HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 1 LOT 10 LEGALPrcject Name: DANTAS VARIANCE Proiect DescripUon: PEC l{umber: PE@50050 Location: 1778 ALPINE DRryE FINAL APPFOVAL FOR A VARIANCE FROM TOWN STANDARDS FOR LOT AREA AND SITE DIMENSIONS AND SIDE YARD SETBACKS FOR A NEW SFR Participants: OWNER DANTAS BUILDERS INC O6ILOI2W5 PO BOX 4015 AVON co 81620 APPLICANT DANIAS BUILDERS INC 05/10/2005 PO BOX 4015 AVON co 81620 CONTRACTOR DANTAS BUILDERS,INC 06lL0l20OS Phone: (970) 376-5444 PO BOX,1015 AVON co 81620 License: 290-A Project Address: rzCteIrue DR vAIL Legal Description: Lot: 14,o"*r Subdivision: VAIL WLLAGE WEST FIL 1 Parcel Number: 2103-123-1205-6 2L03-L23-tZO5-2 Comments: seeconditions BOARD/STAFF ACIION Motion By: ldesbo Action: APPROVED Second By: viele Vote: 7-0-0 DateofApproval 07ltLl20O5 @nditions: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate revia^/ committee(s). Cond:300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: CON0007930 This approval shall be conUngent upon he applicant receiving Town of Vail approval of the design revievv application associated with this variance request. Entryt MlLLl2fl)5 By: ee Action: AP Cond; CON0007931 The applicant shall maintain a limits of disturbance line as shown on the site plan. No building encroadlmenb or consbrrction disturbance shall be allowed beyond this line. Enltyt 04|IUZ006 By: ee Action: AP Cond:CON0007932 Prior to submittal of a building permit for Lot 10, Lot 11, or Lot 12, the applicant shall record with Eagle County the amended plat, reflecting the access easement and its associated language. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel PEC Fee Pald: $500.00 / l/rr'(- Vl Lay (pr.'{f€l I ttf ta Project Name: DANTAS MINOR SUB PEC Numberr PEC050045 Project Description: Minor subdMision request; variance requests from minimum lot size, minimum frontage, site dimension, and site setback regulations. . Pafticipants: owNER DANTAS BUILDERS INC 05/01/2005 PO BOX 4015 AVON co 81620 APPLICANT DANTAS BUILDERS INC O6IOLI2OOS PO BOX 4015 AVON co 81620 CONTMCTOR DANTAS BUILDERS, INC 0610L12005 Phone: (970) 376-5444 PO BOX 4015 AVON co 81620 License: 290-A Project Address: 1722 ALPINE DR VAIL Location: L772, t778 & 1788 ALPINE DRIVE Legal Description: Lot: 10 Block: Subdivision: VAIL VILI-AGE WEST FIL 1 Parcel Number: 2103-123-1205-1 Comments: see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion Byl Kjesbo Action: APPROVED Second By: Viele Vote: 7-0-0 DateofApprovalz OTlLtl2OQs CondiUonsl Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: CON0007317 This approval shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail approval of the design review application associated with this variance request, t Erty: O7lLLl2O05 By: ee Action: AP @nd: CON0007318 The applicant shall maintain a limits of disturbance line as shown on the site plan. No building encroachments or construction disturbance shall be allowed beyond this line. Entry: 07l|Il2fl)5 By: ee Action; AP Cond: CON0007319 Prior to submittal of a building permit for Lot 10, Lot 11, or Lot 12, the applicant shall record with Eagle County the amended plat, reflecting the access easement and its associated language. Entry: 0711L12005 By: ee Action: AP Planner: Elisabeth Eckel PEC Fee Paid: $650.00 \f All proJects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receMe approval prior to submiting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required infiormation is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type of Application and Fee: tr ,rRezoning $1300p/ Major Subdivision $1500!l Minor Subdivision 9650tr Exemption Plat $650D Minor Amendment to an SDD 91000tr New Special Development District 96000tr Major Amendment to an SDD $6000D Major Amendment to an SDD 91250 (no exterior modifrcatbns) tr Conditional Use Permittr FloodplainModificationtr Minor Exterior Alterationtr Major Exterior Atterationtr Development PlanD Amendment to a Development Plantr Zoning Code Amendment0 Variancetr Sign Variance $6s0 $400 $6s0 $800 $1s00 $2s0 $1300 $s00 $200 d(ro ,ta Location of the Proposal: Physical Address.: ^tott^aa2osJ gio.7tz.s73' v,ParcefNo.: l!O;t23t,7 671^tot'zzt^o€e ' (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: E"lt1€r fr.s Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: E-mail Address: 88 ql o Name of Apptica*t E ez-ft r F ,.;/&er E A-n .- Jtl*^rrrnnOlOr"ur ,- It Description of the Request: No,: of 6-01/18/02 *'}'}ff****ffffff*******l*****fllfff*++**ff**+*********!tlr{r{r{'l'{'*****f*ff+****+***++++t********* TOWNOFVAIL. COIORADO Statement t *'|********t++r******'t****+t*+****************'it**'i***+++ + * ***********++:irl.rlf ***********++*+,* Statement Nuniber: R050000?23 Amount: $550.00 06/oL/2oo5o2:55 PM Palzment Method: Check BUIIJDERS fnit: iIS Notation: 5991/DANTAS Pemit No: ParceL No: Site AddreEE : Location. This Paynent: P8c050045 Type: PEC - Minor subdivision 2103-123-1205-1 1722 ALPIIIE DR VAIIJ L772, T778 & 1788 AIJPINE DRIVE TotsaI Fees r $550.00 Toba1 AIrL Pmts ! Balance: $5so - o0 s6s0.00 $0.00 ACCOT]NT ITEM LIST: Account, Code PV 00100003112500 DeEcription PEC APPI,ICATION FEES Current PmEE 650.00 TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement a**+*'f*f++++++*****************+++t't+ti+++++++f**i*****************++*****ttt*******+*++'t+++ Statement Nunber: R050000806 Amount: $500.00 06/lO/2OO5O2z2O PY! Palment Method: Check BUIITDERS Init : ,f,S Notsation3 6041,/DAllTAs Permit No: Parcel No: Site AddreEs: Locat,ion: This Payment: ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code PV 0 010 00 03112 50 0 $s00. oo Deacription Total Feea: Tota1 AL,L, Pmts : Balance : ss00.00 $s00.00 $0.00 Current Pmts 500.00 P8C050050 T!pe: PEC - variance 2to3-123-1205-L 1722 AIPINE DR VAIIJ L'172, T778 & 1788 A],PINE DRIVE rlt*'t't**************ftf*******+tra't't*+*'t***++ff****+tt*****{r**flr************,f,1*************** PEC APPI,ICATION FEES Appl'lcatbn tbr ReYiew bY the ' Planning iird fnviionmirrtal'Commisslon I I D.D.rmcrf of cinmirry qe**ritcrt # ffi -fiGgB nmu, wi cittqaio s16ti sr. rzr rt tt .r trr- G':tr! 47ll t lS,i * szalzi.zug tbi9ru'47q:45r i :' ' ucbi urnwfrovon . . GtrcraltfruaUqt:EltJlffllUlEg{Xr-!:-rilfieos-tqfiE n rrt-.r a"{"ri"qbretl iritt ;!tiu f11g?:gg^g1ig :gg' l. ftffiiHpE#- G ;il;'r'n-Jffie'"ct.''-,l'.q5- Egf mE. H*ffiF,Hld. " s*#ffii'rffi t'ffi flraFqed nrav am rieco b bc flriqi"d brrftcTortr 60mt and/stha DGCgn Rllxil 8..d; . Lodrdfutrrcnols sfrmutzW EagF @. Assesor at 97}lti&864o frr FErcd m') Zoning:. tbrr{r)dOrir(o):' ownr(l)$mtrc(r): tlamr otAppficant: il.Sng fE tcsss 'Phqt i c.mallAddrqe: Jrl{}0l 0lrlOn FrorT0f,l 0F YAIL mf,tTY 0EtELomiT llune1ft T-t8f P.002/00r F3e8 PhrdalAdrscca. Ol l7-1, 6t.t {D._ (A w_ztottzl,tffiL.iio'"c*.lH',".1;:#i,rq, ; := a) I|t ffoIo 8 -_------+ ItO403/3 li,|| 1 ^ r_To\r-c0M.DEV. 1. The final plat shall be drawn in India ink, or other substantial solution, on mylar, with dimension of twenty-four by thifi-six inches and shall be at a scale of one hundred feet to one inch or larger with margins of one and one-half to two inches on the left and one-half inch on all other sides. 2. Accurate dimensions to the nearest one-hundredth of a foot for all lines, angles and curves used to describe boundaries, streets, setbacks, alleys, easements, structures, areas to be reserved or dedicated for public or common uses and other important features. All curves shall be circular arcs and shall be defined by the radius, central angle, arc chord distances and bearings. All dimensions, both linear and angular, are to be determined by an accurate control survey in the field which must balance and close within a limit of one in ten thousand. 3. North arrow and graphic scale, 4. A systematic identification of all existing and proposed buildings, units, lots, block, and names for all streets. 5. Names of all adjoining subdivisions with dotted lines of abutting lots. If adjoining land is unplatted, it shall be shown as such. 6. An identification of the streets, alleys, parks, and other public areas or facilities as shown on the plat, and a dedication thereof to the public use. An identification of the easements as shown on the plat and a grant thereof to the public use. Areas reserved for future public acquisition shall also be shown on the plat. 7. A written suruey description of the area including the total acreage to the nearest appropriate significant figure. The acreage of each lot or parcel shall be shown in this manner, as well. 8. A description of all survey monuments, both found and set, which mark the boundaries of the subdivision, and a description of all monuments used in conducting the survey. Monument perimeter per Colorado statutes. Two perimeter monuments shall be established as major control monuments, the materials which shall be determined by the Town Engineer. 9. A statement by the land surveyor explaining how bearing base was determined, 10. A certificate by the registered land surveyor as outlined in Title 13, Chapter 11 of the Town Code as to the accuracy of the survey and plat, and that the suruey was performd by the surveyor in accordance with Colorado Revised Statutes 1973,'fitle 38, Article 51. 11. A certificate by an attorney admitted to practice in the State of Colorado, or corporate title insurer, that the owner(s) of record dedicating to the public the public right-of-way, areas or facilities as shown thereon are the owners thereof in fee simple, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except as noted. (See lltle 13, Chapter 11) 12. The proper form for approval of the plat by the PEC chairman and acceptance of dedication and easements by the council with signature by the mayor and attestation by the Town Clerk. Examples are found in (See Title 13, Chapter 11) 13. The proper form for filing of the plat with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder as per example in (See Title 13, Chapter 11) 14. Certificate of dedication and ownership per (See Title 13, Chapter 11). Should the certificate of dedication and ownership provide for a dedication of land or improvements to the public, all beneficiaries of deeds of trust and mortgage holders on said real property will be required to sign the certificate of dedication and ownership in addition to the fee simple owner thereof. 15. All current taxes must be paid prior to the Town's approval of the plat. This includes taxes which have been billed but are not yet due. The certificate of taxes paid must be signed on the plat or a statement from the Eagle County Assessor's Office must be provided with the submittal information stating that all taxes have been paid. Paee 5 of6-01/18/02 I 15. Additional material which shall accompany the final plat includes, but is not limited to: a) Complete and final Environmental Impact Report if required by the zoning ordinance; b) Complete engineering plans and specifications for all improvements to be installed, including but not limited to water and sewer utilities, streets and related improvements, pedestrian and bicycle paths, bridges and storm drainage improvements; c) Maps at the same scale as the final plat showing existing topography and proposed grading plan (contour interval requirements same as preliminary plan), a landscape and or revegetation plan showing locations, type and sizes of existing and proposed vegetation. d) A map the same scale as the final plat depicting all high and moderate avalanche hazard areas, forty percent and high slope areas and one hundred year floodplain areas as defined in the hazard ordinance of the Vail Municipal Code; e) Title insurance company proof of ownership of all lands within the proposal; f) Copies of any monument records required of the land surveyor in accordance with Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, Ttle 38, Article 53; g) Any agreements with utility companies when required; h) Protective covenants in form for recording; i) Other data, certificates, affidavits, or documents as may be required by the Administrator or PEC or Council in the enforcement of these regulations. ADDTTIONAL REVIEW AND FEES If this application requires separate review by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50o/o of the application fee. If, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by the Town staff that an outside consultant is needed, the Community Development Department may hire the consultant. The Depaftment shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any excess funds will be returned to the applicant upon review completion. Please note thut only complele applications will he accepted All of the required information must be subnitted in orderfor lhe npplicalion to be deemed complete. Page 6 of 6-0 l/1 8/02 Tfti.iltd Land Title Guarantee Company Datq 07'21-2004 Our Order Number: V50005fit&4 Property Address: U88, T722AND ITTSALPINEDRIVEVAIL, CO 81657 Buycr/Borrower: DANTAS BI'ILDERS, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION Seller/Owner: GUILLERI,IO HIJERTA AND GERARDO HTJERTA, AS TO PARCEL I DANTAS BT'ILDERS,INC., A COLOMDO CORPORATION, AS TO PARCEL 2 Wire Information: Bank: FIRSTBAITIK OF COLORADO t0403 wcoLFAxAwNw LAKEWWry COU215 Phonc: 303-237-5(M0 Credit: LAl,lD TTLE GUARANIEE COMPA|]Y ABANo.:107@fl47 Acmunt: 2160521825 ,AAantion : I(ath ryn Ku ch ler *'|l+* ll*lr r++t* ***t*f'rr**+tt t+t+ +* * ||*++rtt **ttrt*ta*tl* t ll t I r* t**a Note: Once an original commitment has been issued, any subsequent modifications will be emphasized by undcrlining or commetrts. t* tt**t* **r**rrtt****tt*a**{.* * *at * * *tirr*** tt+t '}**l'} * * * t *t * | * *lt* * Need a mao or direttions for your uocomins closinc? Check out Land Title's web site at www.ltgc. com for directicins to any ofour 3i officd locatiois. - rb eEt oaloa THANK YOU FOR YOIJR ORDER! ESTIMATE OF TITLE FEES Alta Owners Policy fGlT-9Z (Reissue Rate) AIta Loan Policy l0-17-Sz Deledon d Excepdons l-3 (Onmer) Ddedm of General Exception a (Owner) Tax Repod R012758 has been ordered from Eagle Cty Tax Report R0{2787 has been ordered fron Eagle Cty Tax Report R042788 has been ordered from Eagle Cty AddidoDal Chaitr 9643 974O s30 s70 t75 $75 975 $Lso oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo It L.d. tltl. 6E r.rt . Cqr.q, tfl:L b. cAodq t}.l.e E 'trcgt@,.bov. t .. ,t7A be aou.ctd .t tilt tlD. TOTAL $7,078. OO Cticago Title Insurmce Conpany ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A Property Address: 1788, 1722AND I?TSALPINEDRIVEVAIL, CO 81657 Our Order No. V500050064 Cust. Rcf.: l. Effecthe Datq ftne 30. ZfiX at 5:fi1 P.M. 2. Policy to bc Issued, and Proposcd Insured: 'ALTA' Ownen's Policy l&r7-92 $280'000.00 Proposed lnsured: DANTAS BTJILDERS, TNC., A COLORADO CORFORATION 'ALTA" I-oan Policy lUlT-SZ $280,000'00 Proposed Insured: FIRSTBANK OF AVON, ITs SUCCESSORS AND/OR ASSIGNS 3. The estate or interest in the land dcscribed or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Stmple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: GUILTERMO HI,'ERTA AND GERARDO HUERTA, AS TO PARCEL I DANTAS BTJILDERS, INC,, A COLORADO CORPORATION, AS TO PARCEL 2 5. The land referred to in this Commitmsrt is described as follous: PARCXL I: LOTS IO, 11 AND 12. VAIL VILI^AGE WEST FILING NO. I, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT N$REOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLOMDO. PARCEL 2: LOT 5, BLOCK 3, WILDRIDGE ACCORDINC TO TTIE FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT, COI'NTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLOMDO. ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section I @equiremcnts) Our Order No. V50fil5lXl64 The following arc the requirements to bc omplied with: Item (a) Payment to or fc the aamt of the grantors or mortgagors of the foll condderation fm the estate m inbrcC to be fusorcd. Item (b) Proper lnsnunent(s) caadng the es0ate or lntere$ to be in$red must be exeqrted atrd duly flled for record, Itcm (c) Payrnmt of all taxes, chrrgs or assessmeots levid ad asscssed agtimt the subject premtses whici re due aDd Pa]'able. Ibm (0 Adddooat if ary disclced belon: I. RELEASE OF DEED OF IRUST DATED MAY 23. 2OOI FROM GI'ILLERMO HIJERTA AND GERARIX) HUERTA TO TTIE PT'BLIC TTUSTEE OF EAGI.E COT'NTT FOR TTIE USE OF FIRSTBANK OF VAIL TO SECURE TrrE SUM OF $144,000.00 RECORDED JUNE 06, 200r, TJNDER RECEPTION NO. 758812. MODIFICATION AGREEMEI.IT IN CONNECIION WIIH SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED OCTOBER 16, 20f,2 I'NDER RECEPIION NO. 8T0448, MODIFICATION AGREEMENT IN CONNECTTON WITTT SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED DECEMBER 06, 2OO2 T'NDER RECEPTION NO, 8T6210. MODIFICATION AGREEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED Jt NE 16, 2003 T NDER RECEPTION NO. f,|689r. 2. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO TIIE COMPAI.IY THAT TTIE TERT{S, CONDrrIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 3. WARMNTY DEED FROM GIJILLERMO HI'ERTA AND GERARDO I{UERTA TO DANTAS BUILDERS, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION COT.MYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. (AFFECTS PARCEL 1) 4. DEED OF TRUST FROM DANTAS BT,'ILDERS, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION TO TIIE PT'BLIC IRUSTEE OF EAGLE COIJNTY K)R T}IE USE OF FIRSTBANK OF AVONTO SECIJRE THE St M OF t280,000.00. ALTA C OMMITMENT ScheduleB-SectiorI (Requirements)Our Order No. V50{D5000-l Continued: NOTE: SAID DOCI'MENT CAN BE EXECUTED BY TTIE PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT OR CHAIRMAN OF TIIE BOARD (CEO) OF TIIE CORPORATION. IF ANY OTIIER OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION OR AGENT D(ECUTES SAID DOCT'MENT ON BEHALF OF TTIE CORPORATION, A POWER OF ATTORNEY/RESOLUNON MUST BE PROVIDED TO LAND TTILE GRANItrIG SAID AUTIIORIZATION. TIIE FOLLOWING DELEIIONS/TT{OilNCATIONS ARE FORTHE OWNER'S POHCY. NOTE: ITEIT{S l-3 OF TIIE GENERAL EXCEffiONS ARE HEREBY DELETED. I,'PON TTIE APFROVAL OF THE COMPANY AT{D THE RECEIPT OF A NOTARIZED Ftr$AL IIEN AFFIDAVIT, ITEM NO, 4 OF TTIE GENEML EXCEPTIONS WILL BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL E)(CEPnONS IS DELETED AS TO ANY LIENS OR FUTTJRE LIENS REST'LTING FROMWORK ORMATERIAL FURNXSHED ATTHE REQUEST OF GTJILLERMO HI'ERfA AND GERARDO HI'ERTA, AS TO PARCEL T DAI{TAS BT'ILDERS, INC,, A COLORADO CORFORATION, AS TO PARCEL 2, CHICAGO ITILE INSITRANCE COMPANY SHALL HAVE NO LlABruTY FOR AI.IY LIENS ARISING TR,OM WORK OR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT THE REQTJEST OF DANTAS BI.JILDERS, INC., A COLORADO CORPOMTION. NOTE: ITEM 5 OF TTIE GENERAL H(CEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED IF LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANT CONDUCTS TIIE CLOSING OF THE CONTEMPLATED TRANSACTION(S) AND RECORDS TIIE DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION TTIEREWITII. NOTE: IJFON PROOF OF PAYMENT OF ALL TA)(ES, ITEM 6 WILL BE AMENDED TO READ: TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2OO4 AND STJBSEQUENT YEARS. ITEM 7 I,''NDER SCTTEDULE 8.2 WILL BE DELETED TJPON PROOF THAT THE WATER AND SEWER CHARGES ARE PAID UP TO DATE. 't,|*:r*f,rrff NoTIcE oF FEE CHANGE, EFFECTryE SEPTEMBER l,ZQ$l s+**'**+++a Pursrad to Colmado Revised Sbtute 30-lG42l, "The county clerl and recorder shall collect a srrrnarge of 31.00 fm each docummt reeived for rccordng or ftling in his or her office. The surcharge shall be in addidon to any other fees pernitbd by statute.' ALTA COMMITMENT ScDeduleB-Secdon2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. V50005006-4 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to thc following unless the same are disposed ofto the satisfaction of the Company: l. Rights 0r claims of panies in pmsession not showtr by the public records. 2. Easemerts, or claims of eaenenb, not shorvn by the public records. 3. Dlsoepocies, cotrfltcb in boundary lines, shorhge in area, encnoaclmerts, and any facrs which a correct s rvey and inspectim of the premlses would disclme and which are not shoum by the public records. l. Ary lim, or right to a llm, for servicrc, hbm or material theretofce or hereafter firdshed, imposed by law and not shormby the public records. 5. Defccls, llens, mcmbrances, adverse clains or other mattenr, if any, crcated, ffrst appearing in the prrblic records or afiachitrg srbsequent to the efrectra dab hereof but prlor b lhe date the pmposed insurcd acqdrcs of record for mlue thc estate c futerest or nortgrye lherootr coverd by thts Comnitnent. 6. Taxes or special assessmed rvffc.h are not $own as exlsting liens by the public recor&. 7 . IJens for unpairl wato ad swer c.brrges, if alry. 8. h addition, tte ormer's policy will be crbjed to the mortgage, if ary, noted in Sec{ior I of Schedule B hereof. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO E)ilRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE TITEREFROM SHOT'LD THE SAME BE FOTJND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT TT{E PREMISES AS RESERVED IN I.'NTTED STATES PATENT RECORDED OCTOBER 04, 1918, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 3OT. rO. RIGIIT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY TTIE AUTHORITY OF TIIE T'MTED STATES AS RESER\1ED IN IJMTED STAIES PATENT RECORDED OCTOBER 04, I9I8, IN B@K 93 AT PAGE 301. II. RESTRICTTVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITI.'RE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, REUGION, SE"T, HANDICAP, FAIT,IILIAL STATT'S OR NATIONAL ORIGIN IJNLESS AND ONLY TO TIIE EXTEI{T TIIAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF TTIE TJMTED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATFS TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRTJMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 25, 1963, IN BOOK 178 AT PAGE 149 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRIIMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 6, 1963, IN BOOK I78 AT PAGE 3{5. 12. RESERVATIONS OF A TEN PERCENT NON-PARTICIPATING ROYALTY INTEREST CONTAINED IN WARRANTY DEED RECORDED OCTOBER 30, 1962 IN BOOK 166 AT PAGE 407. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Secdon2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. V5005006'4 Thc poticy or policies to be issued will contain o(ceptions to the following unless the same are disposcd of to the satisfaction ofthe Company: 13. UTIUTY EASEMEMS 5 FEET IN WIDTII ALONG ALL REAR AND SIDE LOT LINES AS RESERVED ON TTIE PLAT OF VAIL VILI-AGE WEST FILING NO. 1. 14. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON TIIE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL ULLAGE WEST, FILING NO. T, 15. TTIE AFFECT OF T'NMAINTAINED ROAD CUT OR DITCH TRAVERSING STJBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOII'N ON TTIE IMPROVEMEI.IT LOCATION CERTIFICATE PREPARED BY STARBUCK suRvDroRs & ENGINEERS, DATED s/2/01, JOB NO. 20r-27. GHE ESOVE IIEM AIFECTS PARCEL I) 16. RIGHTS OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF TIIE INIIED S"TATES, AS RESERVED IN I'MTED STATES PATENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 23, 1949. IN BOOK T34 AT PAGE 524. 17. RESERVATION OF AII. TI{E COAL AND OTHER MINERAIS IN THE LAND TOGETHER WITI{ TTIE RIGIIT TO PROSPECT FOR MINE AND REMOVE THE SAME PTJRSUANT TO TTIE PROVXSIONS AND LIMITATTONS OF TTIE ACT OF DECEMBER 29, 1916 AS RESERVED IN DOCUMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 23, 1949 IN BOOK 134 AT PAGE 524. r8. RESTRICIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOtr CONTAIN A FORFEITT'RE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITIING ANY COVENAI{T OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMIIJAL STATUS OR NAfiONAL ORIGIN TJNLESS AND ONLY TO TI{E H(TENT TIIAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS H(EMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF TIIE TJMTED STATES CODE OR (B) REI.ATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGNNST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 14, 1982, IN BOOK 3.,T5 AT PAGE 844. r9. EASEMENTS, CONDMONS, COVENANIS, RESTRICTTONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON TI{E RECORDED PLAT OF WILDRIDGE. 20. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF IIIE WILDRIDGE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT, CREATED IN INSTRTJMENT RECORDED 9 12, I99II IN Bfi)K 537 AT PAGE 433 AND IN INSTRTJMENT RECORDED JANUARY 9, Igt'I IN BOOK 545 AT PAGE 415. ALTA COMMITMENT Sc.heduleB-Sccdon2 (Exceptions) Our Order No- VsfiXlsme4 Thc policy or policics to be issucd will cDntain o(ceptions to the following unless the same arc disposed ofto the satisfastion ofthe Company: NOTE: LIPON EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TOTHE COMPANYfiIAT SAIDASSESSMENT HAS BEEN PAID IN FT'IJ" IHIS H(CEPITON WILL BE DELETED. FI{E ABOVE rrEXvr AmECTS PARCEL z) l'r f__@tta-_ -\ ---i\'!-qffi!tH!: ".'4 ca ""'"r.$ .liltl\ an t/e/tu4 5t u-28 TOPOGRAPHIC MAP LOTS IO,I I,12 VAIL VILLAGE WEST, FILING I TOWN OFVAIL EAGLE COIJNTY. COLORADO Gore Range Surveyin&LLc / ','d hknrrr'rr.! - lrtst.Fr.4r. hr Grol.Dql /.. z' ----r-**-".- \ r' -'-"""-- f 6al 3:i I I i tiI II H /,/ .r^ o, . TEITER mpp desiqn shop ?OBox4227 0l l3 Mill Lofi Street. Unit 8207 Edwords, CO 81632c 97G39G4931t 97V9264682 michoel@moodesignshoo.com copy June 01, 2005 Town of Vqil Community Development 75 South Frontoge Rood Voil. CO 81657 Tel:.97G479-2139 Fox:,97G479-2452 Regording: Donfos Builden. Inc. PEC Applicotion - A re-subdivision Lotsl0, ll&12 Alpine Drive Voil. CO 81657 Lot l0 AccountNumber: R042787 Pqrcel Numbet: 210312312051 Legol Description: SUB:VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL I BLKi IOT:10 Physicol Address: @1772 ALPINE DR VAIL Acres: O.2? Lotll AccounlNumber: R04278€ Pqrcel Numberi 210312312052 Legol Description: SUB:VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL I BLKi LOT:I I Physicol Address: @1778 ALPINE DR VAILAcres: 0.33 Lot 12 Accounl Number: R012758 Porcel Number: 210312312c,44 Legol Descripiion: SUB:VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL I BLKI LOT:12 Phpicol Address: 001788 ALPINE DR VAIL Acres: 03 04G-llr-0'24-O5-PEc.doc Poge I ot3 IETTER mpp desiqn shop PO Box4227 0l l3 Mill Loft Street, Uriit 8207 Edwords, CO 81632 c 97G39G4931 t 97U926-O68,2 michoel@moodesionshoo.com Deor sin; This letler serves os the required sfolemenf to oddress lo Town's lisl of concerns qs ouilined in the PEC Applicofion. o. The proposol, for fhe obove menfioned lots, is to; l. Re.subdivide the fhree lols. i. The re.subdivision is necesory for the plocement of fhe buildings on eoch of lhe three lots due lo lhe steep noture of the lots. ii. The three lots will be re'subdivided such thot eoch of lhe three lots will be relotively equol in size. 2. Creole o drivewoy ond ufility occess eosement lor lhe lhree lols. i. One ddvewoy ond utility occess poinl from Alpine Drive will be creoled to occess eoch of the three lols. 3. Be gronled o vorionce for fhe side yord sel-bocks from l5' to l0' where eqch lot obuls one onofher. i. The Eost side of Lot l0 ond lhe Wesl side of Lot 12 wil' mqinloin lhe sfondord l5' side'yord selbocks. ii. The side-yord setbock vorionce will nof offecf the existing sfrucfures to fhe Eost ond Wesl of lhe proposol. b. The DRB hos gronled concepfuol opprovol for fhe singulor drivewoy occess ond re-subdiv'sion of lhe lhree lots. They hove been presenfed over twenfy (20) differenl opfions for the occess of the lhree lots, ond hove concluded thof this opfion best meels the Town of Voil's guidelines ond objeclives. The noture of eoch of the buildings ond sife design is consislent wilh the Town of Voil's guidelines qnd objectives in thot if ollows for fhe development of the lhree lofs in o monner fhot hos the leosl omount of sile dislurtronce ond ollows lor lhe greolest divenity ond inlerest in building design. ll is recognized ihoi o significonl number of trees will be removed ond consideroble site dislurbonce will occur due to excovotion. Every efforf will be mode to reploce os mony lrees os possible ond creoie o finished londscope thof will be on qsset lo lhe community ond the Voil Volley. c. The proposol will not hove o mojor impoct of Town of Voil troffic potterns, os lhe three proposed homes lo be developed will occes Alpine Drive from one drivewoy, rother lhon lhree seporote drivewoys. The proposol will not hove ony odvene impocl on odjocenf properties. Ihe singulor drivewoy occess will ollow for more londscoping to be inslolled olong Alpine Drive (which is cunenfly o severe cul in lhe hill side which is not oppeoling to look ot ond is prone lo sloughing otf ond sedimenl woshing onlo the roodl. 0,{8_lk_052,r45_PEC.d€Pog6 2 of 3 LEIIER mpp desiqn shop POBox4227 0l l3 Mill Loft Sfreet, Unif 8207 Edwords, CO 81632 c 97G39G4931 t 97G92ffid€,2 michoel@moodesionshoo.com d. The singulor ddvewoy occess will be o sofer occess point to Alpine Drive thon three seporole drivewoys. Considering thof Alpine Drive is o steep rood ond in the winler rnonfhs it is covered in ice ond snow due fo the northem exposure, hoving one vehiculor occess point creoles less impoct lhon fhree occes points. Pleose confocl me wifh ony further quesfions or commenls. Thonk you. SIGNED: Michoel Pukos TETTER June 01, 2005 Town of Voil Community Developmenl 75 South konloge Rood Voil. CO 81657 Iel:97G479-2139 Fox:97G479-2452 Regording: Donios Builders, Inc. PEC Applicotion - A re.subdivision Lofsl0, ll&12 Alpine Drive Voil. CO 81657 Deor sia; The following lots ore the subject of o PEC opplicotion to be re-zoned. Pleose nole: All informofion wos token direcfV from Eogle Counly's websile dolobose. POBox4227 0l l3 Mill Lofl Slreel, Unit 8207 Edwords, CO 81632c 97G39G4931t 97G9264682 michoel@moodesionshoo.com All three lols ore owned by: Lot l0 Accounf Number' Porcel Numbec Legol Descriplion: Lotll Physicol Address: Acres: Account Number: Porcel Number: Legol Description: Physicol Address: Acres; Lol 12 Accounl Number: Porcel Number: Legol Descriplion: DANTAS BUILDERS INC PO BOX 4015 AVON. CO 8r620 R0/,2787 2103r2312051 SUB:VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL I BLKI LOT:10 @1772 ALPINE DR VAIL o.n R042788 210312312052 SUB:VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL I BLKi LOT:l I @1778 ALPINE DR VAIL 0.33 R012758 21031231?f// SUB:VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL I BLKi LOT:I2 04@_llr_06{l{5_odjoc€nt+.op€.ly.o.vrE6doc PogE I d4 . IEIIER \ mop desion shop PO Box 4227 0l 13 Mill Loft Street, Unit 8207 Edworcls, CO 81632 c 97G39G4931| 970-9264682 michoel@mopdesionshoo.com PhysicolAddress: 001788 ALPINE DR VAIL Acres: 0.3 Here is o list of legol descriplions of odjocenl property owners. Norfh of Lot l0AccountNumber: R012880 Eost of Lot l0 Accounl Number: ROl68l6 Porcel Number:2103r23r2006 Owner Nome /Address: MICHEL, JOAN L. REVOCABLE TRUST MICHEL, JOAN L. TRUSTEE 25279 MCCLURG RD VERSAILLES, MO 65084 Legol Descriplion: SUB:VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL I BLKi LOT:9 Physicol Address: @1770 ALPINE DR VAIL o.27 Porcel Number:210312319021 Owner Nome /Addres: KIMMEL, NEAL L. 456 COLUMBINE ST DENVER, CO 80206 Legol Description: SUB:HIGHLAND MEADOWS FIL 2 LOT:I7 Physicol Address: @2270 ALPINE DR VAIL |.49Acres: Eost of Lot I I Acres: South of Lots I I & 12 Account Number: R0l68l4 Porcel Number:210312319022 Owner Nome /Address: MESTL, JAMES G. & KATHLEEN C. -JT I4 HAMHORNE RD BRONXVILLE, NY IO7O8 Legol Description: SUB:HIGHLAND MEADOWS FIL 2 LOT:I6 Physicql Address: @22co ALPINE DR t6 VAIL 0.83 Accounl Number: R013130 Porcel Number: 0.{08_lh_0641 4s_odjocant.p .operty-odn€Gdoc 210312312015 Po€|e 2 of4 TETTER moD desion shoD PQ Box 4227 0l 13 Mill Loft Street, Unit 8207 Edwords. CO 81632 c 97G39G4931| 97G.9264682 michoel@mopdesionshoo.com Owner Nome /Address: AUSTIN, DAVID I739 SIERRA TR vArL, co 8r657 Legol Descriplion: SUB:VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL I LOT:20 Physicol Address: 001739 SIERRA TRL VAIL Acres: 0.31 Soulh of Lol l2 Accounf Number: R0l29l6 Porcel Number: 210312312014 Owner Nome /Addres: SPILO, WILLIAM A. I757 SIERRA TRL DR APT D vAlL, co 81657 Legol Descriplion: SUB:VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL I LOI:19 Physicol Address: 001759 SIERRA TRL VAIL Acres: O27 Soufh-West of Lot l2 Account Number: ROl310O Pqrcel Number: 210312312013 Owner Nome /Address: ZELTMAN, ROBERT A. - ZELTMAN JOHNSDOTTER ,MALIN M. -JT I779 SIERRA TR APT A vAtL, co 81657 Legol Description: SUB:VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL I LOT:18 Physicol Address: @1779 SIERRA TRL VAIL Acres: 0.26 Wesl of Lof l2 Accounl Number: R012895 Porcel Number:2103123r 2008 Owner Nome /Addres: ALPINE DRIVE LLC 46I TURICUM RD LAKE FOREST, IL 60045 Legol Descripiion: SUB:VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL I BLK:- LOT:13 Physicol Addres: 001798 ALPINE DR Acres: VAIL o.25 North-West of Lots l0 & I I - Across sfreef Accounl Number: R013080 Porcel Number:2103r23070r0 Owner Nome /Address: BIRD, SUSAN MARIE STOUT 0"108_llr_06{ I {s_odilcenl-prop€rty-drners.doc Poge 3 of ,t . LEITER mpp desion shop POBox427 0l 13 Mill Loft Street, Unit 8207 Edwords, CO 81632c 97G39G4931| 970-926{,c8'2 michoel@moodesionshoo.com ' 1771ALPINE DR vAtL. co 81657 Legol Description: SUB:VAIL VILLAGE WESI FIL I BLKi LOT:38 Physicol Address: 001771 ALPINE DR VAILAcres: O.22 North-West of Lot l2 - Across streel Properly owned ond being developed by Donlos Builden, Inc. Pleose confocl me wiih ony furlher quesfions or comments. Thonk you. SIGNED: Michoel Pukos 0408-llr-06{l{5-odioconl-Foperty-o$,ndr.doc Pogc.l ot,a . LENER mpp desion shoo POBox4227 0l 13 Mill Lofl Slreef, Unif 8207 Edwords, CO 81632c 97G39G4931t 97G92G0c8,2 michoel@mppdesionshoo.com June 01. 2005 Town of Voil Community Developmenf 75 South Fronloge Rood Voil, CO 81657 fel:.97G479-2139 Fox:,97U479-2152 Regording: Dontos Builders, Inc. PEC Applicotion - A re-subdivision Lotsl0. ll&12 Alpine Drive Voil. CO 81657 Deor sin; The following lols ore the subject of o PEC opplicofion lo be re-zoned. Pleose note: All informolion wos token directly from Eogle County's website dotobose. All three lols ore owned by: DANTAS BUILDERS INC PO BOX 4015 AVON. CO 81620 Lol l0 AccountNumber: RO42787 Porcef Number: 210312312051 Legol Descripiion: SUB:VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL I BLKi LOT:10 Physicol Address: @1772 ALPINE DR VAIL Acres: 0.29 Lotll AccountNumber: RO4278€ Porcel Number: 210312312052 Legol Description: SUB:VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL I BLKi LOT:l I Physicol Address: @1778 ALPINE DR VAILAcres: 0.33 Lot 12 AccountNumber: R012758 Porcel Number: 210312312o,44 Legol Description: SUB:VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL I BLKi LOT:12 0,{ff-lk-0&Ol{5-odlocenl+,operfy-o.nrqs.doc Po99l of 4 -+ ffi* 0l l3 Mill Lofi Slreet, Unit 8207 Edwords, CO 81632 c 97G39G4931 | 970-926482 michoel@moodesionshop.com Physicol Address: 001788 ALPINE DR VAIL Acres: 0.3 Here is o lisl of legol descriplions of odjocenl property owners. North of Lot l0AccountNumber: R012880 Porcel Number:2r0312312006 Owner Nome /Address: MICHEL, JOAN L, REVOCABLE TRUST MICHEL, JOAN L. TRUSTEE 25279 MCCLURG RD VERSAILLES. MO 65084 Legol Description: SUB:VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL I BLKi LOT:9 Physicol Address: W177O ALPINE DR VAIL o.27 Eost of Lot l0 AccountNumber: ROl6816 Eost of Lot I I Account Number: ROl6814 Southof Lofsll &12 Accounl Number: R0l3l3O Porcel Number: Porcel Number:210312319021 Owner Nome /Address: KIMMEL, NEAL L. 456 COLUMBINE ST DENVER, CO 80206 Legol Descriplion: SUB:HIGHLAND MEADOWS FIL 2 LOT:I7 Physicol Address: ffin70 ALPINE DR Acres: VAIL 1.49 Porcel Number:210312319022' Owner Nome /Address: MESTL, JAMES G. & KATHLEEN C. -JT I4 HAWTHORNE RD BRONXVILLE, NY IO7O8 Legol Description: SUB:HIGHLAND MEADOWS FIL 2 LOT:I6 PhysicolAddress: @22& ALPINE DR l6 VAIL 0.83 0,0-lh-06.0l{5_odrocenf.p gperty-o.rnqs.&c 210312312015 Pqgp 2 of4 ]EilER mpp desion shop PO Box 4227 0l l3 Mill Lofi Streef, Unif 8207 Edwords. CO 81632 c 97G39G4931 t 970-92646€.2 michoel@mpodesignshop.com Owner Nome /Address: AUSTIN, DAVID I739 SIERRA TR vArL, co 8r657 Legol Descripfion: SUB:VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL I LOT:20 Physicol Addres: 001739 SIERRA TRL VAIL Acres: 0.31 Soulh of Lot 12 Account Number: ROl29l6 Porcel Number: 210312312014 Owner Nome /Address: SPILO, WILLIAM A. I757 SIERRA TRL DR APT D vAtL, co 8r657 Legol Descripiion: SUB:VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL I LOT:19 Physicol Address: 001759 SIERRA TRL VAIL Acres: O.27 Soulh-Wesi of Lof l2 Account Number: ROl3l00 Porcel Number: 210312312013 Owner Nome /Address: ZELTMAN, ROBERT A. - ZELTMAN JOHNSDOTTER ,MALIN M. -JT ITT9SIERRATR APTA vArL. co 81657 Legol Descriplion: SUB:VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL I LOT:18 Physicol Address: @1779 SIERRA TRL VAIL Acres: 0.26 West of Lot 12AccountNumber: R0l2B95 Porcef Number: 210312312008 Owner Nome /Address: ALPINE DRIVE LLC 46I TURICUM RD LAKE FOREST. IL 60045 Legol Descripfion: SUB:VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL I BLK:- LOT:13 Physicol Addres: 001798 ALPINE DR VAILAcres: O.25 North-West of Lots l0 & I I - Across slreet Accouni Number: R013080 Porcel Number:2103r 2307010 Owner Nome /Addres: BIRD, SUSAN MARIESTOUT 0.108_lF_o&O | 45_qdtocenl+.ope.ty-or,mqr.doc Poge 3 of 4 'F remr mpp desion shoo POBox4227 0l l3 Mill Lofl Sfreet, Unil8207 Edword:. CO 81632c 97G39G4931t 97e926{,c8'2 michoel@moodesignshoo.com I77I ALPINE DR vAlL. co 81657 Legot Description: SUB:VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL I BLK:- LOT:38 PhysicolAddress: 001771 ALPINE DR VAIL Acres: O22 NortFWesl of Lol l2 - Across slreet Property owned ond being developed by Dontos Builden. Inc. Pleose conlocl me with ony further questions or commenls. Thonk you. SIGNED: Michoel Pukos 0108Jlr-Hl {5-oqocent-p.apdly-o.t'rorsdoa Poge 4 of4 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department July 11, 2005 A request for approval of a minor subdivision, pursuant to Chapter 134, Minor Subdivisions, Vail Town Code, to amend the lot sizes and configurations and a request for a final review of a variance from Section 12-6D-5, Lot Area and Site Dimensions and Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Yariances, VailTown Code, to allow building within the setback, focated at 1772,1778, 1788 Alpine Drive/Lots 10, 11, 12, Vail Village West Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Dantas Builders, represented by Mpp Design GroupPlanner: Elisabeth Eckel SUMMARY The applicant, Dantas Builders, represented by Mpp Design Group, is requesting - pursuant to Chapter 134, Minor Subdivisions, Vail3,illl$;. fiH"::fHii::111?3tsS: Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuantto Chapter 12-17,Yariances, Vail Town Code, to ilIIwithin the setback, located at 1772,1778,1788 Alpine Drive/Lots 10, 11, 12, Yail Village West Filing 1. lf approved, this request would result in the creation of ffindacommondrivewayandaccesseasement.Staffis recommending approval with conditions of this application subject to the findings and criteria outlined in Sections Vlll and lX of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant, Dantas Builders, represented by Mpp Design Group, is currently undergoing design review of three new residences at Lots 10, 11, and 12, Vail Village West 1"t Filing. Prior to beginning construction, the applicant is proposing to create f*rrrytftg lots from in order to best accommodate the placement of three homes on what is a IFhtaFlFl development area. The applicant's request is bi-fold: in the request for approval of a. minor subdivision, several development standards will not be able to met, from which the applicant is requesting variances. Firstly, the applicant is requesting approval of a minor subdivision, which proposal is prompted by the#for three separate lots. Through such reconfiguration, the new lots wrl/ maintain a smaller size than is allowed by the |il. WPrimary/SecondaryZoneDistrict(15'000squarefeet). Additionally, % in ci:a. However, because of the creation of lots smaller than allowed within the Two-Family Primary/Secondary Dishict, four of the regulations related to Lot Area, Site Dimensions, and required Setbacks will be unable to be complied with, including -|nl rcidgrninta3e, frdrCprcnehns, ffi . Therefore, the applicant is also requesting variances from each of the aforementioned standards. A vicinity map and public notice are attached for reference (Attachments A and B). BACKGROUND Preliminary plans are filed which reflect the proposed development of three log homes on Lots 10, 11, and 12, which were part of Eagle County at the time, in 1980. Thedevelopmentareawasffi,afterwhichtimep|answere submitted for the development of a single-family residence tflFltiFln 1994. The app|icantsimu|taneouslyrffinurfromthefrontandsidesetback regulations. The variance requests included encroachment into both the side and front setbacks on the basis that "ninety percent of the lot is greater hhan 40o/o slope". The applicant's stated hardship icr fEre&fitA'qftrfbsfficra*muuh-ae-pegibb (see Attachment C, applicant's written request). That Planning and Environmental Commission application was tabled on four occasions in the fall of that year, and eventually assumed to be withdrawn. According to the files, preliminary plans were also submitted, in 1995, for a new single-family residence upon Lot 12. However, the only additional documentation on file for Lot 12 states that the plans were withdrawn and the building permit application, expired. No further activity upon or proposals for this development site occured until its purchase by the applicant in 2004. Since November of 2004, tfqp*ca++as+ dd#rGrin order to locate a new single-family residence on each of the three separate lots in West Vail. At a number of its public hearings, the Design Review Board conceptually reviewed each proposal. On March 16, 2005, during a final conceptual review of the proposals for general access and location of the residences,the riwtf{hctltrttfi sid€ -.gfjhedeuetopcrcnt',ma.rvas'the bestp€posal"$oethe'sib (see Attachment D, Amended Final Plat). The Board's sentiment 'gresffiation"ffi ra.gf ea.of 'the.site.ae.poesiHef ROLES OF REVIEWING BOARDS MINOR SUBDIVISION APPLICATION Order of Review: Generally, minor subdivision applications will be reviewed by the Planning and Environmental Commission, and then any appeals would be heard by the Town Council. Planning and Environmental Commission: Action: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval, approval with conditions, or denial of a minor subdivision in accordance with Section 13-34, Commission Review of Application; Vail Town Code. tv. Design Review Board: Action: The Design Review Board has no review authority on a minor subdivision, but must review any accompanying Design Review Board application. Town Council: The Town Council has the authority to hear and decide appeals from any decision, determination, or interpretation by the Planning and Environmental Commission and/or Design Review Board. The Town Council may also call up a decision of the Planning and Environmental Commission and/or Design Review Board. Staff: The Town Staff facilitates the application review process. Staff reviews the submifted application materials for completeness and general compliance with the appropriate requirements of the Town Code. Staff also provides the Planning and Environmental Commission a memorandum containing a description and background of the application; an evaluation of the application in regard to the criteria and findings outlined by the Town Code; and a recommendation of approval, approval with modifications, or denial. VARIANCE Planning and Environmental Gommission Action: The PECis responsible for final approval/denial of a variance. The PEC is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this Title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. Desiqn Review Board: Action: The DRB has no review authority on a variance, but must review any accompanying DRB application. Town Council: Actions of the Design Review Board or the Planning and Environmental Commission may be appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the DRB or PEC erred with approvals or denials, and may uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the Board's decision. v. Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring lhat all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memo containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS TOWN OF VAIL ZONING CODE Title 12, Zonins Resulations (in paft) Secfion 1 2-OD : Pri ma rylSecondary Di stri ct ( i n part) 12-6D-5: Lot Area and Site Dimensions: The minimum lot or site area shall be fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet of buildable area, and each site shall have a minimum frontage of thirty feet (30). Each sife sha// be of a size and shape capable of enclosing a square area, eighty feet (80') on each side, within its boundaries. 12-6D-6: Sefbacks; ln the primary/secondary residehtial district, the minimum ftont setback shall be twenty feet (20'), the minimum side setback shall be fifteen feet (15'), and the minimum rear setback shall be fifteen feet (15') Section 12-17: Variances(in part) 12-17-1: PURPOSE: A. Reasons For Seeking Variance: ln order to prevent or to /essen such practical difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent with the objectives of this title as would result from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement, vaiances from certain regulations may be granted. A practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of existing sfructures thereon; from topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical limitations, street locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity. Cost or inconvenience to the applicant of strict or litenl compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance. 1 2- 1 7 - 5: PLA N N I NG A ND ENV I RONMENTAL COMM I SS/ON A CIION.' Within twenty (20) days of the closing of a public hearing on a variance application, the planning and environmental commission shall act on the application. The commission may approve the application as submitted or may approve the application subject to such modifications or conditions as lt deems necessary to accomplish the purposes of this title, or the commission may deny the application. A variance may be revocable, may be granted for a limited time period, or may be granted subject to such other conditions as the commission may prescribe. 12-17-7: PERMIT APPROVAL AND EFFECT: Approval of the vaiance shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and constluction not commenced and diligenfly pursued toward completion within two (2) years from when the approval becomes final. Title 13: Subdivision Resulations (in part) 13-2-2 Definitions Minor Subdivision: Any subdivision containing not more than four (4) lots fronting on an existing street, not involving any new street or rcad or the extension of municipal facilities and not adversely affecting the development of the remainder of the parcel or adjoining property. 134 Minor Subdivisions 13-4-1: EXEMPTIONS lN PROCEDURE AND SUBMITTALS: 'Minor subdivisions', as defined in Section 13-2-2 of this Title, shall be exempt from requirements related to preliminary plan procedures and submifrals. Minor subdivisions may be required to submit an environmental impact report if required by Title 12, Chapter 12 of this Code. (Ord. 2(1983) S 1) VI. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING Land Use ZoninqNorth: Residential Two-Family Primary/SecondaryEast: Residential Two-Family Primary/SecondaryWest Residential Two-Family Primary/SecondarySouth: Residential Two-Family Primary/Secondary VII. SITE ANALYSIS Development Standard Allowed/Requiied Prooosed Lot Area Lot 10 15,ilD sq. ft ++?r;gtt:l? Lot 1 1 1 5,0(N sq. ft 11 ,848 sq. ft Lot 12 15,000 sq. ft. 11,848 sq. fL Frontaqe Lot 10 30 feet(along Alpine Drive)rlt"fcvF Lot 11 30 feet (along Alpine Drive) 30 feet Lot 12 30 feet (along Alpine Drive) 30 feet Site DimensionsLotl0 80 sq. ft area rfnrgFfr.tF.s Lotl1 8Osq.ft.area <80s9. ftareaLotl? 8Osq.ft.area <80s9. ftarea 15 feet 15 feet 15 feet VIII. APPLICATION CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Minor Subdivision A basic premise of subdivision regulations is that the minimum standards for the creation of new lots must be met. This subdivision will be reviewed under Title 13, Subdivision Regulations, of the Town of Vail Code. A. The first set of criteria to be considered by the Planning and Environmental Commission for a Minor Subdivision application is: Lot Area: The minimum lot area for the Two-Family Primary/Secondary District is 1 5,000 square feet.friblbd..a&ry'brlr'prug$fl.lf1[p*ng-pl.his rgquirement., The proposed area for each new Lot is 11,848 square feet. Dimension: The Two-Family Primary/Secondary District requires lots to be able to enclose a square with a minimum dimension of 80 feet by 80 feet. NUtfEFtitlF cist*gmor-proposed lots meet this requireme*t" Frontase: The Two-Family Primary/Secondary District identifies a minimum frontage requirement of 30 feet. Though Lots 11 and'l2will comply with this requirement, llre'proposal,,for. Lot 10 includes twenty five feet (25') of frontage {oagiuAlpioerBcive: Setbacks: The Two-Family Primary/Secondary District requires a minimum front setback of twenty feet (20') with which standard each of the proposed Lots will comply. Additionally, the Two-Family Primary Secondary District requires minimum side setbacks of fifteen feet (15'), which standard will be met at the rrbrnpcrirneterof Lot 10-and the w*ternperimeter of Lot 12., B. The second set of review criteria to be considered with a minor subdivision request is outlined in the Subdivision Regulations, 13-3-4, and is as follows: "The burden of proof shall rest with the applicant to show that the application is in compliance with the intent and purposes of this Chapter, the Zoning Ordinance and other pertinent regulations that the Planning . and Environmental Commission deems applicable....The Planning and Envircnmental Commission shall review the application and consider its appropiateness in regard to Town policies relating to subdivision control, densrfies proposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documents, environmental integrity and compatibility with the surrounding /and uses and other applicable documents, effects on the aesfhefics of the Town." Side Setbacks Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12 .ttt?illilFs|3rddi'rry 10 ft ateast and uresf sl'des #trlrrfcEe'fEdFoat a' The purpose section of Title 13, Subdivision Regulations, is intended to insure that the subdivision is promoting the health, safety and welfare of the community. The subdivision purpose statements from 13-1-2 (C) are as follows: 1. To inform each subdivider of the standards and citeria by which development proposals will be evaluated and to provide information as to the type and ertent of improvements required." Staff Response: The applicant was informed as to the standards and criteria by which the proposed plat and future development would be evaluated. Subdivision regulations and development controls establish basic rules which the staff, the PEC, the applicant, and the community can follow in the public review process. Although this request does not involve the creation of a new subdivision it does include the re-subdivision of existing parcels of land. Therefore, the minor subdivision process is the appropriate process to redefine the lot lines and area of Lots 10, 11 and 12,Vail Village West 1"t Filing. 2. To provide for the subdivision of property in the future without conflict with development on adjacent land." Staff Response: This proposed minor subdivision redefines three currently platted lots by relocating the inner lot lines between Lots 10 and 11 and Lots 11 and 12. lst4ines..located at the periphery of the three lots will not be changed and ffitdaneloprnent''of,property'on'adjacent'land will not be dfected' 3. To protect and conserue the value of land throughout the Municipality and the value of buildings and improvements on the land. Staff Response: The proposed minor subdivision will not negatively impact the value of land within the Town. 4. To ensure that subdivision of property is in compliance with the Town's zoning ordinances, to achieve a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land uses, consistent with Town development objectives. Staff Response: Staff believes the proposed minor subdivision, though not in compliance with the Town's zoning ordinances without the granting of four variances, will achieve a harmonious, convenienl and workable relationship among land uses, consistent with Town development objectives. According to the Goals statement of Title 13, 'These regulations are intended to protect the environment, and to ensure...sufficient open space', concepts to which this proposal is sensitive (Section 13-1-2:B). The effect of this plat approval will not only create equally-sized lots but will ecviOa*e&eess-point,for three lotsj thereby reducing the number of curb cuts along Alpine Drive to a minimum. 5. To guide public and private policy and action in order to provide adequate and efficient transportation, water, sewage, schoo/s, parks, playgrounds, 1 recreation, and other public requirements and facilities and generally to provide that public facilities will have sufficient capacity to serue the proposed subdivision. Staff Response: The subdivision regulations are pdmarily inlended to address tsliulFjmmnFoJlalgescalesubdivisionsof.prope$6...49 a result, Staff does dofbelieve that a proposal of this scope will have negative impacts on transportation, water, sewage, schools, parks, playgrounds, recreation, or other public requirements or facilities. 6. To provide for accurate legal descriptions of newly subdivided land and to estab/ish reasonable and desirable construction design standards and procedures. Staff Response: The proposed minor subdivision will allow for a comprehensive approach to the development of three very steeply-sloped sites. The proposed subdivision will allow the applicant to minimize the negative effects to the landscaping at the south side of the development area through the creation of one access easement along the north side of the area, which allows for the location of each of the residences farther north on each lot. 7. To prevent the pollution of air, streams and ponds, fo assure adequacy of drainage facilities, to safeguard the water table and to encourage the wise use and management of natural resources throughout the Town in order to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the community and the value of the land. Staff Response: The proposed minor subdivision will encourage the wise use and management of natural resources throughout the Town by preserving as much of the development area as possible considering the size and topography of the affected lots. Findings: The following findings are used for a Minor Subdivision: 1. That the application is in compliance with the intent and purposes of the Minor Subdivision Chapter, the Zoning Ordinance and other pertinent regulations that the Planning and Environmental Commission deems applicable. 2. That the application is appropriate in regard to Town policies relating to subdivision control, densities proposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documents, environmental integrity and compatibility with the surrounding land uses and other applicable documents, and effects on the aesthetics of the Town. Variances A. Consideration of Factors Reoardinq Lot Area, Frontaqe. Site Dimensions. and Setback Variances: 1.The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Lot Area The requested variance from required lot area will have no effect on other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity, particularly since the lots are currently non-conforming in regard to area. Frontaqe Staff believes that the requested variance from minimum lot frontage will have a positive effect on other existing or potential uses and structures int l-ffi+itr /Ufin3][$g both improving safety along Alpine Drive and decreasing the amount of visible pavement that would othenrise oicur as a result of three separate access points. Site Dimensions The requested variances from required site dimensions will have no effect on other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Setbacks Staff believes that the requested variances from required setbacks will have a negligible effect on other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity, aside from the future owners of Lots 10, 11, and 12. The proposed location of the homes in a clustered fashion still provides more than twenty feet (20') between the exterior walls of each of the residences placed upon these three lots. *rtr+rdaCoae*fl ndcrFrirfr sF The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Lot Area Staff believes that relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of the required lot area is necessary in order to allow these sites to be developed in a manner consistent with that of other sites within the vicinity. As previously stated, none of the lots currently meet the criteria for minimum lot area. Frontaqe Staff believes that relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of the required minimum lot frontage (upon Lot 10) is necessary in order to allow for the smallest area of site disturbance upon all three lots. 2. 1"."^^,^+r^- Ccn ellein.t[gpbi$atj]res.ef.t+*ajlrltb, 3. Site Dimensions Staff believes that relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of the required site dimension is necessary to achieve sensitive development of lhese lots. Setbacks Staff believes that relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of the required side setbacks is necessary due to the small size of the lots. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Lot Area The requested variance from required lot area will have no effect on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Frontaqe The requested variance from required lot frontage will have no effect on distribution of population or public facilities and utilities. However, Staff believes that the requested variance from minimum lot frontage will have a positive effect on light and air, in that less site disturbance will occur, thereby maintaining three home sites with as much vegetation as possible, considering the scope of construction and the steep slopes. Staff also believes that the requested variance from minimum lot frontage will have a positive effect on "transportation and traffic facilities" and "public safety'' by creating only one driveway cut along Alpine Drive, likely decreasing the probability of accidents occuning along what is already a dangerous curve in the roadway. Site Dimensions The requested variances from required site dimensions will have no effect on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Setbacks Staff believes that the requested variances from required setbacks will have a negligible effect on light and air, primarily between the lot lines of Lots 10, 1 1, and 12. Because the farthest east and west setbacks of the three lots will be maintained, the light and air of property owners outside of this development area will not be affected. Staff believes that the requested variances form required setbacks will have no effect on distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities and public safety. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. 4. l0 B. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinqs before qrantinq a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. IX. STAFF REGOMMENDATION The Commun Development Department recommends ffi of the , pursuant to Chapter 134, Minor Subdivisions, Vail Town Code, to amend the lot sizes and configurations; and a request for a final review of a variance from Section 12-6D-5, Lot Area and Site Dimensions and Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow building within the setback, located at 1772, 1778, 1788 Alpine Drive/Lots 10, 11, 12, Vail Village West Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. This recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented. Minor Subdivision Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this minor subdivision, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission pass the following motion: The Planning and Environmental Commission approves the Amended Final PIat Vail Village West Filing No. 1, A re-subdivision of Lofs 70, 71, and 72, pursuant to Chapter 13-4, Minor Subdivrsions, Vail Town Code, to allow for an amendment to lot sr2es and configurations located at 1772, 1778, 1788 Alpine Dive/Lots 10, 11, 12, Vail Village West Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. 1l Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this plat amendment request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission makes the following findings: 1. That the application is in compliance with the intent and purposes of the Subdivision Regulations, the Zoning Ordinance and other pertinent regulations that the Planning and Environmental Commission deerns applicable. 2. That the application is appropriate in regard to Town policies relating to subdivision control, denslfies prcposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documents, environmental integrity and compatibility with the sunounding /and uses and other applicable documents, and effects on the aesfhefics of the Town. Lot Area. Frontaqe. and Site Dimension Variances ThecommunityDeve|opmentDepartmentre@mmendsWofa Dimensions, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, own Code, to allow for the construction of three new single-family residences , 1i7'78' 178&Alpine,Drive/Lots 10, 1 1 , 12, Yail Village West Filing 1 , and setting details in regard thereto. . This recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission pass the following motion: The Planning and Environmental Commission approves the applicant's request for a variance from Section 12-6D-6, Sefbacks, pursuant to Chapter 12- 17, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of three new single-family residences located at 1772, 1778, and 1788 Alpine Drive/Lots 10, 11, and 12, VailVillage West Filing 1 and setting forth details in regard thereto, subject to the followin,*gt"p^fi1lgyt*s;S 1. This apprcval shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail approval of the design review application assoclafed with this variance request. 2. The applicant shall maintain a limits of disturbance line as shown on the site plan. No building encroachments or construction disfurbance shall be allowed beyond this line. 3. Prior to submittal of a building permit for Lot 10, Lot 11, or Lot 12, the applicant shall record with Eagle County the amended plat, reflecting fhe access easement and ifs assocrafed language. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission makes the following findings: The Planning and Environmental Commission finds: t) 1. The granting of this variance will not constitute a granting of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the Two-Family Residential Distict. 2. The gnnting of this variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to propefties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. fhts variance is warranted for the following reasons.' a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of Tifle 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the vaiance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same district. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of prtvileges enjoyed by the owners of other propefties in the same district. Setback Variances The Community Development Department recommends approval, with conditions, of a variance from Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of three new single-family residences located al 1772, 1778, 1788 Alpine Drive/Lots 10,11,12,Vat Village West Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. This recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission pass the following motion: The Planning and Environmental Commission approves the applicant's request for a variance from Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, pursuant to Chapter 12- 17, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of three new single-family residences located at 1772, 1778, and 1788 Alpine Drive/Lots 10, 11, and 12, VailVillage West Filing 1 and setting forth details in regard thereto, subject to the following condition: 1. This approval shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail approval of the design review application assoclafed with this variance requesL 2. The applicant shall maintain a limits of disturbance line as shown on the site plan. No building encroachments or construction disfurbance shall be allowed beyond this line. IJ 3. Pior to submittal of a building permit for Lot 10, Lot 11, or Lot 12, the applicant shall record with Eagle County the amended plat, reflecting fhe access easement and ifs associafed language. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission makes the following findings: The Planning and Environmental Commission finds: 1. The granting of this variance will not constitute a granting of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properfies c/asslfed in the Two-Family Residential District. 2. The granting of this variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. This variance is wananted for the following reasons.' a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same distict. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Public Notice C. Applicant's Request D. Reduced Copy of Amended Final Plat t4 Atlachment A [:c IEi IE E ie3 t; ;T i; F3 E'TK 5g :; t9 : I b tl = p OE Attachment B THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT VOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on July 11, 2005, at 2:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a final review of an amended final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-1 2, ,- Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for an amendment to VolDZl existing property lines; and a request for a final review of a variance from Section 12-6D- . , t. h f-l * 5, Lot Area and Site Dimensions and Section 12€D-6, Setbacks, VailTown Code, ^n&W -F\ pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Vanances, Vail Town Code, to allow building within the lr' - Vr- setback, located at1772,1778,1788 Alpine Drive/Lots 10, 11, 12,Yail Mllage West Filing 1, and sefting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Dantas BuildersPlanner: Elisabeth Eckel A request for a final review of an amended final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to amend the allowable Gross Residential Floor Area, located at 3967 Lupine Drive/Lot 18, Block 1, Bighom Subdivision Addition 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Wlliam and Jan BurrowPlanner: Wanen Campbell A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-'13-4, Requirements by Employee Housing Unit (EHU) Type, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for additional Gross Residential Floor Area, located at 2883 Kinnikinnick Road/Exception to Phase ll, Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Chuck OgilbyPlanner: BillGibson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 970-47$2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please call 970-479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published June 24, 2005, in the Vail Daily. , I. .LETTER Attachment C mop desiqn PO Box 4227 0l l3 Mill Lott Street, Unit 8207 Edwords, CO 81632 c 97G39G4931 t 970-9264682 michoel@moodesignshoo.com Deor sin; This letter serves os the required stolement io oddress to Town's list of concems os oullined in the PEC Applicotion. o. The proposol. for lhe obove mentioned lots, is fo; l. Re.subdivide the fhree lols. i. The re-subdivision brrcelscny forthaflacar-d of the Uuiningrercabof te*reeld dE+dhsFe d*lo'ls. ii. The three lols will be re'subdivided such thol eqch of the lhree lols will be relotively equol in size. 2. Creofe o drivewoy ond ulility occess eosemenl for lhe lhree lots. i. One drivewoy ond utility occess point from Alpine Drive will be creoled lo occess eqch of the three lofs. 3. Be gronted o vorionce for the side yord sel-bocks from l5' lo l0' where eoch lot obufs one onofher.i. The Eosl side of Lof l0 ond the West side of Lot 12 will moinfoin lhe stondord l5'side'yord setbocks. ii. The side-yord sefbock vorionce will not offecf fhe exisling structures to the Eost ond Wesl of lhe proposol. b. The DRB hos gronled concepluol opprovol for fhe singulor ddvewoy occess ond re.subdivision of lhe three lots. They hove been presented over twenfy (20) differenf options for lhe occess of the lhree lols, ond hove concluded thot this opiion besl meefs the Town of Voil's guidelines ond objectives. The noture of eoch of the buildings ond site design is consislent wifh lhe , Town of Voil's guidelines ond objectives in lhot it ollows for lhe /l developmenf of the three lols in o monner thot hos the leosf omounl of )/- ' ,,, sitedisfurbonceondollowsforthegreotesf diversityondinterestin t,.i/',.1/,.,, building design. lt is recognized f hqt q significont number of lrees will be -h lil/f , U{ fi/Jremoved ond consideroble sife disturbonce will occur due to excovolion z' ['lU' ililt', ^/Every effort will be mode lo reploce os mony lrees os possible ond creofe l' f I ' ,tlf o finished londscqpe thot will be on qssef to fhe community ond the Voil illf li Volley. c. The proposol will not hove o mojor impocl of Town of Voil trqffic potterns, 1 os the lhree proposed homes to bgdgyejEleQ will occes Alpine Drive- .rrt/u'frp.""eotit"*".r.mal6dm ;i m a*.Theitoposal /'2t' wilf nol hove ony odverse impocl on odjocenl properiies. The singulor '/ ddvewoy occess will ollow for more londscoping to be inslolled olong Alpine Drive (which is cunenfly o severe cul in lhe hill side which is noi oppeoling to look ot ond is prone lo sloughing off ond sedimenl woshing onto lhe rood|. t/ ttdYV 0,408-tk-0t2445-PEc.doc Poge 2 ot 3 ,,,- . IEIIEB mpp desion shoo POBox1227 0l 13 Mill Loff Streef, Unif 8207 Edwords, CO 81632c 97G39G.f931t 970-926462 michoel@mppdesionshop.corn d. Ihe singulor drivewoy occes will be o sofer occes poinl fo Alpine Ddve fhon fhree seporote drivewoys. Considedng thot Alpine Ddve is o sfeep rood ond in the winler monfhs if is covered in ice ond snow due lo lhe northem exposure, hoving one vehiculor occess poinl creoles less impoct lhon lhree occes poinls. Pleose confoct me with ony furfher queslions or commenls. Thonk you. SIGNED: Michoel Pukos Cc: 0l08Jtr-0S2,145-PECdoc Poge 3 of3 r" IEITER mpp desiqn shop PQ Box 4227 0l l3 Mill Loft Slreet. Unil8207 Edwords, CO 81632 c 97G39G4931 f 970-926482 michqel@mppdesignshoo.com Deor sirs; Due to lhe steep noiure of the lhree lots involved, it is felt thot_lhege lqliq1ces the besl cepfuol opprovol ond supports the de-signlor lhe singulor drivewg4occ_ess, E[bdivision of lhefhree iots, ond fhe vorionces requested. 7 RtrAl-Y This opplicolion is for lhe following proposed vqrionces from lhe Town of Voil sfondords;l. Lot Areo ond Site dimensions o. Minimum lot oreo sholl nol meel lhe Town's stondords of 15,000 sq ff minimUm l,rIG. i. As cunenily subdivided, the exisfing lols do nof meet lhe --minimuriflot siil --- -b. Lot frontoge sholl nol meel lhe Town's stondords ol30:ln!nuBJm" i. The re.subdivision will ollow lots I I & 12lo meef lhe minimum fronloge requirements, however lq!pEi@!,_ meel lhe minimum requirements for fronfoge. i. As c-Vrlqnllv subdiyided, lhe eXsling lols do nol meef lhe /'1 minimum lot size. - I 2- Setbocks ,l o. Be gronted o vorionce for lhe side yord sel-bocks from I 5' io l0' where eoch loi obuts one onother.i. The Eosf side of Lot l0 ond the Wesl side of Lot 12 will moinloin lhe slondord l5' side-yord selbocks. ii. The side-yord selbock vorionce will noi offecl lhe exisling structures lo fhe Eost ond Wesl of lhe proposol. b. The issues of lhe side vord setbocls hqve been oddressed in o tion. This leller serves os the required slolement to oddress to Town's_lisf of outlined in the PEC Applicofion. The vorionces requesled will not hoVe ony negcifive inipoct oh dl"ry ts ohd-3ffi6fures, no ore requested b.The vorionces requesled reQording will not differ significonlly from fhe exisfing lot configurofions.l. The existing lol size of eoch lof is less thon the Town siondord of 15,000 sq fl. The lhree lofs hove been re-subdivided such thof they ore equol in size. The new size of eoch lot will be less thon 15,000 sq ft. 2. Onlylof l0will hqve o fronloge of les fhon 30'- Lots I I & 12will hove fronloges thol meet the Town's slondords. Lol l0 will not hove drivewoy occess to Alpine Drive - lhe singulor drivewoy minimum ftonloge requirements, norl,ruuriftw:,rrIql._ W U ,pfr,meel lhe minimum requirements for fronfoge. V ' , t Al,lF Eoch fot will nof be copoble of enclosing o squore oreo of 80' on A ilt U - JEoch fot will nol be copoble of enclosing o squore oreo of 80' on ' / " l/'^ A ll'ueochside. t unat ol"' i. As c_Vrlqnllv subdiyided, lhe eXsling lols do nol meef lhe /"/Y' l, minimum lot size. '- f U ' Ar/"d Eal*fr 'flw | ) lrvt ,"ry :;;;j'tv 046_lk_061 Oos_vcrbncedoc Pogp 2 of 3 . IENER mpp desiqn shop PO Box 4227 0l 13 Mill Lofi Streef, Unif 8207 Edwords. CO 81632 c 97G39G4931t 97G9264682 michoel@mppdesignshop.com design for occess to the lhree lots is lor lhe drivewoy lo enter on Lot 12 ond cross lols I I & 12. This issue is being oddressed in o for the fhree lots. 3. The exisfing lots de nol meet the size requiremenls for o squore of s6' on ebc1r1ide. tieiewlbft6nnd.rrofions willnot meet this Istondord. I iN The voriqnces will nof hove ony more significonl impoct on lighl ond oir, ..^l)L J' , one occess point lo Alpine Drive, rother thqn lhree. d. The vorionces ore keeping with the Town's objectives in thot the vorionces ollow occess to the building sifes in monner thot minimizes lhe possible ond inevitoble impocl ond sife dislurlconce. The vorionces olso ollow for orchiteclurol ond londscope designs thql ore voried in nolure. yef hove common lhemes, which will be qn osset lo lhe locol community ond lhe Volley os o whole. Pleose contoct me with ony further questions or comments. Thonk you. SIGNED: Cc: Ihe voriqnces will nof hove ony more significonl impocf on lighl ond oir, ,,j! { . nltLIpopufotion, troffic, focilities, efc. thon if the vorionces were not being /lfv't t lilr ttl r ^requested ond the three lols were being developed individuolly. t ilJ, t _tW' ,u[l' Vehiculor ond utility occess to Alpine Drive will be less in thqf the P' ,,n1lw ,,,6[r vorionces ollow for the lofs fo be developed in o monner lhot hos only J-" ,W" OlG_lir_o&lGo5_vdb,Ee.doc Poge 3 of 3 ;i li'Hi E lg ri; ii g E: i:i EE i !I: i;$ iE ii 5! d?E E: ; ;Ei *i ig i iEiigiE;s;;iiiiEii iiiE;liiE iiEgiiiiiii 3at5 Ir a Ig ia b 3 a 5 6 E6-at:: :li €t96 EI E3 g9 :; zi A2 $s t: 69 tii' $iia stic :!xF i t6E Eiii itrt! iFisis8;:Cd95:t ;tBgii Eit:iE 5ElEE i i;Eii; _qrfrit or I I 6, I r< .;E l.s i.;IE EE E9 Ee{a tF l*l ;91c il i rl I er3I .r tLl!i3! E }; a Ei E g $t i E t_.: dd F 81 Er I ;; I 3i I rts I I E Er I H ! i;q li r Pi I l-E Ea"! lg E 9ii lE t E: r$ ir!i :$Esti iiE;.!E!;i::;t; iE;E:gqiE, iiE! l:e E ig: .]i 9l:F ! TE o. E (6 I c I;a B c, I I P Ei >l ;l..1=r tt-_ l.t ! l* c ' ld:i t;ri lEt! Itd d IP-atE € i: E 88 EI | :5. | | €<I t5i p! a:F=€!;gr$ $lfEiiriFI iiisigliiit iiisiiigiiii, i ff, lE iE;EiEll j ;l E fii iE ?iE;!EE: E Ei E !EE i! E13 FEEiH x E siri:i g$.: siiirs; +i{ifr .. Ssg t o r*ii| sEEEs grilsE; c d ls E6Ei ! I t6 E , I EF t3.!'rI air, : €R' I Ij J r) t& t- 3 U) LtiJ !J L& r-z (, f =iL z =) a-l<l 2.1 >l'-l z^l >l N od -i 0t.-L I z U) U)td E J i ! I'I ci ! 6 EI iilli? IIi IEEI?i l{E;d i5lI ;; 915 t T 8fl itl:l Ei xr 9: ! z z .t lI-{ }-.zY4 E>t!A TTIZ r\ =<<FlJ J 6I6 ir E:rf Et 2., F:i; gF$ I5lr i ! 6 I z z 'oN cNnH S,I OCVSI{ 0NVlHgl {r;Jr';\.dr.::r:i 3CV'l'llA NUOHU3ltVnl .., 5iE :{riEr{o N F J I I !E ?zii it I s1 a E] o, J -B -i ---...r I: $r a ! -'! :i{ iii I o) F J 9!, --gP &Eg: (9(/) q*! 'FF t- lzfia, ?9eF(JO co liE :-i :i thR-: c! ets isEtiiis rt l- ) "':t, ,".* za ri ra (- !J E6 it "lt /A :ll''----- I =,iI I i':'I ', :. tl I t:: oii i/' ,'rl . !! 1h,.,' ' 6i:tl )'' ,,lt\ i:o I:= : z| :_ '1t'-@: ---:;t-- --- ; ":.9 /tr5.: | <ii: ' i8j e 1l: | /t/i^ :,=-1 ,, ,.r/ ! iii ,'u9/ i? .. tPl /r l'." .t g/ .': | - '-*'/ i , . /- l\./ ,..' / I )-:'-''z///r,. I I t,.''vt-/,..t t -" ^' -/ : ,--.' -' \./' r. -' x;. * 9!i i,,i\ ; .t ) ir 'i, 't "','i\. t .i;'-// /t I I I I I I I I i ) c.{ F J )'5 ./ \i :i' t,\ . ='i''r')t \ \.r,.\rl Rsrli:td !hrtl-2005 02:?0pr Fron-To-Gors Rangs Survryiu Pars 001 LTGhI[qNo. CTAISflIbm6 'Iioru ChieagoPolicYNo. 721ffi4d/:ffi Orr OrderNo. V50005m6 fuhe&tteA A.mnd $280,m0.00 fropcrtyAddress:l?88'lT22Al{D1778ALPINEDRMVAILCO8l6f,t sf re /o= 1. Potlcyrlalc 5:00P.M. =^+.n'.rZ. Naoeofhgur€d: DAT.ITAS EUTLDERS,INC., ACOLORADO CORPORAIION C'T-7 *I c>o5\ 3, Tlre eitate or ldertst b thp land dcscribed or reforred o In ltb Scbsdr& md nHrfi is qvered Dy llb polby is: A Fee Siutptc 4. Tttle to tbe e$rio or furst covered oy tris pothy 6t th3 dntc h'tof ls vcd ln: DAI.TTAS BIIILDERS, INC., A COLOR-ADO CORPORATION 5. lhe Lnd lefernd to ln ttUr Bomy k daecribed u follone: L(yI.s t0, rr AilD 12, VAILVILUGBWESTFIUNGNO. I' ACCORDINCTOTITERECoRDED N.AT THERFOR COI,NTY OF 8/TGLE, STAIE OF COTSNADO. TtE PolL1l vslid ooly tf Scte&lc B b etradd- Iard Ttlc Guarantee CoqPnY B€prcsedng Cblcsgo llllo Imroce Cotopery Rsrul.ad llav-31-2005 0Z:Z0pn Fru-To-Gors Ran& Survsylnf Pa& 002 LTGPolicl No. CTAntO05006 l'orzrAO/CFf CNcagPPolicYNo- 7210646'$s08 Orn0rderNo. V50005006 ScltduteB 1. ,, J, tlls policy does oot inSUc egainm lOSs or damege (ud 6e CorFmy will not pay coss' anutreyd ftX ol oEeooes) wlic.[ rri* by cason ofi Geoeral ErccPdoos: RigDsorclairnsofpanieJiaPossessimnotsho$mbyrtcpub|ictEo'ds' E0scolcs6'orclsiDtsofeese@ct'rs,oorshownhytltcpoltlicrecoldg. DiScGpawiCS, confiIcts in bOrnrlary tises, SttorEge h ale4' (pCfoacbDents.rnrl auy &cts uAidt s cort0ct sunEy Sd f"rp..,ir" ,r trr p,reolres wnutrl disclosc ;nd whic[ art not Slrown by tre public rucords' Aly licn, or rigfu o a tisr. br servlces, labor, or orredal hel€tofrc or hfieefter fioisltctl' inposed by law ud ror sluwn by OcPttblic r€ccds. 2q}4TAXES NOT YETDUEAND PAYABIJ. RTGfIT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO E}$ttJ{CT AI'ID REMOVE IIIS ORE immnrnou strour.D fitE SAr\dE EE ForrND To PENBTRATE OR rNTEa,sEcT TIIE PREMISES as nusElrnEo rN SNITED grATEs PATENT RECoRDED ocToBER 04' l9l8' IN BooK 93 ATPA@30I. RICIIT OF WAY FOR DMCHBS OR CANALS CONSTRUSIED BY TIIE AUITIOHTT OF TIJE iji.nruo-starns As REsffvED IN UNlrm STATES PATENTREcoRDED ocToEEn 04' t9t8, lN tsooK 93 ATPAGE30l. RESTEKTIVE COVENAITITS WItrCT DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEIfl'N.B OR REVERTER CIIIJSE, iirn'orurrrnqc ANy covENANT oR RESTRIciloN BAsED oal trAcE colon" RELIoIoN' Ifri, rilirDtcAp, FAMTLnL srAfits oR NATToNAL oRIcIN uNLgss AND oNLY To rHE ffiiCT'irtAr Sin COrnwerCr (41IS F65MPT UNDER SHATTEI'42' sEc'ItoN 36rt oF flmu}irrED srAlES C!oDEoR (B) REIATES TOSANDICdPBInDoES Not irscniihuarc AGAINsT HANDtcAp pERsoNs, As coITTAINED lN $rSrRuMEl{T nEcoRDBD OCIOUER,25. 1963. IN BOOK I?8 AT PAGE I'+9 AITID AS AIIE!{DED ININSTRUMENT nscoRDno DECEMSER 6, t96ts.IN EooK 178 ATPA@:145' RESERVATIO}IS OF ATENFENTENTNON-P^RTICIPATINC ROYALTYINIERESTCOIiITTINEI) nf WAIiR $ft'f DEED RECORDED OCTOBER 30, 19@ IN BOOK 166 AT PAGE {07. I]TILTY EASEMENTS 5 FEtrIN WIDTTT AIONGAI.LRE/{RANDSIDEI{TLIfiES AS *ninnrruP ON TIIE PI.AT OF VAIL ULI.AGE WEST rujNG NO. I. 4. 7. 9. r0. Recoirsd lhy-31-2005 0Z:20n Frr TrGors Ran$ Survollng h& 003 LTG Potlcy No. CTAI50005006 Fblm ChlcrfPhlicyNo- 721C6,464sM Our(hdcrNo. V50005006 Sdredute' tl.EASBMENTS,REsERvATIoNsAI'ID-FEIEICTIoNSASSIIowNoRRESERVEDoNl|flE [rconpuo PIaT oF vAtr- vIllAG vvEsr. FILING No' 1' 12. TITE AFFECT OF ITNMAINTAINED ROAD-CI'T OR DMSI TA/IVSRSING ST'BJECT PR'OTERTY AS s*owN ou nre ffi-ovir,clrr rrocATroN cERTTFIcATE PREFARED BY sTAnBucK iiiiwtons & EIIGINEERS, DATED 512101, IoB No' 20r-27' 13.DEEDoFTBUSTDATEDIuLY|4,zn4,.FRoMDA$|TAsBuIIDEss,INc.'AcoloRADo coRFoRATIoN rriiirr puruc rnusrrs or reauu coIlNrY FoR TI|E usE oF FIRSTE I'IK Or 4VON TO SECURCTHE SIIM OF $280,m0.00 RECORDEDJULY [9,2004, UNDER RECEmONNO- 884479' TTEMNos.tT}IRoUGH3oFTIIECIENERALExcTTnoNSIREffiREBYDELETED' ITEMNo.4oFTHEGENERALEI(cEFnoNSISDELETEDH(CEPTASToA}IyLIENS REsuLTrNCI rnoriw-&iloe MtTFRtAr.coMRAcrED FoR oR FUru{aHBD AT TE nEQ0Ellr OF DANTAS EUILDERS, INC., A COLORADO CORPC}RATIOI{' Department of Community D evelopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FztX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com June 8, 2005 Michael Pukas Mpp design shop PO Box4227 Edwards, CO 81632 Fax: 970.926.0682 Dave Dantas cy'o Danlas Builders lnc. PO Box 4015 Avon, CO 81620 Fax: 970.949.9700 Re: 1722, 1778, and 1788 Alpine Drive/Lots 10 - 12, Vail Village West l"tFiling Application for a minor subdivision PEC05.0045 Dear Sirs, Thank you for submifting an application for a minor subdivision request for the referenced lots from the Planning and Environmental Commission. However, please be aware that an additional application must be submitted for a variance from the following standards within the Primary/Secondary zone district: minimum lot area, minimum frontage requirement, site dlmensions, and setback requirements. Only one variance application needs to be submitted, but it must address each of the above issues. The following section from the Vail Town Code may be helpful in explaining the need for a multi-faceted variance request. 12-6D-5: LOT AREA AND SITE DIMENS/ONS: The minimum lot or site area shall be fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet of buildable area, and each site shall have a minimum frontage of thirty feet (30'). Each site shall be of a size and shape capable of enclosing a square area, eighty feet (80') on each side, within its boundaies. 12-6D-6: SEIBACKS: In the primary/secondary residential district, the minimum front setback shall be twenty feet (20'), the minimum srde setback shall be fifteen feet (15'), and the minimum rear setback shall be fifteen feet (15'). Because adjacent property owner envelopes were already submitted, that aspect of the submiftal requirements no longer needs to be fulfilled. However, the remaining submittal requirements for a variance application remain valid, including submission of the associated fee. I have attached the application for your convenience. The application deadline for the July 11th Planning and Environmental Commission meeting is this coming Monday, June 13'n. In order to retain placement of these two items on the July 11'n agenda, a complete application must be submitted to our Department by noon on that day. f,-p^"t"""o"' enclosure Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road l/ail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com July 1 1, 2005 Michael Pukas Mpp design shop PO Box 4227 Edwards, CO 81632 Dantas Builders PO Box 4015 Avon, CO 81620 Re: 1772, 1778, and 1788 Alpine Drive/Lots 10, 11, and 12, Vail Village West 1't Filing Planning and Environmental Commission review of a minor subdivision and variance requests PEC05-0045 Dear Sirs, Congratulations on receiving final Planning and Environmental Commission approval of a request for a minor subdivision and a request for variances from the minimum lot size, minimum frontage, site dimensions, and side setback requirements within the Two-Family Primary/Secondary zone district. The proposal was unanimously approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission as part of an ongoing application to develop three home-sites located to the south of Alpine Drive in West Vail, subject to the following conditions: 1. This approvat shalt be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vait approvat of the design review application associated with this variance request. 2. ihe applicant shall maintain a timits of disturbance line as shown on fhe site plan. No building encroachmenfs or consfruction disturbance shall be allowed beyond this line. 3. Frior to submittal of a building permit for Lot 10, Lot 11, or Lot 12, the applicant shatl record with Eagte County the amended plat, reflecting the access easement and its associafed language. Please let me know if I can be of any further assislance with this application. I have enclosed the appropriate approval forms for your records. Thank you, as always, for your patience in whai is not always a simple design review orocess. Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 enclosure {p ^""".uo r,,r'u. From: Tol Date: Subject: George Ruther Elisabeth Eckel 06/09/2005 10:46:54 AM Re: Dantas Lots 10-12 re-addressing I was attempling to respond to the requests of others (E-91 1). I defer to others on this. Thanks. George Ruther, AICP Chief of Planning Town of Vail (970) 479-2145 office (970) 376-2675 cell (9701479-2452fax gruther@vailgov.com >>> Elisabeth Eckel 06/09/2005 10:21:55 AM >>> Hi George: Sean and I spoke yesterday aboui the need to re-address Lots 1 0-1 2. He said that he m ight prefer that the Lots retain the numerical addresses that are used today, in spite of the proposal for only one curb cuUaccess point. That preference is largely based upon mainiaining consistency in address numbers along Alpine Drive. I began to think of similar site planning scenarios and was reminded of the Cortina Chalets, each of which shares a common driveway with one a@ess point, while maintaining unique numerical addresses. In sum, is it necessary to re-address these Lots based upon their single access route? Thanks, elisabeth Status: I Approved Gorumuuw DEVELopMENT Roulttc Fonrtl X Approved with conditions I Denied Routed To:Fire Date Routed:06/08/05 Routed By:Elisabeth Eckel Date Due:06/15/05 Description of work:Minor Subdivision - property line change Address:1772, 1778, 1788 Alpine Drive Legal:Lot:10, 11, 12 Block:Subdivision:VailVillage West 1" Filing Gomments:Date Reviewed: Need additional review by Fire t Conceptual Review Application for Design R Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81 tali 970.479.2L39 fax:. 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. en appticaUon ior oesign Rwiew cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the C.ommunity Development Departmlnt. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within 'idNEEEIVED N0V Z :. ,:.,.4 TCV-COM.DEV. /t General Information: one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Location ofthe Proposal: Lot: Physical Address: Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address:.8 Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Appli".nt 0onf.€ (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) 17 'AzO Fax: $50 Plus $1,00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square foobge is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenb, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E/Gceptual Review New Construction Addition Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes rto Approved Plans Separation Request tr tr tr tr tr (tlg n rn tt t, -\tr(\ ')#.:{(,,;.ffi#i% \ \,^.,{M\.'\ \r ('r\,mN\,/t i'ffi)Kr-\ \ . . \ '\'\ r 'r \.ND1,). 'r \' ss;Nt'( H *-qrtq !, \! 5 G.I,!a ;t t r,)r#''' X x\ x -rbt\,^ N?,wa\, X Yt. 4 I't l I ( rl NX \) ,Atr" I\ r\ { r5{ I yil ir,tt I \ I Vu'N" trtt X rfu \,N dr \ X'i \W,",t,,\tq,\.'#''')(E o il l, )'\ \ l',1'','$ \ ff ,') l,"W))&i\z \)'''/' r\ 1l \ ''. 1 \ l\ \ \ '.\ru,.\\l r F-_ r -NJZ- t"-1i., ''$k1.''. ,w'',rtro& i',1'l'K.\'\-,)l',tr{W/ sor!4'36"W - \ tl mpp design shop, Inc. il\ 0l l3 Mill Lofl Skeel, Unit 8207 POBox427 Ec$,vorcls, CO 8l632c 97G39G4931t 970-9264682 I. ll Dontos Builders Alpine Drive LOTS t0. I l. 12 Voil. CO 81657 N\IiN \\r\\) $iiN \\\\-.\ EINN\ i\l { \; \^t\'\ \ \n l\.t\ (t 5oo zg 35o"t tt0v z't ?t)f)A, m-v--_c_o,l/f.DEW. ./ -|r-l .l-t1 + liltg'o"tlttlltlrh+ s oEr' + G' ollrI'oo ttl"g' -ffH Dontos Builders Alpine Drive LOTS 10. I r. 12 Voil. CO 81657 mpp design shop, Inc. 0l | 3 Mill Lott Street, Unit 8207 uo*...i,L8i,1?31 c 97H9O.1931 | 97Gy26M2 $qoS ...,I .I L I hI's$ lr88tr tl$tD Irt8 h8"IE Dontos Builders hop, Inc. Unit 8207 PO8ox1227 Alpine Drive roTs 10, il. 12 Voil, CO 81657 o co 8r 632 mpp desig -{ oz o \,{ (t5{!(D zE =8'_t $ I E: o ri ul rno{ oz -t1- No $l-oo zs :I(' (D-I $ rllt IIt i t{*{*lllllhE""""8"I(r)o Jll Dontos Builders Alpine Drive LOTS 10, r r, 12 Voil. CO 81 557 mpp design shop, Inc. 0t l3 Mill Lofl slreet, unil 8207 PO Box 4227 Edworcls, CO 81632c 97H90-1931t 97L92&4cf.2 oo> f, tl u 6 i : \ iiiT"g.{il.-sr-l-d (Il \-"' =\I tt' Yfn ) ) .-,, F.""$/z ."*i)'I pi:l{ .ir\ V )il - - _a024_ - z FB{:o -.1\)vd n 1>Yvlr,Y)* _ < ('\51?Ar*,'ij), $$'', *',^*r*AXii,\E -A-J.",ffi,$bff)Wq;<>,Yt{2 \', \,'', v \ 4 ';\\ ' \ i \r\ !r r t l5'r\\/\/\I"/t 8S', \l\ '. t t.' \ ). ,r' 'l'Ir,'it.',.', ',,'')'1 \ \""iL' ':)i=i:'':'1,:''5'' ll'1, t, l', ',,'rr\ lrr",1 'tlY'r \ \ 1 \ r \'r'r \ q},x"1,'./ '\. t',, tr^rrtr\ tr,tr tr,t, i' il r :f ,:',.'!il..',i'ii.ti*ld,$l',,'',rj','iif\11, ")t','ilil( ; l::l::::f i i:,itfdffilll*lilU$\1, )W , j',i';''\\*3./,,,,\rtfr ,!*',\',!,S,,+:+l$t"t'ai, t1\', \r't, \S,\i-t Xir\'t\'i Fl-l Dontos Builders $lHl npine Drive I t mpp design shop, Inc. 0l l3 Mill Lofl Slreel. Unil 8207 PO Box 4n7 EcS,vords. CO 81632c 97G39G4931t 970-9264682 K)o*r,\n/ )'''\l:,$ili\ili\ N\\N N\\N\ N\\\\)\lNN s,N \:i(,Xr't'. \'trr \'t\tl;\ m ',''\l,N ')sN -,t (n Joo zc3(t G_'t LOTS t0. I l, 12 I>t-m -: tl Nq 6 'i\- - _8024_ - (n \* :s*-( \i,[EF_@r_l-J> u -.."'*-, ( , tKoii\q ri),i'rdJ,",ffi[' 1 t()ii'i'l':\:',.; Jii.','i'',:li)i'li') Ii|iN fi$'v. i'aX')..>o. rr\ \' r.'r \ )'. r'<.'{X \ <, t..'t,'r. \ t. '', [lr]li:,lif ll\,d:#tfllisr,, \${$fi = i''i '',.'i-.'',y.;''i'',)ilfii$.i$lJ)'))iii;'; i')iii,,, ''''}titl[ i* lf{lr:lt$$f$N.;{$l$)' i'", l', \ \ry,i ('\,' r,{i, !', ",',J,[I,,\\t+t,,i,',','lr''J"Ar" "1,' i,'0, [' .- r V i'lL.,Ir,\t\ iJ,r, $l +,Sr'[ il I ';Et T I-)'-';{IX'-\l-S!''I- \\,-:r.-\''jl$+l"r - -so1!4 35.W _ 45.(r \ \ \ \. \ '. \'\\-v i' \ . \ \ \ \ r r r -.-\ \ \ \ \ '. \ \\--\ \ \ r \ r\''r\ t f ill-l Dontos Builders il$l ntoine Drive mpp design shop, lnc. 0l I3 Mill Lotf Slreet, Unil 8207 PO Box 4227 Edwords, CO 81632 c 97G39M931t ?7v92&82 b:'\ ,\, \ 1\1\ \X N\\N i\\\N\ N\\\\)\lNN ilil') \ \\\ ++ \ '''t\$ !E ,Jfitr3,K) ,\') 3$N (ii'il ti\} \\qi (t Joo zc3so-! L ai a b s LOTS t0, n,12 =i q yJffiffi..R \- rill'H+=@r-r;(,,'('ffitffi,1M#'i1i'',..\X;! l 2 ,NN--.,,.-l . &[Wr \','rf \ Nx(..'&,W\\tii,'\''*^ -{rn I o-0 -{ \ /i',',W$.$f\','il\ $"'r,X." \K,XXN'i),'\ a:4 t tt t-', ) '\ .,1 \\ l\ l \\ \,\ \'l;1'':'1'''1 +'1".()i y'.'r\. t \ tr'r,tr \ \ r \ \. \ \. x''i i )'..'(r)'l ")r{r,",'t. \\K"'t.'>N)K \\(\\\ \t'. \ I i : ''l\",'R$$'' \A\xxyl'u"J{,.tr'rX t., \\\ \'\rri\\\ $/,"'.. .. \" $ Ni)N' .'-' lrN 1..:'r::tss$\{ tr) Dontos Builders ''''i(xx'' \\ )i,'<'{'. i(q[fiN ftI,:l':''::\l$r,$ [[$i${r* H ,A \'+ i',1'++,+J,+,\'I',\liJ /,r) \\ \ ''\'i, \T,T\T t1\.'rf{.\\ ' t \ \ \ \ \. \\\-'-, \ \ r \ 1\ \. r I I i mpp design shop, Inc. Alpine Drive 0l l3 Mill Lotl Streel, Unif 8207 PO Box 4227 Edwords, CO 81632c 97G3904931 t 97G9260682 u\$ N\ R)i\\ N\\N N\\N\ N\\\\\\INN ('''':\ ',lR$$', i KN s'il.\t,\it) lqtnu\ tit r \, rt.i\ [:*N, $$r',\ ($ J o zs3 o1 {I I .E t 8l il$ LOTS t0. r. r2 )( ) -.'Ul Y-"' \ {rn-0q )ii - -4024- -I> F : uo o od H c-@t- E i d ',"+t$ Io .{#*(in ,4>,'t'\)F1 1;(,. %<ili;;ffi frN lt\,*iN ]1itN? l. \ tr tr ttrtr,.'\tr^r\( ' 1, l,:' j.t\'. ',".',))i'W t')''. "1 ",, \,'r,,'r)iKr.t\t TAct E I l'1,'.i'')')i{$I!;$ [ | i' If,!#3]i,:(:ilr :.' i' \I'i f_ ; )''JiI'. x \ " " t' ft.'.,t.'.,tr,tr. f \N il>{')a.'('., \i",' ",",", \"^ t,'', \,'1t,,\(l 'r\r-'{t., \ \ \tt\.\I'iK \ '\ t \ \ \\.t,,\ t lt, \l '. t, t \, \, \ t, t, ',, E lc rEi,lt s.6' '.''.''''''',''','''''''''''''i.'iJ'\{qWli''i';',frr'_.i\'.jllti,:t$l$t$$$$\ r-i-.---l ', r r -r \---1 -F\ ' r----\ +,+\----r\ \ \t.\J{\'.---i -r.-\-r \ \^^''. _1 \ r t' \,', i t t, t'.'N\ i tt\\ - s0r!,+,36"w _ /rs.oo, solo4:J6.w _ rorr.so , ,r \ ,t t, ,, ,r.\,, t, r, ,rril{ ' \ \ r \ t\ $l I Dontos Builders $lHl ntoin" Drive \lI t o_ .\. n! mpp design shop, Inc. 0l l3 Mill Lofl Slreet, Unil 8207 PO Box 4227 Edwords, CO 81532c 97G390-1931t 970-9264&2 LOTS t0, lr, 12. il$l *'co8']6s7 .ti\ $.'tt t'.') r{r'1\ \'.\\ ., t,, r, 'r'i / ttr''ti \tr tr \ trtt t. \ Vr \- f '1 \1\ tr\ sl-.trl{ oti \ \ A\ ,r|; flt bF,\ \t. \.{\PO oE oE . \ \ \ '-\"to to \'\ e.")ll\ N,\\r\.\ N\\\\$INN \ \ \,\\\ Uti r\.r-Y\r \,'^ \ ',,.\ 't, tt tr. \'tir, \t$r'.'')rt '\\'i n"li\ i')$uH$,:'[l\$N r 'r !i1r\\) .;21 \ i '1\\ H$$ 'Nt$$N $Joo zE3so_t r & ,s I I b F - - -8024- -)il I hI No (; (D \,/ *- ,'.} i: .:L : r',:'i''.'') r :;l :'$ , i",' l', '''1 j l,i,i:l ;$ \tl )\,s r r))lNk I Y x r\\\,r\Sar r YltN' '.NR\z\N. q$.'.'\k'i',.'.r\ 'id\, \R\"""'.'\K / ./\'\\\ i l.g,gm'ffi,ft\\W dlNs-u- \'=ll *I f*tK\H'WN*i\;q r;X'')WKt\'$A,NrN \'8,*ffii$l,N$ \llN$rsl ,\rN**isr lNfllgi$ i,,'; -|( ,, t,, .). Ki'\ tr.tr. \ 'it ).-< \*'\ t. \.. ',, \ 'r\ tffiKflt \t,'\"\'it\ \s;)N\,4/\. r l'\V)"\r\lN\ ',. It l.SIrS.rlN\i,:]:1,,,);\')j5$iffi{ *'r! :fr'[$lil[N' nl ,l N$l$ll I $Nlill:iil{ ,N), Dontos Builders Alpine Drive LOTS t0, I r, r 2 Voil. CO 81657 rlT> mpp design shop, Inc. 0l l3 Mill Lotl street, Unit 8207 PO Box 4n7 Ecnvords, CO 81632 c 97G39G4931t 97G9264682 ,\\ \trtt N\$$"1) l.'x.^ '):iiN 3:l\': ' {i'j x.:{B$l it,tttt, \'\S ,3'i\ r,>,\Sl \" ),!ii $l}d [r\,i ''\l\ l-$ilr, \"ti'rrt, t, \ !n.5tt\ il,\$ii \"i))lli ulJoo zc:tso'1 )i\ ofr H #-e+t- E il! I> HI |l l\Jq 6 Ia ;t F -rr9r,^ \ r"'& do! .o J(Tll\l V rIIT 'ffit,w\' (\/' A, Eit \t$ R\'\ tr\ \\lNNa\\\\\ N\\N \ t',t I \t,,tt r{r'rr\trtt.\ r\ J'.t-.'\tt^ il'\N }N \t.\ N,ai 'tiriSirl: \r r\$f i\\ -r \t{v{ t'$\ ili$ [ii,) [I\,\\\Ft\',t\ \"t' \\\ 1\,\ \,\ \\'.Lf ! I t I-\ r\r l"t \/t [, v'] X rl'\ E G tA.', t It!l 'N \' \ I (n 5oo zcfsG1 ti:,-'j {l "''' t: \ lS'!f= ,. $:' Donlos Builders Alpine Drive r! mpp design shop, lnc. 0l l3 Mill Loft Streel, Unil 8207 PO Box 1nl Edwords, CO 8162 c 97G39S,4931t 970.9264682 LOTS 10. l l, 12 Voil, CO 81657 - -4024_ - trtl Er{t Ul \//- T i kr$sllN i$[$ii$I{$ ll$$NK -&u ',e^ ?36 za< t.n r $rs \ \ l. r,l i\ '\,ll N'j'i,\ \ \ xr'tNrtt IN 5 o \/ \/. { s3 ir (,lqd r! mpp design shop, lnc. 0l I 3 Mill Lott Slreet. Unit 8207 il-l Dontos Builders $lHl ntoine Drive (n:t G G zcfs(n-.' PO Box 4227 Edwords, CO 8'1632 c 97G390-4931t 970-?2646A2 \\.L\. . \ \ \INNN\\\\ N\\N\ N\\N iri\ ')'rli)\ K t.'r tr\ tr,ttrtt\ l.$ ' \i'j5ill: N,l':li fr'NI }'K' i'$r s\rr $$i r 4+dr'itr \ '{l{$W'l\iil, i\\i\\, T'\ LOTS 10, I l. t2 ,i\ i{ F ; ll Na a (nfrn -0 t- z I o-0 -{ oz FI ln o5H.EF@lF+ ruil.g q -% i):f ll:i,iriiilrfi '"t4^ mpp design shop, Inc. 0l I 3 Mill Loft Streel. Unit 8207 ?gEzt<trr t f;tl i,qtib;: i tt t', )" 5 o - j- ','-Lo- *-ir',,$',r'f",1L1Qp'- - - soro436'w-'r5'oo' so1!4'36'w-10,r.50' ' \ \rr r,, \\rrrrrrrrta_\- Fl-l Dontos Builders $lHI ntoine Drive PO gox 4227 Edwords, CO 81632c 97G390-4931 f 97U9264682 ,\\ \r$ N\\ N\\\\ N\\\\\\INN N\$ r \tt\\Y' [iiiN ::lN tttt,tt\'l)\ii: ' {i'j s {$$l it,tttt. \ r \ir.\ 'oi i'ii.4 J"\ \\\ t'\t$ #s\\,'r t \$$qli,) ul oo zcl$o-l o F R a oI b 5{ tors 10, lt, t2 t-/v' I *n9 IiNN ['l':llNN ,;\ - -4024_ - oFE-€F TAo P E !c E; ;r i "'"'d"^ \ sol!4'35'Vv - 104.50' Dontos Builders (tl Trn at- z I oa -{ o1 J -&r" t'r\\lli' N' ttqN \V\ .r N" \,', (il\\ Y U\/1tl ' \TAlrt YlAtrr'.;t t' A,/' T \/' { /\ \ \l- tdir ulq,6, '..xt' N ti I 5 o s01!4'36'W - 45.00' rl mpp design shop, Inc. 0l 13 Mill Loft Sfreet. Unit 8207 PO Box 4227 Edwords, CO 81632c 97G3H931t 97$92ffi682 LOTS 10, lr. 12 Voil, CO 81657 ul:too zEfso_t bti \t$ R\\\ \\lNNN\\\ \\\\N N\\N K\iiN\r,9 NI$$\'il NSN )' \'i \ \ \ '..\' r), t 'r\ / mfim) N*'un" ut)'.)^zl i it Alpine Drive 5 (t I I ...i*,.d,r*,(',ill Stltt))l','.''.'N tqs$::$tlJii'")(.'\.'a,"-':iY'$lli "1,,^.','^,fll. a ,',ti.. t. t,. ", tt, 1tr,^.,^' .l'li)\i;lri "),\,,ort:')'{,,\,);di))l(' ir t,$.1.'-a't.'t't', ,Y,r(.,',:.'i.',)ii ,, jr, trt"r.'",,, "r, t\, tt "'F', 1-----, ,\F\ 'j''1':r1tt,t"\ \l \ I )r "l' 1', ' "{ r, ir \ 5l :l' 'Elr f;,t \E'\ ( :r \lr-{'. .K{\ ^ lt.. \ 1\ lt., I 'tl t' \lt', \'l)dttl tt , fr \ 'l t, tt lt\ 1l A.r \..|\ \\\ r{ )r'u'}. 'r\I''t t -Ib ll -tq rf I \-\t rE L',1 --+ -r-\ \---f si mpp design shop, lnc. t\ttts01!4'J6'tv - 45.00,SO1T,136'W - tO/+.50. Fl-l Dontos Builders $l$l noine Drive t- (tl 5oo zE3(to-.' 0l '13 Mill Loff Slreel, Unit 8207 PO Box 4227 Eci^/ords, CO 81632c 97G39G4931t 97G9264c8.2 LOTS 10. |. r2 il$l *'co8'|6s7 (nq rn -0r z I o-0 { o b q l,t € s 'i\- - -8024_ -R_2Tllr \Hl|a q lll .d le4r: llri:i{i ll i""l'\"' "'N li:il;t$:'),Y'i,.'f,':i*tt:\ t)') r''l' ti. "i'...':...t'.)..,'.,"' 1t' i \ '" "', \:'ii'i'.'',il i",i..", \ ,., ., \ \, \ \, ...'. J'.,t i'i) +'€')'i :f'.'),,\'oi'.tf',t''lr''',\)d3-')''(' )il',-:$i.i:,iSl:i ,'f ,:'',1'a'.',:.',, ",, \, tr't,',' tl 't, lt, tt t, ", t, t, \ tr \ ,l'r,.'l-,, t:-,\'T\\ , [*"J,,].,\ \t,, tr, \ \l -') od H *='eto- ! <nob it ;^9rll I \ N,.ffi ffir Nru N ,'")r{'t,,' 1.'\ t.\^ IR (""tttt \ , \.ttrttr tt.tr, . tr.\ tt ta t., tt tr\ tr tr t tr tt t.,, \ tr tt 1\, t\r \ \ \ '. \\ \ \ l\i \ \ \ ir,--t -r\--+ F \ tr tr tt trs, -\ \--f 1- \- -&6 \ '"d"^ ! \t \ )ilII sr,, \,p ,\v\-x \ ht.,\ t', .(- tt \\x3' !; s "\ \ 5 o N u \'\ 1' \, s01r{J6"W - 45.00'S01!{36'w - 10/+.50' Dontos Builders mpp design shop, Inc. 0l 13 Mill Lofi Sfreet, Unil 8207 PO Box 4227 Edwords, CO 81632 c 97G3H931t 97c-92646€2 Alpine Drive o g (n 5oo zE 3(' (D_'l LOTS 10. il,l2 Voil. CO 81657 N "\ .N \'\) 1\, IHIEK', \r\, oHuHoli',.'r t\,, *b*'r i u') N.\\N.\ N\\N N*,- -\\\\.\-/- \ \ \'? - \"\ir r) {r, \\ r\-Z [r")'\ []'ls *:.N \r,\iil) \' \\\u \\ itt"" ili\\qt,|i r;ir / Ni, )i\- - -8024- - \t' \\ \\I \\"t,tr\"tNr$ffi () e H *---qr{F ! li;l ? -'b,\*^ \ '"e^ \\ ffi ,\\\ \ \! ,tt '1t t' ^ t,tt,t t i'.1'')i''),'' l:lld .l))ilt( '''' ;ilrnplh q'll? "* ll ,,li }$Nir'. n r' j.'^:'.'^.\i: : al,'' ) 'B i'.1 i',:',:''.',) i,''), f,,:.'i''')r:l>:,$ |:[i'<';}$j$'r,i$i5ii',',: ; [,'f '''',Ya(""'' "' "t '\""t' l, t1,,, rr, lr, '\ rr.'",, ttr, t\,.tt t\, J'f':-,\\i'rt,ii E I \ ) II g q I I i I \ E (3 'r r \ \, t\{J\l' \' \ " 'r \ \ 1\ 1\1\\,, \ n,5 t \\,, \.\,, t,''\)]i !totr tr \",ti'rtq\tf'\, t r tt tr'\ tt, t,,i tr't, \'t,\tfft,,/ t$s:$s'.i t\ so1!4'36'w - ,to4.5dsol !4'J6'w - 4s.oo' rl mpp design shop, Inc.Dontos Builders Alpine Drive LOIS 10, r r, 12 Voil, CO 81657 o g (.n 5oo zc3oo_'t 0l l3 Mill Loft Sfreet, Unit 8207 PO Box 4227 Edworcls, CO 8162 c 97G390-4931f 970-926482 N \\ \t$ h\'.\ .)r\ \\INN NN\ I\\\Nb\'.\\\ \-Y\ :t- \-> i,:l\ -'l)* \t\-I\ \lltrl t' ltq\\\\Lt\ lI iithtq\,''liI1 k 5r IIIs* & - -8024- -'i\ \_2\ --t \\\), .,t,.\ 6,n H #-@t- ac) Ett (tl =rn -0 t- z I oa { $> Fl tl Na 6 -*t g; ;l F "'&^ !rl3 \l t ,t\! (t ),i'\,',.). ( 4 '\ \ 'x-\ \^ou)si. t', ^ ^r \ *:3 lt. ',1 i ' \ t''. ' tr Ita'\ ". '. \t E Gffi$\ , ilN){ilfi $$)$*WXii il,,{\$W Ng*N $::lllll;;: i\rr \t 'ri ,t\ \\\ \\\ s010.+ J6'W - 45.00's0r!+'36'W - ro4.5o'.\'rrtf\rTTW\\\\.\\ " \\\.\\,\\\-'-' \ \ \ \ \\- ;r EI mpp design shop, Inc.Fl-l Dontos Builders il$l ruoine Drive il i e t! $Joo zgl5o-l 0l 13 Miff Lofl Slreel.Unfi gn7 PO Box 427 Edwords, CO 81532c 970-39U4931t 970-9264682 ,r)r.\ OS$. r \ sti$Hli'$ \INNN\\\\ N\\\\ Ni\ \.'t,'i ) I:l)i r\\\ \"'Jx I,/\ \ \ \ \ '.2.\' '/\ \ i1r, 1''i\\-/'\.\\\ LOTS 10. ll, 12 .\'il * -8024- - n lrDT I K ,r\ : gt t n!tr c3 \ P \-"'')fll$ \/ ,. ili ' i i"';l $:Nrfi+:r :.(,]:; "l \l'r\i' ('I ,f..' A.\ ir \ X s01!4'36'W - 45.00 s01t,r'38'w - 104.50' sl mpp design shop. lnc.It )- il-l Dontos Builders ilHl ntoine Drive ur5 o zE:Iqo- 0l l3 Mill Loft Street, Unit 8207 PQ Box 4227 Edwords, CO 81632c 97G390-4931f 970?264682 LOTS 10, il,12 Fl$l *'co8'|6s7 -\ \ \ \\ \ r r\\'t.t,'t'\. \, \ tt,tt, tt t, t,\\\tr \,\trt, \l,F'l-i-r-f rr n st ss ,s - -8024_ - oF H,*--elt- ! | \! \ \: u rI i; ;t i \,.) H '1, \" \ \-\ \ (nfrn -0r z I o-0 -loz J. > . .*''m ffi$''li ifi$::N N'N :'f :'',:jl,t r"',,''',. '',, '',,t,, i'[,\l\]i,i,! --ra\^ \ '"*^ I { W $N $l$tl IN\. r-x\ )a\ \,.\\ \ \ t tttt tt \'r 'r 'r t.\ tt^t' 't tr\ t, t,, t,\t \ trt,\ 1\ \1\ \t -t-\-* \ \\ 1 \ \\i- \----r -ts- E .o \t 6 o frt ! i,,|- , \ r r \ \ \ \ \ \\f tr' \ " \ \ \ i \ \ \'.--\ \ t r \ qr s0104'36'tv - 104.50' Dontos Builders mpp design shop, Inc. 01 l3 Mill Loft Streel, Unit 8207 PO Box 4?27 Edwords. CO 81632 c 97G39M931t 97G9264682 Alpine Drive LOTS 10. ll. t2 Voil, CO 81657 ul5 G zElqo-I ulo> f, ; ll No (; t \ \" tl 's,ti, ,tIr$J\ t \ \ \\\',.n \INNN\\\\ N\\N.\ N\\N K\\\Nl',\:) r. t,tt tt\ t...'trN Xi:N '\\f \$$ .:{$$l \.\".! \t, ".'t,\ tr, tt\ \\\,\ {t t rtir\. Y t.'$$$tlii f,iil s0t!,+'J6"tv - 45,00' ta ;i t ! ! \t$ $S$.r\ uti$lili'$ \trti \\lNNN\\\\ \\\N\s\"\\\ r. N,\iK tr \tt Nr\ t^trtt, tt\ r.'r N \$$tr, tt\ N'"'io' \:'qq$ \t,tt.tt,\ NK':\:\\i l\ \' \\', 't\')i' \uN li't," il\,"1 \''','':i',kffi] 'i\- -4024_ - \ -ttt' tt'\()F H #-@t= \)ll 5 (rl {i 3li\$*,,*pd N* ).']:.:::l\.11,.,:ll$r..l)r,,.,,,.$ i,:il'))):':N I I T ') )\ E o s01!4'36'W - 10,+.50' ll i; mpp design shop, Inc.il_l Dontos Builders $lHl noine Drive urJ G zElso-I 0l l3 Mill Loft Street, Unif 8207 PO Box 4n7 Edwords. CO 81532c 97G39G4931t 970-92ffica2 LOTS t0, ,l2 3l$l voir. co 8r657 ilrl S01!4'36'w - its.oo' 'il \ -t2 '\\--'t \ x k1) d H --*e{rq I ao tt gi ;i p =-ru\^ \ r,t"^ N I i.t \)^r\,ffiK,u5,.", }Wt 116r,$ l$,lffir,i'1<1r\ E$',j{lir,: j>Rli:.r)$l$W$ i.t#i.,SK'l,l,N'1.'.i..k,#1w1''*\ ,"#l ",ffiI#'tiIWM,)iw *'ff.$l$ ,:l',:'ftlw''ffM,,, ,, i, ;,,a,lr+,\ \',J, \#K,, l, [t'-,,\, \ \ tr, tr, \ \-t,], tl I ii ( 5 o 3d ?.6,A\\ Ntt tt W W\ t, 2s, \b. t SOI1),t36'tY - 4S.OO'SOI !,+'35-v{ - 1O,t.5O' si mpp design shop, lnc.Dontos Build Alpine Drive i ,i- * (tl5(!o zcf5(D-f 0l l3 Mill Loft Street, Unit 8207 PO Eot 4227 Edwords, CO 81632c 9ZG3?0-4931t 970-926482 LOTS r0. r1. 12 Q lul voir. co 816s7 F IRI (n =rn ar z I oaJo I> f, ; tl Na { N N + $|d 1RN\ 'ii1,'i\ f l)ir,\ \ t. t-.1 {\. r.' \ \ t. ) I)' "'\ M W N l\\\ \rt \\ l'') "),I, ,\', \ t, \y,/| '$! '.ttt Ili' N\ I] Fr6o o 2v $tH q db E n It s ii* & s I kj |l Na q )_2(nil )',}I I \u hil'F€--@r=F oa {O . ",?(\':\ili) r")\\- ftmN"'fli"'\\i1\t,'-W -*- *ilsll:rl'l\gtili f-{.lil,,ill':,''iW |.,"rlrr,'r, t1\;!{.'\ t,. \.tr, tr t,, t*5,tr:rg\ I t.,,'1..,'r..'.\ 1\ \r^r.'r'' \.\ ta'' t..).)r*rtr,tr\'i,:1,i.sl\;,iisi*,:[']'$N^--.\ \ ..',, x i', rl$l \ii (',' i',,',),,',, ill,'l\lq-l I'. . iqirt,:Ki))i(,.'i') i''"l''',)i,li, \ \ \ "Nidmli{\P i\ RI \- ,.',.. \, ),Yl;,a((',,',)t'),..,1,)r',",',")il',\ )l*l i)Y{,1g* ltlll$n )W i'. '('( ", ,\\',Nt \ \ r t, r \r'i 'f .''f,:',,$i:lt.'lll::',\i""""'''''1"''',t)i,']")l\iil,. "'il')'''ili',i'\* = ',r ', \ '',, '.,'.''., r;1",i.ii:, i'':''li'l'ii')1,:',',)\\\, "l;,li'i',,Iil' ri ::f:::fl'l:,1,i ir:i':i:lllli,lll*lN. XI,$ \ t..rtrrttrtr,'\ tr,tr, t,,, t,, tt tr,tr,",\, \, \,t, ttllq1\ l":''[,''';]illi,:')i',:',''r.'rti':',t't'',t,r)il1,, ''ll\' }A. : ', l' ;, '\,.* \'\',J, \'' i',,\'Jl l, : { +',-,] ,\i,,\ *ia" '')jifi )N\\*ll'$+t'Hi$,j!\ 'q \ \ ' t, 't. t' t' \ tr t' tt \ll..--r, L,--:,\ , i r _L ,_', \\, \ t-\-r-l-t \lf- \"\',1-l1-\ffr\TT'r','r\\t\.\t.l, \ \ i \ 1\ mpp design shop, Inc.\ti l d Dontos Builders Alpine Drive LOTS t0. il.12 Voil. CO 8l 657 0l | 3 Mill Loft Streef, Unit 8207 PO Box 4227 Edwords, CO 81632c 97G390-4931| 97U9264682 \t,\ \' .\ \\ d!\ \ $'',$\tt tr \,, r',,O. I N''t'$l{"t I',tt tr) i\\N$')')r"..'l)\ il\q-l\N\\\\ l\\iS 6') It't iu\,'K\"\\i (tr5oo zEf6(D-I & s l,I5 € lr fI (n =rn -0r z I oT -{ o 'tt.'\ \l \,\ t.,t., t,t ' \ r \ \ ?"''i'J''. t',1 \",tt tr tr \.tr tr.tt)>\J ill-l Dontos BuildersI-$l*l ntpine Drive c)n H +-ete sorlx'J6'ry-104.50' t \ ', \ r \ \ \ \ t. \ \\\FNr\ ', \ '' P1-11 f\r3=1'\'r\\\i\.\\\:--\ \ \ , \ r\ t ' \\t,t,trtrtl 5{ (rl uo E F^FI ;i t .x',)w, "(*',!'li:l\'lK :;:ai) r',,\i$$$\ffi\,\ A1'N -e. . ) ilii'l'\:',',,',:.,\,1\ :. ''-.' Xi' )ir(),'' '' ",'",\ :'.N, E t.E\ I rtf.'5ii i),'' I I i ;.' 1' .,i{ i.)'5\',, ::,''\t i:.. ;, jt l, ),' l, : L'' :' i i:tt \'' ) i',, r *i iit *{^-N ;['[$$$N }il::iliN$il$ $iglsNi1g, \"W ' i)', 1,, '' ''!i:: i i \illi I ll:ljl ll,il:$\1,, "1 i,li(')iit{' \ * ,,1 $,i.il-f\ill$$NIN+$$$',Hi'NI: r_ i.')r'('''.\.'':]'.''i':'.'''.,''''.''1.\'.''.''',,''\'\'\'itlii\''i':'iiiffiX'u N , "!, tr, tt!'q,. \ 1'r,'r,tr.'t, \, t, 't, '\, '\, \.tr, \ ", \,'\'t,",tl\liji, 't,\tr",trf,i.t,Xt/'\ ; si mpp design shop, Inc. 0l | 3 Mill Loft Streef, Unit 8207 ?O Box 4227 Edwords, CO 81632c ?7G39G4?31| 97U9264682 )4\1 ,$t tr I []',]fi',, .ft"\\\r \_ N,$ \$' r")s\\ t')'{ll')l $\N N\\\\ N\\\\ ')\\\'',\{N *trH :'t) fr|N'N tr't,tr \$r'r\'\ xl tlfl* urJoo zt:t 8--J LOTS t0, I l, 12 I> F ; tl l)q 6 ('| \-..'-2 ,,\',N--""-i iul$JtlisiiN El-l Dontos Builders $l$l ntpine Drive + ,:Jffiffi,:NK\N { N I e'-.-',26[\IDL qUK'. i ',.i \ \r\ r ', \r\S r\r\ i tl..l".,\,.tr.t. t,tr,'\tr trt.'^.,YX t "{ f'. t''l \ t,'t't \'. \ \'.,k{ ;=IT.H mpp design shop, lnc. 3..'', -q^ffifil*{,i$ \ .', 1')r\,]',".'", t.\' )i{,,',]','r',''''".',. \")iaNNSN!:t,:"\\,,,',"-,\$ijN d i il $$tr$l N it)'. 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T s I :tI LOTS 10. |.12 $ \/' ...t{*\,)Nu \ ftT q ti,X',')'\ii:\\ \, r'!f: g+-@u=t- d .(1r'(", 1fV1'"ffirA)1 X illl.L --) .'N,"N(tf \-'' <Vi','r..4)$ .(';),'\')J .",,€lK.ih%\t.NN1{ -,(VY',.",'^K \.',,,,,, '.. ffrl{ \^r \'K',',,,\\\_ -.---{ /4,',-'nol',.', N,",,;$$HH tf ia\.", \\ii\,'N r"\" fa,)Jtli.,'.,'i::*i::,,'li:i',i,,"\',', ",\N','ii )$ffl)X,'\'RdiN, - - -';+, 'O'2'+ il:)lj$srft KI sllri{Sits$l$$' l.lli:'.ri1i*l;'\:i :f ;,:,,1i$l\\,,'il,i$ilf\u = ll l:l'll. i i r:ilNts$$\\s, I$$ ., f r, ", .i3tr,,tr,,tt, trr\rtr,tr, ", tr, \r"rtr, \ \ \ ", ',, \'f;,t, tr)rtrt,:trtr)'ir,tr)l'A q tl-l Dontos Builders mpp design shop, Inc.! I = d $l$l npine Drive i, l', ",1", \ '\\t\r,r\r\'\, '\, '\, \',,",tr,t,'\1\," ",i','\ ','tl$i t,I,^{'i $:N\,r !,5 * +ll,$)il$,X,,'So|1c4,J6,w-...;;:F-..o,o.,,.,*-1o4.5o,--.+*si+\'+<!t-- LOTS 10, r r, 12 s$l voit.coetesz 0l l3 Mill Loff Skeet, Unil 8207 PO Box. 4227 Edworcls. CO 8l 632c 97G39G"493 It 97A9264682 I h -: tl Ua 6 N {' liiq s')\t,Y Tio, ***\ '' $fli$li \s\\+NY,',\lll.t ); )* Nl\ ultoo zEfso.T \ ,--) .,\trN---"0,.-i: ,ffNN \ *H*--*.!:r{ ,\ri[; ;t (\rti'r'rt...{ t-l.,6{ffiffi;il,:ffi .nT_ \/r \y' \ '',- li')r(\.'-t :N'ti'\ffi,NilN ; N. .,Xtr \) . 1....',1t i,,).,\ . \ trt", 'trlrt5,\."rttr"rtt, \ tr, t, tr t ti \ lr 't. n]tr \.",tr,'t,t','1t..t..t,. a ilK, .}."NS\ $ K*,S\i'', \S\\'^\,,U {.',.|','r'','\..',t'$ffiffi\N*5\\',\tilti''\ 6 | ./ "f''')I'5,!+:^,',i['Il$i,K*i,l H 1..u\rlid'.'){5 r il i*-" " t' ' i') l],iu.\ lii[\j;i.r\N lisiil$tl$ll{r g/ ,,[, t', ::r)'r',)','','')r''""','',,'\''', '',,\,\,'1\,,\ffi ',))iii,!lr',/'fa, : '',1,,', ),,', ), l',:',)\,,',,,\,\,t\",,','ll\il,,',,),,,',1I,l'');t/ tr tr. t, t, \.t,, ', tt, ",'\ tt't,tr\i)l \\',\',X\\'j\/', \ o *\ta',\1W' /r'r4." -11 t' \' \ " " \ \\t \\Lt\ rtr' sol!.+'J6'w - to,(.so' \ ,, \ \ \' ' \'. \ r\ ,)ii'lr')l'),),r\ ,t'lf:::{ljilllllltilN, }$ I ::f )'[frir,,r Ii. *,,] E, i $,$+N' '']$i ] u^ l r \---r..-'-r r\-r r-''--r fr -t-, l+.'J',\,\ \',', \ f','\'i,, L',',,'\,\].-\. \"-\\IIT:I*'SNt$s+:$l1'',r,r"' SOllr{36'W - /ts.OO'sol!.+,r..rr _ ro,+.so. , , ,, \, \1 1,\rr\,.\.rjqi:_== Dontos Builders LOTS 10. . t2 Voil. CO 81657 mpp design shop, Inc. 0l l3 Mill Loff Slreet. Unif 8207 PO Box 4227 Echrrords, CO 81632c 97G39G4931t 970-9264(€.2 (tl =m at- z I oa -{ o ;ttf\ ,\),rtt ( \q <\ N, IN t,YKI\ \ -,-y rrt $ ','J$|"'..\\8ll t\Iil[\rtt)i^\ , r,) N \\ d [E' \ N \.\ (n Joo zs =so.I ll! =Alpine Drive Re;eze_ Lr-,t IA.IL - {. To-Gore Ranre $urvsyi naReisi'.'6d llarSl-2005 02:l0Ps F ror Pare 001 ClricagoFolicyNo. TlLO646/.ffi ftr OrderNo. V50005006 Scledule A Amotnt $280,000.00 C-O5\ PmpertyAdrlress:1788,1?22ANDr7'8AJ-PINEDftI\lEVAILCOSr6t sf re /o= 1. PolicyDarc S:fl)P.M. =.+.-'-t2. Nate of Insurtdt DANTAS BUTLDERS,INC., ACOI.OIIADO CORPORATION L.I-7 *1 3. Tfre estate or lntenest in the lsrd descdbed or refcrred to in tlris Sch€&dc and rvhidl ls oovsred by {hre pofiry is: A Fee Slurple 4. Title to the estile or furtqest covered ny this poticy St tlre date hereof l* vesed tn: DA}ITAS 8I'ILDERS, INC., A COLOR.ADO CORPORATION 5. Tbc lard ref€rrtd to ln tlrb poltcy fo d.scdbed as follona: LOTS IO, IT AIID 12, VAIL VILI.AGE WFST FIIf,NG NO. T' ACCORDING TO TITE RECORDED H"LT TIfEBEOF, COITNTY OF EAGIJ, STATE OF COTORADO' This Policy vdld only if Scbedule B ls adadl€d. Iand Title Guararree CoqPoaY ncpreseofing Chicagp fitle Iosrrrne Corupany ) Recsl.sd lihrSl-?005 02:20Pr Fro-To-Gors RanSs Srrvcylnt Pan 00? LTGPolicyNo. qfAI50005006 r tr'oro AO/(5I ChicagoPolicyNo- 7210ffi4fi8 Oru Order No. V5000s006 SclrcdubA t. , 4. Tnis policv does uot insrrrc qgBinsr loss or dun*gF (alrl fre cornpary will rot pay coss' att(trDcy$' fe* or cxpcuscs) wtrich arisc t Y Fason ot Geoerat ErcePdoc: Riglrs or clniros of panies inpossession oot shotr|tr by ite public tEcor4s. Easentcots, or clafus of easerpcots, lor shouoby Oc poblic recotdg' Discrepaocics, cosf,icrs in borfrlaqy liocs, sLonrge in arcu', cocr1l6c[IncnE. rnd ary &cG unich a coanct rurvcy m0 i$q;,i"" "lttft preruires waukl tliscloso rnd wlric[ arp not doum by thepblic nxro66s' ,{ny lien, or rigbt o a licn. br servlces, labor, or orrcdal bertof,oe or hecafter ftuisfra, iaposcd by law rad nor shown by du Public r€conls. 2OO4 TA:GS NOT YET DUE A}'ID PAYAELE. RTGTIT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR IODE TO SCTRACTAT-ID REMOVE HIS ORE iTgn,nnnovT sHoULD THE sA.I\48 BE FOTIND TO PENEIRATE OR INTERSECT TT{E PRzuISES al, nu-siirvsD lN UNITED grATEs PATENT REcoRDED ocToEER 04' l9l8' IN BooK 93 ATBA@30I. RICIIT OF WAY FORDITCCBS OR CAI{ALS CONSTRUqIED BY 1IHE AUTIIORITY OF TIJE iii.rrffisrlrns As RESER\IED IN uNlrED sTAlEs PATBNT REcoRDED ocToBER' 04' tgl8, rN sooK 93 ATPAGE 301. RESTRICTIVE COVENAIITS WItrCH DO NOT COMAIN A FORFEITT,RB OR RE\|ER'IER, CI.AUSE, i:molarrrycAlIycovEI\tAl,lToRREsTRIcTIoNBAsEDo'lsAcE,colon' RELIcloN, snri, rieprcep, FAI{ILTAL srAfin oR NATIoNAL oRIoIN t NEss AI'ID olllY To TIIE ffilqr irrar sirp corru.nrr (a) ls E CEMPT U$IDER cIIAFIER 42, SECnON 36fl OF ffiE-InIEED STATtsS CODE OR (B) RETATE TO qA TDICAP BIIT DOES NOr irlcnnrmau AGArNsr rrANDtcAp PERsoNs, 1s COIITAINED lN l]Is[RurdE]fr RECORDBD OCTOUNN ZS, 1963, TN BOOI( I?8 AT PAGE I49 A.IITD AS A\{ENDED IN INSTBUT{ENT nsCOnDEO DECFIi'!.BBR 6, t96' IN 8OOK 178 ATPACE 345' RESERVATIONS OF A TET{ DERCENT NOJTI-P^RTICIPATING ROYALTY IT{iEREST COT{TAINED iX Werinelfff DEED RECOnDED OCTOBER 30' 19@ tN EOOK 166 AT PAGE 4O?. T]TILITY EASEMEI.ITS 5 FEET IN WIDlTl AI-ONG AIL REAR AIID SDE TOT IJI{ES AS niiuRvED or.f rlIE PLAT oF vAIL vtLLAoB wESr FILING No' l' 6. 7. 9. r0. ,, Rscellad Mav-31-2005 0Z:20pn FrqF To-0orr Ranrs turvsyinc Pus 003 LTG Poltcy No. Cf,AI50005006 fbrnAO/CHI ChicagoPoticyNo. 72t6&s08 orrrordrrNo. V50005006 SdrcduteB ll. EAsBMEl.lTs, REsERvATIoFIs AI'ID REs'IrucnoNs As sHot'N 0RRESERVED oN II{E ipConop Ft-ar or van uu-AcE wEgr' FILING No' r' :r2. THE AFFECT OF I'NM''INfAINED ROAD CI'T OR DTrcH 'TBAVSRSINC SIIBJECT PROPERT:T AS igowN oI.r rrre IMPnovsm{TLoCATIONCERTIFICATE EREPARED BY STANBUCK iunwvons &ENGINEERS, DATED slzlol,rog No' 20I-?7' 13. DEED oF TBUST DATED JULY |4, 2004, FRoM DA.hIrAs BIIII)ERS' INc.' A coLoRADo Eonponnrror.r ro ilu prrgl;c rrustgs or EAGLE corINrY FoR Ir{E usE oF FIRSTBAI'{K or avoll to sEcuRE IIrE SIIM Otr $280,0@.00 REconDED JIILY 19' 20014' ttNDER RECEPTION NO. 884479' ITEM NOS. I THROUGH 3 OF TI'IB GENERAL EXCEPT1ONS ARB HEREBY DBLETED' ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENER.AL EXCEFTIONS IS DEIj:IED EXCEPT AS TO AI\TY LIENS iriesur-rmc FRoM woFJ( OR MATERIAL coMRAcTED FoR oR Ft RI\tsItBD AT TEE &EQUEST OF DANTAS BUII-DERS' B{C., A COLORADO CORPORATTON. Iz5 5*1&<2lrJ .+ < k>E>E iE 3r*i -t3. EA .Oa o,cF ?:o t8 A!F6 qto\ @ b<.-:ft-:.1i8 lrJF o I *E !.g. 5 * \) J-\)+,F -6v {tu(!t =_yd32t^.) llrrt - €q/ €{E! rr5:SS t F*' (t q, .s FL Fo.- rtst o yo 3r+ 9t .;J vrE Fs6 \ { '5 6- ? T Jtl .EB =o-FOrarFtzZV=xt E-r trt<-1 > |rl 0o(\ = f;<o =n(UJFGt :z< frvl, d, # lt-o2 F o F J ?. sg tr <3 .r: -iti3 , 5' I / 3; !'- I 7 *$ rH e a Jf'r PE V l.o rr t'e P3 f.^ t3 ,tt -l 3-* gs t. Ii *-. PE I +- s) oIoJ FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM VailTown Council Department of Community Development November 6,2OO7 ohonT Uthil 6'\lV*, fl^At K,, lr)r.b^,-1 Ur+, : l"-0'l (ft,+;"'.^J) il. il. ?f" An appeal, pursuant to Section 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail Town Code, of the Town of Vail Design Review Board approval of an administrative approvat, for a ch-ange to approved plans, pursuant to Chapter 12-11, Design Review' Vail Town Code' to aibw for achange to the configuration of retaining walls associated with driveway access, pursuant to section 14-6-7, Retaining walls, vail Town code, located at 1772, 1i78, and 1788 Alpine Drive/Lots, 10, 1 1 , and 11,Yail Village West Filing 1 ' and setting forth details in regard thereto. (DRB07-0501) Appellant Vail Town Council Planner: Wanen CamPbell SUBJECT PROPERTY The subject properties are located at'1772, 1778, and 1 788 Alpine DriveAots, 1 0' 1 1 ' and 'l2,Yail Village West Filing lSubdivision. STANDING OF APPELLANT Pursuant to Section 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail Town Code, the Vail Town Council has standing to 'call-up' any action taken by the Planning and Environmental Commission. REQUIRED AGTION The Vail Town Council shall uphold, overturn, or modify the Town of Vail Design Review Board approval of a administrative approval, for a change to approved plans' pursuant to Chapter iZ-t t , Design Review, Vail Town Code, to allow fora change to the configuration of retaining walls assoliated with driveway access, pursuant to Sectio_n ,,|.4$-7' Retaining Waffs, Vaif Town Code, located aI1772,1778,and 1788 Alpine Drive/Lots, '10,11, and'12, Vail Mllage West Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Pursuant to Sub-section 12-3-3-C5, Vail Town Code, the Town Council is required to make findings of fact in accordance with the Vail Town Code: "The Town Council shall on all appeals make specific findings of fact based directly on the pafticular evidence presented to it. These findings of fact must support conclusions that the standaids and conditions imposed by the requiremenfs of this titte (i.e. Titte 12, Zoning Regutations, Vail Town Code) have or have not been met." BACKGROUND Platted Lots 10, 11, and 12 were purchased by Dantas Builders in 2004' Beginning in November of 2004, at the request of the Design Review Board, Dantas Builders presented more than twenty proposals in order to locate a new single-family residence on each of the tv. three separate lots. At a number of its public hearings, the Design Review Board i,i"*ptii"rrvr"viewed """h ptopot"l. on Mdrch 16,2005, during afinalconceptualreview oi g,"l.pir"ats tor general "d"""" and location of the residences, the Design Review goard igr;eO that accessfrom one common drive at the north side of the development area *""'tn""U""t proposattoitne site. The Board's sentiment was largely based on their desire ;;;th;;;"*r"tion of as much of the southem area of the site as possible' Furthermore a l"*"r[ "tt " Design Review Board was the safetyof haMng three (3) driveway curlrcuts on the curve in AlPine Drive. on July 11,2}Os,the Planning and Environmental commission approved a request for "pb."tr oi" rinir suuOivision] pursuant to Chapter 134, Minor Subdivisions' VailTown C.d-;, t" amenO tne nt sizes ahd configurations and a reguest for a Jinal review of a ;;rirlce from Section f iO+S, Lot Area and Site Dimensions and Section 126D-6' i"iO""f",V"it Town Code, pumuant lo C!qOt91_l-Z-lZ, Variances, VailTown Code, to allow uriioi"g;itrilGsetuali,ioot"a il177d.,1778,1788AlpineDrive/Lots10,11,12,Yail Village West Filing 1. Subsequent to the Design Review Board and Planning and Environmentral Commission "Jprouir" and the r"*iing or the amended plat individual plans for the construction of iii[" n"* single-family residences were submifted and approved' on october 3,2OO7,the Design Review Board contained a staff approval for a change to tn" *nnguotion of the retainiig watls associated with driveway access, pursuant to Section i+A-l, ietaining Walls, Vail T-own Code, located at'1772, 1778, and 1788 Alpine D6ve' Statf approvat oitnis "pptiotion was based upon a site visit between Tom Kassmel and W"""n b"tpbell, and the submittal of an application and plan' on october 16,2007,the Vail Town council 'called-up" the Town of Vail Design Reytgw eo"iJ.tpiou"iof an aOminittotir" apprgvgl.lrp to concems about the compliance of the Ltairund'*"nls w1h applicable Towri of Vail.Zoning fr99 -regulations.. The concems i"GrJin! the wal6 werl tfre appearance as viewed irom Alpine Road, the setback of the i"i"ining";rr off of the eole oi ispnaft, and the impact to the site caused by the driveway accessing the three new homes. In reviewing the concems of the council, straff has provided for Fviet I copy of the site- survey prior to tne consiruJon of the driveway and ilomes (Attachment A). The.survey of ine siie'prior to construction depicts that along the Alpine Drive frontrage ol these lots was a ;i;"p ;""J cut which was spjrsefy vegetrated. Furthermore there was little area from the edge of asphalt in which to store snow' staff has also included a copy of the plans approved by the Administrator to allow for a ie"onnguration of the retainiriti'ararrs aisociated with the driveway access (Attachment B)' fG pfa-ns as suOmitteJ and approved-show compliance with the requirements of Section j+A:1, Retaining WafL, Vait'fown Code. _The retaining walls were.approved-to be a rinir,fu oi foui(a) teei otr of the back of curb on Alpine Drive. The Town Engineer believed this to be "n "Olqu"t" space for snow storage and an improvement over what existed prior. In response to the 'call-up" of this application Dantas Builders had an as-built survey of the i"t"initrg wat6 (Attachmdnt C). Fronithe as-built survey completed on October 22' 2007' it on O" ieen ttrit a targe pod6n of the retaining walls comply with the six (6) feet maximum n"ight, four (4) foot bencn, ano minimum two (2) foot setback off of properly lines' However' v. there are some deviations to these requirements. For instance there is distance of approximately 30 feet where the lower retaining wall is located closer than two (2) to the pidperty line ihared with Lot 9. There are also areas where the bench between the retaining walls is less than four (4) feet, 3.6 feet in one instance. Boulder retaining walls are different than poured in place walls or keystone block walls. The difference Ueing- that the inegular shape of the boulders provides less ability to have a regular dimension to the faceLf the retbining wall. While there are benched areas in the cu-nen1y constructed retaining walls that are less than four (4) !9et there are others that exceed iour (4) feet. In the palt staff has viewed the benching of boulder walls as more of an average. 'For instance there should be as many or more areas in excess of four (4) feet than less-than four (4) feet. Staff has looked to see if the intent of providing areas for planting vegetation to mitigate the impacts of a retaining wall' Upon receipt of the as-built survey Dantas Builders have acknowledge thatthere is a portion oi retainingwall which does not comply with the minimum two (2) foot setback off of properly lines. Dantas Builders will need io conect this concem in order to comply with the requirements of 145-7, Retaining Walls, Vail Town Code. APPLICABLE REGUT.RTIONS OF THE TOWN GODE Chapter 12-3. Administration and Enforcement (in part) Section 12-3-3: Appeals (in Part) C. Appeal Of Planning And Environmental Commission Decisions And Design Review Boa rd Decr.stbns; L Authority: The Town Council shatt have the authority to hear and decide appeals from aiy decision, determinatbn or interpretation by the Planning and Environienta! Commission or the Design Review Board with respect to the provisions of this Titte and the sfandards and procedures hereinafter set forih. 2. lnitiation: (in part) The Town Council may also call up a decision of the Planning and Environmeniat Commission or the Design Review Board by a maiority vote of those Council members Present. S. Findings: The Town Council shatl on att appeals make spstcific findings of fact based]irectty on the particular evidence presented to it. These findings of fact must suppoi conclusions that the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of this Title have or have not been met. Title 14. Develooment Standards (in oart) Seclion 14-6-7: Retaining Walls: A. General: Att retaining walls are reviewed by the design review board or the administratorto deteriine compatibilitytothe existing topography andthe materials in use. Retaining walls shall not exceed an exposed face height of six feet (6'). Within a ftont sitback, retaining walls shall not exceed an exposed face height of three feet (3), untess related fo access to a structure constructed on excesstVe vt. s/opes (rn excess of 30 percent). Retaining walls associated with a street located wiihin a public right of way or access to an undergrcund covered parking structure are exempt from these height limits, but must be approved by the design review board. Retaining watts shatl be located a minimum of two feet (2') from adjacent private property Ooundaries and should be ten feet (10) trom the edge of a public street unless otheruise approved by the town engineer. All retaining walls over four feet (4') in height, measured from the boftom of a footing to the top of walt as per the adopted town of Vail building code, shall be engineered and stamped by a ticensed Colorado professional engineer (PE stamp) exceptinthe right of iay, ihere retaining walls over three feet (3) in height, measured in the same manner, shall require a PE stamp. A1 retaining walls requiring a PE stamp shall be required to have submifted and approved, prnr to buitding permit release, engineered stamped plans, ptofiles, s'e'ctione details, and engineering analyses and calculations for each wall type as required by the town engineer. At a minimum, unless otherwise directed, the engineering submiftal shall include PE stamped plans, and PE stamped upical a{taits wnn al engineering design parameters and calculated factor of safety provided on the detaits. Plans and details shall be cross referenced. B. Boutder Retaining Walls: Boulder retaining walls shall comply with allthe standards of subsection e of tnis section. The height listed for retaining r,valls is the exposed height of either a single or combined height of nmbinatbn walls. lf the batter (slope of {he face of the wail) is greater than one to one (1:1), a PE stamp is required. C. Combination Retaining Walts: A retaining wall should be considered a combination watt if the upper wall falls within a prism defined as starting one foot (1) belind th9 face of the iowerwall atthe lowestfinished grade line and then back at a 1.5:1 angle from this starting point. The minimum bench of combination retaining walls shall be fourfeet (4). AIt combination retaining walls shall have a PE stamp. STAFF RECOMTIIEN DATION The Community Denelopment Departnent recommends the Vail Town Council uphold' with a condigon tnl town 6f Vait Oesign Review Board approval of a administrative approval, for a change to approved plans, fursuant to Ch-apter 12'11,.Design Review, Vail Town Code, to aflow for b'changeto the ionfiguration of retaining walls as]sociated with driveway ""ces", pursuant to Seciion 14-6-7, Retaining Walls, Vail Town Code, located at 1772' 1TTB,;;d lTSSAtpineDrive/Lots,10,11, andl2,VailMllageWestFiling 1, andsetting forth details in regard thereto. (DRB07-0501)' On an appeal, the Town Council shall make specific findings of fact based directly on the particular'evidence presented to it. These findings of fact must support conclusions that the standards and e,onditions imposed by the requirements of Title 1 2, Zoning Regulations, and Tifle 14, Development standards, Vail Town Code, have or have not been met. Should the Town Council choose to uphold, with a condltlon the Town of Vail Design Review Board approval, of an administrative approval, the Community Development Departrnent recommends the Town council applies the following condition: 1 . That the developer of Lots 10, 1 1 , and 1?,Yail Mllage west Filing 1 , correct the constructed retaining wall along the shared property line with Lot 9, Vail Village west Filing 1, to be a minimum of two (2) feet from the property line per the requirements of section 148-7, Retaining walls, Town code, priorto requesting a certificate of occupancy for the remaining homes.' Should the Town Council choose to uphold, with a condition the Town of Vail Design Review Board approval, of an administrative approval, the Community Development Department recommends the Town Council make the following finding: L That the design review apptication for the change to the configura.tion of retaining walls located at 1772, ill1, anA 1788 Alpine Drive/Lots, 10, 11, and 12, Vail vittage west Fiting I was submifted in accordance with chapter 12-11, Design Review, Vait Toin Code, and is in compliance with Secfion 14-6-7, Retaining Walls, Vail Town Code. ATTACHMENTS A. Site Survey dated August 30, 2004 B. October 3,2007, administrator approved retaining wall reconfiguration C, Landscaping ptan for the constructed retraining walls based upon an as-built survey performed on October 22, 2007 D. Public Notice 'iNrX i'''t.: j .. .l- at t r'l blsl 'rl I'G \ I iI .l 5t at !l iiili ,ao/ot/a o(MlIo'IoJ'llNnoJ a'Icvll 1MdON/hOJ i DM'[d.IS!L\\ qOV]'IIA'IIVA ZI.II.OI SIO'I dYJ^[ CIH(I\rIDOdOI i" eAr. ;i;'q'p' '1f.',,, --<,4,a-.- E{,' 'i$ @ to E ! Er iE EE E I tr IEEE Eii!-i !t \\\ \ .----- \ : gii!= JE; \J i:EEdr \ i1 --"'. ,ijnt 1.,\ l:tr IEEIg N\fld 30vNr\rdo cNV eNlovu9 oqwolo9 'llv^ :WIO INIJIV zt 'lL 'ol srol 3evlln 'lHn I",\it; ltirl 'irt! i? *l."rret h"\N N-t\\ <^r\t qi 1\ \,\ . -. -. .----r-r-r-r--T ':-l i=-\., v---7--------r--f'.',$',"fu]f=1t-g[9\, ' , 1 , \ \. \. \.,{ l./r ., r \1,\',ff ','ltjt\',\-r",\,]'d' b \ ', " ', ', '.. ",'i (r), "',. "., qrvuo'toc "tlv rt 9 nH 'rs3/ur JgvTln .|nt^ zL oNV L].'O1. SrO'r l(x)zu3sotco ]€ a) Ea Eg(,.eo :i< l1lt Pa r ,2 t eit do r ' i g ?tEa t9!Es I I /1 I,/l/l /"1l /'l1l/l /-/l I I I I I I I It,/\./\,/-*:t + Ei tzIli 'l:I ir; -J-.llr+t iid' iiWlz l,i h li,i e *WK hutl 'i r!\ a' /',!! ,"/ ffi i!i l'i[ '€tq t tz/\aa,/ld'fr: ii i' nt:: zE2 "'3iK ll !l tl #lllr td .tfi dt llr liil li I I ll !r l It ..:a I I I rl ll I o o o o o T 4!t THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Council of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-3, Vail Town Code, on Tuesday, November 6, 2007, at 6:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: ITEM/TOPIG: An appeal, pursuant to Section 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail Town Code, of the Town of Vail Design Review Board approval of an administrative approval, for a change to approved plans, pursuant to Chapter 12-l 1,'Design Review, Vail Town Code, to allow fora change to the configuration of retaining walls associated with driveway access, pursuant to Section 14-6-7 , Retaining Walls, Vail Town Code, located al 1772, 1778, and 1 788 Alpine Drive/Lots, 1 0, 1 1 , and 12, Vail Village West Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (DRB07-05C11) Appellant Vail Town CouncilPlanner: Wanen Campbell The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspectior during regular office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Rdad. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede-the-public hearing in the Town of Vail Community D-evelopment Department. Please call (970) 479-2l38fot additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call (970) 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Attachment D . !D.c E. r ifi;iilr r.r.r a.(D D illiiit \ '--fij-- \ roi Or s't s q t ; t qFfi iigF E SFEI l;ss $ Eiiiiii:E I*i lffi I;:E'; gE:Af;I ii:i:gtlg tq; EiP iisMt! PEh iEr ;cEFU ;^Er eligE cEt ;it Btri rl t e B lrf, x!l 63.t gE?I; ilEii rp t8 kt lg I !I a I \I \l r-{\H g\ Ig\ gP Ht R. a I oI 8. 6c 8:{ I t,\ ro-l @ q 612 E oot 3of sol}+'564 - 45.0{r' IF F' ;t ,at 9g i rS'* rS:s sot!,r16'v{ - 104,50' TOPOGRAPHIC MAP LOTS IO,II,I2 VAIL VILLAGE WEST, FILING I TOWN OF VAIL EAGLE COI]NTY. COLORADO o,z.vt tt: cu uE: 8,/30,/2004 SE . O4-2O8toDo 04-204 gEr161 AO 8o( 15 n/cn, @ 816t0 {9!} 1790698 . '!x Om) a79$i n< Ega --AEe ra6 zo l'.t :fa !r z a r- t'- -rl -o €€ rrrr Tf rr1L., Y> 60z. o,_ cD z ---l -D frl(n zrJ >< - - -aQ24-- - )1 'rr1 " l.' r \\; F(iri .i'9t,.z{ f ,-,'o =t.L-ri il$i ,.:".| \ :, { F6 d? Fndoea ES 1-q fi \ 't, tL'r-\, b, \ \^-\'r r \ r -\----\ 8p H ;lcFCIOFllo lEgrfo F HH .)- \r,\{['a\' ,\t\t'\ \u#)t\ \'\ VAIL VILLAGE LOTS 10,11,12 ALPINE DRIVE VAIL, COLORADO GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN YPBFE*;fH; -'@ ;€=re ( f( i () 'og o g2 z\ 53F 3$s9F> E'EF:Rat\;' i,\ :\ Hg e3 FE d $$W'i.',,\'*ii',1.j''i;irffi E? \ tv,i;x,r'i \\ i ',.i'. lr, {l1 I r?i: 21:uINzo !BEB PIgE t"i sngts!! -6 rPxg: _: F' :.i > FS i h8 g; o,o5 3o =E X-n z'-ooir Arr("-f;a n_3) t I iE d 3i I F eiPF ) fl' H flll"*lL*E l N .:: t, gE; I e8t I!*E g T t sfir _8E EI .F:* 1'/a t& 'n3.-? {";,'{''{,!f- --' \E|E',G \E / {"az I.,' E7 I.{ 'E"r. c'r.,,. tE ' tt ii r- -l I! EE EE 8>R t.o' f, -o--{ r -l (o FIql 20. IPFiqt --l firn iQ;2 EF c)m I c,4 rf H tria zz:6roi z< t'>* -B = el r3 n* 9E dHto5 3oJ !'+ o N /;\*<: I a az .i # Fz !!F fr IT!r 9 P E5P P F F ;dng'?E 3d ilc I t z T n 7 xa $H Ei E i c I sz iixt Et ti i6t9 9Str;g tIb fr0I f,iCI;l *t PSt7 I fii* t,fi! a EIes 31 oCTOBER2007 LOTS 10, 11 AND 12 VAIL VILLAGE WEST, FILING #1 VAIL, COLORADO Page I of2 Warren Campbell - mailing list for Dantas retaining wall Frcm: To: Date: Subject: CG: Sean Koenig Leslie Tlllman l0lL9l20o7 2:09 PM mailing list for Dantas retaining wall Warren Campbell HYLEN, IOEL A. & JANE P. 3OO HUMBOLDT ST DENVER, CO 80218 EDWARD T. SCHUU REVOCABLE TRUST - MARIAN H. SCHULZ REVOCABT.E TRUST 3175 COMMERCIAL AVE STE 1OO NORTHBROOK, IL 60062 ZELTMAN, ROBERT A. - ZELTMAN-JOHNSDOTTER, MAUN M. -JT 1779 SIERMTR APTA VAIL, CO 81657 SPILO, WILLIAM A. 1757 SIERM TRL DR APT D VAIL, CO 81657 AUSTIN, DAVID 1739 SIERM TR VAIL, CO 81657 MESTL, JAMES G, & KATHLEEN C. -JT 14 HAWTHORNE RD BROMVILLE, NY 10708 KIMMEL, NEAL L. 456 COLUMBINE ST DENVE& CO 80205 1719 GENEVA DRIVE LLC 2211 N FRONTAGE RD A VAIL, CO 81557 HITT, BRIDGET & FARROW -JT 1472 MATTERHORN CIR VAIL, CO 81657 WURTELE, BARCT-AY S. & HENRY J., III 4250 BISHOP LAKES RD MARIETTA, GA 30062 MICHEL, JOAN L, REVOCABLE TRUST MICHEL JOAN L. TRUSTEE 10239 GT5NWOOD file://C:\Documents and Settings\Adminishator\Local Settings\Temp\)Ggrpwise\47188A' 1l/01/2007 page2of2 ovERt-AND PARK KS 66212 BIRD, SUSAN MARIE STOUT ITTI ALPINE DR VAIL @ 81657 MURPFIREE IIwESII'IENTS LTD 24(B DUBUN RD P|-ANO, D( 75094 CHAPPEL DOML"D R. - I"E[I|AGI-|AN+|APPEL ERIN L. -JT 7901S COI'NW LINE RD zuRR RTDGE, IL 60527 file://C:\Documents and Settings\Adminishator\Local Settings\Temp[Pgrpwise\47188{... ll/01/2007 nt.FtEzlof to Chicago Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A Our Order No. V50012854-2 Cust, Ref.: Property Address: 1772 AND 1887 ALPINE DR. AKA I;OTS 10. l1 AND 12 VAIL VII-AGE WBST VAIL, CO E1657 t. ) Effective Date:March 17. 2006 at 5:00 P.M. Policy to be Issued, and Proposed Insured: Information Binder Proposed Insured: DANTAS BUILDERS, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION 3.The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: DANTAS BUILDERS, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: LOTS 10, I I, 12, AMENDED FINAL PLAT VAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING NO. I, A 4. RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS 10, 7. 2OO5 UNDER RECEPTTON N PLAT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 7ffi. MAR 2e 2006 ATE OF COLORADO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirements) Our Order No. V50012854-2 The following are the requirements to be complied with: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the frrlt consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. Item (b) Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessments levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Item (d) Additional requirements, if any disclosed below: This product is for informational purposes only and does not constitute any form of title guarantee nor insurance. The . liability of the company shell not exceed the charge paid by the applicant for this product, nor shall the company be held liable to any pany other than the applicant for this product. THIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY. AND NO POLICY WILL BE ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. V50012854:2 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: l. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter fumished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, ifany, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Comminnent. 6. Taxes or special assessmens which are not shown as existing liens by the public records.o the Treasurer's office. 7. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, ifany.. 8. In addition, the owner's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, noted in Section I of Schedule B hereof. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED OCTOBER 04. 1918. IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 301. IO. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED OCTOBER 04. 1918, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 3OI. I1. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE. BUT OMITTTNG ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX. HANDICAP. FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 25,1963.IN BOOK I78 AT PAGE I49 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 6. 1963. IN BOOK 178 AT PAGE 345. 12. RESERVATIONS OF A TEN PERCENT NON-PARTICIPATING ROYALTY INTEREST CONTAINED IN WARRANTY DEED RECORDED OCTOBER 30, I962IN BOOK 166 AT PAGE 407. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our OrderNo. V50012854-2 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 13. EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VILLAGE WEST, FILING NO. 1. 14. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE RESUBDIVISION PLAT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 7. 2OO5 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 928724. 15. THE AFFECT OF UNMAINTAINED ROAD CUT OR DITCH TRAVERSING SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE PREPARED BY STARBUCK SURVEYORS & ENGINEERS, DATED 5/2/OI. JOB NO. 20I.27. 16. DEED OF TRUST DATED JULY 14, 2004, FROM DANTAS BUILDERS, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF COUNTY FOR THE USE OF FIRSTBANK OF AVON TO SECURE THE SUM OF $28O,OOO.OO RECORDED JULY 19, 2004, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 884479. 17. DEED OFTRUST DATED DECEMBER28, 2005, FROM DANTAS BUILDERS, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF MILLENNIUM BANK TO SECURE THE SUM OF $1.OOO.OOO,OO RECORDED DECEMBER 29, 2005, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 941704. OHE ABOVE ITEM AFFECTS LOT 12) LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOST]RE STATEMENTS Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-11-122, notice is hereby given that: A) The subject real property may be located in a special taxing district. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained frorn the County Treasurer' s authorized agent. C) The infonnation regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts may be obained from the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Note: Effective September l,1997, CRS 30-10-406 requires that all documents received for recording or filing in the clerk and recorder's office shall contain a top margin of at least one inch and a left, right and bottom margin of at least one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder rnay refuse to record or file any document that does not confomr, except that, the requirement for the top margin shall not apply to documents using forms on which space is provided for recording or filing infomration at the top margin of the document. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires that "Every title entity shall be responsible for all matters which appear of record prior to the time of recording whenever the title entity conducts the closing and is responsible for recording or filing of legal documents resulting from the transaction which was closed". Provided that land Title Guarantee Company conducts the closing of the insured transaction and is responsible for recording the legal documents from the transaction, exception number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the knders Policy when issued. Note: Affirmative mechanic's lien protection for the Owner nray be available (typically by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commitrnent fronr the Owner's Policy to be issued) upon compliance with the following conditions: A) The land described in Schedule A of this commitrnent urust be a single family residence which includes a condominium or townhouse unit. B) No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanics or material-men for purposes of construction on the land described in Schedule A of this Commiunent within the past 6 months. C) The Company must receive an appropriate affidavit indemnifying the Company against un-filal mechanic's and material-men's liens. D) The Company nust receive payment of the appropriate premiunr. E) If there has been construction, improvements or major repairs undertaken on the property to be purchased within six months prior to the Date of the Conmitrnent, the requirements to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain construction information: financial information as to the seller, the builder and or the contractor; payment of the appropriate premium fully executed Indemnity Agreements satisfactory to the cornpany, and, any additional requirements as may be necessary after an examination of the aforesaid infonnation by the Company. No coverage will be given under any circumstances for labor or naterial for which the insured has contracted for or agreed to pay. Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-11-123. notice is hereby given: This notice applies to owner's policy commitments containing a mineral severance instrument exception, or exceptions, in Schedule B, Section 2. A) That there is recorded evidence that a mineral estate has been severed, leased, or otherwise conveyed from the surface estate and that there is a substantial likelihood that a third party holds some or all interest in oil, gas, other minerals, or geothemral energy in the property; and B) That such mineral estate may include the right to enter and use the property without the surface owner's permission. Nothing herein contained will be deerned to obligate the company to provide any of the coverages referred to herein unless the above conditions are fullv satisfied. Form DISCLoSURE 09/01/02 JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVAC Y POLICY tridelity National trinancial Group of Companies / Chicago Title Insurance Company Security Union Title Insurance Company and Land Title Guarantee Company July 1,2001 We recosnize and resoect the orivacv exoecutions of todav's consumers and the reouirements of applicable federal and sute oriiacv laws. We believd that frakins vou aware of tiow we use vour non-public personal infoimation ( " Personal Informatiori"), and to whom it is discloseil, -will fonn the basis for a r'elationshiil of tnist between us and the public that we serve. This Privacy Statement provides that explanation. We reserve thd right to change this Privacy - Satement from time to tinie consisteniwith applicable'privacy laws. In the course of our business, we may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources: * From aDDlications or other forms we receive from vou or your authorized representative;* Fronr ybir trarsactions wicb. or from the services 6eing p€rformed by, us, our affiliates, or others:* From our internet web sites:* From the public records maintained by governmental entities thar we either obtain directly fiom those entities. oi from our affiliates or otheisiand* From consumer or other reporting agencies. Our Policies Regarding the Protection of ttre Confidentiality and Security of Your Personal Information We mainrain ohvsical. electronic and orocedural safesuards to Drotect vour Personal lnformation from unauthorized access or intrisi-on. We limit access td the Personal tilformation onlv to those emDlovees who need such access in connection with providing products or services to you or for other l6gitimate busine5s purposes. Our Policies and Practices Regarding the Sharing of Your Personal Information We rnay share your Personal Information with our affiliates, such as insurance companies, agents, and other real estate s-ettlemerit service providers. We also may disclose your Personal Information: * to asents. brokers or reDresentatives to orovide vou with services vou have requested:* to tfird-party contractois or service proliders wlo provide servictls or perforni marketing or other functiont on our behalfr and* to others with whom wd enter into joint marketing agreenents for products or services that we believe you may find of interest. In addition, we will disclose your Personal Information when you direct or give us pennission. when we are required bv law to db so. or when we iusoect fraudulent or criminal activities. We al-so mav disclose your Personal hiformation when- otberwise peniritrcd by applicable privacy laws such as.. for exainple. wheh disclosure is needed to entorce our nghts ansrng out ot any agreement. transactlon or relatlonsnlp wltn you. One of the imponant responsibilities of some of our affiliated.companies is to record documents in the public domain. Such documentS may contain your Personal Information. Right to Access Your Personal Information and Ability to Correct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletion Cenain states afford you the risht to access your Personal Information and, under certain circumstances, to find out to whom vour Persorial Inform-ation has beeir disclosed. Also. certain states afford vou the rieht to request correctiori, amendment or deletion of your Personal Information. We reserve the riEht. where permitted by law. to charge a reasonable fee to cover the c<isrs incurred in responding to such requests. - All requests submitted to the Fidelity National Financial Group of Conpanie s/Chicago Title lnsurance Company shall b'e in writing, and delivered to the following address: Privacy Cornpliance Officer Fidelitv National Financial, Inc. 4050 Calle Real, Suite 220 Santa Barbara, CA 93110 Multiple Products or Services lf we provide you with nrore than one financial product or service, you may receive more than one privacy notice from us. We ainlogize for any inconvenience this may cause you. Form PRIV. POL.CHI ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION FORM Department of Community Dwelopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 tel: 97Q-479-2138 fax: 970-479-2452 web: www.vailgov,com DAT.ITAS T772PLliI SFPlat l??t,?tt PO BOX 4015 AVON co 81620 APPUCANT DANTAS BUILDERS, INC PO BOX 4015 AVON co 81620 License: 290-4 CONTRACTOR DANTAS BUILDERS, INC 1936 WEST GORE CREEK DRIVE VAIL co 81557 License: 290-A An amended final plat to adjust platted easements DANTAS BUTLDERS rNC 0210il2007 Prciect Name: Application Type: Project Description: Pafticipants: OWNER ADM Number: ADM070002 Parcel: 2103-123-1205-1 0210712007 Phone: (970) 376-5444 0210712007 Phone: (970) 376-s444 Location: 1772 ALPINE DR.Project Address: u2rlfr?filJ3flu . il.tla tegal Description: Lot: 10,Block Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 1 Commentsi Seeconditions Motion By: Second By: Voter @nditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: SIAFFAPR Date of ApprovaE A212612007 Meeting Date: Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate rs/iew committee(s). Planner: WarrenCampbell DRB Fee Paid: $100.00 Application for Adm inistrative Subdivision Plat R Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81 te| 970.479.2t39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: It is unlawful for any person, business, or corporation to violate any of the provisions to transfer, sell, lease or agree to sell or lease, any lot, tract, parcel, site, separate interest), interest in common, condominium interest, time-share estate, fractional fee, or time-share license, or any other division within a subdivision within the Town until such subdivision has been approved in writing by the Administrator, Planning and Environmental Commission and/or the Council (whichever is applicable) and a plat thereof recorded in the office of the Eagle County Cle* and Recorder. Type of Application and Feer tr Duplex Subdivision Plat [. Singte Family SuMivision Plat DescripUon of the Request: $100 $100 3 3 tr tr Administrative Plat Correction Condominium/Townhouse Plat $100 $100 \i/ rE it, L- l_\ I llllzf/ot lllla EGIEI] FEB O'J ritKD/Vltl@F ffipr Location of the Proposal: Physical Address: 5e"oa parcet No.: e, O3 /?3 ,aos- /(Contact Eagte Co, Assessor at 970-328-86,10 for parcet no.)o o o$ Mailing Address: zonangl Name(s) of Owner(s): Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:/-- /"t co Phone: E-mail Addressr PcooS-o?64 Ftcdev\FORMS\Permib\Planning\Administrative_Actions\Plat Review\single-family-sub-review.doc Page 1 of 4 12t28105 *********t**f+***********************f************t**+++t***+'i*********,i+*+++*************** TOWNOF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ***************f++*****************************1.1+++***+*ff+********+++************+***+**** Statement Nunber: Ro?0000131 Anount: $100.00 02/07/2oo701 :28 PM Payment Method: Cash Init: ,JS Notation: $/DAIITAS BUILDERS Permit No: ADM070002 T!pe: Adninistrative Parce1 No: 2LO3 -L23 -l2OS -7. SiUe AddreEE: 1722 ALPINE DR \TAII. Location: 17?2 ALPII{E DR. This Palment: $100.00 Tota1 Feess S100.00 ToCaI ALL Pmts! $100.00 Balance:$o. oo *******************l+++***+++++++***+**l'+******+********tt'i*++**+****t*******'lt************+* ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deacription PV 00100003112500 Administrative Fee Current PmCs 100.00 DECLARATION AND RESERVATION OF EASEMENTS i This Declaration and Reservation of Easements is made this 7 date of Febru ary,2007 , by Dantas Builders, Inc., a Colorado corporation ("Dantas"). Recitals Dantas is the owner of the following described parcels: Lot 10, Lot I I, and Lot 12, Second Amendment Final Plat, Vail Village West, Filing No. 1, a Resubdivision of Lots 10, 11 and 12, Town of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado The above-referenced plat was recorded in the real property records ofEagle County, Colorado on 2007, al Reception No.("the Plat"). Each ofthg above-described lots is burdened by an access easement as shown on the Plat. The purpose of this Declaration and Reservation of Easements is to define the scope, use and purpose of the easements affecting each lot. Now, therefore, Dantas, for good and valuable consideration, hereby declares and reserves the following non-exclusive perpetual easements and rights-of-way, over, upon, across and through the respective lots as shown on the Plat. Such easements shall be subject to the following use restrictions: l. Loi 12 is hereby bwdened by an easement as shown on the Plat which easement is for the use and benefit ofLot 10. 2. Lot 12 is herebv burdened bv an easement as shown on the Plat which easement is for the use and benefit of Lot i l. 3. Lot l0 is hereby burdened by an easement as shown on the Plat for the use and benefitofLot ll.. 4. tot t t is herebyburdened by an easement as shown on the Plat for the use and benefit ofLot 10. 5. Thb easements hereby created and reserved are for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, repairing and reconstructing a paved surface to provide vehicular, pedestrian, equestrian, and bicycle ingress and egress, and for the purpose ofusing, constructing, maintaining, repairing, enlarging, replacing, reconstructing and installing underground utilities of every kind and nature to provide service to the respective lots. 6. No owner shall place any barrier, barricade or other obstruction on the easement, on his, her or its lot which would interfere with, impede or prevent the use of the easement for the purposes contemplated hereunder. 7. No owner shall damage or destroy nor grant to any third party the right to damage or destroy any improvement under, across, over and/or through the easements on his, her or its lot. 8. The owners ofthe lots shall be solely responsible for all surface and drainage maintenance and snowplowing on his, her or its lot. The owner of any lot who causes any damage to the easement whether on his, hers or its lot, or who performs utility work on any portion of any easement, shall be responsible to repair the easement and any damage caused. 9. The owner of each lot shall obtain and provide insurance to the benefit of the other lot owrlors with respect to any event, injury or damage arising out of the use of the easement on said owner's lot. :10. The easements shall inure to the benefit ofand be binding upon the heirs, successors and asdigns of the parties hereto. I 1. Dantas intends that the doctrine of merger not apply to extinguish any of the easements. : DANTAS BUILDERS, INC., a Colorado Corporation State of Coloradb County of Eagle ) )ss ) The foregoing Declaration and Reservation of Easements was acknowledged before me ti:.?_ daf of *lp"ary ,2OO7,Ay l1i"tr,*R.lwq as tior- fnnioert- ofDantas Builders, Inc. Notary Public My commission expires:##g St frmttl$hr E p[eE Glt0P0t0 cfi,*rgw c€rrELmtrrr V"rzWttlo 1,ta1-{r I Design ReYiew Board l'f to ACTIOI{ FORTI Department of Commun ity Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax. 97O,479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com PrciectName: DANTASTREES Project Descripdon: Prolect Addrcss: Legal Descripdon: Parcel Numben Comments: DRBNumber: DR8060235 Removal of dead/dying trees and replacement with 45 aspen trees and 30 spruce trees in various locations. Pafticipants: OWNER DANTASBUILDERSINC PO BOX 4015 AVON co 81620 APPUCANT DANTAS BUILDERS, INC PO BOX 4015 AVON co 81620 License: 290-A CoNTMCTOR DANTAS BUILDERS, INC 0611912006 061t912006 Phone: (970) 376-q'444 O6lI9l2W6 Phone: (970) 376'5444 1936 WEST GORE CREEK DRIVE VAIL co 81657 Liense: 290-A 1722 ALPINE DR VAIL Locauon: 1772 ALPINE DR. Lo$ 10 Block Subdivision: VAIL ULLAGE WEST RL 1 2103-123-1205-1 see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Seoond By: Vote: Conditions: Dunning Fritrlen s-0-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 08/16/2006 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate rwiew committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constihite a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Apprwal of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unhss a buibing permit is issued and cons0trction is commened and is diligenUy pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0008375 The applicant shall supplenrent number of trees specifted on the plan with fifteen (15) addlUonal aspen trees, in five (5) specific clustered grcups upon the three lob @nd: CON0008376 The applicant shall cluster the number of spruce trees specified on the plan into two - three (2 - 3) groups upon the three lots. Cond: CON0008377 At the time of Temporary CertificaE of Occupancy, the applicant shall replace any dead trees upon the site with trees of equal size and number. Planner: DRB Fee Paid: f20.00 Additions-Residential or Commercial Application for Design Review Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design revlew must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer'to the submiftal reguirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community De/elopment Department. The project may also need to be re/iewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Ilesign review approvat lapses unless a building permit is issued and oonstruction oommenoelr within one year of the approyat. Description of the Request:tYeQ Location ofthe Proposal: Lot: Physical Address: , Par€ef No.: ^,u-=, ^'-3'a" ot/(6ntact Eagle Co, Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) zoning 9r\fv.--- Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address:U. €onz A" Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: /Aeo E-mail Address: Phone: E--. /7 v Btro f\|\t t \t\..* Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Concepfual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) El--flinoi Alteration (sin gle-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square footoftotal sign area. I No Fee \/l $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. I$300 For an addition where quare footage is added to any residential or I commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). t $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sudr as, re-roofing, Finting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee $20 tr tr Foroffice#!^^eony cn"rrno.' l(Q0 By, I u*tinsoutu, -7'(?-Ob DRBN..: r)P13nns1' C=2 K project No.: *'i't******* ****+* * * i * * * + + * * ** ** * * | * *'***'t* * * *,i***t***********+ * + + + * * * * * *****,!***t*********+*** TOWN OF VAIL, COITORADO Statement**+++****t*******+*it*l*********l*+*+*****++**+*tif****ft+**+++*************************++:i:i* Statement Number: R050000825 Anount: $20.00 O6/L9/2006L0:58 AM Payment Method: Check Init: ,fS Notation: 1148/DANTAS BUILDERS INC. Permit No: DR8060235 1:4)e: DRB-Minor A1t, SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2lO3-123-t205-I Sit.e Addregs: 1722 AIJPINE DR VAIIJ Irocation: 1772 AIPINE DR. Total Fee6: 920.00Ihis Payments: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00Balance: $0.00+*'}*+i*+*'t*****t********+*+**++*********'t*{.*{.{.{.*'t+****************+:}**+,}'t***********ltlttf*++t ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Accottnt Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3II22OO DESIGN RE\,ltEW FEES 20.00 June 22, 2006 Michael Pukas Mpp design shop POBox4227 Edwards, CO 81632 970.926.0682 (fax) Re: Lots 10 -l2,YarlVillageWest2* Filing Final review of landscaping changes Dear Michael, Thank you for attending yesterday's Design Review Board final hearing of the referenced project with Mark Stelle, the arborist hired to evaluate the tree health on Lots 10, 1 1 , and 12. The Design Review Board offered the following comments before tabling the application to July 5, 2006: 1. Absolutely no proposal for the expansion of the previously approved Limits of Disturbance line will be entertained by the Design Review Board. 2. The Design Review Board would be amenable to lhe removal of dead, dying, or diseased trees and nearby trees that would be affected due to increased wind loads as a result of the removal of other trees. Should any trees need to be removed, the Design Review Board will require a landscape plan indicating replacement of such trees in similar areas. Please let me know if I can answer other queslions or respond to any concems that remain. Thank you for your patience in what is not always a simple design review process. Best Regards, Elisabeth Reed 970.479.2454 cc: Mike Dantas Dantas Builders. Inc. 1936 W Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 August21,2006 Mike Dantas Dantas Builders, Inc. 1936 West Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Re: Lots 10 - 12, Vail Village West 2d Filing Final review of landscaping changes Dear Mike, Thank you for submitting a revised landscape plan for changes at the referenced address. The Design Review Board unanimously approved the proposal, with the following three conditions: 1 . The applicant shall supplement number of trces specified on the plan with fifteen (1 5) additbnal aspen frees, in five (5) specifrc clustercd groups upon the thrce lots. 2. The applicant shall cluster the number of spruce frees specified on the plan into two - three (2 - 3) g,oups upon the thrca lots. 3. At the time of Temponry Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall replace any dead trces upon the sile wth fiees of equal size and number. Please let me know if I can answer other questions or respond to any remaining concerns. I have enclosed a copy of the Design Review approval form for your records. Best Regards, Elisabeth Reed 970.479.2454 cc: Mike Dantas Dantas Builders, Inc. 1936 W Gore Creek Drive Vail. CO 81657 acrdr'}trY *\|EL(F €rt? Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FORlrl Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, vaal. Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.1139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: DANTAS Lot 10 Prcject Descriptaon: Participants: OWNER DRBNumber: DRB050617 Construction of a new single-family residence; see specifics on file and four conditions of approval DANTAS BUITDERS INC LTIZTIaOOS PO BOX,lO15 AVON co 81520 APPUCANT DANTAS BUILDERS, INC PO BOX,f015 AVON co 81620 Ucense:290-A CoNTMCTOR DANTAS BUI|-DERt INC 1936 WEST GORE CREEK DRIVE VAIL co 81657 License: 290-A 1722 ATPINE DR VAIL LLl2ll20O5 Phone: (970) 376-5444 LLlzLlz0OS Phone: (970) 376-5444 Location: 1772 ALPINE DR.Project Address: l€gal Description: Parcel Number Comments: Lot: 10 Elock subdivlsion: VAIL uLt-AGE wisr nr- t 2103-123-1205-1 see conditions BOARD/SIAFF ACIION Motion By: Second By: Vob: Conditions: Hanlon Dunning 5-0-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approvah l2l07l20oS Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). C,ond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activiUes. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligenuy pursued toward completion. Cond: @N0007727 Fire sprinkler system required and shall comply with NFPA 13R(2002) and VFES standards. Cond: CON0007728 Monitored fire alarm system required and shall omply with NFPA 72(2002) and VFES standards. Condr CON0007750 Prior to submittal for a building permit the applicant shall revise the proposed site plan to reflect the elimination of the decks and patios located on the southwest and southeast (i.e. rear) sides ofthe building, subject to review and approval by the Town ofVail Staff. Cond: CON0007751 Prior to the issuance of a building permit for Lot 10, approval by the Community Dwelopment Department must be granted of an amended plat application for Lots 10, 11, and 12, Vail Village lst Filing, which reflects necessary revisions to the access easement and associated language including specifics of access, maintenance, and ownership of the easement for filing with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Cond: CON0007752 At the time of building permit application submittal, the applicant must submit Professionally-Engineered drawings for all tiered walls and for all walls over four feet (4) in height. Cond: CON0007753 Prior to the issuance of a building permit for Lot 10, a revocable right-of-way permit must be approved by the Public Works Department for retaining walls and landscaping located within the rightof-way. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: f650.OO r New Construction Application for Design Review General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior.to submitting a building permit application. pleaserefer to the submittal requirements fgr.{e oarticutii.pp"j*r that.is requested. An application for Design Rwiewcannot be accepted until all required information ii 6iu"o by the community Development Departnent. Theproject may also need tro be reviewed uy ttre rJwn courrcit ana/or the planning and Environmental commission.lglsn rcvi91'r approval laps€s unless " uuiiaing p.rmit is'issued ""a .i;'"J*ction commences withinone year of the approval. __ Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 91657 tel: 970.479.2L28 fax: 910.479.2452 web: www.\railgor,com DescripUon of the Request: Locauonof theProposar: Lou lo Block:_ sudNision: yr-rt- vt,*etft .16r,Fturrc Physical Address: Parcel No': zl o3l73 t2o 5t (contact Eagle @. Assessor at 970-32g-g640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): O Af a F\lLAftr 9 MaifinsAddress: ?o P-\ 4ot6 , AvaA CO 6t Zo Owner(s) Signatur€(s): v,NE|, *,Ono 6\ \vI{ame of Annlieant; ->Kuc Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Phone: Fax: Type of Review and Fee: O Signs tr Conceptual Review }(' l.* Constructiontr Mdition tr Minor Afteration (mulU-family/commercial) D Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved plans tr Separauon Request $50 Plus 91.00 per square fioot oftotal sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild.$300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial.building (includes 250 addfions & interior conversions).$250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window addiUons, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as,re-roofng, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For rs/isions to plans already approved by planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee ln ,UIt>,r-lul C)uE DRB No,: Project No.r qt- o Buildino Materials Roof Siding ' Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior UghUng Other PROPOSED MATERIAIS TVoe of Material q@.n Iwo0Q l3ttxf ^ IYrta:0 I 31Ap r.{OOp UftrZ'u vF47* - e1;aBSlrA,,* FrArt[/bc .' 'vrrdur*Cr l4o9s pr,Ll C,olor \rodo hrck:lcrrl l}c'*eA T3rbxte I Bcr;Vsat,t f &z.TrbL r3eoA"( I?.d*A | 5ftFtlqft- 6s*€,{A Notes: Please speciff the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 7 of t4l0sl20l05 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Botanical Name Common ilame rue 's&7 n o Size t4" r4' t'a'ctL 6. to U eAL. Ouantitv L n-. X.e*rt *ncq/A*t Hqpl DCSNNGTREES TO BE REMOVED Cfuon-F*- aAe zz tl- rl+?f+L R +/- Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: GROUND COVER soD SEED IRNGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Deciduous Trees - 2" C.aliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Souare Footaqe% Please speciff other landscape features (1.e. retaining walls, fenes, salmming pools, etc.) We4Ao .Ut{ Tk*lqsfl,btt'1 gpr( ?r K#LE Page 8 of I4lO5l2OlO5 Phone: i-?("' .<444 Mailing Addrcss: Phone: E-mail Address:Fax: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs f.. Conceptual Review llJlew ConsBuctiontr Addition E Minor Alteration (Multi-family/Commercial) tr Minor Alteration (Single-Family/Duplex) tr Changes to Approred Plans tr Separauon Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square fmt of tobl sign area. No Fee $550 C,onstruction of a new building or demo/rebuild' $300 An addiUon where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, paintng, window addiUons, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sudl as, re-roofing, palnting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, $20 Revisions to plans already approred I Planning Staff or $e Design Review Board. No Fee For Office p0nly: -..--Fee Paid: _<_- 6rMeeting Date:&e DRB No.: TOWNOFVAIL CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REVIEW SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS GENERAT INFORMATION The conceptual review is intended to give the applicant a basic understanding ofthe compatibility of the proposal with the Town's Design Guidelines. The DRB does not vote on conceptual reviews. Complete applications must be submitted two (2) weeks prior to a scheduled DRB meeting. I. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS n A conceptual sibe and landscape plan at a minimum scale of 1"=20' or larger; tr Conceptual architectunl elevaUons showing exterior materials and a descripUon of the character of the proposed structure or strucfures;tr Completed DRB application form.D Written approval from a condominium association, landlord and joint owner(if applicable). II. PROCEDURE Upon receipt of an application for conceptual design review, the Department of Community Development shall review the submitted materials for general compliance with the appropriate requirements of the zoning code. If the proposal is in basic compliance with the zoning code requirements, the project shall be forwarded to the DRB for conceptual review. If the application is not generally in compliance with zoning code requirements, the application and submittal materials shall be returned to the applicant with a written explanation as to why the Community Development Department staff has found the project not to be in compliance with zoning code requirements, Once a complete application has been received, the DRB shall review the submitted conceptual review application and supporting material in order to determine whether or not the project genenlly complies with the design guidelines. The DRB does not vote on conceptual reviews. III. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD MEETING REOUIREMENTS For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building @rners. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting' The applicant, or their representative, shall be present at the Design Review Board Hearing. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. Paee2 of 4112/02104 TOI4'NM I, (print name) descripUon) JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAT ETTER. , a joint owner of property located at (address/legal provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to $e Torn of Vail Community Dwelopment Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at $e address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements inctude: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (Signature)(Date) Page3 of 4/12/02/04 Town of Vail Survev Check all that apply Date: 1. Which Department(s) did you contact? Building_ Environmental_Housing_Admin_Planning_DRB_PEC 2. Was your initial contact with our staff immediate_ slow_ or no oneavailable ? 3. lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes/No lf no, why not? 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app_PEC app_ Bldg Permit N/A 6. Please rate th-e performance of the staff person who assisted you: 5 4 3 21 (5 is high) Name: ___-____-_; _(knowledge, responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall effectiveness of the Front Service Counter. 54321 (5 is high) 8. What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 8. What comments do you have which would allow us to better serve you next time? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are committed to improving our service. lf you have any questions or comments please contact Russell Forrest, Community Development Director at (970) 479-2139. Page 4 of 4/12102/04 ,W ,/z4az/ ,?rv/,, /€ ,tle- ,-/4at6z/ au J'rt-, our%d# /rrv?*U /a' /Zzr' z/z 4/r/1,fu./@g*z-(-!-**Z2F:%Lffi'fl 4-9-3rP @tu**=z'%*,' u n'*'rV*,/^? -/ / // t, frf' ry t",a-e/,.rt* h,;/rr* 4;-r--zz/ Lf: M,,& /rn7,/,e?rq iltzZr@furz --tz,/ztrr.Alrrrr-lZ. /' /'-V f kiez,z**z*-/-** hr* lhn-hoZ /r"---s4z *r, eZ /-r* ral n-.67&;al f W fu-"*r,/*4=/u% uht Krra'n-zP7-> *zdr-t*a'-z ' ?2/. /0/v?/a-7/- 1f : /o'fual ,r/wu ./ k-tfuzr-1'p'ppor/-'' -4Z'ffi;;"re.,/:fr:""'- /zdzAzfy 7t 424 HochtlResidend ORAOS-oSS2 Wanen Final review of a minor alteration (landscaping changes) 890 Red Sandstone Circle/Lot 5, Block 3, VaitMilage Filing 9 Applicant: Karl and Christine Hochfl The Wren Association DRB05-0533 Wanen Final review of a minor alteration (fence) 500 South Frontage Road/Unplatted Applicant The Wren Association, represented by Andy Ford, manager Wl 104 LLC - Sevilla Residence DRB05-0588 Joe Final review of a ininor alteration (windows) 68 Meadow Drive, Unit 104/Lot O, Btock 5D, VaitViilage Fiting 1 Applicant Wl 104 LLC - SeMlla, represented by Vail Home Rentals Vail Intemational Gallery DRB05-0570 Elisabeth Final review of a sign 100 East Meadow Drive, #16 and 17lLot O, Btock 5D, Vail Mllage Filing 1 Applicant Nico Vail, lnc., represented by Maria Levam Cohn Residence DRB0$0549 Matt Final review of a yninor alteration (decMrench doors) 2456 Chamonix Lane/Lot 3, Block B, Vail das Schone Filing 1 Applicant Craig B. Cohn Denied 1082 Riva Glen Road LLC DRB0$0543 Bitl Final review of a minor alteration (hot tub, flagstone patio) 1082 Riva Glen Road/Lot 3 Spraddle Creek Subdivision Applicant 1082 fliva Glen Road, LLC, represented by Stuart Smith The applications and information about the proposals are amilabb for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 7b South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Page 5 nit Land Title Guarantee Company' Date: 07-21-2004 Our Order Number: V50005006-4 Property Address:. 1788, 1722AND TTTSALPINEDRIVEVAIL, CO 8T657 Buyer/Borrowcr : DANTAS BT'ILDERS, INC., A COLORADO CORFORATION Scllcr/Owner: GT]ILLERMO HIJERTA AND GERARDO HIJERTA, AS TO PARCEL 1 DANTAS BT'ILDERS, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION, AS TO PARCEL 2 Wire Information: Bank FIRSTBAI,,IK OF COLORADO IM)3 WCOLFAXAWNW r-4KEWOO4 CO E02r5 Phone: 30i-237-5000 Credit LAI,ID TTLE GUARANIEE COMPAI'IY ABANo.: 107005047 Acaunt: 2160521825 Attention : IGthrTn Ktch ler *lt+{.ttttttt**attt'|trt*+*******tttt*ttft*+****tf*l,}t'}'it*altlllllla Note: Once an original commitment has been issued, any zubsequent modifications will be cmphasized by underlining or comm€nts. t*rr*rrtrtitt** **trl+:rr**:rrrr* *t* | | rrr*r r*rr:t ft tr ** * lr tl * *t * * | t**r Need a map or directions for your uDcomins closing? Check out Land TitlCs web site at www.ltgc.com for directidns to any ofour 54 officilocatiois. - b@ovoa THAhIK YOU FOR YOTJR ORDERI ESTIMATE OF TITLE FEES Alta Owners Poltcy lGfT-92 (Rdssue Rate) Alta Loaa Pollcy 10-17-92 Deletion of Exceptions l-3 (Owner) Deletion of Gmeral Exception 4 (Owner) Tax Report R012758 has been ordered from Eagte Cty Tax Report R042787 has been ordered ftom Eagle Cty Tax Report RM2788 has been ordered from Eagle Cty Additional Chain s643 5740 $30 i70 975 97s t7s $75O oo oo oo oo o0 oo o0 oo ,f Zed IJEA. 6u.ttae.. 4zzt r!7t D. ctcrlrgr tilt tEa'taetd@,. abva taa, rJ.l.l ba cou ch.d aC tate Cid- TOTAL $7,OLe. oo Chicago Tide lnsurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schedulc A Property Address: 1788, 1722 AND 1TTS ALPIM DRM VAIL, CO 81657 Our Order No. V500050064 Cust. Ref.: l. Ellectivc Date: Tuae 30. 20(X at 5:00 P-M. 2. Policy to be Issued, and Proposcd Insurcd: 'ALTA" Orvner'sPolicy 10-17-92 $280,000'00 Proposed Insured: DANTAS H,ILDERS,INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION 'ALTA'Lqar Policy 10-17-92 $280,000.00 hoposcd Insured: FIRSTBANK OF AVON, ITS SUCCESSORS AND/OR ASSIGNS 3. The estate or interest in thc land dcscribed or referred to in this Commitmcnt and covered herein is: A Fee Sinple 4. Title to thc estatc or intercst covercd herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: GTJILLERMO HI.'ERTA AND GERARDO HIJERTA, AS TO PARCEL 1 DANTAS BTJILDERS, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION, AS TO PARCEL 2 5. Thc land rcfcrred to in this Commitment is described as follows: PARCEL I: LOTS IO, II A}.iD 12, VAIL ULI.AGE WEST FILING NO. I, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL 2: LOT 5, BLOCK 3, WILDRIDGE ACCORDING TO T}IE FINAL SUSDIVISION PTAT, COTJNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl @equiranents) Our Order No' V500050&4 The iollowing are the requircments to be complied with: Iten (a) Paynmt to or for the account of the granton or mortgagors of the full consideradon for the estate or interest b be insured. Item ft) Prroper lnshunent(s) creatiry tte edate or intered to be iDsur€d must be execrted and duly filed for record, b-wit: Iten (c) Paynent of dl hrc, charges or assessmmb levid and assessed ageinst the subJect premises which are due and payahle. Iten (0 Adddod requlremenb, if any disclosed belowr I, RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED MAY 23, 2OOI FROM GT'ILLERMO HUERTA AND GERARDO HUERTA TO TTIB PI.,BLIC TRUSTEE OF EACLE COIJNTT FOR THE USE OF FIRSTBANK OF VAIL TO SECTTRE firE SI.JM OF $144,000.00 RECORDED LJNE 06, 2001, T'NDER RECEPNON NO. 758812. MODIFICATION AGREEMENT IN CONNEC'TION WITII SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED OCTOBER T6, 2OO2 TJNDER RECEPTION NO. 8T0448. MODIFICATION AGREEMENT IN CONNECTION WTffI SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED DECEMBER 06, 2OO2 TJNDER RECEPTION NO. 8162T0. MODIFICATION AGREEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED JUNE 16, 2003 LJNDER RECEPflON NO. &t6891. 2. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO TIIE COMPANY THAT THE TERIVIS, CONDflONS AI.ID PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 3. WARRANTY DEED FROM GTJILLERMO HUERTA A}ID GERARDO IIUERTA TO DANTAS BI,JILDERS, INC., A COLORADO CORFORATION CONVEYINC SUBJECT PROPERTY. (AFFECTS PARCEL I) 4. DEED OF TRUST FROM DANTAS BI.'ILDERS, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION TO THE PIJBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COT.JNTY FOR TTIE TJSE OF FIRSTBANK OF AVON TO SECURE lHE StrM OF t280,000.00. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirem€nts)Our Order No. V50005006'4 Continued: NOTE: SAID DOCUMENT CAN BE EXECUTED BY THE PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT OR CHAIRMAN OF fiIE BOARD (CEO) OF TIIE CORPORATION. IF ANY OTHER OFFICER OF TIIE CORPORATION OR AGENT EXECUTES SAID DOCI,'MENT ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION, A POWER OF ATTORNEY/RESOLUUON MUST BE PROVIDED TO LAND TITLE GRANTNVG SAID AUTIIORIZATION. TI{E FOLLOWING DELETIONYMODIFICATIONS ARE FOR THE OWNER'S POUCY. NOTE: ITEMS l-3 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS ARE HEREBY DELETED. I'PON TTIE APPROVAL OF THE COMPANY AND TITE RECEIPT OF A NOIARIZED FINAL I-IEN AFFIDAVIT, TIEM NO. 4 OF TITE CENERAL EXCEPUONS WIIT BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: ffEM NO. 4 OF TIIE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS IS DELETED AS TO Al.rY LIENS OR FUTURE LIENS RESI'LI3IG FROM WORK ORMATERIAL FURNISHED ATTIM REQUEST OF GTJILLERMO HT'ERTA AND GERARDO HT'ERTA, AS TO PARCEL I DANTAS BUILDERS.INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION, AS TO PARCEL 2. CHICAGO TITLE INSI,'RANCE COMPANY S}IALL I{AVE NO LIABIIITY FOR ANY LIENS ARISING FROM WORI( OR MATERTAL FURNTSHED AT THE REQI EST OF DANTAS BUILDERS, INC., A COLORADO CORPORAfiON. NOTE: ITEM 5 OF TIIE GENEML EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED TF LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPATTY CONDUCTS fiIE CLOSING OF THE CONTEMPI.ATED TRANSACTIONCI AND RECORDS TIIE DOCT'MENTS IN CONNECTION TTIEREWITH. NOTE: UPON PROOF OF PAYMENT OF ALL TA)(ES, ITEM 6 WILL BE AMENDED TO READ: TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2004 AI.ID SUBSEQUENT YEARS. ITEM 7 I.JNDER SCIIEDI,'IJ B2 WII,J, BE DELETED I,IPON PROOF TIIAT THE WATER AND SEWER CHARGES ARE PAID IJP TO DATE. :I:I+'*,IIT++ NqIICE OF FEE C}IANGE, EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER II 2OO2 }{'T'*TI**** Punuant b Colorado Revtsed Stahte 30-lM2l, "The county clerk and recorder shall colled a surclarge of $1.00 fm each docnment rcceived for rccordng or filing tn his or her office. The srrcharge shall be in addition lo any other fees pernitred by statute. " ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. V50005006-4 Thc policy or policics to be issued witl contain €xceptions to thc following unlcss thc same arc disposed of to the satisfaction ofthe Company: I . Rtghts or dains of parties ln possessiotr not showll by the public records, 2. Easenols, or claims of easements, trot shown by the public records. 3. Discnpancies, conllicls ltr borndary tines, shorhge in area, mcroachments, and atry hcb which a conlecl survey and inspection of the premises would disclosc and which are not stown by the public records. 4. Ar5r lien, or rlght to a lien, for scrvices, labor or material theretofore or hereafter frraished, imlosed by lar and not shovm by the public records. 5. Ddects, liens, encumbrances, advere dains or other natters, if any, created, ffrst appearlng in the public records or athching stbsequent to the effecdve date hereof but prior to the date the proposed imured acquires of record for value the estate or intered or nortgage thereon coverrd by tlts Comnitnmt. 6. Taxes or spccial assessoenb wtich are mt shown as exisfing liens by the public records. 7. Lieru for unpald water and sewer charges, if any. 8. In additim, the owner's policy will be srbject to the mortgage, if ary, noted h Sectior I of Schedule B hertof. 9. RIGIIT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HXS ORE THEREFROM SHOULDTHE SAIvtE BE FOIJND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECTTHE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN TJMIED STATES PATENT RECORDED OCTOBER 04, 19T8, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 3OI. IO. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY TTIE AUTHORITY OF THE IJNIIED STATES AS RESERVED IN TJMIED STATES PATENT RECORDED OCTOBER 04, r9T8, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 301. IT. RESTRICTTVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMTTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, IIANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATTONAL ORIGIN T.|NLESS AND ONLY TO TTIE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) XS E)(EMPT TJNDER CHAPTER 42, SECIIION 3607 OF TIIE UMTED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS COMAINED IN INSTRI.'MENT RECORDED OCTOBER 25, T963, IN BOOK U8 AT PAGE T49 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRI,'MENT RECORDED DECEMBER 6, 1963, IN BOOK T78 AT PAGE 345. 12. RESERVATIONS OF A TEN PERCENT NON.PARTICIPATING ROYALTY INTEREST CONTAINED IN WARRANTY DEED RECORDED OCTOBER 30, 1962 IN BOOK 166 AT PAGE 407. ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section 2 (Exceptions)Our Order No. V50005006-4 Thc policy o policies to bc issucd will contain orceptions to thc following unlcss the same arc dispo5cd ofto the satisfaction ofthe Company: 13. UTIUTY EASEMENTS 5 F-EET IN WIDTH ALONG ALL REAR AND SIDE LOT LINES AS RESERVED ON TTIE PLAT OF VAIL ULI.AGE WEST FILING NO, I. 14. EASEMENTS. RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON TTIE RECORDED PI.AT OF VAIL VILAGE WEST, FILING NO. I. 15. TTIE AFFECT OF I]NMAINTAINED ROAD CI,IT OR DITCH TRAVERSING SI'BJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON TI{E IMPROVEMEM LOCATION CERTIFICATE PREPARED BY STARBUCK SI,|RVEYORS & ENGINEERS, DATED 5IU9I, JOB NO. 201-27. (tHE ABOVE TTEM AFFTCTS PARCEL T) 16. RIGHTS OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAIS CONSTRUCTED BY TITE AUTHORITY OF TTIE TJNITED STATES, AS RESERVED IN UMTED STATES PATENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 23, 1949, IN BOOK 134 AT PAGE 524. 17. RESERVATION OF ALL TTIE COAL AND OTHER MINERALS IN THE LAND TOGETHER WTTH TT{E RIGHT TO PROSPECT FOR MINE AI{D REMOVE THE SAME PI.'RSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS AND LIMTTATIONS OF fiM ACT OF DECEIUBER 29, 19T6 AS RESERVED IN DOCTJMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 23, 1949IN BOOK I34 AT PAGE 524. 18. RESTRICTTVE COVENANIS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITTJRE OR REVERIER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTIIVG A}iY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, REUGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN TJNLESS AND ONLY TO fiIE HffENT fi{AT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT TJNDER CHAPIER 42, SECTION 3607 OF TTIE I,'NITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRI,'MENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 14, 1982, IN BOOK 345 AT PAGE 844. 19. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON TTIE RECORDED PLAT OF WILDRIDGE. 20. TERMS, CONDMONS AND PROVISIONS OF TIIE WILDRIDGE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT, CREATED IN INSTRTIME}IT RECORDED 9 T2, T99O IN BOOK 537 AT PAGE 133 AI{D IN INSf,RIJMENT RECORDED JANUARY 9, I99I IN BOOK 545 AT PAGE 4I5. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 @xceptions) Our Order No. V5000500&{ Thc policy or policies to bc issucd will contain o<ccptions to thc following unless thc samc are disposcd ofto the satisfaction of thc Company: NOTE: IIPiON EVIDENCE SATXSFACTORY TOT IIE COMPANY 1IIAT SAID ASSESSMENT HAS BEEN PAID IN FT'LL TI{IS H(CEPTION WILL BE DELETED. FTTE ABOVE ITEI\{ AFFECTS PARCEL 2) *****{'****t**t'}'}'l'}***********'t*{.****t*titffft**ltlflttl*ff+tt********'t********************** TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Statement ff*'}**{'****ft*tf+*!t*t*********1**'a'tf*'t*******'t*{'+****l*****t****************t*****:t++******{r Statement Nurnber: RO5OOO2001 Amount: 9550.0O LL/2L/2OO5L1 :52 AIvt Payment Method: Check BUTIJDERS Init: iIS Notation: 5379/DAIITAS Permit No: Parcel l{o: Site Addreaa: Location: Thie Payment: DRB050616 Tlpe: DRB - New Constnrction 2LO3 -L23 -L20s - t 1722 ALPINE DR VAIIJ L17A AI,PINE DRIVE TotsaI Fees: Total A],L Pmts : Balance : Description $6s0.00 $5s0.00 $0.00 96s0.00 'l't'l{.*'l'******+t****+*+ + * *** *** * ** *** ***f **+tf ++************f *******{.{.,*{.dr++++**+****** **++*++* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Accounc code Current PmtE DR 00100003LL2200 DESIGN REVTEW FEES 550.00 Page I of I htp://www.redi-rock.com/Engineering/Photos/Photos/Limstone/matthews(200)jpg 12/06/2005 Page I ofl http://www.redi-rock.com/EngineeringlPhotos/Photos/Cobblestone/irishl2%20(200) jpg 1210612005 Page I ofl http:/iwww.redi-rock.com/Engineering/Photos/PhotoVResidentiaUamericano/o20brentwoo... 12/06/2005 Page I ofl http://www.redi-rock.com/Engineering/Photos/Photos/ResidentiaVgrg%20high%20wall%... 12106/2005 Page I of I d{If*,} ' -r''n'" '''trlq''- r.. '/r q i \w .)-<- I http://www.redi-rock.com/Engineering/Photos/Photos/Water/fitzgerald_wall(reg) jpg 12106/2005 Page I ofl http://www.redi-rock.com/Engineering/Photos/Photos/ResidentiaVdallaspicl(500) jpg 12/06/2005 Status: I Approved Communrw DEVELopMENT Rounno Fonna I Approved with conditions fi Denied Routed To:Georoe Chalberq, PW Date Routed:10t26t05 Routed By:Elisabeth Eckel Date Due:'t1t02t05 Description of work:€0h+tlefcview of a new SFR Address:1772 Alpine Drive Lesal:Lot: | 10 lBlock I lSubdivision: lVailVillaseWestl"'Filins Gomments:Date Reviewe d: 10/,2U05 Need additional review bv Fire Hammer head needs to be 12'min. Stamoed PE drawinqs for walls over 4'. PE drawinos for double and 5 tier walls. Retainino wall on north east bv road needs to be min. 10'from edoe of Revocable ROW for retainino walls and Status: I Approved Cottrlrltu tt rry DEVELopMENT Rounruo Fonut ! Approved with conditions fi Denied Routed To:George Chalberg, PW Date Routed:11t23t05 Routed By:Elisabeth Eckel Date Due:11t30105 Description of work:Finil ruview of a new Single-Family Residence Address:1772 Alpine Drive Leqal:Lot: | 10 Block:Subdivision:Vail Village West 1" Filing Gomments:Date Reviewed: 11 129105 ent lssues. Need additional review bv Fire Department. Hammer head needs to be 12' min. PE drawinos for double and 5 tier walls. Stamped PE drawinq of tnnle tier wall with detail of pipe throught wall. Call out 6' of riorao to back of pan. "tlzsA dwas?3w Addrcss O*ncr Architcct Zonc di Lot sirc Total GRFA FiLing * 6'15 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addirion ZONECHECK Pbonc Pbonc hoposcd usc Builclable arca_ F%5 :&27289 Allorvcd Existing . Proposcd Total ' =gZzL ,tu * 5,04 = L,W/L7/fu:t" Sitc Covcragc Hcight Sctbacks //g/, B5?A-7,2A2 /7%* /8/o 37V7 .-.............. // Hilr Sufg,fZz- nkn( ws- o t I /Ehcloscd . 4i4,'2- l) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wctlands t ,.t12. 4) Watcr Course Setback (30) (50) L/ti? 5) Gcologic Hazards a) Snorv Avalan chc r Zzc : b) Rocldall r .i c) Dcbris Flow ,...d Pro'ious conditions of approval (chcck propcrty fi lc).: /2" DPE Rcmaining _za{ %ffi 72; L'77*'Aa eztU*t 43t /rB7 /79 5 Is thc propcrty non-confonnirlg?, Dcscribc:4z4a[i n4/- /unorq/,zal */ Q/rroonpuNs ,r/ - - Scalc ,/1/ GR-FA -M- 250 additionat CRFA luf Crarvl\{ttic Spacc ..-e EHU efeinr,oD-rc ELEVATToNs,/',/ JCAJC,/v Color\MatcrialsI ,/- rlv|,r rrr Cft.qNoscereprAN .rrh"arlr Llr-rnrdfur2 . rroposed Eees Lcgend Roof Pitch Sun\Shadc Anglcs +. r'l,sir ::.' :*\:r'..*.\i 1\r't, t /En"* ch^^s Sctbacks lSitcCovcraee ,a' -- ", )vcstovcrhangs (4) -j P..trrrdconics Gangc conncction Nk Fcnccs '-1r*^ngou^* TumingRadius {, ;u "* ^r(access an d gradc) Utilitics (rurdcryround) ,, Vicrv Corridors ,/v Varianccs u !: GNREVIE}V CIIECKLIST '. . -42. : W"tcr Coursc Sctback:., UL Environmcnral Haz:rds ,./' ^ t/' Uriliry locarions , ! Ii,' t, :',i i.!.r.Uir-.--rlIl.liJ PO Box 4227 0l l3 Mill Loft Sfreel, #8207 Edwords. CO 81632 c 970-39G4931 f 970-9264682 michoel@moodesionshoo.com December 07. 2005 Moteriols & Color somple boord Donios Builders Dontqs Residence Lot l0 Voil Mlloge West. Filing No. I Porcel no: 2l 031 231 205.| 1772 Alpine Drive Voil. CO 81657 Sfucco sidlno color =Sto 32234-45 "Noturol" Sfucco him color - Sto 32132-23 "Spectrol" Wood slqln - Prott & Lombert 3-108 "Buckkin" Slone veneer - Moss Rock Roofino - CerloinTeed Presidentiol TL Weolhered Wood bdedorWlndow: & Door- Pello Aluminum Clqd Brown Products Provided by Lighting Universe Page I of2 Part Number: 9129AGZ SKU: 745730 Manufacturer: KichlerLighting Quantity: 1 Dimensions Height: 16" - Diameter: 7.5" Finish Options: Aged Bronze Lamp Options: (1) l 50w A21 Med F Application: Exterior Wet Materlals: Aluminum Provided by: Lighting Universe Product Description/Notes: This charming exterior sconce features Textured Linen Seedy glass and comes in an Aged Bronze finish. HCWO: 3 Bulbs are not included with this fixture. L,T lo , AuTAt p?Fre Page 1 t2/7t200shttp ://www. lightinguniverse, com/prinUprinting. asp IUIINOFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com october n.2005 Michael Pukas Mpp deslgn shop POBox4227 Edwards, CO 81632 (Fax) 970.926.0682 Dantas Builders PO Box 4015 Avon, CO 81620 Re: 1772 Nglna Drlve/Lot 10, Vall Vlllage West 1n Fillng Conceptual revleur of a nar Single-Family Residence DR8050568 Dear Mlchael, Thank you for submitthg an applbatlon for conceptual design review of a nenr single-famlly reeidence at the above addrees. I have schoduled the application to be heard conceptually by the Design Reviarrr Board at their next public hearing on Wednesday, November 2m, 2005 at 3pm. The Planning Department has identifled the follorrring items as issues which must be addessed prior to lho time of flnal submittal. No commonb have been received from the PubllcWorks or Fire Departnenls at this time. Slte Plan Wilf thewaff befacedlnstone? Shrcco? A -ab,{/'/artZ zz.-hel7*aaz the total paved area lf such ar€a ls unheated or equal to 10% of the total paved area if such area is heatod. .,44/ ZrA?- Landrcape PlanP Please show all exlstlng tees thal are located within the buildingfooprint.,Cunenly, gnly !!e adsting b€esboyondtheLlmitsofDisturbancefencingateindicpfc,d.d4zt -4 gnuc:,zt"zfatua Floor Plans for Lot 10 ls less than ls allorved. Please submit sucfi d€ductlon calcuhtlons is Uis is not th€ cas€. D What is ths h€ad helght of the mechanical room at th€ lo$€et floor tevel? ? * O"""" submtt a wgt-Etamoed eurvev of the Lot at the tlme of fnal submittal. ,Z ,rt/ '/ D Please submit a LlghUng Plan (wtrich may be layered onto a gur€nty-drafted sh€st) to identifl the placement end numbsr bf any prlpoeed tighting fixfuros. Ple€Be submit cut sheets to deecribe each prcposedflxtureas ^r rOA/ /X/d,/ {p ^""r"""o rtr"^ Please dont hesitate b contac-t me with any questions or conoems. These isEues do not need to be resolved prior to the conceptual review next Wedneeday, but rather at the time of final aubmittal. T'OMIOFI/AIT Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailpov.com November 3. 2005 Michael Pukas Mpp design shop POBox4227 Edwards, CO 81632 (Fax) 970.926.0682 Re: 1772 Alpine Drive/Lot 10, Vail Village West 1d Filing Conceptual review of a new Single.Family Residence DRB050568 Dear Michael. Thank you for attending yesterday's Design Review Board meeting at which the above application was reviewed conceptually, resulting in the following comments by the Design Review Board: r' Please provide a model of at least 1/8" scale of the house and site prior to or at the time of the final submittal. Each member of the Design Review Board expressed his/her desire to understand the proposal in more detail, a goal which the submission of a model would greatly aid. { Please be aware of the drainage is-sues which may result from the roof forms apd pjtch althe northeastsideof theresidence. | ",Un"ry fur'tl'lvs .711442 hlrz/ { Please provide a drainage plan for the site whictishows drainage flows and the location of "undergrounding'structures, should any be provided. A/1 {p ^".r.""o rr*r^ .., Consider revising the entryway staircase. The comment was made that the treads could be widened (possibly to 14") to mitigate the effects of a) the steepness of the staircase, and b) the elements to which it will be subjected. mt,/hA.g/ Please consider varying the height of the roof ridge thd/extends priqarily eqslwest on the residence. This might provide increased aesthetic vailety. L-/7Zd *T r' Please be sure that enough snow slorage (307o for unheated driveways) is provided completely within the property lines. 02- / Finally, the comment was made at the pre-meeting that the provision of a hammerheadmay ngL, be necessary, thereby reducing the amount of paved area upon therlot. urt?) Cl?eryf . )Lq fA fu p/, arv?flil* Per our conversation yesterday, the six foot walls within the front setback must be lessened to three feet or less in height (pursuant to Vail Town Code, Section 14-10-H-5) or will require the review of the Planning and Environmental Commission through the submission of a wall height variance request. Please consider which option you would like to pursu6. The walls have not yet undergone Planning and Envjronmental Commission review in anvrespect. -,/na d///n44 - &ild//l/d trL//H,fanc*-U .a in sum, the DesBn Review Board reeciled positively to the placement of the houge upon the site, but anticipated further understanding of the design subsequent to the submlssion of said model. Please don't hesitate to contast me with any questions or oonoems. I look fonvard to seeing revised plans and the requested model at the time of final rcview submittal. Elisabeth Eckel wo.479.2454 l0I|Ilt0Fl/flt Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com NovemSer 29. 2005 Michael Pukas Mpp design shop' POBox4227 Edwards, CO 81632 (Fax) 970.926.0682 Re: 1772 Alpine Drive/Lot 10, Vail Village West 1"'Filing Conceptual review of a new Single'Family Residence DR8050568 FILE /J/jPY 0k. **,^) Dear Michael, Thank you for submitting final plans for design review of Lot '10. I have reviewed the plans and compiled the following comments for your review, some of which were also listed as issues in the letter I sent to you on November 3t: General: r' Per the Design Review Board's instruction, please provide a model of at least 1/8' scaleof the house and site at the time of the final review by Board, which may occur on December 7th or December 21"r, depending on the rate of progress that is made with the remaining items. / Pfeasesubmitawet-stampedsurveyof theLot. Uut! ,'re ilcV s/twEf er/6 tfYry' REh-rn' / Please provide the language of the access easement that was required to be recorded with the ,o -7 ? Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's office as a result of the July 1 1, 2005 Planning and/ '' - Environmental Commission (PEC) approval. I contacted the Clerk and Recorder's Office already '/ ' today and verified that Lots 10, 11, and 1-2 jrad been recorded, but I was unable to find the language of the access easement. hU{ }k ol/- { Please submit a Lighting Plan to identify the number and placement_oJ any propgse/ lightirg fixtures as well as cut sheets describing each fixture. ,,/rr/ ltrzn/ frtf,r / ftW /fl/e&, r' Please submit a Title Report (schedutes A and B). - @ /f/o .' u 7 7? r' Please submit a compteted UtitityVerification Form. - 6/4ul '/'/iL f, Qninl r' Pleasesubmitasampleboardoftheproposedexteriormateriats. n /Wa*J J/ Per our conversation in Staff today, the six foot walls located within the front setback as indic6ted on the site plan, will be allowed to remain due to their association with access to the home, which is proposed upon a steep (over 30% slope) site. {p ^t","""o '^'" Site Plan: Public Works: Please be aware of the drainage issues which may result from the roof forms and pitch at the northeast side of the residence. I didnt notice that any revisions fo fhe rcof drainage had been made. Consider revising the entryway staircase. The comment was made that the treads could be widened (possibly to 14') to mitigate lhe effects of a) the steepness of the staircase, and b) the elements to which it will be subjected. Again, I noticed that no revisions to the staircase have been made. ls this conect? Please consider varying the height of the roof ridge that extends primarily east-west on the residence. This might prpvide increased aesthelic variety. No change has been made in this rcgard, conect?,./1'4L( Finally, the comment was made at the pr+meeling that the provision of a hammerhead may not be necessary, thereby reducing the amount of paved area upon the lol. No change has been made to the design of the hammerhead and the hammerhead still does not comply to the Public Wo*s standads for depth. :fu/M/,, Stamped PE drawinp-s rryill be required at the time of building permit submittal for double- and five- tiered wafls. paftn r' Stamped PE drawings will be required at the time of building permit submittal for triple-tiered walls with a detail of the pipe throughout the wall. - /n6not r' Show the invert of draina ge pipes.4gt .o o, ,/r +- - fud *qhtt//,//r' Call out six feet (6') of riprap to the back of the o6ncrete pan. Cntwv/ bqztrtut In sum, in order for this application to be heard by the Design Review Board next Wednesday, December 7th, all necessary items must be submilted to me no later than 9 a.m. on Friday, December 2"o, 2006. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. I look forward to receiving the requested information and model before the final review. Elisabeth Eckel- Dantas DRB05-0616 &1 From: JR RulapaughTo: Elisabeth EckelDate: 11lNl2OO511:03:5'1AMSubiec{: DantasDRB05-0616&0617 Dantas projecls have been approved with conditions. 1 . Fire sprinkler s;estem required and shall comply with NFPA 13R(2002) and VFES standards, 2. Monitored fire alarm sptem required and shall complywith NFPA 72 (2002) and VFES standards. J.R. Dantas tot l0 Resldence Flnal DRB Revlerv l2.O7.Os Sueg€sted condltlons of applwal I . Prior to the issuance of a building permit for Lot I O, approval by the C-ommunity Development Department must be granted of an amended plat application for Los 10, 11, and 12, VailVillage l" Filing which reflects necessary revisions to the access easement and associated language including specifics of acces, maintenance, and ownerchip of the easement for filing with the Eagle County Cled< and Recorder. 2. Atthe time of building permit appllcation submittal, the applicant must submit Profesionally Engineered drawing for all tiered walls and for all walls over four feet (4') in height. 3. Prior to the hsuance of a building permit for Lot l Q a revocable rieftt'of' way permit must be approved by the Public Worla Department for reuining walls and landscaping located within the rlglrt-of-way. /. An/r't'l, ttq@ 7ulio f7* t* f/*4frwo.l J I I/ -/ T'0II+IOFI/AIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com December 9, 2005 Michael Pukas Mpp design shop PO Box 4227 Edwards, CO 81632 (Fax) 970.926.0682 Re: 1772 Alpine Drive/Lot 10, Vail Village West 1"t Filing Final review of a new Single-Family Residence DR8050617 Dear Michael, Thank you for attending Wednesday's Design Review Board final review of the referenced Lot. Additionally, thank you for the efforts expended to have a model built. The model was quite helpful in the Design Review Board's visioning process. As you know, the Board approved the application with the following c,onditions: 1. Prior to submlttat for a building permit, the applicant shall revise the proposed site plan to reflect the elimination of the decks and patlos located on the southwest and southeast (i.e.' rear) sides of the bullding, subject to review and approval by the Town of Vail Staff. 2. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for Lot 10, approval by the Gommunity Development Department must be granted of an amended plat application for Lots 10, 11, and 12, Vail Village 1tt Filing, which reflects nocossary revisions to the access easemsnt and associated language including specifics of access, maintenance, and ownership of the easement forfiling with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder' 3. At the time of bullding permit application submittal, the applicant must submit Professionally-Engineered drawings for all tlered walls and for all walls over four feet (4) in height. 4. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for Lot 10, a revocable right-of.way permit must be approved by the Public Works Department for retaining walls and Iandscaping located within lhe right-of.way. The Design Review Board made the following specific comment in relation to Condition #1: } Ihe pafbs at the rcar (south) and east sides of the rcsidence should be eliminated in oderto minimize the amount of gnding necessary lo srte the home. The Board then suggested that the decks may be enlarged (with consideration of setback regulations) to compensate for the lack of patios. Please resolve items #1 and 3 by the time of building permit submittal. ltems #2 and 4 must be resolved before the Community Development Department may issues a building permit for this lot. Thank you for your patience in the continued review of this site and residence. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any remaining questions or concerns. I have enclosed the design review action form for your reference. f-p ^".r.""o rrr"^ *# Eckel enclosure f. CCa,**-slW E€\,ELmrf,ill firzVlLq* il'affit' 1' l/*to Design Revieru Board ACTTOI{ foRll Department of Commufl ity Development 75 South Frontage Road. Veil, colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax. 970.479.2452 ueb: www.vailgov.com Project Name: DANTAS LOT 10 CHANGE Project llescription: Participants: DRB Number: DR8060040 0212312006 0212312W6 Phone: (970) 376'e444 0423,|2006 Phone: (970) 376-5444 Location: 1772 ALPINE DR. FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PI.ANS.CHANGE DISTURBANCE BOUNDARY TO ACQUIRE 269 SQ FT ON LOT 10 AND NOT DISTURB 902 SQ FT ON LOT 10, 11, L2. OWNER DANTAS BUILDERS INC PO BOX 4015 AVON co 81620 APPUCANT DANTAS BUILDERS, INC PO BOX 4015 AVON co 81520 License: 290-A CONTMCTOR DANTAS BUILDERS, INC 1936 WEST GORE CREEK DRIVE VAIL co 816s7 License: 290-A 1722 ATPINE DR VAILProject Address: Legal Description: Parcel l{umber: Comments: Lot: 10 Block Subdivision: VAIL VILI-AGE WEST FIL 1 2103-123-1205-1 see condiUon BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Condldonsr fritzlen dorward 4-0-0 Acdon: APPROVED Date of Apprcvalz 0310U2006 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction actlvities. Cond; 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202' Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date d final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007850 Prior to building permit issuance for Lot 11, the applicant shall have received apprwal of a revised landscape plan that integrates increased landscaping in appropriab areas on the site amrding to a civil engineered plan. Planner: Ellsabeth Eckel DRB Fee Pald: i2O.OO New Construction Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Fronbge Road, Vail, Colondo 81657 tel: 970.479.2728 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.\rdilgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the partianlar approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The projed may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmenbl Commission. Iresign review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. LocaUon of the Proposal: tot: lO Block:- SuMivision: Description of the Request: Physical Address:A l-; Parcef No.:21.03 1L1 l2o5- t (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning; 2 Name(s) of Owner(s): MaifinsAddress: P,c:g 9or< 4ua CO 3162o Phone: ale LU1 Mailing Address:8/a 7oD.oBtotf 4"^ Phone: E-mailAddressz DtJD rl\Qlp6nra*, il* rax.?/? /7aa Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Con*ructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot oftotal sign area. No Fee $650 For constuction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved Design Revie$t Board. No Fee by Planning Staff or the -*ffim..mn' \ (single-family/duplex) KGranOes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request Kd\t- o Lo tafl**'t**'t't***1.*****{t'|f+***f+*****************'l*1.'t't't'****'l'{'****a'{'*tt++***+*++*+***!t*+***+t}*** TOWNOFVAIL. COIORADO Statement Staternent Nurnber: R050000L59 tunount: $20.00 O2/23/2OOGLO:27 Altt Palment Method: Caeh BUIIJDERS fnit: iIS Notation: $/DAllTAs Perrnit No: DR8060040 Tl4)e: DRB- Chg to Appr PlanB Parcel No: 2LO3-L23-L205-L SiTe Addresg: 1722 AJ,PTNE DR VAIIJ IJOCAtiON: 1772 AIJPINE DR. Total" Feea: $20.00This Pa)ment: $20.00 Total AIJIJ Pmts: $20.00BalaDce: $0.00 ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: Accounts Code Deecription DR OO1OOOO3LL?2OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current PmtsB 20,00 &,tu.o(t' /,42'//nu ' Suggested condition of approval for DR8060040 March 1, 2006 1. The applicant shall provide (number and type) according to the revised landscape plan submitted to Communily Development Staff for approval. fu,r/, W a%a z//,2q2h.n.1 ,/2 &%*" L /(tM-{ 4a 7gluolz /''/ /tu/v&- / fl,/ *? a " l/ft-/ q/v'r,*"o2.- u' /fu. <Tlry*'owl;?rmr7fr; /,rftillfrtu; Tvrnlat -%*'ra'27r"4. /-r'- ,t . )'.1 .u "2ffi4*oa'4,/t ry'-/rL/z'/e/wza;1 = gt> J*',rorz *hir**tt^ il; ffi ,D ,ary,6, "trLr"" , p*fr,,pZ ri tu4y/rra,u"b, ) t-fu /, ""rilzr"/ g/rrr r'/r?//aU/, ^ /nryAfr"q r&,,/ //frm rozrr^1u,' "dzlat,4W4/rfrf ]r"/yryi."r"A/a,t*rr*,*fr4 J/t, ,dtfh5- fryq^y 'a/arr' Z.*'ouu(,/n"af"6" zth'"r'Z/n /,/@l",h b6?, 4"r,Wfu,4*.- " (, Lr CTW W^ rt",u' aat*zz/h-a.1t*Z a /erur" 7tlfuai-ry, ,' ,(r, D ', , /.) -,cona"A"- rkry /./*"" /L* 'z DdV*/ /t: 94/- / ;,oQ,r,oo*L /, / a -a U TOWI,I OFVATL Deparlment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2I 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us March 6, 2006 Michael Pukas Mpp design shop POBox4227 Edwards, CO 81632 970.926.0682 (fax) Re: 1722 Alpine Drive/Lots 10 - 1z,Vail Village West 1't Filing Design Review Board final review of an amended Limits of Disturbance fence DR8060040 Dear Michael, Thank you for aftending last week's Design Review Board meeting at which the proposed amendment to the limits of disturbance fencing at the referenced lots was approved unanimously by the Board with the following condition: 1. Prior to building permit issuance for Lot 11, the applicant shall have received apprcval of a revised landscape plan that integntes incrcased landscaping in appropriate areas on the site accotding to a civil engineered plan. Please note that this condition has been electronically linked to the building permit submittal for Lot 1 1. I have enclosed the approval form for your records. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or 970.479.2454 enclosure {pu"nurr ro IilflHtrriln cfl*r.h{?Y Er,ELOtfr{t V^-e V//a? baf6r / ' /at'/o Design Review Board ACTTOH fo*,]rl Degartment of Comrfi unity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 t€h 970.479,2139 fdxj979.479,2452 web: wurw.vailgcv.corn Project Name: DANTAS NEW SFR 1778 Proiect Description: Participants: OWNER DRB Number: DR8050616 RNAL APPROVAL FOR CONSTRUCEON OF A NEW SFR - all specifics included in file: see attached conditions of approval plus odra condition of approval related to DR8050616 BUILDING PERMIT SUBMTTTAL DANTAS BUILDERS INC LTIzLIzOOs PO BOX 401s AVON co 81620 APPUCANT DANTAS BUILDERS INC PO BOX 4015 AVON co 81620 CONTMCTOR DANTAS BUILDER' INC 1936 WEST GORE CREEK DRIVE VAIL co 81657 License:290-A 1722 ALPINE DR VAIL LLl2Ll2O0s tUZLl2005 Phone: (970) 376-q/4A4 Location: 1778 ALPINE DRIVEProject Addrcss: Legal Descriptlon: Parcel Number: @mments: LOt: 10 BIOCK SUbdiViSiON: VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 1 2103-123-1205-1 see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Dunning Dorward 4-0-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 03/01/2005 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the writGn consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (Pt AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and bemme void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007725 Fire sprinkler system required and shall comply with NFPA 13R(2002) and VFES standards. @nd: CON0007726 Monitored fire alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002) and VFES standards. Cond: CON0007851 The appliont shall provide utility verification signatures for Lot 11 at the time of Building Permit submittal. Cond: CON0007852 At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall provide professionally engineercd stamped drawings of all walls proposed on the site plan which are over three feet in height. Cond: CON0007853 At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall submit topoFwall elevations for each wall located at the south side of the residence. Cond: CONfi)07854 Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall have received approval of a revised landscape plan for Lob 10 - 12 by the Community Dwelopment Department. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: f650.00 ,r*m General fnformaEon: All projects requiring design reriew must receive approval prior.to submitting a buitding permit apptication, pleasererer to the submittal requiremerb rgr.{e particuliiioiii*1 that.is requested. An appticauon for Dedgn Reviewcannot be accepted untii all required inrormation is tiJ.v"o by.the community Development Department. Theproject may also need to be reviewed uv tre iown 6rirrcir-anolor the pranning and Environmental commission.D6ign r€Yiew apprcval lap66 unless " ruiainJper-ft is'issued "nJ "i"i*cion commences wlthinone year of the approval. Description of ure Request: Location of the proposal:Lot: 1l $ock:_ Subdivision: Physical Address:lDr New Construction Application for Design Review __ Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, VaiL Colorado g1657 tel: 970.479.2t28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-32g-g5,t0 for Phone:- 544 Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Appticantz _ap41. Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Phone: Fax: ? 7e B4o 6- N ,trtr tr LT tr $50 Plus 91.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild.$300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or *,iF^ commercial. building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions).+z)u For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re.roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as,rtrgolng, painting, window additions, landscaping, fencei and retaining walls, etc,$20 For.revisions to plans already approved by planning Staff or the Design Review Board. t - No Fee DRB No,: Type of Review and Fee:tr Signs tr Concepfual Review New Consfuction Addition Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved plans Separation Request Project No.: TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ******++ttt+tt*l*******++f*,1'|''i++***********lt*l***********************l'******+:;***:l+****{r*ttlt Statement Number: R050002002 Anount: $550.00 LL/2L/2005L1 :53 AM Payment, Method: Check BUIL,DERS Init: iIS Notation: 5379/DATITAS Permit No: DR8050617 Tl4)e: DRB - Nen Congtruction Parcel llo: 2103 -123 -1205-1 SiTe AddreEE: 1722 AJ.PTNE DR \IAIL tocat.ion: 1772 AIPINE DR. Toual Fees: Thi s Payment.:$5s0.00 TotsaI AIJIJ Pmts : Balance: '1.'l'*'t'a't**{'***+i**i+*+*t****'}'}****+*************{'{r't'l+t*+*t{.***+t+++*+**********i++***********t 96s0.00 $5s0.00 $0.00 Current Pnts 650.00 'ACCOIJNT ITEM UST: Accor.Erts Code DR 00100 0 03 LL2200 Descriptsion DESIGN REVIEIII EEES Buildinq Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Wndows WindowTrim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other PROPOSED MATERIAIS TVoe of Material w€n woon w6dv? Mvr>u !lf.rec tuJ.dcz. Color ?'Gft tsfr*l.A PoaR F?.d'J l Notes: Please speciff the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Iwoorl I 970cCO PageT of L4lO5l2Ol05 PROFOSED I.ANDSCAPING PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Eotanlcal l{ame Common Name Cbt$e W^JLg)rcE OuantiW 5 Size w'- tb' 4q - 4t CIL ffiqTE**t k&pq '26-s4 5 AW. A-8 DCISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED tnrta(c frIt ?tAE 4o+/- o +l- Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" @liper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Type SquareFootaoe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL ffi4frI<D lt rX 4L lt / ^cw1P.!^WN'1 AtA? e$ rftacL Please speciff other landscape feafures (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 8 of t4losl20l05 Titb Land Title Guarantee Company Date: 07-21-2004 Our Order Number: V50005m6-4 Propcrty Addrcss: 1788, 1722AllD ITTSALPINEDRMVArL. CO 81657 Buycr/Borrowcr: Di{MAS BIJILDERS, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION Sellcr/Owner: GTJILLERMO HUERTA AI'ID GERARDO HTJERTA, AS TO PARCEL 1 DANTAS BT'ILDERS, INC., A COLORADO CORFORAfiON, AS TO PARCEL 2 Wire Information: Bank: FIRSTBAI,IK OF COLORADO IUO3 WCOLFAXAWNW I- KEWOOry CO 80215 Phone: 303-237-5 M Credit: LAIID TTLE GUARAI{TEE COMPA},]Y ABANa:107005047 Acaunt: 2160521825 Atfuntion : tr(ath rm Ku cJt ler **** *l**t *t*tt ltt'tt! | *rt't*,ll{' + | l* *tl{. t,}***l* ** * I * t t * | I t * t * *'l t* lll*{. Note: Once an original commitment has been issued, any subsequent modifications will be emphasized by undcrlining or comm€nts. * l*l* f * lt*rt*tt * * t* r*tt{. f ttl t* **'}r:r:r {. * * * | | rltt 't+ i r'tlllti* *t ** r* * * *tr* Necd a mao or directions for your uocominc closins? Check out Land Title's web site at www.ltgc.com for directitins to any ofour 54 ollice locatiois. - tlq oEett oaloa THANK YOU FOR YOI'R ORDERI ESTIMATE OF TITLE FEES Ala Owners Poltcy lUlT-9Z (Reissue Ratel Alta Loaa Policy 10-17-92 Deletion of Excepdons l-3 (Owner) Deletion of Gmeral Exception { (Owna Tax Repct R012758 has been ordered fi Tax Reporr R042787 has been ordered t Tax Report R042788 has been ordered frr Additional Chain Zl t d. AttL. 6lr.r..ote Cqr.qr dff b. caotJtg,ttil Un'V -!.t ti4. TOTAL $7,o78. OO Chogo Title lrurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A Property Addres: 1788, r?22 AND 1778 ALPIM DRwE VAIL, CO 81657 Our Order No. V5000500G4 Cust. Ref.: l. Effective Date: Iunq 30. 20M at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be Issued, and Proposcd Insurcd: 'ALTA" Orner's Policy l&17-92 $280,000.00 Proposed lruured: DANTAS BTJILDERS, INC., A COLOMDO CORPORATION 'ALTA" Loan Poltcy 10-17-92 $280,000.00 Proposd Insured: FIRSTBANK OF AVON, TN SUCCESSORS AND/OR ASSIGNS 3. The estate or interest in thc land described or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Titlc to tbc estate or interest covered herein is at the dfective date h er cof vested in: GTJILLERMO HTJERTA AND GERARDO HTJERTA, AS TO PARCEL T DANTAS BTJILDERS, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION, AS TO PARCEL 2 5. Thc land referred to in this Commitment is desctibed as folloq's: PARCEL I: LOTS IO, TT AND 12, VAIL VILI^AGE WEST FILING NO, I, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT TIIEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL 2: LOT 5, BLOCK 3, WILDRIDGE ACCORDING TO TITE FINAL SI.IBDIVI$ON PI.AT, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO- ALTA COMMITMENT SchedrdeB-Sectionl (Requiremeots) Our Order No. V50005006-4 Thc following are the requiremants to be complied with: Item (a) Paynent to or for the actouot of lhe grantors or mortgagors of the firll consideration for the estate or interest b be insured. Item ft) Proper instnrnent(s) creating the edate or intered to be ircnred must be executed and duly fiIed for record, te'wit: Item (c) Paynmt of all bxes, charges or assessrnmts levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Item (d) Addition"l requirunmb, if any rlisclosed below: I. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED MAY 23, 2()OT FROM GI,TLI.ERMO HI.JERTA AND GERARDO HUERTA TO TTIE PI,JBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COTJNTY FOR TIIE USE OF FIRSTBANK OF VAIL TO SECURE THE SUM OF $144,000.00 RECORDED IJNE 06, 200r, T'NDER RECEPTION NO. 758812. MODIFICATION AGREEMEI.ITIN CONNECTION WNH SAID DEED OFTRUSTWAS RECORDED ocToBER 16, 2002 UNDER RECEPnON NO. 810448. MODIFICATION AGREEMENT IN CONNECTION WTffi SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED DECEMBER 06, 2OO2 UNDER RECEPIION NO. 816210. MODIFICATION AGREEMENT IN CONNECTION WITTI SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED ruNE 16, 2003 LTNDER RECEPnON NO. 8:t689r. 2. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO TTIE COMPAT.IY TT{AT THE TERMS, CONDMONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 3. WARRANTY DEED FROM GUILLERX4O HUERTA AND GERARDO HUERTA TO DANTAS BI'ILDERS, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATTON COI.IVEYING SUBJECT pROpERTy. (AFFECTS PARCEL.T) 4. DEED OF TRUST FROM DANTAS BT,JILDERS, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION TO TITE PIjBLIC IRUSTEE OF EAGLE COIINTY FOR THE USE OF FIRSTBANK OF AVON TO SECURE THE SUM OF t280.000.00. ALTA C OMMITMENT fthedule B - Section I (Requirements)Our Order No. V50005006-4 Continued: NOTE: SAID DOCTJMENT CAN BE E)(ECUTED BY T}IE PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT OR CHAIRIUAN OF TIIE BOARD (CEO) OF THE CORPOMfiON. IF AIVY OTHER OFFICER OF TI{E CORK)RATION OR AGENT EXECUTES SAID DOCUMENT ON BEHALF OF TTIE CORPORAIION, A POWER OF ATTORNEY/RESOLUTION MUST BE PROVIDED TO I.AND T[N.E CRANTII{G SAID AUffi ORTZATION. TI{E FOLLOTryING DELETIONS/]VIODIFICATIONS ARE FOR THE OWNER'S POUCY. NOTE: ITEMS l-3 OF TllE GENEML EXCEPTIONS ARE HEREBY DELETED. UPON Nfi ATPROVAL OF TIIE COMPANY AND THE RECEIPT OF A NOTARIZED FINAL LIEN AFFIDAVIT, ITEM NO. 4 OF TTIE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: ITEM NO. 4 OF TIIE GENEML D(CEPTIONS IS DELETED AS TO ANY LIENS OR FUTTJRE LIENS REST'LTING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF GTJILLERMO HT'ERTA AND GERARDO HI'ERTA, AS TO PARCEL I DAI{IAS BI,'ILDERS, INC,, A COLORADO CORPORATION, AS TO PARCEL 2. CHICAGO TITLE INSI'RANCE COMPANY STIALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY IIENS ARISING FROM WORK OR I\{ATERIAL FLJRMSHED AT THE REQUEST OF DANTAS BULDERS, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION. NOTE: ITEM 5 OF THE GENEML EXCEPIIONS WILL BE DELETED IF LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPAI{Y CONDUCTS THE CLOSING OF TITE CONTEMPI.ATED TMNSACTION(S) AND RECORDS TI{E DOCT'MENTS IN CONIVECTION THEREWITII. NOTE: LIPON PROOF OF PAYMENT OF ALL TA)(ES, ITEM 6 WILL BE AMENDED TO READ: TA)(ES AND ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2004 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS. ITEM 7 TJNDER SCHEDT'LE 8.2 WILL BE DELETED UPON PROOF THAT ]:IIE WATER AND SEWER CHARGES ARE PAID t'P TO DATE. *I+{.+I+IIT NOTIICE OF FEE CHANGE, EFFECTTVE SEPTEMBER I, 2QQ! +***+T"I'*AA Psrsrant to Colcado Revised Shtnte 30-10421, "The county clerk and recorder shall collect a surcharge of $l.fl) for each docummt rcceived for recordlng 61 filing in his or her office. The surcharge shall be ln additioa to any other fees pernitted by stahrte.' ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. V50005006-4 Thc policy or policies to bc issued will contain crrccptions to thc following unless the samc are disposed ofto the.satisfaction of the Company: I . Rights m deinis of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easemenls, or clalms of easements, not shown by the publtc records. 3. Discrepencies, conflicf in toundary lines, shortage in area, ettcmachmenS, and any hcb which a correat survey atrd inspecdoo of the premtses would disclce and which are not showr by the public records. 4. Any lien, or rlght to a lim, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter firnished, imposed by law aad not shown by the public records, 5. Ddects, lie6, encumbratrces, advene clalms or other matters, if any, created, fint appearing in Oe public records or attacting suhequent to the effecdve date hereof but prior b the date the proposed insured acquirts of record for value the eshle of htercst or morlgage thereon covercd by thls Commihent. 6. Ta:cs or special assersmmts wtlch arc not shown as existlng liens by the public records. 7. Liens for unpald water and sewer charges, if any. 8. In addidon, the owner's policy will be subJed to the mortgge, if any, noted in Section I of Schedule B hereof. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO HffRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE TTIEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOTJND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN IJMTID STATES PATENT RECORDED OCTOBER 04, T9I8, IN BOOK 93 ATPAGE 3OI. IO. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY fi{E AUfiIORITY OF TIIE LTMTED STATES rCS RESERIr'ED IN U.IITED STATES PATENT RECORDED OCTOBER 04, I9I8, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 3(lI. U. RESTRICTIVE COVENAI{TS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITTJRE OR REVERTER CI^AUSE, BUT OMITTING AI{Y COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, REUGION, SEX, IIANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN T,.|NLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT TTIAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE IJMTED STATES CODE OR (B) REI.ATESTO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST IIANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRT'MENT RECORDED OCTOBER 25, T963, IN BOOK I78 AT PAGE I49 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRI.'MENT RECORDED DECEMBER 6, 1963, IN BOOK I78 AT PAGE 345. 12. RESERVATIONS OF A TEN PERCENT NON-PARTICIPATING ROYALTY INTEREST CONTAINED IN WARRANTY DEED RECORDED OCTOBER 30, 1962 IN BOOK 166 AT PACE 407. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions)Our Order No. V50m5006-4 Thc policy or policies to be issucd will contain exceptions to thc following unlcss the same arc disposcd ofto the satisfaction ofthc Company: 13. UTIUTY EASEMENTS 5 FEET IN WIDTH ALONG ALL REAR AI{D SIDE LOT LINES AS RESERVED ON IIIE PLAT OF VAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING NO, I. 14. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON TIIE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL ULLAGE WEST, FILING NO. T. 15. TTIE AFFECT OF TJNIT,IAINTAINED ROAD CUT OR DTTCH TRAVERSING ST,BJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON TI{E IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE PREPARED BY STARBUCK suRvEroRs & ENGINEERS, DATED 5//01, JOB NO. 201-27. (IIIE ABOVE ITEM AFFECTS PARCEL 1) 16. RIGHTS OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUC1ED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE TJMIED STATES, AS RESERVED IN TJMIED STATES PATENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 23, 1949, IN BOOK I34 AT PAGE 524. 17, RESERVATION OF ALL THE COAL AND OTHER MINERATS IN TTIE T.AND TOGETHER WTTH TIIE RIGITT TO PROSPECT FOR MINE AND REMOVE THE SAME PI,JRSUANT TO TIIE PROVISIONS AND LIMITATIONS OF T}IE ACT OF DECEMBER 29, 19T6 AS RESERVED IN DOCT'}IENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 23, I9{9IN BOOK I34 AT PAGE 524. r8. RESTSXCTTVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITIJRE OR REVERTER CI.AUSE, BUT OMITTN{G ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SE"l(, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN TJNLESS AND ONLY TO THE HCTENT TI{AT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT I'NDER CHAPIER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UMIED STATES CODE OR (B) REI.ATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINAIE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRTJMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 14, 1982, IN BOOK 345 AT PACE 844. 19. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON TI{E RECORDED PLAT OFWILDRIDGE. 20- TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF TIIE WILDRIDGE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT, CREATED IN INSTRI'MENT RECORDED 9 12, 1990 IN BOOK 537 AT PAGE 433 AND IN INSTRT MENT RECORDED JANUARY I, 1991 rN BOOK 545 AT PAGE 4r5. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 @xceptions) Our Order No. V50005006'4 Thc policy or policics to be issued will contain o(ceptions to thc following unless the same arc disposcd ofto thc satisfaction ofthe Company: NOTE: IIPON EVIDENCE SAffiFACTORYTOT HE COMPANYTIIAT SAID ASSESSMENT HAS BEEN PAID IN FT'LL TIIXS EXCEPIION WILL BE DELETED. FITE ABOVE ITEM AFFECTS PARCEL 2) Status: I Approved GOMMUruITY DEVELOPMENT ROUNruC FONUI I Approved with conditions 8 Denied Routed To:Public Works Date Routed:11t23t05 Routed By:Elisabeth Eckel Date Due:11t30t05 Description of work:Final review of a new Single-Family Residence Address:1778 Alpine Drive Legal:Lot: 111 lBlock:l lSubdivision:Vail Villaqe West 1" Filing Comments:Date Reviewed: 11129105 / Need additional review bv Fire Same issue as lot 10. Elisabeth Eckel - Lot 11 1 From: 'Michael Pukas' <michael@mppdesignshop.com> To: 'Eckel Elisabeth" <EEckel@vailgov.com> Date: 11l30l2OOS 12:24:31 PMSubject: Lot 11 staking Hi Elisabeth. Peak Land Consultants told me that they can have Lot 11 staked for the DRB meeting next Wednesday. mpp mpp design shop, inc. custom design Michael P Pukas owner PQBox427 01 13 Mill Loft Street, Unit 8207 Edwards, CO 81632 c 970-3904931f 970-926-0682 <mailto:michael@mppdesignshop.com> michael@mppdesignshop.com <http://www. m ppdesignshop.com/> www. m ppdesignshop.com Status: I Approved Couuvtutlfi DEVELoPMENT Rourlne Fonul tr Approved with conditions E Denied Routed To:George Chalberg, PW Date Routed:11t23t05 Routed By:Elisabeth Eckel Date Due:11/30/05 Description of work: Address:1772 Alpine Drive Lesal:Lot:10 Block: I Subdivision:Vait Vittase West 1st Filing Gomments:Date Reviewed: 11/29/05 Need additional review bY Fire Hammer head needs to be 12' min. PE drawinqs for double and 5 tier walls. with detail of PiPq throught wall' Call out 6'of to back of Products Provided by Lighting Universe Page I of2 OLiglIrg Part Number: SKU: tlanufactrrer: Quantity: Dimensions Lamp Options: Provided by: 9645CV 399446 Kichler Lighting 1 (1X00w A19 Med F Lighting Universe Product Description/Notes: Height 13.5 Vt/idth: 6 Product Finish: Canyon View Finish: Other Metallic Style: Casual Lamp: bulb not included Bulb: 'l Max. Waft.: 100W HCWO: 2.5 Bulb Base: Medium Shade Material: Honey Opalescent Glass Body Material: Brass Extension: 9 WeUDamp Loc: Suitable for Wet Locations L6r It r h.|-nA{- Dpt'le Page 1 t2/7/2005hftp //www. li ghtingruriverse. com/print/printing. asp ' i1,.,,'': tt" PQ Box 4227 0l l3 Mill Lofi Street, #8207 Edwords. CO 81632 c 97G390-4931t 970-9264682 michoel@mopdesionshoP.corn December 07, 2005 Moteriols & Color sqmple boord Donlos Builders Donlos Residence Lot ll Voil Villqge West, Filing No. I Porcel no : 21 O31 231 2052 1778 Alpine Drive Voil, CO 81657 Slucco sidlno color - Sto 2090555 "Ootmeol" Slucco lrim color - I015-23 "Mocho Creom" Wood sloin - Prolt & Lombert 3-l23 "Rose Brown" Stone veneer - Moss Rock RooffnE - CertoinTeed Presidenliol TL Weothered Wood Exlerior Windowr & Door - Pello Aluminum Clod Brown 0{@l i_mqteriol5_somple_l 2-Orc5.doc Poge I of I MWOFIIAIT Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com November 29, 2005 Michael Pukas Mpp design shop POBox4227 Edwards, CO 81632 (Fax) 970.926.0682 Re: 1778 Alpine Drive/Lot 11, Vail Village West 1" Filing Final review of a new Single-Family Residence DR8050616 rftE 80Fy Dear Michael, Thank you for submitting final plans for design review of Lot 11. I have reviewed the plans and compiled the following @mments for your review, some of which were also listed as issues in the letter I sent to you earlier today regarding Lot 10. General: r' Please submit a weFstamped survey of the Lot. r' Please provide the language of the access easement that was required to be recorded with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's office as a result of the July 'l 1, 2005 Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) approval. I contacted the Clerk and Recorder's ffice already today and verified that Lots 10, 1 1 , and 1 2 had been recorded, but I was unable to find the language of the access easement. I am not sure if it will be helpful to you in your search, but the Reception Number for the Lots 10 - 12 plat is 11928724. { Please submit a Lighting Plan to identify the number and placement of any proposed lighting fixtures as well as cut sheets describing each fixture. r' Please submit a Title Report (Schedules A and B). r' Please submit a completed Utility Verification Form. r' Please submit a sample board of the proposed exterior materials. r' Please be sure that the building footprint is staked by a surveyor prior to the time of final ,.r.* '.lf(il/ by the Design Review Board, which will likely not occur before Wednesday, December 21,2005. lLt,, Sufn' Per our conversation in Staff today, the six foot walls located within the front setback as indicated on the site ,l'/ plan, will be allowed to remain due to their association with access to the home, which is proposed upon a steep (over 30% slope) site. Public Works: r' Sbmped PE drawings will be required at the time of building permit submittal for double- and five- tiered walls. ,.} iE REcvcLED PAPER / r' Stamped PE drawings will be required at the time of building permit submittal for triple-tiered walls with a detail of the pipe lhroughout the wall. / Show the invert of drainage pipes. r' Call out six feet (6') of riprap to the back of the concrete pan. In sum, in order for this application to be heard by the Design Review Board on Wednesday, December 21st, all neoessary items must be submltted to me no later than 9 a.m. on Tuesday, December 13"', 2005. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or @ncems. I look forward to receiving the requested information before the final review. Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com December 9, 2005 Michael Pukas Mpp design shop PO Box 4227 Edwards, CO 81632 (Fax) 970.926.0682 Re: 1778 Alpine Drive/Lot 11, Vail Village West 1d Filing Conceptual review of a new Single-Family Residence DR8050616 Dear Michael, Thank you for attending Wednesday's Design Review Board conceptual review of Lot 11, Vail Village West 1"t Filing. The Board made several suggestions regarding the proposal, wtrich I have summarized below for your reference and review: { The charccter of the home will be enhanced through fhe use of substantial bncing and supporl posfs, pafticularty on the nofth and east elevations. / Sorne congderation should be paid to eliminating the patio at the rcar of the Lot in oder to minimize site disturbance and perhaps negate the need fortwo-tiercd walls atthe south elevation. { Special attentbn should be paid to the dninage and waterf,ow rlssues on thrls lof. r' The Board finatized the meeting by stating that an incrcasa in the space allowed within the platted Limits of Distuhance line would not be supported r€,gardless of any potential prcblems that may rcsuft from fhe sife. In sum, in order for this application to be heard by the Design Review Board on Wednesday, December 21st, please submit all revised plans to me no later than 9 a.m. on Friday, December 16th, 2005. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or @ncems in the meantime. I look foruard to receiving and evaluating all proposed changes and the remaining needed items before the final review. {p ^""""""o rt*rt *rr*9 970.479.2454 Suggested condition of approvalfor DR8050616 March 1, 2006 The applicant shall provide utility verification signatures for Lot 11 at the time of Building Permit submiftal. 1. 2. 3. ut. .U At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall provide professionally engineered stamped drawings of all walls proposed on the site plan which are over three feet in height. At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall subgit top-of-wallelevationsfor each wall located at the south side of the residence. /-1' / , / //u//t4rtq ll f/1 ///4e ilo-//* thfy4" tutz /q( 1tu zaazze- // ' , / / '---- /'- il/l dn 47 Mu'o 7*/^,a'/ /', ) (/ frl' u,. p 2 \t the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall subgit top-of-wallelevationsfor t vall located at the south side of the residence. /-1' / , / //u//14/tt 4 f/1 ////,e ilo-//* thiy4? tutz /q( 1tu zaazze*,*" / -,,1 / '--:f- ilt/ F/j%i ffiwn<z-r/t,'.tz-" t tn,, ,,/^y',,t^ - ) ""/ f,t'-il t/fur, . a/d 2 /*/^tti" /t2,zn Datc: Lcgal Addrcss 6rrtcr Architcct Zonc distri LOt Slzc Filing Pbonc Phonc hoposcd usc .r' a- \( /'7/) Buildable y- *y ry*, rota, ___* /i#*lrorarGRFA *-___-- =6!o2_ 0 + /rpr = i/#*t -,1 t" 6t) GRFA + 6'75= 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Sitc Coreragc Hcight Sctbacks Landscaping RcrainingWall Hcie!h Parking Garagc Crcdit Drivcrvay fi.1 Conntics rvith TOV Ligbting Fl Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2:l (5020) Enrironm cn hll1l"". rds . Ycs- No- , J'h'tuu;\ tdffill/, elA ) ,@ -* t*r,r va4a/q@p a//e/ xqtued 3 _^ / ' 'Q,nlror"o ,}. ta}o) Fooyoo) (I 2oo) Lfcrmittcdslop" /o -/z-y, proposcd,sropc .?, % Gd.inancc v", y' No_- l) Pcrccni stopc 1<>lOU"'1 2 t1O / 2) Floodplain Nt :1 t'",t*a, lrr- F 4) Watcr Course Sctback (30) (Sq kk a. u Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Qacribc:,f s7t1€ JrE.l \ 5) Gcologic Hazards b) Rockfall c) Dcbris Florv : 1., \;1i.,', . Ar "t: '. :. ' , -, '^,:, Pro'ious conditions of rpproval (cbcck proocrtv filc-( a n- Scalc /-.,/ rlsre'p'rer.i,;. v/.\-7 \'.,/ / _/ - - Sitc Covcrage -{ ,u;o;Avcihangs(4) -{oe.cls/Batconics II LA}IDSCAPE PI.{N 'l Existing trccs . Proposcd trces Lcgcnd Fcnccs Tuming Radius /(access and gradc) & vuianccs fi.tD 7/t6 ' r't .q \. \ *,?T:" I cnrA y' ,sul, - / RoofPitch IT / -v rftscerLANEous &- CondoApproval -l& c.o.vdritication EL Sru\ShadcAnglcs Utilitics (undcrground) ll+ Vicrv eorridors ,rf tffi !9rl -4.k ptatrcstictions Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8i,657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 w&?iv*ffi Michael Pukas. Mpp design shop PO Box 4227 Edwards, CO 81632 (Fax) 970.926.0682 Re: 1778 Alpine DriveAot I 1 , Vail Village West 1n Filing Conceptual review of a new Single-Family Residence DR8050616 Dear Michael, Congratulations on receiving final review of the referenced residence at the Design Review Board hearing on Wednesday, March 1, 2006. The Board approved the plans with the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall ptovide utility verification signaturcs for Lot 11 at the time of Building Permit submittal. 2. Atthe time of building permit submiftal, the applicant shall provide pnfessionally engineercd stamped drawings of all walls proposed on the site plan which are over thrae feet in height. 3. At the time of building permit submiftat, the applicant shatl submit topof.wall elevations for each wall located at the south side of the residence. 4. Prior to the rbsaance of a building permit, the applicant shall have rcceived approval of a revised landscape plan for Lots 1 0 - 12 by the Community Development Depaftment. Please note that each of these conditions of approval must be satisfied at or before the time of building permit submittal. I have enclosed the appropriate approval form for your records. Please don't hesitate to contact me 970.479.2454 enclosure {g*""n,*" ro MAR/21/2008/FRI 08: 22 AM Ntrtcc0G FA]( No. 970468i208 P. 001/001 Noflilrweet Colorado Coqncll of Governmentr ELEVATO R' P ER"Irl [T nppUCerrOn pennrr# O8'Ob7;;F;wq Plan Rarlenr.d end Apgovad bU Drn lrrurd P.rmlt a<Flr*lon o*c 3 lfu ln/- # of pBges *- ** Alf tlre fiolloudns mrnt bc cimpl€tted bu tlre dwaor contrtqbr *:rt Inac11rrateriltcgible oi mleslng lrformaHon wlll caue a delay In the appllcztion FrscEtr' Please compleb a sepamte application per convelpnce. Juri'sdlcfion Bulldlng Permit # IobAddruss Mriling Addfess Phone f Mailiins Phone # NC'rICE .. I h€ruDy cErdfy Urst I have (€ad and oflnln€d tfils spplcatlon aid loncnirr u|e sarne b be truc and cDrcd All prqvisons cf, hwE ' and ordlnsnces go\reftlng thb type of uErk wlll be compled ufrfi ruh€iher specified herEbr.or nd. Tht gra|{|hg c'f a pgrmt does WPrrrrlg|r or tilglrt elevabr' tu\b, eoHonmovilg wEllo Up to and lndudirry $50r0O0 €t yrlultion - $375.00 Orrer gSd,mo ol'yatuadoq o $350,fi) plue $7.0O frr €sch $!0oo.oo ortudon drGl€d c^rar f50,000.0O Lilt DumlrurtiDcr or pdvrts t ddaffir alrvrton' upo arrd lndudlng +20,000 of vllu.tion - $275-oO Clar $ZO,OOO of vah#lt - $250.00 Pl'.r $4.00 frr eadl $1,oooJo or fiactirrl thErcof ci,cr $20,000.00 'mronl-runaTrQru rtt* Fees for major ater*iars shan be rs set'forth In'Tabl€ lFA of the Unllbrm Adrnlnlrtra6vc eodc or Tablc 1-,01. VALUATIO 7' i nd fl"sume b glve euthodty to vlolaE or crncel the ilovlstorF of iry otrer sffi or lml laur rcguhfrno corutiucdcn orFtiffi 6r lel la6/ rcguhfrno corutiucdcn orFc of confndln. ; ,/Z" d fl^*. 3-/AA{ Wro Vart 'J;tt* $1l:'+ ht I annot ha tfutd to wuis until inryed Ehrator plan r*kiw and fleld inspecdons wlll bc conducted by the NorthYrest Colorado councll qf$\ bc bruvErded b t{hlCCOG for review arrd apprord; Sdredule tnspedons by contacting the S|WCCOG Nwcco(s 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Departrnent of Comrnunity Development L,6f lo,l,1 17,Blnv-L, {*.l tlttka vJet tLl March 6, 1997 Sally Brainerd RKD 1000 Lionsridge Loop, #3D Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Theys Building Permit Application Dcar Sally, I am rctuming thc Thcys Building Pcrmit-Application along with thc incomplctc scts of plans' Thc plans haic bccn in my officc sincc th6 Spring of 1995 and duc diligcncc in cornplcting thc submittal has not been pursucd. As I bclievc you are awarc' thc Design Rcvicw Board approval has lapscd' Dcsign Rcvicw Board approvals ari valid for onc ycar from thc datc ofthc approval. Thc plans wcrc originally approvcd in 1995. f f you have any questions, plcase do not hcsitate in giving mc a call. You can reach mc at 479' 2t45. -- Q".zh--.t Gcorge Ruthcr Town Planner {P ou"'"tt"*t' BUILDING DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNTY, P. O. BOX179 couRTHousE, EAGLE CO. - PH. (303) 328.6339 Construct Resldence BUITDING FIETD COPY PERMIT AppLrcANr Eagle lllne, Inc,narF Septanber 22 ,o 80 EFaM,r Nro-E -' -- --- --3 w i EFftftE, prie=b=t'b=,Td (ro.I (SIREET){ CONTR'S LICENSE) onePERMIT TO NUMBER OF DWEL L ING UNITS { TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT)(PROPOSEO U5E) IL[] o dl ciz =E h BUILDING IS TO BE - FT. WIDE BY- FT. LONG BY TO TYPE USE GROUP FT. IN HEIGHT ANO SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDAT ION (rYPE) hE MARKs: AT (LocAT IoN) ZON ING D ISTR ICT (sTREET) (c805s STREET){CROSS sTREET) Plan Clnck Fee PER MIT a. 226.30 453.00AREA OR VOLUME esrrvrreo cosr $(CUBIC/SOUARE FEET) owNFe Eagle Nlne, Inc.;;";.. :v Recel BI.JIL o DIN GP APPLI roN o CAT Jurisdiction Applicant to complete numfured spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION #coU/O @n< ez ) Ca u// ( AZ er*-) tNspEcroR WHEN PROPERIY VALIDATED (lN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT Form 10O.1 1'77 I EE AYT 'HED 5IiEETI I oEsci. LrcEr{5E r.O. l, tt ,l aicHtlECl oi oEslGxal -z IJS'-OF 'IJI LDIRG 8 Clasof work: FA tr A00lTl0N D ALTERAT;g;,1 O BEPAIR tr MOVE D REMoVE PERMIT FEEPLAN CHECK FEE1f Varualionotwoil S | /O, €CD SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 31J..."o IeNo. ot Stor i€r Si.e ot 81d9. (Tot.ll sq. Ft Fir€ Sprinklers Required [ys3 Elf6APPAOVEO FOF ISSUANCE 8Y OFFST REET PARKING SPACES: No. of Dwellin9 Unitt NOTICE siplnari pERMrrs ABE REourREo FoR ELEcrRrcAL, pLUMB- ING. HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. . THIS PERMIT EECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANOONED FOR A PERIOD OF I2O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. V CERTIFYrION ANO J ANO EXAMINED THISTRUE AND COR RECT. 3ES GOVERNING THISWHETHER SPECIFI EOWORI<I IL!y''E EOMPLIEq'WIYH WHETHER SPECIFIEOOR 'IOT. 7'E GRANTINd O' A PERMIT OOES NOTTVGIVd AtJ.rT{O RI TY ]D V'OLATE OR CANCEL THE HEALTH OEPT, SOI L REPORT OTHER (sp.clty) # VALIDATION&( roN o CAT o BUILDING PERA,IIT APPLI Jurisdiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. I WHEN PROPERLY VALIOATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT 8 CIASS OI WOrK: N NEW D AOOITTON D ALTERATION f] BEPAIR f] MOVE tr REMOVE I 0escribe work: l0 Change of use {rom Change of use to PERMIT FEEPLAN CHECK FEE't I Valualion of work: $ Occu pancy Group D iv isio n SPECIAL CONDITIONS: No. ot St or iel Size ot Bld9. (Total) sq. Ft. Fire Sprinklers Required D\l'er DNoAPPLICATION ACCEPTEO BY PLANS CH€CKEO 8Y APPROVEO fOR ISS\,ANCE AY OFFST REET PARKING SPA'CES,No. of Dwellin9 Un it5 NOT ICE SEPAFATE PERMITS AFE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WOFIK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED lS NOT COI\,IMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOO OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEF WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL AE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHER€IN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SICNATUiE OI CONTRACTOR OF AUIHORII€D ACENT Special Approvals ZON ING HEALTH DEPT. FIRE OEPT. SOIL REPO RT OTHER (Sp€clty) Form I0O.1 l-77 M.O. IXTRA M.O.PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CASH PEHM IT VALIDATION F't:i: """rT ll#t lR "ffi J#J-'',R:'J ;:'' ",Oo * n Review Routing Form ( ) Primary Routing [@!j1g- Appli 4r I Plannirrg Commission File No. return to the County Building Off icial within 6 working days /s0g Permit No. Location Review and P lanning: Complies with: Subdivi sion Regul ations Zoning Regulations Site Pl an (Landscaping) Cornmerrts: Reviewed by: Recommend Approval : No En tr Yesntrn F County Engineer: Roads Grading . Drainage Commentsl Recommend Approval : n Dn tr nnn D County Health: Water Sanitation Perc . test Comments: Recommerrd Approva! ntrntr nunq, Final Inspection: C/O Recom.-nend Approval Cornments: ntr Firral Inspect ion : Landscapi Recommend Approval Commerrts: ng!! Final Filing Date byC,/o lssued F ffii: ?,T ll #; :fi ff [ J#J='"i,:'J: !,, o Oo*' Review Routing Form (2f primary Rouiing ( ) Rerouting Permit No. Review and return to the County Building Plannir rg Commission File No. Official within 6 working daYs Date Ref erred P lanning: Complies with: Subdivi sion Regul ations Zoning Regulations Site Pl an (Landscaping) No En tr Yes trnnF Reviewed by:oate:7/r.//xt) Recommend Co,'nmerrts: County Engineer: Roads Grading . Drainage Comments: County Health: Water Sanitation Perc . test /1 Final Inspection: C/O Recomrnend Approval Commentsl Recommend Appro 'J_ a zd/4 trI D n tr DTR ad n Dnn E ntrun Recommend APProval : 0z- / f4"- l-d5e€,^, /s €/,7"o 6e9 4r(V- loq{ Firral Inspection: Landscaping Recommend Approval n I Commerrts: c/o Final lssued Filing Date by Date EAGI.E COI.'NTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING & PLANNING EAGLE. COLORADO 8,I631 TELEPHONE 303/328-73t I TOLL FRIE ITUIIIBERS: X:n n-03;??21" 7 July 1980 Not Approved. 1) Drainage plan is not adequate and should include drainage ofall surface areas, retaining wa'l ls, and foundation 2) Landscape plan shows tree plant'ing but does not indicate any reseedi with sod grasses or other approved ground Erik Edeen Environmental HeaIth Officer BOARO OF COUNTY coMMtSSroNERS Ext 24 | AD i\1 IN I5T R AT IO N Ext 24 | ANINlAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR Ext 202 BUILOING IN INSPECTION Ext 226 ot 229 CLER K & RECORDER Ext 217 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ext 247 LISRARY Ext 255 PU BLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Va il 4 76-5 844 PLA N N ING Exl 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAO & ARIOGE Exl 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basall 92 7.3244 Gilman I2 7-5 751 sOC IAL SERV ICE5 328.5328 TREASURER Ext 20 | Eaole Nine, Inc. 3 Woodbridge Pueblo, Colorado 8100i RE: Application for Building Permit in Eagle County Lot 10, Va'il Village West #1 - Denjed. The Eagle County Build'ing Dept. requires that applications for Buil9inS Permiti in EaglL County be routed to the Ea-oie County Planning, Engineering' and Environrnental Health Departments for their comnents prior to issuance of the permits. Your application was routed on 6/25/80 . Listed below are the cornments and recommendations urhich were made by the above departments during the routing procedure. If you have any questions or wish to get further explanation, please contact the appropriate dept. Planning Department - Not Approved. Inadequate provision Environmental Hbalth --1 It would be to your advantage if requirements as soon as possible building permit any longer than I.- ,. ,/\ 4,a- PldtlLlllg uuL uut5 llUL lltulL(lLg dllJL,/-( < -K U with sod grasses or other approved .r1 ) .Oh- '"5:2;*D;i soir erosion' you begin s0 as not to resolve any Problerns and/or to delay the 'i ssuance of Your ug Co storage. Bui ldi ng Inspector LD/adj gle y Bui ldinq Official EAG!.E COq.'NTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDIIIG & PLANNING EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-731| BOARD OF COUNTY cot\lMl5sloNERs Ext 24 | A O I"1I N I5T R ATIO N Ext 24 | ANIf\lAL SHELTER 949-4292 TOLL FREE IIUI'IBERS: Hlt n-o?;?'-Zl.. 7 July i980 AS5ES50R Ext 2Q2 BUILOING IN I NS PECT IO N Ext ?26 or 229 CLERK & RECO R OE R Ext 2l 7 COUNTY ATTO R N EY ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eag le Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Ext 226 ot 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAO & BRIOGE Exl 257 SHERIFF Eaate Ext 2 | I Ealalt 927'3244 Gilman 827'575 | SOC IAL SERVICES JZ'l-O ) 10 TREASURER Ext 201 The Eagle County Building Dept. requires that applicat'ions for Buiiding permits in Eagle County 6e rbuted to the Eagle County P'l anning, Engineering, and Env.i ronrne;tal Healin Departments for their comments prjor to issuance of the perm'i ts. Your application vras routed on 6/25/80 ' Listed below are the coniments and recommendat'ions which were made by the ibove departrnents during the routing procedure' If you have any questions Jr wistr to get further 6xplanation,-piease contact the appropr.iate dept. Eagle Nine, Inc. 3 Woodbridge Pueb'l o, Colorado 8100i RE: Apnl i cat'i on for Bu j 'l di ng Permi t 'i n Eagi e County Lot 10, Vail V'illage West #1 - Denied. Planning Department - Not T0r Approved. Inadequate Provision ow storage. .a Envi ronmental Hbalth - your advantage if soon as possible any longer than Eri k Edeen Environmental Health 0fficer Building Inspector Not Approved. 1) Drainage plan is not adequate and shou'ld include drainage ofall surface areas, retaining wa1ls, and foundation V tary$ayg.plan shows tree flI il'u: itr,:::'s{#F:ffi ;:ffil' "n It rvould be to requi rements as building permit you begin se as not to to resol ve any Probl e'ns and/or del ay the issuance of Your ug Co LD/adj gle y Buildinq Official r 1l' j tD : ;T I CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS FOR Three Resldences for l'li ke Fi tz Lots 10, 11 & 12 Vail Village tlest Eagle County, Colorado DIRECT ALL CORRESPOT{DENCE TO T}IE O}INER fcdic;ilDo 5c* Alo-, \. ,t;a -tlz. : SPECIFICATIONS INDEX',-.i":r .T,ffi :,:.'4 '.{'Genera 0lvtst0i{ 0lvtst0rl 0?30c 1,, 076C0 tS!:' 0?200 0?600 5 J:P6 t; 35'130 06400 'Dlytsl}it 7 - 0/ 100 07200' 07900 I . SPECIFICAIIOfiS INDEI - . :- Page z . DIYlSl0ll 8 - Doors and tlindors O82OO llood Doors 08600 l.lood l{lndows and Sliding Doors 08i00 Fini sh Hardlrare 08800 Glass and Glazing 0M5l0N 9 - Finishes 09250 Gypsum Drywall 09300 Ceramic Tile 09550 Resilient Flooring 09680 Carpeting 09900 Palntlng 0MSION 10 - Specia'lties 10300 l{oodburni ng Stoves 10800 Eath and Tollet Accessorfes DIVISION ll - Equtpment l'1900 Resfdential Kltchen Equipment 0MSl0ll l2 - Furnishings (ltot used) DMSION l3 - Speclal Construction (i'tot Used). DMSI0ll 14 - Conveylng Systems (ttot used) DIVISIOI{ l5 - Hechanical 'l 5400 P'l umb I ng 15600 Heating DMSl0l{ '16 - Electrical 16000 ilecrrical r)tuft I 4. Alternate No. 3: Lap Soruce at a'l 'l 2' Alternate No' r: perla.clad casenent,rfndors may subs*tuted forpeila lrood casement.wr;ajtii-.i-ii[i'ir"o {n sec*on o'd00. Deductiill.lil:.btd the stainint-aij iiiijirrg of wood rtndows for thts 3. Alternate No. Z: No.suDstftuted for No. 2 ? l*9. Channel lao Redwoodlx8 Channel Lap Spruceat all Beetle Kill pine may beexterior sid{nq. 0'1300 Submitta'ls and Substitutions only where spe- these speclflca- requlred to be Owner. ;;:#*tg++"i,xl.I:::l,ilii' iJl, li;T?yl*i::.f ?t,:::.ll"ff I j';.il :li,l. : :::p.T.n:! qua r i{i -i i',..*,iii, iip'i ii'r. r..r . r, H;'3:'l,"oitr ::f":::13'.t'-::vliiii;:; :' "il:';il'i. ili.l;: l#b:I,::. oif^ :"|:.i:l 9' to- ".ioin i;;' ; ;d;' ffi=' ;#dii: : o nilfi .,."the phrase i'or equa' ---rrrr-sv .''uuJrr' ) Ldnodros ' w substi trrtion n,,,.* .lrr?cllrl-ll-t!: Contract Documents, any i;3','^::::. n':: 1.,, i j I l . q:_ ;dFtg ii".'ii!,i.i"[J'iill' a"..lf .]::, "o#'T "., .f l,l :: l;' g:: : :!iit iy ir ;:';;i; ;il. ;^:,lilnif.ipo,. r, i;:"ff:??ff"::1,,?{-j"lJ :f ..*ltete teir,nic;i ffi; ;il,'.;;"f:;:;l:ll g: lt :: I:1, I X-d,^^bJ t';;. - -d;;;--';;;": ;; i,li il, I ""ri!decision of the 0wn-ei inatt ue final. l. Shoo Drawinos - Shop.drawings will be requiredETiZaTly a;fed for'in il,. iirious iectrons ort!9ns. .lJhen required, submit' ii-ir," quantityreturned p'tus two copies to ue reiiinia uy ile 2. 3' *++++tiry..:. yrrifv prior to bidding that ar'r specrfred rtemswr r be availab're in time for insta'rtitioni;;i";';;;erty andtimely progress of the-wJrk.- i;-fi; event a specified rtem oritems will not be-avai'rabr., notiiy-tr,. '*r:i- -prior to recerptof bids' costs of deravi #.;;;;'6f non-u"rirabitty of specifredftems, vrhen such del.ays-ioriJ-[iu.-been. avorded by tie contractors,illl":. back-charsea-is niieisi.y'uic ,r,iii-nii ;; il;; by the f;:'i" Relulremerf 0'l 100 Al terna tes l. The followlng alternates shall - on the bld forn as an lnount of be shown {n the Increase over substituted for Channel approprfrte place the base bld: may be extdrlor slding. DIVISIOI{ I l":";.t Requtremfs I 01400 Testinq laboratorv services (Use only lf AIA Docunrent A-201 is not used) t'genera!- - From time to ilne durfng progress of the !ork, the owoermay require that testlng be perfoired io determine that nraterlalsprovided for-the work n6et tire speciried requirements. suchtestins shat. be done bv an rndeiuna.ni-teiiing-r.bo"ito"i-selected by the owner. 2' +rr"?!.-.The owner wiil pay for ail initial testing services;when iniilar. tests indicale-non-compr iance-wiin-the contractDocunents, the costs or-iuitr'-inittui i.rti ini"ail subsequentretesting occasioned by the non-compriance wiit be deducted bythe owner from the coniraii s*. 3' Authorrtres - Inspections and-tests requfred by codes and or-dfianFoF Uy . pii" ipp.J"ir authortty, and made by a legailyconsHtuted authority, ihail be ite '.eJi,i"ii[ri'iiy of and shailbe patd for by ttre C6itraiior. 01500 Temporary Facillties 0'1700 t. Slllggl_- P*ylgg at't utilit{es necessary for the construcHonoperati.ns. utility rines.shail be rearranged to follow the pro-sress of the work as reguired. utittties sf,iir -i;i;;; sri-rii-available, and/or requiied), *ut.", eteciriCiiy,'ini-jou t.:.-phone. The contractor shaii "rrini. for ail utilrtres to bernetered, and sharl pay a'rt coits-uiiir-acceptini.'Ji-irr. buirdingby the owner. 2' Furnish and maintain-fo.r the duration of the job arl requrredtemporary toilet buirdings-wiir,-iinita"y toirets for use of airworkmen. The facirity s[art ue iJpi ctran anJ-a"y-in-i sanitarygorlitigl acceptabre 1o the owaei- and att -tegitii lonstitutedau thori ti es . 3. C'lean-up - Material scraps and pieces sha'l'l not be a'l.lowed to*.:yl:l:-.:1 llu site.6r.wi$rin irre iuiraing. -ir;h';i;"ial shall 3'. ?:.l3rl:l:g_1,-l ..ntia r i oli Ir ;;-,ij' liipii.a"ii' .ll" j'lli,l r i I ll : ::. ll .l3yl i ll.. rlgm trre conii,.,liiili"lr i". ""dilrii."t,;"i ;;";;disposal wi'll n6t be allowed. '' iH3 s tt ft1il' :oTg 1 iffi ;.'m"l'ff"":; :;H:i lil. l,':l?lili 31.' i'coTplgtqd.' in accordance rrittt ttl-piun, and specrffcations, asig9ifl:u.by any charrge-orde;;,-;; lhat ,re ornher can-occupy anu !9ri'plgtgly use the uuitoing f6r the .runctionJ ior-"iiiit rt ,.,lntended. Further, it_fs lhe oaie-when it" uuiiarns]i"asttettceffects are furt" in ptiie, ''tt[-i.]iioril''..norui"iri pr.rrs"scleaned, and wf tir uti:rtiii ;"i -r;;;i;;;-;d;;i;iui." ir,uArchltect will be the tote-lJJg.-ior the tim of ,substanilar Completlon" and wfll lssue i .uitiiicate to that effcct. DtvrsloN I f1.5.t Requ{rerentt O,o 2. 3. Interior - Al'l hardwore and other unpainted metals shall Ue cteaniA fidElTstred and all equipment rnd palnt or decorated tork sha'll be c'l eaned and touched up, if necesstry, and all temporary labels, tags, and paper coverings removed throughout the buildlngs. Sur- faces that are waxed shal'l be polished. P'lumbing flxtures sha'll be was hed. Exterior - The exterior of the buildings, the grounds, approaches' @itffi;'t, walks, streets, etc. shall be cleanid similar to the lnteriors of the bui'ldings and left ln good order at the tim of final acceptance with paint surfaces clean and unbroken, hardware c'lean and polished, all required repalr work completed and publlc property c'leaned of a'll dlrt and debrls. 4. Glatt - Glass C'leaning: Clean all glass surfaces and mlrors of F ftt, paint materials, stains, etc., without scratching or inJuring the glass and leave the work bright, clean and polished. EIID OF OIVISION DIVIS ION 2 Si te l.lork2-1 0?200 Earthrrork 1.9]earinq-- A'll areas under building and to a point 10,0, beyondsare'.walks, and driveways to be slripped to i-pJini-be]ow iheorganic siltv crav lgploil. stock ptiL art sucl-eirti'fo" ,r.as top soll in the fihishing gradini;. Extreme-iaru'il to ueexercised in the preservati6n-of existint .onJiiions'ino nergh-boring-propertv. rhis iniiuJ"i'.ii treei,-ponai-ina oir,e.natura'l elements. 2' Excavation - The excavations for foundations shail be rarge enoughTo permrforming uour-iiJes.' -iloiiort or iir-iodiirgs'must be'level and c'learei or roose-mit."iiir. Leave ail bolioms open forinspection. No footings shar'r ue-pou"e--uriii iriiiiiea ana lqp"gy:d pr t1e .0wner. All fobttngs to uear-i'iiniru, or lf^ l:::..::arrng..strats. A'n materiats loosened or disturbed byrne excavatlon process to be removed from beneath foundatlon ariasprior to pouring concrete. Dewater as necessary with drainagetile or pumplng. .?. !ill and Backfi'll A. Backfill materiars at up-slope foundatron and retained war.rsshall be granular material wittr stonej no ii"q"" than 6,,in diameter. salvaged granurar *ie"iai-r.or-In. foundailonexcavations may be used-for this purpose, lf piocessed toremove the stones larger that 6,,.' Granu'lar backfill behind foundation wa'lls shalr be lighilycompacted to between 651 and 7.5r of rerative dry aensity ?orcohesionless free draining soils. o"er-iorpaciion will beavoi ded. Eackfi'll in uti'rity trenches and locations other than behindfoundation or retalning wails may consist oi ion on fi'r'lmaterial compacted to gzr of sta-ndard proctor-density andwithin 2I of optimum moisture content as per ASTH 0_69g. B' Do not proceed with backfi'iling untir ,wails are adequateryshored or braced: prepare groind surfaie io-receirJ-iiii'uyremovlng vegetation, debrisl frozen materla.t or other un-satisfactory material. Scaiify as required so ttat fittmaterial will bond with existiqs surrice. prace fiil materia'tsin layers not more than g" tn'r6oie-;;tah, compicting eiir, '- - layer to 951 maximum density. Do not itaie maierlals onsurfaces that are muddy, frozen, or thit contarn rce oi frost. 4' 9rading - The corltractor sha'il provide all rough grades and flnrshgrades as shovrn. .Ail ditcnes aia-iuts are to be eradicated. Theslope awav from the brii;i;;; ir,iri'be noi iesi-t[i"-i to r0. Fnr,as required to bring the aria up-io riniitr giii.,";;v be cornrpn fiilplaced as specified-above. -nemSve-ail excess materlals from the slte. 0lvIsr0N 2 5i te l.lork ?'- 2 1. 5. Rock Excavation - All excavation requrred in connectfon rrthconstruetlon under this contract ls'presunnd to be connnn excava-tion' i.e. earth and other materials'that can be renpved withordinary power driven machinery avai'lable ln the vall area. lfrock is encountered within the limlts of the excavatlon, as cal'led Io" g! the plans and in the specificafions, the contractdr shallirmediately stop.work.and notify the Olner,-andshall not proceed further unti'l agr-eernent ls reached and meaiure-ments nade for the purpose of estiblishlng the volume of rockrequired to be excavated and the cost of iuch exia"alton. Rockis defined as any stone, concrete, boulder, or cementitlousnaterial- greater than one cubfc yird ln voiume that cannot beremoved_by-power equipment without the use of contlnuous ariilingand exploslves. 6.Foot!nq Drain - At portfon of bulldinq Derlneter shou l1qyingr, lnstall polyvlnyl chlortde (pVC) aratn tile f bullding perlneter shown on thechlorlde {pYC) araln tlle pltching sarneto outfa'll. Drain.tf.le tg be manufactured by AdvaniedSystems (or approved equal), mesh ioverea. 4n'or 5i ---equal), mesh c6vered, Jolnts to be butted-together wlth 15f felt wlred over the top Joint.surround sane with 3/4'gravel bed 4' thick and covir with minirnum - 2'0" gravel , 3/4"D. . The last l0'0" of length at the outfall sha'll be cast iron with theend of same set in concrete spillway 18" wlde,36" long,4n thick. 7. 0isposal - Rerpve excess excavated materlal , trash, debrls andwaste materia'l from the site. 02600 Pavinq and Surfacinq Lreparation - Coordinate the preparation oftn necessary cuttlng, fllling, tompactlng Proctor density of the iubgrade. 2. Aspha'lt Concrete - The Contractor l'l10 ft. Dra i nage diameter. r nsEa I I po tyvl nylto outfa'll . Drain mlxed, asphalt concrete mat, tr,DAspha'lt concrete mixture shal't the subgrade Includlngto insure a 92I standaid l'lhere fi'll.is_required to bring the grade to fts proper elevatlon,rurnrsn and ptace crushed rock base 6" thlck conslsting of roadbase materials compacted to.95t. standard proctor densl[y. At a tlrne, approxirntely 24 hours prior to the laying of asphaltconcrete, the contractor.shall apply to the entlrl aiea to be pavedMC-t liquid asphalt primlng mateiiai at a rate of not less thair0.3-gallons per square yard. This prim coat shall be applleduniformly and on]y when the Base coirrse surface ls dry oi-'sllght'ly damp. shall place a hot laid, plant inches compacted thlcknesi. be prepared wlth the followingspecified materials: A. llineral Aggregate: shall consist of. crushed rock composed of hard DIVISIO}t 2 Si te l{ork2-3 durable fragments, having lncorporated in lt, llnestone dust,iron oxlde, or other blnding materlal ln such proportlons thatthe whole wi'l'l be a homogeneous mixture. It siiali be well graded from coarse to fine. ' B. Asphalt Cernent sha'l't conforn to the requlrerents of the Colorado. Departrnent of Highways Speciflcation lgZl and conslst ofpenetration grade g5-100. ENO OF DIVISION . OIVISION 3 Concrete3-l 03?00 Concrete Relnforclnq 2. Executfon -ffioffidtnbe securely otherui se ) : 03300 Cast-:In-Pldce Concrite 3.'Execution l. Products - Relnforcing bars shall be new bl'[et steel A.s.T.H.I-fiiSlfrade 40,-miniilum yeild iireigilr of 40,000 psr. l{e'rdedwire fabrlc shall be in alcordance with A.S.T:H. A igs. All reinforclng bars shall be detalled, bo.tstered andaccordance wlth ACI 315. All relnforiing bars shallanchored to the forrns and spaced as folrois (unreir'not.a A. For concrete not.exposed gifqlly to the ground or weather,3/4' In slabs and walls, I llz" in columni inJ-u.irrl- B. For concrete exposed. to the ground or weither, 2,, rn walls andcolurnns, 3' above ttr'e uotton-oi-iootrnli: -'' - "' "i :Provide corner bars ts rnatch ill horizontal reinforcfnq In cast-in place walls. provide-not ress u'an-2 ti ;;ilil'iii''r.ia., of ailopenlngs tn con*ete walls,_aird extend z,b; p;;i ad;;; ;;'openings.Provide lap spllces as toilows: lS = ZO", i4-= i;i:- -' l. General -. concre.te has been designed and shal't be constructed inTffiFlEnce with "The nmeriian-coilrete rnitiiute-guiiiing coae"ACI_318-71, and'!Rggificat{ons for Structurat Conireie forBuildings" AcI 301-72. De'rete Section i:j-;'intp.fii;;;" of ACI318-71; comply with arl appilcabre provisions eiiept-ii othensisenoted. 2. Products - concrete sh.i.'ll have a minimum compression strength ofX00ll-pst in 28 days. A. Finishes ; Interior_sl.abs sha'[ have an lntegral monolithicfin{sh. Exterior srabs shall receive a "brJdm-finistr". Allconcrete walls exposed to view shall recel"e J rrir"o flnlsh. B. lnterior slabs exposed to view includrng garage shar'r receivetwo coat surfact hardener consisHng of-ilistei-griia.", Sanlseal.|90' or equal -approved in.advance uj. irre- ilhii;;i, 'appr ieJ'ii-the rate of 311.1.00 s. f. (both coati). -lppii'i..o.oing tomanufacturers di rectlons. DIYISIONENO OF OIVISION 5 lletals5-l 05100 Structural Stee'l l. Genera'l A. Furnlsh and erect in place all structura'l stee'|, columns,lintels, beams, plates,.angles, channels, anchois bolts, ilmberconnections,.and.all wel.ding and bo]ting shovm on the diawings.Dq1i9n' fa,brication, and eriction shal'l-conform to the 'ratesi edition of "The Anerican Institute of Steel consiruction(A.I.s.C.) Specifications and Code of Standard i"iit.i.u". B. Eefore fabricating anywork, submit shop drawings in accordancewi th Section 01300 to- the Owner for' approvii. 2. 'Priducts A. Structura'l steel shapes and plates shall confonn wlth A.s.T.H. A 36; B. Bolts shall be A 307; C. Pipe Columns shall be A.S.T.H. A 53, type E or S; 0. l,le'lding shall performed with E 60 XX electrodes. E. Provlde a shop coat of zinc chromatlc prfmer on a'll structural steel. 3. Elec0tion - structural stee'l shall be set true to the elevation andali-onment shown on the drawings. Bases, bearing plates and ends ofbearns which require grouting inail ue treta at tfie'pioper level bymeans of steel wedges. Grind welds srpoth and fluih ind rield apilya coat of zinc chromatic primer over grlnd spots. 05500 Hi scel I aneous Meta'l l. General - Furnish and install all stee'l pipe rallings and any otheriliJEETTaneous nretat iauiiiiiioni's[orn oh [r,e aru*iigt. Eeforefabrication, subm'it shop drawings in accordance wlth'section 01300to the 0wner for apiroval. - 2. Prqductl - A1l steel tubing and pipe sha'll beano conform to A.S.T.l,t. A S0l; plate shall be A 307. Shop prime with zinc itri.omate. 3. Eiecutlon - Fabricate'ltems to dlmenslons shown on the drawlngs, wlth3i6ofh--E-ends and weidea-joints ground srpoth. Insofar as posii6te,shop pre-fabrfcate all ilems cofrpldte and ready for Instaliailon.Coordinate anchorage and instaltition with other trades as necessary. EIIO OF DIYISION new, free from rust, A 36; bolts shall be 0tl,tstoN 6llood and Plastlcs 6-t 06100 Carpentw c. D. F' F, G. l. c'eneral - Deslgn and construcilon of rll nood franrlng shallFiili'ccordanie vt th the .trrHonai D.iie;-it"ii iicatronfor stress Grade Lumber and fts Frstenlnfs' ind the .Hanual of House Framlng' by the ltational Forcst-products Assoclailon,lncluding nalllng, ilrestopplng, lnchoragc, friming inJ. braclng.Z. Products A. ttoq{ Jq{lts and Headers: Douglas Flr lZ and better rherelnolcated on Drarings, Fb-1450 pSI, slngle member use, S4S.19% maximum moi sture-c6ntent. B.l.lood S tuds : Hem Fi r/l{es tern Heml ock f ZF6:TI50-FI, stngle member Jse, iii, rgrmolsEure content. Stair Strfnqers: Hem Flr, IZ, ?x12, Smothsawn. Stalr Treads: Hen Fir, iZ, 2xl0,Snooth Sawn. Dgck and Landinqs: Hen Fir, IZ, 2xg, Rough Sann. Plravood Subfloor: - Structural .II, C-0, interior gluedM[,-gtTrTmato tndex. Plyuood loof Deck: StructuralVE-' -& e-M-rniex.II, A-C, exterior glugd, Exteri or Pl.wvood !{all shegthinq: structural lt, C-c, exteriorffiExterfor Sidinq: lx8 Channe'l.Lap Spruce Sldlng (Rough g3qgexpSGdTTffi;de. ffi structural II, c-c, ctterlor and better, maxlnurn L. J. K. H. I: tqlqrfor Trlm: lx3 i:ffi*##n li1,lt:n[ *.Jf rT;iT -,J"1 Prcshaped Ffr, K0, paint Plaln sawn Red Oak ylth g.J}o"X"rngr. ) Grrde. eased cdges.M.lnterlor Handrafls: DMSIoil llood and 6-2 6 Pl as ti cs N. Bolts: A.S.T.M. A 307. 0. Rouqh Hardware: Simpson or Teco (or approved equal) Pn Adhesive: Goodrich p1400 Construction adhesive. 3. Execution o A. 8. E. F. c. D. Provide sufflcient skilled workmen and supervisors whoshall be prbsent at all times during execirtion of thiswork, and who sha'l't be thoroughly fami)ar with the typeof construction invo'lved and ihe-materials and techn-lquesspecified. ln the acceptance or reJectlon of this work,no allowance will be made for lack of still on the partof workmen. Provide temporary constructlon and she'lters as requlredby tfe progress of the work. Construct scaffolding asrequired by the various trades for access to andcontlnuatlon of the work; and maintain al'l temporaryconstruction in safe condition per standards of ths0ccupational Safety and Health Administrailon. Use hot-dipped galvanized nalls at a'll exterlor 'locations. Ori'll holes for bo'lts l/16 fnch larger In diameter thanthe bolts being used; for lag scre'.vi and wood screws,pre-bore holes the same diameter as the root of thethread, then enlarge hole to shank diameter for lengthof shank. Screw, do not drive, all 1ag screws and iood screws. Install all doors, windows, and finish hardware specifiedin Division 8 true, plumb, and in smooth operatin!condition. Install all items in strict actordanci rlthall. pertinent codes, regu'l ations, approved shop drawings and manufacturer's recormendations ibr long liie under-hard use. Install all misce'llaneous ltems, such as handrafls, Instrict accordance r.rith the drawings. Coordinate withother trades to-provide blocking or backlng whererequlreo ln a timely manner. Sandpaper all finished wood surfaces throughout asrequired-to produce a uniform'ly smooth suriace, alnayssanding in the direction of thb graln; no coarse grained sandpaper mark, hanrner mark, or other lmperfectlon wlllbe accepted on flnished rrood surfaces. G. DMSl0t{ 6 llood and Plastics- 6-3 o 06400 Archl tectural Hoodwork 1. General - Archltectural woodwort and vanlties shall be E6nilFilcted as shovn on the drawlngs and ln accordance with Arch{tectural Hoodwork Instltute Econorny Grade Standards; Plastic lanlnate installation shal'l conforo to Archltectural lJoodwork Instltute Custorn Grade Standards.2. Products A. Xitchen Cqbtletl: Shall conform to the requlrementsoffin-mO, of the Quallty Standards Iilustrated a.dopted by the AI.II. Products shall be as manufactured bv"lrles tern wood Products. " Styl e shar I be Overton -ano-ioi'or shall be natural Oak. (or eqtial as approvea Uy OrnJ".l-- - B. Vanities: .Same as kitchen cablnets. C. Drawer S'lides: KV 1100, 50'lb. capacfty (or approved equal). D. Pivot Hinqes: Stanley 331 or 332 (or approved equal). E. Pul 'l s: Stanl ey 4483 (or approved .equal ) . F. Maqnetic Catches: Stanley 46 (or approved equal). G. Counter Topsz 3/4" Grade A-C exterlor rotary cut DouglasFTfeluofi or 3/4" exterior grade particle'board. H. Laminated Plastic: Shall be as manufactured by Fortaica,Fe-fffigfioffiliTcarta, Textolite, or approved equal. Suede finish. Color and patterns to be selected by the Orner. 3. Execution - Take all necessary measures in the fie'ld toEffiF-['roper dimensions for tablnets and counter tops. Insta'l I all cablnet and counter tops square, plumb, level , and firrnly anchored for long 'life under hard use. In the event of darnage, irmediately make all repairs and replace- ments necessary to the approval of the 0wner at no additiona'l cost to the O,rner. EIID OF OIVISIOII ?ilH:?t.lo lbr s turtrotecti on 7 -1 07.l00 I'laterproof i nq 2. Execution 07200 Insulation l. Products - All below-grade wall waterproofing shal'l be cold-process6TTiT6'i': F'lintkote isphalt primer ZiO-ot, Emulslon Coiting'ZOO-o:(and-yellow Jacket gtasi faUric if hydrostitic pressure exiits), orequal approved in advance by the Ownlr. A. Provide waterproofing at all foundation walls below grade (and where earth berming occurs against the buildlng). Indicatefinal grade line on outslde face of building piior to applicationof waterproofing. B. Insta'll waterproofing in strict accordance wlth the manufacturersrecorrnendations, covering a!l surfaces where waterproofing wlll berequired-to prevent penetration of mo{sture through the biildingshell. Insta'll required f" lnsulation board as piotective coveilngover the waterproofing to prevent damage during backfi'l'l operatloni. I . General - A1l bui'lding and roof insulation and deslgn ,,Rn va'lues ToF-vaFious 'locations-shall be as fol'tows: - Exte-rior l'lalls of-heated -spaces:6" thlck in 2x6 studwal'ls, R-19,Kraft faced buiiding .insulition as manufactured by orreni-c6rntnt'or !._ll.llg:^:"91 !9at9o spaces.: 10,, thtck, R-30, rra?t iiiea buildinirnsuratr0n as manufactured by orens-corning or approved equal. - F'loors over unheated space: lame as cellinls. Exterior llalls of unheated space: No lnsulation. Ceilings over unheated spaces: l{o lnsulatlon. apPr0v( equ; 2. .004 mil "vlsqueen" polyvapor barrler at al'l exterlor franre walls. DIYISION 7.Therrnal and I'tolsture Otectlon7-2 07300 I'lood Shi nql es l. General - A]l material and lnstallafion shal't confonn with the re-Emm-end'ations of the Red cedar strtngri anJ-H;il;;iii"'siore Bureau. 2. Products --:- Hoodshlnglesshail be "certi-split Red cedar No. I Handspllt andResawn, 24 lnches long with 'l\ Inch exposure. 3. [xecution - lnsta]l shingles over #1S feit with twogalvanlzEd nalls.at,each-shing'le. OouUie shingles ai-..r.s.Provide ridqe shingles. 07600 Flashlnq and Sheet Metal l. Geneial - Flashl-ng shall comp'ry wfth ail pertinerit iodes and re-liTlTio-ns. Profiles and proleiurei shal't' ioirJ, "eionrrendattonsof the "Archltectura'l sheet Metal Hanual' of the street uetal anaAirconditionlng Contractors NaHona'l Assoclation, i;4. 2. Products A. Hetal sha'll be hot-dipped ga'lvanized lron, 24 Qauqe. Rivltssha'l'l be soft iron with nuit-reststive coittndi niiis shall begalvanized, and screws and washers shall ue iidmiur'ptat.a. 3. txqcullon - For{, arl sheet rctal accuiately.to thE dlmenslons and. shapes required, finishlng all rrplded ind bniken surface3' t{ith.true'. sharp,. and stra{ght llne and anglei, dhd, where fnter-ceptfng other member., coping to an accurati rti riiro'sotJerrng--securely. Unless- othenrise-speclfica'l ly pe.riiteA-Uv-$,.Architect, turn alr exposed eiges back k':- Fii-dird-instail to ailowadequate expansion and' contraclion rn thi-fini;haa-riii. DIVISION ? . Thermal and Moisture Protection7-3 07900 Caul klno 1. Genera'l - Al'l cau'l king materi al s shal I bepFiiiFless, non-sagglng type, gun Erade,surfaces as closely as posstble utiltzlng 2. Products - Products shal'l be etther: single conponents, co'lor to match adJacent standard colors. to confonn wtth Interlm FederalI, such as DAP Butyl-Flex. A. B.conform wlth Federa'l Spec'tftcation Corning 790 or C.E. Si'llcone Sea'lant 3. EXecuttdn_- Support sealant from back wlth backing or Jolntffiler compatable with sealant hetng used. Apply-sealant wlth gun nozzle of proper stze to ftt Jotnt being sealed, taktng care to produce beads of proper widlh and depth; lnnediately removeall surplus natental. END OF DIVtrSION DTVISIOII 8 Doors and lflndows8-'t 08200 l{ood Doors 08600 lJood hindows 08700 Finish Hardvrare l. 2. cengrlr - llood door constructlon shall comply with National lJoodworkliffi?a?turers Association inJuitri"iiincr"a l-73, and ail wooddoors shall carry the NIIMA one-yeir guarantee. Produc ts llood Doonsshall be nanufactured by u.. s. plprood, lleyerhaeuser,or equal approved in advance by the 0rner. solid core doors sharl be I 3/4" thlck, stave or block core, FT3, R t{ r { :io'fi 13 )oli :', Eli; TIfo,J on, -iu.. to be : c. Ho]'low core doors sha'l.l be I 3/8" thick, manufacturerrs standardlgllow gore, three p1y frge co'nstruitio;, i;;-6-6;; - Plain sl iced Red 0ak,-stain giad-C I r'\'s L, r,,s' A. B. l. Qenera't - sizes,-types, arid operailon of wlndows are shown on the $.!"r ltl t i. iffi $' ri yfi'co I o ra do . . E q u a r o'.o'LiltJ, t? Afi. r,'Jn",tx'"* i o llarvln wlII be acceptable subsHtutds privla"J-ir,"!, r'eel' wrth therequirements of the deslgn. l. General - Finish hardware wlll be bid at a later datc.tf-TI;000.00 _ is estabitstreA-for the furnlshlnq of ha rTwaElllo F-If,'E-ba s e b i d a na s r,a i i' u"'iri ii,jil "i ii' tii An a'l I owance flnlsh contract. OIVISION 8Doors and l'llndows8-? The difference between actua'l cost of flnish hardware and a1'lowancewlll be adJusted, either as an addltlon to or. deductlon from the anrount of the Genera'l Contract. AdJustnnnt nlll be made at the time the hardware bid is accepted or at the tim of substantial comp'letlon. \ 2. Products - Finish hardware to lnclude, but not limited to al't: fa-stenerc, hinges, locks, and latchesi door closers, door stops and hoJders, kickplates, door mutes, thresholds and other miscel'laneous required hardware, al'l with necessary fasteners. l'lanufacturers and styles wi'll be approved by the Otner. . Finlsh of all hardware shall match the finlsh of the locksets. Special care shall be taken to coordlnate all the various manu- factured items furnished on this work, to ensure an acceptab'le uniform finish. 3. Execution - Furnish ternpiates to fabricator of doors and franesFeCulred for preparation. to receive hardware. Return to theproject one month after 0wner's occupancy, and adjust al'l hardware as required for proper operation and function. 08800 Gl asS iind G'lazi nq 'l . Genera't - Al I ql ass shal I bearshall conform in all respects Federa'l Specification D0-G-45'lc free with al'l distortion shown 2. Glazinq SchedUle: A1'l l,lood llindows - 5/8" insulatlng glass, tempered where required by law. Mirrors - 1/4" plate glass wi'th ground edges. the 'l abel of its manufacturer and with the pertlnent requirernents of and shall be relatlvely distortlon- in the horlzontal direction. END OF DIVISION 0lylstoil 9 Flnlshes9-1 09250 Gypsurn Drival I 3. Executfon l. Genera'l - All ovpsum dryrrall products'shall be the product of oneiliTf-a c turer. 5ii i e,is ui sea o[' iiJj,iiti''ti' u.'s. "iyiri_ ; o u,..manufacturers rnay be accepted with wrftt-ei app.ovai.oi ir,u-onn.r,prtor to de'llvery of natei.lali to tte loU si[6. ?. Prod0cis A' Gypsum l{allboard: pinels.shail be f thfck, tapered edges, nith ]gngths rs lons as pracficat to mtitmfie l,ii.tl.'-iaiirs atpartv walls and at la'ils and ce{ilngs sepi"aiini girige rromdwelllng areas sha'tl.be.5/g' thfck,-type' x,.tapiriJ .jg.r, wrthrensths as tons as piactttat to mirirnii. j;riii.'-- '- B. Eathroom D6'nall: Sheetrock l|/R Gypsum panels. C. Fasteners and Joint System: as per manufacturers recormendatlons. A. verify-that mrk of o-ther trades rs com'prete to the pornt vheredrrylll may be instailed In acio"aince irriri-tii j"igii.r desrsn,pertl nent codes and. regul otf ons, ana -ranrii.iur.ii i'iecornendat{ onsar. approved by the Arc[ltcct. B' Proceed rith mechanrcs srJiled In thrs trade. uhen cutilng by :g9f1ng-ln{ brerklng, rcrf fror-Ihi face stdc. AI cut_outs fororpes' ffxtures. sritches, etc., ihaii-b.-;il uy'i.ring or suchother mcthod rs-rilt not-iriiirie-lho corc or teir thc coverrng,and vlth such accuracy that piriis] rccutchconr or trro vilr covertbc edges. DIVIs]ON Fl ni shes9-2 o l'lhere cei'lings are indicated on drawings, install celllng priorto lnstalling the walls. The drawings do not purport to show all locailons of netal trimrequired; however, contractor is specificaily reremec-io lnter.iortreatment of window openfngs as pei. industry-standarJJ.-- control heating and ienilrating during finishing operations tolnsure maintainance of 55o F. nrlnimum-temperatuie.' U;;'it,"""coats of finishing compound, sandfng llghily between-eictr'coat. Texture will be spray applied knock-down ffnish. . Samples shall be prepared and approval of Owner receivedbefore proceeding. wi th appl tcatibn. G. Remove accumulati.ons of sciaps and debris daily, and .leave premises neat and order.ty upbn completion. - 09300 Ceramic'Tile l. Genera] .- Ajr_ti're.work, both initailation methods and materia'lstandards sha'll conform to the i'1g76 Handbook oi ceiimic TileInstallation" of,the Tile council of Americi, inc.,'ino nnsl l37r.l. 2. Products A. ceramic wa] r tiles sha'l I be "Arnrican Olean ceramic Hosarc,,,4"x4" modular; or equal; color-io be selected bv O,rner.8. ceramic base sha'il be constructea oi *;ri;;iu;1er-,'i standardtrim pieces for thin-set'cove base, to match wair tire incolor and size. C. Quarry Tile sha'll be as approved by 0wner. D. 0rganic Adhesive: Atfst A-.|36.1, type I. E. l,lortar: .Portland Cenent, ANSI A-l0g.l, Z, and 3. F. Grout: Sand-portland Cernent. 3. Executlo; A. f:l ngll li]g:j gge TcA nrethod Vtzz3-76. For froor tiles useILA method Fl4l-76 of Fl4Z_16 as applicable. B. Clean tile per TCA recomnendations and manufacturerrs lnstruc-tions. Applv heavv r"ait-piper-J" o*,u"-iiuiri-p"ii.It.iu.covering to prevent surfaci damage. c. D. E. r. Dlytsrofl 9 Fi ni shes9- 3 09650 Resilient F'loorino l. Products A. Vinyl Asbestos Not Used. Floor Tiles shall be the fol I ori ng : B. Viny'l Sheet Flooring shall by Armstrong or GAF and of be the following: As manufacturedstyle and color as approved by Orner. c. Resirient gasg.shail be 2 r/2,'topset cove either rubber orvinvr, and shalr.gg *,g proiuct-oi on.-rinr;;;'dil";: Manufac-turer sha'r be-either K.;iii;;" su"k",-I;iii'Ji'lli""t"o uythe 0wner .rrom manuii;i;;";; standard colors. providepremolded inside and.outsiJe'ioin""t for a, corners. Jobmttering of corner will noi-bi-iermitted: z' Frecullon - ll.ttu]r ail.rlsi'rient.frooring and base in strictaccordance with manufacturers r"io#enaations. Insta.rration offloorins shail rmpry-i;;i;ffi.;'oi"ir,. substrare. crean froorsand base arter instiratiin,'ina-ippri ;;;i;;ii;; .;;i;e, in accor_dance with flooring manuriiiureis-if,structions. Rernove a, excessadhesive from adjacent surfacei. 09680'Ciirpeting 09900 Pdtntinq l:'Gengral - An ar'owance of llo.oo /yard.rs estabtshed for pro-vrsion and rnstatation'of-E;;FET?ni piu ir,iri-on'ii.'o"uwinss forthe base bid. The aiiieren;;'r;;;;r ictual-cosi"oi"iarpetrns andallowance wlll be-adjrrt"J,-if[ii"'i, un addltion or deducilonfrom the amount or ttre-eendrii'dintiu.t. l. 'General. ' A' The work under thfi section tncrudes ail nraterfair, ,.00,. equipment,and services. necessary to providing and app]ying jil patnts,varnishes, cdatings or"oit'eF' i.iituo materiars sieciffcarycalled for ln the-speci.iiliifini'o" on the Drawlngs. DIYISION 9 Flnishes9-4 2. Products - Unless othenvlse specified or specially apDrovedmfrIEet in wrrri;t, -ii;;-;.i;i;';il-"Jiti[gl'"1.i il"ir,i,are to be these nanufacturlrs: a. Pittsbursh paints b. Kelly ltoore by the project c. Devoe d. Komac e. 0lymplc Stainsf. Cuprinol Stains 3. Execution A. Al1 materiars_must be deiivered to the buirding rn originalcans with seals unbroken.and the 'label attaitrei.--nll iarnistresmust be used just as.they come from cte rrpnuiiiiurlr without anyreductlon or alteration.- B. Alr work must, be perfectly dry before app'rying frnrshing materia'ts.All metal work muit.be sci.apei ana-ii.i[ii"ini iii'arrt-and s"eiseshall be removed- .{1r the iooawort< sr,iri-ui irioihed and sano-papered and ail knots or:gppy p'ra,geq fi'[eJ niir, a pure graina'lcohol sheilac.. No paintih3'oF i'inisr,i;;;-ti;;ii [e done rn wetor freezing weather. . c. l]l exposed nai't hores shail be cqrqly]]y puttied after priming,then sanded smooth. putty or wood fil'te'r huii-riitcr, coloi. offinish where c'lear.coat ii specified. ' D. flna'l coat of.paint or coating must have vlsual evrdence of so] idhiding and_uniiorm appearancel There shal.l be no-visableevidence of "yl.t., sagi, 9r- other evidence of poo" ippii.ition.A:ll coats stra!l;69 tfioiougrriv ;;y-;;;;;;-.poriiii iLcceeaine coats.Make edge of palnt or coalini idjoinrns-oi[[r"miieiiats or co]orssharp and clean_with no ove"iapping. Eactr ioat-oi-c'rear finishshall be.slightly sanded and wiied-free of auii uerore app'ryingnext coat. 4. Schedule of Pdinting (As per 0wner) A. Exterlor trlm, . Fascias, lloodwork - Siding, soffits, cornerr door and window ' wlndow casements and handralls. B. Exterlor Galvanized lletal -I coat G. I. primer recormended by frnish coat manufacturer2 coats exterior alkyd to match eite"io" ,iJing. C. Exterior Ferrous MetalsI coat primer recorrnended by manufacturerI coat flat alkyd to match exterior siding. 0. Exterior-Concrete - Clean off all exposed burrs, apply rubbedcemnt finish, no palntlng requlreJ. 0lytsIoil 9 Flnishes9-5 lJindow Sash bxterior siding. , Exceptlons: Interiors of.cabinets sealer only. ENO OF DIVISIOII Inside & Out - K. Interior Concrete -Exposed rubbed flnlsh - no palnt. Kitchen, Laundry priner and 2 coats Stain to match closely enc'losed by doors requlre 2 coats E. lnterlor Gypsurn Board -l. Gypsum Hallboard (walls and cefllng, generally)I coat of prirner'l coat flnish ( Latex flat) 2. Gypsum Hallboard in Bath Roons.'l coat primer sealerI coat semi-gloss Late:( enanel Painted Casework -I coat primer 2 coats finish, semi-gloss Latex enamel Interior Trim and at Doors - palnt with I coatfinish, semi-gloss Latex enanel. F. G. H. I. Interlor Hetal , Ferrous -I coat prirner for metal2 coats finish, semf-gloss Exposed Lamlnated Beams t Celllng DeckI coat ollI coat sealer . : J. DIYISION 1O Specf al tl esl0-l 'l' Geng.Gl- - All woodburning stoves sha' be as approved by 'wner. ItoJg.., stra'll conFory iq I.C.g.O. requirementsItd !r.!.'standards. nn iiuei-;;;ii ie ctass "Ansteel Inner section, aturiniiea-g;iv.irr"a secondga)vanized outer section. All units sha.ll be setmanufacturers insta,t taiion i'iitriiiii".!. and meet U.B.C. wi th stal n'lesssection, and according to 10800 Bath and foi'let Accessories t' eeneral - Furnish and instarr the fo'ilowing bath accessoriesas approved by Owner. A. S.oap dish and grah bar at shower/tub B. Sliding glass tub enclosure at shower/tubs C. Toi'let paper holder at all toi.lets. D. Towe'l bars - 2 each at full bathsI each at half baths E. Medicine cabinet as approved by 0wner at all ful.l baths.(seg drawings-_for toci[ioni-us"e ltutone Moder No. 100s.BR/1008 sMat Bath No. -gOZ. F. Toothbrush holder at fu]l baths. 8il0 0F D IVIS ION DIVISION 1I Equf pment'll-t 11900 Resldentia'l Kltchen, Equ.iDrirgnt 1. General - Furnrsh and instail the_foilowrng krtchen appilancesor equtl by G.8., Tappan, ltesttnghous;,' "'' uotors as approved by 0wner. A. Oven/Microwave 0ven -_Tappan l,rodel r1-416g and moder 56-4gggwlth trim kit No. 82-5602'. B. Cooktop - Jenn-air 2400 series Model ggggl C. Dishwasher - KitchenAid Imperial KDI_174 D. Refrigerator - Sub-Zero l,lodel 361 RFD E. Disposal - KitchenAid Imperlal Model F. Ice-Maker - Scotsman t4ode'l AC10MS-1 or |,Jhirlpool ltodel GCS-SOAE Equipment as Rental Unit: A. Range/Oven - G.E. fbde] JBS 26V 8. Range Hood - c.E. Model JV330 C. 0lshwasher - KitchenAid Imperlal KDI_17A D. Refrigerator - G.E. lbde'l TBF_16Alf E. Disposal - KitchenAid Imperlal lihdel 11950 Bath!oom Exhaust Fans Provide ceiring, type exhaust.fans as lndicated on the drawings. Fansshan be rurniihea'with backdriii aarpei irJ-ui"J i.i..nr. Fans sha.|l .be_centrifugal brower or propeiler tyie. -unrti ir,iii-1. TradewindV0T-90, or equal by Carnei, book, sr6in, o;"N;i";;:" ' END OF DIVISION OIVISION I5 Hechani calls - I 15400 P'lumbi nq l. General A. Provide.all materiars, rabor and rncidentars to rnstarl acomp'tete p'rumbins svsiem-ierving uii';il;;;;, ]-ouuets, drarnsand water heateri ai fndrcatea 6n-tte'i;;;i;;; inczo" herein.spec i fl ed . lll-work-shall be-executed and rnspected rn accordance rith theuniforgr p'tumbins code, pubril-utiiiii;;; ;I.t;-ind rocar coaesand resurations-apprtiabte tJ ine tralei aiieit.J. 8' This subcontractor. shail consul.t wfth roca]. uHrity companresand asencres ahd shail extend aJreiiic'i;i;";-;;; and sanitarysewer services to .the building as requf r"a. 'sE""r.e shar.r beinstal'led ln. strict accorainlE wtttr -iJiei-ina'iequrations of thesetocal.companies and.asencie;:- iilir;;'i; ;;;.'iia ar fees forpermits and connections relaied to this ,0"[.- -" c..visit the premises so as to ascertain the existing conditionsbefore bidiling. llo extrai-wiii-t.-iirJri"a-ar"'iottact orknow'ledge of these .condi tions. D' Guarantee all materiars, workmanshipr-the successful operation9t a] ! equipment. ana_apiaritui-i"itlirei-r""-i-i..iod of oneyear-from the-date of iina'r acceptance of the-eiiire uorr.Repair or reorace..1,y nari"oi-iit. apparatus which shows anydefect durinf that timl. 2. Products A. Interior Soil, Waste and Vint piping: t. llly: grade - galvanized steel plpe with sa.lvanlzeU nalleableI:llt:9: or.service weisht cast-lion soil-pipe and ftttinss,-DeIt.and spigot_type wi[h lead Jotnts,-owV-i6pp., ptpe anj 'fittings with so-ib sordered-joints or on'truu'list iron.P-l as il d waste sys tlns-.iii- fi-rruo .rn, r I eu of . the, above atcontractor's opiion p"oriaeJ ipp-rir'iil.iia"ty,il.urbul lding departnent. r - ' ---- -. 2. Below grade.- servlce yg:igl,t cast.lr^on soll plpe and fltilngs,bell and spigot type wfth-l.uJ-Jotnts. --" i 8' Exterior soil and [aste prping: standard weight vrtrrfred c.raypi pe and fi tting wr th. hot pori.a ui iuriiitc-jii,iti'uni.r, othenvrsei ndi cated on th6 arawi n!i. --x"inurr iir-tyii.i-jJi.tl..i.. acceptabt e. C. Hater Plping: 1. {fove Srade - type nH', copperfittins and 501-tin - SOi-ieaa wfth wrought copper sweat solder Jolnts. 0Ivtst0l{ 15 l€chani cal ls - 2 2. Be'low grade --(2t" and sqallqr) - tye",,K, copper w{th wroughtcopper sweat fittings and 95t tin, Ei antimoni. ' D. Gas Plping: l. 4fgyg grade - standard weight brack iron wrth rnaileabre ironfi tti ngs. 2. 8e'low.grade'- standard weight black iron with a,tl .Buried gas lines sha'[ be ir"""a-ina wrapped wiirrMining and l4anufacturing co.,'Scotih*.apri-i.piJj Domestic- llater Heater: 55 gal.gas;fired as approved by Owner. Joints welded. Minnesotal'. E. F.Plumbfng FixturesEljer oF equal as ll9-f.!^t_,tl.n9s^: Koh I er. Ame rt can S tandard,approved bJ oWner. 3. Execution A. The architectural drawings indlcate the genera'l desiqn andarrangement of the buildlng and the locai.lon of requiredplumbing flxtures. Adapt ionstrucilon rori t; a;tJ;i frerdconditions as necessary. Entire system must iti-wi[ttn ttespace provided as shown on the architectural arawtnji. Any. furring-or plpes or rnechanical ltelns sha'll be coordlnatedwith the prime coirtractor so as to be r;ci;ili i; i;;'brd andsuDsequent contract. The sane shblr apply to chases or actualroom space requirements or access for inLciranrcal-equtpment orI terns. B. All work shal'l be installed iir a workrnanlike manner to the bestaccepted standards of the trade. If, during inii.itio" by thetungf f s representat{ve, work is roJni io'b;'r;;;iil;i[t" inquality of instailation or defective tn-rinuiiiiu"l,-$,. ,ur.shall be removed and reinstalred-in a satisraiiory-ianne" at theexpense of the Contractor. DIVISION 15 Hechani cal ls - 3 C. Do a'll requlred excavatlon for layfng of water lines, soil and waste lines, dralnage and other plping underground. Piplng or condult will rest on bottom of trenches. Eackflll ln layers wlth the earth wel'l conpacted. Backflillng slrall be carefully done so as not to disturb piping. D. Soll l.laste and Vent Syitem: Haie soll and waste connections toall drains and fixtures. The plumbing contractor shall run4" soil from the foot of each group of fixtures containing waterclosets. Al'l fixtures shall be connected full size to 'lines. Soil and waste piping shall be graded'to discharge by gravity(to existing sewer). Ful'l size brass c'leanout plugs sha'!1 be instal'led at the, base of stack and where pipes change direction and otherwise required for proper cleaning of entire drainage system. Cleanouts in concealed lines sha'll extend through the wall or f'loor and shall have f'lush type chrome.plated access panels or covers. Each fixture shal'l have'a separate ven!, sized according to the . loca'l plumbing code and shal'l be. connected to soil stacks above highest fixture. .Stacks ahd independent vents sha'l'l extend 6" above roofs. Each vent and stack through roof shall be properly flashed and counterflashed. E. Domestic l.later System: Provide domestic water line entering bui'lding of suffici.ent slze and capacity. to satisfy the flow demand and water pressure required at each fixture. Provide and lnstall shock absorbers at all quick c'losing valves, batteryof plumbing fixtures, and where necessary to elinrlnate water harmer. Provide domestic hot water system with capaclty sufficlent tosatisfy hot water demands. The system sha'll have adequate heating capacity to satisfy the domest{c hot water demand. The design of the domestic water heating system shal'l be determined by this sub-contractor. Submit detafls of deslgn to the Archltect for approval. Provide dorestic hot water llnes of sufflcient sfzeto satisfy the flow denand and water pressure requlred at each fixture. F. Provide the following miscellaneous plumbing: '1. Gas service (if required for this project) to al'l equiprent requiring gas; Items requiring gas are: To be determined by 0wner. DIVISION I5' lbchani ca'll5 - 4 2. Freeze. proof sil'l cocks and hose bibbs located as shownon the architectural drawings. 3- Floor drains in each mechanical equiprnent room (and waterheater also). 4- chrom plated hot and cord water suppry fitt{ngs and drarnfor washrng machine if indicatea on'ltri architictural drawi ngs. . G. Testing: All piping systems.shall be tested at 150 percent oftheir maxlmum design worklng pFessurer teaks shalt'ue correiteaby_remaking joints. controls, relref valves, and equfpment-nii-able to withstand tesr pressuie shail bi rim6veli-rid; iiiI.r'--during test. 15600 Heating l. Geneial A. Provide all materia'ls, labor-, and fncldenta'ls to install a completeheating system as described 5elow. All work sha'll be-executed and inspected.ln accordance with theuniform Mechanical code, pubilc utirities, stit.'"nJ-io.a]codes .and regurations apphcabre to the tiades arititea.lnclucle ln base bid al'l fees for permits and connections relatedto this work. B. Visit the.premises- so as to ascertaln the exlsting conditionsbefore.bidding. No extras will be allowed due to-lack ofknow'ledge of these conditlons. c. The meciranr'cal subcontractor shail assume full responsibllityfor the complete mechanica'l system design, instafiIlion, ijj'.inginto-operation and one year guarantee oi proper ope"aiton. Heshal'l coordinate all of-hfs work wfth othlr lradei-us oipjtcfuteto provide a complete, finfshed, quiet operailng sysiem'irtttr attcomponents concealed ln flnlshed areas. There are no technical.drawings descrlblng mechanical systens. l9rfory9n9e specifications and archttectuiat iriwingi i-r,e provtaeato Indicate the general scope of work required. Thi rnechanicalsubcontractor shir r be respbnsrbr e - for' it'"' iriii gn';; ;i" systemsas wel] as the execution oi the work accordinq [o acceoted-standards-of engineering and workmanshlp. Tfie iritrii[cturaldrawings indicate the general deslgn and arrangement of the bulld- i'ng, the 'location of riquired.fixtires and othEr nrrsceilaneousitems of mechanical equiprnent. Adapt constructlon ,oir to actualfield conditions as neceisary. Entire systen musi rii within thespace provided as shown on the architectlra.l draxlngs. DIVI SION 'I5 Mecha n i cal'15 - s Any furring of p'ipes or mechanlcal items shall be coordlnatedwith the prine Contractor so as to be Inc'luded in the bid and subsequent contract. The same shall apply to chases or actual room space reguirements or access for mechanical equlpment or I terns. The nrechanical contractor shall be responsib'te for obtaining a'll-necessary engineering services required to neet the UniiormBuildlng Code requirements. Inc'lude a'll costs for balancing, testing and adjustment of the complete mechanical system in the contract price. D. Design Conditions: Outside: -309FInside: TooF inside Garage: 5OoFToilet Rooms: Venti.lation per code E. Descriplion of--Heating System: A multi-zoned, thermosta-' do-n-iroftl,i,'r?rf'mounted etectric bajeboard-r--.'tticalll Heating system and layout to be approved in advance by Owner. 2.'Piod0dts A.'Gas Fired EQulprirenl - All gas fired equipment to be approved by ffiral gai. Each treattng unlt so labelea, Heating unit sha'll be equipped at factory-with proper size orifices to develope maximum heat output at Job site a'ltitude when supp'lied with gas having heat coirtent evaluated at job site conditions. 8. liplng shall be type "M" copper with wrought copper fittings and 50-50 so1dered joints. C. E'lectric unit heaters (if any). 0. Flue shal't be meta'tbestos or approved equal complete wlth all necessary connections, roof fl ashing rlng and weather cap. 3. Executlon A. A]l nork shal'l be instai'led in a rvorkmanlike manner to the best accepted standards of the trade. Sheet netal work shall be in accordance wlth sMCNA recormendatlons. All ductwork shal'l be concealed. If durlng fnspection by the Orner's representative, 0IvtstoN 15 Hechanlcal..l5 - 6 work ls found to be unacceptable ln qual{ty of insta'l'latlon ordefectlve in manufacture, the sanc shall bL renroved and reinsta] ]edin a satlsfactory manner at the expense of the Contractor. B. Coordinate with electrical and other subcontractors to insure thatthe bid for the total rrprk represents complete systems. par-tlcularly coordinate wlth elettrical for iower riqutremenis andfurnishing.of accessories such as motor starters,'tnterioii -'. wi ri ng, and contro'ls. C. All requi.red temperature controls shall be furnished, insta'l'led,wired and connected hereunder, to provlae a compiele'.uloriiiicontror svstem. Ail control varvei shail be lolaieJ i; th;- - mechanical eguipment room. D. Provide combustion arr rouvers, one high and one 1ow, in eachdoor into the mechanical equipment.roofr per code rtq,iir.r.niito provide combustion afr and' vent'llatloh-for rnechariicalequipmr:nt room, or provide uBc approved duct to exterior. E. Provide manual air vents ft glt-hilh polnts ln piplngcircu{t and drain cocks at aIl low'pointi in prirthg iircult. F. Provide galvanized steel dryer vent duct from each dryer asper u.B.c. requirennnts a{, manufacturers instruciloni. G. Provide O^rner with necessary operatlng and routlne maintenanceinstructions, both verbal and.irrittenl as required for ioniinuomoperation of the complete mechanical iystems.' These .lnstructionsshal'l be typewritten and bound ln loosl leaf binder: iilvi;;complete detailed instructions with all iatalogue-Oita,- aiig".rsand data-covering operation,'lubrication, geneia'l ra.inienanie,repair of heating. provrde-temperature ioitrot-dit;;il-;ith-' sequence of operation for al'l systems H. upon completion of this Divlsidn of work remove all surplusmateria'ls and rubbish. Clean all spots resulting from itrii worf. from hardware, floors, g'lass, wa'[s, etc. Do alT "equiiea-piichingup and repair all work of other trades damaged by thfs Diviiion of-the work, and leave the premises ln a cleanl ordirly condition. I. contracior wi'll provide the.Archltect with ,,As Bui'lt Drawf ngs,,for underground- or concealed conditons as perforrcd in thts-Division of work. EIID OF DIVISION DIVISION'I6 El ectri ca I 16 - I 16000 E'lectrl ca'l l. General A. llork shall be done in accordance with the provisions of the latesLedition of the National Electrical Code and loca'l ordlnances; shou'ld drawings and/or speclfications conf'tict with these rules,the ordinances shall govern subject to written notification of the Owner by the Contractor. B. Type of system shal't be 120/240 vo1t, single phase, 3-wire, 60 cycle, A.C. system. C. t'lorkmanship shatl be neit, and have good mechanical appearance and conform to the best practices of-the e'l ectrical trade. 0. The contractor shall refer to other parts of these speclficationscovering the work of other trades which must be carried onin conJunction with the electrica] work so that the constructionoperations can proceed without.harm to the Orner from inter-ference, delay or absence of coordination. This contractor shal'lbe responsible for the size and accurate'locations of al'l openings required for his work and sha'll furnish the Genera'l Contractor adequate information covering his requirements as the Job progresses. E. All electrical equipment !tatt Ue tested in the presence of the0wner and be in top working and operating conditions at the time of the finiil bui'liing acciptance. F. A certificate of inspection showing approval of instal'lation bythe local electrlca'l inspector strait bl furnished the 0wnerat the completion of the entire work. Thls Contractor shall furnish and pay for all local and state permits. ..' 2. Prod0cts'and Execution fi. l,lall switched shall be Sierra 50.l'l-I switched with ivory toggle or equal. 8. c. Interior and exteriop duplex convenience out'lets shall be Sierrap'lex,l5 ,amp.and side wi.red or-equal and mounted horizontally. at kitchensand baths and vertically at'all other locations. l4ethod of wiring unless specifled othenrise shall be U.L. labeled non-meta'llic sheathed cable run concea'led withln furnished wa]'ls and cei'lings; conductors shhl'l be enc'tosed in electrlc metallic tubing where exposed to mechanical fnJury or run in masonry or concrete;_code size galvanlzed outlet boxes shal'l be used at eachoutlet, f]ash with finished surfaces and properly equ{pped with accessories such as supports, extenslonsr'plistei ringi, etc. 0rvtst0[ l6. 'Electrical 16-2 O.O( ' D. Connect{on of recessed lncandescent flxtures'shall be made through '. flexible conduit to a separate box rfth type A. G. wlrt In accordance with NEC Section 4179. E. Branch circuits conductors shall be not ima'ller than ,lZAHG. F. 0utdoor wiring shall be type Tl'l wlre run ln rlgid condult withwatertlght fittings. G. Telephone outlets sha]'l conslst of a standard box f'lush mountedwith telephone type coverplate; Te'lephone Co. sha'll .run concea'ledto interconnect outlets then concealed to point of buildingsuitable for connection to underground linL. H. Location'of electrical flxtures are shown on the drawings. I. This contractor.shail identify each clrcult breaker at the mainclrcuit breaker panel as to its functlon. Identification shall be leglble and Jn ink. EIIO OF OIVISION EAG!.E COUBUTY Department of Planning and P. 0. Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.731| BOARD OF.COUNTY coMMtsstoNERs Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949.4292 ASSESS0R Ext 202 AUILDING ]N INSPECTI ON Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 21 7 COUNTY. ATTORNEY Ert 2{2 ENGINEER Ext 235 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Ext 226 or 229 PU RC HAS I NG/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIOGE Ext 257 SHER IFF Eagle Ext 2l l Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | o"u"t"nt 25 l4ay L979 Victor Mark Donaldson Drawer M Vail, Colorado 8.|657 Re: File No. 7s-87-79 Special Use Permit At their Public Hearing on 24 May'1979, the Board of County Comnissioners approved your Special Use Permit. If you have any questions, p]ease contact this office. a)\-h*,/z-/.* fim }Jilliams'Zoning Inspector Jt,l/kp cc: Board of County Corrnissiqners; Plann'ing Commission EAGI.E CGTIE\8TY ODepartment of Planning and DevelopmentP.0. Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.73t I AOARO OF COUNTYcoMi'/ SstoNERs Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949.4292 ASSESSOR Ext 202 BUILDING IN INSPECT ION Exl 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 2l 7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENG I N EER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEA LTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ext 247 LIARARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476.5844 PLANNING Ext 226 or 229 PU RC HAS I NG/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAO & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basa lt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328.6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | ) 3 May 1979 Bob Ellison, Mike Fitz and Mark Donaldson Drawer M Vail , Co'lorado 8.|657 Re: File No. 7s-87-79 Spec'ia1 Use Permit At their regu'lar meeting on 2 lilay 1979, the Eagle County Planning Commission recommended approval of your request for a special use permit to bui'l d 3 single fami'ly homes on 3 single family Iots having s'lopes greater than 30%, subject to the County Engineer's favorable review of the soils study presented at the meeting and subject to the determinatjon by the Assistant Director Thomas Boni that all requirements have been met. This recommendation will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners at their Public Hearing on 30 May 1979, beginningat 9:00 A.M. in the County Conmissioners Meeting Room #103, 550 Broadway, Eaglen Co] orado If you have any questions, please contact this office. ./ Or /A/4d// ru24//'"/ Susan Vauqh'J1 {/ P'lanner sv/kp cc: Board of County Comrnissioners f( EAGE,ETCOU${TY Department of Planning and Development P. 0. Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.73t I B.ARD oF couNTy '/rr I 3 MaY 1979 COI MISSIONERS Ext 241 AOMINISTRATION Ext 24 | ANIMALSHELTER The Vajl Trails4s'42s2 p. o. Box 1oAssEssoR Vail, Colorado 81657Ext 202 BUILDING-IN I NSPECT IO N Exl 226 o. 229 .LERK& Notice of Publ'i c HeaningRECoRDER Board of County CommissionersExr2t7 30 May 1979 coul.rTY' ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENGTNEER Please pub'l ish the attached Notice of Public Hearing as aExt235 Legit Nbiice in lrre 10 May tgzg publicaiion of your"paper. ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH Please bill and send affidavit of publication to thisExt 238 office. EXTENS I ON AG ENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 vait 476.sa44 Than k .you ./--/,4 PLANNTNG .<-, / .'7Ext 226 or 229 -.'L'' ,/ . /a/--1-- puRcHAsf NG/ -4't;:zZ7-/ l/" Zo-az"-/ pERsoNNEL Ky'therine Peterson Ext 24s 0ffice Manager,/Secretary ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Ba5alt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328.6328 T REASU R ER Ext 20 | OI Qor,r, oF PUBLT. COUNTY OF EAGLE, HEAR I NG COLORADO Notjce is Hereby Gjven that the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners will hold a Public Hearing beginning at 9:00 A.M. on 30 May 1979, jn accordance with Section 6.01.02(b) and 6.01.03 of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution. Said Hearing will include the fo'l l owi ng : File No. 7s-86-79 Request: Special than 30?{ Location; Lot 22, - Doug Bitetto use Permit to construct sing] e.fami'ly residence on slope greater Va i'l Vi'l l age l^lest Fi 1 i ng #1 Fi I e I'lo. 7s-87 -79 - El'l i sott /Fi tz nequesir -ipccial Use Perrnit to construct single fanrily residence on slope greater . tnan JUU Ldcation: Lots 10,11,12, Vail Village West Filing #1 This Hearing wi'|1 be held in the Corrnissjoners Meeting Room #103' McDonald Building, 550 Broadway, Eagle, Colorado. Persons being affected by a decision on this request are invited to make comments to the Board by appearing at the Hearing, or by submitt'ing written corrunents in person or by mai'l thru the Planning Department. Further information may be obtained or comments.subrnjtted by contacting the Department of Planning and Developmenti 550 Broadway, Eagle' Colorado (P. 0. Box 179, Phone 328-7311) by: Johnette Ph'i1 1 i ps- County Cl erk and Recorder n::"Jl,Et E?lff; as authorized by Section 6.00, Zoning Resolution o of 1974 2 Fllo No.7S-87-79 Ellison/Fitz Planning Commission Actlon: Dat€ of Public Hearing 2 l4ay 1979 Recomm€nd approval X conditionsi Assistant DjreCtOr Of planninq qives a .-., ' favorable recormendation on the soils stud.y Recommend denlal reasons: Board of County Approved Denled Commissioners Action: X Date of Public H"u.ins -----A[ay-IlZ9--. conditlons: NOne reasons: May 1979 Attest: 24 l4ay 7979 P aga 2 ol 2 oa chen and associates, inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS tOllttOlrIDlllO{ et 8. zu}|l . DE}lYEl. COLORAoO roz! . t0t/7.&7t00 llSllltll1|e tt2a EA8TFIRSTBTREE . CASPER,UYOIIIIO l2t0t . !0tlr!a-2t23 liay l, 1979 SubJcct: Subsoll Invcstlgatlon for Lot 12, Vall Vlllegc Ucst Subdlvlslon, Fll Ing fl' Eaglc County, Colorado. Job lb. 18,231 Vlctor Hark Donaldson, Archltccts P. 0. Drawcr l{Vall, Colorado 81657 Gentlelncn: Thc flcld Invostlgatlon phasc has bccn complctcd for a subsoll lnvcstlgatlon for thc proposcd lot l2, Vall Vlllage lJcst.St6dlvlslon, Flllng ll , Eaglc County, Colorado. Laboretory tcstlng ls bclng pcrformcd on typlcal samptcs of thc rubsol lr. A conplctc. roport wlll bc prcpa red by our eotnprny provldlng gol l-rcletcd Infornatlon sultablc for gencral dcslgn and plannlng upon complatlon of thc laboratory tcstlng. Erlcfly, barcd upon our flcld Invcstlgatlon, the bulldlng sen bc foundcd on rprcad footlngr dcslgncd for a naxlrnum soll prcsrurc of 3500 P3f. Thc flnal rcport wlll be submlttcd as soon as posslblc. lf you hevc any qucstlons, plcasc cell. Vciry truly yours, GHEI| A]tD ASSOCIATES, lllc. HEl rt .[**rf timothy michod boyle / structurol engineer 949-5420 / post office drqrlrer f-100 2O eogle rood / ozon colorodo 81620 tay 1, L979 Victor idark Donaldson - Architects P. 0. Drawer M Vall, Colorado 8L557 Dear Markr Thle letter is tn reference to the three log resldences to be bull't by Robert Blllson ard ltlchael Fltz on IotE 10, 1l ad 12 of the Vail Vtffagr lileet, Flllng I, Eagle County, Colorado. The dealgn enelosed herewlth ls baeed upon eoile tests pre- pared by Chen ard Aasoclates, Solls Englneers, ard relay.ed on April 10, L9?9 verbally by Hanr Proeschle of Chen and Aesoclates. Thle verbal lnfornatlon concieted of the followingr f) The ultinate bearing capacity is JJOO pourds per square foot. 2) The equivalent fluid preasure ls 45 pourds per cubic foot. )) The naxlnun anticipated dlfferential dettlement ie 3/4'.tl) The naxlmum antlclpated total settlenent is 1". These are the crlterl-a upon which I baeed the fourdatlon design. Should you have any further questlons, feel free to con- tact ne.ffi'H TMB,/dn #%l-3 14905 :-rn @*# EAGTE COUNTY O NT t DEPT. OF PLANNING & DEVELOPME EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-731 | BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMrsstoNERS Ext 241 AOMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR Ext 202 April 19, 1979 BUILDING IN INSPECT IO NExl 2ZG or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Exl 217 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALT H Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476.5844 PLANNING Exl225 ot 229 PU RC HASI NG / PERSONNEL- Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927.3244 Gilman 827-575 | SOCIAL SERVtCES 328-6328 TR EASU R ERExt 20 | RE: Fi'le No.7s-87-79 At their meeting on 18 April 1979, the Eagle County Planning Commiss'ion tabled your request for a specia'l use permit to May 2, 1979, to allow you to submit a soilsstudy for adequate review of this request. If you have any questions, please contact this office. Bob E'l I i son , Mi ke Fi tz and l'1ark Donaldson Drawer M Vail, Co. 81657 sv/j k cc: Board of County Conrnissioners d*r%--/-- Susan Vaughn L/ Pl anner lq l\ tr. n r'. ,.7\ .a! n |r | '. l! jia t-ll,,:-',.:i:" i.I \iz\-i i.',,,, .., il llepJ,r ttncr)t of l) la nrlirrg EAGLE, COLORADO I]1631 NON RD OF COUf\ITY \- r,, rir i,. I J-- | (,, t\ L t( ) 328.6'.;09 ADMIIJISTRATTON 324-6e74 AN II.4AL 5H E LTER o & Dcvc:loprncnt - Box i79 Dis Leonard Scher.-lr . To: c49-4292 ASSESSO R 328.6593 BUII-OING I NSPECT I ON 328.63 39 CLERK I. RECORDERiaqle 320-6377Saialt 927.3244 :OUI{TY ATTORT.IEY 328-657 4 :NGIT{EER 328.6337 :NVIRONMENTALIEALTH 128.7718 :XTENSIO N \G ENT i28.6370 .IBRARY.l2A-7787 'UBLIC HEALTH :aqle 323-6594tail 476.5844 ILANNING 128-5338 IOAD & BRIDGE 128-6591 ;HERIFF :aqle 328-6 6l I,a;alt 9?7.3244iilman S27.5751 ;OCIAL ;E RV ICES i28-6326 "REASURER r28-6376 For.details' please refer to the attached copy of the application. Iff,urther inforrnatr'on js desired, contact this irffice at the phone number and address given above. a pre'liminary publ ic hearing on theon 18 April 1979 The Board of county con:missjoners sha] 1 1ike1y conduct a final pub)ic . tqqt!lS approxiniate'ly_40 days after the planning Conmission heai^ingj'additional notice rvill be given of.further hearings, if any. A1 l. hearings are-he] d, unless othervrise announced, in the County Connissionersl.leeting Room,550 Broadr.ray, l4cDonald Build.i ng, Eag1e, Colorado. Your cornments and recomnendations on the proposed be submitted, in writing, to this office, or, atthey may be fully considered before any decision The Planning Comnission shall holdapplication beginning at 7:00 p.M. In accordance r.iith the Resol ution, thi s I etter ()t,, /v It^ / has been made for a use NOTICE TO PROPIRTY OI,INERS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COUNTY OF EAGLE, COLORADO provisionswill serve Cond i t ional Special use on land in File No. Zs-87-29 of Section 6.01 of the Eagle County Zoningto advise you that an application for use, or, permi t 'the vicinity of your property. use are invited and shouldthe Public Hearing, so thatis made. BY: Terrill Knight Director of Planning Date l't.r jl o6 6 APri'l 1979 By:Kathy Peterson (\ l'i ,tr tr: f' li r/:! ri f " /'t-\F [.,j. -'.:..rrr: \'r\.'....,k ., ii li Deiartnrcnt of l)lanning & EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 To: Kenneth Truitt Fi I e t'io . 7s-97 -7 g BON RD OF COUIITY COL4i,ilSSlOt',lERS 328-e'dCtg AD N4I II IST R ATIO N328.6674 ANII.IAL SHELTE R 949-429? ASSESSO R328.6593 BUII.DING INSPECTION 328.6339 CLE RK & RECORDE R Ea flle 32S-6377Baialt 927-3244 COUNTYATTORNEY 3?8.6674 ENGINEER 328.6337 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH 328-7 7 | I EXTENSION AGENT 328-6370 LIBRARY 328.7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Ea qle 328'6594Vail 476-s844 PLAN N ING 328.6338 ROAO & BRIDGE 328.6s9 | SHERIFF Ea ole 328'GG l IBaialt 927 -3244 Gilman 827.5751 soctAL SERVICES 328.6328 TREASU RE R 328.6376 Devel opinent -Box 179 NOTICE TO PROPTRTY OI^INTRS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COUNTY OF EAGLE, COLORADO In accorclance tvith the provisiolts of Section 6.01Resolution, this letter wjll serve to advjse you of the Eagle County Zonr'ng that an application for ( ) Corrditjonal use, or, (X ) Special use permit has been made for a use on land in'the vicinity of your property. For details, please refer to the attached copy of the applicati0n. Iffurther information is desired, contact this office at the phone number and address given above. The_Plannjng Commission shall hold a preliminary pubiic hearing on theapplication beginning at 7:00 P.tl. on 18 April 1979 The Board of county conrmissioners shali likely conduct a final public hqqlilS approximately 40 days after. the P'lann'ing Comnission heaiing;additional notice r,rill be given of further hearings, if any. Ai1 hearings are held, unless otherlise announced, in the County CommissionersIleei'ing Room, 550 Broadnay, l4cDonald Building, Eagle, Colorado. Your comments and recommendations on the proposed use are invited and shouldbe submitted, jn writing, to this office, or, at the public Hearjng, so thatthey rnay be fully considered before any decision is made. By:Terrill Knight Director of Planninq Date Mail"6 6 April 1979 By:Kathy Peterson l': I\ (:"-1, l'i ,Cf:,'i r ". I'f:lF l-'2 i\e'l,ra, \.:, \,st, \,l.r '.r ll ti DeplrtrncnL of l)lanrring & EAGLE, COLOI1ADO I] 1 631 I To: Frank Bright tro^.nD ot: couNTY COlJ4 tl lSS lOt l E RS 328-6U09 nDu t t't tst rt At t'ci r.t 3?-8.6674 ANII,4N L 5T{ELTER 94<J'4292 ASSESSO R 328.659 3 BUII,DING\|SPECTtON 328.6339 CLERI( & RECORDC R Eaole 32U-63 77Bai?ll 927-3244 COUNTY ATTO RN EY 328.6674 ENGINEER 329.9117 gNVIRONMENTAL { E AITH t28-7 7 t8 :XTENSION {GENT i28.6370 -IBRARY.t28-7 7 87 Dcvc loprucrrt - Box 179 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OI{NERS NOTICE OF PUSLiC HEARING COUNTY OF EAGLE, COLOI?ADO In accordance riith tne Resolution, this letter provisions of Section r,ri I I serve to adv i se the Eagl€ CountS, an appl ication File 6.01 of you that No. Zs-87 -79 Zoning for 'UBLIC HEALTH :a ale 328-6594/ait 476.5844 'LANN I NG 128.6338 IOAD & BRIDGE t28-6591 ;HERIFF :aole 328-661 I?;ialt 927-3?4,4;ilnlan 827.th I ;OC IA L ;E RV IC E5i2S-6328 .REAsU RE R 28-63 76 ) Conditional use, or, (X ) . Specia'l use permit : has been made for a use on land in'the vicinity of your property. For.detail!, please refer to the attached copy of the application. Iffurther information is desired, contact this'6rfice at the phone numberand address given above. The- Planning. coim'ission shall hold a prel irn'inary publ ic hearing on theapp'lication beginning at 7:00 p.t4. on' ie Aprii iSTS The Board of county conmissioners shall likety conduct a final publicnqqflls approxinirtely_40 days after the planning connissjon hearing;addjtional notice will be given of further hearings, if any. A1 l,hearings are held, un1 ess otherr.rise announced, in the Countl,Corru:riss;onersl'leeting Room, 550 Broad*ay, l,lcDonald Bu.i 1ding, fagle, Colorado. Your comments and recomnendations on the proposedruur uurrrrlenrs ano recommendat.rons 0n the proposed use are invited and shouldbe submiited, in urriting, to this offfce,'or, at the publjc Hearinq. so thatPubljc Hearing, so thatthey may be fully considered before any decision is made. BY: Terrill Knight Director of Plannino Date l,lai'led 6 APril 1979 '..' "-)\r -\i. -_.\_ - -\-*....*;--*.. By:Kathy Peterson I t /-! lr.: r; Departnrc EAGLE, C BOA ND I] FcoMr.,itsst(coMr.,itssto 329-6UC9 A rlM trr tsT R 328-6674 ANlt'l/iL 5H )49-429? of RA IITY 5 )N :R \L AI rY._' N1 R5 toN IER 'AL I E LOt ot_'l ER5 ,Tto LTE \lTA .TH IGE t' 5l tl rt ( LOI ot_'l,IERI \T tc . LTE NTA -TH I /5 | l''1 , cnt :oL( cot)It t: RAT ]EL' N I IE N'I ! 594 IIDG st I '57 5 'J f\L 59, th f,l 57 fif Pli i:\r!Ll i rrg G31 ' \l t'l n D'I ;r, a t'l & Deveiopnicnt - Box 179 NOTICE TO PROPIRTY OI,JNERS NOTICE OF PUBI.IC HEARING COUNTY OF EAGLE, COLORADO Donald Lindsay File No. 7s-87-79 ASSESSO R l2B-65 93 3t,l t., D fi.lG :LE RK €. :agle 320-6 IN5'PECT I ON 128.6339 :LE RK €. -aare 5zu-b.hialt 92 7-3 :OU NTY \TTO R, T'I E Y t28.667 4 :NGINEER i28.6337 :NVIR:NVIRONME TEALTH|2e-77t8 :XTE N5ION \G ENT i28-637 0 In accorclance rvith the Reso'l utjon, thi s I etter provisions of Section 6.01 of the Eagle County Zoningwill serve to .rdvise you that an appliqation for ( ) Conditional use, or, (X ) Special use permit has been rnade for a use on'land in'the vicinity of your property. For.detail!, please refer to the attached copy of the application. Iffurther information is desired, contact this'ottice at ihe phone nunber and address given above. The-Planning comniss'ion shall hold a preliminary public hearing on theapplication beginning at 7:00 p.t4. on' iB Aprii i979 ]!9 Qgaro of county conmissioners sha11 l_ike1y conduct a final publichearing approximately_40 days after the planning conmission hearing;additional notice rvill be given of .further hearings, if any. Alt hearings are hel d, unless othervrise announced, in the County Coninissionersl.leeting Roorn, 550 Broadr.ray, I'lcDonald Building, Eag1e, Colorado. Your comments and recommendatjons on the proposed use are invited and shouldbe subrnitted, in lrritjng, to th.is office,'or, at the public Hearjng, so thatthey may be fully considered before any decision is made. BY: Terril l Knight D'i rector of Pl ann i ng Date l,tail "6 6 April 1979 -I BRAR Y, i28-77 87 'LANN IN ,28.6338 28.659 | iHERIFF OCIAL E RVICES 28-6326 .R EASU RE 28-6376 I t'r ' It.l ; .'J4',,{ ' '. t \ '',:.(.. I" t By:Kathy Peterson l4 1... i in la /.tr lL. l: r.'., d;!\ 4' L ,:, r" . * , . 1_ ; i l ,. i.:. [.oi..,.,'..'j r, ... i; ij' DepirrLltcrtt of Pl.rnnirrg EAGLE, COLORADO t]1631 BON ND OF COUIITY C() li'l I'i | 55 !Of! t: ti 5 328-CLtJ AD[4ITI I5T R ATIO N 328.6e14 AN lt,'1li L SHELTER !49-4292 ,oOizabeth Guidry & Dcvclolrrrrcnt - Box 179 NOTICE TO PROPIRTY OI./N[RS NOTICE OF PUBI.IC IJEARING COUNTY OF IAGLE, COLOIiADO AS5 ESsO R 328.659 3 3U _ D||.IG NSPECTION 328-63t3 :LERK f. laqle 32ii-6377laialt 927-3244 :O U NTY \TTORiJEY ,28.667 4 :NGINEER r28.6337 :NVIRONMENTAL {EALTH t28-77 t8 :XTEN 5I ON\GENT 128-6370 -I B RA RY. i2a-7 7 87 'UBLIC HEALTH :a qle 323.65 9 4/ail 47 o-5844 'LANNING 28-633S IOAD & BRIDGE 28.5591 HERIFF.aqle 32S-661 I "aiali 927 -3244,llman lZ /.5 /5 | OCIALERVICES 28-632S 'REASURER 28-6376 For detai]s, please refer to the attached copy of the application. Iffurther information is desired, contact this'ilfrjce at the phone number and address given above. The-Planning.comnission shall hold a pre'liminary public hearing on theapplication beginning at 7:00 p.14. on iB RpriT igZg The Board of county conrmissioners shall likely conduct a final public hear"ing approxiniately-40 days after the planning commission hearingiadditional notice vrill be given of further hearings, if any. A1 t hearings are held, un1 ess otherlrise announced, in the County Corp,nissjonersl.leeting Roon,550 Broaduay, l4cDonald Bui'lding, Eagle, Colorado. Your comrients and recommendations on the proposed use are invited and shouldbe submitted, in writing, to this office, or, at the public Hearing, so thaithey rnay be fully considered before any decision is made. In accorclance rvith the provi siorrs Resoiution, thjs letter will serve ( ) Cond'i ti onal (x ) Specia'l use has been made for a use on 'l and in 'File No. Zs-87 79 of Scction 6.01 of the Eagle County Zon.ingto advise you that an applicatjon for USF n!.vve t v. t perm'it the vicinity of your property. BY: Terri'll Kniqht Director of Planning Date Mailo6 6 April 1979 By:Kathy Peterson l': I\(?.',n !-'l f"r",!i f " "";is:f 1,, ! -\...'lr I J \r \1:r, r... t ! .., ll U Dep.riturcrrt of pl a nrr j rrg & Dcvcl o EnGLE, COLOnADO ti1631 ROn nD OF COr-rf'lTY LtrlJ' r,1l )) | (,rl\ L K 5 328.GU09 AD t!11N tsr R ATtb N328-G674 AI.III.4AL SH€LTER - Box 179 NOTICE TO PROPHRTY OI,INERS I{OT I CE OF PUBL I C H[AI.I I NG COUNTY OF EAGLE, COLORADO provis'ions of Section r.ril I serve to advise a pilten t Q"'Charles White 949.4292 nqqr:cqr.|l) 328-6593 BUII.DING.T5PECTtON 328-6339 CLERK & nLL|.tlurlt'( F:aqle 320.6377 ea;.alt 927-3244 CO U NTY ATTORI.IEY 328-6674 ENGI[iEER 328.633 7 iNVIRONMENTAL-IEALT H t28-7 7 18 :XTENSION 128.6 3 7 0 -IBRARY.,28-7787 'UBLIC HEALTH iaqle.?,26.6594/ail 476.5844 ILA N N INGi26-6338 IOAD & BRIDGE 26-6591 iHERIFF :aqle 328.66 | Itlialt 9?7 -32r.4;ilman 827-5751 OCIAL ERVICES 2S.6328 'REA5U R E R 28-6376 ( ) Conditional use, or, (X ) Special use permit has been made for a use on rand in'the vicinity of your property. For.details, please refer to the attached copy of the application. Iffurther information is cJesired, contact this'6rtice at iire phone numberand address g'i ven above The_Planning conmission.shall hold a prelirninary public hearing on theappl ication beginning at 7:C0 p.t4. on' 18 April' igiig - If-?::.9-gl 9?rliv Con;missjoners shatl 1r'ke1y conduct a finat publicneaillng appror.inrately-40 days after the p'lanning conrmission heai^ingiadditional notice urill be given of further nea"ingi,- ii-;;y. In accorciance rrith the Resol ution, thi s 'l etter A1 I hearr'ngs are l.leeting Roorn,550 Your cornments and be submitted, in they may be fully File No. 6.01 of the you that an Terril l Knight Director of Planning Eagle Courrty Zoning app) ication for held, unless othen'rise announced, in the county conmissionersEroacjuay, l"lcDonald Building, Eagle, Colorado. recornniendations on the proposed use are invited and shouldwriting, to this offfce, or, at the pub'lic Hearing,-so ihitconsidered before any decision is made. By: Date M,rilo6 6 Apri'l 1979 By: KathY Peterson f4 ,r. i,fl ra 4. /'. n frr l'.;-t\1, [:r1,: -'Jii:"i; t.rrl":i.t ; r. ,., i, ii Departntcnt of Planrrirrg & EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 Dcvcloprucrrt - Box 179 NOTICE TO PROPIRTY OI,INIRS NOT]C[ OF PUTJLIC HIARING COUNTY OF EAGLE, COLORADO - - :- - To: Benchmark Properties File No. Zs-87-79 atltl\l,tJ t-'f \-t.r,J:{ I f COll I'i l55lON t: R 5 328-eZC9 AD[4II'I5TRATION 328.Gel4 ANII.i"L SI-IELTER 949-4292 ASSTSSOR 328-6593 EU IL D II{G INSPECTION 328-6339 CLE RK & RECO AD E R Eaale 328-6 3 7 7tsaialt 927-3244 COUNTYATTORi]EY 328.6674 ENG II'JEE R 328.533 7 ENVIRONMENTAL H EALTH 328-7 718 EXTET,I5I ON AGENT 328.6370 LIBRARY, 324-7't 87 PUBLIC HEALTH:aqle 323-5594Vail 476-s844 ]LANI\ I NG ]28-5333 ROAD & BRIDGE 328.659 | JHERIFFlaqle 328-661 IJaialt 927.3244;ilman S27-5 751 ;OC IA L ;E R\' ICES r28.6326 TREASU R E R r28-6376 ( ) Conditional use, orr (X ) Special use permit has been made for a use on land in'the vicinity of your property. For details_, please refer to the attached copy of the application. Iffurther inforn:ation is desired, contact this'6ffice at tire phone nuniber and address given above. The,Planning.commission shall hold a prelimjnary public hearing on theappi ication beginn'ing at 7:00 p.M. on' ta Apr.ii iSZS The Board of county conmissioners shall l_ike]y conduct a final pub]ictqqtjls approxima'uely_40 days after the planning commission ireai-ingiadditional notice vrill be given of further hearings, if any. A] l.hearings are he1d, unless othen^rise announced, jn the County Corilrissionerslleeting Room, 550 Broadr,ray, l,lcDonald Bui'lding, Eag]e, Colorado.' Your comrnents and recominendations on the proposed use are invited andbe submitted, in writi!9, to this office,'or, at the public Hearing,they may be fully consiclered before any decision is made. In accorclance rvith the provisions of Reso'l ution, this letter r,rill serve to By: Section 6.01 of the Eagle County Zoning aclvise you that an application for shoul d so that Terri'11 Knight Director of Planning Date Mailo6 6 April 1979 By:Kathy Peterson v. t\. rr ?t 11 .tr /r, t r r,.. li r,rr $ I[:l-.(i:;i]"1; (;t "l't''..; iiY O ro: John I sanara Lineweaver Deparlurerrt of Planrrirrg & Devcloprncnt - Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO O1G3'I EOn PD OF COt.'r.tTYc()i,ll.it5sloNIR5 328-L't0'J AOtvlItlISTRATlOl{ 328-6(,'t 4 ANil.rAL 5HELTER NOTICE T0 pROptRTy ol.lNERS 949.4292 Ass'ssoR f,l0TICE 0f I,UBLIC HIARING328.cse3 COui{TY 0F EAGIE, COLO|iADO BUII-DING .rNsPr.crroN Fi I e No . Zs_g7 _7 9328.63J9JZd.bJJS FLE[[S-^ Il l:::t!l.ce,r'rith llt p"gyjsions of Section 6.01 of the Easle courrty Zonins ;#Ht=-tt;a Resolutjon, this letter r.ril'l serve to advise you that an apiti.iiion'f;;" "'' SOUIITY [1T3.1!tt ( ) Conditional use, or, =NGtNEERr2b:6ss7" : (X) Specialusepermit :NVIRONMENTALfrufj-i! has been made for a use on'land in'.the vicinity of your property. if,EFuTt'o* lo".details, Piease refer to the attached copy of the appfication. If]28'6370 further infornation is desired, contact this';ffjce at ihe phone number.!qBA&y and address given above.,28-7787 ]yf,it !'€+$-tH The.Planning Commission sha'll hold a prel iminary publ ic hearing on the,tait 476-sa44 application beginning at 7:00 p.M. on tB Rprii igZg ,LANNING128'6338 The Board of County Conrmissjoners shall 1ike1y conduct a final publicloAD & BRIDGE n""jlg approxt'irate'ly 40 days after the Planning Conrmission hearing;:i::::: ;;;iti6nat notice wiit ue siven of ruither hearinss, if any. iaqle 328-661 | l?l',ilj"t3l;139jt ll1. hearings are held, unl ess otherlise announced, in the County Conrnissioners;octAL tleeting Roon, 550 Broadr.ray, l,lcDonald Building, Eagle, Colorado- 'ERVTCESi28'6328 Your comrnents and recomniendations on the proposed use are invited and should'REASURER bc-submitted, in writilg, tq this office,'or, at the public Hearing, so thaithey may be fully considered before any decision is made. | (:1' {l,( ll ^{ 1l ' il' rl ..ai. 1. . BY: Terril l Knisht ih \, Director of planning ("',. '1\ \.:, \,:f \ i Date l.taito6 6 Apri't 1979t \ u(l Ltj rt(t I teu _ - \:, '\ By: *u.n, n"*"r*- li /^ (,?,ti ['l ,f"/"',1! l]:' ''r'r'\/Lr. !- -\r!,/ t., t ) \:t \r:r' \r ; u ...r l.l lj Dcpartrnr:rrf; of l)lanrrirrg & Dcvclo EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 rrrJn n o oF cTJU TYC0ll lri l5S lOf,l l- lt 5 32'd-6UltJ At)MIN IS IIATIbN328.6614 AT.III.4N L SHELTER 949.4292 ASSESSOR 328-65 9 3 SUII.DING I NSPEC T IO N 328.6339 CLERK Ir ncLut(lJr:t{ Eaqle 32U.ti377Baialt 927.3244 COUNTY ATTORNEY 328.667 4 EI'IG INEE R 328.6337 ENVIRONMENTAL H EALTH 328-77 | 8 EXTEN 5ION AG ENT 328.6370 :IB RA R Y- t28-?787 'UBLIC HEALTH:aqle 324.6594 '/ ail 476-5A44 'LANN I NG 128-6338 IOAD & BRIDGE|28.6s9 | iHERIFF :aqle 328.661 1tz;.alt 927.3?-44 i ilman 82 7.576 I ;OCIAL ;ERVICES i28-6328 .REAsURER 28.6376 Fil e No. 6.01 of the you that an Zon i ng for By: Date 1.1.ri1"6 6 Apri1 1979 o Prnc In accordancc rvith the pro,risjons of SectionResolution, this letter r,ril'l serve to advise ( ) Conditional use, or, (x ) Special use permit has been made for a use on land in'the vicinity of your property. For.details, please refer to the attached copy of the appiication. Iffurther inforn:ation is desired, contact this'ortice at tire phone numberand address g'iven above. The- Planning. con,rission sha'll hold a pre'l iminary publ ic hearing on theapplication beginning at 7:00 p.14. on 18 Aprii IgTg if ?T"9 of county coi;iirissioners shal l likely conduct a f inal publ icnqqfllg apprc>:ii:iate'ly-40 days after the planning commission hear.ing;additional nctice r*ill be given of further hearings, ii-aiy. A1 l.hearings are held, unless otherr.;ise announced, in the County Commissionersl'leet-ing Room, 550 Broadr.,,ay, I,lcDonald Building, eugte, ioioruao.- Your comments and recoi,nenclations on the proposed use are invited and shouldbe submitted, in rriiing, to this office, or, at the pubric Hearing, so ihuithey may be fully considered before any deciiion is made. A fo: Eennett Stcin -ni" - Box 179 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OI,INERS I,IOTICE OF PUELIC HIARING COU]{TY OF EAGLE, COLORADO Terrill Knight Director of Planning Zs-87 -79 Eag'le County appl icatiorr ,.'..':\t. ''' - \'----.--.. - -*--. i*'4, By:Kathy Peterson l-: ll l','.1, l-1 i'.^f",ll l' r''f \f l,'tlt -'1-' r.t|, \..J\.(j./ \' lr \i lJ li Depir Lrncrrl. of l)1,r rirr i rrg & EAGLE, COLORADO U1031 IION ED OF COUIITYco u:.: rSs lo r,l I n 5328-6i09 ADMIIJISTRATION 3?8-687 4 ANII,tAL 5HE LTE R 949-4292 ASSSSsO R??n-G<? ? BUILDING IN5PECTION 328.63i9 CLERK & RECOEDE R [:aqle 320-6377 P.atzll 927-3244 cour'lTY ATT O? I.I E Y 328-6674 ENGITTEER Devcloprrrenl . Box 179 NOTICE TO PROPTRTY OI,JNERS I{OTICE Ot. PUTJI-IC HEARING COUI{TY OF EAGLE, COLORADO ro 'lha"iuneki Ef stathia Fil e No. Zs-87-79 In accordance rvith the provisions of Sectibn 6.0i of the Eagle County ZonipgResolution, this letter will serve to aclvjse you that an ap[lication"for ' ( ) Conditiona'l use, or, (X ) Special use pernrit een made for a use on 'l and in'the v.icihity of your property. 328.633 7 ENVIPONMENTAL,.r.flrl! .- has b :xTEnsroNo.(rLli I 328-6370 :IBRARY. t28-7 7 87 For details, please refer to the attached copy of the application. Iffurther inforrnation is desired, contact this'6rrice at tire phone numberand address'given above. iYf,i9a5'-.tifJ* Jh.. Pianning. Commission shal I hold a pref iminary pubt ic hearing on the'tait 4i6-ssc4 appl ication beginning at 7:00 p.l"l. on' is Apr.iT iozs 'LANN ING 128.6338 Dr,.uJ. I errl tt Kntgnt Director of Pl anning rz6'533tt The Board of County-Conrmissioners shall 'l ikely conduct a final publictoAD& BRTDGE n"o'llg approxiniate'ly_40 days af'uer the Pianrring Commission hearingi:il:::: ;J;;ti6nai notice vr.iir oe siven of further hearinss, if any. :aqle 328-66 | |':?,fil|^t'rl;t.lsjtt ll'1. hearings are held, unless otherwise announced, in the County coii-rnissioners;octAL lleeting Roorn,550 Broadr,;ay, l,lcDonald Building, eagle, Colorado. ;ERVICES;28'6323 Your comments and reconirnendations on the proposed use are invjted and should-IIEASURER be-submiited, in writilq, to this offfce,'or, at the public Hearing, so thatthey may be fully considered before any decision is made..rr/f t\,i\i ^(( i--t-,'I/' l. 'r'. 1.,..,t.I,Jtt(Date t-tail o6 6 April 1979 Rr,. Kathy PctersonvJ. - ;.\( L-""9 f.. l1 lr, li t-r /?r P\ t! l- 'r . I' d;ri g ,'l,1l'-r'l;ii.,ii \'\.-.- i r' ..i l,.l il Dep.rr t.rncnt of l)1a nrr i rrg & Dr:vcl EAGI.E, COLORADO 01631 - Box 179 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OI,JNERS NOTICE OF PU8I,IC HTARING COUI,ITY OF IAGLE, COLORADO To: Madison King,,3p. No. Zs-87-79 the Eagle County Zoning an application for o oprircrrt BOAND OF COUI'ITYcoft f .i t55r oN ER5 328-6UCrr AOMIIIISTRATION 328-667 4 ANII.tAL 5HE LTER 949.4292 ASSTSSOR 32tJ.659 3 Bt, t t-D |l{ c l N sPEC't'toN JZU-b5Jv CLERK 2. RACORDER Ea ole 32ir-6377Baialt 927.32.44 COUNTY ATTOR IIEY 328.667 4 ENGINEER 328.6337 rwvrnoNMeNIRL HEALTH 328.77 t8 EXTE NS IO N AG ENT 328-6370 LIBRARY. 3?8.7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 323-6594Vail 476.5844 'LANN I N G 328-6338 ROAD A BRIDGE 128.659 | ;HERIFF :aole 328-661I)aialt 927-3244;ilman 827.5 ?5 I ;OC IAL ;E RVICES t28.6328 TREASURER 128-6376 For.details, p'l ease refer to the attached copy of the application. Iffurther informatjon. is desired, contact ttris'6rrjce at iire phone numberand address given above. The.Planning conmission shall hold a preliminary public hearing on theappiication beginning at 7:00 p.M. on tS Aprii iSZS The Board of county. conrmissioners shall 1ike1y conduct a final publicnqql.lls approx'iniately-40 days after the planning conmission hearing;additional notice rvill be glven of further hearings, ti-any. All.hear-ings are held, unless otherltise announced, in the County Comrniss:onersMeeting Room, 550 Broadr,ray, l.lcDonald Building, fagle, Colorado.- Your con:nents and recomniendations on the proposed use are invited and shouldbe submit.ted, in uriting, to this office, or, at trre-punilc Hearing, so ir,aithey may be fully consirjered before any decision ls made. In accordance rvith the Resolutjon, this letter () (x ) has been made for a use File provis'ions of Sectiorr 6,01 ofwill serve to advise you that Conditional use, or, Special use permit on'land in'.the vicinity of your property. BY: Terrill Knight Director of Planning Date tlailo6 6 April 1979 By: KathY Peterson f4 t1 /".n ra A n-- n r!,..f'r;r\s{- l:/-:1i:;ii,,l ; (\,\,.,..,i;,, r, ..., ii il DeparLrrrcnL oI I'larrnirrg & EAGLE, COLORADC T]'I 631 AON RD OF COUI\ITY 32tJ.GU0:) eor,a r lr rst R et rb I't 328-667 4 ANII,IAL sllELTER De velol.rncttt - Box 179 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OI,INERS I]OTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COUNTY OF EAGLE, COLORADO tl ,u, ia Roberts 949.4292 ASSESSO R 328.6593 eu I l_D .l G TNSPEC'n ON 328.6339 CLERK fr RECOROC R Eaqle 328-6377Baiall 927-3244 CO U NTY ATTO R TI EY324.6674 ENGINEER 328-633 7 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 328-7 7 | I EXTEN SI O'NqG ENT 328.6370 I.IERARY 328.7787 'U8LIC HEALTH :a qle 324.659 4(ail 416.5844 ,LANN ING t28-6338 IOAD & BRIDGE ]28-659 | ;HERIFF:aqle 328.66 | Itzialt 927 -3244 .:llman dZ /-Jl5 | ;OCIAL ;E RV IC E5 r28-6328 iREASURER i28.6376 In accordarrce rvith the provisions Resolution, this letter vlill serve ( ) Conditionat (x ) special use has been made for a use on land in File No. zs-87-79 of Secti'on 6.01 of the Eagle County Zoningto advise you that an application for use, or, permi t 'the vicinity of your property. For.details, please refer to the attached copy of the appiication. Iffurther infolmatjon is desjred, contact this 6rtice at the phone numberand address given above. The-Planning commissjon shall hold a preliminary public hearing on theapplication beginning at 7:00 p.1,1. on t8 Aprii iSZO The Board of county. conrmissioners shall Iikely conduct a final publ .ic nqqfr!s approxiniately-40 days after the planning cornnission hearing;addi tional notice r.ri I'l be gi ven of further hearings, i f any. 41'l hcarings are I.leet'ing Room,550 Your coniments and be submitted, in they may be fu11y he'l d, unless otherr'rise announced, in the county cornmissioners Broadr.;ay, i'lcDonald Building, Eag1e, Colorado, reconmendations on the proposed use are invited and shouldwriiing, to this office, or, at the public Hearing, so thatconsidered before any decision is made. BY: Terril1 Knight Director of Plannino Date y.ri1o6 6 Apri1 1979 By: KathY Peterson i :. :, i; '.';i j,n ,, ,,,',,,,trrr,; & DevclOnt - Bo" l " t": f,y ;tt"n, :,". Terri t r ,, ot "". ;,',,,t'f l i rr h t,,,rt l\lanning rrer nna.,: J ll' "' -' -37-79irr .iccordctnce. rvith !t]u p"9Yi' ir',''; 1y1- Scction r, r,, li.ilrlrrtion' Enls lerter lvl | | :'i'r'rt' Lo atlvise t,,,,',lll "t Eagr: lourrty zoning' ' rrlrll, ,,-, apprr::AtiOn fOf( ) .Condi t irir,.rl use, or, (X ) Specia) i:sc pcrnrit 'r!'rL hns bt:en made for a use on'l atrrl irr the vjcfnlt.V r,t .. l-or dctaill: JJ91t. refer to tlr.. <.rttachecl cop,, ,,,r' ,',""' pYoperT' f ,rr.tlrcf information. is desired, ..:ontact this ,,ll r,.'.,r,, ,t-,p1ica--i--n. If .ind .T(f\jt'ess given above "' I rl rr nt, i"ie'-piri., nu^b", :t " t'lJnning. Commission shall h.. lcl a pre.l imin.rr,,, .. .;:rri.rtion besinnins at 7:00 r'.r:. on' id"AU:if liijlj 1,. heari.? on rhe t ,..rr..J of County Contmi ssion.'r.s shal l I it,n.l!,'' .1ppr''x-;matelv 40-u:{.r-:.::r-.r_the piiu,i'i,,i,"l,illr, | ,, fina.i pubr ic: ',' 'll n3tice wil I be given ,.rf further-ijo,iii'l,,l,ur,rr ,r,,..ion"i=u.ing; ,,. jrcs are held, un'l.ess oi.:crrvise unnou,,,,,,, ''] It any. ' i:r:, 550 Broadnay, r''rcD,'-.r'r a guitJin,J," ''tr,,, rrr rre cour;._/ cor,rnissioners ',r:.:s and recommencatj::: ll.tn. oroon.,,,,,',1]" L'rlorado' ::.:, -in writingl. ig llir office,-oi, ,rr r',.,, ,rre invited and should'-: iulrv considered bei:rc uny-i.liirliu ll,,,r. ifii.'neJrins, so that r-)iti.l)() t)'1031 rt r( N0TICE 1u 1' . ll0TICt_ irt I C0UNTY (rl | ,,. 'i lilY r)ijii:RS 'l lc tir/r?lltc | | r,lr al.) \ nnr I l l\ | trr!/..uv By: t\r te t\y: Maitcrt 6 APril 1979 Kathy Peterson 12 I\t!,i, t:. r('i,,i !;r. r'''.*t l{lr\q,,l,xl l. \, \r:/ \..t l, \, l) 1l Deparrttucnt of l)l.tnning & Dcvcl EAGr-E, COLORADO {.t 1 631 o o lnilen t - Box 179 gON RD OF COUf'ITY COr/ l/: lSSlOi',i E R 5 328.61i09 ADM ITI I5T I1 AT Ib N 328-6ti7 4 ANII',4AL SHELTER 949.4292 ASSfSSO R 328-6593 BU II.DING lNSPECT ION 328.6339 CLE RK & RECORDER F:aqle 32$.63 77Eaialt 927-3244 COUNTY ATTOitI,IEY 328-6674 ENGINEER 328.633 7 ENVIRONMENTAL I-I E ALTH328-77l8 EXTENSION AGENT 328-6370 LIBRARY 328-778? No. zs-87 -79 the Eagle County Zoning an appl ication for appl ication. If the phone nunrber )UBLIC HEALTHlaqle 323.6594Vait 47€;-5844 ,LANN ING ]28.6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 128.6591 ;HE RIFF:aale 328-661 ISaialt 927.3244iilman S2 7.975 | ;OCIAL ; E RV ICES i28-6326 TREASU R E Rr28-6376 publ ic hearing on the 1979 Your comments and recornmendations on the proposed be submitted, in rvriting, to this office, or, atthey may be fully considered before any decision ;^\.. .t -'\ ' "-..*----.*.*.-,.- *.).w" Date tlaited 6 April 1979 \ To: fuolas Bjtetto NOTICE TO PROPL.RTY OI,JNTRS NOTICE Ot. PU8I..IC HEARING. COUNTY OF EAGLE, COLORADO File In accordance with the provisjorrs of Secti.on 6.01 ofResolution, thjs letter urill serve to aclvise you that ( ) Conditiona'l use, or, (X ) Specia'l use permit has been made for a use on land in'the vicinity of your property. For.detail5, piease refer to the attached copy of thefurther infor.mation is desjred, contact this'6ffice atand address given above. The-P'lanning Comnission shall hold a preiiminary appiication beginning at 7:00 p.14. on' 18 Apr.iI The Board of county. conrmissioners shall f ikely conduct a final publichqqfi!s approximately-40 days after the planning commission hearing;additional notice r,lill be given of further hearings, if any. A1 i hearings are held, un1 ess otherlrise announced, in the County Commissionersl'leeting Room, 550 Broadway, l,lcDonald Build.i ng, Eagle, Colorado. use are invited and should the Public Hearing, so thatis made. By:Terrill Knight Director of Planning By:Kathy Peterson I'i lt(i:,fi l-1 i^f",'l l;" r''il\f lr&-_.{.rt,!t ji \rj \.!r. r-u / l, .. / tl l,o pilrenDeportrnent of Plartrrirrg & Dcvclo EAGLE, COLONADO 81631 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OI{IIERS N0TICE 0F PUBLIC HE/IP.Ii\G COUNTY OF EAGLE, COLO;]ADO In accordance ruith the provfsions of Section Resol utiorr, th js 'l etter vril I serve to aclv jse Conditional use, or, Spec'ia1 use permi t By: Your cornnents and recommendations on the proposed be submjtted, in i.ritin9, to this office, or, atthey may be fully consiclered before any decision O to: Randall Hays Ffle No. 7s-87-19 use are invited and shouldthe Public Hearing, so that '| s maoe. t - Bo>r 179 BOn nD OF COTJNTY c()fttrirSStot!Efr5 328-0iJOg Af, r\4 | r'J tsT RATtO,N 324-6e74 ANII.4AL SHELTER 949.4292 A5SES50 R 328.6 5 9 3 AU II.D ING I I{SPECT ION 328-6339 CLE RK & RECORDEREa(le 328-G 377Baiall 927.3244 COU NTY ATTO R T.I EY 328.5674 ENG I f'I EE R 328.6337 :NVIRONM ENTALiEAL.TH ,2e-7 7 | 8 :xTEt'lsloN q,G ENT r28-6370 -IBRARY1?8.7787 'UBLIC HEALTH:aqle 323-6594/ail 476-5844 'LAN N ING 128.6338 ?OAD & BRIDGE r28-6591 ;HE R IFF :aole 328-661I,z*lt 927 -3244 iilman 827.5 7fr I ioctA L ;E RV ICES ;23-6328 .REASURER t28-6376 6.01 of the [ag1e County Zoningyou that an appl ication for () (x ) has been made for a use on 'land in'the vicinity of your property. For.detail!, piease refer to the attached copy of the appiication. Iffurther information is dpsired .nnf^.t. this office at ihe phone nunberana uJa..lr-g;".r-uno".l-" " Lv ' vv" eue ( The-Planning comnission shalI ho'l d a pre'l iminary public hearing on theapplication beginning at 7:00 p.t4. on' ta nprii iSTS The Board of county conmissioners shall likely conduct a final publicttqqils approximately- 40 days af -uer the pl annlng commi ssion heai'ing;additional notice will be given of further hearings, if any. 41 'l . hearings are held, un1 ess otherr,rise announced, in the County ConnissjonersI'leeting Roorn,550 Broadrray, l4cDona'l d Building, Eag1e, Colorado.- Temil1 Knight Director of Planninq Date ;,tril u,1 6 April 1979 By: KathY Peterson '. :&-irrr*& &a. r{.sr&iL,'r-l. i': /\ t':i !-i ,f tr',ll !," ' ":l\r Elt!'a\Jl,-tl2 \=r'. ull \..' u \r & ll Depirtrncrrt of Pl a nn i rrg & EAGLE, COLORADO U1631 'o; To: James Wheelock Box 18267 Denver, Colorado 80218 BOARD OF COU|.ITY C ()t,4li lS5lONti ftS 325.6209 eo ptt rr rs.r R Riro r't AN II.tAL 5H ELTE R )49.429? A55ES50R ]28-6593 3UIr-DlNG NSPECTION' t28-b339 :LERK & IECORCeR :aqle 32d-6377 Saialt 927-3244 :OUNTY \TTORIJEY i28.6574 :NGINEER t28.6337 :NVIRONMENTALlEALTH t28.77 t8 :XTE NS ION \GENT 128.6370 .I BRA RY. i28.7787 IUBLIC HEALTH iaqle 323-5594tzil 476.5a44 ILAN N I NG 128-6338 IOAD & BRIDGE 28-6591 iHERIFF :aqle 32 8.6 6 | Itasalt 927.3244iilman 827.5 75 I ,OCIAL ERVICES 28-6328 'REASU RE R 28-6376 Dcvcloprncnt - Box 1i9 NOTICE TO PROPI.RTY OI,INERS I{OTICE OF PUBLIC HIARING COUNTY OF IAGLE, COLOIiADO In accordance rvith the pro,risions of Section 6.0iResolution, this letter vrill serve to crdv.i se you File of the Eagle County Zoning that an appiication for No. 7s-87-79 ( ) Conditional use, or, ( X ) Spec i a'l use permi t has been made for a use on land in'the v.icinity of your property. For.detai'l!, please refer to the attached copy of the application. Iffurther information is desired, contact this otrice at ihe phone number and address given above. The-Planning comnission shall hold a preliminary publ'ic hearing on theapplication beginning at 7:00 P.M. on' f8 nprli ilZS The Board of county conniss'ioners sha'I1 1ike1y conduct a final publicnqqtilg approximately 40 days after.the Plannr-'ng Commission hearing;addjtional notice r,rill be given of further hearings, if any. A1 1. hearings are helci, uniess otherwise announced, in the County Conrnissionersf4eeting Roorn,550 Broadr.ray, f4cDonald Build.i ng, Eag1e, Colorado.- Your comments and reconimendations on the proposed use are invited and shouldbe submitted, in urjting, to this office,'or, at the publ ic l-lear.i ng, so thatthey may be fully consiclered before any decision is made. D.,,uJ. lerrltt Kntgnl Director of Planning Datc By: Mailcct 6 April 1979 {,-^;"^*..'--- Kathy Peterson li /\(?ll l-: trr','i 1.".'''i:lFl.r.r_r\u'1,!lr \:t \t\' \}..' lr',, ! U Oepdrtrrrurt of Plarrrring & EAGLE, COLORADO {,} 1G31 SrarAnn nF a^t t(tTv cr) lr l/l lsst oN E RS 328.6409 eoM trutstnRtrot't 328-ti674 Dcveloprlent - 8ox 179 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OI.JNERS l{0TICE 0F PUBLIC HE/TRING COU|.ITY OF IAGLE, COLORADO To: John phel ps Eag'l e County Zon i ng appl ication for AIIII,tAL SITELTER 949.4292 ASSgSSOR 323.G593 BIJ I I.D IN G |l\.lSPECTtON 32 8.6 3 39 CLEBK ?.tt[CORDER Eaqle 328.63 7 7Vaiell 927.3244 CO UNTY ATTORI.{EY 328.667 4 ENGINEER 328-6337 In accorclance rvith the provisions Resol ution, thi s I etter u,'i I I serve ( ) Cond'itional (x ) special use File No. of Section 6.0i of the to .rdvise you that an use, or, perm'it :I'IVIRONMENTAL i..#i;! - has been made for a use on land in'the vicinity of your property. l6^EF,+t'o* lo..details, please refer to the attached copy of the application. If128'5370 further inforrnation is desired, contact this'6ftice at the phone number.lEBAFy. and address gfven above.t28.7787 The-Planning conmission shall hold a preliminary pubiic hear.ing on theapplication beg'inning at 7:00 p.14. on' tS Aprii iSZS The Board of county conmissioners shall likely conduct a final publichqqfr!s approxii:iately-40 days afier ihe planning conmissjon heaiing;additional notice nill be given of further hearings, if any. All.hear,ings are held, unless otherwise announced, in the County Commissionersl'{eet'i ng Room, 550 Broadr.ray, l4cDonald Building, fagle, Colorado. ,UBLtC HEALTH :aqle 328.6594lail 47 6.5A44 'LANN ING 128-6338 IOAO & BRIDGE 128.6591 ;HERIFF iaqle 328-661 Il?ialt 927.324-4iilman 627.5751 ;OCIAL ,E R V ICES 28-6328 .REASURER 28.6376 Your comnents and recommendations on the proposedIUUI'currrrirenLS ano recomiiendatl0ns on the proposed use are invited and shouldbe submitted, in nriting, to this office,'or, at the public Hearinq. so thatPublic Hearing, so thatthey may be fully considered before any decision is made. By:Terri'11 Knight Director of Planning Da tc l.tailed 6 April 1979 .. '--'. .---.. __-.-*.)"r, By:Kathy Peterson E f, il^ ii i-i flI'" !r l'" 'rrr\/b-1r' .'i-' r,r l , \5 \'t,r'J \- t lr \. E ll DeparLrlrtrrt of l)lanrrirrg t, EAGLE, COLORNDO 01631 Devel opirrcrrt -Box 179 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OI,JNERS NOTICE c)F PUSLIC HIARING COUI{TY OF IAGLE, COLORADO To: Harry Fields File No._ _ ls 87 lg property. FON RD OF COUT\ITYaar t, | ,, | < c | -t hr c r, < 328.6|J'rg AO[,rIfrr5TRATION 328-6e74 ANII,,lAL 5T{ELTER ,49.4292 ASSESS0 R 328-6593 DU I1-D IT{G INSPECTION r28.6333 :LERK f{ :aqle 32d-0377Saialt 927 -3244 :O U NTYqT.TORiIEY t28.6674 :NGINEER ]28.6337 :NVIRONMENTALJEALTI{ t28-77 t8 :XTE NS ION \GENT r28.6370 .I BR A RY. t28-7787 'UBLIC HEALTH :aqle 323-6594 I ail 47 6.5844 'LANN IN G,28-6338 IOAD & BRIDGE;28-6591 ;HERIFF :aole 328-65 | Itz;alt 927 -3244 ;ilnlan S27.5751 ioc tA L ERVICES 28-6328 .REASU RE R 28.6376 In accordance rvith the prov'i sions of Section 6.0i of the [ag'l e county Zoning Resol ut jon, this I etter vri'l I serve to .rdvise you that an appl icatiorr for ( ) Conditional use, or, (x ) Special use permit has been made for a use on land in'the vicjnity of your appl ication. If the phone number pubi'ic hearing on the 197 9 For details, please refer to the attached copy of thefurther inforrnation is desired, contact this'office at and address given above. The Pl anning Cornni ss jon sha'l I hol d a pre'l imi nary app'l'ication beginning at 7:00 P.14. on' 18 ApriT The Board of county commissioners shall likely conduct a final publictqqt!ls approximately 40 days after the planning comi-nission heaiing;additional not'ice vrill be given of .further hearings, if any. 41 l.hearings are held, unless otherwise announced, in the County Connjss'i cnerst'leeting Rooir, 550 Broaduay, l,lcDonal d Bu j ldi ng, Eag1e, Col orado. recomirendations on the proposed use are invited and shouldwriting, to this office, or, at the public Hearing, so that considered before any decision is made. Your comments and be subniited, in they may be fu'liy D.,.DJ. terrl Knlgnf, Director of Pianning Date yail.6 6 April 1979 "-^ "'\.. ..)\\ ' ' "- r--.---- *_-.-- ..0 t-c,{-.-,;'t'^t.--.- By: KathY Peterson li I\f!.ii ti (i"(r,\ l".f:T:f!xtr't*\v/1.'rlJ \.'J \'(r/ \ ' l| \J ll lJ Depar tnrent of P1a nrr i rrg EAGI.E, COLORADO T]163 1 BOARD OF COUI.ITY ColvllllSSlOi{ERS328-6e09 AOMINISTRATION 328-6674 ANII,,IAL SHELTER & Developrncnt - Box 179 NOTICE TO PROPIRTY OI,JNERS NOTICE OF PUTJLIC HIARING COUNTY OF EAGLE, COLORADO In accordance rvith the provisions of Section Resolution, this letter vrill serve to advise By: '' "'- \-.--*... *_-- *.i.rz Oto: Charles owens 949-4292 AS5ES50 R 328-6593 BU I LD II'TG I NSPEC'r tO N 328-6339 CLERK & RECORDE R Eaqle 328-63 77Aaialt 927-3244 COUNTY ATTORT'IEY " 328.6674 ENGINEER 328-6337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALT H 328-7 7 | I EXTENSION AGENT 328-6370 LIBRARY. 328-7787 PUBLIC HEA LTHiaqle 324-5594Vail 416.5844 DLAN N ING 128-6336 ROAD & BRIDGE 328.659 | SHERIFF:aqle 328-661I3z,alt 927 -3?44 Silman S27-5 75 | soctAL 5E RV ICES 328.6328 TREASURER 328.6375 File Terril l Kn'ight Director of Planning No. zs-87-79 6.01 of the Eagle County Zoning you that an appl ication for i ( ) Conditional use, or, (X ) Special use permit has been made for a use on land in'.the vici'nity of your property. For details, p'lease refer to the attached copy of the appfication. Iffurtheri nformation is desired, contact thjs office at the phone number and address given above The Planning Connission sha'll hold a preliminary pubiic hearing on theappi'ication beginning at 7:00 P.M. on 18 April 1979 The Board of County Conmissioners shall like'ly conduct a final pub'lic hqqling approximately 40 days after the Planning Commission hearing;additional notice r'rill be given of further hearings, if any. A'l t hearings are he1 d, un1 ess otherwise announced, in the County Cornrnissionersl'leeting Room,550 Broadrvay, l4cDonald Building, Eag'l e, Colorado. Your comments and recommendations on the proposed use are invited and shou'l dbe submitted, in writing, to this office, or, at the public llearing, so thatthey may be ful ly considered before any decision is made. Date f'tailo4 6 APril 1979 By:Kathy Peterson I:/:,f:tll i-l flr",r l" ':'f \rlxr,"i'r./1.!t.t \-\r\'c!/ q.' ! \r u lJ DcparirnettL crf l)lanrring & EAGLE, COLORADO I.:1 631 Dcvcloprrent -D ^., 1'rnDrJ/. LI J NOTICT TO PROPTRTY OI.JNERS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HIARING COUNTY OF TAGLE, COLORADO In accordance rvith the provisions of Section Resolution, thjs letter will serve to advise a John Bobek NON RD OF COLINTY -/rrrr:rc<l//\l\r!ro< 328.6A09 AT)MITJISTRATION 328-6674 ANII.4/TiL SITELTER 949.4292 ASSESSO R 328-659 3 BUII.OING INSPECTION 328.6 3 39 CLE RK & RECORDERlaole 328.637 7eaialt 927-3244 :OU NTY ATTO R T.I EY 328-6674 SNGINEER t28.6337 :NVI RONMENTAL {E ALTH t28-77 t8 :XTEN S I ON \G ENT r28-6370 .IBRARY. t28-7787 'UBLIC HEALTH:aole 323-5594lail 476.5844 'LANNING|28.6338 IOAD & BRIDGE t28-659 | ;HERIFF :aqle 328-661 It?ialt 927-3244iilman 827-5 75 I ioctAL ;E RV IC ES i28-6328 -REASU RE Rr28-6376 File 6. 01 of you that No. Zs-87-79 t the Eagle County Zoning an appiication for ( ) Conditional use, or, (X ) Special use permit has been made for a use on 'land in'the vicinity of your property. For.detail!, please refer to the attached qopy of the application. Iffurther information is desired, contact this'office at the phone number and address given above. The-Planning conrmission shall ho] d a preliminary pubf ic hearing on theapplication beginning at 7:00 p.M. on' fa RpriI ieTS The Board of county conrmissioners shall 'l _ike]y conduct a fina'l pub't ictqqt!lS approxinrately-40 da;,s after the planning Commission treai^ingiadditional notice will be given of further hearings, if any. A] l.hearings are he] d, unless othenvise announced, in the County Conimissionerst{eeting Roorn, 550 Broadr+ay, l4cDonald Bui'lding, Eagie, Colorado. Your con'snents and recommendations on the proposed use are invited and shouldbe submitted, in writilg, to this office,'or, at the public Hear.ing, so ttraithey may be fully cons'idered before any decision is made. By:Terrill Knight Director of Planning Datc Mailed 6 April 1979 ;-\:.. .,l*---\.. ' *---i...-.--*-)'<' By:Kathy Peterson 12 I', (':,ll f !,. f (',1' l: " f "i,'\ /l-r rJ' \'\i,u,l.r | !. .\;t\i,,\r"t!'.r ll tl Depar:Lrncirt of I)'l anrring & EAGLE, COLOI{ADO 81631 ,-'..i. :l' \'-. llt'F 'lr f,': . \ t"., t'.. {. Dcvel oprlerrt -Box 179 I cu.puntry unlimited Director of Planninq FON RI) OF COUIITYCOlllrilSSlONERS 328-6809 eora t tr tsT R aT to N 328.667 4 Ar.ilr.4AL SHELTER N0TICE T0 pROp[RTy 0llNtRS 949-4292 AssESsoR NoTICE 0F pUijl.IC HEARING32B.6593 COUI{TY OF IAGLE, COLORADO EUILDII.IGrNsPEcrroN Fjle No. Zs_97_79328.6339 Fi.tg.8[^&g.- jn-accorclance ruith the provisions of Section 6.0i of the Eagl.'cornty Zoning E:i:f,.rtzt:.rt;tt- Resolution' this letter t'rill serve to advise you that an apil ication- for COU TITYfJf#tt" ( ) Conditjonat use, or, ENG tNEE R52b:d:!37" . : (X ) .special use permit ENVTR.NMENTAL : ' yr.f;T! has been made for a use on 'land in'the vicinity of your property. FXIF,Tt'"* For detail!, P'lease refer to the attached copy of the application. If328'5370 further information is desired, contact this'6rtice at iire phone numberlIgBAF,y and address given above.t28-77a7 1..r.'"qti{.Eirfn ]!:' Planning Cornnission sha'll hold a pref iminary publ ic hearing on ther'air 476-s844 application beginning at 7:00 p.t4. on tg Rprii iszg 'LANN ING128'5338 The Board of county-Conlmissioners shal 1 'l ikely conduct a final public t?tprrl BrlrDGE tlljll-:tprox-in:ate1y.40 days arier itre pi;;;irs"C;iiitrir."r.r.arins; iHER'FF addttional notice r.rill be given of further hearings, if any. :aole 328-661|laialt 927 .3244 A'l 'l l;ttman E?7.r7Fl ;;::...fearings are held, unless othert'lise announced, in the County Commissjoners;octA,- I'leeting Room, 550 Broaduay, l{cDonaid Bu.i .lding, Eagle, Coiorado. ;E RV IC ESi28-6328 Your comments and recomirendations on the proposed use are invited and shouldF-EASURER f:^:"llitl:d,.;'1 r,r]tilq, tg this offife,'or, at ttre puoiic'iearins, so thatthey may be fully considered before any decision is made. fi|l t(,' .:- tl.-.i rl. BY: Terrill Knight Da te li.r i I o6 6 Apri 1 1979( \ udte fl(-ll l eq " "r' 'I 'J'J\ i,:.- -t'-)t \t. By: KathY Peterson l''. tr. I'!.4 l':t ''rr /7\ t: |.rr frr:'iE{/ U/.:l.i;l:"i j {,"1;_,.s.;e .., ii il Departnrcnt of Plannjng & Dcvelo EAGLE, COLORADO I]1631 tlon nD oF co!J!..tTY CC) M 1.4 | SS lOi\i E l( S 328.01t9 AD[4 III IST R N T IO N 328-667 4 ANII.IAL 5HE LTER ,49-4?92 . To, Ounni s shimon nt - Ilox 179 NOTICI TO PROPERTY OI,INERS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HTARING COUNTY OF EAGLE, COLORADO ASSESSO R 328.6 5 9 3 BU -D|l'lGIN5PECTION 128.63 39 :LERK &lEcoiiilER :aqle:i28-5377)aialt 927-3244 :OU NTY\TTOEI]EY i28.6674 :NGINEER !28.6337 :NVIRONMENTAL{EALTH t28-7718 :XTENSION \GENT i28.6370 .IBRARY.t28-7787 ,UBLIC HEALTH :aqle 323-6594/ail 47 6.5844 'LAN N IN G 28-6336 IOAD & BRIDGE 28-6591 HERIFF .aqle 328-661 Itaialt 927 -3244;ilman S27.5 75 I OCIAL ct'tvtLt> 28.6323 'REASURER 28.6376 Fil e No. 6.01 of the Eagle County Zoningyou that an appl ication for (,;''t-''-.-.- o pilrc In accorda.ncc r,rith the provisiorrs of ScctiorrResolution, this letter r+ill servc to advise ( ) Conditional use, or, (X ) Special use permit has been made for a use on land in'.the vici'nity of your property. For details, please refer to the attached copy of the application. Iffurther jnformation is desired, contact thjs'6ftice at fhe phone numberand address given above. The-Planning conmission shall ho]d a preliminary public hearing on theapplication beginning at 7:00 p.M. on' 18 Aprii iglg I!: ?gi"d of countv. conrmissioners shatl likely conduct a finat pub'lichqqfjls approxinirtely-40 days after the planning commission ireai-in9iadditional notice r.rill be given of further hearings, if any. Al'l . hearings are held, unless otherr,rise announced, in the County Con,nissionerslleeting Room, 550 Broadvray, l.lcDonald Building, Eag'l e, Colorado. Your conintents and recommendations on the proposed use are invited and shouldbe submitted, in writing, to this office, or, at the pubric Hearing, to ihuithey may be ful1y considered before any deciijon is made. D., .eJ. terrt lt Knlgnt Director of P1 anning Da te gailed 6 April 1979 \ "-\ --..o* r*_".-*-ix<" By:Kathy Peterson lil'.6ii"l-i (;ft'{i;1,'ii-ir/ O To: t,o Enqstrom DcpirrLrnutt of Plannirrg & Dcvclopnrerrt - Box 179 EAGLE, COLOn/\DO gtG3t tlon rl t) OF COr-,1'lTY c()t.r r/1t:;5toN E R s 328-bU0! ADM rNrsrRATtbN 328.467 4 ANil.lALsH€LrER N0TicE T0 pR0ptRTy oIJNERS 949.4292 AssrssoR N0TICE 0F PUELIC HIARING32A.6593 . COUNTY OF EAGLE, COLORADO BU I t-D lI'l G f NsPF-crloN Fi I e No . Zs_Bl _79328.6339 Ft[S[iitn In^accordance ruitfr the prov'isions of Section 6.01 of the Eagle County Zoning ;:*.-s,ttf-%tet Resolution, thjs letter will serve to aclvise you that un upitication-for COU N TYfJulS#|ut ( ) Conditional use, or, ENGINEER52b:d337" (X ) Special use permit EEXllo"*tt"tot has been made for a use on land in'the vicinity of your property. [^6^IF,]t'o* For details, Please refer to the attached copy oi tt,e application. If328'6370 further information is desired, contact this'6ffice at ti.re pnorie numberllEBAFy and address given above.,28.7787 f.:'r?'ila[.!ir?" I!:'Plannins connission shal] hotd a preli'rninary pubr ic hearing on thevait 476-sa44 appl ication beginning at 7:00 p.l"l. on' tg Rprii iszs 'LAN N I NGt28-6ii38 The Board of County-Conmissioners shall 'l ike'ly conduct a final public L?l?rlBRrDGE i::ljls approxiniately 40 days after the Planning conimission hearing; ,".^,r, additiona'l notice vrill be given of further hearings, if any. :aqle 328.661Iti,fil2rn3l;14s,3r flll.hearings are held, unless othen,rise announced, in the County conrnissicners;octAL l'leeting Room,550 Broadrr,ay, I,lcDonald Buiiding, fagle, CofoiaJo. ;ERVICESr2s'6328 Your conrnents and recomirendations on the proposed use are invited and shouldREASURER *^:.r!i]ti.d, in tvriting, to this offiCe,'or, ai t|",e-pruiti"iearing, so thatthey may be fully considered before any decis.ion is made. f',ri i {ll,{ ll"r I i!:: T .:.il l. BY: Terri'1l Knight \.'.., ',i Di rcctor of Pl ann i ng Y,, \\i: ^\*ff i ( Date gai1.6 6 April 1979( \ udLe lrl(t| Ic(l' ''r'\ \h..-'': "N n,,. Kathv PetersonBy: KathY Peterson t^-,*lr"-''ir- ----- \ - --__..* ::)o"_ H/r:riii"fi effU;'L'iiY O To: ]rres and Bruce Anen - Dcparturcnt of Plirrrrrirrg & Dcvcloprrrerrt - Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO I]1631 ADM IIJIST RATION t28-6e7 4 ANII.,IAL SHELTER NOT]CE TO PROPIRTY OI,INERS )49-4292 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HIARINGqSsEsso R t2B-6593 c0uNTY 0F EAGLE, C0L0RAD0 3U I LD !I'I G NSPECTION !28-6339 File No. Zs-87-79t-'E'v J JJ itES[&B li_1::9l9."c9,ryitfr the provis'ions of Section 6.01 of the Easte counry Zonins *g:t {Ig9.ite Resolution, this letter vrjll serve to .rdvise you that an apfilication-for :OUNTYl;Tf#!tY ( ) Conditional use, or, GINEER r.6337 (X ) Spec'ia'l use permit iNVIRONMENTAL L.fii! has been made for a use on land in'the vicinity of your property. BON RD OF COUf'ITY 328-eA(r'J IXTEIJ S IO N \G ENT For detaill, p'lease refer to the attached copy of the application. If128'6370 further informatjon is desired, contact this'irffice at tire phone number-rBRARy and address'given above.z8-7787 r28.6370 z6-t ta I yr?lttt3€f&*tx The.Planning Comnissjon shall holct a preliminary public hearing on the/air 476-s844 application beginning at 7:00 p.M. on 1g Aprii i979 z6'b536 The Board of County_Conmissjoners shall 1ike1y conduct a fina'l public rodft?sr. BRTDGS . lqii]lg approximately-40 days after the Planni'ng Commjssion heai^.ingi ;;;;;; additionat notice vriil be siven of.further hearings, if any. aqle 328-661 | :ifil!,031;i31!; A]l.hearings are he]d, unless othen,rise announced, in the County Coii-nissionersl.leeting Room, 550 Broadr.,ay, I4cDonald Bui'lding, tagie, Colorado. Your comments and recommendations on the proposed use are invited and should 'LANN ING 28.6338 OCIAL E RV ICES 28.5328 REASU R E R 28.6376 be subm'itted, in writilg, to this office,'or, at the public Hearing, so thaithey may be fully considered before any decision is made. riii tl *. I BY: rerrill Knisht'.,i_ li Director of Planning Date Mail"6 6 April 1979 : '''\t'- By:- Kathv Peterson '"-\.. , ' ----\- ''''-\--'---,..."**.bt t.1 ,1 /'6it ra .tr /rr l: rr,. ftr:.\97l;t:l.ril'ii 'tv\'.,.i.!r, ", ii iI Dcp.lrttrrcut of Pl a nrr i ng & De vcl o EAGLE, COLONADO 81631 BOn no oF co(rr'lTY co M r.,i rsS ror.r E ta 5 326-6L09 Ar)Mrf sTRnTto.N 328-6e7 4 ANIITAL SIJELTER 949.q297 o pnlcn to:JoJsiverly and l^Iolfgang Muel 1ert - Box 179 NOTICE TO PROPTRTY OI,JNERS ASSgSSO R 328-6593 BUII.DING INSPECTION 328.6339 CLERK I. RECORDE R Eaqle 326-6377Saiall 927 -3244 COUNTY ATTO R I'I EY 328-6674 ENG IN EE R 328.6337 ENVIRONMENTAL :lEAL.T Ht24.77l8 :XTEN S IONqG ENT 328.6370 .IB R A RY, tza-7787 'U8LIC HEALTH :aale 324-6594r'ail 476.5844 'LAN N I NG 128.6338 IOAD & BRIDGE 128-6591 ;HERIFF :aqle 328-S6l IJ?ialt 927 -3244;ilman 827.5 7€ I ;OCIAL ;E RV ICES i28-6328 -REASURER r28-6376 NOTICE OF PUBI.IC COUNTY OF EAGLE, HIAR ] NG COLORADO No. zs-87-79 In accordance rvith the Kes0 lut l0n, thi s letter has been made for a File () (x ) provisiorrs of Section 6.01 of the Eagle County Zoningwill serve to advise you that an application for Conditional use, or, Special use permit use on 'land in'.the vicinity of your property. invited and shouldic Hearing, so that D., .uJ- terrl tl Kntqnt Director of Plannino Date Mail.4 6 April 1979 For details, please refer to the attached copy of the application. Iffurther information is desired, contact this'6rrice at the phone numberand address given above. The-Planning conmission shall hold a preliminary public hear.ing on theapplication beginning at 7:00 p.M. on' 18 Aprii igZS The Board of county conmissioners shall likely conduct a final pub'licnqqtils approximately-40 days after the planni'ng con,nission hearing;additional notice vrill be given of further hearings, .ii-any. A1 1. hearings are held, unless otherrvise announced, in the County Commissionersl'leeting Room, 550 Broadvray, I,lcDonald Building, Eagle, Colorado. Your comments and recommendations on the proposed use arebe submitted, in writing, to this office, or, at the publ they may be fully considered before any decision is made. ,l '' !l"{it't',,l !l '--i. 'l t I'I' \,ri f. \ {.,o';'"^t---.- By:Kathy Peterson r.' ,r /11'. ?t t-:t' ,^ /7u n Fr'.l,el\/ ["./: :ll: ;lj!i,.,j .t5 ri,..; i._! r, .., u ii Departnrc'nt of Plarrrrirrg & Dcvelo EAGLE, COLORADO I]1631 A(| \r'l t! I ' fi To: nna0 and Virginia StehneY' Date Mailo6 6 Apri'l 1979 o prnc rtt - Bo>t 179 TION RD OF COUI\ITY crrr/ t,4 | 5s I or,,l t: t( 5 328.eA09 a D rvt t t'r tsT n nttb rvsis.aiati ANilTAL5HELTER N0TICE T0 pRol,tRTy 0I,JNERS 949.4292 AssEssoR l{OTIcE 0F PUBLIC HIARING328.65s3 Coui.lTy 0F EAGLE, C0L0RAD0 EUII.DINGfNsPEcrloN File No. Zs_g7_19328-6339 ._ --:.-.-.- FLES[-d:.r il_19:?l9.tce,rvitl, ll. provisions of Section 6.01 of the Easle county Zonins E:gji .rrro;-urlto| Resolution, this letter t'iill serve to advise you that an apfl ication for COU NTY frtuluou?tut ( ) Conditional use, or, ENG INEE Rga!:dir37" (X ) Special use permit ENVIRONMENTALir.fifl! has been made for a use on land in'the vicinity of your property. i.dJF,+t'"* For details,'p'lease refer to the attached copy of the application. If128'5370 further infornatjon is desired, contact tiris'6tf ice at iire phone number:!FB4I_v and address given above.t28-7787 :Hr?if^2[5ir-t-tt J!:'Planning Commissjon sha'll hold a preliminary public hearing on thetait 476-s844 appl ication beginning a", 7:00 p.14. on rg RpriT iozs ILANN ING128'6338 The Board of County-Commissioners shall 1ike1y conduct a final pubiic L?t?rlBRrDGE l::l;ls approxiniately_40 days after the planning Conmission hearing; ,".o,.. additional notice r.rill be g.iven of further hearings, if any. :aqle 328-661 | l?'filI"o&1;t31tr flI1-hearings at^e held, unless othenvise announced, in the County conynissjoners;ocrA,- l'leeting Room,550 Broadl;ay, r'rcDonard Building, Eagre, cororado. ;ERVICESi28'6328 Your comments and reconnendations on the proposed use are invited and shoulclfr-tf.t#ot" *^:,!l:tl:d, in writilq, tg this off ice,'or, at the pubr ic Hearing, so itraithey may be fully considered before any decisjon is made. .:r..:, I' BY: Terrill Knight..;: \, Director of Planning .t -\- '5t-'-' \' -\-\\.\-;--*.1/\(z By:Kathy Peterson a Iril/% / - t,t' ll o /' ) t )'^ \ruld', t-L{/e^of /) Powzre c,t-.Lw JAHg / | - ,l(/k"L [/tMa4t. /oBfr R€N4+/4#-Au.71 feau bPn ',; Qrr*',00, froeo 'tllil)&, ttoeT ,,.?ed I-€Ats JaA$Ho-bErlarlvt$)f?A€'L $- Jl?, ': oN A7T, >t/t -ZWy na .'| ' -,'l Ca"L'Ao'rras7 /.,,? Hlf T=, cl*L# <+J++r*uae DtffiTo )b..atAt f*tttotV , &'vlf ta" ,/ Eup ata;', latt- ,httt, t//r57 ./ d*L,We! +< ,/4rrIkil,Zt,t/, {apsve*=,r-tl*.O3 [45tztr-rN ,. 4 pH.Y{-LlS JF ' /3Llr+ZVIg3;\8p., Joilil f-1.4*tW6=.34a, tl,EY=, p;+tal:Lf 4 l/ 16zz 0ur.ib*,/tvtau' ,/g4rq hatnh"tn (h/t// n , /a,aonta- /l.'a%n "/ t{ng**t,h. lc50r /4qeg, Eq+-grrr fl4 ffi+l t= atbv$1a4r-IAfl€= t'=' r rcJannnuk' Pd /h(/ ^ttzbt/ Alld6n) ,lnu,ua/% "/ trltsalt'u, Ln/o' 8u6 ,./C frweN* {=1 ef>r*7p6 SAatrtleLe, *lo++6r f- ;. Qsroa u), AWlc- tha, CEfi /6bv /oqr"/ &,ra&-t" JttfuA,1a, Qoap '/ 4Ad,,(h, ftusr ,,/7oTeu-r rfu*+en t4.+*eeeH t ful FIF*, Jo16 p- / u.fudrn,Lno,igqz "/ ilrul ,h ttbst ./8tttV4a*'ee., .-l2ll+{ t-t.A *rwl.e.3b FlEua 1 ;t,,<etal 1' , e6?z /afifurrJuuaot, s' 40 rc A'J44 Ou!- ' D /.|/ /^ -'-:;J;-V/t -42.-a / Qnlunrln ilQ)./,intu!4?.";/ /6'L;f/'7L",7;i?^ ^,, -,, /,,?HM,/Mw%or'' Qapsve*=,lJr1.O3[45tztt-vN 4 .pFl.rfutO Je i?-l<te t,W?! b.Jo 3B ot'JEH1L,V,*on=. ri nrlaclt?rozilora /W'/ 7tqfu-l- Qtte, W,h604 / 4ail' /"&h' [/tto7 I a lerlt 'r0' Tth t% nng Ip+t$#er/ o , /sq/8 Q/'/np /!flinrry2'/o/-"yattxg,, ^ mM ,1 b{,/ ,TWr@ . r/ + 'tt ?Ig L_ry+titv hn'uf"vnrt-Mf /":il ffiW*4qvy4€,1 9{}al a5* a/ ' 'ce/ iltrA/ / 'rlril*0,1,'/e/-T?n - ./'+ c"l,aA+fltffi+a Ct't,, 6tf ryun?VUO ./ ls?6- E'rD, -WiL .'p-'r:yw{_ , e,,._+,^^Erq.?w^ *-& efr]qy1 *a1 z+lpgr b '1 et(1Hae (F+oHll+€' ur7 /s%t 'q'Vn[/ tswf 'W'fia(U _/ g fr?q, ':rr,olry/ +?Tr[/'q rW:rU4 5/o ./ P 4 *t-r'ffijlrfeasrtntrt{a tau-t=a*c lh e/en'VTe'vryt4{ wu^tuy - wrEf' n7\lqVry@l " .'Ty hruyrt *{ lmWMW ae ,( t' /n*qyhry={t l-+l+@r tqpao€ Qft /s?/f 'qF/' TUp .r' zsh?El'VTC' nTVnrrUOQ shq i{g'/ nnrVWrW -ctrc' '/ I ,r' + >F{-ie4-1oF,' 3,-11" L $ttof- . |4e t?f, r tf;loC tAl4*l€ -n(vhnV;i,t-+tdytn/vU) AlTf 'frr/rhWO 4Werro.W6 TI;V '')W @6 €catuH &'z Aeres Lax* -ToHNflal4: * 4, frqtn, Kerq*fi] Eo{ -77J- \&L , -r+ €laq7 E, EBtqr)W--€*--,lEd. Par+z< s- a c,t, LlfltaAt' 7fuaxto .G, &*D 6ot< | flan az. -Gutoh{ l€Lp oN t?At \/A/L d5 8/6a z 9! i6 L -:loq{ t-:4/r=> 12cnrA\zr-i -)o(j? ('i9 <l c=) ql C) qt r-\Nt::) -)I"'\|T:J(-E] -) 3g1:' '.t tl { "rr @o OJ !:t .' 5 /..(.r ! 't o \la .E.t @ E-n (, .) nft'r.-{! o .oJ a, rodn 1|b 'o.D-noF 1 tt z, c2lD O .rO :D - OlD d'ot3 d.t ( Oa -*=nf6 -oi l0-6-.r,:'EE -n-ro e lDc! r! 1- r.D h rof! 1o o i, c ! drD dor!:.o c -r !J.r.lD d rD aL \o d J't lD \oosor^oJr. -.-r+o5(O.r €A< |.. OE J. f -r! o :ElDro:r JJ.o-= ,, o JlD o @oEdJ.J.Do -.r *.r-to nr io.+o, o o r. =^@!.l.D f r!o0rr o-orrs:r.J g! "t o J J c).io J, c (D.r .ro o-Ls' o:t -,o -,:l , : qn J.cJ o J or-.:r 3 r ro I ro(o 3 0 0 .| .l .r.lro 3 rrc c f o (,rd -.3 f a or rD :roorDs 3 f o d3 rD'l-cr3=lD-nso. o5 .to:r (Df(,J-lD O. O J.O .| Of 0'!AroCO 5 "t C:t 3 1'0 O-O-o -.. (t:'.t.|lD1.D.l .Do, . t r-doro (D 1 ctorv or.ar r.<t-l or a)..l .c, F J.|D o --{.}<or/. J. o!.: q, ,:o -J --.1 .D r.f -1o P(,ar -6=.D o(o .) !- tD f Jo !.J o"t 1 lD .D 0 i. c (, 'J @fr3c.i J.O .t 3 -,(lO n5J.+ (J 5E (D:e-.d oO(o J,J, J-{- - O.+lD J.-N J c| J c' lD . -3 5o 3.ooo-o aDo=.o. ct.iOO4F'i.0'-O-6< t<'.' <O oOo-. ^JO lD r,c r fD.i J, u n<- 1> .fr. : .+.+ J.n 0, J.)ro.Grur 3 0!- o o croooJ:t .r c+ -t JfEOO(^ 5 rr?r o = o o!.| t !o o, 0, o-J.J.,s!rJ,(o{.r6o1-t - J.r r -. -n Bq,grlD lD ." (,r o .i o -r N .D3 |D 3 00rrtoo =1 50,.'<C I a,< .+ f_ O 'lnr ar .5 -t o, :r a, Jo-r||oJ= O +A ID. d. 5 ) o-.+.t = o -i o_ .ic or J, ^.t .D'.6:E r. o 1.+=|/|o o F -+ (D :r!/ o.+.Do- .i !, .f :t 61t!to.D.Dor:ro,|r, o-J5 -3 J..+!5 ',o r * tala -r o t o|!(O.+!2.+<!, lD . - lDoo.t z 9 = 30 I: o t- t, aD F -ar d t!:r-.r t, oJ. or oro*o, o -6J n o.or."rr x. c.D + :,f c a>-.tr (O O !O lD'1 . Z F 1o2, O .tO O <).ro|n c o c"'l130:toclttr34(,3 .. h'Ec 3 ..'Er = -.1 | .D 1 ro xlDqr 5 |D\t3C{l).)-{ Jr F!.r J.a:.}'n--lJ Icrfroofo-J{ aro500r+Jr,vo,o-o=3J.<3(o .r =sd*3qa.i.D I d..+.+= rr.( r' 'J.13 O't JJ'O O -J-.O 5 5 -tc' 0, = J.- do :t .D lD o O-(A E oO' 'lo:ro 5 d,3 =(< E-i' -.-n+-l< --.{.. lD -r r.:r c(c - tr o -t f! ar*crooo'l,< oor:oor50 .D'gcJo.+= r.+rDG.x :to lrri3 J.!Cr< o (r.r or - o J..) t, -loo.'=u Jo JO tJ (rO < O--n3 drO <:t O s3o a o .t r=l tJf3J at 5 !1 d.)lD{-r1 o)EE.)oo-=5.+ l!o E :r.i3ltJoo>o-rrorD o rD(o:r- .| o 1'0 0 r'o-d5 0.Eo'r co<pio.. Jo5 <lD r= o, or J.9/r.ar o< c9iJ O- 'b r-.r Jo19,=OE o (D -t lD J--l@ { 3 ci-i': o 3.i50-l ^.5---t- -{r J. .D o o o_ @ -l -n-iDc'.t 05 3 orocf 'r o J.50/ f .i.| o d.ar'.r 3.+5 < (O (D 14.t - f .D Jo cfo:t d. 6- o, dr< o . o.+ *.r.+ocr-. -icrEcl or ..too4c'cg,Ao 1 c.+ .! 5Jo< 6 -t 6 o o (t o- f|, >rr 1 ro -o o.D c oa.-rl o o -i.) d7D J, -.no.o,of .r3o f o.-nr' o, o-r{6ra. rq a, -{ o- ' ' o (J_c J.:r--l o.6-(D s.O.i'r O 6 r.| O.ia'l O.' vrJ t, 3 i,lD(Df :rro3J, O . .D (<.)-, = E Dct* Jr+ .+ao.. -! a) J. 3or o rro|r J.o o 6 o.ts c .!d 1J.DJ,r 3 J t r 3.Dd oo'l> t, r, o_ (,'r0o >JJ. oo.D. d.o o o _t- clDi .. OlD <c3:' t -o J€cri o ff ro5EJ,cd,,r,5 {.}<(r tt 1 o.rl o oro r. J.J J o olD ra o.rE.|O , n).D -Jr t (D l,Jrofr.+o,roo,ar0t o .r 1 :t d:t ar,J Oq,Fiol J Cx- d:t -.tro o .r -l lD --{ t :rJ oJ o 5o. Jt.ro'-oo J! -6 Jr lDn 05 'r.r ro.: ar o.-Jr$ o oo o'o:tsr.Dd o L,-.r - a k .)o.o.Dlor/r :' do l.|soo6G,lD d.r+.i! t o 6.+_i.ol J @!) O. O 'rt @FnO' 'D J.(,|"o J FC O(.to -tA2O.|'OC .. .ao- ., " tc'!l.Dor-ho { !, ro--lr II dta" I ==';f o or(D r^ J. Io(o =:t r 5! =o !r-r o o| o,1.- J-;E€Q '1t, dlJ.rO J -lrD o o rD:r J.3=.il:,oo.to!.D<oOo.i oo,t,{.i'o.DN.}r< ro, !taoFrrD-n<l!=!f€< o1oJ 'd.D o)a =r oo o- or-<cal o/fd< r. a o !oE:_.D Oa.(t'r5 .D ri c (0 5 -+r .Do o -6'r o o J.o rD o --.t H3 f oroi n5u, q,--7(o.ro<c s .D o 1'J.'J -t a-o o dF€ o-n .D|, o, o o€ f-ro5 r.o { 5"l sto. tn(D 6J o ro@Jo@1 C rO -l f.'0 o.i.) J(oE.rOo.+klDrolrDslDJ. oJ..Dr 5€ Ea,5Er6 ol J.0 O.D (./t tt:, n tt1 @'X,-a1 rer t|J.D:, ct oaD !, .rll| o-oJ o o-oJ o)-{! E€(D n -s: o -n<r <ll! -{r (cI.D <r v. o.ro F o.+oo E... o iooJo-QO-(,9durO3 "r? i "di =.D<!|n :t (.o o <or ot t/ o J.>o/ @ 3 or -J.-{J. I fd= - @ ro \.r o-q, Jo o .rJ o, o -. -,€ \o.t o dc u(o c'=(o t, hro ttoo llDar I o.D:.+J-.i o-o-oco,.,orf crJ = ..fr.ref!) o, .D 6 .ro-3 -tlDo rE.D a=F= o.+t e! Fofo.ot.J .)€o('rE:oO.r^ir aQ rDdt, qo oto ?o9 -. ro€ ar-5a,dlD< a J.o <16,.|a df .'rD < c) 5 :t o o- o' .-ro @f o3o:.ei'-9 3o3",=-: 9- ?b'.39s=;;"3 E;=-46-a =:";5=4n- o-r o 1 0 doO oJ .|o, oJ o or5 .' r l@'o !:x'o.io E o,:io'o E-r o, o-t!t 5T? -OoO.|C)E OrAi-r-llDq ?93i-3 ??"3.53 03:.lE: o=o.o,or. orlD< f o o-(o cr\o -o (o=5 J-.r.D<rD-i -EO 3c o lD:l r. o J.J 1!l J.. E.+O-O o J -+r o dqo no o c o.f .D >!a.:1-. :|.E o <E5 tf -1 o- o.|D5h.rO1 .DA 3 -+ cr' dl| t5<J r(Dsq|D E darit oolo )..a 1.7 r,<r .' oo --Jc+coO r, C'.r.i <.r:to.r o ni 5 rs:J.|E a<) o-.=.) o o J 'D or3 o -.ro.i!(< ro1 eo3 -i! ao aDo d r.o-.t 0, J.5 .t |\J r or '0r. cr5 o, tD . Nri.1(J5 0(o lD J. P' o r lD O" O O'i. c. o.3 .$5r N do.ror-.O .| J 5oo,o ; o-:tca, 0, (o5 .o.jro@.t |\)lrJro c cl.iEo .D -n =o1 : dE a' )€.i' I6-E I0 f' o .| 0r ro..rr JE<C 5.)aDl.D1a,J f oo.;.r-:r oo-J,. . rD( rD r< c P FO J.x =rDoo {crE t9d.:'< O (n@ o-. ". -l r'r cr o-!r 5t rD J.O Orc,a! orlo 6:li. _nocrtS ?; (, cnF-n.t !rlDJ.t| r|_o J"t rc ,Bn . r.o rD1t zE o.;o.D c,.i oo(,f '=l'P ?D\r o- a- o --{E \]qD.+|J!|o r.1-@.; I f :o.lf o, F.. <r=-1' d o ts-0/ 'lf N o.-il! rm< o. !Joxo(' (, cll1iD 0.r@oJ a2 = o o, r\tJ(rro.rE 3 cf:t.+ 3 o o-.r o, 6lD oo(Do.)oJl v.+ J -l :t.|., o- €.f o o do-5.D r.!0r lD.D-tcl.tnlr.'! r.€, r| .)o o p, l JPoJ 3 JO o N f lD @*no o.qsJ:i .{ lD .1.< J.J:+Jo| c| o-.i.! (l! 5 'D € r.3 = o @O !NC15lD6r-froo J..r5 oo-l:.rtq, Jct r3 5<.r:a q 3_.9a oT =.r5J.3 c< € 9 t6 6' 3 F--,t '; torac',r Ir ocot?r 3o,iD r. 3o-o J tDFC lD 5l.l.D'1 6- -oo.(t ^._{ r! ro o! ,-:r J I l|,<o Jt r.r i6o,.+o €or lD \J-o, I l, @rr 3 !3 J .s o q, P-n (, (tr :o -n (,G',on t, 03 :on (, @io-nt, lD4 .r o, lD-. .r .Dlr iD J. .r rlo J..) o! ttJ?! q o {r F c o -n rf c rD c fp n x- c o -n zrc olal|D-n(r).D-n'oDo-n{:.l|'1 VtZ -l 6= -.t v|2 1 62 1 o= -.ta 2I .'o p o clo .t o clo rro .+O iE o rto :E o.toc ... o c l0 c rbc iD c tD c...t o f o 5 .):r .l 5 rt 5o. Fr o ar Nl o o r..r oo- F.t o o o' Fr"d3? i "99? 3 '€gr 3 H3gT I "33? 3 5f =.D@ o o,o@ o oo@ o '1!op .D -r:r \o .iE lD or:ro a,oE.> o('r r f o5 - rrr.n>q l)@ J.{f --{o Jl-' N (r45.r'.--to' o r.J f..1raoarJ>'D Io-o.t orD:r t .td. | :JoCr-J(,oJ.r ot'do=i r lDJ.a!Dc Ja9-qooo! c)rDo(rt,{ oo,o'Dh o\r co/ J. \ o, \.r 3 o{-. (-r -.r 3o!olD p(1(o |D t:.JJrar r+4 J.OJ\O .+i -c| lJlr\o J\O .Dfd o:o5\O 3tr.+J.lD r a! Nr:t-. (D o rD a, =o.r. lD o o -,c, o o, =1-.o.6). < | O(o ti, O l.)Xo jCr .D Olf o, -r oclo3oJoJ I n<Oo jO r cla J.(O \r :J lD.-1 J.D(o (,qo, o> J.horrD:a 'Do,.. -l .Do(!:E 1o,.. aiorD(, No..d!:rr.o-or. -.1 {'1 . 3 d ' O.+' o I < .) O-c€o '0< '!co/ c,r tri J_9{ ai! rD rD f ir3 4 r.ko,o-n.Do llr o. :DrD o-t .D. , > (: a, o r !c tEr-rri,aD(< o - -or,.f o c o o o J I o o -.t:t o.tr' -t rD (,'oo< -r(< o5.D 3c|lD 0i,ao 5'DEoorff 1-p 't' :r { .1 o o E3 .E o r o r.3 k .) -o.o 3.a J.€ o { o/ * d of o o -a rr! -.o o o -1 m ro J,ll3i -!. 33,=-t 3 833--1 --gl9-5-9'n;.1930,;{E ._Q1-?6r,e. -i.f o o-.) -l Hdr o o,D J.dlD .D Jt. o o . ro c -l d o olq- o r o"o.oor :t :t350o 4rqo.rf oo o, f o.r-oo!'o 8:.. o,< d .+. :J. r o r o-rb o o->:t F(.o .'r J.o.Dc @3 0 lt -nlD .ilD o, rt = f * .)(0 c) o 1o-FJlD oal.{ 5o t't o o or o, - o €.rr. o o o -r o o o-. J o,p.o n o o.o5 f -t5Eo.r o lDo,Eoi.35 d=J,/. .r o. oOo,o .r 1cd .. 1 oJo.rh h-.-l:Oor3 <orD oi:l:> 6.:.Df 't 1 0r.o 1 0 53 oclc'lrJ-l 6 ,o .rjoo<-.) c < rr o,(o:, x -.-<=o o '/d<<oo ciuroo-O.r 6 0, lD J. ar o) 11-t(!) ! or J.-.rrO -l .r 59/ o. J,n - c| J.< J. c o1tE-nr .+ J3.o oo, o f -c k.D-o_oo-.! o-t=r3o(,+rlo = o f o-o. o. f.a)-n-. -.r J.= !o o -. k r o -l'to- r o =r.irDcr c {o-,9J 6 o< = @ta _ o,ho o-d. ! orJ.)J rir<1-r|r=r- Jjoolo,o{.)ovlrD= .tt 6J.5 JlD r!o.r O-ri(< o (o i o. {o-.rro J.rJ1. d J . or o Jc 4, 3 -l I c, { >-.6!(D rS5! o,ooo.q - .D 5 o o-orr{,D r!N-o@J.o croo-@N-to'-hlD 5 x .D .| o 3 J.= o J o.o f rD o J o.io -c<. o -tad !t5 ro toaro..'o JjoJococ ar :r.trooO, .D O oro -i Er = r .t\< 5 (il rDJ.1O--.' o.{ lDllDt=1q,:J 5 'l< A, J.OroF J..Dd :rO .r o- J. ar o o d.()o--. FlD 3 :r k50 rro oJ Jo' .o Er{ o!o,.'FlD f, k lD |terE - oo- =JJ=aoq e = 3t,- J s(DHoo. o:rr - a .r .r.+ aro 4=tJ o -olD (< oo,rooro o\J .Do .+@ J. o o fx.oof ir-i ! .D o-{c' =co t €-N to NEr-n (or 1 .r- i..5 .D Jt OA ElD OCO = > O.D .D OJOv' o o._l t r' I J, - o 5 .i ro - < qqo. J.9 :a 1 6 C O.+o: lD 5 ().+ 9, 't c derF:' lD(D J. vrcov io Elo lDal:5 = r.r, .D.i'D =o. ei5 d\ o o .o -.r(o .) io3J .o =@n>r! !9 |l) r!.D .D c!!,4 ort c.D. cr c ca,ooa3 o o.t .1 o aD o lD lD o J Jr .D? q f.) o t qc! a, - o.f .i .r r, l'..rooEJ-o |D o.D o oe, ocf .D= o .r a) - c -J .r.Do-cvr-n r @o q*o o - . )o o-o,o o. o rEr J.*Et 6o 01 . 03 'tD ! rD tt.r.t J|,aF . j -.o<ovr d ac 3 f J e' < J.rD3rD c) . oo- E.D o r.D -{* oo<f, o.{ 5 rt o 1 o .Dc! |\).r .+ F od c.= o!+=@ o J o .)c.) 1- .) :f lD .D tE.t. s, c O 0(,!,-O 3 s.r -lr l' 5 .Do."-a o 5 E 3.|ato t, o (,rt o o, -.r -t,< i{ 4 (t o,*.Do ft (oo <J x o.i or -.r! --6 5 |D O lD r. lD O g, .i Olgo:t i .i tA O --trh F.,l 5 o.N 5 :' :r = (O5:t i' :J * 1 1 O ct c+ O (O .t '\ O OO O .rJ t| ro o 5 0, o ooJrt 3 Fr I . 6 J.r@ o o -<)t< 1 ttor o o o=oJ. =lD 616 {(De o I a 't ral =< Q* 3< "' 3 3 "€ oo.+=E O-rroo o.1 _t lD o .iA, O lD.rJ.O.J.'TJ€I l' J1 < o 1 '= .fJ.5 lD 0r J.(r3 lD .. o,.r r .+ 0Jf . d. aD - I .+E 5 J. t/)J(D o.tlI' oJo * o 3 q -J3' of!o, ar4 J rr.. o, o:t!o,.}(,Jor (oE =ol a O!lD No-f r..D o(o.o 4..' - J "o co, o s- .,99 ur tp, @:o_i .r o, -no5 J -rr ^_C .D -i iO c (D(oo - o1vr2, X O ti Z,o.lo o c -foC.'. O - dF{=a o tt6lD I o =o I<\| t{vr@ o@E€>J.r o.:t.io(..l!lD\r lrrolD!.JJrlJ1(,6€(O .r O.2OAr{ O F € JI(1E OE J(O{ J.{ .D o I o o rDJ.- r, o -6 f c!J(, cl5(O'.1 !' m ' 5 5.fra o(O :' tD rr:t clo-<:3Omt, o r:t < < o-oJ,!d coJ oa)0Jl! c+.D J.f .r(n 3 0 .r 0 < o o't (,5 03to -f o:3 3=3 J.r! o, d.+\d nr=5-.ho -t -r o.r 5o<lDt,.r4o o.D 3 5 O' O.+.D 5 O.+-1 -6J..+J o'-t3.+tr< O (,) alt, s dcr o.D rroo!J O-t O O50.r.o,o r. ri lD r..+o o J. 5.+ 5 a, :rrD - 1t =ttto 1 ro! J-tor.-orc Jor oo{orJEo(o3:f Eer of-clD F0i0.r.l aooo -lo 3(rJo, oro-< t lD tJ.31(d 'rr< |D o c+ -d.D"rlD50 -.J.-.t .D o-i!ro(,o <r,rDo.5t, -J .D lr.' 5dd3 o(0 rD0r. oElD-i JJ.J J |Do J(o.rJ JJ.-t oir o, 1:r o o o 4 -no,I)ott 3 o 6.to- 3r. r..r rt iD .+ Jl r 1.o-ur o c <o5o.0 O-..! a|.t o.f < !l r t --]l -=3 o O ct!! .Do- 0, do r.3f .r d(DlDo lD3 0-.oo ^)o-f€03 o J r'r s J. orD o.r. ar d.t l!-nt lD .! o. lDO .. -o o,o c:r fr.. o,.t o.tcr 'D. o * c33 66! =o,3 -. cr .DE 3o, EAGLH C$$JNTY ODepartriient of Planning and DevdlopmentP.0. Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-731I BOARD OF COUNTY cot'vlMtsstoNERs Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 24 | ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R Ext 202 BUILDING IN INSPECT IO N Exl 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 2l7 COUNTY ATTO R N EY Exl 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEA LT H Ext 238 EXTENSIO N AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG Ext 226 ot 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 75 | SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | 7 l4ay 1979 Louis Leonard Scher IV Comptrol l ers Department Lagoven, S.A. Aoartado No. 889 Caracas 101, Venezuela Re: File No. 7s-87-79 Special Use Permit In answer to your letter of April 25, 1979, received in thjs office May 7, 1979, you received notice of Public Hearing for Lots 10-11-.12, Vail Village West Filing #1 because you u/ere l'i sted as an adiacent property ov/ner. There were several other l"latterhorn Village owners that were also listed. This is the correct Subdivision and Lot numbers. The application is to construct a single fami'ly residence on each of the lots. The County requires a Special Use Permit to construct on slopes.in excess of 30% and that is the case with each of these lots. The final Public Hearing for thjs application will be 30 May 1979 before the Board of County Cornmissioners. If you have any questions or comments, p1 ease contact this office. Secretary to Temill Knight Director of Planninq rine Peterson t )ruefoorL* s DetT O LAGOVEN, S. A. (Filid de PETROLEOS DE VENEZUELA) cAE CAS 1Ol, r|EIEZUSLA A{Ptt- 2s,rq+7 rlttte.T=ceruu Vr,rear lire,,.{oc oc DLkpt/,Ph ,6of t ?1 Ee'oue Caep\ C,ouortoo Ar63 t }-rtE Mc. I,pte*r. -tau*f f lce;l,*{ r.lo{r c€ otr fPf he4n^t'r {.-' A S1u<ru ul€ Ptea,r h A o:e oF LrtreD tvfu vtotP'l? c( U^^1 Lo-tc Q + ro ,r, pl&rtv? tlotatt Ll'llf aE . tH€ rtpptrcer'r,a' f A{r \q,u U,lleee lrJ6l - fi ftrr 'n' egeoe I ?? €t Ptm+t $.oFar 1ve t/lrnt$oa o E '(U2'?. t e ' s r{ rog ' Pfeeae 4ut ne fa,'otp what t1rre ls Aus ABoJT - X da PcT WtT ny u*r'u TrfrP4pD'grD oa rt1 vrrt'vt A{fr*cd tr ttuI Peerhr \,vrYlo,r-l \ Enouldqe or atd,atf,. {ltr,rt tcnt G 1ou1. 1'uo..th - RECfr'rt* lftAY ? lels D.,H.:'ilff,1ff:' f &e yc Zs-8:l'?9 VIqt14 )ouor {"^Y'tL,, Itlarh|rrrr. t4i' 1+ rcz Ea 4qt Pa tr07 ^';":::1't: ::1;,: ;;],',:l: ;l:Tir li lrc;lrr (-)CL'i'riV, Ctll 1;i'i:clcr (rrtittirrturr, 5 <.ip.!i5 rcqli rL:c1 prirrt ur lype, uicr:pt sigrrilttres)bF wtedN tr,llw?tta oarc A,.c,J. 3./71- .o,-,/fu Ap2l ic"t rt Mai! F.dclrt-ss "',, VA(- '",PM3,, | , * (hcl<.l; r No. ) b. rry;tes ?-!id bounds (may be atlecfred) : ng use$: )o Attach e>plaration of eviclcn:c thai proposed us:c is corni-ratitJle wiih surroundi 5. Brief PJrpfse ancl Fltason ior p;opcsed us-- (:rray bc atiirci:ed);elfr0 al* "o'A ZeNilJA Pptu53D ing a.-rcjrcsses, of the properly crogroscd for j;-,rcen+ prc;'.lerti,-:S is, ettacreJ h"reto; this i,pF\l isaiicn as state(i herEroir. ep,:iiczurt; orvncr'1 ---e/Lahq Nl,/.l,l0H File No. 3-Q-137.r22 Fee t)€iid t&-'ee-- ,n"^.,_]l['LVfi ?-\,hJ@1 (Sec. 6.01.0t (i,) 1. Spe:i:,I [Jse :cughi (1:,rese't .on.-frf\-r, 2. Zo: t+ District Malr attithe:l? 4. [-.;Eal dr.]sicriptior' of prop.--riy a. Sub<-livisioir Name 3- G:-.i;:i L.i-;..i:^ ci;-:i:rr..- lrAln l'rlll t? - PVry | ,,. . . LTXivtUit u6,r t pAah cclrPTT. 7. A ccmplete list oi al I SFec i ertC s ign airiirc'r Of f icc Use Aprplicat!orr .rcccptt'd as cornplct.-: for Public tlc!r:irr! f-: - ;:,..: " ". . _ _4 PE !!_ Jpr_ /-922 * _ _ APPIication r'-'i.cted as irrcorrtl-.lctc {ar Pu5iic Flcar if rJ beca'-tsie: 4 - .t '.'tAJ'a.c-- aJ'-'---;:'*-- [:-] i !ji rf1ini.t 'f-1l\ lrEgt. ot rB.i,..- ., trf4 GouD, Colo. Mr. Temill Knlgbt Department of Planning and Development Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Terri l'l : 0ur office is representing the individua'ls (three) pursuant to their each constructing single fami'ly residences on Lots 10, 11, and 12,Vail Village West, Filing 1, County of Eagle, Colorado. These lots are zoned RSl4 and have roughly a forty to forty-fivepqfcent (40%-45%) slope. I am hereby reluesting- a revier from youroffice regarding these sites being develdped; i.e. f'loor area, etc. Thank you very much as I appreciate your c'larification. 5 March 1979 Sin Victor Mark Dona]dson, AIA 1000 Lions Ridge Loop, Suite 7 Vail Run Resort Conmunity Drawer l{, (303) 476-1128Vail, Colorado 81657 VMD/co o EAGLftoUNT\O Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT Date.'7-/5 , rcZZ ITEM Buildino Permit Fee Application For Subd ivision lication Zone Change Conditional Use Spec ial Use Code: (Build ing) (Zoning) (Subdivision) Total Received All items are received for collection only and this receipt no-payment of any item. Ne 4717 By AMOUNT cancelled for t , ta D a i i I tl ii I it ::H :ii I a I c ( a a tI t , ! 9 'i -+I GD a G lt\|\T Et :i +il,u ii:iii;rHlfi,il!i*i*i ts'. ffi Fr; \=* .l :ilg Itffi ll {-iii "t:rl 9i3.! t' r I a .Fl i. F $-\feI\&!" S$ IF f t-f"jP'is U IJ E '1 "'v"r "JI il:- i 2ti<? !zl i i;.i r !i! h !:i b I;:I ijtari iii :' W -, r! lii!11 Eiiill$,iiil"{ .H t=rt\ { "JF< 'g l,;, 'T l. ""-'"" uiri ],-etfl itl.' \ 'I ( / 7 7 il f$