HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 2 LOT 12 LEGALctz E =c,uto- oo o .$ oo oo .v e v, uJ uJl! E =tluo \s\t @ @ e.lN E uH &ld z I I I I I IH l6 I I I I I l- t6 IE t(, t= t= ulF o E,o z E =z o IJJFoz(' z_oI (D .. o z_ z.! Eui2 =o l!J uJo =Got! GoF() Fzoo Eo E UJz3o lto oq \ R s >(o \ ?o t E-t A z FT o a, o,.C -gtl6 C) oE, oo 6 oEoo CD .s =o E o =cf do o C\ct6 3 .g E c .9ooE 6oEoo at EF Eg E':.=p 6ENIJ :,, ECE E!FO eb,Eoo-'E gE fio EE 8otuo qr .g 3E5E(oo'F= EJ Eg 9: I'CCC"' o.CEi E;€'=Oct sbE EEH FTEc-o'63s =Ee c96'- clc EEE E E-sboo g5; g.; E SEa t,+,cLs€e E6: e e.E EEs -aC,6 0'-5ae gxE '5>o (E= ;g; eEg -o6 \o N(n oo rno\ 4 E.e UJG0zoJ:to -() UJ-(.,z Jo- 9c ourJu, ozo-9Jo. J 9z Io UJ = ul uJlt2 tr qJg uJ oc, o(o =g UJez aqJo oo-u,o z u,J() X F ulo al, EI uJu- E =t UJo- J FoF (,z oJ @ Ie C)urJu, oz d- Ja. {I zIollJI H H b4xEL NO|MlVA z att/Irl2H Ff e h frl c,) A tr1&H F{ trlq) Fl er,d& -eo =Z ZtLo ootr ^ 6=q 5 =9E P oEurocee fil!<oq cs-F fq6 6F.NO >c 3ut =@ Hzftf zH trll> t- l* IF zo F J IL E, ci o-toe,0 uro. F =uiE J zItroo zo euIF 3llJz (t, Lz z F oo a tsz z J fi .3E ar> ll,to JILlu G, oz E =IIllj uJ = .r oa IJJzxIIF F 2 tr J oz I Il --l l F o F Jl<l FI 2_l zl .. >lo uJo urttlzat uJ o- J zI =o =<t 6 (t) I& E H ==Hg E =aE 'E E nnrx E I _t r_.Jr--JLX \g E rl =s:EE ; El ;sE- E -.{ .=.-.-: € i rfiurr ul d)o tr:E uJq u) B rJ) &F E IJJ =z dlo\-) l lr \l tltttlgl dl qt ?l "l d Fll HI ,;l <l d Yd{J 3 \ \ Il! l- ItsHKl> =o =t t! 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Jo E o =l do o clcl G '.g o, c.9atolt at c)Eoo c .9 .9. .=oo5o o a6 E) EIN ET" 85 OQ Eg r.Ooragt E€(!6 c9gH 9cl .:: ().=. @-o E.e EE}E a;Eoo+.oE oc-(to-gg 6'G o 6 o E 6ooo 6 E o c 'oF (l E =! oE6'5E E8 -O EEF'5 EFcL'-oO(!5o'ot =PE>c9'- o.ic O.O E6oc .FO cC €e .E= o.6 dG Eg-6E6ottLC 6(tierg -o(!0 =o.oggE 6'f EEOc, tE6tt>g-o c)9aEE-EO -o oq (7' mto utN oo ro (Y' oo osl- (> ocr) (\t r.o F =ur z J .o Y uJ-() 2 .J J qJ.J UJ z lo =J J z llJ = UJ llJl!z tr llJ o UJ (E 3 uJt |lJ z 6 UJ 6 o- UJoclz ul () x F uJol tn uJ uJ'u- = =t uJ o-! J FoF oz = J 9ct () llJJur z ao E o. Iz () UJ- NOrlVn'lVA IJ lEl= l,El>(Ell (Yt tFl = i ,$ lg =(DNlF EE = = i8o o o'itr ^ 62l EE =E; F ? Ei;o* iEg EdN(5 (l, 0l(oI6 !(, () .tt+,.tJ at' -c+, = z F II ulA Ooo o@ a UJ J z E6 z E uJ x 3uJz tzlzIF hzf =J lll3o ot!o J t! tr z Ez trI utfJ u) !JzY = uJA F 2 tr J oz I l 3l FI6l l F 3l 2l zl .. >lo llJo uJ llJza = ul(L J z E o =f- att J dl cnro(\l o: 1 NF(o .Ftpct Et!tr z ,,' 9zeoo =z:)f dP ifi(,o= ="*i-r -i l!6trE EiEiN E l,u t! 59E<c\f60;eE9lrk EEl>. = lrJ :-E h=E :g: >o-I Ou-E 909 ItuE Xdt x>t q-ofeE uJl0 F I-I @r\ :h +) L(uo (Fo (u =3r,ta (uI *l RI RI I uJ ko ts =E,lrlo-zo F CJ :)E 6zoo uJ tr U)oo1zo Fo- IJJY UJo oF E trlrjo. tto .qoo I.l ''utFo-iZ tltltltltl lelI cilI uJllc(ltJltall>lI tllloltzldll frPt z rri IJJE J a tl.oz3oF I I I I I el.lolutl 5l <l>l t!lol =l sol ulFI F & c) (J t-o @(Y)ro@ I(\l rOor I<t F{ (Y) ,l(v) |ol-l ctlzl cjl sl :l z.l OI EIFJ 116.P l(Jtzl--ef (u C'c(lJ! tn(u E !(u +) (u q) E ui =z -) I t)I (u! o at', $lr{|r) a.Fl IA OI 1 |rt r.l(u EI(u :>l trl 9P =<>E d3 E,oF GFzo(J f.o =+EFFo2 d.F uJJ uJ <FE()uJ<zEIIJ F () J<c)<,L9E 6 t t lkn of Vall Edfdfry DcFc, 75 s. rlqrt* M. JtrE 22, 1984 lrbll, 6. 81657 Atlrr. I Cary Usrafn rbr sll.r@ crns of 1763 shasta Plas, rflIlst a 6are !c a rsihrecl dll.srricr dr tJrme batJrw fil51t!- tl.cr - bitot sctbr*s frcn the 30" rregrrleedl bl, @do' 6 tl". c,v CIe lg lg l'd ffi9i# 3" =-dFF z uJF o g,oF cF =o U'tu UJu- E =E IJ.J o- qreq€lt llJo or! c.9o C'E o @Itoo c .9o Eq f\o Eco ot .scoAI' C aF' o)t o oc Eoo()6 o o o Ic I o o !tg q, tt =6 d:EE6g'=90t gEE EEH €sE e$s ;98E >=c96'- o. -c a5t_'E > E E.'.FOO iEo.9; sEfiE=gcLo o-$E;(,') cLE*e E6: e e.Eg o-6 EEE - E.B -*,c6 0'- 5 -o-P gsE EE;O 6= fi*E aE: eEg -()ro |r' ct)sl-(o(\t U, uJ UJl! E =g lljo- FoF =J'El :l -log{ocl|! "-llrrlfSlqrFlot! l(Usl.c 'Fl(J+rlrdul.|J =l.P!16+rllnlEslp8f; t;d Etr3 =6$l xEo =ZZtLo ootr - 6zq 5 =eF 9 OE .nadZ!C)82 frr!<oq dis g dN(J ooo o@ e, o- u,lc J z E z tr UJ J (.'z EEEIgIEpH5ee2oc)3 n -V = Ri ' H2 a=d. =iE iEHI3 H3o(,()-z zIF f, a.t',z ! Ut l. 't' o'l l- d/)tqctz E =E UJc @ r{rtil).f sl o IIJF U' @o-zo Fo-ulY UJcl oF Fr=rff o' .l!-o- o-oo I UJFoz llJF o z o9z7<oo ==dP EHi aHg tr IE uJ o-tto E9E<af€aB9Ek EIE ;EE 5EE BtE ooE irE ;taul€= UJ @oF ts =E,lrlo-zoF()fEFazo() !trtr E ttst E oz dt! J e ltoz =oF I I I I el olull .El JI 3l t!lol zl 3lo|FI I J 3 bl =l sOl urFIF L a) P o CD ui =z @ .llarl IEt I+)l Io,l I-rl IEt Iol IEt Ia,l Irit ItFl Ifit d3l Htclda 33 CI <nocl (ot,(u (lJ(5 =tr ol sl PI I I I .l =.1 flt 5l <l>l 5l zl EI oFc) EFzo C) *5 =*E Fo2 O c -rO<FE(J IJJ <zcrurFo6 () E}Dt] uJo JEo)o)o o-azou =Fooo. VE ffi 4E 4D G'L = !i;€i: :€ j! €.a ? E:;:: 5 i : E :i si ii: ; i-E l: l= :;:f?iE 4.2 1E i * iic!! =EIEg;r! tf ;E b0 ? b! ' 'a E I F I F.{ -lFlctq I I dz ': 6 o0 == (t, Id. at' {J o)E .n (I,d, L c,EP o, c,l E0, !(F +,+,o.a z atru11 Ft-Ur$ xsi:t{- R+3Elrll 4LJ.Y^Fz'v>z= E3EL>gou: E5=r{J -\ - =F=FahcaS=ooE z5FF*ltJ<t:iF<\?oltl=z ?38ESIxFFTXtrJ ilto> Er$t SFxs =OFAF-ZL))- EEHF,-F=- i: 5Sil rHE{ti flJ 6.EEFEF*€tR a. Eg EssIPthf |{e. € F\ -dLIrtat trl *FI(FLlHtfi\EY fH trl LoE+, (u E(u ItF +, +Jo(5 6t: .i ir : -U 75 3oulh lrontage roed Yrll, color.do 81657 (303) 476-7000 ottlco ol communltt devrloP|rllnl March 7, 1984 Gottfried Angleitner 941 Des Peres Road St. Louis, Mo. 63131 RE: Building Permit. #1178 Dear l'lr. Angleitner, }Je have gone through our building permit files, and fjnd that the extension of the above referenced permit has expired. You have not had any activity on this permit for over 180 days, therefore' the permit expired. Before you can start construction on this project you must apply for a new building permit. P'lease contact this office within fifteen (15) days from the date of this notice or further action will be taken. Building Inspector cM/rme ,l Gary Murrain lnwn 75 soulh fronlage road uall, colorado 81652 (303) 476-7000 olflce of communlty dayelopmant October 14, 1983 Gottfried Angeitner 941 Des Peres RoadSt. Louis, Mo. 63131 Dear Mr. Angleitner, The purpose of this retter is to inform you that your building permitwill expire December 26, 19g3. --or"'uri'raing inspector Gary Murrain,gave you a sixtv dav extension of your builling b"-it.--i'ne dead.r ineof December zo,- tgg3, refleclf inii-Iitlntion. qeaorrne If construction does.not begin by that deadrine, the Town wiil initiate I ;ll'liil3oll':ili:l'oi':lii;l,'ifiili'; abatement or ainserou' I -4 y' ,."/2e---------- Building Official SP/rme Si ncerel a 7n &&'"2'- d;L f, tftj 7/*t U'4*o/n -/ /L o 6 ^'ff;,, il^' f*'*fl,'*'f !-T|.tfffix;Jr^ /*' //e* aa''''t-u cT Wt. -ar- /'* J-'"y'''e-'' ""'t'n-o-" ry :":*7 '0:o*h.nofr-1,/u*'4 i'l*'-t- u> hr)**1 ; u 4 /" ,.'/,/(--- ") ,/' ./,v 'p,./1 ----r-frt- fr-'l**i t 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 July 12, 1985 Gottfried Angleitner 94] Des Peres St. Loujs, Missouri 6313.| Re: Lot 12, Vail Village West 2nd Filing offlce of communlty developmenl CERRI FI ED Dear Gottfried: 9n.9r.]J-9, i985 I reviewed your'randscaping for your residence on Lot 12,vail village west 2nd-Filing. At this time t do not feel that the landsiapingmeets the standards of_the p'l an that was submitted and-ipproved by tne oeiign'Review Board. certar'nly,the existing sod and small "u."gi.en, loiated alon!the east fence improve the landscapiig for this lot. Hoiever, the standards Ig"_l:r1:::ping state that.evergr"en_i.ees shoutd have a minimum heightor srx teet and deciduous trees should have a minimum of z', caliper.'Inyour..Design Review Board submitta'l you also state that the trees will beof 2" to 3" caliper. The existing iandscaping does not meet this standard. I also reviewed the notes from the Design Review Board review of this project.0ne.of the important things that the oeiign Review Board asked was to breakup the line of co'lorado,spruce.along each-side of the house. The purpose -' of-doing this was to hide'the blank-sides of ir," urliainl.- t t,uu" encloseda letter from Al'len Johnson in which he specificaily staies that they haveaddressed this Design Rev'iew Board concerh. It is ihe opinion of thecommunity Developmeit Departmeni tnii vou will need to add the cotoradospruce proposed on your ].anlgcape plan-as well as the other tanascipingper.the approved_p1an. until this'work is completed, we will not bb a6leto issue a certificate of occupancy for the holse. ir iou have any qr"siionsconcerning these requirements, pleise give me a call. i oo undersiarid thatmaintenance is a difficult problern forlou, however, the addiiionii-i'injicipingis still needed. Si ncerely, J. I o.r lny1an l(,t} Kristan Pritz ' Town Planner KP: br ;1' Proiect Appllcation o"," itltir\'J5 tft\l il U Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot | -l\t- ",o.* [\inu,],r,,,nn Comments: Design Review Board o"," i\Jq ]5, 'qt'1 U Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL V\ CLI'l'ti tl-. {ttrl i\n Town Planner il\n,r r-i C(,.iDate' I :ir'r't r-,/ E statt Approval top off your masterpiece witfi stile nl*a]ffi,h n-s Use Stile'" when roofing... you'll never look better Metal Sales Man uf acturing Cor- poration presents beauty on top, a roofing system thal combines the ver- satility of prepainted steel with the classic look of tile. We found Stile in Scandanavia, where for centuries peo. ple have demanded beauty, durability and economy in their homes. Produc- ed in the United States exclusively by Metal Sales Man uf aclu ring Corpora- tion, Stile is now available to lend charm and beauty to the American home. Turn on a home with Stile does everything for a home that its name implies. Pul it up against other roo{ing systems, and you'll be putting it up on your next roof . BEAUTY AND STILE'' We took a classic and elegant pat- tern and combined it with the flexibili- ty of preformed metal. Then we repro- duced the resulting look of tile in Spanish Clay, Riviera Sand, Slate Grey. Blue Mist and Tudor Brown. Simolv beautifu l. For years, Metal Sales has led the industry as an independent producer ol metal panels for construction uses of all kinds. With the introduction of Stile, we once agarn demonstrate the unrivaled advantages of Metal Sales products: versatr lity. durability and economy, Stile " INSTALLATION WITHOUT COMPLICATIONS Crews with little training can han' dle and quickly screw fasten the metal panels, which run over 3 feet wide and up to 16 feet long. Stile br ings beauty without weighl to roofing: only one pound per square foot. LOOKS THAT DON'T GROW OLD We've welded lhe best f luoropolymer paints to tough. 26 gauge, galvanized steel. lt's a 2O-year paint system that is highly resistant to chipping, chalking and fading. PROTECTION YOU NEED Fire threatens many structures to- day. Stile has been tested and passed for a Class A fire rating on new con. struction when properly installed. ECONOMY YOU NEVER EXPECTED Stile is very competitive with other specialty roof systems because it is easy to ship and easy to install. 7.7l.Met And Stile's high impact resistance vir- tually eliminates maintenance and repair. Economical beauty makes tur- nino on a home hard to resisl. UA Uses,Applications The look of clay tile... In many climates and many cullures, the serene look of tile has endured through the centuries. What makes tile so distinctive? Classic lines and curves ripple through a repetitive pattern that pleases both the eye and the mind. lt brings to mind our heritage; the look of tile to- day lends old-world elegance to any bu ilding which it decorates. The look oJ tile also signifies durability and long'lived value. Despite its weight, costly manulac- ture. and labor-rnlensive installation and repair. tile was often the choice for a rocf meant to endure. Anywhere... In our times. classic appearance and durable performance are no longer limited to a material only few can afford. With Stile, Metal Sales in- troduces the timeless look which can now be applied easily and econom- ically to almost all residential and lig ht commercral construction. Design Stile into new construction, it goes down easily over solid sheathing or rafters and purlins. Or renovate and renew an existing building; it takes only an even surface to begin transforming the plain into the distinguished. The look of tile belongs on your residence. vacation home. or con- dominium. Also excellent lor store f ronts and mansard type rooJs, Stile applies easily over steel framing members. Don't hesilate to do il with Stile. You'll never look betler. And for a long time to You wanl the beauty of a new roof to last. We don't blame you, and with Stile, it's simple. Nothing protects the finish on a metal panel from sun, wind and rain better than Stile's unique Fluropon'-' coating. When it bonds to the surface, Fluropon" come forms an exceptionaly smooth and Ilexible finish that will not fade. chalk. or crack. That's why it lasts tor many years. Fluropon " 's performance has been proven on buildings which have remained beautiful in spite of ex- oosure lo some of the harshest en- vironmenls in the world. Once you turn on a home with Stile, it will stay that way. You can count on it. * -rr//E'" 0P Overall Prsduct in Place Product Information STILE'" METAL ROOFING TILE SYSTEM Material ..... Hot dipped galvanized steel sheets Coating ... .. Upper surf ace - F luoro carbon paint system lower surlace- Epoxy Based Undercoat Colors . ... .. Spanish Clay, Riviera Sand, Tudor Brown. Slate Grey. Blue Mist 26 gauge material (.5mm) 1 .0m (39.4 inches) 3 feet through 16 feet at one foot increments Each step appears lwelve inches apart 2 inches 1 pou nd 5.0 kg Thickness Covering Width ...... Standard Lengths .. .. Nominal End Lap ... .. Weig ht / Fool2 We ig ht / M eter'? Roof Pitch Minimum recommended pitch is 3 in 12 Rools less than 3 in 12 require sealant in all side laps MT Materials. Finishes Fluropon' provides the excep- tional color consistency and durability which assure the lasting beauty of a Stile roof. After years of Finally, Fluropon" is bonded chemically to lhe primer, pro- viding a film of highiy stable fluorocarbon molecules which vir- tually ignore normal po llutants, mo ist u re and ultra.violet light. Fluropon's' ceramic pigments are permanent. liKe the ceramics in clay tile itself. Blue lvl ist Five rich colors Fluropon is a reg istered Spanish ClaY m \\\ I "\)-T \l l-:"j\I tl!: I \i \\\ll_:l _ The Stile"Paint Process... Delivering on a Promise wear, the original panels can still be matched by new panels with no deteclable color change. And in thrs case, beauty is not only skin deep. 1!) lt begins with a galvanized zinc\7 coating which will 'sacrifice' itself to protect any exposed steel f rom corrosion. The zinc coat is prolected by an epoxy-based primer. The primer resists penetration by water vapor and polldtants. and rt pro- vides a bonding surface for the frnal coat ing. t rademark of DeSoto. Inc Riviera Sand Tudor Brown Slate G rey Al Assembly, lnstructions Installation OVER SOLID SHEATHING When applying Slile over solid sheathing, roofers should first lay down 45-pound roofing felt paper parallel to the direction of the eaves. A single alignment slrip should then be placed parallel to the eave at a 4.,position correspond ing to the second steo uo of the Stile Sheet. ACtUal diStance slLE FooF NG lrom the eave will dePend ALTGNME\r BoAFD Purlins are then spaced 16" c/c from the first to the second row. The first purlin along the eave serves as the alignment board. (See "Over Solid Sheathing.") All other purlins are then olaced 18" c/c in order lhat the bottom of the step of every third course rests directly on the center of every other PUrlir.. FaslPncrs Arp lhpnSHEATI NG placed in the bottom of every second tile at the base of the step of every third course. Gable ends of the roof are lastened at every purlin, regardless of where the screw lies in relation to the steo. Fastening is done with the proper screw fasteners for either metal to wood or metal 10 metal. lt is not necessag/ to pre-drill lhe sheets.,(. \\ /)/ Self -drilling, nylon headed steel screws with a bonded neoDrene washer are used tor all wood aoDlica- tions. Generally, a 1" long shank is sufficient for original wood sheathing application. Re-roof applicalions need a screw with a shank long enough to fasten into the wood substrate by at least 1". Therefore, if the old roof is 7.7lMet 1" thick, the screw lenglh must be 2" (1" for the wood substrate and 1" for the original roofing material). This also applies for insulation material. (See drawing.) When fastening Stile to metal of up to 20 gauge thickness, use a 7/8" self-drilling stitch screw. For heavrer sleel f ramework applications, use nylon headed Tek-type fasteners. Approximately eighty fasteners are used per square (100 square feet). Be sure that lhe screws are seated squarely to the sheet and that the nose piece of the screw gun is ad- justed lor the proper depth. The screw should be fastened so that the neoprene washer is just visible around the base of the screw head. Over or under driven screws may resull in imorooer weather seal. Fasten at the valley of every se- cond tile on every third course, and every end lap. Generally, a screw is placed at the valley of every corruga- tion for eave, ridge closure, junction sheet and high wind applications. Trim items are tastened in the same manner as the sheet on which they are used. Screws are placed iust below lhe steD. SIDE LAP SEALANT For roofs with a minimum pitch of 14" (3 in 12), a side lap sealant is generally not necessary. Roof s with a pitch less than 3 in 12 require a sealant (strip or caulk), and the use of the recommended screw fastener in the top of the corrugation lo clamp the sheets together. Either the metal to wood or metal to metal screw fastener may be used for stitching, and fasteners are placed below the step. Be sure that lhe screw does not go through the sealant. Stile is not recommended for roofs with a pitch less than 2 in 12. on amount SCREW FASTENERS of sheet overhang desired. Once the f irst sheet is in place, all other sheets will align themselves properly due to the tile configuration. The second and subsequent sheets are pulled tight against the alignment strrp and the bottom (eave) step of the prior sheets, This assures proper alignment of the side laps. OVER EXISTING ASPHALT ROOF When re-roofing an existing asphalt roof, care should be taken to repair any damaged areas and adjust any uneven parls of the roof. lt is recom- mended that felt paper be applied over the existing roof as a precau- tionary vapor barrier. The alignment strip is used in the same manner as in solid sheathing. Be sure that screw fasteners are long enough to penelrate at leasl 1" inlo the wood substrale. after passing through the existing roof and any ad- dilional insulation that may have been applied. (See "Screw Fasteners. ) OVER OPEN RAFTERS Some new homes are built without a solid sheathing, using only polylilm or reinforced plastic foil as a vapor barrier. On this type of roof, purlins are fastened direclly to the roof trusses or rafters, over the vapor bar- rier. CHIMNEYS, SKYLIGHTS AND OTHER PROJECTIONS Felt paper is applied snuggly around the roof proiection and should exlend up the projection eaght to twelve inches. Stile roo{ing is applied as normal around the projection. Sidewall flashing is used to trim around the projection sides and to cover over the Stile. A junclion sheet then f lashes ofl the top and bottom of the proJection. (See "Accessories".) *lW Sper*tisn. Maic:ienane€ General Handling lnstructions PRESERVING SHEET SURFACE Care must be exercised to avoid dragging one sheel across anolher -1he cut ends ol all manufactured sheets tend to have sharp edges that wrll scratch lhe painted surface. Generally. an eleclric nibbler is us- ed to cut the sheets. The nibbler must be held perpendicular to the ac- tual cutting surface in order to operate smoothly. ROOFING. While roof perforrnance will not be affected. cosmetic damage may be not iceable. GENERAL MAINTENANCE Minor damage to the Paint can be covered with touch'up paint available from your distributor. Treat only the blemishes. Wood supports, at least 2" x 4", should be arranged al the same centers as those in the standard packs of sheeting. Stacks must not exceed four packs and all packs must slope suf ficiently lo allow any rarn- water which penetrates the stacks, to drain away. Sheeting must be covered by a loose fitting tarpaulin that allows circulation of air around the packs; the taroaulin musl not touch the sur- face of the sheet ing. For a long period -Store inside under cover in a dry place. Sheeting must not be stored near fertilizers, acids, alkalis, salts. other corrosive agents. or in a corrosive almosphere. Stile requires no other mainten- ance. Because Stile has long lite and low inilial product and installation cosls. its annual cost is much lower than most roof ing products. Panels subject to accidental damage are easily replaced, and due to the excep- tional durability of the Fluropon" coating, Stile sheets can be matched even years later with nominal color As the laying proceeds, tt is essen- tial for dirt, metal chips and debris to be cleaned f rom the sheets to prevent scratching of the painted surface. Extreme caution musl be exercised to keep the slivers from the electric nibbler from scratching the surface. The use of a large magnet is ideal in collecting lhese slivers. lF NOT REMOVED. THESE WILL RUST AND CAUSE RED STREAKING DOWN THE change. STORAGE For a shori period -packs of sheel ing are to be laid on pallets so as to be at least 8 " otf the ground. CP Component Parts ACCESSORTES Below is a chart of Stile ac- cessories, with a basic key to lheir applications. All accessories are manutactured with a strippable plastic protective lilm thal protects GABLE and FAKE TRIM against damages in handling and en- sures finish quality on the roof. EAVE TRIM COMPLETE DETAILS FOR THESE ANO OTHER ACCESSORIES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION MANUAL. SIDE WALL FLASHING 7.7lMel FILLER STRIP\.^ .-.L-.-.a, ches coverage width (one nreter) when lapped one wave. Panel lengths shall be from 3 feet through 16 feet in length, available in 1 fool increments. Fasteners. All Fasteners shall be Prisma'! glass f iber reinforced nylon headed self drilling type with bonded aluminum and neoprene washer assembly as manufac- tured by Construction Fasteners Inc. (or approved equal). CC Code Acceptability, Certification FIRE RATING CERTIFICATION Stile has passed class A, B, and C fire ratings as lested by Ramtech Laboratories, Inc. (Lab #6117 -82) when sheets were properly installed in a prescribed manner (complete specif ications available). Tests were conducted to provisions specified in the Uniform Building Code Standard Number 32-7, which are essentially the same as those specified in ASTM: E-108. UL: 790, and NFPA: No. 256. ICBO CERTIFICATION ICBO approval is pending (lile #82-4-41. PAINT PERFORMANCE The Fluropono f inish manufac. tured by Desoto, Inc., is available in 5 rich earthtone colors. FlurooonGr is a 2o.year paint system that resists peel- ing, cracking, chalking and fading. A copy of the paint's performance specilications is available from the manufacturer. TS Technical Support Architectural Specilications A1. Roofing shall be 26-gauge galvan ized steel type called StilerM, manufactured by Metal Sales Manufacturing Corporalion. Colors shall be selected f rom lhe five standard colors. Paint shall be Fluropon'", DeSoto, Inc.'s fluorocarbon res in based coating. A2. Panel configuration of Stile shall have tile wave 5 inches on centers and shall have a deoth of 1-3/16". Steps shall appear every 12 inches and shall be 1/2" deep. Each oanel shall Drovide 39.4 in- 43. JUNCTION SHEET M R Manufacturer a. For f asten ing into wood lram- ing or strtch application, a #14 x 1-inch minimum lenglh, self -drilling steel screw shall De useo. b. For lastening into metal {ram- ing members up to 2O'gauge in thickness and for stitch ap' plication, a 7/8" self -drilling stitch screw shall be used. c. For fastening into steel purlins over 20 gauge in thickness, a #12 self-drilling lype fastener shall be used. A4. Aoolication shall be as indicated in the published installation manual: STILE Producl Informa- lion and Laying Instructions, available f rom the manufacturer. AC Availability, Cost AVAILABILITY Stile is available from each of lhe listed manulacturing facilities. The in- stalled cost of Slile is very com- petitive with many other types of specialty rooling products. Stile is manufaclured in standard length sheets trom 3leet through 16 feet in one-foot increments. l\4etal Sales Manufacturing Cor- poration is a metal roofing and siding manufacturer serving all 50 states through eight conven iently located manufacturing facilities. Our product lines are designed for use In many phases of medium com- mercial/industrial, ag ricu ltural and steel building type applications. All products are made from high-tensile steel coated with a variety of in- dustrial quality f inishes. Manufactured entirely in the United States by Metal Sales, all products are cut to exact sDecifications and delivered on company trucks. t|I'IillT,lill JACKSONVILLE metal sales manulacturing corporation __tl .. \| | \t Corporate Office 10300 Linn Station Rd., Suite 200, Louisville, KY 40223, l5O2) 426'5215 Manufacturing and Sales Offices 1230 Fronr St., p O. Box 3827, Spokane, WA 99220-3827, (509) 536-6000, In wA (800) 541-2323, Oulside WA (800) 572-6565 71 1 south cherokee, Denver, co 80223, (303) 777-Q1OO.In CO (800) 332-8470, Outside CO (800) 525-8413 4OO1 produce Road, Louisvi e, KY 40218, (502) 969-9318, In KY (800) 292-3575, Outside KY (800) 626-5924 9401 83rd Avenue North, Brooktyn Park, MN 55445, (612) 425-1700, In l\,1N (800) 652-9758, Outside MN (800) 328-9316 Soace Park East, 3520 Ambrose Ave., Nashville, TN 37207, (615) 227-6761, Outside TN (800) 251-8508 2801 Fairfax TraJficway, Kansas City, KS 661 15, (91 3) 621-1445, Outside KS (800) 255-4403 6600 Suemac Ptace, Jacksonville , FL 32205, (904) 783-3660, In Ft (800) 342-9943, Outside FL (800) 874-4419 352 E. Erie, Jetferson, OH 44047, (216) 576-9070, In oH (800) 233-5719, Outside OH (800) 321-5833 Project Application I 4.,1\ bLD tT-Ht'Zi- Date > tt1t $l_ {..' /J \)ol:' Contact Person and Phone owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by:t}<taff A- Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL LU f J'T t*t- /lsxg1{ 't''+'1) , ,t l!-.i/ e / !'> tt E statt Approval luun 75 roulh fronteg€ rd. Yrll, colorado 8'1657 (303) 476-7000 April 12, 1983 Gottfried Angleitner 941 Des Peres St. Louis, ll|0. 6313'l Dear Gottfried: 0n April 6, 1983 thein roof materia'l foris for llestile "Roman S i ncerely, JS/uu department of community development Board approved a change residence. Approval Design Review the Angleitner Red". .,?,rm 5ayre own Plann J T er 1T ','/-( L"'4" lo /ryk"rtu I ue l*il , 0/) 4 ca'h'rea u l- il'*ut^ \ I' M IAN,4I BUFF 1 LB. 5447 wscoroRs COLOR SIANDAR DS for the CONCRETE ,wDUSTRy QUANTITIES INDICATED APPLY PER SACK OF CEMENT DARK GRAY LB.8084 0R 2 LBS. 807 l WESTERN GOLD 1ri LBS. 5844 CLIFFSIDE 2I,? LBS, HARVE \\ DENRODOL .5( STG LBS B ROWN 6804 ----"-' N,4 ESA BUFF 2 LBS. 5447 AUTU IV N GOLD 3 LBS. 5844 LAKESIDE BROWN 5 LBS. 6804 TIt.E RED 3 LBS. 1117 ANT IOUE CFEAM 3 LBS 5447 OMAHA TAN 1LB.5084 JET BLACK LBS. 8084 0R 3 LBS.807 SPANISH 3 LBS. G OLD 5084 COLORS shown approximate the shades obtained by using the amount of pigment indicated. For a truer color representation, request the actual concrete chip. Variations may be expected due to dilferences in local cement and aggregates and method of application. When using Davis Colors on vertical and critical applications. a jobsite sample should be cast using actual jobsite materials and construction techniques. The concentration of color shown on this chart is based oer sack of cement. As the cement content changes, the color must be adjusted. Example: Western Gold color using a 5 sack mix would require 71,/z pounds of color: a 6 sack mix would reeuire 9 pounds; a 61'! sack mix would require 9% pou nd YOSEMITE ROADSIDE BFOWN SUNSET ROSE FLAGSTON E BROWN 3 LBS.641 SEQUOIA SAN 112 MANY USES: Driveways . paiios . stamped concrete. basement and retaining walls. basement floors ' swimming pool decks. tennis courts. parking areas. sidewalks. tilt-up building walls. street curbings. HIGH OUALITY: Davis Colors are pure pigments, of either the synthetic or the natural variety. They con- tain no tiller or artificial adulteranls, and are uniform from shipment to shipment and bag to bag. Because of their extremely small particle size, they have the highest possible tinting strength. They are lighttast, limeproof and weather resistanl. COLORS: In addition to the samples shown, many other colors are available. Our service laboratories can match any shade you may require. For clean pastel shades, the use of white cement and clean sand is Indicated. DUST ON COLORS: Davis Colors described in this brochure are pure pigments and not designed tor dust-on application as supplied. Contact the Davis Company for information on our complete line ol Davis Color-Shake Colors tor dust-on applications. ADDITIONAL ADMIXTURES: Davis Colors for con- crete conlain no additlves. This allows the concrete designer complete flexibility. Water reducing agents, dispersing agenis or air entraining agents may be used along with Davis Colors. These admixtures, if used, should be added at the balch plant in the type and amount specified by the mix designer to accom- plish the intended results considering the raw male- rials to be used. Each load ot colored concrete should contain lhe same dosage of admixtures. Avoid the use ol calcium chloride. SUBGRADE: The subgrade should be unilormly graded, compacted and thoroughly dampened. BATCHING: Add color by weight, direclly into the mixer along with the aggregate, cement and water. DAVIS COLORS a subsidary of Rockwood /ndustrles "Color Sfandards for the Concrete lndustry" While adding color, the transit mixer should operate at charging speed or at mixing speed for 5 to 10 minutes or from 50 to 100 revolutions. or to PLACING: All colored concrete should be olaced at the same slump, using the lowest slump compatible with a workable and placeable mix. A 4" slump is recommended, 5" maximum. FINISHING: For color uniformity, finishing should be done caretully. A broom, rotary, or textured finish is recommended. Over troweling should be avoided. No dusting of cement or sprinkling of water should be used when finishing colored concrete. CURING: For best color unitormity, colored concfete should be cured with Davis Seal, in a matching color. See our specilication sheet on Davis Seal for com- plete delails. On cerlain applicalions, a clear, all resin based curing compound may be used. Avoid using plastic sheeting, membrane paper, or inter- miltent wetting and drying. SUGGESTED SPECIFICATIONS: Concrete is to be integrally colored with pigment no. as manufactured by Davis Colors at the rate of pounds per sack of cement and cured with the matching Davis Seal Color WESTERN HEADQUARTERS AND PCANT 3700 East Olympic Blvd. Los Angeles, Calitornia 90023 (213) 269-731 1 EASTERN HEADOUARTERS A}.ID PLANT 7011 Muirkirk Road Beltsville, Maryland 20705 (301) 776-2400 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA SALES OFFICE 1640 20th Street Oakland, California 9406 (4't5t 444-4175 avai I abte th roug h you, cl"A,$tb$5[&mstlES C0. JOHN A" ROMARY P.E. ;g *" c Ir)t e ao R@Kj/V@O TNOJSTRTES. hlc @**,"^,'^ 75 3oulh lronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 Mr. Gottfried Angleitner 941 Des Peres St. Louis, Mo. 63131 Dear Gottfried' I presented your request to meeting concerning a change request was denjed by a 5-0felt that the wood trim was the horne. Please feel free Si ncerely,(t.-B o,,\ Tom Braun Town P'lanner TB/rme offlce of communlty developmcnl July 10, 1984 the Design Review Board at their July Sth to the exterior of Your home. This vote. Reason for denial was that it was an important element in the detailing of to cal'l me with any questions you may have. Project Application project Name: tj xJ u r t TN E z?- *.,s t cts 4c € - project Descrip r,"., AA)F t4Plfrz tA L- ct^],4*J 6,' Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: uot rl 2 , etocr riing l/V oE-ST i-7, z"^" R 11.: \=Q'?L- Com ments: \ r-) | :- Design Review Board Motion by: ,^r" &T ?<_> , I L DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: APPROVAL Summary: Date: Town Planner E Statt Approval f.,L z' enetnrrRtnc cxeer ttst Subdi vi si on Lot 8'lock Filing l. Submittal Items (A) Topo MaP (B) Site P'lan (c) utility Plan (D) Title RePort (E) Subdivision Agreement 2. Enqineering Requirements E'lectri c Gas Ser.rer l'la'uer Tel ephorie T. V. 4. Cornnents : (Acc (if applicable)- './ Erzfr; srri<'ll*- z C*ucs - /) ble) (llot Acceptable) Nat Cct.- 2cttt oe //7o epta (A) Culvert Size /Vai. N?1ee?, (B) Drivenay Grade (8X mar.; (Actual, 3. Source of Utilitje: A B c D E F 'lt Approved: 2'-z/QZ -.7-7Di sapproved: ffi Bill Arrdrel+s luun box 100 ' uil, coloredo 81657 (:to3l 476-58t3 Ju'ly 9, 1982 Allen.lohnson General Design, Inc. 214 N. 3d Greenville, Il'linois Dear Al'len: 0n July 7, 1982 the Design Sing'le Family Residence. fol lowlng constructlon. wlth 2591 GRFA. Si ncerely, ,?/? Jim Sayne Town P'lanner JS:df department of community dcvelopmcnt RE: DRB Submlttal of 7-7-82 Review Board approved the Anglei.tner All disturbed areas should be reseeded The approval was for a single fanily residence Project Application AN 6ULtrU67t*<)Attd-f FAYllL-')Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone 6/3'€ecl-ZS3'>* Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone:,t'l ' 17--//h/,uEsT & ?26n"Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Comments: Design Review Board ,-./-'t--,._ ,z-eppRovnl ti (,---*_ __,-r' DISAPPROVAL ,/).?Przot4;1;f'l \. E statt Approval ^"'"*O $'""'o'tPnu July 1, 1982 MR. JIU SAYRE, Departrent of Com.rnity Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail-, Colorado 8L557 DEAR !lR. SAYRE, €nclosed are the prlnts which needed revlsione as a result of the discussLon and euggestl.one at the design review board meetlng yesterday. A sumary of the chauges made ld: 'l-, Aephal-t shlngles are changed to flre-retarded clear cedar shingles. These wlll be lnetal.led over a good cold roof as suggeeted. tle renoved the ye11ow and black Swlse palnt decoratlon fron the front and back elevatioos. (Busy detail) lJe agree to palnt a wal-l mural on the longest alde of undecorated wall. (Facing Ray }Iarlons house) 4. We have broken up the llne of Colorado Blue Spruce along each elde of the houee. Pleaae note that these will eventually trlde the blank sldes of the bulldlng an] ray. 5: !{e have changed the Dogroods to Dolga Crabs. 6. l{e agree to hold the balcony ralllng back from the actual corner of the buil-ding to allow a good reveal between the stucco and rrood. I belleve these changea lrere all that were dlseussed at the Deetlng. Gottfrled and I greatly appreclate your help and suggestlons. Gottfrled will be at the Deetlng on the 7th of July. Please call lf anythlng else is requlred. AIJJ:nf enclosures copy: Gottfrled Angleltner 2. 3. en 1Z Johnson, T Project Application on" |r/nrl t "* projectName: AN5LE tTM rz ,<tq(ir nantcl Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legat Descriptionl-o, /a ,4,o"*Filing Yl/ u)EST -J+ L , zone _ Comments: Design Review Board tl ""," 6 / 3o ,1) u Motion by: Seconded by: APPRovAL 1A(!c fA R DISAPPROVAL A?PL r t,$ tJf' LtS 3s s vlL i.,</t t-t t2"Sr+"/ 13kl N . F Lf: FA("A OE I AN W, i r- .[-E_ /;-V f '- E statt Approval "'* - ^66b'7 .el' {9" $- $'*urPnu June 18, 1982 MR. JIM SAYRE, Office of Commun'ity Development, Town of Vail, 75 S. Frontage Road, Vai], Colorado 81657 DEAR MR. SAYRE, please note below we have listed our material selection for the Gottfried Anqleitner house. Exterior of House Concrete Block l,lallsPaint: Thoroseal*Color: White Cedar Siding Stain: 0lympic semi-transparent Color: Natural tone cedar #716 Roofi ng Asphalt Shingles: F'lintkote SeiffaColor: Barnwood Fl ashi ng 15 oz. Copper Downspouts Alum'inum baked enamel (white) Landscapi ng Seed: Marion Bluegrass with A'lpine F'lower mixed in seed Low Shrub: Potenti lla Cover: Bark and Mulch High Shrub: Alpine Current Cover: Bark and Mulch 0rnimental tree: Red Dogwood Yellow DogwoodTrees: Colorado Blue Spruce If you should have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. Johnson, * This is a heavy in that it covers appearance. A.I.A. texture paint which is ideal for concrete b'locks al1 joints and block texture to produce a stucco | ^erd"""'c* $- The following arel. Comp'lete |l tl At,{J: nf encl osures covered in e'levati ons f'loor pl ans l andscapi ng the pl ans : p'l an grade on elevations site pl an on site p1 an t-. J. 4. 5. 6. 7. 6. 9. 10. Existing and finish Roof ridge shown on Existing grade shown Center of gore creek Spot elev. on drive Final grades on site plan Location of drives and walks $" June 18, 1982 MR. JIM SAYRE, 0ffice of Community Development, Town of Va'il, 75 S. Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 DEAR MR. SAYRE, enclosed is a set of revised plans per our last meeting. Thanks aga'in for your help. Gottfried's friend picked up and filled out:l. The Util'ity verification form2. Utility informatjon sheet I left a copy of the stamped topo with you and have enclosed another one with th'is. In order to meet the height restriction we cut down the roof slope to minimum and sunk the building to the worst grade restriction. It unfortunately puts the building in a hole, but I don't know of anything else we can do. Also enclosed are the exterior materjals list and landscapinglist. These are each a'lso noted in the plans and landscape p1 an. A.I.A. f'f.i. -4-. 6/14/82 d condrJfiri ir i uil convefs ion I _11.:-- Al,;,i ic:anL:- Uennis i',;i ;, .r !it I l-r,rt iJ gl"trjl .q't _!_q!_j!-?,-_Ye i1-_Y_il_lqtl \ii lrL,iJil atcd tliat tlre appf icant ltiid r;iLiLlc!t.jd to tablcr t.hi:; item. Doriovan dvrarcls seconded [o table as [)i]r. appl ir:t'trt's rcqt.lt-'st. Vote was 4-0 Corcolan s rnovr:d and in favor. At this point, Edwarrls left the meet'i rr,l t;rrd Piper c:ntered. !-qq1fg5_t_l o r __t3q__q_t_{e j _ql!q q!_ yllt s Ug.c s', !t jr l l etl ! tt.e_ q_o19 ! tt' q on Lot I 2, Vg-i1 V jl l.ac1e _U-e:!_l_il_Utg-_,1, Appi icarrt: Gottf rj on of a reside gl e itner Jim Sayre explained that thjs vras a tlrircl presentatjon for the djfferent prcrsentations. fle said [irc staff fe]t that t &e_q!.1e 9.!l9L__C._fIq.! t _!.q!! a c k va r i a n c e,!-q :Ll Lowon I g!_l 1 r_!gl!ej!g!_,lt I Is ggr_,\Ujng liS, _l_. I ot,s h ot'r qd much inrproved and theand recommended approval . The dri velay llad been changed to the front, setback request. was for 4.5 feet on the eaist and 5 feet on the west Al Johnson, the archjtect, showed plans ard stated that he r'ras willing to satisfystaff concerns regarding the des'i grr. fl* adi.led that he had talked with Fischer, propcrty owner to the east, three tjrnes and offered to change the building, but Fischer was opposed to the building. i.lc assured tlie staff that there trou1 d not be any other variance requests. Piper moved and Donovan seconded to apprc:ve the setback varjance requests as per the staff memo dated 6/1/82. The vcte r.ias 4-0 in favor. 5.the corrstruction of an addition Applicant: Janres R. i,lill iams Peter Patten explained that the encroacfinlrtnl rvould be for 3 feet in the front of the 1ot, and that the staff felt that a design solutjon could be acconrplishecl withjn the setbacks with minor design changes. l^ljlliarns sholed his site plans and elevations and stated that he did ncrt \,rant to push the garage farther back as that vtould change the doors and woulcl entail digging further irrto the bank. Duane felt that the addition could be accornplished w'i th other solutions. Trout agreed. Trout'nrcved and seconded to deny the request for a front setback varjance as per the staff memo dated June I0, l9{i2. The vote was 4-0 to deny. Patten offered the staff's he1 p to Mr. lJilliains in redesigning his addition. lequqq!_fq_r. !-_99ldr!_i_o-rle_1_q!-q _p9111$__tl l_o_l_Ltrqq.!_el_q!{tiou__!_ol!-9_sg!!_e-l!"g!_s_t_Ug_qtiL!-qrn__l_qcated at the toivn slrr.rps in a Pl.lll zone distr ict. Abpl-i cant : -Toivn b-f-la i l_*.- Patten sholed elevations and floor plans arrd explained that the building was pl anned originally to add on as sholn on t.he drawings. Trout nroved and Donovan seconded to approve the conclitional use permit as per the staff rnenro dated 5/17/82. Tlre vote rr'as 3-0 vli th Corcoran abstaining. 'ts n, ,,t ,/14/tr?. 7..t",.gltlq-:JLqr--ap1rovqiof.tj1.c'.ge11.:r..l.cjy.cr:]lJ,jcrn.airi|-ar;ct,19.i Artr:ria.l bttsirt,:s_s. [)is_Ll't],_Lr- Ap1r1 ir:.iii Ls: i'roi;,.)rLy oi,'ri(.:r'q -in tite prolro:c<.1ctisLirict..--- Corcoran stated that [he appliciir,t rc]questr:j ro tablc tliis item untjl June 28. Trout moved and Donovan :;ccondr:ci Lo table a3 pcr appi icarit's request. l-he vote was 4-0 in favor of tabiing. The meeting was adjourni,d at 5:00 p.rl. ij.'r::.: I ;;' il', t'r,,i,'..1r, i):.,,.i.i I I I : I ; ( . i ' I i ' I i I ; i a$nNee "" resr?ENcE -- l'llo:\: t.ttf ..1-?_- _ iit,(ri l: t.tt t :t, 24 , VA\L VttLAA9.U65:f- ol, l,t'o.Jt.(.i . -61^rql€_ FAdLtLy. RgSfpArtCA 'llrc f-oIlr,1. jllf ittforrnet iorr i,, r.r.(lr i,..(l fot' :;rri,r,iLt;rI by tlrt, llr-rard lrr'1 orr: ;t f j na I lrpprot,ir I c;rlr lrc llivcrr: A. lil,ll,lili;i; l,lA'l'lillIALS lu1e1l.l't1:rrr:r.i.rl lloof Siding Other lfal1 l"lat cria I s itl)l)l i(;rnl 1o thc l)c:; i1lrr l{r.vjr_.1.i (,o ltrr e lt#iH',J.H'9.€.*- "** - Ki[t*o_S;] l<.c2 cEdE - # ?/6 aril|._ eae-E-fvooo-- s tlc 6fiAlF{ PELLA tWooo - ?.3t/. STA'I - - _- Fascia Soffits Windo'ls Window Tlin Door.s Door 'l'rin Hand or Deck Rails F lues FlashJ.ngs Chinneys Trash Enc l osures Gtecnhorrses 0the:: aecAR ,-#1U gfAtt.l 4PpJ1A NANRA,\- 682^lE, I t4rAL jrTpf-JE ) B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES Botanical Name PtcEA___Pr/N.6ENS__ coRNrrs f+oRr oA "@ta,_wyL_w z Common Name Quanti ty lo Si ze 9-lt1 c4L. zr 4L. M.AE 4uReaj|.t ?O(ENT'IJA 6 SHRUBS ..GROUND covERs SEED s0D ,o/r O ,rfr, FoorAGr SQUARE FOOTAGE squARE FoorAGE 44cp Aft^r€ F{.ad*. €*T\ 4 rx TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR I'IETHOD .OF EROSION CONTROL Other Landscape Features (retaining wal'ls, fences, swirrning poo'ls, etc.) Please speclfy. ZONE cilEcK for P/S ZoNE DISTRTCTSsFE, .R,R Legal Ouner Description: Lot lZ Block Fil ing Zone'District O'6b' ''' ' "' Height Al Setbacks : Front-Requ#;TZ0 i'*Fio-pbsea Sides-Required'15. proposed Archi tect Proposcd Use lor+ed 30r' Proposed "32,' ,{'. . Rear -Required' '15'qu F' Proposeposed Naterccurse-required fi' Proposed ___ha GRFA: Allor.red I A77 t. { ' . GRFA:Primary Alloned NA Site Covarage: Landscaping:Required Required - Secondary Allor'red _ N4 Secondary proposed Al I oived 22tV Slope Permitted ,4/r-, SLope Actua L -Envi ronmcntal /l.la za rds : , Ava'l anc he Flood P'lairr 'Siope Proposed Proposad Prlopc: ed t2G \ Parking: Drive: Proposed ^gAl - Primlry Proposed D.its:/0:tir:1 I /r1r|1-91',1;t.;liS.:1r1lr.rr;l:ri UTILIlY LOCA'IION V};II IIJ ICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NAME LOr 12 BLO6K ADDRESS FILING The location of utilities, whether theylines, must be approved and verified by accompanying sit.e plan. be main trunk the following lines or proposed utilities for the Date Itlountain Bel l Western Slope Gas Public Service Company Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Vail CabLe T.V. Upper Eagle Val1ey Water and Sanitation District 6 -ts4 2 NOTE: Ihese verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit fron the Town of Vail, Department of public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Town of Vail . A building pernit is not a street cut permit. A street cut pernit nust be obtained separately. This form is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. T:ist2 4. /5--f e- Q - /(-W -4rs1^ h -r +-fz- ALIIRT L. TIIITOII ATTORNEY AT LAW 75O WASHINGTON ATREET DENVER, COLORADO AO2O3 pxolr,:ionzor 83L - O24g June 11-, 1982 Mr. Jim Sayre Office of Comunity Development Town of Vall 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CoLorado 81657 Dear l[r . Sayre : This Letter is to further detail the objections of Mr. and !lrs.Irving Fischer to the granting of variance to the set back requirementsto permit construction on Lot 12, Vail Vitlage West. lle now have a copy of the proposed three story structure for thielot, if the variance is granted. The attempt to buiLd such structure ona smaLl lot, which is further reduced by a 20 foot utility easement, seems unreasonable and is further justification for denying the requested var iance . The present owner knew or should have known the Zoning Regulatlong and building requirements at the t i-ne he purchased the lot. Therefore any argument that this is an unusual case appears to be rrithout merlt. Further, it does not take too many variances to destroy Zoning Regulations,or to put it another way, if everyone can have a variance why have zoning and bullding regulat ions . Mr. and Mrs. Fischer had their residence constructed on Lot 11, Vail Village l{est, partly in reliance on the Zoning and Buil-ding ReguLations belng enforced. Iherefore, it follons that the town of Vail has a greater obligation to the existing property owners, who have observed the regula-tions, than it does to those who would build in a nanner that would makeVail a less desirabLe place to live. If this ne ighborhood were, say 30 years, older be in order. ln the meant,ime, we request that the denied as the only means of protecting the quality VaiL. a variance would pos s ib ly requested var iance be of the environment ln Attorney for Mr. & ltrs. Lrving Fischer Albert L, Mintbn o ^t'"o* $- $ June 8, 1982 MR. JIU SAYRE, 75 South Frontage Road, VaJ-l , Colorado 81657 DEAR JIM, I have talked to Mr. Fischer who borders the Angleltner lot. Ile ls opposed to the variance. I expLalned that even if we couLd buil-d a smalLer wldth house it would sttlL be ae hlgh and as long and would be as domlnant a mass. Ile pointed out that he doesnrt want to see any house built there. I asked if there was anythLng we couJ-d do to make hJm happier vlth the house. Mr. Fischer said that lf Mr. Angleitner would buy hls (Fischerrs) houee then Mr. Fischer would not appose the varLance. He said that tf any house Is buil-t on that Lot he w1ll eelL hls house. Mr. Flscher said he has instructed an attornev to rrrite a letterin opposition to the varlance. See you on the L4th. Johnson, A.I.A. Pres lden! AWJ: nf copy! Gottfrled Angleltner STATE OF COLORADO CITY & COIJNTY OF DENVER rRvrNG & THEIi'A FrSGllER, depose and state: We are the owners of and numbered 17 53 Shasta Of lawful age , being first duly sworn, upon Oath Lot 11, Vail Village West, Filing {12 known as, Place, in the town of Vail , State of Colorado. ) ) ) By this Affidavit lde go on record as opposing the granting of a variance to Gottfried Angleitner, or any other Party, from the side and setbacks requirements to allow the construcgion of a single family home or other buiLding on Lot 12, Vail Village West, Filing /12, known as 1753 Shasta Place. TIhe granting of any variance from the present zoning and building code oill naterially increase the fire hazard to our ProPerty, create parking and traffic problems, and substantially depreciate our ProPerty by over use and over crowding of the area. Such overcrowding and over building will impa ir the esthetics and environmental quality of the neighborhood. /-rASubscribed and sworn to before me this lrving Fischer and Thelma Fischer. My Comission expires 3/27 /L985. Thelma Fischer day of June, 1982 bY / Albert L. Minton Notary Publ ic 750 Washington St. D,enver, Colorado 80203 tuwn n 75 south trontage rd. vall. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 l|ill department of community development June 3, .|982 Allen Johnson General Design 2.|4 North Third Greenville, Ill inois 62246 Re: Lot 12, Vail Village u,lest #2 Dear Mr. Johnson: The purpose of this letter is to summarize our phone conversation of June 3rd and to outline our design review requir.ements. For the June 14th Planning Comnission meeting, I need: '1. Elevations of the Angle'itner residence, I understand that these are in the mail. 2. A complete'l andscape plan. Take care to screen residence from the Fischer residence. For Design Review Board I need a complete submittal, as out'lined in the "DRB Proiedures and Instructjons." Fill out the materials and landscaping form completely, even to the point of nnnufacturers' names and the color nunbers.--EFing sample of materials and colors to the DRB meeting. A complete submittal wi'I1 help you obtain approval from DRB, but I want to emphaiize that the granting of the variatrce by the Planning Conmission is oy no means buaranteed, nor has the staff's position been established. One question: lJhere did you get the from the side of the house? The design guidelines are enclosed. Sjncerel y, idea that you had to el iniinate winciows ,fu PL"r- JIM SAYRE JS:br Encl T0r FROM: DATI: RE: MEMORANDUM P'lanning and Envirorrrlental Co,nnjssiorr Departmenb of Corrr.nunity Deve'l opir,ent June I , l9B2 Request for tlo side setback variances to construct a single family residence on lot .l2, Vail Village West Filing #2.Applicant: Gottfried Angleitner DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED This is the third time the applicant has appeared before the forsetback variances. A surrnary of the requests presented in of feet to the 1ot line, appear below: 0ctober I2 Request l0' 5l 12' 0ctober 26 Request . 3l Planning Commission terms of number June l4 Request 10.5, I0.0' Requi red Setback enclosed letter. ) The degree to whiqh relief frorn the strict or litera'l i nte retation and entorcenren[ 0t a s ulatton is necessary to ac eve conl un I t ornl 0f treatnrellt among sites in tle lJclnlW or East Side 15' West Side '15' Front Side 20' Thus the applicant is requesting variance.on the west from the '15 CRITERIA AND FINDINGS a 4.5 foot variance on the east and a 5 foot foot side setback requirement. UPon=review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Murricipal_C_ode, oflTire TequesGf- s: Consideration of Factors: Thq relationshiP of the requested variance to other existing or potentia'l uses and s-rfuctures in the vicinitv. ement over the past applications. The houseis now sited squarely in the buildable portion of the lot. The driveway is located at the front instead of the side of the lot. There is approximately 36 feet between the proposed Angleitner resjdence and the Fischer residenceto the east. Approximately'l 5'separate the proposed fesidence & the Marion hometo the west. (The Marion residence is 6' frorn the lo'i iine.) Fourteen feetis the minimal fire separation between buildings. The property owners to the east, Irving and The'lnn Fischer, have enunciated strong objections to the current and past applications for setback variances. (See and to attain ect ives VI o'nf$u'-2- 6/1/82 The irregular pie shape of the 1ot, and the easement which passes through the center of the lot combine to create a physica'l hardship on this lot. Due tothe physical constraints upon development on this difficult lot, to approvethis variance would not be a grant of special privilege. lhe effect of the requested variance on liqht and air. distribution of population.;ia--' publ ic safety. No impact. Such other factors and criteria the commission deems applicable to the var] ance. F IND INGS : flq,P'lanning,and Envilonmental commission sha]l make the fo]lowing finding! DeTOre qrant'tnq a variance: That the granting of the variance wil'l not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified iir the sime di strict. That.the granting of the variance wi'l'l not be detrimental to the public health,ggfety,.or welfare, or materia'l1y injurious to properties or imprbvements inthe vicinity That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulationw99]d.resu'lt in-practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inionsistentwith the objectives of this tiile. There are.exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicab'l eto the site of the variance that do not apply generaily to other prbiertiesin the same zone. The strict or'l iteral interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation wou'ld deprive.the.applicantofprivileges enjoyed by the owners of other fropertiesin the same district. RECOMMENDATION The Department of variance request. the lot. The Fire separation between front of the lot, building envelope. Community Development recommends approval of.the cument The residence is now sited within the buildable portion ofDepartment has also informed us that there is an'adequite fire .buildings. The driveway and garage are now located in thernus allovring the residence to be sited within an acceptable 8t *t""'* $- $*6nPhb l"Iay L2, L982 TIIE PLAIINING COMMISSION, Town of Vail, North Frontage Road, Vai1, Colorado 81658 DEAR MEI'{BERS, on behalf of the olrner, Gottfried Angleitner, I am requestlng a variance from the tosrn of VaLl setback ordlnance (no. 18.13.060) in order to allow the development of Lot 12, Va11 Village lJest Second Filing. The north three fourths of the lot are inaccesslble and not usable dueto an existlng sewer easement and 1ts required setback. We have been refused rel-ief fron the sewer easement restrictlons. The comblnatlon ofthe sener eas€ment, the Town of Vail setbacks and the odd shape of thelot makes Lt inpossible to site the single fanily house ( even though the houee le approximately LLl( under the a11ovable gross square footage) without setback variance as descrlbed below. There are no variances requlred for front and rear yard setbacks. The setback variances required are as follows: UIN. SETBACK I4AX. SETBACK AVEMGE SETBACK NOTES East Slde Yard 10r6tt 2Lj6't 1516rr l_. I{est Slde Yard 10r 14'L2l 1. Neighbor (Mr. Fischer) undecided in his oplnlon of p1an. 2 . Neighbor (Mr. l,Iarion) agrees to plan and has submltted a letter to Clty tlalL statl-ng his approval. I{e have lnproved upon the desl-gn since our previous subnlttal in the following ways: 1. Located the driveway and front entrance oD the front of the lot rather than the side.2. Re-desJ.gned the entLre house to closel-y adapt to the odd shape of the lot. 3. Respected the neighbors privacy by not l-ocating wLndows faclng their houses. 2. The Planning Comission Vaj.1, Colorado 8l-658 Page 2 4. Ilave stayed within the town of Vail fire separations betveen buildings (14') as related by Steve Patterson. DISTAI.TCE BETI^IEEN ITOUSES NEIGHBOR MIN. DISTANCE },IAX. DISTANCE . AVEMGE DISTAI.ICE 5. Ilave retal-ned all exLstlng landscaping and wiLl add more along both sides of the house to visual-ly seParate it from neighbors . Ilave averaged out the angl-ed setbacks in that for each square foot that is over the setback line there is more square feet that is behind the Line. Thls wil-l vlsually average out the mass of the buil-ding such that lt w111 appear to be behind the line. I have nade tvo trlps fron Illlnois to revi.ew these changes wlth staff. They have been very helpful and I personal-l-y believe thl-s has thelr support. We have made every attempt to design the snall-est house that could fl-t on this lot consistent with the orrners program. The constructlon documents are entLrely done and the owner is aoxlous to begin construction this suDmer. Thank you for your consideration. A. I.A. AWJ:nf Colorado Architectural- Llcense 1t302393 6. Mr. Fischer (East) Mr. Marlon (West) 37 r 0t'53 r ott 45 | ott 15r6"20t0"17 tgtt en o ^et'*"""'"*l' $-May 7, 1-982 l{R. PETER JAMAR, P lanner, Departnent of Corununity Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 8l-657 DEAR MR. JAMAR, enclosed ls the applicatlon form for a set-back varlance hearing for lot 12, Val1 Village West Filing No. 2. I have al-so encl-osed 10 copies of a letter to planning conrmlsslon roembers requesting the varl-ance, a check for $l-00.00 for the hear j.ng, postage for notifylng the adj acent property owners and a site plan. As we have discussed prevlousLy there are two possible site plans for thi-s house whlch incidentalLy Ls LLI, under the al-lowabl-e m'ximum groas square footage. We (the owner and I) prefer the one enclosed but would accept either. I have forwarded this plan to both nelghbors. I have talked to Ur. Ervln Fischer (on the east) and have enclosed a letter to Mr. Fischer regardlng the site p]-an aod a memo of our t.el-ephone conversation following hls review of lt. Ray Marion has no objections to either of these plans and has forwarded aletter to your offlce statLng hls agreement. I have also talked to Steve Patterson regardlng mini.mum fire separation between buil-dings. He said the minimunr fire separation is l-4r. Thus the scheme we discussed would be o.k. but Ehe alternate which moved the building to Ray Marion side would not. Inter-mountain Engineering did the surveying for the lot. Completed property and utility line p1-ans are enclosed, I have asked then to forward the grades directly to you. They were delayed in shooting grades due to the Cityrs use of the lot for snow storage. As you nay know this i-s the fourth design for a house on the lot whLchis indLcative of its difficulty due prlmarLly to the sewer which crosses the nlddle of the lot. It is my hope that the variance can be granted this tine so that ne may begin constructlon this spring/sutt-er. I understand that lre still have to receLve the deslgn review approval f ol1-ordng che varl-aoce. In order to improve oo the last design, \{e have incorporated the followlng staf f recormeodallons . A. Reduced the size of the house from the to LL7" under. B. Moved the garage to the front to allowfor landscaping between this house and mrximum allowab le better opportunl-ty the neighbors . oo Mr. Peter Jamar Val1, Colorado Page 2 Moved fhe maln entrance to the front for the as B. D. Developed a shape for the house which is more c1-osel-y matched to the shape of the Lot than prevlous subnlttals.It nolt hae more mase behind the setback line than over lt: It more tban averagea out the setback vlsually.E. We have ellnlniated a1l- windows facing the neighbors property. F. lle have utlllzed flre reslstive heavy tinber and maeonry construct 1on. Slnce you have erpressed your support of thls scheme to me Last oonth we hope you can be at the hearlng. I look forward to the possibility of seelng you then. If we can ansrrer any queslions neanwhile, pLease call me coll"ect at 618 664-2332. A.I.A. Colorado ArchitecturaL License 11302393 c. oo same reason s" o ^*,'.** $--.MEMORANDUM to- f IfOm - Arlen w. Johneon date -l"lav 7, L982 subject - Phens Conversatlon Mr. Fischer just got back fron Chicago, IlLinois and has the plan onhis desk. Ile has not yet had a chance to have his ttpeoplerr look at the plan. He doesnrt waDt the buil-ding to do any harm to the envlron-ment. He doesnrt know if it would block any views. Ilr. Flscher is going up to Vail next week and wil"l have his "land mantt look at it. He said he was 100% against the other scheme (by Perkins) but hasnrt had a chance to look thls one over yet. IIe reiterated that he didntt want it to block any vlews and asked if lt was to be a two or threestory bullding. I replied 1r was three story. I made arrangements to call hin the week of May 17th to see what he felt after visiting the site. ..- .- . application form ] " variance II . I'our (4) copies of the following information: A. A statement-of the precise nature of the variance requested,the regulation involvedl and the practi.cal difficulty or'urrrtru.essaryPftYsical hardship inconsistent wilh the objectives of this titlethat wouLd result from strict or literal iiterpretation and enforce-ment of the specified regulation. B' A site pla! showing arr existing and proposed features on thesite, and on adjoining sites if nec6ssaryl plrtinent to the variancerequested, including lite boundaries, reiuiied setbacks, buirdinglocations and heights, topography atta pnysical features and similardata. C. Such additional material as thescribe or the applicant rnay subrnit III. Time requirements The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and4th Mondays of each month. An application with the necess.ty .""om-panying materiat rnust be submittld rour we"ks p;i;, -a;-trr"-'a"t" of the meelirrg. page 2 zoning administrator may pre-pertinent to the application. I " ^ I 5-4-szApplication Da!? APPLICATION FORM TOR A VARIA}ICE r. This proced,ure is reguired for any project reguesting a variance. The application will not be accepted until all information is submj.tted. A.NAIIIE OF ADDRESS AppLICAI.IT Gott{nied AngLd'tttut 941 lQA Pe'IeA, St.. Lot'.ia, llo, 631 3l pHONE 965-0937 B. NAI,TE OF APPLICAIITIS ADDRESS 214 N, Tiuhd, REpRESENTATM ALt en Johruon, ApplLeantt t Nrch,i,tecz Gtteenvi,ile, IDuLtw'i-a 62246 pEETNE 664-2332 c.AUTHORI ROPERTY SI ADDRESS Pehea, St., Mo. 63131 9 654937 962-6538 D. LOCATION OE' PROPOSAI-, ADDRESS t Z6i Sha_ota place LEGAL DESCRIPTIoN lot 12 b].ock Filing ? , J .YX.'' FEE' $100'00 Plus an anount. equal to the then current first-class postage!'' ,ru ,y rate for each property owner to be notified here,nder.',\- (-\ f F. A list of the names of owners of all- property adjacent to thesubject property and their addresses. hrtl /+Tu Ervi-n Fischer 5901 E. 6th Street Denver, Colorado 80220 -': f-'a f '"."" / LUa-' t- / u c a I e/ €vau', U*: r b'ic 0".-u- [ '7 3t iJ Ray Marion 1773 Shasta Place Vail Colorado, 81658 ty (,;_t*-i-.'rr,r IIv"a,J. r 4t J , -_^ bl.,,.Lfu r P)- i-t''l s*7;,/y,- /1.o1 tI 1 F" ^r& t ^"uut* ^"""' $1*ot?Pbb\ -I.r -s.l v ,t\_-t \- -tr -v April 23, 1982 e ERVIN & THELI|A FISHER, 5901 E. 6th Street, Denver, Co'lorado 80220\ DEAR MR. & MRS. FISCHER, enclosed is a copy of the site plan for a house I'am designing adjacent to yours in Vail.'-I had attemptbd to visityou regarding this project when I was last in Vai'|, but you were not home. I l{e,have designed a house which is approximate'ly ll% under the allow- able gross area in order to make it fit the site. Due to the site limitations imposed by a sewer which crosses the middle of the site even a smaller than a'llowab'le house will not fit the exact set-backs. The enclosed site plan 'is our best idea of a way to place the house with minimum lnterferences with the neighbors, lle have placed the garage in front so there is no driveway alongside the house. Thus we can and will landscape the sides of the house with evergreen trees. This should retain privacy as well as provide a visual separation between the houses. lJe have avo'ided windows facing to the sides for the same reason. The blank walls will be a neutral white color to provide a contrasting background for the green trees between the houses. Unfortunately we were not able to find a design for the house that avoided going over the setback lines. lr{e did however design the house such that the square feet which exceeds the line is more thanoffset by the square feet which is behind the line. Thus the average or apparent massing is behind the line due to the z'ig-zag plan onyour side. I am sure that the house will "look" as though it is farther away from yours this way than if we had an angled house withlots of windows and a driveway right on the set-backs. Ray (on the opposite side) has written a lettCr stating that he has no objectionsto this plan. Ervin & Thelnra Fisher Denver, Colorado 80220 Hope you agree this plan is a vast improvercnt over other attempts and that we have given our best efforts to rninimize this projects impact on your property. l'le would be eternally grateful lf you would let us know of your thoughts on this plan. I am providing a self-addressed envelopefor such a reply. Thank you for thls conslderatlon. Si ncerely, Al len, 1,,1. .lohson, A.I.A. President Project Application Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone L] , Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Add.ess and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL summary: 744 rr> '::"' A,'q:z' r 4 ^-rT' E statt Approval 7 -t 'lii ,lrt l 'r' rr lrl'rlrrii, , ih' I ( :it wrr' l''I)f 1i I t L , ,.,. i l I. TRl. ASS()! !ii:Ii))i, ::: , ' r1r,i l. ( l, rrw.X)tl sPrroqs, (irlL r.r! , ' : I i. I to . I)l ( r uli ': Ldn,ls of lllr' ilrr lt r s: rrrt Ll i ,'. '1 .()llr!.r,1() rt,::, rrl't'd as follow:': r l. r,l : l, i r! llr,l 'l*_o, VrrI Vili'rtir' r{"st li(tlirirl'r r, I rr), I 1h tr./,t -,-,1), P.lq(,s 7ll .tnd 7 r. r' 11" l.!.1i, r,tl , .,,1, r Id(); rr\1, r' (or)si luct, t rldr'Ie, ol)t'r'ttr" rtrrt irrr rtrI t 1l-" llstribuLron line or systen. \'iLilrtr thc rl>)vr r_' 'r I r' l ' I rr, .1. rrbed .rs f.)lIots, i l, r, ilD) fool wrd(' $tril) of land l"irrq frv'' ('>) fc('t otr I ()t:r sr': 'r1 'r .rt.r-l ir){r which begins .rt .r Ix)inl on th" :ir rrtlr( rLy borndrr) Lrl :"'r'1 I)r()l't rr)' :!()n .rhi())l !l)c !Jorthl,('st ( rrrn{r! of sri'i l)rolx'rf) bL'ais fl "5"j','O'"' d' 'r ,li:irrrr(i,' ()f .)8,{ fcet-, nxrr('() 1, !s; rh,rr', l- 8)-:l'l' Il, d .list.'rlc(' {'f 9 fcct, fiX)r'|r r)t lrss' rntling rt 'r t)rol)o:rc'l Il',lY !o:is i;loci rre tpuer i.'lc. ,itl.i, ]r rdJlirr)l), thir undcrsrgt,(d ilereb] (lrlnl:i l.:'rr'i Arr::r)crdtion' arld to iLs .j l('(, ii::()r: -tr,(l .tcsi(rr1s, th.' rlqlrt to .rl(.tr 'rI I tr{':' 'rn(l lrr'rsll' by machinc uork ,r rrri,, rlfr:,. r.rr I lrrlr r r,'rr {lo) f',()t stri}', beitrrl frv(' (1) fcct- on cithcr srd'' ,f :;.rr ; lr 'r:i ll,rr()iir.tlr()v d(:i( rrl)rri, 'lrr(l th' futtlri'r rigilt to cut trc"s' even ' (,,r,,'i 'ir r l, )f i.'r.l frvt' (') t,).1 , r r1', whicr 'rr" t'rll 'rn()rr3h to strikc the ^lr(s li) trlL!D,t. ':h" ,.1,, rtt, i t:r'-: llrrl 'lr '") :r, wr!1 dtr(l ('Lltcr fa(_i IItrt's install"d by sard |,);,: rtL,/, .l rr I i.rJ.l::, 'jhrli rit\'rln tllr'l'ropcrty cf the Cool)- ''r,,tj., rrL.l :,rtll t), r,:'i,r'tr'i lr I L" ' tl('rl (r: !h{ 1'(\'lr'raLjv'" 'l.trr ,,r,,t, I L lh. \t L..rv, Jr r' '- i r: rt ir, . . t L. t)wrr,'r of !hr ,rbovc des(rribeJ lands and l:rri ll', s.rr i l,rr.Js , . :r'' r'r'i l'..r ')f ('ncud)rari:-r's arrti lr{rrs of t'hatsoever '-;r.rr.r. I t x,ll t11, ';L rr'l )!': t''l ir)'.lrrqr j:l \^/l:i,li tiiLr i{ 'i , rr , rrr!,1'rrrir I r, 'i irr' "' I lrr:t ir'rtr(l a|d s("1I thrs -/- ' day of sTAtt: ')l ,, c/rtitil v .)l ';'h. f()rr.t,I:, il rr.j:rt rit wits .t,ikt,,,\rl,'.t(l|d L,r'for' rne ti'rs - '':', - da" or' )t ' , l', liInlLSS firy n.rf,1 l:Ld oflr(-ral :;,J1. !,!y eon[nissr.x' ,xt,\r, ' -, J;L- _.! -/-L._ -..- Best Cop"v Available ,rn r ,l_'111- Y lluetl .'/|tr t cotd^oo roqlat .r rxlLE | * L nt odlt lat tt tiirrrt r:EU ft rca.t I nr.a?ir h tu3 t0 tttr #&rr:!':, s37 - s'D STATI OF COLOMDO CITY & COI'NTY OF IRVING & THEIfiA FISCHER, of lanful Oath depose and state: age, being first duly sworn, upon We are the owners of Lot 11, Vail [illage !'lest, Fil"ing ll2 known as, and numbered 1753 Shasta Place, in the town of Vail", State of Colorado. By this Affidavit ne go on record as opposing the granting of a variance to Gottfrled Angl"eitner, or any other party, from the side and setbacks requirements to allow the construction of a single fanily home or other building on Lot 12, Vail Vitlage West, Flling /f2, known as 1763 Shasta. The grant ing of any variance from the present zoning and building code wlll naterial"ly increase the fire hazard to our Property, create Parklng and traffic problems, and substantiall-y depreciate our Property by over use and over crowding of the area. ) )ss DENVER ) The lma Fischer .a'\- b'. Subscribed and sworn to before me thi6 4l rl\day of october, 1981 by Irving Fischer and Thelma Fischer. lly Conmiesion expires 3/27 /L985. Albert L. Minton Notary Pub l ic 750 Waahington St. Denver, Colorado 80203 a. |. Il|atotl attottant at !a* STATE OF COLORADo CITY & COI]NTY OF IR\IING & THEIfiA FISCIIER, of lawful age, being first deoose and state: ) )ss DENVER ) We are the owners of Lot 11, Vail and numbered 1753 Shasta PLace, in the By this Affidavit Ide go on record variance to Gottfried Angleitner, fron to allow the construct,ion of a single l{est, Fi1-ing /f2, known as 1763 Shasta. Village West, town of Vail , as oppos ing the side and family home on To grant such variance will naterially increase the fire hazard to our property, create parking and traffic problems, and substantially depreciate our property by over use and over crowding of the area. Subscribed and sworn to before ne this by Irving Fischer and Thelma Fischer ' lly Connission expires 3/27/1985. duly sworn, upon Oath Filing {f2 known as, State of Colorado. the granting of a setbacks requirementa, Lot 12, Vail Village ! {t:,(r,*,{ ' day of October, L981 \/\ / \/),// ''r / ) 'Wrffi A.hlL'.t* Albert L. MinE.on Notary Publ ic 750 Washington St. Denver, Col-orado 80203 -E-:-riT-'-a::'-":i'iii:f;- -: -'--rr_. -,.&iril:t*a; . ii;*L . :."r, ^, 1 John $ b*rnVnrc+r,,*r, *tu rilr"r"rt, 1mo uons Rds. l;p.t*.n cdo El6szss-47oss1s J-6 September t98t ?he Pl-anning Cor,rrnissiiown of VailNorth i'r'ontage hoecVai.l., Coior'ado 8165I Gentl-emen: It is my si.ncer'e ot dine,.nce nuruber'elopn:eni of lot on feeling thet rel ief -1 c..,-_i.06J (setiac<s ) from the Towrr i s irnpera tive Second Fil-i of Vb.il zoningto al-l-ow dev- Tne north tnree.i,"iarters oi -ot L2 a.ye inaccessable and not usel,red.ue to an ex.rstin€ selver easement running a"r'osi the lot in anee-st v;est directi.on. Tlre sniall s:-ze (ttl6OO'".f.), tfr";;";;constr'aint, and ror,rn of vail setce.cks'of 15 f eet oi- tire sides and, 3?-f::t on the front create severe ha'dship in the aevetopment-oi IJ\, l, -LZ. The and. owner' deslres a singie fanily hone of approxinately 27oo s.f.requests setback vrir'j"e.lices ab Listeci bei6s; East si-de yard l0 t -0r,i'iest sicle yarci 5'-0"Sout):i f r ont yard lZ r -0,1 As steted above, r feel tl:at it is imperative that this variancerequest be granted to all-ow the owner.- to develop h1s property- Thank you, tfu }i. Per'kins / .I I / I. A. B. c. NAIr{8 0l' ADDRESS NAIi{E OF ADDRESS PROPERTY PHomf 1L-965-0937_ -. - .alts.iirr oO Appllcatl APPLICATION FORI,! FOR A VARI.A}ICE for any project requesting a Variance. accepted until all infornation is subnitted. APPLICAI{T Gottf ri-ed Anglei tner' i 941 Desperes hd. Desperes irio. 63131 ""o*"i11-3!i-1319/a-v!-r a-( | \.,1 < / 4f Des res hd. Desfer'es irio. 63131 APPLICAbIT I S REPRESNTATTVE John lrl . Per kins .0.Box 266 Vail. Co.PnoNE 476-3>tS ATITIIORIZATION ,OF,/ -/.-,. SIGNAT1TRE ,'-4ffi This procedure is reguJ.red The application will not be ADDRESS 941 s Per'es i,ci.Des Per'es D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL t?63 hasta Place6t|.\) llti ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTIoN lot L2 block gilinq7ail Village \Test @ r .r.rr^r5 tt L olener to be noti_fied.E. F' FEE. $f00.00 plus A list of the nanessubject property 616 l8f for each property. of owners of all- property adjacent to thetheir addresses, L L / /3 // P*) J fuo-,o-.,. Fox O5 .[,/o !-/ 7tr5 r M"/n. FrsA.,- s-ot f E-W- E/w4ye + ha.nfl*- &rw,-/ Y/1 o.-,u-'Aoi'-rtV4 l) <"'wt-' I L-/fit.- 5:1 r_z<t Lt^.r c ? c pzr-v+; t-rO z_1 1 333 - Xfio 1-5 Septerober IgBL The Planning Cor:unlssion Tonn of Vailliorth Frontase hoadVail, Colorado 81658 Gentlenen: rt-is my sincere fqejln€-lhqt rerief fr.on the Town of vb.i1 zoningorciine"nce number'1b.13.060 (setiacxs) 1s inperative to al-low devlelopment of lot 12, Vri1l ViJ_lage i'fest Secona litinir. rne north three ogarter's of -Lot L2 a.r,e j.nacijessable and not usal,ledue to a.rt existing sewer ea.seme:rt rulninF,, ac:ross the lot in aneast west d.irection. Ihe snall si_ze ( li;dOO' s. f . ) , ttre sswerconstraj-nt, and rown of vai.1 setpe"cks cf 15 feet oir-ttre sid.es and20 feet on tlre front create severe ha.r'dship in the developnent ofLot L2. The owner desires a. single fani-ly hone of approximately 2?00 s.f.and requests setback varianees as l_isted telos: East side yar d 10 ' -0r'Ylest side ;,ra"rd 5 '-O,'South f r'ont yard 12 ' '..0 n As steteil above, r feel that it is rmperative that this varianeerequest be granted to alLow the owner to develop his property. Thank you, M. Perk I I ' oa o on Da r.' Appllcati APPLTCATION FORM FOR A \IARIAITCE ThiE procedure is reguired for any project requeating a variance. The application wilL not be accepted until all tnfornation is sgbnitted. A.NAITIE OF ADDRESS APPLICAI.'IT Gottfried Angleitner B. ? r.4-96 2-85 3gi 941. DesPeres kd. DesPeres lrie. 5313I psONdi4=g65=A$Z941 Des res k<i. Desperes Irip. 53131" APPLICA}IT I S REPRESENTATTIZE John Xi. Perkins P.0.Ecx 266 VaiI . Co.PRPrE 476'3515 c.AUTHORIZATTON OF PROPERTY "/ t/' SIGNATT'RE t4,f, ADDRESS 9:1 l-,es Peres irc.Des Peres lrlo. 63131 Psowrfll-96.5-0%Z D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL NATTTE OF ADDRESS hasta Place E. P. ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION lot L2 block FEE. $100.00 plus A list of the nameseubject property and pilinqVail Village WestF l8f for each property.onner to be notified. of owners of all property adjacent to thetheir addresses. ,- - MEI'IORANDUM T0: PLANNING AND ENVIRONI*'IENTAL COWISSION FROM: DEPARTMENT 0F COl"f"ruNITY DEVEL0PMIiNT DATE: October 8, 1981 RE: Request for front and both side setback variances to construct a single fanily residence on lot 12, Vail Village West Filing #2. Appli.cant: Gottfried Angleitner DESCR.IPTION OF VARIW l'he applicant is reguesting variances of 8r (resulting in a 12 foot setback) in the front, l0r (resulting in a 5r setback on the west side) and 5r (resul- ting in a 10' setback on the east side) to build a single farnily home. The lot is a difficult one duc to its small size (11,600 sq ft) and the existence of a 20' sewer easement running through the back.center of the property. The lot fronts on a cul-de-sac (Shasta Place) and has only 35t of frontage CRITERIA AND FINDINGS review of Criteria and Find Secti.on 18.62.060 of the Munici artnent- o Corununit Deve oDrnellt reconmen ueste var]-anc e or.Jing factors: Consideration of Factors The relationship of the Iequested variance to other existing 9r Potential u:es and structures in thg::Sinity.: We feel that the 5 foot wcst setback is too close because the next house on lot 13 is only 6 feet from the property line. This plesents fire and privacy impacts. Thc property ohner on the east has expressed written disapproval of the variance request, as wcll. The degrce to which relief from the strict or literal inte retation and enforce- rnent of a spccit'icd regulation is necess to achieve co atibil i and uniformi of tmnt ncnt trrnon g GITei-in tfi_e- vlc-init or' to atta rn the ec t lves of is title without gront of special pliv.iLege. l{e fcel there is a dc'f inite hardship on this lot with the sizc, shape and sewer crsement takcn into considcration. Ilorvevr:r, wc fecL a house nore stritetl to thc sitc with lcss variancc foot !{e can be obtained. The granting of thc vari:rncc as rcquestcd wotrld bc a spcc'ial privilcgc and would not be the bcst soluti.on fol the lot. .^ . *' Ansl -2- ro/7/sr The effect of the uc st ed variancc on I icht and air distribution of ulation, transl)ortation an traffic acil ities 1ic acil it es and utilities c satety. Public safety could be jcopardized with only lltbetween structures, as requested' by a fire potentially spreading easily to the adjacent structure. Such other factors and criteria as the conm.ission de.ems applicable to lhe proposed varlanse. F INDINGS: The Plann and Envirolmental Conunission shall make the' follow before granting a variance: That ;the granting of the variance will not qQrnstitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the linitations on other proPerties classified in the same district. the variance will not be detrirnental to the public health, or materially injurious to Properties or improvenents inThat the granting of safely, or welfare, the vicinity. That the variance is waTlanted for one or nore of the following reasons: The strict or literal interpretation and enforcenent of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title" There are exceptions or extraordinary circurnstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the sane zone The strict or I iteral interpretation and enforcenent of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the omlers of other properties in thc sane district. RECoMI\IENDATION The Department of Cornmunity DeVelopment reconunends denial of the requested variance. lVe would like to work with the applicant to arrive at a better solution for placing a house on thc site. The varianccs rcquested are too nuch and result in an undesirable situat i on. ffi* Sep*nnhat'30, 198'l Tanu ol VeU 0crylla +ant o$ fuvel4uet*.L. Pe,tAL Tatlnn, Jn, Z o nins l'fuiait tlratntt , ,lt Pot Lot rl2 Filhq.*. z.Uut, UaiJn Cobna.do ..Ocan l&-. Palte.n: | "u$qgen.aw d*at nee*i;ttg ukl,ln. L unt".in Vail &n. o*t* dag. I woulLdwqnidtei&goL cauW hrly ne on ng vwd.anz sefueknqui.dsc$t an trt.illl UteAt.Vdil 2 nd $iilttg. t.hoW frut ile. baatd uill wAte tfue;pa,iaw*.turyitwnntt, i( goudo Eo i.Lertw wtd..an.ilnl Wilcrnat, bt,. ard. frut, tnpU-woU te.z tJtz.pwbf,enn'i.fr.ilu.tautli,ne .etfr)-ttg thrwuelL flp, .nilila.og iltc. Lot. Thnilfu aa*itt. ' '.\. r r: i: t; GA,t ln