HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 1 LOT 45 LEGALO WtXttnl" hrsf I '/o*(dDesign Review Board ACTIOil FOR]II Departaent of Community Develogment 75 South Frontage Road. Vail, Colordo 81657 tef: 970.,f79.2139 faxz 970.479.2452 web: nrw.vai lgov.com Project ilame: ARNOLD RES.TREE REMOVAL Prciect Descrtption: Pardcipants: OWNER ARNOLD, STEVEN K. PO BOX 753 ARUNGTON TX 76004. APPUCANT ARNOLD, STEVEN K, PrcJectAddress: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: DRBilumber: DRB060436 FINAL APPROVAL TO REMOVE 6 PINE BEATLE DEAD PINE TREES 09lLsl2w6 lulodon By: S€cond By: Vote: Conditions: 0911s12006 PO BOX 753 ARUNGTON TX 7600+ 1827 AI.PINE DR VAIL Location: 1827 ALPINE DR loe 45 Blodc Subdivlsion: VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 1 2103-123-0701-5 See Condiuons BOARD/StrAFF ACTTOI{ Action: SIAFFAPR DaE of Apprcval: 10/18/2006 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No ctanges to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the approprlate rwiear committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not oonstihJte a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Bullding personnel prior to onstructlon activities. C.ond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final apprcrral, unless a bullding permit is issued and construction is commenced and is dlligently pursued toward completion. Wanen Campbell DRB Fee Pald: S20.0OPlanner: o A pplication for Design Review M inor Exterior AlteraGns Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 te| 970.479 -2128 fax: 97 O.479.2452 web: www.vailgor.om General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit applicaUon. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the partiarlar approval that is requested. An application for Design Rsriew cannot be accepted until all required informaton is received by the Community Development Department, The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapsee unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:'at C €4 PhysicalAddress: ,/AZ7 ;'o ? Location of the Proposalz tnt: 4 {ebck:- SuMivision: Parcel No.r Name(s) of Owner(s): Mail[ng Address:/ a. Bo,, ?5 3 v, /vw -F oIwn Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) /z Owner(s) Signature(s): Phone: ?^ 2"5_g/a/ r'/\-'-'-, Name of Applicant:lrauz z4a.'toz > Mailing Address: t.!tA7O,U E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs 0 Concepfual Review D New Constructiontr Addition Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separauon Request $6s0 $300 $250 $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee +3 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 addibons & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window addiUons, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Rsriew Board. No Fee o tr tr PROPOSED I.ANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name OuantitY Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS DssrrNGrREES /aol A".o /r^, ro BE REMovED --T / ua* 4.r Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal' Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please speciff other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc') F:\dev\FoRMS\PERMm\Pbnning\drb-mlnor-alt-11-23-2005.doc Page 7 of 13 LLl23|2OOS NSZ., rfrrvmeRovAt&vERrFrcArron -ImttlffUtrv This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any o<isting or proposed utility services, and also to verify seMce availability and location for nevv construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installauons, A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. Authorized Sionature Comments Date QWEST 970.513.7189 (tel) 970344.0257(fax) 970.687.0722 (cell) Contacts: Steve Waters s-waters(oowest.com EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4076 (tel) 970.468.1401 (fax) Contact: Rich Sisneros HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970.947.sa25 (tel) 970.945.4081 (fax) Contact: Jeff Vroom rvlarnqryfrrD EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4038 (fax) Contacts: Kit Bogart 97 0.262.4024 Katherine Bogert EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATIOI{ DISTRICT 970.475.7480 (teD 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee fhaslee@erwsd.oro COMCAST CABLE 970.468.2669 ext. 1100 (tel) 970.468.2672 (fax) Contact: Bnd Dorcas bradelv dorcas@cable.comcast.com NOTES: 1, If the utility approval & verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concems with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obtained before diooino in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildino permit is not a Public Wav oermit and must be obtained seoaratelv. The Developer is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for r+approval & re-verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless othenarise specifically noted within the comment area of this form). Develope/s Signature F: \cdev\FORJ'lS\PERMm\Plannin g\drb_mi nor_alt_1 1 -23-2005.doc r112317005 Date Page 8 of 13 TPWN OF VAIT. OESIGN REVIEW STAFF APPROVAL c-t9'06 oo TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIE# STAFF APPROVAI- in-- /( . t)t^oi.TE,lL1---1-2- u s \ '* "------\ '-" -;9P:.,,;; ,:, . 7990 8000 REVIS -u*.;-P.5lY*)ry, "' :) --'i -:;;-,"-"1; ;: i I'rV\ 1'. t -'-\..\ \. .|\.__..r_._ 8006 {_. _ _ -__ - \ , ; -, --3!--. e.! ' | ,,-\, .l g\-7.Jt iI I -*l'.-,-o0,, t.---- ----- --i-**H**;;,-.-----r;-:;S_;-;;---;::=;l:!+i\t.Wtl i!.j-- *,. \.- - *-- - irt*-{ :,;iff'ttixn " i - kr *" li i j-uorn I Ii*'"-- i :,..,;',1i1{IL.-.'"'1*Ar :i\ li -'i- l-_]\;"-'-.:*_-iffi'_=-"j':ff.fu'*.fuq''''i. TIcz u c a u 0 e ( -, I \1l.\-_._.- \so20 8020 * _\ - _.- 8024 TztI !| ,_ ...._-----'r-'- *i -"'-8026 a{ cl -lo I II I II I -- '-- E028 I I I -.t-. RECOilMEND^TIONS APPROVAL r. RETURf'|r'-to Nrnfnrrl GRAOE ;, I so50 80Jo P*rF; lt ,O?/LE/97 07:53 PAI 970t?i{001 Jl:L- 2 =-llr-? tuE --G FRITZLEN PIERCE la oozp--2 '1. Quetions? Cdl ths Strnolrg SbfFrt tlr92l2t . . .APPLICATIONTOR I}DSIGN R.EIrIEW APPROYAL B. c- D. D E P. ' bulldiog permieir bncil rnd cttlrtncdoa ts tbnsd. DESCRIPTIONOFTHEIEQUEST: M,rr.r Ar-==p r-.+ra.rt€r. :rz.. FF+ra:trrrt i' . - ,-, tr s, r--t9 F.a <rr.r.c.t g- :,- u-rrr- rr harDB$lct LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL' I{T. ? I PI{YSICALADDRES$; F.jt- .1,, +,-.*\..,r _. .. . _ - .- t!-q c" ryIs otf,cc r.t7{F32q{d4o orq*g rp-,ri .;: i NAME oF Otvr{ER(s}: MATLING Ar+-Ztt - kJ4 owrrrEn G) SIGI\rr,tuRE($): N lr{8 oF TPPLICA,IIT MAILINC EI{d/NE;- A?{,, - L34=., .c'. TYPEOF&E1'IgWA}TDEEB ... ,. E NrrGotrfrucdm-filoll..- EI4ddl6ou- .. . tse-. . ..\./--.{Ufo*Afr...td- ,31i PLEASE' SUBMIT rlrs dDt!'rCAatO[ ALL SUAMITTAL BEQUTREMENTS AT\D TgE eEBnO rTIt. DEpA"RrnbhfTorc@ioffiiiiorymcroArr, 1. :, .-!... ,: . : YAtr C0IIlFAItgtl6S?. 07llils1 11:50 TXlnX N0.9173 P.002 ..,,., A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: M Qucstions? Coilbto,lning Staff at 479-2128 r*wfrmy , APPLICATIoN FoR DESTGN REvrEw AppRovAL -. .' . ' ',,ji,..::: ,. v . ,,. ir: .;i.i;-i.i ., .GENERALINFORMATION.',I .:,.t.,i .:r,.i_:ij:,:: . This application is for any project requiring Dcsign Rcview approval. Any project requiring dcsigrr..ui.* n uri t i .r.111'*.'*i"'t t reccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to submitting for a bu'iiding pernrit. ror.spccini infonuation, sce the submittal i,.i., ,.' 'requircnrcnts for thc particular approval that is rcquested. The appiication cannot bc acccpted until all thc."quir"J--' infornration is submifted. The projcct nray also need to be reviewld by.thc Town Council and,/or thc ntanriinj anaEnvirounrcntal Commission' Design Revicw Board approval cxpires one year aftcr final approval unleis a . :l building pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd. : ' ::; . I ;' B. c. :"i .r; 1-:i . ' D, D. PARCEL #: ZONINC: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINGADDRESS: LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LOT: 45 BLOCK:--.,,AO, @} PHYSICAL ADDRESS: fc:ll*:l l?el. Co. Asscssors oftlce at 970-3211-8640 for.parcet {), ,,,.,, ,, ., PHONE: At+ - ZLI - k)AC., G, E. F. OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: DRB does not vote on conceDfual reviews. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia , SofTits Windows WindowTrim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses RctainingWalls E:rtarioil"ightingf Other LIST OF PROPOSED MA'TERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: -f7Kar-1r.rr.1q1.16. frE;4O 5YAY r '- aT' YH€ CQ,['Q&:* 3A.,r.J?E XJr-t.re-t 6wnea.ll/' - - ttHr-7}r^|'|^D|rlt(rgDhD-OH 1E-c,.\i_ * Please speci$ the manufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip r* AIl ortcior lighting mrst mest tho Town's Liehting Ordinance I 8.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, please indicate the numb€r of fixtrcs and locations on a eeparate lighting plan. Identi$ each fixtur€ tne and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area. and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures. Iuly 14,1997 Arnold Residence Minor Alterations to Approved Plans Sheet A30l I - East Elevation - No handrails on lower ramp, drop less than 30" - Additional vents required for exhaust (actual vents smaller) 2 - South Elevation - Roof line ends at ridge and window raised. Sheet 4302 3 - North Elevation - L2 window changed to slider - H2 Windows - awning eliminated due to floor height - Utility chase added to Column Line B required for access Sheet Al01 Landscaping - Addition of landscape steps for Holl' Cross access to electrical panel {)l,tnrrirrqa,\r(llle(:t(|r(:alntoriors l650Easf Vail Vallev Drivc Fallridgc (,1 r Vail, CO tll{)57 . ipb.rrchr@vail.ncr r i.1x {970) 476-.t901 . (97O) 4764342 ARCHITECTS 6[st WOI +11 z+et- Tann dVa,ri /-) t,(b"r ru ta th, D*w) op"t^onT arftt . Dni,r,c Efut,r)a/a . frtep re t /rwfaf Vig,&_, a&ugf ln@fary&ry fur44 ;Ttuu BTinar P.PP - U 476 6j4r2 ra^,th* l)t?4 6 rnJn. 1lfa,t^J lao'rq yAt5hwt' Exg f.r. . )fit arh ulw, Nheo 'NI"'r,"l Aooo-r= !f( fs.r r'P15Pgr -loi'r b}-r rragD i Dctt!,r rr.Jr L f a*127^=r- 6-Y>st+ l:r5 P},I Fs tT,^ urrtL rt ft+ifro"l *!-"t aA^ ;{ r\nT a,uuapl4hl" : fl't-ow,h3t"n T'rft FAXED A/e"pr1 \ Clu-t6 LAA.L.._ IJIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRTPTTON: l,ot_1!5 BLOCK suBDrvlsroN vAru t/l_lrqaq dgsr 51p, 1STREET ADDRESS: l6zj AuprrttE The following informaEion is Review Board before a final A. BUIIJDING MATERIALS: reguired approval TYPE OF f or suL,rni L LaI can be (i i.ven: !,IATERI}.IJ t.o t.he 'Des ign N*:,, /7pr.6iv\ ylL. J19uerlnorur4 Corr u: ce"Arror..l-ra}l Der r.rzz. -+ DE-atxtta COLOR l4*:etryq Sidinq Oulrlptz a-tG - ne Other Wa'I I Fascia Materials Soffits wind6ws window Tri.m Doors Door Trim FIues FI a shi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses ReLaining waIIs Ext.erior Lightinq O Lher LANDSCAPING: Name of l,.la0P klaoP tN bftQ*66 tAoop ffiTrriry MDo gD e 5'rc^- :"\lRd lb $A'fz4+ eaoF Ntfrrg rnoof,rD.:oo ^lfttr,i4isa*N oa t 63 tti+ Ef\)<'<,<> Des igner : Phone: 1!1i11 rtL 1 1,:'. HDo bD, Iland or Deck RaiIs -Pu-t*gy.-t-'> Tb HAT| lt A0l, RI EKIA HqW To tign Review Action Fln TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Project Name: Building Name: *.zb] ' Owner. Address and Phone:"'-'Ie,(' /:\t,",l,I L/ ) (.. ("7,t 2 ArchitecV0ontact, Address and Phone: , il Legal Description: Lot -' ;2 Block .-'' Subdivision Zone District P /S ProjectStreetAddress: I l'/ 7 Comments: Board/. Staff Actio_n_-, Motion by: Seconded by: ! Approval fl Disapproval fu Statf Approval Conditions: /tt i, Town Planner Date:DRB Fee Pre-paid rE.trol l/,lt.rrl DE9ISIT a vtrE, ' DATE RECBIVED: DATE OF DR8 MIIEEING:tt+ttltttr .rtfttaarr E!.l]lrlir:JstslrBlB$llgs ! L'EijCl(.t t.lTON:(A /rt|,*l/4f '5r7'-4!,+tQ' O REVTRH tiOerru lDt'ltCIrTIOt{ . rQt"lr OF cor4nrDo a l|lueLH crd irctun0s legat on r scpa[aLB shssL arlc altrch t{, F.Ar''FLrrll|N! I Addrcrs i c.NAnr,: or.' ArrLrcrrlT's tlE?IilsEr{Tar''4t /q4vu/p4iw, uairlns |/idrenr: /.leSA E-t/*t y'Kf= &?-Q_fttga#+-4-/az _c+ $GD\w* !76 4a3f,2 H. !u\!nE O! O!{NER (S) , -dnrt . "4,t ntrzJ) ,, -- oMvrR (.fI lloya:IgEEi MBirinq Adlilrrts : -.'lhat|-t tuf 4470-_ /t pPT,TceF?ofts wtI'L M)t BE .PXOCtggED flr,rlloaP ontll?R ' 5 crcMttuRl cu[qlomlnLun Approvf,]. i f nFp'1 l.cablc ' DRB !ru: ItRn f AAn, ilu lilluwrl abov€, are fo be palill F. Lhc LirnE gt sulrhi Lt aL of r.hn DRB appliu*LieA. L.l'r, whFn ipll,vinu for a tsuirdiag Ffimit:, plcacc idcnLitv Lhe -rccurate;iiuillor ui ulre propoiei. 'rtre t'om of vail will *djusL-bhe til-iceoraiig r.o ihe- eablu berslt.' Lo cnaurc rh' earrech fce ir DEid. FF! PtIDr ,l - --,=C[!Cf, ll FEE SCHEDULU: VAIJSATIONS 0 - fi lu.uuo $to.oo1 -f 50,000I 50,0n1 - $ 150,000lllu,u0l t 5o0,ooo $500.001 'st'uu0.oooS ovc! $1, 000,000 Df,lro$ nEvIErf BorArtrt ArPRovnL E?(FII,ES IIFf,OVI.T. UILISS I IUII,DTITO PtsXIdIT I9 fg g,rAnTFIl. DTTE: IBE + 20.00t 50.00 $lUU, UU +r00.00 {ra00.00 f,500 ' oo OKE YE"AR APEEB FINA! ltt5UEtt llrD r$fEgEEECEtfl{ EY:- rtr{i}nri^r*-r'*-.2'\--''r "\--l's\ l-Hir,u, AlLeraLlon (lru'oo)j-Cotruca Lu.l Rsv ielf ( lo ) r,fzr'lAl. DESCRIFTIQN: t'ov -fr -- Drock rhrhdtvl5loD {'rl/L--r'/zt4kf,.,,il/.-T F/W 7oNII{C ! NAIT J U h' MaiI inq llow Conttructi.on ($200.00' AdUiEioD. (ijij,00) ADDRESS : I! Froperly it desctlttcd bY degr:;ription. Plaa!c FTrtvi dn bu Lhic application. r00 E tDu8ld ![nzrl8.r r00t0tl0l6 rru r! ilI 90r8r,'3r E-. !fl' tJ I aJiF tt\ tr\h B \-\$\qa tsv' ttt ?\ II N ,."u -- ;E " s qP Y -. !!so{.'d-atquStt$ *t atl b\rt t\ Iti{ I}.tI 00rgIrel DEC-I:B O 1€l -96 l.I E Il ?P. EI 1o,=/r/re @ ?a'tt"rc /y'"r*'olo {av L|\960{\DO6SA lllt ,WPD Frzo-jre"a flr.ot/ 12/78/90 17;50 FAI r!!,|'.a.tLTfta 070{?04901 ; REVIE}I BOARD FRITZTEN PIERCE lil oor DESTON APPIJICAEION - TOIIN OF VAII', COITORADO DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: *tfftt**1lt TNCOUPIJ,EITE APP',Tc;NEZON9 AAT. NOT EE SCASD{IT,ED FOR.I.j8IfI,Efr.trtftit*tr FROJECT INFORI'OTIOII: (8,&an/(/ ,e/*re&t& -JNew Conseruselon ($200.00t -X-runor Alt,eraE,lon (g20.00) -Addttlon (S50,00) ' coaeepbual neview (001 c. D. N)DRESS:827 ALPllJkt LEGAIJ DESCRI Subdlvlslon If properry ig degcribed, by a moeLs and bounds legaldeacrlpllon, please provide 6D a geparate sbeec and BEEachro chig applicacion. zoNrNG: ftJo Fetrzr, '.woerr ftdt1, ,o* Nl,l.,lE OF APPLICAMT Malllnq Address: E. F. NA!dE OF t4ai,1lnt APDLICA}IT' S I{EPR.ESEMJ\TIVE I Address I DESCRIPTION: G. trl lt'.tA 'Phone It. ualllng Address: I. J. condomlnlum Approval. lt applicable. DllB FEE: DRB foes, as shown above, are to be pald aE Lho iimo of submlt,tal of the DRB applicaeion. t'raLer, when ip-;fving-6;-; UuirOins perrnicl please ltlentlfy the accurabe valuatio$ or cfre-piopoiai. rtti bown of ValI wlll acljugt-the iie-iceoidlnE to -Utro- trabte bolow,, Uo etrBure tlre correcb fee is palcl. FEE SCHEDUIIE: VAIJUATIONs o - $ 1"0,000 $ 10,001 - + 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 f150,001 - 0 500,000 $5oo,oo1 - sl,0o0,oooI over $1,000,000 DESICIN REVIBTI BOAAD AFPROVIIJ EXPIRES rDDnovlt uftlEgs t BurtDrlto PErul$ rg Ig 88IREED. FEE $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $100. o0 $200.00 $400 ,00 ssoo.00 ONE YEAR IFtrER FINAIJ rgsItED .il{D coNsI$Uefrolt APPLrCArroNg ,filJl, I\lor 8B PRoe8g,g8D tl|ltilow onnt8n'g SxcMlrDnS FritzlenP ierceBriner I /7@16312 ' Fat: (970) 176-1901 Dec lE, 1996 Dominic Mauriello Co mmwzi tY DcvcloPmcnt, TOV Rp.: Arnold Vail Rnitlence Building Relocation Dominic, eiiira * a copy of the DRts qplicationJor the Minor .1lteration to Approved FIw ,'- The mitpr alterattoii"ng tt u plpoiedrelocuion of the proposed b-uildingfourteenfeet (14'-0') directly west. The only *toei6"cled, to my Imowledge, is the drivewry access mtd the utllities' on the north stde of tha luutY' ara al'to movcd fourlecllfcct' I haye.faxed fhrs form conurrently n Sterz- Arnol4 the owner, ditectly, and hwe requested he fu hii' signed c;py tu you. I wiII iee thst the twenfl doltw (S20.gU lee is to you soon. This thould not hinder this minor approval. I,m also encloslng a "opy o\i" turvey stake plm. Those dot't with drcles ottwtdthem in'dicate the sta?,ts st the site, should yoavtsil he sfte' If lry chance dny quesliotts o, "onrr^, arise in ihe next tvo week plearc speak with BilI Pterce i, i* ogce. The- contractor ls Boles Custom Builders, John Boles @ 926-3202' Tlurtks again for your paticTac and assistance on rhis prnier:t. Have a great vaction ard holiday! SlncerelY, Dale Smtth Architect ro0 D L:r9604V)OC1TOVl2I 8A-WPD acugld NinzJIu,{T00t9/.t018 xYg It:lI 96/81/Zl FritzlenPierceBriner 1650 E. Yail Valley Drive, Suite C-1 o Vail, Co.81657. (970) 476-6342 o Fax: (970) 476-4901 Dec 18, 1996 Dominic Mauriello Community Development, TOV Re: Arnold Vail Residence Building Relocation Dominic, Attached are plans indicating the proposed house relocation we spoke about earlier today. One plan indicates the current, previously TOV approved location, the other plan reflects the new proposed location. The original plan submined tu the TOV reflected a smaller building. The plan was basically one bay (column grid) wide and three bays long. For various reasons the building was enlarged to four boys wide. This additional bry was added to the east side of the building, and in doing so the driveway also moyed one bry to the east. ll/hqt we are proposing is to move the building the distance of one bay, fourteenfeet, to the west due to the heavy vegetation on the east side of this lot. This would move the driveway back to its original location. Other planning and zoning concerns such as height, setbacl$, etc., should not be afficted. The building ridge line is parallel to the grading, and we are proposing to move the building in the direction of the contours, thus not afecting the height. The building would still be well within the setback limits. As you are aware, the permit issuance and consequent construction has been held up due to recently discovered TOV ordinances. The true impact on the existing trees and vegetation wqs not accurately btow until we had the opportunity to accurately locate the building on the site. This was not possible until the other issues were clarified and approved by the TOV. I'd like to have this proposal approve at this time. If any issues do arise from the relocation, I'm sure we can address them soon. Ifyou have any questions or comments please call. Thanks! Sincerely, L:\9604\DOC\TOV I 2 I 8.WPD DE c- 9-96 1'lClH L2/05/gg 09:gg FAX "'t1'=FRrrzr.Efi PTERCE I qA o02 Geologlo Hazsrd Fevlew 't*-&trl.t P.-/ glot-eglqE Thc underslgnsd hagtave r€ad the &oq,, Ha:ard Feport, dated t9&r prepared by l/W€ under8tand froll the conoluslons that th6 proposed bullding is looated in a , _t/aUal +a 5 hailrd zone, and *'erb g he potenitat hazardat r4E/4wM' 's''W reaohing the proposed house, oauslng darnage. we are prepaed lo accept these tacts and request thE Town ol Vall Bulldlng D€partment grent us a perrgit. /D I ) es, ) The foregolng instrument wa8 acknowledged before me thts - day of | 9-, by known to me to b0 ths porson whose namo is subscrlbed to the foragotng lnluument and acknowledged to me that he executed tha same fff tho purposes and consldsration thereh sxprgssed. sTArE oF W+W ) OOUNTY OF flA{E*.AJT \8, Th-e lqreOqins instrument before me uis QW day orD'AAWWZ;known to mB to b€ tho P€fson who6c n'ame fs subscrlbed io ttre toregong lnstrument and acknowledg mg thal hE execuled th6 sams for the purposes and coneideration ti?r6ln STATE OF COLORADO @UNTY OF My commisslon expirss: P-g2 *Eva,,t (Namo, O*ne0 clrqrn i[rr{ FILE COPY 1 _!. 75 South Frowage Roa.d Vail Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 July 15, 1996 Department of Community Development Tom Briner Fritzlen Pierce Briner 1650 East Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 RE: The approval for thc Amold residence, located at 1827 Alpine Drive/l'ot 45, Vail Village West Filiog #1. Dear Tom: The proposed Amold residence has received DRB approva | (6tlglg6)and staff approval per DRB condition (7115196). Please notc that an ILC will be required after the foundation is poured to verifu elevations for building height in accordance with the Town's survey policy. The plan submitted is very close to the 33'height limit. Please monitor the conshuction of this residence to ensure that no portion of the roof (ridges or other areas) exceed the 33' height limitation. You may now apply for a building permit. Thank you for yourpatience in the process. Ifyou have any questions, please call me at4'19-2148. AICP Sinberely, n ?,1\ hJ-A. N s^.{" Dominic F. Mauriello, Town Planner {S *""ro"oruu ArnolA Qo- Single namiLy DAIE: zf Elqb (,blnlq.6 oesapr-,/^t\ IEGAIT DESCRIPTION: .Lot -f nfoct< ?L-^.., Po,;,;,<. ZONE CHECK . FOR Residence, Duplex, primary/Secondary ZONE DISTRXCTS ADDRESS: OWNER S*c.rc- Arni tl ARCI{ITECT \ o.rc ZONE DiSTRICT PROPOSED USE PHONE PI{ONE ProDosed tl, tug ToEal z3' 1+35,|5+ O i,?aTf. r,or srzE tl, <qZ * BUTT,DABTJE rJor AR'A tl, fugb neight rocal cnra {- SSO+ AlLowed (30) @ Exis binq o Primary GRFA secondary GRE'A SeEbacks PronL Sides Rear siEe coverage Landscaping Retaining WaJ.l lleights earking Garage Credit Drive: 20' e t' (*'"7a tE') 15' )s '/ 145' 15' (rs%) t?4i f o ,,.n1 AJ&A o lgogb Lu-to,t 3, / 6, _r_ X neqra 2 -..[ancr @ (600) (soo) (1200) 235fl PermicLed slope 8 x Proposed slope G'(z Complies with T.O.v. LiqhLing Ordinance Yes V No --waLer coursc setback (30) (50) P/h Do Finish crades.Exceed 2:1 (sQt) . yES...._ NO--X- Environmenual/I'Iazards: 1) Flood Plain pl ft'N),llain q( fr. ) IZ') Percenu sloPe 1< > 3O+) 94 3) Geologfc tlazardsur(Jqfu flcl4(ll.r. \rD a) -Snotu nvalanche trl4b) RockfalL A)/A: c) qebris FLow. Previous condiLions of approval (check properLy f ire) ; Po^e- t! <t '. F .|Ar''- I vv,'iFffiD 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Connnunity Development June 25, 1996 Tom Briner Fritzlen Pierce Briner 1650 East Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 RE: Dear Tom: The proposed Amold residencc, located at 1827 Alpine Drive/Lot 45, Vail Village West Filing #1. I have reviewed the reviscd plans for the Arnold residence. located at 1827 Alpine Drive/Lot 45, Vail Village West Filing #1. The following commcnts need to be addrcssed prior to approving these plans: L Tbe building height exceeds the height limit of 33'. The spot elevations you have shown on the building elevations do not reflect the lowest ofeither the existing or finishcd grade. The code requires that the height be measured from either the existing grade or the finished grade, whichever is most restrictivc. This was corrected on a previous set of plans. 2. Your application must includc a lighting plan for the proposcd site, Please provide a revised lighting plan showing all proposed exterior fixtures. Each fixture shall be detailed to show conformance with the Toun of Vail Lighting Ordinance. This site is limited to a total of 1l fixtures. Provide a complete site plan showing the limits of site disturbance, a construction fence to prevent encroachment on tbc area not bcing disturbed, tbe legal description ofthe property, the plan title, legend, etc. Provide a landscape plan or show landscaping on the site plan. 3. 4. {p *'n"uo "'u,* SVqq!r*-'- ilerse provide one complete set ofplans for approval' these plans subject to a completc review by staff' Ifyou have any questions, please call meat479'2148' The DRB issued a conditional approval of Dominic F. Mauriello. AICP Town Planner Project Application Date Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: \7 6- 'tf l - 7 Ll- 6c+o Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lol 115 Block Filing l/Ywp(I H I Com ments: Design Review Board o^," 6ft?/fa Motion by: H ,;r. {- Seconded oy, A lYrrr .<,il) Ct{-o)\---DISAPPROVAL Z-.,^e Lv.eck, Su mmary: E Statt Approval (P r;CC'.oc',,,<O F&HD FILEMPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 June5.l996 Department of Community Development 1 Bill Pierce FriElen Pierce Briner 1650 EastVail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 RE: The proposed Araold residence, located at 1827 Alpine Drive/Lot 45, Vail Village West Filing #1. DearBill: I have reviewed the Design Review Board (DRB) application you submitted for a final review of the Amold residence, located at 1827 Alpine DriveiLot 45, Vail Village West Filing #1. The following comments need to be addressed prior to placing this item on the DRB agenda: l. The building heighL as shown in the building elevatious you provided, exceed the height lirnit of 33'. The overages measure ll2' to I I /2' over the 33' building height restiction. Please provide proposed elevations along existing grade beneath the stuchre on l0' intenals, starting at the north side of the stucture and also provide the corresponding elevations on the roof. Please show these corresponding elevations on the building footprint of the site plan. 2. The Zoning Code resticts finished grades at a slope no greater than 50%. Tbere are several areas on the site plan that exceed 50% slope. Specifically, the southwest comer of the building and finished grades adjacent to the proposed bridge or driveway. 3. Show drainage around structure. 4. Show finished gndelo/o slope of driveway. 5. Your application must include a lighting plan forthe proposed site. Please provide a lighting plan showing all proposed exterior fixtures. Each fixture shall be detailed to show conformance with the Town of Vail Lighting Ordinance. This site is limited to a total of I I fixtures. {g**o OF lA" f,.flfit conceptual review of these plans by the DRB, the DRB instucted the applicant 6Iia"o,ot" detail on the architectural feature over the garage. Please provide a detail ofthis feature. 7. You must submit firish color samples for all of the finishes on the building' If there are certain areas that get different color treatnents, please revise the building elevations io indicate what areas will get which teatnent' 8. Since this site has grades in excess of30% beneath the proposed stucture, you are required to providJmore detailed information prior to obtaining a building pemrit' As part ofyourbuilding pennit application, you must submit: a. A soil and foundation investigation, prepared by and bearing the seal ofa registered professional engineer' b. Fouudations must be designated and bear the seal ofa registered Professional engineer' c. All structures must be designed by a licensed architect' This item has been tentatively scheduled for the June 19, 1996 Design Review Board meeting' Please revise and resubmit the plans for review no later than Jun{g 1996' If you have auy questions, please call me at 479-2148' Sincerely, MtUilL Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Town Planner DFlWjr c o -rno?ry Develop ment Plan noutitro.- Routed To:Greg Hall, Public__Wg$s REC'D MAY t996 Retum To:Dominic F. Mauriello, Cormunity Development Date Routed:s/24/96 Retum By: ll 5/29/96 Project Name:Amold - new single family Project Address:1827 Alpine Drive Project Legal:Lot 45, Vvwest #l Project Description:Newhome withbridge Previous comments attached Approved X Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions f lunacte crround frv Ywvse. Ya.rrdnue,,^rcr,l lt45 \rlt4rtwrtlkE lWSrWlobo s.tytUrtfA-Ttoto5tuly{d,, ace. att l0'lo'^ahefirqv,rd. lofe'lzlc V)y raq'tred. nodfrrcu$J UtfieyCeeA lToie dno<,urr\ 16 of ll .fub ,, * ttr Tow t"r,+fr. abr.rrnsrr 66A2- seEpt6^. lleor,^rrrt ba ;r€iJ tr.r:r.r drroo tt qoo r,anrdyt <t+ lt-4"/o . Tsn u. cn-rrility Devctopmcnt plan nout* "or#' ^' '' - " ii96' Routcd To:Grcg Hall, Public Works Terri Martinez, Public Works To<ld Oppenheimer, public Works Mikc McGcc. Firc Rcturn To:RA NDY STOUD[/?, Cornmunity Dcvclopmcnt Date Routcd: 4/10/96 DRT Mccting Project Namc:Arnnld Rcs 1827 Alpine Drivc Prqicct l-egal:l,ot 45 Vail Villagc Wcst Project Description:Ncw singlc family residcncc ___Approved __ X_Denied (cite dctailed reasons)Approved with conditions 9a.r.- 1'tYO qrAdJnq e{APdS Z:\ I 6ee r}tao < Y\cfN t\o 'J 4 \tg. agalftr v.tr\ be, vra.-.'d\ eJ. (ran u\s..r(e \)he\Yle.r \r:o grcpo-<f) <ar.xr \oof_ !r0 \., po!si\1\c. -Ii Nc s \\)b ovr e.xts\s a.p-\^ U , Yo(,-urtl need to Acacs rt\f r$AJn a El0bour al( g!!t5 . i\eo.f, co-rtcxj tng !o .( \o\J \du(] .xtrhe/f {oJr St!-r() c\! 'En \-, t4yr',rg-r- {1q-zrvq l)atc rcccivcd: Datc rcvicwcd: \ Comm Development Plan Rou o ting Form o unity Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Martinez, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Department RANDY STOUDER, Community Development 3113196 3/20196 DRT Meeting Project Name: Lot 45, Vail Village West #l New Single Family Residence U[0D MAR I 31e9f' Project Description: Approved -XDenied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions -l t€r€ \6 A ne..,\-l (ln'Jfru&(,i z: :1!t{ !aN\((, ,\'\cr:r t r\ 1i-€, er.r. ri\iv\\i be\.}:'(lih p6+' Co r\ f4\cl !revv.l6 {(r ! \r\ A\t-a^ L\f {-\(:: lcf.r 4l <trr<l tt orxl cann"t hra c^:t {,r.rn.-r e,"ddrvrcn<-Q 44€fj:Ip-eg1---?: :*r \r,-ri .,(\(\i l-c\Y -rt .i\!J3( uJ\\\ \:: C. x.rf Vdef\ t\r,.n ._( C..rl r-fi\\s Qgt;de, tl.c l.ul! on Dr-t Prx,t\c drar.lqc zl\n,.r' , f ra','l ,t o ule u( cnrw \L ds vi1i5 )t(e? x 7".t' 'nan r! 'i1&urn (l U)'4 i$n,Lo ?Ju;3Ct^ lcl:4qrcrrrl i - ?l,,r1(.i '*'/ "l+Vry! ] l!1'd-!1.':LL:I \lei a\ 1ruocUr l^frAl lvurlt.r ldi lq4.r; 1g-,(-\^tLf Date received: f:\everyone\domvouform DAT8 RECEIVED:DAtE OI'DRB MEETING! Mr\lT DEECRIPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: \./ (?A@ otA€cr- + O624>n New consLructionAdditioq ($50.0D) D. ADDRESS: ZONTNG: NAME OFMail ing /\PPLTCANT: Address: (S20O.0Ol Minor AtteraeioD ($20.O0) -._Coaceptua1 Review (90) j"lrBJ<f__ LEGAL DESCRTPTfON: LoE 4Ou.gl.JfaJ.r rJ.trJU.t(l1,'l'-L(JAI: IjOE -|: B3_CCk __-s ub iI i v i s i on _ v6 I f- _V_luLeaEl&E-Fjg r p a -U olT--- v.a I F _V_.1-L:LA6 €__lnL_E!{.+.j=l.r-_l r'{!i_ U o . | _* I_f properby rs describe.d by a meeLs and bounds lega]-descriptiorr-, - pl€jase providL ot: a separate stleeU and atbachLo Lhis applicaLion. Phone {:D-..4-hl-: I-t .NA-|,IE qF OI'INER(S) : gTOvg__Ae APPLICANT.S REPRESENTATIVE:Address:e@ 1L,35 Ma i L i:19 Address : APPr,rcAT.roNs wrLIJ NaT EE PRocgssEjD wrrHour oltllER.,s srci?ATETR'E I . COndonriniurq Appro',ral if appllcabl-e - J. DRE !'EE: DRB tces, a6 shown above,\ are Lo be paid at EheLime of submiLtal of Ehe DRt applepation. I.,ar.er, whenapplying far a buildinE permtc, please idenrity ghe accurarevaluar,ion of Lhe proposal_ tbe bown ot Vai,t r^'ill adjusb, Elrefee according co the table below, co ensure Lhe corrLct feois pald. FEE PAI!: { -_ . cHFcK _et_*__DAT_E: _.. .*..- jJi_ FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATlON |P v I r|..,rlruu$ r0. 0o1 s s0,000$ s0,001 - $ 150,000 $1so.001 . $ 500,000$500.001 $1.000.000$ over $L, 000,000 DESIGN REVIEW BOAX.D AFPROVAI., EIIPIRES ONE YEAR AE:T]EN PINEI. APPROI'}TJ UNIJESS .l' EUXLDTNG PER.ldrT trS TSSUTD A$ID COI\ISrRTJC1FIONIS STARTED. NAME OFMailing 6l rLD +\ 3'J. \Ju $ s0.00 $100 - c0 $200.00 $4 00.00 $500 , 00 I Fani o Single Iy Residence, Duplex, ZONE DISTRICTS Primary/ Secondary DATE: LEGAIJ DESCRIPTTON:I'.oj 35 Block _ SubdivisionADDRESS:2 OWNER .3 PHONE PHONEARCHITECT PROPOSED USE I,OT SIZE O, *txlt"t_€ ffirr,r,r* ?t 5 tzes^ HeighE. ToLal GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Se t,backs Si Le Coverage Landscaping Retaining WaII Park j,ng carage CrediI Drive: 5in:'Q."\hj I I Encl No Nol___ 2l PercenL slope 1a ., 36a1 ) k7o _ 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfall - c) DebrisFrffi 4) Wetlands Does Ehis i:eqi.iesL- irrvuive a 250 Ad<jition? NOHow much of .he alrowed zso eaailio"-iJ""""aft=is resuesrr N/& Previous conditions of approval. (check property fite): LE Lor anna ll,gt34 TotaI s3t-o 2065 + + HeighEs View Corrldor EncroachmenL: yes Proposed I33-o,rrr1" 1110,O 15/t< L5 -e*ll1D.o tt4o,c 3'/6' L neqrd (300) (600) (900) (1200) 36a YES PermiLted slope % proposed slope l,?St ck (30) (s0) Envi ronmen t.a1l zards: 1) Flood plain Complies wit.h T.O.. Lighring Ordinance Yes WaLer Course Se Do Finish Grade Exceed 2:1 (50t) 10 PLAN' *r"t",, PROPOSED TiiEES A}ID SHRUBS oCommo.r NameBotanicaL Name ouantitv S:=e* . rr llO Z'-ZWer+, Tvpe Square Footaqe rglrjlve ains:fs, ry 9So fi Tb zbr,tsmukmur..l l.lmrr 1116\ N/a D. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exLerior Iiqhting is proposed, pleaseshow t.he number of fixLures and rocatiois o"-u-!.pu..c.light.ing plan. IdenLi f y each i:.*c,rru f rom the tiqhcing planin che space berow and provide tne-tteiqh;"'u;;;"^ii"u", rype ofliqht proposed. lumen ouEpur, ruminous-ur." i"J i-cut. sheeL oft.he light fixr.ure. (seccibn 18.54.050 J) OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (recaining walls, fences, swimmingpoors , eEc. ) please- specif y. rnaicat.e neiqhi;-oi' ,"cui.rirrqwarrs' Maximum heiqhr of wirr"--w:-trrin Lhe front seL.back is3" Maximum height.-oe warLs-erserhere ""-cn"-piop"rt,y is 6, . ,-F€o",r geff RAc(_ 4!4sqei4dt4e., Hfi{,5Nd^'€eRF1 l\ s da_ 7;4 *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. trees.Indicat.e height for coniferoust* *Indicat,e sizE of proposed shrubs.5 qallon. GROUND, COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRTGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUIIJDING I{ATERIAL,S : re'quired for submitLal approval can be given: ITPE OF MATERIAI, Lo Ehe Design COLOR Roof Siding Other wal1 MaLerials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim lland or Deck kails Flues rlashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Ret.aining wal1s Exterior Light.ing Other ltzgrz"run+u f*a Llrop *:f€N Ag\.53 nooguJarOO N4n/3/t! A:rlr'\J uJhr rfts; ry llEfRt- -:rnuornrb SeRrn nd.#n> ZvLGfEt N4D6A 6ra'so Nfi\.44! F9o gD e,3pe- (*,no TD t44ft^+ ce(_ .r INlA 8l!c't-c>rdtrr€i Designer: Phone: II4ETR\- TA ETA L ntl4 7a(- Tb HATI r+ A0l, LANDSCAPING: Name of AR,.OLD RESIDEN'E 1827 ALPINE DRIVE VAIL, COLORADO LOT .15, VAL VILLAGE WEST lS. I ExT€RtoR C*aES. \t7tq (,?attrucs Crz.) katla^,U liloop€ Htt176; hlt^twArs ffiaE - p4@ cl$ t-- 3ta'<aa L4 #A&FA Xb uRfi4a @/$.tt' M{u€. F rtLzle nP ie rc e B rine r :t';;ff ' ABcHrrEcruRE pLANNTNG rNrERrons lllillffI =*i5 "l ur- 5t Dlal6 ( f*+scrc "f..)flooRUroe0 # Ogt =S Nn ututL. affi.lk)F AEP.StNN'7tN6 C*€f - ,'"-'-7 BEGA Fxt4e 6 gttoe€ Alo ftrt'lo. A€ADL.D 9gs1c6*oct- .?:;'A : i-=qil Becessed luminaires with white safety glass diffusers. Suitable for wet locations. Color: Black 2179P Opening: 11' x 33/.' x 3' 2188P Opening 143/a" x 43/e" x 3' 2189P Opening 181/i x 43/a' x 3' Lamp Lumen A 2179P Location Light 4lD 2 gWPL 1200 11th 4tA 3./4 2188P Location Lrght (EE 2 13WPL 1720 15//e St/a 31t/$ 2189P Location Light G@ 2 18WPLC 2500 193/t St/g 315/s Lamp Lumen A 2079P Location Light (lD 2 9W PL 1200 1'l.h 43/a 33A 2082P Location Light 4EE 2 13WPL 17?O 15t/e 51/s 315/rc Flecessed luminaires with die cast aluminum louvers and white safety glass dilfusers. Suitable for wet locations. Color: Black 2079P Opening: 1 I' x 3%' x 3" 2082P Opening: 143/a'' x 43/e" x 3' 2083P Opening: 181/a' x 43/a' x 3' 2083P Location Light €lD 2 18WPLC 2500 193/a 51/a 315/rc Low brighhess apertuG downlightrs provide etlective illuminalkm with lhe use of R and PAR lamDs. Available with specular Alzak multidier reflectors ir, clear, gold or black. Reflector pror/ides 4s'visual cutoff to lamp. F.atur€a. Integral thermal protedor Die cast aluminum socket cap rnain- taim proper lamp foqls . Die casl alu- minum mounlirE framg accommodal€s up to 1 yr'thic* c€iling mat€rials . Uni- versal rnounling brackets allow use of Tz" EMTmnduit,lahing channels or bar hangers lor installaiion . Damp loc.ation listed, iunction box listed for lhrough branch cirqJit wiring Acc€3sori.3 TRM€-P White metal lrim dng, TRM€-MB Black metaltim ring, TRF€ Bimlessrim ring, HSA€ Slope Adapter, ASA 600P Slope Adapler Optlon3 3601C, 4601C Sefflange reflec'tor, clear, 3601G, 460l G Sef llange refleclor, gold, 3601 B, 46018 Sef ,lange reflec'tor, Uack lor more detailed specifications, -dease rBlerlo h€ Halo Tedtni€l Incandescent Recessed d'Aperture R.PIRtamp Downlight tr FG 45. r 21.6 12.6 4.3 !r.np TSWRInFL tr3aooc sc1.0 OL. Ord€oluol at50%ol FCFL Distance lo St/rlc. Frcm FixttxD aC Spadngcit€ria D||. 4.O 11.0 12,a Ft. 4.5 8.5 10.5 12.5 t4.5 am, 2.5 2.9 4.1 5.r J X'$^o resdu\x€ +€ctag ft{\rPe A**'w a\fi'pr{. H7620T.36@8 50w R)0,75W R30F?F6ilMF- 3600c ,r600c ?cctca.rdo/lpacl|ltFC lr.80 3.270 3.160 3.750 r.0,10 4.530 5.220 6.4 md. 2.8 3.2 3.6 4,0 4.6 5.6 Go.r. ol llthl L||np |50WR4OSPtaasola sco.,l Dl.. CirclaolLighr ol50%ol FC ?t. Ostencs to Surlac€ Froan Flrlurt tC Spadtgcrh€rie Cqro ot|.laNrtIOl.. FGr.6 278.8 3.0 7813.7 5124.4 36.15.1 26.9 FcctG.ndlaiatrclneFC l!.80 3.670 3.9ffi 1.250 4.6 l|{) 5.130 5.9N 7.2 ati. 3.2 3.4 4.O 4.5 52 6.3 Ft. 4.5 40.5 12.5 14.5 |liad. 3.3 3.6 3.9 4.2 1.7 6.7 Low briJhlness dofl nliglrt pro\rides etl€ctivo illumination with use ol R, ER and PAR lamps. Optical black deep alu- minum Cdlex bafffe povides 45" visual cutoff to lamp. Fertuoa. Intsgral th€rmal polector provides tmt€ction against ovedamp ing and misuse ot insulation materials . Di€ cast aluminum sockel cap main- tains prcp€r lamp positbn. Die casl aluminum mour ing framE ac@mmG dsbs up to 1 i/fl t ck c€ilirE matErials . UniveFal rno/nting brackels allow use of 7u' EMT conduit, lafiing channels or bar hangec for installation. Damp location lisbd, iunclion box listed for thrcugh brancfi circuit wiring Acc...od.. TRMSP White metal fim rirE, TRM+MB Black metal tim ring, TRR€ Rinloss lrim ring, HSA-6 Slope Adaptsr For mo€ dddled spedficalions, ple6e Gforb th€ Halo T€cfinical Binder (Volume l), S€clion 1 A. R.PARLmp Downlight Ht7rot4650BA ogovlrPAR S, I a)w ER |(), 1 50W R40. t50wPAR 8 Halo Ugtrting 27 Irl\, s C\c rp .t' 6i( fiau5 odetf, oltnn Review Action Ffrt TOWN OF VAIL Category nu^o"&Date f r Project Name: Building Name: oescription: 4/4/ ffr Address and Phone: t /l Legal Description: Lot f > Block_Subdivision f / zoneoistrict Project Street Address:( '-/a?aoor1t at -fe/'r't ! ffi('Ptfl(/ Board / Staff ,[*htoly'2ipr.s.,?^i#Tffim DRB Fee Pre-paid 3'" cn*-tty Developmcnt Plan RouttQ ,otr., Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Martinez, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mikc McGee. Fire Rctum To:RA ND Y STOUDBR, Community l)evclopment Date Routed:4/2196 Retum By:4110196 DRT Mecting ProjectName:AtnoklRcs Project Addrcss:1827 Alpine Drivc Project Lcgal:Lol 45 Vail Villagc Wcst Project Description:New single family residcnce / Approved - - -Denied (cite detailed reasons) -a Z ?. 7//aa::- / J "' Rcvicvrcd b Approved with conditions I)atc rcccivccl t 4- Z, 7 f:\evervonevlomV(|| (forfi t :24r-c'-g--lJate rcvicwe dt 2/ -?'7 I *.*o Development Plan Routing Form o unityComm Approved Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Martinez, Public Works Rehrrn To:MNDY STOUDER, Community Dwelopment Date Routed:3t13t96 Return By:3120196 DRT Meeting Project Name:Amold Residence Projeot Address:1827 Alpine Dr Project Legal:Lot 45, Vail Village West #l Project Description:New Single Family Residence ied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions 5 I -.r/ O /o /0",<- 7 ;{ ,-.i- 4e/ ;5-<-4 za- s'/Grz7-' Date receivedt -"-"3 -f6/ Reviewed 6y1 -ft e1'=a,. oer oR5 FtitzlenPierceBrin ARCHITECTURC PI.ANNING INTERI DRAWING OR SCHEDIJLE / Itzj atr, bD, 7"€Fa?tn^p ?%LET A/ VC' Fevax- 2l' lllfla Ista FHil7w lAtAlr.aLI ru zrturUrg 17ar*rYP rv74g23) Uooa TFtt1' vloa? gptqd ol Yd' +11pld11uJa- 117' TffichL JAt"1 3 ,r{ LXb t.lAl-L 3u- l'-atl PROJECT ISSUE REVISION DRG. NO. ASltOf-r" ftt@,t E 5.ZD.q6 ACa posT oFFrcE Box 57 1000 LToNSR|DGE LooP vA[ coLoRADo 8r658 303 4765342 FAX 30]476 4901 .r.( r r.rlr(i nr FlitzlenPiereBrlner ARCHITECTURE PI.ANNING IiITTRIORS DRAT{ING OR SCHEDI'LE 'r:4.f*-. r*.. x?/Att t/fpl #.E* ANC. PROJECT ISSUE REVISION DRC. NO. T-R. Aft grru6 ro-.Att- POST OFFICE 80X 57 r 000 L|ON5R|DGE LOOP VA|L COLORADO 81658 303 476 6342 FAX 303 476 4901 .ir(tftrtttil< 0|r rnrari.{r(r rl*r FlitzlenPierceBriner ARCHITECTURE PI.ANNING INTERIORS DRAWING OR SCITEDI'LE FevAV<--'--jY" H*xv Tattl :_-LIJil.@hl f* *r+wuLe L?P4HTp r)tnor) ,'pryrrep TAn e WE, flULLA6 e€RAteeO 2" a\t T?lf1 rN]"JTV.7 ??Cr{T A/ Iwpf3_ ?eF _qA)afl)#v r..-L/"" afr P'-t'--66ee r;A,-..D ?url(+ vJ tHl '-r-rr-T:uv vqt? tJ/ f .i.-A*a-r*-. n'.lhv stLl- rcEFaflt4vv '/2" FEvbL ,/zt' a.(r ap,---t frrlr*.v HVAiv 5lw (SHAAFI W nog FlUr-L) 3r>lt-at PROJECT ISSUE REVISION DRG. NO. w ftawrl'E.5.?t-16 Pe5l POST OFFICE BOX 57 1000 LTONSRTDG! LOOP VA|L COLORADo E1658 303 476 5342 FAX 303 476 4901 D'rrrmtnr{r(I rh{r : i, |-i.|/f^v- H.\teV UitrzP Atat&a* VCt l\aqXtslg 2->o f/31l1r],, w FULL E'D{1. tFJ€ttJtrAflaF{ 7,4F 4+lE)P 4Nte4F-. w t',0'.* F-* t{3/"Jutala*) t/z't z1? aP Pt&rFr r,8slrs RSVISION DRG. NO. Iw, Ar*O ?6rUL POSTOFHCE BOX 57 1000 LIONSR|DGE LOOP VATLCOLORADO 81658 3034766342 FAX3034764901 rl(t rltlrf!i( 0|A r*,tlrtli ttt(a trriti FrtzlenPierceBriter ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DArE: 4'3'76. rcsNo. ?6d+ p, Fwqz &tMi ATTN: ATTACHED PLEASEFIND: PROGRESS PRINTS SPECIFICATIONS SHOP DRAWINGSPLANS X- REMARKS: _FORYOLIRUSE - RETI.JRNED AFTER REVIEW \.,- oTtfjP. 777?2. relW ITEMNO. NO. OF COPIES DESCRIPTION TIfi ITEMS LISTED ABOVE ARE: FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT AS REQUESTED OTI{ER sv, Ktc€ fpa&E COPIES TO: C :\WPWN60\TEMPLATATRAN.W?T FALLRIDGE C-r VArL COLORADO 8t657 9704?64342 FA]{970476490[ n'ict t$ta&{ Drc Dta ntr,trN 6Erca |rtm 1650 EAST VAIL VALLEY DRIVE r.tAF:- COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INST'RANCE TSSUBD BY STE WART TITLEGUARANTY COMPANY STE1WART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, A Texas Corporation, herein celled the Conpany, for valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its poticy or policies of title insuraace, as identifbil in Sctrcdule A, in favor of rhe proposed llsured named in Schedule A, as owncr or mortgegee of the estareor interest covered hereby in the land described or r€ferred to in Schedule A, uporr payrrent of ttre Premiums and charges therefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedulcs A and B and m lhe Conditione and Sripulations hereof . This Commitnrent shall be eff€ctive only when the identity of ttre proposed Insured and thc amount of the poltcy or policies commined for havc boen insertcd ia Schcdule A hereof by the Company, ei&a at tte timc of t!'e issrnce of thii Comimcr or by rubeoquent c-ndon-€eefl- This Commiment is preliminary to the issuancc of srrch poticy or policies of title insuranc€ end dl liabiffty and obligations hereunder shall ccase and terminatc six months aftcr the effective dae hereof or whcn thc policy or policies committcd for shall issue, whichever fiirst occurs, providcd that the failure to issuc guch polrcy or policics is noc ahe fault of ttc Cornpany. Signed under seal for the Company, but this Commitment shall not be valid or binding until it bearg an auttorized Countersignature. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, St€wart Title Guaranty Company has causcd its corporatc name and seal to bc herqrnto affixed by its duly authorized officers on the darc shown in Schodule A. STEWART TITLE GUARANTYCOMPANY Chaihnan of the P-€ta SCHEDAI.E A 'Order Mtmber: gsotztt.o I. Effective date: .ltotzerbc! 2I, IggS aC Z,45 A.rtt. a ,l-t: --03/15/96 l1:21 \ STBXTART TTTIA OF EAGLB COUNTY, TNC. TXIRX N0.3362 P.001 rut.Ly ctr ro,acleg to oe tssll4: (a) A.L.T-A. Owtzer't (sEaBTT Proposd Insured: A?|'EUEE EEII'OED Arrroant of Insurance il?s,oao-oo (b) A.L.T.A. Laan Proposed Insured: (c) t*asehoU Propaned Insard: 'rtlJrporXc'd AdAraaa: 7827 ir.PrNZ DA UEIJ CO 81657 Order Nwber: 95o721ao ( sc.tdtrd ) NE9T, 'TLflTG' II'O. 7. xbc rQ..ordc'A E leg t t 3. Ihc estatc or interest in the land deseribed or refend to in this &n ndtment and covcrd herein ls fec atqrlc 4 nile b the Ecc c:lmp]e estate or intercst ln said land is at the $ectlve date hereof vestd in.' FABSSI,ER @cBg AFIFEE]9CEE:ANA, A o.tl'EEA'. P,,EIENI',JR,g'$P 5. The land refcned to in this &wnionent is descibed as follows: SEE ATTACEED IJK,AI' DBS'c'RT PTZON STAIEMENT OF CIURGES Thae clnrga are due and pay&le bcfore a Policy can be issued. PRffitff ruldjrrlder OnNEngs T,'t Ct8;f t SCEEDI]LB A LEGALDESCNPNON t}.a,.6€t. It E acAelod No. i24s. oo 10.oo I tplr a5, UAItr WI;Lffi l.ccotdt!E co 98185. 03/15/96 LL:,2r TXlRX N0.3362 P.001 . '":,W:,'"ff"T^"" I TI9 coD&'IExEfE vAs PREPAR:@ ox rK,y. 3o' 7995. FoE QI,asTIoNs PLe sE cAr'r' TRODT TtrATARESE AT (970)949'7017' coptea tot S6a!'€/'a ,EaoLd sorr8.Ea:p P?oPe.tEtca. ao'Jla rattlla Do:rj' B.Lley' E Ut.t' aEleh. FEasPeoD/uL Raal 86trte Rarrlz Rosa SCHEDWE B Section I Order Number: 9 s o72 a.l o REQUIREMENTS Ihefollowtng are the requiremcns to be complied wlth: kem (a) Prymmt to ar for tlrc account of ttte grantors or rwrrtgagors of the full consideration for the esmte or ' lnterest to be iwuled, Itan (b) Proper instrutrunt(s) creating the eEtate or interest to be iwurcd nust bc secated and fuIy filed for. record, to wit: I. Ey:Letc'']ca ',aCt.t.a6oLat Xo gtqnase gJgl. dur.rr.o ty eo'',tteay ot payma.c oc a7l _ :"':."'* -'::.:^"_:'"-::-:-:_'-"::'-:-*--: :: ::,::":":::::"):."'. 03/15/96 11:21 TXlRx N0.3362 P.001 I Z- , .'::::'::::::'* t r t e a {'.t t ty rr e,"a ee s or / r.div !.do"r(-ar. ro r asd i t s :rGcura to thc ofiflcc. 4. E?:IdA'|cC a.c''stacEozy to 5t(!7/er| TTe].e Giuara c'' co'lP','t? cbac thc fe,T csgeEc {,i.| efcr tax assescJd by tlte lov! ot vrtl be3 bQct r,'r!d. or tbat tha crrasacttoa t8 c*.€j,;rE tra& 'a:t d ttx' 5- Rcfeare oc Noel;cG oc r,fg,n tor gt,at,c la'j€ll s'gal''tE Scet b.A c- A'''.old, flzed by sxataofeo:.jo'.:adol:FJ arc'|rJ';cocR,eweave'l'Ac/',..nouatoEsl,917.3..reco'lded ,luly 23t 7993 lz E|c,.,f dZl ae Ptg' 666 as ng.cep'cloa 'Io' 570742' oa lgrrrDlrlcE S.Et'.a.ctoty Eo Stey/'fE fiel' 6u'rt'1 Ctr c@P!'y t'reg gEc,'3.Ea.A4to7d'aauedabowcl.nocoaca'dt,aegem€llr-rgoz!'stcve,'A'rao|d' :!z shosa aa.ac t'trc of,?!,en' PoUcy la xo be test''ed' 6. D(!cd E':e r|acegl:e'. CMBTI Otil;ar1cb9/a'lg' . Ge'!ata! Pa'th'.€.''.h,P w€'scl']g fea slapla /El'te lz gc,ao'ena7P Pror,e't'i"'s ' Ztc" t Co.tattdo g'orltotrt.lo': ' ,t0:rltt t;ror|'i'.':1x OF tEfi lrlrlG'Ai ^DDB:Esg Og TEA 6?'l.l|'|f,Blt ff/ItgT ArPEAr O8 ?IIE DEED AA PgE7976AliE!'DtdErr5|c'sTATu'Eaol'RBcloRD.f,t'goFDElplgcBs38-35-709(2t. !tort.' tc lt !}oeed ela g i'bt zbovc ded ba'. beea c 'tz'c,'.d ' 7.Daadf':@solasrl.ll,P-olt€l'icl.ett c'ttcg.'.or.adosortto$clo's'lra'iet':gte' zluglc tlcle lt gc€v.a ,'z,old' lfirirB; "c)lrrtr,xoy oi rw elcr.D ettDaEgg orr tHE ceA.ilzlB riCtslr ^DPEA&' oE tEA DW tE PEE 79?6 A'EgI'D',Eo|r t m 9TATCTTE ort iaconDtltc oF ',EaDg CR|E 38-35'709 (2)' 03/15/96 11:21 TXIRX N0.3362 P.00r I -^:^-::-=. FFrr "=te F-EA SCHEDALE B Section I . Order Number: 95o72't'ao REQUIREMENre ' The fotlowiny are the requirements to be complied with: . Item (a) p^ymerx to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the fult cottslderdion for the esnte or irrtercst to be irLsured- Item @) proper instnunent(s) creating the esute or i&eresc to be insured must be aeaaed and &tty filed for - record. to wit: l. Evldc,rlcc sacJ,r,f.ctoty to Ste'iart TlE7e Cue'a!XY Cod/E aBy of PztaezC oE a17 out,rcand.lDE !a,.xcr ard agE€.ssll€,'tt as ccri-!f,icd bYr 'ta.c Eagle ColiEy l:rcaaur€r' 2- B>.ccjtrlljlol of aflldawle a8 to Debca a'rd I'le!,c aad ltt lccltci co gEevart Tlzlc cuE'-alaer CoaPanlr - 3- .E cccutlou oe c;eg1Ll'fic,.Ce - tuCl,Cy T'rr.sf cior,/':!.diwl.du',l Tr.aalaroz e,cd lCB -ratura to ctrc otElcc. 4. BytAallce B.Eltt'lecozT to ge€fl.EE fiula 6tr.ta'r Ay C@t tzy CIt. t tbc r.al atc8g. t':.!,efler Ea* at''t'i',€,d b2r Ebe r.cl},a of ValI hag beaa Feld or th.t che tr.,'s.aE!'oa la e*€r,''c f,r€& taid cax. S- neleara of l]i',oc'.e. of L!4 for gtata Tax€.a agzLzab SXeDb',,a c- Ag,'.old ' fLlcd by Sta:a og CoTo!ado Dcprrta-'r t of Rc.ve''uc. ln Eba tnouae of $7'941.31 , tecotd.ed ;luLy 23, 7993 ln Book 67a aE Pagra 656 as neccPL:loE, No' 570747' OR EI/|ZDENCE S.ClBtacEory to stef,arg TreT€ euer.ney CoeiE any thae acar,heE. G. jAra7,o].d, aa.!,cd abovc :ls not o.!.e and thc t.a. P€l'goa es sc€v€Ja Aaotd' i.a wlaoaa aelra tb.e o''€gt Poltcy LB to ba lsgucd. 6. D€|ed. E'io' r.:tcsahal. ercJIt Ofl.;.,tschvaaE, a @'1aral Part'.at:tl-tl vesXt g tec sl'l'.].c tltla ln soa!,€.s,a'-I, ProPc,rcies. Z!.c.. t Colorado co4roa'cto'1. ItOTt; laOrtrrOx oF l:g9 &EGAD ADD&B6 S OF rAE CRAN:IE! t(Ugl ePPtLR ON "I'E DAaD AB p8 7976 .er6tDr4Ernr rO gT,;rtUEE ON a;'5'OE,]Dr|rGt OF DBBDS CnlS 38-35-109 (2t. flof8s rE ls ''oeg,d thrt t&c e.bowc deed bag Dee,t c@p7ec;.d. 7. D.tad ttoa 6lor?!caal!' ProE Gfltj,;cs t'tc.. t cokor.do f;c)'{lr,ratio',, v|J',tlzg C.:G ,l,';pla tt?la la .scce.ra ArIloId. ttto4t8 t NOf, ?[O!| OE rB I'ECfltI' ^DDeEgS OF ''Z dRAfifAE ,CqrgT APPA^A. Olr llllt DA@ AS pa8. t9?6 rr@ldEflr ro Etl;T(npE or REc.cr.RDrfr6 0E DESD.S CAs 3A-35-tO9 (2). Otdcr Nwnbq: 9so7214o SCEEDI]LE B Seaion 2 E'rcEFTTONS 03/15/96 11:26 TXIRX N0.3364 P.00r I ,t- 2. 3. 4- 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. w;ri:fffi;;"!J:*"owfaain erceptionstothc fouowins *ffsctne arcdtsposedof cothe Rights or clains of partia in possession' not shown by the pttbtic records ' Easements,orctaimsofeasemefus,nots|ownbyhepttb\crecords. Discrepancles, con;flics in boundaty tines: .s|ort:8e itt area, encroac|unmts, and any .faas which o corTect suney and inspection ,f';h;;;'#;!r";;;id 4;;a;;; iliiii"n ue not shoutn bv the pubtic records' Any lien, or ight to a lien for senices, labor or nuteriat her*ofore or hereafter furnished' intposed by law -iit *t tnoni by the public records' Defects, liens, cncumbrances, adverse gtoiy or other tnatterc, if any, .creatd, first appearing in the public rebords or anaching t"bir;;;*;';;-"ftrr;; a"ti;lr"ot, but prtbr.{ t4e.aate ttu proposed iruurcd acqures of record for value the o6. o, interesi-or mortgage therLon dvered by tfus commitment' llnDatefted mining claims; resenatiotts or exceptiorts in patents' or an act authoiling the issaance thercd; wdter rights, claims or title to water' A'ry .td t.72 u'rPajld c.r'gt,l errd' 'ldEf,','g|C}'tct a'ld a''ly uaz€ld€,c'ltcd ta'r sales' rtrs ,ff,6sg ot lr(.:raallaze Ln ray general or caeciElc weier -c,or'.5etva'.cy ' flre tr>lrot.cztoa' rr<rtz c<rrreanatlos ir ocher dtecilcE or laelsaloa ta aay rlces servlec or tcraQe l'nP.rov€8'e,'c atet' tr''acfracjro'rt oz *aa9tJ;oat 7a Eat'''lcs-' oE la ,.cta '!stibo'L',tag. thc lstuaaoc trrclraol, tar.J.ntittr:i -&L .rcsq*ttt* oE t =lgbc oC rary tor dlcahr,t os ctaals cou,cflrecadby',,|aau:Jhorlcy3;2ghr o'llEcdgtacc',acl.ascr.tcd'^t'|!,'Eedstetaa pat.t rGcord.d oc eobGr 4. 7g78 La Eook 93 tE Paga 7O7' 70. '.ese'3/rlctorla u'rd excePelo'ls la ga|';a';it ' or AcEa authorlzl'aE e|ic lssva,gca th.lraot. ltrcjrudr'rE tba rceewztl;oa of ehe ilEbc ot ','ioPrtcto'. of, a v€.la ot lode eo .rxtrrcE ,oa i"10i. hlt ore c:hcr.,tr<r! ghould tlrl ganc bc fouad ao E €rBecraga oE:''!1e'raa.,cc'raP'',!,"rr',.,..'-scc,d,rr.T,dltaIIalEedst'e','Pdtc,'.Erecordedt,u'als' l97E lE r,ook 93 't Ea.Ee a5' za- 'f.:n ge'rc(!'lc 'lo','Patclc7I,,lclrrgi roya^Lxtt la aad co Pr-oc'cds derlwed ftofr tb' aald at !!y '!jr'te'.aL zf .n "z(,.o., *t'ra -la o.t,rt" ptiaacca tnlt mi,lg]d E':oe sald pralaee. a'rd, re(;otd'd la aoo& 766 ac Pagt 4o7 azd aay aad a77 aeslgeeae e.bcraof or j,aBc.tete ?'b''ael,B ' X2. 'letc'tccjloet. es sotteijtlsd h lasErtnal recorded Actobcl'. 25' 7963 lz Book 778 .cPa96L4gl'8ec.Ptlot'No.98!S6,aade.acadcdDaecgdrler6'rgalnBoo.k778at P.g.315:rgRxc. e!(,'No.gS3sg.rgdalcgdcdFabruaxyT6'7970lagook2a72c E'tgc 75 .s Eac.lptl€a No' t72533' T3.'lra{Zlcsltsrrattrlacioatr:rdr!g;bca-of-(t1'a,.ttbc,i'toatbaDtttotvatlvtll'gia Wr'tC FlJ-trlE No. !. r:ecoz:deA at Eaa'Pt.toB Xo' 98785' CortJBatd or' terct Pagt CoBelauatlo;a of Sehadule B - SectToa 2 OadcrltErb.r: 93012440 !1. Ergg4.cac .b€trcez t.b. Coulocy oC E',EIa. gtr!. of Colorado a8d @8 PactIlE!.E' ' Iac., aa coae.tacd ta t',scru',€dat rcg.ol,.dcd, .eugrud c 72, 1965 ia Book 79o.t Page aos r. tr€cc,'Elo|r b. 1.02974. 03/15/96 11 :26 TXIRX N0.3364 P.001 r .t<.ro( *EEDIIWA McrIWq: 95or2aao I. $@vv&tc: rcvrl&,ca 2r. ,995 ti ttt; t.t. 2. Iryq or Policla to bc issud: tunst of &twonc (a)A.LT-A. Owr'pr's fatr.Ed.fd, t ,s,ooo.oo Eogotd ltuwd: rlrcED : .(b) A.L.T"A. Len (st-exd,.lrdt 't hrydlrcurd: a 3t/ti/* 11:26 TxlRx N0.3364 P.001 I Propt3d lwurs.d: t _- J-\-.F 3. TIE estqtc or intergt ln tlc land daqlbd or rcfcnd to in tiis endnw* atd orercd hcrctn ts Cce ct4rlt 1. Tttbtothe 'lG,c o!4P2c 6nEorlatqattrsadlarrdtsatilucfcaivcfuehereoftwtdln: ttrstg&tR Gffi)E oflEazsetirrae'' r ctE rE;,lt PA'lTNg.'airP 5. the land rcfcrrd m in thts @ntniment ls dqqibcd as follows: gA ^II'IE CE@ Irrcrtr DrJEClJiD'f,TON DltlEro'|hrJd, ll.t'rt'.r.s STATBUEITTOF CH/IRGES Thac dtuga arc&eandPYdle b$oree 1827 JJ'PEaz Dn Poltcy et bc lssttld,' t^z, co 87657 P,,o,"tr trt*,.*,.d',. . oldtUERs: 9213. OO tlf C!Bt: t'O - OO il 03/15/96 11:26 TXIRX N0.3364 P.001 I i-4AR-:15-96 FFlr t =-:J' '' ' *,HEDUIEA P-@a Order Number: 95072410 . I- Efeoive date: .lrovcnbcr 27 ' 7995 tE 7 r45 ^.td. 2. Poticl or Policies to be issued: Amount of Irsurance . (a) A:L.T,A. Owner's ( se5,!,d.rd ) S zs,ooo'oo Proposed lwured: SIEVEN eIIFO&D (b) A.L.T.A. Inan (sta!,dasd) Proposed Insured: (c) Iasehald Proposcd Insured: 3. Thc estate or interest tn the land descrtded or referrd to ln this Cotrninnent and coverd hcreln ls fee sJ.mpTa 4. nile tu the fec tfo,prc estate or interest in said land ts at the Sective date hereof vested in: AA.ASII.ER EMBE OFTERSCITWAIIE, i 6ET'ERT! PA'{TNER9r.TP 5. The land r{ened to in this Commioncw is descrtbed as follows: SBE A?f,IAc;EED IrEG:AI' DASCRZPIn'N Purlror!.d .trddrcrr: STATEMENTOF CHARGES Thesc charya arc dac and payoble bdore a 2827 Az,PrNB Dn Poltcy ca,l bc ksued. u rr, co 87657 PRWW ttt}d.t9ldc'rotrHgt9s 52t5. OOtlf C&R:r! LO.OO .t ,t 03/15/96 11:30 TxlRx N0.3365 P.001 I _*^:'-.t-:-tt FFf r '=ff , Mer Nurnber: 95072110 P-62 wHEDI]I.E A a TSGALDESCRIPNON tfrE 15. U,.tIr U .r'AGt:B ,rEAt. fZLZII G, l{o. 7 Acaotdlag to ttrr gc.cord.d I'ltc t5.r.of ' .t z,Gc€pclo,t .fto. 98185. c09N'1 7 0, B;lGE'tgrlfla oF corp.9"rrc \E'ra cwawg ras tBtPrnlD ar.xrl'. 30. 7995. tlo,n QoEgrroag PITE AE C Lr. 'BODr nt naAE ^T (97Ot919-ZO7t. cogtat cotge.v.a Aneotdgon8.E.!p P-gittcaclct, .robJ4 xl77t Doata E rley, gtrtfcr, gDlg.a, Ftrytco''/u n.rl 8rtrt. I,att1g no3a 03/15/96 11;30 Tx/Rx N0.336s P.002 I TOWN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT PROJECT TITLE: ARNOLD RESIDENCE NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Permit It. TIMES 896-0322 Description!NEW SFR Occupancy DweII j-ngs Private Garages Invest i gat ion> tli Lt cal, t----> .00 Recreation fee----------> 3.@ ctean-Up Deposi t--------> TOTAL FEES----- Job Address: 1827 ALPINE DRLocation...: 1827 ALPINE DRParceI No. . : 2103-123-07-015Project No. : PRJ96-0181 APPLICANT BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS, INC P O BOX 1279, AVON CO 81620 CoNTRACTOR BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS, INC P O BOX 7279, AVON CO 81620OWNER ARNOIJD STEVEN K PO BOX 753, ARLINGTON TX 76004 Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: Io/ts/t996 rssued.. .: t2/73/t996Expires. . : 06/II/7997 Phone: 30392632O2 Phone: 3039263202 BALANCE DUE---- 2,918.80 .00 Division Division Division Division Number of Dwelling Units: 001Type Factor Sq. Feet VaLuationZone L V-N 80.60 t,B2B I47 ,336.80zone 1 V-N 21.30 252 5,367.60Subtotal:2, 080 L52 ,7 04 .40Table Date: 05/I7/1996 Total Valuation z t52,704.40 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 207, 356. O0O Fi reptace Infofmation: Restricted: Y #Of Gas App t i ances:dOf Gas Logs: 2 fof llood/Pa l, Let:*******ffi******************************tr*******#******** FEE SUt' .tARy *t*******t******************i***************************** Bui l,ding-----> 1,172.OO Restuarant Ptan Review-->.00 Total catcutated Fees---> Z,94A.8O 200.00 Additional fees---------> .oo 312.00 Total Permit Fee--------> 2,948,80 PLan Check---> 761.80 oRB 500.00 2,948.80 ***********************ft*****ff*****ff**lr**t***************************************************ffi***i********************** Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENTlo/L5/t996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE LO/L6/1996 CHARLIE Action: AppRIIem: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENTlO/L5/I996 CHARLIE Acrion: NoTE 72/Os/1996 DOMINTC Acrion: AppRItem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 70/15/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPRItem: 05500 PUBIJIC WORKS1O/$/L996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE12/73/1996 TJARRY_P Action: APPRltem: 05550 ENGINEERING 1,0/75/1996 CHARLTE Action: NOTElO/I8/1996 TERRI M Action: NOTE12/t3/1996 TERRr- Acrion: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division PLANS TO DAN Dept: PLANNfNG PIJANS TO DOMINIC approve based on Haz. reDept: F]RE N/A Dept: PUB WORK PLANS TO LARRY LP Dept: ENGINEER PLANS TO TERRI SEE CONDITIONS see conditions **************************t**********t********l*Jr*rt*#rtr*lo**fftt*tr**************************rk#rJrf,*f/r**t*ffiffi**** jr***ft*** See Page 2 o ma y apply to this permit.of this Document for any conditions that DECLARATIONS r hefeby acknovtedge that I have read this apptication, fiLLed out in ful,L the 'infornation required, comptcted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that aLt the intormation provided as required is correct. I agree to compl,y w.ith thc information and pLot ptan, to compty with al'l' Tolrn ofdinances and state [aws, and to buil.d this structure according to the Toun's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Tovn appLicabte thereto. Cq FRO E:OO All 5:00 Pll Send C lean-Up Deposit To: BOLES CUSTOI{ EUILDERS SIGNATURE OF OINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII,ISELF AND O[INER PAGE 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVALPermit #: 896-0322 as of 72/L3/96 Status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Pernit Type: NEW (sFR,P/s,DUp) PERMITApplicant Job Address Location Parcel No BOLES CUSTOM BUTLDERS, rNC 1827 AI,PINE DR ].827 ALPINE DR 2LO3-L23-07 -01s Applied: t0/1,5/tee6 Issued:. 12/13/1996 *****************************************************************************rr** CONDITIONS******************************************************************************** 1. THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FORA FRAME INSPECTION. 2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEIIJING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS,AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF THE FIJOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAII MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTTY ABOVE.3. A SOIIJS REPORT IS REQUIRED AND APPROVED BEFORE FOOTINGS AND OR FOUNDATIONS WILL BE APPROVED BY TOV BUILDING DEPARTMENT.4. srucco wALLs MUsr BE FLUSH wrrH THE PAVEMENT UNTrL 7 ' AwAy F ROM THE EXISTING ASPHALT FOR SNOW STORAGE AND PLOWING PURPOS ES.5. WE WII,L NEED A REVOKABLE RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT FOR THE BRIDGE AND IJANDSCAP]NG6. Hazard study has been submitted and approved. Grading mustbe limited on the site and construction rnust adhere t5 tne nazard report and soil test, resul_ts.7. we are stirl waiting for a revokabl-e ro$r permit, as well asaretter from the geotechnicar engineer ce-rtifyiirg that the construction wirl- not increase the hazzard to iuriounding property ovrners and that the access platform for the drilr-rig **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statennt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0239 Amount: 1,787.00 I2/L3/96 15:35Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #2238 Init: CD Permit No Parcel NoSite Addrees Location Total Fees:This Payment 1,787.00 Total ALL pmts: Balance: 896-0322 Type: B-BUILD NEW (SFRrp/S,DUp) pE 2L03-L23-07-01s 1827 ALPINE DR 1827 ALPINE DR **************************************************************** 2 ,9 48 .80 2 r948.80 .00 Amount -200.00I,172.00 s00.00 312.00 3.00 Account Code 01 0000 41331 0r- 0000 41310 01 0000 22002 30 0000 4503201 0000 41336 Description DESIGN REVIEW.FEES BUILDING PERMIT FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE l DATE: to.lq.qL , APPr,rcATroN MLIST EE FrLr,ED our coMpLETELy oR rr MAy "f't'"""XCSffi; ii:'i $***************************** pERMrr TNF.RMATT'N ******* *** * * ********* * * ******n) r-Building t l-prr:nbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Hechanical [ ]-other Job Name:Job Address: Legal Descripticln: Lot $S Block riling I suBprvrsroN,VArLv Owners Name: €TEVE Ag\lc\ Ad{ress; €22-E,. q41g Architect: ceneral Description: work crass: r-New [ ]-Arteration r l-Additional J l-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units: I Nunber of Accornrnodati_on Units: I ?golo VAIL Electrical Contractor: Address;Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nunber: Plumbing Contractor: Address:Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PUJT.IBING PERMIT FEE: MECIIANICAL PERMTT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE * ************ *** *************** BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK F8E: PWMBING PI,AN CIIECK FEE: IIIECHANTCAI, PI.AN cHEcK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: FOR BUTLDTNG: STGNATI'RE: ZONTNG: GROUP VALUATTON srcNAru_REi CLEAN IIP DEPOSIT NEPI'ilD TO:T36L€S <3S Tofi tturLA.:r?s, ?ArC. EiEE:Y€E;E EEiE€c ti€;:i Eg€s€3 o H Y Pq, +Jln '9 J c.; ; U F lc.lc.ld \qslq i 7. = i. -5 E (n (J *a F z U 0,(J q) '.{o 0,& tr 7. lr.1 tr] .]xfr- "E;Y*- >zz!!<< =!xa\a\J 2og-z= lrJ F--F (/l i-fsz a\ rr.l \J t--tr<zexLrJ \ --.i 2-C<=I{F.J ca 14 co \ (/) t\oI zuJ I.- -t-- *9\*1-F<Yo;{Fe)--,-z_FLL;-Z6^<-y ?=HU -'f\!l qJ ilto> -J (/) \J(a F irJ .>3:94 lQ:>{_dI<X\,Fa\- J- l- aZ: r'-Z\J:ffI::Eu*x*,-FYl+xg+:* ;: -'- F f--C. art -a{-rkatr aa FR rn F(F rl-at{.lt|a -F -aflJdF iFf €v rt -F{F?F? Ell9 F\ddLr FI -E *FTFHH t++\ -,\/ iH 11 6.rlrfdHrl-ft-f r1JtsrLA.o CIIECK RDQUDST PREI'ARI]D BY: DItTE: /1,VENDOR NAMI} VENDORNUMBER: o DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE:CLEAN UP DEPOSIT_ RETUNpFoRBp#r?/_aaz NAME OFJOB: ACCOTINT NUMBER: 0l O00O 22002 AMOUNT OFREFLTNp: tSAa. ? DATE APPROVED;^t.&J-7vAPPROVAL SIGNATURE: Town of Vai l- 25 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8L557(303) 479 -2r-38 Plan the 1991 Proj ect Number: PR,J9 5 - 0181 Address: L827 ALPINE DR Contract.or: BOLES CUSTOM BIJDRSArchitect: FRITZLEN PIERCE BRINER Eng j-neer: TIM BOYIJE analysis based on Uniform Building Code Name: ARNOLTD RESIDENCE Date: October 15, 1996 Occupancy; R3,M1 TlDe of Const: V-N Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK NOTE:The code items listed in this repor! are not intended !olisting of all possible code requirements in the 199L UBC. Itselected sectionE of the code. be IS a complete a guide to DIRECTION BOI'NDARY NORTH Property Line EAST Property line SOUTH Property lineWEST Property l ine NORTH BRG NON.BRG OPNG WAIJL WALL PROTOhr ohr None Ohr Ohr None exEerior walls may SEPARATION AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION 43.0 Feet 43.0 Feet 25.0 Feet 25.0 Feet 16.0 Feet 16.0 Feet 45.0 Feet 45.0 Feet EXTERIOR WAIJIJ FTRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTTON Table 17-A & Table 5-A t(J M1 The EAST SOUTH WEST BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WAL.L WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WAI-,L WALL PROTOhr ohr None Ohr ohr None ohr ohr NoneOhr ohr None ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None be of COMBUSTIBITE malerial . Sec.2201. fire rating as the wa1l. See section 1710. for details and exceptions. AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 3 carage3 Master bath 3 Master bedroom 3 Bedroom 3 Hal1s. closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FIJOOR2 L,iving room 2 Dining room 2 Kitchen 2 Equipnent room 2 Hal1s, closets, ecc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1 Bedroom #2 1 Bath room L lJaundry room 1 Hal1s, cLosets, etc. TOTAL FOR FIJOOR BUILDING TOTAI, z)z 100 r-5 9 If,b 258 945 238 195 L00 LL4 587 159 vb 18 155 448 2080 0.00 0.00 15.90 15.50 0.00 23.80 19.50 10.00 0.00 0. 00 16.90 0. 00 0. 00 0.00 0.00 5.00 8 .45 7.80 0.00 1-1.90 9.75 s.00 0.00 0.00 8.45 4.80 l-. f u 0.00 No No Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No FOOTNOTES: 1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterioris required fron this room. The minimum clear openable area must meetthe following. -- Sec. 1204. 1) The minimum clear height is 24 inches 2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square feet 4) The maximum sill height is 44 inches 2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwe1ling's) 3) A mechanical ventilation system may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventilation. -- Sec. l-205. (c) 5) The requirements for 2 exits fron the 3rd floor is based onSec. 3303. (a) exc. 3. ROOM DIMENSIONS : Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 5inches. Kitchens, halIs. bathrooms and toilet compartments may have aceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. If the ceilingis sloping', lhen the minimum height is required in only T/2 of the area. - -Sec. 12 07. (a) Every dwellinq unit shall have at l-easb one room which has not less than 120square feet of floor area, Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall havean area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. 1207. (b) Habihable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet in anvdimension. -- Sec. !20'7. (el GI,AZING REQUTREMENTS : A1-1 grlazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safetyqlazing material . -- Sec. 5406. (d) 1) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies. 2) Glazing in fixed. and slidinq panels of sliding d.oor assemblies andpanels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors.3) Glazing j-n storm doors. 4) Glazing in all unframed. swinging doors. 5) Glazinq in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms. bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a building waIIenclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of theqlazing j-s less than 50 inches above a standinqr surfaee and drain in1et.5) Glazing i-n fixed. or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest. exposed edqe of the glazxinq is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed position and. where the bottom exposed edqeof the glazing is less than 60 inches above the walking surface.7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel , other than thoselocations described in itens 5 and 6 above. than meets all of thefollowing conditions: A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet.B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the floor.C. Exposed top edqe qreater than 35 inches above the floor.D. one or more warking surfaces within 35 inches horizontally of theplane of the glazing. 8) Glazing in railings regrardl-ess of heiqht above a walking surface.Included are structural baluster panels and nonstructural in-filIpanel s . See exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS : A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or waII at a point centra3-1y located in the corridor or area givingr access to each sleeping area. - - Sec. 1210 . (a) 4 . A smoke detecbor is required on the ceiling or wall in each sleepingarea. - - Sec. 121-0. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on all stories. -- Sec. 1"21,0. (a) 4.If the upper level conlains sleepinq room(s) , a smoke detector is requiredin the ceiling of the upper level close to the stairway. - - sec. 1,210. (a) 4 Snoke detectors are required t.o be wired to the buildingts power source and sha11 be equipped with a battery backup. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 3,Detectors sha1l sound an al,arm audibLe in all sleeping area of the dwellinqrin which they are located. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 4. OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, materials approved for thr fireconstruction are required on the grarage side only and any d.oors betweenthe garage and the residence are to be a self-closing 1 3/8 inch solidcore door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 5-B & sec. 503. (d) exc. #3 STATR REQUIREMENTS : A stairway in a dwel-ling must be at least 35 inches wide. -- Sec. 3308. (b) The maximum rise of a step is I inches and the minimum run is 9 inches.-- Sec. 3305. (c) exc. #1Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing ifthere is 4 or more risers. -- sec. 3305. (i) Provide a quard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum heiqht= 35 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. L7f2. (a\ exc. #1The minimum headroom is 5 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3305. (o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is requj-red to be protected. as requiredfor thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3305. (1) SHAFT ENCLOSURES : 1) chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-secbional area of not more than9 square feet may lined on the inside with not less than 26 gaqegalvanized sheet metal with aIl joints locklapped. The outside must bet hr construction. A11 openings into any such enclosure shall be protectedby not less than a self-closing solid wood door 1 3/8 inches thick orequivalent. -- Sec. 1706. (f) 2) Gas vents and. noncombustible piping instalted in wa11s passinq through3 floors or less do not need to be in t hour shafts.-- Sec. 1705. (c) 3) Alf other shafts are required. to be enclosed in a t hour assembLv. - - Sec. 1706. (a) ADDITIONAL REQUIREFTENTS : For R3 occupancy This projeet will require a site improvement survey. Such surveyshall be submitted and approved prior to request for f rarneinspection. AII crawl spaces within the Tosrn Of Vai1 are limited to a earth tostructural fLoor ceilinq height of 5,, be earth floor only, beventilated as per UBC 2515 (C) 5 with minimum access as per UBC 2515(C)2 and maximum access of 9 sq. ft. Any building site with a slope of 30 degrees or more shall require an eDgineer design. Such design shal1 address drainage, soil retainage and structural desigrn. Excavation below slabs on grade shall- not be permitted wilhout prior approval-. Address numbers shal1 be posLed plainly visible and tegible fron thestreet. For ML occupancy Slope garaqe floor to a11ow for drainage to outside to provide afloor drain wieh Band and oil- interceptor !o dry well or to sewer. Any garaqe floor drain connected to sewer must be approved by UpperEagle Valley Water e Sanitaeion District. In garaqes with living area above, the r^ralIs of the garage wiich arebearinqf the area above sha1l be protected with one hour fireresist.ive construction. UBC 503 (B) . .a Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657(303) 479 -2138 Plan review based onthe 1991 Uniform Building Code Project Number: PR.T96-0181, Name: ARNOLD RESIDENCE Address: l-827 AIJPINE DR Date: October 16, 1995Contractor: BOIJES CUSTOM BITDRS Occupancy: R3,M1Architect: FRITZLEN PIERCE BRINER Ttpe of Const: V-NEngineer: TIU BOYL,E Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK # SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED A11 electsrical work is to be compleCe to the requirements of the latest National- Electrical Code,al-l Town of Vail Ordinances, and Holy Cross Requirements. Exterior surfaces \4rith stucco sha11 be provided withexberior metal lalh as per UBC 4705 with 2 layers ofpaper. Windows and doors are required to beadequately flashed(not with just screed metal). Alath inspection is required prior stucco appl ication. All new construction within the Town of Vail will berequired bo have a Public Way Permit by TOV Public Works Dept. to approve site drainage and culvertinstallation. This approval must be complete priorto any inEpection by the Building Department. In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilation system connecteddirectly to the ouEside sha11 be provided. Bathrmswhich contain only a water closet or lav. may beventilated with a recirculating fan. UBC 1205 (c) . Domestic clothes dryer exhausL ducts sha1l beinstalled as per IJMC 1104 and. 1903. Flexible ductconnectors may not exceed 6' in length and shal-I notbe concealed within construction. Ducts shallterminate outside the buildinqf and not exceed 14'length. Furnacea not liated for closet or alcoveinstallation shall be installed in a room or spacehavinq a volume at leaet 12 times the voLume of thefurnace. A boiler unit wil-1 require a space 1Etines larger than the boiler. I]MC 504 (b) Supply a meehanical drawing indicatinq design ofsystem, size (BTU and volume) of equipment, ventlocation and termination, and combuetion air to besuppLied prior to any installaeion. .a, 10 11 L2 Gas piping ehal1 not be installed in or on Eheground under any buiJ.ding or structure and exposedgas piping shal1 be kept at leaat 5n above grad.e, uuc 2213 (b) The garage must be aeparated fron the dwelling bythr fire-resietive congtruclion on the garage eide.-- Table 5-B e 503. (d) exc.#3 The door between the garage and the dwelling isreguired to be a 1 3/8 inch thick solid core or 20 minutE self cl-oELng door. -- sec. 503. (d) exc.*3 At eavea and val.J.eys an ailequate underlayment gha11 be provided to protect a structure from ice lruildup and water damaqe - TTro layers of fett solid. moppedto Eheathing and between layera or a conunercialwater & ice ehield may be uged as per Table 3281. Because of thig projectrs location, the foundationis required to be d.ampproofed to prevent danage to areae below finished grade. ttBC 1?07(d). :' ffir"gineering, rnc. ffi.__sg_ I I , SOIL AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED RDSIDENCE LOT 45, VAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING NO. I TOWN OF VAIL EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO PROJECT NO. 96E3 NOVEMBER 2.1996 PREPARED ['OR: MR STEVEARNOLI) C/O TRITZLEN PIERCE BRINER P.O. BOX s7 vArL, co 81658 q I il $*t'i# B,T;9;, r itE oFf,ffiE'6bPv P.O. Box 1452,.A^r'on, Colorado 81520 . (970) 827-9088 Tel . (970) 827-9089 Far i -t I TABIJOFCONTENTS E}(ECttTI.St MI'IARY SCOPEOFSTI'DY SrIEDESCRIPTION PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION FIETD II.IVESTIGATION SUBSUnTACE SOIL AI.ID GROT NDWATER CONDITIONS FOT'NDATION RECOMMENDATIONS CONS1RUCTION PRECAUTIONS SI.AB CONSTRUCTION RETAININGWAITS UNDERDRAINSYSTEM STIE GRADING AI.TD DRNNAGE I,,|'WNIRRIGATION LIMffATION FICI'RES I,OCATION SKETCI{ STJBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOGS SWEIJ-CONSOLIDATION TEST RESLLTS DIIITRIBUTION PERIT,|EIERDRAIN LKPEnginecring Inc. 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 ) 6 6 6 6 DRAWINGNO.I FIGURENO'g I &2 FIGURENo's 3 -5 FIGTJRENO.6 FIGTJRENO. T EXECUTIVE SIIMMARY The proposed residence should be supported with strait shaft piers, with a minimum diameter of l8 inches, desigpd for an end bearing preszure of 20,000 psf. The piers should bear on solid bedrock and be socketed into the rock for a minimum of twice the pier diameter. See foundation recommendations. SCOPE OF'STUDY This report presents the results ofa subsurface Soil and Foundation Investigation for a proposed residence to be constructed on Lot 45, Vail Village West Filing No. l, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of the zubsurface soil and foundation investigation was to determine the engineering characteristics of the foundation soil and to provide recommendations for the foundation desigg grading, and drainage. Geologic hazards are addressed in a report prepared by E.O. Church Engineering, Geological Consultants. Their report is appended. SITE DESCRIPTION - Lot 45 is at 1827 Alpine Drive in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. The lot is on a north facing, steep hill, on the north side of Alpine Drive. The topography of the building site is steep. From the road down to the lot, the first 20 feet, the slope is 70 percent. From tlere to the back ofthe lot, it is about 40. Drainage is to the north. The vegetation consisted ofaspen and evergreen trees. Lot 49 to the west has a residencg while Lot 45 and the lot to the east are vacant. LKP Engineering,Inc. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION Based on a set of plans by Fritden Pierce Brineq dated 8-12-96, it is understood that the proposed residence will consist of e residence will be supported with piers. A bridge will connect the building to the road. A garage will be constructed on the uppermost level of the building, which is at a road grade. A retaining wall is planned for the support ofthe bridge at the roadside. Loads are anticipated to be light, typical ofresidential construction. If the finalized plans differ significantly from the above understanding we should be notified to reevaluate the recommendations of this report. FIELD II\MESTIGATION The field investigation conducted on October 28, 1996, consisted of drilling, logging and sampling tbree test borings. The test boring locations are shown on Figure No. l. The drilling of the test borings was done with a 4-inch diameter continuous flight power-auger on a track rig. The rig was lowered to the proposed building site by a large tow truck. During drilling, the rig was held in place by cables from the tow truck. Soil samples for laboratory soil analysis and observation were taken at selected intervals. Samples were extracted by advancing *Califomid' and a Standard Split Spoon Samplers with a 140- pound hammer, falling 30 inches. Summary of the soil profiles, values of the Standard Penetration Resistance, and depths at which soil samples were taken are shown on the Subsurface Exploration Logs, FigureNo's one and two. SI]BSTTRFACE SOIL AND GROTINDWATER CONDMON As shown on the Subsurface Soil Exploration Logs, Figure No's one and two, the soil encountered was faidy uniform. Old landslide deposits and slopewash material covered the bedrock. These deposits ranged from 28 to 30 feet. Two feet of topsoil was observed in the borings underlain LKP Engineering Inc. by five to 8 feet of clayey sand to sandy clay. This soil layer exhibited swelling during laboratory -r-testing. Below the clayey soil were interbedded layers of clayey-gravelly sand with thin gravel layers, cobbles and boulders. Ia Boring }!o. !, from 19 to 27 feet was, very soft, gravelly clay with topsoil. From 30.5 to 33.5 feet was weathry9_Pj{g-qgglg* with a practical dril rig retusal at 33.5 feet. In boring No. 2Jefusal on a boulder was encognttelg!ap!!gt. Near Boring No. 2, one additional boring was drilled. IgB"llqXg :{ -!t"tyCgq994ereq_at?Lg-qet. Ground water was*got encountered in any ofthe borings. Soil samples taken from the test borings were tested for swelUconsolidatioq natural moisture content, unit weight and grain size distribution. The test results are shown on Figure No's three to six. Review of the Official Town Maps for the Town of Vail, shows Lot 45 as a Geologically Sensitive Area. Figure No. 3, Geologic Hazard Map by Lincoln DeVore, dated 8-16-82, part of the Official Maps of the Town of Vail, shows Lot 45 within hazard classification number 5, Metastable Slopes. The geologic hazards were analyzed by E.O. Church Engineering, Geologic Consultants. Their report is appended. FOI]NDATION RECOMMENDATIONS The proposed residence thould be suppott"d *ith tt*it shuft pi an end bearing pressure of 20,000 pgf and be socketed into the rockfor a miniqg o!1wigq the pier 9ir-9. According to the soil logs of the test borings, the depth to solid bedrock varied from 28.5 to 33.5 feet. Th"Jlp*. clayey soil, with expansion potential, should not be used as bacldll material.This material should be Pier drilling should be observed on full time basis, to verify the soil conditions. Each pier hole should be inspected before concrete placement. The bottom ofeach hole must be cleaned from loose soil and water. LKP Engineering Inc. CONSTRUCTION PRECAUTIONS An access road and a level area for the pier drilling equipment,will be necessarv on thiljite. To prevent accidents, with the steepness ofthe site and the existing residences on the downhill side ofthe proposed building site, every step should be planned ahead. Fence barriers, to catch soil or rocks rolling down the hillside, should be constructed in place before excavation for the access road begins. A fill cannot be placed directly on steep slopes. The site should be benched first. All foundation worlg and site preparatioq should be done in a dry season. SLAB CONSTRUCTION The natural on-site soils, are not suitable to support lightlv]oaded slab-on-grade- Jgltegttg& Damage caused by the swelling and shrinkage ofthe clayey soil will be excessive. Since thesiteistoosteepforearthworkoperationsandsoilreplacement,@r this site. The crawl space should be properly vented according to the building code requirements. RETAININGWALLS !Erytg..s:y4ro1!e[5ls9rypp,g,qhouldbes9p.peltedrd4-xrelLTl9_g!ry19y% soil, with expansion potential should not be used as backfill material. This material shoUlsl-be glg{g94{nd-19p!ryJg111!ryft_,sy-dggj94 Foundation walls retaining earth and retaining structures that are laterally supported should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid density of 70 pcf for an "at-rest" condition. Laterally unrestrained structures retaining the on-site earth should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid density of50 pcf for the "astive" case. - The above design recommendations assume drained backfill conditions and a horizontal backfill surface. Surcharge loading due to lateral pressure of the swelling soil, adjacent structures, weight of temporary stored construction materials and equipment, inclined backfill, and hydrostatic pressure due to undrained bacldll should be incorporated in the design. Every attempt should be made to prevent the buildup of hydrostatic pressure behind the retaining wall. LKP Engineering, Inc. IJI\TDERDRAIN SYSTEM icundation peri4eter drainlg te&g4!0end94. Also, without suitable drainage, a perched ground water condition can develop in a bedrock foundation soil. A foundation perimeter drain as detailed on Figure No. 7 is recommended to reduce the risk of surface water entering the pier shaft. SITE GRADING AND DRAINAGE A gradingdgn was not available for review at this time. The following recommendations are general in nature. The site surrounding the building structure should slope away from the building in all directions. A minimum of 12 inches in the first 10 feet is recommended in unpaved areas, and three inches in the first l0 feet in paved areas. The top ofthe granular foundation backfill should be covered with a minimum of I foot of relatively impervious fill to reduce the potential of surface water infiltrating the foundation subsoils. Surface water naturally draining toward the proposed building site should be diverted around and away from it by means of drainage swales or other approved methods. The roofdrains and downspouts should extend and discharge beyond the limits of the bacldll. LAWN IRRIGATION Sprinkler system is not recommended for this site. Erosion control and revegetation should be carried out to protecl the stability ofthe steep slope. LIMITATION This report has been prepared according to locally accepted professional Geotechnical engineering standards for similar methods oftesting and soil conditions at this time. There is no other warranty either expressed or implied. LKP Engineering Inc. 7 The findings and recommendations of this report are based on field exploratiotl laboratory testing of samples obtained at the specific locations shown on the Location Sketch Figure No. I and on assumptions stated in the report. Soil conditions at other locations may vary, which may not become evident until the foundation excavation is completed. If soil or water conditions seem different from those described in this report we should be contacted immediately to reevaluate the recommendations of this report. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Mr. Steve Amold, c/o Fritden PiercB Briner, for the specific application to the proposed residence on Lot 45, Vail Village West Filing No. l, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. LKP ENGINEERING,IN e\omcE\wPwtNwPDocs\96&|PIEI-RPT LKP Engineering, Ino. LOT 42 a" LOT 46 LOT 44 LOT 47 0Rl LOT 49 outtu ,uo$t LOCATION SKETCH clvlL/GEOTECHNICAL Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 1452 Avon, CO 81620 rer (970) 827-9088 fox (970) 827-9089 LOf 45, VAIL WLLAGE "ESf FILING NO. 1 |OMV OF VAIL EAGLE COUNTY COLORADO PREPAREO FOR: FRITZLEN PIERCE 11- Or - 96 ' O BoRrNGNo. 1.O DATEDRTLLED: October 28, L996 ELEVATION: Depnr FEET BLOWS PER FT. s Y M B o L DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL AND SAMPLE LOCATION I,ABORATORY 1ESTRESULTS REMARKS -5 -10 -_15 -- z0 -25 -30 -35 f Topsoil 2s/L2 .:9 fr, E Light brovn to brown, sandy- gravelly Clay with roots Tlrin gravel layers at 4 & 6 ft DD=l15.2 pcf MC= 9.L % 23/!2 !Brown, clayey-gravellY Sand DD=118.8 pcf l{0.= LZ.l % 13/L2 E Brown' clayey Sand DF112.0 pcf MC= 13.1 % 50/3 I Gravel, nith cobbles and bnr'l ders 8/6 Dark Brown, gravelly C1aY, organic lE= 10.6 % 50/2 I Coarse' slightly claYey-sandY Gravel 50/o Weathered Bedrock Refusal on Bedrock at 33.5 ft.No Ground water Encolxrtered LEGEND: O 2-inch O.D. Califomia Liner Sarnplc (relativcly undisubcd sampld I l-3/8-inch LD. Split Spoon Samplc (disturbcd ssnPle) 24^2 Drive samplc blow count Indicab rhat 24 btows ofa !,rc-pound hammer falling 30 inchcs were required to &ivc thc Califomia or the Splil Spoon Sampla 12 incbc* DD - Natwal Dry Deruity (pcf) MC - Natural Moistutt Col cnl (%) .2O0 - Percent passing No. 200 sicv€ lL - Liquid Limit PI - Plrslicity Indcx r I.D I'N( TNNT'PTN|: IN(-SUBSI]RJ'ACE EXPLORATION LOG PRoJEcTNo. 9683 NGI,JRENO. 1 o DATEDRIITED: October 28r ELEVATION: BoRING xo. z ?za 1996 DEPTI{ FEET BLOWS PER FT. s Y M B o L DESCRIPTION OF MATERTAL A}ID SAMPLELOCATION LABORATORY TESTRESTJLTS REN{ARKS _5 _10 - 15 -20 -25 -_J) (Topsoil 26/t2 23/L2 ! E Light brown to brown' clayey sand to sandy Clay' with roots ttrin gravel layer at 6 feet 1F105.9 pcf UIC= 9.7 % DD=113.3 pcf t!C= 16.0 % 2s/LL Brolrn, clayey-graveIly Sand vith cobbles and boulders Ttrin gravel layer at 10 feet {C= 13.8 %.16 -21 1 Large boulder at 21 feet refu afirrBorirq-No"-? lEeffiet n-Eli:ock RefndalEf'28.5 feet in Boring No. 2A \tro Ground Water Encourtered LEGEND: tr 2-inch O.D. Califomis Ll&r Sanplo (rclatively undisrurbed sarnplc) f l-3/t-inch I.D. Split Spoor Sanplc (distutt d srmPle) 24llZ Drirrc samplc blow count Indicales that 24 blona ofs l,to-pound hanmcr falling 30 inchcs wcrc r€quirEd to &ivc thc Califonria orrhc Split SPoon S{rylct 12 inchd. DD - Narural Dry Dcnsity (pcf1 MC - Natural Moistutt Cot cttt (%) -200 - Pcr€cr psssing No. 200 sicvc LL - Uquid Limit PI - Plsslicity Indcx r I.D NN(:TNE'T P TN(I TN'STTR,STTRf,' A'N- tr..YPT.OR A TIf|N T,r|(: PRoJEcrNo. 96g3 , FTGTJRENO. 2 LKP Engineering, IO ProJcct No. FigurcNo. 9683 3 so I So c2o ac.oA ra trJ c .9 0E2 Eo() e? .9 €o C\.'i Ittl clo c A) .E -G'(t I I I I I I+ I I 1 o.l t.o APPLIEO PRESSURE - ksf to too sornplc of Sandy CLay w/roobs fromEbring No. 1 at 3 feet Nofurol Dry Unil \{eight = 115.2 pcf 0.8% swefl,/3.5 ksf sflell pressure Noturol Moislure Content = 9.1 perccnl o.l t.o APPLTED PRESSURE - h3f lo lo0 Somplc of Clayey-graveJ-ly Sand fromBoring No. 1 at I feet Nolurol Dry Unif Wclghl : Nqlurcl lloirturc Conl.ol : 118.8 pcf 12.1 pcrccnt o..,^ll - n^^.^liitrlinn 'l'arl Etaaltta LKP Engineering, If PrdcctNo Figurc No. 9683 4 so I beo .E!o ttc.t'exlrj 'c .9 oez Eoo e2o co r<l clo |9gz -oo APPLTEO PRESSURE - TSf somple of Clayey Sand from Boring No. I at 13 feet Nolurol Ory Unit Weighl = 112.0 9cf Nqlurol Moislure conlenl = 13.1 percent \ t- t.o APPLTED PRESSURE - T!f to looo.l so.npl! of Clayey Sand from Boring No. I at 3.5 feet Nofurof Dry unit wcight: 105'9 pcf o.4% sneLL/l .5 ksf swe1l pressure Nofural l'folrtur! Conlcnl = 9.7 tetccnt c....^|| .r^---l:,1-a:^^ Taa3 E aarrllo LKP Engineeriog, tf ProJect No. FigurcNo. 9683 5 Ez ale.o CLfil G .9 <tE.z Eoo *o I APPLIED PRESSURE - ksf Sonple of Sandy Clay Nolurol Dry Unit We iq ht Noluro I Mols I ure Conlent from Boring 113.3 pcf 16.0 percent No. 2 at 8.5 feet co 0 CI.E-o C' SSURE - hsf Sonplc of Nolurol Dry Uoit No luro I l,loi r lurc Wcight: Conl r nl = from pat pcrcrnt ^.-.^rt rt^--^t!J-a:^- r^-l E'acrrllo Ir-J -1l _-t Cr{;(u iI E (oa >r F{ FI Q' f!tl U| I oL,h(ot d.l Fl(ol c)(f) |Iii (t TI "ilNl:q, ctL rt)oa o o o o Percent Coarser bY Hei ght Percent Finer bY llei ght o-oOOr oz Ulc.Al'{ -8Elrl =o o t\ t/, oe, latlrl =€=z.o >o !J (\l e<t z,Q F@ =<t UJ -.$(J z,sl z, (,z, = r"a lfJCL GIo UJ dro oz F rJootr.l lo @ +)|! N LXP ETGINEERITG, ITC.GRAIN SIZE DISTRIE}IION ATULYSIS Project No. 96g3 Figure No. 6 I I t -J! S =\)it_ a \ Y 7.: STRUCTURAL FLOOR - BA}KF|LL - fQ^,- FTLTER FABRtc p> CRAWL SPACE , t5sir'z\)z al 't./i., \ l ri\\ -l -'\\, - | ''/ z\,/ \t ^1..\ ''l q ..\) | Q 7S\\ lo/\ lJ 7l.\'/,: I n.. lav lvKW<K<'q",;;{,!::f i,rffi srcnevt'l I \ wrH LESS THAN 5% FTNFS \ 4-INCH DlAMETER PERFORA TED PIPE SLOPED TO A SUlTABLE OUTLET AT I/4" PER FOOT FOR FLEX|BLI AND AT 1,/E'' PER FOOT FOR RIGID PIPE cIVtL/GEOTECHNTCAI Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 1452 Avon, CO E1620 tel (970) 827-9088 lox (970) 827-90E9 LOf 45, VAIL WLLAGE WEST FILINC NO. I folul\l OF VA|L EAGL€ COUN|Y, COLORADO PREPARED FOR: FRITZLEN PIERCE BRINER o E.O. CHURCH,INC. ENGINEERS & GEOLOGISTS November 7, 1995 LKP Engineeri-ng, Inc. ATTN. : L,,uiza PeErovska P.O. Box 1452 Avon, CO 81,620 Subject: Geological Engineering Hazards lnvesEigation 1827 Alpine Drj.ve Lot 45, Vail Village West Filing No. 1 Vail, Eagle CounEy, Colorado ,Job No. 7E49 Dear Luiza: As requested, we visit,ed t.he subject siEe on September 28, 1996 to assesJ geological hazards relative to residential construction. We have reviewed your soil and foundat,ion investigation reporE for tle sit.e, Project No. 9683, dated Nowember 2, L995- 'Ihe purpose of Ehis letEer is to present our evaluaEion of geological hazards at the site in accordance with the Town of Vaj-1 Hazard RegiulaLions- The siEe is located on the slope north of (below) Alpine Drive. It, is approximately 120 feets wide and 90 feet deep. 'Ihe slope is relaLively smooth and abouL 2:,1' (horizontal:verEicaf) or 50 percent. The d.ownhi11 side of Atpine Drive at ghe top of Ehe site consists of a fiII embankmenE about 10 to 15 feet high with a slope of approximately L-L/4tL. VegeEation on the site consisEs of scaElered, maLure aspen, spruce, and pine Urees. A sma1l drainage area lies east of the siEe on Ehe adjacent lot. A residence is proposed in E.he center of Ehe siEe. Automobile access t.o a garage at road elevation will be by a bridge from an abutment at the r-oad to the house. We understand little or no grading will be required for the development. The site is locaLed wichin Hazard Area.5 as defined Hazards lnvestigation & Subdivision Evaluation, which a portion of wesE VaiI including the site area, by by Ehe Geoloqic was prepared for Lincoln Devore, as nmelastablerldaied Augusts 16, 1982. U4?grd--ryqa 5 is 4ersc-libedslopes. [e int.-e_!pre sEable, but not necessaril potentiall unstable (Hazard Areas 4, 4G, area is the Enqineering and Geologi-c Haza-rdE Map Series of Eagle County, Robinson, L975. The *.p" indicate the site lies on the slope below an elevated stream Eerrace, mainty Lo the Southwegt, and above a younger Stream terrace. A debris fan dieposiE is indicaCed east of the site, associaEed with the drainage atLa aE thaE location. A large debris slide area is mapped on ihe slope above the siEe, but Ehe site itself is not mapped in a known landslide area. 925 E83t 17th Avenue . (303) 8il2-9692 Denver, Colorado 8q218-1407 FAX (303) 832€517 P.O. Box 2869 . Evergreen, Colorado 80437-2869 (303) 674-0660 FAX (303) 674-0813 o 2 Mat,erials encountered in t,he soil and foundation investigaEion borings consisted of interbedded layers of clayey, gravelly sand, frequentrly conEaining boulders. A layer of gravelly, organic clay was encoun- Eered in bne of the borings. Weathered bedrock was encountered at. depths of 2? and 30.5 feet, roughly Ehe same elevaEion, given the difference between surface efevations at the test hole locations. Based on our site visit, the published geology maps, and the drilling results, we interpret the subsurface materials to consist mainly of interbedded alluvial deposits from Gore Creek when it flowed aE higher elevations. Colluvial slope deposits may be mixed in and likely mantle the slope surface. we observed rocky, clayey silt and sand co1luvia1 material in the road cu! souEh of Che site. No ground water was encountered in t.he borings to the maxirm.rm depths drilled of 28.5 and 33 .5 feet. sma1l. slumps exist on Ehe uphill side of Alpine Drive opposite the si!e, extending eastward down Ehe road inEo Uhe drainage area. These slumps apparently have exist.ed since aE least ]-982 as they are specifically menLioned in Ehe Lincoln Devore report (page l-5), and may hlve been initiated by excavation for Alpine Drj-ve. The slumps have not disnrpled the existing pavement or curb-and guEter on Alpine Drive- No siqns of slope instabiliEy were observed-on uhe lot or i ai a c e n r T o-:f On un-di s ftirB-e d-haLGFi a i rj n t6-e tO;nEil-l s i de o f A1 p i. ne Drive. Sfow surficial soil creep, Iikelv limited to the uppermost-1 or2fee e wrtr"-itiarivd$ -Broepffil n. rhe resulrs or our sire visir did ngr idJlql_fy_eey=€99_19S:g_\l3arsgwhich would prevent the-proposed-EeveYdDm-en-tr-,: The Elo-pe ePpjgls=g E- EtEb'rE-\na*-ples*r-tl@;:{!E-Lo-4€ ' Th-e--r[ftbE--ac-E6EE -Ar-pinG Drive -fr-€tr16ngeflaE€-ttr-t-sdns'-rtilvity of-the area to slope instability, however. It is criticat that the proposed developmenE not change the presentsIy stable slope by earEhwork or drainage changes. CUCS into the slope and fil_ls bn tne slope should be avoided, as both E)pes of grading could desEabilize the slope. Most importanE iS control of surface and subsurface drainage, because increased subsurface moislure usually. is the element which causes slope failures. Runoff from Alpine Drive should not be allowed to flow ont,o t.he site. Runof f f rom the structures should be carried well away from foundations. If the runoff is concentrat.ed, it must be directed Uo locatsions where it will not cause erosion or damage Eo the property adjacent on the downhill side- Drainage from Ehe developed i.,bt. +g on Ehe west side of the site strould also be controlled so iE does not spread onto Ehe site or cause erosion. We undersEand pier foundations drilled into bedrock will support Ehe Structures, and a Crawl Spage haS been reConmended under the house. For these conditions, building loads will noE be imposed on the slope and will noE affect slope stability. A1so, no stnrcEural elements will rest directly on the ground surface, and any soil creep which may occur would not have an effect on the stnrcture. In conclusion, we believe there are no geologic condiEions which will prevenc development, for a single-family residence as proposed.. we ieconunend fina-l sige plans be reviewed by a geotechnical engineer prior to construction, and the foundation. conslruction should be-observed by the engineer to check for unanticipaUed conditions. If cugs or tiifs werJ made on the stope, or if Sgructural loads were added to the slope, we would recomnend a compleEe slope. _s_tabilityanalysis be perfdrmed. This would require -additional drillinS ?ldmore comprehensive soil testing. We would be pleased to provide additional consultation in this regard if needed. If there are any queStsions, or if we can be of further service, please call. Very truly yours, E.O. CHI'RCH, INC. T)*---*---e ?, Damon R. Runyan, P.E. Geological Engineer 3 copies sent FritzlenPierceBriner 1650 E Vail Valley Drive, Suite C-l c Vail, Co.81657. (970) 476-6342 c Fax: (970) 4764901 Dec 5 , 1996 Charlie Davis, Plans Examiner, TOV Re: Arnold Vail Residence Permit Submittal Charlie, If you recall, I submitted the full set of drawings for this house about two months ago, and noted at that time that the strilctural foundation was subject to change ( re: attached letter dated Oct. I 1, 96). Ilell it took a while, but at long last, I'm submitting the revised structural drawings. Also attached is a copy of the Soils Investigation Report and a supplemental letter from Luiza Petrovska of LKP Engineering. The revised foundation has been designed to comply with Luiza's recommendations. As I hqd noted in the previous letter, meeting the TOVs's requirements has had a scheduling impact on the project. Anything you can do to expedite the review and permit issue would be appreciated. Should you have any questions or comments please call me. Thanlcs in advance for your assistance ! fc: Dominic M, Terry M. Sincerely, r0\iil-l':ffi'ffiL:\9604\DOC\TOV l 205.DOC I lL/25/199A 15: s1 PA6E AI Novssrbcr 25, 1996 Mr. Bill Fierce Fritzlca Picrcc Briner P.O. Box 57 Vail, CO 81658 Via Fan:4?g90I RE: Foundctios SrrPPort (Arnold Rcridcncc) Irt 45, Vail Villago WGst Filing No' I Tora of Vail, Eaglc Coraty' Colomdo ProjcotNo. 9683 Dear Bill: This lcttcr is ! rupplaent io thc Soil Ed Fotddati<n InvcstigFticn R4ort rmdcr tbe salrro Projcct Numbcr, dared Novcoba- i, 1996. At thc sitc mcciing; on Nwcmbcr 16, 1996, vrc discrxscd diffcrcnt attautlves of fouadatio nppcrt for Oo proposca rc.eidcooc o ld 45' Vail Vittagp Wcst Filing No' -l ' in G" fown or vail. Bill picrcc-;d Datc Srrhh'frorn FPB, Bred Fost€r rod Jdny Panersoa trom Bolcs Custom Buildcrs, Nonnan C.oggios ftcm CoSSinf lnd Sool' Itd ryrclf' w€re plcrcnt tt thc rcctiltg' Main conocrn with tho tr6ufrdo qntrm alunaivcr wls oo to dirtrrrb tbc ground surfacc. Dri[ittg holea for l g to 24-hch dismct fi, conacto piors would rcquiro about l2-fost widc, acccsc rosd rDd a pirA"r" for tno drill rig. Accoding to Mr, boggm", f."H cqtrPme$t fa dritling ard irrstalliag steel pilcs rcquires I nnrto$lg( rccsa road Thc fuul sclcctio ir a f-rodncio syctcm with pilcr. Stoel pil6 o'f s%-inches diamctcr, Sllcd with - c@crc1" will bc usoa. ruc botes ior G plrcr'tritt tc prc lnta oa dano4 tho pilcs insstc4 E d thln 6lld f1h.-"*t", as disc\Bs.d.*itb frrr. CobgiDs (duftrg a tclcphoccorr,-esticrto o Novtmber 25' 1996)' Per G pr"p*.a iot-a*- asmuty dctai[=Oc pilcs will be tiod with 12"xl2n Fad. bc@s. Tbc erde besms *l1[i,"fr" grada Ou top of jtri pitcs,iUott thc gndc boaor, lt-iFrr* diatltd€r corrorctc picrs wiII bc .*.E r"t d pirt of tho piis will bc abovo grldc. T; ft€ top of ec picn thry will connmt tbc atecl columls' iJ"irf,"-pirol$ n itt . t" bc detcrriia uy tnc structrnt ceginc€O will bc anchutd isto drc hillsidc for lateral eryPorr- fi,irrg Ar &illiag oporatio vrc rhould bo qresat o a ftlI timo base, to obsa'vo and vcrifr thet the botom of thc bol,o fa cach pilo ie within Brm bodrock sraazrsaa{L,<P El.lGIl.EERt*, O plcaro do not hdilatc to cdl.If you Sincacly, lniza Praklcrrt I c|.l['?F6\t,lerw\w'Erocaa6nta.aw'D rr/25/96 l5;46 TXIRX N0.6075 P.001 FritzlenPierceBriner 1650 E Vail Valley Drive, Suite C-l c Vail, Co.81657. (970) 476-6342 o Fax: (970) 476-4901 October 11, 96 Charlie Davis, Plans Examiner, TOV Re: Arnold Vail Residence Permit Submittal Charlie, Attached are the plans for the Arnold Residence to acquire the building permit. Several weel<s ago an issue was raised by the Town Planning Deparlment and Public Worlc department. The concern pertains to the physical geologic location of the project. The liming of this could not really have been worse, as we were about to submit for permit and begin construction. Performing the additional tasl<s this problem has required has delayed us about a monlh. In order to expedite things at this point we are submitting the plans as currently designed, for current known conditions. However, per conversation with both Dominic Mauriello and Terry Martinez, the permit is not to be issued until the soils (and associated) investigations have been done and reports issued. If these reports address specific construction requirements (drainage, foundation design, etc.) we will adjust the plans and submit them to replace any appropriate drawing sheets. The majority of the plans should not be afected. Please call me ifyou have any questions or comments. Thanlcs! Sincerely, Dale Smith Architect fc: Dominic M, Terry M. L:\96&\Dt-x;r-TOV l0 t I.DOC REF,Trsl TOWN 0F UAIL| COLORRDO lt/19/s7 @7t3Q REOUESTS FOR INSFTECTIUN WORK SHEET$ FORtll/19/97 ==========iii==============================:============g== Aet ivity r 896-03Ee I I/19/97 Type: B-BUILD Status I PAGE AREA: trD -----------L I55UED Constl r NSFR j 16 Addrbss: 1887 ALPINE DR Location: l6e7 ALFINE DR Faree I : 8103-133-07-er15 Descri pt i on : NEt'l SFR Rpplicantr BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERST INC Owner: ARNOLD 9TEVEN K Contractor: BOLES CUSTUM BUILDERS. INC Oce: 0AO7 Use: V N* Fhone: 3S39363?03 Fhone: F'hone: 3O39€63POP Locke, Holds, RCTIVITY. Not ice: Not ice: Notiee: Not iee l Notice: Not ice : and Not ices. . . . Hazar"d study hae been provided and is approved. Notel Site located in a geoloqieally sensitve area-soils ADDITTONAL LETTER STATIN6 THAT THE CONSTRUCTION WILL NOt iNCREASE THE HAZZRRD TO.THE SURROUNDING F.ROF.ERTY OWNERS NS I^'ELL AS A STATEHENT THAT THE CUT FOR THF DRIL.L, RI6 F'LATFT]RM WILL NOT DESTABILIZE THE SLOF.E REGUIRED Inspect ion Request Reqr-rest or: $TEVE Req Time: 88:OlZl Items requested to €iliJoget BLDE-Final Inf or'mat i on. . . Commeirt s: D00R be Inspected.. F,hon e r 9E6-3P0tE IS UNLOCKED Act i on Comment s -AdN.€A ^* BU tr/lffie lU.rAQg*_._* Act i on: AtrF R Action: AtrF'R AF,PROVED AF,F'ROVED SOIL.$ REF'RT wi nt er prot pri on to any E PADS RND AF,PROVEDnot nead y FOUNDATITlN ILC ROUTED AtrF.ROUED AF'F.RtrVED APPROVED APPRT]VED Ti me Exp RECE I VED requ i r.edfurther in BRIDGE BEAI{ SOUTH BRIDGE TT} DT]MINIC Inspec It Item! Iten: Iteml em : ?tO5Ol Fl",l-Temp. acc'ess/drainage Q9/ 13/57 Inspector': LF orASrAe F,hl-Ror-rqh gFade AS/LZ/97 Inspector: LP OtaSraS PH-Final driveway gr.ade It er: OtAertA BLDG-Foot inqs/St ee I Ie/LU/96 Inspector: CD @e/?3/97 I nspect or': CF Notesr eng field inspection o4/13/97 Inspeetorr D$ OOO8O BLD6-Foundat i onlSt ee I o,3/LL/97 Inspeeton: EG @4/L7/97 Inspector: DS A4/Ig/97 Inspeetor: DS CI@9.?A FLAN-ILC Siite trlan Qt6/ IU/97 Inspecton: CD @6/ Lt,/97 Inspectorl D0ltlINIC O0Cl3gt BLD[i-Fran i ng Actiorrr NOActionr APtrR report reqr d Action: AFFR Action: AtrPRActionl DNActionr AtrF,R Actionr NO Act ionr AFtrR Aet i on: APtrR Action: AtrtrR Actionr AtrtrR i I Item r Item: 07/@7/97 Inspecton; DS Iten : OO05O BLDG-Ingulatlon A7/ILl97 Inspeeton: DS Iten: 0606A BLDGi-Sheetroek Nail67/eLl97 Inspectorr LtrV NoteEr ADD DEW RCICH SH0t"lER. ONE NALL BCffEEI.' DOI^IN, It en : OO'a7O BLDGI-Mi sc. ) ^ rrr rF r |\ rFrrFF'l t r"1r I I REF,Tlsl TOWN OF VAIL, trOL0RADB pA6E l1IL/Li/97 67t3@ REOUESTS FtrR INSFECTION l.lORH SHEETS FOR:Lt/Lg/97 AREA: CD Iten: OO@94 BLDG-FinalIter: @6530 BLDG-Tenp. C/tr o4/LA/97 Inspector: DS Action: AFF|R AtrtrROUEDlt/o,s/i7 Inspeetor: ART Actionl DN Hech final denied.lL/17/97 Inspeetor: CD Aetionr APtrR AtrtrROVED Notes: A TCO IS ISSUED FRUVIDED THAT THE GAS LOG F/p LOCATED WIT THE MASTER BEDROI]FI IS f{NDE INI]trERABLE UNTIL A CO DECTECTOIS ISTALLED WITHIN THE BEDROOM. IN Ntr CASE WILL THIS TYPE AFPLIANCE BE flLLOWED WITHIN A BEDROOIVI IN THE FUTUREIten: OS53e FW-TEMtr. C/O6t/e3/97 Inspeetor: CD Aetion: NO CONTRACTOR OWES titt- NoteE: A TCU [,ILL NOT BE RptrROUED UNTIL FUBLIC I.,URKS BILL oF 1947. S9 IS pAID ll/64/97 Inspector: LF, Action: AtrFR AFtrROVED Itenr 04533 FTLAN-TEMP. C,/BIten: OO537 PLAN-FINAL C/gIten: 0@539 FW-FINAL C/O LL/V4/97 Inspecton: LFt Aetion: APtrR RtrFROVED Item: 0Q54A BLDG-FinaL C/O 6'o J \ jinll REFT131 T0HN OF VAIL, C0L0RAD0 LI/t7/97 16:31 REOUESTS FUR INSFECTION WURK SHEETS FORztt/ 3/97 F.AGE 1 AREA: CD 0cc: OOOT Use: V N Activity: 896-A3PP lL/ 3/97 Typel B-BUILD Status: IS.9UED Eonstr: NSFR AddresE z L8ic7 RLF'INE DR l-ocat i on : 18P7 ALF I NE DR Farcel : ElO3-133-07-415 Deseniption: NEW SFR .1 Applicant: BULES CUSTOM BUILDERS' INC Owner: ARNULD STEUEN KContraetor: BOLES CUSTUM BUILDERS' INtr Fhone: 3O39E63EEE Fhone r F,hone: 3O39E6SPOE Locks, Holdst ACTI U ITY Not iee: Not iee: Not ice: Not iee: Notice: Not ice: and Not ices. . . . Hazar.d study has been provided and is appr"oved' Note: Site located in a geologically sensitve ar"ea-soi 1s ADDITIONAL LETTER STATINB THAT THE CONSTRUCTION I^JILL NT]T INCREASE THE HAZZARD TO THE SURROUNDING trROF'ERTY OHNERS R5 WELL AS A STATEFIENT THAT THE trUT FT]R THE DRILL RIG PLATFNFM I^IILL NOT DESTABILIZE THE SLOPE REAUIRED Inspect ion Request Inf or'nat ion. . . Reqr-restor": STEVE - B0LES Req Tine: OB r €ttZl Comments: Iterns reqr-lested to tre Inspected.. tZllZtSSrZl BL-D6*Temo. tr /O Fhone: 9t6-3t€tE me Exp Inspect i on Hietory..... Itenr : raa5mf F'W-Temp, access/drainageA9/L3/97 Inspector: LF fleti It em : IAIASOP Frt^l-Rouqh grade $9 / L5/97 Inspect or*: L-F Aetionr AFFR Item: OOEAS F|W-Final dniveway qrade Iten : ClA6lgt BLDG-Foot ings./Steel LA/lA/96 Inspector': trD Action: N0 @e/?3/97 Inspector: CF Action: AF'trR Notes! eng field inspeetion report neqtd A4/L3/97 lnspector: DS Action: AFtrR Iter: OOOPO BLDG-Foundat ion/Steel Q3/lL/97 Inspeetorl EE Aetion: APtrR @4/17/97 Inspeetorr DS Action: DN A4/ lA/97 Inspect'or: DS Act i on I AFtrF Itenr AAS8O PLAN-ILC Site trlan Q6/lA/97 InsPeetor: CD Aetion; NO 016/tll97 Instrectorr DUItlINIC Actionl AFtrR Iten! BO03A BLDGi-Franing 07/O7/97 Inspeetor: DS Action: AFtrR Iten : A0OSA BLDG-Ins'.rlation @7/LI/97 Inspectorr DS Action: AF'FR trtemr A@O|A BLDG-Sheetrock Nail' q7/eLl97 Inspector: LF'V Action: AFtrR Notes: ADD DEtt RUCR SHUI^JER. ONE I"IALL SCREEW DOI.IN. Iten: 0,A0l7A BLDG-Misc. ..ta\ , a { ,l\'t t- --- Fn AF,F.RNVED SOI LS REF.RT wi nt er prot pri or to any A F,ADS AND AF'F.ROVEDnot ready FOUNDATION ILC ROUTED HFtrROUED APF'ROVED RPPRT]UED APPROVED RECE I VED requ i red further in SRIDGE BEAM SOUTH BRIDEE TO DOFIINIC /S-r OVED 'aaa.i ^- - nrrfrct I al"r|-Jr t t\lerrcfaT I rtil TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-479-2t38 Job Address...:Locati-on......: Parcel No.....: Proiect Number: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M97-0090 AppLrcANT ROBTNSON PLUMB/HEATTNG SQUAW CRK P O BOX 64, EDWARDS CO 81,632 coNTRAcToR ROBTNSON PLUMB/HEATTNG SQUAW CRK P O BOX 64, EDWARDS CO 8L632 OWNER ARNOLD STEVEN K PO BOX 753, ARLINGTON TX 76004 Description: MECH FOR NEW SFR Fi reptace Information: Restricted: Y fot Gas AppIiances: ].827 ALPINE DR 1827 ALPINE DR 2103-123-07-01s PRJ9 6-0181 Status. . . Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Valuation: fof Gas Logs: 2 I S SUED o6 /06 /Lee7 o6 /06 /tee7 12 /03 /7ee7 Phone: 3039263859 Phone: 3039263859 12, 500.00 fof l.lood/Pa t tet: **************************************i*****************f** FEE SU14llARY ********************************************************** l'lechani ca t---) Ptan check---> Invest igat'i on> lJi tt Catt----> Item: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DepT: BUILDING Division:O6/06/L997 CHARLIE ACtiON: APPR CHARLTE DAVISItbn:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL ].. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE ].991 UMC.3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS ANDTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 ANDSHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE 1991 UMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND703 0F THE 199L UMC;6. BOILERS SHALIJ BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.UNI,ESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATERSUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FI,OOR DRAIN PER SEC.21L9 0F THE 1991 IJMC. ******************************************************************************** DECI-,,ARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I have read this apptication, fitted out in fuLL the information required, conpLeted an accurate ptot 260.00 Restuarant P [an Review--> 65.00 DRB Fee--------.OO TOTAL FEES----- 3-00 .00 Total Catculated Fees---> -00 AdditionaI fees--------->328.00 Totat Permit Fee--------> Payments------- 328.00 .00 328.00 528.00 Dlan, rnd statc th.t att thc info.r.tlon pro\rided a3 rcqui rcd i3 corrcct. I !gr.c to copty vith thc infom.tim lnd Plot ptrn, io c6rpty with att Toun ofdinrnccs lnd state tavs, cnd to build thi3 sttucturs according to thc Torn's zoning and 3ubdivision codcsr'dlaign revicv approvrd, Unltorr Buitding codc.nd othcr ordinanccs of thc Tom appticrbtr thcreto. REOUESTS FON INSPECTTO S SHALL BE 'IADE IUENTY-FOIIR }IOI'RS IN ADVAI{CE BY srcilATuRE Ot OlnEn 0R coNT[AcroR Fon HlisELF T OI'R OFFICE FRO}I E:q) A 5:(x) Pil TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Pernit #: P97-0063 APPLICANT ROBINSON PLUMB/HEATING SQUAW CRK P O BOX 64, EDWARDS CO 81632 CONTRACTOR ROBINSON PLUMB/HEATING SQUAW CRK P O BOX 64, EDWARDS CO 8L632 OWNER ARNOLD STEVEN K PO BOX 753, ARLTNGTON TX 76004 Description: PLUMBING FOR NEW SFR Job Address Location. . . Parcef No.. Project No. 1827 ALPINE DR 1827 ALPINE DR 2LO3-t23-07-015 PRJg 6-0181 .00 209 .25 Status. . . Applied.. Issued... Expires. . TotaI Catcutatcd Fees---) Addi tional. tees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Payments------- I S SUED o6/06/|ee7 o6/06/1.ee7 12 /03 /tes7 ?o9 .25 .00 209 .?5 ?o9 .?5 Phone: 3039263859 Phone: 3039263859 Valuation:10, 679 . 00 ************t*********i***********************tt*********** fEE sut4llARY t******************t************************************** P Lunbi ng-----> Ptan Check---> Invest i gation> tli!t catt----> Restuarant Plan Revi er,--> TOTAL TEES----- 165 . 00 41 .2s .00 3.00 ***************************************************************************************illlIii-lli;;;;;;;iiiiiii************iff*** Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:06/06/L997 CHARLIE ACtiON: APPR CHARLIE DAVISItbm:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: ****ft*********************************t****************************************t****l******************************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL **********************************************t*********t********H******************tt*************************i***************** DECLARATIONS t hereby acknovtedge thst I have rcrd this rpplication, fitted out in ful,t the informrtion rcquired, compteted an accurate p(ot ptan, and state that atl the information provided as requircd is correct. I agree to compl,y Hith thc information and ptot ptan/ to compty uith al.l. Tovn ordinances and state [avs, and to buitd this structure according to the ToHn's zoning and subdivision codes, design reviev approved, uniforn Buil,ding Code rnd other ordinances of the Town appti e tharato. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE T}IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY T OUR tcE FROII AND OI,INER t*ConcacE Eagle County o"".""or*f 1"" ![ ac 970-328-8640 for Parcel /l . TOWN OF VArL CONSTRUCTfO fUPARCEL /l: alo) -lz1-oa-o''' PERMIT APPLI.ATT.N F.RM DATE:_(c -6 -f f , APPLICATTON,MUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETELy OR IT MAV NOT BE AccEpTED x***************************** PERMIT INFORMATJON *****************************tl .- ./-I l-Building g/-elunbing [ ]-Electrical Jvf-r'lechanibal [ ]-other rob Name: Job Addret", 18d7 Al4,,rf At Legal Description: Lot Block-- Fi1irg sugDIVISIoN, I\AOwners Name: Af holc.l{ Address: ph. Architect: _ Address. ph. General Description: ./Work Class: t"J-New t Number of Dwelting Un o N (Pretsb-ore,) PERr'lrr /r Pelg6-o/i F,&r ar' l-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other its: t Number of Accommodation Units: ^fnber and Type of Firepraces: Gas Appri".r""=- 1 cas Logs Z wood/pellet_vrt********************************* VALUATIONS *********************************rl Electrical Contractor: Address:Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Plumbing Contractor:Address: -P,o. A>. t^2 =6663 rlstu Town of VaiI Reg. No. /5?-/) zOe4oPhone Nunber: 3zt -s;E--- Town of VaiI Reg. No. /57-pPhone Number: qZ,-- 3P€lq - Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** FOR BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERI'TIT TEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE; OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: VALUATION oFFrcE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI'IIIBING PIAN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CIEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: .*,,,r -'a* Connents: CLBAN IIP DEPOSIT REFITND TO:--Pnqtu ? 1 J3ro Rb ?oa,^s.r'y ll \F' .+.'f\) \tt'j o -A -1a r$. ooto 4,..r-Tto 5fi +4 .150O./Y .Y.<6 t,\r 3q)? 3)r 1 'i(1 Uo) -9r\o a-..b I E ,$ () I$ r -1i\lf\ 1 + ^(] {_+- t ( 5 io,'\-I t,\ \\3 * J \A 4 E € s os3 \a-5 \trE> a*6.5 o.\Jr-sr. \ 0d0CAJ- \'/ ia to dr& N-r N ahffitfu^tv>fz,@ P-03'Apr-O3-97 o3zO2P D. ENGLEMANBARRYo lrr"7r- i** i--:t ol B5l4vl lEl i4 H) u. xtt x a HX,T G67 d z trJ frlx Xtd rrlIU v n7Yla,<o =rta9HE42aOio6EZA(o<e +-t l Rt 3 l^t4t1l> ,+H t,, LJ.,;AiJlt rr. I 5lol'l Eo t< If A g Fz AIA u2D 52I E0ozEIat arl ott I fr x FTF A4"o- I Q" ltE>EOF>dzJ29bRUEaeaFtTeh=<tr93oZ>Ellt egEre: =€6oCFO ttl:!EZA l_. rl EI 6 Fi Nzlq F \ ,, \\ r 1( \ \ , \5vr'.,Ff"*d.'rFFF P:- AQno trEte E9i < '-\,'r ta V EE*hEeZ'J Y96Y 298.,ca'1, EEE r<>u) a=4fri.;: tJ Fa l^i.acl)tE;:F!g..'2trE: iioiiP S2FX 9=.4 E"Z K azz:-J>PPqEF6fr, u td 9FE9gk ExH..r X frldN3 !:1 >iTEtsdi3d,; 11 evH AY,Y!Fj<N0>s33{zI FFH v,zFPU 6E F1 Ft |r'F 9R,-l tz ua,e<qv? FF 26 r..l 'trrrt tat U, '-l ,o rHxFrgggEsEE$Eg H$xx 5p,-,- r- N){ (, + lJr \O \O bJ UJ ! O\ t/J l, O\ -J O\.ts € t, 13 6 H l, t.) U O\ rr O 0o'r Q I - - - rr er (, - - + 5 (, F,r (,r 5 H =s (, t.,l t,| o\ @ 5 5 o \o t-, f., + (, H (n > j s s 3 G s I I 3 S $ S $ S 9B-'.r'- 3s5553EasBrssG.gEE Fo2ooro'a 30 u 4,2 EEEEEEEg=E EEE55E55EE5555e:=rrr rl trrrllrr!tnrllF rrt |r, fr, |r, frj rn >;= c! -t -, -, F*= i E i E i i i EE i i iegE EEE.B.Hooo$Hoo"EHF s--l-i-iii-*iii F55E66o\o\\oo'o\FSS (rl.JtsP(^(n(,r(,o+(r(,^oooo 3! \.1...15 {oo \o@@ (r\o+FJ3l It r{.o rio,rOa<trt FlVFz 'ca HH !3o*l ..roE ssPE Eo,-to hEEHE=HH^=^=XEHE'88"'"8888-E i ii " \r\r\Jd itP(,(,UU tiD /t I\/..' - \. -/i:l,l. -'i-1 a 2arr c q\(aL 5!--elt.J''-:r'-F- HgEqEEFENY'r4.FEUJO E gEIAEEEi,EEEFFE g '*HsgFgE5s=*=gggd- e bJ ( t-a \'/ Ho6 Fri F' {Fl o zo t.l oFIto .-{E d6 iQE: FFF EHHHg 22 ZZZ?? E E zZZgA ea 33PHs B B H\AZZ22 HHdgit33 <<eEF HF EHbEE | ,!, EOFi 2? t.,7 H3 EE Eig 'fI? E( 6EF NH h EF EE E r.l *l a i5 i. 5X Il xEF 3E Ffr?'fiF H EEEg Er< gE rf rrt FiEZF o t zUt F 2 llt o :: z HqHHqEHHEEEEHq 3g E Eg gggE E gE d { dfr EEEE ts EE E -lo<Id|g>az c5 Ei ^ ,tl qx Fo2<gFvz EEiHgrg*EFHf;lf; 5E gg *F :H<Eit -Fi E u?'42c)otri"P:47(): lEl '-r(n;, ;soE777EEttritB c_Q^-^",* srmnanD EQUTPMENT AND Spncn'rcArI0NS Inches (mm) ModelJVi hdc.d 9,,'€llldor P|lll-out &7nlnsl Can9a 2{n----t I I I 2a-1t8 tm) Ga3 X.nilol{/ Blmar l|.a!(532) Side View -24(610) Right 6000 Condor Drive, Moorpark, CA 93021 o Tel: (805) 529-2000 o Fax: (805) 529-5934 20lndustrialWsy, Rochester, Nl{ 03867 . (603) 335-6300 . Fa* (603) 335.3355 480 S. Service Road West, 0akville, 0ntario. Canada L6K 2H4 . Tel: (905) 844.8233 r Fax: (905) 844.2635 Iem!€r.1rla Caugc JVI Erra |nc!l 0Tulrr x t000 (r(u,) l!.line C.r. ETUD' r 1000 {l0f} fl.|IBB BIUI|I ! 1000 (IW) lfut?.0inrnsiora lich.l (mn) lvalar Coan. {rn.l 0at Conn, lin.) lt9or. it.ldrl (hr.)llrl. Cas llal. G,t Fru. Gr! llal. Grr ?to. G.!I I c 50 I) l2t t60 225 50(r.61 75 01.9) r00129.r) irt{36.61 r60l{6.11 n5(65.r) 11.5 02.r) 62,J{r8.2) t2.012a.01 r02.5t30.01 r3r.2l3t.r) 18..5 (5r 0) 12.00r.3) 63.0{r8.r} 13.512r.11 r03.0130.r) t32.r13!.91 r6?.2151.81 3C.r lr0.3l 5..205.El ?2.6 (2r.rl 89.6(26.71 rla.r (33.1) r60..1.6.9) 36.5(10,71 !|.7(r5.0t n.l(?r.31 ,9.6125.r) fl5.r l!3.r) 1!2.N1{7.r) !3.1 832 t2.l 82.4 t?.3 82.2 ta.0 14.0 u.0 t2t l?.1 83.2 r3.3/t (!1lt) r3-r/l (rrt r5'r/l lr29) r6.16l|al 20.361510) 2s.s6(651) l.16 (r0) r.r/400t) r.ur 1116) sra0|0l 7.rA{rulr0 (25.1 2.til03)2 lsrl 2rE(nl2 (5r)2 l5rl2 (srl l.l/l l.t/a l-t/a l.l/l 1.t/l r.t/a 1nn tn 1nfl 3la, lal t65 tdl It5 ?10 26 ' 112 ForProC.. Front View i,f"fl*.;'l JV Slll ht{l 8IU/h. x r0{a (xw) ]l..llni C.!. EIUtur1000(xw) l|.t lln STUlr | 1000{l(w) ttuE%0imantlona Inchrtlmm) Gar Co|rl {itu lF.t lgdllo||St ndiq Pllll Com {in.l tlillhl 0b.)I.l. Gaa Pro. Gar l.t. Gar Prc. Gaa I.l. 6.r Prc. 6aa llal. G.a Fro. Gar A !c 0 Y 50 73 t00 125 t60u 50 (fl.6) 75121.91 r00129.r) 125135.6) 1601.6.r)l'.lrt r2(12.31 030r.r) 83 (2{.r) t0. (r0.r) r33 {lr.9lt|f.l $(r2.5) 610r.71 85(2a.01 rG (3r.0) r3s (39.s1 rr€r0 36.r00.7) 5r.E 06.0) n.2qt.rl sr {26.3) 1r5.7{33.91 $.r(oa 37..01.0) 55.606.3) 73.9(x.6) 9.21n.01 fl7.r (tr.qi6rlr{ t1.a 64.0 81.0 lt.0 l&0||t ti.l tt,2 85.0 8a.5 ta.l ts.l t0.? E0.5 80.? E0.t ||.ali.t 82.0 E2.t 82.1 E2.1 t3.l !.1 8"1c 110) r3.&t (310) 1&?t (.au 1F7t lrn) 20ilt (5rqr{tFrl a$.06) rr.3/.0G) 2&1. (1301 2e fBo)2& 0!01rtsia|ll a{r{fltr} z+r[ {6r3) 2+r!(6131 z$it(u,l zlt/r(iolrluil zl.?t (55r1 a.$ (nr2) 22a?r (i7l) u.ur (st!l 22-l|{5n)r'ultl zs|/z {5Bl 2r.12 (5901 2?.r2(eB) n-tzltp3) n.rnI'Alnrn r(1021 5(12?) 5(r27) 6{r52} i(r52) r 0rr) l-1ta i't/t 1-1la t-t,/1 r.rrr t-1,t1 1nv 1n fifi 3ra' 120 t25 134 |la t6arL TFTELEDYN .1n c--'tM TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 E tect ri ca t---> DRB Fee Invest i gat ion> t,li l,l, Cal, t----) Job Address Location. . .Parcel No. .Project No. 93.00 .00 .00 1.00 ISSUED 0t/22/rse7 0L/22 /Lee7 07 /2t/Lee7 75772Phone: 30382 Phone : 303A275772 146.00 .00 146.00> 146.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit *: 897-0010ELECTRICAL PERMIT 1827 ALP]NE DR ].827 ALPINE DR 2103-123-07-0L5 PRJg6-0181 81645 816 45 7 6004 Status. . . Applied..Issued... Expires. . APPLICANT EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC P O BOX 1116, MINTURN CO CONTRACTOR EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC P O BOX 1116, MTNTURN COOWNER ARNOLD STEVEN K PO BOX 753, ARLINGTON TX Description: ELEC FOR NEW RESIDENCE Valuation:14, 430 . oo *********************************************************** FEE SUl.lltARy *************************************************t******** Totat Catcutated Fees---> Additionat Iees---------> TotaL Permit Fee--------> Payments ToTAL FEES---> 146.00 EALANCE DUE----.00 **********************************************************************t*********************i*******Jcft*************t************* IteB! .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDING Division:oI/22/1997 CHARLTE Action: AppR FOR ERNSTItem:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: **************************************ff****************************t***************i**********t********************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECT]ONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ************************************************************************************************ff****************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovLedge that I have read-this appl.ication, f il,l,ed out in futt the information requi red, compteted an accurate ptot Ptan, and state that atl the information provided as required.is correct. I agree to compl,y viith tire information and pLot irLan,to conPl'y vith aLl' Town ordinances and state [avs, and to buil.d this structure according io-the Tovn's zoning and subdivis.ibncodes, design review approved, Lrnifofm Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Town appticabLe thereto. REoUESTS FOR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE IIADE TI'IENTY-FoUR HoURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AI 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRolt 8:o0 Al,t 5:00 pll rair SIGNATURE OF OI'NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR ELF AND OI,INER **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0244 Amount: Paynent Method: CHECK Notation: *13253 146.00 0t/23/e7 r.0:39Init: CD 146.00 **************************************************************** Permit No: Parce] No:Site Address: Location: Thie Payment Account code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 E97-0010 Type: B-ELEC 210 3-12 3-0? -015 1827 ALPINE DR 1827 ALPINE DR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Total FeeB:Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES TEI'{POR,ARY POWER PERMITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 146.00 146 .00 .00 Amount 93.00 50. 00 3.00 FRT}1 t_,IAr ,;l!, : P:lnastrri c Fru< Sl€TE'l P|.II.E l',I]. TOIIN OF VAIIJ @NS:[R['CTTON PERUIT TPPIJCATIO}I FONTIDalE: llea,qf- Address: Address: Jan. 2. tg)? L9,is€Fn f2 PEnurr e%Ier: 6llo3 -l;)3-D'l-Dt5 fr6cp-.@sr . APPI.ICATION UUST EE.FILI;ED OTII COUFIJRTELY OR IT UAY NOT BE ACCEPIED f *****r*****!t******r********** pg1611r rN3o15d'g1o1 r*t*r******+*+************j** r'l,-[ l-Buifding I l-Plulbing Xl-rfestrical . [ ]-ttechanical I l-other Job llaael 'ilob Addrees: I€gral llescrl.ptLon: Lot- . rlock_-], .filirrg , susprvrsrou, ; Owrtcrs l{aEel lrcbLteqt: - eeneral r}escrlptton: .,DOjrr R4€tdo-rnCg _ woikc1assr#I-x"'[l-A1teratJ'on6]-ldditional[]1n*p.to[J-otber- Nurber of nnelllng Units: ,..1 'xunber: of, Accornnod"tion Unite: l* *******'* t*', * tL * 1* t, * * :r * ta *t* ** Eeneral Contractor: Addresg: ET;Contractort Addressr t'lD. P1unblnE contractor: Address: tlechanlcal contractor: Address: *r*l***********i**t*!r*!r********* FOR SUTT,DNIC PERIIIT rEB: PIOUBII|C PENUIT PEB: ITECHAIIICAI, PERITI! Fts8S EI.BC:TRICAI. FEEI OIItsER lgPE Otr FEE: DRB EEE8 CONTmAqDOR INFORI'AIIIOtr * * * * ** ** * * ****** * !t**t ** * ***. Towl| of, VaLl Beg. NO. Phone lil\rbber: ,trrg.llown of vail Phone Nurbers Torilrr of Vail Reg. Phone Nunb€t: Tosn of VaiI Reg. tfo.'Ptrone lillruber: OFFICE USE BT'TIJDII|G *!t a ***ra * * !t* * *r* *********t*t**a* -gt,AN CEECIS EEB: PIJUBIISG PIAII CHECT IEE: I.IECTIAIIICAI, PIAI| CFECK FEE: NECRENTTON EEEI CI;EJAN-UP DEPO.SIT: rC}IIAL PERIIIT FEES! BUIIDfnc:. STGNA|ITIRET ZONINGS SIGNAIITRE: FRn : Panasaric FnX SrSTEll O EAAIEUAIJfrEtgc'n'c,NC P.O. &t( tt16 vNL"6Erffi 97&&2tr'.7ngt&7&#FI)< P}{}E M]. : FACSIMILIE COVER SHEET lrlrllccorst fl alr*rarr* flrstor'rtotrlrort O Jan. 2. 199? 1E:sfr{ P1 Dus't 'fl*,tn"u, Td ',|gf4, rdod,f c'Yc' w. I f r*.r, tt zLa3-r23-07-015 O *o* oF vArL "o"rr*u"rrJ PERI'IIT II PERUTT APPLICATTON FOR!{896-0322DNIE. or/22/91 t APPLICATfoN MUST BE FILLED OUT COI'|PLETELY OR fT I.!AY NOT BE AccEpTED X**********************!r****** PERI{IT fNFORI.lATfOll **************************i**rl []-Bui1ding[]-P1u'$in9[X]-Electrlca1[]-Mechan1ca1[]-other Job Nane: Arnold Residence Job Address: 1g27 Alpine Drive - vail. co Legal Description: Lot BIock OTners Name: Steven K. Arnold Address: Architect: ceneral Description: work class: [X]-New [ ]-Atteration. t l-Additionat I J-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelll.ng Units: L Nunber of AcconnodatLon Units: lP*"= and Tlpe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances {* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VADUATTONS Electri Address Contractor: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: PLT'I.'BING PERMIT FEEs IIECEANTCAL PERI.IIT FEE: ELE TRICAI FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Box 753 Address: Gas Ipgs Woodr/pel1et ********************************* Reg. NO. 156-E 827-5772 Reg. No. Reg. IiO. FOR OFFICE USE *** ** ************** *** ** ******* BUTLDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLWBTNG PLAN CEECK FEE: MECHNTICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CI-,EA}T-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAIJ PERI.IIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATI,'RE: ZONTNG: SIGNAITIRE: BUILDING: $ ELECTRTCAL: $ 14.430.00 OTHER: $ rlLnMBrNG! S !,rEcHANrcAr, $- ioril; --_ r;****************** ** ******* CoNTRACTOR TNFORMATJON *********** ****************f Eeneral Contractors _Address: Tolrn of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: CLEAN IIP I'EPOSIT RETI'uD IO: VALUATION TOIYN OF VAIL 75 South Frotttagc lload ltail, Colorodo 81657 970.479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 IUX 970.479-2452 I) t: pn r t u c t ol Coununi ty D^,c lopttr c tt t COMMUNTTY DEVBLOPMENT FAX'I'RANSM I'['rAI. SIIIiNT // ol: l)n cDS lN l)ociuMllN'f(s) (Nol'tNct.uDlNC covfil silEt.rt') rr I jsPoNS ti lUiQUt tltif)'i .Sl:N'l'llY: .|.owNoFVn|l.CoMMUNlTYD|lV|]l-oPMl]NTFAxtt:& l'owN ol? vAIt., coMMUNl-ry DDVET.OPMEN'l'TELEpt{oNE /t: ( g70\ 47g-zt3g P,ct UP COMPANY NAMt]: rr^x'I'ti !,tit't toN D N Ul\ l;llOlr4: spECrAt- coMMENrs AND NorES, Be/rrD { r+opE' flfiS LraiBLL, F.znsa Catne t^J 4lro t**rzo UPrl ct/ 1,frutf 6Dt0Rr5tal.F&\r {p r'"""'o,u,* 'OIYN OF VAIL i Sotttlr Frotttogc lharl til, Colornrlo 81657 /0.479-2t38/479-2t39 ,tx 970-479-2452 Dcpa r t tttc u! o! Cotnrnunity Dcvc lop tttc tt t COMMUNITY DtrVOLOPMBNT l:flX'l'R A NSM l'f'f A I i.,!S I I li IiT COM|'/\NY N(ME: -Pare, A4@L*.a, I lr^x't'rit.t,I'f roNIi NUNtrlElt;_ 4t-7_6. ^/tr lf l{ON4: l)A'l'lr: /l / 11 .- 't'lMll: // 0t; pn cES rN r)ocjuMltN f(s) (Nol'tNct_tJl)lNc covtjtt sillillT)3 t( t;sjt'oNSli llDQUt Ruf)'/ Sl:N'l'llY: 'l'O\\/N OI; Vn ll, COMMUNIl'Y Dllvlll,Ol,MllNl' FAXII: (.c)70\ 479-?.452 'l'OWN Or VAlt, COMMLJNIIY DUVlll,Ol,MljNT Tllt,EPl{ONIl #: (27Q)!lg2ll8.___ / SPIICIAl, COMMIINI'S AND NOTIIS: l .t\lRfolDfcF$rl ta\ tR\l $ ^n"r"rro ru"r ::* "4 'q u'?LPn ry B0|-Es"-{*r.ba-l5 Boyh Eadotrtiry Ir. |lA 8. Mcrdow Dhr!. $dtc 190 vrll Colcr& 11657 Drle tnhi SdadcrDbncBrbrArchlrcr r ra50 f. Vdl VdtGy Dr-in' 8rilr Gf Yrll Cobndo ll65t w* rurrarry.P.atl.|'t rran Dtlc: 2:2t137 . lobNmlc: 963Jttqle AnpldlrsldcnccIdin; vdLGolstdoCarniu: Bohr6rmBlll.OtDc: tEvl^rDldtrlcdc: Sftty.t0dct Prltdrtgic:ItnBryL Chrtic Tbc tollo*irg itrctnr rcn obrcrvGdt lac pbr rad tic b*tr rre rtt idrllcd a ftir rbr. frr 3rr- brar rcE foncd md rcct it $t ft r ni&&y pour Hrorrvu. ft rc bvc bcar &mcd pcr rhc plor ud rpocifrrtiona Frrtlgtnoc. thc alcl phcon*t L prr lhc pbar rld Dcdficrissi c*cetfot fu cs!.rC E tr wDcrc ll rbruF !t qrrgtdy n&14. Tlr* te bht dolivcrtdmorrow norail|E.|!dCtldhvill imre ftdULy rrc hrblbd picto lhccmrur plrccaatt. Pt r;c &.t fitt !o cdl mo if you hrw rny qdioru of oonncc on ttrir poioct P!61.!ml Fr!|n: llm goyL BryL Endh..dno, bc. td: t70r{78.('*t Volc.: et0J,lt5.ll70 To: SLv. S.nch.t * 9c1.. Curtott| l{d.rr v Ptp2 ot2 Fddry,&.r. /r,187 12r',,1L?l Boyle Enginccring, Inc. 143 E- Meadow Drive. Suite 390 Vail, Colorado 8165? Datc: Job Nunber Project: Location: Contactor: Ovyner: Weather; Prossnt at Sire: 6-21-97 9635 Arnold Residence Vail, Colorado Bolcs Cuslom Bl&s. Steve Arnold Partly cloudy, ?0 deg Tim Boyle Stephanie Lord FrlElctrPlcrc€Brlncr Archltecturc 1650 E. Vail Velley Drive, Suite C-t Vcil, Colondo 81657 Field Report Thc following items wer€ obselred: The frarning is esscntially complete at this time. The only items rcrnaining are the Kitchen Deck extensions which I have coordinatcd with your offrce, and Entry Bridge rails. I am pleased to starc that thc framing has been completcd according to thc plans and spccifications cxccpt for drc couplc of modifications that have been coordinated between yourself, the conractor and me. feel frce to call me ifyou have any quesdons or commen$ on r}l.._1':-.;fi.X7$...'arSre;'.:.q #'l-.t$ Nsv a4 ,s7 @247Pnry * P. O.9d 1279 Aron, CO81@0$uworrr Phor: (970)l40€iilEt-'@f P. 1 !o.es !urums FAX COVER LETTER rAR]{OLD llESlrNcE lSaTAblltDtnE Vd,Oo}aa& T.O.V. F.nrilfrA4l2 BcErPll+dtr{g hfedirarryBrdFoEbr$peftbndrtt $veSsrdod lE l* ilolrntrrS, 1907 ftil; BfdW. Fo* Cfrlh tlvir-Tunof Vai F 1'lr24f'; trlr Gocr+1 =2 ;ne 't7$213t SvaSrndovd trUllatrt Eforfrfw trI:rrGurrrrt trfrrrfU trtbef:cfeb a Grr|.|il3 Ghaile: Ihankyqr lryour0nr tld efrft b $t b tF botbrn dfi. gEr irEpb it3ue h fic luatU Bedroqn rt$:ArddRerHetn Sr h. tflrdt d paton of tta lloorphn fulhe ltlsr Bedlwnwih he aquan lbotrge otior ecs c*ldul Thetorrca' 191.2! \lblnr r ioor rtlt x I r 191.25 r E r t5tl0.O0otio tsd Tlrc Sd m tr filphce Indkc thc Eru mu |t 0 b 2,O0lt chdiqt i6 29,000. CrlorbfiE tprrloof lh drth,Eed bytlr Bttl -50cfl000BTU -.0!000ldlUlffi r .05il7'ffi1 ulioh b gtl#hil .050 *rEctFffithnl5 |ldrirffir*dfictb. Bm, by !0hil loi fie*lt[bt Hfi h cHb 1630,:mm{flP : ldl0lll$ a .(E& I hgt3Pt Blrttl|tftr ul dd yqr dd$n il ['| fi?E Cft*,fuo? 'Jte THLS f+S Urucci^.tFrrtlE0 SFftcE Mrqlr.rll ffiwLA DzfrrurS ,*^rut(^rEo -Brczat^ spvXE'ns'n-+t-: Pz{r@,il 8e cr-oaeo otrF 7D 6Tile P*€r: dF abr€. ffi -4-*.* CouQtorwtzz- i 5 rln+T- cclute*cto K uu r cc Be 2€] as To / ru 6.'nALc ',+co Detrcro( urrrtfzN rdt- BaP-aiA oo e'leA'.,. C,k"-te, [i.e'. tA,.^rtd.- Rq Pz)-A{P'^e- \o' -DJ- \NQ---7ul- "' (C-A o\r-- 922 CR *tL.^F g7 ?t> a-LlBr"J o$o[a> r€v 64 'ef? ezl?Pt4 ry **P.Z ihtqtES,l$l Fffil{rFtE:blt+5tfio fiBffiblrnhgfilrFl ffiierilry . Ffra \^! i::ii. r.: .. t l'o.l ENTF' T.O. ltl .- l'-3' l I .l i I l @ ( T.O, PLf EL, x'-o, P I t Ikt rr n,)+ (z.arr,r) " t7 t,'r4 ir,l EN o -rt tt-a^ HEAT-N-G!O Model No. 6000WFL-NF SerialNo. 1SSZ0 U.S. Patents 5,429,495 MODELS: 8000TVFL, 6000TVFL Installation and Operation Instructions A.G.A. Design Certified and CGA Gertified THIS MANUAL MUST BE USED FOR INSTALLATION AND RETAINED BY THE HOMEOWNER FOR OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE. xeer-ut nnepucE p.oD.tcrs,,*". ) TOTHECONSTIMER: FILL INTHIS INFORMATION AND RETAIN FON REFERENCE. MODEL: SERIAL NUMBER: ..........ii.;...... DATE OF INSTALLATION: TYPE OF GAS:.......... u MODELS: E(M|TWI. 60NTypL Page 1- ) rrn -r-nro r,rrrrn"r r*ofir,,rr. READ THIS MANUAL BEFORE INSTALLING OR OPERATING THIS APPLIANCE. PLEASE RETAIN THIS MANUAL FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. WARNING: lf the information in this manuat is not followed exactty, a fire orexprosron may r:surt_causing property damagre, personar iniurv or rossof rrfe. , FOR YOUR SAFEry What to do if you smelt gas: . Extinguish any open flame.. Do not try to lighi any appliance.. uo.not touch any electrical switch; donot use any pho-ne in your buildin!.. lmmediately call your gas supplieirom a neaghbor's phone. Follbw thegas supplier's instructions.. lf y.o-g cannot reach your gas supplier,call the fire departm-ent. - FOR YOUR SAFETY Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. copyrighr 1ee6, Hear-N-o,. r,*l',i""'!ill,i;i;3;,lll?rltli::lr,ehway 13,savase, MN s5378 Page -2- MOD EIS : 80A0TV F I. 6M0TVF L near-n-D nnepucE p.oD.!crs,,r". ) SAFETY AND WARNING INFORMATION: ' Read 8ll instructlons caretutly belore slarting installatlon. Failure to tollow theseInstallation Instructions may resull ln a posslble iire hazard and trrill void the warranty. Prior to the lirst flring, rcad the operatlon Instruction sectlon ol this manual. Do not use thls appliance lt any part h.s been under water. lmmediately calt a quatifled service rechnician toInsPecl the unlt and to replace any part of the conlrol system and any gai contrct whlch has been unoe*"i".. Thls unlt ls not tor use wlth sotid tuol. Installatlon 8nd repalr should be done by a quallfied servlce person. The appliance and venting system should beinspected beiore Initial uae. and. al least annually by a professional service pe-on. t,tore treiuent cleaning mavbe r€quired due to excoasive lint from carpeting, tedohg materlal, etc, lt ls lmferative thai rhe unit's c6ntolcompartment' burneF, and clrculatlng air pasaageways le kept clean to provioe tor adequale combuston andventllation alr. Alw-ays keep the appliance area clear and lree trom combustible materials, gasollne, and other llammable vaporcand liqulds. Nev€r obstrucl the flow ol combustlon and ventllatlon air. Keep the front of the appliance clear ol all obslaclesand materials. Due to high temperature, the appllance should be located out of traftlc areas and away lrom fumilure and draper-ies. clothlng or flammable matertal should not be placed on or near lhe apprrance. children and adults should be alerted to the hazards ol hlgh surlace temperature and should stay away to avoldbums or clothing lgnition. Young chlldren should be carefully supervlsed'when they are in the same room as theappliance. These unlts MUsr uso one of the vent systems described ln the ventlng section of this manual. No other ventsystems or components may be used. Thls gas firsplsc€ and vent assembly must be vented dlrectly to the outside and must never be attached lo achimney serylng a separate solid fuel buming appllance. Eacir gas applian"" ru"t use a separate vent system-common vent aystems are pmhiblted. Inspect the external vent cap on a regutar basls to make sure that no debris ls Interfering with the air flow The glass door assembly 8nd the tdm door lsscmbly must be in place on the fireplace belore the unlt can beplaced Into sate operetlon. Do not operate appliance wlth-the glasa door removed, cr.cked, or broken. Replacement ot the glass door shouldbe dono by a licensed or qua tied peBon. Do not stdke or stam the glass door. The glass door assembly shstl only be replaced ae a complete unlt as supptied by the gas flreplace manufacturer.No substltute matedal may be used. Do not use abraslve cleanerg on the glass door assembly. Ilo not attempt to clean rhe glass door when it ls hot, Tum off gas before servlclng appliance. lt b recommend€d that a compotont servlce technlcian perform anapplicable check-up al the beginnlng ol each heatlng seacon. MODEIS: EUMTVFI. 60@TVFL Paga -3- ) ,rn -r-nro FBE,LA,E pnoOr",,r". FIGURE 1 MODEL: 8000TVFL t6 l/4 (3Ct mm) 30 fr@ mm) UNEACCESS rEtr (219 mm) 3 3rB (80 mm) TOP STANDOFFS TEMPERAruRE UMITSYYTTCH HOOD D@R TRIM DOOR otl ]|m) ACCESS @NTROLS & SWTTCHES MOD E IS : E0MTV F I. 60(nWF L Page -4- x eer.n.elt a EpLAcE p*oD.t crs, t Nc. MODEL: 6000TVFL 6|TAIOOFFS VENTCOLUR 6 lt? (t65 mm) gllssDooR LOWEB GRII.IE F^NN€ PIAIEIIBELS GAS CONTFOTS & STVITCHES FIGURE 2 GAI; UNE ACCESS 35 1/,0' (895mm) 218 (dhm) 7 111. 0E1mm) 281t2' /i\. (+-J\i-./ E-ECTRICAI- lccEss 41'(l.rm)3Ia| (89mm) (533mm) MODEIS : EMLTVFL, 6A0OTWL GAS UNE rccEss Paga -5- ) rrlr-r-nro FtREpLAcE p*oQr",,r". I. APPROVAL LISTINGS AND CODES A. APPLIANCE CERTIFICATION These models have been tested to the certification standards and listed by the applicable laboralories as shown in the table:MODEL LABORATORY TYPE sOOOTVFL A,G.A./CGA GOOOTVFL A,G.A./CGA NATURAL VENT DECORATIVE NATURAL VENT DECORATIVE CERTIFICATION STANDARD ANSt 221.50/CAN/CGA 2.22 ANSt Z2 1.5o/CAN/CGA 2.22 B. INSTALLATION CODES Consult your local building code agency, prior to installa_ lion, to ensure compliance with local codes-including per_ mits and inspections. Installation musl conform to local codes. In the absence ot local codes, installation must conform with the current National Fuel Gas Code ANSI 229.1 (in the United States) or with th€ current installation code CAN/CGA - 8149 fi;Canada). The appliance when installed must be elsctrically grounded in accordance with local codes; in absence of locll codes, wilh the cunent National Electric Code ANSI/NFpA No.7d (in the United States) or with the current CSA C22i. Cana_ dian Electric code (in Canada). These models (natural gas and propane) can be installed in a bedroom (in the United States) whiih has a total vol- ume oI unconfined space appropriate to the particular in_stallation. Reler to the National Fuel Gas Code ANSI7223.1lNFPA 54 - (current edition). The Unilorm Mechani- cal Code - (current edition), and local Building Oflicials for the options allowed in obtaining an effective bedroom vol-ume of unconlined space. Mo.del 6000WFL (natural gas and propane) can be in- :lll{il" bedroom (in Canada) it a rhermosrat (Model WH-STAT) is instailed with the unit. Consutt locai code aulhorities. Detailed installation instructions for ModelWH- STAT are included with the kit. Two types of gas conlrol syst€ms are used in these mod_ ets. . STANDINGPILOIIGNITIONSySTEM: IncludesmiL livolt control valve, standing pilot, lhermopilenhermo_ couple flame s6nso1 and piezo ignitor. 1iO-120VACmwl NEVER be connected to i control valve in amillivolt system.. DIRECT SPARK tcNtTtON DSt SYSTEM; Inctudes24V.control valve, Electronic module, transformer, spark ignitor/flame sensor. 1i0-120 VAC MUST bewired to lhe lireplace junction box in a DSI sysrem. III. PRE-INSTALLATION PREPARATION This gas fireplace and ils componenG are tested and safewhen installed in accordance wilh this Installation Manual. Repo.n to your dealsr any parts damaged in shipmeni, specftca y check glass condition. Do not install unit withdamaged, incomplete, or substitute parts. The venl svs-tem components are sold separately. The gas logs irefactory instalted. Read alt lnstructions Uetire stirrin!lnstallation and follow these Instructions carelully durlIng installation to ensure maximum Uenetit anO iatew. Failure to follow them w l void your wananty and maypresent a fire hazard. The Heat-N-Glo Fireplace products, Inc. wananty will be voided by, and Heat-N-Glo Fireplace products, inc. dis-claims any responsibility for the following actions: . lnstallation of any damaged fireplace or \€nt system component.. Modification of the fireplace.. Installation olher than as inslructed by H€at_N-Glo Fireplace Products, Inc.. lmproper positioning of the gas logs or the glass door.. Installation and/or use of any componenl part not manufactured or approved by Heal-N_Glo Fireplace Products, Inc., not withslanding any independenitest- ing laboratory or other party approval of such compo_ nent part or accessory. ANY SUCH ACTION MAY POSSIBLY CAUSE A FIRE HAZ- ABD. II. INTRODUCTION These models are natural vent gas appliances and are de-signed to operate with combustion air from the inside ofthe building and all exhaust gases expell€d to the outside ol the building. Approved vent pipe includes B_type vent, listed single wall rigid, or listed single wall flexible gas vent.These models use 6-inch diameter (152 mm) ujnl S"" venting section ol this manual for details. The information contained in this manual perfains to allmodels and gas control systems unless otherwise noted. Page -6- M OD E IS : E0MTV F I. 6M0TVF L , ror-r-n},, E p LAc E p RoD, "r",, r", ) In planning the installation lor the fireplace, it is necessary to d€t€rmine whore lhe unil is to be installed, the raent sys- tem configuralion lo be used, lraming and finishing details, and whelher optional accessories (fan, wall switch or te- mote control) are desired. Gas supply piping and electri- cal wiring should also be planned. Figures 1 and 2 show location of fealures on the appliance and tireplace dimen- sions. Optional Accessories available are listed in that seclion ol lhis manual. lf lhe fireplace is installed direc y on carpeting, lile, or oth6r combustible material other than wood flooring, lhe appli- ance shall be installed on a melal or wood panel extend- ing the lull width and depth of the unit. A. GASPRESSURE Minimum inlet gas supply pressure for purposo ot input adjustment is 5.0 inch€s w. c. nalural gas and il inches w. c. propane. Maximum inlet gas prossure is 10.5 inches w.c. natural gas and 13.0 inches w.c. propane. Manilold pressure should be set at 3.S inches w.c. natural gas and 10.0 inches wc. propane. A 1/8-inch (3 mm) N.PT. plugged tapping is provided on the outlet side of the gas control tor a lesl gauge connec- tion lo measuro th€ manilold pressure. provisions musl be made to anach a test gauge to a l/8-inch (3 mm) N.pT. plugg€d tapping immediately upstr€am of the gas supply connection lo th€ appliance lo measure inl6l pressurg. The appliance and ils individual shut-otf valve must be dis- connected from lhe gas supply piping system during any pressure testing of lhe system at tesl pressures in excess ol 112 psig (3.5 kPa). This applianc€ must be isolated from the gas suppty pip- ing system by closing its individual manual shul-otf valve during any pressure testing of the gas supply piping sys- tem.at test pressures equal to or less than 1/2 psig (8.5 kPa). B. HIGH ALTITUDE INSTALLATION A.G.A. Design Certitiod units are tested and approved for elevations from 0-2000 feet. CGA certified units ars lested and approved for elwations lrom G.450O. When installing this unit al an elevalion above 2OOO feot (in the United States) it may be necessary to d€crease the input rating by changing the existing burner orifice to a smaller size. Generally, input should be reduced 4 p€r cent for each 1000 teet abow sea level. Howewr, ii the heating value ot the gas has been reduc6d, thi6 genoral rule may not apply. Check with local gas utility for proper orifice size identification. When installing this unit at an elemtion between 2fl)G 4500 feet (in Canada) the input rating must be reduced by '| 0 percent. When installing this unlt at an elsvation abov€ 4SOO t6€t (in Canada), check with local authoritiss Consult your local gas uiitity for assistance in d€t€rmining the proper orifice for location. C. CLEARANCES Minimum clearance from the fireplace to combustibles are: GLASS Eq9NI FLoOR BACK StpEs TOP cEtLtNG36' O ln" 1n 31n" 3r(9txmm) (13mm) (13mm) (sgmm) (7s7mm) The top, back, and sides are defined by standoffs. The !?9!J!_!h" unir may be recessed 21 1/z'(546mm) - 600OTVFL and 25 114 " (641 mm) -Modet BOOOTVFL inro combustible conslruction. Clearance to a perpendicular wall extending past the face of the unit is 1 inch (2S mm). Minimum clearances to combuslibles lor wnt pipo require a f -inch (25 mm) clearance all around the pips. D. FIREPLACE DTMENSTONS,LOCATIONS, ANO SPACE REQUIREMENTS Figure 3 shows examples ot locating the fireplace within a room and dimensions for space requirements and clear- ances. MODELABCDE E0OoTV;l. .19 z'gt4 rcU4 567/8 8OAB 6$0TVFL &. 2. n gr4 5A 7s1E NOTE: DIMENSIONS AHc,lfltv tN |NCHES. FICURE 3 MODELS : 80MTVF In 6fu0TVFL Page -7- ) rror-*-nro r,rrr^"r rroQr",,r". E. NEGATIVE MAKE-UP AIR NEGATIVE PRESSURE WARNING When negative pressure is present, an atmosoheri- callyvented fireplace (with a draft hood) may not function properly and it may down draft. In the case of a gas appliance, spillage of the combus_ tion gases may occur. This may create a danger- ous carbon monoxide situation in the houie. The causes of negative pressure to a house can include the following: . stack effect in the building. exhaust only appliances (mechanF cally and atmospherically vented). inadequate make-up air (which is increasingly more prevalent in new construction) ll is recommended that all natural vonting non_air tight gas fireplaces have outside air connect€d to them. ftls a]sorecommended lhat the building be mechanically or oassivelvbatanced to allow atmospherically vented appiianies, such as top.vented gas lireplaces with drafl hood!, to dratt prop- erly. It the home experiences negative pressure or is iife'ly to experience negative pressure, connection to an outsidi air source is mandatory. WITHd'TSIDEArR WITHOT'T OUTSIDE AIR AIB OAMPER LWER SIDE@LI.AR FI..E( DUCT FLP(DUCT OONNECTEDTO OOII.AR HGUNE 4 Page -8- M OD EIS : E0NTVF I. 6(M)TV F L o ,ror-*o},rrrqcE ppoDucrs,,*". ) INSTALLING OPTIONAL OUTSTDE MAKE-UP AIR This unit is equipped lo accept outside air. By using out- side make-up air, the amount of room air used forcombus- lion will be reducod. lt is recommended that an AK-225 Air Kit be us€d with this appliance. WAFNING: lN A NEGATIVE PRESSURE CON. DtTtoN (LtKELyTO OCCUR tN NEW HOMES THAT DO NOT HAVE ADEOUATE MAKE-UP AtR) THE OUTSTDE AtR KtT MUST BE tN- STALLED TO OBTAIN PROPER PEBFOF. MANCE ANDTO HELP PREVEI.ITSPILLAGE OF COMBUSTION GASES. A 4-inch side collar (lound in the AK-225 Kit) and a +inch flexible air duct (not providsd) must be instailed bohind the lower lront grille. See Figure 4. Attach the side collar to lhe outer wrap of the fireplace at the right-hand rear cor- ner using sh€otmetal screws. Attach one end oflhe flex- duct to the sid€ collar and ths olher end ot th€ duct to th€ collar on the underside of the firechamb€r base. Use plastic ti6 straps to secur€ the €nds of th€ flex duct lo each collar. Detail€d installation instructions lor Model AK-22S Outslde Air Kit are found in the kit. This kit cannot be used in Canada. AIR DAMPER This model has a make-up combustion air damper on the underside ol the firebox, behind the lower grill. See Figure 4. Before lighting the burner, open the damper by sliding the le\rer to lhe lett. F. FRAMING Fireplace lraming can be built before or after the tireplace is set in place. Framing should be positioned to a@om- modate wall covering and fireplace facing material. The fireplace framing should be constructed oi2 X 4 lumber or heavier. The lraming headers may rest on the fireplace slandofts. Refer lo Figure 5 lor lraming reterence dimon- sions. CAUTIoN: MEASURE FTREPLACE DTMENSTONS ANO VERIFY FRAMING METHODS, AND WALL COVERING DETAILS BEFORE FRAMING CON. STRUCTION BEGINS. F'GURE 5 G. FINISHING Finish the walls with the malerial ot your choice. Figure 6 shows the minimum vErtical and corresponding maximum horizontal dimensions of mantels or other combustible pro_ jections above the top ,ront edge ol the fireplace. MODEL A B CSUDTVFL 49 42 3/8 25 g/46tn0wFL 42 3S 3/S 22 ""'" HGUNE6 Only non-combustible materials may be used to cov6r lhe black fireplace front. MODEIS: EM0WFI. fiMOTVFL Page -9- ) rronr-nro r,rrr^"r rroOrs, t*c.I GAUTION: ALL JOTNTS BETWEEN THE FtN- ISHED WALL ANDTHE FIREPLACE SURBOUND (TOpAND STOES) CAN ONLY BE SEALEDWTTH A 3OO' F. MINIMUM SEALANT MATERIAL. ONLY NON-COMBUSTTBLE MATERTAL (USING 3OO. F. MIN|MUM ADHESTVE tF NEEDED), cAN BE Ap-PLIED AS FACING TO THE FIREPLACE SUR. ROUND. SEE FIGURE 7. NAIUNOTABS (BOrH stDEs) I FICUBET H. HEARTHEXTENSION While a hearth exlension may be desirable for aestheticr."^?:?n",lt j: .lgr-required for gas tireplace apptiances per ANSI or CAN/CGA testing standards. ' IV. INSTALLATION STEP 1_POSITIONTHE FIREPLACE: Place the unit into position and level it trom side-to- sideand tront-to-back. Shim th€ unit with non-combustible material, such as sheet metal, as necessary. Secure lh€unit to the traming by nails or screws through the nailinotabs on each side of the fireplace. See Figu-re 8. FIGUPE 8 STEP 2_INSTALLTHE VENT SYSTEM: A. VENTSYSTEM APPROVALS This Model is approved to use 6-inch (1s2 mm) diameter P-lvpy.":t!:g listed singte walt rigid or flexibte gas veni. NO OTHERVENT SYSTEMS MAYBE USED. B. INSTALLING VENT COMPONENTS Connect a 6-inch (152 mm) B-type vent componeni (1 inch (25 mm) clearance lo combustibles) to the ilue outtetcollar and secure it to th€ tireplace with the pipe clamp.See Figure g. Continue to add venl componenls, per vent Manufacture/s Installation Instructions, until the vent run is completed. B-type vent MUST be used where the vent system is withincombustible conslruclion. Visual inspection of the vent connection to the flue collar of lhe fireplac€ is done by looking inside the top of the unit, behind the heal deflector hood. STUD 2X4 HEADER TOP STANDOFF FINISHED WALL H|GH TEMPEMruRE (3OO.,E 1490 C MtN.) Page -10- M OD E LS : E000TV F In 6000TVF L neer-n-elnEpLAcE p*oDu"r",,*". ) VENTOOTI.^R HGUNE 9 Listed single-wall flexible or single-wall rigid gas vent pipe may b€ attached to this unit, lF, AND ONLY lF, the vent run is completely inside non-combuslible construction such as a masonry chimney. The flexible or rigid veni MUST termi- nale outside ot the building, In a vertical position, with a termination cap lisled for use with th€ vent plpe. See Fig- ur€ 10. TERMIMIIOI{ CAP HEUNEfi This model MUST NOT be vented into a type-B vent system installed exterior to a building. The part of the venl system above lhe roof line can be Consult local building code ofiicials and codes for proper v€nt system installations. FOR BEOROOM INSTALLATION IN CANADA WARNING: THIS GAS FIREPLAGE MU NEVER BE VENTED BY CONNECTING TO CHIMNEY FLUE SERT'ING A SEPARATE SOLID FUEL BURNING APPLIANCE C. VENT TERMINATION WARNING: MAJOR U.S. BUILDING coDEs SPECIFY MINIMUM CHIMNEY AND/OR VENT HEIGHTABOVETHE ROOFrcP. THESE MINF MUM HEIGHTS ARE NECESSARY IN THE IN. TEREST OF SAFETY. FIGURE 11 ANDTABLE 1 SHOW MINIMUM HEIGHTS, PROVIDED.THE TERMINATION CAP IS AT LEAST S-FEET FROM AVERTICALWALL. FIGURE '1 ROOF PITCH FLATTO 6/12 6t12TO7t12 ovEATtl2TO 8t'12 ovER 8/12 TO 9/12 ovER 9/12 TO 10/12 ovER 10/12 TO 11/12 ovEA 11l12TO 1U12 ovER 1A12TO't4t12 ovER 14l12TO 16/12 ovER 16/12TO 18/12 ovER 1U12TO 20112 ovER 20t12TO 21t12 TABLE 1 H (MrN.) FT. 1.O 1.25 1.5 2.O 2.5 3.25 4.O 5.0 6.0 7.O 7.5 8.0 MODEIS: EUWTVF| 60MWFL Page -11- ) ,rn -*-oro ,,rrr^"r rro)rs, t*c. OPEN FLAME. At th€ gas line access hole, use insulationto repack lh€ space around the gas pipe. This should beinserled lrom the outside of the fireptaci ano packeJ riorrtruto totally seal between the pipe and the outer casing.- ' NOTE: The gas supply line should be purqed of anv trapped air prior to the first firing of the unii. o^s tl}tE rcc€8s rru VAII,E FIGURE 12 STEP 3-TNSTALLTHE GAS LINE IL:. S"" tireplace is. designed to accepl a 1/2 inch (13mm) gas line lor a listed gas appliance. Have the qas llne Installed by a qualifled servlce person In acJor.dance.wlth atl bultding codes. Conlutt local buitding 99j9" lo.?lop"t]y stze the gas suppty tine teading ro rhi 1/2 inch (13mm) hook-up at th€ unit. A fisted 112-inch (13 mm) manual shut-ott valve and aflexrot€ gas conn€clor are connected to the g/g-inch {10mm) inlot of the control vatve. A t/g-inch (g mm) ru.iT.p]uSg9d tapping, accessible for test gauge connection, should be provided for, in the gas supplyline leading tothe unit's shut-otf valve. Locate the gas line access hole in the outer casing of thefireplace (Figure 12). Op€n the fireplace tower grili insertthe gas supply line through the gas line hole an-d connect rt to lhe shut-ott valve. Support the control when attachinq Ine prpe so that lhe lines are not benl or torn. After the oalpipe. installation. is complele, check carefully aff gas-;; nections for leaks with soap solution. DO NOT'USgAl,l -oAscoMrcLY* -@ '{***-'",* Page -12- M ODEIS : ENfiTVF I. 6N0TV F L ry-r-n} rrrrAcE pnoDucrs,,rr. ) STEP4.WIRING A. STANDING PILOTIGNITION 1 . APPLIANCE REOUIREMENrS. This applance DOES NOT requhe 11(}'120 VAC to operate. DO NOT CON- NECT 11O.I2O VACTOTHE GAS CONTROL VALVE OR THE APPLIANCE WILL MALFUNCTTON AND THE VALVE WILL 8E DESTROYED. See Figure 13- STANDING PILOT IGNITION WIRING DIAGRAM. 2. OPTIONAL ACCESSORTES. Optionatfan and remote conlrol kits require 1 1G120VAC b€ wkod to the tactory installed iunction box belore the fheplace is permanen y enclosed. See Figure I+FAN WIRING DIAGRAM. FIGURE 13 3. REMOTE WALL SW]TCH. position the remote wall switch in the desired position on a rva . Run a maxi_ mum of 25 ft. (7.8 m) or tess tengrth of 18 A.WG. mini_ mum wire and connect it to the lireplace ON/OFF svitchpigtails. DO NOT CONNECT 110-120 VAC TO THE REMOTE WALL SWITCH OR THE CONTROL VALVE WILL BE DESTROYED. See Figure .t3. NOTE: Electrical wiring must b€ dbne by a licensed elec- trician. GAUTION: LABEL ALL WTRES pRtOR TO DtS- CONNECTION WHEN SERVICING CONTROLS. WIRING ERBORS CAN CAUSE IMPROPER AND DANGEROUS OPERATION. Verity proper operation after s€rvlcing. STAIIDINC PILOT rcilMON WIRIIIG DIAGRATI Elu"""""': ts-r-I.. -Pi o s vAt E Btl{ WtRtl{O D|ACRAII VAR|ABIE SPEEDCO}flNOL NOTE IF A'{Y OFTHE ORIOIM! WIRE AS SUPPUED W]TH THE APPLIANCE MUST BE REPI.ACED, 1T MUST BE REPI.ACED WTTH TYPE l(xi DEAREE C R^IEDUNRE. BIOYVER RECEPTACLE TEMPERATURE SENSOR SWTTCH FIGUEE '4 Btol/lrER 1tG120VAC MODEIS : UMTVFIn 6N0TVF L Page -13- ) ryy-r-oro nnrruc, erolrs, tNc. B. DIRECTSPARKIGNITTONWIRING 1. APPLIANCE REOUTREMENTS. This apptiance re-quires 1 10.1Z0VAC be wired to the factory-ins1"1|1rn"_ tion box. Maintain correct polarity when wiring tnejunclion box. See Figure 1S-DSI Wking Diagrari. 2. OPTIONALACCESSORTES. Optionalfanandremote control klts require i 10-.120VAC which has been wired lo. the tireplace junction box. See Figure 14 - FAN WIRING DIAGRAM. 3, FEMOTE WALL SWITCH. position lhe remote watl switch in lhe desired position on a wall. Run a maxi_ mum of 25 tl. (7.8 m) or less length of 16 A.WG. mini- mum wire and connect it to the fireplace ON/OFF $/itchpigtails. See Figure 1S. NOTE: Elockical wiring must be done by a licensed elec_lrician. CAUTION: LABEL ALLWTRES pRtOR TO DTSCON- NECTION WHEN SERVICING CONTROLS. W!R- ING ERRORS CAN CAUSE IMPROPER AND DAN- GEROUS OPERATION. Verify proper operation after servicino. DSIWRING DIAGRAM rl(lo7, s0.ErolD E EtAtE! 6 ! frt.vt LE (EUTRA- ' tPxcflxlte tr (rr! v? 3l P. sv YI FIGURE 15 Page -14- MOD EIS : E0il)TV F L, 6N0TVF L y-!-oJ+,rEpLAcE pBoDUCrs, tNc. ) STEP s.TEST FIRE Flead ths Safety and Lighting Instructions sections of this manual applicable to th€ type of ignition systom installed in the modsl. Test tire the burner to chec* for proper light- ing and operation. STEP 6.FINISHING Combustible mat€rials may be brought up to the side and top front edges of the lireptace, but must NEVER overlao onlo the front face. The joints between the finished wail and the fireplace top and sides can only be sealed with a 300' F. (149'C) minimum sealant. colo.rant mat€rials- The bag tabeled Glowing Emb€r (OSO- 721) is standard Gtowing Ember material. R€move the tront trim door by tifting it up and out lrom the unit. Remove.the wing.nuts and glass clips around the glass door and remove the glass door from the unit. See Figure 17. Alternately place a single layer of dime size and shape pieces of Golden Ember (GE-93) and Gtowing Ember (0dO- 721) onto the top of the lower burner. See Figure tit. Srve the remaining ember materials lor use during tire-place servicing. Replace the glass door and front trim door back on th6 unit. Be certain that ALL of the glass clips and wing nuts are in place. MCXJMNNG SIUD Inslall oplional marble and brass trim surround kits as de- sired. Marble, brass, brick, tile or other non-combustible malerials can be used to cover up the gap between the sheet rock and the rireplace. Do not obstruct or modity the air inleuoutlel grills in any manner. When overlapping on th€ sidos, make sure to leave enough spaca to b€ able to lower the bottom grilt and easily remo\re the trim door. STEP 7.LOG POSMONTNG lf the gas logs have been faclory installed they should not need to be positioned. It the logs have been packaged separately, instructions lo install lhem are with the logs. See Figure 16 to check proper log position. lf sooting should occur, the logs might need to be sligh y repositioned to avoid flame impingement. MODEL GOOOTVFL MODEL SOOOTVFL FIGUBE 16 STEP 8-PLACING EMBER MATERIAL A. INITIALSET.UP Two separale bags ot ember mat€rials are shipped with this unit. The bag labeled Golden Ember (GE-93) is llame WNGNuI CAUTIoN: HANDTTGHTENWTNG NUTS-DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN. HCUnE 17 MODELS : E000TVF I. 6(00TVF L FICURE 18 Page -15- )15or-r-nro FTRE'LA,E p*olrs, mc. B. FIREPLACE SERVICING Frequency of fireptace servicing will depend upon use andlype of installation. Carelully brush away or vacuum up any loose material fromthe lower burner. Alternately place a single layer of dime sizF, and shape pieces of Golden Ember (Ge-SS-; and Glow. ing Ember (050-721) onto the top of the lower burner as vou did in the initial set-up. Save the remaining ember mate;alsand repeal lhis procedure at ihe next fireplace servicing. NOTE: _lt may be necessary lo clean the glass door atteradding GE-93 flame colorant material. Filmleposits on lheinside of the glass doorshould be cleaned otf using a house- hold glass cleaner. DO NOT handle or attompt t;lean theglass when it is HOT. 3. Verify that no obstruclions are blocking lhe vent termi_nattons or the lront grills ot the fireplace. CAUTION: CLOTHTNG OR OTHER FLAMMABLE MATERIAL SHOULD NOT BE PLACED ON ORNEAR THE APPLIANCE. 5. Tampering is DANGEROUS and voids all warranties, must be re-V. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS The OWNEB should carefully read and tollow these op€ral-Ing Instructions at all limes. Open the lower grill to view thegas controls for the fireplace. lf your model has a red push b_utton piezo ignitor, the fireplace has a STANDING pif-Oi IGNITION SYSTEM. See Figure 19. lf no red button is qle99nt, the fireptace has DTRECT SpARK tcNtTtON (DSl) SYSTEM. Follow the Satety, Lighting, and Operating instrucllrons applicable to your lireplace. Any componenl that is found to be taulty placed with an approved componenf. 6. LPG (PROPANE)WARN|NG: THE FOLLOWING WARNING APPL]ES TO INSTALLA-TtoNs ustNc LP (PROPANE) cAS: FtcunE 19 1. Gel all people out ol the building.2. DO Nfi light matches. DO NOi turn electric lights or switches on or otf in area. DO NOT use an elect-ric lanto remove gas from area. DO NOT use a telephone inside the building. 3. Shut ott gas at Lp tank outside ol buildino.4. Telephone gas company and fire departrient. Ask in- structions. B"b.* hTqilg_lp, give your name, address, and phone number. DO NOT go back into building. lf your LP tank runs out of fuel, turn ofl gas at the appli-ance. After LP tank is refilled, appliancl must be ie-litaccording to manufacture/s instructions. It the gas con-lrol has been exposed to WATER in any way OO-ttOt trvlo use it. lt must be replaced. DO NOT anempt repair ongas conkol or appliance. A. OPERATINGGUIDELTNES Before operating this fir€place, please review the safety wam_Ings.pages al the beginning ol this manual and those pre- cauttons and warnings listed below: 1. Knoywhat type of ignirion system this model has (stand_ ing pilot or dir€ct spark ignition_DSt) and loltow the ao-pticabte SAFETY and LIGHTING inslructions. 2. Check to ensure lhere are no gas leaks. lt you are un-sure, turn gas otf of the fireplace and caI a iervice per_ son or your gas utility. 4. WARNING: CHILDREN ANE ADULTS SHOULD BE ALERTEDTOTHE HAZARDS OF HIGH SURFACETEMPERATURE AND SHOULD STAY AWAYTO AVOID BURNS OR CLOTHTNGIGNITION. YOUNG CHILDREN SHOULD BE CAREFULLY SUPERVTSED WHEN THEY ARE INTHE SAME ROOM ASTHE APPLIANCE. WARNING: TO AVOTD POSS|BLE tNJURy F|REAND EXPLOS|ON, PLEASE READ AND FOL-, LOW THESE PRECAUTIONS AND ALL IN.. STRUCTIONS ON THIS APPLIANCE BEFOHE LIGHTINGTHE PILOT. THIS APPLIANCE USESLp (PROPANE) cASWHtcH ts HEAVTERTHAN AIR AND WILL REMAIN AT FLOOR LEVEL IF THERE tS A LEAK. BEFORE UGlmNG, SMELLAT FLOOR LEVEL AND/OR USE bTHER MEANS (SUCH AS USING A SOAP SOLUTTONoN ALL ptptNc AND CONNECTTONS, USTNG A GAS DETECTOR, ETC.)TO CHECK FbR GAS IEAKS. NoTE: Lp (pRopANE) cAs CAN BE- COME ODORLESS AND CANNOTALWAYS BE DETECTED BY SMELL IFYOU SMELL GAS, DETECT A GAS LEAK, OR SUSPECT THAT AGAS LEAK EXtsTs, FOLLOWTHESE RULES: Page -16- MODEIS : 8000TVFI. 6(n0WF L yx&,rEpLAcE p.oDr"r",,*". ) B. INITIAL LIGHTING Upon completing the gas line or lurning the gas valve on after it has been in the'OFF' position, a small amount of air will be in the lines. When lirst lighting the fireplace, it will take a lew minutes lor the lines to purge themselves of this air. Once the purging is complete, the lireplace will light and operate satistactorily. Subsequent lightings of the appliance will not require such purging it the gas valve is not turned to ,OFF". When lit for the first time, the appliance will emit a slight odor for an hour or two. This is due to paint and lubricants used in the manufacturing process. Additionally, for the tirsl tew minutes after each ligh ng, \rapor may condense and fog the glass and tlames may be blue. After a few minutes this moisture will disappear and within 1S-30 min- utes the tlames should becomg y€llow. The fireplace may produce a noise, caused from metal ex- pansion and contraction as it heats up and cools down. This noise is similar to ons lhal a furnace or heat ducl mav produce and does not aftect the operation or longevity of the fireplace. C. STANDING PILOTOPERATION 1. Follow rh€ SAFEW and L|GHT|NG TNSTRUCTTONS tor standing pilot controls found in this manual and on labels tound in the controls compartment behind the lower grill. CAUTION: DURING THE tNmAL PURG|NG AND SUBSEOUENT LIGHTINGS, NEVER ALLOWTHE GAS VALVE CONTROL KNOB TO REMAIN DE. PRESSED IN THE "PILOT" POSITION WITHOUT PUSHINGTHE RED IGNITOR BUTTON AT LEAST ONCE EVERY SECOND. 2. During the healing season, leave the control valw knob in the 'ON' position. This will allow the pilot flam€ to remain lit. Turn the burner flame on or otf with the fire- place ON/OFF rocker sivitch, wall srvilch, or r€mote con- irol kit. NOTE: This model has a gas control valve which allows you lo increase or decrease the height of the main burner flame. The control valve has a pressure regulator with a knob as shown in Figure 20. Rotate the knob clochrvise to 'Hl' to increase th6 flame height and countErclockwise to 'LO' to decrease the llame height. 3. When the heating season is over, turn the on/off switch lo "OFF" and the control valve to 'OFF.. The system, including the pilot light, will be shut down. ROTATOiI FIGUEE 20 D. DIRECTSPARK IGNITTON OPERATION '1. Follow the SAFETY and L|GHT|NG TNSTBUCTTONS for DSI controls found in this manual and on labels found in lhe controls compartmenl behind the lower grlll. 2. During the heating season, leave the control valve to the "ON" position. Turn the fireplace ON/OFF rocker switch, wall s,witch, or r€mote control kit to ,ON.. This causes the ignilor to spark and light the burner. Turn the switch to'OFF' and the burner will extinguish. 3. When the heating season is over, turn lhe on/ofl switch to 'OFF" and lh6 control valve to "OFF'. The system will be shut down. MODEIS : 8000TVFI. 6(M)TVFL Page -17- ) rror-r-ero FtFEpLAcE p*olrr,,*". FORYOUR SAFETY READ BEFORE LIGHTING STANDTNG PILOT A. This applianc€ (standing pilot version) has a pi- lot which.must be tit by hand. When lighting lhe pilot, tolow thes€ instructions exaalyl B. BEFORE LtcHTtNG smelt alt around the appti- ance area lor gas. Be sure to smell ne)d to ihe floor because some gas is heavier than air and will settle on the floor. WHATTO DO IFYOU SMELL GAS . Do nol try to light any appliance. . Do not touch any electric stvitch;do not use anvphone in your building. . lmmediately call your gas supplier from a neighbor's phone. Follow lhe gas supplier,s in_ struclions. . ll Vog cannot reach your gas supplier, call the nre department. C. Use only your hand to push in or iurn knob. Never use tools. lf the knob will not push in orturn by hand, don,t try to repair it; call a quali- fied service technician. Force or attempted re_pair may result in a fire or explosion. D. Donot use this appliance if any part has been under water. lmmediately call a qualified s€r- vice technician to inspect the appliance and to replace any part of the conlrol system and anygas control which has been under water. DSI IGNITION A. This appliance (DSl ignition version) does nothave a pitot. lt is equipped with an ignition device which aulomatically lights the burner. Do not try to tight the burner by hand. B. BEFORE OPERATING smell all around the ap- pliance area for gas. Be sure to smell next io the floor because som€ gas is heavier than air and will settle on the floor. WHATTO DO IFYOU SMELL GAS . Do not try to light any appliance. . Do not touch any electric switch; do not use any phone in your building. . lmm€diately call your gas supplier trom aneighbor's phone. Follow the gas supplier's instructions. . !l Voy cannot reach your gas supplier, call the ltre department, C. Do not use this appliance if any part has been under water. lmmediately call a qualified ser- vice technician lo inspect the appliance and to replace any part of the control system and any gas control which has been under water. wARNINGT lFYou Do Nor FoLLowrHEsE rNsrRucfloNs ExAcrLy, A F|RE oR ExpLosroN MAyRESULT IN PROPEFTY DAMAGE, PERSONAL 'NJURY O; IdS'i OE LTC. Page -18- M OD E IS : E0MTVF I. 6@0TV F L o 1. 2. 3. 'STOPI' Read the satety information above tirst. To access controls, opgn the lower grill. Open the air damper - move it to the left. LIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS STANDING PILOT CONTROLS THERMOPILE TO TURN OFF GAS APPLIANCE PILOT BURNEB 4.Turn tho valv€ control knob to the OFF position, Tod{", you must lurn the knob clockwise. \to the PILOT position, and then press in and continue turning cloch^rlse -1 to tne OFF position. 7. To put the control in tho PILOT position, turn thg control knob counter-cloclorvise /-\\ to the PILOT position. GAS CONTBOL VALVE NOTE: Knob cannot be turned from .plLOT. to.OFF unless knob is pushed in sligh y. Do not forcs. s. wAtT AT LEAST F|VE (5) MTNUTES TO CLEAR OUT ANY GAS. lf you have unsucc€ssfully trled to light the fireplace, wait longer, especlally if you are using LP gas. Then smell for gas, Including nsar the tloor. lt )rou then smellgas, STOpt Follow.B. in lhe safety information above. It you don,t smell gas, go lo lhe nexl step. 6. The pilot should not requir€ accessing for lighting purposes. The pilot is locatod inside the combus- tion chamb€r. ll it is necessary to access th€ pilol, remo\€ lhe lrim door and glass door. 8. To light the pilot depress thg control knob and lhen depress the red piezo bufion once every second. The piezo makes a clicking sound. lt may be nec- essary to ropeat this step. lt the pllot does not light atter 10 seconds, go back to step g. The controt knob should be held down tor a MINUTE after pilot ignition. . lf the control knob does not pop out $rh€n to_ leased, STop-shut otf the gas suppty to ihE fireplace control valve, and IMMEDIATELy call your service technician or gas supplier. . lf the pilot will not slay lit atter two lries, turn the control knob to the .OFF. position and call your service technician or gas supplier. 9. After the pilot has been lit, the burner can be lurned on by turning the knob counter-clockwise ,/f-\lo the 'ON' position. Set the ON/OFF s\,lritch to the 'ON'posltion. 10.Close the lower grill. 1. 2. Open the lower grill. Turn Ol,l/OFF sivitch to'OFF . 3. Turn the valve control knob clochivise ^\to lhe 'Pilot' position, then depress knob and con- tinue turning to 'OFP position. 4. Close the lower grill. M OD EIl, : E000WF I. 60MTV F L Page -19- ) ,ror-r-oro rneernc, nnoQrs, t*". 2. STOPI Read the satety information in lhe .For your Safety Read Before Operating DSI Controls' section of this instruction. Turn otf all electric power to the appliance. This appliance is equipped with an ignition device $rhich aulomatically lights the burner. Do not try to light lhe burner by hand. LIGHTING INSTRUCTTONS DSI CONTROLS TOTURN OFF GASTO APPLIANCE 4. WA|T AT LEAST F|VE (s) MTNUTESTO CLEAF OUT ANY GAS. lf you have unsuccessfully tried to light the fireplace, wait longer, especially if you are using LP gas. Then smell for gas, including near the ltooi |l you then smell gas, STOPI Fo ow .8. in the salety intormation localed on the previous pages. I pu don't smell gas, go to nexl step. 5. Turn on all electric power to the appliance. 6. Open the lower grill. 7. Open lhe air damper-move it to the left. 8. Turn ON/OFF rocker sv/itch to "ON". 9. lf the appliance will not op€rate, follow the instruc- tions 'To Turn Otf Gas fo Appliance,' and call service lechnician or gas supplier. 1. 2. GASVALVE Open the lower grill. Turn ON/OFF sr,vitch to "OFF.. Turn off all electric power lo the appliance if service is to be performed. Page -20- M ODEIS : E(M)TW L, 6M0TVF L o neet-u-AnaEpLAcE pnoDr"r",,*". ) VI. MAINTENANCE & SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS IMPOFIANT: Tum otf gas before servicing applianc€. lt is rccomm€nded lhal a comp€tent s€rvlce technician perform lhese check-ups at the beginning of each heating season. . GLEAN BURNER AND CONTROL COMPARTMENT. Koop the control compartment, logs, and burner areas surounding th6 logs clean by vacuuming or brushing at l€ast twice a year. . CHECKFLAMEPATTERNS. Visually check the burner flame pattern periodically, Make sure th€ flames are steady, not lifting or floating. See Flgure 21 lor llame patterns. NOfE:1he type 6t installation, vsnt syslem contiguration, and wind eifects may cause the flame panerns to vary. The flame .sEnsor (DSl) or thermopile/thermocouple (standing pilot) tips should be covered with flame. dee Figure 22. CHECKVENT SYSTEM Th€ applianc€ and venting system should be inspecled before initial use and at leasl annually by a qualified field service person. Inspect lhe eldernal vent cap on a regular basis to make sure that no debris is intertor ing with lhe air flow. CLEAN GLASS DOOR Clean the glass door as necessary. Do nol use abra- sive clean€rs and do nol anempt to cl€an the glass when it is hot. Replace any glass that is chipped, cracked, or broken. Replacement glass door assemblies must be supptied by lhe appliance manutacturer-no substitute maierials may be used. VII. FIELD CONVERSIONS Kits forconverting this appliance from one gas to another (nalural gas to LPc/propane or LpG/propine to naturalgas) are listed in the ACCESSOBIES section of this manual. LPK kits convert trom natural gas to LpG. NGK kits convert from LPG to natural gas. /){ r1 t) I l,tJ} l,l,r /)l' i)l r'] rlt] HGUNE 21 WARNING: ANY CHANGES, ADDIT|ONS, OR CONVERSIONS REOUIRED IN ORDER FOR THE APPUANCE TO SATISFACTORILY MEET THE APPUCANON NEEDS MUST BE MADE BYA HEAT-N-GLO DTSTRTBUTOR (OR OTHER QUALIF|ED AGENCY) USTNG ONLY FACTORY SPECIFIED AND APPROVED PARTS. DE- TAILED INSTRUCTIONS AND APPLIANCE LA. BELING FEQUIREMENTS AHE tN EACH KIT AND MUSTBE CAREFULLY FOLLOWED. B IOMIOI{ SIAI{DING PlLrOT l/U (13 rn) 3rf (10 rnm) lrld (6 rrn) FIGURE 22 ITIODELS: E^MTVFI. @MTVFL Page -21- with prop€r installation and maintenance' your new Gas .Fireplace should provide years of lrouble-free service. lf you doexp€rience a problem, reler to the Trouble Shooting Guide below. This guide wilt "rrirt " qualified seruice'pirson ln ttrediagnosis of problems and the correctiv€ action to b; taken. POSSIBLE CAUSE CORRECTTVE ACTION Spark lgnitor wlll not light pllot after repeated triggerlng ot red button. Defective ignitor (no spark at eiec- trode). Deteclive pilot or misaligned el€c- trode (spark at elechode). C. No gas or low gas pressure. D. No L.P. in tank. Check lor spark at electrode and pilou if no spark and €lectrode wire is properly connected, replace ig- nilor. Using a match, tight pilot. lf pitot lights, turn off pitot and trigg€r the red button again. lf pilot lights, an rmproper gavair mixture caused the bad lighting and longer purge period is recommended. lf pilot will not light - check gap at eleclrode and pilol - shoutd be 1/8 inch to have a strong spark. lf OK, replace pilol. Check remote shut otf valves from fireplace. Usually there is a valve near the main. There can be more lhan one (1) valve between the fireplace and main. Low pressure can be caused by a variety of situations such as a bent line, too narrow diameter of pipe, or low line pressure. Consult with plumber or gas supplier. Check L.P. (propane) tank. you may be out ot fuel. Pllot will not stay lit after care- fully lollowing lightlng Instruc- tlons. A. Delective thermopile.Check pilol flame. Must impinge on thermopile. Clean and or ad- jusl pilot lor maximum flame im- pingement on thermopile. Be sure wire connections from thermopile at gas valve terminals are light and thermopile is fully in- serted into pilot bracket. Check thermopite with millivolt meter. Take reading at .TH- TP&TP' lerminals of gas valve. Should read 325 millivolts mlni- mum while holding valve knob de- pressed in pilot position, pitot lit, and on/off swilch "OFF . Replace laulty thermopile if reading is be- low specilied minimum. Page -22- M O D EI,S : 80(NTVF I. 6N0TV F L ,r*r-tr::rAcE pnoDucrs,,r". ) Disconn€ct thermopile leads trom lhe valve with pitot "ON,, take read_ ing at lhe thermopile leads - should 325 millivolts minimum. Beplace thermopile if reading is below mini- mum. Turn green knob lo pitot posi on, depress and light pilot light. ll meter reading is less lhan 32S m.v. aft€r 30 seconds, or it pilot do€s nol stay lit, the valve is d€tective. lll. Pllot burnlng, no gas burner, valve knob '91{','666f1. srdtch "oN.. Thermopile may not be generating sufficient millivoltage. (32Sm.v.) switch or wires D. Plugged burner orifice. E. Wall switch or wires defective. Check "on-olf" switch and wires for proper conneclions. place jumper wtres across terminals at switch-if burner comss on, replace defec. lave switch. lf OK, place jumper wrres across switch wires al gas valve-if burner comEs on, wires are taulty or connections are bad. Becheck Symptom #2. lf pilot llame is not physically close enough to thermopile, replace lhe pilot assembly. Turn valve knob to"ON". place ON/ OFF switch to "ON". Check wlth millivolt meter at thermopile totmi- nals. Millivolt meter should read greater than 125 m.v. tf the read- ing is okay and the burner does not come ont replace lhe gas valve. Check burner orilice for stoppage and remove. Follow correctiv€ action in A.1 above; ch€ck switch and wiring. Replace where defective. lV. Frequant pllot outagc prcblem. Pilot flame may be loo low or blow- ing (high), causing the pitot sal€ty lo drop out. Clean and adjust pilot flame lor maximum flame impingament on thermopile. Pllot and main burner go out whlle belng In operatlon. A. High limit swilch is defective or has teached its maximum temperalur€. Allow unit to cool. Then repeal lighting instructions. ll pilot and burner remain lit, after lhe fireplace warms up, lhe switch is good. MODELS: &NDTVFL &X0TVFL Page -23- ) rror-*-oro r,rrrro"r rrlTs, t*c. I SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE - coRREclvE AcrtoN I B.No L.P in tank. Bad thermopile. lmproper vont cap installation. c. D. lf 1 above does not allow for ioni- tion, or the fireplace continuei to shut.otf, disconnect the limit s$/itch wire fiom the gas valve and repeat lighting instructions. tf the pilot and burner remain lil after the fireplac€ lvarms up, r€place the limit switch. Do not use the tireplace until the high limlt swltch ls replaced and properly wired. Check L.P (Propane) tank. you may be out of tuel. Replace if necessary. Check for prop€r installation & freedom from debris or blockage. ] Vl. Glass goots.FlamE imping€ment. lmprop€r venturi setting. Debris around venturi. Adjust the log set so rhat th€ flams I does not impinge on it. I I Adjust the air shutter at the base I of the burner. I I Inspect the opening at the base of I lhe burner. lt is imp€rative that NO l] material be placed in this openino. ll Vll.Flame burns blue and llfts off bumer, A.lnsufticient oxygen being sup-check to make sure u"nt ""llinstalled property and free of de- bris. Check to make sure lhat no de- bris has been placed in lh€ area at the base of the burner. Be sure air damper is open. Page -24- M OD ELS : 80@Tv F I. 6000Tv F L ,r*r"Q r,rrrrAcE p*oDucrs,,r". ) B. DSI IGNITION.TBOUBLE SHOOTING SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE coRREcnvE ac-oN-l Bumer does not tight.Unit junction box is not electrically grounded or prop€rly connected. B. No fuel supply. Be certain 1 10 VAC is con- necled. Be certain 110 VAC supply is properly grounded in junction box. Check to be sur€ fuel supply is properly connecled. Main burner goes out whllc being In operatlon. No fuel supply. High limil svitch is defective or has reached its maximum lemperature. lmproper vent cap installation. Check to be sure incoming fuel supply is properly connected. Allow unit to cool. Then repeat lighling instructions. lf pllot burner remains lit atter the flre- place warms up, the switch is good. lf 1 above does auow tor ignition, or the fireplace continues to shut-otf, disconnecl the limit surltch wire from the gai valve and repeat lighting instructions. It the pilot and burner remain lit aft6r the tireplace warms up, re- place th6 limit s,vitch. Do not use the fireplace until the high limlt switch ls replaced and properly wired. Check for proper installation and fre€dom lrom debris or block- age. lll. Glass soots.lmproper vEnturi s€tting. lmproper venturi setting. Debris around venturl.c. Adiust the airshutterat lhe base of the burner. Adjust the air shutter at the base of the burner. lnspecl the base of the burner. ll ls imperative that NO material be placed in this opening. Flame bums blue and lifts off bumer. lnsutticient orygen being supplied.Ch€ck to make sure vent cap is installed prop€rly and free of de bris. Check to make sure that no d€- bris has b€en placed around the base of the burner. MODEIS : 8(M)TVFL 60MTWL Page -25- ) ,rn .r-nto r,rrr^", ,r{rs, tNc. IX. REPLACEMENT PARTSwhen requesting service or replacement parts for your fireplace, please provide model numberand serial number' All parts listed in this manual may be ordered from an authorized dealer.A. STANDING PILOT ONLY Valve LP sRV40-501 Valve NG sRV40-500 sRV60-513Piezo lgnitor Thermopile sRV60-512 Pilot Orifice LP Pilot Orilice NG Pilot Assembly Lp sRV6rs05 sRV6r517 SRV6O-511A Pilot Assembty NG SRV6O-510A Pllot Tube .8OOOTVFL sRV410-301A -6OOOTVFL sRV425-301A Bumer Tube - 8000wFL sRV410-302A - GOOOTVFL sRV425-300A Page -26- M OD EI,S : 8000TVF I. 6M0TVF L r*r-trEpLAcE pnoDr"r",,*". ) B. DSIIGNITION ONLY DSI Valve LP sRV77-501 DSlValve NG sRV77-500 Transformer sRV60-s99 DSlModule SRV42G-592 Electrode sRV77-591 Burner Tube - SOOOTVFL SRV41T3O3A .oOOOTVFL sRV422-302A MODELS : EONTVFI+ fiU0TVFL Page -27- ) rror-r-nro FtREpLAcE p*olrr,,r". C. BOTH STANDING PILOT AND DSI IGNITION High Temperature Limit Switch sRV92-531 Burner - sOOOryFL NG sRV410-326A - 8OOOTVFL LP sRV410-325A - oOOOTVFL NG sRV422-176A - GOOOTVFL LP sRV422-175A Burner Orifice - 8OOOTVFL NG sRV67-800 - SOOOTVFL LP SRVTHO3 - oOOOTVFL NG sRV79-830 - oOOOTVFL LP SRVTHO3 Or/Off Rocker Switch sRV60-525A Glass Dogr Assembly - sOOOTVFL GLA-8FL - oOOOTVFL GLA_6TFL Glass Glip Assembty SHV6O-135AX Wing Nut SRV6G€72 Page -28- M OD E IS : &OMTVF I. 6W0TV F L L .- !^nr.trrr^cE pnoDucrs,,r". ) c. STANDINo ptLoT AND DSt 'GNTiON (CONT.) W Trim Door . SOOOTVFL DF-8000 - 6000 MoDELS (MESH)DF-6000 - 6000 MoDELS (NO MESH)DF-36 Log Set Assembly . SOOOTVFL LOGS-8FL .GOOOTVFL LOGS-6FL MODEIS : E(NWTVFI. 60MTVFL Page -29- Paga -30- M OD E lS : 80007V F I- 6M0TVF L *Q *EpLAcE pno'u"r",,*". ) LIMITED 1O YEAR WARRANW HEAT-N.GLO GAS FIREPLACE PRODUCTS ln order to presumptively establish lhe dates to which your HEAT-N-GLo Limited l0 year warranty runs, youmust mail the completed warranty card to HEAT-N-GLb rtneplece pnoDucis, tNc., 6665 w"'ri xiJnirlv13' savage, MN 55378, within 60 days of the date ol.tireplace instaltation. liyou tait to do so, vo, 11.,"-v u"required to prove the date of installation before warranty work can be performed. The.warranty exclusions and limitations of liability are effective upon installation of the fireplace. subject to the conditions set forth herein, HEAT-N-GLo FIREPLAoE PRoDUCTS, tNC. fHEAT-N-GLO)extends the following waranty with respect to HEAT-N-GLO Gas Fireplace F.or.tr. It HEAT-N-GLo is reasonably satisfied that any part or portion ot lhe fireplace covered by this Limited warranryis defective in material orworkmanship under normal use and service as described in the operating Instructions,HEAT-N-GLO will take the following actions: 1' lf lhe defect is reported during the first year from lhe date of installation (stainless steel burners and fiber logsarecoveredfor3years), HEAT-N-GLowillreplace orrepairthe defectivecomponentsat itssoleexpense. Thedecision whether to replace a componenl shall be made at HEAT-N-GLo,I so|e discretion. This Limitedwarranty does not covercomponents broken during shipping, misuse orcaltess handling. HEAT-N-GLoshall b€ not responsible.forany indirect, incidental, or consequentialdamages or for any costs otherthan thoseincurred by HEAT-N-GLo to repair or replace the d.efective "orpon"ni"rr *mponents (including venting)otherthan factory approved components are used, allwarranty and liability on theiireplace is voioeul oetectsreponed after the first year will not be covered by wananty untess itrey fall within 6e purview orparagraph2or3below. 2' ll the lollowing defects are reported during the second year afler lhe date of installation, HEAT-N-GLq willsupply replacement parts at the current wholesale price: defective electrical or manual components, optionalcomponents or accessories, and glass panels (not including glass panels broken during misuse or'carelesshandling)' HEAT-N'GLO shall not be responsible tor any tabor, transportation or other costs. Furthermore,it shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental or consequenlial damages. 3' HEAT-N'GLo will replace or repair a defective firebox or heat exchanger, at any time during the 10 years f romthe date of installation. Tlf.*:,.t'f."lhetherto replace the defectivJcomponlnt shal be made at HEAT-N-GLo's sole discretion' HEAT-N-GLO shall not be responsible lor any indirect, incidental or consequentialdamages or for any costs other than those incurred by HEAT-N-GIo lo iepai, or replace thtdf"cii;"component. This Limited wananty is the exclusive remedy available to you. lf HEAT-N-GLo cannot etfeciively resolve awarranty problem in an expedient and cosl-effective mannLr, it can discharge its entire warranty liability byrefunding the price of the product to you. :#1y:::i1,"^:f:1"'Jllil1"],uTsr *!:rryrsotd with rhefireprace oraddedrhereafter, are Norcovered bythis Limited warranty. The use of other unauthorized components will make this warranty nu1 and voio. rrrjlLimited wananty will also be void if the appliance is not instatted by a qualifieJ instailer in accordance with theInstallation lnstructions. Furthermore,the Limitedwarrantywillbe uirio itttr"tirepiace isnotoperated, atalltimes,according.to the operating Instructions fumished with thi fireplace. Any seilce work must be performed byauthorized service representatives. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT-PRO_V-IDED BY LAW, NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES,INCLUDING WARRANTIES oF MERCHANTABILIT oR FlTr.rEss ron e Fanircur-an puRposE, sHALLAPPLY To THE FIBEPLACE PRODUOT. In States that do not allow limitations on how long an implied warrantylasts,ordonotallowexclusionof indirectdamages,thoselimitationsorexclusionimaynotapptytoyou. youmay also have additional rights not covered in this Limited Warranty. I$I;[9tpf::::]1._t19!t111$e.9hang.es at any time, without norice, in desisn, materiat, speciricarionsand prices. lt also reserves the right to disconiinue styles and products. MODEIS : &0MTVFI. 6M0TVFL Page -31- Engineering, Inc. *olD^,a re.ptrl also A++qched' SOIL AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED RBSIDENCE LOT 45, VAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING NO. r. TOWN OFVAIL trAGLE COUNTY. COLORADO PROJECTNO. 9683 NOVEMBER 2.1996 q PREPAREDFo\- iff{ffit"'li;l'.\* '*:t c,' 'fft;;1"f$il31'**""&t5 Br$lli 0 r$36 .; p.o. BoxsT T$\i"fifi,ii1it$ itiii. Ur:'i vArL, co 81658 Town of Vai[ -' ' OFFIoE COPY P.O. Box 14i?,At'on,Colorado81620 . (970) 827-9088TeI . (9701827-9089Far Sr,rrift a TABLEOFCONTENTS E)(ECUTIVE STJMMARY SCOPEOFSTIJDY SITEDESCRIPTION PROPOSED CONSIRUCTION FIELD INVESTIGATION SUBSURFACE SOIL A.fD GROTJNDWATER CONDITIONS FOUNDAfiON RECOMMENDATIONS CONSTRUCTION PRECAUTIONS SLAB CONSTRUCTION RETAININGWALLS UNDERDRAINSYSTEM SNE GRADING AND DRAINAGE I..{WNIRRIGATION LIMITATION rIGURES LOCATIONSKETCH SI.'BSURFACE E]OLORATION LOGS S\IIELLCONSOLIDATION TEST REST'LTS DIS]RIBUTION PER,IMPTERDRAIN 2 2 2 J 3 3 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 DRAWINGNO.I FIGURENO's I &2 FIGIJRENO's 3-5 FIGURENO.6 FIGT'RENO.7 EXECUTTVE SUMMARY The proposed residence should be supported with strait shaft piers, with a minimum diameter of 18 inches, designed for an end bearing pressure of 20,000 psf. The piers should bear on solid bedrock and be socketed into the rock for a minimum of twice the pier diameter. See foundation recommendations. SCOPE OF STUDY This report presents the results ofa subsurface Soil and Foundation Investigation for a proposed residence to be constructed on Lot 45, Vail Village West Filing No. l, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Cotorado. The purpose ofthe subsurface soil and foundation investigation was to determine the engineering characteristics of the foundation soil and to provide recommendations for the foundation design, grading, and drainage. Geologic hazards are addressed in a report prepared by E.O. Church Engineering, Geological Consultants. Their report is appended. SITEDESCRIPTION - Lot 45 is at 1827 Alpine Drive in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. The lot is on a north facing, steep hill, on the north side of Alpine Drive. The topography of the building site is steep. From the road down to the lot, the first 20 feet, the slope is 70 percent. From there to the back ofthe lot, it is about 40. Drainage is to the north. The vegetation consisted of aspen and evergreen trees. Lot 49 to the west has a residence, while Lot 45 and the lot to the east are vacant. LKP Engineering Inc. o PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION Based on a set ofplans by Fritzlen Pierce Briner, dated 8-12-96, it is understood that the proposed residence will consist of supported with piers. A bridge will connect the building to the road. A garage will be constructed on the uppermost level of the building, which is at a road grade. A retaining wall is planned for the support ofthe bridge at the roadside. Loads are anticipated to be light, typical ofresidential construction. If the finalized plans differ significantly from the above understanding, we should be notified to reevaluate the recommendations of this report. FIELD INVESTIGATION The field investigation conducted on October 28, 1996, consisted of drilling, logging and sampling three test borings. The test boring locations are shown on Figure No. L The drilling of the test borings was done with a 4-inch diameter continuous flight power-auger on a track rig. The rig was lowered to the proposed building site by a large tow truck. During drilling, the rig was held in place by cables from the tow truck. Soil samples for laboratory soil analysis and observation were taken at selected intervals. Samples were e)dracted by advancing'California'' and a Standard Split Spoon Samplers with a 140- pound hammer, falling 30 inches. Summary of the soil profiles, values of the Standard Penetration Resistance, and depths at which soil samples were taken are shown on the Subsurface Exploration Logs, Figure No's one and two. SUBSURFACE SOIL AND GROUNDWATER CONDITION As shown on the Subsurface Soil Exploration Logs, Figure No's one and two, t!q!9{ encountered was fairly uniform. Old landslide deposits and slopewash material covere4the bedrock These deposits ranged from 28 to 30 feet. Two feet of topsoil was observed in thb borings underlain....\-./-=------l- LKP Engineering, Inc. by five to 8 feet ofclayey sand to sandy clay, This soil layer exhibited swelling during laboratory testing. Below the clayey soil were interbedded layers of clayey-gravelly sand with thin gravel layers, cobbles and boulders. In Boring No. 1, from 19 to 27 feetwas, very soft, gavelly clay with topsoil. From 30.5 to 33.5 feet was weathrygJojgtrllgg! with a practical drill rig retusal at 33.5 feet. In lglggA"r2rylr.tga boulder *gAgjruntggk!21&gt. Near Boring No. 2, one additional boring was drilled. In BoriryIor2{tJfusal was encounlged at 28.5 fe_et. 9round water was not swelUconsolidation, natural moisture content, unit weight and grain size distribution. The test results are shown on Figure No's three to six. Review of the Ofiicial Town Maps for the Town of Vail, shows Lot 45 as a Geologically Sensitive fuea. Figure No. 3, GeologicHazardMap by Lincoln DeVore, dated 8-16-82, part of the Official Maps of the Town of Vail, shows Lot 45 within hazard classification number 5, Metastable Slopes. The geologic hazards were analyzed by E.O. Church Engineering, Geologic Consultants. Their report is appended. FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS The proposed residence should b" suppotted *ith sttui b"g!ry-k A minimum pier diameter of lR:igrhes lg reggnme de{ @ an end bearing pressure of 20,000 psland be socketed into the rock for a minimum of twice the pier J^--.-\--- -_-+.-+ 5!ram"tT According to the soil logs of the test borings, the depth to solid bedrock varied from 28.5 to 33.5 feet. ne upper clayey soil, with expansion potential, should not be used as backfill material. This material should be Pier drilling should be observed on full time basis, to verify the soil conditions. Each pier hole should be inspected before concrete placement. The bottom ofeach hole must be cleaned from loose soil and water. LKP Engineering, Inc. CONSTRUCTION PRECAUTIONS An access road and a level area for the pier drilling equipment will be necessary on th! site ,--.v- To prevent accidents, with the steepness of the site and the existing residences on the downhill side ofthe proposed building site, every step should be planned ahead. Fence barriers, to catch soil or rocks rolling down the hillside, should be constructed in place before excavation for the access road begins. Afill cannot be placed directly on steep slopes. The site should be benched first. All foundation work, and site preparation, should be done in a dry season. SLAB CONSTRUCTION The natural on-site soils, are not suitable to support corrgqglg& Damage caused by the swelling and shrinkage of the clayey soil will be excessive. Since the site is too steep for earthwork operations and soil replacement, ry{gggttlTlgrylpg9for this site. The crawl space should be properly vented according to the building code requirements. RETAINING WALLS lh.':!ei$-qeJ4!to1ttr9 u-1-0e9rsypp_ort, ry44!1gppe{9l'vi!!Lpte4s-TE ulPerjlEgl. soil, with expansion potential should not be used as backfill material. This material shqUld-be ggllatJ_d{gJ9plry9qf4yg!__ly"]IgigL Foundation walls retaining earth and retaining structures that are laterally supported should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid density of 70 pcf for an "at-rest" condition. Laterally unrestrained structures retaining the on-site earth should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid density of 50 pcf for the "active" case. - The above design recommendations assume drained backfill conditions and a horizontal backfill surface. Surcharge loading dueto lateral pressure ofthe swelling soil, adjacent structures, weight of temporary stored construction materials and equipment, inclined backfill, and hydrostatic pressure due to undrained bacldll should be incorporated in the design. Every attempt should be made to prevent the buildup of hydrostatic pressure behind the retaining wall. LKP Engineering, Inc. loaded slab-on- UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM To reduce the risk of surface water infiltrating the foundation subsoil.lggtallatqgg-- jloundation pgirUctSLdrarqlg;saeil1ulAlrdei. Also, without suitable drainage, a perched ground water condition can develop in a bedrock foundation soil. A foundation perimeter drain as detailed on Figure No. 7 is recommended to reduce the risk of surface water entering the pier shaft. SITE GRADING AND DRAINAGE general in nature. The site surrounding the building structure should slope away from the building in all directions. A minimum of l2 inches in the first l0 feet is recommended in unpaved areas, and three inches in the first l0 feet in paved areas. The top ofthe granular foundation backfrll should be covered with a minimum of I foot of relatively impervious fill to reduce the potential of surface water infiltrating the foundation subsoils. Surface water naturally draining toward the proposed building site should be diverted around and away from it by means of drainage swales or other approved methods. The roof drains and downspouts should extend and discharge beyond the limits of the backfill. LAWNIRRIGATION Sprinkler system is not recommended for this site. Erosion control and revegetation should be canied out to protect the stability ofthe steep slope. LIMITATION This report has been prepared according to locally accepted professional Geotechnical engineering standards for similar methods of testing and soil conditions at this time. There is no other wananty either expressed or implied. LKP Engineering, Inc. 7 The findings and recommendations of this report are based on field exploration, laboratory testing of samples obtained at the specific locations shown on the Location Sketch Figure No. I and on assumptions stated in the report. Soil conditions at other locations may vary which may not become evident until the foundation excavation is completed. If soil or water conditions seem different from those described in this report we should be contacted immediately to reevaluate the recommendations of this report. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Mr. Steve Arnold, c/o Fritzlen Pierce Briner, for the specific application to the proposed residence on Lot 45, Vail Village West Filing No. l, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. LKP ENGINEERING,IN Luiza Petrovska, PE President LKP Engineering,Inc. LOT 42 LOT LOT ourut . cluvcEorEcnMcll Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 1432 AYpn, CO El62o tct (970) 827-90E8 lor (970) 827-9089 .LOCATION SKETCH PnoEcr a: 96g1 LOt 15. UA/, Y'u,A6€ r€ST nW6 NO. t . fo},/u oF uAtL, EAGLE COUNTY COLORAOO PREPAREO F8: FRITZI"EN PIERCE BRINEB s^tE -t"-3o' DAE: , | -or-96 DRAuNC NA: 1 -u- BORINGNO. 1 1 DATEDRTLLED: october 28, 1996 ELEVATION: DEPTTI FEET BLOWS PER FT. s Y M B o DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL AND SA.N,'P[T, LOCATION LABORATORY TESTRESULTS REMARKS -5 -_t0 -- t5 -25 -- 30 ---- J) f Topsoil 25/12 ,)9'Rit E Light brovn to brown' sandy- gravelly Clay with roots Ttrin gravel layers at 4 & 6 ft DD-115.2 pcf MC= 9.L % 23/12 :1 Bro$n, clayey-gravelly Sand DD-118.8 pcf MC= 12.1 % L3/12 E Bro$n, clayey Sand DD=l12.0 pcf MC= 13.1 % 50/3 Gravel' with cobbles and borr'l ders B/6 0 Dark Brolrn, gravelly ClaY, organic MC= 10.6 % 50/2 I Coarse, slightly clayey-sandy Gravel 50/o I Weathered Bedrock Refusal on Bedrock at 33.5 ft.No Ground Water Etcountered LEGEND: O 2-inch O.D. Califomia Liner Samplc (rclativcly undistuftcd senPlc) I l-3/8-inch I.D, Splil Spoon Samplc (distuttcd sanple) 24t12 Drivc samplc blow cour( Indic.t6 that 24 blo$s ofa 140-pound hanrnct falling 30 inclrcs wcrc rcquircd to drivc 0re Califomia or the Split Spoon Samplcr I 2 inchcs DD - Natural Dry Density (pcf1 I\,lC - Natural Moisturc Conient (%) -200 - Percent passing No, 200 sievc LL - Uquid Umit PI - Plasticity Indcx T I'D T'N/fTT\rFE'DTNI: TNI^srTRsrlpn^ an n.YpT.nn aTrrlN r.n(: PRoJEcrNo. 9683 !!^rrvt srv. FIOIjRENO. 1 T 'DATEDRILLED: OCtObEr 28, 1996 BOR]NGNO.2 & 2A ELEVATION: DEPTII FEET BLOWS PER F'T. s Y M B o t DESCRtrTION OF MATERIAL AND SAMPLELOCATION LABORATORY TEST RESULTS REN4ARKS -5 -10 *15 -- 20 -25 -- 30 -35 /TopsoiL 26/L2 23/L2 o E Light brown to brown, clayey sand to sandy Clay, with roots lltrin gravel layer at 6 feet )D-105.9 pcf u{C= 9.7 % DD=1.13.3 pcf ,,lC= 16.0 % 25/TL Brown, clayey-grave1ly Sand with cobbles and boulders Ttrin gravet layer at 10 feet ,{C= 13.8 % -)rl/'|-a1 1 Large boulder at 21 feet refirsatirrBoring:No;-? - reathGrea-FiioCk RdfuSaIEt 28.5 feet in Boring No. 2A \tro Ground Water r'-ncountered LEGEND: tr 2.inch O.D. Califomia Liner Sanplc (rclatilcly undislurbed sanPlc) I l-3/8-inch I.D. Split Spoon Samplc (dilu6ed samplc) 24112 Drive sample blow count Indicales lhat 24 bloun ofe 140'pound hammcr falling 30 inclrcs wcrc rcquircd to &ivc rhc Califomia or thc Split Spoon Sarnplcr I 2 inchcs. DD - Natural Dry Dcnsity (pcf) MC - Natural Moisturc Contcnt (o/o) -200 - Pcrccnt passing No. 200 sievc LL - Liquid Limit PI - Plasticity Index T I'D T'N':TNFFD TN'] TNT.|SI]BSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG PRoJEcrNo. 9683 r-^u srr \r! r!s^r ! vt stv. RGURENO. 2 LKP Engineering, f"O ProJcct No. 9683 FigurcNo. 3 aso I co tc.Gt CIxlrl q .9 c a1 eoo c? .9 c C' C\.4 Iul C3o o c.E-o(, be I I I I II II I II o. I l.o APPLTEO PRESSURE - KSf lo too somple of Sandy CLay v/roobs fromBoring No. 1 at 3 feet Nofurol Ory Unit Weight = LL5.2 Pct 0.8% swe11,/3.5 ksf swell pressure Noturol l.,loisture Conlent : 9.1 perccnt l l L L I L l'o lo loo APPLIED PRESSURE - KSf o.l Somptc of Clayey-graveUy Sand fromBoring No. 1 at I feeC Noturct Dry Unit Wcigh1 : 118.8 pof Noturol Molrture Conlcnl . 12.1 pcrccnl LKP Engineering, I"O Projcct No. 9683 Figurc No. 4 beo I So Ez c.oc,fl c .9 o:.2 Eoo qo cIextd o <t e-E-oo o.t LO APPLIEo PRESSURE - ksf sonple of ClaYeY Sand Nolurol Dry Unit Weight = Nolurql Moislure Conlent = from Boring 1.12.0 pcf 13.1 'Percent t.o 10 APPLIED PRESSURE - K3f Sornplc of Clayey Sand Nolurcl Dry Unit Wclght r Nolurol llolrturc Conlcnt 3 from Boring No. I it 3.5 feeb 105'9 pcf 0.4% sweu/r.S ksf swe1l 9.7 pcrccnl LI(P Engineering,ItO Projcct No. 9683 Figurc No. 5 so I ;eo .E2t!c.o A,il c .9 oe2 Eo(, c?0 coq r<l C!o C' A-E-oo APPLIEO PRESSURE - KSf Somple of Sandy Clay Noturol Dry Unil Weight Noluro I l'loielure Conlenf from Boring 113.3 pcf 16.0 percent . No. 2 at 8.5 feet APPLtEo PRESSURE - ksf Somplc of from Nolurol Dry Unit Woighl: pcf Nolurql l,lolrlurc conlcnt = plrcGnt o ocrooo99000o = - .., + t, ro l'\ @ or *Jooq{ rt @ r-.1 .tJ ttt c\I oz qr .r{ =clx !,r =o o - € (o U' x_{r,| OJ (6 l{u| I>r 0,llr(ot(U.t F{(ol c) cf) |I€c olo t\ o!o (\, (o @ \o d E z UJ oE =F *l l'-' I.l RI:q, ctLat tiJ (J z<f a'lz (tz, z, Fr IJJct Glo UJ tJ o4r0 =t- Percent Coarser by Hei ght Percent Finer bY l'lel ght Project No. 9693 t,)o<t il ot i; ooOCh I.,KP ETGINEERIIE, IIiIC. Figure No. 6 GRNN SIZE DISTRIBTIIION f, S si.\F\\ 3pSTRUCTURAL FLOOR BACKF|LL _ FILTER FABRIC f6 ffia,i CRAWL SPACE k :-!{t\ AS I2-INCH'S OF COARSE GRAVEL MAX. SlZE 2 INCHES WITH LESS THAN 52 FINES 4_INCH DIAMETER PERFORA TED PIPE SLOPED fO A SUILABLE OUTLET AT I/4" PER FOOT FOR FLEXIBLE AND AT 1/8,' PER FOOT FOR RIGID PIPE 6 tr.o p J b clvtL/GEoTEcHNIcAL Engineering, Inc. P.0. Box 1452 Avon, Co 81620 tel (970) E27-90E8 fox (97O) 827-9089 LOT 45. VAIL VILLAdE WESI FILING NO. I TOtt t 0F vAtL EACLE COUN|Y COLORADO PREPARED FOR: FRITZLEN PIERCE BRINER | 1-01-96 E.O. CHURCH, ENGINEERS & tNc. GEOLOGISTS November 7, 1996 LKP Engineering, Inc. ATTN.: Luiza PeErovska P.O. Box 1452 Avon, CO 81620 Subject: Geological Engineering Hazards InvesEigaLion 1827 Alpine DriveLot 45, Vail Village West Filing No. 1 Vail-, Eagle County, Colorado Job No. 7649 Dear Luiza: As requested, we visited t.he subject site on September 28' l-996 Eo assess geological hazard.s relative to residential construcLion. We have reviewed your soil and foundation investigaLion reporE for Ehe site, Project No. 9683, dated November 2, 1995. The purpose of Ehis IetEer is to present our eval-uagion of geological hazards aL the Site in accordance with the Town of Vail Hazard Reg|trlations. The site is located on the slope north of (below) Alpine Drive. IE. is approximately 120 feet wide and 90 feet deep. The slope is relatively smooth and about 2tL (horizonEal:vertical) or 50 percent. The downhitl side of Alpine Drive aE the top of the siEe consists of a fill embankment. about l-O to 15 feeL high with a slope of approximat.ely t-!/4tL. Vegetation on the siEe consists of scattered, mature aspen, spruce, and pine Erees. A small drai-nage area lies east of Ehe site on the adjacent Iot. A residence is proposed in the cenLer of t.he site. Automobile access to a garage at road elevation will be by a bridge from an abut.ment at the r-oad 1o the house. We understand liEEle or no grading will be reguired for the develoPment. The siEe is located within Hazard Area.5 as defined Hazards Investigation & Subdivision EvaluaEion, which a portion of WesE Vail including uhe site area, by by the Geologic rvas prepared for Lincoln Devore, as ttmetastabletrdaied August 16, l-982. Hazard Area 5 i-g-described slopes.l-n sEable but not necessaril poLentially unstable (Hazard Areas 4, 4G, ai6a is the Engineeringg.rg v, and Geologit Hazardi Map-Series of Eagle County, Robinson, t9'75. The maps indicate Uhe site lies on the slope below an elevaEed sEream terrace, mainly to the southwest, and above a younger stream terrace. A debris fan dieposit is indicaE,ed east of the site, associaEed with the drainage arLa at thaE locaEion. A large debris slide area is mapped on the slope above the siEe, but the site itself is not mapped in a known landslide area. 925 East 17th Avenue (303) 832-9692 . Denver, Colorado 80218-1407 FAX (303) 832-3s17 P.O. Box 2869 . Evergreen, Colorado 80437-2869 (303) 674-0660 FAX (303) 674-0813 z Mat.erials encountered in the soil and foundation investigabion borings consisEed of interbedded layers of clayey, gravelly sand, frequent.ly containing boulders. A layer of gravelly, organic clay was encoun- tered in one of Lhe borings. weathered bedrock was encountered aE depths of 27 and 30.5 feet, roughly the same elevation, given Ehe difference between surface elevations aE the EesE hole locations. Based on our site visiE, Ehe published geology maps, and Lhe drilling resulEs, we interpret Ehe subsurface materials to consist mainly of int.erbedded aI1uvia1 deposiEs from Gore Creek when it flowed ats higher elevations. Colluvial slope deposits may be mixed in and likely manLle the slope surface. we observed rocky, clayey silt and sand colluvial maEerial in the road cut south of the siEe. No ground waEer was encountered in the borings to the maximum depths drilled of 28.5 and 33-5 feet. Sma1l. slumps exisL on the uphi-1I side of Alpine Drive opposiue the sJ-Le, exEending eastward down Ehe road into t.he drainage area. These slumps apparenLly have existed since aE least L982 as they are specifically mentioned in the Lincoln Devore report (page 15), and may have been initiated by excavaEion for Alpine Drive. The slumps have not disrupted the existing pavemenL or curb-and $ltter on Alpine Drive. No siqns of slope instabilitv were observed on Ehe lot or a a i a c e n e *E#b-n -i n di s uLi;E-e d-ha t?Yi a 1'6h - rn 6t o* nnTl-l-^s i d e o f A I p i n e Dri-ve. Slow surficial- soil creep, like1y limiEed to the uppermost 1.-.-.-=i--- -Ftr-e--x ite=l-,b=--ecE-us-eor 2 teeE ot so1l, Is belleved to be taKrng pJ-ace on -..- ---:J ------t'r-tts--refaElve clanat]'on -taclng pos]-tr]-on. The resul t s of our s iLe vi s i t diq_ ngqjO:l9lry-cly-9991.3g+9-!3??ld: wh i ch wou 1 d p reven t E he _p ropo s eA--A-evel-oDF6nq: !fi e Er opre gpp_gg r-q glQ EEeitlE-lnae?-ple6elf _"o-re-lfiS!E; - --rha---5I[mbE--atE6sB-Al-pine Drive ffiivlcy=bf--the area to slope inst.abifiE.y, however. It. is critical that, t.he proposed developmenL not change t.he presently stable Slope by earthwork or drainage changes. Cuts int.o the slope and fills bn the slope should be avoided, as boLh types of grading could. destabilize lhe slope. MosL importanE is control of surface and subsurface drainage, because increased subsurface moisture usually-is the etement which causes slope failures. Runoff from Alpine Drive should noE be allowed to flow onto the sit.e. Runoff from the structures should be carried well away from foundations. If the .runoff is concentrated, it must. be directed to locations where iL will not cause erosion or damage to the properLy adjacenE on the downhill side. Drainage from Ehe dEveloped L,ot ag on ttre wesL side of the site should aISo be controlled so it does not spread onto the siEe or cause erosion. We understand pier foundations dritled ingo bedrock will support the structures, and a crawl Space haS been recOrmnended Under the hOuSe- For these conditions, building loads will not be imposed on the slope and wilt noL affect slope stabiligy. Also, no structural elements will rest directly on ghe ground surface, and any soil creep which may occur would not have an effecE on the structure. In concLusion, we believe there are no geologic conditions which wil} prevent development for a single-family residence as proposed.. we leconunend final site plans be reviewed by a geotechnical engineer 3 prior to constranction, and the foundation. consEr:uction should be-observed by the engineer to check for unanticipaUed conditions. If cutss or fills were made on Ehe slope, or if structural loads were added to the slope, we would reconunend a complete slope stability analysis be performed. This would require addiEionat drilling and more comprehensive soil Eesting. We ltould be pleased to provide additional consultaEion in this regard if needed. If there are any questions, or if 1r'e can be of further service, please caII. Very Eruly yours, E.O. CHTJRCH, INC. -Y--\ '/-,tl\\./-\ '61,t-\-\&\ l(- Damon R- Runyan, P.E. Geological Engineer 3 copies sent .#f-.;r'&* $l,h# o L2/L6/SO 0912? F,LX, 070{704001 ";' lf; ii:rJi'#, -*f t'?""Eflt. L..'{,H- rEtq{,,, Eftffi Dccder L!' 1996 eeal, - Yery Lnrl)' yours' E,O. cEurcE, rNe- #fff?,T="Frolil :J $l$**ffiru'f, tt*"'J*'* Job uo' Dc-E !|llaa: #"*.*:;:q*"+*gm* '*W*f*tmwmm*;g'*-* tf tbafe afe rlrlr (IucDttoos' e* i! r'r ceIrItG of Sufghrr 6asrrice' Plraoc FRITZLEN PIERCE lg 001 @r.r*t 17.f,l1| TOfirI- F -lt:l I -orh"* !'- IilBYd' P'l fiEEsc:"r rPfriaer 3 coPles rmc r2/t3/gE 16:1I TX/RX 1{o.623s P.001 FritzlenPierceBriner 1650 E. Vail Valley Drive, Suite C-l o Vail, Co.81657 . (970) 4766342 t Fax: (970) 476-4901 October 11,96 Charlie Davis, Plans Examiner, TOV Re: Arnold Vail Residence Permit Submittal Charlie, Attached are the plans for the Arnold Residence to acquire the building permit. Several weeks ago an issue was raised by the Town Planning Department and Public Works department. The concern pertains to the physical geologic location of the project. The timing of this could not really have been worse, as we were about to submit for permit and begin construction. Performing the additional tasks this problemhas requiredhas delayedus about a month. In order to expedite things at this point we are submitting the plans as currently designed, for current htown conditions. However, per conversation with both Dominic Mauriello and Terry Martinez, the permit is not to be issued until the soils (and associated) investigations have been done andreports issued. Ifthese reports address specific construction requirements (drainage, foundation design, etc.) we will adjust the plans and submit them to replace any appropriate drawing sheets. The majority of the plans should not be afected. Please call me if you have any questions or comments. Thanlcs! fc: Dominic M, Terry M. L 19604\DOC\TOV l0l I.DOC Sincerely,