HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 1 LOT 18 LEGALI FITEMP TDWl,l0FVAhL Department of Corununity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorad.o 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 March 11,1999 Mr. Robert Zehman P O Box 337 Vail Co 81658 Re: Building Permit #897-0198 Dear Mr. Zeltmwr It has come to our attention that all the requirements of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for your EHU have not been met. There is no valid bond'in place for all outstanding exterior work. Also upon review ofthe approved site plan for this project, a swalelditch was to be constructed to convey live water from around the building envelope to the corner of the property line. This has not been completed and the live water is now running down the middle of the property and is being dumped over another property owner'$ retaining wall. The area in which this construction is occurring has been classified a geological hazard zone with unstable soils. Your soils engineer of record has provided input for the design of the site plan based on this information. To deviate from the approved plan is not acceptable. Ifany revisions are contemplated, they must be submitted and approved by the Town of Vail prior to any construction in the field. This must be rectified immediately. The bond issue must also be resolved immediately. Due to the fact that ttus project and other properties affected are located inahazardzone, a field inspection will occur ten days from the date this letter is sent. This letter serves as notice that you have ten days to complete these outstanding issues or further legal action will be taken. Ifany questions arise, feel free to call me at479-2142. Senior Building Inspector/Plans Examiner CciGoodell,l{all.Rlanlbn(Momehead.fi le Lot \8 , -\ t I I I tDJ O tL\a'?._("-&')tO rs* {go"nuor"o" TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-479-2738 Invest i gation> ui Lt ca t t----> Job Address Location... Parcel No.. Project No. T S SUED u7 /to/1ee:, 0B /L2 /re9')02/oB/19')t DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT PROJECT TITI.,E: ZELTMAN RESIDENCE NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Permit TIMES 89 7 -019 B APPLICANT ROBERT A ZELTMAN BOX 337, VAIL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR ROBERT A ZELTMAN BOX 337, VArL CO 81658 OWNER ZELTMAN JOHN P.O. BOX 33?, VATL CO 81658 Description:NEW SFR WITH EHU Occupancy Type Dwellings zone L V-N Private Garages zone 1 V-N Table Date: o5/L7/L996 Town 1779 SIERRA TR 210 3-12 3-12 -0 L 3 PRJg 7 -0 12 5 NOTE PLANS TERRY 7-IO_97 NOTE 6ee notices APPR recieved amendment Phone : 97 O-47 6-9284 Phone: 970-4"1 6-9284 Phone: 47 6-9284 Number of Dwelling Units: 002 Factor Sq. Feet Valuation 80.60 3, LB3 256,549.8O 2L.30 630 13,41-9.00 Subtotal: 3, 813 269 t96B ,BO Tota1 Valuationz 269,968.8C)of Vail Adjusted Valuation t 269 r 968.800 Status. . . applied.. Issued... Expires. . Fi reptace lnformation: Restricted: Y fot Gas Apptiances: 2 flof Gas Logs:#Of Uood/Patl,et: 1 ***********i**********************l*************t********* FEE SUllltARy ******t****************i**i****t*********************i**** Bui f,ding-----) 1,1?O.N Restuarant Ptan RevieH-->.00 Total Calculated tees---) 3,5?3.15 200.00 Additionat Fees---------> .00 4n.45 Total Permit fer-------> 3,523.45 500.00 Payments------- 3,523.15 BALANCE DUE---- Ptan check---> 923.00 DRB ************************t*t****t**************************t********************t********t*******t**i******t***********i*********** ,0o Recreation Fee----------> 3.00 Ctean-up Deposi t--------> TOTAL FEES----- Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 07/23/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPRItem: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 07 /to/7ee7 DArr Action: NOTE07/10/1997 LAUREN Action: APPRItem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT07/to/tee7 DAN ACtion: APPRItem: 05500 PUBTIC WORKS Dept: BUILDING Division: FOR DAN STANEK Dept: PLANNING Division: PLANS I,AUREN 7_LO_97 Dept: FIRE Division: N/A Dept: PUB WORK Division: PLANS LARRY 7-IO_97 PLANS LARRY 7-LO-97 LP Dept: ENGINEER Division: 07/10/ree7 DA\r 07 /70/te97 DAN 07/to/t997 DAN Action Action Action o8/os/1997 LARRy_p Acrion APPR CANC NOTE APPR rTbM: 05550 ENGINEERING 07/L0/I997 DArI Action: 07/23/1997 TERRI Action:o7/24/t997 TERRr Action: *t*************l*****t****t************f*************t***********t********************************r********************i*****r**** See page' 2 of this Document for any conditions that nay apply to this permit. DECLARAT]ONS I hereby acknowlcdge that I have read this apptication, fil,ted out in tul,L the information required, comPteted an accurate Ptot ptan, and statr that atl, the infofmation provided as required is corract. I agree to compty with the in{ormation and ptot ptan, to compty rJith att Toen ordinanccs and state [avs, and to buil.d this structure according to the Torrn's zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Torrn aPPticabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTTONS SHALL BE TIADE TI,IENTY-fOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY T send ctean-up Deposit To: ZELTilAN PAGE 2 *******************************************************************************t CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 08/13/97 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ***** *** * ** * ** ****** *** *** ** * * ******* ,f J * * r Statu6: ISSUEDPermit #: 897-0L98 perrnit Type: NEw (sFR,P/s,DUP) PERMITApplicant: ROBERT A ZELTMAN Job Address: 1779 SIERRA TR Location:Parcel No: 2103-123-L2-0L3 Applied. 07 /Io/Ie97Issued. 08/12/1997 ***************************************************************************tr**** CONDITIONS******************************************************************************** 1. THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHAI,I, BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. 2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF' THE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE.3. ILC required at foundation inspection AND framing inspection tcE FRo 8 00 Atl SIGNATURE OF OUNER OR C CTOR FOR HlllS€LF AND Ot'lNER **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0311 Amount:3,323.45 O8/L3/97 o8: 14 Palrment Method: CHECK Notation: *10356#722 Init: cD Permit No: Parcel No:site Address: This Paynent Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 30 0000 45032 01 0000 41336 3 ,323 .45 Total Fees: TotaL ALL Pmts: Balance: 3,523.45 3 ,523.45 .00 Amount 1,420. 00 923.00 s00. 00 477.45 3.00 897-0198 Type: B-BUILD NEw (sFR,P/S,DUP) PE 210 3-12 3-12-013 1??9 SIERR,A TR **************************************************************** Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WILI, CALL INSPECTION FEE PER.I-IIT /I , APPLICATTON MUST" BE FTLLDD OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAy NOT BE ACCEPTED I****************************** PERITIIT fNFORMATION *****************************rl ffi-Building [ ]-Plunbing [ ]-Electricat [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other Job Name: zd,t{-rl1r+J<OHNeDN|ac= rob Addrer", llll Stenct 7rtnlL tegal Description: r,otJf_ Btock_ Fiting owners Name : ZgJ(yrthJ {?J Address , Ro, 9V,3s7 VntLr,b-pr\.tfl6-?Jy+n^ ^ - |Architect, $<A.f.-- ftLn Address: ?.0,i Alt Vftrc,r,r. pn.7e?4e5'o ceneral Description:R6rrIWork class: [Lr-Ne]r [ ]-Atteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nurnber of DwelLing Units:4o\Nurnber of AccornmodatLon Units: TOTAL: f cToR INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Addrgss: f',o, {&J.-,1 G37 W phone Number: i,zt- rypnber and Type of Firepraces: cas Appriances-_ Gas Logs3 wood/pelret_vD**************!t****************** VALUATIONS *********************************tl {€0,D.- BUTLDTNG: +;f#t€€-.- Er,EcTRrcAL: $ oTHER: $ PLUMBfNG: $ - MEcHANTcAT,: $---.- Trlrrr.. 3-PLUMBING: f I'IECHANICAL: $v/f, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * k* * * * * !r CoNTRACTOR INFORMATIOtEeneral Contractor: 1(ot3e<<- h. zadwtnJ Town of Vail Reg. 11s.4.47-L .E;J.scErrcar conEracEorz -DY I ' ut T l(__ Town of Vail Reg. NO._Address: phone Number: Plurnbing Contractor: Addressa - Phone Nurnber: Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. NO._Address:Phone Nurnber: ********************************FORBUILDING PERMIT TEE: PLWBING PERMTT FEE: MEC}IANTCAL PERMIT TEE: EI,ECTRTCAL F8E: OTHER TYPE OF FE8: DRB FEE:+W oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLtl{BrNG PLAN CHECK FEE: MECI1ANICAL PI,AN CHECK TEE: RECREATTON FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: rOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: L CONSTRUCTTON LICA?ION FORMt//f/X7,, /l Conments: CI^E,AN I'P DEPOSIT REIIIND TO:go3rr.f O. a65, Y"nPil Town of VaiI 25 South Frontage Road Vai1. Colorado 81557 (303) 479 -2138 Plan review based on the 1991 Uniform Building Code Proj ect Number: PR,I9 7 012 5 Address: 1729 SIERRA TRAIL Conlractor: ZEI',TMAN Architect: BRENT ALM Engineer: KIMBERLY MCGHEE NAMC: ZEI,TMAN/JOHNSDOTTER RES Date: JuIY L8, L997 occupancY: R3 , M1- Type of Const: V-N Plins fxami-ner: DAN STANEK # SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED 1 Exterior surfaces with stucco shall be provided wj-th exterior rnetar iatfr "" p"t UBc 4705 with 2 Layers of paper. Windows and doors are required to be aalquatefy flashed(not with just screed metal) ' A tatli inspection is required prior stucco aDDI ication. A bathroom is reguired to have an openable wind'ow or a mechanical ventil-ation system' -- sec' 1205' (c) In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilation system connected directly co the outside shall be provided' Bathrms which contain only a water closeE or lav' may be venbilated with a recirculating fan' UBC 1205(c) ' Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts sha11 be installed as per UMC 1l-04 and 1903' Flexible duct connectors may not exceed 5' in length and sha11 not be concealed within construcLion' DucLs shall terminate outside the buil-ding and not exceed l-4' l ength . Crawl spaces are required to be ventilated by mechanical means or by openinqs ' Such openings sha1l have a net area of not less than 1 sq' ft' for each f5O sq. ft. of under-floor area' UBc 2516(c)6' Provide a minimum !8x24n underfloor access' UBc 25L6 (c\ 2 . suppl-y a mechanical drawing indicating design of "v"i"*, size (BTU and volume) of equipment' vent i"""ti"" and. ternination, and combustion air to be supplied prior to any installation' The garaqe must be separated from the dwelling by irrr ii."l."sistive construction on the garage side' -- Table 5-B & 503. (d) exc.f3 The door between the garage and the dwelling is iequir"a to be a r 3/6 inch thick solid core or 20 miriute self closing door' -- Sec' 503' Town of Vail 25 south Fronbage Road Vail, Colorado 815 57 (303) 479 -2138 Plan analysis based on the 1-991 Uniform Building code NoTE:The code j- tems listed in this report are not intended !o ri"li"s of all possi;le code requirenenta in the 1991 UBc' It selected seetions of the code' Pro j ect Number : PRaI9 7 0l-2 5 Address z ]-729 SIERRA TRAIL conbractor: ZELTMAN Architect: BRENT ALM Engineer: KIMBERL,Y I4CGHEE DIRECTION BOUNDARY NoRTH Property I ine EAST Property l ine SoUTH Property line WEST PropertY I ine NORTH BRG NON.BRG OPNG WALL WAIJIJ PROT Ohr ohr None Ohr Ohr None The exterior walls may SE PARATION AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION 51. 0 Feet 51' 0 Feet 20'0 Feeb 20'0 Feet 25.0 Feet 25 ' 0 Feet 18.0 Feer 18 ' 0 Feet Name: ZELTMAN/'IOHNSDOTTER RES Date: .ru1Y TB ' 1997 OccupancY: R3, Ml Type of Const: V-N Plans Exarniner: DAN STANEK be a complete is a guide to WE ST BRG NON. BRG OPNG WAI,I, WAI,I, PROT Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr NoneR3 M1 EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A EAST SOUTH BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG I^IALL WALL PROT WALI-, WALL PROT Ohr Ohr None ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None be of CoMBUSTIBL.,E material ' See '220! ' AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESSFL 3 Garage #1 3 Garage #2 3 Study 3 Bedroom 3 Bath room 3 Halls, closebs, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR 2 I'wing/Dining' room 2 Kitchen 2 LaundrY room 2 Bedroom *2 2 Bedroom #1 2 PantrY 2 Babh room 2 Hal1s, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1 EHU TYPE1 TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAI, 390 240 L25 2L9 89 140 1203 429 zJz 50 L29 Jt' 42 JYJ. 1465 II4I] Jd-tJ 0.00 0.00 2t.90 0.00 0.00 42.90 23.20 0.00 1t on r-4.40 10.00 0.00 0.00 1_14.50 0.00 0.00 5 .2s 4.45 0.00 2L.43 II.OV 3.00 6 .45 7 .20 5.00 2.L0 0.00 No No No Yes No No No No No Yes Yes No No No Yes 1 L 1_ 1 1 t- 1 I 1 L t_ 1 1 L 1 1 l- ii";:ffi::'_ A. op.r"bte window or door rhar opens directly ro the exterior is required rto. Ifti" iootn' tr'" minimum cllar openable area must meet Lhe following. -- Sec' 1204' 1) The minimum clear height is 24 inches 2) The mlnlmum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minLmum clear area is 5'7 square feet 4) The maximum sill- height is 44 inches 2) rhe nulnber of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanic"r ventii"ti""- systen may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventilation' -- Sec' 1205' (c) 5) The requirement " i"l Z exits from the 3rd floor is based on Sec- 3303. (a) exc' 3' ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not I'ess than 7 feet 5 inches. Kitchens, halls, bathrooms and loilet compartments rnay have a ceiling heighb of 7 feet measured to lfre lowest piojection' If the ceiling is sloping, ttLen the minimurn height is required in only L/2 of the area' - - Sec. 1207. (a) Every dwelting uniL shall have at least one room which has not less Lhan 120 square feeL of ri""r-"r"". ocher habitable rooms except kitchens shal1 have an area of not :-""t-ti'"n 70 square feet' -- Sec' 1207' (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet rn any dimension. -- Sec' L207. (c\ GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: A11 glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazing material . -- Sec. 5405' (d) 1) Glazing ln ingress and egress doors except jalousres' 2) GLazing in fixed and stiiing panels ot stiainq door assemblies and panels in swinging doors other than ward'robe doors' 3) Glazing in storm doors ' 4) Glazing in aII unframed swinging doors' 5) Glazing in aoot"--"nd enclosuies for hot tubs ' whirlpools ' saunas ' steam rooms. batntuns and show"rs. clazinq in any portion of a building wall enclosing these compartments where ihe bottom exposed edge of the g.raz':ng is tess ttLan eO inches above a standing surface and drain inlet' 5) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed "aqu oi-ch. giazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in i ctosei position and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 50 inches above the walking surface ' 7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel' other than those locations described in items 5 and 5 above' than meets all of the following condiLions: A. Exposed area of an individual B. Exposed botLom edge less than c. Exposed top edge greater than D. One or more walking surfaces plane of the gl-azing 8) clazinq in railings regardless of height Included are structural baluster panels Danels. pane greater than 9 square feet' 18 inches above the floor' 35 inches above the floor' within 35 inches horizontally of the above a walking surface ' and nonstructural in-f iIl on the ceiling or wall at a point centrally area giving access to each sleeprng area' on the ceiling or wal] in each steeping A smoke debector is required on all If the upper level contains sleeprng in the ceiling of the uPper leve1 ,."n"t3!;"1?19;':|.n'.quired to be wired-to-:n:-:"tiiif,:r"::er source and shal 1 be equipped with a battery backup' -- sec' lzrv' \dl Detectors shall- sound an alarrn audible in all sleeping area of the dwelling in which they are located' -- Sec' 1-210' (a) 4' OCCUPANCY SEPARATTON: Between the garage and the residence' materials approved for thr fire constructLon are required on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and the iesidence are to be a setf-ctosinq 1 3/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minute Eire door' -- iabfe 5-B & sec' 503' (d) exc' *3 i.:::r*:ytll*l*]i"rrrns musr be aE leasr 36 inches wide. -- sec. 3306.(b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches' -- Sec. 3305. (c) exc. *l provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 Lo 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers ' -- Sec' 3305' (i) Provide a guard rail where drop off it qt""itt than 30 inches' Minimum heiqht = 35 inches, maxinum opening size = 4 inches' -- Sec' I7f2' (a'l exc' *1 The minimum headroom is S ft'- 8 inches' -- sec' 3306'(o) Enclosed usabre "pu".-rr.ra.i bhe stairs is required to be protected as required' for thr fire-resistive construcEion. -- Sec' 3305' (I) SHAFT ENCI,OSURES: 1)Chutesanddumbwaitershaftswithacross-sectionalareaornotmorethan9 square feet may lined on the inside with not less than 25 gage galvanized sheet *"i.f titit all joints lockJapped" The outside must be I hr corrstruction. AII openings inbo any such lnclosure shalL be protected by not less bhan -. ""ffl"f""iiq solid wood door I 3/8 inches bhick or equivalent. -- Sec. 1705. (f) 2) Gas vents and noncombustible piping 3 floors or Less do not need to be SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS: A smoke deteclor is required located in the corridor or - - Sec . T21'0. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required area' - - sec' 1"210' (a) 4' -- sec. 1705. (c) 3) AI1 other shafts are required - - sec. 1705. (a) stories. - - Sec' 121-0' (a) 4' room(s) , a smoke detector is requ:-reo' close co the slarrway ' installed in waIls passing through in t hour shafts. to be enclosed in a 1 hour assembly' CRAWI,S PACE REQUIREMENTS : 1) Provide vent i latioi-"itf'"t by mechanical means or by openings in exterror waLls. opening shall provide a net ut""-"i not less than 1 square foot for each 150 square f;;;;i area in .r.rr-Ipll". - op"trit q. shaIl be distributed' on two opposite ";;;"";";-;e iotatea as cLose to corners as practical ' -- sec. 2516- (c) 5. Note: Vent openrn;; ;;v be reduced-to 10t of the above if ground ,rr.t.""- i."l -i" "o.r"r"i witi an -approv"d vapor barrier and the building official approves ' For a 293.0 sq.ft' crawlspace area: RaEio Minimum sq'fE' of vent 1,/150 1.95 2) Provid.e 18-inch by z4'inch access opening to the crawl . space area' Note: opening may be required co be larger if irechanical equipment is located in ttre erawl space- -- Sec' 2516 ' (cl 2' 3) Unless the wood is listed as an approved' wood of natural resistance to decayortreated."""a,-tr'"minirnum_clearancebebweenexposed.earthand. floor joj-st is 18 inches' The minimun clearance to beams and q:irders is is l-2 inches. - - sec ' 2516 ' (c'l 2 ' ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy This project will require a site improvement survey' Such survey sha11 be submitted iJd approved prior to request for frame inspection. AI1 crawl spaces within the Town Of Vail are limited to a earth to structural- rl""t ""iiinq height of 5" be earth floor only' be ventilatect "t p".-uic 26rc$e with minimum access as per uBc 25l5rc)2 and maximum access of 9 sq' ft' Any building site with a slope of 30 degrees or more shall- require an engineer d.esrgn. suctr aesiqn shalf address drainage' soil retarnage and structural des ign - Excavationbelowslabsongradeshallnotbepermittedwithoutprior approval . Addressnumbersshaltbeposted.plainlyvisibleandlegiblefromthe sfreec. For M1 occupancy Slope garage ffoor to allow for drainage floor drain with sand and oil- interceptor Any garage floor draj-n connected to sewer River Water & Sanitation District' area above. the wall-s of the garage wiich are shall be protected with one hour fire uBc 503 (B) . to outside to Provide a to dry well or to sewer' nust be aPProved bY Eagle In garages wibh I iving bearing the area above resistive constructl-on. TOI,IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 97 0 -479 -2138 Electrical---> DRB Fee Investsigatsion> will caII----> TOTAL FEES---> DEPARTMENT OF COMM{JNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST ETECTRICAL ON .]OBSITE AT AI,t TIMES Permit #: E98-0010 BE POSTED PERMIT APPLICAI{T H 6. S ELECTRIC P. O. BOX 3926, DTLLON, CONTRACTOR H & S ELECTRIC P. O. BOX 3926, DTLLON, OWNER ZELTMAN ROBERT A - ,fOHNSDOTTER MALIN M -,fT, :::::::::::: :::::::: ::: :::: "," Job Address: l-779 SIERRA TR LOCATiON. . .: L779 SIERRA TRAIT Parcel No. . : 2LO3-L23-L2-013 Project. No. 3 PRfg7-0L25 co 8043s co 80435 PO BOX 337, Status...: ISSUED Apptied. . : OL/1,4/L998 Issued. . . : OL/1,4/L998 E>cpires. . : o7 /1,3/L998 Phone z 970-468-2404 Plrone:. 970-468-2404 vArL co 81658 Valuation:1_3, 000 . 00 SWMARY r *i r rr a Tolal calcuLat.ed Fees- - - >168.O0r.65.00 .00 .00 3.OO 168 , 00 158.00 16e.00 lddj,tional FeeB--------- > .00 Total Pcrui! F€e--------> Paymcntse------- BAIANCE DUE-. -. fEem: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDING Division: OL/L4/L998 JRM AcLion: APPR APPROVED iIRM-rEbm,'05600-Fine DEPARTI,IENT DepL: FrRE Division: o1-/L4/L998 JRM Action: APPR N/A iIRM i * * I I * t t I *i r * r r t CONDITION OF APPROVAL ].. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE q9UPI!I4N.CE.2: FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL-IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge ghaE I hav€ read thi6 applicaEion, fill€d out in full the infornaEion requitcd, conplet€d an acculale plo! plan, and sLate thats a1I the infornation provided as requir€d is correct. I agrcc Co comply with th6 lnformation and Plot plan, to coBply eith all Tor,rn oldinances and 6taLe laws, and Eo build chis stsructure according to th€ Torn'6 zoning and eubdiviaion codca, deeign rcvicr approved, Unj.foru Building cod€ anil oLher ordlnanccB of thc Town applicablc thcrcto. FROM g:00 AM 5:00 PMICEREQUSSTS FOR INSPESIIONS SHALIJ BE MADE TTIENTY.POUR HOURS TN ADI/}NCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR CONTRACTOR FOR }I.ID O'{NER rr t a tt r a a tt r rt a tt ttattt t a t ttt a t taara artt tt r t'trt t a tt t t r r ara ra t a t aa AOmf OP VAll,i @l,oRlm gt.rcunt tt rtt t a a t a a ttt trr a tr a r a rt t o a tt a a r rt rrra rtr rr r t a at 8t.E.rnE Nudbr! ! RBC-0371 lnount: P.!m.nt $achod r Cl( Not t.ionr 1019 164,0o 01/lal9s ls:30 rnir: titH PoflniE Nor Ete-0010 T)apc: B-ELEC ELEefRIc.lJr PERMTT Pr:.col Not 2103-123-12-013 slt. Add]r.q.. 1?79 SIERRI TR Loc.eion ! 1779 AIERRI TRAIL Tohl P.cr r 169.00 Itrl. P.ydrnB 168.00 Tot l AIJr PrE. r 168.00 Eahnca !.o0 i t r i r rtrlr ta r r at t a tt a rrr rr r rrr.,*ratt!r r rJ rr r a rrtrt t tt ttrttr a rr rt t AccounE Codc D..crIpgion EP OOIOOOO3I].1'OO EIIECIRICAL PERMIT IEES tfc 001000031L2300 tfILL clr,L INttPBclIoN ?BE furoung 165. O0 3.00 tcontac E Eagle Counly Assesgors ac 970-328-8640 for Parccl /l . 'r\RCEL ll ;J./Oi - Offlce TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTTON PERMIT APPLICATION FORMD^tE2_l-t L-q( O VRdqT- orzr PEfu\IIT /i Bqt -o/?t ^ APPLICATTON MUST BE FTLLUD OUT COMPLETELY OR IT UAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDf [ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * pERMrr TNF9RMATT9N * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * *I [ ]-Building [ ]-Plumbing [fr-Erectrical [ ]-Mechani-cal [ ]-other Job Name: ZErtNftN iz-El$vncj Job Actdre"", 11_-7Q 9lalziz* Legal Description: r-,ot if BJ-ock__riling I sunorvrsror.r,t/+lL ytt-t*(-rg t"ztarl Dh Ph. o$rners Name: fAOb ZeutmUV Architect: Address: Address: GeneraL Description: a, work crass: 1l;-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additionat [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of DweLling Units:Nurnber of Acconnodation Units: Fnber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances Gas Logs_ Wood/Pellet * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\'IBUILDING: $OTHER: TOTAL:I'LUMBING: $ f * * * * 'r. * tv * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CoNTRACTOR INFORMAI'IONTeneral Contractor:* * *'r. ** * * * * * ** * * * * * ** * * * rr * * * +I Er,EcrRrcAtz+ l9doc MEcHANTcAL: $-'-----I \ddress:Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Number: rilectrical \ddress: Plumbing \ddress: Contractor:Reg. NOTown of Vail Phone Number: Town of'vail Phone Number: RI 7e Town of vail Reg .-No. Zf< -6 Phone Nunber: ttt"(- ZWrl .lechanical Contractor : \ddress:Reg. NO. FrcE usE *************************rr***** :..8UILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE:,' PLUMBfNG PIJ\N CHECK FEE: r********************** ]UTLDING PERMIT FE ?LUMBING PERMIT FE ,IECHANICAL PERMIT ]LECTRTCAL FEE: )THER TYPE-OF FEE: lPFl T'r'F. MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: , 1-.,.' RECREATIoN FEE: r"["' CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE ! Contractor: VALUATION CLEAN UP DEP.OSIT REFIIM TO: T,r. ZcLrrlrrN Bng-c) lqg NOVEMBER 13, 1998 MrBOB ZELTMAN, r LEONARD SANDOVAL (CONSTRUCTTON TNSPECTOR) FOR TOWN OF VAIL IS INFORMING YOU ABOUT THE MATERIALS STAGED IN TIM TOWN OF VAIL RIGHT OF WAY AT 1779 SIERRA TRAIL. YOU WERE GIVEN A NOTICE. 2 FIELD MEMO AND TIIERE HAS BEEN NO PROGRESS TO REMOVE MATERIAL. I HAVE INFORMED THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (LARRY PARDEE) AND TI{E BUILDING OFFICIAL (GARY GOODELL) REGARDING T}IE MATTER. ON NOVEMBER 16 IF MATERIALS IN TOWN OF VAIL RIGHT OF WAY ARE NOTREMOVED, THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WILL REMOVE THEM AND A CHARGE FORDOING SO WILBE ADDED TO YOUR BUILDING PERMIT. NO INSPECTIONS WILL BE GIVEN UNTIL CHARGE IS PAID. CHARGES WILL INCLUDE EQUIPMENT,LABOR AND STORAGE. LEONARD SANDOVAL CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR t {,,8 t, ,/ .lt;'l :ili':.t : TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 4792158 FIELD IIE}IO lo: - ;, . ,),k. ,' .,,'i|, L//5 /A/,/u 1rcnrcn, PROJECT(LOCATION;: ' - -' 7ia lh ,,. j /'r/..: /u, .r/ t/ iy',t )n,u,*r7- 67,!rn) PJ I )l /P1'l 'ilo c la,'7e - ' 1,I /'' /'! ' <iti"'r,trJ '', '' 1!'t-/-a-7 .^ruv i- -- ,/ , \_-, trll 7^",'t /.''48 . Date: ,tr/i/Q? J_) -rn_, I r\L\-,r\L/r'.,/ U_HId,tW FXW 'u?,'iioi1:k,ved by: g, @- w", i t I ttfry, Wh it.-Coillador Pink-Construclbn Englneot Canary-Fi16 Best copy Available t ;L //, a ott't/ TOltlN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L557 970-479-2L38 Job Address...:L,ocation......: Parcel No.....: Project Number: 1779 SIERRA TR 1779 SIERRA TRAIL 2LO3-L23 -12 - 013 PR.l97-01_25 DEPARTIIIEIiM OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL PERMIT .'OBSITE AT Permit #: STATUS...: APPLIED Applied. . : 03/1,2/L998Issued...: B/a6/L998 E>cpires. . : 09/12/L998 Valuation: ALL TIMES M98 - 0024 APPLICAI{T MID COIJNTY PLT]MBING & HEATING PhONE: 970-468-4924 P. O. BOX 23186, 221- WARREN AVENUE, l]Nrr B, STLVERTHORNE, CO 804 COlimRAqfOR MID COIINTY PLIIMBING 5. HEATING Phone: 970-468-4924 P. O. BOX 23186, 221 WARREN AVENUE, IlNrr B, STLVERTHORNE, CO 804 OWNER ZELTMAN ROBERT A - ,IOHNSDOTTER MALIN M -iIT, PO BOX 337, VAIL CO 81658 Description: MECH FOR NEW SFR Pircplaca Informat.ion: Reotrictsed: FEE SUMT.TARY *of Ga€ Log6: 2 18, 000 . 00 {of $ood/Pal lcc I*of Ga6 Applj.anceE: 4 Restualants PIan Review- - > DRB Fee-- --- -- - Mechanical---> Plan check- - - > Inv€stsigalion> wil,l call----> Total calculated Fccs_ _ - > Addilional Fees- --- --- -- > Total P6rmit Fe€-__-_- -- > Pa).mentsd-------- BAI,ANCE DUE---- 350. O0 90.00 .00 .00 453 .00 453 . OO , o0 453 . OO {53 . O0 . o0 .OO TOTAI, FEES-. -.- 3.O0 Item: 05100Item:05500 BUILDTNG DEPARTMENTFIRE DEPARTMENT Dent: BUILDING Division:DebL: FrRE Division: 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 CONDITION OF APPROVAL . FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.. CoMBUSTTON ArR rS REoUTRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991- III4C.. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTT]RES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1.991 I]MC.. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VEIilTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SIIALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED TN SEC.9O6 OF THE ]-99]- I]MC.. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPI.,Y WITH SEC.5O5 AND703 0F THE 199L I]MC.. BOILERS SHALL BE MOInftED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI-,E CONST. UNI.,ESS LISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBI,E FLOORING.. FERMit,pr,ANs AND coDE ANALYSTS Mrusr BE PosrED rN MEcHANTCAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOIIEST.. DnaiuaEe OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPT,Y BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. 2119 0F THE 1991- I'MC. ******************************************************************************** DECI,ARATIONS I hcrcby acknowledge thats I hawe read thiE application, filled out in full the infonnacion required, conplebed an accuratc plots plan, and BtsaEc tshat all tshc inforuaCion plovided ae rcguired is co!!cct. I agree to cohPly with the inforEati.on and Ploc Plen, - .,,. . ^' lt TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 479-2158 FIELD MEMO To: Attention: PROJECT (LOCATION): ,/O/iu l,unf fr'rtn .?t\ rt/rr/. | [a<//ta-_ 4t &ak-;o 79 o.a, f.it; d. f(a2 /ua7, y'otrAi^, !*, y't,cl *//nts - ,\ty //n^ 1"5 ,u.f le "r' 6t fr9uta ,/oA llen.-- -i /<t rczze( ,v€ 4-.,, ?la.1i,.- ftor, t' Q a^V912< ta lao /v*( ?. {p"x"luttt frn'iJr'^ @n /".(-a- 7. f&rn, /"//,tr, f(tf/u/r,:r I b'at/, k's4 r frr,.'/rh lrf ff ,,L ,'- *7 * Po o/o't' 4 ti P',rm' tf 47#r' /'*'(2"/ signed: J'u" l C f*-J--l sas, 1//z/28 rue: A"sL'*rA'>t A-,/tn/. oate, tr/z/ lg CONTFACTOR'S COMMENTS Received by: White-Conlraclo. Pink-Conslnrclion Enginoor Canary-Fi16 o rccording loco corply ritll rll Tosrr ordln.nc.r .nd .!.9. le*d, end to bulld thl. .gruccur. codc!, d..ign rawiar ap;rrovcd, Unifoll! Bullding cod. .nd otshor ordin.nc.6 of lh. lot'n REQUB9tg FOR !![SPEC!TO]|S SHALL BE ITADE rWEitTl-FOITR HOt Rlt rN IIIONATI'RE OF OT{IfER OR @NTRACIOR FOR HII'ISEI,F AI.ID OWNER th. ?orn'6 zoning and gubdivialon tharalo. OR AT FROl,l gro0 Al{ 5:00 PM o aa ar a t t t a a att taar 't tit a rartt tta iaaaalattattl.t a tat a a aa at att i t a tlr a t TOfiN Ot V tL, @l.onADO gEaEaErC .aarraraaatatraar,rarratartttaa taattttattttatataat SlrE.ulc tlurb.rs REc-ollo lrcunE: Pryrrne U.Ehod I Cl< NoB.tLon: 1860 a53.0O 0tl16,/9s ro !29 rnlE! BR P.r Il !lo! 9a-oo2a TlpG: E-llEcg Drrccl tlo ! 2103 -123-12 -013 8Ig. lddr.!a! 1779 SIERRA T& Locrtlon! 1779 SIERRA aRAft Tot.al Pao9 t thll Prya.ng 453.00 ToBrI I'JL PDt.l Balanca ! Accoune Cod. tltEcHADtICll, PBRLtT *rrttttrl+tttttttt'|ttttt*tttttttttat*trtl,t*ttt!l *atttitttt*tata'ra* D..crlpclon r53. OO r53 , O0 ,o0 Atoounc 350.00 90.00 llP 00100003111300 l{BqNICAr, PERltrT SEES pF 00100003112300 PLIN CIIECK PBES t{c o0100003112a0o arrJr. cll.L rNltPBclloN ?EE TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROAD VAIL,, CO 8L657 97 0 -479 -2l.38 APPLIEANT CONTRACTOR OWNER ilob Address: Location. . . : Parcel No..:Project No.: MID COI]NTY PI-,I]MBINGP. O. BOX 23186, 221_ MID COIJNTY PLI]MBINGP. O. BOX 23186, 22L ZELTMAN ROBERT A - iIOHNSDOTTER MATIN M 1779 SIERRA TR 1?79 SIERRA TRAIL 2LO3-L23 -12 -013 PRJ 97 - 01_2 5 & HEATING WARREN AVENT]E, UNIT & HEATING WARREN AVENI]E, UNIT -iIT, PO BOX 337, VArL Status...: ISSITED Applied. -: 03/t2/L998Issued...: 03/L6/L998 Expires..: O9/L2/L998 Phonel. 970-458-4924B, STLVERTHORNE, CO 804 Phone z 970-468-4924B, SILVERTHORNE, CO 804 co 81658 DEPARITqENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLI'MBING PERMIT .fOBSITE AT Permit #: ALL, TIMES P98 - 0012 Description: PL,IIMBTNG FOR NEW RESTDENCE FEE SUMMARY Valuation:15, 000 . 00 Tocal caLculalod F€6€- _ -> 284,25 .oo 2e4.25 .00 Plumblng-----> Plan check- - - > Inveatigation> wilL calI- - --> ResEuaranc Plan Revield- - > TOTAI, FEES... -.56 .25 .00 3.O0 . o0 2A4.23 Additional FceF----- ----> Tolal P6rmiE F€€---__---> PaymenCg-------' BAT.IANCE DUE.--- Dept : EUII-,DING Division: RM-Dept: FIRE Division: IIEM: O51OO BUII,DING DEPARTMEI'ITO3/L2/T998 .]RM Actlon: APPR APPROVEDItsdm: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENToil 12 / 1996 -Jnu AcLion : APPR N,/A *tt*tltr**}'trf * * * * i r i i i i * i r t t * CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge tshac I have read tshis appLicatsion, filled outs in ful1 the infornatsion rcquir.d, cotrPlet€d an accura!6 Plot pl.an, and 6tac€ bhat all Ehe information plovided as required is correc!. I agree Lo conPly lditsb lhe infornation and Plot plan, to conply with all Toxn ordinances and sEate laws, and to build this BEluctsule according to the Toen'e zoning and aubdividion codea, deeign rcview approved, Uniforn Building Codc and obher ordinanceB of Ehe Town apltlj!9tble REQUESTS FOR INSPESTIONS SHALL BA MADE TWENTY- FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TALEPHONE AT Al4 s:oo PM OF OWNER OR COMTRA TOR FOR HIMSELF }ND OIINER I a rt. ra rrr rrtr aa.tat tarta aa at a taattl| a ttt tttrtta "OsDl Ol VlIt , @LORIDO Sc.Ecul a a rrr '| ttr.'a a i a art I rtf t aalrttrtrt a +aa aa a l. att t a.at t arta trti a t t tr rti t glrE€rng Nurb$: RBC-0330 llounl: P.! 6eng tLclpd ! CK lfoc.tsLon! t'36o 2aa.2s 0tlr6l9e ro.22 Inlt! BR Pcrri.c No. Ptg-0012 T't?. ! B-Pllts Pl,t UBII|O PaRMIT Prrc.I tlo: 2103 -123 -12 -Ol3 git. lddr.... l77t SIERRI TF Ipcrslott: 1779 alERRr IRAIIJ Toeal Fc..: TtrLs Prlrt!.nE 23{.25 Toerl lIrL PuEt! Ealrtlca ! rrrraattrrrtatt lccounE Coda PP 00100003111200 Pr 00100003112300 tfc o0100003112000 Dr.crlpclon PLt IIBING PERI,IIT FBE9 PI,N' CHBCK FEES 9llltJ ClIrL lltgPBcllCf FBB 284 .2s 2a4.25 .00 A$ounE 225. O0 56.25 3.00 ,i conc.acE'Eagre councy Assessors ?rr". ar 970-328-8640 for Parcel /l . TOWN OF k\Bp-EL llzW pERMTT AppLrcATroN roRM x D^rEt S//o/f? ^ APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED,f {* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * * rr * pERMIT fNF6RMATI9N ****r.**********************,r(* l-/.2-t]-BuiIding)41-e}umbins[]-E}ectrica1f-uechani.ca].[]-other rob Narne: ^ /jnrn )-&),<lh J rob Acr.dres ", /Zz/:flef T.-,/ PJ Lesa). Description: rot lk Brock- FiLj,ns I sutpwrsLol.A///,//Ez lhsy' o!,ners Name :. Pilt t zr / /-.-, " Address: Pa B- rez l"; / p,'. Ais-oz(a Address:e0 Bov tzl fa. / P,,.7 22-q/g Generar Descripti""t P/r^l,h * kJ;.,/)/cef work class: n{1-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of DweIIing Units:I Number of Accornrnodation Units , I 4-0t'{ VAIL CONSTRUCTTON PERIIIT /I Nurnber and Tvpe of FirepJ-aces: Gas Appliances.l [* * * * * * * * * * * * * * 't 't * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS \BUILDING: $ EI,ECTRICAL: $ - { out r"og" 2 wood/petJ.et tr * * * * rr tr * * * ** ** *** ** * * * ** * * * * * ** * * OTHER: $ ToTAL: +i 7"@ - ___.--,-- * **'r. * ** ** ** * * ** * * ** rt * * * ** ** Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Number: Reg. NO. {.tf Town of Vail NO. Phone Number: FOR OFFICE USE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * )t * * * * * * * * * * * i'=t BUILDING PLAN cHBcK FEE: Mechanical Contractor : Address: ******* ********tr*******rr******** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMI'I MECHANICAIJ P ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF DRB FEE: ATION '; CLEAN-UP DEPoSTT: PI TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: eLUMBTNG t T-iW- MEcHANrcAr.,, $4M___ I i** *'t *'t.* * * * *'t * * *'t rt tr * * * rrr *. * * * * )t CONTRACTOR INFORMATIONEeneral Contractor: Address: Electrical contractor : Address: Plumbing Address: Cont,ractor: Conrnents: CLEAN IIP DEPOSII REFII$D /V,^J Catanl Y lo/a^L', ^, u ileolln5 4r- :'ri -lir:i UV l .r Il, Molcs---0n --Ze l/-p*--frL"r h l,l 'l)i,Xpi;6,1p- A Frl d gH H f-lVE gfl gH 3H 8H 3H Hg gH H?{ts AH o| fr ;E *o.rXcl ,nr-c.r! lr >u? H H gF e F "'R K x x ,_FCaer.-!.99rf..r\oONE.{R8SflE3FEF8bEYc.| O\ c.t ci r Fr - E t-'l Gl oF S S G I E I g $ R(n * F. \' Fr C.l cl H3,-. V .. c'r = sPE",EsgEEE ;ESFnEEgflA Hf;5P5Hfi6P 2o -.,-. c{ N Fr t.trn $ N & FI F j ;Ua4&OAv) trlhl f-l&a& ^^<HTliP*6EtHp= =/(A>28<FO E8d;Jo< s=H FCrHQurE()J< =troii lliFo II tr|(L F trooJu- U' ct) 5o FX uJ Fll.a(t) lJ-J F '44TP ,rFK5 3Xqo:< snE I LU(L F mI U) o (f)or IF so-o uJ (oo-of, trtu o o,o TF ' r-i Eoo zN E, IU =oJ ,l UJ()Oz.EH5Amtrj [!tYAtrsg,L;1 Exr-nrE2AZro-fo>co =Fs)zza<=o>O!-J5Ht H=H o o o F. o O (o cf) o (f) @ Fd<'b8H o(/)O< oc{ sN ,o Fr^{LL Y IIJ..(Ji.cr, ou)" < d,:: ' uJ,;t,{ ;' ,,' J.iJ:.<.' E .@o Fl Fr< HFE3d* c4fr, 85 dHFtr 3eA< fr,zsxHd Pgfgnt p69 F6g F{HUXpIrlxi- EEhr56 EH*g EJ6 3$fi{trla>rIpEd Egg 8bqfi59 EfiH HEg]q Ir1 (J 338 HBx zzd gHE Xo= g iFH o. o. c0.>< eHHdA&&1-r-**F trl tIJ:i*r-.riFJld-" _,J o LltrrOg6 glP'€€--R-E-€€F gfis laa I le le Ined gA oo oo .r rr oo oo + o + o g a;1 I I r r rZE l^-llsl'l--R pcf: EHg=RsHssnsnrRF e73$s$$F$h;BgHfi E H S *'{'+ I \o rt r' or + - 9 S tJ lio4HEd Y".26 do a*aEFsn*nFEg 00 (\l c.l r.i Noo AF{<F frltr ER Z ? ee eegE f; gg gs !E sHHHHHS 5. H HE rHf IjBAJ Fr \Cl Gi.j \o00@ Nravl o-it.: SSFSEEEEEEEEEEE-BF D r. r-l FH;c{c{+rt.,-o.,o-l iaClV)6l*€Or f\ a?r F \4|ti !.1 * a! o|\ r- d o\ c{ oo 6 t)_.r.crd6t _FOF.h la1 Eoofr rdzoN &trlA Ha1H6[zl{El tnA ,-'u, trlHAfr3 F. atatr5F$= EFEi,2a<ilo =OFr58i HEH - rr t{ ri a.t tr, t t |'t Vt \O d) 5 U) o F.-o)(o Nt-: ': @ C.t c.,(o @ o f-o cr) TU(, c!o cf, T F dt \r o(r) o lrJtn $ tr.Fz fLoz = -JF E (f, i' ..:] -.-.- :1, (,z zo CIz J (o : lil .,' ji r: : I :,, ::: t',:: t, $ C) O.lo trJ(D c{ tr)oc{ -F ccl - (o c)N O uJ ccl oo zN oro o t: t{- r, O .,i-l F ' tl ''.or, o I C\, :t! i I (\ ::il;i lr) CD o o o o o C) o tUE JJ 5 U)a J C9 Fx IU FtLa ? tLJ F- UJ!J(Li/ urd(JJ< =trc)iI-|| ll>FC) I uJ o- FtooJ LL F ae?r tU9(5 gEr 8n3 I UJ TL I co 5a t[! cL(Lf,*o13uJ(Lofr6eoA(nf.tJ aEgtr?LZ'\ Ex6 -.2zcd>rofo>a =F@zZu)<>o>oJrHt H=H CUSTOI\IER: M I ITCOIINTY P&H .lOB N ^ Mr': Zl'1.'rMAN/JOIINSnOT']F R RF,SIDI..NCE DATf,: 03/09/98 SNOIUMELICALCIIL&UONS AREA I TOTAI.S sQ FT 1600 1600BTUH 184000 lr{000 BOILER INPUT BTUH 32857I 32857IFEETOFTUBE 2000 2000LOOPLENGTH 250 # oF LOOPS 8 8'tOTAl. CPIVI tZ,3 l2.J GPM PERLOOP I.5 FT HD (LOOP) I I FT TID (MANTFOLD) 12 (ESI'IMATED) TOTAL FI'HD 23 PIPE SIZE TO AREA MANIFOLD I-114" AREA TUBE SPACING IOU USE A TELEDYNE LAARS NH325EI315MBH INPUT BOILER i. Town of 'vaii OFFICE OOP\T ro'd NVN3-rE!N3 'C AUUVET dot:90 Et6-6()-JEtd : i;; Jj'.'i: i ii'r": : i; I DDI bb : ll rv)I v/ r -.-- I i0o' UNE OF ROOF, oVE,{UNoAEOVE Be flenak BEMRD PFoJECT: futsit\AN %. Since the #S comer bars conneding the site retaining walts to the main foundation have been omitled' the follorrring should be done to rcmedy the situation' 1- All site wells idenlified by detail 1€4 or 1-S4 similar should have all horizontal reinforcing epocied 6'minimum into the exisling foundation walls. see the plan on the following pages' Z- The wa1 identified aJ f -CS iimifar on the right hand sidd of the plan should be changed to a 12' wall with a 6'-0 wkle footing, as in detail t-51. ruso, epory all horizontal reinforcing 6'min. into the existing concrete walls' See the dan on the following pages' 3- The site will on the downhill side of ihe concrete slairs should also be changed to s 12'wall with a 6.-0 wide footing as in detail 1-S4, with atl horizontal reinforcing eporied 6'minimum Into the existing foundation wall. + The #5 dowets that;;; omitted at the garage door.openings, to tie the garage slab into-the wall belovy, should be added by eporying them 6;minimum into the top of the foundation wall. 5- The framed wa1s either siie-of Uie larage doors should be attached to the slab and foundation as shown an the detail included in lhe following pages. DATE: JOB #n?4o-l+ 0nn O MEMNG NOTES SIGNED: p*rs**st COPY TO: Ftte- ffi o Rf6)\ \iiiw'9 ffi;;r'9 -\-*", %r".*r KRM CONSULTANTS, INC. P.O. Box 4572 Vail, Colorado 81658 (970) 949-9391 FAX (970) 949-1577 T/ts.F'a CHECKEO BYa/+"= ll- C sHEErNo. + * CALCULATED BY .-lFp +SDOWPL <... x -a ?+" *zK(ED rNie.Ex'174. W*wc V\{reePw--f (oxlr. ^-rZQ1e.rQ lt.- w/ /2"/ w lO'4,6,'S e#- AAJD .EA.exro oseli 7E?AP.<l+.l/2" \rrrl., l'b"M+rc. 5$-rr.a57 Q?oc.ti-1"colc-, 3.,4R -^4ou r-.Y) //tt= -z:J;-'' -'r€-rD, 1* 4 "l'b'lx i c" A , E. 3 e *8" 3EE z/s-+ FcK t,/J*ru ftJ"O. l3/qvu%' LvLEeb" ${d 6{i 21',{| flt * --t --t 1illri &tn 0' /f' ti*gg "il ls,.\a ItoqF "t ilp- :{If t Ui I L s,i ifl .J-sp7 :rl rfl Ef, f;f, :-,1 J {I 9bF t'n a{r 4 .1 F't o q O aq at m :E-{ f,Etr sfrFr! sg fiE' f tl lr X 3t,il! :.|9Il - I I I L I I I.l EIfliiH} lElrll lFl#lqn{f, {fl! JI F Y I iI *Ff,F g rip,ffiT$ VX lr, l3 I I I I I f;f, :'lo : ls 'i $H$ ilc E tnP F { q, ddTF Ei:ar{ l.-.t -l-at t"*t'/r t \'. ": -1 f{r 1frflri -J fr'n ;'lI F *gg "I + n ls L l2 lll! I L lilffi qsl \nl'tt :{II -t I I fiHl Jr :ll HHF tg g -:gl 4nl.U ;'lI F I L; '1.- | /oll-\ r |'J'iryg E,t{ ifI ; -+-J ./ \ t, I L- I -tt 0' K h-rr I-o 1v rd rillt f# I5qlm-! JIfr i: f:il ti' 3' C. gi6 f, il rc b\ not t'r-'i ".., i: /r,ill r0- .N !g mq t H H \| --t :F N m 5 3 l.-t C-o =z ED Et E m @E=tg mzo$F A qsl {E ilp :rl I: ti'i rlr fi-f , () t1-..-lV PB EE € fi 3- Et! n trlP F { \ Ji9p TF Ei :Er:dt +t ifi tl; i\ l,I;E k=$ \ v =loz ru Fz n I 3 fi DF I fi:iJi t i ,r$ €re , ? r REouEsrs l?il["El'r,X-.ibi-"3hgE?3oro* ,?e6 / , eee PRGE I AREAT CD Occ r Use: Activity: F9B-OSl8 3/e6/ 19 Type: B-FLMB ' Stat r-rs l ISSUED Corrstr l NSFR F.tddress r, 1779 SIERRA TR Fgreel : ts103-1ts3-1&-Ol$ De.scription,' trLUltlBINli FOR NEW RESIIIEI!trH' Appl icant r MID COUN'IY FLUFTBING & l{ERl ING'Owner': ZELTMJIN ROSERT A * . Corrtractor: MID COUNTY FLUMBING & I{UATING trhone: 97Et-466-4984 F,hone: Fhoner 97O-468-49e4 Inspect isn Reqrre Et I n format i on" . , . . Requestorl B0B Req Time: 0l:€tO Eonnents: trRIMftRY Items r"eqr"rested to be Inspected.. " Oraegct [-,LMF*Final UNIT Act ion Connent s frrwr Tine Exp -- - ---7t\*l/ffi*Wfr' Inspecd i on History,.... It en ; Uttagl€t trLltiB-:Under*ground I t em ; SraeeB trLMB-Ror"rgh/D. W, V. 84/:E4/98 Inspector: CD I t en r O0e3fr trLMB-Rot-tgh/!.Jat er" A4/e4/98 Inspector: CD Notes: EHU 6tA FSI F,RIHRR'/ 1{:, em r U!&e,4A F,LllF-tiab F,iping A4/e4l9A lnapecton: CD NoteEr EHU lS F,SI AIRTE$ i Itemr |IAE5A trLMB-trool/Hot Tr-rbIt en: arzrebra PLFIB-Mi sc.itemr B0e9@ trLMB-Final Action: AFFR 5 FSiI FIRTEST Act i on s AF F.'R APF RtIUEI) 60 PsI COLD 5S F'EiI HDT Acticrn: AFFR RF'FROVED F.RII4ARY IIA F'SI AIRTEST te/18/98 Insprectorr ART Ar:tionr NR No Contractor at site lc/?4/98 In"speetor: CD Acb ion: FiA FOR $ECONDARY UNIT Noterr iNSTALL T/F $rlF,Il!6 1O NITHIN 6" OF FLOOR INSTALL KITCHEN FAUCET TO F.ROVIDE HOT I,IATER ON LEFT SIDE Best copios Available Fhone I 845-tl?63 {>rrQer * D*o RETJT 1 31 fit / 13/ 1999 er8;O3 REOUESTS 1OWN LrF VflILI - II$5F,EETN IiORK CgLORADO SHEETS FOR: l/15/1999 Occ; O{lUt7 Fh crne I c)'/4"47 6--9964 Fhone;476*9t84 Phgne: 97O-476*9E€4 F.R6E 11 AREA: D5 Tine Exp Use: V N Aqtivity;897-tZr198 t/t5/tS fype; B*BUILD Stabus: ISSUED Constr: NBFR Hddress: 7779 SIERRR TI,i L.ocat i on: I l-'arce I : t103-1E3-lA-tAl3 Descriptron: NEtl SFR tilITH EHU Appl icant: ROBERI Ftr ZF"LTMRN Owner; Zb.LII4RN JOHt'l Contrarctorr ROBERT A ZELTMAN Insper-'t i on Reqr-rest Inf ornat ian. , , ,, . Rec.Lre st or': EOB Fhone: 845-O;:f:3 Req Time: Ol:?tO LommentE: tIILL Items requested to be Inspected,.. uAl...L Ftct i on Iteml ?traSta0 F,W-Back Fi l1 InspectionIten: Erastaf trW.-Temp.access/drainage I b en : raESAe PLJ-Rough grade It en I ArZrSraS Fhl.-Final dr.i veway grade I t en : gtrA$lrA BLDGi-.F0ot ings/5t e e1l[4/el/9'7 Inspectorr cD flctionr FrtrcR ttFiFRUUED/CORRECTION READ Notes: SOILS ENB. OF REC$ftD l'lU$T SUHMIT REF'ORT RFFROVING SUFGRfiD F'RTOR TO CONCRETE. FJLRCEI4ENT (sRTURR].ED ffND FROZEN SOIL) OI^'NER./FUILDER I,JAS NOTIFIED BY trHONE IO/EI/''7 sF,M COMPLHTE SECTIOI.I r S-4 (I]ROVIDE DOUFLE MR"T FER FLAN} PROTECI CONCREI'E FROF1 FREEZING REMOVE MUD FROT4 HHBAR U7 /n7 /94 Inspect or": flRT Act i on : LU\/?.3/98 Inepector: ART Act ir:rr:fti/e6l98 Inspector: JRltl Ftct ie.rn: I i:enr : {4OrZreO BLDG-Foundat ion/5tcie1, n7 i Lii/98 InspecLor: JRfvl 11,/rzt5./94 Inspector: JRM AFFR Fbotingsl$teel NR Rebar not conpl et ed : AF.F,R FiF.F.ROVHD EflST I^IING I.JALLS ACtiON: IiF,trR FIT'trROVED WESI' END E FORM Act ion; AFf,R rlFpR trENDING AFF'ROVAL t;!/|L)/97 Inspecton: CD Action: AF,F,R AF,pROV[D Ncrtes: I.TROVIDE A LETTER F:f(Oil ENCj, ffND IOI-iY tlF EiTflMFED CHfiNGES I]}?DTECT CONCRETE FRfrM FREEZING I'lutes: FROFI F,WORKS ON URAINAEE UULVERT RUNNING "|HRU t^JINLt I^JRLL CghITRACTOR NOTIFIED ''NO MORE INSF.ECTIONS UNTIL hJE RECEIVE SOILS REFORT nND f:Ol.Jl.lDAI ION REVISIONS" 15T REGIUEST FOR TH TTEMS I^IRS ON LA/EI AND 1El19 1997 ILemr ArilS3ta pLnN-ILC Site Flan A-J/e4/98 Inspector.: CHRISTIE Act ion: AtrPR RFFROVEDIten: UtffqtSO BLD6-Fr-ening A4/e4/99 Inepector: CD Action: fftrtrR EiEE NUTES Notes: APFROVAL F,ENDINE ffLt- OTHER ROUGH INSF'ECTIONS OCCUR AND RR ACCEF.TED OTI{ER CORRECTIONIS; - T]NCHOR EXT GARA{IU NALLS TO FOUNDF1TION_ ACCES$ TO NTTIC SF.']CE REA' D_ HDD FIRH BLOCHJI\G I]ER CEDE_ [:RAI.IL SF.RCE ACCE$!i flND VENTS ARL, REfiI D IN tsHU istory.,... Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Zeltman boiler and stairrvay Proiect Number: PRJ97-0125 modification Project Description: boiler location for snowmelt system and minor change to design of EHU steinvay (on plans for new sfr) Owner, Address, and Phone: Robert Zeltmtn 1779 Sierra Trail, Vail, CO 81657 479-5597 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: same as above Project Street Address: 1779 Sierra Trail Legal Description: Lot 18, Vail Village West Filing #1 Parcel Number: Comments: Building Name: Zeltman residence Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board/Staff Action Action: staff approved with condition 1. boiler for snowmelt system must be screen by landscaping and/or retaining walls Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: l0ll2l99 Project Name: Documentl DRB Fee Paid: S20.00 Zeltman boiler and stairway modification qur*ti on, :Qoll thc Pliir rnin g S tail" r. .i ?; -: : 2 ij APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsigr Rwiov approral. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rwicw must rcccive Design Rcvicw approval prior to zubmitting for a building pcrmil For spccific information, scc the submittal rcquircnrorts for thc particular approval that is rcqucsted- Thc application carulot be acceptcd until all thc requircd inlbmration is submittcd. Thc projcct rnay also nccd to bc rcviovcd by thc Torvn Council and/or thc Planning and Environnrenral Conrmission. Design Rcvicw Board approval expircs onc ycar after final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and co$truction is startcd. DEscRrprroNoFrHEREQUESr: orf,l < ih6 {3 otuila. LccmtoN B. c. D. E. LOCATION OFPROPOSAL: LOT:BLOCK: FILTNG: PFrySICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL#:(Contact Eaglc Co. Asscsson Ofticc at 970-32E-E640 for parcel #) ZONINC: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: OWNE R(S) SIGNATTJRE(S) : NAME OFAPPLICANT:oGE/qr MAILINC ADDRESS: 14.frL PH}NE: +7 I -<q 7 F. c. H.ryPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: EI Ncw Construction - $200 E Addition - $50 Construction of a new building lncludes any addition where square footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or commcrcial building. Includcs minor changes to buildings and site improvcments' such as, rcroofing. painting window additions. landscaping. fenccs and retaining walls. etc. Xil,Iinor Altcration - $20 DRB fees are to be paid at the time of subrnittal. Latcr, whcn applying for a building permit, pleasc identify thc accuratc valuation ofthc projcct. The Torvn ofVail will adjust the fce according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THTS ^.I,PPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEP.{RTilIENT OF COIVTMUNITY DEVELOP}IENT.75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. VAIL. COLORADO 8I657. t.o PROPOSED LANDSCAPING . Botanical Nanrc Conrrrrorr Namc Ouantity Sizci nilrDfiish,kl-- PRO}OSED TREES ANb SHRUBS: Q7utpop3"aeffiw I 6l EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: - *Minimtrm riquircmcnts for landscaping: dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shnrbs - 5 gallons - T,4r" Sglrarc Footacc.' CROUND COVER SEED IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSC,\PE FEATURES (retaining waiis, t-enccs, swimrning pools, etc.) Please speci$. Indicate top and bottom clevations of rctaining rvalls. Ma.xinrunr height of walls rvithin the front sctback i" ? t'eet. Maxirnum hcight of rvalls elscrvhcrc on the property is b jbet. J .. ''t. TITII,ITY T,OCATION VERJFICATION This fomt is to vcrif scwicc availabiliry and location for new construction and should bc uscd in conjunction rvith prcparing your utiliry plan and schcduling installations. Thc location and availabiliry'of utilities, whcthcr thcy bc main tn:nk lines or proposcd lincs. nrust bc appiovcil and verificd by thc following utilitics for thc acconrpanying sitc plan. Authorizcd Sisnaturc Date U.S. lVc.st Communi<ation.s t-800-922-t 987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service donipany 949-5781 Cary Hall Holy Cross Elcctric Assoc. 949-5tJ92 Tcd Husky/John Boyd T.C.l. 949-553 0 Floyd Salaz.rr Eaglc Rivcr Watcr & Sanitation District * 476-7480 Frcd Haslcc * Plcisc bring a sitc plan, floor plan. and clcvations whcn obtaining Uppcr Eagle Vallcy Watcr & Sanitation signahrrcs. Firc florv nccds rnust bc addrc.sscd. NOTES: l.If thc utitity vcrification fornr has signaturqs fronr cach of thc utility companies, and no cotllnlcnts arc nradc dircctly on thc lbrnr. thc Torvn rvill prcsurnc that therc arc no problenrs and thc dcvclopnrcnt can procccd. Ifa utility cornpanv has conccms with thc proposcd constnrction. the utiliry reprcscntativc shall note directly on thc utitity vcrification fonn that there is a problcm rvhich nceris to be rcsolved. J'hc issirc sh,,-,uiri rhen bc cictaiicC ili an attitch eC Icltcr to th c To',ra: of- Vaii. Horvc,,c:, p)::sc kccp in mind that it i.s thc respon.sibility of thc utiiity company and thc applicant to resolvc .e-itllluu lr.vJr -,1 _. Thesc vcrifications do not rclicvc the contraitor of thc responsibility to obain a Public Way Penllit fronr thc Dcpartment of Public Works at thc Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obtaincd bcfore die*ing in any public righrof-rvay or cascmcnt within tlic Town of Vail. A il ;: ,," Updated 6/97 ') K\ \t\i i e lrra-ftr,r r,/ue ue l az ta-4,oC h1 \^: \ oFrr.J e Atzl- I $ B w fr-- c-- (-- sU z dr E N T \ .A dqJ 4f(f. tn t../.l n/ LI3 Ea- -. e, nn o \ . t:ii l. \I \ i ul.l I I \ I ,O w d- 2d.: c)- tffl,pEr9I Et)'x=.s ste4- 64i-oL8 Eg:FT f+:= $ \ r' ' U \%nffiL6r V\ J aq ?ops uLro M I:EI'T]I,J 1'd .4I360 66 90 aco ,,| ?L\-t l-s iri * sN -*. , ':':' lf -iS Fr" fE-$ + 'ii.) L!^ ;? Xfi t-a t; ::] f-, lo,i'\l \i r\ --l lrl E F4r &Vs-v(-9 D rr, :ti.,=ai^O ,.-,jcis :l-{!!.r !'! .: l \A (\.i- -G.g \-p \a) |Ni €b,!4,6G 66 IZ desJeq l opsuqo C,.,ucrnt I eZ dBt: IOsiSe- 6z' - oL6e.d HEItr f L:1 T0t^tN oF u,1IL, CELURADO F.AGE IE AREA: D5WL/r5,/ 1959 OS:O3 REOUE$TS - INSFECTN TJORK IiHEETS FOR: 1/15/I999 -trROUIDE ADEEUETU CLEARANCE BETI.IEEN FLBOR JOISTS AND EART IN CRAIdL SF..RCE F.ER 1991 UBE SEC 8516 It en : tZrOOSUt BLD6-Insulat i on A6/te/SB Inspector: ED Actionr AtrCR SEE NOTES lrlobes: F,ENDIN{3 ELECTRICFIL ROUGH RFFRUVAL ALL FRHIYIIN{' CORRECTIONS I4UST FE MADE NND INSFECTED F'RItrR TfJ CONCEBLMENT Item l 0AIA60 BLD6-Sheetrock Nai I Q6/P5I9S Inspector; JRM Action: AF'trR Item l 6SUI7O BLD6"ltli rc. LL/tA?/98 lnrpector: CD Action: NR II/e5/98 Inspector : CD Action: AFtrR Ll/e5/99 Inspector: f,D Aetion: A$rtrR NoteE: A I-ETTER FROM BTRUE1IJRAL ENGINEERIten: el00g$ BLDE*F inalIten: OC'53O BLDG-Temp. C/A Ie./LA/99 Inspeetor: ffRT ffction: NR $ee notationE: NoteE: ITEMS NOTED FRUM EXTERIOR NOT CUMF'LE{E OR IIIICORRECT ; - TEMF'ORRRY GUARDRAIL ON EXTEBIOR STRIR ON S.E. SIDE DT]E5 NOT COFIF.LY FT]R PR€VENTING PASSAGE OF 4" SF'HERF - EXTERIOR SFIRAL 5I"f1IR EUARDRAIL DBES NOT COI'IPLY FOR I.,REVENTING F,ASS}AGE OF 4'' SPHERE IE/?.4/9U Inapectorr CD Notes: FOR SECONDARY UNIIr Action: NR NOT READY FOR INSFEC:IIUN :[bfl};"fi "3[X'"1[[$3;|'-:E$?#3'>D^, (r krtlo w -rNsTnLL HOU5E r+SiV -ITROVIDE ']CCESEi TN DRIVEWAY(REPIOVE DUI'IF'STER AND OUI'HOUE,E} / , -COTItrLETE GURRDITAIL/HANDRAIL INSTALLATION AT TEtr OF 9E STI/ -INSTA|-L GUFRDRAlt./HANDRAIL AT SlAIRg LEADINTii FRON SLIDER TI{E LIVINB ROOMy'*IN5TALL CRANK TJN E6RE55 I.JTNDOI"J IN BEDRCJOM AF.PROVED COI.ITRAC-I'OR CANCELLED 5TUCCO/LATHE INSPEtrTION RLL FRAMIN6 CORRECTIONS HAS BEEN RECIEVED ,, "{fitl$ ffiffififfi';6pg65treu, wr*ku#3ff I'3 I r I vE FLoon 1e/I8/98 Inspector: LS Actionr DN DRIVET^IAY NOl CLOSE TO 1g118/96 Inrpector: LS Rction: DN GRADE Nutes: ERADE, RETAINING l.lf,LLS ON DRMIIAY NEEDED I?./P.4/98 Inspector: LS Action: DN NEED TO flDDRESS SAFETY Noter: DUMtr$TER IN DRIVETJAY" N0 ON STREET F'FIRKING. CONCRETE BARR NEEDED ON SERRiR TRNIL RD TO PROTECT F.UFLItr. NEED TO BSND ALL lSSUES - RETT1lNING WALLS* DRM[^,AY- LANDEjCAF IN6-ITEMS THAT CT]NCERN F'UBLItr I,.'ORKS AND OTHER T. O, V, DEF'T, lten: |a'4533 FLnN*TEfrlF,. tr,/BItem: rzl'4537 F,LAN-FIhIFIL. tr/OIten: OO539r Fl.l-FINflL C./O I t en : tzt'A34et BLD6-'Frnal C/F IJ e v-r d.( CV6 rA rt"r 6v ? $N at itt.!t'.fl a'<t I\t\fl 4B :+se{q lEJ1arbB ' I z d€s i .) I \I I ,o|,,"i* slee - 62'- oL6 :rltrrJ i -r. i f d8t: ro 66 \ Jea11'opsuqot/ueu2,laz ',R'. l'd .-"n., o".:l;fl : i::l i3IYl Subdivision _ Filing _ Date of ExDiration: 4 lLi I sJ Address: Account Number: 0 1 {000-22026 DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 7tO^y oI l^tl.cl{. .'tfl1, Oy and among 60U L€'-^a q?-) (hereinafter called the "Developer"), and the TOWN OF VAIL (hereinatter called the 'Town"). WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condition of approval of the 4r- c t| rreG'T/,L.t-e' plans, dated " /s /ff . 19-,wishesto enterinto aDeveloper lmprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgment of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth below; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including construclion of the above-referenced improvements by means of the following: Developer agrees to establish a cash deposit with the Town of Vail in a dollar amount of $-lL e ol- (125/o ot the total cost of the work shown below) to provide security for the following: |MPRoVEMENT W orL lt coYl f wc ffu ' ' e*s3 y€v€*ce t) f)p tvru,,a1 pttv',, t (l-.,'n, - 16_*lr.;f \ (vfu'' t l r'APo t cAl tr-J b t) Q6a*1-ro.t F't't4 ll"0 z-3-Tr'r"+rr F+'- or-(r- NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment and mqterial lecessary to perform and complete all improvements, on or before a/ Z\ | S1 The Developershallcomplete, in agoodworkmanlike manner, all improvements as listed above, in accordance with all plans and specilications filed in the office of the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do allwork incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a, Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer to bs approved by any of the above-referenced governmsntal entities, All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other oflicial from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vail Community Development Department and Public Works Department. 2. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, lhe Developer agrees to provide security and collateral as follows: B.d- ltlrrlat Page 1 of 3 A cash deposit account in the amount of $to be held by the Town, as escrow agent, shall provide the security for the improvements set forth above if there is a d-efault under the Agreement by Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another lorm of collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein and the performance of the lerms 0f this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee lhsreof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabililies shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereofl that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or delending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer may have. 5. lt is mulually agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town and the Town shall authorize for partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement at such time as such improvements are constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will the amount of the collateral that is being held be reduced below the amount necessary to complete such improvements. 6. lf the Town determines that any of the improvements contemplated herein are not constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications set forth herein by the date set forth in paragraph 2, the Town may, bul shall not be required to, withdraw from the cash deposit such funds as may be necessary to complete the unfinished improvements. The Town shall release such funds upon the written request of the staff of the Community Development Department stating that the improvements have not been completed as required by the agre€ment. The Town shall not require the concurrence of the.developer prior to the release of the funds, nor shall the Town be required to verity independently that the improvements have not besn completed as required by this Agreement, but shall release such funds solely upon the request of the Community Development Department. lf the costs of completing the work exceed the amount of the deposit, the excess, together with intsrest at twelve percent per annum, shall be a lien against lhe property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified lo the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lt the permit holder fails or refuses to complete the cleanup and landscaping, as defined in this chapter, such failure or re{usal shall be considered a violation of the Zoning Code. 7. The Developer warrants all work and material for a period of one year afler accsptance of all work refened lo in this Agreemenl by the Town pursuant to Section 17.16.250 if such work is located on Town of Vail property er within Town of Vail right-of-way. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to lime, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Dated the day and year first above written. Page 2 of 3 STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss, . The foreooino Develooer lmorove Z-L^1ay or vi*{eru- ' . tfrav - Wtness my hand and official seal. Mycommissionexpires: U l,t lz.'-r n.o4The foregoing Developer lmprovement Ag;gementwas acknowledged before me thisE'itay ol runAeu- .1wby llAth| i- a rtsox) STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE uDd€red 928U94 Witness my hand and officialseal. PLANNER, COMMUN ITY DEVELOPMENT Page 3 of 3 O3/L9/L999 L3i27 I-97A-845-626L ocHoA itAsoilRtlr{c. P O 3il tcaa|€|Drut@&€r fi9rao.Es COhNECTII]No PAGE E2 001035 a|tt:rr|llrfxf,i t2l tE I iotCoEluffltrsfifultloTEirrrE trD^YuoE( fcomrcr trExTn^ Jcl MIE t||f,lR ,6io:SEfttno|tE JrerF{ tat llDnul , TItt*Ydr OLlA7lL99L L8144 I-97a- GARDEilS BYGARCIA P.O.80X7351 A\,ON CO 8r&O e70 8a+,9013 ADORESS: LABOR rS Bttt-ED e t15 PER HOUR Pr.ArNTrNG 18 BTLLED @ l22 PER HOrrR TERMS; FULL PAYilENTTruE UPON RECEIPT 845-825o cut.brEcTroNo PAGE A5 oArE: t'iltoFto fNVOICE: VW l frFil I ..1.:.-. TVWNOFWN Departnant of Conmwity Development 75 South Frcntage Rod Vail, Colordo E1657 970-479-2t38 mx 970-479-2452 March 23, 1999 Mr. Robert Zeltman Lot 18, Vail VillageWestFiling I Dear Bob: This letter will serve as the Town's offrcial notice that we are granting a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) for Unit "B' at the above-referenced property. Outstanding improvements for this rit" at" outlined in the Developer Improvement Agreement on file with the Town. This agreement is set to expire on September 23,1999. If you would like to discuss this project in greater dAail, please contact me at (970) 479-2128. Sincerely, ' E"-',-rtf L'/> Brent Wilson Planner I {j*,uo ]ernmem-"'ff #il oeveronrcm I 75 S. Fonbge Rod Vail, C0 8165/ neceiptHo" 4F9*\4 Aqqrgss; , , ) 4<.Projerf: 7 1u+,vr *J Dat.e-2-J-' 2J--J-!- Please make clrede payable b fte TOIilN OF VAIL 41112 \/ I O o a,aa M.DEPlO lh*rtor: RSOiIDT Chsck:oit?: 3/e5l91, O RrcriPt: of0( Arount Tendered TSIOER DETRILtx 33? $effi9!|:'ilem.@ tleem.m PAY T(1 I}E ORDER ff FIRSTBSI( IF UflIL tJnlL, c0 8165/ :l@te15l9r FOff I}EP(FIT I${-Y T0t{ ff uf,IL 5n m37 Torn of 9ai Ir+r O.BT{IEfl RLEIPT ffT ffif,r RSO,HIDI ru DRflfR: Irirci s7esl99 m RETEIPT: effillfri TTSTUER LMNTI${ flTTStT TP ]T--- -1396 t4e!t I tlaffi.m $0 cK Johnsdciier, fhtin 0(: :HP Ifr.IN JOiFMTTER DIA - TLLlffiI PftilECT frffi.m DflIE: 3/?i/9'll TIE: 8:3?:13 iotni oes{ flzem.mffiffr-TETSERED ltam.H TI$I( YIIJ FOR YIIJR PRYP{T! F:i6;qonc/Form/lSalosaa.exe Ch€d(#3ru Recehr€d byz $vt 1;1S,99 oo ooo o9 'H6Zc'Dd93|( |lc F'a2.o oo(\l A 'lxE F.a coco o oo o o ooo g oo c{ A Ht{ €H HEH '|c|l.f'. g TE goe sNE \a aloo E oo ooo oo ooo o o ooot. YU!a oA At{cEoD F o o F E E 6E FIiif,naCazEX llHs H aoadtoEg {.('ao 6| AHEE H-E' ;l!l !rI HH AB E3B{ BE iEHatI TA l.HA2 88B .liA E 2 dTEEootEa{68 Eq| B IH 6 D H EI!l C| EIc H IDog. IA T raEr{ gt :5sIIIPGa o.Eao qro t EEE i,vriY l,i;J fff'l,.a!.-. a; CIoitoE.oo(J 5I !' - AH I BB i 3!.O Itt :E IEa I EIqlF' 9. e EE i 3-o IHt I ctqll I rort. al ;rH I eE i 3 'O'Ert ' oHat I tDl'lOr lElAI 3H IHt IqlD | 0OO 'O.- | o|!( | rcAI tsr (n Hr 6ar \or o DI \at !D alr rrhr t4t \ar o_ xl \F.r |oEltLln|?!!A tzlolHIFr,ar l.r'l . HE d' to: Hl €8! { | oEar alEIIrrl! |! | ic|g (,t{ ' I !.tF' E.| I r.'o.l! aO I FrIB 6"i !a art'llro Lr'.illlE!lUl Dtta!. 'lr3B.oo!E "i FIjE68Hr,tlAO20 !Ioa o (anho-q- (LLlLa@*- Ll[Do,ov,,,rE"uU EL c| B ?|q 6.IB A EtflE li |oo tsA EUq o }, clHclE 5 H ql El! d 6 B 1r4e ., t!c :: .D 4aI> Drl.Ea oa&.a alt rlEO t EEE r l'rj -- oC' CI al.qE ?: E3'Ei8 14 Cl.lTT Aa oo o o oo c) I Fl{ i'I-qo EOA A&r }|OI{ c-c.C' EE.r 3jg Ioa D!rB 5ol60 rl H oo C' oo oc o ;E Eg ootoae.6E oo CT oo o |. o taUT!.o rt At{cI! o 6 '{a! AEH EcU tul! o t: (' AHAE!.OE'q3< cIF.F. C. tras E8oa0 Ba EE A9Hr! E B C. C{l.l topoo E: F .A B ET E 6 FI HIcIUaroEE I!d 6rH lto B 68 Al.l L (, EI{I E $Ic EIot HI TA : a;o OD .gt!IrL810a!t H8 S EE8 .4.I o LqwL,'t Pltw rclase al 6ab ?elr-,'*,'i Dominic MaurilcUo STno.oo &,stn de7a,i | $r DueJaerTruP6rc'+' klr'e%,tr"-f Q.a r9.N37+ VA, I , (PTlbSY I+|q 5';'aaafla| / {2 nrc'*' o* DEN CENTER cusl*n onDER ito. E spscnl6no€n fl qrr cernrrcarc E orxeR Itr{' tt( t i7,gL i\ r SPECIAI. INSTRUCNONAD€IIVERY RECEIVFD EV 2,2 ZEBiI4 AI)DF€SS I -?? t^J .vAiL tNvorcE lht I lF. 'tfrj \' r . Cellular Clyde:39G7276 I Kurt 39(l58i10 'NEED TO GET IT UP?' EIW US A CAU" Oak Creek, Colo. (e70)UTw /Hr. x CASH DEPOSIT FORMAT Legal Description: Lot - Block -,Subdivision Filing _ Dele ot Expiration: q lLt I S J Account Number: 01{000-22026 DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT TH|S AGREEMENT, made and entored into this-?!rO"V of l4^AcU . t87OV and among Aog z-€-r.r.-. .\F-) (hereinafter called the "Developef), and the TOWN OF VAIL (hereinafter called the Town)' WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condltion ol approval of the A^-c |{ rf+3ft,a+r- plans, dated " / 3 / 1'1 . 19".__.- wishes to entsr into a Developer lmprovement Agreement;and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the iudgment of the Town to make reasonabte provlslons {or completion of certaln improvements set forh below; and WHEREAS, the Developer wlshes to provide collateral to guarantee performance ol this Agreement, Including consrudion of th6 above-reforenced improvements by moans of the followlng: Developer agrees to establlsh a cash deposlt wlth the Town of Vail In a dollar amount of S_1Lgt _ (25/" ot the total cost of the work shown below) to provide securlty for the following: IMPROVEMENT. f)p tvf,r'-,r*1 l<twr,n L ,t vAPo J <Al tl-t q C * ttrt- ro.-t 7 t {'1 fl NOW, THEBEFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and he Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at lts sole cost and expenses, to fumish all equipment and material n€cessary to'perfoim and complete all improvements, on or belore" -1|t { / i { _. The Davetoper shit complote, in a good workmanlike manner, all impilffi;G as list6d above, in accordance wlth all plans and specificatlons llled In the ofiice of the Community Develbpmont Department, the Town of Vail, and to do allwork incidental thereto accddlng to and in compliance with the following: a. such other designs, drawings, maps, speciflcations, sketches, and othgr matter submitted by the Developeito be approved by any of he abov+referenced .,...,or',r,.ont-at anritiAs. dn saia work shall be done under tho inspec'tion of, and r) ul tr o € o c .A3E.oEr AiIl! !a ooC'o N J,t .5 1 A v ' \i' * \ #$ $->q $ss, oo c0o oo C'0o oc C)o I o o G' xt)E oA,, o EIl||D FC' FF o B T E| n ao o o oco iEE "'8 UI HJE68 F. E{l.lE8 .lIoo 0o oclo co o A F. an!o cOA AlaE tE|K ic t '.r l.:g Paa tlNB uC6O t E o F ETa3saa &{ Ta EE E9E. Ba iE E Eg H Ei I E H 2o EHEd!UllaEE &cl-Io otag ae Ho B !I TH 6 D l.&o T& A B EE FIH!0ITc| 6tD EI_ It TI?1V4E|6got EE8 oo Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Mitchell Residence Project Description: Addition of exterior stairs Owner- Address and Phone: Mr. Mitchell. 1799 Sierra Trnil' Vail81657 ArchitecVContact. Address and Phone: Project Street Address: 1799 Sierra Trail Legal Description: Lot 18' Vail Village West Filing I Parcel Number: Comments: Building Name: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 3116199 Board / Staff Action Action: StaITApproved FIEVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL99\MITCHELL, WPD DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 Qucstions? lttrc Planning Staff at 419-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any plojcct rcquiring Dasign Rcvicw approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicw must rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to subnritting tbr a buiiding p.rntit. io. spc€ific infornration' scc thc submittal rcquiremcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc ap-piication cannot bc acccptcd until all thc rcquircd inforntation is submittcd. Thc piojcct may also nced to bc rcnicwcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Environnrcntal commissio'. dcsign ncvicw Board approval cxpircs one ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issucd and construction is startcd' A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: T?tttN0FVAIL B. D. E, LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:- BLOCK:- FILINC: a- PHYSICALADDRESS: / ? Q 1 J.,E-L,. 7/..1-. ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): PHONE: OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: PHONE: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a new building' tr Addition - $50 Includcs any addition whcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or comntcrcial building. F. c. H. WWtnorAltcration -$20lnoludcsminorchangc.stobuildingsandsiteimprovcnrcnts'suchas, reroofing. painting. window additisns. landscaping. fcnccs and retaining walls, ctc. DRB fces arc to be paid at the timc of subnrittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building permit, please idcntifr thc accuratc valuation ofthe project. Thc Town of Vail witla just the fec according to the project valuation' PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATTON, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THD FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, T5 souTH FRONTAGE ROAD' VAIL. COLORADO 81657. MAILINC ADDRESS: .r' aucsr:oufi il:c l'lu:ir:ng Stai: u:1';!"1i23 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL MFNOF GFhTERAL TNFORMATIO{ llis appticaioo is fq uy projoa roqgiring D6igrr Rcvicw epproat. Any Fojet roqgining dcsiSl twicn, nu$ lccivc Dcsign Rcvior rpprwal pdor to srbndttiog for r building pcmit Fa gocifc infonnatioo, scc tte sbmiral rcquircnarsfctbcgticulrryrwel 6atisrequ6led. Tbcapplicaiocanaotbcacccptodrrcildltlcrcquircd iafcnraiotr is nrbmifrcd. Tlc projoa rnay also nccd to bc renia"cA Uy Oc fon'n Cooncil rndor t&c Plaruriry and Envircornaral Connuissim. Dcdg! Rctr'lcw Bord rpprovrl orplro one ycer rlter find epprovel ualcs I bulldiag pcruit is isucd aud constnrcd,bn ls sArftd. 4*r+{zrF W-1- F rlt-lH6 f@+l B. c. D. E. LOCATIONOTPROPOSAL PHYSICALAIDRESS, 1,111 aIETT^ Plt*cl';,*,-W7rerz7 (comd eaglc Co. Asscssors Oficcd 97G'328-tdrc forpcrcd O ZONING: NAT{EOFOTWER(S): I{AIUNC PHONE OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OFAPS!.TCA}.IT: IVIAILING PHONE TYP€ OF R,E1IIE'!T/ AND FEEtr NcrCorrrrcfoa-t20ll E A&lillor- S50 )il.qto.rn -oor- r0 F. G. t{. Coo*utioo ofa neur buildil4: lac-trdcs ruy adddoa dcrc qroc foogn b rddod to esy rsidentid c coanocialDdlding: lncMcs mincdraagc lobuildinls adsitc irry,ovcmcncs, sdr a+ tttoofin& pritrilg wirdow rdditionc, laodscad4; ftoocs rod *ainiag r|alls, ctc- DRBftcs&tobcFiddttcti@ofstmirel- hcr.rdrcaqdyiryfrcetrdldagpcruirplccidarig thc rernrc vdudo of tte poirt- Thc Tonnr of Vril will .di;-rdCcc rccct5 ti trc pi;c nhrdc. PLEASE suBrtrr rHIs Alpt,rclrroN, ALL st BMtrrAL REqTTTREMENTS /rnrD TrrE FEE To rrIE DEPARII}IENT OF COMIT{UNrrY DEVEI.OPT{EDIT. 75 SOUIII TRONTAGE ROAD. VAILCOLORAnOu65?. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: dr E ts .r $$ $i t J J _1" Ti${t p6 s& sq.)A T .u qJ TL $ J lF=- UJo @z ==J ffi V O IUo =E f;f; HH$Hr gHFfrEE t *E$ *F EI ff IEE F3o d3FgE EIT3 EIo -oF= [[ CI -\r -\@ /oo TOWT,I OF VATL Departmcnt of Community Devebpmcnt 75 SouthFronuge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX970-479-2452 August 13. 1998 vv \t+) i'o-itK Malin Johnsdotter Robert Zeltrnan PO Box 337 Vail. CO 81658 Re: Conditional Use Permit Application Dear Malin and Bob: This letter is to inform you that your application for a Bed and Breakfast has been withdrawn from the planning process, The iterns for a complete application have not bccn submitted and I am unable to tablc the item indefrnitely. Ifyou have any questions, please contact rnc at (970) 479'2454. ot Sincerelv. 1uu , : U lnnlhz Christie Barton Town Planner &,1,,t {gr*o"o oo ot Lft^bfDRY fuTAIN LEVEL FLOOR Pt"AN lf : '+1 LOT 13 BURIEO POWERUNE FOUND ALUMINUM CAP LS 2659E \13gli LOT 14 SET REBAR ANO cAP LS 9337 TELEVISION RISER LOT 17 5.0, UTIUTY INSTAI.IATION AND MAINIENANCE EASEMENT STREET ADDRESS 1779 Sierra Troil Voil, CO 81657 SET REBsEr REBAR ^ND -/- -ru_ I I I I z cep JscAP Ls ersT F/ N sr-6Efr- This improvement locotion certificote corrects errors on ridge o 5 10 15 20 Jl elevotions shown on o previous improvement locotion certificote' doted Februory,27, 1998, which used o bod elevotion on o BEARING BASE: temporory benihmork on o sloping monhole rim. Adjusted S 64' 21' +2" W, 3 elevotioni ore bosed on the originol benchmork which wos used oluminum cops of tl for the topogrophic mop ond construction. ond the SW corner < Ridge f1 reconstructed 5" lower, 8' in length from the wesierti most point f=.-n Denotes co $s[* r.o\t a ^c i\t\)'!to' ,=t- l-L r(o !")(o q 3\ or- Ridge elevotions ore to top of plyr,r,ood: -l------- ' Ridse ffl etevotion is 8124.9' -'O.+'= 8124.5" Lexsnrc *.;;;^;;;--------- SCALE:ni!13 4! efar-rzrfi,..n ig 8t!3 7' - Jun O4 9?O -926 -6203oo June l. l99E TO: Vail Community DweloPment Altn.: Christic Barton - Plnnner From: Sierra Condorninium Asociation : Reprcsenling - 1760 Sierra Trail, Unil A - Lloyd Johnson l?60 Siera Trail, Unit B - Kathy & Jeff Fo6es l?60 Sierra Trail, Unit C - Piene Tagliabue 1760 Sierra Trail, Unit D - Joseph Morrell RE: Propoeed Bed & Breakfast on l.ot t8, \ /W.Fil l, 1779 Siena Ttail, Applicants Malin Johnsdotter & Robert Zeltrnan we mutd like to voice our disapproval of any and alt conunsrcial ac{ivity in this supltoscdly residential area Currcntly we are faced with exccssive traffic; delivery trucks and associated penonnel and shortage off pa*ing due to lwo other neighbors using their homes as business facilities, notably lot 20, Da\E Austin, using his garage as a firlly fledgcd commercial operatior for building kitchcn cabinets etc. And Mad( Lee, Lot 24 using his garage as a ski distribution warehouse. These two illcgal operrtions are overtaxing an already tight pa*ing situation, cerrsing noise and conBcstion. We are also mystified by the lack of erforc€ment. Yours faithfully, Lloyd Johnson"'B{tsident S iorra Condorninium Association. P.! i\'1*,,i l i,;.fi"J^so AP and/or the Design Rwiew Boud A. TYPE OF APPLICATION: g Additional GRFA (250) F.- ned and Brealdast tr Conditional Use Perrnit tr Major or tr MinorSubdivision tr Rezoning tr7 Sigr Vciance Ef vaiance tr ZoningCodeAmandment \^€ l" y--{. O Ouesif Q.PlanningStaffat4T9-2l38 PLICATION FOR PLANNING AIID ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL ?a/u!- * zlo 9 'lL3 1? -a t'9 I cENERALTNFoRMATIoN I PJlg-'6 lo1 This application is for any project rcquiring approvalTy the Planning and Environmental Commission' For specific imormation, see the zubmittal requiriments for the particular approval that is requested- The application can not be accepted rmtil all required inforrr,ation is submifred. The project rnay also need to be reviewed by the Town Coucil tr Amendment to an Approved Development Plan tr EmploycoHousingUnit(TYPe:tr Major c E Minor CCI Extsrior Alt€ration (Vail Village) tr Major or tr Minor CCII ExteriorAlteration (Lionshead) tr SpecialDwclopmentDistricttr Major or tr MinorAmendmeotto an SDD c. D. E. LocArIoN oF pRoposAr., Lori-L BLocK- rwntc Vail k'l lqe lUar{f, /lU /' ADDRESS:T?nir INGNAME: ZONING:\-N NAME OF OWNER(S):t Dclji iz 7-i 2a z- MAILINGADDRESS:o ioX OWNER(S) SIGNATIJRE(S): NAME OF REPRESENTATTVE: MAILINGADDRESS: PHONE:- FEE - SEE ffiE SI.JBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR TI{E APPROPRIATE FEE. SIJBMIT THIS APPLTCATION,ALL STJBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS ANI} THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAI}, F. G. VAIL. COLORADO E1657. For Office Use Only: "A,/ry""p56.Z.oo-& cw, bV I 5,y, i,:b Application ort , t('%4t PECMectingDatc, b 4'18 Rqvird 6/96 oo BEIIAND CONDITTONAL SUBMITTAL oo BRDAKMST USEAPPLICATION REQI'IREMENTS GENERAL INFORMATION S"d "nd S...ld"tt opaations may use up to 3 bedrooms or a maximum square fooage of9fi) square feet of tte dwelling. Once approval has Leen received by the Planning and Environmental Commission' a business license must be obtained from the Town's Financc DePartnenl I. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-4plication comference with a planning staff member is strongly ancouraged- No application can be accepted unless it is complele. It is the applicant's rcsponsibility to makc an appointment with thc staff to dcermine additional submittal requirements' il. STJBMITTALREOUIREMENTS FEE: $200.00. The fee nut be paid at the timc of submittal. Stamped. addrcssed envelopes andglist of the names and mailing addresses of all propcrty ovmers adjacurt to the subject property, iniluding properties behind and across sfeets. The applicant is responsible for correct names and mailing addresses. This information is available from the Eagle County Assessor's offi ce. tr )\A If a Bed and Breakfast operation proposes to use propsrty or facilities owned in common or jointly with other property own€rs, such as parking spaces or a driveway in a duplex subdivision, the writen approval of tle other property owner shall be required" tr N A If the proposed Bed and Breakfast operation is located within a condominium complex, written approval from tho Condominium Association is required- t A preliminary title report, including schedules A and B. to verifu ownership and easernents. I F Description of the rash facilities (i.e. enclosed trash facilitieVregular garbage removal *H.91tc.lpf,/ Two copies of the following: A floor plan with dimensions of all rooms to be used for the B & B. A site plan with the desigrated parking indicated. The required parking is as follows: I - space for owner/proprietor, plus I space for first bedroom rented, plus 1/2 space for each additional bedroom rented. (It is DOSSible that floor and site plans of the proposed location may be available at the Community Dwelopmcnt D€parfinent at $7.00 pu copy) D lV U Additional material may be necessary for the rwiew of the application as determined by the Adminisfrator. F 9 Page I of2 IV. oo oo TIME REOUIREMENTS ft , et"*ing -C Environmental Commission m€ets on tho 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month' A compl*e apflication form and all rcompanying material (as described above) must be acc€pted ry Oe iommGty Dwelopment Deparfinart by the appropriate submittrl date, which is a minimum of four (4) weeksprior to the darc oitbe fEC puUlic beaing. Incompletc applications (as detennined by the planning statr) will not be acccpted ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. If thts apeticadon roqirires a scparate rwiew by any local, Stato q Fedcral agency othcr than the Town of Vail. thJ application fee shall bc inctbased by S200.00. Examples of such rwiw, may inctude, but a'e not limited to: colorado D€,pstnent of Higbwsy Acc€ss Pcrmits, Army Corps of Enginccrs 4014' crc. B. The applicant shall be responsible forpayrnganypublishing feeswhich are in excess of 50% ofthe application foe. If, at tbe applicanfs rcquest, any matter is posQoned for hearing, causing the rnatter to be re-published, then the cntirc fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the aPPlicant. C. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have design, land use oi other issues which may have a significant impact on the community nray require review by conzultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determhation be rnade by the Town staff that an outside consulbnt is neede( the Community Developme'lrt Deparfinent may hire the consultant The Departnent shall e.*imate the amount of money necessary to pay tbe consultant and this amount shall be forwardcd to the Town by thc applicant atthe time of filing an application. Expcnses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shatl be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days ofnotificatim by the Town. Any exce*s frrnds will be retrm€d to the applicant upon rwiew completion. Prge2 ol2 Ju 9650on-04-23:.20 o,rTn5..=, Inc.-42o970 7-P-03 it2f t'l: l--- OWVW? * l.oT tb ,W -___ _Y-o_.!* .31+ ?.W o-, ?:trL____ -.--_ _1 :y1.. _. .e. WffiIi. eresue qars rI tTh e-* | -^tll&3jl co tu tzc 4. . MlEEfiar duurA Wd,rFh.l4' (.a .%qlLo - EVwnr-o=r,co 9t(g-4 -!1 :. - ,I,t/r,t A l-l4Nl-tANM& 2-l!21t r."N;#- A;t* - -usYr2e t*12 t4eEo__Js\t?lJ__-__lr.ertg-ri-il- ?rvft- Egr 4n v 7/ia4'r ar-Vklv etut+-- -_wil:,jfrt-cb--bv=7D I ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROP PUBL]C NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on June 8, 1998, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a worksession lo discuss a major amendment to Special Development District #6, Vail Village Inn, to allow for a hotel redevelopment, located at 100 East Meadow Drive, Lots M and O, Block 5D, VailVillage 1st. Applicant: Daymer Corporation, represented by Jay PetersonPlanner: George Ruther A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a Bed and Breakfast operation, located at 1779 Siena Trail/Lot 18, Vail Village West Filing #1. licant: o ERTY nner: A request for a major amendmenl to Special Development District #22, Grand Traverse, and a request for a major subdivision for Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision Filing #1. Applicant: Palrick DauphinaisPlanner: George Ruther A request for a side setback variance, to allow for the construction of a garage, located at 813 Potalo Patch Drive/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: Liz & Luc Meyer, represented by William Pierce Planner:Dominic Mauriello A request for an amendment to a previously approved plan for the Timber Falls Development, located at 4469 Timber Falls CourVunplatted. Applicant: RAD Five L.L.C., represented by Greg AmsdenPlanner: Dominc Mauriello A request for an extension of a conditional use permit for the Lionshead Children's Tent, located nexl to the Lionshead Childrens ski school/Tract D, Vail Lionshead 1st. Applicant: Vail Associates, represented by David ThorpePlanner: Christie Barton A request for a minor subdivision to amend a building envelope, to allow for the installation of a gazebo, localed at 1315 Spraddle Creek Road/Lot '12, Spraddle Creek Estates. Applicant: Dayco Holding Corporation, represented by David Argo of No Name Architects Planner:Dominic Mauriello A request for additional GRFA, utilizing the 250 ordinance, to allow for the construction of a residential addition, located at 1998 Sunburst Drive/Lot 19, Vail Valley 3rd. Applicant: Nate Accardo, represented by Fritzlen, Pierce, BrinerPlanner: George Ruther o THIS Malin Johnsdotter/ Robert Zeltman Christie Barton rl r,lrtl ;J^/Y' u AA oo oo A request for additional GRFA, utilizing the 250 ordinance, to allow for the conversion of a garage lo GRFA, and for the expansion of the mechanical room, located al 345 Mill Creek Circle/Lol 14, Block 1, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Lee M. Bass, represented by Snowden and HopkinsPlanner: George Ruther ' A request for additional GRFA, utilizing the 250 ordinance, to allow for the expansion of the enlry, located at 2005 West Gore Creek Drive/Unplatted. Applicant: Tom Thomson, represented by John PerkinsPlanner: Christie Barton A request for a final review of a major amendment to SDD #4, to allow for a fractional fee club and a change to the approved Development Plan, located at 1325 Westhaven Dr., Westhaven Condominiums/ Cascade Village Area A. ,, Applicant: Gerald L. Wurhmann, represented by Robby Robinson :'* Pianner: George Ruther /' -1 The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planne/s office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Departmeni, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published May 22,1998 in the Vail Trail. co r r tity(iunutopment ptan RouttQ #t Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Mike McGee, Fire Works Return To:Christie Barton. ComDev Date Routed:5ns/98 Return By:5t22/98 Project Name:Johnsdotter/Zeltman Residence Proiect Address:1779 Sierra Trail hoject Legal:Lot 18, Vail Village West lst Filing Project Description:PpC application for a conditional use permit for a Bed & Breakfast I'll know more about the parking requirements after our Tuesday 10 am stafl meeting Approved _?_Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Thc applicant can back out into Sierra Trail.I do think. howcvcr that the residencc was a primary/secondary to statl. and that all thcir rcquircd parking for the original usc may not be just in thc garage, but also in the drivcway arca whcre they arc ptoposing putting more cars. Oul rcquircd parking spacc is 9'wide by l9' long. not 8'x I 6' as thcy havc shown. They will nced to base theil plan on thc 9'xl9'dimension. Qucstions for the planning staff: How many spaces werc nccessary for thc original use? How many spaccs would be rcquired for the Bed and Brcakfast use? 6'L\ 48 +/"tLnd -lu tfob V)fi,'\arl VoAhtC h-,f ?"hLow lLrJcz YaNk/ o1- r,rtf 05 '(ual Date receivcd: Rcvicwcd by:Date leviewed: t:Uvervone\dfl nvout firnn rt Printed by charl ie From: .fudy RodriguezTO: DRT GROUP Subj ect: REVISED DRT Meetlng Development Review Team Conmunity Development Large Conference Room Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. May 20, 1998 AGENDA staff Item / Topic cR 1. Vista Bahn Ski Yard - Discuss imDrovements. cR 2. Address Changes Bridqet Hitb. cR 3. WASC Facilities - Discuss facilitv locations. cR 4. East Vail residence - Discuss revisions. cR 5. Bass residence - Discuss revisions- CB 6. Zeltman - eaB parking. DM 7. D'Agostino - Review PW comments. DM 8. Timberfalls - Review PW conrnents. nM Q r.rr^ M6r'af rasidence - Review PW comments. TOTAI, :15 min. :10 min. :10 min. :10 min. : lu mln . :10 min, :{J5 man. : u5 man. :05 min. :1 hr. 20 nin. Va.nAN(L No p,/hry r) Sdv6'1i"4 pavli-, ffi rlt' tut@ Page: 1 12-14-13 this Chapter shall be applicable to the uses listed in that section in any zone in which the use is a permitted use or a conditional use. (Ord. 8(1973) S 17.400) 12-'l'4-14; RESTAURANTS, BARS OR SIMILAR USES: IN diSITiCtS where restaurants, bars, or similar uses are allowed, they shall be subject to the follow- ing requirements: A. Noise generated by the use may not at any time exceed fifty (50) decibels outside the enclosing walls or ceilings ol the use. B. Dwelling units in the same structure or in structures adjoining restaurants, bars, or similar uses shall have the right to privacy and the restaurant, bar, or similar use shall be designed in such a way that view from the use is not directly into adjoining dwelling unit or unils. Windows may be treated with appropriate covering. (Ord. 19(1976) $ 15: Ord.8(1973) $ 17.401) 12-14-15: SIGN REGULATIONS: All signs shall be regulated in accordance with the provisions of Title 11 of this Code. The Town Council may by ordinance pro- vide for the administration and enforcement of the provisions of Title 11 by the Adminis- trator or other administrative otficial, and may provide for review and approval proce- dures pursuant to Title 11 by the Design Review Board established by this Title. (ord. 8(1s73) S 17.s00) ,|2.1'4-16: PROPERTY OWNER MAINTE- NANCE RESPONSIBILITY: Property owners shall be responsible for improving the area from their property line 12-14-18 to the edge of roadway, including neces- sary drainage. lmprovement of the area shall be designed so as not to impede snow plowing or impair visibility at street intersec- tions, which improvement shall be approved by the Department of Public Works. (Ord. 19(1976)$ 15: Ord.8(1973) S 17.700) 12-'14-17: SETBACK FROM WATER- COURSE: Minimum setback from a creek or stream shall be not less than thirty feet (30') from the center of the estab- lished creek or stream channel as delined by the Town Comprehensive Plan Base Maps; provided, however, that the setback from Gore Creek shall be lifty feet (50'). Natural creek or stream channels may not be rechanneled or changed. (Ord. 19(1976) $ 15: Ord.8(1973) S 17.800) 12-14-18: BED AND BREAKFAST OPER' ATIONS: A. Definition: See Section 12-2-2 ol lhis Title for definition of 'bed and break' fast". B. Location And Criteria: Bed and break' fast operations may be allowed as a conditional use in those zone districts as specified in this Title. lf permitted as a conditional use Pursuant to Chaoter 16 of this Title, bed and breakfast operations shall be subject to the following requirements: 1. Oll-street designated parking shall be required as follows: one spac€ for the owner/proprietor plus one space for the lirst bedroom rented plus one' half (1/r) space for each additional bedroom rented. Town of Vail o 12-14-18 2. Enclosed trash tacilities and regular garbage removal service shall be provided. 3. Removal of landscaping for theprovision of additional parking is strongly discouraged. 4. Each bed and breakfast shall be allowed one residential,nameplate" sign as defined and regulated by the Town Sign Codet. 5. lf a bed and breakfast operation shall use property or facilities owned in common or jointly with other proper- ty owners such as parking spaces or a driveway in duplex subdivision, by way of example and not limitation, the written approval of the other property owner, owners, or applicable owner's association shall be required to be submitted with the application for a conditional use permit. Compliance: lt shall be unlawful for abed and breakfast operation to do business without a conditional use permit from the Planning and Environ- mental Commission after June 12, 1990 or to operate in violation of any of the provisions of this Code. Discontinuance: Any bed and break-last operation which is discontinued for a period of twelve (12) months, regardless of any intent to resume operation of use, shall not be resumed thereafter, and any future use ol the site or structures thereon shall con- form with the provisions of this Title. Review Of Decision: The Town Coun-cil, the applicant, adjacent property owner or the Town Manager, may appeal/call up to the Town Council for review any decision made by the 12-14_19 Planning and Environmental Commis- sion regarding a conditional use per- mit for bed and breakfast as per Sec- tion 12-3-3 of this Title. (1997 Code:Ord. 7(i 996) S 8: Ord. gt (1989) ss 16-11e) 12-14-19: SATELLITE DISH ANTENNAST A. Purpose: The purposes of this Section are as follows: 1. To protect the health and safety of the inhabitants of the Town by setting forth requirements for the installation ot satellite dish antennas. 2. To protect and support the aesthet-ic concerns of the Town, a resort community which must remain aes- thetically pleasing to visitors to remain economically viable. 3. To provide the protection set forth in the preceding subsection Al and 2 of this Section in the least restrictive manner possible. B. Definition: See Section 12-2-2 of thisTitle for definition of .satellite dish anten na'. C. Application; Review: Satellite dish antennas shall comply with all the requirements set forth herein. person or persons wishing to install a satellite dish antenna within the Town shall submit an application to the Depart- ment of Gommunity Development for review. The application shall set forth the following: 1. Completed Design Review Board application form. c. D. E. 1. See Title 1 1 of this Code. Town of Vail oo oo LRfihfDRY fu{AIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN IJ ,ll l_ - -:'t I ."rroval.Z7 tss?42 t::lf Ut:OEAGLEPotr No.' !344-a1 (co-88)- '--', ll,"!l Plalb Lrngnrrga colitl.at No 5096 P 4u'04,6".,,,oo SCHBDqr.Dt-8.cttoBl ord.r No. ES:.9S0C89?-4 Requircarrnta 'lbc folloldng rcquiroratr nult b. tn !: (a) Pay tho ngreed amaunts lor the inEer€sc ln thc land and,/or for che raortgage to be ineurcd. (b) Pay us thc prerniums, f ccr and c'nargee for thc pol i,cy. (c) obtain a cerciflcaie of taxes dut from tb€ counry trGasurer o! the countygrcarur€r'a autho:ized agent, (d) lhe t(,t.Iowing documents latlstrrcEcry to us must bc slgnad. delivcred and f eC l.,fded ; 1. r'i{rrranEy Decci Euiflclent: tc convsy the tee slmplc csEate or l:i:c!.st in the land dcecribed or referl'ed Eo herein, to the Proposcd Insured, ScheduLa A. I:e,n 2A, z. Reloase of tbe Dced of TrusE from Ed Gund ro ghg Public Tluelcc ol Eagle Cou;rt.y for ltre beneflt of weslstar Sank to secura an indebtedness in tbe p:!:clpal sun cf $61,50C.00, and .:ry orher anounll and/or obllgatlors securcd thcrcby, .taued Apr!! L5, L997, and r€corded ia Book 724 at lagc 1?5. ?l:e iollow:r.g material, r.rhrch nay noe hecegsar:iy be recordcd. nust be f urn!cher,i co che ccnPany to :Ee saci.qfaction to-trit: {e) (:onpl ianr--e wlth the provisions oi Scction 39-1rt-102, Colorado Revised StaluEcs, requlri:rg conrpleticn and flllng eg a R€ai ?ropcrty Transfer Deelaraiion. (f) Evldencc aaEiofactcry t.o Ehc comFany of cortt'lirrncc w!th sn ordinance cnacging a tcal alcat€ trancfcr tax wllhin the town o! Vali togcthcr witb all amendnenr-e thcr€to, Exccpiioou rnbered 2-9 will no! appear on the llo:igaEcc'5 Policy provlded rha atlaehed Aftidavlt and Agreemunl is prcperly cxeculeJ and returned to thle ct!lca. IIOIE I IF THE SAL9S PBICE CF T:{E SUBiIECT F8O9ERTY EXCEEDS 51OO.OOO.OO TH8 SELIER SHALL BE REQUIRED TO CCMPLY !,IITH THE DIScLOSURE oR WITHEOTJDII$ PROVISIONS of C.R s. .\9 -22.5D4 .5 (NONRESIDENT }!ITH:{OLDINC) . ' ldry 2?. iSgi i ::lP[{ FLiiTC0 i=AtLE FIRST AMHzuCAN HERIIQdCILE CO llo 5090 F, 2/r,wuooo,Oo - 3 18 troadwiry, Eagle. CO 81631. (9?0) 32E.52t I COMMITIVIENT 9CETDI'I.I A coedc$.s|! Nor Egt98ooE9?-4 1, Co@lEn nt Dat.: March 14, 1997 uf ? r29 A.M. 2, Policy or policlrr !o b. irau.d: policy hount (r, orrn a! Dolicy - Progc[d trDlur.d: . 95,0C0.00 Roberi A. Z.ltman and Malin M. ,Johnsdo:tcr (b) Iroar Pollcy - ProPofaal lBtureal: S i'BD Union Fcdcral Sar'lngs Ernk 3. Fe e tinplc inlo!.l! tn thr hnd de rcrlbod, ia Lbia Csul,trorat l,l olrrril, r! Eh. ConBlE[srR Detr bf: Ed GunC , a. tho trrrd te!.rro{ to in thfu Cml tE 'rt la dcroar,baA r, tollortt Lof 18, Vail Village F?e*t., P!.Iing No. 1, accordin? !o lhe rcccrded linel plaf ttl&r€of, counEy of Eogl e. SEal.! of Ccloradc. (for lnfonnallcnal purposer onlyl 1??9 llierra Trai! PRSYIUM I Vr)rsgage Pollcy I 505,00 'f,wncr'c Fcij.cl' 5 3tS'0C Tax cclElt'lcate S i5. o0 Form 140,1-EPA Resldentlal $ 3c.00 F,.rrn10'r.z-t'tiL $ ?50,C0 $9/?0/91 13 ,46.38 jw MRL .0sl?(i'jal i, i. l!9t06 l::ilil i,clii,Ji EriLE fot tlo.'f3{d-E?, (CO-88) O O Itrlll.,Plrin trangrurgc CoMltr!.rrt Iio t,5.196 P. 5,'bmcosn ScHSDrnE!-S.ctloD2 Ordcr No, 8.9:9800897-4 btc.t,tlont Any policy we lrcqe !rl1l bave ttre lollowlng ercoptionr ublorr !.ha!t rt€ tak.n ca3. of to our rrtirfactsion: 1. Taxes and Assassngnts not cerElti,ed to thc Trcasursr's o€flce. 2, Any facts, llghts, interesgs or claing which are noE shown by the public recordg bur whic:r could be alcsrLalncd by an lnspecclon of r.ho land or by nakir.g inguiry of pc::eore in pcssession :hercot. 3, Eastnrcnca, cr cJalms of €asemcnts, no! $hcwn by public r6cords. 4. Discrepqncles, conf,licts in boundarl' lines, rhortage in arca. encroach.r.ent.t, and any faeis which a correcg survey and inspecLlon o! gh€ lancl wculd discLose, and uhlch are not Ehcwn by lhr public recorcls. 5 Any llen, or right Eo a i!en, for services, labor or matcfial heretcfore or he:eafcer furrrshed, irnposec by law end nol shown by the public records. 6. Ar:y .tnc ali unpald !ax€s, astessnents anC unredeernrd tax sales ' '1 , Reservrlions and cxcepclone in patents and aclc uuthorizl:lg thcj,! tssua:lce as :hc uame :r,ay affec: the rubjecg p!cp.r:y and speriflcally, Ehc rlght Eo cliE.,.-hes and ragervolrs useC in connection rrttgh vested and acerued l,,atar riEhBg t.ogeeher wilh the r€scrvaglon of a righl-oi-way lor ditchcs and cauls conBEruc!'s.i by thc RuEhority of the Unlced sla:at ttt{ cct fcruh in that cercain lt.s. 9aE€nc tlled in Etle Eagle Ccuilty Reco:ds, S. Reservations and cxcepticos in pa:c;rts end in acEs authorizing tbeir issuance es ch6 samc nay aflect Ehc subject proirelty and specifically, the righe of the proprletot ef a vein or lode Eo extracg and remo.re hit cle theref rorn should r,he sam€ bc lound r-c pen€lratc cr i:tlersccE lhc premises as sce forth ln Ehat ccrtaln t.: ,9. latenE tiieC tn Ehe Eaglc counEy Re4ords. f, ij.rucnante, c(:ndltlons rndl restricgions, whlci! ao no: lnclude a lorteicurc o: reverta! clause, scE for:h in the instrumenE Secordcd October 25' 1963 in Ecok 176 nt page 149 cnC Decarnber 6, 1953 in Eook 178 a! Page 345. lrovlslons rega:<iJ,::g race, cclor, creeC, anci naLlonal origin, if any, .l!e deleteC' lC Tn@ jollowing lE€me a6 s€E lort,h 9n shc plaE of Vail Vj.Ilag. WcsE Filing 1, :o -vt:, t . Eae€nient. 5 !cer wide along aIl slie Itllee tor utlllty purpo!es. 11. Brricd powertiae along the roar lot llne of cubject Property as aho',^tn on the rn'p!:t'.'€:T.ent Lci:a:lon cer'Eif icate p:epareil by I'rilton Darr.iI whlle, job r,'o ' C9-i-,1i6. dqceS Aprii 4, 1991 . - -(:rln ! 1nr:Bd 'astz{a't Z?. lgg?{e l:3{i!'1,- F.{iiTco EAGLE ton lo.'13t{.82 ,*-rri O. tlrll fhln f.inguryt couultrtcat lclrrdulr t' Srotto I oontlauci Ordcr tro. 8S19400897-( colora{o Form 300.1 vrili b. rEErched to Mortgage.'r Potlqf rctren lscued. 'nmr ar .'* 1t:18Ff4 F ^l{@ '11tlr t)Etitt. itd! tlir lach t,srsrrr tJ 9rid d;v{t l.tri. "o* 3# val, r , co E.t l!$r.l Shrc rf Cc!,o!-do lvl'li\l:$|i. I'J l,! Fcr^nrt,6,rrr ir.tr,nei|rrarirrnirhsrn,!,,r't{tNEry ttVS TrtOgSlNg ANO NO/tCO_- l, ..€qrdltrE !c tha re:oldad .19, *fttr\lt ht rt^tt ( (ltllrtlr{trlr Itig Ca: or.Ca 'tX:l:'lt(lill tritl stl oil ti'r$!lf tlc h.rrrl:rarrrrr r.il xIr!nr1'$r\i rl*rNri' httrrrlir 5. .,r ir roy*irrt ll1vcri,rin1. rrrl ! rs!r.:i"'r nnrl?\YFrir $, riirridit!T rr{ r\frirrkn. Nrii, i.{NN r nroli{ h{N(f. Nk! *t t!* ,!r,$*. rill'1. ri,lf. :hNt($.ij|i|i|niD[|r,.'l|{lcwh:l|lt,!9tt.ltlcdrunI|.$it'i[|''$D|f'.!i|f'o|'.iol||r!|,|||!|!h|vuh'J7Jl|l|l.{l'r.rn|l.{t.rith nrr\f ,t.i.hr'.r ht rnrr.'..iriiajr,'llr ltr vl: ANI) +. (, llol.D rL,rJirl firmti!! rlto'l: h!rt.i'r$l a'st Jqrihrrl, s:rS tlt{ e}n$',.r,n.vr. r,n!' ths tt.,! !!r. ti$ir lrtir'ln.|rrr.rilnr|rralrsr.Andth..tl,|i'|r.r|..h!'t$|tf,hirhi.idr,'i|Frdh.fh$$|l|tiv(''.&|'ti9'r.!t.nllnn|t.Pi[.,|d lir.rgl||cr|lrri$rt(lt'|ill,ug.|id'hi.t(d|rlriJDJ.th:0!||lf.li|t1J|fll(c'su|:io$t[d!h|i'!'y'|'t||.{.0r-t!r||ihri'\r|r .rri,(l t I tl|! ltt,rnirrr rlrrrc sr[!sr\tl. frll t,r].L ru$. n{dier. ihr,rltd rul indrtr.|1iil,l! e't$. ||I inlrrr:llrr.t. in lr*- in l\'- iirtll{- n|rl hr. irttc ti$hr. fnrl Fr$!r onrt lqelll '|rt}irrit} $ 1arnr. lrrryrin, rclt rnd s.r.wt :fc rutl,! id rhi|rtrxt rid L.tt oi tairtr:dtl. rrl.l lhrt lh! .rrn! |/t b!! ta.| al$r fn In .:t fi:(x$r orrl orlr.r Innu. ht|rtri.'+ .llatr lirn4 tdr.. tr,irir,fisn|l. !rt!o$l{Ir!(r 9[ .ar.tri(tilrr f eluN rlf ld ll|?nrrrr. sr!r'!...ictpt lnr trrlr irtlr( rrnt]r.rrrllcn ||||t xotJd d||f rrrlurJrl,l{.s8tnuILl,tgtttlglofi!n$.ttrthnir,.ovlorn|}rnrlrhitr.ata.Frrnaausrr(lt]nr.. STATI,OF COLORA)O , tr, 9t ,$r {h,'{ t\rt I r.l,lrj$ ir .t $r Cosniy o( T3 -.-__-,...---tx)r_L^'rs.t3t5, cq0. io t. $\ N$siir x { 0rtiti.nfy {l' r ti.i i. hl'llht n$l|t'$l!rtrct. hrr lrn|$t. h.r$r:,rs!t. irlJ rnl s0n^t*rl. J t I,y ut,rrr frsrJll! .r*i Sn,r[ tr..t 'r.{||.|iq|fsy.[|l.I'lt|i'|[1ol|.|||c|nln|',g.dtrih.jatid!'r.i''Fr'lNtt.l.nxlln|!n||ot)'l.{|rllllr|{ f..':rryr,,!*rrr,witiitn0nrr!.nirt.;fray..ir|.'r.tltog.{r,l|rinl.in \Ccun!} 9l Etrl! .nJ Sl|l|$r JC,l,r,' tr !i!i(,,hcd lr f',[(nvr; \ v ll n arr^.tTt lr(ri r n trrirYorir.l t t, botr\o N;\f(\ -(\s*ss 0oo- O ) c- \I It \l G f.rt)(9 (o"^ .,- @N Ulu.) O)>_o IE-O+7a;3 r-,-r @ 5 .'-F qro =33U cif.. sFE p.- tE gdo, ,.rg=i; # E6.Af ; riqg sE;r€ fr" !eEr ;;$$ 3 li"bil; "=-B:5, E = *: i; gs [tiEe;* s$e3'-a$ ;g sfi +68 s fl I I Ee X I Est +F:d e: ntr E 9E g# hH IgE Et€ 3*E F E!=*:i: s F ii 5E-a;:f :I +ET!; EE EbF< o-- 3'P>:iit g;s: li$i;e:; q;;r;;: r EF!.gF E5:lE;9 AE; sgs;ts Est i g;:;: as; ss, o+(,o=lo3fi oFz.= E:'-F .-o-o ?b6 e35 i;trl LL i-*- P*3z. -inO., 99-e= -si ?'E. JJtL Jo tdF O tLtr E.tdO zotr O J Fz trJ kJ ov o_ @ o- ffi!; : [|l- :;; ; hl.iiEi ffi sri; g H: il€i n ON tl ilJ Otn lD!gEq Et.E s:8"3= , BIil: E tl:iE r.r ; E; EiE; EPEtr'96-o E;;ni,35 Ui 3 9€''E 5 ** ia:; l; I;:NE B; i: ;EiFi;EFE g*flgt:sEa LJFoz >c3 F- F-t-,roo) @J (L oz E. .IlTlle. Fulv't Elrl(n E. zo an UJJbJF o FoJ.ct'8ct lrle Jlrlur tn o tr)N (L F E H = l.=f^fY I F.) @ z 'oo LrlznfE. LJF=a)o l(L o Lrle (D =J ft' tr.--.lI-l I<tu.ialLdl (nl "' I I I I I I I I I , oF.zv)<r)o) =adr Ho- F()]d(n o trJ.t F g7go' fr=n o< r- (oI e6 il;std o)E N;=FF\ Oa-> zt-oz t-uJ'<=la Fr! UI =8,-zt-< '--1 ZNFE)Z6s3oz E lrJ U)t z\9'a rld.J ld+ F J /^,ro q, #-s $.* "tt,I ..i -.iti:/ TYPE I EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT WHEREAS,lhe ov/ner of certain property (\hena 'zlr t^,rtr- ("the Properry");and WHEREAS, the Owner wishes to place certain restrictions on the use of a unit or apartmsnt located on the property for the benefit of lhe Owner and the Town of Vail, Colorado ('.the TownJ. NOW,I i-IEREFORE, the Oruner does hereby impose, establish, acknowledge, declare for the benefit oi all persons who may horeinafter purchase, or lease, or hold the subject land the following restrictions, cc'/enants, and conditions, all of which shall be deemed to run with the land and inure to the benefit and be binciing upon the Owner, its respeclive grantees, succ€ssors, and assigns. 1.The Employee Housing Unit, containing ll 0D square feet, is hereby restrictod as a Type I Employee Housing Unit (EHU) which must comply llith all the provisions of Sections 1 8.57.020, 18.57.030, and | 8.57.040 of the Vail tv'lunicipal Code as amended. The Type I Employee Housing Unit shall be leased to tenants who are full+ime employees who work in Eagle County. An EHU shall not be leased for a period less than thirty conseculive days. For the purposes of this section, a full-time employee is one who works an average of thirty hours each week. A. Type I EHU rnay be sold, r,ansJerred, cr ccnvei'ed separaleli, lrcm ary single larnlly cr lwo family dwelling only if it meets the following condilions: a)h must be used by the Ovrner of lhe Type I EHU as a permanent residence. For the purpose of this paragraph, a permanent residence shall mean the home or place in which ono's habitalion is fixed and to rvhich one, whenever he or she is absant has a presenl intention ofreturning after a departure or absence therefrom regardless ol the duralion of absence. In delermining what is a permanent residenco, the Town staff shalltake the following circumslances relatirrg to the Owner of the residence into accounl: business pursuils, employment, income sources, residence for income or olherlax purposes, age, marilal stalus, residence of parents, spouse and children if any, localion of personal and real property, and motor vehicle registration. lf a Type I EHU is sold, transferred, or conveyed separately from the olher unit in a Two-Family dwelling it is a part of, then both the Type I EHU and the unit to which it is attached shall be subject to all the provisions set forlh in Section 18.57.020. 4. The Type I EHU shall not be divided into any form of timeshares, interval ownership, or fractional fee ownership as those lerms are defined in the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail. 5. No laler lhan February 1 of each year, th€ owner of each employee housing unit within the town which is conslructed following lhe effective date of this chapter shall submit two copies of a report on a form to be obtained from the Gommunity Development Department, to the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail and Chairman of the Town of Vail Housing Aulhority setting forth svidence establishing that the ernployee housing unil has been rentsd throughout lhe y€ar, the rental rate, the employer, and that each tenanl who resides within th€ employee housing unit is a full-time employee in Eagle Counry. Illliltliltilil[ ]lt]ilil ]iltlil] illllil illtlill 62E4Lo 07t?L/L997 10:35f, A132 PlazI ol 2 R 11.00 D O.OO Srre J Ftrher, Eaelc, C0 Owner") de -Trr'.1 s L. 3. b) 0c '.tll3 .JrqsrJ f rJrs og.o o oo.tl u z to z | | | r I I I I m I I rfi iii I iilflriii iff I ff ii ii iiiiii f ii iiiil |nKj\turroi*otr .^q-t --refV- :settdxe uotssruluoc ry1 psou cEepo.rJ 'S gZ 6061./19 sardr€ uolssturrloC ti{ tlqnd &eloN 'lqE!{t4 '3 euuv :seltdxe uotsstururoo.ilr.l :r{8 'tl '0t o '8 .L 'q /)r I/ l./tOttTTT- 1o Aepfrsrrqt eu.l oroleq pe6pelmoulce ser,^tueunr1sul .{uadod eql lo rau^ O aql puE llp^ lo uMol eql qloq lo lussuoc ueuum eqt,{q ldecxe pepueue Jo ,p€lputuue} ,peuopueclE ,psNea eq lou ll?qs uleiaq peuleluoc slueuealbe pue .suorlelndtls ,suorlctllsal ,suontpuoc eql 'u^^ol eql pue Jeu^ O €ql {q pecrolue eq leur slueuenoc alnculsoJ eseq;o suorsno:d eq1 'Eueluc eseql sl€eu eqs Jo €q lEql buttuttge UAepUE up opnlcut llErls pue 6^oqe quoJ les ppauc a$ slaau reseqcrnd erucedsold eql letll 6ullueuncop luerupedeq lueudolaaeg ,eunutuo3 eqt ot uonecrlddB ue lrurqns lpqs :eseqcrnd e^llcedsord €ql 'nHf 1 ed,{1 e rol peop E lo rolsrl'rl eq ot.rold s,{ep rulql .acuoptsaJ 'teuud eql lo reuf o sul {q peeluBlen6 eq ;pqs }1u1 Eursnop ee,topur3 erlr urorr e6ErE6 €ql ol ssecce 'tru;1 oursnop aa,{o|d,,3 aql pup acuaprsal fueur.rd eq} qloq r{q pereqs eq o1 sr e6ere6 e Jl .pssolcue eq lpqs nHf I odll eql ro; parrnbe.r Ourlred aq1lo luecred lgr3 .^uoqFv Eutsnog eUl ,(q paulurelap sp uollectlqnd ol lcehns eq lleqs ecuendu.locuou ut eq ol puno1 lrun E'ureJeq peprnord suolrsr,lsa, pue serlpued req10,{ue o} uorrrppp u| .acuetldu.rocuou u! eq ol peurlurelep eq ileqs ! alEr lerrpur er{r le €lqpllp^p lou sr pu' peluer lou sr lrun eql Jl 'suun elqetedu_roc Jo selEJ l'lue, sAU Jo uJnu.,ulru e;o e6eleae ue uo pesEq sq llEqs elpr l€xJPuJ sql 'u,\ oI eql lnoqono.lql se|lru€ujE pue rtrlenb .uotlpcol ,ezrs a;qejedu_roJ Io suun reqlo Jo rpnls eq1 uo paspq elp: rsweur eql eururerep 1il,r,r a.roqpy 6ursnopJ lrBn Jo umol eql 'r*n ]o u^10r eur u1 seryado:d reltuts ro1 luep,rerd solpJ larJeu €soqt ugql Ja/,iol Jo qlt/,\l tualsrsu^o a:?.. l?iuoJ I;qtuo,.u p lE lrun eqt lu€J lpqs nHf qceo Jo Jeui$o aql laEeueyil u/{ol 'uunp-.lcl l 'M qo uollerodloc ledrcrunu operoloC p ,llVA JO NMOI JUL-Ot -97 OEl . OE / ;. ,/',' ' ADDF.ESSI ZONING: FROTTT ' TOV -COM- DEV-DEPT.to,9"o4792q62 PAGEr..! r,,,,,r\. \..!.1 lllc i.,,1;.,r1,r.!l )l:ttl ;ji .i/,i,i i,). 2/73 ,I l{ f,,,,,, cn'r'r o N F o r{ r, r. AN N r N c,r ir J):,^,l noN,\, ri ,...-.r.,,r r.cot,t,\l IsstoN APPRO vr\L l;i:fflll::T:fj::fililifi;:il*:lllf:1.rj]ll::l:,fsanrr Environmciu],comn,ission Fcrspccincinfornration. ssc thc suii,rriiul' -'-"-"o "t't^vv't' ')v I'rs ''rirrnrng and [:nvironmciu]l Comnrission. Fcr spccific acccDrcd untir er, icquirc<r l"r"::::;::""1:::::::::: pii::lar appro'zalthat i' 'q".rLJ' in. appricaticn can nor bcacccDtcd untilel, icquircd inl.or:taiicn i;;il;;";;; ffi:T il;I;l"itcn ts subntittcd rr,c v21e.1.., nray also "*a * o.'rJ"i"-.T;;il;;;"t::::; rt TYPE OF Api,LICA.t-jON;tr .Additionat CRFA (2)0)O Iicd and Brcakr-trsrtr Condjrionat Usc pcrrnit q Majci- o; C M jaor Subdivisionn Rcron ingO S:grr VarianccD Variancc C Zoning Codc Anrcn.Jnrcr:c DESCR,TeTION o:r Tl{E R3QuESr: LD6.--l ' C. LOCrr.TlOi{ Ot} pROpOSAL:thLoT--1tr-sr-oc(.-..- FtLtNG D {o n LJ Antcodmcnl to .L1 Approvcd Dclclopntcnt plan rrnplo).c Housjng Unit (Typc: a ,-1lvlajor ps fl N{'no;CCj dxt-crior Atrcrarior:(lait viltagc) Major or O N,lirror CCI Extcri,.rr r\ltcration(Liodshcad) Spccial Dcvclopmcnt District N4ljor or D N,linor Anrcndmcnt to rn SDD (6eU 'gRvr EUJLDTNG NAME:n TOIYN Or VilL ^-AMg oF OV/NER(S).f^.|N',,I,]LhJC ADDRE.CS: O\YNER(S) SIGN4T'URE(S): v Project Application Proiect Name: Project Descriptioni Contact Person and Phone owner, Address and phone: W Ze l*nv* Architect. Address and Phone: Va;l (o at=g Legat Description,uot lf, ,ato"r., zon. T\t-. Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL E Statt Approval IT ALM projecll datre, i6€lazII AR6HITECT9, IN6.drawlngtllle' OgAz. ar€+fv\ gOI FELT. TY?. w, ANOI,\Ie|GESHIELD C E1'E8.VAIJ.EYAf ruDGE PER@DE iLa"{3 o\IERHANq ffiAHEATHINO ON ROOFJOSTS RE STRUCruRALPITNS AUB.FASCIA RE: STRUGTURALPIII{S EDOE FltSHlt{O(ceflnUd2' ftivTt-qlFlrlFoltil!lrel.lrrg,4@ IL FACEDARTRIU FS PLWD. SOFFTT w/SOFFITVENTA PEROODE war rr'SruO@€B-@a ]|}FP[GAL ROOtr trAVE DETA[[- N4"=n'-CD' ?,O,Ooxr211 valloolondo b165b 2'l 1 t4aln gtr eel, 9oulh E1VU t'l\ntu?n, Color ado A 1 b 45 q10.o21.q650 F)\X,821.q651 eucstions? en. Pranning r,"rr #il;r>8 I APPLICATION FOR DESTGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct requiring Design Rcvicw approval. Any project rcquiring dcsign rcvicw must rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrnrit. For spccific infonnation, sec the subnrittal rcquircntcnts for thc particular approval that is rcquestcd. The application cannot bc acceptcd until all the required inforntation is submitted. The projcct may also need to be rcviewed by thc Town Council and./or the Plzurning and Environmcntal Conrmission. Dcsign Rcview Board approval cxpircs onc year aftcr final approval unless a building pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd. A. DESC]RIPTION OF THE REQUEST: TOWNOFVAIL 'Wet i ffrl-U B. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL:LOT: I I Ex€eK: VVV FILING:n1q atea4\ l?*tvPHYSICAL ADDRESS: c. D. D. PARCEL #: ZONING: zto?YLbtzoI? WLt4frW [qeuvVuW ka. (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Ollice at 970-32{t-tt640 for parccl #) NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: PHONE: E. F,1B'f MAILINC ADDRESS:?.d. fA+t-Co PHONE: G. TYPEOFREVIEWANDFEE: Js'..['{cw Construction - $200 Constmction of a ncw building.'E Addition - $50 Includcs any addition wherc square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. E Minor Alteration - $20 Inch.rdcs nrinor changes to buildings and sitc improvcrnents, such as," icloofing, painting, window additions, landscaping. fences and retaining walli, ctc. E Conccptual Review - $0 For any application where the applicant wishes to meet with Dcsign Revicw Board to detcrminc whether or not the project gencrally complics with the design guidclines. The DRB does not vote on concephral rcvicws. DRB fccs are to be paid at the timc of submittal. Latcr, when applying lbr a building pcrnrit, pleasc identify thc accurate valuation ofthe projett. The Town ofVail witl adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. vAIL, COLORADO 81657. rt${.. ?rtW+xl -! BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chinmeys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Extcrior Lighting* * Other LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: ftlFfAl, - qTP(W|NA '.ftht4 troNE .llllcca l*u Thco. - ?xvL(h au- cLw cfi)ctp ?EQI?^J COLOR:+ (ffilJ(w\ wry@) cd-oYL-rw c ct-kv, 6\r(?+1 V\-6o, @M&frWW 't\Aqlvtl\,12 cttvccp ?-61\JF+.l v+ulti,r\l{v %(atv+ Ue*F. tr4Nf \-q,E QWcco t.rrNrg Npr/r fuiu€1u tL*{ffie4qotn@ twJVY(eaW p{a+\$tlM6 * Please specify the manufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip ** All exterior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting drdinance 18,54,050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, please indicate thi number offixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. ]de{ifV each fixture type and provide itt. t rig6t above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet ofthe lighting fixtures. ftit.rfFl, rD 6,1 /A,rv,4krrJ UTII,ITI' I,OCATION VERI FICATION This forrrr i.s to vcrily scrvicc availability and locntiorr for ncrv corrslnrcliou altl should bc uscd irr corrjunctio' rvitlr prcparirtg your trtility plarr and schcduling irrstallutiorrs. l'hc location arrtl availability ot'utilitics, rvhcthcr thcy lrc rrrain trrrnk lincs or proposc<t lincs, rnust lrc approvcd and vcrificd try thc follorving ltilitic.s for t6c accorrrpanyirrg sitc plan. Datc tl.S. Wcst Conurrrrrr icalions | -1100-922- I 9{r7 46tl-6t160 or 949-4530 Prrbl ic Scrvicc Cgrnpany 949-57ltl Cary l-lall l.loly Cross Elcctlic Assoc. 949-5892 T'cd I'lusky/John lloyd T.Cl.t. 949-5510 Floyd Sallzar Eaglc Rivcr Watcr & Sarr itation District t 476-'141t0 Fr.cd I'laslcc 4| A /'t) 7/'d'/ :oy"t- \ 'A- p..l ^\k*\.ad- b,-t 4a7-?7-------------7- 5 - st-?7 S-zt-? 7 ," *"L..n1 s^?7-qu * Plcilsc bling a sitc plarr. lloor plan, and clcvatiorrs rvlrcn obtainirrg Uppcr Eaglc Vallcy Watcr & Salitariorr signaturcs. Firc florv nccds nrust bc addr.csscrl. NOTES: l.lf thc utility vcrification fornr has signaturcs Jionr cach of thc utility conrpanics, and no comnlcllts arc trtfldc dircctly on thc fbrnr, thc Torvn will prcsunrc that tlrcrc arc no pr.oblcrns and thc dcvclopnrcut can pr occcd. lf a utility colllpany has conccms with thc proposcd constnrction, thc utility reprcscntativc shall notc dircctly orl the utilily vcrification fornr thnt thcrc is a problcnr which needs to hc rcsolvcd. Thc issuc should tlren bc dctailcd in an attachcd lcttcr to thc Towrr of Vail. Horvcvcr, plcase kccp in nrind that it is thc rcsponsibility ofthc utility conrpany and the applicant to resolve idcntificd problenrs. These verifications do not relicve thc contractor of thc responsibility to obtain a thblic WayPcrmit fronr thc Dcpartnrent of Public Works at thc Torvnof Vail. Utility locations nrust bc 2. J. gblaigcd bcfote digeing in any public right-of-way or eascnrcnt rvithin tlie Torvn or vair. a ZONE CHECK 1 ,-t A-rDatc: J0n-0. t2 r "l r Lcgal dcscriptiontl $. lg Block- Filing naarxs 1771 4wunTrnil zonc distict fl9 , proposed use ?\6 LTgp I - Gttt) totsizc lO t4(Abfu Buildable area o*nc" Bob Ze-ttlrvu.u- puonc Zonedisuict ?l? Allowed Existine rotaf GnrA 2e+_ + ffiO =fut4__ Prooosed Total Remaining t* SitcCoveragel7lo LW (30)(33) Front Sidcs Rear 20' l5' l5' Wrceral bo 3',@ Required 5 (3oo)(6oq@ 5 C' (AtnftD'l*s*tucA 3 Enclosed ProposedSlope 17 Y' 1200) Permitted Slope 17 w Yes- No Yes ,rl - No l) Percent Slope (< >30%l >2O01 " Gt' ZA'D 2) Floodplain 1,1,t 3) Wetlands il'@ 4) Water Course Setback (30) (50) A.O 5) Geologic Hazards +lop +\ab ;li\t+ a) SnowAvalanche t1D b) Rocldall M c) Debris Flow l\,o Is the propcrtynon-conforming? oereirve: l$'h(lUu-. 16 rW +fu-= 4D primary cFlre. !lA4 + (2s) (67s\- 2DZ1 + 2165 = ACfr s,g$r* IRFA lb +" + (zs) (67s+) =Jh15--+ llg6 = \g * 675 = 425 credit plus 250 addition Docs this rcquest involve a 250 Addition? VIA How much of the allowed 250 Addition is uscd with this request? W Hciebt Sctbacks Retaining Wall Heigbts Parking Garage Credit Drivcway Complies with TOV Lighting Ordinance Arc finished grades less than 2:l (507o) Environmental/Hazards Previous conditions ofapproval (check property filQ y' + lboK = ttooK W eo(nfi ^4rh*a) t-andsr;aping 00df6 Minimum /"+lq @_ wL w2- W9ftl,4*y awfuc, a,',qt lo,7o = tybl Q ttlwd, lpooryqrd DESIGN REVIEW CIIECKLIST Project: tr SI.JRVEY EI SITEPLA}.I Scale Building Hcight Encroachments Setbacks Site Coverage EaveVOverhangs (4') Decla/Balconies Garage connection Site Grade\Slope Retaining Walls Fences Parhng/Garage Tuming Radius tr FLooRPLA}IS Scalc Scale Benchmrk CRFA Legal description 250 additional GRFA Lot Size Crawl\Attic Spacc Buildable Area EHU Easemeirb Topography 100 yr. flood plain Water Course Setback Environmental Hazards Trees Utility locations Spot elwations O BUTLDD.IGELEVAIoNS Scale ColmWatsrials Roof Pitch tr LANDSCAPEPLAI.{ Existing tees hoposed trees Iag€ad MISCELLANEOUS CondoApproval Titlerepot(A & B) Utility vetifi cdion fonn Photos ofsite Building material samples C.O. Verification Sun\Shade Anglcs Utilities (underground) View Corridors Variances Plat restrictions Driveway (access and grade) Snow Stoage Fire Access TRAN9MITTAL ALM AR6HITECT9-tN6. Tuw..tr FAX tr PosrAL I HANDpELIvERY o6.15.q1 9eglmert, of @mnt'.illg t2eycao?menl, T own of Y aia Datr: Oom?anul Attentlon: F?o'ln: ?roJeol,Zeltman / Johnedoller R,esidenoe 1 11 q glerra Trail, Vail Oomnenlgz Hl Lauren, Arlached gou urill flndlhe slamped lopographlc eurye1,u?daled olle plan,rool ?lan and slruclural detall' gou r4uecte4|n gour lelle? dated June 12, 1qq1. To lhe elle plan I have addedlop/boLLom of relalning wall eleyallons,2' of payere lo lhe eagl side ol the drlvewagand?educed the entru roof overhangbg 1.5 feet. Ae ehould haye the slope stabllllg eludtJ re?ort amended bU E.o. ohuroh bg nedneeaag's meellng. Oallme lf lhave mleeedanJlhlng, Thankg abunohl-auren, &L-= Brent Alm C.ontcnls: @?!ra F[c' T o?ogr a?hlc 5urye$, gllle plan, R.oof ?lan, }Al.all delallg B&Td,trl€rn f /zellman/o6.15.q1 It Ar.fi AnoflKrs,nc.ll Eflfir^ul,^U\ ,7o,$n.%n f,\L627.%rl F.9. B9xt2tl v LC9t_gMln 86t6 [-t1r[-: balm@colorado.net tsrent Alm KRI'I CONSULTANTS, I NC. 6+rEE rO. 978949L577 P.A2 KRit coNsuLTANTS, tNC. P.O. Bor 4572 YAIL, COTORADO Er65E tgto 9{9.,93e1 EU (9t0) 94*t577 c^tcut tED sY keM 9l "^* -(^/ t3/ 41 C'{ECKEO EY t/2" = l\o z i EACH CoUFSE NOTEg: BoULDEBS ARe To Be lrb to ,flo tru DlMENgloN. ?LAaF- bouLDEPg so rHEY tN?EPt-ck Bdfl{ vee?tcALLY AND HoEleoHlALLY. DIMENgIOI.JS SHONN AEE" AFFCO*IMATE HO PE/-^TE TA I'iA'(IMUM PETAINED E1915 CONDTT'AN, l, 2. 3, Fo3 NOTE' gTALE^ EOVUOEe.9 CONCUPEENTLY IrJ ITH COMF'A4TION OF rig NULAZ B.iCYFiLL FER9atL9 EN<'NEER_. 7He 4. VEETFY gUITABTLITY OF IACI.FILL MATEIIAL NITH SOIL? ENqINEEE, g ;ss-.,;Ti;l,,iJ co--o(tty Development Plan noutilf Form Greg Hall, Public WorksW Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Lauren Waterton Community Development June 9, 1997 June 12, 1997 (THLJRSDAY) 1779 Siena Trail Lot 18, Vail Village West Filing I New Single Family with EHU 2nd submittal Project Description: Approved X Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditions Z . g\?A,re st)bmtr tt€ Etr\) ct\r€r\ &to,rf €cccn \otJc erAicreg- fo fte f.rrds_Cr]]]9 vrew bek:re gRB . tollulql. 3. von-l are Ero..ricq cc' us\\5 \\s€vbc*-f - 3' ts tr€ rno$(i C.e €cst CarRn to q$o\t .Rlr (ol . IF€, EO. (.tsrrcrlr 6gpo{' rr \r\dr o€ o,s(o{o|Y Fcc t\e DR'6 cr.ayf! Lo'q-q1 a<lrq"€A \p - l\ -q-1 f;\eN,eryonevauren\.outrorm co*rnu?ty Development Plan RoutiQ uor- Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Partch, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Mike McGee, Fire Works Rctum To:Laurcn Waterton, Community Developmcnt Date Routed:5t28t97 Rcturn By:6t4/97 Project Namc:Zeltman Project Address:l779 Siena Tral Project Legal:Lot 18, Vail Village West, Filing I Projcct Description:New Singlc Family with Typc l. EHU Approved X Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditions v t/ ,r\l .i.,.l\ \/r. ,. r.j ,,f., 't '\' '1 I +-.,- J. Retxrg r(^\x: .sr-- 3-.,{el lbf}:d <'rd '.tcrsgJ 4lff , ka-rv I t-\r!€ ptm f:.L (^<e r;t4\mp a tou{-,v-icr u$\ (.\aJ&\ Cr-r' ,.-iv;nr'-'irr-tr rc .it\e -\i-Nq , arnd tfer, d.f O.W 1ot^- <r-ro\t5 rx'r \cx;. .l\Yc. p\o{r to rr:rt f,Ji-r{\ \o \\.c. &roi\ - ! ilrilr F r\-z.l neor- \rl sner.t tt€ he- Cea\., {{Crnarlv5 $,J..-, . Sfs nr'r, a Cer,-trf ,-JFc\-e \-a' (.'cr.\[5 ai \.{'\b ?'r.rCf"r;<rll'i {o rr hrC'.- r zcr-, fCf icrl Uc<y- \,J\ k\'-\ .-{ ?'1 bcr-cfl i(\ bLll\,Ueaa'\ . ;\l *r o\\b 3.-rcf 4l .co.: 'A rg-.\ to \tre',to{r1okj.-\,c.,.1*o9. -I atrr n'-F t-rrnfu66515 op{xt.t\\-\c\ v'r-}\\'r ($\V\ c} q{c(atrfter \h{rr1 1. \ r <-'iut't}: E.) Tv t6x9 irY4 tiro-e 6re i-\ev\ m:er, pcl n necl lar tt€ ccn Lcr c.F g-s. <)crver*;J . IFco, trct*a )(eEt \oY.er lgre wrrtr tna rwn^hq .acl td' ( c. rc \.i1e .,i\t t-a( (114ro.Ae t-0.) Ttr .nl ou\ufcr i.dt\a c[ \€ dttrc\n({: (,.,(1],r*:ri.r tr-; tr, ,t '. ({ 5}r-w.r,>r'Fv: oldO r', l'r' ?. T€ p.rst #?''-.-^ .,.. ,Fct-L- drr)c ha5 Po& |ott ,,r le"< - Prry.tg.\\ te (i,.r6t Pldn is st aP Ja/a,. e ) fte I <*,fx [6,a tt r nV-r{ calr, 2111y gJ{fK p.--' o, ln' lrvc 1ar c1}|,.\e. - fuphair, -'hcu'd bc-. aCcl€rl c!\ rfErE#'coiF ride(f tYedrve'No1 (rc ra"lr,ru1 nior-r) -Asphr-,r t-Lan De rerr,titrj c. qg !:{j!r 65rde,, Terri u. Favtt-r-.' t-arr1 ?ardee reuelal ' tlzblal re.l,awcr,0 ul -31 ql )F t-L,zZlra cqrsr-'. 6ng,4 tteea.4+nc<st t$) +o .-e(tlt'{ Date rcceived: thn\- {fe &vciconlcnl- wll tlo{'rnc.rea5o Kevlewed by: H& haZ?AA Io'atar yas, psjl-.] and Date reviewed: rL bL, r ldr,l45 , C'.e\eryonc\laurcn\ routfotm ba 74' flan,,4' , I,J r \Nlskw, et\"ftz,r YJ: ^t(\,"^.1ffi ltucltxes , 6u ur lq s& ,+tu:htD TOWN OF VAIL D e pa r t me nt of Cotnmunity D eve lopme nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 June 4, 1997 Brent Alm Alm Architects PO Box 5211 Vail, CO81658 RE: 1779 Sierra Trail/Lot 18, Vail Village West' Filing 1 Dear Brent: The Town of Vail staff has reviewed your application lcr Design Review Board approval for a new singte tamity residence with an f HU, tocatdd al 1779 Sierra Trail, and has the follouring commenls: Planning/zoning issues 1 . The proposed stairway to access both units does not comply with lhe Town ol Vail's empioyie Houstnl Uriit requirements. Section 18.57.020K of the Vail Municipal Code staies ihat .eacn EHU shali have its own entrance. There shall be not interior access from any EHU ro any dwelling unit it may be attached to." You will need to submit revised plans that show a s6parate aicess to the EHU that does not connect into the common stairway. 2. I have calculated the proposed site coverage for the property.and have found it to be over the allowable requirement by 45 square feet. Please revised plans to reduce the amount of site coverage to within the allowable limit. g. The site plan shows that a portion of the entry is located within the front setback area. While you are permitted to iocate the garage in the front setback (due to the steepness of the sit6), you are not permitted t0 located any GRFA within th.e front setback without a variance. Please reuise yout plans to show ihat no GRFA is located within the front setback area. 4. Please provide addressed and stamped envelopes for.adiacent.properties.so that we may send ndtice regarding the proposed eHU. t have received the list ol the adjacent properties, troiever,"we abo iequire that you provide the envelopes for the mailing' 5. The topographic survey for this property needs to be signed and stamped by the surveyor. {g ""'"uo'^"* Public Works issues .l . The proposed driveway does not meel our driveway requirements. , The first ten feet of tne driv|way must be 6t an St"grade or less. Your plan shows eight teet at 3%. Additionally, the second sectionbf the driveway exceeds 12"/. (it-is aI 12.5"/"). Finally' the minimum curb cut lor a driveway is 16 feet (your plan shows 'l 5 feet)' 2. The 20' centerline radius for the two-car garage does not work as proposed. Asphalt should be added to the on the east side of the driveway entrance (see attached). 3. The proposed trees in the driveway area interlere with the turning radius for the one-car garabe.' They may need to be removed in order to provide adequate turning for the garage. 4. All retaining walls less than four feet in height, must be laid back at a 1 :1, meaning that a four-foot hi6h vertical wall must be at leastlour feet wide. All retaining walls greater than four feet inireight must be stamped by an engineer. Please provide an engineer's detail on the proposet walls and revise the site plan to reflect the engineer's requirements. S. The slope stability report, completed by E.O. Church, Inc, must be amended to state that the devblopment:'wili not increase the hazard to other property or structures, or to public buildings, iights-otway, roads, slreets, easements, utilities or facilities or other properties ol any kind" (Section 18.69.0528). The above issues must be addressed and revisions submitted to our office by noon, Monday June 9, 1997, in order lo stay on the agenda for the June 'l8th DRB meeting. Should you have any questions regarding these comments, do not hesitate to call me al479-2454. Sincerely, h^rt!* Ahr!"r1v,- Lauren Waterton Town Planner TRAN9MITTAL ALM AR6HITE..,T9 tNc. Tgw'. Date:. C.ornpat$. Attentlon: From'. ?rojecl' Oqnmenl,Ez Lauren, Oant'€.ntE: Caqbz Flle, r'llem 3z llem4z lLem 5: Drawlnge (? eetg) ?r operta owne? e env elopeg F,obZflltrmn T/Zellman/O6.Oq.q1 tr FAX ! ?aaTAL I HANP PELIVERY o6.oq.q1 De?E/rlmenl of c.unmurft4 Dev elo?rrcnt, T own of v ail Latrennalerlon Brent Alm zelt man / Johngdoller ?eelAence 1 11 q gierra Trall, Vall Allached gou fill find lhree selg of drawlngo for the Zeltman / Johnedoller r esidenoe. Ae have addregsed / are addregslng lhe plannlng / zoning and Vubllo worhs oommentg from Uour June 4leller as followg' Planning/ zonlng lseuee,l y' lt" 1'ne have redeeigned the entrg lo lhe EHU ueing healed on grade acceee sleps on Lhe Eael slde of the residence. 9ee slght and floor plane. I haste calculatea lhe sll,e coverage (bg compuler) to be 1 6oa ef . ne can cut o" off lne elruolureif we needlo,lhoughlttodafike Uou lo revlew mg calculal,lorc lo see if I have mlssed or added anJ area. aee mg efte ooye?age calculalion on lhe sheel A-2 ?roYlded. f tith the redeelgn of ihe EHU enlrg,wehave changedlhe acceeg sLalr s lo the main houee lo be " open' and "unhealed". The enlrg door wall hae been ellmlnaled. Ae oan dlscuee furlher deel1n changea if neoeeearg. glanped envelopee are allached. A stam?ed copg of the lopographio eu?yel ie being obl,ained from lhe eurveyor. I ulll have ll to gou bg lhe end of lhe weeK. llem 2. Oonl. on page 2 I I AU1 Ancmcrs.rrf,.TI BFIilTfl.N,M Tto&Tt36'0 It0cE27.%rl r.9. E9X'2I v L c9t?MD9 86tE [*1/r[_: balm@colorado.net TRAN9MITTAL ALM ARCHITEC.Tg.tNc. Publlonorke liem 1: llem 2: Item ?t Item 4, Iten 5: l99UA9t The grading of lhe drlvewa1hasbeen chanqealo O96 for the first len f eel and lhe curb cul has been increaged lo 'l 6+ f eeL DrlyewatJ has been adae^ lo lhe Easl gide ol the curb cul lo meet the 20' ?adus ?equlremenL. The drivewag wlll be healed paYerg. The Lreeg at lhe entrg have been pulled oloEer lo lhe Elructure and reAuoed. The a?plloant would like t o ret aln eome yegelallon ln lhis localion d,rc lo Deelgn Revieu, comment$ r4ueellng a "soflening' of lhe enbrg eleyallon. The exLreme slle condlllone re4ulre relaining walle lo be bulll. al a slope of greaLer than 1 : 1 and four feet ln helghL All retalnlng wallg will designedbg a licenEed el,ruolural enelneer and will be pour ed oonor eLe walle or b oulder s al a 2. 1 elope. pelalle wlll b e pr otlde d when w e gr.lDmll f or a building per mlt Glong wllh all olher sLruclurallnformatloil. Oan lhis be a oondillon of a??roval? E.o. ohu?ohlg ouL of toun until ttondatJ June 1 6th. Ae urill have him amendhle reporl ao requeeledwhenhe returng. ?lease lei me knou lF gou eee angt-hln1 we are miseing or of angllems lhal need lo be addregeed furlher. Brenl Alm TRAN9MITTAL ALM ARCHITE6T9, INC. FAX ?OgfAL HANPPEUVERY P.tLct @rglary: ABtatlan: Ftorl; froJaots Cnmrprlll lI flfl ,\n(ltlKfl,ff. IlEmflrfln^|^ ,70lin:xn r xEz7.%tl P9.Bgxt2l v^r-$t9MD0 a6rE tr tr tr ALflNT w)vY @nbnLoz(4llb. FUe (*ow vw d^tvre? - Isr w. nn'+ lntu c a bVt% YJWrf, b. Vh?F %q %. t\TTLETa-I co w lLa b0w lq+++ e#r Hav*t Dv, kvwv-t+co oool Tt'l'duutP 1"i{-g.r.uz 41lt wstw-b, @ pr<gu) r.7t,,,e L&AlJ^/Cr Ol+/U"t FTNUAI/f *^lt. t{art n+ f.otuwr \a.rc , K!NN. ?@?,q @w Jorll.larN,JwYfr Ywv \A'W 't\ef+A- tFAru 4tt W qPga64 otT- vpr^\v 9IUqT fxavtAalF l1U0 qr {Ykrv |,1rpo el*+* tPt le Vatu co t2lltw [a,rt U $Wt SOIL AI{D FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 18, VAIL VILL\GE WEST TILING NO. T TOWN OF VAIL EAGLE COUNTY, COIORADO PROJECT NO. 9718 APRrL 30, 1997 PREPARED FOR: MR BOB ZELTMAN P.O. BOX337 vArL, co E165E P.O. Box 1452, Avon, Colorado 81620 o Y'6;;I';ti o*t^.il*=: (970) 827-9088Te1 . (970; 827-N89Fx TABLEOTCONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMIY{ARY SCOPE OF STUDY SITEDESCRIPTION PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION FIELD II'MSTIGATION SUBSTJRFACE SOIL AND GROIJNDWATER CONDITIONS FOIJNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS CONSTRUCTION PRECAUTIONS SLAB CONSTRUCTION RETAININGWALLS UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM SITE GRADING AND DRAINAGE Lq,WNIRRIGATION LIMITATION FIGUNES LOCATIONSKETCH SUBSI'RFACE DCLORATION LOGS SWELL.CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS GRTAJN-SI7F DISTRIBUTION PERIMETERDRAIN WALLDMIN 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 DRAWINGNO.I FIGURENO's I &2 FIGURENOt 3&4 FIGURENO.'s 5 & 6 FIGIJRENO,7 FIGTJRENO. s LKP Engineering,Inc. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY fd" 1:Y-Y S, Wo.d/ l. The proposed residence should be supported with conventional type spread footings, designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 1500 psf The footings should be constructed on the undisturbed clayey-gravelly Sand. See foundation recommendations for restrictions. 2. Lot 18 is within a Geologically Sensitive fue4 classified as 4G - Potentially unstable slopes in active groundwater areas, as shown on the Geologic Hazards Map, Figure 3, prepared by Lincoln DeVore Engineers Geologist, dated August 16, 1982. The above Map is one of the three Official Maps of the Town of Vail, identifring areas of geologic sensitivity' Geologic hazards evaluation is outside of our scope of services. They are being evaluated by E.O. Churclq Inc., Engineers and Geologist. SCOPE OF STUDY This report presents the results ofa subsurface Soil and Foundation Investigation for a proposed residence to be constructed on Lot 18, Vail Village West Filing No. 1, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of the subsurface soil and foundation investigation was to determine the engineering characteristics of the foundation soil and to provide recommendations for the foundation desigrr" grading and drainage. Geologic hazards are addressed in a report prepared by E.O. Church Engineering, Geological Consultants. SITE DESCRIPTION Lot l8 is at 1779 Sierra Trail in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. The lot is on a north facing, steep hill, on the north side ofSierra Trail. The topography ofthe building site is steep. From the road down to the lot, the first 25 feet, the slope is 70 percent. From there to the back of LKP Engineering, Inc. 3 the lot, it is about 33perecnt. Elevation difference between the southeast and the northwest corners of the lot is 48 feet. Drainage is to the northwest. The vegetation consisted of aspen trees. Many fallen and decaying, aspen trees, covered the lot. A culvert under Sierra Trail, near the southeast comer of the lot, was discharging onto the lot. The west part of the lot, and the area sunounding the drainage swale, from the culvert to the northwest corner of the lol was very wet and soft. It appears that the water from the swale goes underground, just before it reaches the north lot line. They had just started construction on Lot 17 to the west. [n the foundation excavation on Lot J7, they had encountered ground water and had stopped construction to redesign the foundation. In the south excavation wall, on Lot 17, at Sierra Trail, the old topsoil layer was visible. It shows that fill has been placed over ldts l7 and 18 for the road construction of Siena Trail. Lot 19, to the east has a residence on it, while Lot 18 and the lots to the north are vacant. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION It is assumed that the proposed residence will consist of a two-story, wood tame construction. Plans were not available at this time. Loads are anticipated to be light, typical of residential construction. If the finalized plans difer significantly from the above understanding we should be notified to reevaluate the recommendations ofthis report. F'IELD IIi{VESTIGATION The field investigation conducted on April 26,1997, consisted of drilling logging and sampling two test borings. Access for drilling was gained over Lot 14, from Alpine Drive. Due to the steepness ofthe lot and the trees, only certain areas could be reached for drilling. The test boring locations are shown on Figure No. l. The dri[ing of the test borings was done with a 4-inch diameter continuous flight power-auger on a track rig. Soit samples for laboratory soil analysis and observation were taken at selected intervdls. Samples were extracted by advancing *Califomia" and a Standard Split Spoon Samplers with a 140- pound hammer, falting 30 inches. Summary of the soil profiles, values ofthe Standard Penetration LKP Engineering, [nc. Resistance, and deprhs at which soil samples were taken are shown on the Subsurface Exploration Logs, Figure No's one and two. SUBSURFACE SOIL AND GROUNDWATER CONDITION As shown on the Subsurface SoilExploration Logs, Figure No's one and two, the soil encountered was faidy uniform. In Boring No. I the soil profile consisted of 4 feet o{Topsoil over 5 feet ofgravelly-sandy CIay. At 9 feet ground water was encountered. From 9 feet to about 29 feet, was very soft and wet, clayey Sand with occasional gravel. From 29 feet to the maximum depth explored of 50 feet, the soil profile consisted of interbedded layers of firm, clayey-gravelly sand with cobbles and boulders and soft, clayey sand. At 50 feet practical drill rig refusal was encountered on a large boulder. Boring No. 2 had 2 feet of Topsoil over 3 feet of clayey-sandy Gravel. From 5 feet to 25 feetthe soil profile consisted of medium, clayepgravelly Sand. Ground Water was not encountered in Boring No. 2. Soil samples taken from the test borings were tested for swelVconsolidation, natural moisture content, unit weight and grain size distribution. The test results are ihown on Figure No's three to six. Review of the Official Town Maps for the Town of Vail, shows Lot l8 as a Geologically Sensitive Area. Figure No. 3, Geologic Hazard Map by Lincoln DeVore, dated 8-16-82, paxt of the Official Maps of the Town of Vail, shows Lot 18 within hazard classification number 4G, Potentially Unstable Slopes in Active Ground water Areas. Our field investigation confirmed this classification. The geologic hazards will be analyzed by E.O. Church Engineering Geologic Consultants. FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS The proposed development oflot 18, and Lot 17, should take into consideration the impact on Lot 14, below. Proposed development on the site should be done with very little disturbance. Marimrsrcltr should be kcpt below eight feet. Detailed drainage systenl designed specifically for the proposed residence is critical. As a minimurq there should be d foundation perimeter drait behind eve,ry step ofthe foundation. On the south foundation wall a wall drain connected to tht perimeter drain should be constructed, to intercept fluctuating ground water or zurface seepego. LKP Engineering, Inc. 5 Daylight locations of the foundation drains should be carefully planned not to affect the lots below. Wth the above considerations in mind, the proposed residence should be supported with conventional type spread footings designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 1500 psf The footings should be constructed on the undisturbed clayey-gravelly Sand. We recommend minimum width of 16 inches for the continuous footings and 2 feet for the isolated footing pads. Continuous foundation walls should be reinforced top and bottom to span an unsupported length ofat least l0 feet. A minimum of 48 inches of bacldll cover is recommended for frost protection of the footing subsoils. The undersigned engineer should observe the foundation excavation to veri$ that the soil conditions are uniform throughout the foundation exoavation. The foundation excavation should be free from excavation spoils, frost, organics and standing water. Any overexcavation within the proposed foundation" should be backfilled, in 8 inches toose level lifts and compacted to 100% of the maximum dry density and within 2 percent of the optimum moisture content as determined in a laboratory from a Standard Proctor test (ASTM D- 698). Structural fitl placed under footings should be tested by the engineer or her representatives on regular basis. CONSTRUCTION PRECAUTIONS Ground water or water from springs encountered during excavatiorq should be channeled oul ofthe excavation right away. Due to the steepness ofthe site, and to prevent accidents and damage to pioperties below, every construction step should be planned. An access road will be necessary for the construction on this site. The access road should not block drainage. Fence barriers, to catch soil or rocks rolling down the hillside, should be constructed in place before excavation for the access road begins. A fill cannot be placed directly on steep slopes. The site slrolld be benctred ftst. All foundation worh and site preparatioq should be done in a dry seasoo LKP Engineering,Inc. SLAB CONSTRUCTION The natural on-site soils, exclusive oftopsoil and organics, are suitable to support lightly toa&d slab-on-grade construction. The subgrade for the slab-on-grade construction should be proof compacted to detect and remove soft spots. They should bacldll overexcavated soft spots and other underslab fill with the on-site soil, free from topsoil and organics, or other suitable material, compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum standard Proctor densrty (ASTM D-69S). Suitable material should be free from topsoil, organics and rock fragments greater than 3 inches. They shoutd construct the concrete slab over a 4-inch layer ofclean gravel consisting of'314 inch gravel with at least 50% retained on the No. 4 sieve and less than 3 percent passing the No. 200 sieve. They should reinforce the concrete slab-on-grade and score controljoints according to the American Concrete Institute requirements and per the recommendations of the designer to reduce damage due to shrinkage. The concrete slab should be separated from the foundation walls and columns with expansionjoints to allow for independent movement without causing damage. Ifthe concrete slab on grade is very close to the ground water elevation, underslab drains will be necessary. RETAININGWALLS Foundation walls retaining earth and retaining structures that are laterally supported should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid density of70 pcffor an "at-rest" condition. Laterally unrestrained structures retaining the on-site earth should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid density of50 pcf forthe "active" case. The above design recommendations assume drained bacldll conditions and a horizontal backfill surface. Surcharge loading due to adjacent structures, traffic loading on the road abovg weight oftemporary stored construction materials and equipment, inclined backfill, and hydrostatio pressure due to undrained backfill should be incorporated in the design. Every attempt should be made to prevent the buildup of hydrostatic pressure behind retaining walls. IXPEngineering, Inc. o T'NDERDRAIN SYSTEM To reduce the risk of surface water infiltrating the foundation subsoil, installation of a foundation perimeter drain (see Figure No. 7) is recommended. The foundation perimeter drain should consist ofa 4-inch diameter, perfo:?ted pipe. Slope the pipe to a suitable gravity outlet, at a l/4 inch per foot if flexible or at a l/8 of an inch if rigid pipe is used. The drain pipe should be placed at least 12 inches below the top of slab and covered \virth}4 inches of -3l4 inch fiee-draining granular material. Geotextile (Mimfi l40N or equivalent) should be used to cover the free-draining gravel to prevent siltation and ctogging of the drain. The bacldll above the drain should be granular material to within 2 feet ofthe ground surface to prevent a buildup ofhydrostatic pressure. In addition a wall drain as shown on Figure No. 8, is also recommended. SITE GRADING AND DRAINAGE A grading plan was not available for review at this time. The following recommendatioo, ,r" general in nature. The site surrounding the building structure should slope away from the building in all directions. A minimum of 12 inches in the first l0 feet is recommended in unpaved af,eas, and three inches in the first l0 feet in paved areas. The top ofthe granular foundation backfill should be covered with a minimum of I foot of relatively impervious fill to reduce the potential of surface water infiltrating the foundation subsoils. Surface water naturally draining toward the.proposed building site should be diverted around and away from it by means of drainage swales or other approved methods. The roof drains and downspouts should extend and discharge beyond tlte limits of the backfill. LAWN IRRIGATION Sprinkler system is not recommended for this site. Eroslon control and revegetation should be canied out to protect the stability ofthe steep slope. LKP Engineering lnc. LIMITATION This report has been prepared according to locally accepted professional Geotechnical engineering standards for similar methods of testing and soil conditions at this time. There is no other warranty either expressed or implied.. The findings and recommendations ofthis report are based on field exploration, laboratory testing of samples obtained at the specific locations shown on the Location Sketch Figure No. I and on assumptions stated in the report. Soil conditions at other locations may vary, which may not become evident until the foundation excavation is completed. If soil or water conditions seem different from those described in this report we should be contacted immediately to reevaluate ihe recommendations of this report. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Mr. Bob Zeltmaru for the specific application to the construction of a proposed residence on Lot 18, Vail Village West Filing No. l, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. Sincerely, LKP ENGINEERIN LKP Engineering Inc. LOT 14 STREEI AODRESS 1779 Si.no l oil Voil. CO 01557 :-:= SITE PLAN BY ALM BORINGS LOCATED ?NAIL (50' now ARCHITECTS, BY PACING -,"=40' 9718 04-29-97 LOCATION SKETCH clvtL/GEoTEcHNtcAL Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 1452 Avon, CO 81620trl (970) 827-9088 fox (970) 827-9089 LOf 18, VAIL VILLAGE I]ESI FILIN, NO. I fowN oF vAtL TAGLE COUNTY. COLORADO PREPARED FOR: I[R. BOB ZELTMAN NOTE: - I I.ABORATORY TESTRESI.JLTS DESCRIPTION OF I,IATERIAL AI.TD SAI,IPLE LOCATION .-t -t0 - t5 -- 20 *25 -30 .-35 -40 .lF45 -50 -5t -60 , gravelly-sandy ClaY DF109.5 pcf MC= 19.4 % r Sandy Clay to clayey y at 17 feet /tz T6/12 , cobbles and boulders yey Sand, soft gravel with cobbles and at 50 feet LKP ENGINEERING,INC.SUB SIIRTACE EXPLORATION LOG DATEDRTuTD: lprir ? fgSZ EITVAT1ON: BORINGNO. 1o REN{ARKS on a roclc at9 fe, thered, aandst' fragre.nt in drlne sanple hard drillin PRoJEcrNo. 9718 FIGTJRENO DATE DRIUJD:APTil ELEVATTON: ,),n ,BoRTNG No. z O DEPTII FEET Bt3W8 PER F,I. s Y M a o L DESCRIPTION OF II{ATERIAL A}ID SAMPLELOCATION I.ABORATORY TESTRESULTS RE\{ARKS -5 -10 -t5 _20 -25 -30 -35 !Topsoil ple on a roclc, thered sandetonr 6/L2 it ..i) Brovn, clayey-sandy Gravel -200--25.7 % MC=16.0 % LO/12 LO/12 24/12 14/12 f 3 f - Brovn vith blacikr clayey- graveUy Sand, loose less gravel r cpElls€ DD-108.6 r.G 15.6 DF103.0 MC= 14.5 pcf % pcf % -200=35.9 l.C= I4.3tr Bottcm of Boring No Ground Water Dncorrntered LEGEND: tr z-indr O.D. Cdifornir Lincr Srtnple (relarivcty unditoutod ramptc) I l-3/8-imh I.D. Split Spooo Srnplc (distuttd urylc) 24112 Driv! slrnplc btow courf lndicstc. Out 24 blour ofr l4Gpound hrnund fruittg 30 ind|6 w€8. rc4uircd to &ivc thc Catifcnia or tho Spli! Spoon SlrnPla 12 inch.8' DD . Nrtuml Dry Darity (pcf) MC . Nrtural Moisnrc Coalat (%) .2(X) - Pcrcqt plr3irB No. 20O rilvo LL - l,iquid Linit PI - Plasticity t".Lx LKP ENGINEERTNG, rNC. I SUBSURFACE DpLORATTON LOG PRoJEcrNo. g7la FTGTJRENO. 2 LKP Engineering,Inc. Swell - Consolidotlon Test Resutls ProJcctNo FlgurcNo 97t8 3 +6 Et4acccfr+2 So -2c .9 9e-4 Eo(J co €o C\ u, -o c0 a eco() -6 -8 +6 +4 +2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 toI APPLIED PREsgtr8!- -l!l sompt. of Clayey-gravelly Sand Nolurol Dt, Unil Weight ' 109'5 Nofurol Moirlurc Conlcnl = 19'4 frorn Boring No. pcf parcrnl I I 1 I 1 I t.o lo - lo0 APPLTED PRESSURE - hrf 0.1 somgte of Clayey{ravelly Sand lrorn Boring }'Io' 2 dt 9 feet Nqluro! Dry Unlt Wrlght: 108.6 pcf Nqturol l'lolrturc Coolrnt = 15.6 grrcrnl LKP Engineering' Inc.ProJect No. FlgurcNo 9718 4 cIac(' CL:atrl 9- '€ o c e Eo(J .*4 .9 Coc li ?1 *0 Eo I c E0(, +6 +4 +2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -2 -4 -6 -8 +6 APPLIEO PRESSURE . KTf somplc ofClaYeY Sand Nolutql Dry Unll tYcight = Nolurol Moisl ura Conlcol : trom eoring No. 2 at 14 feet 103.0 pcf 14.5 perccnt 1 1 1 I 1 I o.1 t.o to APPLIED PRESSURE - hTf lo0 Somph ot l{ol uro I Dry Unlt Nolurdl Molrluro Wrlghl r Conlanl 3 from Pct pcrcrnl Swell - Consolidollon Test Results ct3933R3t9 Percent coarser uY u.tgntO 83H Percent Flner bY llelght rocto o o o oooGl oo.o or 4Jo o)q{ sf +)t! ol oz 4Cn ula!F.e !J!6|.dECt FI uilNl ; rUg lr- Fl(u r! tao xEc IEo I >.rlr, ocol >t.l O<. 1 F{dl () I€ C' oct ot\ uroc rt)t!coo =<t==o av, l4J 9J a\,1 tt, to o.e<t o =oF(Dvt ro 3<f ;t dl.al: al |ltt-gt lrJ -$(J =<t at = (jt = = ._a raJE.\Jo 14, UJ oG(O =F :) GRAIN SIZE DISTRTFTIS{IfiP EIGINEERITG, INC.Project No. g7lg !t v SLOPE AWAY FROM EUILDING COVER BACKFLLL WTH ONE FOOT OF RELATIVELY lMPTRWOUS SOIL FILTER FABRIC (M/RAF| t4oN oR EOUTVALENT) ,/< "1< 'r/X l\' ./,/ COARSE GRAVFL, 3,/4 INCH OIAT'1. WITH L'SS THAN 5Z FlNES 4-/NCH DIAMETER PERFORATED PIPE SLOPED TO A SUlTABLE OUTLTT AT I,/4'' PER FOOT FOR FLEXIBLE AND AT I,/8'' PFR FOOT FOR RIG|D PIPE GRAVEL THCKNESS SHOULD BE AT LEAST 8 INCHES AND SHOULD lNCREASE lF HEAWER SEEPAGE lS ANNCIPATED ! --l-J"s D -R ^\ 'D\) t\,DX !! t | -...'-'^ ''.r UU I IIVb GRANULAR FlLL CIVIL/GEOTECHNICAL Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 1452 Avon. CO 81620 tel (970) 827-9088 lox (970) 827-9089 PERIMETEN DRAIN 9718 LOf IE, VAIL WLLAGE 'YEsf FILING NO, I fOM,l OF VA|L FAGLE COUN|Y CUORAOO PREPARED FOR: MR. BOB ZELTMAN scALE: Nrs '=7=- U'I_JU_J/,dE6; ? o Percent Coarser bY Het th ooorl1 <t Ft Percent Finer by tle t ght +t El+{ |n$l +t|! ({ oz u|c l{I TI dl;o5 tr,lF UJEo 6 6q tlto >lA r-{o oIrql I*rbcl blYrl Fl ari I c)i; |tt OIol o e ral o o o.N ro o (o to ir ol*l :q, dLct LI L' =st = <5 = =lr,o- (\lo UJ lrl cld.ro o = tll = lrl ==- lrl u, od ct= F = Proiect No. ct (J Lo GRAIN SIre DISIRIH}TICII.,KP EIGINEERITG, INC. Figure No. COVER BACKFILL WTH ONE FOO| OF RELATIVELY IMPERWOUS SOIL 12" pRop rru 'S;ffg!1o rr,FLOOR SYSTEM FLOOR SYSTEM (<//<//.<//< /MPERWOUS MOISTURE BARRIER GLUEO TO THF - FOUNDATION WALL 4-INCH DIAMET.R PERFORA TEO PlPE SLOPED TO A SUITAELE OUTLET AT I//4" PER FOOT FOR FLEXIBLE ANO AT t/8" PER rOOr FOR RtGtD PlPE FABRIC OVERLAP GRANULAR FILL /\., ))MPACTED TO 90% OF THE 1/\\ MAX\MTJM DRY DENstrY 2/\ Kef\,/ftz#rT>\<g'.,'/./(AV >X >\ t' FILTER FABRIC J//4-\NCH DtAt't., Wt lH CIVIL/GEOTECHNICAL Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 1452 Avon. CO 61620 ret (970) 827-90E8 fox (970) 827-9089 LOT 18, VAIL VILLACE W€Sf FILINC NO, lOM,t OF vAtL EAGLE COUN|Y COLORADO PREPAREO FOR: MR. BOB ZELTMAN 04- J0- I7 o EO- CHURCIf, ENGINEERS A Broadcasling to l0 lrrations and simplc polling ff{c. GEOLOGISTS X.y I EoD 6 P.O.vrll, Sub Dcrr Porcdof ro the g trorlsqc prddtrtrnsl oIvril t'helot. anat €DtCrtiuphllltrtI taDEi fhor.[trl l'{ re e{SIu aE'rd : Geologic Investtgatlontot lE, vrlr vlltrga lYlat Flllnq atoun of vrll, ColoirdoJob [o. 85Oa , ZelGran, ls":',,:n*1.,_11 jp:_.-*:_i.ryI-!9ieiili"{,".Lroi'tl-.n:ff&;:"31'diEJ 3::.o,:1;e..o311'1,r_1"-"-ieqanaionliirrcrli-*'i6-r-iiiJr"Et" inv I nveeLot t 19e7 -April 199?. As le fanily residence 1gnde an approriroatrlyteet are utlcipated. Ei U +H'"^1:1,".i:"::":l?T,-':: :i:'.f:-Ttil, l'er= rrne.Ir 1.11.__ A^l"Ic_ _?_.^ uprri I t- c ide or tn.- i "t -i[Jii r"- ifii ;i:;:::i g$ I ".q_ _th: -"?l:truct ion oi - si" rri d.i i;; .ii ffi il;,H;:"::j._l-l 3rs^.pfa9f.ov.er_ tne tirt lco yoarr- rhrn rrrc uinor prepascd rt Lt 18. Cuto to final pro-8 frct, colatructicn cuts orrglq-gfgir 'r.',. lic a drrlnas. luare uhrch cntrrs th€ lot rt tb. south.r3r corn.rlot rnd drirnr nor:thgcstsirc.--rrler so"r frorrtng rEoD the cur-t th. routherct corn r of thc lot rt thr the of 6ur vlsit, thcnt r flori nolthu€sr. rtt. rii.i-ir-r, i,rti-trrc-.i"Jiic'irrthin lrrrcbo€rvrtten ol the cllrvest, rrrien-cr"errargoa sat.r rt thc rortt-orner o? thc lot indlcct' thcrr- ii-grq iratcr atrclurgtng Grrcnn9 t|te culv€r! on !hc- uprriii-"ial-of sterra rsrart. Thr rddi-grBer lr brlicvcd_to-b.-!rolUrc lrrge rctrlning rall aloag thrtld. or slrrra Trari-Jlil t;: iir,...r ground rntor. Sirrrate in gooo condi't-rgl-.- the onr.y-potrntrrr probrro rng riaorn craakrr ln thc arSrhalt utrere-thl Jxcnvetor ratrrad Lot l?. ttt toLot *._::: is botng -d.rr.loFd uirhi'r -Lo Er. erst ie o-evelO3fd. . lpt , f99? tr.n 337rl65t tac.nt t€!- L"rcrlalonee aftl 'el Erlt ttlr Ar6d. 'O..Yef, Cetcrda lfilrsr€f(rqlj .s&9co3 rcat :r..-"1r,j1_!!"_I*l_ indrcart- ny erttr 6ncnt "r - -i-n; iil r . rhela propeced en cle loser sloicc chteU ere not ii atxp. IhOdrtLr to rhter:er thc lot at thc ioulhur.t eorn.i-Ji.-f"t iii[thf UPOef level .r? ?lt. '..atrrar^agarrgsa on upp€r levcl of Ehe rcgldcnce on tnr eouth rlde.thrre ot bt li,Tllt l: ji1 l'__.1: t"f! <l1 Ar.?+?i olivl.- fr .;;#il:-i o"iill-l i,." :* ?: .l-1 t:- _!!'-" .-.s.1,co{l [id,- ; ; -il ; -,ilfi i'ili: ,Jr"-:::jfl*:of*r ^!i .1r$j-?cs _etrc on lday 6, ree? 16::-::'l-i-.^:ol,1l.i:"F_it-'p51.1;'r:i_-.r-i--"#lfrtAJi;i;: c'd rosidoncc rror 1 g3"r9qi9-p"ul:li-fi;il il.;'pilt'Ii lll:n;:t??;T*TJ-r-.::lirrrioiis-eni--rowdt{S,,iiii,siriEirroyrorI part of our ;.ot *T :,. n: t l :l'l ln;^ r-f-. 1 _ iIaji J xr: Hr 8 ...ff ;# "i#;i ;3 :t{elvrfuat.d Lot 14 to th. north-in a iep*.tr i"".lii';ili;r';i rlnq'leto tbc P.O. ror aaao r p00) o7.{cc Ev.TrrF r. Ccb.rrb gOrO.rug ,Ax (t(xtt 67+0tr$ 19Ag-S18-615-I Ee:A9 L66t/82/9Azo svd rll (toiD fl2.t!r7 Nollc3f.nroc N3HclI)r o 2 I€t. 14 to the northueat lr undevoloprd. iD iethls sutrcr. north e- undcvolope€ andto be devcloped AI Linco aouportl un6t Th. ohigh rcal Hlqhr rl.opo rnd rY aoolostq Harards-!1v,es_tfSfrion t s,rlflvloioD Evrluatlon byDovo. in 1982 icrr_ntiflcd r,it ir-Li n4G- claalrflcatlon ln th.n pcrtlon or thc lot rni ;i; ?i"i-'ir-rsat{ci-i'-1li-Lo"tn.r",of thr lot. Thcae units rncrgi"--'-..iijiif,i.;'ffopcr rndc oloper consirting uinlf ,t-iipiiir lurlrttdec. :-l_" iF_..rlaln b-y po-I_luv{al rnd landrtidr dopocttg lron tlroolt.s ro --h€ sourh.. tflth tn" aLnJ"ttlng of corr Creeh, thcr to stc.p srca€c.nave reen-ct-.-eii.. :i. irr.-iiiniir.c p.rr,t ltaadoilg. and vail_vlllage riii-Juiafvlston, thcie hrve baon:abirlty probrenc. Tho pi6-rrur lie-cro""ry r.htcd to .ur!rc.rnd rutcr flog. suDau{trce conditi,. r.etl or 166.A{' .?*-*:?:"::t:9 ry lf(P Ensineerins rnc, conrlrtcd or:. l;'S::,i:f f ii u nd. r I a 1 n t q i a ?t e; ; {'r'# :; i; "Jli; Tiiff '"T":; to refhgel at ro_r-ljJ"j."j. r-il1-"-r1y,"_l -1?1d d^"1;;d;ies and bourderrEo r€sua.r .r Jo rect vich a aotr er.'y"y-li"o:'r"t;-ii;;.?Tfi;'il:: ij,?:.lrn f";1._ I:*,;Jf=_:;--;&.nrercd_in the Borlns No. I ar e!co.- I Ar borrnq !ro. z, ih:r.;;'J'i'.'Ji'lr"i"=#"orftutilo.rtl.r"t ff Bfert {y crayey dancv sr.";i- u;al}-rern to.25 leet by rooce to lrdl.n3!liiOt"til"J. qrlvel'rv stnd' xo-ii.. sate*o. .i"o.rnE.red i;-il;aorin{ xo.- j. z----!-J r!!e' r'5'E rtaEer sa3 ancounEargd in thc IObaortation o! the gpen excavation Bt. Lot t-r, to th€ s68t, cxpoccdapprolinetety lr :^T:-"'{- ":"av Fif-ritl gri.rtr--ur.i cobbree. Thqreuaa r{oughing 0! rescnrly pl.cla trir. un:,ci-rJ . i"-rt or op.Drng th€cxsavctlon' naLer surtrc6c-fron tnJ sioe of tne .i"ir.lron. A dreinageEsale lhad beon excavgted itth; uoito" o? th. oxcavation and drrin to:::,jf*y":-""Jl1. ^,-t j!.;;;;G; -in"-ail;;ils. r,o,. Lbt 17sould i* * the Eest or rh;-p;;p.;il-;;iioinJ";?UTl... obr.Iot 1 uhlch ov€rllrrgc crac ,.:l:l of.cut.Tlope: ?F"i llptn. Drivc rnd the euall road on thc?l:?ta.rl.oushing ot.-t}l€ top 6f tni efopea. Thcro are elell. Brc.3Lncric'tcd ninor eerth lo,renont aionl- th€ at€ep cut rropc6. TrrEI tlopcr d'd nor lndteate ;;-iG";;;i ground DovcDcnt. Th€r. ar.3ptuce rnd erpen trc.. ulrh rtrrijfrt-tr,rnir.--.iil.o.p;n t.nrlonuorc oblarv.d. ir'|o rcoatl l?lltl5"j, !T: -:.-:ry.-l: _:.f :r :q.rd .b.v rq ny f Icro-rs ch ich nust b€ I.:."*1*t".je-a:-aa"'rn j-offiffi fitJ:'b:^iif; iii"llii"":1..ffl.:H.I:-.ll^!-.h*;i1ql+_{;:i_i.dffi ,il iiir-i'"",,i;J$ : ::" ;n: -: l :* . - ^ ry- !;r a Ep r "i . ;il' ;fi rI'."."c.L i;gTilst : :::;i.;:.H;.. T. ^u.'r^l. ig to, n 1 n tr i i_o _tt 1 i r "ii.;- ;:;"il; i i?. tas!i:i;:$"3':""'.::-Tla1n'-.::$-1";;p"".:ii"iJ.ff".iili'iiii"g.3:"i;;l;i;i;:t"'1i."'^'e-'::n::-T-.:::t_Jg-;;;i;;n;;;;--si:;.';;ii.";l::::1i13,""'"*rTi3-*_"""1::*-::*-{i;:-fi 1i t"",iil'?,"'3iil,"i!;" ae c Lt. r co nd i ts i ons ana thorc i;;; -d;;-;; i ; in;. "r:ii,'i r?f t r"orfllconnegtod dircctly.to rhe t."ra;ic.. wc rccorierra-trre tooec tllrbcroulsier. lraif ue rrortco t"'; etlble corDact.d'crrnrrrrr.rbcroulsier. rrai-f ue rrorrco ;;'J,ir.ull :ffitr:$ S,i"rti?i". Tb' r+.urtr of our ob.-mtionr rndlcate th3 propoD.d 3G",,,c".,'a crn bccoMtrustcd r3 Dropo-cd. lt. iipr,Ili yetrs ro".-Cii-J'Jiigneq tor lrtcrrlioscrr te concir 6itt tnJ'li"-Jri"'fr"tion Dy r.Np rngtncrring rnc. rhar se:aa L66T/Bl/9AEA 39vd NOIICSNI{OJ N3H31I'I9dB-Er8-At5- I e tound'tron dralnrbc-rnst3-rred .round alr. b:r* Erede piittor.e or lhe:S$titrl ,Ili:?." ahourd rl"Ct-.':_no..i;t,"!Ji.,jl-v ?urlct or to ei1Lt.t;rE-;:;''J,:!,*oJo'ff J.T."I%Tt'r?';1ii.":#y: j.'::lli*.i,i:lD' coiraincd in a-ariii-giiili lic-circctcrt ;;y;;;i .rh€ srructuri!.r€ r€cp.Doncr tbe orrtler ".'-ia;ila lg s. ""r,r-.irn-'iiritr o, thr 10r-tnd prtt€rrbre corpi,ned. -id-;;t"ri..E _ c!r.r.r ror r-i r. to <*achcrei:o lbd eu*.s er onr ]rpir,i oiilrll -Tin"l ;;;;; ;;i". dir.ct surrricS::li3i"H:I #:l',.Uf Xi:l i,ii r i . rt -ii""-iiiilgi r,,"t any be I or- ::f i"JJr,',r1.iL'".":,'ff "jgti$r.,J;y?i3lloi;tl..J,1.i.""?,1T,;..*f ,.;::3rff . il: Jii:::::*;*i"il+fi!;,r^n rn"t "iiJuii- ue io.r"cica ii ::ailj* tre lnv gutetlons, or if ie can be of furrlrr rcrvrcr, pleero ldvr Gcol xc; coP I I,let I $t(D I r IllC. ChuI Engln g€nt Drginocring, fnc. TOrtu P,g4 9e:aa L66I/82/98 :E.rinzl .*4Fi,i!.r.---. va 39vd N0I133r.rN0C N3H31I)r9z0-s18-416- I FI!. E COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 July 8, 1994 Department of Community Development Mr. Ed Gund 3100 Booth Falls Court Vail, CO 81657 Mr. Danny Call P.O. Box 601 Eagle, CO 81631 Dear Ed and Danny: At lhe hearing on July 6, 1994, the Design Review Board (DRB) agreed with stalf's Position that the best way to access the property was with a bridge-type structure due to the severe drop in elevalion off the edge of Sierra Trail. This would of course mean that the elevation of lhe garage would have to be raised signilicantly, and that the house would have to be redesigned. The proposal you presented to the DRB involved high retaining walls and a steep descending driveway. As I informed you at the pre-application meeting and as you were told by the DRB at the meeting Wednesday, retaining walls in excess ol 3 feet in the front setback would require a variance from lhe Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC). lf you wish to proceed with the retaining wall height variance, you musl submit the variance application which I supplied to you at the preapplication meeting. The variance process musl be completed before any further DRB action. As of the date ol this letter, I am deactivating your application for DRB review. lf you have any questions regarding this letter, please call me immediately. Sincerely,3 / // / Y lL+\-*1-4 -k- ,.tt--7 / td,/? Randy Stduder Town Planner FI!. T COPY TOTI/N OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 30i-479-21 38 / 479-21 39 FAX 303-479-2452 July 7, 1994 D e p art nte nt of Conuuniry D eve Io p ne nt Mr. Ed Gund 3100 Booth Falls Court Vail, CO 81657 Mr. Danny Call P.O. Box 601 Eagle, CO 81631 RE: Proposed development of primaryisecondary dwelling units at 1779 Sierra Trail/Lot 18, Vail Village West'lst Filing. Dear Ed and Danny: I have completed inilial review of your application and collected comments from various Town agencies. I have also scheduled your application for conceplual review wilh the Design Review Board (DRB)lorJuly6, 1994. In reviewing the application, Inoted several deficiencies which must be addressed before further review by the DRB. Please provide the following information or address the following issues as appropriate. A. Topographic Survey. 1. Survey should indicate existing trees and groups of trees having trunks of 4 inches in diameter or more. Significant natural features should also be indicated such as the intermittent stream shown by your surveyor. Please supply additional information on the existing condition of the stream. A couple of pictures would help. lt appears that the survey is not tied to a USGS landmark or sewer invert. A note on the survey states that lhe elevations indicated are assumed elevations. Please have your surveyor tie elevations lo existing benchmarks and use real elevalions on all contours and spot elevations shown on the survey' 2. The exact location of existing utility sources and proposed seruice lines from the source to the struclure should be indicated on the suruey' This information is crucial to assess the ability to serve the proposed slructure and evaluate any off-site disturbance that may be required to extend utilities to the site. Mr. Gund and Mr. Call July 7, 1994 Page Two 3. A current title report must be supplied for the property indicating ownership as well as all easements and encumbrances on the property. All easements or encumbrances indicated by the title report must be reflected on the site plan as well as the survey. 4. Provide spot elevations at regular intervals along the frontage of the site along the edge of asphalt. Also provide spot elevations along the center line of the driveway from the edge of asphalt lrom Sierra Trail to the garage slab elevation in front of the garage at the garage door. 5. All grades in excess of 30% should be clearly identified on the survey. B. Site Plan. 1. The site plan should address existing and proposed drainage conditions on the site. A 12 inch culvert pipe was noted discharging onto the upper end of the site. You have indicated on the landscape plan the intention to conlinue the piping across to the west side of lhe lot and oown west property boundary. This inlormation should be shown on the site plan along with proposed surface grading for drainage purposes. Elevations at the outlet side of the existing pipe, the inlet side of the proposed pipe and the outlet side of the proposed pipe should also be included. Elevations along the proposed new streambed should also be indicated at regular intervals. A detail should be supplied to lurther explain the drainage treatment along lhe western property boundary' The outlall of the stream channel should also be indicated as well as any necessary requirements to convey water down across the lot to the north. An analysis ol ofl-site impacts relating to the change in drainage patlerns should be included with your application. 2. The spot elevation information requested to be on the survey relating to the driveway should also be incorporated into the site plan. The spot elevations should be clearly shown at regular intervals so that slopes can be calculated for the individual sections of driveway to assess conformance with Town standards for driveway grades. Spot elevations should be provided at all points where a break in slope occurs on lhe ProPosed drivewaY. 3. The proposed driveway grade is in excess of 12'h and will require special approval by the Town Engineer. 4. All roof ridges must be shown on the site plan with existing and proposed grades shown underneath and the proposed elevations for the roof ridge indicated on each ridge line. These elevations are necessary to assess the building height. Mr. Gund and Mr. July 7, 1994 Page Three Call Existing and proposed contour information should be clearly indicated on the site plan. Existing topography is usually indicated by dashed contour lines with proposed topography in solid lines. This information should be carried all the way to the edge of the street at Sierra Trail so we can see how the retaining walls work over lhe existing grades. Setback lines should be clearly indicated on both the site plan and the landscape plan. The required setback from lhe front property line is 20 feet and the side and rear setbacks are 15 feet. All stub outs and proposed points of connection to the existing utility service lines should be clearly shown on the site plan. lt should be noled that Sierra Trail cannot be cut due to Town regulations. All retaining walls must be shown and clearly marked top of wall and bottom of wall elevations. This should be done on both the site plan and the landscape plan. Not all retaining walls are shown on the site plan and retaining wall details are tuzzy at best. Please supply hard details on the exact location and exact heighls of all retaining walls necessary to develop the site as currently proposed. Cross sections may be helpful in explaining retaining wall systems lor the site. Since you propose to locate your meters on the front of the garage, some sort of screening or housing is required. Please provide a detail that meets the DRB Guidelines for such items. Landscape Plan. 1. The location of existing and proposed trees should be clearly labeled for the entire property. A more aggressive revegetation plan is recommended. lt is true that many of the aspen lrees to be removed are in poor condition at lhe current time. However, your revegetation plan is very weak and additional plant materials should be added to heavily vegetate the site. The nature ol this hillside is generally densely wooded and should retain that appearance alter construction is complete. Along these lines, a landscape legend should be incorporated into the landscape plan with sizes and quantities ol materials proposed to be clearly indicated. 2. As mentioned earlier, more detail is needed on the treatment of the drainage across the property including the proposed drainage channel and information on how the water will be discharged so as not to affect oftsite properties. 5. o. 7. 8. q c. Mr. Gund and Mr. Call July 7, 1994 Page Four 3. Please indicate in a more detailed lashion the location and extenl of any proposed watering system on the landscape plan. The landscape plan should show existing and proposed contours just as the site plan as explained earlier. D. Architectural Plans. 1. Please indicate existing grades on all elevation drawings. 2. Please define the extent of relaining walls necessary and indicate this on the elevations as well. 3. Colors should be indicated on the materials list and color samples should be provided for all finished materials. Several other items were noted in the preliminary review of the application. 'l . The driveway retaining walls appear that they will be greater than 3 leet high in the front setback. This would require approval of a wall height variance by the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC). 2. The southeast corner ol the garage intrudes into the side yard setback and would require a variance as proposed. Please eliminate this encroachment. 3. All crawl space areas must be labeled to be less than 5 leet in head height with an earthen floor. 4. The shoulder of the existing road should be maintained and the proposed and existing contours should be clearly indicated to accommodate this. 5. A 20 foot cenler line radius cannot be maintained in and out ol the garage. 6. The one car garage space on the east side of the garage is only 8-1/2 feet wide. This must be a minimum of g feet wide and 19 feet deep. Also, the doorway between the two garage sections will not be able to be operated when the two car garage is fully occupied. According to my preliminary calculations, the proposed residence is 422 square feet over the maximum allowable GRFA for the property. Also, the site coverage proposed is in excess of the 20% maximum allowed on the site. You are currently proposing 23% site coverage, this must be reduced lo 20"/". The inlormation on steep slopes requested under the Survey Section above, is necessary to determine the final amount of site coverage lhat will be allowed on this property. lf the slopes underneath the proposed location of the house and parking areas exceeds 30%, then the maximum allowed site coverage will be reduced from 20"/" lo 15/". Mr. Gund and Mr. Call July 7, '1994 Page Five As you know, this site will be difficult to develop. Your patience in working through the process will be much appreciated and will result in a better end product. Please supply all of the above information and allow for two to three weeks of review time following the receipt of the information by the Town. I will need lo re-roule the revised plans to the Town Engineer and the Fire Department to get their sign-off on the proposed development. ll you have any questions regarding these matters, please contact me immediately. Sincerely, LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LO!1f, STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P ROJECT: SUBDIVISION The following information is Review Board before a finaL A. BUILDING I4ATERIALS: Roof Siding Other WaIL Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails F1ues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other ma; B.LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: for submit,tal can be given: MATERIAL to the Design PLAT{T MATERIAI.S: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Cornmon Name Rh e.\ t re- J EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper fordeciduous.trees is 2 inches. rndicate h@trees. Minirnum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. required approval TYPE OF \+' /+'Tl,rk ,t 3o 'ti"- D,r. UdtL e PLANI MATERh: PROPOSED SHRUBS Botanical Name EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size 5 qaIlon.of proposed shrubs. TvDe Minimum size of shrubs is Square Footage GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL D. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining waIls, fences, swimrning c.. pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingrf,."walls. Maximum height. of walls within the front setback is . *IJ ? fget. Maximum height. of walls elsewhere on t,he property1K is 6 feer. C. LAI{DSCAPE LIGHTING: If ext,erior lighting is proposed, please sho$, the number of fixtures and locations on a separatelighting plan. Identify each fixture from the lighting planon the list below and provide the wattage, height above - grade and type of light proposed. Size* ss SUBDIVISION .]OB NAME LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The location and avairability of utilities, whether they be maint5un! 11""1 or proposed lines, must be approved. and verified bythe following utilities for the accompanying site pIan. U.S. West Conrnunicat,ions .,.^.,r-800-922-L987 '!!.y468-6860 or 949-4530 Authorized Siqnature Date fq Cr**o- Ai"lt S,lv<7 fu.-,-.t Public Service Company949-5781 2b?-- qotb Gary Hal1 HoIy Cross Elect.ric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/MichaeL Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 94 9-5530 /nalA cto; ll:Y Upper Eagle Valley Water /1i rO *<^t- b'/e- 9./ b ,rg -tv & Sanit,ation District * 47 5-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE:1I.This forn is t.o verify service availability andlocation. This should be used in conjunction withpreparing your utility plan and schedulinginstallat.ions. For any new construction proposal, the applicantmust. provide a compJ.eted utility verificationform. 3. If a utility company has concerns with theproposed construction, the utility representativeshoul.d not directly on the utility veiificationform that there is a problem which needs to beresolved. The issue should then be spelled out, indetail in an attached letter to the Town of Vail.However, please keep in rnind that it is theresponsibility of the utility company to resolveidentified problems. 4. If the utility verification form has signaLuresfrom each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Townwill presume that there are no problems and thatthe development can proceed. 5. These verifications do not relieve t.he contractorof his responsibility to obtain a street cutpermit fron the Town of Vail, Department of public Works and to obtain utility locations beforediqqinq in an@or easement inthe Town of Vail. A buildinq pernit is not astreet cut pernit. A street cut permit. must beobtained separat.ely. * Please bring a site plan, floor p1an, and elevations whenobtaining upper Eagle Valley water & sanit,ation signatures. FirefLow needs musU be addressed. 6-ra-g e,.r- a.$qs\e-d F-tr' DATE: IEGAL DESCRIPTTON: ZONE CHECK FOR , R, R P/S ZONE DISTRI Lot _ Block t SFR t crs Filing ADDRESS: OWNER PHONE PHONEARCHITECT **LOT SIZE ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE Allowed (30) (33) Existinq Proposed lotal Height Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: 3'/6' Reqrd (300) (600) (900) (1200)_ Permitted Slope 8* Actual Slope Flood Plain Percent Sl.ope +425= +425= 20' 15' l.5, (30) (s0) Date approved by Town Engineer: View Corridor Encroachment: Yes Environmental/Hazards: 1) 2',) 3) No ', ', .) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfallc) Debris Flow4) Wetlands Prevlous conditions of approval (check property file) Does thls request involve a 250 Addition? How much of the arlowed 250 Addition is used-ffiElEis request.? **Note: under sections L8.L2.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipalcode, lots zoned Two Famiry and Primary/secondary which are Less than15r000 sq. ft.. in area may not construct. a second dwerling unit. TheCommunity Development Department nay grant an exception to thisrestriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth underSections L8.I2.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code inctudingpermanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for full-time employees of the Upper Eagle Valtey. 10 -f..f} I ()'fi -f:s i{ io- '" i\- @ .-$ ;.\. +\tr,l CI \\i ; -) e Aeir\\. ,'/-t s. ' t Vsl 'i \1' " a\\t NNI G\;l *x' {0) fil - d,. il ''. \v Il il ll /6\',*-_.€l _+L_ .flK.r. Alb-t'\-g\9. NRq Ti r'tNum KA.Kj'it\Or'S..\ru' r. $ \iL- arr '...\ '.\t 1* B t\i ,t t i ng'l: )ruL= - e, ,e \@ -.4.u eJ \1(nol \ a\ .i DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ADDRESS: ZONE CHECK FOR , R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Lot_Block_Filing I SFR fl f Sire cove raseb?o n4c; 1f, r,anoscapins bO?o nln, Retaining wall. Heighr,s Parking Garage Credit Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: Envi ronmentaL,/Ha z ards : Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfallc) Debris Fl-ow4l l{etlands Prevlous conditions of approval ,.n""p,:property fife) Does thls reguest involve a 250 Addition?How much of the allowed z5o Addition is useffiI6=6is request? PHONE PHONE Existinq Proposed TotaI 3' / 6'' Reqrd (300) (600) (e00) (1200) IPernitted Slope 8t Act,ual Sloper Date approved by Town Engineer: - Yes No ??? OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE **LOT SIZE prirnary GRFA IliO{ + 42s TYffi.,_rtecondary GRFA l07O + 4zs"E*"r".backs tffi; loeo i:::" 6?fA Water Course Setback lllowed r-,1 Height (30)@ LJ * roral cRFA Xt14 + tto = 3rt4 =3pll|. =JIF 20t 15' 15' (30) (s0) ,-==-_ t 1) 2',, 3) Flood Plain Percent Slope **Note: under sections L9.L2.090(B) and 1g.13.0g0(B) of the Municipalcode' lot,s zoned Two Family and primary/seconaaiy which are ress than15'000.sq. ft. in area may not construct a seconi dwerling unit. The9:lglily Developmenr Deplrrment mav granr an exceprion 15 ahi;-resErrct'ion provided the applicant meets the critelia set forth underSections 10.12.090 (B) ana 1b .13.090 (B) of the -llunicipaf -coo"-i"cirrair,g pernanently restricting. t}le unit,as, a, Jong-gsrn rentil unit for-iufl-time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. \L0 o GEE -^.. @ TODD OPPENHEIMER \ TO:' MIKE Mc Relurn to IRANDY STOUDER Town Planner PROJECT: DATE SUBM DATE OF PUBLIC COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Engineering: Rerriewed b!: 6ralc^rdTer<i Palg: Comments: $ed '.po< € tevqluc\5 cc\ s'nll:q - ,/er', t€k \r(2\ lq Date: Drnlzwcs{ cjria.-\:" eweA tZoJ' 5\t, Ptc,n (Ecj- K) s\:]o\,w progoaed anJ i:*rc* \\ Cc'n\o)C5 Carrmrt cot roc\d to <:\<3-4""ltl utr e-' - detk (rn\ ng- $ :\\vL-Jr exi<lcs |l[l:. (ePCx r ' lfor.r Cr;p ) bonc;Ct6 6v o\\ ProD'l.a(\ o .tr\\i Att pcr<trt<\ 'g.r,:, (arrr cosc$\ '-sr\\ ( .x ' r''\c:') rrrs'\ \e. ttx\91 ' Co{\r N-AV- }Cj Cgttr ti.\- ttXr.src5tct) s.r':' cr-)trl aat\.rcN: *"i.', o,"n' _-H'.:h\S' ; ::" ro S:::S::X :: ::L Reviewed by: Comments: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Commenls: Qnpe. NOt *t^Xft) Utr(ee,rj propoled . ., gtld \Ne\oc \\Yr\\c,E, \lr St(x"n c\to:rxrt- I G$rct, - - ccA\c.;("r \v:(, () to <coc\\oc!C \g tto'd<-v- ot tcxec\'rs>il 'Jrru ptct kr 'cuer 'iraYv'r'L c(c€<) Dale: \ HEARING Distributed to the Fire Department, public Works, and Landscaping on 6/ / 0 , DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Relurn to Town Planner DATE OF PUELIC HEARING *L&- "r* G"e 6 r&q Landscaping: Engineoring: Reviewed by: Comments: Reviewed by: Comments: Firo Dept.: Date: Dale: Reviewed nV: 2 r1--,'g ouru. Commcnls: r) r/,,t"./.,,-,nT z) 71,'ra-- ,'orf-rt t 'atz Pr,r'- ,r)+-/ 4 - -:'z--.-J- , Distributed to the Fire Department, public works, and Landsc aping on 6/ /6 , - (; 2>r .)'7 ,/ / 4 --1o-l;,r,, oJ .,a/-/2e'/.'z'7,/ry*-/ )*€1Q . ' / -.,,.,,--,/ TOWN OFVAIL RECEIPT NO. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELTOPMENT / ,',^,,--(P-,J2:) cry N(). TAX COSTEA. TOT.IL__/rcE--. TrmTIMTmiTIMTrm T-rmTt6t TTfrolm-o.mm TTOft Tlm= TTM ot oor TTM T-rm-oTm l"liscel laneoug Csh i * * ErE,-14-94 1 i'; ,tr.Et : 1. F F:*c*ipt. * l.5BEr5': Fl,:':RUnt # [:li. # 51315 ET:, BU}.]t.J'".FF;EFRI ii I:,F:EI Flrrrr,rln t t end* red :: :]38 . FEt Item paid Rmount Paid ElEEtFE4l3f,lEtEtEi .;0fi. [rfi Chan'1e relurned ,'",.Jt.11 "-r.",or ooou qzq40rvrc AnT pno T8hlhl oF UFlrl- 010@it3l-ffiAID-DESIGNREVIWFOTRDFEE -%D /)T 01 00004?37r 1WESTIGATION FEE ( BUILDING ) 3l 0000 45110 TOV PARKINC FUND 0toooo22a7 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND * 01 000021112 ,TAXABLE @ 4% (STATE)-r 01m0041010 iTAXABLE @ 1% (TowN)-TI OOOO4237i BUILDING ]NVESTIGATION OTHER -rec APFLTNTIoIFFE:il Tm00"1T3o-A s200.00 0l 0000 41330 CONDITIONALUSE PERMIT $z(ru.(x, 01 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION ILESS T}{AN IOO SQ.FI.I $2m.uJ 0l 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION IMORE THAN 1OO SQ,FT.I $500.00 0t 0000 41330 ffiTRIET INEV/]$1500.00 01 00m 41330 SPEEIAL DEVELoPMENT DISTRICT IMAJOR AMEND $1.000.00 0l 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMINOR AMEND $200.00 0l 00fi) 41330 SUBDIVISlON 01 0000 41330 VARIANCE $250.00 01 0000 41330 ZONING CODEAMENDMENTS $250.W 0t 0000 41330 RE - ZONING $200.00 OTHER OTHER ITOTAL: COMMENTS: Mo.# L- r r*n *ec.rt, W' F E6r -tor"1",o! 2$"'fit#,fi["itt*iril:i" .r-l ..t n L\B ; 1 oo @cit _EIoo- Ssnt lo ROBERT ZELII{AN Stre€l & No P.O. BOX 337 PO., Slate & ZIP Code vArL. co 81658 Postago $"8 Certiliod F6e /.,40 Special O€livory FBe R€skicl6d Oelivery Feg 3"fin:Truw"$g\ 3#:iifrtrlr#ry\,fj \ /"25 ru:"\"\xo{s JYs,X.V4 Poslmark s># gggEi*EiEE,€=l ggagegEEEEiiigEE oo oo o. E(,oE E a,Eoto5 o:o !coE fooa 5t oE co Es -9c E(, .AIAulqol Ezt.E =lulEio g rcomd€ls il€m! 1 and/or 2 lor addilional sorvicse. .Co|npl€te ll€m! 3, 4a, and 4b. . Pdnt yo(r narne rnd add.saE on lh€ rswras ol this form !o lhat w€ can rdum thi! card to you. .Altsch tis lbm to th€ lronl of lh6 rullpaoco, or on ih€ b|cf lt spece do€3 not p€rmn, .W/i|€'Fetum Fqpifi Requeded'm thg n rTh6 Rotum Rs{pt will $ow lo whom lh€ b€lorY tis adido nur$€r. d€livefsd. ROBBRT ZELDIAN P.O. BOX 337 vArL, co 81658 delivsrsd and lhs dals I also wish to recelv€ the following services (ior an "T'.'J?*,"**"*J 2. E Rostrictsd Dolivsry Consull p6trnaslgr for fos. E Roglslered E Express Mail E Retum Rec€lpl fol ir€.drandise and fee kt paid) Y**o* E Insured E] COD rcquestect PS Form 3811, December 1994 Urureo o STATES PosrAL SERVTCE . Print your name, address, and ZIP Code in this box o CO}IMIINITT DEVBIOPB{EITT AfiENTION: CtrARLIE DAVIS 75 SOI'TE FRONTAGB ROAI) vArL, co 81657 iltl Firsl-Class Mail PostagE & Feos Pald usPs Pormit No. G-10