HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 2 LOT 3 LEGALOqmfilY tE\,Eletfffi Design Review Board ACTION FOR]II Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 t€l: 970.479.2139 taxl970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com Project l{ame: REISS TREES Project Description: Partacipants: DRB l{umber: DR8080178 REMOVAL OF ONE DEAD LODGEPOLE PINE TO BE REPI.ACED WITH A MINIMUM OF ONE COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE OWNER HELMUTREISSTRUST 1,101 LAWENDER LANE I.AGUNA BEACH cA 92651 APPUCANT HELMUT REISS TRUST 05/30/2008 Phone: 949-497-2150 05/30/2008 Phone: 949-497-2150 1,101 I.AWENDER LANE I.AGUNA BEACH cA 92651 1784 MATTERHORN CR VAIL Location: Lot 3 Block Subdivision: VAIL VILI-AGE WEST FIL 2 2103-123-0604-0 Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPP Date of Approval: 05/30/2008 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (P|-AN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond:202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0010047 The applicant shall replace the 3 dead trees with 3 coniferous trees. PIanneT: RACHEL FRIEDE DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Additions'Residential or Commen Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2128 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application, Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Tourn Council and/or the Planning and Environmentat Commission. Design review apprcval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction qornmences within one year of the apprcval. Description of the Request:lc Locationortheproposar:_r-oril-srock: . .suuaiuision' V0ll l/rll4r# W{S} 6'lth physicat Address: ['?]4 fna++cth^ at', Cr-t"t- rE /F [e n \\r T-lq \\, lE Il \v/ ld. MAY 2e 2008 TOWN OF VAIL Parcer No.: ztoS 1 2,3000.10 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: I Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: E Signs E Conceptual Revie{ New Construction Addition Minor Alterauon (m ulti-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (singlefamily/duplex) Changes to Apprc'ved Plans Separation Request $6s0 $300 $2s0 n tr o n tr Phone: Fax: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sudr as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fenc€s and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by flanning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee /"rt //t7. llarfih Deeign ileview Board ACTIOil FORT,I Ilepartnent of communlty D€{elopmsnt 75 South Fronqe Road, Vsll. Cglorado 81557 tel: 970.{79.2139 far!!70.479.2.f5? webl rtrrv.vallgov.com /,ts cara*r.arrotslom\r Project ]{ame: REISS GAMGE Prcject Description: Participants: DRB Number: DRB070,185 FINALAPPROVAL FOR AN ADDMON OF GAMGE AND DORMERS OWNER HELMUTREISSTRUST 1401 I.AWENDER LANE LAGUNA BEACH cA 92651 APPUCANT ISOM AND ASSOCTATES 091 r0l2007 Phone: 949-497-2150 09lLOl2O07 Phone: 970-328-2388 Project Address: Legal Descrlption: Parcel l{umber: Comments: PO BOX 9 EAGEL co 81631 1784 MATTERHORN CRVAIL Location: 1784 MATTERHORN CR Lot: 3 BIod<: SubdMsion: VAIL VITIAGE WEST FIL 2 2103-123-060+0 BOARD/STAFF ACTIOTI l.lotion By: Dantas Second By: Gillette Vote: 5-0-0 Conditions: Actaon: APPROVED Date of Approvah l0l L7 12007 Cond: CON0009509 No dtanges to these plans may be made without written consent of TOV C.ond: CON0009510 DRB approval is NOT a building permit. C.onsult with TOV Building personnel prior to construction. C.ond: @N0009511 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days from approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commened and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0009512 DRB 10/122007: 1) The applicant shall enlarge the exterior ofthe proposed dormers to add architectural interest and balance (south elevation) prior to building p€finit application. 2) The applicant shall redesign the window in the proposed master bath to be consistent with the architecture of existing windows (north elevation) prior to building permit application. Planner: Nicole Peterson DRB Fee Paid: $300'00 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Dsign Re Depadment of Community De\relopmert '\75 Sou$ Frontage Road, vail, Colorado 81657( d: 970.4A.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 \n\ rveb: wrw.rrailgw.com \\\ \\luu sEP 10 ?oo1 General Infonnadon: All projects rcqulrlng de$gn rada|r must receive approral pdor to cJbntfting a buiHlflpermit applicatlon. Please refer to tie ghnitlal r€quhements fur the paftlolar apFoval that b requested. tui applcatitn fur Delign Rshyv cannd be ac|frd untl all rcqubed hfumen b reehred bV the Cqrrnrtty Detdogrnert Department The proJect .nay atF need b be rc$eilr€d by the Town Comcjl and/or the Phnning and Envimmental Cornrnision. Design twicw epproval lrycr unlcs a bullding pcrmft ls isrucd ard @notruGdon onuncncce withln onG yaer of ttc approval. v N C^) 3a @rPhysblAddnss: Parcel ilo.: e,l 03 tz 3OL6{o (Conbct Eagb Co. Assessor at 97IF32&86{O fior pad m.) Zanlng: l{am{c) of Owner(e): lrlalllngAddrcar: lHOl qrner(c) $gnatlrt{4: t{ameof Appllcant: llalllngtddrc: E-mallAddcs: locadon of ths Prrogocd: Ict-3-Abd* flpcdRrlawdFec: tr Slgns tr Conceptral Re/al iler'r Consbuctbn AddiUon Mlnor Alterauon (munf.famfi/conrrerchl) Minor Altentlqr (dnglefamlly/duplex) Changes b Appo\red Plans Separaton Request il F tr tr tr $50 gls $1.m per square foot oftotal sign area. No Fee $650 For onsfucffon of a new fulldhg or demo/rebuild. $300 For an ddltbn wltae squar€ footage ls added b any rcddential or ommerdal fulldlng 0rdudes 250 additlons & lnHor convergons). $250 For mlnor dlanges to bulldlngs and ste tnprwements, srdr as,ercdq, pairtng, windor additiorE lanbafiry, ftnes and r€talnllg mlb, eb, $m For minor dranges to hrlHlngs and dte impownents, erch as, reroofing, palnurE, windour additions, landsoping, tenc and rctalning walls, eb, $20 For tevHons b plans already approved by Phnning Stafr or the Deslgn Revlevv Board. No Fee **no.. [L]D ( "r,/o' 2o7 Roqf Siding OfierWall Materbls Farla Soffts Windors Windo,Trim Doors Door Trim lland or Deck Ralb Flues Hashing C}fmnelrs Trash Endooures Greerihq$es Retaining Walls Exterior trshting Otfer Bulldino l.labrials PROPOSED IIATERIAUS Type of llaterial Color t4Arcl{ Ex.sfrAc, f4A'relr EXrsrrAq t4*r<,++ r:t<6'Tlq n!<,rcl+ ?-xt sd1 F1*cc+t Ew lsfielc t4a.rz-tl €t<ts71rL1, MATcf4 eltsrtrtl 141s7c.* ergTr^I4 taA:12e eXrsala t4F1cf. e{ts'qJq HArq+ eNB-rrI1 _ r\s?tlftLa s{/rrueue € 5T)c c-o Aoov hloob ljoo e ALdr(. l,t|c.te dooc' NooP p{ooe tleO+e a*E*qe Xrrle scoA<?-, lloftes! Please s@fy the manufactrrer/s name, the cdor name and number and attadt a color chip. l4Lr4+ egs F:\cdev\FoRtlS\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_mlnor_alt_U-23-2005doc Page 6 of 13 ru23l2oos 6d/ tt 12O67 l1: ag 9t83286266 ISOH E}S A,SIATES m(E s2 Frtt'tbrillryrdlhFrrn dStln br rfrtl ttl lilr .rfl (nr*l htr f D.'dt$ bfrfp' F'rrrr b lc.nd-i atr dr r5-n, rnft{ ,tdr rl# rtiFtLrld* ufra tb ff ff f,q b dr || Frh|rn Jf rf !trGEtiH#dd ftffi'Dlti tltr-u Itcrrvr{ Tirc lrrt. ??. ll:l9fl w,ry?rt Status: I Approved Commururv DevelopluENT RounNG FoRM I Approved with conditions I Denied Routed To:Fred Date Routed:9t1AO7 Routed By:Nicole Pelerson Dato Due: D6cription of work: Add delached qaraqe Addrcss:1784 Mattertrom Circle Legal:Lot:I Block: I I Subdivision: Gomments:Date Reviewed: lssues. Need additional review bv Fire Status:I Approved Comuunrw DeveloprrrrENT RounNG FoRM I Approved with conditions J Denied Rout€d To:Chad Salli. PW Date Routed:g1ao7 Routed By:Nicole Pelerson Dat€ Due: Deocrlption of work: Add detached qaraqe Add|€ss:1784 Matterhorn Circle Legal:Lot:I Block: I I Subdivision: Comments:Date Reviewed: lssues. Need addilional review bv Fire PLANNING DATA SHEET Property Address/ PID I 784 Matterhom Circle/ 2103 12306040 Legal Description Lot 3 Vail Village West 2 Lot Area .3930 acres : 17,119.08 sf Date 9lL2/07 DRB approvedon l0ll7l07 Proiect Description Constuct detached 2-story garage, add dormers to existing single-family Land Use Applications DRB - minor exterior alteration Owner Contact Info Helmut Reiss - 949.497.2150 Architect Contact Info Stephen Isom (or Ron) - Isom & Associates -970.328.2388 7-,oning Sinele-family Residential (SFR) Ilazard Districts None Comp Plan/ Land Use Medium Density Residential Use Classification Sinele-Family Proposed Use P/C/-NP Detached garage - NP Accessory Uses P/ C/ NP NA Environmental Impacts/ Ilazards Percent Slope (30%)NA 607o of site being disturbed Sec. 12-21-14E NA Finished Grades 2:1 NA Floodplain Yes - edge of south uoperty line - requested on survey Wetlands NA Water Course Setback Adiacent to Gore Creek - 50 feet from centerline Utilities Routed to Water district - plan to move utilities - OK private Sidewalksi bike paths GRFA (Gross Residential Floor Area) Square Feet Total Allowed 4,923 Existing 2,s03 Proposed 1,293 Remaining 1,127 *rimary AJfevied Exis+ine Preeesee Rmsinins Seeendry Exiftins Proposed *mainine General Setbacks (perimeter) Front 20 Proposed 20 Side l5 Proposed 15 Rear l5 Proposed NA Comer Side NA Proposed NA Minimum Lot Area/ Width Required 12,500 Proposed l7,l 19.08 Max Site Coveraqe Allowed 20%Proposed -tt% Max Buildine Heisht Allowed 33'sloping Proposed 24', Building Materials Required No wood shake Proposed No wood shake t-l /7{, lsor & AssocrArEs l_J //^\ Architecture Landplannins proJecrManasement September 7,2007 Town ofVail Deparhent of Community Development DesignReview Board 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 80657 RE: Reiss Remodel, 1784 Matterhorn Circle, Vail" CO, tnt 3, Filing #2 Dear Design Review Board: Attached is the ryplication for a Preliminary ReviedFinal Review of a proposed addition to the Helmut Reiss Residence on 1784 Matterhorn Circle, which is Lot 3, Vail Village West Filing No. 2, Town of Vail. The addition is for atbree (3) cr garage and putting 2 dormers ofrthe upstairs bdrooms on the south side of the existing residence. There is also a French balcony with 2 French doors on the east elevations. \Me have 6sea +atking to Rachet with the Town of Vail concerning the s€t backs md have desided to locate the grage on the sotdh side of the driveway as shoum with a 20 foot setback from Matterhonn Circle. The garage is out of the Gore Creek setback and out of the flood plain. The topographic survey of the site is afrach€d. The sign offsheet by all rtrility companies will be preseifed a1fts planning Commission meeting. The existing sewer line ease,ment on site is a private line and may be moved by the applicant. A check for $300.00 for the application is attached. The square footage allowed on this lot based on a lot area of 17,120 S F in a Primary/Secondary Reside,ntial Distict is 6,775 S F. (.46 x 10O00 S F :4,600 + .38 x 5,000 : 1,900 + .13 x.120 : 27 5 S F). The existing house is 2,278 sq. ft. with 394 S F upper level,9l2 S F main level, and 972lower level. The garage is 864 less 600 S F allowed for 264 S F additional area plus upper level of garage at 582 s F grearer than 5 foot head height for a total increase of 8,16 S F. 365 S F additional square footage is gained by the dormers on the main rcsidence. Total square footage of existing and proposed is 3,160 square feel P.0. Box 9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 (920) 328-2388 FA( (970) 328-6266 If you have any questions concerning this application, please contact this office. Regards, CC; Helnut Reiss K7 I 2To$,nofvrilD€signRevicwBoard090?0? DEartmmt of Community Dcaehpment 75 Soutb Frontage Road Vail, Cohrafu 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 unuu.uailgw.com September 12,2007 Stephen lsom PO Box 9 Eagle, CO 81631 RE:Reiss Remodel - 1784 Matterhorn Circle / Lot 3, Vail Village West 2 Dear Mr. lsom, The Town of Vail Stafl has prelimindrily reviewed the design review application (DRB #07-0486) for the proposed detached garage and dormer addition to the Reiss Residence located at 1784 Matterhorn Circle. This application is incomplete and can not be reviewed as submitted. Please submit the following items to complete this applicaiion: 1. Owner's signature on the application.2. According to Section 14-10-6 of Vail Town Code (attached), the proposed delached garage is not permitted. Please re-submit plans to attach the proposed garage to the house or submit the attached Application for Design Review including the Separation Request Submittal Requirements. Please note that the criteria listed in Code Section 14-10-6.B-C are the only reasons for granting a separalion request. 3. Survey must include the following:. Cunent 100 year tloodplain.. Complete topographic lines across property. All existing structures including driveways, decks, patios etc.. Complete 50'creek center setback across property.r Complete edge ol creek line across property.. Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include, cable TV, sewer, gas, telephone, water, electric, size and type ol drainage culverts, swales, etc. 4. Site plan must include the following:r Current 100 year floodplain.r Complete topographic lines across property.. Complete 50' creek center setback across property. . . Complete edge of creek line across property. o Proposed grading.. Proposed dormer ridge line and elevation.. Proposed driveway percenl slope.. Surface drainage.r All required parking spaces (9x19 exterior & 9x18 interior). Remove trees from sile plan and include on landscape plan. 5. Please submit a landscape plan including the following:. Property lines.r Existing and proposed structures. {S ucrctto r*o Page l of2 Reiss l,etter . Total landscaped area and site cover calculations. . Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan. . Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and lo be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading. o Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs. . Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover' . Delineate critical root zones for existing lrees in close proximity lo site grading and construction.o Indicate the location of all proposed plantings. r The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems lo be employed in caring for plant material following its installation' o Existing and proposed contour lines' . Retaining walls with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. 6. Please provide and clearly label all existing and proposed lloor plans. Please include GRFA calculations tol all existing and proposed structures. 7. Provide documenl of approval for relocation ol Sanitary Easement. Please submit the items above by September 24,2007 to continue to the October 3,2007 Design Review Board meeting. Please note that other Department comments will be foruvarded to you as soon as they are received. lf you have any queslions or comments, leel free lo contact me directly at (970) 477-3r'52 or email noeterson @vailoov.com. Sincerely, Nicole Peterson, Planner Town of Vail Page2 of 2 Reiss l,etm . Total landscaped area and site cover calculations.o Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan. r Location of existing trees, 4' diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (inctuding new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shorrn (as bubble) il the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading. r Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs.. Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for debiduous trees, height lor conifers' gallon sizelor shrubs and h-eignt lor foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plani material including ground cover.. Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction.. Indicate the location of all proposed plantings.r The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installalion.. Existing and proposed contour lines.o Retaining walls with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. 6. Please provide ind clearly label all existing and proposed floor plans. Please include GRFA calculations for all existing and proposed structures. 7. Provide document of approval for relocation of Sanitary Easement. Please submit the items above by September 24,2007 to continue to the Oclober 3, 2007 Design Review Board meeting. Please note that other Department comments will be fonrrarded to you as soon as they are received. lf you have any questions or comments, feel tree to contact me directly at (970) 4 7-34.52 or email noeterson @ vailoov.com. Sincerely, Nicole Peterson, Planner Town of Vail Page 2 of2 Reiss lettcr 1-l /7^ rsou & AssocrArEs Ll ll=\ Architecture landPtannins ProiectManasement SepGmber 24,2007 Nicole Peterson Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Reiss Remodel, 1784 Matterhorn Circle, Lot 3, Vail Village West 2 DearNicole: I am in receipt of your lefter of September l2,20O7,concerning the Reiss remodel at 1784 Matterlorn Circle. The items that you have listred for completion are addressed as follows: l. The owner's signature is on the original application' Mr. Reiss closed on this property on September 17,2007, as shown in the attached wananty deed on the property. 2. Per this letter we are submitting a Separation Request Submittal per Code Section -14-10-6. B-C. 3. A revised survey is included showing the following: - The 100 yearfloodplainpertheFEMAmaps. - Topography, Topographic lines cross all the way across the Fopefiy' - All existing structures including driveways, decks, patios, etc. - Complete 50 foot cneek center line set back across property' - Complete edge-of-creek line across property- - All utility meter locations including pedestals on site or in the Right-of-Way adjacent to the site' The location of the existing utility sowces and proposed service lines from their source as well as can be located in the field. All this work includes Cable TV, sewer, gas, tele,phone, water and elechicity. There are no drainage culverts on site only the swale on the road. P0. Box 9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 (970) 328-2388 FAX (970) 328-6266 4. The Site Plan has been amended to include all the following: - l00yearfloodplain. - Complete topographic lines across prcperty. - Complete 50 foot qeek center line set back across property. - Complete edge-of-creek line across property. - Proposed gradingaround the garage. - Proposed dormer, ridge line and elevation. - Existing driveway. Percent slope which is existing driveway is l% slope. - The surface drainageonthe site. - All required parking placeVspaces 9 x 19 exterior and 9 x l8 interior. - The ridge line and elevation of the proposed dormer is shown on the elevations.- Surface drainage is shown with arrows since the upper part of this lot is frirly flat rvhere the driveway and residence is located. - The tees to be removed on the site plan are not being relocoed or is there any additional landscaping on site as the site for the garage is a surall atea located inside of a lot of large existing hees. 5. Landscape plan is included which shows the following: - Property lines. - Existing poposed structures. - Total landsc4e plan drawn at the same scale as site plan. - Location of existing trees 4'' diameter larger than shoum on the plan. The trees to remain are shown. There is really no location on site to relocate any ofthe trees because ofthe heavy vegetation across the whole site. - Existing gormdcover and shnrbs are shoum. - Detaild legend showing the type and size of bees with tough estimates on the heigbt of the conifers and gallon size of all the shrubs' - The root zones of oristing trees ar€ shown in close proximity to the site grading and constuction.- There is no new planting proposed on the site other than natwal revegetation arormd the proposed garage. - Since therc is no change to the existing inigation system there is no additional wdering systems shown-- Existing and proposed contour lines ue shown on the site plan and landscaping plan - There are no retaining walls required for this structue. 6. All existing and proposed floor plans have been labeled. The GRFA calculations for existing and proposed stnrctues are shown on the plans. 7. A signed Easenent Agreement for the sanitary sewer is attachd with lbc title pohcn Under separate cover is the ap'plicaion for a Separdion of Grage from tho structur€ per Section l+lG6 is being submitted. Hdntf Reisq the Applicant, would like to request approval to build th€ two mall dormers ofrthe bedrooms of tbe existing resideirce at the first meeting so that the construction cm be completed by winter. SincsrelY vours.W StcFb€n Isom CC: HelnutReiss KT l 2r.lirlcPcE oTomoflrrilogz{m l-l /7{, rsou & AssocrArEs l_l l/^\ Architecture Land Plannins ProiectManasement September 7, 2007 Town ofVail Departnent of Community Development Design Review Board 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 80657 RE: Reiss Remodel, 1784 Matterhom Circle, Vail, CO, Iot 3, Filing #2 Dear Design Review Board: Atlached is the application for a Preliminary ReviedFinal Review of a proposed addition to the Hebnut Reiss Residence on 1784 Matterhorn Circle, which is Lot 3, Vail Village West, Filing No. 2, Town of Vail. The addition is for a three (3) car garage and putting 2 dormers offthe upstairs Hrooms on the south side of the existing residence. There is also a French balcony with 2 French doors on the east elwalions. We have been talking to Rachel with the Town of Vail conceming the set backs and have decided to locate the garage on the south side of the driveway as shovm with a 20 foot setback from Matterhom Circle. The garage is out of the Gore Creek setback and out of the flood plain. The topographic survey of the site is attached- The sip off sheet by all utility companies will be presented d the Planning Commission meeting. The existing sewer line easement on site is a private line and may be moved by the applicant. A check for $300.00 for the application is attached. The square footage allowed on this lot based on a lot area of 17,120 S F in a Primary/Secondary Residential Dishict is6,775 S F. (.46 x 10,(XX) S F:4,600 + .38 x 5,000: 1,900 + .13 x.120 :275 S F). The existing house is 2,278 q. ft. with 394 S F upper level 912 S F main level, afrg72lower level. The garage is 864less 600 S F allowed for 264 S F additional area plus upper level of garage at 582 S F greater than 5 foot head height for a total increase of 846 S F. 365 S F additional square footage is gained by the dormers on the main residence. Total square footage of existing and proposed is 3,160 square feet. P.0. Box 9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 (970) 328-2388 FAX (970) 328-6266 If you have any questions conceming this application" please contact this office. Regards, CC: Helmut Reiss K7 l2TovrnofvrilDesignR€vi€wBoardo9o?o7 rn\v EASEMENT AGREBMENT A}.ID GRANT OF EASEMENT AND RIGIIT OF WAY FORSEWER SERVICE LINE This Easement Agr€co€ot md Grart of^Utility Easeoent 88d Right-of WEy (hseinafter rhe'e,grecmeofl is made efbctive as of tbe)t rlay of August 2$7' by md between Pul F' }i{usso; End sliEa lvf Mussoo, (hcrciDaftE collectively 'Cirantors') aod the Philip R Hagermao rod Jocclyn IL Hagernan (hccinafter collectively "Grantecsl: RECITALS A. Grantors 8re the os,n(f,s of certain lands described a3 Iot 3, vail village west Filing No. 2, according to the ur4 eotitled ..Amendcd Find Pla! Vail Village West Filing No. 2' e ni*a;vigion of Irts 2 sDd 3, Town of Vail, Couuty of Eaglg State of Colorailo," recordod April 26, 2002, under Reception No. ?93827 ofthc records oflho Eaglc Comty Cl€it and Reconler (hreiDafter the 'Grmtor Lrnd')' rod '8. Grantces Eo the own.ns of oertain laodg describod as Lot 2, Vail Village West piling No. 2, according to thc map entitled "Amondd Finil Plat, vail village wcst Filing No. 2' A R;oMivision of fotr Z and 3 , Town of Vail, Coutrty of Eaglc, Stare of Colorado," recoded April 26, 20O2, under Reocption No. ?9382? ofthe rccords ofthc Eaglc Comty Clcrk 8nd Recordo (hereinaftq tho "Grrntec Land"), and c. The partiee dcsirc to amicably cstablish the rights to an eascment and rigfot-of-way for the purpose of (i) pdrdtting Gicantces to instau, maintain 8nd rcpait a sewer service line and rUatca-faAntics lcotieciivcln thc "Sewor Seryicc Linc') serviag the Grantec Land, whiejh Sewcr Service Line shall be within tlre location on thc Granlor Land descnted on Exhibit A as the ten- foot wide strip ideotified as thc 'Seweditr€ Bascmeof' (thc "Eascm€ot Prop€(t/) lmd€r_t€ftrls which will ounrAly beoefit each of thc partics hercto, such rights bcing rcferred to herein Es the .'Eagernent and Bigbtof-W.y', attd O) p€rmittilg GradoIE, and their gucccgson in htercst to the Craotor Lan4lo t"locat" ftu S.*er Scrqice Line to a different location on tbc Grmtee [,ond" app,roximarely iileatificd by the bold lim on Exhibit B, antvor on thc Grantor lan4 uoder texg1s and oonditioos acceptablc to and for the b€defit of each prty' TERMSAND CONDMONS Now, theneforg in considcration of the kccping of the mutusl covenants 0nd agrecm€nts hcrein contabc4 it ir agreed as followo: t$s' 1. crant of Bas€.n€d. For asd in mnsideration of good and valurble gonsidgation' oc recelpt rna srmoleacy of whics ir hecby afuowleitgcd, md the mrtual bcnefits to bG d.fircd ion fris Ag*emo[, md $bjcct to the tcrms a'd conditims of this Agrecocm' ctrmo a" uoy gra"t to emoc", and scir guccesEtrs and aesigns in tbc fuoc I^mA a nonexchuivq perpaual carcncot md right of way, tcn (10) fcet widq fot lhe instandioD' usE Ednt.nec€ -a;d fop"i" ofthc Suw6'' Servico Line under and lhroug! thc Eg"€mtot Prop€rty ao.tit.a * S*hitit I CU.Ua n-oto and rnadc a part hereof' Ctrantoas shdl hrvc the authmity to and rhall bc cquircd to nsintai4 rqair, rcconstruct md nsc tbe Easeoent Propcrry for &c rgrposc of the Scwer Service Line described hcrcin in a manner whidr protec{s tho Grantor i'r,operty fton sry adverec cffcct of thc Scwcr Sen'icc Line; TO IIAVE AND TO HOLD edal Esscmcot EDd RiSht-of-way rmto tuccs md thcir gucccesors md .ssips in the (hmtec Land. Tbo Eagooeot md Rigbt-of-Way hereby gnntcd shall bo irrevocablc-md nro with tbc cifaDtee Led md sball be appurtcoant to 6e Grantee I qn4 such th* a traosfcr oflcgEl titlc to all or any portion oflte Grantee Ilod shall automatically t ""fo ihi" B*.-."t rnd nightofWan unlcer spccifically orcluttcd by tho terms of the oonvqElce. 2. Mainteoanco and RcPair of Seryer Service Line. Undcr thc tcrms of fbe grant cmtrine6 Unslq Craqtcos aod thcir sucxcsson in intoegt ir tbo Grantcc Lmd shdl b€ P€rxnittod to use md rcconstnrct ind shail be rcquircd to maintrin and repair' across tbp Eas€m€ot Prop€fiy, a Scwcr Service Linc not cscccding fur (4) iDchcs in int€mal dimu*cr or otber rs rcquired to maintain thc operation of &e rystem or Ns rcquircd by lo€al govenmeotal building codcs which will provirlc scwer scrvicc to Orc Grantoc Land' 3. conditions of Mlintensncc and Rcoair of s€w€( s€rvico LiDc. ch0ntocs @d thch succossors in inE shalt pay for a"a [e solely responsible fur my ueccssary maintenancc aod rcpair ofthc se*cr srrvicc Line acroeE the Easmeot Property. In association with tuch .a"t--"" -a cpab, no trees sball bc crrt or alfecto4 and Graotccs shall mnfD€ thch activitics to thc Buimm rt"prrty ad shall aftcr any occasion of maiDtcnsnco rnd rcPair, rttum thc Easaneot PtDpcrty to ib ltro at the timc of thiE Agrc€m€ot €x,cepting only 6c ,lDA€fgt*A-oaifi-ft*iorteSerwerSerrriccLineinstallealunderthisAgr€€m€d,ad, poUjA mt oirtiog inprovemeois locatcd abovo and across rhc Eartmcot Propcrty, iocludiag tot oot ou.o"-ity fi-itoa to Oe ro"f smirway near fte center of the Ers€m€nt Pmpcty' shall not bo dishtrbed unl€sP rccessrry. 4. Res€ndtiotr of Ridt to Rclocatc Eas€mcd. Tho putias agrce th4 h lhc A-tot 6e Gnnfc8, or iheir n ccessm anA u"sigo", rletermire iha tho Sescr Scrvicc Linc thould bG J*r* to i1ay otto locatioa on fte Granlor r rnd, ihe &mfiorg or thcir $ccessds md assignE ;tJ""d. ttt Scwcr Sctnicc Linc to cuch oth€r locatioq on ftc Grmtor Lend ae ttcy dceiro at ffi ;il-p*re r4on which occasion thc locatioa of tbe original Basemcat Pmperty rhrll bc vacafed ud'thrrc rtatl te crtsbtbhed a new location for the Eascmcnt Prop€rty gt the ncw u.$uw 7.This Agrcrrncnt ahall be binding upon thc partics hcreto' thcir rcspcs-ti"c Uei"q' cx€srltors, ldninistato-rs, md ?.TrgF T T.f 1l-*t T.th-" qg,P,al locatioo of the Scwcr Scrvicc Line Won thc 8me tcrms ard conditionr rs Sosc contrincal hctein, p,ovidod mat (a) crmno,rs, or Gfmtors' $rcccssols in int€rcst vfro arc relocating thc Scmcrdewioe f.inc" eitiU givc Crdc"., or thcir $rco*sors in ownaship of Se Gtmte T'ntl, rt lcast scven dap' advanco writta mtice of sueih relocatiotr' (b) tb rclocatim shall not causs my rmeasoOte istonupton to thc serrer scrvicc to the C.trmtca tand md (c) qon suc,h rclocatim the Grmtors, or tho Cta"t-r' euccedsors i! intorest to thc Gr.otor Lan4 shall execute and loco'ril an amendment to rhis itrstum€{t cstablishing thc new locatioa of the Easemcot Property. In associatioo with such rclocetion, lhe partia acknowledgc anrl agrec 6at it may bo tr€c€ssary to relocate the Scwcr Savico Line to'a diffcrcot location on thc Graotee land at appmximately thc alimneot idcotificd by the bolrt linc on Exhibit B, and it may be necessary to modifr the lis sfron m 66 Grmtcc-Laod ideatified on Erhibits A md B, in which wcot Grmtors, or thcir nrccessoE in intcrcst, $all hrve &e right to rclocdc ftc Scwct Smrice Line on lhe Grmtcc Lmd to apro:rirnan! thc locdion ideotificd by ihc bold linc ou EJoibit B md 6c riib to rnoary oi itptam thc lift sbtion rcfurcd to above b a msmer which will accomnodate the rclocaied sewer scrvicc Line, whi€h pmjcct 8hE[ bc governed by lbc tcrms aod odditions rdared to ft€ rctocstion of fte Swer Scrrricc Line rcfened to abovg including bu not limited to the rcquiremcot tbat the Grmtorg or ihcir eucs€caorg in interest, shall bc solety rceponsible for thc coets ond expeneee associaicd with that projec{, 5. !h& Subjcd to fre cmditims sct frrth hcrcio' the Easco€ot md Rigfof-Way may be ured for 6c Frrpos€s std€d h6ein by Gnntecs, tbcir succcssds md 0rsigns' Eubse$rnl owners of my portion of thc Grantec Iand. 6. Tcrmination ad Ameadment Thc rists c*ablirhcd mder thie Agreencot rhall taminate only upon thc recorrdatim of 6e cxpress writtca a.t of fre Grsntccs or ftoir succcscon sra assiFs ;finqtlietriirg or othcrwire taminating tho intcnest in lhe Crantor Lrnd cshbushd herS'. -ftc riSig ostab1shcd urder this Agr'cm€ot sba11 be meatleil only by (a) writen agt"6rot of rlt prtics or @) the relircafioo of the Easement Propctty aod thc Scwcr Savicc ri* ry ru c.-lt-" in acooidance wift tbe p'rovisions of Sectim 4 ard fte recordatioa of tbc .rq*o *.in- a.t of thc Grrntqs or dl succcseofs md arsignr of thc Grmtorr having m i"t"n"* i" t c.rmt Lrnrr cofirning such rFlocation with thc grmt of m oareoteat qo &e smc tsms aDd aonditio6s ia rnother location, with thc centectinc of such rclocatcd eas€mcat being thc locarion ofthe ncw Scwtr Serrrice Line. ft"-ct-; t,r;, p,rovidd however,lbrt the rights ad oblig*ions which se establishod rmdcr fis egrcco€d thall bc appurtcornt to thc Grantor I-and and hc orutcc Lar4 rcepectivcly, -d, 6- ft" "*,"ryt"* of t" Ctrotot f-ara md Orc Granteo Lmd to frird parties o6tr tbm. Grantin or 6c Graitcca, lilea and in tbat weot thc Grmtors and tbe Grantecs relioquishiag ruch interest, reepcctivcly, ghall bavc no firrther riglts md obligations hcramdcr' $ s. Exccutim in c-ormtcrprts. This ilooneot may bc orcorted in oounterparts md' whco r counrcrpart hre bcco cxoortcd by eac,h party, it shall be fully binding qo dl paltios. g. clovcnins Law8. ThiE Agr€qn€at shall be intcrproted according to the lawe of thc State.of Colorado. Ia witnces uihEfilf 6c parties hrve ret scir herulq mil seals as of tho rlay md yef,. fint rbovc xtritt n" srercor(;lovadp- )ss' couvrvor &ts-- i rrY- J\ the frrcping instnmcot was ac.knowledged before rns rhis | / day of Hilq Kt - 207,byPul F. Musson rnd ElisaM. MussoD- srnreor fl'-( ) couvrv orilaag=f- lss' ltc forcgping iostnrncot wrs a&owleilged bebrt mc 6is 1 3day of fl,t G t r - 2$?, by Philip R Hagcman and locelyn K- Hagerman My conmirsion cxpires'*-2 ffiffit- e+ttAPr' to' 2olo ti\:fji3f# my baod ood official scel. l.trU) ;ii i$ V l-ts kt ffirta I I I tE iE ',e ;:E ij# # tI \ t\ gf -JA.J l--\ \.*\ .rdd' il il iil ffih ffiHtt i[ lillrl III I il I Itla tll ffl'ltl}tl**t||t*l*l***tftll****lttlt***ltftltttfaa*tft*t**fa*aa*t't'ttttt**t**tt'ttitfffttfttttrtf TOWNOFVAIL, COI,oRADO Strtroenrtffiaf'ltltl'il*+*l**tll|********lf*****t*ta'}*fatat+l'ff+l*ff*++fl't+tlr+++++++++tt***+*'t**+t*+*lt* guat€m€nE l[unbcr: Ro?0001820 Amounts 93oo.o0 ogllo/zoo7o3:40 pM. Paylnlnt M€thod: Check Inlt,: ilg Notatlon! 12301/ISCNI & T:::1T:- PennLt No: DRB070{85 rylre: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parc€I No: 2103-123-O5O{-O Eite Addrecs: 1?84 MATIERSORN C? VArrJ I,OCATIO: 1?8{ IIBTIERSORN CR Total Feea: S3Oo.0Ofhis Payncots $300.00 Total. AIJJ Pmtas $30O.0OBalance: $O. Oo ++l'|aallalaftlaaaaaaafa*fffafaaaaaaa*atlaaaftat+laiattlaftttlt*t******'lltlllllt}alfaaaaafaall ACCOTJNTITEM LtrST: :::::::-T!: DR OO].OOOO3LL2?OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 300 i 00 DEartmnt of Community Deuehpmmt 75 So*th Fmnage Road Vail, Cohrado 81657 970-479-21j8 FAX 970-479-2452 wwu.uailgou.com Dear Sir or Madam: October 18,2007 Helmut Reiss Trust 1401 LavenderLn Laguna Beach" Ca9265l CERTIFIED MAII,-TETURN RECEIPT REQIIE STED Re: 001784 MATTERHORN CIR VAIL AREA SUB:VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 2 LOT:3 No approvals for the removal of vegetation from sheam tacktf c. One of the many functions of the Community $evelopment Office is to snforce Town of Vail Municipal Codes as they relate to buildilg:and zoning. E It has come to our attention that the above-d;{bed property is in violation of the Vail Town Code: l$_.^ Reported Violation(s) : l) Vegetationwas removed from the stream track without Desigrr Review Approval in accordance to I 2-I I-3 Vail Tovn Code: : DESIGNAPPROVAL: A.Scope: No person shall commence rernoval of vegetation, site preparation, building construction or demolition, dumping of material upon a site, sign erectiorq exterior alteration or enlargement ofan existing stucture, paving, fencing or other improvanents of open space within the corporate limits of the townunless desigrr approval has been granted as prescribed in this chapter. The addition of plant matsrials to existing landscaping gardening and landscape maintenance shall be exempt from this provision. a RECYCIED PAPEN B.Violation: It shall be a violation of this chapter and ttre building permit for any person to commence, continue or complete work that has not received desigrr approval as prescribed in this chapter and/or is not in conformity with the plans approved and authorized by the adminisfrator and/or the desigr review board and thebuilding official. l2-l#17 : SETBACK FROM WATERCOURSE: Minimum setback from a creek or steam shall be not less than thirfy feet (30) from the center ofthe established creek or stream channel as defined by the town comprehensive plan base maps; provided, however, that the setback from Gore Creek shall be fifty feet (50'). Natural sreek or sfream channels may not be rechanneledorchanged. (Ord.29(2005) $ 33: Ord. 19(1976\ $ l5: Ord.8(1973) $ 17.800) We are asking you to cease rernoval of vegetation imrnediately and zubmit a complete Design Review application to the Community Development Office, 75 South Frontage RoadWesl Vail, Colorado within 5 days of receiving this letter.lhave enclosed the Minor Exterior Alterations conveirieirce. ion for Design Review for your Failure to adhere to this process will in a summons to court provide the appropriate documentatffiinmediately to this deparfrnent. If you have further questions regarding this issue, please feel free to call this office at 970-479-2139 and speak to the Planner on duty. Susie Town ofV Enforcement Officer Departnent Development Vto(lEttuatfit ? Design Review Board '/"t' 3 ACTIOil FOR]I Dep.rtme t of Community Developtnent 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 Jax: 970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com Prclect ilame: REISS SEPERATION REQUEST Project Description: Participants: OWNER cA 92651 APPUCANT ISOM AND ASSOCIATES PrujectAddrcss: Legal Description: Parcel l{umber: Commenb: DRBNumber: DR8070521 09/2512007 Phone: 970-328-2388 DENIAL OF A SEPEMTTON REQUEST FOR AN E}ISIING SFR AND A PROPOSED DETACHED 2 STORY GAMGE HELMUTREISSTRUSI 0912512007 Phone:949-497-2150 1401 I.AWENDER IANE I.AGUNA BEACH PO BOX 9 EAGEL co 81631 1784 MATTERHORN CR VAIL Location: 1784 MATTERHORN CR LOI 3 BIOCK SUbdiViCON: VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 2 2103-123-0504-0 No signiflcant site constraint 14-10-6 Motion By: S€cond By: Vote: Gonditions: Dunning Gillette 4-0-0 BOARD/STAFF ACTIOT{ Action: DENIED Date of ApproYaF Lol 03 12007 Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for buiHing. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activiUes. Condl 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and aonstruction is commenced and is diligently pursued bward completion. Planner: NicolePeterson DRB Fee Paid: $0.00 ffi TOI4IN |,FI/AILW Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2739 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittll requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The pqect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approvat lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. t?nw P { o t4 ^l Description of the Request: Location of the Proposatr Loe J glock:- Physical Address: ) l o 3 \Z 80 b 04 O (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) -t.Iar'Zonino: -Nr- trv'-'..f v I b e.coc. *AN| - ----t Name(s) of owner(s): tte.\rn,'r Kr s S Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:8rt,3l Phone:10 24,23 8? E-mail Address:Faxt4 $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. Owner(s) Signature(s) : Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review n New Constructiontr Addition O Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans F Separation Request $20 No Fee EOEIl vElilMl ulCheck No.: s- By: tQ,^' Design Review Board Hearing October 3,2007 Reiss Residence Separation Request Stephen lsom, on behalf of Helmut Reiss, has submitted a separation request to construct a detached 3-car garage with bedroom above (1,446 square feet) at 1784 Matterhorn Circle. The code section below (14-10-6) provides separation request criteria for the Board's review. After careful consideration of section 14-10-6, Staff does not believe significant site constraints exist to approve the separation request at 1784 Matterhorn Circle. Please see attached applicant letter. 14-1 0.6: RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPM ENT: A.The purpose of this section is to ensure that residential development be designed in a manner that creates an architecturally integrated structure with unified site development. Dwelling units and garages shall be designed within a single structure, except as set forth in subsection B of this section, with the use of unified architectural and landscape design. A single structure shall have common roofs and building walls that create enclosed space substantially above grade. Unified architectural and landscape design shall include, but not be limited to, the use of compatible building materials, architectural style, scale, roof forms, massing, architecturaldetails, site grading and landscape materials and features. B.The presence of significant site constraints may permit the physical separation of units and garages on a site. The determination of whether or not a lot has significant site constraints shall be made by the design review board. "Significant site constraints" shall be defined as natural features of a lot such as stands of mature trees, natural drainages, stream courses and other natural water features, rock outcroppings, wetlands, other nafural features, and existing structures that may create practical dfficulties in the site planning and development of a lot. Slope may be considered a physical site constraint that allows for the separation of a garage from a unit. lt shall be the applicant's responsibility to request a determination from the design review board as to whether or not a site has significant site constraints before final design work on the project is presented. This determination shall be made at a conceptual review of the proposal based on review of the site, a detailed survey of the lot and a preliminary site plan of the proposed structure(s). G.The residential development may be designed to accommodate the development of dwelling units and gamges in more than one structure if the design review board determines that significant site constraints exist on the lot. The use of unified architectural and landscape design as outlined herein shall be required for the development. In addition, the design review board may require that one or more of the following common design elements such as fences, walls, patios, decks, retaining walls, walkways, landscape elements, or other architectural features be incorporated to create unified site development. (Ord. 29(2005) $ 82: Ord., 9-21- 1eeg) n /7{, lsou & AssocrArEs l__l lr/^\ Architecture LandPlannins ProjectManasement September 24,2007 Nicole Peterson Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Reiss Remodel, l7M Matterhom Circle, Lot 3, Vail Village West 2 DearNicole: Attached is an application for Design Review for a Separation of Garage and Residential UnitperSectionBofSection14-10-6oftheTownofVail. ThesiteinquestionatlTS4 Matterhorn Circle was one of the first residences developed and built in Vail in 1965. I- 70 was not even built at this time. With the widening of I-70 and the development of the South Frontage Road which was originally Highway 6, the road Rigfut-of-Way encroached onto this property. The house is obviously 42 yws old and the current owner, Helrnut Reiss, is looking at taking the house down in 5 years or so and rebuilding on the site with the gross residential square footage that would be allowed. Because of the narrowness of the site and access from Matterhom Circle, it is not feasible to put the new garage in front of the unit and still access the unit for construction. It makes more sense to have the garage separated and located in an open area among the large trees where the items from the house evenh.rally could be stored and Mr. Reiss' personal effects could be stored while the residsnce is being demolished and rebuilt. The garage being located attached to the existing building would also block the whole front of the house and make the overall appearance of the stucture from Matterhorn Circle to be nothing more than garage doon with a walkway going arormd the garage. The topography of the site is zuch that the bank falls offtoward Gore Creek right at the southeast comer of the existing building where there is a stairway down to the lower floor. Even putting the garage on the 15 foot set back from the South Frontage Road would only allow approximately 8 feet between the south garage wall and the existing stairway which is not sufficient access for the tearing down and reconsEuction of the existing residence. P0. Box I Eagle, Colorado 81631 (970) 328-2388 FpJ( €70 328-6266 Forthe reasons stailed above, it is requested thatthe Desip Review Bomd graut a Variance from requirements of Section A of l,t-10-6 requiring for garage struchrr€s to be connected to existing strwtures. Helnut Reiss, the Applican! would like to rcqu€st ryprroval to build the t$,o small dormers ofrthe bedrooms of the existing residence at the first meeting so that the consblstion cm be completed by winter. If there are any questions conceming the above applicdion, please contact this office at (970) 328-2388. tu--__ CC: HelmutReiss K?l2l.IicolcPc6soRfirsR6idcnod9zloT .-l 1+1&5 property and shall be surlaced with a low gloss llnish or be capable of weathering to a dull finlsh. Metal roof- ing, when permitted, shall be of a heavy gauge and designed to provide visual relief to the roof surface (includ- ing, but not limlted to, a standing seam). Asphalt and flberglass shln- gles, when permltted, shall weigh no less than three hundred (300) pounds per roofing square. The use of rollEd roofing shall not be permitted. The use of any roofing material, in- cludlng thoss not specifically identified by thls sectlon, shall only be permit- ted, unless otheruise prohibited by this code, where the design review board finds: 1. That the proposed material is satis- tactory in general appearance, quality over time, archilectural style, design, color, and texlure; and 2. That th6 use of the proposed mate- rial complies with the intent of the provisions of lhis code; and 3. That the use of the proposed mate- rial is compatible with the structure, site, surrounding structures, and over- all character of the town of Vail. G. Rooftop heating and air conditioning equipment, large vent stacks, elevator penthouses and similar features should be avoided; however, if neces- sary, shall be designed to be compati- ble wlth the overall design of the struclure or screened from view of all adjacent properties. Rooftop antennas shall not be permitted unless as al- lowed under a conditional use revlew as specified within the zoning code. 1/t-10€ H. Solar collectors shall lie flat on pitched roofs; however, when retrofitling an existing building with activ€ solar, the collectors should be designed and placed in a manner compatible with the overall deslgn ol the building. L Deep eaves, overhangs, canopies, and other building features that pro- vide sheller from lhe elements are encouraged. J. Fenestration should bE suitable for the climate and for the orientation of the particular building elevation in which the fenestration occurs. The use of both passive and actlve solar energy systems is strongly encouraged. K. ln no instance shall a dtiplex structure be so constructed as to resull in each half of the structure appearing sub- stantially simihr or minor image in design. L. Building footings and foundations shall be designed in accordance with lhe minimum standards of the adopted building code. Footings and founda- tions shall also be designed to be responsive to lhe natural topography ol the sita, and shall be designed and constructed in such a manngr as to minimize the necessary amount ol excavation and sitE disturbance. (Ord., 9-21-1999) 14.10.6: RESIDENTIAL DEVELOP. MENT: A. The purpose of this sectlon is to en- sure that residential development be designed In a manner that creates an architecturally integrated structure September 2006 Town of Yail I ',, .;' 1+1G6 with unified site development. Dwell- ing units and garages shall be de- signed withln a slnglo structuro, ex- cept as set forth In subsecllon B of thle section, with the use of unified architectural and landscape design. A single structura shall have common roofs and building walls that create enclosed space substantially above grade. Unified archltectural and land- scape design shall include, but not be limited to, the use of compatible build-ing materials, archltestural style, scale, roof forms, massing, architec- tural details, site grading and land- scape materials and features. B. The presence of significant site con- strainls may permit the physical sepa- ration ol units and garagss on a site. The determination ol whether or not a lot has significant site constraints shall be made by the design review board.'Significant site constraints" shall be defined as natural leatures of a lot such as stands of mature trees, natural drainages, strgam courses and other natural water features, rock outcroppings, wetlands, other natural featuros, and exisling structures that may create practical ditficulties in the site planning and development of a lot. Slope may be considered a physF cal site constraint that allows for the separation ol a garage lrom a unit. lt shall be the applicant's responsibility to request a determination lrom the design review board as to whether or nol a site has significant site con- straints before final design work on the project is presented. This determi- nation shall be made at a conceptual review of the proposal based on re- view of the site, a detailed survey of the lot and a prellminary sile plan of the proposed structure(s). 1+10-7 C. The residential development may be designed to accommodate lhe devel- opment of dwelling units and galages in more than one structure if the de- sign review board determin€s that significant sit6 constraints exlst on the lot. The use ol unified architectural and landscape design as outlined herein shall be required for the devel- opment. In addition, the design review board may require that one or more ol the following common design ele- ments such as fences, walls, patios, decks, retaining walls, walkways, landscape elements, or other architec- tural features be incorporaled to cre- ate unified site development. (Ord. 29(2005) $ 82: Ord., 9-21-1999) 14-10-7: OUTDOOR LIGHTING: A. Purpose: This section ol the design guidelines establishes standards lor minimizing the unintended and unde- sirable side elfects ol outdoor lighting while encouraging the intendEd and desirable salety and aesthetic purpos- es of outdoor lighting. lt is the pur- pose of the design review guidelines to allow illumination which provides the minimum amount of lighting which is needed for the property on which the light sourcos are located. In addi- tion, the purpose of this section ls to protect the legitimate privacy of nelgh- boring resid€nts by controlling the intonsity of the light souroe. B. Approval Required: All outdoor lighting within the town limits shall conform to the standards set forth below' For the purposes of this secllon, residentially zoned properties shall be defined as those in hillside rEsidentlal, single- lamily, two-family, primary/secondary Toum of VaiJ September 2q)6 Design Review Soard ACTION FORU Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Rcad, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.?{52 web: www.vailgov-rom Project ilame: REISS REPAINT Proiect Description: REPAINT DCSTING HOUSE DRBNumber: DRB070502 Project Address: 1784 MATTERHORN CR Legal Descrlption: Parcel Number: Gommentsr Participants: OWNER HELMUT REISSTRUfi 0911912007 Phone: 949-497-2150 1401 LAWENDER I.ANE I.AGUNA BEACH cA 92551 APPUCANT HELMUT REISS TRUfi 091 L9|ZO07 Phone: 949-497-2150 1,101 I.AWENDER I.ANE LAGUNA BEACH cA 92651 1784 MATTERHORN CR VAIL Location: LOt: 3 BIOCK Subdivislon: VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 2 2103-123-0604-0 Must paint entire deck dark green Motion By: Seond By: Vote: Gondltlons: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of ApprovaE 09 I 19 | 2047 Cond:8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not consUtute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Nicole Peteron DRB Fee Paid: $20.00Planner: M inor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colomdo 81657 teli 97O.479.2L28 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: Atl projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission.'Deiign rcview approirat lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the apploval. Descraption of the tr{c r {'v' Location of the Prcposal: Lot: physicar Address: / 7 ( 4 M *frY-A *t t p' Ai rce t parcer No.: Z t iS eS ALW^tL%gr" co. Assessor at e70-328-8d40 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of owner(s):(t' t Mailing Address:hcuvt ?e - Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:FLU| |s-l rf Maifing Address: E-mail Address: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot oftotal sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residenUal or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-rooling, painting window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee aF 6toJ 0 u, ot) Type of Review and Feer tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New C-onstructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (muhi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (singlefamily/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Sepantion Request I( tr tr / 4Ot Lfi V e>rt +**f+it*t'l**f+f++**'t****++++t***a*++ffi*tl'*******i+*1't'+r*****ir**ir**ia***r***************r** TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO 'itll*++++*tl'+{'t**{r****+++++*****+++t**+*t*r****tt+**t**r***+t+*+++++f+'t+*+st,atement Nurnber: R070001901 Amount: $20.00 09/79/2oo7r0:11 AM Palment l,tethod: Caah Init: iIS Notation: $,/HEIJM['T REISS Permlt. No: DRB0705O2 TIE)e: DRB -Minor Att, SER/DUP Parcel No: 2103 -123 -0504-0 SiTC AddTEEE: 1?84 I,TATTERHORN CR VAIIJ L,ocation: 1784 MATIERHORN CR Tot,al Fees ! 920.00This Palment: 920.00 Tota1 AIjJ prntB: 920 . 00 Balance: $0.00 ***{t*tlffftlf*tfaft*a*+tf++fl't't'}*'}****f*afilt*+*a'{rtt**{'***++f*+*at+*l++*********a*f*l'*'}l{'*** ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR 00100003112200 DESTGN REVIEI/|I FEES 20.00 Stat€ment cEHttotY lttGLsl*}rt V;E.Vlb1, \udrl tt Design Review Board t'*g ACTION FORU Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Proiect llame: MUSSoN C|-IANGE Project Descrlpuon: Cedar panel fence (two 5' x 6' panels) to be constructed at west of o<isting home to mitigate hlghwpy noise: the fence will erd adJacent to the o<isting large pine tree or wlth newly planted tree at farthest west point. Participants: owNER MUSSON, PAUL F. & EUSA M. 08/14/2006 9402 CRYSTAL tN LONGMONT co 80203 AppucANT MUSSON, PAULF. &EUSAM. 08/1412005 9402 CRYSTAL [N LONGMONT co 80203 ProiectAddressz TTS4MATTERHORNCRVAIL loca6on: 1784 MATTERHORN CR tegal Descrlption: Lot 3 Block Snbdivision: VAIL UtLAGE WEST FIL 2 Parcel Number: 2103-123-0604{ @mnents: see ondition DRBilumber: DR8060373 Modon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACdON: APPROVED Date of ApProval: 08/30/2006 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate revieur ommittee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB apprwal does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult wlth Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activiUes. Cond:201 DRB appro/al shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of apprwal. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year folloMng the date of final apprornl, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toruard compleUon. Cond: CON0008402 . Applicant shall complete fence to abut large existing spruce at west end of yard or : . shall plant new tree to appropriately terminate west end of new fence. Planner: DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Changes To The Apprwed ptanr ffi Application for oesign Revlew ffm,ffit *frH,lffiffiw,HffiT* qcb: lfuf,r,lIdilg0,(Ixll GrneldInfundon: Al-gmFcts '"4rifi0.d."ign r.rb, ru* r€c{\rc ?pmyer p.ifi to srmrtirE a tu[dt[ psrfi +pricdon. pk srEfar to tllc srbmlltal rcqul|€rleft q.t!e parttu# apprr'ilit"* isroc,rstt.d, ln ailtcatlon fri oeoon ngvrs,rjcaft|ot be aca$td tnil dl rqrlrcrl.irfonntln r drlrrno ty iil'citrnrrrny'cir[r'opri"i'ild#lrr 16*@S trEr-ib nad to b rarutrea ur tne ronn c"dt#V; dle Fhrrtn0 rnd Envtonoirtaa conrrtlsb.r.Dmlln mrhw rppmvll lqr..r urleo r tglitrrrLpunn iJ l-..,i.a rnC co-ilruil|5-*iiffi nftffna!F*ollFmrouat dlordmcfftrpropmt: uot 5 uodr:_tuborvrslar.,@*"H= IPffittddrur: 118+ M4rrefl*o4r Cj ec_t-E, V,ftu *"7\l -,*t i^rs's, .'e.. -._s-a -JS9-E_LJ t|s,ntac EagE G. A6sess0r lt gal"3zg.ggfir fd parEl no.) Aal :!Er{ng3 dt+ace Fflnarr-y wrr.rnqsr[tH.td(t)l rf'r vL E' E4.,t\A &llr(to$ tl mmngrdr|crr 4*<S> Cl-q tr*t L{*J[ Lo-,rr,ttn^.r f,,. Pa?nz ly, Alfefis)of tur{r)l YftnL g,Lr eo ,ff,ofthGRr$s.u 9oear * HEflfnefildFgll v)t+{\ (EilffiL l_Nl , LouC,v,ortr b POSog tlt TlFof R.rrltrsndF.r Co't'n \ Id crargss b f,pprotrud ,tans {zo For mr,tdom E plans drcady alpnved b}, pErnlno Stalf orur \ l#:#^ffir.*.**""*n,R6'r'w** !N Signatu]e of Homeowrer(s) or Aeroclauon Ch€ctNo,t , Ey:_ L - 6F ocsrvo., o(r- $ZO FScdcv\FOnME\Frmft$ptrortnelDRSld&_chrnF_to_{prsrsdJrldT_tjag6_051r_tooi.do6 Jun-01-0t 0e rlkn Fror-TDftt 0F VAlt Cfl[UtT? 0Nr/BL*tfff l?!{fetfi2 \* pFs T-r8r p.00#008 F{te ""# ,-y,49{ ,/ {r( ,/d o I'-r,g lblg \\* -\\hI i\ =E L| 'i1. ,--L. (J) //E 9.. 7'uTunI F F;p .t I N s N \\ lH I \\ lr, :@. l-l! 2.' \. Jr a.t Far .r Flu a- (t ( jl =zE5 t E- fiflCto,a**b 8T .lv^o8dd\MJtn=u \Y" :b13 rrvo \ -,r''t\.* i, t/l ;fiF/_Jo EI{ ,-i" *rf. ri'i.o n ,l l { iHt: E ffi$ uE\tH-"{ d A' xF -.....------iU'0u tg;H V :lJ'dS t$urS3B ti/V\UE f g s$ tdfi Elisabeth Reed - RE:1 From: "Paul Musson" <paul@themussons.com> To: "'Elisabeth Reed"'<EReed@vailgov.com>Date: 0U12|2OOG 5:11:56 PMSubjec{: RE: DRB application Elisabeth I forgot to mention that we nould use 2 cedar panels, 6' by 6' to build the fence Regards Paul --Original Message-- From; Elisabeth Reed [mailto:EReed@vailgov.com] Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 4:32 PM To: paul@themussons.com Subject DRB application hftp://wwuvailgov.com/docs/dformJdrb_change_to_approved_plans_11rage_05- 11-2006.pdf Hello Paul: The above link will lead 1ou to the application that we will ne€d in order to consider the changes/modifications to your deck plan and site. Feel free to call with anyquestions. Also, the drawings and the application may be faxed to us if that is easiest for 1rcu as well. 970 4792452. Thanks, Elisabeth Reed 970 4792454 llt'lli+****lflllll*||llfffftffll**t**'}llfaf+*+*lf+a+*t+*tl'tl*+f*illll+++tatl*******'t'laaiataal TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Sta&m€otlalalflfttttlttltlttltlal*t*ltlllllraaaaa*ttt'llfllla*t*ll11tt**lll*frraafaaaa+**+fffft*aalaa StaEenent Nr:rnber: R060001280 Anror.urt: $20,00 08/23/200608815 AIr: Payment llethod: Checlc IniE: iISNotation: L6O2/PI.JII' l,lUSgOlt ' Permlt No: DR8060373 T]t)e: DRB -Chg to Appr PIanE Parcel llo: 2103- 123 -0604 -0Site Addresas 178{ I{ATTERIIORN CR \,AIL, Location 3 1784 MATTmHORN CR ToEaL tr'ees! $20.00Ttris Palrment3 $20.00 Total AL,L Pmtse: $20.00Balance: $0.00*afl*a***flaaaaaaaltfflfaaaaaaaa**a*t****+**ft*ill********'}l'a{r*ar*'t'}*'}+ffft++a****a*'|'aaa'aaafr ACCOUNTITEM IJST: Accoune Code Deacription Curr€nt Ebta DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGII REI'IEW FEES 20.00 Va,e V;ll 7eturttlofS Deeign Review Board ACTIOI{ FORlrl Department of cammunity Deyelopment 75 South Fror*aoe Road, Vail, Colorado E1657 tel: 970.479,2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: wwru.vailgov.comsmrfwrllElcrExf Prcject Name: MUSSON DECK Pror€ct Descdpffon: Prcject Address: Legal Descrlpdon: Parcel l{umber: Comments: DRB llumber: DR8060185 RNAL APPROVAL TO INCREASE TTIE WIDTH OF fiE B(ISNNG DECK WHICH HAS BEEN DAMAGED BY SNOW FATUNG FROM fiE ROOF; deck expansion is shy of 50'creek setback (see attached site plan from minor subdivison in 2001) Pardclpants: OWNER MUS$N, PAUL F. & EUSA M. O5I26I2cp,6 9402 CRYSTAL LN LONGMONT co 80203 APPUCANT MUS$N, PAUL F, & EUSA M. 0512612006 9402 CRYSTAL LN LONGMONT co 80203 1784 MATTERHORN CR VAIL Locauon: 1784 MATTERHORN CR Lob 3 Block: Subdivisionr VAIL WIIAGE WEST RL 2 2103-123{604{ see conditions Irlotion By: Second By: Vote: GondlUons: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Acdon: APPROVED Date of ApprcYalz 0610212006 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Torrn of Vait staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Oond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year follodng the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toflard completion. Cond: CON0008101 The applicant shall insure that nearby trees remain unharmed during expansion of the dedc @td: @N0008102 Tha applkant shall rcrnorc the rnnonbrmlng f,oodllghb on the rcsldene prlor b the gnnhg of a Temporary CerUflcaE of Ooryarcy by the Communlty Datebpment Depeftment. Cord: @MD08103 The appllcant shall lnsurc that all materlab used in the ogansbn d U|e deck m#r $6e Uiat oGt upon tfp reslderre cur€nUy, boffi In olor and st/e. Plutnor: Ellsabeft Edcel DRB Fce Pdd: 120.m M inor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Fronbge Road, Vail, Colondo 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.wilgw.com General Information: All projects requiring dedgn rwierv must reeive approval prior to submifting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requiremeflts for the particrlar appoval that is requested. An application for Design Radew cannot be accepted unUl all required informaton is received by the Community Dorelopment Departnent. The project may also need b be rwieved by the Town C.ouncil and,/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview approval lapses unl..s a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Reouesb | il CAE AaF_ Ntnokt llno NrN ffiA,6,e I Wl bn{ A- a+++ Ercrsfr ^r4 PL5.16brv,s,'t.,-. ^q!Locauonof theproposal: Lot: 3 Bbck:-subdivision: H€stj6Dtt"t""tLofr > ? 3 H physicaf Address: t18,,+ t4*rtee*o e* C-te*^*, vnu U &tbg (iltWr"Y,Physical Address: I l6t1- t'rrrrttrYrroKN Uf<{:a*t Yttt'-, , Cn (.J.lb\ I lKLFtt&gQ-n loj, I Parcef No.: >oj lL3 ob O+o (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-852o for parcel *.) tl a|}{.1 Zoning: G,\t-Name(s)ofowner(s): KIhJL A b-'tisl' t\AusSo* .-,.rsrrrE\-rrrrrrrrrrrr\rr. airaitingMcress: g+o> CPLf SI-/4t- l-\i:C r Loz!l9to:'i .r?: U\ Owner(s) Signature(s): na Name of Applicant! YauL Mus(on v Mai.tingAddress: \4a> qlsrv+. t/h>Jg \r Lo '. crqo,v'i oaE-mailAddress: F4r.l @ $e4q,rr"ssons.cr^,- Fax: | 86t b Typeof Reviewand Fee: \;/ ftr. Signs $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot oftotal sign area. tr Conceptual Review No Fee tr New Conshuction $650 For construdion of a new building or demo/rebuild,tr Addition $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (indudes 250 additions & interior onversions).tr Minor Alteration $250 For minor dranges to buildings and site improvements, such as,(mult-family/commocial) re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. Minor Alteration $20 For minor dranges to buildings and site improvements, such as,(single.family/duplex) re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.E Changes to Approved Plans $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board.tr Separation Request No Fee It'}a'|lallllflltt*llttttlal**tll+ttl**tfaf*aaaaftft*a************a**+a+*++*****++*+*****+*t** TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stat mclrtf**flltttttfaaaaatalatttaraaltt*alaaa*+++**tt++llfat+lfataaa+1"|tataaaa+faal+tflaftataallatla Statement Ininlrer: R050000684 Amount: $20.00 Os/.26/200609:28 AIrl Pa)nrent Metlrod: Check Init : itsNotatlon: 1308/PAI[, I,IUSSON Pemits No: DR8050185 Tl4re: DRB-Minor Alt,SFR,/DUP Parcel No: 2L03 -123 -0604-0 SLEe AddreaE: 1784 'MATTERHORN CR VAIIJLocatioa: 1784 I/IAIrERI|ORN CR Tota1 FeeBs $20.00This PayiEnt: $20.00 Total lJ,L PnEg: $2O.OO rf .r.f.rr...*.....$frrr.*.*r*$r*'1....fr,*ri*r+******+**.r*.**.*13*1T1ii..........ir3ii.0 ACCOTJNT ITEMLIST: Account Code DeecriptLon Curreat Pmta DR OO1OOOO3LLa?OO DESI@S REVIBW FEES 20.00 JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER n I, (print name) (fu L I U SSo J , a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description)t18t rv\k"fiVa-hoA e^eave, VAlu, Co &'bsf prwide this fetter as written approral of the plans aut"a 4>>lob which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be ompleted at the address noted abotre. I understand that the proposed improvements include; F WrN€a.rr'.rq Ar( bat(nnl6 \ec-.r< I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans orer the course of the review process to ensure ompliance with the Town's applicable odes and regulaUons. ]rtoc (Signature)(Date) F :\dev\FORMS\PERMm\Phnnin g\drb_mi nor_alt_u -23-2005.doc LIl23l2O0s Page 2 of 13 MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General InformaUon: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water featqres, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS** Stamped Topographic Suruey* Site and Grading Plan* Landscape Plan* Architectural Elevations* Exterior color and material samples and specifications. Architectural Floor Plans* Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures tr, Title repofi including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easements* uf Photos ofthe existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable. o Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable o Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable*o The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submitthree (3) copies of ihe mohrtab notedwith an asterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior changes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of exisUng and proposed floor plans, a title report and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and underctand the above listed submittal requirementsl Proiect Name: Contractor Signature 7 o o 7 o oate signea (uJoL F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMm\Planning\drb-minor-alt-1 1-23-2005.doc Ltl23l200s Page 3 of 13 Topographic sunvey!r Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyor. Date of surveyr North arrow and graphic bar scale. Scale of 1"=10'or L"=20). Legal description and physical address. Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40o/o, and floodplain). nes to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the survey. Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner.. Show right of way and propefi lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.. Indicate all easemenb idenUfied on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title repoft. List any easement restrictions.. Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt along the street frontage of the prcperty at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot.. Topographic condilions at two foot contour intervals o Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameten of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade.. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc,).o All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.).. Environmental Hazards (ie. rocKall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils)o Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback). Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include:. Cable W Sewer Gas. Telephone Water Electric. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc.. Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. . Site and Grading Plan:. Scale of !"=20' or larger. Property and setback lineso Existing and proposed easements. Existing and proposed grades . Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including deck, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.r All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height.. Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade. . A 4'wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction.. Locations of all utiliUes including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures.. Proposed surface drainage on and off-site.. Location of landscaped areas.. Location of limits of disturbance fencing F:\cdev\FoRMs\PERMlTS\Plannine\drb_minor_all11-?i2l943ffi Pase 4 of 13 PROPOSED MATERIAIS Buildino Mabrials Tvpe of Material Ir/* NIA other Wall Materials U /n hloo s woo b windows N /f windowTrim - N/A Color Roof Siding Fascia Soffits Doors Door Trim ^r/AHand or Deck Rails W AO Flues Flashing \J /A Chimneys N / A Trash Enclosures N /A E-rl-tSOA6 Er0(ndr' EAow^r -fo M4:l:o,t NiA wnzr}. g€orur.l fo ttn*{LA N/r il l,qRetaininsWalls N l^ ExteriorLighting NJI Notes: Please speciff the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attagh a color chip.* inf ruu r^8d(l\ Ev*nlq P&,.rf- Pu,tx<t geg Ntloros, Greenhouses F:\cdev\FoRMs\PERMm\Pbnning\drb-mlnor-altjl-23-200s.doc Page 6 of 13 LLl23lZ00S . Location of all required parking spaces. Snow storage areas,. Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure. r Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering dnwings are required for walls between 4' and 6'feet in height. o Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable . Landscape Plan:. Scale of 1" = 20'or larger. Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan. . Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger, Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new locaUon), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading. . Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs. . Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover.. Delineate criUcal root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction.. Indicate the location of all proposed plantings. . The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation.. Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. . Lighting Plan:. Indicate type, location and number offixtures.. Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area. Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. . REPAINTPROPOSALS . For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: . Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s). Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffiits,'etc,) F;\cdev\FoRMS\PERMlTs\Plannlng\drb-minor-alt-11-23-2005.d0c Page 5 of 13 lU231200s PROPOSED LANDSCAPING* N o- -d6-JCE -,(o l-+'.>raa+,d (V Botanical llame Common l{ame ouantiw Size PROPOSEDTREES AND SHRUBS DCSTING TREES ro BE REMoVED NOlg Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footage GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) F:\cdev\FoRMs\PERMfs\Planning\drb-minor-alt-11-23-2005.d0c Page 7 of 13 1112312005 &) urtrryAppRovAl&vERrFrcArroN 10'tr1{trvl[i.Z ini-s ibim serves to verifu that the proposed improvements will not impact any o<isting or proposed utility services, and also to veriff service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading plan. floor plan, and elerations, shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. Authorized Siqnature Comments Date QWEST 970.513.7189 (tel) 970.384.0257(fax) 970.687.0722 (cetl) Contacts: Steve Waters s,waters(Oowest.com EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4076 (tel) 970.468.1401 (fax) Contact: Rich Sisneros HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970.947.5425 (tel) 970.945.a081 (fax) Contact: Jeff Vroom ivroom@holvcross.com EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4038 (fax) Contacts: Kit Bogart 970.262.4024 Katherine Bogert EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (tet) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee fhaslee@erwsd.oro COMCAST CABLE 970.468.2669 ext. 1100 (tel) 970.468.2672 (fax) Contact: Brad Dorcas bradelv dorcas@cable.comcast.com NOTES: 1. If the utility approval & verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2, If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Pub|icWorksattheTownofVai|'inanypub|icright-of-wayoreasement within the Town of Vail. A buildino oermit is not a Public Way oermit and must be obtained seoaratelv. The Developer is required and agrees to submit any rwised drawings to the utilities for re-approval & re-verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless othen rise specifiolly noted within the comment area of this form). Develope/s Signature F :\cdev\FORMS\PERMm\Planning\drb-minor-alt-1 1-23-2005.doc LU23l2oo5 Date Page I of 13 Vtrr^r ' 1?o*, Ii\J1 Loctno^, W VQnposr L f.ttSrt,.tt- NLt{ br c e ( s/tr/]ooa S<256 tvr ll r;i'l"'lo 'tr.r s {ttb ir rrM0\r-,D r (;.lr \ N \\ \ \ t .-r- -<- ) ( It.''t\l)zI azJ lLl el:lo It! - t'\ \ \ I,J \\ a U) : o_ z l € <co uJ lr) c..l i,r A6) (n a z Fr-co:(zo =L!r-z>..<L!!! :'< *,)-ultr LJ *=<.i ,.,(4Y Ea8<FoL! trJ Ll_q FO? F8OEJc;L ,^'.'E- ari \ (-, ?-. t-, rr-.' i:Q- -t OL' o. () ab& pr$t *-,i:, w LI N \ N a\ N a r\,rq .\,,i ,b* ,;9rrjti Qw'*0,VWlt1Ao.lG (t') ------\a I 38', I I lr. I ItO usr: -+ -i+ >t' 1P1t1rt\l nr i;A.ll DF :\t'/ S-: '"'AL ft.d2. @7_- l V,,lrs(1Jto \auz I I I I It I I I I I I I I I ?bpov,t b90a Al,0 rflor..l I , 2 t -'-U -rZ,rgVa'7,2Evrsru Q Vu w E 1i J^ "6 E \II \ \ i % N. ( !ii I i:ilcri Iii! | lll! ?iii!ir !t;! ti; r,,t d' rliiliri ^- r6lirrt'!; I i!:'\t3 -!il.zllit; ! I:: i! '..'\ ' o- \ 'o< l! ---*:.:E 3B g N \ N N$'b" I 2'/l t:iI tE;ii !2t tt ? ,"'i: !5n *; I :54: ordinance is necessary and proper for the healfh, safety and welfare ol the Town of Vail and the 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 970-479-2138 FA){970-479-2452 COMMT]MTY DEVELOPMENT FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: Paul Musson COMPAI\IY NAME: FAX TELEPHONE NIIMBER: 866 225 9088 Elisabeth ReedFROM: DATE:06 02 06 930 am # oF PAGES rN DOCUMENT (NOT INCLUDTNG COVER SEEET) RESPONSE REQUIRED? SENTBY TOWN OF'VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX # gIONIgAg TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TELEPHOI\TE # 97H79-2138 SPECIAL COMMENTS AI\D NOTES: Good morning Paul: I have staffapproved the application for a deck expension with a few conditions; one regarding tree preservation, one regarding matching materials, and one regarding the renoval o11trs flssdllghts located on your resldence. Please don't hesitate tg4ontact me with questions or concerns. Enjoy your weekend! Best, 970 479 2454 V{,/r/"Lurf *, /"fs Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r38 FAX 970-479-2452 www,vailgov.com August 29,2005 Dr. and Mrs. Richard Engle 1850 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Re: Alpine Creek Townhouses Bed and Breakfast 1850 South Frontrage Road WesVLot 3, Vail Village West 2d Filing Conditional Use Permit Application % Dear Dr. and Mrs. Engle, Thank you for inquiring of the Town regarding the need to acquire a Conditional Use Permit in order to operate a Bed and BreaKast within the Residential Cluster zone district, according to Section 12{E-3, Vail Town Code. Some research of the legal file for the referenced lot proved fruitful in that a Conditional Use Permit was already approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission at its February 8, 1993 public hearing. I have enclosed the copy of the confirmation approval letter, the minutes from that meeting, and the memorandum witten by Town of Vail Planning staff to request such Permit. Additionally, I have enclosed the requirements for Bed and Breakfast Operations as they are outlined in the Vail Town Code, Section 12-14-18. This information may be useful to you as you continue to operate the Bed and Breakfast. Please don't hesitate to contiact me with any further questions or concerns. May you have a most pleasant fall. 970.479.2454 enclosures {p ^""r.uo ro""^ ;)ttMemorandum ,]'l'E ,^ To: ptanning & Environmentarcommission -* tnrpF FROM: Community Development Department DATE: November 12,2001 SUBJECT: A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-S (Lot Area and Site Dimensions), a minor subdivision of Lots 2 & 3, VailVillage West, Filing No. 2, to allow for the relocation the common property line and a rezoning of Lot 3, VailVillage West, Filing No.2, from Two-family Primary/Secondary zone district to Single-family zone district and setting forth details in regard thereto, located at 1784 & 1794 South Frontage Road WesVLots 2 & 3 VailVillage West, Fiting No. 2. Applicant: Phil HagermanPlanner George Ruther I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUESTS The applicant, Phil Hagerman, has submitted three development review applications to the Town of Vail Community Development Department. All three applications are associated with Lots 2 & 3, Vail Village West, Filing No 2, which are located at 1784 & 1794 South Frontage Road. The purpose of the applications is to facilitate the future residential development of Lots 2 & 3. The three applications are: 1. Minor Subdivision The applicant is requesting an approval of a minor subdivision application for Lots 2 & 3, VailVillage West, Filing No. 2. Pursuant to section 13-2-2 ol the Vail rown code, a Minor subdivision is defined as "any subdivision containing not more than four (4) lots fronting on an existing street, not involving any new street or road or the extension of municipal facilities and not adversely affecting the development of the remainder of the parcel or adjoining property." The applicant is proposing to vacant the existing common property line between Lots 2 & 3 and move it approximately 67'to the east. The net effect of vacating, and then replatting the common lot line, would be an increase in buildable area of Lot 2 and a reduction in buildable area of Lot 3. Please refer to the attachments for details. 2. Lot Area and Site Dimension Variance The applicant is requesting an approval of a variance from the minimum lot area and site dimension reguirements for Lot 2. Pursuant to Section 12-6D-5 of the Vail Town Code, "the minimum lot or site area shall be fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet of buildable area, and each site shall have minimum frontage ot thirty feet (30'). Each site shall be of a size and shape capahle of enclosing a square area, eighty teet (80') on each side, within its boundaries." Lot 2 is currently non-conforming with regard to the minimum lot area and site dimension requirements. Specifically, the buildable area of Lot 2 is only 3,650 square feet when 15,000 square feet is required. The lot conforms to the size/shape and frontage requirements. According to Section 12-2-2 of the Vail Town Code, buildable area is defined as, "any site, lot, parcel or any portion thereof which does nof contain designated flood plain, red hazard avalanche area, or areas in excess of forty percent (0%) s/opes." The applicant is requesting a variance, in association with the minor subdivision request, to resubdivide Lots 2 & 3 to create a reconfigured Lot 2 with an increased amount of buildable area. However, the resulting lot would not have15,000 square feet of buildable area, and therefore, a variance approval is required. lf approved as proposed, Lot 2 would have approximately 4,000 square feet of additional buildable area bringing the total buildable area of Lot 2 to approximately 7,650 square feet. Lot 3 would continue to be in conformance with the minimum lot area and site dimension requirements (12,500 square feet buildable area), provided the rezoning request is approved. 3. Rezoning The applicant is proposing to rezone Lot 3, Vail Village West Filing No. 2. According to the Official Town of Vail Zoning Map, Lot 3 is zoned Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential. The applicant is requesting an approval to rezone Lot 3 from Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential zone district to Single-Family Residential zone district. The intent of the rezoning is to facilitate the residential development of Lot 2, Vail Village West Filing No. 2, and to maintain compliance with the applicable development standards for Lot 3. The main reason behind the rezoning proposal is that the buildable area requirement for lots zoned Single-Family Residential is 12,500 square rather than the 15,000 square feet required for the Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential zone district. II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION MINOR SUBDIVISON The Community Development Department recommends approval of the proposed minor subdivision request based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section V of this memorandum and subject to the following findings: 1. That the application complies with the intent and purposes of the Subdivision Regulations, the Zoning Ordinance and other pertinent regulations that the Planning & Environmental Commission deems applicable. 2. That the application is appropriate with regard to Town policies relating to subdivision control, densities proposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documents, environmenlal integrity and compatibility with the surrounding land uses and other applicable documents, and effecis on the aesthetics of the Town. VARIANCE The Community Development Department recommends approval of the proposed variance from Section 12-6D-5, Vail Town Code, and is based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section Vl of this memorandum and subject to the following findings: 1. That the granting of'the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential zone district. 2. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of the Zoning Regulations. 3. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable lo the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential zone district. 4. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. 5. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. REZONING The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning & Environmental Commission forward a recommendation of approval of the request to rezone of Lot 3, Vail Village West, Filing No. 2, from Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential zone district to Single-Family Residential zone district. Staffs recommendation for approval is based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section Vll of this memorandum and subject to the following findings: 1. The proposed rezoning is consistent with the adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail Comprehensive Plan and compatible with the Town of Vail's development objectives. 2. That the proposed rezoning is compatible with and suitable to adjacent uses and appropriate forthe area. 3. That the proposed rezoning is in the best interest of the public health, welfare and safety. Should the Planning & Environmental Commission choose to grant the minor subdivision, variance and rezoning request, staff recommends the following conditions: 1. That the applicant submits a final plat of the resubdivision of Lots 2 & 3, Vail Village Wesi, Filing No. 2, to the Town of Vail Gommunity Development Department for review and approval prior to recording the plat with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder. The final plat shall be recorded within one (1) year of the date of Planning & Environmental Commission approval. III. BACKGROUND The final plat of the Vail Village West Subdivision, Filing No. 2 was approved by the Eagle County Planning Commission on April 22,1965. In September of 1978, the Town of Vail annexed the Vail Village West Subdivision. Upon annexation of the area, Lot 3 was zoned Greenbelt and Natural Open Space, and Lot 2 was zoned Primary/Secondary Two-Family Residential. In May of 1984, the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission recommended approval of a request to rezone Lot 3 from Greenbelt and Natural Open Space to Primary/Secondary Residential. The rezoning was approved on two readings of an ordinance by the Town Council on July 3, 1984 (Ordinance No. 19, Series of 1984). Lot 3 has been developed with a single-family dwelling unit. The single-family dwelling unit has not used up all the development potential. Approximately 5,418 sq. ft. of GRFA is permitted on Lot 3 presently. Since its original creation as a lot, Lot 2 has been intended to be used as a residential lot. IV. ZONING ANALYSIS LOT 2 LOT 3 Existino Prooosed Existino ProposedZoning: P/S P/S P/S SFR Total LotArea: 17,167 sq. ft. 23,532 sq. ft. 23,183 sq. ft. '16,816 sq. ff. Street Frontage: 335 ft. 402ft. U4ft. 277 fr,. Minimum Loi Size (15,000 sq. ft. of Buildable Area): 3,650 sq. fi. 7,819sq.fL 17,795sq.fi. 13,626 sq. ft. Does the lot meet the size/shape requirement of 80'x 80'? no yes yes yes Allowable GRFA: 4,817 sq. ft. 5,453 sq. ft. 5,418 sq. ft. 3,982 sq. ft. V. MINOR SUBDIVISION CRTTERIA One of the basic premises of subdivision regulations is that the minimum standards for the creation of a new lot must be met. Although this proposal is not truly creating two new lots, instead, lt is reconfiguring two existing lots. As a result, this project will be reviewed under the Minor Subdivision Criteria, pursuant to Title13, of the Vail Town Code. The first set of review criteria to be considered by the Planning and Environmental Commission for a Minor Subdivision Application are as follows: A. Lot Area - The Vail Town Code indicates that the minimum lot or site area for a property located within the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District, shall be 15,000 sq. fi. (0.344 acre) of buildable area. The Code defines buildable area as any site, lot, parcel or any portion thereof, which does not contain designated floodplain, red hazard avalanche, or areas in excess of 40%. The existing Lot 2 does not currently meet the minimum lot area requirement set forth above. Currently, the buildable area of Lot 2, as indicated in the Zoning Analysis above, is approximately 3,650 sq. ft. The proposed property line modification would increase the buildable area of Lot 2 to approximately 7,819 sq. ft. The existing Lot 3, however, does currently meet the minimum lot area requirements for a lot zoned Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential. The buildable area of Lot 3 is currently 17 ,795 sq. ft. With the proposed property line modification, the buildable area of Lot 3 would be reduced to 13,626 sq. fi. B. Frontaqe - The Vail Town Code requires that lots in the Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District have a minimum frontage of 35'. Both Lots 2 & 3 currently have a street frontage in excess of 35' and the proposed minor subdivision will not have a negative effect on the frontage of either lot. C. Site Dimensions - The Vail Town Code requires that each lot be of a size and shape capable of enclosing a square area, 80 feet on each side, within its boundaries. Lot 2 currently does not meet the size and shape requirement for lots in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. The proposed minor subdivision would create a lot of the size and shape necessary to enclose a square area, 80' on each side, within its new boundaries. Additionally, Lot 3 currently meets the size and shape requirement and would continue to meet the requirement with the proposed minor subdivision. The second set of criteria to be considered with a minor subdivision request are as outlined in the subdivision regulations, and are as foltows: 'The burden of proof shall rest with the applicant to show that the application is in compliance with the intended purpose of Title, the Zoning Ordinance and other pertinent regulations that the PEC deems applicable. Due consideration shall be given to the recommendations by public agencies, utility companies and other agencies consulted. The PEC shall review the application and consider its appropiateness in regad to Town policies related to subdivision control, densffies proposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documents, effects on the aesthetics of the Town, environmental integrity and compatibility with sunounding uses." The subdivision purpose statements are as follows: 1. To inform each subdivider of the standards and criteria by which development and proposals will be evaluated and to provide information as to the type and extent of improvements required. Staff Response: One of the underlying purposes of subdivision regulations, as well as any development control, is to establish basic ground rules by which the staff, the PEC, applicant and the community can follow in the public review process. Although this request does not involve the creation of two new lots, it is the appropriate process to amend the existing configuration of two existing lots. 2. To provide for the subdivision of property in the future without conflict with development on adjacent properties. Staff Response: Staff does not believe that the proposed minor subdivision would have any negative impacts or create any conflicts, presently or in the future, with development on adjacent properties. These lots were originally platted and approved for development. The proposed minor subdivision will result in a more convenient and workable situation with regard to development potential. 3. To protect and conserve the value of land throughout the municipality and the value of buildings and improvements on the land. Staff Response: Staff does not believe that the proposed minor subdivision would have any negative effects upon the value of land throughout the municipality or upon the value of buildings and improvements on the land. 4. To insure that subdivision of property is in compliance with the Town Zoning Ordinance, to achieve a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land uses, consistent with municipal development objectives. Staff Response: Staff has worked with the applicant in developing a proposal that we believe insures the general intent and specific compliance with the Town's Zoning Ordinances are met. The minor subdivision, if approved, requires a variance approval as well as to maintain compliance with minimum buildable area requirements. While a variance is necessary to achieve the objectives of the applicant, staff believes that the resulting subdivision is consistent with the municipal objectives with regard to land development as Lot 2 is already non- conforming and Lot 3 will continue to conform with all applicable regulations. lf approved, Lot 2 comes into greater compliance with the zoning regulations and will have no negative impacts upon the workable relationship of land uses. 5. To guide public and private policy and action in order to provide adequate and efficient transportation, water, sewage, schools, parks, playgrounds, recreational and other public requirements and facilities and generally to provide that public facilities will have sufficient capacity to serve the proposed subdivision. Staff Response: Staff does not believe the proposed minor subdivision will have any negative impacts on the above described criteria. 6. To provide for accurate legal descriptions of newly subdivided land and to establish reasonable and desirable construction, design standards and procedures. Staff Response: lf approved, the applicant will be required to have a final plat prepared in accordance with the Town's adopted subdivision regulations and recorded with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder's Office. 7. To prevent the pollution of air, streams, and ponds, to insure adequacy of drainage facilities, to safeguard the water table and encourage the wise use and management of natural resources throughout the municipality in order to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the community and the value of land. Staff Resoonse: The applicant will be required to comply with land development prescribed by the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations. Staff believes that the proposal meets the above-described criteria. VI. VARIANCE CRITERIA A. Consideration of Factors Reqardino the Variance: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The applicant is requesting a variance from the minimum buildable area requirement for Lot 2, VailVillage West, Filing No.2, to facilitate the residential development of the site. The lot was platted in Eagle County and subsequently annexed into the Town of Vail municipal limits. Upon annexation the property was zoned Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential and immediately rendered legally, non-conforming. This zoning designation rendered the property non-conforming with regard to minimum buildable area. The applicant's proposal is to increase the amount of buiEable area for Lot 2. While the applicant's proposal does not bring the property into full compliance with the minimum requirements, it does decrease the degree of non-conformity. Staff believes that this reduction in non-conformity meets the intent of the zoning regulation for buildable area and the intent of the non-conforming provisions of the Vail Town Code. Staff believes that there would be no negative or adverse impacts resulting from the requested variance upon existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity of Lot 2, Vail Village West, Filing No.2. Staff does not believe that it is the intent of the zoning regulations to render this lot unbuildable as a result of the original platting and subsequent annexation into the Town of Vail. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Staff believes that the applicant has requested minimum amount of relief possible from the specified regulation to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity of Lot 2 and to attain the objectives of the Zoning Regulations and Subdivision Regulations without resulting in a grant of special privilege. While it is true that the applicant could propose even more buildable area for Lot 2 by simply increasing the lot size, such a proposal would only cause the need for additional variances that would be associated with Lot 3. The degree to which the common lot line was moved to the east was limited by the existing location of the residential structure on Lot 3. To move the common lot line further east would have resulted in the need for a side setback variance for Lot 3. Staff believes it is best to reduce the amount of non- conformity on Lot 2 to the degree possible without creating additional non-conformities on adjacent properties. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff does not believe that the requested variance will have any negative impacts on the above referenced criteria. Though staff would point out that the applicant is required to obtain approval for a South Frontage Road access permit from the Colorado Department of Transportation, prior to the issuance of a building permit for any future development of the site. B. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinqs before qrantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. v[. 3. That the variance is wananted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difflculty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. REZONING ZONING OVERVIEW According to the Official Town of Vail Zoning Mjp, Lot 3, Vail Village West, Filing No. 2, is zoned Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential. The applicant is proposing to rezone this property to Single-Family Residential. The Town of Vail Zoning Regulations are intended to, "Promote the coordinated and harmonious development of the Town in a manner that will conserve and enhanc-e its natural environment and its established character as a resoft and residentiat community of high qualW." The purpose of the Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential zone district is, "intended to provide sites for single-family residential uses or tvvo-family residential uses in which one unit is a larger primary residence and the second unit is a smaller caretaker apaftment, together with such public facilities as may appropriately be located in the same district. The Two- Family Primary/Secondary Residential District is intended to ensure adequate light, air, pivacy and open space for each dwelling, commensurate with single-family and two-family occupancy, and to maintain the desirable residential qualities of such srfes by establishing appropriate site development standards." In contrast, the purpose of the Single-Family Residential zone district is, "intended to provide sites for low density single-family resrdenlial uses, together with such public facilities as may be appropriately located in the same district. The Single-Family Residential District is intended to ensure adequate light, air, privacy and open space for each dwelling, commensurate with single-family occupancy, and to maintain the desirable residential qualities of such sfes by establishing appropriate site develop m ent sta nd ards." REZONING CRITERIA 1) ls the existing zoning suitable with the existing land use on the site and adjacent land uses? Staff believes the existing zoning designation is suitable with the existing and adjacent land uses, but given the inability to reasonably develop Lot 2 due to the significant site constraints of the lot, the zoning is inappropriate for the subject property given the Town's identified development objectives. Staff does not believe that it is the intent of the Town's Zoning Regulations to render a legally platted lot undevelopable. Staff believes that the applicant has identified a reasonable and appropriate means of addressing the significant site constraints associated with Lot 2 by rezoning Lot 3 to Single-Family Residential, and thereby, creating two, more-conforming properties. 2l ls the amendment presenting a convenient workable relationship with land uses consistent with municipal objectives? The proposed rezoning would bring the two lots into greater conformance with the Town's stated goals for residential development. By rezoning Lot 3 to Single- Family Residential the applicant has effectively created two more conforming lots with regard to buildable area. lf approved, Lot 3 will continue to conform to the prescribed development standards for the Single-Family Residential zone district. The proposed zoning designation would bring one currently non-conforming lot into greater conformity with the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations and eliminate the need for variances from adopted regulations. 3) Does the rezoning provide for the growth of an orderly viable community? In accordance with the provisions of the Town of Vail Zoning and Subdivision Regulations and Vail's Comprehensive Plan elements, staff believes this rezoning provides for the groMh of an orderly viable community. Staff believes any development under existing zoning would circumvent the Town's desire for the growth of an orderly, viable community. 4l ls the change consistent with the Land Use Plan? The proposed rezoning is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies and all other elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan. Specific Land Use Plan goals that are relevant to this proposal include: 1.2 The quality of the environment including air, water and other natural resources should be Drotected as the Town orows. 10 1.7 New subdivisions should not be permitted in high geologic hazard areas. 5.1 Additional residential growth should continue to occur primarily in existing, platted areas and as appropriate in new areas where high hazards do not exist. According to the Vail Land Use Plan, Lot 3, Vail Village West, Filing No. 2, is designated as 'Medium Density Residential". The purpose of the medium density residential designation is to provide sites for residential development with densities in this category that would range from 3 - 14 dwelling units per buiEable acre. Given the significant physical constraints of Lots 2 & 3, staff believes that Single-Family Residential zone district would be an appropriate land use for the site. Single-Family Residential would permit up to two dwelling units on the site. One of the dwelling units would be a free-market unit and the second would be a deed-restricted employee housing unit. Cunently, one free-market dwelling unit exists on Lot 3, 1l I ORDIMNCE NO. I Seri$ of 2002 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OFFICIALZONING MAP FOR THE TOWN OF VAIL IN ACCORDANCEWITH TITLE 12,ZONING REGUI.ATIONS, CHAPTER5, ZONING MAP; REZONING LOT 3, VAIL VILLAGE WESI FILING NO. 2 FROM TWO-FAMILY PRTMARY/SECONDARY RESTDENTTAL (p/S) D|STR|CT TO STNGLE-FAM|LY RESTDENTTAL (sFR) DTSTRTCT. WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that this zoning designation is compatibl€with and suitable to adjacont uses, is consistentwith the To rn's Land Use Plan and Zoning Regulations, and is appropriate for the areai and WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmentalcommission of the Town of Vail has recommended approvalof lhb zoning map amendment at its No\/ember 12,2OO1, meetirE, and has submitted its re@mmendationto the Tol/ttrr Council: and WHEREAS, fhe Town Council considers ii in the interest of the public health. safety, and welfare to amend the officialTown of Vail OffidalZoning Map NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO,THAT: Section l. The OfiicialZoning Map of the Town of Vail is hereby amended as folloiw: LOT 3, VAIL VILLAGE VVEST, FILING NO. 2 shall be rezonod to Single-Family Residential(SFR) District. Sec'tlon 2. lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase ofthis ordinance istor any reason held to.be invalid, such decision shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have pass€d this ordinance, and each part, section, subsedion, sentence, clause or phrase thereol regadless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subseclions, senten@s, clauses or Dhrases be dedared invalid. Section 3. The Town Council hereby linds, determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and properfor the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. frlnarcc l,lo. I, S.rl..20(12 o Sec{on 4. The amendment of any provision of the Town Code as provided in this ordinance shall not afied any rightwhich has accrued, arry duty imposed, any violation that occuned prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecrlion @mrnenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue ofthe provision amended. The amendment of any provision hereby shall not revive any provisionor any ordinance previously repealed or suporseded unless expressly stated herein. Sectlon 5. All bylaws, orders, resolutbns and ordinances, or parts ther€of, inconsist€nt herewith are repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. This r€p€alershall not b€ construed to revise arry bylaw, order, resolution or ordimnce, d part thereof, thsretobr€ repealed. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLfSHEDONCE lN FULLON FIRST READ|NGthis 8b day of January,2OO2 and a public hearing for semnd reading of this Ordinance set for the 5n day of February, 2002, in th€ Council Ghambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Ludwig Kuz, READANDAPPROVED ON SECOND READINGAND ORDEREO February,2002. PUBLISHEDthis 5h day of i a', Donaldson, Town Clerk @^- Ondn|||ct No. I , 8rd.t 2fl)2 dlinn Review Action rfir TOWN OF VAIL category nunoe o^t" I l' 10' | {4 t tru-( ,/nfrrf Owner, Address and Phone:At,(r,(e Architecvconract, Address and phone: Vr e^* ,l/ *. , I /* //rc Lft ,+. , fnc. /t g t-e 7- /( a to" dltt . l/a)/ (o s/or7 Lesal Description: Lot 3 Bbck - subdivision la;( l) /k t e L+b t/ 4 2 zone Districr Project streetAaaress: / 7 ru/ MlqTftrlora ( C- commenrs: fVr^ f e a rra ad/r <-r d af 6p fl ll0rc Board / Staff Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: n Approval ! Disapproval (stattRpprovat Conditions: Town Planner Date: ll,SO'a{DRB Fee Pre-paia h/ / t o ia IT Tll"e,. tr FAx tr ?osrAL I HANPPELIVERY Dat;€z 1O.13.q, &r?x.t TownoJVallDe?LofcommunltuDevela?menl, Attcntlon: Tandl9louder ffonr Brcnt Alm ftolpolz Aldrele?emo:del Lol 213, wlt Flllng*2 vallOolorado iilryYW TOV.COMIVI. DEV. D[F' @nncnlcz Ran4. Enclo:ledgourulll flnd lwo loplee ol plans and elevallonz for ohangee that uJe would llke to make lo lhe a??royed plans. The ounera have rcqueeted lhal we make thc f ollowlng ohangea. lf\ I . rrelele lhe proposed olalr planned for the goulhwesl elde of lhe ncw- deck A {. 2 . rrelete lhe 9oulheael oorne? column of lhe deci - anellng Lhe deo( overv t- to the exlstlng wall - lo ?roylae belle? aocees Lo lhe lowe? leYel. t.r b 3. oreale a small slorage area al the North end ol lhe exlzllng carporlL) \r A, (undersland ihai thls urlll count aE ORFA -bull dodl thlnk that le at 6lfn problemfor lhlgproJecD. Thanke. It AU1 Affllltcltltf,. aarTssn%n Oartrllnlsz 2B\-revisedplano F9'B9X'21 VALffI.9MD?Fffa: T/Ald/ 1c.13.q9/TOV 6l6tE 7a.2' Slngle FamrrY rcesrcrerrqe-r :11-^==:ISTRICTS Subdivision // derfrs i P}IONE -c/ar" 0 "ffM/fr,r, BUILDT\BLE LOT IRE \ uxlstlnq proDosGd 4/, z/Ut t{ 20, 15', 151 IteighIs complies with t.o.v. !,laLer Courso Seubaelt Do Finish Grades Exceed Environmen Eal/ltazards : Poes this r l.low much of Illowod (30) (33) D^1rEz //' LEGAI, D ADDRESS: OWNER ARCI.TITECT ZONE DTSTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE roual ^rtHeight TOEAI Primary Secirndary scLbacks Sit,e Coverage LandscaPing Robaining wall parking Caragc Crecli t Drive: 3'/6' Pcrmi E u Lighting Ordi ) (600 900) (1200)_ ope -t- Proposcd Yes J (s0) ) Flocid Plain PercenL srope \ t EncL Slope ,t NO + 425 + 425 30r) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow lrvalanb) nockfallc) Debris Flow 4)weElands viow Corridor 'croachmcnt: Yes esL invoive a 250 irqi<iiLiotr? €- e allowed 250 Addition is usea wiun gnis Previous ditions of approval (check proper[y file): 1) 2l 3) ?_ ll 10 *ign Review Action ilt TOWN OF VAIL caregory nu^o", # llr -"Fer , (L('htLu Date tr vz.q{ e,oi"at^r", Al t(rpt'e f?p uo/e I Building Name: Proiect Description: owner,Address ^nornon", l/*l t(Ark /Ae /-----\--'ArchitectFontact, Address and Phone: , J/6s-7 Legal Description: Lot 3 Bbck - Subdivision Yil/o.< Projecl Street Address: Zone District Comments: Motion by: Board / Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: fl Approval ! Disapproval ft/StaftAnnroval Conditions: {, aooa"t F') 2 'f f DRBFeee,e-p"fi E McGE GREG HALL o TODD OPPFNHFIIVIEF: Relurnt'RAilDISToUDEII t. INTER:DEPARTM ENTAL R EVIEW Town Plenncr rffi 6i, )ffr Qr>..z;'wtr 7"frrLi A.f 1>** Dalc: Enginaering: Reviewed by: Commenls: Reviewed by: Commcnts: Landscaping: Dalc: Firc Dcpt.: Reviewed oy, kkfih0 ouro,(-z 8- commcnrs: e? fove) /, , l.vek *uv,r-"du.r.,fl.- 'Dislribuled to lhc Fire Dcpartmenr, pubric works, and Landsc aping on F/ z >- O -------t!-ro: MIKE McGE( .GnE39 roDD opprruH=;ME= ' RA}IDT STCUDER, pnolebr: Enginocring: Reviewed by: Commcnls: fond,{' Reviewed by: Commenls: Firo Dept.: Rcviewed by: Commcnls: .DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Relurn to Town Plennc.r INTER:DEPARTh/ENTAL R EVI EW Zr**/O G"ri L.r"lqs.cer0alc: B\2€; lqs "Z( f f * b eoncr-t,<t Jkhpf.q tw4tlGl ate q \l o cotrec}l.ot\ Prrvnte ? 1'!ryilslce lftAc hrn aror.rd- 9o 1oo n4.re 1 ^ivgp tkrcR ro crrc.a ftr\r la* :,<.t4',/vu' ' ths ta't sq-t cf limz. n€A* ceEdbn.,,,. V/*, Landscaping: Date: Dale: I / ,-'Oislributcd to the Fire Dcpartmenr, pubric works, and Landsc aping on yf ?. y' . I t,/W !a,/^^- VAIL, COLORADO 1 .XtU,a l11b DATE OF DRB MEETING:********** INCOMPIJETE APPTJICATTONS TTAY NOT BE SCHEDT'IJED TOR REVIEnI. *******!t** PRO'JECT INFORIII,ATION : DEScRrpTron: WaOW a? AeTtFta },,€a.frtJT1,'w 21tuy10?€ t.vl.d, 7 /L4 /94 DESIGN REVTEW BOARD APPIJICATION - TOWN OF DATE RECETVED: I. A. B. D. TYPE OF REVIEW: New Const.ruction ($200.00) Addition ($50.00) ($20.00) ($0) C. ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: i,ot.3 BlockSubdivision VAIL )/l lLt ff property is described by a meets and bounds legaldescription, please provide on a separate sheet and aLtach Eo Lhis applicacion. E. ZoNTNG: (?|iuxr-</*otlw-q ffil-q-Afl VA- ATDF€TFNAME OF Mailing APPI.,ICAIT]II: Address: APPLICAIVT' S REPRESEIXTATIVE : Address: NAME OF Mailing va\rr A4-M NAME OF OWNER(S) : -fuwen(s) ITGNATURE: L- Mailing Address: Phone I. Condominium Approval if applicable. .I . DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at. thetime of submiLt.al of the DRB application. Later, whenapplying for a building permit., please idenUify the accuratevaluation of the proposal . The Town of Vail wiII adjust thefee according t.o the table below, to ensure the correct feeis paid.lU FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION dr t\ i|r a n /.\.\.\v v P lvrvvv $ 10, 001 - $ 50,000 $ 50, 001 - $ 1 50, 000 $1s0,001 - $ s00,000 $500, 001 - 91, 000, 000$ Over $1, 000, 000 DESTGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVAIJ INII,ESS A BUII,DING PERMTT IS IS STARTED. FEE rD zU. UU $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00. 00 ONE YBAR AFTER FINAI, ISSUED AtiID CONSIRUCTION -/ta Yltnor AlteraLion -concepEuar Review APPI'ICATIONS 'TILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOW OWNER' S SIGIIATT'RE Condominium Approval if applicable. PRE - APPLT.^iil MBBTTNG : '+II A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning staff is encouraged to deLermine if any additionalapptication information is needed. ft is the applicant's'responsibility to make an appointment wiLh Lhe staff to' determine if there are addit.ional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline Lhe review process for your projecL. III. IMPORTANIT NOTICE REGARDING AIJIJ SUBMISSIONS TO TIIE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, theapplicant musE stake and tape the project. site Lo indicaLe properEy Iines, building lines and buildingcorners. All Lrees to be removed must be taped. Allsite tapings and staking musL be completed prior Lo Lhe DRB site visif. The applicant must ensure thaL staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDfNGS normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual review and a final review. C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meet.ing daLe and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their it.em bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such Lime as Ehe item has been republished. D. The following iLems may, at t.he discreLion of the zoning administrator, be approved by the CorununiLy Development Department staff (i.e. a formal hearing ,.before the DRB may not be reguired) : a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changes which do not alLer the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building addiLions noL visible from any other lot.or public space. At the ti.me such a proposal is submitted., applicants must include letters from adjacent property owners and/or from the agent foror manager of any adjacent condominium associationstating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in'a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow aval-anche, rockfa1l. flood plain, debris f1ow,wetland, etc.), a hazard study must be submitted andthe owner musL sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a building permit.. Applj-cants are encouraged to check with a Town planner prior Lo DRB applicaLion Lo determine the relationshipof Lhe property to all mapped hazards. F. For all resident.ial construcLion: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insideface of t.he exterior strucLural walls of thebuilding; and b. lnclicate wr.th a dashed line on the site plan afour fooL dist.ance from the exLerior face of thebuilding wa11s or supporting columns. If DRB approves the applicaEion with conditions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must be addressed prior Lo Lhe application for a building permi L . IJfST OF MATBRIALS NAIvIE OF PROJECT:hvv('W LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: The following informat,ion is Review Board before a final A. BUIIJDING III,ATERTALS: Roof Sidinq OLher waII Mat.erials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Hand Flues Trim or Deck Rails Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining WalIs Exterior Lightinq OLher required approval TYPB OT suBDrvr s roN VAtt/ V lUtfi(ftAJBT- for submittal to the Design can be given: IIIATERIAL COLOR L1;,tttl,bqgflXp CAX??TO p(gwwnt-Lca 1it-lEt<F W Designer: Phone: B.LANDSCAPING: Name of rPI,ANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Botanical Name .o*o u*"Ouanti t.v Size* ffi?Wt\.Jf V@T ?t=l A.,l dF *rndicate caliper for deciduous trees. deciduous trees is 2 lnches. Indicate Minimum caliper forheight for coniferous trees.**rndicaLe size of propoqed shrubs. 5 qallon. Type GROI'ND COVERS Scruare Footage SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION Lt?Nr0 hflqrF TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION COMTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: ff exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separateIighting p1an. Identify each fixture from the liqht.ing planin Lhe space below and provide the heighL above grade, tlpe ofJ-ight proposed, lumen out.puL, luminous area and a cut sheet ofthe light fixture. (Section 18.54.050 J) f.h{.lf OTHER IJANDSCAPE FEATURES (ret.aining wal1s, fences, swimmingpoo1s, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of reLainingwal]s. Maximum height of walls wiLhin the front setback is3'. Maximum heighl of walls elsewhere on the property is 5, D. ff:liiin SUBDTVISION JOB NAME LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The location and availabitit.y of uLiliLies, whethertrunk lines or proposed 1ines, must be approved andfollowing utilities for Ehe accompanying site p1an. AuEhorized Siqnature they be mainverified by the Date' U.S. West ComrnunicaLions L- 800 -922 - L987 458 - 5860 or 949 - 4530 Public Service Company 949-578L Gary HaIl Holy Cross Electric 949 -s892 Ted Husky/Michael Assoc. Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 949 - 5530 St.eve HiaEt Upper Eagle Va11ey Water & SanitaLion DisLricL * 47 6 -7 480 Fred HasIee W-tz\1tJv hhtf 4ffiiW Qc, P*'q.Lald \Nop 7-/'?r NOTE:1-. rhis form is t.o verify service availability andlocation. This shoutd be used in conjunction withprepari:ng your utility plan and schedulinginstallaLions. 2. For any new construcLion proposal, the applicant must. provide a complet.ed utilit.y verification form. 3. If a utiliLy company has concerns wiEh t,he proposed construction, the utilit,y representative should notdirectly on Lhe utility verification form that thereis a problem which needs to be resolved. The issueshould then be spelled ouE in deEail j.n an attachedlett.er to the Town of Vai1. However, please keep inmind that. ic is the responsibility of the uLilit,y company to resolve identified problens. 4. If Lhe utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no commenLs are made directly on the form, Ehe Town will presume that. there are no problems and that the development can proceed. 5. These verifications do not, relieve the contractor ofhis responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of vai1, DeparUment of Public Works and to obtain utilitv locations before diqqi.no in any public right-of-way or easement in the Town ofVair. A burldfnq permit is not a street cuE permit. A street. cut permit must be obEained separat,ely. 6. Insballation of service lines are at tbe expense andresponsibility of the property o\^rner. * Please bring a siEe p1an, floor p1an, and elevations whenobtaining Upper Eagle Valley Wat,er & Sanitation siqnatures. Fireflow needs must be addressed. r Fami L,or srzE .d1-2:Z M- (?t4lb?7?) $t'f r Y{0 -' ZONE CHECK FOR1y Residence, Duplex, ZONE DISTRTCTS Sinqle O Primarv /Second.ary DA'E: l Jttt^4 t\1V BIockLEGAL DE ADDRESS: OI^INER {rua.avw Allowed BUILDABIJE Existinq LOT AREA Proposed --a - -a- Total ?.9 =777erb ( (/ tvar-+ 425 +425= ?,q'W Db6 Fr,7 Front Sides Rear ...-Site Coverage ^t/FLarLdscaping Nl K/.etatning wa11 HeighLs ff parr<ino M,M? >-->tn,^y\ L uhr c^tuq" Credit .-Orive: /ad t-EAWlt@) NAFIF {?flYt {fkconpties wiEh T.o.v. Liqhrinq ordinance ,.-afater Course Setback (3U (@ r'-'do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50%) r--4nvi ronmen La l,/ Ha za rds :'4\ Flood Plain 4t Percent. slope (/ r :ot) 3) yes NglfP(ffi6ao Geologic Hazards /a) Snow Avalanche ,1// a b) Rockf all _ ^t/ /+' c) Debris.FLffi4 4 ) Wetlands // tt p/[-View Corridor Encroachment: Yes -l I L-n^^- !L.: - -^-..--! :----r---,\ llI iJvsD urrr-rr i q:llrreD L rlrvv.LVc ct zJU frLlUJ. LJ-L)tli How much of the allowed 250 Addition is us t\,t, this requesL? 2Previous conditions of approval (check property ARcHrrEcr WlJf ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE "i/Llul '! Heigbt, e-rfotat GRra MLfUL Primary'GRFA W Secondary GRFA ",,/setbacks #PP ort 6fi tt^tZt,ttt1., Ctt--./ -7 5' v+ nQi, { f.r/C<t-,, lc 1q, Q5)qlZA_ vq t-Iotlr 3,/6' y' ,n"qta 4 , (300) (600) (900) (1200) At/tt- permitted stope b + proposed slope _ry cur) 'yl 6 encl L0 file) : "+,'A \V7 \ €6 t\65 .\P\ ,W::0-0loI rl rEl tal 4 5 iEt ?3ra *(\\ )< E (L z z o o //^/E)INV'I 3NUlCn'r ,il lJ- v) = C.l tRl '/.u, I l'? | q) 3 hri ^A o!) E: t3a3l b€t^ilA sE o9J E: t3 *s Jut ';.!{, Es s 5 EE sf;g >.Oi1ix-g;6a.: t6Fgris o'u I fiiE''::';i= L{E#{P: 3H; !ZfiS o* F ?EE R1E. EEfft9i eEs FA i* ggiig€i 3 ;i iE$f, ft\ \ 5Et\ \9 -nND--l >rC ES ;.iE., E3 ilfi 6\:.srS YlllA!eP .E F.9 EsE z H a fz oz 3xOX<Yul;; (n t!a:) Iz = :l trJ LrJu. Lrl l E.c u( $*.) t a {) a - tl ALIl o A ncHl o T /J fl ta '? ItLt) nc9fir9nATtD C o mmunlt tJ D ev elopmenl D ep ar lmenl Town of Vall vall co a1b31 RE' Aldrele Chaletqemodel ALLentlonz Randg Slouler 01 Julu,1qqa I mef ulth R.andlgl,ouAer In MaU for apreappllcallon conference lo dlecues planned lmp?ovemenla lo lhe exlellng Elrucf,ure and properlg that could recelve glaf t deelgnrevJew ap?roval I amnow eubmlttlng plane onbehalf of lhe Ownere f or Lhe followlnglmprovemenle 1. @nry',ete lnterlplr rcmodpl .,ommenls2 No oonnecllngstalr ls added from lhe malnlevel to the lower level. 2- New ufrdp,.rrs / bore In current localbns. CommenLgz 9lldlngFrench doore re?laoln1 exlel. elldere. NeuJ urlndouJs lo have clad exlerlor- colo? Lo match exlgl. wood wlndow color. ,/{.lndowg tohave lnlerlor removable grlllee. 3. New wlt}dp]u/E- ln Ncu locatbns. commenlgz Neu lulndoure ln a elmllar elze I proporllon have been added lo add llghl to lhe lnlerlor e?acee and lo add lnleregl to lhe exlstlng f acadee. 4. Replzr,errlntof exlsllrgrall\ng, QommenLE Ae are propoelng a new ralllng elmllar lo Lhe currenl deelgn, (flal, u/{tn cul-out d, wll,h more lnler esE. g etale TeA. 5. extenslon of deck lo bacK bedroom n/ rcnoval of exlellrq stalr. CommenLg:. Ae are ??oposlng exhendlng lhe deck oul9'-O", around the eouLh s\de of lhe houee wllh a new slalr leadlng to g?ade. b. Removal of exbllngentrg etalrs outof *lbackrea Commenf,g, The new enlrg stalre wouldbe localed on lhe eael elde of lhe exlsllng deck. 1. Addlrqdetall tollnetrrpof Eheohlmrcg. IIBfiilIAJI.1111Repl'E,lf|gexbLwoodunllslo gae. li naaz.reio CommenlEz Ae pro?oee changlng lhe exlsllng r.9.B9xr2lwood-burnlng flreplace 1 elove lo gas unlls. v L CgL?MDgne would llke to addslucco detall andbrusned a6tE co??er cap lo lhe lop of lhe chlmne1. t' o.gtalnnv / "alntwthe extcrlor. ommenLsz ne are propoelng repalr and replaoemenl of exLerlor maberlale,ln order Lo have a unlform appearance we wan| lo use eolld-bodg stalne ln the exletlng color gcheme. Speolflc oolore TtsA. Exletlng 1luooo ar eas Lo be r e? alnled Eo matoh exlellng. Wdaile ourr cnt Utllltlea CommenEg' eAEUne utllltlee lhal are abandonedfuell andaepllc au6tem) u/lll be capped and fllled eee ?lan nolee. All neu utlllt,les wlll oomplg wllh currenl codeg and wlll be located below grade. uelere wlll be enclosed and gcreenedbgnew landsca?lng. All Interlor gervloes wlllbe replaoed andbroughl u? Lo currenl code requlremenle. Neu 9ltc l {,ark CommenlE ne are groposlng pavlng lhe drlvewag and addhg gome landsca?lng lo ecreen lhe nouee. Ae f eel all lm?rovemenls are poslllve and ln keeplng wllh lhe exleilng slrucf,ure. lf gou think we neeA Eo have f ormalDR,ts ap?roval please conelder thls the gubmlttal. y tilr wrwtwp ffi IdMftWwlwna'rwowWWTtruq"vpF t\h t/rkJ r,,frN Iile W W0F YW WfwffiirF AWwi uo4nou1 t{*v?,,6 q. 1o. erenl Alm, AIA GREG HALL oo TODD OPPFNjH,-lMEF. Flelurn to' RAIIDT STCUDEF. Town Plenncr IKE McGE INTER:DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PNOJTbT: .DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: Datc: Dalc: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL:€*{*\ n-4 d^-Tr;l"n^1"4,.,2 ; ,& {'--?t Engincering: Reviewed by: Commcnts: Reviewed by: Commcnts: Landscaping: / I ,r"lQ ^*/tdFire Dcpt.: u ZU , W Rcviewed by: ALowclo' ouro, ,-,r-r{T commenrs: (/( /(( ,*bb,-ra re7y'ti, aLL-"*':'Ft::,i""k" r7;:!;: fta,*- n^ *i7roue| f{'+*t3 iz"J (c-'.c'*r!''*),-fc :;T^ ;,' {Fi;-Wrt*; l|fi *'i'3 Pa/is' oT,,jr('[rfir"i" !l:L {f:;:iiijr'9,'ff4!t,rrr}t:'#w!6i;{-w(\..p er<f v,r;fhfn I *,,(,,::trli*,*li#tii"-,:: jT'';'f j"i:;I-'J*'l-S-Jio;::Ji*- Disrriburcd ro rhc Fire;;,ilJl;ffi'.il;:,i;andscapins on r// t---- . oa VAIII FIRE DEPARTMENT MINIMUM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR VEHICLES vEHrcLE I {10 'ry..EF \rud-w 4-vf 411 tL2 4302-w 4-w 431 Inside Radius 26 s/]-5,/ !8,1-7,6,20,3Q, 5n / 36,5n 33 6u Outside Radius 33.s/22'/25'26,6"26,6"37'60 / 43,5n 37,6u Length 28'24,9,26,6u 25,6u 37'45' Overhang- Front.5'9"4',10 u 6,6'6,5, Overhang - Rear 7 '2"1,7'9'3 u ]-L' widr.h 8'6u 9, 4"9' 6u 9, 4u 9' 4"L2' 6" cVW (1,000 lbs)]}ar 37 30 35 48 35 Wheel Base 2L4,15L "l_60 "L34"230,21,6" Road to Chassis Clearance 9.5.L4"l_8,18"t_1,18' Heisht LL,t_1,L4,T4'11,6u L4' Wheel load 325 psf 300 psf 300 psf 350 psf 35Opsf Outrigger poin!. load 300,000psf 300000psf FronE axle load{16,000 16,000 Rear axle loadl 26,000 31,000 ----\-\Mi-nimum radifor curve-t lane. INSIDE / zw 33, B" / 39,3'.),,,,, 2W 39, 9" / 43,6u Bumper-to-b Clearance 4W /4w 25'3" / 29 ' 1,0, 4W 45'9" / 49, 6" UPDATED April 27, 1_993 *. TO: MIKE McGEE (.*=o lI l'tt r rI tf'\t_L ,/TODD O P PFI\,IH '. i IyIEF: Rclurn to RA}IDT STCUDEB, Town Planner Commenls: n- ^t/Bcat2r^-r.-r.dtr . y'(*;,A th6 4rphottcrrea a!*'.on o4 ?trc Cite gun! ig.su:rA q\6\, vlhaowvtc lo bsrnaranAin tlrcr drir,E- atopcxx.d ta bcftrX-rv. gerr<}J-d : 7 | lz Qarrescd 'l I zl €GJ Tcrri Aa"rnez Datc: '1 rL\ Puac ceslrrnif ' Date: Dalc: I -.-- 'ft be',+urt'*.( lt 4' k V* fq r^ln n-Gq $ ^* ,lN"',/tt/t " M afo",uaTetelk/4j 6Y Vfi.r pa'i"'rf- P,4t/^t^ftV, 41,.t'W [fZ or"lt, >,J^q,*r/k twM6 i **l trpNttty!-t# RY6'1Yl'lqr Firc Dcpt.: Reviewed by: Commcnls: INTER:DEPARTMENTAL R EVIEW PROJECT: .DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAI.: Enginccring: Revicwed by: Landscaping: Reviewed by: Comments: Exk^"'V ft--4( ^,y' r /\ .r- :- t ^/ -/ f.,koot )a4ca%. /arrta"( B7r< ,r,W t r(rt<* ct 'f *4'T;W, ,*"y'" t s>& ^ta{,{ DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING oislributed lo rhc Fire Deparrmenr, pubric works, and Landscaping on ?/t,z-- . "JfJr 1tl APPUCANON FOR DEPARTTTIENT OFTHE ARMY PERMIT (3!' CFRS,5) OTEAPPfuIIAL}N.O7|,0{,d,' Etphafi$ptoml.rn'a Puuic r.F.litlg bud.n b lhL oHfi of h|o(||l tim lr .drn Dd b rErr9. 5 lDu'r F tl po.tr tr th. r|.iodU of c.r.r, lrrtdhg |hr dm hr rrrdatrg hfirefl+ ..adt|g tri.tiro dlt Erro.. galhtire rtd ||dnb,nhe n du m.d.d. jd qn9b|he Jt t ib*lg . olLcdm of hbmdo.r. AppIc.dor h. hg, a rs. orgLr p|Dl.c|l. a $o.. h ..oloelcrltt rnddF |n||. codd ldr W D 5@ hcn Srd onnmr cgrnfrg l$ lrnd.o a.tlrrs or JIt odr.. ||p.d ol f oLdn d f'tbl||e.r, Itrtdho fJgeerlioar lq dudng tir t.bn, D D.gstDt* d D.L.r.. Wrdfe bn ]ldes.rb[ Son ic., t[.cb.rtr b hbmdf Og.ntb id E .tr. lef 6 J.lt €cr Daif Hfhrry,3i5 1?ol,Attug8xr"V|Ze{3e.nd b $. Olltc. oa l|an eon rrr|.' 8ude.t Prprmfi kluaion ftdra OnOm). $hJfngn,lE Gcl. ?bD. OO l|Ot iErun F(' B.nDl-.d !o.tt tc ohh.? C |tr-. rddrrr. CdrpLl.d.DDlcdqr ix|rt L..A|t|ifad b lh. Durlct Englnr havbg lurLdc0ca cu 0rlcdbr ot lh. Dnrpo..d riMlt. fh. D.p.nrn$t of tr Arny Fnrft p.ogrm b antrod:cd t Sadon f0 ol |hr R\ r rd H.rt6 Ad ol tg. Sadon 40a of tha CL$ W|br ld id Saclo,r t@ ot $a lHra, Pto|rdon, R.$rdl ld Sfr(lrJb. Lt Th.r. l r nqdr. D.flrin ut!dri^9 rdnt r h d dtcdrE nayigobL wrb't ot th. Urirod Sir!.. n dbdt|'fo ol d'rdgad r lt mia.Ll Inb l|rn of tt r{t dst b...nd lha tf|.Fdrbn of O.deod n nidb.n F po- of dping |hb ooan udrr. hbn in povld.d oa lt bm dl ba u*t h .t|h,adr|e tlt $Plcetbn b r prrnir hftrrnet'nn In $ir egpltrriar ir rnd. I n|[r ol nffc ncord trugh i:urn ol r prblc rodo. DildqJ|| of $. irhiltrdcr |tqlsbd b Elultr ti lDUrl|r, l|. d.r. nqxtrd rt n 6sry h st bqwt|rlabriattr .pgl&d rd b.y.fro t|. p.dit epL.ddt. ltlsrJt ktflrtrn b rFt Fovitod, tha pe.nit rpglc.tkn o.nrFt ba p.a|sed rs crn I Fnfiit ba arnl. O! rt o, dighC & ftg. s eood r.9.ul|xiu. @p|3| r dr $fl h bcrdon rnd dnrarr of t p(lrgo|.d ..Jviry !ru.I b. e.h.d D Oit $9[cdon (t.. t.,rpb 4twiEs rtd ltlwcio.l3t |'d b. r.bnibd to th. Dirrid Er,|gfff havilg lri|.fdon oFr th. bc.tin ol th. p.!go..d rdt$U. An $9lbd(|r t|.l b rcl omC.d h tul dl b. l.lrnd. 1. APPLE TIo.{NUMBER(Tob.rsra'rdbyco.F} FdV ,l 4 11,g{ T. lt|AIC, ADORESS. AND ITTTE OF AUTHONEEO AGEXT TCoga|o r rE. dring buC.|.$ ho.tr Arc( ) ArC( ) (R..k.tE) (Olli€.l Z l{ TC AND ADOR€SS OF APPLEA'T Town of Va11 Attn: lllchael Brake 1309 Vall- Valley Drive Vail, CO 81557LLphsr no. drlng budrF3r l|arr 4,9{ }(F..id..pl (Ofi€.)xc1363y_479-2L69 St tir||f ol AJ'E ir.tion: I hetsbt d.3igDab urd altF,tsa bEth nt b.ld, |r nt Son| h '|. proc.rdE ot fit g..|rit $?ftc.fdt trd a ll|rtut. upon nqu6! t|fCc||rnt l hbr|n non h rpF|td|h. f'.cr(ul. S|G}.|^ruREOFAPfurcANT TIAIE .. tErAtEo (xscapno{ c pnoPtGED AcTtvlTy .. ACTMW Construct Blke Path/Construct Bridge - See attachment ttBlock 4 continuedtt rlD.RJRF6E For Public Recreational Use. See attachment rrBlock 4 continuedrt .K. OFCI.IARGE OF DREDGED OR FII IIA1ERAL The blke Path rtlll be composed of boulder retainlng walls, native structure backflll' aggregate base course and hot bituulnous paveDent surface totallng 397 cublc yards vlthln the defined {etland area. The naterl-als w111 be trucked l-n. FORM EDr ncJr 9t B (Bsct.ErE trtqn.d:CACIV€R,t1345. Seo 91 5 MI'ES A'.'D AI)ORESSES OF A4ICII'16 rEssEEg Erc.. wtro€E FnoP€nw ^L60 AIls r]E WAIERIYAY See attachment "Block 5 contlnued" WATEASOY AI{D L@AIION ON WATEREODY WH€RE ASIIVIW T$fr6 OR |s PMP(!6EO North side of Gore Creek at the confluence of Gore Creek and Buffehr Creek. Eaele Colorado 81657 OOLTtr' ATAIE TG Town of Vail z. rcerpn oilFwrene rgrMry E0sr8 on B PRoPosED -\\ ,*{ Lot 1 & 2, YaIL Village West Filing /i2 ) / 1794 South Frontage Road, Town of lla{L.-"/ l. I f|y F.lbn ol o|9 -rivity tt i{ch rdrdrdbn b s{hr mr o.t|p|3a.? tr IES E ft(, t .ndc. a 'F' liv€ ,casrt rsrlh I|.l Far lh. dMty rI {t$otad. hkrL tha rldsltng fat dr lho d||ire|. e. L|| d grovrb of cstiticlrinr.ra dg|ad|,sl.vod Ircfr olhr ba.d, h|J|raia, Arb s bcd .g3rlr{ la f|y alt|eluaq GoninE'lin, attrftlFa (' olln rffib. dcf iE h Otar.0ttk:.|in. EEr,I'G ACEAIC' WF€ APPrct/A I'€NTTEATrc|'I I€). DATE tr APPTGATU{ OATE S APPMVA OAIE C OE {AI N/A Tha tppticatiut m.rsl D€ soaad !y Do porso.l wr,o dosnos lo lrr dedalo tha Noposad 'ctivfi (spplicmt) ot if naf be sign€d W t ddl '/,tttorizj6'd '{pnt il tto &brnot t h oroctS rr.s &n fiflod M urd ttignod. 18 U.S.C. Sdion tOOr Fvitoo hat lt lEovo., h rry mrrrr riuin 0re Fdrdic{in d ary dogrllglt a 4dEy of Tho Undod Slabo - frui[|y rf rroAV ltifi. srdar a oo.,sr rp tir, rry tiO., dsno. d |bvbo a maiariJ ldc rrdrar qy ql', lcl irr a hd5[ Ufl:ritt a .Frentr!il a nd(r s ra ]|r 0* r'ifre c rbrmn lffihe !flrnDdf,l my |& blill| a tr.dtt tt ds.rstl d o,tty, $d bo fu fd rm $Jr llO,UXt d arptbtld nol ,nq€ '|t| L t3ir, a Doh tO. 4|9|a. on i. ha.by rn d9b.aF * o' Fmtil to rJ|hod.. lh. dtulab. dGlb.d hgri'|. I cslity lh.t In trmlil rllh lha inldm.lin qlLlr]l h lh *icrfin, rnd U!r| O ne tet of rry btorlodeo l|ttd blief ||dr hldr||tin b ln& compaotr, ard E a|.. I lulhr c.,rity thrl I Pcra.. lhe |rrdslry |r unab.Ll€ ttp p.opoa€d -ri*aa a I rn -liE aa $a AIt rdfr.iz3a, |eirl o, lh6 rgCrcd. l'||t',dLSFqa.fit .l.fS.Goi|tr r ftfthe q|c i tfr - ttz!,il@l BLOCX, { CONTINUED {a, Tbe planued project consists of a hard surface bikePath 13 feet Ln yldth. Iotal length of the patb yithln the wetlands ar€a ls 250 feet. lt the crossing of Buffehr Cr€6t and Gore Cr€€k th€ Torn of vall is plannlng to build a steal bridge(over Buffebr creetr, having a span of aPproxinately l0 feet. To praveDt-the destructLon of willowg a Doulller retaiaing vall will be bul'lt on the south side of tbe bitepath. Ibis boulder sall rill prevent the f,ill fron sncroachl.ng lato the villovg. The flll vill be a structural naterLal consistlng of aa1d, grav€}, emall anountg of clay tnd guall rocks(less tha! 9rr ln dianeterl . On top of tlis fill uill D€ a 5rr lay€r of roadbase uitb r 3rr layer of aspbalt. :[b€ B€qusnce of ectlvlty wlll be as folloug: a. Build an erosioa control fence along the entire lengtb of sonstruction rithin the vetland area. b. using a uediuu aise nacbiue go Ln and strip tbe top layer of organic naterial. c. coDstruct uingrvalls for bridge(viittb of bridge by 10 foot deep) and ;rlace brillge. d. Build boulder walls(not to exceed 6 feet I'a beigbt) and place fill. €. P1ace roadlbase ald asphalt. t. Rsvegatate areas vlthln slte tbat is distutbeal. lD. Tba purpose of building thls bikepatL I'g to connect a uissing Lint of bikepath that ls part of a reereatlon patb naat€r plaa. The lrlan tg to bave a Patb that extends frou East Vail to *egt Vail anC uttinately connects the existing bikapatb over VaLl PaBB to trigbs'ay 2l at Dorde ilunctl.on. The Colorado DepartreDt of Trtnsportationlcom) ie presently vortlag vLth tbe lorn of vail to coDstruet the bif€Path tbru Dords ilunctl'on. 8b€ naster plan calls for building a Path that utillzeg tbe natural open sPacs that core er€et Btr€au tract provLdes. ttblr bitepath ulll provide erceptLoual P€d€strl'an and bicycle ug€. EITOCT I COIfTTISUED Due to topograpby the patb Ls forced to ba Duilt adjacent to Goracreek. of, approal.uately 1/2 nile of propoaed Ditepath oDly 25ofa€t uas forced to go Lnto an undegLrablc apot (innediately aoJacent to Gore cr€el). Durlug tbe fal1 ot L992 tbe PuDlia Service gas Conptay burled a ney naln line La tbe sa[e corridor eg thLs prolrossd blt€patb, rltb the accepttnce of tbe Proposodnitlgatloa plar the Iora of vall vLll be re;rlacing a disturbcd u€tlaDd ar€a that prolrably rould Dot bave Deea replaced. Uotherelternatl.ve to lupactlag the retlan6s vould be to bul.ld the Prthoa a pl,er tlpe atructuto. Ihe cost of thls structure vouldproblDlt tbe building ol tbe bitepatb and the vigual lnpact totb€ laDalorrerg to tDe aouth rould be sl.gnLfl.caat. In heepl-ug rLtD tbe rtster plan and providing a path along Gore creet pr€vsnts tbe TowD of Vail fron noving tb€ Pttb to a nev location. BIfC|3 5 CdTIIrI'lD 1. Dr. Val Aldrete Route 2, Pox 93L Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459 2. Vall Valley West C/O vail City Corp.' 2809 Butterfield, Road 350 Oakbrook, IL 50521 3. Gottfrled Angleltner 941 Des Peres Road' Des Peres, MO 63131 4. Raymond Marl.on 1?73 Shasta Place' Vail, CO 81657 5. John F. Mills . P.O. Box 102VaiI, CO 81658 6. ilanes H. & Mary E. Casey. P.O. Box 3306 Nevrport Beach, CA 92663 oo !o- b-(,oa UJZE =oP<o ho -a :le. o- z. Ez.E -F o_ Ltl )< m o LrJv)o o_o E. o_ ON trJF Fv)u. l4JFz. CU Ez. (:,z. J L- LrJzEIT (A 1/) FI J u,z J taEE B A bE FTeE HH NE EE L b=lr- =Fz^9 [= Esat - E*tgJ = *Bt sQfree r- - 5ffuiU BB3 zo<oo> oo (n =rzl\ =LL6oEl-9t =2HErln ;uFrHe=j33rEHc-,>:*:96_tu=..4o=> =EElnSlBqb=q===d ?o<,jNrDrfiD(ol.. o, on** I II I I bft Ei I I I bt!az =* =o? O- HH8 v=E;q MdEEs , tBC- LrJ <^z{ F :<2R> (, H:IF 'EHN EgE = lE+o()> lirl ql btr-TolF 5P$ 5-- ;=EEF)< 1 =99m d EHE- ur tBl sFr?e F 5il9a eH?Ld b"u = .H: zo<o(J> o tr r e,2riO E<z,I'tL F8o4vi<2,o< Br 0lAH I blrrl ET B tI F E a =ro I tLaoUL-7u il s iup,;uFrHf{j_43>6Q.'ll=<3or [i 9 ..4 o]g =E9ln3:BHbSq==sdf <-Ni.r+1r)(oN \G,fl oo vl =I(Jr ab(Ir-u-u = lJ l-d trJ-2. a iu=,;uFrEigi33rE9,^,_E-<fof,E9..rdoi9 ="*9] n 3: B HbSq=?=d-o<-NrOrflr)(or\ \l 7 4.d F lrJ LdIa s.od Lr. oY j g CLg o 1 ! rdnfoa IEftuc|{i't ,) 'rr( 'dql ttl a-qtrod idtd* ^rtdl zb"o lE s3t ttt iD- oo etta vL lnntto-vrl Ett @ Eru|r I I blr Ei BI t!I I B: El\ G'*l uEd 5E = trr g.i 6eH3 ==#6 [6-; =t+O tL-^\J rg 9*+B =8-i r$aa 4=E p ;#8 P+-, *BIu 9.'-"iffE5 m D4E B qJ F{ tr A aZ60 E3 E8 u,2o.<Fl 0,AF. b oz :-L = = 6PFnof - =H-H*Ew { EiX| ==.{m o E.#EFTJ l-rJ pdt sEJea F Xx u.rtn -U! ;!r HsI = 6r..,, 68f lirl It o g EENEtrlE 1E !Ol(rl+(rlN->(:t C- PE?iFiqH :t=l==lH xnf;:'Cfri =- h t?1 nge aImrn-{ c.rti o-rl (o - c)I€ a <6)0>oz sasgnhRS -r -r E=F5<z">.tE: - F "'4a Z9+- r-l @oD= =A -r -/\! C) Fl \J F7|Pf,d T'''-Ffr 9rl s= ==-rloT| EF HH E3 Es qtttrcr 3 Rv, |t1 -\t! ^lel I In\ tql\tt- |-\' ,/ t oo I It I ti I L-!ot (o F lrJ hJItn 9ol F () -:rap Ar'zo9FrEfgB EK<zA< EE !ii:1-:/t ,r l- ,l iii!t:I L vh t-3;Eo- o Hil'^ *; HHEJl'Bl ssfrae FAEHizo<oo> \ ?ltrril: I u! {.. U'' =I(9 =L-aoEt-TsEg *E=",;ugrHagj-t3ro9-,15=<5oftr9..rEo--rg =E9]n3:BHbSq=?sd')o<-NrO*|/)(oN oo a =I s2I L-aEF9r =2A3I!a fxkE F?=irE:E9..,15=<3o--il9..rEo#9rEglnS:B HbSq=?=d-o<-NrOt(rroN $ oOEdEl EF El!EL! EE 6-E -J EfF():) Ea LLo oNo,r.) -)td F ><oEqttr Ht__:I .-rZ-lL- mt(E P tr o. r,-Zd9 ET Fl 0a EX EAt= HE bL tHEF IPrep;viFB '-F*.J -J rdIsr Jaa FEEHq 6g= i!1il oo 9 =I(9 - tL V1 O E.9u =2Vl = ruc,;EgffHe{j33>6Q-,:E=<10f E9..rro#9 rEgIrS-B*i>'r=r-=J ?asq=?s8-) <-NrO+tr)(oN oo rt+ tl L.rJJ UJ Lrlz. =E. t-uF = LC)N -T- (o s- ) v. =#oLLa8-.,R bil al'-Ol F-roa z. '-{ O l.rJ!= x&i ${i& dF<ic)Jz-- f c.l / '\t-. a-\ I ---ttt I F I \L4|tBl gc F DT 56 ETFltr Ef;t? HE ohoz!3 =6PlF sueY I 2c6mfi +f;8Fr! - J FdE s6jea -95;qEc tEB= us-; 68= \{, +ii T blIa I b le EI EItd i* riE EEHE oo t..-_ t -/ TOTW OFVAIL oo oo D e pa run e nt of Conununiry D eve lo pment75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-21 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 October 28, 1993 Theresa. Burt Slifer, Shith and Frampton 230 Bridga Street Vail, CO 81657 RE: Parcels 2 and 3, Vail Village West 2nd Filing Dear Theresa: In regards to your letter dated October 20, 1993, regarding the Aldreie property located on Lots 2 and 3, Vail Village West 2nd Filing, I have the following responses. 1. Wetlands The Town of Vail does not map wetlands nor do we have an approved mapping system of the wetlands within the Town. Because the parcel is adjacent to the creek, it is possible that wetlands may be present. The olner may need to hava a consultant map these wetlands and the reviel would be completed by the Army Corps of Engineers. While the Town of Vail does not review wetlands, we will require lhat lhere be a sign-off from the Corps regarding the wetlands should they be suspected on the site. 2. Regradino The regrading of a lot is a site specific issue. Topography, wetlands and setbacks would be considered during the review of an item such as this. Also, the height of the building would be based on the original topography of the site, not the proposed - grading elevations. lf the height were based on the new topography, it would allow a person to build up a lot, and therefore, build a house much higher than originally possible. The staff has required that the original topography be used for all other projects which have requested regrading. 3. Access The Town of Vail does not control the South Frontage Road. An access permit would need to be approved by the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) in order to gain access to Lot 2 without crossing Lot 3. The Town of Vail does not have the ability to approvs such a request and it should be coordinated with CDOT. oo oo Ms. Theresa Burt October28,1993 PageTwo ' 4. Setbacks The requested bike path easement vyill not impact the setbacks. The setbacks are 20 feet from the side of the property where access is taken and 15 feet on both sides and rear. There is also a 50 foot creek setback from the centerline of the creek. The one hundred year floodplain should also be considered when developing a site plan as it may be more restrictive than the creek setback in some areas. 5. Floodplain The floodplain is shonrn on the topographic survey which was completed by Eagle Valley Engineering and Surveying. The Town of Vail has one on file, but a stamped copy can be obtained from the surveyor. We vi,ould only be able to release a copy and it may be to your benefit to have a stamped copy directly from the surveyor. 6. Sewer Service Please contact Upper Eagle Valley regarding their requirements on the removal of septic tanks and sewer hook-up. The Town of Vail does not control the sewer system. I believe that Upper Eagle Valley will require you to remove the septic tank. Should you have any questions ptease contact me at 479-2138 as I will be out of the office October 29th through November 6th. In my absence, you can speak with Mike Mollica regarding this issue. _ r: z.t-r. e3 oo;5.aib^-sLrFER :' AND P012/f?"L-f'q r/No Pres $urrn, SUml & Fnrm4reoN, fNC. NEAL ESTAYE 'ROKERS AND COT..J3UL'^NIs ::n mltrE STrqEr vAtL COLORADO tldt7 TEI.EI{IrIT Ht t&t*tl tEIIFAx(rlt.'rlt. Ostobcr 20, 1993 Mr. Mikc MoUics Town Phnn:r 75 South Flontagc Road vall, CO 61657 Dear Mike; I have sweral qucstions I haw the lot, owncd by thc Aldrctcs, listcd for salo and thorc has bccn a grcat doal ofbuycr intcrcct. I am sure ihe tortn would lfte to seo changcs on thc property since it is very visible and thc proscnt $tructur€ is not up to date. I'd apprcciatc answer$ to the follorving questions, or advice on wherc to get the answaru. Tho qucstiors relotp more to developcrs who might r6mor/c thc cxieting stnrcturc cnd build four units, or a duplex, on each lol 1.Is thcrc a wctlands dcsignation of either lot? If so, what rostrictions would a dcraeloocr facc? i ,sn/t -rv'ra-p uy Wtld'/\dL -- e-vw\rtr t^tc:v''t4 f,ttd +O 4 :f^-Ut-ou€pz4r.: f Nt"yt!fu/*' Wtr,u'q',o oovvl'Ct-+.A W Yr\9 d6f ig"rffi1K& "K offiffir*ed ot3747 $quarc fcct for lot 2, ccrrrld fill be addcd? l{ith thc slope and the setbacks, thcrc is somc doubt that there is room to 3. 4. q lVhat are the setbacks at cach side? We kuow it is 50 tect frout tlre cerrter of thc crcek, but if thc bftc path evcnhrally touches thc edge of lot 2, hcnv does that affcct the setback? gp2 D&t\ d.044 a,ltaaxc+z sdloa,t-r-, , Zo kom sid: . rb^. /l r >{ovt?,4 h/x -,R"JZ'*,6; o-iii[;.I- g'dt"6i s,dt a.nd- aa,r. Na.'-floos,fun Hovi can w'e gct a clarification of driflood ptain clovation? It is diffcrent ftom cast build.6rad-.t,t',, i6 poedlizb- , b.! rL ^ ertk Sv-L^frL, i66yV. Ifapoayvatgl,*2, oyvei'l tu{rdS I *?t anZe , A\+o nfio^,|,-^ b1 g1'{Y bL W?e6-A -xh""929 ,'nfal uJiln'Y 'q ryo 'fryoa{&(\4 t Is therc individuIs theic in'aivi{riat access to the rcar of l-ot 2 withnut erossing Ibt lZ q eYWN--;.- ,*n^ i.! i, i,o +i r.^" n ) ^.) L-,t ' r a/rr - UPecre Yto^!l- tu.t& 1e br q qdr ltl wesl, uluug Lot 2 cspecially? l,t^, h an? P*l 'e{\' VV q, t vv -vtWb I{fOfm0\t1CL\.'o\rr Ywn - trl tJA.g RCnEr|<.?*#. ^ rn t)\!allt't^ Otea*lI),UO 1n ?I1Lr\JI ar \J. ub,r(sl-rFER AND .j o Plcasc call with any clarificatioas. oa F02 4).l Page 2 Mollics Ttcrc ls a reptic iant on thc and I atsrrmc ihe tn'rn rcqtrc!ffi ot rcqrr{rcl a clqngc ilthc land is sinoc thg pmpcrty le on the crcck SincergU, 6",^-&^f Thcrcsr Burt nrinlyou. )tPU* e,'^Jv* ,JW@ VrJW \^ta*u( YdA,{m** ilfi"'|' N I NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PROJECT TITLE: ALDRETE REMODEL ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT /o/b v" U'tl,ye ut JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ffiTOWN OFVITL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 Job Address FAX970479-2452 Location. . .Parcel No..Project No. Description: REMODEL fireplace lnfornation: Restricted: .@ 3.00 ftem: 05100 oe /08 /Lee5Item:05400 oe /07 /LeesItem:05600 oe /08 /Lee5Item:05500 0e /08/Lees BUILDING DEPARTMENT DAN Action: APPR PLANNING DEPARTMENTRANDY AcIion: APPR FTRE DEPARTMENTDAN AcLion: APPR PUBLIC WORKS DAN AcLion: APPR Departtnent of Community Development 2LO3-123-06-032 PRJ9 5 -017 5 Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: 0e/0t/!e95 Is6ued...: 09/22/L995 Tov/com#:beir:' ' ' o3/20/Lee6 AppLrcANr ALDRETE r ANroNlo & q}!EIIIu1^ pl^ean_up PO BOX 1559, SANTA ROSA BEA 32459owNER ALDRETE J ANToNro & wALENTywe SFFfOVgd PO BOX 1559, SANTA ROSA BEA 324ff^^,,, coNTRAcroR BoLEs cusroM BUTLDERS, rNc -"'*'*'lt P o Box t27s, AvoN co 81620 date Town of VaiI fof Gas Appti ances: 3202 Number of Dwelling Unite: 000 Adjusted Valuat,ion: 52,000 #0f Gas Logs:#0t tlood/Pat Let: *ff********t*til*t*Sl **ff*i*****H**tt****t*tffi* FEE SUill,tARy Bui tding-----) 500.00 Rlstuarant Ptan RcvicH--> PLan Check---) Invcst igat ion> t, i l. L ca l. l,----> 325.00 DRB .00 100.00 .00 .E 11ffi*01: +Payrents---------> f ,t7t:ao BALANCE DUE---------> Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: see conditionsDept: FrRE . Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: Totst catcutrted F!es---> Additionat Frcs-----> Tota! Periit f !F----> 1,178.00 1,178.00 1 ,176.00 .00 ******rr**rr**ffi***tt****t*******************ff***************************************rffi*ffit*ffi*fffi*****ir**rrt***** ltffi**ff}t"ffi***'|,t*'r*'r***ff***|t***ffi***tt********ft****ff****ftff***ff*******ffi*Hffitr*tfffi*H***ffi**ff****Hffiffi See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hcreby acknovtcdge thrt I have read this apptication, fil.tcd out in futl, thc information rcquirrd, co4tctcd an accurate ptot p[an, and statc that atl thc infornation providad as required is cornect. I agree to compl,y vith thc information .nd p(ot pl,en, to compty vith att Toun ordinances rnd state [avs, and to buitd this structure according to the Toun's zoning and subdivision codes, design reviev approvcd, uniforr Buitding code and other ordinances of the TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS II{ ADVANCE BY TELE SIGNATURE OF Refund Rccreation f ee----------> REQUESTS INSPECTIONS SHALL BE {jrnto*ru"^ appl,icabl,c thcreto. FOR HIIISELF AND PAGE 2 coND I T ION S OF AppR OV AlDepartment of conmunity DeveloPment as of 09/22/9s Status: ISSUED * * gqowgltI tq1792l# * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FAX 970-479-2452Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applicant.: ALDRETE J ANTONIO & WALENTYNE Job Address: 1784 MATTERHORN CR Location: Parce1 No: 2103-L23-06-032 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS******************************************************************************** 1. underground all existing, above ground utility service lines2. abandon the old well and septic systern according to currentstate heaLth department regulat,ions. contact Paul Reeves, Environmental Healt,h Officer at the Town of Vail for infoif needed. 3. All materials and and colors to natch existing conditionsh'ith the exceptions noted on the plan sheets dated 8/25/95.4. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.5. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AS PER SEC.1.210 OF THE ],99]. UBC. 6. EGRESS FROM BEDROOMS ARE REQUIRED AS PER SEC.12O4 OF THE 1991 UBC. 7. STAIRS AND HANDRAILS IF ALTERED ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SEC. 3306 0F THE 1991 UBC.8. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER MAYBE REQUIRED TO APPROVE ANY STRUCTUAL CHANGES BEFORE BUILDING DEPARTMENT W]LL OKAY FRAMING. 75 South Frontage Road WitfrLbraa- &6570282 Appliedz 09/ot/199s Issued z 09/22/1995 {S *"""otorut, o **************************************************************** rOWN OF VAfL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** statemnL Nunber: REC-0074 Anount: 1r158.00 09/22/95 L4zO7 Palment Method: CK Notation: 2074 Init: iIR Permit No: Parcel No:Site Addreee: Thie Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 895-0282 TIT)e: A-BUILD ADD/ALT 2L03-t23-O6-032 1784 MATTERHORN CRTotal Fees:1,158.00 Total ALL Pnts: Balance: Description BUII,DING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEV' FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE SFR BUILD PE 1, 178. OO 1, 178.0O .oo * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * it:l* * Anount 500. oo 80.00 325. OO 250. OO 3. OO -l- '- l.-'Y-.':-- " --' ^---'t pA&cEL o,aroi- 14 u^oiz .3gk?[ Xili;Sffi3fi"F3;i-oxInzg.?9.1b Address: ?.a.WXczZll rob Nanes hWgSleCHhtET Wtltrrldob Address, 119*F$.TItF{tfi.t A?zLe Legal Description:Block ?ririnSWHb suBDivrsroN,q@VL^)€ r,{orrNTAltst >Cf€.ttF|V. q* Owners Nane:Address' ,td\r P}:.ufit-7371 APPLICATTON MUST BE FTLIED OUI COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ***************************** pERMrr rNFoRl,{ATroN **************************i** t*Building [ ]-Plurnbing I i-Electrical [ ]-Mechanical I J-other cenerat Descriptl on, ww!? mor wqtoc*tn, g' Work Class: [ ]-New D{-atteratlon I l-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units: A Accomrnodation Units: *************************** Town of VaiI Re . No.UA-E Address:Phone Number: a4t. Electrical Contractor: Address: PERMIT 'I Architect:p:n.$Z\-lte9o l-Additional t Number of p)c"= Logs- wood/Pellet '''^ {pmber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances7/)cas Logs_ wood/Pellet ,' ]********************************* VALUATfONS *********************************tl Fa--iurr-,prne r t qZt@ EI,ECTRTCAL: $OTHER: I TOTAL: l- Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: -.Town of tail'Reg. No.Ptunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ********** * *********** * * * **** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEEs I,IECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEES ELECTRICAT FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: ************* P-LI,,MBTN.G.: MECHANICAT,, $- Y.... .( &rm*r *!-* * * QK{."g&"f .** o*lEeneral Contractor: WVffi CU,|fI6vr. V.tltfr@ rlt tO. . . .... T0|/{tufllffsH$Dffi . #:i. ;# : * * * PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI.AN CHECK FEE; RECREATION FEE: (. .I CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT Z'> N /T TOTAI, PERMIT AEES:/) BuTLDTNG: ,L( z" ?-fs{ STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATI'RE: CLEAI| I]P DEPOSIT REN'ND TO: VALUATION TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answer lhe following questionnaire regarding the need for a'Public Way Permit': YES NO Xls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent access needed lo siie other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecling the righl of way, easements, or public property? 7'l ts a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit" required? 8) A. ls the righl of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, pafting or fencing? B. lf no lo 8A, is a parking, slaging or fencing plan required by Community Development? ll you answered yes to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit" musl be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applicalions may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construc'tion lnspector, at 479-2158. I have read and answered allthe above questions. 1) 2',1 3) 4) 5) 6) X X * X X x s Signalure KRM coNsulrA*'tlt*.. P.o. Box 4sz2 t vArL, coLoRADO 81658 t970) 949-9391 FAX 949-1577 FIELD REPORT p:JS ar1 wEATHER: S.ru^lv , C-o"c PROJECT: JOB NUMBER: acr.tr-c Cxouc- RrroltL +96ot-ll DATE: ARRIVE: DEPART: )un-r*-rc <nr. Srr€ Vrsrr -ro Txt AL'Drt{'?€ -[tlt foL0r,Jrtq fT[mS dttf,, oR\€qv€b g*ar-c) qJ l^l{DiinsDAY Zf a/"t<, >"o Rrqurer FcrR.rIS4 rrnc'xrno.l I -- ADD Str..zl?sc..r |\2.5 o( lqurw-u0Jr' HuarrcaNg'T\rs AT !3olr".tQ o( (4- Z>b anv -ft.1s: /,-r Ltu'^lq ?9og', - ,b$D Soi,rD Buoa<'Ng $6rr,Jrex.l \orsrS AT lnvrtt'ott' Srae-rr".rq?orr.n -- ,}S> Rr-q.lgtD tpuTs -ro cFr,N llouqs lx) /rtqtC aqeu\N bu;. - ADD er-c.u\gr.D {o,r5 To ,\t! PtrJ HcwS lhl Sr{Ps6-t Gr"r'rl\'Oats AeLn-.,{b DtcK.. lr xlos 6ifteu5 Drn:*q [4r-rw'u<51sq -1t- tn;LL |tt.P|c ?rrn- Dowtr's Drsrtrl-Tly ;NTD ttD1gcrt 't.htgt /u,trt1p1- {x<.cvesrto^.t nt'sS NcT FteSBtl. Od1.6gpl\$) $rstoucrror.J APF€An-s Tu B!, r{ Ccrrr'rr-qL C't.tr.4;.14,lce tJrfn Afn !rr*wrrg,,S aND sPr€\Y sar\oils. lL:oo Xl*il ATTENTION: COPY TO:SIGNED: *€Eii >t^lJ'5e b;ts3€E-^.9E" *E€E3 "O -'O v Eo&6 P cI :I F€EI zr E.a'n .aI EEEE{I Efsb#.I g*#ecl 3l !;g ll€I H€EEEB I vN \.s \, i .E (J f6 O rt) F-,t-I I I I I ItltlIIlltttltltlllBl sltNllolI tlI rr.)lI o,l ' Frl..1 al =ra=Y!.. !!\.,, z ?2F.- YL:P O(, () o B F tl rr1 7 Fz )? B 6t z F-tZ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I srlJI ol zl r',| r{l&l !ull-rlhl<l >lslool r--l-l I I I E()'a b .A g I I I I..rloq IEE Ie€ |r-> | €[ |r.E IE3 |EE I I.E ua Itrn.E I €E 5 | \., (g -o ISE€ *lE€r ZlE;3 6l€:6 AlE,*: F tr]l) a,= tJl€iE ilI!EE EIEf;p ql g.E I al =e- Iflsa I !):.= |: aE I;E B I *qrca€F q aE Z :vu:F aE5: r,gi I EE bo F .:,8,6E .3gEE -qfEE ;F- > b () qlz tt\l/z e-,FJr\vr\vn\J f= v tq-\ (-^r- r)\r' (v, CK-,Fr' l"r\r\v :Fr?F Ng RE€5A€; sF$g ii iS O.X*tt F iAES a.bdi I. BSR"B%s F\ EoSsu e :ro2ODd8 EE A ,i3E'oo- al j Ftr.E}lo 'RFt EE.la4Ec)a o o o o 6l oo o o |',| o oo j lo!l EI I HoO, clpl| aUNl EU OA Agta '|At{ oq.{.. I|oo ='A 0IO|[ F{ora ooEl(., FEFO rf ta A (JP I A Eqt .l oo !l lq k EEU F lq c| A:T EEEOE-E4 &F FTb lr l. EE ECB. Aal ', t.| 2E &9H.( aao EA Ft!t4 t2rtD 89El(a ETi4 ? Elr ti 2.o H Brd!U,l ulzE !luIHo c|qH EEr0 <oB 6(, A I{r0D(., Eli og Eo Ic a B oE FIH(tro uo ; )e =E- rltsoat'-DOlrE!.E o NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E95-0282 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 Job Address: 1784 MATTERHORN FAX97O479-2452 Location...: Parcel No.. : 2103-123-05-032Project No.: APPLICANT MARMOT ELECTRIC P.O. BOX 45t4, VArL, CO 81658 CONTRACTOR MARMOT ELECTRIC Department of Community Development CR Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: t2/07/199sIssued...: t2/07/1995Expires..: 06/04/1996 OWNER P.O. BOX 45t4, VAIL, CO 81658 ALDRETE J ANTONIO & WALENTYNE PO BOX 1559, SANTA ROSA BEA 32459 Description: ALDRETE REMODEL Valuationr 7,OOO.OO tr*******tffitr**t*******t*f***ffi***---**--#**t*** FEE SUlll,lARY *ffi***rr***f,t**ffi**f,f,H Tota I Catcutated FGcs---> Additional Fees-------> Tot. t Permit tec--------> Payments---- BAL^NCEDuE--__---_> Phone:949-3937 Phone:949-3937 129.00 .00 129.00 129.@ .00 Et.ctri ca [--> DRB Fce Investig€tion> lJi t t Crtt--> TOTAL FEES_-> 126.N .m .00 3.00 129-00 Item: .06000 ELECTRICAT DEPARTMENT12/07/1995 DAN Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: **t*ffi *tffi****#***}lt*****tffi *ff ***t#********ffi ffi ffi ffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL **ffi*ffift*tf*t***t*****t*******ffi*****ffir***r***ffi****rt********ffirt******t**ffi******lt*******t****t*f****** DECLARATIONS l.hcrcby acknovlcdge that t hlvc rlad-this apptication, fittcd out in futl, the information required, conpt.ted an lccurrtr plotptan, and stat! that a[t th. inforrati.on p.ovided as requircd is corrcct. I agree to corpty riith tire in?ormtion and pl,ot il,an,to _conpty trith att Tom ordin€nccs md state [aus, and to buitd this structure according io thc Tovn,s zonihg and subdiv.igibncodcs, design reviev approvcd, unifort 8uilding codc rnd oth4 ordinances of thc town appticabl,c thlreto. REOTJESTS.FOR INSPECTIO S SHALL BE }IADE TUENW-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE OR CONTRACTOR fOR HIIISELF AND OIINER tp1*o'uo o ***********l**************************************************** TO!{N OF yAIL, COLORADO Statemnt *************************:r*********************************:r*!r*il Statemnt Number: REC-0104 Amount:12e.00 t2/07/9s 10:00IniT: JRPayment Method: cK Notation:1698 *****************************************************!*********** Permit No: Parcel No: Site AddreEe: Thie Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 895-0282 Tlpe: 2to3-r23-O6-032 1?84 i'{,ATTERHORN B_ELEC ELECTRICAT PERMIT CR Total Fees: 129 .00 Total ALt Prnts: Balance: Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 129 .00 L29.O0 .00 Anount 125.00 3.00 i!!?!*:i;o3T::',f :: r;f ',';m oF vArL coNsrRuc*otpARcEL ttz Alo3- tlz -o6. o32 -piiLrir AppLrcATroN F9RMo rBz /2-/-Qt . APPLrcArroN !!usr BE FrLr,ED our cotrpr,ErEly oR rr uAy "ob $.Juuelh[ DEPI'Ur******* ******* **************** PEIU{IT II{FORMATION ******** *************:}* ******t! .,/[ ]-Building [ ]-prunbing X-ntectrical I J-Mechanlbal [ ]-other Job Names Job Address: Block a- l{echanLcal Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. ******************************** FOR oFFICE USE ***** ******* *******************BUTLDTNG PERUTT FEE: PLI'UBING PERUTT FEE3 MECITN{ICAI, PER}IIT FEE: ELECTRICAI.I FE8: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUILDING PIAN CEECK FEE: PDU}'BrNG PIAN cHEcK FEEsMECHANICAL PI,AN CIIECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI.EAN-UP DEPOSTT:. TOTAL PERMTT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATTIRE: Legat oescripti oil l-atQ.+s t-olrners Name: /ltl\Q>Tf,-- Address: Architect:Address: ceneral Description: t l1n"p.ir t l-oan"" Nurnber of Dnelling Units;Number of Accommodation Units: ^ tlpnber and T119e of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances- Gas r€gs- wood,/perret_vll**** ***** * *** ******** ** * **** ** ** * VALUATTONS ***** ** ****** ******************** Py-LlPIllg, ELEcrRrcAtt t_3_ooo orHER: I ILUMBTNG: f-_ MEcHd[A;; i- ;ffi;;vrr* ******** * * ********* fl!***** cgNTRAqroB rNFoRuATroN ****** * ********************TEenerar contracto=r F-ccs CLsrz."-.-K",.Ng{- Town of vair Ree. No.Address: +tr---- -'--;.,)'-- - Electrica Address: Plunbing Address: Contractor: Contractor:Reg. NO.q4<-3 5A€ CI.EAIf I'P I'EPOSIT BEFIIXD TO: Fepfrsr I rol,N oF vArL, colonnuol-g?/16/96 0,6248 REOUESTTFOR INSpECTTON l.lORK SHEETS-ORz ?/16/96 PAGE AREA: EG Aetit'ttyr Address: Loiat i on: Parcel: Deseri pt i on: ffppl icant : Owner: Contraetor: E9s-Oe8e elL6/96 Type: B-ELEC 1784 HATTERHORN CR al03-143-06-o3a ALDRETE RET'IODEL HRRilOT ELECTRIC ALDRETE J ANTONIO & I.JALENTYNE HARHOT ELECTRIC Status: ISSUED Occ: Phone: 949-3937 Fhone: Fhone: 949-3937 Constrr AAPT Use: Inspection ReQuest Requestor: John Req Tire: 01:gO Iters requested to SO19G ELEtr-Final Inforration... Itlarrot Eorrent s: be Inspeeted.. Phone: 949-3937 Action Eorrents_.. ... , T ,. / -!- /,',14j*:ra.zl-' -,""-'f,. ,( a. /,.43Atat*.,2i-' ;' r'tr Ti re Ex Inspeetion History., .. .Iterr Oelle ELEC-Terp. Fower Iterr OO12O ELEC-Rough' l2/AAl95 Inspector: EGItert eOfSO ELEG-ConduitIlerr @14O ELEC-llisc.| .. 1?/t4l95 Inspeetor:. EG.,it tagtga Inspeetor: LPU , ItFr: OO19O ELEC-Final Action: APtrR Act ion: DN Action: AtrPR AtrPROUED DENIED 4-t' b - i T0: Town Counci'l FR0M: Cormunity Development Department DATE: May 23, 1984 SUB,IECT: Request to rezone Lot 3, Vail Vi1'tage West Filing #Z frqn Greenbeltand_Natural Open Space to Two Family primary/Secondary ResidentialApplicants: Elmore Group Ltd, dba Elmore and Associales Background on Request This-feg99!t was considered by the Planning and Environmental Corrnission on tlgl 14, 1991., (See accompanying pEC memo jated May 7,1984.) ffre iiC approveathis request by a 5-0 votb. - - It is the intent of the applicant to upgrade their property by removing the' existing legal non-conforming residencb-on the site ani reirtaiing it with'anew primary/secondary residence. -If,this rezoning is apprbved, ine atvetopmentpotential of the lot would be as follows: Existinq Development on Site A]'lowable Development proposed 1900 sf primary unit ;;ar GRFA alowabre,p50. s{ secondary unit secondary unit not to exceed 1618 sfZm sf totat GRFA - ,r\1 BACKGR0UND: r'ri I This properlv 1as. par! gf the vai'l city corporation land annexed by the Towngl v.il in September 1978. Zgn]ng ot ihe 'rhnd went through a iengitv proieis. {nen rhe enrire pro v zoned-_l_ot 3 of Vai.l Villaqe i^te-st fitir3 of Vai'l V'i'l l age West Fi I i ng A of density allowed for as Parce'l A. " Parcel A purposes in 1980 by the Park. Natural 0pen Space "with a transfer to Parcel Planning and Envirunmental Cornmission Community Development Department Public.hearing and_consideration of a request to rezone Lot 3,VaiI ViIlage tlest Fifing No. 2 from Greeribelt and Natura'l 0pen-Space to Two Fami'ly Primary/Secondary Residential District.App'l'icants: Elmore Group Ltd, ilba E'lmore and Assocates -the buildable acreage accord'ing to the same zoningis part of the land purchased for park and open spice Town of Vail. This property is nofu known as'Donoian ', REQUEST: The request is to rezone Lot 3 and Natural 0pen Space to Two mately 23,.|81 square feet with MEMORANDUM May 7, 1984 3s ( ,\r"\p$t {.f' JCJ 4,tCr" - \.(//5' TO: FROM: SUB.]ECT: ANALYSIS OF ZONING AND LOT of Vail Village West Filing No. 2 from Family Primary Secondary. The lot size two units on the 'lot. ,t :'l' .:l r. :,' I\, - ( Greenbel t'is approxi- Current Zoning: Under the Greenbelt and Natural Open Space District there is very litt1e thatcan be done with the property. Bisicaily no development e.q. reiidential ,,,housing is permitted 6n the property. B'elow are ttrb permitlea,-ionaiiionat and accessory uses and developmLnt itandards for this'zone disirict. C Elmore |}, 7, 1984 r\ 18.38.020 permitted Uses The fol'lowing shar'r be permitted uses in the GNOS district:A. Greenbelt and open space;B. Bicyc'le and pedestriair paths. 18.38.030 Conditional Uses The following conditional_uses shall be permitted in the GN0S district,subject to the issuance of a conditional'use permit in accordance with-the provisions of Chapter 1g.60:A. Pub'lic parks and playgrounds;B. Golf courses;C. Equestrian trails. 18.38.040 Accessory uses' Not applicable in the GN0S district. 18.38.0S0 Development standards Not applicab'te in the GN0S district. (The current use of the property previously noted is a duplex. The structureon-this .lot mqy be.continubd ai i legal n6n-conforming uie, uut cannot beenlarged or changed. Repair and maiitenance can take-place proviuea-,;ilritno such maintenance^or repair shall increase the discrbpancy'between theuse' structure or site improvements and the development'stairdards prescribedby this title." Therefbre, the cument structure could essentiaily remainforever and be maintained and repaired. PROPOSED ZONING: Proposed by.the applicant i1 Two Family primary/secondary zoning. Lots torne west and south are zoned Two Family primary/secondary. If rown councilrezones this property as requested, th-e following could iake place on this'lot: 18.'13.020 Permitted Uses. The following uses shall be permitted: A. Single-family residential dwellings;B. Two-fami'ly residential dwellings The uses on the site would remain the same under the proposed zoning. 18.13.030 Conditional Uses The following conditional usesof a conditiona'l use permit in A. Public utility and publicB. Public buildings, groundsC. Public or privit6 ichoots;D. Public park and recreationE. Ski lifts and tows. Elmore -3- 5|| shal'l be permitted, subject to issuance accord with provisions of Chapter 1g.60: service usesi and facilities; faci I ities; No conditional uses currently exist or are proposed. 18.13.040 Accessory Uses The fol'lowing accessory uses shall be permitted: A.Private greenhouses, toolsheds, p1 ayhouses, garages or carports, :Iiryiry pgoll' patios, and recreation faciritiei critori"liv incidentarro srngte-family and two-family residential uses;, Home occupations, subject to iisuance of a home occupation Derflitin accordance with the provisions of Ctraptei tS.5ga-'-Other uses customaril,y incidental and accessory to permitted orconditional uses, and necessary for the operat-ion-thereoi.-- B. c. '18.13.060 Setbacks In the Primary/Secondary residential district, the minimum front setbackshall be _twgnty feet, the minimum side setback shall be fifteen feet, and the minimum rear setback shall be fifteen feet. There is a'lsoastream setback of fifty feet from the center of the stream.A new structure shou'ld be able to meet this setback. ( The.accessory uses would be addressed as part of the Design Review Boardreview or at the time of building permit issue. 18.13.050 Lot Area and Site Dimensions The minimum lot or site area shall be fifteen thousand square feet of -^1944_prggl and each site shatt have a minimum i"oniite ot itririvteet. Each site shall be of a size and shape capable of Enclosing a-square area, eighty feet on each side, within iti boundaries. The site-cpntains,-23,181 square feet of land. ,The.,area not in the flood plain,is 17'943 square feet. Therefore, the toi meeti ilri minimum uuitialte area. , ,- t I i-it ' , i,'ri,,,,:,,,,..i, i lt ,r ::i,t/.: ...r.r ,1" ilr-'' . ..ri ( E'fmore ())vtrc+ considering the setbacks.and flood plain, there should be adequate area toconstruct a home and meet the setbacks. These are the pajor restrictions for this Iot regardlng zoningconstraints. The owner should have adequate arei to c6nstrucldesired. C and lot a new home if RECOMMENDATION: The Cormunity Developmg!! pep1:trynt recormends approval of the rezoning request.The change in. zoning.wi.ll basically reflect what 'airea4y txists on the iite,-and the Greenbelt and.Natura'l 0pen-Space does not seem io ue appropriite-ioriingof the.property. .!illt.th9 Tqo Familj, primary/Seconaiiyion-ing bi this-p-t;;it;there is the possibility to denrolislior move-ttre eiiit-ins itructure anh cbnstiucta new home. Under the Greenbett and Natural 0pen Space ioning, ine eiisiiiig-'--house would remain with probably litile incentivi i6-rpgrili. ( C )- -t_'-.:=--'i:.: O ,... -' --+1 anning and Envi ronmenta t Corrni sio\(=.- -ryry:=-==) PRESENT Diana DonovanScott Edwards Gordon Pierce Duane Piper Jim Vie'le ABSENT l.lill Trout Pierce moved and Edwards to approve the minutes. The vote was 5-0 in favor. 2.uest for a conditional use rmit in order to build an addition and A rock q!__qglfelln the north i eo eva g!tain School on-Lotocal I Vil'lase lZth FiTin-cant:untai n Sc}oo- 4.uest to Greenbelt and NaturalnScant:roup STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Tom Braun Kristan pritz Betsy Rosolack Kristan Pritz presented the application and showed a site p.r an. Gordon pierce.the architect for the project,'ans*e""i questions. peter-A6uzzi, head master.and Hermann staufer, a'member-of ilre loara oi ih;'r;;;;i ;;;" in the audience. Edwards was concerned-that the parking rot was not safe when picking up and droppingoff of chi'ldren' and Pierce ii.i.il"itit'tnere wouia-u"-u"irl" around constructed atinl'lii,li'i;o.llo3; l;lto:lil.lii";;i;' shourd ue aiiwn io'*'. DRB concernins >-\J -r?,- Tom Braun.presented the request and reviewed the-L- representing^Elmore, explainea urat aiioifi;gl;Tr.iad, .|7,000 square fe;t r;;;in outside of thelot rneets the minimum Uuitai'Uie u""a. background. Mark Dona'ldson, -the.flood plain map UV HVdr6_rtoodptain, and therefore the Discussion followed concerning thestated that the plan was to r6movedunits, that all of the large trees two units existing onthe present structure would remain. Pierce the lot, and Donaldson and build two new Toved and Vielg seconded Zq!e_!q!__g,-vg_11 Viilase West #2 f to approve the rezonin uest per the staff memo-?E re orscussionconcerning perhaps adiTng ;condition that t applicant must upgrade PEc u,ry -2- property. Piper felt that recourse to DRB would property without substantial improvements. This the motion. The vote was 5-0 in favor. control any adding on tocondition was not added the the to 6.uest for a setback variance and a cond'itional ermit in order to onstruct acilit esatt center Tom Braun explained that there were two parts to the request, one a setback variance, and the other a conditional use permit. He explained both and showedsite pl ans. Rick Baldwin, architect for the applicant, stated that the bank wanted visual connection between the bank jn the Vail das Schone building and the drive-up facility and a'l so fe1 t that the location would have the'least impact on the parking 1ot" with the traffjc flow onto the site as minimum as possible. He added that the faci'l ity would be moved when Vai'l Commons was constructed, but that he did not know Vail Common's time table. Braun explained wtry the staff recommended denial of the faciljty, main'ly that the bike path would be severe'ly impacted with a dangerous conf'l ict between vehiculartraffic and users of the bike bath, and the fact that this facility would bejn conflict with the Vail Conmons project which had been approved by the County and accepted by the Town. Baldwin then asked if he cou'ld present a different site plan, and was told that the staff would need time to review a new p1an. D'i scussion fol'lowed concerning the number of parking spaces to be lost with various schemes, and of the crowded conditions for driving both in front of the retail stores and along the side to get to the back of the build'ing. Baldwin asked to table the item to the meetin of 29. Edwards moved and erce seco to ta e unt vote was avor w e abstai nr'ng. 8. A request for modification to the floodp'l ain and a minor subdivision to Peter Patten explained the request and pointed out that the last column on page one of the memo should have read "Approx. GRFA Exist'i ng." He pointed out that a water easement that had been re]ocated needed to be recorded, and mentioned the four conditions of approval--the_staff reconrnended approva'l of the request. Terrill Knight, representing the applicant, stated that he had letters from Mountain Bell and from cable TV. He gave these to the staff. He said the easement had been recorded that day, which left only two conditions with which to comp'ly. Knight explained that almost all of the work wou'ld be done above the flood plain, and Stephens showed on a site plan the general idea he would pursue. Knight stated that the Corp of Engineers wanted certajn wi'l 'lows left intact' and-he added that the large spruce trees would be left jntact and the roots protected. o 75 routh lrontage roadyr , coloredo 0i657 (303) 476-7000 January 24, 1gB4 otflce of communlly developmcnl Mr. Dave Elmore 2309 Bullefield Road oack Brook, Illinois 60521 Re: Lot 3, vail village west #2 Dear Mr. Elmore: In regard to Lot 3 of vair viilage west Firing No. 2, the rot is zonedGreenbelt and Naturar-0pen space:- Vil currenity-tuu6 i"iouse rocatedon the tot that is a relar nbn-conronnins siruiiu;;';il ;;". Encrosedis information on what ian ui ao.ii wiIr, irri iiiiiing-ri"u.tr".. Under the existino zoning, if you remove the structure a new structurecould not be conslructed]' I have tarked with Rich.capran-and Rod srifer regarding an agreementwhere you could have additionar aeveiopment on Lot 3. They recail therewas some discussion and no agreement. 'firit, 'ii-nouia iui-. ro*n Councilaction to rezone the. propert! for deveropil; ;; ;;i;-pil;;. They donot have the authoriti tb p{rmise or'isrbe to ieveii'im5;;;, this rot. If you have aqy questions, please contact me. Sincere'ly, ---'?'\, / ,/')| )- I n./Fn-L L* DICK RYAN (\ Conmunity Detlopment Di rector cc: l'lark Donaldson Rlch Caplan Rod Slifer t I I I I I v \ ) \ \ \1. \.."* "J \\\ \\ I \ X 1(oo 9) @ I I II I I I ) A) ,ld! /) \ box l(X) vail, colorado 81557 (3031 476-5613 The Counci] 's action wa Secondary. It was a'lso the time of closing of Eagle County land, outs department of community development March 19, 1981 Mr. Frank R. Krok 2809 Butterfie'ld Rd. Oak Brook, Illinois 6052f Dear Mr. Krok: I received your letter on Tuesday, March 17, the day of the Town Council meeting. I also spoke with Jim Jacobsen concerning your request. We gave the Town Counci'l a copy of your 'letter at their 2:00 p.m. Work Session that afternoon for their informatjon. Mr. Jacobsen also spoke that evening at the Council meeting. zone ti oned e Elmore p 's jurisdiction. I'm enclosjng an application form for a rezoning for you. The rezoning process is open to you and is the on'ly method availab'le to increase the a'l 'l owable density on the properties in question. I will be more than happy to meet with you and/or Mr. Elmore concerning any rezoning you wish to pursue. Please call and set up an appointmentif you so desire. A. Peter Pa Senior Planner APP:df Encl. cc: Rich Caplan Larry Rider Dick Ryan properties Two-Fami ly Primary/t the Town had no right (at perty) to transfer density to H,B[-,IC I\UIICE NCIIICE IS HmBiY GIVEN that r'continud public hearing will be held to adopt zming for Parcels A and C of the Etmre Pnoperty located along the South fbontagp Road in the ltlatterhom Village Area. The zoning for these Parrcels wa.s recormEnded by the Planning and ftwirontrental Ccrmission on Norrqnber 14. 1978 as Residential Cluster (6 units per buildable a.cre) with up to an additional 3 units per buildable a,cre for long term rental housing. Tbis natter was heard by the Tlonn Oouncil on Novenber 2L, 7978 at utrich ttun the applicant, Dave Elnnre, and the Tcrryn Council agreed to postpone the adoption of zoning for @ days. A hrblic Flearing will be held before the Tlown Oouncil of the Toqm of Vail on October fi, L979 at 7:3O p.m. in the Vail Municipal Brilding. Said hearing will be held in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Vail Municipal Oode. fftrvl{ CF VAIL DEPARIMEM OF CIMMT]NrIY DETfHIFMEIII fu-. A, tL'o^- tin." A. R:bin Zoning Adninistrator Rrblished in the Vail llai1 October f.2, a979. O1 f,/^-o'- T /"2'- ' box 100 uail. colorado 81657 (3031 476-s613 October 11, 1979 Dave Elmore 2625 Bttterfield Road Sulte 3015 Oakbrook, Illlools 60521 department of community development Re: Zoning on Parcels A and C of the Elnore Property located along the south Frontage Road Ln the l.{atterhorn Village Area. Dear Dave : I have enclosed a copy of the Public Notice for the adoption of Zonlng for the lower portions' of your property. This zonlng had last been dlscussed betneen the council and yourself on Novernb er 2L, 1978. At thls tlme, both yourself and the Council agreed to postpone or extend the adoption of zoning for 60 days in order to glve you a chance to come back with a Special Development Distrlct. Thls 60 day period has long since expired wlth no specific zonlng resultJ.ng on these parceLs at thls tine. In order to remedy ihis sl.tuatlon, I have publlshed for a Public Hearing to be held on October 30, 1979 at 7:30 P.M. (See Public Hearing Notice which is enclosed). The Zoning recouunended at the Plannlng Comuission Meeting on November 14, 1978 was Residentlal Cluster (6 units per buiLdabl-e acre) plus up to an additional three units per bulldable acre for long tern ttemployee housing.t' This recomendation was passed on to the Councll at their November 2L, L978 Work Session and lleeting at r^rhlch tine the continuation rras requested and granted. At the October 30, L979 meetlngr the Council wi1J. again be presented with the reconmendation from the Planning and Enviroouental Co'nrnissi.on. If you have any questions, please glve me a call . S incerely , \r-,"\rl *' 8.,!- Cd"r"" A. Rubln Zoning AdnioisCrator I{JB[-,IC NSTICE NCIIICE IS IIIRBY GIlm{ that a'iontinued pubtric hearing will be held to adopt rcning for Parcels A and C of the Elnpre Itoperty located along the South Frontage Boad in the L4atterlrorn Village Area. Ttre zoning for these Parcels \las reconmended by the Planning and Envirpnrnental Ccnmission on November L4, L978 as Resident ia1 Cluster (6 units per buildable acre) with up to an additional- 3 rmits per buildable acre for long term rental housing. Ttris-natter was heard by the Town Oouncil on Novsrber 21 , 7978 at wtrich tture the applieant, Dave Elrnrre, and the Tcn'n Council agrreed to postpone the adoption of zoning for 60 days. A Public llearing will be held before the Town Oouncil of the Torvn of Vail on October 30, 1:979 at 7z3O p.m. in the Vail Munici.pal Erilding. Said hearing will be held in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Vail hlunicirral Oode. TCXYI{ OF VAIL DPARTI'IM{T OF COCI4I.]NIfY DE\IETORiTNfI nrlilr7 ! )a ^^ ",, l/'t lLuJr'.<^-V|.vr^<.1.'- L/Jares A. Rrbin Zoning Adninistrator Published in the Vail 1)n11 October 12, 19'19. OO uEItoRANDW TO: RIch CaPlan and the Town Councll FROM: Jin Rubln DATE: 0ctober 3' 1979 RE: Partlal Transcrlpt of Dl.scussion of Elmore Parcel- zon lng at the Work Session of November 2L, L978' The followLng are corments that were taken from the Town Cormcl-L Work Sesslon TaPe of November 21, 1978. This was the Last time that Dave Elmore appeared before the Council - EL}ORE PARCEL IIORK SESSION Nov. 21", 1979 cer6t"nberg"r. PEC Recomrnendatlon-6 regular uolts and 3 employee unlts Per bu11dable acre 51l-f er Recollection of prior conversation with Elmore 12 units Per acre (Agreed to by Elmore) 108 Total 213 regular, 1/3 aPartnent (Long Tern) Buildable Slte Area Almost 9 acres Donovan Rubln Bl-uore Ruder Ilopnan Gerstenberser Ordinance belng considered to allow 502 increase in Diecussion of parcel on l"Iest side of liatterhorn cLrcl-e-general agreement to not allow dlveloPment but to allow a transfer of density' 108 unlts is accePtable to hln LDMF wtth a percentage increase for enployee houslng " (Are tu pr"cld"ttt setting for future al- lowances of increases for emPloYee housing. ) As developnent progresses, there needs to be a mlxture of employee housing and regualr units' DonovanBothtypesofhousingshouldbeprovidedatthesame': Lt" tlbw ls too muih for havlng no employee housing) ' HoPman agreeg I Elmore TranscrLpt--Page Tno Palnateer Elnore Donovan Gers tenberger Sllfer Gerstenbegger Llkes the six plus 6ix better PlannLng to own apartments Speclal Developneut District, slx plus six one thlrds with L2 uoits per bull-dabl-e acre Must act on zoaing on parcel for that Dlght 90 day tine perlod) or t!ro.thtrds/ total. (to fall wlthl-n Can we extend the zoning until detaLls are worked out-- Larry Rlder answers yes--Agreenent to extend zoning for 60 days agreed to by Ehnore and CouncLl Le the general feeling.s{x plus sl.x or nine and three Palmateer, Ilopman, Ruder six and sLx Ruder Use LDMF Standards for. slx and slx or whatever seems. to work out. The discussion ended with no fo:oal action but a general consensus of 12 unlts per developable aere as a maximum wlth the slx and sJ.x ratl.o generally agreed to but allowing for some flexlbility lf that ratio does not rrork. t t OFDIMI\EE No.{3 Series of 1979- AN ORD]IiaNCE IMPOSING ZCN]NG DISIRT TS CN PArcETS A E C OF'TIIE EIDRts PARCtr,S. PROPERIYreAl$ rN lrrE W L trTTCN 12, T5S, R81W oF TIIE 6th P.M, EaGLE Ct[JlfIY COTORADO, PRESET{ILY ChTiIED HT \AIL CIIY CORPORATIChI, A @IORADO CI]RPORTTTICN, AI{ID EIVIORE AIiID ASSrcIAIE.S A DEIJ$nRE CDRPORATICN, AhlNffD 10 lllE ltriN AllD AI4E!{DING Tl{E OIFICIIiL ZCNING IAP A.lD SSITIT.IG FORIII FINDII{GS ATiID CCNGIJSICT{S AI{D qITIER DSIFIII.S IN REATICI{ ITIEREIO !fiIEREAS, tte llcr^n of Vail Colorado, tenejnafter referred to as tte "$cr!vn", annexed ttte Elnpre Parcels, propelrty located. in the W L of Secticn 12, T5S, R81W of ttre 6th P.M., Cotrrtlr of Eag1e, State of Colorado' effectirrc cn the lllth day of Septenber 1978. $IHEREA.S, Chapter L8.68 of the Vail l4nicipal Code of the Totlrt of Vail, Colorado, is applicable to any area annexed to ttre Tton and ccntains praedures for the inposition of zcning districts on an annexed Erreet; V*IEREAS, Section 31-8-115(2), Colorado Revised Statutes 1973' as anrended, reqJrires the Tohrn to bring ttre annexed area under its Zcning Ordinance witbin ninety days after tlre effectirre date of anne>aticni !iIHEREA.S, tle applicant qr Noverber 21, L978 reqrcsted tlat Zming Cqrsideration on Parcels A and C be tabled for 60 days; and WIIEREAS, tte 60 Day period has erypired; NCff $IERffi.ORE, BE II OFDA]NM HT TT{E lUIOl @T'T\E]L OF TIIE l([dN oF \AIL, COIORADO, A.S F0[IOWS: Secticn l-. ritl-e Ttris ordilance slnl1 be loown as the "Ordinance Inposing Zcning Districts qr Parcel-s A and C of tlre Anrexed Elnpne Parcels." Sectiqr 2. Pr:ocedures zulfilIed tte proce&:res fon tle determinaticn of the zoring districts to be futposeCl qr Parcels A and C of the Elrcre Parcels utrich are prescri-bed in Chapter 18.68 of the Vail ltnicipal Code have been fulfilled. Sectiql 3. Inpositior of Zoring Districts cn Parcels A and C of the Elrore ParceJ-s; Additiqr to Official Zoning !4ap. (( Ordinance No. 43-Page T\o Pursuant to Clrapter 18.68 of the VaiI !4:nicipal Code, Parcels A & C of the Elnpre Parcels aruro<ed to ttre $o,n througfi the enactnerrt of Ordilance No. 26, Series of L978, of the Town of Vail, CoLorado, effectirie cn tlre 13th day of Septsrber 1978, are di\zided into Zcning Districts as follovrs: Parcel A-Residentjal Cluster (RC) fol1-cr'dng t]re Special Develcgrent DisErict Procedr.:res with up to an additiqal tlree (3) units per buildable acre for Iong Term lcnr or roderately priced residential hcrrsing with 750 square feet of additional Gross Residential- Floor Area (ffiFA) girrcn for each Long Term 1o\^, or rpderately priced Residsttial Un"it sulcrdtted in the De\Elo5>rrEnt Plan with the cqrditicn tlnt tte long lterm Lc&r or l,lrderately priced Residerrtial Housing rnits, if desjred, shal1 be sutrnitted with tte initial DerreloSnent Plan and if not sutmitted at ttnt t.ire, tle opticr for the add:itiornl r.rrits will be deqred wai'ized. Pa:rcel C- Greenbelt and Natural @en Space (AjOS) {,lith a transfer to Pancel A of densitl' allcre€d for tle Buildab1e acreage according to tte sane zonjng as Par:cel A. qec!194'1!. Ctrange in Official zoning !Iap. tlre additisr to the Official zodng M4 adopted by the Tcr,rln Councj-l in Secticn 3 her.eof sha1l be entered on the Official Zcning ltap prclpLty bry ttre Zoring A&ninistrator jn accordance wittr Chapter 18.08 of the Vail- lfinicipal Code. Secbicn 5. Effective date. Ilris ordinarrce shal1 take effect five (5) days after pr-rblicaticrr follo.ring the fjnal passge hereof. IIiIIRODITD, READ CT{ TIRST READING, APPRO\IED, ORDffiED PTJBLISil{ED CNe IN FULL, tlris 30tJr day of October, 1979, and a public tearing or tiis ordinance stnll be held at tle regrlar neetjng of tlre Tovnr Corncil of tlle ltown of Vail-, @lorado, on the 20th dqf of Noverber, L979, at 7:30 P.M. in ttrc l,lrnicipal Building of t}te Tovn. ) i. j ?'j r( za ORDINANCE NO. EP Series No. 'lgZg t rt AN ORDINANCE ZONING CERTAIN PARCELS OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE N* OF SECTION ]2, T5S, R8]hl OF THE 6th P.M., Tol,,lN 0F VAIL, C0L0RAD0 HEREToFoRE ANNEXED T0 TllE T0WN 0F VAILi DESIGNATING SAID ZONING DISTRICTS FOR THE ANNEXED PROPERTY; SETTING FORTH DffAILS RELATING THERETOI AND' AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP IN RELATION TO THE ANNEXED PROPERTY. WHEREAS, the property to be zoned hereby has been recent'ly annexed to the Town of Vai] ; and, bIHEREAS, the Town Council and the Planning Commission considered the appropriate zoning for the rccently annexed pnoperty and certajn recommendations' therefore, have been made; and WHEREAS, the Town Counci'l considers it in the public interest to zone said t dhh€xed property as soon as possible; NOhl, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAiNED BY T}IE TOhIN COUNCIL OF THE TOI^IN OF VAIL' COLORADO, THAT: Section l. Findjngs. The Town Council finds that the procedures for the provision of zoning distrjcts for property recently annexed to the Town of Vai'l have been fulfilled and the Town Council hereby recejves the report of recommendation of the Planning and Environmenta'l Conrnission recororcnding the zoning of the annexed property. Section 2. Pursuant to Section 18.68.070 of the Vail Mun'icipal Code, the parcels of property'located in the Nt of Section 12, T5S, RSll^l of the 6th P.M., Town of Vai'l , Colorado, are rezoned as follows: (Parcel Des'ignations herein referred to shall be in accordance with the parcel designations shown on the annexation plat approved by the Town Council.): (a) Parcel B-lvledjum-Density-Mu]tip'le-Family Zone for no more than thirty (30) condominium units. (b) Parcel C-Two-Family-Prirmry/Secondary Zone on a portion thereof for four (4) residentia'l lots and Medium-Density-Mu'ltiple-Family Zone on the remainder for no more than forty-eight (48) condominium units. (c) Parcel D-Two-Family-Prinnry/Secondary Zone for twenty-seven (27) residentia'l lots and the remainder Medjum-Dens'ity-Multiple-Fami'ly Zone for no more than fifteen (l 5) condominium units, (I No. I Ordi nance Page Two (d) Parce1 E-Two-Family-Prinnry/Secondary Zone for six (6) residentia'l lots and the renninder consisting of appnox'imately forty-one (4'l ) acres as Open Space/Green Be'lt Zone. (e) Al'l areas zoned Medium-Density-Mu1tip1e Fami'ly sha'll be expressly conditioned upon the development thereof being in accordance with Special Development District Standards and approvals as required by the Zoning Ordinances of the Town of Vail. (f) 0n lots one thrnugh four (l-4), inclusive, -Two-Fami]y Primary/Secondary Zone. (S) The references to parce'ls and zones herein refer specifically to the annexation plat wh'ich is attached hereto and by this reference nade a part hereof. Section 3. As provided in the 0rdinances of the Town of Vai1, the Zoning Administrator is hereby directed to modif-y and amend the officjal map to include the zoning specified in paragraph two (2) above and in addition, to reflect the conditions adopted herein. 1 r/ INTRODUCED, READ FULL, this lTth day of be he'ld at the regu'lar on 7 aay of the Town. INTRoDUCED, Tl.trs 7 DAY OF ; '1979, at 7:30 P.M., in the Mun.icipa'l Building of READ ON SECOND READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED BY TITLE ONLY ON FiRST READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN July, 1979, and a public hearing on this ordinance sha'll meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Vai'l , Colorado, 1979. ornz_ru ATTEST: onl-v be Ctohe OF THE AA.*+9 _ Series ot rETE- AN oRDFNcE rMposrNc zoNrNG orsrnh oN PARCEL B OF TIIE ELMORE PARCELS: PROPERTY LOCATED_IN THE W * Or sEcTIoN iZ, tSS, p81W oF THE_6th p.M., EAGLE COUI\rry COLORADO, PRESENTLY OWNED BY VAIL CITY CORPORATION,A COLORADO CORPORATION, AND ELMONE AND ASSOCIATESA DELAWARE CORPORATION. ANNEXED TO THE TOWNAND AMENDING THE OSFICIAL ZONING MAP AND SETTING FORTH FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS AND OTHER DETAILSIN RELATION THERETO WIiEREAS, the Town of Vail Colorado, hereinafter referred to as the 'rrownr'. annexed the Elmore parcels. property located in the I{ } of Section 12, TbS, pglW of the 6th p.M., County of Eagle, State of Colorado, effective on the 13th dav of September 19?8. WI-EREAS, Chapter 19.6g of the Vail Municipal Code of the Town of Vail, Colorado. is applicable to any area annexed to the Town and contains procedures for the imposition of zoning districts on an annexed area; WI{EREAS, Section 31_g_115(2), Colorado Revised Statutes 7973. as a^mended, requires the Town to bring the annexed area under its Zoning Ordinanee within ninety days after the effective date of annexation; and IfHEREAS, the applicant has requested that zoning considered for parcel B at this time with parcels A and zoned at a later date; NOW, TI{EREFORE, BE rT ORDATNED By THE TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF VAIL. COIORADO. AS IOLLOIVS: Sectlon 1. Title This ordinance sha1l be known as Zoning Districts on parcel B of the Annexed the "Ordinance Imposing Elmore Parcels. " Section 2. Procedures Fu1fi11ed. The procedures for the determination of the zoning districts to be imposed on parcel B of the Elmore parcels which are prescribed in Chapter 18.68 of the Vail Municipal Code have been fulfilled. section 3. rmposition of Zoning Districts on parcel B of the Elmore Parcels; Addition to Official Zoning Map. Pursuant to Chapter 1g.6g of the Vail Municipal Code The Elmore Parcers annexed to the Town through the enactment of Ordinance No. 26, Series of 192g, of the Town of Vail, Colorado, effective on the 13th day of September 192g, is hereby divided into zoning districts as shown on a may incorpor- ated herein by reference which amends and shalr become an addition the Official Zoning Map. Ord.Pagc 2 ggiiti_S_!__4. Chirnge in Official Zonine Map. The addition to the Official Zoning Map adopted by the Torvn Council j.n Section 3 hereof shall be entered on the Official ZoninE Map promptly by the Zoning Administrator in accordance with Chapter 18.08 of the Vail Municipal Code. Scction 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect five days after publication fol-lowing the final passage hereof. INTRODUCED. READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISIIBD ONCE IN FULL, this 21st day of November i-g7a, and a public hearing on this ordinance shall be held at the regular meeting of the Town council of the Town of vair, coloraclo, on the 5th day of December 1978, at 7:30 P.M. in the Municipal Building of the Town. ATTBST Town Clerk INTRODUCED ON THIS 5th DAY SECOND READING, READ, OF DECEMBER, ]978. APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED BY TITLE ONLY ATTEST: TOl'lN CLERK J O ' "ilq,*fi t"r/' '1 0/oul"u 16 .RDTNAN.E No. Jle %r"(riU,Series of r9JE-- 4- \,1, VrL Ar.r oRDTNANcE ANNEXTNG To rHE TowN oF vArL ( ,/A PARCEL OF pROpERTy LOCATED rN THE W I/2 ,/oF sEcrroN 12, T5s, R81W OF THE 6TH P.M., / EAGLE COIJNTY, COLORADO, PRESENTLY OT.TNED BY VAIL CITY CORPORATION, A COLORADO CORPORATION, AND ELMORE AND ASSOCIATES, A DEI,AWARE CORPORATION; AND SETTING FORTH FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS AND OTHER DETAILS IN RELATION THERETO WHEREAS, a petition for annexation to the Town of Vail of certain parcel-s of property located in the W L/2 of Section 12, T5S, R81w, of the 6th P.M., Eagle County, Colorado, has been submitted to the Town C1erk of the Town of Vail and referred therefrom to the Town Council; WHEREAS, the olrners of l00t of the property proposed for annexation, exclusive of the streets and alleys, are Vail City Corporation, a Colorado corporation, and Elmore and Associates, a Delaware corporation; WHEREAS, the petition was signed by David G. Elmore, President, and Robert W. Glahe, Secretary and Assistant Secretary of the landowners; WHEREAS, in accordance with C.R.s. 31-12-107(1) (g), the Town Council may by ordinance annex the above specified pro- perty without notice, hearing or election inasmuch as the petition was signed by 100* of the property ownersi and WHEREAS, the Town Council is of the opinion that the petition should be granted and that the subject property should be annexed to the Town of VaiL; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. Findings. The Town Clerk of the Town of Vail has referred to the Town Council a petition for annexation of a eertain parcel of property (hereinafter referred to as the "subject property' and is more specifically described in Exhibit "A" attachedl hereto) ora.J(o t D Page 2 that is located on the W L/2 of Section 12.,. T5S, RglW of the 5th P-M-, Eagre county, and the Town'council specifically find.s upon review of said petition: (A) The petition is in substantial compliance with the requirements of C.R.S. 3l-12-I07(l), 1973, as amended. (B) The petition was signed by the owners of 1009 of the area proposed to be annexed, exclusive of streets and and alleys. (C) The subject property is eligible for annexation to the Town of Vail in that at least one-sixth of its boundaries are contiguous with the Town of Vail-, there is community of interest between the Town of Vail and the subject property, the subject property will- be urbanized in the near future, and it is capable of being integrated into the Town of Vai1. (D) There are no linitations to the annexation of the subject property to the Town of Vail in that no land held. in identical ownership has been divided without the written consent of the landowners thereof, no rand held in identicaL ownership comprising 20 acres or more with an assessed valuation in excess of 9200r000 for ad valorem tax purposes has been j-ncluded without the written consent of the owner, no other annexation proceedings have been commenced by another municipality witi relation to the subject property, and no area wilL be detached from a school district by this annexation. (E) No additional terms or conditions are to be imposed. upon this annexation. (f) The subject property may be annexed by ordinance without notice, hearing or election in accordance with subsection (s) of 31-12-107. Section 2. Annexation. That property located in the W L/2 of Section 12, T5S, R81W, of the 5th P.M., Eagle County, Colorado, more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto is annexed to the Town of VaiI , Colorado. Page 3 Section 3. Effective Date. The annexation and this ordinance shall take effect in accordance with the charter of the Town of Vail and the Town Clerk is directed to file for recording two certified copies of this ordinance and a map of the area annexed contain- ing a legal description of such area with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder and one copy thereof with the Division of Local Government of the Department of Local Affairs. ' Section 4. Zoning. The subject property hereby annexed to the Town of VaiL shall be referred to the Planning Commission for review and recommendation regarding zoning in accordance with Chapter 18.58 of the Vail Municipal Code. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND. ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL, this l5th day of August, 1978, and a public hear.ing on this ordinance shall be held at the regular meeting of the Tor,tn council of the Town of Vailr Colo- rado, on the 5th day of September, 1978, at 7:30 P.M., in the Municipal BuiJ.ding of the Town. ATTEST: INTRODTJCED, READ ON SECOND THIS 5th DAY OF SEPTEI'IBER, APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED BY TITLE ONLYREADING, 1978. ATTEST: (/ TOWN COI'NCIL REGULAR MEETING September 5, 1978 MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Rod SIifer John DonovanScott Hopman Paula Palmateer Bob Ruder Tom SteinbergBill Wilto STAFF: Terry llinger, Town lt{anagerLarry Rider, Town Attorney Stan Bernstein, Finance 9r9in?ncg_No. 2Q, Seligs of 1978, second reading. Slifer gave a briefintroductionandexp1ainedfficia,tesparce1ofproperty was in the Matterhorn area and adjoins the Glen Lyon Subdivision. TomSteinberg raised a question about Judge Jones' ruling on annexation andhow j,t rerated to this parcel . Larry Rider gave his interpretation.As there was no further discussion, Tom steinberg made a motion forapproval; seconded by John Donovan. A unanimous vote was recorded. Ordinance No. 27, Series of L978, second reading. Slifer read the tttitlett and Larry Rj.cter gave a more detailed explanation of this ordinance.Bill wilto made a motion for approval; seconded by Paula Palmateer. A unanimous vote was recorded. Oldinance No. 28,Ee_figE qf 1978, an emergency ordinance. Scott HopmanffiAAenough time to "digest" the ordinance anddiscussed the possibility of not passing it as an emergency ordinance butvoting on it as a regular ordinance; therefore,making this hearing the"first reading". wilto was against this as was Donovan who felt thatthe purpose of the ordinance was too important to wait. Mr. Sandy Lampo, representing the Butterwick Enterprises, read into therecord a letter dated 9/5/78 which stated their proJect improvement pl"ansfor the Apo11o Park project and felt that because of the previousrecordings of deeds and various committments made that their proJect wouldbe exempt from the ordinance. Larry Rider then gave a detailed explanation of the proposed ordinanceand how it would effect developers and property owners who wished toconvert their property-into time-sharing units or condominiums. A lO-minute recess was taken so that the Councj.l could review the proposedordinance properly. upon reconvening, citi.zen participation was thenentertained. As there was no further discussion, Donovan made a motionfor approvar; seconded by Palmateer. A unanimous vote was recorded. Resolution No. 20-__Qq"&s of 1978, expressing appreciation to Don Newcombeor his e forts to educate the public about alcohol and designating the week of September 17-23, 1978 Alcohot Awareness lTeek. Donovan moved foradoption of Resorution No. 2o; seconded by steinberg, A unanimous votewas recorded. amending the Town of Vail's EmployeePension Plan to conformwith--he requirements of the Employee Retirement rncome security Act of 1974. stan BernsteiD explained the proposed amendment and that there was no financial impact to the Town. Wilto madea motion for approval; seconded by Donovan. A unanimous vote was recorded. 1978, MINUTES VAIL TOI,,N COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING I5 AUGUST I978 The regular meeting of the Vail Town Counci'l was convened at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday' August I5, '1978, in the Council Chambers of the Vai'l Munjcipa] Building. Mayor Rod Slifer and the fo1 lowing Counci'lmembers were present: John Donovan Tom Steinberg Pau'l a Pa'lmateer Scott HopmanBill I'lilto Bob Ruder A'l so present were: Terry Minger, Town Manager Larry Rider, Town AttorneY Ernie Nunn of the U.S. Forest Servjce presented the background and purpose of the Road'l ess Area Review and Eva'l uat'ion and djstributed copies of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement. He requested input from the Town and its c'iti zens. QRDINANCE N0. 26, Series of 'l 978, annexing territory owned by Vail Cjty Corp. and Elmore & Associates, Inc. to the Town-of Vai] , was introduced on fjrst reading. Mayor Sljfer stated that the petition for annexation had been received ear'liei in t'he day and was s'igned Oy tOb% of the territory's landowners. Council- man Donovan moved to accept tiie petition; Councj'lman Stejnberg seconded the motion; a1 1 present voted in favoi; and the motion carried. Town Engineer, Dan Corcoran' statbd that the map, prepared by KKBNA, was in compliance with Statutory regu'ire- ments. Mr. Rider ieab ti,e anne'xation Statute. In'response to a question regard'ing the status of the pending West Vail annexation if this annexatjon were approved' Mr. Rider stated that the llest Vai'l annexation election wou]d be stopped as the Elmore annexation wou'ld take precedence. Councilman Donovan moved to approve _grdinance No. 26 on first reabing; Councilman Steinberg seconded the motion; aI'l present voted in favor; and the rnotion carrjed. The Town Clerk was instructed to irave the ordjnance puUiisneA in ful'1. l{r. Rider then stated that the Council cou'ld discuss possib'le zoi ing or could refer that matter to the Planning Corrnission.for recommendations. Couniilman Steinberg moved to refer the zoning to the-Planning Commjssion; Councilman l.lilto seconded-the rnotion; all present voted jn favor; and the motion carried. 6RDINANCE N0. 27, Series of 1978, adopting by reference the 1977 "Model Traffic Code", was introduced on first readin!. ilr.-Rider expla'ined that the Model Traffic Code is revised every three years and that no significant changes were incorporated in ttris edition. Co-uncilman-Ruder moved to approve the ordinance; Councilman llilto seconded the rnotion; all present voted jn favor; and the motion carried. The Town CIerk was instructed to have the ordinance published jn fulI. RES0LUTI0N N0. 18, Series of 1978, designating Qctober 24.- 1978, United Nations Diy, was introduced by Hayor S'lifer. Councjlioman Palmateer moved to approve the iei6tution and to app'oiniMayor Slifer U.N. Day Chairman; Counci'lman Steinberg seconded the motjon;'all preient voted in favor; and the motion carried- RESoLUTI0N N0. 19, Series of l978, redeeming Town of Vail Bighorn.Street fmprove- ment Bonds, was introduced by Hayor Slifer. Stan Bernstein explained thatthe. resolutjon authorizes the Town to call $.|05,000 in Bighorn Street Bonds, thereby reducing the debt. Councilman l.li'l to moved io approve-the resolution; Counci'lman Hopman ieconded the nption; a1 1 present voted in favor; and the motion carrjed' a ,f,."f e onllt Cto ORDINANCE 44Series of lffi-- AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING ZONING DISTRICTS ON PABCEL B OF THE ELMORE PARCELS, pROpERry LOCATED IN THE W t OF SECTION 12, T5S, pSLW oF THE 6th p.M., EAGLE COUNTY COiORADO, PRESENTLY OLNED By VAIL CITY CORPORATION,A COIORADO CORPORATTON, AND ELMOBE AND ASSOCIATESA DELATVARE CORPORATION, ANNEXED TO THE TOWN AITD AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP AND SETTING FORTH FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS AND OTHER DETAILSIN BELATION THERETO WI{EREAS, the Town of Vail Colorado, hereinafter referred to as the ,,Town,,. annexed the Elmore parcels. property located in the W * ot Section 12, TbS, pglW of the 6th p.M., county of Eagle. state of colorado, effective on the 13th day of September 19?8. WISREAS, Chapter 18.69 of the Vail Municipal Code of the Town of Vai1, Colorado. is applicable to any area annexed to the Town and contai.ns procedures for the imposition of zoning districts on an annexed area; WHEREAS, Section 31_g_1lS(2), Colorado Revised Statutes 1973. as amended, requires the Town to bring the annexed area under its Zoning ordinance within ninety days after the effective date of annexation; and wIlEREAs, the appricant has requested that zoning considered for parceL B at this time with parceLs A and zoned at a 1ater date; NOW, TI{EREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED By THE TOISN COUNCIL TOWN OF VAIL. COIORADO. AS trOLLOITS: Section l. Title be be OF TIIE This ordinance shall be known as Zoning Districts on parcel B of the Annexed districts to be imposed on parcel prescribed in Chapter lg.6g of the the "Ordinance Imposing E1more Parcels. " Section 2.Procedures Fu1fi1led. The procedures for the determination of the zonins Elmore Parcel-s; Addition to Officiat pursuant to Chapter 19.6g The Elrnore parcels annexed to the Town of Ordlnance No. 26, Series of lg7g, of Colorado, effective on the l3th day of B of the Elmore Parcels which Vail Municipal Code have been Zoning Map. of the Vail Municipal Code through the enactment Section 3. Imposition of Zoning Districts on parcel B are fulfilled. of the hor(-,hy dlvtdcd lnto zonins districts as shown on the Town September of Vai1, 1978, is a may incorpor- ., | | . i.. I ,5 aEv-F r-. A"cot.oRADO COhFoRATtoN, AND ELnoRE AND ASSOCTATES A DELAWAE. CORPOMTION. ANNEXED TO TEE TOWN AlrD AUEN|JG THE OFFTCiAL ZONTNG MAJND SETTTNG FORTII FINDINGS A}ID CONCLUSIONS AI{D OTHER DETAILSIN RELATION THEREIIO WI{PREAS, the Towo of Vall Colorado, hereinafter refe*ed to as the 'Townr'. annexed the Elmore parcels, property located ln the T l ot Section 12, TbS, pSlI[ of the 6th p.M., County of'Eagle. State of Colorado, effective on the 13tb day of September 19?8. WIiEREAS, Chapter l-8.68 of the VaiL of the Town of Vail, Colorado, is applicable annexed to the Town and contains procedures Municipal Code to any area for the imposition only Cto of zoning distrlcts on an annexed area; WEEREAS, Section g1-g_Il5(2), Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, as amended, requires the Town to bring the annexed area under its Zoning Ordinance within ninety days after the effective date of annexation; and WHEREAS, the applicant has requested that zoning considered for Parcel_ B at this time witb parcels A and zoned at a later datel NOtr, TImREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED By THE TOWN COIJNCIL TOIIN OF VATL. @I,ORADO. AS IOLLOWS: Section 1. Title be be OF TIIS This ordinance shalL be known as Zoning Districts on parcel B of the Annexed tbe I'Ordinance Imposing Elmore Parcels.rr Bection 2. Procedures FuLfllled. Tbe procedures for the determination of the zoning districts to be imposed on parcel B of the Elmore parcels rvhich are prescrlbed in Chapter 18.68 of the Vail Municipal Code have been fulfllled. Section 3. Imposition of Zoning Districts on parcel B of the Elmore Parcels; Addition to Officj.al- Zoning Map. Pursuant to Chapter 18.68 of the VaiI Municipal Code The Elnore ParceLs annexed to the Town through the enactment of Ordinance No. 26, Series of 19?g, of the Town of Vail, Colorado, effective on the 13th day of September 19?9, is hereby divided into zonlne districts as shown on a may incorpor- ated herein by reference which amends and shall become an addition to the Official Zoning Map. o PagOrd. - e2 Section 4. Change in Offlcial Zonine Map' by the in The additiou to the Official Zoning Map adopted tlre Town CounciL i-n Section 3 hereof shaIl be entered on Official ZoninE Map promptty by the Zoning Administrator accordance with Chapter 18'08 of the Vail Municipal Code' tl ty ,Ia See.tion 5. Eff ective Date' This ordinance shal1 take effect five days after publication foLlowing tbe final passage hereof' INTRoDUCED. READ oN FIRST READING, APPRoVED, AND oRDERED PITBLISIIED ONCE IN FULL' this 21st day of November 1978' and a public hearing on this ordinance shalI be held at the regularmeetingoftheTownCounciloftheTownofVail,Colorado, on the 5th day of December 1978, at 7:30 P'M' in the lrlunicipal Building of the Town. - ATTEST INTRODUCED ON THIS sth DAY SECOND RB\DING, READ' 0F DECEMBER, '1978. APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED BY TITLE ONLY l ATTEST: . _ .! ORDINAI.ICE NO. 3b Series of 197E- . AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TO THE TO!{N OF VAILA PARCEL OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE VI L/2oF sEcTroN 12, T5s, RglW OF THE 5TH p.M., EAGI,E COUNTY, COLORADO, PRESENTLY OWNEDBy vArL cITy coRpoRATION, A COLORADO coRpoRATION, AlitD ELMORE AND ASSOCIATES,A DEI,AWARE CORPORATION; AND SETTING FORTH FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS AND OTHER DETAILSIN RELATION THERETO ' WHEREAS, a petition for annexation to the Town of Vail of certain parcels of property located in the W L/2 of Section 12, T5S, R81W, of the 6th p.M., Eagle County, CoJ-orado, has been submitted to the Town Clerk of the Town of Vail and referred therefrom to the Town Council; WHEREAS, the owners of l00t of the property proposed for annexation, exclusive of the streets and alleys, are Vail City Corporation, a Colorado corporation, and El-more and Associates, a Delaware corporation; WHEREAS, the petition was signed by David G. Elmore, President, and Robert W. G1ahe, Secretary and Assistant Secretary of the landowners; WHEREAS, in accordance with C.R.S. 3L-L2-L07 (1) (g), the Town Council may by ordinance annex the above specified pro- perty without notice, hearing or election inasmuch as the petition was signed by 100t of the property owners; and WHEREAS, the Town Council is of the opinion that the petition shouLd be granted and that the subject property should be annexed to the Town of Vail; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. Findinqs. The Town Clerk of the Town of Vail has referred to the Town Council a petition for annexation of a certain parcel of property (hereinafter referred to as the "subject property" and is more specifically described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto) ?., , ord. Jb ( Page 2 that is located on the W L/2 of Section !2,, T5S, RglW of the 5th P.l't., Eagle county, and the Town council specifically finds upon review of said petition: (A) The petition is in substantial compliance with the requirements of C.R.S. 31-12-10/(1), L973, as amended. (B) The petition was signed by the owners of l00t of the area proposed to be annexed, exclusive of streets and and alleys. (C) The subject property is eligible for annexation to the Town of vail in that at least one-sixth of its boundaries are contiguous with the Town of Vail, there is conununity of interest between the Town of Vail and the subject property, the subject property will be urbanized in the near future, and it is capable of being integrated into the Town of Vail. (D) There are no linitations to the annexation of the subject property to the Town of Vail in that no land held in identical ownership has been divided without the written consent of the landowners thereof, no land held in identicaL ownership comprising 20 acres or more with an assessed valuation in excess of $2001000 for ad vaLorem tax purposes has been incl-uded without the written consent of the owner, no other annexation proceedings have been commenced by another municiparity with reLation to the subject property, and no area will be detached from a school_ district by this annexation. (E) No additional terms or conditions are to be imposed upon this annexation. (I.) The subject property may be annexed by ordinance without notice, hearing or election in accordance with subsection (g) of 31-12-107. Section 2. Annexation. That property located in the W L/2 of Section 12, T5S, R8lW, of the 5th P.M., Eagle County, Colorado, more particularly described in Exhibit 'An attached hereto is annexed to the Town of Vail, Colorado. ( ord.2b ( Page 3 n ( Section 3. Effective Date. The annexation and this ordinance shall take effect in accordance with the charter of the Town of VaiI and the Town Clerk is directed to file for recording two certified copies of this ordinance and a map of the area annexed contain- ing a legal description of such area with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder and one copy thereof with the Division of Local Government of the.Department of Local Affairs. Section 4. Zoning The subject proPerty hereby annexed to the Town of Vail shall be referred to the Planning Comrnission for review and recommendation regarding zoning in accordance with Chapter 18.58 of the Vail Municipal Code. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLTSHED ONCE IN FULL, this 15th day of August , L978 ' and a public hearing on this ordinance shall be held at the regular meeting of the Town council of the Town of Vai1, Colo- rado, on the 5th day of September, 1978, at 7:30 P.M., in the Municipal Building of the Town. ATTEST: INTROIUCED, READ ON SECOND READING, THIS sth DAY OF SEPTEMBER, '1978. APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED BY TITLE ONLY /ir ooj ? utJo E zvoI E,ull-F { f- q EF @@ I M \_) l r) { MFZc U o v.oFlu> cc\ Hu*c vcroPgxu.d sHsS Is$soLuto \9Z I il-n Mf rl-) (l) ]Ut-F 8 Eq t$ iHs$lo6oS$ ?il[;$* Fri$nn oa ufi l-:<fl (-) fiLJ ;*EHYs r- U6Hfr + F31q V +s3s M u_nZ3o -l-l-l ;l$lsl *, l-.O @r Or F UJa Fz tU o-oJ tU uozo -a tUo Z a l-- zr', H9q o,0 QSeS =ilSqzf$i9f ' 'uJ<F L.oo il)H-t(iutd<flddRur trdXKKi{ de?qq{$otrl_-rddE\5 S- ".i .A + ,r; O X ItlLIo 1t-- n_u ru_nIt c) oo troJo O j tUJ c)t I Oztro :Et tIJl'-F s €l'-r F U)ul =ruo JJ I J N(tz -J ItL h co FoJ JIl ) I )I LI /I D DI uI I I a ffiikr6!o:al?l 06 I =:otai oo j uiJ(J E6ztroxtLlFF tf6F @E IJJ (n EE€ I5" g;5 g_; gE$ [H E;3 HiH ':i*-HilF:3iE;ElE:frH:Ei; -iltlgggiiig;g ;Hfi;ElElr;z;E E BEHB H !Isb b =HI:E H E z<-- ,'..tN' ej" \) I H !{i f;:i a\6\r ^ [ ,\,, cs t .t$.\t'..,$"/' Y\' <1w'*F' N\! <l EliAl-l u^) o F J a-b 9b a ;s. iiia f;358 .'t\\ L.a).f- c\ l.-r J tl tlz&'3: j, gd 11fraz'l # 3\ l|lr'" (5F Et\6b ./' l\ ll lt \ I I t \ e\\F*' ', E; q ll\r\l\l\l \\\ a \\ W :iY{-!'' 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