HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST GENERAL LEGAL\^^, V\ \,rA-J 1'^*J Best Copies Available t; ' . '-"1 --, 'l The Boardf County Commissioners-Eagle Countlolorado EAGLE. COLONADO Mr. David G. ElmoreSuite 250 Greenwood Plaza Terrace Englewood, Colorado 80110 Re: Vail VilJ-age West Filing *3 Dear Dave: We will need a resolution and any other docu- mentation which you want approved prepared and sent to us for review prior to submission of same to the county Commissioners. very truly yours. OANIEI F. KO?EO{ (AR o€tibt tao. 1 f|.r. .". o*.o.*vI oi.t.lct No,2 DAI.E F. OAANT Ol.t.lcl }|o.3 :j"rl u42\E--" * | 5sn'r( i'"* - p**' Furutffifu'^^ t"*t'+To-,t tJr"*t + t? c*J' (?s. ltq ,v*Jd-, rur, d -i t t: I I I ! I tIt I'l I { : I I I ': l i l't i I t Robert J. Stem!,redel, Jr. nN,'{ot {Nflnl. Counry Alom.y tla.thg ol gorrd . Fkal llood.y ol llonlh lrA)(wELl i. BAnZ . Cour(y Cldlt recrefl deveXotB mren$ cCIminfl::y er=a ttorrien April 29,'1976 Mr. Bob Stemwede'l County Attorney P. 0. Box 717 Eagle, Colorado 8.|63] Re: Vai 1 VJ'l l age West Fi 1i ng #3 Dear Bob: Enc'losed is a proposed reso'lution for your cons'ideration and a Re'lease of Oeeb oi Trust to be executed. Inasmuch as Hugh WirOer did not forward to us the recording data we were unable to furnish a'l'l the information required in the Release of Deed of Trust. Enclosed a'lso is a copy of our letter addressed to you and dated March 26, 1976. Ve.ry truly yours, David G. E'lmore ooGJ F\E o .c,\0(>oe v 'l00OI East Evans, #69C, Denver,/Colorado 8023'l (303) 750-1600 xXX Xp.orxx txxxxrxix pxrXxx NxxxxxXptXil'XXXX&XXXXHtloXxloX'XI0{XXMxXosi suire 250 . 823 comrnerce drive . otk brook, illinois 60521 . 312-88?.1300 Ypfi\r,onc .ll r\t|ljl o rDfn tromaii oiievel@ptmeruCI cwllrosny Mr. Bob Stemwedel County Attorney P.0. Box 717 Eagie, Co'lorado 8'163'l I I wou'ld appreci ate i t i f'lst or Apri) Sth meeting for the next court heari,ng set on March 26, 1976 ) Re: Vail Village West F'i'ling #Q this matter would be approved at your Apri'l al'l of these matters are to be reso] ved before 4-22-76. ,a-\\:7F=4 Aq ,=) ,c\\t/ 6\\ctAoEa \\.' Dear Bob: Approximately three years ago Vail Village West Fi't'ing ll3-was approvba by the Eigle County Conrilissioners and at that time a Deed of fi'irst (copy enclos6d) covering 21,945 square feet of property iyjng north df iirterstate 70 anO adiacent to Buffer Creek vtas .executed 'in favor of the county to secure the building of roads in.filing #3' The roads have not been bui'lt and jt would appear that Vaj'l village west Fi]ing #3 wil] be annexed into the Town of vail a'long with what is commonly known as the Matterhorn Property.. Due to current iitigution, whjch I discussed with the Planning Commission on March lTth; the 6wnership'l and ovlned by Vail City Corporation has_been divided' and I must thereiore obtain a tance'llation of this Deed of Trust from the county in order to deliver to the new or\,ners the 2l ,945 square feet in qu.ition. Several members of the County Comn:issioners were in attendance it tf,e meeting on March'l7th and heard my discussion on thil matter. In the un]ikely event that the'land is noi annexed and remains in tire cJuniy-tnen Vili CitV Coip. wi1'l post at that t'ime whatgver appropriate bond the county may require. JI P'lease cal'l me if you have any quesi,ions, and thank you for your cooperation. ; Si ncere'ly ' David G. Elmore , i rlilc 2,i0 . greenn,ood plazn ten'ace. englewo,ld, col,ifirtl{) Sill l(}' :}t)3';;o'l6tl;J ) .r,iro 25ff . [l2ll cornmtrr'ce dlile . oak bror,k, illinr,is 60;2'I ' 3'l 2'88;'1300 Vail City Corporation did execute a Subdivision and Deed of Trust regarding Vail Village l,lest, which are attached, and WHEREAS: Vail City Corporation has not developed Vail Vi'l1age West Filing #3 and does not contemplate doing so, and WHEREAS: WHEREAS: RESOLUTION Village West Filing County Commissioners Improvement Agreement Filing #3, copies of Vail City Corporation has requested that a Release of Deed of Trust bg executed covering said parcel described in said Subdivision Improvement Agreement, now THEREFORE 8E IT RESOLVED that the County Board of Commissioners of Eagle County,ffierebyauthoriziitsappropriatemembertoexEcutea- Release of Deed of Trust covering said parcel, and BE IT FURTHIR RESOLVED that in the event Vail City Corporatjon determines to #3 that an appropriate bond be filed prior to any road builil roadE in Vail as required by the constructi on. Authori zed 'thi s of May,'1976.day , EAGLE COUNTY BOARO OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGREEMENTSUBDIV iSI ON IMPROVEI'IENTS IN RE: Vail Village l/llest Filing No. 3, as shown on the Subdivision P.lat thereof dated January 3l , 1973, attached hereto as Exhibit 'A"' LOCATI0N 0F SUBDIVISI0N: West Vail This Agreement made and entered into this day of ' A.D.lgT3byandbetweenVAILCITYCoRPoRATI0N,aColoradoCorporation' whose address is suite 250, Greenwood Plaza Terrace, Englewood, colorado 80110' hereinafterreferredtoas,,firstparty.'andtheBoardofCountyCommissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado whose address is Eagle Countt court House, Eagle, Colorado 81631 , hereinafter referred to as "seco4.d party"' HITNESSETH: WHEREAS, first party is in the process of developing Vail Village West Fi'l'ing No. 3, near Vail , iolorado in the County of Eagle' Colorado' and; WHEREAS, the second party. pursuant to its duties' requires in connection with said development that roadways and water systems be developed according to certain minimum regulations and requirements; NOl,l THEREFORE, for and. in consideration of the promi ses and agreeinents herein contained, the parties hereto hereby agree as followsl l.Thattheroadsystemtobeconstructedbyorinbehalfoffirstparty in connection with Vail Vi'l lage llest Filing No' 3 shall be completed as of Noyember l5, lgT4 so as to neet the specifications on file with Eagle County' 2. That upon compietion of the roadways according to the specifications andrequirementsofEagleCounty,secondpartysha'llre'leaseanysecurity given by first party to guarantee such performance and shal'l release first party from any further obligations hereunder' 3. That first party hereby agrees to secure his performance of the terms and conditions to be met by it in accordance with this Agreement with the sum of $35,000.00; and payment of said sum shall be evidenced and securedbyaDeedofTrusttothePub.licTrusteeofEaglecounty,Colorado naming second party as beneficiary and covering certain real estate in the ( ,i I _{ { i { I l i t : it I ( .t I i , oo vlcinlty of Vail, Colorado, which property is presently unencumbered and owned by Vail City Corporatlon described as Lot 3 of Vail Village l{est Ftllng t{0. 3. VAIL CITY CORPOMTION (A coloraao CorPoration) Rv. Presi dent ACCEPTANCE ApprovedbyresolutionoftheEagleCountyBoardofCountyCorrrnlssioners at the meeting of 197 By:- ,o LEGAL DEscRIpnoN 0F oNE-HALF AcRE coMMERcInr pnncgl sz? IEET N0RTHEAsT 0F DAs scncli SHOPETTE TRACT ON CHMONIX LANE. A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECT:;:I I1, TOI.INSHIP 5 SOUTH, MNGE BI }IEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAI{, EAGLE COUNTY, S;AIE OF COLORADO DESCRIBED AS: COi.li'lENCIllG AT THE N0RTHEAST C0RNER 0F THE SOUTHWEST QU;RTER 0F THE SCUTIi:iSf qUARTER 0F SAID SECTI0N 1.l, THENCE AL0NG THE WEST LINE 0F SAiD EA5T HALF 0E THE S0tr:i-rlSf QUARTER 0F SECTI0N il, S t'39'00'!{ 354.15 FEET T0 THE SoUTHERLY LiNE 0F Ci{AM0NIX L:),: RIGHT-0F-WAY, l,lHiCH IS ALS0 THE S0UTHIIEST CORNER 0F VAIL HEIGHTS - FILING N0. 1; Th::iCE AL0NG SAID S0UTHERLY LINE 0N THE F0LLOWING SEVEN C0URSES: ('l ) N 85o.l3'33'E192.e2il:t T0 A P0INT 0F CURVE; (2) 270.5s FEET AL0NG THE ARc 0F A 238.64 FOCT MDIUS CURVE T0 ;i:€ LEFT IIHOSE CENTRAL ANELE TS 64O57'33U AND lllHOSE LONG CHORD BEARS I{ 52"14'46" E 256.2J FEET T0 A P0INT 0F TANGENT; (3) N 20'16'00" E 284 FEET T0 A POINT 0F CURVE; (4) 139.59 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A 227.38 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE RI6HT bIHOSE CE]iTML ANGLE IS 35OIO'29N AND WHOSE LONG CHORD BEARS N 37O5] 'I5" E I37.4'I F:ET TO A POINT OF TANGENTi, (s) N 5s"26',29" E 364.86 FEET T0 A PoINT 0F CURVE; (6) 8l .77 FEET AL0NG Tli: ARC OF A 1,]35.BO FOOT MDIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT }IHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE iS 4"7'29'A:'ID I.JH0SE L0NG CH0RD BEARS N 53o22'44u E 81 .75 FEET T0 A P0INT 0F TAI{GENT; AND (7) N 5l'19'q)' E 273.50 FEET T0 A P0INT 0F CURVE WHICH IS THE TRUE P0INT 0F BEGIIi:{ING: THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SOUTHEhLY LINE OF CHAI'|ONIX LANE RIGHT-OF-I.IAY ON T}IO COURSES; (I) 1i2.47 FEET ALoNG THE ARC 0F A 414.37 F00T RADIUS CURVE T0;THE RIGilT l,fi{osE CENTRAL ANGLE IS'I 5'33'OB" AND IIHOSE LONG CHORD BEARS N 59'05'34" E 1'I2.13 FEET TO A POiIiT 0F TANGEflT; AND (2) N 66o52',08" E .l00 FEET T0 THE S0UTHEAST C0RNER 0F SAID VAIL HEIGHTS - FILING NO. 1 WHICH POINT IS ALSO THE NORTHI,{EST CORNER OF LOT 38, RESUB'IV:5Iq 0F BUFFER CREEK; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHIIESTERLY LINE 0F SAID RESUSCMSI0N 0F BUFFEi' CREEK S 37o07'52" E 83 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID S0UTHIIESTERLY LII: S 52o52'08" ld 2;5-6 FEET; THENCE N 38"41'00u lrt 119.39 FEET T0 THE TRUE POiNT 0F BEGINIiING, C0NIAINIIIG 21,945 SQUARE FEET 0R 0.5038 ACRES M0RE 0R LESS. TIIiS DEED OF I'llUST, Medo tbis dly ol VAIL CITY CORPORATION 19 . bcttacD thogrontorhcr'€i,,whoseoddre$is iHllS-333: 35ii3tt""O P'laza Terrace Couni'lt ot AfapahOe rnd Ststa ot Colorado' rnd the pu8lrc TnusrEE ot th6 county ot rigie ,lntbo stde ot colorrdo' ivrt*Brssrt' rbe Grantor to aecute tr" gfrffif;f t"r76;#:iil ^ffi|'ilait tb€ DrrrdDar$'ra oi payablo to the or<lrcr of Eagle County Board of County Conmissioners the beneliciary heroin whose sddtos8 ls Eagle County Court House Eagle, Colorado 8l631 r etter thq deta thcreof' $itb interest lheroon from t}lo dato thereof at ths rsto o!psrccDt psr slnum, Drincipsl snd iDtrrs!! pcyrble do.ee heroby grant ard convct un-ro aaid Pubtic ltustae tbo folloving ds8cribed pro?€rty, 8itulto in thg County o! Eagle , Siate qt Color&io, t' wit: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ONE-HALF AUKI ,.,,'''''IV^^L . TI\\'LL CAZ ILT'I NORTHEAST OF CAS SCIIO|IT' SHOPETTE TMCT ON CHAMOIIIX LANE. !iliio'ililiit"riir-on'o'stj3ri'^.RES MoRr 0R t'rss' 'ra. tot aotng ln.tnrnaut tit 'ckroil'dFd b"or. D' tbt' drt et "t tfi il:S$rTil'olna otriltrr ..'r' -':iiiiiiFitiii- A Fr\scrL 0F L^ND LYING IN IHE tAll.TfiLFolirTiir'i:,i'il1'l,l,ii,nlltlr'i*rii',?ill?ltt l1 . T0}INSHIi 5 S0'rlTli, ii,\liti[ ril NI:ST 0l: Tllli sl\ OF COLORADO DiSCRIBID AS: c'li'lErcING ['iilriiiil'tilriliililt?!+]iif .lilitilixiilll'P"i'i'lolllif;il" ilifiil':i^il:llii ij it':r,i r,:irirul:i*'iip1.itu$;: ;il::iffiil3il$* it*ii ,'i,'i$1;,5[;"'ffi f,i*'}lru-x*fi $*tt';,im$,ii,i[',,'ii:"r*' mfififfm*ffi**fi+fi**$jffi n+tr*ugutfifin*fitfififfi **#,,,'' Krtiorv Ar-r, MsN Tnusp Pnasptir's: That, Where-rs, VAIL CITY CORPORATION of the Countyof Arapahoe datedthe dayof ,19 Clerk and Recordcr ol the the dayo! ,19 Rcception No. WITNESS mY hand 8nd sosl t}tis STATE OI'COI'RADO, Courty of in tho Stato of Colorado, bv DEED OF TRUST , and duly rtcorded ijn tho Office ol the Couaty County of Eagle in the State of Coloia"io, on , tn book 8t pago (Fiin No. ) of the records, in said officq conveyed to t'he Public dey of ,19 (SEAL) ! Trugtee in said Countr of Eag'le cerLain real e$tato ln said Deed of Ttust descriM, la trust to secure tle paymelt of the indebtetLness mentioaed therEia' oio, mo*tos, Said iadebtadness has been paicl and the purposes of gaid trust have been fully ' Now,THEII,EFoRE,Atttrercqueetofthrc}egal.h.ol|erofttreindebtednesss€cui€dby6eid Deed of Trust, aad i! coasiaeraio-n;;;;;;;t La it, fu"tl"" consideration of the gum of Tb'-se Dollarq to me in hanil pai4 the receipi wheoeof is hereby acknowledged' I' as t'he Pablie Tfls'too in said Countv ofguol. , do.lrergbl remise' release aril eui0'craim uaio ihe pres€nt owner or owtxetrs of eaia r&I Z;6t€ 8nd unto the heirs, succesgors and assigne of sai'I owler or owners folever, all the righ! i:i[ *a f"G"rt *litn f have under a:rd by virtue of said Deoil of ltust in and to the said real estate !0 said Deed o! l}ust particularly described, rcferenco to which is hereby made for SEerter c€daioty. TO HAVE AND TO IIOLD tbe sarce, togetbe.r with all and singular the p;ivilegeg and appur' tetances thereunio uoogug r**"". ello rtlnrrmR, that the said trust Dsad is'- by t'hese pres' ents, to be considered ", foUy e"d-.b"oltt"ty ottot"a, "-eeUed arld forev€r discharged' /r' .|| P!Ul. t'!!ti.. to ..ld Sy.....*--.-..-..--.' Courty of Eagle Colcado:The Public Thsteo i! said Pleaseeriecutethierelease,thebilebteilDesssecuredbythoabovementionedDeedofEruet having been fullY Paid. The foregoing instrument was acloowledgBd before me this 19 , by as thc Couatyof , Colorado' tr4Y commiesion cx?ires Witness my r"t'd ard official seal' Eab.larcounsv.-3s***LTxH;PT,gT'.1#.S.iu'; ]- By l(6r^tt t\bllc lii. Jt' .|.' ii :i :,ll lit It ,:. :. ti 1 :i i .- :..:, :l t it i: t. t.- t, ! ili: t. t i i a : 1 V EIAGT.E! COU]VIY ENGINEER Courthouse P. O. Box 734 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Phone 328-6337 29 June 1976 MEMORANDUM To: County Attorney From: County Engineer Re: Release of Surety for Vail Village lTest Filing #3 The correspondence'relating to subject matter which you gave to me on June 16, 1976 is returned herewith. As I am sure you know the purpose for requiring surety for public imppovements at the time of sub-division approval is to insure that the sub-divided parcels of land have the necessary improvements installed by the developer. In reading the above referenced correspondence and talking to Dave Elmore it appears very doubtful that the improvements will be installed in the near future. Thus, I feel that the County continuj.ng to hold the surety is more important than normal in this case. I would suggest that if Vail City Corp. needs this surety released then they should either; a. Vacate the plat in its entirety, or b. Provide new, substitute surety, based on an updated cost estimate for the County approved facilities,i.e. platls approved by the County. \Yhich cost estimate, would be subject to the approval of the appropriate County Offices. I would strongly advise against the County releasing the surety under .fl}y other conditions.,.( ' /1./tryr/q/ - Bill cc: Mike B1alr Steve Isom WVS,/Lv ) liccopLion N".O.............. TIIIS DDDD OI TRUST, I{ado this tho gloDtor hcleir whosc address is the PUBLIC TRUSTED of tho \YITNESSBTE r Tbe Granior to socure hie {lb"'}Q9b),lXXd(16 bearing even dllo herewitlr, for tho prlncipsl sum ofI Subdivision Improvements Agreement rlil.tct(rt payattototheor<lerof Eagle County Board of County Comrnissioners the beneliciary herein whose address ir Eag'l e County Court House Eagle, Colorado 8163.l r after tho dats thereof, perccnt per annum, principnl and intorcst poynblc dobs hereby grant and convey unto said Public Trusteo ths following described Couniy of Eagl e , Stato of Colorado, to \,eiti , botwoen Terrace and Stato ol Colorado, arrd , in tho State of Colorado, situats in tho dry o( No!.ry I'ublic. with interest thergon from the date thereof st tho rats ol .: A.IARCSL OF Li\ND LYING IN THE EAST HALF OF THE ll, T0|'INSHIP 5 S0tlTti, ii;\Nt'il: lil t{l:Sl' 0l: Tllt: SI'\Tlt l'IiINCIPAL OF COLORADO DESCRIBED AS: LTGAL DESCRIPTI0N 0F 0NE-HALF ALKE v,,.u.,.,rv.^! r^,\r,LL cLz rvLl N0RTHEAST 0F DAS S0ll0l{[ SHOPETTE TRACT ON CHAMONIX LANE. sOU.|llrA:;T QIIARTER 0F SICTI0N-I'll ltIlrIAN. I A(il.E c()lliifY, :;TATE Th{ loregoulg Inelr||tleot vo6 $ckno$ltdg€d hrforc mo Lhin lUt Comm lrni(tn cxlir(tt Witncrr rrry lurtrrl rnd olliclal relrl, .{,1, .1.;r.r rir'r', i)ll'.'i) t):r;.t,irt',' ,-,) ,'1'rtr.rrl;',(,; t' ,;r,:.-5had ,r',r,,\.. - . l9 '10 .......,.... ..O........,...............1tccordor. dry of VAiL C]TY CORPORATION Suite 250, Greenwood Plaza Engl ewood, IJOl l0 Counly ol Arapa hOe County of Eag'l e COi\iItEi\CING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF TI.IE SOUTHI'IIST QUARTER 9F^JHg SOUTHEAST QUARTER 0F sAiD sriiioiii ri','liiiN'c'e-nioNe-iHE wisr Llr're 0F aAiD ersr HRlr 0F THE sourllEAsT QUARTER 0F sEcrIoN 'l't, s 1.39'001_ul_3s4}s FeEi T0 TllE SOUTHERLY LINE 0F CHAMONIX LAi\iE RiGuT-gF-WAy, ltHrCH'ji nLio-iHi sourHwrii-cOnnsn 0F VAIL |IEIGHTS - FILING N0. l; THENCE ALoNG sArD sourHERLY LINE 0N THE FolLol,line-ieVrn couRSES: (t) n-91111:19::^E^]e2'82 FEET T0 A p0rNT 0F CURVE; (?) 270.55 FEET Ai0i'iG iHi-Ani-oF n zls.6+ F00T RADiUS CURVT T0 Tl-lE / LEFT t{HosE c[NTRnr--Anelt rs 64.s7'rs.' 'Iilij-t,Jr-ro5r r-one cHoRD BEARs N 52"44'46",E 256'29 \ FEET To A porNT or r[neEuil i:l l t0"'16';00i; i-isq rrEr r0 A P0iNT 0F GURVE; (4) 139'59 FEET ALoNG THE ARC OF A 2?7.38 F00T nnOrui CunVr rO THE RIGHT blHoSE cINTRAL ANGLE IS 35OIO'29" AND lIHOsE LONG CI-IORD BEARS - N 37"5I']5" E I37'4I FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENT; (5) N s5"t6;is; E:0q.86 FEST ro n"pOrrui 0F CURVE; (6) el '77 FEET AI'oNG-THE ARC 0F A 1,135.80 FOOi-nnofUS CURVE fO fHE UfFi lrHOSf CINTRAL ANGLE IS 4"7'29" AND tiHgSE LgNG CHSRD BEARS N s3"22'44" E el.)5 FErf T0 A PSINi OF fnrleEuf; AND (7) N 51"]9'00" E 273.50 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE l{I1iii'ii iH. TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE c0NTTNUTNG ALoNG sourHERLy LrNE or cH[iioxix'l[nr nieHr-or-wirv-orl-ivro counsrsi !i'), 112.47 Ft[T trLor{G TnE ARc 0F A 414.:z'iocii"nnoi[s cunvr T0 TllE RIGIJT f'illOsE cEl{Tl]nt' ANGLE IS t5"33,oti" AND l,Jll0SI L0N0 CrlOnb-[inii.{ N 59"05':t4u l. ll2'13 l:l-l:'l'T0 A l'()1il'f 0F TANGEpT; AtiD (2) N 66"52'08" I f OO'FEri'iO irlr SSUTIIIAST Cgi{NEl{ 0i: sAID VAII- HEIGIITS - FILING N0. I t+itICH P0INT IS niiO frrr NOnfUVlgSf COnl'iEn 0F LoT 38' RESUIIDIVISI0:{ 0F BUTFER CREIK; THENCE ALoNG THE SOuliir.rrirrnlv itle 0F SAID RESUI]DIVISi0N 0F tlui:FEll CREEK S 37"07'52" E 83 FEET; THEIICr LraVine-sniu-iourHr',ri'stLnLt LIN[ S 52"52' 08" l'l 205'26 FEET; THENCE N ge"it;00;'-1,l j'19.39 FIE;"iO"iHr inur-pOlni 0F BEGiNNING, CONTAINING :llpis lqrrans F[[T 0l] 0.503s ACRI:s lvioR[ 0R t't:ss' -,1 ",j:',r': ".";iri'la{ r,a.' iitlll t;i }r""t :'t?'' .'.:r'..r]i,r'''..'.'|.r.'..!1:.r.fir'..'l.lrlt..t.'l'll'!!'l|;lllry;,,r.,'lr'']l''ji;l'rl r\,!,,,t.. Iii,r,,i ill i,r1 , ,,i i'r,,1.':,'l,i.r'i{i r)i ti, 1r,.'lirniti t;:ilt":"1 "tt."'t'-' I(xOrv Ar-r, h{ax By.jlirusn Prtnssx'rs: 'Ih:rt, Wherc.rrs, VAIL CITY CORPORATION the of the Countyof Arapahoe datcd ihe dayof ,19 Clerk and Recorder of the Trustee in ssid ' WITNESS mY hand and seal t}is Ths Public Ttuste€ in said Please oiecute this release, havhgbeen fullY Paid' STATS OF COI.,ORADO, ' CountYof day of , 19 , in book Receptiou No. ) of tbe recoids, in the Sta',a of Cclorudo, by DEID OF T"UST , and tluly recorded Lr tho Office of tho County CountY of Eag'le in the Sia0e of C,alo.-.,io, on at pago (FE;a No. in said offics, conveyed to the .liblic certein resl iNtats i:r aaid Deed of Trusi describod, in hust to secure tbe payme::,t of th.: indebtedness mentioaed thei'Ain' ONtp, WU1U*UAS, Said indebtedness has been paid a.rd the purposes of said trusi have be€a fully satisfied; Countyof 5sg1g day of ,19 County of Eagle Colorado: the indebterlness secured by the above mentronai Deed of EabJ;0r{ouqw.i***9fr*},i"H;c*;::j"?'jffi}.iil; ]"' The foregoiog instrumeint was aclcnorvledged before nre this day of . Public T:usteo io ss:d19 ,by as the Countyof , Colorado' MY conlmission orpircs Witrress my hand and officlrl scal' NOW, THEREFORE, At the request of tho legal holder of tire i:rrlebtedness s€cu^:rai 'ol az'to Dee<l of Tlust, and i:r consideration oitbe pt"-it"., "-a in further consitle-ration of tro su-a of Throe Douars, to me in hand pai4 the receipt rphqeof iglereby ac)<nowledged, I, a'g f'he P'rblic tru;'ae ia v,id, county o&aqle , do heroby remise, release and quii;+laia ua'o the present owner or ownexs of said r&T "d[to ana untO the heirs, successors and sssig'las of sB:d o$:ier or orf?ers forever, aI the right, title and inierests *Ui"rt i havs under and by viriue of said Dasd oi Trust in and to the said real estate !B esid Deed J f""rt particularly d.escribed, refe.-ence to rrllicb ia hereby made for greater certainty. TO IIAVE AND TO HOLD the sane, together with all and singular the privJeges and appw- tenances thereunio rcfo"t"t tot**. aSp fffn.ITfnn, that the said TLrst Deai is' by -"bese p'res' ents, to be considered *;"1i" snd ebsolutely release.i, cancelle<i and forever discharged' ir ! ,N<l.904uDLUMiiQyu[uDor,fUitTuY,}1i|iPu;Lto11iU8ri!..l|r'rrri|,,r,.llrrIl|ill,|nc(.rr.rlhi'i.tii||rttll6||..ci.I-)t.trvgr'];:cdo,,i6 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ONE-HALF ACRE COIV1I4ERCIAL PARCEL 5?2 FEET NORTHEAST OF DAS SCHO|iE SHOPETTE TRACT ON CHAMOIIIX LANE. A PARCEL OF LAND LYING iN THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION]I, TOI.INSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE B'I I,]EST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, EAGLE COUIITY, STA;: OF COLORADO DESCRIBID AS: COI4MENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHIAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION II, THENCE ALONG THE I,IEST LINE OF SAID EAST HALF OF,THE SOUTjTIS; QUARTER 0F SECTI0N t',l, S to39'00" ll 354.'15 FEET T0 THE SOUTHERLY LiNE 0F CHAI'10IiIX L^:iE RIGI'IT-0F-I,JAY, l,lHiCH IS AL50 THE S0UTHI,IEST CORIIER 0F VAIL HEIGHTS - FILiNG N0. 1; TH;:iCt ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE 0N THE FOLLOI,JING SEVEN C0URSES: (1) N 85o.|3'33" E l92.BZ F.E1 T0 A P0INT 0F CURVE; (2) 270.5s FEET AL0NG THE ARC 0F A 238.64 F00T MDIUS CURV: T0 Tfit LEFT I,IHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE iS 64"57'33'' AND i,.IIIOSE LONG CHORD BEARS N 52"44'46" T 256.?9 FEET T0 A POINT 0F TANGENT; (3) N 20'.|6'00" E 284 FEET T0 A P0INT 0F CURVE; (4) 139.59 FEIT ALONG THE ARC OF A227.38 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE RiGHT t,lHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 35O]O'29" AND WHOSE LONG CHORD BEARS N 37"5I'15" E I37.4I FEET TO A POINT OF TANGLNT; (5) N 55"26'29" E 364.86 FEET T0 A P0INT 0F CURVE; (6) 81 .77 FEET ALOiiG TfiE ARC OF A I,I35.80 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 4'7'29" AND llH0SE LONG CHORD BEARS N 53"22'44" E 8.l.75 FEET T0 A P0INT 0F TAliGEllT; AND (7) li 5.l"19';J" E 273.50 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE blIlICH iS THE TRUE POINT OF BEGII,INING: THE|\CT CONTINUiNG ALONG SOUTHERLY LINE OF CHAI4ONIX LANE RIGHT-OF-WAY ON TI,JO COURSES; (I) 112,47 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A 414.37 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TOT THE RIGHT I,.IHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS ]5"33'08" AND I,IHOSE LONG CHORD BEARS N 59'05'34'' E I12.13 FEET TO A PO;|{T 0F TANGEIIT; AND (2) N 66"52'08" E'100 FEET T0 THE S0UTHEAST C0RNER 0F SAID VAIL HEIGHTS - FiLING NO.,I WHICH POINT IS ALSO THE NORTHI^IEST CORNER OF LOT 3E, RESU3DIVISIC], OF BUFFER CREEK; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHI,IESTERLY LINE OF SAID RESUBDiVISION OF BiJFFTR' CREEK S 37"07'52" E 83 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID S0UTHI^IESTERLY LINE S 52o52'08" l'J 205.2: FEET; THENCE N 38"41"00" t,l .|19.39 FEET T0 THE TRUE P0INT 0F BEGINNING, CONTAINIIiG 21,945 SQUARE FEET 0R 0.5038 ACRES MoRE 0R LESS. vicinity of pi1, owned by Vail City Filing No. 3. Approved the meeting ACCEPJAryCE the Eagle County Board of County ,197 . Corunissioners By: at : I , o l1 Colorado, which property is presently unencumbered and Corporation described as Lot 3 of Vall Village West VAIL CITY CORPORATION (A Color4do Corporation) Presiilent by resolution of of EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY SUBDIVIS]ON iMPROVEMENTS COMMISS I ONERS AGRETMENT IN RE: Vail Village l,Jest F'iling No. 3, as shovrn on the Subdivision Plat thereof dated January 3'l, 1973, attached hereto as Exhibit "A". LOCATI0N 0F SUBDIVISI0N: West Vai'l This Agreement made and entered into this day of A. D. I973 by and between VAIL CITY C0RPORATION, a Colorado Corporation, whose address is Suite 250, Greenwood P'l aza Terrace, Englewood, Colorado B0ll0, hereinafter referred to as "first party" and the Board of County Commissioneri of the County of Eag1e, State of Col orado whose address is Eagle County Court House, Eag1e, Co1 orado Bl 63l, hereinafter referred to as "secoq{ party", l,llTNESSETH: WHEREAS, first party'is in the process of developing Vail Vi'llage West Filing No. 3, near Vail, Co'l orado in the County of Eagle, Colorado, and; WHEREAS, the second party, pursuant to its duties, requires'in connection .with said development that roadways and water systems be developed according to certain minimum regulations and requirements; N0tl THEREF0RE, for and in consideration of the promises and agreements herein contained, the part'ies hereto hereby agree as fo1 lows: l. That the road system to be constructed by or in behalf of first party in connection with Vail Village l.lest Filing !io. 3 shall be completed as of Noyember .l5,'1974 so as to meet the spec'ifications on fi'le with Eagle Couniy. 2. That upon cornpletion of the roadways according to the specifications and requirements of Eagle County, second party shal'l release any security given by first party to guarantee such performance and shall release first " party from any further obligations hereunder. 3. That first party hereby agrees to secure his performance of the terrns and conditions to be met by'i t'i n accordance with this Agreement with the sum of $35,000.00; and payment of sa'id sunr shall be evidenced and secured by a Deed of Trust to the Public Trustee of Eagle County, Colorado nam'ing second party as beneficiary and covering certain real estate in the /' +l tlJ '/''..,i,l-,// '/ IIHEREAS: Vail City Corporation did execute a Subdivision Improvenient Agreement and Deed of Trust regarding Vail Village West, Fiiing #3, copies of which are attached, and WHEREAS: Vail City Corporation has not developed Vail Village I'lest Fi'ling #3 and does not contemplate doing so, and WHEREAS: Vail City Corponation has requested that a Release of Deed of Trust bg executed covering said parcel described in sa'id Subdivision Improvement Agreement, now THEREF0RE BE l-L RESQIVED that the County Board of Commjssioners of Eag'le County,reerebyauthoriziitsappropriatemembertoex6cutea- Release of Deed of Trust covering said parce'l , and BE IT FURTHE&RESOLVI! that in the event Vail City Corporation determines toffinVai]Vi1lageWestFiting*sthatanappropr.iatebond as required by the County Corunissioners be filed prior to any road cons tructi on . Authorized this day of May, 1976. RESOLUTI ON ti"e(|u[t ucvelelnenf L iLiomaiil l,.;Ja March 26, 'l976 Mr. Bob Stemwedel County Attorney P.0. Box 7'17 Eag1e, Colorado 8'163'l I Re: Vail Village West Filing #{ Dear Bob: Approx'imately three years ago Vail Vi'l1age l,lest Fiiing #3 vras approved by the Eagle County Conimissioners and at that time a Deed of Trust (copy enclosed) covering 21,945 square feet of property lying north of interstate 70 and adjacent to Buffer Creek vtas executed in favorofthecountytosecurethebui.ldingofroadsinfi1ing#3' The roads have not been bui'lt and'it would appear that Vai'l Vii lage l^lest Fi'ling #3 wi'i'l be annexed into the Tovrn of Vail along rvith what is common'ly knourn as the Matterhorn Property. Due to current litigation, which I discussed wjth the P]anning Cornriss'ion on March iTth' the ownership land ovrned by Vail City Corporat'ion has been divided' and I must therefore obtain a cance'l lation of this Deed of Trust frorn the county in order to del iver to the nevl oh'ners the 2l ,945 square feet in question. Several members of the County Comrilissioners r,rere in aitendance at the meeiing on March'l 7th and heard my discussion on ihis ma'rier. In the unl ikely event that the'l and is not annexed and remains in the county then Vail City Corp. wi1'l post at that time vrhatqver appropriate bond the county may lrsquips. C::J I=) F-,\;t tr;-: F-- c-, I wou'ld apprec'iate ii if this matter wou'id be approved 'l st or Apri'l 5th meeting for a'l 'l of these matters are to be the next court hearing set on 4-22-76. ,,t I Please ca'l'l me if you have any quesiions, and thank you cooperation , at your April resolved before for your 5i ncere'ly, David G. E'lmore suite 2,trfl ' g;eenrvoo{ p)aza ten'acc . cnglervoor'1, col,,r'u,l,r 801 l(-) ' llr )l}.iii)' I irlljJ suile250'{J2il conrnrelce drivc'oak blook, illirri'i* (1052l '3l:'p,8;'1300 rect AprJ'l 29, '1976 Mr. Bob Stemvedel County Attorney P. 0. Box 7i7 Eagle, Colorado 8'1631 Re: Val'l Village l,Jest Flling #3 Dear Bob: Enclosed is a proposed reso'l utiOn fOr your cons'ideration and a n"iear" of Deeb o? Trust to be executed. Inasrnuch as Hugh warder did not forward to us the recording data we were unab'le to iJrnish all the information required in the Release of Deed of Trust. our letter addressed to you and dated n'tr'tnnnn# -li1r:ll':ll rit f-ii\-'tdrrt,'J' ro$lcnroii ljrilny r1--.\\::;/ tJ;2j r}qL-J f::.:1r.:::,tr=).cl\rt otr=eA\(vtrioE:t Enclosed also is a coPY of March 26, '1976. Very truly yours ' David G. Elmore \A/\.r' j0001 East Evans, #69C, Denver,/Colorado 80231 (303)"750:]900 xuxxpxxxxtx,xdQ('\,)0fiilK*xxxx,lxxx,xN4l.xilxX)(MXXXX,KXKX)(XXX'XX0{NX,)f{XX0gI suite 2S0 , 823 commerlce clrive . oak brook, illinois 60521 ' 312.887'1300 'o The BoardQ County Commissidners-fagleOunty, Colorado EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 Phono 328-6377 May 25, L976 OANIEL F. KOPRINIKAR Drslrict No. I A.F. "AI'' ORLOSKY Distflct No.2 DAIE F. GRANT Dist.icl No. 3 Mr. DavidSuite 250 Greenwood Englewood, Rel Dear Dave: RJS:p1b G. Elmore Plaza Terrace CoLorado 80110 VaiI Village West Filing #3 We wii-l- need a resoLution and any other docu- mentation whj-ch you $rant approved prepared and sent to us for review prior to submission of same to the County Commissioners. Very truJ-y yours, G Gio.,l),(f^ Robert J.l StemwedeJ-, Jr. eg v\ -i,.\ ruJ' * | J*"^'*'J d* *fr*' -f:" *;^^ ^ y *JnL "ry o Y* .* m'JH \^tyfu #^l*-'5s''r "*T ! 'ut"'" F'4/4'4 rLt * r't*'\A'--' '-O--t'*""t' '^+ t '"tt-t l+foJ f eL"*t + 'l @J' ttQ ,wo',tr/u" prTn* r o' -k D ^r E EH%.-r inrc z-. fnOU-4a.l+etfu_0F 7:4c _ /c,d0 _FF€Hk-__ - ;:",'"; .-.t-) _ ,;J4, 4,,/4^ H,. oo, "7* u,-,- -,Xt & at ''z'+#,-.,"t a,1/" G) (Vu..,-.u, /("Ir_, [,tE5SAGE/I -Vlao,u"y9t1,M_',/y;*:rz/_"_i:;Lyifl .[;;ffi .Zfrffi ,' ffi, ;F4" .!; :! :r.,t-a-i'tr,-^, r- L ;r.aa,/i + u-t i rLu*,_.- (A d- _o,. ", 1,2, T o fr:.ff I,; i /u.- vtz, < : yaiy'u:;/. g.c_ -**,,t-, er Robert J. StemwedeL, Jr. ISNiAnflilfi N- County Aito(ney Mootlng ol Bo!.d. Flr.l Mond.y of Monlh 't , MAXW€IL R, BARZ -, County Clotk .# .,;+4':,AtF ; ':': 'r '2! i.': .r.^ . f.:!.i'i.. : ' ---i 'J '/l'.t/t2-T-.' ,z --lllb-- The Board(' County Commissioners-Eagle Count{iolorado EAGLE, COIORADO 8163T Phon 328-6377 . May 251 1976 2 .1- I.i. -L-./ ,, DANTEL F. XOIRTIIXAn Or.trict t{o- | fe.r..l.onlosxv t... )r/ ' o.lricl l{o' 2 DALE F. ONANT Oi8trict l{o. 3 I I : ,i",; i -,-lc,li,'';l/ -; Mr. David G. ElmoreSuite 250 Greenwood Plaza Terrace Englewood. Colorado 80L10 Re: VaiI Village West I'iling *3 Dear Dave: We will need a resol-ution and any other docu- mentation which you want approved prepared and sent to us for review prior to submission of same to the County Cornmissioners. Robert J''| . R^TS: plb Fg" v\rr, rnJ^ - | J;*J d" *fr-*' *!:A \4/t^ , lr *'1 Lifr"^ a ( v"a* 7. Y;.A1/'rr*- - - tY-*, d^'**sc"d F*&"'*' t 'f F'47'e4 p.t r.t- rt'r^,frt'n 'nt*)**' '^' t *7 t'o7a'-"/ f .Ck*t * 13 'o l' P S. ttL[ a.*rf d"* p"fr* *# Robert J. Stemwedel .Ir.Nltli:iflfilltfrlN. counry AIorD.y ms.rtng ol Bo.d. Fkrt Morx,ry ol Monlh lrAxwELL a, 8ARz. County cl€rk t very truly yours , Stem\,tedel , Jr . tI devel v '1000] Easi Evans, #69C, Dcnver,/Colorado 80231 (303) 750-'1600 l(ixtixD)Sxxxydxxlixi(xxxi(l(xxxxxiixxx,xxf,Ix.. xi(x,xxvix)(xxxl$xxl('x.xxilN)iclxxo(rg ,4a,fi\i?itf'l i- $ -I \I\-/\-/.:iuli' J\ui,...r 7Lclcruen$recreeilionex !-/l=4 April 29, 1976 Mr. Bob Siemwedel Couniy Attorney P. 0. Box 717 Eag'le, Colorado 8'163'l Re: Vai'l Vi 1 l age Dear Bob: West Filing #3 Enc'l osed 'is a proposed resolution for your coneideratJon and a Re'lease of Deed of Trust to be executed. Inasmuch as HuEh llarder did not forward to us the recording data we were unab'le to furnish a'l'l the information required in the Release of Deed of Trust. Enc1osed a'lso is a copy of our letter addressed to you and dated March 26, 1976. Very truly yours, David G. Elmore AoG' \ct --eF.\gafoE7 , suitc 250 . 82ii ctinrrnclcc drivc ' ork brook, ilJinois (r0.-r2l ' .312'88?'I:i00 recr"eatloneil developmaem{; cCIilt]? March 26, 1976 Re: Vail Village West Filing #l Dear Bob: Approximate'ly three years ago Vai'l Vil'lage West Filing il3 was approved by the Eagle County Commissioners and at that time a Deed of Trirst (copy enclosed) covering 2'1,945 square feet of property lying north of Interstate 70 and adiacent to Buffer Creek vlas executed in favor of the county to secure the building of roads in.fi'ling #3. The roads have not been bui'lt and it wou'ld appear that Vai'l Vil'lage West Filing #3 wi'l'l be annexed inio the Town of Va'i1 along with what is common'ly knolvn as the Matterhorn Property. Due to current litigation, which I discussed with the Piann'ing Commission on i{arch'l7th; the olnership'l and ovrned by Vaii City Corporation has been divided' and I must therefore obtain a cancel]ation of this Deed of Trust from the couniy in order to deliver to ihe new owners the 2'l ,945 square feet in question. Severa'l members of the County Conrcissioners were in attendance at the meeting on March lTth and heard my discussion on thil matter. I wou'ld appreciate it if or Apri'l Sth meeting for next court heari.ng set on )r Mr. Bob Stemwede'l County Attorney P.0. Box 7.l7 Eagl e, Col orado 81 63'l I In the unlike]y event that the 'land the county then Vai'l. City Corp. will post bond the county may'require. you have any Si ncere'ly, David G, Elmore srrite 2.i0 ' gr.cerrrv.rod Ilazn terracc . en;1ltrv.-tod, c(ll,,r'ir{l(} 8i)l l0' i}t)ll.ll(i-l(rlij} quesi,ions, and thank You for Your is not annexed and remains in at that lime whatgver aPProPriate wou'ld be approved at Your APri'l matters are to be resolved before a>\\i:7 E=4 Ao E::f ,c\\E/ o E=r e.c\\qAo 'lst the this matter al I of these 4-22-76, Please cal'l me cooperati on. tl t suite2S(l . Sllil ronrmt'r'ce drilc'oirk bt't,r,k, illinois 60,-12l '312'llB;'1300 (( RESOLUTION /It. 41,,'/'P'/')f+ I'JHEREAS: l^lHEREAS: Vail City Corporation did execute a Subdlvision and Deed of Trust regarding Vai'l Village West,which are attached, and Improvement Agreement Filing #3, copies of WHEREAS: !3jt,!!!r corporation has not deve'toped vail viilage west Fi1ing #3and does not contemplate doing so, and vail city corporation has requested that a Release of Deed of Trustbg executed covering said parcel described in said subdivision Improvement Agreement, now THEREFORE gtiIT RES9LVED,that the.County Board of Commissioners of Eag'le County,colorado does hereby authorize its appropriate member to ex6cute aRelease of Deed of Trust covering saiil pircel, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that inffinVai'l the event Vail City Corporation determines toVillage West Filing #3 that an appropriate bondas required by the county conmissioneri be filea pribl.tb any road of May, 1976. cons tructi on . Authorized this day , EAGLE COUNTY BOARO OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBDIVISI0N IMPROVEMENTS AGREEfTEII IN RE: Vail village west Filing No. 3, as shown on the subdivision Plat thereof dated January 3'l , 1973, attached hereto as Exhibit "A"' L0CATI0N 0F SUBDIVISI0N: I'lest Vail This Agreement made and entered into this day of -' A. 0. 1973 by and between VAIL CITY CORPOMTIoN' a colorado corporation' whose address is suite 250, Greenwood Plaza Terrace, Englewood, colorado 80110' hereinafter referred to as "first party" and the Board of county commis.sioners of the county of Eag1e, State of Colorado whose address is Eagle Countj court House, Eag1e, Colorado 81631, hereinafter referred to as "seco4d party"' hlITNESSETH: WHEREAS,f.irstparty.isintheprocessofdevelopingVaiiVillageWest Filing No. 3, near Vail, iolorado in the County of Eagle, Colorado' and; WHEREAS,thesecondparty,pursuanttoitsduties'requiresinconnection withsaiddeve.lopmentthatroadwaysandwatersystemsbedevelopedaccordingto certain minimum regulations and requirements; NOl,t THEREF0RE, for and. in consideration of the promises and agreenents' herein contained, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows: 1. That the road system to be constructed by or jn behalf of first party in connection with Vail Village West Filing No.3 shall be completed as of Noyember 15, 1974 so as to meet the specifications on file with Eagle county. ?. That upon completion of the roadt^rays according to the specifications and requiremenfs of Eagle County, second party shall release any security \ given by f.irst party to guarantee such performance and shal'l release first ' party from any further ob1 igations hereunder. 3.Thatfirstpartyherebyagreestosecurehisperformanceof..he terms and conditions to be met by it in accordance with th'is Agreement with the sum of $35,000'00; and payment of said sum shall be evidenced and secured by a Deed of Trust to the Public Tfustee of Eagle County, coiorado namingsecondpartyasbenef.iciaryandcoveringcertainrea.lestateinthe : t I I 1 aI 'l a vicinlty of Vall, Colorado, whlch property ts presently unencunbered and owned by Vail City Corporatlon descrlbed as Lot 3 of Vall Vlllage l{est Ftling llo. 3. YAIL CITY CORPORATIOI{ (A Colorado CorPoratlon) a r tt i I I.i By: Pres'ldent ACCEPTANCE Approved by resolutlon of th6 Eagle county Board of county connlssloners at the meetlng of By:- 197 -----IFtrman t ,( LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ONE-HALF ACRE COM}4ERCIAL PARCEL 522 FEET NORiHEAST OF DAS SCHC:.: SHOPETTE TRACT ON CHMONIX LANE. A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER'I 1, Tor,lNsHIP 5 SOUTit, MNGE Bl UEST 0F THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIii,t, EiGLE OF COLORADO OESCRIBEO AS: OF SECT:;:i c0uNTY, s;i;E COi,IIENCIIIG AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER, OF THE SOIjTHI.IEST QU;.RTER OF THE SCUTH::.S[ QUARTER 0F SAID SECTi0N ll, THENCE AL0NG THE t,tEST LINE 0F SAiD Ep.ST HAI-F 0F, THE Sotj;;-:iSI QUARTER OF SECTION II, S 'I"39'OO' I.I 354.I5 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF CIIAI4OIiIX L:..: RIGHT-0F-WAY' l'iHICH IS ALSO THE S0UTHr,'JEST CORNER 0F VAIL HEIGHTS - FILING liO. 1: Th::.lE AL0NG SAID S0UTHERLY LINE 0N THE F,0LL0','litiG SEVEN C0URSES: (l) N g3ol3'33' E192-e?;a?t T0 A PoINT 0F CURVE; (2' 270.55 FEET AL0NG THE ARC 0F A 238.64 FoCT RA;IUS CURVE T0;-E LEFT '/HOSE CEIiTRAL ANGLE IS 64O57'33U AND I^]HOSE LOI.IG CHORD BEARS ]i 52"14'46" E 256.A FEET T0 A POINT 0F TANGENT; (3) N 20'l6'00" E 284 FEET T0 A P0INT 0F CIJRVE; (4) 139.49 FEET ALONG THi ARC OF A 227.38 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE RIGHT IIHCiSE C5:iTML ANGLE iS 35OIO'29'' AND |.IHOSE LONG CHORD BEARS N 37"51 '15" E 137.41 F:ET T0 A p0iNT 0F TANGENT; (5) N 55'26'29,', E 364.86 FEET T0 A P0INT 0F CURVE; (6) St.77 FEET ALoNG Tf;: ARC 0F A 1,135.80 F00T RADIUS CURVE T0 THE LEFT llHoSE CENTRAL ANG:_a iS 4"7'29. A.:iD t{HosE LoNG CHoRD BEARS N 53o22',44u E 81 .75 FEET T0 A potNT 0F TA|i3ENT; AND (7) ti 5l'i9'00' E 273.50 FEET T0 A POINT 0F CURVE t,lI|ICH IS THE TRUE P0INT 0F BEGI:i\ING: TIiENCE C0NTINUING AL0i,iG SOUTHERLY LINE 0F CHA,Y0NIX LANE RIGHT-0F-[{AY 0N T/0 COURSiS; (1) I12.47 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A 414.37 FOOT RADIUS CURV- TO THE RIGi{T I.,iiiOSE CENTP-AL ANGLE IS 15033'08'AND I,IHOSE LONG CHORD BEARS N 59"05'34' E 'I 'I2.I3 FEE; TO A POi:iT 0F TAItGEilT; AliD (2) N 66.52'08" E ]00 FEET T0 THE S0UTHEAST C0RNET 0F SAIC VAIL IIEIG}ITS - FILING NO. i ]'JHICI] POINT IS ALSO THE NORTHI^IEST CORNER OF LOT 38, RESUDJIV:5iCd 0F BUFFER CREEK; THENCE ALONG THE S0UTHIIESTERLY LINE 0r SAID RESU3DIVISl0ii 0F Bl.i;FE:. CREEK S 37o07'52" E 83 FEET; THENCE LEAVIT{G SAID S0JTII'JIESTERLY LIi: S 52"52'08'',.i 2;5.26 FEET; THENCE N 3B"4I"OO" l,I 1I9.39 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINIiING, COIITAINiITG 2.I ,945 SQUARE FEET 0R 0.5038 ACRES MoRE 0R LESS. ........Recordor. VITNDSSDTE: Tb€ crsnlor to sccure hir {Id{rNli6S$XrX'.6 becring evcn dato heiewitb, lor tbs DrttCDsl surn oi[,XdOFX36Yr(X1x'6 becring svcn dnto lrerewrltr, Ior Subdivision Improvernents Agreement Riccf'!io^ N TII;S DDED OIr IRUST, Mede thio thc grontor hct'cin whosc addresr ia PUELIC TIIUSTEE of thc dry ol VAIL CITY CORPORATION Suite 250, Greenwood Pl aza Englewood, {JOll0 Coun'.y ot Ara pahoe Countt ol Eagie Terrace rld Ststs ot Color.do, rttd ' h th. StAt ot Colot do, Er:lT*1 r etter thc d.to th.r€of, pcrccnt psr anlum, principal onil inerett DrFbh i -1 t i t If I :. I I I Ii'l ) l) .l puyable to the order of Eag'le County Board of County Comnissioners lhe bcrcficirry herein whoso oddrcls is Eagle County Court House Eagle, Colorado 81631 with interest thcrson frcm tls dsto thereol st tbs rltg ol r do.es hereby grant and conyet ulto said Publlc T:ucte6 tbe following described Prct€ny, situsto in th3 couniy ot Eagle , slats o! Colorado, to wit: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF OIiE-HALF AUNE \,V.'I'IL^VT'! I 'lI\I'LL C Z IILI NORTHEAST OF 3AS SCIICiIE SHOPETTE TRACT ON CHAMOIIIX LANE. A ir\iisL 0F LAND LYING IN iHE qAql.ilALF 0F THe s0irlrrrnll allllrti*r,0,|,',:i:1?lrt .l.l , To,rtNsliIi 5 So'\tTti, rr.uriic Jrr \'[sT 0t: Tilti slNTll llilNcIPAL l;l liltrlAN. OF COLORADO DiSCRIDID AS: c0,\ii,iEi\crnc AT rHE NoRTHE4sI.gollilR.0F TnE sourHr',fsi q!4lTlLPt#5r:tllif;:ltt QUARTER OF SAID SECTIOfr Ii""iiJiiliI-NtONG THT-!{EST LINE OF SAID EAST H Hytii!i,!;^ililir-iii-;,.i;'?isi;;5.ffi$ii,fiiiilitf i';llrfril":li!'!!"$Tliliitii;r +b'i"3it? ;?Tiiir: tiit'lu,ii:'iiiti$"$i:l,i:utl:ii[:]1:r3fi:i4ii;"'l'iii'io'irl . itfi n$:ti$$t u,l'#lill ;iliilil1*'$,qlt:i:iilqitliiliuiei:ilfi3'ii;io,;n,;-o*D-',,.sE rrir'[i;iB tlxn,r",r"^i,en+t;iiolri:1iti^ii:],'?qt,iiillqli-' IArlsila i?i:l,l3"iiei'rllii,rllr;is,:lf*:i'+u;:,li$:li"illiidi fi1 iii fin8,",,'0,' tJ'3;5.;3-F,:T013 R'f[?+ di iua'ir wirii^is,inE'inur'pbirit c: BqgI'itlNS6uRiillttrl ] lu:i+;itt,;llrli.i*Tir*v.itl:,il,i':t$ii*itilti6llili;l+itl\iili'r,Ii;'l'rr;lll : r: m:** i iliu i i[$ir*i-t::i ffi li;$rll'CiltHi,[[*l'iillti'i+i:: :; i*ll'i,il;F;13;.i,iiii?ilr,;tl'F'lloli)?fliR'i'B6lIi'lF-bl.!l[i'nrd,-i;iinii;I re !iiils'i.cu,ril'reel on-o'so3$ ^cllr:s MoRE 0R t'rss' It r. tot!8orng |D.lnriGut te 'cL'ovl'd!'o<t bctot! e tlit d" 't N, C{'ahi.^ion.tltt.{r --. . . ' ll '' ' wi|.!.{ nrt h.nd.nn olticid ...L : .l i tl ri Kxorv Ar,r. Mux Tnase Pnirs:xrs : I'nat, Whcrees, VAIL CITY CORPORATION Countyof Arapahoe iir'r'r'lit iotr ( of ths dated the day of ro Truste€ in 6aid Counfi of [69'ls described, ia trust to sesure tbe paymeat of the indebtedness mentioaed thersil etio, rvrt"ntos, Said inclebtrdness has been paiil anil the purposae of gaid trust have beero fully WIINESS mY hand antl soal tltis day of Clerk and Recoidcr of the the day oi Seception No. The Public Ttuste€ b said Please oiecute this release, tho i:rdebl.eilness secured by the having been fully paid. NOW, THDREFORE, At tbo t€que8t of ths legal bolder of the iodebted.ness secu^-ed bv &1id Deed of Tlust, and iu c,onsideratioa-oitlE p-e-i.$, -e it tu"th"" consideration oi '''be sum of fr^-e€ Dollars, to mo in band p"i4 th";;tpi ;f**f is Lereby ackrowledged, I, as the Pablic t'us"cs i! said' Countr ofguola , {o leryU1 renisc, release -ard. quit'claim i:ato ihc prcseat owncr or owners of Baid r&i "d6ta aDa uab the heirs, successors aDd assigns of said ormci or owners forever, nU the rigbt, tiJf" "oa int--.-" wbich I have uncler ard by viriue of ssid D€'d of T.r.ust in an,l to the said real estste b 6aid Deed of ltust particularly described, r,cfererce to which is hereby made for gxeater cdtainty. TO IIAYE AND TO HOLD tbe same, togothe.r with all and singula.- tbe pivileS-es a'nd appur- tenatces thereunto *ronging zuwer.-eNO rUnrgaR, that the said Trust Doad is, by t'hese pnos' ""di" U" "i^fa*"a * ?rffiy r"a absolut€ly released, calcolleri and foreyer discba'-ged' County of Eagl e , 19 , la book 8t Pegs (Fili:a No' ) of tbe raconts, in said offica, conveyed to the Publis A, g!. PtrUI. Tt!ti.. lD..ld Courty of Eagl e By Ea!.'rb,,co.rnvv.gsil**tPJ,H;c:Uf ilfs"T.irui By STA1E OF COLORADO, Couaty of The foregoing irstrument vas aqloowl"'dged before mc this as thc Couuty of , Colorado. MY commiesion cxaircs Wit'ness my l'"nd and offici^rl se^rl' in tho Stats of Colondo, by DEDD Of II3UST , and duly lccorded ln tho Office of t&o Couafy ia ths Strrte of Colo:zdo, on cerlain real ustata in said Deed of lrust .19 (sEAL) Coiorado: above mentroned Deed of trus', , I E_r--- I EAGI,EI COU}TY EINGINEER Courthouse P. O. Box 734 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Phone 328-6337 29 June 1976 MEMORANDUIVI To:County Attorney From: County Engineer Re: Release of Surety for Vail Village lYest Flling #3 The correspondence'relating to subject matter which you gave to me on June 16, L976 is returned herewith. As I am sure you know the purpose for requiring surety for public imppovenrents at the time of sub-division approval is to j.nsure thatthe sub-divided parcels. of land have the necessary improvementsinstalled by the developer. In reading the above referenced correspondence and talking to Dave Elmore j-t appears very doubtful that the irnprovements will be installed in the near future. Thus,I feel that the County continuing to hold the surety is moreimportant than normal in this case. I would suggest that if VailCity Corp. needs this surety released then they should eitherl a. Vacate the plat 1n its entirety, or b; Provide new, substitute su::ety, based on an updated cost estinrate for the County approved facilities,i.e. plalls approved by the County. llthich cost estirnate, would be subject to the approval of the appropriate County Offices. I rvould strongly advise against the County releasing the surctyIry other conditions Bi tl cc: l\{ilie BIair Steve Isom -/'t'- -tr -"/:3 under W\rSz'hv TIIIS DDDD OF TRUST, I{ado this tho glontor' )rclcin lvhosc addrcss is ths PUBLIC TIIUSTED o{ tho \'/ITNDSSDTE : Tho Grantor Lo I , botvroen Terrace and Stoto of Colorndo, arrd , in tho State of Colorado, (lBy o( payal.rlctothcorctcrof Eagle County Board of County Commissioners fhe beneliciary herein rvhoso aitrlress is Eagl e County Court House Eag'le, Col orado 8'163.l with intercst thcrson from tho date thereof at ths rato of r aftcr tho dats thcreof, psrcent por annum, principnl tnd intoroat poyrblc (', does hereby grant and conv€y unto said Publiq Trustee tho follorving describeil Couniy of Eagle , State of Colorado, to \rit3 situots in the tl LEGAL DESCRIPTI0N OF 0NE-HALF AuKt vv'x.i,-^vr.^L r^,\vLL cz.z rLLl N0RTHEAST 0F DAS SCll0l'lli SHOPETTE TRACT ON CHA}IONIX LANE. socuro hig {Iov'rX&\6\$XrXi6 beoring even drto herewith, for tho prlncipal sun of Subdivision improvements Agreement &rftx{ Lr\ND LYING IN THE EAST HALF 0F Tl{E S0tlllllA:;T QTJARTER 0F SICTION iitNrlt: l.tl t\'l:sT 0t: rrrr, iiXl'ii-i'IiINCIPAL ltt tiiirt'nn. lA(il.E CorliifY, !;TATE AS; A |'A\L:L UiIi, T0|JNSHI? 5 S0LlTli, OF COLORADO DESCRII}ED !||e lercrorns inrlruuren! wtrr r,cl(nowl{dgod t,rforo rno thir y Canrm i: rion cxDir$l Wilre.. nry l,nod slrd oltilid scol. ,lc (- ....ltcco'rlrrr. day of VAIL CITY CORPORATION Su ite 250, Greenvrood P1aza Eng l elood , {.i0.l I0 County of Arapa hOe County of Eag le COiq}tENCIIIG AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF TIIE SOUTIII'JEST QUAR,TER 9F.IHg SOUTHEAST QUARTER 0F sAID sEcrIoN il, THENcE ALouG THE l,,tEsr LINE 0F aAID ensr HRlr 0F THE sOuTllEAST QUARTER 0F SECTIoIi ll, S '1o39'00" W_:S4.f S FSEi fO TllE S0UTHERIY LiNE 0F CHAVIOI'IIX LAIiE RicllT-0F-I.lAy, tJHrcH (ii [LiO-ini souTHf{EiT-coRNsn or VAIL IIEIGHTS - FILING N0. 1; THENCT ALo;\IG sArD sourHERLy LrNE 0N THE FolLot,ritte sEvrn cOuRsrs: (r ) N-q!:11:l9i:^E^]s2'Bz FEET T0 A pgltT 0F CURVE; (?) ztl.55 FEET nlOi,ie iHE-nRc 0F A Z:9.6+ F00T RADIUS CURVE T0 THE , LEFT I'IH6SE C[NTRnu-AnClE iS Oq'SZ'::"'Iilij-WHOST LOxe CHoRD BEARS tt 5?"44'46" E 256'2e \ rftr r0 A pOiNT or tnr,rcEfi; i:) * r0'16';00i; i-iea rrEr r0 A PoINT 0F cURVE'; (4) 139'59 FSET ALoNG THE ARC oF A zzt.3g F00T nnorui cunvi ro iHr RIcitt l'lH0sE CENTIIAL ANGLE is 350.10,29" AiiD Hi]0sE LONG Cl-i0RD BEARS - t'l 37"51'.l5" E .l37'4.l FEET T0 A PoINT 0F TANGENT; (s) N 55"t6125;' r.364.86 FEET T0 A p3rNT 0F 6URVE; (6) 8l .77 FEET ALgNG THE ARC 0F A 1,135.80 Fooi-nnorui cuRvE ro ine..llri urose c[llTRAL /TNGLE IS 4"7'29" Ai'lD t.lH'S[ LoNG CHoRD BEARS N 53"22'44" E ef .75 FEef T0 A P0illT 0F TAI'lGEi'lT; Al'lD (7) N 5.|"19'0C" E 273.50 FttT ro n-pciini oF clnvg hll-ili'il'ri tirs TRUE PoINT 0F BEGIf']NING: THENCE coNTTNUTNG ALoNG souTHERLy LrNE or orniiotix'lnuE nierr-or-wav-on-iwo counsrs;.,(t,), 112.47 F[[T ALofiG ilr[ ARc 0F n 4tq.ir 'ljoiii'nnoi[s cunvi' T0 Tut RIGI.iT l]ilOsi: cEllTllAl' AtiGLE ts'1s"33,0r],,At{D tJnosI L0u0 crrrrnb-[inii.{-t,t 59"0rJ'34'' l. .l.|2.13 l:l-ll'l'T() A l'01i11' 0F TANGEilT; AtiD (2) N 66'52,0g,,E-roo Fu'ii io i'tli. soutllu,ns'l c0i(Ntl{ 0l: sAID \/AIL HETG'TTS - FILIl,lc Nb. I t.'tlliCll P0IllT IS n[sO frrr liOnrnUrsf dORNER 0F LOT 33' RESUiJI]iVISI0:i 0F BUFFER CREEK; THENCE ALONG THE SOU:ii,,.trirrnl-y t-iNE 0F sAID RESUBT)IVISION 0F llui:F[ll .REEK s 37o07,52,, E 83 FEi:T; THEi\lcE Lrnvirtu-ilio iouriiu'rdTinLi-Lrni' s 52"52'03" i'l 205'?5 FiET; THENCT irr rs"Itioci,-!t j19.39 FIE;"ro'irlr inur polnr 0F EEGINNING, C0NTAINING ;' ,1r-15 s(u,riRE FtIT 0ri 0.50:]ll AcRI:s Pioli[ 0R l'i:ss ' .lt, Nobry I'ul'lic, lit'ct'l'l tr,tr I(xorv ,lir-r, Mnni Bx. jf;:usa Pltrls:;x'rs: 'I'h:it, wrcrurs, VAIL CiTY COiiPOIiATICN Eag'le in ths Siate of Coloi-"do, on ,19 'lobook af pags (Hr No. Rpceptiou No.) ofthe records, in said officq couveyec to '.ho ?ublis Trustec in said Counfuof gsg'ls ceitaiircJ ostaiein 6aid Deed of Trust describod, in trust to secure the paymcat of the indebtcdness mentiolted t'herein" ario, wrrnnpAs, Said iadebtedness has b€en paid and the purposes of said ku* have bea fuilv satisfied; of tho C,ounty of dated thc daYof Clcrk and Recoider of the the daY of ' WITNESS mY hand and sesl this The Public Ttitstee nx said Please oiecute this release, har-i:ig been fullY Paid. STATE OF COI.,ORADO' CountY ol The foregoing instrument 19 ,by CountY of Arapahoe in the ,19 ' and County of day of S'r,a'r of ColoiruJo, by Dnf,D OF 13UST duiy rccorded i;i tho Offiee of -.ho CountT ,19 (s3AL) C@!tt cl NOW, THEF,EFOP.D, At the request of tho legal hoklel of the indebtedness €€cu^lal bZ said Deed of Tlust, aad io -,"rlao"tioo ofthu premisea, a"e in furiher coasideration of i;o suno oi frree Douars, to mo in h*d trti4 th. iu".ipt wbereot is irereby acl<nowiedged, I, 8-s the ?'rblc Ani;tae ia s;,i,J' County o&aq'l e - , do heroby rcmise' release and quiildsina ua"o ihe prcsoDt o\,vner or ow'ers of said re;i'dftta a.na unto the heirs, successors and assigas of sa:d oo'e. or orfrers forcver, "u ti,. ;si;;}* *t;t"*"t" whicb I havs under and by viriue of ssid Daed oi Trust in and to the r"id ;;i;;;t" i" *ia Deeil of lilcust particularly described, r€feience io wllich i'a herel.,y made for greater ceci'tainty. TO IIAVE AliD TO HOLD the saare, together with all aacl singular the piivjeges "'nd appur- tenances thereunto hfoas;g for**. gNO finfttnn, that the said I:-ust Deed is' by -'bese pros' "rrr., to be considered *;"& and absolutely 'eleasal, cancelleri and forever discharS"d' Ar ih. hbllc TYrrtar i.! .sld By CourtY the indeb+.edness of Eagl e secured by the Colorado: above mentronqi Deei of Tiu.6"' By Ea h.'lEr, County'.goard.cf .-iounLy-'Co'.j'ss':,oxe:s""'---v-'-- - hi" f"r.t lo:arr of tUe La.Uteai.6. ..tqrld bt rdd D..d ol fto.L i-" day c,fwas aclocorvledged before n:e this as the , Colorado. My conrmjssion c:'-Prirc's Wit:rcss rr,y hend and officn'l seal' Publ lc t^-.1 steo il saiii I lictrty i'ul"-- ,t t -t:rra: : ::::;-' -=z' -#:=::::::----:: l'i.r. ll0,i u:;r,;:,1'o:r gy' lri;iuD olf 'r'iiuiT uT Tri'; r"';r'tc ]::Ljl'T;:I!''ll|rrif, rrl fr,Ili'ri,lrrr ('rr.r ll'rt'{li !il|lrlt fitt'rl' ll(,li'r(ir Colt:udll -'t':0 ( LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ONE.HALF ACRE COMMERCIAL PARCEL 522 FEET NORTHEAST OF DAS SCHO;iE SHOPETTE TRACT OII CHAI4OI{IX LANE. A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION I'I, TOI.JNSIIIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 8'I I,/EST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAIT, EAGLE COUIIIY, STA;: OF COLORADO DESCRIBED AS: COI4MENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER 0F SAID SECTI0N il, THENCE AL0NG THE I{EST LINE 0F SAID EAST HALF 0E, TlE S0U;iE;); QUARTER 0F SECTIoN il, 5 '1o39,00,' l,i 354.15 FEET T0 Tl.tE S0UTHERLY LIl.lE 0F CHA'{O!i;X L;.:lE iIeHt-or-wny, wHIcH Is ALSo THE sourHuEsT CoRNER 0F VAIL nEIGHTS - FILING N0. l; THt;icE AL0itG SAID SOUrHrnly Lil'lE 0N THE F0LLOI,jING SEVEN C0URSES: (1) N 85o]3'33" E 192'e?. F=E' T0 A PQINT 0F CURVE; (2) 270.55 FEET ALONG Tflt ARC 0F A 238.64 F00T RADIUS CURVa T0;HE LEFT l,lHosE cENTRAL AlrelE rs 64o57,33" AND t+HOsE LoNG cHoRD BEARS N 52o44'46" E?56.29 FEET T0 A P0IilT 0F TANGENT; (3) N 20'.16'00" E 284 FEET T0 A'POINT 0F CURVE; (4) 139.59 FEET ALOI{G THE ARC OF A 22i.:E TOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE RIGHT I,IHOSE CENTRAL A}IGLE iS 35"10'29'' AND I.IHOSE LOI{G CHORD BEARS N 37"5I'I5'' E I37.4I FEET TO A POINT OF TAIIGTNT; (5) N 55'26'29" E 364.86 FEET TO A P0INT 0F CURVE; (6) 8.I.77 FEET.ALO;iG TtiE ARc 0F A i,ias.so F00T RADIUS cURVE T0 THE LEFT t^tHosE cENTRAL ANGLE Is 4"7'29u ll,lD htHOSE L0Nc CH0RD BEARS N 53'22'44" E 8.l.75 FEET T0 A P0INT 0F TAI'IGEI{T; AllD (7) li 51"19';J" E 273.50 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE WIIICH IS THE TRUE POINT OF BEGIT{NING: THENCE COI{TINUiI{G ALONG SOUTHERLY LINE OF CHAI4ONIX LANE RIGHT-OF-I^IAY ON TI,JO COURSES; (I) 112.47 FEET ALoNG THE ARC 0F A 414.37 F00T RADIUS CURVE T0r THE RIGi-iT tiHoSE CE}IT.?AL ANGLE IS I5O33'O8" AND I,JIIOSE LONG CHORD BEARS N 59O05'34'' E II2.I3 FEET TO A POi;iT 0F TAliGEliT; AND (2) N 66"52'08" E l00 FEET T0 THE S0UTHEAST CORI{ER 0F SAID VAIL HEIGHTS - FILING-NO.,I I,IHICH POINT IS ALSO TI|E NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 33, RESU3]IV:SIC]' OF BUFFER CREEK; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHI,IESTERLY LINE OF SAID RESUBDIVISION OF BiJFFER' CREEK S 37"07'52" E 83 FEET; THENCE LEAVIIIG SAID S0UTHI^IESTERLY LINE S 52o52'OB'\'l 20a.2') FEET; THENCE N 38"41'00" }.l'l'19.39 FEET T0 THE TRUE P0INT 0F BEGINNING, C0NTAINIIiG 2-t,945 SQUARE FEET 0R 0.5038 ACRES ilioRE 0R LESS. cr ) vicinity of Vail, owned by Vail C'itY Fi'ling No. 3. '.t Colorado, whlch property is presently unencumbered and Corporation described as Lot 3 of Vall Village Hest VAIL CITY CORPORATION (A Colorqdo Corporation) By: Presiilent ACCEPTANCE Gommi ssi oners at Approved bY the meeting of resolution of the Eagle County Board of County 197 * , EAGLE COUNTY BCARD OF COUNTY SUBDIVI S I0N Il'IPROVEMEt'lTS COMI'I I5S IONERS AGREEMENT IN RE: Vai'l Village West Filing No. 3, as shown on the Subdivision Plat thereof dated January 31, .|973, attached hereto as Exhibit "A". L0CATION 0F SUBDIVISI0N: l^lest Vail This Agreement made and entered into this _day of A. D. '1973 by and between VAIL CITY CORPORATI0N, a Co]onado Corporation, whose address is Suite 250, Greenwood P'laza Terrace, Englewood, Co'lorado 801'|0' hereinafter referred to as "first party" and the Board of County Commiss'ioners " of tlre County of Eagle, State of Colorado whose address is Eag'l e County- Court House, Eagle, Colorado Bl 631 , hereinafter referred to as "secon$ PartY"' l.IITNESSETH: WHEREAS, first party is in the process of developing Vai'l Village lfest Fifing No. 3, near Vail, Co'lorado in the County of Eag'le, Colorado' and; WHEREAS, the second party, pursuant to its duties, requires in connection .with said deve)opment that roadways and lvater systems be developed according to certain minimurn regulations and requirements; NOl'l THEREF0RE, for and in consideration of the promises and agreements herein contained, the parties hereto hereby agree as fo'l lows: 1. That the road system to be constructed by or in behalf of first party in connection yrith Vai'l Vi'l lage l^|est Filing l,lo. 3 sha'l 1 be completed as of Noyember'l 5,'l 974 so as to meet the specifications on file vrith Eagle Couniy. 2. That upon cornpletion of the roadways according to the specifications and requirements of Eagle County, second party shal'l release any security given by first party to guarantee such performance and shall re'l ease first " party from any further obligations hereunder. 3, That fjrst party hereby agrees to secure his perfornnnce of the tenns and conditions to be met by it in accordance vtith this Agreement rvith the sum of $35,000.00., and payment of sa'id sunt shall be evidenced and secured by a Deed of Trust to the Publjc Trustee of Eagle County, Colorado naming second party as beneficiary and covering certain real estate in the RESOLUTION ,/ Vail City Corponation has requested that a Re'lease of Deed of Trust bg executed covering said parcel described in said Subdivisicn Improvement Agreement, now Authorized this day of May, 1976. +,) t't^t tlnl"' vai'l_city corporation did execute a subdivision Improvenient A.greement and Deed of Trust regarding Vail Vil'lage West, Filing #3, copies of which are attached, and WHEREAS: vail.city corporation has not deve'loped vail village l,test Filing #3 and does not contemplate doing so, and l.lHEREAS: l,JHEREAS: THEREF0RE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Board of Commissioners of Eagle County,ffierebyauthorizLitsappropriatemenbertoexdcutea- Re'l ease of Deed of Trust covering said parcel , and BE IT FURTHER RES0LVED that in the event Vail City Corporat'ion determines ioffinVai]Vil1age}JestFittng*rthatanappropriatebond as required by the County Commissioners be fi1ed prior to any road constructi on. ["e(r \IEI,.r ;l il.l.a;\'i'l n.4ht-'i o:l ii nlitrr:r||.|;(i|,;i| .::l'l l |l\-./ \ g' li.r- \-./ i l- \-!r'ra \-r-r)T lien$r'ul\lili]:1o^ --t.,\/^!:i. l.*-- L:-e; Mr. Bob Stemwede'l Couniy Attorney P.0. Box 717 Eag1e, Colorado 8'163.I I March 26, .1976 Re: Vail Village West Filing #{ C., c-)E)E--\. :t j E=,9F. &'- Dear Bob: Approxlmately three years ago Vail VillaEe l'lest Fiiing #3 vtas approveil by the Eigle County Conirnissioners and at that tin:e a Deed of Ti"irst (copy enc'losed) covering 2.l,945 square feet of property ]ying north df interstate 70 and adiacent to Buffer Creek vlas executed in favor of the county to secure the building of roads in.filing #3. i- The roads have not been buiit and'it would appear that Va'i'l Village West Filing #3 rvill be annexed into the Tot'rn of Vai'l a'long with what is commonly known as the it'iatterhorn Property. Due to current 1it'igation, which I discussed with the Planning Conmission on March iTth' the 6wnership land ovrnad by Vaj'l City Corporation has been divided' and I must therefore obta'in a cancellation of this Deed of Trust fron the county in order to de'ljver to the netl ot\'ners the 21,945 square feet 'in question. Several members of the County Commissioners were in a'.tendance dt tne meeiing on March'l7th and heard my discussion on this mat"er. In the unlikely event that the county then Vail. Ci'r,y Corp. bond the county may'requ'i re. I would appreciate ii if this matier'lst or April Sth meeting for a'l'l of these the next court heari,ng set an 4-22-76, '/l P'lease call me if you have any quesiions, cooperati on. the iand is noi annexed and remains in will post at that time r'rhatqver appropriate would be approved at Your F.Pril matters are to be resolved before and thank you for Your Si ncere'ly, David G, E'lmore suite 250 . glcenrvood Plaza terlacc ' englervo,rcl, c()1,,r'i'.ir) 30i l(-) ' ilr)il'i?i)' i irlljt suire2.50.{i2ilconrnrercc<lrilc.oakbt'ook,illirrnisf)0.:r2l'.ii!'88i'130i') recifr:d;tcltuoii ailevelc nen$mCI ri\q(:J r.--.:1 E1oE=ec\\oAor"t Apri'l 29, 1975 .rl Mr. Bob Stemwedel Couniy AttorneY P.0. Box 717 EagJe, Colorado 8163.| Re: Vai'l Vi'tiage West Filing #3 Dear Bob: Enclosed is a proposed resolution for your consideration and a n"ieiie of Deeh oi Trust to be execuied. Inasmuch as Hugh i^ii"J.r-aia not forlard to us the recording data we were_unable to iJrnistr a'l'l the information requlred in the Release of Deed of Trust. Enc'losed a'lso i s March 26, 1976. Very tru'ly yours, David G. Elmore a copy of our letter addressed to you and dated v 1000.1 East Evans, #69C, Denver,/Co'lorado S023'l (303)-750--1600 iuxxnxxxxtxxxiixxxtrituutxyJoex)0xxd1x..\xi(x)&\l(xxxxltl0xxl{)&x}io{xx}i/xx0{rx suitc250 . 823 commerlce drivc . oakbrook, illi'ois 60521 ' 312'887'1300 ?- The Board(-, County Commissioners-Eaglc(. uunty' Colorado EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 Phono 328-6377 May.. 25' L976 Mr. David G.. E1more Suite 250 Greenwood Plaza Terrace Englewood, Colorado 80110 Re: Vail Village West FiJ-ing #3' Dear Dave: We will need a resolution and any other docu- mentation which you want afproved prepared and sent to us for review prior to submission of same to the County Cornmissioners. VerY truLy Yours, Robert RJS:pJ.b DANIEL F. XOP'IINIKAR Dslrict No. I A.F, "AI'' ORLOSKY Disl.icl No. 2 DALE F, GRANT Dist.ict No. 3 o 'o ' l'L*"*l**fr'^l>,y a ,fr- , (l4il,l + / qU,tru+rtc-r. uLt ir'\t v-' -'- ,:^ ., (" ;*Jfr.A L' | .'Y*F'*^'**nsc"rc r-tu7 t ':-ff" @ u^"Jaa uou''-'n't '*'t I *7'+7ru*' €Lr*u + B @J' P. f t(Ll n^ru,tldr* Sulnuo # ., Robert J. StemwedeL, Jr. t trltiiLlitllSlN. Courly Atro(ney Meoting ol Board - Flrit Mood.y ol Month MAXW€LL R. SARZ '. Counlv Clotk ro' - #o m e glr/z-r i''"'-' l'!E !f CALI _.0F