HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 1 LOT 42 LEGAL,r-m Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparfnent of Crmmunity Development 75 Sorrth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax: 97Q.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Proiect Namer Shimon retaining wall DRB Number: DR8030289 Project Description: REPI.ACE WOOD RETAINING WALL WilTI BOULDER RETAINING WALL Participants: OWNER SHIMON, DENNIS L. 072812003 Phone: PO BOX 3643 VAIL CO 81658 License: APPUCANT GREEN VALLEY LANDSCAPING 0712812003 Phone: 970-926-6430 PO. BOX 792 AVON, CO 81620 License l ProjectAddress: 1828 ALTA CRVAIL Location: 1828 ALTA CIRCLE Legal Description: Loh 42 Block Subdivision: VAIL VILI-AGE WEST FIL 1 Parcel Number: 210312307013 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By: Vote: Date ofApproval: 08/11/2003 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO .ril lr -,i l.r'UJ U I lJljpll :rom-T0lJN ff rfccNu!iltr'/ 0E!Ercfl'IFNT cTrJTdTAEj ?T-887 P 002/014 F-431 I0nn Location of the Propos al; Lot: 'ft).-Btock: iV/F subdivision: Physical Address; Farcel No.: Z(O3 i13 07Ot? (coniact Easte co. Asse$sor at e?0-328-86a0 for parcel no.) ZoninE: --- Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicanh l4ailing Address: €-mail Address:Fax: ( 1Yt'ng t Type of Review and Fee: I Sigirs - Conceptual Review - New Construdinn r---'r Addit or : Minor Alteration ( niulti-fu mitylcoti-rmerciel) MInor Alteration (singie-fanilyiduplex) Change5 to Approved '1ians Separati)n Reques! tr L; $50 Plus $1.C0 per square foet of lotal srgn area' $650 For construction of a ierry buildlnq or d€mx/iebuild' iiOO For an addrtion r'rhsr€ square faotage is added to any resideniial or commercial buiicjinE {incir,des 250 addfiions & intericr conversions)' $25D For mlncr [hdnges !o buildings and Site improvernelrts, su'il as' reroofing, pa;n1ing, v'rrndow additions. l':ndscapir:g, fences and retarning walls, etc, $20 Fcr rni.,or chdn6e:i to Dultdlsgs afid s'lt'e trnL.''rcvernclrts, :u'-lL di, rereofin!, painLr',g, !ryindiw Eddiions' lanCscapins, fences and retaining wallg/ etc. $30 Fo; revisions to plens a:ieadr- ?pproved by Planning staff or the Design Review Boai'd' No Fe€ lnor Office Use OnlY: lFee Paid:Check No.:---- BY: lA.pplication Darer iPlanrreri Application for Design Review Depdrtment of Csr:1 urif/ D€velDprnent - 75 South Fiontage F.oad, Vaii, Colorads 81557 tei: 970.479.2139 faxi 97AA79 -2452 web: V,rwrnt.ci.vaii.co.us General Information: All projects requiring desigfl review must re,:eive apFreval pnor to gubmltur:g a building permit aPplication' flease refer !o the s,.tbmiti.3 requirements for the padiculaf approvai th;i is reqat-tttc. An aTplication for Design Review cannot t-E acceFte.: until a !.equirgcl information i5 re.eived hy the Clnr'--runh/ Developr,"€nt Departtnent'. The prJlrct ray alsc need to be reviewed by the Town Countit tnd/cr ihe Planning and Envir-onmental Comrnission' ijeiign r"ri; approval lapses unless a building petmit is issued and comtruction commences within one ye.lr of the aPProval. oescription of the t______ Pi'Llect No.: Green voilv Lqndscoping \ 8.2 s. ALrArr I R r Lf- Inc. a (Fox) PO. Box 4009 . Edwords,81632 [.Roposen l-3otrLoea wa LL lJer?lll 3'- '#.8=#k \ oArF "'^*ft.iffi) \ MSTAF. $ e iq. tt P o/ ---> Oa rv EwAV t^rl, FARVcT N(r-t Scr.LE tu E D GRn.re L a,,.,.ct Fr L )-e r< F 4 B R ( tr Fort DRArnrA6tr arl gt /- g gyrF !A n,o llorur( stE ps Aspl{nLf I I F\a-iqt+f 4 / t #|rgh*l- p", ru f ) SuPLe \"= lo'- o's Flowers . Shrubs r Trees . Lown Mointenonce Londscope Construclion . Sprinkler System Design, Instollotion & Moinlenonce o A+ tl \:-t{ a, \-o- 'h1i',R u, R ?'t, \' \o \ \I t", \ \\. \lot 43 ', l(ti I -\NI \-r \\IT\ 1-F \ $(! \I s-f, 14 *\, ulqt+4 Tn>cr Vq lN'flLL q?4fe aN aW W;fr, "j,r I ltllNq ff?,AlNNia 7 : ---'-l'..*ar.4.. , -" i- --'- li "''-1b--'-.:-..., - I W Lot 4l zW?LE ,lTZ devElrrylE '- 2a %,,_ t7h1, teo ?f tr, i:-flN4.v.|)|u?|N4..9|1E..hwFee|V4,1,r4,fi, '42 N"t11441 ?nE dav\ry1 7 +1, aa a4,fT, L ?EvP? +tr|'oNefHT- " 2a2F.t? e;lT ) \ t? /a t1 % , a212 ,erL ' UP12,?2 'Arro cit] irWI W,#Lp.,, TOWN OF VAIL De par t me nt of Community Deve lopme nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 MX 970-479-2452 Scptcmbcr 5, 1997 Mr. Dick Gustafson Itt26 Alta Circlc Vail. Colorado ti 1657 I{ll: Proposcd paving bctwccn 1826 an<I 182lt Alta Circlc Dcar Dick; This lc:ttcr i:; in flollorv-up to our plronc ctlnvcrslrtion tcxlay, r'cgarding additional paving bctwccn lll2(r ancl llt2ft Alta (lirclc. I havc rcvicwcd thc filcs for both propcrlics and it appcars that appro.xinratcly 100 sq. ti. ol'rsplralting will bc pcrmittcd bctwccn thc two lots. This will cnablc both propcrtics to nraintain 60% of cach lot as llndscapc arcil, as rcquircd by thc Town of Vail Dcsign Guidclincs. Aflcr you havc consultccl with thc ad.ioining propcrty owncr, plcasc providc to thc Town ol'Vail n dctail of thc arca to bc pnvccl. l'hc staf f will thcn bc ablc to approvc this rcqucst f<rr additional aspltitlt. ll'yt'ru lruvc any qucstiorrs, plctsc fccl frcc to givc nrc a clll trt 479-2454. Sinccrclv. I r,\ I l W,il/wN]oilWPL Laurcn Watcrton, AICP Town Planncr' LW/ir {g'u"otto""' ._rr.F_!ar Category Number Gign Review Action ilt TOWN OF VAIL oarcO-lU'lv '-. Project Name: '-: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVGontact, Address and Phone: Legal Descripti on tot 4 2.- Block-Zone District Project Street Address: Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: ,Xst"rnpptouar ! Approval fl Disapproval Conditions: Town Planner Date: ss\rl EY:K|NK0'S OU lll ; 7-26-90 ; l3:2? ; ' tfl: lai;riill€r! rR'}' ; Ece ttlFif trtd.lHv!7' ttttd, )llthl Dtttot. l|trrri tOtF ArFr,tGtTrgf, . Tirfi Of OlOl 8l{lwr.r,UA?T OT DRi !{EETIM: IIEE ol RtlrtEwr -lro||.. Conrlfur: LieB $aoo.0Ol_trdtli [lBn (t50 .00) .alrrt t?ie'u6par!f r!r1"4'irilrr#!..+pfJt rcnrauaraJTrf , rrsrrr. ?rorsl lrrp|ltllrlqfr -,. .rr D!lcrrFrroil:JAl/iM la Jl Btrj .T0ffN 0F *,*;:f*-133 vlrrr. cor4lxoo vAtL CoM-DEV;# 2/ f, I t. A.ort^ h,:) B. -Irnor Al totalton (f 20 , 001*{onccpcurl RdrlcY (aC} c. o. E. a. TDEGEsE' JtAtr /.l.lEC;t c t* LI6^ l, ttlicnlDa tol'r &oLtubdt'Jl!lon .. -VL;LV;U It prca.rry r| do8cribed Dydatorilllon, p:cotrt Frovilr16 thit aDgllcacion. zoillrrcl r|lt{t 08 xrr rlt(t i rrGatr a8d boundr le€rlotr i liErtTaL'l Jb.€|, anC tLlOOh Mdgetiir a. |{rrxr. or Appr.:e^g'lr, s REFl|u$E$rArrv ", J'iIh -.tVl@il--M6irl&€ Addrclg; _- g. Irl|! Ot 6lwrnlg) I g$Sli4l-ll$Sgtsrr rrlrlog ACdrell r tttl,tcrttoill ffe& $9t ,t lloclfrlD rlfBouf oltrtn'8 8J4au'igla C€ndollnt rnn ApFrovet if aplll i Erbtt. DnD lBlr DHE tose, ll rhom ab,;vo, lrc io t,e psrd al |.ne u bnr ol subllLLgl sl t.ho Dlt! apt:rli';:agivrr, I/.tLqr' r'hon ltglylDq lEf a buildfrvf p6tnlt, plaera idontifv lh. ,rn4u ror'F varultioo of uhc oropoiel. Ths trD|tr of vail ulll adjurt the lcc accordift, tu Lbg libls !B1ox. Lo ensuic tha d?rr.ct f€rif Drl6. ^. i. A0,ro n-.. t,ffiL ".*,614. n,fuxvw1'/trt'6v IrIf,,qcltlDulB !. VALUTAIONt (L-j l i0 .'q00t10,Til..t 50,000| 50 , 001 t 15u,000Iti0,00r | 3Go, o0ot500.00r !r , ooo, nonI Ovcr 11 ,000,000 Dlltgt rtltllf l$tlD ltll$YAlr Atlt|tltrgtlpvA.t, WLltg r DUIIlbtttG Flt|aIC lSrt ftltttD. rDPlleAlar a/rc J, rt!t ac.c0| 30.0|i fluu,0'J l30D - oo lc{10.0n fs00 .00 orfE rEAl Arrut tl'|^! tgslJm Ann aloNrlrtllcTlol sutf lJl:t(lfiKo'li oit llto -o t6- fo; A.? 6t _€z/<)<y I t'l \." I \llt \t I ?!?! iqi E I I! III \l \ \\ \\ ,/ -(, -a t i I IJv I I (\ I\\l !i i I t"' I : ./) t B.-Sla ath, I Llia llgtvorot rrghGrrrd undrr qhr lryr ot _1" lll.* ^ jo_l r:*y crt rr iy - rhi I -.-!*;;r;;.phrc ruwcy E ;il: il: l',t"; -fi lli:iil. *, .-$!Hff[ij[' i; ; ;;'... # jf,rj$:v-a-..*.. Accordtnl to Colorrdo lrr rsudrfrct tn thh runrr 'gltir.rny drfret tn rhh .ut.f ,ytdrn i 116rl rcrlor u flfal dtF*.:A ,:-1._:::":., ..i .ny.ioroi ;il:i,G;^J;"ail!; l; I rlr $ liii lqtilnttt'!t rlrl t-- I 8urvBl 0l.t clErlrlc^ta rl retlon br cr.ocrd r0r. rh.n l"o ir.rtr-iic"l;; fi;;, o! thr ccrttftcrrlon - r- TOI^AIOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970479-21W |ob Address: 1828 ALTA CR VAIL Location.....: 1828 ALTA CR Parcel No...: 270372307013 ProjectNo: APPIJICAIIT ECO CO}ISTRUCTION P.O. DRAWER 5420 AVON, CO 8L620 Licenge: 545-8 AIso is CONTRACTOR ECO CONSTRUCTION P.O. DR.,AWER 5420 Status...: Applied. . : Issued. .. : Expires. ..: 08/28/L996 Phone: 970-949-6225 CONTRACTOR 08/28/1996 Phone z 970-949-6225 AVOIT, CO 81520 Iricense: 545-B OIVNER SHIMOII DENNIS IJ PO BOX 3643 VAIL CO 81658 Iricense : BuildinS-> Plan Check-> Investigation-> will call-> Also is Applicant 08/28/L996 Phone: Description: REPATR A}ID REPI.ACE RETATNING WALL Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type Construction:V N Type V Non-Rated Valuation: $5,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Add SqFt 0 S95,00 Restuarant Plan Review-> $51 . ?5 DRB Fee--> $o . oo Recreation Fee-> 93 . o0 Clean-uP Deposit-> TOTAL FEE$-> $0.00 $0.00 s0. oo $100.00 s2s9.7s Total Calculated Fees-> Additional lees-> Total Permit Fee-> Payments-> BALANCE DUE-> s2s9.75 $0. oo $2s9.7s $259.75 $0.00 /-rt72 t/n( 6r I o t/ot -1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE TIOSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMT Permit #:B9G4257 FINAL 08/n/'9e6 08/29/1996 02/25/1997 *of TOV/Comm. Dev. Cfean-up Deposit Refundapproved w amount date # of Gas Appliances:0 # of Gas logs: 0 WoodPelet FEE SUMMARY Approvals:I€dm: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARITIENT o8/28/L996 CnARr-,rE Item: 05400 PLANNIIIG DEPARII.IEIE o8/28/L996 CHARITTE Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 08/28/L996 CITARIJTE Itenr 05500 PITBLIC WORI(S Action: APPR CIIARJ.IE DAVIS Action: APPR PER LAITREN Action: APPR N/A " oe/2s/L996 cr{ARlrB Action: APPR N/A See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the infornration required, courpleted an accurate plot plan, and state tlut dl the infonnation as required is correct I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state liaws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desig;n review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town thereto. REQUESISFORI{SPECTIONSIIALLBE MADE TWENTY-FOURHOURSIN ADVANCE BYTELEPHONE AT{79-2149OR AT OITROFTICEFROM 8:(X) AM -4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIIISELF AND OWNEF PAGE2 ,rt*****************ffi ffi *r****r*rffi ***ffi *****rr****ffi *****lr*******************ffi CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Perrrit #: 8964257 as of 06-18-2003 Status: FINAL PerrdtType: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 08/n/7996 Applicant ECOCONSTRUCTION Issued: 08/29/799697U9494225 To Expire: 02/25/1997 Job Address: 1828 ALTA CR VAIL Location: 1828 ALTA CR ParcelNo: 27UJ72307m3 Description: REPAIR AND REPLACE RETAIMNG WALL ********************#***lr**H*********# COnditiOnS *****iitlil****************r.*******rr*rr*{r*rr# Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLnRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPUANCE. Cond: CON0007477 WALL IS TO BE REPLACED AT DGISTING LOCATION AND EXSISTING HEIGHT I ft**ttt f|''t'} ** * *t ***f+*t'i** *l +f*{':}**+ *+*l''}t *t ***+ | tf**t +**+* ***** **** * ****t l***l l+**+** '}* '}** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Rrptllbd or 1161&1000 .t 13t27tA 0611812003 Statemetrt *'ia!* *'t'l | * ft** t*||* * | * {' * tl :t ** *ir*** tt '}t** *l' * f | * +tt '} 't ** * a' * * * * **'tf* + *** * t **** *t* fl tf* +* *f * * *l*f* t'} statement Mmber: REC-0192 Amourt: $259.75 oe/29/L99604:15 pM Palment Method: CHECK Inits: ALM Notation: 1015 Perrnit No: B96-0257 Tlpe: ADD/aLT SFR BUIITD PERMIT Parcel No: 2tO31-23070L3 Site Address: 1828 AIJTA CR VAIIJ Location ! 1828 AI-,TA CR Total Feea: $259.75 This Payment: 9259.?5 Total ALL Pmts: i259.75 Balances $0.00 **** *ttf t +atl *ti***'il' * * * * * + *+*** ** l*** t+ | * | * *a' * *** *{' * i** +**** ***** ***** **f** +**+t lt*t******at ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescniDtion Current Pmts AD D?.DEPO8 CLEANUP DEPOSITS 1OO,OO BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES 95.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 61.75 t'Jc 00100003112800 r.rILL CALL TNSPECTI0N FEE 3.00 o l{c2Olf.oOU IE Aa C) I[ioacE'.ooa94 I l.JE688* EA5E oc o oo o o o o o o o o <; 5t{ EIr o cTql D F E(J H 6 dtsH E E. e 'lg F 6 (, Eq|J!' (rltq ot6ooud8i E"t H rngato I?t !rOE Fsra .0eE Fl !t38 E EE EEl|a *tI EE EER|( 6a ttHoaap ET IDIIo t{hHEqrD 88q4a q E. e e II{ 6 xH 2oH E ICt9Efl AGErS EH E E8 H F|o B l F. H H E EE eE'!.TE F' EIa t C) C))e Ei al)EItatg8 Etg oAAI. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAlL, co 8L657 9'10-479-2L38 Bui tding-----> Ptan check--> tnvestigation> tli Lt cat t--> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PROJECT TITLE: ADD/AI,T SFR BUILD PERMIT Job Address: 1828 AL,TA CR Location...: 1828 ALTA CR Parcel No.. : 2103-123-07-013 Project No.: 8r620 81620 ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Pernit *l 896-0257 St,atus...: ISSUED ApPfied. ,t 08/28/1996 riiued...t 08/2e/L996 ExPires - .2 02/25/L997 Phone l 970-949-6225 Phone: 97 0-9 49-6225 APPLICANT ECO CONSTRUCTIONP.o. DRAWER 5420, AVoN, co CONTRACTOR ECO CONSTRUCTIONP.o. DRAWER 5420, AVON, CO OWNER SHIMON DENNIS L PO BOX 3543, VAIL co 81658 Description:REPAIR AND REPLAcS,lt:tti:li $!:"i:$5r::.?Hilins unite6ooooo FirepLacc lnfortEtion: Rest|"ict'd:#of Gss Applirnces:fof Gls Logs:fol llood/Pa I Let : 95.00 Rcstuarant P lsn Revic],--> 61.?5 DRB Fee------- .OO Rccreation Fec--------> 3.OO Cl.eln-UP DePosi t--------> .00 .@ .00 100.00 2r9 .75 Totat Catcutat.d Fees---> Additional Fees-------) Tot.l, Pcrnit Fec---) P!ymrnts----- BALAIICE DUE--_ 259.75 .00 ?59 .75 ?59.75 .00 ITeM: O510O BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/28/t995 CHARLTE Action: APPR IIeM:. O54OO PLANN]NG DEPARTMENT 08/28/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR rtbrn:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 08/28/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR rt'em:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 08/28/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR DePt: CHARLIE DAVIS DePt: PER LAUREN Dept: Dept: BUILDING PLA}INING FIRE PUB WORK Division: Division: Division: Divieion:N/A N/A see Page 2 of t'his Document for any conditions that DECLARATIONS nay apPlY to this Pernit' I hefeby acknovl,cdgc that I hlvr rcrd this rpPl,ication, fil,ted out in futt th' information required' comptltcd an ptan, and 3tEte that atl, th! infofnrtion provided as rcqui rcd i9 correct' I agrcc to conpty sith the information to conpl,y vith stt To*n ordinlnccs lnd strtr taws, and to build this structure according to th! Tounrs roning and ;"";"L;t; ."ui", "pp*"*, unitorr Bui Lding code and othen ordinances of the Tovn appl'icabl'e therlto' REouEsTstoRINsPEcTloNsSHALLBEltADETI|ENTY-'oUR|oURsIt{ADvAt{cEBYTELEP}|oI{E accurate Ptot and ptot ptan, subdi vi si on 8:m Ai 5:00 t Send CLean-Up DePosit To: ECO CoNSTRUCTIoN ruri or ouHra oR cof{TRAcToR FoR HlltsELF AND oUNER PAGE 2 ************************************************************!t*******!r***********CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL permit #: Be6-02s 7 ;-;; o;i7;/;.1'- status: rssuED *****************i*****************i*******i**'*************i******************** Permit TyPe: ADD/ALT sFR BUILD PERMIT' -a'""ii"'"ht t sco' coNsrRucrroN .lob'lddress: 1828 ALTA cR Location: 1828 AL'TA CR Paicef No: 2103-123-07-013 ********************************************************************************CONDITIONS ************************************i*******************************!t*********** I.FIELDINsPEcTIoNsAREREQUIREDTocHEcK-F.oRcoDECoMPLIA}.ICE.2. WALL IS TO BE REPLACEO AT-iiSiSTiUC T.,OCETION AND EXSISTING HEIGHT Appfied: 08/28/L996 i-Eeuea: 08 /29 /199 6 t &&&'+.+********i******* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'r Jr it : Statemnt TOWN oF vArr,r coLoRADO ****************************************************************25s.75 O8/2e/96 15:15Statennt Nurnber: REC-0192 Anount: z5v't) vo/'>/ 7v rv'r r'^! -.F; ^6 . 1 n1 q Init: ALI'{eaynent Method: CHECK Notation: 1015 rnr'L; rrlr'r Permit No: 896-025? Type: A-BUILD ADD/ALT Parcel No: 2103-123-07-013 Site Address: 1828 ALTA cR Location: 1828 ALTA CR Total Fees: This Payment 259'75 Total ALL Pnts: Balance: SFR BUITD PE 259.75 259,75 .00 **************************************************************** Account Code DescriPtio" q:"11 01 OOOO 41310 BUILDING PERMIT FEES Y5.UU 01 o0o0 4L332 PLAN CHECK FEES 61'?5 01 oooo 22002 CLEANUP DEPOSTTS 100'00 01 OOOO 41336 WIIL CAI,L INSPECTION FEE 3'OO lxx+,rut*arui#qiti*e:.#$P PERUIT /I ,( ***************************** PERUIT IlfFORl,lATfON ***************************** APPLICATION I'TUST BE FILI,ED OTJT COUPTETELY OR IT UAY NOT BE ACCEPTED J J-Building [ ]-plurnbing [ ]-Electrlcat g ;-nechanlbal rfr-other "'i:l*X t Address: Address: fo Bn, 3t".vS \,6)! ,n. ' onal 1)S-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of AccomnodatLon Units: Job Nane: 4" ' .. Job Addre"", /8 Z( ,%*rnC,- W.U#\ Legal Description: r-ot_4T Brock_l_ ritirs I suBprvrsioN, d[/dl"o\t"# Olrners Name: Architect: General Description: l{ork Class: [ ]-Nehr [ ]-Alteration Nurober of Dwelling Units: * ******* *** ** ******** * ********** Burr/DrNG pnnMir res: PLI'MBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAIJ PER}TIT FEE: ELECTRTCAT FEE: OTHER TYPE OF EEE: DRB FEE: oFFrcE usE * * * **************************** BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLII.IBING PLAN CHECK FEE:I{ECTIN{ICAL PIAN CHECK FEES RECRE.ATION FEE: CI,EJN{-UP DEPOSTT3 TOTAIJ PER!,ITT FEES: FOR BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATTIRE: €vZ-o #{o-,.- V lozoCLEATT I'P I'EPOSIT IEtrI'f,D m3 Eao @. Prt (?+9- azz r ) R nrlonroe *erveil lqf Englneers,Inc. {\ ,",-Ttmenfl.€-e Wru-u CHECKED BY SCALE I -)l i%\)Tf ll lt 6 tr yl fF un tr. 3 -1 /Mn \,t. )x )>q-<)tq il X r tvtl I lA IL Ft AX I [=X 'lr X \u vA vA 6 X tl..A^/E rtl )(YIA o X 'lr Z J/2 a',-1 )M \,1 \r-.]L \./u D 1X tl.l-\lHr 1l-{-2 X .-.-->z4 1\x LJI uIt ) z.t/-[t^r nvl tk K vq tft r\,ft ,u \E' It)A >('m \X G._- J --1vj ;X 2 ) 41 D(lJC e a:rt \t c f,, lll'<,\ 4 \HI F E cr2qll T ffi B luL JTrlilhl.i 3a)4 a\ lj.R[nlil :L,' it.;i,Ylrr :\' -T NI vlr N.3i ,Fl l:r --r I NG v D BE vtr tlt-t 4x A' c_"{>2<!c. V /A I S ,(CI ri ll !c I l.l lt N TE I \S WI u,{, {J )W >I>.S F *li :k rfi*3.:'j t.,lt F I"TF c rp I'F LL (i { \6 "t trF 9)i', tf ..4 P.'' 'a t.i)ol \t$'. a I of '.laaaI tlll I a J Pno0{rl 20+r {sint sl*6) 26r (Pn4dl /i6?. iE, Gnbll' l&!3. 0r or. Io thk tldf lltl rE r &a5{3 r{9f I t'l+E ro !5 I t FlTI 6k Ff, 5s TErc ? {' 6 F /x,./ //.; ri ;3 I I I a t-o{ 5 &iili 3tl r i!iit!rEl - . B -F'. la8 :98 :;E >!!r- a|'l r ? =6l zI E I Iii i ll_r./ I I I l,//'r/ ! i IJ4 I I i \\l \ EE o q- zo. :: o ocI(, REpTl3t T0t^lN 0F VAIL, COLORADO II/A3/96 Q7r?0 REAUESTS FOR INSFECTION I^IORK SHEETS FOR:11/ 5/96 F.A6E E AREA: CD Stat rrs : ISSUED Constr: ASFR896-8e57 LL/ 5/96 Type: R-BUILD 1BAA NLTA CR 1BES ALTd CR E 1e'3* I e3*47*A 1 3 REPAIR AND REtrLACE RETAINING I^JAL-L ECT] CT]NSTRUCTIT]N SHIMON DENNIS L ECT] CT]NSTRUCTII]N Aetivity: Addr"ess: Locat i on : Farce I : Descr'iption: Appl icant: Owner : Contr act ot': Occ:User V N Fhone: 97tZt-949*6835 Fhone: l trh on e : 97O*949-6885 Fhone:949-6P15 UN RETRINING I^IALL/LEFT EXTRR DIRT Tine Exp Inspect ion Request Inforipat ion. . . . . Requestor: JIM MACINTOSH Req Tine: O8:OO Comments: REtrAIR Items r^equested Lo be Inspected. .. @Do7 6 B|-riG.era. l-', p n t> Inspection History..... Iten r OOSllzt driveway grade f inal Item : AerralA BLDG-Foot ings/SteelIten: Ci0lae0 BLDG-Fonndht ion/SteeI Iten: AAEEA trLAN-ILC Stte trlan Item : O{IO3O BLDG-Franing Item: A6O4rZt * * Not On File * r. It em : ra005ra BLDG-Insulat i on Itemr 0CtA60 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail Item: 0OA8O * * Not On File * * Item : oao7ra BLDG-lrlisc. Item: AOtZt9O BLDG-Final Item: O[t53ft BLDG-Tenp. C/A Item: tZt054A BLDG-Fi,hal D/0 oz tr =d. IJJ cn l-t!or lkrto r-'r I I-l I I I I IZtJVrl<ro EIE f4 ,z I I l_ .Ft<ro I I I EiEgi SE;eig:EPF :-*E 50(uO'-.=-.c:ourc or I =.9.9 EEg;g =E!E! ,4 .+ lrl =- lt E F(.) Fz CE t ||llltttltq IHItfl |ld I;S IoF{ | EHq F5H;<H6qqatlBIH 3flHEVlHzZal '! H Fql(Jrl J ;2zv F ^ 6zI5 >ed.9 0E z.,()obnezXrJ- <oq d-ur ;i s.!L X rrJaXz rNct ?lr-l zl zl .. >l uJo UJ uJzoL UJ(L z E o I olurltrl JI <l>l ttlol zl 3lotFI =l-!l YI ol "'lJI <lil 3 rI1 r4 a.t) c tr I I I I I cil =.1 utl 5l <l>lttlol il g ol ulFI F ?lotr!l 1l <l>l rr-Iol zl 3l PI f, N I CN I(\ .+d rl ;F =(J t T u>, Lt4 n{ = Eil-ll -l U:IHlzlzlrdl 'Etl =4 z H & z z EH .J) ui =z -) F B F-lH F.]H z =lt 6 *l*l I IF EoFO Fz z UJ = (lir b2 O Fz tgP E3 d6o <F u.r <ZEuJF(42 J UJ J uJF <t,o az F(L llJY uJo o r3 =qt tu corl- -loJ (LcloFl r{rclg." irFL,zo z .noz2(Do =z al rJ- <,ff :E= aHE ts UJ LL uJ z l(t) 2oF It o- Lu i-- !:= o-- E>(LO|!9o xo-x>fiFJ) u,l F o Ee -9o otl .E 3 E EoC' ,AO3sf=6>Ff=E ,:oE! E =E, lrJo-zo F C)f E,Fazo(J ut]tr .l firs T0LJI'I 0F URiL C0l"l-DEU ID:505-479-?.452 _RPR 29'93 TOWN OF VATIJ CONSTRUCTXONtu*ilIril*r'r'|,ooN uoffii Nov I 5 1993 D OUT COMPIJETNLY OR IT I'IAY NOT BE ACC}:PTED pERMI,f f NFORUATf ON * * * * * * * rr * * * * * * * * *'1, * * * * * * * * * ** l-lllectrlcat Q(3-ltechanlca! [ J-other Job Namet : Legal Deecrlptl on'. rroL:llA-Block__ Flllng ownerg Names Address: Addreee:ArchLtects General DescrlPtlon: Work cIa6E! [ l-New t]-Alteratlon Number of Dwelllng unlte: --..- Job Addre ee /ffi H/4,. .4t', /E- 5 Ph.-- NumbEr of Acconnodatlon Unlts: BE *** unb - APPTICATION MUSTI[** *******************I-[ ]-Bulldlng t l-Pl T Fufotl t l-Addttlonal I J-Repair [ ]-other Electrlcal Contractor; Addr€ss s Pluhblng Address s AddreEE: ******************************** BUfLDING PEru{fT FEEI PI,UMBING PERMIT TEE ! MECHANICAIJ PERMIS' FAE! ELECTRICAI, FEES OTTIER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE' FOR OFFTCE USE BUII,DING Town of Vall Phone Nunberl Town of Vail Phon€ Nunber! Town of VaiI Phono Nunberl Reg. NO. Reg. Reg. NO. ***************t*************** FLAN CHECK trEEt PI-,UMBING PI-,AN CHECK FEEI IIECHANICAIT PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN.UP DEPOSITT VAIJUATION BUILDING: SIGNATURES EONINGT gIGNATURE' Dramatic Also Powerful38,BTUHGasHeaters Mendota Inserts ConvertAny Fireplace ToCban, ConvenbtGas. Insertsfitflush into masonry andzqodearance fireplaces. Theyuse exsistirpdrimney with liner. Nowyou can easily turn any fireplaceintoa beautiful. clean. ercEy€lfident, t|eatsource. Dual-Burner HearthGlo - The Log Fire Of The 90's Mendota DuaFBumer HearthGlo Combustion---{orthe f irsttime-creates a log fkewithcharred logs andglowingcoalsthat is /dertbalto awood tife. And, Mendota'sexclusive Dual-&trnersptem provkJesflexible hi/lo control of h€atoutputandfl ame pattern. M€ndotaer€ineers, usirE sophisti{:ated computer imaging, have @lurcdthefl ame patlem andcolorof awood fire atits peakbeauty. Totfris perfect fire, Mendota engineers add realislicchaned logs and a bed ol coals made ol high-tempceramic f iber that glows and smolderswhen hit with llameswith the exacllookof burning wood logs. F Builtbyacompanywith overg0years exp€rience in gasengineering I Ptodr.rcelesslhan 1"/ooflhefnrmfulparticulate emissions otwood burning f ireplaces n Equipedwith Dual-Bumersforeasy,liexible control of heatoulput and fl ame patlem r Compaclandeasyto install I Availablewilhthermoslatcoi,,rols r SafetylestedtoAG,!r'ANSlstandards Mendota Built-in FireplacesAdd . Charm And Warmth ToAny Room. MendotaFircolrcare compactard easyto install. Theycanbe placeddirec{y againstmostwalls. There is no need for expensivedrirmeys. Nowyoucan easily addaromanlic lireplace to any room. Specifrcations ffi=rnii'*."ffim Gas Built-in Fireplaces ETIITixt30-Ht 35,00 - to 25.00 Mto36- Hl 38.@0 ' Lo 2&0@ RrEfildictt':06nrOhracfl}!eB ttduit& tP S.EyOd|E S.LtyT.3td: roAGA/Af6tS. Tor.lwtlq r MrG3Cr75b. MlO3&2@b* MZOl0Ol€. luad.lrEc3ll I llod.lEc3l lzrrcCl'.Jo I ZrocbarI Cr$i'd I Cdr'd;t s----f---s---f--------- --------wl 347X6' | 407/16'of rris'---f-;ss:- Amsoties M€n(blaln$r|3.ndA!||.|nFt€do.dillihbrcrlna IoF,cdl badandaff |J.cor|i€dor. Ootions g.ctdi.rsron !d&, b.a!B edrdM, daco.do.lifi kn. uow!., rtaclDorfar vtllt,lwo aLG ol dxruiid p€llia<lel. F--w---i F0--1ml HGc)urca)utG$ shdsd 233t4 1233!4 243i4 27 3t4 30 3/a 163/16l403;r6 163r5 t.03r6 4,13l6 2918 29112 21!1 21111 t5 15 16 t 51/4 161/?t5lt2 1114 J t83/4 t83/4 24U4 241n gt2 Johnson Gas Appliance Company r Cedar Bapids, lowa 52405 Mendota Hearth Division: 1890 Woodale Drive r St. Paul, Minnesola 55125 1612-731-5367 6rl ItrWlu#, mffi Mer(brn reserves lh€ rght lo change producls. sp€citicatbns and pfica wlthout.rotic6. Pdnlod ln U S.A. R 0 $ l\ s 0 $(,to 0 o o t"; { .,1 .ttYul UJtt- ts =Et!(L I I I I I ti ti I I I I I I I li ll ri li t: Ji * 'N + .NF ?$2 iN { ql I t b{u { \ p{ ozth6.1 ;ua4 :\9\ l* tn til Jul.tt E .col! acoFo tFzoo o (r u.lz Bod !L ul6z ... =cEvfulFI<F YZ(,< -i- @ c E * E.s' B5€:E Eg E:E :E*Es :EFi€ e;gegSEisi f sEgg iE€€5('0.-!-5a9('E g5E:i iiiiF 0q /h .h $ \ { \ l\.r 0 s s.N oI D V)I h \ * o 1 0 q 0 0 0 $ \ e 0 s s \ bfn $ {M ciz E = llJo- ==E UJcoz 6 =f -oul z J 9tFoul IJJ oz =f) <-9z o uJ = utr!trz tr UJ IJJc o o ao =u.l UJcz 6 F v, u.t z UJ o x F u,U'f .nlu UJu- = = uJ.L J FoF 2 J =@ J a oqJ uJ oz =JG J oz I(,ul = NO[Vn'lVA AIXJ,^. I- -\)l ru ci-l =N o =ztoo^ 6z5 >eg oE (,G0fitoqd ;icX uIXz-: r!No| n >J = 2 tr(J f azoo l!o UJ F z9 F t ov, o-foE uJ - aqo or-( r.'{ E c UJ z Eoo z tr eutF) =z jIl 1 "?7 * F ;Egg<cooflilll 3*ol E $ * ;I}E F E zo F U>z uJ J e F UJ o a ,.i IJJJul A 3 J q, UJzx =F 6 AD A/ K t-! lrl F FibItP c.D .I.)o FlOO l!F o lll tr U'ooazo t-' uJY ul dt oF l-- Irtuc Lro o.oo I uJ F-oz z.o9 =<dlo2z =fd9 "39AEr, dd= nn! ts:tru,q tr.oEU9ZE<clf€8Bg.Era cf, E dt5 b=(, dtr; >o-: Ou-E oo9 \tntr xo-E ;-X uJ'rd uJ @oF F- lg = l:E IJlrl l- o-zo F(JfEFazo() ,€*xI ,.. AE\ iA= \, // tet-*-Lre::€:,a E r (,z 4u- I I I .'lq Fo) uJ z .s) \J s ; I I sil uJlql =l t!lq zl 3lolFI I I I I dlzl al>l ll-tq zl 3lolFI oll!l Jl <l>l ?l 9l I I I I Iol =.1olurl CEIJl ?l>l ol;l =l llj>tJOl ulFI F Fo EFz 9 FOtl. Oc)zF-;(J;ff,F r!o o E , P b,o F z C)z I O tr-J t.lJz3o uJ =I E <F(tsO LLI <ZEt!F(nZo J LIJ trLlr_l s t6r a ao BU[..DO|G DtVtt|oN EAGLE cottr{w; P.O. lOX 7S9 couRTHoUSE, EAGLE, CO._PH. (3O3) 328.6339 APPLICANT ADORES {coNTR'S LtCErgE} "'""'"" th"?*;"Blit *?f;tdP,n"" (--) sroRy NUMBER OF OWELL II{G UI{I TS BUIIDING PERMIT rs X ?6 pEa'rr No.- 0485 AT (LOCAT IOX} aI aa oa oI Tto IL luDtvrs toN IIILD|lrc rs TO BE - FT. WIDE BY - FT. LONG BY 'O TYPE USE GROUP --- stzE FT, IN HEIGHT AI.IO SHALL CONFORM IN CONSITIT?I- LCT OR FOUNDAT IOT{ REMARKS: (cu! tclsOUAtE PI,AN CHECK EsTMATED cosr $ ?0,000.00 pggutr BUILO INGgY_ $ 96"20 $ 192.il I cf Cplhdlon ic bo mCeilrd try qthdrl qrlt d.nt FEET) su,tDlRo ppuclr.oN I Juridiction of to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VA DATION pERMlr"^r,r^rffiffigrl, INSPECTOR Form 100.1 11-73 INTERNATtoNALcoNFERENcEoFButLDINGoFFtcTe.Ls.!:.o..worrMANMr!!RoaD. U: 1[st: errror eo sxe er) MA|L AOOi ess \ ZtP LICENSE NO. aacHtTEcT oR oEStollei LICENSE NO. ENGINEER LICENSE NO. LEITOER MA IL AODRESS BRANCH usE o7 tutLotN6 Clasr ol work: F NEW tr AootT|oN tr ALTERATION D REPAIR N MOVE tr REMOVE l0 Chrnge of use {rom 1l Valuation of work: $PERMIT FEEPLAN CHECK FEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS:Occu pancy Group Size ol Bldg. (Totar) sq. Ft. No. of Storlel Fire Sprlnklers Reculred !yu, lpoAPPLICATION ACCEPTED AY APPROVEO FOF ISSUANC€ gY No. of Owelting Unlti OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTIC E SEPARATE PEFMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMg. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OF AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS. ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONEDFOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMM ENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHEN SPECIFIEDFEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTq8EsulrE To lirvE AUTHoRtry ro vtoLATE oR cANaEL tHEpRoylstoNs oF ANy orHER srATE oR LocAL LAw REGUaATaNGcoNsrRucrtoN oR THE PERFoRMANCE oF coNs-RucrloN: HEALTH OEPT. FI RE DEPT. SOIL REPORT OTHER (Sprclty) WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR P€RMIT USE SPACE BELOW FON NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. o BINPLUM Ju rid iction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERM]T M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION of f lNsPEcroR Qrp 77-7b : 7/,-,) I oE3Ci.(LISEE ATTACHEO SHEET) ZIP PHOIIE PHONE LICENSE NO. ARCHITECT OI D'SICNEi MAI L ADDIES3 PHONE LtcENSE l{O. MAI L AODIE33 IiANCI{ USE OF IUILOIN C 8 Class of work:tr AOOITION D ALTERATION tr BEPAIR Typ. ot Finura or lfm WATER CLOSET (TOILETISPECIAL CONOITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH BASIN' KITCHEN SINK & OISP. DISHWASHER APPLICATION ACCEPTEO AY:LAUNORY TRAYAPPROVED FOR ISSUANCE AY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER NOTlCE THIS PEFMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CONSTHUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONEO FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCE D.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. UR INAL DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR--SINK OR ORAIN SLOP SINK GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING E TREATINC EOUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM SREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT Form lOO.2 9-69 INTERNATIONAL Cc|NFE}<E NCE OF AUILDING c)FFTCIALS wx tTTtt i r ' , L. ..tt rt, Fr,fd .rt,r....iFr!r 4..:F. i{* rr- 'j-n.;..:rttlij E;I54IB{.44i6.- i b.r}r}.{af airrs-. r. f .ryn'.-:!rD usE spAcE BELow FoR worei, FoLLow-up, ETc. o EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT RECEIVED CASH Building permit Fee lication For Subdivision Appl ication Special Use Variancr Code: (Buitdi o (Subdivision Atl itome "r";A;;;ffino-paym€nt of any item. N9 1681 onry and ttrr r"."ipt -Ji-Jj-ffi - County of Eagle ELECTRICAL PERMIT N9 Building Valuation Elcctricd Valuation Pcrmit Fee Inspeetion Fee Total Fee 507 $....................-...-... $....-...-................... s.(a,m.. . Ptao Chrckcr $.&Q.,m--.. $.au.oa ... ffi^,P#e4'/tn/r* Date paid....... .r/nbo. Received "rd &(/a* Atltf/lJ /sqs 0riY.r taltDz THI6 FORilI IS TO JOB SITE DURII{G Date BE POSTED OlI COI{STRUCTION ,$ HOUnS ADVANCE NOTICE REQI,'IRED FOR INSPECTIONS ot? ( rcaNane..fu ...fl/*"44.=fr:Wiluat&rtLc/ Date or Apprication.... Ar-rfr /-A -- ---------w------7--b--.---.. Erectricar contractor"... ed* =..h// rLrut Applicant.....-- sElature APPROVAI.S ELEcTilAL PERMTT APPuAToN C.,.r*-', JJuridiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. WHEN PROPEFLY VALIDATEO (IN THIS THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATIONPLAN CHECK VALIDATION Aaz14/-r'"' /S?3At;) gt/tJ /",+o INSPECTO R rsoioEr aioM: TNTERNATTONAL CONFERENCE OF EUtLDtNC OFFICIALS a !O 30. lol iOlLEs a PAsaDEirA, CA|.rrORratA 9llol 1!see e;rrcnto rxe:tl MAI L AODhESS ZIP MAIL AODRESS PHOI{E LtcENSE ||O. aicHrrEct or oESl LtcENSE lt O, MAIL AODRESS PHONE L rcENSE t{ O, MAIL ADOiES9 IiANCH USE OF IUILDING 8 Class of worK: ElNEW D AODITION tr ALTERATION N REPAIR 9 Dsscribe,work: RECEPTACLE Oulers SPECIAL CONDITIONS: TotalLIGHTING Fixtures F IXTU RES RANGES CLO. ORYER WTR. HTR. ftlOTlCE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WOFK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OH IF CONSTRUCTION OB WORK ISSUSPENDEO OR ABANDONED FOR A PEFIOO OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEF WORK IS COM. MENCE O. WITH WHETHER SPECIFI EDOF A PERMIT DOES NOTVIOLATE OR CANCEL THE R LOCAL LAW REGULATINGANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. GARBAGE OISP. STA. COOK TOP DISH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR. STA. APPL. Vr H.P. MAX. SERVICE E ruew fl cxeruce PERMIT ISSUING F€E Form l(x!.3 9-69 -.v INSPECTION REPORTS .. DATE ITEM REMARKS INSPECTOR .1 USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. .:' \YlLQo\ ,$r--\., "rrBr\'N \ , \\\ '..' :rs\ls, .ogl. couNrY . togle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECE,PTRECEIVED OF , ,g 71< ITEM AMOUNT iWpiR_4ee r Zone Change .t Conditionat Use o oo Ie:.lur Uru ; -Ye!c!r.. 4Ppeal F6s goo., (gri,oing) (z;(Subdivision Total Receivedfl1";|ffi fermit Fee 1593N9 .-.s,rrr shal u" dF"rGE ",-&a.c<t g.A;' o BINPLUM Jurisdiction Applicant to complete numberd spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PEBMIT VALIDATION INSPECTOR I tDsee etrllxeo stlE er) MAIL AODRE3S ZIP coNriacToi, 3 ,//t LtcEN9E t{O. AiCHITECT Oi OESI6NEi MAIL AODRES3 PHOI{ E LICENSE NO. MAIL AODF E!3 PHONE LlcEllSE MAII AOOiESS !iANCH UIE OF !UILOING I ctas of work: El'new o! noDttt0N tr"aurennrton dnepetn .,,41 Typ. of Fhtura or lt nl WATER CLOSET (TOILET}SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH AASINI KITCHEN SINK & DISP. LAUNORY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENOED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCE D. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW TH€ SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. URINAL DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR--SINK OR ORAIN SLOP SINK GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM AREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT Form 1OO.2 9-69 iEoiDli tttoi.: INTERNATIc'NAL CG)NFEHLNCE c'F 9UILCIING c|FFICIALS. !r.o s. USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. I I -rr..,'rn *rrit,r ,ctrrji.F.l rr r ' r i, !r4 rr;rfir !.inna;t.: iJlr r .' EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo oFFrcrAL RECSIPT RECEIVED ' lp:Ptrcati..on r o, /@+ , Subdivision Application CASH 14" Perm ional Use I Use ree ITEM (Su bd iv ision AMOUNT shall be cancellod for. Building All items are receivEd for collection no-paymenl of any item. Ne t {7L Jt"a-dt' 22. oa Tg, du only and this receiPt 04t County of Eagle ELECTRICAL PERI}IIT -Ta rnPo?/fPy 5 Et? V:ra-s Date of Application...........-...! N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee $...... $....-. Plrn Chcck€r //) .a rotar Fee $..../.A.,.0A...... ds: Ih*"....Q . / , *tar Bvndtrs ofirertr Date Paid...-... ?/a.a /Z-A Received ", .ltur-ei. U/t^P a"r;p/)/% ///'s trr c, r, riaartrt ll., aravra tatt0l tovNa^"...fu--fuh aafujaznDAr.rrL . d&,....rs.....?. lt........ Applicant....... Slttrltur6 APPNOVALS ow I^v 463 s-..../-4.,.o.Q... $............................ THIS FORT IS TO BE FOSTED Oil .,OB SITE DURING CONSTRUGTION I8 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQI,'IRED FIOR INSPECIIONS Et 3LE COL,NTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT , n74 ITEM AMOUNT snaff Ue cancelled tor Buildinq Permit Fee lication For 9.rbdivision SFcial Use (Buildin (Zon in ) (Subdivision) Total Received ffirt uta teceived for collection no-payment of any ilem' ano recelpt N9 1463 "4,-l)i tcJurisdiction Applicant to complete numbered spdces only. Of Fz\a- r C C---.*!f Y JUN ;j i WHEN PBOPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUB PERMIT .t .3 {flsee rrraca:o sneer) I DESCi. ZIP PHON E LICENSE NO. AiCIITECI crR OESIGNER L IC ENSE NO. MAI L AOOR ESS PHONE LICENSE NO. MA IL ADDRESS BRANCH U3E OF AUILOING 1 8 ClassofworK: trNEW DAODITION DALTERATION !BEPAIR SPECIAL CONDITIONS; TotalLIGHTING Fixtures FIXTURESAPPROVED FOF ISSUANCE AY.APPLICATION ACCEPTEO BY: RANGES CLO. ORYER WTR. HTR. GARAAGE OISP. STA. COOK TOPNOTICE THIS PEFMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMIVIENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEB WORK IS COM. MENCE D. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. IGNA'UhE OF CON'RACTOi OF AIJTHO'tI OISH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR. STA. APPL. % H.P, MAX, MOTORSI PERMIT ISSUING FEE PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. M.o. cAsH PERMIT VALIDATION Ftr'tt M.o. cAsH. \ . . . ,# // /LJ./1,.9PERMIT Y4ltonrloN #// c' lXVtr-92''zrz'^ ! '*o, / I' __ e;n-/ A,l^Y- %thu INSPECTOR \ I Form loo.3 9.69 REohDEn FROM: TNTERNATTONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILOtNG OFFtCIALS O 50 sO. LOS iO!LES aPASAOE|At CALIFOhXIA 9llOl USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. ..1 EAGLE cor*l BUTLDTNc "=1rrr APlrcArroN Review Routing Form : Please review the attached appl ication and return County Building Official within 6 working days. Planning Commission File No. Planning: Complies with:Yes No icant it and this cor:npleted Permit No. form to the Recommend Approval Subd. Resulations E tl Zonins Resulations tf i]f:l tlrl tf ,Y:'::" ,oi,o:' Date: f-,t2'76' -.-r.=._.-- Comments: County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Recommend Approval Con-trnenls 4t" r: [fr-1 r-1r-nFNt]2b Cciunty Health:S an itat ion BUILDilIT3 PPUCfr|oN s#8.a,/CASH-f4itr'/,/,, INSPECTOR Form 100.1 ll'73 lroiD.i|.ioi.r INTERNATloHALcoNFEF|ENCEoFautLDlNcorFtclALs..!.oiigroiKM^.tl.rl.Lto^o. w|rrrrr.ir r I - - -; _ .. -: .,-. . -, -. . - ,. . Jurisdiction Appticbnt to'cohptete numbered spaces only. " I JOI ^DDr r3! i :i I I, i : ,' I i I i F I I i I I I DCsCr.tlo'l ullt^-.; Lro.*L c \,-, Fi'l ^''racx'o '1'-1"-' -- ---r '-'rl:j1Z_ OIY N Ei aTbtfi- ^\\ f't-rrlatra-t .-{. L+lconriA.{gR I Ltc€ iE aro.-._, .. ,t),. .)1,'l i!- -i I3r-( -v!.19- ltrcHtlEcr oi D E5 | cXEi ,a PHO|rE r,a.*.. *o. ll ,,rJ -l4.s4ran<- ar{0rNaEi ?HOXa 5 ttcENsE XO, ..|6la+ f Jr-'o{'- F*a. v L-l.::l:i";" r; Jr-r l'il l-l r ".,i8-- Clas ol work: Xl NEW 0 AoDtiloN .0ALTEFATToN- -. O REpAIR D MOVE ! REMOvE 9-Dttttibt*otkt.r^,^^{"-.^.f *Lrr; -.,--:l,r.< lI l,j',^{-,'-('^r: ll--l l0 --Chanqe of use lron --...-..-_I Change of use 1o _1t Vafuation olwork: \, DO, OOn-oLAN cHEcK eee Q 7, A O I eeervrrr FEe / Q g. 3Q SPECIAL CONOITIONS:Type ot Const.- 'Occupancy Group Olvlrlon-'- .. - -- '- - Sire ol Bld9. (Totrr) sq. Ft: ----No. ol Storler --- *- --'Max, Occ. Lo.d ' Fir. Zon€ UJO Zo ne Flrc Sgrlnkl€15 nequtreo lygs f]N6APPIICATION ACCEPT€O AY I TLANSCHECX€OgY:-'-APPROVEO fOR ISSUANCE BY No. ol Owelling Unlts - -'-- OFFSTREET PARKING Coverod ' ;PACES: Uncovered NOT ICE.SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIREO FOR ELECTFICAL. PLUMB.ING. HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID tF WORK OR CONSTRUC.TtoN AUTHORTZEO tS NOT COMMENCED Wtrgtru tzo onys, onIF CONSTFUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONEDFOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT..ANY TIME AFTEF WORK IS COMM ENCED. r- ltEREA\/ CERT|F\/ THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAM|NeO THtS4p?Llc4rlqN AryD KNow rEE gAME ro ee fAuE A;iitiijnaecr.A-lL_pRovtstoNs oF LAws nno onoiNeNcES -o-bVe-n riri.rc iHiSIy?E, oF woRK wtLL BE coMp1-tED wrrH wxe-r-xli specrrreoH-ER-EI N oR Nor, THE G RATTING or a peCr,aii- obLs r.roiqBEsulilE To ctvE AUTHoRtJy ro viornribi"ce-nieu rni?Bq.y!sroryg oF ANv orHER qr-Alq oR ubtau lA,W nL'cUr-Arir.rccoNsrRucrroN oR THE pERFoRMANCE o-i coxs-r-n-utrton. Speci.l Approvals Required Reccived Noi Required ZONING HEALTH OEPT. FI RE DEPT. SOIL REPO RT OTHeR (Speclty) ':,'","n'"1;;;D ACaXt l0AtE) -/-;--TA I T WHEN PROPERLY VALTDATED ItN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT 'LAN CHECK VAIUDATION cK. M.o. cAsH pERMtT VALTDATTON c M,O, '|r EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICTAL RECETPT o"t"-ZZ t-t:-y/-Z-, 'ltnl CASH ; ITEM ication All items are received for no-payment ot any item. I{e 1334 only and lhis receipt shalt be cance ed for ,O Project Applicallon Date Proj€ct Name: IProiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: :..;1. Architect. Addr63s and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Design Review Board l-\ \ t tr'tara-l/ l'., /A'rDate% DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL 't I n t ft'qt*n l/n? .f"rn Planner \ lr<18-o"t", l/ \-)/D) E statt Approval *****THIS APPLICATION I.IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI4ITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No application will Ue acceptedunless it is complete (must'include all 'items required by'the zoning administrator).It is.the applicant's responsibility to make an appointmirnt with th6 staff to find'out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE applica-tion wi'l 1 streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing thb'numberof conditjons of approval that the DRB may sti-pu1atir. ALL cbnditions oi approvai mustbe resolved before a build'ing permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTI0Ni 441- sf ti;o-carraraje a i',1it,on to exist j-naj res- o APPLICATION DATE:Decernber 12, 1984 DATE OF DRB MEETING: DRB APPLICATION lcL:nce. A11 ma.terials anci f i-nishes to :riatch those of existinq residence. Total site covera e with adciitj.on eciual-s 2025.43 sf (1,7%) B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 182ti Alta Circle Legal Description Lot 42 Zoning 2-l'ann. f;/S C. NAME 0F APPLICANT: Dennis Shilnon Block Vail Vi11. 1/. Filing Addres s D. NAME OF P.0. ilox 3543, Vai1, Colora-.,c1o 3165E tel ephone 476-4187 APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Dave Peet, PijtlLll/hrtilL:l,,ntiltCi'iI?ijtiTS Address P.O. ilo;< 3370. Va11. 0ol-o:na.rlc 31553 te1 ephone 476-45Ce E. NAME OF OWNERS:Dennis Shinon Si gnature F or the Oirne r :'r,..-i -l Address p.o. tsox 3643, Vail, Colora,'lo ,l 165 ; _ telephone 476-4r87 F. DRB FEE: The fee wi I 'l VALUATION be paid at the tjme a building permit is requested. rLt $ o-$ 1o,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ ,500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ 2s.oo $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 TO THE DRB:IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant mustto indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB si te. stake the site be removedvisits the 2. The review process for NEI'J BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so pl an on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. o I,IAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF The following information is required for submittal Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING ]IIATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL Itood shake s LIST OF MATERIALS SHIi4ON RESIDETJC.iJ GARAGE ADDITIO L0T_42 - _ BL0CK !Jest l- : 441 sf tr,ro-.ar garage addition to exist- i nrr na<i danr.o o i{ by the applicant to the Design Review COLOR To match existj.ng. Plywood ,;t/L%r r'ride vert.1 ? r, ,.\ /r To match arri <f i n r Roof Siding 0ther l.lal'l Materi al s Fasci a Soffi ts !Ji ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ash'i ng5 ., Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other S tucc o To match existlng. J--x3 acc ent trirn To match existing. Lx1,2 or 2xL2 To match exi-sting. P lyvroori 'I'o match existing. tr/ood to match ex i st inii.'Xo match existing. To match existing. BOTO solid 0ane1 :aara]e.To match trim co1or. To mateh existing. 1'{/A Shee t mt1. at roof ,/wa11.To rnatch exj-sting. }UA i,i/A N/A B. LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: phone: Botanical Name i:l /A PLANT I'IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES BE REMOVED Common Name Quani ty Si ze* A $\up-!.nv.a- [l s+-l+) /]l3L['3 A:telrn \b\1+ JS call4&f:_ T0 $h{t *Indicate caliper for deciducjous trees. Indicate he'ight for conifers. 'o INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVI El.l PROJECT, DATE SUBMITTED: DATE oF PUBLIC HEARING C0lll'IENTS NEEDED By: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: PUBLIC I,IORKS Reviewed av {14 oatetzle/sz Conrments: Q Pr" rt, ,lexD s-t4cc .t Lo6I:-- oA s,44L€ ly il <v<o€s4c- @ /5 7 tfu-z! C (e-4a6'ap' F<- Ttts pe7/rr N),J <- L,r+LL /Tt-<->t t G 'Z/€ /\*)e-fl+ <6,7 Lt ,.-td $61t.-<- /r\) .7/16' 5' t) -z- r. I TZ €r+ s6;ry1l, l7. Et,n $ra^Ilal FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Corments: Date POLICE DEPARTI,IENT Reviewed by: Corments: Date REC REATION DEPARTI"IENT .Reviewed by: Corments: Date .f\'ircl Drrc AUQust 26, 1977 .1 8:00 A M. o,ctock. 'll:c Insurcd hereundcr, in whom rirrc to the fec simpre estate is rested at the date hcreof, is: 0ENflIS t. SHM0N 3. The lend refcrred to in thh policy is situered in the County of Eagl estrteof Colorado and is describcd as follows: Lot 42' VAII VILUtCE,]tEST,^Flllng l{o. l, accordlng to the rccoded plat thereof,County of Eagle, State of Coloraio.-- TrM OWNERS 5/7' 'O*n aauu, A rr I lrr rr rzcd ()llreer rrr Agc[l File No. GV-5342 SCHEDULE A ( tl!' .rrrr,l St;rtc Poticy No. BZ 161109 Poticy Amounr $ 129,500.00 This policy relid ooly if Schcdula B ir atrached. 4. 'O TrM FORM 24085/75 BZ 167708GV-5347 SCHEDULE B Policy No. This policy does not tnsure against loss or damage by reason of the following: l.Generalorspecialtaxesandassessnentsrequiredtobepaidlntheyearl9TS and subsequent Years' 2. Liens for unpald water and sewer charges' if any' 3.Rishtof},ayforditchesorcanalsconstructedbyauthorityoftheUnitedstatesas reierved tn patlni'rEliiiaEi oltou""-i'i-ibi8;i"--B"or gs ae Page 301' 4.Utilityeasements5feetinwidthalongallrearandsldelotlinesasr.eservedont}e Plat. 5. Restrictive Covenants, which do.not contain a-forfeitune or r.everter clause. as contatned in rnslr.nBnt recorded-d#;i;,-li6g,-tn irLI' fia'li-page i+g' as amended ln lns*ument ;;;l;;-oliimier s'-fi6i: in'soot iza at Page 345' 6. Reservatign.of a lor lQ!;ea*i:i4tl3e ntilll |6;:"ttt contained in lrarrantv Deed -' ;;;;;i;d'oitouu" 30, 1s62, In Book A .t' o Project Application n - \r ,4 proiecrNam€: l'Q /'a ! e' u) h' ^,cru //t sz y' a+t c,t Contact Person and Phone Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: t-ot ? 2- , atoct< Comments: Filing Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPBOVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB I4EETII,IG: DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION l,JILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additjonal information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning admin'istrator).It is the applicantrs responsi'bility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE applica-tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the numberof conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resol ved before a bu'i 1di ng penni t i s 'i ssued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address IKAV A /n C|rtC /e Legal Description Lot q\Bl ock Zon i ng Fil ing APPLICANT:C. NAME OF Address D. NAME OF Address E. NAME OF OWNERS: APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE : telephone !2e-vg2 teleohoneQ26'tgp( S i gnature F. Address Dor ?cV \ ( u'l ,Cr. K/A{t' telephone g26:g/f7 be paid at the time a bu'ilding FEE permit is requested.DRB FEE: The fee wi I I VALUATION $150,001 - $ .s00,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ over $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL $ 10.00 $ 2s-00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300 .00 SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the siteto indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2, The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so p'lan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. 4. The following items no longer have to be presented to the Design-Review 8oard. They, however, have to be presented to the Zoning Administrator for approval: a. l,lindows, skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the building; and b. Building additions that are not viewed lry! gny other lot or public space' which hive had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addition; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condom'inium association. 5. You may be required to conduct Natura1 Hazard Studies on your property. You should check wjth a Town Planner before proceeding. a L/e,z The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR LIST OF MATERIALS MME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF Roof Si di ng Other }lall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts }Ji ndows l.lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther t/q?" (/2.f U/" o,l, tVor<t< rue/4 ),Vd//e Na4z B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name Si ze* Cqt,'prAc,r'w S/1ru ct Ite 6"'- EXISTING TREES T0 Norn<BE REMOVED Quani ty cr\ *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees, Indicate height for conifers. (over) " PLANT IVIATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Botanical Name Common Name . Quanity Size Square Footage s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c.OTHER LANDSCAP FEATURES (retaining wal1s, fences, swimming pools,P'lease speci fy. (V"*o -T UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NAI{E Lofr I >.-FILING pnwss / * X4/ /q C-irc/. l/a,1 The location of utilities, whether they be nain trunk lines or proposedlines, must be approved and verified by the following utilit.ies foi the acconpanying sit-e plan. Authorized Signature Date Mountai n Bel'l l -634-3778 l,lestern Slope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service Company Gary Hall Holy Cross E'l ectric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley t.'|ater and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek * For new const please fill out attached sheet. NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit from the Town of Vai1, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Town of Vail . 4 building pernit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut pernit unrst be obtained separately. This forn is to verify service availablity and location. Tttis should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. 3. Pt:c -4- 6/14/ei) U1t !.qr-r d- j:r 1r, 91 j g! _{1,_[a. I Y ] I I {g C! t1 q uq,s t f o_1ei_ c_01-( c4 i ji Mil'- g 9 . !:e Lii o! L;l-::r ! , I_LLji,! jl_ /t1;p i ican b: D,:ntti s Patten sholed elevations and floor plans p1 anned originally to add on as shown on Corcoran sLated that i.ire applicant had reqrresl.cri to tablc thjs iteni. Donovan rnovcjd and Edwards seconded to taLle--as per appl icant's rcqur-'st. Vote was 4."tJ in favor, At this point, Edwards left the nieeting arid Pipcr entered. &gqe"$--lqr_!19_srqq _s3!b_q(Lql_t_q-!_q€ _!o C-!1_oIJ!fe__q_o_19_1ry9!i-o_1o_{_4_Iqsj !qnca on!q!l?r_Vail Vjllage We_:t Filjng '::- Applicanl: Gotifried Anglejttter Jin Sayre explained that this was a third presentation for this lot, and shoured the different presentations. He said the staff felt thot this one t^,as much iriproved and recomirended apploval . The dri veway had bcen charrged [o the front, arrd the setback request was for 4.5 feet on the east and 5 feet cn ihe west Al Johnson, the architect, showed plans and stated that he was willing to satisfystaff concerns regarding the design. He added that lie had talked with Fischer, property ovrner to the east, three tines and offere'd to change the bujlding, but Fischer vras opposed to the bui1ding. lie assured the staff that there would not be any other variance requests. Piper noved and Donovan seconded to approve the setback variance requests as per the staff merno da,;ed 6/1/82. The vote was 4-0 in favor. equest for a front seiback variance to allovr the construction of an addition Appl icant: James R. l^li'll iams Peter Patten explained that the encroachrnent would be for 3 feet in the front of the 1ot, and that the staff felt thtit a design solutiorr could be accornplished wjthin the seibacks wjth minor design changes. l,lilljanrs slloled h'i s site plans and elevations and stated that he did not want to push the garage farther back as that would change the doors and would entajl digging further into the bank. Duane felt that the addition could be accomulished with other solutions. Trout agreed. Trout moved and seconded to deny the request for a front setback variance as per tlte staff memo dated June 10, 1982. The vote was 4-0 to deny. Patten offered the staff's he1 p to Mr. tJilliarns in redesigning his additjon. 6.Request for a conditional use rmit to const.ruct an addition to the east end ex-i ifinq IG-5arn-l'oG teA;T e lohjn s opi in*a-EuD zorie fi-itiict. Appi'icant: Tcwn of Va and explained that the building was the drawings. Trout ntoved and Donovan seconded to approve the conclitional use permit as per the staff merno dated 5/17/82. The vote rvas 3-0 wjth Corcor"an abstaining. Segqef! lor a front sei.back v nqglq _el]on I ot I I l-1atterhort_Ujlqgg_r_Ulll$. _[oJ '',1 '/14/tti. 7. i.q.q_qr_t- tor _q_ppl!l-Lq-l _qI t!c l_eltql:l1 cit!.,!rlr.L jr,!._.,11i1 q1.,cy9r;-q,l_1. 1-_Lqf, th',, . Artc'rial Ilusiness rjisi.ri'-1-. App1i";nIs: l'rc,p,rrty oi;rici s in the proirosiidaiiiii?t..- Corcoran stated that the appiicant rcclucsted to tablc this itein until ,lune 28. Trout nroved and Donovan sr:corrded tr.r tiible as per appl icant's request. -lire vote was 4-0 jn favor of tabiing. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. O RossDavis,Jr. "Attorneyail.-aw Telephone: Suite3g"130.31476-2414 vall Natbnal Bank Bldg P.O. Hbx t9() vall.coloradoat6Sa At . ,Jttle 8, J-982 I t- t /-L'Tu- !tr. Peter Pattert Brikfing Depar@rt 75 south Flqltage bd, lEst Vail, @lorudo 81557 Dear Feter: Please table tJre qrsideraticn of ttre Beverly HilLs Cmdcrninfurnqrversicn ciginalfy set fon ttre June 14th, 1982 elanning CcrTmissi.ct l,beting. I will resche&d.e this matten with pu at a Later date. I'ttank 1ur for lour cmsideraticn and coognraticnr on this nErtter. Ycurs tJryly, 8t^4rL edc Aff€n BA:ns PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION May .|0, l9B2 PRESENT Scott Edwards Wil l Trout Diane Donovan Duane Piper Dan Corcoran Jim Morgan STAFF PRESENT ,lim Sayre Peter Patten Peter Jamar Betsy Rosolack COUNCIL REP Chuck Anderson ABSENT Jim Viel e Dan Corcorano..chairman, ca'l 1ed the meeting to order and asked for a motion to approve the minutes of Apri'l 26. Duane Piper moved and Diana Donovan seconded to approve them with a vote of 5-0 (,ljm M. hadn't yet arrived). uest for a variance from section .|8,58.020 in order to build a l3 foot ava lanc e wall on cant I annon va enture s, Peter Jamar reviewed the memo and Ron Frickeln engineer for the applicant, explained the crjteria for the wal'1. He explained that the greater the angle of the wall, the higher the walI must be. Susan Kitler, owner of lots 8, 9 and l0 voiced her:bjections to the wall and some concernsr She asked about the lairu:cnping of the wal1, and also asked if the wall wou1d be diverting the avalanche to the adioining 1ots, She asked that there be an independ;,it si.rdy rrndde. Frickel answered that the Mears report did not answer thls question. He added that in the report the avalanche ilpDearod to follow a certain'l ine, but that there was no way to predict this. Jim Shannonr-.applicant, answered landscaping questions, stating the intentionto p1 ant 4" aspen on the exterior of the wall, and 2-3" aspen on the interior. He added that the terracing would be only visible from the'back side of the building. The walls of railroad ties would be 5'h1gh, and the concrete wall on the endswould be higher. Peter Patten explained that one problem was that there was no comprehensive stndynndq'of the entire avalanche path, that it was uncertajn how this"l ot fit into theavalanche zone as a whole. The PEC menbers were concerned about the influence thewal'l might ltlyg on the adjoining lots if there were an avalanche. Duane suggestedthat the building might be shorter,-thus requ.iring a shorter wal1, After m6ie dis-cussion.;the PEC members decided more study of thi influence on the adjoining lots was needed and required the applicant to submit a study showing where the runoutof the snow would go from thjs wall. The applicant asked to have the item tableduntil the meeting of May 24. Wjll Trout nroved and Edwards seconded to table thereguest-until the qgetjng of May 24 as per the applicant's request. The vote wasftO in favor of tabling. 2,Rcquest for h coMitional use permit.. in order to install a qame parlor at- i.zr- -.i- --- - r---1f F---:izrbl Nortr). hrontaqc lioac, space #b, west val I I{all Detween t99t_to_.lil-qng!_ -_+i=rli_ -__i--i.:-. ----'_=\ r!* --_ --- r-:--rr- E flrii.TiTtl-c]) s,-q11 lFgp,_* I'p p tl?a n t :'GarrlE-Ti ty ,l rrc . Jim Sayre explained the situation adding that the staff lrad three condit'ionsof approval . He added that he had called'l ease.holders in the area and received neutral comnents. Gary Mitcheli,..owner and applicant, added that he had visjted peop'l e in the mall and received favorable comment. He stated that the arcade would have a ful I time permanent manager and would al'l ow no smoking, drinking or food in the arcade. Mrs, Al 1en,:-a West Vail resident voiced her objection to the arcade, statingthat it cou.'ld have no possible benefit, and that she had considered asking Safeway to remove their amusement nachjnes. She added that her children were constantly scrounging for quarters, she didn't see how the arcade could be continu- ously policed, She felt that an arcade could be jn the town core for the touristchildren, but should not be in lrlest Vail where. jt would appeal to the local chi I dren Laffy Kalusjn of The Great San Franc'isco Seafood Company supported the arcadeas long as there would be full time supervision. He stiteU itrat the Avon arcade was not supervised and objected to the'l ack of supervision, Gany^Mitchell, applicant"/answerjng Mrs. AlIen, stated that he had teen agers and felt that their supervision was his responiibil'ity. He felt that the-environ- ment of the arcade would be similar to the local movie theater. Mrs. Allenanswered that she had talked to the iocal police chief and that he had statedthat arcades do attract drugs and drug pusirers. After more discussion, the commiss'i on members were po1 led as to [h!ir feelings. Piper pointed out that the arcade was in accordance with the ordinance which lq{ ggn. through months of discussion and public hearings, and unless the arcadeoron't meet the criteriar-he was for it. and approved of the l year time period, Trout was against the ordinance, but said that the appljcant's request was in order. Donovan said that she had talked to Rags to Riches and that they were concernedabout_the_noise,zthat they stated they-were sornetimes bothered 6y the noisefrom The Great San Francisco seafood tompany. she added that she wasn,t surewhether this was good for the neighborhood,-though she did feel it would be alrightfor tourists. Iglsun's.feelings were that there had already been enough study done, that the PEC could not anticipate problems, but could-deal with itrem whbn they arose. corcoran stated that existing ordinances dealt with drugs, liquor and nojse and that the one year time period would allow the PEC t; iecorisider in one year. Scott Edwards abstained from comment because he had an interest in the arcade. Peter Patten reminded the citizens thatdiscussion since last Novenrber and thatfor the one year limitation is that theto tourists, but that it nny prove to be PLC 5/10/82 -2- the arcade ordinance had been under the staff had concerns, too, The reason arcade is in an area not as much oriented a good neighbor, Diana askedof 11 to'l'1. office space used for any PEC sl10/82 -3- tF- about the hours, and Mitchell responded that they were thinking.but would fashion the hours to the demand, Patten asked why the was so large and neminded Mjtchell that the office could not be other use other than an office for the arcade. Duane Piper moved and Jim Morgan seconded use to instal 1 a major arcade in space #6in the staff memo dated May 5"'1982 with The vote was 3-2 in favor with Corcoran, Trout against, and Edwards abstaining. was not in the best interest of Vai'l . to,approve the request for conditional of the West Vail Mall as presented the three conditions therein. l'lorgan and Piper for, Donovan and Donovan and Trout felt that the arcade J.Requgst'.fo'r condi.tibnal use permit to operate a real estate off ice out ofE:!;itglglE " n@-iG..,ffi* $pFETl @ Peter Patten reviewed the memo, seemed to be no negative impacts. may be a wish to expando the app'l Trout moved and Donovan seconded (Edwards had left the room.) 4... Request for anralnendment to the Vajl'Municipal Code. Sectjon 18.52.100 Er::.-i:.rl:-':lE-_^-F-i_a-\---.-."F--=+...-:+-.ffi.ir.--anu Duslness ott'l ces. Appttcant: lown 0t .vall ;Jt;;; *. -" t."* ";.;;untir May 24. Trout moved and Piper seconded to table. The vote was 5-0 jn favor of tabl ing. (Edwards out of 5. togosejl .Artgrj al:9gli.n.es: f.qne (Jim Morgan was one of the applicants, and therefore did not participate as a PEC member, ) Peter Patten revjewed the memo and went over the 6 major changes. Then the members revjewed the changes proposed by the staff, Patten suggested that 18.27,070 Height be changed to read: ".l0% of the roof maybe'flat to allow for a transition of roof lines," eliminating any reference to the Design Review Board;-,and setting a definite percentage of flat roof allowed. Patten pointed out that the businesses that would be high traffic gellerators were p1 aced under Conditional Use. Al l.lilIiams, one of the appljcants itated that he wanted to see under Permitted Uses,-.those businesses that would augntent business offices.. Bob Voliter, another applicant, stated that the setback require- ments listed were too stringent for his property, which was long and narrow. 0ther concerns of Voliter were the fact that signs wou'l d not be allowed facing toward I.70, that the view corrjdors be addressed, why retail was not allowed on the 2nd floor, and why the housing was limited to employees, Patten stated that retail was I'imited to lst floor to help ensure'its success, and to make sure that there was not too much retajl square footage which would make the zone more of a shopping mal1. Corcoran answered the sign question by stating that this area was being treated in the same way the rest of Vail was treated in the sign code. He added that various proceedings could be taken to get variances in signs and setbacks, Steve Isom, architect for l.{illiams and Morgan, stated that he wjshed VaiI Associates and Holy Cross had sent representativ rto the meeting. and discussion centered on the fact that there Dan stressed that 'if, at a later date, there icant would have to return with another request. to approve the request. The vote was 5-0 in favor -4- PEC 5/10/82 l,lill Trout stated that he supported higher F.A.R. than .75. He added that in some of the original discussionsn there was talk of having a high relative density to support a'l ower rent areao and he did not understand the changes nnde in the ordinancer.'such as rernoving some uses first listed and lowering thedensity. He added that he still wanted to see interior pedestrian ways within the property lines and mentioned sone examples jn other parts of the country. He said that this vrou'l d increase the value of the property and would increase the commercial frontage, Patten remjnded Trout that the ordinance required the Plannn'ing and Environmental Commjssion to adopt a general circulation and access plan, Corcoran felt that the issue of pedestrian ways was addressedwjthjn the ordinance requirements. Pjper felt that the ordinance could begore stringent so that bike and pedestrian paths would be required rather thanprd-fosed. Morgan expressed the cbncern that the plan not bFiasEln cement, but rather'leave some flexibility as to where to p'lace the build'ings. Discussion fol'lowed concerning the'location of a bike path. Donovan suggested that the employee housing be rcggUgg. Patten said that it could be done, Much discussion on this top'ic followeil. Patten added that a coupleyears.igo.'the issue of requiring a certain % of ernployee housing was considered, and the Town Council decided to use the informal bargaining procedure instead, Donovan a'l so felt that the traffic generators should be labeled as such for future PEC members and pl aced under Conditional Use. ^ Edwards felt that the Glen Lyon 0ffice Building should not be included in the districtTbecause the building could then be torn down and another, larger building put in its p'lace. A1so, this would be up zoning. The commission then went through the lists of permitted, conditional and accessory uses and made many changes The question of requiring employee housing came up again, some feeling that if employee housing were required, other housing must be required, and others feeling that incentives could be given to build enrployee housing. Donovan felt employee housing shou'l d be requiredr-Piper felt that employee housing should not be requ'ired, A vote was taken to see how each of the 5 members felt. It endedin a tie with Trout undecided, Duane and Scott againsto and Corcoran and Donovan in favor, It was decided to jnclude this in the report to Town Council. Scott Edwards moved and l,]ill Trout seconded to send to the Town Council the commission's recommendations on the proposed Arterial Business zone district as amended by the staff and pointing out that the Commission was divied on the employee requirement issue, The vote was 3.2 in favor with Dan Corcoran and Diana voting against. They feltthat employee housing should be requ'ired in this djstrict. (,lim Morgan abstained,) 6,rfgr$$!19.[-q.or!gnUium-conyersion on lot 12, Vail Villgg-e West #1 Ap'p b oI Peter Patten explained that the appl icant Donovan moved,-'Jpsgt seconded to table as 6.0 in favor of tabling to June .l4. The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p,m. requested to table to June .|4. per appl jcant's request. The vote was I ao Applicari"" oS}__ APPLICATION TORM FOR CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION I. This procedure is required for the conversion of any exisEi.ng units,regardless of their present use, inLo condominiums. The applicationwill not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT Dennis Shimon ADDRESS P.O. Box 3543, Vail , Colorado 81658 pHONE 476-4L87 B. NAME OF APPLICANTIS REPRESENTATIVE Dennis Shimon ADDRESS P.O. Box 3543, Vail, Colorado 81658 PrroNE 476-4L87 AUTHORIZATION F PROPERTY SIGNATURE ADDRESS P.o. Box 3643, Vail, Colorado 81658 PHONE 476-4187 LOCATION OT' PROPOSAI ADDRESS 1828 Alta Circle, Vail, Colorado D. LEGAL DEscRrprroN Lor 42 K+kut1ttn?tT?=*b No. I (\E. FEE g100 plus *Rp for ..cf, properLy owner to be notified. F. A list of the n;.rme of owners of atl property adjacenL Lo thesubject property and their addresses. h ! .-,// t-'4.c(,t1 (stitas ^a'rtt"t- ft'U't Lt'';"r',',nf'fu'^ {f/ Rl'dn-ra ". Gustafson 6ox'0" Daniel D. Armstead 1825 Alta Circle Apt. B 1826 Alta.Circle Apt. e ry' /t ,., n J' /2 r- / ?/(( l^ L 'IJ y'4j74s"g vail' co 81557 f William Sargent Rt 1) /|,vJ- 1826 Alta Circle Apt. A".,.. " l/\' Vail, CO 81657 Vajl, CO 8L657 Robert J..,-Pendergast 1826 Alta Circle Apt. C Vai!, CO 81657 o - Lo{'/'t t.- (c i?, rL f-" '/etvw'a 1 t /- \f ll | 3 LJ |' : o'\ J'l o i, -hrr,-,.. \'r'-ls{ " r/_ _"rli,L' ur,,lutr, "o 816s7 il t tts. Jean Engstrom.-./t--- ,l ' 1839 Gore creek Drive l'td ,\rx | 3 ?""..1 vail, co 81657ftd""- ro )ol,^ 13.,b<.t 't'4 | r f,Ss'c.i zyr''- AL'V':a v( cu{{uVT."v,((-, '''- .t ./ tl ,*./"- (, 1/'"q L' r ?f j<'t"'- i'1 - ,": " /,' ilot t t ' .":'; ql.,ly,, l l t/c'/ r 6 lu,r '/* J il,,l* Ptt3r-n tt/A t#'Vaq eP (Lt rc LLk no7" t " o.+-. . i- e .Li<a- -lr - qr : I I I -.1- zol.lE cil[cK ,-'fQrtl8, .R,(R P/s loNE DlsrRrcrs legal Description: Lot /? Block 6nerhuu, L+azoJ Aichitecr €D {uttLS Firins lAtc //ctnht, Sides-Required '15, proposed 13 ,2,, Rear -Required'l5, t;;;;;; lrlaterccurse-required NA 'proposed ' GRFA: . GRFA: Al loued Pri ParLing:.Require<l21U,, Proposed s Propos Proposed Proposcd Propc'.ed Actual Landscaping: 'Required OOi7 =72O7 Drive: slope permittla tZ .SIope Environmental/l.lazards: .Avalanche Flood Plain 'Slope af"^ Te:tinl : /..;rpp6r1',1;1./D i s;;rglroi'l:ti .{ne a*wif ., fdwL/ , s/( /z- ^7 = /o/'Et4 t- ll ./6* f , At rzca..,c oO 01 /tp,S .e*.,/- - tr,{x za,{= 377 /1 ;z rs.{:- tf7 zz.{, zT-LSZ.{ ryl 4<J(b{) r*d,z-afx 8 --'- ol -7ry@) /rb7 4f. a-'-'t + /eaf :., .LCS144 (tt azl s 3/5L-4 /r41 6# /{a74 O1 s-L-f + oj o o RossDavis,Jt Attomeyat[.aw Tefephone: l3p'3l47e|4r4 StlteSOT vallNatlorialBankSdT P.O. Box tg) Va[,Colorado8teia May 4, 1982 !!r. Peter Patten Comnunity Development Department TOWN OF VAIL 75 So. Frontage Rd. West Vail , Colorado 81557 Dear Pete: PLeaEe table the Beaverly ttills Condominium convergion currentJ.y set for the May llth, meeting of the Environment and Planning Comrrission and reschedule the matter for the ilune 14th, L982 meeting purEuant to our conversation. Thank you for your time and cooperation. Yours truly, BA:ns Buck Allen Oo /@ /r/z C-*,fh^.Atfu Apx a(m ry*/-4 7--J""a a4 !fui!*'( lnxu10I6-'2, l'r* alt"^rr-, u ' v 3. Wi.',rlovc aI , Sr*r7qr /-- ; .)n;br'7,ttrta 5. Br&rCr"llarp @,,^;Wbd f'"u^k"/T ,a-)r,,At affi - o, or*'ha*r^/./ub O^lr#,- Ctn k/'t.o 6 iliA F-i^U F,f,fil*fr-,,r 4, P,,,1; il/kt"l /,a >zbd.s c.Wk*W,@ d'& [;.?,ri/J4 A"+'P;" q,6 Aa.',,"^r t^ |tr",i a! u''"'/zt (s'*ua& { f-L ft^tu)-vr N;Ar'^,>.) lultn 75 .outh fronllge td. vall, colorado El657 (303) 476-7000 department of community development April 26, '1.982 Dennis Shimon P.0. Box 3643 Vail ,,Co'lorado 81 658 Dear Denn'is, Under the provisions of the ordinance governing condominium conversions, this report nust be made avai'l able to prospective purchasers of the units.AIso;,I'd'like to set up an appointment with you on Tuesday, ltlay 4 at 10100 ,i.n the morning concerning other improvements to the property r*rich are required under the applicable ordinance. Please respond to rrly secretary, Betsy, at 476y7000 x10'l;.,as I''11 be out of tom 4/27 through 5/2, Thanks. cc: Buck Al ]en ViIlage A. PETER PATTEN Senior Planner box lfl) vail, colorado 81657 13[)3) 47SsCl3 department of community dwelopment April TO; FROM: RE: 26, 1982 PETER PATTEN Gary Murl al. Inspection of the Dennis Shimon Bes'!!le!!:e q! !8?8-41!g-9irglg' After an inspection was made on 4/21/82, all 3 units of this tri-p]ex awelllng appear to meet the minimum building standards. A'lthough there are a couple of things that need to be changed or added. 1. Add a srnoke detector in the hal'l of the large upstairs unit. 2. Replace smoke detectors in both lover units. 3. Change the window in the lower unitJ small bedrocrn to meet egress. cc: Buck A]]en Dennis Shimon fr PLANN ING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION April 26, 1982 PRESENT STAFF PRESENT llil'l Trout Duane Piper Oan Oorcoran Jim Viel e Diana Donovan ABSENT Jim Morgan Scott Edwards Dan Corcoran, chairman, ca1 led the meeting to order. l, lpgrova'l olgigt{tJs of_Agri] 12 meeting. Dan mentioned that he djd not second to adjourn the meeting of 4/12. No one else could remember just who did. Duane moved and Jim V seconded to approve the minutes, The vote was 5'0 in favor st. for 2 variances of the hazard lations to build a lex with Peter P, reviewed the memo and explained that the staff could find no rea'l re] ationship between the slope of a site and the ratio of floor areas between units, Therefore, since the design of the proposed units were not "mirror imager" the staff recommended approval of the requested variances as long as the design of the second unit upon each Iot would remain substantially different in design from that of thefirst unit upon each lot. }Jill Trout moved and Jim V seconded to approve the request with the design contingency described by the memo and by Peter. The vote was 4"0 in f,avor with Dan absta'ining. 3. .Reouest for two revisions to an approved conditonal use permit in a Publ ic' . it Peter Patten described the memo and Steve Patterson answered questions of the conrnission and audience. The concerns were sufficient drainage, and retaining the teen center. Diana asked if any other sites had been considered for the teen center,zand Steve answered that temporarily, the teen center would be housed in the old town shops. He added that knock-out panels which could change into additional windows, and stubbed plumbing would be included in the teen center area of the library to make it easier and less expensive to convert this to employee housing when the teen center is relocated. Pat Kenney, representing the'12 families jn the Lionshead Lodge, expressed. the concern over having the teen center on the west side, the noise generated by them;'the nurber of teens us'ing the center, and the fact that he hadn't seen Peter Patten Betsy Rosolack 2, 'tloor area on eacn or lots J a * 4/zG/Bz -z' any information relating to a teen center published prior to the bond election.' He felt that perhaps the Town should explore moving the center to anorher site. l'lill was concerned about the noise on the west side, Duane questioned the costto the Town to first rnke the space into a teen center, and then change backinto employee housing, Steve said the Town hadn,t figured the cost. -Duane asked if any space outside were to be used by the teens, and Steve answered thatthere would be sunrner use on a patio about 60 square feet large,.and Pam Hopkins, architectr.zstated that the patio was also designed for counseling . Duane asked if soundproofing wou'ld be added, and Steve replied it would be. Duane asked if perhaps there could be an entrance'for the teens through the north sideto help reduce the noise on the west side, It was explained that this had beenconsidered;but the mechanical room was in the way, and to have the entrance through the library would mean that the teen cent-er would have to close whenthe l ibrary c'losed. hli1.l-pointed out that there have been some very good experiences with teen centers and libraries working together,.but that this did not aiply to the outside spaces. He added that 3 surfaces were being created which made it difficult to curb thenoise and felt that the teens shoul-d enter on the north and not be allowed onthe west side. He referred to opposition to the teen centerin a letter from Frank Cicero dated April 21 , 1982 to the town, Peter Patten read from the information printed in the Vail Trail before the electionin which the teen center ig mentioned. Duane felt that the teen center and library could be a positive mix,.but wishedthat the teens didn't have to enter on the west side. Jim V. echoed Duane andfelt that it would be nice if the teens could. enter at the main entry. Diana stated that in the nnny times she goes by the teen center each day, it appearedto be one of the quietest buildings in tbwn because teens felt that it wbs notcool to use a teen center-'that it was mostly used by pre-teens, she expresseddisappointment that the town was shirking its duty iir iroviding emp'loyee'hous'ing. Steve Patterson mentioned that the number of teens wou'l d be limited because of the occupancy'l oad requirements, and it was his feeling that there would be less noise with a teen center than with employee housing with fewer entrances andlimited hours. Ron Byrne from the audience agreed-with the combination of uses,but wanted to know if the town had received any estimates on moving the building, Steve answered that jt would cost from $40,000 to $60,000 to relocate the building, and that it could not be included in the capital improvements for the next 3 years. Duane moved and Diane seconded to approve the two revisions to the conditional use perm'it for the proposed town of Vai'l library as stated in the staff memowith the addition of.a 3 year time limit placed on the use of the said spaceas a teen center. The vote was 3,1 in favor with will vot'ing against and Dan abstaining, PEC 4126/82 t 4, Pub'l ic hearinq and.consideration of revisions to the view corridors and Peter Patten read the proposed new wording. Dan felt that there was a direct contradiction in paragraph 3, After discussion of the new wordingn,it was felt that the staff had answered the concerns of the PEC, but that the PEC wanted one of the town attorneys to work on the wording'r6n6 then bring the revisions back to the PEC. l{il'l moved and Duane seconded.to table the itenuntil the staff could get written directions from the attorney. The vote uns 5.0 in favor. More discussion followed concerning when it should be tab'led ton.and it was decided to have a meeting on Monday, May 3 at 3:00 p,m, 5. Belug* -tqr'coggominf unr conversion on 'lot 42;Vait Vi'l'lage Wegt Filing #l?oW Dan said that a letter had been received from the appl icant requesting postponement until the lvlay lOth meeting, |'li'll moved and Diana seconded to table until the meeting of May 10, The vote in favor was 5'0. Duane moved and }lill 'seconded to adjourn the meeting, oa RossDavis,r..oo Attorneyat[-aw Telephmq 1303)47e?.+14 t sulre3017 vall Natidral Bank Bldg. P.O. Box 19() wllcoloradoEl6titt april 2L, L982 ttr. Peter Patten Building Department 75 South Frontage Road ltestvail, colorado 81657 Dear Peter: Please table the consideration of the Beverly Hills Condqninium converson originally set for the April 26, L982 Planning Comnission meeting. PLease reschedule the hearingfor the May L0th, 1982 neeting. Thank you for your consideration and cooperation onthis matter. Yours Truly, ts,AAM Buck Allen BA:ns wd" Q'.4i+,Nt fu-J t. h".-d- 6 J* l).a (p,Jz*a - Cfve !t^Lr-a e'*?Yr wt l], tol .0,]a Q..e- I --J- -J-' n - /)T"*- .r>.2d.- C+-6-c,Gn .Bhr.-o --_______-:___'a . ood, to c'..,^n t ,!!- ;( ft,v^aL *!d #.xa e*in G. - W f,,,"" fi.-''-,**-re"ilw- Ot .nt/r/n H% 4,,2 /rt.rrq /, 7. 3. 1u/* lQorsDavis,Jr. Oo Altorneyatl aw Telephone: sulrc3o713()3l.47e24r4 VailNarbnalBankBldg P. O. Box 19() vall.cobradoal6Sa March 11, 1982 Mr. Peter Patten, Jr. 75 South Frontage Road Westvai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Peter: Enclosed please find an appJ-ication for a condorninium conversion for the Beaverly Hills Condominiums. I have enclosed the required maps, a copy of the condominiumdeclaration, a copy of the bylaws, a report on the proposed conversion, proof of ownership and a letter of intent from Dennis Shimon concerning his tenants. As per our conversation, I have submitted one copy of the above rather than four as stated in the application form. I have also enclosed a check for Sl-01.00 to cover the application fee and mailing costs. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Yours truly, cB,*h aft^ Buck Allen BA:dd Enc. oo € %""/4 rrtS ( VE *:frrt) il il; br*l*""/;.-r2t A r- f*r.Jl rnu/ fur*J4 / Xb F.rrn/,ia il*; ,*rb - ,Jof/-,fu, C/ru J';fu **J h-J''ad- "^ld',$;ffft ,/ sd-U fu\"^U ^".,; .fu tZ -u,frb .pt^ rl-/"n, WM#)"'^t lrrU "uf "/"Uftk).Ffr, | ' -F+--'-dJuul.hq L{ru^ /Lutu2 N7 r-lL"-; 6*ry,*r*"Sl"ilA n;/*r{ (r,xa. 7"'</ - /)-* /s/*; 0 o^," /82&t{hq c,'rck tuw 3 q%ah3.? ( N*n f'." H"' n4ru,u 7* il^( ru / ry (:{f:,/) t-;il; a41 frJil L c.7dk"u,o,"rs lD;-llL"*Sr,yt, AA,+ p /w optssoc f pW Q, /,^/./ lrprCqfoN"""t l,/*1.4a/ J l"l* au)1t4 ,*4u /Vr-,fl" ; /"-r, E^/furL Tl* ilr., 4 t? sy Gou O*1, fl; //-Ir,rn /n /^),,-;/-\//;*) oa oo department of community development Deceniber 16, 1981 lutryn 75 aoulh fronlage td. vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 Ross Davisn Jr. Attorney-at-Law P.O. Box 190 Vail , Colorado 8f657 kf (v +rJ2 lU Le' f Dear Ross: After reviewing the Beaverly Hills Condo Map request, Irve dete:mined that Ordinance 28 of 1978 would apply to this situation (a copy is enclosed).This Ordinance regulates conversions of apartnents to condoniniuns, which I believe is the case here because the building pernit was issuedin 1976 by Eagle County. As you can see, the requirenents of Ordinance 28 are rigorous, and controls by the Tom seen to be tight ones. Irn also enclosing a copy of the existing Subdivision Regulations, which is referred to nany tines as Section 17. If your client wishes to pursue the matter, please contact ne and I'll be glad to help out. Itll be out of town fron Decenber 18 to the 27th and back on the 28th. Contact Dick Ryan if you wish, while Irn gone. A. Senior Planner CC: John Stenmark, Eagle Valley Engineering JR and Surveying, In Members of the Planninq and Environmental Commission RE: Supplement to Beaverly Hills CondominiumAssociation Conversion Report. The purpose of this supplement is to answer several questions that were raised after Peter Patten reviewed theinitial report. This paper will address those issues which have not. been answered. Beaverly Hillrs has ten existing parking spaces. There are three units, under the current requirements six parking spaces are needed. Thus, the project meets and exceeds the parkinq space guidelines. The lot is currently not paved however, Dennis Shimon is willing to have the 1ot paved and would be amenable to escrowing paving funds upon approval of his application. Each unit will have separate trash cans as there are only 3 units. Each unit will have an enclosure surrounding the trash barrels, so as not to detract from the suroundj-ng view and to keep dogs and other animals away from the containers and their contents. The electric utility meters will be independently metered for the individual units. The water will be on one meter and an agreement has already been reached on the division of payment on the water bi1l. t\lr. shimon has paid the following fees for variouspermits and taps as the building was completed. The Buildingpermit from Eagle County was $192.39. The plan check cost $96.20, the temporary electrial permit was $I0.00 and the electrical plan check was $40.00. The plumbing fee was $72.50 Further, according to !1r. Jim llyatt from the Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation Department, the water tap fee of $1800.00 was paid as was the sewer tap fee of $1800.00 paid on November 25, L975. I4r. Hyatt also indicated. that Mr. Shimon's account is currently paid in full. At this time, the applicant respectfully requests that the fees he has paj-d be applied to set off any additional building or tap fees that the commission might impose pursuant to Ordiance 28, L978. Further, the applicant requests that any additional charges or fees be waived based on two criteria. First, the conversion to a condominium will not increase the slructure's impact on the support services. Currently the building houses three living units occupied by fu11 timeresidents, the conversion changes the property rights of the tenants, from tenant to owner, however, the occupants remain the same, so there rvill not be an increased demand for services. Further, this condominium conversion is not of Lhe scope envisioned by Ordinance 28, 1978. The Appollo Park conversion precipitated the ordinance and this project certainly does not have the effect or impact of the Appollo Park Apartment conversion to time shari-ng condominiums. For these reasons, the applicant respectfully reguests that the assessment of new fees be waived. you IT The applicant, Ivtr. Dennis Shj-mon, would like to thank for vour consideration and cooperation on this matter. there are any further questions, pleasg-do no contact my office -::.," .,-"t 1s, Jr oo of I{embers of the Planning and Environmental Commission Pursuant to Town of Vail Ordinance 28 of 1978, the Beaverly Hills Condominium Association tenders the following report concerning the proposed condorninium conversion. As an introduction it should be noted that this conversion concept was initiated through a consensus of the owner and two tenants. The tenants inquired into the possibility of purchasing their units and the owner, Dennis Shimon, then went forward with the proposal. Throughout the rest of this report, please keep this starting point for perspective on the project. I4r. Shimon has owned the house in question, consistingtof two rental apartments of two bedrooms each and one upstairs livi-ng unit since early October, 1977. llr. and !lrs. George Sheely and lt{r. and. Itlrs. t4i-ke Teach have been occupying the two rental units contj-nuously since approximately OctoberI5t L977 to the present. Iqr. Shimon has lived in the upstairsunit since October, 1977. Thus, all individuals involved in this proposal have occupied the structure since October 15, 1977, or for four and one-thlrd years. l4r. and Mrs. George Sheely are married with severalchildren, the children are adults and living away from home. The Sheely household consists of the husband and wife. Mr. Sheely is retired, Mrs. Sheely is Lhe bookkeeper for Los Amigos and Whiskey Creek. l4r. and Mrs. Dlike Teach comprise the household of the second rental apartment. Both Mike and Lynn Teach are employed by Gorsuch, Ltd. and have been so employed for several years. The current rent for both two bedroom apartments is Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) per month. This rental figure does not include the utility costs. Mr. Denni-s Shimon indicates that there has been no rent increase in thelast four years. Mr. Shimon indicates that he is very happy wiLh both of his present tenants. As the proposition for the condominium conversion was initiated by both the tenants and the owner, the question of who will buy the units can be resolved easily. At thispoint in time, both sets of tenants plan to purchase their respective apartments. Mr. Shimon will retain ownership of his unit. There will be no time sharing or interval ownership in the conversion project. Further, the proposed sales price for the two bedroom condominiums will be in the range of $69,000 to $79,000 per unit. The exact price has yet to be determined. I1r. Shimon has not made arrangements for financing the purchase of the units at this time. l{r. Shimon could make arrangements if the Planning Commj-ssion feels that is requirerl , however, when viewing the motiviating forces behind the conversion and the price being asked for the two bedroom units, the applicant feels the intent of the oo lo ordinance has been met without the need of imposing financing arrangements on the applicant. It should also be noted that the proposed condominium conversion does not require any modifications or construction on the current structure and none is planned. Thus, the entire project can be carried out without disrupting the surrounding community in any manner, in fact, the only apparent effect on the community and the present status quo will be the changing of the tax rolLs and the payment of therequisite land transfer tax. fn addition, the structure has been in a finished state for the last four years so that no landscaping or environmental work would be required to repair construction caused damage. In sunmation, the request for this condominium conversionis initiated by the o\,vner of the structure as well as his tenants. The ovrner has in the past dealt fairly with his tenants as this report indicates and will continue to do so. This proposal has the backing of both sets of tenants and both sets of tenants have expressed interest in purchasing their apartments. Under this set of circumstances, no long term residents of the area will lose their housing, in fact, to the contrary, the tenants will be allowed to buy the apartments they have been renting for the last four years. The intent of Ordinance 28, L978 has been complied with and in fact, the conversion of these two units will guarantee long term housing for two local families, thus meeting the express intent and goal of the ordinance. As such, the applicant, Mr. Dennis Shimon respectfully requests that this condominium conversion be approved. Section 1. Principal Office. Thethe c6$-5r--a:Elo-n sEi-ll-GTocatEi-in the Colorado. BEAVERLY HILLS BY-LAWS OF THE CONDOMINIUM ARTICLE I OFFICES ASSOCIATION principal office of County of Eagle, Section 2. Registered Office. The registered officeof th6-6ii!6ETioffi1r be locired in Vail, Colorado. Section 3. Relocation of Offices. From time to time,as thilEbEillF Dme, the Board. of Directors may relocate either the principal office or the registeredoffice of the corporation, or both of them. ARTICLE II II'IEETING OF MEMBERS Section I. Place of Meetinqs. AlI meetinss of membersshall-F-hEfti-Tn ffirado, at sucfr tocation as may be designated in the notice of the meeting or shall beheld at a location with or without the State of Colorado as may be designated in a fully executed waiver of notice ofthe meeti-ng. Section 2. Annual Meetings. For the purpose of electing d i recE6FffiErans-a-&I nffitthe r bus ine s s as may properl-y come before the meeting, an annual meeting of the members of t,he corporation shall be held during the month of January of each year at the hour and place specified in the notice ofthe meetingJ, or at any such date, hour. and place to whichthe annual meeting shall have been lawfutly adjourned. Ifthe date of the original or adjourned meeting shall be alegal holiday, the meeting shall be held on the next succeeding business day which is not a legal holiday. Section 3. Special Meetings, Special meetings of the memb e?@Fc aTFby--t h-AT?EEi de nt a n d s ha I 1 be c a 1 1 e d by the President or the Secretary at the written request of a majority of the Directors, or of members voting, in the aggregate, for nine units. Such requests shall state the purpose or purPoses of the proposed meeting. The business transacted at any special meeting of the members shall belimited to the purposes stated in tire notice of the meeting. Section 4. Substitute Annual Meet.ings. If the annualmeetifr@me the dat,e designated by Section 2 of this Article II, a substitute annual meeting may be called in accordance wit,h Section 3 of this ArticleII. A meeting so called shall be designated and treated forall purposes as an annual meeting. Section 5.Notice of Meeting. (a) By or at the direct,ion of the President, the Secretary, or other office or persons calling the meeting of (' the members, written or printed notice stating the place, day, and hour of the meeting and, in case of a special meeting, the purpose or purposes for which the meeting iscalled shall be delivered to each member entit.led to vote at such meeting either .by mail or in person and not less thanten nor more than fifty days before the date of the meeting.If mailed, such notice shall be deemed to be del-ivered when deposited with postage thereon prepaid in the United Statesmail addressed to the member at his address as it appears onthe books of the corporation. (b) When any meeting is adjourned for thirty days or more, notice of the adjourned meeting shall be given as inthe case of an ori-ginal meeting. When a meeting is adjournedfor less than thirty days at any one adjournment, it shallnot be necessary to give notj.ce of the adjourned meetingother than by announcement at the meeting at which the adjournment is taken. At the adjourned meeting, the corporation may transact any business which might have been transactedat the original meeting, provided a quorum is present. Section 6. Waiver of Notice. A written waiver ofnoticffi-5-friEEti;-fEF tEffia;66;s shall be equivatent tothe giving of such notice if signed by the person or persons entitled to such notice either before, on, or after the dateof the meeting. The appearance of any person at a meeting of members shall operate as a waiver by him of notice of themeeting, except when he attends the meeting for the statedpurpose of objecting to the transaction of any business onthe ground that the meeting is not lawfully called or convenedor that proper notice has not been given. Section 7.Quorum and Adi ournment. (a) sufficient members of the corporation entitl-ed tovote a majority of the votes shall be present in person or be proxy to const.itute a quorum for the transaction of any business. (b) If a quorum is absent at ;he opening of any meetingor during any meeting of members, the holder of a majorityof votes present in person or by proxy and entitled to voteorr if no menlcer entitled to vote is present, any officer ofthe corporation, may adjourn the meeting from time to timeuntil a quorum is present, provided that the period for anyone adjournment sha1l not exceed sixty days. Section 8. Proxies. Members entitted to vote at anymeetiiQ-S,-lFbe entTEfea to vote either in person or by oneor more agents authorized by written proxy executed by the member of his duly authorized attorney-in-fact. No proxy shall be valid after eleven months from the date of its execution, unless the contrary is specifically provided inthe proxy. Section 9.Voting by Members. (a) The voting rights of members shall be as is set forth in Article IV of the Articles of Incorporation. (b) Except where a different vote is required by lawor the Articles of Incorporation, the affirmative vote of a majority of votes cast on any matter at a meeting of the members at which a quorum hras present at the time of thevote shall be the act of the members on that matter. fi Section 10. Actions Without a Meetinq. Anv actionwhichE!-86-T6Een rs *-ay be takenwithout a meeting if a written consent setting forth theaction so taken shal1 be signed by all of the members entitledto vote with respect to the subject matter thereof. Section 11. 9l4eS qf Business. So far as applicable,. the offi-Eil;inffiq of the members sharl be as follows: a) CaII to order.b) RolI Call - determination of quorum. c) Proof of notice of waiver of notice.d) Reading and approval of minutes.e) Reports of officers.f) Reports of committees. S) Election of directors.h) Unfinished business.i) New business.j) Adjournment. ARTICLE III BOARD OF DIRECTORS Secti-on I. General Powers. The Board of Directors sha I l-EETE-EE-powE?E- an?-EuEfe s neces sary for the administrationof the affairs of the corporation and for the operation and maintenance of a first-class residential townhouse project. The Board of Directors may do atl such acts and things asare not by law by the Articles of Incorporation or these By- Laws or by the Condominium Declaration directed to be exeriised and done by members. Section 2. Specific Powers and Duties. The Board ofoirec6?6E-lT h d to the fotlowing powers and duties. (a) To administer, protect, and enforce the covenant,s,conditions, restrJ-ctions, easements, uses, limitations,obligations, and all other provisions set forth in the Condominium Declaration for the Beaverly Hills Condominiums,the Articles of Incorporation and these By-Laws. (b) To fix the amount of the regular and special assessments and to send written notice to every owner subj ectthereto at least thirty (30) days before each assessment isdue. A11 assessments shall be in statement form and shallset forth the details of Lhe various expenses for which th.e assessments are being made. (c) To impose penalties and col-lect delinquent assess- ments by lien, suit, or otherwise and to seek damages from an owner as is provided in the Declaration and these By- La!,rs. (d) To adopt, publish, amend, and enforce rules andregulations governing the use of the Association property and facilities and the personal conduct of the members andtheir guests thereon and to establish penalties for theinfraction thereof. A copy of such rules and regulationsshall be delivered to or mailed to each member promptly uponthe adoption thereof. (e) To suspend the voting rights and the right to usethe recreational facilities of a member during any period in which such member shall- be in default of the payment of any assessment levied by the corporation. Such right may also be suspended after not,ice and hearing, for a period not to exceed fifteen (15) 'days, for infraction of puU:-ished rules and regulations. (f) To initiate and maintain adequate liability and hazard insurance as required by the Declaratj-on. (S) To elect and supervise offj-cers of the corporation and to see that their duties are properly performed. (h) To hire and supervise personnel necessary toperform the duties and functions of the corporation underthe terms of the Declaration and Articles of Incorporation. (i) To provide for the maintenance, repair, and upkeepof the Association property. (j) To enter into contracts, including instruments of indebtedness, and instruments securing the payrnent of such indebtedness, within the scope of their duties and powers. (k) To protect and defend the properties from loss and damage by suit or otherwise. (f) To establish a bank and for all separate funds asof Directors. account for the common treasury deemed advisable by the Board (m) To keep and maintain ful1 and accurate books,records, and minutes showing all of the receipts, expenses, disbursements, and business of the corporation and to permit examlnation thereof at any reasonable t,ime by each of the members and, upon the affirmative vote of at least fiftypercent (508) of the members, to cause a compJ-ete audit to be made of the books and accounts by a certified public accountant. (n) To prepare and deliver to each member at the annual meeting a statement showing all receipts, exPenses, or disbursements since the last such statement. Such statement shall- be delivered at any special meeting when so requested by one-third of the members who are entitled to vote. (o) To provide for issuing, upon demand of any person, a certificate setting forth whether or not any assessment has been paid. The Board may charge a reasonable fee for such issuance. If a certificate states an assessment has been paid, such certificate shall be conclusive evid.ence of such payment. (p) To cause all officers or employees having fj-scal responsiblities to be bonded as deemed appropriate. (g) To provide for trash and garbage removal . (r) To do al-l things necessary and reasonable to carry out the governing and operation of this condiminium project. Section 3.'Number, Terms, and Qualifications (a) The number of directors comprising the Board Directors shall be three. The number of Directors may of be increased or decreased by amendment of these By-Laws; provi4ed, however, that the number of Directors shall not be reducedto less than three nor increased to more than seven. (b) Each member of the initial Board of Directorsshall continue to hold office until the new Board is elected and holds their first meeting. At the first meeting of the members, successors to the initial Board of Directors shall be elected for a term of one year each. Except for theinitial Board of Directors, each Director shall hold officefrom the time of his election'and qualification until hisdeath, resignation, removal, or disqualification, or untilhis successor shall have been elected and qualified, whicheverevent shall first occur. (c) Only menbers of the corporation maythe Board of Directors. Directors need not bethe State of Colorado. (d) No person shall serve as a directorattained the age of twenty-one years. be members of residents of until he has Section 4. Election. Except as provided in thiserticffiF-the6-e-EijElaws, thl oireltors shall be elect,edat the annual meeting of members or at a substitute annual meeting of members or at a special meeting of members.Directors shall- be elected by a plurality of the votes cast. Unless a member so demands, the election of the Directors need not be by ballot. Section 5. Chairman of the Board. The Board of Directorssharl_-Elffia-dhaffirs at rhe annual meeting of the Board. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Board and will perform such other duties as these By-La\ds or the Board may prescribe. Section 6. Resignation. A Director may resign at any time,-E-i-ffiE6p-taF6E-Efs resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective. Such resignation shall take effect at the time stated therein. If a resignation is to take effectat a future date, the Board of Directors or the members rnayelect a successor to take office when the resignation becomes ef fective. Section 7. Vacancy. A vacancy in the Board, howeveroccurffifriEffie EfiTEd-uy the affi-rmative vote oi a majorityof the Directors remaining in office, even though less thana quorum, or by a sole remaining Director. A Director elected to fill a vacancy shal1 be elected for the unexpired term of his predecessor in office. Section 8. Removal of Directors. At any meeting of the mErtffie ffiates such purposer dny one or more of the Directors may be removed with or without cause by a najority of the votes of the members and a successor may then and there be elected to fill the vacancy created. Section 9. Compensation. No Director shall be entitledto reE6FEilr his sarvfces as a Director any compensation. A Director may be reimbursed for his reasonable expensesj"ncurred in the performance of his duties as a Director if the Board of Directors so determines. Section 10. Manasin On behalf of the corporation, a managing agent and paythe s6;E-FTilectoETEf employ such agent Directors.services as compensation The managingthe Board of as established by the Board ofagent shaI1 perform such dutj-es andDirectors shall authorize. ARTICLE IV MEETING OF DIRECTORS Section I. Place of Meetings All annual meetings ofthe aofiTE-uireffitd at the same tocaiion asthe annual meeting of members and special meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at such location as may bedesignated in the notice of the meeting or shal1 be held ata location within or without the State of Colorado as may be designated in a fu11y executed waiver of notice of the meeting. Section 2. Annual Meeting. For the purpose of organi-zatioi-lfi-dfr5n of-E-fiaer-s, and the transacti-on of suchother business as may properly come before the meeting, an annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the corporationshall be held imrnediateJ.y following the annual meeting ofthe members of the corporation. If the annual meeting ofthe Board of Directors is not held as required by thisSection, then it may be hetd at such other t,ime or place as may be specified in a notice of meeting given as provided bySection 4 of this Article IV. Section 3. Special Meetings. Special meetings of theeoardrcfffior@y the chairman oi the Board or the President and shall be called by the Chairman,the President, or the Secretary upon the written request of two Directors. Section 4.Notice. (a) Notice of each meeting of the Board of Directorsshalf be given by any one of the following methods of communications: (a) By written notice delj-vered at least five,but not more than t$renty d.ays before the date of the meeting.In such case, notice sha1l be delivered by leaving it withthe Director or at his residence or usual place of business,or by mailing a copy thereof to his last known post office address or at such other address as he may have designated.If mailed, such notice shall be deemed to be delivered when deposited with postage thereon prepaid in the United Statesmails; or (2') By telegram dispatched or telephone call madeat least forty-eight (48) hours, but not more than twenty(20) days before the date of the meeting. A telegram shatL be dispatched to the Director's residence or usual place ofbusiness, or at his last known post office address or at such other address as he may have designated. Notice by telephone call may be given to the Director or to any apparentlyresponsible adult person at his residence or usual place of business or such place as he may have designated; or (3) By any other usual and customary means of communication at least forty-eight (48) hours, but not rnorethan twenty (20) days, before the date of the meeting. {t o (b) Directors need not all be notified by the same method of conununication but. if any method of comrnunicationcomplies with Subsection (1), then the Secretary may, in hisdiscretion and in view of the individual circumstances of each Director, determine the method which will most expeditiouslyinsure timely and adequate notice to each Director. (c) Notice, however given, by whatever method of communication shall specify the time, date, and place of themeeting and, in the case of a special meeting, also thepurpose of the meeting. Specification of the purpose of thespecial meeting shall not preclude the Board of Directorsfrom considering other business at that meeting. (d) Notice of any meeting need not be given to anyDirector who waives notice as is provided in Section 5 ofthis Article. Section 5. Waiver of Notice. A written waiver ofnotice of a meeting of the Board of Directors shall beequivalent to the giving of such notice if signed by theperson or persons entitLed to such notice either before, ot,or after the date of the meeting. The appearance of anyperson at a meeting of the Board of Directors shall operateas a waiver by him of notice of the meeting, except when heattends the meeting for the stated purpose of objecting tothe transaction of any business on the grounds that the meeting is not lawfully called or convened or that proper notice has not, been given. Section 6.Quorum and Adjournment (a) A quorum of Directors for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board of Directors shallconsist of the majority of the total number of Directors which were to be elected pursuant to Section 3, Article III,of these By-Laws at the last annual meeting of members,whether or not such number of Directors were in fact elected. (b) ff a quorum is absent at the opening of any meetingof the Board of Directors, the meeting may be adjourned fromtime to time until a quorum is present by a vote of a majorityof the Directors present and voting on the motion to adjourn.Thereafter, the Directors may transact any business whichthey might lawfully have transacted at the original meetingof the Board of Directors, provided a quorum is presenl . (c) Notice of an adjourned meeting need not be given if the tj-me, date, and place are fixed at the meeting adjourning and if the period of adjournment does not exceed ten (10) days in any one adjournment. Section 7.Orqanization. (a) If the Chairman of the Board d.oes not preside at a meeting, a Director selected by the Board members present atthe meeting shall preside. (b) The Secretary of the corporation sha1l act as secretary of all meetings but, in his absence, the presiding officer may appoint a secretary. li the oilid-5F-ETsinEEETE shall be as follows:each meeting CaIl to order Proof and notice of meeting or waiver thereof. Determination of presence or absence of quorum. Section 8. Order of Business.So far as applicable, of the Board of Directors (a) (b) (c) f} (d) Reading and approval of previous minutes.(e) Regular business, including, but not limited to: (1) Management reports.(2) Ratification of acts of officers.(3) Election of officers.(4) Determination of number of Directors to beelected at annual- meeting of members.(5) Fixing time and place for next regular meeting. (f) Other business(S) Adjournment Section 9. Presumption of Assent. A director who ispreseiEE-ilfrdet@irectors at which anyaction is taken shal-l be presumed to have assented to theaction unLess (a) his contrary vote is recorded or (b) hisdissent is otherwise entered in the minutes of the meetingor (c) he shall file his writ,ten dissent to such action withthe person acting as secretary of the meeting before adjournmentthereof or (d) shall forward such dissent by registered mailto the Secretary of the corporation immediately after adjournmentof the meeting. Such right to dissent sha1l not be availableto a Director who voted in favor of the action taken. Section 10. Actions Without A Meeting. Any actiontaken-fr5f-ffiTen d of birctors may be taken without a meeting if a written consent settingforth the action so taken shall be signed by all of the members of the Board of Directors entitled to vote withrespect to the subject matter thereof. ARTICLE V OFFICERS Section I. Number. The officers of the corporationshallTfrGidentT-dne or more vice-Presidentsl a Secretary, and a Treasurer, and such other officers as the Board mayfrom time to time elect. Any tlro or more offices may beheld by the same person, but no officer may act in more than one capacity where the action of two or more officers isrequired, and in no event may the same person simultaneouslyhold the offices of President and Secretary. Section 2.Election Term and Qualifications. (a) The officers enumerated in Section I of thisArticle shall be elected by and from the Board of Directorsat its annual meeting, but additional officers may be elected and vacancies fi1led at any other meeting of the Board ofDirectors. (b) Each officer elected by the Board of Directors shall- hold office until his death, resignation, retirement, removal, or disqualification, or until his successor shall have been elected. (c) The officers shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Board of Directors or at a substitute annual meeting of the Board of Directors or at a special meeting of the Board of Directors. Officers shall be elected by a majority of the votes cast. Unless a Board member so demands, the election of the officers need. not be by ballot. v o Section 3.Resiqnation.An officer may resign at any.time iiE-E@EanEE of the resiqnation shal1 not be necessarytake effect atto make it effective. Such resicrnation shallthe time stated. Section 4. Removal. Any officer elected by the Boardof niffiE-Gy Eil65ved Uy tfre Board at any time with orwithout cause at a regular or special meeting of the Boardof Directors. Section officerSection 5. Compensation. No officer shall be entitledto red6lild-To-F-his sErvFes as an officer any compensation An officer may be reimbursed for his reasonable expensesincurred j-n the performance of his duties as an officer ifthe Board of Directors so determines. Section 6. President. The President shall be the chief-E-ec-6[€ii6 oFffcd-bT the corporation. Subject to thecontrol of the board, he shall have general and activesupervision and control of the business and affairs of thecorporation and over its other offi.:ers, agents, and employees. Without limiting the tenerality of the foregoing. the President shal-1: (a) Have authority to designatef appoint, and removeas he shall deem necessary or desireable any agent or employeeof the corporation, but he shall have no authority to appoint or remove any corporate officersi and (b) See that all resolutions, orders, and directivesof the Board of Directors are carried into effect; and (c) APpoint committees from among the members from time to time as he may in his discretion decide is appropriate to assist in the cond,uct of the affairs of the corporation. (d) Have authority to sign, execute, and deliver, with any other appropriate officerf corporate instruments of con- veyance, instruments of indebtedness, and obJ-igations and contracts and other instruments and documents that may be authorized by the Board of Directors, except in cases where the signing. execution, or d,elivery thereof shall have been delegated by these By-Lavrs or by the Board of Directors to some other officer or agent of the corporation, or shall- be required by law otherwise to be signed, executed or delivered; and (e) Perform all duties incident to the office of President and such other duties as the Board of Directors nny prescribe from time to time. Section 7. Vice-Presidents. Each Vice-President shallperfoifr'-ffih-6tieE-ts-E6e Boefil of Directors or the President shall prescribe. In the absence of the President, or in the event of his d.eath, inability or refusal to act, the powers' duties, and functions of his office shall be termporarily performed and exercised by one or more of the Vice-Presid.ents as prescribed or directed by the Board and, when acting in such capacity, they shall be subject to alL restrictions upon the President. Section 8.Secretary. The Secretary shall: (a) Keep, or cause to be kept, in one or more books provided for that purpose, the minutes of all meetings and proceedings of the Board of Directors, any committees of the Board of Directors, and of the members; and a (b) See that all notices are duLy given to members andDirectors in accordance with the Articles of fncorporation and these By-Laws and as required by law; and (c) Have custody of the general records and documentsof the corporation other than those required to be kept inthe custody of the Treasurer, pursuant to Section 10 of thisArticle V or pursuant to any directive of the Board ofDirectors or the President consistent with these By-Laws; and (d) Maintain custody of the seal of the corporation and see that it is affixed to all corporate documents requiredto be executed under seals; and (e) Sign signature; and (f) Keep fu1ly informed and affairs of and aI1 such instruments as may require his the President and the Board of Directorsas to all matters relating to the businessthe corporation for which he is responsible; (S) In general, perform all duties incident to theoffice of Secretary and such other duties as the Board ofDirectors or the President mav prescribe from time to time. Section 9.Treasurer. The Treasurer shall: (a) Have charge and custody of, and be responsiblefor, the funds of the corporation; and (b) Disburse and invest the funds of the corporation, as ordered and authorized by the Board; and (c) Keep full and accurate records of j-nvestments, receipts, deposits, and disbursements; and (d) Keep the President and the Board fully informed asto all matters relating to the business and affairs of thecorporation for which he is responsible; and (e) Render to the Board of Directors, when required, the account of his transaction as Treasurer; and (f) In general , perform all the duties incident to theoffice of Treasurer and such other duties as the Board ofDirectors or President may prescribe from time to time. Section 10. Assistant Offi-cers. In the event that oneor moi6TEEfEEan-t ffirporation shall beelected by the Board, the respective officers m.ry delegateto one or more of their ass j-stant officers the performance of any of the duties of the officers, subject to restrictions imposed by the Board of Directors. Each assistant officershall also perform aII such duties as the Board of Directorsor the President may prescribe from time to time. ARTICLE VI BOOKS AND RECORDS Section l. Availabilitv for Inspection. At all times during -reasonable-Eusf ne.ss -Io[rs ,papers of the corporation shall be any member or his duly authorized the books, records, andsubject to inspection by representative. o Section 2. Other Documents. The Declaration, Articles.of rnE6ip6EEFn,-anE-tEe-y-Lar,rs of this corporation shallbe available for inspection by any member or his duly autho-rized agent at the principal office of the corporation. Copies thereof may be purchased at a reasonable cost. ARTICLE VII GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 1. Seal. The seal of the corporation shall becircufF-ffi-EEm ffi--sharl have inscribed thereon the following: EAVERLY HILLS CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION SEAL STATE OF COLORADO Section 2. Fiscal Year. The fiscal vear of the corpor-atj-on shall be fixed by the Board of Directors. Section 3.Indemnificati.on of Officers and Manaqers. The Association shal1 indemnify every officer and managingagent, their respective successors, personal representatives, and heirs, against aII loss, costs, and expenses, includingattorneyst fees, reasonably incurred by him in connectionwith any action, suit, or proceeding to which he may be aparty by reason of his being or having been an officer or managing agent of the corporation, except as to matters asto which he shall be finally adjudged in such action, suit,or proceeding to be liable for gross negligence or willfulmisconduct. In the event of a setLlement, indemnificationshall be provided only in connection with such matterscovered by the settlement as to which the Association is advj-sed by counsel that the person to be indemnified as notbeen guilty of gross negligence or wil1fu1 misconduct in theperformance of his duties as such officer or managing agent. The foregoing rights shall not be exclusive of other rightsto which such officer or managing agent may be entitled.All 1oss, liability, damage, cost, and expense incurred orsuffered by the corporation by reason or arising out of orin connection with the foregoing indemnificaLion provisionshall be treated and handled by the corporation as conrmonexpensesi provided, however, that nothing j-n this ArticleVII shall be deemed to oblj-gate the corporation to indemnifyany member or owner of a townhouse unj.t who is or has been an officer or managing agent of the corporation with respectto any dutieF or obligations assumed or liabilities incurredby him under and by virtue of the Declaration. ARTICLE VIII MORTGAGES Section 1. Notice to Corporatj-on. An or,rner who mortgages n is c5fr?i5frlli:Iu-fr u@corporar ion rhroughthe managing agent, if any, or the President of the Corporation,giving the name and address of his mortgagee. The Associationshall maintain such information in a book called Mortgagesof units. (' Section 2. Notice of Unpaid Assessments. Wheneverassessfr6frE6-Gp6n red by a mortgagelisted in the Mortgages of units shall be thirty (30) daysin arrears, the Treasurer shall notify all mortgagees on such condominium unit that the assessment is delinquent andthe amount thereof. . ARTICLE IX EVIDENCE OF OWNERSHIP, REGISTRATION OF MAILING ADDRESSES, AND REQUIRED PROXIES Section I. Proof of Ownership. Except for thoseownerE-ffi6-ElE:-a@dominilm unir from rheDeclarantr Erny person on becoming an owner of a condominiumunit shall furnish to the managing agent or Board of Directorsa photocopy or a certified copy of the recorded. instrumentvesting that person with the interest or ownership. Said copy shall remain in the files of the corporation. A membersha1l not be deemed in good standing nor shall he be entitledto vote at any annual or special meeting of the membersunless this requirement is first met. Section 2. Reqistration of Mailincr Address. TheownerFEfrlZh-co d the sameregistered mailing address to be used by the corporation formailing of monthly statements, notices, demands, and allother comrnunications, and such registered mailing addressshall be the only mailing address of a person or persons, firm, corporation, partnership, association, or other legalentity or any combination thereof to be used by the corporation. Such registered address of an owner shall be furnished by such owner to the Secretary within five (5) days aftertransfer of tit1e, or after a change of address, and such registration shall be in written form and signed by all ofthe owners of the condominium unit or by such persons whoare authorized by law to represent the interest of all ofthe owners thereof. Section 3. Corporation Address. The address of the corpoGTfri-sh-El1@ the Board of Directorsat the firsL meeting of the Board, and notice thereof sha1l be given to all owners and first mortgagees. ARTICLE X OBLIGATIONS OF MBMBERS Section I. Assessments. Except as it otherwise provid.ed in thd-pElEiEEionl-EIT- oTners shall be obligated to pay the assessments imposed by the corporation and pay the expensesj-ncurred by the corporation pursuant to the Declaratj-on, Articles of Incorporation, or these By-Lav/s. A member shall be deemed to be i-n good standing and entitled to vote at any annual or special meeting of members, wj-thin the meaning of these By-Laws, if and only if he shal1 have paid all assess- ments made or levied against him and the condominium unit owned by him. Section 2.Maintenance and Repair. (a) At its ovrn expense, every owner must promptly per- form all maintenance and repair work within his own condominium. An owner shall not do an act or any work that will impair the structural soundness or integrity of the building or impair any easements or heredj-tament. (b) ALl the repairs of internal installations of the unit such as \.rater, light, 9ds, power, sewage, telephone, sanitary installations, doors, windows, electrical fixtures, appliances, and equipment installed within the condominiumunit commencing at a point at which the utility 1ines,pipes, wires, conduits, or systems (which for brevity arehereafter referred to as utilities) enter the condominiumunit shall be at the owner's expense. Utility fixtures and appliances (but no lines, pipes, wires, conduits, or systems) which are not located within the condominium unit, whichexist for the purpose of providlng utility service only for one condominium unit, shall be maintained and kept in repair by the owner of that condominium unit. (c) An owner shall be obligated to reimburse the corporation promptly upon receipt of its statement for any expenditures incurred by it in repairing or replacing anyproperty owned by the corporatj.on, or for which it is responsible, which was damaged by the owner's negligence or the negligence of his family, tenants, invitees, or agents. Section 3. Mechanicrs Lien. Each owner (indemnifor) agreeE-Eil-n-n*-indenrniff -afr -to-EonFnarmlesseachof theother owners from and against all liability arising from the claim of any mechanic's lien filed against any condominium unit of his or any other owner for construction performed or for labor, materials, services, or other products incorporated in the o\^rnerrs (indemnitorrs) condominium unit at such owner's (indemnitorr s) request. In the event suit for foreclosure of any such lien i-s commenced, then within ninety (90) days after such commencement the indemnitor shall be required to deposit with the corporation cash or negotiable securities equal to the amount of such claim plus interest for one year together with the sum of One HundredDollars ($100.00). Such sum of security shall be held bythe corporation pending full adjudication or settlement of the claim or litigation. Disbursement of such funds or proceeds shall be made by the corporation to insure payment of or on account of such final judgement or settlement. Any deficiency shall be paid forthwith by the indemnitor, andhis failure to so pay shall entitle the corporation to make such payment, and the amount thereof shall be a d.ebt of the indemnitor and a }j-en against his condominium unit which may be foreclosed as is provided in Article 8 of the Declaration. Section 4. General . Each owner shall comply strictly with EEE-FiovfsionE-oFTtre recorded Declaration. Each owner shall always endeavor to observe an,-i promote the cooperative purposes for the accomplishment for which this condominiumproject was built. Section 5.Use of Condominiums Internal Changes. (a) A11 condominiums shall be utilized for private residential purposes only or as residential rental units. (b) After Declarant in the Declaration has comPleted the project, an owner shall not make strucLural modifications or alterations to his condominium or installations located therein without the written approval of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors sha1l be notified in writing of the intended modifications throuqh the Chairman of the Board of Directors. a Section 6. Use of the Common Area. Each owner may usethe a6E66fEEi-5i-p@ith the purpose for which it was intended wj-thout hindering or encroaching uponthe lawful ri.ghts of the other owners. Section 7. Riqht of Entrv. An owner shall and doesgrant-Efr6-ffEE oEtnE-To-EG managing agent or Board ofDirectors of the corporation, to have access to his condominium, unit from time to time during reasonable hours as may be necessary for the maintenance, repair I or replacement of anyof the common utilities or for making emergency repairstherein necessary to prevent damage to the common utilitiesor to another condominium unit or units. Damage to theinterior of any part of the condominium unit as a resul! of such entry thereof shall be a common expense to all of the owners; provided, however, that if such entry resulting in damage was made necessary as a result of the negligence or malfeasence of the owner, then such owner shall be responsiblefor all such damage. Section B. Damage or Destruction. Each ownerf uponbecomfil-En--ffierffie reby grants hi spo$/er-of-attorney in favor of the corporation, irrevocably appointing the corporation his attorney-in-fact to deal withthe owner's condominium unit upon its damage or destruction as provided in Article IX of the Declaration. ARTICLE XI AI"IENDMENTS TO BY-I,AWS Section 1. These By-Laws may be amended, at a regular or sp6dEf-frffiing of the goard oi nirectors, by a vote of a majority of a guorum of the Directors present in person or by proxy. fn case of any conflict between the Articles of Incorporation and these By-Laws, the Articles shall control; and, in case of any conflict between the Declaration and these By-Laws, the Declaration shall control. BEAVERLY HILLS CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION Dated this day of ,198r By By By t'.' CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION FOR BEA\iERIY HILLS CONDOMINIUMS RECfTATS Dennis L. Shimon ("Dec1arant"), is the owner of Lo1c 42, VAIL VILLAGE WEST, Filing No. 1, according to the recordedplat thereof, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Declarant desires to establish a condominium project under the Condominium Ownership Act of Colorado ("the Act") and to define the character, duration, rights, obligations and lirnitations of condominium ownership. Declarant hasconstructed a building on LoL 42, VAIL VILLAGE WEST, FilingNo. L, 6ccording to the recorded plat thereof, County ofEagle, State of Colorado, which building, when completed,shall consist of separately designated condominium units. A condominium map will be filed showing the location of saidbuilding on the property, which is hereby made subject tothis Declaration. Declarant does hereby establish a plan for the ownershipof real property estates in fee simple, consisting of theair space contained in each of the apartment units in thebuilding and the coownership, by the individual and separate owners thereof, as tenants in common, of all of the remainingreal proPerty. DECLARATION Declarant does hereby publish and declare that thefollowing terms, covenants, conditj-ons, easements, restrictions,uses, reservations, Iimitations and obligations shall be deemed to run with the land, shalI be a burden and a benefitto Declarant, its successors and assigns and any personacquiring or owning an interest in the real property that isor becomes subject to this Decl-aration and improvementsbuilt thereon their grantees, successors, heirs, executors,administrators, devisees or assigns. t. Definitions. As used in this Declaration, unless otherwise-expre ryprovided : (a) rrApartment unit" means an individual air space unit contained within the perimeter waIls, floors,ceilings, windows and doors of a unit in a building constructed on real property, which is subject to the provisions of thisDeclaration, and as shown and described in a condominium map recorded in the real property records of Eagle County, Colorado, together with (i) all- fixtures and improvements therein; (ii) the inner decorated or finished surfaces of such unitrs perimeter walls, floors and ceilings; (iii) the doors and windows of the unit; and (iv) the interior nonsupportingwalls wj-thin the unit. The term does not include, however,the undecorated or unfinished surfaces of the perimeter walJ-s, floors or ceilings of a unit, any utilities running through the unit that serve more than one unit or any othergeneral conrmon element or part thereof located within theunit. f' 4.General Commo n Elements; Encroachments. (a) The general common elements sha1l be owned in common by all the owners and shall remain undivided. No owner shall assert any right of partition wi-th respect to the general comnon el-ements. Each owner waj-ves any and all rights of partition he may hold by virtue of his ownershipof.an undivided interest in the general conrmon element,s as atenant in comnpn with the other owners. This paragraph shdll not. however, Iimit or restrict the right of partition of a single condominium unit among the owners thereof, but such right of partition shall not be construed to mean aphysical division or partition of a condominium unit, norsha1l such right of partition affect any other condominium unit. (b) Each owner shall be entitled to use the general conmon elements i-n accordance with the purpose for which they are intended, without hindering, imped.ing or imposing upon the rights of the other owners and. in accordance with the rules and regulations duly established from time to time by the Association. (c) If any portion of the general common elements now encroaches upon any apartment unit, or if any apartment, now encroaches upon any other apartment unit or upon anyportion of the general common elements, as a result of theconstruction of any building, or if any such encroachment shall occur hereafter as a result of settling or shifting of any buidingr ? valid easement for the encroachment and for the maintenance of the same so long as the building stands, shall exist. In the event any building, any apartment unit, any adjoining apartment unit, or any adjoining general common element, shall be partially or totally destroyed as a result of fire or other casualty or as a result of condemnation or eminent domain proceedings, and then rebuilt, encroachments of parts of the general conrmcrn elements upon any apartment unit or of any apartmenl unit upon any other apartment unit or upon any portion of the general common elements, due to such rebuilding, shall be permitted, and valid easements for such encroachments and the maintenance thereof shatl exist so long as the building shall stand. Mechanicr s Liens;Ind.emni f ication. (a) If any owner shall cause any maLerial to be furnished to his apartment unit or any labor to be performed therein or thereon, no owner of any other condorninium unit shalt under any circumsLances be liable for the payment of any expense incurred or for the value of any work done or material furnished. A11 such work shall be at the expense of the owner causing it to be done, and such owner shall be solely responsible to contractors, laborers, material-men and other persons furnishing labor or materials to this apartment unit or any improvements thereitr. Nothing herein contained shall authorize any oltner or any person dealing through, with or under any owner to charge the common elements or any apartment unit other than that of such owner with any mechanicts lien or other lien or encumbrance whatever. On the contrary (and notice is hereby given) the right and power to charge any lien or encumbrance of any kind against the general cofiunon elements or against any owner or owner's apartment unit for work done or materials furnished to any other owner's apartment unit is hereby expressly denied. o (b) If, because of any act or omission of any o$rner any mechanic's or other lien or order for the payment of money shal1 be filed against the general common elementsor against any other owner's apartment unit or any improvementstherein, or against any other owner (whether or not suchlien or order is valid or enforceable as such, ) the o\^rner whose act or omission forms the basis for such lien or ordershall at his own cost and expense cause the same to be canceLled and discharged to record or bonded by a surety company reasonably acceptable to the Association, or to suchother owner or owners, within 20 days after the date offiling thereof, and further shalf indemnify and save all theother unit owners and the Association harmless from andagainst any and all costs, expenses, claims, losses, or damages, including reasonable attorney's fees resulting therefrom. 5. Administration q11d Management. Beaverly Hills Condominiums shall be administered and managed pursuant toDeclaration, the articles of incorporation of the Association and sha11 comply strictly with the provisions of the Declarationwith ru1es, resolutions and decisions of the Association duly made or adopted in the manner set forth in the articlesof incorporation or bylaws. Failure of the membe r to comply with such provision, rules, resolutions or decisions shall be grounds for anaction to recover damages or to obtain injunction relief, orboth, maintainable by the Association on behalf of the other owners or, in the proper case, by an aggrieved owner. Inaddition, the Associationsr by-Iaws may authorize the Association,during the period of any delinquency, (a) to revoke a delinquent ovrner's right to use general common elements and (b) to suspend a member's voting privileges; however, no such suspension shall affect the rights of a first lienor. 7 . Maintenance and Repairs. (a) Each owner shall be responsible for maintenance and repair of his apartment unit, including fixtures and improvements and all utility lines and eguipment located therein and serving such unit only. In performing such maintenance or repair, or in improving or altering his apartment unit, no owner shall do any act or work that impairs the structural soundness of any building or that interferes with any easement. (b) The general common elements (including thelimited common elements) shall be administered, conserved, managed, maintained, repaired and replaced by the Association, which may have access to any unit from time to time during reasonable hours for such purposes, or at any time for the purpose of making emergency repairs therein necessary toprevent damage to the general conmon elements or to another apartment unit or units. The costs of repairing any damageto an apartment unit resulting from entry therein for any such purpose shall be a common expense of all the owners. However, if the need to make such entry results from the negligence or intentj-onal act of any o$/ner, his family, orinvitee, such owner'shall reimburse the Associati-on for allthe costs of repairing such damage and sha11 be liable tothe other owners for all additional losses or damages suffered,including reasonable attorneyrs fees. (c) Notwithstanding the foregoing. (i) each owner having an interest in limited conrmon elements sha1l pay theproportion of the costs and expenses of maintaining, repairing and repl-acing any limited conmon elements of which such 17 (b) "Condominium unit" means an apartment unit together with the undivided interest in the general conmon elemenls appurtenant thereto and the right to exclusive or nonexclusive use of limited common elements associated therewith (c) "Ownerr' *aur," any individual, corporation,partnership, association, trust or other legal entity, or combination of legal entit,ies, which is the record owner of an undivided fee simple interest in one or more condominiumunits. (d) "General common elements" means (i) the land included in the real property, which at any time is subjectto this Condominium Declaration; (ii) the found.ations, columns, girders, beams, supports, perimeter and supportingwalls, roofs, balconies, hal1s, corridors, lobbies, stairs,stairways, fire escapes, entrances and exits of the building;(iii) t,he basements, yards, gardens, and automobile parking areas and storage spaces; (iv) the installations, equipment and material-s making up the central services such as povirer, light, gas, hot and cold water, heating, refrigeraion andair conditioning and incinerating; (v) the tanks, pumps, motors, fans, compressors, ducts, and in general al-I apparatus and installation existing for common use; and (vi) all otherparts of the property that is not part of an apartment unit. (e) "Limited common elements" means the part ofthe general common elements assigned for the exclusive or nonexclusive use and enjoyment of the owner or olrners of one or more, but less than all, condomini-um units. (f) "Common expenses" means: (i) all expenses expressly declared to be conrmon expenses by this Declaration or by the bylaws of the Association; (ii) all other expenses of adninistering, servicing, conserving, managing, maintaining, repairing or replacing the general common elements; (iii) insurance premium for the insurance carried under Paragrapht hereof; and (iv) all expenses lawfully determined to be conmon expenses by the board of d.irectors of the Association. Not!.rithstanding the foregoing, management fees may be charged to owners as a direct expense and not as a common expense. (S) 'rFirst lienor" means the holder of a promissory note payment of which is secured by a first. mortgage orfirst deed of trust encumbering an interest in a condominiumunit. "Mortgage" shall include a deed of trust, and "Mortgagee"shall include the beneficiary of a deed of trust. (h) "Association" means Beaverly Hills CondominiumAssociation, Inc., a Colorado nonprofit corporation. (i) "Building" means one of the building improvenrents containing condominium units located on real property subjectto this Dejclaration, and all other improvements constructed on the property subject to this Declaration, and "buildi-ngs" means all of such imProvements. (j) The condominium units subject to this Declaration shall be known as Beaverly Hills Condominiums. (k) "Declaration" means this instrument and all Amendments or Supplements thereto hereafter recorded in the records of Eagle County, Colorado. {' (I) "Sharing Ratio" of an owner is a fraction, the numerator of which is the percentage int.erest in the general common elements appurtenant to the apartment unit of such owner and the denominator of which is the total percentage interest in general common elements then appurtenant to all apartment units. \ " 2. Division of ReaI Property into Estatesr Use and Occupancy (a) The real property is hereby initially dividedinto 3 Condominium Unit Nos. 1 through 3 inclusive, each consisting of an apartment un5-t, an undivided interest in the general corunon elements appurtenant to such apartment units, which interest is set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part thereof, and the exclusive or non- exclusive right to use and errjoy limited conunon element.s, as set forth in nxhibit "A'. (b) Each condominium unit shall be inseparable and may be conveyed, leased, devised or encumbered only as a condominium unit. Tit1e to a condominium unit may be held individually or in any form of concurrent ownership recognizedin Colorado. In case of any such concurrent ownership, each coowner shall be jointly and severally liable for performance and observance of aII the duties and responsibiLities of an "ovrner" wth respect to the condominium unit in which he owns an int,erest. (c) Any contract of sa1e, deed, lease, deed of trus!, mortgage, will or other instrument. effecting a condominium unit may describe it by its building and apartment unit number as shown on the map, folLowed by the name of the condominium and reference to this Declarati-on and to the map. (d) Declarant shall give written notice to the assessor of Eagl-e County, Colorado, in t.he manner provided in the Act, so that each condominium unit will be separately assessed and taxed. (e) The condominium units shall be used and occu- pied solely for dwelling or lodging purposes. owners of the units may rent or lease the units to others for these purposes. 3. Condominium Map. Upon substantial completion of tne uuita@ any conveyance by Declarant of a condominium unit therein, Declarant shall cause to be filed for record in Eagle County, Colorado, a condominium map (the "Map"), which shall contain: (a) The legal description of the surface of the land; (b) the linear measurement.s and location, with reference to the exterior boundaries of the land, of the building and all other improvements built or to be built on the land; (c) the floor plans and linear dimensions of the interior of the building including the apartment units, the general common elements' which are not a part of any apartment unit, and the limited cotnmon elements; (d) the designation by number or other symbol of each apartment unit; . (e) the elevation plans of the building; and (f) the elevation of the unfinished interior surfaces of the floors and ceilings of the building' including the apartment units, as established from a datum plane, the distances between floors and ceilings and the linear measurements showing the thickness of the perimeter walls of the building. o oo oo owner has any use and enjoyment, the numerator of which ishis percentage interest in general common elements and the denominator of which is the Lotal percentage interest ingeneral. cornmon elements of all persons having any use and enjoyment thereof, and (ii) each owner shall pay all costsof repairing any damage,.to the general common elements(including the limited common elements,) or to any apartmentunit other than his own, resulting from the intentional actor'negligence of such owner, his family, agent. or invitee. 8. Assessments for Common Expenses. (a) Except as set forth in Subparagraph 7 (c)herein, each owner shall pay his pro rata share of the conmon expenses, which proration shall be made on the basisof the Sharing Ratios in effect on the date such common expense is assessed. (b) The board of dj-rectors (the ',Board't) of theAssociation shall fix, determine, levy and collect annualand special assessments to be paid by each of the owners to meet the common expenses and to create a contingency reservetherefor. Prior to the begi-nning of each fiscal year of theAssociation, the Board shall adopt a budget for that year. The budget shall include, but shall not be limited to, anestimate of the costs of maintenance, repair and replacementof the general common elements, the cost of utilities andother services to be provided by the Association, the costof insurance required by Paragraph t herein, and proposed. capital expenditures. The budget shall include an adequat.e reserve fund for the maintenance, repairs and replacement of those general common elements that must be replaced on aperiodic basis in order that such maintenance, repairs, and replacement may be paid for through regular installments rather than by special assessment. For the Associations I first fiscal- year, the Board shall adopt the budget at thefirst meeting of the Board and designate the date of commence- ment of the first fiscal year annual assessment, with thecosts for maintenance, repair and replacement of the general conrmon elements and any repair and replacement of the general common elements and any reserve fund needed therefor basedon a good faith estimate of those cost.s; said estimate may be based on the costs incurred by similar associations inthe general locale. Thereafter, the cost of maintenance,repair and repJ.acement and any reserve fund needed thereforshall be on the basis of the previous year's costs with such adjustments therefrom as the Board considers appropriat,e. The budget shall also include the annual assessment for each condominium unit. Special assessments may be levied wheneverin the opinion of the Board it is necessary or advisable todo so (i) to meet increased operating or maintenance expensesor costs, (ii) to provide for addi.tional capital expenses,or (iii) because of emergencies; however, if the proposed additional capit,al expenses at any given time are in excessof ten percent of the maximum replacement value of thebuilding, as determined by the Association pursuant to Subparagraph 9 (c) herein, such expenses may be incurredonly after the owners, by common elements, approve such expenses. A11 annual assessments shall be in itemized statement form and shaIl set. forth the detail of the various expenses for which the assessments are being made. (c) The Board sha1l prepare and provide to each owner a staLement for the annual assessment and any special assessment against his condomj.nium unit. Annual assessmentsfor the budgeted conmon expenses shall be paid in quarterly installments, each such installment due and payable in advance on the first day of each calendar quarter, or more freguent installments as may be determined by the Board. Special assessments shall be due and payable as specified in the !,rritten notice of such assessment provided by the Board. (d) An action may be brought by the Association to recover. unpaid common expenses from the owner liable for payment thereof, with or without foreclosure or waiving thelien described in the following paragraph. (e) All sums assessed but unpaid for the share of conunon expenses assessed to any condominium unit shall constitute a lien on such unit in favor of the Associationprior to all other liens and encumbrances, except: (i) liens for taxes and special assessments; and (ii) the lienof any first rprtgage or first deed of trust of record encumbering such unit. The Associations' lien shall attach from the date when the unpaid assessment shall become due and may be foreclosed by the Association in like manner as a mortgage on real proPerty upon the recording of a notice orclaim thereof executed by the Association setting forth the amount of the unpaid indebtedness, the name of the owner ofthe condominium unit, and a description of the condominiumunit. In any such foreclosure the owner shall be requiredto pay the costs and expenses of such proceedings, including reasonable attorneyrs fees. During the period of foreclosure the owner of the condominium unit subject, to such action shal1 be reguired to pay a reasonable rental to the Association. The Association shall be entitled to purchase the condominiumunit at the foreclosure sale, and to acquire, hold, l-ease, mortgage or convey the same. (f) No owner shall exempt himself from liabilityfor payment of his share of the conrmon expenses whether bywaiver of the use or enjoyment of any of the general comrnon elements or by abandonment of his condominium unit. . (S) In case of sale or other transfer of a condominium unit hrith respect to which sums assessed for conmon expensesshall be unpaid, except transfers to a first lienor in connection with a foreclosure of its lien or taki-ng a deedin lieu thereof, the purchaser or other transferee of aninterest in such unit shall be jointly and several-1y liablewith the seller or transferor thereof for such unpaid assessments. (h) Upon written request of any owner, mortgagee.prospective mortgagee, purchaser or other prospective transferee of a condominium unit, the Associatlon shall issue a written statement setting forth the amount of the unpaid cofilrnon expenses, if any, with respect to such condominium unit, the amount of the current monthly assessment, the date on which such assessment became or shall become due and the amount of any credit for prepaid expenses. Such statement, for which a reasonable fee may be charged, is binding upon the Assoc- iation in favor of any person who may rely thereon in good faith. Unl-ess a request for such statement shall be complied with within ten days after receipt thereof, all unpaid conrmon expenses that became due prior to the date of making such request shall be subordinated to the lien or other interest of the person requesting such statement. (i) Any party in favor of whom a lien on a condominium unit has been created may but shal-l not be required to pay any unpaid common expense with respect to such unit, and upon such payment such party shall have a lien on such condominium unit for the amount so paid of the same rank as the lien theretofore existing. oo oo (j) First lienors shall be given written notice by the Association of any default by an owner in the payment of any assessment hereunder, which default has remained uncured for 30 days. 9. Insurance. (a) The Association shall, on behalf of the owners: (i) keep all buildings (including alI of the apartment units and aLl fixtures therein, but not. rncludingfurniture, furnishings or other personal property suppliedor installed by condominium unit owners) insured againstloss or damage by fire, with extended coverage (including insurance agaj-nst loss or damage by vandalism or malicious mischief, ) in approximateJ-y the amount of the maximum repl-acement value thereof, determined in accordance with Subparagraph 9(c) herein. (ii) provide and keep jn force, for theprotection of the Associ-ation, its officers and directors, and all the owners and first lienors, general public liability and property damage insurance against claims for bodilyinjury or death or property damage occurring upon or in thegeneral common elements, in limits of not less than $1,000r000.00for bodily injury or death of any number of persons arisingout of one accident or disaster, or for damage to property, and if higher limits shal-I at any time be customary toprotect against. possible tort liability, such higher limitsshall be carried; ' (iii) carry insurance in such amounts as theAssociation may consider necessary or advisable against suchother insurable hazards as may from time to time be commonlyinsured against in the case of similar property in similarlocations elsewhere. (iv) carry directors and officers Iiability i-nsurance in such amounts as the AssociaLion may consider necessary or advisable. (b) All insurance required to be carried under this paragraph shall be carried in favor of the Association, the owners and all first lienors, as their respective interests may appear. Each policy of insurance shall contairr a standard nortgagee clause in favor of each first lienor of a condominium unit, which sha1l provide that the loss, if any, thereundershatl be payable to such first lienor, as its interest may appear, subject, however, to the loss payment provisions infavor of the Association hereinafter set forth. AlI policies of insurance against damage to any building and fixtures shail provide that losses shalL be payable to and adjustedwith the Association, as attorney-in-fact for the owners. The Association shall hold and appfy the proceeds of such insurance as set forth in this Declaration. Each insurancepolicy shall provide that no cancellation thereof may be made by the insurance carrier without. having first given 30days' prior written notice thereof to the Association, the ovrners and all first lienors. Each insurance policy shallalso provide that in case of violation of any provision thereof by one or more (but less than all) of the owners,the coverage of such policy shal1 be suspended or invalidatedonly as to the interest of the owner or o'rvners committingthe violation and not as to the interst of any other owner. AIJ- policies of physical damage insurance shall contain waivers of subrogation and of any defense based on coinsurance.Duplicate originals of all policies of physical damage insurance and of all renewal thereof, together with proof of payment of premiums, shall be delivered to all first lienors a OO at least ten days prior to expiration of the then currentpolicies (c) The maximum replacement value of the building(which shall indicate the maximum replacement value of each condominium unit contained therein) without deduction fordepreciation shall be determined by the Association prior toobtaining any policy of fire insurance or any renewal thereof by.means of one or more appraisals made by competent, disinterestediippraisers; however, appraisals need not be obtained morefreguently than at one-year intervals. Copies of suchappraisals shall be furnished to 'each owner and each first.lienor of a condominium unit. (d) Each owner shall be responsible for allinsurance covering loss or damage to personal property inhis apartment unit and lj-ability for injury, death or d.amageoccurring inside his aparLment unit. Any such policy shallcontain waivers of subrogation and shall be so written thatthe liability of the carriers issuing insurance obtained bythe Association shall not be affected or diminished thereby. 10. Appointment of Attorney-in-Fact. Each owner byhis acceptance of the deed or other conveyance vesting inhim an interest in a condominium unit does irrevocablyconstitute and appoint (a) the Association wlth fu11 powerof substitution as his true and lawful attorney in his name,place and stead to deal with such interest upon damage to ordestruction, obsolescense, or condemnation of any buildingor real property as hereinafter provided, and (b) Declarantwith full power of substitution as his true and lawfulattorney in his name, place and stead to deal with suchinterest in order to effectuate the reservation contained in Paragraph 20 herein, each with full po\,rer, right and authorizationto execute, acknowledge and deliver any contract, deed,proof of loss, release or other instrument affecting theinterest of such owner, and to take any other acti-on, whichthe Association or Declarant may consider necessary oradvisable to give effect to the provisions of this Declaratj-on.If requested to do so by the Association or Declarant, each owner shall execute and deliver a written instrument settling any damage or condemnation claim shall be final and bindingon all owners. No o$rner shall have any rights against theAssociation or any of its officers or directors with respectthereto except in case of fraud or gross negli-gence. 1I. Damadestruction of In case of damage orpart thereof by any cause whatsoever: (a) If in the reasonable judgment of the Association, the proceeds of insurance shall be sufficient to pay all thecosts of repairing and restoring the building, the Association(as attorney-in-fact for the owners) shal1 cause the buildingto be repaired and restored, applying Lhe proceeds of insurancefor that purpose. (b) If in the reasonable judgment of the Associationthe anticipated proceeds of insurance are not sufficient topay the costs of repairing and restoring the building, andif the excess of such costs over the anticipated insurance proceeds are less than 20 percent of the maximum replacementvalue last determined under Subparagraph 9 (c) herein, thenthe Association (as attorney-in-fact for the owners) shallpromptl-y cause the buil-ding to be repaired and restored., andthe difference betvTeen the insurance proceeds and the costsof repair arid restoration shall be a common expense, to be assessed and paid as provided in Paragraph 8 herein. e or Destruction. any building or any oo (c) If in the reasonable judgment of the Association,the anticipated proceeds of insurance are not sufficient topay the cost of repairing and restoring the building, and ifthe excess of such costs are 20 percent or more of the maximum replacement value last determined under Subparagraph 9 (c) herein, then (unless within 100 days after the date of such damage or destruction a plan for repairing and restoringthe building shall be approved by the owners of condominiumrrnits in such building owning 75 percent or more of thetotal interests in general common elements appurtenant to apartment units in such buildi-ng bnd by all first lienors of such condominium units) the Association (as attorney-in-fact for the owners of the condominium units in such building)shall execute and record in the Eagle County, Colorado, realestate records a notice of such facts, and thereafter shallse1l the entire real property on which such building islocated (including the building) together with reasonable easements for ingress and egress, if required,, as designatedby the Association, free and clear of the provisions of thisDeclaration and the map, which shall whoIly terminate andexpire with respect to such property upon the closing of such sale. This Declaration and Map, however, shall remainin fu1l force and effect with respect to all other property and buildings, and the percentage interests in general comrpn elements appurtenant to all apartment units remainingsubject to this Declaration shall automatically be increased by the amount of the percentage interests in general conrmon elements appurtenant to all apartment units in the buildingsold free and clear of this Declaration, such increase to beallocated among apartment units in accordance to each unitsrrespective appurtenant interest in general- common elements appurtenant to apartment units j-n the buildings not, beingsold. The proceeds of j-nsurance and the proceeds of suchsale of the real property shall be collected by the Association, applied first to the pa)rynent of expenses of the sale, andthen divided among the owners of condominium units in such building and paid into separate accounLs, each representing one condominium unit. The insurance proceeds shall bedivided according to such owners I respective percentage interest therein as shown by the insurance policies, if so shown, otherwise according to such owners t respective interestin general common elements appurtenant to apart,ment units inthe building so sold, and the proceeds of sale shall bedivided according to such ownerrs respective undividedinterests in the general common elements appurtenant to apartment units in the building so sold. The funds in each account (without contribution from one account to another) shal-l be applied by the Association for the following purposes in the order indicated; (i) for payment of the balance of the lien of any first mortgage or deed of trust on the condominium unit' (ii) for payment of taxes and special assessnrent liens in favor of any assessi-ng entity; (iii) for payment of unpaid common exPenses; (iv) for payment ofjunior liens and encunlcrances in the order of and to the extent of their priority and (v) the balance remaining, if any, shall be paid to the owner. The provisions of this paragraph shall- not be deemed as limiting in any way the right of a first lienor (in case the proceeds allocated under (i) above shall be insufficient to pay the indebtedness secured by his lien) to assert and enforce the personal liability for such deficiency of the person or persons responsible for payment of such indebtedness. If within 100 days after the date of such damge or destruction, a plan forrepairing and restoring a damaged or destroyed buildingshalt be approved by the owners of 75 percent or more of thegeneral comnon elernents appurtenant to apartment units in such building and by all first lienors, the Assocj-ation (as attorney-in-fact for such owners) shall promptly cause such oo repairs and restoration to be made according to such plan. Al1 owners of apartment units in such buitding (and noothers) shall be bound by the terms of such plan, and thedifference, if any, between the amount of the insurance proceeds and the costs of repair and restoration shall be an expense of such owners only and shall be assessed and paid by such owners in proportions of their respective interestsj-n generaL common elements appurtenant to apartment units in fhb damaged building. (d) Nothing contained. in this paragraph shall beconstrued as imposing any liability whatever on any firstlienor to pay al1 or any part of the cost of repair orrestoration. L2. Obsolescence. (a) If at any time the owners of 75 percent or more of the general common elements appurtenanL to apartmentunits in any building covered by this Declaration and allfirst lienors with interests in such building shall agreethat such building has become obsolete and sha1l approve aplan for its renovation or restoration, the Association (as attorney-in-fact for the owners with interests in suchbuitding) shall promptly cause such renovation or restorationto be made according to such plan. A11 owners of such apartment units in such building shall be bound by the termsof such plan. and the costs of the work shall be an expenseof such owners only and shall be assessed and paid by -uch owners in the proportions of their apartment units j-n suchbuilding. No owner of an apartment unit in any other buildingsha1l be required to pay any of the costs of such renovationor restoration on account of such ownership. (b) If at any time the owners of 75 percent or more of the general common elements and all first lienorsshall agree that any of the improvements constituting general connon el-ements have become obsolet,e and shaIl approve aplan for their renovation or restoration, the Association(as attorney-j-n-fact for the owners) shall promptly causesuch renovation or restoration to be made according to suchplan. A11 owners shaI1 be bound by the terms of such plan, and the costs of the work shall be a common expense, to be assessed and paid as provided in Paragraph B herein. (c) If at any time the owners of 75 percent or more of the general common elements and all first lienorsshall agree that the building has become obsolete and shouldbe sold, the Association (as attorney-in-facL for the owners)sha1l promptly record in the real estate records of Eagle County, Colorado, a notice of such facts, and sha1l sell theentire real property, free and clear of the provisions ofthis Declaration and the Map, which shaLl wholly terminate and expire upon the closing of such sale. The proceeds of such sale shall be collected, applied and divided among the owners by the Association in the manner provided in Subparagrah11 (c) herein. 13. Condemnation. (a) If the entire real property shall be takenfor any public or quasi-public use, under any statute, byright of eminent domain, or by purchase in lieu thereof, orif any party of any building covered by this Declaration shall be so taken, or if any part of land shall be so taken and part remaining shall be insufficient for purposes of Beaverly Hills Condominiums, the Association (as attorney-in-fact for the owners) shall collect the award made in suchtaking and shall sell the part of the l-and remaining after the taking, if any, free and clear of the provisions of this Declaration and the Map. Such provisions shall wholly Ot oo terminate and expire upon the recording of a notice by the Association setting forth all of such lacts. The award and the proceeds of such sale, if any, shall be collected., applied and divided among the owners by the Associatj-on in the manner provided in Subpargraph 11 (c) herein. (b) If such baking shall be partial only, and ifthe remaining part of the land shall be sufficj-ent for the purposes of Beaverly HiIls Condominiums. the condominium ownership hereunder shall not terminate. Each owner shall be entitled to a share of the condemnation award to be determined under the following prbvisions: (i) The total amount allocated to taking ofor injury to the general common elements shall be apportioned among ovrners on the basis of each ownerrs respective percentage interest in the general common elements i ' (ii) The total amount allocated to severance damages shall be apportioned to the owners of those apartment units that were not taken or condemned on the basis of each such ownerl s respective percentage interest in the general common elements ; (iii) The respective amounts allocated tothe taking of or injury to a particular apartment unit or to improvements an o!{ner has made within his own apartment unit shall be apportioned to the owner of that particular apartment unit involved; and' (iv) The total amount allocated to consequential damages and any other taking or injuries shall be apportioned among the owners in proportion to their respective percentage interests in the general conunon elements. If an allocation of the award is already established in negotiations, judicial decree or otherwise, then in allocating the award the Association shall employ such allocation. Distribution of apportioned proceeds shall be made by checks payable jointly to the respective owners and their respective first lienors. . (c) In the event a partial taking results in the taking of an apartment unit, the owner thereof shall automatically cease to be a member of the Association, and his ownership interest in the general conmon elements shall terminate and vest in the owners of the remaining condominium units. Thereafter, the Association shall reallocate the ownership and assessment ratios determined in accordance with this Decl-aration according to the same principles employed in this Declaration at its inception, and shall submit such reallocation to the owners of the remaining apartment units for the amendment of this Declaration. (d) In the event that any portion of Beaverly ttills Condominiums shall be made the subject matter of any condemnationor eminent domain proceeding or is otherwise sought to be acquired by a condemning authority, then timely written notice of such condemnation shall be given by the Association to each owner and first lienor. 14. Quality of Work. Any repairs, renovation or restoration of the real property or any building covered by this Declaration by the Association as attorney-in-fact for the owners shall be done in such manner as to make the real property or the building at least as valuable after such work as it was immediately before the occurrence requiring the work to be done. oo oo 15. Amendment or Revocation. This Declaration may be amended or@t at any time prior to the filing of the map, and (b) upon the written approval in recordable form of the owners of 75 percent or more of thegeneral coflunon elements and all first lienors r except that the provisions of Subparagraph 2 (a) herein and Exhibit "B'rrelating to interests in'the general common elements and thelimited conrmon elements may be amended only upon such approvalof"the owners of 100 percent of the general conmon elements eind all first lienors. It shall also be revoked. in whole or in part upon sale of all or part of the real property pursuant to Subparagraph 11 (c), LZ (c) or 13 (a) herein. 16. Property for Common Use. The Association may acquire and hold for the use and benefit of all ol/rners, realproperty and tangible and intangible personal property and may dispose of the same by sale or otherwise, and the beneficial interest in any such property sha1l be owned by the ov/ners in the same proportion as their respective common elements and shaIl not be transferable except with a transfer of a condominium unit. A transfer of a condominium unit shall lransfer to the transferee ownership of the transferor I s beneficial- interest in such property wit.hout any referencethereto. Each owner may use such property in accordance with the purpose for which it is intended, without hinderingor encroaching upon the lawful rights of the other ovirners. The transfer of title to a condominium unit under foreclosureshall entitle the purchaser to the beneficial interest in such property associated with the foreclosed condominium unit. L7. Registration by Ovtner of Mq[1ng Address. Each owner shall iegi-ster his mailing address with the Association, and except for monthly statement and other routine notices, all other notices or demands intended to be served upon an o\,rrner shall be sent by either registered or certified mai1. postage prepaid. addressed in the name of the owner at such registered mailing address. A11 notices, demands or other notices intended to be served upon the Association shall besent certified mail, postage prepaid, to the address of the Association as designated in the by-laws of the Association. 18. Duration of Condominium Ownership. The separate estates created by this Declaration and the map shall continue until this Declaration shall be revoked or until its provisions shall terminate as provided herein. 19. Architectural control . No building, fence, wall or other sffinced, erected or maintained upon the properties, nor shall any exterior addition to or change or al-teration therein be made until the plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, height, color, materials, and location or the same shall- have been submitted to and approved in writing as to harmony or external design and location in relation to surrounding structures and topography by the Board of Directors of the Association, or by an architectural committee composed of three or more representatives appointed by the Board of Directors of the Association. In the event said Board or its designated committee fails to apProve or disapprove such design and l-ocation within thirty days after said plans and specifications have been subrnitted to it, approval will not be required and this paragraph will be deemed to have been fully complied with. oo oo 20. General. (a) If any of the provisions of this Declaration or any paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or work, or t,heapplication thereof in any circumstance be invalidated, suchinvalidity shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this Dectaration, and the application of any such provision, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in any other Circumstances shall not be affected thereby. (b) The provisions of this Declaration shall bein addition and supplemental to the Condominium Ownership Act of the State of Colorado and to all other provisions of Iaw. (c) Whenever used herein, unless the context shall otherwise provide, the singular number shall include the p1ural, the plural the singular, and the use of any gender shall include all genders. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Declarant has duly executed thisDeclaration this b*. day of STATE OF COLORADO County of Eagle 5D. The -foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this \d{q day of f),,*.L.r , 1981, by Dennis L. shimon. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission exPires: oo E)CIIBIT ,'A.' TO CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION FOR BEA\IERLY HILLS CONDOI{INIUMS INTERESTS IN GENER,,,AT COMMON ELEMENTS oo Unit *1 unit #2 Unit #3 Percentage Ohrnership In General Comnon Elements Appurtenant to the Apartment Unit 258 25* 508 The following condominium units shal1 have the exclusiveright to use linited common elements as set forth below: The owner of each condominium unit shall have the exclusive rlght to use any balcony or deck attached to suchunit and designated as a limited cotnmon element on the Condorninium MaP. v - 'peqtlDr rl g o|np.r$rs il lpo plF^ lrlod .!ql flco.(,rr&l t J3" 'roanaqr lrrd peprooar eql dr 6urpro'E .r .;offifilr.f#lffi;ilui?oi".rl'l3l :s,noloJ sB peqgcfep q puB Opp.lO[Ol Jo elBlsatD4I Jo {runoC oql ur polBnlp s! {cpd sql oioipn rnyu pu?l ar;1 .f NO{IHS '1 Snl|3o :s! Joataq ellp erp l? pqia^ q a1rlra eldurp eeJ eql ol enp uoq,n u!.repunarerl patnsut ,tll .! '{cotr.o'nll[$- re v 3'lno3H3S 00'009'6Zl $ lunoruv Artpd 8AU9L ZA 'oN ^rrtod s gszz nuoJ 9tl9 SU3NMO r,Ilt Itt9-49 'oN atlJ -v pee0 ,rluerP'' ur pe{,gsruo' rsia,#8l Hig^il t3h1313,1il133,1 ;3? flr;s,i3li33s .n papuerc sP'6'r *".ii:!{fi$!iliqif ii i333$',:ffiY*ffiffifi3i,'Xl'$l;ll,lis? 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O. Box 78e Photr S-G338 €€lr, Oolorado atrl1 22 May 1973 Ed Jrrfra Box 161 Vrllr Oolof* 8lCS7 Rrr Fllr l.fo. E -eC-?S Eprrptlm Jrlt'tr#ar Lot 42 At ttrlrtregrrlr nrrtlrg on 21 Mry l9tgf th. Erylc Cornty Plcmlng Oortmlrr}on r?.,r,1.r, troorvnilrid pprwd ol ya,r Errrptlon,ttFllcdlonp wlth |ll.,tlollnwltre cotrdltlonl 1. Thd trc 5r dalrngp ucrrrrt br lrgclfy prorlthd along thr srad.m prpcrty llr. Yorr srd err Ootr*y Englrrr err gnt toedht wlth ttr Aornty Atiorry to arrlw d a form. 2. Thd a llnal, 'r!a cgt8ttuctod" oonOrnlnlum rn+ bc paovlcbd &lt oftlca lcr trvlor, prlor !a rracordlrtg, In a algrlnal std tfmec (3) oopln' Tlr trasmmrrddlsl wlll bo prcar*ed to Ur gofin ol Oourty Gornrnlnlorrn * thrlr +ccld nrrllrg ct 20 Mry 1915, b6lrnlrp d 9t00 A.M' lrt Rm 31 of th. tttlr Aounly ,trntr ltt0 Ebrduroy, E.elrr Oolor$. *r.r-,,i ll yott hfita t1y c;nllmt, yturnr wblcorno io oontaot lhla offlorr Brd.Rrgnt, Ocntln Mltchdl, Jrr Plrnlne A..lgtnt Al-{/1d ocl Borrd of Gourty Corrnrln|omrr Oo DEPARTM oo DEVELOPM ENT # se-se-zs Name Jenks #2 Request glsr:qp1ie1 (1) Location: lrlt 42, Vail Village West, filing #1 (2) Size: .3 Acre (13,068 sq.ft.) (3) Proposed Action: A subdivision exemption, for a triplex is proposed on thelot, to be in condominium ownership. The original subdivision approval allows three units. (4) Significant Physical Features: yels (5) Surrounding Land Uses (600r or more, as significant): All residential . (6) Utilities (Availability,/Locations): ett available. (7) Roads (Types/Locations): A dirt residential road serves site at front. (8) Current Area Zoning: R S M (9) Other Significant Conditions: None ..-^.r s,LV OFLetv ^fl"'Tt 2rt"'ac tfooF ' (10) Staff Comments: TRC comments: a. The unusable first ,{rnnfspace must be solved by a driveway agreement with the owngrr of Lot 41. b. A grading and drainage plan is needed, with a 5' Sasement along western lot line. c. A snow removal plan is needed. (rt)StaffRecommendationsandConditions:@icrr"8,r^ . If all of these are done, then approval is recommended. PLANNING STAFF rrurfflON SHEET el'" ?#- l,lr. Dllchael S. Bl-air Eagle Cormty Dept. of Planning P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Ilear lfr. Blalr: We have revLewed this exenption and plan are carried out properly, that project. OStgQlto -"D-Aq=-MIW COLORADO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 254 COLUMBINE BUILDING - 1845 SHERMAN STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80203 PHONE 892-2611 l{ay L2, L975 and Developuent RE: SE-96-75, LOT 42 VAIL VILLAGE WEST "1 feel- that lf a grading and drainage there would be ao objectLon to this Sincerely,gl€4/+ L. R. Ladwlg Assoclate Englneering Geologist : --;;VED MAY 1 4 1975 DepL OI planning & Dey6l. lNgh .Courry, Coto. JOHN W. ROID Di roctor RIPHARD O, LAMM LnL/je cc: Land USe Conltnl sslon GEOLOGY STORY OF THE PAST . . . KEY TO THE FUTURE ry" GOLOBAOO DEPARTMEXT OF HEALTII 12IO EAST IITH AVENUE l(ay 7, L975 Mr. MLchael S. Blalr Director, Eagle County Department of Plannlng and DeveJ-opment Eagle County Annex P.O. Box 789 Eagl-e, C0 81631 Be! FILE No; se.96-75 H(EI.PTIoN FRou SUBDIVISIoN REGTILATIoNS LOT 42, VAIL VILTAGE IIEST FILING if1 Dear Mr. BlaLr: The Colorado Department of HeaLth has revlewed the above-referenced documeot and offers the followlng contrents: The propoeed a'teoption would have no effect on the rrater quaLLty, and nould create no additLonal aLr quallty lmpact. Thank you for the opportunLty to revlero this docunent. Assistant Dlrector, Department of Health EnvlroDmentaL Health RDs/pl I -J:IVED MAY 9 Dept. 0f tl;n )r.rt: Eagle County, Colo- . DENVER,COLORADO 80220 . PHONE 988-6lll Edeard G. Dreyfua,. tl.D., X.P.B.; Erecutlve Dlrector 1975-' i i-rJ'/ol, "a-* 1 I a EAGLE couNrY DEPARN'ENT OF PI.ANNINO AND ol DEVELOPMENT Eglo Cotnty Arnrx' P. O. Box780 Phano 328-033E E4lr, Colord Et631 ' 2 Mry 1975 Ed J.;ilc Box 1281 Vell, Oolol& t1657 Rol Fllc lrb. Sc-96-73 Enrmtlon Trlpbx Doc Edr At tholr mrtlng m I May 1975, thc T.ctnlcal Rorlrw Commlttor (a gnUc ol tcotnlcd dy|nrl fiom varlqra n6llc qcnclce) ruvlo,vrd your 4pllcatlon rtd offcr lho iollowlrp ommeirt ad noomrncndatlmr to you and thc Plrnlng Commlaclon lor srldrrlng 4p*ovd ad urc ol thc prcprty. - vslmc. m dtrlbrtOb lot rla wlll br a endltlon; - th. uru*blo palrlm plcr clorot to thc cul-dr-rc murt bo rtnfdlad by a drlvrw.y dnrcm.nt wlth thr orrrnrr of lot 41. - r gldlne nd drdnae dm le nardrd, wlth a 5r reacritrt on rvrrtarn llrr. - a arEw nrrpvd plsr lc rnodad. Ttrrr rtdlrrrrtr wlll bc fbnrndrd to Otr Co.nty Plarnlng Qommlnlon ad Plrrrlng D*rirrrnt ior thrlr comlOratlon by th. rnrtlng m 21 May 1975, beglmlng d 8:00 P.M. lf you hm ay ctrntlorr, yorrrr rwlornr tocotrct thlr ofllor. Btrt Rrgrt, Qmtln Mltclrll, Jr. Plrnlrrg Arrlrtat AM/1(t ccr Bosdof Ootrrty Gommlrlqrru n iot|AtD G. T|CL UCHLTX xErt{3?H R. WFrCH? HALFOi! :. CFrex3o|l DOUOLAg r, tOVCiil ,oHt{ t. rcLANt tato at cott rriEE? plrrvci, coL9iaDo aoatt (tott alt.alol TAIER Il|D TEWAG: 'FEATII:iITSAWAOE COLL:CTIOi' AND REUTE It{oulTRtAl wa3T3t troil| Dtatl|AGE ?LOOD GOIITROL AlIO UTG HT-Mc LA UG H L I N E N G I N E E t eor?LErE rlrort :rirf{c 3Ervtcst lNorNEEnrNo coNsulraNrs '. tT::::'L:Jrt"l'i1To15,",,.,,,o" ?HOMA3r. OllrA JITIMI: O. U'XITFICLD aa'rtaa oa?tca a, o. aot roaa attaaa. ao|-otaooatatI Aprl I f,lr. lllchael S. Blalr, Director Department of Plannlng 6 Development Eagle County Annex P.0. Box 789 Eagle, Col.orado 81631 Dear l,tr.'Blair a?aaIao^t cr?rca,. c. ao|' attotttaraoat vr|'|.^oc. co|-oaaoo tatt 28, lg75 Ul lson Tingle Ed Jenks Rupert 6 Josef Ober I ohr Ronald bJi lhelm Fi le No. Se-92-75 Fl le No. Se-96-75 Fi fe No. Se-97-75 Fi le No. Se-95-75 As engineers for Vail Vlllage West llater 6 Sanitation District, we wouldllke to polnt out that any exemptions granted should comply wlth the rules and regulat lons of the District (copy enclosed). lrlhere one water servl celine serves one structure owned by several parties, the developer. should be notified in writing that only one bill will be issued for all owners and that water will be disconnected to all units should the account be dellnquent. The ov'rner should also be notifed that the parties would jointly be resonsible for operation and rpintenance of the servlce line on theproperty. I'le might also suggest that each unit be provided wlth a means of shutting off water service via outside access for use in case of emergency. lf you have any questions, please contact us again. Very truly yours, WRI GHT-I{cLAUGHL I N ENG I NEERS FDB:ekb CC: Byron Brown Jlm Col I ins Tom Grimshaw Bil I Cacek RECEIVED MAY 1 1975 D.DL Ol Planning & "r8l' tril6 County. colo' We have received coples of the subdivision regulatlon exerptlon applica- tions for: oto oor o United States Department of the Interior BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Glenwood Springs Resource Area P.O. Box 1009 Glenwood Springs, Colorado Bl5Ol April 25, 1975 Michael Blair, Planning Director Eagle County Dept. of Planning & DeveJ.opment P.O. Box 789 Eag1e, Colorado 81631 Dear l{ike : We have reviewed ttre Ed ilenks exemption request (Se-96-75) Int 42, Vail Village West FiLing #1, and have no conments to nake at this tine. Hor"ever, \re would liJce to discuss these at the next Technical Review Cormrittee neeting. Sincerely yours , !N IBPLY REFER 'O L785.2 fua.z'fu Stewart A. Wheeler, Ar€a Manager REe i;yEp ApR u u l9/s '"';r&'frif #'*t 44-..-4. r' ARTMENT EAGLE COUNTY OF PLANNING AND Eagle County Annex P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 8t631 21 April 1975' DEVELOPMENT Phone 328-6338 DEP Re: File No. Se-96-75 Exemption from Subdivision Regulations Lot 42, Vail Village West Filing #1 Applicant:Ed Jenks Box 1281 Vai I, Colorado 81657 Enclosed herewith is an 4plication and pl an submitted to the Eagle County Planning Commission for review and recommendation at their regular meeting on 21 May 1975. ln accordance with C.R.S. 106-2-9' 106-2-33 and 1O6-2-34' 1963, as amended and Eagle County Subdivision Regulations Section 6.0O 1972, you have 24 days from date mailed within which to respond or the request will be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The Planning Commission would sincerely appreciate your comments and recommendations prior to the meeting date. lf you desire additional information or time, please advise this office. MSB/Kt ,Y- 4 (-z-o-" o-' €e-S e-rz /4?Z-, M7.- 6/ /ry dt'-7^t tu*24 - l/,-/'2/ A*Z Z*- t<t/zr*f /u.-Z-u/ r' &""'' U E;t- 'u'i'z' c"'-'"""*'zt* J-,-+,,,--- / rz'J t///d'2 /-; 't /4./u'-/ //"'tt'z/;/ / Z*.* &rZ r4-"* /--Zq "# /t-- Lt/t'* f*l'' ED JEIITS BCX L281 vArL, corp 81657 Rer ft1e go' g3-9L75 Ersrytl'on SIRIIT tha follordng !a subrnitted ln reeponae to coments'and recormendstlone of Itre: Tcabnlcal Revler' Comttteei - ttre pnoperty utlI not be dlvi.ded firrther. A condon{nltn sesoclatloa rftlt'bo-fo"a'rd and onners rl11 orm ar p€ro6ntags of tha.Land. - tbo unusable parklng epace referred to has; been del.eted aa adegrute perklng ls,avslLsble wltJrout tble space' - a gradlng and dralnage plan 1o subsottt€d. A.dM.nrge eascnent rrlx.t bc' graated. frAs - r 8Dott roomilftts sutd'ttsd. Ounk.5rcu1,//l.L, -flu'* f)P fi frQs9: fu -1 t Eioio/ u Nurb-) E h, *F ?2??^P n ar {ri I -E // ( /o 6 /rj"' \ } \\ -:I \ \, ri\ rfl ( fn l,n,4 IH 2*>/z/% iO y'- rz zF Frrgrnnt to Sectlsr 6"0l otr tbe Egle County Subdivlsioa Regulstlo!8, Illilin .&- Jeoks;" bullder and wner, hereby applles for exsnption frm proi vlbims ulth said regula-tioas as fo: ny p:o'posecl: deveJ.oprrnent hown as Subdlwie- ;\ Ergle Coratyr. Colorado, and wlr ooJ.ng rcascnu tc pks.possl.Ele, corveyaa.c€; la fee sfuapIe of one-third of a trl- pLex structrne grected on sa:l.d rea.l property.. eoraoission grantlng said request the poposecl, devoloprnent. as, IPHIICAIION TCA, U3I.{PNO![ FROil EACLE CCUNru: ST'TDIuISTON RE GBIATIO }{S R:C:IVED APR 1 6 1975 Dept. 0f Pl:n;ri;.t a 0cvel. Eagle County, Colo. It ls undarstood thatl any a,ction by this fq saLd reguJations exerption appiltes oaly to sholnr on the Eketcb pila'n o ottrer informtion DATED:.RECEIV@; Dlli RESOESrION attached hereto. -/t t'/#,*( ED}TIN 4. d te tlre fcregoing applteatlon has been conslalered by the Board trd:s 2 f aay J.$7!, vhlch flntls arrd deterrnines tbat this lHvLsion of Iards shlcb the subdivl.sion regulations vere *dbpteil Ls graatect. BOARD o!' COUlfff CO!'iMISSIONiRS OF EAGI,E COUIWS ard therefore' eaLrl appllcatloa Recroended for appnoral by the Eagle, Gomty ElAtning Cormisslirn at thelr reguLar rneeting 21 Mav t 1975 ,(. -\,1 )/ i..Ef \^r\o-".,'{l -t \oJt,-"'/ar''rffi Rod Slifer, Chairman ? ! i;'. 'l;,: !,,'r-.) 1', EAGLE COI.JNTY [.i{1 Eogle, Colorodo i' oFFrcrAL RECEIPT $' n.^ ^ | | +.- tt Q2ls I: ;' /' i ? . 19/ -- .. (Subdivision) - ,i,; t: i'rrervr ll cooe ll - - I tr,,o,"n t"r.,, t* ll ll I I Application For ., 'r- ;,i'-;,,', ll ll f S l- t ,r'O,u,r,onO'O,,.ufion - ll ffifi FZone Chanse ll ll I - i i. conditional Use . ll I f Speciat Use I' ar rance eal Fee Code: (Building) Total Received RECEIVED {)4hl*Ol*. ctvtL ENGTNEERTNG . puNNlNc . SURVEYS "*lb;;Hllil:.il.'*''. SUBDIVIsIONS . WATER & SEWIR 5Y5TEAI5 oL t gtntoo, ' Box 1908 Voil, Colbrodo 8l'557 Phonc 176-5072 Danvcr 244-1521 Apri l 29, |.975 RFCEIVED APR 3 0 1975. Rcgirtcrcd Profcrions| Enginorn Rcairtcrcd Lond Survcyorr Krnnah E. Richordr Mr. Michael S. Blair Planning Director P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 8163 1 Re: SE-96-75 Exemption . - Lot 42, Vai I Village West Filing No. I Ed Jenks, Box 1281, Vail, Colorado, Owner 3 units - Upper Eagle Valley Sanitafion Districf Dear Mr. Blair: Lot 42, Vai I Vi llage lt'lest Fi ling No. l, can be served by the faci lity of the Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District. A line extension to Gore Creek Drive will have to be made. The District has ample sewage plant capacity andis making improvements to its plant again this year. Sincerely, RICHARDS ENGINEERS, INC.Me4.a Kenneth E. Richards Engineer for the District KER: lm cc: James Collins, Mgr. Al Flewelling, Supt. John Amato, Pres. U.E.V.S.D. Ed Jenks, Owner **-L