HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 2 LOT 14 LEGALo: ddress: THIS AGREE by and among Subdivision: Project Number: I mprovement Completion Date: DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT (the "Develope/'),and the ,2008, Town of Vail (the "Town"). \A/HEREAS. thE Temporary Certificate ol Occupancy for (address, legal description,and project ber) wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgement of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth in the attached estimated bid(s) in accordance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail; and ,r-' WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including completion of the all improvements referred to in this Agreement, by means of the following: The Developer agrees to establish a-cash deposit account with the Town of Vail, as escrow agent, in tFe amount ot $ / 2/1 'f,O as collateral for the completion of all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to fumish all equipment and materials necessary to perform and complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement. Thq ?:J1i*frf;"es to comprete arl day ol Ju g manner, all ifnprovements refened to in this Agreement, in accordance with all approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Planner, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed of the \ Address: Developer:J3tr15 ENT, mad F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\Administrative_Aclions\Dlq cash format-s-1G2007.doc Page 'l of 5 complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Community Development Department and Public Works Department of the Town of Vail.2. To secure and guarantee performance of the obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide collateral as follows: A cash Qeposit_account with the Town of Vail, as escrow agent, in the amount of$ /2/2,{O as collateral for the completio-n of all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of security or collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein in this Agreement and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative security or collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occuning to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall be and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its ofiicers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect lhereof) arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incuned by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer my have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply for and the Town may authorize a partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement after the subject improvement is constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition shall the dollar amount of the collateral that is being held by the Town be reduced below the dollar amount necessary to complete all uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements refened to in this Agreement are not constructed in compliance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail or not accepted by the Town as complete on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 1 of this Agreement, the Town may, but shall not be required to, draw upon the security reierred to in this Agreement and complete the uncompleted improvements refened to in this Agreement. Pursuant to Section 12-11-8, Vail Town Code, the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy referred to in this Agreement may be revoked until all improvements referred to herein are completed by the Developer or the Town in accordance with this Agreement. F:\cdev\FORMS\Pemits\Planning\Administralive_Actions\DlA cash format_5-'l6-2007.doc Page 2 of 5 lf the costs of completing the uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement exceed the dollar amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent (12o/o) per annum, shall be a lien against the propeily and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the Developer fails or refuses to complete the improvements referred to in this Agreement, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of Title 12 (Zoning Regulations), of the Vail Town Code, and the Developer shall be subject to penalties pursuant to Section 12-3-10 (Violations: Penalties) and Chapter 1-4 (General Penalty), of the Vail Town Code. 7. The Developer shall warranty the work and materials of all improvements referred to in this Agreement located on Town property or within a Town right-of-way, pursuant to Chapter 8-3, of the Vail Town Code, for a period of two years after the Town's acceptance of said improvements. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Flcdev\FoRMS\PermitsPlanning\Administrative_Aciions\DlA cash format_S-16-2OO7.doc Page 3 of 5 Dated the day and year first above written. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO ) )SS.couNryoFEAGLE ) \Mtness my hand and official seal. My commission expires:76u The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreementlyas acknowledged before me this 2{ o"y oI ftff.}L ,20!LbY Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires Ttp foregoing Developgr lmprovement Agrgement waF acknowledged beforepe thisL4 Oay ot AV r" | ,2Q)by UsiLtt 1*--,- tvt-. C-_n,bca--,-a F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\PlanningUdministrative-Aclions\DlA cash format-s-16-2007.doc Page 4 of 5 I ATTACHED COPIES OF THE ESTIMATED BID{S) F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\Adminislrative_Actions\DlA cash bmat-$ 16-2007.doc Page 5 of 5 i I Heckmann Homes Inc. 1783 Shasta place Vail, CO t1657 Proposal NAME /ADDRESS Chris Heckrnann ITEM DESCRIPTION IandscEping This Is an estimate lo complete the lmdscaping at the above address per the Town ofVail approvod plans. Final gading sprinklo systeq so4 stone walls and tces have all been plmted and ae complete. Landscaping labor and planting materials including shrubs, perennialg annuals to complele H areas etr... The air conditioning unit on th€ west side will be screened in with shrubs Landscaping Completion subject o Town ofVail inspection. 4D4nNt cosT DATE PROJECT ESTIMATE NO, 455 TOTAL 0.00 970.00 970.00 0.00 HOMES ARE WHERE TTIE TIEARTIS! TOTAL $9?0.00 67)V rff\/.,,**,m.f 0\w'-@ zss r'onilei'ffie'v''''s'r Project: - oat_fllJ_\te*ptease make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL 001 0000 sr+ 1110 1 oooo tr+ r- ro 0010000srs+4oo 0000 314 111 314 1211 001 0000 yq tttt ool oooo s747111 ool oooo stc,t711 001(xDo312 2a 110 0000 31 i i'E:E s =*g f;E :t;gHgFf ":$Fr ;$ 'o =$rsil.ffg $E fi =;F*=g3g; =FFFF Fi Fvi ftrLr IfEHi 1 0000 2C 001 0000 31 'l 'all items cl No specd c Check# L \2(o Received by: C=q ) f/cdev/formvadmidsales_action_form_2o07 ,l I E o.-r o HC)cdo 9| 7 Ei =UlI F Q r{o Ei o NorFd4zNDdo .< oF{o o a F.7 oO F o F (J F.,2 FIDdo oFF ZO AFizz3D rdE F FFz2lrl 5:oFE az{D,oFE o i.lk ooo.E FT o 3 xF zo r 'U E14 i4 a6C :E(J a i D o D t o Az F o =>HE,g oi(, iuo 3 Ercle Rven WereR & Sanranon Dsrnrcr 846 Forest Road. Vail. Colorado 81657 (970) 476-7a80 . FAX (970) 476-4089 Mr. Chris Hecknan P.O. Box 5431 Edwards, CO 81632 Subject: Feasibility Investigation for the Abandonment of West Vail Well 6 Dear Chris: West Vail Well 6 has historically been located within easeme,nts on your property at 1783 Shasta Place. The Eagle River Water & Sanitation staff understands that at this time you are submitting application to the Town of Vail for a building permit to construct your house on this residential lot. Originally, we had worked with you to accommodate the well and access driveway for maintenance and operations of well within your development plans. Since that time, the Diskict Board of Directors decided to expand the fluoridation program in Vail and at that time expansion of the well house building was required. Subsequent conversations with you indicated that moving the well entirely (or at least the well house) from your property would, in your opinion, significantly improve yourDronerr_vvaiue anq nff|tr*Illfil3ffitiqWiththisinformation,Districtstaffbegantoinvestigateoptionsfor removing the well house or replacing the well altogether, thereby removing this water supply infiastructure from your property. al$iFmn':Y. The Dishict is currently planning a pump test of the existing well to determine if the aquifer can support this configuration. This letter is to c and document of the District. lihln'trc*tr€$# District staffis hopeful that replacernent offof private property rs woriong in rhis <iirecrion. -IJ r,ls rcflm [rprnity d;wd'[rdD##5. A fair cost-sharing agreement will be negotiated once the feasibility and estimated costs are determined. July 6,2005 \ V I Yr F:U 5WSD\4ENG\StafiEnSdEtrntRSg0G\\fu ruFe|.$eilt1^umeuErr SERvtces N I will keep pu apprised of the results of the well pumping tests and will be in contact with pu slrortly theneafter with costs and to begin discussing an urmgement if tbet alternative is found to be feasible. Until then, please feel free to contact me with myadditional questions. Sincerely, 0R LinnSchon 0 Engin€€riqg Manog€r Cc Dennis Gelvin Jim Collins Ron Siebert Glen Phelps Elizabeth Eckel LS/mep Fll5WSD\4ENG\SbffEog\LETTERSU@5\Wcll 6Feasibili .doc 6mr{rY rt|EgtF.f f Y'':''',Yry*Design Review Board ACTIOil FORIII D€partment of Community Develolment 75 South Frontage Road, vaal, Cohrado 81657 tef: 970.479.2139 fax. 978.479.24s2 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: HECKMAN Nn/ SFR Protect Descrlpdon: ProjectAddrcss: Legal Decription: Parel Number: Comments: Lot: 14 Blodc Subdlvlslon: VAIL WtLAGE WEST FIL 2 2103-123-0601-3 see conditions DRB Number: DRB06@26 FINAL APPROVAL FOR NEW CONSIRUCnON OF A 3 LEVEL RESIDENTIAL SFR - all specifics on file, see conditions of approval Paftlclpants: owNER HECKMAN,CHRISTOPHER PO BOX 4531 EDWARDS co 81632 APPUCATTT HECKMAN, CHRISTOPHER PO BOX 4531 EDWARDS @ 81632 1783 SHASTA PL VAIL Location: 1783 SHASrA PL 0210612006' 0210512006 BOAR,D/S:IAFF ACTION Moton By: Dunning Second By: Donvard Vote: 3-1-0 (FriElen opposed) CondlUons: Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 03/06i2005 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate rerriew committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activiUes. @nd:201 DRB approval shall not beome valid for 20 days folloring the date of apprcval. @nd:202 Apprwal of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final apprwal, unless a building permlt is issued and construction is commened and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007855 At the time of building permit submitbl, the applicant shall provide a site plan for the public works department indicating the specific arading strategy at the east sideof the;*n*. @nd: CON0007856 At the Ume of bulldlng submltal, the applicant shall prwide the Communty Darclopment Department wrltten documenffion from the Eagb RiverWaEr and Sanitatlon Dlstrlct indicatirg permanent relocatbn of the well house and drivovay from Lot 14, OoM: CON0007857 11lo dwelllng unlts shall not allowed on this prcperty, Enuy: 03/06/2006 ee Actlon: AP Pbnncr: Ellsabe0rEckel DRB Fee P.H: 1650.00 New Constructi0 Application for Design Review Depaltmert of Communlty De\relopment 75 Sou$ F ontage Road, Vail, Colorado 816t bf : 970,479.2128 ta'.: 97O.48.2452 web: www.wilgor.com General lnfonnation: All pojects rcquidng (hdgn rerriev', must receive approal prior to $bmiEirE a buildng rcfer b the submitlal rcqukements fur the partiorhr apFoval that is requested. An cannd be a@pH wtil all rcquircd informtion is received by the Community Development Department. The pmlrt may also need b be rwiewed by tlc Town Oouncil and/or the Planning and EnvimnfiEntal Cotnrnisiorl. D6ign Gview approval lF unl6. bul|dhre psnnit |3 ireucd and ooGEuctioo onnnncro rlUrln ore year of tfte appoval. oftie Request: ,M/S Locauonof th€Propgaal: tnt /4 e@x,_ Subdivision: Physical Addroce: p"rot 1{o.,@ (conbct Eagle co. Assessor at 970-32&86,10 for parcel no.) izoninsr P '-' 'f , 2,. 4>l , tfame(c) of orner(s): C4 z; , ' ' ilalllngAddr€so: Orner(s) SignaErc(s): trame of Appfica r* (/ z ; s /e c /<mal") Marlrnsfddrces, Fo 8o" 4{3/ Fr/,ltr,oS 4 t/432 $50 Eus $1,00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For @nsuuction of a nevt building or defip/rebuild. $300 For an additlon wher€ square footage is added to any r€siden0al or cornmercial building (includes 250 additions & inbdor convensions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and dte impDvemeflts, stdl as' remfing, painting, windorr additiorE, landsca$ing, fences and r€tainlng vYalls, etc. $20 For minor dnrqes to buildingE ard dte impror€tnents, $dl as, rercofirg, Fainting, window additixs, lardscadng, f€nc ard rctainirE walls, eE. $20 For revisbns b plans aheady appowd by Planning Sff or the DesiJn Rqrievr Boad. No Fee Tlpe of Rwiew and Fee: tr Slgns tr/ Conceptual Re/bw 6 H"r, Co,,.ru.ti rntr Addition tr Minor Alteration ( muft Ffamily/cornmercial) D Mimr Alteration (dngle-fadV/dud€ro fl n, tn,o6\ G @$s\ '& ctwaApproved Phns tr S€paratbn Reqr.Est nt( u.| EGEIVE FEB 0 6 2006 Str%3"'* *oro., 5FD8 ay, *afata'lfalllltftl'tll**ltlltlll**tftllllllfllltfttl*af**lllla+*t*tt+'ittll+ff*'lt'l**a*rtffi**ta TOU/IIIOFVAII. @IORADO Stst€mdafaaftfa'taatllllllltflalaatarllflllllltllfllllllfftf*tlfffftlltltlt'i'i*'}rra**arlll*ltaa*lttatt guauGment lnnber: Ro6oooolorr Amounts 9650.oo 02/05/200601:38 PM Palnuaat lletlrod: Cbeek Init: iIS Notation: 5488/IlEcxilAN 1IOMEB Peflnit No: DR8060026 Tlpe: DRB - New Congeruction Parcol No: 2103-123-0601-3glte Addroaa ! 1783 SIIASTA pIJ VAIIJ Locatl@ s 1783 SHA8TA PIJ Thle Palmrent: 9650 . 00 Tocal Fees3 S650.00 ToEaI AL,L Prnte: $650.00BaLa,nce: $0.00aafaaalaafi+faafttfaaattttttttftftfffaaafaaffftfttar**lt*aa*+aaa+a*ta*ttittlltlt***aaaaffaal ACCOIJI.IT ITEM LIST: AccouDt Code Descrlption Current htg DR 00100003L1,2200 DBSrolr Rg\,:tBn FEES 650.00 gdHnrffiHlb PROPTOISED l.lATERHl.,lS TVoeof f|aEbl Golr Rmf Siding Odpr Wall MaErials Fascia Sofnb Windovrs WindowTrim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues FlashirE ChimrEys Trash Endo$res Greenhouses RetainirE Walls E)(brior UghtirE Otpr 2)/ E) at'z",L Zx b zz/iL RS, /lA fanh,E+6tab il k-e &en*o fe| ttrsle*f ilote.! Stlke,us &wt@ Lolr ,goiu1 fuZl Cdaa-) Please specify the rEnufacilre/s name, the olor n.t" "rd-nrtL and attadt a o16r dr0p, 10, 3m* q; *d*t- , . o /t/l- C/rntxl t,s daz tS, f l? /J*a- IL e /'r"^T).'snno <ea K +o(emc;:t .?fr t?a ), t e ?7 Ce{,Yc- fs. p 7t Ce,/,s* /3/,r/ deo '"r o77 CeJe 6/*k r{'aa erf rz? (e/at /eP&l'/a/Fe* 5io;r1 1r,2 /fua.rt t* - o77 /e/,+rz 6 t?nhz+6lt/l fut ts. cde*- 2 r( ls eJae- 6ryl,l. gkcl w M/+ Sto;te u F:\de\AFoR!,lswillts\Plilnlng\DRB\drb-new-conrhdio.r-1f-A-2m5.doc g.?g/e76l4 l,/?gnn' G O,-.rrr^"PRovAr&vERm*to* O ffi!$HK* t wrfy ttet uE proped rfplov€rfErts wtl not tmpd any octhg or proped uultty svle+ drd abo b verry servloe avalbbflty ild lodon fur new onsuucdon and $or.dd be used in @njuncfon v{i0r preparhg yort uilfy Cil and sdpdulng itdailldons. A sfre Sn, indudlru gadng Fn, floor plan, and eletdons, $dl be srmtted b ttE fufiow|r€ uflfies furappmrd ildEtffion. Aulftodzrd Slomtun Gonmantr DE QWESIT 970.513.7189 (d) 970.38{.025{rdo 9m.6s',91?2.(dD Cortacts: Sb,e WateG s/vaters@qn est,com EXCEL HIGH PRESSI'RE GAS 970.262.,()76 (Er) 970.468.f,$r (FdO @ntact Rirlr Slsrcroo ]tolYcRogt ElEctnlc 970.9{7.5{25 (H) 9rc.9,f5.,{Ef (foo Cond JefiVloofil ivroom @holvcross. corn EXCCL EIIERGY 970.262.,1038 (hx) Cortacts: Kft BogElt 970.262..024 Kathedne Bog€rt ETGT.E RIVERWATERI SAflrrfAT(I]I DISTruCT 970.476.7,f€D (El) 9rc.476..109, (fdx) Contact Fred tldee ftndee@rwsd.oru c(nrcrsrorB|.E 970.458.266!, ot 1100 (te[) 970.458.262 (FdO Contact Erad Dorcas bradelv dorcas@cable.omcast.com lElEt 4 ,Lf, 1. If the Utlty app@val & yerlf,cathn ffin has slgnrtuies fronr eadr of B|e uulity ofipanles, and no @fl rEtts al€ tfiade dlrccdy on the furn, ttE Town wll prcs..me tfiat tier€ are m problems and the dewlognent can proeed, 2. tr a udlity @fnFny h6 @rrrns vrfh UE p.oped omsfiucuon, fte udlity repr€sefiatn e shall note dlr€cfly on O|e tfilty verfrcauon Som tlut the1€ b a probhm whkh needs b b€ r€soh,€d. The bq€ $ould $eri be detalled In an atdEd btEr b $e Tovn of Vail. Howev€r, dca$ k€ep ln mlnd that lt b tl|e rcspo(liulity d UE Ldlity @mpany and the apClcant b rcsohe ktedfred probl€ms. 3. Tfe r€rncdons do not rcfietre UE ontncbr of the respondbllty b obtain a Publlc Way Ferrit ftom t'le DepafiEnt d hrulc Wo(ts d the Tdyn of Vail, In any ptblk dg#t-ofrf,ry or easment u,lthln the Tolvn d Va[. l hl|d&E cnrlt lr rd r DuHlc Wrv rflnlt rnd mu* b. oHr|.d xott#rr. The Devebper ls reqdrfil ard agrces to $bfit dry l€irbed &awlngF b the utilides fa eapprorral & lere.fficaton f the W way after the autho.tzed stgnab.rc rlab (un* *ff;wlthln tfie @mment Devetopefs DaE F: kderr\FoRns\F€ndbwilrlng\DR8urb-ne|v-@|Suctlon-1 r-8-2005.doc Page 9 of 14 rrn3nms lrz)}*, ^l (Es. t7 I 3 JA*sr'+flne< Se#ir flet"rr"J en+ils ffi I ttSiiro S r-- ror-r€ 5toFr ctatl c HOU9lr{O . tor nofl-i|ndfld dop. silirEr s wlra l|nilrdon can 0a Lpt S fro0r houdng {u5. orily, nouSlx6 }t4?Elf - lri.TrTt.. lc Hout rS . Foa iiaal$ad 3lofad c.ili6Cc ar€ a$n|Gl 6anct ri|llinrublba .An-TfEhdri€ ,'nGG aartifir batrlr.|| alir ld OeOgI.t b. d€Fd cd0t|9irddon Ss.Edlp[from ZlZ EgU 96.Th. rdor rlflinC fir&lrrirn.let ilFlfip t U. rirn.d strdgm do$ntrglrdrof cfiihg ltCL Hoefigftrirlr .lhrmdfomsgrrd: .gitt mie|'act Irrrdo.l mecietr . TJrcocpke lndrs for cafing sErrci'n dow0 to 2'r 8:Ufth d.f- orfine3 thr hornhg prorid.rr|tr.F.rd, . &durilf" ro*l -mhsmadtfirn*h'*rd ?dar.D pruF.|ly.li|n l|mo. ltlopc lnddor pro\rb3 $ri* aad ao.ai.tar,* lamC raadrtlhdyrflb. al2 rloFal. . .hlnaridt bd ir liad h. dr.tug$ bft.dr ri.rdt wld.gmdhadrlf2'fndo.d,i|ittl.F.rqrtioB, r hur Aqra F}!ur wlortctd.fil||.{d-npl'O Ronc arrtClrtlo.L r ftFinide4 c.di!€ b.rhnojr dorv fxlrifig to ba eorllsld rr ny edm udO*n . 24' fri* sp.r} Scorc lincr Fwided lc ercy fisld dEm?tirg t( 12' idcr. Unlqr ln$iard dc4tnprovl(b'f{*55' in N.lLim. hddoh-rr . elcro*W hotdttg ftrit-tguOucrbo downlo2'rf' . Orc d?ccatr*t bdia prc nrrrdcrn firSl|Cd.Fpetrc urht . LX- D|fnO Locatb|r . Ut FoodTtrq{h . CEA Cctffi.d . |?idd | $Deld It lb lS'rrd Lg. olaGil?ttot I rxtttsrora D*fl{5.aop.dcfflt-tr|l-Il3 h, c.ie{atrdr ,12 ro el2 *rLTh. r.rd.r t{ngmo6ubnelorsrh.l|nEb b*r|!daraiiar .tdn ,!fadc.. of coili|re 9ror. HaillcttT b ..|ld .nd e.*dod to lfrritdilce olilcoa ddrrm and hlatcd orri csrdlirnql scra ||or.l|F.fiGr . ltagral t |.ffld F6.lor gt r'd.aerirt inFlF.. l-npi€. r Oodfirrl lurlngcontqtqrooqhotF . hqdqt[o||rJr'|qim DorEAu.flb.bdilir|c. o Erdriw rdgf eirir{ rncdladcm shr.b aad rddr3 lo pmfaly !6gn |l|rD. SoFr tudacsr p.witlaoqrit.rd cflri.fr Lmp rtrrge (h.iory aal tor 3n2 CoFl. .lr|(io.rhraEadbr th|q|g[t br..Cr eksnwirhfrdh.surt Ul. hodqc with lnr t y'ortr ad3 . fqrfidfa( 9.I.u3wiltlirt.ed r'& rdd.iqiity Boanrhcofain . ft]iffiLd. c.f,ir brf hqprr dor nadno !o b. porilidrcd d .q o.ina nifingttt'irtars,Sstlln* provklod br rlt fCd $orlcdng for 12'Fas' Urt{0c ||osll.rddsiengorddsr'f{ofer'inaltirr. Ll*.hr- .7 t/f lhighl.lq|. u|.in 2'rf cooarudo. r (lncplcorcrru rfiopflrr ' a clcr.rlitrlisd EFattrnca- Ur|hg[ . UL Ormo lstiot r fn- tcdfl||orCt . CSA Crtifi.d . m.dcdibnri.Tnlc ?r trcrrtmrrG . l{frpltrt.t3strbot Wl$i]|g|o.r8.|NdadArFbwFr$I|rufi o F RrGd I I -'"r I E .drl I I' !aa. < Fr&r|0 atr. f n'|rna u :Fd slt€I'l tlvn zFE€-6t6-816 1€:DI IIXiEISI,FA (*Leqs tiryly ffi Vo&eo ho&s Fc Yon JWood 116o Snpffu'rrrvmsil&en II TI &tarlor fmrbr D.d( ht Hflrre E grcl to Produ<tr ht @bmo|r olEr colofi *rown m.pgroxlrns. md wf,t very dcpcndng EXttllof o.r your ttrorffirrs rritfr'rgE. Plra cona*)our nc.rtst Plloalgctfgrcne ffitroorrpcl! am aEqta! co6 rfrrmflqr. q€ff I -G..1K€ywortl Sefitl cetor r"g fiTiiifi I OOO 00! 07: 0t5tf cebl6 Docr IutrftkG6 c€hto boor fwn&rSdo c.lolorGLgG (DbcoitiLlr'..1) C€bIOTGLS#r (Dlscor{hrrcd) Log Ff]! tm.nt (rempoF.ry.6&|9l) Solld e$bo?o sLlB Fhrh htbDo|e Sold strtl Trancbcalt Cetut0 1 €ltolo 23 tlus G*oPLoe f SIIn9 Ceblo€RD CebbSaD2ln(r€ffiEl C St) T|.n*|o**ra.Gb .cctolo-Dsor-t WhdotYo?i liatrral ltr t/Yattarn crat 9at Nahral t lllrt I ofl U6l}U05T:tllArtl corurnurtv DevelopMENr Rourl Fonvt Routed To:Georqe Chalberg, PW Date Routed:02/08/06 Routed BY:Elisabeth Eckel Date Due:02t15t06 New single-familY residenceDescription of work: 1783 Shasta PlaceAddress: VailVillaqe West 2Subdivision: Status: I Approved I Approved with conditions fi Denied Comments:Date Reviewe* 217106 Need additional review bY Fttq f pan need to be extended contractor/owner are responsible' C-att out top and bottom of wall on east $dg illuip inq work to be done on east side of buildi ' ,'k c4ft-"74// February 20, 2006 Mr. Chris Heckmann Po Box4531 /,il '/. ,'1t't/at(le- Edwards,co 81632 /JZ ,2"6/d, Re:1783 Shasta Place, Vail CO 81657 ,t/ t - /Re: 11163 Shasta Place, Vatl CO 61657 t/ t 7 / Lot 14, VailVillage West 2nd Filing i.fr . /flarrmraDRBo6oo26 wl /.'/ /f- Dear Chris, 'J /zto Thank you for aftending the Design Review Board public hearing on Wednesday, February 15h, of a conceptual review of a new single-family residence Lot 14. I have summarized the Board's comments below for your reference prior to final review of the Design Review Board, which is currently scheduled for Wednesday, March 1, 2006. 1. The Board expressed some concern regarding roof drainage. Please provide a model to illustrate the roof forms and their drainage capacity. 2. The Board commented that architectural integrity throughout the residence could be maintained through a simplified roof design. 3. The Board suggested that steeper pitches be maintained throughout the overall roof destgn. 4. The Board requested thatthe northwest side of the house seerns bulkierthan some of the other areas and urged continuity across fhe regdence ln ffils sense. 5. The Board complimented the use of heavy timbers at the front of the house. Should other issues present themselves during the Planning Department's review of the project, I will contact you as soon as possible. Meanwhile, please be prepared to exhibit a model of the residence at the next public hearing on March 1". As always, please don't hesitate to contact me with questions or concems of any sort. Best regards, Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.24il . ,'t 1. 2. 3. Suggested condition of approval for DRB060026 March 1,2006 At tha time of hrilding permit submittal, the applicant shall provide a site plan for the public wlorks department indicating the speciftc grading strategy at the east side of the residence. I At the time of bullding permit submitbl, the applicant shall provide the Community Dwelopmpnt Department with wrltten documentiation from the Eagle RiverWater and Senitation Disbic* I iMicatng the permanent relocation of the well house and driveway from Lot 14. Trrto dwelling units shall not be allowed on this property I j I I I I I l vI -.-lrgisct: ..='< -2 o(oort^,t;. GRFA ! V^to Coursc Sctback EavcVOvcrhangs (4) DeclslBalconics Garagc conncction Sitc Gradc\Slopc Rctaining lyalls Fcnccs .a-?. -)9glorwatcriatst/ Roof pitch *6-**E'LAN : )O'"*u -( rcgqrd MISCELLANEOUS Vicrv Corridors, \ Z/vu;^"", t,VtArzV> / Parking/Gangc TumingRadius unvcvay (.lccess and gradc) 'SnowStomge Firc Acccss I -t't' 2*owncntal Hazardsr'^ - .r rees ./'v ytiVtocations ,---( Spor clcvations afrnrt* \ ='<'-"'-r/' ---.-_z-:Efsunw:SURVEY,,,- 2:"^-. *:::l"oin'li'n - /...\CZ zftrdfti--ilcffii - Condo Approval - ! nl"rcport(A&B) -a'ffi,' r'L / pbotosofsitc ','.-'- Buitding matcrial samplcs C.O. Virilication - Sun\ShadcAnglcs Utilitics (undcrground) DESIGN REVIE}Y CEECKLIST Plat rcstictions -I Hcight ,16) /4 Qq/ t scrbacks J,'r'"l, ,#, WW gt rrtoiqn-"ha e -M"'*- -Jooa / -- t u- I ssslor.o 7/7f /Garagccrcdit ,rro6oloo).(t2oo) I -','Drivcrvay (1"^n"usyt ! t z._u, progpccd stop" 6 v. \ conrpricswirbrovlishtingordinancc yr, / No_ f fd,Jo-/rZfZ/, /AhA-( ) Arcfinishcd-rradcslcssthan 2:L(50%) ycs No-- \ t/ QAVzfl fe* /i/ / ,./Enr.ironmcnral4lazards l) pcrccni Slopc (< >30%\_-L4U , ' -06 Lcgal Addrcss Grncr Architcct Zonc Lot sizc Total GRFA Pbonc Pbonc Proposcd usc Allorvcd Existine = 5292 o 5') = (a25) (67:t: + 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition qucst? hoposcd Total /aoor bsz rg* 5/7a =Brn --.rE ocs this r 6lvc a 250 Addtion2 orv much of thc al Addrton is uscHow much of thc alld@llAdffidgn is usctrd*ifsrcqilcs? V 9, 4 , mf * ) Sitccovcragc ( n/) /,t/4/ dzin*r;'-PA V -----Jvo^/f,- Landscaping ";;^2(@[:_ o "\ltt _2277 fu*)gfoRctainingWalfHciglts 3,t6' t."W ilV7Parking *qrircd 4 b { aL- (Araaor"d '4# 2) Floodplain 3) Wctlauds 4) Waicr Course Scback (30) (j0) 5) Gcologic Hazards a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Rockfall c) Dcbris Florv Pro'ious conditions of appmval (cbcck propcrty flcl: 4,fr,f/-_ ls thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: fmry* / "//7/F / 7/z / ?qb---- zoNE clrEcK ,/rk'-fllr TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us March 6, 2006 Mr. Chris Heckmann PO Box 4531 Edwards, CO 81632 Re: 1783 Shasta Place. Vail CO 81657 Lot 14, Vail Village West 2'Filing DR8060026 Dear Chris, Congratulations on receiving final Design Review Board approval of a new single family residence on Wednesday, March 13r. As you know, the residence was approved with the following three conditions: 1. At the time of buitding permit submittat, the applicant shall ptovide a site plan for the public works department indicating the specific grading strategy at the easf slde of the residence. 2. At the time of building permit submiftal, the applicant shall provide the Community Development Department with wriften documentation frcm the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District indicating the permanent relocation of the well house and driveway ftom Lot 14. 3. Two dwelling uni|.^s shall not be allowed on this property. lwill plan to review the building permit submittal subject to these conditions. Please note that due to the changes ihat occurred with regard to the site and the residence, no part of the variance approval granted by the Planning and Environmental Commission on May 9, 2005 is any longer valid. Finally, I have enclosed a copy of the Design Review Board action form for your records. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any remaining questions or conc€rns. Thank you for your continued patience in what is not always a simple design review process. enclosure {g*onuor ro - Ercle Rrven -: Waren & SaHrrnrron Drsrnrcr'--71 846 Foresl Road . Va L Colorado 81657 (970) 476-748C. FAX i970) 476'4089 November 7,2005 Ms. Elizabeth Eckel Town of Vail Planner 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 ,//./ t-Subject: 1783 ShastaPlace r /4 / Dear Elizabeth: ' fttt cupr //, *h?h*',4 This letter is to update you on our progress on working out easement and well location issues with Chris Heckman relative to his application to the Town for building permit. The District has prepared a draft agreernent with Chris Heckman and is planning on re- drilling West Vail Well 8, located in Donovan Park The new West Vail Well 8 is expected to replace the water supply capacify at West Vail Well 6, so that the well and well house can be removed entirely from Chris' property and the easements abandoned. However, in the process ofplanning this project it was discovered that delays may be incurred due to a required water decree transfer of the diversion point of water rights from West Vail Well 6 to West Vail Well 8. Application for this transfer is currently being made with the Water Court and the approximate time for approval ffire In the mean time, the District Board of Directors has directed staffto postpone signing of the draft agreement with Chris Heckman and to move forward with the re-drilling of West Vail Well 8 planned for November of2005. In conclusion, easement issues with the property owner of 1783 Shasta Place have not yet been resolved. The District is working diligently to try to remove water supply infrastructure from this private property and is making every attempt to work with the property owner through the conflicts of the easement and well house with his proposed development. I will continue to update you as progress is made on this project. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. Sincerely, ;-s,\- Linn Schorr Engineering Manager Cc Jim Collins, Dennis Gelvin, Ron Siebert, Marty Golembiewski, Chris Heckman LS/mep - tz F:\l5WSD\4eng\StaffEng\ll8[rTEl$E00$[TglsBAEeFt*d\&sceMEirr S=pvrces d\ 1)a] U*Urtrntun4 2 v /,frf DRB Number: DR8050168Prcject Name: HECKMANN NEW SFR Project Description: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Construction of a new single-family residence; all approved materials specified in file with the exception of proposed core-ten roofing, to be submitted by applicant at time of building permit submittal, Particapants: owNER HECKMAN, CHRISTOPHER 0412512005 PO BOX 4531 EDWARDS co 81632 APPUCANTHECKMAN,CHRTSTOPHER O4l2sl2OO5 PO BOX 4531 EDWARDS co 81632 1783 SHASTA PL VAIL Locataon: 1783 SHASTA PL Lot: 14 Block: Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 2 2103-123-0601-3 see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote; CondiUons: Dorward Hanlon 5-0-0 Actionr APPROVED Date of Approval: 05/18/2005 Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007119 At the time of building permit submittal, a professionally engineered design of the OO wall despnated to support the ERWSD access road must be submitted. Entry: 05/19/2005 By: ee Action: AP Cord: CON0007120 At the time of bulldlng permit submitbl, a signed form signifying the applicants aaceptance of the ERWSD proposal for the access road must be submitted. Entry: 05/19/2005 By: ee Action: AP -Planner: Elisabeth ftkel DRB Fee Paid: $65O.q) o o on IOI44VM New Constructi Application for Design Revi Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com APR liti5 General Information: All projecE requiring design rwiew must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested, An application for Design Rwiew cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departmenl The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission, Design rcview approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Location of the proposal: trlt: /tl ebck:- t ootut ton' l/";l L/,'/lla?e. la2tf F Physical Address:/7f3 SAo'+*- F/,+eu TCV-C_1],'.4.$=V. J?zto3 tz3 cxool €on,.o Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:/4*'5 ,{,ml.nn-,u Mailing Address:/?o,9ox 4f3 t F/,+**os A- J//3 L 7 Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Revieur {lL New Consuuctiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commerclal) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request Phone: ?za rsJ-,/zf7 $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee \rl 6* CP llltlaaaf'ital**afafalft*a*aftllflatatla*'l'l*'|t*aalftt*tl'tltl*++t*ff|}lf'|llaat*t******a****'iaaa TOWNOFVAIT. COL/ORADO Statementaat*lffa++'alal.llaa*ttalalaaaa*aflf*flaa**la+*aa***t*tl**********'}*'}'}l**t+laaaaftaafa'itfa'tfaf gtat€ment lihrnber: R050000480 Anount: $650.00 04/25/2OO5O3:18 PM Palment llctlrod: Cbeck Inits: iIS tilotsagions 5365/HBCXilnNN :g:------ Perinit, No: Dn8050168 TlDe: DRB - New Construction Parcel llo: 2L03-123-0601-3 SiEE AddreEe: 1?83 gHAt'TA PIJ \TAIIILocation: 17€3 gtlAgTA PIJ $6so. o0 ******l*tfllltllfaafaala*al*lfafaaatf*taa**t********l}'}t}ll{ra{'l*fl'*l}ttlaa't't*++a+****+*a**'}'}**aa ACCOIJNTITEMUST: Account Code Grrrelrt Pmtg DR 00100003LL2200 DBSIGIN RTVIEW FEES 650.00 ThLe Payrneot: Total FeeE: Total AJJL, PmtsE: Balance: $650.00 96so. o0 90.00 Description Buildino Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other PROPOSED MATERIAIS Tvoe of Material )(4 o.te*- tx tO CeAe*- 'I f1 4'fruD te*.tre& .c*ueCo fu8 ovee--Zt to o"ona /l6r*e cerl*,e- t/Un,'uu,'-t C/qlt &{6 r2x? ceo*rt 2xa *i.er 6,elJ netal P*,vt -/ 6n/v p,*;an "/ Taer*l &ret- (pre Coot qrey - <l lef 6zc/ Btu)l lou;L iltpd ce"/+z- C/,rcl- llTodtAore-s.t /a*rrJ ce/a,e__ BcoanrAo,r*- S*oale //Sfodtv/Pao -t6/.o..ta/hoe51 w " t /e'/ 6ze7r Notes: Please speciff the manufacture/s name, the color name and nqmber and attach a color chip' fue fuk (o/oz &r*'on 2x6 t2tp &.Lu Te./uZi oz. SJo,L Ue#e4Qe &/{S,co"tnt, 6'ny Page 6 of LU04l28lO4 Qezrr*ils PROPOSED I.ANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv a .-1 < L oA__ !,c"* /rn guus 6 ' Sfao- frn,bs -i pa'tubl/es d.tei.vf ,9stLr PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED fu/'s-g- Rd'M durvi ktlo,ts t€a.A.+,ur (z,t*apte GbN r-r,.u)k.z- Size /.-plu2u 3"CnL.r+<- {a*t N o^/L Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. @uc Ble,vn 'ftScue R lc,vr fu-"tt,L-2e,"/e fuR:P-96oo / Please speciff other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls. fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of t2l04l28lV b- 4-95 i 9 : b4AM i U$ Ylb,.S I r 3-23-05; re: OgPM;Clrrr€ST EflG, KEN .JO*DAN.16r q{ t.., -r.o rr-i, .'e.,A||.-rr.. erffisr ?b-lcg-orr-9m84nr54h) conbctsi i9/O4('tOO/e * 3./ aeTO 341 O2Z7 * 9/ rl 'lt!, , t,. r, Cawn.|ttr l}|t lf,F ryr g'-ry t'd-g,"ffi ffi a*uhe or proposert u*vse.v,|c?s, ilt abo b IE fV seryice;rdhbftr ;d bcrd;-for rE' @nsbudon and $o|Jd be used hcoruunctbr r*rth prqrrre vur.,rutv pt"" iJ"cneclil;d"red At pe;],ffi;r,g grad^g phrrf,mr pbn, and er.rdtJons, stta[ be sf,'rbd o r,e]ol*irp ,nru.s r +il"6r i'iJ 6in."m. 5M Tootcy IN i !-E t 1- Il $e .t*y appror^r & wrrfrdon fon t.s dgtatfEs tsn eadr d t,.aofiments a? nEde dr€cfy m U|e fuirr, ttre fof; wU p,="r""- ord 0=r"-devdognent can prrcd, The Devd@6 is required ard^:q€er T' r.5pfr *'t rqrkd &Eurtrgs b the utfites br re4prwar & rc- 'edllcdon r he stnl&d plars ae ahred-tn "rry *t "fter the arthorid slgrahre 421e (uress os,enfteSedncafy nobd wanir rhe orment are C tiE Ormj. -" Danelopert 9gnaturc ' tzf''tu fl 83 gAAsrA Pcpce s.'{+ |.rr+Ebn 920.,t69,6g60 ,alonStsp gZt38t.Olllg EXCELHIAH tnES'RE CI.sg70.zoaflP6 (teD. Contact RfotSlsrErc IIC'LYCNOS' E.ES'nIC 970.9,r9.5F2 (U) 970.9#.+fi5(fD., Ted t{udv .ETTH.EilERGY 9m.262.4E,A9?d,) Contacts: tftBogtartC7S.25ft4Oz4 JhnOhcal 9m?52.N3 EA6IIRITER,WATET Isrrfir^rlor D$rrRrcr 9m.476.7$O(d, 97e476.4o89 (fd, Contach Fr€d Hdee GOrrcrsTctBtE 9nt,6&26et x nog (H)Cttif ilfr&trad rKlte uUfW dryanbs, and no ale no problelru ild 0re :;HHHffilgHfflry|Jf pmpoced.cofrsF.dor,, r,e uuny reprererbrve sha* noreiffiT#;q'ffi mg tqEi rys* frffilj.:."il.ffi lfiEffig5oJ, *.*33lg F- t_,lry eilrr ;d;*EG.;#tr;,ifffi? ffi:ffige_qy_?IpqTd ure aettil to'dfu ffi;il ffi3'#ffi fS *-S-Tffi u'.,"#frfr fi #ffi tt,. lvav Fermft run the?ffi*H;ffi*n'sry*ilglrt-of-nay r easeme?t rtfftr the fwn of lrd.-ohlned *oaraEty. 3 SILTGRIKn'€ FP Fax:19704681401tl.F, 23 O5 Ol r35p Cha.l l-.JaI Hrohmnnch..rlD.r H.ch..'I'lar 30 2005 7tS7 a?o-s26-{e5? Gorrqilr P.01 p.8 rtb brm sE b ,. iry ft* uEffi ffi::trffiHf*.m"HFr1'n rtnct rry lncur s popd rffry*r.t V1 ,ffig"g313:qr11,fr-tffi #;Iiffiffi .Iffi H ArfrbC6|mtm QU! T 97038'l.tE54h.) ContrcE:Sd cl|ringu|970.460,6S0 tGon $aa9t0_?f.o23t FlcllHrcfr tnEl|rl!€J|s 970.26a.{r6(Et} Conerd Rinsbpa noLYcnffiErDCtre 9Z).9t9.sE92 (Et) 9m,9{g..ts6(lu) Cfitacti TdHocV ETCELHIilC' 970.26a.*IfB (hq)OEG: lftBo9ln9rot6e.$24 Jim o'nGd 9l,J5a{003 E|SurrunwAtErsrtlTarnDEltrcrg'ltr,EZ,m(H) 97o.att,r@ ffa)Onbc: frrdHdee ooltcAttlc[r.E fu*t -oI ! Tm Derffi F ttct d and€g'?!6 p sn|||[ rry ru*rd Oratrgs_b tn!.|ttililc br |leFryd & ,?rrfiltcsq| if the ffi d_--rlucc-r" anf rai elr t't iltatud qn&.n dsts (Unres drcnrrc+ctrcrft rEE mrn urr-qrmer "re of Utt'ffij. -'- Oevctoeedf gmnrc lzn9D4 9n'46E.MA ru03 (bf) 6rtbrd: ifiE$trd-. - t7, ?n Cl?-r372rcE #rrktP lT| e$ of h unu orFNrE, i,d mffi m or rfr, u," rfr;l-dil.H?tr H"""ffi..;f #dadopmertcafl p|!ad.Z tf a clfry ccrrprnv has cnluns rrrh r. ,hb/dhEcf, on ur. ,r*.,"*,*#Hl;g.|:Pf_rpg.!q$ott, !t ,rrV rcDrerctve sr€il ,lobgst?gi.fPJ*g EIH rt:r86ffiff ffiH"hlSF"l"n"*S;ggEHl_!{ffi *::ffi 'J.#-.?trnspmilJltyof orrrtUomnw.e arh.;;tr;;.# '*, re F 3. rr$c. tr..s..A_ .^ _ gg.Tg thc_cmtcr to ,rt {Ya dll,ac ;s,!r,rc.lffi5'1u'o a"* ntrii,t,Sffifr,t-ffffif ffin* w h.mrrhm o,"oegrncn d tuSr Woft a Ur-Tffi,?Id in frt glrtlEa rtcmcnt riltn the Torrr d lhfl. ,Alrtm J\bh "/ r.,.MAf;.29.20051 4:05Pfl c ROSS EllIRGYrenn g?o-9ea o -+el{O.01i P. 2 p.e uTtlJnt APPRIWAI & vtRIEICATloll This furm serv€s to \rcrily nr prWecC imprqvemcnErl$ nd imprct anvrxirtig^q?Pf* fnil l|otv c o fi''ffi ;at"*; or nem cmsuuom Td *TqE .-11-l ffitfiilJ"idusts lnslbto,ts. A dtr pl3, lnchldltts gradng phtl ;-;b,f,iAb ut '|u|orfrrB utilltlesiorappoval md vsdtclddr' CotrrtGnll Dale Saott OrnPo 970.'168, Jason SturP E(CELHTGH cls 9zr,26z11075 (El) Cmtact: RiiSisrtelc HOLYCROSS 97o9{9.5t92 (td) gnt 9r9.4s66 (ta,O Conbct ffiR? EXCEL E IERGI' 970.252.40its (tb.) Conractsr Krt Bog..t 970.264{24 Jim O'neal 9Z).252"{O0:l EAGL]E NWERWATER SATIITATION 97o.476.7,f80 (td) 970.475.40e9 (fbo Conbd Ffid tlaCete ooilcAsrCAn-E 970.a68.2669 x 1103 W,WW-jt ICIES 1. If tte t$llty awoval comments an tmde dado|p|nent can 2. If a diltY qnpanY &ctty on t|I tfitty tlren be detalH ln an tGtF to the Town of vbi. fbrreer, pbole leeP h tfilfld that lt 15 ti€ sryices, and d9 to tltlfY corrjurxtfut wEt Ptepanhg noor plan, and daa6orr' 0,nEST 970.3&{.029(hx) C.onbcB: responCbllitY of thc 3.TltcsewrmcilEEdo Dcpartment of Rrf uva rlght-of -waY q aasrmcm' obtplned s"Pal'btv. The DeEbFb le$fcd Arrdtotiad Sl.t[t*,I. Snaf & rtrifietbn ffm hE Cgnrunes fiotn codr ol dl' udlity cornpanies, fly on t|E fum, dre ToYfn wlll ptEsurE UEt tEE ae no Foblems c0naeflE wltt| tll€ p.oPoeed @nsulrcfqr, Ote tlity Gprlsertatic $all not€ il |b;EEt dt€te'ls i Fobl€m which ndeG b be tesolwd The !s'E srtdd rnpanyand tne sPpllclnt E 'lsohrt defldffcd p|obbt$ .|1,i 0E @rfiidor of tlr regorrplllry b obtah a FtIt c t'vly pgflnn hotft UE arfie Twn of Vrf . wlift b(a0;1€ rnt r be obElqd !d -U! dg{tY| ? tnyluulc ri't-ir'"i;-ortrar Dd agrcca b subnfr ary rwlsd drnlngs b the rfiIties fur reappmnl & rr- p# are a1pndin anli wry afer ttp iilrod'*6 dgrghre datc (unless o$Erilbe ard nO and the Ycdncaton ifUE speddlyttotedwithh snment atll of tiB fofin). Da,rbpet'g sigrtdur€ I2J09,Ot XCEL S{.}f.IIT CTYltrr 23 OS t 13 lE.Fax:9702624057 "u Jat Hlclr.na t& E ffi 13:02 :t ru-lc!-tc-,o P.03 t'. r wilw r,rrnov|t l' rtrlFrcrnoil Trris fonn 5Gn Gs b €rO tEt the prTpGld imprct cmEnB will ffi lrnprC ilty €d$qg ot propmd udllty 63ilices, a1x, gro b \ctil lBrYica aoibbi[ty and latbn for n*ry iorfrudion rnd Clor5 bc tred in srlnror w|t|r grcpulng yotr utillty plrr rd rffiitno iilttbtioB A 3ltc dtt, andtdtf gdhg plrn' n*i pLru 6O ctinfosrf-iral 51 sjitlli6td t0 tlr fbllou{ng rrinbr for rpprcld ui vsflcetbn' Conrnrnb !!n Qrftsr eo.t8+.02t(tu} @nt&i stDtt Ct'ringbn 9'0I6E.6C60 iasot 5h]?970,30{.02F EICE! IMN 'lH'EGTse70.252.a076 (d) contlcti Rlch srrlllB HoLY ctool Brsfilc 90.9{e.5892 (tdl 970,9.9..0t66 (fu) cmtla TcdHr*y qCELCf,ITS{ 970.262.ao18 (trr) Cmtrcb: Xlt Bogrt 9,O.262..102{ Jln O'ncal 970.262.,f003 EIErlT]ilETUATIRT stxrrATroi Dlt?llcr 910.476.7.80 (bN) 9t0.{tG.ln9(ftr) Camrcc Fndll!*c OOIrcASTCATLI 970.,168.2G40 r r$3 (td) cmBCE llrtcorrld ilar6: r. lf fir utllty Tgfovd i r,trfrcrlbn fuflr hac C$aturrr trom edl 0f fie $tty otttFdct EomnGfiB rrc ffi itt€Ett q| Sr hnr, 0E Toro $t prsne Stat tst rc lE ptoblctlt dErralo,nnt car gocr.d. z. lf a cilty ottplnt lur qreems i.it|r dE poged cqt*rrrUqr, $E tfiltv rcarc*il*foc $!11 aotl dlrrcilt on ttl udfity ysffia$on tbm Uut Blrc ir t plobEm whirh nccdt b be tGolrrcal,. ThG lslr! !fiodd tfrn ba rhbE ln t! frctf,t nil F tha Ttrr ot viil. ,mtrt de.5e IEF ltr n'lrd lfic t ls tr fclporiiullt, o? dc tfi lty @fiipilrr snC dta roplkfit tD,tFlv. itrno'ht g'ldatns 3. Thcso ur{iffial (b 6ot filcc Elc cont*tor of dr tlrPcluq E othh r hDlc Wry Frrmt hm Ol. oclrtrtrrtstof hblc$rtr *thTsndvlit heny puHic rlohtof-ury * CUnrnt sruh t lG ToHr d Yai[ A buffilB Erlli it nfi r tuUlc Wry DrtfiLrd $!t D. rhr osdopcr F rcqdcd ard ryccr b luhdt sny re'dred dlaufrgr to thc utiltra fcr a-apprcvd & n' v€rifictdo'l t [|e $hiH glaff tn ltrd h my my albr thc aruDrid rigmtun drh (unlers ofteruist spadllcdf nd wltliln th. dilrurt fl. of t'rts hm). a@bct-nrtrr 3'29-0{ urd m ad tr oarahFttSgnam l2l0oor D.b dr+ tD o*!*^b lfi U9 'Gt l2r3s g|a 96 4?5/,FE.E f'las 19 OS O3: 46p Ctrri.lav Hcckmann 970426-rt257 p.lv frffiJ E/;s**fu, Ecke/-JI QWEST 970,384.0257(fax) Contacts: Scott Carlngton 970.468.6860 lason Sharp 970-384.0238 EXCET HIGH PRESSURE GAS s_zo,zol.fllo!tet) -i-i f-ii 7Contact Rich Sisneros" / HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970,949.5892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) . J.l Contact Ted Huskv ''t' 't.' '' ...i ., . ,: ..:. . .(,. .'.;,-, \.' EI(CEL ENERGY 970.2623038 (fax) .':-:'. - Conta€ts: Kit Bogart 970 .262.4024 lim O' ea|970.262.4003 EAGI"E RIVER WATER& SANTTATION DISTRICT 970.476,7480 (tel) 970.475.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee COMCASTCABLE 970.468.2ffi9 x 1103 (tel) Contast Matt Conrad NOTES: rhis.rorm serves to ver[,- thartn.ffirtj#iffl"J#:$;fiHf',ffi#jL e{stins or prop*ed utirity sen ices, and also to verlfi servlce availability and location for new consnuctidn and shoud b6 used in coniunction with preparing your utlllty plan and sdteduling installations. A site plan. including gradlng ptan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utllities for approval and veriffdUon. - ' Authorized Siqnature Comrrents .Date n Lr "- /cr/rti / Dwelope/s Slgnature ' tv09to4 WflflI,b ;/ty/ar 1. If the utllity apprwal & verificatlon form has signatures from eadr of the utility cornpanies, and no comments are made directly on the form. the Town wlll presume that there are no problems and the dwelopment can proceed. 2. If a udlity company has concems with ttre proposed constsuction, $e utility representative shall note directly on the utility verlflcation form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The lssue should then be detalled in an attached letter to the Town of Vail, However, please keep in mlnd that it is the responslbility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These veriflca0ons do not rellwe the contractor of the responsibillry to obtain a Publk Way Permit ftom the DeparUnert of Public Works at the Town of Vail. UUlitv locaUons must be obtained before dloolno in any public righttf-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildino permit is not a Public Wav oermit and must be obtained seoaratelv. The Developer is required and agrees b submit any revised drawlngs to the utilities for re-approval & re- verlfication if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless othenvise speclflcally noted within the comment area of this form). llrt sftsrfr rc,rzu/ ur l'/, Vru wwilt War 2w Conceptual Revi o ew General Information: it., TeV-CCItvl.CHV. All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application, Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Oesign Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Depaftment. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design r€view approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. ofthe Request:4/e ul /ontSrR'r t tlj,r (.-'{ 3 tr' ,u / Locationof theproposalt tot: /1 Bbck:- suoaivision: (/A)L //,//ege. /,lrs'- F. Physical Address:,/7AS .5"4.,tsr.4 P/ace *:-t , Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 faxi 97 0.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com iqil:#n jllr'lr t,r (Contact Eagle Co, Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:,tpo f-rc;0,,'.'t',5;At/uf,r*/ Name(s) of Owner(s): Maiting Addressl Name of Applica nt: C/trs //eotkun,-t,urrt Mailing Address:fo Box qt 3/ Fl:tt.'j;, s,15 (a F/65'l Owner(s) Signature(s): E-mail Address: Typepf Review and Fee: n /tgns !y' Conceptual Review E New Consfuctiontr Addition E Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercia l) D Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request Phone: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping. fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painung, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff of the Design Review Board. No Fee ? 7D ?.24 - z/ 2.i 7 aslqslzd,,s 15:59 9703285945 0t/r5/t005 12:lt rtl 3819818984 GUJEAE-E SlfP,I-V P€ 01 ||uuarlrlra b]JilSlbbChchr AFll 15,zmt /*/-"o 11,(es . J / o- r 3 7 J-/7Pi s44'tr* Ph+e Lur // i*,t {/tilev* Ue t r{2 ToThftlhYGuc k EttruohnRPofuhorb Arnlrr4 rofda&c. C dl iffitrEitrt tu ffurt@ b iirOi, CrfnrL r: porlbd brbe: Pl: *lLocPe *ceffi c r$crr b dqe Itd yon ir pr lrq6t hc ;in re e €n J, ttfis *"*ln Epr d rry irturtu 9e- Ab!*'/#cn*rrilSrnbRgrdYe E*, €qfl&rof,fcr - Cmd DfYtim .., 1 ... I I I 6ltXl &r|lrr tord . $rh:r. SmL 9t26t ' G6l) ,9lJ9m ' Fs (661, t9t''s! ACCESSO tttlft9 SPECIAL PRODUCTS Brick Light/Aisle Light Thenrral orotector, (l e c6st lrint, fiat unbreakab e lens,tamperproof screws. H29257 lncan(lcsce t 20W T6 t/2 lamps (Ha o Z7). Darnp location listed. H2925TW lncar)(lescent 20W T6 t/'2 larnps (Halo Z7i. lvet location listed. H2925PL 7W Compact FlLrorescent Larnps or 9W lamp Wet locatioo listed. Accessory: SD2925lafiper proof sor {_rw(rnver Housing: 73/B L x 3 1t2"D xZ 1t4"H Irim: 81iB"Lx31l2"H Blick Lig h t/A is te Lighr With lltefnral prokrotor, dre cast 1r inr, glare redt]cing shade and tamperproof screws. H29267 IncaIdcsc-"Dt 20W T6 1,/2 a|rlps (Halo 27r. Darrrp location listecl. lp ratecJ. H2926TW Incandescent 20W T6 j,/2 tamps tHalo 27). Wet tocation liste(1. Accesslry: SD2925 Tamper pfool scrcwdriver Housir.rg: 7 3rB"L x 3 1,:2"D x21i4 H Trim: A / i\"L x 3 12" H ll2920lCT Srep Light 25W A19 lanlp. LoLlvered lrinr. Wiring corrnections arc ntade in fix ure. lfousing: 8"1 x3 112"D x 4 1i2"N t tnrsn P liinl: 93i8"Lx53i,4"H iP Rate(i : tt2922l0r Step Light 25WA19 larrrl) Frxlrrre is prew ri!(l to jurrcrron rrox llousing: 11 5/8'Lx3 ti2,,D x 5 ti2,.H Finish: P Trimr 93/B"LxS3i4"H lP Rale(J ll2900T Thru-Wall Lig ht F rovr{les 100!V lighlinq or) eacl) si(l,o ('i wal . Albal tc Lerrs. Whtt{] finisll Housing: '131i2"Lx4 DxB j/4 H Trimr 11 3iB"L x 7 3/,4"tt ll) Rate(1. U.L. listecl for feecl rhrough applications. Louversd trim. Cooper Lighting O ESCF Desioned for sloPed ceiling instailations for ceilings from 2112 ro 12112 Pirch.The sodet aiming medlanism allows lhe lamp to be aimed straight down reoardless of ceiling Pitdt. H&slC is sealed and gasketed to limit airflow between plenum and healed or air conditioned areas, Housing Features . Integral thermal Protector guards against imProper lamping. . Exclusive socket aiming mechanism swivels and rotates to ProPerlY align lamP settings. . Lamo socket and trim can be adiustsd 20' laterallY for comoound sloPe ceiling or to compensata for off axis aiming. . Junction Box is UL listed for through brandl circuit wiring and has seven 1/2" knockouts with true pry-out slots and four Romox Pry-outs slots with integral strain relief' . Plaster trame includes screw for hanger bars cutouts for crimPing bars in Position. 9toNS Listings . UL Damp Location o UL Feed Through . lP Rated . Meets CaliforniaThle 24 requirsments . Meets Stat€ of Washington Restricted Air Flow Requirements . UL Listed for Dir6d Contact with ' lnsulation . CSA Certified ,id . Socket Plug Provides protection against Paint overspray . Pre-installed, captive bar Unique arrowhead design provides "Nailess" inslallation Bar hangers can be positioned 90' without tools. lnstalladon Features . 7 3/8" Height allows use in 2" x 8" constructlon. . Housing ad.iusts for ceilings up to 1 1/4" thick. Fimmml H6451c - ALLSLOPE IC A IR -TIT E '" HOUSING . For insulated sloped ceilings and dired contact with insulstion . AIR-TITE housing Prevents airflow between attic and living areas 61/2 (165mml REFLECTORS 455CG Champagne Gold SPsculsr R€ll ecto r L!mp: H645IC-455CG 75W PAR3oL' 75W R30, 65W BR3O OD: 7 1/4" (184mm) 455SC SPecul!r Clc!r Rrll sctot Lrmp: H645|C-455SC 75W PAR30L' 75w R30, 65W BR3O OD: 7 1/4" (184mm)'i*l 17P Bl.ck Collax e PB,W HBTsrc Brlflo EYeball 75W R30, 65W BR30 456W Whito Bafll e L!mp: H645lC456Vri 50W PAR30L' 65w BR30' 75W PAR3OL H1999 - with socket extender OD: 7 1/4" (184mml 74 EYeblll - 3o'Tllt Finbhi P Lamp: H645lC 75W PAR30 OD: 8" (2mmm) Finbh: Lsmp: OD: 8" (203mm) 7A Eyeblll Finl8h: ? B, PB Lmp: H645lC OD: 8" (203mml Tiim Flnish.! LENS 65W BR30 75W R30 75W PAR3OL 170 Alballte L€ns with Retloctot Co no Finirh: PS Lrmp: H645lC 60wA19 OD: 8" (203mm) Trlm tlnbh.t CG scP8 PSB BRASS POIISHEDSFASS WEI I,OCAIION LISTEO SHOWER UGHT WIII1E BAfFLE CHAMPAGN€ GOLO SPECULAB CIEAR Cooper Lighting , ,TYE,\. TT v lT} COLLECTION > Toryedlron 5524VAPT. 1-MB,100W 5524 CDPT, VAPT 11'W x 17.5"H x 13.5"Ext. 5524CDPT, CDPT,VAPT 5523 CDPT, 5523 VAPT. 3-CA,60W 5520 CDPT,VAPT 10"W x 7.5"H 5520 CDPT. 3-CA, 60W 5520VAPT, 1-MB. 100W 5521 CDPT, VAPT 11"Wx21"H 5521 CDPT, 3-CA,60W 5521 VAPTI 1-MB, 100W Jan 2004 Maxim Lighting International, lnc. I I I I 1-MB, 100W @.@ o O i-h t-4r1 /er H /Pt uitta(rr"-rr tr z /7rc %-+'r-+ P/-r.e- //eet-,.rq4cs . 3?a -B7f € aGI ( Silt Fence - Type A).-..\-- '-} srDE vtEw F-sgggg.e-{ fT;; FROSIT VIEW Figure t ct Source: GASWGC SF-4 .tlFR. 4.2ffi 1A:34Rtt RICE ENGRS LEoNARD Rf cE ENCINEEEEL|I{q. ffiER, coLoRADo a@l 1'51 t9 €o9) 45595A9 + (&o) 45s€689 +FAx €o8) 455Ot 15 March 5, 2005 Ms, LinnSchon Eagle RivoWater & Sanitation Diebict 845 Forest Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Opinioaofkobable Cost-Well 6 Access LEOl.RRDo t{o.773 P.? GREG ROUSH 6REG6 TEN ETCK LFUE BOIHAI' JON FORD ERIN WU-soN ED ARI{BRUSTER 'fu//fur?,4t6/rAZ Desten ctitd4i';l i.',iii i,.1iil ,'n,u'' "ily',/( ,. i:.l,iii .'i':r;,' i-iii;:; hr l'iu(' Prelininaryrdad"#Sjgfrp'onsidiiiitions include: ,,t{ tlf\../. ,1 i,i.:l;.1;l Y I/ tt\l/ l:,",'f,,lA r The "i.!4,Jiil''i n.td stable access road at lea4' t{ feet uidt'ef f foot wheel base) to allow a pump fr'g and pipe tnck access to thc site in revdne4aa{' ' ' . The need for a flat area at least 25 feet long next to the well-for tbe Pr:mgfito f,Y,YP -,,/Za 7 room for a pipe tailer (ocated nort to tbe well howe)i '- /A/27/ try?z,& rc. Minimizing access roadgrade; / '/ r' . Maintaining adequate rtrainage down the access road; away 8om the proposed house pssrTirm: ffif'*"'* aud water wellbead eaqpert ir landscaPc estimates should be /r/' Preliroinary rJ-d.d$j# structur€, and offthe neigbboring Lot 13 property; r Allowing 4-season aacess and trastion; r Long-tcrzrmaintenrnoe; r Maintainingreasonable aesthetics; r Maintaining root oovec for trees belongiug totfuel,ot 13 neigbbor; r Staying within negotiated easemeots; snd / |r The need for the water line to not sxteod beneglh the house' 1 WarERptcHrs + GRouNDwarER + PERM1aflNG + WAI€'RSuPTYR.ANNINc [-CBC and LEOI.IFRD RICE E]SRSFIRR. 4.ZAO5 LAz34Ftl IC.i 2' RETAINING WALI- <o^. /o PROPOS{D CONTOURS1\ \ * -4tZ: t\E(tvr*Pp RgtD6"t(g Vhtt , co. LavnaD encC €'n(r\'"&€ z/a la( N0.773 P.3 'fr ffi E1:1... s\{hsnAPLhoF- -"*f \\. l4RR. 4.e86 1A:34RN RICE ENGRS NO.773 P,4 Mg. Liur Soborr Mucfr4,2005 Pagc2 PRD,LIMINARYDESIGNS Figrue I shows the tocation of the existing well honse and the proposed aocess on the Nortb sidc of thJ property (totl4). We have ouUio"d tha location of tbe proposed access road that is ryproximately 90 fbet long and 10 feet wide. hesently, there is approximately 1 I feet of alevation difierence between the prmep house md Shasta Placa f6 minimize the grade change and grade difference between tbe accesi road and the aeigbbodug Lot 13, wc recommend that the access pad be elwated approximately 2 feet just before the well house. This sar be done using a retaining wall nqxt to the well house and tapering fill uaterid away ftom the road, Crrasscrete consists of 6" concrete slabs tbat consist of approximately 50% reinforced concrste and amrmd 50% open hole ubere gnss may grcw tbrougb" It om be designed for heary loads ru9h as a drill rig. We know that it canbe precast and brougft to tho site in pieces and it may be able to be cast inilace, The holes in the concrete allow grass to grow througb which would mako the road lcss obtrusive. Water would be able to infiltrate through the GtasEcrete if thc soils are permeable- A manrrfactr.nerrye researched ( Bomanite Coqporation, Madera Ca.) suggested tbat a monolithic- concrste border be installed around the mad for stabilization. This borderwould inoease the cost of the drivoway sipifcantly. Ourinitial thoughts are that Grasscrete blocks could move orbreakunderthe weight of adrillrig and therefore couldbe a long-term maintenanoc issue. LEONARDo tN LEoxaED RrcE E GTNEER', t s. nR. 4.?W La:.34fi'l RICE B{GRSLEONARDo lto.773 P.5 Ms.LimSohoc Nflsrph 4, 2005 Page3 Asphdt If an asphalt road is installed, we recommend that it be at least 6 inohes thick. If osphaltis selecto4 werecomendthattheroadinclude a concr€te s$,aletbatwill allowrunoffdowntbe ilrivcrayod also collec't runofrfrom the bouse. Graval ,,+fi We believe that a gravel driven ay may be the most cost e$ectivc since it "* .Us.Sffiifr{p t*t like landscaping rosk end be contorued so that it will allow proper &aigfpe 1,1:;, i;ili1,"ry trrr#l*T'{'iOPTIONAL-MOTTEWELLHOUSE .-",, 1.":'|:{- i;'i '' ,",:;',' " i );i"f i:': -^--' ! "','i . . WE have also investigated rhe costs associgretl with bib$rng thclpd,$fifi!'i+ell horbEt''llhis would includc: -.y'.t-"''r. i 1-. I, i;,1:,:,:'?'"' ii:{;';ii,t',{' ' 'l i,' 'l i ,"' t' ii":' I I'ji','i Denolishingtheoristip-gfl,euh.uflo7"-'; i' i i I .:.", ,:: lri 'r'':i'n Instrlling abelow."gqpimdfffiesq:4[spJofidiryharEni'i;,+',i.'r i.'' l:l IrstaUinsavarilt'nbliiiShdstC.?la:bp:', i"'/''.". .,t .'i:,, .:. i :.',.:i l.',':,.1 Installini a pipeiirir#Ebiiluifavret$oG'i to $e #w ufiFoSast'a'utq Instaling a new ffiers&lFp$B qn'1uoto{ in the well; '"i'" Instauine piping'uuil*."$3ip"p $e ry"tl va$t;,ry$ I Potentially relocpliS elegbl,ppl tfrflforms{y;-" ['+:';; ;i:'"!i 1..i,,:; rCOST ;,i1.1i';r'fl:,:;t iti:"'z ii :"i:""' ' ":"'We baveprovi#p A*ts6lmated forthe aooess mad and tbe option ofrelocatingthewellhoussinto a bruied varlt atitlie frort of the ProPerry' We estimato tbat thc oost of either an aspMt or Gtasscreta road would be arouad $691000' !hi; includes road exoarratioo, to"t slope constUction; aud road conshrction' We hlw iucludcd preliminary ilesip serrrices wnicn shoultl be rrpdated by a landscape professional. We estinate thc oost for a gravel access roa.d would be significotly lesg around $liZt000' We estimate the cost ofrelocating the well bowe to a below grade vault in the front of ttre prroperty wonld cost an additional $187,000. & | Bltarrpri prcF- ElrGtirtEFs. l q. t{RR. 4.2445 1A:35AN RICE ENGRSLEONRRDo NO.773 P.6 OPTIONS 1 AI{D 2. GRASSCR,ETE ORASP}IALT DRIVEWAY Excavation G rass0rete or Asphalt Ddv€way Property Line Rock SloPe r Pull Pump and Motor z Demolition s Install Pitless Adaptor a Pump and Motor s Vault lnstallation e Elecbical,Chlorination,Piping and Contnols LEOMRDor4nF.4.?SW 16:35Ft'4 a RICE ENG,RS NO.773 P.7 Ms. Lim Ssborr Ms!ch4,2005 Page 4 Otherlssues Idmtificd | -/ \'ill We have iderrtified other potential issues including, / Y /rr The need for a larger easement rgT ,h"_Tttluse to allow for replacing thc well in the funue, The area needed is aror:od 50' x75' ' 'o The poteotial for damaging tca linbs druing access. Carefrrl tinming maybe mquired- . Moving the cxisting waier line. At your rcquesq we bave not determined thts not$id cosr r Wintersnorvramoval. Wo rscommemd that the Distiot oonsidec these issues bofore Iflou have any questions, please give us a call I '! DErnis McGtan{it,n \ l-, r EA.ra66 DraF Fr|atlEEnC. f Ic- 4,?gi45 1Ar33FI't LEONRRD RICE ENGRS N0.773 P.1 F^ex o TRrtrNSMITTAL r"o*oSR*GrNEERs, INc. (30s) 4559589 0 Fa( (303) 455€ 1 1 5 To: Linn Schorr CoMFAIitY: ER\ilSD C *wP ItE: FRoM: OpinionofProbable Cost - rWell6 Aooess Dennis McGraoe trtrtrtr trtrtrtr FOR APPROVAL FoR YoUR USE AS REQUESTED FOR REVTErI/AND COMMENT FOR REFTRENCE ONLY COMMENTS:Call me ASAP to discuss. -Deoaie PROFESSIONAL PLTNNING. FERMITNNG, M^NAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMETfT SERVICEE FOR IJ{ND AND WATER oo 4 /fr"'h'nAre6e4 p //f^,rE, M*-Yt|; z&tu\- , _/ah_Zb7.A; ) @rzzrAzn@,Zz-h*z ,: 'c,angrilpi.i.'iotl'rn\4r.. ,* ," lrt' -'-r n or tt"cr,r',.ti lll' I'/rl')'?if t'li')iOO A M,'\:' : +-22lt/'i,.iL h. VI ADDTT ,tlLl he i@.- groo Lrn E+g.FUp$tr- IEED AIJTJ MEN ET THE6E PRESENTEI Thet, .,. EmtRD M. BECVARIfi,8R. ' th. confldaratlon o.! Trn Dollara ($I0'00) and othcr and vrluablr oongldteratlon, th. roe.tPt o! whlch ls acknowledgcdr'horcby rolll and conveya to thl VAtLr ttEg! IIATER AND 6AIIITATION DIST8ICTT a guart- ollrl oorporattonr organlrcd purauant to rnd und'r atatutcr of thG Statc of Coloredlo, thr tollowlnq rral y slturte ln thc County of Eaglc and gtate of. orado, to-wttl EASE!,ITIN! NO. ].........--_-i.F_ A nenransnt eegamcnt to oonatruot' oPcratc, hbair and nalntaln a water plpellnr ln anc unbcr the proPsrty descrlbed as 'follour: A pa8lnrnant aarGment throughr,ov9r' undeg in& rarola thrt part of Lol llr varl vllrage. weltr FtXing uo.'il Elgll countyt colorado' deaerlbcd ai lcllowrt taglnntng at a pornE. it tft. altt€rnmgrt sgrnsr of rald IJot ltl t thrnoo North 55026r05r lllrt along lhe-ProPertyt-i"", -ZS.O feEt, thenor q99!!- l!:33'55" llaltr fO.O'frrt, thcnic South 55'25'05'r Ergtr ?7'9 irit,-ttreicr North 230{9r Eattr 10.2 teet to thr polnt ol blglnnlng. Tho abovc dcrcrlbcd proPorty le deolgneted ' on-*te-*an attichcd herite aa Exhlblt A' EASEDIENT NO. 2 A Dsrmenent seeernent to oonltfuot, op'fato' iciili-ina maintaln r wrt'r woll on thr ProP- rriy dotorlbrd ar tollow! ! A Palnanont catsrn€nt through, ovlr' undlr. and rolotl rot I{, VaiI vtilige-wsst'.Fl)'Ing G; t;-Eeire couriiv, cororadoi drrcrlbad ae i6iro'iri-'sieinnini rt a golnt alonE thr a6nrlnin'propriti--frie letwiqn-L9t No' r0 End i[f"iltiol-ni L,i,t No. 13, ?6.0 rect f,ron thr iiit.rftoopt soinrr of l,6t No' ll, thence North . 5i;iOlosi t{ert, 30.0 teotp th.nc' Eouth . i{'3irti, War[, 20.0 teet, th.noe gouth" ii'iE'oi' iiiit, 30.0 tcct, thcncc North 3l'31'55" seai, ZO.O ilrt, to ths potnt ot ',. urglnnlnE. t' The abovl drccrlbld ProPGtty iu drrlgnatrd on ii ,. tha mip ettecrrrd horito ar Erhiblt A. ,, j: *qlA, r{[[strfiilffltl .JuL 1? p7el'*1y*"*o {*ii-' Jl-tl r sJ )J I 9, L!^lHl,, I IIILL lfa ii Acecptanc. o! bhls toosmong by vall vlllaEc WorU grnltetlon Diatrict lhalt oonstltut. lts rgrce- cgnlsnt ar f,ollowt t 1. At rueh tlrno and ln the event that thr rtat.r llnr and/or uattr wrll lnatallad ln and on tho rbovr crlbcd Garcnontf rhall br rbendsned, thc Proparty raat gf Crantae in the ttlcn€nt! rhall lrnrnedletcly an0 b. thrroalter mergell in thr 0omlnrnt sgtate. ;, .2. Tha watet plpcllne andl wator w.Il lnstrllsd and on the abovp-deecrlbed easement! rhall br tnstallod, ntaincd and opcratcd eo aE to pcrnlt thr maxlnun utc and oyncnt of ths autfao. by the prclant and tubt3quent rr o! tho rbovr-ilcrcrtbrd paoperty. trn or.. It le Esary to repak or replace tha wat.t llne rnd/or ttatlr I' Otant.e ghall r€ltor. the surfaco ol thr lend ag ly ee,may be praotlorble to tho rarnr oondltlgn lt w8! grlor to ruoh raprlr or replaorn nt, provldrd no t bulldlngl plantJ-ng, rtrueture or lnprovotrtrn! bc DlEs.rl thrrion. J. Inrtallrllon of thc vtattr glpcllna and,/or r well r rndl t rnd tor3d ar the tlme pt d€ Ln rhall b. oonplctedl ro thrt, the rurfaor Ll n.atly rs may br praotlcrbl. to ltr oondltlon nork wel sosrrcnccd. 't2., ,NTY 08 _ESfft- rr i ) ' ,i- - a--- Elgnrd and dcllvrnd thla /' ., dry ot ,OF COLORADO ll. . ,1. ,', I Ehe lorcgolng . ii". i'_..thfli'r-f.Eb- day ol lnrtrunent wtr roknouledgrd bclora ' Julv..-.-.-.-..'--...-------..--, 1972r bY ' '.1;,,',r' -2- JUrt -J :\.' u [.c, t'- r+J -n a. Q\ccare Fs'rnfj agc vet{- Lll'? See afFeched lc€.a I dcoc.iplion, t,t r)' \ \ v/r r l )/ltl-Afi5' "YF.?1,.,-i" \'b '-air'5t-i Dl$T--[ilcT-lrVAi-rR,.4 -?AN[- - . .-:., F ] ,- r.-!. ,.,r ,r-r Vir-il'tlripuousE- rlsE'itFlJ l-i . .r.r.,t 'l''') Lgrr. 4,4-.rlail \'illorle Vest, f-ilil'trr I;'',d' ,rj.-.,l^ t'1.,, ur'l r-r. Ccrlor'ddc: )"'i !' IFaql,a 4c"r,.rr{ g, }Y'-,';, ;'t:i:, *f. *'til;'t.fug. o t.il,., ! nltnrDr my hand and otllclal rtal. o LcC Addrcss Ouncr Architcct: Zonc Lot sizc TOTAIGRFA Allorvcd Existine . Proposcd. {?b1 = Total Rcmaining urd l6a b52,n * 2u .r(- / /ri, =-) Wd fZhltUD atbtb r -\ Rcar 15' ak ,andscaping @/)^^,^ fu24 -Lat@D- -'9i!/ RctainingwarrHcigbh 3,t6, /h&pNh M -!?!^ Parriing *^u*ol= / -Encroscd VAIZ- Garagc crcdit ,roorffi)roo) (l2oo) *,1ry.r,,.. Vr;;,*.J-- ** ndsror" 4l ("MBsr ComplicsrvithTOVligbtingOrdinancc, V* V *o___:_ C nAnA) Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2:l (50%) ycs_ No_ Environmcnbl4lazards l) pcrccnt Stop" (.rly,4 Z 4O'/ - 4) Watcr Coursc Sctback (30) frOtL 5)GeotogicHazardr T a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Rocldall c) Dcbris Florv Front Sidcs :'\'t Pro'iousconditionsofapproval(chcckpropcrryfit"), ll / ilt14/ k6pf,^rtlr Is thc propcrty non-conforming? t I =Jz,L GRFA + (.125) (625*) =- Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Additiori? Hcight Sctbacks . Z) Floodplain 3) Wctlands_ * 675 = 425 crcdit pJus 250 addition 0f-' ZONE CHECK Phonc Phonc hoposcd usc ? il/fr- 250 additionat GRFA !r^,6"A"oI V ./ Il/t wu deut,on{c eLEvAnoNs *{- scatc -/ ao,o*,*", ,/ / V RoofPirch trL$roscnpepL{N I Existingtrccs / proposcdrccs -{- t*^o * U}!, .-\.t - 't spttt$*'"i .n::'\,'.: Scalc BuildingHcight Encroachmcnb Sctbacks Sitc Covcrage EavcVOvcrhangs (4) Decls/Balconics Garagc conncction DESIGN REVIEW CHECKLIST MISCELI.ANEOUS VllLabndoApprwal | ./- -.|r.t Etl.E ,/ / tl - t/ Pbotosofsitc "/ 4/, nunhngrnatcrial sanptcs C.O Vcrification Sut6hadeAngtcs Utilitics (undugroune Vierv Conidors,/V Varimccs - Plat rcstictions Firc Access Comuu o NITY DevelopmENr noui?c Fonul Description of work:new single family residence Address:1783 Shasta Place Legal:Lot:14 lBlock:l lSubdivision:VailVillage West 2no Filing Status: I Apprcved I Approved with conditions fi Denied Comments:Date Reviewed: 4113105 Need additional o DevelopMENT Rourttc Fonn 'ffi-1 lProiect #: I PRJo4o5o6 I o NITYCounnu Appro#,,*o Routed To:Fire ,4 Date Routed:o4ti3tos /--4t Routed By:Planner / /./il/'ZeF' Date Due:04t20/05 Description of work:new single family residence Address:1783 Shasta Place Leqal:Lot: 114 lBlock: | .z lSubdivision: lVailVillageWest2"'Filing ved with conditions I Denied Comments:Date Reviewed: lssues. Need additional review bv Fire \tD at - 5rosl,,Cs. c. €tfla,u f1 ar, o o filt coPy Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road ltail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com December 29,2004 Chris Heckmann PO Box 4531 Edwards, CO 81632 RE: 1783 Shasta Place/Lot 14, VailVillage West Filing 2 Dear Chris, The Town of Vail Staff has preliminarily reviewed the conceptual design review application for the proposed single-family residence located at 1783 Shasta Place. The following is a summary of the comments from that review: 1. No improvements (i.e. firepit, retaining walls, decks, roof overhangs, etc.) shall be permitted within or above the easement areas without the written concent of those who are party to the easement agreements. 2. The east/west main roof ridge (elevation7984'4") above bedroom #4 and the guest bedroom exceed the maximum allowable building height of 33'. 3. Based upon a lot size of 0.269 acres (1 1 ,718 sq.ft.), the maximum allowable GRFA, gross residential floor area, for this site is 5,253 sq.ft.4. The surface parking spaces must be revised to comply with Town of Vail design standards. 5. The propefi boundaries and house layout must be staked on the site, prior to the January 5, 2005, Design Review Board meeting. ff you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, 4Z-U h. -.1-u-- Bill Gibson. AICP Town of Vail {} 1""'"'"'"'""* Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road l/ail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 tutx 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com January 6, 2005 Mr. Chris Heckmann PO Box 4531 Edwards, CO 81632 Re: 1783 Shasta Place, Vail CO 81657 Lot 14, Vail Village West 2* Filing DR8040619 Dear Chris. Thank you for attending yeslerday's Design Review Boarcl public hearing for conceptual review of a new single- lamily residence at the above-referenced address. I have summed up the Design Review Board's comments as lollows: 1) An attempt should be made to design the garage door so that it is centered under the second-story deck on the east elevation. Some question was raised regarding the placement of the man-door that is currently proposed to the left of the garage. Could it perhaps be repositioned? 2) A suggestion was made that the stonework on the lowest level of the north elevation be continued upward to the floor level in order that a thicker stone application may exist above the two proposed windows on the lowest level. 3) Lastly, the suggestion was made to enhance/substantiate in some manner the narro\,\, vertical mechanical piping on the north elevation, thereby making it a more visually interesting part of that elevation. Due to the fact that a conceptual review was pursued first, the number ol changes to be made at the time of final review should be minimized. I look fonvard to receiving a linal application for this residence which reflects the changes that the Design Review Board specified in yesterday's meeting. Meanwhile, please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. ,strcga)d;l, (r/' ',m,//,Lh/ 970.479.2454 cc: Bill Gibson; Planner, Town of Vail f,-p ^".,tuo "t'"^ *r*, Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com February 24,2005 Mr. Chris Heckmann PO Box 4531 Edwards, CO 81632 Re: 1783 Shasta Place, Vail CO 81657 Lot 14, Vail Village West 2* Filing DR8040619 Dear Chris, Following our conversation several days ago, I wanted to clarily with you the status of your application for a new single family residence that undement conceptual review by the Design Review Board in January. The Eagle River Water and Sanitation District has expressed to the Town of Vail their several concerns, primarily regarding the permanence of and access to/through the easement and the placement of the residence in relation to the water line that exists on lhe eastern side of the property. Please be aware that due to the importance of these issues for both you and the Water District (ERWSD), the Community Development Department Staff will require that agreements be made in writing between you, the developer, and the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District. Such written agreements will be required from the Town prior to, or, at the latest, at the time of linal review submittal. Please feel free to contact me with questions or concerns you may have. I look forward to working with you as 970.479.2454 cc: Fred Haslee, Eagle River Water and Sanitation District (970.476.4089) {p ^""r"""o rt."^ From: To: Date: Subiect: Hi Chris- George Ruther heckmann@vail.net 0212712005 9:42'.42 AM Easement issue I spoke with a couple of folks from the water district about your lot and your challenges. Vvhile we can not just abandon the easement all together, it appears that there is a willingness on the part of the water district to work with you on a mutually beneficial outcome for everyone involved (ie, water district, yourcell neighbors, etc.). Please call Dennis Galvin with the water district. Ask to schedule a meeting with yourself, Dennis and Jim Collins. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss realistic needs of the water district for access to the pump house, your ability to move your house to the "west" partially into the setback to gain more room along the easement, the importance of saving the trees along the property to the "east', your ability to construct certain improvements that would allow a crane to gain access to within 50-75 feet of the pumphouse should repairs be needed in the future, and your willingness to construct a formal/inicrmal foot path from the street to the pumphouse. Elisbeth and I are availble to attend the meeting if needed. Let us know. I appreciate your patience and willingness to work through this somewhat unique issue. I am confident there is a win-win solution to this matter. Thanks George Ruther, AICP Chief of Planning Town of Vail (970) 479-2145 otftce (970) 376-2675 cell (970) 479-2452 fax gruther@vailgov.com GG:Elisabeth Eckel 62b? 4/zfzt{ %* a"/'i'a/ ,h?/*a'a.* lr q M4 a,6kzz(4tZ' /rr"rr--a@"ffi % Z/% f/;*a a D epartment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www,vailgov.com May 19,2005 Mr. Chris Heckmann PO Box 4531 Edwards, CO 81632 Fax: 970.926.4257 Re: 1783 Shasta Place, Vail CO 81657 Lot 14, Vail Viilage West 2d Filing DRB05-01 68, PEC05-0030 Dear Chris, Congratulations on finally receiving approval for a new single family residence! Thank you for attendingyesterday's Design Review Board public hearing where thi Board unanimously approved the plans, sibject to the following conditions: 1. At the time of building permit submifta!, a prcfessionally engineered design of tte watl designagd to support the ERWSD access road must be submifted. 2. At the time of building permit submittal, a signed form signifying the applicant's acceptance of the ERWSD proposal for the access road m ust be suhmitted. - Additionally, the Board requested that Core-ten@ roofing material be used for the shed roofing forms on theresidence. Therefore, at the time of building permit submittal, please bring a sample and/or Jcut sheet of the material that you plan to use in those locations so that I can correctly document that change of material on theplans. I have enclosed the action form that you will need to apply for the building permit. Thank you for your patience and persistence throughout the design review process. As always, please don't -hesitate to contact me with any rem concerns. 970.479.2454 Best enclosure {p,".,"uo"t,o May 18, 2005 Design Review Board Heckmann Residence Suggested Gonditions of Approval 1. At the time of building permit submiltal, a professionally engineered design of the wall designated to support the ERWSD access road must be submifted. 2. At the time of building permit submittal, a signed form signifying the applicant's acceptance of the ERWSD proposal for he access road must be submitted. Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2I38 tutx 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com May 4, 2005 Mr. Chris Heckmann PO Box 4531 Edwards, CO 81632 Fax: 970.926.4257 Re: 1783 Shasta Place, Vail CO 81657 Lot 14, Vail Village West 2d Filing DRB05-0168 Dear Chris, Thank you for attending today's Design Review Board hearing for a second conceptual review of the proposal for a new single-family residence at 1783 Shasta Place. Overall, the Design Review Board commented favorably on the plans, with the following suggestions and comments: F Prior to returning to the Board for a final review, ptease submit architectural sectional drawings of the residence from several locations within the footprint; most importantly, a section drawing from the area necessitating the request for a height variance but also from any areas where the roof ridges/structures are particularly complex. D In addition to sectional drawings, the Board also asked to see some renderings and a model of the residence. We can discuss this submittal requirement further if necessary. F Please pay special attention to the styles of fenestration that are being used throughout the residence. In some cases, each window on a single elevation boasts a different style of lintel and/or glass size and configuration. F Please consider removing the operable window from the stone faqade of the southeastern corner of the residence in order to provide continuity within that fagade material. Finally, please ensure that the building footprint has been staked pior to the Planning and Environmental Commission's review of the requested variances on Monday, May 9, 2005. Following the Planning and Environmental Commission hearing on Monday, further attention can be paid lo resolving the issues that were addressed in today's Design Review Board meeting. Meanwhile, feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. I will Commission estions or concerns. I will plan to see you at the Planning and Environmental is coming Monday, May 9tn, at 2pm in the Town Council Chambers. f,tp ^""r"""r r r"^ Best Department of Community Developnlent 75 South Frontage Road Tail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2t38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com April 28, 2005 Mr. Chris Heckmann PO Box 4531 Edwards, CO 81632 Fax: 97O.926.4257 Re: 1783 Shasta Place, Vail CO 81657 Lot 14, Vail Village West 2no Filing DRB05-0168 Ft$ewr Dear Chris, Thank you for submitting plans for final design review of a new single-family residence at the above- referenced address. A preliminary review of the plans by the Planning, Public Works and Fire Departments has yielded several comments. Plannino Department Comments Written lnformation: r. rr('crDtt -u|"rrrrr( d r'rr.rtt lcPUll pel ule new COnSrUCIIOn SuDmtnal fequlfemFnts SO mat We ma\ ownership of the fot and any associated encumbrances and easements . . ( ,n/ ut+z>r. 2. Please submit comcast cable approval of the proposed construction. currentry, utility company which signature is not reflected within ihe submittal package. Comcast is the only e EFasS rybfif a sligng4popy of {he letter of intent (enclosed) which was drafted by the Eagte River Water and Sanitation Dislrict to clarify their easements upon the property. 4. Please verify the shingle weight of the forty (aO) yebr asphalt roofing shingle. Per the Vail Town Code Development Standards Hq1!boo!, shingles witn a weiEintiiiGtfr'5n-'lfi6Fundred pounds (300 tbs.) per roofing square are not prohibited (Section 14-10-D-6). % _ p6AI e/6 5. Please clarify the intent of the upper level kitchenette. In order to remain a single-family residence or dwelling unit, a unit may only include one kitchen, which is defined in the Vail Town Code as "fixtures and equipment for tood storage and preparation of meals; inctuding a sink, stove, and refrigeration and food storage faclttres" (Section 12-2-2, Definitions). The addition of a second kitchen would only be allowed if two units were allowed on this lot, in which case the lot size would need to total more than fourieen thousand (14,000) square feet. 6. Currently, only two exterior lighting fixtures are indicated on the plans. A lot of eleven thousand seven hundred seventeen (11 ,717) square feet is allowed eleven (1 1) exterior lighting fixtures (not including landscaping lighting that is less than eighteen inches [18"] in height). f,tp ^*.r"r"o o r"^ Elevati o n s and Secfions.' 7. Please submit elevalions of each exterior wall of the lowest floor levei, identifying the most restrictive of either the proposed or finished grade along each wall. Currently, there are several exterior walls and associated grades which are not indicated on the elevalions. 8. Please provide a section drawing of the residence across the areas which incorporate the highest ridge heights, at approximately the middle of the floor plans. 9. Please use directional gU6ts tor the elevational drawings. Site Ptan: lt 1.[ Please indicate snow storage that totals at least thirty percent (30%) of the tolal paved area, provided that 'arba is unheated, of the driveway. According 1o my calculations, only three hundred sixteen (316) square feet of snow storage are proposed on the lot, which is less than the three hundred sixty eight (368) square feet of snow storage that needs to be provided for the lotal paved area proposed of one thousand two hundred twenty seven (1 ,227) square feet. 1 1. Please indicate all existing and proposed grades underneath all roof lines. These will be used to calculate building height. Public Works Department Comments Site PIan: 1. Please indicate a four foot (4') unheated concrete pan located at the edge of pavement with a two inch (2") invert and extend the pan to the drainage easement. 2. Please indicate the exact type of surface malerial proposed for the driveway and indicate whether that surface will be heated or unheated. ,DFI# /l ' | 3. At leagl sixtegn feet (161) of curb cgt is required.,at the edge of pavement. Currently, the plans designate. a curb cut bf'orflylifteen'feet (15'). I o{/ VtfU/ 4. Please provide a drawing of the proposed retaining wall that has been designed and stamped by a Professional Engineer. Additionally, top and bottom of wall elevations are gegled alopg the retaining wall andal'.lfinishedsropewiilberequired. -- ----______. /fuV Zrnu/ Cn&'rti 5. Please orovide a detail of the silt fence installation. , / ( I 6. Please show all required parking spaces. ' I 7. Please show the slope iitne first tbnfeet (1 0') oi the driveway. Fire Department Comments 1. Please provide specs and building.detail for the gas only fire pit. 2. A monitored fire alarm system will need to be installed to comply with the 2002 NFPA. 3. A fire sprinkler system is recommended. Additionally, Staff has scheduled the application for another conceptual review on Wednesday, May 4, 2005 due to the fact that several new members were very recently appointed to the Design Review Board and are therefore not acquainted with the proposal. Please keep in mind that in instances when only minor design changes are required, the Board may direct Staff to approve the application once those changes have been ' submitted, without further review by the Board. Furthermore, Staff spent some time analyzing the cagse of the variance requests and has several suggestions that may eliminate the need for a height variance. 1. The roof ridge that rises above the height limit and extends to the northeast and the southwest could be lowered to match the roof height above the remainder of the residence. Though this change would prompt lower vaulted areas within the residence, it would negate the need for a variance from the Town of Vail height regulations. 2. The aforementioned roof ridge could incorporale a7:12 pitch, again negating the need for a variance from the Town's height regulations. 3. The finished grade at that side of the home could be raised by the same amount of the height variance request, thereby bringing that ridge into conformance with the Town's height regulations. Please be aware that the resolution to these items of discussion should be reflected in the olans that will be seen by the Design Review Board at the time of final review. Meanwhile, feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. I will look forward to seeing you at the Design Review Board meeting on Wednesday, May 4"', for a conceptual review of this residence. Best regards, f,Y, L/ Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 cc: Fred Haslee; Eagle River Water and Sanitation District (970.476.4089 - fax) enclosure: ERWSD Letter of Intent April28, 2005 Mr. John Moulton 24 Camaeo Canyon Cincinnati, OH 45243 Re: 1783 Shasta Place, Vail CO 81657 Lot 14, Vail Village West 2d Filing DRB05-0168; final review of a new single-family residence Dear Mr. Moulton, . Thank you for your interest in the nafure of the new residence proposed for Lot 14, Vail Village West 2d Filing. Perour conversation this morning, I have enclosed a full-sized site plan which should be more helpful than the small plan which you received yesterday via fax. As we discussed, the owner is requesting a variance of approximately five feel from lhe Town of Vail's fifteen foot (15') side setback regulation and a variance of approximately one foot from lhe Town of Vail's thirty three foot (33') height regulation in order to allow for some flexibility of the placement of the house on the lol. The siting of the house upon the lot has I been somewhat dictated by the presence of significant easements for the Eagle River Water and Sanitration District that exist along the entire distance of the northern property line of Lot 14. The requested variances will be presented to the Planning and Environmental Commission on May gtn, 2005, at which time the Planning and Environmental Commission will approve, approve with conditions, or deny one or both of the requests. Please contact me ff you are interested in receiving further information regarding this process or the proposed residence in general. Warm Regards, fa Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 enclosure: 24x36 site plan of Lot 14, Vail Village West 2d Filing frL{4 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com ' March 11, 2005 Mr. Chris Heckmann PO Box 4531 Edwards. CO 81632 Re: 1783 Shasta Place, Vail CO 81657 Lot 14, Vail Village West 2- Filing DR8040619 coPY Dear Ghris, Thank you lor including George Ruther and myself in the meeting that took place last week at the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District. The discussions topics seemed to provide insight lor each party. In sum, it seems the most leasible option of addressing the easements and encroachments that exist upon Lot 14 is lor the Water District to provide a'grasscrete" access way using their easement from the cul-de-sac lo lhe pump house. This option is described more thoroughly in the estimate provided for the Water District lrom Leonard Rice Engineers, dated March 5, 2005. The easement may need to be widened in order to accommodate A fneans ol retaining the slope belween the easement and Lot 13. The method of retaining that slope may include a keystone block retaining wall, a boulder rock wall, or another option that is deemed appropriate both for you and the Water DisVict. Due to the small size and unique shape of Lot 14 and the need to maximize the buildable area, you expressed interest in amending the location of the sanitary sewer easement to more accurately mirror (10'.on each side at all points) the sewer pipe. This would provide more buildable area on the north side of the lot and would lessen the dilliculties encountered in complying with the Town of Vail's site coverage regulations for homes within the Two Family Primary Secondary residbntial dislrict (20% of total lot size, as detined in Section 12-6D-9, Vail Town Code). The Water District seemed amenable to changing the width of the sewer easement, perhaps in exchange for widening their access easement, as mentioned previously. Please note that the Community Development Deparlment would recommend pursuit of a variance lrom the aforemenlioned site coverage regulalions lrom the Planning and Environmental Commission should the constraints on the lot prohibit compliance such regulations. Please be aware lhat the resolution to these items of discussion should be reflected in the plans that will be submitted to the Community Development Department for final review. Meanwhile, feel free lo contact either myself or George Ruther (970.479.2145) wilh any remaining questions or concerns. We look fonivard to working {-p "'"""'"' t'""* 970.479.2454 continues. cc: Fred Haslee; Eagle River Water and Sanitation District (970.476.4089 - fax) Linn Schorr; Eagle River Water and Sanitation District (970.949.5895 - fax) George Ruther; Town of Vail Chief of Plannlng Leonard Sandoval; Town ol Vail Public Works Department (with enclosure) Enclosure: Leonard Rice Engineers 03.05.05 Probable Cost Estimate oo J,rtrrgz#flre- ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: HECKMANN VARIANCES PEC Number: PEC050030 Project Description: NEW CONSTRUCTION OF A 3 LEVEL RESIDENTIAL SFR-SIDE SETBACK AND HEIGHT VARIANCE TO ACCOMODATE IMPROVEMENTS TO ERWSD WELLHOUSE IMPROVEMENTS Pafticipants: OWNER HECKMAN, CHRISTOPHER O4/IL/2005 PO BOX 4531 EDWARDS co 81632 APPUCANT HECKMAN,CHRISTOPHER O4ITU2OO5 PO BOX 4531 EDWARDS co 81632 Project Address: 1783 SHASTA PL VAIL Location: 1783 SHASTA PL Legal Description: Lot: 14 BIock: Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 2 Parcel Number: 2103-123-0601-3 Comments: see condition Planning and Environmental Commission Motion By: Kjesbo Second By: Bernhardt Vote: 5-0-0 Conditions: BoARD/STAFFACTION / Action: APPR}/ED// fu. l*ap Date of Approval: 05/09/2005 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: CON0007104 This approval shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail approval of the design review application associated with this variance request. Entry: 051L212005 By: ee Action: AP Planner: Elisabeth Eckel PEC Fee Paid3 $500.00 TOI4/NM C Rezoning $1300tr Major Subdivision $1500tr Minor Subdivision $550tr Exemption Plat $550E Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000tr New Special Develgpment District $6000tr Major Amendment to an SDD $6000tr Major Amendment to an SDD $1250 (no exterior modifications) Zoning:2; Name(s) of Owner(s):'lz;t Mailing Address:o Bo/-{3 Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: physicatAddress: ?o3 SA+sr+ Pl,+ce- l' 4 to f,/l{a . . parcef No.: ?;lOb lZ9 O 6Crt (Contact Eagte Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) #EcElm APR 1 T 2DO5 TOV€orJrFy. Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commiss DeparEnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fa* 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General InformaUon: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submi$ing a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the partiojlar approval that is requested. ln application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted unUl all required informaton is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Torun Council and/or the Design Rwiew Board, Type of Application and Fee: O Conditional Use Permit $650tr Floodplain Modification $400 tr Minor Exterior Alteration $650 tr Major Exterior Alteration $800 E Develooment Plan $1500E Amendment to a Development Plan $250O Zoning CodeAmendment $1300 !, Variance $500 tr Sign Variance $200 Fov]II,"nal {/t3L o'/Phone: Phone: E-maif Addret", /lc/(ntn"t@U^, t , p"f Fax ?)o- 724- 9L{7 Description of the Request: Page l of6-01/18/02 ttlttt*l++**t*atata+aaaaaa*ltaaaaataat{r{r**lttttttt*fat+*++f*a{r**lrt*a*f*+ffif*ftttttf*t*ttaa'} TOWNOFVAIL, COI.oRADO Statementlftt*llll+*talaaaaattlffff*+aa*ftt+tttta+t*++*****lat*a++ta+ala***a******l}**lr'i'i**t'i+a+*af*at Seatenent lnrnber: R050000366 Anpunt: 9500.00 04/LL/20O5O4:53 PM . Payment !{ettrod: CaEh Init : ilgNotation: $/CHRIS tIECXt{A}tN Permit No: P8C050030 Tlpe: pEC '- Variance Parcel I{o: 210312306013Site Address: 1783 gttAgTA PL VAILLocetlon: 1783 SHA8TA PIJ Total Feee: $500.00Thls Palment: $500.00 Total AL,L Pmts: 9500.00Balance: SO. O0 aaaaa+aaat++llt*+*'laaaaaaffa!}r+aaaaf+a**aaa*aa*+al*{r****t**l'}*ttl|t|faaa*a**t+++ata++a'}a'}'}aaaa ACCOTJNTITEMUST: Accormt Code DeecriptLon Current Pmt6 P\' OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPIJICATION FEES 500. oo J, ,/1lo'FIRST AMERICAI{ IIERITAGE TITTE CO 318 Broadway Novernber 2, 2004 P,O, Box 1980 * Eag1e, Co 81631 * (974t 328-52Lt File No: 8s34922804 CHRISTOFHER HECKMANN POBOX 4531 EDWARDS, CO 81632 Dear Nehr Property Osrner 3 Congratulations on your recent real estate purchase. Enclosed is your Policy of Title Insurance. This policy conEains important information about the Real EstaEe Transaction you have just conpleted; it insures you againsE certain risks to your ownership. Please read it and retain it with your other valuable papers, A per7lanent record of your recorded title docunents is accessible Ehrough our office. These records will enable pronr1>t processing of fuEure EiEle orders and save valuable time should you wish to se11 or obEain a loan on your property. Visit or call our office and simply give us your personal policy file nunber when you need assist.ance, In the event you seIl your property or borrow money from a mortgage lender you may be entitLed E,o a discount rate if you order your title insurance through this company. We appreciate the opporEunity of any way in regard to your fuEure Sincerely, F'TRST AMERICAN HERITAGE TTTLE CO serving you and will be happy to assist you in title service needs. OWNTRAN Filo t ES34922804 Flcl ESt44ZlE0l FINSI ll|ERIclN TITI,E lNfl'Rllrcts CI|@IIIY OWITER'S POLICY SCHEDI'I,E T 1rn-LM1289-1t / 02 | 0A 1? : 04 r 13 Ord.r No. 8S34922804 f@unt ot Inruarnc. f340,000.00 D.tc of Polloy: ilune 21, 2004 at 8:00 A.M. 1. tiEnc of lnrurrd: chris toph€r Hectoann Policy No. iI94U74 2. The e.trc. or Lntor.rt Ln tbr land rrblch ir coverod by thir polle1l lrr FEE SIUPIJE 3. Tltlr to eh. r.trt. or Lnt.r.rt in thr land ig vcat.d Lnr Christopher Hecloann {. :lho land rc!.rr.d to Ln thir policy Lr dcrcrLbed ar f,o1lowr! Lot 14, Vail Village hleat, Filing No. 2, according to the FIat recorded iluly 7, 1965 in Book 101 aE page 699, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Filc # ES3922BB TIIERICAIV TITI,E INEI'RAIiICE SCHEDULE B ordcr No. E534922804 Policy No. J9417?4 EXCEPTIONS IB'OM COVERAEE This policy docE noc insure against logs or damagre ( arrd the cornpany will not attorneyB' fras or e:qrenges) which arise by reason of: 1. Taxes and AssessmenEs noE certified to the Treasurer's office. Pqy costB, Any facts, rights. inEeresE.s or claims which are not shown by Ehe public records but which could be ascert.ained by an inspeclion of the land or by making inguiry of persons in possession thereof, Easenents, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. Discrepancies, conf lj,cLs in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the land would dj,sclose, and which are not shown by the pubLic records. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, irnposed by 1aw and not shown by the public records. A11 taxes and assessments for the year 2004 and subsequent years, a lien, but nots yet due or payable. Reservat.ions and exceptions in patents and in act.s authorizing' t.heir issuance as tshe same nay affecE the subjecE property and specif j.cally, t.he righE of the proprietor of a vein or lode Eo extract and remove his ore therefrom should the sarne be € ound to penet.raE.e or intersect the premises as set fortsh in United StaEes Pat.ent recorded in Ehe Eagle County records. Reservations and exceptions in patents and acts auchorizing their issuance as the sanne nay affecE the subject. property and specifically, Ehe right to ditches and reservoirs used in connect.ion with vested and accrued water rights together wit.h the reservation of a right-of-vray for ditches and canals constructed by the authority of the United sEates as set. forth in states Palent recorded in the Eagle counEy records. Covenants, conditions and restrictions, which do noE include a forfeiEure or reverter clause. set forth in the instrument. recorded ApriJ. 7, 1965 in Book 190 at Page 561. Amendment of said covenants, condiEions and restrictions by an instrument recorded February T6, 19'10 in Book 2L7 aE Page 75. Provisions regarding race, color, creed. and national origin, if any, are deleted. Ten percent non-participating royalty interest in and Eo proceeds derived from the sale of any minerals of whaEsoever kind and naEure produced and mined from sai.d premises, and any and all assignments thereof or interests therein, as contained in warranEy Deed recorded October 30, ]-962 in Book 166 ats Page 407 . Terms, conditions, provisions, agreements and obligations specified under the Easenent by and between Clarence Hooper, Jr., and JudiEh Ann Hooper and The o FIRST o coMPtt[Y 8. 10 11 -Cont inued- Ftlc* ES3492aB{X aCHEDttLE B continuGd order lto. ES34922804 Poliqz lib. J941774 upper Eagle Valley Sanitalion District, a quaai-m.rnicipal corporatsion recorded April 24, 19?0 in Book 21? at, Page 490. L2. EasemenEa, condiEions, restsrictions and reservationg a9 shor^trr or reserved on lhe recorded Plat of Vail Village West Filing No. 2. 13. Deed of TrusE frqt Christopher Heclorarur, to the Public Trustee of Eagle County, for the benefit of James H. Casey and l,lary E11en Casey, Truste€s of the casey Fanily Tnret Established Decernber 26, 198!, eecuring an original principal indebledrreee of $340,000.00, and any other amounls and/or obligallons dated ilune t6, 2004, recorded ,fune 18, 2004 at Receptj.on No. 881165. First American Heritage Title Company November 2, 2004 ,Janes H. Casey and Mary Ellen Casey 304 coEon sE. Newport Beach, CA 92663 FILE NUMBER: 8534922804 PoLIcY NIJMBER: cW5606284 Thank you for choosing First American Heritage Title Corq>any €or your title insurance needs. Enclosed, please find: - Your Title insurance policy. If you have any quest.ions concerning the rnatserial conEained, please feel free to contact FirsE American Heritage Corpany at (303) 691-3333. once again, thank you for your business. We look forward to serving your title needs in the fuEure. S incerely, First American Heritage TiEle Conpany LENDLTR Filcf ES349ZBO4 FIRST AI'{ERICAN TITLE INgttRANCE COMPA}{Y LOAN POLICY SCHEDUI.,E A lm-LM1289-11/ 02 / 04 17 :05 :28 order No. E,S3 492280 4 .lrcunt of Insurance $340,000 .00 Date of Polley: ,fune 21, 2004 at 8 :00 A.M. l. NaDe o€ IneurGd3 Policy No. cw5605284 ltames H. Casey and Mary Ellen Casey, Trust,ees of the Casey Family TrusE Established December 26, I98L 2. The estats or int€r€at ln the land which is ancunberad by tshc ingurcd nortgag. is: FEE SIMPLE 3. Title !o tsh. .stsat€ or intcrcsc in thc larrd lr vegtqd ln: Christopher Heclsnann 4. Tttg lnaured !E rtgaga and a'sLgnroenla Chereof, if any, arq degcribed ae followt: Deed of Trust from Christopher Heclsnann. to the Public Trustee of Eagle county, for the benefit of James H, Casey and Mary Ellen Casey, TrusEees of, the Casey Fam:i Iy Tnrst Established Deceniber 25, 1-981 , securing an original principal indebtedness of 5340,000,00, and any other amount s and/or obliqations daEed ilune L6, 2004, recorded 'June 18, 2004 aE Receptsion No. 5. The land refarrad to in tshie policy ic deacribed ag f,ollotvs: Lot 14, Vail Village West, Filing No. 2, according to the Plat recorded 'Ju1y ?, 1965 in Book 101 at page 699, County of Eagl"e, SEaE.e of Colorado. Filcl ES349228fi AI,TERICTIT TITI,E IN5I,'RATiICE SCIEDULE B Order No. E,534922804 Po1iry No.c'h15606284 E:I(CEPTIONA FROM COVERAOE Thie policy docs not, insurs againrt logg or damagte ( arrd thc coryany will not Pay costg, attornayt' feeg or c:qrenges ) wttich arisc by reason of: PART I Taxes and AssessmenEs not certified to the Treasurer's Office. Any facts, right.s, interest.s or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspecEion of the land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. Easements, or claims of easements, not shoi,.ln by the public records. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary 1ines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any factss which a correcE survey and inspection of Ehe land would disclose, and which are nots shown by the public records. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or nraEerial heretofore or hereafEer furnished, irnposed by 1aw and noE shown by the public records. A11 taxes and assessments for the year 2004 and subsequent years, a lien, but not yet due or payable. Reservations and exceptions in pat.ents ard in acts auEhorizing their issuance as the same may affect the subject. properEy and specifically. the right oE the proprietor of a vein or lode to extracE and remove his ore therefrorn should Ehe s ame be found to penetrate or intersect the premises as set forth in United SEat.es Patent recorded in the Eagle County records. Reservations and exceptions in patents and acts auEhorizing Eheir j.ssuance as ttre sa:ne nay affect the subject property and specifically, Ehe righE tso ditches and reservoirs used in connecEion with vest.ed and accrued waEer right.s together with the reservation of a right-of-v"ay for ditches and canals conscructed by the authority of the United StsaE.es as seE forEh in Slates PatenE recorded in the Eagle County records. covenant.s, conditsions and restrict.ions, which do not include a forfeiture or reverter clause, set forth in the instrument recorded April 7, 1955 in Book 190 aE Page 561. Arnen&nent of said covenanEs, conditions and restrictions by an insErument recorded February 16, L970 in Book 2I7 at Page 75. Provisions regardingr race, color. creed, and national origin, if any, are del-eted. Ten percent non-participating royalty interest in and Eo proceeds derived from tlre sale of any minerals of whatssoever kind and nature produced and mined from o FIRAT o colitPlNY 5. 10 -Cont inued- ACIDIT'LEB.PIRTI Pollcy No. CW5605284 and all assigmmentss tlrereof or intereata tlrer€in, ae Deed recorded october 30, t9 62 in Book 166 at Page 407. o continucd 11. Terms, conditlons, proviaions, agre€ments and obligations epecified under the Eassnent by and bet!,rean Clarence Hooper, 'Jr., and ,fudith Ann Hoop€r and 1!tre I{pper Eagle Va11ey Sanitation Dist,rict, a quasi-rnunicipal corporation recorded April 24, 1970 in Book 21? at Page 490' t2. Easelqents, colrdilions, reEtrictions and reservagions as shown or regerved on the recorded Plat of Vail Village West Filing No. 2. I sr B$lo:ll804 Ord.r No. E,534922804 gaid premisea, aad aay conEained in Warranty Fllof BS3tllZlBlX .IIGRIC'IIiI fITLE INSI'RTITCE ECTGDI'IJB B PIRT II ord.r lfo. 8s34922804 Poll.cy No. c{5606284 In addltlon t,o th. r!r!g.r. ..8 lorth in Part I of, thlr Schrdula, lhc titlr to th. ..trt. or l,nt.r.rt Ln gbr land dcrcribrd or r€f.rr.d to ln gchodul. I it lubj.cc to tho follcrrlnOt nattcra, lf any bc rtrorrrr trrt th. Cqrauy inrur$ tbat th.te DAtt.r! at. .ubordin ta to tlro lio or charga of th. lnrurcd Drggag. uttosl th. .8tat. or int.rs.t r -NOl'lE- o co{P;uw o FIRST 1. Any (a) Filc | 8534922804 BNDORSEMENT lOO order No, E53492280 4 AtEached to PolicY No. CW5606284 Issued bY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSUMNCE COMPANY The conpany hereby insures againsE loss which said insured shall sustain by reason of any of the followingf natters: incorrecEness in Ehe assurance which the company hereby gives: That tshere are no covenanEs. conditions or resErictions under which the lien of Ehe mortgage or deed of trust referred to in schedule A can be cut off, subordinated, or otherwise impaired; (b) That, except as shown in Schedule B, there are no present violations on said land of any enforceable covenants, condilions, or restrictions; (c) That, except as shown j,n Schedule B, there are no encroachments of buildings. structures. or inq>rovements located on said land onto adjoining lands, nor any encroachments onbo sa.id land of buildings. sErucEures, or improvements located on adj oining lands. 2. lal Any future violations on said land of any covenants, conditj.ons, or r"igri"tions occurring prior to acquisition of tiEle co said estate or interest referred to in Schedule A by the insured, provided such violations result in loss or impairmenE of the lien of the mortgagfe or deed of -trustreferred to in Schedule A or resulE in impairment or loss of the title to said estate or interest referred Eo in Schedule A if the insured shal1 acquire such title in satisfaction of the indebtedness secured by such (b) Unmaitetali Ii ty of the title to the esEate or interesE referred Eo in Schedule A by reason of any violations on said land, occurring prior to acquisition Lt cicl" t.o the estate or interest referred Eo in Schedule A by Ehe insured, of any covenanEs, conditions or restrictions' 3. Damage !o existing improvements wlrich are located or encroach upon that portion of the land subject to any easenent shown in Schedule B, which damage results from ttre exercise of the right to use or rnaintain such easement €or the purposes for which the same was granted or reserved; 4. Any final court order or j udgrment requiring' removal from any land adjoininq said land of €rny encroachment shortn in Schedule B. Wherever in this endorsement any or all of tshe words "covenanEs, conditions or resErictions" appear, Ehey shaIl noE be deemed Eo refer Eo or include the cerms, covenant s and conditions conEained in any lease referred to in schedule A. For purposes of this endorsemenE, the words "covenancs, " "conditions" or "restrictions' shall not be deemed to refer to or include any covenants 'conditions or resErictions relating' Eo envj.ronmental protection, except Eo the extent that a notice of a violation or alleged viotation affecting the land has been recorded in Ehe public records at Dat.e of Policy and is not excepted in Schedule B. as to any covenanE, condit.ion, environmenEal proEectsion or (2', This endorsemenE is made a parE of the policy and is subject to all of the terms and provisions thereof, and of any prior endorsecnents thereto. Except to the extent expressly stated. it neither modifies any of the terms and provisions of the policy and any prior endorsemencs, nor does it extend the effective date of Ehe policy and any prior endorsements, nor does it increase the face anrount tttereof , No coverage is provided under this endorsemenc restriction or other provision relatingr to (1) provisions for a privaEe charge or assessment. Dated: .Tune 21, 2004 Fir st Americ an Title Insuranc e Company Elc t Bll34e22B0{ ENDORSEMENT IO3.I Attached t,o Policy No. cW5606284 Issued bY FIRST AMERICAI,I TITIE INSUMNCE COMPANY The cory)any heretryr insures against Loss which said Insured sha1I sualain aa a result of arry exercise of the right of use or mainEenance of the easement referred to in paragraph ? & 8 of Schedule B, over or through said land. This endorseEnent is made a parE of the policy and is subject to all of the letus and provisions thereof and of any prior endorsements thereto. ExcePt Eo lhe extent oq)ressly atat,ed, it neither rnodifies any of the telTs and provisiong of the policy and any prior endorsenents, nor does it €xtend the effective date of the policy and any prior endorseErents, nor doeg it, i.ncrease the face alnount thereof. Dated: ,June 21, 2004 FIRSI AMERICAI,I TTTLE INSUR//,ICE COMPANY Authorized sigmatoty Filol ES3,I922BO FIRST AMERICAN FIERITAGE TITLE CO 318 Broarfway P.O. Bor 1980. Bagle, C1f, 81631 . Phonc: (970) 328-5211 . FlOk (970)328-5224 COMMITMENT SCHEDI'I,E A 1. Coreitnrnt Dat6t April 30, 2004 at, 7:29 A.M. 2. Po].l.cy or Po1Lcj.6r to bc ieaucd: Policy lrcrrnt (a) osnrcr! Pollcy - Propo.ed Ingurcdr $ 340,000.r chrisCopher Heckrnann (bl Loan Po1icy - Propoeed Inaur6d! To Be Determined $ 270,000. 3. FaG ainplc intsre.t ln tho land describcd in thir co@itBcnc Lt ovfn.d, at thq Codmitncnt Datc tlft .lames H, Casey and Mary E1len Casey, TrusEees of the Casey Farni ly Trust Established Decernber 26, I98t by .Iames H. Casey and Mary E11en Casey, Trustors {. T}re land rof€rred to in thl.s cwd.trrnt ig deacribcd aa follwa! LoE 14, Vail Village WesE., Filing No. 2. according Co the Plat recorded 'July 7, 1955 in Book 101 at page 699, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. (Eor informational purposes onlyl 1783 Shasta Place PREMIUM: /owner's Policy $ 1,130.0(/ Fonn l-03.1-Easements-MP $ 50'0 Mortgage Policy $ 140.00 Forrn 103.1-Easernents-MP $ 50.0 Tax Certif icaE.e $ 15.00 Form 130.2 - oEc Endorsement S 40.n Form 100 -Res Erictions I 40 . Oe'-- r Form 140.1-EPA Residential S 40.OOr' 05/1,9/04 14:36:17 cb lf Filc I ES1491IEO FIRST AMERICAN FIERITAGE TITLE CO 318 Bmariway P.O. Box 1980. Bagle, CI) 81631 . Phonc: (970) 328-5211 . FAX: (970) 328-52?/- COMMITMET{T SCHEIX'L'E A co@iencnU Nor E,s34922B'04-2 1. c@itDrnt Dat.r April 30, 2004 at 7 229 A,li, 2. Pollcy or Polici.r to bs Lrrucd: Pollcy l@trnt (a) oem.rr Pollcy - Propos.d Incurcdr $ 340,000'l chris t.opher Heclsnann (b) Ipan Pollcy - Propored Inrurcdlt $ 270,000.' To Be Determined 3. Fec aimDle Lnter€at in thc 1and dcgcrj.bcd Ln thiu coEettmcnt ig oortod' at ch. cmitnant DatG bvs Janes H. casey and Mary Ellen casey, TrusEees of the Casey Farni 1y Trust Established Decenrber 26, t98t by,Jarrres H. Casey and Mary El1en Casey, Truators 4. The land rsfsrred to ln thig cmltrclrt la deacribcd as f,ollo$ts: LoE 14, Vail Village West, Filing No. 2, according to the PlaE. recorded dluly ?, L965 in Book 101 at page 599, courrty of Eagle, scate of Colorado. (for inforrnaEional purposes only) 1783 Shasta Place PREMIUM: ol'rner' s Policy $ 1, 73O .O(/"' Form 103 . l-Easementa-MP $ 50 .0 Mortgage Policy $ flO.OO Form 103.1-EasesrenEs-MP S 50.0 Tax Certificate $ 15,00 Form 130,2 - OEC Endorsement $ aO.fl Form 1O0-Restrictions S 40.Otr 'Form 140.1-EPA Residential S 40 .OO r' 05/19/O4 14:36:17 cb lf ositg/04 14:36:19 cb rf Form No. L344-BL (co-88) Ftlc t ES3492ilBO ALIIA Plain Language co@ltt!€nt, aCHEDULEB-gacgionl ord€r No. E,534922804-2 R6qu:Lr€n€nta The follonlng requireurents must be uet: (a) Pay the agreed amount s for the interest i.n the land and/or for the mort.gage to be insured. (b) eay us the premiums, fees and charges for the policy. (c) obtain a certifj.cate of taxes due from Ehe county treasurer or the county t,reasurer's authorized agent . (d) Provide us the "Affidavit and Indemnity' signed by Ehe parties listed in Paragraph 3, Schedule A of this Conuni tment and notarized. (The form will be provided at closing by the AgenE) (e) The AgenE musE conduct Ehe closing of Ehe transacEj.on t.o be insured under this Commi trnent or properly execut.ed instruments creating the esEate or interest to be insured must be delivered to the Agent issuing the comni tment wichin 24 hours of the closing. (f) The following documents satisfactory Eo us musE be signed. delivered and recorded: 1. warranty Deed sufficient to convey the fee sirnple estate or interest in the land described or referred to herein, to the Proposed Insured, Schedule A, Item 2 a, 2. Deed of Tnrst sufficient to encurnber the fee sinple estate or interesE in the land described or referred to herein for the benefit of the Proposed Insured, Schedule A, Item 2 b. NoTE: Trust Affidavit of The Casey Family Trust Established December 26, 1981, a trusE recorded April 23, L982 in Book 339 at Page 552 discloses Ehe following as trustees: Jarnes H. Casey and Mary ELlen casey. The following material , which may not necessarily be recorded, must be furnished to the company to its saEisfaction to-wit: (g) Evidence Ehat all assessments for conmon expenses due under the DeclaraEion referred Eo as IEem No. 4, of Schedule B, Section 2 have been paid. (h) Compl iance with the provisions of Section 39-14-102, Colorado Revised Statutes, requiring completion and filing of a ReaI Property Transfer Declaration. (i) Evidence satisfactory to the company of conpl iance with an ordinance enacting a real estate transfer tax within the Town of Vail together with all annendments Ehereto. - - Continued osrtgtoi 14:36:22 cb lf O Foric Ne. 1344-81 {co-881 Alllt Plaln Langurg. C@tt'D.nt gcbrdrrlr E - S.ctton 1 oontlnurd 016.r No. E,934922E'O4-2 (j) Evidence aatiafacEory !o the colnpany that the Upper Eagl.e Valley Consolidated Sanitation Disgrict and VaiL ValJ.ey Consolidated WaEer DistricE NoEice of Encumbrance and ResoluEion recorded ilune 5, 1996 in Book 596 at Page 320 haa been paid in full. (kl Evidence EhaE current taxeg and asEeasments have been paid. NOTE: Ttri e is automatically deleEed upon fulfillrnent. NOTE: The Plain Language Policy will be issued. NOTE: IF THE SALES PRICE OF T}M SI''BJECT PROPERTY E:XCEEDS $1OO,OOO.OO THE SET,I,ER SHALL, BE REQUXRED TO COMPLY WITH THE DISCLoSURE oR WITHHoIJDINo PRoVISIoNS oF C.R.S. 39 -22-604. 5 (NOI'IRESIDE$rT WTTHHOLDII.IG) . Fllof Elll{t2l80a 05/t9/04 14:36:20 cb lf Fonm No. L34A-82 (CO-881 tdTA Plaln Langruagc c@i!u6nc SCHEDULEB-8€ction2 order No. E,s34922804-2 Excoptiong ;1ny prolicy we isaus will trave t'hc following cxceptiong unlccs tttey are tak€n car. of, !o our FatL6f,actsLont L. Any and all unpaid taxes, assessments and unredeemed Eax sa1es, 2, Reservations and exceptions in patents and in act.s authorizing their issuance as the same tnay affect Ehe subject properEy and specifica)-1y, lhe right of the proprietor of a vein or lode Eo extract. and remove his ore therefrom should the same be found to penetrate or intersecE the premises as set forth in United States Patent recorded in the Eagle counEy records. Af f irnrative protection against item nurnber 2, of Schedule B, Section 2 will be afforded the lender by means of Endorsement 103.1. 3, Reservations and exceptions in patents and acts authorizing their issuance as the same may a€fecE the subj ect property and specifically, the righE to ditches and regervoirs used in conneclion with vesEed and accrued water rights together wiEh the reservaEion of a right-of-way for ditches and canals construct.ed by the auEhoriEy of Ehe United States as set forth in States PatenE recorded in the Eagle County records. affirmative protection against item nurnber 3, of Schedule B, Section 2 will be afforded the lender by rneans of Endorsement 103.1. 4. covenants, condihions and resErictions, which do not include a forfeiture or reverter clause, set. forEh in the ins Erument recorded April 7' 1965 in Book 190 aE page 561. Amendment of said covenants, conditions and restrictions by an instrunrent recorded February L6, 1970 in Book 2I'7 at Page ?5. Provisions regarding race, color. creed, and national origin, if any, are deleted' 5. Ten percent non-participaEing royalEy interest. in and to proceeds derived from the sale of any minerals of whatsoever kind and nature produced and mined from said premises, and any and all assignments thereof or interests therein, as conEained in WarranEy Deed recorded OcEober 30, t962 in Book 166 at Page 40?. 6. Terms, condit.ions, provisions, agreernents and obligations specified under Ehe Easement by and between Clarence Hooper, 'Jr., and Judith Ann Hooper and The Upper Eagle Va1ley SaniEaEion District, a quasi-municipal corporaEion recorded April 24, 1970 in Book 21? aE Page 490. 7. EasemenEs, conditions, restrictions and reservations as shown or reserved on Ehe recorded Plat of vail Village V'test Filing No. 2. Filat 8534922804 Colorado Form L00 will be attached to the Mortgagee's Policy when issued' TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department May 9, 2005 A request for a final review of variances from Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, and Section 12-6D-7, Height, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12- 17, Variances, to allow for the construction of gross residential floor area within the side setback and to exceed the height limitation within the Two- Family Primary/Secondary zone district, located at 1783 Shasta Place/Lot 14, Vail Village West Filing 2, and setting forth details in regard thereto (PEC05-0030). Applicant: Chris HeckmannPlanner: Elisabeth Eckel il. SUMMARY The applicant, Chris Heckmann, is requesting a variance from Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, and a rrariance from Section 12-6D-7, Height, Vail Town Code, to allow for the consfuction of gross residential floor area (GRFA) within the side setback and to exceed the height limitation within the Two-Family Primary/Secondary (P/S) zone district. These variances are being requested in association with the construction of a new residence at 1783 Shasta Place. Based upon Staffs review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends approval, with conditions, of a variance to allow for the construction of GRFA within the side setback subject to the findings and conditions noted in Section lX of this memorandum; and denial of a variance to exceed the height limitation prescribed within the Two-Family Primary/Secondary zone district subject to the findings noted in Section lX of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant's proposal of a new Single-Family Residence on an unimproved lot at 1783 Shasta Place is currently undergoing the design review process. The lot contains several easements from the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District' which leave few potential locations for the residence upon the lot. As a result, the applicant is requesting a variance of five feet (5')"from the side setback' regulations and a variance of one and one half feet (1.5') from the height maximum of thirty three feet (33') prescribed within the Two-Family Primary/Secondary zone district. The public notice, vicinity map, applicant's request, and a reduced set of architectural plans and elevations have been attached for reference (Attachments A, B, C and D). A.fr 1vl \ €7Yl /\1\ \----'-4\ ' /,\ ---- ^4 \'' ilt.BACKGROUND Variances from the minimum side setback of fifteen feet (15') and the prescribed height regulation of thirty three feet (33') within the Two-Family Primary/Secondary zone district are being requested in conjunction with the construction of a new single-family residence on a vacant lot on Shasta Place in West Vail. Currently, Eagle River Water and Sanitation District (ERWSD) is party to several easements upon the lot. The access easement is ten feet (10') in width and extends along the entirety of the northern property line. -IItThe easement comprises approximately six hundred (600) square feet of the lot and contains one of the District's domestic water supply wells, which has been located on the property for many years. Approximately ry Because of the square footage rendered unusable due to the encroachment of the easement into the build-able area, the applicant is proposing to The third easement is a sewer easement, twenty feet (20') in width, which extends along the entirety of the western property line. This easement will be realigned by the Water District but has no further bearing on the variance requests being considered by the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC). the widening of the lineal northern easement to fifteen feet (15') in order to preserve existing vegetation along that property line while maintaining permanent access to the pump house. This widening will include the installation of a Grasscrete@ driveway along the access easement. Additionally, ERWSD has agreed with the applicant to pay the costs for the correct realignment of the easement along the water main at the westem property line and the re-facing of the well house to reasonably match the residence (Attachment E). The applicant's proposal was conceptually reviewed by the Design Review Board (DRB) at its January 5h, and May 4s, 2005 public hearings. At its most recent hearing, the Design Review Board responded with several minor comments relating to the fenestration of the residence, but encouraged the applicant to pursue both variance requests. IV. ROLES OF REVIEWING BODIES Order of Review: Generally, variance applications will be reviewed Planning and Environmental Commission, and then any accompanying review application will be reviewed by the Design Review Board. by the design u'l) V. Planning and Environmental Gommission: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval, approval with modifications, or denial of a variance application, in accordance with Chapter 12-17,Vanances, Vail Town Code. Design Review Board: The Design Review Board has no review authority over a variance. However, the Design Review Board is responsible for the final approval, approval with modifications, or denial of any accompanying design review application. Town Gouncil: The Town Council has the authority to hear and decide appeals from any decision, determination, or interpretation by the Planning and Environmental Commission and/or Design Review Board. The Town Council may also call up a decision of the Planning and Environmental Commission and/or Design Review Board. Staff: The Town Staff facilitates the application review process. Staff reviews the submifted application materials for completeness and general compllance with the appropriate requirements of the Town Code. Staff also provides the Planning and Environmental Commission a memorandum containing a description and background of the application; an evaluation of the application in regard to the criteria and findings outlined by the Town Code; and a recommendation of approval, approval with modifications, or denial. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Staff believes that the following provisions of the Vail Town Code are relevant to the review of this proposal: TITLE 12: ZONING REGULATIONS Chapter 1 2-6D: Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential (P/S) Dishict 12-6D-1: Purpose: The two-family primary/secondary residential district is intended to provide sifes for srng/e -family residenfr,a/ uses or two-family residential uses rh which one unit is a larger primary residence and the second unit is a smaller caretaker apartment, together with such public facilities as may appropriately be located in the same district. The two-family primary/secondary residential district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, privacy and open space for each dwelling, commensurate with single-family and two-family occupancy, and to maintain the desirable resideritial qualities of such sifes by establishing appropriate site development standards. 12-6D-6: SEIBACKS: ln the primary/secondary residential district, the minimum front setback shall be twenty feet (20'), the minimum side sefDack shall be fifteen feet (15), and the minimum rear setback shall be fifteen feet (15'). 12-6D-7: HEIGHT: For a flat roof or mansard roof, the height of buildings shatt not exceed thirty feet (30). For a sloping roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed thirty three feet (33'). Chapter 12-1 7: Variances 12-17-1: Purpose: Reasons For Seeking Variance: ln order to prevent or to /essen such practical difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent with the objectives of this title as would result from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement, variances from certain regulations may be granted. A practical ditficulty or unnecessary physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of existing structures thereon; from topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physicat limitations, street locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity. Cost or inconvenience to the applicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance. VI. SITE ANALYSIS Address: Legal Description: Zoning: 1783 Shasta Place Lot 14, Vail Village West 2no Filing Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential (P/S) Prooosed 45', 21', 37', 1 unit 5252.46 sq. ft. 2,343 sq. ft. (20%) 7,030 sq. ft. (60%) 4 spaces 5394.2 sq. ft. 2,271sq. ft. (19.4%) 8,213 sq. ft. (70J%) 4 spaces Land Use Plan Designation: Medium Density Residential Current Land Use:Unimproved Residential Development Standard Setbacks: Front: North Side: 15'Rear: 15' Density:1 unit SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING GRFA: Site Coverage: Landscape Area: Parking: North: South: East: West: Residential Residential Residential Current Land Use Zoninol-70 CDOT Right-of-Way Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential 4 vll. VIII. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS The review criteria for a request of this nature are established by Chapter 12-16, VailTown Code. A. Consideration of Factors Reqardino the Variances: The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Sefback Requests for the construction of Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) within side and front setbacks have been approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission for.various other residences within Vail Village West 2d Filing. According to Staffs research, such approvals have been granted both to existing residences and residences that were under construction or in the design review process. Generally, lhe existence of sewer easements and small lot sizes were the stated hardships justifying the variance requests, In this instance, Staff believes that there will be no negative impacts associated with the proposed additions into the setback since twenty seven feet (27') will remain between the proposed residence and the residence nearest to the southern property line. Height: Staff's research of structures within Vail Village West 2nd Filing yielded no results of instances in which the Planning and Environmental Commission has approved a variance from the height regulations prescribed within the. Two-Family Primary Secondary zone district. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Setback Staff believes some degree of relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of the setback regulations within this zone district may be wananted without compromising the objectives of the zoning code, and without granting a special privilege. Staff believes that the total square footage of the encroachment (130 square feet) of the pump house easement into the build-able area of the lot may justify some degree of relief, which may be applied to the applicant's request to locate fifty eight (58) square feet of building area within the lot's opposite (southern) side setback. Height: Staff does not believe that any degree of relief from the strict and' literal interpretation and enforcement of the height regulation within this zone district may be warranted without compromising the objectives of the zoning code and without granting a special privilege. In sum, Staff believes that the applicant could negate the need for a variance request through a 5 1. 2. B. minor redesign of the proposed residence and that Planning and Environmental Commission approval of this request would be a grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Sefback; Staff does not believe the proposed setback encroachment will have a significant impact on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. The structure on the only affected property will maintain a distance of twenty seven feet (27')to the edge of the proposed structure. Height: Though Staff is not in support of granting a height variance, Staff does not believe the proposed height encroachment would have a significant impact on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. The Planninq and Environmental Gommission shall make the followinq findinqs before qrantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitule a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title.b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumslances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone.c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. tx.STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval, with conditions, of a variance, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Yariances, Vail Town Code, from Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) within the side setback located at 1783 Shasta Place, Lot 14, Vail Village West 2m Filing and setting forth details in regard thereto. This recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission pass the following motion: "The Planning and Environmental Commission approves, with a condition, the applicant's request for a variance, pursuant to Chapter 12- 17, Variances, Vail Town Code, from Secfion 12-6D-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) within the side sefback located at 1783 Shasfa Place, Lot 14, Vail Village West ld Fiting and sefting forth details in regard thereto, subject to the following condition: ' | 1. This approval shall be contingent upon the appticant receiving Town of Vail approval of the design review application assoclafed with this variance request." Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission makes the following findings: "The Planning and Environmental Commission finds: 1. The granting of this variance will not constitute a granting of special privilege inconsisfent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. The granting of this variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to propetties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. Ihis variance is warranted for the following reasons; a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship rnconslslenl with the objectives of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code, b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same district. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties rn fhe same district." The Community Development Department recommends denial of a variance, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Yanances, Vail Town Code, from Section 12-6A7, Height, Vail Town Code, to exceed the height limitation within the Two-Family Primary/Secondary zone district, located at 1783 Shasta Place/Lot 14, Vail Mlfage West Filing 2, and setting forth details in regard thereto. This recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission pass the followingflb "The Planning and Environmental Commission approves, with a condition, the applicant's request for a variance, pursuant to Chapter 12- 17, Variances, Vail Town Code, from Secfion 12-6D-7, Height, Vail Town Code, to exceed the height limitation within the Two-Family Primary/Secondary zone district, located at 1783 Shasfa Place/Lot 14, Vail Village West Filing 2, and sefting forth details in regard thereto, subiect to the following ltS 1. This approval shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail approval of the design review application associafed with this variance reque#,." Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission makes the followingtltl "The Planning and Environmental Commission flnds: 1. The granting of this variance will not constitute a granting of special privilege,''nconsistenf with the limitations on other propefties classified in the same district. 2. The granting of this variance will not be detrimental to the public heafth, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. This variance is warranted for the following reasons.' a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specifted regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same district. c. The *id interpretation or enfqcement of the specifred regulation would deqive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other propertbs in the same digricl' X. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity MapL Public Notice C. Applicant's Statement D. Architec-tural Plans E. Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Lefter of Intent FFg EENt€r tEt !tt- 6: FT !; ;E E3 tn ;5 lt : n ! c E \- tl - OE Attachment B )) THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accoidance with section 12-3-6, Vail rown Code, on May g, 2005, at 2:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a final review of variances from Section 12-6D-6, setbacks, Vail rowncode, and ritle 14, Development standards Handbook, Vail rown code, pursuant to Chapter 12'17, Variances, to allow for the construction of gross residential floor area within the front setback and the location of required parking within the public right-of-way, located at 2935 Basingdale Boulevard/Lot 19, Block 6, Vail Intermountain Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto.Applicant: Jay and Sheryl ScolnickPlanner: Warren Campbell A request for a final review of variances from Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, and Section "rVe -12-6D-7, Height, VailTown Code, pursuant to Chapter i2-17,Varian""r, tJ lilJ*jii'ini fl4rtr construction of gross residential floor area within the side setback and to exceeO tne ',ul/t height limitation within the Two-Famiiy Primary/Secondary zone district, located at 1783 1' .rifShasta Place/Lot 14, Vail Village West Filing 2, and setting forth details in regard Wr"thereto. Applicant: Chris HeckmannPlanner: Elisabeth Eckel A request for a final review of variances from Section 12-6H-6, Setbacks, and Section 12-6H-9,rsite coverage, Vail rown code, pursuant to chapter 12-7,variances, to allow for the construction of a residential addition within the side setback, located at 400 East Meadow Drive, Unit 6/Tyrolean condominiums, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Enrique Rojas, represented by Michael Suman ArchitectPlanner; Matt Gennett A request for a final review of variances from section 12-6H-6, Setbacks, and section 12-6H-9, Site Coverage, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-7,Variances, to allow for the construction of a residential addition within the side setback, located at 400 East Meadow.Drive, Unit 7/Tyrolean Condominiums, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Jorge Massa, represented by Michael Suman ArchitectPlanner: Matt Gennett Attachment C HECKMANN HOMES INC. April 11,2005 To: The Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission. Re: Lot 14 Vail Village West. 1783 Shasta place Vail, Co. 81657 There are two variances being requested. One is for height and one is for side setback. I submifted and went througb conceptual design review in January. There were very few corrections that I needed to make and there were no variances required. I continued with my final submittal requirements. The Eagle River Water and Sanitation District's review of the project brought forth two concems, The first being the shallow depth of the sewer line running across the rear of the lot. The shallow depth creates a problem in providing adequate surface drainage from the structure over the sewer line into the creek. The g'ade cannot be lowered over the sewerline. The second is their need for an access "road" to well house #6 which is located on the north side of the property. To address the frst concem of drainage; the ERWSD suggested that I raise the building two feet to help the surface drainage and the grade difference created by the elevation ofthe access road. I closely looked at all factors including the towns reluctance to approve height variances and came up with the following solution. The current wall height on the upper level is 5'-l l" so raising the floors 2' without raising the ridge creates problems. Through my discussions with the T.O.V. building inspections departuent, and numerous plan revisions, I believe I can make the $ N *$ N grade work over the sewer and outside the lower level egress windows by raising the structure l'. The height variance would be for this small section of ridgeline over the middle ofthe guest master bedroom as measured from existing grade. To address their second concern ofcreating a permanent and usable access to the well house, the ERWSD hired engineers to define the future need and ability to access the wellhouse. The outcome of many discussions between the ERWSD, T.O.V. planning staff, and myself was this; to put an access road in they would need more room than their current l0' wide easement set aside for tbis purpose. To further complicate the matter there are large trees in the easement, a steep grade, and close proximity to the lnt 13 shucture and driveway. The outcome of desigi and engineering is what you see now on the submitted plans. The proposed structure had to be moved to allow room for the access road and the concrete with stone veneer retaining wall that supports it. This created the need for the side setback variance. The setback variance is located on the south side ofthe propeny closest to lot 15. The limit ofpncroachment into this setback is approimately 4'{" at the ftrthest point of building footprint into side setback. The approval ofthese variances w6uld allow the home to be situated in a manner more asthetically balanced in both directions, heiglt and side to side, with the neig[boring properties. Lot 15, (recent constuction) has a ridge heiglt of7982'-0. The proposed ridge height is 7985'-0". Lot 13, (30 yean old or more) has a cunent ridge height of 79E4'-5" and a potential ridge height of over 7990'-0". Considering the side to side asthetics, moving the structure toward the south moves it more toward the middle of tbe two neighboring struchres. Although there will still be much more room on the south side, This property is highly visable from I-70, so. Frontage rd- and Gore Creek dr. so the asthetic value is very important to this project. I don't believe these variances would have muclr, if any, irnpact on light, air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic, or public safety. The variances would however have a positive impact for ERWSD who needs to access this wellhouse, which apparently supplies a large portion of West Vail's water. We have all worked very hard to consider all options and working together we came up with the above solutions. I hope in your contemplation of these approvals you will appreciate or efforts to keep the variances to a minimurn, and to comply with the Town of Vail's desire to create a thoughtfu lly designed community. Sincerely, Signature Attachment: D oavdolo)',t1Nno" ea9,va Z 9Nl-]lJ 'I9?I,.'1eaV1-llA -llVA'tl to1 ="N=dtg=> NNVI^>"=H + TUF o tI ct) zoFo Ltlv, I )< I o U)otrl()() bbrq F J Plt. r3 p; -t- I bberobe'oLb oavdo102'1tv\ 6]HO{-I NNVH>21H -;tl *t:;W} ru e,N F'IL, s' rn 6N I z, J Aluto EII -,{ p e. Er hr-F*ILt$s EfiR u,l tlss, FE,,uFl-Un'9f;e 335ppa:liilil; J-t\ I r-FLIL SE SR UR {{pddo H; ufr l+r IE9 Fu- itq ,o nr tl qq o Jg f z t <w P"\oPH H. i$EgT 6eh< oE; Hf;Hfr3- '=',', 1fr8 - Zz -'r E Eei3dd -oilfts lt{UzU F IIT .pgrH 3 H $; I*b d sE- @ $ I bbef obe'oLb oav},o1c?'-ltv\ w.pH NNVH>f2=IH oavdo102'lJNno2 aleva z 9Nl-lli'LaJM aQYlltA -ltvn'tl ro1 =c\=atq+J NNVTA>2=H t bbetobe'oLb oavdo102'1lY g]HOH NNVH>2EH oaYdolo?'llNno2 J]|aY= z 9Nl-llJ 'raal/| aovl-lt^ ltvn 'yt to1 =2N3dlE=H NNVI^I>"=H t s $ !'i- * EfuH tl F eHe a|q+ bberobe'oLb oaYdolq)lilYA w.tql NNVH>|2=S{ oavdo102')JN(p2 alava e 9Nfllj'rg;Jt'l eQvllln -]lv^'vl ro1 =2N=dl9fd NNVt^l>OfH -'t -L /t-+ \i oroa\lft ){ ..t'l \ -E? rt,4/H' L I I T t----- bberoEoLb oaYdoao?'atYA aylq) NNVH>2f,1 oavdol)2'lfNnoz =19vJz 9Nl-]lJ ',La 4 aOYl-ltA -ilVA'Vt rO1 ="N=dl9=d NNVl,.l>2=H zo tro dF tJ)zoo uoIL rl AJI\ \:: I\ ll\ li I ll I llL-+ tlIl r,i ,' ;ttil\ -J L----..iL\l rl IL JT l lll lll lll IlIl t{ ,r lLir ------+l r--------f. E------if-----ti i i i -l ll ll ll llllll ll llJL tItlti Htltl tl I L____ I l----- tT--- ---r L---t - ------ I ii ll i L- ----Jl--\--z-#-.t r-------rrrT-I--1-----'l r-tfllll/r'llffflt(lI | | | | | ,/tL_ffflll /' )'I t). .'fi ed===++V"ii -ii E ii:7-::-iii---ll ; lil-::-lit---l]-+---*i lll -- !{-r q-rrf ---- ltriiiiiti [-lliiiii ijrs -------lJ-L L L.lJ-----r L&l tL-----------rirT-------------ll ll m l|||s =nx 5lll o|||H lli', l FI _- J .lsE===== =frE======r_-a------*\-1____-- -- -- ---'l r----' l/______, ,--ETr--.-____ _\-------ii_---- - l;===-===li------- bbeloEoLb o4Ydo102,IIYA gJ40+t NNvH>t"=[{ oavdol)) "rfNno, a19va z 9NlllJ'raAU a2v1-]ln -ltvn'yl ro1 =2N=dI9+J NNVH>"3H I II I I i zo E tlJu , F ll*ingl$$$Fg 'd*rtril , .* *18" I + I I $ T I ! I il zotr { uJu v { u *ii* I I I ( il il$ Ti$ 'lSrls $ff I I HFt I a g { il zotr lllJtu FIot fa I I [l {I hp F $B;inltq I zo E tuJ[t FILlllJ \_ \ \ \ \ \ I E il $ \l \l I 3 t!u B b { !t I ri rl llu-25-2005 l0:10 Fro[.ERf,SD 9t01?64089 T-208 P ! Encle RweR -Z Wnren & Srulranon Dtsrntcr '-7--- 'ff'5iffl?;# : n 8ffi'f3-?liB' March 24,2005 bA. Chris Heckmmn P.O. Bor 5431 Edwards,Co 81632 Subfecn Lcrttcr ol Intcnl lo Convey Earcmcnts (17E3 Shrstr Place) Dear Chris: Thant you for you cooperarion in rcsolving access easemcrl issues m acconutodatc thc Eagle Rivcr Watq &-SqniErion Disrict's (Disrric$ domestic water suPply vcll locued on your prop€ny. Ahhough the schcdulc for rcalignrncnr of rhc *art main from thc well to rhc srrcc't, md cosl shrinfagfcaurr for a reraining wrll required for the interfacc of our dirrcway and your rosiddcC-have mt bCen rcsolved, wc barrc agrced On tfu wcation of oristiag cascments, thc crcation of ney eascnrenr, and rhar thC Discict will pay rhc costs for thc following itcms; r Thc mlignnrent of rhc watrr rlain firough *re pro,pcrty. r Re-faclng ofthe exisdng well housc to rcasonably rnatch thc r€sidenoe. . hstallatiotr of drivgrlzy and drainage pcl plans providcd by Arroyo Engineering. Thc District rrrill rcvicrv design and cost cstimatcs fqr tlrc abovc work and, ifapprovcd' poy for thc iterns at fair connactor cosl, Your sigraturc on rhis Lcncr oflltcnt indicat$ that you intend to exccurc thc proposcd cascmcnl ag1e€m;13 rs indicaed on rhe anachcd sire plan. The signaturc by the Disnict's gencral malngcr inlioatcs Uat sll accesr isgues with thc Dstricr bnve been rcsolvcd, contingcnt upo'n final execr.rtion of tbc proposed easemcnts, and Disrict sraff grants civil plan approval for the purpose ofyoru devclop,ment applicarioo ro thc Town of Vnil, Sinccrtty, Chris Heclcnann, hopcny Oqner Attachnrnf LS/tttcp Attachment E Linn Schorr N 0 3/. 1773 Sh*sr* fl*ea P/e b o3o Pm"a L oL oz t{7 - 13 Aastq P/"+e<- H 2/O3/230601 II'-ltoil, J Oh^J4rh,+zu) . # t3- fp, /1;/ls C*P-m cel 4 /;-c;uu*ri otl 2t3 oL w8 An+lepe l'ft hs o6o / 8/ /{ P/act o lIst,L C Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com May 12, 2005 Mr. Chris Heckmann PO Box 4531 Edwards, CO 81632 Fax:. 970.926.4257 Re: 1783 Shasta Place, Vail CO 81657 Lot 14, Vail Village West 2no Filing DRB05-01 68, PEC05-0030 Dear Chris, Thank you for attending Monday's Planning and Environmental Commission public hearing for final review of variance requests from the height and setback regulations outlined in the Vail Town Code. As you know, the Planning and Environmental Commission unanimously approved the request for a variance from the side setback regulations, subject to lhe following condition: 1. This apprcval shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail approval of the design review application associated with this vartance request. However, the Planning and Environmental Commission denied, with a vote of 4-1-0, the request for a variance from the height regulations. Therefore, as we discussed several days ago, please submit the items addressed in my previous letter as wefl as revised plans delineating the absence of a height overage as soon as you are able so thal we may schedule this item to be consi9red.for final review by the Design Review Board. enclosures {-,9 ""ttt"to t'"'* oil*rrr*T oF coMMUN,t" o"urroil^t Lotr t1 TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970479-2138 DRB Feo----.> Investigation--> will crll---> O*^t f:i t(..Ot'l-al-- 0.M NOTE; TT{IS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES ELECTRJCAL PERMIT Permit #: E02-0237 Job Address: 1783 SHASTA PL VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED l,ocation.....: 1773 Shasta Place Applied . . : lll042002 Parcel No...: 210312306013 Issued . . : ll/0512002 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 05/0412003 ovtNER cAsEY, .tA!,tES H. & tr{ARy ELLENLL/O4/2OO2 phone: PO BOX 3305 NEWPORT BE;ACH CA 92663 Lricense: colilTRAcToR NEw ELECTRTC rNC, Lt/04/2002 phone: 970-949-465L P O BOX 957 AVON CO 41620 l,icense: 110-E APPIJICAIm NEW ELECTRIC INC, LL/04/2OO2 Phone: 970-949-465L P O BOX 957 AVON CO 81620 License: 110-E Desciption: upgrade service, change meter/service to 480 volt 30, Holy Cross change of feed Valuation: $6,400.00 *tt*'**.|.....**|.'r'}||'||'*|.'|.|''.l.......!''l.*||i|l'l+t+||''.,|.||.*+t..FEEsuM Elcctical-> 5126 . OO Total Calculsled F€es-> S129. 00 s0. oo$0. 00 $0. 00 $3.00 Additional Fees-----> Total pemit Fee_> S129. 00 Pa)'ments---> $129. 00 BALATICE DUE->s0. 00TOTALFEES-> $129.00 Approvals:Ifem: 06000 EIJECTRICAIJ DEPART'II{ENI LL/O4/2OO2 GCD Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT Action: AP ar,rrrrrttat+*aaart*t,r,tiat*l*tr,tr*trtirar*ti+tttatatta+tt*rrtr*llll*r*lrllllalallll|tlltittalaraalaalailllllla CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BIJDG.): FIEI'D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CTIECK FOR CODE COMPI,IA}ICE' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this apptication, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approv{ Uniforn Building CoOe ana ot?ordinmoes ofthe Town applicabf" tf,rJ REQTTES$ FOR.INSPECilOIII SI{ALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOIIR HOURS lN ADvAr.rcE BY TELEPHONE AT,17}'2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM t:flt AM-a ru. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET t*ltalt*'i'|ltall***a+faaltt*l*1tt**+aaaft+*'i*'}tlt*+*+tf{'f++**a+*fa++**fl+t**t*aafffa**+aaaia+ TOWNOFVAII. COLORADO Sratcmeot*alftala*l'tflfflaallaaat*aaatattfilatl'}'}***ft'}aa*l**+**a***{r*taal**t}af*l**'}|}**ff|}aaaaa'laataa ggatenent ltufiber: R0000033?8 Amount: $129.00 LL/o5/2oo2o8:46 AIrt PaymeDt l,[et]rod: Check Inits: DDG Notation: New Electrlc 34689 Permit No: BO2-O23? l.lpe: ELESIRICAL PBRIIIT Parcel No: 210312305013gite Addreaa: 1783 SITASTA PIJ VAIIr Locatl.ons 17?3 ghaatsa place Total Fees: 5129.00 This PaltmenUs $129.00 Total ALL PntB: $129.00Balance: 90.00a{'fltl*a*latfaaaa*+aa*a*aatlaa'}*a*a***+a+l'*'}a*****a*a**a*+*faaflf**r*a**l***'}*+aalla**laaaal' ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Curnent Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPOMRY POI.IER PERI'IITS I,IC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CAIL INSPECTION FEE 126.00 3.00 AppucArro* nl not BE AccEPTED rr rncomnr-Eril#ly Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: ooL-oL3+ f tzl oo CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Eb NEwBUILDSandVAtUATIoNsFoRALLoTHERS(tabor&Materia|s) Offrce at 970-325-9819-9r visi!.for Parcel # 97 O- 47 9'2149 (In spectio ns) thN-oL .:." ::-===., :,]fft:Tffit+:r-n-,'=r!'i:.tr: d' !'l \WaiMatabdev\FORMS\PERMITS\ELECPERM'DoC 0712612002 I i@: I I I I BROOK CONDOMINIUMS ll{Y aa,,LE!o,!{0t! tlo Iti ltuoffrnt'l--..; attt ,a41.w. ./ a[, t02 d, ||v a4.!oi \v d5 1o1 /,,/ HS+*xF , S xr Nv - 7ttt.t - w3n r|{v - 7tat J6 \Eld"l\ cI),o:t PARK .t. l trb- br. @ @-.--_-.a*ad- ; Gta' -l{| rFl i -lri - tlara. ., --.. -t rubo\? @ 'n au r."$ SOUD SI.IIYE 2.251\. 2Zt Et6d --;;--' rn\a/@+ ++++{4-trtrF 1t .. .:...:::. :.\:.:. :i . :ij,i. ?:"+ +- --.t{-{- +(- nnfr {F&- .@ {F glG+r!-i GRAPHIC SCALE =Fr-=0 50 tq, 2m cet60{T te9e - ERIIO DATUM 8F^iSHi,#.Fm oHEn REVISIONS 210s-123 LOCATION MAP LEGEND S€CIION UNE vx_ PROPERTY UI{E ROAO ROW UNE SUEDIVSON BOI.'NOARY EASf,lIE{T LNE slrBotvs|oit LOT ||U||ECR suBDtvtsto{ BLoO( l{u 8€R BUITDNG ADOR€SS SECTOiI CGNER CEN]EruNE OF CflEEX OR DIN OR EDGE Of NVER SEf,ERUEAIiIDgZE SE\GR UNE-PRIVAIE u^utd.g (4" 5" 6, DtA) Af*totE (REG. BRSCR . DtsA UFT STAION ct"E^lt ot T WAIER UNE AI{D gZE WAIER UNE-PRIVAIE WAIER & SAER UNE-PflVAN FIRE H]DRANT ASSEI'd-Y WAIER VAL\E. MAIN tv TER ctIEC|( val/E RDUC€R PLUG WAIER VALIE, SERUCE WAIER IIEIER UANHOTE WAIER f,EI STORAGE TANK AIR RETEAS€ VAVE PRESSURE RE UCIOI{ VAL\G @OSIER PUMP STAIOI{ ALII'IUDE VAL\,E o v f,*t G-,\s \.9 c) Q t5t-+- lla-- N F--.