HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 1 LOT 23 LEGALa D epar tment of C o mmunity Devel opme nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com To: Town of Vail property file Lorelei Donaldson, Town of Vail Clerk Eagle County Clerk and Recorder O(tsopr From: Dale: Re: Elisabelh Eckel, Planner Town of Vail Community Development Departmenl December 8, 2004 Lot 23/ Vail Village West 1s Filing 1760 Sierra Trail Parking requirement The lot located at 1760 Sierra Trail is in non-conlormance with the parking requirements of the Two-Family Primary/Secondary zone district, which are designated by the Vail Town Code, Section 12-10-10-8. Annexed into the Town of Vail in 1986, the lot and the 4-plex struciure thereon became non-conforming in regard/to parking, at that time containing only two of the 6-8 required parking spaces. The 4-plex is required to have at Ieast six parking spaces (il each of the units is 500 square leet or less) and possibly eight or more parking spaces (if each of the units is between 500 and 2,000 square feet). Today, four enclosed parking spaces exist on the lot. Two of the enclosed spaceS that currently exisl were the result of a crawlspace conversion in 1999. Though that additional parking caused the lot to come slightly more inlo conformance with the regulations, it still lacks the required number of parking spaces and therelore remains a non-conforming lot. {p ^rt tr"o r ,t^ To: From: Dalei....."' File Ellsabeth Eckel November 11,2004 Parking requirements at 1760 Sierra Trail Lol 23lVall Vlllage West ld Flltng - -./ It has recently come lo my attention lhat a parking problem exists at the above address. After a bit of research, I was able to determine whether or not the sale of two of the four enclosed parking spaces on the above lot for use by a non-resident was in fact completed legally or in accordance with the Town's guidelines. The Lot in question was annexed into the Town ol Vail in 1986, at which time it became legally non-conforming in regard to the requirements ol the Primary/Secondary zone district into which it was annexed. Though it is impossible for Stafi to determine the exact parking requirements for the units due to the fact that no plans are on file from which the square footage (the basis of calculating parking needs) of the complex can be determined, the condominiums are required to have at least six parking spaces (if each of the units is 500 square feet or less) and possibly eight or more parking spaces (if each ot the units is between 500 and 2000 square leet), according to Section 12-10-10 of the Vail Town Code. lt was found that two of the garage spaces that exist today were the result of a crawlspace conversion in 1999. This additional parking caused the lot to come slightly into more conformance with the regulations, though it still remained non-conforming, with only 4 spaces on the lot. The lollowing aspects of the Vail Town Code apply to the restriction of the use ol any of the spaces, regardless of their inception: Zonlno Reaulatlons 12-10-17: LEASING OF PARKNG SPACES: A. General: No owner, rccupant or building manager, or their respective agent or representative, shall lease, rent, convey or restrict the use of any parung space, spaces or area to any Wrson other than a tenant, occupant or user of the building for whictt the space, spaces or arca are required to be provided by the zoning ordinances or regulations of the town except as may be specffically provided in this section. 1 2-t 0-5: CONSTRUCTION AND MATNTENANCE: All off-street parking and loading facilities required by this chapter shall be constructed and maintained in aeordance with the minimum standards for such facilities prescribed by this chapter, and shall be malntained fre of accumulated snow or other matertals preventlng full use and occupancy of the faciltties in accordance with the intent of this chapter, except for temporary periods of short duration in event of heavy or unusual snovrfall. (Ord. 8(1973) S 14.300) Subdiv i sio n Reo u lat io n s 13-1-3: COMPLIANCE: A. General Prohibition: lt is unlavvful for any person, business, or corporation to violate any of the provisions of this Chapter or to transter, sell, lease or agree to sell or lease, any lot, tract, parcel, site, separate interest (including a leasehold interest), interest in common, condominium interest, time- share estate, fractional fee, or time-share license, or any other division within a subdivision within the Town until such subdivision has been approved in witing by the Administrator, Planning and Environmental Commission and/or the Council (whichever is applicable) and a plat thereof recorded in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder; provided, however, that a written agreement to sell or lease which is expressly conditioned upon full compliance by the seller with the subdivision rqulations of the Town within a specified period of time and which expressly recites the seilers failure to satisfy such condition within such period of time shall terminate the agreement and entitle the buyer to the prompt return of all considention heretofore paid by the buyer under such agreement, shall not constitute a violation of this subsection. B. Prohibitive Conveyance: No lot or parcel of land, nor any interest therein, shall be transferred, conveyd, sold, subdivided or aquired either in whole or in part, so as to ueate a new nonconforming lot, or to avoid or circumvent or subvert any provision of this Chapter. The Towjr of Vail will address, through code enforcement, the illegal conveyance of two ol the four parking spaces, which increased the non-conformity of the on-site parking and loading. t I*,")zlu* u" 2 li 7 above address called this week. His landlord, the owner of a 4-plex (Sierra Condos) on Sierra Trail, sold two of the four parking spaces located in one of the units, Unit A, to a man in Florida who doesn't live at the Sierra Condominiums. However, those two spaces were converted from crawlspace in 1999, whereas the residence was originally constrructed in 1980. This makes me think that since the two spaces were added later, they are not requiredparking, and therefore exempt from the following code section: 12-10-17: TEASING OF PARKING SPACES: A. General: No owner, occupant or building manager, or their respective agent or representative, shall lease, rent, convey or restrict the use of atry parking space, sryces or area to any person other than a tenant, occupant or user of the building for which the space, spaces or area are required to be provided by the zoning ordinances or regulations of the town except as may be specificalty provided in this section If the two spaces were indeed added later, and are not required for ANY of the units within the 4-plex, then is he allowed to sell/restrict their use as he pleases? Several sections of the code make me think no. 1 2-10-5: CONSTRUCIION AND MAINTENANCE AII off-street parking and loading facilities required by this chapter shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with the minimum standards for such facilities prescribed by this chapter, and shall be maintained free of accumulated snow or other materials preventing full use and occupancy of the facilities in accordance with the intent of this chapter, e><cept for temporary periods of short duration in event of heavy or unwual snowfall (Ord. 8(1973) S 14.300) Within the subdivision reeulations... 13-1-3: COMPIIANCE A. General Prohibition: It is unlawful for any person, business, or corporation to violate any of the proisions of this Chapter or to transfer, seII, Iease or agree to seII or lease, any lot, tract, parcel, site, separate interest (including a leasehold interest), interest in common, condominium interest, time-share estate, ftactional fee, or time-share license, or any other division within a subdivision within the Town until such subdivision has been approved in writing by the Administrator, Planning and Environmental Commission and,/or the Council (whichever is applicable) and a plat thereof recorded in the offtce of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder; provided, however, that a written agreement to sell or lease which is expressly conditioned upon fuII compliance by the seller with the subdivision regulations of the Town within a specified period of time and which expressly recites the seller's failure to satisfy such condition within such period of time shall terminate the agreement and entitle the buyer to the prompt return of aII consideration heretofore paid by the buyer under such agreement, shall not constitute aviolation ofthis subsection B. Prohibitive Cotweyance: No lot or parcel of land, nor any interest therein, shall be trawferred, conveyed, sold, subdivided or acquired either in whole or in part, so as to create a new nonconforming lot, or to Noid or circunNent or sufuert any provision of this Chapter. Within the definitions section of Title 13... SUBDTWSION OR SUBDNIDED I.AND: A. Meaning: 1. A tract of land which is divided into two (2) or more lots, tracts, parcels, sites, separate interests (including leasehold interests), interests in common, or other division for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownership, or for building or other development, or for street use by reference to such subdivision or recorded plat thereof; or 2. A tract of land including land to be used for condominiums, time share estates, fractional fee units, or time share licenses; or 3. A house, condominium, apaftment or other dwelling unit which is divided into wo (2) or more separate interests through division of the fee or title thereto, whether by conveyance, license, Iease, contract for sale or any other method of dis4sition B. Exceptions: Unless the method of land disposition is adopted for the purpose of evading this deftnition the term "subdivision" as defined herein shall not apply to any of the following divisions of land or interests in land: 1. The division of land by order of any court in this state or by operation of law. 2. The dtvision of land by a lien, mortgage, deed of trust or any other security instrument. 3. The division of land by a security or unit of interest in any investment trust regulated under the laws of this state or any other interest in an investment entv. 4. The division of land which creates an interest or interests in oil, gas or minerals which are now or hereafrer severed from the surface ownership of real property. 5. The division of land by the acquisition of an interest in land in the name of a husband and wife or other persons in joint tenancy or as tenants in common and arty such interest shall be deemed for purposes of this definition as only one interest; provided, however, that no agreement ert$s, either recorded or unrecorded, between the cotenants allowing for the use and occupancy of the property W one or more cotenants to the exclusion of one or more cotenants during any period, whether annually recuning or not if such agreement is in any way binding or effective uwn any assignee or future ov.,ner of a fractional fee interest or if such agreement continues.to be in any wry binding or effective upon any cotenant for the sale of any interest inthe properry. 6. The division of land by reason of the dissolution of a joint venture or other business entity. C. Compliance: No subdivision shall be approved which includes elements not in conformance with the provisions of any applicable zoning ordinance or other ordinance of the town or law or regulations of the state. Please let me know what your thoughts are at next Tuesday's staff meeting. I would welcome some clarity! .rParcel Multiple Search Results a Page I of2 County Officials I County Services I Community lVideos Advanced Search I Calendar I Assessor/Treasurer Search Results Assessor/Tr€asurer Propefty Search I Assessor Subset Query I Assessor Sales Search Address Search The following parcels were selected. The records are s( Address. To display detail information for a selected pat on the respective Account Number. Owner Name KURPIUS, DENNIS J. CONDO: SIERM CONDOS UNrT:1 DESC:GARAGE UNIT BK-0444 PG-0804 QCD 07-08-86 BK-0529 PG-0785 QCD 05-18-90 R846161 QCD 03-07-03 KURPIUS, DENNIS J. CONDO: SIERRA CONDOS UNIT:2 DESC:GARAGE UNIT BK-0444 PG-0803 QCD 07-08-86 BK-o529 PG-0787 QCD 05-18-90 R846162 QCD 03-07-03 TAGUABUE, PIERRE CONDO: SIERM CONDOS UNIT:C BK-0336 PG-0166 QCD 07-09-81 BK-0395 PG-Or72 QCD 08-24-84 CIVIL ACTION #85-M- 1426 JARCHOW, KARI A. ;t 210312322005 1760 S]ERRA TRL VAIL 2r0312322006 1760 S]ERRA TRL VAIL 2LO3L2322003 1760 SIERRA TRL VAIL 210312322004 1760 SIERRA TRL VAIL 21031232200r JI,{'L CONDO: SIERM CONDOS UNIT:D BK-0361 PG-o 83 BK-0479 PG-0084 QCD 01-22-88 BK-0521 PG 14-89 BK-0631 PG-0069 QCD 01-19-94 BK-0631 01-19-94 GARY A, SCHAEFER REVOCABLE LIV SIERRA CONDOS UNIT:A BK-0479 http://www.eagle-county.com/Goodtums/assessor/ParcelMultipleResults.asp rU16/2004 'Parcel Multiple Search Results 1 Page2 of2 PG-0083 QCD o1-22-88 R817992 QCD L2-12-02 CRICCO, JEFFREY CONDO: SIERRA CONDOS UNIT:B BK-0524 PG-0765 QCD 11-08-93 R732775 QCD 05-22-00 R780o4s QCD 12-13-01 6 Record(s) Displayed. 2L0312322002 1760 SIERM TRL VAIL Top of Page Assessor Database Search Options I Treasurer Database Search Options Contact us by phone: (970)328-8640, in Colorado (800)225-6135 By mail: Eagle County Assessor, 500 Broadway, PO BOX 449, Eagle, CO 81631 Or by email The Eagle County Assessor and Treasurer's Offices make every effort to collect and maintain accurate data. However. G Software and the Eagle County Assessor and Treasurer's Offices are unable to warrant any of the information herein cor Copyright @ 2001 Good Turns Software. All Rights Reserved. Database & Web Design by Good Turns Software. http:/iwww.eagle-county.corn/Goodturns/assessor/?arcelMultipleResults.asp tl/16/2004 Parcel Multiple Search Results a Page 1 of2 County Officials I County Services I Community lVideos Advanced Search I Calendar I Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Search Results Assessor/Treasurer Property Search I Assessor Subset Query I Assessor Sales Search Owner Name KURPIUS, DENNIS J, CONDO: SIERM CONDOS UNIT:1 DESC:GARAGE UNIT BK-0444 PG-0804 QCD 07-08-86 8K-0s29 PG-0786 QCD 05- 18-90 R846161 QCD 03-07-03 KURPIUS, DENNIS J. CONDO: SIERM CONDOS UNIT:2 DESC:GARAGE UNIT BK-0444 PG-0803 QCD 07-08-86 BK-0s29 PG-0787 QCD 05-18-90 R846162 QCD 03-07-03 KURPIUS, DENNIS J. SUB:TALL PINES LOT:1A R720816 MAP 01- 19-00 R720at7 DEC 01-19-00 KURPIUS, DENNIS J. SUB: HIGHLAND MEADOWS LOT:21 BK-0432 PG-0593 QCD 11-21-85 #,l"ff 000'"Owner Name Search The following parcels were selected. The records are s( Owner Name. To display detail information for a selecte click on the respective Account Number. 4 Record(s) Displayed. R013453 210312322005 1760 SIERM TRL VAIL 210312322006 1760 SIERRA TRL VAIL 210311425003 41 CHAMONIX LN VAIL 210314102003R004128 2074 VERMONT RD VAIL http://www.eagle-county.com/Goodtums/assessor/ParcelMultipleResults.asp rU1612004 Parcel Multiple Search Results I Page2of2 Top of Page Assessor Database Search Optlons I Treasur€r Database Search Optlons Contact us by phone: (970)328-8640, In Colorado (800)225-6136 By maff : Eagle County Assessor, 500 Broadway, PO BOX 449, Eagle, CO 81631 Or by email The Eagle County Assessor and Treasurer's offlces make every effort to collect and maintaln accurate data. However, G Software and the Eagle County Assessor and Treasurer's Offices are unable to warrant any of the Information herein cor Copyrlght @ 2001 Good Turns Software, All Rights Reserved, Database & Web Deslgn by Good Tums Software. http://unrrw.eagle-county.com/Goodtums/assessor/?arcelMultipleResults.asp lll1612004 Q^*oq. SPncE Parcel Detail Page I of2 County Officials I County Services I Community lVideos Advanced Search I Calendar I Eag le County AssessorlTreasurer Parcel Detail Information Assessor/Treasurer Propedy Search I Assessor Subset Query I Assessor Sales Search Basic Building Characteristics I Tax Information Sales Detail I Value Detail I Residentiai/Commercial Improvement Detail I Land Detail Tax Area Account Number t Pat cel l\tumber Mill Levy sc 103 R013453 I zrvS Lzszzuu)45.566 RPIUS, DENNIS J, Owner Name and Address Legal Description CONDO: SIERM CONDOS UN]T:1 DESC:GARAGE UNIT BK-0444 PG-0804 IQCD 07-08-86 BK-0529 PG-0786 QCD 05-18-90 R846161 QCD 03-07-03 Location Property Tax Valuation Information Actual Value Assessed Value Land:n 0 Improvements:1,8301 T-rso 1760 SIERRA TRL UNIT: 1 VAIL http://www.eagle-county.com/Goodtums/assessor/Parcel.asp?AccountNumber:R013453 ll/1612004 iarcel Detail Page2 of2 Basic Building Characteristics No Building Records Found Tax Information Number of Residential Buildi Number of Comm/Ind Build Tax Year I Transaction Type Amount [- lrg7-----_l I Tax Amount $17.721I lset----__l Tax Payment: Whole $tt.t4l 1998 Tax Amount $1rl5l 1998 Tax Payment: Whole ($1s.16) - t oooL ::- -!Tax Amount $19.70 1999 Tax Payment: Whole ($19.70) 2000 Tax Amount $20.10 2000 I Tax Payment: Whole ($20.10) 2001 ru [ $.Al Tax Payment: Whole l---- ($?.+ot 2002 |Tax Amount $7.80 2002 |Tax Payment: Whole ($7.80) 2003 Tax Amount $5.9e 2003 ($6.98) Top of Page Assessor Database Search Options I Treasurer Database Search Options Contact us by phone: (970)328-8640, in Colorado (800)225-6136 By mail: Eagle County Assessor, 500 Broadway, PO BOX 449, Eagle, CO 81631 Or by email The Eagle County Assessor and Treasurer's Offices make every effort to collect and maintaln accurate data. However, G Software and the Eagle County Assessor and Treasurer's Offices are unable to warrant any of the information herein cor Copyright @ 2001 Good Turns Software. All Rights Reserved. Database & Web Design by Good Turns Software. http://www.eagle-county.com/Goodtums/assessorlParcel.asp?AccountNumberROl3453 l1/1612004 3il; ulls E "'rt Et -lf- ot tlqt tltrl llel "lF8l EtlHr llJL- Elol 3l*l ctl.rIIIFI HJ "ldIq lrlta ql El el FI I !ot H{lr6[ =cIli iJlc''(l I a ?z oo7*o:(); H E. E. UJa g,lzlol FI2 ('jtlo ll,|l = (ttli fl J'ln ; Fi 221=_* IHil afln r.r ololJIlr-l lt otoj Ioi zl,o(Jl urlvll oo qi H 2l:t- I t, :i g--JXi =.i j t (, r! al -rl 5l ! ! (,rt oltlT. - ttBq H! ;l FI arl ln*gt!a'Iric-6J n 4':fl Ei| >rd---Tt |.l",il:{T g:l# 3l '!,4 \\ \\\ _.*l g ()l FI 3l 3il: illSlll u) iJL Ht ll-ol ll:fl ;li Jt a f,z =ooz*Q:\-r 5 H E. E. Lrla o o3 3il: >ll dulls g q e(t Ir.lut q q tlFI 5t d,r' EII|I E"lr 'r 1lHF=#lFl il{td t|| El-Hl ll F&l JL--.'s-ll r,--T;l o F 3 HEI:i .- EIololJI*l ctl "El ?l il o IF 2- Yt)L,o 3lt; ells 6t Cl>-lJ|rItuH atr]F4l #'=l Hq d aqtllut FIqt dl ol 6lol lrJlal gl u-l el 'Fl clxl JIEl (J Ftitl EI 3l -trEt rliIFIFI -IIvrl zlltri :rll tri GIol 3lrLl olEIIIFI qi:*l C!tzlo()ll!ltttl zo-gq5Al o'zl =rEl 3ESil 5 G "r1 (O lrl 3f;;ld<l t, Fl*6ti lltF gllj I <l :rlFI:l:l TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTACEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970479-2138 Valuation: $2.000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y Status.....: ISSUED Applied...: 07129/2004 Issued...: 07130/2004 Expires...: 01126/2005 Add Sq Ft 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 # of wood Pellet: 0# of Gas Appliances: 0 S59.25 Restuarant Plan ReYiew-> 50.00 R€creationFee-----> $3.00 Clean-uPDcP6eit-> ui+ D Project No... : pa orf- A>74 OWNER JARCHOW, KARI A. PO BOX 3063 VAIIJ co 81658 Iricense; CONIRJACTOR STEWART, BE}I 1750 Sierra Trail Unit D Vail, Colorado 81557 L,icense : 314 -Lr APPI,ICA}iTT STEWART, BSN 1750 Sierra Trail Unit D Vai1, Colorado 81657 License: 314 -L o7/29/2OO4 Phone: o7 /29/2oo4 Phone: 47L-o852 o7/29/2OO4 Phonez 47L-0852 Desciption: REPLACE ROTTEN JOISTS, REPLACE TREAD BOARDS, REPLACE RAILING, BTINC EVERYTHING Up rO CODE (42' RAILING) GREEN BAORD FOR ALL REPLACEMENT. BACK DECK HAS BEEN COMPLETED. WILL BRING RAIL AROLND WINDOW TO CODE AND ADD LADDER TO UPHOLD FIRE STANDARD Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: ?? rrr.atr+r+a*'lr*trl+tltt*:tl'*ar*a't*t*!**r*'traatr'r:al|*'rt*r*r*rrrt,rt'tatt**'r'} FEE SUMMARY '|*{rll'rr:tt't'rr'r*:ttr't***i Plan Check--> $45 . 01 DRB Fee------> Building----> Invesligation-> Will Call--> SO - 0O Total Calculated Fees-> $117 .26 go.oo Additional Fees--_.---> S0-00 $0. 00 Total Permit Fee----> S117 .26 50.00 Payments------> S117.25 90.00 '.l'*|l|*+|*il*t+|*+|+tl*|t+|||t+||+|||t|l|+|**||'|t|l|l||t|*|i.**.'**ttl'tll|l|ii|ttt|li|+|l***t**|*.***|*|*iit*****.l* Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEMT o't/29/2OO4 JS AcLion: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTITEMI TOTAL FEES--> SIIT .26 BALANCE DUE---> VarlV;ftqetilzsf I o DEpARTMENToFcoMMUN,?o"uuropMENr l'r "z NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALTMFBUILDPERMIT Permit #: 804-0191 Job Address.: 1760 SIERRA TR VAIL Location...,..: 1760 STERRA TRAIL, UNIT D ParcelNo....: 210312322004 ftEM: 05600 FIRE DEPART!{EIT Item: 05500 PI,BI-,IC WORKS ll'l|||ltlt'|tl|.l.|**|+l|+'|l|..|t|t||t|t*{l||||r.*.rt|l.ltttttli|t.||'.*|.|*t..|l.**|..t|ttlt.tllll+|l!||!l|*|||*+t**1* See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hercby acknowledge that I have read tlris application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this shucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 *:|l'}*'|,t*!t,|!***!t**,***t*******:l*{t*:}*'t{'!t*|'t*'|****:t*:t't****!t,t'}***:t't*{.*{t'}*********************++* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 804-0191 as of 07-30-2004 Status: ISSUED *'}*'}*'}'***'}'|{.******:f****'i'|:t*:|*!t*,}!t,}!t****f*'|*'t****:*it*{t**{t**'t,t{t'}l'}**,|t******{.,}*!t**'}*************!}********** PermitType: ADD/ALTMFBUILDPERMIT Applied: 07/29/2004 Applicant: STEWART, BEN Issued: 07/30/2004 471-0852 To Expire: 0I/26/2005 Job Address: 1760 SIERRA TR VAIL Location: 1760 SIERRA TRAIL, UNIT D ParcelNo: 210312322004 Description: REPLACE ROTTEN JOISTS, REPLACE TREAD BOARDS, REPLACE RAILING, BTING EVERYTI{ING UP TO CODE (42" RAILING) GREEN BAORD FOR ALL REPLACEMENT. BACK DECK HAS BEEN COMPLETED. WILL BRING RAIL AROIJND WINDOW TO CODE AND ADD LADDER TO UPHOLD FIRE STANDARD Conditions: Cond: 19 (BLDG.): GUARDRAILS ARE REQURED To MEET SEC.s09.l OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: l8 (BLDG.): HANDRAILS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SEC.1003.3.3.6 OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.9.I OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. * * * * * * +** * * * 'i * t * * * + * +**l' * * t !t** +r + + ** +* * * + * *'|* t ** * {' !t't** + + + + + * + | * * * + * * * * * t *:} * *:} ltr} t f **** * * *,} * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * * * t * * +*lt +l * ** ** f, * + + ** + + lt * f * * * * * * * l* * i * * + * +*'tl' +* I 'l *++ + + * * * +* + | * * * *** + + + :l * * * * * ** * * * * *'i * * * * * * * Statement, Nr:mber: R040006305 AnrorDts: SLL7.26 O7/30/2OO4I0:4O AM Paltment Method: Ctreck Init: DDG Notsation: Ben stsenart 10 05 Pemit No: 804-0191 Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 2\03L2322004 Site Addreee: 1760 SISRRA TR VAIL L,ocation: 1760 SISRRA TRAIIT, ITNIT D Total Feea: $117.25 This Payment: itt7.26 Total ALL Bnts: ;LI1 .26 Balance: $0.00 * + * * + * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * rr* * * * | * l' 'i * l' 'i | * * * * * * * * ** * * * t * f | *,||* * * * * * * + * * * * *'l ** * * * ** * * * * * * * *,t:l * * * * * * * * * ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDt'ion Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERI'IIT FEES 69.25 PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 45.01 I,JC OO1OOOO3112BOO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO APPLICATION NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: Building Permit #: o WILL ILDIMWNWUAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 ATTONRECEIVED nical,gfgll iil :.,,t, CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Qro-"{11-o8<2,- Email address: COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor & Materials BUILDING:$ @.O7)ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $ToTAL: S fu. ctO tact Eagle County Assessors Or?rce at 970328-8640 or visit Paf{ej,# z/ o 3 l!!3 ?-oo $ Job Name: TA<...qr^r- 5 tu-nrg'T-Job Address: nQo sl€Rc* T'€L u^)rr P r/+tr- Xtbt? Legal Description ll Lot: ll ancr: ll ririns:Subdivision: owners Name: L*,t -Il^,rt''[t*rl Phone:qa-,1?l-o"rz ArchitecuDesigner /a Address:Phone: Engineer: /Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: 0cpto<r_ ro nr^, r.qh^' L coJc C,{2,€^,)wf 596icr. a {g-t np*.f WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodet ( ) Repairef) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ($ Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-famity\1 commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 1 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: ,{ Noffype of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noffype of Fireplqcgs Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ()Q No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (X) For Parcel # Con ******************t**************r$*rFOR OFFICE USE O N Lr.*i*******************i.************** ner RE0D JUL 28 2|/|,4 \t?\Vail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC 0712612002 It-: $a_ \- \-L F e Wl J)tr*d -9 4J (, AL p tr J L))t)J A 2 )b cJ J Jv..s a6{ To Whom It lv{ay Concern:: I am the sole owner of 1760 Sierra Trsil Unit D. I will not hold the Toum of Vail liable for any accidents. If at any time t d€cide to hire anyone to do the worlc, I will provide the Toum of Vail wodrman's comp autlrorization. l*er Bus iness Declarat ions Named Insured KARI JARCHOI{ 1760 D SIERRA TRAIL VAIL C0 81657 HOMEOWNERS POLICY o Travelerf Your Agency's Name and Address ALPINE AGCY OF EDTIARDS PO BOX 2240 EDI{ARDS, C0 81632 Your Policy Number: Your Account Number: 975t23506 636 r 975t23458 For Policy Service Call: For Claim Service Call: (970) 926-17r7 1- 800-cLAIU33 Policy Period FR0ll: 05-02-03 To: 05-02'04 12:01 A.lt. STANDARD TI}{E AT TTTE RESIDENCE PREIISES Location of Residence Premises 1760 D SIf,RRA TRAIL vArL c0 81557 Section I - PropertY Coverages Limits of Liability Premium A-c-D. Dl{ELLING PERSONAL PROPERTY LOSS OF USE 50 ,000 30 ,000 15 ,000 135.00 49.00 INCL Section tI - Liability Coverages E . PERSONAL LIABILITY (BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAXACE) EACH OCCURRENCE F . }IEDICAL PAYUENTS TO OTHERS. EACH PERSON $ 50o,0oo 5r000 35. 00 INCL Policy Forms and Endorsements ITA.6 HA-300 c0 HA-405 H0-208 flo-827 s6432 5649t Total Prernium (06-91) Iloneowners 6 Condominiun Unit 0wners Forn(09-02) Special Provisions tob-gii sirecial condoniniun (and Cooperative) Forn Provisions (02-92) llater Backup Liuited Coverage (07-02) Linited Fungi, Other llicrobes or Rot Renediation (L2'56) Loss Assessment Coverage Section I & II Non-sPecified Perils (0S-84) Contents Replacenent/RePair Cost Coverage $5 , ooo 45.00 14.00 25.00 304 .00 Your Premium Rellects the Following Credits or State Surcharges SecuritY Credit Continued on next Page PL"8651 l-97 ,t72lOWP788 OECIi 1 - 3.00 Insured CopY Page I of 2 PolicyDeductible: g 500.00 All perils insured against fn case of loss under section I, only that part of the loss over the stated deductible is covered. Your Insurer: The Standard Fire Insurance Conpany One of The Travelers Property Casualty Conpanies One Tower Square, Hartfordt CT 05183 For Your Information firis is not a bill. You will be billed separately for this transaction. Thank you for insuring nith Travelers. l{e appreciate your business. If you have any questions about your insurance, please contact your aSent or representative. These declarations rith policy provisions HA-6 (06-91) and any attached endorsenents fon your Holeomers Insurance Policy. Please keep then with your policy for future reference. Counters ignature : P|.e651 1-97 472()wP76S OECI: t Page 2 of 2 T0!{Ilv# Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparfnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 f ax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Proiect Name: DRB Number: DRB040359 Prciect Description: REPI.ACE ROTTEN JOISTg REPI.ACE TREAD BOARDS, REPI.ACE RAILING, BITING EVERYTHING up To coDE (42" MIUNG) GREEN BAORD FOR ALL REP|-ACEMENT. BACK DECK HAS BEEN COMPLETED, WILL BRING RAIL AROUND WINDOW TO CODE AND ADD I-ADDER TO UPHOLD FIRE STANDARD Partlcapants: OWNER JARCHOW KARI A. 0712812004 Phone; rc BOX 3063 VAIL co 816s8 License: APPUCANT IARCHOW, IGRI A, 0712812004 Phonet PO BOX 3063 VAIL co 81658 License: Prcject Address: 1760 SIERM TR VAIL Location! 1760 SIERRA TRAIL, UNIT D Legal Description: lot: 23 Block Subdivision: SIERRA CONDOS Parcel ltumber: 210312322004 comments: sEE coNDmoNs BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of APPloval= 071281200a Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. @nd:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date ornna upp.?unhss a building permit is issued and .on?ruo,on is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Joe Suther DRB Fee Paid: f25O.OO o o I Prciect Name: Prcject Description: r0,^,'t) Pafticipants: OWNER JARCHOW, KARI A. 0712812004 Phonei PO BOX 3063 VAIL co 816s8 License: APPUCANT JARCHOW, KARI A. 0712812004 Phone: PO BOX 3063 VAIL co 81658 License: ProjectAddrcss= LT6DSIERMTRVAIL Location: 1760 SIERM TMIL, UNIT D . .r L ,i rt /-. . -t/ (*tl vl \\(. -.2<_ L-r eS lr Fr \. t-*p--\ Legal Descrlption: l,ot: 23 Block Subdlvision: SIERM @NDOS 0 Parcel Number: 210312322004 Gomments: SEE CONDnONS Design Review Board ACTION FORM DeparUnent of @mmunity Devdopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 w€b: www.ci.vail,co.us DRB Number: DRB040359 REPLACE ROTTEN JOISTS, REPI.ACE TREAD BOARD9 REPLACE RAILING, BTING EVERYTHING UP TO CODE (42" MIUNG) GREEN BAORD FOR ALL REPI.ACEMENT. BACK DECK HAS BEEN COMPLETED, WILL BRING RAIL AROUND WINDOW TO CODE AND ADD I.ADDER TO UPHOTD RRE STANDARD BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion 8y: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of APPrcval= 0712812004 Condltionsr Cond:8 (P|-AN): No cfianges to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date or nnar apprt unbss a buitding permit is issued and ctu*o" is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Joe Suther DRB Fee Paldl 3250.00 ofthe Request: ft"tinor Exterior Alteratifs Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teh 97 0.479.2139 fax: 97 0.47 9.2452 web: www.vailgov,com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to subhitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until atl required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses untess a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Ttt^) Location of the 1+ ccto a^adl iot: Z4 Block: RECEIVED ;Ut.. I U iiji;rr Physical lOaress: l"l Parcel No.:?lo3tz-ttLo04 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8fi0 for parcel no.) Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: D Signs E Conceptual Review E New Constructiontr Mdition ZI Minor Alteration (multi-fami ly/commercial) Minor Alteration (sing le-fam ily/duplex) changes to Approved Plans Separation Request L U^/ IT Phone:o-|.1 -'t?,- Plus $1,00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and g) trJo $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 <iui-) $20 tr tr retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Boarcl. No Fee Page 1 of L2l04l2B/04 TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement l.l.'l***'l*lt'l:l ll:;'i* O****l*'j* *rr******* *{r*r**lr*r* **at}*a*'t:}'}*a******1.*** *+{.1.'}'}a***t ta f l. + +l * * * *** statement Nunber 3 Ro4ooo529o Amount: $250.00 07/28/2oo4lo:44 A Palment Metbod: Check Init: lIS Notation: #1o44ICREENTREE MORTGAGE Permit No: DRBO4O359 TIE)e: DRB-Minor A1t, Comm/Multi Parcel No: 2LO3L2322OO4 Site Addrese: 1760 SIBRF,A 1T. VAIL L,ocat ion: 1750 SIBRF,A TRAIIJ, UNIT D Total Fees: 5250.00 This Paynent: $250.00 Total ALL, PmEs: $250.00 Balance: $0.00 {r*i*t I '} *t{r***l+**tti*****!t****************'} * t*'t'tt"t*i't *'}:}*******+*****l****l'ti't*t* * * * l**{.*ld.* ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Cunrent Pmts DR 001000031i2200 DESIGN REVIEI'I FEES 250,00 Date: July 27m 2004 From: The Siena Trail CondominiumAssociation To Whom It May Concern: This letter authorizes Kari Jarchow, owner of 1760 Sierra Trail #D, to replace and repair darnage incurred to her deck located at, 1760 Siera Trail #D. The Sierra Trail Condominium Association has discussed and approved these repairs. Secretary/Treasurer The Sierra Trail Condominium Association o J 1,/" Ui//,7s- u-/d/.e*<s DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVETOPMENT NOTE: fHIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSTTE AT ALL TrMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMTT Permit, #: 800-0137 ilob Address: 1760 SIERRA TR LOCAEiON. . . Z !'760 STERRA TR iJNIT A Parcel No. . : 2L03-a23-22-001Project No. : PRJ00-01,76 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2l.38 Valuation: Pireplace Infonralion: Restricced: Y Clean-up D approved amount date Add Sq Ft: $Of Gas Logs: 50, 000 fof caa Appliancca: ResluaranC Plan Revier|- - > DRB F€e-------- Reereation Fce----------> clean-I4) D.porit--- ---- -> MTAL FEES_ - - -. Status - . Applied. Issued. . E)q)ires. ISSUED 06 /L4 /2000 06 /Le /2OOo a2 /L6 /2000 APPLICAIVT .fOHNSON, LLOYD P.O. BOX 1_872, VAIL, CO 81658 CONTRACTOR TIOHNSON, LLOYD P-O. BOX 1872, VAIL, CO 81658 OWNER .]OHNSON LI,OYD A PO BOX ]-872, VAIL CO 8l_558 DescripEion: CONVERT CRAWLSPACE TO GARAGE SPACE Occupancy: R1/U1- Not in Lable! t4pe Construction: V N T:4)e V Non-Rated Tytrle Occupancy: Phone: 970-476-O539 Phone: 970-476-0539 TOV/Comm. Dev. *of wood/Pallet: FEE SUIIMARY *****irr*iir*r* Dept: BUILDING Di-vision: CHARIIEdavisDept: PL,ANNING Division:AILISION Depts: FIRE Division: DEPT: PI]B WORK DiViSiON: fJEONARD .00 50.o0 . o0 250 .00 IEEM: 051-OO BUILDTNG DEPARTMENTo6/L4/2ooo cIaRLrE Acrion: NorE pLANs ro06/L6/2000 CraRLfE Act,ion: APPR charlieIIEM: O54OO PI.ANNING DEPARTMENTO6/L4/2OOO CIIARIJIE ACI,iON: NOTE PI-'ANS TO06/L4/2OOO AOCHS Action: APPRIt,EM: O56OO FTRE DEPARTIiIENT06/L4/2000 CIaRLIE Action: APPR N/AItem: 05500 PUBLTC WORKSo5/L4/2000 CHARLTE Act.ion: NOTE PITANS TO06/1,4/2000 TSANDOVA AcEion: APPR APPROVED Building-----> Plan Check- -- > Invcdtigabion> Wilt Cal1-- - - > Total Calculated Fee6- - - > Additional Fee6-------- -> Total PermiL Fee'-------> Palmente------- BAIAI{CE DUE-. - - 490 .00 . oo 3.OO - oo 1, Lt 1 .50 1,111.50 .oo See Page 2 of this Document for any condit.ions that may apply Lo Ehis permit. DACI.ARAU ONS I hereby acknowledge that I hav€ !6ad chiB applicatj.on, fi1led out in fu1l the infornation lequired, conpletsed an accurab6 plot p1an, ard etate tha! alL bhe infortlation plovidcd ae required i.s correct. I agre. Lo conply with bhe infornation and plot pLan, Co corlply r,tith al1 Totn ordinance6 and st.ate 1a?s, and to buiLd lhis gcructsure according to the Tor,rn's zoning arrd subdivisio! codes, design review approved, Uniforn Building Code and other ordinances of the Toim applicable ghercto. REQLBSTS EOR INSPBCTfONS SIlALl, BE MADE 11.?EI{|Y- FOI'R HOURS IN ADI,ANCE BY TELAPHONE AT 4?9-213S OR AT OUR OF9ICE FROM 8:OO AI'l 5:OO PM Refund Send Clean-gp Depo6i! To: LLOYD iIOHNSON ******************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************Permit #: B00-0137 Permit T)pe: ADD/Ar,t MF BUILD PERMIT Applicant :,JOHNSON, LLOYD 970 -476-0539 CONDITIONS as of o6/L9/00 SLaCus: ISSI]ED Applied: 06/a4/2oo0 Issued: 06/L9/2OOO To Expire z L2/L6/2OOO .fob Address: Location: Parcel No: 1760 SIERRA TR I]NTT A 2l_03-123-22-00]. Descript.ion: COTiIVERT CRAWLSPACE TO GARAGE SPACE Conditions:1. FIET'N INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI.ICE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALt BEDROOMS AIiID EVERY STORY AS PER SEC. 310 . 6 . 1 0F THE r-997 I,BC.3. APPROI/ED WrTII CONDTTTON TIIAT ALL PARKTNG, STAGTNG , A.IID EQUIPMEMT BE WITIIIN LOT BOI]NDARTES. NO STAGING PI,AN IIAS BEEN SI]BMITTED NO PI'BI]IC WAY PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSI'ED _ rt*f**lt****!t********i****at****At*****t**!t***********t*******:rrtt TOI{N OF VAII, COIJORADO +********t**a*f *t** i.l*t**l**tl} t*****r*ti*******i*********tt**!}tt Statemnt Numbex: REC-O544 Arount:1,061.50 o6/L9/Oo 09 ;37 PaynenE llethod: 141 Notation: LI|oYD itOgNSON Inl.t: ilN Peruit No: BO0-0137 [pe: A-![F Parcel llo: 2103-123 -22-OO!gige Addrese: 1760 SIERRA TR. IIOCAIION: 1760 SIERRA TR I'NIT A ADD/AI,T T'F BUII.D PER gtatemn! Total Pees; 1,061.50 Total AIJJ Pnra: Balance: Alnoulot 490. OO - 31S .50 250 . O0 3.O0 ThiB Palment *tt*a**!r*******t***ta**t****l**!l*at*irlt****:t'latta*****t********* Account Code Description BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUIIDING PERIT{IT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CIIECK FEES AD Dz-DEPO8 CLBANI'P DEPOSITS wc 00100003112so0 IfrLL qALL, SPEqTION FEB 1,111. s0 1,111.50 .oo * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *ll* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *l* * * * * * * * * TOV{N OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemrt * * * * ik * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * it * Statemnt. Number: REC-0643 Amount,: 50.00 05/1-5100 10:01 Pa)ment Met.hod: PREPAY NoEation: prepaid drb fees Init: CD **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: LocaEion: This Payment AccounE Code DR 00100003112200 E}00-0L37 Type: A-MF 2LO3 -1,23 -22 -OOL 1760 SIERRA TR 1760 SIERRA TR I]NIT A ADD/AI.,T MF BUTLD PER 1, 111 . 50 s0.00 1, 061_.50 Amount, 50 .00 Tot,al Fees:50.00 Totsal ALL Pmts: Balance: Descript.ion DESIGN REVIEW FEES o oo It{CEC'Dd814a oo ,oon Hozopd8 N ArlI-l! a u(,D oA llt{!lEql I o oa B n arI:r E 0l o .t o i oe. I EE i 3ll iEa Igi F al HF 'tB i 3El i dtaa I rtP'NEllOl4l i eE i ril I G;H' T |o!!..'a.0 IIA' FIH 'Ha I ooEl I o 83 i d|!a | lnarN Ir oF.t o(r \or F 6aDI \ar |'r It ohr o.lr \er cr.lX' \Hr t'DtarclPrra t2'aorO8i e!.r oFt ItlLr I{l.l | 6l{I d I l.DI Si 38I I | 'lIar a|lIFIlE B"i 33E' EA I I A!t ao I o!B 6"I EA At..{Hlr.l trHtral.lDlUl I F oo oo o&cl o0 oIt.. o cl fl ;i.:E E5H:. EH6E I!| E !tEt B G s E E g *cII4 A EIIE :.F' rIa nA .{ o ? atI a.= et{|a " E5llrg8t" EE€ AppLrcArroNeLL Nor BE ACCEPTED rF rNcoMprEfl]r mwvuPwn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81557 Building Permit #: 97 O- 47 I - 2149 ( Inspection s) Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! Conbct Assssorc Offie at 97O-328-864O or visit for Partel # Parcer# 2/O3fZZZLeo / lob Name: 5'^l s"^r (z*,Dgrvaa rob Address' l\b srcaQ+ 'rrz,y L /,1[ / Legal Description Lot: 2 3 Block:rrrrns: Vy'q/- f Subdivision: owners Namei LpaqD JA0{W Address: {u&V 1g I z, y'4 rL Phone: 4V - OS3 7 Architect/Desi g n", S U lAf fe OAK Address: (ofuT i8{ EltwoSll er'one' 7zb - %"{ Ensineen14T t4UtLLEi(Address:l-6b" 2744 tlrL Phone: {vA - ,26> 7 Detailed description of work: (_S&tcre co^J /{/0 oN To Z c.tft WorkClass: New() Addition(,tf Remodel( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both ffi Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) no fl7 Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) MulU-family t{Co ^rcial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 4-No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Typeof FireplacesExistinq: GasApDliances(O) GasLoqs(O) Wood/Pellet(O) WoodBurninq(/) Nofype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (f) ll Ooes a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (fJ CoMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) BUTLDTNG: $ 36,@0 ELECTRICAL: S /fl 'oTHER: $ lil- PLUMBING: 5 ilfi .MECHANICAL: $ rlA TOTAL: S REFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: CONTMCTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: L@.1p {aq^Jta^) * qlfu;Z Town of Vail Reg, No.: 144- L Contact and Phone #'s: f%-os7?a 726- 67pZ / Contractor Signature: *rr**r.**:t*******rr**:t**t!*r!****'t**rr*t *****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY******rr**********'t*****'r**,r**,r*****rr* F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm TOWN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FROT{TAGE ROADvArr.,, co 9L657 970-479-2L38 ilob Addrees: Locat.ion. . . : Parce1 No..: Project, No.: APPTICA}IT iTOHNSON, LTOYDP.O. BOX t872, VArL, CONTRAqTOR iIOIINSON, LLOI-DP.O. BOX L872, VAIL,OWNER iIOHNSON TLOYD A PO BOX L872, VArL CO DEPARII{EI,IT OF COMMI'NIry DEVEI,OPMEIIT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BB POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT AI.,L TIMES Permit #: 800-0151 stratsus...: IssItBDApplied..: 08/L0/2000Issued...: 08/L4/2000 Erqrires. . : 02/LO/2OOL Phone t 970-476-0539 Phone: 970-476-0539 ELECTRICAL PERMIT 1760 SIERRA TR 1750 SIERRA TR 2L03-123-22-OOL PRiroo - 0176 co 81658 co 816s8 815s8 Deecript,j-on: L,IGIIITNG AI|D REcEp. IN NBW eARAeE ADDlwaluation:400 .00 tttttt.atatttrtittttt+trttrttttt.'ttartr.lr!r.rra..rrr.rrrrrtr FEB gl,lllllRt' rratrarrrtrrrritrr]rrr].rrrtr.rir.r..rrrtrirt',rrt+trrrtrr.ir El.ctrlcal---> DRB Pc. lnvcstig.tlon> I{111 C.1l----> aof,AL FAES- -- > Totrl crlcul.c.d F.ce- -- > Additlonil F...---------> Tots.l P.lolts F.c--------> P|l lanCa-------- BAI|I!|CA DUE-.. - 50.00 ,00 .00 3.00 53.OO 53.OO .00 53.00 s3.oo .oo Itqmi .O6000 EIJBqTRICAIJ DEPARll{ETfr Derrts: BUII,DING Di.vision:q8/LO/?OOO EHARI,IE ACEiON: APPR CHARLIE DAVISIFe,lri ,qqqqo_EIBE DEpARll,rEl{T DepE: FrRE Division:08/LO/2OO0 CEARLIE Acti_on: AppR N/A ttttttllttttitlatttittlttttatttttrtrtrarriltalraiililtrtrrrarrfi rrirtrrr,rrarrrrrta aiiat*at CONDITION OF APPROVAI. 1. FIEIJD INSPBSTIONS ARE RBQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODB CoMpLIANCB. r * r. r * * r r t rrtt* a a r t. *ra r r * a * a rr r.r *t * a r+ r rt t t' DECI..AR.ATIONS r har.by acknorl.dg. lhr! r h.v. r.rd thir qrpllcrgion, flllcd out ln futl th. lnforE tlon rrguilcd, cdpllc.d .n ccculat. plotPlan, |nd .trca Ehac atl th6 lnfoti!.tl,on provl,d.d r. r.qulrcd l. corroct. r agrlc to co$lrly iteh th. lnforu.tlon ana pi,ot ptan,to coEltly tlth .11 Totn ordLnanc.. .nd .E.c. hvr, end to bulld thla atrucCura accordhg co th. Todn,€ ronlnE and tubdivitloacodcr, drrlgn rowlrr epprovrd, unlfor! ButldlnE cod. and oth.r otdlnrncaa of tha ?orri rlrtrlLorbl. Lhcr.bo. RIQUE9T8 IOR IN8PBdIIO!fS EmIiIJ BE LADE TWE$TI-FOIIR HOltRg lll ADVNCE By IBLBDHONE .nT {79-21t4 OR AT OIIR OPFICE FRO!i glOO At 5!OO pli **t**i****t*t**i*t*lit*tt***t****t**t*t*tt*tt***attit!t*ttt***ttt TOmr o8 VAIIJ, CIIOIJORADO gtatemnt itAi***!l*tlttlttt*i*tttt*tat*****ttt**ttt*tttttt*ta*t}it****tt*ttt StaEe[nt !n nber ! RBC-o665 Amor:nt !Si .OO Oe/L4/ 0o 14:02 Payment l,lethod : 2573 NotatLon: LIOYD JOHNSON Inlt : iII[ Fqmlt No: Parcel lfo: 81te Addrege: Locatlorr : lble Palment 800-0151 T1rye: B-BI8C ELECTRICAIJ PERI{IT 2LO3-L23-22-OOL 1?50 AIERRA TR, 1760 STERRA TR Total Fee6: 53. O0 Total ALL PmC6: Balance: tl*1****t*ta*lt*at****tr*r***r***rit*t***+*******alrtrrrr****t*a Account Cod€Descrlptlon EP 00100003111100 ELECTRICAL PERIiIIT FEES we 00100003112800 tfILL caIJ, INEPBCTION FBE 53.00 53.00 .00 AalounE 50.00 3.00 Aug-OA-OO 02:OEIP Doub-le Oiamond Service 97C) 926 6?03 P -C)2 TWNNYAIL 75 !i Fronlegt Rd. VaiL ColoraZo 81657 cot'tPLETE SQ. FEET roR NEW BUItDs and VALuATIONS FOR ALL oTHERS (bbor & Flaterials) * rr*r*****r+rr*rrr *r*:r+rrrr r*a*r***r***FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**r****++rt r**+l*"t***+*'* it******'* ouiloins perttit *E= =/.l 97 O- 47 9 -2149 (InrPedions) Asgggsor?J or vistt if no bldg. Permit # i5 lob Addres5: /{wt+ 1F}/tJob Name: JAO*rl pgcD€,y<L Detailed description of work: Lr.rrtrrr./r.- t frEd. n 'lqrl eJr4tce 4!cnt{' Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( )Remodel 0f Repair ( )TempPou,er( ) Other( ) oooin EHU o(ist at this location: Yes ( ) No 0tr)Work Type: Interior (f,J Exterior ( ) Both ( ) iype of gldq,: Singte-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi{arnily 04 Commercial ( ) ttes'taurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Acconrmodatign Units in this builcling:l,to. d Existirrg Drvdlinq UniB in this building; t ffiExist: ves( ) No €LECTRICAL VALUATIOITI: S {EAMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: CONTMCTOR INFORMATION ffiani-phone *'s: f 76 - o%"t t?o_:_Ztoo$31 -L n &'Pr < r:/cveryone/fi oft |s/eleqerm ARcmrrECT.uR.Au SpRlrlcns, P. C. Re: Lloyd Johnson Residence, Unit - A 1760 Sierra Trail Proposed Garage Construction Dear Mr. Davis: Attached please find my clients application for a building permit to convert the crawlspace area below his house, into a Z-car garage. On 1 1-1 1-99 he received Staff approval of the design and Interior Conversion (see attached copy of approval). As indicated on the attached Action Form the Staff placed a condition on the approval, which was the need for a soils report to be submitted prior to the issuance of a building permit. Due to the location of the proposed construction, and the need to remove existing walls to be able to excavate and make an analysis of the soils, my client would like to request that the soils report be submitted prior to his requesting a footing rebar inspection. lf this were possible, and a building permit could be issued now, he could remove the existing construction, start excavation and have a Soils Engineer analyze the soils and issue a report We feel that this would be the most sensible way to proceed and hope the Building Department would agree. Please call if you have any questions or require additional information. Sincerely, ECTU TOl^rN OF VAIL, trOLORADO , Locat i on : f 76ra SIERRA TR Par.ce I : ,E1O3-lE3-ee-O01Deseriptionr LIGHTING AND RECEtr. AppI icant : JOHNS0N, LL.CIYD Bwner.: JOHNSUN LLOYD R trontr.actor: JOHNS0N' LLUYD Fhone: 970-f76-t1539 Fhone: Phone z 97fi_47E,-Q539 Firuncc DCil'ffiEent I ARER: EG onstr.: AAtrT Use: 'f i me Exp 4- _ UEST$ - INSFECTN WBRK S}iEETS FOR: 9/81/EO Dcc: IN NEW 6ARA6E ADDITION In!f#tion Request lnf or"nation... ..'Requestor: LLOYD trhonet 478-t8539 Comnents: WILL HE be Inspected... Req Tine: O8:OCt Iterg requested to OO190 ELEE-Final Eonme ts Iterr O011O El-EC-Tenp. Fower"Itenr OEIP0 ELEC-Rough AA/AelOO Inspector: EGIt€n: 0ra13a ELEC-ConduitItenr Ora140 ELEC-f{lsc.Iten: OOI90 ELEC-FinaI Act i orr ; AF'F'R APF'ROVEI) TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FROIITI,GE ROADvArL,, co 91657 970-479-2L38 DEPART!,IEITT OF COMMT'NIIY DBVELOPMEI.IT NOTE: 1TIIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON iTOBSITE Permit AT ALL TIMES #: POO-0082PLTJMBING PERITIIT ilob Address: 1760 SIERXA TRLocation. . .: L'760 SIERRA TRParcel No. . : 2LO3-L23-22-OOLProject No. : PRJ00-0175 APPLICAIIT iIOHNSON, LI,OYDP.O. BOX L972, VArL, CO 81558coltTRAcTOR iIOHNSON, LLOYDP.O. BOX L872, VArr,, co 81658OWNER JOIINSON LI.,OYD A PO BOX L872, VAIL CO 91659 Description: ALTER EXISTING pLut[BING FOR cRAWLSValuation:R .arti**rrrrirrttrirarrrrttr,rirri*.r,r.r,rrtrrr FEB guullABl' Status...: ISSI'EDApplled..: 08/LO/2OOOIssued...: 08/L4/2O0O Erqrires. . : 02/LO/2O0t Phone: 970-476-0539 Phone: 970-476-0539 500.00 Plurbing-----> Plan Ch.ck- - - > lnvratsigrt,Ion> W1ll Crll----> RaaUuarant Elan Rqvi.r--> TCrtAll 'BES----- loErl crlcuhb.d P..!-- - > Addltlon.I ?c..---------> Tolrl DolllLts F..--------> Ptyn !tts,----- -- - Ileqi.q5100 BurLDrNc DBPARTIIENT Depr: BurLDrNe Diviglon:99lLs/?900 CIIARL,IE Action: APPR CHARIJTE DAVISIEQmi -q5600 FIRB DEPARI!,IENI Depts: FIRE Division:O8/LO/20O0 CHARIJIE Act.ion: AppR N/A 15.OO 3.75 .o0 3.00 .o0 2t.75 2r.75 .oo 2L.75 2L.75 BA!4.!fCE DUE---- ?rr r rtr'L,,i rrtt t t,!' a,r t t t tt tt t r r{ tt irtr i t !rrtl}tt I t t I r a ttr,rrtttttttt',tr r,r ttit t.r}r.,rr I COIiIDITION OF APPROVAI. 1-. FTEIJD INSPEqTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. a ta w r e t a+raalrr atrrr rarr a r r tttti ar t t ttr atr artta ttaatirilr r rrt at r DECTJARATIONS I h.r.by acknoxl.dEG chrt I h.w. r..d Lhl. rpplLc.tlon, flllcal outs ln full t'h. lnfolt(rglon rcqulr6d, coup!..tscd en .ccur.ec plotspl|n, .nd .crt. thr! .ll ch. I'nforurlon provia.d r. r.quir.d 1r co!r€ct,. t rgr.. to coply rlth th! infor!.tion lnd plot plen,go co[Ply tith rll IorD ordLa.ne.! .nd rurt. ltra, .nd to bulld thL. .tructur. rccotd!.nE to Eh. torn.. ronl,rrg rnd .ubdlv-i.Loncod.. ' d..lEm r.vl.r ltttttovad' Itntfoa! BullaiDE Co& .ad och6t ordln.nco. of th. Torn .ppllc.bl. th.raCo. RlQul8rg loR rraPaetro[a sHAlrr BE ]IADE Tt{ENrr-PouR HottRs rN ADvtNca By rBlEpHoNE 479-2L?g OR AT OI'R FROU I t00 AU 5!00 or ofifEi oR @ttnAcroR Fon HIl|aaLl rrD odNER ti**atttt*atttt**i*t*ttatt**t**t**tl*tt*tt*rrrirttttt*itl}rt**ttt TOIIN OF VAT[, @IORADO AtateDnC* t t* *t t al I t* ta t trt t a a * t t * t i aA a** I I * t * rlt * * tlt at r i * r!r tla aa ta *|l *l tt * t tgtatemnt Nunber: REC-0G65 Aurount:2L.75 08/L4/ 00 14: o2 Pa]rment llethod: 25?2 Notat,ion: ITIOYD {IOHN8ON Inlt : ill{ Permlt No! P0O-0082 Type: B-p&ttB pIJt ttBrNc pERttIT Parcel No: 2103-1e3 -22-OOLgiCe AddreEs 3 1?60 BIBRRA TR Locatl-on: lZfO 8IERRA IT. ghl.B Palment, Total FeeE; 2I.75 Total AIJJ Pntr; Balance:t***a*******tr**t**tt**t*ttt**tt*lrt*ii*t*rt.rrrrt*t*t*i*ttttrar Accou!.t Code Desctrlption PP OO1OOOO31111OO PIT'UBII'G PERIIIT PEEA PF 00100003112300 pIaN qIECK pElEE wc 00100003112800 WILIJ CALL INAPECrIOII FEB 2r ,15 2L.75 .00 Amotrtrt 15.00 3.75 3.O0 Aug-oa-oo oz: oEtP Doutr'la E,iamond serwice 97o -9t26--62o3lrrricefnr- r m BE ^ccr p?ED r t ":; r.f,_ _ -I"*o.=oAa.tllf, v arikrns psrmit#:_Wl IffirtrffiNNnUVmll attT- P-Ol Z5S Frcrtagr Rd-Ya4coloorlo !1652 -a Ofr rtgTOSZA-&fr IParcct'= (3ffurcc robr{ama: fr*lg^t (zq rrcl-e b*'illo sreuq ?Tiltz t.ecat Dcao,rpdon I roc I at*; I r,rng: il s.oai,*i*, tulffst€f,|E,Utq6 Engineer:AddGss:PhOrc; Uetatr€rt deScriptign of uorlC , -r :tlk.4 4.-artlt4 ,t -;,r-q dl,.r cta,.t sft t *atctian tA j,eF?e, . -w,S9bs: -k( ) aaaitim( ) ancau-f,t'f n p.i.t I otr-t ) Typc of Elrtg.: sr'9Fihm,tl, ( ) Duprc( ( ) t{ub-trnuty 96 c-r,rr"-rt Aff l.lo.,.ant t ) Cher( ) No. of Edsting hrclting Units in rfits bdtdt.,S,J l,lo. of lcommodrugl units in ttis brikling: Is Utls a OrrrcrslOn ttorn; COHPIfTE YALIIATIOTI FOR, PLUIIIBIJ|G PCRI'IT (l'DOr T Ii#''rK) CO.I{TNACTOR IT{FORIIATIOI{ LrnDrrlt {'J(,rftralcEr;. L eoY)a.lurt - St6j^t Town of vaai Rea, No.:and Phone*3: (,tr - OLbyD |ug no - frt ConbaoSgndbrrE: .irr..riltrr*.*rt+a.r+*+tfa.e..Jr_.r.a.FoR oFFIcE usE chlLyt*...*.*+r**r....ii+.ri**a t.r.*.++*++*+ AUG 0 8 2000 Ha@^bfitgCnqu'ra Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Johnson Residence Project Number: prj99-0336 Project Description: Interior conversion of crawl space into garage Owner. Address. and Phone: Llovd Johnson PO"Box 1872 Vail" CO 81658 476-0539 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Danny Swertfeger PO Box 385 Edwards, CO 81632 970-926-760s Project Street Address: 1760 Sierra Trail, Unit A Legal Description: Lot 23, Vail Village West F'iling I Parcel Number: 210312322001 Building Name: Comments: IJrnrd Report not required though is in Unstable Soils because no change to building footprint Board/Staff Action Action:Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: StaffApproved with conditions l. Soils report required at building permit Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: llllll99 Project Name: Johnson Residence Documentl DRB Fee Paid: $50 OO Ancmnrmc"ruR..{u Snmvlcn,s, lP. C. 210 Edwards Village Blvd. . C-2O2. P.O. Box 385 Edwards, Colorado 81632 Phone: 970.926.7605 . Fax: 97 O.926.7 610 Or November 10, 1999 Ms. Allison C. Ochs Town Of Vail Community Development Vail, CO 81632 Re: Lloyd Johnson Residence, Unit - A, 1760 Sierra Trail (lnterior Conversion) Dear Ms. Ochs: Attached please find our Application for an lnterior Conversion to be made at the above referenced location. The package includes the application form, existing floor plans, proposed floor plans, photographs of the Jxisting conditions, computer generated images of the proposed changes, and a letter of approval from the Condominium Association' lf allowed to proceed, our client will be adding approximately 556.3 S.F. of G.R.F.A. to an existing crawlspace located below existing living space and completely within the existing building footprint. The new space is to be used as a (2) car garage' We feel that the request for the added floor area is in compliance with the Interior Conversion guidelines and that the changes to the exterior, although not significant, will help to add interest to this side of the building. When we met several weeks ago to discuss this project, you pointed out that the property is located in a area with unstable-soils, which would require that a soils report be provided with this application. After some discussion and due to the location of the improvement you agreeo lhat the soils report could be submitted prior to the building permit being issued. For that reason the soils report has not been included at this time. We also discussed the possibility of obtaining a staff approval, which you thought could be done. We hope that this is still possible. Please call if you have any questions or require additional information. Fl .Fruate Hecetve No'/ 10 rc99 Y IoI IIl^r. --vU l(tfr-"aw tirc Plairning Siari r.{;';-: I zSQucstions? Cail APPLICATTON FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPRCVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcviov approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign ro icw must rcccivc Design Rwiew approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit For specific informatiorl sce thc submittai rcquircmcnts for thc particular approval that is rcquc.sted- Thc application cannot be acceptcd until al the required inibrnmtiorr is subrnittcd. Thc projcct nray aiso nccd to bc rcviclvcd by thc Town Council andlor thc F lanning and Environrrrcntal Conrnrission. Design Rcvicw Board approval expircs onc ycar aftcr final approvrtl unless a building permit is issued and constnrction is started. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST:couvEqr AN EY,lSTtN(t c RA(NL6 PAG n4n LccAT€O Eetoo,s Ltvrulc 6pA<a Apa I1P|P.ETEL? N|TEIN ttl€ EvttTltr(. TOWN OFVAIL D,:ltolt-c T Ptlut-T , IHJA A C:/7A 6ARt+6€ B.LocATloN oFPROPOSAL: LoT 23 BLOCK:- 71yaq6lYaz vt;aoe l^lesr Ha' I PIrySICALADDRESS: 116O SIEFPA TTEAIL UI\|I!:4 PARCEL #-2to 3lz3zzoe/(Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Officc at 970-32E-8640 for parcel #)C. D. E. ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S):LLoYn A . J6Hanso;: MAILINC ADDRESS:P.e, raox t67z wntL, co 6t6lA MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: F. H. TYPEOFREVIEWANDFEE: trl Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a new buildine. daaaiuou - E i\{inor Alteration - $50 Includcs any addition where square footagc is addcd to any rcs'idantial or conuncrcial building. $20 lncludcs minor changes to buildings and site improvcmcnts. such as' rcroofing. painting. window additions. landscaping. fenccs and rctaining walls, etc. DRB fces are to be paid at the timc of submittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building pennit please identify thc accuratc valuation ofthc projcct. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee accordrng io the projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT TTIIS APPLTCATION..{LL SUBMITTAL IIEQUIREiVIENTS AT\D THE FEE'I'O THE DEPARTVIENT OF CONIMUNITY DEVELOP}TEN'[.75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, v..\rL. coLoRADo 8t 657. PHONE: ?76: P5-E OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S) : NAME OFAPPLICANT: oo LIST OF PROPOSED MATERTALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: oo BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Sot'fits Windows Window Trinr ..Doors DobrTrim Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chirnncy.s Trash Enclosure.s Grecnhouscs Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other COLOR:+ .MATCI{ EYISTIH6 MATCI{ EYIITIhI6 MATCH exrtTlb+G N/* nAtct4 etr,taQNa t+rrltctl ewnAc .14./h va /* t4 /A + Please specify the nranufacturer's color, number and attach a srnall coior chio +* All cxtcrior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.05Q(J). If exter;Or lighting is proposcd, plcasc indicate thc nutnbcr offixtlrcs and locations on a s€?aratc lighting plin. Identify each fii'ture rype and provide the height above grade, lumens output. lunrinous arca. and attach a cut shcct ofthe iighting fixturcs. ;' 1l i; ,.,'' Updated 6/97 5Tvcco $la tl/x t1/^ tt lx u/n 6*f t4.qe a_ooot t4rlTcH EXt5Tlb+6 u/A oo STAFF APPROVAL Thc Administrator may rcvicw and approve Desigrr Rcview applications. approve rvith ccrtain modifications. deny the application, or may rel'er the application to thc Design Rcvier,rr Board for decision. All staff approvals are subjcct to final approval by the DRB. Thc following types of Dcsigrr Rcview applications may bc snffapprovcd; Any application for an addition to an existing building that is consistent with the architcctural dcsign, nratcrials and coiors of the building. and approval has bcen rrceived by an authorizcd member ofa c ondominiurn associalion. if applicablc: Any application to nrodiff an existing building that does not significantly changc the existing planes of the building and is generally consistent with the architettural design. materials and colors of thc' building. including. but not limited to exterior building finish materials (e.g. stonework. siding. roof .rnaterials. paint or stain.). cxterior lighting. canopics or awnings. fcnces. antennas. satcllite dishes. rvindorvs. skylights. siding. urinor commercial facadc improvcnrcnts. and other similar modifications: Any apptication for site impr'ovcments or mod.ifications including. but not limited to. driveway rnodifications. sitc grading. site rvalls. rcmoval or modifications to existing landscaping. installation of accessory structures or rccr€ational facilities. ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. If this application requires a separate revian, by any local. statc or Federal agency other tian thc Torvn of Vail. thc application fce sball bc increrqed by S200.00. Examplcs of such rcvicrv, may includc. but are not limitcd to: Colorado Dcpanrncnt of Highwav Access Permits. Army Corps of Enginccrs 404. etc. B. The applicant shall be responsible for payrng ary publishing fecs rvhich are in excess of50% ofthe application fee. If. at the applicant's request. an). mattcr is postponed for hearing causing the matter . to be re-published thcn thc cntirc fce for such re-publication shall bc paid by thc applicant. C, Applications dcemcd by the Communify Devclopment Dcpartmcnt to have desigrr. land usc or other. 'issucs *hich may have a significant impact on the community may requiie review by consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by the Town staff that an ouBide consultant isnccdcd. the Community Devclopment Departmcnt may hire the consultant. The Departmcnt shall ' cstimate the amount of money necessary to pay thc consultant and this amount shall be forwardcC to thc To.,vn by the applicant at the time of filing an application. Expenses incurred by the Town in dxcess of the amount lbre''arded by the application shall bc paid to tbe Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Torvn. Any excess funds will bc rehrmcd to the applicant upon review cortrolction. Updated 6/97 oo B. VL oo June 3, 1999 To Whon IL May concern: The purpose of this letter is to document that Lloyd ilohnson as been granted pemission by a unanimous vote of the quorum present of the Sierra Condominium Association to convert the crawl space under Unit A to a garage. ly, SecreEary Condominium Association 2210 Stuart Street Denver, CO 8O2L2 Jdsy'p}: S. Morrell; .760 Slerra Trail u,\lz ulo $ or, z \rz1o-t AFoJ J 0tulF t.L ul \)z\l6 \EIrIIo[ za\n =Ts -l A )-aJJ M ulFl$ gEP?Q BeF-"z Ltato JoHNsoN pr.:lroEuce 1..I\ -a { t'(. REFT131 TOIJN OF VAILr CoLURADO A7/A9/98 E7:Et3 REOUESTS FOR INStrECTIDN I^JORK SHEETS FORt 7/ 9/98 II hr u..1 kl F'BGE 1I AREA: CD -ir flddress; 1760t SIERRA TR Location: 1768r SIERRA TRAIL #D Parcel : 3163-133-E*-UA4 Occ:Use: Description: REtrLACE EXISTING BOILER TO CODE Applicant: FEAK I FLUMFING E HEATING LLC Fhone: 97O-936-8131 0wner: M0RRELL JOSEPH S Fhoner Contractorr FEAH l FLUMBING R. HEATING LLC Fhone: 97O-936-8131 Inspect i on Reque st Requeston! MAT Req Time: O8:OO' Items requested to 00394 MEtrH-Final Informat i on..,-=--- FF*o-ne- Comment {:l.WILL CALL MATT -479-7889lbe I n s peb\.d"---r_--.,sc_t i.gn C-qruents,; 479-7995 Time Exp Inspect i on Hi st ory. . . . . Item: AO?AA MECH-Rough A7/t/t7/94 Inspector: ART Aetionr APtrR Nith notation: Notes: COMtrLETE COMBUSTION AIR AS REGUIRED BY 1991 U.M,C. RND REOTJEST A FINAL INSF.ECTION. Item: OAeeS FIRE-SF,RINKLER ROUGH Item: AO84A F,LMB-Gas Piping It em I OEl31E ltlECH-Heat ing Item: elOJAtZt MECH-Exhaugt Hoods Itemt ElZlS3O MECH-SuppIy Air Iten: rztqrS4o MECH*Misc. Iten : Og'3get MECH-Final Item: rzt'2t338 FIRE-FINAL C/0 TOI{N OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAII-,, CO 8L657 97 0 -479 -2L38 ilob Address...:Location......: Parcel No.....: Project Number: DEPARTMENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVEI.,OPMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANIEAL PERMIT 1750 SIERRA TR 1760 SIERRA TR,AIL #D 2to3-123-22-OO4 SEAEUS...: ISSUED App1ied..: 07/06/L998Issued...: 07/06/L998 E>cpires. . : oL/02/L999 ON JOBSITE AT Permit #: ALI-. TIMES M98 - 011_2 APPLICAIVT PEAK I PLI]MBING & HEATING LI-,C 1966 B WesE Gore Creek Drive, vail, CONTRACTOR PEAK I PI-.,UMBING & HEATING L.,LC 1966 B West Gore Creek Drive, Vail' OWNER MORRELL iIOSEPH S 221-0 STUART ST, DENVER CO 80212 Descripuion: REPI,ACE EXISTING BOILER IO CODB FireDIace fnforoaEioh: Re6lricts6d:*of Gaa AppI iancea: Mechanical--->160,00 co co Phone: 81657 8L6s',l Phone: 8L657 8L657 970-926-8L3L 970-926 -8131 8, 000 .00 #of wood/Pallet: Valuation: #of Gae Log6: FEE SUV!'IARY Re6luarants Plan Revier- - > .00 Tolal Calculaled Fc6s- - - > 203.OO Plan Check---> 4O,OO DRB Fee-------- InveetigaEion> ,oo ToTAL FEBS----- 2o3.oo Total PermiE Fee--_-----> 203'oo wirl carr----> 3.0o :iilli::";;-:::___:_::__: "'.31 rtem: 05100 BUTLDTNG DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division: 07/06/L998 iIRM Act,ion: APPR APPRovED 'JRI"ritbirl'o56oo FIRE DEPARTIIENT -D+E: FrRE Division: 017 d6 t 79ge -,Ji.T,,t-- ---AdEioni appn r/a CONDITION OF APPROVAL t . FIEITD INSPESTIONS ARB REOUIRED TO CHBCK FOR CODE COMP_I{IANCE.2. e6rrrBOsTI0N-A-R-rS nnOuinED pER sEc. 607 oF TEE 1-991 IJl4c.,-I : rNSTAr.,r,Af ioN-t'iuSf coNFOntq- to-uaxuFnc*nrnEs rNsrRucrr oNs AND TO APPENDIX CIIAPTER 2]- OF THE 1991 l'MC.e. cas- ApFr,Talrcss -sHaLr,-sn-VsNTEo-AeeoRDrNG To cHAPTER 9 ANDsuaLr-trmaiNAie-AS-SpeerrrED r}l Snc.goe oF TI{E L991 W-c_:s. ACCSSS-fo IIEAIrrG-EOUTFMENT MuSr coMPLY wrru sEc.50s AND 703 0F THE 199L uMC. e . sorl-,Ei{s-SHAr,r-,-Be-MotryTeo oN FLooRs oF NoNcoMBUsrrELE coNsr'- UNLESS-LiSTED FOn I,IOUIATING ON COMBUSTIBLB FI.,QORI!!G 7 . FERI',Iri , FLANS-AND--cbDE--ANAI v5rs-MiDST Bs PosrED lN MEcHANTcAL ROOM PRIOR TO AIiI TNSPEETION REOTJEST.e. iiiATNAce-tje-Ms'c-IiAt{ical-,-n66us--cdwtAillruc HEATING oR I{qr-wArER-- SupFr.'y-eoilsiiS--fnliL,l ee--EOtiipFuD-tllirtt a FLooR DRAIN PER sgc. 2119 0F THE 1991 IIMC. ******************************************************************************** DECr.,AxA-TIONS I hlrcby tcknorladgc thaE I hava r.rd thiE ippllcatton, tltlsit ouE in futl th! ln!o! rElon lcqulrrd, conPllttd. rn rccurrl' plo! pl|n, and rcrtr chrt .11 ch.r lnfon!.Llon provtd.d rs raqulr.d lB co!E.ct. r agrar to couply trtEh Eh. infonEtlon lnd plor Phn, co cdlrly rlth rll Torn ordlnuec! rnd .!.ta lrrr, qnd fo bu1ld thlE lcructulo rccordr'ng to thc Tornr6 zoning lnd lubdl'vt'rl'on codaa. daalgn ravl.r rpprov.d. Itnlforsl Building cod. rnd oBhsr ordlnrnc.. of lh. Torn aPplic.blr thercuo' RAQT'E!'TS FOR ITSPE TIOtrS SHALL AE TTDE $NBNTC.FOIN HOUru' IN ATNlIICE BY TAT.IPITONB AT '?9-2T36 OR AT OITR OTIICE FROI' EIOO Il| 5:OO PiI SIOIAIT'R8 OF CIIIIIBR OR SIIIRACION POR HIXSELF .IXD OII}IER TOWN OF VArL, COTORADO stsatsemlts **************************************************************** staternnt Number: REC-0421' AmounE:203 .00 07 /05/95 08:09Init: 'JRMPaymenE Metshod: CK NoEation:2684 Permit No: M98-0112 Type: Parcel No: 2103-L23-22-OO4 Site Address: 1760 STERRA TR LOCAI,iON: 1-760 SIBRRA TRAII-' B-MECH MECHANICAI., PERMIT #DTota1 Fees: 203 .00 Total AL,L Pmts: Balance: 203 .00 203.00 .00This Paymenc *********************:t******************************************Amount 150 .00 40 .00 3.00 Account Code Description MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAI., PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILIJ EALL INSPE TION FEE : .. O fieReceived3oncacc Eaglc Councy Asscssors 0fflce ac 970_328_8640 ror parcel 0. TowN oF vArD coNsrRucrroN JUL 01 lg9g pEn.\lrr ff " " fu f"*ll*l::rrt|,Ioffo* . APPLICATION MUST BE FILLEDIr***************************** b t l-Building I J-Plumbing t rob Name: MCf*ll 4fS,bnae rob Actdre"", 4%5le..^-V- dD Lesar Description: "".- skf: tt*(l"? ' ,rrrrr,rr.-, t, T OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERMIT fNFORMATfON * * r. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,r * * * * * rwners Name: SesefL: ltt"'rcll Address: /T1OAprrorTt 40 pn. l-Electrical tff-Mechanibaf [ ]-other Ph. .rork classt 9101-N"" I 1-etieration rumber of Dwelling Unitst GA \rchitect, MI-n Address: ieneral DescriPtion: t l-A ET,ECTRICAL: $ .t;mber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances, k * * * * * * * * * * tr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATfONS |urror"", * ?LUMBING: $MECHANTCAI: $.- 1 :t:t rr * * * *'* * * 'l * * * * 't * * {'* * * * * * * * CONTRACTOR INFORMAaIONleneral contractor: tddress: ;lectrical contractor : iddress: H11'ottv itional [ ]-Repair yN1-oxner-ffr Nurnber of Acconrnodation Units , lV/4 Gas Logs- wood/PeJ.I"J )Iumbing rddress: contractor: ********************************* OTHER: f TOTAL: S **** * *** ** rt rt*** * **** * * * * * * * Town of Vai). Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nunrber: ovrn of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of VailIechanical Contractor: tddress:Reg. No. Phone Number: ' OFFfCE USE *********************tr**rt*?t*** * i,,::' BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: ,i .. PLUMBING PI.,AN CHECK TEE: : :t :t :t :t * :t :t * rt * * * * * * * * * }UTLDING PERMIT )LUMBING PERMIT IECHANICAL PERMI ..i.-Ji MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: .RECRbATION FEE:lJi cLEAN-up pnposrr:. :I TOTAL PERMIT FEES: ;LECTRICAIJ FEE: :- - - .J)THER TYPE OF FEE' )RB FEE: iUV .t BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: :onnents: VALUATION ) CLEAN I]P DEPOSIT REFIIND TO: 7n198 Morrell Resirlence Affil.Ioeseph $ffi 1760 Sierr:r Trlil il) vd, co 81657 Ecsting S;,stem Informatim: 1. R$ece cdstng Boilcr (190,000) BIII's tnd {O gal hot watcr hcater cuncndylocrtcd in laundry room witr no combustion eir. 2. Instrll newTeledyne Laers 132'(n0 BIU boiler and side aru IIHW tankin same aneo. - 3. Mer BTU output from ell E5' of exisling beseboard i8 51'000 BIII's. (Boiler is ovenized*ized for DHW load pcr custromer request & to amid condmsing dudng peak loeds) 4. InstrII on Telcdlme Lears non-combuslible basc. 5. Instrtr new nanifol{ controlsu and system piping to cdsting heet lines intamdry noom. 6. InstrII Taco mnc control bor with DHW priority. 7. Install donble uall flu pipingper factory qtGcs. 8. Install 6'high end lowcombustion air per codc bi^q- Qc"d"D I o t";nir3r'-t +' \ REPT131 A6/13/99 rZ7z4?. REQUESTS FOR M9B-TAABS 6/tF./9A Type: B-MECH Statr-rs: ISSUED Constr': ADdtr 1760 SIERRA TR 1760 SIERRA TRAIL * A e1ra3-re3-ee-001 REtrLACING EX ISTING BT]ILER F,EAK I F.LUMBING & HEATINE LLC JOHNSON LLOYD A PEAK I F.LUf{NING & HEATINB LLC TOWN OF UAIL, COLORADB INSFECTIaN h,URK SHEETS FORt 6/13/98 F.OEE / AREtr: CD AoSivity: Address: Locat ion r Frarce I : Descr'iption: AppI icant: 0urn e i' ! Contract or l Oee: Fhone: Fhone: F,honel Use: 97ra-9e6-8131 97Ur-ge6-8131 Inspeet i on Request Requestor: MATT Req Tinre: 0Br0O Itens reqr.tested to 0o396 MECH-Final Infor.nation. . . . . Cornment s : EARAGE be Inspected... Fhone r 479*7889 tsTecotvtBu Act i on Time ExfComments Inspect ion History., . . .Item: e$?AA fiECH-RouqhA6/le/98 Inspeetor: CDIten: la0e40 PLMB-Eas tripingItem: OA31A FIECH-Heat ingItern: AqSgA FIECH-Exhaust HoodsItem: IZIOSSO MECH-Supply Air. It em : ra034CI MECH-Mi sc.It em: 0A39tZt MEtrH-Final Aetionr APtrR APPROVED \* TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL. eo 81657 970-479 -2L38 ilob Address...:Location......: Parce1 No.....:Project Number: DEPARTMENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVEI.,OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANIEAI PERMIT 1760 SIERRA TR L760 SIERRA TRAIL # A 2103-L23-22-00L ON iIOBSITE AT ALL, TIMES Permit #: M98-0085 status...: ISSUED Applied..: 06/03/L998 Issued...: 06/03/L998 Ercpires. . : LL/30/L998 APPLICAIiIT CONTRACIOR OWNER PEAK I PI,I'MBING & 1965 B west Gore PEAK I PLTJMBING & 1966 B west Gore iIOHNSON LLOYD A PO BOX 1872, VArL HEATING LLC Creek Drive, HEATING LLC Creek Drive, co 816s8 Phone: 8L657 8L657 Phone: 8L657 81557 970-926-8L3]- 970-926-8L31Vail, vail, co co Description: REPLACING EXISTING BOILER Fir€pLaco Inforrnation 3 ReEtsricted: tfof Oa6 Appliancc8 | FEE SUMMARY VaIuaEion: *0f GaE r,oge: 8,500.00 *of wood/Pallet: uechanical---> Plan Cheek- - - > Inv€.t i9.Eion> Idil1 call----> leo.00 {5,OO . oo 3.OO 229 . OO 224 . OO 22S .00 R66tuatant Plan Revierr_ -> .Oo DRB Pae-------- .oo ToEal calculated F€€E--- > 22s'oo Addi.tlonrl Fees---------> -oo TO|IAL PEaS-----Totsal P68ftit Fee_---__--> Pal.menEg---__-__ BAI,ANCE DUE-.. - 'OO i *i 1, r* * r*t + t atl **i t* i * l_.2.3. 4. 5. 5. 7. 8. rtem: 05100 BUTLDTNG DEPARTMEI{T -DepE: BUTLDTNG Division: -067 iit t 7996 -,rmi-----'-AEELbn; AFFn appnovED ;UR- .rtem: 05500 FrRE DEPARTMENT --- -oept: FrRE Division:-o67iii tIg66-.rRt'l-- ---ACEion' appe u/e CONDITION OF APPROVAL FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR_goDE^-CoMPLI-ANCE. gg'*'Xtmtl;ft tft;E$ ffigtFP B'fi^$E$;-Stfr'8"'fiEF*il&1 off "a* ER ;"RB FP' ift cf; F5fr R[o' 3'o$'ffi Eo'i3 EoSf tt" - Eo-qrjAprER e a]rD Ity*J,iFylut+ilAE;8BE$il8fr FD;Eu;sE6'3fl 9ft f.'ff 8"1?3Eu't$" 703 OF TIIE ]-991 IJMC.sdlt,Eits-5rlaLl-eu-iidulureo oN FLooRs oF NoNcQt'EqqTlEtE coNsr. ullr,sss- Lr s-rnD F6s Moutrilue oN coMBUgrrgLE ^ ELqQRING.. FERMIT . Fi,ANS- AIID*ctiiE-'allAIv5l s -tq iuST - sE PostED IN MEcHANI cAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPESTION FJQI]EST DflAr-NAcs - o-r - un-cliatiieAt -n6d[is - c6wrArxruc EEATINq- 98. Hor - wATER SirpFtY-goiinii5 -b-tttirt., -ee--Ediir pFuD- wrts A pr,oon DRAIN PER sEc' 2]-L9 0F TIIE 1991 tMC. *************tft*:t*************************************************************** DECLARA'TIONS **f**I*******************t*******************************t****** TOWN OF VArL, COT,ORADO statreflnE ****************************************i******t**************** SEatemnt Number: REC-0410 Amount:228.o0 06/03/98 o8:42Init I iIRMPayment, MeEhod: CK NoEation:2676 Permit, No: M98-0085 Tlpe: B-MECH MEclIAr{rcAr. PERI'lrr Parcel No: 2LO3-L23-22-001Site Address: 1760 SIER"RA TR I-,OCACiON: 1760 SIERRA TRAII-,, # A This Payment Tota1 Fees:228.00 Toual ALL PmLs: Balance: MP 00100003111300 MECIIAIiIICAL PERIT{IT FEES PF 00x00003112300 PLAI{ cHEcK FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILI, CALL INSPECTION FEE 228.00 228.O0 .00 * * * * * !t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * i * * * * * ** * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * Accolmtr Code Descrlpt,lon AmounE 180.00 45 .00 3 .00 st26t98 Johnson Residence Attn: Lloyd Johnson 1760 Sierra Trail #A Vail, CO 81657 ZL7 C Hearing System Information: 1. Replace eristing Boiler (130,000) BfLI's and 40 grl. hotwater heater currendy locatcd in laundry room wilh no combustion lir, no non- combustible floor, and no floor drain. 2. Install new Teledyne Laars 160rfi)0 BIU boiler and side arm DFIV tankin garage. 3. Mar BTU output ftom all81' of existing baseboard is 48'6fi)BIU's. @oiler is oversircd-tdzed forDHWload per cnstomcr request & to avoid condcnsing during pcakloads.) -l - - $ 4.Instell on norcombustible cinder blockplatform witr Teledyne Laan ->- non-conbustible base. 5. Install new manifold, controls, and systcm pptng to existing heat lines in laundry noonl. 6. InstNlt Taco zone contuol box with DHW priority. 7. Insta[ double vnll shinless stcel flu piping per factory spccs. 8. Terminatc (ponrcr vent) Flu above garage door and 3' away from upper windoua. 9. Instatl t" high and t" low combustion air for boiler. 4r'' '\ ^ ( tJ,.',,r)ru' ,r,X17L' lv'7 ' :oncacc Eagle Coun EY o Assessors t.t, Recew€o0fflce ac 970-328-8640 for \RCEL 0: Ar o a Parcel 4.TOWN iddress: ilectrical Contractor: iddress: )Iunbing rddress: Iechanical Contractor: tddress: : x:t :t :t rt rt rt rt :t *** ** * * * * * * *** ** * ** * * *rUK }UILDING PERMIT FEE: ,LUMBING PERMT'I FEE: IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: 'LEC?RTCAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: ar 97Q-321t-6oqu tor rarcel tr. .TOWN OF VATL CONSTRUCTION\rytEt- f : Rroa/ 13A?gb/ pERMrr eppi:qAiipii-iorurK--. JUN 0l 19gB PER\ur r-------.-..- , APPLICATION MI'ST BE FILLED OUT COHPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDI r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * J.'t PERMIT fNFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\tl rl[ ]-Buirding fiJ-Prumbing [ ]-Erectricar [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other-//f t </rob Nane z L/o ? d JohnSo\ Job A<idre"t, ,/7€O #4 51..ra,fio,,,'l(/ Aro rr^ aomFZLegal oescriptioX: Lot- sf5dJ<_ - itiit I I t {/ 'rwners Nane: L/7e JOt*rto, Address, /76O &r4 Sr..r..,.Zoilph.O7<-OEt/ lrchitect, - Address: ph. -.----.-- ieneral Description: .lork Class: [ ]-New [ ]-ALteration [ ]-Additional t 'l -Repair rYt -other v<P/e- tumber of DweIIing Units:Number of Acconnodation Units: .tumber and Tvpe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances," k * t( * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATfONS Gas Logs Wood/PeJ.let )]UILDING: $EI,ECTRICAL: $OTHER: $)-IUMBING: $ f,,5 Orr,OO MECHANTCAL: S TOTAL: { (* * * * 'r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * coNTR \CTOR INFORMAI.,IoNieneral Contractor: ******* *** rr ******* ******** * ** * * ** ***'* * ****** ***** ***rt * * * *** * Tovrn of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phon-e Number:.%*fown bf vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg.NO. 1/ Reg.NO. OFFfCE USE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rt * rt * * * * BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PI.,UMBTNG PIAN CHECK TEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Contractor: GROUP VALUATION ) CLEAN I]P DEPOSIT REFT]ND TO: !, vt[rA I l,/,/ ).1t3 ta3 @rle engineering, inc. 143 e. meodcnar dr. suile rr-10 crossroocls sl-opping cent er voil. colorodo 81657303/47G217O \,,\ ,j I 0ctober 10' 1S84 l'lr. Lloyd Johnson Sierra Condorniniun Assn. P. O. Box 187? VaiI, C0 81658 Subject, Lot 23, Uail Uillage [Jest, Filing I East End Retainage Situation (rt- {lo t ,x 4{do '4 ' :ll ,l i \ 1ft- 6zVz r/t' / I n\(rl{a,L {-rs1 P\ il"\L !- Q.I\*r, \j\- tt,qr,(1{l'U-1," "_ff(r\ (ou\ Dear LloYd, This Ietter uill confirm that this office has lrade an inspection of ihc above noled situation to detenrnine if any structural problem exists at the east end of youn property r,rhere the original retaining uall has been danaged and f ailed. It is ny opinion that a slope stability problen exists in this area due to the Iacli of any system to retain the cut in the hilIsldc. fis you knou this is a hiqhly unstable :one and quite vulnerable to slidlng, I ulould highly recornnend that you install a retaining urall in this area to replace the one that has been daroaged this Fall. If you r^rait unttl Spring the excessive moisture at that tirne could cause a failure in the slope. Even if the slope did not fail in the spring, tt trould be very difficult to construct a r,raIl at that time due to high flroiEture content of the soil and the constant risk of creating a failune condition during the Process. I f you have contact ne' any questions regarding this rTatter please feel free to Sincerel Tinothy President TMB/an JONN IL If,ERAPIY LAWRANCE C. RIDER JAMES A. WINDHOLZ JOIIN A. wlLSON Mrrrr^FtriT, IIIDER, WTNDEOIZ & lyrLSON A: TORNBTI| A' LAW 2OlO I{tB ATnEEI - artlTE IOO lottLDER. coLoRADO AOSOs tE.lPxort (AOSI a{7'a7al November 1l , 1982 P O. BOI ttOC DOI'LDER. ('OLORADO EO3O6 J. SCOTT ltoCOMAS ,/ (l te{ " r h-,t,\.--- / til{r. Lloyrt Johnson Box lB72Vai1, CO 8I658 /Re :- Lots 23s. Dear l'lr. Johnson: and. 24, Vail '/i1lage lVest Filing !q--) This letter is to confirm our conversation of this date. It is my understanding you are the President of the Condoninium Association which owns Lot 23 and you are the owner of Lot 24. These Lots are ad.jacent to Bitettors Lot 22. As I indicated to yotr, the Town has reachecl an agreement with Bitetto to have cer- tain work done on Lot 22 to stabiLize the hil1side. That work may require some entry onto your property. You have indicated to me that you have no ob.jection to work bei,ng done on Lots 23 and 24 in con.junction with the stabilization of Lot 22. I have enclosed for your information, the proposed agreement between the Town and Bitetto. If you have questions about the recommended work and the contract for doing the work, I vroulcl suggest that you contact Mr. Larry Eskwith, the Town At- torney. -[e has copi.es of the engineering report done by Claycomb Engineering, and the construction contract with B & B Excavating. You may review those at anY time. Ifthisletterdoesnotpropertyreflectourconversa- tion, would you please contact me as soon as possible' RespectfullY, LCR:1s Enc l.,-F /h^''L'^fl C i .t /.'t 14f- :. 1t JOFN R. }IEIIAII' LAIVN.BNCI O. NIDER JA}IES I. WINDTIOLZ JOXN B. lr'II.SOlf lf?r^Tt:r, RtDtR, IyE. DEorz & 'WrLsoN ATAORIlll:sl ,'t t rW ?OaO larr SlRaar - gtnTr tOO BOt LDZR, COLOR^IDO 9('3{)3 llt|'.rorr (tOC) aa7-87i1 t o. Dox lloo tottlDBn, col.onaDo 8o3oo REV.J. SC(tfT NoCO!|aE November 3, 1982 Itlr. Albert B. flolf !trr. Richard W. Laugesenl{olf & Slatkin De}Ioulin, Anderson, Campbell &Attorneys at Law Laugesen l35O Security Life Bullding Attorneys at Lav 1616 Glenarn Place 't; 3464 S. Villow Street Re: Landsllde - Lot 22 - Owner, Douglas Bitetto - C,entlemen: Tbls letter is to summarlze the agreement betvreen the Torvn of Vall, Doug Bitetto (State Farn Insurance, Bitetto's,insurer), and other interested parties in reference to the. stabillzatlon of the hillside lnvolvlng Lot 22, Yail Village lfest. Ftling #1 , Lot 15, Highland Meadows Filing #1 , and Alpine Road,Vail, Colorado. You and I have dlscussed at length tbe ne.cessary measures for stabillzing the hillslde to prevent furtherdeterioration of the hillside. The background facts are: vilrage n.[t)'rHlEt;i,"*;tl?,titjf iS:I"."f"Htr3'i.X?j1r.., : fnsurance Oompany. (b) The Town of Vail has nrithin its jurisdictlon, twopublic roadways, Alplne Road to the south of Lnt 22, and SierraTrail to the'North of lot 22. (c)HelgaBeathuneisthe,owneroft.otJ5,Highlan<l l,{eadows Filing No. l, which }ies adjacent to Lot'fe anA AlpineDrive. (d) There has been a collapse of the hillside involvingprirnarily Lot 22, but includlng a portion of Lot 15 and AlpineDrive, threatening the public health and safety. (e) The parties hereto wish to accornplish certain rvorkto stabilize the hillside involving Lots 22 and 15, and AlpinDrive to prevent further deterioration. (f) The Town of VaiI had a study done by ClaycombEngineering Associates, Inc., of Glenrvood Springs, Colorado (datecl Septenber 21, 1982), to deterrnine rvhat neasures should be takenfor the stabilization work. t Mr. Albert B. ltolf Mr. Richard lv. Laugesen Page Two November 3, 1982 Based on these facts, the parties have agreed to do the following: (1) The Torvn of Vail agrees to implement the onsite work outlined in the Claycomb study of September 21 ,. L982, as may be necessary to stabilize the hillside oh Lot 22, Yail Village IYest Filing frL 'ancl atijabelt prqpertles. A.11 the parties recognize and agree that salcl sta.bilization will involve work on Lots 22 and 15 (as identified above), and A).pine Drive. (2) The parties have agreed that the Tovn, using Claycomb Engineering Associates, Inc., will contract to have the onsite work done as outlined in the Claycomb study of September 2L, 1982, in order to stabil,ize the hillside. (3) AlL the parties agree that the Town of Vail' its agents, employees ancl contractor nay enter upon Lots 22, and 15 to accomplish the vork required for the stabilization of the hill- slde. ='(4) Bitetto agrees to pay to the Torvn the sum of $75,OOO to be used for the payment, in whole or in part, of the work on Lot 22, and the adjacent properties. The funds frorn Bitetto shall be paid upon request of the Tovrn.art*-sha**-{ee a *ement-i-ngJhe hi. (5) It is expressly understood by all the parties that this Agreement shall in no way be cotrstrue<I by the parties or any thircl person as an admission by any party of liability or res- ponsibility for the subsiding of the hillside or damages resulting there frorn. (6) It is expressly agreed that the rneasures to be undertaken in accordance with this Agreement are being done for the purpose of avoicling further rnovement of the hillside or dam- ages to any party and to protect the public health, safety and wel fare. (7) Each party specifically reserves their individual rights to proceed to recover any damages incurrerl from any res- ponsible party or parties and that nothing herein shall he con- strued to pre.judice the rights of any partf hereto to assert a clainr or suit against any other party or parties. I have circulated this letter to the persons identified belorv. In order to facilitate its signing, if you have any questions or ob.jections, please contact me as soon as possible so that I can make the appropriate changes. Then vyhen the language ,, l' Mr. Albert B. lYolfllr. Richard lf. Laugesen Page Three Novernber 3, 1982 of the letter is agreeable to all of the parties, f will ask you to execute youi copy and return it to me. and I will then forvard photocoples to each one of you. RespectfulIy, & IYILSON LCR:ls cc: llr. Keith J. Vandenbergel.lr. Lawrence A. EskwithMr. ilohn Dunn IITEHAFFY, RI , WINDHOLZ C. Rider rii3a!?J-i :i.u<c FO <: : zF t- r, ,- 7- I I l", ,FI<to I I I I I, ,9t< l6z t=to v1,u dtaDJ NO[Vn']VA 23SHPqNi ;qJirqr$s3E E=gEgoo-zQ zzsga-,',4tr 2EaP,3;E; ;.1col 9E 9clo(\ll Eol E-l Egli9lEA-lr! (Jlzltr, I(,l IcYt4q I I oz t = UJo- zoz z_e(D0>z CL r,! o ctoo o .= .! E aI o ifit\ | \ = =F:7 ...: i'r r- dd= E Et!l(! 4o UJ F co E oAo! oz F uJ-.| &.d ,-,1 TINI1lr.ol I I uJ o ts =E,t! o-zoF(JfEFazo() L]TD E -r Ir t$ J\t jN \l\lotzF-.:9- P EL(l,,o (|to L+)oo td I(u -coU' JL u; =z . j 1- rljII(u 6 o(o T\r-{ frEo6 J = o- E()tr uJ o J F = tr gJ e.o U LPoc, U.t ! Q) (,,! =g. tr q UJ o a = tltltllltltltl lfil toltolt<l =l Jlcl <ltr|=l E LIJ oo = &oo =. =g t! F uJz =o F UJF - e. -.r O<F(r(J LrJ <ZE, o() <oQF -< t!,2 -Lf oozt- =#f,F'"6 <; =F7<)-< iz>E Ei: =J- tf o2<(Jtifr=l t I , !trtr ao INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGBOUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERE] FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL i H. TUB n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: O HEATING daoueu tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FJNAL O FINAL APPROVED CORREGTIONS:il tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ft JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST . VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEET PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND fI ROUGH / D.W.V.E FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER E] INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB O FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: TE=l'[iP/ POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL p'APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ; oq;sl *::i:Ufofl;11.1;";nffl:i:' 28' 1s8o fraere co'ntY No Fee O ,'+Book 311 Page 376 , nl'*'tr tlVW: 11\t' ,a W I2- r RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO REsoLUTIoN No. Bo- t{ DELETION OF PLAT RESTRICTION - FINAL PLAT OF SIERRA CONDOMINIUMS WHEREAS, The Board CoIorado, hereinafter referred' on the 2t day of 4t Corm'issioners, County of Eagle' "Board", at a regular meeting held 1980, approved the final Plat of of to c) County as the Sierra Condominiums 'located o county of Eag'le, colorado; said final plat being recorded in Book 309 at page 162 oi the property records of the County of Eagle, Colorado; and WHEREAS, as a condition of final plat approval , the developer of Sierra Condominiums, High Sierra Developers, Inc., entered into a Subdjvision Improvements Agreement dated May 28, 1980, and recorded in Book 310 at Page 250 of the property records of the county of Eagle' Colorado; and I.IHEREAS, as a condition of final plat approval of Sierra condominiums, a plat restriction was p1 aced on said final plat which stated: "No condominium units may be sold until the improvements the parking lot are comblete to the satisfaction of the Eagle County Engineer."; and I'|HEREAS, the Board has determined that the deve'l opor has satisfactori]y cornpieted the improvements on the parking lot and all jmprovements set forth in the Subdivjsion Improvements Agreement as requ'ired by the Board at the time of finai piat approval; and WHEREAS, the developer has requested the Board to delete and/or ljft the plat restriction referred to herein from the final olat of Sierra Condomin'iums. NOl,l, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of County Cor:rmissioners, County of Eagle, Colorado: THAT, the plat restriction placed upon the final plat of Sierra Condominiums which states: "No condomjnium units may be sold until the improvements on the park.ing lot are comflete to the satisfaction of the Eagle County Engineer." is hereby deleted and lifted from said final ptat and shall have no further force or effect with respect to the sale of such condominiums. MovED, SEC0NDED AND UNANIM0USLY ADOPTED at a regu'lar meeting of the Board of County Cormissioners, County of Eag'le, Colorado, held on the 14th day of 0ctober, 1980. SIGNED this day of 0ctober' 1980."f COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO By and Through its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: Da'le F. Dan tli I I iams - .lr-.-'// | -4' /LJa)/K1_1,.c4 r ,t_.r, Kei th Troxel - Cormi ss'i oner Grant - Chairman lerk of the Commissioners Commi ssioner EA9il.E COUNTY EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/326.73t I BOARD OF COUNTY coMMrSStoNERS Ext 241 AOMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949.4292 A55E550 R Exl 2O2 BUILOING IN I N SPECT ION Exl 226 os 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 2l 7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENG INEE R Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXT EN 5ION AG ENT Exl 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG Exl 226 or 229 PU RC HA S ING/ PER50NNEL Ext 245 ROAO & BR IDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Batalt 927.3244 Gilman 82 7-575 | socrAL SERVTCES 328.6328 TREAsURER Ext 20 | CERTIFIED MAIL P23 0253218 0ctober 15, 1980 Mr, James C. Harvey Assistant Cashier First Bank of Vail 17 Vail Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Release of Letter of Credit No. 1144 - County of Eagle Dear Mr. Harvey: 0n 0ctober 14, 1980, the Board of County Cormissioners' County of Eagle, Colorado, at its regu'lar meeting' moved to release a certa'in Letter of Credit No. 1144 dated August ?7, 1980, in the amount of twenty-six thousand do]'lars ($ 20,OOO.O0) for the account of High Sierra-- Developers, Inc., P.0. Box 1872, Vail, Colorado' 81657. I have enclosed said Letter of Credit and v,,ould appreciate the First Bank of Vail taking all necessary steps to finalize the release of said Letter of Credit. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. If you have any questjons, please contact this office at :Zg-Z:it onp.0. Box 850, Eag1e, Colorado, 81631' Si ncerely, 6r--<t-, A Lt:ll,-=trrr Beth A. Whittier County Attorney BAl,J/da Encl osure cc: Cbairman, Board of County Commissioners vzffe1 Atwell, County Engineer Tom Boni, Acting Planning Director I,'|illiam J. Post' Esq. t/@Ie-Dp,+lutt/es--s-usu,/m--WL -m-fu eutctTt-oil-4a.izza<=e4s-ava-- -Oa/--/e-=L--8-o--Bl/--Um4-E-Azw-at,&QL_€_3eeaay_&eaJe* / Orva1r) ama hb r /yora .//v a/''"RE /a/-67 ' ?- W+/'/- 2 , ', €kposs:r ,tN Faq ar 'L Aconra utrrl FAu aF fi/aat ^ i A.- NzrrA.,---ZtUz-l*--yaz-tAz--Aua--44aa@ /A wFtt kd/cZt/ * C44 cz WtctT'qr : C,eeazcZ ot/ _ 4,Pase cau V/A't/ eN BAc '"- " FAc€, ila@-lc-zas tuapz rr agratv b{fia/&r/ A!',"e.2/ Aoilc,etze aJetL nvo AO,rc*f _ - --- futz-/r'-fuptaza-'gt-- - /o/z,/,oa.i..-_r/*- ' t. A4__Ltlsg_thtts_4esZ_3E' eoas-traucran n/ . WALL & €XALsgt Pfr& 4u<r 86 Ppanaza Etu*l oo (xlaua Q u/ta7/4 P,Eat*444,/ Wr.4 PpXy_--- - Etu.e'x I4ATEEJAL.- -- ____-3._/4ze€_e_Bsc?yd__@at-AuszzaD-um-o,4.-- eo t/4tzz = ^ ht t rl M :J-UAeH4/za 4L €--- /tr/4ar-Pr,+/ pil 4tLtuKAcE-- 4 E * A frveaz/r'-eo-a-E -4ALL-La-aL|-/E--E&@- t't/ r r7/ OEt6eu/G €r&tt4,e ta/ Cattsrxvcr"tt/ 7a Tunare 1&tse4t6 S/y'eu{ f " O/14wil/e Se/a/UrT€D Wtr4 Epao AtZ-AP?ztdftal -r / C) /A-fZ I zul_Ga+trA.^/ W,VC _sr-<uaadt- ,^u 13- EAGLE GOUNTV , Rnemn@rendumnfinterofff,ee To: Me'l Atwell, County Engineer subject: Release of Letter of Credit - High S'ierra Developers, Inc. From: L. Beth A. !{hittier, County Attorneyv4*J File No.:Date: 0ctober 15, 1980 0n 0ctober 14, 1980, the Board of County Connissioners released Letter of Credit No. 1144 dated August 27, L980, in the amount of $ 26,000.00 for the account of High Sierra Developers, Inc. Said Letter of Credit had been submitted to the County pursuant to Road Cut Permit No. 327. The deve'lopers have remitted to this office a check in the amount of $ 2,600.00 to guarantee the work of the developers jn the County right-of-way for a period of one year after completion thereof. Said check has been submitted to Nancy Morgan, Environmental Health Department, for processing and payment to the County Treasurer's office. The developers have requested that the Treasurer's receipt be submitted to: tllilliam J. Post, Esq. P.0. Box 3149 Vail, Colorado 81657 with a copy of same submitted to this office. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact this office at Extension 242. cc: Chainnan, Board of County Commissioners William J. Post, Esq. Nancy Morgan, Environmental Health Department EAGLE.COUNTY EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-73t I BOARD OF COUNTY co MM rssr oN E Rs Ext 241 AOMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R Ext 202 BUILDING IN I NSPECTION Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECO R DE R Ext 2l 7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENG I NEE R Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENS IO N AGENTErl247 | LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Ext 226 or 229 PU RC HA5I NG/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basall 927 -3244 Gilman 82 7-5 75 | SOCIAL SERVICES 328.6328 TREASURER Ext 201 CERTIFIED MAIL P23 02532T5 0ctober 9, 1980 High Sierra Developers, Inc. P.0. Box 1872Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. 1144 - Road Cut Permit No. 327 - County of Eagle, Colorado Dear Sirs: 0n August 27, 1980' an jrrevocable letter of credit in the amount of $ 26,000.00 tvas issued by the First Bank of Vail for the account of yourself jn favor of the Board of County Conrnissioners, County of Eagle, Colorado' for the purpose of guaranteejng construct'ion of improvementsjn the County right-of-way pursuant to Road Cut Permit No. 327 issued to yourself on August 27, !980, and the Road Cut Permit and Road Construction Permit Reso'l ution, County of Eag1e, Colorado. Pursuant to said letter of credit all drafts drawn thereunder must be drawn on or before November 1, 1980. Thus, a1l work required as per said Road Cut Permit and Road Construction Permit Resolution must be completed to the satisfaction of the County prior to llovember 1, 1980. Since this due date is rapidly drawing near, I would suggest that you contact Mr. Melton Atwell, County Engineer, to discuss the status of the work required to be completed. Emphasis should be made that a] I work must be satisfactorily cornpleted and approved by the County prior to said due date. If this is not accomplished prior to said due date'I shall be ]eft with no other alternative but to present said letter of credit to the bank for payment as provided thereunder. qlo High Sierra Developers, Inc. Page Two 0ctober 9, 1980 If you have any questions, please contact this office at 328-7311or P.0. Box 850, Eagle, Colorado, 81631, Thank you for your lmmediate attention to this matter. Sincerely, ---4Qrr/t ft./d/r/i4),gu Beth A. l'lhittier County Attorney BAl.|/da cc: Chairman, Board of County Conmissioners l.lel ton Atwel I , County Engi neer 9,- A"rfu.* o -ttth a.ry"r*rit zr'rA Z"Q.;.-4 Z* #12'r.A'a e. ,4.'2' 7""/4/l Lh Azzi*aza4* ZrtL-.,Z*, ?Z;tZ,-:a '.rtt J ,, --2 y'.-. Iyza.Z aJ h1 2a-44 ma2".a/,6 /4a.;.L 2r'* are.tz,an ;SeZ tr**J*/ / a,nilar/ /r** -% =raZ-+-zaZ %,,' % e-/*Z-'.8/,4 /--/.;^dZ/ot zoa 4.%,,ry^ar '#-I..ZL'+ra42- 6 7,4tlrnA/4 "6 f,/-% ( I 1? LincolnDeVore 1000 West Fillmore St. Colorado Springs, Colorado 80907 (303) 632-3593 Home ottice June 25, L980 Elgh Sierra Developnent sox 1872Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Bill Wezwic Re:SUB9URFACE SOILS ]NVESTIGATION PROPOSED PARKING LOT AND CONDOII|INIIIII a"{.\- u Ia/L./t a. . \r I\yr.i il i\l wEsrvArL, coLoR,ADo \ltl"vl v \ -l ry\ Gentlenen: Transmitted herewith issoils investigation for condoninium located on Respectfully submitted' LINCOLN-DEVORE TESTING LABORATORY, TNC. F. Essigmann, 33303 Spr ings P. E. P.O. 8ox 1882 P.O. Box 1643 Grand Junct'on. Colo 8i501 Flock Springs, Wyo 82901 (303) 242-896a (307) 382-2649 )>v, LINCOLNjIeVORE TESTIN// ,/ ///t&n; fl/aq/taaBy: Francis MaEnussen civJ+ EngiFeer LD Job No. GS-1335,cc: Johnson Kunke1 LD - Glenwood the report concerning a subsurface the proposed parking lot and single unit Sierra Trall in West Vail, Colorado. Reviewed Frv/lab 602 Easl &h Strset P.O. 8ox 1427 86 Bos€rnont ptaza R€blo, Colo 81001 Glenwood Springs, Colo 81601 Montrose, Coto gt4o1 (303) 5,1&1150 (303) e45-6020 (303) 249-7830 I ABSTRACT: This report contains the results of a subsurface soils exploration program for a proposed parking lot and a single unit condoninium rocated on sierra Trail in west Vail, Colorado. The foundation soils encountered during our subsurface exploration program erere noted to consist nainly of silty clays, containing a considerable atnount of graver and cobble sized particles. For the rnost part, these silty clays were encountered in a relativery moist, row density condition. Ar1 of the fine to medium grained sirty crays were noted to underlie a thin veneer of low density, organic topsoil. Recornmendations concerning the building foundations and parking rot construction can be found in the last section of this report. Tbe following general recomnen- dat,ions should be followed. All foundations must be well balanced and heavily reinforced to ninimize differential movenent. All floor slabs on grade must be constructed to act independently of other structurar portions of the buildings. be carefully designed recommended around the Surface and subsurface and controlled. A perineter building exterior. A Type II Cenent would in contact with the soil on drainage nust drain would be be recon- this site.mended in all concrete -r- IL More detailed reconmendations can be found within the body of this report. All reconnendations will be subject to the linitations set forth herein. GENERAL: The purpose of this investigation was to determine the general suitabil-ity of the site for construction of a parking lot and a single unit condominium. Characteristics of the individual soils found within the test borings were exErmined for use in designing foundations on this si te. The parking lot is to be pJ-aced in the northern portion of the site, as indicated on the enclosed Test Pit tocation Diagram. The proposed cuts for this parking lot are to be on tbe order of L2 feet naxinum in the southeast corner, tapering to 4 or 5 feet on the southwest corner. Proposed fills are to range up to 6 feet in the northwest corner. Entrance to the parking lot will be provided in the northeast portion. This will necessitate the renoval of an existing retaining wall. The surface of the lot will consist of a 5-inctr thick Iayer of gravel. At the present time, Lincoln-Devore has not seen a set of construction drawings for the proposed condominiurn; in fact, finalized design of the building is pro- bably not conplete at the present time. In any event, we feel that it will be basically a frane structure of more or less con- ventional design. We would anticipate foundation loads to be light to moderate in nagnitude -2- v isL The site itself located on the The General southerly side of Sierra rrail in West VaiI, CoLorado. locatlon of the site has been indlcated on the enclosed Site Location Dlagram and test Pit Location Diagram. Topographically' the site occupies a relatively moderate to steep slope (25 to 34 percent) dropping generally in a north and westerly direction. AJ.though surface drainage on the site will be controlled to some extent by the proposed parking lot and condominium, surface drainage will generally be in this northwesterly direction towards Sierra Trail. The site is located on the north- westerly side of a debris slide as mapped on the geologic land use naps for Eagle County, prepared by Charles S. Robinson and Associates, Golden, Colorado, in 1975. These tnaPs lrere prepared for the Colorado Geologic Survey and for Eagle County, Colorado. The debris slide is typicalty a landslide tyPe consisting pri- narily of surficial naterial. The site has also been napped as an area that nay be susceptible to snow sLiding or snovr ava- lanches under extreme weather conditions. At the present time the landslide deposit on the site appears to be in a relatively stable condition. Lateral movenent consisting prirnarily of a gradual downslope creep must, however, be anticiPated. While it is un- likely that any major catastrphic slope failure will occur pro- viding proper precautions are taken' it is believed that this downslope creep movement will continue with time. This creep movement should be taken into account in the design of foun- dations for structures to be constructed on this site. -3- The upper port,ion of the soil pro- file was a dark brown, silty clay topsoit, with a high organic content. This material was found to range in thickness fron I to Ill feet. Imrnediately below this topsoil naterial was encountered silty clays of the landslide deposit. fhis material was generally of a low density condition, and ranged from fine to medium in grain size. This landslide deposit also contained numerous gravel and cobble sized particles Bedrock beneath the site is believed to consist of the Minturn Fornation. The Minturn Formation has been described as a medium to very coarse grainedr gray to red- dish brown sandstone conglomeratic sandstone containing thin beds of reddish brown siltstone and sandy and silty shale and proni- nent pinkish gray to gray linestone. No fornational material was encountered in any of the test pits placed on this site, and it is believed to exist at sufficient depth that its engineering characteristics will not affect the shaltow foundation systems proposed for the site. -4- Pour test pits srere excavated on the site in the area of proposed construction as shown on the Test Pit tocation Diagram. These test pits were located so that a reasonable profile of the subsurface soils could be provided. Arl test pits were excavated with a hydraulic backhoe. sanples were taken by bulk methods. As indicated on the enclosed Test Pit Logs, basicarly one singre soil naterial was encountered during our subsurface exploration prograrn. For the purpose of this report, this material has been designated as soil Type No. 1. These soils were encountered inmediately beneath a thin veneer of organic topsoil in all 4 test pits excavated, and extended to the botton of the pits. soil Type No. I was encountered in a rela- tively row density condition, and is capabte of supporting fairly light to moderately loaded foundations. The precise gradational and plasti- city characteristics associated with the soils encountered during drilring can be found on the attached sunmary sheets. The repre- sentative number for each soil group is indicated in a snall circle inmediately below the sanpling point on the Drilling Logs. The folrowing discussion of the soir groups wilr be general in nature. Soil Type No. I classified as a sirty clay (cL/utL) of fine to medium grain size. Generally, this naterial is of low ptasticityt of low to moderate permeablity, and was encountered in a low density, noist condition. When encountered in a high density, low moisture condition, Soil Type -5- I No. I would have a tendency to expand upon the addition of moisture, with swell pressures on the order of 1000 psf being rneasured. However, when encountered in a relatively low density, noist condition, the expansive potential of the soil will be reduced. We would anticipate that the in-situ soils on the site will have a tendency to expand with swell pressures on the order of 500 psf. While this magnitude of expansion should not be suf- ficient to affect the structural members of the building, it can cause sone movenent beneath floor slabs on grade. Soil type Wo. I will have a tendency to long tern consolidation upon loading. As mentioned previously, where this naterial was encountered it was found to be of a reLatively low density, and will probably be capable of supporting fairly light to moderately loaded shallow foundation systems providing they are properly designed and reinforced. The maximum allowable bearing capacity for the material encountered on this site will be on the order of 1500 psf. The finer grained portion of SoiI Type No. I contains suLfates in detrimental guantities. No true free water table eras encoun- tered in any of the test pits to the depths excavated. Ilowever, because of the nature of the site and the clinate in this area, the soils beneath the site will tend to periodically become saturated. This is a result of subsurface seepage from the higher ground to the south of the site. It is, therefore, essen- tial that proper surface drainage be naintained in order to reduce the amount of moisture entering the foundation area, Additionally, subsurface peripheral drains should be used around all structures constructed on this site in order to carry -6- subsurface moisture around the structures and away fron the building area. Subsurface drains should also be constructed behind retainlng walls to intercept seepage and discharge it through a series of weep holes. More conplete reconmendations pertaining to the design of surface and subsurface drainage will be given in the next section of this report. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMITENDATIONS : Since the exact nagnitude and nature of the foundation loads are not precisely known at the present time, the following recornrnendations must be somewhat general in nature. Any special loads or unusual design conditions should be reported to Lincoln-Devore so that changes in these reconmen- dations nay be made, if necessary. However, based upon our ana- lysis of the soil conditions and project characteristics pre- viously outlined, the following reconmendations are made. Owing to the varying nature of construction proposed for this site (parking 1ot construction and building construction), the Conclusions and Recommendations por- tion of the report will be subdivided into two separate sections, the first of which will pertain to the condominium which is to be constructed at some time in the future. Condominium: It is recommended that a shallow foundation system consisting of continuous footings beneath all bearing walls and isolated spread footings beneath colunns and other points of concentrated load, be used to transfer the weight -7- ' of the proposed structure. such a sha110w foundation systen nay be designed on the basis of a naximum arlowable bearing capacity of 1500 psf as an overarl site average. A nininun pressure of 500 psf will be reguired. It should be noted that the tern ifootings" as used above incrudes the warr on grade or .no footingr type of foundation systen. on this particurar site, the use of a more conventional footing, tbe use of a rno footingr, or the use of voids wilr depend entirery upon the foundation roads exerted by the structure. The subsurface materials encountered on this site are somewhat subject to vertical and raterar novenent. Lateral movenent is felt to consist prinarily of a graduar downsl0pe creep. Rapid mass movements are not likery, providing proper precautions are taken. The graduar downsrope movenentr however, will create a strong potential for differen- tial movenent througbout the structure. Therefore, opposing exterior load bearing walls should be cross-connected to provide additional rigidity. used, we wourd recommend .n".":;"'":"::::t::,:::::"::T":::::: t" beneath the foundation components. Most buitdings are invariably rnore heavily loaded on sone walls and colurnns than on others. The amount of this variation may tend to be guite high. we wourd reconmend that the size of the foundation component be varied in direct relationship to the actuar road being carried, thus main- taining approximately the same pressure on the soil at all points. using the criterion of dead road only for single story -8- .oo structure' or dead road plus one-harf live 10ad for multi-story structures' we would reconmend that the contact stresses beneath the load bearing walls be balanced to within +300 psf at a1l points beneath the foundation warl . rsorated rnterior corumn pads shourd be designed for pressures of about 150 psf more than the average of the pressures beneath the road bearing warls. To help ensure that the structure moves nore or less as a single unit rather than in a differential mannerr we wourd recommend that all stem walls be supported by a grade bean capable of spanning at reast t5 feet. This grade bearn would apply to both interior and exterior 10ad bearing warls. such a grade bean shourd be horizontarly reinforced continuousry around the structure with no gaps or breaks in reinforcing steel unless they are speciarry designed. Beans shourd be reinforced at both the top and the botton with the najor reinforcement being approximately balanced between these two l0cations. Arl interior bearing warls should rest on a grade bean and foundation system of their own and shourd not be a110wed to rest on a thickened slab section or trshovel" footing. Where the sten wall_s are relatively sha110w' verticar reinforcing will probably not be necessary. However, where the warrs retain soil in excess of about 5 feet in height' verticar reinforcing rnay be necessary to resist the active pressure of the soirs al0ng the wall exterior. To aid in designing such verticar reinforcing, the for-lowing eguivar-ent fluid pressures can be utilized: Soil rype r.ro. I - 45 pcf -9- I l.It should be noted that the above values sbould be modified to take into account any surcharge loads applied at the top of the walls as a result of stored goods, live loads on the floor, machineryr or any other exter- nally applied forces. Where floor slabs are used, they should be placed over a conpacted gravel blanket of 4 to 6 inches in thickness. under no circumstances should this gravel pad be allowed to act as a ruater trap beneath the floor slab. A vapor barrier is recommended beneath any and al1 floor slabs on grade which will lie below the finished exterior ground surface. AIl floor slabs on grade must be constructed to act independently of the other structurar portions of the building. These floor slabs should contain deep construc- tion or contraction joints to facilitate even breakage and to help minimize any unsightly cracking which could result fron dif- ferential movement. Froor slabs on grade should be placed in sections no greater than 20 feet on a side. prior to constructing slabs on grade, all existing topsoil and organics nust be removed frorn the buirding interior. Likewise, all foun- dations must penetrate tbe topsoil layer. Any interior, non-Ioad bearing par- titions which will be constructed to rest on the floor srab shourd be constructed with a minimum space of lN inches at either the top or bottom of the wall. The bottorn of the wall wourd be the preferred location for this space. This space will alrow for any future potential expansion of the subgrade soils and wil_l prevent damage to the wall and/or roof section above which could be caused by this movement. -10- Adeguate drainage must be provided in tbe foundation area both during and after construction to pre- vent the ponding of water. The ground surface around the buirding Ehoutd be graded so that surface vrater will be carried quickly away from the structure. The rnlninum gradient within r0 feet of the building wirr depend upon surface landscaping. Bare or paved areas should naintain a ninimum gradient of 2t, while landscaped areas should naintain a ninimum gradient of 5t. Roof drains must be carried across all backfiLled areas and discharged weII away from the structure. A subsurface peripheral drain, incruding an adequate gravel colrector, sand filter and per- forated drain pipe, should be constructed around the outside of the building at foundation level. Dry werrs should not be used anywbere on this site. The discharge pipe shourd be given a free gravity outlet to the ground surface. If rdaylight', is not avaiLable, a sealed surnp and pump should be used. The gravel pad beneath the floor srab described previousry wilr act as a capillary break. This could be discharged into this exterior drain by providing weep holes in the foundation wall. To give the building extra lateral stability and to aid in the rapidity of runoff, all backfirl around the building and in utility trenches in the vicinity of the structure should be compacted to at least 90t of its maximum Proctor dry density, AsrM D-699. The native naterials encoun- tered on this site may be used for backtilling purposes, if so desired. All backfill must be compacted to the required density -11- by nechanical neans. No water flooding technigues of any type should be used in the placenent of fill on this site. Sone of the clayier foundation materiars wourd be anticipated to contain surfates in detrimentar quantities; therefore, a Type rr cenent is reconnrended for use in all concrete which wilr be in contact with all crayey foundation soils' under no circumstances shourd calcium chroride ever be added to a Type If Cenent. In the event that a Type II Cement is difficult to obtain, a Type r cenent nay be substituted, but only if it is protected from the soir by an imperneabre membrane. A Type r cenent can be used if foundations rest on the sands only. The open foundation excavation must be inspected prior to the placing of forns and pouring of concrete to establish that adeguate design bearing rnateriars have been reached and that no debris, soft spots or areas of unusuarly low density are l0cated within the foundation region. Alr firl placed bel0w the foundations must be fully controrred and tested to ensure that adequate densiftcation has occurred. Parkin Lot Construction and Slope stabilitys As nentioned in the General section of the report, the proposed parking rot is to be praced in the northern portion of the site as indicated on the encl0sed Test Pit Location Diagran. The proposed cuts for this parking 10t are to be on the order of 12 feet maxinum in the southeast, corner, tapering to 4 0r 5 feet in the southwest corner. proposed firls are to range up to G feet in the northwest corner. AIso, as shown on the Test pit Location Diagram, retaining warls are to be constructed along the north, south and east boundaries of the -L2- parking 1ot. A conputer Program vtas used to ana- Iyze this proposed parking lot configuration in terrns of stability. The stabitity of the site subseguent to proposed parking l-ot construction nust be divided into 2 systems. These 2 systems wlll be designated as the llocal systemi and the noverall systen.n The nlocal systemn will pertain to the stabi- lity of the slope in the imrnediate vicinity of the l2-foot cut, and the 'overall systeni will pertain to the overal-l stability of the site. These 2 systens will be discussed separately. tocal Systen: Computer analysis indicates that a marginal factor of safety would be provided at the 12-foot vertical cut without the construction of a retaining wall. That is, a failure would be anticipated should a retaining wall not be provided. An acceptable factor of safety level could be achieved by the construction of a retaining wall . This retaining wall nust be designed to resist lgn equivalent fluid ressure of 50 pcf i ve stat lus an additional 300 stope.l obviously, a retaining wall designed to resist these pressures would not only be extremely expensive, but would be difficult to design and construct. In any event, to aid in designing the retaining wall, lqle soils on this site would ssess an equivalent fluid re on the order of 240 pcf in 1500 psf. Assuming mass concrete placed on fine to mediun grained silty clays, a friction angJ.e of about 17' would result. psf horizontal unit load owing to the unstable nature of the cut @ Maxinun toe pressures nust be linited to -t3- We would reconmend that the botton of the retaining wall be placed a minimum of 4 feet below grade. Overall Systen: In this case' comPuter analYsis shows that even with the local stability satisfied' the overall stability would be marginal . Again, failures could be anticipated. With the above described stabilities in mind, both loca1 and overall, it would appear at this tine that several alternatives are available. The first alternative would be to satisfy the local stability by constructing a retaining wall and accepting the marginal stability of the overall system. with this alternative, the retaining wall must be properly designed and should not be subjected to any addi- tional surcharge loads, such as building loads. Again' the design and cost of the retaining walI would probably rnake this approach unfeasible. In addition, overall marginal stability must be accepted. Another alternative would be to conpletely elininate the retaining wall and lay back the slope of the cut for the parking lot. Preliminary calculations indicating the nature of the slope required for stability showed that a slope sonewhat less than 26' would be necessary. Due to the limited space available to the south of the parking Iot, we feel that this alternative would be unfeasible. The third and ProbablY the nost desirable alternative wouLd be to raise the grade of the parking -r 4- lot such that the cuts in the slope are reduced. In this case, we would anticipate that a considerable.amount of fill will be placed on the northern portlon of tbe parking lot. Therefore, the reconmendatlons provided previously concerning the northern retaining wall nust be revlewed and nodified if necessary. Reconnendations concerning the northern retaining wall were pro- vided in a letter dated April 14, 1980. The anount of grade change for the parking lot would be a function of slope stability. Therefore, addltional computer analysis nust be recomnended. Owing to tbe tlme constraints for this project, further conputer analysis coul-d not be provided. Should the latter alternative be chosen, thereby requiring additional slope stability analysls, please feel free to contact Lincoln-Devore to provide the addi- tional required infornation. The previous recornmendation con- cerning concrete type would also apply to retalning walls placed on this site. tn addltion, as mentioned previouslyr ir€ would recommend that a drain be constructed behind all retaining walls to intercept subsurface seepage, being discharged through a series of weep holes. Drainage at the top of all retaining walls must be such that water is intercepted and removed quickly fron the area. We hope this has provided you with sufficient infornation at the present tine. Again, should addi- tional information be desired, please feel free to contact Lincoln-Devore at any tine. -r)- oO ',,/ \"' llii'1\$)11),j; | ,) l;:i{' ',iA *"[+i'Eg !f I:'!I I ii '\\) \\'i\ql ?'l,t1., i(>iLr t.L-. '. i.r- )a .' i:i' J,.^..!^-r\)',.\r r""K (, rr--.:l ',J','4 ( ''1 '$ (i,\=--', .',, l, .( \,\ ., I \=' -"- . ----._,_ .- /' , ,l 1,. -- -=,,----r \')lt I r I ',"1.- -:- ,=--11 t' l*,i ',. :' -__ __.1 ;+r.115'=,-;-/-l - /' ,.,,,r, I \ r ; =.\*- ,-,-J -J ,,' 4' l'' ']' ..---- i \ ') J- -Z--:i.'' / ,---T1l'-r_-- ),\,tf .at:'/ /r-Tl-: ,l :-___!,))--'r /,f:,-,'.i,Y//;,,gft*f 't- ,' .) ) N-,-',,f;"'I*r^f#,/"i ,ttt/ _.,,5., 6'r./7t]j|. dExEPet Otrc zOAA7lOrll ?lAACAi, ,rrEr?Re AOtvAA*rrAllll.na tyE57 yera , 6oaA. coLoRAoo: coLoiA00 9PRll{G3, PUEELO I OLEtlwooo SPRll{03 , 0RAt{0 ,ru1{0Tt0N, r{ol{TRo9E r wYotll|o: R00K 9PRltlo9 LINCOLN DEVO RE ENOItIEER9. OEOLOG I9T9 t '4r'ffI <q:\=*:t.";.- \\. ').' /V>i-- i:i \- .- - ?- - -.8 t3o' ;ri4-,':2'./\\1/i " +' n;*c-7 - -- -' ,.ir -. - =-\ _,'-. t - - r;=tE -t_1g - .._/-' --' - -Et- ,-t -. -y -._ -i$, F F i i. -r' ,./ ,- -- , / ,-:_:| -z- ./'?- ...' -- t -- - -.'- ."-1. --' ---' // -,- ^ -.-- -- 1' L. - ' I t6rtlE.'!4t ?O' 7Et7 Ptr Z Oae 7Qil O/e 6ne /t, e/E"Re 6O.YOA/AIY/0/.h/€,rEt7 ye/4 , 6ozo. SNsBr .+ coLoRAoo: 00LoRADO llPRll{Gs r PUE8LO, GLEtlwooo 9PRll{09, oRAil0 JUt{0Tlol{ , t{ol{TR03E, wYoutilo: ROoK gPRlil03 LINCOLN DEVORE €NGlllEERS.0EoLo0tsTs oEscRtPftol't 9/ta Stondord penefrofion driv€ Numbers indicote 9 blows to drivo ihe spoon 12' into ground. ST a- t/z'Shetby fhin woll somplo tllq Noturol Moislure Cont€nl llJl Weothered Moleriol Free woler foble 7o Nolurol dry densify T.B. - Dislurbed Bulk Somple @ Soil type reloled lo somples in reporf rs' llJx I Top of formotion OTesl Boring Locotion EE Tast Pit Locotion F+{ Seismic or Resislivity Slotion. Linootion indicotes opprox. length & origntotion of sprsod ( S = Seismic , R= Resistivity ) Stondord P6netrolion orives ore mod6 by driving o stondord t.+'splif spoon sompler inlo fhe ground by dropping o Ko lb. weight 3o'. ASTM test des. D - r5e6. Somples moy be bulk , sfondord splif spoon ( both disturbed ) or a- /2" l. D. thin woll ("undisturbed r') Shelby tube somples. See log for type. The boring logs show subsurfoce condiiions ot lho dotos ond locoiions shown,ond it is nol worront€d thol they ore represeniolive of subsurfoce condilions ol other locotions ond times. CONGLOMERATE SANDSTONE SILTSTONE SHALE CLAYSTONE COAL LIMESTONE DOLOMITE MARLSTONE GYPSUM Olher Sedimenlory Rocks GRANITIC ROCKS DIORITIC ROCKS GABBRO RHYOLITE ANDESITE BASALT TUFF A ASH FLOWS BRECCIA I Olher Volconics Olher lgneous Rocks GNEISS SCHIST PHYLLITE SLATE METAOUARTZITE MARBLE HORNFELS SERPENTINE Other Melomorphic Rocks SO]LS,DESCRIPTIONS' lE@. ESCRtPnoN - ToPsoil - Mon-mode Fill WelFgroded Grovel Foorly-groded Grovel Silfy Grovel Cloyey Grovel Well-groded Sond Poorly-groded Sond Silty Sond Cloyey Sond Low-plosticity Silf Low-ploslicify Cloy Lorv-olssticitv Orqonic Silt ond Cloy Higtrploslicity Silf CH Higtrploslicity Cloy OH High- plosticity Orgonic Cloy Pl Peof GW,/GM well- groded Grovel, Silty GW/GC Well-groded Grovel, C loYeY GP/GM loorly-groded Grovel, sr try GPIGC Poorly-groded Grovel Cloyey GM/GC Silty Grovel, C loyey GC/GM CloYey Grovel, Silty S'lrV/SM leil - Iroded Sond, sllry 5YY756 Well- groded Sond, C loyey SP/SM Poorly- groded Sond, Silty SrySC Poorly- groded Sond, Cloyey SM/SC Silty Sond, Cloyey SC/SM Cloyey Sond, Silty CL/ML Silty Cloy xxx xxx -ilD: EXPLANATION OF BOREHOLE LOGS AND LOCATION DIAGRAMS Tqlf HoLE No. TOP ELEVATION 7P-f 7P-2 7?-3 7P-1 ioPso.a,tr,tQt. 7c?tor.,O2earrG6a/'rtz, 7o/.6otanatk.e 6l/irrL, . r---.- tJolTtlEX 634/t,rartrc/?36tpl, ALr/t Zlra.r.rol a/w.-7at, tclr7n ln rr77. Roctcat ,cezn/tuc11 6/eWaL,,rodrrbrltz,tvottt7.7ojtta E AxtrlE zo.?' .(oF2EE ra7e2 -.'N77. vtTrxtnt:r;l/tF{,7olt,!fin72 ,PilS'I'trt 20e2 Ju/oEP74c6&t , t+tott7,zio.? ' .YoF2eE peTEtQ 2attltE 7:O. '/ ' ,yr7 loloezle,zo. //' lo FlPtlt raTcatV. F2tE naTaa t5 t5 zo 20 ?5 25 30 Ftrllrjl! 30 35 z 40 -F o.tdo COLORADO! COLORAOO SPR]NO9, PUEELO , OLEllllooD SPRlflGg , cRAr{o JUt{cT ro , ro}lTRosE, wYofillto: RocK 3PR|l103 LINCOLN DoVORE EtIGIilE E RS. oEoLoclSTs 'r€3T PrT l .f Soil Sonrple SUMAAARY SHTET Test Date No.33tog et-tta6 Locotion Boring lrfo *Ze:l-Dpplh s' 7rPrcnz Sonple I{o.J Test by Noturof Woter Contenf (wl /At X Specific Grovity (Gs)In Place Density (r.) pcf SIF/E ANALYSIS: Sievc l.,lo.96 Possing | |hn tAlt-.t I l02A 7Zt 10t@ 60.6 200 t?.e FffDROMFTER ANALYSIS: Groin size (mm)Vo '2.4oa5ta.5 Plostic LiniI P.L- ?O.? % Liquid Limit L. L- 21,? % Pf osticify lndex P.l.-:l:12-1o Shrinkogie Umit Flow lndex Shrinkoge Rotio Volumetric Chonge-96 Lineol Shrinkoge 96 MOISTURE DENSITY: ASTM METHOD Optimum Arbisture Content - wo q6 lvloximum Dry Density -zd-pcf Colifornio Beoring Rotio (ov)----.9oSwell. / fro ys-Lo-?t" Sw ell ogoi nst-!@lLpsf Wo goi n-!!.4" BEARING: Housel Penetrometer (ov)-/sao wt Unconfined Compression (qu)-pf Plote Beoring:pf lnches Setilement Consolidofion o/o under PERMEABILITY: psf K (ot 20PC) Void Rotio Suffotes gaoo+ ppm. SOIL ANALYSIS Ll NCOL N-DeVOR E TESTI NG LABORATORY coLoRADO SPRINGS, COTORADO LDV-0!) jFRK4 Cernoas. Cotorado Springs, Colorado 80907 (303) 632-3593 Home Olfice High Sierra DevelopmentP. O. Box 1872Vail, CO 81657 Attn: BilI Wezwic Re: Retaining wallSierra TraiI Gentlenen: April 14, 1980 Lincoln-Devoreof the soils in construction.deposit of fine densi ty. To aid in designing the retaining wall- for this tocation, the above values have been calculated. The slope to the rear of the waLl varies from about 3.2:1 to 3.5:1, (horizontal to vertical)..,.'At this slope angJ.e, the native sands on the site would possesp an equivalent fluid pressure of about 51 pcf ln the active sta€e.rn the passive condition, these sane soils wouLd Possess an equivalent fluid pressure on the order of 176 pcf. Maximum toe pressures must be limited to about 2300 psf. Assuming nass concrete placed on tbe fine grainedTd-ndB| a friction angle of about 17' would result. We vrould recommend that a draln be constructed behind the wall to intercept subsurface seepage, being discharged through a series of weep holes. Dralnage at the top of the wall must be such that water is intercepted and removed guickly fron the area. We hope this has provided you with the information you require. Shoul-d you have any questions or desire additional infornation' please feel- free to contact Lincoln-Devore at any time. Respectf ully submitted, ll -7LincolnDeVore 1OOO W€st Fillmor€ St. personnel have exanined the nature and consistency the vicinity of the above referenced The foundation soils were found to consist of a grained siLts and silty sands of low to moderate LABORATORY, TNC. nF.ignann, P. E. cc: Johnson & Kunkel LD-GIenwood Springs P.O. Box 1427 |09 Ros.mont Raze Glenwood Spr'ings, Colo 81601 MontrGo, qob 81401 (303) 94$6020 , (303) 24$7838 MrE/1ab 6@ E8$ Ah Sre6t hr€blo. Colo 81001 (303) 54ell50 P.O. Box 188i1 Grand JLnctbn, Cob tl50t (303) 242-SO8 P.O. Box 16.|{l tuck Sp.imt. ltyo 0200l (307) 3E2-4.9 17,/s4f ,r,ro,*E PERMIT oore August 28, - - 's80-aPPr-tcur rooness P 'U ' bOX 16l Z r . "FEY1',-to-s*Jz6- B'TLDTNG o,fon o, EAGLE COUNTY, P. O. BOX 179 CoURTHOUSE, EAGTE CO. - pH. (303)328-6339 PERM IT TO NUMBER OF t]WELL ING UNITS (CONTR'S LICENSEI NO.(PROPOSEO U5E}(TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT) 5iJ+ii",(NO.) (STFEET) BETWEEN ANO (CROSS STREET){cn05s STiEET) Vail Villaqe West Fjlinq 1 ?? 2L LorLor::-!--:-_ BLocK - s rzE : 0-o o dl ztg, o lr- suBD tv ts toN BUtLOtlrG ts FT. IN HEIGHT A}ID SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE TO BE - FT. WIDE BY - FT. LONG BY USE GROUP BASEM€NT WALLS OR FOUNOAT IOH RE MAR KS ! { fY PE) O r. for parkinq area - Revegetate disturbed ground for erosion control Plan Check -$87.50 175.00PERMIT ,hFEE D AREA OR VOLUME EsrrMA'ED cosr $ 25 000 (CUBIC/SQUARE FEET) Reowlen High Sierra Devel opers ooo^.". P-d- Boi BUlLolNG oEPr (Affidovit on rcverre side of cpplicotion lo be completed by oulhorized ogcnt ol owner) \ BUILDING PERMIT APPLI o CAT 1 roN Juridiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDA WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIOATIONcK. M.O. CASH Pr--;,t* b?/t !l g 9a<K+/+rt-, vqt lrune w&r tl-ls:t rrrrcxto sxetvlFu{a- |hs, 23 a 14 z llet halfr4 la,{/ctu<:tgTL v+tL.- esa/ 3 pr*r lalaPk-? ( e'.N6<; arcH r-lEcr oi oEsr6NER 5 {(4 ;,;;;;+re.07/l usc oF !ul Lolr{c 8 Ctas ot work: tr NEW ts{OOtrtOr D ALTERATI0N fl REPAIR t] MovE I REM0VE 9 Describe work:PAe^tr4/G urtlcL ft< l,Ccy'e qt??, PE RM IT FEEPLAN CHECK FEEI I Valuation of wort: $ / f, jdO Occupancy Group SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Sire of Bld9. (Total) sq. Ft. Fire Sprinklers Requireo [ys3 [N6o toR rssuanlcE 8YeLANs cxEclllr8& ,,. ELI+f Coli.,ir OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES Not FequiredNOTICE, SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIBEO FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUM8. ING. HEAT|NG, VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT. BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WORK OR CONSTEUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANOONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEFI WORK IS COMMENCEO.I H€REBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL AE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEO H€REIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ZONING FI RE OEPT, SOIL REPORT OTHER (Sp6clfy) Form 1o0.1 1.77 /"-'n* ?/"?/tu fNsPEcroR v / Z-u^u.r-couNrY Q2.4o- /4 ti9ttEngineer Department P. O. Box 85O EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHON E 303/328-73t I BOARD OF COUNTY coMMrsstoNERs Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR Ext 202 BU I LD ING IN INSPECTION Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECOROER Ext 2l 7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Exl 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENS IO N AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N ING Exl 2?6 or 229 PURCHASING/ PE RSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eag le Ext 2l I Basall 927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 7 51 SOCIAL sERVICE5 328.6328 TREASURER Ext 201 0ctober 16, 1980 Board of County Conunissioners Eagle County P. 0. Box 850 Eagle, C0 81631 Subject: RetaLnlng WaJ-l on Sierra Trail constructed by lligh Sierra Developers Gentlemen: I have Lnspected the subJect wa1l on tr'ro occasions, once on October 6, L980, and once on October 15, 1980. On the first Lnspeetion, the followlng connents were made and a copy of these conments were glven to the developer: l-) One (1) weep hole noted ln entire length of wa11. (4 inch diameter holes at 5 feet on centers 1n two tiers rrere required to be constructed and shown on the approved drawing. Water stains observed issuing from existing hole. ) 2) Rebar exposed ln face of wal-l- along with face of block of wood. 3) Large crack, approximately U8 l-nch wide at top of wall noted. Crack is vertlcal and about rnidway ln wall length. Crack width is greater on exposed face than on backfill face. (klater stains were observed to issue from the crack about 2 feet from the top of the wal-l. ) 4) North end of wall needs work to obtain continuity between concrete wal1 and adJacent slopes. The foll-owing are the minimum required corrections for the above-mentioned observations. The corrections were also glven to developer. After the 1lsted correction, i.n parentheses, 1s the reason behind each correction. 1) A11 weep holes must be constructed in wa1l. (When r^rater ls allowed to accumulate behj.nd a structure, the l-oad is greatly increased, sometimes beyond the -r; design capacLty of the wall. The accumulatlon of trater must be prevented. This is the reason a well- draining materlal is specified to be installed irmediately behind the wall and the reason for the holes. The size of the weep holes rnust be large enough to keep the well-draining material from t ) Board of County l*i""ion.." October 16, 1980 Page 2 2) plugglng the hoLes. That is why a 4-inch diarneter hole was speclfled. Accurnul-atlon of water rnay also affect the overall stabil-ity of the entire area as pointed out in the soils report by Lincoln-DeVore. I believe the acctrnulation of unrelleved fluld pressure contributed to the development of the fracture observed in item 3 below. Exposed rebar must be protected from exposure to weacher, preferably with epoxy filLer rnaterlal. (Al-low'ing \tater to enter conflned spaces or cone in contact rrith reinforclng stee1 and air can be detrlmental- ln t\'to rtays. Flrst, if water enters crevlces and/or dlscontinuitles, it may remain and be subject to freezing and thaw'ing cycles which can cause rapid deterlora- tion of the concrete. Second, free ltater greatly increases the corrosion rate of reinforcing steel and a rust buildup aror-rrd rebar will" cause the concrete to spal1 away from th-e steel-. This concrete removal, if at a polnt or area ln a structure wtrere the concrete was designed to be Load-carrying can cause trouble. Allowing any rebar to become exposed ls symptomatic of poor construction as ls honqycombing of the concrete; but when such conditions exlst, the best thing that can be done is attempt to keep \tater out. ) Large observed crack must be filLed or covered tdth a rtater- impermeable material on alL surfaces. (Ihe large crack observed was, I believe, the result of overloadlng of the wa11 during or lnrmediately after backfill operations. Discussion w'ith Les Douglas revealed that I'flooding" may have been used to obtaln consolidation of the backflll roaterial. Since at the tlme there nas no vay for excess rtater to move artay from the structure quickly as there rrere no weep holes in the wa11 , this caused a buildup of pressure that caused the rsa1l to crack about midway in its length. Once the crack was formed, the fluid trrressure was relieved by leakage of water from the crack. Thls is evidenced by the waEer stalns on the wall in the wiclnity of the crack. The w-idth of the crack on the exposed face of the wal-l probably indicates yleldlng of the horizontaL rebar adjacent to that face. This crack rrill probably act as a hinge ln the wall, which might not necessarily have a bad effecc on the stabil-ity of the rest of the wa11.) Gap at north end of wal1 must be fil1ed with cribbing sinilar in construction to timber cribbing shown on drawing suburitted with road cut application. (Erosion of steep slope caused by any r^rater movement frorn behind wall must be prevenled with some t]?e of structure. ) A one (1) year bond guaranteeing structural soundness of wa11. Bond equal to amount of $26,000. (The wa1l has experienced a l-ocal failure lnnnediately upon completion of construction. The wa1l was not constructed in accordance with approved drawings and surface flaws suggest Poor construction. Review of 3) 4) s) 3r:i":' rfl $;3'" sioners Page 3 the soils report polnts out the marginal overall stabil"ity of the area, even w'Lth a weLl--constructed retainlng system. Al-1 these itens seem to point out that lt might be prudent to require some additional assurance from a developer that what he has built wtl1 stand up at least a year. Springtlme w'tlL be crltical. ) Re-lnspectlon on October 15 revealed the status of developerr s efforts at correcting defects: 1) I,Ieep hol-es drill-ed in. 2-inch diameter, may plug up with material' not 4-inch as per drawings. Exposed rebar covered w'ith relatively har.d material. Large crack nidway ln wall filled wi th hard uraterial. Crack just about footer stll-l not filled. Hard material used for fill-er has hairline cracks which appear to be directly over crack in concrete. Could be shrinkage of filler material or that concrete crack ls opening more wlth time. Wood railroad ties in-place as cribbing. I would suggest that if the Board sees fit not to requlre thls struct.ure to be bonded, at least dont t accept the rta1l as a public improvenent for a year. If failure of the wal1 does occur and it has been accepted by Eagle County' then liabl-li-ty for darnages caused by such a failure may be the Countyrs. 2) 3) 4) Yours truly, -Yl/bne Af*// tlIe\ton E. Atwell Eagle County Engineer MEA/ncm xc: Tom Boni-, Assistant Planning Dlreclor, Eagle County Beth Whittier, Eagle Cornty Attorney Les Douglas, Eagle County Buildlng Inspector Wlllian J. Post, Esq., AtEorney High Sierra Developers ,;. BurLDrNGDrvrsroN -l rNsegcf,o-u FrEolJEsri.f;i8lffil/ I --ffi,,;;; j.- .. 't,' tt /ople lo'4 - ?0 ToBNAME "J't (' , ' ' J nME REcElvEs TIl6Rln cALLER E oinen n penrrnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR fl or sapp Rov E D REINSPECTAPP ROV E D f] uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS F'tXi: :"r'Jll#:tfi 1ffi#J='',i,t'J 3 |,, o *Q *' Review Routing Form ( (. tt-tr) Date Referred PrimaryRouting ( ) Rerouting lrt \//u-fu'fr Plannirrg Commission File No. Official within 6 working daYs Permit No. Location Review and return to the County Buildi'ng Reviewed Date:6,P lanning: Complies with: Subdivision Regul ations Zoning Regulations No HI n Yesnntr F Site Pl an (Landscaping) Commerrts: County Engineer: Roads Grading . Drainage Comments: Recommend Approval : tr Dn n trtrn X County Health: Water Sanitation Perc. test Comments: Recommerrd Approval : n Dntr trnnn Final Inspection: C/O Recommend Approval Comments: nn Firral I nspect ion: Landscapi Recommend Approval Commerrts: ngnn C/O lssued Final Filing Date by Date BUILDING DIVlSION P-. O. BOI 179 PHONE: 328-6339 fr DATE COMMENTS: fo'h{'- tZ JOB NAME AM PM CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR hKffirilt.LOCATION $r, *ou.o E orsappRovED ^ | - ,;)nt /Z:2ctA6) REINSPECT /b BUILDING DIVISION F. O. BOk 179 PHONE: 328-6339 INsPEtr{}ff'FIEOUEslT DATE JOB NAME EAGLE COUNTY TIME FECEIVED E ornen MON COMMENTS: I penrrnu LOCATION E orsapp RovED E nerNsPEcr ,.7fi nneRovED fifueoru rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: con'(ecrrorus /.,4y', t ^4 ^ EAGLE COUNTY oor, 4 *1-?o J'BNAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM E pnnrrnu READY FOR INSPECTION ,J //a.u^ TION - ^f/'ur&./) I MON COMMENTS: W{pp RovED E orsappRovED E nrrNSPEcr E upol,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTlONS -a.'as;$.E?7-46rt{a.,''r f,urrorruc DrvrsroN' D.o. eox€oe l'lf PHONE: 328-7311 INSP,l FIEOUES'T EAGLE Ji (. 't rfME REcErvEs TI/4@n cALLER E orxen E pnnnnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FGPPRovED E orsappRovED ' - E'uroN THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: ,---.-=' COHRECTIONS REINSPECT JIL .. .RTW (,t)n s @ 5'0,L. tt t e@ a" o.c''cur €v€RV oTSeROAA @ 6r-0' AbouE Foofttk NorE-TAPER aorH 5rD€5 ecu{Lt{ , tt6 e6.O,t,. d-a" c 1A L" a.C. - EEND EUERy TIIAD BAR !7@ 6'o'c. 6EI.ID li ,t 1 t.t Ir - , , 7t Qq"o,c' PLi\N- FOOTINA STELL t'. h' f\IT5.