HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 1 LOT 33A LEGALTOWNOFY,AIL 75 S, FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address: 1763 ALPINE DR VAIL Location.....: 1763 ALPINE DR ParcelNo...: 210312307004 OWNER D.E.I. LLP 1031 V{rInVDEMERE CIRCIJE I-,ONGMOli[f co 80501-2321 APPIJICA}IT SHEFFIELDIS ROOFING PO BOX 1917 AVON COIJORADO 8T620 License t 782-3 CONTRACTOR SHEFFIEI,DIS ROOFING PO BOX 1917 AVON eoLoRiADo 8L520 License t 782-3 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: B07-0220 Project # PRJ07-0325 DEPARTMENT OF COMMLINITY DEVELOPMENT, Ln s3, Vr^-'l UJQc h/.# t Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 07/24/2007 Issued...: 07/26/2007 Expires...: 0l/22/2008 07 /24/2007 07/24/2OO7 Phone: (970) 845-5534 07 /24/2OO7 Phone: (970) 845-5534 Description: REPLACE CEDAR SHAKES WITH 50 YEAR, CI-,ASS IA' ASPHALT ROOF Occupancy: Type Conshuction: Valuation: $7,258.00 Revision Valuation: $0.00 Total Sq Ft Added: 0 * * *'l l*'| 't l,t,a:| * *'a*,* Building-> $153.25 Restuarant Plan R€view-> $0.00 Totsl Calculated Fees-> $255.E6 Plan check-> s99.61 Recrealion Fe€--> $0.00 Addirionsl Fees_> $0.00Investigation-> S0.00 TOTAL FEES__-.._-> $255.E6 Total Permit Fee-----> $255.E6 Will Call---> $3.00 Payments------......_1 $255.E6 BALANCE DUE......; $O.OO Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEMT 01 /24/2007 Js Action: AP Item: 05400 PI-,ANNING DEPARTMEMI 07/24/2007 JS Action: AP ++a,taa'f', 'taaaatttaat*,lt,t* *:l:l*t,t * **t,t,,tl tt t,tat +al la,l t++,t't t 'ta t See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll tre information required, completed an accurat€ plot plan, and stal€ &at all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply wi0r all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this shucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approvd, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable therpto. ,REQUESTTI FOR INSPBCTION SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOT'R HOTIRS IN AI'VANCE BY TDLEPtrONE A FROM E:ll0 AM. a Pl'L HIMSELFANDOWNER ,i'i'|'*'|.'}*'|.'|,}'|.'}*'}{i|*'|i!*'''t'tit***:i++**++*++*++**+++,|.*******+'|'lt{t*t|:l*l.'|.'|************* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 807-0220 as of 07-26-2007 Status: ISSUED '},}'|''t'},i'},},}'t't***'}*'|**'|***:f*****+****+++******++*t|**t|*t*+***+{t,|*'t**,|**:|'|.*'|.:|****'t**********'t:|t'|t:|t*'|t:}'}'}******* Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 07/2412007 Applicant: SHEFFIELD'S ROOFING Issued: 07/2612007 (970) 845-5634 To Expire: 0l/22/2008 Job Address: 1763 ALPINE DR VAIL Location: 1763 ALPINE DR ParcelNo: 210312307004 Description: REPLACE CEDAR SHAKES WITH 50 YEAR. CLASS'A'ASPHALT ROOF * * :l' ,| * * 't :t * * {. * * * {. '1. ,1. * * * :} 't * :l * * * * ,} {r {r 't '* * * * '* * * {. '} '* {' '* 'r * :* 't * * COnditiOnS 't**********************{.**********:**f *:i '}'t ** 't Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDC.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R3I3 OF THE 2OO3 IRC. 1 .a I \-\\. ./rt -'-q -_r lulnw |,htLlr' 75 S. Frontage Rd. rl APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UN ProJect #: Bqz.ozzo electrical, -O3Z-l Vail, Colorado 81657 etc.lSeparate S;.o'n \tzD sV 2 PLUMBING: $ For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 97942&E640 or vffi FOR OFFICE USE ONL : r4q[bu worx: 7ao^ af I A(:dll n) WorkCtass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repair( ) Demb( ) Other( ) Oo"s an gffU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Wo*ftpt Interior ( ) Exterior ($ Both ( ) Muni-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: /F' \cdev\KIRMS\Permits\Building\buildlngJ€rmit-4-u-2007'DOC fiztt-gu Page I of 7 Ml17l2O07 cotmfiw DEYEr..ohEr Deign Review Board ACTION FORII Depadment of Community Development 75 Soutfi F ontage lload. Vail, colorado 81657 tel: 970,479.2139 texi970.479.2432 w&r www.vallgov.com Proiect Name: Prorect Description: Participants: ProiectAddrcss: Legal Descrifion: Parcel Number: Comments: GURY REROOF DRB Numben DR8070354 FINAL APPROVAL TO REPLACE CEDAR SHAKE ROOF WITH ASPHALT SHINGLES, 50 YEAR, CLASS'A' 0il24120p7OWNER D.E.I. TIP 7270 AUGUSTA DR BOULDER co 80301 APPUCANT SHEFFIELD'S ROOFING PO BOX 1917 AVON coLoMDo 81620 License: 782-5 CONTMCTOR SHEFFIET-D'S ROORNG 0il2412oo7 Phone: (970) 845-5634 PO BOX 1917 AVON coLoMDo 81620 License: 782-5 1765 ALPINE DR VAIL LocaUon: 1765 ATPINE DR oilZ4lz$o7 Phone: (970) 845-s634 tob 33 Blodc Subdlvlsion: VAIL VILLAGE WESI RL 1 2103-123-0700-6 Motion By: Seond By: Vob: Condltlons: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: SIAFFAPR DaE of APPrcYal: 07 l24l2OO7 a**",*d!r--gii;=i-:: Cond:8 (P|-AN): No charges to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate rwlew ommittee(s)' C.ond: 0 (pLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activiUes. Cond:201 DRB appro\ral shall not become valid for 20 days follorving the date of approval. Cond: 202 ,5 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a bulldlng permit is lssued and construction is commenced and is diliEenUy pursued toward ompletion. Planner: loe Suther DRB Fee Paid: S20.00 9709496535 VAIL BIBLE CHURCH 11 loca6on of the Prcposal: Parcd No.: Zoningr Name(s) of Owner(s): Dlalllng Address; ownds) signaturc(s): ilame of Appllcant: 10:16:23a.m. 18-07-2007 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Dcpafirent of Communlty Dgdoprn€nt 75 Souh Frontage Road, Vall, Colorado 81557 H3 970.479.2128 ta;, 9m.479.2452 web: rYvvrv.vaibw.ort General Infotmation: All proJecb requlrlng design reviar must r€ehre appro\rd fior b s.rbmlu}|g a fulHing permit refrr b the submltsal rqulrema|b br the pattiohr appro,al $at b reque#d. An appllotion cannot be accepted until all requlred Information is reeived by the Gommrmity Derelopment Dep6runent The proJed may also nccd b be reviarcd by the Tom Council ard/or tfie Plannlng and EN,lronmental Commisslon. Design reviaw tppnoval lapees snhri e buiHing permit b lscuGd and comtfucdon commeno.. witftln onc year of the appoval. Descriptlon of the R€questl (Oonbct Eagle Oo. Assessor at 97&32&8440 tur parel no.) {,P(IT 6 \,otrl(l { E-mail Addrcss: rrqj / rcp€:-n d?rn .cotna Fax: For construction of a new bulldlng or demo/rcbuild. For an addtion wlrerc square foege is added b any reddenual 0r omrnrdal buiUing (indudes 50 addrlbns &, interior onverCons). For mirs dranges b buldings and sh lmprovemems, sudt as, lercdng, painting, lrhdow addfiom, lanlscaplng,, fenes and rctafring walls, eb. For mirnr dranges b bulldingE and sfte lmprovernents, sudt as, re-roofrng, paindng, windot addiUors, landscaping, fuices and rctalnhg wrlls, €fr. For rcvidons to dans already approved W Planniru Staff or tie Dedgn Revierv Board. Typa of Revlewand Fee: tr. Signs tr Conceptual Revie$, tr Newconsbucflonn Addlion tr Minor Alteration (multlfamily/omrrcrrial) Mlnor Albration (singlefamlV/duplo<) Changes to Appmred Plans $50 PnE $L00 per square foot of bbl sign area. No Fee +20 $20 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 il tr o D t\ t5 rr-lnl *- tutl( lnl jirr_ UU EIVE 2 4 200i OF VAIL ry-€!Addt?ss: l,lailing Mdress: z1 tl *f++++**t**************************tfl++++a"f't********t**+*****'lt***++*+**l*****************f TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement Statement Nudber: R0700o1327 Amount: $20.00 07/24/2OO7t0:07 AIvl Palment Method: Check Init: iIS NotaTion: NA/SHEFFTEI,DS ROOFING PermLt No: DR8070354 qrlre: DRB-Minor Alt, SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2103-123-0?00-5 Site Address: 1765 AIPINE DR VAIIr Irocations 1755 A],PINE DR Total Fees: $20.00This Payment.: 920.00 Total ALIr PntE: $20.00Balance: $0.00 ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriptlon Current Prnts DR OO1OOOO3LT22OO DESIGN RSVIEW FEES 20.00 (/'+ rVfr ta'l Uil Ur A't \ sntt*.*{IY [E\rELtrCrEt{' Design Review Board ACTTOI{ FORIr{ Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: rrww. vailgov.com ProJect Name: DEI REPAINT Project DescripUon: RNAL APPROVAL TO REPAINT HOUSE SAME FOR SAME DRBNumber: DR8050571 t7b{ Location+-l#€34lPlN E DR. Participants: OWNER D.E.I. LLP 7270 AUGUSTA DR BOULDER co 80301-379s APPLICANT D.E.I. LLP DON GURY 7270 AUGUSTA DR BOULDER co 80301-3795 tTLs Protect Address: -lTtifiALPINE DR VAIL rol24l200s L01241200s Legal Description: Lot: 33 Block Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 1 Parcel Number: 2103-123-0rOOV 6 /\ Comments: see conditions ' Mouon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Astion: STAFFAPR Date of Approvah LOl25l2OO5 Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OOPlanner: *m{m#,fr'ii * web: www.vailgov.com General InformaUon: All projecG requiring design rariew must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submithl requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be aaeptecl until all required informaton is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Deslgn review apprcyal lapses unless a buildlng permit is issued and constructaon commenes within one year of the apprcval, Parcel No.:z 6 ?00 !{ontad Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) g Ptnto 1o ",vl \, \ Zonlng: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Location of the Proposa tz tot:73 abck:- /o3 r15 Owner(s) Signature(s) Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: D Signs tr Conceptual Review Fax: $50 Plus $1.00 per Euare foot of tot3l sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' $300 For an addiUon where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 addiUons & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and slte improvements, such as, re'roofing, painUng, window addfions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc $20 For mlnor changes to bulldings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retainlng walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Sbff or the Design Review Board. No Fee tr New C,onstructionD Mdition D Minor Alterauon ---\ (mufti-family/commercial) /l / Av/ V MinorAlteration I'-/ /-(single'family/duplex)V Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request o tr u. =:- EE -e: ti;, 'rl t{. -).t ;,,l'"ki,i'' III It \ I I I t t I i I I 1 t* l, '.il ;; -l iur':'-/\ -/. a a- F"' : | .' l-1 i r I h e'lJ(9 ',1 Cf') z o9zz coo =ziF iE=a;= UJF a) .DOt?\z\o Fo- lrJY IJJo oF F =E uJ o- ttlot- sfla@l6;lo<lt-lguJekz.o tr Guro- 6 EYE<al€aE9!La9'Er =>E dEE FE! 6tE oo9 HurE XO-E X>* 5-!tr IJJ @oF I ffi\zrE . 't= ts =E lrJ o-zIF C)fEFazo() !nn '6 I o = ;.g:HillF, ;tF'ffi sgrfE lE EEgifilE EcA*!SEiei rEigx iEEsg(Eo'-E-5A9rEgIE€€ iiiiE .Eq-Fo '-i gi €lllsJ 1.9 : : r ll3 u.r .S l'1ro':lE yHe, lo q-{3qZZtLIo o el F ; = #l FE HI i s Fl zl .. >loul l!ulzot cr UJ(L az E v.(JoJt!lrl-= 'ii=2 d)o-) |r)iosf IOrsfo) tltlt.l,Hl,,l5l EEgI Ef HI-P il EE bltzlc3lqoEFI z ci uJ J ttoz3oF e.| olutlarl il l!lol fl I J c;l fl bl pl I E -rO<FE() LrJ <ze,UJFtrzo() g"e e3]Fd6 t F() EFz C) Fl* c) =*8,o2nE! \ .... . t 75 3outh tiontage road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ,o*n or*ommunirv D€vslopmont Plan Build H@lth rtrq 1 -o11-7& t=UtrD = Validity of permlt Sec. 30it (c) 1982 U.B.C. Approved 0enled Flre tr trhttn Mr. James l.theelock P. 0. Box 18367 Denver, Colorado, g021g .t:i1i!99 ol qfnrinp or a perffflSF dpftfiAllufTl*t qfi[cropm.nr .:iililfliilJlilli,X'iitilttfer,t{fnft ff t$iTsqlfitr. ur any.orher ordinance 0f thi iurisd'Ation. ifri issiiiice or,r *j1i! !?s:d upon.ptans, specifications ,no iii,ii iiii'ir,ar, prevent the buitding officiat from ttrereaiieiriquil;o ine.r'ection of errors in-uid ptans, spilirii"tjo,iiT,io"'itnur:ta." bATEI RE: 1765 Alpine Drive Residence I Dear Mr. Wheelock, I have been requested-!o inspect.the premises at 1765 A1 pine Drive,vai'1, colorado. r was conticted by i utiriiv-io,ipinv";ri;; an enersyaudit revealed certain unsafe ionAiiioni. The items that I found that needs irmediate attention are: l. The kitchen overhead light needs rewiring. 2. The disposal needs rewiring. 3. Switch in bedroom is defective 4. Receptac'les are hanging off of the walI. 5. Panel box in storage area is open, plus wrong wiring. 6. Romex cables damaged above boiler. 7. 0verhead service cable is damaged from heat of flue pipe. The above listed problems all pertain to the downstairs unit. The following are problems that need irmediate attention in the upstairs: l' No receptacles in bedrooms. you must take out extention cords. Ma /lur fu,, Page two 1 fr, L would like to hear frQm yqu qn thi.s: mgtter within the iext ten (10)days. - r' -' '' Please contact me at 476-l7QQ, the days I Work. are, lrlonday, l,lednesdayand Frrlday. Sincerely, a.r' Ernst Glatzle Electrical l-nspector Torn of Vall 75 South Frontaqe RoadVail, Colorado,-81657 EGlnne DATE ,: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH /WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tru tr FINAL E FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ?t*, -, '/ o r, ,a DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER '(ru- E/e-/r,'< INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING tr o ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRlCAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT f'l tr SUPPLY AIR o_ h ,,*o,tr FINAL tr APPROVED D DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oate a-/7-dt/ tNSPEcroR | .t!a't-z'c V ' y'l eeie( READY FOR INSPECTION: 'f:6.tt,x /f J6'/ ]c-^ u ..-; {J. fo z r F DATE LOCATION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM t;:t* '.- -'., ,/ tr APPBOVED CORRECTIONS: ISAPPROVED g'RErNsPEcloN REouTRED .-2 u tt *r' (i BU!LDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-.r ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION E POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr D FINAL tr FINAL ELE tr'l trF tr( tr_ CTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR ,.,4 ciz E =Eu,o- ln r\ <rt (\ rn C.l c.|-$ u, uJ IJJt! E =ellJ o- s\.u$-sb O'\. Or@l @Or' O\.il :13 : HI F kl I rrltt) al) rf;ti Hl.=*,3,-, ?igE si:H ri I UJF GoF e,F2zt 22 (1,qt Foz oz 6! dl .6 ozz j-oc 6 * E.s) 3EE:E EgEEE i{ffi siEsE ffi ttJ IIJq) =I Eotl. (ro r!o FI<F 6zo< orn @ -ir.v rn c.) co CN 16 e.l rnN rn g tr =e,ntEozo ao Y,o UJE()z Jo- J EFI E oz6: Jc J Iz (, uJ = UJll,lll.zoF UJe,() lllE to]g UJcz 6 uJ F atoo- uJo A 2 uJJ x3 lltol trr H}J CA F &tsz tn UJ UJt! tr =E uJo- J FoF z ao -IEF() u.lJul oz to- Jo- J I z (J uJI -.t F{ FT NOtrvn'lvA :EEgE iEEgg60'-!-5AP'E sEi;; gBiEg tltltl.ll >Ell - I d) lLili ur E lHl= .o * l-l "&l*<l =xlZ Z tL -'lo oo^tr ^ 62;q 5 =9-ie9 0E^ anoE255 8<H= Eiioq iEEg gE j$i6e z F a zo E J Ir+ E uJ F ct).v E u.lE Rtc) z E x 9 EE uJ F 3gJz ct)Fz)zIF o -l 2f z Jul = -l o uJo 5cul tr oz I\IJ I I F z FI E tl t1 tlI f-]tcEltoltoltdt ut JJ d v,o, IJJzYI F ulo- zI k 5oz 4l I ,l JI<ltl 8l F( I o] g, o .l Jl<l zl zl .. >l uro uJ uJzot ( UJ J z 9 = C)z tr JE I I --+ :I I I Iolzlrl t<l X-foO '--r c) AX . <.dzo7o.o z Fl tl|a r\ cO I I IAr.\l.,J _l F1U) zH z Fl !4K P{ uJFo(oo-zo Fo- UJYul o\.o3 Q-tFrd Es.IIJ IdLr+ bsli*1OJoilltHl Hurbkzo :H* =Hg l+ 14- l/*utsttsl ts:E uJo- l!o EgE<8AEe,IPe95EE ;tE 5EE X*E 66t lttrE :O-E HTF4!E HoF E - z o9zeoo>z:) :)JOo- rJ- E =OE lrJo-zo F() -E,a zo() Hn! IJ t;l jEl :l$F|l (,tz 9E -<c)qH I z H F{H H UJ =z coo-'I )iF UJ =z lqFrl ts qrz c'\-ir c'\\t a uJ -J = c o t-\' F-(\ X FO a uJe o I: r\(\ e.l I ia FlH F6 zB =c lr oz d UJ G J ltoz]oF I crV u u |- : cll I ciz ci||lE J l!oz eF =E dzl (, uJl .Ei JI <t>l tl.lqz3 01F I tr oz ci uJtr J tt z =oF =g t! oz oUc ! E 23oF ul JurF' t u.lz3o |-O UJF I() E t -rO<FE(, IJJ <ztt!Ftrz-o () )E<o()F =c) EEaztro -o t2? s3fFd6 c) ixoF =3g6 F Y o2 Donald D. Gury 4949 Country Club Way Boulder, Colo. 80301 June 15, 1990 Mr. Michael J. Mollica Town Planner Dept. of conmunitY DeveloPment Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Roadvall-, colorado 81657 Re: 1765 Alpine Dr. Vail' Colorado Dear Mike: My temporary occupancy pernit calls for the landscaping and black t6ppini of- the -driveway to be conpleted .by 61L5199. lhe fairisciping has been conpleted. We have even increased the number of treel fion ZO to 31 along with adding other features that have dranatically improved the overall landscaping plan. I wish to delay blacktopping the driveway until the Town of Vail's improvements t-o Atpine bi. ire conpleted. I plan to contract with thl company that is doing the Alpine Dr. inprovements to ensure conpati6irity. I an willing to post a letter of credit for the drileway blaiktopping costs. I would appreciate-you approving this request so r nay outiin rny final occupancy permit. I rtill then be able to obtain my final financing. Mike, I also want to point out an item on the landscaping plan. The trash enclosure was enlarged to provide storage for both 1753 and 1765 Alpine Dr. We also located the enclosure between the houses for convenience and to be aesthetically uore pleasing. Steve Mueller had contacted Joe Norris, who approved the changes but did not confirm in writing, as requested before his departure. I hope this does not create any problems. I believe it is a great solution that provides a trash enclosure for both houses. r know you will agree that the inprovements to 1755 Alpine Dr have dranatiLally improved the location and enhanced the values of the neighborhood. Mike, thank you for your consideration in this uratter. Sincerelyt Donald D. Gury Aa)0r?D" Holtgrewe-Baker & 3101 Iris Avenue, Boulder, Colorado (303) 449-1500 CODE INSURED DONALD D. & ELLEN 4949 Country CIub Boulder, Colorado Company Suite 210 80301 SUB.CODE C. GURY way 80301 COMPANY LETTER COMPANY LETTEII COMPANY LETTER COMPANY LETTER COMPANY LETTER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO FIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW e/8/89 slh . COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE FEDERAL INSURANCE - CHUBB GROUP EACH AGGREGATE OCCURRENCE COVEFAGES THIS lS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO IHE INSURED NAl.rED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERIU OFI CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CEBTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEFEIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. 12/30/88 I?/30/89 FIRE DAMAGE (Anv one tire) $ MEDICAL EXPENSE (Any one person) $ COMAINEDSINGLE $ LITIIT BODILYINJURY $ (Per person) BODILYINJURY $ (Per accident) PROPERTY c DAMAGE in TYPE OF TNSURANCE GENERAL LIAAILITY polrcy N.TMBER '&'+:lrtfiiSSIJYi "3h'r"r',iffif#li3* ALL Lr*rs !!r!e!sa!es cENERAL AGGREGATE $ 5 r 000, PRODUCTS.COMP/OPS AGGREGATE $ PERSONAL & ADVERTISING INJURY S A X PERSONAL LIABILITY 10447895-02 AUTOi'OBILE LIASILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIFED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS GARAGE LIABILITY EXCESS LIABILITY COI\,ltulERClAL GENERAL LIABILITY GLAIMS MADE OCCUR. OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROT, OTHER THAN UMBREILA FORM WORKER'S COMPENSATIOTI AND STATUTORY (EACH ACCiDENT) (otsEFsE-PoLtcY LrMrr) DESCRIPTIO OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLESiRESTRICTIONS/SPECIAL ITEMS Property Location: 1765 Alpine Drive, Vai1, Colorado (DTSEASE-EACH CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOFI TO rt,|lrr- 10 DAys wRtrrEti NolcE To rHE cERTtFtcATE HoLDER NAMED To rHE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGAIION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY. ITS AGENTS OFI REPRESENTATIVES. Town of Vail Department of Community 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Attn: Mr. Joe Norris Development ,k kvt=toN fa /,wltpt ttr+, Nprvt2: -ADD-FI'| +l@D )W\r?-7ae11s6-FltlTLe 'N9}t tlErCtt\NlzAL ?mn toe xtg+seD furtbwv W+w.J'.ne, ^wNoo?. oe xqt +llrlt$#f htJ,, 1l 4 z{ b(-FA Donald D. Cury 4949 Country Club Way Boulder, Colo. 80301 Novenber 15, 1989 Mr. Michael ,f. Mollica Town PlannerDept. of Comrnunity Devetopnent Town of Vai]75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado BL6S7 Re: 17G5 Alpine Dr. Vail, colorado Dear Mike: Per our conversation of November 14, 1999, r have surnmarized ourdiscussion as follows: Donald D. cury Enclosure CC: Mr. Dan StanekMr. llark J. Mueller CEANGE RAI8ED CLO8ETAs ve discussed it does Iook strange to have a closetthat sits 3 feet above the froor. As agreed we wirr- notbuild the ct_oset but instead install i snall highefficiency wood_ stove ( prease see attach inforrn'ation)on the raised floor. r Till ell.ninat_e tbe _e_rigtlng -fireBlace in the prinaryso tbat I wiU have only one firep[ce per unit. EIJIIIINATE CITO8ET IN FAltIL,y ROOttThe closet shown on Attachnent A is not very functionalwith the eeiling in that area less than 5 f-eet.Elininating the closet will create a more open feeling. Mike, .r.appreciate..your approvar on the tvo changes. r arsoappreciate Danrs tine and herp in discussing the fireplactproposal. r hope you get a chance. to drop by and see the pro€tress that hasbeen rnade. r have received a numbLr of conplirne-nts-on the designand construction of this project. Sincerely, Cr>-- lt ?rirttl ats\Bd!|-Q rr. q, aJJ*,3 l.-d 3(t + i INf'-. . :+,f." s @ '+.1 Energy efficiency nowcomeswith a clean-burn choice. The Heirloom hearth stove is made of premium cast iron, long recognized as the best radiant heat material available for stoves. The Heirloom has a heating capacity of over 60,000 BTU/hour. This is considered enough to provide the primary heat source for 1,000 square feet of living space with good room-to- room air circulation. The model 300 HC is a state-of- the-art controlled combustion wood stove. lt is spe- cially designed to meet the 1988 clean burning standards set by Oregon,Colorado and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The Heirloom can be located any- place in a room, as a distinctive and separate accent. Simply allow for clearances and vent into wall or ceiling chimney. Use the optional heat shield for even closer clearance to combustible walls-10" at the back wall, 8" to the side wall. The compact stove can also be placed on a standard 16" deep hearth lor venting into an existing fire- place chimney. @l@ntrDr@' A New Generation in Fireplace Technology Investin a good night's sleep. You can rest assured the controlled combustion design of the Heirloom will provide convenient overnight burning while maximizing heating efficiency and comfort. Dovre's Heirloom stow has more fire-viewing ceramic glass window space than other stoves and includes a specially designed ainrvash system to keep the glass clean. Also included are a double wall firechambe6 log retainer and heavy duty grate for added durability. Ash removal is simplified by an ash pan accessible through opened front doors. Heirloom Models Available 300 HC includes catalytic combustor and bypass system. Meets 1988 Oregon Clean Air Standard. . Back heatshield 10" clearance . Side heatshield 8" clearance . Brass trim kit Heirloom Standard Features 1. Premium quality cast iron 2. Ceramic glass doors with airwash system 3. Convenient side loading door 4. Decorative brass front door handles 5. Exterior ash lip 6. Door vents 7. Casl iron log retainer, heavy duty grate and ash pan 8. Decorative side panel 9. Ribbed heat exchanger and heat shield Additional Features. Clean and efficient with secondary air system. Controlled combustion for 8+ hour burn time ' Fits 16" fireplace hearth . Top or rear flue connection 10 YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY Authorized Dovre Dealer Contact local Building or Fire otficial about tscttictions and instelbfion Incpoction l€quirenoni* lmpottant-Use only completely dried wood. When burning wood with a high moisture content, a significant quantity of energy will be lost in drying the rvood. Dimensions q'PiP€ I 241h" . Sparkscreen . SOCFM fan kit Specifications of Heirloom Stove DOVFIE,INC. 4O1 H€nkse Avenue Auio|.a. llllnoir EiO5O5 TollFne€1+IOmOVRE US Ineid€ lL 31 2-€144-3353 @mffi Options Maximum Heat Output 60,000 BTU/hr. Log Length 24" maximum Materials Cast iron and ceramic glass Weight 345 pounds Clearance to combustiblE materials 20" from back of sto/e (standard) 10" with backshield option Colors Midnight Black Floor protection size 3p.'x48o 20&8E9 Availablg in Canada. The design ol the Oovr6 Heirloom is a trad€mark of Dovre, Inc., 19&4. All rights rsssrv€d. Project Appllcation 7.6,'r,t Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legat Description: t-ot:---33 )-3J- gtock Comments: Filing , Zone - Design Review Board Date ?,6,vi Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: Town Planner Date: E statt Approval APPLICATION FOR PROPERTIES IN PRE.APPL I CATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conf e with a encouraged to d provisions to a site. an addition 250 square f* FCR ADDITIONAL GRFA EXCESS OF ALLOWABLE GRFA Date of App'lication 0'k,H Date of DRB l4eetinqQ.b.ffi 250 square feet of GRFA. ft r*7^-*-4 member of the p'lanning staff is strongly under which additional GRFA can be addedt this ordinance does not assure each property Rather, the ordinance allows for gg to are met. Applications for additions under this section will not be accepted unless they are complete. This jnc1udes all information required on this form as well as Design Review Board submittal requirements. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Add"es, b& At/4tN@ WN€ Legal Description: Zone District ?/S ys+ 7gr\ BlockVy'lr.,L _Fil ins I C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address D. NAME OF APPL ICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE: naaress W. Q'74'7) JAtc, a. vnon" 4?b.ouz'l NAr.rE 0F OI,JNER(S): Signature(s) Address F. Fi'ling The following information, in addition to DRB submittal requirements, shall be required with this submitta'l: t/ 1.' Verification that the unit has received a final certificate of occupancy. t/ Z, Names and mail'ing addresses of:adjacent property owners and of owners of units on the same'lot. This information is available from the Eagle County Assessor's office. 3. Condominium association approval (if applicable). ./ 4. Existing floor plan of structure. G. Your proposal w1ll be reviewed for compliance with Vail's Comprehensive Plan. E. ** .|00.00 is s ubm i tta'l a APPLICATI0N [)ATE: I DATE OF ORB TEETI:iG: . :.r:i.... :. DRBAPPLICATION , - ...,:,i+: rT**TTHIS APPLICATION I.JILL NOT 8E ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFOP''I4ATION IS SUBIIITTED*ff* "T':- l':l:: I. PRE-APPLICATI0N MEEIII'IG: . :. , . . :'. =A ore-aoplication meeting with a planning staff member. is strongly suggested to .,=. determrne rr any'uJJiiionui informariln'is-n."a.a. No application will_be,1!."?!3q .r,.J+ untess it is coinpl'ete (must include al'l items required by the zonlng aonrnlstratcrr. --+i: fl'ii ttre appiicini;i iesponsibility to miie an appointnent with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Pleiie note--itrit a COtlpLEfE applica- f '.'..iii lion wttt strearnii"" ttrJ-upp"ou.i-pioieii-io" Vou" projgct by decreas'ing the numoer - ;, oi-lonoitions of ipprouii tirat the'gRB may stiiulatb. ALL conditions of approvai must _.ff be iesotvea befo.re'i Uuitaing permit is iisued. ", A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Add"ess 11& A./l|'-E WV€ Legal Description Lot_?9\_s:rock VAIL UUt. tM{ Fil ing Zoning C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address D. NAME OF APPLICANT' S REPRESEI{TATIt/E : Address %Cll? Wtctco. 616?: telephone -b@1 E. MI'fE 0F ollNERS: *e Af2ft)CfirJf rtGNe 5 i gnature Address F. DRB FEE: tel ePhone The fee will be paid at the VALUATION $ o-$ to'ooo $10,001 -$ 50'000 $:.50,001 - $ 150'000 $150,001 - $ .500'000 $500,001 - tl,000'000$ 0ver $1,000'000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS 3. People who fail neeting and who republ i shed. time a buiiding permit is requested' ?,?.t.rr.E t t*o $ 2s.00 $ 50.00 $100.00.$200.00 $300.00 TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requiremeints' the-aoplicant must stake the site to .indicate property iinei ana buiiding corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marrld. This work must be completed before the [)RB visits the . site. ?. The review p"o".i. for NE!,I BUILDINGS will normally'involve two separate meetings oi-tt,e Oeiibn Review goiid, so plan on at least tlo meetings for their.approval- to appear before the t)es'ign Review Board at their scheduled trave'iroi asked for a postponement vrill be required to be '.1. .\'i a-{ !{..t .r !.:,.J1.._.. t! {. The fol.lowing items no longer have.to be presented.!9=!1" Design-Review Board' '-ni{ They, however, n;;; io Ue iresenreO'io-inE ioning Administrator for approvai: a. !,lindotrs, skYlights existing Piane ot and simi'lar exterior changes that do not alter the the building; and b. Bui'tding additions that are not viewed *nicn niue had letters submitted from the addition; and/or approvai fron the associ ati on. You may be reguired .to conduct Natural Hazard St'udies on your ctrect< irlttr a Town Planner before proceeding' from any other lot or Public sPace, adjoining property owners approvlng-ig.nt f6r', or manager of a condomin'ium property. You shouidc til'15liiiilii;" diliniPttor or Pn LIST OF i'lATEi':ALS The follorving infornat'ion is required for submittal goard before a fjnal approvai can be fiven: A. BUILDIIIG I'IATE?.IALS: TYPE 0F iiIATERiAL by the aPPlicant tc the Design Re'liew l.nt nD Roof Siding Other l'la'l'l Materi al s Fasci a Soffi "s Wi nciolvs }lindo'.v Trim Doors 0oor Trim Hand or Deck Fl ues Rails Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhous es 0ther OAa.e il,l,e, k,6, fuIW F/tnw B. LANOSCAPIIIG: Name of Designer: Pnone: PLANT I'IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES BE REI.IOVED *Indicate caliper Botanical Name Common Name w- N0n€ for deciducious trees. Indicate height for conifers' . (over) fut 6ul 4tJ-frN a'P( Sizc* 3" Q "'* i - QLo" . PLAITT IIATERIALS: (con't) cuot ttr< EXISTi;iG SHRUBS TO BE REI.IO'JED bKuUtiU L'r./ ,/ iX) Botani cal llame Connon llame Qua n i t','Size Tvoe (nrr:ro F^^?ndo s00 h*utz & tzf I ITL UI ?trt6r^.?.,ir\lI t1K I tJ/"r I I Url TYPE OR |\IETHOO OF C,KU) I UI' LU i{ I KUL c.OTHER LANOSCAPE FEATURES fences, swimming pools, etc.) P'l ease specify.(retaining wal'ls, htoo zoi'lE cHEcK FOR SFR,, R, R P/S ZO|IE DISTRICTS DATE: f LEG.iL lll':u;t At)ORESs: 0r,.lNER ARCH I TECT ZONE OISTRICT PROPOSED U5E LOT SIZE Hei gh t Total GRFA PrinrarY GRFA SecondarY GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage Lands capi ng Fence/ Reta i ni ng 'rlal I Parki ng Cred'i ts : Garaqe B'lock UVld Filinq I Al I oved (30)(33) Pro oo s ed 2nl 15' 15' (30)(5c) (3oo)(600) (eoo)(1200) (so)(loo) (2s)(50) (2oo)(4oo) Slope Actual Hei ghts Mechan'i cal Ai ri ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: SloPe Permitted Envi ronmenta I /Hazards :Aval anche Flood P'lain Slope lJetl ands Geol ogi c $ N \l 14 s $ l$ t$i g. $r $r Hazards Comnents: Zoni ng: Date: Approved/Di saPProved )Eatt 5lgnaEure :11 The location of uust be approved sire PIan. SUBDIVISi JOB NA.I\IE BLOCK ADDRESS c,nd ve Mouncain Be11 4b6-OJUU Wescern Slooe Gas Co. t 800 923-1987 llarry XoYes Public Service ConPanY 949-5 7 8 L Gary Hall ilo Iy Cross Electi:c 949-5892 Ted l{usky/Micha Laverty l{eri c:ge Cable sion T.V. 949-5530 Gary J Uppe r ,Eg b Valley l.lacer & Sanirrc ' 476-7 n D is cr:-c c Frai aslee rr.F?r ?.Frt ? n^rirrnrr !tErD?!'_'i?^rrUIf L! j. t LUL.I! ay., v L,,l.r-.:.-.1! 'v't FILN:C lines or ProPosed l1nes 'cili!1es fo: the accomPanying Da te These verificacicns do noc relieve che conEr3ctor o! n co obcai.n a streec cuc Pernj.E lron the Tosn of Vail' De lJorks and co obcain utiliEy locaclons before digging in respons ib ilicY rtr:leoc of Public public righ:- s no! 3 scree cof-way or easemenc in che Tosn of Vail. A builCine pernic cut oermi-t. A slreet cuB pernic nusc be obcarned separacely thls for:r ls co verify servtce availabillcy and locaclon. lAls should be used in conjunctlon with prepari.ng your utlllty plan and scheduling lnscallaEions. a' *(Please bring a slte plan r.rhen obcalning Upper Eagle Valley Wacer & Sanj.cacton slgnacures ) s, whecher thev be nain ied by the followin Arrrh^?i -d t 01 0000 42+15 R"ECEIPT - The Toly; o1yri1 ,F,/Ng 1*4922 tr \|l2 \r? 4N AN DtrFMRTMtrNT @tr@MMUNITV DtrVtrL@FMENT XXXXX sALEs AcTroN FoRM DOLLARS S '4O9 ACCOUNT # 01 0000 41330 COM. DEV. APPUCAT]ON FEES 01 0000 41540 ZONINC AND ADDRESS MAPS 1988 UNIFORII BUILDING CODE +1+12 GoNTRACTORS UCENSES fEES 1 0000 41330 0l 00oo 41413 .SIGN APPLICATION -r---- Permit Numbers Police Receinr N''-k-,^ AA-r, t oooo +rrztloFF HoURs],rsptCnorl re- ____t____r______ 1765 ALPINE DR. VAIL, COLORADO NAI,IES AND ADDRESSES OF OV{NERS ADJACENT AND ACROSS FROM 1705 ALPINE DR. Lor * NAME ADDRESS 338 GURY, DoN & ELLEN 33illrEH',TtBl."tx3rft" 33C SMITH R. SNOWDEN P.O. BOX 877 vArL, co. 81658 34 DWYER' THOMAS 1806 GORE CREEK DR' vArL, co. 81657 35 FELLER, FRED A. P.O. BOX 277 & MARrA E. CoLLBRAN' CO' 81624 36 FrELDs, HARRY r. 3816 MTDSUMMER lAryE ?9!TI coLoRADO SPRTNGS' CO. 809 I 7 7 FUNK, RICHARD V{. JR. P.O. BOX 579 a-LourdE P. AVoN, co' 81020 t PUBLTC NOTTCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the Design Review Board of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing on Septenber 6, L989 at 3:00 Pu in the Tosn of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request to add 250 additional gross residential square footage on Lots 33 and 37, Vail Village West First Filing (1765 Alpine Drivel .Applicant: Ellen C. Gury The applications and infornation about the proposals are available in the zoning adninistrator,s office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL CO!{!,II'NITY DEVEI,OPMENT DEPARTMENT Published in the Vail Trail on August 25, 1989. h/ta,QL + &;. rryw.''/ ur U6wt/\r-r3 apt?fr1 . Donald D. Gury 4949 Country Club Way Boulder, Colo. 80301 June 15, 1990 Mr. Dan Stanek Dept. of ComnunitY DeveloPment Town of Vail. 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81557 Re. 1765 Alpine Dr. Vail, Colorado Dear Dan: confirning the conversation I had with you and l{ike }tollica, pi"i"" ac6ept this letter to extend rny Lernporary_ occuPancy pernit-"t-iieS aft'ine Dr. until Septenber 16, 1950. .ihe extension will afford me to Ufuciiop mV driveway' after the town of Vail improvements to Alpine Dr. are completed. I also appreciate your and Mikers approval to the changes to th-e trash entlosure. It is a great sofution that provides a trash enclosure for both houses an-d is aesthetically more pleasing. -ttt"-ii"a"ciping is conpleted but as we agreed I uill wait until the paving is cbrnpleted to call for inspection. Dan, I appreciate the time you and Mike spent with ne today' SincereJ.y, Donald D. Gury DDG: dg cc: I{r. Mike Mollica Mr.' Uark J. l,[ueller FINAL II{SPECTION'S COMPLETED The belor items need to be complete beforegiving a pemit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUI.,IBING ELEgTRICAL FII{AL BUILDING DATE: 9-/q-'o CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMP0RARY C of 0 }ATE. a -/g-eel tUlZ ,4/*/*,f(rt-379w rNs t PE CTION TOWN OF t t't ct'"* REQUEST VAIL 4ot c PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: 1 M:rJoB NAME cer0g'n TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS D FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL ,_ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr tr tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB o FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL )qteenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor.. ?-zF*ry rNSpEcroR pfiGsnoe \ \\ ;\ \\ N\\L--\ \\ \\\ \\ 1 \ PERMIT NUMBER O P,{g oo-.\-\--\ F IOJECT '{E\\ ,o, *o', I PE INSPECTION:MON \rr'-t- *,\l ir tNs CTION TOWN OF REQUEST' VAIL CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND... /44tr FOUNDATION / STEEL s RoUGH i SRoucu r tr GAS PIPI D.W. WAT NG ERtr FBAMING /t'/- - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB D SHEETBOCK NAIL tr ! tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL:MEGHANICAL: tr o o tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR O FINAL O FINAL (neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED D^rE ? -//-Ft rNSPEcroR niFs,o" (o7a PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: INSPECTION REQUEST' TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME ON CALLER dzz.lc{ rues (fid) rHun FRt "r41- AM BU tr x tr D tr o il ILDING:PLUMBING: O UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. E] ROUGH / WATER U FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr D tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAil.: T] TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING N ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR EI tr FINAL tr FINAL Knppaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oorc ztz-//* F rNSpEcroR niF$e \\.\ l I PEINS CTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: ECTION:WED 'J: THUR AD BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W,V.ON / STEEL tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr o I D POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr r'l tr o HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR E FINAL tr FINAL KPPnoveo CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED sslE ,/t2 -/ J -J? rNSpEcroR pffisr"e ri l*tort ' J PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: rf, INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: lc (z JoB NAME 4,-ofr ,r.. CALLER .t I APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED ' I eol6y l(n..,n, /.tr/c+,raol ,-. {uZ ->ru/* l,A { r{[.^vi,f -t br,ai,c .ii' {r'atn,)/, ..tt rv,_-__T--r-l BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D,W,V, tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER D tr tr tr tr HEATINGtrr {^EXHAUST HOODSROUGH tr CONDUIT_SUPPLY AIR o FTNAL FINAL i|.l DATE INSPECTOR pffFsxop U\C10 CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL tNs PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT t PE READY FOFI |NSpECT|ON: MOr'l TUES wED fliUn y'fil) nrtl {ffi) LocArloN t '7 Q5 t'l t f , i, e- i , l-'/ \'-'-'--t BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr E tr n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDEFGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS fI SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL { aeraoreo ,4 coRRECTtOt{{ - tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED /2.. z i. .- 5' ;INSPECTOR ; D\c'lo I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT I INSPECTION REQUEST' TOWN OF VAIL ,r r\ r-onrE \. \\? JOB NAME I READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: "Atl* MON TUES WED d RppRoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING:PLUMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL N UNDERSROUND tr o tr o tr o tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E ROUGH / D.W.V. FRAMING tr BOUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:.MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH D SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL '' '/i'} ' i"2 INSPECTOR n ffis"op '7.''._.' a , PE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INS THUR FHI CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL oo.6 rt)}-J JoB NAME READY FOR INS YE rt1 LOCATION: ON1 CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr D tr tr E tr UMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D,W.V. ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING ffioucx D EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL D FINAL APPROVED ../.tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: \nSssP oor. l/-'r'n/'{f rNSPEcroR-. +o10 PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: -, -INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL r-'{-.' ,JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES .,,WCO THUR FRI €l +f€-Y- 4y pM \ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr D D tr f] UMBING: UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER D F9UNDAION / SrEEL Mrnlvtttc tr tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H, TUB SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANIGAL: b tr E U TEMP. POWER t D HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr tr FINAL p eeenoveo O DISAPPROVED N BEINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE - JOB INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER I, TUES WED AM@ BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: n UNDERGBOUND D FOUNDATON / SrEEL )a$OUCu / D.w.v. /re- -)GoroH i wArER tP<- tr19.9:^LSl5Fl..^ / r:not PTPTNGPLYWooD NAILING - D GAS PIPING k/L --INSULATION D POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL r-r tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: E TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS tr.CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED COBRECTIONS: tr OISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED oor, //-/-& rNSPEcroR t ECTION REQUEST T\OWN OF VA|L \rL*J \ P { \\ NS, \ ^----1 f..'-.lt ) ll )I-|\-,/ JOB NAME PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE 'CF READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER TUESMON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.D FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING D INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR Pr5Ssn"" t INSPE CTION RFQUEST. TOWN OF VATIPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME CATLER READY FOR LOCATION: rNsPEcrJ N:TUES WED rHUR (;Fl)AM a-FM-\__J BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNDtr tr tr EI tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D,W.V. ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION ?FIEETROCK O FINAL MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL INSPECTOR nlftg,e II h---/t! I IN CTION TOWN OF '-- / 1 r-- i Jr', t s'. N l(-- THUR l SPE REOUEST. VAILPERMIT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON 1- "') WED u, BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / O.W.V.D FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING BOUGH / WATER - FOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING O INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL D FINAL APPROVEO CORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTIQN REQUIRED .a' INSPECTOR Hiffiis"or PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT oo,, \\S- \\ JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:.. MON\r\ = WED THUR FRI @ CALLER BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr,FOUNDATION / STEEL '':tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FBAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB , SHEETROCK NAIL I TF;NAL \ S\ \-tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr tr tr B TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR EI FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor, /*r(' €4 rNSPEcroR --41:& ,*r#crtoN REeuEsr.-J JEC TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME \) READY rOq. rr'rSR*e LOCATION: ' CALLER TUES THUR \1)AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / SF.EEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH i WATER tr FOUNDATTON / STEE- t.s .trFRAMING ':. rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK N POOL / H. TUB MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR T] FINAL tr FINAL trrennoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ffisaop lr,t ,tll Lor14 ,l lfl'tir -l ) \ < t19.50'-(r71,;{ l.\, LOT UNE BETWEEN LOTS 33 & - \- J7. VAIL VILLAGE WEST F]LING FOUNO REEAR&cP, ls NO. ,f97,f uor rO c.l* lr, I(or)if P o z (rl rE Fc56l E \{"XuD__ f 1 -:llQk€u> LOT 36 I r, \i \r'r \ 6 zjz1,L' f rc\. \ !.:L'+t ''., SCALE: 1'=20' I I :l\ V LEGAL DESCRIPTION A part of LctEs 33 and 37, VAIL VILLAGE WEST, FItINc NO. l,acgordlng to the recorded plat Ehereof, described as forrows:Beginning at the Northlrest corner of sald Lot 37 thence s.04o29,E.along the vfesterly rlne of said Lot 37r a drsLance ot. 32.3 feet;thence N'85o54r56"8. 1r9.5 feet co a polnt on the Easterry rlne ofsald Lot 33; thence N.o1oo4'36"8., arong !he EaEterly line of sald Lot33, a distance of 42.25 feetr thence N.g?o05'33"lt, 1r5.13 feet to apoint on the l{esterry line of said Lot 33i' thence arong said tles!erryrine, s.16015'00"i{. a distance of 26 feeE co the point of beginning. Town of Va 1l County of Eag IeState of Colorado Surveyor is No te The!e !s notVail Village easement $ta s indicaCion t.haE the Iot line betweenY{eEt Flltng No. I and the associaeedever vacated, Lots 33 and 37 of5r wide utlIlty II,TPROVEMENT LOCATION CERIIFI CATE I hereby certify that. this rmprovement Location certlflcate wasprepared for Donald Gury, THAT TEIS IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT ORTMPRoVEMENT suRvEy PLAT, and that it is not to be reried upon for theestablishrnenL of fence, buililing, or other future inprovenenC lines.r further certlfy that the inprovenents on !he above describedparcel surveyed on January 25, 199O, except utility connectlonE, areentirely wlthin the boundaries of the parcel, except as shown, thatthere are no encroachments upon the described preroi-ses, excepE asindicated, and that there is no APPARENT evidence or sr.gn of anyeasement cross ing or burdening any part of said pa.g-g.eI, except.agno'Eed -""s\-1,}'.lf'#{'{j%iit\''-t'/' 1':a:,*: f ..3''d6tu/d^r:i6W4t*.h:' No. 22589 Inc. Notes: 1) 2) 3) Legal description and easements are 89OO522 2 prepared by stewart Title.Inprovenent 10c a E ions are based on34, a rebar and. cap marked L.S. No.corner of Lot 34, a l/Z" rebar.Street Address z IjG5 Alpine Drive, from the ALTA Connitnent No the Southeast corner of Lot4974, and the NorthlresE Vail, Colorado. PREPARED BY: JOtINSON, KUNI(EL & ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. BOX 409 EAGLE, COLORADO 8I531 (303 )328-6368 JK/89 /t63 S tehlen R, Wu Vice Pres iden Johnson, Kun ke sheee z oe 3 I JOHNSON, KUNKET & A5-!'OCIATES, INC. P.O. Box 409 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 (303) 328.6368 "or"urn r, ", ,(LL'o^.,, /- 30 -?2 tioDl.lcr e!r^6-hc. e'oior'. |||i oralr. rowProlfrotfna€ ls?2!.t!o {''"cN/;Yt It/toutJ.'.tr a9/ l3/89 l2t t7 ?,s2 VACATIoN Al{D ABAr{f,toNUENT OA EAS|EI.iENT This vacatlon and abandonment of easement iE nade this o rrTownf) and Ellen C. Gurv \ / -,^.,lPJ'70- UAE€a.o u8lrl 'Sg.a IU ,Jb-P day of xJt$v,lilllrt:, ts !1 , by the Town of Vail, a cororado rounlcipal cor;loration (tlre (the I'Owne1ttl . WHEREAS, a certain easenent on the recorded plat of Subdivision, more fully described on Exhlbl-t trAtr attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the trEasenenttr), Ls currently encurnberlnE a sertain parcel of real estate (the rpropertyrr) nore fully described as follows: Lots 33 & 37, Vall Vlllace West Flrat Flllnc Town of Vall, County of Eagle, Colorado, WIIEREAS, the easement allows the Town the use out .t olrOocE -rOJoo,o,u G trlF.JAU f0>dl-zo3oo\U -r ltl\Joro-t(llrl s{nostrlr{AJJOFr nD- ILrquiFIFl$lrlroz,azInrl-tOl$F, constructlon, naintenance, and reconstructlon of and and thereof for utlllEles I{HEREAS, the Easement is not presentry used for construction, nalntenance, and reconstructlon of ucl1ltles i and WHEREAS, nelther the Owner nor the Town realize any beneficlal use In allowlnE the eaaement to remaini and NOI{, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION Or TEN DOLIARS, the nutual covenant6 and prornlses contained herein and other good and valuabre conslderation the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowredged by the partles hereto, the Town and the owner covenant and agree as followe: 1. The Town, on behalf of Ltself, Lts successotrs and asslgns, by'thls lnstrunent hereby forever abandons, vacateg, releases and terminates the easernent and herby conveys all the right, title, lnterest in and to the eagenent to the Ovrner. 2. The ohtner hereby accepts and ratifies the vacation, abandonment, releaee, termination and grant of the eagenent. 3. ThLs vaqation shall be blndlng upon and lnure to the beneflt of the Town and of the Owner and their respectlve successors and assigns. }-)l rt .= a; .:..: :--.:: DATE Ar{D YEAR FIRST ABOVE WRITTEN. IOI{N oF VAIL, a nunlclpal coporatj'on EXECUTED ON THE ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandrneyer, form b-Ieilc STATE 08 COLORADO ) couNTy oF EAGLE i t"' The foregoing instrurnent was acknowledged before ne this - -,./ -te?tr day of ,OU* ', , L9X2, by Kent R. Rose, uayor of the Town of Vail, Colorado and Rondall V. Phlllips, Town of the Town of Vail, Colorado and was attested to byManager Pamela A. Brandneyer, Town Clerk of the Town of Vail, Colorado, a Colorado nunicipal corporation. witness ny hand and official seal . My connission expires: Byl STATE OF COIORADO $ Lo RI o o.illn fi6oLv,a COUNTY OF fiffiI t.a f0 gl4 -lrl ft, $o$ Ia o to Ia $ttrlln s )) ss. ) fhe foregoing instrument was acknowledged before rne this //5 dayoff * i ,tsll,by , O.wngl Witness ny hand and official seal. My conmlsslon expit"t' My Gommlsslon ExPlres Ellen C. Gury Nowmber &rndr chr.|lllr iloDy hrltli: t EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION A Lo t, Line andl the Utlltty Easenent 5.0 feet in wiclth on each stde of 6aid Lot Line. Iocaced in Vail Village 'rlest, Filing No. l, asub-divlelon recolded as Recepglon No. 99135 in the Eagle CountyRecorda, !'rorrn of Vall, Eagl€ CounCy, Colorador aaid lrc|t Llne anduttllty Easenentr ulth arl bearlngs contained 'herein based on abearing of 5.67 59'52"V1. betrreen a rebar and yellow plastlc cap,. rs No. 4974' and a No. 4 rebar found for the lot line common to IoLs 35 and 36 of vail Vlllage West, Flling No. 11 being moreparticularly described as follows: Beglnning at the point comBon to Lots 33, 34, 35, 36, and 32 ofsald ValI Vlllage l{est, Plllng No. 1i thence along the lot line coonon to sald Iots 33 andl 37 S.70 49,45,'8. l2g.50 feet to a point on the l{eEterly Rlght-of-Vfay boundary.llne of Alpine Drive, thepoint of termlnua. 14f5664 8-519 P-494 L?,/r,r,/Ag tBt@Z pG B oF 4I lllt _--_ t ., ttt t t, llt'll I -l i r''l LOT 34 ,, n tug,lg* t' I INo.f.fe7.f lr'fi J7. VAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING NO. I 9o 'o io HEo trj =5 'ro c.lt LrJ a@r.l tP o z tilt:F aOiI r-or tE' LOT 36 $ |!o $ cl o. SCALE: t'-20' TIV r-a r9 tr'o ru -tgi $ I ol lflIq rfo{,n { .,K,/89,/163 Sheet I of 2 lt.r' d BASEITENT l€vEL ni ^DDlnoN t II I I 'uil._, ( /;^" ?z nr{_, 12:00 Mike Mollica 1.2:15 Mike Mollica 12:30 Peter Patten 72:40 Kristan Pritz L2:50 Ron Phillips 1:00 1: 15 2zL5 3:15 EXPANDED AGENDA A request to vacate an ex'i sting 10 foot utility easement-on Lots 33 and 37, Vail Vil]age l.lest Filing No. 1 (1765 Alpine Drlvrl Appllcant: Ellen C. GurY Action Requested of Council: Approve/deny the request' Backqround Rationale: Vail Village I'lest Fi'ling No. l was ffi tsog. Town records indicate the exiiting utitity easement, between lots 33 and 37'-h'as never vacated-when thi property was resubdivided in the 'l ate 1960's. The easement is located partially under the existing residence, which renders it use'l ess for all pnacticil purposes. All utility sign-offs are ln place' Staff Recommet4da!1S!: Apprgve the request. ?. A revocable right-of-way permit request for Lots 5 and 6' g'lock l, Vail Vittage 1st Fi'ling (126 & 146 Forest Road) App'l i cant: Ron BYrne Action Requested qrf Council: A.pprove/deny the revocable right-of-way pernit request. Backqround Rationale: The applicant is reguesting a . ffiy permit whjch would allow for the ;i;;;;ti of'boulder ietaining wa]'ls and landscapins on Town broperty. The requested encr6achment would be approximately Lteven feet onto Town land. The Town Council has requested the review of this permit prior to issuance' Staff Recommendation: Approve the request' VAIL TOl.lN COUNCIL I.IORK SESSION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1989 12:00 p.m. in the PUBLIC LIBRARY COMMUNITY ROOM Planning and Environmenta'l Commission Report Design Review Board RePort Information UPdate 0ther BUDGET DISCUSSION A. Marketing Fund B. Library C. Contribution Requests 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Donald D. Cury 4949 Country Club Way Boulder, Colo. 80301 August 28, L989 l,[r. Uichael J. ]lollica Town PlannerDept. of Conmunity Development Town of Vail 75 9outh Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Re: 1765 Alpine Dr., Vacate original lot line 33 and 37 of Vail Vitlage West Filing No.associated 5' wide utility easenents. Thanks in advance for your help. SincereJ.y, Donald D. cury Enclosure CC: Ur. Mark J. I'IueLler between lots1 and the Dear l{ike: Attach please find the easernent form, Iegal description, survey andverification letters from the area utilities. Hopefully, I haveincluded everythiCouncil approval -- to receive the Toltn of Vail I EASEMENT FORM Appl icant: Phone 0ate of Submi tta'l Purpose ofEasemenf Vacate @ between 1ots 33 and 37 of Yail ViIIage West Fil_ing No 1 and the associated 5r uide utility easenents.They uere not vacated when the land was subdivided in the mid 60 ' s. Submi tta'l : 3 copies of a stamped survey3 copies of the legal descript.i on for the easement3 copies of the easement deed Review Procedure: P] ease a] low four weeks for the revieur and final approvar of the easement.The easement must be reviewed uy itre-iown,r "iio"n6!,-engiieer anaPlanning Department.. olgS lnv ieiessiiy corrections are made after theirrev'iews, the easement wiil ue'sineauiea-ro," " i;;; ao;;Iii'-worr sessionreview. Further revisions after review may be n"ce.rary. Then theeasement will be schedured for finar approvar ai in-";;;ing Town councirmeeti ng. i!..::r:I:l!-m1V be reviewed and approved sooner than 4 weeks. However,1T tne easement reouires many. revisions, the approval ian-iare 4 weeks.The appl i cant shour d attend ihe Torun Counc.i t wbi.r< sersion ind eveni ngmeetings. If any other parties are invorved in ttre easement outside ofthe Town government and applicant, the other p"ril"r-"r,ouil atso uepresent at the work session and evening meet.i ng. LEGAL DESCRIPTION A Iot Llne anal the Utility Easement 5.0 feet in witlth on each slde of said lot.Line, located in Vail Village west, Filingr No. 1, a sub-division recorded as Reception No. 98135 in the Eagle County Records, Town of VaiI, Eagle County, Colorado; said l.ot Line and Utility Easenentr wlth all bearings contained herein based on a bearing of 3.67 59'52"W. betlreen a rebar and yellow plasCic cap, . I.S No. 4974r and a No. 4 rebar found for the lot line common to Iotss 35 and 36 of VaiI Village Viest, Filing No. 1, be ing rao re particularly described as follows: Beginning at the point cornmon to l,ots 33, 34, 35, 36, and 37 of said Val.I Village l{est, Fi}ing No. 1i thence along the lot line connon to sald Iots 33 and 37 S.70 49'45"8. 128.50 feet to a point on the Westerly Right-of-t{ay boundary line of Atpine Drive, the Do int of terni.nus . tll I -r o ,'ll r- LOT UNE BETIIEEN LOTS 33 & 5Z VAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING NO. I Lorr4 lry' FqNO REBARtcP. lsro.,4e'z I 9oE 'on IEo lrjz (L Lor I Lor 361 SCALE: l'-2O' ) ,n</se/163 Shcct I of 2 - 31,4' RE IININOwtr I I;l- 3t.9 . ^, EASEIi9{T. tEr/R lot ^DunoN S I .o- ;v/".- z /^u ?Z LEGAL DESCRI PTION A part of Lots 33 and 37, VATL VTLLAGE WEST, FTLTNG NO. l. according !o the recorded plat thereof, described as follows-: Beginnini at the Northwesu corner of saicl Lot 37 Ehence S.O4o28'8. along the tlesEerly line of said Lot 37, a distance of 32.3 feetl thence N.85c54'55'E. 1I9.5 feet to a point on the Easterly line of said Lot 33; thence N.olo04'36'8., along the Easterly line of said LoE 33;. a diatance of. 42.75 feetr thence N.87o05'33'W. Il5.13 feet to a point on the wester]!' line of said f,ot 33, a distance of 26 feet to the point of beginning. Town of vail County of Eagle SEale of Colorado Surveyor's Nobe: IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERT I ['I CAT E I hereby certif!' lhat thls Inprovement lJocation CertificaEe was prepared for .larnes T.S. Vlheelock, TIIAT THIS IS llOT A LAND SURVEy PLAT OR IUPROVEI4ENT SURVEY PLAT, and that i! is not to be relied upon for the egtabLishmen! of fence, building, or other future inprovemen! I ines . I further certify that the improvenents on the above described' parcel on this date. .lune 27, L989, excePt utility conneclions, are-ntirely within the boundaries of the Parcel, except as shown, that there are no encroachments upon the described prernises, except as indlcated, and thau Ehere is no APPARENT evidence or slgn of any eaaetnent crossing or burdening any part of said parcel, excePt as noted. PREPARED BY JOHNSON, KUNKET & ASSOCIATES, rNC. P.O. BOX 409 EAGLE, COLORADO 8163I ( 303)328-6358 JK/s9/L63 sbetrMen R. wulevice Pres ident ,tohnson ' Kunkel 6, sheet 2ofz o 0Donald D. Gury 4949 Country Club Way Eoulder, Colo. 80301 August t4, L989 Mr. Bruce Miller Westerm Slope cas Co.P.O. Box 1828Dillon, Colorado 80435 Re: 1765 Alpine Dr. Vail, Colorado AL657 Dear Bruce: Per ny conversation with Jean today, attach please find the inprovernent survey for 1765 Alpine Dr., Vail, Colorado. It showsthe original lot line and util-ity easernents which rrere nevervacated when the property was subdivided in the nid 6O's. Thetown of VaiI would like to have the original l-ot line and utilityeasenents vacated. In order for this to be done, they wantverification that there are no urain utility lines in the easements. I would appreciate if you would verify that there are no mainutility lines in this easenent or nark where they exist on theattached inprovement survey and return it along with a signed copy of this letter using the enclosed envelope. Should you need to contact rne you can reach rne at 530-5449. Thank you in advance for your help. Sincerely, Donald D. Gury Enclosure CC: t{r. Michael J. Mollica, Tordn of VailUr. Uark rI Mueller lltrere are nolots 33 and Signature Title: rain utilitv lines in the oriqinal easenent betseen37,,.,Vai1 Viliage West Filing x5. f . t/r,/"Datac Donald D. Gury 4949 Country Club Way Boulder, Colo. 80301 August L4, L989 Mr. Gary HallPublic Service Co. P.O. Box 43OMinturn, Colorado 81645 ' Re: L765 Alpine Dr. Vail, Colorado 8L657 Dear Gary: Per our conversation of today, attach please find the irnprovementsurvey for 1765 Alpine Dr., Vail, Colorado. It shows the originalLot line and utj.lity eesenents which rrere never vacated when theproperty was subdivided in the mid 6o's. The tohrn of VaiI ltou1dIike to have the originat lot line and utility easements vacated.In order for this to be done, they want verification that there are no nain utility lines in the easements. I would appreciate if you would verify that thereutility lines in this easenent or nark where theyattached improvement survey and return it along withof this letter using the enclosed envelope. are no mal-nexist on thea signed copy ShouLd you need to contact me you can reach me at 530-5449. Thank you in advance for your help. Sincerely, Donald D. Gury Enclosure CC: Ur. ltichaeL J. Mcl-lica, Tor.rn of VaiL Mr. Mark J Mueller There are no uain utility lines in the original easement betweenLots 33 and 37, Vail Village West Filing No. L. Signature Title: Date: B/tz'a,q Donald D. Cury 4949 Country Club Way Boulder, Colo. 80301 August 14, 1989 Mr. Ken Freeman U S $,est CommunicationsP.O. Box 3050Dillon, Colorado 80435 Re: 1765 Alpine Dr. Vail, Colorado 81,657 Dear Ken: Per our conversation of today, attach please find the inprovenent survey for 1765 Alpine Dr., VaiI, Colorado. It shotrs the originallot line and utility easements which were never vacated when theproperty was subdivided in the nid 6o's. The town of Vail wouldlike to have'the original lot line and utility easements vacated.In order for this to be done, they want verification that there are no rnain utility lines in the easements. I would appreciate if you would verify that there are no mainutility lines in this easenent or nark where they exist on the attached inprovement survey and return it along with a signed copyof this letter using the enclosed envelope. Should you need to contact me, you can reach me at 530-5449. Thank you in advance for your help. Donald D; Gury Enclosure CC: Mr. Michael J. Mollica, Town of VailMr. Mark J Mueller There are no uain utility lines in the original easenent between lots 33 and 37, Vail Village west Filing No. l. Signature ritle:3? -, Sincerely, Date: Donald D. Cury 4949 Country Club Way Boulder, Colo. 80301 August 14, L989 HoIy Cross Electric Association, fnc. EngineeringP.o. Box 972Minturn, Colorado 81620 Re: 1765 Alpine Dr. Vai1, Colorado 8L657 To lrlhon This Concerns: Per ny conversation with Mike Laverty today, attach please findthe inprovement survey for L765 Alpine Dr., Vail , Colorado. It shows the original lot line and utility easements which werenever vacated when tbe property rras subdivided in the mid 6O's. The town of Vail would like to have the original lot tine andutility easements vacated. In order for this to be done, theywant verification that there are no rnain utility lines in the easements. f would appreciate if you would verify that there are no mainutility l-iies in this Sasement or rnari< where they exist on the attached irnprovenent survey and return it along with a signedcopy of this letter using the enclosed envelope. Should you need to contact me you can reach me at 530-5449. Thank you in advance for your help. Sincerely, Donald D. Gury Enclosure CC: Mr. Michael iI. Mollica, Tolrn of Vaillitr. Mark J Mueller ET.EqtAlA-no rnainl utility linesd 37, VaiI ViUaqe/tte There areLots 33 in the original easement betweent Filing No. L. Sigmature Title: 1Lrc. -7-e4. Date:/t tutq. /1s? tDonald D. Cury 4949 Country Club Way Boulder, Colo. 80301 August 14, 1989 Ms. Leslie AIIen Upper EagLe Valley ConsoLidated Water and Sanitation Districts846 Forest RoadVail , colorado aL657-5o75 Re: 1755 AJ.pine Dr. Vail , Colorado 8L657 Dear Leslie: Per our conversation of today, attach please find the inproveruentsurvey for L765 Alpine Dr., VaiI, Colorado. It shows the originallot Line and utility easenents which !"ere never vacated when theproperty was'subdivided in the mid 60,s. The town of VaiI wouldlike to have the original lot line and utility easernents vacated.In order for this to be done, they want verification that thereare no main utility lines in'the 6asenents. I would appreciate if you would verify that there are no mainutilitv lines in this easement or rnark where thev exist on theattach6d improvernent survey and return it along iritn a signed copy of- this letter using the enclosed envelope. should you need to contait ne you can reach rne at 530-5449. Thank you in advance for your help. Sincerely, Donald D. cury Enclosure CC: !tr. MichaelMr. Mark ,f J. Mollica, Town of vail Mueller There are no main utility lines in the originat easement betweenlots 33 and 37, VaiI ViIIage West Filing No. 1. B -23-8'1 * Vo.o"\.,.a '\\ g,*q. \,.n- sisnature \tsU,) NO'l5f.o Title: Date: \t.. "on J b.l|.**.* bBA i. S. Donald D. Gury 4949 Country Club Way Boulder, Colo. 80301 August L4, L989 llr. Mark Guzinskineritig; ciurijvilion 0140 Metcalf RoadAvon, Colorado 8L62O Re: 1765 Alpine Dr. Vail, Colorado aL657 Dear Mark: Attach please find. the irnprovernent survey for 1765 Alpine Dr.,Vail, Colorado. It shows the original lot line and ut-ilityeasenents which were never vacated when the property wassubdivided in the nid 60,s. The town of vail would like to havethe original .lot line and utility easements vacated. In orderfor this to be done, they want verification that there are nonain utility lines in the easernents. I would appreciate if you would verify that there are no mainutility lines in this easernent or nark where they exist on theattached inprovenent survey and return it along -itn a signedcopy of this letter using the enclosed envelop5. Should you need to contact me you can reach me at 530-5449. Thank you in advance for your help. Sincerely, DonaLd D; Gury Enclosure CC: Ittr. Michael if . Uollica, Toldn of VailUr. ltark J MueIIer maln.,37, Vt the original easerent betweenFiling tlo. 1. Ttrere are nolots 33 and Sigmature Iitle: lines inllest CHee TEC /-l Date: PUBI,IC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GfVEN that the Planning and Environmental Cornnission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing Ln accordance sith Section 18.55.060 of the nunicipal code of the Town of VaLl on September 25, 1989 at 3:00 Pl,! in the Town of Vail Municipal auilding. Consideratlon of: 1. A reguest to amend the Subdivision Regrulations to create a Single fanily Subdivision process. Applicant: Town of Vail 2. A request to amend the Sign Code to allow for the addition of the Arterial Business Distrl-ct into the Conmercial Core III sign category. Applicant: Torifn of Vail 3. A request to amend the Zoning Code to clarify the use of Conmerciat ski Storage in Conrrercial Core I and Cornmercial Core II basement Level . Applicant: Town of Vail 4. A request to anend Special Developnent District No. 6 (Wf) to increase the gross residential fLoor area by 5000 square feet. Applicant: BSC of Colorado, Inc. 5. A request for a variance from the rnaximum wall height in the front setback on Lots 5 and 6, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Ron Byrne 6. A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a dinner theater at Crossroads, Lot P, Block 5-D, Tract C, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Club Majiks 7. A request for a side setback varLance for a roof overhang at the Willows Condominiums, Lot 8, Block 5, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Willows Condoninium Association rvta,k-L ^ p) rT-er^/6e/r3 llt(" \'/ +€--- 24 et 8. A request for a front setback variance and a conmon area variance for a new entry and elevator at Riva Ridge South, on Int 7, Block 6, Vail Village First Filing. AppllqE1tt: Rlva Ridge South Condoniniuns A request for a lot Village West FLrst on Lots 33 and 37, VaiI rOWN OF VAI COI,TMUNITY DEVEIOP!{ENT DEPARTMENT Publ in the Vail Trail on Septenber 8, 1989. ffi#dll: fucr{ior ' lr* Thc _,rl b' lr* ltrc box 100 vail. colorrdo 81657 13031 476.5613 of f ice of tlre tgwn attorney February 17, 1982 Tlansamerlca Title Co.P.O. Box 1700Vall, C0 81658Attn: J1ll Re: Lots 33 and 37, Vail Village lVest, Flllng #1. Dear JlIl: I have revlewed the hlstory of the above lots at tlre requestof Dean Canada. As I tndlcated to you on the telephoue, itappears that the subdlviql.on of Lots 33 and 37, Vail VtllageWest, Ftllng No. 1, occurred prlor to the County Resolutlonrelating to Subdlvlslon and are, tlrerefore, legal non-conformlnglots. If you need any further lnformation from me, please call. 'al Lawrence c. Rider Town Attorney cc: Dean Canada (Je Ioa Io.lGll I ,1 RESTRTCTIVE COVENANTS "i if 't'1) is the owner of the propertyWHEREAS,Ellen C. Gury described as: County of EAGLE snd Slltc of Color.do dcscribcd rs follom: A part of Lots thirty-three ( 33 ) and Thirty-seven ( 37 ) ' VAIL VILLAGE WEST, FILING NO. 1, according to'the recorded plat thereof, described as follows: Beginnlng at the Northwest corner of said Lot 37 thence South 04 degrees 28'East, along the Westerly.Iine of said Lot Thirty-seven (37), a distance of 32.3 feeti thence North:85 degr.ees 54'55" East, 119.5 feet to a point on the Easterly line of said Lot thirty-three (33); thence North 01 degrees 04'36" East, along the Easterly line of said L,ot Thirty-three (33), a distance of 42.75 feet; thence North 87 degrees 05'33" West, 115.13 feet to a point on the Westerly Iine of said Lot Thirty-three (33), a distance of 26 feet to the point of beginning. rs knorn by rrrcct lnd nunrbcrrs:1765 ALPINE DR. f.)ni\ C,6 SlkS-l HS herein referred to as the rrsubject propertyrr; and G.g WHEREAS, the owner wishes to place certain restrictions on the use ru of the subject land for the benefit of the owner and the Eown of Vail, b Colorado (rtthe Tohrnrr). 'r Now, THEREFoRE, the owner does hereby irnpose, establish,a&acknowLeCge, Ceclare, for t!:e benefit cf all persons who nay hereinafter purchase, or 1ease, or hold the subject land' the following restrictions, covenants, and conditions, aLl of which shall be deemed to run with the land and inure to the benefit and be bindinq upon the owner, its respective grantees. successors, and assigns. 1. The subject Property has a Prina.ry employee dwelling unit in the approximate size of ( 1.14?) sqluare feet. Shs Prinary employee unit located on the subject property shall not be sold, transferred, or conveyed seParately fron theSecondarydwelling unit located on the subject -property for a period of more than twerrty (20) years and the life of Tiffany Lowenthal, from the date that the certificate of occupancy is issued for said secondary enployee dwelling unit. 2. The Primary employee dwelling unit shall not be ieased or rented for any period of less than thirty (30) consecutive; and, if it :2 xg. ltlorJNU wl>FrFzo3.oo\U frJ-{ l, oa6r(Elrl 0JsoloA lFlAJ tq Fl '. Ina IlE trlF O lrlFZ.OZgitoo$!t VaiI, and Avon, and their surrounding areas. A full-time empLoyee is Person who works an average of thirty (30) hours per week. 3. The Primaryl dwelling unit sha1l not be divided into any form of time shares, interval ownership, or fractional fee ownership. 4. The conditions, restrictions, stipulations, and agreenents t (contained herein shall not be waived, abandoned, terrninated, or arnended, except by the w;itten ccnsent of both the Town of VaiI owner of the subject proPe.rty. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The ore oing 'a and the of My comnission expires: PROPERTY OWNER .,4uv day day ol ILo (\l t9 c? v Bv: L!J*-- O b,"r/ t'***LEDGED foregoi.ng instrunent was o ut r9 (Jr6 lY, oa rugn o f0 tfl In €Fooa$ of , Lggg, by Address &ffim*rrorye&r99e. BovlC+q Colr:.ccr: gg3Ol this My conrnission expires: Donald D. Gury 4949 Country Club Way Boulder, Colo. 80301 August 29, L989 l,lr. lllchael J. llollica Town Plann€rDept. of Comunity DevelopnentlIWn of Vail 75 South frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Hike: Thanks for taklng tine prior to the P.E.C. neeting to explain theproc6as. I appreciate all the help you have given us on thLsproject. Sincerely, Donald D. Gury C.C: llr. llarlr at. l,lueller 0K) O',,(n y'u , *,.n-, _/"/ t/ PresentiG vEre Diana Donovan Peggy Osterfoss Sid Schultz Kathy Warren Chuck Crist Absent FErn no-pfins The Planning 3:00 p.m. Iten No. I Planning and Environmental Commission August 28, l-989 Minutes Staff Presentd]Etan-T;Ltz Mike Mollica and Environmental Cornmission began at approximately A request for a side setback variance to struct an addition on Lots 33 and 37, Vail villa e West First Fil inq.Applicantr . Bllrn C. Gurv Mike Mollica made the staff presentation for this request. He explained that the above lot currently has a primary/secondary dwelling located on it which is in a state of disrepair. The owner is proposing to remodel the entire structure and bring the property up to currentbuilding and zoning developnent standards. The applicant has also agreed to restrict one of the dwelling units as employee housing. Mike went on to explain that the structure currently encroaches intothe side yard setbacks. The variance requested is necessary to allow for a gable roof addition above the flat roof of the secondary unit. The variance requested is for a rnaximum encroachment of 3 feet. The applicant has also requested an additional 250 square feet of GRFA for the prirnary unit which will be heard before the DRB. The staff felt that the proposal would be an improvement and not agrant of special privilege. The staff recommendation was for approval with the following two conditions: 1. That the applicant agree to restrict one of the dwelling units as ernployee housing and enter into such agreernent with the Town prior to issuance of a building pernit for the remodel . The agreement shall be per Section l-8.1-3.080 (B,l-0) of the Town of Vail Zoning Code. 2. That the applicant propose a trash enclosure or some permanent nethod of trash storage on his property. Mike also mentioned that the staff had received two letters form adjacent property owners, both supportive of the project. Don cury, the applicant, said he appreciated Mike and Kristan's help. He stated that he had tried to buy the horne for years and now sees anopportunity to clean up the existing eyesore. Chuck asked what would be done with the front of the structure. Donsaid that basical-ly the project included a cornp}ete irnprovernent. Diana supported the additional 250 reguest. Peggy was supportive ofthe variance and agreed with the staff conditions. She said paving should be added as a condition and asked if additional landscaping would be included in the p1an. Mike answered that there would be landscaping included. Peqqv notioned for approval of the request per the staff conditions # 1 and #2, and added: f3. Driveway shall be paved t_!- DRB should be particularlv concerned about landscapinq Diana seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0 Iten No. 2 t for side setback variances stream setback v o constru n addit on and a new roof esidence on Lot L8, Biqhorn SubdApplicant: Janes and Helen creen This iten was Iten No. 3 cancelled. to amend the develo Ian fo Tal-on at 188L L onsrid Block 3 and Block 2 onsridqe Subdiv The item was tabled to September 1-J-, 1989. Item No. 4 Notification of staff approval of ninor amendnents to Special Development District No. 4, Glen Lvon Propertv, Area D. Kristan explained the amendment to the PEC. ftern No. 5 Infornation on Environmental Worksession on Air Quality ttAir Qualityrr was given to the PEc by susan scanlan, Health officer. The meeting adjourned at approximately 4:30 p.m. TO: r.ROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Environmental Comrnission Conrnunity Development Departrnent August 28, 1989 est or a side setback variance to const add 11a e West F rstFilinq.Applicant: Ellen C. Gury r. DESCRIPTTON OF VARIANCE REQUESTED The applicant is the owner of the above named property Iocated at 1755 Alpine Drive. The lot has an existingprirnary/secondary dwelling located on it, which is in acurrent state of disrepair. The owner is proposing to remodel the entire structure, and in doing so, the propertywill be brought up to current building and zoning developmentstandards. The applicant has also agreed to restrict one ofthe dwelling units as ernployee housing. The existing structure already encroaches into the side yard setbacks, as noted on the attached site plan. Theapplicant's proposed remodel will not expand the buildingfootprint, however, a proposed gable roof addition above theflat roof of the secondary unit does require a variance. The reguested variance is for a maximum encroachment of 3 feetinto the side setback, which is sinilar to the existingencroachment. The applicant has also requested the use ofOrdinance No. 36, Series of 1988, for an additional 250square feet of GRFA for the prirnary unit. II. ZONTNG CONSTDERATIONS Zone district: Lot size: Maxirnum GRFA: Proposed GRFA: Site coverage: Lr499.5 250. 0 = It749.5 L,7L6.5 Prinaryr/secondary Residential 5,998 square feet square feet + square feet (Ord No. 3611988) square feet square feet No change requested on on Lots 33 and 37. VaiI V III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section l-8.62.060 ofthe municipal code, the Department of Community Developrnent recomrnends approval- of the reguested variance based upon thefollowing factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1.The relationship of the recruested variance to otherexistinq or potential uses and structures in thevicinity. There is no question that the proposed rernodel willbe a tremendous improvement on the state of theexiting structure. By replacing the secondaryunit's flat roof with two gabled roofs, it is thestaff's opinion that the structure will be morearchitecturally compatible with existing buildingsin the surrounding neighborhood. The applicant has agreed to upgrade the parking areas for this lot and is proposing an asphaltsurface for all parking. The current parking areasare gravel . 2.The d co S to ch relief from lat on ls and unifo the strict andn and enfo ofa S to achieveoftreatrnent amonor to atta the ob ectaI pr vil tes the vthtle w out ant of 3. The staff believes that approval of the requestedvariance would not be a grant of speciat privilege. The lots in this area of vail village West areparticularly small, and many other adjacentstructures exhibit sinilar setback encroachments. The effect of tJre requested yariance on lioht and na This variance request, if approved, would not blockany light or air on adjacent properties and itsoverall effect would enhance the quality of development within the neighborhood. IV.REI,ATED POLICIES IN VAIL'S COMMUNITY ACTTON PI,AN The Town of Vail Land Use Plan (goalsr/policies) addressesresidential growtb as follows: Section 5.3: rrAffordable enployee housing should be made available through private efforts, assisted by linited incentives,provided by the Town of Vail, with appropriaterestrictions. rl Section 5.5: rrTtre existing employee housing base should be preserved and upgraded. Additional. enployee housing needs should be accomrnodated at varied sites throughout the comrnunity. tt Such other factors and criteria the cornrnission deems FTNDINGS The Planninq and Environrnental Commission shafl make thefollowinq findinqs before qrantinq a variance: That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the linitations onother pfoperties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrinental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injuriousto properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or rnore of thefollowing reasons: The strict or literal interpretation or enforcernent of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistentwith the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances orconditions applicable to the sane site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The strict interpretation or enforcement of thespecified regulation would deprive the applicant ofprivileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties inthe same district. I' VI. VII. STAFF RECOMI,TENDATION The staff recomrnendation is for approval of the variance request. Because the existing building footprint wiII not increase in size, staff believes that a hardship would be imposed upon the appticant if the strict interpretation of the zoning code were to be enforced and the applicant lras not aLlowed to cover the secondary unit with a gabled roof. The staff recommendation for approval includes the following conditions: That the applicant agree to restrict one of the dwellingunits as ernployee housing and enter into such agreementwith the Town prior to issuance of a building pernit for the rernodel . The agreement shall be per Section 1.8.1-3.080 (B,LO) of the Town of Vail Zoning code. That the applicant propose a trash enclosure or some permanent method of trash storage on his property.@ '(3-) /*.J-h "t'FrL,/,/av t{otriunr :n/7"'e '-/ ca*'d"" ^- /- 4 'l"e ?*! t/ o'(e- lw ("{! A- o i3{ ,$ [$sti ssRz$!4 $(* i'$$..,es $l$* It.T $ sa 5il rN \l -{--o TJ .\l $ \$s e o' E{' )tr ut $$ 6R sP 3 uJz *i I I I I l ..v\a t\ I I Il I u A \$ $I T {lr \T tr $ 1 _\ --t € \\ tr \ € $ ..s \$ \s$ s = r:. $.(\ q F\ j'""'-..*\/ k .' ..J \".f'/ oNr\ +l N ats{$ $ $3 $rh3E$$ 'kp r* B$ ,'l Y I I IL '*., .{ a1anut [u eqt a^wZr<ral qtl%ot({+c.Hift4 Z \ k .itt =li ri5 lllS F,,$'l**l Ul EN" (qd ..})t$t[s ilsa $*yit 5S-.t_ \ R{- sz $ $ A r.$tr$ $$ k :i:iii;iliiiiii!iii:i*:::i $ $L H ( fi $3 .{ *s =lRsreE:l rt+ S 5Nu) E*$ (qN ..1\ts $$i $T $$ I R+ $zz $ $sl $ .----J -l --1 Ni -$ \ BW $nowden Smith Box €177 Vail, Cq g165el Augr.rst ?6, f 989 Hr. Mi ke l'lol 1i ca Town of Vai 1 Communi ty Development Departrnent Vail, CO 8t&58 RE;6ury Remodel .- 1765 Alpine Drive Dear llr. l"lol. L i ca, Ao the owner and occupant, for the pa*t eiqht yearsr ei 1767 Alpine Drivep I wor-rld like to g$ c:n record as strongly surpporti ng any i mprmvement plnnned {or 17&5 A1 pine Drive. To say that the sr-rb ject property hag been ar| eyesere would be an understatement. Pl eage do r*hatever you can to help clean Lrp one of that last trul. y sub-par hourges on AIpine Drive. Thank you. Sirfcerelv, /,/,t^^kn_- nowden Sni th 3(r.3 476-52{,il 3816 l"'lidsummer Ln. Colorado SPrings. Co. BO9l7 Aug. ?30 1989 Town of Vail Planning Commission Attn: llr. l'li chael T. Hol I i ca VaiI. Co. 81657 Dear t'lembers o{ the Commi ssion: This ig to let you know that I heartily support the efforts o{ Mr. D. 6ury in upgrading the property at 1765 Alpine Drive, Vail. The planned improvements represent a positive step in bringing about a more beautiful Wegt Vail' As the owner o{ property bordering Mr. Eury's, 1824 AIta Eircle. I wilI personal ly gain from the architectural and landscape {acelift. I'm sure al 1 neighborg would agree. I hope you reEipond {avorably to l'lr. 6ury"s reguest at the hearing to be held August ZBt 1989. Si ncerel y. dr4 7L>--,/ Harry T. Fields the mj mueller co., inc. 14 August 1989 Michael J. Mo'llica TOWN OF VAIL Dept. of Community Deve'l opment 75 South Frontage Road Vai 'l , Col orado 8'l 657 Subject: Gury Remodel 1765 Alpine Dri ve Vai 1, Co'l orado Dear Mi ke: The purpose of this letter is Lo request a side set-back variance for the above referenced project. We would like perm.ission to construct an addition above'an-existing foundation which is alreaclyin a set-back. The existing foundation is 12 feet from the'l ot 'l ine, the addition wi'l 'l not pioject any closer to the'lot'line than present'l y accommodated. The si te coverage wi 'l 'l not i ncrease. The purpose of this project is to enhance the visua'l esthetics of a presently undesi rable p'iece of real estate. The ex'isting f lat roof wi'll be rep'laced with two gab'l e roofs which wi'l 'l coincide with the existing gab'le roof. See the attached architectura'l drawings. The footprint of the structure w'i 'l'l not change, the height on the other hand, w'i'l 'l s'l i ght'l y af fect the res idence to the north. The ex'i sting unit to the north (a'lso owned by the Gury's) does not have its primary views directed at the proposed addition, rather they are to the west which wi'l 'l be unaffected. If you have any questions regard'i ng this submittal please contact me at the number shown be'low. , rNc. Mark Pres i MJM/tc clvff, archltectural ancl structural englneering . p.o. box 2747 val,colorado 81658 476-2627 ''-- zoNE cHEcK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS r^rr. 8'. j 'r , ll't ss A I lllli AODRESS: O'..lNER ARCH I TECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT sIZE Phone 4.7a- zt-z't Prooosed '.ro,r0'' Jrtt' Hei ght TOTAI GRFA Primary GRFA SecondarY GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear !,Iater Course Site Coverage LandscaPi ng Fence/Retaining Crr> 'ilal I Heights Parki ng Credi ts: Garage Mechani cal Ai ri ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: SloPe Perm'itted Envi ronmental /Hazards : Al l ot'red Ft(33) ll Tl -5 +aeo : t111'5 t??.?+zso^ttfl"l 5?7.7 2nl lql 1ql /.ln\/<n'l ll1l. t" /'7 4 rc!"txd ( 3oo ) (600 ) (eoo)(r2oo) (so)(1oo) (2s ) (so ) (2oo)(4oo) 2t' nPn. -*- G,=, tt4;;1 lotb+31 =ltt? G3o.9 ts IYr chr'rre *ro^ ersl'1 1363 c No J,r5e {no^ tti'{.'n; tl r./AArs ce *97"cs{t{ ) eYTav'{ 4 ?eL' o'? Y'2t''? @,\e ,r/ \,/ ,/ 2'+ oK lo -+ + ftr) Qr.f t%Slooe Actuai Avalanche 0K0 Flood ptain N/a Slope DK l{etl ands N/h Geologic Hazards OK Comments: Zoning: Approved/DisaPProved Date: )Eatt 5lgnature Donald D. Gury 4949 Country Club Way Boulder, Colo. 80301 August L2, L989 Mr. Michael J. tlollica Town PlannerDept. of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVai1, Colorado 8L657 Re: 1765 A1pine Dr. Dear llike: Thank vou for meetinq with Mark ltueller and I to discuss 1765 Alpine priv3. I appreciafe your help and support on this project- I hope r left you witn our connitrnent to dramatically inprove thishone. Ellen and I have looked at this place for seven years watching the continual neglect and deterioration resulting in apublic -eyesore that has effected everyone's real estate values along Alpine Drive. After seven years of trying to purchase it, vte ovtn it and are connitted to-making it the-best- tooking plice on A1pine Drive. Sincerely, Donald D. Gury cc: ur. Mark J.Mueller Donald D. Gury 4949 Country Club Way Boulder, Co1o.80301 Auglust L2, L989 t{r. llichael it. l.lolLlca Town Plann€rDept. of Comunity DevelopmentTwn of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVaiI, Colorado 81657 Re: 1755 Atpine Drive Dear l{ike: Attach please find a copy of the ltrarranty Deed and Title Insuranc€ Counitnent. I believe the attach should provldethe infornatlon you need regarding ownership, easenents etc. Sincerely, Donald D. Gury Enclosure CC: Ur. Uark J. llueller 1765 ALPINE DRIVEVAIL, COLORADO I. LOT INFORHATION LQT SIZE = 5.99s go.FT. MAX';.. GRFA = .025 X 5999 = t,600.00 Se. FT.\r ================= II. EXISTINO STRUCTURE A. EXISTING PRIMARY UPSTAI.RS =MAIN LEYEL = B. EXISTING SE ONE LEVEL = III. PROPOSEO A. PRIMARY (EMPLOYEE H EXISTING =ADD FAMILY ROOM TOTAL PR,{.{ARY 1,143 B. SECONDARY SQ. FT. 688 TOT SQ./ FT . L EXISTING NG) 8X.O SQ. FT . T (OWNER UNIT) 688 SQ. 20 60 SQ. FT 250 310 SQ. FT. 1,558 SQ. FT. 1,851 SQ. FT. (360) SO.FT.' 1,491 gQ. FT. ( EMPLOYEE 318 552 870 HOUSING )SQ. FT. EXISTI Y= IMARY STORAGE ="250" ROLE = TOTAL PRIMARY AL SECONDARY 708 SO. FT. TOTAL GRFA = SECONDARY STORAGE/MECH.= s0 SO.FT TOTAL SECONDARY 50 SO. FT. TOTAL CREDITS TOTAL ORFA LESS CREDITS B. lu" .O o Application Date 7/91/89 PEC APPLICATION FOR MEETTNG DATE 8/Lb/89 A VARIANCE f{du{d tlrlffi I. This procedure ls required for any project requesting a variance. The applicatlonwill not be accepted unti'l all infoimation is.submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT Ellen C. GuTy RoonEss 4q49 cour Club W Boulder, Colorado B.APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Uark J. Muelter, p.e.NAME OF ADDRESS P.0. Box 2 Slqnaturek\ goo. e -&_-_/_U 6oun CIub W PHONE pnotE 530-5449 ADDRESS Boulder, Colorado 80301 D.LOCATiON OF PROPOSAL Colorado Yail, Colorado 81658 E.FEE gloo pAto-?/, cK # z/+s FRo F. A list of the names of owners of al'l property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACRO5S bTN'EETS-, THE APPLICANT I.IILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONNECf M Donald D. Gury THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT t,lILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRTPTToN L0T22/U|L0CK FILING T adjacent to the subject property and their mai'ling addresses. MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE WITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDT0 )DETERMINE Ir ANY'ADDITIoNAL INFoRMATToN lt llEEoEo. No AppLrcATroN t,trLL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INcLUDE ALL ITEMs REQUIRED BY THE zoNING flP!.lNlliR4lgD._ Ir Is THE APPLicANT's RESpoNsrBrIriv ro dAre nn nppoiHimEnrl.lITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADOITIONAL 'UBMiTiNI NEQUINEMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION t"lILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FORY0uR PR0JEcr ev.oeclm-THE NuMBER oF coNDITIoNs oF AppRovAL THAT rHi pultr,tntc AND ENVIR0NMENTAL c0MMISSION MY sTIPULATE. ALL c0NDITIONS 0F npFiOvAi--lrusr eECOMPLI ED I.I ITH BEFORE A BUILDING PENI,,ITi- rS- i SSIJM" - - ITI. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOIIING MUST BE SUEMITTED: , A. I-!IITIEry.SI{IFI4E!T OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REqUESTED AND THEREGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: '1. The relationship of the requested variance to'other existing or potentjaluses and structures in the'vicinity. '-'--"'J -' r 2. The- degree to-which relief from the strict or literal interpretation andenforcement of a specified requlation is.necessary to achieve-i6riiti[iiitvand uniformit-v 9{ treatment ailons sites in-itre-vitiniti or to iiilin'[h;'*objecti'res of this tiile withour grant or speiiii-liririrugu. OVER t- 'o o Johnson, Kunkel & Associatet Inc. LANO SURVEYING ' CIVIL ENGINEERING. MAPPING JuIy 14, 1989 Mr. Don Gury 4949 Country Club 3oulder, colorado Dear Mr. Gury: 9Iay 80301 and attached hereto, less. Vice President ,lohnson, KunkeI & Associates, Inc. cc: Mark .t. Muellergox 27 47Vai1, Colorado 8I658 I an writing t,o certify Drive in vail, Colorado' that your which is Sheet 1of 2 I l3 East 4th Street . Eagle, Colorado property located a part of Lots 33 at 1755 Alpine and 37, vail Exhibit A, .rimore or P.O. Box 409 81631 Phone: (303) 328-6368 o o Property Description Exhibit A A part of Lots Thirty-three (33) and Thirty-seven (37), VAIL VILLAGE WEST, I'ILING NO. I, according to the recorded plat thereof, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Lot 37 thence S.04o28'8. along. the Westerty line of said Lot Thirty-seven (37), a distance of 32.3 feet; thence N.85o54'56'8. 119.50 feet to apoint on the EasterLy line of said Lot rhirty-three (33); thenceN.0Io04'36'8., along the Easterly line of said Lot Thirty-three ( 33 ), a distance of 42.75 feet; thence N.87o05 ' 33"w. lI5.13 feetto a point on the tlesterly line of said: Lot Thirty-three (33), a distance of 25 feet, to the point of beginning. COUNTY OF EAGTE STATE OF COLORADO Sheet 2 of 2 .|765 ALPINE DR.VAIL, COLORADO NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF OWNERS ADJACENT AND ACROSS FROI,I 1705 ALPINE DR. LOT I NAME ADDRESS 33B GURY, DON & ELLEN 4949 COUNTRY CLUB WAY BOULDER , CO. 80301 33C SMITH R. SNOWDEN P.O. BOX 877vAIL, CO. 81658 34 DWYER, THOMAS 1806 GORE CREEK DR.vAIL, CO. 81657 35 FELLER, FRED A. P.O. BOX 277 & MARIA E. ooLLBRAN, CO. 81624 36 FIELDS, HARRY T. 3816 MIDSUMMER LANE SOUTH coLoRADO SPRTNGS, CO. 809 1 7 7 FUNK, RICHARD W. JR. P.O. BOX 579& LOUISE P. AVON, CO. 81620 su/1+ f^lo!^L m{lor lo 11,.0 "+brtt lrcf dn g"l4-W 2. PUBLIC NOTICE NoTICE IS EEREBY cMN that the Planning and Environnental commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the nunicipal code of the Town of Vail on August 28, 1989 at 3!oo Plt in the Town of Vail ltuniclpal auilding. Consideration of: 1. A request for a side seback variance to construct an addition on applicant: 4|fmy A request for a setback variance to construct an addition to a residence on Lot 18, Bighorn Subdivision applicant: ilameB & Helen Green 3. A request to anend the developnent plan for the Talon at 1881 Lionsridge Loop, Lot 1, Block 3, Lionsridge #3, and I-ot 27, Block 2, Lionsridge Subdivision #3 Applicant: Parlftrood Realty company The appLications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL CO}ITfi'NITY DEVEI'PMENT DEPART!,TENT Published in the Vail Trail on August L1, 1989. 1765 ALPINE DR.vArL, coroRADo FRONT 1765 ALPITE DR.VAIL, CDTI)RAm BACX 1765 ALPINE DR.vArL,, coLoRADO SIDE e I . :rx.DEtrRRTMtrNT @F tr@MMUNITV DtrVtrL@FMENT XXXXXXX sALEs AcnoN FoRM XXXXXXX 01 0000 41330 COM. DEV. APPLICATION FEES -.nn a1<rn l-a.".,,_- ffiRe ,r^r" TOIJhI OF {JFIL Hiscel laneous Gsgh ES-E 1-e9 l:l'J: I i: l:11 Eeceipt # r-1?Ff,r:if ffcc':unt { tlli; S ?1?4F tr. E. I. Bfil.lALIi fi. GURir '..FEt:: FEE ffnr,:un t t.endere,l ) Itjrjl, trl Iten paid AmoLrn t paid B 1 EBEE4I T:EEFE 1 I.IIJ. EH l--h.angr-, re l.u rnsd .: Li , rrt:i -rHF|Ffl{ lr0t-l r/':u r c.s=hier l-iT Ur uvuv rrr.llJ l.DIGN Alrr,rLAI ruN COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY STEWAFIT TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPi valuable consideration, hereby commits t Schedule A, in favor of the proposed ln or interest covered herebv in the lanr premiums and charges therefor; all subjr les A and B and to the Conditions and Stipu latio ns hereof. This Commitment shall be effective e proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed edule A hereof by the Company. either at the time of the issuance of uent endorsement. This Commitment is preliminary to )e . of. su or oolicies of title insurance and all liability and obligations hereu nder and term months after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies com for shall issue;,,whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or polici Ihe fault of,,the;Cpmpany, This Commitment shall not be valid or binding until countersigned b agent. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, thc COM become valid when countersigned by mitment to be signed and sealed, to gent of the Company, all in accordance witlr its By-Laws This Commitment is -. as of the date shown in Schedule Aas "Effective Date."s'f s;:]:i!*:i*. .tat ia*r't:.::':l A Texas Corporation. herein called the Company, for re its policy or policies of title insurance, as id-entified in edule A. A_s owner or mortgageeof theestate !.tltiffi '-i. 1908.€ L=;_.'i.;igil;,d '?/1 ,.- t2a4'{ra4- ttt"-+ Chairman of the Board Cou ntersigned by: ffi ['icsideni .l .\',tttL iirr ' 'l ( ortrntL r 165 (20M 10/8S) soria, No. C-l601. 1-80 375 o SCIIEDUT,E A 14, 1989 at 8:00 A.M. BE IS$UED: {0,000.00 ,TAMES T. S . C. AI,TA LOAN POI,ICY S PROPOSED INSUREO 3. lHE BSTATE OR TNTERNST TN THE I,AND DESCRIBED OR REFERNAD TO IN THIS COMMITMENT AND COVERED HEREIN IS FEE SIMPLE AND TITI.,E THERETO IS AT THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF VESTED INI JAI.IES T. S. WHEELOCK 4. THE I,AND REFBRRED TO IN THIS,COMHTT}iENT IS DESCRIBED AS FOI..IJOWS: SEE ATTACTIED I,EGAL PREMIIII'I r OWNERS: 474.00 \ I'iORTGAGEE: 50 . 00 TAX CERT. 10.00 STEWART TTTI,E OF EAGT,E COUNTY, INC.P.O. BOX 1248vArt, co. 8l-658 ( 303 t 9{9-1011 STE\VART TITLEou^n^xtr corPlrt onnen NUIiBERT 89005222 1. 1 EFFECTIVE POLICY OR A. DATBI June POLICIES TO AMOUNT OF INSURANCE s 95,000.00 A[.TA IJOAN POI.IEY PROPOSUD IN9URED: WHEEI..OCK goc.(t@M r-891 o SCHEDUI,E A PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ORDPR NO.: 89005222 A part of Lote thirty-three (33) and Thirty-seven (37), VAIL VILLAGE ,{EST, FILING No. l, according to the recorde,il plat thereof, descfibed ae followsl Beginning al the Northwegt corner of said r,ot 37 thence South 04 degrees 28' Eaet, along the Westerly line of said Lot Thirty-eeven (37) ' a distance of 32.3 feet; thence North 85 degrees 54'56" East, 119.5 feet to a trnint on the Eaaterly tine of gai.d Lot thirty-three (33); thence North 01 degreee 04136" East, along the Eagterly line of said f,ot Thirty-three (33), a diatance of 42.75 feet; thence North 87 degreea 05.r33n lrleet, 115.13 feet to a point on the Westerly line of gaid Lot Thirty-three (33), a distance of 25 feet to t'.he pbint of beginning. COUNTY OF EAGIJE STATE OF COIORADO FOR QUESTIONS REGARDING TTIIS COMMITMENT PI,EASE CAT,,L SANDY CAPEI,I,(303) 949-r011t STE\,VART TITLE OUAIAl.TI OOIPAIf Y e9c (looM 1-891 o a SCHEDUI,DB.SACTIONl oRDER NUMDI1R | 89005222 RI]QUIREMENTS THE TTOLLOWING ARE TI{E REQUINEMENTS TO BE COMPLIED WITH: ITEM (A} PAYMENT TO OR FOR THE ACCOT]NT OL' THE GRANTORS OR MORTGAGORS OF'TI{b T'ULL CONSIDERATION EOR TIIE ESTATE OR INTEREST TO BN INSURED. ITEM {B) PROPBR INSTRUMENT (S) CRAATING THB ESfATN OR INTEREST TO BE INSURED MUST BE EXECUTED AND DULY IIII.,ED FOR RNCORD, TO WTT: L. Execution of aff idavit- as t-o Debts and l,iene and its return to Stewart Title Guaranty Company. 2. Execution of Certif icate - Enti.ty Transferor,/f ndividual Trangferor and ita return to the office; 3. Evidence gatiefacLory to Stewart- Title cuaranty Company thatthe real estate t.ransfer tax assessed by the Town of Vail has been paid or that the i:ransaction i.s exempt from eaid tax. 4. Releabe by the Public t'rustee of Eagle (:orrnty of the Deed ofTrust from James T.S. Wheelock for the use of West,ern Federal Savinga and Loan Associaticrn to aecure $39.000.00, dated December 1l|, 7.9"17 ree.orded January 4, 1978 in Book 264 at Page L91 as Reception No. 160557. 5. Deed from, James T.S. Wheelock, vesting fee simple title inEllen C. Gury. NOTE, NOTATION OF TI{!] r,EcAL ADDRESS OF TIIE GRANTEE MUST APPEAR ON TITE DEED AS PER 1976 AMEND},IENT TO STATUTE ON RECORDING OF DEEDS 73 CRS 3835109 (2). 6. Deed of Trust from thtr ilorrower to the Publ i.c Trustee for hbe use of t-he proposed lenrler t-o set:ure thr' .loan. STE\vAR.T TITLE OgARANT' COXPAIIY 99C (600M 1-89) o SCHEDUI.DB-SECTION2 nx(_'EPTTONS oRDER NUMBER. 89005222 fHE POT,TCY OR POT,ICIIiS TO RE TSS(JED WTI,I, CON'TAIN F,'XCET)'IT0NS TO THE FOLI,OWING UNLF:SS THE SAMS ARII] DTSPOS}:D OfI TO THE SATTSFAC'TTON OF THE COMPANY: 1. RIGHTS OR CI,AIMS OP PART-IF]S IN POSSESSION NOT SHOWN BY THB. PUBLIC RECORDS. 2. tsASEMENTS, Ott CL,AIMS OF DASII;MF:NTS' NO'f STIOWN By lfgE PUBLfC RECORI)S. 3, DISCREPANCIES, CONFLIC'IS IN ROUNDARY LINL]S, SHORTAGE TN ARNA. ENEROACHMENTS, AND ANY F'AE?S WH TCH A CORRITCT SURVEY AND INSPECTION OF II]HE PRb]MISES WOUT.,N DTSCLOSE ANT' WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THB PUBLIC RNCORDS. 4. ANY I,TEN, OR RTGI{T'IO A LTEN, FOR SERVTCES, I,ABOR OR MATERIAL HERETOFORB OR HIiRI)AE'THR FUI]NISHND, TMPOSED BY I,AW AND NOT STIOWN BY THN PUBLIC RECORDS. 5. DIIFECTS, LIAN$, ENCUMBRANCES, ADV}|RSE CLAIMS OR OTHER MATTERS' IN Arr*Y' CREATED' F'IRST AIIPEARING IN THE pUBLIe RECORDS OR ATTACHTNG SUBSBQTTENT TO I'ttE n8'FECTTVE DATE HEIREOF BUT PRr()R TO THI' DATN PROPOSED INSURED ACQU].RES OF RECORD B'OR VAI,UE THE ESTATE OR TNTEREST OR MORTGAGE TTIEREON COVERED BY TIIIS COMMTTMENT. 6. Any and all unpaid t-axes and assessments and any unredeemed tax sa]es. 7. The effect of inelusione in any general or apccifi.c water con€tervancY. f ire protect j.on, soi.l. conservation or other distriet or i nclrrsr j.on i.rr any wat,er service or sl-reet -improvement area. B. r -'i ght of way for d itcrhes and canala cc.rnstructed by authori.Ey of tl're tini.ted statesr as reserved by Patent* of ret:ord. 9. lfen percent- non-p;rrt-r ei.p;rting rt:yalty i.n :nd Lo proceeds derrived from tlre sa].e <rf any miner.'al s r:r f whaf-soclver kind and natur<l prodtrced anei mj.rrerl f roln sarcl premi ses, and any and al.l aseignmernt-s tlrerer:f or interests therei-n, as in deed recorded Septernber 30, 1962 in Rook 166 at- Page 407. 1.0. Bagements 5 feet rn widttr ..rlong rear and side eite lines as regerved by Lhe recorded plat of said srrbdivision. 11. Rest,rictions, which do not contaj n a forf eitrrre or reverter clause, as cont;r ined in instrument recorded october 25, L963, . j.n Book 1.78 at, Page 149. as ;rmended by instrument recorcled December 6, 196.], in tlook l7ti iit I'aqe 345, as set forth on form a t t.achecl he reto . t S'f EWAR.T TITLE OU RANTA COrIPA NY 99C (500M 1-99) 1. 2. o CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS The term mortgage, when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. lf the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge of any defect, lien,. encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure to so disclose such knowledge. lf the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Inzured and such parties included under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith (al to comply with the requirements hereof, or (bl to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or (c) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions and the Conditions and Stipulations and the exclusions from coverage of the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and are made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. Any claim of loss or damage, whether or not based on negligence, and which arises out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the lien of the insured mortgage covered hereby or any action asserting such claim, shall be restricted to the provisions and Conditions and Stipulations of this Commitment. STE\,VAFI.T TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY All notices required to be given the Company and any statement in writing required to be furnished the Company shall be addressed to it at P.O. Box 2029, Houston, Texas 77252, and identify this commitment by its printed COMMITMENT SERIAL NUM- BER which appears on the bottom of the front of the first pageof thiscommitment. 3. Page 5 uJ C)FzzIJJ trE,-f =; =_ =uroJol F fY'tIj 7t'-nl ft- -* o)]\! :: 3^: t: :x: EF oFi' <: o'ii '! "E- frl 6 i 3 a F IIJlr o >a J<<ur *z> r-oo Bur Frocn = <zz)< z*m9z of co= " $s?2\J =o zx>Ua a ulo(}i r.L @(ooo) o)@:ouulr.lj FI JOcn o- FO(n(JlLl Z rY''t Fltr"i<: la c,. 33 (^/. >!|F<:>ra: r,1 ; 3 a 405835 B-s@g tr-655 JOHNNETTE PHILLIPS 07/LL/A9 tL EA. -i COUNTY WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED' Made thiTan tbg of thc ' county ofEAGLE Colorado, grantor, whosc legal addressit94g country crub way, BoULDER, co ofthe CountY of WITNLSSETH' That the Sranaor for ard in consideradon of the sum ohen good and valuabLe consideration county of EAGLE thereof, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest of said Lot 37 thence South 04 degrees 28' East, along the Westerly line of said Lot Thirty-seven (37 1, a distance of feet; thence North 85 degrees 54'56" East, 119.5 feet to a on the Easterly line of said Lot thirty-three (33); thence {\o_ r{ork STATE OF COT€R*DII countyof f\c.l lork- The forcgoing insrrumena u€s acknowledg€d bclbE mc ,"" 7th IBT'TNS T. S. WHEELOCK My commission cxpires )U-ae lZ a2 \D tL fro *t*n JAMES r. s. wHEErJocK 'lf in Dcnver, insen "City snd " No. 9324. R!% 7-84. WARRANTY DEED (For PtotoSrrphlc tuco.d) tto 0, t46 o ttoolJ' ltlH +J (.) ot{troo op o t{oo(u H I tut{ WHEEIJOCK 89005222 llrdford Publisliog, l?43 Warcc St.. Drnvrr, CO 80:02 - (303, 2!)2-2500 - t-ltt :OP CLERK pG10F1 REC . tao DOC 8.50 and Statc of 80301 and _St4te oj CqloJ'adg, gra4!ee;- Dollars and any other D.LLAR', thc rcceipt and sufficiency of which is hcnby rcknowlcdged, has grantcd, bargained, sold and conveycd, and by these P]€s€nts does 8rant, bsrgahr, $ll' convey and confirm, unto the gnntee, his heirs and assigns forcver, all the real propeny togethcr with improvemcnls, if 8ny, siluate' Iying and bcing in thc and State of Colorado described as follows: A part of Lots thirty-three (33) and Thirty-seven (37), VAIL VILLAGE WEST, FILING No. 1, according to the recorded plat corner 32.3point North 01 degrees 04'36" East, along the Easterly line of said Lot Thirty-three (33), a distance of 42.75 feet; thence North 87 degrees 05'33" West, l-L5.1-3 feet to a point on the 9{esterly Iine of said Lot Thirty-three (33), a distance of 26 feet to the point of beginning. asknownbysrrcetandnumb€ras+765 ALPINE DR. fJni\ C:o 8lk$1 . TOGETHER wirh all rnd qingulrr_.he herediramcnts ancl appurtenanccs thereto belonging, or in_anywise aPPenlyg, Tllfj:y:jd nversirrns, remainder and remainders, rcnls, issues rnd profits thereof, and all the estate, right, tide, inrcrest, claim and demand whrtsocver of thc grantor, eilher in law or equity, of, in and to the above baryained premises, with thc hercditamcnts and appuflenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said prcmises abo're bargained &rd describcd, with the rppurtenarccli, unto the grantee, his heirs und assigns forwer. And the grantor for himsclf, his heirs, and personal reprcscntatives, docs corrcnant, grant, bargairl, and ilgre€ to and Nilh the glantce' his hels and assigns, thal i tlre tirne ofthe enscaling 8nd deli\rcry ofthes€ pr€scnts, he is wcllseized ofthc prumises abovc convcyed, has gotxl, surl, Pcrfecl, absolute and indefeasible estaE of inheriaance, in law, in fee simple, and has good right, full power and lawful aulhority to grant, bargain, sell and convey hc s8mc in manner and form as aforcsaid, and that the same rrc free and clear fmm all fonncr and other Srants, bargains, sales, liens, taxcs' assessmenls' encumbralces and rcstrictions of wh0tever kind or nalurc soever, €xcepl easements, restrictions, reservations and rights of way, al. I record, and taxes for the year J-989 not yet a lien due and payable. The grantor $hall anrt will WARRANTAND FOREVttR DEFENDthe abovc-bargaincd pr€nrises in rhe quiet and pe*eable Poss€ssionofrtrc Srantlc, his heirs.and assigns, against all and cvery pcrson or persons lawlulty claiming the wholc or any Purt thereof. Thc singular number shall include the plural' thc plural the singular, and the usc of any gcnder shall bc applicable to all gendes. IN WTTNESS IVHEREOq, the grantor has executed this dced oo thc datc set forth itbovc. or I l"' 'tn89 , ls4 | . Witncss my hand and official seal, No 31.4952075 Qualilied In t'lew York ( Commlssion Exolros Jun6 1.e I Not$y Rrblic ANDREW C. CHAPIN Notary Publlc, Slato of N6w lrork 5' gEo t ( (, ( Uoa ( ul ILB oa tnn a qto a €g il OJ P. I s n I ao r,tl trts box 100 vail, colorado 81657 1303) 476.s613 office of the town attorney February 17, 1982 Transamerica Title Co.P.O. Box 17OOVaiI, CO 81658Attn: JiIl Re: Lots 33 and 37, Vail Village lYest, Filing #1. Dear Jill l I have reviewed the history of the above lots at the requestof Dean Canada. As I indlcated to you on the telepbone, it appears that the subdj.vislon of Lots 33 and 37, Vail Villagelllest, Filing No. 1, occurred prior to the County Resolutionrelating to Subdivision and are, therefore, 1egal non-conforminglots. If you need, any further information from me, please cal1. ..-.(\ Lawrence C. Rider Torvn Attorney cc: Dean Canada .9,;-cro.c@OccorD U .- .r ..!aoio e rt, o ala, L ! ru r, {] '-o.9!e u.o'o -o o -o ! g, c. d o o r! o ! ..c ta, . oof |!3 0 .-J o Eo130'o J)., f oO > t^ c o u\ J o rl, L c t . c t - a) u > < !rt ooo.c o oc:(J -!L {r&! LC-e C.-! lr|, O .O O.-O! >r !r-o e !F L rlJ ne. -o ru lc:rorJt .) -q .cpo o e arc e c.- o o .-.- c iD: '?;o :.9t ** 6 ;>358o- ';fi;tg o- E 90 xi'i t.- ctE.l xoo io 6 tuc!:E:lo do-o.J zo ou a)-u olo oc .t o 4 oo o. ,x o u a) > c ! o o ar c >,r t..- - ar q,, !- .- ru > 6 9 o c d., (J4 -c c-4r . t Ea -u-c> oec -r: - !l- o'(J o!E co-r--uL <rlJ:doJ u6c ! L L- - L.! L-E aJ OrF. e O E .D :i5 > - O q- t O o lt O rU c. t ,! i O o O L L {, o tr- X! -.L O c|rr al o. t .o rl) E o'o,o o o >c >!9o x!o,!O C C.i) a a)- OoC, Oe O. O r!E> eo 4oroE sr.o c- ijoc> .-trlruoru cc ,a c E - |^.c ! F|.- . vr LcO!! 5 -ne !E Eoi).o- >,| :a c c !!- !, c ,!c-c c! co c5-o! Slle!| ol-a, l,o- -a) ! o. .- O, a\or@ a.rc ajL :r !]c E=.- P {' a o > u - a, n o L o a - E c c- o-- {, ox co o6e a) G olo o o Lec arL. t L6-ce" j6!; €8C ;.8 "^ 399<5;S .989;F"F?3 "'0!g =?3 t-.: "6 ."tB 6.8.o c'c 9i ;"-.P8ts .:93":-oe' 33e"..; 9So F, _?o o ! 5 r .- L o o r c t- a ;-ar ll lll 0 ! I :-|!-|!.!6{! >cF eo .coer!6 euc -;> c. o o. - o > r! 'r, o .c ar' o.- o c - >-o e o .- | L o (, a) !- ,; -rDO.El .g U.C.O .ct- -O|,| ULE'E-Ei, OL!,rf tCOC!> O--9'') -.o ;;.o -o,Ec , u c.- t - Eccc! oocc.-oaoc.- 6Eoo-o .o]o ! n"€9 fio"9 ;9:: gE -9 5:39E96 ssR;iEE.E: 9-'i!, i-3 t E:n" "E:5 '"39 E" b. .'n-oE" os"g3'iE6; .39:[; EF-P = nhLO OO> 9l|r EO OC-EEpU-C C-.- >r!.c U ul',o<rr q ;XO- OO a, c-.Jo !)- .-- eO&lr I' (j tu-:!!> o ar'E Oc L9 L E7oe+ol -6LO e ,E .t .- o (JG- cac oOOo! Od e -t =;8SE =;3r S u! ttJe: b.9"$E-:o3 " €'+iE.3!€.8 ..-6 o ro- o-E u- .. o rE r- at ! !. o, o oJ!.rFa)c c> r4> ,.6cE - Llo o-- ;;i3€ 3 0'; ^3 t€ ": .9 b "€ 3" g.:-g:5 .:t " ": -.9 E3: iE.'E' -!';3 i Ier,^-o>o! >r^o! eoa, o- s, oOo!!e o'EJ c:'s.-- r O > La) ;--c.- | c o E aJ.-.r .. o o t !-- aJ t o rD.c + ".I L 6-C O.--O I L -C> eC-Er > Cr.C:' L O -.C r.r!Oe.. o9 ;<oLF-.E|c oFo co.J o FL.. oco a,-Fo Lar-E- Frr 9eE.9? nnR.5g 8=g Rj g.gi" Rr .?P.:.gh ii !P.5;E= Rai't6?.e€a' Eir=?,.E:rE. rE..o,E6F r=... c oFE hd..-rpE E "=;;FEE igN oE.'8t S :"58."5 fr e:3*.5';8- s ::o1i"33. * oi.oo-- F ;xf .. a) t!- r!r0- r..tO-0,,c orrOo! t..r-cccoea)(U l..0cO||- -EEi< E:,iit9*o-^ ;;?EE""t $:f e3!53"8 3;93"eE.-g .3;-3!.-gEg3i :;rD ! ori) tutF- arcLFGL oLco-f LerF (rc^68-erFo rD -L-oFot.or .ii.f Gl-trFo .r:.nrrroo .JorJ o orF! .tJ=p .:rFE,! -^io9ouo|/lcc o0oo.u:o!- oQ.cooo>.c.!o ocr(re)-!-ooLd ocF\Jco ;ir'*3Ji€3;c =eggE39€ -pBg5p€8#-o =&9s55;J399 =#988h..:J ;,;5rD{rooo@ t!< ao c, L<aD (J lr. < d (J l!<6 () lr. < o I E ).l-.5 3zE 5rt; o-. og;i6 5t I q *rl , - i e - ii*..; nrl . r; I ; lru:u i* fi* trus- $ rr;rrilHi*igir}:iEfi infili ii i;;iiil i*! *ltl Bgcourco{, !, o. 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(DG rlJ COLa)ta.dEO- O -ar - O - O- E (tr O > 4 c o OL> o- r t!- @ CC EoFrro€-O-oC;C OGes atq ra !Og-rp x,- - .o>c Pc>a aoa) oc> o o.. E EF I L O-C+ iD OC O O I L i.C .rr-Ecg O FO-.coElcO- ceCiD.! C!F!c|r-E ! O a- 6 C C Ce C O iD Ot C F-E |l E c ->uc !C|/r.OE>, -El,o al F {rL- | - ..e F aJ El- o oF Lo r- c E-c " c E-E - o, E! o o.c a, c LrJ- .c o 6 >.- c oud > o c f.- G u!! ir a, r- oa) L - rF., aL I r. L t c-,rF r- -! Go- -crtL0Joo t..LtoLrg-F o - |!c< Eeq-Oc a, o L E F u rF ! o, o b n o. e t Es-cOcaOo, c L .!t r-!> GC O (1 .!.u t oeo q, o eocr a, o or F a) o < o. o < F < r u < ra < rF c * 0 o,r.-ra- LE < l,/:n- trl^r--< r.- rE .'oJ rFuc E o q5 u o.o o c.o o C's u r.) o.,Q I a' =trooico. . .eo,i' z..'Jc.riu.cE = ! C:-Ccn! eaJ-ocra)a,O=F- a) o r! Ir L< .n (r |!<>c-r|l.?ca)::Fd:{,at@oa:<=EnraFr^< C.-roO3 ! - rt, rD: d> o "ott o 4 F >cclrue ar 'o o -v|o ilJ JF-L L 'U>e. a) o o eo.>Fc._ :,or._o clo>ct ! .!E-5o .trr[! t- eal a; o alD c > 'l r e > c o L o C L €: L u O r.- c! trJ1 o o!- !J !, c rD !J t! L c c tr l. -c 6F c o e o l)(| . ! - !.. I O O ! O O. J u .-t Fb> .- !EF LO.r( O.cO 'c iEeOF.f u0ro- oQJ:e dr r|-E-oL F r:o c c.urlJr!E|!t .- aJ o a) .-- ,- 0, )/. 3 o 6 o E ( Q.- c! uLC!O -C... "- aa OO.!r ajdO F t/l-C -C - r/r O.-.- ar l|)oil !:rF,L qJ.c p &'.- .crD>{l o 1)isu ,A-r. Ea - yrocr! o Llc !oo.c t!, ljt oo .ctrer.! -c nit i! lJoq-uuoo'oe4L ccEl- .J e.f c.r .c. E ocoo-o!r!-o r E c o o c o.r o ! 05 E x c - oooe c L o 9- t-eo o {),-cr0oL arou!.r o F-c -co-s .- oe-u o (';l ooa lo-c-cF t! of 6F d {r.' ( o a a'o -c ro L aJ o -- o > e 6 - > Ith aJ i!, L ' C<ro! r L.( cococ - o0, o O O . ! .! O ar O'9 ! L q U O ! o 6 rl.l-c I o a o o ot 1, rD!Gj olEc .e{rl o|!o c >oxoooo.o> ao <- L- o .I:< c- o o - rB._ ajN 4,, ru o |/'-6-t ! e<(ic oL' toc aEt/lo -sL!Lr-J6>d uC >Ovlt t e- O!'O $ OOOrUl.rOtOOg '!L6 olr)'Ci C > r't'L- > Ll' l>C -OOOF .JL c o.o rct!o !) ,c!nr t,L octo., o -tepo >-o>rO oJvt -tv oo>.c.c ! L c>!rt) r-rEx - 'oc Lroo>e slECO (' o 'EOOre C co ! O-cG C orF ar..-r C6ps6, ht, !-.!-oo 0l oELoc a.oE o cLeocLoI|- o> 6a !r, ru .tcr F 0 - oro|ai.r- a, iD oco'ooD- co ouc.co ooc I -c3J A-OC COrl! --A .!O.!O Oar >-E- lroo o vo og.cccnq,D l. (Je c. rD E crro- o .-c-co :,uoo -ou.! Lo cE o!) a coo rDccc. r- -ocr!r--ccx.Jati 5 -tu o!iDt.-Ercc o6.F!!r|'L EUn E |! -oEc|l.co{ro=oi, un/cEor-orJ a o { €'-e! :rc !!EcE6e6.- E! DoLJCU <Iorcd[)-E'O .Cr.-Cc 6rC O0.L.ErO.-C LOLL po DE - O OA,r.r .l: CF-o O!!O-OO !c'OOU!ea)O!Oo t t -O tr E-dAJ opN coFiJc'iio-E Ola O r.- tl, !> etot - Qi rc <t c9o t -ocr$-oec oiJo ! !ocL!:r!l.F rc-e]itE r+- o o.c-c O .-E>eo.c.-+o o>O !E .OOrD OOnOOOuo!Ll,.Nrt- oo!oL o c -a- oo 6r!ur -ccu9t, L 50ro co JL.- LO.!or.L.. (J-O rD oO.cE..e.JarFc d; oo n!.J o,crrt' rlreoo\ocr\cE > \- qJ occiuo-r tt) oo.o\rf Loo J cJ Cc>-F c-Lo t: L(!)c o orl)! E!oF.6 oca.u'-ooo L0,rc e oso-llo"u |.', c-c - I () O.: o- o OF P--C C rlr e!o r! Le.o c c .l!oorlroN a,Godn a:'t r!c I OE-c.-.c-l.L! a)<t (l I O =T(turtLLo-rFLa, F a/'rl-6 c o> .-5F!u (.roc! F c o rl,' c |l .! c r, o -O s es^ OOrlJooN.n :, !o>cr O aoL OFLc,tlcco.io FOJ -ccc. E -cilD€O.e F EOc'-!Eq6<!a o(,oE- o! r>o-a)€cv.cf: aJo r> "eo E('oocoalc- d'rr >-N.rr.E 01, C o -:r =E c.o L c, o o c o L 6 -E c L o o o- L -r!'Gr-! -- o.-ooto_ -i co,.!LucarF3oOona)-'l,o r. c:r!oo ltD :o o (i.-r-- coa,E ue>o5lJa.rldeco >ecc--oeicaoe!J >e oo!!o- t o 6--0NolroLc--E -taE .0.o!r-0-f ul_ooE cJLc-|!.-eo -t_ o.cc-(,.ce a,{, -{o!.r|nl(>oo .=:J 'EcLorFrre r5.)r oo9-rtcroo -o gc u i/ oE 0, o GL o 9.c o!-o oT-E r! ,! ! o sE iJ a) c)- o t)ooiJr-lr. q, o o s rD o.c e- f c' z ar: 4 E 5 L .- p o o c ? o o oc s-c e x x- o c) oEcaoCcUl-r.r(Joll d,q.'. ,|,q, ||-OF!'LOO drlf !c,](^ a)a)<-rF:}!J {' t) lr- < .o rJ l!< .o (J r!< .a o ., C l,| -7)o o '- odno!>-'s>t orF I o a o sroo r.- tI: a, .- o etc L (, oruoo<r, lt) L l!o o o !.r.ol>, I! LG. o E o ! I OrJtoo> c sto.o 6 |! |0rc ->r!oLrD o !Larrn,r.!E c .o!oE6dE o - e- I I'oooc d u orrrEuo (.carE.lt r J oLU-tDP a) |I, >OO O!- F rD ar!_ cr.ocoarl,c c coe-v|rDr o ,rJ . (,o r o o o oF (J ru o o 'o a/.J ! o-ro 'oe O O t O o s O-L=,! Z .C- O-ULO- o q L O i)o r .-2 Ld.-c o L o l/to !-c rl) ID E O, O .- LF 'D.c CrJ o L d u o< tF f!- o o {- o -o. L o 0, cE L6. --C E rl, .o.Oo.r-ao.Eoocr! o!o.-!-c aJ-c-c -!o!oepaJ.Jo.ce.c d!cEoo0JLl: o!r! {J.- I r! (r o-O c - E.- OLF Ca" ar rF c! o!- !!>ccoioc.reoooocrcoEoso>roco!luoJolo6.c .- >i! ru3 iua>E0, C.- O"c o o otA troE >.-!r|).rt! ai 3.0-c D(J Ie>Lo o |, r- oo! P tl)c..- L o car! o c 6'3 ! b-('L>.i O- -o rDoL!'0ec -Ed !coo{, a,e!, = C.-u- o o ov|ooerF o .F ! a).r. 5.E <t O .rl 9 LE '. O Lc g'- <) o!, s (J cA c oo.-9.0-Ei.-c cr t< L o,r- o o .t -c. r!F 't.L.- O4--'lJo 6 -c. t/, a a'c !'9 - 3t/' o -s L 0) o !ore>L C.--C O rUF.c } !,)OE L N -.: I ll, o il, "o r-E -O.- o L t|,| o|' t oF.J.J.tt .r- u iJ '!>. a) o E o tc'E Ltr- o.F! o dc E oE O I O lJ- >>E-O atL- -o aJ!r 'E L alO L - .D!'o r o- t!c .cooc'ol!'E +, c.c o-c o o {'o t|,G - alo - !r e 6 U'.cC- c -r! o-E oltAO !- Olto4 .n o t cio oL aE > C'! L 'Cr -Oaruaou roq r a, oo oo rr^o oq- o >c !r.rooL -(, -4,.J.C t e, + G . o l!+r!Jor-E !!r Oo |! . al c x ortL 'ta\- i)Ca- > (l F'silEt!. o t|/ o! e ' E cr u,r u.- .!1,L O'tr t\FF I: c (!'- rl o to e- c'Fo6,cLcr.Eu o o |! O.- 4,o .o | 5P 6la.o>o.!t-n E'JI' >ar or- o >.c u!.D c o c L t c! E,_erJ.a!rocl!uo6Ltoo@o-c:)oc.J., r! t-tD n 5 ' .: ., tg 6 € o Ef! o-.- ; !a o 6|, o.os ;-:r-E "sb."."€ E +b !:J s ;j rtg .EB !,r:,=ii-;:9Eia; i el=;F; i ilsq.ilr s: g: E :n53-,: =.01 rio I o9. fu: - E:88S3' ;3 -9e t;3'EE !g::gb'i 3"r 3; -E .:5;;bE ;fi .93 - v ! o . |!! ! {- o o t; >8l.:ii ?E!,.-= g Eo" E:b , o3g'5t" o;' i=83€E 3E5l;€ o €tt !?S ! ;";ii€t E? gB : 9;-*3€ oo.F.!. ! ./| o .E.-: r r .:oo.:r-6 d- ;do o-oc 5" -g,o o,B . "5E ;"9 i.; t.3Ei*:' ;3o L . s (,f o o L- ! e o rD L il o c', -E oc ocvo-._ >.r.-Or9 r9 e o croter t-a oc ;_: 5:>:'! nBplil b 5bH -'ed -ooP;i"E; 3: -9i ie.:5i5 t*99!"S . !;F 5;: tb- o'-' i! c1,'Et PE:;;: !:EdEl = Eig :6; F*g*;g*T: :j ;;.-e -9!l19 rF X.irDc t o iE O€>. --c.c u..cE G L(,!d ->a(Jc o.!L-it E r cL- ! r, c oLa > et8H "::,="8; Ffc:ll i !*F g.Es flXIfSlIEl r"-;FE8.: !.E€F'!5 "3-r:il ! ter? !_6j r"+3f!C:! b€f >.Ed; 6issse Fe::gE : grfiE B;; EI::;';.PF-.0ltE: 8-C.:'pBEI jq'XE"o E E.:b' o'it =?:53t6-,.9;.9fri'a!.-O ^ ,r -c r O ! o ! - .! -c E O FUc- !Or! E< cioLa4i-g:Etci!:Ei!i'3Eti; J : .';? s:;,ide .ri:-.E9:t*.is;r:,-".: 3 e; ? ",-'i3 3- " "' i:H- 3. .o 3P:;: i: e "- 3 €,:.9 "; H5clJ-oo c d<ru- r.!a.!Lcriccdot (-i.-cor "i-;=- t -: a- h 5-€ 3 5S:3I " l:.. ";= " " c E ar ov >- '! a o € 6 rr t ,-c?r!! qgEoouoooO> !r6 !CJ3 c rto .-ri Lc.!c.r6acu-.c!ccu'r,01-c {J o.r o.-.-.E aJr.- c,!:g^>rc- !cr\Fo tu Tr F6ro-oc o.!Ll/lr!o>ou or-v|U!F Ll/|eO-Oorr---O.c E r :, U c ! -c c C L O c' O _ : i C,e.FO j,OCc,cc R 3; 3.9 5; E E: o- et - tt "l'f. ! ":.9;- n'.;i ":J. g:; H- "5 b 3:: ,Q!'o .: c c E c :' L (r r o ! d ( ! 'u r - c : (J o uuaeo6e.).! !TcEoo !orru>>- oOcrOe.coor! oO.cOc:rerLc-Lf.. P 5- B." ".P 5 3 9-"!-6!oO'g(JF(rv o "l,c.) {!|!>r. r r r (r ir -c >. al E= ,(rLr'!tFr.Fr-o cL-.!_!u< 6 trr tL a. f u.j rt-E (, cF rD r o o t rDl.. oOL UUOLLEC?, oa o oolno.-: .->.cGnr.-ec .. os\-u(,:irF e o € orrD! ro.--3 L< m o o aoa.Ora, o aoL .o . c !5o3t 3 .EC S - 4e=l E -E ,.'t'o!; 3 3- 5I=>..rr; , ;3 E!t....CI;E .s :; 9g:! E*;s" e E: *lJi.e'? E Il : 3!! trg;3i.,2 ,l g:'i ;6b€€'gg3 Eg i'E €ooooo -E "i l= 6 .€ o?'55* =F; 3i .3" gPtE"?<z= 5- =!5 E--oErt;Ei gF}i t$se-e93.: =5 ;?E .il:s"iPEf i-- j:E *->--o 3; ',! 588 5E;tetF; ,:. ? ".t.4 ;C€3lB:::; -^6I.5 85"o3? H!i$ $i:;H!? {;;$si l: ii :::;i€; € r;;:; g"' :: ! ll"€i I : sEE€ !€";3 't-S C€:g Fl: -.t'S g--: '3F35*E 8l,Fi*o: [:E! [*15$!; lrrT:iI "?EEa [!igpE5 $;E:;;5 ;;3; jEI;;$i tiils:nOE .i Ei; d =.4.;id o,":t o|)c aro:h!t E .lroo o!+,ara oL' 8.o .t ..ic o. r, B-3.t a ca, ru o 'ltE>OCaoLa.LC. -956 o4 L3 -.4 O g3t " " ":5 € c! F o o c 6 lu c ao o a a, Eo o EAGTE COUNTY Department of Planning and Dev O elopment P. O. Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMtssroNERs 328.6809 ADMINISTRATION328.6674 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR 328.6593 BUILDING INSPECTI ON 328.6339 CLERK & RECORDER Eaqle 328.6377Baialt 927-3244 COUNTYATTORNEY 328-6574 ENGINEER 328-6337 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH 328-7719 EXTENSION AGENT 328.6370 LIBRARY 328-7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328.6594Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG 328-6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328.6591 SHERIFF Eaqle 328-661 |Ba.,elt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 50clAL 5E RV tCES 328-6328 TREASURER 328.6376 1 May 1978 Lawrence J. Kelly Attorney at Law P. O. Box 3589 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: File No. G-52-?8 - Easement Vacation Iots 33 and 37, Vail Village West #1 At their special meeting on 26 April 19?8, the Board of County Commissioners denied your request for vacation of the easement between lots 33 and 37, because they felt a better way to accomplish the vacation would be to apply for minor subdivision in accordance with the Eagle County Subdivision Regulations. For details of such a submittal, irlease contact this office. Board of County Commissioners IAGIE COUNTY o I opmentDepartment of Planning Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMtsstoNERS 328-6809 AOMINISTRATION 328-6674 ANIMAL SHELTER 949.4292 ASSESSO R 328.6593 BU I LOIN G IN SPECT I ON 328.6339 CLERK & RECORDER Eaqle 328-6377Baidlt 927-3244 COUNTYATTORNEY 328.6674 ENGINEER 328.6337 ENVIRONMENTAL H EA LTH 328-77 ta EXTENSION AGENT 328-6370 LIBRA RY 328.7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328-6594VaIl 476-5844 PLANNING 328.6338 ROAO & BRIDGE 328-6591 SHERIFF Ea ole 328-66 | I Bai,alt 927 -3244 Gilman 827-575 | 50c I AL SERVtCES 328.6328 TREASURER 328.6376 E Deve Aprll 20, 1978 Lawrence J. Kelly AttorneY at Lawp.0. Box 3589 Vai l, Co. 81657 Re: File llo. G-52-78 Easement Vacatlon Lots 33 and 37, Val I Vi I lage l'/est #l At thelr meetlnq on 19 Aprll 1978, the Faqle County Planning Commlsslon recommended approval of your reques t . This recommendation will be foruarded to the Board of County Conrnissioners at thelr special meeting on 25 Aorll beqinnino at 9:00 a.m. in the County Com- mlssionersr l4eetinq Poom 1103, !!C Broadway, Easle, Co lorado. lf you have anv questions, olease contact this office. / ./ ./t/'/4qferrill ltnioh/ Pl anner I CommlssionersPoard of County EAGTE COUNTY Department of Plannlng 8ox | 79 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 BOARO OF COUNTYcoM M tSstoNE R5 328-6809 ADMINISTRATION328-6674 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A55E5SO R328.6593 6 Deve I oprnen t Itarch 28, 1978 Lawrence J. Kelly Attorney at Lawp.0. Box 3589 Vai l, Co. 81657 Dear llr. Kel ly, Thls office has received your request to vacate aneasiment on lots 33 and 37, Vai I Vi I lage l,/est Fl I ing 4. Ite wl|| place the item on the Apri| lg, lg7g, Plannlnq Comni ss ion neetinq aoenda and, if foruarded by the Planning Commission, it will be scheduled for the Board of County Connnissloners meetino of Aprl| 26, lgl8.The Information submltted does eDpear to be sufficlentto meet the easement vacation pollcy. I have sorne concern on the way in which thls problem developed. lt apoears that a oarcel has been createdby some process whlch was not the standard SubdlvlsionRegulatlons. Information on the date and circumstancesof thls request would be helpful in our revlew. Although not a requlrement, it ls helpful lf you submita resolution to vacate the easement for the Commissionersto sign. There ls sonre delav if we must refer it afterthe hearing to be written. lf you have any guestions, please contact thls office. BUILDING INSPECT I ON 328-6339 CLERK & R ECO ROE R Eaqle 328-6377 Baaalt 927-3244 COUNTY ATTORNEY32A4674 ENG I NEE R328.6337 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH 328.7718 EXTENSI ONAGENT 328.6370 LIBRARY 32A-77A7 PUBLIC HEALTHEaql€ 328-6594Vail 476.5844 PLAN N I NG328.6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328.6s9 | SHERIFF Easle 328.661 |Baialt 927-3244Gilman 827-5 751 soctAL SE RV ICES 328-5328 TREASURER 328.6376 Sincerely, /"1/fr/M/ Terrl I I l,o l{ht P I anner [-awrenceJ.Kelly AttomeyatLaw P.O.Box3SS) Vail, Colorado 81557 Vail Prof essional Building 303/4760450 RECEIVEI) MAR 2 7 19t8 06Pt 0l Planning & uevet.rjgb Couoty, Colo. March 23, L978 Terril Knight Eagle County Planning Commission Eagl-e County CourthouseEagle, Colorado Dear l'!r. Knight: Enclosed please find an engineering survey fox L755 AlpineDrive, Vail , CoJ-orado, showing an existing utility ease- ment running beneath the residential structure. My client,Jin Wheelock, the owner of the lot would appreciate beingput on the April planning comruission agenda for consider-ation of vacation of the easement. Also enclosed are copies of letters fromSanitation, Vail Village West Water andService Colpany, and Holy Cross El-ectric vacation. Upper EagJ-e ValleySanitation, Public acquiescing to the If for any reason the above is an insufficient request for vacati-on, please advise. LJK: sk cc: ilin Wheelock HOLY CROSS rybc'fRtc ASSqSlArrON, t)"9. 30t 9at - s49! 945 ' 6056 I:'Ot GRN{D AVENUE P. O. DRAWER 25O CLENWOOD SPRTNGS, COLORADO 8I60I February 22, 1978 l,lr. Lawrence J. P.O. Box 5589 Vail, Colorado REF: Kelly 81657 Dear lih. Kelly: Holy Cross Electric is not Lots 33 & 37, l{ail ViIIage 33G37 I using the utility West, FiLing No. l. all 1ot lines in Vail Village required by Holy Cross Electric.. to avoid using the above . .; , : t. i,i' r ;. Vail Office As there are utility easenents along West, Filing No. l, any future workin the subdivision can be engineered rDent ioned easement. ' :: Sincerely, TOIY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION. INC WaLter D.Engineer lvDD/k cc: cc: ASSOCIATION, INC. Job No. V7-182 Sheet 2 of 2 LECAL DESCRIPTION A part of Lots 33 and 37, va{I village lfest, Fl-ling No. 1 descrLbed ae .l follows: Beginnlng at the Northpest corner of said r.at 37, rhence s o4o2gr E along the lfesterly lLne of said lot 32.30 feet; tbence N 85"54156,1 8 u9.50 feet to a poiirt.on the Easterly llne of said Lot 33; rhence N oloo4'36'i E along the Easterly lLne of sald Lot 33 a distance of h2.75 feet; thence N 87"05133'r w 115.13 feet to a point on the \lesterly line of said Lot 33; tbence s 16"15r $ along saLd lJesterly llne a distance of 26.ao feet to the Point of beginning contal.nlng 598l .zl sguare feet or o.]-3l4 acres Dore or less. . -:.F.d t,- o PuBLrc S o OLtrRADO ROISRT J. COTTLEDIYI'ION MAXAOSI ERVItrE COMPANY OF tr F. O. BOX 973 LEADVILLE, COLORAOO 80/T6Itr l,louNT.AtN C,tvtaroN . r1{l February 23, 1978 lfr. Lasrence J, Kelly P.O. Box 3589 VaLl, Colorado 81657 Dear ilr. Kelly: Publlc Service Coupany gae ll,nes are Preaently locatetl ln Alplne Drlve. There Ls no present plan to utllize the easement beteteen lote 33 and 37 of Vail Vlllage Weet. Therefore, Publlc Service Conpany has no obl ectlon to the proposed easenent vacation' RWL/les Gae Englneerlng Jr. DepartEent LTPPER EAQI-E,\AN-LEY SAN]IT,{]INON DISTRiCT 0145 Avon Road P.0. B<-rx I Avon, Colorado 81620 March 2l , '1978 l,lr. Lawrence J. Ke1lY AttorneY at Law P. 0. Box 3589 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Easement Crossing ProPertY at 1755 AlPine Drive (Part of t-bts gg and 37) Dear ltlr. Ke11y: TheUpperEagleValleySanitationDistrictisnotnowusingand has no plans to usi the easLment now appa_rently.running,acnoss the struc- ture on the above referenced property. 'l^le would have no obiection to the vacation of this easement. ThismatterwasconsideredbytheBoardofDirectorsattheirlast meeting and, based ,ion-ii.." reconunlndaiion of the engineer, the Distrjct would have no obiection to the vacatjon oi ttris easement down to the lnter- section with the easement running geneially north 919-:91th on the west side of this proper;;'.-'ti"'ao-'niirr-to ret.in the easement runn'lng along the west boundarY of this lot. rely' "-dJames P. Collins District Manager JPC: aih cc: Kenneth Richards T Ean,Oullins & 6o., LOCAL GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS | / ld V tfr4,1 { g #{"1 / I Pl l,kllE 4 t,fi tt t t N I d I / iltl"hl t t I Nil N t + / ffi 445 Union Bou'levard, Suite .|23 Denver, Colorado 80228 986-t s5t l4arch 2'1, .|978 Mr. Lawrence J. Kelly Attorney at Law P. 0. Box 3589Vail, Co'lorado 81657 Re: VAIL VILLAGE WEST WATER- AND SAN. DISTRICT; Vacation of Easement of .|765 Alpine Drive (part of Lots 33 and 37) Dear Mr. Ke1ly: The Vail Vi1'lage West Water and San. District does not now have any water'l ines in the easement running through the above referenced property. Accordingly, at the last meetingof the Board of Djrectors vacation of this easement was authorized. tle wish it to be clearly understood that the District wishes to retain its rights in the easement running along the west side of this property. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact us. Si ncerely, L VILLA T WATER & SAN. DISTRICT <__ James P. Lyon, Co1 lins & Co., Inc. DISTRICT MNAGER JPC: ajh cc: Frank Barrett p,t . RICHARDS ENGINEEil, INC. P. O. lor. C'IOO e vm, Color.do 8)1620 Phonti19.5Ql7 Dcntt Linr - E?l -t5tt t 7 c; lll'.^, WI A/ P/AIE aot't6"8' {7 I lar 33 -/ar 37 _t -7jE&'1t -^-: .-'?' :! NOTE: "(Ptat)" indicates lnformation l\ taken from origlnal Plat of VaiI Village SCALE - l"-- ?O' Sr\eel /o/2 ,rf *o //7- /az DAI /277 BaoK /z-tsJ 72.3/ I d 9oL' o HI o FzDoIJ oz |Jz E H \ $ \l Nz 3 El IYt, 9 I il $ ql \l I {l 5 { ! / L .)':. 1 |,/ // //t !i.l)g \l ) .N $ \t tl \l I daoo West, Flling No. I. Improvement locationparcel is plotted by metes and bounds .1.^ir. fr..:-.; -descrlptlon. , iiiil '-'t"'.;;,i7( o {ur:"1i''",dt.t-:t;.-.tlt,l;tli(.4- - - rhir ir to .rtify thrl oo tlrr rbow drrr rn im{xovonrrd r{rvrt wu nredr by n,.. a und< ny *dff..}..:ri:'r5g*'i-t'l lhr rbovr dorcribrd ptopcrty..,'d thrt ro th. b.d of ,,47 lnowlcdgr rnd bcliJ, thr rbovr pht rc cw!{y;irrqq'-?ff c. t -- ' ,.otr tht iraprovor-rnlr la rolrtion lo tlrr propcrry lirrr u rhowa, and thrt the loralioa rnd dl"-;'i6", {.2.}!\ tf !2. i 3 bvildiag improvcrrnlrr .!rcr'-ntr or right.ot-vry in o'i&.cr or lnowa lo n'r, rnd rncrorchnrnlr b..f ?r..1.\ f '& ?riJS ?.:-: gx ornirrt ur r<<sr.l.lt tl,own. Nof zro Ae t/rcJ for Fcnco Coa tlztt.tib?,:d,t,;'.C - a]4"1t )tS,;:.'c'\' . ".. o. l. \.".r,- j ' ti'-."..i "'; : ;'ii,::*- --i;' r'..,..r..'..'---ttt-?,n PROtrSStoNAl- t SURVIYOR NO. lNtn AND [,A.I{D ,e/a3