HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 1 LOT 14 LEGALDesign Review Board ACTION FORM Deparfrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us Project lIame: McKeeta porch addition revision DRB Number: DRB020282 Project DescripUon: Deck extension Participants: OWNER MCKEETA, GORDON S. &KATHLEE08|27|2002 Phone: L3442 E ASBURY DR AUROM CO 80014 License: APPUCANT MCKEETA, GORDON S. & KATHLEE0812712002 Phone: 303 337-9270 13442E ASBURY DR AUROM CO 303 337-9270 80014 License: Project Address: 1808 ALPINE DR VAIL Location: southeast Legal Descripuon: Lot: 14 Block Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL I Parcel Number 210312312009 Comments: Seeconditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion Byr Action: STAFFAPR Second By:vote: DateofApprovaa, 0812812002 Conditions: Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). EnVy: 0812812002 By: Warren Action: COND Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Entry: 0812812002 By: Warren Action: COND Cond: CON0005525 That the applicant clad the metal deck posts in wood to match the deck or submit an alternative to the Community Development Department for approval prior to request for a Temporary @nditional Occupancy Permit. Cond: CON0005526 That the applicant use only natural wood materials in the construction of the deck. ,n,ryQ/rrlroo2 By: warren nction: col,to O Pranner: iltr^^O^ryle DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO I0t4[,ffi Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit applbation. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is reque*ed, An application for Design Rwiew cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department' The proffi may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval tapses unless a building pemit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Location ofthe Proposalt tott/4 abcU: Physical Address:l0oe r4r-r'rue Dcaxp Descraption of the Request: Zoning: ilame(s) of ing Address: Owner(s) Signature( Name of Applicant: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) e 8zg- z8q/ PA\E e3 829 llLu Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Phone; Fax: Type of Rwiew and Feel n Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Con*ructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration ( multi-family/commercial) tr Minor AlteraUon (single-family/duplex) E chanqes to ApDroved Plans/\ tr SepaGtion Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 EY No Fee For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild, For an addiuon where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 addfions & interior conversions), For minor changes to buildings and site imProvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, rerooftng, painting, window addibons, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. For Office Use_.O.nly: FeePaid: = ,4) Check No.:53tt" ,r. WC -l-' {i'l-''!\ ,., ,-'{\ lt.:'i ,. r rlr;l:. Tr:i:.1,.r Iir tjfi ,1,.1-.-.; /. , r.J {: | *t*f * | +tf * | lf* *tt* rf*'t I I't* ff llflf +l I t * fl I tt*r* * * ft It t * | flt *t t rt t * * rt***fl*1t* la't'tt*llff ft +fl TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Stat€meot + f+ + it+t *t t't*'a*'t * * | t**** r* **') a***t rr* * **af*** t* f**t t{' fff*f* +* * ra'lrt*f* ++ta* +**'}r f **'}*aa*tft* St.atenrent Number: R000002958 finount: S20.00 0e/27/200201 :23 PM Pa)rment Method: Check Init: iIAR Notation: 53L6 McKeeta Permit No: DR8020282 Tl4)e: DRB-Chg to Appr PlanE Parcel No: 210312312009gite Addreaa: 1808 ALPINE DR \TAIIJ IJocation: EoutheaEt fotal Feea: $20.00 This Pa)rment: $20.OO Total ALL Prnte: $20'00Balance: $0 ' 00 +tl*aff+tal*'|atl***a*'t'tl**a'*tl**aaa'}+**'}l{'*lff****tt}'}+**l|tl++*a+**{'*a'}l'taa+rr*l9a'tff+t*a**a* ACCOTJNTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31i22OO DES]GN REVIEW FEES 20. 00 GENERAL INFORMATION Thtr.ppl..t.tr tr f"-ry p*it.t requiring Design Review approval. Anyproject requiring design rcview must receivl Design Review approval prior to ,uU1;rlning for a building permit. For specific information. see the submirtal req-uirernents foi the particular approval lhat is requested. The application canno! bc acceptcd until 8li the required information is submitted. The project may also neid to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmcntal Commission. 'Design Review Board approval expires one yesr rfter llnd "pp"o""l unless a bullding permlt is issued and construction is strrted' Qu.r,ionrlll the Planning staffat 479'2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PHYSICAL ADDRESS: I'''Eg-LPI TJE PARCEL #:2 | 92:l?3:lz:-9o I (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors offtce at 970-32E-8640 for parcel #) tL+ B. c. D. E. F. G. ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: i4srz0fte OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S); NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: vEle NE: Q9 z-l o -25i H,TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: Et New Construction - $200 Construction of a new building' El Addition - $50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residcntial or cotunercial building. (Minor Alterrtion - $20 lncludes minor changes to buildings and site improvements' such as' reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesandretaining walls, etc. DRB fees are ro bc paid al rhe time of submirtal. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuarion ofthe project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PLEASESUBMITTHISATPLICATIoN,ALLSUBMITTALREQUIREMENTS ANDTHEFEET()THEDEPARTMENToFCoMMUNITYDEVELoPMENT' 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. TOVIN OTVAIL Fee Paid: --e14-- CK#: DRB Meeting f)are: *t* t*** *f *t **tltt*tltt **ll,l* *rttt:t* t***i:t * *'N* *tt* * l**t*tf t{t**'t'}'tf t*'}'tt}* ****l *tr ***t***tt*l***lt* lt*i * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO statsment It*{rt***{rtf,***++'}'l*+:l'lirf *'}*i* t'}***t f, *'i**f i**'l*+lt'} li't*'f ***{'****+********f*r***t+*'f l*it*+*'lrl*t gtatement Nunber: R0000012?3 Anount: $20'00 oal22l20oro3 '42 Pll Payment llethod: Check Init; JAR Notation: 7.4324 Permlt No: ParceL No: Site AddreEs: Locatsion: Thi6 Palment: DRBO102?9 TY;re: DRB 210312312009 1808 AI,PINB DR \TAIIJ 1808 Alpine Drive 920 .00 l{inor Alteratlon Total Fees: Total Ar,t Pmts: Balance: $20 . oo 920 .00 90.00 ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on DR 00100003112200 DESIGN RE\/IEt,'l FEES Current frnts 20 .00 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 wwwci.vail.co.us August 31, 2001 Mr. Gordon McKeeta 1801 W. l4ihAvenue Denver. CO 80204 Re: 1808 Alpine Dive / Lot 14, Vail Village West Filing #1 Mr. McKeeta: The T.own of Vail Public Works Department has reviewed the revised retaining wall plans for the above-referenced single-family residence. Public Works is requesting the following revisions before we can issue a building permit for the prgect: . The maximum slope on the retaining wall bench must not exceed 2:1. . Please provide the dimensions of the fabric overlap on the retaining wall detail. . Please provide a P.E. stamp on the actual retaining wall detail. . ls the stone veneer going to be free-draining as per the P.E. letter? . Where is the underdrain going to daylight? Existing site conditions reveal that there is cunently running groundwater on the site. lf this groundwater is concentrated and daylighted, where will it go? The town will not allow continuous groundwater to be daylighted onto the roadway/curb and gutter. . Engineering also has a concern about the amount of excavation to take place in close proximity to the residence directly above this steep lot. How will the excavation be supported to prevent failure during construction? Was the retaining wall designed to withstand the surcharge pressures of the existing home above? The above comments are on the retaining wall system and assume that all other Public Works reviews have been completed and approved. lf you would like to discuss this matter in greater detail, please contacl me at (970) 479-2140. Sincerely, P4--.--_ Brent Wilson / Senior Planner {gon"uor ro A8/2al2BgL 67:36 n CUSTOMART IND Questions? PAGE A2 thc Planning Staff at 47$2t28 B1?- 66tl,l o Call APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL p B. c. D. E. A. DESCRIPTTONOFTHE pHy5TSALADDRESS: JAg6 ftlptp; DgtVE: PARCEL #:2t O? . lZ7 , lZ . O Dq (Conircr Eagle Go. Aseesso6 Officc rt 9?G32E-tdtl0 fc puccl #) ZONING: NAMEOFOWNER(S): MAITINGADDRESS:z-f oAuBorta OWNER(S)SIGNA NAlvtE OF APPLICANT: MAILING E D PHONE: F. G. 28f / TYPE OFREVIEW AND FEE: O New Conltrrction - fi100 Constructiqn of c new building' E loolt." - fsg Insludcs any addition whcre squarc footage is addcd to any rcsidential or commcrcial building. (Minor Ntcretron - $20 E*H',TffiHff#:rsflffi#,ftrSi#ffi1:#'lkr, wglls, c,ls. DRB fecs arc to bc paid at thc time of sub,rnittal. Leter, wheo applying for a building permit' pleasc idCOtify thc accuratc valuation of tbc project. Thc Twn of Veil will adjusr thc fcc lccording to thc pojest valuation. PLEASESUBMITTHISAPPLICATIoN,ALLSI,EMITTALREQUTREMENTS AI{D TrtE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT oF C0MMUNITY DEVELOPMEI{T' 7s souTu FRoNTAGE RoAD, vAlL' coLoRADO 81657' TOV.COMtyl, D['/ D[P[ 6A/2Slzbbt 07.3b I)cpotaent d ConnuitY MeloPncnt 75 Souh Fmntagc Rod Yail. Colotdo 81657 97G179-2138 FlX 970-17e-2452 vww.ci.vail.co.us CI..STt]MART IND 'OINTPROPERTY OWNER WRITTET{ APPROVAL LETIER PAGE 63 (printmucl r- ta'A iC I t rjoint o*na ofpropcrty locsted tt tbis lettcr ar (raarsJtcgd *t1t-1 wrincaapptovat ofthcplans dzrd...-Q [tS lO I . - . wbicharcsubmittedtotbeTowr of Vail Communig Dsralopurcot fu thc propoecd improvcutco$ to be complAcd at tbc rddrcg8 A above. Iunderstandtbdthcproposcd imgowmcutr'-chrdrc ft-) I,J-I€VEF.? TDe I furrher rndcrstand that minor modifications maybc madc to rhc Pltns oYGr the couno of tbc rcvievr process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and rcgulations. / trrn'".r-r 'o OA|2U2agL 87:3O CUSTO"IART IND UST OF PROPOSEF I'AYERIAI TYPE OT MAIEBUI PAGE A4 BUIIDII{G IIATERIAIS: RFT sitam Other Wall Matedab Fascia sffi l{indorrs lUhdow Triln Doors tborTin tland or Decft Rails Flues Fhshl|E Chfnneys Trash Erdcuea Grcenhouses Refialnlng mls EtErior tjtJhthg Ollter @!B: * Please spcciFy fte manuhcturer-s color, number arul &ch a m'll cohr cnlp .r All e(Erbr [gh$g mtst rEet Sre Toivn-s Lighthg OrdinarEc 12'11-U. lf Gnfierir lwinq q pfopTd, please ir$k5b -f|e n-umber d ftrurres and bcdtblls on a sepaEte tOhdp !!!1. Idjl1|Y dch frtu|lt tt?e inJ prome tre freiOfn rWc Er*e, furnens ouFu! luminous atc , and attadl a cut Sheet d U|C hming ffiur€s. ./ OAl24/2BAL O7i3a CUSTOMART IND PR.OPOSED I.If,DESIPITS PAGE A5 Echlilalllrue:@ooo.Uane:gEo[iB: sEs!: PROFOSED TREES N{D SIIRUBS: OCsIINGTREES TO BE RlliO\lED: n{inlnum rcqultrrcnts fur lan&cafingr GROUI{D 6\'ER soD SED IRRIGATIqI TYPEOF ROSION cor{TRoN. dcd(luoG becs'Z inch callper conferous trees - 6 f€€t in height shrubs - 5 gailofis sruerc-ErpFgc:I.Ec: OIIIER LANDSCIPE FEAruRES (rcbhing walh, fences, swimnlng pooE, etc.) Please specify. -Iflthatl tl'p and bottom eht/ltiorB d rerahig wolb.- Marirnrm height of walis within the font s€tbact'ls 3 frct Marimun heigtrt of walb ebcwlrerc m the plSrutyis 6 feet. I 68l2U2A6t 67i38 O,JSTT}'IART IND PAGE 66 tmurr Locl,trot{ vERrFrclltrof, Thb fum b b verify Scfvlcc lvEibtil! and loetbn hr ncf, Consfudon and stpuh be usd h onjunctiur wu, prep"ili-rr,ii,nrV pnn a.O so,"oullng instalhddt. Tlp location atld trn'bbility d ndllttes, whed."r tlref be mrh trunk littct gr protced [n;, must be app.o6d antl rrerilled by the fotb*Trbornestqfo,e-a-cmmptthgtteCan' t | ---{tzu *1{1z*(ot mutl tEA+nGs it"b e €nE l@l't n A&slg!-Sig[r0l!E DrE U.S. Wcst Cmlrrlnlatirns 1-8q>922-1!lE7 ,f58-5860 a 949-4511 PuHic Servir Co.npatty ge-5781 (@ry Hall) Hdycr6 EhcficAssoc 9l||}59t2 Crcd HrEkyJotln BoYd) T.CI. !11&5530 (Fbyd SaEar) Eagle Rlvcr wat€r e Sanibtbn Distictt a7$7rl80(F'€d Hasbc) ---.-*-----lb*-r I Phase brin o siE Can, nmr pbn, and dcvatbG when ootalnlru Upper Eagle Vallet waEt & SanirtEr slgnatur€s, Fht bw lreeds mu$ bG a(8rc36ed. I{)TES: 1. If $re uliity rgfrcafhn furm has $gra$lls trlrn cach dtte rnitty cmpanlcsr and m qtfirrElts a13 maOa'Oiua' ; dt" fodft gre Tqrn wll pttstfiE ttrat there ilE nO pngb;gtns and tie de\clopmenton pr@. tr a udltycdnFny h6 @ne[|E rnilr ttn fopd mguctbn, ttre U0fV rercscnAdvedLi noE dh".d#,xrg-fthy vemr|ti'i frtn dtn'tfEiE b a pmtlcm wt*h nee& b be tsltctt. Th bl|E strd|td trcn bc d.6rcd h an atactred htGr to thc Toilr of V"ll. ,fq!9'e!.!E!9il. !Q f W* ron Ar-rctlltrorjE - z' -Lio rr I rqr. r: lo eoocto a tr: lqr r l1?8o 18 RCH & Associates ENGINEERS & GEOLOGISTS August 15,2001 Gordon McKeeta 1801 West l4trAvenue Denver, Colorado 80204 Subject: Retaining Wall Recommendations Lot 14, Vail Village West Filing No. 1 Town of Vail Eagle County, Colorado Job No. 8464 Mr. McKeeta- PY 1fl* (,.|i 0FFIOH buf 00 B?g - ooit Tomr of Kg'yr,srciAJS AtJ0 WE 0 2001 rOV .COIVIM, DE'I DF.P.-{ As requested, CHURCH & Associates, Inc. observed site conditions, reviewed the Inter-Mountatn Engineering Soils and Foundation Investigation and are providing to design recommendations for a retaining wall above the house. We previously evaluated geologic conditions at the property in a letter ofJuly 7, 1997. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION AND SITE CONDMONS Two retaining walls are proposed to retain soil above the proposed residence. The retaining walls will allow construction of a "backyard" to the south ofthe residence. Temporary vertical cuts to 6 feet are anticipated in association with the wall construction. The upper wall, Wall B, is proposed approxi- mately 50 feet in lengtll as presented on Figure l. The lower wall, Wall d is proposed approximate- ly 90 feet in length. The final height of the walls will be 6 feet. The slope above the wall area is gently to the north. Imitation rock facing is proposed at the geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) wall. A cross-section between tlte property line and the proposed residence is presented as Figwe 2. SUBSI]RFACE COI{DITIONS Subsurface conditions encountered in the Inter-Mountain Engineering investigation consisted of less than 2 feet oftopsoil underlain by sandy clay soil to 12 feet undedain by a sandstone boulder. No ground water was encountered in the test pits, which were part of the soil investigation. Conditions exposed in the start of temporary cuts consist of similar materials as described in the Inter-Mountain Engineering investigation. A steady trickle of water was flowing from Lot 17 above and then infiltrated into soil on Lot 14. The water appeared to be flowing from a perimeter drain or subsurface water collection system. We understand water was been encountered in excavations in the vicinity. RETAINING WALL RECOMMENDATIONS Prior to construction of the retaining wall, water from Lot 17 must be intercepted and diverted around the proposed walls. The water should be directed to the east and along the property line to Alpine Drive. Drain details are presented on Figures I and 3. DENVER 4501 Wadsworth Boulevard 303.463.9317 Wheat Fldge, GO 80033 Fax: 303.463.9321 CASTLE ROCK 303.660.4358 EVERGREEN 303.81 6.1 455 LOVELAND 97 0.663.2124 O Retaininc****"ffiitjH# Page 2 A wall with a maximum height of 6 feet is required to maintain 2: I horizontal to vertical (II:V) slope between the property line and proposed finished grade at the residence. A geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) wall can be used for the retaining wall bacldll and imitation rock facing is proposed. A GRS retaining wall was designed based on the Colorado Transportation Institute (CTI) Design Method. The CTI method is a service-load method that was developed using results of instrumented frrll-scale walls and finite element analyses. The following was assumed to satis$r the CTI methodology: l. Minimum wall batter of 80 degrees from horizontal; 2. Less than 20 perc€nt passing No. 200 sieve and a liquid limit less than 35 and plasticity index less than 8 for t}re fill soil; 3. Proper drainage is maintained; 4. Horizontal crest; and 5. Competent foundation. The assumptions for the GRS wall design are presented in the attached Appendix A. Based on a 6- foot tall retaining wall and reinforcement spacing of 12 inches, a geosynthetic with a maximum tensile force (T,",.) of 1,200 pounds per foot (b/ft) and an ultimate tensile force of (T'rt) 3,600 lb/ft is recommended. The maximum reinforcement length is 6 feet. Smaller lengths are allowed, as present- ed on Figure 3, depending on the wall height. The design method considers enternal sliding failure, foundation bearing failurg and anchorage failure. Forthis design, the factor of safety against anchorage failure is the most critical. Use of a GRS wall can minimize the lateral earth pressures on the wall facing and structural design is not required for the wall facing. Typically, the most cost effective facing methods include timber facing, block facing, and stacked rock facing. We understand you have are planning the use of imita- tion rock facing. The facing must be free draining so as not to restrict water flow. A granular material with less than l5Yo passing a No. 200 Sieve should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum standard Proctor dry density within 3 percent of optimum moisture content. Coarse-grained material larger than 4 inches should be excluded from fills. Loose soil should be removed from areas to receive fill. The geosynthetics should be unrolled in the direction perpendicular to the wall face and reinforce- ment should extend to the rear of the wall. Overlapping of adjacent geosynthetic sheets should be at least 12 inches. Fill should be compacted in unifonn horizontal lifts not exceeding 12 inches in uncompacted thickness. When placing geosynthetic layers, install the reinforcement across or between the facing. Bactdll should be progressively placed at the front ofthe wall and spread towards the rear of the fill zone to minimize slack reinforcement. Excavation and compaction equipment should not directly contact the geosynthetic material. Surface water drainage should be directed away from tlte excavation area during construction. O Reraininc**o"ffifff## PagB 3 LIMTTATIONS If conditions different from those described are encountered, our office should be called. These recommendations are for the indicated proposed construction. Taller walls or retaining walls on slopes may require revised recommendations. The cost for any construction observations is not included in this investigation. If there are questions or if we may be of further service, please call. Attachment: Figure I - Site Plan Figure 2 - Cross Section above proposed house Figure 3 - GRS Wall Design Typical Appendix A - GRS Wall Design Assumptions 5 copies sent +3il,t'#Vxt,'6xi5-ff "EWEST SCALE 1o = 2O' I ry I #r$$" \\\ t\ INTERCEPTOR TRENCH DRAIN /-' SOLID PIPE WITH GRAVITY OI.JTLET FOR INTERCEPTOR TRENCH DRAIN JOB NO.8464 SITE PLAN FIGURE 1 +3il,1'# t}Xfl ,'6Xi5"ff " E wESr PROPERTY LINE INTERCEPTOR TRENCH DRAIN '/ WALL A CROSS SECTION ABOVE PROPOSED HOUSE NOTE; MORE DETAILS OF GSR WALLS AtlD TRENCH ARE ON FIGIRE 5. SCALE 1o=6' I2'WIDE DRAIN SIRIPS ON IO-FOOTER CENTER ALONG WALL A. WALL B ./ ORIGINAL GMDE 1 ./\-/2'PROPOSED RESIDENCE 8056 ,/ FINISH GI i-' 8046.75 19' JOB NO. 8M FIGURE 2 Lfi 14, FTLTNG 1, vAtL f-lce wEsr TOWN OF VAIL, @LORADO INTERCEFTOR TREhEH DRAIN o--- *Y{"'o'U' ' a- -a? FActNG AT h6 BATTER Gr),-7 rFAClf{G Tt?E AT 0UtttCRS ^/- / oscnenonmlrATlo'lsr{hE .t- / 4 nc}| Ennmltpere sl-ffE AT lr8 TO rA ilCll FER Fo()T TO g.}lP fi GRAVITY OI'II.ET 20 l.flL LINER l.{lN TEIFORA,Fi CUTT FACE FtN[*l GRAtr .d7qrfi-' GE(FYNI}IETIC REIIFORCET.CT{T I rE HEIG'}|T tr lYAl- GT)4 5 6 7 LEIGIH S RENFfiCEHEIITfIL 4 5 6 6 ra.rorrm:rsrpfftfv 6= 0 c = 2000 P$F INTERCEFTM TRET{CH rcIES:I tnAN HTIST LEiI' TO A PGITNE GRAVITY (l'NEf fi TO A STIf ilTRE I{ATER CAN BE RE!1(MD BY PIItrING. 2. cRAt EL SPECIFICATIOI{S l0O* FASSIiIG 2 lt{H SIB/E l{Axl}lt}l a0* P SSTNG M). 4 SIEVE, t'LAxllft{ l*' PAsslNG l{o. 20 slE\rE 12'WIDE DRA,IN SIRIP (}.I IO+OOT CENTERS ON WALL A WALL iOTES l. AJ- LOGE FllI REI{OYED FRO|{ AREA BEIG/Afi WAL Z BACI(F]LL TO BE 4'I.III{.E GMI{I.AR I{ATERIA WITH !'IAXII{U'I 6a plssllG M). 2oo slEt/E. 5. BAClGllr TO BE CO?ACTED TO ]'llNll"llll F c6t 0F ASTH D6e6' GRS WALL AND INTERCEtrOR TRENCH DRAIN DESIGN JOB NO. U4 FIGURE 3 APPENDIX A - GRS WALL DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS LOT 14, VAIL VILLAGE WEST, FILING 1 VAIL. COLOMDO GRS Wall Desip Spreadsheet Design Data WallHeight= 6 feet SurcharqeLoad: 120 PSF Tu""lcn: 120 pcf 0 u"rcn: 36 deg. C ru"ml: 0 pSf y fou*ation : 130 pcf 0 foondarior, = 0 deg. Cf foondution = 2000 psf rq: 0.260 Friction angle backfiUfound. 24 deg. Aszumes minimum of 4 inches of backfill is placed c" = 0 psf on ground surface below first stip ofgeosynthetic \:0 N" = 5.14 Tentative Reinforcement Length (Should be the largest of lengths Lr,L", or la) L1 (external sliding failure) : 3.2 feet L2 (foundation bearing failwe) = 2 .4 if L2 is < 6e, L2 should be set to 6e Foundation Bearing Failure: e: 0.8 Foundation Bearing Failure: F, = 3.73 must be minimum of 2.0 L3 (anchorage failure) = 6.1 L, (tentative reinf. lengttr) : 6.1 Vertical Spacing & Horiz. Stress Depth (feet) 6 ha S T^o Lrcquired (psfl (feet) (lb/ft) Fsn**,t (feeQ 1 2 J 4 E 6 7 62 1.0 62 42.1 3 93 1.0 93 32.2 2 125 1.0 t25 27.2 2 156 1.0 156 24.2 I 187 1.0 r87 22.2 I 218 1.0 218 20.8 0 249 1.0 249 19.7 0 d must be greater than 1.5; assumes 6=2/30 JOB NO. 8464 APPENDIX A. GRS WALL DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS LOT 14 VAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING I VAIL, COLORADO GRS Wall Design Spreadsheet (continued) Design Limit Strain & WaIl Displacement 6 d = 2 % should be l-3% for permane,nf walls A,o: 0.096 feet 1.6 % (should be less than 27o) Fs",,.pauo-,to"= 2.5 Shouldrangefrqn 1.5 tD3 Q.0 assumed) MinimrmTensileStessforGeosyr.= 623 Qblft) Design Sttrnmary Reinforc€ment length (all Depths): 6 feet Reinfcc@€ntVerticalSpacing: I foot T,o= 1200 [b/ft) Tor= 3600 (b/ft) JOB NO. 8464 T0ll4{ uFVAL oe Depttmenl of Community Development 75 South Frcntage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-179-2452 vttww.ci,vail,co.us April24,2001 Mr. Gordon McKeeta 1801 W. 14h Avenue Denver, CO 80204 Re: 1808 Alpine Drive / Lot 14, Vail Viltage West Filing #1 Mr. McKeeta: At its Aprit24h meeting, the vailTown councilvoted (unanimously)to overturn lhe Design Review goaro's-M;ch-lt', dooioeniaroivoui request for-a modified grading and landscaping ptan. iii[ uoi" rior the counciliranies itre tot6wtng conditions: 1)Theevergreonstoberemovedwil|berep|acedona|inear|oot,rtreefortree"basis' 2)Asigni|icantnumberofaspenswitla|sobep|acedaroundtheresidenceforbutfering. 3) The new (replaced) evergreens muslle ali-v,e five years afler the issuance of a temporary certiticate?o"ccupancy. . ll any, ot-tne i;priced trees die within this time period, they musr ol iJprili in'" rin"iiroot tree for tree" basis. I will be the assigned project planner during the construction Rlaqg of your proiect' I will meer wirh your contraciJi, irf,ie Ct"sne1,..to qis<irss-itre amehdeO tandscape plan and tree mirigation proceourii'-ii vi'u *o'ro iire rc ois*ts any of these matters in greater derail, please Oo not n"Jilate 6 contaA me at (970) 479-2i40. Good luck with your project. SincerelY, E.--^4 W,^- BrentWilson, AIGP Planner ll {2,*r^,o TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM VailTown Council Department of Community Development April24,2001 An appealof a Design Review Board decision regarding a requested modification to the grading and landscaping plan for the McKeeta Residence, located at 1808 Alpine Drive / Lol 14, Vail Village West Filing #1. Applicant: Gordon McKeeta, represenled by Ernie GleasnerPlanner: Brent Wilson ilt. SUBJECT PROPERTY The subject property is a Primary/Secondary Residential zoned lot in West Vail located al 1808 Alpine Drive. STANDING OF APPELLANT The appellant has standing to file an appeal as the sole owner of the subject property. BACKGROUND Historv On March 18, 1998, the Design Review Board (DRB) approved the applicant's request for design review approval to construct a single{amily residence at the above-referenced property. The scope of the DRB review involved a landscaping plan and "limits of disturbance" area to determine the negative impacts to existing trees on the site. Upon review of the subsequent building permit submittal for the residence, the project planner determined the "limits of disturbance" area had been amended to incorporate the removal of large trees at the rear of the home sile. The planner denied the request for a building permit and an additional revised slatf design review approval based upon the inconsistencies with the original DRB approval and the content of the town's design guidelines. Mr. McKeela appealed the staff's denialto the DRB. On May 3, 2000, the DRB voted unanimously to uphold the statf decision in an etforl to preserve the mature lrees on the site. On March 21 ,2001 , the owner's building contractor requested DRB review of a revised plan that would remove the trees during construction but replace them on a linear foot basis prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for the residence. The Current Aoplication Under Aooeal On March 21"', 2001 , the DRB denied lhe applicanVowner's request for the removal of certain trees on the property to allow for an expanded construction disturbance area. In moving to deny the request, the DRB cited the following design guidelines from the Vail Town Code: 1. The location and configuration of structures and access ways shall be responsive to the existing topography of the site upon which they are to be located. Grading requirements resulting from development shall be designed to blend into the existing or natural landscape. Any cuts or fills shall be sculptural in form and contoured to blend with the existing natural undisturbed terrain within the property boundary. 2. Building siting and access thereto shall be responsive to existing features of terrain rock outaoppings, drainage patterns, and vegetation. 3. Removal of trees, shrubs, and other native vegetation shall be limited to removal of those essentialfor development of the site or those identified as diseased. IV. NATURE OFTHE APPEAL The appellant's slatement of the appeal request and a reduced version of the proposed landscape plan have been attached for reference. V. REQUIRED ACTION Uphold/Overturn/Modify the Design Review Board's decision. The Town Council is required to make findings of fact in accordance with the Vail Town Code: The Town Council shall on all appeals make specific findings of fact based directly on the particular evidence presented to it. These findings of fact must support conclusions that the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of this title (Zoning Regulations, Title 12) have or have not been met. VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Statf recommends lhat the Town Council uphold the Design Review Board's denial of a requested modification to the grading and landscaping plan for the McKeela Residence, subject to the following findings: 1 . That the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of Title 12 (Zoning Regulations) and Title 14 (Development Standards) have not been met with the applicant's proposal. 2. The location and configuration of structures and access ways shall be responsive to the existing topography of the site upon which they are to be located. Grading requirements resulling from development shall be designed to blend into the existing or natural landscape. Any cuts or fills shall be sculptural in form and contoured to blend with the existing natural undisturbed terrain wilhin the property boundary. 3. Building siting and access lhereto shall be responsive to existing fealures of terrain rock outcroppings, drainage patterns, and vegelation. 4. Removal of trees, shrubs, and other native vegetation shall be limited to removal of those essential for development of the site or those identified as diseased. April 17,2001 Vail TownCouncil To Whom It May Concem, This appeal is pertaining to the McKeeta Residence, Lot 14 Vail Village West Filing NO.l. Mr. McKeeta and the Design Review Board were unable to reach an agreement regarding the percentage ofsite disturbance. The initial set backs for the McKeeta Residence did not accurately evaluate the amount of slope; this blame falls on either the engineer or architect. When the Design Review Board reevaluated the plan, it was oncie again denied. This decision surprised me, as Mr. McKeeta has adamantly stated that he will return the hillside to it's original state with any trees or grasses necessary. In order for the concrete contractor to safely perform his work, adequate space must be allowed. This entails encroaching a small amount further up the hillside, meaning about 8 additional trees will have to be taken down. Other altematives are very costly and unnecessary. They include: pinning back of the hillside with a mesh netting and then shooting a concrete on the mesh; temporary shoring ofthe hillside is unnecessary because ofthe scope ofthe project; also a rock retaining wall would help retain the slope, but then in return it would take away from the natural grade ofthe hillside. By allowing my request, Mr. McKeeta will be able to build this home in the Town of Vail. He has enjoyed living part-time and working as a ski instructor for years, and looks forward to becomins a full-time resident and home owner. Sincerelv- {? nl/ {r-*; 2,0a,-' Emie Glesner I ' | - | r r lts d \> -'4- a: ?" +H.o k$@ Fo n'+*t+ \ "".3" 'o. (9 ,"'!'n Hli 1 ; !ir3 i: ii 3J el ir;1, E; rl ff;ila -""t :A'$|'r F ___J ll' P l! ut(( xxEEII EEIlttr !! i,t 5 aiuI iugt9! Bili112'IJ Ti DU FIo 7tulFOfg 9tltl! >l3 i;n ;? a .2ei-a5 trl€gfi dwod,9J ET OU r, it I @ I b El-/n./\ -6\F -a iF: /t\ '?-.s".J^\A - ';'YF* v" 'b*j zll:\ 13 \ex i\ \ \\\-- fi,l >1 ,Loo I APPEALS FORM REQUIRED FOR FILING AN APPEAL OF A STAFF, DESIGN REVIEW BOARD OR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION ACTION AcrroN/DEcrsroNBErNcAppEALED: Tltt/ ot - De{ /e^.^ / oF TOWNOFVAIL treJ t^oJ,tf ic1 . .o.- B. c. DATE OF ACTION/DECISION: NAME OF BOARD ORPERSON RENDERING THE DECISIONiTAKING ACTION: D P 4 PHONE:_ LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF APPELLA}IT'S PROPERry IN VAIL: Page I of2 4l''l D.NAMEOFAPPELLANT$1: G oralan /a c (eafql MArLrNc 6eouss. l80 I d, l+h |ve . >eaw€/, (a govo+ E. ut (ot | 6o 8 A(,o;nc Pr-'r. SIGNATTJRE(S): h(- rfLl F.Does this appeal involve a specific parcel of land? I If yes, please provide the following information: are you an adjacent property owner? Yes If no, give a detailed explanation of how you are an "aggriwed or adversely affected penon." "Aggriwed or adversely affected person" means any person who will suffer an adverse effect to an interest protected or furthered by this title. The alleged adverse interest may be shared in conrmon with other members of the community at large, but shalt exceed in degree the general interest in community good shared by all persons. __/ I ,tb6 ccY c. H. Provide the names and addresses (both person's mailing address and property's physical address in Vail) ofall owners ofproperty which are the subject ofthe appeal and all adjacent property ownos (including properties separated by a right-of-way, stream, or other intervening barriers). Also provide addressed and stampid envelopes for each prop€rty owner on the list. On separate sheets of paper, specifi the precise nature ofthe appeat. Please cite specific code sections having relwance to the action being appealed. FEE: $0.00 tL8- 86+0 Co,t,t<\ ogsefJott- Page2 of2 THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOURPROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Council of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section l2-3-3 of the Town of Vail Code on Tuesday, April 24th, 2001 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, located at 75 South Frontage Road. ln consideration ofi ITEM/TOPIC: An appeal ofa Design Review Board decision regarding a requested modification to the grading and landscaping plan for the McKeeta Residence, located at 1808 Alpine Drive / Lot 14, Vail Village West Filing #1. Applicant: Gordon McKeeta, represented by Emie Gleasner ACTIONREQUESTED OF VAIL TOWN COUNCIL: Uphold, Uphold with modifications, or Overtum the Design Review Board's decision. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: On March 21",2001, the Town of Vail Design Review Board (DRB) denied the applicant/owner's request for the removal of certain trees on the property to allow for an expanded consfuction disturbance area. [n moving to reject the request, the DRB cited the following design guidelines from the Vail Town Code: l. The location and configuration of structures and access ways shall be responsive to the existing topography ofthe site upon which they are to be located. Grading requirements resulting from development shall be designed to blend into the existing or natural landscape. Any cuts or fills shall be sculptural in form and contoured to blend with the existing natural undisturbed tenain within the property boundary. 2. Building siting and access thereto shall be responsive to existing features ofterrain rock outcroppings, drainage pattems, and vegetation. 3. Removal of trees, shrubs, and other native vegetation shall be limited to removal of those essential for development of the site or those identified as diseased. The application and information about the proposal is available for public inspection, during regular business hours, in the Community Development Department, located at the Town of Vaii Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. For additional information, contact Brent Wilson, town planner at (970) 479-2140. ?t + l'l o' f4&tv-- To$lN 0F VAlt c0MiruNlTY Diiiropurui orpmmeut"" :risotJtttFRoNTAGERoAD VAIL. COLORADO 81S? t-?:l t=-l AtL CO 81658.127r Uamo Sltus oblle Tract Condo Block Sales Milc ( ! Pre/suc ! Romarks I tax sate ! spc ! Mlner ! slutlng Protest (I) State Asd Control History PPCertLtl Queries r-<-l r-r Iame Sltug n Mobile I Tract Condo Block Sales Mlsc ( Pre/Suc Remarks Tax Sale itlnes Sibling Elags Protest (I) State Asd Control History PPCortLtr Ouelies 03.123-12-012 Name Situs Mobllo Tract Condo Block Sales tvllsc ( PrerSuc RemarkB Tax Sale Minos Sibling Elags Protest CII Stato Asd Control Hlstory PPCertLtr t <-l T;-l 1779SIERRATR APTA 12.29€6 8K.0465 PG.'0391 QCD 07.{ll{7 BK-0641 PG-{1773 BSD 06.0t€4 R695630 oCD 0+2940 l{amo Situs lloblle Tract Condo Block ! sates Mbc ( Prorsuc Remarks Tax Sale Mlnes Slbling Elags Prot$t (f) ! vatue Stato Asd Control Hbtory PPCertLtr EE(!Eto a\ a) osiFtr €,lto 3E OC 8atECi= oo c{qc?to3 @ F?(9 o-0€t|'?IoooNIII FE;*ssF i$Eg;e;e E#€EEg#g I ? N dto oo6t !tt b a!z o 'o r E a o 0tt o(, a) E#Fgcooo Ee:*oooo o0 EIt!so E62 oc 6 nll Ir ItlLI tlttllvltt t__--J tf)Icta? ooo IDNc{?(9A!to€Ixlo ro(? !'ft ooa h(0 95lo =q>= aS FE;lssF fi$Ei;ese E#Etsg;g O og vt .) J ! d E#E COC $e;ooc ra)co 3? cloa Nc{I(, o- !t@r0?vo roqtcl ooo TITTT FE;lsaF ;$Egf,cF$rttrtrtrtr E#EcEg*gI 0tootttt "sE6z oE 6 TI l1lttL__l t-tlrllvl LJ O Questions? e Planning Staff at 47g-213A T0ttIl APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval, Any project requiring design review must recejve Design Re'/iew approval prior to submrtting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submitbl requirements for the particuiar approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission, Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unlesr a building permit is issued and construction is started. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: +t B. c. D. E. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: PARCEL #: PHySIcALADDaTss: t KO K A \ u.r; ".* A;..,r- I (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) NAME OF OWNER(S): F. G. owNEKS) SrGI{ATURE(S): NAME OF APPLIC\IW: efr : < Ql..-.taor MAIUNG ADDRESS: PHONE: <)A - S*>t TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE.E New Construction - g2O0 Construction of a new buildino.tr Addition -$50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial buildino.tr Minor Aheration - $20 includes minor changes to buildings and site improvemenB, such as, reroofing, oainting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permi! please identify the accurate valuation of the poject. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuatjon. PTEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLTCATION, ALL SUBMITIAL REQUTREMET{TS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, March 21, 2001 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE PUBLIC WELCOME PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Gommunity Development Department MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT stTE vrsrrs1. Dorrance residence - 97 Rockledge Road2. Kelton residence - 1034 Homestake Circle3. Village Center Condominiums Building B-124 Willow Bridge Road4. Marriott Hotel - 715 W. Lionshead Circle5. Coldstream Condo - '1476 Westhaven Drive6. Deming residence-483 Gore Creek Drive7. McKeeta residence - 1801 Alpine Drive Driver: 12:00 pm 2:00 pm PUBLIC HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Coldstream Condo - Final review of proposed 250 addition. 1476 Westhaven Drive, Unit 38iColdstream Condominiums- Applicant: Jack & Lois Easterling, represented by Chas BernhardtMOTION: SECOND: VOTE Westwind Condominiums - Final review of a new building identification sign. 548 S. Frontage RoadMestwind Condominiums Applicant: WestwindCondominiumAssociation MOTION:SECOND:VOTE 3:00 pm Ann 2. 3. 4. Brenl AllisonDeming residence - Final review of proposed remodel. 483 Gore Creek Drive, Unit 2a&2blTexas Townhomes. Applicant: David & Jamie Deming, represented by SECOND: Eric Johnson VOTE:MOTION: Village Center Condominiums Buibing B- Exlerior improvements. Bill '124 Willow Bridge Road/Lots C & K, Block 5E, Vail Village 't" Filing. Applicant: Village Center Homeowner's Association, represenled by Fritzlen Pierce Architects. MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: 5. Kelton residence - Final review of proposed addilions. 1034 Homestake Circle/ Applicant:MOTION: SECOND: VOTE 6. Marriott Hotel - Final review of modifications to exterior of Phase 3 Wing. George 715 W. Lionshead Circle/Lots C&D, Morcus Subdivision. Applicant: HMC Acquisition Properties, represented by Gwathmey Pratt Schultz ArchitectsMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 7. Beaver Dam residence - Final review of a new single-family residence & EHU. Bill 363 Beaver Dam Road lLol2, Block 3, Vail Village 3'o Filing. Applicant: FritzlenPierceArchiteclsMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 8. Beaver Dam residence - Final review of a new single-family residence & EHU. Bill 383 Beaver Dam Road / Lot 3, Block 3, Vail Village 3'o Filing. Applicant: FritzlenPierceArchitectsMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Bitl 9. Dorrance residence - Conceolual review 97 Rockledge Road/Lots 3, Block 7, Vail Valley 1"t Filing. Applicant: Bennett & Jacquie Dorrance Allison MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: 10. Dikeou residence - Conceptual review ol proposed remodel. Allison Applicant:MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 'l 1. McKeeta residence - DRB review of revised grading and vegetalion plan. Brent 1808 Alpine Drive i Lol 14, Vail Village West Filing 1 Applicant: Gordon McKeetaMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Staff Aporovals Antler's units, 514, 515, 516 - Loft additions. Brent 680 Lionshead Place/Antler's Condominium. Applicant: Anller'sCondominiumAssociation The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in lhe project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, T5 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language inlerpretalion available upon reguest with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. oo Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: McKeeta Residence Project Description: McKeeta Amended Construction Staging Plan Owner, Address and Phone: Gordon McKeeta" 1801 West l4s Avenue, Denver, Colorado, 80204 ArchitecUContact, Address and Phone: Same Project Street Address: 1808 Alpine Drive Legal Description: Lot 14, Vail Village West, Filing #l Parcel Number:BuildingName: Comments: Project#: ***PLEASE CONSULT THE T.O.V. BUILDING DEPARTMENT REGARDING POTENTIAL ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ISSUES _ 479-23251.*** Motion by: Pierce Seconded by: Woldrich Vote:5-0 Conditions: Town Planner: George Ruther Date: 5/3/00 Board / StaffAction Action: Denial F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\g71 | DRBAPPR.FRM DRB Fee Pre-Paid: F cLrsfrMAFlr INtrIUSTFIIEsi April 15, 2000 Russell W. Forrest Direcbor of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Co 81657 RE: I,ot 14, Vail Village West Filing No. 1 SUBIECT: Request for repositioning of the construction fence shown on site plan to provide a save environment for foundation work. ENCLOSURES: .Copy ofrequest letter dated February 15, 2000 .Copy of Refusal letter dated March 30, 2000 .Copy of Design Review Board approval action form dated March 18, 1998 rCopy of site plan with a more accurate position of fence requested depicted with a black dashed line. Also the proposed landscaping after final grading along the south property line Dear Mr. Forrest: I wish to address the statements in Mr. Mauriello's refusal letter dated March 30, 2000: 1. Mr. Mauriello states in his letter that The Community Development Department reviewed my proposal. However, as of 1:30 P.M. on April 7, 2000, neither Ms. Joan Nolen nor Mr. Mauriello had a record of a review. 2. Mr. Mauriello states that the proposed disturbance area is unacceptable as it proposes to disturb nearly 1007c of the site. My calculation indicate that only 67Va of t}re area will be disturbed. 3. Mr. Mauriello states that the approved limit of disturbance is "very liberal." I have inquired twice about what constitutes a liberal percentage of disturbance and have yet to receive an ansrver to this question; thus, making it impossible for me to even determine the parameters. This refusal is delaying my ability to proceed with the building of this structure approved !y tfte Design Review Board, a time delay that I cannot afford. I feel confrdent that this situatiodiwil&-ba'' rectified, and I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. Please call ne aftCr-?evieir*rgr this. !H::"::=""J:Hi""=#i (3031 azB-z-Aar Sincerely, Gordon S. McKeeta, President Telephone: 303-825-2851 303-337-9270 t Area of Lot: O.2444 Acre=l0,646 Undisturbed Areas A, B, C, D, E, A. A=ab-38x72-_2736222 A=ab=47x41=19nF222 fi-ab=1 5x26=390=222 A=ab=30x6= A= ab-17x6.5=110.5=222 Ft.B. c. D. E. F. G. A=h(a+b) x 5(39+25)=5(64)-J20= 160.00 Sq. 2222 Sq. Ft. F, G as green 1368.00 Sq. Ft. 963.50 Sq. Ft. 195.00 Sq. Ft. 180.00 Sq. Ft. 55.25 Sq. Ft. A=hIa+b)=2-1131-+3.0)=21 x67 =1 407=703.50 Sq. 2222 undisturbed Total 3,625.75 Sq. Ft. Lot Area Total 10, 646.06 Undisturbed Area 3.625.75 Disturbed Area 7,020.31=67.O97o cLISfrMAFIT INtrIUsiTFITES Lot 14, Vail Village West Filing No. 1 Calculations of Area to be Disturbed lined on site Plan lor wEsr r4TH AvENUE oErqvEn. eoLoRADo grrrza4 (3tr3t Bzs'2431 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 March 30.2000 Gordon McKeeta 13442E. Asbury Drive Aurora, CO.80014 RE: Lot 14, Vail Village West Filing No. I Dear Mr. McKeeta: The Community Development Departnent has reviewed your proposal to amend your limits of disturbance for construction of new single-family home on the above referenced lot. The proposed disturbance area is unacceptable as it proposes to disturb nearly 100% ofthe site. The approved limit of disnubance is very liberal. Please plan to use the approved limit and note that a construction fence will be required to be installed and approved by staff prior to any work being performed on the site. I have enclosed the materials you submitted. If you bave any questions call me at 479-2148. Dominic F. Mauriello. AICP {S *rn"uorutr USfrMAFtT oEnvEn, "oro"'t" AVENUE lFil cusfrMAFtr *iJ::#;:=", aoz'4 llJl il\ltrltJsiTFllEs {wE,tu bq'41'..9to-' M'tue't aLL-G -To'up Pa..r+Prug<-Tow ,: oF V+1,- "t5 5 o,..1'it1 ftor*sf&eze ?o'tO V*t- ,@ 3tU+'7 ^,LR M*,petauo I ft9a-gq<-c>7 f,aen=€ Fv'ro '\T€=issOS +t<e-il*r*' /d> Rfezreg OF Tfie =o,.lTflE; r-,*[' ;; a-- i+ , V*"- vr r-t-'\trE L\)g=F' ,L) D€.Ae;R Tb Praoc:s=> t,.o tnn 4 =n€a E(QA\'f4tcotv ?Rpc@De€ , ['r',- @\FTt \pa "rtfi+r '-fte <-z\JTcsr') F-'rceD>r:+rr+-:: tp ?ta SiTe PL,A{--i bA Nl.orfe> b+cfc tcz ffi€ Fb'arn op b Ltob pl.l i-r€ Ttfis [,uru- *tr-.ou: *+L?t-L gt1nter "fr TDE il'gc -t'o a:au€6 a a^t= E*vttOrrJlae-9"i fu'+ €r;ps+rtor! l'OoRK ' Efr T\Ap EuTFEA€eE:r-ls, Ft':s ssl(F ^'=FeF" ,ortcd- A{2€ (Mt=c--'?-c-uf >efn fe . 4 AJO-qOA eF -ire=E5 t'tt@e Tlzsrreoqb-t\ -4rl rn-e e^fr t?ra rv-^epto -11a .T Qpg gF -;'T+ Wtat geQpr-rs.r; TraAJc-e@ tcf, lr+ -t-e l,t9q<\< e J AeT i1 rfglq/€ i TfttS beu'6 1='-:6 rpetrtout '@p.4i3stazru2 . /rC-";>T l'12- R* uDee3}*-fte-cstEt>, L+t^JDs(*Fa PL"|st.J -a'-1 , €>UT6treRJVrr=<,r eF TtlE Peeltonf, e'e iiE Pr-+PTeL TTt€ 6qe ?r.'+l*, 1t1o,t"'- A Fa.n<eu %O-'itt€ &@, ,&t-or.sA TttE Ste.:-Ttl L , Ttt€-e AFe fre€S T> Be fi6c*u €zg'tbt t-td'.r ' Ilt*se J^€€-e?T ?zESe 4{4,^-1/ ''* O tF lou rttue Qu;sizsJs , TiltuJ4 Q6oC-eg:eZ-u1 , fiir,h,"- '72</*;** *-\J D Q4t{- Vot ?c, Ezs - Zggi1oV 372- eT(o r4= ao Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAILTOI/NOFVAIL Project Name: McKeeta - New single-family home Project Description: Ncw housc - Previously approved plans are void owner, Address and Phone: Gordon McKeeta, 13442 E.Asbury Drive, Aurora, co g0014 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: nla Project Street Address: 1808 Alpine Drive Lcgal Description: Lot 14, Vail Village West Filing #l Parccl Number:Building Namc: Commcnts: Building p.ermit plan-sshall be stamped by an engineer or architect. Retaining walls must also be stamped by engineer. Details on light fixtures must be provided prior to Building Permit approval. Up tighting notpermitted. Board / Staff Action Action: approvedMotion by: Seconded by: Vote: 5-0 Conditions: Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: 3-1&98 DRB Fce Pre-Paid: $200.00 Clark Brittain Ted Hingst l. 2. Ap_plicant shall consider changing the roof to prevent ice damming by raising roof. Colors and trim detail to be w-orlied out rvith itaff. Qro TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 March 30,2000 Gordon McKeeta 13442E, Asbury Drive Aulora, CO. 80014 RE: Lot 14, Vail Village West FilingNo. 1 Dear Mr. McKeeta: The Community Development Department has reviewed your proposal to amend your limits of disturbance for construction of new single-family home on the above referenced lot. The proposed disturbance area is unacceptable as it proposes to disturb nearly 100% of the site. The approved limit of disturbance is very liberal. Please plan to use the approved limit and note that a construction fence will be required to be installed and approved by staff prior to any work being performed on the site. I have enclosed the materials you submitted. If you have any questions call me at 479-2748. Sipeerely", ,"'{ -i41, ; r.t4f UU...-4" Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP tPu*uo'*t' Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 January 26, 2000 Kathy County Assessor's Office 328-7370 RE: Correct address for Lot 14, Vail Village West Filing 1 / Schedule Number 13190 Dear Kathy: According to the owner and Town of Vail records, Lot 14, Vail Village West Filing 1 is addressed as 1808 Alpine Drive. Please update your records accordingly. "'fftiilrCL-- Allison Ochs Planner ll Town of Vail {g *"no"or ro hCIJsiT6MAFIT llutrilJsTFllEsi bqal;11E I €rocr-oseg P.FASe firsD r A. De,*utp6S , CltRxt(..rs 3 =eTtStTe PAA,J Cturro,; Flre Msut* trI WEBT I4TH AVENUE,- DENVEGI, troLoRAOO eozcl4 (3031 e23'2e31 ,ltltsl11lt \aoeo a/<lqt Lbem cle G€efS r\) IAJL\TE{ TRAFeIL Kene tutuQfzSS -Et$*tn= SAD lileRr Zot-te Reau.^ea To fttr-ow ll"rtr.Jt nr.l ra t+' Ae.en LrattTS , E)cIeR(oR- KeraorsU 5 rN OeeXttrt)G ^t?EA5 frla*r.r..rrs( a eNrk,l /OerVa,t/*t fu-n 5 a ? LL L€r/A t- Bcp.<,N LD,tcc- <':ftoaJ{L UJA* -t?> ES To You Vt*\ KR M , Lo( 14, V.t/ ,wq+#l \861 Al["e ]' 4oeno,.-l Mekett\ bz- *zs-z-45/ 1oV, )3'? -qzlc> oo Clsi.C.:t'=: it'-'r .,,t,": i\ I t tX.i i.;: l-) ir. rt. /- "ti,r ( 7 '",, rl ! : , .l'.i o'(r,t r,rt, t-ja .";. 1t) l, {. L-' , l!r, lr','\lt-\"tr,u,tt,i IL,6r.t-, , |,,rii6,-ii Lt { t l\Li''i,r-,t -i)t: i.,l: €nvironmentottg' Lgq MoDE t# Pt-88104VG te . Lighting I Lrour SOLID BRASS BOUNDY GLASS WALt BRACKET : '' (A A}qg rtcYclt0fialtnA$ u3€o ? . ):1. /"t' 1Lt 0';'r. tit'---{ LISTED -'P(-),R:{i t.id"rt "l'' - H- T Barnwood ' - Rco5 S-rtt $GL€, - il.ir u\c'vv> ' WHIT€ Vrrtig @R.tb \Usel'rolt:e TRt )'\ I .l l-Folcst (llccn 7.5-Chalk - EIFS' E"ilER\c,R #as\ (or:R5E ]€iTUeG {7 5,(i€br u A I'Qcr'*.t F-5 AY:rii'i"- VIDA I'TIL F DEL FOCO t Agenda last revised 3/'l6/98 3pm DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, March 18, 1998 3:00 P.M. PROJECT ORIENTATION, NO LUNCH - Gommunity Development Department 2:30 pm MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERSABSENT SITE VISITS 1. Hilb residence - 1970 Chamonix Lane Driver: Reed 2:35 pm PUBLIC HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3:OO PM 1. McKeeta - New Single-Family residence Dominic 1808 Alpine Drive/Lot 14, VailVillage West Filing #1 Applicant: Gordon McKeetaMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 2. Hilb residence - New construction. Reed 1970 Chamonix Lane/Lot 35, Block 1, Buffer Creek. Applicant: David Hilb, represented by Ranch Creek Development MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Siaff Approvals Lodges at Timber Creek, Units D-19, D-20 - Conversion of 1 enclosed parking sPace to GRFA. Dominic 2897 Timber Creek Drive #19 and #2llVail Intermountain (Timber Creek Subdivision) Applicant: Chuck Ogiliby and Stan Cole Kjesbo residence - Minor changes to approved house plan. Christie 5111 Black Bear Lane/Lot 1, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Roland Kjesbo Byme - Snowmelt boiler. Christie 45 Forest Road/Lot 33, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Ron Byme Padilla - Minor alteration. Reed 4532 Streamside Circle/Lol 15, Bighorn 4th. Applicant: Edward Padilla Ruting residence - Unit B interior conversion. Dominic 1239 B Westhaven Circle/Lot 37, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: W.M. Ruting Helioscope - New siding, install hot tub. Christie 2009 Sunburst Drive/Lot 15, VailValley 3rd Filing. Applicant: Helioscope(Hankresidence) Wall Street Building - Window alterations. Reed 225 Wall Streei/Block 5C, Wall Street Building. Applicant: Tom HewitUEd Bleckner Anderson residence - Interior conversion. Reed 1175 Sandstone Drive/Lot 1, Block 2, Lionsridge 4th Filing. Applicant: Todger and Mary Ellen Anderson Kemp residence - Changes to approved plans. 1379 Westhaven Circle/Lot 2, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Jack Kemp The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planne/s office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon requesl with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. I E COPY TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 974479-2138 MX 970-479-2452 December 4, 1997 Gordon McKeeta 13442E. Asbury Drive Aurora. CO. 80014 RE: Lot 14, Vail Village West Filing No. I Dear Mr. McKeeta: The follorving is a summary of thc DRB comments of December 3, 1997. Please revise the plans to address these issues prior to resubmitting for final DRB review. l. The roofplan needs to accurately reflect the lines and pitches proposcd. Thc Boat'd recommended having a2' - 3' break in the roof line. 2. The Board recommended that the windows in the dining area and below bc reorganized. Consideration should be given to adding a balcony to thc uppcr level dining arca on the fiont elevation. 3. The Board recommended thatihe upper level stucco band be Iowered and different shades/colors be used along the elevation to break up the mass of the structure. 4. The code requires that a licensed architect stamp and seal house plans on steep lots. It is oru'understanding that Tammie Williamson made a commitment to you that a structural engineer can seal the plans in lieu ofthe licensed architect. Please be sure that the final plans for this house are sealed and stamped by either a Iicensed architect or structural engineer. Please make these changes and provide 3 sets ofrevised plans. Please be sure that the front setback scales properly on the plans. Page I of2 {p *n'""'o""' Ifyou have any questions call me at479-2148. Page2 of2 TIL E COPY TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 November 11,1997 Gordon McKeeta 13442E. Asbury Drive Aurora, CO. 80014 RE: Lot 14, Vail Village West Filing No. I Dear Mr. McKeeta: Thc Community Development Department has reviewed your application to amend thc July 17, 1997 Design Review Board approval ofa proposed single-family residence. In revicw ofthese amended plans staff has produced the following issues which must be addrcssed bcfotc this amcndmcnt can be approvcd: I . On thc wcst sidc of thc lot there is grading at a ratio greater than 2: I . Whcre thc contours tic into thc proposcd rctaining must bc revised as the slopc hcrc is very stcep. Plcasc revisc thc grading plan accordingly. 2. This site plan shows, not only the garage encroaching into the front sctback, but also the entire front sidc of the building. On lots with slopes greater than30Vo, garages are allowcd in the front setback. No other portions of the structut:e are allowed in the front setback. It appears that the previous site plan may have been approved in error but must now be corrected. Please revise the site plan and grading plan accordingly. 3. I was not able to find any evidence of an exterior lighting plan or lighting details in the file for this project. You are allowed a maximum of l0 exterior light fixtures. Please indicate the locations of proposed fixtures as well as details on the style and luminous output for all proposed fixtures. Page I of2 {P'""ouo""' I '.,4. 'A soils report was prepared for the previous housc location. Tbe proposed house. must adherc to all of the recommendations of the soils report and must be reflected in the building pcrmit plans. 5. Staffbelieves tbat the changes to the architecture are substantial enougL to require review by the DRB. Therefore, this item will be placed on the DRB agenda following your submission of revised plans. Please make these changes and provide 3 sets ofrevised plans. Ifyou have any questions call me ^t479-2148. o . Maudello, AICP Page2of 2 ZOMNG 18.04.137 Full cutoff. "Full cutoff' means a light source in which no more than two and frve-tenths percent (2.5%) of its total output is cmitted above ninety degrees (90') as measured from nadir as shown in the example below: (ord. 9(19e3) $ l.) ' The existing grade shall bc the existing or natural topog- raphy of a site prior to construction. (Ord. 3?(1980) $ l.) 18.04.150 Grade, finished. The finished grade shall be the grade proposed. upon completion of a project. (Ord. 37(1980) $ l.) (V!iI 4-95)308 ZONING record, a combination of lots of record or portions thereof, or a parcel of land described by metes and bounds. (Ord. 8(19?3) $ 1.600 (part).) 18.04.230 Lot or site line, front. "Front lot or site line" means the boundary line of a lot or site adjoining a srreet which provides the primary acccss orstreet address of the site, or adjoining the primary access from a strcet to the lot or site. (Ord. 8(1973) $ 1.600 (part).) f 8.04.240 Lot or site line, rear. "Rear lot or site line" means the boundary line of a lot or site extending between the side lines and forming thc boundary of the lot or site opposite the front line. [n event of a lot or site having only three lot or site lines, a line ten feet in length within the lot or site extending between the side lines and parallel to thc front line shall be deemed lhe rear line for purposes of establishing setbacks. (ord. 8(1973) $ 1.600 (part).) 18.04.250 Lot or site line, side. "Side lot or site line" means the boundary line of a lot or site extending from the front line towards the oppositc or rearmost portion of the site. (Ord. 8( 1973) $ I .600 (part).) .t--\\'-\-\ 18.04.251 Luminous area.ry "Luminous area" means the maximum light emitting area of a light source, measured in square inches. The maximum light emitting area is the area of translucent material which encases a light source, In the case of a clear glass covering, the luminous area is the area of the light source. Examples of luminous area are shown below: 3084 (Vail I l-16-93) o '.1 t:-{ Spol llghl Badus - tt{o hci€s luminoos 8r.a..(3.14x2^l . 12.6 8c. kr +l,-rAlt \ l'.Vt Flamo slylo lum;nous 3|€a r (1 x 4). a sq. h. ?F u]" Torvn and Country Translucont Encasemsnt lurlr$t s arua . (8 r 10) - 80 sq. ln F{rr Torvn and Counlry Cloat Glass lumimus aroa. ((lgO) x (1.1)1. 10.15 sq. In. (ord.9(1993) g 3.) 18.04,252 l\{ajor arcade. "Major arcade" shall mean a place of business where an individual, association, partnership or corporation maintains five or more amusement devices. (Ord.-6(1982) g lb.) 18.04.253 l\ficro-bren'ery. A mixed used commercial operation that processes water, malt, hops, and yeast into beer or ale by mashing, cooking, and ferment- ing that shall also include an on-site public restaurant and/or bar which sells the beer and ale produced on site. The maximum brew- ing capacity for the micro-brewery shall be seven thousand five hundred banels per year. A barrel is equivalent to thirty-one gal- lons. The micro-brewery use shall not exceed eight thousand sguare o 308-5 (Vail I l-16-93) .J. DESIGN REVIEW development. In addition, the design review board may - ; require that one or more of the following common design elements such as fences, rvalls, patios, decks, retaining walls, rvalkways, landscape elements, or other architectural . features be incorporated to create unified site developmbnt. Outdoor lighting. 1. Purpose. This subsection of the design guidelines establishes standards for minimizing the unintended and undesirable side effects of outdoor lighting while encouraging the intended and desirable safety and aesthetic . '. purposes of outdoor lighting. It is the purpose of the design ' review guidelines to allow illumination which provides the minimum amount of lighting which is needed for the property on which the light sources are located.In addition, the purpose of this section is to protect the legitimate privacy of neighboring residents by controlling the intensity of the light source. 2. Approval required. AII outdoor lighting rvithin the torvn limits shall conform to the standards set forth belorv. For the purposes of this subsection, residentially zoned properties shall be defined as those in hillside residential, single family, trvo-family, primary/secondary, residential cluster, lorv density multi-family and medium density multi-family zone district, as rvell as all special development districts which have any of the above- referenced zone districts as the underlying zoning. All other zone districts shall be considered, for the purposes of this section, as being commercial zoned. a. Luminance. Light sources located on all property in the Town of Vail @ shall exhibit a ratio of source lumens to Iuminous area not exceeding 125. For example: source lumens S 125. "'luniinbDs arCa'" . b- Frequency. For lots in residential zone districts, the maximum number of light sources per lot shall be limited to one light source pei one thousand square feet of lot area. The location of said lights shall be left open 454j-2a (Vail I l-16-93) ZONING to the discretion of the property owner, so long as the ,: lights are in compliance with the Town of Vail's. Municipal Code. ' c. Height Limits for light hxrures.. (l) For all light sources located in commercial zone districts, the maximum mounting height for light : sources on a pole shall not exceed thirty-five :i' feet. The maximum mounting height for light sources affixed to vegetation shall not exceed eight feet. Q) For all light sources located in residential zone districts, the maximum mounting height for light sources on a pole or on vegetation shall not exceed eight feet. d. Light sources affixed to strucrures. For all properties within the Town of Vail, light sources may be affixed to any wall of a structure. Light sources shall not be affixed to the top of a roof of a structure.'e. Cutoff shields. All light sources located in commercial zone districts rvhich exceed fifteen feet in height shall exhibit a full cutoffshield. f. Lights which flash, move, revolve, rotate, scintillate, blink, flicker, vary in intensity or color, or use interrninent elecuical puls ati on are prohibited. 3. Exemptions- The standards of this section shall not apply . .to: " .,a. Christmas tree lighs rvhich are of a temporary nature located in residential zone districts, as listed in Section: 18.54.050 J, 2, and which are illuminated only. between November I and April 15 of each year. . b. Christmas tree lights rvhich are temporaq/ in nature and are located in zone districts other than those residential districts listed in Section 18.54.050 J, 2. c:'";Sign illumination;?s'set;forth in Title'16. !' - " "' ;' d. Municipal lighting installed for the benefit of public ' health, safety and welfare.. Nonconformances. As of the effective date of this sub- section, all outdoor lighting that does not conform to every requirement of this subsection shall be legal nonconforming 4. (vail ll-16-93) 4s4j-2b o DESIGN REVIEW outdoor lighting. Legal nonconforming outdoor lighting sball not be moved in any direction, nor shall there be any change in use or light tyPe, or,any replacement or strucrural- - alteration made to the nonconforming outdoor lighting, without the outdoor lighting conforming to all applicable requirements of this chaPter. 5: Penalty. The penalty for violating this chapter shall be a fine of not less than fifty dollars nor more than one . thousand dollars per violation. Each day of violation shall . .. constitute a sepa-rate offense for the purpose of calculating the penalry. (Ord. 9(1993) $ 8: Ord.46(1991) $$ 2, 3: Ord. 12(1988) $ 2: Ord. 24(1985) $ 1: Ord. 9(1985) $$ 2, 3: Ord. 39(1983) $ l.) 18.54.05L Park design guidelines. A. Purpose. These guidelines shall be used by the design revierv board in revierving any Proposals for the development of Town of Vail park land. The guidelines shall be used in conjunction rvith the general design review guidelines found in Section 18.54-050 of the Torvn of Vail Municipal Code. It is the intent of these guidelines to leave as much design freedom as possible to thqindividual designer while at the same time encouraging park f,evelopment that will complement thp natural beauty of bur park lana. Tne PurPose of the guidelines is to provide continuity in the character of the parks rvhich rvill be developed over many years. The guidelines rvill provide consistent design . criteria to maintain the quality of Town of Vail parks through all phases of development. B. Building materials and design. 1. General. a- Natural materials are strongly encouraged in park construction. Materials and detailing must complement --',;'.-.1fug park's'environment as'rvell'as be'functional and aJtractive. b- Materials and designs should be chosen that are economical to maintain 454j-2c (vail I l-16-93) o lrloK=ern Gioau<^eLo:i- L4 V*,. /rr-cA6e [AF*t E,n'4 {F'\ 6,eounr> ilIr,r .rlTs D er.6!tT U,q,(e.",- Eeq L.+rytes fitne> 15" ft 3; ftor* U*r,cnt 54K.e rVtouxose> ADousrt** I l-le,\tSoe5(osr Lr*n,r{^tRE Fx-u*g lu].tttjous R*lo tor r rD loo r Ia5 ru4TT Pn<. 3B VNsr tzo Vuo SrszA R=qess€D P*t*,t-(aftT l'-o" Aeou= 4!B,a;,<e, Hlb Lavte ftes R3#- lruser ge-r. trxroeE trll Aterrqc *tousrsl<=r ld'x r oo G*u<eneAlr LercA Agenda last revised 12103197 8am DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, December3, 1997 3:00 P.M. PROJECT ORIENTATION / i/O LUNGH - Community Development Department MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT SITE VISITS 1. Vail Associates - 600 Lionshead Mall2. Vail Associates - Golden Peak, 458 Vail Valley Drive3. Manor Vail - 595 Vail Valley Drive Driver:George 2:00 pm 2:15 pm PUBL]C HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Vail Associates - Public information signs and directories. 600 Lionshead Mall/Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc., represented by Joe Macy MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: 3:00 pm Dominic Dominic Dominic George 2. 3. 4. Vail Associates - Public information signs 458 Vail Valley Drive/Tract F, Vail Village Sth Filing Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc., represented by Brian McCartney MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: McKeeta - New single-family residence. 1808 Alpine DriveiLot 14, VailVillage Wesl Applicant: Gordon McKeeta MOTION:SECOND: Filing #1. VOTE: Manor Vail - Lodge addition. 595 E. Vail Valley Drive/Lot B, Block 1, Vail Village First. Applicant: Manor Vail Lodge, represented by Robert "Buff'Arnold. MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: Staff Aporovals Sonnenalp Shop - Sign and awning requesl. George Willow Bridge Road/parts of Lots | & K, Block 5-E, Vail Mllage First. Applicant: Johannes Faessler Findell residence - Front entry and bedroom addition. George 1944 SunbursULot 21, Vail Valley Third Filing. Applicant: GregoryRegister,ArchistructureOne Gasthof Gramshammer Hotel - Addition to west side. George 231 East Gore Creek Drive/Lot A, Block 5-B, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Pepi Gramshammer The applications and information about ihe proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planne/s office, located at the Town of Vail Communily Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-21'14 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Qu.rrlour?Qll thc Planning StalT:rr 47ir-1i28 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENEML TNFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvierv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicw must rcccivc Dcsign Rcview approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information, see the submittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that is requcsted. Thc application cannot bc acccptcd until all thc rcquircd infornration is submittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council and/or the Plarming and Environnrental Comrlission. Design Review Board approval expircs onc ycal aftcr final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: T0wN0Fvat LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:B. c. D. PHYSICAL ^DDRESS: ISOB ALPIlJ,E T'€.IOE 2to4'tLq'o++'?8&^"rEaglc Co. Asscssors Officc at 970-328-864|for parcel #)PARCEL #: ZONING: G.NAME OF APPLICANT: G ADDRESS: oNE:9i l v?-7*ve-8zg- PHoNE: %V-74- ?27 u fr TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE:fuZ- 6zs- zaE( w ,EZN* -c;t ".tio" - szoo Construction of a new building. Includcs any addition whcre square footagc is added to any rcsidential or commcrcial building. tr Addition - $50 E Minor Altcration - $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvemcnts. such as, rcroofing, painting. window additions, landscaping, fenccs and retaining walls. ctc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building pennit. pleasc identify thc accuratc valuation of thc project. Thc Town ofVail will adjust thc fcc according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMTT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 8I657. t', ..::::i "!r v::I] LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:*BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trinr Doors Door'I'rinr Haud or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chirnncys,' Trash Enclosures bB"^l^l 7nP 'f.Eou*) Grecnhouses *Meruft Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other N^l 0wr., * Plea.se speci$ thc manufacturer's color, number and attach a srnall color chip **All cxtcriorlightingmustmeettheTown'sLightingOrdinancel8.54.050(J). Ifexteriorlightingisproposed, please indicate the nunrbcr offixturcs and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identi$ each fixture type and providc the height above grade, lumens output, lunrinous area. and attach a cut sheet ofthe lighting fixhues. U oobroNf W ooDro N€ Uodated 6/97 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Nanrc Comnron Namc Ouantitv sid PROPOSED TREES AND SF.IRUBS: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: * Mininrum rcquircmcnts for landscaping:dcciduous trccs - 2 inch caliocr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcet in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons Square FootageT],pc CROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls. fences. swirnming pools, uc.) Please speciff. Indicate top and bottom clevations of retaining walls. Maximunr height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elscwherc on the propcrty is 6 feeL Updated 5/97 ZONE CHECK Pmposed bs Toal Remainins = TtS '71'5 sitecovense l$tg Height Setbacks Landscaping ReainingWall Heighs Parking O 20' l5' l5' o 3l' tZ tS .,-4\(-rJ)_ aQ\ z1 aL grll( 4 3' t6', ne+ired-15-(3)o (300) @(eoo) (1200) Enclosed Permitted slqe lL u" thbt tl,ur". ill tlltT , LegatdescriptiontLot t4 Block- F'nins U{ NQgf, + (' A rlrlmcc lr I IOwrcr M,.V"94.- Phone- Architect Zone disnict Proposed use. t;;;;;'-- Buldabrearea q?1 Allowed Existine (J+roarGRFA SlphlJ*T)96,5 = '10{".5 Primary GRFA _ + (425) (675*) =- Secondary GRFA + (425) (675*) =- * 675 = 425 credit plus 250 addition Does this request involve a 250 Addition? lJn How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used witlr this requesfl p/t O * 12% = t2 ?s 84q, 26 Minimum Garage Credit Driveway Conplies with TOV Lighting Ordinance Are finished grades less than 2: I (50%) Enviro nmental/H azards Proposed slope l/,5 '7" llaltl^Yes- No -/'Yes- No l-/ 2) Floodplain 3) Wetlands 4) Water Coune Setback (30) (sq Uf t | . 5) Geologic Hazuds GSh' Meft c:t,h)r shPcL a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow Previous conditions ofapproval (checkproperty file): U/fr Is the property non-conforming? Describe: pl l- , o Design Review Action Fo TOWN OF VAIL a rm Project Nu ", /v(cka'ETt BuildingName: Project Description: ArchitectiContact. Address and Phone: owner, Address un6p,ooo"' G',o<Aot) t{b kec Tk Legal Description: Lot Project Street Address: co ^"nt , CSez cotv t nt c nls eazo trl) @statr+ie+isn- Motion by:- (,Ll44Lk- Bre.nTfutN vote:4-o Seconded ty: 6tu- Prukc| X Approval n Disapproval tr StaffApproval Block_ Subdivision lkrt- Vu.*oe l,/tgr */ZoneDisttctP/S Conditions: Darc: 7- /7 - 77 -t DRB Fee Pre-Paid i ZOO' eo 8o0E I UAINA( SoXNIX 0crr8z0c08r w,{ ut:10 l{0r Lt/vT/Lt I I -fl-ii ii k I 'gh l*l . sfL Ht3 -f'alql ---J 1l tl lf rl it il il r-l It -!l--T1 It ::t-ftl dl.x f;*v< Jrjli z Hv \T hu, rf I co I co zo ,#, fl 11 ll ! i ,rl .l lLI sofxrr8 USAliIilC tto J r0 o\ukft5tutJl-z ;aJ l1 I i! SGrrGZ0GoGr lvd Zt:10 Nox 28/tl/Lo t '2.) ol FI ",51-lg - J:l- il' ir:l ;l-il 1l rl ll rl tf if .il i-l lfI -!l'1r rl ;r-lti rooD ll 'l-l--d ll il ir' 7o.t-Aoo I c) t6l'=l'I ol-; gl* kl U'l nu =li f|f'l' V'Ilrll>t, t' l: ll ir ll I I .F ll rl 1l 1r jI fia rl !i I ll li rl lr 'l -1o tu. z'.8g,ti fr.i flu ul zo f, ul z, rt r8z0c0cr wd zt:20 Non 26/il/la O7/O7/97 IOil 08:57 FAI 1303823113E!!utltv-l Your brancioEG f,INf,OS DENVER 3 l0 oor fr?Kinkol a,tAunrh.Ted cover sheet Date h:*,* from: *on 6noou Numbcrofpqges 7 , n^hqconrpqc) Tetcptrone 3o3. 8ZS . Zg5lru o- - 47? - z*sz Comments (dqx #) @,;(?23 - | l38 4-/b'- Itb 13 (=r, /'u ll,lc t ec, /'l '\ /"# Ir I O7/O7/57 XON 08:57 FAX 1303823113E f,INKOS DENVER 3 qA ooz . E.o..rurCl"". FNGINEERS & cEoLoclsTs april 24, LggTUpdated Jntly z, Lggz cordon tfcKeeta L3442 East Asbury DriveAurora, cO gOOl4 Subject: Geologic Investiqation 1Bo8 Alpine DriveLot t-4, Vail Village l{est Filing rTown of vail , coloiadoilob No. 8464 Dear !tr. llcKeeta, As requested, we -visited the subject sit,e on april 2L, LggT to evalu-ate georogic conditions at ttrE-sl-te. $re arso-observeo conditions atadjacent rots arong Arpine oii". ."o r,ot ri "tov. ul.,o to the south onsierra' The Durpos-e o1 our invesiigation r* to J""rr. s'te cond,i-' tions, evarua€e geotogic;;Ji;i;;", and to r"connend design and con-struction criteria -flt- th" ri6;;t "esiaence -iion__ a georoqic poinr-gl:"j:r:- -Ai o part of our'inriestigatio;, -ue --JJirr.o the sorr.s N{DFoul{DA*ror{ r*vEsrrcATroN for iot-ri, ry inter-io.rrri.in Engineering,Project No. 91251c, dated t"fy, fggf. At the tine of our -site yisi! approxin_atery.50* of the ground wascovered with snow.. ?here nao ue-e-n-rupia,"rti"i-"i'snow in the weekprior to our site-visit- lEi"giJ'fauiry residence is proposecl at Lot14. Cuts to finat _pTo.pqs"q eiiA" are "plpro*inaiery ir reet. c\rts ofup to 16 feet are anti-cipateiilor cons€fuction "1-dp"".The site is l0cated on a s.teep slope above Arpine Drive. slopes rangefron 3ot to 8o*- There is i- a-ra-inage Fwale nhich enter' the rot atthe southeast corner of the r"[-ila .i.ai"r ""rtiir"ltLra. Tb,ere doegnot appear to be_a regurar watlr irow ir""q-ihe'oiJr"9", but groundwater is expected. rlere rs i ort enarl o"rr-iEr.-r-oaa which crossesthe site on a east-_west trend.- rnlr" ii"rr" " iiii""" acce'E trairfron the trail to Ar-prne Dri;;: tli""" ar_e approxiuate r:1, lrorizontal_to-vertical (H:v) &-": Ai;fi; oii"" ana tfd ora?o.a. The residencewLll b€ served bry public ,it"" irra "ew"r services. fhe adJacent 'ot 16 to the west is deveroped slth a sing].e faniryresldence. r.ot 13 to the .""i-i" undev€r.oped. Lot ,, to the southancl above Lot lir was being a-veropea, witil the -Jxlcavatton for the'formdatlon open. A su,mary Geoloqic- rfazards rnvestigation & subdivision Evaluation bvLincoln D€vorc tn rgez ra""tili"l-ilt rc as '4cr crassifl.cation r.n ttrlsouthern portlon of the rot antr iir crassiricairon-rn the nortrrernportion of the rot., rn""" i"].tt tnJruaJ-"-ue-ta-sErre" sropes anclunstabte slopes consisting nainry or uabpEa rJn-c-sr-iies. 0il5 E .t l?tb Avcnu. . (308) 8st409? D.nver, Colondo g02l&140t FAX (3(xl) B2€n17 P.O. Bor 28@ . Ev€r!rc€n. Cdordo 90497-28se (3Gr) 67+0660 F$( (30s) 6?H813 07/07/C7 ION 0E:57 f'AX 130362JI13{l KINI(OS DENVtsR 3 2 gool The area is underlatn oy corluvial and landslioe deposits fron the*g:":.t"'T: ::"S."i:::l "",F_.Lg"_ggT,"Yttiry s! core creek, rheuod€ratetoBteeD_"_i-"n$.--n^i.--iloi*-ri"":fff l=.li?["TI?niIiE*;"ll]Highrand readorsr 1"g vuir virr.i;"!::a subd_ivision, rhere have been*S?:A:tl:tt"""11*:"* -ri'l-pl3[rens are croserf rlrated to surrace subsurface condr-tr.ons .ncountered_by rnter-lro.ntain Ergineering con_sisted of, 2 reet or iopliJii"iiilhiir-r-J-ir':-iirl.. or sandy cray.At Test pit 1' a Frocf;i r";:;ne was encountered, but it was n6tbelieved to bi reorlti. i; ;il-;ter was ;b"-";;-in the test pirs. obaenration of the open excavation_a_t.Lot_17, uphi]l antt to the south,exposed approximatery ls re-eJl-t-'sandy cray with grraver and cobbtee.Ifater surfaced frou the sii" oiit. excavation. e'Lainage sware hadbeen excavated in the roi{Jn-#til excavation and clrain to the north_west corner of, the excavation.- -iile aiscnarge iiJrf,ot ,, leould be totbe west of the proposed residence at Lot 14. Obsenration of the_l:t cut slopes "!gr.9 Alpine Drive and the smallroad on the rot indicate rr""l;1;; of the-top of the El.pes. Therewere snarr trees which inaicaila "inor earth iovenent arong the steepcut sl0pes- observation oilrrJ&er_arr sropes did not indicate evi_dence of ground [ovenent- There are rar'e ,i*"" "ia aspen trees withstraight trunks- No open t"n=i"i-""acks were observed. The stabirity of,the slope is lnfluenced.by nany factors which nust beconsidered and nit-ig_atea ao"iol c-onstructit". -itr. opnirr watrs of theproposed structur-e aust be a"iig.a "5 -"-i:l,tJ'"-inl$ _wa* to supporteurcharges fron the slope.- -trr.'.-"" u.ttina-ln.'r-"ia. ancl berow the'tructure must be -q5ainia- to-irniniz" tii"-'iiJii-oi-ierreropins hydro-static pressure behinct the ""ril"-i""posed ""rrrtro"tion wlrr have thefoundation walls uacffifiecl-io ilu[.f, existing ground slopes. lhe resurts of our observations indicate-the proposed structure can beconstnrcted as or_orro-seq... rlrg upairr warrs r"'rl-f,"-J"'rigned for rater-al loads' we cbncur- with the-i"IJmenoat_i_on bv rnter-uountain Enqi-neering that a rounaation d;ir; installed iroono arr berow griaeportions of the structur!. rh;;;ir saourd ieae-a;;posrtlve gravityoutlet or to 6 5r'rnp-wher" *i."r; r lenove$ by pu4prng. rf seepasels encountered r-n it" "*l*"1-i-";'L" occurred ai iot- LT ta the south,the sater nuat be--containea iir- "' ai"itr lv-rt"i lr,Jli"""ted away frouthe structure- we recoiauE"J'ti"*outre€ n" "*tEne-ea to the gutteralong Alplne Drive- ne aiso-rec6rniena a subdrain Le-instarred betnreenthe garage and the. rain J.ri-;'Tl, house io ,aiei frow is not re_tatned or dau'ed letwee_n fh;i'i.drr of the;t;;;;.. Final sradincshould direet surrace_arainag-J-.ffi r"o, rorrnoiiion-larrs. we recominend agalnst any below-grrade-OiscUlrge of roo! runoff. 'soft solls which nSy.have to be stabillzed p€y- occur at the eagt oftlre garase in the,drii"";-; ;";: ? eoft soir i' LrrEor.ntered, rnter-Hlffi:l EngLneerl'ns snoira ue-itntictea to provide specific recoutren- rn s'E'arfi, we bell.eve and understand that the site is a georogicallysensLtlve area, uut aeveiopuJn-i-Jiir not d;;";;;de razard to the 07/07/97 ION 08158 FAX 13038231138 KINKOS DENVER 3 3 qA oor t'oor strnctures, or toeaseuents, utllities are any questions, or propeft,y sEreetE, kind. If therecall. public buildincs. .rlghts-of_way,or facilities oi btn"r properties if we can be of further service, roads,of any please Edward O.Geological 3 copies sent i*5>,// -+j""T, 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development July 10,1997 Gordon McKeeta 13442 E. Asbury Drive Aurora, CO.80014 BE: Lot 14, Vail Village West Filing No. 1 Dear Gordon: please make the following revisions in order to stay on the agenda for final approval by the Design Review Board, scheduled for July 16, 1997. 'l . There are several areas where the grading exceeds the 2:1 maximum allowed by Town of Vail regulations; 2. please include a note and show on the drawings a "curb cut" lor a curb and a guner pan across the drivewaY; and 3. The drawings indicate a door on the south side of the house at an elevation of 56, please check the grading to make sure this does not exceed 2:1- As a reminder, please make sure thal all materials and colors are called out on the elevations' Please make tfre revisions and submit them to the Community Development Office by noon' Monday, July 14, 1997. lf you have questions, please contact me at (970) 479-2128. Sincerely, Tammie Williamson Town Planner {P r'"'"""o '*o SCALT: N.t.1 o6C .a"//;P .\ \ ' .a D,\ I, ?,;ttr$6sr$av€ g .-l c,l.,or 'gr@*LOT 16 0.4'? o.2' v '\tL 'c - UJY- --.- #A' ^..o?c.g",-rt'vQu ^/ l,/tz-_ j 3tvcs r 3llS' I ./ Sr.tiF1nriiF+ Ftqi+ll52|r.c.i.yi-8:":'--r -., 7 '.,t{ ,Jt5{ /.-..a ,l'62 . '13 N0uv^3'r3 J0 srsv€ (17 /14/gT .0D .C'O Dna +l 5f\l{vt FAr 1303023113E F.l\t'f o )?,4E @ooe: .. ;,1;..::..t. .j.,." s (p u@q toI" ns) 'vl .og seil ct'h€ .gr { ''bn: t,o{rnc a /JalE ----;o? r-t=ttt1 lguFJ PL------''5 -' f""t, J-t,' tallt t 3t(u4I I .rr.,rrr?fifl',"t' I sg 3AlU0= - --*G a i.- -zll- zt- f.tt-t TVB 6-.1 'a7/L4/07 XoN 07:41 FAI 130302311$8 f,INf,OS DENYER 3 & ooz '3'.(tJsrr 4rys o't I E cll 3l'-1 E Ics,t ffi;i-:* z'Leo3 -stfL {t.uu','^.rq4 t*"# ,H*r;'J-'u-4' Co.rnufi Development Plan Routin$61- Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Partch, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Tammic llilliamson, Community Development X 2142 Proiect Name: 1808 Alpine Drive Lot 14, Vail Village West Filing No. 2 Single-Family ResidenceProject Description: Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditions j, t/' '., -- l' ' 1 \ 11..3,.r)e r,r \\3\(e & Sl-,cr^r: tr. tre- dcg,\,r\o.qr a nre=.t**n-llt-J- " .':IjjII'"-!{. C -- a-t r:^J l^r\ .^C(- ; J'r; \t'c, g\rr,J4:lvrr-t 4) {oo ve .{-, t A door 1Y6 c-.Jfl <xr\\c' !o,Jt\1 r,16\g, C;F ftc hrio.)e .-\t 4n e(-Q(li\(n r.S '':.-(c, . 9!rL-tL-/.f iha-rL'er,a'i t ul'U L- \Jto ' - -I['tl f m,zz^r, r .)o.-: Jd(( |;]lt |*+6? i.tt/i(qt.xn) \yoA6(, Tv tt Revicwed by: Corn.ulQ Development PIan Routidlorm Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Partch. Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Mike McGee. Fire Works Retum To:Tam mie lfilliam son. Community Development X 2l 42 Datc Routcd:6/23/97 Retum By:7/2/97 Project Namc:McKeeta Project Address:1808 Alpine Drive Prqicct Lcgal:Lot 14, Vail Villagc Wcst No.l Projcct Description:Single-Family Rcsidencc Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditions r-l-I Gsr te 6 ke$ gQots c\re' c'*J3,C qaf (Y\O'v\cnr) rY\ 'Ac':de/ \ ' .'!r ^ - Ar ,,:.t ri.*l'r^ r,l .'i I.r\1 i/i .{l Itl - <-^rv,'TEr'vlorl ws {t,y) lir lo]lc.,*rrr *-t Cf,\')(lo5l'{'\ lrd- \, rn a q€r{o+lca\\{ scn',\t\ve .^Y@, I but thcrt (r/7cl tl L,€ cllq\hstrl!\ can be dorre *> H:taf ihere | 5 nc t ncreaaeA l-rt -t<tc<) lo othe r h-rrtdr'-q5 |roa\d.s | 5f ralf5 , rrr\htt oF rru(^V, eo6cn\en f5 and ufr q !91 1 ff^rq\ r'\-\e6.9!t €.5 o.Ye & Tvul crnrw^..dt'iEnt ln \)1,t (^\to hd\r3 ttre 69a{\p(x 5 s\<-'.n r9 crr r\- - Su\}vur (] hHc rp. Plea"p rts.,-,J o.\ ct qq.,.- ,?lflr-\.-wa f(x tbe' ar.t(r..)<rl (jt' vtp )tce plaY] , asoppt 'rd la ftre ztrrractc leVO f kr r" 5r€erd bc: \ cc.:,vcd ent\rc\ q cr. tte :o,., rh 5dC oF h€. edcd! cf tt\e, €\-\'-t\\{-\($!4!: 1-i + Currentl{ 5VX:r^r ir &\cr;., i- Z' rs.}O Yt!e, e.A\5finc\ rcrd.Oo'1. ,:'.rc .1ct.rz'.^)<r'.{ €n \fC',Ne t:r \+€.f -{c..j hGU<: ful Czc\tf ui'e cod' '.:o rn l-o the Ac1rz (rc. h.,oU6 -' \ .r$hoFrs rtE,rrofr$treqo\e[ngrt? _ 25f(i,_e5 brlue, b€er\ Fo.rrdod. E. Y.-r. et\a\) 5pr6cAe. doentl- rtcdto be go.x$. .- S l-!+@nE Sosv o. SndSco'rgn2oreo. -ffiltt# r n-o rt@S) Tt b"fs tirro 1o.r \"oD€ q\e €Cctt'G'rt CrF \a(r dn0€ utrrcln is o$et lO"A-a (on go.ro.f, f enQ\ ftmr gr""r' betursl 3D toNq>r & 3t eeot <\orohon (1e{t b cets. \16\\6 on uest qde) You. r "t-*.''a,-r orrs aer+te- ocr ttrg ft-. gur doir errOXh rt€, Gt<rini\ sro.r\S oo \\e 9\|e 9\on .r. ?rYst mak the prons ccrijht|rf. {ro<r^r'ttt ) Yco*re<r',o..r,1 toa-r sns,.,r5t(f?o,le, "* -*tt*ilf$1 ffiT':a=r,ratrs 11op*r"*.* tb('relsr6l;,^.- to.n E"q.rel ccJtto.-r-g Aq,t ono't<rs sQ'.sith \tE er<\rt1\ c.odtcr\rr6 .n l+.s€r6r& Ptac<,.nqs sQor e€Ndh'<{'\S oo tog cF g af+ tr,1'+ b t the pc2porcd rs\l @ eg€ anfo\l6toghcrj the, i(x4.!r'clf\ s 4 tlc, ele ralrbn5. l;5;["hT#1^*" aroxdtfc bacr € H"e to.4c' -(r'".er-ry {wr,gS ho t'tarc c,ablo (at*s) Ze f:o.?E- fu 6-rr$e eoot\edqoocti€ Fn tac o, onr ntrnr:rn aF lol. ZONE CHECK Lcgal dcscription: Lot Block_ Filing Addrcss O*ncr Phonc PboncArchitcct6E Zonc distict P,'-' --=- hoposcd usc JINCLE -HrU lLLl Lot sirc ,2 Buildablc arca - Allorved Existins Prooosed Total rorar GRFA zbhl-E + 1L5 =So-g-b-S + 3V70 = Primary CRFA _ + (25) (625*y - Sccondary CRFA + (425) (6?5*) =_ + 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? N 0 +c Horv much of thc allorvcd 250 Addition is uscd wirh this "l' ott Landscaping(6fl6 2/ -J -)h Enclosco (300) (600) (e00)5p7 /n raPcrrniftcd Slopc /u o/o proposcd Slopc /0 % Yes- No_ Ycs_ No t+PPLtc*trT 5U&mr778)e"ilai- lb*A Peytir { lGeorogicnaoros65A A4.1rsl,,c'dc- Soils . ) Nlt t', 1 ./ .tzSltrttlL )Orl S :.: l) Pcrccnt Slopc (<>30%) >307o 2) Floodplain 4) Watcr Coune Saback (30) (50 a) b) c) Snorv AvaJaachc Rocldall Dcbris Florv Pro'ious conditions of approval (chcck property fiir'J NQ Nd Rcmaining rcqucst?----4y'f,- _ + /s6af =)frsitccovcngc l5o/o Hcight Sctbacks Rctaining Wall Hcighs Parking Cancn l^.^Aitvs esw vrvs! Drivcrvay(1fs4{ED\ ) Complics with TOV Ligbting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2:l (50%) Envi ronmcn tal.Alazards (30x33) Front Sidcs Rcar Minimum b)87, 20' lJ' t) -t---, dI I I la, I ,?--\/1t I AllLZu Paa'irnJ n xa'.8iffi,:'Jlt?fW 36'I /9' '>rcePrcq5 Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: N/A Projcct: I DESIGN REVIEW CHECKLIST . Q SUR\EY Scalc Bcnchmark I Lcgal desaiption I BuildableArea E€scmcnts Topography 100 yr. flood plain Watq Coune Sctback Enviroomeoal Haz?rds Trces Utiliry Iocatioru Spot clwations O strepr.qN BuitdingHcight Encroachmenb Setbacks Site Covcrage Eavcs/Ovcrhangs (4) Declistsalconies Garage connection - Site Gradc\Slopc Rctainiry1y.l1t Fenccs TumingRadius Drivcway (access and gradc) Snow Storage Fire Access tr FLooRPLA].IS Scalc GRFA 250 additionat GRFA Crawl\Atic Spacc EI{U O BUtrDhIGH.H/ATIoNS Scale __ Color\trr4ataials Roofpibh I LAl.IDscApEpI"/qr\t Existing tccs I+cad MISCELI.A].{EOUS Condo Approval Tittc rcport (A & B) Utility vcrifi cation form Photos of sitc Building mataial samplcs C.O. Vcrificatioa Sun\SbadcAnglcs Utilitics (undcrgound) Vierv Corridons Varianccs Plat rcstictions April, 1 1, 1997 Gordon S. McKeeta and Kathleen Kramer 13442 East Asbury Drive Aurora, Co. 80014 Dear Mr. McKeeta and Ms. Kramer, We would like to in form you that we will be using the utility easement long lot 14 on Alpine Drive. We are beginning conslruction of a single family home on lol j7, above, and will access the sewer along the east side of your lot. Eicavation will begin immediately. lf I can answer any questions for you please call me at the office. a. Sincerelv..1d;h/^ry:,*- JJlia Watt<ins prest. ')l-.:^ P.o. Eox 576 Edwards ,cororado at 6az (gro) g26.ffi00 otflce (g7o) gff.sd,l rax Gordon Mckeeta 13422E Asbury Dr. Aurora, Co. June 17, 1997 Via fax Dear Mr. Mckeeta, Thank you for making m6 aware of tho problems associated with our development of loi t7 VailVillage West subdlvlslon and the impact it is having on your lot directly below our site, Again I apologize for nol bringing the posslbllity of these problema to your anenllon earlier. To reiterale our conversation from last night, we plan to finish our foundalion and backfillthe outside of tho foundation within 2 weeks. At lhat time all the din will be removed and your lot wlll be restored. Onca the backfilling is complete I will have Intermountain Enginoerlng stake the property betweon our lots (at our erpense) so we cen meel and deterrnine lf any trees on your sile where destroyed. W€ agree to replace any trse we may have destroyed. Finally the daylight for tha under drain syslem shall be redirected to the least obtrusive place once we have comPlgtod our bacHill. if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to call. Renaissance Building and Design Inc. Vlce Presidenl P.O, tux 5n Etuadt,Colada 81832 pm) 9€a.ffi olf,cr @m) gESetI hx SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT This agreement entered this 22nd day of June,1997 by and between Gordon Mckeeta, hereinafter referred to as Mckeeta and Renaissance Building and Design, Inc. and Julia Watkins, hereinafter collectively referred to as builder. Whereas, Mckeeta is the owner of lot 14 Vail Village West Subdivision and represents that he has good title to said lot or is authorized to act herein on behalf of those in title, Whereas, Builder owns and is developing the properly adjacent on the south side of lot 14 on lot 17 Vail Village West Subdivision, Whereas, due to builders development of his property, Mckeeta alleges that some harm has come to his property, Whereas, said allegations include but are not limited to trespass by employees or subcontraclors of builder with or without heavy machinery, trespass of dirt excavated for the foundation on lot 17, destruclion of approximately 12 trees of varying varieties which include some Aspen and the day lighting of an under drain of an existing spring in a place deemed not to be appropriate by Mckeeta and any other allegation currently unknown to builder: The Parties Agree To The Following: 1. The recitals are included herein. 2. Builder shall pay to Mckeeta within 30 sum of one thousand dollars ($1000.00) days of full execution of this agreement the by check or cash at a place to be designated by Mckeeta herewith. Gordon Mckeeta 8o 3. Builder shall remove any dirt which may have sloughed over to Mckeeta's propeny.;j;'"fp- ..t-..r-. --^.^^r.. ...:rr-^..r L:^ ^-:^- ^^-^^^r f icll'iz5 4. Builder shall not access lot 17 from Mckeela's propefty without his prior consent ' - A except through the existing easements. Mckeeta hereby grants his consent so builder may remove any dirt from builders excavation from Mckeeta's property flng !.o. put iL the sewer line in the utility easement. 8u;Dr.s l-llgilt t4*"lq *4ftauFt t(Ahl'u @= 5. As additional consideration builder shall extend Mckeeta's sewer tap in the trench for ils sewer line for twenty feet and mark the location of the line with a stake. If' P.O. Box 576 Edwards ,Colorado 81632 (970) 926'5600 ollice (970) 9265630 tax 6. Mckeeta has expressed concern about the stability of the lot 17 foundation and any impact the lack of stability may have on his lot if the foundation moves down the slope towards lot 14. Builder maintains general liability insurance with Maryland Casualty which would cover such an occurrence. Fuflhermore said foundation was professionally engineered by KRM Engineering Consultants based on the slope stability study provided by HP Geotech both which maintain General Liability and Errors aqd Omissions Insurance, s9 anv ris]< to Mckeetg is-4dequately insured, ,J.^:tr'<r f..lMl4al1r,1r. Hc.e l,Qslaa\aud'hU( a fi1*. 4:o+t.66ig +f\t, &j.- 7. This agreement is a full settlemb-nt and releasb''6f*tl M6keeta's claims, binding '*tu4 Wtq W c'! ,/#tu upon his heirs or assigns, for claims know or unknown which may or may not have occurred including but not limited to those allegations mentioned herein through June Design, lnc. 22. 1997. This aoreement supersedes anv orior aqreements. 4,' flng ^"a^1t9ri7e5tr,4{nu n*l^r.-ll<.,..\l;. 1;1iol laaftrq tZZ. lYYl, InlS aqreemenl SUperSeOeS anv prlOr aqreelllerlts. , ,l I / \ A: !!fyjh::7r>*n{n7 ^*lr.1Lo^\l-'r. ti','t-ol he'tio'r y't'tteF"5h't[t'z ta'|caetse) q7'frii,{,:ffii{;P,, ) ) 1,".. o,^ L;1 /,ofa,lt${ Renaissance Buirdins andi'fr3!,i,i\[^lli {; rP", ) ) ], ".. o,^ L ;1 /'o7 u ffi Renaissance B ui rd ins and Watkins Stuart Borne, V.P.. E.O. CHUBCH, ENGINEERS & tNc. GEOLOGISTS April 24, 1,997 Gordon McKeeta L3442 East Asbury Drive Aurora, CO 80014 Subject: Geologic Investigation 1808 Alpine Drive Lot L4, Vail Village west Filing I Town of Vail, Colorado Job No. 8464 Dear Mr. McKeeta, As requested, we visited the subject site on April 2I , L997 to evalu- ate geologic conditions at the site. We also observed conditions at adjacent lots along A).pine Drive and Lot 17 above and to the south on Si6rra. The purpose of our investigation was to observe site condi- tions, evaluaie geotogic conditions, and to reconnend design.and con- struction criteria for the proposed residence from a geologic point- of-view. As a part of our investigation, we reviewed the SOfLS AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION for Lot 14, by Inter-Mountain Enqineering, Project No. 91251G, dated JuIy, L99l-. At the time of our site visit approximately 50? of the ground was covered with snow. There had been rapid rnelting of snow in the week prior to our site visit. A single family residence is proposed at Lot iA. Cuts to final proposed grade are approximately l-3 feet. Cuts of up to i-6 feet are anticipated for construction slopes. The site is located on a steep slope above Atpine Drive. Slopes-range frorn 30? to 80?. There is a arainage swale srhich enters the lot at the southeast corner of the lot and drains northwestward. There does not appear to be a regular water flow .along the drainage,.b-trt ground water is expected. There is a old srnaLl vehicle road which crosses the site on a east-west trend.' There is also a pioneer access trail fron the trait to Alpine Drive. The're are approxinate 1:1, horizontal to vertical (H:v) a6ove Alpine Drive and the old road. The residence will be served by public water and sewer services. The adjacent Lot 16 to the west is developed with a single farnily residefce. Lot 13 to the east is undevetoped. Lot L7 to the south and above Lot 14 was being devetoped, with the excavation for the foundation open. A sunmary Geologic Hazards Investigation C Subdivision Evaluation by Lincoln 6evore in fgeZ identified f,6t f+ as rr4cil cLassification in the Fouthern portion of the lot and rr5r1 classification in the northern fortion of the 1ot. These units include rrnetastablert slopes and instable slopes consisting rnainly of napped landslides' 925 East 17th Avenue . Denver, colorado 80218'1407 (303) 832-9692 FAX (303) 832€s17 P.O. Box 2869 . (303) 674-0660 Evergreen, Colorado 80437'2869 FAX (303) 674-0813 The area is underlain by colluvial and landslide deposits from the nign sropes to the south. with the downcutting of Gore creek, the moderate to steep slopes have been created. In. the Highland Park, iigntana Meadowsi and vaif viflage west subdivision, there have been ;l;;. stability problems. The probleros are closely related to surface and ground water flow. Subsurface conditions encountered. by Inter-Mountain Engineering con- sisted of 2 feet of topsoil underlain to 11 - 12 feet of sandy clay' ei-r"st pit L, a block of sandstone was encountered, but it was not believed to be bedrock. No free water was observed in the test pits' observation of the open excavation at Lot 17, uphill and to the south, ;;;;;"d approxinateiy L5 feet of sandy clay with-gravel and cobbles' Water surfaced frorn'€he side of the excavation. A drainage swale had b..n .*"..rated in the botton of the excavation and drain to the north- west corner of the excavation. The discharge from Lot 17 woul-d be to the west of the proposed residence at Lot 14' Observation of the L:l cut slopes above A1pine Drive and the small road on the lot indicate sloughing of the tbp of the slopes. There were small trees which indicated ninor earth novenent along. the steep cut slopes. Observation of the overall slopes did not indicate evi- dence of ground novernent- There are large spruce and aspen trees with straight irunks. No open tenston cracks were observed' The stability of the slope i.s influenced by rnany-factors which rnust be considered and mitigated during constructibn. The uphilI wa1ls of the proposed structure must be designed as a retaining vtall ,t9 :"pp95t surcharges from the slope. The area behind the walls and below the structure must be arainla to rninirnize the risk of developing hyd59- static pressure behind the wa1l. Proposed construction will have the foundation wa1ls backfilled to rnatch existing ground slopes' The results of our observations indicate the proposed structure can be constructed as p;;p;;.d. The uphill walls nust be designed for later- al foads. We concur with the recornnendation by Inter-Mountain Engi- neering that a foundation drain be installed iround all below grade portions of the structure. The arain itroufa lead to a positive gravity outlet or to a sunp where water can be removed by pumping. i-f seepage ir "n"olr.rterea in ine excavation, as occurred at Lot 17 to the south' the water must be contained in a drain system and directed away from the structure. We recommend the outle€ be extended to the gutter "i""s arpine Drive. we also recomnehd a subdrain be installed between the larage and the rnain part of the house so water flow is not re- tained or danmed between the trnro p;;tof the structure. Final grading should direct surface drainage aiay frorn foundation walls' lve recon- rn""a aguinst any below-grade- discharge of roof runoff. soft soils which may have to be stabilized nay. occur at the east of tn" guruqe in the drainage area. If soft soil-in encountered, Inter- 1f"""€ui"-Engineering shoritd be contacted to provide specific reconmen- dations. I 3 or if we canIf there are any questions, cal1. E. O. CHURCH, rN Edward O. churc Geological Engi 3 copies sent be of further service, Please 6P,e.I.1eB ffit"t,as fi"'r.srzz 1o kx.!-arQ*d, koa';itS /' I g.oe At i,r },-rr. D(atVF v- -Sels r rr Ctr urea- €e< I ?, t3 ,6\' 4f,frl 25'% oF tot&'+L Pr^u: re,,?,a fc .-\.3 UrPgr< Lerrscs EDRA + t tg'-4"*te"-+" tg,?*r8.3 L€=.S'. FcUR Donr^eeGcPR:1k+'= lA x + }c.t-rf R.rO,r,t lar<. IZ s I {\ ttqal = t4{ Zgg,o 7'7o.{ot 2 a3,50 | 7n,50 12e,48 tl,b?..x-t 33Ll ' t1 Ia\,5 c 557 '5c T-lal'oa tn12'3' -Tb-(A r- 3 o?5 'zc Ar,r-ou.:el Trzavcs:e> 264/, g Azs. o 3oB6'5 5f 7av6. zL St 371,1or '- &,oo lssg.. ts (r*r)- 24.5 sznteurq.. /e,u y',e-n lF k tzt-4" . | / lrsxl?'J Krt<+tel.r /ur u,ua/r ,BR*b, | +ae*r Ku 28 'x 37'- 4" 2 E i 37,> lo{€ 40 Less: t(rr. 3.€. @na Rpl rZSA = a( (- -v=3l4tt-{- 5,25 = 86,542 = 4 -- 5,q Z .+* 4 €6 ooLx4 54.ao it5,1z Lowe? Laler.= BD F.l^. +2.. .8,3x t8,,v S-rr+rrrl.leLL /t*r.f.faJrii rtri F ''{ i5 x a1:4' 1 tE* a1,7€aneK.r. /l-r^r*lr<1 3ix1 S rfe dcr,aa*(a e o .2-+ Lf q A<<e 2oYo , to,644' o Sf At-utt O zrlzl'Z.-' ?Qo?ogel 2,o1o')< 5n5, L | 1€,U talo,"t t It?,t lo(j,88 26'660aiVo,sE * AJ56o I 1o, t{L 4qPA?E 2o ><zLI..,6Y L,O St*<evtett 12x tL,) hr/o,-/ L,ol 4, R, l#, Krt qrr t+r4t*1 *t-*Rtu?1 Szo"75tL 2q.6/V&,3 Rr,.tb 7 ' to 56 511 (Z/o/PU/fl /ONt Q,, 244 q AaE x 13,56o | 01. = t51G'1 o Tl-hRD LevEt- S,f.PI€ .\3 Fr F<sT \€leL =AJJE A<- la.t). eeo Az €€<or-rs r-GVEt- ==Cdt^rb L€\|EL ?-o9 Elev,l;roc- Rg' l3 t +"11 S$ {r-toorr€o5f l?<oeosEb rza.21 4oo. eo E n,/1 a1J1^v.-l rg+, -7s 6to'L7 Fr-uS 425, o Z"eO'S S{ ALLowgD L78l ' I f( ?t<o Pog€D te,Vq 2't- 2<J'f1''- +sa .cE t/ 46.o 1t 46. o ..:- lrte./,J - 4-74.3q bo?. I 6+B4aa 8x Igg:: 6xb 'P4Nrus Cr,ePse- 3L.oo 29,4_1 tz8.@ -.r -? a lzo ' ob c+.'75 6lO. oo "1 'l< -_=_____J-:____!. J ' t\4,3' IG 6 ,zs (z.r+tL #6) I t3,l -- + z^o x zo E:-1/ATel=. /Arune Y rox rZ 's(1x6).s(rxr) ,s (q.s x q\ 1t4 2-o * zZ1 x Lq1X i> Le s>: a 'R'tb(us l3.So 2v.'7f 4tlO. sot)\ ' oo +5.oD CoRildtr t3tt{.11 DEr\S(T\l CoNTRor- APFA 25 7, to,te4a- = ZCCI. 5 <ECO,JD LEVEC \ 1.15 * t+.15 LEst : 5'-t'/</!nt(J5 c2F^!eR 77't6 ' z5{ 3 , t(tb x 5, zr>>eZ.>'a-'-+ -zt'64 5-qz to,5 x le,5F..evAToR. ARFA l+,6 t1,o '31'+o ,,r.LS ':=i;:IjJ;l e6aFi z.s-'& )-'\ j" t43'65 R'€' Rfl ts BEDRaol"'\ i=z Lq,z$ )< zo,5 3S4.CV l7,Sr- -7'o lzL.s | 1,5 ;< 7) , e *o,5 557 ' ?3 ?p, LEss .. 5'-t'ff^o,l)g @e^-€t 5' 1Z 5'( ''7 | Lagg:. €*f,A€'tr ,5 (q,s*. s.o\ €:*.:rn<.1 Il.ir9.v L.ls-o. 6+zv.-/5 2q 8t'l ,9rrc COV€FQAGE o, ztl4tl- j1t21 Le3)t+(l L lef-1 i e*'o UP?SR L€VEL 3C,.j x 21'6 Lesg t 4 *fl I br<+te* 1g.Q >< t6'c ,s(?x r'5) - ,5(re'bx b'5) { euu €'aL+Rru^4 Lo^^,ER- LAVE L zq,) x 1 71, V * t+,5 t2-x c,v Lx 2,5 .s(3.sx 9,5 ) t8,GY r 8'6 fuilFurlnove Aeae x 4v,5ao I Snf" x rq 6 tl{ to13' o t o,b+L, D Sf t5 q L,1 3( .51b,n 5+ zfzlat A LuouleD PToeo*> 20 YAo LxZo lLo'o " 5 (6.5xzo\ a5 'o 7,€ x i z'Z'€ !Rvs-€o.re'o-*J ='q t"*.o a+,o 7,1 oF - l'2-6,1-T7T tfoo,o 2 40,+tTE6- r rg 6{J- Ptu>> e€ t 8,11.o?o' A'V 20bt.5 5{ *za. o aoAr-.5 25 g (,+ tt fi ,qq s( 1Q Auvowte> ?e:oqoaeD 5+("+ 5./ /ee/, P I - l23,t--A'?on6- ///,6 It,z5 co,45 4o'4 zz-1,t o r 4*E.tl-'t '15, G .',7 * r 26?,1 424,95 t o6,1e 3+s.q b z5AA, +3 FIUCOPY July 2,1997 Gordon McKeeta 13442E. Asbury Drive Aurora, CO.80014 RE: Lot 14, Vail Village West Filing No. 1 Dear Gordon: The Town of Vail Community Development Department is in receipt of your Design Review Board, (DRB) application for a single-family residence located at the above-referenced property. The Public Works, Planning and Fire Department have reviewed the plan and the following issues have been identified. Please respond to these issues no later than noon, July 7, 1997 in order to remain on the Wednesday, July 16, agenda for a final review. Planning: 1 . The geologic report submitted references slopes of 30%-80%. lf this is correct, the site Ttverage maximum for this property is 15%. This would allow a maximum site coverage ;r of 1,597 square feet. You exceed this maximum by 461 square feet. Please revise the site plan to reduce the site coverage; 2. L-Ftease provide details on the proposed lighting for the project; Public Works: "nd deltb *l* 1 . 4{s intormation, please revise the site plan tlicnovtrtnsinsta+farien-of 18" culvert; 2. There are areas that exceed our maximum grade 2:1; 3. Please revise the site plan to show snow storage that is not in the r-o-w; 4. The environmental report needs to be amended to find the following conclusions per t - Ordinance No. 5. The report needs to address the conclusion that the site is in a ^r'1-1 _ V _ geologically sensitive area, but corrective engineering can be done so as not to increase I '* vJ ( Lr- the hazard to other properties or structures, or public buildings, roads, streets, rights-of- way, easements and utilities. Please note that this amendment must be stamped by the engineer; 5. Please revise the site plan to show all of the grading associated with lhe driveway as opposed to the grade level floor plan; 6. The pan should be located entirely on the south side of the edge ol the existing asphalt. It is currently shown about 2' into the existing roadway; 7. Please revise the site plan to show a wider driveway entrance that is 6' on either side of the 20'centerline radius into the garage; 8. Paving of the snow storage area is not required. Snow slorage is permitted lo be shown as landscaped area; 9. The retaining walls on the floor plan do not match the retaining walls on the site plan; 10. lt appears that the snow storage area at elevation 37 is the area for extra parking. Please revise site plan to show the grading associated with the walls that support that elevation: 11. The proposed contours do not match the existing conlours on the west side of the structure; 12. Please revise the site plan to show spot elevations next to the proposed wall or use arrows to show the locations of the elevations; 13. Please revise the site plan to show, with contours, a swale around the back of the house, which is necessary to meet the geologic hazard report; and 14. Please revise the site plan to show an 8% (or less) grade from the south edge of the pan for a minimum of 10', lf you have questions regarding public works comments, please contact Terri Partch at (970) 479-2169. lf you have planning questions, please contact me at (570) 479-2128. Sincerely, d*",** *lUrZZ*;"* Tammie Williamson Town Planner i BOARI)I Z.fl.d, alt1l)a DBSTGI RT\':IEI| TNCO PL TE PROjIECT INFORITIATION : DESCRIPTTON: oo APPL'ICATION - TOIIN OF VAIIT, COIJORN)O DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: tt*tttf t!at I. A. B. TYPE OF REVIEW: c. D. -',K w"rn Construction ($200.00) Minor Alteration ($20.00)Actdition ($50.00) conceprual Review i+ot ADDRESS z lfu l+tfrNe D}4ve IJEGAT DESCRIPTI Subdivision NAME OF APPIIICAI{T:ling Address: APPIJICAIU I S REPRESEI{TATTVE:Address:_ OF OWNER(S): APPrJIC|,lrroMs wrrrJ rwt aE PROd.EsstD ltrrfiow onNER,s gr@rraruRB f. Condoninium Approval if applicable. J. DRB FEE: DRB fee8, a6 shown above, are to be paid at thetime of submittal of the DRB applieation. f,auer, whEnapplying for a building permit, ptease identify the accuratevaruation of the proposar. The town of vair wiLl adjust thefee according to the table below, !o ensure the corrlct feeis paid. FEE SCHEDTIIIE: VAI,UATION$ o - $ 1o,ooo$10,001 -$ 50,000 s50,001 -s 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 9500,001 - $1,000, ooog Ower $1,000,000 DBSTGN RS\':TEW BOARD APPROITAI, EXPIRES APPROI'AIJ UNI.'BSS A BUXI.IDING PBRITIT IgIS STARTBD. If property is described bydescription, please provideto this application. a meets and bounds 1ega1on a separate sbeet and at,tach Phone E. F. :-/(o3 8zg ,"-?€t -oG. H. NAI.{E OFt-iailing Fhone FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100. 00 $200.00 $400. 00 0s00. 00 ]\ZONTNG: l-Vn-.eX rz-c>-4O $[R t NA}TE OF PRO.TECT: IJEGAIJ DESCRIPTION : . LOTJZ| IJIST OF TiATBRIALS BI,oCK SI'BDTVISTON A. STREET N)DRE9S:L The foLLowing information is Review Board before a final BI'IIJDING ITATBRIAIS : Roof Sidinq Other Fascia $raL1 MateriaLs_) Soffits Windows Window Triur Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enc1oeures Ff t-f L)q required for eubmittal to the Desigm approval. can be given: TTPB OF UATERIAIJ COIJoR ,4oo> (Uu'*., LAe.-'- (:r^lnr4 -A+tuz'a>Etc+;etlf,;v / ereenhou s e a (A.&1 r- a\ Retaining WalLs Exterior Lighting Other Desigmer: Phone: B.LTAIIIDSCAPING: Nane of PLAlitr MATER*: Botanicat Name "...t." ouanrirv "r.'- PROPOSED TREES AI{D SIIR,I'BS An*sfr*.Hrs &Pt*-'zou Sn.- *Indicate caliper for deciduoua trees. I'tininum ealioerfor deciduous treee is 2 inches.hdicate height forconiferoustrees. Minimum heioht for coniferoustrees is 5 feet.**Indicate size of proposed shrubs.5 oallon.ldinimun eize of ghrube is fq)e GROT'ND CO\/ERS soD SEED TYPE OF TRRIGATTON Ary Qe+>= &,-1oo+, ,lt.N/\. TYPE OR UETIIOD OF EROSION COTiTIROIJ c. IJAlilDscAPE LTGHTTNG: rf exterior lighting is proposed, ptease show the nunber of fixtures and locations on a aeparaLelighting plan. Identify each fixture from the Li-hting planin the space below and provide the height above grade, tlpe of' J.ight.proposed. lumen output, Luninous area and a cut sheet otthe light fixture. (Section 18.54.050 J) 9Ap* Sduare Footage D.orHER rJAI{DSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fencee, swimringpools, etc.) please specify. IndicaBe heights of retainingwaIIs. Maxirnrn height of walls within the front setback ii3'. Maximrur height of walle elsewhere oD tbe property is 6' DIrTE: AI ZA sinsre r".rriu"ruffi*, n'r..h[condarv ZONE DISTRICTS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot ADDRESS lB&-}VP|tt subdivi s i o, il) I&wf, F, r,,rnnl ARcHrrEcr trcefr'- hy pnoNE (*=\ el t - U >l ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE A r.,or srzE lOrb46,o e# BUTLDABT,E r,or AREA t@ Height, TOI,AI GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA ScLbacks Fron L Sides - Rear siEe coverage Landscaping ReLaining WalI tteighLs Parking Carage Credit Dri'ue: Complies with T.O.v. waLer Coursc SeLback Do Finish crades Exceed Environmen LaI,/I{azards : OWNER Allowed (30) (33) Exis tinq Propo.sed 3t: TOEAI 3tt '3.oo1, I34td5'3001; I + 425 +425= 20, 15' 15' 20' -tsr161,-T='r- 4d6?/ _NAc- *u""{ - . .t ' ='_ +,.. 3 2,o&1t ttf z EncI 3. /6. Reqrd PenriLLed Slope Lighting Ordinance (30) (s0) 2:1 (50t)YES No--x- (3oo) (6oo) (9oo) (12ool .'.60O t Proposed Yes Slope NO 1) Flood Plain NO zl PercenL slope @t rotr (.. "3) GeoLogic ltazardsa) snow ^valancheb) Rockfallc) Debris FIow 2/ 2q, Z EcvL..6 8lL7l,a JOB NAI.{E SI'BDTVIST L,OT ADDRESS **TCI Cabl.evision of 949 -L224 Mark Graves \ NOTE:1. U.S. West Comlunications 468-6860 or 949-4530 PubLic Senrice Conpany 949 - 6135 Gary _ryatt/Rich Cooley P\f - IJT:&Hoay Crods Elect,ric Assoc. 949 -5892 Engineering Dept. Ted. Husky/Michael lJaverty a The form is used to verify service availabiLity and rocation. Thisshould be used in conjunclion with preparing y6ui- utiritv pran ana'scheduLing installations. For any new consfruction proposlt, theapplicant muat, provide a completed ut.ility verif ication- eo:cur. The location and availability of utilities, wheElrer they be main lt}lk I'ines gl.proposed 1ines, must be approved and verified by thefollowing qtilities for the accompanyine lite plan. AL1 authori*ing sigmatures need to be orig_inals. Authorized Signature Date /hL,fic, \, s =pr;nr,r /-;/-7 7 t- /- zq-f ? | -'2{- 97 144-77 r-z)-a1 "EnBilrtl?l:""811:Ir:sff. A As pcr <J\'st*o*n^p * 476-7480 {.izf \-! .c\ r\ n Fred Hasr.ee ', -e -r.\S$\\a$uA _ l^Z{-?F 'dLrt va' f*\ irA site glaa is reorrtJa. !f,""t"", r.ocarioa of knora uciliriesnust be ghorn on the site4llan. Gucitity l0cationg may or Day notoffer genrice to tbe Droperty liae. eai utirity exteusioa r-equiredsbau be the reaponsibtlity of tbe property owner. tbe Rockies ArrAc+tEb FAX If a utility company has concerns with the proposedconstruction, the utility representative shoul.d not,directly on the util.ity verification form that thereis a problerr whicb needs to be resoLved. The issueshould then be spelled out in detail in an attachedletter to the Town of vail. However, please keep inmind that it is the responsibiLity of Lhe utilityconpany to resolve identified problems. If the utility verification fonn has sigmatures fromeach of the utility conpanies, and no cornmeDts aremade directly on Ehe forrr, the Tolyn will presumethat there are no problems and that the developmentcan proceed. These verifications do not relieve the contractor ofhis responsibility to obtain a street cut pemitfrom the Tovrn of Vail, Department of RrbLic worksand to obtain util-itv locations before diqging inany public right-of-way or easement in the Town ofVail. A buildind permit is not a street cut permit. A street cut permit must be obtained separately. InstaLlation of service Lines are at the o<pense andresponsibility of the property owner. 2. 3. 4. Block Single DATE: IJEGAL DESCRIPIION;Lot ZONE CHECK ,FOR ly Residence, Duplex, ZONE DTSTRTCTS o Fami v Primary/secondary ADDRESS: OWNER l.J Subdivision PHONE All.owed (30) (33) BxisLino TOTAI z'l't.ltl 3r4F ffi5 +w + 425 20' 15' 15', 3. /6' narking Garage Credit Dri've: Complies with T.o.V. Lig ng Or waLer Course SeLback Fesrq;i*tU 2. Tx s No Do Finish Grades EnvironmenLal/Ita No--x- rds:NC n", NO requesr?ll/4,- K/r zv'-e' z5T Lsb ueoo4 =- 4,c) Z encl: ARcHrrEcr ZoaEF bN'r pHoNE (>=\ az t-ilsl zoNE Drsr orc, f lun-e* @,;'hO PRoPosED vst 6txaut; fannul W#lvz r,or srzE lO, b46,o sI' BuTIJDABT,E rJor AREA re+ Heiqht TOLA1 GRF'\ Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA SeLbacks FronL Sides' Rear Si t.e Coverage Landscaping IteLaining WaII HeighLs n2oo, 4@ L t"t"Proposed Slope tA (30) (s0) (s0r) 1) Flood Plain 2t PercenL srope @t 3sxy ( 3o% 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) RockfaLLc) Debris Flow 4) weLlands View Corridor Encroachnent,: Yes poes this rerTrrest j.nvoive a 2'>O .r-rdrf,iLion? How much of the alLowed 250 Addition is used witb this Previous conditions of approval (check properLy file): 10 F UT-A rr oNJ t a lr>ltt s trs bveeaae o. ?-4q* AcRe ze T" b( x27 ,5 (-ro < eo) toxzo * gruo 6ocAicrDM- ')'iG.,,ttt x s's-) LEs} ,, {r tr fo*' n \ ,1rc^,u(('r) bpn/Srt.t Car./fgouaRFA zs q. PLUS UP PER LEVELS 6D<L1 ,6 LES'r.l(taKq t n (<'r) Sor-a<tdn t R*lD .:'\ , 5 (t'tltb * 5'l ) ?bRI^ 2b r'Ex r a' 5\ LtzweR Lev€LS 3t,e < 2v.75 Leas -Lxq 5 +'o 5'5 ><5 zn' S FNrf..11,LXll to9't' L2SZ z*s --Je- .s(exe) 2.5r<9 /Q64L'o 34 Au-ow6D 2t l2q ' Z Sf E.ttt1y2 2to87'+ €1 ,< x 43.st a to', b4L bA, 54. tt o o t t114, o Zoo'o Zoe' o +1.5 zzr c. s b6q.25 - gl'5 -1e'7, 1'2 tt52.1 I zs4. "- bg,o 5+, o t,l 15' b | 8,o 1.5 3.1.u b,sv-z,s) Fae.f,t tFe tO,5ttO'' | 21, zc2 v+ 2'25 3 oo-l.l t2q,l 2o81, "f eF t O, btl4 19,t3,efu , A,3 lbbg, o - tz-l , I Ig4o'1 1o,1 l1l' I 2661,5LlZ6, o i' ^ 3 o873 9( Auwow€D 3Zo1,l 9f eeoeog€D FILE COPI 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-24s2 April22,1997 Gordon McKccta 13442F- Asbury Drivc Aurora, Co.80014 RE: Lot 14, Vait Vitlage West, Filing No' I Departnent of Comrnunity Development Dcar Mr. McKccla: This lcttcr is just an inquiry of thc status of ltlOU Alpinc Drivc. I would.bc happy to schcdulc a mccting with you, thc architcct and thc Public Works Dcpartrnent, in ordcr.to rcsolvc any issucs that may rclatc to thc Torvn of Vail standards and your piojcct' I noticcd-that Mondny' April' l4' was a DRB submittal Aotl .J you did not subrnit ony piont' Thc ncxt DRB submittal datc is Monday, April 28, 1997. For your information, t havqcncloscd a copy of thc submittal datcs for thc DRB. Ifyou havc any qucstion$. or would likc to sct up a mccting to discuss any issucs, plcaso do not hcsitotc to contact mc at (970)479-2142. Sinccrcly, .1 Tammic Williamson Town Planncr {g *"n"rroru"^ .::; f,;r/PY 75 Soutlr Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 l. 2. J. 4. March 14, 1997 Gordon McKceta 13442F. Asbury Drivc Aurora, Co. 80014 RE: 1808 Alpine Drive DRB Application Dear Mr. McKceta: Thc Town of Vail is in rcccipt of your application for thc abovp rcfercnccd propcrty' Thc Public Works, Firc and Planning Dcpartmcnts rcvicwcd thc application and thc following issucs have bccn idcntificd: Public Works: Departnent of Community Deve loprnent Providc clctails for rctaining walls, also show top and bottom clcvation of a wallsl Thc maximum width pcrmittcd for a drivcway is 24 fcctl A drivcway pan is nccdcd. This pan should bc 4 fcct widc at thc cdgc of asphalt for thc full width of thc driveway pavcmcnt including rcturns; Providc a stampcd site survcy with spot clcvations shown along thc cxisting cdgc of asphalt/or curb and guttcr. This should bc at a l0 foot interval along thc property linc; Site grading plan must show proposed contours with match to existing contours; All site grading must be less than 2: I for proposcd improvemcnts; Provide a back-ouuturn-around area. This arca must be a minimum of 12 fcet widc, with a 20 foot centcrline radius, and designcd for a tkce-point turn or lcss; The drivcway must be acccssible from both lane directions in the roadway with a 20 foot centerline radius; 5. 6. 8, {g rr"r"r*ruo 9. 10. Thc gradc into thc garagc cxcecds I 0%; If thc grade is grcatcr than l0% hcat is rcquircd. No grading may exceed l2Yo; The driveway rctaining wall in the front sctback appcars to cxcecd the 3 feet maximum hcigtrt uy as much as 7 fcct. A wall in thc rcar yard is 13 feet in height. All walls over 4 feet in height must bc enginccred. The l3 foot wall in the rcar yard contradicts the geologic hazard rcport finding "that no cuts exceed 6.feet." You must reccive a variancc from the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) in order to dcviatc from this standard; The geologic hazardreport needs to attest to the following: n) rhat trre site can either be developed for the specific structure without corrective engineered constuction (no hazard cxists) or; B) That the site is in a geologically scnsitive area, but development will not increase the hazard to other properties, structures, etc'; or C) If corrective engineering is necessary' the report needs to certi$ that: a) Adcquate base datahas been provided; b) Basc data was utilized in thc desigu ti Design and construction procedures dcrived from the basc data have been cxecutcd; and d)Dcsignandconstructionwillreducethedangertopublichcalth, safcty, etc. The results of the study must be signcd and stamped by the engincering geologist and thc reviewing enginccr; and Indicate arca of snow storage. Thc snow storage area needs to bc equivalcnt to 30% of thc pavcd area. It can be located in landscaped area providcd thc area can survive snow loading. It appears that the landscape plan and the site plan have been combined. Please prouia" morc details as it relates to the amount/type of landscaping to be added or removcd: Provide more information as to the dotted lines shown around the roof lines. Is this a roofoverhang?; Per the Town of vail code, the plan exceeds the number of fireplaces permitted. Please see attached reference provided for clarification; and As information, the plans submitted have been digitized to veriff the gross residential floor area. Thc plan shows a total of3,059 square feet and the maximum allowed per code for this site is 3,087 squarc feet. ll. 12. 13, Planning: l. 2. 3. 4. Staffis requiring thrt these outstanding issues be resolved before proceeding to DRB for finrl review. The Firc Department has no comments. lf you havc any qucstions' please contact me at 479-2142. Sincerely, 37d // tlZA^,,"* TammieWilliamson Town Planner co*rfi Development Plan noofrtor,n pproved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Partch, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public WorksffitffiF-e,r Return To:Tammie Williamson, Community Development X 2142 :l:rre Routed:3n2t97 r.<eturn By:3/19/97 li;oject Name:Mckeeta Single-Farnily Residence Project Address:1808 Alpine Drive Project Legal:Lot 14, Vail Village West Project Description:DRB final Review Need Comments by 3 / 19 /97 Datereceived: - 6 -- co*-t! Development Plan nootfi)o.- Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Partch, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Mike McGee. Fire Works Retum To:Tammie Williamson, Community Developrnent X 2l 42 Date Routed:3/12/97 ,..r:rurn By:3/19/97 !n:'cject Name:Mckeeta Single-Family Residenc e Project Address:1808 Alpine Drive Project Legal:Lot 14, Vail Village West Project Description:DRB final Review Approved X. Oenied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions r'li.. Need Comments bv 3 I | 9 197 - 9rol'dg -t'.2 + a, l ar-t."{ Pfc,;,de a. llt \l -l' t t u.\': cnuirt)g Fc!o' vl r\{: z;l(d:t ' nJPcrrlft,* e"s) - 2rq6! w,-. rlon (ctnf 4(f 'n \'f,I c\ io'(A''\(r''rt'(- l'Jt/I'// /qrdjG)-if cf,V{ 4i(d4{ig; It vr.ta:.ig-, .loL.( .d,-1r(.ir-. \ \\ (:r c. \iij,: iJ! ( 1i(:i-?.4. ,I rr):F-e1 ()U'1- r()'&, (te{\: ta 1611;r, €11 O-(t lo'tb - Nlt'(-IaallC> urLl r{\o.\'{rL\ tc' Va SYacf:( fi-r--^r\ lz'iu lV tr"+: '.rg" flrrf L,: .1od tu,rd,rr1 rs {.1 l-.: {(drlr ,,<tVLrL ( gO, O3C- Og-) i _t:'-_{1",*l_ I 1 J6,,*.uy',n ttr. nrcq f '; c r i ileviewedby: I i (eloirl.liq 'rlll \n tt\di balp{_ir e 4lrurc(l \-i) i (Li\t r,{-i-bd(V- qrrcC.ad5 :5 L \,t f,^,c(f\rc'. {r':' rr'r-i,.i! \' - |.y-,.{1cU,t5 .]VI (l\e ,ttl (\(/- (-\\ti yr] (i{(,.i\c,r' flr.i{\ Date received; ' t Date reviewed: i\Yrtg (.n Dctt-L ---- hgaxr q'. ({ox "'orr' . | -6622onC' Yoc qeo"g'c lnoe+lqal<J.t ft llF.o.w<n' t,.cetsua 3latq? IL cgnarPcl f lfl'l?t7r<brn4d 3lalq? $st ba qvorscr€d touhoot cofiectl€ ,^@ eilx) cgarocn crt2sds (F <r)ts a|.Eof,cr tl'<rn 19r . n{oo,strt r€€'d to $e0 Yrr. bc*re' oQ t\6,siEg . $u, qq^c ho?2ad reFcl.k ndc ta atter,t 6o ttra bttowrol'. ertrrec hdr tha S(re 66t', f- eA@ Fr T" #ttc' itrootuE '.A\rn oor cdl "dJ*"q.( en^y@q) (m haz?ard **) g fh^t tnelte6 t^ aq@lcfI,CAlh{ ',€l\5rhvo ar€d I h)r darctoPtvEr*ur\$ my iourwl,.&to \ozurA loorl'6 Wry1l Plct)+'v6 €to. tl-cgrc<nly-Ordir*1% \5 n6t7s3l"i) ,W, f|.'4x)tr tw?xz to cqn€J ttot.. a\&t\oore WP d^U^ hcrsbda'\ pcryi&d b)bsodo\|'(t vl^9 oht\^2ec\ rnkh€ deqn. o J dd,qn and conrlo4ix, goczr4rorr..-A deriocd horr ttrc Uo.o doU baooWqr eNeutai d) aglq" and carfrudrun r^liltrcdq€ Ad*\6 to p\rur6 hacrtln.:othf etc. A(l tt\rg rr.'a't bg 4.P,cr.ditw.e Ttp sno," it<roqF q(eo ncds lo .be eqr.liso(qrr to iF.lo * q4)r fad dA . 1 con ba tocorcd w (()\c1d\e(l)pe ocedS Cg*..s 4, lcr\3 q5 tf€e-5 &$rrtyor tbq! <srr.\ dre, \rtr\ "nord teAnXqtQ mt locat€r)tn fie 5p.me af@{ ' 5qn€d ondrtarnp€d h {|.a ""t*"qqf"\."'5t an.6q.e, ceutcuijesq:.cs6-':ar'*hl Agcll(Ll lilsl rcvisc(|2120/()7 ll alll DIISIGN RUVIE}V BOAITD AGI'NDA WcdncsdaY, FcbrrrnrY 19, 1997 . 3:00 l'.M' PRo.tllCToR|ENTATIoN/Nol-UNCrl.ConlnrunityDcvelopnlentDcpartmcntl:15 MEMBERS PRESENT Michacl Alnctt Brcnt Alrn Clart llrittain John Schoficld (PEC) SIT'E VISITS - l. McKccta - lti0tt AlPinc Drivc 2. l.,itrson - l(rfl5 Larkspur [-anc 3, Cutnrtrings - 4435 Biglrorn Roacl 4. Kinncy - 5l(r4 Main Corc Drivc Drivcr: Mikc MEMBERS AB$I]NT Tcd Hingst ry,rMW+w l:45 l,ul|l.,lc ll IiAlll NG -'l' I l-trsott - Conccpttral rcvicw o['ncw singlc tirnrily' 1685 Larkspur Lanc/Lot tl Block 2 Intcrtnoutttattl Applicant: llric Larsotl CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTB Cuntmings - Ncw singlc fimilY. 4435 Bifrrorn Roa<t/tot I Block 3 Bighorn 3rd Addition Applicant: Crcg Cummings VtOflOn, Brcnt Alm SECOND:John Schoficld APPROVED WIT}T ONE CONDITION' VOTE:4-0 3:00 Dorninic Tarntnic *5c l. Thc fircplacc chimncy has to cxtcnd 2'-3'highcr than thc roof' VOTE: -r. It 4. Kinncy garitgc - Changcs to approvcd plans -5 t(r4 Main cor.c Drivc/t-or lj. Vait Mcaclow.s Filing No. , fffJ"T'Applicant: llol Kinncy MOTTON: Crark Briuain SECOND: John schoficrd vorE: 4-0 APPROVED WITII ONI' CONDITION - l. l'hc rvall around thc lanclscaping island tnust lrc lowcrcd. 5. Innsbruck Mcadows - Altcrations to prcv.iously approvcd plans. CcorgcKinnickinnick Rond/Lot I 3, lntcrrnountain Applicant: Bob Bomc, rcprcscntcd by RKD TABI-,ED UNTII., MARCI{ 5,1997 (r, Pctcrs - Ncw rcsidcncc, Laurcn4193 Sprucc Way/Lor 12, Block 9, Bighorn 3rd Acl<litionApplicant: Stcvcn pctcrs, rcprcscntcc,l by Stcvc tsom TABLBD UNTIL MARCII 5.1997 Stafl'Applovlls Plrlianrcnt - Additiorr Dirk324 | Katsos Ranch Road/Lot 6. Brock r, vair virr'gc r2th FiringAppliclnt: Marvin l)arliarncnt l-ot 2 l, Clacicr Courl - Changcs to approvccl plarrs llt 14 Clacicr Court/l,ot 2l. Block 2, Lionsritlgc t-iling No. a Gcoruc Applicant: patDauphinias,DMC,Inc. Total Body Carc, Inc, - Ncw sign Dirk140 E. Mcadow Drivc/Lot p, Block 5D, Vait Villagc tst FilingApplicant: Larry & Christinc Cardncr Thc applicalions and inlirt'tnntion about thc pt'oposals arc availablo tirr public inspcction clur.ing rcgular ollicc hourx in thc projccrplannct''s ollicc, localcrl at thc Town ol'Vail c<irnrnunily Dcvoloprncni Dcpartrncnt, T5 Sout5 Front.lgc Road. sign languagc intcrpfc(&tion availublc upon rcqucst with 24 hour notificntion. plcasc call 47g-2ll4voicc or 47g-2356 TDD ftrr.inlblrnation. tl MEMORANDUM 1",3: c0Py TO: Design Review Board FROM: CommunityDevelopmentDepartment DATE: February 19, 1997 SUBJECT: A request for review and approval for the design of a single-family residence located at 1808 Alpine Drive/Lot 14, Vail Village West Filing #1' Applicant: GordonMckeeta Planner: Tammie Williamson DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicant, Gordon Mckeeta, is requesting review and aPProvalof a single- family residence located at 1808 Alpine Drive/Lot 14, Vail Village West Filing #1. The single{amily residence is a southwestern style design, and has approximatety g,t gg square feet of GRFA. The applicant exceeds the allowable CAfn for the site by 47 square feet. The site coverage, and landscaping are in compliance. The applicant is proposing a minimum of two retaining walls that exceed the 6 foot height maximum and the retaining wall encroachment into the front setback which eiceeds the three foot maximum height permitted per the zoning code. II. ISSUES During staff review the following issues were identified: 1. The design of the structure is not in compliance with the design guidelines. The structure has a southwestern style and does not exhibit alpine design characteristics. The application has the following list of proposed materials for construction: The structure is proposed to be tan, stucco siding, and other wall materials proposed to be of Stone, concrete and glass; The fascia is white aluminum. The roof is red, built -up asphalt and tile;The deck or hand rails are proposed to be constructed of cultured marble and wood. The windows are white and aluminum clad wood; The proposed solarium is made of tempered glass with an aluminum frame; The doors are wood and metalwith white trim; 2. The subject property is located within a geologically sensitive areas, (GSA) as per the iOopteO GSA maps for the Town of Vail. The subject property is located ilt. within a metastable and unstable slopes consisting of mainly landslides' The applicant submitted a site specific geologic report that outlines this area in detail. The report results in summarY are: A. Subsoil conditions are fairly uniform over the site with less than two feet of topsoil underlain by sandy clay soils to the maximum depth explored of 12 feet. The clay soils exhibit little to no expansion potential at their moisture content; and B. The proposed residence should be founded on undisturbed clay soils on conventional spread footings designed for a maximum soil bearing Pressure of 2000 Psf; 2. The applicant must reduce the height of the walls or submit an application for tw6'watt height variances to the PEC. The applicant is proposing a retaining wall located in the rear of the property that exceeds the permittJd height maximum of 6 feet. Additionaly, the applicant is proposing to construct a retaining wall within the front setback that exceeds ihe permitted height maximum of three feet; and 3. The applicant's proposal exceeds the allowable GRFA for the site. The applicant is aware of this overage, and has initiated steps to reduce the GRFA within the ProPosal. RECOMMENDATION Upon review of the applicant's request for review and approval of a single-family residence located at 1808 Alpine Drive/Lot 14,Vail Village west #1 staff recommends denial of the request. The staff recommendation is based upon the following Design Review criteria: Section 18.54.050 (A) 1 "General" 1. Structures shall be compatible with existing structures, their surroundings, and with Vail's environment. lt is not be inferred that buildings must look alike to be compatible. compatibility can be achieved through proper consideration of sca|e, proportions, site planning, landsiaping, materials and colors, and compliance herein contained; Section 18.54.050 (C) 1 "Building materials and design" 1. Building materials shall be predominately natural such as wood siding, wood shakes, and native stone. Form 1756. 82 (tliodilied 1/84) Commitment, Schedule B-2 Colorado Order No. 305135-Cc2 2. 5. SCHEDULEB-Section2 Exceptions The policyor policies to be issued willcontain exceptions to thefollowing unlessthe same aredisposed of to the satisfaction of the Company. Any loss or damage, including attorney fees, by reason of the matters shown below: 1. Anyfactq rights, interests, or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could ascer- tained by an inspection of said land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. Easements or claims of easement which are not shown by the public records. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments and any other facts wh ich a correct survey would disclose, and which are not shown by public records, Any water rights or claims qr title to water in, on or under the land Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the elfective date hereof but priorto the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this com mitment. Exceptions number are hereby omitted. 6. I7' Taxes due and payable; and any tax, special assessments, charge or llen imposedfor water or sewer service, oi tor-any other speciar tax'i ng districf. 8. Right of way for ditches or canals consfrusted by the authority of the- unifed states, as reserved ln unifed states patent of record. 9. Restrict ions, which do not confain a forfe iture or reverter clause, butomitting resfrictions, if any, based on race, coror, rer igion or nitionalorigin, as confained in rnstrumenf recorded dcrober'25, tdo:, in Book r7gat Page 149, amended by instruments recorded December a, rcos in Book r7gat Page J45 and February 16, 1g7O in Book 217 at page 76. 10. Easements flve (5) feet in widfh along the rear and side lot lines ofsubject properfy, as reserved on fhe recorded Plat of said Subdivislon. ll. Joinf Resol ution and Noiice of Encumbrance of upper Eagre vaileyconsolldated sanitafion Disiriqr and vai I var r";'con;;Tidated waterDistrict recorded April I0, 1991 in Book 552 a+ page 977. 12. Any and all unreCeemed tax sales. NoTE: Upon receipt of a Cerfificate of Taxes Due evidencing thai there areno.existing open tax sales, the above excepfion will not appear on thepol icies to be issued hereunder I t FlLE CoPy TOWN OF VAIL 75 Soutlr Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8i,657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Fcbnrary l l. 1997 Mr. Cordon McKccta l.3442 E. Asbury Drivc Aurora, Co. ti00 l4 Deparhnent of Connrunity Development RE: 1808 Alpine Drive Dcar Mr. Mckccta: Thc Town of Vail Community Dcvclopmcnt Dcparlmcnt is in rcccipt of your application for thc Dcsign Rcvicw Boar{, tcntativcly schcdulcd for Fcbruary 19, 1997. Aftcr rcvicw, thc following itcms havc bccn iclcntificd by thc Public Works, Planning and Firc Dcparlmcnts. l'ublic Works: l. Plcasc subprit a sitc spccific gcologic invcstigntion pcrfonncd by a profcssiorral gcologist or rcgistcrcd cngincci irs pcl Towrr tll'Vail Orclirrnncc # -5, Scrics o{' l9li5. Thc findings of thcrcportlnustclctail whcthclthcsitcissuitablctbrtltcstructrrrcproposcd' Ifnot, why.arxlwill anyrnitigatiorrbcrcquircdinordcrtobuildonthcsitc'l lfmitigationis rcquirccl, will it incrcasc thc hazard to acl.jnccnt propcrtics'l Prcviotts gcologic studics of thc gcncrul orca arc availablc through thc Public Works Dcparlrncnt. Contact Tcn'i Partch, Town Projcct Engirtccr, at479-2169; 2. A notc must bc atldcd to thc plat/sitc plan which rcquircs thc contractor to protcct, maintain and rcconstruct, if ncccssary, thc ditch in front of thc propcrty: 3. A 4'pan (as rvcll as thc culvcrt) is rcquirccl whcrp thc drivcway intcrsccts thc road' Thc pan must havc a 2" invcrt: 3. Plcasc show how proposcd grading tics in witlt cxisting grading; 4. Show all rctaining walls, (top and bottom clcvation): 5. A public way pcrmit will bc rcquircd for sitc acccss at all tinrcs during conshuction and during soil boring prior to construction: {g o""ouo"u"' Thc following arc gcncral commcnts from Public Works, an<l will rcquirc furthcr rcvicw oncc thc scalc is corrcctcd. l . Thc Town of vail's minimurn parking spacc rcquircmcnt is 9' x 19" Thc bumpcr of thc car closcst to thc road cannot bc any closcr than 5' frorn thc cdgc of asphalt: 2. Thc maxirnum gradc without hcat is l 0%. Town of Vail minimum drivc aislc width is l2' all thc cntirc lcngth ofthc drivc. (cars cannot cncroach into thc drivc aislc'); 3. A turnaround will havc to bc constructcd up ncar thc garagc. Cars arc prohibited frorn backing down thc drivcwttY; 4. Drivcway acccss must bc providcd in both dircctions with a 20'ccntcrlinc turning radius; 5. Plcasc show snow and trash storage: and 6. Thc maximum wall hcight is 6" Thc rcar of thc hornc shows a l6'wall' You tnust rcccivc a wall hcight variancc dom thc Planning antl Environmcntal commission' walls ovcr 4' in hcight, or wall systcms must bc tlcsigncd and stampcd by a rcgistcrcd cnginccr' Planning I . ln ordcr to calculatc GRFA and sitc covcragc. plcasc proviclc drawings in a scalc of l/[1" or li4 inch: and 2. Plcasc stakc thc propcrty prior to thc DRB mccting' Thc Firc Dcpaftmcnt has somc conccrns about staging' Plcasc proviclc thcsc corrcctions no latcr than noon. t,tonday, Fcbruary 17. As infonnation, it is always hclpful to providc thc DRB with color samplcs. If you havc any qucstions, plcasc contact mc at (970) 479'2142' Sinccrcly, \..) t/ ,p/4/Qazaaz_ G.h,a+4t^< W,0 Tarnmic Williamson Town Planner Mark property corners DUE UPON RECEIPT. PIJE,ASE te appreciate your businessl VALLEY P.O. Edwards, (303) SURVEYING, TNC. Box 1230co 81632 949-1406 9r.rr Dated z L0/09/9I 91450 FOR OUR .tOB* 344. 9feat,1et FiIg18O8 Alpine Drive Fee: $ 250.00 Credit for Retainer: S :$ Amount Due: $ #fil/ INCITIjDE OUR I!{VOICE l{O. ON YOUR CHECK STUB' Mr. Gordo McKeeta 134it2 E. Asbury Drive Denver, CO 800L4 I}{VOICE#:Irot 14,Vail Village r,I -; .AS|LE, UALLEY ENetNEERtNe 1 5U 20, wx 1013 vAtL coLoRADO Ol6e7 9o3,476,4A73 March 4, 1981 Dr. BenneEt Stein 710 W, l68ch Srreer New York, New York 10032 Re: Lot 14, Vail Vlllage WesE FLling No. I Deat Dr. Sceln, Per your request, we have loCafed the propetty cornelg onlhe above uentioned lot ln the West Vail area. In the course of our survey, we did find existlng oonuoentsat thtee of the four corners of the Iot. The fourth corner (the norchesst corncr of the 1ot) is marked by a wituess pln found 3.1feet southeast of che accsal colner. The actual corner falLs on a sceep bank and ls not pracclcally ser,. h'e ehecked the exlEting pias agalns t, thenselves and found Ehem co be accurate to within 0.5feet of their platced xelaclonship. Please concacg rue tt you have aoy guestions regardlng Ehls sutvey. SLncerely, EAGTE VALLEY ENGINEERING AND JES/tt!t cc: i'I1ke Kelahao suE)ratlurF, INc. O FA(zE . Ee? RvEY'Ne, 'Nc. .7 ''ir I i::;' FR'irl ris(},ra zLe-?B=-zaz; ;1 i fu{+.a <ta-4 fya T-<ta. /l* EACLB VALLEI Sr,RVEIIf,Gr IttC. P.O. Bo: 1230 Edrrards, CO 81632 (3O3) 949-IeO6 Mr. Gordon McKeeta 13442 E. Asbury Drive Aurora CO 80014 Dated: LL/L9/92 rrvOICEl: 92581 rOR Orrn itOBt 34r' I,ot 14' VaLl Vtllag. llstt' lst Ftllng Topographic aurveY. Fee: $ 570.00 Credit for Retainers $re Amount oue: $(=17_!, !9/ ^4?Ftq.- \ DT'E UPOtr RECEIPII. PI.ETSE ITCLUDE OT'R III'OICI IfO. OX IOUN CEECf, STIIB' l{c Epprcclatc your buslncas I _ SEhiS.Bt': CTL-ThomPson Inc. For0.|t'r bnnd hrtranctrlttd mcmo 76tl Itr siil s! co,.**4- .-'.|4, .rrqeb F <-,."C! tJ, *-,--{-- Z .3f r.-r,cc-- h.*. &-'), A.-. e.9-h€.. ( { ror cer s g' rr lQn ft.or.r t {e.. Q.lr R€,--,.. 4 co oo- C e,- G Lt+ .\ rr-.' fJ.ar- *-& h++a4 Qtut.-. {r4.*T:G."tD A t.'-.a, [ ( 20.* 1r.! €AGr... *18 : tt l,*; ( *..*- o L**.,.eoJ , \^r43 e,&t*.1o.fl. "{ ,-,s{er'. u4 of,eih, TJ o grrewr (r? E{ l(r€t.urrJ *-o*. L. eI 0? E- t*9--u'|cl u"-L r- 1-afaqf-' trrq.r.f *v\ , E:r-- t r c*l& be k-..f U* a-,.t-.-.= nJ4 "!;e! F{, p.o** Ir;.4- L..44€tB L t, '*.F a.-oq 6e^.-c- a.ri. rt r--. q \ao- *.q,*L e O g.f F.''\ L .t?.0{ "-**G -tuo*.f.) a(-n-c-(.-re-s c,bsoe- +.,.J+ b-|'e*r { ; tfo4 *fa G"--.- *dl*-J*f * L@ NL 8*t, F*- -[*. J. ]4+u- ol +t { tt=9|-S r'& 4.\a .[ ..ri-,/ag' i 0,-'g(-* c-Lpp,l Lb dUlL**4 d1c#i tlsf d rt b I 15?a-a ta .l i4 stF st,I 7q^-nqi'l 0 I r-I !l'i- iE rE :I '3ul uosdJjoql--.U.3 !Ag INIS! bJd,La,l t6-6 -oT! ole h lt'\ a\$\t $$:# t) d Jq - -_-: -T -i d?,? r\rg f ,'g- ort5 K\\Is\ ,r't .Nit s \th ts i+ l!aa ,E t E ,-[ t -d 0 t, + -.r 0 \))\ \ t -( ,I-t ,il 'i ,s:J{=l tr O- d u g --LItq, E J d .ouI uosdurorl].-'ll.3:Ag IN=F E-/ -i-'t t rt'.d alt1ltl DBST@{ REI'IIBIT BOATD APPIJXCAtrION ' TONN OF VAIIJ, COIJORADO **!tttrtt**t TNCilTPL EE PROiIECT INFORJIIATIOI{: DESCRIPTION: I. A. B.TYPE OF REVTEW: c. D. E. F.NA}IE OF APPI-TICAIiIT:ling a meets and bounds legal. on a separate sheet and attach Phone FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 OllE YEA8 AFltrER FMAIJ IggUEI' EIfD CONSTRUCEIoI| H. G. NAI.,IE OF NAME OFMailing APPIJTCANT' S REPRESENTATTVE :Address:_ Phone APPI' &IIONS YIITIT NOr BE PROCESSED WITEOOT OWIIER,S SIOIINIIRE Condoninium Approval if applicalrle. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at thetine of submittal of the DRB applicaEion. Later, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify the accuratevaluation of the proposal . The Town of Vail. wiLl adjust thefee according to the tabLe below, to ensure the correcE feeis paid. I. \t. FEE SCHEDUIIE: VAI.,UATTON$ o $ 1o,ooo $10,001 -S 50,000 $50,001 -s 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000g Over $1,000,000 DBSIOT RTUIETI BOARD APPROIIAIJ EXPIRES APPROITTIJ TN|IJBSS A BI'II.DIITG PERI(IT ISIS STARTBD. -,KNew Construcrion (g200.00) Minor Alteration ($20.00)Addition ($50.00) _Jconceptuat neview i$0) ADDRESS z IM I*LilTJZ >I,G IJEGAL DESCRI Subdivision If property is described bydescription, pLease provideto this application. t-ZoNTNG: l->'m-.X 60-40 rr. A pre-applicat,ion meeting with a member of the planninqstaff is encouraged to determine if any additionalappLication information is needed,. It is the applicant'sresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff todeternine if there are additional subnittal requirements.Please Dote that a CoMpLETe appJ.ication wiLl streanline thereview process for your project. IrI . IMPORTATW ltOtllgE REcARDIttc ALr, glrEulssroNs ro EnE pRB: A. In addition to neeting submittal requirements,. theapplicant must stake and tape the pioject site toindicate property Lines, building lines and buiLdingcorners. All trees to be renoved must be gaped. Al.1site tapings and staking must be completed prior t,o the DRB site visit. The apnlicant must eDsure that stakingdone during the wint,er is not, buried by snow. B. The review procesa for NEff BUIIJDINGS no::nally requirestwo separate meetings of the Desigm Review goardi aconceptual review and a final review. c. applicants wbo fail to appear before the Desigm ReviewBoard on their scbeduled neeting date and who have notasked in advance that diecugsion on their iteur bepostponed, will have their itens renoved from the DRBagenda until such tine as the item lras beenrepubl.iehed. D. Tb.e following itens tnay, at the discret,ion of thezoning adninistrator, be approved by the CouurunityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. a fonral hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): a. WiTdows, skylights and sinilar exterior chaageswhich do not alter the existing pJ.ane of thebuilding; and b. BuiLding additions not visible fron any other lotor public space. At the time such a proposal issubnitted, applicants must include letteis fron. adjacent property oumers and/or frorr the agent foror manager of any adjacent condoninium associationstating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a napped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfa11, fl.ood plain, debris flow,wetl.and, etc. ), a hazard study must be submitted andthe owner.must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the isguance of a buiLding per:rrit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a fown plarmerprior to DRB application to deteilline the relationshipof the property to all napped hazards. F. For alL resideneial construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior structural walls of thebuilding; and b. hdicate with a daehed Line on the site pJ.an afour foot distance from the exlerior face of thebuilding watls or supporting coJ.umns, c. rf DRB approvea the application with conditions ormodificatione, aLL conditions of approval nust beaddresged prior to the application for a buildingpo:rrit. a ting F JfSjfi orm 2 , e t99l t>yt Community Development Plan Rou Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Partch, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Mike McGee, Fire Works Return To;Tammie Williamson, Community Developmcnt X 2142 Date Routed:!29197 Retum By:2il3/97 Project Name:McKecta Residencc Ncw Singlc Family Proicct Address:1808 Alpine Drive Projcct Lcgal:Lot l4 Vail Village Filing No. I Project Description:Conccptual Rcvicw Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditions Need Comments by 2/ 13 197 c( tne! fr<c{1a 1;t1x!cr scneda\e iJ"z df f tI' btlg rqr.xt 1a'!6'l'lt}!'at!!tf" tnAl- Yh11 lof r'r rCl d .c|ll\o IA7lL)id arca, . Tt<,du,r-lrc\hc\"r 5 rr "$l rngr-rn','rcl fhe lDl c/rt1r()), c.( F\6A\\tlJ\e r:ttrr) cn1,'htbt7 i\(pc2 ort nwrTd )111:!499!92 fh4 rqqr,l ra (a'\\', 6f ':.{rd\ni)n( p ti' t4ylgr ot l'lft wp. e{eIo$rvt\ g.ro,gc*e;,(-\.r^0 q €or.c(r$'> r or ei rgq l/. \e'f€c\ eflrir'3 '' Jnd iro(}r,-r.1',Lr{ t'l-€ r€for f r'"r51 Ltl Ig! huE (.rqrn&.,naa'{ Y{ r.rrrr \X i\ OveiOrrcf\ [s t1'14 'rpga ,trL' riYvLY\)@ +rftrrur i'r'lr frrla.t'".-a '€ alna th()i' if u,-:tllrror r1-(e6Lp .rl,,:|e |,]L\7.iA() t.) ol-brr /.,arn-tctt.l,,\ t '\il tr?-pc{r'l 'l( ',fYoLN{€9 al 'J:diP ctrre@ €' \r$ ndir'nl\ (zif'\ b3rr(tt.,,-1'P',':rrci) 1o ttnlrr YY'\((e (2 1; 111-'1{6'rr"J1\ \94{! '+":t '4}"*-591 clcrrred tor nre o.terr ora a.*trkrble vu cL., -?tar,g.-.,.r<!-F 'lac t-)1fi','[ fi"S A nDLL:. fnu5t kf', r,rcf,.'Cka\ cri frc, )t€ p,z.tur -h{.lr 'e.lr,ir?', f }-€ {l;\'r4dcr iD p '?r:e(} ri1ol0}arl1 at.\'-l !i ,c .n.,r (-..,.'r\y{ lr\r,,?..,;'-{it1/r al:}/ll :n lcrn ,,F {h<- ilfl-;rt'[t- | A .4'pqrr l4!fla\ lr., hf ..r\ucrr\ i5 rer-rurr ed , rha ct c.CC. Ttre iran m'6\- tf t a,tve 1g,,:,61a..:, Vir'r.: 4lEIo g-;C.rseC\ c^f/J\io({ 'i I er:> \\^\ -r:1rt Yhg e,r]/'tr lw\ ':'\cC<J,i c<-l ':}r:'r'lr r-etlrt nt'h .Jt-rc,-, \-2.,. 2 -5' )rc+'JQ drvg t Itr ncsrth al4' cf tte irrr"^\ ,f A pou,uc ,.d\ ferr\rr ,.r,r\\ \\, rgc\$ic€d k< 5rte.rrcail.S,io*f 1611 pe6rrri-\ pnff ,i_r Gn(tr O|-}t r.'v^Datc received ' tlTLllq'l -IorT L Partct'^''-vwwtct- 2 Datereviewefl.. Hrtta'l YeI\n/,| 71vlq1Revicwed bv: t 5owr*r-rrrr,1\s \^lt(rxl rlitt\ sF..lc {-d@ - *Ih'<li<rea:pr€tsgj\s (a(g clo{*cr "-sf e^ \" = lo' sav' Yrrrr srcc P"rc^n ',oqr'i h. t ,ti q { 'r =2L-\'5c41te - ?2 ?u^i A:rrrs'g ! crm tn'orc, o€ \rsc<A "por :r:rrQ. e, \a (yr6t o€ tt\g (e(Jr oF \tq- (ef oe .h.,e cornrrv_nt 5$l\\ W qc^!rc'Q. ooc tE( eL'1i-^rrr -'r-n Po4r n3_stqrl,,s 'l'x lq' - TLi**r.,p",- oF tre, cor clogel:v to wrc rood carvov b€ron.1 c\oyr Fhq.. ,5' frc,rn he dgo d ilo ocrinort oetr rvw'rs'! rrr'one 6rade '.,ritt616,:t y.g,t tS ro'h. u! hd-€, to trar a fh rorrr,'..ryr 6 6 rzr dn r.rc, tsr€.\ll lfl3\r6q o9 tfiednug . (,ors (.qcnor , 5l(l| ottr in ho tt-r' ArtC.- |5le { hJrn <^rq5n4\ *.rt I v,or:g k; be, cr.rr,rnx*e.d .p r k*rdrr",.:n nE drrr€r.rlos{ re x' cr'ry'lrLxted !p \€rAr ttr€, tf"tF 5 oasr.r:nu-e - TF€o.":nar Grnnot la, r.ecj.\ ro be 6brc- \e cx]|t yt- tfra rlrt-ra.rsq Cr nbortcr dneailrr'.) ,i.*\ cr Zo' crfrrerui\4 tu,ccvrlz4rc(ettr.J t; 5k,urr,.rrcrg jr.rt\J I ;r.^56 ,,sr, t \ W SWAA . <)tr rn3.-ni tn-;vr wo.rf6grr6-.,v 11 ({t - \o.r.rg SLro>rncr rG <.or.\ rn tfr. \n<X oF trre, Yoff€- Gxrtr! c(u-t ote hycnecl . Att r.,nrrs ooer4, ln pujqht rff ura.il4\<rernr ( berr"rcd us^\l s) rr'os\b€ clesgced and srarnpe.\ blo rrccxrcr<l er6irrcrr. braxeoc,61 kaaAtr2cr^ h\c z;.!(rrt a€ftr, frr.drnl 56 vrr-<\te,+ELih<.qaqtcsh.lcl.l , thr< tor maqnot- Vc Goncrnt<tt1q fua5fov b b;d. Community Development Plan Rou a ting Form / Aq?roved Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditions 3/.27 Routcd To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Partch, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Mike McGee. Fire Works Rctum To:Tammic Williamson, Community Dcvclopmcnt X 2142 Datc Routcd:t/29/97 Rctum By:2t13/97 Projcct Namc:McKecta Rcsidcnce Ncw Single Family Proicct Addrcss:1808 Alpinc Drivc Proicct Lcgal:Lot l4 Vail Villagc Filing No.I Projcct Dcscription:Conccptual Rcvicw Nccd Commcnts by 2/ 13 197 G7zaz.aa."-)zr't . f.fZg,rup.,, z-.-4/z 4 ae kpr,l, lfu"a'''r' {*3,^eer lqa&t/-o Fc'u1 ::l"t: foui$fitqi;;ry Datc reccived: Rcvicwcd bv: s\TF ce..{eRAeJ :J to. tz,^o Lc'? l+ l/ntu V,uud65 WESf prutr.r6 No, t tgo7 Alrrr rv e lnrvE O,a+44f ACn= X 4B,SC7 = to,64c. r: g+ Zo7" ta, b46,o . Z, tz7, Z 51 ALLcu.:,eb z,o3q,o s* ?aoeoseD COM?UTATIONS B ROotn *l 20,6<26,0 loo.oo AB6VE EN-TRY ARET\ .Z€A= flf > . z 3.t+tLr(, lo,5z -_ x ilo. a5 t3+6.9G +4 =Q,G.59 + fo.5 '.- 5-o ' sZ'so t39'O9 Sola=tult l?.o x ts,o 255, O tE 2: ,5 (q,o(q.o) - { o..5 Ztq, to LlVtuc.r AREA l5'5 '< t'7,7 271'35 LEtgt ,5:5,oa.t1,? 4t,25 Z3O'lo r<lTCHEfa, / PAhITRV, LIBRAR.Y Dn ' *'e' €u c 6xeer Rg '{1,5 *29',a |?.OT'5O rtu). ty,S t +.o 58.ao ?,o t q,o gt,o6 RourroED Cot<rlcRl 5.'I 5 )< 5,'?5 37.Ob,ztA = 3,tqtL<,5:l5L r l03.EG.)*tm t+.zo t5g, Zo tO5o.30 2a^?7.99 pENerr'p cc2NTr"O =J.' 'rr,,r, o*o <r<pn t?,t1,oto A.l 75no to,b*6 5{ 2,(4,1,5 5t PLU5 tt.l}.oeo A.a 125, o s+ CoM"ITATroNS WFo ALt-owED 3, o 82,82 ftaeosgD UPPER L€VEL BfrDRocrrr +l ta,s r te,,5 3+2.25 A@,IE EN7R,V AR,€A. 5,o x to,o €a.ao .ZFA = {rY ., =J, lglt * ror a t+.rc ++ 1A,€+ rc9.6+5errtRluM lSto * lo,o {lD.oo '' Lel>t ,s (e.o 'cg.o) 4o.5o 221'5o KTTCHFN 11,15 4 rr.. o zLl. ootEttl S,e. @R|.lrR. 'uo ==E.ii,6 * i,?o' = 86. SaZ =4 = s'C?. Zt+ '6f, PANTR.Y/ LTBRaRY L+,15 *a,o I V2,1 5 Lt\l^J6, Drrrr*rct I aREAT Req 59xt5 8IA^5 too LE3t- . S(n,s r<5,a)- ei.-c--.-{' 43,t5 N' ta ' <oR^JaR 5'i1 tlt ' 67 aa5'37 ts63'q5 LOWER LEV€L FNTRY t z8 '5+ g|(ERCISE', I'-A$FIDR.Y, sr^| R.f,}ELL tl,S * 9,o lo3.5O -- .lr.l,'t3 x 9,o t l2.oo 235'Zo B€D F(ooM 3 * 2, a, * 5AF\F As t-rv / Dr\l'u(r ADavE A)5,7V | 199.3? toe|.SZ viJHl t, i.--. ^iYr'l \ ,. lratd tt|!Et I lr il4"nI lLI livAn UOLII t(f NFr)g Dlitri1rE1 I I'tU' 411.,*tn. t v, 7.{/ !c. E!oo! l-tElz laof Eba fo!!i ir urrd to veslty rlrrricr ava:llablltty and locatsion' thirttpulA b! rr!.d ta corrjunctl'on ciEb gr.Irrr:lDg yorrt rrEillgy glas .8'CaabadulaDg l$.crllrcloor. !o8 r:Ey Daw ooDrErucBi@ groEoala. EIraagpliocnL rrurb I'rowl4r a Gorqrl.E.A ttgll,ttsy vlsltlottiaa lotE. tb. Loo.ELos aacl rvfl,hDlfiBy of uEilltlc!, rriltbrr Cb6, ba [laia -ttrrnk liarr or proDotrd l{a.', anrfc b. r,DD8ov.d rad vcrlfl'.A by EbGtollotr.:l$g rrgl.]'l,E1.. tor clac lccslr.Dyttrg rAEa DtrB. A1l rutlrorl,rLa€r ttgnrgut.a rr.ed co b. orictAnrll . @ Dftl .rol ilN@€T'EDrr/I!Itgr lt. g. lt rt Cmur$l,crt i or|f63-6360 or l{!-C5ro hrblic lafittea cotltioltea9 -61t5 Or.rtf $rlt./ricb coolry Ho:'y Csort llaccris Arrec.919 -5t92 rsglia..riag DrPr,.E.a ltrrrlElr^tt cbtal r..var ty rrACI erb1.vl'rloa ot eb.. RoclBirstar - r23{l|rrk (lraval r.qDt)er Lfl|lc vrlley rrg.rt grntBrclon Direrlet r.'t6-7aaota.A aul.c rel t:lga'DllE tt gaalsir.dl . tDl'rlerl loartllsa o! bon ucllJ.tslrrD.E ba tDsra c r!. tIEa Dl^|B. EE'.Alt,y loaaB|'ua rry D3 rry Detc!t.a .as5a8. Ec dh. DaqlaFEy l'i,a.. l'Ey uEt:.tBy a:stctta rrgrlE.ffrtfll D. cla taaDel!,.bt11Ey c! EDr trrslrlrey orltr. 1. If, c ut:lltcy ctrriDtsrz Ltr ooacr-an wlth tb.a DrolrorcdcoatClutrgton, c,h. uE{ltty r.Er.rcaErEtvr rbaula ltocalLa.cely on Elr. uEi.:'l.ty vcsLl:lsaBioo foran.Ebre tb.rcl. r Drobl$ rblch Ba.dr Eo ba rIolvrC. '!be trttuarboulC char| b. .!'ol:'.A strE, la aoEtil :Ln rn .Ecrclradll.EC.r,.bo Ch. |lwrr of vall. ltowrvla, pl.r.. lccT. tq&tnd tlr.t le 1o Elrr r.rtronrtbllltsy of gh. uciltwcquprD8 Bc saaclve l4eoclll.A Dr&l.nr. 2. tf l,lta uEllity rrtrl'tl.orClor lera bar a igrort usaa lrotrard,b gf Blra sEilicy oqnal,.r, r$d !o o@BnrEGt rECDrCc llia3cB1y oD Ur. tordr tba BouD flll,l Dtc-uilaglra E tD.rc lle Dc lrsolrlGr aad t-brt, t!. d.rr.Lol[G|rtala Drocaad. l. lllrr|l rrlfi,fiorBLoar lo Dot a.:.1cv. th. coaEr.€Gor o!b.l,a =rrDoartbitity Eo obt.l.D e ttEr.ts cut Drrlll,ttil tb. lon of VrI]., DrDrsc[[|3 of Dubl'lo ro8h,Dqlrsi tlS of Dubl'lo rorh,raldl Eor5yvttl.l' rtfar Iartrl1rttoD afrrrt'oaribttl,ty or alla/Ec E lulrt r rnr:lcr llruof t^Da trEotrarclf ralr-rr act at tbr crqrsaj rBdortaa=. obr C'II 9 i[. 0l /zutry. 2-i3._!9?4 : t .6 | @_Fnl rl?t,. rrll lx HolcRoss vniL trIr\?OS DEwEn 3 NO.E66 P.7.," !AOO? ,-zz*?' oUletn 3 sBrett cut 9$lalit' DePrltliart of,FubltA Horhr 1o or elt€|naBE ttri lorn oe tegaraEc Ehr lorm ir uredl to vcrlly genrica avallrbitrlty slld lt'eatl'oD. Th{e ;il;riiT"-i" el-i" -oon]trttif ioa-vi ti er.1)atl5g vog: us:il1tv p lan c;1d icUaArfiug-fnJeaLfial[sr; - ior .sV it3rt- coastanceiol DloDogal' Bhc i,gDriq|'E-lrult pio.'ile -i - coupf etCi uttl i Ey rrcrilicrtioD f onn. rBto loartloa rnd a?ailabuity of uellltlel, rrhstler tbery-!e-n9'tu ^inr$k-i$eg-sr fr6;i;d tisli,-unriE-bc aepcovad-o'4 verlf,icd bv tbe illfi.ttne utliiEii-s ioi tarl accomtnving ettc Dr's' tl1 autlroriziog algaaturcr aeed to be orl'laalr ' euthorizql, Sietnrturc EUg itpE SilG sEtDnxlrl'! ADDRTSS U.g. ntlt Counralcaglogs {58-5s60 or 9{9'1530 Prrbrie trnriee c@,urlt 9a9 - 6135 cary 8r11/Ricb Coohv Boly Crors EleaElic Atgoc. 9{9 -5892 DsErlaeecinE DcFt' Tod lfirslgy/lttcbrel lrrvrrty rfTCI cablerzirion of, th. nockier 9r9-L22tilart Grrvc! rrUDDts Eagle vallcf lfatcr C sa:riraiioa DistalcE '116-7tto Sred 8s8lrc NOTE: JAN t a t$I rol llEr'g1rs ir nquLlrd. -lbystErl locfti,@ of lcasro utlllttsr lust b. llora o ili-si---nrai.. uEiliEv r99:9ll9f rrv or !'v aot #E;ii.fril l" ffi ;riprirv itfi.--eni'trciritsv rrsirloa rqui-rs'l altli bc, tlr lalDorlbiliEt' of Ebr DloD|rty olrllt' 1, lf I ut'ilitv 4ohDray bag co4cenrs vieb lhi' PsPEos€d E6eicnrcrio,a, -E# uiirity rcDrclssEeElve Sbould uoc dirGcEly on'l#"i.tiili-i'eri-riceglon tora rlat tfierc it-i pri,Urco-Iiic[-nesite Eo.be tesolv€d' llbl llsue Ito[r-a t[.tti;;;elrca-oui ia ilrt'ell in aa aEtsacbea ilEtr; co tG-roiri-oi-viii' Borcrv€a' P'leage-kern ia uina-lr,ac ii-ii-iiie-iergonaibiltry_ of, Ebe uEility cWany !o resolvr iitratified problsns ' 2.If,Ebeutilltyve'ciflcatioafo::uhaaeiqaaturarfrout- iacu of ghe uiuity coqraaiee, N$dl Bo coulllDt3 ure naac Cfcccbly oa tnc foca' tbe Towa sill-Dtcgulre elru gbcsc ii.-oo groblur aDA tlat t$e eevclol[lert caa Procced. 3. lFele verificatlons do uoE.retrl'evc tFe-g9n!l=tgl of hi3 rErDoasibllit'Y Eolro tihb tona of vail' aBd go asf n$fvril.I rElcee cut i orst be ob rtrrErIIEEim 0frerFooribility senriqG risl{!3 Bta l't the erE €DE3 of tbr Pr.gI'|ttY flact.t.rDd Form | 756 Commitmsnt Fsco Pagr COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY First Amcrican Title InBurance Company ,,(th;{fuJ, PRE','ENT ArTEsr tlill;" - c,1ryL/' sEcRnARY First American Title Insurance Company FIRST AMERICAN TTTLE TNSURANCE COMPANY, herein called the company, for valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insr.rred named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be effeciive only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or oolicies c€mmitted for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this commitment or bv subsequent indorsement. ThisCommitment ispreliminary to the issuance of such policy br policies of title insurance and 1ll liabilitV andobli' gations hereunder shall cease and terminate six (6) months after the effective date hereof or when tHe policy or policies committed for shall isue, whichever first occurs. provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. This Commitment shall not be valid or binding until countersigned by an authorized officer or agent. IlN WTTNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Commitment to be signed and sealed. to become valid when countersigned by an authorized officer or agent of the Company, all in accordance with its By'Laws. This Commitment is effective asof the date shown in Schedule A as "Effective Date." EAGLE COT]NTT TITLE CORPORATION 953 S. FRONTAGE FOAO WEST. SUITE IOO vArL, ooLoRADO 81657 {30o 476-64?3 FAX 476-6426 rl rrl\r rf slr),l r,$'. ..'^'^.'..,''n* *r- ..'' o?, P 0,t o' -..'ol- \-'({')' E.-+d.'-.'et-ci i;:"':lJJ"l:ia ...".. "il"ril,';**'"1 o Forn tt6GA Commltm.|lt. Sch.dula A Vail Valley Real Estate Broker Affn: Derek Pysher 228 Brldge Street Vail, O 81657 @RmN S. I,'ICKEETA and MTHLEEN KRAIGR MCKEETA Pmposed Insured: (bl fl aurl Loan Polioy Proposed Insured: (cl I $ 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this commitment and covered herein is fee simple and title th6sto is at the eflective date hereof vested in: BENNETT M. STE IN I 4. The land referred to in this clmmitment is LEGAL DESCRIPTION SET FORTH ON SHEET ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE IN@RFORATED HEREIN AND MADE A PART HEREOF. Ornerrs Premium: $ 348.00 CCrs to: Lenderrs Premlum: $ Vail Valley Real Estate Broker Tax Certtf lcate: $ lO.0O Gordon and Kathleen ltlcKeeta Endorsenrenf Chg: $ Bennetf Steln TBD Ch"rg"rt - $ Brandes-cadmus Real Estate, Inc. Addltlonal Chgs: $ Escrow TOTAL CTIARGES: S ITIE.OO October 4, 1991 at 7:00 A.M. Rsr/dtfectiw Datc: 2, Policy or Policies to be issued: (a) tr ALTA Owner's Poliry SCHEDULE A Custqner Reference No. Sfel n/l'lcKeeta 305135-Ccz Commitment No: Amount 28, o0o. oo $ r Ii II I a i a I I rt.I F I L ts Fir D-L]I o 0rder P lat No.305155-C t.D, # v/39 SCHEilLE A (contlnued) Ooverlng the Land In the Sfate of Colorado, County of Eagle r Oescrlbed as fol lous: Lot ,|4, vAtL VILLAGE llEST, FILING N0. 1, accordlng to the recorded plaf thereof. I I I oFo.m t756 . 8l Commltm6t, Sch.dula B-t SCHEDULEB-Section1 Reqtrirsments The fbllowing are the requirements to be complied with: Item (al Payment to or for the rcount of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for tfie estate or intercst to be inclred, Item (bl Proper instrument(sl creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executd and duty filed lor r€oord, to'wit: No. 305135-Cc2 t.Affidavlt(s) properly sworn to by two oi more disinterested Persons Y,ho are resldents of the State of Colorado and who have no record Interesf ln subJec-t prop€rty, stating (a) fhe last plac€ of resldence of Doreen E. Stein, deceased, (b) the tine and place of death, (c) a descrlptlon of subJ€st property, ahd (d) that the deceased person l{as in facf an owne. in Joint'tenincy of subject property at the tine of hls/her death, and otherilse complytng wttn ine requiremenis of 1975 C.R.S. 38-31-105, as anended. Deed from Benneft M. Stein to Gordon S. l',lcKeeta and Kathleen Krtmer ltlcKeeta. NoTE: lDuly execufed real property transfer declaratlon, executed by elther'the Grantor or Grantee, fo accompany the Deed mentioned abovet pursuant fo Arflcle 14 of House Blll No. 1288 - CRA 39:14-102. 2. r I t t ! I I i t" F F.t FF' LL tr Form | 756. 82.([tqdilied_?/84) Commilmsni, Schedule B-2 Colorado Order No. 305135-Cc2 SCHEDULE B. Section 2 Exceptions The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following un less the same are disposed of to the satisfaction ol the Company. Any loss or damage, including attorney teeq by reason of the matters shown below: 1. Any f actg rights, interesls, orclaims which are not shown by the public records but which could ascer tained by an inspection of said land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 2. Easements or claims of easement which are not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conf licts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments and anyotherfacts which a corr€ct survey would disclose, and which are not shown by public records. 4. Any water rights or claims qr title to water in, on or under lhe land. S. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 6. Defects, lienq encumbranceq adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this commitment. I7. Taxes due and payable; and any tax, special assessments, charge or llen imposedfor water or sewer service, or for any other special taxlng disfrict. 8. Righf of way for dltches or canals construqfed by the authorify of fhe. United States, as reserved In United Stafes patent of record. 9. Restrictlons, whlch do not confain a forfeiture or reverfer clause, butomitfing resfrlctlons, if any, based on race, color, rel lgion or natlonalorlgin, as contained in lnstrumenf recorded Osfober 25, 1963, in Book 178at Page 149, amended by instruments recorded December 6, 1963 in Book 178at Page 545 and February 16, 1970 in Book 217 at page 76. 10. Easements flve (5) feet in wldth along the rear and side lot lines ofsubject properfy, as reserved on the recorded Plat of said subdlvislon. ll. Joint Resol ution and Notice of Encumbrance of Upper Eagle Valley consol ldated Sanltatlon Dlsfrlst and Vail Val ley consoi ldated waterDlstrict recorded April 30, 1991 in Book 552 at page 977. 12. Any and al I unre(eemed tax sales. NOTE: Upon recelpt of a Cerflficate of Taxes Due evldencing thaf there areno existlng open iax sales, the above exception wlll not appear on thepol icies to be lssued hereunder. Exceptions number-are hereby omitted. tr F , I' i i I I F. F P:.t!. I II I Form No- 'l755 Commitmadt, Conditlonr lnd Stipulationl t. 2. COMMITMENT Conditionr and Stipulations The term ,,mortgage," when used herein, srrall include deed of trust, trust de€d' or other security instrument' tf the proposed In$rred has or acguires actua| know|edge of any defeet, |ien, encumbrance' adveBe c|aim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgags thereon covered by this commitment other than those shown in schedule B hereof, and *rall fail to disclose such knowledge to the company in writing' th6 company shall be reliwed from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the company ispre|udicedbyfailuretosodisclosesuchknow|edge.|ftheproposedlnsuredsha||disc|osesuchknow|edgeto thecompany,oriftheCompanyothe'wiseacquiresactua|knowtedgeofany$|chdefect'|ien.encumbrance' adverse claim or other matr€r, the company at its option may amend schedule B of this commitment accordingly' but such amendment shall not reliwe thecompany from tiabillty previously incurred pur$rant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. Liabiliw of the comoanv under this commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties included under the definitiorili rn*rro ln the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hefeon in undertaking in good faith (al to comply with the requirements hereof' or (bl to eliminate sxoeptions srrown ii i*t"out" g. or icl to acquire or create the estate of inter*t or mortgage thereon covered by this commitment. In no 6rent *lall zuch liability exced the amount statd in schedule A for the po|icyorpo|iciescommittedforandsuch|iabitityissubiecttothelnsuringprovisions,exc|usionfromcoverags' and the conditions and stipulations of the form of policy or policies committed for.in favor of the propo6ed lnsured which are hereby incorporated by reference and ari madE a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. Any claim of loss or damage. whether or not bsed on negligence. and which arise out of the status of tho title to t're estate or interest or the lien of the in$rd .o^g";r-"*"r"d hereby or €ny action ass€rting such claim' shat|berestrictedtotheprovisionsandconditionsandstigl|ationsofthiscommitment. 3. 4. i'iC, E-i.' i tr. !a rxrr(Js uit.1l, I t .lF.i-i l- j j ,!t' A <F -=bc-t-r\; t z $.t t I p m =et r$og 3ao2 f,' .! f8 tf- t, lj tublicSeryice A/flo 8rvb. Conpr|y ol Cola* GAS AND ELECTRIC LOCATION SKETCH 1 OOOO1 ol/22/97 02roB PH 00016137 NORMAL BRI0 KET NOr 0OO16137 P9CO NOt L?97O12200646 llAP REFCT INAL CALL 0ATE r OL/2?/?7 INTI'|ENT DATE r OI/24/97 EBTE0 FOR OATE r OL/24/97Er CO COUNTYI EAGLE Rr 18OB STREETT ALPINE TIf'lEr O2r0O PH 0Pt TIMEr 0?r l5 AM TfHEr O9rlS AM HRS CITY I OR JI'R NOTICE I 043 I,IEET I Y VAIL :AR INTERSECTON(S) I RI06r O$6O81U12** r s.:tl fPE OF UORKr FOUNDATI0N ICATIONT LOC ENTIRE LOT TOI 1 llT AT A00R **PLS i:t liir r DIPANY t t cTR 0F 5T **ACCE69 CALL IF ANY ?? r,*H/o I ,t OPEN **LOT 14 HAS PAPERUORK LEOALT C EXP, I N VAXL UE$T FILINO TI} BE 6IGNEO :LER I CONT r OORDON I',IC KREETA H/O sAHE H/O PHONET (303)82$-?851 EXT, t PHONET (303)829-?851 EXT, t FOR r RKS r RS tPSAVO1 TPSNGO2 TTCIAV1 rU$UU13 BEFORE YOU DIG REOUIRES TWO BUSINESS DAYS NOTICE i ATATE LAW CRS 1973, 9-1.5-lol (SENATE BILL NO. 91155) r€quir€s EVERYONE planrtng b dlg noar a PUBUC ROAD, STREEr, ALLEY, RTGHTOF-WAY, or UTTUTY i:i EASEMENT to mtty lhe UTIUry NOTIFICATION CENTER OF COLORAOO of your Intant TI/VO BUSINESS OAYS BEFORE YOU OIG - CALL iqn-922-te67 AREA OR DIVISION . ,+rf COMMITMENT TIME 7'tf TIME ARRIVEO?'tto / d:ao :Th|s sk€tch b approximate. The siakes, or paint marks d6nob th6 Locator's best ctimated loc€tion of undorground utility lacilliies, DIG VERY CAREFULLY - PROTECI UNOERGROUND UTrLrTy, CABTES, prpEs, W|RES, AND OTHER EOUIPMENT. Marked: flStakes EFla$ fiNylon Whlskers 18 I}ICHES HORIZONTALLY FFOM THE EXTERIOR S]DES OF THE FACILITIES IS CONSIDEREO A CORFECT LOCATION IOCATOR'SMME Slgnature of person contac{ed DATE ,/- 2 q-r7 wt"'E. GAS DISTRIBUNON YELI.OW - CUSTOMER P'A'K- LOCATOR LOGATITOlilc. rl,^j1: i-)1)r){-)5 l-..jNr:r:: {)I/2?/')7 C}::56 Ft'l ,:'intnent Date: \:-tL /24/97 Time: tret Nbr: OO16137 , qinal r-;al l Datez 0l/22/97 Time: iLrec,ted F,:,r Date: Ol/?4/97 I Time! 1-sihedLrl inq mernber* please meet o tocATroN SKETGH r:r itv: VAIL :! 5T **Ar::r:E55 OFEFI ANy j.? +*H,zO HAS 1t F: l::O r::,:,unt V: EATiLE ir: 1B()g Street: ALPINE OFI j"dg: {155(18 1t^l 1:}* : re ':, f bJ':'r t': : FOUNDAT I ON *ti,:,n: LBl. ENIIFIE Lr:T TO r::TP 0F : MT AT qppp **FLS |:ALL IF npl.y : TSORDON t''tt:: l.lFlEETA H/tr - : Ier : r tl:,:rnt: SAIIE ie for z H/O narkg: nbers :FSAVG1 :PSN6€? :Tt-:IAVI :USWtll3 F h,:'ne: I j1O3l g:-'i- :'951 Fhone: (3C)3)g:5-:BS1 tv,.. fa.r\ ' . r_t\t.J.|- GALL 534.c?oo tN MhrRo DENVER lltonl YOU DIO nIOUlRll tfg HOUn XOTICI CALL l-8oo-e22-te8t oun D€ lsrFo D€t{lEl | - Cai/e6 Tr,la - 6or.Jpn f wasuu\.flQ/t L latc> -::..-.--:-- o n /y rh f - ui // pe 1 _/ara 2 gfATE LA, CRS 1973,9-1.5-101 (SENAIE BllJ- NO. 172-1981) r€quir$ EVER/ONE Canning to dig in or n€ar e PUBUC ROAD, SrR€EI, ALLEY RIGHT- OF+tAy, or UnUTY EASEMENT to notity tho utility ownerE ol lrwr intem 48 HOURS BEFORE YO0 DIG - TWO (2) WORKING. DAYS CAII 534'6700. M'!F*GAS POV'/ER COMMITMENT TIi,IE Tf^Er TIME COMPLEIED CATV INO. TELE. Thi€ sketch is approximate. The stakes, or paint marks denote the Locator's best estimated locatian of underground utility facilltiEe' DIG VERY CAREFULLY - PROTECT UNDERGROUND UTILITY CABLES, PIPES, WIRES, AND OTHER EOUIPMENT. HowMarked: lstakes npaint nwhiskers V\bather: trDry trlivet trSnow trSnowing trRaining r:ir-) 1 g I :rr iictr t\1AL ri- , ,*; t:i'J: {'f-} Alvl (:):: {:)i:) F lYl Or-- : JI,JP'' / I O'3 r 15 AFI Hr ': Nc't r. t e: !!4./ Meet : i at reQutested dats i(rrd t i:na crr .31i tLi,;t':';r"-1r. Legal: '- ++LOf 14 t/AIL tlEST FILII{'3 I F,AF'EF;WOFI"': TO BE SI':T'IED a q76 Wf*d*,-BAf kK {<, k ,,'n Br?c ilntorl flsI 2r + € lrl rm nitrt t POWER GAS Signature of p€rson contacted cuflolcn <-.+ IND. TELE i_ rr|rqCOMMENTS LOCATOR'S MME I lr_l i :,r-l .J I i.:,: .b ./ UPPEN EAGLE VALTEY COI{3OtIDATED WATER ANO SANITATTON OISTRICTS Ca6 toi:tT ROrD . YA|L CoLorlOO llttT (!O!, "t'?/3lo Dtay 23, 1991 l,tr. & Mre. Bennett M. Stein 710 vl. 168th Street N€w York' New York 10032 Re: 1803 Alplne Drive Lot 14' Flllng t Vall Vll-lagq Weet Dear t{r. & l'lrs' gteLn: glater and selrer stubut installatlons for the above-referenced propertY have been conPleted' Please note from the encloeed bl$tng thqt the water stubout was billed at bf,sl;.;b-, -ila hte-t"]aer stubout $aa bllled at 91r21o.83, totalllng 92'785'68' AsstatedlntheenclosedJolntResolutlonandNotlceof Enournbrance, rhe assessea stubout l"lroverne": l:9 le payabte.l! the tlne of aonveyance of the pt"p"tty,-"" rylla-ter than the date of connectiol ot r"i"i!et"l&- do -lii$rovenents constructed upon the propertY. Please do not hesltate to call lf you have any questlons' i- n -:: . '_'- : SincerelY, kdi- G-qS-q,\ I*'z Leslie J. Allen offlce DLrector Ii.7A3 6l( Encloeure lltlt I ll PairlctPATlric Ot"rlc"g - anRogtflt^o ME Ro waYER ' l\\ war:^ . EAeL3'varL m.reo *^t.".,:,:"i::::-:i:::.: AVOI|I I4E?RC' WATZT I TEAVEF CFdER METFO |,vATEi '' .EiiV CFEE'( YIT'G' llt(! cF3Er rr?aoowa war3i o utlli 3Ac!E vaLLlY fat{llaTlot{ t v lL ( \ \ \\\l !.l\j II III t' \, { I I I / / / s \) \ I !i /ltl I I t \ I I I i \ \\ \ \ l I I I ; i I I I t \ \.t Ii ftj'l\f , \h " t'$t\ 'l \ I I I N \ l.. $ ..l\ e k t) { \ \ \ ---- fl-=) l,' I-- t \ \ \ li,\\ \i I \ o \ -)r N t\o' t 1- to t Ilt gll r$N \ o\'.;.A a xl xl i 9l tf..iv -,|dr1t {.jF ?+\\1:'-I -.J ( '9fi < ., ',Qo -l * Nfr I ^\y r-;is o 5.J A^'y's/s\ ,\-v o\ 7-\ z 'ot N l; I I 'i I ol -rl E al N .^t =^=! 6 (or) /'o\ , rol!,;" \\\ Po;^ r't>> =E-E4 INrrf .z\ , /'\ ur \ z^r /P) i iF) ', fF) !(!) ,\7'\7 ',W lv Fr<i o\o\ olii ' r tlai - r'v i '-'o<i o. I g \$"*'*"-"', i:i:,: "p5'-.'.,. @ '/ r =' ,e/ X "..W Flz -. -.t, r \ ..L .o/ / \ \.L/tt.,- a.; Qt-7 \ \^*7./ --..- \ \ O.rtgl \ \ /./t, -,, : t\ \ ;lb<!i zA 5i : -Fr6 qr iCF\\-tlsj:: \3 \, i ! : 'i'3: l;: \ , ; !*l^r \ i r ii'dil' t,. \,i- '\ =iil; -i i.7^\ idd\ i;'" \*A' T"'-:- W )\--ffi I I I rizl -€l O3i 5 =>>\=F= '-xV, i rE 'A [i 6\ f/ v) /Al l<)s I ^Y/ I 2 ----:"* R ngBl6l6ao'ac; I N-"{'e; '-\ "iI o 4o (trrd,unlnc Karla- lgbl ur Dn^vw l+e'h N,4, &ot ol SOILS AND FOT'NDATION IITVESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 1{r VAIIJ VIIJLACE I|EST FILING NO. 1 TOVIN OF VAIIJ EAGLE COUNTY, COI,ORADO ffi**$n$tt'' PREPARED FORS DR. STEIIT PROJECE NO. 91251G tiruLY 1991 TABI,E OF CONTENTS CONCLUSIONS SCOPE SITE I,OCATION AND DESCRIPTION SITE INVESTIGATION SUBSIIRFACE A}{D GROTJNDWATER CONDTTIONS PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS SI,AB CONSTRUCTION GROUNDWATER AND DRAIN SYSTEM REINFORCING BACKFILL AND SURFACE DRAINAGE I,AWN IRRIGATION MISCELI.,ANEOUS TEST LOCATION SUMI'IARY OF TEST PITS SWEIJIJ-CONSOLDIATION TESI PERIPHERAL DRAIN SYSTEM 1 1 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 I I 9 9 DRAWING NO. 1 FIGURES NO. 1 FTGURES NO. 3 FTGURE NO, 5 -2 -4 ao 1 3. Lot 14, Vall Vlllage West FillngNo. 1 iE located ln a geologlcally eensltlve area as defined by Town ofVall Ordinance No. 5. With thr exception of ths southwest cornrr o{'the Lot, the Zone ls deflned atuetastablc. The southwest corner and adJolnlng southern and westernlots are identlfied as potentlatlyunstable slopes ln act1vEgroundwater areas. SCOPE This report presents the reEults of a Soils and Foundation fnvestigation fon the proposed residence to be conetructed on Lot L4, vall Vitlage !!est Flllng No. 1, Tolrn of Vall, Eagle County, Colorado. The Investlgatlon was prepared by meanst of ter&,fltrand laboratory testfug o! saroples obtained fron these excavatLons. several studies have been cornpleted'in this area. Prlor to :/ .; J._*.--,,-.. I ; -::_L 4 the preparatlon of thls report' tfie followlng reports on flle with ragle county were revlewed. rrDrainage and slope Stability Analysls, Highland Meadows and Vail Villaqe West Subdivlslons,rl Claycomb Englneering Associates, Inc., Lg82i rrGeologis Hazards Investigatlon and sUbdivlsion Evaluation, Highland Park Subdivlslon, Highland Meadows Subdlvlsion, and Vail Vlllage West flllng No. I and 2rtr L'ncoln DeVore, L982, and rrSummary Report, Engineerlng Geology, Highland Meadows, Highland Park,r' charles s. Roblnson, Ph.D., P,E. For addltlonal infornatlon the reader ls dlrected to these rePorts. Thls tnvestlgation presents a descriptlon of, surface and subsurf,ace conditions encountered at the site, reconrnended fOUndation Systems, allowable design presguresr ind groundwater conditions as well as deslgn and constructlon criterla lnfluenced by the subsolls. Offslte conditions that may affect thls lot are beyond the scope of, the rePort. Inter-Mountain r,routd be happy to coordinate an in'depth reglonal geotechnlcal investigatlon of this nature. Please be arfare that thlE sould require cooperation from adjoining landowners as off-slte exploratlon and sampling would be necessary for thls investlgatlon. 3 SITE LOCATTON A}ID DESCRIPTION The site is located at 1808 Alplne Drlve ln west Vall, Colorado. The majorlty of the 1ot Ls located in a zone designated as netastable on the Geologlc Hazards MaP prepared by Llncoln Devore, August t6, 1982. The lot slopes relatively steeply at approxlnately 30 percent. Tlre slope contlnuee beyond the lot to the north and south wlth the exceptlon of the road cute. Drainage is to the north, Vegetation conslsted of grasses and aspen trees. The naJorLty of aspens were straight and no lrplstol buttLngtr was observed. Some aspens wefe leaning. Plstol butted' aspens are evldence of soll creep. what, appears to be an abandoned lrrigatLon ditch crosses the lot from east to West. An Lnactive dralnage - crosses the eastern property llne. SITE TNVESTIGATION fhe fleltl LnvestlgatLon performed on ,'uly 11, t99L' consisted -of, excavatlng, Iogglng and salrPllng two test pits. The locations of the test pJ.ts are shown on Drawing No. 1. The test pits vtere excavated with a conventlonal backhoe. SumnarLes of the test plt logs are detalled on Flgures No. 1 and 2. Laboratory sarnples were obtalned at selected lntervals by drlving a rrcallfornlarr hand sanpter lnto undlsturbed soil. These sanples lrere returned to our laboratory, inspected and. classified ln accordance with the Unltled SolI ClasslficaEion syEten and the test pit logs were edited as necessary. To aid ln 4 classlfying the solls encountered, and to deternlne generar soll characterJ-stics, serected laboratory tests (rnolsture contbnt, unlt welght' Atterberg llmits, graLn sLze drstributl-on, svrerL consolldatlon) were parforned on representative soll samples. surnmarLes of the teet results are shown on FLgure No. 3 and 4. suBsuRrAcE ANp GROUNpWATER CONDTTTONS Ref,er to the rummary of test plts, Flgures No. 1 and Z. subsurface condltlons are falrry unl-forn. Less than tsro feet of topsoil lrag underlaln by very morst sandy clay eolls with scattered, cobbles and boulders to the rnaxinu:n depth explored of Lz feet. Sandstone vras encountered ln Test pit No. 1 from 11 to 12 feet. Thls rock Is antLclpated to be a rarge boulder and not bedrock. The clay soils exhtbit llttle to no expansion potential at thelr naturar rnoisture content. The expanslon potentlal wilt rikely increase vith a decrease in the naturar nolsture content. Thls deposit can be erratLc. previous reports in this area ldentify this stratun as a landslide deposit. we understand that no overlot grading has been d,one prior to this lnvestlgatlon.' No groundwater was encountered ln any of the test pits at the tiroe of, excavatlon. PBOPOSED CONSTRUCTIOI*I No speciflc design data has been provided, but f,or the purpose of thLs analysls, lt hae been presurned that the proposed residence wlll conslst of three floors wlth the lower leve1 dayllghting on the down slope sldes. Loads are anttclpated to be ltght. - we recounend that cuts and fllls be lfuoited to 6 feeb and the bulldtng step wlth thr topoqraphy. . Constructlng on steep slopes wlth thls type of soll hac l-nherent rlsl66. Keeplng cuts and tills to a nininuu will greatlF'{ reduce but not elimlnate tbe rlskE of conetructlnq on thlc eltct Finlsh grades ln dlsturbq{__areas mugt be no eteeper than the+ original grade. FOT'NDATI QN...RECOMMEND AT I ONS Sandy clay rlth scattered rocks and llttle to no expanslon potentlal trl-Il be encountered in the foundation excavatlon. the proposed resldence ghould be founded on conventional type spread footings deslEacd for a uaxLmum soil bearing pressure of 2000 psf. At thls presstlie, eettlenehts are anticipated to be leEs than one inch. The footlngs_ should be constructed on the undlBturbed clay Eollg. The footlngs excavatlons should be snooth, ftee of debrls, organice, loose soil , frost, and standlng water. Any over- excavatlons should be backfilled and conpacted to 1OO percent 5 I 1; I'{ :.. ,.it .6 wlthln 2 percent of optinum molsture as determl-ned by a standard Proctor test (AsrM D-698). A representatlve of thls offlce shourd I be contacted to lnspgct the founrlatinn excavation ro verd_fy that the soil conditlons are the sane as those anticlpated'in this report, The bottorn of the footlngs Ehourd be praced a minrmum of 49 : LncheE belon f,lnal grade for frost protectlon. SIJAB CONSTRUCTION Arl excavatlong nade for the foundatlone lrust be properry backfirled with suitable naterial conpacted to a nlninun of 95 percent of the rnaxlnun etandard proctor density (Asrlr D-699). the on-slte soils exclusive of organics and over 6Lze rocJt greater than 3 inches are suitabre for use as backflll. The filr vill rikely need to ba drLed and should be placed wlthin mLnus I to plus 2 percent of bptirnum uoisture to lceep the expanslon potentlar ron. Before thc bttGklllr ls praced, arl water and loose debrls should be rernoved fror*Lesc excavatlons. Prlor.to thc sonstructlon of concrete floors, the undisturbed subErade ehould be proof compacted with a roaded rubber-tlred loader to a unl.forn hlgh density, spectar care shourd be taken ln areas where underground utllltieE have been lnstalled. c E HI tii -,.'l - ii.t rlI : tt?FlI a I The floor slabs should be relnforced, and Jolnts should be provlded at the junctions of the slab and the foundatlon walls, so that a snall anount of Independent novenent can occur qlthout causing damage. The slabs should be ecored ln accordance ulth the Anerican concrete Instituters recomnendatlons to control cracking. A granular hat (-314lnch, less than 5 percent passlng No. 200 sieve) should be provJ.ded belolr the floor slabs. Thle shou1d be a nlnlnun of four l-nches ln thicknesg and compacted. The purpose of thlE granular mat ls to provide a capillary break between the subgrade and the s1ab. GROUNDW-ATER AND DRAIN SYSTEM While no ground water was encountered at the time the field lnvestigatlon was conducted, lt ls possible that seasonal varlatlons wiII cause fluctuatlons, or for a water table to be present ln the upper soils during tne sprlng months, or after a prolonged perlod of ratn, fhe 1ot Is located on a hlllslde and the subsoils were i.n a very nolst condltlon. These soilE wlll not pass water easlly. Rapicl removal of water fron around the structure ls critical to uaintainlng tha stablltty of the slope. Below grade walls should hav-e a waffle arain board (Miradrain or equivalent) lnstalled accordtng to the nanufacturers epeclflcations. A f,oundatlon perlneter. draln as detall.ed on Figure No. 5 is recomnended to reduce the rlsk of surface water lnflttrating the footing subsolls. r-r1-_;- rr_r !l :r,r',Ill f. ,l .E If hrater Is encountered ln the foundatlon excavatlon thle offlce must be contacted innediately, Free water nay requlre additlonal nitigation such as tenporary and/or peruranerit slte dralns REINFORCINq Tlre foundatlon should be well reinforced and rlgid enough tq withstand differentlal settlenents. Foundatlon walls retalntng eartb should be deslgned to resist an equivalent fluld preseure of 60 pcf for an rrsgllyEtt case assunlng a level dralned baekfl,U condition. BACKFII.JIJ AND gt'RFAqE DRAINAGE The potentially expanslve foundation solls encountered ln portions of the site must be prevented fron belng wetted after constructl.on. lhe backf,ill placed around the foundation walle must not settle after conpletion of construction and the bac]<flll naterial must- be relatively Lurpervious. The on-elte solls excluslve of organice and oversize rocr< greater than 6 inches are sultable for uee as backfill. nackflll ehould be molstened or dried to near lts optlrnun moisture content and compacted to at least 90 percent of the naxlmum standard Proctor denslty. Structural backf,tll Ehould be conpacted to at least 95 percent of the naxlnurn standard Proctor density .{ ;! I <l 9 Surface water running toward the structure fron upslope areas should be dlverted around and away fron the buildlng by neans of dralnage gwales or other sinilar neasures. The flnal grade should have a positlve slope away fron the foundation walls on all Eides. A mininurn of 12 i.nches in the flrst 10 feet j.s recommended. Downspouts and a111 cocks should discharge into eplash blocks that extend beyond the llnits of the backf,itl. The usa of long downspout extenslons ln place of splash bloclcs ls advlsable. LAWN TRRTGATION Do not lnstall sprlnkler systens next to foundatlon walls, porches or patlo slabs. If sprinkler systene are lnstalled, the sprinkler heads should be placed so that the spray from the heads, under full pressure, does not fall withln fl.ve fee! of foundatlon walls, porches or patio slabs. Lawn irrlgatlon nust be controtled. If, the future ordners deslre to plant next to foundation walls, porches or patlo slabs, and are willing to asisume the risk of structural darnage, etc., then it is advlsabl.e to plant only flowers and shrubbery (no lawn) of varietlee that reguire very llttle moisture. Ttiage flowsrs and ghrubs should ba hand watered only. IIISCELLANEp.US The recomnendatlons provlded hereln are based on experience in the area and from the on-site fleld exploration. The lnformation obtained frorn the fleld exploratlon and laboratory testlng reflects () tg subsurface conditions only at the specific locattons at the particular tlmes desJ-gnated. subsurface condltlons at other Iocatlone and times nay differ frorn the conditlons at these locatlons. The extent of any varlationE between the test pits may not appear evldent until excavatlon is perforned. However, only mlnor varlations are expected. rf during conetructlon conclltions appear to be dif,ferentr this office should be advised so re- evaluatlon of the recomrnend.atlons nay be nade. This r6port has been prepared f,or the excluslve use of Dr. steln for the speolfic applicatlon to the proposed resldence structure to be located on Lot t+, Vail Village West, Fl}lng Ne. 1, Town of, Vail, EagLe County, Colorado. The findings and reconmendations of this report have been prepared in accordance with locally accepted professLonal engineering etandards for elull,ar conditlons at, thls tirne. There is no other warranty, etther expressed or implled. Slncerely, INTER_MOUMTAIN ENGINEERTNG, LTD. &.,L44 Chrlstopher Englneering Bittner, Geologlst .r, Lot Lot rt Alpi.ne Drlve rgST LOCATION Lot 14, Torvn of Proposed ResidenceVall Village West Flling No.Vail, Eagle County, Colorado Prepared for Dr. Srei.n I )',0JECr !a' s1251G UfN tll 34LEl 0l|lCt oa^v',a NA. v . ,'rli'?-Jii tr l ir: a.,PIT NO. I f1r+ '.fCf-! /.{o(tctrtn0i 0t rrltnl|. Brown very Sandy CLAY Limit = 33fnder = 16 Bottom of Test Pit I No groundwaterat 12 Teet I encountered - MARY OF TEST PITS iiLot 14 pr , Town ff tl il Proposed Residence il Vlllage t/est Filing No. Iail, Eagle County, ColoradoI Prepared for Dr. SEein ',?-:1-'lii r'r I ir:tf.l BORtN6 NO 2 D€PTH 7 |e UJ3 -r. U' I 6-2 o Jov,zo(, t.q toAo (KsFr t0 100 SAMPLE oF SandY CLAY NAT MOISTURE CONTENT L7 ,2 \ o/o swELVPRE5s.O.l/O'9 KSF sAMpLE FLoooEo ArlQ€KsF NAT DRY oENsrTY l11.5 PcF goRlNG NO. I OEPTH 8 SWELL - CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Lot 14, Torrn of Proposed Residence Vail Village West Filing No. IVail, Eagle County, Colorado Prepared for Dr. Sreln ,iorcct no 9125lG to r.rJi-1 i 2o E =-1J oz 1.0 LOAO to rvAr YglSTrtE CONr€Nr 18.7 r00 \A\IPLE CF Sandy CLAY SAMPLE FLOOOED ATO' 5.XST NAr ORy o€Nstry LO5.2 PCF O Pff No.z ottcrrrlror ot o passing sieve -l*,'",,, I I Brorvn very moist Sandy CLAY (CL) with scatEered angular cobbles and boulders BotLon of Test PiE lNo grounduater at 12 feet lencountered II{MARY OF TEST PITS I ) of i , i Ke s 1(l ence ge l.lesu Filing No. 1 Ie County, Coloredo red for Steln i11a Eag repa Dr. oPo vi 1, Pr i ;Prlail ,Y"i ilrl rr'orcr rc, 9125 :,{ .; !< UJ,= Cr1 a zo t- q ottz -l -z -3 0l iAV9LE 'F 1.0 SAndy CLAY LOAO {KSFI to ro0 o/o SWELL/PR€sS. SAMPLE FLOOO€O ATO.q.TSF NAr ltorsruqE coNrENr:!9:3__r NAr oRY DENStTY_llLf_pCF BORING NO. OEPTH d J u,t.v, I zo I au1zoo 0.t t.0 LO AD IKSF I r00 SAIVPLE OF NAT NAT MOISTURE CONTENT sltELL,/PFESS.SAMPLE FLOOO€O AT-KSF ORY OENSITYo/o PCF SWELL - CONSOLIOATION TEST RESULTS Lot 14, Town of Proposed Residence Vail V1l1age West Filine No. Vuil, Eagle County, Colorado Prepared for Dr. Steln 1 rrorrcr r.o 9l25lG i rclJc E NO 4 ir?..:l-'lr:r ,1 1,,if f t,t fl: .t{ , r1 Foundatlon l{al I 8 ackfi I I and wel I no I stened compacted Polyethelene Molsture $:fit.r glued to foundatlon Geotext I I e(l,l1rafi l40t{ orequlvllanr) Mlnlmum of 5( of 3/4 inch gravel 4r dlaoeter perforated rlgtd pLpe sloped a olnlnua oI 1/Bnper foot to seuer lateral aubdrain, BuEp Fump or dayllghtcd. OEIAILS OF PERIPHERAL ORAIN SYSIET{ FOR FOOTING IIPE FOUIII)AIION FIGURE 5