HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 1 LOT 33B LEGALcoll|tlTf lEttElFUE:rr Design Review Soard. ACTION FOR]'I Degartment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax:, 970.479.2+52 web: www.vailgov.com Prolect Name: Project Description: PrciectAddress: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Gommentsl Motion By! Second By: Vote: Participants: OWNER D.E.I. LLP GURY 1753 REROOF DRBNumber: DR8070355 FINAL APPROVALTO REPI-ACE CEDAR SHAKES WITH 50 YEAR, CLASS'A'ASPHALT ROOF 1031 WYNDEMERE CIRCLE LONGMONT co 80501-2321 APPUCANT SHEFFIELD'S ROORNG PO BOX 1917 AVON coLoMDo 81620 License: 782-5 CONTMCTOR SHEFFIELD'S ROOFING PO BOX 1917 AVON coLoMDo 81620 License: 782-5 1763 ATPINE DR VAIL 0712412007 0712412007 Phone: (970) 84s-5634 0712412007 Phone: (970) 845-5634 Location: 1763 ATPINE DR Loft 33 Block: Subdivision: VAIL VILI-AGE WEST FIL I 2103-123-07004 BOARD/STAFF ACIION Action: SIAFFAPR Date of APProvalz 07 l24l2OO7 @nd:8 (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (n qru)r DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with iown of Vail Building personnel prior to aonstruction activities' Condr 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date a of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and onsfuction is commened and is diligently pursued toward ompleUon. Ptanner: Joe Suther DRB Fee Paid: f20.OO 9709496515 VAIL BIBLE CHURCH vr)(t 3o q E-mall Addr€ss: ]/e;l raof:g O+nsn . mrn Fax For consbudion of a new bulldlng or demo/rebuild' For an addition wlrere squarc botage ls added b any rcsidentbl or commerdal building (indudes 250 additbns & interior onverdons). For minor clEnges b buildings and slte lmprwements, sudt as, re-roofirg, paintlng, windov additions, landscaplng,, fmces and r€talning walls, etc For minor changes to buildings and site lmprwemenb, srch as, re.roollng, palnung, window addltgns, landscaping, fenes and r€tainlng walls, etc For revisions b plans already appoved by Phnnlng Sbff or the Design Review Boad. Type ofRevlerr and F€c: D. Slgns tr Concepfual Revlo'v D Ne$.t Consbucfontr Addftim tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) V MinorAlterationa (singlefamlly/duple,r) tr Cfianges to Approved Plart tr Separation Request $50 Plus f1.00 persquarc fud oftotal dgn area. No Fee $20 No Fee $6s0 $300 $250 @ 10:17:25a.m. 18-07-2007 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of &mmunity Developmeflt 75 Sou$ Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 8169 E]li 970,ffi .2L28 f?fr;i 970.4n.24s2 web: vwYw.vailgov.un Gencral Information: All prsjects requlrlng deil'gn review must recefire apprwat prior b submiEing a bullding permit applicatl'ort. Please rcrun m m zubmlhl requirements hr he partkular apprcval that ls r€queftd, An appli@0on tur Deslgn Review cannot be acpted r.uilii all rcqulrud infoinution is reeVeO by tfre Communlry DeveloPmert Depadmert The prcjed may also need b be rviewed by the To.rn Courdl and/or the Planning and Erwironmental Commission' Drlgn rcviu .pprwal lapses rmlcsc a bulldlng permlt is isaued and oonstruction cornmences widrln mc year of t|ie agproval. Descrlpdon ofthe Location of the Prcposal= l-oi: -/ Block:- PhyCcal Address: tlame(e) of Owner(e): Malltng Phone: Owner(s) Signatrre(s) : Mailing Address: Phoner Name of AppllcanE atf**a***'}*tff**++tttt't'***t*tttt****+**+*a**{r***a!a*t*f++*{'*t*f***ftf*a**a'+!afarat+**+********l TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Staternetrt *'|r******fft+*tftfltt***'irtt'tt*******r******r'ttaa*t'***ff**itf*****+******++'i'if+***i**'*'|'|f**+ Statement Nudber ! R0700O1328 Amount: $20.00 O7/24/200710:25 AM Palment Method: Check ROOFINE Init: iIS NoCaCion: NA,/SHEFFIEI-'DS Permit No: DRBO7O355 T!pe: DRB-Irtinor Alt, SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2103-123-0100-4 SiTE AddreEE: 1753 AIJPINE DR VAIIJ IJocation: 1753 AIJPINE DR Total FeeE: 920.00 ThiB Palmenc: $20.00 Total ArJr Pmta: $20.00Balance: $0.00ar**********f******ft*t**r*ffffff****+**'l***a**+****++*tfft*'}******f{.**+**r**ttt****+*+++++* ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: Accorrnts Code Current Pmts DR OOIOOOO3LL??OO DESIGN REVIETI FBBS 20.00 DescriDtion box IOO vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 office of the town attorney February 17, 1982 Transamerica Title Co. P.O. Box 1700Vai1, CO 81658Attn: Jil1 Re: Lots 33 and 37, Vail Village lYest, Filing #1 . Dear JiI1: I have revlewed the hlstory of the above lots at the requestof Dean Canada. As I indicated to you on the telephone, it appears that the subdivision of Lots 33 and 37, Vail Village West, Filing No. 1, occurred prior to the County Resolutionrelating to Subdivision and are, therefore, 1egaI non-conforming 1ots. If you need any further information from me, please cal1. ...(r Lawrence C. Rider Torvn Attorney cc: Dean Canada eEAGTE COUB{TY DEPARTMENT OF PZANNING E DEWINPMENT Box 779 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 BOARO OF COUNTY co lrt M I sst oNE Rs 328.6809 ADMINISTRATION 328-5674 AI.IIMAL SHELTER9494292 455E550 R 328.6593 BUILDING INSPECT ION 328-6339 'CLERK & RECORDER Eaqle 328-6377 8,aEalt 927.3244 COUNTYATTORNEY 328-6674 ENGINEER 328-6337 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH 328.7714 EXTENSION AGENT 328.6370 LIERARY 328.7787 PUELIC HEALTH Eaole 328-6594Vail 475-5844 PLANNING 328.6338 ROAD & BRIOGE328€s9 t SHERIFFEaqle 328-661 IBaielt 927-3244Gilman 827-5 751 socrAL SE RV I CES328.5328 TREASU RE R 328-6376 32 8-7 377 October 26, 1978 Jatn E. Phe-lps 7769 ATpine Drive Vai7, Co- 87657 E.. FiJe No. SM-47-78 Phel.ps Minor Subdivision At thejr treeting on 25 October L978. the Board of Countg Conmissioners denied Vout tequest for subdivision because the req'uested information was not submitXed. Please be advised that EagLe Couttg will continue to tow awag a77 cars parked on the Countg right-of-wag, and rcstof gour parking is on that right-of-wag. Sincezelg,,/ Qr /doLazr/ C4ora4ou.// Susan vaughn L/ PJ.annet sv/jk cc! Board of Coantg Conrni ssjoners Donald H. BaTlenger Jeff Spanel ?.t : ,& €;fi*. EAGI.E EOUTUTY DEPARTMENT OTI PTENNING & DEVE Box 1,7 9 o IQPMEN EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 BOARO OF COUNTYcoMMtSstoNERs 328-6809 ADMINISTRATION 328-6674 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-1292 ASSESSO R 328.6s93 BU I LD ING IN SPECT ION 328-6339 CLERK & RECORDER Eaqle 328-6377Baialt 527 -3244 COUNTY ATTO R N EY 328-667 4 ENG IN EE R 328-5337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 328.77 t8 EXTEN S ION AGENT 328-6370 LIBRARY 328-7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328-6594Vail 476-5844 PLANN ING 328-6338 ROAO & BRIDGE 328.659 | SHERIFF Eaqle 328.66 | I Bai,att 927-3244Gilman 82 7.5 751 soc rAL SERVICES 328.6328 TREASU RER 328.6376 328-7 377 October 79, 797I John F..Pttelps 7769 Alpine Dr. Vai7, Co. 8J657 RB-. Fi-l.e n/o. Sn-47-78 PheTps Minor Subdivision At their reguJar meeting on 78 October 7978, the Eagfe Countg PTanning Conrnission recommended denjaL of gour minor. subdivision req'uest because the requested information has not. been submitted. This recornmendation wi77 be presented to the Board of Countg Commissioners at their special meeting on October 25, 7979. beginning at 9:00 a,m. in the Countg Commissioner's Meeting Room #7O3, 550 Broadwag t Eag7e, CoTorado. If gou have ang questions, please conxact this office. > - )L/.2'; :.-.' Susan Vauglln PTanner sv/jk cc: Boatd of Countg Commissioners ':./ \ , -PO Or'- +lf, .o a, .J o_} a,Ec o I -","*h6.o> |r c$.ct'cpaILoi .ro-Fo o E FC4Co orcrF .r o Lqrcnt - t..-rJ o;- o.F 3r r 6 x or .J .J C' +' .F .- '.i!-- : -g 33: F 9:r.- E'.J{J oOar!! EU I 0J .tr o o oJ c'i-c r,! o -c ,E o('.c c r,' iiES ; 338-Eg"-o L or o drr.-.a)o, ru - c!Lq-!-Loorl,o -o {Jo oj,>!c4 ._ o dao.lr crE!oo -; crr >r o,NcF(uI O O c 0, E oO\ 's cl+l .lJ 3.+r <t LL(ll(' .-_._ L(F f L .F |g E., o c, 6e co oc.d<+ 'oE ooc\i o,.- lc:r< o 4t q- vlE c =.- 5E - 3L0., O, 'o Corx 6, oe-p EdoLd .;aepou La x >-c oral ! F.F o.- C, q, o+r. o.65 drEc,L (/) sf F-C! oor-5>.' E L Pcop6: "#;5 ;- eo3 -5.15 o3."F.- E d c.- E +r +J -o.-orolE! -o o Ec.g!!o.- b FcdpL)rDoi!<I o>p co c |o.-F (UEpr16 Nc,.- F>.F>C.Frr>E?o)P "L-r!'- oocpo(Jo c! .c rs f 0r o o-c o,!e.onttl E+J.c o lr] d-o(J er.P r, o l- o (rt (' 00 0.rJ :- ir, ^tvte@ o !-.' - rL _ b t'=l c d,r:u e -. co o o =3,n € ,f -e ' : =.F I;365 5 "a: *i6i i fEn.0. o {- q- q\.c € ;,8 "t:;;" .: c!-c -E-;o .: ;Et;9. dd Ar (, l!e- (J.l 3au ! EE .33E$ ; -_;e?',i^=i 3 3' s;,_a 3 e;E- =9qP ': (Fo 1- o.t(r '-Fi: L L E c c l- {J a o ,E S lre € E: S lEe € _.FrE!f;rs .O cvE'E!., e So 36- - o E:$E_E'E q'E' = ,E E-E' = f *-;E;+;:t ; s.l iisd ; HiEft;; BE? ; .l: : A;= i 3€:.F I3-t 5I i il .5; Ei € "i! 5J;:P.:E.A E €"EJ:E; : :SPNE3=EE;e 5 :!ElE;3 E a':$Psl.!o o o-.- 6 x ir o,t as; E: ,S. E ;E:;.8 s .g . EtE : E; !: ii:E E ,45._.: If E E 5;.:6;5 ei$--.s!i _-=i3B- "9,;.: *;--i:;gre,E:.:u e,:b 9e;R-.93 6-,e ...iE<. ^ rclM.rr I c!q o-.{ cor d+r O ct._ -iN -s:tlt€l rEisstl:€l'E33lrr -EiRgEi feF taRlEE fe :tE€t:isEE9. 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H o (urr E.i t, di rE bbr ! c)3EHEEI365 5I USE.8i93.5 36. .-o-o 5.rE PDlLH6(jr.ururB!r oo0j o o-.r€ or.J ort 0, !l€ l!!r r| x { !r4+J ,a{ aiHllsEs;rt sB *olEr0iotl!qrl.tiiHiie EE tcooqocQroros.o.d66oa,o"<;T?P:h 3ng*,1 .9-';t;..t"gnt f,E;.!!l! o,4r!CClO14!.rl rBqi"r33"*t'f il33 a. 5'F or c - ar tr .o q "'cri-r5dtil\rj'+r :roo!{, r{,ni d i5 .! o .r o \ or r! .r E o o .tN.5b9;S"'"o'i"'t, ,E cct .g{.i I: ir itt.e $;ti .i trru!h€Eq q, cJ rloini{Jt' ocd! llr\rr r\Q lt,ii5E3'i=igEEo5il" lfisrFrEsi?t*$ilrfl tta ( h o E .{ o! r: o a I ! E or !r5r.: E t I 3 -s g " . 3 g.9 f 3 i -q.: 3 - " E i . e I {.9 I 'E- rr d\E E! cr! '! u E '. i erPB,f.:38g,E,E&;l , i:s'..:-tu:j $f!!' 3g Airu rr{t,O C A, t{ \ O - \'r q. 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O.Jo-o c .oF .P o sr.c.r oF <.F c Fs.i:O- O .qJL <,uCrJ15. .r (U nt +r-El-EU->F.O(F .-c| > .rrt(4 > .rr:+ro<>tcFO OU|E OE(J O OF 0,, O OFf LJOoO>.PE 'O!- :oo cr:oHc o>Fcc! uE(u o. E., Llo" ir'!i(r4c o(, c:rE 0r i, ad,6o rsatc f.:!tOOOC ..rl O)LLt,N dE C E Or(:o 6t/1iJ5 .F.pot odJ Ca0r'oor! .F - Eh'F ! .- O)- piJpF<) vr.r qF'u dtOoOLc Lsc(l) c (ucc.-(uOcOo-{J:r(,orl{J-oo -c 6 Oca (JF.- E-c- (uF xt6: or.F u'..- E(Jtr .roL EE :>=r, <E c=c r E o,.)e-.FE = - tr ctr o.r E oooE .E oro rFEc cr,F{ FLoOss (u (|)(u0 F (uFrF-F o .F oF.l oooorrcE >o"rD.F s o q c Eq- o-o (r ora !.c50rJ O-6- (U - OOO! C' :!i.ro(u r5.P >,0J o o >!.D!t- ! L,(t tE o, F.J t- (J >Cl > .PF >rl-d d C, Gt =i.- {j OC (F(|) F :tEC Cr.F EcF-0, =2,= o,oad qr'F F (J{rP :ld:r-- l-6: O.- r ol = Cr O.F=- ..F (lJ O <DF C.. ! O FO,.. 0, ! o >r!{r..(F d: o!-f < oo J €'.F ltt 0,, c or(F (J o o,c ..cq-(-,.rJ 'o c o . tJsat-FqJO (' CcO(/)rJO > t-it,O o !.Ft|,o I O,dr!.F.|J <u.F .o.r o f o tu ot(r)-E, !.-+r c o,l- -c (, .F.r.r, r- o >a -c i, lLL€ o (JF 4 or.t"r E o; o- o, op-cFF(JrF.U G' c|- c)F: '6 C Cn.- O1|t, Co.roEE|!o|r-O€ >'0, >!.E"o st! | 4, ro,-c c!, | ?6.oLE p'F(|'lFOoFC(,TE CrF(^dE .-UFloc .-uO.Hocd >\t-cic o(/r!.u L @s oE (lJ @! -c o) @L 3(u +, c,.:s..9 - 6 E-e; T€..=- E 'i9€.." E tEe.. .- E.. bP :. c'OL(Uo 'l' (E < .F() lll Es() In c€OoFOc..f coLq+rc r..r.{40, | .r.- r o or r..9-5o.-oroLc)iJ.lr o €(Fc-c 'lr f (r.P o(\l =d >.P o oFrd >{J o c)dFdie o.or\r eo L tl(^L ! N|, Lq, o' rF (uor t- (') or q- o, cr rF||..'lzrF.'Jl|-5(to d o(to in oq o l! oo (J c, =ar|! .r, zorl! .|J z rl, 6 .r, zo, nrsaotecottrd@ttd6:roroo L- 6.o L' t!6.O C) (L r! .O !| r!(, -O O o EAGTE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNI Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTY coM M I 55t ONE R5 328-6809 ADMINISTRATION 328.6674 NG & DEVELOPMENT 328-73r r September 21, 1978 John F. Phelps 1769 Al pine Dr.Vail, Co, 81.657 RE:File No. Sm-47-78 Phel ps Minor Subdivision At their regular meeting on 20 September 1978, the Eagle County Plann'i ng Commission, at the request of Donald Ball inger, tabled your minor subdivision appl icationunti'l their 18 0ctober meeting so the necessary informa-tion on parking, drainage and a final plat could be submitted. If you have any questions, pl ease contact thi s office. ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A55E550 R 328.6s93 BUILDING INSPECT I ON 328.5339 CLERK & RECORDER Eaqle 328-6377Baialt 927-3244 COUNTYATTORNEY 328-667 4 ENG INEE R 328.6337 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH 328-77 tA EXTENSION AGENT 328-6370 LIBRARY 328-7787 PUSLIC HEALTH Eaole 328-5594Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG 328.6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328.6591 SHERIFFEaqle 328-66 | | Baaall 927 -3244 Gilman 827-5751 soctAL SE RV I CES 328.6328 TREASU RER 328.6376 Mf.r7Terrill Knight Di rector TK/J K cc : Board of County Commi ss i oners Donald Bal I inqer ao5 .oou co 4)!uorl) 5< J O 4' o-o<3- F rJco c rru.J (l) !, '-a) 'g-'la t g.-! @!.rr (! o d o! a 6./rol l- - P .P . O'-o 6 c F >9- 3.- c .F O i6! rl.-ai .r d () .u o'ooEo 'oLc 6 tJr.- ! E.o ltl.- or! o EOt- oJ !P UOL L qrF d o-!,16u(Jc+jttr'n .. < r.-'IJLF <U O - C Oo rpd.o'o ooccr-},orgPrF l- E.0F 6 L .I)E60 .Fco!o; cc,t- -- > >'<D{J (nq- u o.PF o L E rg-.-pc6(J16EJLLlrlrl!c cog.u0J o.- (., o ".F rJ o o! o, E'-.- o E ru -o E!E-oF+)t'-c4..o.-o o 5 o.F.J- c E)-J -s './' oEF o(F.F ccr! o!(F rul! 0d o. r , (u 0, .r -c r<tro(o.E 3 ot|r'(/j.p l! F.-'0.|JF L C t< ('A (' <J ti, 11, <t i! (r !:p l, \o rr>EiJo< c O L +),3o o o,-9-C od €o > -JuP6 -O q_ aJot, rr- r I o 'tJL 30c., o (5 or fc3Fo c o-o .-o .- ootl. O+r O,-F.! o. J: c+rF cJ ac--'- O E Orfo.r o, > -o .P > (u +, ().- O, Qr.- >O '! > € E L oF!Looo 'oE oJ oo(Jo=o c>L9-]J O O d l! E.d.-!o Ei!d .!-dEc.rr-..r o, d E lJ -E 6 an o o,oolgd o(,(J .pL (J Eu 6 f(F oJ oo,, or||J€J (lJl-o(''re.g r'c o, d > c - c oJ o-o o o (.' oF F aa.-E U B 0') C O - >rEq- .a +r Erpuc=o c Lr50q- o o 4 l: o o, O .- 0,r.5-< 0) O!.- .d :z P o-6-O.Fo-co. irrJ .s F -oO '5o .n !J I c.rood .FL(J aJ.cL !.cs!-co o oF: -op E.- o r .D.-! o o.6 arrf 4 (r'o Elo r o'o -op.rJ -E-C5.-C 4 E U o'iFC..rE..C C{r{Jr^ > tg <L OOO O r!'O--.cc4. o o ! c! < o 3 a 6 d <r ilJ.PoJ ol!-.5o>5(|')c .-! (ro!l-0r-o1JOo oJ (' or'- o ! cr (J o 15 l|. OeO,'NE '!E:O!oL z.LitJ)606...F<! rroo ddcoar crdN., r, |: 'l' \(J Ii to Q-.o dr to nr- 0J L o F'o!-r-<F du:t!- +, >j |.. ' Eod rr- L 0, !(u>rL co o!(rp <u o oE d ooJ^!>r!F5.-s o c .- >r O 0, >, (u- t:a-tJ.ro I c! 0,, r (t! ,!orf:u\Jc!'F -NJ.! (u.e s rl, J |: f oc o-._F O.o E<.-Fs r o o 0J o o . o o or (J o>o o > L L o'Fi(,/| o c! . (l,r L o cr'! L c|.C O' .- C (u o o >rOrP !.r <-o >r . O.o O ..c c L 3- rf,|UOa -o=z.s'ct !-'9u iJc oc-o ^.F€u (u o.r cr.-o E!.-lJrJcoorcro.- 1r r-'o -oo,-o.-Eolco^rFO E O Oc .!t! ! oo - .F.-"c' E E r]'r-.rl.-Or c cEtr- (r EL 0ropcd EC .FLdd g)c E.F Ent c o - f o NCOEECCO 6E6(l, ALF.- c'.O.- C', () 0' E (U Eo.r.r(J=c E 5 o +, ! o .. o o E -o ! .|J ccE.r -Pc4,rDEqr dooF E Or C o- () 3 > - E ! O >,E p CDO c, c'lE L(u C(F(rFo-oJ c>L{1.,c 6t .c00JP .-6 roooLLopoEqrcJ-L-Cl!d-C.-(') |o L Oi O - c O..- F ! ! O !oo:.6FF+r-co)oc-sr:.Fiud o- sr o- o. o.F o- (^.r€ !.- c o op >.o o'(, !,tr 0,, !.F o-E.s !-c L-o L 0,, >rF9F o ooJo s .tro 5>{J r€ F- O.}J <D.- do'tts<r(IJoc coi(Fo < rs.rrrDo.Fco!3.-F_c L:|.-d - €+rc ! (')-ov cl-.P c!OT- (u c !, O d, .c' >Eo-(J -.c.rl .{ c).P.P O, a O,.A a q 6\- - .6I F.*r,n 'o@+j c F.rc oro C'0,o,o0, oo(r< rl, cH o,r6c|c<<<EocL<lc Lt' l.E(u .<(rE-o.- l!.PplJ-,slJ(rlI r! '.0, rE >' 0, '!F.rr]Ju i! i6,ri !-.-.F.F o L x-cro ! clr.r L-o E o o .t)! 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(u(l,o, oc|-! . .F -c oFl|Jlo >.|r € c h ! ,r, l-ir3rr (r .rr.\, c (u(r)! c1J .-o |J c!or.=o >c5o) E(oo, {r LO c).- f EO- O tr- E o.u (a o-.FF (, -:t O(tJ 'F {UO.(to.c x -c.sF 4,u<+r,!{Jo'-'- = Lv-sEc 3 0rcF <1, oc+JoEo--ocoor< +, io._.o o'o oFou<+J Fe o .J.!|,oc(|)(-) ! d o 0, o o, o d.- crO E!'- O {U O 'D.rr J ll)c(F oF E!-6- -o.F {r L !.- X5E.P () r(,(t.!r! cro o o (, F o- =d }(Jq-.no Fo Fz tA o<q) .F'c >! c) ct CFE E-E u+r 3 g|{J >.F,!-!, ooSP.FC(UC c|(rC(^p!'F'- rE c,vc(F = o >-o.- o-!q- o c,.- o (-) (rrF E do - EcE d c, .FE (, l: c'.O-O O. .'(,.c +' r€ lo+, c cr o or olcFoo 5F!!-'o o,q o c o o.E(-)s L-OcC.f E OLc, oJ= d.d o.-€ E . --x- ra o.r (J! E o cD]J I4to-<lrorcErc dr.-d('qrc f d.!.o L(F u .- car < .F 15 >'o 0,.. a{rF< !9- ,- o6.-r+-!.- O F.p o.oooo)F 601.c | 3oruF ] doo-clo .er {r+r'o-o.- r'o.-!\').-F c.r'- a :r o.N > .r@ d L Eo qr 5.c E! d T,, o' o)(o.r " . .F !-o.r F.E F E! xd.E,dL qrcocrou F.Por..rcrJo--d, oLo!ooo.F orolcao .|+.->|'cootl4oo.. lEg- up6.-e(o or EIF ;:tu|s€cxor|oO{rro.Ocrc< an 5<) qJd-E{r(/) o, i, (J:J o 6 .\), i\.J^\- I (=t=t:lql -)@ t:= @L> (9(= )---'1 L:: @(= L- \ I 61S\t\7 12 t\ TU-Lr (o)s- t\---.''? -/*\n l0 D,tF it z'Z-- llj t::) ,\ pu -{(!t' ,{i Lqu qe 3 .t o, !- z E i ,, : c, ()rJ c'-ii:o{r c'r .-<d .o 3 rr,o! v-F q, o{)E@ .-L.!rlr <J 1- E !: ! tr O ud).n o,'-..oo L>j !d dOo)(UP- -o c Er E.- C! O- <l_.- Ec >= u .J ! oo>r =!:o@c .-o -c!!(|_(,.c0) c, !E (/) rs c,F r.r @E F^ Ed o : oi {r Ar- 4 o-'O c).pId Eor ot (lr o0,i doP! E'- c<t- ! >ir c o <Dp d L d-c ur! or'E 'oro c OJ .- O > <1,.-=..E1 0€ .J -CPF4(J o 5rooia=cJor =-v !! 3.rocr! co>r co @qJ>oi r.- .F d, ctL) aJ o- E! | >!-. o o,-c O. Eo F-oJd. 4 ' (J.F H.FL=C !rljC I OJ!@ o. c'- O.i c, d oJ d.. l- :5q 6.p (r o .-s 6-.1 5 0)q- f o'o.u ,o ctort- o . f orr--o oEc,,o'!c oooFJq-= o'o L+r o z oLo o40+r!.trdcao rJ l!€ \\r L: -_ E f,, o \c c) o oia(J o 5.- E '+_> Pd arroc6 rFF p-- ()aJoo- oE o! 60JCC O p ' -O q-(u>o L !-L 160o- I O 1' <.' L o!@E X is !.- o cr- c arE>- (J .,o7E O a(I) E F o 6 oE !-c op o E o,E AJ LOL o4 i6 c o o.J <'-'- o,!c'6rE6 JO 'C - XCt-F1J(,.(J!O 6q-O<DCJf O =.J c)+rp I o-- E >, +rrs :E o.o o.< -F '-tr @ OJ o O u oq-F > < E c N.- l- < Oo -o iD!- . I E \o (J (,F (JE Oe CJ l!rJ.. >ir:, >rrr.r o d ! L.-!+rCF (l) O c t) r u 5 E C.- sr.- -c.- q-!>ccaJ9-u 0,,3 5 > it o (t L! o.-rsL<) r |6.rJ ZACA.<6tco clr-<f<./J ca o d d.o o t F-OE E+Jc ,.- E O'F.o 'o!-c!-c - a, ! oJ c .f€ o ,- .F c - ! (|]ooo-c.F - -E (, O F clu O lD E'. -PGt ...r, L +r{J .F ! .p.p .F ..| r ct6rJ'o ct cn 'F.!(r .rJ d .F .J ,rr (' ForJ oaooco, cE 4 0, ! 6 /d o rl, ! |/| o .F (lr 4r E o.-.F=1- 5 O I E 3 C, I E rs L- E 4 t > - OO s)E FC L sro FC L >rDo O.- J 6 r=. or.- =ct -oo o :1lo .oo o I o!0, 1-p4, F C <-c nt r.- <-c ct LF C,CF O{rLO|,O- F.r +,(u c Pru a -o.! L o)'- o o -!u\o< (o< !oao< (F LEd(J cd co€ioo :5 o, o,O:, - ,F O I - tlJ 's rr- O r.- c- it,{Jc EE .F(t .(t E-c 'o .F o {Jl!o 03 6o c o' qa c orcrs o-<o<t qo 4! O L O c 6 o c C (u = 5+i tFo .-.o .F rr- r, .-.d - Poq, Q.t€ -€ E-.E =E E- * .*.t E:8E-' .:' .'-o oF oc 'tt a- oc ! oo)ortsF(u oq,(J F . -qr r (-).F . c, o't N rr- o, o o.p-o.\r l€6 i{J,6 a.p! o .c qr!'O .! 9rO (' ct Cro Gt .F o E ! O t,ro aJ O (|') ! 3 c >!:- P O c-cF O +t O ccF O '- . c u=r Ot]J {)fo o o(F 'rJ!c I c c t- x!+) '-! c rJ'- F 'P o - qrCCF CroJ(l) >c|cF3-c)r,^ O, crct r! l! . o 16 d a E c otE >ro,! o.rj FF c- o.p F- c- = avt c 'o F L (', <D o.- c o,,'- 'F o o- o-.- (r .F o o- o-.- 3@o- Jc Lt L-.--.r-.F dreg- -^. P.r,Ar .- (Dgr c .- (t)E! -o (roo -E >r.O o ccro! >ts -cc'!o, >d .ccod, 3.0o6 !<o-L o2.-<'F .rr.F o '- u.F ! rr o Gr +i ! c+r.rr.- oP.r <ar o- E'r-.J-O -l, tt- rZ -O O9- Jg X > ' O.- 3q-,- _C: :' p.Fc -oo -!cE .oo -!c'o o,ro o € rr-, s,o'o oor J @r6dc rs.u oE /).rr F-d (, C, oa a.- c/ torNl.! crDE .F or cE .- o\ cE: r.-oEE rotro/ol!-crEO Lr a! O E !F H-o O E O @ L E 3 o- O s -- I E O E(J O O- . aJ - O O O. . Or'- O X (., O () i6 o--- lr O{r O'O(U c(,'g -6+r (J cd-c'.o.)J() !(r -(u.-\f L (J orr (uo >c'J(OdE(DlH>Ed = Cr'Oa>ECa Ora (Jlc( <t: o6<cl.6de .-.r >,oL (,!>,.ri >.rJ !- o o+r >rr L o (Jro.-.- co\+r o = d c: - ts F L'. c .Fo q- '. .. -o qEo, -c ruE FEErdcc E 5l-o<.=(l)c503o o ! o L-o cD - o -=- r r (r) f r 0, .- a(F o, - o c c (I,.P'(] i/r q- 4< > cr.rr cq- o<< > or! <i,.F -o.r :r-<{ E >. .3 o-c! 6 o Ep tcr o, c .e cDl! -at /! o olco o -q. o >rc rulgat I o>\sdJ6! | o.c.t at >r loorp!c(uduFo u c c . !r---o.r c c c oL <U.r O, ! cO 1-.EU NOA'| rdf:(|l rO<U Ldl (u NO .tl NF (J 344)Ef or!0r!La, rFo-.. LE> rFo-,. r{:> 'F,.cE . # c u E (r o, irr c'r c ooo! (o o!o'oo.- F- o-oo! o.- @ 't,oo or ! o o o - oi L o ru o +J c o I<l Lcp ocr <r !cP o'! I c rH:'-' roc,'u >{Jd rlI .. t- FE+rEo.roaar EpEorod:o Epo.-o: Epo,r, !-(J4tsla.-tt^c L v)6.-16c L v)o, o!-cr.i(t.o o oro.FrF 0, grd,!- q- oJ cr'F rF o (')o .n o,, @tr-.€ i! 15 d L LrF .3 , :l-v!L+-ooo(J.JLdo ocrooc d-oa1 L cr(/) .o dl)(l) ! o(/r -o ct:rlovr6 eor,s-o.! oFt/rHNr'<t_qJocr<u (J tllo -o (J u(' .o ', u t! do {J (u 1r -c 6 corJ c o, ctrs <.-3 !E 6 .lj -o >r> !- EO @Or('oc -L>-= D-oo |!oE16 P+' (u 3- rrJ co- co -('6 o.- .F g .E.F >.- c>x .1, rE coo-o o cF- o)t t (uor 13t/7'0 a a = o E 14 (O L z t^ .rr l! o.tJ iuc <t< c ()L F{ .- O d.F O' -E.-t^nI dE-c 6 cd OF.F OP^. 'l:c.5cG) .-.!JLt O E+- o c o6 6 a r-.- E o orJ u.o$- q, -o {r tld A o (Jlr 3 a .t O.-rF ro c r... oE a _o o, !:< =qroE cr3.p F.c! o >.- 4 (J .-O', =o1 .]Jc>r o 13C.o o .-!- 5 (lJ +j().FOr OoJ ::.o.o'pij o o-c c6 0-cF o .F-o3 c {r (J ->l/, ()L!.O<r (' iurz.r rr 6 '-L>loOO 0) 54,/c 'O.-pc|l I)r(tL() cri-d E.F r O {l E udLL(l)() EOoq-o!.f oa-L O L () odEL(5{r (! c <JE ECot+ F.F c')o oo-c c ! or'F'-{- c 3'|- 9E> d' O E(u!-q .F 4co o.r > u.J J-oo 'o 64 CF o.J (Dco o o oi!r-oE p< '/r o E>(JI F E .. - E O oi o'o (') E-r') otro.rdct3 CF 0J or -OE{J c o du) 6.- r.- >Pfo., ol-oocr 9- .-.;rro-r nr r- o (F cJOgFU>O-- O, l!.n'-z o dr |6 (to o .lF |od -c co ct r!.Yt 4rt rt (J a-5 r- i o -- E N lEE ' o . c< E . E ilt .. ii or 'u 1- )5L -_\'._o o L 6 \it E rr Ec >rori E E -! r !:c! a-E @!() p.-+r po, 6- E:>.-or o >(,o-lrd cfc _ (r'r- oo-Sl-E 3:a .95 ;' 6-;g: 3g '- ;.i-g- o! qar +r o-c r o c (U:J ! orf : o> F l! E lo L o < ,_r,__ X .r_o- di.-)diPoo )oeo ! Olc..t?>\3OOu> .- -<U O (),-q- a (u "ocL+'Eo >E <L A !\Eo oJ F r: ar o <Ir :j.o - n, F o, (r- d (t) ]t or o ! a oo :J o d F!LlJ.o (I) Cr e e4ttB .- Cr < O- F L .- d C c|E 4 (to . o o a, r c orr or <r.- oJ < +, lr, c, oFF 0,.c >orJ.- >rc c ! >o .- =.- ,-a et> o, >- o-o- o (, o.- s1t orJ E ,rr-:t fo L 4 ]E L C' d c|-Opo',_c.5.{JE Orc< oi.o o ar- -F or o or.o.J (,:! o.lj o, o d- . - (tr+).J o .'o'0>ro- ', i5 '!- o.-ou q, oL.64L .e lrr.-oq- c6-o .p0J5 o- >.F arp !f l! c':Jrrr (4o -'E oo.-L ,ocEl(t.o!E 1J C cc, OJ .F(JC)C't,{., 'oo_c crc oL0, .€ r.q--.J a6 (D.ao 01cr '- (JLor > (J 0J r! or o ! ! a.F o E(U.c <cro F E c NFc(,-o+rEoc - or (r L c !.r od 9- Gr E! .!.F lg Er.-Oc .c(JEi!cOo-c-o4 o,o'o-c d F o u BrF .Ir E+r .P rlr:r> oa oF f o0,u+J 5 !.r o o o c o = o 0, No o. Er{rN .F'6<d Osr_cit! d! oLOF-c ca.! (u -cl= .O (Ij d.--,qrs,<u 0, d B cc N(F4<Dp 6J .oEo->!oL.L 6oro <, o o>. I3u< !!F > >r(, @ L c ! c+ .- >.,.r oe E .|Jp L o.P co:ro6<.rcoFo(F 5 FELA O(lJ. - ct- O .-f CO-F.! (r- ,_rF_ ._-a >\ o (|)-o (J E,co6.-3 -OrPoLlO !O- ()c oo, rF+rO+jE,sroEcul3t.€> !{r c.r'r- | =oL -o-c c tD €Eo ciLs @c ard (J-u @!r) Or'-P!.P Oc.!oor=o -iJo E E E=.- F\.c -e-, E.F66ELc E > c'6rrEELc 4 c o o sf @E 5 d 5 a(J o o-c l-L c!c'O.-!9.rJC,, @ c .c (Jtr(l) t.) .- s-O .!cruOO(l)6>) 0, - t <1, o F o. E - o .n ! r..5(nF 0i orr r..rrJ -o c, .- (IJ,EF 't r€.|, +r it a.-'-tz =: o!o= ,du o60rEo-ocaPl-o)r-a= o.- NooL "o.Fc 5Lco rO (U O Fp.-= o cf !:J !q- E a Aj o).5 . !UrF.F'c' ct!' o>.-- O o9- L+ro- (F l-.F . --rar (D C,+- o o, ':r'F: o >- (F qJ.Ft dicct=.- c E Gro osoccLccE osou-oqr!{Jo!Eosc(u{r!.o,f .. .r.|J o z(l)l!oors+roE zooro-L3sopc.F().P r! L C OH (J C! vlaD<- r/t o! ara.o o N O(a u.- dd6c 19 o.!:3d ild; J ir; ; i i-E 3 E(.) 0, oo - o c4, (t() o- > <lrE-O, '! < ()o- ,coo o .-LE o ro >.- o,('rE .- c eoo cL s!l-. '-O-o -(F (l-o {uN roo- !o-l, rD F-o l!.o E L !FNE{J E ID IFc +-E ^r.rr oo E cr ooa, !cr!-cEl!1o!- 0,r o"c) crococa(I') L Eco.o(J -q (J('(I)L -x4', (|,.J o) .. c:)oEoo =E-F r.F o_413.P. u< o c.P co! @O FaJF @.dEE N!> , vl .. E-o I F.. c ()o st(J | '.f c(I)o rr+r o ocr qr 1,.Po o 9'-o 11- 'Fc . f!-r.-EO Od(J.FTOC Ocrooi z o iE:r.p (D z o l!at d@-oa o- ca ao to .Fo E - c/ tlr E O !_Od- |t, (, :t r.- r4c > ._ (Uq, 0, o o9- n1 Er O .Fo P^ E-o, x E-o 6 C)4r c,t! H (l,c oF +J (I', C' Eo E u -o oE CLLo (E .rr E o < cca o q, o E+r >l!O 'FEOc.pir | .-O< o!E.rrF,F c@ L > 0,,N nJT <lJEI o- .o .. L E rr|.Jc (, 1r l. o 3d 0J rJ o'r (F . r i€! Eq-o cto o o rEz 0, ! 16 !.rJd orco tr- u) r! € -o (.) (JF =q-v ruc 0,, aaL .OO aJuq,,6Ba) ^ o!, F O -l! Or., c'(|Jdo.co !>c or!|!c!o6 6td o EO O'c- E +i rC' oiu '>rL .0, 4r q-c c.o EE$f-- i: o orl- p3 cEac.- "e qr 6, - E ct- E-o !- d L (J !o (uo o. !N oo <\J .r ..o 'F (l)-rt C'F6q-oa{u.oL> oo:0, c.- o) | =<t o- d co.- ocr 11 -c {r <r@ | orp o (J E o(l] <J'64 .. +J +r E o,.J c, (F rO (l) O tocp!9o]c,oOl! ddr or.- l: tF ,o. 5 O,! -.J rr- Eo(' =rDooao.ro Lllr ! (., r 64 !J l! 'O -O .1r rlJd>rO o = -e qa o- oar = E v,rr-,F 0, E -c.-o -c o +r=(lJl!coorr.-11 |g P .- E_O !-'FF a', r!!orSdEoo, q- = rrordf p{ro .F Er O .F> _o.r o,c !).|J 3 0<:r r5 L o.(u.FL Elroo-o osrFo4 5oG .- E.rcooo.u o E> ll) F dO oJ o! o,C CO (/r0J! .F oE{J pLoro "d o,)ro u q_ - o oErF d E.-rr)-c t!.- c<F o- 1r (u-0 L 'o > o4 4r o,o otFdFu+13o.c-g O 's O OE . (|).- -O E(J +iu0ro ^>(F o" o(, < cq,(u(l)F!cU B"o o.- = r€ (^ >,o L (uOL -- {F6{r o-0 o oE .o Bo o o o._ <t, co ! c! o<L!:zdcorF >r o ar c >,L.+r o9- F = L (|P . rJ '-lgE o T,.rF c' C)4o>>o(Fo|!!o-o!.o -LtrcO EFOr()+r '- oE-l!lJc!,oJtP+rrr (JLo, oa, oos:r.n 6J (L) '1,Fr G O -c OJ O!E O F ! O O -! 5F o -do o .. =.;@crc 5 Ic!o-c o.F d.- crr > ' -!..- ErF (D!'l] .- r-6 0 car o o L.- 1.' o.c o J]o .FO.oc (JoO-crJ--o .-c Fo o, a'.F -r' Io ! c B>Ed x 0r. .- [ c 4t O o, qr!o, L€r3 () o/ c c:: - 0r L cl > L'ro 4.i o ,s L p c!'tt ri.F >rr1 o.-ooroo€O F\ gi 9- 'O3cr\or <U r.- rlr 5 c r- r rD o <lr c.r, cad occ(J(n./l {, o. 'v o! L!n.t E vr q- !oo at- {,||.!>'u oro .rr Ll-.J E.F P ,-@o(,r!(l) (,rDlt .e t (D (uF (')'O-c.O O () ]J ! O l- .F lU ! .rJor ! d.J (Da lo '-.FF {UrJ >! Eo 6i()o .r -r ! (,ro > 3ooJ i6 -o-€ Fo') -6.1) <D <1, < o (, oF .o t-co ar E E o-u c L cr.--o ! ! > 's o5o.doo ot-Fc 0, do.-|rn o o -c{J- ! rr- t or 0, -o -E o <.0, =F +J.- 6 -'F.O-'a E .- 0J o ! O(\rd-P q(u .- c,- .F-C l!.F E 6 Ea3p rF!n>!o clrd-caJl- (u c -O O(FF(J O (U ctF+r.F 'o oo'ro ! o0,r.oc! o o'do.-- 6 .0 c.l, € ..F (lJ g !! F,E u o,!.- E! oJ'F F U 'n (. .]- Oi rU (J (' Co) u ' o i6 o c o L-o s.o - o, F.Fco .o (|) {rLOF+rc- ..d .a -E -- ! lU !Fl!u ! i(uOrF O o !'O! oEr3l- ('t5LL - do^rF -L .- o r{- oJ o, o o, oJ.F o u oJEo) !.l- Fe -r:Lc<6E!,.o16++,i6Ed E -c qr! O C^E L '0 o) ..J L.-.F E or'(,e@ (J q-o-o.F(F L .lJ C!!{r O.c Cf o.-EoFuont cC ,Plt'o-q- 4 -PO+re-.e o,)-o o.- c! E! o - doo L>r lorclo -c c,.E-ECZ ><t + () :r.-,C c)!' Or -C OJ.J or'(f<r EE O (UO or.--c d! Lt O-c <rJ oro.r !^.o - 0r..r o llc .F al!(-) (u c <t O d' "C (U E.op =< E(n4r+- o aJ o Poo-o.c >.J .-ool!c t 6 r- o .! r, o-P (J (u (,p o.- ,c:.- d O O.F (urr '- L O L! - (J :l rJ o 4,c -) d.lr +r crc (4aroo+ic!4] ,-.orr-c .! o ,- (u 0J I r! - c o.- o E o s o, o o -9- O O E Oi E d.- ! o d(Ll OJ c <U o {U Oq- c0J .. o> C 'O (,{r! O d 5.0.- or -c c o d o o 0, o.c L o N ai o o <u,c.t (r o-c.P ot- p >t6q .- e o (/l oF o.r o-rD.F.rca/ > -oodr.- -cBoc, L .-.r o ono.-.- oF p or.r9l-oo(F ro!c '! o a, o 6!- ().rr< cro !El!oc-sar '- oso-r:('r (u E op L -.- a EL . cr. 4 3'-e E c c u a-c| o-t L o.-l) :A >o! ! F € d . o - ,F or F (, E +, >: L or o L (, o ct c tt f!O oq '! c .._ Or!: .s :' xE o r! o L,- O 0l! ir (ro o(f1r o-pe a, a or+r.-$-,! or- rrr (t) -u rr- d, d) 4L > O o.,J .r -C !.- L o,'slc|J L a-r'-r.-F- .oO-c 6dF UF -<(.rr ! -or2 tq- ot 615 o-O, '-o,< ro Gr |E J rn 6v)a6l-.rc! 3 o ud) c!<r L a6(''.-\o L :?,. 6 ;!.I !tt RICHARD D. LAMM GovERNoR COTORADO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 715 STATE CENTENNIAL BUILDING _ 1313 SHERMAN STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80203 PHONE (303) 839-2611 August 25, 1978 JOHN W. ROLD Director .lIECIIVID AUG 2 s 1978 O€pt. Lt pt.,nr, fu8le County, Lu,o. Mr. TerriIl Knight Eagle County Department Box 179 Eagle, C0 8l 63'l Dear Mr. Knight: of Planning and Development RE: Sm-47-78/PHELPS MINOR sUBDIVI SI ON l.le have no objection to the approval of this application. We do feel that a soils investigation be completed before these structures are built and that the County Building Department make sure these recommendations are carried out. Lew'i s R. Ladwi g Engi neeri ng Geologist LRL/ds cc: Land Use Commission GEOLOGY STOBY oF THE PAST . . . KEY TO THE FUTURE Si ncerely, EAGTE COU${TY DEPARTI.IENT OF PLANNING & DEVEL Box 179 328-73L1 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 t OPMEN BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMtsStoNERs 328-6809 non,trrursrRRitow 328-667 4 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R328-6593 BUILDING I N SPECT ION 328-6339 CLERK & RECORDER Eaqle 328-6377B€iaft 927-3244 COUNTYATTORNEY 328.6674 ENGINEER 328.6337 ENVI RONMENTAL H EALTH 328-7 7 | 8 EXTE N S ION AGENT 328.5370 LIB RAR Y 328-7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328-6594Vail 476-5844 PLANNING 328.6338 August 17, L978 John F. Phelps 1769 Alpine Dr. Vail, Co. 81657 RE: FiIe No. Sm-47-78 Phelps Minor Subdivision At their regular meeting on 16 August 1978, the Eagle County P'lanning Conunission tabled your application until 20 September 1978 for more information on parking, drainage and submittal of a final p'lat. If you have any questions, please contact this office. , ,/ ,1_----..'.|,'/.//7-.",-Z t' //*'7' -f'2" ROAD & BR IDGE 328-6s9 I SHERIFF Eaqle 328-661| Baaalt 927 -3244 Gilman 827-575 | soc tA L SERVICES 328.5328 TREASU RE R 328.6376 Temil l Knight Director of Planning & Development TK/j k cc: Board of County Conrnissioners f(( ( f 'l L* -s*.---- ;.6; - i E =s IF E]J \o '-d> cr, co rJ ul!t. !o -)f c E >, a, o o) o c E O F o dF a (u c,+- 3 0 = x o -- O O !0, N!c.oo.- >1 ol!o-F€oPoo t!< .-oru-l- E.|J qJ r O- rsCJa0r.EO Oicc 0, cr.r-c.- L ;a E!:.- >.-LF! +J EOP .-P rE .! sr.F Ot-.4 ()16> oca. <xu o L o- |r' d o L o€ co .-!N.-Nq,N(u o !.. EErE <1, <u > d osca c.- L(5.F (LF .-rJ Ov -(Uar (Uon d Gtro<L.r=ar!.F-of, F.c cFco !{JrnE E !cr-F- O .-FF! L c,'O O < E €rF .= sloP>p@E3i o'osr aa^ . s, or! (J >t+J.Cricoa(Joj.+)E.r.< or--6 c.F io.-pc< Lu.] o h , | .- H.- €r 3'c, .1r0, ! oror 5 'o L t-.- t+- o-.5 <t ! r 3 >5r o o o Eq-o oc u u:z (lJ = d F.r ci r = o.c (.) f .r!c! o aov-E) -) -o (r {J .! o (./r .P o .- trr ()- ,- >:0, -t:'uo L OL o, c {: .D'- ! rucLlr!.o,c, +) o (U@ Yr.F or! Lc0rrl!<t (up- 3 E: '! o1Jo oo0rc .F o o.l(r)>:c|'!cldto r! E .-6 L- B (' Or o(l)F.r.+lo(I)rjc+'aL 6 ('Pq-rrF oo r'- oocl: !o,rJ9>'ooo,>'.o,rqoo LOI@iudF.Po a_ (r, E(u .r,o-!osslo{r q-.6<!c!l: >ci:pu d Lr,+- o -oooq L c (J . L! f 0/16 U' O.- o.- € !droc<tr<Pf! ar! lg t/r4 c ,! o - c,< (U o o-4 .- O{l L-rJF tr C O' '! o+) o-'! 0)cndd- >.- E ! b 5E q cr'-'o.- c nr +r a, . (J 4tqrLc!clq-!>\l!d !Cl)or3EI d t-o o'9-e'i g3; :Iqp 9 o.r-o -isooc .- o u.F'o oE+r o >cF .- oFr o d F.FL! opp oo qo oI oo L F>ci p.so(uE<qrF .. 0, JcEL -o_v f -o L jr r.- O O o ld O >1cE O- (J-O 16 .J! L O O O.F -O,F d (U !(^Yt!,!-(rPoLx6 .E!> rO t_eq_@ oa,ro!o-6doz aJ c <r o i6 0< '- o c.c : oP 4r oe oco.r.o.P ! o-< loFq- e(, =,- r! 'd -o o @^F\E<toro-;; .: g E'. e-c@ d o o 5 Eovo or >r 4.-F. (l) (, L 3 r o o ..- L B | -C 1J 0,, ,rr -O r! Oc! 0')(, l- 6{,r >o@ +rs :r > (.) (, o ! q,6 O CCFFTO O F O F r.o '(' L -F-F|(Jor+-lUltg or E -o4 orl c, -a6'6aPE C .- rF F.,t r.- U +J (J O .- 'O 3 (u i,'o 'F (IJ C .. O (|)(ts -! F+rLOLq-(J .P (u@Fq, (!,c|>' F o-OJ ,' ar :tl-f O@ !ts -cc c Ep- cr -o |o c.o.lr o4Ct .F o.O\E+) O O c a cr c (J E U oC 4 H (1, F FF OiJ i! o <DrJo, >=rr o 3: ,- LILLE O -<: -OOlo .6 "cr En-+ O -- (IJ oqr.Po{r-+r aO !F (J .J o, < or.- o o c (|, c.o€ a L .F o -c d,o .u u'O o.isF (F.- (u x(l)xlo- 0,, >d €6(l) 0 | !.cr!-lul-+r.,, =t! oo (Jorocce H{J o, .rl or.c-.rr@ ?! o or='9.rr.o o a, s 4rF a.r or,c o! o Eq- -c o-c LE.rror 6- -c >+J d qno .6 {.p{Joou cp-o'-'E!ot.- ct^ (..rr > (J@ c| o - L -O.F c'cN tF rr) <t' oF E C'O(F-O(FP crl. lorF o.\r tr'o (,9- orc cO c O =oF . d E = o i . F 0J F (r L 4tP.OarJ .-rF O > 0,r.o '! >t 0, olE E aop L L .- or .F.._ o._{r.-{J 4p(D*o - {J O.-(l) =C>rC>rC: .rJ o o 3- > r.\ c rr- c t,o o cr.-F 3F J< 6 |€ {r 6 CLO,! ol- rE >! c-tf: o O 0_ p .' OF.- .- =- !.- o"L c p cr- ocaF E d)E or!O 6-6-uEl€ o)oUo. o.-.o >r OOtdr-6- $(,c,dc.cE oE -+, o cr)=(F -rF'- - o!Lgo$-d'o6.-@E o.ro,olcFc-o - Fl|, <D cr lE(\lr-, C 6, O-C crF (UF:E -c 0, cto r€ c O +r .J .F rJ > .- c (F .rcc,!L-.lJ-Ar.o, .rJ !.-.cl) oo c!o.-'o.vo o, <F - o..- '- c, c'r3 or} o,O ()LO c O.Fd\F (U Op!5 c -c.O!F E > d oc-O C! LC - C Or? C,)o OEO.-.olorL {r (1, .F l-Ooa! F .F Oo o O >,.6 lEBo(Ji6 odLoLE 6 (l o@.cEroorqr4E oo -uEo.FLc o! llr L!d .- o< ro.F .- O.F 0., ao oo- o.-pp(U€c+r<Dr cosoEn .Fo o- (4E 'O +r OJ(J{J.- r+r C o O dr ar c ur lr , \^ 6 @ 6 A UlE c H I c.- o c '! o c' r+- i! tFrJ< .-- E .- 0J.!(oo 'd .r <-c o >\-o o z +r rr- qJ o! oi-o^.r t!.F is.-@ c JF N.r C C!6 E O .crJ E O.C oCO) cOolr0J -F:a € E '! .F F .O crt<f v > (^ J o lE.-Or.d!^o W -t c!O:''c(D:C e E'O o! olp o < |ot4 o-O(-) Lo o lJ \vP (u '.. !:r-or+- qr lgc E o E <.o q-PooEoczc+rlr- '_o t).ooo(F!.Eo- 6 ('r !q-t! Lo!c)o4(-J+ror.oo.o>r o cl\ E o5!uo|o€ 9- 3sEZFao c\@irdlc.Jnooo,<JE rs r!6 -oo L r r-'t,F (r < r.- cnro trr o H a./ Et 6it 6l FI:il ,si crl l: o, .- cl2l .. o orltrrl o f ul>:t F L <l > 6{J o(lrd L (l)'a o.>lold, -o- .F o.-L <.r Fo, EaL.rJ d L'I' o, rf- o !.p or o +r o-cE:L C (I)L .POOr dO' (uO' -o l!{u o, <1, o€.- L rr- oo a6E r -'- '- oE (l,F O, :J X - c c'- x o o (u fq- 6 -c- (1,p,-(JlJc).(,.P -cEo .-oc (l, !<>.-o .Pc .-o(u(,c (,-o .s o lr'opf o (|') o€ 5 .- qr66>0,,co'- cr @leO (l') - O d . rJ Ot >O>!oc.H. (l) o ' E:0,!a-t,o>\o o-c 16 4 > r! d, q-rr.- o.-t, !,- E rJ 4 16 (U oooJ o cc '. oOO o'!d(U>!crc, fi-ao 6 o c, u oco op (J 0, = !.r- oJ o 16 (D o qr'r- 5ort E QJ llrrJ-o o oc.- c 6-D .--]J '! oFo E o o o F'o ! oJ o(F.- o)'- 6 c O.+i >jd --c oi O !F> .F crElr L >'o:r {r (J c--oA 6 E Or'F Ci- L O 6 o O O,Or- I (l) E t- |!.- ! 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L|aoFqho.u(rcrLor4do>L|6,l. 0r c L d,.-.r,r l, !F )5 rJ 0, ' 6, C rE ao u /!(, orr- o.c oF J CaL<CrO-CF Q E} E(, E,5 F J =< : Jo .- -: E @ o !9 ts o r?r .n rr) ro F^, RECEIVED AUG 1 4 1978 DGDI- 0t PlsnornS t Elglo Col||tty' colo' CclLcl]IAEIct EIEPAFITMENT ClF HEALTH 4210 E.11TH A/ENIJE OENVER EOE2O PH$JE 3EB-EI111 EXT. 3Eg ANTHONY ROIIINS. M.D..M.P.A. EXECUTIVE OIRECTOR DATE: August 10, 1978 SUBJECT: N0N-STATE ASS ISTANCE REV IEIJ AND COI{I{ENTS TO:Mr. TerrlLl Knlght Actlng Dlrector of Plannlng Eagle County Departnent of ?Lannl-ng and DeveLopment Box 179 Eagle, C0 81631 PROJECT TITLE3 Flle No. Sn-47-78 Phelps Mlnor Subdlvislon STATE IDENTIFIER: NA COMHENTS DUE BY:August 16, 1978 ls this project consistent with the objectives of this agency? ls the re ev i dence of overlapping of tion with othe r agencies? ls meeting desired with applicant? A l5-day extension is requested. Name lttckl Barnea, Yes HoI x" lil i-T NO IIJ Ho [i goa I s and dup I ica -v., fl v.,l-i Yes l_l CommentS: ',4t. t 6 Phone fProgram Admlnistrator S0C-3, Feb 77 ATTACHHENT 8 k T0: Planolng Department PeFROM: Ertk ll. Edeen 02 SUBJ: tr't1e No. Sm-47-78 Phelpe Rgc[i\$D AU G a 1978 Dept. ,iil i Eagle oou r DATE: 4 Auguet 1978 COU}IENTS: 1) Set backe and lot coverage are unclear on the elte plan. 2) Parkl.ng appearB to be located on the street. 3) What la the equare footage of each propoeed lot? 4) Are theee unlte already constructed? TerrilI: The Phel-ps rn:nor sLr.bdivlfrion requtest vlas Soi]- Conserrraticn District for review and Box 386 - Eagle, Colorado 81631 August 3, 1978 subrnitted to the Eagle County corr:ent. Terrjl-l Knight, County HLanner % fagte Count;' Plannlng Dept. Rnv 'l .7Q Eag-t,e, Cclorado 6f631 We harre the fol1ow5ng cournents: l-.) A drainage plan should be supplied lndicatilg the on-slte and off-site drainage patterns cornplete vrith tire culve rt size of pipes and the effects the drainage i.ril-l have on A3-pine Drive. 2,) A topographic map cf the site proposal- should be sripplied. This would aid jn locabion of proposed bulldings, definition of drai:rage patterns and the steepness of slopes on the property. 3.) Soils infosnation d.etaLling the acceptab5Aity of brrildable sites as 1{e1l- as lts rel-ationshi-p to drainage petterns and revegetating of the distrrrbed sites should, be provided. 4.) A revegc',eii.on plan shorari:rg the types cf plants and amounts to be planted as well as the tfuie and locations of plantings should be provided. R.i n,..ara'] rr a,*z'./*t" Bud Gates, President EAGTE COt fi$TY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTY co M r,,r t5s toN E R5 328.6809 ADMINISTRATION 328-6674 AN II,4AL SHELTER 949.4292 A5S ES50 R 328.5593 BUI LOING I NSPECT ION 328.5339 CLERK & RECORDEREaqle 328-6377Baialt 927-3244 CO U NTY ATTORNEY 328-6674 ENGINEER 328-6337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 328-7718 EXTEN S I ON AGENT 328.6370 LIBRARY 328.7787 PUBLIC HEALTH .Eaale 328.5594Vail 476.5844 PLANN ING 328.6338 ROAD & ERIDGE 328.659 t SHERIFF Eaqle 328-66 | I Baiatt 927 -3244 Gilman 827-575 | July 28, 1978 John F. Phelps 1769 Aloine Dr. Vail, Co. 81657 RE: Fi]e No. Sm-47-78 - Phelps Minor Subdivision The Technjcal Revieur Committee for Eagle County (a group of technical advjsors from various public agencies) reviewed your application on 27 July 1978. They offered the fo'l lowing comments to you and the Planning Comrnjssion for consideration of approval and use of the property. 1. Need drainage patterns on site/off site. 2. Need party wa'l 'l agreement. 3. Should show parking to meet new regulations (copy enclosed). 4, Tax certificate needed on final p'l at (copy enclosed). 5. Plat restriction replacement of duplex (copy enclosed). These cornments will be forwarded to the County Planning Department and P'lanning Commission for consideration at their meeting on 16 August 1978. If you have any questions, p'l ease contact this office. Director of P'lanning Tlvik cc: Board of County Commissioners ?tz,- t LOCAL GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS. INC. 445 Union Boulevard, Suite 123 (6th and Simms) Denver, Colorado 80228 (303) 986-1s51 July 28, 1978 Eagle County Departnentof Plannlng & Developnent P.O. Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 ATTN: Terrll1 Knlght Re: FlIe No. Sm-47-78 Phelps Minor Subdivislon Gentlemen: As concerns the appllcatlon form from Mr. John F. Phelps, referenced above, as a technlcal matter, under i-tem #7 water supply is and wlll be furnlshed by the Vall Village West tater & San. Distrlct. Both the Vall Village test Yater & San. District and the Upper Eagle Valley Sanltation Dlstrlct wl 1l be provldlng water and sewer service respectively to the property. If you have auy further questions, please feel free to contact us. Slncerely, VAIL VILLAGE WEST TATER & SAN. DISTRICT DISTRICT Inc. JPCIdh cc: John F. Phelps Byron Brown John V. Amato Y SANITATION ames P. ColllnsLocal Govt. Mgnt. Consultants, Dlstrictsr llanager RECEIVED JUL grpt tx tuh 81 1978 - 1. One Park Ccntral - l5l5 Aropohoe street P. O. Box 840 Denver Colorodo 80201 (3031 534-1261 iruly 26, 1978 RICENID ruL 2 u tn]:".- r','*." iooiv. iot* Eagle County Planning Departf,nent 551 Broadruay Eag1e, Colorado. 81631 Re: PneLjminary Plot Plans T.ox 7, Blk. Io - Vail Intermountain sub Vail Village west, Filing No. I - Lot 33 Vail Village west, Filing No. I - L,ots 37A&B West Vail das Schone - Iot 15 GentLsnen: We have examineil the a.bove captioned plot plans and find thatat this time western has no facilities on ttre land to be plotted. Please note that we are a gas transmission utility and our approval does not reflect our alrility to serve su-bj ect subdivision. Very truly yours , B"","tlygrr-r* Donatd t. #ungarat iSr. Right-of-Way Agent DJB/Lc iA' EAGLETOUNTT Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT oate 94;n .n"Y AMOUNT ITEM Buildino Permit Fee Application For Subdivision Zone Chan Special Use Variance Code: (Building) (Zo.in9) (Subdivision) nili.:i:ii) cifPY lReceived All items are received for no-payment of any item. Ne 3791 COMM. collection only and this receipt shall be cancelled .r,,r',t,t" oF REr.'ERAL o Eagle County, Colorado Flanning Commission l.-ile Nol Srq- *. zg t Sm - (2. zg certification is hereby made that a copy of an opplication submitted and given thc abovs File No. was entered into the U.S. Ivlails, or.hand delivered, on I:c the offi ces 7/persons as listed hereon, pages ., of , , u" -u.kE.t flTllfff,if" . Certifier'sSignature: A Al i \pp I icat ions refered io: -ry*- 9,1 -#- ,AF *. fKfl B.Ap: icat cns 1. 7. 6. 2. '7 U.S. Forest Service Eagle Valley Telephone Co, Rocky Mtn. Natural Gas School O istrict RE50J Town of Fled Cliff Upper Eagle Valley San. Dist. Eagle-Vail Metro District Other Dist, (none at present time) School D istrict REsOJ Colorado Division of W ildl ife U.S. Forest Service Mtn. Bell Telephone Co. 10. Public Service Co. of Colo. 9. 8. 2- 7. 9K 9*-r 1 2. 5. 7. I 2. 4. -ou4Z<o2 L-* -* -t/-., V"241 iri Gore Valley - Vail Area: a I Westem Slope Gas -- -/'-.-'. Town of Yail z l=a' Vai I Village West Water & San. - Lions Ridgp Water 10. Rocky Mtn. Natural Gas C.Apc ications in Gypsum Area: 'l . Town of Gypsum Eagle County Airport Authority Colorado Division of Wildlife U.S. Forest Service Eagle Val ley Telephone Co. Rocky Mtn. Natural Gas School D istrict REsOJ c. 3v::um Sanitation ij i3t.'ictDlfif .,T-fsa:=ns in Colorado lliv'fr Area: 1. S,:hool D istrict RE50J 2. School District $ 1 3, Ui5 F-crost S j..rvice (Eagle) 4. US Forest Service (Minturn) Eagle Valley Telephono Co. Yampa Vcl ley E lectric li.Oth':r A gencies (where appropriate) ---- 1. ColoracJo Dept. of llighways gL 5. vail village west Fire-- Vail lntermountain Water Vail Sanitation Dist, 8. School D istrict RE50J 9. Colorado D iv ision of Wi ldl ife 10. U.S. Forest Service 11. Mtn. Bell Telephone Co. 12. Public Service Co. of Colo. 13. Upper Eagle Valley San. 5. o. l:i !..8 il' fu-:- *-:-?L- -+---- h: 47' 78 ;:,r,,1:_:: {').,). i.1-i,ll. cofu1M. '. - -r' /i-i-- , :,. :- i l{i.i- i .,.. .. i'i' /L-&7-' lz.-q..-"- 1. Colorado Geotogical Surveyv-2. Colo. Deoartment of Health Colorado State Engineer Eagle County S ani tarian Eagle County Engineer ? 6. Holy Cross Electric Asstn 7. Colorado Mtn. College Dist- 8. U.S. Soil Conservation Service 9. U.S. Bureau of Land Management 10. Colorado River Water Consv. Dist. '1 1 , Div. of Water Resources in tsasalt Area: Town of B asalt P lanning Representative School D istrict RElJ Basalt Water Consv. Dist- Basalt Rural Fire D ist. Basalt Water and Sanitation Dist. Colorado Division of Wildlife U.S. Forest Service Mountain Bell Telephone Co. A,\tx-.94tt:t-t- D.-Appl i cat ions i n .Eagl e-B rush Creek to Edwards : 'I . Town of Eagle Eagle Sanitation District Colorado Division of Wi ldl ife G.Applications in Upper Eagle Valley: 1 . Town of M inturn .<-/-d- Applicat ions ,t-#- *r- AL "#-#- 2. Colo, State Forest Service EAGTE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 BOARO OF COUNTYcoMMtSsloNERs 328-6809 ADMINISTRATION 328-5574 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A55E550 R 328-6593 BUILDING I NSPECT ION 328-6339 CLERK & RECO RDE REaqle 328-6377a€aall 927-3244 COUNTY ATTORNEY 328-6674 ENGINEER328€337 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH 328-7714 EXTEN 5I ON AGENT 328-6370 LIBRARY 32A-7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328.6594Vail 475-5844 PLAN N I NG328-6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328-6591 SHERIFF Eaqle 328-661IB€ialt 927-3244Gilman 827-575 | 50crAL SE RV I CES 328-6328 T REASU RE R 328-6376 July 17, 19?8 Re: File No. Sm-47-78 Phelps Minor Subdivision Applicant: John F. Phelps 1769 Alpine Drive Vail, Co. 81657 Enclosed herewith is an application and plan submitted to the Eagle County Planning Commission for review and recommendation at their regular meeting on 16 August 19?8. In accordance with C.R.S. 106-2-9, 106-2-33 and 106-2-34, 1963, as amended and Eagle County Subdivision Regulations, Section 6.00 1972, as amended effective 1 August 19?6, you have 35 days from date mailed within which to respond or the request will be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The Planning Commission would sincerely appreciate your comments and recommendations prior to the meeting date. If you desire additional information or time, please advise this office. Thank you very much, Terrill Knight Acting Director of Planning i 'i L l! _.._rhi-:-_t7_:.?!, "-r i: ;O. ptr:,lll- Col.4il:;.',.-'j:ill ()Oi..,' i..,- r;l'i, :G OF _./A.er4L,---:.?t c .:, ^ Application Forn I,tr}IOR SUBDTVISION Section 3.2O ot Eagle County Subdiuision Regulations Name of Froposed Subdiv:ision ValI Vlllaae West. Fttlns I. Lots 37A and t7B Name of Applicant , Johp F. pheros _ _ - _ Owrer ? vesIf applicant is not thc ovner of record, furrrish evidence of a-dhorizationto subdivide property. Address of AppLicant 1?6q Alplne Dr1ve. Vail . Colorado B15q? 1. Iocation of Parcel val1 villsee West, Fillqg I, Lots 3?A and 3ZB 2. Size of parcel to be subdivided 3. ltumber of lots to be created two. l+. Zone district in wtrich the parcel Lles R.M.D. 5. 'r"1'enty-two (22) copies of the application forn, si.te plan, andinfonration shal-l be subnritted by the first vrorkday of the month. wilJ- be reviewed at the regular Planning Comnission Review meeting month. Date subnitted June 30. l9?B r1 'l The the related application follor,ring 6. An original and five (J) coples of the lifraf ?1at with al.l requlrecl. signaturesshall be zubnitted at least ten (fO) days pfT:E6-fre Phruring Cdrnnission-Review meetilg. Date subrnitted -rrrna ?o r o?g-. r^,'-Refer to Section 4.Ol.O3 of the Eagle Gounty Subdiuision Regulations. 7. lbrnish evidence of adequate water supply. (t.tay ue attached as exhibit A) Upper Eaele VaJ.lev Sanitatlon 8. rbrnish erridence of adequate sewage disposal system. (t',tay ue attached asexiribit B) UpIgI Eagle Va11ey Sanltation to a county road vrlrich has been accepted for as extribit C) 9. I\rrrr-ish evidence of access maintenance. (l,lay be attached A1pine Drlve :- tt t lL . 4.-'r*t:-!-7:1'f"'-"'-"'-' :.iirE Fil Fr-,*,r't. coturM' p,r.ct..-l ccPY t/iEEl'lliG oF , Applj-cation Form - page 2 10. l\rni-sh additional informatj-on as requ:ired. (lr"y be attached. as extribit D) .. a. ff this is a resubdivision of property r.*rich has been previously sub-_' di-v'ided and recorded in accordance- wiih Bagle Cor.rniy suuaivisions nlguiationsaogqle{ September 5' I9?2 or later, indicate rru.r" o.,d recor.rcing data of saidsubcliv:ision. b. If 10a does not rnn'l' si.tes for the proposed uses (1) Soil condiLions furnish evidence of with regard to the adeguate and safe building follor.ring items. (Z) GeoJ-ogic conditions 0) Topographic and slope cond.itions (4) Drainage conditions (l) Elood hazard potential (6) Source of fire protection 11'- r\rrnish 9t11ity and road_pJ-ans (v,here applicable, refer to section J.2oEagle county subdivision Regutlt:-ons) (..ray G attached as exiriuii Ej infornation and accurate to the best of my lcaowleCge. 3d 7-,'--- +-tr - t ctale ,l For official_ Reveived by Accepted for thc Plarrri/ Comnrission Revievr rneeti_ng of o I.OPMENT I DEPARTMENT OF PT.ANNING & DEVE Box I79 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 EAGIE COT'hITY BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMrssloNERs328-6809 : ADMINISTRATION328-6674 ANIMAL SHELTER 949.4292 ASSESSOR 328.6593 EUILDING I NSPECTION 3286339 CLERK & RECO ROE R Eaqle 328.6377 Baaall 927.3244 COUNTY ATTORNEY 328.6674 ENGINEER 328.6337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 328-7718 EXTENSION AGENT 328.6370 LIBRARY 328-7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328.6594Vail 476.5844 PLANNING 328-6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328-6591 SHER IFF Eaqle 328-661I&Eall 927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 75 | soctAL SE RVI CES 328.6328 TREASU RE R 328-5376 328-7 377 octobet 26' 1978 bnaLd Srreang Box 2f00 8cuTdet, Co. 80306 RE: Fife No. SM-46-78 Sweang Minor Subdivision At thejr neeting on 25 October 7978, the Boatd of Countg Commi ssj one rs denied gour request for subdlvi sjon because the reguested information was not submitted. Please b advised that Eagle Countg wi77 continue to tow awag a77 cars parked on the Countg right-of-wag, and rast of gour parking is on that right-of-wag. SincereTg, t:: &g &/z/*,%rrZ,- Susan Vaugfu, PTannet sv/jk cct Boatd of countg Corwnissioners Donald H. BaTTenger ;Ief f SpaneT EAGLE COUNTY )EPARTMENT OF PLANNING E DEVEINPMENT Box f79 328-7377 EAGLE, COLORADO 8I631 ' BOARD OF COUNTYcoM M tsstoN ER 5 328-6809 ADMINISTRATION 328.6674 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R 328.6593 BUILDING INSPECTION 328-6339 CLERK & RECORDE REaqle 328-6377Bai,lt 927-3244 COUNTY ATTORNEY 328.6674 ENG IN EE R 328.6337 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH328-77la EXTEN SION AGENT 328.6370 LIBRARY 324-7787 October 79, 7978 Donald Sweany Box 2700 BoaTder, CoTotado 80306 RE: FiLe No. Sn-46-7I Sweang Minor Subdivision At their regular meeting on LB October 1978. the Eagfe Countg PTanning Conmission recommended deniaf of gout minor subdivision request because the xeqaested infotmaxion has not been submitted. Tbis recommendation wil7 be ptesented to the Board of countg Comnissionets at t,heit special neeting on 25 octobex 7978' beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the Countg Corunissioner's Meeting Room #f03, 55O BroadwaY, Eaq7e, Colorado. rf gou have ang questions, pTease contact xhis office' PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328-6594Vail 476-5844 PLAN N ING 328.6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328.6591 SHERIFF Eaole 328-661I BeEall 927.3244 Gilman 827-5751 50c lA L SE RV ICES 328-6328 TREASU R E R 328.6376 '"...> | ,/ / t'' -., !i-2,/-/t ..t Ez/Zt t t/"!|'ta-- siisan vaughn ''/ Planner sv/jk cc. Board of Countg Cotrunissionets EAGTE COUNTY DEPARTMTNT OF PLANN Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO BOARO OF COUNTYcoMMtssroNERS 328.6809 ADMINISTRATION328-6674 ANIMAL SHELTER 949.4292 ASSESSO R 328.6593 EUILDING I N SPECTI ON 328-5339 CLERK & RECORDE R Eaqle 328-6377 BaSalt 927-3244 COU NTY ATTORNEY 328-6674 ENGINEER 328-6337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 328-7 7 | A EXTENSION AGENT 328-6370 LIBRARY 325.7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328-6594Vail 476.5844 PLAN N I NG 328-6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328.5591 SHERI FF Eaqle 32 8-66 | IBaialt 92 7-3244Gilman 827.5751 soc tAL SE RV IC ES 328.6328 TREASURER 328-6376 ING & DEVELOPMENT 328-731r 81631 September 21, 1978 Dona'l d Swea ny Box 2100 Boulder, Colorado 80306 RE: Fi I e No. Sm-46-78 Sweany Minor Subdivision At their regular meeting on 20 September 1978' the Eagle County Planning Commission, at the request of Donald Ball inger, tabled your minor subdjvision appl icati on unti t thei r 18 0ctober meeti ng so the nece.ssary information on parking, drainage and a final plat could be submitted. If you have any questions, pl ease contact thi s office Terrill Di rec to r TK/J K cc: Board of County Dona'ld Ballinger Commissioners ffi REALTY OF VAIL, INC. P.O. Box 2603 Vail, Colorado 81657 l3o3l 476-4121 Mr. Terrell Knight Eagle County Planning Department Eagle County Eagl-e, Colorado Dear Mr Knight: Due to the absence of Mr. James Wheelock, we have been unable to provide the Planning Commission with the necessary infornation (parking, drainage, and plat) for the ninor re-subdivision of Sweany,/ Phelps on Alpine Drive, West Vai1, Eagle County. It is requested that the Corunision continue this application until next month. I feel certain that all inforrnation will be provided prior to the October rneeting. urs, Donald H. Ball Sales Associat DFIB/ j r s[P20 ,Jept- Ll i,l: iir;li;i1 Eagte County. ?97s c Di,,. Colo. R,:C*'.rFr) Septenber 20, I978 truly "6*l ,ll:* is inlepcu,/etly ost,eJ anl operateJ" EAGTE COI'NTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Box 179 328-7311 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 o '//.-.-t-tt '/'--*l Temil l Knight Director of P'l anning & EOARD OF COUNTY COM M ISSI ON E R5 328.6809 ADMINISTRATION 328-667 4 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR 328-6593 BUILDING INSPECT ION 328-6339 CLERK & RECORDER Eaqle 328-6377Baiall 927 -3244 COUNTY ATTO R N EY 328.6674 ENG INEE R 328.6337 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH 328.7 718 EXTE N SI ONAGENT 328-6370 LI BRARY 324-7747 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328-6594Vail 476-5844 PLANN ING 328-6338 August 17, L978 Donald I. Sweany P.0. Box 2100 Boulder, Co. 80306 RE: File No. Sm-46-78 Sleany Minor Subdivision At their regular meeting on 16 August 1978, the Ea91e County Planning Commission tabled your application until 20 September 1978 for more information on parking, drainage and submittal of a final plat. If you have any questjons, please contact this office. ROAD & BRIDGE 328.659 | SHE R IFF Ea cle 328.661 I Pa-salt 927 -3244 Gilman 82 7-5 751 soc I AL SE RVI CE5 328-6328 TREASURER 328-6376 t/ Devel o pment TK/J K cc: Board of County Comnissioners t[4' (' ((( -. -''.;..-.^..;, _1i *.\ ---r----_ - -_--,'X- :l '"1 q q - 1. "t ,".; ..t .: 1; . lj.lC ,- d t),-ie'_ , .niitE[ ..d_.i,t iq i i r,'itn -o,.-.-",-P; '5,Ilii zfn6:i.F:; hi1 ':l ",tr:'' 3 F :ll :! r o L oo \u L, q, 0r dE ;fii;:;:-:ciisi Ffi e;3";r ri'j' 3 ! ;f il- e iEE I P.E5 p H-,,e:.: :: -;_ 3l "* rc E "+gt:xei:E:;:E:rd .:r :".a.;1:r .g -! ['t+HEHB^-.e6H:3:bft[cEr, :; 4!;5:elrlc € * eg;;f, E3s:d;i#E_E:f;F.i ;: 5.E;q,-q? " " P*.::i:;sEE,' Pi:::" t+ b€ cEEe.F:F= ; 3 !;:3- F 3 " e 3 - = . h e 3 E: 5 E r..i . -.= .=-;op"-p t cL .-iDdEdcirES--:Jsi:Fg:;.e Ex F:::{3El i es ;E:E; -. .- o,'kI e i _ -_: - d 'j - E u : L; ! q B-- __8"=E;.li t ;- -hEXR EF:*gt;;i=A;;*e"-r :; E"l;l-a:3 : :ts Es.Pi pc- -;i;i:*-'6; bgx E; .:;b*h-: 5 '---c,3;.eEo f! o (u.FE.Fqiieg+!i..-Fllio;-uEq t-.!' g:' .9.=!d 3 . 3--E€r-3a e.l I i,! ";.o* 5i-.:*.o u 5 5 fl e-c-.5l-5;*? =e r -€ 3 =&(''6 er 6-5 . E a, E E'0.: E'i: ..; -. .2- *iET-'3.-.9..8 >'"fri'--3..'-uo,o-c- ! E; bi,;+!!-rrcrcE -oE;--->,c:gH':E;E:!.tE:.E.e*P :; ;.i.=iaELoo, -L o...o..o ' F-.E15'E;-;P--tU; t5: .:iHg:;s;;Eb 3r?i9!er !i_Ert {, .16 cr.Fpt,.;F::c 5iis,.iEE63 ,3 fl: L .:f :5.-:_ , 3 gfr g"E as:" 5E;tgE::;* =:i f* ^*E=S EsEsE EE fel.* el En.. tt =.::r g g*.FE i o,; u-6b g g:^ o'T,B- y €E"€f B) .;'=;,- _\4 , -;;; r Up c, i I. tE>,*s: E!<oN-oc-dFddL E!'-' e dbF=i 6.r l; ,o u -:r € E - B f b;'5-;E =E:* S. - S.: be_ H*.; F q il I ; - or ,i, u v o - E E o! 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L.^p(Jo().r{- F- 5 dr s L9-: o c'r E o tt+E i:oo.o-op. .o \ d-o o,oo(rsotoorror-.{L\EJA:'-i.r! rr' d .o - rt < ss :r I 6l 4.1 dl .)l E q, .- cl>:l .. o .r -f qrl Lrrt (rLrlt:' (Jt t:l l- r! (-l !r -ll >, E.,.!L Or!,c! >r ru(r -o C, O F o. -o-L Eo!-rr d Lvd L.P ar6a, c(u !.!, o rt .rr o-cEr- c orL ^r rl, rl, o, ! = atr-c drt .r .P oJcaJ (u l|) O! O,r -O'F'F ! rr- L l'r C, lar .rJ> i6.F 'odL o4 !r'E J FFL,!4' O(|, cr(J 6q,:J(F o .cF o 6o s +r.F o +r c! o.Jffoo .F6c 3>F .c Ns|l) .pc .Fo aJ oJ oJ rtc o! c€E r/t o a(uPc .oo .p!.rJf o {J .! (u o.d6, tF - t - .F (lJ ?! to- l,to>o ,! . co'- oJ ('l{ O Or.F O ct .(J Et >OL|ar >r 'o c ' aco.rLo-'-oo>ro or -c 4,d.-cL!L.-Edo d<Dao! 0: s is oJ o s-c ! oOO(|).5o(lJ>La,)O rOF i,o--c (,' i, o o (J Elcai orr (J or:J !-q- or o d o a 0)r.- oo! E o, rl, P.cr o o f'O F |E c|.F t-o .6 r Oc(|',O(^ F! '(' 0) r,lrF'F O.- 16 c 0r.P >rd -F-c ||) o !F+r L >ro:P o cr.-o(u o E oJ.- {DF L O.s i., o o 16L- L 0J El, c o4J-C L.tt.F ! 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(1, .->q, o r or:r .o.F o r-!,P arF c 64 c'O L >!o)r EF rs.6 (J 6 c 'o a Ct .rJ 6,O-ro E.!cEo- o o !c 0r!-o EOFas O>'F uo4t."@c -t-30eE 33.'- .p*$-3 - - o", gp 3"-6-g3eo-.- >t .c . sro-€ o = - E .t, p cr.F- E doo0rL .F 6-0 o ! c o.Fo.F.o '\t .-.F or Ep5.-(Jcroj-E Oq-.tJ C, '91Ja 5' OJarC Cr>> .,' 9 ar.p 0J -L F O ar(r 0,r+r4 o.F.FE FrOc'C-E L>,s_C(UO E a A6 d COOJd!-O(J16 ooe'!pLL5 > O-E c 0)+r (,r c- o o . o E c a 6O rE.J o- o .--c.rr+r 4i c c I o -.J 1.(D u e a.hd '.!,€! {^ orc >'-!o o o r 6|- .FN 0.r.- c o (, o.J (D c <!>o.F(Foo rJ c o, o! cr (J u >r.oF (r, >6ro <rJ o.c, :oorco16(r .- o q .- r@E.d o p + o cFr!oo.p 9-o rrDf ,!+ors!-o >rpi':a).F c.6()s+r|oq-oZ o.F O i: (l) l- c u.t-O.c L.- d.o r F.-<><F .-O.- , l.--C O a!.c, 16'Fc: tc ! 9E.FEAC! f E.t O@ CiC'O !JTJFF!(uCo.P'- O (u 6 o., d, O 6-) ! oN O- C, O E O+r (J (u . O, o O O - .c C -c O lJ s- q- r.\ 6rs €orE.-! @o. OJ El€-P 4' !! L > E Lr- ercoF.FF-oH (L' Or 6 >, rArO,o.. aE:r! N(,...cc|Ecro.U(uOL !L.->e ord .c! | 'c, t! c) c'rttlor@-cr>oo E o c (JE o,Forslq, o ' F.. oro.-d:\oo ;os(r -o (J 'o 6o!!o Jdo- | ]i o.r (I,c cl6Croq-oro c'..oc' Nro-<o o-cF (J F o (,! r.- or.p u) 0, rq- o FJ o, or'-.-rF o cI J lolz.-<(FF C l! O 5rF L|'Fo l? 3(,) u-o o cru.e €16 c cz o' i3 ! o'! o o@ cr Fo- orcolrH(/r (,-o Eoa o.L!.)oNd, -o o r! <r -o u (1, S >Eu- E} EO E.q t 6o ='o =-c E PO o!! t; RECEIVFD AUG I 4 1978 Oept. 0l Plannrirs taglo Coofl'ty. colo. CtrlLclHAE Cl EIEPAFITrnENT clF HEALTH 421cl E.11TH A,/EI\[JE OENVEF| Ere,zo,PHOrE 3AE|-Ei111 EXT. SPSI ANTHONY RO!!INs, M.D..M.P.A. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: August 10, 1978 SUBJECT: N0N-STATE ASS ISTANCE REV IEW AND COITI{ENTS T0: Mr. TerrilL Kntght Act 1ng Dlrector of Plannl-ng Eagle County Department of Planning and Development Box 179 Eagle, C0 81631 No. Sn-46-78 Sweany trtinor Subdlvislon .'. NA August 16, l-978 ls this project consistent with the goals and obj ec t i ves of th i s agency ? ls the re ev i dence of overlapping of duplica- tion with othe r agencies? I s meet i ng des i red w i th app I icant? A l5-day extens ion is reques ted. ame ,tle PROJECT TITLE: Fl1C STATE IDENTIFIER: COHt{ENTS DUE BY: Yes l4J No l-J Yes v., l-i ves l_l Comments: fl No No No il iil ti SOC-3, Feb 77 ATTACHMENT B Program Adninlstrator RICHARD D. LAMM Governor C,J. KUIPER State Engineer DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Oepartment of Nalural Resources 1313 Sherman Slr8€t - Room 818 Denver, Colorado 80203 Administration (303) gB€581 Ground Water (303) 8iB-3587 [- "''r-tt 'r-1l, .tJ AUG 1 1 i97B [es]e 0oJr,'y, (: , r. August 9, 1978 Mr. Terrlll Knight, Actlng Plannlng Dlrector Eagle County Department of Planning & Development P. O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 8lffif Re: Sweany Minor Subdivision File No. Sm-46-78, and Phelps Minor Subdivision File No. Sm-47-78 Dear Mr. Knight: This is to acknowledge receipt of preliminary plan material for the above referenced subdivlsions. The Vail Village West Water District has been designated as the source of water; however, no letter of commitment for servlce has been submltted. Informatlon available in our files indi- cates that the District has sufficient water available to serve this develop- ment. We recommend approval of both subdivisionS contlngent upon the developer obtalnlng a slgned commltment for service from the District. Very truly yours,ffi# S/EneineerCIVGDv:mvf cc: lss Enewold, Div. Eng. Land Use Comm. ", TO:Planning Departnent FROM: Erik I{. Edeen f? SUBJ: Flle No. Sn-4.6-78 Sweany DATE: 4 August 1978 COMMENTS: 1) UEVSD does not serve water to this area. Water and Sanl.tatlon Dlstrlct, 2, Need elte plan showing the epltt. REcrrvrD AUG a t97B ucpt, Ul Pr;It,i,,,.j. ".. Eaglo County, coto. Contact the West Vail t i Terril-1: The S'^reany rn-ino r subdivision recmest vras Soil Ccnser-vation District for re''riernr and Box 386 - Eagle, Colorado 81631 Augusf 3, l-9'18 sr:,bmitted to the Eagle County corn,ent. Terrjl-l- Kni-glit, County Planner % fa.gte County Pl.annirg Dept, Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631- We ha.ve the f oll owing ccr:rnents: 1.) A drainage plan shcr:r-1d be supplieci rnrii-catir"g ifLe cn-site and off-si-te drair.:age patterns conplete ir'rtn ',ire erilvert size of pipes and the effects the drai-nage l^rjJ-l- have on Al-pine Drive. 2.) A topographlc rnap of the site proposal should be supplied. This would, aid in location of j:roposed iruildings, definitionof drainai;e pat!,,erns and the steepness o:i slcri-,es cn the property. 3.) Soils information de'uailing the acceptabi 1it;' :.1 irr il-clable sites as i^reIl as its relationship tc Cra.inage pat.l;erns and revegetatin3 of tire dj.str:rbed si Les st ou'I.,j be provided. 4. ) A revegeta.li,)n p] an sho'..dng t.he t;'pes of planls and enountsto be planted, e.s rnre1l as 'biie tjme and lcelLi'rns of the plantir4s sho':1d be provided. Since:.'e1;', @.-( &n/* Bud Gatesr President EAGTE COT.gI{TY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 July 28, 1978 Donald I. Sweany P.0. Box 2100 Boulder, Co.80306 RE: File No. Sm-46-78 - Sweany Minor Subdivision The Technical Review Conrmittee for Eagle County (a group of technical advisors from various public agencies) reviewed your application on 27 July 1978. They offered the following comments to you and the Pianning Commission for consideration of approval and use of the property. 1. lleed drainage patterns on site/off site. 2. Need party wa11 agreement. 3. Should show parking to meet new regulations (copy enclosed). 4. Tax certificate needed on final plat (copy enclosed). 5. Plat restriction replacement of duplex (copy enclosed). ? 6. Off street parking should be provided. These comments will be fonlarded to the County Planning Department and Planning Commission for consideration at their meeting on 16 August 1978. If you have any questions, p'l ease contact this office. TK/J K cc: Board of County Commissioners -* \= Eogle County, Colonado cEnI'n'tcA't'E oF Rl.I.'!t R,,\ L I'lnnning Commission l.'i lo No: cert.ificntion is hcreby mnde thnt a copy of nn Rpt)lication submiltcd and givcn thc aboveFilc lio. wns entcrcd into the U .S . \lnils , o| hand clclir.c|etl . on n Q.L4 ,rZ ?io the of fice s,/pel.sons as listed hereon, p{rges ., of , , n" *n"loA fiKu-iKiit" . Certifier's Stsnnture: $-..,ylLZ- .a ,.Ali ipplications refered io: f)-.Appl icat ions in.Eaglo-Brush Creek to Edwards: 0f 1. Colorado Geological Survey 1. Town of Eagte-1'-. S/< 2. Colo. Oepartment of Health 2. Eagle Sanitation District-------,r- -4K- 3. Cotorado State Engineer 3. colorado oivision of Wildlife o Sm-J4. z9 {z 6' 0A 7.'y- "'9z e' -4( 1o- -$-t..' .Ac: icai cns inBasalt Area: 1. Town of gasalt Planning Representative School District REIJ Easalt Water Consv. D ist. Sasalt Rural Fire Dist. Basalt Water and Sanitation Oist. Colorado Oivision of Wildlife U.S. Forest Servico Mountain Bell Teleohone Co. 10. Rocky Mtn. Natural Gas -Apc ications in Gypsum Area: 1. Town of Gypsum 2- Eagle County Airport Authority 3. Colorado Division of Wildlife 4. U.S. Forest Service 5. Eagle Valley Telephone Co. 6. Rocky Mtn. Natural Gas 7- School O i strict RESOJ Eagle County Sanitarian Eagle County Engineer Holy Cross Electric Assrn Colorado Mtn. College D ist. U.S. Soil Gonservat ion Service U.S. Bureau of Land Management Colorado River Water Consv. Dist. Div. of Water Resources * Sm-lz'zg 9(4. 5. 6. 7. 2, 3. 4. 4. J. U.S. Forest Service Eagle Valley Telephone Co. Rocky Mtn. Natural Gas School District RESOJ Town of Bed Cliff Upper Eagle Valley San. Dist. Eagle-Vail Metro District Other Oist. (none at present time) School District REsOJ Colorado Oivision of Wildlife U-S. Forest Service Mtn. Bell Telephone Co. 10. Public Service Co. of Colo. Vail Viltage West Water & San. -- Lions Ridge Water 9. Colorado Division of Wildlife '10, U. S . Forest Service 11 . Mtn. Bel I Telephone Co. 12. Public Service Co. of Colo. 13. Upper Eagle Valley San. 6. 7. -t- 8. 4. gk- 5. vail Village west Firel Vai I Intermountain Water Vail Sanitation Dist. School D istrict RE50J 7. o- ,..!.?.q-.... G.Applications in Upper Eagle Valley: 1. Town of Mintum ..-iz' ..-1-pZi-,-4''L'*' -* '/'"- yozl '7(g]Applications in Gore Vall€y - Vail Area: a I yK 1. Western Stope Gas ---_/ A* 2. Town 61 Y6i1 'z L1-....-7.----- 7*o--!.c-"..* s i " ?&.oYnb" ffi fl a t iSnn i c t; i c t '1 . S,:hool District RESOJ 2. School District ll 1 .Qli.: r fiq;116;i1-.s (whc.rc .:ppropriatu-) __ 1. Colorudo Dcpt. of t.tiglrwflys ___ ?-. Colo. Statc forL,ct S()rvico *t_+L_ *tL AL 'gk-#" 3 . Uti Fore-.s1 S.-rvics ( Eaglc) 4. US Forost Scrvice (Minturn) 5. Eoglo Vi.rlley Telephone Co. 6. Yarnpar Vcllc.y E lectrlc t LOCAL GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS, INC. 445 Union Boulcvard, Suite 123 (6th and Simms) Denver, Colorado 80228 (303) 986-1551 July 28, 1978 Eagle County Departmentof Plannlng & Developnent P.O. Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 ATTN: Terrlll Knlght Re: File No. Sn-46-78 Sweany Mlnor Subdlvlsion Gentlenen: Again, slnply as a technlcal matter, under ltem #7 ofl[r. Sweanyrs applLcation for a minor subdivision, the Yail Ylllage test Uater & San. Distrlct w111 be provlding water servlce. If you bave any further questlons, please let me know. Sincerely, JPC/dh cc: Donald I. Sweany Byron Brorn James P. Collins Local Govt. Mgmt. Consultants' Inc.Dlstrlct Uanager RECEIVED Jllt 31 1s78 lIOt 0f Ffroning & Devet S tumty, Colo. -K One Park Central - l5l5 Aropohoe Street P. O. Box 840 Denver Colorodo 80201 (303) 534-1251 Rf:Cf'Nf D JuL z u't,*"..*. rr''*- ,u $unv. Ftu Eagl"e County Planning Deparbnent 55I Broadway Eagle, colorado 8L631 Gentl€men: lle have examinecl the at tl.is time Western has PLease note that tire approval does not refLect DJB/Lc JuLy 26, L978 Re: Pre!.iminary Plot Plans laE '1 , Btk. 10 - Vail Intermountain Sub Vail vill-age west, Filing No. I - I,ot 33 Vail ViIIage west, Filing No. I - Lots 3;-\&B West VaiL das Schone - I,ot 15 alrove captioned plot plans and find that no facilities on the land to be plotted. are a gas transmission utility and our our ability to serve subject subd.ivision. Very b.uly yours t Sr. Right-of-way Agent /Ai EAGTE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Box 1?9 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMtsstoNERs 328-6809 ADMINISTRATION 328-6674 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 AS5E550 R 328-6593 BUILDING INSPECTION 328-6339 CLERK & RECORDER Eaqle 328-6377Baialt 927-3244 COUNTY ATTORNEY 328-5674 ENG INEE R 328-6337 ENVIRONMENTAL H EALTH 328-7714 EXTENSION AGENT 328-6370 LIBRARY 328-7787 PU BLIC HEALTH Eaole 328-6594Vail 476.5844 PLANNING 328-6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328-659 | SHERI FF Eaqle 328-651 I Baaalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5 75 | 50clAL 5E RV rCES 328-6328 TREASU RER 328-6375 July 17, 1978 Re: File No. Sm-46-78 Sweany Minor Subdivision Applicant: Donald I. Sweany P.O. Box 2100 Boulder, Co. 80306 Enclosed herewith is an application and plan submitted to the Eagle County Planning Commission for review and recommendation at their regular meeting on 16 August 1978. In accordance with C.R.S. 106-2-9, 106-2-33 and 106-2-34, 1963, as amended and Eagle County Subdivision Regulations, Section 6.00 1972, as amended effective 1 August 1976, you have 35 days from date mailed within which to respond or the request will be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The Planning Commission would sincerely appreciate your comments and recommendations prior to the meeting date. If you desire additional information or time, please advise this office. Thank you very much, q*ilL a{.,,Lltt t,x.Terrill Knight Acting Director of Planning Name Nane Application Forrn I.trNOR SUBDTVISION Section 3.2O of Eagle County Subdirrlsion Regulations Proposed Subdivision Vtr t w Address of Applj-cant loo of ofIf to /\ Applicant ,.1 )op.+uO T. €trrerN / Ovner appJ-r-cant Ls not, the omer of record, furni sh evidence ofsubdiuide properby. Locatlon of Parcet Vr{. Vrr-.*ar !r/eSf; Frr_rntrr J, lar gF Size of parcel to be subdivided Number of lots to be created 2 Dare subrnittea JctrV I tQ.7B Date submitted 13ee 1. 2. 2 4. Zone dlstr:ict in 5. Twenty-tvro (22) information shall_ bewill be reviened at month. wlrlch the parcel Lies copj.es of Lhe application form, subnritted by the first workdaythe regular Planning Comrrission site p1an, and of the month. Revier^r meeting related application following a]-l- the the 6. An original and five (J) copiesshall be subnitted at least ten (fO) meeting. of the Fina1 Plat days piES?:E6-Te with al-L requi.red signatures Plaruring Comm:ission Review authorization Refer to Secti-on 7. I\rrnish evidence .OJ of the of adeqrrate Eagle County Subdl si-on Begulations. water suppJ-y. (t.t"y be attached as exhibit A) UFpep- Z"*qte {Att"v Smsny,-,ga Ds-p-ter _ B. ftunish evidence of adequate seri'age disposal sysLern. (teay ue attached. asexldbi.t B) ,/Pep E*<.e Vrq.r e v S*^l rt*r-,rd D,a-a,.t to a county roaC r*r-lch has been accepted foras exhibit C) 9. F\rrn-ish maintenance. evidence (t,tay Ue of access artacbed Fll-E #.4*,',elt=-zL" lAGl-E CO. Pl.Al',!. F:rc{:it:) i}-.:,:rY COlli\,1. 4uPr e t Application Form - page 2 L0. I\rrnish additional inforrnatj-on as reqrired. (t't"y be attached as extribit D) a. rf this is a resubdivision of properby uhich has been previously sub-divided and recorded in accordance vrith Eagle County Subdiri:isions Rlgulationsaa99!e{ September 5t 1972 or later, indicate naine and recording data of saidsubdfuision. Vnrr- \/rcc,qcr \,r/6r F",^Jc t b. ff 10a does not aPpl1l. furnish evidence of adequate and safe buildingsites for the proposed uses raith regard to the following items. (f) Soil conditions (2) Geologic conditions (3) Topographic and slope conditions (4) nrainage conditions (:) Ilood hazard potential (6) Source of fire protecti-on 11._ lurnish utirity and road plans (vdrere applicable, refer to section J.2oEagle county subdivision Regulations) (i.tay b-e attached as extribit E) The above and accurate to the best of my lcrowledge. For official use Reveived by Accepted for Review Fee Cornnd-ssion Beview meeting of Recording Fee .,! li- r-ll9l0t-tldr ?. tF-r .-_--n Tun llrrrS brr trh -a r.nr..t r lr Or rrr d r lrd - rb.a - brH rt rlrtv-t.xrl-r*r VAt L YI lJ.l U aL';T. 'llc. ... fofrrrrrl lcr o.,..mlxd ra lL r..-a F l! t l"iloar.aatt ila tb -|. F.i /.. tl. fba F.r. ,t d b rrlrrab .a - r J t .t rr.l !l.t t(l.l J.rl l.it. ,t$l ..tlEr .:pe.l .I|.1 y.alualrla qtil.|.ral l.'n'r .nl l. ll' r.a.l F.l i' ,lt fLt Fn b L.. Faa ft tl. -f ttf, d lb...r.a F.f ] i.rtarHb l"r'6t 6-t-{.1rt-r|'tv{. b I ana{ b.!L.{ r{ rd r-cra. r' }' lb tt- - Ir..t. Lrrrl -ll. .-t't ..a .-fLr, * lb d F.ft J |l.....d F.|. l. -Yt-. d a{D ta-r .!l .a lh' fill.rrr -..tLrl l| . r rrwl .i d L{ lld.. t||a ..l l'ar b lb .',s., ia t. r.il .33 B ?... ld. ., (ta-* b'.,Ir /-\ ,-\l.'l .t tr).,r.rc9 f\lt. vll.l.^:L ,1.'t.: ili||,: ;l '. 1.. ,. , , 'r-lfrr, l I l't i... ,,t.1,.,1 rr! rt . , ,rrrt...'r ,.r 1... .l rl.' ,!' | 'l,ra. r I r.II trraHtll]:I rtll .n .ra ..{r|rr tL }rJr.-ar rr{ Wre..t.-4. f-- - - -tbrt,tr.rt.rl.rt. {.nl lL rrrnrr.r rrl rrrrrrlnl, t*..d .-La.\ t-n b -a ;rraf tHt d I rL 6.rl.. r.drt. laL. |r .r"r. .tb .-l a'r..a D.i-.rr J b -l FU r? rlr lll Fl. - - b .{ ..Flt..a. rr rr{ lo rts *ie lrrptrrl ;rr-.1 rtl rtr tan'*rrdr d {ttli-. lfl) ll tt ]: tilr t$ aaa|..lr lb -l F.rb.1". L.lrhna ..a a..1rlt{ .tl lt .tFl-i' - 3 "ed Frtr ol lb r.rrl Ftt. a. e..+t-r d r..rrr ..rr''. l.l at, r.. Frr',' .. b llra t-a' It I n.t .;tr h.rr\.rrra..f -a.*a.ra-r.4. .u!-! Gr-. f.rt*.J -rrbd !|l lfh. ,.rif |r|rlt !.t ll... lrna F l. ar i-r..-r d efr. lb J ab lbt J rl, -.ha d *o*t a rl$ r rrr-Ft.. , r{ rrr.f .' tb tre*. -r".-"tr{ - J rF.{ -t fdl' He .a |hl.frarrtb ^trlr ol ar$rr.-'.. h b.. - ,rr r*, ol b I a-a rSa. r{ F.. -a LtlU frt L r..b.. Lra..r, Fll .ra .tlt?t lb -- i --r ..a f-- .. .r-e{ d lt a lL - -t ,tt -a.l- att- rll fdFr .r|.1.{\'r tr-a.. t trF.: -L.. L.t, Lr.\.-l d L*rre I 'b'q lb' t --.:, ..t I r\... t .a I r'.t ,ru.. I'rit rrtr, t .i,. itr I l.',, .(I lbr A.tt brr..e.l f.*r |. ll, .F,l rl prfl t''-"'a- d tt' -r' Fdt e"|. 'i'-' F l. b *r r..rrr rd F..r.. r*t ri d +r.rt F r- .' lt E bfat Aa-al d' L'tb att rl* - -t Fa tlr'r.'a. ltb ..il Fr' ,llr tH Ft a.l ..a ra l^la'/ttl? Atlr ri|ll:tEl 'r:rl:lD' atol F.t b ta*r rl il ' I H Yl$ YIr4t lFta u9/'. e A. - { i7/51 t'4.. ^2 tar.t- ?tetbJ l58 rl l- lr.at.l o <- 6gz () E q lrJ =oq,2 zo ^Fz<?zi:JEU ITJCFI rr.l3oI, LrJ fI"Jl< -clJ ofGFcoc< l! 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E FI i3 El iiir',-iiF !u t= aD l*i<;lilltj t- I i i lu,r=io I i: l i i< IE IF l) I f-lt,^*jl)'i' tz I lE: I l.ri+ :t lJ o j<- . ,(, ;;a - t: i!: is I zo c z z rJ 'r llr F 5r! : *:i) = = 1.oi ri; ! !l:r I -,r !:l;g;6 - € r- I J - - t3c P l- I , i < - .l:-z rt t-I c l= \; "t;l | ::nl: orrDtr t! Fl&s>.t Ir.-..',i Irrirtr\ :.i IjrJ't 9iF llF I l;< I.l'. I tTz :-l i'\ l! | l,-J I t\<lE .jl I >l 6 l x FIol -.-lz t -l t I rl ; I er*o rrl rl"'loc I l:;13tr | lll r"Etltl,< -;+ f----..1 <o- -t I 16 --l tF t< zt'if ..1 a{l; itl ;.-l -o rrl lr I --.J ili (tt lrl =at, o JJ l,li E,t5 r rl ; I,**i+:, a 6 t6<ooloili-"ili -l < o o o s, Ll(' ------_-=-