HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 13 BLOCK 2 RESUB LOT 34 LEGALTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81-557 970-479 -21,38 FEE ST'I4MA.RY L6+3 ( t!(bz DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT yuil tZ NoTE: THIS PERMIT MusT BE PoSTED oN ,JoBSITE AT AtL TIMES PROITECT TITLE: WOLI,ARD ADDITION ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT PCTMiL #: 898-0055 'Job Address: 2550 BALD MOUIiITAIN RD LOCATiON...: 2550 BALD MOUI{TAIN RD Parcel No. . : 2101--034-03-022 Projects No. : PRJ98-0041 APPLICANT RUSTY WOOD CONSTRUCTION, INC. P O BOX LL47, VAIL CO 81658 COI.TTRACTOR RUSTY WOOD CONSTRUCTION, INC. P O BOX Lt47, VArL co 81558 OWNER WOLI,ARD RONALD R & MARILYN S 5820 STATE LINE RD, MISSION HII.,LS KS 66208 Fileplace Inforrra!iotl: Re6tt:icted:*of Ga6 Applianceo:#of Gao Logs: Description:ADDITION oF GARAGE/BED ROOM Number of Dwelling Units: 001 Town of Vail AdjusEed Valuation: 58'000 ResEuarant Pl,an Review__> .00 DRB Fcc-- --- -__ 1OO-O0 RccreaEion Fee_-- -- -__ --> 1s.00 clean-Up Daposic- -- - -- -- > 250.00 TorAL, FEBS-- --- L '245 'so StaEus...: ISSIIED Applied. . : 04/09/1'99e Issued. . .: 04/24/]-998 E>qgires . .: 1O/2L/L998 Phone z 3039490L77 Phone t 3039490L'77 *of wood/Pal1ets: Total calculated FeeE--_> 1,245 ' 50 AdditionaL Fees---------> 'oo Total Permits Fee- --- ----> l'245'so Paymentss_ ---__- L'24s 'so BATANCE DUE.... .OO and ploE plot p1an. Building-----> 53o.oo Pl,an chcck_--> 344 .5o Invc6cigaEion> .0o wirl call----> 3 'oo rEem: 05100 BUTIDTNG DEPARTMENT Depts: BUTI,DTNG Division: o4/og/Lggg JRrl Action: APPR Pr-'ANs ro cHARr-'rE o4./09'/LggSJRMAction:CANCCASNCELAPPRoVAI,iIRM o4'/20/Lgg} CHARLTE Action: APPR CHARLTE DAVrs rtem: 05400 PLANNTNG DEPARTMEI{T DepE: Pr''ANNTNG Division: OA/Og/Lgg8 JRM ACEiON: NOTE PI,ANS TO GEORGE 04/22/L998 DoMrNrc AcEion: APPR rtem: 05500 FrRE DEPARTMEI{T DepE: FrRE Division: 04/2O/L998 CITARLTE Actsion: APPR N/A rEem: 05500 pIlBLrc woRKs Dept:_PUB woRK Divislon: o4/2O/Ls98 CIaRLTE Action: APPR N/A iQlt/r.,.- ']/rr t., . " vi rl?rrll r .'""..'.t"Q[''UB. 56; j,t.l ii'iJgV-,."."*'ri*r+*r {r-'-'Frorro^, -"ryc'sif Fo r. . see Page 2 of Ehis Document for anv conditionqf*a[Fg applv *2ry(Slgermit'-,'( ?(,'-DECLARATIoNS Cete *{U,n--.' I hercby acknorledgc lhats r hav€ lead this application, filled ouE in full th' informaEion require{ to col[ply wj,Ch all Town ordinancog and 6!aLe 1at,8, and Eo build !hi6 Euluctsur. according to tshe ToHn'o zoning codeg, design revier approved, uniforu Building code and ocher ordinancea of the Town appl'icable tshereto' and 6ubdiviBion REQTJESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TI,IENTY - FOUR HOURS Scod CI6an-Up Dcpo6iE To: RUSTY WOOD CONST IN ADVAICE BY TEIJEPITSNE AT SIGNATI'RE PAGE 2********************************************:r***:r******************************* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAI, PermiE #: 898-0055 as of 04/24/98 sEatus: ISSIJED ******************************************************************************** PETMiL T}PE: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT ApplicanE: RUSTY WOOD CONSTRUCTION, INC. ilob Address: 2550 BALD MOITN:IAIN RD LOCAt.iON: 2550 BALD MOIJIiTTAIN RD Parcel No: 2101-034-03-022 Applied: 04/09/L998 Issued: 04/24/L998 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS******************************************************************************** 1. FrELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUTRED rN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY sToRY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 I]BC. 479-213e OR T oUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 A t{"t//\- CONTRAeIOR FOR HI!'ISELP AND a a r r i rr r t t rt l l t I t rr a a a t rr t t I t t t t a TOITDI OF VAft, COLORADO SgatcEne .l}ar.rrtra l ttttata t+ttta'tartti ata aaitr tfa r ataarr lal, tttt I rt " aarrrr sr.at.tng Nulbqr: REC-0390 lrlourB: L,225.5O O4l24I9e L3.I2 Payuan! UrEhod: CK NgtaEion! 503{ IniE: 'tR ParuLc No: 898'0055 ltGt.3 A-BUIID N)D/ILT gFR BDXLD PE Prrccl llo: 2101-03t-O3 -o22 gig! Addr.!.: 2550 BltD lloull-TAlN RD l,ocauion: 2550 BA.LD lloIJI{fAfN RD tog.1 F.€5: 1' 245.50 Thl,r Ptyu.nt 1'22s.so Tocrl aLL PEc6: 1.245'50 Bllallcc: .00 r. ara*att a t a ta r*air t a t+Jtt t t rt. AccounE Coda Dc.cripgion BP OOlOOO0311].100 EUILDING PERMIT IEES DR OO1oOOO3112200 DEaIOI RBVIEW FEBS PP OOIOOOO!1T.23O0 PIJAII CHECK PEES lDooloooo2aorloo CrEINUPDEPOAITa RF 11IOOOO3l1270o RacREATroll PEEg tlC OO1OOOO31128OO llIIJt, CALIJ INSPECIION 888 lDounE 530.00 so.00 344.50 250,00 la. 00 3.00 a OAET,./1 4 ZND: 46>o 5oo (.) d ci k r,l :(4l (, ...-7 tsu FIF zo EI FI :oF(/l Fr (-lz zo FU ou) E Ftr DQ zz Itl : !.1 FtrzzODEOF= f)a bFaz IrE o FI FFtlv AE F zo b. EU E rtlo (JErb a6u (-, F p I F o I-r tr 1: . :> Fr='sq4 0 lrlOS TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 OIINER Eleccrical---> DRB Fee Inv€6tigaeion> wilL calI----> TOTA! FEES- -. > DescripEion: ELECTRICAL FOR ADDITION t*r*t*r*rii'r FEE ON .IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PermiE. #:898-0053 StaEus...: ISSITED App1ied..: 04/09/L99t rssued...: 04/24/L99t Expires..: Lo/2L/L99t Phone. 3039253675 Phone z 3Q39263675 Valuation:l_, 500 . 00 su!4rurRY .ri*+.r Total calculated Fees- - - > 53'oo Additional PeeB------- --> TotaI PenBic Fce-_-_---_> Payments__---_- .00 53 .00 BAIANCE DUE---- .OO DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED EI-,ECTRICAI, PERMIT .Tob Address: 2550 BALD MOIJNTAIN RD LOCAEiON...: 2550 BALD MOUNTAIN RD Parcel No.. : 21-01-034-03-022 Project No. : PRiI98-0041- APPLIEA}IT DOT'BLE Q ELECTRIC P O BOX 975, EDWARDS CO 81632 COI\ITRACTOR DOI]BI-,E Q ELECTRIC P O BOX 975, EDWARDS CO 81632 WOLLARD RONAI-,D R & YIARILYN S 5820 STATE LINE RD, MISSION HILLS KS 55208 50.00 .00 3.00 53 -OO Item: 06000 ELECTRICAT DEPART'I{ENT_ _____ __PgpE: BUILDING Division: 647)6tigge'cHARLTE- AetiaIL' APPR CHARLTE DAvrsi€am;'osedo-'nHE*5epAiffiEifu oept: rrnn Diwision: o4li6t19g6 csanr,rn Action: APPR N,/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIEr_,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED To cHEcK FoR coDE CoMPI'IANCE. DECLARATIONS r hc!6by ackno$Ledge tshac r hav6 read EhiE application, fi1led ouE in f\rlt tshe information required, colrpl6Eed an accuraEc plol plan, and 6t.atc lhats aft lhe informaEion provided as required is cortec!. r agree tso conPly r"ith ch€ informacion and PLoE Plan' to comply rriEh alL ror'n ordinanc€s and 6t'aEe larrs, and co buj.l,d Ehis gcructure according to Ehe Tovn'6 zoning and subdivlsion coacB,d€6ignrevic'apPloved,uniformBuildingcodeandotherordinanceEoftheTor,naPplicableth.leEo. REeuEsrs FoR rNspEcrroNs SHAITL BE MAIE TwENTy- FouR HouRs rN AD\aNcE BY TELEPHoNE AT 4?9-213s oR AT ol,R oFFrcE FRoM 9:o0 AM 5:oo PM OF OWNER OR COMTRAC"IOR FOR HIMSELF iaa'rtt r.a.rj|att gtsaEadntmr[l oR vArl,. @LoR.LDo gcaclung Nuob€r: REc-03t0 llounc ! P.]r!.nt u.eh.d ! cK Nocrrion: s03'! 5!.00 04./2,[/98 13 :13 tnl,t: JR PcroiE I0o: E9s-0053 T!tp.: B-8f,'Ec ELBCIRICI' PERIIIT Parcql No3 2101-034-03-022 git. Addt...: 2550 BIIrD lloItNTAIN RD tocaclont 2590 BIIJD UoInfTAlN RD ThI6 Pat/urnl 53.00 .oo A[ounE 50. 00 3.00 ToE-l F...: 53.00 Tocrl ALr, Pnc! | Balrnc!: rrrarrttataairt AccounE cod. DcocriPtion Bp oo1oooo3111lOO E.EelRrCA& PERllrt FEES wc oo1oooo31128oo rrLL Clll, ulgPBcrroN FEE . TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLIEANT CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PII]MBING PERMIT ON ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: P98-0029 iIOb AddTCSS: 2550 BALD MOI'NTAIN Location...: 2550 BAI-,D MOUNTAIN Parcel No.. : 2101--034-03-022 Project No. : PR'J98-0041- SOUTHWEST BUILDERS, LLC P.O. BOX 1330, VArL, co 81658 SOUTHWEST BUII,DERS, LLC P.O. BOX 1330, VArL, co 81558 WOLLARD RONALD R & MARILYfiI S 5820 STATE LINE RD, MISSION HILLS KS 66208 Description: PLUMBING FOR ADDITION Valuation: RD Stsatus..RD applied. rssued. . Expires. . : ISSITED .: 04/09/L99t.: 04/24/L99t .: Lo/2L/L99t Phone 970-476-2338 Phone z 970-4'76 -2338 4, 500 .00 Plumbing-----> Plan check- - - > Inve6!igation> l.ti11 calL- --- > 75.00 .00 3.00 96 -75 .00 96.75 .00 ResCuaranE Plan Revie!r_-> .00 TOTA', FEES-..-- Total Calcul"aced Fee6--_> AdditionaL FeeE------- --> Togal PermiE Pee- _--__-_> Paymenla-_---'_ BAI,ANCE DUE-.. - Item: 05100 BuILDING DEPARTMENT P9PE' BUILDING Division: 647)ot15gd-csanl,rn aEqisrl, APPR cltaRr,rE DA'rq rEem: ose cjo-ifriiE-fispAFfrEifrr o6ft: rrne Division: 647i0/7gg8 CHARI-,IE ACLiON: APPR N,IA CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIETD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICE' DECLARIITIONS r heleby acknowledge that r have read chi6 application, filled ouc in fu11 the j.nformacion required, conPl€!€d an acculaEe PloE p1an, and 6catse tshat all lhe informabion provided as raqui.led is colrecc. I agrse Lo codply eith lhc inforna€ion and plot Plan' !o coltrply r.iEh alr ro!.n ordinances and stsace lass, and to build bhis sEluctsure according Eo Ehe To*n's zoning and 6ubdivi6ion codcB, dcsign r€vise applov€d, uniform Euilding code and otsher ordinances of Eha Town applicable tsharcto' REQUES?S FOR INSPE(3IONS SHA',IJ BB I'IADE TT{EIITY'FOT'R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY . aaarttatt!ltttittItataiitrllattttiii llt*ttttl, l Ittttl'tJtlj| rJ'J'lt.l''rItr lonN Ot Vltfr, cot oRADO lltrBernE a.rrtt aia aataatt a a taa aat iti t atit tttt"tr "ttt t t tt+rli ttt t "t r t ' t gE Caung NuDb.!. REC-0390 &oune ! P4orng !.lrcbod: CK focrclon! 503{ 9a.75 O1l2l/9A 13.15 INIE: .IR PlrDic !fo: P9E-002, Typ!3 B-PIHB PLLuBMo PElllrT Prlc.l tro! 2101-034-03- 022 gisq lddt.!s: 2550 BILD UOUNrllt| RD Locltion! 2550 BAID MOInIIAIN RD ToE.l t!..3 96 '75 Ttrl. Prlt!.nE 96-75 toE.l lt't' PEE' ! 96'75 Brlanc.: 'oo aarrJrttatilti+rtit rtl|ttirrttitttt'|*i*titti*i*t*tit*i'rtri**irrtt Accoung Codc D.Ec!lpeion PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLI'UBIIIO PER}IIT PEEA PF OO1OOOO31123o0 Pl,Nc CEECK FEES wc ooloooo3112oOO tlrLl cM TNSPECTIo!{ FEE Arount. ?5. O0 la.75 3. OO Cou 0foi nty Assessors or- Parcel /l .(;fti e 64 L'4 B 28- c! 0-3 . Office TOWN OF VATL CONSTRUCTION PER}IIT # frrrq x- ia 4 /I I-J 1v LIt', APPLICATTON MUST BE FILLED Ir*****************************rl [ ]-Building [ ]-Plunbing t ,"*[rorlrjwu2ro* ELEcTRIcAtz $ 1{o s MECHANICAL: $----_-- al OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERMIT TNFORIiIATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * l-Electrical [ ]-Mechani-c,+L [ ]-Other t, IJob Narne: ,rUOL Job Address: Legal Description: Lot alock_=l Fiting Owners Nane:Address: Architect:Address:9zE?pn?,M 4/a I ceneral Description: work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Al,teration,lrT<Additional 1'1-nepair i Iioth"r Number of Dwelling Units: _ N;rmber and Tvpe of Fireplaces: cas Appriances. Gas Logs_ wood/pelletv!t********************************* VALUATTONS ****************************'t ********************************* BUILDING: $OTHER: $rorAl:lM_ ****** * ************** *rtri *!t * PLTTMBTNG: $ 4g-,rp ffi ; : :: i . ; :;; :: : i: x: D;ir; Address:f5rown of vail Res. No./(t7-B Phone Number: 44A O'7n- rown of vuit/d!iFno. Phone Number: of VailTor{n OLttnont Number: Ua/L Number of Accommodation Units: Plunbing Address: Contractor:)z 1? A/ Mechanical Contractor: Address:Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: PLUMBING PERMIT 6'E.E:- PLIJI,fBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: IffE+ilI:ll lflT+rF"i@,, Hfis*ixi;ti ;g3y;;ci<-ii* BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATUREs 7L ZTET- Conrnents: CLEAII TP DEPOSIT REFI'ND /r"lh /pL6'*/. unty Assessors f or- Parcel /1. 0ffice TOI.{N OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PER}IIT # flAt,- ob(lP EFetrr$taP PHt CDalW F oRr'l Address: , APPLICATION MUST BE FTLLED $*****************************rl OUI COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED pERMIT f NFORMATf ON * * * *** * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * i * * [ ]-Buildtng [ ]-Plurnbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechani'c,41 I J-other Job Name:Job Address: Legal oescription: Lot Owners Nane:Address Ua/L Architect: General Description:'zEt' .,"?/1+rA / Nurnber of Dwelling Units;Nurnber of Accomnrodation Units: ^ )pmber and Type of Fireptaces: Gas eppriances- Gas Logs_ wood/perlet_ Ir***************Cs***************** VALUATIONS *************lr*******************tt ! --BUILDING: $Ognsn: $TOTAL:+W JLU:{Brr:ct i L+t€+ fH;:::i.;#;#:;:7 Work Class: [ ] -New [ ] -Alteration )rfAdditional t ELECTRICALz $ /Soo MECHANTcAI: $---- Address: IISF/ // :d;i: :i;,; : . -. i T.. """."'l: " 1ry#iff;9ff:t":$:x; ii,;;i;; r.)1i;i #,';::.'I::' oTHER TYPE OF FE*lrrr DRB FEE: f Uy " i;f CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT!I I. TOTAL PERI.TIT FEES: BUILDINGs SIGNATUREs ZONING: SIGNATT]RE: Tovrn Phone of Vail Nurnber: of VailPlumbing Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: Town Reg. NO. Fhone Number: ,:- j r MECHANICAIJ PIAN CHECK FEE: 1.... ! ntr rrrfrt| r fr.ttr\ Req. No/3f-,P47L zZZr- *****************************.**t roR oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDING PERMIT H.rhi: i i : i '' ' BUILDINg PLAN cHEcK FEE: PLUMBTNG PERMTT tilF.s l-' MECHANTCAL PERMTil\ffEb:--T-i l. lrEeHANreAL pr,aN eHr:eK FF:F:: I -Repalr [ ].:other BUTLDING PERMIT HEEi i i : 'i ''; ' BUILDINg PLAN C PLUMBING PERMIT Ii!$dI-'Ilgllllql! !!!MrH\fEE'^8.,;, MEcHANTcATJ pr,ari ELEcTRrcAr, Frn: r..'l"ti,,A|1KTFI9S8--{;,.., RECREATIoN FEE: Comrnents: VALUATION )c,t r c)l,-x -. t ,..tr)ouHA 0fS, i u, v'' { B?8 - 0655 -----4-----a-- Date Received l'lAY 18 1998 hohw'w'of*w q/'H?l4r' -__ €.e_--- -- -' I I $ll it sl I Wnrb47 9A*: 4*or(Ml-a/ O'lod havhc l(r0,e luro 6ouo e{oA2t^Vp- iir wa( ;W)w bffib\ll (hawslg {o lhnux 16Nr,Yl?tu n!:tiHrlffiPv WJgtVt'rAnj{P(-woe(6to nlAtN WI1AE AHo$b'&-ftbtr& Ptaiautt+tc 4aB ,0J? IZ"*l?"'1tpgg-DAlfu 1#%fl?tcAu- ha^ocurPtilxro CeN\Eq,o,J G flnaWtanAgApt @ Nmr+t M[AwPawMMrDFlTfrWtol'tatyrat fuiw ':E;.. :4_.-' . f l tWstAO @wa+ Wtgtwlt.4t&. ) ..'.-il AtfM E( dfl@9 A?ftAgfiv2 ) HN}NF( tu)fio$t ) tD ge@Qvfi)- wruNar e&(o aJsttv QAc bwurc(*oflnv ll6g564 fovlffi{taN h fi il 4 ..l '.1I ata (' ,it" VAQcowe*o I 0z $ $ 8:I' F-#ITtl.r! tMA/Il.ld .fa Ef*trlaFa L=-- gNtstM la4u& A'?liAN s WzOW'6.1 l^l9 fr huo g&t/.h{a. a N 7 $ I * lt A L ,rfl ,rry '* l+ -a-.- tYnau rwx,*6AD Ce?ot^0fttE._ qA.hlntffiosr1 J $ .wfiw ts-r=r N?lI WAtt fiemv 3-6flttb^roe I AgNrWtq 'Bl,,,.AlcJ'lFqgr"U? Frwms J--lz 17+ x nb Wttlt grt*clb"dc. WtSttUAW fV*thr0 olb'ac,WMtUAa A?i9 a o' ac, _ __J L__ d"4c iac a il TI \i trlL' t?,r altD tw uld,u 41/6, r-I O.Stztr?talLp.'r{a/lI €?fl)bt+rr* W6tnM WAItS (o Pet'utu'fY?,q' Wf?ANuAa. lMtAWwWrcrrblGfa hlD t"purvfAt^l TaDD wLpotaeAw qfl+OlQ*Ae-wtutuAw ffi*$d.:h *fu*..Rp PwYwo 1) 2) Foundation deaign by others, see architectural and prelJ'rnJ-nary structurar prans. -rn-#tir?ti* "i perimeter drain to conform with soils report ry'L-"-ils elgineer'- AIl footings are to bear ;il; ;;il;"i-'""al"t'"rbed eoif or conpacted structurat rill as approved by the "oii-t "ttgf"""t' sub;it copy of report to ;rirntl,""?Ltion around perlneter.of erructure eha1r have mlninurn frost protection oi-l^e" to bottom oi ioottnq' A1I- foundation walls and coJ.umn" -1o- r" tentered on concre€e footlngs unless show'n otherwlse on Plans '3) Al1 cast in pface- doncrete nust be rnade wlth Portland cetnent ' and attain ^ili;;-;;;;i"t"it'" streneth "f--199-9-P=i after 28 days. Desigm'['Jt"a-"pin BUILDING coDE REQUIREI'IENTS FoR REINFORCED CoNCRETE (ACI 318) t- Lgg2' AIl concrete slabs on qrade must be'i'i""iaLi-"o.rlrbi lirtt" (scored or cut) in XllIIaiiJJ Jitrr sotrs report. itt e*p&"d- edses of concrete ehall have rTiti cnitpter'- concrete work shall not have any horizontal "oia iot"tt unless authorized by th9 strtrcturar englneer- rijia'I3ii'ai"ttt-"rilertlcal cora ioints with stiuctural engineer' 4) irelnforcing "i.eeii; AsrM Grade 40' AlL welded wlre fabric must confott tfifi asrlt eres' Reinforcenent placenent shalr conform wrtn_rierull oF sTANDeno.-pnacrrcE, L99b. as prepared by cRsr. Au rail;;lic!.e to_ bfitntroun 36 bar dianeters' all 'horizontal ""i#5;d; ti""r to be contlnuous around corners and at wall intersections. uinlnurn relnforcement protection: -Concrete poured against earth 3tr -concrete Poured ii foms ztl -Slabs 1rl 5) A11 'Iumber sha1l be Doug-Fir #2 S4S or better' all wolrnanized lunber shal1 ne nen-nir -#z sns or better (aII lumber within 18rl of finish gt.a-"';;ti-i"" ""rt*"i;;dt' pio-vide -solid blocking at 8'-ort "" "!it"ii" "ri-at"phraglns' Atl columns to be .ottittt,.ont bearing to foundatlon' 6) structural st';;i -tntft be ASTM A36 or better except pipe columns which shall conforn to aiir,r A53 and tube.sections which nust confott J"- asrlt-aSoO, Grade B' anchor bolts and bolts shall be A3o7.- a:-i tC"uclural eteit ls to be detailed' fabricated ""d """"tJ1n accordance with AISC SPECIFICATIONS' 1989 and coDE of -S-TANDARD PRACTTCE' A1l weld-ing to be performeduy.-""itGieaweraerandconforrnwithAlscandAws STRUCTURAL WeroiNE-coDE, 1990, all electrodes to be EE-7oxx' Grout beneath all base ptales and beam bearing plates sha1l be non-ehrink "poiJ ttitrt if"ft"t ze day comp-reslive strength of 5ooo Psi- eri"it"r"itTeage enchors and Rarnsets to be installetl """J.dfttg -d rnanrif acturere specif 19"!19""' 7l Microlams tz.6il-"i"-is-nanufacrured uy rnuss JoIsT MACMILL,AN coRPoRATIoN, see shop drawings and nadufacturers standard details' arr-Juirt---tip Verea,ria bearns must be glued with PL40o and nailed wittrJ rowi of f6d spikes € 9rr oc' Versalams deeper than 11 z7a' -to"J u" uotta t"q"'["i with 2 rovs of 5'l8rr diameter rortJ*6-eii ;1;t ""d-r"it1t' Metlr-'x-Braclns resuired s'-o; J" t*ttt"t ln- al1 ai"pttiigt"' All alternates to Le-reviewed bY engineer' B) sheath froorErti'i"f i-F'' T and G pryw?9g with^ninLnum span rat]-ns ot +on6 Zt ii'it"".o"a gri""lth PL4oo" Nail plvwood with lod e 6n oc to all- Jotste',?iJra cooratnate' screw option' cover decks 'itln ;;; R"dqood w-rtn-J-""i"tt p"t bearlng polnt' e)sheathroorB;iih;7d;'-pivt""aiittttr"rt"rispanratinsof' ^o/2o or better. Nall plywooa wlttr-8d € 6" oC at panel edges iii-iz;-"" at interrnediate merobers' LO ) sheath arr exte-r!-oi -t-trG wltrr-r-/z'r- p11mood'or-oriented strand ' board with ninimun span ratlng--'"i z'l-/o or bette-r' Nail with 8d e 5'| o" .t,!^1.#r-5;s."" u"a-1zii oc,at intermediate studs. 11) Live loads used for cles:.gn- -Roof-8O Psf snolir' -Floor-4o- Psf resldential' -Deck-Loo Psf' -wlnd-2s Psf' ,r, ^ii"iil?t*?.131"1r"t"!;nt"^ wlrh the 1eel _unLforrn Buildins code as adopted by the Town o,f v-tli guiralng Department and the rrGeneral conatti6ns of the c""ii""i for conet-ructionrr (AIA Document oroii'---oir -clnstruc,tLl-" t""i n" completed wLthln the to lerances ai!1" iT"t -ir,'-t-n" -';n"s iaent t a r cons truction Perforrnance GuLdelinegrr as pt"p"'t"a nilhe natroNAl AssocrATroN OF HOT'TE BUILDERS. 13) con6truct uall6 as followe- -Exterior-2x6 g l-6tr oc' -rnterior-2x'4 A i;" ;;:' unless noted otherwise' L4) AIl beans, jo.isis and raiter" tt"--io bear upon walls or beams oR be hung ltl'ch sIuPsoN strong-TJ'L hangers "t--lPPf'"ttd equals ' All connection hardware as *.noe'"-"iii"-JE srraisoN Strong-Tle ,, i iir"Stlil?1r:1"1t"";"rs are-sholrn ln their f inal. positions properly nt"""a-lia supportea'- loifttg construct'ion it may be necessarv .o "i"i"-p";ii;;t. + ih" eiructure while other portions "t" i"T"J Jonstruct'a-- contact the structurar :;;i;;;- ror consriltation as reculred' t6) contra".ot t"'lJ"iottGle for aiT-non-sp"cifie-d connections' contact structurar engrneer r", J&iiis is required- Engineer ;;";;;";; .rr-stru"tirrar substltutions' 17) contractor rs ;;-;;;aGate ari-l-rlpnrarm-'ne13-trations (ie' ' chirnneys, plurnblng .aewerB' "tqi tto-"ugr; rloor"' roofs and foundatlon walls wlth approp.i"t"--""n-l"ntractors. General contractor is responslble -for ttitt"' nethods''' techniques' €tequence€t, pto"-"a'iies, vtorkman-ship and Job-slte safety asJociated wlth thls project' - c"""-t"i cofitractor to verify a1I dimensions "r,f, "i"""t-ro"-t witn .#t-riiteiiyt:l-u::11"n=' Notif v engineer of afi-Jo'nf-f-icis or-omissions between valious elements of the working drawings and tne-exlsting condltions before commencing tiintfiti'iot€i"n of the profect' -General contractor t" -i""p""t'rernoder p""i"Et5-.tta verrfy prror use and proper ai"poti'ioiliiitfi"e t"-t"-t'itrt (i'e' asbestos' etc') as vr2 a 5 -tTL Sr Ut J $ B $ t $ \$ ( E e $g $ z i $ N & { required bY code.moisture conditions:.s);;i-;;G*'"*-"lq:'-"1*::^":::^'i:,'",:Jil.""'.1?'"',:::i;:::ilil'd;liil i'1J1t""t"o--?ir thes s c-ondit lone,-( I e^' 416 ST oe+ :::?:::-:^r]'il?i-il'i".-"t*r.tines, f 1 ashl ns, etc' ) as REF'T 131 q7 /e9/99 Q7 249 RECIUESTS TohtN 0F VAIL, COLURADO FOR INSFECTION I^JORK SHEETS FORz 7/?9/9& F'AGE AREA: CD Activity: 898-0053 7/9.9/98 Type: fl-BUILD Status: ISSUED Constn: ASFR Addr"ess: l35G BALD MAUNTAIN RD Location: 355@ BALD MI]UNTAIN RD Far^cel : l1O1-O34-lZr3-0Ee Descript ion: ADDITION OF GARAGE./BED ROOM Appl ieant: RUF}TY WOfID CBNSTRUCTIONT INC. 0wner: WBLLARD R0NALD R & MARIL-YN 5 Contr.actor: RUSTY l^lOOD CONSTRUCTION! INC. Occ: Fhone: Fhone l F'hone: User V N 3ra3949ra 177 3er3949Ar 177 Loeks, HoIds, and Not iees. . . . NtrTIVITY_____y:::::_:y_::_______ _______:_ Inspect ion Reqt-test Reque st or: Rust y Req Time: tZt6:OO It enE reqrregt ed to A@@9A SLSBETEIEI# Infornation. . . , . Wood Fhone I 9tZt4-17O6 Eomments: east s ide/wi I I caI I be Inspected... Aet i on Eomnents Ti me Exp Inspect i on Hi st ory. . . . . Iteml OA5IA driveway grade final Item: AA01ra BLDE-Foot ings/Steel @3/AL/95 InEpector: trD nffibn: AFPR AFPROVED NOTES: STflB ALL UPRIGHT DOI^JELS PER AF'F.ROUED F'LANS A6/ l?/94 Inspector.: CD Action: AFtrR SEE NOTES Notes: AN f;DDITIONAL FUOTING WAS INSTALLED TO SUFFORT A STEEL CT]LUMN IN GARAGE (BEARING FOINT) F'ICTURES WERE RECEIVED A REV I EWED Item: OUtCISta BLDG-Forlndat ion/$teel IA3/$I/98 Inspector: CD Action: fltrtrR Item: A€|SPTA PLflN-ILtr Site trlanItem: laAO3A BLDG-Framinq Iten: Item: { AF'F'ROVED "t b Itel:Iten: Item: Item: I t em : A6/t6/9A Inspector: trD Action: AFFR AFtrROVED AUroSta BLDG-Insulat i on @6/t9/9A Inspector': CD Action: RFFR AFFROVED AIAA6la BLDG-Sheetroek Nai I A6/&4/98 Inspector.: CD Action: FA FIREFLACE CHASEq6lE7/99 Inspector: JRM Actionr trfl flFFROVED ALL EXCEFT NoteE: EXCEF,T GARAGE AND ENTRY[t6/e3l98 Inspector: JRM Action: AFFR AFFR GARAGE AND ENTRY ASTOSC| * * Not On File * * AgrgrTqr BLDG-lrl i sc.A6/te/94 Inspeeton: CD AOOgra BLDG-Final ';"$1453'a BLD6-Temp. C/A oes+a BLDG-Final c/a Act i on: AF,PR SHOI^JER FAN INStrECTION ,l t"'{ REPT131 TOWN OF VAIL. CT]LORADO A7/?i/9A O7:49 REGUESTS FOR INSFECTION I^IORK SHEETS FORz 7/:E9/98 Activity: F98-tZtO39 7/e9/94 Type: B-FLFIB Addt'esE: E55O BALD MOUNTAIN RD LOCAIiONI P55O BRLD IYIOUNTAIN RD F,arcel : lltZtl-O34-O3-0eg Descr'ipt ion: FL-UMBING FBR ADDITItrN Appl icant: SOUTHT'IEST BUILDERST LLt: Dwner: WtrLLflRD R$NALD R & FIARILYN S Contraetor: SOUTHTJEST BUILDERS, LLC PAGE AREA: trD Statr-rs: ISSUED Bcc: Constr: ASFR Use! F,hone: 97O-476-i:338 Fhon e r Fhone: 97O-476-8334 Inspect i on Req ue st Request or: Rust y Req Time: 0r0!lZlO Items request ed to OOE9O FLMB*Final Infsr"mation...., l,lood Comnent E: east side be Inspected,.. Act Fhone: will call l/E on Comments 994-e7fr6 hr' ahead to meet ftnq, TEST RE } ..{ Mo A6/16/SA Inspector; CD Item : OtZtPSta F,LMB-Rough/Water A6/16/94 Inspectorr CD Not es : STREF ALI- t,fATER LINE Iten: erAE4A FLMB-Gag F,iping Item: E|OE3O trLMB-Fool/Hot Tutr Item: OOE6ta F,LMB-Misc. A6/L9/9A Inspector': CD Action: AtrFR BATH EX. INSTAL.LED Iteml AAE9O FLMB-Final Item: OraS3S FIRE-FINflL C/E Time Exp Inspect I ' r{t TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiTTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 InveBtigation> will cal]----> TOTAI, PEES- -- > DEPARTMEIiIT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMEMT f-"4 st -B\k 4 Ua.^\O\\l%-t3 ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES PermiE. #: E99-0L91 Status...: ISSIIEDApplied..: LO/07/L999rssued...: L0/L5/t999 E>cpires.. : 04/12/2000 1_, 000 - 00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAI, PERMIT iIOb AddTESS: 2550 BALD MOI]NTAIN RD Localion...: 2550 Bald MounLain Rd Parcel No. . : 21-01-034-03-O2L Project No. : PR,J99-0i-11- FBB SUUMARY ElecLrical- - - >50 .00 Total calculated Pee€- - - >53.00 APPLIETNT SABO ELECTRIC PhONE:- 970-524-7970 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS RD, GYPSITM, CO 81637 coNrRAcToR SABO ELECTRIC Phone: 970-524-7970 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS RD, GYPSIIM, CO 81637 OI'INER CHRISTOPHER ROCKY S & BARBARA K PhONC Z 97O-475-3796 2550 BALD MOI]NTATN RD, VAIL CO 81557 DescripEion: ElecEric tso install power for snowmelt'Valuat,ion: DRB Fee Additsional Fee€---------> .oo ,00 3.OO 53 .0O Totsal Poruit Fee--------> Paytuenes--___-- 5l-oo BAI,ANCE DUE-.-. .OO t.trtrttr.trlttt*1r*llt*t*tt* trt||tt!r'.*ttr**l,'J Item: 06000 ELECIRICAL DEPARII{ENr DepE: BUILDING Division: L9/o8/!9_9-9 KATIIY AcEionl APPR approved per Kw ----iabm;'os66o-?-ifle DgPAnrlnull'r Dept: FrRE Divj-sion: LO/O8/L999 KATI{Y Actsion: APPR N/A tl***t*t*1ttt*t*ttttt**trtt'r*t CONDITION OF APPROVAI, 1-. FIELD INSPESfIONS ARE REQUIRED TO GIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknoeledge tha! I have read this appl-i.cation, fj.lled out. in full Che infomatsion requiled, compLeted an accuraBe ploC p1an, and stat€ that al.l th€ infonnation provialed as required is corlect. I agree Eo conPly !',ith the infornaEion and plot p1an, co corlply wj.th all Town ordinances and staEe lar,s, and Eo build chis scrueture accordi.ng Eo Ehe Tor.n's zonj.ng and subdivi6ion codes, design tevietd approwed, Uniform Building code and other ordinances of the Toen applj.cable thereto. REQUESTS FOR IIISPECTIONS SHATL BA M!,DE TWENTY- FOUR HOI'RS IN A.DI]'ANCE BY TELBPHONE AT 4?9-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM S:OO AI'I 5:OO PM ,-) t-crr-1* J"Js TOI&I Ol VlIIr, COIrORIDO sLaEcunC gtaldnt ntub.r ! nBC-08?5 hount,: PqrrnE t{.chod: Cl< IloE ELo6: 21O1/glBO 's3.00 1ol15/99 0s:40 IDic ! ,tll P.nlc lfo: !99-0191 lliE.r B-E&IC lEEel'EICf,L PERI.IIT P.rccl lfo r 2101-03{-03 -021 glC. Addtr.i. 2550 BltrlD tlolXgt'lll| R.D Loc.Eion. 2550 Brld tount.in Rd thlr P.l|lcnts Total Faar! 53 . 00 Tot l lll hE. ! ' ElhD€a s 53,00 53.00 ,oo l€cor.Dc cod. ltrlcrlptlo!! EE 0010000t111{00 Elacm.Ictl. pErurrr FEIS rC 00100003112000 lfit! Ctti, IllgPEelIOtl FEE t@unt 50.00 3.00 FES. orrt TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTED Coftacf the Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for Parcel # Parcel# zlol - o3.1.03-oal oate: i,y't/ Q4 Permit#- 'lrl lobName: Ckr rta?Ltr sNo^,,ncLt 7o , le'r Job Address' Z55O BALD rnoDn-(Atn E.b. Building ( )Plumbing ( )Elecrricd"}d Mechanical ( ) Other ( ) Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filine Subdivision_ ownercNatne:14.I-, C-1,,-tsfooher pr66rrrg ZiSo ?,--t/- rnnu ?.d pn*r*-j-/!: j-722-- Architect:Address: Description of Job:-;**i.o-li ?aucz t> q-anntdt Eo', l.-nOuU Alteration ( ),qdOtionaLK Repair ( )Other( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Number and Type ofFireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/Pellet VALUATIONS ,.,J BI,JILDING: $ Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: PLI.JMBING $ @.!s$rclq: Toun of Vail Reerstratron No Mechenical Contractor: Toun of Vail Registration No. ELECTRICAL: $ l.otto OTFIER: $ MECHANICAL$- TorAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: Address: Phone # Addrcss: Phone # Address: Phone # Town of Vail Registration No E|-n _ O n t Phone # Elcctricaf contractor t ?Sabo Et crJc',e Torn of Vail Registration No T16 'L Plumbinq Contractor: Date Received FOR OFFICE USE ocT u 7 1999 BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArt, co 8L657 970-479-2]-38 DEPARIT'iIBNT OF COMMUNITY DE\IELOPMEI{IT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED .IOb AddrESS. . . : 2550 BAID MOUNTAIN RD LocaLion......: 2550 BaLd Mtn. Rd Parcel No.....: 2101-034-03-021 Project Number: PR.t99-011L APPLIEAIiIT MOUNTAIN HIGH PLIJMBING P O BOX 547, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR MOUNTAIN HIGH PI,IJMBING stauus...: ISSIIED App1ied..: 0s/20/L999Issued...: os/24/L999 Br<pires - .: !1,/20/L999 ON iIOBSITE AT AIt TIII{ES Permits #: M99-0053MECHANICAI-, PERIIIIT P O BOX 547, AVON CO 81620 CIIRISTOPHER ROCKY S & BARBARA K 2550 BALD MOUIi|IIAIN RD, VAIIJ CO OI{NER Descriptsion: Mechanical for driveway snowmelt system Flrcpbcc Infolrrlion: Rc6tricl.dr Y l*of gaa Applianc€6: Uachanicel---> Plrn ch.ck- - - > Inwcatig.tion> wlll caII-- -- > t FEE 9I'I{T'IARY l*gf cas Log6 ! .00 AddilionaL F€es---------> 1, 0o3 . o0 Total P€hEit. fac--------> Paltoanta - - - - - - _ Plrone: phone; 8L657 Valuation: 970-949-4500 970-949-4500 40, 000 . 00 tfof wood/Pi1l.t: soo.oo Raatsuarant PLan R€viat --> 2oo.0o DRB F€s-------- .O0 IffAIJ FEES----- 3 .00 .00 Total Crlculagod Feed---> 1,O03.00 .00 1, OO3. OO 1, 003 . 00 BAIANCE DI'B- - - - .OO Item: 05100os/2L/L999os'/24-/L999rtem: 05600 BUII.,DING DEPARII'ENT DEPT: BUU,DING DiViSiON:KATITY ACTiON: NO{IE ROUTEd t,O 'JRM CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIATiICE.2. COMBUSTTONATR rS REQUTRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 IIMC, OR SEETION 701 OF TIIE 1997 IMC.3. INSTAIJI'ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANI]FACTURXS INSTRUqTIONS AT.ID ACTiON: APPR APPROVED JRMiIRMITIII ASLI()II:FIRE DEPART}IEIiIT Dept: FIR.E Division:0s/24/L999 JRM Action: APPR N/A TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I]MC4. GAS APPLIATiICES S}IALL BE VEIiITE ACCESS PMENT MUST COMPLY WITIi CHAPTER 3 MC AIiID CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC.AI{Ds8e.1017 0F THE r-997 IIMC AriID BOIIJERS SHALL BB MOT'NTED ON F I'NLESS LISTED FOR MOI'IITING ON coNsr. PERMIT.PI,ANS A}TD CODE AI.IALYSIS M BE POSTED IN MECHANICAI., 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ROOM PRIOR TO AI{ INSPEETION REQUEST. DRAIIiIAGE OF MECITANICAJJ ROOMS CONTAI}DRAIIiIAGE OF MECXTANICAJJ ROOMS CONTAINING HBATING OR HOtr-WATER ST'PPLY BOILERS SHAIJT BB EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEE.ST'PPLY BOILERS SHAtt BB EOUIPPED WITH Ato22 0F TIIE 1997 t,MC, OR SBCTION 1004.6tO22 OF TIIE 1997 t,MC, OR SBCTION 1004.6 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. EAI,L LEONARD AT 390-4677 FOR REOUIREMENTS ON SNOW MELT NE,AR ROADWAY CONCRETE PAI{S ETC ETCNE,AR ROADWAY I|m or vlrl, olfilm strgrlg Strtuft |fud.! ! C-052a lDutrt: 1.003.00 O9l2sl99 ll.al D.y!.trt l|tHr Cf, ltoc.sl,on: a3t2 IniE3 nf P.ntt [o| ll9t-0053 T]'p.: l-}|lcH lflclltlllcllr rER$rI PEcrl llo r 2101-0!{-03 -o21 git. lddr..t ! 2550 ElLD FlIlIlIf RD l|oc.tlgd! 2550 !.1d lita. Rd Ilotrl Lta ! sl. P.IrmC 1.oO3.OO 5oErl ltril, Prta ! lrl|nca r 1, O03.00 l,003.00 .oo lccount da Dr.cription rp 00100003111300 ttclntrrcrll Pnl|rr lllg Pr 00100003112300 P&tI cHEcf r!!i lrc 0oloo003l12l0o rlt& cll& llftPEf,Id lll .lrcutrt 800,00 200.00 t. oo *****************************************************t**************:r:l******:l:l** DECITAXATTONS I h.r.by rcknovl.dg. th.t I hrv. r..d thi. .p!rlj.c.cion, fillcd out in full thc inf,orB.tsion rcquir.d. coutrrl.t.d .n .ecur.t. plo! PIen' end .t.9. ch.C .ll lh. inforsrCion provid.d a. r.qui!.d i. co!r.cb. I .gr.c Bo coqtly rith th. Ltlfor! eion .nd plot !rl.n,to cdply rith ail torn ordinocce ltrd rtrc. lrrs, .nd fo build this .tructur. aceording to the Torn'. roninE lttd .ubdl,rri.ion cod.., d..ign ravicr +rprov.d, lrttif,on Building dG .nd otlrer ordhanc.s of EhG forn appltceblc tshqrcco. REQLESTS EOR INSPECIIONg SHAITL BE MADE TWErlrTy-rOrn HOIng IN FROII 8 :00 lll 5 : O0 Ptl EIqIITIN,E OF OI{trER OR COIITRACIOR TOR HIUAELF AIID BI TEI.EPIIONE AT {79-2138 OR AT OI'R OPPICE TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM Contacl the Ea ,le Countv Assessors Ollfce at 970-328-6640 for Parcel t MAY 2 0 19992lOl -o3*:DParcel # Date: 5,Permit # Job Name:Job Address: Owners Narne:Address:Phone# Architect:Address:Phone# - Description of Job: Work Class: New ( )Alteration ( )Repair ( )ann' $.{ Other(9,9.r?O.D^4)tBuilding( ) Plumbing( ) Electrical( ) Mecbanical() Other1F.J.-)rt,cDrpJJ LegarDescrifliont LoLjlL Brock;l ritlle----,I3- llrlld,r.;rsion f/J l/z)(tzJ-Q-.. Number of Dwelling Units: 4 Number and Type ofFireplaces: Cns Appliances BIJILDING: $ PLTJMBING $ Phone # Gas Logs VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECHAMCAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Number of Accommodation Units: Wood/Pellet PPtrAq-ottl ceve( General Contractor, il/* Address: Town of Vail Regishation No. Electrical Contractor: ,Ft Town of Vail Registrd.ion No. Address: Phone # Tov,,n of Vail Registration No 17? - P Phone #- Mechanicarcontractor *vzt-&fl- (/ t Address: Town of Vail Registration No.87 -p FOR OFFICE USE Date Received MAY Z " 1999 BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: Design Review Action Form ProjectName: Christopher-WollardResidence ProjectDescription: DrivewaysnowmelUre-alignment; revisedlandscaping Owner, Address and Phone: Roclry Christopher, 2550 Bald Mountain Road, Vail, CO 81657,476- 3796 Architect/Contact. Address and Phone: nla Project Street Address: 2550 Bald Mountain Road Legal Description: Lot34, Block 2, Vail Village l3th Filing Parcel Number: 2101-034-03-021 Comments: TOWN OFVAIL BuildingName: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 5lO4/99 Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproved F:\EVERYONE\DRB\AIPROVAL99\CHRISTOP.WPD DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 ) ullTAlll R oAD (40'R'U'tt' I x ?/ d :1;;s:*tTr$$# Wwffis:i:l - \ t1 \ sR_;*tu-" ::-tffi 0ALu u is rT'# $ \.*.-- i" TJt o^tu1o' \\\;s\d,f \ \--'{*:--\\Hr \-'\' 'l-'" '''., \ '', I "'\ \I"\_z'- -tt"'- r. -\ / -\.- .t.,. \ r"'---l , :.. ... l-*"-t-.-- \r ii _-\.'\- . '\ -\., - \_ *.*. \- \ . . r'.I t ta^,.g t'- ro .-T- I- I tt' ' I ta-, .-t I , ,i' . .r F-jt'i't-I,i' " L-- /'-''- /- * scAl I t It. t t ,.r I tt-lllf --t uii-';iii ffir-- \iiili:\l -{'\ | ,.t"'.' \ | ,'tto \ |\ls" I I) ,l IXfi \\1 o \ u I I I t -f dT arl ,.t i/. I I I $,fi gafifi Hm;3 EuH u€tlct{trrr ttUn^rr'{r lwnEuf|/Dr € ,LC I|c I a28 '(-/'\ "-'-i'-. \ . -\ nl,Q0fiffi AUa OIB€I onp' 6r -f Nv-ldl^ru0\er{0\66s\r0ud\irs0s\ :3 drntE cFlItsIDo Df,tGiAt C'I V 8 !dc, N: 3qi HbF agr Hfr; <i .{t 5 DE$ofifDr Ilt^tlt nqUE|UDr fLa rto& SHEE' X ol;i lr3 8661 6Z:gt :60 0e 6nv nql 0rp'61-fNv'ldS^IuQ\9!,r0\669\f0uduls0s -\--7 \\ \\\ \t 187 sF \\ \\ \\ \\)i -L*#...--" f i2ooe sF f-- lt+tz sF \\r--; )IIL*l ALIGNMTNT #1 ',: '.lrl f i'- p ,13:r i"., r..q l.l hfi;.*c:'j{-'r#..,,.r l wl 6f|. t.t t{||, a.t .4t!r!t!rt!gs lis.,n.{}lr{ t}rt!.... NvO()0 n*#$ gafiF fifi$$ "EuE Rw!rOt{!i: O€gfAlD! €w oflA${; gg FdvEll$0: .f FrC €8t: 399 OAIE: tolztita -. lrATF,r 3/ltA9 sNowM[LT CAL€III .a TIO N[1 AREA I AREA ' AEEAJI firTAI,S sQ rr nB7 t4t2 2oo9 {60rBTUH t36so5 162380 23loi5 n9920BOU.ERTNPUTBTUH 252787 300?04 421843 9Et333FEETOFTUB& l5o0 l?50 2500 s7s0LOOPTJNGTH 250 250 250 # oF LOOPS 6 7 10 r3 TOTAL CPM e,l 10.8 lS,4 S5.l oPM PERLOOP 1,5 l.s l.s FT rrD (LOOP) to lo l0FTHD(MAI\rFOrD) t2 4 gnSTIMA.rEn TOTALFTHD 22 14 19 PIPE SIZE TOAREAMANIFOLD I-II4N I.I/4'' I.TI2^ AREATUBE $PACrn*G lgu lgn tgu ARf,A I - SHAR$DDRIVEWAY AR$A t - RIGHTDRMWAYARf,At* LEFTDIIVDWAY 1o/ zy' ,6/6 2o v" vl/ffi lsrh( DEPARTMENT OF EOMMI'NITY DEVETOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT AIL TIMES ADD/AI-,T SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 898-0173 ilob Address: I-,ocaE,ion. . . : Parcel No..:Project No.: APPLICAT{T EoNTRACTOR- OWNER Descriptsion: REROOF WITH FIRE RETARDENT SHAKES Occupancy: R3 T)T)e Construction: v N FEE SUI4MARY .........T:T:l"ii3i;;;;;;:;;;;;;;i..........1:1;3i..."...illHii.:Yi;;;;;;;.;;;;;:.......'.".;::"'. . IEem: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMEIIT Dept3 BUILDING Division: o6/26/L998 JwI AqEte4' APPR APPRoVED 'JRl,firam;'65460-p-temlrNq DgFAiTT,IENT Dept: PT,ANNTNG Division: oel2e /1gga tw Act,ion: APPR N/Aii6mi'05660-Finn oepARTT{EIfli '. Dept: FrRE Divisi-on:oel)a/799e twt Act,ion: APPR N/AiEem;' 05500-p-rjst-,rc wbnrS--- --_ - o6/25/L998 JwI Action: APPR N/A t * ' * i t !r * * i * * t' t ' * * I a I * * r r r t t t a * See Page 2 of this DocumenE for any condiLions thats may apply Eo Ehis permit. DECI,ARATIONS I hcreby acknowledgc thaL I have rcad this applicaEion, filled ouf in f,uIl thc infonBtion rcquirod, conPl.atld an accurace PloE plan, and staEc that. all tshe infonnabion plowidcd aa rcquircd is correc!. I .g!ec !o cotoply with lhc info!$atsion and ploE plan, to coEply riEh ell To$n ordinanccs and statse la',,g, and to build chiB stluccule according to lhc Town's zoninE and aubdiwiBion code6, degign r€vic( approv.d, Uniforn Bui.ldi.ng code and o!he! ordinanccs of lhc Tot{n aPPlicablc cherGco- TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L557 970-479-2L38 Valuation:15, 750 Fir€place Infornation: R€EtricLed: 2550 BAI.D MOI'}TTAIN RD 2550 BALD MTN RD 2101-034-03-021 slatus. . Applied. fssued.. E)q)j-res. G & G ROOFING P O BOX 8l_7, FRTSCO CO 80443 G & G ROOFING P O'BOX 8r.7, FRTSCO CO 80443 CHRISTOPHER ROCKY S & BARBARA K 2550 BALD MOIJNTAIN RD, VAIL CO 81657 Phone:. 9706685552 Phone:. 9706685552'" TOV/Comm.Dev. Bullding- ----> 20s.00 133 .25 .00 3.00 PIan check- - -> InvcsLigaEl.on> will cal]----> Rc6tualant Pl.an R€vic!.-- > DRB Fee-------- Rccrealion F€e--- -- -----> Cl.rn-ltlr Dctro.lt- -- -- - -- > . o0 50.o0 .o0 100.o0 it Refund 49L.25 . o0 491.2s 49r.25 REQUESTS FOR INSPESTIONS SHALIJ BE MADE TWENTY-FOIJR HOT'RS IN .AD\IANCE EY TELEPHONE AT {]9'2].3S OR AT Singte Family Residenceappfoved Type V Non-RaLed Add Sq Ft: *of cae Appl,ianc.a: amount date *of, eas Logs: Tolal calculated Fcc6- - - > Addiflonal Fe66---- -----> ?olal Pcrni! Fee-____---> Payncnta----____ *of wood/Pallcc: ISSI'ED 06 /26 / Lees 07/08/L998 ot/ o4 / :-999 8.nd ClG.n-(tr D.po.it Tot O & O ROOFING SIGIIATURE OF g:00 Afi 5:0o PM Page 2******************************************************************************** COI{DITIONS Permit #: 898-0173 as of o7/o8/98 Scatsus---: ISSUBD******************************************************************************** Permits T)pe: ADD/ALT SFR BUrLD PERMIT eppJ'ied--: o6/26/\998 Applicant--: G&GROOFING Issued---: 07/08/1998 9706685552 To E>cpire | 0L/04/L999 iIOb AddTESS: 2550 BALD MOI]NTAIN RD LOCATiON---: 2550 BAI.,D MTN RD Parcel No--: 2j.OL-034-03-021 Description: REROOF WITH FIRE RETARDENT SHAKES * * * * * * * * :l * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COndiLiOnS * * * * Jr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICE. 2. SMOKE DETEETORS ARE RBQUIRED IN AI.,I-, BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 I'BC. t attttttat atatt tlt t.rtttatil trltti aatt a tt lml OF VllL. cOl.olllto o taa*tr,tt tattttt Slrcaurc SErt.rnc Xulb.! r nlc-0422 l[oung t Prt|!.Dr U.Ghod: CK l.oerEion 3 11935 a91.a5 0?,/0s./9a 11:o5 hlsr l|lrl P.r ls xo! !93-0171 tyt,3 ! I-BuM rm/NJT sPR IUIITD Pl Prlc.l Xor 2101-034-03 -021 Slsr lddrcr.. 2550 ll'lJD lollmlllf nD troc.Blont 2360 BllD t{El{ RD nrl. P.t|E nt loErl Laa. a91.25 focrl lllll lrrc.: Brlrnc.: {tl,2s 491.2s .oo attatartott.rra lccourrg Cgda Dr.arlpglon lEaune 2 os. 00 50.o0 133.25 100.00 3.00 BE 00100003111100 BUILDIIIO PB If !813 m, 00100003112200 DBatof nErtrDf Flls Pt 00100001112300 PLN cl|ECK tllg lD 00100002a03100 CtlllfuPD89oglllt irc ooroooog rre goai - trrt.l, cur. rtlaprerrott lEG ' ; ' -ol'tll or vArrJ collsrrtucTroN l,ARcEL #: 2r0rnqoo.o2t -PItRMrr APPLTCATTON FORIU DAfE: I'Enllrl # .APPLICATIONI'lUsTl]l'ITILLuDoUTCoI,IPLETIILYoIIITMAYNoTDEACCEPTIJI)A --- S* * * * n * * *:t * * rt rt Jr tr Jt rt * ?t rt rt * * * * * * rt Jl PDIII''rr rl{Folu'l^*rol'l 't * * rt * rt Jc tr * * }t rt rt * * * * * rt * * * *:t:t * rt *: dbrr.1^^r.r-{r':r'lrl-Mechanical[]-other[ >g-Buitcling [ ]-Plumbing [ ]-Electrlcal [ ]-Mechanital t l- Job l,lane:gh ri $r^Frrer----.-...--.-..- Job Adclress: ''55o Rard ncunbain Read Legal DescriPtiott: Lot-_ lllock riling suliDrvrsroN3 ohrners Narne: Rocky chri stopher Address:?5qo nard Meuntain Rd!- Ptt'-!J5=J99'U Address:Plr Arcltitect: Remove & DisPose of r f. Install Ice & water shield and ceneral DescriPtiotr: Worlc Class: 1 l-New [ ]-AlLeraLiott I ir [ ] -oLher,- Nutnber of Dwellj.ng Units:l,lumber of Accorrunoclation Units: Plurnbitrg Address; Cotrtraul-nr: * tt * tt * * * rt rt !t * * tt tt rt * * * Jt * :t zt Jr * rt * rt ri rt :t rt * IJUILDII.IG PEITMI'I' TEI]: PTUI{BII.IG PI'IU,UI TEE: I"IBCIIANICAL PDltl'lI'I lrEIJ: ELECTIUCAL TEE: OTIIBII TIPE OF FljU: DRB T[E: 'l'o!,rn of Vail Reg. No. Phone Nunber: 'l'own of Vail Reg. l'lo. Phone Nutnber: IIOR OFfr ICB US B rt rt rt rt Jt * rt rt rt *'! * * * tt * * * * tr * * tr * * * * * * * * BUTLDII'IG I'I,AN CITECI( FBE: PLUI,IBING PLAN CI.IECK T'EE: MECTIANICAI, PLAN CTIECK FBE: IIECIIEATION T'DE: CLBAI.I-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL I'BIOII'I FEES: BUI I.,DING: SIGNATURB: zollll{G: SIGNATUITE: Mechatrical Cotltractor : Address: VALUATIOI'I ctuAI{G &G roofing, Inc. Box 8l-7,Frisco,co 80443 uP DEPosIr !E!!!!! oo rFl9edEo< Ho2OD.ootJ !q a co c0 oo oo o oo o oo oro F t4 E rt H oo t Er q 6 a E{( 'Iu ::narIE|68Hr.H :8Etst}a E H Eq T E 6!. * F gz I& oti dooc,A OEora @ aF,, B3!i '(cE E C<Haa!aE E3aa .c rrHOE gE a Hl'!E Er E a d !{H 6t-l EtlEd-t{roE!oEEI U"H EA E f;8 AH E6 E Fioto EE EEE Hl{q|Iqc o |lc9 c- EIx<rcdv|ao-EOFIEEt'AA}I REF,T131 TAWN OF VAIL| CIILBRADo O|/A4/L999 I7z?? REGIUEBTS - INSFECTN WBRK SHEETS FOR: L/ 3/1999 , F'ABE 7 flREA: CD - - - -l'=====E lll = == == trctivity: 898-0173 tl 3/ 19 Typer A-BUILD Statug: ISSUED ConstrI ASiFR' AcJdrees: 855{t BALD M0UNTAIN RD \t Locat i on r 8550 BALD MTN RD ,: Farcel r, PL6l*o34-O3-Oet Description: RERBOF tIITH FIRE RETARDENT SHAKES Applicant: G & 6 ROOftING Owner: CHRISTOFHER ROCKY S & FARBARA K Contractor: 6 & G ROUFING Occ: OEOT . trhone: 668-5553 Act i on Comnent s Phone: 97O6685558 F,hone 2 ' Fhone: 9706685553 Use: V N Inspect i on Request Infornation..... Reqr-restorr CARDLINE Req Timer tl8rfiO Comnentst flNYTIMU Items r€queEted to be Inrpected.... rz|c|gtgg BLDG-Final 'Tine Exp Inspeet i on History.....Iten: taOSfrA driveway gnade fina.l'Iten r" QA$LA BLDE-Foot ings,zQteef I t en : O68gU BLD6-For-rndat i on/btb e IIten: $OraJSr BLDG-Fr"aminoIbem: o,oll4r& * * Not Orr FiIe *'r.Itenr g'E'a5O BLDG-Ingulation . Itenr, 4ftO60 BLDG-Siheetr ock Nai 1Itenr oratA8gr * * Not On File * * I t em r OOOT0 BLDB-l{i sc.Iten: 0OA9O BLDB*Final I t en I OUS3ra BLDG-Temp. tr/g (,t{,{"' l/" lllilrt r"t' an<nYn Al,'t7, z Toai)l.arre TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81-657 970 -479 -2L38 APPLICAIiIT CONTRAETOR OI'INER rlob Address: 1975 PLACID DR LOCAIiON. . . : PTARMIGAN TOWNHOMES Parcel No. .: 2103-114-1?-000 ProjecE No.: status. -.: IssuED 1-975 APPIied. . : 04/t7 /t998 fssued... t 04/20/L998 Ercpires. . : Lo/L7 /]-998 Phone: 970949L905 Phone z 970949L905 DEPART'II4ENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALt TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 898-0067 PI,ATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920, AVON cO 81620 PI,ATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER s920, AVON CO 81620 PTARMIGAN TOWNHOME ASSOCIATION 1975 PLACID DR, c/o THOMAS SAALFELD 81657 Description: REROOF B.U.R. SAI\48 sQ FOOTAGE 3s, l-40 . OccuPancY: Type Construclion:T\pe OccuPancy: Valuation: Fir6pface fnforuation: ReEtricLedr FOR SAME ROOF AREA R1- Multi-FamilY V ]--HR TlPe V l-Hour L1t,465 +of Gae APP1 iancee:*of Wood/Pa1leL: rL€m: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTI',IENT- Dep 04/20/asss JRM'-""aEEi-"1;'-aF:n APPRovED JFrr iEAfr;'05460-ill,emlrNo iEPAiinr4ElI- . Der oi7 d 6 t tg 55 - .rnr'l -'-' "^'-eEE i?iii i''t'tqtg p nNr rq- Pr'AN-- di'tTo'tiggs .lRI"i [;tlqdi eFFn eppnovED No^D DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON: TOViComm. Dev' Clean-uP Dq sit Refund approved amount date Add Sq FE: *of oaa Log6: PEE STJMMARY Building---__> 1,o2a.oo R€6tuarant Plan Review-_> 'o0 Tolal calculaied F€e5---> 2'r99'2o Plan check---> 568'20 DRB Fe€-------- '00 Additional Fee6---------> '0o fnveEtigation> .oo Recfeatsion Fee__-_------> 'o0 ToEal Permit Fee__-__-_-> 2'199'20 will call----> 3.oo cl"n-tt' DGpoElt--------> 5Oo'OO Pa}4nents > 2'r99'2o TOTAL FEES----- 2'.9s'2o BALANCE DUE---- '00 ILEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTI'IENTi^ lt6 /1 qgA .TRM Actr.On: APP PI,ANNING DiViSiON: 5^*YiiBT;,"* rq-"ffiFs.ll$ 6+720'/L22q-r&U fiEii;ii; iiFpfl eFi;novso No DFB EEgj Division r O DRB REQ'DDept: FIITEi€am;'ose 6o-r'rns DEPARTMEI{r AppR N/A04/20 /Le29 _JBl{__DepE: PttB WORK Diwisj-on:iaAmi' os50o PnBI-,rc wqRKs AA I,A /1 OqA .TPM A(:EAI-CL'Ion, APPR N/AItem: 05500 PU04/20/L998 iIRM t it t '* * ' t ti tt*tt]}l *t t *a ** it ia i t see page 2 of tshis DocumenL for any condj-Eions Ehat may apply tso tshis permit ' DEC IARAT I ONS I heleby acknowledge that t have read thie applicafion, filled ouf ln fuII Che infomation lequired' completed an accurale ploC plan, and ataE6 cha! af] Lhe info!-rnalion provid€d a6 lequired iE co!rec!. I agree to conrply lviEh Eh6 infofmagion and plot plan' Lo conply irith aII Torn or:dinanc€s and state laes, and io builil Ehi'6 sttuclure according Eo the Town'€ zoning and subdiviBiob codes, deBign revier appt:oved, unifor-m Building code and othe! ordinance6 of the Tor'n appLicabLe thefeto' REQUESTS FOR INSPECTTONa aI{AtL BE HADS TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 419-2L3g OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM gr00 AM 5:oO PU gcnd clean-up Dclrosi! To! PIATH o CONSTRUCTION ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS PermiE #: Be8-0057 ^J-ii-oi/ittge status: rssuED **************************:t:t:l*************:r************************************* PCTMiT TY9C: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Appliclnt : PLATH CoNSTRUCTION 9709491905 ilob Address: L'OCAtsiON: PTARMIGAN TOWNHOMES 19?5 PI'ACID DR Parcel No: 2103-114-17-000 Description: REROOF B.U.R. SAME FOR SAI4E sQ FOOTAGE 35,140. ROOF AREA Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR EODE 2. ALI, PENETRAiiONS TT.T WAI"LS,CEIIJINGS,AND FLOORS TO WITH AT.I APPROVED FIRE T{ATERIAL. 3.FIREDEPARTMENTAPPRoVALIsREQUIREDBEFoREANY STARTED. Applied: 04/L7 /L998iisued' 04/20/L998 To E4rire z r0/L7 /L998 COMPLIANCE BE SEAI,ED WORK CAI.I BE o ********************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, co[,oRADo SEaEemnE statemnt Number: REC-0389 AmounE:2.tgs .20 o4/2L/ 98 10 :r22 Pa)rmenL Method: CK Notation 2L287 Init: 'JRM N TDD Permit No: 898-0057 T)rPe: A-MF Parcel No: 2103-L14-17-000 SiEe Address: 1975 PLACTD DR ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER I'OCALiON. PTARMIGAN TOWNHOMES 1975 PI'ACID DR t_r(JL:cl L l_ (rlr : F r nr\r'r r \J.*r TOtaI FgeS : 2 ,199 .20 This Palment 2,1gg.20 ToEal AI-'L Pmtss z 2 'L99 '20 Balance, '00 **************************************************************** AccorrnE Code DescriPtion Amount BP OO1OOOO31]-].100 BUILDING PBRMIT F'EES 1' 028 ' OO pF 0o10ooo31123oo PLAN cHEcK FEES 668'20 AD 00100002403L00 CIJEANUP DEPOSTTS 500 ' 00 wc oo10ooo31128oo wrtL CALL irlspscffoN Fnn 3'00 }*Contact Eagle County Asseesorserr"" r1 ii"gio:liilqia0-i".rarcet #. rotrN oF vArL coNsrR feencEr ttt2to 3tl + /?o/ f, -pinr.lrr AppLrcATroN DAraz-lffo1t?( VATIJ CONSTRUCTION'PER}IIT ,I APPLICATION FORI.! Legal Description: Lot Block_ Ftltng sunorvrsrou,. , APPLICATTON MUST BE TILLED OUT COMPLEIEIJy OR IT MAy NOT BE ACCEPTED x****r>t********************** PERI{rT TNFORMATION *****************************,|t{"o,rdlngt]-Prunbln9,[1-Electrlca1[t-Mechanlba1[t.other Job Nane: p._tar^'i?an ,ornhut"s. irob Addre"r, lq+5 plcrc{z },-. Or{tners Nane: Architect: Address: Address: Ph. Ph. ceneral Description:RooF -tro work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteratron t l-Additl-onat [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nurnber of Dwelllng Unlts:Nurnber of Accornnodatlon Units: . )pmber and Type of Firepraces: Gas AppLiances._.,] cas Logs -- wood/pellet-v fi********************************* VALUATTONS ********************************* durr,prtc: I l7/,4G5:,oo ELECTRTcAL: l_ orHER: $ . BLWBTNG: $' t - !.tEcHAltrcAr.,: $=--_ TorAt; l- . f ************!r************** CoNTRACTOR INFORMATION ***************************IEeneral Contractor: O*rlt 1oruq"z^r-=ra\./ --- - -.rn ,r€ rr-:r o^--"';;-';Un:P O. Eeneral contractor: Prgal Corusr".JcTro^/ 2 ewn of Vait Reg. No./q&-BAddress' i vrl[j 1 """ Number: Electricat contractor: afuIE- Town of VaiL Reg. r.lo.Address: Plunbing Contractorz , V . . Town of Vall Reg. NO.Aqclress: phone Number: Y::li:::.l contractor: _ rown of Vail Res. No._Aqoress: --,-+qe,i..{, . .- Phone Nunber: *****************{tfliF*f***i***{ roR oFFrcE UsE *******************************E[;i;im BUTLDING PERMIT F84$,I.-.; .. BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE:PLUMBING PERMIT 18,3!i: NR 1T. ' 'PLWBING PI,AN CHECK FEE' .T DRB FEE: --- lsrrrF:'. ITOTAL PERMIT t f,INIIg:..r|ttF(--.rrrrrrirr+- I'tECIrANrcAL pERI'trr r€E: "- * ,. , l-tEcHANrcAL praN cHECk FEE: - 3lffiH.Iill 5f"i"",1$V=WII, t" 1ff1fi1$i"ilriffiffiffiri1rffir- ffil surT,orlrcr i,ti:; rAPIt il 7 lgtb " e l-l STGNATURE: +Al'ff,.!-l zoNrNG:I I- ,I ISIGNATTTRE: Comments: CLEAII IIP DEPOSIT REFII}ID TO: -----\.--l( P.O. Drawer 5920 ',, Avon. cO 81620 (970)949-1905 Fa( (970)845-9159 Roofing Proposal Page I of3 ,sott i: ' We hereby propose to firmish all labor and material needed to perform the roofing specified below and on attached sheet(s). Attached sheet(s) are a part ofthis proposal. Unless otherwise specified, the following conditions shall apply: l) Any guarantee ofiered, shall not be valid until the conhactprice is received in full. The guarantee will be retroactive to the last day that Plath construction worked on thejob. 2) Building permits anildumpsters are not included in our price, unless specifically mentioned in the attached tjtfl;tfi:Htgs which are required to complete our portion of 0re work are included in this proposal No miscellan€ous flashings (window sill, etc.) are included. 4) All material is guaranteed to be as specified. Si All work shall b-e completed in a worimanlike manner according to specifrcations submitted. Any deviation from written specifrcations shall be made only upon written orders and shall become an extra charge over and above the contract price. 6) All our workers are fully covered by workman's compensation lnsurance. 7) This bid may be withdrawn if not accepted within 30 days' We hereby propose to fumish all material and labor complete in accordance with above,/attached specifications, for the sum ol See attached sheet(s) for all prices/ootions--------- DOLLARS $ See attached Payment to be as follows: Authorized Signature, Plath Construction Inc: 910 Nottingham Road, B-1 Acceptance of Proposal: The above/attached prices, hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as Authorized Signature, Owner or Agent: * Return one signed copy to our olfice. and conditions are satisfactory and are will be made as outlined above. 9- Januan 21. 1998 Roofing Specifi cation for'Ptaimigen Townbomes The pricin BI I. Tn,lnOrr/MrscELLANEous: llTearoffexistinsroofinsandremovealldebrisfromthesite. Theexistingroofconsistsoftworoofing svstems. The top ioof hai4-plies of hot asphalt apolied felts with a finishedsurface of pea gravel on top o-f one 2" laver o'f fesco insulition. The seiond (oi'underlvins) roof is the same compoSition with a base felt underndath the 2" fesco insulation. Plath Cirnstructioir. lnc. (PCI) will keep the iobsite as clean as oossible and practical durine the construction. and a thororieh ckianirie of PCI'3 work areas will be berformed upon completionl PCI will take all reasonable prEcautions Io protect the interior of the buildine frorh water and weather. However. PCI will notbe held liable for any interior damage sustainEd from leaks caused by sudden and/6r unforseen storms that occur during the tear off fhase of this work. 2l Inspect the plywood for water damase, and replace as needed. ** This work, if required, will be an ailditibnal chaica over and above the cdniract orice. and will be chareed at the rate of $2.50 per square foot. No additional charges will be incurred withoft prior notificatio-n of, and authorizationfrom, the owner or owner's agent,n 3] PCI will provide all insurance and permits required by the Town of Vail Building Department, Exclusions and Oualifications:l] The removal offencing and trees for access and the protection ofthe lawn is excluded from this pioposal. These preparatlons are to be provided by thaowners or owners representative. tr. BUILT-UPRooFTNG:ll lnstall 4" Dolyisosvanurate insulation and Vz" of retrofit insulation over the entire pitched roof area above the ex]stinc ol-vwood. Fasten with screws and olates at a rate of 5 per 4' x 4' sheet o[ insulation. Use 2" x 4" naileish ind blockine (two lavers) as req'uired bv the manufdcturer. Install crickets at all skylieht locations. **Note: Thinirilers are iequirid at th-e roof perimeters, one side of the ridges, skylight and chimney curbs. (As per Dan Holland of Johns-Manville) 2l Install a four-olv built-uo roof svstem accordinc to soecifications bv "Johns-Manville". This includes fr5ur plies of fibeiflass felti, with I flood coat of 6ot asiphalt, and imb'edded pea gravel as the finished surlace. 3l Install 24 sase. oaint-loc** eravel stoo flashine at roof oerimeters. lnstall crickets at all skylight l<ications. Aiall i<iof to wall lo-cations. d24 paueE. oainrlbk counterflashins will be installedio assure lons term. watertisht seal at these locaiions. Sea-l ih'e top edse of the counteiflashing with a high grade, extdrior uiethane iaulk. **Notel The naint loc flashinir mu-st be rraintetl to meet The torvn of Vail Building codes. Painting this tlashin-g is to be done b! others. - 4l Provide manufacturer's 'l 0 year penal sum warranty covering all insulation, built-up material and labor frir a period of l0 years from ihe date of roofing com'pletion. 5] Install new lead flashings at all pipe penetrations. Budget price for work as specilied above:Included in Section II pricing below Price for work as specilied above:$ 171.465.00 Exclusions and Oudifications:ll Added costs foi working under adverse winter conditions is excluded from this proposal. Pa6e2oI3, Pt.rmigan Townkomes, Re-Roo{ Eetimate, Decemt er 24, 1997 l*,uott UI. GENERALNOTES:iTi'f"*d& udvisLd't-ttat materials for this proposal have been bid at cunent market prices. Due to rl,u'titiiu "iG ri"it ii. -.iidiiii-priiesCa-nhotG euaranteed past 30 days' ** Pleasri take note that ;-di;ii;''r oi iilieiT'i-iiiciivea-nv'piattr eonstrucTion, Inc. within the3,0 day period will allow us to "lock in" current material frices even if actual purchases are made several montns later. 2l Plath Constructign carries. proper$r damage liabiliW insurance in the amount of $ per ;A;J*"il;. 'i;iuUr- e on-rtru-"tton cames uuro ,nsurun"d iii-itii amount of $2,000p00'00. p.lattr b-o-ris-tiruiii,jn-carri"i u-irpropiiutb Wortman s eompensation insurance through Colorado State Compensation. No fuiiher insurance coverage is included in our price. 3l Upon receipt of the contract price, Plath Construction will issue a warranty certificate guaranteeing r,5ofins aeainit leaks due to flarivs in workmanship for a period of two years. fiom the date ol rootlng comolEti6'n. Leaks qualifoinq under the terms of said wirranty will be repaired promptly at no cost to the ownbr. This warranty do6s n-ot cover any subsequent interior ilamage that may occur. 4l We do not intend to disruot the cutter and downspout on these buildings. However,- option #2 piovides budget pricing to iristall nlw gutter and downspout at all ofthe existing locations. 5l All oricinc in this orooosal assumes that all roofing work will be scheduled and performed-between Mav I'and dctober ll If anv of the work is done during winter months additional charges wlll apply to cov'er our winter expenses. These will include the folld'wing:-- - -it Sriow riilJvaiinO wiattrer protection. ($32.50 pir man hour plus the cost of plastic, Dropane. etc, ) 6i-fririi6iioirtineencv exDenses. ( Due to the loss of production during winter months idaitiiii-iliipi-ti3JJ#iti'HJi6aieel to coveithis cost.' This typically {dds7% to the price of all work doni during winter months. 6l Our orice assumes that we will be able to drive a dumptruck unto the yard and up to the eave of each ofthe buildings. The cost for lawn protection is excluded from this proposal. TV. OPTIoNS:ll Delete the oolvisosvanurate insulation at the over hang areas. Fiid 6i o;iio; #lt' Deduct from the base B'id Not recommended;;Xotii-fttit iotion requires an iiCetisi"Cfiashins detail at the transition from the non-insulated toiiiiia ii- tfiiiirsuuGo iooirria in oroer to qu-alifv for the manufacturerc warranty' 't{ith this work snecified in this tronsition detail fisured ii this-option there is litlle costs savings. I'urther' the mahufacturer feels the quality of tbe-roof system wbuld be compromised by this option. 21 install 24 paee- S" seamiJii.'f iivii euttJii'rd downspouts at the eave locations. Please note that the E*istine suttEi 8o'ei noi trave dbwns'pouf, We have upgrdded the new gutter to includeddownspout as nCeded f* Please note that heat tabe witl be requiie? at lhrouqhout all gutter and downspout to. \egp tlre system op_erational durin! winter moilth.s. Heat tape-is excludird from^this proposal. **keeD the sYstem oDeratlonal ourlng wlnter monlns. tlear lape ls excluucq rr ' Priie for Option #z: Adf to the base bid: $ 23'558.00 3l Substitute red scorria slae for the 3/8" pea sravel in the base bid. P'rice for Option #3: " Add to the b*ase bid: $ 981.00 iT iffi;ililffi ;;;i;;il;;;{;;;;;;ili;;':N;' ii;iiii i:ffi il;;'d,iDi;i ilil. -" "-'--""- P'ricbTor Option #4: Add tti the base bid: $ 879.00 5"b s li*"fc tloj +lz 3/a" Fo 3,*l i-, fle b€,5c bt d. ?r\ce $' oPl''o^ 4s: adah *tn bescL;d'$l I,Gg(,oo Page 3 of 3, Ptarmigan TownLomus, Re-RooI Estimate, DecemL et 24, L997 PTARMIGAN TOWNHOUSE ASSOCIATION 1975 PI.ACID DRIVE vAtL, co.81657 To: Pam, Plath Construction As Managing Agent for Ptarmigan Townhomes I have been asked to convey to the Building Department of the Town of Vail that Ptarmigan has contracted the re-roofing of these buildings. This contract has been awarded to Plath Construction, and willcommence as soon as weather permits in the spring of 1998. Ptarmigan Managing Agent Tom Saalfeld : LQA.|I .X:{ : lo t ilT; :-',j:r' , + , .t*. =' ' 5- : -qq -(s rnx Et ,oT C6t-' ll -d X -EL acd \)c? dtr< a \ t nq a).f-f d 3.8:F -<i5,d a-r-+ C\d(+ao'a,k:+- c-GA o 'HozoE|d33.( uUE o6t, Ea o tl ri aEH E 6 Et! E o oo oC' o H cFII 6DL' o bH B 6 EHo!z o il:C{T!H E6 F oa0oo OE6Ao o F'o2 ;8 A.lEt AI o C' N JEf;8Er.tslAq|zo.AqEcto AFIEE EElla E E HC{gE E: ArI rrF 2B HTx E FH HE E: Et t E I H A li 6l.aH t{Ed-o !E ETE8 PEo aoB EO Al.{ l{qt Elr ito E& a Ec FIHoo EA oi i'eoro - EEc4dcroa(:,-EOHdgEAA|I o '41/46/1999 EBrSr REGIUESTS - INStrECTl! WORK SHEETS FORI L/ 6/1999 Act ivity: B9B-€t067 L/ 6/ 19 Type: A-MF Ftdclress: 1975 PLflCID DR Locat ion: L,TARIIIGAN TUI.lNHtllYlES f 975 pLAtrID DR F'arcet r c163-l L4-I7'Ao,0 Description: REROtrF B.U.R. SAFIE FBR SAME Ftpplrcant: trLATH CONSTRUCTION Clwner: trTRRI4IBAN TOIINHOI4E ASSUCIATION Coltractor: [-'LATH CUNETRUCTIUN Statr-rsr ISSUED Cor'!Btrr AMF REPT 13 T Tor.tN tlF VRIL, EBLORADo F.A6E 4 AREA: CD Occl Use: V l-HR Fhone: 97O949 19OE Fhone: trhone:97O949 l9O3 In s pect ion Request Reqr-1ps1or: STEUE Req Tine: O8:{tO Items requested to 0crarg'a BLDE*F inal Infornation...., Connentsr JOB Ig; be Inspected. .. Fhone: F.INISHED - NEEDS Bct i on Conment s 949-r 905 TO BE FINALED Tine Exp Inspecbionltenl I'tem; Itel|l: Item: I t efi ! Item: It e ! Item: ltem:Iten: ItemrIten: Item: Iteml ItenrIten:ItenlIten; Item: History..... {ArA51O dri veway grade f inal 0'ZrrllO BLDG-Foot i ngs/5t ee I tZ'rAraED BLD6-Foundat i on/5t ee I AOE3UT F,LAN-ILC Site trlan gt0'a3ta BLD6-Fr-an ing rzilata4o * * Nob trn File * .x. OOrAS€t BLD6*Insulat i.on OraetgtA FL.D6-Sheetrock Nai I StrAflSO * * Not On File * * AO'a7O BLDG-FIi se. aaoger BLDE.-Final erg53'A BLDG-Tenp. C/0 @A531 FIRE_TEHF. C/A 04533 F,W*TEIYIP. U,/O 00933 pLAN*"I'Et'tF,. C/A OC'537 PLAN*FINAL C/O OA53A FIRE-FINAL tr/O 00539 pW-FINAL C/O 0O54O BLDG-Final C/Q !--.f-{tarr4\-,.!it t'fu| k;fr DEPARTMEI T OF COMMI'NIT"Y /^/-t / - 'AU/ a'r f I/ tlo,l/^nr-v" v//lryt DEVELOPMENT /2rlda" TOWN OF VAII-, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArt, co 81557 970-479-2L39 NOTE: THTS PERMIT MUST BE TOV/Gomm. Dev.ADD/AIJT SFR BUILD Clean-up D it Refund .Iob Address: aEion. . . : POSTED ON ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PERMfT Permit, *: 898-O222 approved amount date 1905 W GORE CREEK DR 1905 WEST GORE EREEK DR 2ro3-L23 -06-026 St.at.us...: ISSITEDApplied..: 08/LL/L998 Issued... : 08/1,2/1998 E>cpires. . : 02/08/L999 APPI,ICATf,T CONTRACTOR OI,IINER Building-----> Plan Check- - - > InveECigahion> tli 11 call---- > Rcat.uatants Plan Rcvicw- - > DRB Fcc-- ------ Parce1 No..: Project, No.: SALAMT'NOVICH ]-905 WEST GORE CFJEK DRIVE, VAIL, CO SAI,AMI'NOVICH ]-905 WEST GORE CREEK DRIVE, VAIL, CO SAL,AMIJNOVICH THOMAS & NAI.ICY SWEE 1905 W GORE CREEK DR, VAIL CO 8L657 Phone: 8L657 Phone: 8L657 Phone: 970-479-9794 970-479-9794 970-479 -9794 Description: INFILL SKYLIGHTS, REROOF SIDING,ADD WINDOW Occupancy: R3/M1 Single Family Res w/Garage T}r[)e ConstrucEion: V N Tlpe V Non-Rated Fileplace Infonnation: Restrictsed:+of cae Log€: 105 . O0 .o0 3.O0 ,00 20.00 296 .25 . o0 . o0 Recreatsion Fee-- ------ --> .00 100 .00 296.25 Cl..n-Up Dcpo3Lt- - - - -- -- > TOTAL FEES.---- codc6, dcdign rcvicr approvcd, Unifolrn Building Codc and othc! oldinancee of th! Toen appli.cable thcrcbo. fa .,.-e-, fi1r'rt'yt'-l /*n4 'z *of 9{ood/Pall€t: Tocel calcr,rlaEed I'ees--- > Additional Fe€e--- --- --- > Total Peruit Fe€--------> Palments-------- BAIANCE DUE-. - - Valuatsion:5,500 Add Sq FE: *of Gas Applianc.s: FEB SU!.,IMARY ITCM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT : DCPE: BUILDING DiViSiON:08/1,L/1998 CHARLIE ACI,iON: APPR CHARLIE DAVISiEbm;'o54oo-Fr,autlrrq DeFARfi4eNT Dept: PT,ANNTNG Division: 08/LL/L998 CHARTIE AcTion: APPR PER BREIfT WILSONitam;'05600-Fins DspaRTr.{EN'r DepE: FIRE Division:oelLL/1998 cIaRLrE Act,ion: appn n/ait'am;'05560-F-ueLre woRKS-- '. DepE: PUB woRK Division: 08/L1-/L998 CIIARLTE Action: APPR N/A See Page 2 of t,his Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECI,ARATIONS I heleby acknowledge tha! I havc read tshiE appticatsion, filled out in ful1 thc i.nfomation requir€d, completed an accurate plot pIan, and sEalc lhats all thc infonnagion providcd a6 lcquilcd i! corlect. I agtce tso comply wich lhc infomagion and ploE Plan, to comply xith eIl Torn oldinancee ana Btage laws, and tso build thi6 oEluclurc accolding to ghe Town'B zoning and eubdivision Ecnd cl.an-glr ELpo.lt To: Page 2 ***********************************:l************:t******************************* CONDITIONS PermiL #| 898-0222 as of 08/L2/98 StaEus---: ISSIIED *********************************************************:l********************** PermiE Tlpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied--: O8/1"1/L998 Applicant--: SALAMIINOVICH Issued---. 0A/L2/L998 970-479-9794 To E>cpire: O2/O8/L999 .JOb AddTESS: 1905 W GORE CREEK DR LocaEion---: 1905 WEST GORE CREEK DR Parcel No-- : 2103-123-06-026 Descript. j-on: INFILL SKYI,IGHTS, REROOF SIDING,ADD WINDOW * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *:r * COnditiOng * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **** 1. FIEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE REoUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. SMOKE DETEeIORS ARE REQUIRED rN Ar-,r, BEDROOMS ArilD EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF TITE 1991 ITBC. SCrt.ErC I tl aaarta a oaaatt rttttll f l| at tat+tt li l.a lal i at.art ta tttr tatt rt,t a tt rt t ill frln| OF nAt&, COLOnTDO :t nt lurit Nlmb.r I RBC-O'435 .laounB ! Pq'rcnc ll.ghod: ctr l{ot Elont 2939 276.25 O8lt2l9a tr.za lnlE: tif P.t.ai.c No! 898-0a12 Typ. r l-BttILD lDD,/rnT glR BUIID PE Prrcr1 Nor 2103 -123 -06- 026 g:8. A.dt r.: l9og t CORE CRBEr tn' tiocrelon: 1rO5 lllgll GORE CnBEt< tn ftl. P.]|B.nt Tocrl Faaa ! 276.25 lolrl AtL EuBr! Brl.nsa: 295.25 2t6.25 .o0 AccounE Coda D..ctiPglon BP 0o10000t111100 BUII,DIN€ PBRllll FEE9 PF ooro0001112300 PLlll cllBCK ?3la ID D2-DAPO3 C&ETNUP DEPqSITS l{C 00100001112800 l{ll,E CILIJ rNgPEelIOll FEA kouni 105. O0 54.25 lo0. o0 3.00 '.d'+r.st'tc :on,t ec E Ea?le CounEY rc 970-328-86i0 for ff'" " OF VATL CONSTRUCTTON PERMTT APP4,rgATlO{ roR},ronrtzf,Zt(:_k Offtce TOWN PER.\IIT I ^ APPLICATION MUST BE FILLUD OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDI r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tr * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERI'IIT TNFORHATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *. * ir * * * * .b ...t l-Buirding [ ]-PJ.umbing [ ]-Erecrrical [ ]-Mechani'ca1 tvf-otheFXnLr!,_y^o*I I -r'rel;llatlJ-(.jor I vl -rJLrleI 'pi4f__ rob Name: Srlr," t,rn,ti4< Job Acrdre??, _Lr:t!_t ttlrrt Gor, ?,nt, 6r. Legar Description: Lo- 2-1 Block- "yfrlr%.l tfwners Name: Wlnnou''c'l'"t . Address2 lloS t*t. Qerc Crcrit b,,.pn. .rrchitect : %@ an/ nowi Address:Ph. ienerar. nesc1ir1ti"n, 9U,l',gU, inQ,,l,3r*ful^r rrrid" *r rr,, p,^/' .lork classz tfttti-xew -gl-afteration [ ]-Additional- ty'-nepair t l-other Nunber of Accomnodation Units: 3 .fnber and Type of Firep).aces: cas Appliances Gas Logs_ wood/pell et + i*)t*tt******2! * * * )t * * * * * * rk * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS * * * * * * 't * rt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,r * ir( * * * * * * EI,ECTRICAL: $ I.tECFIANfCAL: $ OTHER: $ TOTAL: { r *** *rt** :t:t * * **** )k tf * ** ** )eneraL contractor: 9a f umber of Dwel-ling Units: Z- \ddress: .llectrical contractor: * *rt &* *************** * r * * * * * iddress: )Iurllbing rddress: Contractor: lechanical Contractor : \ddress: }UTLDING PERMIT FEE: )LUMBING PERMIT FEE: fECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: iLECTRICAL TEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: lomrnents: Asscssors Parcel fl. 'kt(** CONT'!RACTOR INFORMAi.,fON '-t/1 >t Phone Nur,rber: 474 - 47q / Town of VaiL Phone Nunber: Town of VaiL Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nuhber: Reg. NO. Reg. No. Town of Vail Reg. No.l32-L Reg. No. : x* rL :l rt rl * rt :f * * * *tt ** * * * * Jr * * * * * * * * * *FOR OFFf CE USE rr * * :t * * * * * *** ** * * ***rr * ?t tr * * ti rr x * * * BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK IEE: PIUMBING PI,AN CHECK fEE.MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN_UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: GROUP VAIUATION CLEAN IJP DEP,OSIT REFUND rrc 4.U cttJl) u( H il?rigo Review n.frio Form hojectName: SalamunovichResidence Project Description: skylight infill, egress window, residing painting Owner. Address and Phone: Nancy & Thomas SelamunoviclL 1905 West Gore Creek Dr' 479-9794 Architect/Contact. Address and Phone:Nancv & Thomas Salsmunovich. 1905 West Gore Creek Dr,419-9794 Project Street Address: 1905 West Gore Creek Drive Lcgal Description: Lot27, Vail Village West #2 Parccl Number: 2103123-06-026 Comments: TOWN OF VAIL Building Name: Motion by: n/a Seconded by: nla Vote: r/a Conditions: Town Planncr: Brent Wilson Datc: July 29, l99E Board / Staff Action Action: staffapproved f :\tVliRY( )NIr\DRI]\A PPROVAL\98\SAt AMUNO.729 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 oo oo 'Flo!oE',:9E2 6IAIIt E CI C)o E EA oE 'it F U ti H o o oo o o o o o oo o o oo H33d8o o|lts 4 o lrtzdcfi8 FH Ho4|zo.o.EEoo & H Eg x 5 IIH UH B B t !t dC.-t{oaEOtaEA a.l IA..Eqroe F cFl E3 E8T' dq H I lrF BE E8s'( Ba IEr-{ |. IDot lr l.HZ n3E' F r:la EH4 t( I 3E(oZE cgE E*g fis At{ t{.D E F E HEoAEE E E HI Ta a{ : )so|n &I EtrE(adaa!ig-EOHEEE9lo.,l t, r tr';,tr#ffib< Status. -.: FINAL (GOLFApplied. . : LL/ os /L998rssued...: LL/LL/a998 Extrrires. . : 05/L0/L999 Phone:. 97Q949L905 Phone: 970949L905 TOViComm. Dev. Clean-up De it Refund approved amount date L0,752 Add Sq Ft: Fireplacc Infonration: Reetricted:*of ea6 Appliarlcc6:*of cas Loga:+of viood/Pallet: Building-----> Plan check- - - > Investigatsion> will calL----> TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiITAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970 -479-21,38 "..".-.-.:::ll.l3li;;;;;;;;;;":";:-...."."."::3:]i.".-...liHil.3Y3;;;;;;-;";:";:-..-.-"....-:::'.. Itsem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTIVIENT Dept: BUILDING Division: LA/O5/1,998 iIRM ACtiON: APPR APPROVED ,JRI"I-iEAm;' 05460-p-r.ar'wrug-DEFARi't'4E-NT -. - DepL: PLANNTNG Division: LL/o5/a998 iIRM Action: APPR N/A BRENTrEbm;' 05660- FTne oepARTl,lENT ' Dept : FrRE Di-vision:LL/I5/L999 JRU _ Asqlon: APPR N,/ArEem;'05500-Fuer-,rc wonrS '. Dept: PUB woRK Diwision:I|los/tggg iIRM Action: APPR N/A See Page 2 of trhis Document. for any condiEions that may apply Eo this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknolrledge tshat I hawe lead tshi6 applicatsion, filled ouE in ful.I thc infontration required, comPleted an accuraCe PloL pl"an, and stsate tha! all t'he information provided a6 required is correcL. I agree bo conPly with tshe information and Plot plan, Lo coEply eitsh all Torn ordinanceB and aLate 1awe, and to build Ehis Btructsurr according Eo thc Totlr's zoninE and su.bdiwiBion codes, dcsigrll revie$ approved, Uniforo Building codc and other ordinances of thc Tonn aPplicablc tshereEo ' REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAr,r, BE MADE THENTy-FOIR HOURS rN A.DVANCE BY TBLEPHONE AT 4',19-2l39 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM s:oo PM DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMBNT NOTE: TIIrS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUII,D PERMT Permit #: 898-0345 iIOb AddTEsS: 1778 VAIL VAJ,IJEY DR LOCAEiON. . .: T778 VATL VALLEY DR Parcel No. . : 2101--091-0t-OL2Project No.: APPLICAIVT PI,ATII CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920, AVON CO 8L620 CONTRACTOR PI,ATH CONSTRUCTION OltlNER Description: REROOF EPDM SAME FOR Occupancy: TIG)e Const.r-uction: T14)e Occupancy: Valuat,ion: DRAWER 5920, AVON CO 81-620 TOI,TN OF VAIL 3 FINANCE DEPARTIIEN 75 S FROI{TAGB RD, VAIL CO 8L657 SAME SOMIL LAYER THAN ROCK 92 B2vN TypevNon-Rated 155 . O0 100.75 .o0 3.O0 ,00 50 ,00 .oo 100 .00 40a .75 .00 404 ,75 404 .75 ReBtsuarant Plan Review- - > DRB Fee-------- Rccreation FBe------ ----> cl..n-IJp Drpo.it - - - - - - -- > Tobal calculated Fecs- - _ > Additional Fee6- ------ -- > Totsal Pemit Fee--___- -- > Paymenlg- -- -- -- gcnd Cl.rn-ltp lr.po.it Io! PLtTH SIGIUaIJRE OF oWNER OR COMTRAmOR AOR HIMSELF AND Owl'IER ******************************************************************************** CONDTTIONSPermit #: 898-0345 as of 0!/06/99 SEaEus: FINAL******************************************************************************** Permit \pe: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERl,lT Applied: tL/O5/t998 ApplicanE,: PLATH CONSTRUCTION Issued: LL/LL/1,998 970949L905 To Expire z O5/LO/1,999 ilob Address: LOCATiON: 1778 VAIL VALLEY DR (GOLF PRO SHOP) Parcel No: 2101-091-01-012 Description: REROOF EPDM SAI'IE FOR SAIIE 60MIL LAYER THAIiI ROCK Conditions:].. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVA], IS REQUIRED BEFORE AI{Y WORK CAN BB STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. oo Fo2OD "'8o C|AE I oo IHo2OD.oo8oa o H!t.l 5fi8Fr. oozorlAETc)e o co o EA ?. ql E n $ 6 i E z H T1 F ql TFTHH€o E oo E o oo oo o o o oo o XUs t, Eqo EH{o : lqt{ EdU U f, A rJ A:{ 3EboHIgrl dE !ia hh!.E E9lD4P R 'a EEaci3H{oo go F:{ H3 89tsao EH4 e ta Eo H 8HH &4I(.,<a2X dqltrqo oE E fig oH tqlIU Ek A a{Eo E,! E Px F'H(t|o O.Bo Dc EI E-E'ad'ltro-EOHEgIq REF,T 13I ot /u'6l r999 TO[4N OF VFIILT COLORHDE OB:31 REIIUESTS - INSFEC"IN WORK SHEETS FOR: l./ 6/1999 F'ACiE 6 flREflr CD !-=:E====*3!3t=r5=EE=E-======*=========E=eg=:g==tg====!*=!i==== 896-0345 L/ 6/19 Type: fl-trtJf{ltl Sitatr-rs; ISSjUED Constr: flCOM 1778 VAIL VRLLEY DR I77S VAIL VALLEY DR els1*891-O1-O1e RERT]OF EtrDI{ SNME FOR }:'LATH CT]NSI RUCTION'IOI,N trF UAIL f FINANCE DEFARTMEN Fhone; FLATH CUNSTRUCTION Fhoner 97O9491905 Activity: Adclre s s r Locert i on : F,xree I : Description: Appl ieant t Own er r Colrt ract or: (tiu|-F pRo sHotr) Occl Use: V N SAME 6ANIL LAYER THAN ROtrK Fhone I 97O949 l9O5 Inspect i on Request Reqnestorr STEUE Req Tines BBTOO It ens requesbed to cr0a90 BLDE-Final Infornation.... Eomnentsr GOLF be Inspected... F,h o n e': trOURSE CLUB HOUSE - ffet i on Conllent s 949-19Cr3 TO BE FINRLED Tine Exp Inspect i on Hi story. , ,. , Itemr Aggf0 driveway grade final Itemr OEOl0 ELDG-Foot inge/9teel Item : OOAgta BLD6-Foundat ion/5teel Ibeor SO5g0 trLAN-ILC Site trlanItenl OSA30 BLDG-Franing Itenl 0laEr40 * * Not 0n File * * Iten r Alara50 BLDG-Insulat ion Item: lAOtZr6O BLDfJ-Sheetrock Nai I',Item: ftBA8O * n Not On File * * Iter r 0OO7O BLD6-F|isc.Item: OOU96 BLD6-Final Itemr BB53CI BLDG-Tenp. C/0Item: Ser531 FIRE-TEMP. tr/O Item: AA53e PW-TEF|P, t/e Itemr 08533 PLAN-TEIYIP. C/A Itemr 06537 FLAN-FINAL C/OIten: AA53S FIRE-FINAL tr/tr' Itenr OO539 Pi^I-FINAL C/0Itenr AO54A BLDG-Final C/0 'p f,T,$,r '+. ?t n! A 1rrv' bl a -J I u-tlft,frry /oT lo ON .JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 898-0188 Status. . Applied. Issued.. E>qrires. FEE gUI.IMARY OFFICE FRoM 8:0o Al't s:00 PM ISSIJED 07 /LO/j.998 07 /20/L998 oL/ L6 / a9ee TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8t657 970-479-2L38 APPLICANTW ss7 CONTRAgTOR OI,'INER DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNII"Y DEVELOPMENI NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT ilob Address: 884 SPRUCE CrLocat,ion...: 884 SPRUCE CTParcel No. -: 2t_01-063-03-01_3Project No. : PR.I98-0155 MOUNIAIN SPECIALITIES P. O. BOX 29+9, DILLON, MOIJNTAIN SPECTALITIESp. o. Box 2909, DTLLON, TED & LTNA SHTPMAN co co 8043 s 80435 Phone: 970-468-1-1-54 Phone:. 970-468-L]-54 I)escription: EXTERIOR/INTERTOR REMODEL occupancy: R3 Singre Family Residence approved T)pe ConsEruction: V N Tlpe V Non-Rated amount valuation: 118, 000 AClil sq Ft,: datg Fircplacc Infomation: RGBtsrict.cd:*Of ca6 Applj.anceg:{Of Ctas lJoge: Building-----> PIan Check- - - > Inve6Eigation> wiIl call----> e12.O0 . o0 3 -O0 .00 100.00 .00 500.00 r,942,eO .00 1, 942 .80 1, 942 . SO R.aEualen! Plan Rcvier,- - > DRB Fce-------- Rccreation Fee- --- ------ > cl.rn-up D.podit-- - - - - - - > ITCM: O51OO BUILDING DEPART1IENT O7 /LO/L998 iIRM Action: APPRIECM: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENTo7/lo/L998 JRM Action: APPRItsEM: O55OO FIRE DEPART'IVIENT 07 lao /L998 JRrrr Action : APPRIEEM: O55OO PI]BLIC WORKS 07 /i.o/L998 JRI| Action: APPR See Page 2 of t.his Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECI..ARA'TIONS I hcrcby acknorledge thal I have rcad this applicalion, filled our in ful.l the inforEatsion lequj,red, codplcled an accurate plot p1an, and 6taEe lhat all the infornation provided as required iE cotrec!. I agrec Co co cotlply eilh all Tonn ordinanceB and aeate 1a!r6, and t'o build this sts].ucturc ::od:s, dcsign rewi.ew approvcd, uniforu Building code and otsher ordinanccs of REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAIL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOI]RS IN A.DIIANCB BY TEI,E DepE: BUILDING Division: APPROVED iIRM-DEPE: PI,ANNING Di.ViSiON: APPROVED PER-BRENT N/A N/A DepE.: FIRE Division: DepE: PUB WORK Division: and plot plan subdivi eion TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up DeBapit Refund *of wood/PalLets: TotsaI calculat€d Fe66- - - > Additional Fee6- --- --- -- > Tolal P€nnit F€e--- -----> Palnrent 6 - - - - - - - TOTAL FEES. - - -. irith the infonnation thc Tonn'B zoning and s.nd CI.$-EF DrF.iC Tor tlOUltIAtN gPEgIAlrIEg SIOI{ATURE OF CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSEI,F AND OWNER I Page 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS PenniE, #: 898-0188 as of 07/20/99 SEaEus---: ISSITED******************************************************************************** Permit, T)4ge: ADD/AI-,T SFR BUIL,D PERMIT Applied--: O7/LO/L998Applicant--: MOIIMIAIN SPECIALITTES Issued---: o7/20/L99897O-468-LL54 To E>cpire: OL/L6/L999 ilob Address: 884 SPRUCE CTI-,ocation---: 884 SPRUCE qr Parcel No-- : 2101-063-03-013 Description: EXTERIOR/INTERIOR REMODEL * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOns ****************!t************* 1. FTEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2. SMOKE DETEqTORS ARE REQUTRED IN ALL BEDROOMS At{D EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 IJBC. 3. PERMITS NEEDED FOR PI,UMBING,EIJEC,MECH /a- .a a t a a r a a r tt a *'| art.t r a t.l a I r *t a rr r t r arr af ta at r rr traa.r a t t a t t I t t i a r* r !016l Ol V lL. olrcnADO gere.Enr tat*tttttrtttltttltttttrrtta.aatttlatttttttlataatttttltltta.r*rtttatttrat gcrt|ng Iur!br! r REc-0425 .tEounE t 1,9{2.t0 o7/2o199 ro,ts PryD.nE l&lhod s CK lcot Elonr 10961 lnlrt Um P.lalg No. B9t-01t0 Tltp. r A-BUILD r.DD,/lIrT gFR BOIIJD pE Prrc.l llo: 2101-063-03 -O13 SlL lddt r.r 184 APnUcE cl Locrglon r 88t SPRUCE cI ::h:6 Pryo.nE 1,9{2.40 I,9,l2. aO .oo lotrl l..a I l,tal.8o l|ot l ^l& Pte. t lalanca ! lccount coda EP O0100003111100 DR 00100003112200 Pt 00100003112300 lD 00100002t03100 flc 001000031ltt00 D.rcrl,pElotl BtttlDtt|o PlnrlT tttg DEgtef Rlivt8r tllS PIrNI ClllCK lBEa CEBNEP DBPOSIIS ITILIJ CIIJE IN99leIl4f tBE tuounE 412. O0 100,00 527, a0 5oo. oo 3.00 I , --<_ r-:r.: I TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiITAGE ROAI) VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPTICANT CONTRACTOR O$INER MECHANICAI PERMIT FRISCO FIREPLACE & STOVE SHOP P O BOX 1330, FRTSCO CO 80443 FRISCO FIREPLACE 6. STOVE SHOP P O BOX 1_330, FRTSCO CO 80443 CIIANCIIAIKT'LVET S IRICIIAI ,JOBSITE AT Permit #: Stsatus...: ISSITED Applied..: L2/!!/L998 Issued...: L2/LL/L998 Extrrires. . : 06/09/L999 ALL TIMES M98 - 02 58 Phone z 9'70-668-3760 Phone: 970-558-3760 1, 968 . 90 *of wood/Pall.t: DEPARII"IENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMEMT NOIE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON Job Address. . . : 884 SPRUCE eTLocatsion......: 884 SPRUCE qt Parcel No..... : 2101-063-03-013 Project Number: PRaI98-0155 PO BOX 2327, VArL CO 8L6582327 Descript.ion: INSTALL 2 DIREET VENI FIREPI,ACES Fireplece Information: Rcst.licted: Y *Of eae Applianccg: Valuation: *of ca6 Logs: FEE SU}'MARY ,10 .00 10 .00 .00 3 .00 Item: 051"00 BUILDING DEPARTMEI{I Dept: BUILDING Division:1,2/LL/L998 JRM ACtsiON: APPR APPROI/ED JRM---6m;'05600-Fine DEpARlttENi Dept: FIRE Division:12/Ii/7998 ,lRr4 Act,ion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL FIELD ]NSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. COMBUSTION AIR IS RBOUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 I'MC. INSTALI,ATION MUST COftFORM TO MANI'FACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDTX CIAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 IJMC. GAS APPLIAI\ICES SIIALT BE VEIiITED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AIiID SIALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O5 OF THE 1991 IJMC. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND 703 OF THE 1991 IJMC.BOILERS SIIAI.,L BE MOT'NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI,E CONST. I'NLESS LISTED FOR MOI,NTING ON COI,IBUSTIBLE FLOORING. PERMIT,PI.,AIiIS AIiID CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAI. ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOI]EST. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAT ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2119 0F THE 1991 IIMC. Mechanical---> Plan chcck-- - > Invc6tigation> will call----> Re6tuarants Plan Review- - > DRB Fee-------- TOITAL FEBg.. - - - Total Calculated Peca_ - - > Additional Pee6---- -----> Tobal PerrniE Fee--------> PayDenCa------- SAI,ANCE DUE.--- .00 .00 53 .00 s2.00 .00 L.2.3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hlrlby acknoylcdgo UrrU I h.v! r.rd thir q)plic.tion, fiUld oul in full thr inf,orrrtion rrquircd, c@pl€tcd rrr rccutat€ plot plrn, .nd atrea ghlt .11 !h! infonrglon provia.d rr rsquircd i. correct. I rgrlc to codt ly rith lhc lllforr.tiotr .nd P1o! PI.n, !o couply rllh rII Tofn otllnaDccr and at'rEc hur, .nd Eo buila chi. glrucBurr rccolding to thc Tovn'a zoning rnd .ubdlvigio8t codr, dcrl,gn ravirv approvod, Itnifon Bullding Cod,a rnd oth.r ordl.n|nc€a of Ch. Toen .pplicrble eh.r.to. REOUaATS POR INgpBcIIol|E gm!r, BE mItE TlfANrg-FOt R IlOltRg IN IDltlnCB Bl TEIGEIIO0|E Aa 479-213r OR ]T OttR OFFICE FRoll 8!O0 .Alt 5:o0 PM gIOIIIII'RE OF OI{!!ER OR @ttfRACTOR FOR HIIG'AL' .I$D OIINER --, * ir * tta t rt t * r * ra i f, tt ** *r rtt rt*rttt t rr rrf * t t *rrl r* a t t rl r: *, l,tt * rr* i, * rr* *J TOtGt OF VAIIJ, @t ORAITO R.prinr.d: L2/23/9a 09!15 gs.E.Etts gurCqun! Nuublr: REC-0,a85 lmunt I P.!r[Erc ll.thod: cK troE tion3 21545 S2.OO L2/L7l9a 09.Ll Inics atR|{ PGl'uis t{o ! }l9g-0258 T}rpr ! ts- ECH UBClllllICtL PARUTT PlrC.I No. 2101-063 -03-013 gic. Addte..: 394 gPRltCE ef IJoc.tion 3 384 EPnUCE el tl|ig Pt&.nts lotrl tar. . 52.00 Tot l ALI Puts. ! tslllncc ! 52.00 52. 00 . o0 lccout1c Codc .rt0tlv@ FEEgrr ltP o0100003111300 PF 001000031123 00 nc 0o10ooo31L2 800 tt lcrilrElon NATVID FEES I|ECIIIITICAI. PRI|II FEtsS PI.AN CHICI( FBES BIIJL CAIi MgEB(:IIOtr FEE bount 40. 0o 10.00 3.00 TOhIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-4?9-2L38 DEPARTI'{EI{T OF COMMUNTTY DEVEI.,OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E98-0161 Status...: ISSITEDApp1ied..: 07/24/!998Issued...: 07/27/1998Expires..: OL/23/L999 Phone z 970827-5980 Phone: 970827-598Q ilob Address Location. . .Parcel No..Project No. LEETRIC T'MLTMITED 1768 ALPINE DRIVE LECTRIC I]MLIMITED 1768 ALPINE DRIVE SHIPMAN TED EI,EqTRICA], PERMIT : 884 SPRUCE CT: 884 SPRUCE CT :210L-063-03-013: PRiI98-0165 INCAPPI.,ICANI EONTRAETOR OWNER DescripUion: ELECTRICAL FOR REMODEL ri+rr*r*r*r*** FE8 Valuation r 4, 000 . 00 st uMNly rir I ri l_, vAIt co INCl-, VAIL, CO 8L657 81657 Tocal calculaled Pces-- -> Additional Fccs- -- --- -- -> Togal PerEi.t Pe€-- ------> Pa:mcnt6-- -_- -- - BAI,AI{CE DUE-- -- El.ccrical -- - > DRB PC. InvcatigaCion> will call----> TOTA! FEES- - - > 12.OO .00 .00 3 .00 75 ,00 75. OO . o0 79.o0 75.00 . o0 t ***ir*+ t **i{ l** tttt'} rr rt r**t*r*tt** ttr *tJ.r*it t * t t t a * * t * * * | t r * * t t a * * * l, t * r * i t } I a IEEM: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMEIiIT DCPI: BUILDING DiViSiON:07/24/1,998 JRNI ACEiON: APPR APPROVED ,JRIfItbm:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMETiIT Dept: FIRE Divisi"on:07/24/L998 ,Jwl AcEion: APPR N/A i rtt.i.r tirtiti r CONDITTON OF APPROVAT *. * r , . . r , . . . . , . ; ; r * . *.*,.,.,.,, DECI,ARATIONS I hclrby qcknosl.dgc thah I hawc rc.d thi6 rpplication. fillcd ouf in fu1l bh. informetion rcquircd, conrplGtcd an accur.tc pLot pLan, .nd tlrl. tha! el1 the Lnforo.llon plovLdad es r€quircd 1. corfcce. I aglce to comply ritsh th. inf,ornatsion and plots pl.n, Lo collply eith rll Town ordinancaa urd atrtc lrlrs, and Co bulld tshLF EEructure according tso Chc Torn,6 zoning and dubdivisLon codc!, dcrigtl rGvies epproved, UnifolB BuiLding codc and oLhe! ordin.ncc6 of tshc To!.n applic.blc tshcrGto. REQUBSTS FOR INSPSCIIONS StlAlL BE IIADB 1'!{EllTv-FOUR HOURS IN ADI/ANCE BY TELEPHONB AT 479-2133 OR At OUR OFPICE FROM s:00 A 5:00 PM o m ol vAtL, cotoRxxt gtrg.[re 8Erg. t nlb.r, nac-oa2a howrt,3 7a.oo o7l27l9a oa:.57 P.!m.nc rBhodr Cl( NotrElon: 2310 fni.tr t$ P.lrlg tlo r 893-0161 Tf?. r E-ILEC lIrleIRlClL PERIIIT Prrc.l !|or 2101-053-03 -013 !lg. Mdr... r aaa gDBvcl cl l,ocrElon ! a3{ g9lucB cI Totll F..rr 75.00 Ihl. Pqrrcnc ?5.o0 rotrl IEL Prnc. r ?5.00 Ll.nc. r .00 lccounE coda Daacslprlon Arounc lp 00100003111t00 ElBemrcllr PEn||Sr tEll 72.00 t{c 00100003112a00 mL! c}IJ! rNttPEetIoN rEB 3.00 vt TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970 -479 -2138 APPLICAI{T COrqTRAqTOR OI,IINER ilob Address: 884 SPRUCE gf Locat,ion...: 884 SPRUCE CTParcel No. . : 2101--063-03-01-3 Project, No. : PRJg8-0165 PARADOX PTUI,IBING & HEATINGP. O. BOX 5017, DTLLON, CO 80435 PARADOX PLI]MBING & HEATINGP. O. BOX 6017, DrLI_.,ON, CO 80435 SHIPIitAT{ SEATUS...: ISSUEDApp1ied..: 08/L3/:-998Issued...: 08/L4/L998 Extrrires. . : 02/Lo/L999 Phone: 970-468-8408 Phone: 970-468-8408 DEPART'IVIE}TT OF COMMI'NITY DEVEI,OPMEIiTT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLI]MBTNG PERMIT Permits #: P98-0103 Descriptsion: PLUMBING FOR INTERIOR REMODEL Valuat.ion:7,000.00 FEE SUMMARY Plunbing-----> Plan Check- - -> Invc6Eigation> lii11 call----> ReotsuaranC PIan Rcvic{- - > TOTAL FBES. -. - - Total Calculatcd PccE---> Additional Fces-- --- -- - -> Toeal Pemit Fee--------> PrymentB------- BAI,ANCE DUE-. -. 105 .00 .00 3.00 .00 L34.25 134,25 ,00 134.25 134.25 ,00 Itsem: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT08/L3/L998 JRM AcEion: APPR APPROVEDIt.em: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division: JRM-Detrt: FIRE Division:08/13/a998 irRM ACt,iON: APPR N/A ***r**t*t**i*r* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE.2. FIRE DEPARTI.IENT APPROVAL -IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAME STARTED. ri**trir**t**i* DECI,ARATIONS I helcby acknorlcdge Ehac f hawe t:cad t'hi6 application, filLcd oug in full lhc informeEion lcquircd, complcEcd an accuraEe plot p1an, and strt€ that eIl thc infornrabion provided ae rcguircd i.6 colr€cts. I Bgrc€ to conply with Ehe informrEion end Plot P1an, to comply lritsh rll Tot,n ordi-nanc!6 and 6tats. lans, and t'o build lhis gbructure according to the Town's zoning and BubaiviEion cod!., dcBign rcview apptovcd, Uniforrn Building codc and othcr oldinenccB of thr Toen applicable thcrcco. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHA.IJL BB MADE TWSMY-FOUR HOT'RS IN ADVA.}IC8 BY Oi{NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER : taltatrttartrt fottN oF vtIE,@r,oRlDo SErr.Eri gereconB l|u[brr 3 RIC-O{16 tDoune 3 Pr!&.ng tl.thod! C* Iotrtlont el8l . 13a.25 0a,/14,/98 10.{0 tnlE 3 !,lAw P.rnle No! Pt8-0103 $/pci B-P!.UA PtJt t BINO pBluIT Prrc.l llo r 21Ol -063 -Ol -O13 glt. Iddr.ra. 88{ SDRUCE gl LocrElorr 3 laa gPRUCB Cf Tblr PrF.nc ?otrl F.at ! 13i4.25 Tog.l llL hc. ! Brlancc t 134.25 134.25 .00 Account Coda Dcacrlption PE 00100001t11200 PLttuBtNo pEnl.IT trEBs pF 00100003112300 P&t!r c$BcK FBEg l{c 00100003112300 rrLL CA.LL tNaPBetlolt FtE leounl 105. O0 26,25 3.00 lz/Ll/Sg FRI 15:21 FAI 9708085508 Job Nane: Legaf Desciiption: [ot Architect: FRISCO FINEPI,ACE tsoor PEEXII ',{ , APPLICA!!roU UUST BE FIIJ.ED olr! CODtPLgfELy OR 11[ llAy Xqf AE ACCEpTED Il*******r**.t1. ***!t***!r*!r:r****+ pEnUtrT Il|fOnHeEfOtr *.rt*l**t**+*rr****r***rl*!r.,tl -/-I l-Bulrding I J-plunr!51g I J-Electricat tvf-Uecnani-caf t ]-gther fu \a,c Eil fi'?tn fu Ph.u6-/iftl Ph. I tt r i ,: - ?. !ceneral Descriprion= ii,t5nll lZi {)irti+ W;f ?ifffh{f ' - lfork class: I l-Neir 1,zf-arteration [ ]-Additiorral t l-tepair t l-Other Nunber of f,iwelling Unlts:IIuEber of lcconnodat1on Units: flT"t and Type of Firepracesi cas tppliqnce= 3 cas Logs- r{ood,/perret- Jfi ,f***r r ***:l*****!t!t********.******r* vALUATToNs *****:rrr*t**rr.r*********lrra**ir* EI.ECTRTCAIT: I OTHER: It{EctrNrrcAlrr@:ToTII,: f_--: -_-|CoNTRACIIOR INFOnUIIIIOIJ *** !r*!r r'|r atr**ar*a *r**r** rrIom of vail Reg. xo. Plrone llunbert . BUIIJDING: I PLTNIIBTNG! Sjt I:ra:r*** i*rttltt *t tt*** **at***tt Eeneral contractor: Addaesss l.techanical Contractor, fr,.llpfiY{ifrt f,;g*rrt:t, i':.,"lfg Tosn of val.I Reg. ng. lsln ,.Address: ----:---g6ftt! phone Nrrnber3 'OE*.77 Addtess: Electrical Contraator: Address: . PluDbirig Addresss *******+!tt******r******** ******* FORBUTLDING PERUTT PEE! PItr'IiTBING PER}ITT FEE! r{ECIIA}UCAI, PERUIT r:EEI ET,ESIR,ICAL FEE: OITIER TYFE OF TEE: DR8 FEE: Torn of Val.l Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Towa of Vail'Reg. t{o. Pbone lfutlbet: oPFICE usE ttr**!r*******r*t*****+*tt*!.*r** BI'IIOTNC PIJAN CHECK aEEs PLI'IfBING PITAN. clIECI( FEE3 UECTIA}IICAIJ PIA}T CEECK FEE: .RECREATIOII FEE: CI.EA}I.UP DEPOSITI TOIDAIJ PENUTT FEES! BUTLDTIIG' SJ.GfiAIiJRE: ZONING3 SIGNIII'RE! VAIITATIOH "' O-. : , O Gee8-orgE :oncacc EagIe Councy Asscssors Offlce ac 970-32.8-8640 for Pqrcel l. TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PER.\IIT f --.-.....-\ryEL lr@ PERMIT AppLIcATIoN FoRM( oete:-J=-LZ-r?8, . APPLTCATION }fLIST BE FILLED OUT COMPLE?ELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDI r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'t * PERMIT fNFORMATfON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 't 't * 'l * * * *\?,[ ]-Buirding [ ]-Prunbing g{-rrectrical [ ]-Mechaniba] [ ]-other Lot Address: Address: Ph. Dh **rt'A* ****** **** * **** * ** )r( *** Town of vail Reg. No. Phone Nunber: leneral Description: 'lork crass: [ ]-New [ ]-Arteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other lumber of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Accomnrodation Units : .fmber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances Gas Logs_ Wood/Pellet k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS * rk * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t *****x** )]UILDING: $ ?LUMBING: $ OTHER: $ TOTAL: S 1 * :t * * :k * * * * * * * * * * ik * *' *' * * *. * * * * * CONTRj\CTOR INFORMATIONieneral contracEor: \ddress: ELECTRICAL: $ \5s6 -MECbIANICAL: $ rob Nane, @ Job A<idress: 88$'Sp:-..e.. Ct, LegaI DescriPtion:Block__ Filing suepivrsroN, )wners Nane: \rchitect: r J< :t :t * :t * :t :l rt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FOR }UTLDING PERMIT FEE: ,LUMBING PERMI'I FEE: IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ;LECTRICAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: .\D A FE'F . lonments: OFFICE USE !'. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rt rt rt * * rt * * * * * * * BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK TTE: MECHANICAIJ PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: VALUATION , CLEAN IIP DEP.OSIT REFTIND TO: Job Name! General Description: it*r; 'work ctass:- [ ]-New t[]-AJ.teration t l_Addition'u, I :l*.puii f f_;Nu'ber of Dwerling units, +- Nunber of Ac.conmodation units: I VNrmber and. Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appriances ? "W*")= - wood/perlet_ /t't**r'*:t*************************** vALUATToNs ********************************* gurl,orNc:& ____-__-_>, ELECTRTCAL: $ oTHER: $PtwtetNe {|-ffi@ ;;;,\r,r7rr? - r-\;fJ\J.r'orNsixS-}-.aAAz_= MECIIANfCAL: $-Yff* * ** ****rr ** *** ******** ** *** COIr t"neral co.,t...i. :-,-' ;:.: ;:.i ":*l*lcrqR rNFoRMArro: TOTAL: $ contra cto,, /n #;L'X)Y?LqR rNFo$ttot,l::.:: -:: : i t: 1 :..: 1 * * * * * * * * Address: ' t".Hv"qA-w )ftl."' (et'b toWn of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: Legal Description: Lot_/l_Block oritners Name: 4"q Add.ress: Architect: ElectricaL Contractor: Address: Job Addressz 89!l lvtucp a u rf Filing Address: Town of VaiI Req. No.Phone Number: Plunbing Address: Contractor:Town of VaiI Res. No./a6-P %D*erz 4Vs--7V;zDMechanical Contractor,: Address: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MEC}ANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Req. NO.Phone Nurober: . - FoR oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:PIUI'IBING PI,AN CHECK IEE:MEC}IANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE:RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATUR.E: ZONTNG: SIGNATURI! VALUATION 3oncacC Eog,la CounCy Assessors 0fflce snlEnan Kesloence - Kemooer Job Add.ress: zu84 Jplrycg ct., Vair, c0 81657 Legal Description: L,ot_!Q_ lwners Narne: Ted & Lina Shignan Dqgil?r?,?J'M froqr-- "'l"ji: ::',:'Hljil.;';uf* iill*" - Address: 3gl_q: Jglo.Blvd. D€sre: @ pn."u"-76L-6525 'tork class: [ ]-New [x]-Arteration I j-Additionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-other tumber of Dwelling Units t 2?Number of Acconnodation Units: fmber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Applianc"=.?1 Gas Logs A Wood/pellet I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * )k r( * * * * * * * * * * *\Iiull,orllc: $ 60,000.00 ?LUMBTNG: $ 12000.00,- ELECTRTCAL: f 5.000. MECFIAN I CAp ; g-TlClEo;Bg-- (* * * * * * 'a':* * * 'k * * * " * * *'* '+ * *'* * * * * coNTRAcroR TNFoRMATToN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * i:l:ll1.c-o:,tt3:.t9"* xFi.!p.g*.13iFir gEtuie B.^+t,"is-_ rown of Vail Res. xo, tYl- R ;lectricaL contractor: To Be Provided Town of VaiI Reg. NO..ddress t -- phone Nunber: To Be Provided r€freFdJ- u(,rrL.6cruL(Jr: Mtn. )Decl_alEres. craiq R. Jarvls Town of Vail Reg. No, t.11- 15\crdressr P.0. Bo* 2909.i-n5 ffi phone ;.unbpr: g1"O-qi{-itZff. aeL() ac 97o;32Q-8540 for?arcel ,. . -TolrN oF vArL coNsrRuctroN pEp-\trr /.1\ryEL ilz@ PERMIT APPIICATIoN FoRM ----\ DArE:June !1,_!ee8 T,t{Zf - 01 LE I APPLTCATToN MUST BE.FTtLED our coMpLETELy oR IT MAy Nor BE ACCEPTED r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rl't PERMIT fNFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 'r * * * * * 'b Ix]-Buirding [ ]-Plunbing [ ]-Electricat [ ]-Mechanibar [ ]-other lrchitect: Existing_f1ans__ Address: :eneral Description: )lumbing Contractor: rddress: techanica] Contractor: tddress: : * rt * rt rtrtrl fr * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * rttJ lTlTr nT\I/: IIFE r,Tm EErEr. - > {7?1, t:l]Uf LDING PERMIT FEE:,i.'.'\s".i{ ': t ,LUMBING PERMIT FEE:j':.;' 1 ..,\,'. ' IECHANICAT PERMIT FnEi ,1,1 lr.Fn.nprr.aY. FFF. !i\r- Ph. Exis New Siding rwindows, roof ing. kitchen add 2-baths. t' Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Reg. No. To Be Provided Reg. NO. ';ITECTRICAIT f'EI;: j':' )THER TYPE oF FEE: :'-'sj , ".gffiCREATION FEE: J. UErg!11t-uP DEPosI ;LECTRTCAL FEE: )RB FEE: CE USE !t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :t )t * * * * * * * * * * ILDING PIAN CHECK FEE: rNG PIAN CHECK FEE:CHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: EAN-UP DEPOSIT::,. ToTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE; ZONING: SIGNATURE: rorAl,: $-1ltT00.m- GROUP lomrnent,s: VALUATION EAN I'P DEP.OSIT REFTIND TO: _.rr Jun LU 9a uZ: 5bP snlPman J- -.=----:- ..- -: V*lvnun l\orga- Legal description: Lot l0' Vail Village, Ninth Filing, accortting to the plat recorded January g, lgTO in Book 219 at Page 92rEagle County Colorado. I hcrcby ccrtily tlrat this lrnprovcmcnt l-ocatiorr Ccrtificntc was prcparcrJ for ltick Daskarn or assigns, ondliaglc.County'f itlc Corp', tfial it is not a lan(l survcy plat or inrirovcrrrcrrr .,,iuey plat and rhat ir ii iror tobc lclicd ttptttt l'trt tllc establisltrrrcrtt ol'fbncc, buildirrgor othcr l'uturc irnprgvcnrJrrt lirrcs.I llrther ccrtily that the itnprovenrents on thc above describcd parcel on llris date, March 2g,1.998, cxccPt trtility collncctions arc urtircly within thc boun<Jarics of thc parcci cxccpt as showlr, thalthere are no- encroaclttnenls upon the described premises by inrprovcmcnt" on .ny adjoining premises,exccpt as indicatcd, and that there are no apparent evidence of any easenrent crqlXingaf,,luri.ning anypart of said parcet, excepr as nored. .....:."in liCri,i,l,o ..':$rti n'!!!:?*w',. .z o -..- Rccordecl infornration was provided by Eagle counry'r'irle corp.. Those *r.*:;i'fj,iftgt$ldii'io,nrit..ntNo' 314834-C tlrat lie within the subject properlyand are describecl in a way rhat allows them ro bedrawn, are sh<rwn on the drawing. a3-zB-aa Leland Lechner l!L$2l5669 r v o != :,JJSU- - - ;-a _:. ..'\ : Address I l--_L-<'- | ( I.o.r_______:_at- 'Fr{ "'/ €2-'ts- wael{eR, .4 I g ll 0 'a) r0 t- U s 0 ) 0 nn 0o (l R=1goa L- ?a.b7 SPR.U?E_ CaTURT- e.2> !62'"az N(ic: nccofdin8-kt Colomdo low, yrxr tnl|i cor t'|cnco iny lcgrl ocrino l'a*d urpn rny dcfccl fir ttris s(rri tiqtc withln thrae yars I nc, yoit tif tdiscrtvcr such dcfcct, In nrt cvcnt nry any action bascd u;nn airy dqGd in this ccrtificatc bc commcnccd m clhln tcfl ycars ironr thc dricofccnification shotn hcrcoo. L.r ll iR!4e-c...oue-:t- #r I*r|-] l,clend Lcchner PLS, J0946 Coun(y, Rd3j6 llucnr yiir. Cc.lflt | (?19)J9t.9160 Jun O8 98 11:16a =KEfcH/AREA rABL'i"ry wq A A BAsav€r'n ( nb ('?.rf 'slt€so uv& aatt L.rt/!|tira {ll n* <:J--- - 1tm 4) )}' ED'd .|Ja cAuut AT,or'ts ^oo$* ti.OOXlg.!0-l!l.& ?t.roXat.oor!9t.!ot4.@x16.0'64.@ r6JC xa.o-'l6,to T.dfot^n: l*100 {o.ro X rr .O - 'nO.Co a.to Ilo.to'z'n''6ta.toI[,qor116'!o Tstr!|dAr| $,tE ft.00 t tglJn fe ,t0 - An't5 !0.t0 - !!!.zt TmllbrAil: t0dl0 r0.t0 xt!,lo x ra.ro x fl.o x t.to Proposed New: Mast Bed: West Decki 112 Stn Deck: North: 96 Entrance Exten: 49New: zsfExisting: '. t02Total: , 55f : Zt.mXea,O-far.6 T{,brfn: W \ 8b3 +i (' o o otsOE|d83|( u fi Hrt c EEo o FI4 aq E 'ar E!q I o o o o oo o o o oo o FI3Ei8o o.lEI A '{ t:nzipfi8Ee,H60zo EAoa E 'llr E!{ Eq U co rI( oEHH '( IJEAi[ a aHtr2HDqloo-o.Ea@o ..Eq|A E AH,z EEE1 EE E( EE fgq|{ { EEi8H|Coo E Ht{ UB E: H o 2 F x 2ot{IHIEaazvl EElqo (9lqF doE 59tt tt- al ni o EH o c o !qg z Ic Hl-raog. &o |nC cE !ttE' oic)-!{oHEq|EAAq I ',t' ^'*f'^:ff'Pr /'/' uJlsf fa TOWN OF VAII-, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArr,, co 8t657 97 0 -479 -2L38 ,,\,/v -.>,\/ Au ("n'/v"\ a OlrlNER Description: ADDITION ENCI,OSING DECK Occupancy: R1- T:pe Constructsion: V N Tlpe Occupancy: VaIuaLion: Flrcplacc InforDaclon: Redtricts€d: y Plan chcck-_-> Inve6Elgation> will call----> ilob Address: 2005 W GORE CREEK DR Locatrion...: 2005 W GORE CREEK DR Parcel No. . f 2f03:114 -23-o0E Projects wo. : -Fn,:9€:dfn-8- DEPARTMENT OF NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT PeTmit #: coMMIINITv DEVELoPMENT t t ni/ tl,//*qLv lrtl v///'/ *( 898 - 02s 0 Status...:Applied..: Issued. . . : Extrrires. . : ISSI]ED 08/3L/]-998 09 /77 /L9eB 03 /L6 /t999 APPLICA}IT SUMMIT FOREST DEVELOPMENT, INC.P. O. BOX 4382, VAIIT, CO 81658 COMTRACTOR SUMMIT FOREST DEVELOPMENT, INC.P. O. BOX 4382, VAIL,, CO 81658 Phone1. 970-926-2587 Phone:. 970-925-2587 530080944 THOMSON THOMAS .l L2'760 WEST NORTH AVE, BROOKFIEI.,D WI 13, 000 clGrn-l4t D.porlt- - - - - - - - > TOTAI, FEES- -. - - Multi-FamiIy Type V Non-RaEed #of Gas Applianc€s: date Add Sq Fts: #Of ea€ Loga:*of wood/Pall,ct: 110 Ro6lualant Plan Rcviar-- > DRB Pce-------- Rccreatlon F.€----------> 16,50 100.00 458.25 .00 50,00 Total calculabed FceE-- - > 45e.25 .ldditional Fc€e- ---- - - - - > Total Pemlt Fee--------> Pcyments-------- .00 459,25 BAIANCE DUE---- .OO "-,....-'."r:-.*rlrrlr***+t*ttr.*ittt+tltt*rrt rtt*itrtt.r****j+it'r**itr*'rt*i Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT DepE: BUILDING Division: O8l31-l].998 JRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED iiRI/TiEbm;,O5AOO_FUM{INq DEPARiT4ENi DepT: PLANNING DiViSiON:08/3]-/]-998 .]RM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED PER-EHRISTIEiEi2m;'.05G00-FiRE DEPARTMEMT Dept: FrRE Division: 08/3111998 JRM Action: APPR N/A rEilma'.0s500-DuBr.,rc wORKS DepE: PUB woRK Division:oBlErlrggs JRM Action: APPR N/A rirtittt**rtitt ilrttirlrtrtata*a.ttrtt+tr+t**tt See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to trhis permit. DECIffATIONS I hlrcby acknoHlGdge that I have rcad thia applicatlon, fl,Llcd out ln full fhc Lnfonati.on rcquircd, conPl.ted an acculatse Plot pLen, rnd 68.!. thrts.l1 bhc informati.on providsd ee rcquircd lo corrects. I egrcc tso comply wilh !h. informacion enal ploL pLan, to conply wlCh r11 Aorn ordinancee and statc lrt.6, and fo build thL6 Etructu!. .ccordlng to th. Totrn's zoning and eubdivleion codce, dcslgn rcwicw epprovcd, Unifor$ Building codr and othcr oldinance6 of thc tglrn .PPlicable lhcroto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECtIONS SHALTJ BE MADE TWENTY-POiR HOURS IN ADVaNCE BY TBT EPHONE AT 4?t-2139 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM g:00 Al.1 5:O0 PM TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up approved amount De Refund gend Clcan-Up DcPosit To! SUITIMIT FOREST DEv SIS!.IATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR TOR HIMSEIJF t "'. r'************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permits #: 898-0250 as of 09/L7/98 Status: ISSIJED******************************************************************************** Permit Tlpe: ADD/AIrT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: O8/3L/1998Applicant: SUMMIT FOREST DEVEI,OPMEIiI:I, ]NC. Issued: 09/L7/L998970-926-2587 To Expire: O3/L6/L999 Job Address: LocaEion: 2OO5 W GORE CREEK DR Parcel No: 2103-114-23-001 Descriptsion: ADDITION ENCIJOSING DBCK CondiEions:1. FIEIJD INSPEqTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI'ECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. AI,I, PENETRATIONS IN WAI,I.,S,CEII.,INGS,AIiID FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN AI-,L BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF TIIE 1991 IJBC.4. FIR.E DEPARII4EIiIT,APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANT WORK CAN BE STARTED. t tr tttt'llltt.r*tttttttaa.tttt!llttttt.r*tatttat!ri!tt*t*ttttttrtt tt*frrrt romf oF vrrl, c9LoRtDo SEacdnnE a a r ar r t.lrtt t rt,r Siallanl Mrur.r, REC-0{51 lDoune ! Prl/!.nt M.Ehoa: CK NoCrEIon! 5015 a9a.25 09/77/9a L3 toe lnlg! itR !.r|[lg No ! Prrcal No! git. Addr... ! LocaElont ThlB Prl|i.nl Total Faaa ! asg.25 Torrl .trrL PLt.: s9l-0250 Ty!r. r A-MF lIrD/AlJr UF BUTIJD PER 2to3-11{-23-001 2OO5 If GORE CRBBK DN 2OO5 TI @RE CREEK DR Brlanca I 458.2S {58.25 .00 Accoung Cod€ BP 0010000311110o DR 001.00003112200 PF O01000031123 00 A.D D2.DEPO8 RF 11L00003112?00 ne 00100003112800 D..crlpcLon BUILDTNC PERIIIT PEEg DEAIqf RBI'IEI{ PEE!' PLIII CHBCR PBBS ct E}ltuP DEPOSIIS RECREAIION FBBA IIIIJL CT',L ITSPECIION' TEE laounc 175. O0 50. o0 113.75 100.00 15.50 3.O0 TOI'IN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 9'70 -479 -2138 Bl.ctricrl---> DRB Fcc ---> Invc6tsLgatlon> will, call----> TCIIXAIJ FEES- --> DEPARTIUENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMTT MUST BE POST'ED ON EI..EETRICAI-, PERMIT ilob Address: 2005 W GORE CREEK DR Location...: 2005 W GORE CREEK DR Parcel No. . : 2L03-LL4-23-001 Projects No. : PRiI9S-0108 .]OBSITE AT AI-.L TIMES Permit #: 898-0207 SLatsus...: ISSITED Applied..: 08/3t/1998Issued...: 09/25/L998 E>cpires. . : 03/24/1999 APPLICAI{T TEKOTA ELECIRIC Phone: 719-570-61-00 1020 FORD STREET, SUrTE A, COLORADO SPRTNGS, CO 80915 Lvr{rtl'aCfOR TEKOTA ELESrRIC Phone: 719-570-6100 1020 FORD STREET, SUrTE A, COLORADO SPRTNGS, CO 80915 O'olNER TIIOMSON TllOllAS J 12760 I{EST NORTH AVE, BROOKFIELD WI 530080944 Description : ADDITION/DECK ENCIJOSED Valuation:1, 000 . oo FBB AUUIIARY 50 .00 ,00 3 .00 53.O0 53 .00 . oo 53.OO 53.OO .oo Tocrl caLcuhged Fcce- - - > Addition.I P.cB---------> Tot.Bl Partrll! F66--------> Paybcntsa------- BAIANCE DUE---- rt**rt*rtrttttrrat**trrrrt**rrrJrt+tttt*tttt*!}tt'|tfrtrr*i*!rr **rarr*rrrrtr*r It,EM: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT DEPE: BUILDING DiViSiON:08/31,/1998 iIRM ACEiON: APPR APPROVED iIRIVTrE,bm:'.05600 FrRE DEPARTI{ENT Dept: FrRE Division:08/3111998 JRM AcEion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL *a i+,r* r r rrr t:}t***trr*t r t ** rrirat*riairri{rarr DECTARATIONS I hcreby aqknorl,calgc that I havc read Eh.j,€ appllcatlon, fillcd outs in full bhc i.nfornation rcquircd, cotnplcE.d an accuratsc PIot Flao, axd sEatc tshats all t'h. Lnfonnitsion provLdcd aE rcqulrcd ls cor!!ct. I agrea co couply $ith th€ lnfonnatsion and ploL plan, co coDply rtth.ll, Torrr ordln.ncc. rnal .t.te l.Ts, and to build tbL6 gcluclurc according tso tshc Tonn'! zoning and gubdivLsion cod:a, dcalgtr rcvic* approvcd, unifom Bullding cod€.nd othcr ordlnsncc. of tsh€ Tovn rppllcabl€ thelctso. REQUESTS pOR TNSgECITONS SHArrrJ BE l.tADE lalEltT|-FOUR HOURS rN ADVANCE By TELEPHONB AT a79-2139 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM I : O0 A.lil 5 : 00 PM \ SIGTIATURE OP OI{IIER OR C€NTRAqIOR t tt*'rrrrtrrr+ararrarrrrrartrrrri rii r r.r fr r,, it 'r rtatt !r r!| r I rrr. r a ra rar a ?CLf Ol VAIE. CDtd,AltO Strt.trc alataa!ttttaa!ltaatrrtattrt t t t'l ta Strtrlr|! l$d.r, nlc-oasa lrcune r 53.00 09/25,/9a 12153 Prtrr.ng L.ghod: CR l{ot clonr a322 Inlcr atn' . r.ir N.: lt8-O2O? T)'prr B-!&lC E Eelnfcl', PBRI|IA PEo.I [or 2101-11{ -23 -001 glt. lddt ..! 200t |' ooR! CnAIR m I'ocrtlon: 2005 lf ooRl CREII( m, Tgtrl l..rt 53. O0 tlr!.{ P.:eng 53 . 00 llotsrl lll.| mr r 53 . 00 Brl|nq.. . o 0 lceoune @aa ttaaerll,clon lrcunc Bp 00100003111a00 ll.lerRlclt Druat tlEt 50.00 tlc 00100003112300 ttti! cl!! uftPtcxrcf !!E 3.oo APPLTCATION l.lUST BE FTLLEDt ArrrJruArru^ lruD'J EE 'rrJrJED our col.IpLETELy oR rrUx* * * * * * * * * * **** * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * pER!{rT TNFORI{ATroN **fl}.-frHr.di"i:aiah****, PER}IIT /I I J-otherl,,JGuirding t l-plunbing []-Electrical I J-Mechaniba] Legal Description: Lot Block Filing owners Nur"r@ Address:/rooJi w. (b€E cK P:n.476-5V/L Architect; dodN Feerr*S Address:P}J.q4+ qTLL g:::_:::.:*: of Fireplaces: cas Appliance" illA ea= r,os= N/A wood/pe*.rdln_ /tf********************************* vALUATToNs ********************************* ceneral Description: Work Class:- [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration Nunber of Dwelliiig Units: BUTLDING:Oo ['J-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other__ Nunber of Acconmodation Units: EI.,ECTRTCAL: UECHANICAL: CONTRACTOR OTHER: $ Electrical Contractor:Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Address: Plunbing Address: Contractor: O Address: roTAL: $-T4Trr. --- TLEW Reg. NO. Town of VaiI Req. NO.Phone Number:. FOR OFFTCE usE * * ********** ******** * ********* *BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE:PLWBING PIAN CHECK FEE:},TECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK 8EE:RECP€ATTON FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: Mechanical Contractor: UlnAddress: PTUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: CLEAN IIP I'EPOSIT REFUilD TO: r- r+ (o€Esr7Y1 Pev, Pro.icctNarnc: ThotrmonResidence ProjcctDcscription: Dcckcnclosurc Owncr. Address and Phonc: Alchitcct/Contact. Addrcss and phonc: Pro.jcct Strcct Addrcss: Lcgal Dcscription: Palccl Nurnbcr: Cornmcnts: Received TOWNOFVAIL Thonr Thonrson !flQO_lVgst Morth Avenue, Brookfietd, WI S300S(414) 784-6s00 S t'1 Design Review Action Form John Perkins g$-?!y} Avon, co 81620 2005 West Gore Creek Drivc Thonrson ParceUCasa Del Sot, East parcel Building Narnc: nla PEC approval for additional GRFA, 250 ontinance on 6-8-9g. Board / Staff Action Motion by: nla Sccondcd by: Votc: Condition.s: Town Planncr': Christie Barton Datc: 6ll0t9g Action: StaffApproval DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 N s\-t t"" buble Clazed S Colored lllood l{l \/;-"-flai-.t ll rl.- ---.j:u..- ---- 'j1L !'I I I I I a "fuw> vbgawrL o o rFl3Ed3orl o o ttl i{ E-oI{oD co E E E lrulEd E.tiiE9 E oo C.EorQgl al oo oo o o H3EJUo E a uUEAIlt Al.lgqoD !l c ;dE AEH H 6 t Y 6 ': o a{ EE EHarfloo aFl22 9.OE-da dFH HH AB F3dt atIF, 2 EEAXH'dl E EE HgE4 F a rl E a !l e H !ac:H28 &Etr Irlr do E f;8 ctH H B F o Hco PE 2 ='Eq E t:o o_ ie T EEc|{4dgjAic|-EOH EE5 II \ REPTlST LL/L9/9A O8rE5 Activityr B9B-485O LL/t9/9$ Type: A-MF Address: EO@5 t^,1 GURE CREEK DH' Location: gcrcrs t^, GORE CREEK DI{ Farcel : 31O3-l 14*e3-OOl Descriptionr ADDITItrN EI{CLOSINE DECK tr'wN or vn"iu, coLtrRADU t REOUESTS FOR INSFECTIUN I^,ORK SHEETS FgR: l1l19/98 FAGE 11 AREAT CD Appl icarit ! SUMMIT FOREST DEVELOpMENT' INC, Ptrone: 97tZt-986-P587 owner. I THOMSON THol{AS J Fhone: Contraqtorr SUMMIT FOREST DEVELOFMENT' INC. Frhone: 97O-9P6-€587 Stat r-rs r ISSUED Constr: AFIF Occ:. Use; V N Tire Exp Inspec Requ i Req'It eme OgrA90 .-:*l* tion Request est or: DALETine: O8:SO reqr-re st ed to BLDG -F inal Infornatian... ".Fhonel 949-7385 CommentEr A*5IIlE be Inspeeted.. . Action Eonments Inspection History..... . Itern; 0IOO3B BLDG-Franing Aq /'C3/9A Inspector : JRFI Itenr A0E4A * * Nst.On FiIe * * Iten: 00050 BLDG-InsLrIation I tl9/?3/98 Inspectont JRM ' B9/?9/9A Inspectorr 6RG Iten: Vttb0,60 BLD6*$heetrock Nai I Ugle9 l9B Inspeetorl 6RG tdq /3Q/99 Inspeet or l GRti Iten: OEOEO * * Not 0n File * * Iten: nll'470 BLDG-ltti sc. Item: ra0QgA BLDG-FinaI . Iten: OB53O BLDG*'[enp. C/g Iten: OO531 FIRE*TEMF. C/8 Item: rzlos3g F,w-TEMp, c/QIten; OO533 FLAN-TEMP. tr/$ Itenr ra0537 FLAN-FINAL e/OIten: OS538 FIRE*FINAL C/O I t eo : ft8539 Pl4-F INAL C/O Iten: (14540 BLDG-Final tr/O Action: APFR Actionl AF'PR Action: AtrF'R Ftctionr F'A Actionr IlFFR RFiF.ROVED AF.F.ROVED ADD F.OLY s/a" TYpE ALL, A/8 IiI EXT I.'ALLS X INSIDE F.ARTY YPE X E PARTV i tl ti f,rig' Review .q,..!i?r, Form TOWN OF VAIL ProjectName: Christopher-WollardResidence ProjectDescription: Drivewaysnowmelt/re-alignment; revisedlandscaping Owner, Address and Phone: lr*" Christopher,2550 Bald Mountain Road, Vail, CO 81657,476- Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: nla Project Street Address: 2550 Bald Mountain Road Legal Description: Lot 34, Block 2, Vail Village 13s Filing Parcel Number: 210l-034-03-021 Comments: Building Name: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 5104199 Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproved F:\EVERYONE\DRBWPROVAL99\CHRISTOP. WPD DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 05/09/00 f,oN 15:58 FAr 070 4?6 79Sl cDrf, CnntsroPHER DrNror'l Kelrou E Kenoall REAL C ESTATE, INC. 3lvlay 1999 BrcmWilson Dept. of Community Dcvclopment ToumofVail 75 SouhFrontagpRd. vail CO 81657 RE: IhiwtmyRcundcl 2550 Bald Moumain Rd Brcnt: This is m confirm ou agrffi thd: l) tbe beatcd drive arca will bc cotrolled by a srngle mre anr| 2) fhc arca betntpen orn north popcrty line and the oorcrEtc pan will be separccd frorr the driw by shutoffvalves. @oor 2EE Brid€e Stteet vail, Colorado El6r7 97U476-'1s90 F,a97o-47&7994 Qucstions? Call tlrc Pla::ning Staff a:479-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL ?arlr -ortt GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvigw approval. Any projcct rcquiring design revicw must rcccivc Dcsign Rcview approval prior to subrnitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information, see the submittal rcquircrncnts for thc particular approvat that is requcsted. Thc application cannot bc acceptcd until all thc requircd information is submittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Environurcntal Conrnrission. Dcsign Review Board.approval cxpircs onc ycar after final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issucd and construction is startcd. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST:Drive Realiqnment B. c. D. E LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:1a /P.27 BLOCK: 2 FILING: va i I vi 1 'l age 1 ?th PFIYSTcAL AP_DI1E0Si PARCEL#: w-21 01 03403021 (Contact Eaglc Co. Assessors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONING: Dsplex IOWN OFVAIL NAME OF OWNER(S):East- Ron Wollard West- Rocky Christopher MAILINGADDRESS:;. 4620 JC Nf.lols Pk"V St" 517 255 d PHoNE: x?;i;,3?r?13" F. G. ansas 0it OWNER(S) STGNATURE(S): l NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: H. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: tr New Construction - $200 Construction of a nerv buildinc. tr Addition - $50 XA Minor Altcration - $20 PHONE: Includcs any addition rvhcrc square footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or comncrcial building. Includes nrinor changes to buildings and site improvcments. such as, reroofing. painting. window additions, landscaping, fenccs and retaining walls, ctc. DRB fces arc to be paid at the timc of submittal. Latcr, rvhen applying for a building pennit. pleasc identiff thc accurate valuation ofthc project. Thc Town of Vail will adjust the fcc according to the projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vArL. coLoRADO 8r657. UMo 47S CDtrK 9134436525 PHONE: i J i' l- lho ooiign irottgl t$ on t5 iSnntental ,utng pi ':ntr LcicA PHYSI PAR ZONIN NAME ' o\ NAME )[r l\{ino DRB f thc r asE suI DEP I .! 3l FAL 970 7 Sgl is irsucd nnd conrtructlon lr sttrtcrl, , PTION QF THE REQUEST: TYPE REVIEWAND FEE:E Nqv BAd nl I I ( I I I I onsfi'uctlon - S200 Corutruction of a nsrv building. ] )tt .- S50 Includes 8ny s4ditiou whcro sqrr4lc footagc is comrncrclal buil<ling, i Altcration - $20 ltcttrdcs rrrinor change5 to buildifgs and sire imfrovc rcroofing, painring. window addiiions, landscaliire, il' walls, sto. i drc to be paid at thc durc of eubnrltral. Latcr. when uppl jing for a bui lding D ic valuotion of thc projcct, Tho Town of Vail wiil a jusriho r"" a""orairlito H:t-1gli.3T.'.9I*II j.",:.VI.IT|!.IEqVIREMENrStND TMENT OF CQMM UNTTY DEV ELOPMENT, Zi $O UTX FRONTA Best copy vArL, COLORADO tr657. Available From the desk of... ?a 1-tilua'tYJ vldt*eo %ZD tWIr-- Uue %4D Itt?>rort Hltls, K= 620A George Ruther {g aecvct"so temn o LT c0Py TOTIN OFVAIT Department of Communiry Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Cohrado 81657 97G479-2138 FAX 970479-2452 January 29,1998 Rocky Christopher Christopher, Denton, Kelton & Kendall 225 Wall Street Vail, Colorado 81658 Re:Lot34,Block 2, Vail Village Thirteenth Filing Dear Rocky, The purpose ofthis letter is to follow-up on our telephone conversation ofThursday,Ianuary 29, regarding the remaining development potential of your property. As you are aware, our review of the Town's files on Lot 34 determined that an error had been made in the calculation of remaining GRFA for the recently approved Wollard Addition (7/25/97). The error is a result ofa failure to include into the existing conditions calculation the 526 square foot addition to the Wollard residence in I 993. When all additions and approved proposals are accounted for, the new total remaining GRFA for Lot 34 is 998 square feet. I have enclosed a revised copy ofthe zone check sheet for your files. As we discussed, the Town ofVail does not require duplex property owners to get tle approval of adjoining duplex unit owners when proposing additions to the properly. In the case oflot 34, a duplex subdivision has been platted resulting in a Parcel 4 B & C ownership scenario. The approved addition encroaches upon Parcel C. Again, while the Town does not require adjoining duplex owner approval when proposing ilditions, we do strongly encourage properfy owners to discuss proposals and seek agreement prior to submitting plans to the Town of Vail for review. Again, the purpose oftlris letter is to follow-up on our earlier telephone conversation. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.'You can reach me by telephone at 479- 2t45. Sincerely, fJt-^q-g*-:." George Ru{her, AICP Senior Planner Ron & Marilyn Wollard {S "rn*or r"* ZONE CHECK oatc: -lzs lqt (ee,ta-n t f zefi{ Lcgaldcscription:Lot 3l Btock Z Filing \l+;l {itl4qd. /AIh Addrcs 75:yc^ futA Vlo .;attrg'i,t ?ic.^ Owncr Phone Architcrt 6,lr.rr Prnzd phone Zonc disbict Lot sizc Allowed Existins Proposed Total rotar GRFA bp6. 6gZs =_6rqk/ Proposcd ttss -Tl',,;g. Farh,l{ Buildable ar"a {sl-<nZ- ' = s,MI gF{A* I b nrimaqFc*SA _ + (425) (675*) =_ Scc^nd^ry cRFA + (425) (675*)=_ & 20' t5' l5' dL llp' 16' t lb' l,ls A It(b1 { nncloscd Prcvious conditions of approval (chcck property file): Ok z,4zl += 2.121 3,CrZ + <84 =S,{qb * 67 5 = 425 credit plus 250 addition Docs this rcqucst involve a 250 Addition? Nr\ Horv much of thc allowed 250 Addition is uscd with this rcouest? Ull Sitc Coveragc Hcieht Sctbacks Landscaping Rctaining Wall Hcights Parking Garage Credit Drivcway hla 4hA{aqe Complics with TOV Lighting Ordinancc Arc finishcd grades less than 2:l (50%) EnvironmentaL{[{azards Minimum fufl" N/A 3'/6' Required -a- (300) (600) (e00)Fr200[ Permitted.slopc * V" ProposcdSlope & % Yes- No Yes__ eL_ No I ) Pcrcent Slope (< >30%") 2) Floodplain 3) Wetlands ucr , 4) Watcr Course Sctback (30) (50) Nf4 5) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche. b) Rocldall rrtn c) Dcbris Flow Remainins €0@ q@ V,4eJ + /8O = s,b3g.l -,{S Front Sides Rear Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribe: NO |..l,D Lr,*n Review Action F"t TOWN OF VAIL Parcel Number: Project Namc: BuildingName: Project Description: Owner, Addrcss and Phonc: @pplicant, Addrcss andYhone: Sla^e Qi*,L, ?.O. &',/ ft4 Legal Dcscription: Lot€ Block Z Subdivision \t,ilI {itlqrFqonc pistrict 1i,-rrr . 6'rn,'ly Project Street Addres "t Zrc Tri.d Vtll. Qon_- t Comments: d / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded bv: n Approval n Disapproval A Condi Vote: StaffApproval 6a-e - 8,,4er^ Town Planncr 4 oate: 4fzAfqz DRB Fec Pre-Paid /N).*4't 'n t- T // l \ I l, I I I I I )i L l! ri /' ,r,rr,, f* -i'| -'..ttb NIlbFl ht* F& ";=tff:P.st DESTGN BEVIT!{ soUD lpplJtCln Oo - . am, o! v116, TY9E O! RDVIEI{: r'i. :t';ff':iff'ilff:3S, s:re t fiM OF AppLICNTiT t DF OhA-ER(s) 3 (fzo0-oot - j.rrincr A! c€ra lion.Jea(i'ceD Lua I neview qrou./8D 02q($o I : .--i I 44 nEersr...trer,lz?n8r::.t ng Mdress r -_-_...___-- PhonE 'PLtc.|,tioNS ,E ar, t$ctf aE prOcEggED htrcw olzrrBrr,s ndoftintun ApFroval if appticable. lllls=" #"i' i' ii ; l:". :i'^ru 13l-ii, iit*'l' :"li: 3.'.:":l' Iiij, ii":i" rd"iiFii;i:Tsl?i#:, *:ff ti, ir:$ih,accordiag to itre'ialii (,r varr wtll ediusc g i j .! . -ry-e DQlou" to. eDsuae che correc t f . vrLqATioNl -- o'r ro,ooo i.;ilri ,i, ;ii;ml Pyj*By^ lo$!_!!P8over. Ererlasr. trxr.Ess l' aqroD!ftt peelri rg I tt | 20. o0t rU. UU | 100. oo f2c0. 00 . ttt00 - 00 1s00. o0 ANE YETS AEIBR FI.![II,:r:.!i :l Pno'TR'r'! UEglglII0[r . aa- tar;; r8gq8D iilD o VAIL, TYPE OF REVIEW: .,New.ConsErucLion ($200.00) Minor AIt,eraEion (S2O.0O).\Addition ($50.00) Concepr.ual Review (gO) ADDRESS: 4afo fil,uo ,"77. &r4o- ZONING: DBSIGN RBVTBW BOARD APPIJTCATION ' TOWN OF COTTORADO DATE RECEfVm I DATE OF DRB MEETING;aatatlraa at INCOMPLSIE APPLTCATIONS MAY NO.? BE SCEEDT'LED FOR REVIEW.artataaata PRO'BCT TNFORUATION: A. DESCRIPTI a meeLs and bounds )-egalon a separaie sheet and aEt.ach t.rt.4 altrlrr I. lt . LEGAI, DESCRTPTION: t.ol H zrock L subdivision VA|L u/U#tt ? rf properLy is described bydescripcion, please provideto Chis appl ication. f,p. FG.ilffi '3I L3'3'i!2Td'ffi"iryP'iA W Phonef*NA.T,IE OF OWNER(S) t OIINER ( S) SIGNATTIRE:@ \DotA-&O * Mailing Address: Phone APPI/ICATION9 WIIJL NOT BE PROCESSED 'TTTEOUT OWNER ' S SI6,|TA?T'RE Condominiun Approvat if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are Eo be paid aL t.het.ime of submittal of lhe DRB applicat.ion. Lacer, whenapplying for a building perrnj, e, please identify the accuratevaluation of the proposal . The Tovrn of VaiI vril.l adjusL thefee according to the Eable bel,ow, to ensure the correct, feeis paj.d. FEB PArD: i CIIECR *: DATB: By: I. .T FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATTON | .- -_9-l 10,000) it,tor - | 5u,uuu $ s0,001 $ 1s0,000$150,001 s 500,000 $s00,001 - $1,000,000$ Over 91, 000, 000 DESIGN RSVIAW BOARD APPROVAIJ BXPIRSS APPROVAI I'NLBSS A EUII.DING FBRTTI! ISIS START@. FEE $ 20.00 s 5u. uu 0100. 00 f200.00 $400.00 $500.00 ONE YE,AR AETER FINA! IS SI'ED AIllD CONS TRI'CTION APPLICANT: \.' t PRO,IECT: LISltr OF UAfERTILS the follorrinE iDformaLion is Review Board before a final A, AUIIJDING !T'!TBR!AI.S: Roof, Siding Ot:.e: l,tal1 Matelials Fascla sof fi Es Windorrs Windotrt . Trlm Doors Doo! Tlim Hand or Deck Rails F1ues Flashings chinneys Trash Enclosurea GreenhouEes Ret,aining vtaI1. s Extcrior L,iEIrc,ing Other LAI.IDSCAPING: required for submi t tsal approval can be given: IIYPE OF IIAIERTA! to Ehe Design cor.,oR ) Desigmer: Phone 3 B.Nane of . ZONE CIIEEX FORFanily Residence, Duplex, ZONE DISTRICTS Primary/Secondary 1DATE: 'f IJEGAI. ADDRESS 3 OWNER subdivi sion PHONE BUILDASLE Exis tincr LOT ARTA ProDosed TotalAl lowed (30) (33) 61Ao + 42s =3)2:l__e1?2 37+l * a25 =-+lcr3- 20' 15' 15 | / na6a 343 vzt3 3,/6, Pod?.1 permicted Slope Lighting Ordinance (30) (s0) (s0r) _Enc1 slope NO t 1) 2l 3) vF e rrri Flood Plain Percent slope (< > 30t)_ ceologlc Eazardsa) Snow Avalanche_b) Rockfarr -- s) Debris Flow 4 ' lleE liurcts_ No-.r'-- '-- Does Lhis request invotve a 250 Adaition? *l Ilord nuch of rhe allowed,2S0 Addit,io4 is . usea-ti r.h-Tf,isPr.evious conditions of approval (chdck, properry fifai, ARcHrrEcr frld4JtrEh G!-w4) p:floNle 4fl-42 / ZONE DISTRICT PRoPosED vs' ate LOT SIZE Heigh! rOIAl GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Se Lbacks sides Rear Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining watl Height,s Parking Garage Credi t, Drive: complies with T.o.v. waLer Coulse Secback l.c4 rqt-; r>aaZ r! (300) (600) (900) (1200)_ -:l_ proposed Yes Do Finish crades Exceed 2:1 EnvironmenLal/Hazards : ; -.;i . View Corridor Elcroacbment ! yes \-) -l List of adjacent property owners for the Wollard Residence Lot34, AResubdivision of Lot27, Block 2, Vail Village l3th Filing, Vail, Colorado. l. Lot 34, Block 2 - Parcel B Rocky S. & Barbra K. Christopher 2550 W. Bald Mtn. Rd. VailCo. 81657 2. Lot 15, Block 2 - Carol Lee Hollis 953 S. Frontage Rd. West, Suite 302 Vail. Cd. 81657 3. Lot 14, Block 2 - Parcel 2 GB Caster & Mary Caster 2154 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Co. 81657 Parcel 3 Patricia M. Nixon 2565 Bald Mtn. Rd. Vail, Co. 81657 4. Lot 33, Block 2 - Side A S.V. II 999 lSth Street, Suite 1430 Denver, Co. 80202 Side B Bruce Elna Kasson 2570 Bald Mtn. Rd. Vail. Co. 81657 -.t THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE ls l-IEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environm€ntal commission of the Town of Vail will hotd a pLrblic hearing in accordance't7irn section 18.66.060 of the Municipal code of the Town of Vait on Arg"utili,iggi, liz,OO p.U. in the Town ol Vail Municipal Building' In consideration ol: A request tor a variance f rom section 18.13.060 (setbackS),.tO.allow lor a new residence to encroach into the front setback, located at 226 Fdrest Road/Lot 11, Block 7' Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: John Krediet Planner: Lauren Waterton A reqUest for 250 square feet of Additional GRFA, to allow for the interior conversion of an exisring .ra*t spaiJinto " ho*" ottice, tocaied ai S38 nockfedgeilot 1, Block 1'Vail Village 3rd Filing. Applicanl: Bill and Eleanor Stolzer Pianner: Tammie Williamson A request lor a variance lrom Section 18.24.130, to allow for 5 dwellino units and a variance {rom Section 18.G9.040, to allow for a portion oiif'e OrifOing to be.canillevered over part.of.the 100-yr. ttooo ptainl tocii"J ii zCr rasi Oore Creek Drive/Liit R, etocX 5'8, Vail Villaqe First Filing. Applicarrt: PePi Gramshatnmt:r Planner: George Ruther A request for 250 square feet of Additional GRFA, to allow lor a garaoe addition with an exoanded bedroom, bath and deck, localed at 2550 Bald Mountain R-oad/ Lot 34, Block 2, Vail r Village 13th Filing. da $(Applicant: Ron and Marilyn Wollard represented by Steve Riden /lPlanner: Dirk Mason A request lor 250 square feet ol Additional GRFA, to allow lor a bedroom and bathroom addition,located at i944A Sunburst Drive/Lot 2lA, Vail Valley Filing No. 3. Applicant: Alvin and Mary Ann Rapp, represented by Mark Donaldson and Associates Planner: Dirk Mason The applications and in{ormation about the proposals are. availabJe f or public inspection during ,.egrtdi'-ofiiie hours in the project planner'i'office located at the Town ol Vail Community D&elopment Departmenl, 75 South Frontage Road' Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notif ication' TDD lor rnformation. Community Development Departmenl Published July 25, 1997 in the Vail Trail. Please call 479-2114 voice or479-2356 oo l. WOLLARDADDITION,(DENIED) -75<o Ba\d tv\vn Qd- 2. Plesae provide a topographic survey. 3. Please show grading with proposed contours. fx)eod) 1l ft 141 7 ,et rr.'.Zd 1l A lql . cdrucned ? | 2+\ qi T6n L.?aeu- . Reviewed by: Larry Pardee @J 7 @-J C/.tttr Z /,3-3o ;ffT: ::: /.o?t CQTz-/e,x9 ?zf 7, 4?J 1 //a {*?(4eaca 7qY tt5 L __ rowN oFv^rl ------l I)t:tArll iI t,:\-f OF COll It ui\-l'n' DI!\TI-Opl\f Er-r r',rrr r: STEVJiU- Rt-D@_ CIIECIiS !l(ADt: tA\'AnLf,. TO TO\I'|i* of vAll. AccourT .i\ ^I r_udH LlF Udflf [:-"'-' -' l'li =qcel I aneo'Jq t-.=gh ''' Tr'x- ':-- cosTEA- - I'('IAL 4l | 0000 42 i:1J'* r :;-'r,i i:t'r.j: i:;; 1 -r: =di-Oi;ffi !rq,'i:err, | {* :'::ll'4i:rL:: -0TT000'72 H,::'::-':'r-ir-i1. 1+ r...:i,r :ii r:":ir;r':ir ,1;1g,r..tF.l,{ i;:l i,ri:.1..1..1.: Ft i_..j i !:r.[1 ' lrllrr,r l -l .t i rf..]iir r:i[,r:p -0 fT000lZ ilr,!, 'r-rri t. t.riif!-.:d,:r *,:j .: tltrir,un t paid L rjllr., !:1ti :.:fifi" riir:1 lTTirTOll I r.enr p.:i dI oo00 4 -0TOO1r0?T-frif-XtO-fli tJ;!.i1i:1tr.1t:1'jij.:i.:,iii:r1!] -0 nt000-4 i ii 1 tilt:1rj1}ji4 l ,:i;ii:rtilllitJ () .4 | -..r.1 , ,-,J'.,ii ir+,.r+.1.r,lr1+il . ,,,*-f :rir BeSt :s I l(iAl-lON l:l: ll copy Available:\\'SI'A I'l: I( I) lS I'l: NSI;.lTX^ [LTj-Gt?:5 'iTx^lti;itAt.1:ii i INVI:Sl'l(ln -ll-Iiiid0 a5T *0t00002tII2 \r/\l'iL Il I r N(; c'dDiliir_N rlMtT.t Ts -^-.I 0()00 4ll-l -71^Jr(!L. Dt: /' ' Y ZONE CHECK ourc, ?-?5.?? Lcgal dcscription:Lot 3{ Block 2 Filing l/ai Address Owncr Arch itcct Zonc di Lot sizc Total GRFA' Primary GRFA Phonc Proposcd usc Buildable Existine Proooscd 4 + L/3b/ = t-'3r { y'o,r I 1o to * 85o Allorved 6(60 3ooi +(25)(675*)=3115c) * 675=475 (3dil /001 5se,-rd't ? *cconaary Gnru 3 oo f+ (25) (675+) =/a, 46o * ?"? = 3,R qq Docs this rcqucst involve a 250 Addition? How much of the allowcd 250 Addition is \ Sitc Covcragc (Zof\ 250 addition request? 3 4E4+/80 3(?-/ { qoC oK-oL/ u.;.ht\-_:::ts"' t-..ci lorroc Sctbacks Landscaping Rctaining Wall Hcights Front Sidcs Rcar 2 ud t-!!)-u-ta /A{ t5' r5' e%n_ 3'/6' Rcquircd .f EnclosedParking Garage Crcdit Drivcrvay o 6Ao1q 6 Complics with TOV Liglrting Ordinancc .' Arc finishcd grades lcss than 2:1 (50%) A_r-o.d .1qpq<. En vironmcntal&Iazards 4{( 5e#@^b Prwious conditions ofapproval (chcck propcrfy filc); (300) (600) (e0u(It00r\ Pcmrincd Slooe o/o Proposcd Slope -% Ycs- No- Yes o? No l) Percent Slope (< >30%)z_ 2) Floodplain a) c) 3) Wctlands lO C) 4,) Watcr Course Setback (30) (50)/J4 ,q) Gcologic Fiazards a) Snorv Avalanchc 4.rO b) Rockfall a)o Rcmainine / tlt Is thc propcrty non-conforning? Describe: c) Dcbris Flow ItO o2 ==t uJ(L rn \t .it F- U' UJ UJL! tr =ul -Z0lL.rt c.) I I o d +J U) (d 9J o I YI( rlro clltrEt!lo>J o Fl'Z "11691 F o E F GFIz ozz ;; tuF z z ! c0 .5 =za) lI-J uJ att ='r 6, t! oFo t z o o tuz\ o.:\ ,. [{ro=\ He:UJFIt>gZr'a\ \ \ * 8N EI\ Fl\\i:t 9 ?tt Izl<lrI]l Ffl tu o) 4 x ac]r F o) oo(,) .g oE lt .u oEoo ctl ! o E o =f do o CLoo '.9 (D c '6 o .ti Or o "a': .o o o gl '= N -o 'F o o o) = o () (6 o l () att .9 =3 .cI o E (u all- 3(lt oti (! '=O(,)*iog8E 5.s E =R 9 E:F OYE'i3. €s i =*id'S =cg6 3E; 3Ea =:E easx! f.:- (6 o-(o o- sEso- o- =€:E6:EE Eo6= EHE veC(! 0'- f *-c B*: E iE =6>o (!=c-=J;E He 8B;99E qr .e5g -o.o t. r! oI ,s.c- -r c\ L E 'uJ z - EI :< UJ z -F UJ z6: E z ut = tr,t u,/ z t- =IIJ !u z F f z UJ x |- u,l <t)j .-l a0 FlFI.r{ B a.n UJ L,rJu- b =t IJJc J FoF (Jz ) f co J F UJJ UJ z dl = o . IIJ: NOllvn-tVA ls l'rl t.J l€oloa) lF Nl - lo x l'{ oo B,oZu-o O"6zu o f,l of'r *ol <! tr'rzc[rb] -I z tr^ <nO =><)zt!< v= o-Yax o H z tr a r.i : F- t!E J z E o 4{|<.z tr uJ - !Uz LzlzI o () (-l I Lzlo = 3o J u,(! .: z =I llJI f J (r llJz ()rF F z F Jloz I =l<l:l 8l o o o3 ili-l zl zl .. >l UJ au UJzat uJ(L) zI =o N z tr @ I (o uJFo d)o?zo Fo- UJV ulo oFqn :- o\! .-r trlr.J :o-RrLlO rrl- old€lo6loel l.tsl t G UJ(L LL UJ z l at)a F ao- JF l;=i(rdur>a!Ol!9o5uJ ^a!x> uJ J l! tu d)o (D o (l) ott : o(, E =E lrJo-zo F(JfE 6zoo Hurbkzo .r'{ I F.l z /n =zr(D02z o-t! ) z; NF = lLl @t! E]T .r'{ l+J dE(JE <: rn q,, l! r{ P 1-l(! z =t! I I 1 I Y.) I \t $ I I F .J I I I Ilolo l6) IY lotql I t'rtqt:loIB It..I LIJl=l<lz t- F E q uJ =z tlt uJlgooI = E FI E =tr u, oo I = I Il{+<!DlC-fQNrl* Cci'qz i+(,.Fl uJ15il:Jt6tzg3g9 tl-l F C\r\ N I F-\T ui J luF l.t rJ oFI F] tr{ rl tr IN N oz o llJ E. l! z3oF -d F. F. I.io u ltF t,, I ,J*sl.dl r'-q('l lt ilz$ectEE -.rlslt!lolz =l 3E9a!F lal.ir I UJ uJF tr z uJ ac J ll- z =oF =Etr .iz uJ J l! z =F UJJ UJF I- e.l UJz = F. uJ IO& E <F r!<zEr!Ft.l z <o()F-()F5 ;F-,2a8 (Jo ZF =<ZEfFd6o i5YF 13 g6 Ei;+i Fo2 \o 2-'<(Ja9.U.1 H 8tstr \ CHnrsroPHER DeNroN Knlron E Knxpnll REAL + ESTATE September7,1993 ShellyMello, Plannertr Offce of Comrmrnity Dwelopm€nt TownofVail 75 SouthFrontageRoad Vail, Colorado 81657 Shelly, I have rerdew€d the plans dated August 8, 1993 which were zubmitted for Desigrr Review Board approval. I approve ofthe addition provided the area ofencroachment is redefined in a new rezubdivision plat for use by both ownem ofParcel B and Parcel C. Sincerely, Barbara K. Christopher c: Ron and Marilp Wollard Allen Butler 288 Bridge Street Vail, Colorado 81657 703-476-7990 Ft\x 307-476-7994 ) ' R[uD 'tr '' i'zI V '' i,/14, TowN o'. vArrJ coNsrRucrroN - prnurr #_ \ t ,PERMTT APPTTCATION FORM oern: 7-7 - r3 ^ APPLTCATTON MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT I.!,AY NOT BE ACCEPTED I****************************** PEIWIT INFORITATION *****************************n [V-Buiraing [ ]-Plumbtng [ ]-E1ectrlcal [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-other Job Name: t t ,4*r, Job Address. ?ffO /"/"/ ,lf///. X/,/. Legal Description;rct1g{ eLocx-L Filins Owners Name: li gtl l-")./rrt 4/o/ld Address: Architect:Address:Ph. General Description: Work Class: [ ]-New ffi-teration I l-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accomrnodation Units: I . Upmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ Gas Logs_ Wood,/Pellet_v fi********************************* VALUATTONS ********************************* durr,otllc:' $ .;.;-f,too, rlucrRrcal: $ g;e oTHER: S Address: Electrical Contractor:"F//= f*. Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: rorAl:rW- *************************** Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: 1)e zjq- Tohrn of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: fl(/ lq Town of VaiI Req. No. Phone NunUer; 972 ,W Town of ,r.ra **. *l Phone Number: ******************************** FOR oFFrcE usE *********************_********** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: 3??_'BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLIIMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEEs RECREATION FEE: ./E- CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: VALUATION BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNA /trCLEAN I'P DEPOSIT REFI'ND Cr e,,T 2,',,;1< (c,.trT 2<-,<t') y /a,'/ Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: WOLU.RD REMODEL DATE: 9-15-93 ADDRESS: 2550 BALD MTN. RD CONTRACTOR: GREAT DMDE VAIL, COLORADO ARCI{ITECT: DONALDSON OCCUPANCY: R-3 ENGINEER: MONROE TYPEOFCONSTRUCTION: V PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS RDQI.JIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete tisting of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinancc of the Town of Vail. 1. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUTRED rN ALL BEDROOMS AS PER SEC.I210 OF Tr{E 1991 UBC. 2..EGRESS WTNDOWS REQUTRED FROM ALL BEDROOMS REQIJIRED AS PER sEc.1204 0F THE 1991 UBC. 3. FrELD INSPECTIONS REQTTIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 4. GUARDRAILS TO MEET SEC I7I2 OF T}IE 1991 UBC FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 5. HANDRAILS TO MEET SEC 3306 OF TIIE 1991 UBC FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 6. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER MAY BE REQUIRED TO APPROVE TTIE REMODEL,IF TIIERE ANY STRUCTUAL CHANGES AND OR PROBLEMS. 6 Monroe er Cweu A Englncc$lnc' il Y hi,ul;tr.rjlrrj ,a Vbte SHEET llo. cn currreo av----{-- D^re o A,a..q'a CHECKEO BY turl!+r6.llttGrCr{@ob.enellOtr blbl0lmrftlls22tlfl WOLLARD RESIDENCE M&N #2143 SEPTEMBER 16. 1993 1. LrvE LOApS uSEp INDESIGN: ROOF TYPICAL FLOOR WIND 1. BASIC WIND SPEED 2. EXPOSURE EARTHQUAKE GENERAL NOTES A. B. c. T7 PSF 40 PSF 80 MPH B ZONE 1D. B. c. NON-STRUCTURAL ELEMENIS: ELEMENTS SUCH AS NON-BEARING PARTITIONS, ETC. ATTACHED TO AND/OR SUPPORTED BY THE STRUCTURE SHALL TAKE INTO ACCOUNT DEFLECTIONS AND OTHER STRUCTURAL MOVEMENTS. @,IINDAIIQNS: F. THE ALLOWABLE SOIL BEARING PRESSURE ASSUMED IN DESIGN IS 2OOO. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RETAIN A LICENSED SOILS ENGINEER TO INSPECT THE FOUNDATION EXCAVATION. SOILS ENGINEER SHALLVERIFY IN WRITING THE ACTUAL SOILS CAPACITY IS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN ASSUMED. ALL FOOTING BEARING ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE ASSUMED. EXACT BEARING ELEVATIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD WITH ACTUAL CONDITIONS BY CONTRACTOR WITH APPROVAL OF SOILS ENGINEER AND ALL BOTTOM OF FOOTINGS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF,l8'BELOW EXTERIOR GRADE. ALL FOOTINGS ARE TO BE PLACED ON FIRM, UNDISTURBED, NATURAL SOIL OR PROPERLY COMPACTED BACKFILL, APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. BACKFTLL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO9s% (MTNTMUM) STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY UNLESS OTHERWISE RECOMMENDED IN THE SOILS REPORT. IF SOFT SPOTS ARE ENCOUNTERED REMOVE SOIL AND RECOMPACT WITH APPROVED FILL. (RE: SOIL REPORT FOR DESCRIPTION OF BEARING SOIL.) DO NOT PLACE BACKFILL AGAINST BASEMENT WALLS UNTIL FIRST FLOOR IS IN PLACE. CENTER ALL FOOTINGS UNDER WALLS. COLUMNS OR GRID LINES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE, AT HIS EXPENSE, FIELD DENSITY TESTS ON COMPACTED FILL UNDER FOOTINGS AND INTERIOR SLABS-ON-GRADE. A MINIMUM OF 2 REPRESENTATIVE TESTS SHALL BE TAKEN FOR EACH FOOTING AND SLAB-ON-GRADE. NOTIFY SOILS ENGINEER WHEN EXCAVATION IS COMPLETED SO THAT CONDI- TIONS MAY BE INSPECTED PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ANY FILL OR CONCRETE. D. E. G. 4.C9IICBEIE: A. ALL CAST-IN-PLACE CONCBETE SHALL BE MADE WITH TYPE 1 PORTLAND CEMENT, STONE AGGREGATE AND SHALL DEVELOP 3OOO PSI COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH IN 28 DAYS. IF CONCRETE SUPPLIER PROPOSES USE OF FLYASH HE SHALL PROVIDE OWNER WITH LETTER INDICATING COST REDUCTION AT TIME OF BID. B. ALL CONCRETE WORK AND REINFORCEMENT DETAILING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACI BUILDING CODE 318-83. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ALL EXPOSED EDGES OF CONCRETE WORK SHALL HAVE 1/2 INCH CHAMFER. USE STANDARD HOOKS ON DOWELS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. BEINEQBCEMEM: A. ALL REINFORCING SHALL BE HIGH.STRENGTH DEFORMED BARS CONFORMING TO ASTM GRADE40. B. REINFORCEMENT PROTECTION: 1. CONCRETEPOUREDAGAINSTEARTH 3" 2. CONCBETE POURED IN FOBMS (EXPOSED TO WEATHER OR EARTH) 2" 3. SLABS AND WALLS (NOT EXPOSED TO WEATHER) 3t4', C. NO SPLICES OF REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE MADE EXCEPT AS DETAILED OR AUTHORIZED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. LAP SPLICES, WHERE PERMITTED, SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 36 BAR DIAMETERS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. MAKE ALL BARS CONTINUOUS AROUND CORNERS. D. PLACE TWO #s (PER 8',THTCKNESS) W|TH 2'-0 PROJECTTON AROUND ALL OPENINGS IN CONCRETE WALLS, SLABS, AND BEAMS. ALSO PROVIDE TWO #5 X 4'-O DIAGONALLY AT EACH CORNER. E. CONTINUOUS TOP AND BOTTOM BARS IN WALLS AND BEAMS SHALL BE SPLICED AS FOLLOWS: TOP BARS AT MIDSPAN, BOTTOM BARS OVER SUPPORTS. F. PROVIDE ALL ACCESSORIES NECESSARY TO SUPPORT REINFORCING AT POSI- TIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. ALL REINFORCEMENT TO BE HELD SECURELY IN PROPER POSITION IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACI318-77. MASONRY: A. WALLS SHALL BE REINFORCED HORIZONTALLY AT 16" ON CENTER WITH LADDER OR TR USS-TYPE REINFORCEMENT M EETING ASTM A82 MASON RY WALL REINFORCEMENT. B. EXTERIOR WALLS SHALL ALSO BE REINFORCED WITH #5 VERTICALLY AT WALL ENDS, CORNERS, EACH SIDE OF DOOR OR WINDOW OPENINGS AND AT NOT OVER 2 FEET ON CENTER (TYPTCALLY). RETNFORCEMENT SHALL BE FULLY GROUTED IN PLACE. GROUT SHALL DEVELOP 3OOO PSI IN 28 DAYS AND MEET ASTM C476. C. FILL ALL VOIDS AND BLOCK CELLS SOLIDLY WITH ASTM C476 GROUT FOR A DISTANCE OF 24" BENEATH AND 16" EACH SIDE OF ALL BEAM REACTIONS OR OTHER CONCENTRATED LOADS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. D. CONCRETE BLOCK UNITS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM CgO, GRADE N. BRICK SHALL FULFILL ASTM C62. MORTAR SHALL BE TYPE S OR W. ASTMCz7O. 6. 7. E. II{OQD: A. MAsoNRy 'HALL t,,r, oF coNcRErE BLocK *,r, oill"uM uLrMArE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH I'm OF 1500 PSl. ALL FRAMING AND TRUSS LUMBER SHALL BE DRY DOUGLAS FIR, LARCH, GRADED BY WESTERN WOOD PRODUCTS ASSOCIATION AND CONFORMING TO UNIFORM BUILDING CODE AS FOLLOWS: 2',TH|CK - 4" W|DE 2" THICK - 6" & WIDER 3'THICK-6"&WIDER STUD lb = 800 psi NO. 2 tb = 1250 psi NO. 1 lb = 1350 psi NOTED ALLOWABLE STRESSES ARE MINIMUMS AND FOR NONREPETITIVE USES PRIOR TO ALLOWABLE STRESS INCREASES. PROVIDE 1 X 4 CROSS BRIDGING NOT OVER 8' ON CENTER FOR ALL WOOD JOISTS AND 2X SOLID BLOCKING BETWEEN JOISTS AT ALL SUPPORTS. FASTEN ALL WOOD MEMBERS WITH COMMON NAILS ACCORDING TO THE UBC SCHEDULE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. LAMINATED BEAMS 1. ALL LAMINATED MEMBERS SHALL BE FABRICATED OF DOUGLAS FIR LARCH AT 12 PERCENT MOISTURE CONTENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH WCLIB. ALL SIZES SHOWN ARE NET. 2. LAMINATED MEMBER SHALL BE DETAILED AND FABRICATED IN ACCORD- ANCE WITH THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE DESIGN AND FAB. RICATION OF STRUCTURAL GLUE LAMINATED TIMBER, LATEST EDITION AS PUBLISHED BY AITC. 3. PROVIDE UNITS CONFORMING TO AITC 117,22W8, D.F. FOR CONTINUOUS MEMBERS AND CANTILEVERS AND 24FV3 FOR SIMPLE SUPPORT MEMBERS. MEMBERS SHALL BE DESIGNED WITH ZERO CAMBER WITH TOP SURFACE CLEARLYSTAMPED ON EACH MEMBER. PLYWOOD DECK AND/OR WAFERBOARD 1. PANEL THICKNESS SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWING. APPLICATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECOMMENDATIONS OFTHE AMERICAN PLYWOOD ASSOCIATION. 2. EACH PANEL SHALL BE IDENTIFIED WITH THE GRADE-TRADEMARK OF THE AMERICAN PLYWOOD ASSOCIATION AND SHALL MEETTHE REQUIREMENTS OF U.S. PRODUCTS STANDARD PSI, LATEST EDITION FOR PLYWOOD. ALL PANELS WHICH HAVE ANY EDGE OR SURFACE PERMANENTLY EXPOSED TO THE WEATHER SHALL BE OF THE EXTERIOR TYPE. 3. FOR FLOORING USE 3/4'T&G STURD.I.FLOOR SHEATHING NAILED AT 4'O.C. ALONG PANEL EDGES AND AT 10" ALONG INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS. 4. FOR ROOF USE 5t8" (40t20 SPAN RATTNG) EXPOSURE I SHEATHING NAILED AT 4" O,C. ALONG PANEL EDGES AND AT 12" ALONG INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS. 5. EXTERIOR WALLS SHALL HAVE ONE LAYER OF 112" EXPOSURE ISHEATHING NAILED AT 6" O.C. ALONG PANEL EDGES. 6. DIAPHRAGM SHEATHING SHALL BE THE THICKNESS SHOWN ON PLANS WITH THE FACE GRAIN PERPENDICULAR TO SUPPORTS WITH END JOINTS STAGGERED. 7. INSTALL SUITABLE EDGE SUPPORT BY USE OF PLYCLIPS, TONGUE AND GROOVE PANELS OR SOLID WOOD BLOCKING BETWEEN SUPPORTS. B. c. D. -E. PREFABRICA,,'TOo MEMBERS SHALL BE THE TYPE NFED ON THE DRAWINGS AND SHALL BE'TRUS-JOIST'AS MANUFACTURED BY TRUS-JOIST COMPANY. ALTERNATES SHALL BE REVIEWED BY THE ENGINEER. WEB BL@KING AND BRIDGING TO BE AS REQUIRED BY THE JOIST MANUFACTURER. F. PROVIDE BRIDGING PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS, WOOD TRUSSES SHALL BE DESIGNED TO FULFILL STRESS REQUIREMENTS AND/OR LOADS NOTED ON DRAWINGS. SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL INCLUDE CALCULATIONS AND BEAR THE STAMP OF A REGISTERED ENGINEER. 8. GENEML: A. ENGINEER'S ACCEPTANCE MUST BE SECURED FOR ALL STRUCTURAL SUBSTITUTIONS. B. VERIFY ALL OPENINGS THROUGH FLOORS, ROOF AND WALLS WITH MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. VERIFICATION OF LOCATIONS, SIZES, LINTELS, AND REQUIRED CONNECTIONS ARE CONTRACTOR'S COM PLETE RESPONSIBILITY. C. PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT OR OTHER ITEMS TO BE ATTACHED TO THE STRUCTURE, ENGINEER'S APPROVAL OF CONNECTIONS AND SUPPORTS SHALL BE OBTAINED. UNLESS SPECIFICALLY DETAILED ON ARCHITECTURAL AND STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS, RESPECTIVE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH ALL HANGERS, CONNECTIONS, ETC., REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION OF HIS ITEMS. D. PROVIDE ALL EMBEDDED ITEMS IN STRUCTURE AS NOTED ON ARCHITECTURAL, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, AND STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS. MISCELLANEOUS EMBEDDED ITEMS AND ANCHOR BOLTS SHALL BE FURNISHED BY STEEL SUPPLIER AND INSTALLED BY CONCRETE CONTRACTOR. STEEL SHALL FULFILL ASTM A36. E. PROVIDE ASPHALTIC MASTIC-COATING ON ALL STEEL AND WOOD EXPOSED TO THE EARTH. Project Application Project Name: Projecl Description: Cdttact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description; Lot Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL 08/21/gg 16:12 8$03 9604845 o tr V SURVEYING qA oo1 FAX TRANSMITT.AL DATE: NT'UBER OF PAGES TO FOLI{II{: TO: FROM: REGARDING: "/,v /rz SIIEET 4s o84 dLso al, qlbo ':+l ? +ffi b"2* o$<,- bbg -,a' t .('r>lbQ'/ UleltLt"--l Note:receive tbe inuediate]-y SHCt*t ptr\w4 Jil *aoa, /itEtr ?€ ,,-c c?.rt1a.f L.c { t*ry tS Laf gD Ac.U4 If any of these fax copies are i11e9ib1e, or you do uots:me Dunber of page6 stated abowe, please contact usat 303/949-1405. oRce 41199 Flwy. 6 &24 Eagle-Vail, CO 81620 uarune P"O. Box 1230 Ed'vards, CO 81632 ffoNE: $3€4$1i06Felc $984$9504 06 / 2l t9t I t: I t o:ior E{5 9501 (4'RO.R|) t4 v sl tvtiY | '\G tflLE t'.iE f oAtt oF 1Uf,EY | 9/8.'mtFo/jt€o: t,t&/93 rlr nartsrr-a. B q0oo2 UI.D hALNTAN Ec.aaa'nto.&,9' IFT-,l lt* l ilffioe&Etn G'r, t* DEIAX- 94 r.A' | \r 9E CE&rct$trlt!r! $ LtI-- !!r!rraxrr rlr0 trrrd.r- i'r. TI Eta.3 !s ss ut $* r -q - --r",*.s Li trJ;: b. !-flr..r a- -.Fri.' ' -5E q I i ;; ; u k; ;i--i-siru i jj; !a - - d. r -a &r.u.r ra r6rb ri li. d 4-- ..rl! s. .BrE tr!|lf -. r.d.?td F rd! t&** -A a.r!-L b - :[!,llt aa -+-!-!. -.ry.dq.6dk-!aa- qEr { JlJ .Eral&&_ Jc, trc ,.t ZONE CHECK t,, *, * ,r, -;* orrr*r.r, RECsou0 12'lg!;I -li IDATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOI 4+ BIOCK 7 TiTiNg t3 ADDRESS: OWNER PHONE PHONE q41-5ZaARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE L - FAt'ttLY ft 9 r ?{r-lfi.at- Allowed Heisht (30) (ii) Total GI^U,JA Z5'ft1^ n.,IYx '' ti1 r, L q2t; ,W **LOT SrZE l.04 Ac8€3 = 95a,e2-.'l l+z Brimeff-GRFA NA + 425. =-bM SeFonr*ary GRFA NA +425= Proposed w_l=5- fr1w A-rLb NANr/ Nj A Existinqw zrnb 24m NA tobh ulL @lM Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage ?o"/. Landscaping Retaining wall Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: 20t 15t 15' (30) (s0) 1oao,5 3' /61 Reqrd (300) (600) (900)(1200) NA 7", zE fi NA NA NA TotaI Permitted Slope --.jUL Actual Slope NA View Corridor Encroachment: Envi ronment aL,/Haz ards : Date approved by Town Engineer: -NA--Yes No ??? NA 1) Flood Plain 2) Percent Slope 3) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche AIA b) Rockfallc) Debris FLow4) Wetlands___-dA Prevloug conditions of approval (check property file):NA Does thls request involve a 250 Addition? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request? **Note: Under Sections L8.12.090(B) and 18.L3.080(B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Family and Prinary/Secondary which are less than 151000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. The Community Developnent Department may grant an exception to thisrestriction provided the applicant meets the criUeria set forth under Sections L8.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code including permanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for full- time enployees of the Upper Eagle Valley. 1n P.LEASE MAKE CHECKS TOWN OF VAIL D EPA RT;\{ E}iT OF CO JVl ;VII.JNITY D EVEL O P}IEN T . s,\LES AC]lON FORI{ 75 sp{TH FRoNTAGE ROADLt sor,oRrool) 81657 -r(thrl.{ oF |.F| r L l.liscel lencdrs Csh 1l: Ffi:49 Eeceipt * l?pi5:Rccounr.* CH#lp6? UICTT'R HRRI| trOHFL0SCrl,{ ttRCH.\pEE p[, DEE F EE Rnrount tendersd ) IF-l. get Item paid Fhount paid 8186AA41331808 SIGN APPLICATION FEE.01 0000411r3 0t 0000 4l { l3 ADD]TION^I-; SIGNACE Fi,E ISI,OO ;'::R SO.IT, VTC ART FROJECT DONAT]ON PRE PAJD DFJIGN REVINV BOARD FEE OI OOOO42412 I BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COMPUTER DI 0000 41010 TAX 0l 0000 42371 TNVESTTGATToN FEE (BUILDTNG) l 0000 {1310 tcot,Dt'noNA|- usE pER\ 0t 0co0.it330 ALTERAT'ION ILE5S THAI IOO RIOR ALTERAT]ON II,ORETH 0t 0000 .r t 330 AL DEVELOP.\ SPECIAL DEVELOP}IENTr'I:!JO ISPECLAL DEVELOPI'TNT DIS lr.r.'r.rOR A:\'l E\D { t3j0 lsLEDtv'tslo: .r I i30 ; vA RIn.NcE CODE A"V E\ ,c * * 'tc * * * * # oo ,O revised 9l4l9L catroN - TonN o8 \IAIL, coIoRADO REC'D AUG 9 DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OT DRB MEETTNG: t********* EEIS APPLICATION WILL NOI BE ACCEPIED tn{trrr tr.t REQUr**o**t*To*T:LJroN rs sttBurrrED I.PROTIECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: o NPPLT ,|995 B. TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200.00)TA Addition ($50.00) Minor Alteration (S20.00) Conceptual Revj,, ,.r ($0) c. ADDREsst 1bb h\bpr,f,uWlfitl fuAp,Vhll ^D. LEGAL DESCRIPTIoN: LoL &El- Block Subdivision If property is described bydescription, please provide attach to this application. ZONING: PUN-AX LOT AREA: If required, applicant stamped survey showing lot area. NAME OF APPLICANT:Mailing Address: a tneets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and 'rUNq E. t. G. H. I. a current NAME OFMailing APPLICANT' S Address: REPRESENTATIVE: NAI'{E OF OhINERS: *SIGNATIIRE (S) :Mailing Address: K. tht n+> FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00- $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 J. Condomintum Approvat if applicabre. clt77 d'77'o+t3 DRB FEE| DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlne of submittal of DRB application. Later, whenapplylng for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of VaiIwill adjust the fee according to the table below, !oensure the correct fee is paid. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATIONI 0 - $ 1o,ooo $ 10,001 - $ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $1501001 - $ 500,000 $500r 001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000r 000 * DESIGN REf,'IE9T BOARD APPROVAL EXFIRES ONE YEAR IFTER FINAIJ APPRO\TAI. T'NI.ESS A BUII,DING PERMIT IS ISSSED AIID CONSTRUCTION IS STAREED. **NO APPLICATION IIILL BE PROCESSED WITEOUT OWITER'S SIGITATURE 1 II. PRE-APPLICATI MEETING: In addition to neeting submittal requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the pioject siti toindicate property lines, building ffnes and buildingcorners. AII trees to be removed must be taped. Al1site taplngs.and staking must be completed piio. to theDRB site visit. The applicant must ensure Lhat stakingdone during the winter is not burled by snow. The revie$r process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Revl.ew S6ard: aconceptual approval and a final approval . Applicantsshould plan _on presenting their dLvelopment iioposal ata ml.nimum of two meetings before obtaiiring finaiapproval . Applicants who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have not,asked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their iterns removed fron the DRBdocket until such time as the item has beenrepublished. The following items may, at the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the CornnunityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. I formal heariirgbefore the DRB may not be reguired): a. w11d9wsr skylights and similar exterior changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. BuiJ.ding addition.proposals not vislble from anyother lot or public space. At the time such aproposal is submitted, applicants must includeLetters from adjacent property owners and/or fromthe agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the associationapproves of the addition. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e.anow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc) r a hazard study must be submitted and theowner must sign an affidavit recognizJ.ng the hazardreport prlor. to the issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a-T-own plannerplig-r to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property to aII mapped hazards. For all resldential construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior structural walls of thebuilding,' andb. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walJ.s or supporting columns, If DRB approves the apptication with conditions ormodifications, all conditions of approval nust beresolved prior to Town issuance of a buiLding perrnit. A pre-?pplication.meeting with a rnember of the planningstaff is. strongly encouraged to determine if any additionalapplication information is needed. It is the aiplicantrsresponsibillty to make an appointment wlth the ilaff todetermine if there are additional submittar reguiiements.Please note that a coMpLETe apprication wilL st'reamrine theapproval process for your project. tl I: III. A. B. c. D. E. F. G. NAI.{E OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT- STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PRO.]ECT: LIST OF I{ATERIALS SUBDIVISION A. The following information is Review Board before a final BUILDING TIIATERIAI,S : Roof Siding Other wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows llindow Trim Doors Door Trirn Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: NAme Of PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES for submittal to the Design can be given: I{ATERIAL COTOR required approval rvds or W@t" B. Common Name Ouantitv Size* EXISTING TREES TO @N a A',a'"Wmil *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous one: trees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. PLANT MATERITI: PROPOSED SHRUBS Botanical Name //A ouantitv 'Sizet. .- EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size5 qallon.of proposed shrubs. Tvpe /V0Ne Minl-mun size of shrubs is Square Footaqe GROUND CO\IERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the nurnber of fixtures and locations on a separatelighting plan. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the wattage, height abovegrade and tlpe of light proposed. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATITRES (retaining walls, fences, swinningpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwalls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the propert,yis 6 feet. D. o II Ig d^t {$ t$ \t I \l 3 \l 8 & CIIECK RESUEST -/z PREPARED BY: fua.u (/a,fi.t^ DArE: 4/z/22 VENDoRNUMBER: dA-< eZ{ ||.") NAME OF JOB: L/aZla--^t- g ACCOUNTNUMBER OIOOOO22OO2 AMOUNT OF REFUND, 4*SZ A) DArE APPRoVED, 2o ALI - ? 6 The ltens below need to glvlngapernltaflnal Please check off io the FINAL PLMAING l* rNsPEcrroN's .'MPLETED be couplete before Cof0. box provlded. DATE: I u FINAL UECHANICAJ, DATE: FINAL ELECTRICAL DATE! tl u tl u FINAI BUILDINC EAST SIDE!IfEST SIDE: DATE! TEMPORARY C OF O DATE:tl CERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PANCY DATEIlI,AIIDSCAPINC DI'E DATE: zWcs<Y a PE '-t OF PROJECT JOB INAME. INSPECTION:MQN:'WED THUR FRI INS i CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT DATE UMBER t&t I N I CALLER TUES AM (eMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: R FOOTTNGS / SrEEL PL n tr tr o o o tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. BOUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr o n tr HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS coNburl *SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL {epae'veo ORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE / /'' a INSPECTOR hffi$oP I,/\ CTION TowN oF i., SPE it REQUEST VAIL INSPECTION: CALLER JUES. L' r'l*ED C-rHUts_ON r=-!M t READY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBEB OF PRqJECT/1 i+'A i'", DATE ",' .,'il / -'JOB NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr o tr tr tr UMBING: s tr tr tr tr tr o FOUNDATION / STEEL Fll"- UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL FINAL o tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr o ROUGH o D tr EXHAUST HOODS I CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR D FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT r-. r- v INSPECTIONTOWN OF REOUE.qTVAIL '?. . JOB NAME CALLER (@FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: )51'ii TUES WEDIM tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr HOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ' ' (c'rtr NFOUNDATTON / STEE tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr SHEETROCK NAIL -l tr FINAL tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H, TUB tr tr tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS Itr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR il f , vail, Coloado Denver, Colorudo Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. September 30, 1,993 Mr. Thomas Webber The Great Divide Construction P0 Box 2574Vaif, CO 8l-558 Re: WoIIard Remodet (M&N #2L43') Gentlemen: We have receiwed the soils report for the Wollard Remodel at 2550 Bald Mountain Road, VaiI, CO. In the initial design, we assumed 2000 psf allowable bearing pressure. The soj-1s repolt (number 93665G by Intermountain Englneering Ltd.) shows the al1owable bearing to be 1000 psf. The isolated footings to support the deck are acceptable at this bearing pressure- The continuous foot.ing vtas poured at 18" wide and doweled into the existing continuous footing and the existing 2'-0 x 2'-0 isolated foot.ing. This area is sufficient to distribute the load at a bearing pressure of 1000 psf. If you have any questions or conments, please call. Very truly yours, Claire Jacobi fOO48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd. o Suite 3Ol r p. O. Box 1597 . Avon, Colorado 81620 c (3Or 949-7768 I FAX (303) 949-4054 ii.' i f;rrr*"t-Mountain At--srineerintgLtd- September 30, 1993 Mr. Thomas webber Great Divide Construction, Inc. Bot<. 257 4 vail, co 81658 RE: open Hole Soils Investigation f,ot ga, Resubdivision of Lot 27, B]-ock 2 vait Village Filing No. 13 (2550 Bald Mountain Road) iown of VaiI, Eagle county' Colorado Project No. 93665G Dear Webb: At your request on september 23rd and 24th, 1993 we visited the excavation site ior tie proposed addition it ZSSO Bold Mountain Road in the Town of vairr'na-gte county, colorado for an open hole inspection. The excavation consisted of several holes for footing pads and-two trenches for "otttiroous footings. The excavation was located at the south and east side of the -existing building' AIl of the holes for the footing pads were excavated shallow on the order of 2-3 teet, and they alf- iad large .boulders protruding il!" ttre nottour and sides of the holes. The loil matrix surrounding the boulders consisted of brown clayey SAND, to gravelly SAND' The soil exposed. in the f,ooting trenches adjacent to the southwest ""itt"r-ot ihe Uuifaing excav"fion consisted of sandy topsoil. Following the first site visit it was recommended that the boulders be removed fron the holes and the depth be increased as i nininun below the frost aeptrr (48 inches). - It was also recourmended to remove the topsoil frorn the trenches- During the second site visit it was observed that the recornnendations were inplemented, with the excepti-on of the topsoil at the southwest ""t""i, adjacenli to the existing house' That part of the trench was to be-bridged, based on reconmendations froro your structural engineer. SoiI samples were taken and tested in our laboratory for rnoisture content, swell-consolidation, maximum density and grain-size Box No. 978 . Avon, Colorado 81620' 949'5072 Denver 893-1531 1420 Vance Street . Lakewood, Colorado 80215 ' Phone: 232-0158 Mr. Thonas Webber Page Tsto Septenber 30, 1993 analysis. 1 and 2. summary of the test results are shown on figure numbers At your request, due to the excavation difficulties, there was no bel-ow footing elevation investigation performed' The proposed addition should be founded on conventional type spread tooiingi and pads, designed for a maximun allowable bearing pressure of 1000 psf The footing excavations should be relatively smooth, free of debris, orglnics, Ioose soil, frost, and standing-water' Any over- excavationi should be lactciitted and compacted to 10O percent within 2 percent of optirnum moisture as deterrnined by a standard Proctor Test (ASTM-698). After aLl of the final grading is completed, the botton of the footings should be covere-d with a minimum of 48 inches of backfill for frost protection. Voids left by the rernoval of cobbles in the bottour of the footing excavation siould be filted with lean concrete or a granular soil "itt i rnaxirnurn particle size of 3 inches compacted to 100 percent of standard Pr-octor density (ASTM D-698) within 2 percent of optinum moisture. All excavations made for the foundations must be properly backfilted with suitable naterial conpacted to a minimurn of 95 percent of the naximum standard Proctor density (AsTl't D-698). The-on-site soils exclusive of topsoil and organics are suitable for use as backfill. Due to the high content of cobbles an4 boulders' it wiII be necessary to screen 6ut the larger rgcks.prio_r to_using this material as bickfill. Before the backfill is placed, all- water and loose debris should be removed from these excavations. Prior to the construction of concrete floors, the undisturbed subgrade should be proof conpacted with a loaded rubber-tired Ioaier to a uniforrn high densi€y. Special care should be taken in areas where underground utilities have been installed' The floor slabs should be reinforced, and joints should be provided at the junctions of the slab and the foundation walls, so ttrat a small a-mount of independent movement can occur without causing damage. The slabs should be scored in accordance with the American conciete Instituters recommendations to control cracking' A granular ruat (-3l4 inch gravet, with less than 5 perc-ent pas:.r{tg llol 200 sieve)'should be provided below the floor slabs. This should be a minimum of four inches in thickness and cornpacted. The Mr. Thomas Webber Page Three september 30, 1993 purpose of this granular mat is to provide a capillary break between the subgrade and the slab. while no ground water was encountered at the tine the field investigation was conducted, it is possible that seasonal variations will cause fluctuations, or for a water table to be present in the uPPer soils during the spring months, or after a lrolonged period bi rain. a foundition perineter drain as detailed on figure Uo. f is recorn:nended to reduce the risk of surface water infiltrating the footing subsoils. The foundation should be well reinforced and rigid enough to withstand differential settlements. Foundation walls retaining earth should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid pressure-of 45 pcf for an ilactiven case assuming a level drained backfill condition. When moist soils are encountered in the excavation, the ground surface in crawl space areas should be covered with an. impervious noisture barrier s-ea1ed against the footinqs. This will help to reduce hunidity in the crawl space area. The backfill placed around the foundation walls nust not settle ifter conpletion of construction and the top one foot of the backfill rnaterial must be relatively impervious. The on-site soils, exclusive of topsoil and orgtanics, are suitable for use as backfill. Cobbles and boulders, should be screened out prior to using this naterial as backfill. Backfill should be moistened or dried to near its optirnurn moisture content and cornpacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum standard Proctor density. Structural backfill should be compacted to at least 95 percent bt tne maximum standard Proctor density. Surface water running toward the structure from upslope areas should be diverted around and away from the building by means of drainage swales or other similar measures. The final grade should have a positive slope away fron .thefoundation wllls on all sides. A minirnum of 12 inches in the first 1O feet is recommended. Downspouts and sill cocks should discharge into splash blocks that extend beyond the lirnits of the backfill. The use of long downspout extensions in place of splash blocks is advisable. Do not install sprinkler systems next to foundation wal}s, porches or patio slabs. If sprinkler systems are installed, the sprinkler heads should be placed so that the spray from the heads, under full Mr. Thomas webber Page Four September 3O, 1993 pressure, does not fall within five feet of foundati-o-n -walls,porches or patio slabs. Laltn irrigation must be controlled. If the future owners desire to plant next to foundation wallst porches or patio slabs, and arJ willing to assume the risk of-structural dfunage, etc,, then it is advisable to plant only flowers and shrubbery i"b fawril of varieties that require very little moisture. tlies6 flowers and shrubs should be hand watered only. The recommendations provided herein are based on experience in- the area and from the -on-site field exploration. The information obtained from the field exploration and laboratory testing reflects subsurface conditions onfy at the specific locations at the particular times designated. Subsurface conditions at other iocations and tirnes rnay differ from the conditions at these locations. If during construction conditions appear t9 P"different, this office should be advised so re-evaluation of the recommendations may be nade. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Great Divide Construttion, Inc., ior- the specific application to the proposed residence aadition to be located on Lot 34, Resubdivision of Lot 27, Block 2, VaiI Village Filing No. 3. Eagle County, Colorado' The findings and recommendations of this report have been prepared in accordince with tocally accepted professional engineering standards for sirnilar condiCions a€ this tirne. There is no other warranty, either expressed or implied. Sincerely, INTER.MOT'NTAIN ET,IGINEER.ING' LTD. 9,".Z-l-,at Luiza Petrovska, Project Engineer Reviewed by: -{,'ii-, ). .i.1/5 gf i'- sBlFl,," P.E".*9lll+ %;;fl#ff c)' F. ott- be J tl. t/7 I z.9 F ofoanzo -1 -2 -3 -4 9.1 seiupr-e or l.o LOAO IKSFI 10 roo . SAND N.qT. r,iolsTuRE CONTEN]' 10.5 % NAT. D R Y D Et! S ITY *-------1g9-1t--PCFsv,/ELL/PReSS. _SAMPLE FLOOOEO AT N q KSF I I I tio 11 tNc No D E PTII 5 --r.- EORING NO. DE PI'I{ >e JJ.uJ =.0 I z 9t-< e Joa/, .zo() ' l.o LoAo (KsFl lo r00 . SAMPLE OF. .NAT. rt'lo ISTU R E CONT ENT-% 7o SY,ELL/i'RESS. . - SAI'4PLE F.LOODED AT-KSF NAT. OR Y DEIISITY PCF SWELL - CONSOLIDAT]CJN TEST RESULTS @tu PRO.'tcr No ?roposed Resldence Addition Resubdivislon qf Lot 27, BlockVall Vlllage Flllng No. 13of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado Prepared for GreaE Divide Constructlon 34, F |GUN E NO dB de de rn 6t -$Ct F. [[tl o(a>! o) ti (ort(Jq!fr at) z (, !(J ' tr{61.}4,(g JosrDoC luaojad tdF rrJ o d,o trj - Irl 6 o (f 7-s v)j o LJ o td o t TJ .J' -{o iao an r{ e U) o 9'' o {q0toA\ {B rnutj lua3Jld .# () \oto or o' l-o .? o P, o 7- kl f,(, lr- F E, 'ro z. F) co F U)6 UJ Na Iz. aE0 a o.(n r.l I o-oZ >\ -.!! o0 E lr .lr r{ Oq{ C F.l () O.r{ I (J fq {, o) ...1 lr C,o b0du b0 6 4..{(!Fl q) >Fl *i .rl..r ^A A >.rt !66 ri q{ (,>o 3o o o E!<or-lo o ..{ oc| .t{cloE r'{ 'q r{OE@,o Q(rlo0,t& -J po >J I FOUNOATIONV/ALL -- Eq-LYEJHE LENE MOISTUR E JqAtts* GLUED ro FouNDAloN 5?tu88 E #RE.?[' 9€tf ''"IMPERVIOUS FILL. SLOPE AWAY FROM BUILOING. MTNUMUM oF 6"oF3/4 INCH. GRAVEL DETAIL.OF PERTPHERAL FOR FOOTING TYPE DRAIN SYSTEM FOUNDAT]ON l_'Ftgure . Proposed Resldence Addition Lol 34, Resubdlvlston of Lot Vai1 Vl-l1age Flllng No. 13 fown of Vail, Eagle County, ?repared for Great Divlde ConsBrucBlon Itrree_..-_- 27, BLock 2 Colorado GEOTEXTILE( MIRAFI I4ONEAUIVILANT ) .- $:J ii,-:&T"'f "fiP^r,i,',r,P I'F' ?u,,. PER FOOT TO SEWER LAfERAL'S-UEORAIN .,SUMP PUMP OR DAYLTGHTED. ,t'r 4 st rNs t PE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ttt EINSPECTION REQUIRED PERMIT NUMBER OF /DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON -L- ., 1 CALLER IUtrD URITHD '',..j WE i FRI -,i tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: P6rsnppnoveo .BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGHOUND O ROUGH i D,W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOOTINGS / STEEL D FOUNDATION / STEE- _ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR B FINAL O FINAL /'t )jlNSPEcroR L,.,.f'', -1t/ : -',-*-'- n?ftisgce DATE ," ,,2 , q.-h\-j_ -,-. J e-,-CTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAILPROJECT INSPECTION: ROF{)3 .,o, *o* CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: WED i/ THUR BPEBMTT lyM oerell , BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL EI tr tr tr tr tr n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr tr FOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: N HEATING F6oucs tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL FINAL APPROVED O DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL '. '')/JOB NAME i-.^t,,ll:DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION: MON Eb WED THUR )'-,:,,c t+-.11 /r// Pd PMAMFRI PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING )*cns PTPTNG INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL ! tr FINAL tr FINAL BUILDIN ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONOUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL (@aoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D BEINSPECTION REOUIRED Pliftsnop DATE tNSPE_C rf oN_rOWN OF .., ,rt,! ,.,/ , .,.' , .r'. .., l REQUE$T VAIL t READY FOR LOCATION: ,! nennoveo F ;z tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. B ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL D FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL CORBECTIONS: INSPECTOR nffisrop DATE ii \tr PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT t ]: JoB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR, FBI rNsPECrrO!|, REOUE$T .AM ' PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, EKROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING r-r FOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr ! tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS o cotfDulr O SUPPLY AIR N FINAL tr FINAL \PPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR I INSPECTIONTOWN OF REOUE$T JOB NAME !VEDREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUESi,,r THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION El POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT -\tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE iJ l- 7r INSPECTOR CALLER ' i,:, : 't "(.'. i. i - -1 , ' READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:rues <l@ rHUR (:;;i-) 1: tli --,lt:1, ,.1.7 I , f ,t/, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING D ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR v""t'>- :l PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: ,T,?'F'OF1l ' JOB NAME INSPECTIONT .fPx CALLER TUE,9,' ': WED,THUR AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL RAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETBOCK tr POOL / H. TUB ..{ FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL {neenoveo CORRECTIONS: -/ .,../tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED /d'DATE ./ ,.'/q) INSPECTOR oz E =Gulo- o o FI (n uJ UJtL F =EL!.L &'t919 *{)0frfr Oro\ c! C\| F]? Pf zH H E I (J r9 t^N |F-N 16 trlz I I' ,-) z c) F{F7P}< J<F trzr+< z J uJF o FIz = zz oul oz z Ildl€ oz2 rr.J UJo Fzo cculz3 6 $ H z E q) EE (! o == (D o =f Eq) (! =o o oloq) D !;tu o .9 .2 .=E 3 att ct) 'E R -o 'I o o) E o()() (u E o a, .9 = -o ! ql 6 'o o (! at, E (! oooc(s E o c 'F (U = ' Fd*1 so. a (It c .9 (g E o ; '= o. Eoo o ()r CD6 !:EE::q: E3 c.9,o-EXqs F'5Xo;o)cL'-oot(! -E =r,;>c9'- cL d.E o(! CCo:,Y .=- o6 ;(!'-.cor.Eg-6E6ooLC cr(5 6c<! -cL(!0 c9l4 !! U= '6ooc-t6GE>EI|opa 6E-c. o -o c! (t)\o oo o\ @6l 4 tr:Euj(l z J xo u,, z IEF tuJ uJ z = .()z I = UJ tl.l zo tr UJ UJ co BuJt UJ z 6llJo F TIJo .L z ul x F uJo at UJl!rI- ts =E UJ o- FoF z J o F ulJ z .o =J J C)z u,l5 H F NOTMtVA FFa 2 2 k u zH U) AF] YE 'z tr C) ul J utz uJ --(tEtuS =cool zz io_ axf,Egot-a z>-oara)z G<(oo-g8 FO ;^j =>E l=toIAtzlFr lFlOr ls t: lel&lo l8l(JlzIH lEl' lrrrtc)t<trl Io]tr4l.ra .t)B zHE B 2 tsHB z tr 5 t! cc rri o- UJG EI E o- UJe z E Ax:4z tr uJF 3 LIJz !l hzlz <oo< =FRtrdo<z Fz AZ JFd63frOI ll t-] ili t] toltoll*. 1 r!l.J E uJz (JrF F z F J) U)z I lrlz z I J 3 F UJ a o(! oo 3o l<t tr- z ,. >| UJ UJutzoF tr uJ(L z Eoo z tr 6 _l -T I I "l2lEI <ldl cr) I& )> cf) -if (f UJF (t)oo-zo Fo- IrJY IJJo oF F toin 6\o-q TLo;ix O t'loE tEgu,bkz6 lltl J:I if;ll>lI'lIH.sl<("1 >l(,tz.q= zFI I F.ll(' I I tt)ltrr I l14 lA{lolFr.t)n (J UJ z (D Ei tsHdE FO& 4 iM()o uJ =z UJEo = o6o\F\ I\o i(L FlH =E II c Fo =tr H z rA& HF I \' oz o IJJ IL z =9r .d. I\or\.if I it tr z (9 gl J a z3 d ts;rl Fl.t FlH =t G Ico .i 2 ri gJ J II z =o r\ F.r\ Ic'r\'o\ I L =ttr tuI tl.oz 31I =E z o uJt ! lL z3 F ulJ uJF I ..4./)v,7 L Vih-t J =- UJ =n uJz = [! E u. <F t!<ZE, (rz )E<o(JF ;QFSot\2 tOOz, t- =f1Zu-o toz I C) IJJ = ? Jr z J oEfi = (JZt/, uJ J ul J z (99zz coO =z (L TL .1 F =uJ(N IIJ F uJ l! I t!4E:E<CL]o </) E2B9.oaae =ql>. =l!:-E h=oJ= E =o-E UbI EurEXILr x>t q- oi!i ul ID F --- ts =E, UJo-zIF()l E,Fazoo mn E! l* rNsPEcrroNrs coMPLETED t fhe ltens below aeed to be conplete before givlng a perml.t a flnal C of 0. Please check off ln the box provlded. FINAI PLU{BING DATE: L_l ll FINAI, UECEANICAL DATE! IIIPROVWNM SURVEY RESID. NA}IE: FINAI ELECTRICAL DATE: EAST SIDE:I{EST SIDE: T lTr--T- u I TE}IPORARY C OF O FINAL BUILDING DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCIIPANCY DATE:l LANDSCA?ING DUE DATE: FILE NAME: NAME INSPECTION REQUESTA I TOWN OF VAIL - rler READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PM PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ,or, / /27 / 7) ,'o" BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING ,-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL r APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR hffisxop oz E =E IJJo ooo f- ooo FI ooo (\ ooo Or ccc o F u an IJJ u.lu-t =g, uJ o- dt( t lt hr 7tr56 rfr?t- @ o\ Fl o(fI z I\/nzH fr,& E }{ Md(, F Dz I z4-t ='lo>t EA?v>o;H =e uJF F FIz = zz oulFoz oz 6J dt .6 ozz IJJz3 uJt F z t!J UJ at, =I cc tr uJz3o t!o (u 3oF ol oo 6oEo() .9lo o -o .gE ooo G o o U' .9 = Ec G .ri 36 o G, o E ql o()(, (! E E. o 3oF 6 = 'a E o io o. o o- o 6 .9 (6 E .g o)E .c-- '> Eoo o .o E o)$ -oti€o('l=lC)co6 .2 !!oU9c.=(s FP R-t36.ottF'l= 96o'.g 5tE>FE -Eoo '-oo|,5i =-Eoo ct:< -o9o(ltcz;6 -.9 _(6cFaE= +,co'-;o-.coP ':; -cg.=B'Q>(!E FF Td 6BEoEEooOG o .9 o E o ; .g oo = j o o .9 (E .anE D6 (D (q (U q) o) o!o !(J6 o Eo @ o\ Fl o\ Ol sl$o(\rn cr) r-l o\ln rn oori o |.rt F{ oo rOo @ u, ts =e l,lJ o-0z 6! x IJJ oz J - o TIJ) uJ oz (o =3J J 9z gJ X<t orlrnl UJ uJt!z tr uJ UJ oE @ =g uJ z 6Iuo F |lJoc z u, o x F UJo u,ul trJlr E =E IJJ o- J Fo 2 J o ) 9 F uJ UJ oz @ J =out = F FcF NO|lVnlVA )6 _ I:;(r)lfuNl =.oNl JEo3ZZrt-o ootr ^ 62q 5 >9FP OE af, o e.=o6 ?l(Jzx l!<oq iEF Sq6 6rNg z tr J t! ulc F o ol a uJ J z E l t,Iz tr UJ J 3r|lz atzlz <Oo{ >fi2E 8c;<z a =z, 9z do3trOI llt ) (r uJzY iF z F)l z E J 3t uJ I -----l3l\ 2l zl Fl Fa .. >lo uJ ul uJzoF t uJ(L J zo E o J,11 T ;;,ll rn &, 'f ,{ a/) O /tqq z'sa-) /;tq. . a..t ll/,)4/.-)tz IJJFooo-zo F(L u.lY uJ c0 oF ts tr uJ o- LLo o.oo I Iut-oz (tft +)E ^=g 3Yt- d =<dldto>zof = |.oi9 o** (\lrXrrrn|XILJTJ J z T OllJ =r-i4UK J z&ol: fl ID I.IJ )4lx !4Ju4I E llJ +.uJE9E?lLlt|utneE9!l ir EE =>.:uJ-F h=E :gE =FE 66I 5luEX(Lt x>t q-ofI'E ul(D oF E-- F @ orr-l .lol-l EI IIJF o E =E. UJo-zIF(Jf G,l=v,zo() ! 2 ol =.1ol IJJI 5l <l>l t!lol fl =!) l-lA xH t-{ '-14 'JHd I q olurl cEl JI <lilol Fl r F-lf- F- F-6l Ior<l or HI AIFql | | =l 6lPl Fllill -rlA,l I).1 Itrlt I Hl elfl ellEldl JlHt <l<l >l>l bltzla3lel 9lrJ-t Fl r-6lds Ir.0t\<l =.1olutl 5l <l>l l!lol zl 3lolFI fiH zoU (/) & 14 EEb(a OIurlcl Jl <l>l rLlol zl il Ic F C) F]HooEt4& zHd E{2boE o t-l ui =z c) -) llr.l I(fl &lg lrxl '1 I>hltcogr-1 crtcrHlr4ao E zo z T O LIJ = f.og l-o2 t 2P9? =c d6 E -rO<FGOuJ<zEUJF.qZo J tF U,J F(J Itl E oE E llJz = ,) I f=c'?---"-:- Vo 167fr 1/ - l73.at _13.Q_y t35= _/7f so, s4e.zr G!rl* qll.,^rohLe.- gLEa 6oeq> 31* Project Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: LesarDescription,r-ot 39 , Brocr -A . riring V / t3 fft , zo"" Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL D ISAPPROVAL Su mmary: Staff Approval KT\f. :+r o .-'*'\f ._z_ \\ $J\-^ Y .o- r1 a \ilq II L I .: I l- I b9 ,,Ll 11 .,t...', ,'\tW,^.( \ i;.", ,u'ilo :.,.9.-o 't3/ ,,EI -0 a -r I I \ I I -J= e a FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belor iters need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMPORARY C of 0 DATE: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT I INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE (\\ }I,/G,]JOB NAME CALLER TUES \-r--t <, THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: SPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND 6rRouGH / D.w.v. Prnnr.,t'ruc ffiuan / wArER |-1 ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING PTTNSULATIoN tr SHEETROCK E tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr n O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING E] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: -.r\\{.\ tt 1\ fv INSPECTION: a -----..-' MON '.TUES WED THUR FRI oor=\s,-- 'l-\\ JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION:\-\i:\",-.*i- \,,^.\_: \\I .C--/--rr.-\ \ I INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: C] UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL {noucH / D.w.v. *F= lr,r, r---f . s \, tooro" / wArER WW$/J, :,i::: \so. PTPTNG ii F.-:= tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECT PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT rNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL .THUR FRI I PE INSPECTION: I NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: onre l,r 1 "i 'r, ] Joa BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEu tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATERqFRAMTNG + tr 19.9.i^lsI-EFn tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK T] POOL / H. TUB NAIL o tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr,ftNAL tr FINAL \PPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED..' )d-'.7 '/c ECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER TUES THUR FRI PM-READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON PERMIT NUMB BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNDtr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr o E tr ROUGH / ROUGH / GAS PIPI POOL / H. D, W N( rER B- - )oD FRAMING ).w. ^/AT t\f TUE ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING'd*ouu"tr D tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL FINAL .{} APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,T--., t " ,. DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:\ -,MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PM. BU ol tr1 tr _lLJ cl Nr d ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr ilt{AL tr FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ':\Xt> t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ,*rt"toN REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER /i,t,. TNSPECTIoN: MoN ruES wED rHUR 6D ---------L,!E pi,r hppnoveo .a9'l.tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: TOWN OF BU!LDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr n UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT r'l tr SUPPLY AIR tr drrruel tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR i:-.' ,: ' -,l'\')'\= i U PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ,*rt"noN REQUEsT TOWN OF VAIL ! ,/. CALLER TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: '-l . \ .l | /'' ); / 7,t, ,t/li:a:lV'YDATE rrj"l /d! JoBNAME THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUTTIBING: tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL /rtrunL ,/' ,.: ELE o1 DF trC E MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR E FINAL tr FINAL .PaPPRovED zconREcttotts, tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR Project Application /a-/J-79 Proiect Nam€: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board ' Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Chief Building Oflicial Tota'l GRFA = 4,667 sf r,\ft Tota'l Remaining GRFA = 1,333 sfl\1, I - 3Ct .q3") Lot 34, Resub Lot 27, Block 2, Vail Vil'lage l3th Zone: Duplex Lot Area: 45,000 GRFA Allowed: 6,000 GRFA Al1owed per unit: 3,000 (assuming 50/50 split of GRFA) Unjt I Existing GRFA = 2,555 sf (includes deductions of 199 sq ft credit for storage and '17 sq ft credit for mechanical area) Remaining GRFA = 445 sf (assuming 501 GRFA/unit) Unit 2 Existing GRFA = 2,112 sf (includes deductions of 132 sf credit for storage ) Remaining GRFA = 888 sf (assurning 50[ GRFA/unit) t lrt "* Xdtto^- ,f, I o 60"4114 B*fua3 J,f u-l5,r AKJ,'l?,)t ITT kt)Jb )rf l, ),f x I(r r/l"f tn ,t?8 1.fv7 rh r( v> J.r l). ;tr ]r al r{6 e8l l)It a)I 6.S x 6,5i) {r/l,S 16.t x l) 1x-8, t ff I f f;2 t( x/D.t B^t k7 -,I,r),rclt^tuk^y -38 ,b"r J*]uail J.tl &v ?,;alJ,t t1 l) Y t?r -- *iW- Bttdciltb+ 0 Vtt a/a ed,,^t^+ e,a 6,fln<e iu,'rIJ irl /l.X a,t lE, fv 43,5 IL l'{ JDtt3t 5r ra"rye l fr} -@ 1l|7 x t>- o,f 141,t ilL,fx l+,tl.f t /l,f -Y{3 +a, <oLr,'&l;aq ,5fx2 ll aDt 1oo ll{ ,(f _z I I r/\ I| ,<r' ,( ) |\_7 10 r) eO ?5x"2,F L@ 11,5 t ll 1,f *'t Yll2fts 1, {,1? /tLe> -gx6&tarfu^1 @ YL!t,S +Z ),5,v ll K'tL b '?Jalt /00) fu"gL )r-fvst) "1,fr6 ll,sty -. {,5x}(ffi)trv't. \-/ ' IY /ol: .'3 tl,l^ m lnr|;L lr" 1r+"! y 0 box 100 vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 October 8, 1979 department of community development John l,ltreeler Wheeler Piper Architects Box 3l-29 Vail, CO 81657 Re: Russell Anderson Duplex Revision Dear John : Based on your revised plans, I have calculated an addltlonal square footage of 580 square feet. This results ln a total GRFA for the Duplex of 41309 square feet, which is stil1 well under the 6,000 square feet. As we dlscussed there will be an additional assessment for the Recreatioa Fee only. Thl-s assessment is 580 X .15 or $87. Could you please submit this to me at your conven ience. I have also enclosed a DRB approval sheet which indicates the approval of the revised colors as submitted. Sincerel-v..l:1 ./j'l ,- fu.o-z,U. 1/J,"1 Ja{ies A. Rubin ZonLng Adninistrat"rGr/,, JAR: caJ /* i.^ X"t34,^ /4-*, %X*a7V"i 0',tJ!a"Y- I I I I)l 'l,l I 'I !l I oz tr =E UJo $r h N t) \ N -.S B\* \ pIr0 U $ \Jo -. t 'tr( U'ulul LL = ul ll Nry s+ N R$ uJF z =z .(q \ \ ! \: \ d f\s't SHIt=:lgri-k9"9 <:9zFIFF<U)l;l'5 3?:3: CF:t;a<o<a!!z:. iiEii\ :<a N:E::E =a ?3ri<F Hi;ju\ I t '1 ,ltl $t rl I alJl it )t )l il 1 c cf u$\r 3 r- N bc[ \\ 'a!0 $.s snr\ Ivl ryl s.t,) \o s : eq IIN i; '{)c( \r ? F =uJ z ) 5dl Y lu- z Jo- o E o!! z. co ==J .L J o z. LIJ = UJtu z tr IJJ LIJE =t! LU z o F6 t! lz LIJJ a uJ uJttt = UJ(L J - F z o! o J - Otll JqJ oz co = J 2 O llJ = NOrl'Vn'tVA =q@* -r(') =lON zzooFo---X=r9o'rt oZt- <)z|.l-<oq o-Y>x .ioi z F ) F!r- oa o- LUo- l- o $nv) 8! N k.: fil o-ul e. ) z = z.otr E uJF 8 =UJz zzf;e Fi-.o-o.f ;EE fi90tt*.oi(E d)Z= t$tl F\JU'2d' g=i r?F?=deH iEH>grl;o[!Oootza) o o llJ d) Fzlz Eo I <lI Fzl (5 = UJ = z F J f anz uJf ? F uJT o ;xS\J ,,)Y ci LIJ tr o = E utqJ o- i o 2 .a [uF =a a IJJ z JsO UJo-a UJzY iFF.+ Y \c- rY'lr rY,l Iv al{Y Ld\ a uJ o- F siHdfiE €ct ;Cl olz. N\l --q oz F() uJ -log. o- d s llJF o E =Elrlo- I t' Jz z.._oz4 >z JO(! lL =E?aHg ts =E uJ o- Ll- qJ - nnn lFdtLl J:I(l ;l Ssglo- | blt;*l>r)l <rtz.l--ed Sd a ,Q av)\q J, 3 si =l :: s:ul =z r+ q q $v) c5 UN.4ru oos -.f = s.l F \J .l_Ij. Fo ttl o = l\. {to $\t NT d : r<Fa a; ()tr o llJEo )ttr ttlcoo = 2II tr a u.JEo J = =t tr o LU o J = =Etr uJeoo ) 2 - F i.i =zI E tJ.J F F(J uJF O t --.r O<Ftr(Jur<zturFcnZ C) <oOF rirLr- U 9e =#JZ|r-o i5 =FzC)z<+d iz =g Eot-E ir9i o= () -J<Oa9.trt tlJfo zo F(JfE Fa zo() / zu-r! il, ..:t\ |-R ,i:iSIil =j ! -3l- tt{{D onf { F!m ct'>! r 32oomofil!l{> +d9Zto =6ri a-!o { -{ ! !mT3{ =-t- @m u,(t,cmIczJ\r -{ !.rr mmvtr m 'DIo z 'nct-t- z =m o.rr Lo @ 0m(t,oTI omzm! ooz-tI o{ot !rc =@zo o! moI z o t-ooz-lI o{oI os T 5 .t ;a DJo. 9I a dt oi! I Pg .| F I 3 3 I s,5 t o ft t' xttE =Ia 6 9. o oat f!5ofoo \soS $ N $ t. r$ s : i |. I i I I \ DATE OF MEEiING: IIEMBERS PRESENT: SU&IECA: -lffi 0 BILL RUOFF - {otLPiursPr/ ''/.BILL BISHOP - RON TODD -.-. ABE SHAPIRO -- Anderson Duplex ,BLocK 2 ,FrLResu6--FdF27 Sl-lAPtAo sEcoNDED nv: BtsHrfZ AGAINST: ABSTENTION: w 13th AqTION TAKEN uo(IrcN VOTE: BY BOARD: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUMMARY: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL AND RESIDENTIAL ZONING CHECKLIST Legal Orner: Descri-ption:.4+ Arehitect: A PEsrrB, o? Ldf 27 ,S Aetual 2A ?(. IIL , sides€164 ,w- lb ,Rear Actual 14( Required Area Area Area x % = @_ Aetvr 3?21 -- = /_lz_ = OtL- ,1 . /,, / Parking: Required )Actual ZAv<reA, 2-utiAol.q t'c/ Drlve: Slope Permitted EfZ Parklng and Drives Must Be Paved Environmental/Hazard: Avalanche .//6.2/e Flood Plain - , fu',, Slope Distance From Creek Trees Removed Comments: Zone Distrlct : @O_ Profosed. use: fr & ?/./Lot Areat !\m)M3nus Hazard Area: Eeight: Setbacks:Required - Front Actual - Front Distance Between BuiJ.dings : G.B.F.A. Allowed: Buildable Site Coverage: Allowed - Lot I-,andscaping: Required - Lot Equals Build.able Area: d-6,C(nh zOt * c2 , Sides 10' +4,.( ,near2o' +4,{ Date Zoning Approval; i: r'i r. fl'iirr I t.l i- .l..[' I!f I" l1 ';i 'n ' IJ I T/rT.l, tl/#)iIt finilt'l','rtI0lio;.'iil l3f ,,.o,, a t .. D'I::TIiIC? l,Iashbci" n:ln tr. r V/rI.l,1 C,r. llOn'..: 0'.:;tCr ocr. 2_-)-r toil.et, t'lrin;r3' t o:r I'.csiC'3r;t-j-e.I Cor.;:,t: r'c j-;' I . $1o.rlc3 o= Tub Xi t t:lrer,s Cc';r.:rc:'ciaI Ii;;llir;1 ;: it': r' .5cnti:r13 'i'. tt I 5. .E d d 'lr 6 t;t:33 i r.so .zrl /4. 2- J4 tt' it rd i'd Elt Iee l'iachir'es .;- :e 0.25 -'.--:- nsct nd rd TN ;as c-t <_-4d.-:..*-f-lno_z inritrr.r F-....-#---e'a SaUtfa:; . -s'i ___-L--* 'll *-.**::3i:iil,t?no:;i'*' /xt $c'x ' €o ttli I ?nI -- ' i----:-- i!r,ort... or.. Tub, e;i : ll!?l;l'''Iirlii' 5.x 3.oo :: Irth .rft'/t-tot ___*=- R6ons (Livi;rg-:.ccns' . 2nd- 5 Bcr<1:'cc:r's'oilices'1'.\ ______--_:----.------ Bcr<l:.cc:r.S , U:': Lc'.jr ,tv.rlLl.i.'--'-:"----- sl.ol's. si"ii"ti"-' ' /O x l"Oc = ' /p-' frtlr - tli ilr r:l Iri'llrtl rll ;irlrlI i I C"\r s 1 x.2. $o = -€- -.-l.t'.f -_-*- Xitclrens JicsiCc:rti:.I ?tlth - -:; -: Dis.tr:..isrrc;:-.. z- >l I.Oc = _?-* li;i s .lst 2lrtl Srcl Ittlr ll.'t i, X!;r'.\ I I I II I x ll :( 2.50 1.00 ?, 50 t J..-4- ---.e. i-'--F....-. I:b.---'.--*-' ,i VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT WATER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERMIT WILL T BE ISSUED UNTTL-TAP FEES HAVE PAID IN FULL. NAME OF JOB LOCATIOIV AND LE GENERAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR * e-4 .-?-.-- t trrl t:(l th h..y Corr;;rcrc iaL shcr r,?3 . (rrrtti tlc l'!;ltcr, i itl:,ir.'t.;n o1" o:rc ). (tut sir! e SP:'.:-nl:J'els a aa Fir.r llosc Cabi'ncts 7?'. l.oo = .x 0'33 = at. x I.00 >r30. 00 x 5.00 = iit9 ,5t l;r<i ir;i ttlt Sclvice Si'a'ci'o;t Swi:o-:r5.ng Pocl iastst 2aC 3:tiIth .1 : Conve:rtion Celto" -?+per i,erson :l O.J'0 = --=' 'I/:-zs i' TO?.riL FoIllTS ' Jr--' l. o o it:ri-t'L0:C0. Pc'i:rts = I' 00 ii:lLr 1" .. i" !: -. '- - |ipraO ^'_r rr r_r .( l-'1- ::es!'<ielr';ial anC f<rf.1o'*'ing t)re con'1:l:etiorl, of cctilstruction of a col:i;.:c'cjaf s,rr.ulti.i.t,-ti,J-ni":u=:..i shal!-1 perfor':rr a Phys:iceL in- $prli:t:io:r of a:l]';;i;i::: ::-.0*tui""itre 'ihe ilu::l:cl' of poin'cs tc be. as.';.';::s;co acco:<jiirg to -tire lraiei' and Sr'i;e:r T::o lee' e:rd P'ate Sc?:btl:rt.:, *o o*i..i.,..1.,ii-."a '.f* ii}'"ici shril- :ralils any '-rc!jus'{:tsi:ts treees3:iri, in the origill] t*p ili.i:;il,^-jitiu it''"iect"ioa shall- a].so <ieterr:ine 'tltu-l'i:':'c!'ing' oi'rlrert! L'atef,' and sci':e1 -s€!'v3ce -l' '^r -r.r .i.rr:irinrr'^-i:1 anC Bob-r'd of Di::ectols ': -tlii\Ii';-:;; - a;ni';1: o1 Dis*i ct aa ,--'- -- *. rta' go /lllr.l_1 PermltNo' oloo{ lown EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAp: Warer t tn Nrt 2J t ll| ,, Lll,. tr.l,. Z /"=- sewer 4 - Meterstzo't /?<NUMBER oF uNlrs a. / zb (x$60o.@) =Am ount ?g n{ DetaRltla'{ - Ltc. NO. uc. No. DateBllled Date Paid ,/ . ;.. DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON rNSSnoN REeuEsr THUR FRI?<-c) CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING INSULATION O GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H. TUB D FINAL tr FINAL EL tr tr n tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL B APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE rNstTroN REeuEtir.. THUR FRI v4rL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON " LJ: t CALLER WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL,tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E] HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr o FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR DATE READY FOR INSP LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER ON: MO ESECTI 9,55o ,tNs GTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL -----@ PMFRUR I] APPROVED GORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER tr INSULATION - tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP, POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR TOWN V AIL ,,,.7i'.,t 1 no DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLEB TUES WED PM ') i74'! (. BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. fI ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr FRAMING INSULATION SHEETBOCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,'/ DATE INSPECTOR rNsStoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER EI FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING D tr tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANIGAL: E HEATING tr ROUGH D tr D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL E FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rNsSrroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr E SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:M tr tr tr tr ECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR CALLER DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON TUES WED FRI BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr BOUGH / D.W.V. EJA*ffiNG I1 ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION - T] GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB nf1 T] FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - Etr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: {T.DISA,EPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ',,",' .-}. INSPECTOR rNstrroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr D UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr tr FRAMING INSULATION GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL POOL i H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr o EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*rl"roN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL DATE l,t .t -1 JOB NAME CALLER TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: MON o...i t,lr ,( ,.r BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBlNG: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL a-H6Gn / D.w.v. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL E POOL / H. TUB tr tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL O*PPh6VED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR I DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES TION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL wED (r#uh !" ,,6) ) "), ,/"r) ' BUILDING: tr EOOTTNGS (rouruonrr tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER oN / STEEL .*<_- tr tr tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL OVED E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR DATE q ,/2.,/-i? TOWN OF VAIL /\l JOB NAME ,i "'..-.-trt V1,r- l.-ru-lL:'-tV: .n..'-.r',' CALLER i.lr\-) ' itil l\,'rf READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: L?:-) TUES weo ( trun,) rnt ^M@ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr D UMBING: N FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr tr FRAMING INSULATION GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTUc,'t- s-reup. PowER MECHANICAL: HEATTNG ) tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR' DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON TUES-) tNstbnoN REeuEsr tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED PMAM APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL D tr o tr tr u FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr n D POOL i H. TUB FINAL FINAL EL tr tr tr tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR ' .. ., rsn.ar, j..r rt,?,irlli.r JOB NAME CALLER CTION REQUEQI TOWN OF IVAIL \ --€) PMREADY FOR LocRrtoru, INSPECTION:ES THUR FRI tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND r] ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATEBtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL - tr POOL/ H. TUB tr FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT r] SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED /') / , / .,,, tl, / /,. / / /J \//,QA.fl t,'/ t /, / z' '7-,r L INSPECTOR '/ \,- oor, 7'6'P JoB NAME INSPECTION: rr.rslcnoN REeuEsr tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED READY FOR LOCATION:Rsa ])rPN /44H tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED , iot':/ o,t7l.ti*{., ',.,i.,',t t,."F BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION E SHEETROCK D GAS PIPING D POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR B FINAL INSPECTOR I ,*rl"roN REeuEsr DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES 16^)r^,\-r--ZfD BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: &DISAPPROVEDL'''1 /.4.4'-i REINSPECTION REO .1 oor, (')",s't''INSPECTOR rrrrslcrtoN REeuEsr TOWN,'OF VAIL THUR } FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:ESrU: t..i ' :li:-; BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL B FINAL ELECTRICAL: d MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL D FINAL AppRoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE ") -- 7 -'- tuo INSPECTOR ,*11616r.r 'neeuesr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES wED THUR (' FRI AM <,PM BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W,V. ROUGH / WATERtr tr FRAMING INSULATION GAS PIPING C}-ST{EETR OCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr E HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL OVED o.DTSAPPRoVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR t DATE READY FOR LOCATION: rruslcrroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BU trl trl trl trl trl tr ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING I NSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trT OF trc tr_ GTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR T] FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVEO CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR