HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 13 BLOCK 2 LOT 32 LEGAL,-ffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax; 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us ProjectName: HARVEYRESIDENCE DRBNumber: DR8040404 Project DescripUon: DECK EXTENSION AND HOTTUB Pafticipants: OWNER HARVEY, UBBY 08/1212004 Phone: 2610 BALD MOUNTAIN RD EAST SIDE VAIL co 81657 License: APPUCANT HARVEY, LIBBY 08/1212004 Phone: 2610 BALD MOUNTAIN RD EAST SIDE VAIL co 81657 License: ProjectAddress: 2610 BALD MOUNTAIN RD VAIL Location: Z2 Legal Description: Lot: 32 Block I Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE RUNG 13 Parcel Number: 210103403007 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By: Vote: Date ofApproval: 08/19/2004 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond: 0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail BuiHing personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO FROI,I : HRRUEY Fru<FRX NO. 2 3ats?9481t5 Aur0l'Or 03:3010 from-T0ill 0F ',Ali coflulilil oEvEtonEll 37Ca?02452 mtnor Exterlor Alterations /-it!€\ffi Appllcation for Design Review @+l D+aruncnt of Contnur'!ry DevEicpncttrffi&t TssoudtfuIhlFitcEd,vlll'Ccloradg81557 I0nilDlTEIpr td:eo'{7e-215e.,ffJ'ff'"''! o T':l T,ffi?f,T-i?fl* n RECEIVED ,...-;l General Infionrration: Al FGFG rlqueing drstr |!sfell' rruct r3en|8 approrral pftrto rubiriEing I bultlFg !€tilll applidion' JqfrC* 6 Bre Erfunifii rrqfrrtnrenrs lar the ps$cutii rporsiral trat a ngrftq, ln apgliratien f€r EEn n$4ew @nnor be acaaed urdi Elt nouind &fr;lrtbtt r rciovra by the caamunr! hr€loPmsll EleFeftnenL The p,eFA msy Js6 n d o f rerrrirea ty the ?oun Casnd rnd/o dn pllnring rnd Erwirenrttcnbt &rnrniCon- OcSgn rnleul ipgnrat lapser rrnl15: a buildlng D€rrllt b'larcd rnd enrtruction ernrrnrrtest $tlthin onE yrnr of tic aprovrl t-odon sftne Fropsl; lc3ta*l**m, fhydcalAddrecar par".t No, @ (Conbd EaEle Co. Aeessar Bt B7Cr3:l&t91O tor parcrl no.) Zoning: !lame(e) dOwacr(s): l4aillrn Address: own€r(s) SignaHln(s)t Natn.otAppllcerts tlaiting lddresq E nralAddE El Tvpe of lteulctr and fd.! tr gsr,t tr eoncecuril Rrrdafl O ]tt€r,{ Con*1Et$n O Addi6on tr l,linarAJbrdql (mCb-.familViorntgCrD E| Ifrrorebrdon (3ngbfrn$y/cbpleO F *,*t*rc,tdflans tr S€9aren Rcquc* 5S E$lll.go pcr tqtE€botof bEldgtt 3t!r' ItbRe t65o For coasudon of a nrw bullhg or dcmo/nDu|kl 600 iit G gtfon *ttt".q* mge u dd€d b any rcsidrrttla! or onraltrj'l bulldtB iltrttld= 250 tdduona A hiE|ior €o' rerllonr)' P90 *r rur* drng=t-buildnts atd-ib lrnpl€t etttettq, sudr Tl ^--,' 'rrodng, printng, whrlour addlbns,' 136tE9in9' tulE! 'nsrur|lt{ ndg€tst2o t ttttdtade€b bdtdng|gendd[Fnptevr,'laall'sudl t' rccottng' ptung, url6i rddlub|rq -hn&EaCn& ftncEs ltd t^1 t20 No he(tla PruP( -oa3Y pir B oY oqo( .-lggtT'rornrYoryxtrwRrrta trrnoyr. r.L;rrEr a i llr taTi3 '-t4t f .0uv0lt F4tl I. (prlnt nrmetl_; *rrl,ouqi .2b( d t *ilS* troperry bcted't (addresyr€sdl.^^d provfde hF tsttrr at witrn rpgrovd of dr plaru d.ted __* - I - Oq u/Frttlr h3,7p 3gg- suDmlted to tha Town olVail Cqnmunty Drelopmcnt Departnent for fie proposed lmproveftr€nE to beoolPktld !t Ue ddr€$ noEd sbow. I und€rsnd thtt Ule propocad ,npruvsrunts lrrlude; 9 Hct T,.-l I fuftrer undersnd lttlt mtnor 6sdlfiodons mry be n'de b the prani o\rer tfir F$tg of d€ r€iyreu/ proce,, bfi3ure cofiillEncc with frc Townt app$cablr erb aU reguEuons, ilt,b, ftgezaltVDlr9lti ***'t'l{r,l{.*ll***********'t*'t**tr*****t**************f **ti**t t***'r{r**!t'}*****'t't*t'tr.'t ***r.***:l:}***** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement +!t *{t** *tr**'l:t,t *rt'} *l****** ** * t* * *t}**rt*** ** ******* ****a' a.'t{.**t *'r*,}r******!t:}'} **'t't,t*r'r****'l'}'t**'*'* SEatsement Nurnber: R040005411 Arnount: $20.00 O8/t2/2OO4a1 :15 Alr! Payment Method: Check Init: iIS NoEation: #1132,/r,IBBY HAR\TEY Permit llo: DRB040404 Tt/pe: DRB-Minor Alt,SFR/D['P Parcel No: 21010340300? Site Addreee: 2610 BAIID MOIJNTAIN RD \IAIIJ L,ocation: 2610 BAL'D MOUMIAIN ROAD Togal Fees: 520.00 ThiE Payment: $20.00 ToEaL ALIJ Pmts: $20.00 Balance: 50.00 *a{r**** ****'l*'t**:l't'l l{r{r't**arlr'a'| l*a"l *'t*{r** * ** *'}**tt't***+a'*:tlt*'}* *'t ********l' 't {t * *** * *l*'t* t l* * 'l* l** ACCOI,JNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current ffi.s DR OOIOOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 (/ hXnc-4n - /3 DE'ARTMENT'F coMMUNrry DEVEL.'MENT b/j*, bnTOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD 'i/AIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 €odts'r/*- NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADDiALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 804-0196p.+ - oru/ Job Address: 2610 BALD MOUNTAIN RD VAIL [,ocation.....: 2610 BALD MOLINTAIN ROAD ParcelNo...: 210103403007 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 08102/2004 Issued. .. : 08103D004 Expires...: 0113012005 os/02/2004 Phone: ProjectNo t fgto4 -o$( OWNER NAVAS, SYBILL R. 2610 BAI,D MOI'NTAIN RD EAST SIDE VATt co 4L657 License: coNrRAcToR cr,Assrc coNsTRucToRs INc. 08/o2/20o4 Phone: 970-8s8-5013 Po Box 4147 {70 -zLl- 17'o Grand ilunction, Colorado 81502 L,icense z 299-A APPI,ICAI{IT I.iIAVAS, SYBIIJIJ R . 08 / 02 / 2OO4 PhONC : 2510 BAI,D MOI]NTAIN RD EAST SIDE VAII, eo 81557 I-,icenge: Description: DECK REPI,ACEMEMT AND EXTESISIO}{ Occupancy: Type Construction: Valuation: $15,000.00 Add Sq Ff 0 Fireplace Information: Rest cted: Y # ofGas Appliances; 0 # ofGas togs: 0 # of wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY rtrr.i r:r,rtrtr 't.lrr' Building--> $251.25 R€stuaranl Plan Review-> Plan check--> 9153.31 DRB Fc€-_---> s0. oo ft6sre6lis1 pee--------.--> $3.00 Clean-upDeposil----> TOTAL FEES---> 5417.56 BALANCE DUE----->$0.00 Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT o8/o2/2OO4 ,JS Action: AP Item: 05400 PI,ANNING DEPARTMEMI 08/02/2004 cs Action: AP IteM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PTBLIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. Investigalion-> Will Call---> go. oo Total Cslculat€d Fees-> $41? . 55 $0. o0 Additional Fe€s---> $0. 00 $O .00 Total Permit Fee----> 941? .55 $0. Oo Psyments---------> $41? . 55 DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sfiucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOI.JR HOURS IN ADVANCE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. CTOR FORHIMSELF AND OWNER PAGE 2 ** tl tl*,| * tt **ri** ** 't* * * * *!t:t | 't ** * * rt**:tl:l *:f * + * *{r * t,t,} * !t'i*'t ** * f* *t* * I * ** * f t,t * !* '** 'r * * **!r**'i* 'i* * **,i**** * I !t ** * * !t,}:t * * CONDINONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 804-0196 as of 08-03-2004 Status: ISSUED :t*************!t!t'!*!**:t**,|*{!*:t't'},}t**|'|**,i*!*'t!t{.|:t,*t***'t*lt*t***;i,}t:}**********!tt!t,}:}*{'**'t,}:t,i,}****'}:|{t*,|t,t****** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applicant: NAVAS, SYBILL R. Job Address: 2610 BALD MOTINTAIN RD VAIL Location: 2610 BALD MOTINTAIN ROAD ParcelNo: 210103403007 Descripion: DECK REPLACEMENT AND EXTENSION Applied: 08102/2004 Issued: 08103/2004 To Expire: 0l/30/2005 :***'t'*{r***,}'*,**,t,}r**{.******l'{.******!tr*******{r***'}*'}*** COnditiOnS +!**!trt************.t***{.**:1.*:t**,***:t*********** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FoR coDE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.9.I OF TTIE 1997 UBC. * ***+ + * + *l' **tft t*t*t*'t*{'******++ + +t{r** * ** *+* + f+t f**+++*********** * * + **lt't'tt*f****t +******** * + TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *** + +** *l* * * t l+ t + + ft +'i +*i a** *****++t +***+* * * ****** * **********+*l+{.***++ + * + *t * * * +* {. * * ******** Statement Nunber: R040006332 Arnount: $41?.56 08/03/2OO4O8:57 A}r! Palment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Sybil Navas 5212 PermiE No: 804-0195 Type: ADD/AL? SFR BUIL,D PERMfT Parce1 No: 210103403007 Site Address: 2610 BALD MOIIIITAIN RD VAIL Locatsion: 2510 BAI,D MOT,IiITAIN ROAD Totaf Fees: 9417.55 This Payment: $417.56 Total Ar.,r, Prnts: S417.56 Balance: $0.00 +'.*{' + +**{r:t't ** *f* fl t * | l*lf * +t*f +f*t*+ ***{r*'}* *{'{r't *'}**'t**t*+** * * ** * * + ++ i ** ***'}{,**{t'l.l + +****+ * * * * ACCOT]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILD]NG PERMIT FEES 251..25 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHICK FEES i63.31 hIC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO tTowN oF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD -VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADDiALTSFRBUILDPERMIT PETMit #: 804-0169 Job Address: 2610 BALD MOUNTAIN RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 2610 BALD MOLJNTAIN ROAD Applied . . : 07/07/2004 ParcelNo...: 210103403007 Issued... : 07/12/2004 ProjectNo : ?R5-Ort -o 1 31 Expires. ..: 01/08/200s owNER litAvAs, SYBILL R. 07 / 07 /2004 Phone : 2610 BAID MOI]NTAIN RD EAST SIDE VAIL co 815s7 License: CoNIRACTOR G & c ROoFING 07/07/2004 Phone: 970-658-5552 P.O. BOX 817 FRfSCO, CO 80443 License: L24-S APPIJICAT\TT G & G ROOFTNG 07 /O7 /2004 Phone: 970-668-5552 P.O. BOX 817 FRTSCO, CO 80443 I-,icense : 124 -S Description: RE-ROOF HOME Occupancy: Type Construction: Valuation: $30,800.00 Add Sq Ft 0 FireDlace Information: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # of Cas l.ogs: 0 # of Wood Pellet 0 FEE SUMMARY aaa**'tt+r+a*:!*a.**.***r*r.r*ra*'t Building---> S451.85 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check-> $293.70 DRB Fee--.-> Invesligation-> Will Call---> o COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMENT SO. OO Total Calculated Fees-> $748. ss S0. OO Additional Fees---->s0.00 $0. oO Recreation Fee..__.--> $0. 0o Total Permit Fee--> $748 . 55 $3 . oo Clean-up Deposit------> $o . o0 Paym€nts--------------> 9?48 . 55 ToTAL FEES---> Sz4g . ss BALANCE DUE-----> So. oo Approvals:Item: 05100 BUIL,DING DEPARII{ENr o7/o7/2oo4 Js Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEI.IT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENr Items O55OO PUBIJfC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS t hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state thaf all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER -rt*1.'t'i*****!t,|****,t*****:t*i,t'r!t't*,tt*t 't't*rt*************l*itc3?------***:f *:i'i+,r**'tt+**'r'tr+**'r,r't **'t 'rr'f ***f ir***{.*+ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 804-0169 as of 07-12-2004 Status: ISSUED * t'i:t*'* *{.,}* {. {' * ** 't ***:} *{r rl * 't '}* * t,}**:tt t *'t'}**** * t!t:}*'t** * **ttrt:}+ * *t,ft*:}t!t**'**!t,}:t,t ** *+ * * * *+ * t * ** * t tf '} *:}* * l*:f* * * * Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BLJILD PERMIT Applied: 07107n004 Applicant G&GROOFING Issued: 07/12i2004 970-668-5552 To Expire: 0l/08/2005 Job Address: 2610 BALD MOUNTAIN RD VAIL Location: 2610 BALD MOUNTAIN ROAD ParcelNo: 210103403007 Description: RE-ROOFHOME *{',t,l*.tlt,*****,|'}***'t|t****lt'}:},}*'t't*!t|*{.**||tt+'}**}*.t+t*Conditions*****'}'|'}*dt*****'}lt,}|:f'|*'}|**.,.**|*|}***'t****** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE RJQUIRED To CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.9.I OF THE 1997 UBC. 'i *'t 'i * *f*f* *+ + * * l* + *t++t*f*{r**+++*l I l*{rt * * **l*tt*t*l***t+t*f f* ***** | '} +*{''t****t * + *!t*l* *+ * * **{r* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Sratemenr + * * * f * * * * ** * + *'l * f * * * * * * * + + t + + * * * * * * * ++ t * +* +t* * f* * 't *** * * t' * * * * * + + * * * * t +* * ** * * t t * * * +*** * + | * * + * * Statement Nr:mber: R040006198 Amount: $748.55 07/I2/2OO4O9:19 AM Pa)ments Method: Check Init: LC Notatsion: *025208/G a e roof ing Pernit No: B04-0159 Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUIIJD PERMIT Parcel No: 2101034 03 007 Site Addrese: 2510 B;ALD MOUMTAIN RD VAIL Location: 2610 BALD MOt NTAfN ROAD Total Fees: $748.55 Thia Palment: $?48.55 Total ALL PmtE: $748.55 Balance: $0.00 * f* ** + * * * * **** *'l't * * 't * * * * | * * * * * * * t + + * *+ * * * ** +* * lr**+ *+ {.r}*** + * * * * * * * * | * +**:t* * t * * * a * * f * *,1* * * *** * ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Cunnent Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES 451.85 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 293.70 t.lc 00100003112800 t{tll CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.00 a I APPLICA oo TION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ]NGOMPLETE OR UNSIG o{- ll 673vProject #: Buildinq Permit #: PLICATION mechanical, etc.l ? mw',l0Fyln 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Y'TY"koo4*,, /nr- Town of Vail Reg. No.:,Cqntact and Phone #'s: 5'z.*/ 5,*,4. 6;f St{> Email address: COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT bor & Materials BUILDING:$ELECTRICAL:$OTHER: $ PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL:$ToTAL:$ 30, ?rrO. rr-Z) For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit Zto/03 ?os y'*n,RlJob Name: Jor^, D. *r=f subdiiision: (,/r; r 1 l,,l /Fiting: /3 4 Owners NameE.zL..( WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel ft-f Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior $d Both ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( )Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: : Gas Aopliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burn Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burnins (NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Sprinkler Systemrm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) -.-*THfHI,!UTU***r**********.FOR OFFICE USE O N LY************+***'********************* 07 t26t2002\VailWata\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC Design Review Board ACTION FORM DepartTent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.47 9.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Prcject Name: NAVAS RE-ROOF DRB Number: DR8040306 Prciect Description: RE-ROOF HOME Participants: OWNER NAVAS, SYBItt R. 07107120M Phone: 2610 BALD MOUNTAIN RD EAST STDE VAIL co 81657 License: APPUCANT NAVAS, SYBILLR. 07107120M Phone: 2610 BALD MOUNTAIN RD EAST SIDE VAIL co 81657 License: CONTRACTORG&GROOFING 0il022flH Phone: 970-668-5552 P.O. BOX 817 FRISCO, CO 80,143 License: 124-5 Prcject Addrcss: 2610 BALD MOUNTAIN RD VAIL Location: 2610 BALD MOUNTAIN ROAD L€gEl Description: Lot: 32 Block 3 Subdivision: VAILVILIAGE FIUNG 13 Palel Number: 210103403007 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACIION Motion By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of ApPrcvalz 071071200a Conditions: Cond:8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). @nd:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constihlte a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Cord:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. OnA: ZOZI I Appror6l of this prylect shall lapse and bemme rcid orc (1) year tulloring the date of final apponal, unless a buiElng permlt b ls$ed and corcOwilon ls cornmend and ls dlllgenUy pursued torvard omdedon. Planncr: Joe Suther DRB Fs Pald: $2O.0O t { lff 0 lLd rggo APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED rl -_,7 to!{_e REVISION TO TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMFtr.T-' 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail. Colorado 81657 SED VALUATIONS FOR PERMIT Labor & Materials H*******tr*t***r*r*i***t*rr*RouTlNG INFORMATIoN FoR oFFlcE usE oNlY**i*t**fs****ffi**r***t:.*r***1r!r* RECEIVED .SFF - il r,i.1 TOV€Oil.DAr. CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION General Contracton of Vail Reg. No.:and Phone #ts: ATTENTION: JR, CHARLIE, GREG, DORIS ELECTRICAL:$ O REVISED TOTAL: $ ), ocr6>. >PLUMBING: $ For Parcel # Conta ct Eaqle County Assessors Olifice at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eagle-countt/.com Perc€"tr4 Zto \ o? u1 ojcsc:\o> *$'1ftr,lr^.. L Br+r H,rv.uev JobAdH)1. .^BNU N1.R.J . LJsJ L6sat Description ll r-ot: 3 | fl dro"r' J ll ri'in/s, iSubdivision:\hi LLJ'Ur** \ 3 eyB'tsU"{"'il,0n.'e., lFoH?Tzr Got-l }tL ?.Phone: ArchitecUDdsig *:=_-- /Address:Phone: Engineer: --,-- t Address:Phone: REAS9N FOR REV|SIONS: F trdeo D Ec-( tl r=s-I- SrAq BUILDING DEPARTMENT:PLANNING DEPARTMENT: C:\windows\Oesktop\DFLORES INFO\Revised Bldg permit.doc 10t1612002 rOw qFvAn a s "rf,\\: a I BUILDING PERMIT # JOB ADDRESS: THIS CHECKLIST MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE REVISON PERMIT APPLICATION WILL BE ACCEPTED: o NEW REVISION APPLICATION FILLED OUT r PAGES OF DocUmENTS BEING REVISED . PAGE #'S BEING REVISED MUST BE HIGHLIGHTID OR BALLOONED REASON FOR REVISIONS DRB APPROVAL IF NEEDED 3 SETS OF REVISED PI.ANS ARCHITECT /ENGINEERED DRAWINGS STAMPID Applicantts slgnature: Date of Submittal: Received By: d 2 ot: .H U 7L lo BALd Aouru\atno 'K4 *A LLI .._2 tt ftv I hfo { -0r{ { }dgg -g I t, r(l t - gt- f rl.JJ t) {. [t T=il .<. An 1t =.1 t- -- ) lfr l- criL- f : V -I^ I - B Zm tJ- rtr .&.-E &.f,l a-l A-'tra rvl ftf r(-t E qtg;6 at ar -. a nt -Jt:( lr.x.n F r*tEtfz {,g;oudr O6 vl ,(l E > I Io -D*-r+iL A. "74'b-0-)t'""-ar(94*l 0C rHu,t gJ*J rx,{ qr I f,x{8n etGR- +*LU Cerr.Tt'EsTr.re-ed GL,.^,r,rfu. c'*u" GL,."..^/ LkL" t/u=r.I'"nls .s'b- c, Rso,c"o J 4x 9 DESIGN REVIEW . T_, STAFFAPPROVAL \ ..t\ s51E, 7-L2-d "',, tltl ,"3tr6/htb-('l) Q-rGL**^r- -EusRY oT\su C-L* ,tt U . $eqniNq GlolrtrvS. lL' o. U 7-* Hosrr5 TOWN OF\IAIL 2f { dp< !-,\9ol\ | n "rtF-\'? 1. d.\8-86?-ro- r'\\-/ r\lY AO \--4a/'i\5 \ !<)!.4S -f,5 {t-F-s$ J fr'fo. EJ?rdE l2It J T o U =[ #:rrvr.fr 00 oo o !J l- 4^ h) =F9 x N A1tv {) C 8* xXud OCnl F 0- 0 T,x N - ,3 A & 1,' bs * o .IVAOHddV JJVIS ,v\3t^3Li Nets30 ,''&=\)r \r rt.- -1- sp o 3d.r)r*- F( : =N =K-t)N' ALto 3oL4 l'lnud IPID W +r+ lkl't D* K €o-llsR DlaiL rP!< m tffi:^1ln-\€'T "iiigl*T @u'itises#ru"| - qwlg Co"resrs,rtWfh I I , .....ila I tl {&rl|a*T cr-E -'-'t\- wat& '{g ---"-lL& 'ilt I -\-:-.-__ \ --'a--. \--{lz .'.fa+ -eri€l- ' , f,tu^) .-.-.'..''- ' : .*._ <( - -l- 1b ' ta- ?xtshry = Ac*s" --, -T I APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSI ILDING for CONTRACTOR INFORMATION tl Project #:v - oeSV Building Permit #: $2. g, {zgJl +s :(ln.t piciii RECEIVED Sal,etc.l U7: , NVNWVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 ALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT bor & Materials BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $ TOTAL:$ For Parcel # Contact Other Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit Psree!# Z/o / oZ 4o3 oo7 Job Name: fu,€v,e-< Dgcx, ,4a,arnot t"o\f|";n Br-/l ,/r'/_ pd Legal Description Lot: Jl Block: _J Filinl /3 Subdivision: U,?t V ttrce- owners Name:Jt72t// /wwas ll Address: -sdv"'-,-..-Phone:qro 977 oz?o ArchitecVDesio ner:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: de-el ree-e/^czr^t py' z.ud-eykntstatV WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel () Repair( )Demo() Other() WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family! Mutti-famity ( ) Commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 7 No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: No/-fype of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( NoiType of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: YF. ( ) No ( ********i***t*****r.************t****FO F oFFlcE usE oNLY************************************ r fvpe of Construction I Acceptef Eyl/ I Occuoancv Grouo: I Planner Siqnqoff:\l \WAiI\dAtA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC L(? 07 t26t2002 Jul-23-01 0l:llan FrorT0lll 0F CMfiITY DEVEIONEffi e70{70?15? Design Review Board ACTION FORM Oeprtnem of emmunify DeuCement 75 Souh Frontage Road, Vai[ Colorado 8lf,S7 td: 92,.479.2139 fau;: 9O.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us vltto Proiect iltme: PEiect Dcscription: Participant* Profectlddress: legal Description: Ibrcel Numb.r: Commenti: OWNER MVAS, SYBILL R.0709/2004 Phone: 2610 BALD MOUNTAIN RD EAST $DE VAIL co 8r6t License: APPUCANT MVAS, TBIU. R.0209/2004 Phone: 2610 BAT"D MOUI.ITAIN RD EAST SIDE VAIL co 816t License: 2610 BAu) MOUNTAIN RD VNL MVAS DECKADDMON DECK MODIFICATION T-158 P.002/003 F-lt6 Dng Numbcr: DR80,10322 locaffon:.. zElO MIJ; f,Ogn1Alf ID. Loh 32 Blodc 3 Subdivision: VAIL Wu-AcE FIUNG t3 210103403007 SEE CONDITIONS Irlotion 8y: liecorrd ay: Vote: Condit'rons! BOARD/STAFF ACIION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approralr OU za20t0F' Cond: 8 (PLAN): 1',1,o changes b these plans may be rnade without $e written orEent of Town of Vail staff andlor the appropr'ate revbr ommitec(s). Cond:0 (PIAN): DRB appn al does not constihJte a permit for building. ptease consult with Town of Vall Buildioo pcrsonnel prior to corEtnjction activities, Gond: 201 DRa appronl shall not be@rne valid ltor 20 days followrng thc dab of apprcval. Cond: 202 Aggrwal of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year followlrp the daE of final approval, unless a buiHing permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligcndy pursued bward completkrn. Cond: CON0006576 Jul-13-Cf 0lrllr FrrlUll S Yll[o TtE apdrcant isqnnce da $flillv oElEtffi?T-rr8 P.008/001 i-ll0o sh.ll remo!,c the floodllghb on thc duptex (east hatD prior to ttre bufklhg pernlb Dlailg: Frrr srn r DRBFThH: i2O.OO .FROI'I i HFRVEY FRX O FRx tE. i sasagaezts O Fue. 64 na4 wisLem P4 VJVI ?(" to -B BntD fl otr rO\iq I D R D' t-Ir Hcrr' ' 'T.Jb Ho nrlt rrrref'uuo <tr" I3 Or o FRON,: HRRUEY FRX I FA)< No. .3@37s4,,?Ls 26lO Bn Ld f1o"$htr') O Rrs. a4 2W aa.szAn KcJ *f A Dr''( D'fGi[^s3 6L,{r-rr.fs S BE l'tt'6tt TREil?PTioe Uoisl3 lx \o'-TREA.ftrP- ?ut ft.kfr.q zrl"W *"fi^11 ff;;"tt +\b z,ro 5orsTlEffiH ilrud Rr,.d{ C$H,D@ ## g.BIGS' &qe"oI9NE *8fre', ' SoisTrr \Ltto.c.f'"t+eg {lLo*.o,oor IacrofR$fg9 oB - Lr'? Wx".m{*s''['d'6 Iei*frTP P4 /,"1. FROM :. HFRTJEY FRX o Aug. 64 2AA4 W,sLfr1 ?eto -g EALD tlou r01jq l^l RD- I rAi' ' -TJb FRX NO. i 3A3?94e7Ls We4 -LJrr-t=K 'FCDFK "$l- 7 7*,, SrEF I N/; dJJil-'; +n D*hr. 10-07-2004 Inspecton Request Reportlng -6-9Zqm-- ArPrD hform.tlon Acllvtv: Conrt Ty1ir: OlYnor: Appllcant: Cctirac{or: D.sc.lption: llouco: Nolha: Comrnent Requecbd Inspect Dat€: lnsp€cdon Arer: Slte AddtEr3: Et)4-01!r6 Type: A.BUILD Occupeiry: NAVAS- SYBILL R. NAVAS, SYBILL R. CLASS|C CONSTRUCTORS btc. DECK REPLACEMENT AT{D EXTEN$TCN Thursday, October 07, 2004 JRTI 2610 BALD T{OUNTAIN RD VAJL 26'0 BALD TTOUNTAIN ROAD Sub T!D€: ADUP Sidtrs: FSUED [.Ice: V N lnsp A]e€: JRM Pl|on€: 97O85&5013 r.vl$loffi aoorowd rl.|v addad d€ck Nrd .dded 5k ln wh^F - JMONDRAGON NO MORE'WORK OR INSPECTPNS UNTIL CTIAAIGES I'|,AVE BEEN ADDED TO PLATIS FOR THE WEST SIDE. JIPNDRAGON REVIS|oNS SUBAflTTED FOR THE WEST SID€ . JST'THER Resertcd Inspccton(sl lbmi 90 BLDG-Flnrl R€oud$or: C|-ASSIC COII9TRUCTORS l^lc. Aseigfu To: JiIOI.JDRAGONAct{on: Tlm€ ErDr tbm commcntr: HETEEFTECR oNLY FIvAL AFpFCwEF.E R€guest€d Tlme: 0l:00 Ptl' Phone: 97G261.t75O Enl€r€dBy: DGOLD€N K JUSTI}IG I-IANDRAIL AS REQ'D lnro€fon Hfrtgrv It m: 10 BLDG-FoodngF/Steel " Ap.provod " 0ry(HM- Insprclor: JRM ' Actpn: AP APFROVED COMMONT$: APPRO\iED 6 SONO TUBES OT{ EAST ENO 09/02/04 Insp€c{or: GCO Corrrnent3: 4 FIERS ON ITUEST SID€. 20 BlDG'Foundstlorvstc.l 3[) BLDGFmmlno 5O BlDGlnsuffi,n 60 BLDC-Sho€bocktlall 70 BLDC'-Mbc.s) BLDGFlnal 0A/26/04 Inspoclor: JRM Comm€nts: EAST SIDE DECK ONLY RML tldn: tLm: lbm: lbm: Itifir: nom: Acfion: APAPPROVED Actlon' Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION APPROVED. ADJUSTII.IG I.I,ANDRAL AStdn: 21 PLAt+lLC Foundeton Pbn ilcm: 22 PLA}$ILC Sltr Planlbm: 83 PIJN-TEMP.C/Ofi.m: 534 RJ{}l - FIML C/O () REPT131 Run Id: 2430 FROM : i) I I r "\\ 2AA4 tAiS4An P2 ff S+il. i r! ".- l Ciii {i i. 1l',l:i i "lii ; t.rr' :3rf;1: 6:l ,r fj" ri 5i" 'r' tl.: {, n i,: tii:;::1r ;,::e< r.'lrilr: 3:i'l: '!'' \',lsi$, C6pi::.:, {?5 u: gt:''.r1 ii;i',t!) l X .>tf.rt:'r.; :rl3: Jnlt 2t' Sicr:l .jf,lr 5 t:cri ieit ?' tiiart i"rs c Arce i+is g lieck.i.r:t 2 ?:rjrnbil! :r' ?i!"n3:i! Voi:i:i ? iij CoiFi;s glr,C:€ci:" t;:ta: Eg $i.l-. :i->..in- -12 t3:: Es,-riiP'ir!'r: l6F gq::Pt::!!:':;;i i:--clri3c: d*jr v rr iicci*-r a'o'(n C,gi,cio' :e: l() Y:r grcir. i :::"ka i cc>inil ',:.,:i D?.JSi:s F" 'rsrEis Cctet P'.,'n) ac'rg !,1sui3ilar io3:!: S$Ced acfccl \'3$ HcfG j='y i E rjgs:J 31r.:c:,,r+ 5 'i€tt F:F:'i:r 5'/ser lailt' ; ifeci i.c>0i ii,.':. r.1 -:; ::, ' ,4-,.,, ?.iiit, L .i/ ri 't ,.tliil. ; ti..lr..: r::. rl ! :i i *:i ,l ;'r" ; :l try tt,.!:g'r 9:: l;; li.:srt'r'.'c.l'l 4c^::::5' i{€:€: Ccie2ii/ 450 53 S:::ors ?!--:i 1xiSll?4:{ T"ic..igltt lc Slor.n J.lr 5 !,i:i(i latig 5 .r,ii;r:.lels ia A€ a.; I e:5 a N?ck i:'ls 7 F:.j::b!:!g e" P:arnb: 5 yti:tii ?:i; 3tif:!tF Bio-Cl3e:f i' ?i:iar 5! 5q' ^'' llg:'.::rg :l:.ro:i !?t!P.re::i i 60e E:.:r:iac! i{ r a'i"', c:ci:r:4i (g: () Di€ln i :nl5:(e Ccblncl (l6li) caY€i (E =',?r".) ir.r:i.::-.c:: Sac:.:c so:lcli: licrrc.-.}i :qrlP::?er!:ccl 2dg', OniY 3.Ck'r".J l3t 't casgl:6 lif P;':els Scu:: tsgt:i tei :? Yosr3 S::uci.Jie 5 I'sa:' Trirbl: 5 Yegf ?ari! 5 !'.cr io)!r ':'.,,, ". i i.- _{r' it ;i.i' Pori:.:5 li' ":;*€ i. i'J Ya'ei: silr.'c:ir 5l€c;:rili E lleat ":5 1'€:: -s: a.-, 17 - oi J'2 ';.***t"to;* r:i.i"i AlJlhc.fted CCI SP<r3 Dccl€r C^*"'-aQA .: : .aav ihfO t 103 / -) ?-a\&un- www.colspos-com ffiffi ',\'it:!ir,i!1 ; E a cli ' ':: l':':-: r '. ", j .ilt:-,.-.....'. r' iljitr:r'.-;..I. r.. ":,''.. L.l :'i]'' KJJ A=NUUH :. l^EUlTd [ues:ar vaw Ll '6nv o SILAfrLEE : 'ON XUI FRX N0. i 3A37949?15 t? 2w4 11:814M P1 J--;:-^r-'= /r'l a!- :::.:;'j:i.' . ^' r i- L =.1--,:,r#c'?.':-i: :' .! ' -,r'-*" r= i-. 5="-i:='--:-- \<-:.-::.-il= t .r': Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depaftment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97O.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: wwwci.vail,co.us Proiect Name: Navas re-paint DRB Number: DR8030451 Project Description: Re-paint of both sides of duplo< in Sherwin Williams' "popular gray" (siding), "utterly beige" (windows and doors, currently white), and "Isle of Pines" (dark green); replacement of decks on both sides with natural wood rails Pafticipants: OWNER NAVAS, SYBILL R. 10/08/2003 Phone: 2610 BALD MOUNTAIN RD EAST SIDE VAIL CO 816s7 License: APPUCANT NAVAS, SYBILL R. 10/08/2003 Phone: 2610 BALD MOUNTAIN RD EAST SIDE VAIL CO 81657 License: ProjectAddress: 2610 BALD MOUNTAIN RD VAIL Location: 2610 BALD MOUNTAIN RD ?.. Legaf Description: loh 32BlodrzF Subdivision: VAILVITIAGE FIUNG 13 Parcel Number: 210103.O3007 Comments: seeconditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motaon By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval:10/08/2003 Gonditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activiues. Cond: CON0006172 Two floodlights on south side shall be removed by the applicant prior to Nov. 15, 2003; if lights are to be replaced, a lighting plan and samples shall be submitted by applicant to planning Cond: CON0006173 by the applicant Planner: ElisabethEckel DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 o ' ?l* co.u, flSfr\ il'n Appfication ror o"rign -:y*'- ''rf ,fr 3[^n"nO ,o*ffi - -*,r- a Description of the Request: d2Q-s o,tt// ,&- fuZ/aez Location ofthe Proposdl: Lot:_ Physical Address: Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):l{qaz-c ,rVPun< Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us General InformaUon: All prqects requiring design rwiew must receive approval prior to submifring a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the pafticular approval that is requested, An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval,aL TAohs- S)a(trs-"/^.14,'r^t-9-J (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-86.$0 for parcel no.) Mailing Address; Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:5a Mailing Address: E-mail Address:5 4'7't- ozz o.t76' 7/7/ Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceotual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration ( multFfam ily/com mercial ) Minor Alteration (si ngle-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where Euare footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. tr tr $20 $20 No Fee For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, paintng, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans Design Review Board. already approved by Planning.Staff or the -> _s /4 of d/ft/Drzob3-oqsl 10/00/2003 20:{2 FAX Oc! OB O3 O8r 3Sp IOI]tN ,o/e b:(Date) Ii€fi:*- :j--di n 4l-"r4L v -.t- !\.i),1: .iC'. j; -,'ij ;i..i- ry7r,r,,sr-> ,.-: - --t /J - *i ,r;'- ' j( -; I @ ool/ooJ tt I Havas rzlzr+r p. r m^%%*:/zt,-rrs/ ,,H.i^ffi^?Y&r**Z* >4./* 46' I, (print name)fv\anc Jo/l'a joint ovyner of property lo€ted at (addres5/legBl desctiption) provide this retter as written appror.l of the plans da ea iO iO+i t -;which haw b€en submifted to the Town of Vait Comrnunity Oeveloprnent Depanrnent for the proposed improvemcnts to be completed Et the Eddress noted above, I understand th€t the propoSed improvements include: .i I further understand that minor modifications nray be made to the plans over the course of the review proccss io cnsute compliance with the Town! applicsble codcs and regulatbns- gIAFF -# Z/a t o.), ;,-,)':4 ,9 o ' .!..^*,., i/ i,-, n ,r.,..,!t', ' jisl$\;:;nov qTAil r / tfulJE gfi-c'-';-Z ^1 9.Sezot * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * ** *** * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * ** * * * * *'i * * * * * * * * *,! '! * * * * *,i * * * '!,* * * * * * * {' !* {! * * f 't *+ * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 10-08-2003 at 08:40:50 10/08/2003 Statemqrt * ****++ + **** ***** * * ++ *+ + *{' * * * ** ** ** ** * * * ++ +* ** t+ *** * ***** * ** ******* * * ** t * * ** * * t*** * + ** + + * +** statenent Number: R0300048?3 Amount: s20.00 to/o8/2o03o8:40 AM Palment Method: Check Init: DF Notation: Permit No: DRB03O45L 114)e: DRB-Minor AIt, SFR/DUP Parcel No: 210103403007 Site Address: 2510 BAJ,D MOITNTAIN RD VAIL L,ocation: 2610 BALD MOUI\TTAIN RD ToEal Fees: S20.00 This Palment: $20.00 Total AIIJ Pmts: $20.00 BaLance: S0.00 * * * * * * * * * * * * * **** * +:t + * * +'l {.f * * * * * * ** * * * * * + * * t ++ t * ** * * * * * * * *.1* * * * {. {. * * + * * * * * * * * * * * l. !i * + * + * * +** '} * ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 -r,, -,.'.:"lq\,, October 14.2003 Ms. Blair Mellon 2610 Bald Mountain Road, West Side Vail, CO 81657 Re: Exterior lighting conditions Dear Ms. Mellon, Thank you for helping to maintain a high visual quality within the Town of Vail by re-painting your residence. However, it came to my attention during a visit to your home to approve the re-painting proposal, that the floodlights on the south side of the residence do not comply with the outdoor lighting guidelines that are outlined in the Town of Vail's zoning regulations. According to the Development Standards Handbook, "Light sources located on all property in the Town which are not fully cutoff shall exhibit a ratio of source lumens to luminous area not excaeding 125" (Title 14:10:F:3). Therefore, the floodlights are non-@nforming due to the lack of cutoff that they exhibit. Consequently, I staff-approved the re-paint proposal on one condition: the floodlights must be removed by November 15, 2003. After a brief chat with your neighbor, Sybill Navas, I was informed of your primary residence elsewhere and the difficulty that may arise in the deadline that I proposed. Therefore, I would like to reach a realistic, but firm deadline for the removal of the lights. Please contact me once you have been able to make a decision regarding this matter and I will change the conditions of approval for the previous application to reflect that decision. Furthermore, please do not hesitate to contact me regarding any questions or concerns you may have and I will do my best to answer your questions. Best regards, Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 Sybill Navas 2610 Bald Mountain Road, East Side Vail. CO 81657 a Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us November 17,2003 Ms. Blair Mellon 2610 Bald Mountain Road, West Side Vail, CO 81657 \ Fax # 303.771.3034 Re: Exterior lighting donditions Dear Ms. Mellon, Per our conversation earlier today, I am faxing you a copy of the standards by which we evaluate outdoor lighting within the Town. According to the Development Standards Handbook, 'Light sources located on all properu in the Town which are not fully cutoff shall exhibit a ratio of source lumens to luminous area not exceeding 125" (Title 14:10:F:3). As you know, the floodlights are non-conforming due to the lack of cutoff that they exhibit Originally, I staff- approved the Navas re-paint proposal on one condition: the floodlights must be removed by November 15, 20O3. However, due to the fact that you primarily reside elsewhere, I have extended that date to two months from today, January 17, 2004. lf no changes to the floodlights have been made by that time, other actions may be taken by the Town to resolve the matter. Please do not hesitate to contact me r.bgarding any questions or concems that might remain. q%k {Srun""*r oo ,^l \ s \ o1J ,^-: ogdn ET C o1 o(o' o -I0!1/1V0ML7 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel| 970.479.2139 fax: 97 O.47 9.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Prciect Name; NAVAS DECK ADDffiON DRB Number: DRB0,10322 Project Description: DECK MODIFICATION Participants: OWNER NAVAS, SYBITI R. 0709/2(M Phone: 2610 BALD MOUNTAIN RD EAST SIDE VAIL co 81657 License: APPUCANT NAVAS, SYBILLR. 0710912004 Phone: 2510 BALD MOUNTAIN RD EAST SIDE VAIL co 816s7 License: Prcject Address: 2610 BALD MOUNTAIN RD VAIL LocaUon: 2610 BArJ, lroumAlil RD. '1/ tegal Description: Loe 32 Block /SuOOivision: VAIL VILIAGE RUNG 13 Parcel Number: 210103403fi)7 Gomments: SEE CONDmONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By: Vote: DateofApprovah A7/2212004 Conditions: Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006576 oo The applicant shall remove the floodlights on the duplex (east half) prior to the issuance of a building permit. Planner: CIJTRE sloAtl DRB Fee Paid: l2O,0O O uinor Exterior AtteratOrs Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 Sou$ Fronbge Road, Vail, Colondo 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.7452 web: www.vailgov,com General Information: All projects requiring design re/ew must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit applkation. Please refer to the submitbal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Deparbnenl The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: RECEIVEO lUl-. 0 g ?,lf-,r Location of the Proposal: Lot: .?2 Block: Physical Address: Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address:54ru " /6Z (Conbact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) uu7 Mailing Address: 7qq E-maif Address: .svbrp"var2,An/"^ot /, a,*Fax: €=n 9?a - 7/q/' $50 Plus $1,00 per square foot oftotal sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or den.-rlrebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenb, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee tr tr Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review E New Constructiontr Addition E Minor Alteration (mulU-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separauon Request Page 1 of L2/04128104 FRON : If,RVEY FRX Jvl OE Oi 04:55P |,,, J:-ill.; 3as7e4'7Ls "ro.flfi Lz ?@4 a?:a3Pn'?PL JOINT PROPERW OIII'IIER WRITTEil TPPROVAL LETrlR / lUH\I I, (ilnt name description) provide $B l€ner as writien approal f Ure ptans d&C which harre be€n submittqd to the To$rn d Vail Conrnunity Derelopiient Deprrtrncnt for ihe proposeC improvEns.tB t0 be completed at dne addrcss m-d above. I undarst-nd that tl€ propo€ed i$pro\remenis indude: I fuitipr unda:stand that miirr miiicatiors iltay be mEce b hc dacs oar btc course of tire r6iew proces to enl|Jie gnplhnct wlth the Town's appli<irbla cod6s .rd reguE'lions. 1-12-oY (DaE) ! jolnt owror cf p:ope0 iooled at (address/iegai ?ry2ofiuunAu PROPOSED MATERHLS Buildino Materials Tvoe of Material Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior UghUng Other Color '{ud.doorA / n,-l..-tr-l Notes: Please specily the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip, Page 6 of 12104128104 Page 5 of |2lMl28l04 tt fr ( 2Llo BALIAouN\Q\no 'tU GA L! \H4 ,-2 Fg i- I I F:i (J I htfo5 I -q da.€ 3q:r, ;)bs4t g o E .r, U t, s,G tlr l ,#;di(x 3 o Uf Fti n)qF h d 2 ot: ,fr.Oa 14 '{[5 TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEW . ,/ STAFF nnrnOVnl \ oarc, 7 -J)-or/ srAFF: CE _ - <de AUoSttJ t\,,u\1,,J& I-lo"r,g B 7 b 1A fi nl N"Tea A. D""q- A Qsqoue 3. Qenorer Dsoki'1 C Rer.ro.,rg 5lE7i D, tlsg Ex,:sTi'5 ntJ ?+to.=.IrrJ H^"J ?g;L nuo R*pLr** n^r4 RqpLo-rrrkto,+rrj dA I io w s TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN RFVIEW,/ STAFF APPROVAL \ oArE, 7-*:pV-- 26loGld flo, dhato fd+n Dr-14 DE--raiLs3 6l,*n*rs T Be {'tt q, Ti{rgfftp?,t-rg Sots]3 fu. \o'nTRERTlro ?ut ft"t(^r.q zrl"Jhx *c-K u1 sr.+ps^1" HD zrlo gorsT {$flees il r ^rr ?r'',i{ }EB#T#F*4*' " rcWN OFVAIL DESIG\! REVIEW..q ,,/ Srarr,,,ppRffiU{,,, '/ A- DArE:7-?-24&G dr{,tIner ifcisTs lLt'g.c.f'a"agr {ilqcsor*J:r ro-f?,sreo trcft?., ar,ttr*"lBl6c *,+$s".Bh{'eas'A*t'a e"srffllP ilotoSnl4 Plnn^.,F,q,-D ?t/ .+Q lk'.,'t D- K #--l-sn D;miL ,uP\ror,fugfr (l)-t, s tusan Tafr. @'"f,iggt'#s'lulg G*regrrr TOWN OF VAII- DEStcN prVrEW STAFF AP?ROVAL \ so,E' ']42-o9 '" ffih tlq:^Bnn'kiti' -o9TAtrF:F .. 26l.0 lan Ld flo"'J lAtd Cd {f H Dr.l4 DE:rat[^s! 4L,{n n s -Ti Bc /''4t' TRFiIbP?^rs SIsl3 lr \o"'TRsNlro 18us ft.\<f^rg zxL"Tt$;r 4.{(*r1 Srxprof HD zrro SorsT {lJ$pes ilr^rJ Rr't d-{ TOWN OF VAiI- DESIGN RE'IIEW \ / stpFr ffPr-::gYqL \.,u.,'::'H# 14r a1"{'ct.>l}sE f'"r,Egtt 31\ro"*or I *tjfrs - a 4 .-taJ ors ts l{." O.C. 2rr'-Tkgteo \'+$$"cgh{'tlsA*l'.' J fr ,p g J o4td-f ? v AO tr-4o"'J 1-\vl\5 \ <) --J .4, S-S5 "{YSs 2f {--J \Js\9t-t2 '6q- # o'fq EJ?Yd'j J--x No- -<8U3 Atr l2lf,5 I ou =[ xXu/ ocnl t- bS { oo 'lv^ouddv rjvrs MflAlri t',lClS3O =\,r I t"- T *f, 8p ! 6t- hr : =N =r( c.)$' oo -De=rPri L A, "r4 'bJ )t^""-'l(q)a'A0C -{EL*'{' TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEW STAFF APPRovAt- '1 ssrr, 7-L2-d " - gJ,*J zx.f qr I axL8ncrGlR- +*Lt Ce^.Tt-.6eTrue:ed G(. ".rfu: ",'Iu" GL*n.J zkzu derTi cnls Rlso,o"J <r ! rf .-So-c. ,//^"rb"3trG-(tt) Q-r-GL,^*^r- EuereV o-ttsu C-L.{ /t,., . $eqni rrrq GL*rrrvs. lL' O. U ?r* hrrsri5 IAJ-L ...._il8 -:--\ -,.u! Jt+. '"lz '( /*fF*!.1 cr-E wlr+Ttfu .l- =)------ ! ---tt,,$ --_n'.-, t--- | \- J -\,, :IWN -l'- /-- -J-, t.,'o' ll | ",, 1[ -'.--|'r.. ''"''* /T a;, 1\' * -*\ '1.. \ @= >"{ J-. '-* bE;Lt$ '--.-,r'\1$ * J-^) K; '-{g { -'-""-lto I tt- o {af .,-y -.-1+' '-otl er) >...-. '{f "<4 <. ..-<'-'.-'-, $ \ \---- 1b 1+ '1 llar e*4ttq = Aer*s" t^AA)-o '{or $ " rbwNoFvAtL - 3fr'JFX'F'=-'J'#;,\- ,orr-]22#I" fi :'. a'l :-. \:.1;i.i;'il :!. ,:.t'1:.4--.i: :,'; o {. * l**** t * * t +**** *'l*{t* *'t'l'tl *'t't* * tl TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO * '|*****tt't * a+'t*:i***** **t*****{'{r***'}** **'tttll' *:t:t****'}'t *{':ldr**l{r'l****1. * * l* * i *+{.*,1 Statement Number: Ro4ooo5194 Amount: $20.00 01 /09/200403:55 PM Palment Method: Check Init: iIS Nouauion: #6205/SYBrr.,L IIA\IAS Permit No: DRBO4O322 T)De: DRB-Minor AItr SFR,/DUP ParceL llo: 210103403007 Site Address: 2510 BALD MOTNTAIN RD VAIIJ Location: 2510 BAIJD MOI'NTAIN ROAD Total Fees: $20.00 Thia Pa)rmenc: 920.00 Total ArJIJ Pmta: 520.00 Balance: $0.00 *'tt***********************t+******'t'|***i.*'t**t t *t'|'| * *!t*** * +**** * * + *'l* * * * * * * * * '1.'l.l l.'ii!** *:|*'|* *** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current hnts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI^J FEES 20.00 * *t** * 'f *t*'l** ** *:*'****'l** tl':l*t 'l:l*'|'i *lr* * Statement I TOI4A'# Design Review Board ACTION FORM DeparBnent of Community Development 75 South Frcntage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel; 970.479.2L39 taxt 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Prciect Name: MVAS RE-ROOF DRB Number: DR80,10306 Prcffi Description: RE-ROOF HOME Pafticipants: OWNER NAVAS, SYBILL R. 0710712004 Phone: 2610 BALD MOUNTAIN RD EAST SIDE VAIL co 81657 License: APPUCANT NAVAS, SYBILL R. 0710712004 Phone: 2610 BALD MOUNTAIN RD EAST SIDE VAIL co 81657 License: CONTRACTOR G & G ROORNG 0il0il2W4 Phone: 970-668-5552 P.O. BOX 817 FRISCO, CO 80443 License: 12+S Proiert Address: 2610 BALD MOUNTAIN RD VAIL Location: 2610 BALD MOUNTAIN ROAD 2z l-egal Description: Lot: 32 Block/Subdivision: VATLVILTAGE RUNG 13 Parcel ]{umber: 210103403007 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: SfAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Apprcval= 0710712004 Condltlons: Cond; 8 (P|AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to consEuction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Pl,anner: Joe Suther ConO: ZOZO Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of ftnal approral, unless a building permit is issued and consiluction is commenced and is diligenUy pursued toy'rard compledon. DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 : v A Minor Exterlor Rlteralns pplication for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 97 0.479.2L39 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application, Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Rwiew cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department, The project may also need to be reviewed by. the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. REcer,Fo li ./ I rl 7t llrl 3 ,{ ||lLs ADE-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition E Minor Alteration (mulU-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separauon Request tr tr $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild, $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Location of the Propos alz tot:37-gto*: J Physical Address: ParcelNo.: 2/O /03 ?n3a-.7 (ContactEagleCo.AssessoratgT0-328-8640forparcel ,y/ Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): \! Name of Applicantl Mailing Address: Description of the Request: Name(s) of Owner(s): Page 1 of 12104128104 *********';l****l****l*:t*******l'l't't**t*'t't*'ti'*'|******************{.*l'{.**{r'tr't,l****************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ** **** *,1'r'* +*'h;* f,*{.{.} t**** +**** *****t a*'t't't *'l**'l{.'l* Statement, Nurnber: R040006165 Anoun! 3 $20.00 07/07/2oo4,4:04 PM Palment Method: Check NAVAS Init : iIS Notation: #5203/SYBILL PermiE No: DP4040305 T14le: DRB-Minor AlE,SFR/DUP Parcel No: 210103403007 Site Addregs: 2610 BAIJD MOUIITAIN RD VAIIJ Irocat,ion: 2510 BALD MOIJMAIN ROAD Total Fees: $20.00 This Pa)ment: $20,00 Total ALL, Pmts: $20.00 Balance: 90.00 '*** {r ****:r,*'}*f't *tt'}**t tr**** *a****at **+ *** * tt {.*r* l* t'l'} *'l* lr** * ** lr'}*** r**'*{r* * *:l'}* +**** ***{.'} l.{.*r ** ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriptjon Current Pnts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEhI FEES 20. 00 Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS TYoe of Material *&ra- G*e-e") Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. ,k// -SAt Page 6 of t2104128104 Page 5 of l2l04l29/04 BERRIDGE S o TAN DARD COLORS I =I T &tllst Berridge Manufacturang Co. I BUCKSKIN PARCHTEIiIT III AGED BRO}IZE SHASTA WHITE FOREST GREEN PATINA GREEN SIERRA TANIIIII MEDrUrr BBOilZE CHARGOAL cREy HEilLOGKea-E\ BRTSYOL BLUE TERRA.COTTAIII'IE DARK BRONZE ZINC GREY.. HARTFORD G,F|EE#iI7 ROYAL BLUE COLONTAL REO .--=----=--)IIIII COPPER BROWN MATTE BLACK TEAL GREEN BURGUNDY DEEP BED I COPPER.COTETT ' Berridge Metallic Colors are premium finishes which require a nominal surchage. I LEAD.COTETI PREWEATHERED GALVALUME@ Benidge Satin Finish Galvalume@ is pretreated t0 remove mill oils, chemicals and residue and coated onfie back side t0 inhibit c0fi0si0n, The top side receives a clear plastic strippable lilm. CHAIIPAGNE SATTN FTNIS}I GALVALUIIE@ KYNAR 5OOO GALVAilIZED Al{D O' HYLAR SOOOTX SPECIFICATIONS FOR GALVALUIIEO COIL COATTNG APPLICATIONS: Colorsavailable 60" Gloss Color Uniformity DryFilm Thickness Hardness Adhesion (X-Cut) Adhesion (Crosshatch) Direct lmpact Flexibility Reverse lmpact Flexibility Formability SaltSpray Resislance Humidity Resistance Acid Resistance AlkaliResistance Abrasion Coefficient Detergent Resistance Resistance lo Acid Pollutants Weathering - Color Retention Weathering - Chalk Resistance ASTM D-523€O ASTM D-2244-79 ASTM D-1 400-81, ASTM D-1 005-84 NCCA I t-13,1t{4,1 t -15 EagleTurquoise Pencils ASTI\il D-3363-89, NCCA 11-12 (2) NCCANo. 1 1 (5), ASTM D33s9-90 (2) NCCA No. 1 1 (5), ASTM D-3359-90 Gardner lmpact Tesler, 1/10" Distortion ASTM D-279484 Gardner lmpact Tester, 5i8" ball, impact force in inch pounds equal to metal thickness. NCCA Spec. .l 1 , ASTM D-2794-84 T-Bend ASTM D-522€5 180" Esnd on 1/8 Mandrel ASTtVt B-1 17-73 (1992) ASTM D-2247 (1 987) 107o Sulphuric acid spot test - 24-hour exposure ASTIV D-1308-79 (1987) Proc. 3.1 .1 1O%Sodium Hydroxide ASTM D- l30&79 (1981) Proc. 5.2 ASTM D.968€1 72 hours immersion 3% solution at 1O0" F 24-hour exposure 10% HNG vapors ASTM D 1308-87 Proc.3.1.1 '10 yrs., 45'Soulh Florida ASTM D-2244-89 10 yrs., 45'South Florida ASTM D-659{6 '10 yrs., 45' South Florida See inside color chart Low and medium gloss only Color controlled both instrumentally & visually Primer .25 t 0.05 mil, topcoat .8 mil -f 0.05 mil H.B. Minimum No toss No Loss Excellent, no removal Excellent, no cracking, no film removal No cracks or loss of adhesion Passes 1 000 hours on H.D.G. Steel, 750 hours on GALVALUME* Passes 2000 hours on H.D.G. Steel, 2000 Hours on GALVALUMET Excellent, no attack Exc€llent, no attack 1o0Liters/Mil topcoat Excellenl no atiack Excellent - No color change Maximum NBS units Color change Maximum rating I Maximum 15% lossErosion NOTES: 1 . AS|M - Nnerican Society tor Testing Materials. 2. NCCA - National Coil Coaters Association 3. PREWATHEBED GALVALUME@. COPPER -COTFU, LEA&COTE tLt and CHAMPAGNE May not conform to all of the above criteria. 4. "GALVALUME@ is a registered trad€mark ol BIEC International, Inc. lilffiiog" u"rr.,r""t.,ring co-p"nv 1 720 MAURY STREET / HOUSTON, TEXAS 77026 / TOLL-FBEE 1-800-231-8127 I FAX713-236-94?21 http://www.berridge.com 09990010rGuids R€v.Ptl6/8EV0999/40M aIT6Eo.I6v,!,T C'IE oa- -f hot o -t, =T' C'hB ItE.lE C'cE -_ ._.-i.: ,-t)Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Devdopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, @lorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 taxl 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us Prcject l{ame: DRB02-0258 DRB Number: DR8020258 Project Description: replace garage door Participants: OWNER NAVAS, SYBILL R, 08/15/2002 Phone: 2610 BALD MOUNTAIN RD EAST SIDE VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT NAVAT SYBITI R. 0811512002 Phone:477-0230 2610 BALD MOUNTAIN RD EAST SIDE VAIL CO 81557 License: PrciectAddress: 2610 BALD MOUNIAIN RDVAIL Location: unitA Legal Description: Lot: 32 Block 3 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 13 ParcelNumber: 210103403007 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Approvalz O9|O612O02 Conditions: Cond: I (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail sbff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constiMe a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: DRB Fee Paid: $O.OO IO['NM Application for Design Review Deparfnent of Cornmunity Devetopment 75 Sou& Fontage Road Vail, Colonado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L9 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Generallnformation: This. applicatim. b br any pmject requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design rwhw must receive approval prior to submifrirE a building pemit application. Please reer o -fre submittal requirenrents fur tfnpartbular approral that is requested. An applicauon fur Design RE iew cannot b€ accepted unul a required infurmatbn is received by the Community Development Department. The project may abo need m be rcviewid by the, Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Oesign nevietrv Board approvat lapsei unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Descri fiion of the. Req uest: Physical Address: Parcel No.:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 br parcel no.) Name(s) of Ovrner(s): I c ,? /VPV c Mailing Address: Phone: Orner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee3 E New ConstrKtionn Addition }( Uinor Atteration tr Changes toApproved Plans $20 $200 $s0 $20 Phone: For consEuction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square fuotage is added to any resiCential or commertial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversiors). For minor changes b buildingE and site inprovernents, such as, reroofing, painting, window additiont hndscaping, ftnces and retaining walb, etr. For revisions to phns ahearly approved by Planning S{fpp... _ Design Rariew Board ' '- v C t YF ,l) \ppucATroN, ALL ',BM[TAL REqTJTREMENT' AUG t I MPLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQTJIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF @MMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLOMDO 81657. e-t "Itrr* /(lt* k/L u42,"a/piw I 'a JOINT PROPERTYOWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I. (print name), a joint owner of propefi located at (address/legal description) provide this feter as written approval of the plans daIf 8/+/AZ- which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed impro\rements to be completed atthe address noted above. I understand thatthe proposed improvements include: I further understand tiat minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applioble codes and regulauons. /l ,f1?/crz- (Date) I t II .t s5, s = t d ll F 4z a ! = = = l+t= l=t_l= l= t- t:l' t:t: l= l:= =t:t=l:l-l: l-t: Ir tt3 8 o I.IJa E I a ,. : i : ,- a a i i z67?l :[l' : f, _ l*lI \TRF. F : z h,' '#u ; t:_ 7a q 1 cz rlt -i a : a a I ll $ it,t tl I I li ' il tl I l) rl ih, *:i-€ F" ItII T I II III T -t 3 EA ' E .:E E€ ;-6 q ", ..t t ; a:-= .! 9 .g I - l- ;:r1in= ,'l'' 7a, f a tt,. o- Ca., o C]Z'i> tf) 6 !A o: Y +. C, -m=-Y1t;-- == !v-',a-;-Y .=.iP{ cja, l - a !?: n! I Yl i; :i=E"i;vPo=:,.a!-(J; -.r-.st-^r''-==J ;6x= !u.Yt l!O *o t > rc -J:>,.'al='! (n - 0a _c artr o g';--= V;p:='q=:6 ",,-, -: ;2Fd :' : ; ,- c,- : -.=t3;rL-=-'.:rr-'..--;:(,*.=D_tair,E(;i..PEE=3t = "-.i, i 'EzgJ 6 : f I i, 5 l :r.ed'!-tjZgd +-c = a ; ! = <,Ii i.n'+EE=,-! 3 - q iT r s€EE -ti"=i5 ?=o ! E = F i XEqj:ax;.F.,<:!;ta';y !rES=:+32 pi9,-P=:=*;'Ei;!JE"isn;:F+9tr-a v -'= -O -- (, -.ro6:,:,"tr;dE r!(Jz tv Idn \ F r'tF-) -JJ FSXr E= rfr O \,/ -zF-dF4XtrElPzp< \-/ uU)\ ffi=F! El6k-at-r( Lr\a \ -rnas JI!ao oz !4Lr.le, =Fst! I! = z H E E Fl- F::{!l*i .. !l/=.0.'lOStpE ; ,E; a 6 oY €87.=:,!:jE=i : E: =i;=i;;sg EE ;;E' i i: tFt ia ti i+s; g# E E ;siF j* ::r; ;a : ; ;ti 7* EI i;+E1H Ee =;';i :,i ; E {+Z i, =; PP;;;i ;E- :1:3 'E ; t:e Fi€ li iE'nig:;i tiE :;=' E: ! €F E5s Ez i-";! .EEt eFe 55;i s; i 5; i;. ir ir rrE tr tr tr trE tr E tr E 3 Department of C ommunity Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us August 28,2002 Sybill R Navas 2610A Bald Mountain Road Vail, CO 81658 Re: Garage door replacement, Lot 32, Block 2, Vail Village l3m Filing. Dear Sybill, The Town of Vail has recently reviewed the Desigr Review application for the replacement of the existing garage door at 2610A Bald Mountain Rd. Staffwill recommend approval to the Desigrr Review Board with the following condition: o The new garage door must be painted to match the existing siding. Ifyou have any questions regarding your application, please do not hesitate to call me at (970) 479-2140.v% Matthew R. Gennett Planner II {P"n'"uo'*o .l{ov O4 98 O2: llp Bob I Valeric Gusn ?60-a3?-3823 p.2 "J"',:,"j.ff" l;3[", ill*ffi af\s i{'pf( !'€978476749! tD. r?ratllilii P,? faca a/l s+EsaL4trBuAmu .l prl B - oL t o Thir+dicdioi b hrvFoidT!:T-!1igl ns$srrprlci"t. ArrFcirrsidrydcli;nrlricrmt3r Dqe Raw re'* rr Ftip_alm*ft.. hil&;fr. rsilrdrctuic.n oclinilertqsrnonft 'cl.'ie* n'Uyd ori' rcs.r'a. ac frftrcolrna r.*qrod rui * r,o irsrcrlbltrndo bgauoa nctrsccyto_.iaox*,idft-fi-tc r"_ Oldl rtCb.tic pbt'la.r,iEns*qartdOonrdsio. O.CrD R;-^Ln !,rr;;.;r*;-",.g9{hr; a rfp1a*rl rrb|b|tilirLl D|tratr tt brd rqt orrWcrnnr B n|rrd. Iuilil# LOC^TtOhr OFIIOTO0AL PARCELT zoNtlfe 'f NAIT|EOF OWITER{S}= MA|LnfC Otil{EngtElGiilArUrH.i}: NAME OF AFPLIC^NT: !r tulltc Qt#? Crll rho hi:niag Se,f .i (;t-i ::tr APPI,ICATIOIY FON, DESilCN RSYISW APPRCVAL ffitp (g3E Pj A$ott eilccetzF!zr-t{4orDrpred r) + c. D. E. F. o. H. o*e rbrrrr ro Dc firl rrh dne o(rtnll. irrs, lr(! |Ft hl-ff t hdldit DourlDr.t cid.r,Uylic*cr,lr.Gvrludis drbsnice noTora ofVA *uiltl, IIsftcacl0l3 plfcFt*s v&citn. FrrAsE SuDrrrrr rHl8 ArrucAtrox Ar,Lst BlrE"At rEQunEUErfrs AnD rHg ,IE to tI,EeEpASrMENrOFCr.Mlrw'Dctii'lil-;i]soursr'*recsBoAn vltLcoultaDotlafr. 11W\hraw\n \/ !EP-2€-9e t3'04 FFOli,IOV-C TYPEOFMATERIAT.: Oli-DEV-DEPT o tDrE?04?824E2 o PAGE 3/7 g,}LgR. \&*?,4tfl:bt-%," av*% ^NWO ,o\ t' Ms. Pamela W. Hopkins Oct.l2,lggg Snowdon and Hopkins 201 Gore Creek Dr. Vail, Co. 81657 Dear Pam, Enclosed please find copies ofthe following: 1. Wananty Deed transfering the west property from Ed Chalmers and Mary Ban to Robert and Valerie Gwyn. Exhibit A is the properry description. Exhibit B is a listing of restrictions. 2. Quit-claim Deed transfering one- half of the east property from the valerie A. Gwyn Trust to the Robert B. Grr.'/n eualified personal Residence Trust. 3 . Quit-claim Deed transfering one-half of the east property from the valerie A. Gwyn Trust to the Valerie A. Gwyn Qualified Personal Residence Trust. Items 2 and 3 have no Exhibit B. I believe this is because there was no warranty of title with respect to these transfers. Nevertheless I believe Exhibit B ot Item I applies to ltems 2 and3. If you need additional information for the filing please let me know. After oct. 14 we can be reached at760-837-3613. Sincerel% _--, " 9/ [Sat@ryl___ Bob Gwyn / ,r,& Dc,. Fa.- $tl!.t" WARRANTY DEEI) THIS DEED, Mrdo thir 30tL dly ot itu!' BDtlAiL L. C[rt,l|!ng tI ttID IIAI &' BIAR l99g . b.tw!.o ofit! .ril Coutt of EtsLE '!c stdool @f.()tlDo ' !r'!rot' drd aoBGtt D. onYN ND VALERIE A. GI,lYl{ whor.b8.f dd..o.i. WWIWIV&WMJ/ 2610 BALD IOUNIAIN RC t*iirit' fri,vWt' ifr E qw vArl,- to 816s7 of rtF ..td cooott of 'C;\bi,E &d sutc of Wf it"ttc: COI.ORADO WITNESS, ttd tb. tr&lo., fo. md i|l Gotridcr'ttoo oruo tui? lttE Coll'rt r|r't oth'r good lDd vrlurbt. coortd.r.tio[ DoLllt'lt' rtc rccoip rnd rutlicl'nct of*iich i' b'r'by aho$lcrt|cd,h|'lnaLd,b|.i!iac..oltlatdco'lvcycd,dbt$€r'ptlrcdttdolttrrt't!4ritl'"tl'c'ov'y'ndrolfitr!'rtxdlbs tr.at6r,lbclrhdalttaldttrfotowr,lolht'nrlclbc"noonbllhiotdr!n.l€t'rtlUl.r!'lP'ot"t'rotcf,Grslf,i6Pr0v'Dtttlt'ii-y,.rut., ry'.f -l bciig it lhc '! Cottlxt of -ItAoLf !d $'rt of colot'& d6tctbcd 't follo*ti E.. Erhiblt "A' tlulul,r.lllu.lttllll.1! r!!l!l[[rrtl!l|! ilr ilr l; i i i,.co D rr'!e o'oo lrrlr co .l!o lnowD t|y .rr9.r rnd lurtbct rr: 2510 !N.D xorfitltr f,orD }t 1/2, vAIt.. oo al55' ToGETHERwirh.rt.fi||iatol.rth.h!'odiEt|Gdt.|rdTPurt.|l|!c..$..aob€|otuin',o.|6|o'wi.G.pP..t|inbr,.oddl.'.v,.?|ion .|rd rcvcdionr, rctuinddrnd.q iadcr|, rcou, irar4 and irofrr dr!..of, .||d dl tb. cd^to, ri3lr, rllp, ilE .4. ct itrr .d d't!"d wirr- 6.vaa of th6 t.u@r, .tb.r in r.w or .4udy, of. io '!d to 'i"bov' b"6rin'd P!'tlh'r' eith t|'!c lcr'dit|lr.u '!d +Prt!'od"'' TO IIAVE AND TO llOLD l!3 'rid prcdrct .bovc blrFinod ard dG.criu, qh! lho r9Pu.tctl.dcc., u!]o thG !rmt", hi' hi't "d rrr|3nrforcvcr.Andlhc|'drior'forhim..|'.hl5h.i]',lrdpEf.onrlcgrcrrarerivor'dorcov.nu$'8].'I,brr|dn.rnd|Itr.to.rrdwio rlF trur!., hi. bci.r |nd .t.iin.' uor rr rho tinro of ltro .'ucatiog rnd doliv€.y of rhcro ptc&rtr, ho b w'll Eiztd of th! ?t'ml|.t 'bov' cotN.o,od'brttood,.!r.'pc.fcd,.b6t!io!dind.fc|.ibhc'rtoofhhoriuncci|rlay' io loc.i'!g|o, ]rd h..8o.d 'ig[' fu|l 9ow.. |'d ldrful dborilt io 8..!t' b..Srh, t u .tt ;;;; drc 'rrlc in ln"r* eld lots 't 'fo'{'id' lrd thr r}c rlrnc ero frGG "d clcrt froll dl .oml!'!dothdSl.t|tt,h.Sjnt,..|4,Ii.!r....x!r'.$G.5t!.t..q|cutrbrurdc|dr.nric|.|o[|ofri.l!v.rkildotn.tu''D.YC.|.dccpiiiJ. r.ilJt. ..i ro"tl IE Erhlllt '!' rttrcb'd h'r'to rld qd' I lrrrt haraot. Thc t .rro. .hdl .rd ?lll WAR&{NT AND FOREVEI DEFEND rr..bovo.b..in d ptc|litcr b |lr. quic .!d F t'br' Po'rd'io' of th. t.rrl4, hi. h!i.| roa .|siio.' .g.ul rtt l"a cr"ty Fflo|r ot P"ol!' lnfully Crtot|t thr stolc o' uy t'n rhctcof' Tt! 'l.r8||Lr r|uDbci rhdl inrlud. rbo Plu.d, lhc Plur.l tbc th$lrt, 'Dit tt' tl* of |nt lqrd.l th'll b6 '0?lic!blc to dl irNrd''"' tN WrJ ESS WHER'EOF. rh. 8rrtot h'r 't'ctt.i rbir dc'd on lh' dst! 'c{ forth rbov!' Srlc of OOIORADO ) ) li. Cou!.y of El(]Ll ) Tt fo.Ggoint intrumqt w|, arbowl.dtcd bcfotc n' ihi' 3otb uy roirno t. cBlrIlEB8 tt lrD llrnl !' Elll My coorni..ion cxPi'c.E] - ^ t- dlt of tuEa ofllcld |cd. 1998 Noury Pttblic nbia pllalcl iMi Ttb C Id. C"lrt, h' Nr tr^ tfAt&U'lTY DED.D (torC.. T-.,') w.,tm :sfb* fi oEXHIBIT ."Btt Attachedtoandnadeapartoft{arrantyDeedfronED!,|ARDI,.CHAI.,MERSrI IIARY L. BARR , Grant;r(s), to RoBERi B' GI{YN VALERIE A' GtlyN ',Grantee(s). AII taxes for year 1998, vrhlch are a lien noc yet payable' Reaervatlons or excePtions contained in U's' Patents ' or in-e"i"- a"irr"rf zing thJ Lssuance thereof, recorded Augugt 22' iaie i; Cook 15i at Page 304 and recorded {ay-6,.1905 in-Book lb at pacre 273 and 5o9 and March 31, 1915 ln Book 48 at Paqe iir-i"".iulne-rt iiglrirs of the proprletor-of a veln or lode to ;ilt;;t-;"e i"t6u" frlE ore ther;rfron and 2) rlghts of vay for aii"t "t and canals conEtructed under the authority of the Unlted States. Reservations of one-half (Ll2l of al1 oil, das and other minerals other than "oia,'gl"i'.i-ana otrrei.iaterial used in or ;;;;i-;";-;onstiuctton iuipo""s, as contained ln Deed recorded ltay 3, 1960 in Book X65 at Page 227' Ea6enents ' restrlctions and rlghts-of-tays-as shown on the Plat recorded November n, Tgiz in 6ook 226 at Page 145 as-Reception N". izrgrz and Ptat recorded August 26' 1976 ln Book 2/t8 at Page 295 as RecePtion No. 144538. Easement granted by Pettee Indu6trles Inc', ot'ner of l,ot 32' to the ouner of r,ot gr, A-iesubdivieion of Lot 2?, B]'ock 2' vail -iiiriq;-i}.i;t!"ntrr-iriing, as contained in Declaration recorded G;-t6; igiz f" Book 255-at Page 454 as ReceptJ'on No' 15lz68' Ter[rE, conditions. reservations, restrlclions and ob)'lgations is-coirtainea In Piotective covenants ot vail vlllage 13th ffff"g recordect Nov€rnber LO, L972 ln Book.226 aE Page 146 as Reception No. 121933 and First ADendnent thereto recorded Sentinber 2]-, ]-g78 ln Eook 275 at Page 628 as Releption No. 172037. I $t!I"1t!l|ilu{ili#. tlllffi !19 tttt tr rt D(HIBIT .A' ATTACHED I,EGAI, DESCRI TIOII Attached to and nade a part of, warranty Deed frou EDWARD L' . cHAI,uERs II uARY il-dRi-,Grantor(e), fo RoBERT B' GwvN veJ'ERrE A' G}IYN , Grantee(3). A parcel of land bel'ng a po!!19! 1q-!99 32' A-REsuBDIvIsIoN or'r.or 2?, BrpcK 2, virt, trr,r,aee fiITRTEENTH FrrrrNG' PARCEI, ONE3 BeqLnnlnq at a point, whence th€ southeaEt corner of said Iot 32' leiii souttr 3goi9r9tr EaEt 167.50 feet dlEtant i thence South 89c22t14rr lfest 15.75 feet; th"nce South OO'37'46ir East 9.40 feeti thence South 89c22'14" tlest {0.95 feet; itr"n"e North ooo3?'45rr vfest 32'7o feeti thence North 89"22'14! East 17.o0 feeti ttrence tlorth ooc3?'rl6n llest 10.85 feet; thence North Sg'22'14'r Eaat 38.45 feeti thencE North ooo37t{6rr lteat 5.00 f€eti thence North 89c22'14rr East 1.25 feeti thence south ooo3?'45" ;;;; ri.is-i""i To Ehe Polnt of Beginnlng' ToGEIHER tuTlt an undlvlcled one-hal! lnterest I'n and to Lot 32' e-nnsusorvrsloN oF W! 27' BLOCK 2, VArL VTTJAGE THrRIIEENTH TILING, county of Eagle, State of colora'lo, ExcEPT Parce1 one oeEciiled above and Parcll Tvo deEcribedl belou! PARCEIJ TI{O: Beginning at a point, whence the Southeast corner of saicl Lot ii-utirs-s""th ioo59io9n EaEt 157.50 feet distant; thence south 89c22'1ilx l{est 1.60 feeti thence south oo"3?'46n East 5.00 feet; thence Norttt 89c22'14n East 41'25 feet; thence North 00037'46r' West 56.15 feeti thence South 89c22t14rr ttest 30.40 feeti thence south Ooc37'46rr Eaat 12.0O f,eet; thence south 89022'14rr west 9.25 leeti thence Souttt OOo37'4G'l East 39.15 feef To The Point Of Eeginnlng. L!l]I,'l|1,!!uu{;iH llltlruJ il[]luil rillCOT'NTY OT EAGLE STATE OF COLOR.ADO 'i, "-' @ p |i'. !,iux!:_e!Aru_D_EEp(CoIorado) Valerie A, Giryrr, TrusEee of t,he Valerie A, Gwyn Trust, dated November L, 1990 ( "Grant.or', ) , whose stjreet address is 2917 Ea6'- 68th streeE, TuJ-sa, oklatioma, for t,he consid.eration of Ten and No/l00 .Dol.Iars (S1o.O0) and other good and valuabl.e consicieration, in hand paid, hereby selLs and quit._claims t,o the Val.erie A. Gwyn euallfiecl personar Resldence Trurt, daE,ed sepEendrer 25, 1995 ('rcrantee"), whose residence is 291? East 6gth st,reet, '!ursa, oklahoma, an und-r.vided one-haLf. (L/zl interest in and to the real propercy sit,uated in the counE.y of Eagre, stat.e of colorado, more fulry described on Exhibic A at.t,ached hereto and made a Darc lereof l.' l tDATED this idellday of october, 1995. STATE OF OKTPJ{OMA COTJNTY OF TULSA SS: ., P.foT6J9, _a Not.ary public j.n and for said CounEy and SEaEe,o_n-E,his =ld !* Cay of October, 199S, personally appeai-edValerie A-. Gwyn,.Trustee of the Valerie a. Cwyir tiirst, co meknown Eo be the idenLical person who executed- the within andfo:egoi-ng inst,rument, and -cknowledged to me that the execrrt,edtlte same as her free and voruntary icc and deed, as Trustee oftire. Varerie A. G'.,ryn TrusE.. for che uses and purposes therein set.forch. N Ity Comrnission Expires : r7"i"+o;t U!:tJ___ TSEAL] I oF2 Recorder REC 1l .00 DOC Valerie A. Gwyn, Trust NoEary Publi 577 J'-JO ri-68l Sal'a J. irisher I)- lil'J I I ' EXHIBIT A Parcel Two, Bald MounE,ain Townhouse according to the TownhouseDecLaration recorded August 21, 19?B in Book 2?3 at page S9?,said parcel being a porE"'- of Lct 32, a Resubdivisicn of LoE 27,Block 2, Vail Village Th-.ceenth Filing, and being ncrepart.icularly described as follows: Begir:ning at a poinE,, vrhence Ehe sout,heas!, corner of said Lot 32 bears S. 30o59'09'' E 16'7.50 feeE distanE; thence s 89422'!4" w 1.60 feeE; thence s 0037'46u E 5.00 feet; thence N 89o22'L4n E 41.25 f eet,' Ehence N 0"37',46" V'l 56.15 feef,i tshence g 89o22',!4',1w 30.4C feet,,. Ehence S 0"3?'46n E 12.C0 feeL; E,hence S 89022'14n W 9.25 feet,. t,hence S 003?,46r'E 39.15 feeE to Ehe point of beginning. Together wiBh an undivided t/2 Ltteres! j.n loE 32, aResubdivision of Lot 27, Block 2, Vail VilJ.age Thirleenth, wit,h t,he exception of Parcel one and Parcel Two described as followe r ParceL One Beginnina at a point,, whence the souLheasE corner of said Lol 32bears S 30059'09n E 167.50 feet distant.. t,l:ence S 89022,14u W 15.?5 feeE; Ehence S 0o3?'46u E 9.40 feet; lhence S 89o22'14' w 40.95 feet,i t,l'lence N 0"37'46n w 32,70 feec; Eherrce N .'22'L$tl E 17.00 feeE; thence N 0u37'46't W 10.85 feec; Ehence N 89o22'L4" E 34.45 feet.; thence N Co37'45x w 5.00 feet; Ehence N 89c22'14n E L.25 feet; t,hence s 0n3?,45, E 39.15 feeE to the point of beginning. Parcel. Two Beginning at, a point, whence the sout,heast corner of said LoL bears S 30"59'09n E 157.50 feet .:i.st.ant,. Ehence S 89c22, 14r, Wi.60 feet,; Ehence 3 0o37'46rr B i.J0 fecL.,. thence N 89"22'L4" E4l .25 feet.; thence N 0037'46'| lI .-'i.L5 feet; t.hence S 89022'14" 30 .40 f eet; then.ce S 0t'3?' 46,t r- : .t cO f eet.; thence S 8902.2'Ia-"9.25 feeE; thence S 0"37'46n [i ] 1-5 r-eeE to the poinE ofbeginning. 5'i7190 8-081 p-1g2 rI/17/si o3:2Zp pG 2 oF z lr. 5Z w W l.St- | 07 { 57T191 B-681 Sara J. Fi sher t{,t u 11 .00 f)-183 11/17/95 0i]:31F PG I OF 2 EagIe County CIerk & Recorcler ourT-grJAl:M DJEP (CoIorado) Valerie A. Gwyn, Trustee of the VaLerie A. Gwyn Trust, ilaled November L, 1990 ("GranEor"), whose street, address is 2917 Last 68t,h SEreet, Tulsa, Oklahoma, for the consideration of Ten and No/100 Dollars (s10. oo) and ot,her good and .'raLuabre conslderat.ion, in hand paid, hereby sells and quit-cl-aims to the Robert B. Gwyn Qualified personal Residence Trust dated september 2s, 1995 (I'Grantee"), whose residence is 291? East 6gth sE.reeE, Tu1sa, okrahoma;'an unciivided one-half (1./z') interesL in and to the rear properEy situat,ed in the county of Eag1e, sE.ate of cororado, more fully described on ExhibiE, A at,t,ached hereto and made a part, hereof. DATED ChiS STATE CF OKLAHOTTA COUNTY OF TULSA ti., , tA_l.ltday of OcE.ober, 1995. .l"forFo#,e, _a Not,ary public in and for said County and St,aEe, 9n-t,his Jt!'" day of OcEober, 1995, personally appeareCValerie A.. cwyn, Trustee of t,he Valerie A. G,*'yn fi:irsU, t,o meknowrr to be the idenLicar person who execuLed- Ehe vrithin anclforegoing instrument, and -cknowledged to me L,hat she execuEedthe same as her free and voluntary ice and deed, as l'rusE,ee ofEhe varerie A. Gwyn Trust, for E,he uses and Furposes therein setforch. ,MV (i<.r:nn',iss icn Exp'ires : }rtl.tt,/ /- /6/?o/ ,,9/..J | .;,?\ t, | 1 t / i.SEAL] -"-) 1 --441l*-iNoEary Public Together wiE,hResubdivision the except.ion 577191 EXHIBIT A Parcel Two, Bald MounE,ain ?ownhouse according co t,he ?,ownhous,rDecl.aration recorded AugusE, zi,-:.gig in gook-zi: il-eage ssz,said parce] beinq a porEion or'rci iz, u nesubdivision ot r,ot ?.7,Block 2, Vait viilagi Thirree;rh-ri:.ing, ;;eGi;;";;;"particularly descrj.bed as follows: plginnlns-a-t- a point, whence cire soulheast, corner of said Lot, 32bears S. 30059, o9r' E 162, SO f ee: dis.t.ant; t.hence s g9o2T, l4rW 1.50 feet; thence S 0o3?,46t, E i.OO feet; thence N 89o22,14,,E 41.25 feet.; t,hence N Oo3Z,46n W 56.15 feet.; thence S g9o22,14r, ]{ 10:40_feet; thence S 0o3?,46,, lii ii.oo tu"r.; chence s B9o2z,14nvt 9.23 feet,; thence S oo3z,4Gu E :g. 15 feei-i"-i,h;.";"inr ofbeginning. undivided l/2 irrt.erest, icr lor- 32, .IJot 2?, Blcck 2, Vail Village thirt,eenth, withParce1 One and Parcel Tr^'o rj6scribed as follows: Parcel One pSqinning_p_C- a- poinE, whence Ehe sourheasr corner of eaid LoE, 32bears S 30"59,09u E 167,50 feet dj.st.ant,. Chence S gg"2r, t4uI 15. ?5 feet,. thence S Oc3? , 46" E g. eO ieet; thence-S 89"22, !4,1W 40.95 feet; t,hence N 0o3?,46" Iv 32.20 f".,i; iten;e N 89o22,t4uE 17.00 feet; thence N Oo37,AEn W 10.85 fe,:t; thence N g9o22,t4nE 38.45 feet; thence N 0o3?'46.' w s.oo fe,et;'thence-H gg"22,!4tl l^1 ;3lrfeer.; rhenue S oo37'AGn E 39.1s f,eer,'ro ir,"-p"inE of ryvJ *r r.r4..:j . Parcel Two Beginning_ir_E a point, whence ehe sout,heaaE corner of said LoE,bears S 30059'09,, E 162.sO fee., distan!,. thence S ggoLz, 14,, w1.60 feet,; thence S oo3?,46n E 5,00 feet; t,hence fl Ag;iz,14x E4L.25 fee!; thence N oo3?'46n t{ s6,1s feet,; thence i- agrzi;yi30.40 feet,; t,hence S O,'32,46n E 12.00 feet; thence S gg"ZZ,i "9.25 feet; lhence s o'3?,4G" E 39.15 feet io-iire-toini ofneginning, an of 'Lr) J4 w l^r ll/17/'3i o3:3lP trc 2.{ ol;2 R.sR- {07 ' D-681 P_ 183 nEcow Pam Hopkins Snowdon and Hopkins Architects 201 Gorc Crcck Dr. Vail, CO 81657 Novcmbcr 23. l99li RE:Gywn Residential Remodel and Addition 2610 Bald Mountain Rd, Lot 32, Block 2,YailVillagc l3'h Dear Pam: Thc Community Dcvclopmcnt Depaftmcnt has revicwcd thc plans for the Gywn rcmodcl and addition locatcd at2610 Bald Mountain Rd. Thc following conccrns need to be addlcsscd: l. Public Works has expressed numerous concems about the proposed dlive. According to their lcvicw, the existing drive is prefened. If you have any qucstions regarding this, plcasc contact Tcn'i Paftch at 479-2169. Z. Pleasc placc a 4' pan with a 2" invcrt betwcen thc existing road and the new drive. 3. Thc first l0'of thc drivc can go up to 8%, Thc first l0'witlbe measulcd fi'om the soutlr sidc ofthc pan. 4. This housc will need to have firc protection sprinklers. Thc driveway radius is too small, as wcll as thc housc is too large to get the file hoses around. The driveway is also over 150' lonq. It would require a fire truck turn around. 5. Thc 90 dcgrec driveway cross over needs to be widened to l5'. 6. The thtec parking spaces next to the residencc arc inaccessible. If they are part of the lequired parking, they will need to be revised to meet a 20' centerline turning mdius, both in and out. 7. All the rctaining walls will need to bc designed and stamped by a Colorado licensed engineer bcforc Design Revicw Board approval. TOIYN OFVAIL Department of Comntunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-24s2 i I:ECYCLTDPAPDR a 8.Becausc the lot docs lay in a modcratc Hazard Dcblis Flow Zone, the Town of Vail Municipal Codc (12-21-15) rcquircs a site-specific gcologic invcstigation ccrtifying that the proposed addition will not increase thc hazard to othet property ol structures, or to public buildings, r'ights-of-way, roads, stl'ccts, cascmcntsi, utilities or facilitics, or other propcrtics of any kind. Thc Hazald Acknowledgcment fol has bcen included. Required parking for this duplex is 3 palking spaces per unit. Parking for each unit must function indcpendcntly. Pleasc dclineate all required parking on the sitc plan. Staff has cvaluatcd thc Gywn Residence bascd on thc sulcy provided and Two-Family Residential Zoning. The analysis provides the following: Lot Sizc: 41,799 sq. ft. Buildable Alca: 41,799 sq. ft. 9. 10. Standald Allowed GRFA 6,690 sq. ft. Primary Secondary Sitc Covcrage 8,360 sq. ft. Proposed 6323 sq. ft. 3706 sq. ft. 2617 sq. ft. 3,812 sq. ft. ll. According to thc sitc plan, thcre is an cncroachmcnt on tlrc sidc setback. I am assunilng that this is loof overhang fi'orn thc existing garage, but I wantcd to confirm. Thc Gwyn Addition is scheduled for Dcsign Rcvicw Board on December 16, 1998. All commcnts and rcvisions will nccd to bc addrcsscd and subrnittcri ro rirc Depar"tmcnt of Community Dcvclopment by noon Friday, Dcccrnber 4, 1998. If this drtc is going to be a problcm bccause of thc holidays, please lct me know and we can work something out. Also, I have yct to lcceive comlnents fi'om fire rcgarding their rcquircmcnts on the addition. I will hopcfully bc hcaring somcthing this weck, and will contact you with thcir rcsponse. If you have any qucstions. please call mc at 479-9011. ''Wbo rc/- Allison C. Ochs Planner T 12-31-1995 l l ,@AAM FRO4 SNDWTX]NII AND HOPKINS 9704767491 P.2 R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering nOt \irbs We Ar,€tiue No 60l Dc'|\r6[ Colorado 80227 3049m.6658 ril Geologist, Inc. Not/ember 27, 1998 SNOWDON AND }OPKINS, ARO{rECrS 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Attn: Pam Hopkins Re Geologic Hazards Investigatinn, Grurn property arrd Residence Additims, 26l o Bald Mountein Road Vail, Colorado. Job No.491 GentJemcn As recpested bylour Pen Hopkins, the undercgned conducted an engineering geologic reconneissance, on Novemberr 25, I 998, of the Gn4yn Resljence Site at 2610 B€ld l{ountain Road in the East Vail sestion of Vail, Eagle Co.rnty, Colqrado. This tot, on the foot of ttre northem sfoire of the Gore Creek Valley abotrt Z-1/2 mlles east-northe$t of the center of Vail, is Nq 32 of Efock 2, Vail vittagc I 3th Filing within the sw I /4 Nw I /4 sE 1 /4 sec. z, T. 5 s., R. g0 w. Gore Creelg flowirg wostwsrd through this sector of the valley, is separated from the filing by InteFtate lto. The right-ofof wry of the highrray constitrrtes,the southern boundary of the filing. Singlestory additions are to be constructed m the cast and nrest ddes of this singte family residence. Our ab,iestives have been I .) to generally outline geotrgic condtlons pertinent to the proPerqy; 2.) to arahate the probable impact of those condtions on tlte planned constnrtion; and 3.) conversey, to assess the probable impact of the phnned construdion aqtivitbs on the natural geologb conditions, with panicular refererrce to geologic hazarG such as landdades, debds flors, avalancheg. and rock falls. The ground acr6ss the property, at aboun El, BBBo feet, and in the immedate vicinitlr sloPes moderatellt steeply southward. Mct of the llling is open grasdand but a few aspen are scattered abouL An unn.rned ravine occr4ied by an intermittently floning stream extends abort . three-S/arters of a mile up the southem slope of the valley dirctly north of the G1ynn resF dence to about B. I 0,800 fect. That sector of the rnountainside dopes at about 2: I (horizontal to vertical) on average. Bald Manntain, due north of the property, 6ests at about E. I2,136 fuet Bmth Creek debqrches into the Gore Crcek Valley abor,n onehalf mile to the east. ConsuliEnt to Oesigncrs, Codti.iote Plannels 12-31-19SE I t :A4AM S\nWmNa AND H@KINS 97ei4767i,.91 P.3 R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Ina SITE GEOLOGY Sedimentary rock strata of the Pennqrlvannian-age (abort 289 to 320 million years ago) Mintum Formatim constitute bedrck beneath the lloor of the valley and thc neighboring slopes of the Gore Creek Valley. Ahhorgh *attered ledges of rock crop on abng the valley slopeq for the most part the bedrock is mantled by soils derlved by alluvial, glacial and slopewash pro cesses. These scils stppon dense grourths of 4en above about El. 9200 feet within the filing and the adjacent scctor of the White River For€st" Lot 32 and the Gnryn reddence are pcitioned geol€ically near the apex of a debris fan formed on the floor and toe of t}te slope of the Gae Valley at the mouth of the unnamed ravine. The strata of the Mintum Forrnation include san&oneq siltstones, and shales mainly, but also a few prorninent cliff-iorming members of limestone. These strata appear to strike east- ward and dip 10' to I 2' degrees southurard, thus out of the soutFfacing slope of the valley in the vicinity of the Gwyn property. These generally are weathering weakerred (except the lime stones that form the cllffs) to a depth ranging from a few feet to an estimated I5 to 20 feet, but the fresh rock is hard, strong, thin to thick bedde4 and its joints typi'cally are widdy spaced. A lO-foot to I S-foot high cliff fwmed of limestone and sandstone, sited in the unnamed ravine about 300 feet in elaation above the floor of the valley, overlooks the propeny. A fevrr luge and small, angular btocks of rock presumabtyr derived from that qftGrop are scattered dotvnslope on the dcbrb fan. An ourcrep of lirnestone (White Qrrail Member of the Mintum Form*ion) at about El. 10,700 feet forms a 1O-foot to ls-foot high bluff that o<tends east{,estward for about ZO00 feet directly updope from the property. Lot 32 and the Gwyn residence are sited topographically along the longitudinal centerline of the dsbds fan and only abort 50O feet from its apex where the unnamed strearn flovns out onto the fan surface. Presentlyr, the channel of that creek follovys the transition from mountain stope to fan on the westem side of the fan, thus well away from the Gr,rryn properry. This debris fan is about one'half mile wide abng its toe and about I 500 feet tong frorn its apex at the base of the mountain slope to-rts toe. Gore Crcek has been rechannded soutlnnnrd around the toe of the fan. Thb dcbris fan has been formed by repetetively occuning debris florvs triggered typically by high-enengy rain storms that rapidly wsshed loose rosk debris and soil from the 't SO0-foot long to I 800-foot wide, steedlrsloped catchment basin of the unnamed ravine. The fan prcb ably has been under construstion, so to speak, since the end or latter years of the he.Age, which ended in this part of Gdondc about 8,000 yeanr ago. The debris fiors probably have been erratic in time, with some occuring only a feyv year:s apart, whereas others may have been separated b1t a few hundred yeans. The soib of the debris fan beneath Lot 32 are elpected to be mainly granulan sands and gnvels with a sitt to clay binder. Beneath Lot 32 these soils .l'|| 12-31-1995 1l ,CISAM FR0'l SNDWDON AND H@KINS 974/t76,7491 -R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, lnc. are likely to be about 75 to 100 feet thick The grwnd water levet in the soils of the debris tun beneath the property ls lkdy to be serreral tens of feet deep or mae. ASSESSiIENT OF GEOLOGIC HAZARDS Tuvo potential gedogic hazards could affect occuption of Lot 32. These inchde rock frlb and debris florvr We found no erridence of landsliding acroqr or in the vicinity of the prop€rty; and the southfacing slope of the Gore Oeek Valley probably rrrcfy acanmutates a snow pack with the physical propcrties tiat rssult in the triggering of avalancies Only the debris flor hazard appears to be significantly imporrant Rock blocks have toppled from the rcck-faced bluff lying about 2OO feet in dwauon abq\re the Propeny on the f,anks of the unnamed rarine. These have scattered acre the relatively Steep apron slqpe belorv and omo the adjeem rector of the more gent[-doped debris fan. The recuffence tirne fior rock falls from that cliff appears to be long because fresh scars evidencing relatively recent detachments of rock werc not observed Lot 32 lies fuly 8OO feet away fton that outcrop; moreover, it is partty protected by several large houses constructed nonh of Bajd Mountain Rosd. Still, bounding or rolling blocks could bypass the houses upCope and reach the Gwlm residence. Also, rock blocks undoubtedly detach fronr time to time fiom thc bluff of lime- stone at about El. 10,700 fee! brn the distance to the bottonr ofthe mountainside and the inter- vening wile band of aspen faest greatly reduce the tikelihood that any of those blaks have impacted the Gnryn property or will impact upon on that property during the lifu of the existing or flanned €olstruction. Given tiese cmditionq rrye consider the rock fall risk fior the properq/ and the home on it to be lsrvl during the lifetime of the existing ard expanded facility. The catchment area of thc unnamed ravine b large enough to promote tlte devetoprncnt of lage analanclrG, but thet topognphh boud is mainly forested densely by aspen that tend to anchor the snorr. MoreoYer, this is a souttr-facing dope, thus weather cqrditlxrs do not readily prornde snow conditions f;avorable for the develqprnent of avabncfies. At worct, this risk is assessed to bs lorvto negligible. We have no information about the recurer@ rate of the debris florvs debouching from the unnamed ravirrc d.rring even the pasr 25 years, ler atone the p6t 100 to l00O yearl but the Process certainly has hot terninated. Flotage appearc to have been donnant in recent yearc, but nny oeur again at any time. Fortumtefy, the topogrnaphic bou/ from which the flows emanated b densely fud by aspen now, and the forest retards the dweloprnent of debris I our assessm€Dts of risk are couched in qualitative, empirically-derived terms (high, medum, and low). The state-of-theaeologicaFart does not permit a rational quantitative (numerical) snalysis. P.4 12-31-1995 1l:@6AM FR0'4 Si{OUTDONt AND HOPKINS 97a4767491 P.5 R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering G€ologist, Inc. floyvs (source arcas fq debris llom typtcdly are characterized by open, gfirssy, brud1r areas on sneep hillsides). Moreover, some part of a debris flow debouching onto the fioor of the fan that hs predecessor:t have built wo.rH be deflected aray fron Lot 32 by the sevenal hmres built on the fan upslope from the lat; but these flours tend to be so lluid that sqle pan likely wouff flow around and pa* tioee building and cotrld reach Lot 32 ard even Ure interstate highnrqy rQht-of+vey. On balance, wE assess the debris flow risk for ttre Guyn property to be medium. The risk psed by potenUal debris flonrs could be reduced by re'channding and enlargiltg the channel followed S the creek, or by building snrall dams along the calse of the ranine orr the mountain slope to retain some of th€ florry material and reduce its flo$, velocity. Either measrre would be expensg and likely would reqrire the oooperation of the nelghboring preperty cn rners, the town of Vail, and the U. S. Forest SeMce. The rcck fall risk could be reduced m6t cost effectlvdy by scalirrg any loose rock fronr the outcrop in the urutamed naving and cantrolling the full of the toosened rock blocks and daba The stability of the rock acrwthe face of the ortcropshould be checked periodcally. say every 5 years or so, and scaled accordingly. So long as the natural grcund stability across Lot 32 is not significantly disilrbed by large cuts or fills, or impqrndments of natural dninag+-and the* are not $anned, we understand, as a part of, or like! to result from the construction of the additions to the Gvr4yn residence and the aPpurtenent facilitiee-the planned construction strould hnre no negative impect on exist- ing geologh conditbns on this or neighboring properties. That is to say, the planncd construc- tiqr *rqdd not gcneftfte any new geologic hazards or trigger any existing hazads. conse quently, the planned building activity, in olr opinion, will not incr€ase the geology-related hazard to other properties or structureE or to public buildlngs, roads, streets, rightsof-way, eariements, uUlities, or facilities. We hane appreciated the opportunity to work with you on tiis priect lf you have any questims, please feel free to call. Yours Constlting Engineering Geologist Robt- Jameslfish, P. G. Printed by Allison Ochs From: Mike McgeeTo: Al.lison Ochssubject: cwlm Resl-dence ===NOTE===============12 / 04 / 9 8==1 : 09pm= cc: Dick Duran, Jeff Atencio, ,Iohnculick, Terrl Partch I revLewed the site plan and apoke to Pam Hoopklns and Dick Dulan regardingthe access and remodel ieeues. Given that thls Is a remodeL of part ofa duplex being converted to a singlefamily, the structure ig an existingslngle famlly, and having looked at theBite, Pam and I agreed. that if the owner is willing to lnstaLl a nonitored f ire alarn sy6tem, there virould be no requirement to lnstalL a fire sprinkler Eysten. I have conveyed thls to Pam }topkins. 1:38pm Page: 1 FITE CrJPV TOWN OF VAIL Department of Communiry Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 Standard GRFA Pam Hopkins Snowdon and Hopkins Architects 201 Gore Creek Dr. Vail. CO 81657 December ti, l99tl RE: GywnRcsidcntialRcmodeland Addition 2610 Bald Mountain Rd, Lot 32, Block 2, Vail Village l3'h Dear Pam: The Communit.' l)evclopment Dcparlment has rcviewed the plans for the Gpvn remodel and addition located at2610 Bald Mountain Rd. The following concems need to be addressed: l. Staff has evaluated tlre Gywn Residence bascd on the survey provided and Two-Family Residential Zoning. The analysis plovides the following: Lot Sizc:41,799 sq. ft. Buildable Area: 41,799 sq. ft. Allowed 6,690 sq. ft. Proposcd 6323 sq. ft. 3.812 sq. ft.Sitc Coverage f1,360 sq. ft. 2. Please provide exceptions to schcdule b of the title report for the third and fifth items. 3. Please add additional asphalt to widcn out thc entire 90 degree cross over. Please see the malkcd up site plan. (I have included a rcduccd ccpy of thc sitc plan). 4. All thc rctaining walls will nced to bc designcd and stampcd by a Colorado licensed enginccr before Dcsign Review Board approval. '{P *"nouo'n'"* -161'd i t ulr The Gwyn Addition is scheduled for conceptual review by the Design Review Board on December 16, l99tl. The above comments and rcvisions must be addressed before the final review by the Design Rcview Board to bc scheduled at a later date. If you have any questions, please feel fi'ee to call me at 479-2369. Sincerelv."'""[irt (aL Allison C. Ochs Planner I P-:rinted by Allison From: Terri PartchTo: Allison OctrE, Terri Partch SubJec!: Gwyn Residence., ===NO4IE==-=-==========11l 19 /9 8=11 : 0oam=Allison, I looked aE their aurveyed.drive arld lt looks alot bett,er thantheir propoaed drive, grade wise. Theexisting drive ls stll.L over grade ln one aecti-on and too narrow at onepoint. but over all the existinf is much better. If they want to keep theexistlng drive, that's probably fine.Their proposed drive definltel-y needg some work, though. Pleaae fonrard alLny comments about the nevr drive to them, lf they want to reviae the driveway. Thanks. Ochs 9 /98 11 : 11am Page: 1 Qtncr B* ZOI{E CHECK Phonc Phonc Proposcd usc Buildable arca Existinq Proposed +qn * ,'/.11 nlob 20t1 Architcct Zonc disricr Lot sizc .qb Total GRFA Primary GRFA Allorvcd = btAo _ + (425) (675*) _ Sccondary GRFA + (12j) (675*) =_ + 675 = 425 crcdit plus Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? Horv much of .ulc allotvcd 25C Addition is uscC this rcqucst? Total Rcmaining = uqTg ztil Sitc Covcragc r re.su! Sctbacks Landscaping RcainingWall Hci Parking Garagc Dri ,8 Go@ a Fron i Sidcs Rcar 20' ..1)' l)' Minimum Rquircd J/O Encloscd 0) (eop)(1200)12oo Penijtted Slopc % Proposed Slopc _% Ycs l\ p 2 4) Watcr Course Saback (30) (j0)Aa 5) Geologic Hazards a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Roclf,all a, cs with TOV Ligbting finishcd -pradcs less b{.2,t cntal4Iaz:rds N N s Prctious conditions of aoo cbcck propol'filc); o'41b-t?25 Slopc (< >30%o) Is thc propcrty non-conlj Dacribc: c) Dcbris Florv DESIGN REVIE}Y CHECIGIST Q sI,RvEY Scdc Bcnchmark Lcgal dcscription Lot Sizc Buildabtcfuca i Eascmcnts Topograpby l00y'. floodplain Watcr Coursc Sctback . Environnrenal lfaFrds rrces Utiliry locatioru Spot clcvations Scale Building Hcigbt EncroachrncnB Sctbacks Sitc Covcrage EavcVOvalangs (4) DeclslBalconics Garagc conncction Sitc Gradc\Slopc RcaininglValls Fcnccs ParkingiGaragc TumiagRadius unvcway (acccss and gndc) SnowStongc FircAcccss tr F:LooRPLA}.{S Scalc GRFA , - 250 additional GRFA Crawl\Anicspacc Q Butr,D$IGELEvATIoNs Scalc :- ColorMatcriats RoofpiEh tr I-AI.IDSCAPEPISI\I Existing tccs l,qod MISCELIANEOUS Condo Approral Titlcrcport(A & B) Utllityluif ca.ion form Plobs ofsirc .--l-_ tr SITEPLA}I 3ufl'hqma&cial samplcs C.O. Vc,riiication Sun\ShadcAriglcs Utilitics (rudcrgrorbf) Vicrv Corridors Variartccs Plat rcstictions ,/. #"*o Development rhn no,rti'g t Routed To:Terri Partch, Public Works Return To:Brent Wilson Date Routed:I l/10/98 Return By:asap Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Gwyn Residence 2610 Bald Mountain Road Lot 32, Block 2, Vail Village 13'h Filing Addition/Remodel of an existing duplex * This one came in while I was out during a PEC meeting. The applicant will be sending over a title report asap. Approved -x-Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Please place a 4' pan with a 2" invert between the existing road and the new drive. The first l0' of the drive can go up to 8n/,T\e first l0'will be measured fromthe south side of the pan. This house will need to have fire protection sprinklers. The driveway radius is too small, as well as the house is too large to get the fire hoses around. The driveway is also over 150' long. It would require a fire truck turn around. The driveway is also over the maximum allowable driveway grade (with heat). If the drive is to be heate4 it should be designed to ll.5o/o, and then it will probably be around 12Yo when it is built. If the driveway is supposed to be without heat, the maximum allowable grade is l0%. The 90 degree driveway cross over needs to be widened to 15'. Please see the marked up site plan. The three parking spaces next to the residence are in accessible. Ifthey are part ofthe required parking, they will need to be revised to meet a 20' centerline turning radius. both in and out. All the retaining walls will need to be designed and stamped by a Colorado licenced engineer before Design Review Board approval. Please submit a title report. Teni Partch received ll/10/98 reviewed/ retumed 11/13198 \>=r -'- -lta!-:.- -A ..--i.-/'(r'/ t/////i(i >.Lv-" .rq ta oo/ ?,+d"/)Ttr1 \'' \| --/'-t, (\il \, l\ I ?1. iL -_=--{-- \r \l '///i i/i(-t+= .' \\\ ,/\\ i -*''\'\ 1"f, !\ ,, -\\t*{T\\ /rI' Jj.>: I :' I |'t ,i , _--l I I (,zw to\ 9\ (t, r.'l iIi1 11" It,,/' t, I .f r\ | \,. -!\.1,:[. \l \ , l\ \t l\ .\lr \ lr:"\l>t- -.?-\( r^,- )ii|l {t',/ lit' II i I ri\il \'zr | 'c\\il \ t bt.n o,t,Fi',".r, \ \),.i ('\ " r, i.J' ri -.1,4., Date received: Reviewed by: F: \EVERYONE\DRII\ROUTING\98ROUTNG\PUBLICWO\ I MAS TER.FRM Cilunity Development fUn nouting tt Routed To:Terri Partch, Public Works Return To:Allison Ochs Date Routed:t2/4/98 Return By:asap Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Gwyn Residence 2610 Bald Mountain Road Lot 32, Block 2, Vail Village 13th Filing Addition/Remodel of an existing duplex New Plans-I am sending over your old ones too. Approved -x_-Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Please provide exceptions to schedule b of the title report for the third and fifth items Please add additional asphalt to widen out the entire 90 degtee cross over. Please see the marked up site plan. All the retaining walls will need to be designed and stanped by a Colorado licensed engineer before Design Review Board approval. Terri Partch received l2l4l98 revicwed / returned l2l4/911 e,gn Hevrew Acton CTt TOWN OF VAIL a4 t catesory Nu^b", h ' f?/ lhtnl- Project Name: Building Name: Owner, Address and Phone: Architecvcontact. Address and Phone:^//t LegatDescripton: Lot ?J Block 2 suoaiviaion l/t*a I l,/o(afl+ / lfu zone District 7?- ProjectStreetAddress: 5*--"o a4 dltltlA ^'A l? Board / Staff Actlon Motion by: Seconded by: ! Approval D Disapproval ffst"tt Conditions: Town Planner Date: F-2f -1'/DRB Fee Pre-paid (7a _I I/{DLit z'J'- (Aua' Q*t-.1 -uY-e./,- -t'14'- tlr:44u o. m,otdua atd- as a-'u-a r& 44- '6 'z/Jj'L ^- .tlrJ-A LI--\JJ- truLLk-k';ft-/au.-'uzuA G)/,_-t_tL ,r:; "ff-, bL, TOWN VAIL 75 South F, Vail, 303-479-2138 FAX 303-479-2 August 24, Mr. George P.O. Box 2328 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Lot 6, Vail Dear George: As you can see on the Potato Patch Drive. lf you have hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Development , Lot 6, Vail Potato Patch has the address of 806 questions about this matter, please do not #+P---LH Andy Knudtsen Senior Planner TOWNOFVAIL DEPARTUENT OF COI|UUNITY DEVE TOI'IENT 01 finO 41 0r0[[/J424t2 XEROXCOP Fliscel lareous Cdt 113-:6 ?4 14:88:54 I-.,E,,:eiF,L * 154:'!'l F]c,:r,unt * f,li: * 1f4S t'lFli-'ti' BrlF,:R'1i:'l?EF H I t:, tt'tE Firi,:,un t tPndered ::'?B.BB I tetn Fsid iri ElEffEr41:f,1gFB f,hsn,3e returnFd :' ftuount '(.u',^ d'- -Ft+FlF{l{rr'{flJ ,N$,p tr'our cashier HEIDI t6vl.6d 7ll4l94 DESIGN APPIJICATION - TOWN OF DATE RECEfVED:'" VAIL, COLORADO DATE OF DRB MEETING:********** TNCAMPLETE APPT,ICAYIONS MAY NOT BE SCHEDUT,ED FOR REVIEW.:r********* PROJECT INFORMATTON: DESCRTPTION: O RSVIEI{ BOARD I. A. B. TYPE OF REVIEW: New construction ($200 .OOl -durnor Alt,erat,j-on ($20.00) Addition ($50.00)Conceptual neview ($0) C. ADDRESS: D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: f,ot3ASubdivision If property is described bydescripEion, please provide t.o this application. ZONING: a meets and bounds on a separaLe sheet rstl-,Ettw and attach Er NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT: /71 Address: NAME OF Mailing APPLICA}]:T'S Address: REPRESENTATIVE, .U/A - I. ,1 . H.NAME OF OWNER(S): Phone APPLICAIIONS '{ILL NOT BE PROCESSED JTITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATARE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are Eo be paid at the t.ime of submiE.tal of the DRB applicat.ion. I_,aEer, whenapplying for a building permit, please idencify the accurat,evaluat.ion of the proposal. The Town of Vail will adjust thefee according t.o the table below, Lo ensure t,he correct feeis paid. P hi, FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $ c $ L0,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $ 50, 001 - $ 150, 000 $150, 001 - $ 500, 000 9500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAJ, EXPIRES APPROVAIJ T'NI-.ESS A BUILDING PERMIT ISIS STARTED. FEE P zu. uu $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAI., ISSUED AIVD CONSTRUCTION d Phone oz t =G uJo-,{ U' UJ uJlJ- E =E uJc cF) nb//s/q\_./ 9.,_€€1, t .ir I I @ rqz ts z !! o I T I c :'tllidE0!E1o r:l9HodJ trl ]\J UJ E E Iz =o =z lllFoz o = =f, @ .6 zz l! uJ 'r u- :i 0 ;IN 8r----.Hi\ zl<lr'l I F-l IOI Eo -9 (! =Ao-'(g E}\3F R(/'\ o)o 6. .9E soE c 0) o q) == I0 E = f o d '.9 o c o oo o E.lt o E o oN o 'o,F o o) o od E o o o (! o]6 d:9ot:(!'=or(,)*!o E8E E:g EgE o xEc-o E#: =pF€ >= 35t_'E >, H FE =EEi=o Eae!q: f.Y- (E 0-(5 cL sEE oP o_E*: E5:rD.ro:- c.YO(!: EE E *+- C6 0'-.c; Q) irrO- eE=o?; =u>I(!E .Y=Er;8 Bte9t6.o eEg -oG @ L' N .{r(\ F =tu oz o = x uJ z F u,l uJ z (o = E J 2 -(.) ut = UJtrl z tr u, ouJtr =uJ llJ z ul F uJ tl. z x F uJ 1tf F.] FJ F.] HB U'ul tr.lu- tr =E LUo- J FoF a =o =f co 9EFol!Jul z6 = d NOrlVnlV AJEo =ILozo o- Eo UJ cg,lz u,l(, >E --(''lurS =@ol zz Fo- Axf,zEg o t/, o5boz l!<oq o.- !?IE ;oj 29 F J c o (L oc UJ(L F Ea uJ e. z E t z tr ulFJ =Ll,Jz U)trzfz tr o Fzl z J 3o uJo Jo, llJ(r: z I z I UJI uJl)J a! a uJz i F z F 5az aJ 3 F ul o 3 a Jl<li-l zl zl .. >l uJ llJ IJJzoF (r ut az E 2 tr (I) lt-ll"ol<15tdl"lH'.? l-o-tll n z -$o @(o LlJ tro @o?zo F(L UJY uldl oF F =xEXlrJ :.L h "il*.. _, Ii..lo3lo5l | lllr<l uJ1- q,bEzo z tr z U_ T -J E ulJ uJ co Eo -9o e!l .E t E Eo(, AO :;J ..J -o>F =ErI -tF.=i ts =E.lrlo-zo l-(JfEFazo(J trl az u- CO F J FFl a EFl llj =z (Do , aJ) =j llJ =z q) UJ = Io- tso =tr UJ o 6 FIAz t4z = I c! o z.l oluIl J <1>l t! zl;lolFI rn c.)\t I F- UJ tr =tr oz o uJtr u-oz3 01F c ll. 7(5 uJ 1 a ll-oz3 !.,1F =(lc oz dul E. Itoz3I =tr z uI = tl.o z3 ut J uJF, e uJz = uJF E E <F(lC)i!<ZE (42o J a () UJ r z J 2? E?>(r]Fd6 (J axYF =?+c i,z =g E ir UJ o2aci P, ?,=l \r $=s= o(!>! EIEl ohl z:lo =lJEl ; rE trr r-rIXILI ae,orr* ,, vArrJ corygr*#;p:qr":1ffiffif '*r, ot6( PERMIT APPLTCATION FORM DATE:_ , A,,o 1 n ..,^atru , , ,lu4 , APPLICATTON MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAy NOT BE ACCEPTED Tt'i'i i iil r'rfli nrff$***************************** pERurr rNFoR!.rArroiiJ Iil+ltti|trif#{Efr{r***********!r ,l -ffi-Auitaing [ ]-Plumbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Irtechanical [ ]-Otherl-Mechanical [ ]-Other Job Name:H"" Address: Legal Description:r.,ot 3 )BI Ph. Generat Descriptionz Mfu " q., nn ^o .Uw-, / il-p ..' fn nhsa ant dcctR, t*!l!l L,ifoe'\f^-t ock t Owners Name: Architect: Address: Address: Ph. work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration I J-Additional {-fFepair [ ]-other_ INurnber of Dwel-ling Units: I Nunber of Accommodation Units: ^ IFnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ cas r,ogs_ wood/pellet.-- ll**********************.*********** VALUATTONS *********************************rl gurr,orHe : r'loo0,oo ELEcrRrcAr: $ orHER: I P^LUMBTNG: $ UEcHN{rcAl: $- TorAL: $-v/lf,************************t** @NTRACTOB_INFORMATION ***************************t Eeneral Contractorz A)dlA Cortsf J.vc Town of Vail Re.g. NOM-Address: Electrical Contractor : Address:Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: oFFICE USE ********************************************************** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: I'{ECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Plurnbing Address: Contractor: MechanicaL Contractor: Address: BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE! RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT3 TOTAL PER!,IIT FEES: .<s - /t 3Y:filil$. e6 f-'F-o/ ZONING: STGNAI'T'RE: **** VALUATION CLEA}T UP DEPOSIT REN'Til)//e/La Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes . NAME: CHALIvIERS REMODEL DATE:8-18-94 ADDRESS:2610BALDMTN CONTRACTOR: NEDBOCONST VAIL, COLORADO ARCHIIECT: NONE OCCT.JPANCY: R-3 ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all poasible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be oonstrued to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted oodes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. l. sMoKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALLWAYS AS PER SEC 12IO OF TTIE 1991 UBC. 2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Town;i \raii 0EFiilil i";iilY &"Az,r f-2f,+/ 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 8j,657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 D epartment of C onununity D eve b pment March 28. 1996 Mr. Edward Chalmers 2610 Bald Mountain Road Vail, Colorado 81658 SENT VIA CERTIFIED MAIL P 8b"[ LiL, sol Re: Building Application # 6894 A revicw of the Town of Vail Building Division filcs indicates that there has been no recent activity with the above listed building permit application. The l99l Uniform Building Code, Section 303 (d), rcquires evidence ofconstruction progress each 180 days to avoid expiration ofa permit. As per Uniform Building Code 303 (d), your pcrmit has expired. If no response has been received within 20 days of the above date, this file will be voided, and the file will bc placed in the permanent file. with no furthcr inspections authorized or deposits returncd. ,0* Building Inspector cd\expired {2 *rn uoru* CONSULTAHTS, I NC.;afic;; P-62 KRM -.NSLJLTANTS,rNc- struatunal engineering and d n August U, L994 Aft: Rollie Kjosbo'. ;,, Ncdbo Constnrction P,O. Box 1419 . . 'Vail, Colorado E1658 Desr Mr. (ie$o, Re: 2610 Bald Mt. Road Rcoovation Job No. 940&21 I inspcctcd the framing added to the garage ceiting of this residence asd found it to be adequate for changing the space above into living space, with one e.xc€ption, The connectiolts bctweerr the two (3) - I314" x 11 ?/8' LVL beams and the (3) - | 314. x l8' LVL garage door hcada nccds to be strengthened with additional bolts. I have enclosed a detail of how this can be done. Sincerely, KRM Consullants, Inc.4rfrfi John E. Partch Projcct Enginccr Rcviewed by: l/i"l"!"/ F. (ll,Hl'-..- Kimbcrly n{ Ivr"Gho, r.e. P.O. B(]x 4J7? r Vall, CO EtlES€| . (3o3) s49-g3Ell ' FAX s4g-1577 '.''...''' toB4I-DM1:FS 0HEEr NO.KRftt CONSULTANT$, lNC. P.O. Bor 4572 vArL. coLoMDo 81658 (303) 949-939r rAx (303) 949-1677 .*.r, ooo.., JE.P , o ru nor" "J_W'=\'-Q -.,,, , *ign Review Action FG TOWN OF VAIL catesory Number 7 oa" 8/t6/C Prolect Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: ArchitecVOontact, Address and Phone: Legaf Description:tot 32 uwk 2 g.)66iyisisn \/a;-/ \LL.L:-| .-, R zoneDistrict e/S Project Street A aaress: /ilO Eq*L,,,/ -tl | ./. , t Q-aJ Staff Action Molion by: Seconded by: tr Approval ! Disapproval ! statf Anorovat Condilions: Town Planner n /,- /r,. / .tt't Us rDate: H / I -7 / V '{ DRB Fee pre-oaid Z1) , ": te<y'. ;dJc.R?'.,,i*f l.4j.lelmsrc jaw-asVeFEz E.!r.a T llllrl DEBrG'II R'EvxBit BorRD aPPr'rcAarot{ ' rorw DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRF MEEfING: tlrlltllr' "'"1':.":: OF VAIL,, CgtrORLDO ^ilG I 'i394 i :; ir IUtl t. rttttittrt r. A. PROJEQf, INIORXATIOII: IPTION TYPE OF . - _ ;Nert REVIEWI }DDRESS I LEGAL DESCRIFTTONT subd,l,vislon etr*"'q a neeEo and bounds 1'9al l-"i-Jlpiiatse sh'ec and aEtsacn a. conacrucqlon ($2o0 ' oo' - Yinor -A].!e!aElonIriou (r5o..oo) - ;":-: *x:.:n:\ot#!4"b72 ,Ex' Ei#1 - z'tt' ?, 4 --:-(szo . oo)(to) ?tP c. D. If propercY ls deseribed bY aeslriitton. Ptease Providoeo thls applicaLlon, x' F' ZONING: NAI.iTE OF Mal. L ins APPLICAI{P:Address: z NAME QF PIJIMqillegs: NAME OF OwNtR(S) r At{^tER(s) AZCNAggnel'. Mailtng Addreac r Ls paid.,9 FEE SCHEDUIE: VAT:UATXON$ g t 1c,000$10,0o1 -f 50'000fso,ool-t 150,ooo t150,001. - s 500,oo0 05oo.001 - s1, o00, oo0s qv6ri t1, ooo, ooo DEStrCN REvIEg't aOARD AFPIIOr'AIJ ExPtrRBs APPT,OVAI. UNI.ATS A A(,ILDIN€ PARHIT IS Ig ATARTED. , Ne$bp Cc>'uq{ - ONg YA}R AFlf BR FINAI.r rt6uED AltD coatsrRucrroN ,t, ;lP9LICJPIONS WIIJTJ NOtI EE PRCtCEgSBE' wt't'tteut' i"'r'!F Condololnlum Apptowa]. if al)pllcab]'e ' DRB FrE: DRB fecs, as shown abovgl are !o tte,rylq t-l-:ltt titne of aubmiEtal "i-ti"-iiiie-aipiication' Laeer' wh6n apptytns for a bullding p€rm1-t, preaii-raelgrfY- brra-accurat'e waluagLon of brl€ proPoaar - rF6 Tol"m-6r-vai1 wirr adjutr che feo accorcitng r-9 tht bable bolow, co ensurc lha cotrect fee 6, $ 20.q9 s0:00 t100. o0 82OO . O0 ${oo.00 03oo - oo ?htt i.lrlc l-D 4m .g_tatlc 6Arr,c+ I TOWNOFVAIL R.ECEIPT N(). CHECXS MA.DE PAYABLE TD TOWN OP VATL ACO(X'NT NO-ITBI'tio- TAX CG|TEA TOTAI 01 00m 41540 ZONINCANDADDRESS MAPS $5.00 01 0000 42415 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE s50.00 01 moO 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBINGCODE $36.00 01 000042415 UNIFORM MECFIANICAL CODE $32.00 01 Omo 42415 UNIFORMFIRECODE $36.00 0l 0000 42415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE $30.00 01 0000 42415 OT}IER CODE BOOKS 01 00m41548 BLUE PRINTS (IVTYI-ARS)$7.00 0tum4z4t2 XEROXCOPIES $0.25 ot000042412 SruDIES olo0n0424t2 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $s.00 01 00m42371 PENALTY FEES / RE_INSPECTIONS 01 0000 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE-CHECK FEE I$4t) PER HR.I 0L00M42332 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 01 0000 41412 COT.ITRACTORS LICENSES FEES 0l finO 41413 SIGNAPPLICATION FEE $20.00 01 m0041413 ADDITIONAL SICNAGE FEE I$I.OO PER SQ.FT.I ot{n0{J4240 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION 0100@41tr .PBE PAID DESIGNREVIEW BOARDFEE ,7)20 01 mm4237l lrlwEsTrcATroN FEE (BUTLDINGI_ __l-{,:'a?-i r:-rF t---ria I L Ft:i..rr-itr-! f.= I d ND 'r ,.. ':1i..i *' -:+ lf:-- '--'t-il ' ' i ". : $200.m omta Best copy Available CASHT lcrc*1 ""*, l',1,3-/' o SINGLE T'AIvIILY RESIDENTIAL AND RESIDENTIAL ZONING CHECKLIST t3b .+ #f :aLegal Description: owner. Flo yd / Au o4. ^] Zone District: 2j,,^&-,!, n" Lot Area ,t4 L197 Minus Hazard Area:o Equals Buildable Area: Actual ?.0 k"4 41,7q1 Height: Setbacks:Front 20', Sides ,Rear2o' + 3Required - Actual -Front 83' , sides 3 t/-l I , Rear I '1 O t,,x % = cl, gr{O tctua'r (4,11o( fl)13_* eo_% = 8t 3(o u-"?' Required - Lot treal[)I1 x 6,0 % = aS.O6O a-'/'..-._-_r-- Astual Distance Between Buildings: Requlred ActuaI G.R.F.A. Allowed: Buildable Area Site Coverage: Allowed - Lot Area Landscaping: Parking:Required Drj.ve: Slope Permitted *ah Slope Actual > "/" Parking and Drives Must Be Paved Environmental,/Hazard: Avalanche Flood Pl.ain Slope Distance From Trees Removed Cre Zoning Approval; ek- Comments: tOUJr,t^ Lo-<tq, 3) X ro IO,tx ,l eu{.9 ?)o 3-Ax l-O =3no lO=3) cc lg_ xJQj I80 la 4__l ='(g D,^ l{loi /-qu,-. I alA a:_g_:t31-s= 31 2 - --z.z-L-a 0_ :_ - --- a _u_Q - J6- -X -? o: -E i- --?-78- lg'-S" = -aab -_^G_E_lQ__:- _?60 --LL--L-7-=-, - --ie- UFPa. Louo\/ _>clo / _l __ JL-LX a0 "{:- V:11- 2X2E-_Ln_ :1 n LLI | /.\ll 6",^ | v" lz 17.'-e>. =gt i! ti = lrt aa i:_: ll - At ,: z.f - t1 t8 2o _?) 7o 3,)so lr.S a o ,t1 c) Ll t'Ll o lourro* REvIDl,, I1o4tD DArB or MEBTTNG, -)utl 26, lQz7, MEITBERS PRESENT:Bill Ruoff Lou Parker Bill BisltoP Ron Todd Abe Shapiro SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN BY MOTION: APPIIOVtrD: DISAPPROVED: SUlrl[lARY: SBCONDED BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTION: a-!.1. Dl)lrc.llnr6ox I V"il \sa\ o lwnu box l(X) vril, colorado 81657 {sr3l 47S5613 department of community dwelopment August 1978 Fred Otto Attorney at Law 0tto, Peterson & Post Box 3149 Vai!, Co1o. 81657 Ref; Lot 32, Block 2' Vail Village l3th Filing Dear This is to confilm our telephone conversation pertaining to the division of a duplex on the subject 'lot. The Town of Vail Subdivision Regulations do not consider a condominium as a subdivision. A duplex may be divided into two interests either as a condominium with all land owned in common, or maybedivjded into three parcels' with each unit owning the land directly beneath the unit and the ba'lance of the land held in co[mon. The Toln Council has recent'ly requested that we prepare legislation to control condominiumization, so there could be a procedural change fairly soon. 'ly'<4 ana S. Toughill DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DST/9ew l4 Fred: nc( OGt n+n('\ \ \'- .\'" s*3H!3=ii;3f;8 A:iiad hllEru r,\ Ai? a: Vi gFi t tq o'i <t :+t F =G IJJ J l- { z 9! dB- ul TE uJ z az F F 2 gJ zg E tFz It E uJ IIJ tr c ulE too l! IIJ J IIJ Jtt J o F 6 ! =r=ulolroO =?=oEtL- -f 0 Y o3 t! z F c uto Eulzul :tN t!- 2o9_o zo Fc*d.6 t4|9x>:z:< 6- (J>oFO ;ci i8o;: l\I uJ =z PLt|MEilT\rGlMECHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAI L rRAcroR SCHE/DE - s7, OF BUILDING: ,EHCE (AUZU> oF woRK: X"t* E lootnoru ! nennooel ! nepotn PTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER G7 E MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION S ,@ VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: -\ PERMfTFEE /fAe /PERMIT FEE d+r|irf'/lffu( frorr*ou.o E orsappnoveo - '-r19roTAL FEES: S (4_z__ oarc /o.,{'77 Town of Vail EI,.ECTRICAL PERNilIT ,nJ-..Z... N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Received By.--.... 494 $.......-...-.........-....-.Applicant... ,,v)- APPROVALS 13 TO DURING THIT JOB P/e/n BE POSTED ON COI{STRUCTION 24 HOI.'RSI ADVANCE NOIICE nEQrJrnED Fon rNsPEcTroNs rHr a. r. iaaataL aa.r atlvlr lrrarr aTfu.nffiaz<V, s. /.2?: Date Paid....... ,l !- :3..'ll - $...................... -.kf t, ,/Z@: Town of Vail EI,TTCTRICAL PERMIT Applicant.--..-. slslatura 516 Erectricar .on r^"ror....HiaQ2- €fu- ffi{ fu N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee ?ffi/@ APPROVALS $..............--....-......- sH..#Plrtr Chccllcr v ,24ua Cffr ta- il/-/l) r.*)\A.*r.* ....4.,..... -%-**-, -(:-? "7 ?? A7ffiJ;;aiifid1trcnt- Datc THIS FORilI 13 TO BE POSTED OlI JOB SITE DURII{G COI{STRUCTION 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQUINED FOR INSPECTIONS rIE !. r. HOaaxlL ao.t Dallval lltat, d I \ Con;:,r:r-c i-; I Sltot'er ol Tub t '-\^l I l o V/tTL l'l/:TjiIt /riil').l)n, a. V ' tt, i rl' Y llL tr t frrtrg of Susincss c,r" llone 0.,.;ncn ',ci d r.c:;:i'* -&f:-:-_, ffo=r-_-trrrffi Z,Z5 :.,'r (r t:tli.r r,r,'r 1.,/.1 r.) I ;\: I i 057L t . (., I II i,.,..r|.1..t.lI I . Ir(jii 6l /.tar t rr rt. lr,\U L,, r.i, J v I L \., ..':-l L. Ili:s. 1s'r.'2nd' 3rdrlti: ,,. ll ' t_*:__:f ToiLc';, t!ri,':l)-, o'r' !)ashbcitlJ---.4 - I{csider:ti-al \5 x g.'}.5 ?. x 0 0 \ \ \ \ 1"0 L.5 7:m'. Eac, Lst 2nd 3r<itltlr Ice l'iachines x 0.25 l. Bas' .lct 2nd llaten Cccie,::s' 3rd and r.raten foun'cains x A.25 = ' ' tr +l--r' Lt I 'E*9# . Llas - ': I t:'t': .---_ 4tt\rs;;*- lJas.'Lst 2nd 3rd . lt-tii BasLst 2nd. 3rd 4tlr Brs lo"; 2n<i 3r.cl Erth Daslst -l -u-"..--- tsasi:r al;<! Tc,:'i-1.:'c Orre-li":If Satir I'ulL Baih ( Siro,,re:. ot TuIr,Blsin, Toilet) Roor.s ( Livi;r A :.ccns , Xi.tche ns iic siCclt.ir.l Dis:h:.'--' slrc r- Ki tchens Con:rc:.ci.r] l)i. :; lu r;t l lr c r. I e' r-:/x2.50= 5:OVx\.oc =VA:O x 2.50 : x ].00 :: ' ., O t:..rr'r /, r r2V 3ili n-, -7Il*-4th . liiis.Ist 2ncl ilrclIrtlr n',. Ir;'t: '2trrl . ill'il /r, o.$o :., J I 1.1-' .a a' ,' uirli I' sl: ?ttrl 3:'d fl tlt t.Drsls'; 2;rci 3t-riIttlr t,ilun;l:.'Y Coru;rcrcial l)c:';{aShcr (trttti.clc tltttcl,(it::ri:lun o1' onc) (tiit side S1::.'-in):J.c:'s -v :.,.. r.,- l. .4-e:4 2.oo 1.00 0.:!3.x Iir.r !losc Cabinets x I.o0 = -.-- ' Swirmj.ng Pool x30.00 = .lx5.00=- Scrvice S';ati.onl. lr D Uas 1s't'2r'l 3r'd 4tir Conve:rtion Centc:: Per iterson ?3 0.1-0 = TO?AL FOT]ITS M - irstruction of a}.fcr1-1-oi''ing the coni>ietron. oi-gt'r. - ! -!---,r *^*€ill;;il';il;r-";;'.;;;:;.;; ih* rj-='i"i"I :h:,:l :::I c'ien';ia1 anC physicaL in- il:;1;;;:;i"":'iii*ii;;;:.;'t"-;.1::i:t'::,*ih:.,::'?::- ?:"n:i:';.";:i;:-::;:;':'; ::;"ft;;;;-;; ii,.-r:.ii" *n9 l:i':i 1:i- r::r,'l:':;:;: 3lr,rii"i"l=ln"iJ,i;.,,1;qii ""c-ti,,'5ir,-.'rict sh::r-I :nairc, ::-n5r ;1.1in.."i:r1":rts -. --.--.r --.- .^^ '.-;a f iri s: ins:rectio;r shef 1;::;:ili i; ;';:,';;iii;i ;;:; ;;; pira: rit: :l:.i:-"::::.::"'llg(:egJa::'if Ill Lr'-- -t' 1 ie4"b- '-':- -- - - : alSO cleteinir.e tlie biiLcli'g, oi';lrer'rs L'ate'' anci sei':el' Ser'f,ce lisi)ec District char-ge'. f Boi.r'd of Directors laiL l'l.rter and Sanitation a a a,..l .t'