HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 13 BLOCK 1 LOT 6 2005 FIRE PROTECTION LEGALI :j::* I FIRE PROTECTION ITYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS AND MATERIAL CUT SHEETS r.ROM WESTERI\ STATES FIRE PROTECTION 7026 S- TUCSON WAv ENGLWOOD, CO 80112 303-792-0022 x'oR KENDRICK RESIDENCE 2975 MANNS RANCH RD VAIL, COLORADO SIIMIVIIT COUNTY SUBMITTEDBY DAVIDELOI PRO'ECTMANAGER 074v21n5 VA&L TNffitr MffiPA.ATAAENI Ag$rsuod ss Subrnlitsd tr-l fu:nrcved es ilsttd Et-'t ,r. pur.7e*,tatr By: n!18: gu1r' t'?t'a( lru o Job Number: 46662 )tion: 13R. 0.10qal/sq ft t I I I t I I I 46662 KENDRICK RESID€NCE 2975 MANNS RANCH RDffi_- - -Tstr. Tzic"d.,vArL I co alose I D*hg N* -FPcalc.cad t o.l (tixndilg S!.hlb O.l. 4.3 K-Factor 25.60 at 35.444 Manually Calculated HoE. Al(v.n* ,it soutd 100.00 rla,t".rr Xor e,ler" Node Flow(oom) .NAMffisp,i"n-4 INA AdoP..k REsutl3 P..ssuG For R.nbr. ti.a(.) Adl...nt lo MGr R.mt At r 100.00 stn6Fbr D.n:!d I Totd$hl R.qu'od thctud{lg H... at.ml19.69 I 204.69 q-|h Al..@ (hb.hl.. Ir l' or. 0.000 l|uilm V.lo.ly arm Grqhd 18.87 betwe€n nodes 14 and 207 fidft|n V.hriv Un.hr gound 11.14 betweon nodes 1 and 7 vorD ca.ctt or $r.l Pir. I vd|moc..rtd&tPp6121.929a1 | I Hose Flow I Static I Resilual t^ Flow Node | (spm) I (psi) I tpsU rs' (spm)Ytr-"-tm""l^",xllf'l'"%$":''l 100.00 | 155.000 | 58.000 1200.00 151.320 1 204.69 1 129.138 1 22.182 Alan Brus6, CET Proje:t M:n rger Ntc:T 108440 Automatic sPrinkler lll OAVID ELOI PM WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTION ph.n6 Err.n.ion 303-792-0022 | 124 -^x- 303-792-90497026 S TUCSON WAY -@ CENTENTAL 1CO 180112 I I t I T t llbelreNrer- lco laor - fi.otrl.e.e.cno, tnc. {ffnutoseruHrovR4 v4.0.45 0'1/03/2005 9:23:15AM Page 1 o e Most Demanding Sprinkler Dala I I I I t t I t I T I I I I I I 01/03/2005 9:23:16AMI AutosPRtNKo VR4 v4.0.456,Olrrt.E.P.Ceo, tnc. t- I I t I I I I I I I I I I I t Elevatlon Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Flttings Pt 1.745 Pe -0.231 Pv 7Tr(1 -0). 2T(3'-6 29's 44.287 44.483 2T(3's), 2T(1' 49.304 2T(3'€), T(1'-0 19'-6 49.350 58.116 E(3'-6), T(1', I 99 3T( 1 '-O), CV 4'-1 27' 41\5Y2 35.444 T 39.r89 38'-6% 39.832 37.585 6,oM.E.P.CAD, tnc.fl AutosPRtNK@ vR4 v4.0.45 01/03/2005 9:23:15AM I I t I I I t I I I I I I t I :';' Job Number: 46662 Report Description: 13R, 0.1ogal/sq ff 48.637 30 17 49.387 50.787 2T 48.928 E(2'6), 10T(1', / Actual lnside Diameter \467 -\Wl="oo' Value OfC 100 130 140 150 Factor 0.713 1.16 1.33 1'51 6,o M.E.P.CAD, Inc.fl AutosPRtNK@ vR4 v4.0.45 01/03/2005 9:23:16AM I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I lffi ..i:l' JobNumber:46662 Report Description: 13R, 0.1 Diameter lnch Elevation FootFlow gpm Discharge gpm Volocity fpsPressure psi Length Foot Friction Loss psi/Fool HWC Hazen-Wlliams ConstantPt Tolal pressure at a point in a pipe Pn Normal pressure ai a poinl in a pipe Pf Pressure loss due to ftiction between points Pe Pressure due to elevation difference between indiceted points Pv Velocity pressure at a point in a pipe AO Arrn-OverBL Branch Line CM Cross Main DN Drain DR Drop DY Dynamic FM Fe€d Main FR Feed Riser MS Miscellaneous OR Outrigger RN Riser Nipple SP SprigST Stand Pipe Alarm Valve Angle Valve Bushing Ball Valve Backflow Preventer Buttorfly Valve Cross Flow Turn 90" Coupling Cross Run Check Valve Deluge Valve Dry Pipe Valve 90" Elbow 45' Elbow 11%" Elbow 22%' Elbovt Flow Device Fire Department Connection 90' FireLock(TM) Elbow 45' FireLock(TM) Elbow Flange Floating Node FireLockoM) Tee Gauge Globe Valve Gate Valve Hose Hose Valve Hydrant Long Turn Elbow Mechanical Tee Nozzle Pump In Pump Out Post Indicating Valve Pipe Outlet Pressure Relief Valve Pressure Reducing Valve Reducer/Adapter Supply Swing Check Valve Sprinkler Strainer Tee Flow Turn 90' Tee Run Union \Mrsbo Water Meter Valve E EE Ee1 Ee2 t T TJ(- fE IEE fig FN fT spr st T Tr U WrF WMV z [9OM.E.P.CAD, Inc.ill AutosPRtNK@ VR4 v4.0.45 01/03/2005 9:23:164M I I I t t t I I l T t T I I t I I I -lllt A,,oM.E.p.cAD, Inc. tAutospRtNKovR4v4.0.45 01/0312005 9:23:17AM Page 6 ffi o Job Number: 46662 r: 13R, 0.1oaal/so ff Supply at Node 200 160 1,lt) 120 6CLgt* oa,.| o- 60 n tso ffi 6@ 750 900 1050 Water flotv, gpm 1n it.fic P I \ I I\l 155.000 il n tl -fux.6t I I f.69 with r@ 129 \l hose strer138 'l d curv6r:n€r I uc[r|ar I \ Supply at Nod6 I 155.000 i.ld.tA-r,n 1200.00 @ 58.000 AnU PtEt'rrrr.Ct d 151.320 @ 204.69 104.69 @ 129.138 qim D.d..l (li.rdb! Hor. st..n ) 204.69 @ 129.138 I o Butetin Gls R6/.C Residential Spri nklers For Sloped Geilings (D =g aI(t g oGuiddines for Listed Residential Spdnlder installailions bdorv Sbped G*tingai The lmtalhfion guidelinee cover Reeldenilal SadnHer Modets: Fl RoEtOPenrhnt Fl Reetlg Recessed Pendent/Fl Fl Res'l4HSW Fl Rest[4 Recssed HSWFZ Fl Rer rl0 HSltlt Fl R*tO Rec*sed HSWF2 Fl Hes49CeP +,nFC t[3 Ftat Conceated Uedngs&Apprcvals 1. Lisbd by Undenmiters Laborabries lnc. and UL Cert'fied for Canada (cUlus) 2. iIYCMEASS4+E UL Usdqg Gafiegory Reddential Autonntic Sprinkler ULGuldeNumber vKt(w PaHr[8: tfg Pailent nutnber 6,516,09S ModelFl Res49 Prcduct Dscrlpdon ior Fl Ree SpdnHelt tvlodel Fl Res Pendentsprinklers are fast reeponse eprinlders combining excellent durability, high serx*ndty glasstulb and low profile deconative deelgn. Tte F1 Res Fbdzontal Sideurall sprinkhrs aro eqrJally attactive when abole ceiling plping canrpt be used. The 3fiyn gilasstulb pendwrteprinkles, witr a K Facbr of 4.9 frn pendent and 4.4 for horlzontal sidewall, pemil tp efficient use of residenlial u/ater supplies fu sprinlder cq/erage in residential filepdectim&dgn. The lor flov F1 Res sprinklers are specially englneercd br fast fremd response to m€st tte seneitiye firc pr@ction application needs of fp latest residential market standards (UL 1626 Standard'). Uponfireoonditiun, dr$ng treatcauses a sprink{e/s teat*ersitiro glass{ulb to Bh&r, rcleasing the wat€ruray fq yvat€r florrl mb the dsfl €G'tor, ansnly dlstibding the dlscharged nvaFrto conbdafte- F1 Besil4 I-EW l I I I t t I I I I T I I I T I I I Ff Res49 Recessed Fendent/F1 Fl Res44 RecesedHSrltF2 Fl Hes4O Receesed l-Sltt/Fz r. .il' RFC€ Fl RBs4{l Fend€nt FlRes40 l-611/ F1R€s49 mP Fandent RFC/A ' Effeciive date Junt P, ffi2 The Rdlrble Aftmdc Spdnkler Go, Inco 55 ltlortr lvlacauesten Parlalrlay, lrilrurnt Vernqr, Nay York 10552 I t I I I I t I I I I t I t I I I I I Pruduct DeccrlpdonRFG 43 iiodd RFC.|S Concealed Residentiat Sprinklers are fast rcsporne residential fusible solder liik automatic spn?*lers. Residenthl spfnklers dirfhr frqn standad spdrtders pnmarily in tfieh response time and mbr distibutim pattems. . Mgdel RFC4ii sprinklers discharge water in a hemisptpricat pattdrn belor ttre spriikler deflec{or. Resldential distribution patterns' are higher and genenlly contain a firnr droplet size than-standard spdrlder pattems. -.The comblnation of speed of openation and high dtscharge pa$ern rcquired for reeiderfial sprirlders has demonstrated, in fire testing, an ability for corfrolling residential fires, and thereby orofidino dgn!ficart ewcr.ration time for ocwpanb. ' Th€ RFOIS Sprirfiler provides the best form of fire prdoction bycornbining an athactive appearance and ltg ({$rm)sf eomadjustrnent for ea6e of irnfiallation. Ths srnall diameter corer plab is easily and Dositivelv athch€d and blends into'the ceiling, boncdding th6 most dependable flre protection available, an zubrnalic spririlder EEtern. The FFOI3 b a UL Llsbd Residential Spdnkler to be lrstalled inthe rcsidential porflons of arrydccupancyh accorchnce with NFPA 13, 13R, & 1AD. The RF@A can reduce the need for precise cufiinod dpp nipplee. The threaded cwer fhb assemOil can be_adjusmd withotrt tools to ft accurately against Upcsilrg. The frc prfrction sysHn need ndt be strut dourn b adjust or rernore the cover plate assembly. Technlcal Daila (Fl Ree Spdnlderc): r Thermal Sensor : Ilorninal 3mm glass-bulb . SprinkldFiame : BmssCaslirg . Sprinkler Pressure Rating : 175 psi Factory Hydrostaticaly Tested to 500 pi . Thread Size : 1/2" Nm(Rk) r KFacbr : 4.9(Achd)-Fl Res49Pendentgdrilder a.a 1nepa1 - tt Res,t4 HSW Spdnlder 4.0 (Actd) - F1 Res 40 H$A/ Spinkter . Denstty : Minimum .05 gpmfiP Tedrnlcal lfila GFC 4t): 4 . Thermal Sensor: 165"F Flsible Link r Spdnkler Fame : Brass Nlacfiined . Sprinkler Pressure Rding : 175 psi Factory l-lydrootafiicaly Tested to 5@ psi r ThreadSize : 16"NPf G}!) r KFaclor:4s(ActJeD r Denstty : Mlnimum .05 gpmrtF AppllcaUon Model F1 Res ard RFC 43 Sprinklers arc used for Residential Fire Protection according to UL 1626 StandarcF. Be sure lhatqifice size, Hrp€|d.rr€ rdinS, ddector sVle, cover plde and spdr{der type are in accodance $/ih the lalst publistted sftandards of The Nalimal Firc Probcrtion Assocldm a tn approdng At dfrotity l-hvirU Jurisdictim. * Effective dde July P,mz 2. I l t I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I METHOD OF CALCUIATING THE OF 'RISE-OVER-RUN' TO DEGREES c(IfvERsloN OF AN ANOI.E. l,*,A = TAN-I (-€4) 2. rlopc dhilonoq o = {EiF Exomplcl o = 1b=12 1A = TAN{ (o/b) 1A=TAN{=(OJ5E) 1A = lE/{.if rlopr dlrfonoer c = ITTIF o = /TF- o = lz.St ofi-ffi-/ 3. Uq^F! Res 49 Fendent & Fl R* {9 Reeeeed FendentfFl & Fl R$ 49 GCP Pendcnt &BFC43 P€ndent Flat Gonccled Spilnktee lmfidt€d bdorustopeC Ceflhgs. F1Res49 CCP Fendent o 4. oT t I I I t I I I I t I t I I I I I I FtRes49 Fendert FlRes49 Reoessed hrdert/F2 RFC,IS I I I I T I I I T I t oO B LEIW AREA OF @V8rc8 @RRESNNDS n CAUi{A SLOPE- L - THE IIAXIMUU USTED SPruilKl.ER SPAC|NG. r.ENc[H (E'-O' I|mr|Ur). t"/2 = ONE Hfl..F IHE ilA0llult USTED sPlut{KtIR sPAcfirc (0'-4' lttt{tIur),W = THE llAl(hlull USTED SProilCER A B c sPtclilc, Iy|Dm. = 5'-o' llAxllauM. = RAtfGE: {12 (SA) < e . E/12 (55.7). = t'-O' ultllilUtl. o#wl I Sginlder spacing belorv single doped ceilings wlh a nodnrrn slope of % (33.n pitcft. I I I I t rs I I I T I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I oo F-.','^{ ,N.,EGffiEffinaE p@m L r tlc lAllflUll LlgfED SPflUilIR t?rcf,o. r-Elrolil (!'-.f nfirux).l,/t r: ol|E ln|f fHE faAilIUil llgIEO lPmrorR sPrEfrt3 (o'-,a' $l|raur).U g IIG IIIIfiII IJSGD SFtrI{I(|IR AI c sPrdxo. uDrH.. t-O'llrU0$il.r RnfG 2/12 (e.e, <. t e/12 ( .7). ' J-{'Il||{rlL w Spdrdder spacing below multide sloped ceilings witlr a ma,rimum slope of /o (33.f) pitch. 6. todd Flk tE Fendent & Fl Rc l|o Feoeeed FendenOEZ ffi belou, goped Oeffigt Iu. *rffier Spcdm Almg Slopc(WlWlrilrx(Qtergft fi(m) mn. FlowPtrspdrdd*fH ilodel FIR€c 49 OCP Fendent Installod bdow gopcd G||hg. lu. Sfnn* Spatg Aldrg gq. (W,UIdlhr(lJLmsth fr(m) ilodel FFCrlS Fendent ffiOonoealed lruilallod bdil$oped Hl||g. Consplet"B,W 5. Spthldr 8prrfrE Alqrg Sop!(WJWlffir(LlLqlgut ft(ml *!n. Hor Pcr lgrhldcr ilad 7. I I heldHon Afidhs 8. l-ldradc@ricrrcrb:a For NFPA 13D $rcHrs, the nwber cf deion sprinklem shall lhdude all spdnlders within-a cimpaffneril, t.p b a rpdlrnnh d illo sodrilders(u,itste speclficul liBbd forre am lequlred tnt requires frp grcbst trydladic demand. ' b. Flr NFPA 13R $nffins, the nwnber of deeionsprirklers shall ihdude all sprirklers within-a ffiffi*ffi,"tfffi"gB{#}is5iffi rcqu-rcs tte gre€bst Mtadic dernnd.' '3. SnarirB of milentid sprtnlders rrrderdmd caTnos bmffi8u€d_dgrE the slope when determinino-tredbtmceddndkand bdhrcenspirtakrs. - - - - +.tdqrs.lqlkfrd- af cf corsagd ahg.t'e sbp€d"ffim,ffiffi,%ffie,?flffrtfL&ffi 5. For corcraoa areas less lhgn ths llsbd oduFxerrGr ermtrcolr€rQgg qteaE lessfun he lisbd corrcraoearmsrElm ln Ta@ 1 tvcilSh 5, use [p nfrf,mrln flffuI€+.|srFnf brfre ne)A hrgffit lisbd coverage arm" c.arestnll befp 6[IffiTiTffiYffHH#H}ry#,H _ flirlGrand an dFEentvyafl b 4.'(1(p nrn). 7. ReqidEnlbl srirfdss locedcbse$ibtE de*dfE eqlfE sfEll hlrB te deflecbr8 bcsbd rEtiTpre tEn 3 n (1m) Wlticady dot'l,n forn he peak Alisn defl€cblsffi,$"F;Sffiffi*il: t a;"1ffim- tii fbdel Fl Rc tl4 &lo HSWad Ft Res 44 & lo Reoesed HSWf,2Mlled belorv tte stope cdllng. F1REB44 l-sw FlRs44 necwoHSlAllF2 Ffrltianfal Slderld Spd{der (nirtr dsdrgn d€cbd asm tre slope) 8. I t I I I T I I l t T l t I I I T I I oo ugw frg6 @w coREFSmlOs n cE&t!fi fl(PE fw oF DEFr.E1rtoR tlug E LeAfn1'm E' ffXOtN flOPm CE']/NC. ITIE IW OF HE ML&IN IftET E PMAIIEL TflIH fHE P'AIIE OF THE CfiL'IIG affMRtE rs &mss HE sLo,ff- L = I}IE MAXIMUM USTED SPRIIIKI"ER SPACING. T.ENSTH.u, = IHE XAXIMUU LISTED SPRIIIKLER sPACtt{c, wrDTH. V2 = oNE-HAtf rHE t Axlt ulr usrED spRtNKt-ER sPACtNc. WTDTH (0'-4" ytMMUU). A = 5'-0" ttailUult.B = RANGE: 2/r2 (9.+) < B t E/12 (35.7). C = 8'-O" MINIMUM. ELE/ATION HSll/ spdnkler spacing bdovrr single sloped ceilings with a maxim,rn sW oI y12(3(|.7') pibh. uJ'tD JlEl t coffidMSSt[,ad'fre'f '(D6 Fffiu,g,t''to,'otm u'afi tfro aft12 p a rrc-El6'a uFt 4,|hcra. fF, na w a D€ cEtr'IFaffi6 &tlEi DC :trdE --\ L - llG LJlIlI||. USIID S?ilfll(|trn 3PAl G LEtOnLlr - ltE YAIIITI IJE|tfD t?mm.Cn lliAcrNq wD (0'-4' $trldtr). l9l2 '' O E-Mlf fHE IA[[|Ull lJSfED SPRIl{lO.En s\'L A B c sPAl q wpfi (o'-/+' tnMurr). - !'-O' ll llllUL.r Mr{oE: Ulz (a.4) < I r t/lz (55.7).E t'-0' l4 IUr|. g,EAIW l-lS:UV Sptulder spacing below rldtipl€ dopod ceilings wih a maxim,m slope d 9/1, (33.7.) $dt. L ilodel FlReo4[t6lll&Fl Rs{4 }l$WRmeed }FUll/E2wttamoftrum dqed t6fl849prch lldFlReslotBlifandFl ResfilFWReceaeedllSlltl/F2nlthamuimumslopeot/rr(8ilP)plhh. F1h40 l-lstil/ Flh40 Receesed FSlt/Fz Tabb4 -Appllcaton DLdrdleDhcbd AdtrcslhegoperlPbd D€fr€oiorbO.fim tlrcfiilctxtGfrd Arrola$BqopeStol? Def,eobr to ogflng h. Sr&ddr Spdng Ahrg Slopc(mWld|hr(Lllrndrft(ml llln. Fqsolmll-unl HUdfB !.1lbod mn tlou oomfloml Ptlarc!Clbul 12x 12 {3.6 x 3.8)16 (80.5)13.3(o,s)17 (84,3)15 (1,04) 14x 14(4.3 x 4.3)16 (60,5)133(OB2)17 (64.3)15 (1.04) 16 x 16 (4s x 4.9)16 (60.5)13.3(092)17 (043)15 (1,04) 16 x 18 (49 x 55)18 (68.1)18.8(1.16)20f/5.6)xJ.711.43t 16 x 20 (4.9 x 8.1)23 (68,1)n.44d.wl 23(68.1)27.4(1.89) 10. I T I I I I I I I I I I t T I I I I I hstarlhtlon Guldefinc 1. For sysHrs d€signed in mrdarrce u/ih NFPA lA. 13D and 13R, wtrerc specific UL Llsted florc are noirgqdrd, corsult with tre local Autroritv HavinoJubdirlin rcgarditnS tE rxrrb€r d chsbn-sort{de6 _ br sloped ce*flngs hwing pibtr greabrtEn % (9.4.). 2. lrHailHon d UL Llsted residenftial sptinld€rs- trrd€rsloped celllngs shall be limited'to a tvpe otumeUucbd ctrEfrLgtiln oonsistinq cf flat Linoctrl ceffngn, as ddned bv NFPA 13, hdinq a fnldrumplbh d.U12 (18a1 or U12 (3s.p). 3. WtErB [sb4 irsh[ hsizontal sriOoral sorirlCers anrofp nd belory the daed c€tlirc wtren Olsctnroe 6drcfrd scs he dtlile, and [n'i[all atho D€* 6aor OE sbped c€fl irg wtpir rli$taruE is direddl dorl,n tE dope. At/rEF dign tp sgir*ler ddecbr Erat€l rftltp d€cJoncf tb doped cefrrg. 4. FdderH l-Eill/spttfuerc bcsd chsedbtp oed(dfn cefiIE dtal lrale the ddecbrs locded not inore UEn 3 ft. (1m) tatiplly down firn tB ped( 5. Sgdrq d lu*brthl l{iw sprirlders' uder dffid 6. Ileasuro hbd arm d ooreras€ atiu fF sboed odi1g. Ttn d.d nmr cove$agsb€a unl Oe ts *nntheFiedce. 10. Flydrarlic Reqdrcnnnb: 7. ftr oqlwags sem lees tran tre lls{ed ovmm sea sfiouvn [n Tsbl€6 1 0xough 5, rse the nirt'm'i,n flolyleqilurnnt br rnld brgt& liftd oot,sago sra& Minimum spacing betweon horizontal sidervall sglnlUss b I n. (e4 m). Minirxrn ffirpe frsn aluiantal s'deuafl sprirdder ard an adfrrcent ual is lf (1(PmrD. L Vf?s€ iHalafih d Fl R6 40 haircrrd ddilal spdnlders ptotlb dlscfnrge acrrss a dme ha/im a Fadqm ptuh d Ul4Fz:eecudsp ma}, be us€dEsrlbrnr[irgdy, b. For ISPA 13H Srrcbrns, tre nurber cf desonspdrfdqs sfnll lirclude all spdrlders wi[in-C corrparfnenfi, up to a madmurn of fuur (4) spdrldes (rf,erc epecffic LJL tMd Ao,E drti Laqtlteq), Ud rquires fie gpe&st hdradlc(HTE[5. c. fu ISPA 13 sysbms. tE desiqn arasHl be theara thd iddreo he btr ( fhrtrtlftnlv nixt dernandhn sryinlders. Tlrir'rfdmm dtuiteddkrharge-ftin each cf tte fux tvdrauficallv 9gn+*rg sprirfders shaf, be fE g|6dbr d tE f,IITWXI: (1) ln icadanoe yuffi fE m'rim*m foil rah indcabd bvfp indhtidr.d Bdius (tM al€actu vvil govb n mirfnrndrslvd0.l'snfiF): of(2) A inlabed ydm bsed m dliw#rb a nririmrn d 0.1 gtrnnF os tb delirn f,EE" 1 1. Bearce dfp wr*td nahrc d etlrtential csrstuUim festres, tBrB rill be sonp conFaftn€flt dciors wt**t carrrt be fr/V sgir{dercd li mdarrce riifr l.lFPA 13, 1S), a lffi. In ttBse in$ame, csurdt tE Arlfpttty Harirg Jtrlsdidin 6lU nr quidarrc€ and appu,al. Tl$ ld!@l sloped odhrgs hildrp a pirhftgl€sbrfEnSfl?(&'n. DbdrqFUrsdDilntFSles U.drrueD|trcbd Aarc-O|eSloDo4'be 't\rln f,ox, rd pr€ssurc m 175"F fi) 19l1nm Pow gs Sprtudder gpm (Lpm) a. tor NFPA 13D $rcbrs. tresfir*brs stnll indude'all ' 3D $tsGtrs, he nrrb€r of deiontnll ihdude all spdnklers wihin-a L upb a npdrnrn cf tno spdrilderc trc uL Listed flWs.ate requiied) tutsrffihdraulicdffErd.-For F1 Res,lO hatrytal r{detnalt 11. o Bullelinfi)6 nwA Model RFC43 Conceated H qesid€ntial Sprinkler B I I I I I I I ll I I T I I I I I I I I (srN RA0612)" A Goneealed Residential Sprinkler engineered for a minimum design densitv of O.O5 gpnu'tf-with tow Gpm rcquirements. Featurcs 1. Very low water flow requirements. 2. Yz" (13mm) Total adjustment. 3. Push-Or/Thread-Off cover attachment option. 4. Smooth aesthetic ceiling profile. S.Available in brass, chrome,and black plated or painted finishes. lJstingrs & Apprcval Listed by Underwdt€rs Laboratories, ard certified by UL for Canada (cULus) UL Uc0ng Categodec Residedial Aubrnatic Sprinlders UL GuHeilumber VKKW Product Deecrlpdon [4odd Hrc€ Oonoeabd Reidrtht $rflders ae hstrsFts rcr*JslEil frsble sd{ F* aJbmdc sorildss.FaxFrtbl sprirth|s <ftrfrsnffirdsgildsB'siTEfv h tF mpm*r liTF ad $€H dsfibuim Dffir6. . lrfrd FF?B splr*hm edarge'yr@r h arHrrsprHrd paHn b€b$/ te ssildg ddeffi.Rs9rtH$sl Gfrfrfin paflbrE am lifBr ard ocrrdvffitft a firEr dodet siin fim sfiandarl sgir{der Effine. ! tF ccmbiHirt 0f speed doFtdixt srd ftft &dnnqep4rn req.i€d brmiderrbl sbtr*Hs tnsdnorstdh fi€ befing, an abfty frr flitomrp rcF d€rilid fte, arriuEffiylE_uiqtg dgrificarr amdn thp tur mrists.rrE tt{-}|i| SpilGr proiids tE bst bm it frB PlfdE(rt-b, acnliltu fl al[dlr,€ +sarm and ltf(rirTrr9 or conr adr$nent fu m d ffiin fhe8rnil dilg cgrs pb b dv sd Odirntv ffipdrrt nHKb hbUE drg, snedptrdtrg diprHerB prcc'at avafth|e' m afim[b spifGr systan TIE RFBA b a [.[- Li$d Reiderrid fuilC b belEtded h tB lg*d€dd pclirs cf arv ircr.Ern, hrurErcEwtrr lWA lq 138 & 13D. fhe ffOE can red^pe te rBed brpredse cuiliu d dmr*ds. The ftmded m,s pb assfulv can Oe-an *trtlr|fiett b* tc ft rold! agaiH tp-oeIns. Tfie frepraEd||rl qrEbnr rEed rII be *rl dom b adi.dq rennefF@\,€rphbffiflrldy. Appllcaillon and Inrtallation Tte HFDIS tu rc*tsrlid lnffibrq us6 a t66T {-/4cC)t.silts sdclff Fft in a [riqg ffi(sgde sprilderfarp'vrilr dclotrtbfn &[ecbr. Tis slbly b remed it fp csffiig fld cdn€*d byailatcorcrFh. Ttrg cqreroHe b@{ndbfn*it uiu 1$F6T )otcfrgrytnrftArecEslicslim sdds. Wtgt tE cBfrU tcrpqF.frrB fues. heqqg€r tddrq tE qrsp6 tM tn'colw dq'uixi tE ch{ecm b dop itb pGltn md €ogodu fF sprfrder ,- \;ll I :+' N t:\ i A--1 .{t , Iho Rdhbb Aubmdc Sprlnl@ Go., Inc.,525 lrlorttr MacQuesten Parlway, Mount Vemon, New york 10SS2 t I I I t I T I I I I I I ! t I irida.b cg[rg brperd're. Ttp srbmq.Ent ooerdirn cfrFsHer E|k€perE tB nabnway ard caJses tb ddecfiorp clop ib pctlim tc dsbblte lhe dbctlarqqm r/taH h attqt*tpraicd pafiern bekw tE silir{der deflEcfi. nrvaoi$rEnt dfuead erq8genErtbdr,rcen fe coerdmauc[pm asqr€ffitEdroDdorvn defleftr b Efobedvhcabd bebflfE cenis. TtE rirsid€r[ftil Oi$Uliori r*eirotridrF a firEr dodet sfa tnn a scanffi serirrlder. rinO tepffin ptod.c6 *nfuaav fidBr $d utriho.AM a2 58 hcfi-darrEbr hob b qI ir tE ceUm. te $irlder b b be irEtaled v'rih tr|e t\,lodd rc U/ierrc*r ffiirwg a spltder, tE ytrench b fr$ podliorBd irrb fpsfirn<brlx{c assenblv and aruuM te ietaoord boclv d trE spdrr{der fur'e. nb Urtenctt rflJst bcbm dn aoairH'tFo{c h oderb ert{re proper, sde irs{aildion. The-spuder b tur tfutbrnd ib tE ppe f[ing. t\tpn irsertim q tem'ittg fE um6tun tp sgtrld€r/qp amenbM carc stu.dd be HanbFvort dilr+te b te sulrlGr. DCI NOT VliFEl.lCl-l ON AHYOIIH PAHTGI}E Sffi\Kl-.ffi'lf,JP- ASSETTBJ ifiIf,- rc€ COiWALS SPHNK.HS ilrusr BE n{srA.tE ot{ywlrH €6"F RtirE) covHs Oo€r asserGfur/ib rp b }f' (1*rm) of adisfinent I Turn lhe corcrclrldre ud fpflarEe b h offki u/ih tF I oel[Ur TtE ogirdgd]st covs@ rny rcqile a fu |adi'dirp trn trqHtn c€AiU. Oc ,Er rcrmvd reqiEs Itrringn|fncarEdodaflbed€din I In cefirgs td ln a pkrm W abo,€ fE sprirlder,fE pbnm sp nay ha,s na.ffd or rngdtu€ prssuizalim bilmtt nct be pcr$lt\,ely pressuized. hnped I dl spdddem dri*ildin b erBLrs fd tp oap betvreen l,tF cover d# ndailirp ard fB 4 skn$ i,n tp ir.p are all I een and fiee tumqf f flory inpecfrrert Ternpelfrirc Ratlng Sprt|ldi CoYlrPh.tff.Amblflt Tqnp. 165tz4t 135"F/571C rodFA8rc 2 I t I Ingtarlldon Data rh$Sb. ildr(mm)Ktu SpdnHerqplcfrg tr (m) llDdmum detancerowalllL(ml lllntnnrDlrldrcabinEnrp|tldr rL (tr|) llhilmwnhdttdSpdnlkElgt Ftoil Spn0flrD her.oit w 1An www 4.3 43 4.3 4.S 4.3 12x12 14x 14 16x16 18x18X)xat 6 (1.83) 7 (2.13' I (2./A) s(2.741 t0 (3.05) 12(451 13(49) ls (4s) 18 (68) 21flrJ} 7r (0.51) r'| (0.e|) r.r @.68)rr5(1.21)at(1.e0 llob:1bar=100l$a 3. I T I I T T I I I I I T I I I I t T T talnilenance ldodel FFBI3 Ccrpe#d $crttOers shqjd be iffiqsbfy sd te sgiider rySbm nnfirilained h roidarpe truft t\FA 25. Do-rrt clean spri*lerc u,ft @ ard rffi,flrrnria or ily ctg d€riTi [ri$. Renui,B d.d h/ usf,u a soft bnrfi d gsfa vaor,nirU. Rernole anv sirirlC* co€r pbb csorrbV vyt**t t6 been p€Snbd (dHtglffiry apdiEd) or dfunruEd h sry uay. A strir d spare spi*dqs sfuid be mdrEirEd b ailov quij< tephsrrrld dalpged s optred sprifderc. Prior ti irsialaflin, sprild€G Suld be nnintsined h he qiqird carffE ardpa{qip trtl ued tc mirinire fp pobrfral b danpSe tt €pirtdds -ffi wrld ca.Ee inprcper opeAin- q rsr{peaflftn llod€t RFg[3 ReeHentlal Concealed Sprlnlde Speclflcdon SttCem $dl be culrrs l-isbd brv ililv le*derlidoadd ssirldem wih cloodom deflefrr ard adulatleflatbosdab ernfteid tur a ninirr,m dadrn*tsly cf O(F gprff. Sprffderfrane.ard ddEcmreH 5ed btu@ firne cs$udin haim a ld NPT trcad.fhffid effi # oanist cf an aFprrr,Ed bffifdrrrbd -oorH phb and cqD€r alov l€takler flarne tE|dm atMtl tSSla'I-d rrefo*d desi1r, dhnirg dtf co,H pffi diEfrrEl Any w.rB trEagellErt befii,EslfE coler dab ard t op util assre tra te dtwdotun deflecbr b ptwetybcdd bdow he €fim. A ddb probclirc cap ehd bprwided ard facffiv irEtalled'inide fe sgifier qp b fd t'e drotrdoiun qxiiGr ddecbr tun darrngp, $rhkhqld omr duirB cmsfiuction bfrrc !n SqE fl@ b @._ $rdad oosfr**r [Grwre] wl,tihl tSq*ItV -EpIV} Raicler$d cmceded iprirldels stnl beRd?tb|e lhdHPf3, SIN HA0612(Buldiirm). o 136F (57cC} Oarer@ rcartty stnll cm** d a hm Oderlng Inforrtlon Spedfy: 1. Sprinkler Modd 2.Cwer Plate Firlr 3. Thread4n or Push{n cover o Otrer colors ard flnlshs avsllatto. Cdr|grlt hcbrybrd&lls-llob: Pdnt or any dlgr coalings applied ovsr theB'lory fni* will vdd all appEvals snd warrntec OeqftrnriUe fusble soEer fr*'viilfi stnrrsic levernectr*ilt m@tig.a Teflonc@d Belafle spdrqmecfg*rn rnsinhliu a Teflonc@d Behfle sodm '/E$er and nEcttpdbrrc cp v'raH ssl se€Wr/E$er andcqtiriu m detic pslb. $ri{ds K-tacfi sHt be ncrftt€ (6a4I fE fp a 7/16' orfoa Tsrnerafire ratim shafl beffiay 166'F FatI conr @ tirper*re rdrg o be kr W fflght Brass B|ad(Pldng Blad( Palnt Off Whfte Sdn Chrqne l't u2'Mntfi IEE GR 4W - 4' ladTnnt] Dh HOaE N C&.rc I'[t2.zttn] lltx Oora ettglwl &,#t@VW P'AIE ,lSSElrtI.f COWR PU|E: lr/2' [l2.7mm] AD,IUSIIIENT I I I I I I I t I t I I I t I FEATURES / Sizes: tr 3/4" E 1" Cl 1Y;' D V' dZ" Maximum working water pressure 175 PSI Ma><imumworkingwatertemperature 180"F Hydrostatictest pressure 350 PSIEndconnedionsThreaded ANSI 81.20.1 OPTIONS (Suffxes can be combined) tr - withtull port QT ballvatues (Sandad)tl L - less ball vavestr U - with union ball valvesO MS - with integralrelief yah/e monitorsrvit'drO P - frcr redaimed water sySemsO S - with broree 'Y'type strainertr BMS - with battery operated monitorsrvitctr O FDC - with fire hydrant connedion; z'ontytl TCU - with test cocks upO V - with union s/riveletboGtr SE - with street elboas tr FT - with integral male 45o flare SAE test fitting ACCESSORTES i*iF:}ffi.{:i l{":r.:-1-t*h} l:,1.; t*itri i T t'rii'l ;:}i,"tt::f-:.1" APPLICATION Designed for installation on potable water lines to protect against both backsiphonage and backpressule of contami- nated water into the potable water supply. Assembly shall provide protection where a potential health hazard exists. STANDARDS COMPTIANCE " ASSE@ Listed 1013 . IAPMO@Listed ' ULO Classified (less shut-off\alvesorwithOS&Y valves) " C-UL@ Classified. CsA@Certified , AM/WACompliantCSll . Approved by the Foundation Jor CrGs Connec'tion Conbd and Hydraulic Researc'h at the University of SoLdhern Calibnia MATERIALS Main valve body Access covers Fasteners Elastomers Polymets SprirEs C6t Bronze ASTM B 584 Cst Bronze ASTM B 584 Sainless $eel, 300 Series Silbone (FDAApproved) Buna Nitrile (FDAApproved) Noryl*, NSFListed Sainless steel, 300 series tr o a tr tr a tr Airgap(ModelAc) Repairkit (rubberonly) Thenml expansbn tank (Model $/XTP) Sofr seated checkvatue (Model 40) Shock anester ( Model 1250) QT-SET QuickTest Fittirg Set Ball valve handle lodG Relief Valve disc+rarge port 314' - 1" - 0.63 sq. in. 'l 114"-2" - 1.19so. in. DIMENSIONS & WEIGHTS (do notinctude pkg.) MODEL stzE h. lmm DlltENstot{s WEIGHT A in. I mm A UNION BALL VALVESh. lmm B LESS BALL VALVES irr lrnm n lmm D n. I nnn E in lrm r ir lrn G in. I mm LESS BALL VALVES bs. l|a WtrH BALL VALVES be. I ko 3t4 12 3S 14 366 t1 | 1Sf 2A 3 76 3liz 8S 5 m 't0 4.5 12 13 30 141t1 7 ?t1 197 2lE 5/t 3 70 1n @ EI 17 3t4 451 10 4.5 14 e.4 77 aip 19 tA z7a 21,ro 31n s)5 127 63/4 59 2 10 281lt173t841n5610 ts,tsl 278 291 7Il 312 89 5 127 6 314 171 ?31n 587 22 10 28 12.7 I T I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I WPICALINSTALLATION Local codes shall govern installation re- quirements. To be installed in accor- dance with the manufacturers' ins*ruo- tions and the latest edition of the Uni- form Plumbing Code. Unless otherwise specified, the assemHy shall be rnounted at a minimum of 12' (305mm) and a maximum of 30' (762mm) above ad- equate drains with sutficient side clear- ance for testing and maintenance. The irFtallation shall be made so that no part otthe unit can be submerged. INDOOR INSTALLANON OUTDOOR TSTALLATON (Sto.,n!,v/optorEl BilS) SPECIFICATIONS The Reduced Pressure PrincipleBackflowPreventershall beASSE@Listed 1013, ratedto 180"F and suppliedwith full port ball valves. The main body and access @vers shall be bronze (ASTM B 584), the seat ring and all internal polymers shall be NSF@ Listed Norylil and the seat disc elastomers shall be silicone- The first and second checks shall be accessible for maintenance without removing lhe relief vatve or ihe entire danice fiom the line. lf installed indoors, the installation shall be supplied with an air gap adapter and integral monitor switch. The Reduced Pressure Principle BacKlow Preventer shall be a WILKINS Model975XL. Page 2 of 2 FLOI'CHARACTEHSTICIS ITf ODEL 975xL 3r4", t', 1 114", 1 112' & f (STANDARD & METtlc) FLow RAIES {l/s) 20 15 {0 5 100 t50 FLOW RATES (GP ) O RaLd Fsiv Gsr.Hih€d bV app.u$el agdtdes) 200 e a p--itt th ru S chadulc 40 P iPe Pipe size 5 ftls € c 7 -S ltls e c lO ftlsBc l5 ftlsec ta'1 I 2 l1'2 2 3 5 3/A-3 4 6 o l2'5 7 I 14 3ta'a 12 17 25 13 20 ?7 40 1 | l1'23 35 17 70 t2'32 48 63 95 52 7A 105 167 onecnot crl.o,,v f I t a zum company, f GANADA: ZURN f t{DUsfHEs LmfED, 354.t }'lashua Dr- lrlssb3arpa, Oriario LztV ll2 Fhone:gEr4{Hz7z F!x:gA5/1f}rl?g2 Produ€n $+Dorr ltelp Un : 1€Z'-EAcXFLOL\' (i{n-2?26ffit o Wcbciler hlFlurvv:um.com I t t I I I I I I t I t I I I FEATURES Sizes(liters): B8 918 D 75V ET12OV (V = vertical, free-standing) ,::i i:i tr i"; i ilr : r.. : 3';q" ;ry P*f;1, j i:',fujii"T"l l-!,1.. .5i":*: i,::-i APPLICAIION Designed for installation ur potable water lines between the backfloar preventer or pre*rre reducirg valve and the water heater to protect againstrater thermal expansion. When system pressure increaseg water entersthe tank's bladder which expands into the Fc-charged air chamber, keeping system pressure belo/'/ tfE re!9f valve setting STANDARDS COMPLIAIGEtKt z --r, rAPMo@Listed H$ (NSE). NSF@Usted \,/r"-r \-/ - Ic-rli.dt"lN{!!l!f a1l ilIATERIAI-S Or.rter shell HighGrade Steel Coatir€s Epcry finish (outer shell) Connedion Bra$ (sizes: 8 thru 32) stailtss Steel (sizes: SoVthru 320V) Eladder ButfRubber(FDAapproved) o32 tr50v tr 165V D320V Maximum working water pressure 150 PSI End connections ThrdedNPT ANSI 81.20.1 Precharge (adjustable) 40PSl ACCESSORIES U BR4 - water pressure reducirg vahe tr TP1100A - temperature & pressure reftef valve tr PIOffiA - pressure relietvalve O g/S{- - reduced press.re baddonparenter NOTE: Model \t0ffP tanks are certified to NSF gardard 61 cob, but are suitable for temperatures up to 2O0PF. DIMENSIONS & WEIGHTS (do not Include pkg.) wxtP 60lt{101,wxfP a32 TAIII( SPECIFICATIONS MODEL NUiIBER I/tAXMUM WORKING PRESSURE TqTAL VOI.UME GAIJ-ON s A@EPTArcE vollJltE FACIORY PREC}IARGE (PSD UMEN$l'ls WE|GHT lbs. I ks DAMETER in. I mm HElctt in. I m* SYSTEM @NNEC'110I{ WXTP€150 PS|G 0.84 &a1n 216 1 1t2 292 3/4'MNPT 7 3.2 w)$P-l8 150 PS|G 4.5 t.8 40 10 79 15 3Al 3/4' MNPT 10 4.5 wxIP32 r50 PstG 8.5 3.{l{)12181 3ta 19 316 187 3/4'MNPT 15 6.8 WXTP€O\/150 PStG 11 5.€ls 16 .m a t1/16 551 1" FNPT gz 14.5 vsroP-75v 150 PS|G 20 8.O €16 46 2813/16 7Q 1' FNPT 39 't7.7 wxrP-l20v 150 PS|G 32 n.a &53 27 13t16 76 1" FNPT 60 wxlP-t65V 150 PS|G 41 17.6 lo t1 530 36 316 919 1l/fFNPT 72 c2.7 vDoPStrv 150 PS|G 85 34_O {!B 660 47t16 11?9 1 1i4' FNPT 1/P 61.4 NOTE: RELIEf I VALVE MUT ;ffi'86-fi AXI\'Ufrl I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I t TYPICALINSTALLATION Locat codes shall gwem installation requiremer*s- Urk dterwirp specified, the membly shall be mounted on the cold weter supply and at least 18' from the cold nater hlet to *re heater Nde: ff incoming water pressure is above 40 psi, the peclrarge pressure of the expansaon Cank shouiJ be djusted to equal the frrcomang wabr pr€ssure, not to exceed 80 psi. MOT}EL WXTP INSTALI-AIION MODELWXIP Ii{SIALI-ATION'\/' SERIES SPECIFICATIONS The Water Thermal Expansion Tank shall be IAPM@ and NSF@ Listed. The outer shell shall be high grade steel with exterior coating. The bladder shall be FDA approved butyt rubber and prevent water from contact with shell interior. The assembly shall incorporate a ehrader valve lor adjustable air precharge and a lead free bronze system oonnection. TheWater Thermal Expansion Tank shall be a WILKINS Model \IiIXTP. StrINGCHART slppfv R€Gsure (F€b)20 30 40 fl)60 80 1S 1n 150 175 200 ,10 I 8 I I 8 t8 16 18 32 32 32 50 I 8 I I 8 18 1t 18 32 32 32 55 I I 8 E E IE 1t t8 32 32 32 60 I 8 8 E 18 18 18 18 t2 32 t2 70 8 I I 8 t8 18 18 t8 32 32 32 80 8 I I 8 ta t8 t8 3:2 32 32 a, 90 I I I 18 1E 18 32 32 32 50v 50v 1m I I 18 18 t8 32 32 32 s{tv 50v 5In| 110 I 18 TE t6 32 32 32 s{nt 50v 75V 75V 1m l8 18 32 ti}&l 50v 5{n,5W 120rt 1zov lmv tuppv FI} ResEure (p€ig)2N 260 2€O m 350 rm 450 sfi)600 800 1S0 .10 E{tv s{rv 50v ctv 50lt Tttt 75\'75\'120V 120V 165V fl)f{tv 50v 50v flnt slv 76lI 75V 75V Tmlt 12gV 185\' 55 50v 50v 5{n,tio\t 50tt 75\t 751t 75\'1fl\t t2w 165V @ 5tv 50v 5tv 5thf s ?St 75\f 751'12|ry 120V 165\' 70 fltv 50v 50\f 5S's{tv 75\a 75V 75r'120V 120V 185V g)50v s(lv 58V ts\f 75lf 7A'75lt t^l tav 165V 165\t s 50v s{tv stlv 7$/75v 7AI 721rV 1frv 120lt {65V 320V 100 75V 75\t 75rr 7Sf tffi IZl&,tmr r65tf 165t 320V 3z{tv 110 120V 12W 120\f 1?!i'1?fN 1t51f Itw $!o\t 32try 32W x 1n l85V 165t/1651'$nt fltr 340r,3aov 3til1,x x x lased upot 1@" F temperature rise (4ff Fto f4tr F) X+ttutlipleffi requin d (contad yourWlLKlNS Rep 2of 2 W11KINC; Zum Company, 1Zl7 Cornmerc. l/Vay. Paso RoHes, CA 9046 Phone:805r23E flOo Fax:tr 5/23&5766 It{ CA ADAT arRN IMX,STR|ES l- mD, 3544 Nashua Dr., trlisiss.{a, Ontado L4V 112 Phone:9Gr/{}972 FrxS34OS1292 Product Support Help Lln€: l€Z-BACKFLo\rl, ftdn'?'tz-iffi, W.b!it€: hlb,,Y,rw:um.comI I , L^ Western States Fire Protection Co. atll\ 7026 South rucson way Un I Centennial, Colorado 80112fffvt xt.tgz.oozi Fax30t.792.9049 r005 rJl^.lr., ," ", g @ 10fi t2 13 14 15 '16 17 l8 19 20 21 22 f?1 * 28 27 zB zs FEBRUARY 0'l 02 03 04 05 -0708(x) 10 11 t2 I14 t5 '16 17 18 19 l. 21 22 23 24 6 27?a LIARCIIr 01 02 03 04 05 D 07 08 Og 10 1r 'r2 'lb t4 ls 16 t7 is 19 20 21 ?223 24 26 d7 2a 2S 30 31 , 01 c2 00 04 o5 06 07 08 0s ro 1t t2 't3 t4 t5 16 fz..aremzt:azsf425ft27249sfi RIL MAY 0l 02 00 0,1 05 06 07 Oa 09 to t1 t2 19 14r5 t6 17 ts ls 20 2t G,an21 *eb27 I 29 30 3t I,JNEr or 02m(x IO5 06 07 OA 09 10 11-t2 13 14 15 16 17 1a l9 2321 22232425 -2627232330 F"" or on 03 01 06 06 ctt G 0s U*fElxr" UGUST 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 o9 10 l',t 12 t3 t4 t5 16 17 18 t9 20 21 p.A 24?52627 28293{}3r ]""t""""T, * *(x0506 07m 09 l0 11 12 13 14 15 16 t7 ll:x1itxfr^ o1 I 02 txl 04 0506 07 m l09r0!1 t2 13 t4 15 lla 1? t8 19m21 2 -23242526272€?s 30 3t trcrosnn ]rovnurnn I 01 (}2 00 04 ffi7 06 07 08 09 t0 tl 12 13 t,a 15 16 17 18 19 m21 22, A 21 E6 )naan loncrutrn 01 (n03 (x05060708 u, 10 I rr rz ra 14 rs 16 17 I f8 ts 20 21 ?22324,t 25fr27 28 29 30 3l tr"t**t',.'o. T^< i*--r^{ v.-=Mtffi V, = \SS 1,s\ -+ r,}=o p"lr \ Yo = tSs p:\ + fro psi.,. \Yr: zoo qrr. + z).'r fs\(.. -G . GY'E t\\'F =:L=tf* L - S:o"e +qsn.t'Soj.f.. a' \oo'R c {sa,. e + SaO rr\. AL= ;] = S\j^}... r10 (2r.5.Su1. - \?o.S1b) 3633992114 DILLo|UilFsff F-s]5, r-s4ry4 DEC 2? 'e,4 r2.3? 10/98 ry?s.PREssuRE REDucrNc vALvE Reduoes hlgh upstream preseure to a lower downstregm pr€sgure .. . accurately malniatna a c6nstant, presst downstream pressurt. regardless of changlng upstroam pressure and/or flow rate. 4O7() LEAVEHTON CT, ANAHEIII CA 92E07, US.A. rEL: fna) 66s1100 (s00) 821-682s tl^fflril?Yffi| I ffi3399.21L4 DTLLoUwnNY U.L Lhhd Spici{ sy6tsm Cq rol Valwr - Pnourc Coirtrol Iypc (VLMT) EX1293 F-981 T-94 I-ISTED 89x3 T",s-lji[*$ $*,r"rl o.twffiEfrtn'*n. I I l}ron l?tb.l$rb. ta fflretftDvtlvE0 rTEHI FUNEEg I t I t I I "Y'PIITENil AIIGI.E PATIERII E.- ttE t ,rh,+,1h'J mr lndl Inh lidl |neh Inai lnch t 0rn trr 9 rsr.a 1..514 lrr [/c I ralr { trrt 0 rnl 4 Wrl I rrrt 0ur i I Jrr tt||?vt.3ta I { 112 al 7llr t llr l0 rrl 0ul Nrt ll t4 urFfll le [,lr tt,r.tL t2t.ltIi.3t. rDdrl l&tr: For lyiltn Dmhollon, r pEssu|l ttlirl al'rt 0l rot k$ hm l/?I. it lo br tlstrlctl dqwslr8xn lsystsn Cdrl ol tu lodd tm U[ P,utun Rdrucho lrtrvr. Mrqoln. {hinr$ lbr th3 lrll.l u.lvc'dDdrl!| nrtEl !e prosldod. AddllonCly, pr!r'ur! grsgrr l1! lo b. Inrilltd on lh! Inlct ind ouu0t ddlt ot th! P,tfrufo comml whE. :f, I srzs Mar|mum Inlgt Pregeure PSI Ornlot Presiub Bango PSIClats 125 Claes 250 I'Y a!l; 176 175 176 175 ,t75 176 s00 300 300 so0 600 /ts'185 +o.t6s 90.165 to-l65 30-1€'5 40:.165 FLOWCAPAGTTT Slze Maxlmum Rate of Flol G.P.M. z', 2Iz' 3r 6f 8" 260 275 680 1000 240f, 4000 erM'y" P,,rfEilI-ru;rcm 3tE h[t|' ?t'th.f F t I' lncn hofl l'tcll lnolt l[clt l|dl E E{ t I Utl E lrll I t/l 12ur 16$l lf rtril w ttr 1 t ril trr le 3r ll tr i S|m cur S lttl l llta 5r/l 0 rlrlr tl cll e l$a t2 ,la re{le tfit ?'rl fgctr a.li rr 5,t9 0.aD.156 b.rt|l u. ;GIt- L t rl|8 lrr 10 trrr 13 t.1?0 f tn t1{6rn lts 12s I !rr Iltl.'4 v.{ Ina 6rl ll 0 til.9 tut.12|fl6 15ltr mma t[oHr flb.$ tb.t6 b.$b,tob, PA $a lmfl|xr efi't a' In6ll Infh lnci ln0i Inon Itdl F gtTll L l$l t rr?6 1lp 8t,10 tna F lu.I a 0 0 t tl atl lfi fi 13 vN l7 sl 21rna s I ltlr I tlt t lrll 7 lrr.l2ll.15$ EGIII 215.al !.at tr.77 $.rt? b.ro t. EtaAI 6- L I 6 I{|174 l0 Lz t gl,'4 Jta Ir 5 tat 6lf tl I 9?r Itx $8l in i3 4 flir 4 |lti 6 tn.? |116 12 *r. rvmHt z6t lD,&h.!l b.fiD.t?r [. ffEaTrcT7ffisrzE: 2iahisiaie, end CowrcUfinft dobc-Y'tWtnd AtVh ENO DEI,,ILI: PAE''UNE NINNO: IEilEmfilnE: |lAfEillL8:Itfr utrFtoDr ,[D,,'uAtor nNyat;f|/tr,: 0tffirfr lro Sgc; FI,!t S]rrfl: DEC 2l 'A4 L?tSL Hrneed e1F,ss 125 tnd W A$6, El6,l Fcn ak Ff ctur 126--176 Ptjit Clics?50--3@PSI Nn-a@Pst lWt C'6t lrn vtth Fvclon Eondctt Eoeilnl sllirrfr8 Sbd, Bfotut? fuhd Sts//l awe tl atotut, fuinbssgrd filn CUfiBU.D,ADnilrl 00mm|'rFT 4. tlllor 8, prossuro reduclng pllot valvs 21. needle valvs ffi'.o cotutl VtltJt 4070 E. Leewfton aourt Anahein, M92ffi7 6qaaaifto 14W"821-6825 a-mail: hermtd@rbumadusa,con FM (714) 666-2695 3A33992114 DrLLoru4PRNY F-eB1 r-s4l}as DEC 27 'A4 L?tS.?I low OHART for fulty'open Y-Pattem velvee It d Florp Chrrt bf t$t oFn }|bclnt dltr Kv factor rrlo dhadci llq4 BeoommendQd Flow' eaecd on pba flow veloclv (refer rc flow chart, V.Port throttlng Plug Crta. thd cavltation datll. NORIIAL SEFV]CE: miniflw'n 1.5 ft/ooc (0.C m/aec) moxl|oum l5 ft/dac (5 m/gecl INTERMITTEilT SEBVIOE: n6x num 25 ltl6.c (8 tn/r€c) Itolr rll slraight llnes: fullY ogen vtlvo, for two dlrcctlone llow 2l Grrved llner : modulatlng nlve, chrck vdvc. l,r"*,,,"*.. L:::: ,94s tr0. l: E:fl -tI, tDe, I'! 'ol ,914l*t n i i'ii coioo z r.th FLOIfl H TEr|oNs Y.Pdtin a"-0" ThrerdeC - f'-lc" FlangedlilD DErA|fs r tnEtsuRE B^tllrcslhNceo - Grrt trcn Glrrr ll* Prcrwc Mln. ?rcirure !\Nsr BrB.l lso/or{/881104 as 10 l.'ifiii tzti 2S0 t0 la 3t D t0 1t 20 t?5 prl 9$ p.l lo hglsPrt8lg/crf 2E k0/cm2 loD p3l I rz tglcrtr I rskg/cnf [ 2r ke/cnP t0 p$l o-r kf/cm, l0 Pll 0.? kg/cttf frnnemno r l'tPT-asP $tmdsrda DllrENSlgNg AND WEIOHT lor Y Plttcrn Flrngod.Valver TEtltEiAllrRE f,fiGE: Watar to 180'F/60'C MAIEBIAIF: MAIN VALVE AND AGTUAIOB: CaEt iron - ASf[ A ttl, Claer I Maln vtlvc ttltn; fllnhrt .tr€l - SAE 403 CrOon rtost - tl E lolt (nylon lt oosted) C.st blcnre - AglM BGa lrror - A8TM B2l PILOT CONTROL SYSIEM I c*bon rl6el - gAE rolS Stalnlorl rtccl - 6AE 303 Brrar - AATM Bll SVNTHETIC RUBIB PAhIS: ofapt t"gm - orPtrrlr nylon lrbrlc rolfifotcsd Scolr - Bunr.N COATING: Epory Othar meterlalg lallrbls on rrquatt. I colrtuur AND AilE.C I F I I t I $PECIHSATION$ AND TNSTALLATTON TNSTRUCTIONS BB.SC SERIES ( l\ J} T t I I I I / SLOW CLOSE INDICATING BUTTERFLY VALVES . FOR trilRtr SPRINKLtrR SVSTtrnNS ffiffi c@us MILWAUKEE VALVE sclD - 12'07 I I o LO W CLOSE SI.oTT' CTOSE BUTIERBALL VALVEt I T I I ASSEIIBLIESI PATENTED 1. Pruvldes slor openlng ard cloclng prcperlhe ln a quarter-turn valve. The puryoss ls to ellmF nde ttydndlc shodr and water hammer ln flle proborion and other llquld syr{erns. .2. Avallable wffr or rvltrout an inbmal, ple-rvlrcd supellsory tamper arltch assembly. When mounbd on any 8lotr{ilose t ahte and urlr€d, hs elrtlbhes slgnal moremem of the valw dlsc fmm lhe fi.{l open posfron a. Avalleble ftcto.ry mounbd to a t'alve or as a kll brfldd Installalion on prwlously Installed mlwe. b. Swltch Fatlng:'10 Amps/115 VAG60 Hz OSAmpBZEVDC c \lahns equlpped wlth tamper ryldr as8€fii- bllse ara FOR INDOOR USE ONLY- UL/FM rabd at 175 pst Abo anllabb at 350 psl and 50O psl wlft N.Y.C. B'S-A- appowl. tNstrAt|]f,noil The BBSC can be installcd in any orlenbtlon In'I plplns qflem using Etandad.Ndlonal Plpe Threads. Wtuncfi should be us€d to hot on thE end ol vahre being fireaded to plpe. Plpe sealants shflH be ueed spalingly. Tho mlwe rffi intemal gwitfiea can be easlly wlrcd In the fieH. Th€y wlll ha,e two sxrftoh€s, swlbtFl wlll have dual leads on the termlnab. Thls €ilyidl h b be connectd b the rupervleory clrcult of a tirbd alarn oontrcl panel. $rdbtr2 wlll hav€ slqle bade and may be'conntctd b audllery o$ipmsnt'pet dlrecton d ho lgcal authorlty haring J1rr|adlcffon. Cap' any unue*l wlrc lead$ wlh wlrs nuts and trck Into Junctlon box All otxr€cdone ehall be twlewed' and applwud by the bcal authodly hwlng Judedh0on. A 14 gage gnen wlrc has been hston€d to the lnbfior of the houslng and ls to be u6€d as a houslng gro|.r|d Recommended typ€ ol wft€ to be us€d ls No. 16 Dual Raled lt- S0OV 80 C and 3O0V 106 C. Instalffiod'rust bq In cdmp[anoe wi0r NFPA 72' and 13,'or baded and gmtmded per Canadlan El€ctical Co& Fart 1. The BFSG EFISG (Suead€d-end) and BBVSC, BBH$C ($mved-snd) valy€s aro Intended br use f,,lh sdredule 40 and/or 80 plp€, slzos 1', 1yf, 1%',2'and 2'ls'p€rANS| BSl&10. INS|TALLATIOII rcF NEW YORK GITY VALYES N.Y.C. speclal rralvee have a hrye flow Indlcator $rhlch polnils in tre dlrcction of he vahle dhc, IndF catlng open or chsed. The traho should be lnstalled In a posl{on wheto the indlcdor b rcadlly vlslHe rlli.- --- l I s. I T t T I I I T I I *@* ltstED For use rvffir firc prubc{on spdnlder qpiems 175 psl. Apptotod by tte Nerv\brk Clty Boatd of $tds.& Appeals urd€r Calondar No. gg$8l€M, for 175 pel ard Calendar No.72$83-SA for &50 pol and 500 psl. (500 psl rabd mlves not6hsryn.) DESCRIPIIOI{ BB-9CIO0 BB..9CS02 Valw Less Swltch ValveWlthSwnch UT'FI 17spd-ThredodEtds NYC BSA Appto\rd 1"1y1,7W z.2w BBt/bCr00 BBvtscsoa Valve t.essSwhch ValveWith Swltcfi UI'FII l7str|-GrcovsdEn(b NYC 8S Approlrd u;' 88Hllct00 88HSCSOz Valve lpes Swltch VatueWfthSwftch 3ttopsi-rhoad€dEnds ffi#1"1!t.1W. z,?tl. BWtSCr00 BVHSCS02 Vafoe L.ess Swltch Valve With Swttch 35opd-Groor€dEnda NYG BllA ApF.ov€d t,2w 2. {J I I VALVES LESS SUPEMISOFIY TAITPER STIIITCH ASSEMBLY I I I I I tl t I t I I I I t t BB-SC|O0 fihreaded Ends) Slzos 1", 1lr" ,l1h.riirflr" VALVES WTI}| SUPERI/ISOFIY TAIIPER SWITCH ASbEMBLY BBVSCI00(crcoved Enfr) Slzs 2%" GFOOVED FJ{08 BBVSGS@ I THREADED ENDS BB€GS@ rF.o IEDGI{8pt€[rBrn SOCnrC io pfE M-e ^REDiE{grilgugfito sdHEniE so pFE Nao E FLxLv EglSfAltlCE EXPRESSED tN ECI,LIENI tStSIH OF Ect{ELtEtY l9ncm{c} t^tc-uPtEltcfltl 3. IIYCIIDIGATOR(Ar*!bmldhilHl|dm||{rtudr!|*f .) {PfE PART TATEBI,AL SPEC|F|C norf 1 lndlcdor Slnt€red hon FdxtsP 2 Honsl1g Brorue ASTI' 584 .3 Body Bronzo ASrus84 4 Hando Brass 5 Dlsc Staln St.TypeSO4 o DbcSesl EPDMBeffiiier " 7 Swnc{Hodng DleCastAhrBlnum WIRING DIAGFAMI I I I I I I I I T I t T I I T t I t (swlrcH PoslTloN vALvE FULL OPEN) SUUITCH 1: DUAL LEADS Grcen Lead provlded ls gruurd for#bh houshg swlHrRdng: IoAMP/ll5VAC .5 AMP/28VDC Gap unused leads wlfr wlrc tutB and td( lnslde Jurcilon box.(not pruUed) NOTE: \lalws Incorpora0ng supeMsory.tamper' erulldrec art br Indoor ule onbr-{:l IfiiuiceVahpGomPanY ZITSSouth BurgllStle€t Mlwaukee. $lbconsin 5ll207-1 502 TdaOlprp tll'U'l'14€2'O FAX1'4n144810 O rtr -.oc*..e,.r * TO NEXT INDICATOR OR END OF UNE RESISTOR SWTCII2: SINGLE LEADS YELLO$' = =cxmrrlO )H z. ;gIfr! EH EF Bs cu7 frg 7#i MILWAUKEE VALVE L, li @.R0rrErt FOB ilAt|.TE VSR."SF vAllE TYFS w47ggp15ry AI.ANIil STUITCH XYTffi RETARO l: Illi Il' T I I T t Ii Sd(fb.lttflm U.S. Pa[. nlr. @i98g, Ganadlan pat l.lo. 1(X80fl)Ot|ePqbni8FenftE gE l6tanddEqdtuaftg. . r t{EillAtOFE !ftd qttrlt|ls- rne rlfi appruprfde ordrfttMrU. . TemperffirrarEe:,lf Eb f2(r F(46.Cb4trO) Caillm: fhb lrlce b rd hnded br appflcdorn hroOmsndrcnnenb, 8orulaclha: Anbo|dcrytK€r orFoftrcLdyd,rEUrU Ro#edal uporcy tp bbur dod€E'i@ndfuftnn ftde UL [il.C, ctll Ued ild ]fVilEA Acc![bd 8ervloc Plrrn! Up to ZEO p8l Ifi*nun Er Ffr fior Ahrn: &to OpM f,dmumSqu tsFpS Arcbrutl: tt€Et r€d enamsl frtehtwrheH ln plaoe rr|h hmpernsHantocmna Confirct Rq:: Trm s66 of 8FDT (Fom C) t6.o Anps at lZElpEo VAC. Z.O Anpsdg{tvDo hsfiilt Ehilros!! Two tcrodorbprwftfed lbr lEr cordufi,l|rrgu |.ftHphdlq oopperard adreille fO mn iloHr ile 6tsEs - 1\ 1 111., 1 ln alrrJtNohl2 pa*il6 am frrmFilred ulfrr eadr unh one fureadt*e rbgl ltrca&d and sreat fm. oi" iir. i.cfl|Q me br-tr CFtE (Conra[, one tr i r'b---' ?qE!'teno and ona lbr 1 lrpr t ttarhd (.rapan).(clB.epperfiblng sNzs)' NFPA.I8 NFPA-{SD NFFF1SH NFPA.7zWnft ar,ETarps ffii |(t, fud( No. mmls T 1.. I I I t I I Thr llode| frBn€F b a rane type tffirforv fflbh fu lnefn .Ft eilhfthr lyohmB tul uce i., l-114.,1 1t,' q t fueo. Thc ltrtfrnry aho b6 urad as a B€ffiral wAsd[*G5bohron hrlt.t*nr& rlp rt qrbfra fio rhgle pole douHa trrcw snep &nqrq?and e ailmb, ffiruty mqrrtnO pnsinr*l3tru. Th3ffii.! m Urbrl rtsr i nor-if gfO UctF n*ntb or nnr mm Ornmanr qf 0ro d"do;-fi0ourocd[on nrm odst br a pqtod ot tnJ iror.crii ijoEtEme tts*obd |Ehrd podod ilAru.Lttl0il: llse de{m rd,m,rrr,,t O h luhq} P g yErtgft eteo. Ar mrtonat pli ttq, Cr",rd- be ;-mqt fr-bp fr of tF phs ilFtE trry rf be are?F ltto urfr dp|dd nd b€ hrrlaled rvfrrln 0r d auho,' ffir orft{rrg$fdr cfiarpor fio onaonE tra iiuilii.rm u[ hr r t. ilpT hrHry bttlndrg tfi a noostodrp TEE 6rc fig Z tupuperffe eh Vpe ardfftblblr. . Sd!:tr rk l'bt|s rE tftg er dF|rn h Fe. 2, cm rust ba bl|En bpefi clcrttre rbvhe brtre dpcdon offfidbw. rlF Yrl|3 mr6 ||t nb fto ffi d tho IEE fi ltrrl h eft;ry. me lbm fruE movo fteely nhen opmO ry mnfo Ttp detbe can & be uaed h oopperorplardcphehrtrlh- tomllltio-prlFr-adaptao so rra m inansl-ritfrrq' b hEtbrtr lhe pF. rut. bEPECtlOil AtIE$ilG: Chgcf ho qofiilfi olthe unttttqq*|g ftc ffo6t s HvatrD d tho irddm --- -' {fitder h or |b dnln and Eet omeo[oqh an tnopsfrfebottdrebnotFl&d. fi !|etE al9 m priloru ftrbstrg |t[ opordm dtF lhf,ffidon devee cfte eyrrHn, apflloqdon of ilre \rgR€FLnd rmrmcnffiradlbat$ Tlr @rnoyof f fupscnm anO bldru and lB ffidprfrdrre monhi ry$m dtouH Do n acoOame nftr--tp splc$b t{t Oorlsc id Stnrfrrt anilUailrc[t, mmg llOtton frrhAr rrarmant qrubry oi.nrentrqu*tl. ffiEdloEooDru.to8l ots'baA glLt|a.Iq Sfla4ttil.nult@eFilrc&rahm&rmai*rolryr *n Sf.rmdt-REYRF.frare.tr tl lnilfE'l|rrsA P&roFz li I I I I I I l I I I I T I I I I T I FORSIAU.PIPE VSR€F VAilETYPE WATERFU.OW ALANISWTNCH UITH RETARD In fgo|nto; ot{arsorto||tt l|retDlHmrfl r' a?tIrxgDtmtm olflI. 5@t trtt G llCIE gVE trGTIE.CffiF IT?E Grbr* rcftqEfTLEK/ErFTlYTEFO TTPEsgrrilrro r|lEnEuh qrv. m lgr ueflrvontrErFumscu^r. eqr|D'e"FrfbbfEEtll b p,w.dr "dii d;d",tfrr r"umff#_ :b. il'mffi##fi.#ffiffi,m hFord-nrsedrbhhE6obothmdtftsTEEd|qddlulEtho blcrt'Udmutolr ApmcilA:tE DEPr|f mUnag,rf--- rEE lnGrDElrE r loaranurnr-ae lqry- i:rfrlr I l|Frl ||Prl. ll,'rl'd/,t'N ,Ftlrtt 2I,,G !?taf2llllrr4lt ts ?rflG2W28 ltArn 2lE ltt 2,tfr/rlfrtsIn 0k, r@\ar rfrffi.EnnDcrffioelOTEGD.Eo tclt fu{.c€F . tito rqn 8[rmcH TEhnt|Ar- sotutgcnol{b . crltPil{o P|-ATC THltt{AL He8 - JAN\ F 'cAttrlor|! r)29 ,r',". . Anudruurabdaacflondaorrgbmntudordrnrdnotberoopodanndt' \>l\r- bmhdat.dssntotroeepatfrdro*rr, neftim.ftOe*rdiO,- _ .;q ftlt*y prot rfrtg apervHon of tre crrson n {re "*i*ti-ira ur ,.t". "d- bommddotpdtmrnftrtlehilrd. m.f ' logf, Err fittct!|rEA ff|ERY POIEDD H,F! oilr. culsE tl| ru|Rl rYF|cALg.smErtcot|lEgn$lB q.6 6 (snu E): Eitl-6_trc rEasth c(t. -(sE toIO m5 To pmovs lcpdouh FlaoermrilfrEr!t etoof ffi-crb,r|o|hfteasnh. IrFg[ srct{ rcmNnT,tr\p4ffi x.o,t 't fl.c. N' fi)dL EYEEIm nEn F{n) OAflRq- Dre. trEr-rs l. Tbmd ril'dharhu ernrheE .mcnDa tndbtpptrb aqildrfrllrf FiFfirfilnil e+ un[, '|'re rp.[w 5 rd b qmb'irhr aor c *i-;illEb,la ltrlTil,brilctqru rc r&rlHr TTnhq oomdaddtg ila*m r,*o+ Kr,ailm-FyRrFEFtlmo.lle x2 @norrEn m.l hdr4rrr0tronr To dnge tne, tmr tmd teffEr dlocfioil hrd€shd fne ditav. t ce lho ntdinum arnount of lihrdIFEBrlrt'b pr9tront hha rlanne. A IF rfrto b usurly rdoquab lbr '|r. nmryeetaf. DU|C tTrr-€t hlttilflsrrt-|gfrfbr{UnLfrcdrftd|ltlql!br.rdtdto|h64xdqruhlE-|trrtr.thFL.2.fngtnrrr*aO &Htnl|rltrEulrrtefrfinsbEtLIbFSrffiubd.Tbl$JrrrbF$|f-rd(-r.uolr:rriitn.lstlrFfrnrtb -rrtt'|Fr.c l*T'1 'trB lrls-It oata FIBEz OFE I I t I T I I I I I I I T I I T I l-[ |r.T._T sFr l{F crl I!tl.rs 1S 250ut 1mloo & m nt6 la* I lg tq, 2 fiihI w s50 ?m 7b 40s llrlt* trarU lrrv6f t'tA I rli wot$t m .wollG 25 tYolf,g 15 wsrtrl l0 wolE?tr l0 wfiErt 1'tolm 7 AgITfr, 1 .11 ltt ;19 t{t fi2*| fi2'& .EE r{&!t 2rrh1A* 13E 6fi wol8l{ s0 wot@t 50 wol@ 50 wot& t0trotrr mwn'I a J6 tllJl trtkr0 lvfit lw.rf 'lqfi .1, 1* lr-(l t klcrln{rtbrr fte cro/too'd ccgr* 'GrltB1!|I!-filftr n trodilrt f,qritdnF I sala gtNtrE fiNour fl r 'aa sttt I lr{ fh 2 ert a 0 wsl''/ 101.50 .c f{ uolE1E 50 ffi. A4 u. wotus 60 ?Fo i0 tlb s&l4'| 60 il :10 qh frilfia8 2E w 14 ry llftfi&r lo 100 g ih wolrn r0 lm rt lh wot'7e 10 lm 5g l$vgl8lt I 50 :ta ryt lltOt$ t 2s l.le t*. WglW 1 15 lI8 1l{r AglErE. 1 t0 8ra 1$. Ag0F/f' I SOml|t{. l.r{rttU,rrr . rll*r*itr I|lfirnrSr|.rrrt ttl IIl rllrfi1flr rf+tttIt rltl Tf lll nrltrfir wolzor 100 t0 w0l$ 10 to uol& lm m ..ryO|l|r s 700 wotao fiolstnst'46 p s wo|rs 80 s. wolaE E0 t$ tEflto 15 &wolls dt m wo|lB 60 & wofim 5D o0 wotrs 60 m tflol'/'€ 6 r$ vtgltfl I fr Aoflll'50 0 w0tlBl l0 10wollr 16 110 ildrl6 20 m uour! l0 100 u0w2 l0 louoltl I owots c t0wolfl ! lo .ll tq6. .00 s,,rnfr.rysw.lg te .t0 I,G ttlr .16 r*m*TE IT .ra *.a +,t ll&.tt I17 t{ .lt thn, iih aqt .&, lqht8 l 12 lhE, rn ra f|L {4 lcs. r s .lc ll llr t659-03t-E0E 99 !ZT I00Zr E0'llna T T I I I t I t I I I lill lir II li-iI t I t I teG 601|[0 .ol rt rtu@E E0 I,I!o .E tt t[gotrtl t0 tu .08 !e * fllDlt t l0 t00 .A1 4. i0{w@50 to .10 n *lFh!{ Zf ffi .lO |tl. r|r TD0ttfT l0 t00 ,17 {b .t0. wffif 10 100 rr lk ltiWm il 100 /s 1l& Ititwm 10 60 .fr rtb llL fl@8 5WEE 2uf@ zwmlt@m 1,uon r 25 lrs 2* 2tr 10 Ui $rh Zrtall0 a& zrh ll]LI e!9 t?a lV,I il.?8 ttt 4r|} 1 $fi arl 1lt It!'ffillqqllltbrrrrnsmlml. Iqldang r 8{r{ tgt{vu alNott Xrllrtdrth, he. '.srozt-€o€ L9:ZT Tooz.2n .'tnn Ittfl, llrtA,{xl(rA ttt x ti rli E[fl 60 760 IZ W ttk ?018 60 760 .E W thpnrEt 50 500 .04 * 1ArmE6! @ n5 4& wI!2s 50' 5m JE Vr it& lEme 5m fi qfi fi868060.t1 *nIDB 50 5!o .10 6*. 4&rrlr 60 600 -t0 rth n EffiZE N ,16 1 7h BFl 26 ffi .1r lr{. trw 2s 150 ^20 lrlh tk I0J6 Z0 200 J1 l?t tltfrfi. 10 100 .g4 ?L t% !tE. 10 t@ n8 qt qblld17 5 le {g 1*. qtu ffil'10 lm J5 +h IEE'l0 100 4l q& q,q fgtt 5 50 ,80 1;h lqtlIFl' 6 50 .01 "a 1y |'d?/-t , ilt .7t t4 tllfn8 1 2E ?-13 lUlr lr&un. 1 m Ln lr1/n ltAun 1 fr ?fl l{t In!*Ft. 1 10 6.lt lrh 2* l{rttxlt r tlo 1 xUl Xrft rli xl( 114 rl x14 x$llt r1ltrl rlEt r1lt. ri16 r1 lrcrr4 60 ilto !{ !ilr W04ts4 U 260 .10 lllt{t ffi{4 10 1m .17 lrlB # I r t{ 16 !6 |l $ 5I' S r,00 JI t hEr St,?U .A |t *fltrs ru .0{ e *lI$ m .ft T hfr 0 50 .11 tr lnltI, fr tdr .15 Ift fifr E€0./t00'a se gT# I T I I t I I I t I I I I T I t fiffi w06 rE 160 ,8 f!*wm $ Go .00 114' wm# to lm .19 I w0il{5 100 a0 -18 1 wEtl. lE tlE .10 3woE 50 s0 fit 2 tii 3t{ 2$r lr4 l!r Tt'a rlrh 11E 1lrtritl rl'rffi r?1rrlliI|tttttI{rfi xt|iw ,2* rllrtfr&1 tttl Icl|. rSrlL rltr tU0ffi6 60 ru fi, 14Ar lr!t. woru & a50 .00 lli 1Sfffi6ilt0E8t{o wuNE l0 lto ,18 rtr 2 wOm ,6 150 .tc I lrnt WffiC 25 ffi .19 2Y, ltt wmt6 25 & .13 zfi 1li fir0ffis 16 rm .11 1tft 11rWffil 25 I .10 ll{6 tth wfiDf lgr ll0 .6 4 1Wrvdl l0 5 .8 3f0 2huff/ l0 lm .1r 2# rtrlrffi4 t0 100 .1r 2vt IwirFlr l0 10 .lt 2 11.ilm 15 15 18 17, 0?hwffi6 10 lm .80 a'r 2lW0 10 lm I zUa lrttWfilr t t0 &, aV 8rwollo s 50 /8 s ltt W&lgl 6 i0 t0 s* Tr w3olSl tb tE .s aft tL Wtgllo 1 16 fJ2 5lr eVt umloz.fr ol h rL ll wo{m $ 1,7m fr, |'t qft ttuwoffit$s -05 tthw* tElffiSfln fi ryt r|.l1cr tflgoll u Ep J2 tt& rtt *tilsl tE ap .lE ln rl& {fr m0a0 t0 lfi p, W * firWm6t5S.S+qbq6. W0fr4 6 50 .ru *. 4 qf tol@ 5 26 lrt tt& lk lt&wo|n 2 a 211 ltr lifr 1f6 lllfirBa I 10 s.79 lq& tih ln t{0190 I 5 6J{ 1rt{. l{t lt|juruo 1 6 !..|0 tra 21r *h u/oam t I latt t|t. g+ nht@ 1 | 2.00 ,VB aYl tft&t 1 lc.o ,fr-1qftft lt t0 f6 v $ * I 114 flr 2 2V s fltr 4 5 0I 'ltrltr f Iffi $ 7t0 .08 'fL ifr tfr ffir xEoo @tf,tA Zrs lt ri ra, Ilt& I 11|r to{10c. t0 A0|gm. 6 w 1t& t!!(s 1r& lf4 luttB''&to 50 ll |.-' I I hrtorlrd|firlqlm. GC0/900'ir c69T* 'Hlotullltbolrrnsfllnd. .f,raan8 r r{Ia celw[ &tbft ta99-0at-e0s [g:zT l00zru0'Tnr 25 I I t I I t t I I T 11 Wollz t0 lm .fr "l r f{ woffi l0 lm .2s + 11 xz Wolltl I 50 .n lWlJlA WollS l0 1fi '.41 1Ulrr1 Wltlltl 10 tO .tE lq!2 tltl urfilf I l0 n th. rllt wolta 1 60 "Gl 'lh 8L rl Wtllf, 1 N .e8 lttrllr Woflt I n {l IW # fa lm.o I .0s q& h* I ltA f0l{8t60mslnlolt{r s s0 .16 1ihrOfftst60 J'-r'|rot{n t0 10 a ll'h Lrr u t{ 1 1t tI 1 '6 , r{ollof r0o t/lm tYOfllS $ 1,2m gZ 4. .ffi qb lE tf,Olll5 E0 tr .6 rlar x,tlll31 60 fl .0r tvr, uru|il8 25 2E0 .t4 t&IEffis 10 1d) g 1nlwstlil 10 tm A1 lt&il,dln rc ilo 50 114 wsllg/, 0 50 .gt Iltu wEtls6 I nfiz 1ry w0t109 I xr 1.?E 1*f,fofls 'l 16'&n t* Aoltll. I 20 !|.t{ ltlftAero.t 58,t0t+l Aqo{: t stot:t t 16*.6' .ft .G1"6cu&%.lt thE t?t' J6fril lcr..18 tft fi, *t .S Yt .14 th .12 th .rg lh-a lt&.f3 r Itrflrt{tlttA xftrrrr', ;1r lYtlrl ry{ rfaIltllrff t ttl T 111{ r1 r l.lI rltr i rlla ,r af ITlI rllt "t0 1.3 J0 ltt .tl qt ,18 + 51 lrh wdt6 m lfiflfiffi 5o t,zoo uofttg & 500 worul o ?flfloltli 60 2.m w0ll?8 ft $0.lloltzt 60 t00 t0|trS m 7nuolla 15 150tndls 26 wndltz 60 Em trolffi 2tr !00 il011u 15 n wolla8 t6 250 l&Et?. l0 100 wsll{6 ,f & w0tlft 25 2s wotfil l0 10 w0ll!? r0 lmroflr{ t0 l0 wolr5 l0 to troflrD l0 10 l"'C|!tEt€tEAfl.Ll.rfifilm|lltCblhrdnatsh+lna t6g9-021-G0e 0f :zI I00?.u0.Tnf, ml. ee0/&00'{ cfgl#x.qlailng r gald |efirnl rflout I I I I t I t t I I I I I t t I s 1 114tr 2 21tt E I wmn6 t0 6m .n6 w01006 2E Nfr. .11 wmw fr t60 ..|0 w0lg06 10 roo 2'l wofsro I 7t 3s wmqo I m 5[fvolsff 1 E 1"06w0ltt! 1 16 46 Y Worm{ to em sl l&fl WmW t0 2,000 .01 Yafi umlrt 50 1,0m ,a jh '{ wglm 60 2,000 ^B %r llfirrffi 2E 1S0 "0a tuI t.lrtfit 10 am ,0s Btta wwrlz N zto .11 h W0tols .26 160 .lt Yn2 wctol4 1 lm J0 ww wofulE I t0 a +ut wdtgtc I rto' .7r hgll WOlUlT 1 25 l.t' */t uotol0 | r0 t.fo ht tE!16. 1 5 &1S.!frt ACdf!. | 5 qtt w ta ta 16p ,1 .lt I ltA ltk 2 gYE I 3r/l 1 w0tm8 m 2J0s .ot th utororT t01,?u .0q !h rTlln@s flr lpm Il th Wfim 50 800 Jf y. ufEt$t .26 6m .ffi th wt0l0ft t0 a0 .t0 1,t6 w0tGt gt frn .t5 'v. lv0lG 10 100 a thvuun 1 16 iE y, W0t@ 1 5ll lE il. w0lG2 'l 26 1.8 {, wlo00 1 t0 'tJ0 t8 wfofor 1 15 7n t| r Trrr wflm to.{.m "01rolsl s e[0 il u0|$r s l.m0 .0! wola lm t.m -Bwdof $ tr' & l.- t I A||mr.L trTildnS r g{IiI lgltYll ItIouS lltrrlle ftdtrblco,lte 9695-0Ut-€0€ 85!ZT T002. zo.rntr t{ tr0/600'a cGgT# rrl !r[ s3 s 0n: , Erl t !!I4Ulrhtdtctlr!r3}raii zdi Ti ttl sl' r. e slrrrtiuiaptr*ttalfsi frr tN ,l! 6r Er n3 gr ri ol tB rtl tE tz 3 Blrr3l 911 lll ssa s E? iz $F.ari ra *. ts sr vj z' *la ri H rr 8 6ld 0t cr tll $Tt ri s3 JE tE av rl s ttl url *I lu -w E sff ml ry l tll-l fr0t35|w880ili'fililrtnrnstr't/firo8Igltffw - m w w. !E =J_Er q|:=- t= qE - ntr atIflE |/rr nil 'fo 931f,l 9tltl lBt t8!HIillj& 6jz UE ldt 9lcIF E0[ zllrtl }E& cs'tnEw d3m /.rr sft s8tg 0lB 0ll lrE 9l|g mw WEwm 193sw 901ut tsP osl SEg Mw NEgB 66I'[ e/Ew 9E r5t Et0N 0r0l'gr 0ll' o1' otr 0ro 0lrEsw lMTtt orfw Erl EolIttalg, 8re U2 erlFl )yl|nl ,tfr0ol dt@$tr0F arolgmt tir 3I o 'ng 3 IR z 7rl 'ttI fll1lslt'' cttscltgct 9lllw2 s1?MTglFl 9Eril 98otf 9!tffi I,tulr. 02r2001 12r56 903-120-5i96 trIONT NNrcI PIPE T SUPPLY il|{rn|rntnFntFDIE|rXl . *1533 P.002/or3 'rill,3q4anDq||||Fnir9 I t'f T I t I I I T I I T I I I T I I vEar 0eF nyFrrll' su 880 ?,$ $f gec sdilrfrtwt tIt, ?tsIw atrl rlt t *)9stjsll!Er' fEft$Itw,st?Itcl 9rrlsl't 3Ir 0I''rytr |rtl ?t ,f rtd$ ETlfl ll1, ryttzfiaml 0f,1001 )tI.@t 0ffmLW& $r'm )tfmEr ,IEwwt6 Lt3 0aDils olstu tc, IN w.w g9r oet & ur SE Et& CEf,t ETErn glE www @ Ell 's tor }B DN& swm l|3 IE r8l$t 8tw al9ttrn t[t Brt UTst 18l Erlst lvrINffi 4B BT r0s*tgn t tr t'!'. i' ld r.I I rtD-ustsTql DESIG Table 4.4.1(rl Prrrrrrc Lorlcr (I,rl& Schcdule 40 StGel Pipc, G = 120 #u owaee(gpr) l8 t0lnL,rror2t416 0.13 0.200,0s 0.050.02 0,020.01 0.01II 0.0,1lV+ 0.01 I Vr O.0l?- 0.05 0,o7 0.09 0.1 I0.0t 0.02 0.02 0,0It0,01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.t8 0.t7 0.07 ' 0.100.0t 0-05 0.0t . 0.0t 0.58 0.710.t5 0.190.07 0.090.09 0.03 o.47 0.12 0.06 0.0? I For tt UdE: I !'l - ''7E5 k I Po : 0.06C9 ten I ft - 0.1{X$ n. Table +'.Lt(b) fncrut farrec (pet/S Copper Tubing - Typcr K, f. & Mi C = f50 I nor frc {gpo) 16 l8 20 Tubhg llln (h") Ttro l0 I I I I V.r 'l lul IU: .t 0.08 0.10 0.lt 0.0c 0.05 0.03 0,ol 0.01ojt : o.t9 0.1{ 0.18 0.030.fi 0.0.r 0,01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.0 t 0.16 0.t8 0.s4 0.0{ 0.05 0.06 0-0! 0.0:! 0.0s 0.01 0.01 0.01 M L K II L K TI L K lt L K It L K 0.s0 0r50_:r 0390.30 0i8 0.06 0.070.06 0,080.07 0.09 0.0! 0.03o.rE 0.030.0: 0.0t 0.0t 0.0t0.0t 0-0to:' oj' 0.90 0..16ots 0.5s0.{6. 0.69 0.08 0.It0.10 0.t5 0.t | 0.17 0.o3 0.050.0r 0.050.0.t 0,0ri 0.01 0.090.01 0.090,0! uos 0.0 t 0.01 0.01 0.6.1 0.850.75 1.000.97 1.18 o.ld 0.r.1 oJo0.90 0.97 0.J5o.s-t 0.t l 0.{) 0.07 0.G) 0.t I0.07 0.10 0. 0.t3 0.0$ 0.Gl o.(Li0.03 ott { 0.lri0.03 0.0i 0$t 0.01 0.0r 0.010.0t 0.01 0.0t0.01 0.01 0.01 (}58 0..160.+s 0.5J0.50 0.61 0.15 0.r?0.16 0.r90.t7 0:0 0.|xi 0.080.07 0.0110.07 0.09 0.0:l 0,090.0s 0.0t0.02 0.0r I ftf,Sl Uni!: I Xlal - !.;tE L: I pli - 0'lxtlt$ brrl 1 ft - 0.:s0l$ ltl. Trble {JJ(c} Eqd"rlctrt lrltth of Pipc in Fcd for Stcel ndrgr ud Vrttlr Tecr VdY€rIlltthg/VrlvcIthr.tar Cnt 46 Dctrcc! 00 Dclrccr Elov Flo*Long Thru Thrulrdiur Ennch Rrn Angle Clob. Gloftc Prtlrn Cock Chcct +{5t60 7ll t! I i'i lll s.t lrl !rl 5?l639trSsl0 :l 'J 'lt :t s I !t 9tl 5i {x al I lYr I lr: e I 5 :l{ .t I t isfll on ftrm..l'rri||inl lhlx.r :{.L { llt. F|r Sl U*e | ff - 0-tlEl ltt. Trbh ,!H.!(d) Equiv&il f.dgdr of Ptpc in Fcct lor Goppcr Fltdn;r ud Vrlrcs nuturyfVdlcDhuclGf 45(ln.t D.gFGG. trlov FlorrInry Thnr ltruRrdiur Bnrch Rur g0 Dc3rGG!AnSl. GlobGr.Yr Pritcnr Coct Ghcct t,5 {5 1.5 r.5 t3 rs t7 {5 .tit7.5tt5t8{!gta07J',t9sl5't:ttnij ll$ l! .15 1.5 27 |l5' tt I l.t:Li 15 4.i 15 16 tG '12 t t t? 3I +.n 6 li t-5 l.5tt lr I lVr llbt I I ! I I torSlUnia:lt-O$$rn. tS4Rflorl