Date Paid VAIL WATER A}ID SATIITATII|il DISTRICT WATER A]ID SEITER TAP PERMIT NAME OF JOB LOCATION AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION GENERAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP; Water TAP PERMIT WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL TAP FEES Bldg. Dept. ' Whlto; - Water and Sanltation - Gr.en; - Public workr - canary; - Contrgctor -Plnk; - Accounting - Gold€nrod Town of Vail Er.n:cf,IlIcAL PERII{IT Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 400 $................--......--.. $...-........-........-...-.. s.....-.......-.............. , /-c.* Date Paio....... *tr /Z 7- . rt r) Received W -. - -.... /P..fr . 24 HOT.'RSI ADVANCE NOII(:E, NEQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS Date or Appricatiorl.-. X/tn* .. I . . .....-rs7...7........ Electrical Contractor 7P7771a<.ffir) Pla[ Chrckar Tlils .rOB gTTE APPROVALS 77 BE POSTED 01{ CONSTRUGTION rHc a. F. HaEarrr ao., !rtYli !l0a5t PLUMETNC/MECHANICAL FEF|MTT TOWN OF VAIL DA1E (? li -7177 JoB NAME\> Anetea u 7--^4 Tf o*rraJ;4rq7,a2 7; ('u - *ADDRESS coNrRAcroR\.-Aa<V Sror,-u pnone4-7/-, 4r:{2. OF BUILDf NG: I -4 )p/ '= --/oF woRK: E-new E aoornoru E nenaooel E nrparn PTION OF WORK: PLUMBf NG: NUMBER r- P'MEGHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATIoN$ /2,(Y)r)VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMTT FEE + 135 r'o' PERMIT FEE + lbq2 '^" a/z/zz nEsrD€t{TrAL }tArB E sa'GR TrP :E cAr:.r+rtof lrrfiE oF rbe o*m.SIREET ruMESSlor BIU-IG AnEsS ' YAIL t{ATR-t sr\ltlr^TlcN DlslRlcr ' "o,ik*fr- fleY BASE€INlsr nooe 3o noe.flt FLMR BASiE}fl'rlsr nom ?o rlm JRD RMR BASBIENTlsr noat bo rrou Jfi!' ROM l. : --<---+ t/ --4- ___-T_-T-_ ,'/ KITClE}tsoi* u*t . -z- IPIEDSTE- l. 2. 3, q. 5. o ,/P}f{SICAL - PLAfl GGCK aAstH & lotur(oa ruLr sATld x 1.91 - / oam stnts ? x .E RIl SATH- (see oe na, Z i 5.fi11 BASTN, TOT[.8r, nmc (uvtra R[msr- EEIFUnS, oF?ICES,gi X l.W snDros) ur.NDRtES bER rrA$.Ee) lcE totrrlNEs SAINAS 1x2.9, x l.fi! 1x.50 l.s LA ;=E 2, Jz q, \ FI E,F 32 ozo -F Ez o oz E,ulF =J - =2 -.+ ' \- 'tl -ri.r.r'..- z,s '6. 7, g. g. IIt E =Eulq o. F Eul =ltlo oz tr,ulF = xZX t:' JAcltzlq'TSIDE FATB0rnrul or oa) Rll 8AllS m!{s rtlo€!{ DTSH{ASITR inlmres x3.m - x'Lm rtil x' .5) GI ('7) C3 ra C, x' .6 Xr?5, ' mrER @ot-ERs E -rtRIER rcu{rAr}s x .E = - silt!finlc P@rs x 5.m ffi (IJTSIE HATER rouL Polms 10.(D potni's = 1.00 .iltrA- ullls x 1.(Il = YW- /6, s , ///q oz E oo- ....- FU.t-OHtts Il€ clxt?t_EIttt{ oF c0t|smLfil6\ oF Al srRtfiulEs' TllE DlSrRIc-r SMLL ;,€RFOti.l'; irilstcru uts''Ecrlc't 0F ,ut. i'RalllSES T0 DETEFIINE Il€ lluErER 0F Poll:Ts ri'ile-lssesio,\colut;$ To rP:tt\r€R AtD sfi.cR TA'FEE, tJo nATE soEnLE, ..ts A;Eft;-nra n€ Dtirnlcr st-t/ul. ri'r€ AIY ^IuusrafislltltElLw. lN_n€^gRlclil L tnF'FEe'pnio.' rttrs t;rsaeolot stlALL nr.so DgTcli'lll€ nG zulullts oi'clEn-s lt\rER ao se{a sfnvtcE clw$E' DATE OF MEETING: IilEMBEBS PRESENT: ESIGN BEVIE11' BOARD October 20- 1977 BILL RUOFF o D LOU PARKER &FIft'+r€iFeP- RON-{€|D€,- ABE SHAPIRO SUBJECT: Shapiro Duplex - landscaplng conceptual ACTION APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: LOT 25 , BLOCK , rrr-,INCvril villre" 13th - TAKEN BY BOABD: u$roN ?4RVF.,? VoTE: FoR. OfRt;gL ?Lry? SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTToN: stlAPlRn DATE OT , [IEETING: o .o - .DESICN nEVrltlv BoAnD September 29, Ig77 Bill RuoffMEItBERS PRISEIIT: AgTION Lou Parker Bill BishoP Ron Todd Abe ShaPiro SITBJECT ' ShaPiro Duplex Lot 25,Block : ABSTENTION: AFPROV.ID: -.exterior fini 1, Vail Village 13th Fiting ,q--l-r"r) DISAPPROVED:-- o DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPLICATION DATE OF DESCRIPTION OF PBOJECT: NAME: wr-Atf., BLocK , FrLrNc PLIIN #: aDDRESS (liArLrNG) NAUE OI'PROJECT: E a --D.ESIIIN ilEltIEl'r BOAnD o a raFF.rl?\tar..ltlll .t, t,l]'. llll:&lI$Ll. UE}IBERS PRESEIIT: September 8, 1977 Bill Ruoff Lou Parker Abe ShaPiro rQT]BJECT: AbC $Iq I Lot 25,Village :lZth FilingY ACTION 1-''ugtlox.t fA VOBE: TOR: ABSTENTION: DISAPPROVED:---I SECONDED BY: : AGAINST: TAKEN BY BOARD: Vail SUTINAEY: DESIGN REVIEW BOARD DATE OT MEMBERS MEETING: PRESENT:Bill Ruoff Lou Parker ,.Biif:l:ffsfuf Ron Todd Abe Shapiro ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: I. MorIoN, lQL2€) VOTE: _/1 r.onz {<( tO/=F ABSTENTION: SECONDED BY: AGAINST: DISAPPROVED:- -tSUI{}IARY: -DE SIGN REVIEITI BOARD DATE ON MIETING: MEMBERS PRESENT:Bill RuofN Lou Parke:-{ Abe strapilJ ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: MorroN ' Yt-l'{ APPROVED: - DISAPPROVTD: SUlrl\lARY: WLb \V \AV) SECOMED BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTION: Bill Bishi{ Ron Todi-'l ffiu ffi THE MORTER/TODD PARTNERSHIP, AIA 26 January, 1977 Abe Shapiro Shapiro Construction Box 1547 Vai'|, Colorado 81657 Re: Shapiro Duplex, Lot 25, Block-- Dear Abe: 2, 13th Filing \", 24/0 identification number plywood each face 4" o.c. @ panel edges and @ 12" @ inner studs. This note shou'ld appear @ the Living Level PIan 28R. The extra nailing is for jncreased latera'l As mentjoned jn our phone conversation on 24 Januaty,1977, the elimination of the basement wing'walls, adjacent to the basement entry, wil I be satis- factory with the addition of the following note: llt Jbhn nailed with 10d nails @ in Dining Areas 281' and If you have any questions, please do not hesitate support. to ca]l M. Perkins MORTER/TODD PARTNERSHIP, AIA Diana Toughill Jack Haney CROSSROADS AT VAIL BOX 1186 vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 476-5105 ? ARCH I -, ,, : . -- l , ,, i rjn l(r.rv ierw J. rtu lo Pald OJ CCT OAL DESCR IFT ION z 0ll tart .,, 1lll(; cllt.(;lil S UMMA HY Actua I I en gth , Di agona I , Diagonal ft., Actua ++carl-Ysq dp , Commo n _t ANDScAplr{G: Requi ,.a 00V *,\rfrI,-lt'o. rt., Actual ARKING AND LOADll,lG: No. Requi ,"a 4 , No' Actual No. ; Cove red Actua I fi ,sq.ft 47 . covered Re- uired ON ING APPROVAL ES IGN REV I El,\, B0ARD APPR0VAL T I L IT IES APPROVAL NV IRONT1ENTAL Il''tPACT APPR0VAL Chai rman, 0esign Review Board Da te Da te l*4ayo r Date E zo'E J -; pRoposEo u T srzE Jq,U*-i FRot'rrAGu . &l'..:; ;:7 - ;) TBAcKs, ;"Jr;."o - t ronr JD--, sides /F /4,' , a"u' ,21 - , - Fronr ,21 -, stdes&?A- hQg-, Rea, 73 . ,t STAiICE BETI'IEEN BUILDf tfGS: Requl ,.d -fu--, Actua' ." 0( ,| 'ua tfr-4L,.f GHT: AvTrage frade Height Allowei 4lU ' Ac1 ,R.F.A {/rrt{*Ratio, Alrowabre sq . tt.37SCl f?L,(, Actuar sq' ft'3ofln,ft) )MMERc|ALFLooRAREA:Percentagea||owab|en/C-,A||owablesq.ft.-, J I LD I NG BULK CONTROL : :quired 0ffsets ITE COVERAGE : Actua SEABLE OPEN SPACE: Actual sq. ft. Allowab le maxi . Actua I mum lengl'h Atlowabt" JO i, Allowable sq, tt.&AZ-U Actua' /,? f I sq. ft Req u i red Groun d Leve I late S ubm i tate S ubm i )ate Submi ixte n s ion for Zon i for Des i for Envi ng Rev iew gn Review ronmenta I tte d tte d tte d of Dead I i ne Dead I ine Da te Da te lmpact Rev i ew to Dead I i ne da'te No.8 (Series of i tem of 0rd Inance t97 3) as permitted ry Soct I /4/*T,/1,r+s ilanuu*1 [(rf. i trTt SJ, u0/ t\lUAa{-rtfaa- /7 (t 3l ' C04fll7(t3t. Lorl.CO2f t il,(. 3Z4ao :.___/53 l,Oo Jrarrri- rs.(1.ff-. l(. zf C. (t 2 (o tL. z{ -.-'-: Qtt_ s0 o IAl'r flt-t Iu/uaL U Wta,W - 2f t4E,(tf %'q*wjrrrJ J7'dtt 3'f Q? lt' v/^J,lil 20x ?fn l?.( r | (. s', 3t ltG n' /- -/ffia r/Ot"L /*ra z ( 40s.7(lrgt,so r49o z{ ,lr^J At'-,/ 3l r C7. JaT+- ?o so Jra,uu' l?ffiu,'vv*\ 3ro gcf 9J.2{ 38+d.io ,1 ,tB o"F Ii-'r.r, l:.i.':';:ii iliIt :i..'!:lI'l'.l i l (,:; i,I::Tl::'- i:'l'. 0. ir(iii 'i:,'.;. vhlj,, c(ll(,:i..'!; ) {;1.(:5ll ll,rt;rr of !i u:: i-r r.::; s i,' J., l','a slrSc'"rl4 >: o.?5' x L"cox 1.50 '2, llar: :t s't I'oiLct, lh.i.,:;r!., lic c iC:: it ia ! Co;;isrci.:I S)tot'<l:l ol 'Jil5 o't 3, a, t loar" ? ,i. il i.,.:; . :!.[r'f iltrti .1i:.:d'' lr, t..i eir S ir ttti i.t i, !;. iJrs.'l..xt 'Jl'--'-' Zt:ti *-__' 1:0.2i; :. ",r' J. o. ' 2trcl. 3r'dlith I'nII l?.ith ( Si:ol;.:r c:. T,rir ,Dir.sin, To:1et ) T. 0. Roons ( Lir.i rr G r.eo::s ,!t,.,1..^ ^,- ^ n:.-r'^^-, v- - 4i;ui, 'S):o:rs, Si-u<iios). . /Zx /z.a_. . A-e...- = .7.0; rst 7Z--2nd .'_'- Xitclrens .[csiCcrri.i:l Qx 2.SOl)i::lur.os)rcr. Z >: t. f;C lii t c)rc:;: s Co;::l:rcr"cia1 l)i:; ]rr:it :;hc r$clti;r1; i- tt '' \, 1) nar .. \' 1 nn Jr 4.. JU -.-. -. .:--,----- --,.*:... -...tI . I I w_::_j 4.th Da:; . 3r'dtlth 9. lji:;. ' 2lrcl 3r.<l , 4r*h ft, lla r ' i):t.l . lr',-l ri lir o4 o Ith .';l Crlt;, ;,c r"c !. I .a shcr (tl . : j.ric r'!;li. r::' (:,,:ri:rut;t oi <;llc ) (ru': :; j.<je,9i>:.: rr):J.cr's lir'e liose Cal;-inc'; s Scrvice Statilon . Sr;i;:u:ri.nE, Fool Convcrrt.':-on Ce)tc:: pe).. j)Ct.son T(tll.rij" f0liiT.'i . 1.0.00 llc'j,.l"ir; :1 1.00 lil'r.i.'i: /, x't.oo " -Z:9'...- . x 0.33 :, >: L.00 x30. 00 x 5.00 = 1: 0.1.0 :, 46-*- l,l Itt ):2.00 : D:t slst 2txi ?rs.l rtth lias i|.s'i' 2t,.) 3rdlltir s:Dar,:ti():l of i:1 1:Lc:;ri..':trs 'co <jetc:'t:l j.:rc t,::e irti:',1.'t:.' of pci:: is i:c irt esr;.r':r"ri ;:c:o:'ri:i;rg -Jo 'thx r.lircr' iri:(i S::rc:: i':i1> lca- e::(i -P':iiil Sc'r:,.:tlr:1'.: , ;is iuic::ric,r!, ar:C ';lit; Di-lrrrit:i' :t;.1:: l'-.'r- ;5:iie i:,rt ad juti"'::r"':':i:$ t){rccsn:i:'li jit i}::: or':.giit;t:1. ia! ::ec l):t j(l . 1il.i.:i irr;lec'Jr.Llil . si,eLl- als'c. <le'!c:':linc i.':e builci.i-ng; oi!ire:lrs r':.rtc:' a::ci sc.'rcl' scr-"/-i'i:e chal.ge. Bo.r.r:d of llir"c:ci c:':; -: Vail l'1.('tcr. and Sarti',:ation Dist!'::-ct 7rcf/' rfi9free' et ._..J "-3- - ' c.a/ - O<lua 'ta' .t U:ri-i::; o SHAPIRO COI\STRUCTION P. O. BOX 1547 VAIL. COLOMDO 8T657 L-O. :KEN SHAPIRO ABE SHAPIRO . PHONES: AREA (303) 47G3577, 1280, il22 /_/^ _27 74'* 4i N P*,t)!4'g^"be,Ia,*-E U'I,&6'' - Fnevl : #-w* w^e,, cL ffin;u, ^ {",a,rfr ' ***;, t't+: :r;" f" frtrT'A t,// r td' rAJ d*"fu"rfuymrffi*f^r*,tn ryffi-',r,'*,Fgr'**t !ava;!' 4 E r'+v r /*;^^-&'n^4 rrc'p'& "r t'^EWMMffiffi;, i, l-p: # 4-fu P*"!'-P u*t**'*& 4"^^'*^'"u * * Wffi & u{*, e., +4 P autvt,f,t E^.1^* *a., "t**,{u',h/ el4, {.'*;-/6t l7r #"fg*'t{*: m 6 rau ry W* rT 4-f ** N'/*"^W'^fl' aot'w'* ffita a'atAlat'fu"i-P,,fbtr& nn ,. fl,/.u^Aj_ /-^*ntrr*^ot T ffi Fn^-* fuen^fui#-*- ^n ^*f tr"W; n,5 y* r py-"y b/* ;fJ *e' tr 4 fr^a^),ffi'-t $ry F,,,M+ fL"*fu*+nf SH oAP IRO CONSTRUC P.o.Ebx ls47 vail, Colorado a I 657 April ?|rh, L9?6 Ms. Diana Toughill, Zoning Adnin. Town of Vail, Colorado ' Dear Dianar Confirming our phone convereation eon- cerning the novement of fill in the Vail Vitlage IJth filing, on lots owned by our family. As we excavate for building on lots 2) and 2J, we wiII deposit exeess fill into the low areas of our lots 24 and 20. This will be done i.n an orderly manner and we will leve1 grade this fill when excavation is completed. If we do not continue our continuity of bullding on lots 2lt and 20, we will seed the level area of fill . May we have whatever authorization in writing that is necessary for this proceedure. Thank You. oTION f.enshapiro4?61 122 Abe shapiro 4763577 ats/ss -f ( * ACTION DATE OF MIJETING: MEbIBERS PRESENT: SUBJECT: DESIGN RDVIEll' BOARD ABSTENTION: TAKEN BY BOA MOTION: VOTE: FOR: APPROVDD: AGAINST: ,/ DISAPPROVEDi ' / SUITfiTIARY: I Aprtl ?3" lgts S; iilrtnoot-Vrll, Colorrdo 81657 RE: IESIEil REVIE}I APPROYAL OF UffDESAFE PIAilS AS OIITLIIITD IN A LETTER Ocar Abc: Enclored plearc flnd a eopy of the tlerlgn Revlew Sorrd's forn' In whlch they dlnppruyed your nrbnrlsslon of a lattar In p.lrce of fomal lrndscapr plmr. Ttny fclt that your st|blsslon of .r lctter was unacceptabla and rcqu*t }ou to prcsart to tlnm l fomrl landecrpa plen upon conpletlon of your 0udltx If you havr iny qucrtloffi, pleesa feel frca to contact elther Bfll Plarco or nytclf. Thrnt fou for your cooperrtlon. Slncerely, ICII REYIEH SOARS Jo frrnor fi .-,*lg,l"ltf,,B'sooo",* PHoilE: (303) 47e;ss77 dt ?7( */A'- #Er4gr}l{rePft+OfrEg8- PHeilHlolrcsso?tf- ^16 :fre"ll/": SPEED.IAEIAO rNsIrEcfrru FrEeu'EST VAIL ',i r -'i t E pannar LocATroNI orHrn MON COMMENTS: READY FOR INSPECTION_---:.. WED /. THURTUE FRI :-aili*)rr,r DappRovED E orsnppRovED fl nerNsPEcr I uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR . rN€iPEC.lFN ' FTEIIUEST TOWN OF VAIL AM PM JOB NAME CALLER E ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE E pnnnau LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-I--AM.PM r E AppRovED I upoN rHE FoLLowrNG conRECTToNS: I orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS r\ . rNspEcrGN HEBUEsT DATE JOB NAME TOWN OF VAIL TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER fl ornen n pnartnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON GOMMENTS: TUE FRI AMiPM I eppRovED E orsnppRovED E] nerNsPEcr I uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR ;,.,;.'... .. DATE rNsFEcr}ru FtEGlrJEsr TOW OF VAIL /'-.: TIME RECE}VED- AM PM CALLER E orsrn MON COMMENTS: TUE I peRrrnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRr i ann Fvt flnerBovED LJ UPON THE CORRECTIONS ElorsappRoVED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: E nerNsPEcr DATE --uuspectoh ':'ri/ /*t'---toete llV.t / /, $e TIME RECEIVED- AM PM tNspee|oru' TOWN OF 7 FIECtTJEFT VAIL i L_I OTHER _.'MON COMMENTS: .if) E pnnrrnu LocATroN vr,eo THUR FRI A[prrr P RoV E D fl.OrS*ppFOVE D "El-upof in e Fo LLowr NG coR R pcr oNS: ! nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR DATE INSiPECIO.T FlEGrIJEgT TOWN OF VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER fl orxen MON n penrrnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR tr APPROVED E OISAPPROVED fl"upom THE FoLLowrNG conRECTToNS: COBRECTIONS ! nerNsPEcr DATE -tNsPEeilclN' nEeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 1 o*re ,78'77 JoBNAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER florsen MON COMMENTS: PMFRITUE n pnnrrel. LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR APPROVED fl orsnppRovED D nerNsPEcr tE upor.r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DA.TE rNsipeeloru TOWN OF 'l' FTE(rUEFT VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME necerveo ^Z,-iil- AM pM CALLER E orHen MON COMMENTS: ! penrrau LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED AM PM n-.Arf RovED EorseppRovED n RerNsPEcr fl upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS a: .t/ .'./ - -aJ .: .1 ":DATE a ':,L'AIE .. .- JOBNAME . TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER TOWN OF VAIL ,rNsiPEclFru FIETirIJtsST ! orHen n pnnnll LocArloN READY FOR INSPECTION . WED FRI flappRovED I orseeeRovED D nerNsPEcr ':",! uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcnoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR tl r' ,.l :' /t OATE:- --! ",,,.- i'/ f '.JOB , il\tseeefo|\|. FrEetj€FT "tr.!. t9#* oF--vAlL i' Nane.,-'z\ai/11'''/f::i1".i '-,t /':,- {,t fiJi.'-'.. ' TIME RECEIVED- AM CALLER n oruen D paRrrnu LocATloN READY FOR INSPECTION ' WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE PMFRI -ElinetNsPEcr t. DATE a TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ^, tNSPECftN' F|EeUEFT TOWN OF :'} E ornen f] penrrel. LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION I4.APPROVED ElorsappRovED I upotrt rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS I nerNsPEcr DATE fNSPECTOR r lr\tseecforu' nLctrEgr TOWN OF VAIL / / '/ .-- ,,i:,. r'.. -t, A"el4,'-r' uCv!4, '7 t't'{<-oa-t\_* L) / READY FoF tNsPEcrtoN TIJE WED THURMON COMMENTS: APPROVED fl uportr rHE FoLLowrNG coRREGTToNS: CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED E nErNsPEcr -rNsPEcfont FIE F IF I ). a TOWN OF VAIL. #,..= ( DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED i AM PM CALLER E orsen D paRrrau LOCATION GOMMENTS: TUE READY FOH INSPECTION wED / rHuR \-*'.1-"-- FRI p nneRovED E otsappRovED K{ uPoN THE FOLLOWTNG CORRECTTONS: coRREcrroNS .' -,-, -,rt':),r./ "5 C ,'i ,r.--- - i fl nerNsPEcr t rNseectou nieri*gr TOWN OF VAIL .. 'it/fit-elQ{ =# Z {" l=/:\.' i,, "DATE JOB NAME true RecetVED '-- AM PM CALLER I oruen MON COMMENTS: TUE ! pnnrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED ,,/ THUR ,,i FRI AM PM E.orrRovED !orsappRovED ii-*ttNsPEcr ' .-INSPECTOR DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orsen tNsrrecrGN' FrEouEqr TOWN OF VAIL E panrral LocATroN JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI COMMENTS: AM PM lntrl :.,1 ' , :, . ..::.,: :, ..-. , :. ,:::.. .,i.,...,111 ...i. | .. ':; I appRovEo n DrsAppRovED f nerNspEcr I uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR rh.trrnle.Y vr DATE MEMORANDUM TO: BUIIJDING FILE FROM: TRYNTS TONSO DATE: DECEMBER 22, L994 RE: VOIDED PERMI? ililtillllilililllIltilllillililllilillililllililllllllllltilllll THE ATTACHED PERMIT WAS NEVER PICKED UP. PERMIT VOIDED PER DAN STANEK AS DONE WITH PREVIOUS PERMITS. department of community development TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOF TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION EJi l L__..i T nB LN BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL LOT 25 BLK- 2 FILING JOB NAME: Wil1is Remodel t'tAME Richard W{ l lis MAIL ADORESS 'l -t N r.ong Spur Dr ntrea ARCHITECT FIRM Gwa thrne}r Pra f f MAIL ADDRESS crrY PH 6_LL47 GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM Rnl eq 1}rcf nm Rrli 1 r{ arc rOwN oF VAIL REG. No. 16g_8 ELECTRICAL TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 156-E PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. MECHANI CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACT TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE S"pt.rber 7, L993 631 7 1, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M OIVISION r22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK ; 4,4,4 i + -i ^- ,[, r,a-n,la1 ^f -t I) ^E A,,^1 PERMIT NO. z tr J BUILDING 58000. oo ELECTRICAL 6000. oo PLUUBING 15000.00 MECHANICAL 1000 - 00 80.000.00 TYPE GROUP G.F. F.A VALUATION PERMIT FEES R-3 240 sf BUILDING PERMIT 41334 33s PLAN CHECK E LECTRICAL I08-OO NEW( ) ALTERATIONI ADDITIONAL*X* REPAIR PLUMBING 225.00/PC 56.00 DWEI.I ING UNITS -- ACCOMMODATION UNITS . -HEIGHT IN FT - NO,FIFEPLACES MECHANICAL 20-oolPc. 5_ort llL RECREATION FEE ?6-OO INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS F-VALLUE,."*T--t--T-DESIGN REVIEW BOARO cn nn -- -r <n nn CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT ?En nnr-_ Y1_r_ ROOF USE TAX Will Call L2.00 TYPE ELEC. OF SOLAB HEAT GAS wooo TOTAL PERMIT FEES 1818 . 00 Dan Stanek 9-7 -93.ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL utLDtNG OFF|C|AL DATE Sh.e-l lo ---3-3-L-93)NING ADMINISIRATOR OATE ONING & BUILOING NOTES: --PARK,NG I I IpEMo_lll I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inlormation required, completed an accurale plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codos, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. CLEAN UP DEPOSIT TO: AND THE OWNER, APPI,ICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETETY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED fu5( T ' | * ,( * * * * :k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,t * * * PERMIT INI'oRMATION ************rt**************** TOI'IN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION ll PERMIT APPI,ICATION FORM trN DATE: ^-..,ii,i:,,: : fi lgg3" A.(-'-- ---"T" --- --'i1i. n.,.r6nmE,r\ tr.4/ 7 ./ ,.-- ; --- /ruJ /(-uuLL4 ng lvffLunaLng l r4zntecurical t d-EleCdficar [ ]-other --- \ ' (-) .-t - - tM^ I.' >b Name: lt r tLUr. Rqid\DD.€L. Job Addres?: . ?P:F.n. Ih|;b ry!o#4+H::gailesc@k-JL - t'Hi3ffi {ners Name: @Address' n'*'tw ibhitect: an6ra1 DescriPtion: crk ctass. NUffi lv4ttexarion I r6,,aa*ional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Accornmodation Units: Pl|..2o3^47b'1t47 Appliances Gas Logs trlood./Pe11et VALUATIONS ***** * ******** * tr ** * tr'r* ** tt t(** * * tf J' umber of Dwelling units, I UILDINGs umber and TYPe of FirePlaces: Gas * * * * * * * * * rr rr * * rr tr * tr *'r * * tr * * * * * * * * * tr * IUMBING: l€ooo *************************** ELECTRICALz GOO O MECTIANICAL: CONT1hCTOR ,ddress: ilectrical ,ddress: Contractor: INFORI'ATION * * * * ** ** * * ******** **rt* {t** -i;'' OTHER:TOTAL: g.n'=bO . Signature: Town of Vail Reg. 119. lUbA Phone -Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. 156-E. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. 'lumbing ContracLor: [ddress: \ddress: {echanical ContracLor: k******************************* SUIIDING PERMIT FEE: PI,UMBING PERMIT FEE: 'IECIIANICAI, PERMIT FEE: SECREATTON EF,EI '/t)THER TYPE OF FOR oo BUITDING: PIUMBTNG PLAN CNECK FEEI TOTAL PERMIT FEES: MECHANICAL PTAN CHECK FEE: &r,sAN-up DEPosrr: /8,aD dress: tooo 9. ieneral Contractor: GROUP so.FT.JP VALUATION ZONING: a Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniforrn Codes NAME: WILLIS REMODEL DATE:9-1-93 ADDRESS:2355BALDMTNRD. CONTRACTOR:BOLESCUSTOMBLD VAIL. COLORADO ARCHITECT: GWATTIMEY.PRATT OCCUPANCY: R-3 ENGINEER: MONROE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRBCTTONS REQUTRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes, It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRED rN ALL BEDROOMS AS pER SEC.12I0 OF TTIE 199I UBC. 2. EGRESS WTNDOWS REQUTRED FROM ALL BEDROOMS REQUTRED AS PER SEC.12O4 OF THE 1991 UBC. 3. 1 HOUR CONST. REQUIRED BETWEEN GARAGE AND DWELLING WITH A SOLID CORE DOOR WTIII CLOSURE. 4. MECHANICAL VENTILATION REQTJIRED IN LAUNDRY ROOM. 5. FrELD TNSPECTIONS REQUTRED FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. 6. GUARDRAILS TO MEET SEC 1712 OF THE 1991 UBC FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 7. HANDRAILS TO MEET SEC 3306 OF TTIE 1991 UBC FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.