HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 1 LOT 47 LEGALFr LE # ..*.€. :..(2-..7-Z EAGLE CO. PLAN. COMM. fiEE?,T,? "3!"2 g.o:r lilr. David Haifleigh bx 2423 Vail, Colorado 81557 Re: Foundlation Investigation Lot- 47, Vail Village lfest Filing No. I Eagle CouDty, Colorado Project No. V-9O71c Dear ltlr- ffaifleigh: In accordlance with your instructions, we have performecl the above referenced foundation investigation. This investigation consisted of ex- cavating tvro exploratory test pits to depLhs of 11.O feet be low the existing grouna level. Supplementary laboratory tests were made otr representative saq>Ies andl the results analyzed. 1ltris report presents our conclusions andl foundation recomenalations. llhe locations andl depths of the test pits were determined by tbe soils engineer ancl tiey rtere excavated .in ttre approri 'nate locations shown on the Test Pit Iocation Plan, Figrure 2. Ground surface elevations were secured by interpolation from a topographic sunrey performred by Richards Engineering. Ihe soil prcfiles encounter€d in the test pits are shown on the accom- panyihg test pit logs. Ground water was not founil in either test pit. It should be noted that etater levels rnay be influenced by seasonal variations. Various foundation t!T)e s have been considered irr light of the prevailing soil conditions and the project information supplied by Capp Hones. ft is unilerstoodl that the building will consist of a one-story flame structurerrith a baseDent area. The loads are consiilereil to be light to moderate. As inclicated by the test pits, the soils are suitable for supporting shallow fowrdations, ancl continuous and spread footings are considered to be the 'nost suitable and economical tlpe of foundation for srrpport of the strucEure. These for-rndations uray be placed in the stratrm of brown coarse to fine sandl with nunerous sandstone fragments, with design soi.1 pressures of 3500 psf. AII c-ontinuous footings must be properly reinforced to make tJren as Civil and Mechanical Engineering . Planning . Surveys . Subdivisions . Water and Sewer Systems Box c-lm -AvoN, C0L0ARD0 81620 -PH0NE 949-s072, DS{VER 893-1531 RECORO OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION ,"orr"t *ora ".ooo.* *tiu"rr"3o*tnu *o' *-2 LOCATIO Eagle County, Colorado pROJECT NO. orre _4-26-79v-9O71G SJRFACE ELEy.503.O1 sorl- DEscirPTror{ ien s. Dark broun moist clayey SILT, trace coarse to fine SAIID - bighly orgranic Brown, vety moist, very soft, sandy ct,Iff ' r' r' iiiii :,i,: BlowD dense, moist, coarse to fine SAND (ngmerous sand.stone fragrments) RElitARKS Penetration tests vJere not possible due to sandstone fragments. PROJECT LOCATTOil RE@RD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION BORING t{O. EP-l AmE Proposed Resldence Eagle County, Colorado 9119 4-26-79 PRC.'ECT NO. v-9071G STRFACE ELEV 499.Or sorL DEscR,'r.o,. BLors PER 6. Dark brown noist clayey SILT, trace _ coarse to fi!e- SAND - highly organic i::l:l i:i:i: ii'lil :l:irl Brown dense, mcriste coarse to fine SAIiID (nr:nerous sandstone frag- ments) REIIARXS Penetration tests were not possible due to sand.stone f ragfment s. !o: llr. Davidl Eaifleigh Pron: Richards Engineering Page 2 I(ay 2, L979 rigid as possible. It is suggested that continuous footings be reinforcedto -i nimize or eli-ninate any noticea.ble effects of potential. ctifferentialsettl€tnent. Additional reinforcilg should be provided at the junction of'the shallow footings and the basenent foundation to rninimize the effectof any differential movement between the two for:ndation levels. Foundations Dust be placed a [inj.rtuE of 4.O feet belorr the final gradein order to mini-mize the effects of frost action and seasonal variation inrcieture coDtents. BasenFpt areas Eust be prctected from the effectE of hydrostatic uplift by the provision of a suitable drainage systen. Prior to the placi-ng of floor sla.bs at or near the present grade, or before any aaldiLional floor supporting fiLl is ccnstructed, all traces oftopsoil and obviously conpressible soils must be removed and the subgradeproperly proof conpacted. New fill nust be placedl in layers of not Dre than nioe inches. (9") thickness and compacted to a minimrn density of 9Otof an Asnrt fI557 value. Floor slabs should be reinforcecl, as required, aral separatecl fro the foundation systen by proper joints to pemit a small E|lrrount of independent ncvement. After the plans and specifications are more complete, they should be reviewed with respect to prevailing soil conditions, and at that tiDe lt may be necessary to submit suppl,enenta!-y recornnendations. rf during construction any variations or unusual soiL conditions are encounteredr they should be brought to the attention of the soils engineer. Sincerely, Charles f'. President Division Manager Geotechnical Engineering IBS:cjn rs'e-6 *R\ _\ 3 o.n I L- urR Fl<ior'i\ .{ !J b:'...1 fr. tc -.{O. o +J roo Y q, tJ.,t oac I |l ,{t = t ffi 6-:-ti-- Lt {STffffiffiffi]I :Wi ffi$i{HS,WIl rq$fl:rt$f$ilNjDliilJ r \.s\ -n-* S, 3:, t*i Ir z$ s\ --{.,-' '*r > R. '.-. \'= \Cr >+&Nii :ss< <-+ \i ,,s .Y -\.<r\\ q\ .2' --.tt \-,.-ir -a . ./ _.{ ;=;=.=#Io'*ar "fltf, L taole -D #f--'i Cs $ e l, !--Ir:t3r 3, d Eii! :iiiii!i.ii >rlir.tiE.- ta!i.J:: a -*.'4 T\'\rffi* | ,.r/rri"y' llh--.-..'</''.1.'. -a_->/ i ,/ .i "4r-t* f,it ! ;t; ${#ii$ "il.,zili*iF :ii:: I'liii# .'$i:i ; i: t{ ?t;>.\il t ii ',fiiiiii-, iiiii z iit:li-rl 1| rli t, ^ fq'-.i!! t >.1i.: :;r,:;:i;- s. . iZ,i a aii:iiili $':i'ii:H"'ilii"!i \ 'i l!il;i, +s. g s e<E I :!.;:irti iii Eiii ri:igr;t: 7->: Yi5: ?i:i;!ii .ill iri ii I T iili i !:;;l -!iit{ z till ? [ffi i t ii:' ' iiiii 'i!l: ItililrlIt ;Fz. !; >t,a I oz F."l)\lrJ r-..)o ootrl ah-.1o Fl ${.Fl(t o.r{ (lo }{ :E c,oc oUl '.1 =3<t&Za oFutC'Qlrl :3?nEAo RIG|SnRO PR0fESSr0{At O{crNtnS R$SIAOUIiDgnVEfoRS tqay 23, L979 Mr David Haifleigh Box 2823 Vail, Coloraclo 81657 Re: Foundation Plan for Proposed Resj.dence I-.t- 47, vail Village west Filing No. 1 Project No. V-9071G Dear llr. Haifleigh: An examinat-ion of the foundation plans the with proposed residence indicates that they the following exceptions. l. The garage has been deleted frour the project, so the fourdationsfor the garage are superfluous. 2. The foundat.ion walL with the sa.ne elevations and design shall be continued from the rear wall tc,ward the front of the house on both sidesfor a distance of 14.5 feet (see notations on plans). 3. From the point stated in Item 2 above toward the front or the house on both sides the foundation and foundation wall shall be stepped dorrn 4.O feet. A four foot knee waII of the design shown on the foundation Plans shall be constructed on top of this foundation wall (see notations on plans) . 4. No. 5 reinforcing bars spaced each dj.rection in spread footings. AIso, tinuous nalL footings as shown on Sheet If you have any questions or if we may be of further assistance, please contact us at your convenience. Sincerely, t\*-\, Charles F. Spanel President sulmitted. by capp Homes for are adequate in alL respects at 9-inch center sha11 be placed steel shall be placed in all con- 4 of 7. 16153 IBS: cjn Civil and Mechanical Engineering . Planning . 5urveys . Subdivisions . Water and Sewer Systems 80x c-100 -Avor{. c0l-0ARD0 81620 -Pfls{E 949-5072. DEI{VER 893-1531 \ t RICHARDS ENGINEERINC FO 8d rr@ AYil. co 9620aYff 9.0-3072 DEilYER 893-ttll Test Pit Location PIan, ligurc 2 Proposed Haif leigh Residence Project No. V-9O71G 5-1-?9 I I !_sT 45 (r, I slol D t,ot a 6)o7m c)v rnm ^oa m a= o7o28'2d' L= 41.66- . R = 640.28- LOT +5 LST 49 LCT 48 i $". I\9 IN t fi t] ti I : I '/rfr\4,7- TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT L"4 qr $.,-.-\ r,.),. L\*.u-*r,-uo$ O NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BLJILD PERMIT Permit #: 804-0044 Job Address: 1876 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1868 West Gore Creek Drive Applied . . : 0410212004 Parcel No...: 210312307017 Issued . .. : 0510612004 ProjectNo : Expires. ..: ll/0212004 OWNER MUSSON, PAttL 04/02/2004 phone: 303-582-1916 PO BOX 5820 VAII., co License: APPIJICANr ABIr DESIGN AIID CONSTRUCTION 04/02/2004 Phone: (303) 444-448L L530 55th St. Suite 119 Boulder, Colorado 80303 IJicense z 762-9 coNrRAcToR cRrTrcAr PATH MANAGEMENII, TNO4/30/2OO4 phone: 970-47L-L379 PO BOX 4882 VAII-, co 81558 I-,icense: Description: New front entr€rnce and new garage Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type Construction: V B Valuation: $68,500.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireplace Information: Resticted: Y # ofcas Appliances: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0t|l|l|tt|l+ii.+**'|*.|'||'|:|*:|*|'t|***1''**'ll*'.{.*|*.|t|i|t||f|tt+t+t.itFEEsUMMARYtt'}ti+.,.|'++'+. Building---> 5775.75 Restuannt Plan Review-> S0. o0 Total Calculated F€es-> $1,284.64 Plan check-> $504.89 DRB Fee---------------> $O,00 Additional Fees-> $0 .00 lnvestigation-> 90.00 Recreation Fe------> $0.00 Total Permit Fee--> $'J-,284.64 WillCalt--> $3. oo Clean-up Dcposil.....-_> S0.00 Palrnents----> SL'284.64 TOTAL FEES------> S1,2s4.64 BAT.ANCE DUE-----> $0.00 Approvals:Ifem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARII{ENI 04/]-2/2004 rRM Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENI o4/t4/20o4 MRG Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARII,IENT Item: 05500 PIIBI-,IC WORKS o4/L9/2oo4 Ls Action: DN Awaiting for driveway revisions , 04/3A/2OO4 Ls red line the driveway set of p1ans. Act,ion: AP improvments on George Ruther has the field and town See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codeso design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR ANDOWNER 0c,r. PAGE 2 *'|:i,l*'|'|!t'|******,}:t't***:|**t|'|.*|*****'t*f*+'t*:|.,tf*1t*,t*:|t*l't**,t*'|.!*'}*{t!N.'t*!t*{.*||!'t******* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: 804-0044 asof05-06-2004 Status: ISSUED **'t**'t*'}'|'t'|t**'r*'**,*****'||*t*'}'|*|*|*tt|*'}*'t*{.'}{t*t***,}'}*'}t't*****,f*;t,i***:f**'f*'t'}*.t*!tt}i********!******!t,i{t,t***** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 04/02/2004 Applicant ABL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION INC. Issued: 05/0612004(303)4444481 To Expire: ll/02n004 Job Address: 1876 GORE CREEK DRVAIL Location: 1868 West Gore Creek Drive ParcelNo: 210312307017 Description: New front entance and new garage '|*'t*'|'}{t'tl''}*'t*'t*'}***,}*'}***'t'+l*'|t:}*'}|'i*{t'}'}'}'}{t*****{t'}Conditions**{l*lt:|.*||'!t,}'l.* Cond: 12 @LDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 @LDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQLIIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORYAS PER SEC.31O.9.I OF TTIE 1997 UBC. +++***'|**++*+****ll!|+**{'**al'{t*'}t+tl'*'}***+*******t+tt+*l'***tr*{'f++*+t+**i+'}r+*********+******* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statementl*+****+*+ f* t** a *+*+l'i**** + +'l **+ ** l'*{r*+** * a' ft **a t t** * ** ** * * * **************** ** +** +!} +*{.f:}*** * Statenent Nuriber: R040005759 Arnount: 9f,294-64 05/06/200401 :54 pM Payment Method: Check Inits: DDG Notation: Critical Path Management 1118 PErMit NO: BO4-0044 11|I)E: ADD,/A],T SFR BUII,D PERMIT Parcel No: 2L03L23070L1 Site Address: 1876 @RE CRXEK DR VAIIJ IJocation: 1868 WeBt Gore Creek Drive . Total Feea: il ,284 .54 This Payment: $1,284.54 Totat ALL pmt8: 5t,284.64 Balance: $0.0O | * | {' * ** + * * * +*'}'lt* *'}* * t t *l | ***'}* t**l'}|l t't't** t* * I ft * t t 't'{r* +'}*** t* *** *'t** * *'t*** +t * t* f +* * ++*** tf * * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Curr"ent Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES 776.75 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 504.89 I,\lC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO t t lLv+ -6s tl APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNEQ. ,'T;il;#-_:reus - o!1 Buildins Ppfm!!.{i NNVIIOPVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail. Colorado 81657 ical, etc.l CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: Ant Decrcn lfou<.-tr'Town of Vail Reg. No.: 7b2- 6 Contact And Pltottg$'s: 2a3. //{-4{ I ( 'r-rr tn^ €6 A LS O NJ r>e hfrr'. Lnu-redNcc \63-70/-Oo lO Zara Contg4cJor Signature; , l!14, - 6. da'^zzrtz-r COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials ao BUfLDING: $ tos-,ooa ELECTRICAL: $ l{OO e OTHER: $ PLUMBTNG: $ J: dO ll?MECHANICAL:$ /SVn ee-rorAl: $ lB.gAC - For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 97G328-8640 or visit Pale*#Jros/2bc7D17 Job Name: lil u 3{ a^t r(t='r, orlcg /dlxno e ) rob ^ddrcss: BzB /)q-/a<r cA c-* p <. Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: owners Name: fruL n{rr< 5oaj Add'ff};t (nvrrnt u.,/oparcpc (-_a)Phogn\ -znl -/q/6 ArchitecYDesiqner:--riieav "MTAAhDNft ^db.B]"i1o, vs'72- thrc zz P\%1.qvr- //s I Engin%ro^ Alsutr,p 4 Plwr: rqz- /.q/ AID i.lil a" i*ae Apo doot 6^rr"L-&n"A WorkClass: NewS Addition,,psJ Remodel( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior Q{ Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ({t.) Type of Btdg.: Singte-famity 1f) Two-famity ( ) Mutti-famity ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: /No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Type of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs (-n Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning ( ) Noffvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliance5 1 ; Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Woo{ Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (X)ffiExist Yes( ) tto(,44 ********r*sss**t********:r******FoR oFFlcE USE ON LY**t***!t*****l*****t**************r*** \Vailbatabdev\FOR MS\PERM ITS\BLDGPERM.DOC 07 n6n002 ll I0fth,ffi Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Development Project Name:.r 92o*{.o"t Project Address:/ACg ru.r.{ (-or< Cl..( / This Checklist must be ompleted heforc a Building Permit aoolication is aceoted, d Al pages of application is complete @ Aas DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy ofapproval form ** Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex ,{ pmplete site plan submitted --El' Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) .,g 'staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,oarkinq or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulderc without written aooroval o Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring o ,Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) fl fU floor plans including building sections and elevations@sets of plans for MultFFamily and" Commercial Buildings) t o Window and door schedule o Full structural plans, including design criteria (i.e,loads) o lStructural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) 4f SoitsReport must be submitted prior to footing inspection o Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated o Smoke detectors shown on plans o Types and quantity offireplaces shown Appticanfssisnature: / / /, / t .1,0V Date of suupJl-- Received BY(. +) \ \\Vailbata\cdev\FORMS\PERM ITS\BLDGPERM. DOC 04t02t2003 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME ' lCt,t'ttrt\; "a.tr:t, .' ...i. , r:.. .1....... ,4l.'... i.. . If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Depaftment Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Depaftment, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame, I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project t'tame: ilatso/tj '('r'Pr"cg Ga'oa t) out, /*/-O/ Signature F : everyoneforms/bld perm3 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telz 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Prcject llame: DRB Number: DRB030437 Project Description: New front entrance and new garage Paltclpants: OWNER PAUL AND EUSA MUSSON 09130/2003 Phone: 9402 CRYSTALLANE LONGMONT CO 80s03 License: APPUCANT PAUL AND EUSA MUS$N 09/30/2003 Phone: 9402 CRYSTAL LANE LONGMONT, CO JoniTaylor 80503 License: Project Address: 1876 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 1868 West Gore Creek Drirre Legal Description: Lot: 47 Block Subdivlslon: VAIL WLI-AGE WEST FIL 1 Parcef Numberz 2103L23070L7 Gomments: SeeConditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION MoUon By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of ApprcYal: 10/08/2003 Condi6onsr C.ond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Torn of Vail staff aM/or the appropriate rwiew committee(s). Cond:0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not aonstitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of apprwal. @nd:5 (PI.AN): PRIOR TO THE TOWN BUILDING DEPARTMENT CONDUCIING A FMMING INSPECTION, AN TMPRoVEMENT LOCATION CERIFTCATE (ILC) SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT A MINIMUM OF FORTY-EIGHT HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE a1 REQUESTED INSPECIION. ROOF RIDGES AT{D BUII.DING FOOTPRINT SHAI.I BE INDICATED OI.I THE ILC. Cond:9 !ftit5H#'mii:ffi"*"JffiffioffiHx"mf Bffi *apprcved DRB plans. Pbnner: George Ruther DRB Fse Pald: +2O.0O s4l3ql2ga4 L4tO7 3O344372La Rpr 5O O4 OOr ?2e CPn/noOh.. ABL CONSTRUCTION INC. 970 -3zl- tc'/'/ Flon: Rlched ilcGhor Orlr: a/30/20q PAGE g4 P. r cRrflcAL PATH MANA(IEI|IEI{T, lNC. P.O.EOX4862 VATLCOLORADO gt558 , FHONE 97047t.r97e FAIC 070€2|}1a77 FAX TRANSNITTAL To: Comp|'rF Frr: Ftu|': tu A,B,L. Coololrcllon 30it449210 309{44rt481 llrnon boilllng pcrnlt Colrriltlrc P|7 P.U m||onl InrlniolUonr, uD hav! oontrotrd thr Town otvJl in ofi|tf E havc thc butdl! Far[$ br ]asga(fo d.fion cwlbhcrf ho oui r!.f|.. In grdar b aenplbh lhlr, lhr Tan rrqulrn a LlEr from boftlpt{.. cotrnttilt|e th. .clbi} Pba srnd r dgnrd ffir on your lcorhoad nquidlt|g rde dlh! Fclmlt.Fpflcdofi b c-P-tl-. Ine. Thb.l*ru|(| b.trrcd ro J.R. Mondhgon rt |,7-r.7wz45z rtn commrntf' Dn *FTrrnt phonG nurnb.r b g7(H?$213!. plilt. copy nr-on th. lGtr, rl|o, Thank br }EUr hip. Rldild #e'mLB,8*,rNc Drtr: To: Gomprny Nanc: Frr..]{ufibor: Tclcphonc No. From: .Rrfbrrncr: a4l3ol2Aa4 L4ig7 34344372L4 AEit_ Ctl.lsTRUCTItt{ rts PAGE AL 1530 55th Sfreet Sulte I 19 Bouldec Cololodo 8ff103 (303> M48l . Fqx (3(B) 443-7210 FAX TRANSilFTAL Totel Nudrbcr of p!9.?Shrrt:Cbvr Tb Er|dd bdr3 lslcfued ir tnrodcrt ql, *ffi ff*d a adty o rrtict it ir drft cr6rl nd oey cfiqidauiiqtatlririrfog!4coftdodddcrqtfrodirotonuudrqflicdtohr. trlLcrcrdcof thfumr3cirmtrUlmOroAltclcYorcffiyniiifrcdttatoydbcobeio,dinibciocoqllilgof tE oGq"'rrr?i..ti6Firdcrlyf$tird. IfyoDevcrwcivcdtboonuaicdooiaorru,flcaruifyuiirdrhfi bt t lcplm rd titra tb qicind oorrejo o ru er tbc aborc rddltrs vir lb U.S. Fortrl Scrvie. Ttedlm- A4l3A/2994 L4iA7 3O344372L9 AE- C0l.tSTRr.-ETItI..l rNC APPLICATION WILI NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOTPLETE OR UNSIGNED Proirct#: PAGE 03 ll G m,ntr,taolttrll,f I lrttll I|f rtu.Ua 75 S. Frontagr Rd. Veil, Colondo 81t57 .AJ I COMPLETE FOR md.rhls BUfLDING: | 417 OOO. OO ELECTRTCAL: $ LflOO = OTHER:$ PLUMBING: t ,tA0. AO MEGHANIGAL:$ /, gOO 'e rornr,s l8,sao - For tt 9703284610 or vlsll Pnerl,t-. -'J/O3/2 3a7D / 7 Job Namc: lfi ussonl R g< zDepcE noxaress:7343 @ LGgrlDcecriptlon lLot lBtock lFlllng: lSubdhlrlon: ^'*E fR?nnTr/t R A n o r.r( i AddresFo. Ba x s-g& Aqprco \8:qn- tPB Ensiner:(p11 hxntrrpa Addre$irf.6. 6oX /e^?J_ V*tt,Co P0% qcq- ts ?/ Detailed descdption of work: Ar) D ilt a -/*tnfa' n^to ,t/Ad ErraY ?aPW WorkClass: Ncw() Addltion(fJ R€mod.l( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) O!!9Lll Work Typc Inbrior ( I Extetior fi) Both ( )Does an EHU cxist at thls location: Ye8 ( ) No ( ) TypeofBtdg.: singlc.family(p Twahmlty( ) Multi-femily( ) commetcial ( ) Rastaurant( ) othcr( )tr No. of Exlsung Dwelling Units In this buildlng: I No. of Accommodation Units In his buildinE; No/Tvo€of FlreplacesExistinS: GasApptianccs( I GasLogs( ) Wood/Psllct( I WoodBurnlng( ) No/Tvoe of Fireplacss proposed: Gas Applirnces 1 -1 Oas toqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) *rfr.rrrr..-rffifit rr.rrG.rirrnFtFoR oFFICE USE ONLY.*|*ritt "rGF'}tr|rfifit-eii'rH a4/3s/2AA4 L4ia7 3A344372L9 ABL CI]NSTRUCTII]N INC PAGE A2 1530 65th Street tulte 119 Bouldec Colorodo 803(B #nJ3,Tfs,8*,,Nc (30314444481 . F.ox (3ol)44s-721O April30, 2004 . Mr. J.R. Mondragon Town of Vall 75 South Frontage Road Oear lvtr. Mondragon: . ABL Design & Construction; l.nc. submitted a Town of Vail Buildlng Permit Application' for woik to be done at the.Musson Residence at 1E66 West Gore Greek Drtue- After submttting the appllsatlon, the owner has decided to have Critical Path Management, lnc. do the work, Plqdse release the application to Critlcal Path Management, Inc. P.O. Box 4882, Vail, . CO 81658 as ABL Design & Construc{lon, Inc. is no longer Involved in the prolecl. A copy of lhe appllcatlon is dttiched. Thank you for yourilme and help i4 this matter. Slncerely, 4h'* ts /iorr*',*- Alan B. Lawience i President .., CrttiratPath Mangement, lnc. . , @: Mr. & Mrs. Paul Musson. TOWNOF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vAtL. co 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT Permit #: 804-0044 T93-o3.( U Job Address: 1876 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1868 West Gore Creek Drive Applied . . : 04102/2004 Parcel No...: 210312307017 Issued . .. : 05106/2004 ProjectNo : ?RtO3 -o \cq Expires. ..: lll02/2004 OWNER MI'SSON, PAttL O4/O2/20O4 phone: 303-682-1916 PO BOX 5820 VAII-, co License: APPIJICAIIT ASIJ DBSIGIT AlrD CONSTRUCTION 04/02/2004 phone: (3O3r444-448L 1530 55th St.. Suite 119 Boulder, Colorado 803 03 License z 762-8 COI.ITRAETOR CRITICAL PATH I,TANAGEII{ENT, INO4/30/2004 Phone: 97O-47L-L379 PO BOX 4882 VAIL co 816s8 I-ricense: Description: New front entrance and new garage Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type Conshuction: V B Valuation: $73,500.00 Add Sq Ft 0 Fireplac€ Information: Resbict€d: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 Building---> $811. ?5 Restuaranl Plan Revi€w-> Plan Check--> S52? . 64 DRB Fec----> Investigation> Will Call----> # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pelle't 0 FEE SUMMARY tli+!!ttaratal+laa*ratala:}lllrraaraata'tattlt*4...r....rr'r'r.** So. o0 Total CalculsM Fees-> $1,342.39 $0. o0 Additional Fees->s0. 00 SO,O0 Recreation F€€-_-> SO.0O Total P€nnit Fe€-> $1,342.39 S3 . OO Clean-up Deposil-> $0 . 00 Pa)'rnents-----> 9t '342 .39 TOTAL FEES > $1,342.39 BAI AI\ICE DUE-> $0-oo Approvals:Item: 05100 BUIL,DING DEPART!,IEI|T o4/t2/2oo4 JRI( Action: AP Iten: 05400 PLANNING DEPARIT{ENT !4/L4/2OO4 MF(G Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARll,lENr Item: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS o4/L9/2O04 Ls Actions Dli[ Awaiting for driveway revisions . .04/39/2004 Is Action: Ap ceorge Ruther has red line the driveway improvments on the field aad townset of plans. araalalltlltattlr+alaaralal!!lllalttraalallllallaritttlatartatatttta*taattttttttttttlttttttttttl*attttrtataaaar'tt**aaart**ttattatattattltttlaaala See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQTJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 SIGNATURE OF OWNERORCONTRACTOR FORHIMSELF AND OWNER PAGE 2 *'|'}|t****'*'t*'t|'}*'t't*{.*:t***t!i''f!t*{!*'t'}{.***!t|t!t**'t***'t:|t:*f*||t't|*l'**'}f{t**********i{.***,t*,***l*'****** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 804-0044 as of 07-02-2004 Sratus: ISSUED lt'}:}'|t****'|*f'|'t***'}***'tt|!t|**{.{.*:}'}'t**'tt*'!*:l'}*!**'}'t{''}'}*!t||'}|*'t|***!i'*:**,****'}!t*'t.***{t*********** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 04rcA20M Applicant: ABL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION INC. Issued: 051061200/i(303W44481 To Expire: 1110212004 Job Address: 1876 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 1868 West Gore Creek Drive ParcelNo: 210312307017 Description: New fiont enfance and new garage *****|***,}**t|*:|*'}****{.*'|*+*|!t**,}l':t**!t**,*!t**|t******Conditions|!t'tf**'t*{t**'}***,}****,}'|t'}*****||**'|{tl.!}|t'}1t|t't*** Cond: 12 @LDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLIIRED TO CHECK FoRcoDE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 @LDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.9.I OF TI{E 1997I.JBC. fa*araaaatt**l+r*'fllaal*lafftlaaa*tttftt+attftftttatltatttatfttlttftataataat*ttttftattfalftt TOWNOFVAIL, COTORADO Sra@cnr *a****fat+l'a*a*aa***laattallfaaaf'}tafffl**alll*fa*+***r*f*aaaaa.|*tl*aa+t*aaaf{'aafa*aaalffaal gtatement Number: R0400061{2 AmouDt: gSZ.Z5 O7/O2/2OO4L1:30 A}1 Payment Method: Check Init! DDG NotatLon: Critical Path Mgrnt LL29 Pernlt No: 804-004{ Ttpe: ADD/ALT SER BttILD PERMTT Parcel l{o: 2L03L2307017glte AddreeE: 1gT6 ctORB CREBK DR VAIIJ IJocation3 1868 West Gore Creek Drlve ?otal Feee: 91, 342 .3 9 ThLs Palnn€nt: $57.75 Total AIJIJ pmEE: $1,342,39 Balance: $0.00allftf*aaa**'t*{'**tfltfaaata*a*tttaf*aaaa+***t***********tt*t'**t+a'}++*tt*t****t'|la*alftafa*tl ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current ffis BP OO1OOOO31111OO zuILDIlS PER}IIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 35. 00 22.75 l(RM"o""rLrANrs, rNc. P.O. BOX 4s72 VAIL, COLORADO 816{iE (970) 949-9391 (FAX) 94$'15t7 RECORD DATE: 711U2004 PROJECT: 1868 W. Gore Creek Drive (Mussg]g4gg) nna J neenuervorEs X nesPorvse Z cuaatncenoN/cHANcE At the roof framing, i is acceptable to substitute 2x10 rafiers spaced at 16" o.c. for the originally specified 2x'12 raflers spaced at 24" o.c. COPYTO: CPM f?/'Ll - frklt\.J.-/ { wl I JOBNUMBER: 0309-18 plee ; ! ffi($ Hpr 3O O4 1O:46a CPI'l/llcGhca 9?O-3e8- 137?p.1 CRITTCAL PATTI MANAGEMENT, INg. P.O. BOX4A82 vAlL. coLoRADo 41658 PHONE: 97047r-1379 FAx;:970.32&1977 FAX TRANSTiffTAL To: Gompany: Far: Phone: Re: J.R. Mondragon Town of Vail 175-2452 479-2138 Musson permit Frcm: Richard McGhee Date: 4I3OI20O4 Gormerts: Pleaso hansfer the buiUing pemit for 1868 West C'ore Creek Drive- (Musson Garage Addition) that was _ originally applied fur by A.B.t. Construc-tion and Design to Critcd Pdt ilanagetnent, Inc.- License # 7378. the cnrner-tias hired u! b be the Gen€ral Conbactor br the work and as strch we will be the contacbr of record. I have contac,ted ABL to provide you with tlrdr release. Thank you foryour atbntion b lhb matter. Pleas€ callwith any questirns. /n.#u Richard McGhee President TOWN'OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M04-0099 Job Address: 1876 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1868 West Gore Creek Drive Applied . . : 06/1012004 Parcel No...: 210312307018 Issued. . : 06/1112004 ProjectNo : pRTOj-6 t(1 .r. _ - Expires. .: 12108/2004 lV. ...a,r <ur'--- OI'INER DAIIPHINAIS-MOSEI,EY CONSTRUCTO6/]-0/2004 PhONC: PO BOX 1515 VAII, co 81658 Lricense: APPLICANI MUSSON,PAI[. AIiID EIJISA O6/LO/20O4 phone: PO BOX s820 VAIIT co 81557 License: Desciption: INSTALL SNOWMELT IN DRIVEWAY Valuation: $7,500.00 Fireplace lnformstion: Restricted: Y # ofcas Applianc€s: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of wood Pellel: 0 .*+**|*'t**'l***'***,}*t*'t**.|*|*l'.*|l.|.'*|1'ti||t||+t'}'l|*..*.ii**ii|l Mechanical--> $160.00 Restu0rrnt Plan Review-> 90.00 Total Crlculated F€es--> $203.00 Plan Check--> $40.00 DRB Fee----> 90. 00 Additional Fees----> $0 . 00 lnvestigatioF> $0. 00 TOTAL FEES-> g2O3 . 00 Total Permit Fee--> $203 . 00 Will Call--> S3 . 00 Paynents---> $203 . 00 BALAI1CE DUE_> 90.00 a+,|+a+atlaaltll'lal*lt+at+llllt*tal Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPART!,IENT o5/LO/2004 JS Acrion: Ap Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARI'I{EIMI CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BI-,DG. ) : FIELTD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODB COMPLIANCE. Condz 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TI{E 1997 IIMC, OR SECTION ?01 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BL,DG.): INSTALLATIOIT MUST CONFORM TO MAIiIUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AIID TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 T'MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Condr 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPITIANCES SHALIJ BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AtlD SHALL TERMTNATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF TTIE 1997 I'I4C, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BIJDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITIT CHAPTER 3 AI.ID SEC.1017 OF THE 1.997 T'MC AI{D C}TAPTER 3 OF TTIE ].997 IMC. Cond:. 31 (BIJDG.): BOIL,ERS SHAITIJ BE I,IOIINTED ON FLOORS OF IJISTED FOR MOIINTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FLOORI}IG. Cond: 32 (BL,DG.): PERMIT,PIJAIiIS AlfD CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE TO AI\T INSPECTION REQI,EST. Cond: 30 (BIIDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECltAl.lICAIr ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATBR SITPPITY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FITOOR DRAIII PER SBC. LO22 OF TIIE 1997 I,MC, OR SECTION 1004.5 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. at,lt**a'lll lt+l*1,,l*tl *lt Ittl lttl att,'aal *l+***a'l:ll aaa'}l'll t'l l at'l'ltlla'tal l:l'l'l|+al+I't:lt'tal aal a.}'l att'l't:ll aI DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the informafion as required is correct. I agree to comply with the informalion and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, desigr review apprcved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOIJR HOURS IN ADV 49 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. ORCONTRACTOR AND OWNEF NONCOMBUSTIBIJE CONST. ITNLESS POSTED IN MECHA}IICAIJ ROOM PRIOR '3rfa*llll*fl**'itltlltlfll+lalf*tlar*rtttt*rattffftlt*+ft**+*tf*trar+tf*ratrtrr*r+af+tfaffttl TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Strtmcntttlffttlt*l*lftfltltllaf+ftalfll.**ltfllll'f*+lfttltlt*ttt*tflll*llltf'fllll'}ta'}*f****tfaaf*ffl statsement Inrnber: R040006008 .Amounc: $203.00 o5/!t/2oo4o1:59 pM Palment Uethod: Check Init: DIXI Notsation: iIS&Irl 2579 Pe:ilib l[o: lrl04-0099 Type: MECmNICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 21031230?018gitE AddrEgA: 1875 GIORE CREEK DR VAIIJ Locatsion: 1858 weat core Creek DrLve ToLaL Fe€Br $203.00 Thia Palnnent,: 9203 .00 fotal AIJIJ Prnt.s 3 $203 . 00 Balance: $0.00Itllaaltltal*all+aaallatalXl'i'al+l**a*+f*fl+aa+*l+++*tl*l'*'la+farf*fl*al*aal{'alaataalalatfltaf ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts MP OO1OOOO31111OO MECHANICAL PERI,IIT FEES 15O.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 40.00 IilC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO t APPUCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR U 97 0-479-2149 (Inspections) TWT|OFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vall, Colorado 8 tr tr tr o o Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Town of Vail Reg. No.: -Mail Address: COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor & Materials 50 0 .0D raaaata* lt3fia q* 67D-aOa-oA"n at viail .fr Parcef # /t/ O,4 /-a-161 D/ z lob Name:'55cl-.r 4gC rrtn- o---rob Address: /fbg /tn LegalDescription ll Lot: ll Block ll Filing:Subdivision: wwua-Lllpno"., Engineer: --Address: -Phone: D"94g,description of work: t''- Qrvir<-'uLa.!-L-Srt o Work Class: New $Q Addition ( ) Alteration ( ) T Repair ( )Other ( ) Boiler Location: Interior () Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) TypeofBldg: Single-famifg.) Duplex( ) Multi-famif( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( )Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: I No, of Accommodation Units in this building: -- No/Tvpeof FireplacesExistinq: GasAppliances( ) GasLoqs( ) wood/Pellet( ) woodBurninq( ) ttoffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buming (NOT ALLOWED) t l No( ) * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * ** ** * * * FOR OFFICE USE ON LY* * * * * * * * * * * * for Patel ************ \Wail\data\cd€v\FORMS\PERMITS\MECHPERM. DOC 0'712612002 P.5 I\\l\l\itEli) , d{ o+ EEri g1 t'lAY 14 ',99 01:55Pt'l l'lrN STFNDFRD II ar) ig tt{ T o TIA En - 0) ill4\' Y tn P.o Ed e! .g a 3 T 3 vl >,1 c,)l {1i \J arl ,4 ,J a +t nlol g o cl H 1 EoEAc, P !'i, EIri B!{lfi PREE.S63A3 3735547NAY 14 'gEl t5:el4 I II IJ { !pl ot ttl ol aon r t--\ Jor€ d* ,5 S,{5 EEitJii{iittstl dI .F U ur u o d F. ( B.l hl*l 6Irl E E-o 5ta da A.c ?1.3?#07 rn"p""$:ll,F"du?=.1BsP"'ting e"g" zz Requested Inspect Oate: Wednesday, January 10,2007 lnspection Area: JRM Site Address: 1876 GORE CREEK DR VAIL 1868 West Gore Creek Drive A/P/D lnformation ActiviW: 804-0044 Tvoe: A-BUILD Const Tvo6: Occuoahbv: Ow;rier: MUSSON. PAUL Applicant: ABL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION lNC. Contractor: CRITICAL PATH MANAGEMENT, lNC. Description Nbtice Notice Notice Notice i&{gi.u?s|..qTfft?',1"1y"v?l3Pfi"s been documented on the office and buitding sets of approved prans. - Sub Type USE Phone Phone Phone: ASFRVB 303-682-1916(303)4444481 970-471-1379 Status: ISSUED Inso Area: JRM FILE. Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: GEORGE RUTHER - JSUTHER OUSE IN POOR CONDITION, ROOF TO MATCH NEW GARAGE - Requested Insp€ction(sl Item: 534 PLAN - FINAL C/O Reouested Time: 08:00 AM Reouestor: Donna Cavnoski Phone: 390-4324 Conimerlts: Will call Do'nna Caynoski for access 390-4324, elec., mech. plannin-g.^& building_ale_allslhedrled Assigned To: GRUTHEF. Entered By: -DGOLDEN K- Action: Time Exo: Comment: EendffitrE-(-seeding) and painting oTlhe neW-mechanical vent must be completed. Inspection Historv Item: 10 BLDc-Footinos/Steel ** Aooroved ** _0512'1104- Inspector: JRM ' Action: AP APPROVED Comment:Item: 20 BlDG-Foundation/Steel ** Aooroved ** 05126104 Inspector: JRM ' ' Action: AP APPROVED Comment: APPROVED Item: 30 Item: 50 Item: 60 Item: 70Item: 90 Item: 21 CONTRACTOR Action: NO NOTIFIED ON NOT REQD.* ApprovedJRM ''Action: AP APPROVED07t20t04 Comment: BLDG-Misc. BLDG-Final 09/16/04 GCD Action: CR CORRECTION REQUIRED i. PLANNING FINAL. PUBLIC WORKS FINALS REQD. "* Aooroved '.Georoe Action: AP APPROVED permit is REPT131 lnspector: Run Id: 623L t T0I,|,NM Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 970.479.2L9 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.d.vail.co.us Project Name: MUSSON REPAIT{T DRB Number: DR80402,14 Project Description: Paint new garage and re-paint of house to match: re-roof to Elk Prestique 40 year shingle in "weathered wood" Participants: OWNER MUSSON,PAULANDELISA 06lLOl20O4 Phone:303-246-3182 9402 CRYSTAL LANE LONGMONT co 80503 License: APPLICANT MUSSON, PAUL AND EUSA 06ltOlZ0O4 Phone: 303-246-3182 9402 CRYSTAL LANE LONGMONT co 80s03 License: Project Address: 1876 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 1868 West Gore Creek Drive lcgal Descdpton: 1'o$ 47 Block Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 1 Parcel Numberz 2103L2307 OL7 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Approval: O6l23l2N4 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review'committee(s). C,ond:0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. t DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 I Planner: Elisabeth Eckel IOI4INffi Qpplication for Design *?,"* Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us ^rf N'LJ AaPnae 4c.-?q"tr Housr RECE,YEO ' :l ..t., ' General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to.the submittal requirements for the particulai approvat that is requested. An application for Design Reviewcannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Develbpment Department. Theproject may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission.Design rcview approval lapses unless a building pennit is issued and constructaon commences withanone yeir of the approval. '- Desgription of the40 MArra LocaUon ofthe Proposal: Lot:7 ato.L,- subdivision: ,.-. physicatAddress: lSGt N hOB* CU.er bz4,/e (hL a ParcelNo.' >lO? l3-g 07 O 17 (contact Eagle co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcet no.) Zoning: ,- Name(s) of Owner(s): MaifingAddress: 64oL Ce-ySr*t- t *zt€ ,lA^t6vlO^lf Ct, &r{r^ Phone: 3oZ 5tb ?t8> Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:Pfti" UuSsoa Maifing Address: h 4eo vg - Phone: 3n3 ^at r- 3tE.,nrax: ?o3 b8> 3obt $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild.$300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions).$250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, palnting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: D Signs tr Conceptual Review E New Constructiontr AddiUon fl Minor Alteration fff ltFfam i lylcom mercia t) E/ Minor Alteration (si ngle-fa mily/duplex) fl Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request For Office Use Only: Page l of L3lLLlLTlO3 TOI4'N# JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print nanq l&OL M.USSO^! , a joint owner of propefi tocated at (address/tegal description) /w SoPe C?J-cc €ttE , Vht- provide this fetter as written approval of the ptans Our* 6 f {O n which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Departrnent for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: Pft^tflN 6 Ma&J Ane+ce 9e p,thru I further understand that minor modificaUons may be made to the plans over the course of the review pro€ess to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. [ /{" ',(Date) Page 2 of t3lILlLilO3 Buildinq Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Win$5us WindowTrim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Peils Fj,te5 Flqstring Chimneys Trash Enclgsu-res Greenhouads Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material Color Woun*a6 2$ qo thotu6,11 htthrc 2*3-L" tmeu Ou,tt 6ptq >+o -+- tOtaa Antr' aPat W Nftrue+t, Wilot YItw htst.ri wtvn (fna)N'AflkL 'Nw, Nwt Srur;.,o attWoNU 6ttf fut+trX ko"/r (n Pr* bU fre pF,,t (,near\ Please speciff the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of L3lLLlLilo3 o NATU ACCE RE'S NTS MOUN Tudor Brown 62 TA NSPIRATIO Moonlight White 21 43-50 Sroc"e NS B*Y Camouflage 2143-40 Litchfield Gray HC-78 Travertine Tan HC-77 Navajo White 72 Rockies Brown 2107-30 the chips on this card may vary slightly in color or finish from the aclual pair €* E /lt',i)o NJ (o5 N.' 3n C ID N) A nJo c N,) o NJ 0,) 3 J o 0,) 3 : Io o,) T.o -- NJ --lc o o € = N Copper Mine 2094-20 River Rock 2139-'10 Pine Cone Brown 21 1 3-20 Newburg Green HC-158 Since all color chips are affected by age. light. heat and Pebblestone Beige HC-80 Log Cabin 2163-10 Tyler Taupe HC-43 Doe Beige HC-45 Arroyo Red 2085- 10 mechanical coating processes. Acorn Yellow 2161-40 Chestn ut 2082- 10 [.i,. { li.i err; 1\.],1-,,..r t'lY'/klt,:- lii rk ur-, ifqt;"t- :ut ' ', I,,o.c'3'-ii't A SSc,rti i __) Herry*re*rx ffim#$.* 1.,-f "l:t -\ +\ .\ ik;' i $qi '$id. 1r. rl:l i 'l{r******'t*:l l'i***lt**l*t**'}{.**t***it'{r,r*t *a'*:t*'t****'f**'t 'td.:t:t*d.,r * * ***:}:} ** *,f**!t:l****'l*:t*t**'t*{' a't** TOWN OF VAIL, COIORADO Statement 't****:l'l*alr'i'}*{rl.lr**{r****r:}**a***ttl'*:t,t*tl'*!r**t*,t**t't*,1*'t f l'+!******** *+ ****ll.rt'1. Statement Nunber: R040005001 Amount. ! $20.00 06/Lo/2oo4o2:43 Ptt Payment Method: Check MUSSON fnit: iIS Notation: #2306/PAITL Permit No: DRBO4O244 llrpe: DRB-Minor Alt, SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2LO3L23O7OL7 Site AddresE I 1876 GORE CREEK DR VAIIJ L,ocation: 1858 West Gore Creek Drive Total Fees: $20.00 Ttrie Payment,: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 *+*********';*******l*'31'la'{r***t,t**************t**:}*'}a**t*f*t *i'll'l******:}*l+**l'}****l****l**** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current m,s DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEhI FEES 20. 00 .tune 23,2004 Mr. Paul Musson 9402 Crystaltano Loqgmont, CO 80503 filf copr RE: 1868 W€st Goro Creek Driw Dear Mr. Musson, Thank you for submitting an epplbatlon for approval of a re-paint at the abo\€ address. Per our fttcent oorwersations, I have add€d to your appllcation that the rsquest include a re.mof in the Elk Presdque asphalt rfO year shingle In tveatlEmd yvood'. I am enclosing the approval form lhat you will need to apply for your buildirp permil for the re-roof. Please do nol h$itatE lo contacf ms regading any questions or conooms you might have. Again, lhank you br submitting your applicatlon. Best regards, ,/n/.v Ellsabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 enclosure TOVVNOF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD. VAII- CO 87657 970479-n38 Investigation-> will call-> S0 . 00 Recreation Fee-> 93 . 00 Clean-uP DePosit-> Building-> 9181.25 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan check-> s 117 . 81 DRB Fee-->So . o0 Additional Fees-->s0.00 S0.00 Total permit Fee_> 9302.06 $0.00 Payments-> 9302.06 $0.00TOTAL FEES;-> 5302-06 BALAT{CE DUE-> Approvals:rfem: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARII{ENT to/27/2OO3 rRjyl Action! AP Item: 05400 PITANNING DEPARTII{ENI Item: 05600 FfRE DEPARI!'IENT Item: 05500 PIIBITIC WORKS *taffi*i!*i**ffi*+**+*i**t*+4+t**t#r*fstrHt#fffrii#ffiffi*r*rhH*****ffitr}t!t,*rt***!t|ra*:t.lartr}*|r*l*frr:*titjl:t.r See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. O DEpARrMENroFcovfl\4ur{rJ;EVELopMENT Lof .tr \)L-\ 0,t(."e^.u)*41\t NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES O ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMT Permit #:803-0342 |ob Address: 1875 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLJED Location.....: 1868 West Gore Creek Drive Applied . . : 10/27 /2003 Parcel No...: 21.0312307077 Issued . .. : 70/29/2003 ProjectNo : ?R3O3<) (C1 Expires...: 04/25/2N4 owNER HO(ITSMA ,JOHII C. & BOBBI-AIiIN aO/27/2OO3 phone: 4795 S IJAFAYETTE CHERRY HII.,LS VIIJLAGE CO 8 0110 Iricense: coNrRAcToR ABr, DESTGN AIID CONSTRUCTTON L0/27/2003 Phone: (303)444-4481" 1530 5sth St. Suite 119 Boulder, Colorado 803 03 License:762-9 APPIJICAIIT ABL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION tO/27/2OO3 Phone: G03',)444-4481 1530 55th St. Suite 119 Boulder, Colorado 80303 License z '162-9 Description: Repai^r of existing deck supports for hot tub Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type Construction:V N Type V Non-Rated Valuation: $9,500.00 Add Sq Fe 0 Fireplace lnfomntioru Restricbed: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet ** FEE SUMMARY so . oo Total Calculated Fees-> $302 .06 PAGE 2 Peflnit#: B0$O342 CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL as of10-29-2003 Status: ISSUED PernritType: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMT Applied: 10/27/2003 Applicant ABLDESIGNANDCONSTRUCTIONINC. Iszued: 7O/n/2W(30,qaaaaagl ToExpire: 04/26/2W |ob Address: 1875 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 1868 West Gore Creek Drive ParcelNo: 270372307077 Description: Repair of existing deck supports for hot tub *************'*ii*{|!r*#*********rt**rffi* COnditiOnS **************rr**H*******#**#rtr* Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECIIONS ARE REQLIIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:16 @LDG.): SMOKE DETECTORSARE REQURED IN ALLBEDROON{SAND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.9.1 OF THE 7997 UBC. o DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot pla+ and state that all the inforsration as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stmctue according to the towns zoninp and zubdivision codes, design review approved Uniforur Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable ttrereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECIION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOLJRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 47+2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 t t AP P L' cAn t..3 se R"h*,:" *, * Project #: Buildi Permit #: TOmtaPvtn ING P 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT bor & Materials # Contact Assessors Office at 97&328-8640 or visit ************#**********i****.FOR OFFICE USE O N Ly*"*************,ntsr*t!Fr***i!+****** \Wail\dalabdevFORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC ,'#'!' CONTRACTOR IN :eg+ {S gtfltr #si'o - qo\ -oo r \ ress: LSl*rq,gu*)C,G- f\oL. (-o MECHANICAL:$ r: N Job Name: -i\ tAt-^t.t-\S So t!'jod'H'ff''o"r. WorkClass: New() Addition() Remodel () Repair(f) Demo() Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior (! Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family fi) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: GasApoliances( ) GasLoos( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurni No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED 0712612002 t FedFitls-rc 7:05 anD__ - yAtL- CA=AOmLOE -_"_____ Rrqucs1H Inspect Drte: Thursday, !'lovffi$.r 13, mt Inao€dtton Are.: JRt STb AdOrccr: IC'6 GORE CREEK DR VAL l86E West Cote Cr€e* Ifhrc A|Ilf,) lniom.tlon A.{h,lhf H}3.O3,#2 TyD.: ABUILDCotnTvri: occrnairtr:Oniiar: IIOUTSMA JON{N C. & BOBtslFrn XOtrTSme ABL DESK}N AADCONS'TRI,CT|OiI I}IC. ABL DESlgtJ AIiF COi|5.'TRI CnON hrc. R.D.F d.Slhg d.ct 3rrp,lorE lor hot tS RCUTED TC}JRII FOR RE\/EW - DFLORES RrQxebd hro.oton{sl lE{'|: 00 BLDO#lnd AD'D0ryl: Cdibrcbr: tlrccrlpllon:Cm*rr{: PIEm: Phons: ASFR SS.; l88t EDVN fAAr* ,Ril (3{13)+tl-4ilol t303l4a+'t$t Rcquerbr: AAL DESBN At'lD COIISTRLTCTIOII ltlc.AldondTo: JlrChlDR Go$l- A.flon: Tlme Erp: _ R.cu.sH Tlmo: 0E:00 At' Plrcn : flFm1{XHt Enbred ry DOCIItEN K lnrscdot| Hlrbn ftlrn: lo oTiltffiffi 20 30 00d, ?o$ 21 shd ELDG,MtsC. BLDG'Flml Pi.ffrl-[.C Founilon Plcn JR * Approt,.d *APAPFRCN'ED APAPPROVED n A,T UY(,N \hV lP' tl A yll'v'/\tltl \./ (lP'P ( hrr: lfr|:lrn:Itt:if,lr;llsr:lhn: fr6m:rh: lbm: 22 PL/IN-LCSilchn Stxt Pur+TErP.cp 5(X Pt tl-Fh|ALC/O Aadon; Actlc'n: REPT131 Run Id: ,,-t) Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479,2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Proiect ltlame: Musson hot tub and deck upgrade DRB Number: DR8030436 Project Description: Add Sierra hot tub with redwood skirting and cover on northwest deck; imprwe deck according to engineer specs. to increase live load capability Participants: OWNER HOUTSMA IOHN C. & BOBBI-ANN 09/30/2003 Phone: 4795 S I.AFAYETTE CHERRY HILLS ULI.AGE CO 80110 License: APPLICANT Paul And Elisa Musson 09/3012003 Phone: 682-1916 9,102 Crptal Lane Longmont @ Joni Taylor 80504 License: Prcject Address: 1876 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 1868 West @re Creek Drive Legal Description: Lot: 47 Block Subdivision: VAIL ULLAGE WEST FIL 1 Parcef Numbert 2LO3I23O7OI7 Comments: see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACIION Motion By: Action: SrAFFAPR Second By: vote: DateofApproval:10/03/2003 Gonditions: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Toryn of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO {'{'*****t*{'***,'***+ **''i* **t'***++**t*+i+***irrf,t*++++i***+**r+*+++ti*t*+r"r r,r+rt*a**a++***s**TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO satement+* + **i + ** t * t * +* t* *t ** t t* * t * ** ** * *+* * ****** *****+*****++*+!t**+++******+f**i,***1,*+t+****+*t**+Statement Number: RO3OO04gIO Amount: 92O.oo Og/30/2OO302:).2 WPaymenE, Method: Check Init: DF Notatl"on: permlt No: DR8030436 TlT)e3 DRB_Minor Alt,SFR/D;;parceL No: 2LO3LZ3O7OL7Site Address 3 1826 GORE CREEK DR VAILIJocation: 1g6g lites E, Gore Creek Dri-ve Thi E palment. :$20. 0o Total Fees: Tota1 AIJL pmt,s : $20.00 $20.00Balance: SO. OO*+*+*+'i*'lt*+***{'***i*+**t*'}* it*t******'t*+t+*** **r*+****+*r++*+r*++r****+irt*rt{r*,t*rt*i*+**** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descrjptjon Cur^rent pmts DR 001000031i2200 DESIGN REVITi{ FEES 20.00 r--*---I D - -----I RECE!|T_ TLc Torrr of Vrtl DATE RECEIVED FROM Permit Numbers HOW PAID*C a'iL Police Receipt Numbers Ey . ,--,.".u_.4 r..d {ir!, ,,!tr4-;r- .. r: __)} - ;;::;,i!_ ,:, - , L , ION'Nffi JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL TETTER a joint owner of property located at (address/legal descripUon)lg, t vV \oe.e Ut 14 WJ,le ^l t provide this letter as written approval of the plans aatea 9 ll..tl O7 which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: tN\r*1];lrto) aF {4i {Og b 8-!4) fukf,t\^ F.4.r I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (Date) Page 2 of t2l\2l07l02 Si eno 11000 40 let Spo 84tt x 84tt x 36tt,' . Mong shell <otors ovollobte 380 gallons. 700 lbs dry . Detiverec,Seatins. for seven C 'qgl."F.?S.S"W v*^ (oo" ffieuor, (t\r *. 5 geors -furhawt ) Quipmcnt 3 geors ports & lobor . Turo 5 hp 2 speecl pumps . Digitol Controls u/sscond keg pod for pump ond light operotlon . Turo, 50 sq. ft. top sklm filters . Full-foom insulotion . furo Theropg seots . Ons cool dorun seot 4 n Snu.rrood stoinocl Puro.uff u sTiiE n g url rEmo66lffin-els- UNrb _ eusr c-e-to<_ . Spo Seol 2000 Goyer (5 gr ulononty) . light .22Ov heoter & pumps Sierro 4000 4O iet $5,450.00 Ozone generotor 267.OO €-Z lift covsr liftcr | 95.00 Steps 75.00 sNe Hot Tubs Paul Baumgardner . Owner Quality Doesn't Have to by Expensive Great Spa's! . Best Prices P.O. Box 7E16 1900 B Airport Road Breckenridge, CO W424 (970) 453-2E87 Cellular (970) 390-065E $Hrr.' Affordable Mountiid Totol Pockoge $ 5,t87.00 2 .G. -a )... t |!fr .::t.i'r.ii,11-p;;l''r,.;:.'.'t,5jii--t-:ni.':.i if'.4:J#.1 {, .J, "1FP-r a KR M .o*s'L-rA.NTS. rNc. stnuctunal engineering and design September 29, 2003 Paul Musson 9402 Crystal Lane Longmont, CO 80503 Re: Job Number 0308-18 Dear: Paul, At your request, I made a site visit to the above referenced property on August 21,2003 to comment on the general condition of the existing deck strucfure. The opinions and comments in this report are based on visual observation ofthe current condition ofthe structure, PURPOSE AND SCOPE: The purpose ofthis structural investigation and report is to determine ifthe existing deck structure is capable ofsupporting an additional load ofa 5000 lb hot tub. BACKGROUNDiOB SERVATIONS : The deck is located on the west side of the residence with the grade sloping up from the north to south end from 6'-0 to 0'-6" from the bottom of deck joists. The deck was built with 2x dimensional lumber that appeared to be weathered but in good condition. Non€ of the original construction documents were available at the time of this site visit. CONCLUSIONS: After analyzing the existing construction, I have determined that the existing deck can not support the proposed hot tub nor the deck design requirement ofa live load of 100 psf, set by the Town of Vail for new construction. The existing deck appears to have been designed and built for a live load of 60 psf which was probably the requirement at the time of construction. RECOMMENDATIONS: P.O. Elox 4572. Vail, CO E|165E| . ISj7O) S|49-S1391 o pp.N 949-1 577 Project Musson Deck Job Number 0308-18 The following arached plans, detail, and general notes are for the proposed new hot hrb and Town of Vail desigr requirements. Please do not hesitate to contact us ifyou have any questions about this report or ifwe can be of further service. Sincerely, KRM Consultants,Idc. Sfructtual Engineering and Design Jeffiey P Leonardo, PE KRI'/ CONSULTANTStrilC. P.0. Box 4572- Voil, Colorodo 81658 (s7o) e4e-95e1 Fox (970) 949-1577 SHEET NO. CALCULAIED BY onz JVVE- CHECK 8Y DAlE DECK 0508-18 1 srsTER (N)-(2)-zx8 -(oNE EA. srDE) rO (E)- 2xs w/ (5)-16d NAILS r | | ! ril-zLe'. !o rd". rVp, ! I ol.d'\,r +o"s. l I_ -I __L -ll(E;:2----- pRoVtDE (4)-ADD'[ BOLTS WITHIN 12" OF EXSTG. WALL, TYP. L__-------- NORTH T------ (E)-PER'METER oF -r1DECK ABO\E (E)-BUtLDING SIMPSON PC66 o 12" O.C., TYP. SIMPSON PC86 stsTER (N)-(2)-1 5/4 x11 1/4 #2 WOLMANIZEDpsl (oruE.EA. stDE) 0F (E)-(2)-2x12 w/ TWO ROWS OF 1/2"o THRU_BOLTS @.24" O.C. PROVIDE (4)-ADD'TL BOLTS WiHiiN 12,, OF EXSTG. WALL, TYP. 4": PLAN NOTES: 1. (E) REFERS To EXISTING c0{srRucnoN (- - - - -). (N) REFERS ro NEw coNsIRUcION (-)' 2. POSTS BELOW ARE INDICAIED: I NON-CONTINUOUS POSTS FROM ABOIE J, UOOD BEAMS, EXCEPT HEADERS, ARE FLUSH III]}I FLOOR JOISTS UNLESS 4. DO NOT SCALE DRWINGS. ARE INDICATED: E NoTED (DROPPED). KRM CONSULTANTS-trIC.' P.O. Box 4572- Voil, Colorodo 81658 (s70) e49-93e1 Fox (970) 949-1577 CALCULAIE) BY o^u-WL- CHECK 8Y OAIE 1 /4" = 1'-0 DECK 0308-18 2 ,ffi I I I I I I I I I I I I I L__ t- ; I i I I I i I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I L lrJ(D I lrJ l!o u FJz l.rJ() =z() =: LrJ(D I UJ Lo E UJFz lrJ(J = 4'-2" (E)-FOUNDATT0N (E)-CONC. P|ERS (E)-PERTMETER 0F DECK ABOVE 7'-10" SIMPSON ABE66 (N)-5'-0x3'-0x 1'-0 FOOTTNGw/ (3)-ff5x/-6 EA. WAY NORTH PLAN NOTES 1. (E) REFERS TO EXISTING CONSTRUCTIoN (- - - - -), (N) REFERS To NEw CoNslRUcnON (-)' 2. TOP OF FOOTING ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON RNDING ADEQUAIE SOIL BEARING CONDITIONS AT IHAT OEPIH. CONTACT ENGINEER IF O\EREXCAVATION IS REOUIREO. 5. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS, KRM coNSULrANrs3c. P.O. Box 4572- Voil, Colorodo 81658 (970) e4e-e5e1 Fox (970) 949-1577 JoB MUSSON CALCULAIED BY o^r. 09 /12/03 C}IECK BY OAIE DECK 508-18 a iuitltltl 6x6 POST SIMPSON ABE66 12" O CONC. PIER lo(2)_#5 owus , l-J _J 6" (rF P|ER HEIGHT EXCEEDS 4'-0, ADD (2)-#5 VERT. BARS FULL HETGHT 0F PIER) SEE PLAN FOR REINF. il'7\ rl---j a' \NOTE: FOOTING DEPTH DETERMINED BY PROXIMITY TO ADJACENT FOOTING MAINTAIN MAXIMUM SLOPE 0F 1:1 I L- I KRM CONSULTANTS:a ,- JoB MUSSON DECK t #0308-18 SHEET No. 4 oF 5 P.O. Box 4572 Voil, Colorodo 81658 1970) 949-9.391 rox (szo) 949-1577 CALCULAIED 8Y JPL DAlE DA]E oe/12/03 CHECK BY GENERAL NOTES: Musson Deck JOB # 0308-18 DESIGN CRITERIA: Hot Tub Live Lood Deck Live Lood ------ Deck Deod Lood ------Bosic Wind Soeed ----- Seismic Zone ------ UBC Edition FOUNDATION DESIGN: 2. Concrete exposed to eorth or weother :A. f5 bor ond smollerB. f6 through f18 bor 102 psf 100 psf 10 psf E0 mph (Exp. B) 1 1997 o. Design of individuol ond continuous footings is bosed on on ossumed moximum ollowoble beoring pressure of 1500 psf (deod lood plus full live lood).b. Footings sholl be ploced on the noturol undisturbed soil, or compocted structurol fill, below frost depth.c. A representotive of the geotechnicol engineer sholl verify soils conditions ond types during excovotion. Becouse geotechnicol informotion wos not ovoiloble of the time of preporotion of the construction documents, we hove used ossumed volues bosed on similor sites in the oreo. Construction of the foundotion moy not proceed without veriflng these volues. Report ony discreponcies from design ossumptions to structurol engineer for re-evoluotion of foundotion design. REINFORCED CONCRETE: o, Concrete design is bosed on the "Buildinq Code Requirements for Reinforced Co-ncrete" (ACl J18-95).b. Structurol concrete sholl hove o minimum 28-doy compressive strength of 5000 psi.c. Concrete sholl be proportioned using Tlpe l-ll sulfote-resistont cement. Admixtures contoining chloride solts sholl not be used.d, Cold weother concreting procedures sholl be provided os recommended in the ACI Monuol of Concrete Proctice. e. Concrete coveroge for reinforcing steel (ACl 318-95):1. Concrete iost ogoinst ond permonently exposld to eorth 5" 1 1/2" 2" REINFORCING STEEL: o. Detoiling, fobricotion ond plocement of reinforcing steel sholl be in occordonce with the ACI Monuol of Concrete Proctice,b. Except where otherwise noted on the drowings, reinforcing bors sholl conform to ASTM Specificotion A615-79 ond sholl be grode 60 except ties, field bent bors where permitted by note on plon, or bors to be welded, which sholl be grode 40.c. At splices in concrete, lop bors 36 dlometers. Do not mechonicol splicing devices unless specificolly opprovedd. Metric bor size conversion toble: weld or use by engineer. METRIC #10 #13 #16 INCH-POUND tfv #4J'Rffv '##re KRM CONSULTANTS,!T{ P.O. Box 4572 l, Colorodo 81658 e70) e4e-95e1 (e70) e4e-1577 a JoB MUSSON pEcK t #O5QS-18 ."r., no. 5 - ot -------9- CALCULAIED BY JPL DAIE DA]E oe/12/03 Voi ( Fox CHECK BY b. d. STRUCTURAL WOOD FRAMING: GENERAL REOUIREMENTS: Except where noted otherwise, oll 2" nominol lumber, except studs, sholl be Douglos Fir-Lorch f2 ond betier, ond oll solid timber beoms ond posts J- nominol ond riider sholl be Douglos Fir-Lorch {2.Except os noted otherwise, minimum noiling sholl be provided os specified in the 1997 UBC Toble 25-ll-B-1. Bolts used for wood fromino connections sholl be instolled with stondord woshers ond nu ts.- Porollel strond lumber (PSL) sholl hove the following properties:1. Flexurol stress------ 2090 psi2. Modulus of elosticity-- 1,740,000 psiJ. Tension porollel to groin----------1850 psi4. Compression porollel to groin------l6E0 psi5. Compression perpendiculor to oroin (porbtlet to gtue line)----- ----- ----385 psi6. Horizontol sheor-*-------------175 psi7. Connection of multiole-member beoms:A. Top-looded beomsi) For members 12" deep or less, noil eoch member to the next with 2 rows of 16d noils ot 12" o.c.ii) For members greoter thon 12" deep, noil eoch member to ihe next with 5 rows of 16d noils ot I z o.c.B. Side-looded beomsi) For two or three member beoms, noil eoch member to the next with 5 rows of 16d noils of 12" o.c.ii) For four member beoms, bolt through with 2 rows ol 1/2" diometer bolts ot 12" o.c.iii) For Seoms consisting of more thon four members, contoct structurol engineer. b. Structurol erection ond brocing: The structurol drowings illustrote the completed structure with oll elements in their finol positions, properly supported ond broced. The Controctor, in the proper sequence, sholl provide shoring ond brocing os moy be required during construction to ochieve the finol _completed structure. Contoct the structurol engineer for consultotion (not in controct) os required. Existing structures: lf construction odjoins on existing structure, controctor sholl be responsible for veriflng dimensions, elevotions, froming, foundotion ond onything else thot moy effect the work shown on the drowings. Underpinning, shoring ond brocing of existing structures sholl be the responsibility of the controctor. Dimensions: Check oll dimensions ogoinst orchitecturol drowings prior to construction. Do not scole drowings. Construction proctices: Generol Controctor is responsible for meons, methods, techniques, sequences ond procedures for construction of this project. Notify structurol engineer of omissions or conflicts between the working drowings ond existing conditions. Coordinote requirements for mechonicol / eleclricol /plumbin g penetrotions throu gh structurol elements with structurol engineer. Jobsite sofety is the sole responsibility of the controctor. All methods used for construction sholl be in occordonce with the lotest edition of the UBC.It is the responsibility of the controctor to contoct the structurol engineer of the oppropriote time to perform site observotion visits. Observotion visits to the jobsite by the engineer ore for determinotion of generol conformonce with the ionstructibn documents ond sholl not be construed os insoection. Though every effort is mode to provide o complete ond cleor set of construction documents, discreponcies or omissions moy occur. Releose of these drowings onticipotes cooperotion ond continued communicotion between the controctor, orchitect ond engineer to provide the best possible structure. These drowings hove been prepored for the use of o quolified controctor experienced in the construclion techniques ond systems depicted. c. d. frfffiry TON'N# Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Protect Name: DRB Number: DRB030437 Project Description: New front entrance and new garage Pafticipants: OWNER HOUTSMA JOHN C. & BOBBI-ANN 09/30/2003 Phone: 4795 S IAFAYETTE CHERRY HILIS VIL]AGE CO 80110 License: APPUCANT HOUTSMA JOHN C. & BOBBI-ANN 0913012003 Phone: 476-38091390-1402 4795 S I.AFAYETIE CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE CO Joni Taylor 80110 License: Project Address: 1876 GORE CREEK DR VAIL bcation: 1868 West Gore Creek Drive Legal Description: Lot: 47 Block Subdivision: VAIL ULLAGE WEST FIL 1 Paref Numbert 2[03I2N7OL7 Comments: See Conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By: Vote: DateofApproval: 10/08/2003 GondiUons: Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 5 (PLAN): PRIOR TO THE TOWN BUILDING DEPARTMENT CONDUCIING A FMMING INSPECTION, AN IMPROVEMENT LOCANON CERTIFICATE (ILC) SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNMY DEVELOPMENT A MINIMUM OF FORTY-EIGHT HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE REQUESTE INSPECTION. ROOF RIDGES AND BUILDING FOOTPRINT SHALL BE INDICATED ON THE ILC. (PLAN): Prlor b the issuane of a final ertlficate of ocupancy, the applhant shall have omplebd all slb and ladscaping improvements as shovur on the approred DRB plans. Plenncr: GeorgeRuther DRB Fce Pald: $2O.0O ZONE CHECK Datc: Lcgal dcscripti Block Fili., o Addrcss Orrrcr Architcct ------ Zonc district Lot sizc TotalCRFA nrirnafrenfz+-..-_+ (42j) (675*) =_ @(125)(675*)=_ + 6'15 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? Phonc Pbonc Allorvcd Existing Total R cmainins =_llqh:? ?'l1x + + = ?'tr1L q+.7 Proposcd ila I Horv muc'h .of rbc allorvcd 250 Addition is uscd with this rcoucst? Wn - tb.5l, sitc co"eraec lff,tw1 =wn Hcigbt Sctbacks Landscaping Rctaining Wall Hcigbts Parking (30x33) Front Sidcs Rcar .' 20' ,15' l5' Minimum tfut$ 7,1 | al /1.atKeoulrco J Encloscd Garagc Crcdit Drivcrvay Complics rvith TOV Ligbting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2:l (50%) EnvironmcntaL&Iazards Ycs-_- No Ycs---- No l) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 4) Watcr Course Setback (30) (50) 5) Gcologic Hazards a) SnowAvalanchc b) Rocldall Pro'ious conditions ofapproval (cbcck propcrty filc); Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribe: c) Dcbris Florv -../ - o DESIGN REVIE}Y CIIECKLIST Q suRvEY Scalc ii ':--.,'. ilht*lii I I,ot Sizcr' tr.f {F i a ' ''l Buildablc fuea Eascmcnts Topography 100 yr. flood plain Watcr Coursc Sctback 'A r , ., j ..r,__--_ Environmental Hazards';''i,' ' Trees Utility locations ,, Spot clcvations tr srtepr-AN Scalc Building Height Encroachmcnts Sctbacks ,:i;, Site Covcrage EavcVOvcrhangs (4) Decks/Balconics -"i'cpr,ascioiirclion Q BUjLDING ELEVATIoNS Scalc 'J, I Roofpitchrrr.r' 't: 'oLANDscApEpLAN t,,; --r-,:,:tal'l.l . i','r' GRFA 250 additionat GRFA Crarvl\Attic Spacc EHU Existing trccs Proposcd trccs Lcgord .\$*'iP ili,l; :l,lliJ.: t ' ^'\ r ''t :lulbcrr,rer.mous Condo Approval Titlc rcport (A & B) Utility.verifi cation form Photos ofsitc Buildin g material samplcs C.O. Vcrification Sun\Shade Anglcs Utilities (undcrground) Vicrv Corridors vananccs Plat rcshictions Sitc Cradc\Slopc Rctaining lValls Fcnces Parhng/Garagc Tuming Radius .. Drivcrvay (access and gradc) Snorv Storagc Firc Acccss IOI4NM JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print namel PA{ L Mt{OlJ , a joint owner of propefty located at (address/legal description) lt|a< vt 'Goer' clst't b4,t)E ) w.llnv provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated ") lrg lo" which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. 114'E (Date)(Signature) Page 2 of L2lO2l07l02 t tue 8ffi2"e l1 .A . ,- /t--Qe-q M,, or*owt; a/^.k w,L Qonn. l06k uaL. [4eo4e _/ ,-\)_ (/ tr)an C6^^uA,4^tA tttQ lK., K .1^^a" i^/''ouL4 h/- 16, b" t*-a6ve,k-. te lqza ^of ;*, h a^J* tffi tk Na." n"d1. +ib Lv[O l- A^"A d^4 t't ot Ov c"4,at 4fr" 'JLr' A^J;L Wgt*'qe aJ/e,,4 q tQ Vqh^a^,-cc-' h*J ht^ vld?ze % r,t l^*-" *3 0,,^,t -l 6, E' tue 6<.a 16 b',/t hul+t fbPl-otl 16*l b1- t/lrra-!+ J Nut %t^o,^t<- tf,a a,vA C Hq IltN( *" iJ tG fA t',t^1 * Cr^*a he Cotq'\\a-f* taz. 6 {tt<- ) a/^, W h ,1e {C*' '@-"Pltxu W"-uuutp-- \',^;6;o7*; (T 70*.t t^"r- tffi ,vt^"./ l-r^ti" h^!' h Ar,rioqe a' h'"a<'4N ? \, tM^1^^i, 'r"ttuld V'? l'ucfy fu""a" P^* t4uyt+-* (vlot*" ttt 3"s )++b 3,e") Aru,At(Ll nu*V\ ea..-*-ot "* ; ( II4/^HK . U ai,nd a' d/1AN,--I 0t',nu,,^1 't'/lA^/.d.L. ffA- trtttAry Un^ t tt* AtIn &.J , a,^+ ls-r V fu\M^ r/- TOVIN OF VATL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROADvArr,, co 9L657 970-479-2t38 iIOb AddrCgS... : L876 GORE CREEK DRtocation......: 1976 GORE CREEK DR Parcel_ No- . . . . ; 2103-12t-o7-0L7Project Number: APPIJICAI.IT CONTRAqTOR OWDIER Description: REMOVE ELEC HEAT AND HOT WATER HEAT Firslrlacc Infornacj.on: Rcllriccad: y *Of oaE Applianc!6: DEPARII'TEIIT OF COMMI'NTIY DEVELOPMBIiIT NO[E: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTBD ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAI-, PERMIT Permit #z VI99-01,74 L_f xr, ,i.[:I_.'"_d statua. -.: ISSIIBDApplled..z L2/29/L999Issued...z L2/29/L999 E:qrires. . : 06/26/2OO0 SCHNEIDER MECIIAIiTI CAIIP.O. BOX 73L4, AVON, CO 81620 SCIINEIDER MECHANTCAIJ P.O. BOX 73L4, AVON, CO 81520 HOT'TSMA \'OHN C & BOBBI-AI{N HOTITS4795 S I,AFAYETTE, CHERRY HIIJIJS VIIJIIAGE CO 80110 Valuatsion: *of oa6 t oE.: Phonez 970-827-9443 Phonel' 970-827-9443 6, 000.00 llof wood/Prllet.: FEE SUUUARY Mechanlcal- - - > Plan check- - - > InveEtigaiion> WilI CaIl----> IteBt.05100 BUILDING DEPARTT{ENT DepE: BUTLDING Division:L2/29/1999 ,IRM Action: AppR AppRovEDItem: .05600 FIRE DEPARTMEMT Dept.: FIRB Division:L2/29/1999 JRM acrionr AppR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI, 120 .00 30 .00 .00 3 .00 .00 . o0 153 .00 1s3 . O0 . oo 153 .00 R6gtuarant Plan Raviry- - > DRB F.e-------- TOTAIJ FEtsg-'--' tolal Calculacad P...- - - > Addlclonal F6..---------> Total P€rGiE F..--------> Paybentd------- 1.2. 3. 4. ELD INSPEETTONS ARE REOUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE.ESqTIQN AIE IS REQUIR-ED PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 199? UMC, ORqrloN 70r. oF THE 1997 rMC.]. OF THE 1997 IMC. ON MUST CONFORM TO MANT'FAEruRES INSTRUETTONS AND10 OF TITE 1997 I'MC, CHAPTBR 10 OF TIIE 1997 TMC. ROOM PRIOR TO AIiI TNSPECTTON REOI'EST.DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAI. ROOMS CO}ITAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATERSUPPLY BOIIJERS SHALL BE EOUTPPED WITII A FIJOOR DRAIN PER SEC.L022 0p rtrB L997 tMC, OR sEgrroN 1004.6 0F TrrE 1997 rMe. eAs ApprrlrNeEs-3uai.t E6-\ffitEb i"ct6noluG-r6- aneprsR I ArirD 9Il4&I., TBRMTNATE AS-gpECrFrED rN SEC.806 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR CIIAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC.ACCESS TO HEATING EOI'IPMENT MUST COMPI,Y WITH CHAPTER 3 ATiIDSEC.1O17 OF TIIE 1997 T'MC AI{D CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC.BOII,ERS SHAIJL BE MOUMTED ON FI,OORS OF NONCOIIBUSTIBI.,E CONST.I'NLESS IJISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBI.,E FIOORING.PERMIT.PLANS AND CODE AI{ALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANIEAIJ ROOM PRIOR TO ATiI TNSPECTTON REOI'EST.DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING IIEATING OR HO[-!{ATER 5. 5. 7. 8. ******************tl**************************!r**********************il*******:rrr** DBCI'ARATIONS r h.rrby rcknorl.dg. tshrts t h.v. r..d ehlr .t,Illrcrtlon, fill.d our {n lurr rh. Infoalrtlon roqulrrd, cq|l.t.d.n rceu{!. plocphtt' rnal .trc. Eh.E rll thr inforutldr fEsvi&d r. r.qul,rta l' cotE.cc. I rgtr.. go coqfy -lcfr Ulo hlooorelon rna ploc plm. Lo coqrly rlch alt Toln ordLnanc.! .!d lErtc trr!, |tra to butlat !hl,! .clirccuro .ccordlng Eo tho torn,. ,onlttE rnd .ubdLvtlloncodat. d.algn rcvlrr {4trovad, Unlfon Bulldlng Coat! rnd olhrr otdin.nc€E of cbc T{n lttrllcabl6 thar.tso, RlQOltTa lon lflgPrcrlona AtnlE BE lrD! $|rnfTY-lorn Folna nr lDvlllcE Bx I€LrPHOll! lT 4?t-2138 OR nr oIrR olltcr troNa g:oo t|| 5:oo !fi gtottlloRl ot cfll|ln on co[RteloR Fotr Hlrgttf tltD ot{!ER.11lru ta buntt' tt!r t t lttrttt !littitrrtaa rt!trattatttaatittrtttarttarrr.r.lo.rrr..'ir ... mFr ot ln&, ooLonlm srrt.rrc rrrrrf atirttti rrtt*r.a,r r r,r,lattrtra,,trarra,r,rarltirt* arrairr rr rrr,rr a tgtrt.El dl&b.rr R8C-0601 hounE r L93,oo L2/"o/19 091.Or P.ll[rlE I.shod r CittCK Nosrrlotr ! tt31o/tchn ld.r tnlc! tc,ttl P.ntC tro! llr9-017a e!r. t E-taECH tflcttlttlcl! prRl|IT P.tcal uor 2101-123-07-ol? tlt. lddr.'. r 1r?6 con! CRtlt( DR Locrglon! 1875 {b cRtrt Dn lotrl Faaa.. tl|l. PrF.nr 153.oo Tbrrl lti! ptc.: Eallnca r *t ttttt', il. i tltttttt ttlr atr, !atratrati t}i att tlit trtr, *r ar* r, t r,, rri,,r I r a AcgounB Coda D.tcripElon up 00t00003111300 ||tcHlalql! p! It rElg Pl 00100003112300 pl'llt ctfBcK prr3 nc oo100003112ao0 nltr& cr&L apleito, FlB 153. 00 153.00 .00 Auoung 120. 00 30,00 3.00 -'/a TOWN oF VAI}oNSTRUGTIoN PERMTT CATION FORM INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLf,TE OR TIIE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTEII Contact the Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-32A-8640 for parcel # Parceta 2lfri ' t L3' ' o7 - ot 7 a APPLI Permit # Job Address: Eleclrical ( )Mechanicat (p Other ( ) Filing Subdivision Address: Address:Phone# Date: Job Name: Building ( ) Legal Description: Owners Name: Plumbing ( ) Lot Block Archilect: Description of Job: Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Additional ( ) VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ Repair ( )oaerp() Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs WoodlPellet OTHER: $ TOTAL $ Alteration ( ) I Number and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances BIJILDING: $ PLIJMBING $ c€nerar corrracton *,lttu W V.t lor1w ^t Town of Vail Registration No. Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Plumbinq Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Mechanical contractor ,Mleaar"rr, P.O .?-o't 13l+ A4/trn,Co 3i uzD Town of Vail Registation No.lt3-?-l^v'L1-11++3 FOR OFFICE USE TYPE GROUP SO. FT. VALUAT]ON BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: ***CODE BOOKS ARf AV.{ILABLE FOR PURCHASE UPON RTQIIEST*** Phone # Date Receive, MECHAMCAL 8 UOOD CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: Phone # oEC 2 2 1999 -.t--Q. 64''+4 0! fi4# l)'u[: ]-*-D-o,I^t ,ffi er'^ t4 r, l*.-- ,o/ 9108-ee8-oa8 J.p!.uqcs l.rnJ2.d r8gr8o 83 6Z o.ll FYr \.l, r.I Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Department of Community Devdopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Prcject Name: Houtsma Residence PEG Number: PEC030030 Prciect D6cription: New front entrance and new garage Participants: OWNER HOUTSMA JOHN C. & BOBBI-ANN 06/16/2003 Phone: 4795 S I.AFAYETTE CHERRY HILI.S VILI.AGE CO 80110 License: APPUCANT HOUTSMA JOHN C. & BOBBI-ANN 06/16/2003 Phone: 476-38091390-1402 4795 S I-AFAYETTE CHERRY HILLS VILI.AGE CO loni Taylor 80110 License: Project Address: 1876 GORE CREEK DR VAIL location: 1868 West Gore Creek Drive Legal Description: Lot: +i Abcf: Subdivisionr VAIL ULLAGE WEST FIL I Parcel Numberz 2L03L2307 0L7 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motaon By: Hadman Action: APPROVED Second By: Bernhardt Vote: 7-0 Date of Approvalz 0810712003 Condi6ons: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail sLaff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: CON0006017 1. That the applicant surueys in the location of the garage foundation and roof eave line prior to construction, to ensure that no improvements are construc@d off-site. A foundation Improvement Location Certificate must be submitted by the applicants for review and approval by the Community Development Depaftment prior to a framing inspection. 2. That the applicant receives a revocable right-of-way permit for the landscaping in the right-of-way, prior to issuance of a building permit. _a 3, That,tp,'.un, replaces all transplanted landscapillg which fails to survive two growing seasons, with new landscape material of similar size and quality. 4. That the applicant submib a Design Review Board application for all improvements in accordance with Chapter 12-11, Design ReMeur and Chapter 12-21. Hazards, Vail Town Code. All improvements must be reviewed and approved by the @mmunity Development Department prior to consfuction activity on the site. 5. That the driveway width is modified by the applicant to a maximum width of 24 ft. and the driveway must accommodate the required turnaround as West Gore Creek Drive is a bus route, These modifications shall be provided as part of the Design Reviar Board application. Planner: Allison Odrs PEC Fee Paid: $500.00 ING AND ENVIRONMENTAL PUBLIC MEETING Monday, July 28, 2003 PROJECT ORIENTATION / - Communityr Development Dept. PUBLIC WELCOME 12:00 pm a coMMrssloil MEMBERS PRESENT John Schofield Erickson Shirley Doug Cahill Chas Bernhardt Rollie Kjesbo Gary Hartman Site Visits : NOTE: lf the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board may break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 Public Hearinq - Town Council Chambers 2:00 pm 1. A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, and 12-6D-9, Site Coverage, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential and garage addition, located at 1868 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 47, Vail Village West 1st Filing. Applicant John and Bobbi-Ann HoutsmaPlanner: Allison Ochs MOTION: Gary Hartman SECOND: Chas Bernhardt VOTE: 7-0 Approved with 5 conditions: 1. That the applicant surveys in the location of the garage foundation and roof eave line prior to construction, to ensure that no improvements are constructed off-site. A foundation lmprovement Location Certificate must be submitted by the applicants for review and approval by the Community Development Department prior to a framing inspection. 2. That the applicant receives a revocable right-of-way permit for the landscaping in the right-of-way, prior to issuance of a building permit. O PLANN MEMBERS ABSENT George Lamb (left at 6:30 pm) 1. Beaver Creek loading and delivery facility- (optional) (van departs from the Community Development Department) 2. Vail's Front Door - Vail Village 3. Lodge Tower- 164 Gore Creek Dr. 4. Snownow LLC - 2388 Garmisch 5. Houtsma - 1868 West Gore Creek Dr. 10:00 am 1:00 pm Driver: George 2. O 3. That the applicant replaces all transplanted landscaping which fails to survive two growing seasons, with new landscape material of similar size and quality. 4. That the applicant submits a Design Review Board application for all improvements in accordance with Chapter 12-1 1, Design Review and Chapter 12-21. Hazards,Yail Town Code. All improvements must be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department prior to construction activity on the site. 5. That the driveway width is modified by the applicant to a maximum width ot 24 ft. and the driveway must accommodate the required turnaround as West Gore Creek Drive is a bus route. These modifications shall be provided as part of the Design Review Board application. A request for a variance from Section 12-21-14E(2), Restrictions In Specific Zones On Excessive Slopes, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of driveways and surface parking in excess ol 10o/o of the total site area, located at 2388 Garmisch Drive/Lot 9, Block G, Vail Das Schone 2no Filing. Applicant Snow Now, LLC, represented by John G. MartinPlanner: Bill Gibson MOTION: Doug Cahill SECOND: George Lamb VOTE: 7-0 Approved with the following condition: 1. The applicant shall submit to the Community Development Department a copy of an executed access easement with the owners of Lots 8 and 10, Vail Das Schone, Filing 2, prior to the issuance of a building permit. A request for a worksession to discuss a proposed major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-78-7, ExteriorAlterations Or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for a lobby and elevator addition to the Lodge Tower South Condominiums, located at 164 Gore Creek Drive/Lots A, B, & C, Block 5C, VailVillage First Filing . Applicant: Lodge Tower South Condominium Association, represented by Stan CopePlanner: George Ruther WORKSESSION - No vote A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of a text amendment to Section 12- 7B-13, Density Control, Zoning Regulations; a request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of a froposed rezoniig oiLots P3 & J, btoct< SR, Vail Village 5s Filing from Public Accommodation zone district (PA) to Parking zone district (P); a request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for the proposed zoning of an unplatted parcel of land commonly refened to as the "trade parcel" and Lots 1 & 2, Mill Creek Subdivision to Ski Base Recreation ll zone district; a requestfor a minorsubdivision, pursuant to Title 13, Subdivision Regulations, Vail Town Code, to allow for the relocation of the common property line between Lots P3 & J, Block 5A, Vail Village sth Filing; a request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Code of a proposed major subdivision, pursuant to Section 13-3, Major Subdivision, Vail Town Code, to allow for the platting of the'trade parcel"; a request for a conditional use permit, pursuant to Chapter 16, Title 12, of the Vail Town Code, to allow for a "private off-street vehicle parking facility and public park" to be constructed and operated on Lots P3& J, Block 5A, Vail Village 5'n Filing; a request for an exterior alteration or modification, pursuant to Section 12-78-7, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for an addition to the Lodge at Vail; a request for a variance from Section 12-21-10, Development Restricted, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 17, Variances, Zoning Regulations, to allow for the construction of multiple-family dwelling units on slopes in excess of 40olo; and a request for the establishment of an approved development plan to facilitate the construction of Vail's Front Door, and setting 3. 4. 1) a(o'-JI ' forth details in regard thereto. (A more complete metes and bounds legal description is' available at the Town of Vail Community Develbpment Department) Applicant Vail Resorts, represented by Jay PetersonPlanner: George Ruther MOTION: Doug Cahill SECOND: Rollie Kjesbo VOTE: 6-0 Tabled to August 11,2003 5. A request for a variance from Section 12-6H-6, Setbacks, and 12-6H-7, Height, VailTown Code, to allow for a residential addition, located at Manor Vail, 595 E. Vail Valley Drive/Lot A, VailVillage 7th Filing. Applicant Manor Vail Lodge, represented by Bob McClearyPlanner: Warren Campbell MOTION: Doug Cahill SECOND: Rollie Kjesbo VOTE: 6-0 Tabled to August 1 1, 2003 6. A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for an amendment to the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Town of Vail, represented by Greg HallPlanner: Warren Campbell MOTION: Doug Cahill SECOND: Rollie Kjesbo VOTE: 6-0 Tabled to August 11, 2003 7. A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for an outdoor dining deck, in accordance with Section 12-7848' Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, located at the Vista Bahn Building, 333 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1"t Filing. Applicant: Remonov & Company, Inc., represented by Knight Planning Services, Inc. Planner: Bill Gibson MOTION: Doug Cahill SECOND: Rollie Kjesbo VOTE: 6-0 Tabled to August 1 1, 2003 8. Approval of July 14,2003 minutes MOTION: Chas Bemhardt SECOND: Doug Cahill VOTE:6-0 Approved with modifications L lnformation Update The applications and information about the proposals are availabb for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planneds office located at the Town of Vail Community Devefopment Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please ca,ll 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation availabb upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published July 25,2003 in the Vail Daily. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department July 28, 2003 A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, and 12-6D-9, Site Coverage, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential and garage addition, located at 1868 West Gore Creek Drive/Lol47, Vail Village West 1sl Filing. Applicant: John and Bobbi-Ann HoutsmaPlanner: Allison Ochs il. SUMMARY The applicants, John and Bobbi-Ann Houtsma, are requesting a variance from Section 12-6D-9, Site Coverage, to allow for a garage addition in excess of the allowable site coverage. A similar variance request for this property was approved in 1995 by the Planning and Environmental Commission. The Community Development Department is recommending approval of the variance request, subject to the conditions and findings as outlined in Section lX of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicants, John and Bobbi-Ann Houtsma, are proposing to construct a one- story garage addition to their house, located at 1868 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 47 , Yail Village West 1sl Filing. The proposal includes the addition of a two-car garage and a new porch. At this time, no olher improvements are proposed. A vicinity map has been attached for reference (Attachment A). The proposal requires a site coverage variance. The house is located on a steep slope, in excess of 30%, which requires that the maximum sile coverage allowance is 15% of the lotal site area. In this case, the site coverage allowed is 1,657 sq. ft. The applicants are proposing 1,819 sq. ft. or 16.5% site coverage. Because the slopes are in excess of 30%, the garage is permitted to be located in the front setback at the discretion of the Design Review Board. The applicants were also originally proposing to locate a portion ol the garage in the side setback. However, the applicants have revised the plans lo eliminate the side setback encroachment, and that request has subsequently been withdrawn. The applicants'stalement of requesl and reductions of the proposed plans have been attached for reference (Attachments B and C). III. BACKGROUND According to the Town of Vail legal lile for this property, the house at 1868 West Gore Creek Drive / Lol 47,Yail Village West First Filing, was approved by Eagle County in 1979. The neighborhood was subsequently annexed in 1986. In 1995, the applicanls requested a sile coverage variance lo allow for a garage addition and a new front entrance to the house. The Planning and Environmental Commission approved the request with the following conditions: 1. That prior lo the issuance of a building permit for the project, the applicant shall submit and record a Type I Employee Housing Unit deed restriction on the property to allow for the expansion of the existing residence. 2. That the applicant suruey in the location of the garage foundation and roof eave line prior to construction, lo ensure that no improvements are constructed off-site. 3. That the applicant receives a revocable right-of-way permil for lhe landscaping in the right-of-way, prior 1o issuance of a building permit. 4. That the applicant replace all transplanted landscaping which fails to survive two growing seasons, with new landscape malerial of similar size and quality. A copy of the staff memorandum and minutes from the 1995 Planning and Environmenlal Commission meeting have been attached for reference (Attachmenl D). At the lime, lhere were two dwelling units on the site. In the Primary/Secondary zone districl, only one dwelling unit is permitted on lots less than 14,000 sq. ft., unless one unit is deed restricted as a Type I employee housing unit. Subsequently, the applicanls have eliminated one kitchen. Therefore, the site now complies with allowable density and the Type I deed restriction is no longer necessary. Also, when the variance was approved, additional improvements were proposed for the structure. At this time, the applicants are proposing only to add the garage and, because the garage impacts the entry, a modification to the front entry. Statf has researched similar variance requests in order to provide the Planning and Environmental Commission with additional background information. A summary of that research is provided below: Ricci Residence. 2576 Davos Trail ( Februarv. 1995): At the Ricci Residence, lhe applicant requested a sile coverage variance tor 4.7"/" (526.5 sq. ft. of additional site coverage). The applicant proposed 10 use the additional site coverage to create an enlarged 2-car garage, as well as add a small amount of additional GRFA to the existing residence. The PEC approved the applicant's site coverage variance request. Dean/Rousch Residence. 2942 Bellflower (July 1993): At the Dean/Rousch residence, the applicants requested a 3.56% site coverage variance (287 square feet), a setback variance (4 feet into a 20{oot setback), and a wall height !v. variance. The request for site coverage and wall height variances were approved by the PEC, but the setback variance for GRFA was denied. lt should be noted that the staff recommended denial of the variances, but the PEC approved it. The interior dimensions of the garage were 22.5 by 22.5 feet, and the area of the garage calculated for site coverage was 576 square feet. Taylor Residence. 2409 Ghamonix Road (Mav '1993): At lhe Taylor residence, the appficant requesled and was granted a site coverage variance tor'1.3% (122 square fee$ in order to construct a garage and building connection on the properly. lt should be noted that the allowed site coverage on this lot is 20% (not 15%), and the applicanl was also granted a variance lo construcl the garage in the front setback (the slope on this lot did not exceed 30%). The approved interior dimensions of the two-car garage were 21 feet by 20 feet, for a lotal interior area of 420 square feet. The garage contributed 462 square feet toward site coverage. Mumma Residence. 1886 West Gore Creek Drive (Februarv 1993): Al the Mumma residence, lhe applicant requested and was granted a 1% site @verage variance in order to conslruct a garage addition on a lol that exceeds 30% slope. The 1% overage on sile coverage amounted to approximately 99 square feet. The interior dimensions of the approved garage measure 20 feel by 20 feet, for a total interior area of 400 square feet. The garage contributed 442 square feet toward site coverage. Smail Residence. 4238 Nugget Lane (September 1992): At the Smail residence, the applicant requested and was granted side and front setback variances in order to conslrucl a garage and GRFA addition. The interior dimensions of the approved garage measure 22 teet f-inches by 22 teel 3-inches (504 square teel). Please note that a site coverage variance was not necessary as a part of this request. Testwuide Residence. 898 Red Sandstone Gircle (Auoust 1992): At the Testwuide residence, the applicant requested and was granted side and front setback variances in order to construct a garage addition to the existing residence. The approved garage had interior dimensions of 21 .5 feet by 24feel, with a totaf interior area ol 516 square feet. Please note that a site nverage variance was not necessary as part of this request. ROLES OF REVIEWNG BODIES A. The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other exisling or potential uses and structures in lhe vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the slrict or literal interpretalion and enlorcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in lhe vicinity, or lo attain the objectives of this Title without grant of v. special privilege. 3. The etfect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and tralfic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. B. The Design Review Board has no review authority on a variance, bul musl review any accompanying Design Review Board application. The Design Review Board is responsible for evalualing the Design Review Board proposal for: 1. Architectural compatibility with other structures, the land and surroundings2. Fitling buildings into landscape3. Configuration of building and grading of a site which respects the topography4. Removal/Preservalion of trees and native vegetalion5. Adequate provision for snow storage on-site6. Acceptability of building malerials and colors7. Acceptability of roof elements, eaves, overhangs, and other building forms8. Provision of landscape and drainage9. Provision of fencing, walls, and accessory structures10. Circulation and access to a site including parking, and site distances11. Location and design of satellite dishes12. Provision of outdoor lighting APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Staff believes that the following provisions of the Vail Town Code are relevant lo the review of this proposal: Title 12: Zoning Regulations Section 12-6D: Two Familv Primarv/Secondarv Zone District (in part) 12-6D-1: Purpose: The two-family primary/secondary residential district is intended to provide sites for single-family residential uses or two-family residential uses in which one unit is a larger primary residence and the second unit is a smaller caretaker apartment, together with such public facilities as may appropriately be located in the same district. The tvvo-family primary/secondary residential district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, privacy and open space for each dwelling, commensurate with singleJamily and twoiamily occupancy, and to maintain the desirable residential qualities of such sites by establishing appropriate site d eve lo pm e nt stand ards. Chapter 12-21: Hazard Reoulations (in part) 12-21-14: Restrictions in Specific Zones on Excessive Slopes: The following additional special restrictions or requirements shall aryly to development on any lot in a hillside residential, singlelamily residential, two- family residential or two-family primary/secondary residential zone disttict where the average slope of the site beneath the existing or proposed structure and parking area is in excess of thirty percent (30%): E. Site mverage as it pertains to this chapter, as permitted by sections 12- 6A-9, 12-68-9, 12-6C-9 and l2-6D-9 of this title, is amended as tollows: 1. Not more than fifteen percent (15%) of the site area may be covered by buildings, except in conjunction with a type I employee housing unit in accordance with chapter 13 of this title, in which case not more than twenU percent (20%) of the site area may be covered by buildings; and 2. Not more than ten percent (10%) of the total site area may be covered by driveways aN surface paking. K. Setbacks, as they apply to this chapter, as required by sections 12-0A-6, 12-68-6, 12-6C-6 and 12-6D-6 of this title, are amended as follows: there shall be no required front setback for garages, except as may be required by the design review board. Garages located in the front setback, as provided for in this section, shall be limited to one story in height (not to exceed 10 feet) with the addition of a pitched or flat roof and subjed to review and approval by the design review board. L. Retaining walls up to six feet (6') in height may be permitted in the setback by the design review board when associated with a permitted garage as referenced in subsection K of this section. Chaoter 12-17: Variances (in part) 12-17-1: Purpose:A. Reasons For Seeking Variance: ln order to prevent or to lessen such practical difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent with the objectives of this title as would result from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement, variances from certain regulations may be granted. A practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of existing structures thereon; from topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical limitations, street locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity. Cost or inconvenience to the applicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance. B. Development Standards Excepted: Variances may be granted only with respect to the development standards prescribed for each district, including lot area and site dimensions, setbacks, distances between buildings, height, density control, building bulk control, site coverage, usable oryn space, landscaping and site development, and parking and loading requirements; or with respect to the provisions of chapter | 1 of this title, governi ng physical development o n a site. Vail Land Use Plan Staff believes that the following provisions of the Vail Land Use Plan are relevant to the review of this proposal: The land use designation, as staled in the Vail Land Use Plan, is Low Density Residential. According to the Vail Land Use Plan, this designalion is described as follows: Low Densitv Residential This category includes single-family detached homes and two family dwelling units. Density of development within this category would Upically not exceed 3 structures per buildable acre. Also within this area would be private recreation facilities such as tennis courts, swimmingpols and club houses for the use of residents of the area. lnstitutional/public uses permitted would include churches, fire stations, and parks and open space related facilities. In addition, slaff has identilied the followings goals and objectives from the Vail Land Use Plan which staff believes are applicable to this request: 1. GeneralGrowtilDevelopment1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a mntrolled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, nmmercial and recreational uses to serue both the visitor and the permanent resident.1.3 The quality of development should be maintained and u pgr aded whe neve r possi b I e. 5. Residential5.1 Additional residential growth should continue to o@ur primaily in existing, platted areas and as appropriate in new areas where high hazards do not exist.5.4 Residentialgrowth should keep pace with the market place demands for a full range of housing types. VI. SITE ANALYSIS Zoning: Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Land Use Plan Designation: Low Density Residential Current Land Use: Single family residence Hazards: Slopes in excess of 30% Lot Area: 11,047 sq. ft. Develooment Standard Allowecl/Reouired Setbacks: Front: Sides: Rear: Building Height: Density: GRFA: Site Coverage: Landscape Area: Parking Spaces max. 33' (slope)/30' (flat) <33 ft. '1 du 1du 20 fr. 15 fr./15 ft. 15 fr. 3,187 sq. ft. 1,657 sq. ft. (15"/.) 6,628 sq. ft, (min) 3 spaces Proposed 1.5 fr. 11.5 ft../43 ft. 63 ft. 2,272sq.ft. 1,819 sq. ft. (16.5%) 8,388 sq. tl. 3 spaces (2 enclosed) vil. *denotes existing non-conformity SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING North: South: East: West: Land Use Residential Residential Residential Residential Zonino Two-Family Primary/Secondary Two-Family Primary/Secondary Two-Family Primary/Secondary Two-Family Primary/Secondary CRITERIA AND FINDINGS C. Consideration of Factors Reoardinq the Site Coveraoe Variance: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The applicants are proposing to add a garage in the front setback, which is permitted by 12-2'l-14: Restrictions in Specilic Zones on Excessive Slopes, Vail Town Code, subject to Design Review Board approval. The request for the garage addition requires a site coverage variance. Statf believes that the proposal will not have a negative impact to olher uses or struclures in the vicinity. Slatf believes that the garage addition will be a benefit to the neighborhood, by eliminating surface parking and creating 2 enclosed parking spaces. The existing parking spaces are located partially in the Town of Vail right-of-way and staff believes that the elimination of this surface parking in the right-of-way is a benefit to the neighborhood and the Town of Vail. According to the survey provided, lhe proposed garage will be localed 11 ft. from West Gore Creek Drive and 1.5 ft. off the property line. Staff believes this to be an adequate separation from the right-of-way. As is required by Ghapter 12-21, Hazards, Vail Town Code, the proposal includes a one-story garage addition, not to exceed 10 ft. in height, with the addition of a pitched roof. The bulk and mass associated with the proposal is similar in scale to the bulk and mass of surrounding homes. In addition, the applicant has revised their proposal and maintained a separation of 15 ft. from the eastern property line, thus minimizing any impacts to the adjacenl property. Staff believes that the proposed addition will have a posilive impact on, and is compatible with, other existing and potential uses and structures in the vicinity, The degree to which relief from the slrict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulatlon is necessary to achieve compatiblllty and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the oblectives of this tltle without a grant of special privilege, Similar site coverage variances have been granted to allow for the addition of enclosed parking. Staff has traditionally supported site coverage variance requests when associated with lhe construction of enclosed parking. Staff has researched as lo the site coverage on existing structures in the vicinity. The majority of the near-by lots are non-conforming with regards to minimum lot size, and many have slopes in excess of 30%. The statf had researched projects in which similar sile coverage variance requesls were made, and has summarized them in Section lll of this memorandum. Because similar variances have been granted from this regulation, in the vicinity, and in this zone district, staff believes that the granting of this variance would not be a grant of special privilege. The applicanls have also revised the plans to eliminate the side setback encroachment and have proposed a very modest sized garage (495 sq. ft.) to minimize the amount of deviation required for this variance, while still meeting lheir parking needs. In addition, the applicant has revised their plans to eliminate any encroachment into the 15 ft, side setback, as originally proposed. In lhe past, stafl has requested that each variance request be for the minimum amount of devialion from Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code, necessary in order to atlain the needs of the applicant. Staff believes that the requested variance is lhe minimum deviation needed from the setback requiremenls, while still meeting the parking needs of the applicants. tx. 3. The effect ol the requested variance on light and air, distribution ol population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Statf does not believe that there will be any negative impacts associated wilh this proposal, if constructed, on the above- referenced criteria. Staff believes that the proposed elimination of surface parking partially located in the Town of Vail right-of-way, will have a positive impact on the above.referenced criteria. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the commlssion deems applicable to the proposed variance. D. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinos before orantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental lo the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more ol the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in praclical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretalion or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners ol other properties in the same dislrict. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Departmenl recommends approval of the request for a variance from 12-6D-9, Site Coverage, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential and garage addition, located at 1868 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 47, VailVillage West 1st Filing. Statf's recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, subject to the following findings: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constilute a granting of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting ol the variance will not be detrimentalto the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical ditficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this tille. 4. The strict interpretation or enforcemenl of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve the variance request, staff recommends lhe following conditions: 1. That the applicants survey in the location of the garage foundation and roof eave line prior lo construction, to ensure that no improvements are conslructed off-site. A foundalion lmprovement Location Gertificate must be submitted by the applicants for review and approval by the Community Development Department prior to a framing inspection. 2. Thal the applicants receive a revocable right-of-way permit for the landscaping in the right-of-way, prior to issuance ol a building permit. 3. That the applicants replace all transplanled landscaping which fails to survive two growing seasons, with new landscape material of similar size and quality. 4. That the applicants submit a Design Review Board application for all improvements in accordance with Chapter 12-11 , Design Review and Chapter 12-21. Hazards, Vail Town Code. All improvemenls must be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department prior to construction activity on the site. 5. That the driveway width is modified to a maximum width of 24 ft. and the driveway must accommodate the required turnaround as West Gore Creek Drive is a bus route. These modifications shall be provided as part of the Design Review Board application. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity MapB. Applicanls'StatementofRequest l0 C. Reductions of the ProposalD. Memo and Minutes of the 1995 Planning and Environmental Commission hearingE. Public Hearing Notice ll Attachment: A Aftachment: B June 13,2003 To: The Planning and Environmental Commission Vail, Colorado From: John and Bobbi Ann Houtsma A REQUEST FOR A VARIENCE AT 1868 W. Gore Creek Drive, Vail, Colorado To whom it may concem: In 1995 we received a variance to cotrstruct a garage on our propedy. Due to several reasons, we did not ever construct the garage and the variance has expired. We are now applying for the same, identical variance to construct the exact same garage as we received approval for in 1995. We are attaching the "Memorandum" dated August 14,2003 from George Ruther, Town Planner. In the attached "Memorandum" a detailed explanation outlines our request and the specific regulations involved that the Town of Vail approved in 1995. In the "Memorandum" the following written statements are addressed: 1. Other requests that have been approved in the neighborhood for the same variance. 2. Cars will be taken offthe street parking. 3. The plans show that the garage will aesthetically improve the design of the home. 4. In the "Memorandum" it was identified that it will not negatively affect the distribution and transportation in the area. Please let us know if there is any other information we can provide you. Thank you, We look forward to hearing from you. WrxM{wil,'^'h^t"-. Attachment: C A\, $ + I F II t T I* f- 'F 'LJ I€1 @- - ----@-\J-/ |6-t I N,I -g '<.t?+ttl4 . ZE!11.e e$.a.e, aetZeCCA.. 1Lr\? : zy'' fi s \T ^ll L \ t $ I a lv T- $ tf r L\ N+5-t\ Y $ fi- \s \ I De sign Review Action Form TOWNOFVAIL Proiect Name: Houtsma Residence Project Description: Partial parking area fill and landscaping Owner. Address and Phone: Bobbi Ann & John Houtsma 1868 W. Gore Creek Drive 47G3807 ArchitecVContact. Address and Phone: Bobbi Ann & John Houtsma 1868 W. Gore Creek Drive 476_3807 Project Strcet Addrcss: lE6&W. Gore Creek Drive Lot4T,Vail Village West ( t Building Name: Lcgal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: August 6, 1998 Board / Staff Action Action: staffapproved l) No boulder placement in the Town's right-of-way 2) A parking area 36' wide and 25'deep (4 spaces) must be maintained l':\EvERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\98UlOtJTSMA.806 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 Fl llt:ds7 qucstio,rsf l I thc Pla;rning Stat i lr .i 7'l -l i 2.i Qrt ffi th'ti{'tJ .-. APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcviov approvll. Any projcct rcquiring dcsiglr rcvicrv must rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicrv approval prior to subnritting fora building pcrnrit. Forspccific infonnation, sec thc subnrittal rcquirctncnts for thc particular approval that is rcquestcd. Thc application cannot bc acceptcd until all thc rcquircd inforntation is subnrittcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Torvn Council and/or thc Planning and Envirolt tttclttal Contntission. Dcsign Reviov Board approval cxpircs 0nc ycar aftcr final approval untcss a ! building permit is issucd and construction is started. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE RE A,LA- B. D. E. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LoT: 47 BLoCK:FILING: PFFYSICAL ADDRESS: 1fr or ( (,<t-c -(: PARCEL #: Vv u' 6 \-r- (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Officc at 970-328-8640 foiparccl #) ZONING: TOr/N OF VAIL F. c. NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADD OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: "@ #. yy. C--. L,o {biio pHONE: 4a3 7ES ;3"i} MAILINC ADDRESS: PHONE: H. TYPEOFREVIEWANDFEE: D Nerv Construction - $200 Construction of a nerv building. tr Addition - $50 Includcs any addition rvhcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or ,/ conuncrcial building. El'lUinor Alteration - $20 lncludcs rninor changcs to buildings and sitc irnprovcmcnts, such as, rcroofing. painting. rvindorv additions. landscaping. fcnccs and rctaining walls, ctc. DRB fccs arc to be paid at thc tinre of sr.rbn.rittal. Latcr. rvhcn applying fora buildingpennit, plcasc idcntify thc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. Thc Torvn of Vail rvill adjust the fcc according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMTT TI{IS APPLICATION, ALL SUBi\,IITTAL REQUIRXNIENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF CO]VIMUNITY DEVELOPIVIENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. VAIL, COLORADO 8I657. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Attachment: D MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department August 14, 1995 A request for a site coverage variance to allow for an addition to the Houtsma Residence, located at 1868 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 47, Vail Village West 1st Filing. Applicants: John and Bobbi Ann HoutsmaPlannen George Ruther I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicants, John and Bobbi Ann Houtsma are proposing to construct a new front entrance and an attached, one story, two-car garage to their residenoe located at 1868 West Gore Creek Drive. The proposed new front entry addition would be located within the boundaries of the setbacks on the prope(y. The altached, one story, two-car garage, however, would be located in the front setback. The proposed garage is permitted in the front setback pursuanl io Section 18.69 (Hazard Regulations) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, since the percent slope beneath the existing structure and lhe proposed structure and parking area exceeds 30%. Additionally, since the slope of the property exceeds 30%, the site is restristed to 15% site coverage. Based upon a lot size of 10,977 sq. ft., the applicants are allowed 1,646 sq. ft., or 157o site coverage. The plans submitted propose a total site coverage on the properg of 1, 829 sq. ft., or 16.60/o. Therefole, the applicants are rcquesting a site coverage variance ol 1.6% from Section 18.69 of the Town of Vail Municipal Gode. The applicants are also proposing other upgrades to the property in addition to the new front entrance and the two-car garage. The applicants are proposing to pave the existing gravel driveway, as well as add landscaping in the northwest and northeast comers of the property, where none cunently exists. Additionally, the applicant is proposing to add a river rock chimney to the streel elevation of the struciure. Also to be added will be a modest dormer addition on the street elevation and an expanded deck to the west elevation of the structure. Further proposed for the entire residence will be shutters and new windows in various locations to provide additional interest and fenestration to the building. II. BACKGROUND The staff had researched projects in which similar site coverage variance requests were made, and has summarized them below: Ricci Residence. 2576 Davos Trail ( February. 1995): At the Ricci Residence, the applicant requested a site coverage variance ior 4.7o/o (526.5 sq. ft. of additional site coverage). The applicant proposed to use the additional site coverage lo create an enlarged 2-car garage, as well as add a small amounl of additional GRFA to the existing residence. The PEC approved the applioant's site coverage variance requesi. F l \everyone\pec \hemos\houtsma . 814 Dean/Rousch Residence. 2942 Bellflower (July 1993): At the Dean/Rousch residence, the applicants requested a3.56% site coverage variance (287 square feei), a setback variance (4 feet into a 2Gfoot setback), and a wall height variance. The request for site coverage and wall height variances were approved by the PEC, but the setback variance for GRFA was.denied. lt should be noted that the staff recommended denial of the variances, but the PEC approved it. The interior dimensions of lhe garage were 22.5 W 225 feet, and the area of the garage calculated for site coverage was 576 square feet. Taylor Residence. 2409 Chamonix Road (May 1993): At the Taylor residence, the applicant requested and was granted a site coverage variance for 1.3o/o (122 squane feet) in order to construcl a garage and building connection on the property. lt shouf d be noted that the allowed site coverage on this lot is 20o/o (not 15olo), and the applicant was also granted a variance to construct the garage in the front setback (the slope on this lot did not exceed 30%). The approved interior dimensions of the two-car garage were 21 feet by 20 feet, for a total interior area ol 420 square feet. The garage contributed 462 square feet toward site coverage. Mumma Residence. 1886 Wesl Gore Creek Drive (Februarv 1993): At the Mumma residence, the applicant requested and was granted a 17o site coverage varianoe in order lo construct a garage addition on a lot that exceeds 30o/o slope. The 17o overage on site coverage amounted to approximately 99 square feet. The interior dimensions of the approved garage measune 20 feet by 20 feet, for a total interior area of 400 square feet. The garage conlributed 442 square feel toward site coverage. Smail Residence. 4238 Nugget Lane (September 1992): At lhe Smeil residence, the applicant requested and was granted side and front setback . variances in order to construct a garage and GRFA addition. The interior dimensions of the approved garage measure 22 teel8-inches by 22 teet $inches (504 square feet). Please note that a site coverage variance was not necessary as a part of this rcquest. Tesiwuide Residence. 898 Red Sandstone Circle hugust '1992): Al the Testwuide residence, the applicant requested and was granted side and front setback variances in order to construct a garage addition to the existing residence. The approved gerage had inlerior dimensions of 21.5 feel by 24 teel, with a iotal inierior area of 516 square feet. Please note that a site coverage variance was not necessary as part of this request. ( F: \everyone\pec\nemos \houtsma . 814 lll. zoNrNG STAT|STICS ' Lot Siz€: Zoning: GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides: Rear: Slte Goverage: Landscaping: Retaining Wall Heighb: Parking: 1 0,977 square feet Primary/Secondary ResidenUal Allowed 3,594 sq. ft. 20' 1s'.t15' 15, 1596 or 1,646 sq. fL 60% or 6,582 sq. ft. 6 feet (mar) 4 spaces required Prooosed . 2,421 sq.ft. Front 1.5 Sidee: 15',35' Rean 58' 16.0% or 1,E29 !q.tt 77% or 8,437 sq. fr. 4 feet 4 spaces proposed IV. CRITERIAANDFINDINGS Upon review of criteria and Findings, section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal code, the Communiiy Development Department recommends approval of the requested site coverage variance based on the following factorsi A. Consideration of Factors 1. The relationehip of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Staff believes that the proposed addition will be compatible with the. sunounding development. The additional mass and bulk associated with this proposal is similar in scale to the mass and bulk of sunounding homes in the area. The applicants are proposing to locate the garage 1.5 feet off of ihe front property line. The proposed location will result in a distance of 11 feet from the edge of the asphalt . Public Works has acknowledged that foundation plantings are possible in the right-of-way. Staff would like to Point out that the applicant is proposing to provide substantial upgrades to the existing property which, in Staffs opinion, result in a struclure that is guite compatible to the existing strustures in the area. 2. The degree to which relief from the stric{ and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified rcgulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. Staff has tradilionally supported site coverage variance requests when F : \everyone\pec\nenos\houtsna, I 1 { associated with the construction of enclosed parking. Staff believes that it is beneficial to the community to allow individuals to construct garages, as it $pically improves the appearance of the site and the sunounding area as a whole. In this case, the applicant will be eliminating 2 exterior parking sPaces wiih the construction of the new 2-car garage. Staff has worked with the applicant and the architecl to minimize the amount of the variance needed to construcl lhe proposed garage (495 sq. ft.). In the past, Staff has requested that each variance request be for the minimum amount of site coverage necessary in order to attain the desires of the applieant. Staff believes that the relief from a strici interpretation and enforcement of the siie coverage regulaiion is reasonable in this instance. 3. The effec't of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of- population, transportation and trafric facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Slaff does not believe that there will be any negative impacts associated with this proposal, if constructed, on the above referenced criteria. B. The Plannino and Environmental Coinmission shall make the followino findinos before oranting a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same distrist. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in lhe vicinity. 3. That the variance is wananted for one or more of the following reasons: regulation would result in praclical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this titlE. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions ;:llf ,?J:i""lH..Tff ":if '"lJf ""3lilT"'ff :donotapprv c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. V. STAFF RECOMIT,IENDATION Staff recommends approval of this variance. lt is Staffs belief that the applicant has met the criteria and findings A, 1, 2 and 3 and that findings 81, 82 and 83, a,b and c have be€n met. Specifically, it is Staffs opinion that finding B 3b has been met in that the area in which the apPlicant is proposing lhe new construction will not take place on lhose areas of the site that cunently exist at greater than 300/o slope. The intent of restricting the site coverage on this property to 150/o is lo reduce the amount of site disturbance generally associated with F: \€v€ryoDe\pec\nernos\hou tsna . 814 (,. construction on steep lots. As the applicant is proposing to limit all new construction to thal areawhich has already been disturbed due to the original construction, the intent of restriciing site coverage, and therefore limiting site disturbance, has been met by the applicant. AdditiJnally, it is Staffs belief that findings 81 and 82 have been met in that the appticint's proposed 49S ;q. n. galage is considerably less than the 1200 sq. fl. garage credit allowed for a residence on a Primary/Secondary zoned lot. Sho.uld the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to grent an approval of lhe applicanl's site coverage variance request, Staff would recommJnd that the approval carry with it the following conditions: 1. That prior to issuance of a building permit for lhe project, the applicant shall submit and record a Type I Employee Housing unit deed restriction on the property to allow for the expansion of the existing residence. 2- That the applicant survey in the location of the garage foundation and roof eave line prior to construclion, to ensure that no improvements are constructed off-site. 3. That the applicant receive a revocable right-of-way permit for the landscaping in the right-of-way, prior to issuance of a building permit. 4. Thal the applicant replace all transplanted landscaping which fails to survive two growing seasons, with new landscape material of similar size and quality. F: \ev eryone \ pec\hemos \houtsma . 814 .,"tj.;:',.1.:!i.li':i::,::::*ii;aii:.'*:I,,.];r;:;j']:.r;;i-*.:i,.r-Nti,ir',.r;-::a.-"--..i..-*-:.._:..-.,.....i,r..; o ;il:i ;i;L id i;li;;!!.:..!.iir;r :;i,1.; jI Ens iiiiiiiilii[ii iiiiiiiiiiiiii eift$El+ l-'6tdfr I' oF tu r1:9 d c4 t ."14 I i6 ( LJ trl!! 'f.u --t, o . 5*rIF )9sr -r1 ili- \rFril.r s. Sc4 rUl F fJ .l c{ o t'l |. i at-) I ! h 0-a!t t TI a (f. l- 4t l o0 JI{ilrl\q0\r- lnp< td -'* -7 o F c 0 4 u lUF ,t 1 o d.H 3[ 4u '-[i{ .:'.j dr.., d-u.F: ;t: , $,.r Ho ---i! er* ?R"?<r EfiaiiPl":- Er\g 9J\Ei' Jo $ 4 I I I lCCs! Jla r itl '"aF;i -:lq.F .r r. FIttt , . :|)>)-'o oo u14,-r aoI! -r-l Erl !<l sl ;l:l .F. .; ? eJ oc: ol:|r rJ:a i4 T9r(s .r il JS ET 6_' -qz ?J l.t aRtc q o6Iqitftr 'l-t >.aI-l dJ lc Jrl I -l -l rlL 4o ac-f, { || Ifl .l =l l:l !l;l;lil a. TIJI TI gt EI I @ i t t t Irtllt [#r Ftufl .: ' ''l ''; .i 'i: ,t .l .1 :':;i ii ltt ::l rii :.., |.: 1:i l:.: :.1; PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION August 14,1995 Minutes MEMBERSABSENT: Dalton Williams MEMBERS PRESENT: Bob Armour Henry Pratt JeffBowen Greg Moffet Kevin Deigban Greg Amsden STAFFPRESENT: Susan Connelly Mike Mollica Andy Knudtseir Randy Stouder George Ruther Russell Forest Judy Rodriguez 2:00 p.m.Public Hearing The meeting was called to order by Bob Armour at 2:05 p.m. l. A request for a site coverage variance to allow for additions to the existing residence located at 1868 west Gore creek Drive/Lot47,yail Village west Filing #1. Applicant John and Bobbi Ann HoutsmaPlanner: George Ruther George Ruther gave a description of the request and explained that it was on the DRB agenda for 8/16195. He stated that Staffwas recommending approval of the request with four conditions. The applicanl Bobbi Ann Houtsma stated that this was the only design they could come up with for a new garage. Bob Armow reiterated that the landscaping along the road needed to be maintained by the applicant. Kevin Deighan had no concems with the request. Greg Moffa agreed with George Ruther as far as the applicant meeting the criteria and findings. Greg Amsden had no problem with the request. Henry Pratt had no problan with the request. JeffBowen commeuded the applicant forcreating employee housing, while improving the residence. Planning and Environmenlal Commss|on. Minutes Augusl 14, 1995 JeffBowen made a motion to approve the request for a site coverage variance with the couditions as stated in the Staffmemo. { The motion was seconded by Greg Moffet. All voted unanimously in favor, with a vote of 6-0. 2. A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the Vail Valley Medical Center to park a. mobile catheter lab/tailer,located at 18l West Meadow Ihive/Lots E & F, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant Vail Valley Medical Center, representedby Dan FeeneyPlannq: RandY Stouder JeffBowen stated he would not step down regarding this request. Randy Stouder gave an overview of the request for a Conditional Use Perrrit (CUP). Staffhas recommended approval with conditions, since the applicant has met the CUP 6iteria. The Staff felt the landscaping condition was irnportant, as well as revisiting the approval after one year. Landscaping Option A calls for six large ei,ergreens to be placed on the north side of the lab. Option B revised the proposal by suggesting a mixture of trees, perhaps smaller in size with an increased quantity providing a wider belt of landscape screening. Dan Feeney had comments ou the Staffs couditions. To have the lab gone by 4pm might be hard (' , to comply witb, since a heavy patient load might cause a delay. A heavy patient load could lead to bringing the lab back a second tine. Bob Armour asked if the lab would be brought in mort rhen once pc month. Dan Feeney statd yes: but no more than three times per month total. Dan Feeney said an exception must be rnade for runniug the generatm during a power outage for patient safety. Bob Armour stated that the one year re-evaluation would be a review of how smoothly the operation was going. Randy Stouder, likewise, stated that this re-evaluation was to review operational procedures anil would not be used to revoke the CUP unless major problems arose. Henry Pratt said that the purpose of the one year term was not to revoke the CUP, but would be a chance to fine tune the agreement i.e. to change operating hours or respond to complaints. Ray McMahan was uneasy with the one year re-evaluation and wanted illsruance that the tenn would be at least three to five years. Greg Moffet said perhaps the condition could be reworded. . Planning and Envimnmental Commission Minules Aqgusr 1 4, 1995 2 TQ,, [rtuilrMnfuwifi [1fu^'br'q Prd |J\G U{tr 1,1 a O Rezoning $1300tr Major Subdivision 91500tr Minor Subdivision $650tr Exemption Plat 9650tr Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000O New Special Development District $6000tr Major Amendment to an SDD $6000tr Major Amendment to an SDD $1250 (no exterior modillations) wesE Gore ureeK urt ve $6s0 $400 $5s0 $800 $1500 $2s0 $1300 $s00 $200 Description of the Request: O/r'rners are proposing to construct a new front entrance and an attachedr one 868 Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type of Application and Fee: tr Conditional Use Permittr FloodolainModification tr Minor Exterior Alterationtr Major Extenor Alteration tr Development PlanE Amendment to a Development Plan .D Zoning Code Amendment Qariancetr Sion Variance vaa_L v llaqe West F #1 Driver Vai.1r Co 8L657 ParcerNo.: rc?lC3l fCoJorr.rror at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) Zoning:Prinnry/secondary Mailing Address:Vaif r Name(s) of Owner(s)l .lohno and Bobbi--Ann Hoursma 1Y o* ""r{s) si g nature(s) \i'rlfl.**' E-mail Address: -JcL ^ OQ-x,-<rk q-a*s . c o 4a F.".t8ff* ufrTtt' cnecr r'ro.:l9-tf ey:iDate: ! Planner: 1868 West Gore Creek Drive L.-s G<^a-Q. co 81657 Cr^ (J Paee I of6-0l/ l8/02 ******f'i+***+*r*alr*|}lla'a*'|la*lt***artta*t***+,3*+*r*****tr**a*t*a'a'|tt{r*+at*a*'aia'r't*t*aa,al*arra TOWN OF VAIL, COIORADOCopy Rcprlnted on ll6lG2lX)3 rt 13t41:11 Mll6l200.3 Statement '*******lilt*l+rr:]l{.*ltl'*'}**tt+'a'at+at**a****rti't*art*t*attatttat}atttf |l *+*r}*tt*a'.:}t+aata+t*ataa** gtatement l{\.mber: R030004179 Amount: $500.00 O6/L6{2OO3O1 :44 Pu Palment Method: Check Init: iIAR Notation: 124 .tohn Houtana Permit No: P8C030030 Type: PEC - Variance Parcel No! 21.0312307017 SiIe Mdreeg: 1876 SORE CREEK DR VAIIJ Location: 1868 Wegt Gore Creek Drive ToEaI FeeB: $500.0O Ttrls Palment: $500.00 Total AIJJ pntB! $5O0.OOBa}ance: $0.00 'l****'|'|****';art****itrl*la*'t*f****ltfl{rtl{r*t'l*t**|ttll**lrt*l**lrt*at*arl****alta*lf||*|tltr'}tar* ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescrlDtion Cunrent ms PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPLICATION FEES 500.00 ^ Improvement Location Certificate Legrl de.scription: Lot 47, Vril Village West Filing No. l, rccording to the recorded pht therrof, Ergle County, Cdorado I hercby cenift that lhis IMPROVEMENT LOCAIION CERTIFICATE was prcpared for Land Tide Guaranbc Co.,tlt it ir not a land survey plil or improv0rnont srv€y plot, and tut it is not b be rclied upon for the ertablishmcnt offence, burklrng, or odrcr futre inprovenrent linee. I furflrcr c€diry that lh€ impmvemcnt on the rbovc described parcel on this datr, Jue 03, 2003, exc€pt utility conmctions, are cdirely within thc boundaries oflho parcel cxcopt 19 show4 tut therc s|r no encroachmcnt upon dre descriM prmises by imgoyrn€nts on any adjoining preniscs, cxcept rs idicab4 and that tlrcre ore nq.pggpnt cudescriM Dr€mises bv on any adjoining preniscs, cxcopt Ns itrdicab4 and that there ore c rnv mrt of srid Damel. exceDl as nobd. ,..,' cvidcnce ofany ersenent crossing or hudening rny port ofsaid pamel, excepl as nobd. NoEs: Rcooldcd informtioa and Sc legal dcscription nas providcd by land Tide Gurrafts Co.. Thos€ easerrcnts listod otr Comni[neDt No. V50001104 that lic wihh frc iuti€ot propcrty aod arc dcscribed in a vay ihat allows thcm to be dnw4 arc shorm on the dnwi4. Addnss: I 868 West Gorc Crcek Drivc J o{i Scale 1"=30 cfe sd' Note: Aocording to Colorado law, you must oonmonoc any lcgal action based upon any dcfect on dris ccrtifcae w hin three yeus afor you first discover such dofecl In no ove may any action boscd upon any defect in this certficab b€ commenced rnID thln ten yeus ftom ftc dae of certification shown hercon. Lot47 Leland Lcchnr PLS 30946 County Rd. 356, Buena Vgu, Co. 8l2ll ( 7t9 ) 395-9160 oo TITLE REPORT o?o [and Title Guarantee Company Date: 05-27-21D3 To: SONMNALP REAL ESTATE Attn: DONNA CAYNOSKI 242E. MEADOWDRIVE VAIL, CO 81657 RE: V5000111M oo Land Title Guarantee CompanY CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION Datq 05-27-2003 Property Address: LOT 47, VAIL Vil,LAGE WEST FLG 1 OurOrderNumber: V50001104 SONNENALP REAL ESTATE 242 E. MEADOW DRIVE VAIL, CO 8165? Attn: JONIWHITE.TAYLOR Phone: 970-47?'5300 Fax: 910-477-5301 EMail: jttrylor@sonnenalP.com Scnt Via Us Postal Service JOHN C. & BOBBI.ANN HOUTSMA 4795 S. LAFAYETTE CHERRY HILLS VILLACE, CO 80110 Sent Via US Postal Scrvicc PAUL & ELISA MUSSON 9402 CRYSTAL LN. lrNGMoNT, CO 80503 Phonc:303-682-1916 Fax: 303-682-1916 Sent Via US Postal Servicc IAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY OO3O BENCHMARK PD #216, PO BOX 3480 AVON, CO 81620 Attn: KathtYn Kuchlcr Phone: 970-949-5099 Fax: 9?0-949-4892 SONNENALP REALESTATE 242 E. MEADOW DRIVE VAIL, CO 81657 Attn: DONNA CAYNOSKI Phone: 970-47?-5300 Fax: 970-477-5301 EMail: dci ry n rrsk i@ strnnc n;tlp. crrn'- Scnt Via US Prrslal Suvir:c forn 0tL|VERY [and Title Guarantee GomPanY YouB 00NTACTS Date:05-2't-2003 v50001104Our Order Number: Property Address: LOT 4'1 , VAIL VILLAGE WEST FLG 1 Buyer/Borrolver: PAUL MUSSON AND ELISA MUSSON Seller/Owner: JOHN C. HOUTSMA AND BOBBI-ANN HOUTSMA If you have any inquiries or require further assistance, please contact one of the numbers below: For Ctosing Assistance: Wire Information: For Title Assistance: Kathryn Kuchler Bank FIRSTBANK OF COLORADO Vail Title Dept' 0030I'ENCHMARK RD fr2l6,PO BOX 3480 10403 W coLFAX AVENUE AVON, CO 81620 LAKEWOOD, CO 80215 108 s' FrontageRd' w' #203 phone: 9?0-949-5099 Phone: 303-237-5000 P'o' Box 357 Faxz 970-949-4892 Credit: LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY Vail' Co 81657 EMail: kkuctrler@ltgc,com ABA No.: 107005047 Phone" 970'4762251 Account:2160521825 Fax: 9704764534 Attention: Kathryn Kuchler Need a mao or directions for your upcoming closing? Check out Land Titte's web site at $ryrv'ltgc'com flr directi6ns to any of oUr 40 office locations. ESTIMATE OF IITTE FEES Alta Owners Policy 10-17-92 (Reissue Rate) Alta Loan PolicY l0-1 7-92 Dclctiurt of Exceptions l-3 (Owlte| Dcletion tlf Cetteral Exccption 4 (Owtter) Tax Rcport R012850 has heen ordered fiom Eaglc Cty $7, o82. oo $740 .00 $30 .00 $10.00 $ts .00 TOTAL $7,277.00 ,i-o!1r co)JT-lcr 't'ltANK YOl.l l;oR 'l'oult ol{l)ltlt! o o ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirements) Our Order No. V5000l 104 The following are the requirements to be complied with: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. Itern (b) Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be execulcd and duly filed for rccorrl, to-wit: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessments levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Itern (d) Additional requirements, if any disclosed below: 1. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED JUNE 17, 2OO2 FROM JOHN C. HOUTSMA AND BOBBI-ANN HOUTSMA TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF MORTGAGE ELECTROMC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR LOANS WHOLESALE LLC TO SECURE THE SUM OF $32O,OOO.OO RECORDED JUNE 24, 2002, UN-DER RECEPTION NO. 799496. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS ASSIGNED TO GMAC BANK WHOESALE MORTGAGE LENDING IN ASSICNMENT RECORDED JUNE 24, 2OO2 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 79949?. 2. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 06, 2OO2 FROM JOHN C. HOUTSMA AND BOBBI.ANN HOUTSMA TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF FIRSBANK OF VAIL TO SECURE THE SUM OF $1OO,OOO.OO RECORDED NOVEMBER 15, 2002, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 813820. 3. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 4. WARRANI'Y DEED FROM JOHN C. IIOIjI'SMA AND BOBBI.ANN HOUTSMA 1'O PAUL MUSSON AND ELISA MUSSON CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. 5. DEED OF TRUST FROM PAUL MUSSON AND EL]SA MUSSON TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF TO BE DETERMINED TO SECURE THE SIJM OF $s00,000.00. THE FOLLOWING DELETIONS/MOD]FICA'TIONS ARE FOR THE OWNER'S POLICY' ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl [Requirements)Our OrderNo. V50001104 Continued: NOTE: ITEMS I 3 OFTHE GENERALEXCEPTTONS AREHEREBY DELETED. UPON TI{E APPROVAL OF THE COMPANY AND THE RECEIPT OF A NOTARIZED FINAL LIEN AFF]DAVIT, ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS iS DELETED AS TO ANY LIENS OR FUTURE LIENS RESULTING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF JOHN C. HOUTSMA AND BOBBI-ANN HOUTSMA. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY LIENS ARISING FROM WORK ORMATENAL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF PAUL MUSSON AND EL]SA MUSSON. NOTE: ITEM 5 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BB DELETED IF LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY CONDUCTS THE CLOSING OF THE CONTEMPLATED TRANSACTION(S) AND RECORDS THE DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWiTH. NOTE: UPON PROOF OF PAYMENT OF ALL TAXES, ITEM 6 WILL BE AMENDED TO READ: TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2OO3 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS. ITEM 7 UNDER SCHEDULE B-2 WILL BE DELETED UPON PROOF THAT THE WATER AND SEWER CHARGES ARE PAID UP TO DATE' NOTE: ITEM 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED UPON RECEIPT OF A NOTARIZED FINAL LIEN AFFIDAVIT, *****+,r*** NOTICE OF FEE CHANGE, EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1, 2QQ2 x*****xi"r'1 p'rs'ant tu Cplorado Revi"-ed Statute 30-10-421, "T)re county clerk antl recorder shall collect a surcharge of $l '00 for eacl t6cultent rcueiverJ firr recording or filing in iris or hcr otlice. The surclurge shall be in additiou ttl any otltcr tces pcrrrrittetl by statute. " ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 @xceptions)Our OrderNo. V50001104 The policy or policies to be issued rvill contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 1. Rights or claius of pitrties in possession not shown by the public rccords' 2. Easernents, or claints trf easetneuts, not shorvn by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boun{ary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would clisclose ancl which are not shown by the public records. 4, Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by fte Public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records ot attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commifnent' 6. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records' 7, Liers for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any' g. In addition, the owner's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, noted in Section 1 of Schedule B hereof. RIGHT OF PROPRIEI'OR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED ]N UNiTED STATES PATENT RECORDED OCTOBER 04, 1918, JN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 3OI. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED OCTOBER 04, 1918, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 301, RESTRTCTIVE COVENANTS WI]]CH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAI.JSE' BIJT OMITTINC ANY COVENANT OR RESTRIC:'TION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, ITELICION' SEX, HANDICAP, FAMIL]AL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO TFIE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED iN INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 25,1963,IN BOOK I78 AT PAGE I49 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 6, 1963, iN BOOK I78 AT PAGE 345. RESERVAT]ONS OF A TEN PERCENT NON-PARTICIPATING ROYALTY INTEREST CONTA]NED ]N WARRANTY DEED RECORDED OCTOBER 30, T962lN BOOK I66 AT PACE 407. 9. 10. I l. 12, LAND TITLE GUARANTEE C OMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Note: Pursuant to CRS 10-11-122' notice is hereby given that: A) The subject real property nmy be located in a special taxing district' nj ,q Certlficate of iaxes Due liiting each taxing jurisc.liction rnay be obtained from the County Treasurer's authorized agent. C) nie inrormation regardirig speciai <listricts ancl the bounclaries of such districts nay be obtained from the Board of County Comiriiisioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or dre County Assessor' Note: EtTective Seprember | , 1gg7 , CRS 30-10-406 requires that all clocuments received for recording or filing in the clerk ancl recorder's office shall contain a top rnargin of at least one inch and a leti, right and bottom margin of at lelst one half of an inch. The clerk ancl recorder may refuse to record or- file any document that does-not conform, except that, the requirement for the top margin shall not apply to documents using forms on which space is proviierl for recording or filing infonnation at the top margin of fte document. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires that "Every iitte entity shall be responsible for all matiers which appear of record prior to the tirne of recording whenevei the title entity conducts the closing anti is responsible for recording or filing of legal documents resulting from the tra[saction which was closed". Provir]ed t]rat Land Title Guarantee -o*p*y conducts*the closing of the insurecl transaction anil is responsible for, recording the legafdocuments from the transaction, exception number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the Lenders Policy when issued. Note: Affinnative mechanic's lien protection for the Owner may be available (typically by deletion ofEiception no. 4 of Schedule B, 3ection 2 of the Commignent ftom the Owner's Policy to be issued) upon compliance with the following conditions: el rne Unu desciibed in Schedule A of thii commitment must be a single family residence which inclutles a condominium or townhouse unit. B) No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanics or matedal-men for purposes of construction on the land described in Schedule A of this Commiunent within the past 6 months. C) ih; d*p."y must receive an appropriate affi4avit indemnifying the Company against un-ftled mechanic's and material-men's liens. D) The Company must receive payment of Ore appropriate premium' E) If there has been const octioo, i*plovements ;r major repairs urulertaken on the propelty to be purchased within six months priol to 0re Date of the Comrnitment, the requirements to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will incluile: rlisclosure of certrin construction information; financial information as to the seller, the builder and or the contractor; payment of the appropriate premium fully executed Indemnity Agreements satisfactory to the cornpany, and, any additional requirements as may he n...rr.iy aiter an examination of the at.rcsaitl infomlation by the Company. No coverage will he given u der any circttnlstarl(:es tirr Iabor or tttatcriltl lilr which tlte itlsured has contraited tbr or agreed to pay' Nore: Pursuant to CnS t6-t t-t23, notice is hereby given' A) That there is recorded evidence that a rnineral estate has been severed, leased, or otherwlsc conveyed fiom rlte surface estate an<l that therc is a substantial likelihood that a thild party holds some or all interest in oil, gas, other rl1inerals, or geothennal energy in the property; nlld B) That such nrineral estate may inclucle the righr to cltter ancl use the property witltout tlte surface orvner's Pennission. T[is lotiCe lpplies to owner's policy conlnitmertts cptttaittittg a ntineral sevefance lnstrulllcnt exceptiott, or exccptions, in Schedule B, Sectirrn 2' Nothilg lrercin cottlained lvill be decnrecl ttt ohli,ulrrc tlte ctlntpauy to provide atry ol-tlte eo\/erages retcrretl to ltcrcitt ltnless the above conditions are tully satislied' Form DISCL0SURE 0C/01/AZ ro JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fidelity National Financial Group of Companies/Chicago Title Insurance Company and Land Title Guarantee Company Jull'1,2001 We recognize and respect the privacy expectations of roclay's consurners and the reguirements of applicable federal and state priiacy laws. W'e believe that makihg you awarc of how we use your nol-pub_llc peI_solul lluonnauon ( rersolul Information"). and to whom it is disclosed, will form the basis for a relatronshlp ot-trust Detween us anjr tne puoilc that we servc. This Privacy Stater,nent provides tltar. explanation. We reserve UIe rlgltt to change thls ynvacy Statcnrent fronr tilue to tinie consistenfwith applicahle privacy larvs. In the course of our bgsiness, we may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources: x Frorn anolications or other forms we receive from you or your authorizetl representativel* From ybur transaccions widr, or from the services being perfomred by, us, our aftlllates, or omers;i' From bur internet web sites;* F;ili itrd iiiStii recorti maintaine<t by governmental entities tlat we either obtain directly from those entides. oi from our affiliates or others; and* Frorn c6nsumer or other reporting agencies. Our Policies Regarding the Protection of the Confidentiality and Security of Your Personal Information We mainuin nlvsical. elecuonic anrl procedural safcguards !o protect your Personal Informadon from.unauthorized ;;ei55;'iliriliffi. W;tfiliilessidtire personai ifitormatioi onJy t6.those-employees who need such access in connection with providing protlucts or services to you or for other legitimate bu$ness purposes. our Policies and Practices Regarding the sharing of Your Personal Information We mav share vour Personal Information with our affiliates, such as insura-nce cofipanies, agents, and other real estate settlemeit service providers. We also may disclose your Personal lntolmauon: *-.ro apents. brokers or representadves to provide you with services you have- requested:* to tfird-party con$actois or_service providers who provide services or pertonn finrkeor perfoni marketing or other functioni on our behalf; and- 6;rffi;;iitiiltro. {od inGr into joint markering agreements for products or services that we believe you may find of interest. In aclclirion, wc will disclose your Persgnal Informadon.when you clirect or give us pennission, when we are required tiilaw t,i ob so, ol wn-en we iiiieiiEi"a"iini,iiiiirir:iirl-i iiii"illei.-We alto may'disclose your Personal . - itdr"?rr,i* *ittiboii*iiiriJ"illftd6t ;pitHi,6;;iili'dil;".h ai, for exainpte. wheir disclosure is needed to enfOrCe our rightS arising Out of any agreement. ransactlon Or relatlonsnp wlul you. One of rhe important responsibilities of some of our affiliateil conpanies is to recorcl tlocuments in ihe public clomain. Such'documentf may conulin your Personal Infonnation. Right to Access Your Personal Information and Ability to Correct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletion Certain srates aff<-rrd you the right to acc€ss your Perstrnal lnformation and, u+!er-certailt circumstances, ro find out ;";ir&til;i" pi:iioriilnriirin?ii-oiitriiulefi cict,jilo.llso,cCriain sutes afford.you the right to request ;;ilil'i.;;;ffiil6id-dfift;;fi;;;peifi;l'i"ro*ll"io". We idierve ttre rilht, wherE permittddbv law, to .t]i'rsi;;l?a.\c,;rh[ fee to cover the cdsts incnrred in responding to such requests' All rctrucsts sulrnrittetl to the Fidclity Natiorral Firrarruiirl Croup t'f ContpalticstC lticag tr f ith: Ittsurattce Ctttnpally shall be in wrttittg, attd dclivered to drc lbllowittg addtuss: Privacv Cornnliance Officer Fitielitv National Financial, Inc. 4050 Calle Real. Suite 220 Santa Barbara, CA 93110 Multiple Products or Services If wc provide y9u witl more than one financial producf or service, you may receive ntrtre tltatt orre privacy notice fionr us. Wc apttlogtze tor any tnconveluence tllls lllay ciiusc you. Form PRlV.PoL.cHI oo CHICAG() TITTE INSURANCE CtlMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE cH|cAG0T|T|"E|NsUfANCtC0MPANY.acorporati0lofMiss0U|i,hereincslledth.c0mpanyforsva|Usb|8colsidgr8tion.hs|0bycomi1!|o|ss insurinco, ss idsntiliod i rsferrsd lo in Sch6dule A, u0on payment 0l ths Dremiuns and charges therelor; allsublecl to the provisions of Schedule A and B and to the C0nditioins and Stipulstions horsof. by the Company, e her al lhr time 0l lfit issuanc0 ol lhis C0mmitment 0r bv s[bsequsnt €nd0Isement' tho ConDsny. This Commilmsnl shall n0t be valid or binding unlil countersigned by an authorizrd 0fficet 0r agont. lN WIINtSS WHERt0F, ths C0mpsny has csusod this C0mmitment l0 b€ rignsd and sealBd, l0 become valid whsn counlersl0ned by an iuthorirod officr or agont of Ihe Company, allin accordancr vrith ils By.[aws. This Commitment is ellectivs as 0f th6 dstr sh0r,/n in Schodulo A es "Effsctive 0aiB," C()NOITIONS ANO SIIPUtATIONS 1, Th0lerm "m0rt0a!€," when used horein, shrll includr d0td 0f tlust, trusl d8od, ol 0ther security inslrum€nl. 2.|flheproposed|nsuredh.sor8cqUirss0cluallrnow|edgeofrnydefect,|i€n'encUmbl8ncs,advers0c|aimo|o|h.rmrtl8raffectingihossl8l0olinlsIertDrm0g!!0th9I80n covsrsd by fhis Cqmm1m€nl 0thsr than th0s0 shown in Schedule B hereol, and shsll {ail l0 disclosa such knowledge to lhB C0mpary in writing, th0 C0mpanY shall br roli0v8d fiom liability lor any loss or danrago resulting trom rny oct of relionca herson 1o thg ext0rt ths C0mpany is pr0judicsd by foilute to so disclose such lnowledgo. lf thr proposed Insfiid shall disclose such tnonladg€ t0 the Complny, 0r it rhs Compsny otherwise Ecquies rct!al ftnowledgo of eny such dsfoct, lien encumbrrncs, adwne claim or other nslt€f, tha Compsnrt i1s 0pti0n rrsy 8m€nd Schedula B of lhis Conmitm6nt €ccordi[gly, but such smendm0nt shall n0t r0li0v0 the Compsny hom liability praviously incutred puriu0nt to p0rEgraph 3 ot thoso co0ditiols and Stipulalions shov{n in Schedulo 8, 0r lc}t0 scquire 0r croate th0 aslalo or inleresl or mort0s0s ther00n c0versd by this Commitmenl. In no ev9nl shall such liabilitY 8rcs.d ths smounl stEl6d in Schodole A for ths policy or p0liciss committsd lor tnd such liability is subjBct lo ths insuring ptovisions, lhe Exclusions from Covetlge and tho Condili0ns !nd Stipul6tions 0f the form 0t policy 0f p0liciss c0mmilt€d l0r in fsvor 0f the pr0p0s0d Insufrd which Ere hor€by incorp0ralod by relerence and ore made r larl 0f lhis 0mnitmrnl Errspt !s 6rpt0ssly m0difisd h0rsin' 4. Any claim of loss or darnr0e, wh€thor 0r nol besed on negligence, whi:h arisos out 0f lhe status 0f the title l0 lhs estate 0r intlest 0f the lisn ol lhe insutad mortgrge coverd heroby or any oction asserling such cl8im. shsll bs reslrict€d l0 lhe provisions and Conditions and Stilulstions of lhis Commitmsnl. cHtcA00 nTtt INSURANCT COMPANY lssucd by: LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 3033 EAST FIRST AVENUE SUITE 600 PO BOX 5440 (80217) DENVER, CO 802I7 4/r{[ { Prasidgnt h,Lr{ Yn . f)uztt -- Authorized 0liiref of /1gerl cc.cHl Us rrEM'?l$i,[=fiJfr3H- PR.PUY NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Vail Town Code on July 14,2003, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-9C-3, Vail Town Code, to allow for a Parking Management Plan for the Vail Valley Medical Center, located at 181 W. Meadow Drive/Lots E&F, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: Planner: Vail Valley Medical Center, represented by Braun Associates, Inc. Allison Ochs A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, to allow for an addition, located at 1868 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 47, Vail Village West 1"t Filing. Applicant: John and Bobbi-Ann Houtsma Planner: Allison Ochs A request for a variance from Section 12-6H-6, Setbacks, and 12-6H-7, Height, Vail Town Code, to allow for an addition, located at Manor Vail, 595 E. Vail Valley Drive/Lot A, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant Manor Vail Lodge, represented by Bob McClearyPlanner: Warren Campbell A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7A-3, Vail Town Code, to allow for retail uses in a lodge in excess ol 10o/o of the total gross residential floor area of the structure, located at 20 Vail Road, 62 E. Meadow Drive, and 82 E. Meadow Drive/Lots K & L, Block 5E, Vail Village 1"t Filing. Applicant Sonnenalp Properties, lnc., represented by Braun Associates, Inc. Planner: George RutherMarren Campbell A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council, to allow for text amendments to Title 11, Sign Regulations, Vail Town Code, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Matt Gennett The applications and information about these proposals are available for public inspection during regular business hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department office, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend the project orientation held in the Town of Vail Community Development Department office and the site visits that precede the public hearing. Please call (970) 479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is availabb upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call (970) 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for additional information. This notice published in the Vail Daily on June 27, 2003. ,blo Tr ADJAC ENT P ROP ERTY O'YNERS Depnis L. Shimon Box 3643 Vail, CO 81658 VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 1 BLK:- LOT:42 BK-0232 PG-0620 SWD -73 BK-0246 PG-0319 WD 04-28-76 1828 Alta Cr Bedrooms: 7 Baths: 5.00 Sale Price: $129,500 Sale Date: 08/23t7 Deed: WD Floor Area: 3,312 $39 Per Foot William A. & Barbara J. Holm Box 3334 Vail, CO 8{658 VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 1 BLKi LOT:46 1858 Gore Creek Dr Bedrooms: 3 Sale Price: $53,000 Sale Date: 03/12n 1 Deed: WO Floot Area:.2,720 $19 Per Foot Baths: 3.00 Richard L. Gustafson Lynda Leigh Sampson, Box 1063 Vail, GO 8{658 VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 1 BLK:- LOT:36 BK-0203 PG-o187 1824 Alla Cr Bedrooms: 5 Baths: 2.50 Sale Price: $137,000 Sale Dat€: 07115/94 Deed: WD Floor Area: 2,201 $62 Per Foot John W. Brennen Box 1054 Vail, CO 81658 VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL .I BLK} LOT:I5 BK-0288 PG-0038 QCD -79 BK-0656 PG-0394 QCD 1 1-15-94 R 1838 Alpine Dr Bedrooms: 3 Eaths:3.50 Sale Price: $489,500 Sale Date: 04/08/96 Deed: lt\/D FloorArea:2,338 $209 Per Foot John F. Phelps Box 1041 Vail, CO 81658 VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 1 BLK:- LOT:- DESC: TRACT D BK-02'11 223 WD 08-29-67 BK-0219 PG-0097 W Sale Price: $30,800 Sale Date: 10/15fi0 Deed: WD FloorArea:1,340 923 Per Foot1769 Alpine Dr Bedrooms: 3 Baths: 2.00 R. Snowden Smith Box 877 Vail, CO 81658 VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 1 BLKi LOT:- DESC: TRACT C BK{213 346 QCD 08-21-68 BK-0213 PG{347 1767 Aloine Or Bedrooms: 3 Baths: 2.00 Sale Price: $150,000 Sale Date: 'l Z21 /81 Deed: WD Floor Area: '1,728 $87 Per Foot Gloria J. Mitchell Box 776 Vail, CO 81658 VAIL VILI.AGE WEST FIL 1 BLK:- LOT:17 BK-0281 PG4921 1799 Siena Tr Bedrooms: Baths: Sale Pric€: $699,900 Sale Dato: 04/30/98 Deed: WD Floor Area: Per Foot \Mrn Box I 515 Vail, CO 81658 VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 1 BLK! LOT:48 BK{191 PG-0285 1876 Gore Creek Dr Bedrooms: Baths: Sale Price: $200,000 Sale Date: 06/29/01 Deed: WD Floor Area: Per Foot Date: 05/19l2003 Page: 1 Owner Name and Mailing Address Legal Description/Sales Information VAIL VILTAGE WEST FIL 1 1534 York Rd Timonium, MD 21093 BLK:- LOT:28 BK-0216 PG-0427 WD 1 69 BK-0245 PG-0154 WD 12-10-75 BK- 1850 Sierra Tr Eedrooms: 3 Baths: 5.00 Sale Date: 11/0292 Deed: WD Floor Area: 2,706 $140 Per Foot George P. Hilliard 387 Allison Drive Atlanta, GA 30342 VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 1 BLK:- LOT:25 BK-0273 PG-O173 BK-05 -0721 QCD 03-15-90 BK-0552 PG-0387 1800 Sierra Td Bedrooms: 3 Baths: 2.50 Sale Price: 96,10.000 Sele Date: 01/27103 Deed: WD Floor Area: 2,928 $219 Per Foot 39{8 Brlarlake Dr Valrico, FL 33594 VAIL VILI.AGE WEST FIL 1 BLK:- LOT:27 BK4219 PG-0615 WD 1 69 BK-0261 PG-0835 WD 1G04-77 BK '1840 Sierra Trl Bedrooms: Baths: Sale Price: Sale Oate: D6ed: Floor Ar6a: $53,000 05/31/93 WD Per Fool John Bobek 8078 Capra Trl Darien, lL 60561 VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 1 BLKi LOT:39 & LOT:,10 BK-0199 PGO BK-0s80 PG42,16 WD (X-30-92 1797 Alpina Dr Bedrooms: Baths: Sale Price: $0 Sale Date: Deed: Floor Area:Per Foot Joan L. Michel Michel. Joan L. Trustee 25279 Mcclurg Rd Vesailles, MO 65084 VAIL VILIAGE WEST FIL 1 BLK:- LOT:g BK-0277 PG-0024 8K471 -0995 QCO 12-19-96 1770 Alpine Dr Bedrooms: 3 Baths: 2.00 Sale Price: $165,000 Sal6 Oate: 02/29/88 oeed: WD Floor Area: 1,232 3134Per Foot Steven K. Arnold Box 753 Arlington, TX 76004 VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 1 BLK:- LOT:45 BK-0681 PG-0798 QCD -95 BK-0684 PG-0223 QCO 11-3G95 1827 Aloin6 Dr Bedrooms: Balhs: Sale Pric6: $75,000 Sale Date: 1214195 Deed: WD Floor Area: Per Foot Gordon S. & Kathleen Kramer Mcke 134/,2E Asbury Dr Aurora, CO 80014 VAIL VILIAGE WEST FIL 1 BLK:- LOT:I4 BK-0214 PG-0789 BK-05 G-0345 DC 04-30-84 1808 Alpine Dr Bedrooms: Sale Pric€: $28,000 Sale Date: 10/18/91 Deed: WD Floor Area: Per Fool Houtsma John C, & Bobbi-Ann 4795 S lafayotte Cherry Hills Village, CO 80110 VAIL VILI.AGE WEST FIL 1 BLKi LOT:47 Sale Price: $310,000 Sale Date: 03/15/95 Deed: WD Floor Area:2.4&4 3125 Per Foot1868 Gor€ Creek Or Bedrooms: 2 Baths: 2.00 John R. Jr. & Karen K. Bergey VA;L V1L1-AGE WEST FtL 1 Sate prico: $44O,OOO BLK! LOT:19 BK{248 PG-0300 SO 06 Sale Date: 11/06/98 9033 Meadow Hill Gircle oeed: wD Littleton, CO80l24 1759 SierraTrt FtoorArea:3,s11 $l25perFoor Bedrooms: 5 Baths: 3.50 Philllp J. & Pamela E. Ruschmeyer VA1L VTLLAGE WE5T FtL 1 Sale Pric:: S549.000 Sale Date: 12,10/02 Deed: WD Floor Area: 1,952 $28t P€r Foot 717 17th St. # 2000 Denver, CO 80202 BLK:- LOT:21 BK-0270 PG-0635 i730 Siera Trl Bedrooms: 3 Baths: 2.50 Rlchard E. Young VA;L V;LSAGE WEST FtL 1 Sate Price: $0 BLK:- LOT:22 BK-0266 PG4410 BK{4 Sale Oate: lU10/85 2345 Elm St c-0924 03-22-85 BK-0428 pG-0492 iG Deed: Denver, CO 80207 1740 Sierra Tr FloorArea: Per Foot Bedrooms: Baths: D.E.l. Llp VA;L V1L1AGE WEST FIL 1 Sat6 Price: $85,000 BLKi LOT:- DESC: TRAGT A BK-0224 Sale Date: 07/07/89 7270 Augusta Dr 44 eCD o7-1g-Tz pG,o26i pG-0901 Deed: WD Boulder, CO 80301 1765 Atpin6 Dr Ftoor Area: 1,680 $Sl Per Foot Bedrooms: 3 Baths: 2-00 D.E'l' Llp vAlL vILLAGE wEsr FIL 1 sale Price: $96,300 BLK:- LOT:- DESC: TRACT B BK-0230 Salo Date: 06/25/80 7270 Augusta Dr 86 WD 07{6-73 BK460o pc-0690 O Deed: WD Boulder, CO 80301€795 1763 Atpine Or Floor Area: 1,296 t74 Per Foot Bodrooms: 3 Baths: 2.00 Seven Vails Corp % Robert B. Melzer 24877 Foothills Dr N _ Golden, CO 80401 VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 1 BLKi LOT:49 BK-0199 PG-0489 1837 Alpine Dr Bedrooms: 6 Baths: 4.00 Sale Price: $0 Sale Date: Deed: Floor ArBa: 2,576 Per Foot Gulllermo & Gerardo Huerta Box 1529 Avon, CO 81620 VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 1 BLK:- LOT:'12 1788 Alpine Dr Bedrooms: Batb: Sale Price: $80,000 Sale Oate: 06/06/01 Deed: \tVD Floor Area: Pet Foot aicnaio Lee Stampp Box 2000 Avon, CO 81620 VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 1 BLKI LOT:43 BK-0215 PG-0034 WD 0 69 BK-0220 PG-0074 QCD 03-15-71 B Sale Price: $200,000 Sale Date: 09/09/91 Deed: \ /D Floor Area:2,951 $68 Per Foot1836 Gore Creek Dr Bedrooms: 5 Baths: 4.00 Guillermo & Gerardo Huerta Box 1529 Avon, CO 81620 VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 1 BLK:- LOT:10 BK-0302 PG-0037 WD 0 1722 Alpine Dl Bedrooms: Baths: Sale Price: 080,000 Sale Date: 0€i/06/01 Deed: WD Floor Area: Per Foot Guillermo & Gerardo Huerta Box 1529 Avon, CO 81620 VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 1 BLK:- LOT:1 1 1778 Alpine Dr Bedrooms: Baths: Sale Price: $80,000 Sale Date: 06/06/01 Oeed: WD Floor Area: Per Foot Richard W., Jr & Louise P. Funk Box 579 Avon. CO 81620-0579 VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL I BLK} LOT:7 BK-0239 PG4770 QCD 0 75 BK-0347 PG-0280 QCD 06-10-82 B 1766 Alpine Dr Bedrooms: 6 Balhs: 3.00 Sale Price: $160,000 Sale Date: 10/30/87 Deed: WD Floor Area: 2,588 $60 Per Foot M.B. Parks Box 1440 Eagle, CO 81631 VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 1 BLK:- LOT:34 BK-0224 PG-0070 WD 0 72 R700774 aCD 07-29-98 1806 W Gore Creek Dr Bedrooms: 4 Baths: 4.00 Sale Price: $495,000 Sale Date: 10/13/00 Deed: WD Floor Area: 1 ,896 $261 Per Foot Marc D. Lashovitz Box 3541 Eagle, CO 8163{ VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 1 BLKi LOT:24 BK-0378 PG-0848 02-10- BK{474 PG-02'17 PTD 1 1-13-87 '1780 Sierra Tr Bedrooms: I Baths:0.70 Sale Price: 5165,000 Sale Date: 09/15/88 Deed: WD Floor Area:780 S2'12 Per Foot VW 1760 Alpine Dr Vail. CO 81657 VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 1 BLK:- LOT:4 BK-0217 PG-0794 QCD 1 69 R678012 QCD 11-27-98 1760 Alpine Dr Bedrooms: 3 Baths: 2.00 Sale Price: $325,000 Sale Date: 0228/97 Deed: WD FloorArea:1,616 $201 Per Foot Fred Feller 1816 W Gore Creek Dr Vail, CO 8'1657 VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 1 BLK:- LOT:35 8K-0410 PG-0780 SWD -85 BK-0621 PG-0167 PRD 09-30-93 B 1816 Gore Creek Dr Bedrooms: 4 Baths: 3.00 Sale Price: $45,000 Sale Date: 03/01/68 Deed: WD Floor Area: 2,842 $16Pet Foot Dqve Hilb 1970 Chamonh Ln #A Vail, CO 81657 VAIL VILI.AGE WEST FIL 1 BLK:- LOT:3 8K4216 PG-0172 WD 09- 9 BK-0343 PG-0656 QCD 03-',t7-82 BK- 1758 Aloine Dr Eedrooms: Balhs: Sale Prics: 3150,000 Sal€ Date: 01/06/99 Deed: W[) Floor Area: Per Foot Susan Marie Stout Bird '1771 Alpine Dr Vail, CO 81657 VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 1 BLK:- LOT:38 DESC: PT OF BK-0424 88 PTD 09-05-85 BK-M44 PG4596 W 1771 Alpino Dr Bedrooms: 3 Baths: 2.50 Sale Pric€: $120,000 Sale Date: 06/2786 Deed: WD Floor Area:2,132 956 Per Foot Robert A. Zeltman ,Malin M. ZeltnanJohmdotter 1779 Sierra Tr Apt A Vail, CO 81657 VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 1 BLKi LOT:18 BK-0455 PG-0073 QCD {6 8K-0465 PG-0391 QCD 07-01-87 B 't 779 Si€na Tr Bedrooms: 5 Baths: 4.50 Sal€ Price: $95,000 Sale Date: 05/16/97 Deed: WD FloorArea:3,056 S31 Per Foot Laura Susan Leltslnger 1820 Sierra Tr Vail, CO 81657 VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL ,I BLK:- LOT:25 R692605 QCD 04-09-99 1820 Si6rra Tr Bedrooms: 3 Balhs: 2.00 Sale Price: $485,000 Sale Date: 04/09/99 Deed: WD Floor Area:2,952 $164 Per Foot David Austin 1739 Sierra Tr Vail, CO 81657 VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 1 BLK:- LOT:20 BK-0229 PG{028 1739 Siena Tr Bodrooms: 5 Baths: 4.00 Sale Price: S90.000 Sale Date: 03/2289 Deed: wo Floor Area:3,414 $26 Per Fool Horace J., lil & Patrlcia A. Smith 1776 Gore Cruek Dr Vail, CO 81657 VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 1 BLKi LOT:29 BK-0317 PG-0133 12-29- BK{681 PG-0900 QCD 11-1695 1776 Gore Cre€k Dr Bedrooms: 3 Baths: 2.00 Sale Price: 995.000 Sale Date: 06/16/87 Deed: l/V[) Floor Area: 1,344 $71 Per Foot Sonnenalp Properties Inc 20 Vail Rd Vail, CO 81657 VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 1 BLKt LOT:44 BK-0681 PG-0799 QCD -95 BK-0684 PG-0226 QCD 11-30-95 1807 Alpine Dr Bedrooms: Baths: Sab Pncs: $66,000 Sal€ Dal6: 03/30/81 Doed: WD Flooi Area: Per Foot Peter George & Susanne E. Apostol Box 3817 Vail, CO 81658 VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 1 BLK:. LOT:16 8K4188 PG-0099 1828 Siena Trl B€drooms: 4 Sale Price: $41 ,000 Sal6 Dat6: 1201/93 Oeed: WD FloorArea:3,148 $13 Per Foot Baths: 4.50 .t , Slflnay Edgar, lv Blandford Boxltll Vell, CO 81658-1271 vArLvrLr-AGEwEsTFrLr O sebPdc.: tloo.goo BLK- LOT:13 1798 Alpine Dr Bcdroomr: Baths: Sale Oato: 06O4/97 D.cd: WD FloorAEa: P.r Foot Ronald D. D,o Long Trust Fund vAtL vtlt.ltcE wEsT FtL 1 Set prtcs: $sz,soo Long, Ilent D. % Rogcn, Clem & Co BLKi LOt30 S.lo Oata: Ot/08/82 l04lWBrdllloststelt2 Oced: eCD Covfna, CA 91722 1788con6re6k9r Floor AEa:2,332 iAS P.r Foot Bcdrcoru: 4 Balh3: 3.00 | ..t - I rr l ta relF.a--- ,ttt I $ls ttl I !liiiltrlII I II II I ItI aItlii ,,1 TOWN OFVATL 75 South Frontage Road YaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 Description: REPLACE DOORS AND WINDOWS Occupancy: Type Construction: Valuation: Fircptace lnforr€tion: Rcst ri ctld: NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Department of Community Development Job Address:Location...: 1868 W. GORE CREEK DRParcel No..: ProjecL No.: 80220 80220 Status. . AppIied. Issued.. Expires. fof Gas Logs: TotaI catcutated tccs---> AdditionaI Fees-------> Total Pefnit Fee-------> Phone: 303-540-5304 Phone: 303-540-5304 Phonez 479-0657 tof tlood/Pattet r ISSUED ro/12/tee5 to /13 /tees04/ro /ree6 APPLICANT MARTIN CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,lNC 1061 KRAMERIA STREET, DENVER, CO CoNTRACTOR MARTIN CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC 1061 KRAMERIA STREET, DENVER, CO OWNER HOUTSI'I,A JOHN & BOBBY 1868 W. GORE CREEK DR, VA]L CO 81657 R3 Single Fanily ResidenceVN TypeVNon-Rated 4, 000 Add Sq Ft: fof Gas AppIi ances: ffiffiffi******ffiffffitr**t*ffiffi*****ff** tEE SU ARY ***ffiffi*****ft**ffi***f*#*ff*ffi**ffi** 8ui Ldi ng---->E5.00 Restuarant P lan Revi eH--> Ptan Chsck---> 55.25 DRB lnvestigat ion> l,l i L l. Ca l. l.----> Ite.m: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT10/1211995 DAN Action: APPRft'e_m:' .05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENTLO/12/L995 DAlt Action: AppRIt,E-m:,,05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTLO/72/1995 DAI Action: APPRIte-m:'.05500 PUBLIC WORKSLO/72/L995 DAI Action: AppR .00 20. 00 ,00 100.00 263.25 .00 263.25.00 Recreation Fee----------> 5.00 CLr'n-Up Deposit-------->Payments------ TOTAL FEES-----**ff ,r********lt***|tft|t.ffi *ffi *#rrr|Hr*ffi #r**ft ****************ffi ,.t*irf*****ffi ffi ffi **ffi ffi ffi * Dept: BUILDING Division: DeDt: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: **t*ffi *ffiffi**rffit't**ffi ******tr*ffi ffi ffi ,r#**ffi *ft ffi ffi *ffi ffi ff **ffi ffi ffi* See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I _ hcreby _acknoetrdg! that I havc read this apptication, fil.ted out 'in ful.t the infornation nequi red, compteted an accurlt. ptotptan, and state that ttl the information provided as requircd is correct. I agree to compl.y riith tire iniormation and ptot il"an,to.co[pl'y uith att Torrn ordinlnces rnd state [avs, and to buiLd this structure according io'thc Toyn,s zoning and suHivisi;ncodes, design rcvicu approved, Uniforrn BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Tovn afplicabte thrreto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIOIS SHALL BE I.IADE TIJENW-IOUR TrcURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479.2138 Of, AT OUR OFFICE SIGNATURE OFScnd c[ean-Up Deposit To: {g un""roruu -l Page 2 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 %4F 1twprHp362 D e p artment of C ommunity D eve b p mcnt tc tc *prdyffiElfilczlqsrt ****). ************************************!t********************** Permir Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUIIJD PERMITApplicant--: MARTIN CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC 303-540-5304 .7ob AddresE: Location---: 1868 W. GORE CREEK DR Parcel No--: Description: REPLACE DOORS AND WINDOWS CONDITIONS as of to/L3/95 Status---: ISSUED applied--2 Lo/Lz/Igesrssued---z tO/L3/t995 To Expirez oa/10/L996 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditi9n6 ****************************** 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUTRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND E\rERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC.3. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER MAYBE REOUIRED TO APPROVE ANY STRUCTUAL CHANGES BEFORE BUILDING DEPARTMENT WILL OKAY FRAI,IING. {g*nnuoruo ******** TOWN OF******** *** *** ****************************************** Statemnt*************************************.***** srfr0H0{0 REC-0086 Amount:243.25 1,0/L3/95 11:23 ntageRoa*- ----+epeFtwentif€frnmunity Development 263.2s 263.25Balance: .00**************************************************************** 970-479wwipg'ngL868 lf . GoRE CREEK DR FAX970-479-2452 Total Fees:This Payment 243.25 Total ALL Pmts: Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Anount 85.00 55.25 100.00 3 .00 vaiLcabrffit8luo7t 895-0362 Type: A-BUTLD ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PE $o**uo |*Contact Eagle County l""""loffice ( I'at 970-328-8540 for Parcel #. TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTfPERMITiPPI{c4r-I-9N_-FoR{IU gCI 1 ? 1995sf FU,r,ED':,' :ffi "-' ;t" c,ou"uu uit,LLti PER!| T TNFORUATTON ***** ************* **********r l-ElectrLcal [ ]-Mechdnibal I l-other Job Address: /646 /a. €o'zg (r?, Eaio ock-a FiIing Address: /6f,6 u. aane ceg*44n.q?r-A4f? ^ lgFnber and Type of FS.replaces: cas Appriun"."_! cas Logs_ wood/pellet_vtrt**** * * * * ***** ******** * ****** *** ** VALUATTONS * * ***** **** ****** ******* *********tl iurr,orre, r 4ra?y',o- ELEeIRTcAL:l orHER:$PLITUBTNG: $ MEcHANrcAl,: s- TorALs}Z /[**************************tt CONTRACTOR fNFORMATION **** *** ********* ******* ****t Eenerar contractorz /lt*Rrtrv 3atusratrcrraa/ ,4tttcag Town of vail Reg. yg..lt/-BAddress: tcrot ,r . ,.phgpe g"yyii, =Tz--Zz:ractor: '6?;'t>.%'z- fr"ffi*,{,!:;TAddress: - phone Number: '-Alteration I l-Additionat [ ]-Repair [ ]-other its: /Number of Accomrnodation Units: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Val.l Phone Number: Reg. No. Reg. NO. Address:Ph. fr?ezvc,+ Aa,?s -&r€za//J l<,tz{ Oe*J -9 q FOR OFFTCE USE * * ****** ******** *************** BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PI,I'UBING PI,AN CIIECK FEE: UECHANICAL PIAN CBECK FEE3 RECREATION FEE: CI.,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TCXTAL PERT,IIT FEES: Il"* - 7** * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * ** * ** ' lut-Building I j-Plunbing t Job Name: /y'ouT S*t,q Legal Descrl.pti orr, tnt-ft stppgtstla i-Jarrrrt " Owners Name: Arctritect: General Description: Work Class: [ ]-New I Nunber of Dwelling Un .Plr.ubing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ********************* *********** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLI'IiBING PERUTT FEE3 I''ECEANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEEr OTITER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: I'da,,t+tt BUTLDTNG: STGNATI'RE: ZONII{G3 STGNATT'RE! CI.EIf, I'P IIEPOSIT BEFIIXD TIO: I r3D rll-., \\ i 'il')J"fiOl,3 I $c pE 8.= ttN #EiEisER g$EE$ J LUzO P9guulr-u F 9Eg g Eu€-fZUQ A f -ruY ; ! =83 l,E= ? ds b b o +o -tr.r +o -,| * \) u.JF +o -l !Eg eut 'a lr n E.;rE *.-'i:EEge st=€g += e E E:EE?: EEs iE E€,-g= o_ r- c:l q); EgFli:F.= o <') (s (> u) 6 o trL B {:1 EoEEC\G?E ID u- E (!l @! I 5ile! JJ t\ T i(,j t6 9 da e3f;; /E E '2 T. -s./c 0l a { = !-J J-1 ::io : -T(t! p ! EF I ::' f:: .s,/s or -,c 3fu iEs Pi&. sSir- s Ki,ll .' N, - l'r, >g:: tln1 f)p\l of Vail . ,..: ] ii atl' I I I d \l I rl I +a :6cbb;t11% CJ,6r2^l Au.t ila-emA. S<turh l-atrt+yant 5f' H,tla y,tlt1e, Co futto CHECKEEQAEST PREPAREDBY: t17,a---DATE: ///f/24 DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFIIND FOR BP # -> 2_,o-4,,-'o*.*-/NAMEOFJOB: ACCOIINTNUMBER OI OOOO 22002 AI,IOIJNT OF REFUND: 6'/aP' at DATEAPPROVED: I -, I APPROVALSIGNATURE: Printed by Lorelei Doaaldson /L5/e5 2:O?pm From: eeorg|a Rutslaar1Io: Lorelei Dona.].d3onSubJect: llout.ma. c13an-up D€tr)osit =!E=NOlDE=== ==L/as /96,==2 : Ospm==Has th€ clean-up dePo.lts for theHorrtrma Bul.].dLng P.rrml.ts l5aan refund€d.Accordirag eo cbc propcrElt ovtner, rlX,OO. OO waE puts up ar a c]"ean updcpos l, E . lFho cctt::.tsrr'ctor l^ta6 Marclt ofMarcirr ConEtructl.on. Bobbl At1rt Houl:rmaf s # 16 303.749 -2332 /W ? Page: 1 O6"6 e o l-tac REFT131 TOWN 0F VAIL, CtrLBRADD LL/A?,/94 Q7 IIZ9 REEUESTS FOR INSPECTION WT]RK SHEETS FOR:I,L/ E/93 Activity: 895-O368 Ll/ e/93 Type: A-BUILD Status: ISSUED Constr: ASFR Address: 1866 W. GURE CREER DRFarcel: - Occ: User V N Descriptionr REtrLACE DOORS nND bIINDOWSflpplicant: MARTIN trUNSTRUCTION SiERVICES, INC Fhone: 3O3-54t0-3364 Owner: HUUTSHA JOHN & BOBBY trhonet 479-6657 Contractor: MfiRTIN CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC Frhone: 303-54tZt-53t?4 PAGE 1 AREA: CD Inspect ion Requeet Requestor: JOHN Req Tine: 01:0@ Itens requested to Infor.nation..... HOUTSMA/OWNER Phone: 3O374O5606 Eonments: NE]., DOORS * CALL FIRST! | be Inspected. . . Act ion Comments Time Exp Inspeetion History.....Item: OO5llA trW-Drive by Inspeetion Iten : 0661O BLDG-Foot ings/SteelIt em : Cr0gte0 BLD6-Foundat i on/St ee IItem: AO5?O PLAN-ILC Site trlanIten: AOOSO BLDG-FraningItem: @@A4A BLDG-Roof & Sheer trlywood NailItenr A0O5,A BLDG-Insulat ionIteml 60060 BLDG-Sheetrock NailIten: OOOSO BLDGi-CountesyItem: O0O7A BLDG-MiEc.Iten: AOO9O BLDG-FinaI Item: OA53O BLDG-Temp. C/0 Item: AA54A BLDE-FinaL C/0 | /^r< PE cT-. EAGi;'*ilrnT!:ftC cOUitTFiSUSE;.EAGLI CO.-- Pi1=. i3331 324-6 33-r: ff"''Hi;)-n BUILDING PERMIT - CERTTFTCATE OF OCCUPANCL 79 i A fr{,: ooo*Ess BoX )taz'":-mn rPERMrr No' A PPL ICAI.{ T PERM IT TO ( NO.)( CONTR,S LICENSE) l$lPttinootrn'tt one (PFOPOsED U5E) Ihvld tttitflelah nstruct Single r 1 i .ror"Family Reslde$ce Ar (LocArroN) 1E75 Gor.e Creek llrlve ZON ING D ISTR ICT ( NO.){STREET) AETWEEN - AND ICR055 STREET}{CROS5 5TREET) susD lv rs roN Yall Vlll. Hegt f1 AUILDING IS TO BE - FT. WIDE BY- FT. LONG BY ../. .o, 47 "ro"* - \PJ. FT. IN HEIGHT ANO SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE '/ '' use cnou" 4 BA'EMENT wALLs oR FouNDATtoN {TYFE) AREA OR VOL UME (CUBIC/sQUAIE FEET) 0avld Halflelgh ro,€E fosSEE REVERSE.€I&E FDR AODRESS REMARKS: 'i- ' FEMrsE9.7.- oN S-;OFtEn T-!I l cAT E r:T*af:r-_:-+-:l€irr sra{* r:3ii?sl.- a*-.,!r 'r.a,iltt;i' '\4i1r' il q) -qt o -o_- 0)5 E ...otr8.9ct :i 'tl .'(D .tg..a anaQ5 ''{-z e: oo" L 3'rsa r. i4 (g o)u E'{1.Do G tt .tt z ci :o_c) C) o Fr L !r- | 't'l I- .o r<loti e --\ ,- ({ . 'E' 'tF{j -'$-td, ot.i *- -€g ,..h.9., FEg rd ,.:-.. . '' -csgr., *-rc! t TE}IPORARY Certificate of Occupancy County of Eagle Department of Plann'ing and Development Buildinq Division I t. This certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of section 306 of the Uniform Building Code certifying that at the tjme of issuance this structure was in compliance with thi various resdlutions of the county regulating building construction or use for the fol'lowing: NAME David Haif'leigh Use Classification Sjno'l e Familv Residence Building Permit No. 1440 Type Constructjon V Fire Zone 3 Use Zo ne RSM 0wner of Build'ing David Haifleiqh Building Address 1876 Gore Creek Dri ve, Vai I Vi;l'l aqe Bui I d'ing 0ffi ci al Date iJ-lr7.- ?2, County of EagleElE;ilU;;'ffirr O Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Temporary Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 1498 $ 12.00 $.. .9!..?q....... ..... $-...... ....... ..... Ne Job Name......David..Haif.1"it=. fAZ.O Go.re Creek..Dnjve...,,............Vail Village West #1 79 Electrical contractor...... ... . sgL.f. Applicant.....,. SE[ature APPROVALS $ $. Plan Checker 47 .25 Received sy J:K9lJg.L . .. Receipt #5172 Bldg. permit #1440 David Haifleigh BEST COFV AVAT.ffi,T DA'E June 25 FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON SITE DURII{G CONSTRUCTION 48 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS vA LtoATroN $.. THIS .rOB ," 79 pERMrr No. (It sro"" ]r 0. rooness Box 2823. Vail. Co. ( NO,)(STR EET ) NUMBER OF DWELL ING UNI TS (PROFOSED USE) { c oNT R's LrcENsE) one 3 0.o o @ oz =Go E sueorvrsrol Vail Vil I . West #1 Lor 47 eLo"*_5fJ. EUILOING IS TO AE - FT. WIDE BY - FT. LONG AY FT. IN HEIGHT ANO SHALL COI{FORM IN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE USE GROUP BASEMENT I'VALLS OR FOUNOAT ION ( TY PE' Construct Sing'le aml I AT I LOCAT ION ) ZON ING D BETWEEN ANOCROsS sTNEE ( cRoSs sliEET) REMARKSI PIan Check Fee $154.00 (cUaIc/SQUARE FEET I Esr rMArEo co", $ 60'000'00 Davi d Hai f]ei oh Bax e823 Vai I (aftidavir on rovrm rido of qppliootion lo bo conplrtod by crthorizod cgonl of ovrr*) FEEi'' E 308.00 SU I LD ING EAGLE FINAL: Review couNry surLlo c/o INSPECT|ON, Routing Form ( ) PERMIT APPLICATION I LANDSCAPE INSPECTION FORM PrimaryRoutirrg ( ) Rcrouting Applicant Plannir rg Commission File No. Off icial within 6 working days t ++0 Permit No.Date Referred P lanning: Corhplies with: Subdivision Regul at ions Zoning Regulations S ite Plan (Landscaping) Reviewed by: Recommend pproval : No ntllln tr Yes En Date: Commerrts: County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Comments: Recommend Approval : ntrn! E ffi E} 6- zb-z County Health: Water Sanitation Perc. test Comments: Recommend Approval : ! Dnn Final lnspection: C/O Recommend Approval Comments: n Firral lnspection: Landscapi Recommend Approval Commerrts: n9ID by DateC,/O lssued Final Filing Date BUIL PERAAIT APPLIC roN Juridiction of €116/€ 1eu.t77 I DING 0 AT Applicant to complete numbered spaces only, PLAN CHE VAL ,l N R N N \ f\. N I \ Ntl \f\ s o $\l't \ /876 6q€4e334'€ Luar ?4tL /sT Ezr"r- l,,/r/L /// 2 Z,ar,O ,tz/eifzsLr/ 8ox Z?zS /il.. &Le 8tc.s7 ?76-sftE q-262 MAIL AOOi ESg PNONI Ltcar{3E NO, r 624//on4 q{Zf .ruoazlpru, *<d*&.7a'arbs 1e/o 8e7O EXGII{EEi LtcEXSE tir O. 5 K'crhals 1'?67a/&at/6 '-/a Huop zdo &/6a ?L/7 -5o2. /6/Ss LENDEi MA|L AOOIaSS . ai NCN 6EuA,{3 E,r."v4;q(<o4 "gz€/l/.7{Ar'/teK /4o'/,4,ves <ob 9ry7 frT-j/.h u5E Oa irJ rLo[{ Gt f,aiwt r/ *5)ryale- frzz)zy Tuzoqnilevr /srberze- 8 ctas of work: .R1\|ew tr AoolrtoN tr ALTERATIoN tr REPAIR ! MovE D REMoVE 9 0escribeworkt / Zrl Z <q, F_ /^/n.r'44€A ZgP Sa2Ft- fi.yuH4 l0 Change of use fron PERMf T FEE JoE, d4eLAN cHEcK FeE /S*, oafi valurtion of work: g 6j61 OOO. 2 Occupancy Group SPECIAL CONOITIONS: No. ot Storlesii'.",;l:i*', J53o Fire Sp.inklari Required E\l,ca EfioAP'LtCA'IOII ACCEP'ED 8Y A?PFOV€O FOR ISSUANCE 8V OFFST REET PARKING SPACE5: NOTICE SEPAFATE PERMITS ARE REOUIFED FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT EECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBV CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOV€RNING THISTVPE OF WORK WILL 8E COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. TH€ GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLAT€ OR CANCEL TH€PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ZONING HEALTH OEPT. FIRE OEPT. SOIL REPORT OTHER (Spcclty) ALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION Qn;r*etstzz- Form 1OO.I 1.77 RLY INSPECIOR t-,Ogt t- INSPECTlON APPROVALS DATE REMAR KS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING .INT. LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE EELOW FOR NOTES. FOLLOW.UP, ETC. G PERMIT APPLI roN Jurisdiction ol Afue. AzuvZ/ I &T Applicent to complcte numbored tptccs only, PLAN CHE Q..'V*s,zt PLUMf,I N Naft h R No,l \\ $It \r\' \ h) \ lc?76 M ae* ?aya a'€sT y'ttL- ,/s f FL& /,* t 2/za#'2)24ry"' M^r( aootala tr,z ZlQtztd ,y'arraiU ?o> z8z3 /it{ e/o cz6s/ ?%-+?6t ?26z- MArl loolE33 PNOtat ^rcNrrac? or oa 3| oia ttcara3a.ro, a cr?f //nr< rsz{/4 R. (do-g/E ^/6t (ozo EaTo s /r4/24s 4auer4zc Eex4/oo /ra,l a2zo e/6zc 7qZ-€o7z LICaNaa (o. '/6/53lErioft Mlr! aDotcs3 - atar{cta64nZs fir1ywa4LAEP q,fzf n/af&r*UDe. <e4o.?rz,tt55 16t/a 8ep7 5Tl-;to v5€ Oa lurLorNc c .4d< ftq 8 Crosr of work: Arew tr ADotilot't C ALTEBATToN O REpAtR 7^tu/r& TyF ol Firtur. r l|.; SPECIAL CONDITIONS:WATER CLOSET ITOIL€T' LAVATORY IWASH 6A5IN) KITCHEN SINK & OISP. aPPLtCAtrOn aCC€Plt O 6V LAUNORY TRAY WA'E R HEATER NOT ICE I HEREtsY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO B€ TRUE ANO CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETH€R SPECIFIEO HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A P€RMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW R€GULATING CONSTRUCTION OR TXE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. a r e r^trJ.L ot cox DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR.-SINK OR ORAIN GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING I TREATI'{G EOUIP. VACUUM AREAKERS S€PTIC TANK I PIT D III{ THIS SPACEI IHIS IS YOUR PERTIIT PERMIT VALIDATION cx. -2n,4tuW cnc @r INSPECIOR FOrm lOO.2 l1-73 r.o.ca. ?.or: lllTlitl^Tlotl^L COt{FCiaXClOF aulLDtl.€ OtFlClALt . .r.. .. rorrrar rr(rlcac. rrr,Fn.r. ca..rr. -n l USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC. ELEcTfto, pEnurr orrrltomoN Applicant to complete numbered Wces only. PLAN CH 3 Nt\ \ s $ h $ \ * R, \ f\. /876 6aZ€ .4ceK DKrus L?tr ///t/L /s 7- E/,.vtz l/n'/ u, ccnog Wdf"ED sNEErl MAIL ADDA ESs IIPz )Ano Hrzrzarc/z&zs l/.it/ a:tlo 9/67 qru-C76?zdz MAI L AOOi ES3 PxOr{E LICENSE NO. ^icHrrEcr oe oasrcrEi MA|L aooiEss "HoNa tq*--t tl:al rtcaNsa r.o, a <n4 n&"ra q{.2t//a4p.r*a<,. coao&.//6 4fV/ktgt,To ENCINEEF MAIL AooIESs Z PXoxE LrcersE No. 5 KolarUs rrtbilcee,tG &x 1-/lU .4to,rJ ado 9/62o 717-SuZz /b/55 L€XOER MAI L IIAN C H 8o/o 7 53-s1oe6 Zl/AzS F.rnvqeL /df? 4SZf 2ry4 ze>/o-?e,tas 7 /6rA*n7r.tL ,{t'veG fzzt 'g.rae.tae I Cras ot work: .E(ew tr A0Dril0N tr ALTERATT0N tr REPATR 9 oescribe workt /ZqZ-sct F- u.tE,ytslQ Zh?,sa Fr F,rvtr*z u//dGueL TotalRECEPTACLE Outtets LIGHT SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LIGHTING F IXTU RES ' Total. Fixtures APPLICATIOT ACCEPTED AY PLANS CHECXEO 8Y aPPROV€O fOR tSSUAttCE 8Y RANGES CLO. ORYER WTR. HTR. NOTIC E I HEREEY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THIS TVPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. STGNAYUIE Or <Ol{E Oa Cor{tRatror or aurHoilzEo acE{T tDl GARBAGE OISP. STA. COOK TOP DISH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR. STA. APPL. t/? H.P. MAX, NO. TRANS. SIGNS TEMP. POWER LJPOLE L-JUNOGD. SERVICE Ef*=* fl cxaruce OVER 600A PERMIT ISSUING FEE RLY1/ALIOATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PEBMIT Jurisdiction of C"+r fa77 tu+ t r/ro Form lOO.3 1-77 PERMIT VALIDATION INSPECTOR -? /) '4* eb-tAU INSPECTION REPORTS DATE ITEM BEUARKS IIISPECTOF USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. RCGISTERED PROFESSIOMT B{GI]{E[]RS RmrsrERo LAilD Sl'f,t EYoRS JllS,/ls Ytay 2. 1979 li!r. Jim Williams Zoning Inspector Eagle County Hand Delivered iIin, The foundation design submitted herewith is desigmed based upon Mr. Haifleigh obtaining a setback variance. Final site plans, necessary topography, and revised foundation plans will be suburitted next week reflecting the 25r setback requirements. Jh}.H Engineering Manager Civil and Mechanical Engineering . Planning . Surveys . Subdivisions . Water and Sewer Systems Box c-100 -AvoN, 00L0ARD0 81620 -PHoNE 949-5072, DH{VER 893-1531 iltgn Revlew Actlon Fer TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Project Name: l-l n - n-.-, r , 'J ,r'. F. , ,, , ,,< . Building N€ r€i i--{. . rrs. i r,-i i,r--, r-,<.--"r. .- Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVOontact, Address and Phone:')th t t€ Legal Description: Lot 9-l Block - Subdivision Zone District ProjectStreetAddress: lr:;bL ,l?,4,1 -\/\rL, r-tt,t1 L , r)i1 tz ' -lL Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval R StaffApproval Conditions: .t-l= \ -'.." n^", 'fi: [--t *tttrl '. -Jt- ,..-\-/,' )-fit ,., , ' J.z, l-,< rJlt,r.= Town Planner Single ramily ZONE CHECK FOR Residence, Duplex, ZONE DISTRICTS Primary/Secondary i I Subdivision BUII.DABLE Exis tinq otL I.IOT AREA Prooosed ToEaI ....................: tstg{ tul54 t,5 t< /rc FronL Sides Rear .t3 Heights 24, 15' L5, 3,/6, { neqra ,./,' /-/ Proposed Slope oU- No Kh 1L enct (3oo) (600) (soot @J3S_ Permirred slope Bt Complies with T.O.V. Lighting Ordinance wat.er Course Setback (30) (50) Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50%) Environmental,/Hazards: 1) Flood plain Yes Nril YES zQ% N0__314_ 2l percenr, sLope t. , lozl 7flV^ (3/ol 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Sno$, Avalanche dLb) Rockfall ^rc) DebrisFlffi 4) Weulands 6v No_-_gL__ Does this i:egueril irrvuive a 2jO Addition? tJ6How much of rhe atrowed 250 AddiCion-ii--""" U:is requesE? N/l Previous conditions of approvat (check properEy file): View Corridor Encroachment, :Yes LEGAL DESCRIPTfON: Lo! ADDRESS: OWNER PHONE ARCHTTECT 4 .-^ -nt-, a PHONE ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE rJor srzE /ht a'?-i d )/ , /?tq h- . AIlowed Height. ToTal GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA . Setbacks Si E.e Coverage Landscaping Retaining wall Parking carage Credit, Drive: (30)@ /<tql # qzs =ZZl_t_ lfeg{ + 42s =J523 4. 1n updcted 4ll7l95 eppr*iooo"t 1/l{K GENERALINFORMATION This procedure is requircd for any project requesting a variance. The applic4igayill : information is submined I UU . A. BREIF DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL lrx, fi +ttt kmt B. NAME OF APPLICANT (type or print ADDR-ESS ,%-7ffi)3j> CITY, STATE,ZIP C. NAME OF APPLICANT'S R.EPRESENTATTVE ADDRESS PHONE- CITY, STATE, NP D.NAME OF OWNER(S) (type or ( hb|a'. OWNER(S) SIGNATURE( ADDRESS NE- CITY, STATE, ZIP E. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: STREET ADDRESS a l^"J-,rc*-!at;-:-e' 4bu*dt*tlBofrr'--- foc ru! be paid before the Community Dcvelopment Department will accept your prorposal. M. ADJACENT PROPERTY NOTIFICATION Starnpe4 addr€ssed envelopas of the names of ownors of all property adjacent to the subj€ct proporty INCLUDING PROPERry BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and a list of tlet narnes and mailing addresses. TIIE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. IV. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a planning staff member is *r,ongly recommended to deteimine if ary addidonal information is needed No application will be acceptcd unless it is comglerc (must include all jtcms rco3ircd by the zoning administator). It is tiie applicani's responsibility to make a.: appointment with'.hc staffto find out about additional submittal requirements. V. SUBMITTALINFORMATION PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLIM TIIE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOIJR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDMONS OF APPROVAL TIIAT TIIE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMSSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. AIJ.CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPILED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMT IS ISSUED. rvt ZIP Vul Jtrtrffil .,/ n.. So* olgn Review Action Fil TOWN OF VAIL Category Numbef 7 Building Name'. Hc,r.t *.-, t, , t- tr/ , -, ,' ,./- .. , - Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: ercn ite?,f,-4,-hudress and Phone: ttl --/Legal Descripti on:nt i1 Block - Subdivision Vcr- / r/, '/..,t,- r-z-/rvtZoieoistria "{1Project Street Address: Comments: ,a "-'--\(Ege@ZStaff Action Motion by: -Gz,.r-', ,.^..- Vote: 5'D Approval 3 Disapproval ! StaffApproval Conditions: ,/. Town Planner TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: tr-r- Q€23 MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department August 14, 1995 A request for a sit€ coverage variance to allow for an addition to the Houtsma Residence, located at 1868 Wesi Gore Creek Drive/Lot 47, Vail Village West 1st Filing. Applicants: John and Bobbi Ann HoutsmaPlanner: George Ruther DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST T-he-ePplieadS.JeEland Eg$i{nn Houtsma areproposing to con_struct q new front entrance and an attached, onJ storv, twEcii gar?Selo iheiiieiidenCe locatea ai 186e WECtGge €LeCh Drive. The proposed new front entry addition lvould le located within the bou4d les ol !!e setbacks on the property. The attached, one story, two-car garage, however, would be located in the front setback. Ilgggpggggjgfaff i!permilted in the front setback pursugn! to 99c{qn 1t.69lFlgzgld Rggqlations) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, since the percent slope_!e4-ea!h tlg JxrSl4S_g!ruetr4re and the proposed structure and parking area exceedg 30%. Additionally, since the slope of the p_rcpellle_xceeds 307o, lhe site is restricted to 15_7e site cgveygge.- Based upon a lot size ol 10,977 sq. ft., the applicants are allowed 1,646 sq. ft., or 15o/o site coverage. ThE pfans submilted propose qllolal sit€ coverage on the property of 1, 829 sq. ft., or 16.]62t9. Thercforc, the applrcqllt€ ar€ requesting a site coverage variance of 1.6.h from Sec{ion 18.69 of the Town of Vail Municipal Gode. The applicants are also proposing other upgrades to the property in addition to the new frcnt entrance and the two-car garage. The applicants are proposing to pave the existing gravel driveway, as well .as add landscaping in the norlhwest and northeast comers of the property, where none cunently exists. Additionally, the applicani is proposing to add a river rock chimney to the street elevation of the structure. Also to be added will be a modest dormer addition on the street elevation and an expanded deck to the west elevation of the struc1ure. Further proposed for the entire residence will be shutters and new windows in various locations to provide additional inlerest and fenestration to the building. II. BACKGROUND The slaff had researched projecls in which similar site coverage variance r€quesls were made, and has summarized them below: Ricci Residence. 2576 Davos Trail ( February. 1995): At the Ricci Residence, the applicant requested a site coverage variance for 4.7o/o (526.5 sq. ft. of additional site coverage), The applicant proposed lo use the additional site coverage to create an enlarged 2-car garage, as well as add a small amount of additional GRFA to the existing residence. The PEC approved the applicant's site coverage variance request. F: \everyone\pec henos \hou tsma. 814 Dean/Rousch Residence. 2942 Bellflower (Julv 1993): Al the Dean/Rousch residence, the applicants requested e 3.56% site coverage variance (287 sguare feet), a setback variance (4 feet into a 2O-foot seiback), and a wall height variance. The request for site coverage and wall height variances were apprcved by the PEC, but the setback variance for GRFA was denied. lt should be noted that the staff recommended denial of the variances, but the PEC approved it. The interior dimensions of the garage were 22.5 by 22.5 feet, and the area of the garage calculated for site coverage was 576 square feet. Taylor Residence. 2409 Chamonix Road (May 1993): At the Taylor residence, the applicant reguested and was granted a site coverage variance for 1 .3o/o (122 sguare feet) in order to construct a garage and building connection on the property. lt should be noted that the allowed site coverage on this lot is 2oo/o (not 15%), and the applicant was also granted a variance to construct the garage in the front setback (the slope on this lot did not exceed 307o). The approved interior dimensions of the two-car garage were 21 feet by 20 feet, for a total interior area ol 42O square feet. The garage contributed 462 square feet toward site coverage. Mumma Residence. 1886 West Gore Creek Drive (February 1993): At the Mumma residence, the applicani requested and was granted a 1% site coverage variance in order to construct a garage addition on a lot that exceeds 30% slope. The 1o/o overage on site coverage amounted to approximately 99 square feet. The interior dimensions of the approved garage measure 20 feet by 20 feet, for a total interior area of 400 square feet. The garage contributed 442 square feel toward site coverage. Smail Residence. 4238 Nugget Lane (September '1992): At the Smail residence, the applicant requesled and was granted side and front setback variances in order lo conslruct a garage and GRFA addition. The interior dimensions of the approved garage measure 22teel8-inches by 22teel3-inches (504 square feet). Please note that a site covenge variance was not necessary as a part of this request. At the Testwuide residence, the applicanl requested and was granted side and front setback variances in order io construct a garage addition to the existing residence. The approved garege had interior dimensions ot 21 .5 feet by 24 teel, with a total interior area of 516 square feet. Please note that a site coverage variance was not necessary as part of this ruquest F: \everyone\pec\memos\houtsma. 814 ilt. zoNrNG sTATtsTtcs Lot Size: 10,977 square feet Zoning: Primary/S€condary R€cidential Allored Prooo:ed GRFA: 3,594 sq. ft. 2,421 sq.ft. Setbacks:Front 20' Front 1.5Sidee: 15'115' Sidee: 15',35,Rear: 15' Roar 58, Slb Covorage: 15% 01 1,0/tO sq. tt t6.6t6 or 1,E29 3q. ft Landscaping: 60%or6,582sq.ft. 77o/oor 8,437 sq' ft' ' Retaining Wa[ HdghE: 6 feet (ma(.) 4 feet Parking: 4 spaces required 4 spacee propoc6d IV. GRITERIAANDFINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Sestion 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, fhe Community Development Department recommends approval of the requestsd site coverage varianoe based on the following faclors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The rclationahip of the rcquested variance to other existing or potential uses and structurrs in the vicinity. Staff believes tha! the prop_o_Se! idqj!_lgn W!!! be_qoqg?liqlqlrlh th_q sunounding developmen_t. The additional mass and bulk essociated with this proposal is similar in scale t,o lhe rnass and ttulk of sunound-ing_homes in the area. TIg_eppllSCdg qr9 proposing to locate the garag- l.s-Jeel-o[ of ihe fronl property line. The proposed location will result in a distance of 11 feet from_the edgp of the asphalt . Public Works haC ad<nowledged-- that foundation plantlng9 are possible in the right-olyay. Staff would like to point out that the applicant is proposing to provide substantial upgrades to the existing property which, in Staffs opinion, result in a struc.ture that is quite compatible to the existing struclures in the area. 2. The degrce to which relief from the stric{ and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified rcgulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of trratment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilego. Qtaff has traditionaJysupported site coverage variance reguesb n'ten F: \evelyoDe\pec\nenos \hout stna . 814 associated with the construction of enclosed parking. Staff believes that it ls beneficial to the community to allow individuals to conslruct garages, as it gpically improves the appearance of the site and the sunounding area as a whole. In this case, the applicant will be eliminating 2 exterior parking spaces with the construction of the new 2-car garage. Staff ha-s_lvorked W!!h !!g qpp[icant and lhe architeci to minimize the amount of the variance neecled lo construct ihe proposed garage (495 sq. fl.). ln the pqst, Staff has requested that each variance request be for ihe minimum amount of .site coverage neoessary in order lo altain lhe desires of the applicant. Slqff lelieves that the relief from a strist interpretation and enforcement ol the site coverage regulation is reasonable in this instance. 3. The efiec't of the reguested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and trafiic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff does not believe ihat there will be any negative impacts associated with this proposal, if constructed, on the above referenced criteria. B. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a variance: '1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsislent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same districl. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properlies or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That lhe variance is wananted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary phy6ical hardship inconsistent with the objeclives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the varience that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same districl. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff rerommends approval of this variance. lt is Staffs belief that the applicant has met the gritqria anel findiOgs A, 1, 2 and 3 qnd thai findings 81 , 82 an{ 83, e,F -and g have b_ee11 me!.- ,Qpecifically, it is Staffs opinion that finding B 3b has been met in that lhe area in which the qpplicant is proposing the new construction will not iake place on those areas of the site that !-u_n!n!ly_exisJ at greater than 307o slope. The intent of restricting the site coverage on this prope(y to 15% is to reduce the anlouni of site disiurbance generally associated with F: \everyone\pec\memos\houtsna. 814 _99lglrvdion on steep lots. As the applicant is proposing to limit all new construclion to that area Vtblgh_has already been disturbed C.ue to the original construction, the intent of restricling site coverage, qld tlereforg limiting site disturbance, has been mei byJhe applicant. Additionally, it is Staffs beliel that findings 81 and 82 have been met in that the applicant's proposed 495 sq.-fl.gtlElelq considerably less than the 1200 sq. fl. garage credit allowed for a residence on a llrnflllgqglqgry zone9 lot. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to grant an approval of the aPPlicant's site coverage variance request, Staff would recommend that the approval carry with it the following condilions: T'l, t(,.2- lr rr/ 3. 4. That prior to issuance of a building permit for the project, the appticant shall submit and record a Type I Employee Housing Unit deed rastriclion on the property lo allow for the expansion of the existing residEnce. That the epplicant survey in the location of the garage foundation and roof eave line prior to conslruction, to ensure that re improvemenls are constructed off-site. That the applicant receive a revocable right-of-way permit for the landscaping in the right-of-way, prior to issuance of a building permit. That the applicant replace all transplanted landscaping which fails to survive two growing seasons, with new landscape material of similar size and quality. -. -- - -j / ,: i,_ l_, | ,-1,. '' - \er B Cw ilt, 6-C F: \everyone\pec \nenos \hou tsna. 814 -;,"r,:;.,:,;:.::, ::t:ri:tlai:ii:::.:.--:::,:;;:-.i.. $t rru !lilildil .J \,J \ t :lJ, .t c{ o t? FIr( 1 9 .Fdx{Hul +,iI l3 - - -:. ...:_:: -;ri ' IEEE E IEEEEEg l:iaSEEs iiiiiglgE-l rlo. <rl -:J 4d C'--" .ld4l{l o lcce*lf ,'l l; r rl3Jlr i i ilsfl r . " "t+h;;; -f,1 ,. ., .. ." FI <tl l't'. f'<lo J| n J) 6l r r r r. it $ i 3 t-'oooo dt)1 ?, -: allI't, -r-l,dl"IEd L<-2.1 f -l 0 1q o':7 F ird I irtd{\r d( ^tINt{,lrf G tlo c_l I 'l )"Io) |',c J{f t -l -:l HH$ iiiiiiiiliiiiii iiiiiiiiiii '+ui,'$E'l :'.32i 1igtH; f teli E 9E*i E3,ggj! EiEig;s f,i,-"lj -ii 'l$ l. L6 'ffi.:!?{ h;Th'Ni -T [F[. F -r\ tg ]>16 €r'xq td: n -a_ J I !: .lLo!l III I <t -1. 4t l u6-l-i A. [,t\3 {od{ C.1 J-Ir -7 o I c 0 4 rl .t )- c '. irt ar,t 1.ii: ::i.; i:r ll.jji:,i in i:] L:a.. !:, :i:i lrit^:; ;.ti I:'l i..i li.,i :t::. .i.:a ii iti !. i,: t:;i t,.: ',/... ll' l i! a; ;,\: .-i:i.: ii' t: i.:l i'l' t':: ,:r. ,i.l t.i i:. t.t' i,;t: i: :.,r :l ': i,: :. j I i. :: i I .to; I ,l ,i "i f I !5 q?): o lt EI E! rl :: -.?; {;,!{" €: liE.?-i jr ,' THIS ITEM MAY EFFECTYOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and EnvironmentalCommission of the Town ol Vailwill hold a p$lic hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on August 14, 1995, at 2:00 P,M. in the Town of Vail Municipat Building. In considerdion o,ts 1. A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for an addition to the Town of Vail Public Wotks Administration Building and a renovation to the Transportation and Fleet Maintenance Buildings located at 1309 VailValley Drive/on an unplatted tract, localed north of Vail Village, Eighth Filing. Applicart Town of VailPlanner: Andy Knutdsen A request for a site coverage variance to allow for additions to the existing residence located d 1868 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 47, Vail Village West Filing #1. Applicart John and BobbiAnn HoutsmaPlanner: George Ruther A request for a setback variance to allow for an addition ot the exisling residence located at 51 19 Elack Bear LaneiLot 8, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant Ron and Chris YarosPfanner: George Ruther A request for a major SDD amendment, located at the Vail Athletic Club/ 352 East Meadow Drive and more specifically described as follows: A lErc€l of land h Traot B, Vail Village First Filing, Town of Vail. Eagle Counry, Golorado, commencing 8l the itrlh€asl oomer of said Tract B; thence N 79'46Of W along th€ Northedy lhe of Vail Villa96, Frrsl Filing, end&rg lhe Norlhedy line of salJ Tna B 622.86 tget; th€nce S 06'2652' W a distanc€ ol 348.83 le€l to lhe Sathll€sr oom€r ol lhal parcel ot land describ€d in Book 191 al Pag€ 139 as rocord€d January 10, 1966 and filed inR€cepfon No. '102978 in lho Eagl6 County Records, said comer also being the True Point ot Beginning;lhenc. S 79'04!8" E and along the Soulhedy tine of said parcel 200.00 tesl to th€ Southoasl comff ther€ot thenc€ N 6!!=2O0' E and along the North€rly lirc ol that parcel of land deacribed in Book 222 at Page 513 as recoded hlgn in fio Eagh County Records, a dislance of 66.78 feel to lhe Norlheasterly comer ol said parcal of land; said ccter being on fte Westorly righr-ot-way line ot Gore Creek Boad, as pbned in VaJ Village, Finh Filing:fienc€ N 27*1337 W a dstanc€ of 2.37 fEet along said West€rly riglrt.otway line of Gore Creek Road:thanca N 8S:29'2? W a dblance of 12.80 feet lo the Northeasf€rty corn€r ot lhat parcel ol land described in Book 191,. PTe 139 a. r€corded January 10, 1966 and fled h Reception No. 102978 in the Eagb County Recor&;thencc l,la0twesredy 26.51 t€€t along the arc ot a 37.50 t€€t radius crrwe to th€ l€ft having a central arple of .t()'30!0' $tfE. chord bo|'t N 53'40'00' W a dbranco ot 25.96 feel lo a point of iangenry; thenoe N 73'5500' W andeg said tangent 166.44 fe€l;thence N 85'1021'W I disranc€ ol 50.40 feet 1o rhe Northweslerly comer of the l\ihrnl,rin Haus Parcel; ftence S 02'18!O W ard along the €asterly line ol sald Mounlain Haus Percel a dbtance of 100.00 fed ro the Soufieasledy cmrer thereot; th€nce S 45'1353' E a dslance of 38.70 l€et lo lhc Truo Poinl d Seginning, ccrtaining 30,186 squere f€et, more or l€ss. 3. 4. Applicant: Planner; Ff .v.rtonotsadtFlb6\8a95 JWT 1987 Vail Lirnited Parhership, by Stan Cope and Michael Barclay Mike Mollica trs 5.A request for a conditional use permit to altow the Medicdl Center to park a mobile catheter lab/Eailer at the Meadow Drive loading area, located at 181 West Meadow Drive/Lots E & F, VailVillage 2nd Filing. Applicant: VaitValley MedicalCenter, represented by Dan Feeney Planner: RandY Stouder A request for a major SDD amendment to allow for the expansion of the Glen Lyon Office Building, located at 1000 S. Frontage Rd./Area D, Cascade Village SDD #4. Applicant Gordon Pierce for Glen Lyon Partnership Planner: RandYStouder A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the remodel of the Golf Course' Maintenance Facility, located a|1278 VailValley Drive/Parcel E, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Vail Recreation District, represented by Ernie Bender Planner: Russell Forrest 7. FiavdFne\peslnsticesE gr,l95 \ OFTERSCHWANIG, FABSSLER, GMBH SONNENALP 20VAILROAD vArL. co 81657 KATHRYNLOHRE C/O JOHNLOHRE 3333 EAST FLORIDA, #I22 DEI.IVER, CO 80210 WILLIAM&BARBARAHOLM 5586 S. GENEVA ENGLEWOOD, CO 80lll TMOTHY & JENNIFER DBWIN 165I PONTIAC STREET DENVER, CO 80220 SEVEN VAILS CORPORATION I2O1 GREEN MEADOW LA}.IE LITTLBTON, CO 8OI2I ELLEN SCHMIDT 1875 WEST GORE CREEK DRIVE vArL, co 81657 It TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENI 5 U14..,4 , t COA ,OrrcPRmr,cT t4uFtddod t UA v dA/lA . I CIIECXA MADE PAYABLE TO TOWN OF VAIL 0l 000041540 ZONING AND ADDRESSIiAM $5.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE $54.(ru 0l 0000 42415 UMFORM PLUMBING CODE $39.00 0t 000042415 IJNIFORM MECHAMCAL CODE $37.00 ot oo00 424t5 UNIFORM FIRE CODE $36.00 0l 0000 424 t 5 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE $37.00 0l 000042415 OI'HbR CODB BOOKS 01 0000 41548 BriuE PRINTS (MYLARS)$7.0u 0t 0000 42412 XEROX COPIES !;0.25 ot ooo0 42412 SruDIES ol oooo 424t2 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $5.000l 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 01 0000 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE-CHECK FEE [S4O PER HRR.'I 0l 000042332 OFF HOURS INSPECTIOITFEES 0r 00004t4t2 CONTMCTORS LICENSES FEES 0t 0000 41413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE li20.oo 0l 0000 41413 ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE [$ I.OO PER SQ.FT.I 0l 000042440 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION 0l 0000 4133 I PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE 0t 0000 42371 I}.IV ESTIGATIoN F EE ( BUIIDINE ) 3l 0000 45t l0 TOV PARKING FI.JND ol ooo0 22027 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND* 0l 0000 2l I l2 TAXABLE @ 4% (STATE)* 0t 0000 4t010 TAXABLE @ 4% (TOWN) 0r 0000 42371 BUILDING II{VESTIGATION II'HER CEC APTLICATION F.ETS 0l 000041330 ADDITIONAL GRFA '250"tizu0.uu 01 000041330 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ;200.00 0l 0000 4t330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION ILESS TTIAN IOO SQ.FT,I i200.oo 0l oom 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION [MORE TI{AN TOOSQ.FT.I ti)00.u, 0r 0000 41330 SPECIALDEVELOPMENTW $I.500.00 0l 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DiSTRICT TMAJOR AMEND $ I,000.00 01 000041330 SPECIALDEVELOPMENTIW $200.00 01000041130 SUBDIVISION 0l 000q41331,VARIANCE $250.00 -50' 0l 000Dft330 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS $2tu.u0 0l 00004t330 R.E. ZONING $200.00 OTHER OTHER ,/ ', cAsE r-, "*o, lVL,*.o *.u", /4/ilu uv -f Etr.lt'l GF LJF I L- f'liscel l anesug Ctsgh ili-1'.1-'15 1i:;jr:lr4f, Ft+,-:-ji.Ft + lii:+4 .. l;,-;,,-,i-, t ++ !:t'' l+ i?li' .IilHil Hr:i-lT':i'iil''.r lilFlI Hi''lt:E i'u.,,,,.,n:i i'"t'c"t*': ': ':58' tlrjl Itenr Paid Hrirc'r-rnt' Paid !:r1rlft$841ff,riif:rii'rj i5fi' niJ tl:h.:rrgt iii i'u f-ne1i i ii " i:tfi -rHFt'lli vGLl rJiur c.::f,ier HE I[:] o CGEE Town Planncr ,t PROJECT: I DATE SUBMITTEil DA]'E OF PUEL|C nenntrrrc CoMMENTS NEEDED AV: , 4 /// BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF TI.IE PROPOSAL: -Ibrri u.t4ort'srcrOn16 ;Ssoe \' \SS Dalc: TO: Mll(E M Enginccring: Rcvicwed by: Commcnls: O rive rrrol 5to6g Landscaping: ffecievcd el3tlq5 OPPENHEIMER Gcorgc RuLherRclurn lo Public Works, and Lanclscaping on Irlor heeeovev. Rrsuoq,r o (uouc WogKe i F:-*-a+*lrUqqa eecJ_1}+ba-drrogsq) 'th€,&ioe .ut{ qeed,r to be u,rdprrza cA hra <auq o!!rl c-orsr (g€e- gton) \:o acrornodate. o. 2.l't CL 1rrn,nc1ro4io1 rnto ti3 ar r) conf ex(.€a \2of otrx !rca,t1 16le c.)il.ln ooi he4f - df luc\^Jo-.J1l6d€, aegaor< kobe 5o1' now.' 7 Rcvicwcd by: Commcnts: Datc: t oF.r.tc5. aniS r o.A w\ft re celc.cldtJ(ted li^is 3\vn(t'4f, ' Crntro[j<f frr hoosa..rit\ ho$e \o rr"aOrt*t" wirh Yne roa'd ceonlrnDnon Firc Dopt.: Rcvicwcd by: Commcnls: Distribulcd lo lhc Firc Dcparlmcnl, REG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Rcturn lo George RuLher, Town planncr PROJECT:/-lo 'nt4 DATE SUBMITTEU BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF TI.IE PROPOSAL: L,rrrE orJurvul tt:U:+_DAI.E OF PUBLIC HEARING€136 . COMMENTS NEEDED'By: Al il Enginocring: Rovicwcd by: Commcnls: Dalc: Landscaping: Rcviewcd by: Commcnts: Firc Dopt.: Revicwcd by: Commcnls: Dalc: /ilo^.,'o lt, 01c,lw2 ,..-.-, 6-l-f Disrriburcd to rhc Firc Dcparrmcnr, pubric works. and Landscaping o4 T0l.'JN 0F I VRIL COM-DEV s.a|,r. alt|lra 10 :06 No ,002 DESIGN Rnltrltf BOARD APPIJICTTION - lottN Of DATE RgCSIVED: DATE OF D&B MEETING:ttttttttaa IAY 3 01995 IryCOUPr.nlrA l,p#ifiIeAn?o.ls *rAv No'r, en senEDntn4p., Egn 4ryrixi:',ttftfffffa PROJECII I}IqOnu4lI'IQN i DESCRIpTI93I.-, Additi(rlr cf a two car garage and a new foyer to the fronL B. TVPE OF RBVIEI{I ]s-azs -24s2 t.1nYoes P .01 u*' I. A. New Conrtrucrion ($200,00)x- Addlsion ($50.00)--.!linor AlceraLion (020. 00) Conceplual Review ($0) Drivel\DDREgg: tgqS West Gore CreekC. D.3ffll'?3i:l"Fl?I;, tjj "*?-*n.u*,3:tIf property is descrlbed by a meets and boundedeecrtpelon,.pleaso provlde on a geparate sh6ett,o this applioation. legal and attach ZONINO, Primary ,/ SecondaryE. F. H. NAIIIE OF OWNER (9) I Mai I lng Addregs: John and Bobbi Ann Houtsma ouun La f ayette bbilann lHoutsna NAI{E Ol' MaillnsCherry NAI'IF OF APPIJICAIITI9 REPRESENTAIIVET Joll w. Mtnkj, -4I3-!4ail,ing Addrese rJ-92-Q--Ir. . Lakeridge r=ET---Boulder, CO SO3 ADPI,XCAliTT: Address:Hills Vi G. I. J. APPrJrcAtrroNg NTIJIJ llor aE tsoc8ssaD wr!fiow owRn's s.rgila?unB Condominlum Approval lf applicabte. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown abdve, are to be pald at thellne of rubnrlttal of Bhe DRB applicaBion. Liter, whenapglVlr.re for a bulldtng permic; please ident,tfy the accuratevaluaLlon of the propocal. The Town of vail, vrill adjustr thefee accordlng t,o the cabl,c bolow, to ensure the correct f,eeis pald. Cherr Hi11s vilTaq-e'Plrone FEE SCHEDQI.E: VALUATION0 0 0 10,000s10,00i-$ 50,000050,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - s 500,000$500,001 s1,000, 000S Over 91.000,000 DESIGN REVIEI| EOARD AFPBOVAL EXPIRBS APPROVAIT I[[.,8SS A BUIIJDINO PERI|IT I8Ig SSANTED. fl*la( FEE $ 20.00 $ 50.00 f100.00 $200. 00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YE}R AFTER TINAIJ rgSUED A}ID CONSTRUCTION ka,tt FEd ToIJN oF vRIL coM-DEU |s-azs -24s2 unvlss 10:11 No.oo2 P.oZ LIST OP MAIIERTALS NN'E OF ,**ran. Houtsna Residence el:ag: ldditigr IJEGAL DEscRrPTroNr LorjT*- BrJocx - suBDrvrgroN Xai}.Jil}g^gg.-gest STREET ADDRESST 1868 liest Gore Creek Drive The tollowtng lnformallon ls requlred for submlBLal Co the Design Revlew Board before a final approval can be given: A. EUIITDINO ltlSEBIAIrS: TYPE Ol TIIBERIAL COIJOR Asphalt shinqle Cedar vRoof Siding oLher wall l{aterials Fascia Soffl tr windows wj.ndow Trim Door6 Fluee rlaahj.ngs Cblnncyr Hardboard ,/ stucco Beige / Tan Wood Dark Tan Prined wood Door Trim rl Hand or Deck Rairg -.Red-wood .tl Wood Natural Metal Match Roof River Rock Grey Trath Enclggurgg rn_qq!,agte Groenhoures Rctalnlng Walls Extcrlor Llght,lng Two entry fixtures Other N/A B. LANDSCApINO: Nano of peelgner: _I4 R. R. Tie over Conc. Phonel .,f;=d P' ^'v' J oo'' )fu {-tj}- i , %-.- -a t 4* #r; /Y { ol { a ll,. u \\ : \\\ '\ l| \ \\ I tlr ' n\\\\lCu \ \\ a c'e<- f 5\ .'O Cb( ?OS\Ja\ csh.-l iK+* c(\ we)sg b5f ;El- -\J =x -$i\. $l EN A -./4 { o{ nu { Ut )c..-r{ } )' o f,r- a/o.-b )v-/#o'o ,ai-\ o { r..4, ar . {.o.ttg !( or3 o o a o ot o o a e I ool o, 3-f. Ia I'i o !-u &sfq\i .zsGaa \s "Yi - -6 l:t t2 -\Z\$ls)\\\<)l vt6\ --S- \-t?i \. Isrl _)t,\l(*f,\tt\ri ":tQ: '\- P<* q/ ..Xc,,/ r* \h 1 1-1-1 11-1-1 SECTION: 11-1-'t: Definitions 11-1-1: DEFINITIONS: ADMINISTRATOB: A member of the Town staff appointed by the Town Manager, des- ignated to administer and enforce this Title. ARCADE: A courtyard, mall, pedestrian walkway, or similar area between buildings or structures which are part of the same development or project. BANNERS, PENNANTS OB BUNTING: Any announcement device affixed to poles, wires or ropes for the purpose of announc- ing or promoting community events or activ- ities or decorating the Town for special holidays. BASEMENT: With reference to this Title, more than lifty percent (50%) below aver- age grade. DISPLAY BOX: A freestanding or wall sign enclosed in glass for the express purpose of displaying menus, current entertainment or real estate listings. ERECT To build, construct, attach, hang, place, suspend or affix, and also includes the painting of wall signs, murals or supergraphics. FIBER OPTIC SIGN: A sign of thin, trans- parent, homogeneous fiber of glass or plas- tic that is enclosed by material of a lower index of ref raction and transmits throughout its length through internal reflections. FINE ART Sculpture, fountains or similar objects. FLAG: Any state or National flag. FREESTANDING SIGN: A single or multi- faced sign affixed to a supporting structure, or imbedded in and extending from the ground and detached from the building. Allowable size does not include supporting struclure. FRONTAGE, BUSINESS: The lineal dis- tance from outside to outside of a structure or portion of a structure housing a particular business or businesses directly adjacent at ground level to a major pedestrian or vehic- ular way. GAS FILLED SIGN: A sign in which illumi- nating gas is heated to produce light. GAS FILLED TUBING: A tube in which illu- minating gas is heated to produce light. GRADE, EXISTING: Existing ground level at any given point prior to the erection of a sign. ILLUMINATED LIGHT SIGN: A sign emit- ting or reflecting a steady sulfused or glow- ing light. LIGHTING, ACCENT A light source located within the interior ol a building that illumi- nates a display window and/or merchandise CHAPTER 1 DEFINITIONS Tou:n of Vail a a I rree I EMpLoyE_E,._ousrNG uNrr I!7 FrEsTRtcrrvE CoVENANT V John C. & Bobbi Ann HouEsma "/r, - WHEREAS.\.-t\^.,..-:7V ^.^ lL-t..^^* Ownof) described as:Ga'ro C t\ .tl c'the Prop€nn I ard WHEREAS. fie ovvnor wirhca to plae ccr,lrin msHc{idrs on the usc of a srrh or apargncnr locar€d on lhe Prop€ny for rhe beneft of rhe o*ner ard rhc Torvn of vail, colorrdo cthe Town). t{ow, THEREFORE, rh. olvner does h.orcby impocc, €slablish, rccrerrrledge, d.clrra for the ben fh of dl persons wf|o may her€inafter purchase, or leas€, or hold rhe sulrioct lard th. fo owilg .c5:trb{bns, covenanrs, and condlrions, dt of whicfi shetl be decnred !o run wih the lald and inurc ro rhc bcnafit and lr hinding upon iiir Gi;,cr, its nspcctive grantoesr sucosssors, d eW- n.L.ffit; /a15'- 1 - The Enployee Housing Unft, conlainang - squrro t€€t, is h€rety r-srrlcred as a T3ryr I Emdoyo. Housing Ltnit (EHU) wfrich muar comply witl rJl rhe provisions of Srcrioos 7A-'r.Om, t8.5Z.O30, and 19.52-qto otfie Vril Municipal Oode rs arnended_ Thr Type I Employcc Housing Untt shall bc teascd E ton3rns who arc fulFtlme employoos who work |n Fagre coudry- An EHU shdt nst bc lorsed ior a perind 1cs6 rhan rhlnr ' consocut v6 days, For rho purpones of this scclion, r fult-tirne cmployee ts one who w.erks an wer.ge ot thirbf hourB 6adr woek. A Tyc I EHU may be sold, lrettsfsrtrd, or csnravn'J saFa"r.el!, fqEn r:rv siagft fllylit :r c : ...r* r farnily ci.relling only if ir meets the followlne borrdfrbns: a) lt must bo rr$.rd by fi$ o!',,n6r ot the TlDs I EHU as a perrn.,ne rcaktcnce- For the purpoec of rhis paragra5lh, a pamE l€:tr lersid,rlr.'c shall mean rhc home or gace in whx*r ona's hdftati'rrr is ir.od and ro tzhit* crra, wheaever he or sha lt; ab6em ha:s a presevn irbrnion cf retur'lisr3 irttt(rr a- deFa^fraire rsr ahsonce ifrere'from rcgardless of the duratbn Of aheEei}Gii. ifr Lli.,,ul;..il.irrg uri r,rr .j. ._,. i:;::aarEni rOsidanca, th.| Torn strtr shdl t ke thg foltrwing circrrn,ri rces r€&rting lo the Oyyn.r of rhe rceidarrc|o inlo r.ccorurn: brsiness pursuits, employmenr, ineome sourcc$ realdone br inoomo or othcr ta)( purposas, age', marital sterus, reeirJence of parents, spouse and chitdr€n if alrii, laca$on cl persrli:ei a.-iri . ecJ F:ap€,iy, -,! -r>,., ieiit*: rryisueiiorr. b) lf e Type I EHU is sold, rarFfonod, or conv:syd sap.tafery from rhe otfier unit in e Trro'Famrly dmglling it b a p.n of, rhen both the T)4po I, EHU end rhe unit to wfrich lt is att €h.d shdl ba subject to ajllh. prorrisions set forth in scedon rasT-oao- The Type I EHU sh.lt rrot bb divided inlo any torm of tmeshans, inrelval ownerstrir, or fraclbnd iec ownership as fp6c t .flis .re d€finsd in f ha M|rnLripal Code of th€' Town of Valt- No &aLr than Fabtuary I of 38ch ycar, lha owncr of eactr cmployoo lrousing unit whhin the !o$rn wl*:h b consttud.d following the eftectivs dato of this chrprer shatl srbmit trvo copicc of a tcpon on a fo(m ro b€ obraincd frcm rho communtqr Devglopmonr Dopartrn.flt, to rhe cornrnuntty orvoloprncnt Dcpertnrnr of rhe Town of vall .r|d ctrarrman ot the Town of vdl Houstrrg etrpriv serdng iorrlr wlderrce ecnablistring fia t}r crnpbyee hourit€ unir h.3 been rern€d thEughorrt the year, rhe ?6r|rat r{a. the cmpby€r, arrd that each tenarf wfio r.su.. wthin rhe employer housing unft is a full-timc omptoyee in Eagle Cour'ly s (n or trA lJ al o-:TA z IA trta gq F,Oo@ O r\tOAg\ doll< ts oo Fi> . RO Fd OF. n O ':rJFJ t\) 3. r.rFrr tu.o 4. 5- 6. 7. Thr owner lech EHU 6l|all r,.m rho unh at a morntrrv rt r r-e oonsidcrn wih or lot"Er '.han t|ose ilter rar.3 r€t ai.nt rbr simnrr psoponbs ,rrr To*. of v.it_ Tha TowYl of vail HoudrE Ardrcdvwltl dcormine rho mrrket ra. b.s€d on thc slucty ot odrcrunir of enpenblrr size, locdion, qurliv ard arncnitias tlror€trotJ|t th., Town. Tho mer*.trrtc rfiall bc bascd on "'t rylrg|. of r mint-rnum of fiyD ronral rdag of onprr&b ur{ts. lfth. unir ls oot r.nt d lrd b nor rveilat*..trha mrrk€t f4 h shall bc dsbmlin€d b tr in noncornprianicD- In addhign ro |l|y orh.r pcrrahice rrd rrcrictionr pro\rid.d her€in, a unh tound to b. in noncornpriancr ctnrt b. subjec! !o FJbricarion .s dirarminad by rh. Housrqg Alnhority. Flfty pcrcort of th. p.rkiag nrqu,Gd for rhe Tlpo I Ef{u rfrrfl tp -c{oscd- rf r g.ngo is o be shercd by bodr the prrmr4r residencc ard fte Empbyec Ho'rrtrg unh, .ca b .h- garaga from the Ernpl0yee Housing unit strall be guenmeed bry rhc orrner of th. primrry ra3ld€nca. Thirty days p.ior to rho ratgfuf, of 8 dcad for c. Ttpc I EHu, the eroap€.rib. psrctraEo.- chrrt rnbmit an -Filicadon to tlp cornmunlg Devrloprncnt Depotz|'nr docurnordng fi- fta Fsp.edva purcf|.aar rneis fro criearir ad forfi abovo ard ahall inoluda a ffiavtt rm|'nlrU that ha or eha macrs thsse ctitarts. The prwirirrs oltrcca rcsricrire c.rrr rl3 may tr enfu€d by trc orvner and tho Town. Tho coditj.rns. restn-ctbn3, aipuldonr" and rerecrncrn3 00ntrhed hcGin shax ,El bauntved abandoneo, btr|rlnScd, or rrnendod .xc.pt by rha witlen conacm of bodr fr. Toun of vail .nd the on nor of rhe roperg- OF VAll,, a Color?do muntcipal €rporalion l': 6 r' (Jl -l A a. ttl I -t ttt IA F 9_ @ N) A gl ts H |€ 10. 11. By: By= wrs.cknosrf.dgcd uotoro rnc rhts4'au.t,0"gtu4 nt f i *Hii,.Eq*ll;j:ell15,, ZS S. rrontage Ril ed bcbro -" *,iJNa.y tt A.:.;+J- [ 4'i5 l\9r.golng,inrlrumern u' -l/Lt'v .RE4ilrrn.trltrl7My r5mmission cxprre6: _- Project Applicat A U ion o Dale /-z s r-s Projecl Name:P l, t^ 1Q't^.* f ProJect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: 2-354 -S. f-rn, Arch itect. Address and Phone: Description: Lol B lock lview Board L43 ,/ epeaov a\..-_- _--. - DISAPPBOVAL Su m mary: Br nc Ch n.t ,w /"( '1 ,8t- /U\ 01ar, a En, ( l.^ 5G.az<l ,/'t"sr,.' , .s t,,, /rt. s /r.*< /' /r,, , ..,( 5- 4 Jl l/ utt; Town Plan ner 1,*ttApprovalDale:4' ? l-t ') PLEASE I'IAKE TOWN OF VAIL D EPA RT;\{ EN T O F CO lvl ;vILiN ITY D EVELO P}IENT' S^LES ACTlON FOR}{ 7J SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD C0L0MD0 8165 7 ?rli::i:tij ".rlii;J,li:::ACCOUI IEI,f ZC}\T{G .fu\D A DDRESS I''A.PS0l 0000 41510 LrN|..r:oL\{ I LTTLDL\C C 0 D E 0t 0000 {2415 | uMroL\'t PLU}r'aBL\.*c coDE 0t c$00 424 t5 0l 0o?0.12.r l5 UM FOR.\ I ;\fECHN.\'IC}.L CODE I 0r co30 j2{15 | uNIFotu\{ FIRE CODE OI OOOO.t2{ I5 I N,\TIONAL ELECTRJCAL CODE oriER coDEiooxs0l 0000.{24 r5 0l c€00.1l54s BLUE PRbITS AlYLAJl ol 0001 {24 l2 | >:eaox coPIES / s'iuD[Es 0l 03co 1237 t PENAl.fi FEES / R:.1.'-'sPECTIONS ot ooco.il-132 i pL,r.v REunv RE.cliEcx FEE [s<o FER tiR.l 0t 0000 42323 OFF IiOURS DTSPECTION FEEJ C ONTJL\ CTO RS LIC L\5 ES FE.EJ0t 0003.11{12 0t c'000 1r jio OT}IER FTES .01 0000 41413 SICN APPL]CATON FTE 0l 000041{t3 ADDITIONAI- SIGNAOE T!E ISI.OO "ER. SO.IT. 0l cc00 12.i.10 llTc ART PRoJECT DoNAnoN 0r 0000 .l | 33 t PRg PAJD DESICN REVIE1V SOARD FEE OIOCOO424I2 I BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COMPUTER DI *.01 0000 41010 TAx 01 0000 42371 TNVESTTGATToN FEE (BUTLDTNG) TOTAL DUE: I 0000 { 1330 ONAL USE PER\{IT I C900 4 t330 0t 0000.rt330 EYTERIOR ALTERAT]ON IIiORE TH^"\ IOO SO.F|. l'li)oR AMdI33O ISPECLAL DEVELO .r | 330 i vA RItu\C 0 t crc00 .r I 330 |CODE T.VE\'DIJ 0t 000041330 * iE * * * * * * i I tJrqu r{ IJF r-tH r l- ]'tiscel ltrteous Cash 814-28-93 15:5fi:49 RetreiF,t S 1!iE151 HccountS Lhl#i13 LYFII.I PETEF:50}i'I.BFIE FEE Flrrtount LendBrEd i Ilem Paid $1EiE1E1841f,f,1ErffEr [h.ange refurne'f THFIh{l< 1993 lE1. fJff Rmount Paid :tJ' Etl B. BE V(fIJ o APP DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** TSIS APPLICAIION I|ILL NOI BE ACCEPIrED ITNTIL l'!I" REQITIRED INT.ORI{ATrON IS SITBMITTED********** O revised COIPRADO 9l4leL DRB PRO.IEEI TNFORMATTON: A. DESCRTPTION': Lrca,rroN - rowN oF IIAIL,, j ") 1995 I. B.TYPE OF REVIEW: c. New construclion ($2Oo.O0) >( Minor Alteration ($2O.OO) Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS Z /f 76 U€57- 6O<E CK€EK DEI VE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LoT Subdivision VA lL V /t- B10ck F/ctu6 / wEi/ If property is described by a meets and bounds legaldescription, please provide on a separate sheet andattach to this application. zoNrNG : FRt u ftR Y /.Se cortt OnR y /7 L N6E tOT AREA: If required, applicant stamped survey showing lot area. G. H. I. NAME OF AppLTCANTz N€LS t L/n/N Mailing Address:/A/L. C must provide a current €p. E. F. ,t. K. NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE : Address: Phone NAI,{E OF OWNERS 2 -Mtr1.5 ?: /.X,TIN P€T€ESON Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEE; DRB fees, as shown above, are t,othe tlne of submitta*I of DP.B app*..tcation.applying for a building permit,, blease id,accurate valuation of the proposal . Thewi}l adjust the fee according to the tabLeensure the correct fee is paid. rEE PATD: FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $L00.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ?7/. be paid at Lat,er, when'rt5-fy the >wn of Vailo"!i:"'o #lr7 FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATIONs 0 - $ 10,000 $101001 -$ 50,000s 50r 001 - s 150, 000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1r 000,000$ Over 51,000,000 * DESIGN REVIE}I BOARD EPFRO\IAI E)CPIRES ONE YE.AR AFTER FIT{AI.I .elPRotrAr., uNtEss A BurLDrNc PERMIT rs rssgED AllD coNsTRt cTroN rs STARTED. **NO IIPPLICATION TTILI. BE PROCESSED WTTEOUT OtfNER' S SIGNATURE 1 4ttrq" \ *SIGI{ATURE (S) :ut A . Pl,h'tat"t Mailing Address: rI a plg-?pplication meeting h'ith a member of the planningstaff is. strongly encouraged to det.ermine if any additlonalapplication information is needed. It is the afpticantrsresponsibility to make an appointment with the ilaff todetermine if there are additional submittal requirements.Please note that a coMpLETE application wilr sfrearnline theapproval process for your project. III A.In addition to meeting submittal requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property lines, building lines and buildingcorners. All trees to be removed must be taped. A11site tapings and staking must be completed prior to theDRB site visit - The applicant must ensure Lhat stakinodone during the winter is not buried by snow. The reviehr process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requj.restwo separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approval and a final approval . Applicantsshould plan on presenting their development iioposal ata minimum of two meetings before obtaining tinaiapproval. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their itern bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the item has beenrepublished. The following items may, at the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the CorununityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. i formal hearinqbefore the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior chanseswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building addition proposals not visible from anyother lot or public space. At the time such aproposal is submitted, applicants must includeIetters from adjacent property owners and,/or fromthe agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the associationapproves of the addition. If a property is located in a napped hazard area (i.e.gnow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc), a hazard study must be submitted and theowner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a-Town plannerprior to DRB applicatj_on to determine the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. Eor all resldentlal construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insidefaee of the exterior st.ructural walls of thebuilding; andb. lndicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. B. D. E. F. If DRB approves the application with conditions ornodifications, aII conditions of approval must beresolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit. (r. ri?ffi ,lir r*ir.fr LIST OF MATERIALS a NAME OT PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: LOT_ BLoCK SUBDIVISION DESCRIPTION OF PRO.JECT: The following Review Board BUILDING Roof Siding information isbefore a final MATERTALS: reguired approval TYPE OFA. for subrnittal to the Design can be given: MATERIAL COLOR rts CI 2 ltL ItL CeD /t'R HC-tz{ Ge€€N B. Other lrlall Materials Fascia Soffits l{indows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: Nane PLANT I{ATERIAIS: PROPOSED TREES OHnBcaAt- NATUKAL of Designer: Phone: Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Mininum caliper for cttftp.coAt, trees.Indicate height for coniferous PLANT *"*I, ' PROPOSED SHRUBS co.^fh"."Size* . EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is 5 qaIlon. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior light,ing is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and l"ocations on a separateIighting plan. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the wattage, height above grade and type of light proPosed. D. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) Please specify. fndicate heights of retaining waLLs. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of waIls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. o Botanical Name o Ouantitv EAgtE COUNTY BOARO OF COUNTY coMMrsstoNERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A55EsSOR Exl 202 gUILDING IN INSPECTION Ext 226 ot 229 CLERK & RECO R DE Re*217 COUNTY ATTORNEY Exl 242 ENG I NEE R Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ext 247 LIB RAR Y Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNINGExl226 or 229 PU RC HAS I NG/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGEExl257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 soctAL sERvlcEs 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 12 June 1979 Eagle Valley Enterprise Eagle, Colorado 8'1631 Re: Notice of Public Hearing Board of-{ounty Commi ssioners( 9 Julf)and 25 July 1979 Please pub'lish the attached Notice of Pub'lic Hearing as a "Legal Notice" in the 21 June publication of your paper. Pleasq bil'l and send affidavit of publication to thjs office. Department of Planning and Deve'l opmentP.0. Box 179 EAGLE. COLORADO 8I631 TELEPHONE 303/328-73t t Thank you therine Peterson Office Manager NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING O COUNTY OF EAGLE, COLORADO Notice is Hereby Given that the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners wj1'l hold a Pub'lic Hearing on 25 July 1979, beginning at 9:00 A.M. in accordance with Sectjon 10.04 of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution. Said Hearing will include the following: File tio. 7c-99-79 - Richar<l Schm'iclt Request: Zonc Change front Resource to Agricultural P.esjdential Loiation: Approxinritely lt; mi'lcs up Sa1 t Creek on the_ right side of tirb roacl , nroie particularly described as follot'rs: ' Lparccl of lancl iu thc Corurty of Englc :rrxl tlrc Statc oI iololaclo locatccl in 'llact ?ir, Scctiorrs 24 arrcl 25, 1'ovmsbip 5 .South, Ratrgc $.1 Wcst of lhe tith Principal .l\Icri<lia:r.aciolcling.to tirc'Lrdci>cnclcrrt Rcsurve.l' of saitl I'orvns.lrip a:lrl Range as approvccl by thc U. S. Surlcyor Ccncral in Dotvcr, Colorjado, ott Jut:c 20, \922; said parcel bcing trtorc spccifically dcscribccl as follou's: ' Ilcgirurilg at thc .soutlrrvcst col'ner of said parcel, bcing a brass cap properly rnarlicd'ancl set for. Conrcr.5 of said'l'rnct ??, thence N 0090913+" E 1329.60 fc'ct to a point oD thc Northbounclury of saitl Tract ??,'tlrenee S 88o03t5r5rr g t!!i. l-:? . feet aloirg tlrc Northbormrlarl'of saicl Tracl ??, thence S 00o0or9O':" 1911.9?fcct to a point on tlre South Llorrndary of Tract ?? n:xl bclrvcen Corncrs 5 ancl 6 of saici 'ltact??. theuceNESoilt,l?r'W1:12.1.9:ifcctontlrclhebetrvccnCorncrsSa:lcl 6 of said Tract ??, to tlte plnce of be;;inrrirtg. Sni<l pnlccl <:<tttlaitrs 40.000 Acrcs,'.: .nrorc or lcss. . Th.is llearing r.rill be hel<l irr thc Conrinissioners l'licting Roorn i/103, l"lcDonald Bui 1cl ing , 550 Broadt'tay, [ag1e, Col orado. persons being affectecl by a decision on this reqircst are invited to make ' tonments to lhe Board try appcarinq at the llearinq' or Lry submitting vtritten comnrents in person or by mail thru the Planning Oepartment. Further informat'ion may be obtaincd. or conrrrients submjtted by contacting. the Depat'tnerrt of t'lanning ancl . Devcloprnetrt, 550'Droadr'ray, Eagle, Co'lorado (P. 0. Box. 179, Phone 328-7311) by: Jolrnette Plril l iPs County Clcrk and llccorder t*f*5"'tP'Yff Il* o.ut ponn t TELEPHONE 303/328-731| rPoc 0e. B?tr-46%oo e t u. r BOARD OF COUNTY coMMrSstoNERs Ext 241 ADMTNISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR Exl 202 BUILDING.IN I N5PECT I ON Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECOROER Ext 2l 7 COUNTY. ATTORNEY Ext ?42 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL H EA LTH Ext 238 EXTENS IO N AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N ING Ext 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOC IAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | 18 June 1979 David Haifleigh Box 2823 Vail, Colorado 8.I657 Dear Mr. Haifleigh: 0n June 11, 'J,979, the Board of County Commissioners de'l eted the requirement to have a special use permit to build on slopes greater than 30% in Eagle County. You will, therefore, not be required to complete your specia'l use permit application. Your application fee wil'l be refunded to you. Should you wish to app'ly for a building permit, you will be required to submit a soils study, engineering for the foundation, and 2 complete sets of bu'ilding plans in addition to the building permit appl'ication. You have also indicated that you wish to withdraw your application for a Variance. l.le will need your wri tten approval for r,ri thdravral of the appl i cation . If you have any questions, please call. S'i ncerely, d*t* z susan vaugh n V Pl anner SV/ kp EAGTE COT'NTY o OPMENT -DEPT. OF PLANNING & DEVEL EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.731| Box 179 ,lune 7, 1979 David Haifleigh Box 2823 Vail, Co. 81657 RE: Fi'le No. Zs-89-79 At their meeting on 6 June 1979, the Eagle County Planning Conmission reconnended approval of your special use permit. This reconmendation will be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners at their meeting on 9 July 1979 beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the Corrunissioners Meeting Room #103, 550 Broadway, Eagle, Colorado. If you have any questions, p1 ease contact this office. BOARD OF COUNTY coMMrssloNERs Ext 241 AOMINISTRATTON Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 AS5E550 R Ext 202 BUILDING IN INSPECT ION Ext 226 ot 229 CLERK & RECO R DE R Exl 2l 7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENG INEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION.AGENT Ext 247 LIB RAR Y Ext 255 , PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476.5844 PLAN N I NG Ext 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PER SO N NEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eaqle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-575 | socrAL seivrces 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | ,4"^::^4- Susan Vaughn Pl anner sv/ik cc: Board of County Comrnissioners iifiCf.li CG,ii I l,'rli'ri Y Dcpartrrrcnt of Pl arrn'i ng & =AGLE, COLONADO B1631 Dcrrelopnrcnt - NOTICE TO PROPERTY OI.INIRS NOTICE OF PUBLIC IIIARING COUNTY OF IAGLE, COLORADO Geo. Graham - (no address given) File No. Zs-89-79 llox 179 BOAND OI' CoIJNTY cor.! i,l r5slo NE tts 328.68 09 n^or''r r1.r r-s r h nt r O nt Af.IIi,lAL SIlELTERt49.4292 ASSESSO R '28.6593:U ILDI I'I G NSPCCTTON . i28-6 339 :LE NK & ?ECOROE R -asle 32 8.63 77lasall 927-3244 :OUNTY \TTORNEY. i2e-467 4 :NG I NEE R 128-5337 iNV IRON I'4 ENTALIEALTI{t28.7718 :XTENSION \G ENT 28.6370 .IBRARY 28-7787 UBLIC HEALTH .aqle 328-6594 'ail 47 6.5844 LANNING 28.6338 IOAD & BRIDGE 28.659 | HERIFF aqle 328.561Ialall 927-3241itman 827-5 75 | OCIA L E R\'ICEs 28.6328 REASU RER 2S-6s76 ( ) Conditional use, ol., (x ) Special use perrnit has been made for a use on 'land in the vicinity of your property. For details, please refer to the attached copy of the app'lication. Iffurther inforrnation.is desired, contact thjs'6ffice at ihe phone numberand address given above The-Planning coinnrission shall hold a preliminary public hearing on theapplication beginning at 7:00 p.t4. on' 6 Jrine 1979 The Board of county. commissioners shall likely conduct a final publ.icnqqllls approxinntely-40 days after thc planning conimission heaiing';additional notice wil'l be given of.further hearings, if any. A1 l.hearings are he] d, unless otherr+ise announced, in the County ComrnissjonersMeeting Room, 550 Broadvray,.l4cDonald Bu.i 1ding, Eagte, CoJorado.- In accordance wi'th the prov.i sions of Secti'onResolution, this letter wilI serve to aclvise Your conments anC reconimendations on the proposeclbe submitted, in ua.iting, to this office, or, arthey may be fully considered before any clecision 6.01 of the Eagle County Zoning you that an application for use are invited and should the Public Hearing, so thatis made. tt.. .oJ; lcrrl il Knlght Director of Pl anning Datc Mailcd '25 May 1979 By:. Kathy Peterson ltlF # . Z_,s..-_ g-Z=-.* EAGT.E co. pLAN. couM.REcoRD COPY -MEErlNc C..:./ f..4^f Boy r zo Kz't mvtt* vV LnZ Yr- Dend, 5 S l+rma^) -bor 7r- r -4hr-Lr!4r--- | - ,-o-f ,"* -?o^wd s.-,:E,,'^n,-) LoT q9 ---SbrEl-te'Le gzEL ?rv 3{?( drd(r ST. So nE ")( LoT (u Ja/n+t*-t t/trwn Tiav lt.b l.'*a z-"- I/D DMto Pepr , --l++-+g t{0ny'roils /oCrtrL ll e-ouc-oc.f' lllttE 6,2 QBgil+g' BF'HRbrE,'86ilHf;,, o Notice is Hereby Given that the Eaqle County Plann'ing Commission wil'l hold a Public Hearing on 6 June 1979 beginning at 7:00 P.M., in accordance with Section 6.01.02(b) and Section 10.04 of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution. Said Hearing will include the fol'lowing: Fi'le No. Zs-88-79 Martin Jones Request: Speciai Use Permit for storage stock and beddinq plants Location: Avon area, more particularly and reta i I 'i ng of nursery described as follows: A tract. of ]rrrl altuated ilar:.6e 82 llost of tha 6tlr Hlo Grando Rrllroe4 end 4s follo;s:. . _ln tho E:.ct one-half oi Scc,,:ion'12, Tomshlp J tiouth,Prlnclpa,I l{erlllir.n lylrrg Southerly of thc Dcnvor a.nd,iliortierly of tire Iiaglc Rivcr noro partlcululy described i. gcglr,nlng at a pclnt on thc ScuiJrt'rly right-of-r,'ay llne of the Dcnvr-.r rnd. RIoGrni:j,e i'ie'stern R;r llrqd, uheacr en l:on po:r t u!.tlr -iii-res cap set for the center ofs'rL'i Scc'"lon 12 boers S. 37o 41 ' O0', H.-5+0.50 fcct, thence S. 65o 55, JO" E. !!9^lt1o_trr,t arong aard Southarry rr;ht-of-r;,ry 1r::o; thoncs s. z[o i+o'io" n, 'i08.78 fcat ^,,o ths conter lli:e of thi' r:rgre nlvcil thonce N. 51o jJ' o0;. N,fi7.,t5 ioct alon; cal,l ccntor 1tn-.3 thrice rt. ?6; O0' OO,' ,,t-, in,OlC foot "io"gc;1d. c..-ntor l:.ac' thoaca^li. 56o Lz' 35" u. :sl.j? fect along sald coatcr ltnc| lltn?" iil^l?o 28' 30- tl . 2+9.?5 foe! atong sald centr-r ltno; thence ti, zrgo 13i30" A. 242.00 foet tc. the polat of bt,glmin6. .. rr)o abovo doscrtbad, traci of lrli co:rt:lns lJ,L)):rcies, raorb or rcas. File No. 7s-89-79 - David Haifleiqh Request: Specia'l Use Permit to c6nstruct single tamily residence on slope in excess of 30% Location: Lot 47, Vail V'illage West Filing #1 File No. 7s-90-79 - Anerican Quasar Petroleum Company Request: Special Use Permit to drill an exploratory wel 'l for eva'luation of oi'l and or gas potential. Location: Approximately 5 mj 1es SSE of Burns in NW Eagle County, more particularly described as follows: T3S, R85W, Section 13,400 ft. FN1,3600 ft. Ft,lL subject to field survey confirmation. a File No. Zc-99-79 - Richard SchmidtRequest: Zone change from Resource to Agricultural Residentia'lLocation: Approximately 1% mj1es up sali creek on the right side ofthe road, more particularly described as follois: ' A parccl of llurcl in thc Courty of Eagle ancl thc State of Color.aclo locatc<l in 'tract ??, Scctions 2l rfrrcl25, lbrvnship 5.Sorrth, Range 34 lVcstof ther;th principal Itlcriclian according to tire'Lrdcpoxlcnt Rcsurvcl, of saiit l'owns.hip a:rcl Range as approvcxl by the u. s. survcyor Gcncral in i)crrvcr, coloiado, on Junc n, rizz: . said parccl being r'ore spccificany dcscribccr as follorvs: Dcgirrnjng at tlrc Lbrrtllvest colner of snicl parccl, bcing a brass cap properly rrtarkcd nncl sel' for Corner l'> of said '.l'ract T?, thence N 00o09r J4n E 11szp.60 fcrct to a point olr llte Northboundury of saitl ]'ract ??, thcnce S tr$og3rl'rbn lJ 1321.11? . . fbet alon'the Northbriruularl'of said Tract ?7, flrence s 00000r00'' E 1311.g?fcet to a point on thc South bouadary of Tract 77 md bctrvcen Corrrcrs 5 ancl G of said olsnidTrnct??, CothePlaccof bcginniug. liaicl lrnr.ccl<xrrrlnils.10.000Acrcs, ntore or lcss... fnis nearing shall be he1 d in the I''lcDonal d Building, County Corurrissioners Meeting Room#103, 550 Broadlay, Eagle, Colorado. Persons being affected by a decision on this re(uest are invited to make comments to theCon'nission by appearing at the Hearing, or by submitting statements in person or by nrailthru the Secretary. Further information may be obtained and contments subnitted, by contacting the Eagle CountyDepartment of Planrlinq and.Development, 550 Broadway, Eagle, -Colorado - Fhone 32g-7311. Page 2 by: Terril'l Kniqht Secretary, Eag'le County P'lanning Commission EAGE.E CGI.FNTY Department of Planning and P. 0. Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-73t I BOARD OF COUNTY coMMtssroNERs Ext 241 Iueve I oDmenr The Eag'le Valley Enterprise Eagl e, Co'lorado 8l 631 7 l4ay 1979 ADMtNtSThATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR Ext 202 BU]LOING IN INSPECTION Ext 226 or 229 CLER K & RECORDER Ext 217 COUXTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ext 247 LIB RAR Y Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaglc Ext 252 Vail 476.5844 PLANNING Ext 226.or 229 PU RCHASI NG/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIOGEErt 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5 751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328.6328 TREASURER Exl 20 | Re: Notice of Public Hearing Eagle County Planning Corrnission 6 June 1979 P'lease publish the attached Notice of Pub'lic a Legal Notice in the 17 May 1979 publication paper; Please bi'11 and office. send affidavit of publication Thank you Hearing as of your to this -/ -/;Ha /** Kdtherine Peterson Off i ce Manager/Secretary .;liC;i,"1 ; (.]il I iLrl'ti\i" Dclrirrtrrrnrt. of Plir rrn'i rrg ;AGLE. CO LOiIADO T} 1 631 'H;i,,:,:::::.,,,,,& l)t,vclu,ilrt - Dox l.Z9 NOTiCE TO PROPERTY OI,INIRS N0TIC[ 0F Pt't]LIC t|t.:nrrritc COUNTY OF IAGL[, COI.OR/\DO lro n llo o l.- c()tji.,l]'Y :_0l.1i,,1ts5to it t:.1I s J'Lti .6!'i0! qorr rr.r rst ft n-r tcir'r \f'l I l,ln L 5t{ f: LTE R ,49.4292 qssE55() R 128.5593 :I.JILDI[IGir5Pic'ttoN r28.6339 :LI: NK & IECOTtDER . aqle 32t1.6377.n,alt 927 -3244 :or.Jt'tTY \TTORNEY''2e-467 4 :NGINEER i28-6337 :NVIRONIdENTAL IEA LTI.It28-77 t8 . XTENSTON \G EI{Tr28.6370 ,IBNARY 28.7787 ,UtsLIC HEALTH :a.lle 328.6594 'ail 476-5a44 T.ANNING 28.6338 iOAO & BRTDGE 28.6591 HE RIFT a ale ii26.661 I.i;alt 92 7-.3 2 4.i;ilman 827.5 75 I OCIAL ER\'ICES 28.6328 REASURER 28.6376 In accordarrce wi'tlr the provisiorrs of Scction 6.01Rcsolution, thjs letter ylill serve to acivise you File No. Zs-89-79 of the [ag1e County Zoning that an appl ication for ( It)( has becn made for a A1 t hearings are l'leeti ng Roorn, 550 Your coninents anC be submittcd, in they rnay be fu11y For deta'il!, please refer to the attached copy of the application. Iffurther information is clesjred, contact thjs'6rrice at tire phone numberand address given above The-Planning comnission sha'll hold a prelfmjnary public hearing on theapplication beginning at 7:00 p.14. on' 6 JJne 1979 The Board of county comnissioners shall 1ikely conduct a final publ.ichearing approxinrately-40 days after thc planning corrmission heai^tng;additional notice r,rill be given of.further hearings, if any. ) Conditional use, or, ) Special use pennit use on'land jn the vjcin'ity of your property. he1d, unless otherlise announced, in the County Conmissioners Broadr.ray, .l'lcDonald Buildirrg, Eagle, Colorado. reconlmendatjons on the proposed use are invited ancl shou'l dwrit'i ng, to this offjce, or, at the public Hearing, so thatconsidered before any decision is made. uJ. tcrrt I I Di.rector Kn ib htof Planning Datc Mail cd 2S_May .1979 By: Kathy Peterson .t-t!.-sl4 ts ?--!n!,tF*\ }*c@.FE!F!r.t*_r_FqFFi'rrri| o i l)uvt:l (rlriricr)1:- tloil I7!) I)R0l)l: RTY 0l/l'lIltS Ptilll IC lii:ARIllG IAGL [ , C0L0t{Al]O Dennis Shimon Box 3643Vail, Colorado 8.|657 File No. 7s-89-79 '.rAlto (11' C () t rt.l'l Y .) r,' i.1I:,:r I i.tL.tt5rt'6u03 ol,r tr.t.rst ftn-rtoN '! li,1Al- 5l li:LT'E R,9.4?.92 :,5ES-(;C) R 8.55r 3 ,tt.r.)li.tG 5 Pi: C'r ro ti a-6339 -ERK 8.:coilDI rt<lc 3?'a-t3'17i.tt 92-7.3244 )u!.{'t-YiTOIiIIEY ;GINIiER a-bss / IVIRONI,4ENTAL :/\ L 1'l I e-77 t8 :TE N S IOI.I;EIIT 8.6 3 70 3RARY , . 3.77t7 ilLlc tJEAr_Ttl:rle 32tr.6{) 9 4it t;|G.5A44 t{0TIc[ T0 li0Tr ct: 0f c0ui.lt'Y 0tr /rNNlNG 1.63 38 rAO & URtD6E r.6591 ERIF'Frie 3? 6.5 5l I 'ali:'127-.1244mrn 827.5751 ( ) Conditional use, ol., 'l ( X ) Spec'ial use perrnit lras been made for a use on rand in the viciriity of your property. Igi,9:t.ils, p'lease refer to ilre attached co;ry of ihe appricat.ion. Ifl uru)ell nf ormation. i s desired, contact thi s off ice at lhe phonc numberand address g'iven above The. Planning. coinnission. sha'll hold a prol fminary publ ic hearing on theapplication beginnirrg at 7:00 p.H. on' O .lune ISZS it ?:lr9 lf countv comui ssioners slrar 1 1 i ke'ry concruct a f j nar publ.ichearlng approxinrrtely-zi0 da1,s after ilrc. p'l anrrirrg co;urission hearing';aciditional notice r'riil be glven of furthcr hearings, ii-uny. Aii. hearings are lteld, uttless othcrvlise annoultced, in the Courrty Cornmissionerstieeting Roo;1, 550 Droadrlray, r4cDonard t3uilding, eagte, coiorado.- Yottr con:ncnts anC rccoiilniendatiorrs orr the proposecl use arc irryitccl an4 sh6uldbe subriiittcd, irr r'rr it'i lsl , to ilris offi-ce, or, at the publ ic lJearing, ,o ii,"itlrey nay be frrl)y consiclercd befor"e any clecii ion is rnaai. In accor.dance r,ijth thc provi sions of llcsol ut.ion, th is I ctter ni I I ser.ve to Sccti'on 6.01 of the [agle County Zonirrg acivi sc you that .rn appl ication for t)J. tOl'fttt Kntqnt Djrcct:or of Planning flatc l4ailc<l 25 l(ay 1979 By:-_(qlhy l)ctcrson c tAl-R\/tcE5 i.532S ENSUREt.6376 ,lft! [ \l\t;! 11,lli il.'. t. ..',.{ .l:lli .l t, :il.- r, -.I ,:l ila R \.i\ ..<.;!-;it\ ;t;-::.-'. ,; !!ry [] fi "i'?,'t,i of,'i I i!' "18.6r09 ot,t t1t.r.sr ir n'rtoi,t '-a,.rt1t l.a ilil,,lAr- srlut-re ,. l{0TI c[ T0 l)t1op[RTy 0lli,ltRs 19.ti292 ssEssoR ll0Tlc[ 0t; putiLIC tiiiARlilc!E.55e3 . C0ui.ll.y 0t. [/\CL[, COLOIUIDO ., I r. Dt r{clsP[c'notJ Fi 1a !,rn 7<-FrsP-rq'Ilorl Fi I e No. Zs-89"79:8.6339 :lli,tii.l i <,:r,:,il i;;,rll'ri"ii [)clrart.rlctrt of l)lirrrn ing f, AGLE. COl-()nAt)o s1031 l)i.rvci oprric'r'rl. - Doit l7 !) Bruce Al I en Box 861Vail, Colorado 8.|657 Date l'lailcd 25 ltlay 1979 ,E,c,3[I1,".,r-" l:":i:::1:,'.:,.Y1'tl'_ll]! p''gyjsions of Scctfon 6.01 or {he Eagle county zoningjcoS-oI:R_ ;-_:;:l-:.--"-:,"',':, :,.'. P,vYrrr\Ir> ul JcuLlun o.ur oT lne Lagle. uounty lo l:ir'r,k!;lln l(csolutl0n, this letter.t'rill serve to advise I'ou thatjan apitication for )UT.ITY[]8r9]'u" ( ) conditional use, or., L;i5rto (x ) special use perm.it . tvrndruLlerutnt i..r.rtiJ'--'.''"- has bccn made for a use ori'land in the vicihity of your property. iltuTt'ot" .lot.cletail!, Please refer to the attached copy of the application. Ifa'6370 fttrtlter information is desir:ed, contacC-inii'6rtice it lhe'pr,ono numberBRARY and addrpss o i:var'r ihr,vo?rl6&y and address given abovee.7787 ,?!]f?[irtfilH Tlre.P]anning. Coi;nission ihal'l hold a prelininary publ ic hear.ing on lreir 476.5844 application beEinning at 7:00 p.t4. on' 6 June 1979 AT'INtNG ''5338 The Board of County Con:mi ssioners shal I 1 i l<e1y concluct a fi nal publ.ic IXD&BRTDGE l:1!i?g appror.imately-40 days arter thc Plinning corrnission hearing;.*i* additional notice rvill be glven of.further liearings, if arry. - rle 328-661I r f;,|i^til;1fif., fll].,,!:u.inSs arc held, un1ess otherr.rise announced, in the County CornnissionersqlAL_- f.teeting Roonr,550 Br.oadr.ray, I.lcDonald Builcling, eagle, Coioi;;;:ti\rlcEsi'6328 Your cornrlettts anc recon'riiendations on the proposed use are invited ancJ shou'l dEASURER fi^:.'.1':,itrd;..]l. nt,ltiTg' tg tt ii oirii'",'ei, at rhe prrbr ic r{earins, so ihet t /"'i tlrey rnay be fulty consr'cler^ed before any drany dcc'i sion is made. DY: Tcrril ) Knight Director of Planning ' ''"*-..-....-.*.-- _ *.*.i.:..v- By:- Kathy Peterson i\.i','''. i: ('( . ''t t'.1,',:"is'; 1.... , .l . \.,r'.. : t..:r, ..1 t! ii i)gi) r['ilnllt oi l,lltrrr.i n.-i & A(; L[, CO LOltlrDO ti 1 til] 1 '' 7. Ji 1.1 rii: (:()Ut.tl''/ r) l.' i,i llii',1() i{ L I t S'.r:8.6U03 DrJ lrsl;inTtoN f'ilf,ln L 5l lr:LTE Ri9.4292 l)lvc'l rr|rrrc.'rri. - l.lox L7!) I{OT I CI: NOT I Ct: COUNTY l'0 l'liOl'l.RTY 0l'lltIllS 0l: Ptjlll-IC lii irttlilc 0t' I,/rGl-[, C0l-0lV\l)t) Seven Vails Corp. 2465 So. Downing St. Suite 205 Denver, Colorado 80210 File No. Zs-Ag-tg 39t:SSO R rii.0593 lJ ..D li'JG.'sPic'I toN iE.6339 r-t: il K f,: :COiltJEt?rlc 32i].(i377 'salt 927 -i1244 r (J !,n-Y' ITONNUY 'lG INEE R .8.6337 {VI ROI\ I.tE NTAL!ALTH 3-71tB :TENSION :;EI'{T 3-63 70 l)rov'is'ions of Sccti'on 6.01 of the ta1t1c County Zon.ing t,ri lI scrvc to a<lvi se you ilrat an appl ication for ( ) Condjtional usc, ol., ( x ) Special use permit has been made for a use on lancl in t'he vici'riity of your property. I9r,getajls, plcase refcr to the at.tachect copy of the app.lication. Iflultller rnformatiorr. is dcsired, contact thjs offjce at Lhe phone numberand address given above The-Planning comnnissiorr slrall horcJ a preriminary public hearing on thcappiication beEinning at 7:00 p.14. on' 6 June 1979 The Board of county comrri ssioriers slral I I i kely concluct a f i rral pub).ic..hearirrg appro>:iniately_40 days after. ilrc lrlanrring co,r,iisiion i.r.uiing;-adciitional notice rvill be given of.further rr.ar"insi, ii-uny. A1 l. hcarings are lteld, uttless otlrerr,lise announced, in the County Corrynissjonersl.leeting Roon, 550 llroadr,ray, llcDonalcl Bujlding, faglu, Cotoraclo. Your cor:rcnts.rnc rccon:nicnclatjons orr the proposecl rr sc are invitecl anclbe subnrittcd, jn r.l"iti!9, to this of l.jcc, or, at the publ .ic llearing,-tlrel,nay be fully consi<lered befor.e any <lcc.i sion is rnade. In accordarrce rvi i:|r t.he ltcsol ution, thi s 1ettcr BRARY . . . d.7707 Its1-tC HEAt-Tt.lqle 3?8.6594il til6.51J14 .Al{Nll,,tG 3.6338 )ATJ & BRIDGE 4.6 59 | :ERIFFcle 3?E-6 5l 1tali 9?.7-?,2A!, irn: n 827.5 751 rtV lcEs .r -i}JlD iCASUREtt "((ll': 1l\ t ilIllri tl ii. .,. ,;. i :iI'i .! t :!l !. 1l .../ 1\ '-l t \ i)t shoul d so tlra t rt.,.DJ. let'rt I I Di rcctor llryi n lrf of l)l arrn i ng -,1;,i,tt''-n:.-.'l {'\\:)\ .L\rli'N--.. .,.it*_. Da tc l.1a i ) ccl ?5 May._l,979 Ry:.. Katlry Petglson ___.___ .,r'"\,. \'-',- r !..!:.*..^..ri,:; '"1,2 ll /r fi l) tri: (:()L,l,l'l'Y .)i,' ;.1 rIi:,tc)lit I l 5,ti.6!t0'! i)r,l ||l t..t'l irn'itotv'.i.6i7.t, t:ti.rAL 5llI LTI R 'J.ri792 i 5t- s,so R '.j.55<J 3 J lt.olriG5Pi_C'ftoN.'n-t'339 -tlnK &.-CC,ilDEtl qle 32C.63 77szlt 927-'3244 )tJ!{TY.TORI.IEY. iGINEER i,'OJJ/ !Vl ROr\i1,4 ENTAL , A LTII 3.77 t6 TEr,lstoN ;EI.{T t.0370 ]NNRY t.7787 tsLIC HEALTTI ;le 328.6594it 47G-584 4 /r,NN tf.lG r-6338 AD & BRIDGE ).6591 :RIFF ;13 328.651 Iali 92-7. -'t244rlen 627-5751 : tAt-ri\rlcEs ;.6328 ENS['RER r.63 7 6 i l).'vcl (,i)ucnl. - 8ox LZl) N0TICI t'0 t'tt0Pt:ttTY 01.,t,{t:Rs NOTICI OF PUIII.IC Iii:ARIi\IG cOuNTY 0r IACL1, C0t.0t{i\00 t,lilliam Holm Box 1116 Vai l, Colorado 8.I657 use are invitcd and shouldthe Publ ic l-learing, so that i s nt,rde. Drr tc l4a j I cd. 2 5 -l'lay _19 7I Bv: Kathv Petcrsonv .-_-__:-_ Fi'le No. Zs-89-79 use, ol', pertni t the vici'nity of your property. a'itaclred copy of the app'l ication. Ifcontact this offjce at the phonc number ct t(| 1li ( : : i! :. i o In accorclattce vtirih the provisions of Scctiorr 6.0i of the Eagle County Zon.i rrgRcsol utir.rn, tiri s I e ttcr r.ri r r ser.vc to acrvi se you tirat an ;tpii.;ii;;'rir" "'= ( ) Conditionat (x ) Special use has bccn made for a use on land in For cl eta i 1 s , p'l e('l se refer to tlrefurtlrer informatjon is clesired, and adCress given above The-Planning. co;r:nission slrall hold a prclinrinary public hearing on theapplication beginning at 7:00 p.t4. on' 6 Jg!g__L9l_g-----. ]|,:.^?:lr9 "f county commissioners srrarl 1ikely conduct a fina'r publ.icnearrng approxin:ate1y_ 'i 0 days after thc planrr'ing corr;irission heai^ing';'additional notice uill be given of.further trearingi,- ii-uny. Ai 1 . hear-ings are lteld, utt'l ess otherr,li se announccd, in the County CorrunissionersI'iecting Rooiir, 550 D.oaci,rray,.r.icDonarcr Building, ragt*, Coio"ooo.- Your co:-r:nerrts .rrrC reccntrncnciaiions on ilre proposedbe subrnjttcd, in r.rrit.i ng, to this ofl.ice, or, atthcy rnay be ful ly corrs.ider"e<j before any clcciiion D.,.eJ. tcl'rttt Knrgnt Djrector of Planning - lltt;i 17q NOTICI: T0 Pll0Pl:R'fY Ol.Ji'll,RS NOTlcti 0l: I'tjlit_lc tii:ARIilG C0llNTY 0[ [/rCt t, C0t-0tUiU0 David Pratt Box i191 Vail , Colorado 8.|657 invi tccl and shorrl dic Heari ng, so tlrat Datc l'la i I cd 25 lja{_l9i 9 By:. Xg!!ry Peterson a Dl1llll5'l ltn 'f lOtl',4.'i014 ., illi,l^t- 5t1l: l_Tf rt 19.4't-!2 c5t:55c, R' :0.5593 Jlt-DtitG :sPa C ttor{'d.4,339 -[ tiK f. :CC)I] fJ E Rt;le 323.6377 s3lt 9?-7 -:t214 ) L':.iTYfTotu.tFYg-cc7 rl iGti{[ER 3-633 7 IVIR OI{tN ENTN LrALl'r.l a-77 rc :TEI,JSION ; c t,l1' 3-6370 3nn RY . . 8-7187 ilLtc r.rEAr-Tt-lqle 32E.659 4il t;'J 6.58ti4 /rNNll'tG 1.6338 IAD Z{ I]RIDGE. i-o )J I ERIFF:le 3?8.661 I,ali 9?-7-324ttman 627-5751 CIAL RvICES i.63?S EAsU RE Rt.t'3 76 In accot'clance r'ritlt the provisions of Section 6.01 of Uie [ag1e County ZoningResolution, this tctter ',il servc to actvisc you-that ;; ;tpii.;i;;;f;;" "' ( ) Conclitional use; or, ( x ) Special use perm'it has been nacle for a use on lancl in thc vici'nit;, of your property. fgi,994":ts, plc.rse rcfer to the attachect copy of thc applical.ion. IfTurulelrntorrnation. is dcsired, contact this office at the phone numberand adciress given above The-Planning coi;:riission. shail ho'ld a prel iminary publ ic hcaring on theappl ication beginning at 7:00 p.t4. on __ O t;ne f gig If .^?:gr9-gf county cornn j ssiorrers srrail r i kely conduct a f inar pub'r..icnear.rng approxinretely_,i0 days aftcr thc plarrning cor;",rr.i ssion hearing';aciditional notice rviri be given of.further hear^ingi,- ii-ony. 41 1-hearings are held, un1 ess othet"t,lise announcect , in the County CornmissionersI.ieeting Room, 550 proaclvray, l,lcDonalcl Euilcling, fagiu, ioio"uao. Your cor,lrents anc recon,nlcrrdaiions on the proposed use arebe subr;rittcd, in r.rriting, to this office, or-, at Uie publ they may be fully consiiler"ed beforc any decision is nrade. File tto . 7-s-89-79 n.,.uJ. torrtII l'.n tgtlt Dircctor ol'Planning /u,rfd / ""ii /ll;ii,Ii (,](. i,il i; ir';'i;"ii )c1rilrt'tlrr:rrl, trf l,lilrrrr itrg \G l-[. C() l.0il/rt)O t]'i i;ll 1 & l),'vcl rri)tnont: - tloil I 7!) Ravmond Vogel ii'toiiioiu''Lane Rt ' -'2 U"Uunu, lll. 6i80i NOT)CE 'l'0 I'n0i,rRly 0t1i,lilts NOTIC[ ()i: I'Utlt-]C lil:AI{IiiG c0tlilTY 0l: [i\cl[, c0t.0tv\D0 File No. Zs-89-79 In accorclatrcc r'iii:li t.he provisions of Sr:ction 6.01 of the Eagle County Zoning Ilc-sol ution, thi s l ettcr tvi I I su've to adv j se Jiou tirat-arr appl ictrtion for ( ) Condjtional use, ol., ,t \ x ) Special use permit has becn made for a use on lancl in tirc vici'nit;,6f 1,9r. property. For details, please refer to the attaclred copy of the application. Iffurther infornration is dcsired, contact thjs office at the phone number and address g'iven above The-Planning connission shall hold a preiirninar5' public hearing on theapplication beginning at 7:00 p.l,l. on _ 6 June 1979 Tlte Board of county comnissioners slrall 1ikc1y conduct a final pub'l.ic hearing appro>liniately 40 ciays after thc planning corn;rission hearing;additional notice rvill be given of further hearings, if any. Aii hearings are ltelcl , unlcss otlrerlrise announccd, in the Courrty Conmissionersl'leeting Roonr, 550 Broadr.ray, I.icDonald Building, Eagle, Colorado.- Your cor:lilcttts attC recoiiime ndaiions on the proposed use are invited and shoul dbe subrljttcd, in r'rriting, to tlris brfice, or, at the publ ic l.tearjng, so ilratthey rnay be ful ly corrsidcr€:cl before any clcci sion i s rnade. By: Tci'ri'll r(nieht D ircctor o f P'l ann i ng -.-t:::?a't.t' ( t)atc l4a i I ccl 25 MaY 1979'\.r,,N ,,r\1-- B1':, KathY Psterson - - .--..-..- ..\ \:*)\ ^'t-.. l: '\. . '--,-. "-..- *. ',,,1t,.:,, )/,,f(t) () tj (:()Uitl'Y li.' i.1 | :;51 Ol'i L: tl5 r.r.6ii 0? rt,r tr.rr st'ir n'r'to't'ti-6i'1ri ,lli.lAt SltEt-'I'ER.J.4292 ;5ES:;O t??.ir.J3 ,tr.D {G sr,t.c T to N'd-6339 .EnK 8._coiri)E,lr:lt 3.':iJ.(i377 a'dll 9?-7-:1244 ,UI'.ITY.TO II I.,I E Y IGINEER 8.533 7 :v I no hl t,4 E NTAL:At.TH '6-77l8 :TENSIOI\I;It'{T 3.53 7 0 3RARY i 8.7787 BLtC l.rEAr-Tt-l(le 326.6594ir 476-5844 i /rNN ING 3-6338 )AD & BRTDGE It.G59l a ERIFF ::le 326.65 | |iali 927-324ri lnr3n 827-5751 ; I rrv tc Es1.532$ \ I ,EN 5U RER T a-o-1/ u t i rt t( (! f !i\rir lll't ir ii. '".(.t' :ll.': .t l, -:.. .t t\-: il ,1 ',\. ' -,/ t\r '/ \". \\ ' ..{--.\- 'i'..,,...- ' /', i','! i': (''i' '. l: ''r"! ',''\i.' a a Charles i.iebb,..-\-.'. ,;.., \. j.....; \.,;t .t i )clrartr:ii:rrt. oI l,lirrrrrirr,j {t 1.,\,:r,c1o;-rirrcrrt. - Do>l ] 79 o:frX""Tt33i"Yll" sdzog /.\G L[, CO i-01 tAt),J 8 1 (;i l :)r1tl ti r) i' c:o U t'J t Y '.Lt.6tot rrr,r tr,t r sthnrtor,.l '.4.4'ir1 r, \I|.1AL sr.trl-rER N01'lc[ l'0 l,li0p[RTy 0l.lilills '9.ri292,srj.sson l{0TICl:0f PUBLIC lit:ARIitGt.5se3 C0tri{Ty 0F [/\GL[, COLORAIJOL. r\.,L L, \,\rL-(Ji\rlLr\/ J Dt;,iGrSr,.e.r;Jrbw Fi I e No. 7.s-89-79 ar_UJ.'y ,EtJ'l,}uo ln accordatrce tvjth tlte grrov'isions of Sc:ctj'on 6.01 of the [aqle Countv ZonirriCOfDt:g_ ;,]_^-;:-"' rt'rr !'rrr: l,ruYr)rurr> ul J(iut. loll O.Ut Ol Lle Lagle UOUnty /Onlng,lkiiri;:;.!/^ Ilcsol ui:'ion ' tlti s I cttcl tii I I so'r'c to aclvi sc you that arr ap[1 ication- for )ur.{ t'Y !lgr';iuu" . ( ) Concf itioncrl user 0r., JG IT'{ E L, Rs.6ir,i7" (X) Special usepcrmit IVIROI{I,1ENTAL frt,,; : -. has bccn niade for a use on land ilr the vicr.'nit1, of 3,6yp property. iFftt^'t* For.cletails, please refer to the a'utachecl copy of the appl ication. ife'c370 furtlter information is desired, contact this 6rtice at ihe pi1ono number pn.43_y .. and ad<ircss given above6.7781 ililiitirti..$," I!9.,f]ulllng. Connission shall hcl<l a preliminary pLrbl ic hearins on rheit t76.s144 appl icat'ion beginning at 7:00 p.14. on' 6 June 1g7g ,,rl.lNll.{Gt-6338 The Boarcl of County Comntissioners slrall 1ikely conduct a final publ.ic 'Ao g PtlloGE . . hearing approxiili:r Lely 216 days after thc l)lan,'ing Colr,ririsiion fieai"ing';.i,,|: adclitidnat'notice t,iit t. given of. ruiiher irearings, if any. rle 328-651 | l?ij^o6l;13)ir All,hearings are held, urtless othervrise announced, in the county connrissionerscrAL I'iectirrg Rooin,550 Broadr,lay, l''rcDonard Buird.i ng, [ag'l e, colorado. RV ICES)'5328 Your con:rlents anc reconii;cncfations on the proposed use are invitccl an<l shouldE^suRER be^s.ul:sritted, in rvr"iting, to this officc,'or, at ilre publ .ic llcaring, so ilrat n they trray be ful1j, cons'icrr:r^ed beforc any crec'i sion i s r'ade. 'tt(!I li l irt1;t,, ll .l. t_l: :f I l. { RY: Torril l l(rright-,- \. Di r.ector of t,l anni ng ' /,,(,,,,i | ) (.',t", l' t'r'.,,,,,,'r,. I .;\..1ji rt.., .\..r....; \..r:: .'tl {j l)lrlrirrt.rrrr:rrL of l)lltnli rr9 f, /rG l-E, COL0ilAt)C t] 1 0:t 1 f)/r[tD ()l- c()(J l'\,()f ,' l.i l:;:;lOl'l L.lt 5 oNrcnoras Lmrgnorz 650 V'i I laqe Grcen parkvray l'lewport News, Va. 2360?-l)r'\rCl tt|trictrl: - Uo>: 171) t{0TlcI t0 I'n0PIRtY 0l.iiir:RS l{0TIC[ 0F fullt_]c tii:Ailiilc C0UilTY 0tj [/iGl_[, Ci)l.0tr/it)0 lU.t'tOg Dl.l tJ lr sl rtn 1'to tl r'lll.rn L !;lte Lt-E Ri9.4792 s5[5SO R ti,.5 59 3 JII-DIhJGr5l,ic' ot{,0..6339 _|j nK & :COntJE lltrlc 32 8.6 3 77iatt 927.3244 )(r!.lTYrTont'lEY 'IGII.IEER8-6337 JVt PdhIi.NENTALiALl'll a-71t8 :TEI'i5tOI'l ; F:I {T 8.63 7 0 B RN IiY &'7 787 iJL IC HEAI-THqle 328-65 94il 'i76-3 B /i4 /rtl N lNG 3.5 3 38 IAD & BRTDGE 1.6591 ERIFFrl. 3?6.661 I .,zli 927 -:a?45m:n 827.5751 CIALrivtcEs ,.DJID En sURER Fi'le No . 7s-89-79 In accorclarce r{ith the provisioxs of Sccti'on 6.01 of thcRcsolution, thjs letter.r{ill servc to advise you-ttrat.an [ag1e County Zoning appl ication for For.details, please refer to the attachecj copy of the application. Iffurther information. is dcsired, contact this'6ffice at li;;';h;;;";r*b;.and address gi'ven above The-Planning connissiorr.rlu11 ho-ld a preliminary public hearing on thcappl ication beginn.ing at 7:00 p.1,1. on --_ 6 June 1979 Tltc Board of countv conr:issioners shall 1il<e1y concruct a firral pub).ichqqfi,lg approxir'atitv +o Jivs ;i;.; ;ho pran.irrg cori-rirission hearing;additional notice r'rilr be given of'furilier hearings, ii-any. Ali . hearings are ltelcl , unl e'ss othcrr,li se afrtouncccl , in the County Conrnissionersl.ieeting Roorrr,550 Broacl:...ay, l.icDonalcl uuilci .i rrg, fagte, ioio.aAo. Yottr con;llents anC recc;i::r.cndations on the proposecl use arc irrvi ted crricl shoul clbe sttbnit.tcd, in r.rriting, to this office, or, at the publ .ic llearing, so ilratthey rnay bc fully consiler"ed befor-c uriy <recisiorr is nrade. ( ) Conclitional trsc, ot., ,t r X ) Special use perrnit has becn m.rde for a.use oll 'lancl in the v jc j'nit1, of your property. 8Y: Tcrrill l(night Di rccLor of Ir'l annirrg tlatc l'1.rilcd rt l(r.li( 25 May 1979 Ry: Kathy Petcrson ../-".. . '.,.. \r ..,-...s' t .'a,r . ,,,'l'..r',, ,"\."r'(l r, ''ii.:;i',i i. ( :i..: r l, j 'li'i "i;' . rI,;rt'I rr:t:tr i c,f l'l.r trrrilr,l .(; l-l:, CO i-Oi l/rt)O ii 1 6ir' 1 li i),'r'c.'l (li,ir,i'tt1." Ilo>: .l i l) Robert Seeman Box 3435Vail, Colorado 8.|657 o L(;t, (tf (:()( Ill t-Y:.'i,iili1:trJiit.ti5',.Lii$il l.i tr t,r:;r irn'r'tc,'t+. !r.tAt_ 5ttt:l-'n:H.t,29?. ;Is:.io R.!59 3 ll,t)li'lCii,Lcl toi{.63'J9 :lrK f..:c,iloErt 1.,32t).6.17.7ilt 927-:1244 ,:,n-Y :() il i'l E Y.c67 4 ;II.TEER DJJ / 1l ..... r!-.1. I,l :il ll01 I C[ '10 I'l:0i't:ii] Y 0:.lil{.lts li0l ltll. ()l: I'tlrii.lC tii:ARtiic C0U;lTY 0lj I-irCl- t:, Ci)l_0lt/il)0 Itt accorclaricc r.ri tlr. the pro'isio:Ls oi" Scct. i.rr 6.0J .f ilrcRcsol utiorr, tlri s I cttcl r.ri I I ser-r,. to acivi se you ttrtrtl.in . ( ) Condit.i ontrl use, ot., (x ) Special use perrnit [i]e flo. Zs-89-79 l).,,uJ. tct'r1 | | lill t(lllt Dircctcrr of P1annirrg [a r;) e Corrnt.y Zon i ng rr1.,p) ication for /t i?ol',1]t E NTn L*/,U has bccn macle for a.use on 'land in Ure viciiritl, of 3,exp property. tl ' ,li iTsroN .For,details, ploase refer^ to the aitached copy of the appijcation. Ifs370. 'further inforrration js rjcsir"ccl, contact tf.rii'Z,fiice at iire pf.rjno nunrber_1.4I\y and adciress gir"en above.7787 l.'ti|tlSiirt't The, Plattrrirtg Co:r;nission shal I hol_cl a pref iininary prrbl ic hearing on thet:'t6.stt4 appl ication beginrring at 7 ;00 p.ll . on , 6 June 1979 r{ N '\1G5338 Tlte Boar'd of Cotrnty Cor:li:i ss joners shal I I j irel.y conduct a f inal pub).ic.D-t EnlDciE. hearina appro:.inrat'ely ,'10 cta.ys attcr iitc triin,rip,l Coii..l;rjssion hearing;ili atlrtiti5nai''',oii."-uliir 'i.,o"giveri of fuiiticr irl,rrings, if any., 328.SS I I ^oili-t:;lJ, A1 i,hearings are helcl , unless o'chcrr,rise iu'triouncccl', in t.he courrty commissioners,.1!-__- lieeting Roo;r, 550 DroaC:.;ai,, I.lcDlli.lct Uu;irii,r9, nigf", C;i";;;i;. i | (- l-Ji32s Yottt'c:oll:;lottts anc rccc;.:rclrclation:; cn 1:hc grr.o;:osccl use a)-c invitr:cl arrcl shotrlcli''SURt:-tr l:^:.t]:lrittcd, in t'tt'ititrt;' t9 this off icc,'or', a'c the publ ic licaring, so ilratt|te.yrrtaybeftrl}ycorrsijer^edbefOre..,.'v_.ioi]is.;orrjsttlldc 'rr!I,'irii ll.i tr: lla i I cd . 25 l'lay 1979 ll,L. '\l\/ lL '. '\, ....ii!:'7r\__i__..-..../ -'.'i>.. n.v:. L_!lly!9!9t!t APFrl.lc,.To Fon sF,EciAL usE pEnMrTl Section 6.01 of tho Zoning Resolution of Ee.rgle Cor-lrty, Colorado (minlmumf coples requi rod; print or type, except signatures) Applicant Mait Address 8cn 28.'3 pnon", 'V7/, tTrtf cttv- (/fttL state 14r/a Vp_A/c'57---Tn1. Speciaf Use sought (present zcr:.a -fu|(,St ): 2. Zone Olstrict Mao attached? 3. General Location of proporty Flle No. (Sec. 6.01.01 (b) Fee Paid $lO 31 oate Aec*!{/i// | /rfrz- Z'.1*/€ /&'# 'r'.t7ak<'-' /'re4 '' (zasf Brlef Purpose and R€ason for proposed use (rnay be attached): 4;:ili)teE;'c.y' y'1-t -z'47+'J ;4!- 9"2rt'e fZ'*tify <LorE o,tJ'z- -Zo{ - / V Attach e4prl'anation of evidence that proposed usa is compatible with surroundir€ uses: (lnclude possible negative ,lmpacts of propose,l ch.ange) .'+;:i;;;t*;i g^;;-ft&'[L;'*.^-- aqJ ^ s^LpA* .-t)u &ccetl! a/ 3a% .9l-1.*- ?. A eomplete list of all o\rn€rs including addresses, of the property proprosed tor Z'(?tf Special Use and of all owners of all adjacent propertles is attached hereto; this 6lsnatoz ication as stated hereon. S lgnature of Office Use Appllcation r€jected as Incomplete for Public Hearing becausE: Appttcation accepted as corrqcf ete for Pubtic Hearing "" / Qr.---- 7 7 I I ti 4.L€gal dascription of pro a. Subdivision Narne rtetes end bounds ( maitie attached): F tLE # . -.?- -€ - :"f"f"="2'?-""""riir s'Co. Pmn. coMM' LiirL:oil) L,lE[-i'll'lO crii'-id f**-zt ning Administrotor 5"