HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 2 LOT 15 LEGALoh0 th 'a .q) aa) HE i'Xd3 t-' . Ed3 \qEl,' E tr.O.Yir t 'lr .:0.!E- +1 =,!UEo _vxF ^;iLr>cvO.T OJ * 6.lcxv o-tr >' oc6 3 9E :Y,^J B:G(,tX .9oh ;,9 .95.p: ;_3 e -.. l9t4=aFit zE5 B..>\ z p,l lt)x(fJ g Ja (g Fl (! U I I I,.Idl 5l .Al -l ,:.q) 0) z no e H n U V F I -lplxal I .-:.l' r1 >'I t,lU ,lpl F\l ql-l E E U tol\Ol 6l 'olFI €l.'tl "J:il sl s'l(ql El (,)l U)l colo,l =l ii' 0) b. E zl arl9l ol olHl ij o b. 'H .E 0, H6z =(,)65>.9,14F 3Y L o1!E3 HFlJr.5x*E-=;ts(! :-,tq E>- u.g 8.8 P E e'i (6 x= .i!q, FY:gl!o5t sPH=E3boaJtr 9E€iiuy ==J969'i,a6 6:J oo,d f, vx rBbD X-xe i (adq) E (6.*. .Y-,at eP U.>E.eFi E8E >tUz4 Oli)U Uo ho H E{dU Hh H H H frtU <ltl sa -*4 q a'\ Vjtt d,-.. .4 -tAo'/3a d f.\E€OFia< oo $s+:\ .P€Frs*s R r-1rd -- !r)'=,-s U L q) G b U t! (.r) .\ .$| oo G 0) al 3-r Requested Insp€ct Date: Inspectlon Area: Site Address: Thursday, october 05, 2006 1793 SHASTA PL VAIL 1793 Shasta Place A/P/D lnformation Contractor: DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Activitv: 803-0183 TvDe: B-BUILDConstTvD6: 101 Occuoahbv: 7Owiier: MOULTON. JONATHAN S.' Applicant: DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY SubTvoe: NSFR Status: ISSUED _ Ube: V.N Insp Area: CD Phone: 513-561-5229 Phone: 970-328-5579 Phone: 970-328-5579 Description: New sinol+familv residence Nbtice: NEED COPY OFGEN. LIAB.Notice: ILC ROUTED TO WARREN 1Notice: routed new roof hanoer drawirComment: ROUTEDT O WARREN.CHAI Comment: A revocable rioht of wav oerm Comment: Revocable right of way pbmit GENEML CONTRACTOR . DFLORES R€ouested Insp€ction{s) Itom: 540 BLDG.Flnal C/O Requestor: DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY - DFLORES permit fee. - LSANDOVAL Requested Time: 09:30 AM' Phone: 476-7262 -or- 513-460- 6459 Entered By: LCAMPBELL K Comments: WILL CALLo."is'lff.,lgi JMoNDMGoN lnBp€c:tion Historv Time Exp: ,** APPTOVEd ** ACtiON: AP APPROVED Action: APAPPROVED 33 fept in height or less, which meets lhe zoning code requirements. Item: 502Item: 503Item:10 01/08/04 Insoeclor: Comment: LETTER F ITEMS 2 Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: REPT131 fiei; Comment SHE70 BLDG-Misc. 1226103 InsoComment EXT90 BLDG-Final 530 BLDG-Temo. C/O04/01/04 lnso 50 BLDGJnsulation 01114t04 Insoector: J Comment: INSULATION 60 BLDcsheetrock Nail 1 { 1 Run Id: 57L9 10-04-2006 Inspeclio1 le_que_qt R9 REPT131 Run Id: 57L9 10-04-2006 .) Item: 533 REPT131 m* Comment: Inspection : COND inal , can remove ** Aooroved '*' Action: APAPPROVED D/CONDITIONS when landscaping is complete. flONS shall be installed. , Page2 at the a )lans be submitted for the new I posls be submitted. ThgerfOnI color:Wi Comment:Item: 539 PW-FINAL C/O ^10/04/06 Inspector: gc Item: 540Item: 21 Comment: 09t25t03 Comment: I ll .{. i Run Id: 57L9 t/i -Ju J7 €/ %t Oo^Mf (-rr^'X.rr-0r nLt-wU-rn'ryA*L, OH #A43 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]MTY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M03-0264 Job Address: 1793 SHASTA PL VAIL Location.....: 1793 SHASTA PLACE ParcelNo...: 210312306014 Project No : owNER MOUIJTON, i'ONATHAN S. L2/23/2OO3 phone: 24 CAMARGO CA}IYON DR CINCINNATI OH 45243 L,icense: CONTRACTOR ROD HAITIJ COMPAM 255 WYANDOT STREET DEI\MER, CO 80223 T-,icense: 150-M APPI-,ICAI{TT ROD I{AIJIJ COMPA}IY 255 WYAIiIDOT STREET DEIIVER, CO 80223 License: 150-M Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 1212312003 lssued. .: 0l/07/2004 Expires. .: 07/05D004 t2/23/2003 Phone z 3Q3-7'77-7700 12/23/2003 Phone | 3O3-777-7700 Desciption: INSTALLATION OF MENDOTA GAS FIREPLACE Valuation: 52,500.00 Fireplace Information: Resticted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wmd Pellet: 0 |*|t++*|++t*t*'*|++|+||+t|+|t|tt|itt:}tl*tt*.'l|t*.||!t,l***|+t+t+.|litt|t|FEESUMMARY+tt,}****.******** Mechanical--> $60 . 00 Restuannt Plan Review-> S0 . 00 Total Calculated Fees-> 9?8 . 00 Plan Check--> S15.00 DRB Fee'.---_..._> 50-00 Additional Fees- t $0.00 Investigation-> S0 . 00 TOTAL FEES_--> $?s . oo Total Permit Fee------> $7s - 00 Will Cdl---> $3.00 Paymenls-----; $78-00 BALAIICE DUE---> $0.00 Item: 05L00 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENI t2/23/2o03 DF Action: AP Iten: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENI CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. Cond z 22 (BI-,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701" OF TIIE 1997 tMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BL,DG.): INSTALL,ATIOII MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AlfD TO CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IJMC, C}IAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPITIAIICES SHAIJIJ BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 199? I'MC, OR CHAPTER Cond: 29 (BI-,DG. ) : ACCESS TO HEjATING EQUIPMEM| MUST COMpLy WITH CIaPTER THE 1997 t]MC A}ID CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BL,DG.): BOILERS SHAIJIJ BE MOITNfED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBL,E CONST. ITNLESS I.ISTED FOR MOT]N:TING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FI-'OORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PIJAIIS AND CODE AIIALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIAIIICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN TNSPECTION REQI]EST. Cond: 30 (BIJDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECIANICAIJ ROOMS COMTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SIIPPLY BOII-,ERS SIIAI-,IJ BE EQUIPPED WITH A FIJOOR DRAIN PER SEC. AO22 OF THE L997 I]MC, OR SECTION 1004.5 0F THE 1997 rMC. tattatt tttt tt**ttt |it+tttxal I tll l*+++* + ft+ ll+llt|{ ta I l:l,l 'l 'a * t 't'l '| 'l:l t 'l a t aIt *llial.t'a:l* aa DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town appticable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. A}TD SHALL 8 OF TI{E 1997 IMC. 3 AND S8C.1017 0F e--..-L)-< 14'-_. -- €-2.2.?L -L ?"-.L,?-u.G-- F-t-_ SIGNATURE OF OWNEROR CONTRACTOR FORHIMSELF AND OWNEF 'a* *'i't *****l' 'i * * *l t*tl a'|' t *t t * *** ** * ++ + t*** * | * * t* *f * **+ * ** * * * t * ** ***** ** * * + *** ** t ***+ | r * * +**t * f TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Starement + ** ***+t + + **'llt*tl I t tltt'i**t**{r*****++ + + +t* *f*t ***,tt {' *{' ** * +**fff{' + + + *t 'f '}t '}l' + +t*t++ I +t+tf+ ++,tr*{r Statenent, Number: R040005331 Amount: g?g.OO OL/07/2004L0:19 Alf Palment, Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Rod HaIl 3197 Permit No: M03-0264 Type: MECI{AIIICAIT PERIUIT Parcel No: 2103123 05 014 SiEe AddresE: 1793 SHASTA PIJ VAIL Locaeion: 1793 SI{ASTA PLACE Total Feea: $78.00 This Pa)ment,: 978.00 Total AJ,L pmts: 928.00 Balance: $0.00 {tt+*l + **** *** *+ +1**a+ '} * *'t* * **+t+++*{'*****+** + ++:l' f + +*+*************** ***** + + + ++ | ** **+*** * * *'}* ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts |,'1P OO1OOOO31111OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 60.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 15.00 l^iC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTI0N FEE 3.00 W7 PA|/A1, DEC 22 '63 15:58 ApruCAnOt WItl ftOT lt ACCEPTID tF rtcotrtpt"€Tt OR UtrslctrlD Pmlcct #: BuiHlng Pcrmlt *: lfedranlcrl Pcmlt tt: 97 O- 1, 9 - 2138 (lnrpcr:tlons) TOWN OF VAII IT|ECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION 75 S. FrontrgG nd. Valt, Coloredo 81657 Permit will not be accepted without the followlng: Pmvlde dnwn to scale to Incfude: o COMFLETE VATUATIOfI ilACHAtltCAt PERiIIT (tlbor & Matcrlalr) ITTIFOR'IIATION rcMlOPYAIL frrrFe:tllrsa|lrJcr.d!€r uv I Repalr( ) Odter( )Work Oass: l{cw ( ) AddHon ( Does an EHU exEt at this bcathn: ve' ( ) No ( )Eoiltr Lcadon: htcrlor ( ) Exbrbr ( ) ( ) Comfltcrcirtl ( ) Rc.tarant ( ) Othcr ( )Typc of 8ld9: gnef+fefl*, N, ) Oupl€x ( ) ilo. of Accommodatbn Unf'b In thts bullding:No. of ErtsUng D,ucllng Unts In thls bulldlrg: iX) cls togsTT Wood/Pellct ( ) wood Eurnlng (NoT AtLowED)Itlo/Typa of Andaccs P'oposctt: @s o. OD ...0 E*ti. Jl J; Ji.o.l.. .tataaaitaaaaaaaaaaatllaaaaaaaatatatt OFFICE USE ONLY""'ralaattr frm ruNz1zoo4 Receiot funds to: . . Name: )o,'tqthqs lloolTon CASH DEPOSIT FORMAT Leoal Descriotion: Lot r€ .Block Su"UOiuision: ' L).^--\-Ol(...v. ,-;'a-.a \--dfi 14Address: ( r't 3 -=., Lc-rd)r ? \.,-cu 1)Developer: ProjectNumber: ? RSO3- OO6LI lmprovement Completion Date: 5 -3(-OCl DEVELOPER IM PROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT. made and entered into this 30 day o1 lla,tch 2oo1 .Did,ttr Co"sf. co., lnc,by and among v t Lt(f Cou 5l . (p .., I h c ,(the "Developer"), and the Town of Vail (the "Town"). WHEREAS. the op9r, as a ition of Occupancy for 171\ Shqi lern,f # Bo3-oB3 a, flCce 5 at (address, legal description, and project number) wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgement of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth in the attached estimated bid(s) in accordance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Communig Development Department of the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performanee of this Agreement, including completion of the all improvements referred to in this Agreement, by means of the following: The Developer agrees to establish a cash deposit account with the Town of Vail, as escrow agent, in the amount of $ lf" I { 3 , oc (125% of the total costs of the attached estimated bid(s)) as collateral for the completion of all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: ' 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to furnish all equipment and materials necessary to perform and complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement. The -Developer agrees to complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement on or before the 314dayof_ YlAt ,2001 . The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in accordance with all approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Planner, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Community Development Department and Public Works Department of the Town of Vail. F:\cdev\Bill\Proiects\OlA\DlA Cash draft_'l212o2.doc Page 1 of 5 2. To secure and guarantee performance of the obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide collateral as follows: cash deoosit account with the Town of Va[], as escrow agent, in the amount of (125% of the total costs of the attached estimated bid(s)) as collateral for the completion of all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of security or collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein in this Agreement and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative security or collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereol be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereol be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall be and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer my have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply for and the Town may authorize a partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement after the subject improvement is constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition shall the dollar amount of the collateral that is being held by the Town be reduced below the dollar amount necessary to complete all uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements referred to in this Agreement are not constructed in compliance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail or not accepted by the Town as complete on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 1 of this Agreement, the Town may, but shall not be required to, draw upon the security refened to in this Agreement and complete the uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. Pursuant to Section 12-11-8, Vail Town Code, the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy refened to in this Agreement may be revoked until all improvements referred to herein are completed by the Developer or the Town in accordance with this Agreement. D F:\cdev\Bill\Projects\DlA\DlA Cash dQft-1212o2.doc Page 2 of 5 lf the costs of completing the uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement exceed the dollar amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent (12o/o) per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the Developer fails or refuses to complete the improvements referred to in this Agreement, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of Title 12 (Zoning Regulations), of the Vail Town Code, and the Developer shall be subject to penalties pursuant to Section 12-3-10 (Violations: Penalties) and Chapter 1-4 (General Penalty), of the VailTown Code. 7. The Developer shall warranty the work and materials of all improvements refened to in this Agreement located on Town property or within a Town right-of-way, pursuant to Chapter 8-3, of the Vail Town Code, for a period of two years after the Town's acceptance of said improvements. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. ;l,t.j , i . F:\cde!^Bilf\ProJects\DlA\DlA Cash draft_121202.doc Page 3 of 5 Dated the day and year first abol'e writterl. - fr orr,l fiU,'-- STATE OF COLOMDO COUNry OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE Witness my hand and official seal. My commission ""nir"r, J I &'{ I 6( ?coVd;e., (rs, V;d,i, c'rrl a,lr,, Developer The foregoing Devgloper lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this3rt iayit TauZ- .zo-4Av (no/ P'- ) Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires ss. ) )ss. ) The loregoing Developer lmprovement Agreemen\was acknowledged before me thistrl^ ;.ro-f ul\\a,)cr\ ,zo-ol oy J-)[tr,-' 3.CAua-1,.l. j$':rc %,#,:Tff Flcdev\Bif l\Proiects\DlA\DlA Cash draft-'121202.doc Page 4 of 5 IELLI] O1IT CIONI CIRETE illNil PROPOSAL P.0. Box 1107 Edwards, CO 81632 970-524-3588 Office 970-524-1201 Fax Ploposal Submitted To:llUork To Be Penfonmed fl o", ll o p (.s, rc*". srneer l7 9S Su gt,ra fa " City VB,' z State ca .. Date of Plans Architect Name Stneet City Phone ,b;/ ," * f"o. E*1la gQa-4ia C, .,, sr.+ *.:r ( "-,o &oX 4jta state 6/. , 3"p-Ssgq ilrtr We hereby propose !o furnish the materials and perfonm lhe labon necessary fon the completion of ft i ?Sa eJ de,, ,-r l-.(" s "4aec f2.6,.,z / tt , 6e.* /.^1< S tt ) -Ta+ae4. ,.f - I ,! , fon,\ ,t f l*c< | ,f{^,)l^ , JS. a, ^' e.,e-e::'e.. 4a .rt* tI I).'4lra * All matenial is guaranteed to be as specrfied, and the above work to be performed in accondance with the dnawings and speciflcacions. submitted/ for above wonl anti cojnp.leted in s su]scantial wonkmanlike manner fon the sum offe^c 7y't^t--.t tt * l-.- J,.-.4 fi'r' 4 f Vrn F--- Dolaps [$ 16SC ^ l. wibh payments to be made as follows: u f " u z:,.- p l.{ .-r-.- Any alteration of deviation from above specifications involvino extra costs, will be executeo only upo- wntcen orderc and wrll become a- FlpcnF.t-f | ,ll\/ c,,hmit-f 6.1 ext_a charge over and above Lhe esttmate. All agreemercs cot!t1gefif upon st.ikes accide:1ts or delays beyond oU. control. Owner tio carry fire, tornado and other necessacy insulance upon above wo*, Wod(, Pef men s Compensatlon and Public Liabil ty Insurance on above !vork to Lre taken out by Note-This proposal may be withdnawn withrn / 1 days. a" by us /ze*-#, .d*. if not accepted =-5IoFs ronv seso ORIGINAL MADE IN U. S A. Fpr l5 03 02:12p Holtywmd Servicoa, luo Ap. t E 14:84:54 2oO3, Hof 'rood Serv i ces Inc-e7ouo7?o p.1 Didier/Moulton IreeYSfi/uDs Common lVarae; Aspen Supprier rt otes,- Staked,wells, bark Unit lnstatted Cosl: Common lVame,' Colorado Spruce Supptiei- Nof€.s: Stakes,wells, bark UnIt Instalred C-ost: Cammon lrame; Colorado Spruce Supplier Notes; With welis,stakesand bark Itnit lns{,alled e,,st: SubTotal: GardenlGroundcover Com mo n iJarne; Grass/wil df lower Srrppri€r lVotes; lncludes siraw and blanket alnit lnstal'd Cost: Unit Instailed Cos''t Common ilenre"' Dripl ine Supf,lier Not6: Off Faucet Unil lnstalled Cost: SubTotal: Total: Common lVame.'Topsoil and landscape grade Size,- Tandem Sopptier ^loles." Unknovvn until f inal grade Size.'3" $ 300.00 Totat lnstall€d Cast: Size: 1O' $ 90.00 Totat tnstalted CoE{; Sr2e.'8' $ 375.00 Total lnstalled Cost: Total lnstalled CosI: $r'ze,'Wldflower $0.25 Totalln#tled Cosl: $575.00 Tatal lnstailed c/9ls',: Size:112" Total lnsila'lld CosT: Total lnstalled Cost: Total ln*lled Cp's/.: Quantity: Quanti$r: Quantity: Quantw: Quantw: Quantlty: s $ 2,700.00 2. $ 1,080.00 2 $ 750.00 $ 4,530.00 4,737.72 sqft $ 1,184.43 2',12? $1500.00 1 $450.00 $ 3,134.43 $ 7,664.43 Drprrtnrril ol Gottnunlu DorloPmrnt 7!E.FruilurRord vdt, co 81067 o"t"--3-l 3o r-Q'! Pleeoe make chocl$ payabls to the TOWI{ OF VAIL 001 0000 314 1112 3141'112 3141112 0000 314 111 41111 314 1111 14 1'111 iT Tom of lJail = |*r flJST[il,lER RECEIPT r*r .rlc Qper: FTHRFE Iypei FB Drareq: I Custorer Lmation ltare Arount e{6_9___-_els8 Jorpllfr{ s. r{1u_T0{,, AD AR-I}EPIFITS f 153$. e0JSnISil S. ifi.t_Ttil{t i.D, REIEIPT ffi : 55005 Tender detai I cl( ofo( 132{ fl53$.m Total tendered f15393,U Total payrent ll53$.m Trans date: 3/31/94 Tirel l0l$l:Zl TISfi YIIJ FtlR YRJR PflY}IENT I nf l I 3,? L( R.o.nd br Jg q \-dJ-/AF \lI-t, \:-.1 \ir J\ \\ e) if'Vc \3 q 'Clo!oE'orrr - |n oc, ";\g o!1Oil holqR,'i u q trE lla ooo +rp r)aY + * €qt o o o cI oo ? 6 |a 3 o al o Irr EI .ig I l{ E'$ * 'lOBBr? ii;8 EAl{2clEO I:d ItI lroo toF,B oc:8 rl g o c F 4., Fl.{f 6 fiF*liE 668 EooF'HHH'odtd28' ..ltr\oao RF Ets E=( I EI HH EE E3qa A a iE EEo EE Iti Efi TTaz cfs8f,UU H Ha U Iof EH 6A liqIHE e E E Ht{ E!A : I C' .lb Eqt:> tslr.crlo4Caio dro to|ot o a Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparfrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teh 970379.nn fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail,co.us Proiect Name: Moulton Residence DRB Number: DR8030104 Project Descripdon: New single-family residence Participants: OWNER MOULTON, JONATHAN S. 0411412003 Phone: 513-561-5229 24 CAMARGO CANYON DR CINCINNATI OH 45243 License: APPUCANT Architectural Services 0'4.lL4l2OO3 Phone: 926-7505 Danny Swertfeger POB 38s Edwards, CO 81632 License: Project Address: 1793 SHASTA PL VAIL LocaUon: 1793 Shasta Place l€gal Description: Lot: 15 Block: Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 2 Parcel Number: 210312306014 Comments: SeeConditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Margaret Rogers Action: APPROVED Second By: David Viele Vote: 4-0 DateofApprovalz 0510712003 Conditions: Cond:8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not consUtute a permit for buiHing. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities,l' Cond: CON0005840 That the applicant submits revised plans to staff for approval which shall remove the clipped hipped roof and return it to a gabled roof, prior to submitting for a building permit. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $650.00 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, May 7, 2003 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS PUBLIC WELCOME PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Department t Wildfire Fuels Reduction - Bighorn Area discussion, presented by Bill Carlson, Environmenlal Health Specialist - 15 min. &{q:- 12:00 pm MEMBERS PRESENT Clark Brittain BillPierce Margaret Rogers David Vield MEMBERS ABSENT Hans Woldrich SITE VISITS1. CDOT berm - Tract A, Vail Village 13b Filing2. Middle Creek - 160 N. Frontage Rd.3. Moulton residence - 1793 Shasta Pl.4. Donovan Park - 1600 S. Frontage Rd.5. Vail LLC - 1250 Westhaven Circle6. Vail Resorts Lionshead ticket office maze posts7. Ski Club Vail- 598 VailValley Drive8. Vista Bahn deck- 333 Hanson Ranch Road9. Hawkwood. Inc. residence -483 Gore Creek Drive10. Ore House - 232 Bridge Street11. Austria Haus - 242 E. Meadow Drive12. Sitzmark Lodge - 183 Gore Creek Drive13. Lutsey residence- 185 B Forest Road14. Beaver Dam residence - 363 Beaver Dam Road 1:30 pm PUBLIC HEARING . TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Middle Creek DRB02-0060 Final review of proposed private educational institution & landscape plan 160 N. Frontage Rd./Lot 1, Middle Creek Subdivision Applicant Vail Local Housing Authority 3:00 pm Allison MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:4-0 APPROVED WITH 5 CONDITIONS: 1. That the developer submits revised plans for the fencing and landscaping at the Early Learning Center and the block retaining walls for review and approval by the DRB prior to issuance of a buibing permit. 2. That the developer submits revised stucco colors for the terra-cotta color for review and approval by the DRB prior to painting the buildings.3. That the developer submits additional information regarding the roof material colors for review and approval by the DRB prior to roofing the buildings. 4. That the windows shall be 'almond.' 5. That the developer make every effort to preserve and transplant any trees that can be saved. 2. CDOT R-O-W DRB03-0121 Matt Final review of proposed berm expansion Tract A/Vail Village 13' Filing Applicant CDOT and Town of Vail MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE;4-O TABLED UNTIL MAY 21,2003 3. Hawkwood, Inc. residence DRB03-0128 Matt Final review of proposed window replacement 483 Gore Creek Drive, Unit SB/Texas Townhomes Applicant Hawkwood, lnc. WITHDRAWN 4. Lutsey residence DRB03-0109 Allison Final review of proposed site improvements 185 B Forest Road/Lot 26, Block 7, Vail Village 1$ Filing Applicant; Tom & Sharon Lutsey, represented by Morter Architects MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:4-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the window trim on A be painted to match the window trim on B. 5. Donovan Park Pavilion DRB03-0111 Bill Final review of change to approved plans 1 600 South Frontage Road/Unplatted Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by VAg, Inc. MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE: 4-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: '1. That the proposed sidewalk to the Fire Department connections shall be a stepping stone path with native grasses infill to match the stepping stone path located on the west side of the building. 6. Austria Haus DRB03-0087 Warren Final review of proposed exterior air conditioning condensers 242E. Meadow Drive/Block 5, Vail Village 1't Filing Applicant AustriaHausDevelopment MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:4-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That this qpproval is granted only to those air conditioning condensers label "B' and 'C" on exhibit A and must be screened with the submitted louvered box stained to match the siding color. 7. Beaver Dam residence DRB03-0032 Bill Conceptual review of proposed driveway gate 363 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 3, Block 3, VailVillage 3' Filing Applicant A2Z Holdings, LLC, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects CONCEPTUAL- NO VOTE 8. Vista Bahn Building DRB03-0071 Bill Conceptual review of proposed deck expansion 333 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1sr Filing Applicant: Remonov & Company, Inc., represented by Knight Planning Services,lnc.MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: CONCEPTUAL- NO VOTE 9. Ore House DRB03-0110 Allison Final review of proposed awnings 232 Bridge StreeULot D, Block 5, Vail Village 1"t Filing Applicant: Larry Anderson MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: David Viele VOTE:4-0 TABLED UNTIL MAY 2I, 2OO3 10. VailResorts DRB03-0131 Allison Final review of proposed ticket office maze posts 616 Lionshead Circle/lot 4, Block 1 , Vail Lionshead 1"t Filing Applicant Vail Resorts, represented by Jeff Babb MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:4-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 1 GONDITION: 1. That there be a minimum of 10' clearance from the permanent fixtures. 11. Vail LLC DRB03-0127 Bill Final review of proposed construction of access driveway 1250 Westhaven Circle/Lot 30, Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant Vail LLC, represented by William Reslock Architects MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:4-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITION: 1. That the applicant shall submit a re-vegetation plan to the Community Development Department for review and approval by staff prior to the use of the temporary construction access.2. That all re-vegetation shall be completed and inspected by the Town of Vail prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 12. Sitzmark Lodge DRB03-0129 Allison Final review of proposed pool renovations 183 Gore Creek Drive/Lot A, Block 5, VailVillage 1"I Filing Applicant Bob Fritch, represented by Victor Mark Donaldson WITHDRAWN 13. Ski Club Vail DRB03-0145 Allison Conceptual review of proposed driveway & landscape improvements 598 Vail Valley Drive/Part of Tract B, Vail Village 7' Filing Applicant: Ski Club Vail, represented by Snowdon Hopkins Architects CONCEPTUAL. NO VOTE 14. Behrendt Residence DRB03-0085 Warren Final review of new addition and exterior alterations 4778 Meadow Drive/Lot 2, Block 7, Bighorn sth Addition Applicant Mr. and Mrs. Behrendt, represented by Environmental Systems Design MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: David Viele VOTE:4-0 APPROVED WITH 3 CONDITIONS: 1. That the applicant submits a revised site plan showing a 12' wide driveway and 4' wide concrete pan per Public Works standards for approval prior to submitting for building permits. 2. That the applicant submit a revised landscape plan showing five new plants along the front of the house to be reviewed and approved by staff prior to submitting for a building permit. 3. That the applicant use TAMKO's Heritage Declaration shingle with the color submitted to staff for approval prior to issuance of a building permit. 15. Leever residence DRB03-0103 Warren Final review of proposed new single family residence 1397 VailValley Drive/Lot 6, Block 3, Vail Valley 1"t Filing Applicant Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Lever, represented by Custom Mountain Architects MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:4-0 . CONSENT APPROVED WITH .I CONDITION: 1. That a revised lighting plan, which meets the requirements of the Town Code, be submitted to staff for review and approval prior to submitting for building permits. 16. Moulton residence DRB03-0104 Warren Flnal review of proposed new single family residence 1793 Shasta Place/Lot 15, Vail Village West 2nd Filing Applicant: Jonathon S. Moulton, represented by Architectural Services, P.C. MOTION:Margaret Rogers SECOND: David Viele VOTE:4-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the applicant submits revised plans to staff for approval which shall remove the clipped hipped roof and return it to a gabled roof, prior to submitting for a building permit. Staff Aporovals Trust residence DRB03{112 Wanen Skylight addition Viffage Center, l22EMeadow Drive, Unit 7FlLot K, Block 5E, VailVillage 1" Filing Applicant William A Gilbert, represented by K.H. Webb Architects, P.C. Whiterock LLC DRB03-0036 Bill Interior conversion of crawlspace 1249 Westhaven Circle/Lot 35, Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant Tab Associates Inc. VailCommons DRB02-0395 Wanen Retaining wall 2106 N. Frontage RoadA/ail das Schone 3'd Filing Applicant Heid Construction VailLLC DRB03-0094 Bill Change to approved plan 1250 Westhaven Circle/Lot 30, Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant WilliamReslock,Architect Dunning residence DRB03-0120 Judy Re'paint 1461 Greenhill Ct./Lot 7, Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant Peter & Lucy Dunning Pano Jewelry DRB03-0117 Allison New sign 201 Gore Creek Drive/Block 58, VailVillage 1s Filing Applicant: Peter Apostle Rabin residence DRB03-0089 Matt Window and door replacement Booth Falls Condos, 3094 Booth Falls CourULot 1, Block 2, Vail Village 12h Filing Applicant Robert & Patricia Rabin Lodge at Vail DRB03-0118 Bill Re-roof Srn floor same for same 'l74EGore Creek Drive/Lots A,B & C, Block 5C, VailVillage 1d Filing Applicant Lodge Properties, Inc. Apollo Green LLC DRB03-0114 Allison Skylight & window addition 600 Vail Valley Drive, Unit A-1 7/Northwoods Condominiums Applicant Apollo Green LLC Valentine/Lipnick residence DRBO3-0116 Allison Heated driveway and boiler 1255 Westhaven Circle/Lot 45, Glen Stream 45 Applicant: Rosslyn Valentine Fries residence DRB03-0105 Warren Window addition and interior remodel 950 Potato Patch Drive, #25/Potato Patch Club Condominiums Applicant Thomas C. & Ann E. Fries Mountain Haus DRB03-0126 Bill Tree removal/replacement 292 E. Meadow Drive/Block 5, VailVillage 1$ Filing Applicant Mountain Haus Condo Association Decked LLC DRB03-0069 Bill Replace window with doors and enlarge window Vail Rowhouses, 303 Gore Creek Drive/Block 5, VailVillage 1" Filing Applicant Decked LLC The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation availabb upon reguest with24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. t Lcgal dcscription: Lot Addrcss 1179 | Orrncr Architcct Zonc Lot sizc Scrcondary GRFA + (125) (6i5*) =-- + 675 = 425 crcdir plus 250 addirion Bjock . Filing ZONE CHECK Phonc hoposcd usc Buildablc ro,a,GMA aru. .cs Y* 2 . HLrl, =hruH Prinrary GRFA -+ (425) (675r) =-' \-.- t + _ = = l,-lsl sb1 '.. 20, '15' 15, Landsaping b0/" Minimum 6rqh0 lWrD n,Xtl l&"8,41 3',16',o3 0 3 7 6oolGoDpool.lrzooy PcrmittcdSlopc O.{..'-.!"Ycs-,__ No_ Encloscd Ycs X No-- 2) Floodplain a) SnorvAvalanchc NA Docs this rcqucst invotvc a 250Addition? N" Horv much of thc altowcd 250 Addition is uscd Mth,fi r r.qu.nl_jU O Ag _ Sitc Covcragc Hcigbt Sctbacks RctainingWall Hcights Parking Garagc Crcdit Drivovay Conrplics wirh TOV Ligbting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss tlan 2:l (50%) Enrironm cn tal4lazards Rquirc 0,3&o Qq4gi Fron t Sidcs Rcar 4) Watcr Coursc Sctback (30) ls thc propcrty non-conforming? Dor;a", o ?'i'r .Jo eniiil t Irl!rj. ,' rt I t gq,r-i,i,;.i1,; l. l, {r; fr)rsscrcv crrh . -' ' -1al't ".+iinii €f ''1caerols^rous _no.i.irr.r.il, .:. (cped pue.ssacorj,t n.,n;rg -{Ft" .rr.r sfr*{Brftn1 u-Sl"'; 1I i tl$ti ctere973uppu4 t\'rr^r.i -'rir.rrll] I!/ |rJ . al :d,'" (pmo-drrpun) srp!t!n srttuvapeqs\uns uopEruur^.o.c scldures F1ralrir tunltng slprl3upqqcX cdoyglapug ollg uorlcauuoc atu.reg ,l 5 , scluoclEg//sTcaG (1) sgaeqrc,tgTscaeg i', ''1..{,pfucao3c1g [:s{cEqlcs quruqsEo.rsug qtnll tqp'png :'\1, clsJs " tl ,. I "irild;qha +:-, suousrlsrJ lEld Fb.bf'Fer^ 'soPlxoc ^rc!A rr$_.+;; 1i,:; l}n'1 rl 1 uuoy uouecggan,Qllpl (g A V)uoilar flttl . NHII ccedg cpylprru3 vJlt9 luuoglpPE 0Sz vduc cFcs NV'rd advcsqNvl D rlj.,.? rlrudJoou -sFprlel^l\roloc '.J ,t.r ir l-'orr }$ndaIIS tr cFrs -. r .. i sNolrv^sqg]qqrAg,.s ; tif'l',r It1 \ il :1 . . -!'l r.1i.i1 9i- I q51<.- ISIDIJSHJ A{SI^flU NCISX g Ircfo:g ,,*ffi Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All p@ects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the pafticular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Depatment. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Descriptionof theRequesu NEl,{ Sturale Fe},ltuY RgStpENcg HtfH! 3r3 t5.1 s.E oF <rRFA Location of the Proposal: Lot: | 5 ebck:suuoivision:@Z Physical Address:f713 sl{AiTA pLA/-€. , vArL, (o Parcel No,i 2lO3'lZ3 -Ob'Ol4 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) Zonins: PRIMARY / SgcoNOfRV Name(s) of Owner(s):Joxerxox S. Moourox Mailing eddress: 2 4 CAP1AR6O CAI{YON DRIUE crN4l].tNATt OH Phone:56t- 522 Owner(s) Signature(s): ,R6HITECTURAL gERV ICEsJ Box 345 EqAAFi?', Co 8t63z. E-mail Address: Phone: (1Zo 12C- 71o5 Fax:126-7ato $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining wallt etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review Er New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) D Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans O Separation Request Name of Appli""nt, L/A,RcHlreguRAu geRvtees, p.<. (PAuuY SHcFrFEd€F,) Mailing Address; X IV Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Architectural Floor Plans:u/ Scale of 1/8" = I'or larger; 1/4" is preferred t' Floor'plans of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. Floor plans and _ building elevations must be drawn at the same scale. ef Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building. El, Label floor plans to indicate the proposed floor area use (i.e. bedroom, kitchen, etc.).d One set of floor plans must be "rediined" indicating how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. See 1.itle 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for regulations.d Provide dimensions of all roof eaves and overhanos. Architectural Elevations: s/ Scate of 1/8" = 1'or larger; 1/4" is preferreof All elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevation drawings rnust show both existing and finished grades, Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale.H/A a If buiHing faces are proposed at angles not represented well on the normal building elevations, show these faces also,y', Ebvations shall show proposed finished elevation of floors and roofs on all levels. V- All exterior materials and colors shall be specified on the elevations,dme following shall be shown graphically and fully dimensioned: fascia, trim, railings, chimney caps, - meter locations, and window details.-aV Show all proposed elterior lighting fixtures on the buiHing. Y,Illustrate all decks, porches and balconies./ Indicate the roofand building drainage system (i.e. gutters and downspouts).ttl* o.Indicate all rooftop mechanical systems and all other roof structures, if applicable.{ Illustrate proposed building height elevation on roof lines and ridges. These elevations should , coordinate with the finished floor elevations and the datum used for the survey.C Exterior color and material samples shall be submitted to staff and presented at the Design Review Board meeting. Lighting Plan: (arr SITE PLI,F )t' Indicate type, location and number of fixtures. / ngfatt? lS tlrDtcAa ep \f -Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area [ 6}1 BurLorF L €LgVnTloF€ j B/Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. 1 \ /\-- 5'E€ Af rt,tcH€9 P Horo II. IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE (ILC) ( S T COHTFNC'IOT'\ Once a building permit has been issued, and construction is underway, and before the Building Department will schedule a framing inspection, two copies of an Improvement Location Certificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registered professional engineer must be submitted. The following information must be provided on the ILC: o Basis of bearing and tie to section cornero All property pins found or seto Building location(s) with ties to property corners (ie. distances and angles)o Building dimensions, including decks and balconies, to the nearest tenth of a foot o Building and garage floor elevations and all roof ridge and eave line elevationso All drainage and utility service line as-builts, showing type of material, size and exact location o All easements tt/e Page 5 of 12102107102 Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material AECHTTECT(,RAL ABAO€ A6P}IAI-T lx8 cIIANNEL LAP R'5. cEDAR l{oF,lz. 5rbril4 slvc(o 2'.6 o\eC !;,re R.i.ceoAk CrFooYE wrcTnL c!n9 (,r)000 zlL gtr. AT |^too O ttrf x ctl (g 5Tg€<,c h.€lytc ccAg .*o.,(ree oecx^t1 sA*te Arl FOA (.r'r ^, Oo(.r9 5g€ SlfE pcnf\r A|.rO ButLlnlrc E€rrrtlorr9 Color BC,HJAFTI}.IE MAOP€ HoT 6fnrilL5 3aoN6 ll rl SE}rJAhilNE $,roee sluror.el ytT9. ceoRc ggNJAP|lr.l€ wioaRg PEIJ-A PCot lH€ UTHITE BC,tlJ A },]lHg IrrooF€ Hor 3PF|H69 SToNEg PELCn PGarrr€ t^rRlt€ sfiltrg A6 90e Urrdooqtg, BLnc.Ktpsau6ttr lGoF ts?r53 (6ee er.ro'ro) HaT 5pFlr.l65 S{orsg6 tt lt BEI6E tro$e lxa T{(. Y539 c.eo6(r, r1f'x, r!2r BALU3TEEt l rt+rrr( lr/zr ' -Jo" l BcrtTbr.t Sl{lCT 1;!rrG / naureuFltruc€A UNtrl}{I?HgD SI{€ET }qsrt,tL(orruV-)llNr |p I5HED ttlx u/x $/n Boucoe-l*lrrrcnc Notes: Please specify the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. 6,6Ra(.F gooR- 'A?ALE !4Al{ ooon- llAlH EhrT{,.- DooA lr CEEfA|r| T€EDrlitfflor1Tl.t'x* /eug" 6 ot 1210210il02 PROPOSED TANDSCAPING PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Botanical ilame ?l6eR pvN(r€lr6 6TLAUCR Common Name coLoF,n0(,BLeg 6Pcucs OuantiW 4 Size FoPUL!r5ANou5itFautB c,oaTohl tD6oD 1 3tt <AL EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Ft/A Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Calipr Coniferous Trees - 5' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal, Tvpe N/a EI/A HATrue G?ld d{+ALr 9|STUFB€D Aeens lr /A collSf. FcPC€ 6'n4K/E9 HA.{ Bh(€6 Please specif, other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, ek.) Square Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL l. BouLoEYl, RtTRlNlhl(' .{/lr /Pug"7 ot r2l02l07lO2 UTILIW LOCATION VERIFICATION This form is to verifo service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan, Authorized Siqnature Date QWEST 970.384.0238 (tel) 970.384.0257 (fax) Contact: Jason Sharp EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4077 (tel) Contact: Brian Sulzer HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC, 970.949.5892 (tel) 970,949.4566 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4024 (tet) 970.262.4038 (fax) Contact: Kit Bogart EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT* 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 970.949J224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar *Please provide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining approval from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: l- If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Depaftment of Public Works at the Town of Vail, Utility locations must be obtained before dioging in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A building permit is not a Public Wav permit and must be obtained separately. Page B of 121O2/O7lO2 Lor- 15 Vlru Vrue a6s Lle5f , 6.,o|+q N o.Z 1113 5I{A5TA PLACE., VA\L, CO UTII-ITY TOCATION VERIFICATION This form is to veriff service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling insbllations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date w QWEST 970.384.0238 (tel) 970.384.o257 (fax) Contact: Jason Sharp EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4477 $el) Contact: Brian Sulzer HOLY CROSS ETfCTRIC ASSOC. 970.949.5892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4o24 (tet) 970.262.4038 (fax) Conbct: Kit Bogart EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT* 97o.476.748o (tet) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 970.949.1224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar i 6 P".e< 4v^tdE<-L AT SHA|TA PLI.E *ryb 6 JZe a3 Gel2A c-Ri84k .e,A!uA1'2 6< 3-zL-o< 3 -ae-or *Phase provide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining apprcval ftom the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no commenB are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. ff a utility company has concems with the proposed construction, the utility representati\€ shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obtained before diqoinq in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildinq permit is not a Public Way permit and must be obtained separately. Page 8 of L2lO2lOl02 2- 4-O3; r l: IOAM;US WEST ;9704640672 5:54PM; Page 2 * 1/ 1 Sent By: Archltectural S8rvices L;9709267610; ' Lor- tt Vrru Vrsl466 lJest, 6ut,rQ No'Z l7n3 S}|ASTA PLACE , vA\L, co I'TIIIIY LOCATIO1I I'ERIEICTTIqI This form h to verify service awihbillty and location for neur onSructhn ald shouU be rrrd In conjundlan with preprlq )@ur UUUV plan md sdcdlfiig instalhdms. The loouon and adab0ty of utilades, whefter tftey ate main Ou* llnes or prcpced lines,,nust be approrrcd ard vedfied by tre followlng uultl:s br thc accornpanyirE dte phn. Auttrortt rl Slqnatq]! giIE QWESr e70.3ar.0238 (ED 970.38,t.0257 (bx) Contad: Jason Sharp + E(CEL HI6FI PRESSURE GAS 970.262.qn (d' ConEct: &ian Suher HO|-Y CROSS ETECTRIC ASSOC. 970.949.5892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fiax) Contacf Ted Husky D(CEL ENERGY em.262.q24 (t4rt) 970.262..m38 (fdx) Gontact: Klt Eogalt EAO.E RIVER WATERh SANITA]IO'{ DISTRICT* 9n.476.7480 (Er) 970,476.4089 (fo() Conbct fu Hashe AT&T BROADMND s70.949,L?,21 x 112 (t€t) 970.9r9.913E (fax) Contacil Roryd Salazar *Pleuse prwkle a siE plan, lloor phn, urd elanatons when obtrrining appmwl from ttre EaSle Riva w&r & Sanibuon DastricL Finc llot necds must be addressed. NOTES: f. If $e utlity verifcation fonn has slgnatrres fronr eadr of the utllty ompanres, ard no comnEnts are made dlrccdy on BE foon, ttre Tovrn will presum€ tfrat there are no problems ard dE devebpment can p@c€€d. 2. lt a utillty onpury has onerns with the Foposed corstuctionr 0'€ u$tty cprcsenbtlve shil noE dltectly on the utilty vedficaUon brm ttrat tfpre ls a poblem w|idr rnsb b be lcsird. The issue should ttren be d€tallcd In an attadred btEr b the Town d l/bll. llorcver, p@ leep ln mhd Stat lt'rs the rc+omlbllfy of the u0lty omDany and the apCkant lo rcsdrr Eentred problerr. 3. Thesc vtrlffca ors do not n$ale he olttsacbr of he GsporclUlty b dbln a tuHic Way hnnt fiom the DepErtmett cf Pt^6|lc Wods .t the Town of Vall. t UNg locdons mut be ohid befr]t dloolna In any puHic right-of*vay or eesement wltrln the Tonn of VaX. A buiHim Eflntt b not a Publk Wav oennft and mrrt be pb0aind scoaoblv PagE E or 12l02loiloz Lor- tg ?,r Vruua6s Llesr, 6"?. No.Z 1713 5I{ASTA PLACE,. vA\L, co UTIUTY LOCATION VERIFICATIOT{ This form is to veriff service availability and location for new consfuuction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and sdreduling installatinns, The location and amilaHlity of utilities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed line, must be approved and rrerified by ttre following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorbed Siqnature Date QWESr 970.384.0238 (teD 97038a.0257 (Fax) C.ontad: Jason Sharp D(CEL HIGH PRESURE GAS 970.262.4077 (tfrt) Contact: Brian Sulzer HOLY CROSS EI FCTRIC ASSOC. 970.949.5892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) Contact Ted Husky D(CEL ENERGY 970.262.4024 (tel) 970.262.4038 (fax) Gontach Kit Bogart EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICTX 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.2CI89 (fax) Contact Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 9m.949.L221x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) @ntact Floyd Sahzar ILyottfiQec) 6 (-V'n 2" t LaoX f:Pn* Ho{se * e"l t 3-zt -as *Please provide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obbining approval frcm the Eagle River WaEr & Sanitation District. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1. If the utility verificatbn form has signatures from eadr of the utility companbs, and no cornments are made directly on the form, the Tovrrn will presume that there are no problems and the de\rebpment can proceed. 2. lf a utility company hm correms with the propmed @rrfiuction, the uUlig represenbtive shall noE directly on the utility verificatbn fom that there is a problem whidr needs b be r€soh€d. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resotve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibilify to obtain a Public Way Permit frorn the Departrnent of Public Wo*s at ttre Town of Vail. UUlitv locations must be obtained betore diooinq in any public r!1ht-of-uay or easement within the Toryn of Vail. A buildino oermit b not a Public Way permit and must be obtained seoarately. Page 8 of t40ZloilO2 . APR W ',@3 11:29 FR XCEL ENERGY 9?@ 262 4A# rO AL9?A926?6LA p.At/A1. sent Ey: o"::t.""1:^". Her.vrceu.; c/uedb/oru; Apr../lrrr:43Ar,, rasv 4t1 ( l/r! 'i ' -' . Lor- t5 V.rru Vu.r6^g. Urst, fi...rq No.Z 1713 st{AsTA PLACET vAtL. coIrnuwrcc^Tlot{ VEnIrIC IIOII Thh bm ls b nliry serviEe aralLrhlrty and locaton br new cor,rstrucilon and shourd be used inoonjsnction wfth pneoarlnp vr,rr unrybunlna r#iihffi;;ilffi;'fr* nan -a availahliry ofutlitEs, trhestr they.are ttiain trunf nies or propqed llnes, mlE be approu€rt and r€ilrred by thefollowtng |*ilitj.}s tor'the aeo-e"nyfng Jie pnn. Aulfiortscdghn*re 06 QU'EST 97038,{-0238 (U) 970.381.02l7 (tat) @otacn Jasgn Sharp O(CEL HIGH PRESSUREGAS 97o26L4p77 (tflt)ffi: BrbnSuber HON.Y CROSS gtcrRlc As50c. 970.9{9.sE9Z (ret) 970,9€.as55 (hr) Contad: Ted Hrsky E(CEL ENERGY 970.252.402{ (tct) 970-262,{038 (fa)O conbc$ Kat BogE t EAGTE RIVER WATER & SAI{TTATION DISTRICT* 970.476.7180 (Et) 970.a75.4089 (far) Contacb ro lbbe ATAT BR.OADBA'{D 97O.949,t224 x 112 (rel) 970.*19.9138 (fax) @ntactr Ffoyd Salaaar iryTl ptDt'ltle a siE pbn, tloor plan, fid elentjons xfieo obtainhg approrat fio'n the Eagh Rrver werer& Sanltation Distrrct. Firc flow n*ds must b. "dd;d. IIOTES: ff thc tiitily yerr&aton bq h.s signatures fmm edr of the utilty companks, and rp comnrenEare made ditedy ffr the forrrl ttre To*'n wil ;;urne UEt tb; j-re m'poOler*s and thedevid@ment can procecat- If a uility.company hE @ne.ms urth_sn eroposed onstrudion, tte utnq rep;eserbriye shallnote dircdy on the utillty redfpatior brm'St6l trrcre-L a problern which needs to be resohrcd.The bsue should tlren be -debfed tn an amorJ dL- i tu r-rn of vr$t, ftor,,€,/er, phase keept flnO that it h tfte responshlllty or tm rrttrity oi-p.^v and ure applant to msolve identificdproblems. These v€rifi@tions do nst '€ris'e u|e ontaob of tre r€spqrErflfty b obbh a pubrk w.ay hnnrt f:**_|3a. ggggf wo"s tture r#*Gil utirity bgrdorc m,rst be ofiFr,,cd bebredhqing in arry pubrb dorrt.*-uay * easenreriri.ur,,, lifrffiPubfr Wryoernrlt ard hrrct bc r *rinad ca,,-.-r-r Pa$! 8 of L2l@lWIOz cFP. tl ,a3 La2t7 9?a926?6LA PAffi,-Tz XX TNTq PAGtr A1 xx Suruey/Site Plan Review Checklist Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2L39 fax: 97O.479.2452 s/ stamped survey of property s/ civil/site plans Survev Requirements: / Srr"yor'r wet stamp and signature o/ Date of survey/- ttortn arrow {,Proper scale (1"=10' or L"=20') {Legal description (/Basis of bearings / Benchmark ef Soot Elevations sa Liu"t.o right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve /Enuironmental Hazards (ie, rocktall, debris , flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils)/. watercourse setbacks (if aFFiiffid Trees / LuUeeA easements (i.e. drainage, utility, , pedestrian, etc...) 6rTographyt' utitity locations s/ Ad5acent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. - information,f Lot Sizey'auiEaUte Area (excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40olo, and floodplain) Site Plan Reouirements: I., Access (check all) d Driveway type and finished sudace are shown on the site plan. d { { C Unheated B Heated (poftion in ROW in a separate zone) Snow storage areas are shown on the site plan within propefi boundaries (30olo of driveway area if unheated; 109o of driveway area if heated) All driveway grades, dimensions, radii are clearly noted on the site plan and conform to Development Standards, p. 11. Steepest Section Driveway Grade (not the average gnde): 6.1 lo Parking spaces and turning radii are noted on site plan and conform to Development Standards, pp.12&14 II. Construction Site (check all) o- Location of all utilities and meter pits are shown on the site plan. d Limits of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan. d I am aware that approved Staging and Construction Traffic Control Plans, as per the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, will be necessary prior to construction./ I am aware that a Revocable Right of Way Permit will be required prior to construction. TOI44V web: www.ci.vail.co.us *This checklist must be submittd prior b Public Works review of a propored developmenL Owners/Project Name:fioutTar.r PgrrogU(E Project Address:l?13 Sx*arr Ptncs, Vrcrs Co Appticant: rEgcl.llTEcTupA" 5€gvlc€6 P.c.PhoneNumber: (qlo) Glz6-7605 pA]r{5 sweprreCers y' unascape ptan d Title Report (Section B) /runu IL ot DV2l07lo2 vv {j4lr o To)r. o Drainage (check all that apply) The required Valley Pan is shown on the site plan as per Development Standards, p. 12. (Note: Valley pan must not be heated)d +rooti-oncrete Pan Positive and adequate drainage is maintained at all times within the proposed site. Culverts have been provided and are labeled and dimensioned on the site plan. A Hydraulic report has been provided. (As requested by Town Engineer) o 8 Foot Concrete Pan lJo l.la .le6 IV. Erosion Control (Check all that apply) ez Disturbance area is greater than one half acre. o/ A separate Erosion Control Plan has been professionally engineered and PE stamped.d Less than one half acre has been disturbed, and proper erosion control devices are shown on the site plan. (6g9 a^*og.1pe lrorE l.lo. z aFt €tte pcn.r) V. - Floodplain (check all that apply) {ne project lies within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain. t' 100 year Floodplain is shown on the site plan. U/e o A Floodplain study has been provided. (Required if floodplain is within construction limits or as requested by Town Engineer) $/e o fie project does not lie within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain U/6, vt. Geological/Environmental Hazards (check all that apply) I o The project lies within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. (See Development Standards, p. 20) I o A Hazard Report has been provided !/ o The project does not lie within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. VI! Grading (check all that apply) dTExisting and proposed grades/contours are provided on the site plan. . d All disturbed areas have been returned to a 2:1grade.|l /A u All disturbed areas not returned to 2:1 grade have been Professionally Engineered with slope protection and/or stable soils. PE stamped details are provided within plans. N/A a Only existing contours are shown on the site plan, there is no proposed grading. VII!. Parking (check all)V All residential and commercial parking spaces conform to the Development Standards, pp. 12&15. IX, Retaining Walls (check all that apply) Ef All retaining walls conform to the standards in the Development Standards, p. 19, E/ All retaining walls and combination walls over 4 feet have been Professionally Engineered and a PE stamped detail has been provided within the plans.(htU B€ olr P*bri? ecnet) d All retaining walls are shown on the site plan, with labeled top and bottom of wall elevations and type of wall construction. H/X a No retaining walls are required for this project. X. Sight Distance (check all that apply) d Proper sight distance has been attained and shown on site plan as per Development Standards, p.12. N/A, o Proper sight distance has not been attained. Explanation why:- Additional Comments Please provide any additional comments that peftain to Public Works Review. /P"guL2of I2lO2lo7lo2 Applicants Signature ' li{*aaaa*ltaalt*artaaafariatrrat|*t*afrt*r*rriarrrarrr*r*rr*r**tr***affrtattt*taai+taaftaatir TOWNOFVAIL, COLOMDO $.tGmoot 'l*l+*'la*'lltta'|'taaat*'l'tal{t*tt*at*+tlrttt+**atttt+tat**ttt**aa**+****ttaaatttaralftat+aatt*ttrStatcncnt l{\rnbcr: Ro3ooo3?93 eodrnt: g550.oo o4/Lt/2003t0:55 AlrlPay|lent liethodr Chcch IntE: {IAR llotatlqr: 1366lrchltoctural gcrvlces, p. C. Per$rLt No! DRB03O1O{ Type: DRB - New Co!,structlon Parc.r1 No: 210312305011Site Addrcaa: 1?93 SHASIA pL VAIIJIoca,tlon! 1?93 ghasta place Total Feea: $550.00Thla palmnt: $650.00 fotal ArrrJ pmt,s! s5so.oo Bal.ance ! 90.00*l*tftlaatla*tllaatta*'lt*aa*lraat***a*at**a**tt*alatrt*+taat+**tat*+a*raaartattaaataataa+tal ACCOIJNTITEM LIST: Account Code Oescrlption Current pnts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEI,J FEES 650.00 hr-27-03 12:!5r Torm AO 4/95 ,order No. v25 t-l{0 P.ollB Hle poucvl. Lrffizsszl6 Amount' 51??,000 ' 00 "b 16 SCIIEDI'I,E A Addrcss 1 2- 3. Poltcy Name of In€ured: S. MOT'IJTON Tlre est eor and is 1cA FCE TitIe datc Ehe is vestcd lo, The counEy LIOT 15 EAGiLE NSCORDS, STATE OP COLORADO' "..P.#..3,* aE sroo P'trr' I LA}ID TITLE GUANANTEE COMPANI' rtti." i"ii"v viiia onry if Schedure B rs inEeresE in che land described in chis Schedule co"iita by chis PoricY is: esEatc o! lnEeresE covered by this policy at the 4. 5, 6. MOULTON rcferred Eo ln chis policy it -siEuaEed in EAGLE cliilll"l "ta r" descilbed as f,orrords! Arr, vrr,t,AcE tfEsT, FTLTNG No' 2 AccoRDING-1?, T8E PInr FrLED Fon REcoRD .iur,v'i6.-iis?. *" 2' DRAwER oNE' atEached. 8. hr-?Hlt l?:05pr "L does noelhis Policy Ehe f ollordi f . Rlght.6 Public I0. r{10 P.llt/!! H2l icy No. LTEtr255216 iorm lo 4/9s I Order No' v255276 SCHSDT'LE B insure against loss or damage by reason of io alea, Iabor, or imnosed bY law claims of parties in possession not shour by the s, or claims of easemenEs' noE shoun by Ehe public 5. 4. Di ies. conf,IicEe in bounda'Y lliil:,t**:g'"13'' 'r i correcE survcy ans 6 , and any , f a9E s -l+]"tr. - -, ^oo :nd vrhi.ch are nog a ii' .fili*pl'Jfir'il]-"""ia disclose and Ehe Public records ' , or righl co a lien, -for services' ' tl]tei6iote or hereafter .furnished' shoun bY the Dubllc recoros ' NOT YET DUE OR PAYAaIJE AND ASSESSMENTS NO|t YET CERTIFIED To THE OFFICE. I'NPAID WATER AND sE'IER CHARGES ' IF AI'IY ' showrr Any 1i nl€lier and 19 95 LI ENS RI GI{T OF AT PAGE IO1. EUT NAT 190 AT 11 . UTILITY DIVID AS ':?3il,B'?1"::d#1":st..3:il ihliffi fl d:qiFft:F#ieu's:.il'ii-intiien srArEs PATENT REcoRDED ocEober a ercnt oplwAv FoR DIroIEs o! q'ry'lc9*:I*:qlP"Rl S:"iBS"3::YboF IIIE uNrrED sfArEs o, *"r"[fr o"iilffiifr o-Eraiiii'peis!,rr iecoRDED ocEober 04' i!ie. lul BooK e3 Ar PAGE 301' o."* r-[* covENAlrrs nnrcH Do r9.r 9-og]ry.]-T9*F"l1gg ol"lg3ff"o;*ut"' l*iT:*Yi""RXE$HH'3fii1'i-^ilVl iXii6-0"-*i'ci;.^::"q:r..-:i'ul3l;. ol ING RESTRICIIONiI ll ANr. DAslr/ v' ^.w' ---j"iy O?, 1965, IN BOOI 6dcrN,'il-aolirliNso IN iNsTRWEFT REc')RDED 55r R tctlT oJ wAY FoR GoRE CREEK As IT AFFEcrs^suBJEcr PRoPERTy As pncomnd pLAT oF vlrl, iiitlce tlEsr, FILTNG No' 2' ASEMENT 10 FEET IN firDnI rrs cENTERr',Iyl-:EJ'IG THE pRoPERTY Lrt{E r,ors 1{ et.ID rs, vrll iiir"n'cB wEsr' FILTNG No' 2' STIOI{N ON TIIE L2. t3. MAY 19, AS GR]ANTED TO UPPER EI\GLE VALLEY SANITATION DISTRISfS RECORDED gio ill BooK 21? AT PAGE 592' REsERvArroNs AND RBsrRlcrlgtt:--1s.,:ttolN oR RE5ERVED oN rHE . RESERVATToNS AND REsTRIsrroi{s As -sHo!ll\bui;"t;'ilii vrLLAeE wEsr, FTLTNG No' 2' 'Ww+ryX a",,^d -to<ohh:P-tvv"--' v v' 'r"' v-- xt varL4 cs'rqhdafrdtNr\f+- ^%"-"(0. o ,,.^'ffiffi, ff-o\Tl';ii n', -t r ot sr' Application for Design Review Department of Community De\relopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General InformaUon: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submifral requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Revie\rv cannot be accepted unul all reguired information is received by the Community Dsrelopment Department, The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Envionmental Commission, Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commencec within one year of dre approval. Descripuon of the Request:r DeaveG Lot, / f eb.k:- subdivision:Location of the Proposal: Physical Address: Parcel No,:tol -73- 0 Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: DCi Uy' Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: E-mail Address: c*LE , U/tlL (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no,) Fax: MairinsAddress: 7"," lctf ,dAt- r(0 ((Q{7 . -.-.-= , Phone: (aL - 9O S S(7L'7ozz' Type of Review and Fee: tr. Signs Dftonceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition E Minor Alterauon ( multi-family/commercial) a Minor Aheration (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot oftotal sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window addiuons, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fenes and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans Design Review Board. No Fee already approved by Planning Staff or the RECEI VEO For Office Use Onlv: Fee Paid: (F-Check No.:- By: Application DatEa_ DR Department of Community Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 wwwci.vail.co.us December 24,2002 Dauphinias-Mosley Construction c/o Pat Dauphinais P.O. Box 1515 Vail, CO 8'1657 Re: Moulton Residence - 1793 Shasta Place/Lot 1 5, Vail Village West Filing 2 Mr. Dauphinais: It has come to my attention that the Design Review Board application that you have submilted to the Town of Vail for the conceptual review of a new single-family home at 1793 Shasta Place on May 22, 2002 has been inactive for a considerable amount of time. lf you wish to pursue this application please submit the information you wish to have reviewed no later than lhe close of business on January 13rh, 2003 tor the next available Design Review Board meeting. lt I fail to receive additional informalion or a phone call from you prior to January 14'n this application will be considered withdrawn and I will mail the items to your address above. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 479-2148. Have a great holiday season. Wilh regards, //arw L,r,: Warren Campbell Planner ll Town of Vail Cc: File {; *""r"uo "^""* ucu LOT -t5 o LTCN R.E3I VAIL VILLAoE IAE5T, o D=NCE FILIN6 NO. 2 I1q3 3HA5TA PLACE TOAN OF VAIL, EAOLE COUNTY, COLORADO TYPE - B GUANTITY (5) 1EE 3ITE PLAN FOR LOCATIONS AALL MOUNTED LI6HT FIXTURF AITH Q) I> I{ATT FlULFls G) AT OARAOE DOORs AND Q) AT PATIO DOORS AT DECK ON THE AEST SIDE OF HOUSE ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES P,C. P.a.30x.3b5 EDAARD5, COLORADO b\b32 G10) q2b-1bo5 uou LOT -t5 o LTCN FRE3I VAIL VILLAoE IAE5T, o DENC= FILIN6 NO. 2 COLORADO nq3 9,{A5TA TOI^{N OF VAIL, EA6LE PLACE COUNTY, TYPE - A CUANTITY (I) aEE SITE PLAN FOR LO6ATION T{ALL MOUNTED LIOHT FIXTURE, AITH e) 15 flArr wLF,s AT MAN DOOR TO Ofifu46E, APJAcENT TO MAIN ENTRY DOOR APPROVED BYn{E ___ TOWNOFVATL DESIGN REVIEW BOARD oerc, s-1-O3 PLANNER: Q)C ARCHITEoTIJRAL SFFVICES ? .C. P.O. WX 3b5 EDV,IAR.DS, COLORAD O bI b32 F1d q26-1605 oo h/,OULTCN R.E3IDENCE LOT -15 VAIL VILLAGE Y\E5T, FILIN6 NO. 2 Nq3 A]ASTAPLACE TOAN OF VAIL, EA6LE @)N1-(, COLORADO I{ALO@ 71 Plastic Finish: P, PS Lamp: H7T-71 Drop Opal f,ft{lTE 60w A19 HTRT-71 60w A19 8" (203mm) TYPE _ C H7T-71 CIUANTITY (6) 5EE SITE PLAN FOR LOCATIONg RECESSED CAN LIOHT FIXTURE, I^IITH O OO T{ATT AIq BULB (I) ]N THE ROOF OVERHANo AF,OVE THE MAN DOOR AT DECK, (I) IN THE ROOF OVERHANG ABOVE THE STAIR TO DECK, (2) AT THE ROOF ABrOVE ENTRY hLALKhLAY AND (2) B,ELOIA DECK ANP ABOVE PATIO DOORS ON THE I^IE5T SIDE OF THE HOU5E AR6HITE6TT'<AL ffi\A^ffi P.C. P.O. BOX 3b5 EDAARD5, COLORADO b1632 g1d q2b-1bo5 APPROI/ED BYT}IE DEsJflHEvoA,VtS^;" AmcmrrnC'rr"LrRAl Sianvlcns, lF. C " 210 Ddwards Village Blvd. . C-2A2. P.O. Box 385 Edrvards, Colorado 81632 Phone: 97 0.926.7605 . Fax: 97 0.926.7 610 July 9, 2003 Mr. Warren CamPbell Town of Vail Dept. of CommunitY DeveloPment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Moulton Residence, located at 1793 Shasta Place lLot 15 Vail Village west Filing 2 Building Permit Package Dear Mr. CamPbell: The Contractor for the above referenced project has submitted the required plans and application, for Building permit. In accordance with the Design Review Board Approval (see copy of attached Action Form) and our telephone conversation, wE have attached an additional copy of the revised Building Elevations anO Siie Plan, which reflect the removal of the clipped hip roofs' As you review the revised Building Elevations, you will also notice several minor adjustments to windows' which were required as vie developeO itre Design Drawings into Construction Documents' We have also attached the lefter from Fred Hasley with the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District to you, concerning approval of the encroachment into the sewer easement' Please call if you have any questions or need additional information. : Jon and Judy Moulton Jeff and Sharon Moulton - Eecle Rruen -7 Waren & Sanmnoru DrsrRrcr -'-r 446 Forest Road . Vail, Co orado 81657 (97O) 476-7480. FAX (970) 476-4089 June 26, 2003 Mr. Wa:ren Campbell Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Subject: Lot 15 Vail Village West, Filing 2 (1793 Shasta Place) DearMr. Campbell: The District has been asked by Danny Swertfeger of Architectural Services to inform you that the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District will allow work to occur in the described sewer easement. At this time, both the owner, Mr. Jonathan Moulton, and the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District have signed an Encroachment Agreement. This document will be recorded with the county in the next day or so. It is our opinion that all issues with regard to the encroachment by Mr. Moulton into the District's sanitary sewer easement have been resolved. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Sincerely, \r"nl. ). \l'".il*- Fred S. Haslee Regulations Administrator Cc Danny Swertfeger Project File FSlVmem F:\l 5WSD\8REGS\LettersUm3\Lotl 5VVill.doc WATEF, WASTEWATcR, OpeRnlots & MeuecEvenr SERvrcEs N ARcmrrtrcr"lrLrRAu Snnvlcps" tr" C " 210 Edwards \rilla8e Blvd. . Q-2O2. P.O. Box 385 Edwards. Colorado ll1632 Phone: 970.926.7605 . Fax: 97O.926.7670 May 2,2003 Mr. Wanen Campbell Town of Vail Dept. of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Moulton Residence, located at 1793 Shasta Place / Lot 15 VailVillage West Filing 2 Response to Planning Department Comments, Dated 4-25-03 Dear Mr. Campbell: The attached revised Site Plan and following information is in response to your comments Dated: 4-25-03. 1. lmprovement Location Gertificate: We have added notes 5 and 6 on the aftached Revised Site Plan, which address this issue. 2. Light Fixtures: a. As displayed on the attached Revised Site Plan, we have deleted (1) of the (2) recessed can fixtures in the roof overhang at the South side of the West end of the house. Refer to the Building footprint and EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURE KEY.b. The following is the Luminance information for each fixture.c. Refer to attached lamp and lens information which we used in our calculations.,' 1"Hf#i6;i:*llr:ly .,"", bent rip,ame @ 310 Lumens per ramp x 3 = 930 Total Lumens Lamp dimensions = 4-114" H. x 1 114" W. = 5.3 sq. inches of luminous area per lamp x 3 = 15.9 sq. inches of Total luminous area : iffilff:#s::J:i"lHlJ': e1o =584 Lurrutous area 1t9 sq. inches a Mr. Wanen Campbell Town of Vail Moulton Residence 1793 Shasta Place / Lot 15 VailVillage West Filing 2 Response to Planning Department Comments, Dated 4-25-03 May 2, 2003 Page - 2 2. Fixture Type - A- Enclosure - is clear glass- *T#f:?.iijtJ!lax.) clear bent tip flame @ 310 Lumens per lamp x 2 - Lamp dimensions = 4-114" H. x 1 114'W. = 5.3 sq. inches of luminous area per lamp x 2 = 10.6 sq. inches of Total luminous area- Luminance must be less than 125- Luminance = Source Lumens = 620 = 58.5 Lulrrnous area if-s sq. incnes 3. Filture Type - C- Lens - is frosted glass- Lamp - (1) soft white 60 watt A19 bulb @ 550 Lumens- Luminous Area - a. At face of round lens = n R squared = nx2.56" = 20.6 sg. inches. b. At edge round lens 1" tall projection from trim = 2 nR = 2x n x 2.56' = 16.1 inches x 1" = 16.1 sq. inches- Luminance must be less than 125- Luminance - At face of lens = Source Lumens = 550 =26.7 Lumi"ous'drea 20.6 sq. inches - Luminance - At edge of lens = Sourcelumens- = 551|- = 34.2 Luminous area 16.1sq. inches 3. Engineered Boulder Retaining Walls: This will be included on the structural drawings, which will be a part of the package submitted to the Building Department for Permit. 4. Sewer Eaeement Encroachment Agreement We made contact with Fred Haslee several weeks ago and obtained an Encroachment Agreement from him, which we have forwarded to the Owners. They intend to start implementation of this Agreement after Design Review Approval has been obtained. On 4-28-03 we discussed this with Leonard Sandovalwho agreed with this process. 5. Revocable Right-of Way Permit Will be included with the Building Permit Application. 6. Garage Drain: As displayed on the attached Revised Site Plan the pipe for the Garage drains is day lighted in the drainage swale on the North side of the house. Mr. Wanen Campbell Town of Vail Moulton Residence 1793 Shasta Place / Lot 15 Vail Village West Filing 2 Response to Planning Department Comments, Dated 4-25-03 May 2, 2003 Page - 2 7. Driveway Slope At Edge Of Road: As displayed on the attached Revised Site Plan, we have revised the grading to satisfy the required slope at the road. Please call if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Copy to: Jon and Judy Moulton Jeff and Sharon Moulton a IN *.m*Wro* " " "-";4t"r'i"i"" :"'r.*;**;+". , \ # Er'-?g #\.t # BENT TIP FrxTURe5 - -Aa " =rtt o CANDLE Watts Bulb Base Product Order Code Pkg VolL! l,umens Llfe (HRS) MOf Code Clea. r5 rc Cand OOO36/E\2 r 5W TeaftlmD/Clear/El2 25 20-r30 70 5000 3 3/4 rc Cand 0OO37/E 2 25W Teardrop/Clear/Elz 25 20-130 170 5000 3 3/4 40 TC Cand OOO47/E|Z 4OW TeaFJrcD/Clea./El2 25 20 t30 3lo 5000 3 3/4 60 IC Cand OOO72/E\2 6OW TeardroD/Clear,Elz 25 20-130 530 5000 3 3/4 [rcsted 15 TC Cand OOO3O/EI2 lsw Teardrop/Frost/Elz 25 r2O 30 65 5000 3 3/4 25 TC Cand OOO3I/EI2 25W Teardrop/Frost/Elz 25 20,130 160 5000 3 3/4 40 TC Cand OOO4t/Erz 4ow Teardrop/Frost/Er2 25 l2O r3O 3OO 5OOO 3 3/4 60 Cand OOO52/1,12 6ow TeardroD/Frost/Er 2 25 20 30 5lo 5000 3 3/4 JS 15 rc Cand OOO34/E 12 lsw Tea.dnoo/White/Er2 25 tzo t3O 60 5OOO 3 3/4 25 rc Cand 0OO35/E\2 2 5W Teardroo^Vhlte/E 12 25 l2O-l3O l3O 5OOO 3 3/4 40 TC Cand OOO45/E\2 4OW TeardroD/White/Erz 25 l2O-l3O 260 5OOO 33/4 60 rc cand ooo62/Er2 6ow TeardroD/White/Er2 25 l2O-r3O 45O 5OOO 33/4" Clear l5 TC Med OOO36/E26 l5W reardtDD./Ctear/826 25 l?O 30 70 5000 3 3/4" ZS fC Med OOO37 /E26 25W Teardroo/Clear/Ezo 25 l2O-30 r70 5000 3 3/4" 40 TC Med OOO47 /E6 4ow reardrco/Clear/826 25 l2O.r3O 3rO 5OOO 3 3/4" 60 Med 00072/826 60W leardroo/Clearlf,zo 25 l2O-30 sso 5000 3 3/4' Frosted TC Med 00030/826 l5WTeadrop/Frost/E26 25 20-30 65 5000 3 3/4 25 rc Med 0003I/826 25W Teardropnros.n2o 25 20-30 160 5000 3 3/4" 40 rc Med rX)O4l /826 4OW Teardrop/Frost/Ez6 25 20 30 300 5000 3 3/4 60 TC Med OOO52/E26 60wTeardrop/Frost/826 25 20 30 5t0 5000 3 3/4 15 TC Me<l OOO34/E26 lsw Teardrop/White/Ezo 25 \2O l3O 60 5OOO 3 3/4 25 rc Med 00035/826 25W T€ardrop/White/f,26 25 20,130 130 5000 3 3/4" 40 TC Med 00045/[26 4OW Teardrop/White/f,z6 25 20 30 260 5000 3 3/4" 60 tc M€d OOO62/E26 6OW Teardrop/While/826 25 20-130 450 5000 3 3/4" Watas Bulb Base Product Order Code Pka Volts Lumens tlfe (HRS) MOf Code Clear 15 FC Cand Oor54/El2 lsw B€nt tiplclear/Elz 25 r2O.t3O 70 5OOO 3 3/4 25 FC Cand OOlSl/Elz 25W Bent tlplclear/f,I2 25 I2O-30 170 5000 3 3/4 40 FC Cand oors3/Erz 4OW Benr ri,p/Clear/Erz 25 r2O 30 3lo 5000 3 3,,4 60 fC Cand U)152/81.2 6OW aF-nr tlp/Cleat/El2 25 20.30 530 5000 3 3,/4 Erosted 15 FC Cand OO156/[12 lsw B€nr rio/Frosr/El2 25 L?O-I3O 65 5OOO 3 3,'4 25 rC Cand OOI57/AL2 25W Bent tiDlFrost/Elz 25 r2O.30 160 5000 3 3/4 40 FC Cand OOL'A/E|2 4OW B€nt tio,/Frost/El2 25 I2O.30 300 5000 3 3/4 60 FC Cand 0O159/Et2 6OW Benr tiDlFrost/Xlz 25 l2O 30 570 5000 3 3/4 Clear 15 FC Med 00154/826 l5W Bent riplc1ear./E26 25 r2O.30 70 5000 3 3/4 25 FC M€d OOlSl/E26 25W k rlo/clear/826 25 l2O-30 170 5000 3 3/4 40 FC Med OOI53/E26 4O\N Be^r tto/Cear/826 25 r2o 30 310 5000 3 3/4 60 FC Med OO|52/E26 6OW Benr tlplclearlE2o 25 r2O.30 530 5000 3 3/4 Frosted 15 fC Med OOI56/E26 l5W Benr tiDlFrosr/E26 25 I2O l3O 65 5OOO 3 3/4 25 FC Med 00157/826 25w Benr tlD,/Frost/826 25 12O-l3O 160 5OOO 3 3/4" 40 FC Med OOI58/E26 /lOW Bent tio./Frost/E26 25 t?O.30 300 5000 3 3/4- 60 FC Med OOr59/E26 6OW Bent tiD,/Frost/826 25 l2O-30 5lo 5000 3 3/4" GENERAT SERVICE LAMP FtXruR€ - Watts Lamp Bage Product Order Code Volts Pkg tumens ltf6 O(RS) MOL Code Clear ?5 Al9 M€d u)5r7/826 25A19/Clear 20.30 oo ?ro looo 4 40 Al9 Med @527 /826 4oAlg/Clear 20-130 00 390 looo 4 60 419 Med 00537 /826 6oAl9/Clear 20-30 00 660 looo 4 75 Al9 Med OO547 /826 75A19/Cle€r 20-30 00 870 looo 4 IOO Al9 Med OO557 /826 looArg/Clear 20-30 oo 1250 t000 4 l5O A2l Med 00567 /E26 lsoAzr/Clear zo-30 50 2000 looo 5" 2OO 423 Med N577/E26 zOOAZ3lCiear l2O'130 50 28OO IOOO 5 Frosaed 25 Al9 Med OOSIL/E26 25A19/Frost l2O-l3O lO0 2OO ooo 4 40 Al9 M€d oo5?l/826 4oAlg/Frost tzo-r3o oo 3ao ooo 60 Al9 Med OOS3I/E26 6oAl9/Frost l2O t3O IOO 640 ooo 4 75 Al9 Med oo54 /EZE 75419/Fros. 12O'l3O oo 840 ooo l0o Al9 Med OO55l/E26 IOOArg./Frost 120-l30 oo t200 ooo fso A2r Med 0056 /826 l5oA2l/Frost l2O-l3O 50 l9{O ooo 5" 2OO 423 Med U)57 | /826 2O0A23,/F.ost r2O l3O 50 27OO ooo Soft whlte 25 Al9 Med ooSrs/Ez, 25A19/whrte lzo-l3o too t7s rooo 4 40 Al9 Med oos2s/Ez6 4oAlg/whlre rzo,30 100 330 tooo 4' 60 A19 Med 00535/826 60A19/Whire 120-130 tOO 550 rOOO 4 Al9 Med OO545/E26 75419/Whlte lzG 30 loo 750 1000 4 loo Al9 Med OO555/EZG lOOAlg/Whlre l20 30 IOO l IOO IOOO 4 GENERAT SERVICE IAMP - 5OOO HOUR Watts Lamp Bas€ Product Order Code Votts Pka hmens Ufe (HRS) MOL Code Clear 40 Al9 Med 5271L/E26 4OAlg/Clear/sH 20.130 loo 370 5000 4' eo 419 Med 537t/EZ6 60A1g/Clear/sH 20-130 loo 530 50tn 4" 75 Al9 Med 547tL/E26 7sAlg/Clear/sH 20-130 roo aoo 5000 4" roo Al9 Med 557U/826 looAl9/Clear/5H 20-130 r00 rt25 5000 4" Frosted 40 Al9 Med 52tLLl826 4oArg/Frosred/sH 20-130 loo 300 5000 60 Ar9 Med 53rll"/826 60Atg,/fmsted/sH 20-30 t00 5lo 5000 75 AI9 Med 54tltL/E26 75A19/trost€ct/5H 20 130 r00 7ao 5000 4" 1OO Al9 Med 55rU/826 I OOA lg/frosred/sH 20-30 too r loo 5000 4 trrxrupf -"C' ll7'Family Trims 70Gl.r! Albr llto L.r. Lamps: A lamp* ToFAlbalite Lens, White Trim Ring 7oPS=A|balits Lens, White Trim Ring Gasketed for u6e as Shower Light O.D = 8' 1293..1 U3ed ln: H7T, HTRT HTUICT, HTUICAT H27T. H27RT 170Gl!rr Alb.lltc Lcnr wllh natl!ctor Cone - 3ock.i Supportlng Lamps: A lampl l7oP=Albalite Lens with Whits Trim Ring l7oPs=Albalite Lens with White Trim Ring Gasketed for us6 as Shower Light O.D = 8" (203mml U.ad ln: H7ICT, HTICAT, HTBICT, HTRICAT HTICTNB, HTICATNB HTUICT, HTUICAT H27T. H27RT 71 Drop Op!l Lamps: A lamp* 7lP=Dlep Qp6; Dittuser with White Trim Ring 7lPS=Drop Opal Diffuser with White Trim Ring Gasketod for use as Shower Light O.D = 8" (203mml U3€d In: H7T, HTRT HTUICT, HTUICAT H27r. H27Rr 171 Drop Op.l wlth R.ll.cior Cona - Socket Supportlng Lamps: A lamp* 171P=ppp Qp61 Diffussr with White Trim Fing 171PS=Drop Opal Diffuser with White Trim Ring Gasketed for use as Shower Light O.D = e" 1293..1 U3od ln: H7ICT, HTICAT, HTRICT, HTRICAT HTICTNB, HTICATNB HTUICT, HTUICAT H27T, H27RT 73 Frerncl Lant Lamps: A Lamp* 73P=Fresnol Lens with White Trim Ring 73Ps=Fresnel L6ns with White Trim Ring Gasketod for use as Shower Light O.D = 8" 1263..1 Usod ln: H7T, HTBT HTUICT, HTUICAT H27r, H27Br CATALOGI: H7T.70 60W419 t'0 Luh.flt . Wo.t Plan€ b 2 1/2 ll abovs fl@r . tle d cid€ i. 504 of m3x foorc$dl.! *s.rt u.dor fidu|E HT|CT-170 40W A19 a96 Lumon! ToBl No. H35150 . Wdt Pl*r. | 2 '12 fr bbolr€ ioo. . Oi5 of cicl. ir 50* of mer 'dcanda! dlr.clt rrdfi ndur€ . Wort Plrn€ la 2 1/2 fr Bbov6 0oo. . Dla ot dds b 50% ol rnsr krotcandl€r dlrlctv undsr fxturs . Lsmp in i&r (bwn pcilion HICI 171 aow A19 a95 Lum.n. Tesl No. H35151 . Wo.l Pl€tr€ il2 12ll abovs fioor . Di8 of cirdo ir 50% of max todcandld cllEc{y o|rder fxtur€ H7T.73 60WAlg tto Lum.n! . Wdk Planc i! 2 l/2 i above noor . Oie of cirdo i! 50% ot mar hotcrndl€s dirgclt undsr l"irlurc . Lrmo 11?'frcm lonr HALO" LENS AND DIFFUSERS 7O Glass Albalite 17O Glass Albalite 7l Drop Lens Opal O,* 7gra€ -rt6tl ,o*o,!Till''"n, Lu:Jf;, l 171 Drop Opal Lens 73 Glass Fresnel lens * Lamp Wattage and typo vary with Housings. Refer to individual housing sheets for spocific wattags ratings COOPER LIGHTll{G ADV023.|16 (Sups.cedes ADVO0031 4) L''lJfr, J Status: I Apprcved Cor,rtnrtrtry DEVELopMENT nouric Fonnrr Z npproved with conditions fi Denied Routed To:Leonard Sandoval, PW Mike McGee VFD Date Routed:4t16tO3 Routed By:Planner Waren Date Due:4t23t03 Description of work:Construction of a new sinqle-family house. Address:'1793 Shasta Place Legal:Lot 115 Block:Subdivision: I VailVillase West Filing No. 2 Comments:Date Reviewed: 5-16-03 Need additional review bv Fire Deoartment. Provide Stamped approved engineered drawing for boulder retaining wall from a license PE. When applying for the buildinq permit. Approval from Eagle RiverWater and Sanitation District is required in orderto allow deck within the sewer easement. Written approval is required to be submitted to TOV. Contact person at ERWS is Fred Haslee at 476-7480. No as off 5-1&03 per Fred Haslee. A Revocable Right of way Permit is required at the buildino oermit staoe. Department of Commtmity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.tn April 25,2003 Architectural Services, P.C. c/o Danny Swertfeger 210 Edwards Village Blvd. Q-202 Edwards, CO 81632 Re: Moulton Residence Comments, located at'1793 Shasta Place/Lot 15, Vail Village West Filing 2 Mr. Swertfeger, This letter is being sent to inform you of several comments and questions the community Development Department staff have regarding your submittal for the Moulton Residence located at 1793 shasta Place. The follow comments should be addressed in the materials submitted for your final review. . lmprovement Location Certificates will be required for this project for both the foundation and framing. The proposed house is on the several of the setbacks as designed and the height is close to the allowed 33 foot maximum.o The proposed plan shows 12 exterior light fixtures. The requirement is one exterior light per every 1,000 square feet of lot area. This lot is 11,600 square feet in area permitting a maximum of 11 exterior light fixtures. In addition, please provide sutficient information to verify the proposed light fixlures meet the lighting requirement. Attached to this letter you will find the requirements for exterior lighting. Public Works Comments: A stamped approved engineered drawing for the bolder retaining wall will need to be submitted when applying for a building permit. Approval from the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District is required in order to allow the within the sewer easement. An encroachment agreement needs to be submitted to the Town of Vail verilying that the deck can be in the easement. Please contact Fred Haslee at 476-7480. {g*,,o o . A Revocable Right-of-Way Permit is required for all improvements in the right-of-way when applying for a building permit.. Show the location of where the proposed garage drain will day light on the site plan.. The first 10 feet of driveway must be at 8% grade or less. The proposal is shown at 9%. Readjust grade to meet the requirement. Please review these comments and il you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 479-2148 or Leonard Sandoval with the Public Works Department at 479-2198. In order to remain on the May 7,2003 please submit revised plans addressing these concerns and questions no later than Monday May 5, 2002 at 10:00 a.m. Warren Campbell Planner ll Cc:File With regards, Town of Vail Development Standards Handbook t. ) .|J. I I I I I I I I t I I I I I E.Duplex and Primary/Secondary Development: The purpose of this Section is to ensure that duplex and primary/secondary development be designed in a manner that creates an architecturally integrated structure with unified site development. Dwelling units and garages shall be designed withiu a single structure, except as set forth in subsection 2 below, with the use ofunified architectural and landscape design. A single structure shall have common roofs and building walls that create enclosed space substantially above grade. Unified architectural and landscape desigo shall include, but not be limited to, the use of compatible building materials, architectural style, scale, roof forms, massing, architechual details, site grading and laudscape materials and features. The presence of significant site constaints rniay permit the physical separation of rmits and garages on a site. The determination of whether or not a lot has significant site constraints shall be made by the Design Review Board. Significant site consfraints shall be defined as natural features of a lot such as stands of rnahue rees, natural drainages, stream courses and other nailral water features, rock outcroppings, wetlands, other nanrral features, and existing structures that may create practical difficulties in the site planning and development of a lot. Slope may be considered a physical site consuaint that allows for the separation of a garage from a unit. [t shall be the applicant's responsibility to request a determination from the Design Review Board as to whether or not a site has significant site constraints before final design work on the project is presented. This determination shall be made at a concephtal review of the proposal based on review of the site, a deailed survey of the lot and a preliminary site plan of the proposed structure(s). The duplex and primary/secondary development may be designed to accommodate the development of dwelling units and garages in more than one structure if the Design Review Board determines that significant site constraints exist on the lot. The use of unified architectural and landscape design as outtined herein shall be required for the development. In addition, the Design Review Board may require that one or more of the following corrunon design elements such as fences, walls, patios, decks, retaining walls, walkways, landscape elements, or other architectural features be incorporated to create unified site development. Outdoor Lighting: Purpose: This subsection of the design guidelines establishes standards for minimizing the unintended and undesirable side effects of outdoor lighting while encouraging the intended and desirable safety and aesthetic purposes of outdoor lighting. It is the purpose of the design review guidelines to allow illumination which provides the minimum amount of tighting which is needed for the property on which the tight sources are located. In addition, the purpose of this subsection is to protect the fF. l.I I I I 28 3. tegitimate privacy of neighboring residents by controlling the intensity of the tight source. Approval Required: Al[ outdoor lighting within the Town limits shall conform to the standards set fortb below. For the purposes of this subsection, residentially zoned properties shail be defined as those in Hillside Residential, Single-Family, Two-Family, Primary/Secondary, Residential Cluster, Low Density Multi-Family and Medium Density Mutti-Family Zone District, as well as all special development districts which have any of the above referenced zone disticts as the underlying zoning. Al[ other zone districts shatl be considered, for the puposes of this subsection, as being commercial zoned. Luminance: Light sources located on all property in the Town which are not fully cutoff shall exhibit a ratio of source [umens to luminous area not exceeding 125. For example: source lumens < 125. luminous area Light source: A single artificial point source of luminescence that ernits measurable radiant euergy in or near the visible spectrum. Outdoor lighting: Any light source, or collection of light sources, located outside a building, including, but not limited to, light sources attached to any part of a structure, located on the surface ofthe ground, or located on free-standing poles. Source lumens: Toal initial lamp lumens of the light source. Luminous area: The maximum tight emining area of a light source, measured in square inches. The maximum light emitting area is the area of translucent materiat which encases a light source. In the case of a clear glass covering, the luminous area is the area of fte tight source, Examples of luminous area are shown below in figure l: Full cutoff: A light -source in which no more than two and five-tenths percent (2.5%) of its total output is emined above ninety degrees (90') as measured from nadir as shown in below in figure 2: I I t I ,t I t I t t I I I I t t 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. t I t29 9. 10. I t. I I I I I I I i: I T I I I I I I t I I In Figure l: Wlr-4$- Figure 2: Isra cd Com:f to|ellroa trhcosollt lnhDur ct! . (8NlO ) = 00 sq nr SpotLl€! nrdin ' 2" rn*1orn {r| r (3.U1{1"). 12d sqtn {I l9a" Fl' ?tr* T€mm ad CauiEy Clra ObJt bitrdlJ m.: ( Ig.8lx({.41: lo.U Jq !r nD. SttL loirotr, cr . (lr{l = | lq ir Frequency: For lots in residential zone districts, the maximum number of light sources per lot shall be limited to one light soluce per one thousand square feet of lot are4 except as provided for below. The location of said tights shall be left open to the discretion of the property owner, so long as the lights are in compliance with the Town of vail's Municipal code. Light sources which are no more than eighteen inches above grade, as measured from the top of tbe fixture to the finish grade below, and are either fu[-cutoff fixtures, as defined in section l 8.04, 137, or have a maximum source lumens of 400 (equivalent to a 40 wan light bulb), may be allowed in addition to the total number of permitted outdoor light sources. The number, location, and style of such light sources are subject to Design Review. Height Limirs For Light Fixtures: a. For all light sources located in commercial zone districts, the maximum mounting height for light sources on a pole shall not exceed thirty five feet (35'). The maximum mounting height for light sources affixed to vegetation shall not exceed eight feet (8'). b. For all light sources located in residential zone districts, the maximum mounting height for light sources on a pole or on vegetation shall not exceed eight feet (8'). Light Sources Aflixed To Structures: For all properties within the Town, light sources may be affixed to any walt of a structure. Light sources shall not be aftixed to the top of a roof of a structure. Cutoff Shietds:t2. 30 Alt light sources located in commercial zone districts which exceed fifteen fcet (15') in height shalt exhibit a tutl cutoff shield. Flashing, Revolving Lights: Lights which flash, move, revolve, rotate, scintillate, blink, flicker' vary in intensity or color, or use intermittent electrical pulsation are prohibited. Exemptions: The standards ofthis subsection shall not apply to: a. Christmas tree lights which are of a temporary nature located in residential zone districts, as listed herein, and which are illuminated only between November I and April 15 of each year. b. Christmas tree lights which are temporary in nature and are located in zone districts other than those residential districts listed herein. c. Sign illumination, as set forth in Title I I of the Municipal Code. d. Municipal lighting instalted for the benefit of public health, safety and welfare. e. Outdoor light sources as set forth in Section 18.54.05012, which are within eighteen inches or less of finish grade and are either full cut-off fixtures or have a maximumsource lumens of 400. 15. Nonconformities: As of the effective date of this subsection, all outdoor lighting that does not conform to every requirement of this subsection shall be legal nonconforming outdoor lighting. Legal nonconforming outdoor lighting shall not be moved in any direction, nor shall there be any change in use or light type, or any replacement or structural alteration rnade to the nonconforming outdoor lighting, without the outdoor tighting conforming to all appticable requirements of Title 12. 16. Penalty: The pinatty for violating this subsection shall be as provided in Section l-4-l of the Municipal Code. Each day of violation shall constitute a seParate offense for the purpose ofcalculating the penalty. G. Landscaping, Drainage, and Erosion Control: l. Various natural vegetation zones exist within the Gore Valley as a result of the form and aspects of the tand itself. The north facing slopes within tbe valley are typically heavily wooded with spruce, pine and aspen_and generally receiv-e less direct suntight than the drier south facing slopes which typically consist o-f :F:' aspen and o-ther vegetation tolerant of drier conditions. The valley floor which is 13. 14. I iT I 1 1 I I I I I T I I I I I I I I3l uou LOT -15 oo LTCN1 R.ESIDENCE VAIL VILLAoE l^E3T, FILINo NO. 2 Nq3 9,IA9TAPLr'.CE TOhIN OF VAIL, EA61LE COLNTY, @LOR}OO TYPE - A AUANTITY (I) aEE sITE PLAN FOR LOCATION NALL MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURE, I^{ITH (3) 15 T{ATT F,ULBIS AT MAN DOOR TO .cA7,,46E, ADJACENT TO MAIN ENTRY DOOR ARoHITEcTURAL frRVICES P C. P.O. BOX 3b5 EDI^IARD5, COLORADO 01632 F1d q26-1605 t uou a l-T ON FRE3I LOT -15 VAIL VILLAOE I^{E5T Nq3 +IF6TAF4-ACE o DENCE FILINo NO. 2 TOI^IN OF VAIL, EAOLE COINTY, COLORADO +...t61FI Y t/l- - HfrrLu AUANTITY (5) 3EE SITE PLAN FOR LOCATIONS I^IALL MOUNTED LIOHT FIXTURE, l^ff TH (2) 15 f'tATT E/ULF,S E) AT oARlioE. DOOR? AND (2) AT PATIO DOORS AT DE.-K ON THE I^{E5T ?IDE OF HOUSE AR6HITEC'I1tr?AL ffiIICffi ?.C. P.O. WX 3b5 EDIAARPS, COLORADO 01632 g1d q26-1605 ('O ITCN R.E3I VAIL VILLA6E I^IE5T, o DENCE FILINa NO. 2 ucu LOT -E I'Tq3 +IA5TA PLACE TOI"{N OF VAIL, EA.OLE C.OUf:{ff , OOLORADO !-IALO@ 71 Finish: Lamp: P la stic P, PS H7T-71 Drop Opal b${lTE 60w A19 HTRT-71 60wA19 8" (203mm) TYPE - C CUANTITY (6) 9EE SITE PLAN FOR LOoATION3 REC,ESSEP 6AN LIOHT FIXTURE, I^IITH (l) oo r.lATT Alq aJLB (I) IN THE ROOF OVERHANo ABOVE THE MAN DOOR Nf DECK, (I) IN THE ROOF OVERHANo ABOVE THE STAIR TO DECK, (2) AT THE ROOF ABOVE ENTRY I^.IALKT{AY AND E) eIELOYI DECK ANP ABOVE PAT]O DOORS ON THE hIEST SIDE OF THE HOUSE ARcHITEoTURAL 1ffi/ICffi P C. P.O. WX ?O5 ED|,.IARD5, COLORADO b1632 F1d q26-1bo5 co"rfir, DevelopuENr *outRn Fonna Rolted To:Leonard Sandoval, PW Mike McGee VFD Date Routed:4t16tO3 Routed By:Planner Wanen Date Due:4t23t03 Description of work: I Construction of a new sinole-familv house. Addrees:1793 Shasta Place Legal:Lot:15 Block:Subdivision:Vail Villaqe West Filins No. 2 Status: I Approved Z Approved with conditions 8 Denied Comments:Date Reviewed: 4-23-03 Fire lssues.Need additional review by Fire Provide Stamped approved engineered drawing for boulder retaining wallfrom a license PE. When aoolvino for the buildino oermit. First 10 ft of drivewav must be at 8% or less, as shown it's at 906. Approval from Eagle River Water and Sanitation District is reguired in order to allow deck within the sewer easement. Written approval is required to be submitted to TOV. Contact person at ERWS is Fred Haslee at476-7480 A Revocable Riqht of wav Permit is required at the or drain to on siteshow location of where drains will lsandoval o Moulton Residence Comments DRB Comments from Conceotual Review of June 5. 2002 meetino1. On the north elevation suggested a steeper pitch on the roof above the stair tower and either raise it or lower it.2. On the north elevation shift the window on the main level to align with the window above.3. On the west elevation requested that the sliding door be shifted to align with the window above (stack).4. On the south elevation requested that the top floor window be shifted to align with the window below.5. On all elevations requested that all material changes die at interior corners.6. On the south elevation requested that both windows above the porch match in terms of dimensions.7. On the south elevation requested that the shed roof over the porch stop short of the full length of the wall.8. On the east elevation requested that the shed roof over the porch be extended out to create a larger eave overhang.9. On the east elevation that the distance the top floor window over the porch be the same windows on the top floor of the south elevation. TO: FROM: DATE: SU&JECT: MEMORANDUM Plannlng and Environmential Commisslon Gommunlty Development Depanment August 24,1992 A request lor a slde soback variance in order b construc{ a nsw home 9n Lot 15, Vail Viilage West Fiting No.2, 1793 Shasta ptace. Appllcant: Joseph and peggy HepterPlanner: Tlm Devlin DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST Th.e applicant is requesting a side setback variance In order to construct a new prlmary unit on vacant Lot 15, Vait Viltage west Filing No. 2, 1793 shasta ptace. The applicant is also requesdng to construd a reitriaed secondary cfuvelling unit above thegarags lor employtia houstng of futt-Ume upper Eagle vafley 6mptoyeei. Ttre 1 t,6oo square foot lot ls zoned Primary/Secondary hesidentiat Oist-ria FfS). The applicant's specific request ls for a variance to allow 5.5 and 7.0 toot encroachments lnto the requked ls loot side seback on the soutr edge of theproperty, to accommodate two comers ot the bullding footprtnt. The aieas of tre lriangular 5.5 and 7.0 toot encroachmenb are approximat6ty 42.3 sq. lt. and 65.3 sq.ft. respectively (please sEe attached site ptan). Ttre approximate dir;ensions of tregarage are 20 feet wlde (lnslde dimension) by 24 feet long. The lot is somewhat unique_in that it ts fie-shaped. and has a retaltvely short (gg ft.)property_line along shasta ptace. Atthough the appticant ts proposing t6 pace ine house 58 to 74 feet from the street, the vlriance is requested 6 accommboate theproposed bullding and to provlde 24 feet of backyard space between the house and the willows on the edge of Gore creek. The lotson oottr sioes ot tho applicant's lot are vacant, and all but one ol fte other houses on Shasta place are teiC fran 30 feet from the street. tL iZONING ANALYSIS The lollowlng tabls summarizes the apflicanfs request: GRFA Site Goverage Setbacks: Front Side (north) Slde (south) Rear (Gore Creek) Parking Allowable 3325 sq. tt. 2V/o 20 feet 15 teet 15 feet 50 teet Prooosed 3,325 sq. ft. 15.6elo 25 fEet l5leet 8€5 betr 62 feet il1. 4 spaces requlred 4 spaces proposed VARIANCE CRITERIA AND FINDINGS upon review of criteria and Findings, section 19.6a.060 of the vall Munlclpal code, the Department of community Developmsnt recommends approval of the iequested variance based upon the follorlng factors: A. Consideration of Factors 1. The elailonshtp of the Equested varlance on other exlsung orpotenuat uses and structures ln the ylclnlty. staff recognizes hat the strucrure has been designed to minimlze impacts on adjacent properties by limiting the encroachments Into the side setback to two areas. we feel these encfoachments could be reduced lurher by shlltlng the house 4 feet west towads the creelc Neither the proposed archltecturaldesign, nor the side seback encroachment shall impede views of adjacent properties. The location of the house wlll be compatible with the nelghborhood. We betieve that the dimensions of he garage harre been kept to a minlmum In order to decrease the encroachment The rots on botr sides ol he applicant's lot are vacant. There ls no existing use of the setback area and therE are no utilities located on the sidE of the lot that tre rarlancs ls being requested tor. 2. The degree to whtch reltef from the strlct and ilteral IntenEtailon and enforcemen! o-l a speclflc regulaflon ls necessary In brcter to achleve clmpailblllty and unlformlty of treatment ambng slte3 In the vlclnlty or to attaln the obfec'ilve8 0f thts ilue wtthoul grant ot speclal prlvllege. Feqrirca variancs. -2- t The stalf reoognizes that the nanow ple'shape of ths lot doEs corstltutel a physical hardshlp and he sbuc{urs must be placed to the rear of the lot wlth llmlted space belween the house and Gore Creeh as well as thE wlllours present along lhe Creek No UEes willbe removed to accommodate he new structurs. we bolieve the appticant should adjust the locatlon of the proposed house to mlnlmbe he skle setback gncroachment and b provide adequate space at the rear of lhe prope@ between the house and tre wlllows/Gore Creek by movlng he structure 4 fo€t b thE west Thls wlll dEcreasE the amount of the slde s€bad( encroachments to approxlmately 3.75 feet and 5 fest, or 18 rq. ft and 37 eq. lt resp€cthreit Aso, hE will requlre the dislance from the house to fte street lo Increase to between 62 and 78 feet, and he distance from the house to the centerllne of Gore Creek will be approxlmately 58 feel Statf feels hat thls locaUon will mlnlmtse the lrnpac{ of the vatlgnce on sunounding properlies, yet remaln fa'r enoqh auny frort Gore Creek and the wlllows as to not adversely affect elther. 3. The etfect of the varlance on tlgh! elr, populauon, tramportrtlon, tEfflc, utllltles, and publlc aaFty. Thg staft feels that none of he above are adversely attected by tho applicant's request for a slde setback variance. 4. Compllanc-e wlth Vall'g Comprehenslye Plan. The proposed deslgn provldes for off-street and covercd parldng, and lhe request lo provide an employee houslng unll ls conslsbnt wlth Vail's Comprehensfue Plan. B. The Plannlno and Envlronmental Commission shall make thE lollordno frndlnos before orantino a variance: 1. That the grantlng of the vadance will not constitute a grant ol special privilege Inconslstent wifi the limitations on other properties classiffsd in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be dEtrimental to the public heatth, satety or welfare, or materlally lnjurlous lo propedEs or lmprovaments In the vlcinlty. 3. That the varlance ls wananted for one or mor6 ol he bllowlng ngasons: a The sfict literal Interpretallon or enforcsment of the spedfied regulation would result in prac-llcal difficulty or unneosssary physlcal hardship Inconsistent wih the objec'lives of this tUe. b. There are exceptions or sxtraordinary clrctmstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the varlance that do not Iapply generally to other propedles In the same zonE. c. The strld Interpretation or enforcement of hs spedfied regulation would deprlve the appllcant of privlleges enJoyed by the ownerc of othEr propedies ln the same distrlc.t. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Based on ths criteria discussed above, the staft recommsnG approval of tha request lor the side setback variance, with lhe lolloring conditions: 1. That tho strrrclure be shifted approximately 4 feot to fie west ol where he applicant has proposed to locate lt 2. Staff recommends that a speclfic condiUon ol approval bo $at the wlllows are adequalely protected during construction of the home and should remaln as an Integral pan of lhe site. 3. All existing trses on the sita should remain as a condition of approval. X The proposed driveway shall not exceed 8% In grade. 5. One 6-8 ft. spruce and two to three 2'caliper aspens shall be phnted d each area of encroachment. The variance is not a grant ot special privilege and does not lmpact adiacent propeilies In a negative manner. The staff feels thal there are extraordinary drclrmstances or conditions (specifically, tre nanow pie-shape of the lot) that affect this slte that do not generally apply to other properties in the same district. The staff lEels that the proposed employee housing unit (approximately 478 sq. ft.) is a positive aspect of the project. The enclosed and off-street parking ls also posilive and wlll not advsrsgly affect the appearanoe of the neighborhood. -+ L? $s A. $\s N- i {,/',1 t *4yt ! (.) sGI {! =.\{qR.uqoZF\ll rU tJ1 tsu, qg $\^ S\! rn -SEE q, I VZr/) U E- H: ,@ fl I-l I 5/ \ I fI K+ EI t, I I\.-{I I ;1 -- .l tl.t l. I --"t--- I !P |vlo(bl r.b/A wtt* r€obdDrlrrb haffittlEtlo b r.raa D.d.EftALindalCedarHomesdsrlbo$ttsbr Cado lgir' N $ $t \ fq Ea Srb.fre^ 71e-ALindal trca!l@*5mb hrbr wW.!-d rlaffib rldrfobarradbgds9rd.ci,uhrdrhcfrr, bh (llorrdtqnlhd C.do IErf' Ocllr'lr.*fro(bl Na/A, v,tfiL tooa t ll€ '€C lau/2 '( ,'.i,.u,, ,,,') ar'rt/:- t " /?-/J-/r' r chz'-'6.r,L f 6't ,/H.-.---.----/- /a/ un;L t INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW Ketww DATE SUBMITTED:IqML DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING Date: Date: (roa., ftu DvttN BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: il*' f*rntc PUBLIC !{ORKS t ,4 ll // RevLewed 6y2 (AfP4 t'ta'|.( Date: .l ,l Reviewed nyz CtNLd , Date: Commentsl r + t / r-l | / t 6) StttlJ l,*-'- T/L /zVotl h 6^*<J< " ...? U POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: RECRTATION DEPARTMENT Revlewed by: Comrnents: connents' ) ,tl.l-' efuilz--. 4 2 '-# A cArt_ Jnu"*u1 ;ff 4 -ry gr-L ,U&ornn o,*,_7 f,L__ h:,1 ErEE-g.EpARrMENr. w e*) i."*'--t- (' / (-e-<-> t v ,l r€vrsqq tt.rt tL - , ' '(tt/? ''' tf^NIl'---rlYl'/ I. IPPLICATION This procedure is requiredvariance. The applj.cationinformation is submitted. rOR A \TARIA}TCE for any project requesting awill not be accepted unt.il all - A. NA},IE OF APPLICANT ADDRESS PHONE_]3l:#d_ B.NAI.{E OF APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATM PHONE OWNER(S) (type r print SIGNATURE (S .'6., - HoNE ,lJl--Uf?- LOCATION OF BLOCK PROPOSAL: I,EGAL DESCRIPTION: LOTjlla -tnme /Art l,ttarrt ila'zt ADDRSSS NAI\48 OF owNER (S) ADDRESS f c-t !<- /'D . ADDRESS E. FEE S25O . OO PAID cK #-BY THE FEE !!qg! BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. "'F. A list of the nanes of owners of alt property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS' and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. JI . A pre-application conference with a planning staff rnember is stiongly suggested to determine if any additional informalion-is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is conplete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It is the applicant's responsibi.:.i.ty to.make an appointment with the staf f to find out about additional submittal reguirements. III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPI,EIIE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE AppROvAL PROCESS FOR tOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AI'ID ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: -A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REOUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing -or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. z' Iilll'::.::"::i:1,ff'::l *t}ml':;."o.specified regulation is necessary to achievecompatibility and unifornity of Lreatment. amongsites in lhg vicinity or to attain the objectiiesof this title grithout grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the variance on light and air,distribution- of .populaLion, traniportation,traffic facilities, utilities, an-d public iafety. 4. Hob, your request compJ.ies with Vail'sComprehensive plan. -p. A topographic and/or irnprovement survey at a scare ofat least Ln = 20' stamped by a Colorad-o 1icensedsurveyor including locations of a1t existinqimprovements, including grades and erevatiofrs. otherelements whigh .,r:t.?E shown are parking and loadingareas, irifiesg and d6iess, randsciped aieas and utilityand drainage features. A site plan at a scal.e of at least L,, = 20t showingexisting and proposed buildings. A11_preliminary building elevations and floor planssufficient to indicate the dimensions, generalappearance, scale and use of a1l buildings and qpacesexisting and proposed on the site. A preliminary title report to verify ownership andeasements. If the proposal is located in a multi-familydevelopment which has a homeowners, associaiion, thenwritten approvar from the association in s.rppori of theproject must abe recej.ved by a duly authoriild agentfor said association. Any additional materia] necessary for the review of theapplication as determined by the zoning administrator. For interior modifications, an improvement survey andsite plan may be waived by the zoning administraior. f t "8. t'\ rV. TIME A. REOUIREMENTS The Planning and Envi.ronmental commission meets on the2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A cornpleteapplication form and all accompanying material (asdescribed above) must be subrnj.tt.ed a-minirnum of four(4) weeks prior to the date of the pEC public hearing.No j-ncomplete applications (as determinea ly the zoningadministrator) wil_l_ be accepted by the plannj.ng staffbefore or after the designated subnittal date. A11 PEc approved variances shall lapse if constructionis not commenced within one year of the date ofapproval and diligently pursued to completion. If this application requires a separate review by anylocal, State or Federal agency other than the toin of Y?i], _the application fee shall be increased by$200-.00. Examples of such review, may include] but arenot linited to: Colorado Department of Highway AccessPermits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shaII be responsible for paying anypublishing fees which are in excess of 5O* oi tt6application fee. Iff at the.applicantrs requestr dnymatter is postponed for hearing, causing the rnatier tobe re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shalL be paid by the applicant. EI A.\t c. qI appricllns deened by the cornmuni@evelopment Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant inpact on thd community may require review by consultants other that town staff. Shoutd a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to revieYf any appllcation, Community Development may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he fil.es his application with the Comnunity DeveloPment Department. Upon completion of the review of theapplication by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by tbe applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultantshall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicantwithin 30 days of notification by the Tovtn. ,ow Tim, August 7 tL992 When I talked to you on Thursday we discussed several items.. explain lrhy f want, the house noved forward on the lot. include a copy of the deed. sign the planning connission request. -. stake the lot and the house. include the drawings frorn the rnanufacturer I think when you see the lot and the house plan on it yourll understand why I think itrs better to nove it toward the road.With the house set according to the nap I gave you you'Il find itis stil1 55 to 75 feet from the edge of the street. And to really be useful the house should be moved further towards the road. A11but one of the other houEes on the Etreet are less than 3o feetfron the street.If you walk to the creek youtll see there is very little space fromthe house to the edge of the willows. There is only about 24 feet-.-of useful yard space, thatrs not very much of a yard. The difference between the manufacturerrs drawings and the final house are:. garage with an apartment above wiII be added. the fire place is eliminated. free standing wood burning stove witl be in the living roon. bedroon 3 is snaller and is the entrance from the garage. bedroom 2 is larger to cornpensate for the garage changes The manufacturer will produce a complete set of drawings with the above changes once I know if every thing is ok. Rernember the nanuf,acturerrs drawings do not include the garage. Since I got the drawings from the nanufacturer frve been refiningeverything and I noticed the GRFA is slightly overstated on the drawings I made. Since the manufacturer drawings are very accurateI noticed their rneasurements are outside measurenents. Thecalculations for GRFA is calculated fron the inside of the exteriorwall.The house wiII have 8tr exterior walls so the overall measurements need to be shortened by 16 inches. The GRFA will be main level upper level basernent garage apartment sub total garage credit = <t.e(H> c77' t total = 3522.2 39.1 q sf Allowable GRFA = 3654.5 37Zf sf Please call me if you have any questions. : IL92.7 44L.2: LL92.7 477 .8 = 477.8:3422.2 lt,rt 476-2009 (home ----flr"r= oo=ffi/t_T_ a a * * * rt * i * PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that he Planning and Environmental Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 the Town of Vail on August 24,'1992, at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for a major amendment to SDD No. 6, to remove a previous condition of approvallor Unit No.30, Phase l, Vail Village Inn/100 East Meadow DriveA/ail Village Plaza Condominiums.Applicant: BSC of Vail, Colorado, LP./Frank CiceroPlanner: Mike Mollica 2// A request for a slde setback variance to allow a new residence located at Lot 15, Vail t./ Village Second Filing/1793 Shasta Place.- Applicant Joseph & Peggy Hepler Planner:Tim Devlin A request lor a work session for a setback variance to allorv for a new garage and an addition to an existing residence located at Lot 5, Bighorn Estates/4238 Nugget Lane. of he rof of 3. 4. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Town of Vail Community Development Department Pubfished in the Vail Trail on August 7,1992 W. C. and CarolSmail Shelly Mello U.S.WesUCellular One/United States Forest Service Andy Knudtsen A request for a work session to discuss a proposal to erect two 60-foot towers in East Vail al the base of the run-away truck ramp adjacent to F70. For Joseph L & I.F. Lots 10 Charlene & Joseph l,larguez 1785 Gore Creek Dr.vail, co 81657 Thelma & Irving FiEher 5901 E. 6th Ave.Denver, CO 8O22O Gottfried AngJ-eitner 941 Des Peres Rd. Des Peres, l,IO 63131 Ralmond Marion (east side) 1773 Shasta Pl.Vail, CO 81657 ADr'ACETA PROPIRII OTXERS Peg(ry Hepler 9 and IJot 11 Lot 12 L,,ot 13 Lot 14 Lot 16 Lot 17 John Mills PO Box 102\zailr CO (west Eide) 81658 Mary Ellen & James Casey (Trustees) PO Box 3306 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Ronald Parody & ltetvin Spohn 32 Will.ow croveIrvine, CA 92714 Judith Simpson 1701 Bates Ave.Springfield, fL 62704 II. Pre-application conference with planning staff.l,tet with Tirn Devlin on JuIy 22,L992. For Joseph III. A. PLATIN II{G COI,TI.TI SS ION L & Peggy Hepler PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE One request is for 2 variances of the Building Setback EaEement . Due to the "piett shape of the l ot r.re arereguesting 2 corners be allowed to encroach into the 15foot Building Setback Easement. The variances requestedare for 65.3 sq ft and 42.3 sq ft only. The second request is for a secondary dwelling above thegarage for employee housing of full time upper Eagle Val ley employees. REGULATION INVOLVED One is building setback of 15 foot on each side of lot. The second is for lots less than 15,000 sq feet needexception for Eecond dwelling. THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE VARIANCE TO OTHER EXISTING OR POIENTIAL USES AND STRUCTURES IN THE VICINITYThe lots on both sides of our lot are vacant. There is no existing use of the setback area. There are no utilities on the side of the lot we are requesting thevariance for.There are no existing structures in the vicinity. THE DEGREE TO WHICH RELIEF FROM THE STRICT OR LITERAT INTERPRETATION IS NECESSARY TO ACHIEVE COMPATIBILITY AND UNIFORMITY AMONG SITES OR TO ATTAIN THE OBJECTIVES OF THIS TITLE WITHOUT GRANT OF SPECIAL PRIVILEGE. Due to the narrow shape of the lot the structure must beplaced to the rear of the lot with very limited space between the structure and the creek, or moved forward, toward the road and this necessitates 2 small triangular variances, THE EFFECT OF THE VARIANCE ON LIGHT, AIR. POPULATION, TRANSPORTATION, TRAFFIC, UTILITIES. AND PUBLIC SAE'ETY. None of these are effected in any way. HOW THIS REOUEST COMPLIES T{ITH VAILIS CO}4PREHENSIVE PLAN. The set back variance wi. 1l be more aesthetic because thestructure will not be required to be ?5 feet from theroad and only 50 feet from the core Creek.Thearchitectural design nor the side set back will impedescenic views of surrounding structures. By moving thestructure toward the road it is much more compatible withthe surrounding houses,The proposed design provides foroff street and covered parking. The request for employee housing is consistent with Vail's Master PIan. l_. 4. G^nnu t E 5 lro" So lu\rrnr FrooR IeaI,'l 5 Sq F=-,.r IID!=F| '+- - l.--t- Gnnnea ll'r1,, x al' (toxzL'bb) q67 <il*n - S rcoso FL ocR { b0. , : 5o FEer i Bao Roorn , 5 tb, S,r F:et A P rttnerw-], * Nop.rn --_ Sec.or.tohR.y Durer-r.tr{G C A pr,) af,' x a{' f\rsrue Bes Qrr at' r e3' Lpu,r-ee Luvtt- ( 2(ttrtrusrr r6) f^tl , 7r.e .'1_/Zl, lf, ;e *"er = Noer-+t Rl!:"o $-- qJJ c Xli6.; \i -'-- 6tq \\ N:rr: I Nl.t':= c!i*-.: s ii--*$ i\'\l -l s*\t\ i\v N qt sw [J s''-------'l (!l .t 4- g .1' r! cl-c- /1 I .a : L-l l^ tit IIJ ,.) &-r;1 { i' L- { r. \ tn t- irlj u-) --1" L\J ? a =,-\a--l INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW fo,'frn Dt"r,( rtrw th,{ PRO.JECT: PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Commente: FIRE DEPARTMENT (o€tl€ DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: OF PUBLIC HEARING Dat,e: Date:{- 14 -77 Date: Date: Reviewed uv, \. N\*.4 Comments: l, Cr"".^$g POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: . RECREATION DEPARTMENT Revlewed by: Comments: ,,s€ujolJ ,opec |opun uJol pe{Jplqo gru sl lu€s1"toc uegptlr selun 'qcnpord €npord ol pesn €q ol uo€,tertf rJollolluolul €r{l q rou'peJnporde, eq ol pu sl$ aol -€tt<to|d pe,€ptsrjoo sl Aj!,!rQp sF.{". tbrn vz.at..l l€po! l alee .FquJnNrep,|o ztJ.a raV) sqies a',i',q/letcc4 elDosuoFl/rou zll 1tl Ell utl 8tlrll '11 HI bll -,ll <ll HI(')tl -tl>ll "lldtlzll tolloil*ll ztljtl 'lleJl 8tlJllr-ll tlztl-<tltl<tl HIotl -tl>ll <ll>tl otlztl .llotl lHl oz,;; o : J oo ,.'ssulofJ ropec lopu!] u,o4 p€ulolclo lsru sr lrrarJoc uollu,r slopn 'qcnpord ecnpo.d ol p€sn €cl ol rJoel€ql uolpurjolul erll 3l .rou 'pocnpoder eq ol lou sl { Arol €l,dod per€plsuoo sl aJfnDp stql, a)+ln yrzN ppon 4q ,€qu,,nNl€pro Y,dZ,) sepes .a'tr.,P/letcr5.a e|oc srJ(,B au oN?rt o u uc ffi!1t 3t\v 0.s 6tl dl>llutlJtl 'lltrlloll ;ll HIltloll qI <tl HI(r)ll -tl :tl >tloilzll ollotl:|ltl ztl oll ;ll<ll> 5tl 'llLtll ell 3l ILJIullrll tl ftl 3il iil (otl otl IHI ztl otl ;ll <ll >tl rlrllJtl urll tlHIztl otlstlr-ll tl<tl HI.,)ll -tl>ll tl< >tl otlzll tl(otl otl:tll ztl otltl<ll> 5tl 'll 04l<tl uJll*ll <tl HIotl -tl :tl >tloll =ll ()tl otl{tll o luwn ?5 .oulh ttonl.ge rd. vall, colorrdo 81657 (3Cr1.76-7000 departmont of community development RE: DRB Submittal of 12-16-81 itanuary 6, 1982 Rlley .1. Hopson Box 1537 Vall, Colorado 81658 Dear Riley: 0n December 16, 1981 the Design Review Board gave final approval to your single family residence. Before a building permit is issued you should complete utility verification form. Before your flnal C.0. is issued, you should submit a letter clarifying sewer easement. Si ncerely,,41* Peter Janar Town Planner PJ:df elyi Project Application Proiecl Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legat Description, t-or K , eto.t Comments: Design Review Board APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL t-o / i I l- r, rtezcr Sum mary: luun box 100 rdl. colorrdo 81857 1il,3, 4785613 December 4, 1981 Riley Hopson Box 1537 Vail, Colorado 81658 Dear Riley: dopartment of community development RE: DRB Subrnittal of 12-2-81 At the Decemben 2 met-ing of the DeSign Review Board'-your submittal for a single fimily residence was given preliminary ippiovat with the f6llowing ltipu'lations: remove deck frm setback' ibtetve Public I'lorks approval, irovide additional landscaping, submit roof sanple, prbvide roof ridge elevations on site plan. Peter Town PJ:df amar Planner Project Appllcatlon proiect Name: f f I z-. <- r | ,r SfrA Q,l e €: Project Description: Coniact Person and -. -U Oate Phone I 9-Z-l - Owner, Address and Phone: ?. n tS31 ,/o,, (n, U,n'I Architect, Address and Phone: L/r,-F--r J . il<-*pS---*-\ Legal Description' Lot l< , Btock , zone a' I Comments: VAll- VtLL__-f\l-iF t, \tF<T Design Review Board Filing +lz / t, o^," /1ft//// DISAPPROVAL I-o t. I I I tI sFR, z0r{r cljffx forR, R P/S Z0iir:D I STN ICTS Legal Dcscription: l.ot lf Block Fi'l'ing Architact Proposad Use s F t'1- (!+Q91 urEsr + z_ Setbachs : Front-RequiiJo-2or'*proijiProposed o K Sides-Required l5' propcsed Rear -RcquireC '15' proposed ol--., l'laterccursc-required €O ' 'proposed ot. -_--.-_GRIjA:. . Al'loned i ._SrzZg ,f. .proposect l?? j .GRI"A: .Prinraiy Allor.red NA prinitry Nt4 Secondary A] I or.red Secorrdary Site Covcrage: A'l'loirecl -__ar:g)-q- : proposect i Proposccl A< Pt"op:;:.cd ActuaI Propcsed Proposcd TReqrrired Z/uut Q)-<2_ Irrive: Slope pemitted B l"Slope Landscaping: Parking:. Requi red [ttvi ronnlen ta] /l la za rcts : . Avr.'l an c he Fl ood Pr' a in 'Slope a -alfi7 /o '. nts :Coi,nc -/- 7(,:r i lllr l'l.r I r-. : 'z ENGINEERING CHEEK LIST I Subdivision Lot B'lock Filin9 1. Submittal ltems (A) Topo MaP (B) Site Plan (c) utility Plan . (D) Title Report (E) Subdivision Agreement 2. E,fqineering Requirements (A) Cu'lvert Size(s) ori ver'ray GradElEffi.ax 3. Source of Utilities No. 2 (if applicable) (Acceptabl e) ---tz-:2. (Not Acceptable) tt/ol4 f6atuaD--z-z-z'-- lr El ectri c tr ct 5 Sevrer }|a ter Tel epl;crie Far( B c D E F 4. Corrunents : Approved: tz/U/81 D,i sapproved: Bil l And:'ei,:s Thc fol l orr'i n1', infornat j on is Board bcf'rrrc a finaI applr.rvaI A. lllrl Ll)lN(; l"l 1'[RIALS Roof Siding Other l{al1 Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys ltash Enclosures Greenhous es Other c:rrr be sivcn: / pwnWQA \ Typc <-rf rrlrtcr.ial color I M /",/"tbfhr\ \tr,\E-rAt- t"^j,'i;i nt *r;*to) rc<ptilctl for s;ublnittrrl by tlro irpplir:rrnt to tlrc llcs.i l:rr l{cvicw Q,=ot.:ee:> _ -t-Iar., d.a.u (< ra.te o)/ -ze o.^, oeo - Jat.., e-a'e.- C5 gl-e$ 4€owe?D P:-.4r.',topO dqr-i-,l Dl,u (1cAf$\ cr-lo _ ElaF Lp-.*,^l ' 1.a. esooD ZE o c.: c>o D *t*-r., e-s..- ('en XC Z.eoc.> aab d|aaq1o-": J+glwnt 4LD L^rao.r:t-Lo.ru: €A r.-. Corrnon Name Si ze bq;e ?&-tsc-E lot-lzl !7! B. LANDSCAPING l{ame of Designer: Phone : PI.ANT MATERIALS TREES Botanica'l Name Quanti ty va gtr-3t (oz,.vc- SHRUBS a sautoorAcEGRQUf'ID .COVERS s0D SQUARE FOOTAGE SEED TYPE AUU DI+IuQ.BE.O SQUARE FOOTAGE AAE-aa r-c> B= €eE.r>ED r^s/ |.\AT-1UE Cz?-s<S r t^-r tuO Fr=o*.,*l F 2 nat>( TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL t. Other Landscape Features (retaining wa] ls,fences, swimming pools, etc.) c+(lrt l 3a3V-'er / P'lease specify. P4(_PerArN t.r-Je uJA b UTILITY LOCATION VLIIII:ICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NAME 1 Lor l€BLOCK ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether they lines, must be approved and verified by accompanying site plan. Date l,lountain Bel1 Western'SloPe Gas Fublic Service CompanY Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Vail Cable T.V. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District rrlrNc tla. Z be nain trunk the following lines or ProPosedutilities for the horiz /zsg/ Mk VTzt// I -/e-€ / 6/ r/*' Ei1-rt NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a stTeet cut Pernnit from the Town of VaiI, Departrnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locatibns before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Torm of Vail.. A building pernit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut pernit nust be obtained separately. Ttris forn is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. ,7'" /'17 <- >>_._-.:_.- aa . Gt TEII CO.ISTRUCTION DRB SUDMITTAL CIIECK LIST ProJcct Nimo Ilate' l. 2. 3, 1. " 5. 6, Stanped topographic !!a-p (2 coPies Site plan shoxing utilities (2copies) Utility location verification ( Prelininary title report (f coPY) 'Landscape ?lan (2 copies) Architectural plans (2 copies)(all floors and all elevatiorls) l,&aterials list (1 set) 1. Photo or sketch showing alterations (2 copics) 6ite plan (2 copies) I'Iaterial specifications (2 sets) - Color sanrples (2 sets) Letter of approval from condo assoc.(if applicable) ADDITIONS - RESIDEMIAL OR COT1MERCIAL f ,-+tarrye-fltDp€8*a$$.erurve), 2. . Original floor plan (2 copies) 3. New floor plan (2 copies) t 4, Site plan (2 coPics) 5. ElcVo.tions (2 cop5cs) 6. i)lrotos of cxisting structurc (l sct) 7. Hatcrial spccificntions (l set) 8. Color snrrrplcs (l sct) 2. 3. "4.5. . ,-r{fJr'f/.';r,:" . . ':'. 7, 8. 9. /t*."n, t MINOR ALTEMTIONS TO fiE Color Sarnples (l set) $rbdivision agreements (if applicable) EXTERIOII. OF BUITDINGS ufi*.r APPL'cArroi{ Actlon of Zoning Board of Adlustmont on Variancc Application Approval tr conditions: Denial s1 reasong: (see Order of the Board, attachod) Flle Nc.-fy3[$1 i , If granted, wou'ld diminish the value' of adiacent PnoPerties. use or enioyment 21 .lrne I Q79 Date, hearing Note: Section 9.04.'lO Appeals from the BPard' Any further appeal from the decision of the Board may be mado to the courtsr as provicied by law, providedr howevert that such appeal is made prior to twenty (20) days following the date of the nctificaiion of the Boarclrs decision. Pogc 2 ol 2 EAGTE COUNTY Department of P'lanning P. 0. Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-731 | BOARO OF COUNTY coMMrsstoNERs Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR Ext 202 BUILDING IN I NSPECT IO N Exl 226 ot 229 CLER K & RECORDER Ext 2l7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 235 ENVIRONMENTAL H EA LTH Ext 238 EXTENS ION AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG Ext 226 ot 229 PU RC H A5ING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 and Development 21 June 1979 Becvarik Wrigth, Inc. Box 1177 Glenwood Spgs, Co'l orado 81 601 Re: File No. Zv-69-79 - Variance Lots 14 and 1.5, Vail Village West #2 At their Public Hearing on 2L June 1979, the Zoning Board of Adjustment denied your Variance request to have a duplex on each of your undersjzed lots jn the RSM zone. The Board felt that is would d'iminish the valuei use or enjoyment of adjacent properties, if granted. If you have any questions, please contact thjs office. Si ncerel y, ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eaq le Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 7 5l SOCIAL SERVICES 328.6328 TREAsURER Ext 20 | Qr ..nn)lvi"r \,\Jd{Xta"""o/-Tv Jim t^tilliams Zoning Inspector JW/kp cc: Board of County Conmi ss'ioners o 4' oo Joo ul a ott oo 3z ulJo XoE ^' o.' oo Jure 18, 1979 .RECIIVEI) JUN 2 Lr j';llj ' oeDt. ot i:. ^ i -r,ri. frgle, U,rL'iy, CoL Eagle County Zoning Board of AdJustnent e/o Mr. Ji^u Williams .[agle County Planning Departrnent 550 Broadway Eeg1e, Colorado Dear Comrnissioners: After much sonslderation and conference with the plarming staff rve are .agreed wittr the feeling of the staff and the Planaing and Zoning Coronrisslon that tvro units of 1955 square feet on the Buffer Creeklot does not deal effectively with the problems of growth now taking pl-ace in the Vail area. We would like to propose that instea d ot 1955 square feet per side we construct a primary and a secondary unit on that Lot, with thelarger unit belng approximately 12OO square feet ancl the smal_ler unit approximateLy 800 square feet. would also Ilke to propose tJrat units of a like size be constructed the Gore Creek lots 1/+ and 15 also present\r under consi.tleration the Board of Ad,justment. We as developers hope that this new proposal viiLl help to assist the Board of Adjustroent in the orcler\r roanagement of growth in the Va11 area, an effort rve all have very nuch in cornmon. Yours truLy, BWI/7//4 /4l -,4tr-ua-^*y'L Ed Becvarik President EB:se V/e on by =rwlf r z-rl----u <l<{C2 aa ))\JJ -)\=/<l I:J d)/^\lvr'r(=t:=<l d) o o : 6 -: ,qci =' .]l ab .t6 =d = 4,6 { OO,!o= rD 5N lD -"! P lo l ''.P 3 vl t 13E =.)o O -l J. 3|D 3n-J'3- =3att- . :to 5at ooe! t, PPI: P P Pll I I Plr :'. gPl: t, r3f fEg;**ge- tgrs:g+gl qr:EEearggl jsFse,i=Fdl aaru;sal-iO.+c o, rc. E o -n< rnr..DJ.!!(oo - +.,6eE: d+gaitE,6-rEe +Ei'ull8€e EfiiA:8€erri5* iE rr ; HaeiE r3i ia31$laE tri ; E dEFf; fE r? 0i F;-."-E 3fleE{ta'.t3o. F roo 5 93" d3:a-. P "o6or oo= 5 <" H:'=ieE.=eF €!g;i=s;Y i! =,lii*:;S $*f;*;15*;i +33i3;iilt"i:r+e-; g''aEl;eE; 3i 1i9i+9Ei e"B3.s.lfrr+ET .3ii;;qi 3g'iro'(^ JoF, $3'*e14-' "' .r o, o, JoJ3crr .r'rolDc.tt.=.-' 6 o't rr-.ni;'ic.g;; ?= i i ! i;14?e e3' Etl-: F ?: = 31'€ c6E- tF :9':. " ir:t Jo o lo l''rr J.a/..a ., -i o-5 o .'.. i;! -ir I: ;'.s =.e^a? gd i;=:33913 e:3qE:€_=f*€iii.9q r:6Ei:6; s-j"gisiB i- il.;:,-"-; d tji;;dgqA9;Sli. 3; d3'3.'9 -d - m-ri-oi o t''- o o o' f,'o' - ..'< -:'. t., -.o -.d do.:t .16 ii o, o .-o -d -'3 3i; f'-5 o 3 3 3.-; g 3,E3Agli€: ; E3lQ3i- gg t;3:gEi; :Bg:E;3eFE ss;e€r^ rDc or..f l> lDc 'u.Ddra;+s-.-B"C -qa:.-6i* ;3 AE;*1*=F= ='e -J'oi- ,'3'+oot/' .eiis15d;= ei*;s3 ] E; F*1d59;i Hg:9-t#.qB J3*lq: ; I i:l:3.:: s; :i.?s I i: Ar:E i; 'B a; s i1fi€i a ;E=:3;ii..3f$ar= -.iiFs3: 3 g;- s;llscB: 3 ,B ::;'"Ig g; X.i3-,EiFE-z:; sg"t;: r i t ; *:::::I ss+ s3:11 E; -.s:6-. l3q'-= >=.€'16'3 8e 33:i1e3,.. '4. gqb;3 -r 5c'rro c o a @o<!,:,oJ.Jr. ---.-'1 i 5: r:"i:nIiF esi *dri-8 H3 1:.11llo-3- 3ZB o* 5. 36' glil;-3=.- 'D - ii-= o 3i' o'J;-s;iA;+ ;e: d; g sE a*a;q05d" iFE q=Ed: ,tg ag "rtoiN t -' tA tlt .o. aJ,!roo ; .3-': -nt't{o un3- ..dEF.' eFB 33 S . ;;3-h' $3 ' -i' Pz-Q ., c- 6-r *q xi^'r ".ge t= o -o "- 93. 9?3t :5.,8:;3 6'E1 3 F.oE-- o co.t.o 'bo <':'e;=r; H*a er - H;4+ I F'e?' 3"-".,o - i ; A;; dt.,. ' 54 ; aF" 96 3 g' _ (6 5J t' s'P f I F'3lt l yP:l o .; ; {;5. ES,' f f rt i,li"E Iid; ili.tj iltrlE#.d}Hda+;E4f; .,, r+;[:;94h," $;].1 rr1=qBFE.fL' qrl. qii;n1e,€€-i l;sYxrr4irESiisi+-'i il!=fl91+rI ;3$:iiiB 5:;?+"! llqs ;; Y $Siilai;a: €85=,*f=.:il+i:!8:.-X"' :i. El.s5;:.,, 16._331-36de>:igE:l :: !ag:i3# i3::r,ig['a{4<t;i- -' =-;5t^. - o-nE'P | -r'os;.i3i$ n ;;ififl€ 9 '4.4.3 i; eJEs R sF;;;i 5 !gifqi9 r;:'gi:*i;acaii E:i I 3 ? 1:-is. J 6;a g-6;d€ d;. si:a : Bg-=;lE 1E-.1 *iiAI-5E i.E;€ a affiilr sttE E5;*-E-d ;*Ju = ;=-'r-rdr +Eli 3;.i-5o5i er*; ;':;lerI> -'i3? E:,<d'-9P= is; ; r;i:;it a:;: ;*:i:irFq 4 s:pEI ;5:;,;;l:=E: I g i ,i d;'3 i d;-" !';;3-5.€g3 3 =r==1€ e:_;; 3l;=r*tss e iii{= : _Ei ege 96=. s;'n 13.5;ld E6:"; _-.,".P =ES ; 6o,K-6 ;ts. _. :.?dFf *ii i p;e.H= !:;F::.s::j::q a iE--' E:.Eg frg-3.= e3i ; gi,g"si i.aa$ ;;€;: 3:: e i;FF i;tl ifiir fr .n3 e fi ?se1 el *+ "]" =l s-A - 5' f &d =saea Is,E g"lE" L o& o oo .J o qo 19 o 'oq'"fl '=oO I o (r@o I lr(!4-{.rtqtc -* o:t5. ro.r (D ttllto 5 |l -5.tO Oc.rll, att4O !o -aOaD tD C C Oo -t 1: Vr -l tlFC.; -r i:.<'sF'n=3q35Q P 3 vr =a .+vr a <,4.< f+tc' .+c*oE r,r.o lDo* rrr|D o E€.r6. r srrntoo- t rJi. E o 6ro +E r, lD al4 !o -rro.Et3gr rot.' ! l\illo*>.iocr=,. atr ocl 'l I.rr<.(,. J.OrlD . g.l t! \r.. olt ort qn5 4r-t rro:r.r= J<, ro a 4cclt *l6i -.it t C.ia.|-. B't,.D.i(llCltr+ 5|/' o,|,6 <)0, rno4 4 0.i 5 |o6t Sclnfo r+o-ilDa E<or!.rt'oa ur't olD at t/rrDrvr 4'E r lD6) ll r< !l' t O c;::tato -.' E Ol,C 'lor oa,' -rU| lb.Et I -lD !ct.lcrvr 3 r'toovr Jc|.rrJ -!ip o t|+ cr'Do ai J.Nr{.r|D lD tltctQ IaD rr \rr. -ro ator .| a)97J.?; =.2 e3?39 ge 0 5ro {d3 .4l!|D.| !|D< ro SlrFaD .D -tFJ.{ ollrDlD5 !!,rr3 ctd:tt o O- C! -{=a O tlD hrcr tro.c vr IE'' (ro r.l-+ oo .+ ro! o. frt' r l| talts1- Ur= Ct Cl G' nao -i c!c+- |D l. -rr di c,lD<ur.+-l! --. <o 't' .lJi(! ! ItO5 |!U|nON.Dr.l o. (l Jcts (.,|\, :D. o Jo cr !r .FtDoa,( \aN(, tt.'5E, nclr olr l\to:! Br/rl+ra-t .| '.lD. t (,r |D IOO C ^ -rr .r ct4t{. t-re t I rro,o(a- oa, -rD 6J rDC *] toor a Elvar - ra! t 5 0c|-att o Crl|tc4 <C'C .' t5.+.i! o5i o<alDJ J!o r.l <c|'l J|D. ., Eao.DtJ.o <t lr4 al 5.te-ttt oo 3+t5=.+r lD lD lnJdi;-. vroi J 0Ptra o { -rr .ro t ,E ut qrti <i 1qr-it i, c!.r -r (/rrg-, o..t t *dll 16li$.alDr; s rD.tlD * roorD.raD4 o It o9r.cl J 11.Dra !|.o J :t ro !r.o J o r:ro o -c, J t t(o -nE D l:4.it -t]c rD c-hc.D to c -6c .D |! En(D le+.D tr j<ro 3 |tJ-.rr.D cJ 6= la.+E oz |Dor q2 rE rDt rrz E'Dor.+€t lof "e::9 =18119 E3=ld:19 e=93"' I3.|.| lDOo .orDO..' llDoA Fl Irr t o r\r r+5 C) r{ o(D.}5 0 Fr lD.r= 3 <<gFgFf ..3Elf 9f,.u'3;if a.U'eEJ,5|Dl\' ^iD-<h 3< ^.D 't Or .< ^t*{cr =+P rt = J.\o 4. >r. tJ'(D r )ter o.c, Ior 6.a3|, I |D cLA, | |a rD o.a, I lDrD=\a'rotr -{ .}t 5\r |, ct.ro 5 \r g.}.r.| (o,al aro to .r(' ro *lro cf.| ro o 4.Do I *o crJ.tD o .+ 5 eJ.o 5 <roo I o,o or 5 c, o.or 0 | alor 5 -rro i5-.|| o--hl .{r cr5-{r o..J-a="33 A"3^ F-86..38 3d gi o 3cl 3N O5C 35 C u -l,,, < FI.D J!,.l lt O i+ !, 5 O.' | *tD o.5 t.rJ c!5 .} -@irar =5 cl.l =\r 5 aL o.aD:to- crCJ iD slooo.D olDo ro a. tt .|o q -,'DF33-d Eia- '.'"83=E "Ee?.9o J.q, l,t rto oo-.t3rJ. ar-Jt:E'l! 5(A J -5 5 rO 3 |^ -o-.3 q o'€ 30i' ;33e:'9 s;. =c r.or6 roorc@ <o(a c orEr! 3,o!o v.Et= o J.Jvo 3 rvlot atEA ! o o !,.) to olJ< =c!,EJ scoo*OO. l'OOo ttoloO-h< ('<.'' o,o-Oct Oo!,5 0'|' 0!| J. o-o< eoJ|,r^ cir.D jrvrr!. ur -ot. - r.o r. J,.+o-r* Fr elt N!l:l .r *E NE .+O* N OJ.1|Din i- 5.!rD.t o tE|D fo. .+o ro o * lDto 3 oio < J'tt < r,(o ! > o J. t J.5.+41:t JUr.+< t |,.+ob.+5 .,d .r orCOJ. CO.D'i.J. o iD. Jl oio 1 o.!at'tDo are(, oito(, oar =o .D o =H !t oo-- oct. .r. :'| -t.rc .+c ='HOO l:tN11 d'=5.trY :tro,O.'l q, .it, o. oa,.i=o !,6.t?:r cr <.rJ -.r<|r|:! .+ r<o *ro |D ..|D.+.+o ano .+to -utJO O.fG, O.+J.'O.r Ur .tatr ..t o,tJ t f .+tsf'6c!aotoo.rtr+ !r.t |Dr.o o, O rl| o, t|/|rro 't:f o't.+ o'loi! cr d|D .lo-t .r cr'tra rt vr.t t vro51 Ed o4l"r. llfronr.s alle C. allnttl,tnr! Q. O, 1f,ox tt57(UatI, Colo. 6t65T A\l{^'^{-t{, rQl?/r v \.L.^. S.s: .t.% 4" rva4, u{t{r^4 */a rry"/? ft Srs artJ. ,sr*z.z^.'Ws 4 ffr,%; (tr F*'.4, /"^1" /* zn^ffir. /^W':ZJ'd..(,#:{&-). -^ RECEIVED JUN 15 197s Dopt. ol Pl oo,nt & lxrrrl' [a8le, CountY, Cdo. liri, 7' EAGd.E CG!."FB{TY Department of Planning and P.0. Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-731| BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Exl241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R Ext 202 BUILDING IN INSPECT IO N Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & R ECO RDE R Ext 21 7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENG I NEE R Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 - EXTENSION AGENT E\t 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Ext 226 or 229 PU RC H ASI NG/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eaqle Ext 2l I Ba;alt 927'3244 Gilman 82 7'575 | soctAL SERVlcES 328-5328 TREASURER Ext 201 Devel opment 22 l4ay L979 Becvarik !'lright, Inc. P. 0. Box 1177 Glenwood Spgs, Colorado 8160.| Re: File No. 7v-69-79 - Variance from Minimum Lot Area in the RSM Zone for a Duplex This recommendation wil'l be presented Adjustment at their Public Hearing on at 10:00 A.M. If you have any questions' p'lease contact this office' At the Regular Planning. Commiss'ion Meet'ing 9n-16.14aV 19]f, tne Commission recommended denial because they felt the varlance wii to great, and was not in the public's best interest' to the Zoning Board of L4 June L979, beginning '*;i,,', $Jm llill iams Zon'ing Inspector Jt,l/ kp cc: Zon'ing Board of Adiustment 6 :\IUIJ )*)-A :9/) J-" Rf, ".\ /A\\7 = GF -Jl/::\ -----r IH<6)\-z l-::\ | L..1^l If::fo I It?l/;\ |\\j2 lql(..-( -)f ( D)\L./ -)/a\\=/ql ri{\I:J<l-)t=5(= l ---l<l -) z 'og !- =o- = F= 3 = 3 .-A A{,o 3N) o ,-t ;' :' .;3 ;gH 33e esr3t- =5C)5't ttt !,'-n _t! F .' q !, 'tf 3 JOo:'t f (/rN.n(rr- do .D.+o - tJ o z o, =l.ior5<o-oo .+9, .D --i lD J.Fc'l ur -io-tro O o o o, xt> o.'3. -t aD:5'l|c '. I<o \o .r-H '.{l olD:t = o --{ ora O.O.ir- |lD arr..l:r*lDrr.+o o v| o, -3 0 5 z€ rD.lrrr54or,4.. J l3 oJk 3 Jo! cr.+-C ro O,o.o30 roat J.ro -.cro Jdt .D:t= o ok J.D5.+ or, ''|=|, nr! oJ.dJ, E f f)' (|) |D f:-r o, 'l' x(,'0 -tro o =o< ororo,ner o.r oJ . Ol.C' Jrl 'l o .-{ .}t :r0!.1 Or. a.|c.+--..+ oott t' rPl :r r 3ll I I :ll t,. 9P ll FiEl+*qdl sqferqjd: BsEss;qE;F: ;=ssqfsgd:l|'c|v| cr.D o-oo <o*Jonoo -o,d€€rto.'+-5o Eo, lDiioii6-{r.Dc}c 'oo-n<J.Fdc. .ircrr:,-r--'E. .+-t n!! H _,rc.- -i4.D r.o rro o - -no r'! =rlD Oj q;=<t =. '-:.b =o jct + i.c,€ =dj 6p6.14-d1d3s 9E"e'3-39 3-9633-JE39 6;-;J**Elg E--:;Eqe.i sl.3as=3,.+ 6.33is.;{=-,.1 €dfr t-ig=,'lHEliii.;F i!;r.3*s;! l! =11F*:';I {ifa;15.3;Ia.r"5SF"+e; SiiFl=ge; 3E eAg=*8,Y ;',3",-H:t-.r--gs +='au ='8" f $s€; i1F , eS " i3 7= F3 3': qAq!'9.iFl d'-9r,eL", i = . r; -;: d?; rJ gg?-: F ?: " 3 i€ c6'-'xs:Higt:€ig i6:y'HE;]t :i Jnd=.€^l? gd:F::33i:3 -=E-€fi="i"' g., r-35i''d ; 3i'' g=863 -- .:.*gad.IdPEile;3'3. 9dd3'3o::'d a:-;3*"1 .iSd*gg.,-j': 9as",*e'i€'] l=selq:i* ig il;1:;ig' B;8q;6b:3e Rt$iTeeR,Esqe6Fi ;E B;;B::;; A:E ig_lli_.rcoo*:,J=.o: =."1 = 9i +e.-a-3-9 3?- g'f;8;'HEq=.Q:r roO< or..iooo o do-.d!i+o* oi.+ ! oJ.l=€ 9Eo=.,o_q -;. tn--. =_ 6.,o-6 j.Ft 6 e od6rni<r!.ri-{, ojr.-. -.-.-.-;5 ; !E []rEr3;E &Fi liB,l;i.?=.Pei=r']9 SE!'IE o,(,.+o -:D+ ro1"-r3"35S -"*9333 o Ea S;;'j'+Eb .t !o 'qo.;--$f !.q 1;€. €3 ;;" q, 1 ni 'o." o, r0,,'f, -!1 .6;s 19,oo,ookw.p 3>vro(r J -;;----i lg? E",3l-.d"3q'l >*€'l;i 3 3a 33:13il3 r!oorr ro c o:t 80, 6 J.r oFB=-;rr se;. "l : i= :: +*;1i Fs; B.d-a:-i1F:sl[- H i g e,r : 35 3s33: H 13 9rE ]l*e1';3.iN' t - l" 3. -l-J;--5 5 J.J' t5''toi'cFo" 3Ea 53 I . ;;A-H 3g .3;. 6359"l:-'!.1r eEg ;d' E i'-B=3 i5 --' {<' 5(El 5 6(c| lD -lq :i..r- = c:r .ri 5 3 33... g FC :3:"l!3 1" ras d3 "*3'ff - 6 Fqfl" gf 3 9- . ro :'' s:'f :. r"P I I rt l: !u.D.D ffF9Hd-. Fff6[,[ydffdi b'iss$]a+sysa* 1;Efa; il;l:i i.4n: -=;;:i4r;l;,4fi :fl1' q1i. lfsF:s,a.E:i ="s!,":!slr9fr 3 r#+"i I i i-f glFr* ;3*3i i*;s-ei=! iig:;Y iSrili3ier ;lirfl1=E;5sa:I.3:'3- 31,3.,F'-e* lg-+j.5:.s1F;9pEeQil! 3: ;B.sgd3# ;ud5e,i5['afd ":tq:i ":gtFEss ;JE;fr+;s#Egaiii;;g. g g;ei[39 rii{il;: sI3;i E =i I ^9 I 1:-ifr . i ;;i ii sE*d;; ; , . *5ce : #s-j;lH 1E=.1 p*5Al-n5€ 3[=f a *dd*iT= s:tg i]J3:E:$ d;dr F l;:;33; iSsP s'rji*g.e= ;fl# : i9i31;F ;3:1 E;i€F$=hE j Ptsiot.yq 1 Isil:= ;5;; leJ:isl6ff s ll-.?1 - - lD(o '.' co,iil {:i;e.; =3d:,3e{g::?d pr- k ovo, o, .r<(.i - ir'b Is! a ilEls :-fr] tie** iE; i sir:m iE^: :i;ii ;E6 q .^deii_ i:;t; E.5_::a :aB I !:l-x flBEE #qlgp FeA : g*1$: ss.l* ;d€ai F;q g;lfi;F i;;3 e;F;1 E =q 9 .R:S- P -o=- o !J,\'d r.i'9 "' EEIFs *-=3; :4"':g g-E - 5' ; &g l*qE.# fr- sd *'l-fl " ! oQl\t t tt ! i rt- tA o- .| ct|) f\t!t o 5$ t 6 vrtn ?t -t ttrrrn !c!c' -t trF'r' o.o -tPd]: lf,|ir..ilD4 !rr!.||n - roorlD.r.Dr oc,lDFrlrr l'lo(lt cr.o J :'ro .,-ar J or5roo,l|r 5tralnsrD l:l.F':l -r< l! c -rrc 1! :rt c-hclD |D .: -.rtaD IE -otB = Rii9= f,.oFit3= o Fd-35 ldF|Dd::9 E gA:-+9 E3=9d:1 9 3a43"' I3 . o E! rnr+.| ab<'l.' !|DO6 I,.DOO N | =IFt s? ra 9;i gira I rF i:-;; qi o r u, {o(r'o ., @@e'icrpFs ?I'56-r{ ^6 -r oi =< ^i5-r 6r < ^5a! 3lgF.oigg.'g =tgt 1-g 6Eo,E f,? Baf,P ;" >3ail? '>3Sgd ..oc.ou, nE vr't tr.+s '*gS:; eg:d e.-gi+5-d g+aB- ;ld1'dA'"=.eqiEBPqq'u36.it - R;.id; 9f =.r!Jo - -oo , =EqBBr;d9lr,EBt ::ir4r-i .r 5.rrr -"oH9*t o3=+- re 1 .b . . .,r J rr ? o o -t - Ea'-iF f-ed F+3f;38 3a 9i =l-- -E€93iEE3* =El'--* ;,"=E gE1; -; I,e;. 'q?gf9.g.A"i'rBi. B{ D t, b 'r i, ' iD r+ , -.",oaeg- -a8 eg g*Ege g" a l?.d.i.j --=.i6 =r a6 5..., 5 +_oF;d -og 'D; ilE= :E "o F c *g F = d+tig;d tggi *;giggq 5Eii9 l;qslsqS 1;iB: g::=96'a *$;'' :'*i43:fi' :ia3- <6oct5r-.,i' i,"r'a'o ig,4E:E-E 3:e- 4s33=q s3;= s:FJiell i3glg.!idgA gESB 5.==oa ;.;€- |eE;'1;-ti;-g:l;Focr."i'- 'o 6 i.",E- .o,JE Bd jp-<f,Ed e€qdl.,giil gi:1 laEet rsa; sFgi#:lg rE:Fs ia:" g,-3 E -9.- |a -rrD(, '1 r'E..l -!NE .i'g*=i' 83EH ir:3dt69 .r.ee9 A- i5 =3' 3 t " = i E3::. E.B3.; Srls isli #8131 L:tt ..5.5'E :*#: :a;F '5:*; 51ac ;E;;la;? silir +p;F p._-; E;ga- ;gS; ;rg.:elE 9E.Tgl r,,iig iiHo ii*g; i*t; iif,sxi3, E1E€F ;:3: 3i 84$c q$= FlllE"i9r ei'laa o.F'3 B.o +-a- -aB goglllelE i':5Bi I'-.+- A,- 6(A0,cl loalt ' o r,ll'l c* <og o t8flF *g B** B*E E*T;:FT ?iPg; it < ' 'l 5.+cl'f !t O t rtt ' 't t'i' l! o l't r' o4d' I,r o'l J cttd6 rr4r o -.h tE-'' .t=5 o <r a'l EAGI.E COUNTY Department of Planning and Deve'l opmentP.0. Box 179EAGLE. COLOBADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-73t I BOARD OF COUNTY coMM rssr oN ER s Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 14 May t979 The Eagle Va'l1ey Enterprise Eagl e, Colorado 8'1631 Re: Notice of Public Hearing Zoning Board of Adjustment 14 June 1979 Please publish the attached Notice of Public Hearing asa Legal Notice in the 24 l4ay 1979 publication of your paper. Please bi1l and send affidavit of publication to this office. fice Manager/Secretary ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR Ext 202 BUILDING IN INSPECTION Exl226 or 229 CLERK & RECO R OE R Ext 217 COUNTY ATTORNEY Exl 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH E gle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Exl 226 oe 229 PU RCHAs I NG/ PE RSON N EL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 Thank you { NOTICE COUNTY Notice is llereby Given that the Eagle County a Public Hearing beginning at 10:00 A.M. on 9.04 of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution. Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold 14 June 1979, in accordance with Section Said Hearing wi'll include the following: OF OF PUI}LIC IIEARING EAGLf:, C0L0RAD0 File llo. Zv-71-79 - Pattan Realty Request: Variance from the Sign Code - Section 4.08.03 9a and 9b Location: . South Forty Subdivision, Edwards, Colorado !!r!9 Hqqqing will be held in the McDonald Building, County Commissioners Meeting Room #013, 550 Broadway, Eag1e, Colorado. Persons being affected by a decision on this request are invited to make comments to the Board. by appearing at the Hearing, or by submitting written statements in person or bymail thru the Secretary. Further information may be obtained or comments rrUrittua, by contacting the Eagle County Department of Planning and Development., 550 Broadway,-Eagle, Col 6rado Phone 328-7311, Terri'll Knight Secretary, Zoning Board of Adjustment i I -7 o 6 .hril !i-'(.,{ Ie)r= fiR ql t=) K),/^\tt tl\vr= a(1(=) n rdh, uX<(o)\': tr=3 K' @ z -:.q 5" 9-6 3 :,c o5 30- 3 rb- I.: 3 o { l e e o I i.Pf 3 ::'P ii I gPrl I y:,f ;B$r3:g; tii[g; $ililt3€fgi glniilisg3Ffl; r:irgln iirEFfl qril[1l-191? ::tE,y:Fi.LrEri raa;*li tr*+'i :'H:"flq3u+$ +;1lsliii:*iar*gliIrq: i;E;;i :it+;:i#:r E:;:s;;ii**:il;51;l* :;e::+ ii :eili*=# 'isF3r'riFPlF* *i#H; 'ig3ii .; i*iagti iai=x;13;*is *Heir;s ai{:gE e slgiii; *;ig3i5is$it nge;f;i g ir;€ e i*3;i= i;iE ir=g;:s 33i 3ge i EsE* ,F. l1:Fi:i -iqj ;::d:9"* [;s ::: - ;flr eex33:.e -e=- -''< oo'(! e;i elE F3 i i;sfgt' Siia lf::;g;9153:= ifr i:#;3: =d;-r;"r-=.-- 6Bg lx* sJ :i =.="e a:-f; Ri.i5r*.r::€ #e* .ie e iis9r i,Fl lil*? i= eg; l- E* ; i;5;1 1t=' i3ilgg J$g; r er Fti e ir i iiili l:Ft ri;g: c Eq F ;3 g 5+i:: isla- P;qEgi g E$ ; i? i F;g;; ;€tr gllii ;'A " s' -d 3E' ;*Sdfr g f' ySlt P I Pl: P s ?l: ? gPl: P rPll;-flg:*=fg= sgfgipial gtr:EE;;q''al jEFsxieEdl aaru.laalig.ri{s,rHv :,;iil'*S€e ;iq::EE3l;e'tEi.-'1+€e aRtdE.?="I s$;sigE1i ;fdilE11f, lsFl$;i3i*a Ia;r;aEEF3 alsi;eFi l-!, .tE..{o or=-o,d6=E:t. .p :ear-=s;i :H =:99*:rS qifll;15.*eS *=en';l*1"=iru+e-; g*ag-+rs_c :a 19;.;;5eI' daSeXfrr;ET ,ERxl;ci*:l:i.:5: ::::": qFi #!. s u'5e; q 1a 1E';sFi.ii; E; E s; F; d; -=F:s:::ds ae:'a.d:i:* ;P' F;g'=E^ip E35F?irq:3 l5=a;13-=:iea.-.Ii g; -fE;Ia i- ir'''*isHs :3":i:eaF€ F''=ii:: flEf;r:dIi= 3$fi33so:F ]d "i",rQ*:' oE?oioo",4o'' F,'ec ro,o, gal+g-ii; ;:sq1:eg= ;: :::isge: Ii;e;;e*:f *gigg9-3-;,lAIieP; .FE$.;3:e =3 EEo'E_:.;e-.fEo,'-.5-; E=-=.^1 = Ea Fe.r.;;'s14 EI3 $Erix's la:lEe€ici'a=!R; f;q'gli:3 rE gfl;!EggE H:g diaj.;? sseiii:E'B-.,.;i'd ;6:Bip j' zJ g=i.B-;;.8 -:= _;;gEa. 3: 933F.3'.! ed.F" l=3.,3 - 3 C; ;P -99,' s'= o' I 5 -*-'.r o ';r .-{ o 30!J J.5'|-'.r' .p'i+:.aie sd ; oF i :: F: Aa J'H ]'; lfl g.r:q" ;: *g: ,o h 6 dk Fro .'5 >ii ij co - -;;= -*-* i3 i Eg i3: q s 3_qiglfir=q F=s iF i 9= i!oifi:;t *r: *;;:.ts et l=i{9=.:;dt 8Ed'' :f .p _. ",orf 1D,{5 _' v5 @ radi3= 3 il s s i:' : ac a656_;:a :.gE " -.*a- €c at'13.P^r ."k* -- - :"3.;:;;-=tfi F;i f:f:* ie;;iiFe"_ aEa g.g g . JB;-H. S- ov, \ooo,5 .lE1; !:.E' s3 3 ; a- " E n- 13;.3 - i; *6; - ;B -gf,:;;? 3ia qr . fi;3; S Eu ;+' f5 Hd ;hi"l* .EF d: -;;d -. o 6q '' - E= o T tipi a Hg rIt ! F o5 0 Be3F3 3;3Al: 3t3;3Ff tS;rEl lga!tA crl, { ttO !,.O J Or = 5lOt,-Or t '(lt-iE |D l:'nrnSlD -33f; |D ="E.a*Fo o o.1*3 _ 15.) cr v|:! oa vrz *!r o o, U|z 'srDoFFo lq'flF'l:. a3F'1:. t^E436"1 €a?e.', ls I e Pl lflgi ";3qi g=1:iAqi =1::EIl siaB-:3nr:qi*EHislg-ati Ba;'f ;" >Bei? '>HSgd aiDcc6", -.e ."'1 :zF.+c.lFs-=d'+5=d 1.-cFg;d R;gE' ;lii.?8ali.+€=.iE:'3?iBd'd; cl'i.; cqaHgi; afli+l 34sF$iiFiIa$lE *iii:fp *:fe =isf-3'B sr"9l :t;-;tg!,g_airi* =Fa" es . 8'" B"i.l";E E_la_l :gHgli.EA.'t;l:-, igilsHg$ iFsi SEEiesl ;i.5Fp i.+ijEJoo. -oos *,'"-3Hli i333*;5E5lq Yii39 'iie;Fsi3;;ruii''!5.o- 'i?'- ,lEi.n ;51=- E3fll1xl.i:;s,i€ c€Eq::q i'i=': Eg5a3'x 5;'gE o oo. -ru .o!,-r,:Jo i,c =i'EF sgsE i.--e= --p- is1a' i.;- {5,i55 rFili[ isri ;ilsi li* 3g#l;ig rEi*e sa' il:$ ?: f ; *3;*i* :3E i -;;: f [ f,fl3 rl"ap; g - '5- .' j.;g si_l;. ;*a' F o-.J.ir'.r 'D.' & r =ei ia;r s:1#; 5:aa ;E;;:ilriqiliis.B;p ?l3l Erb'ai :ys_ ins":i:F igfgt sFa: ef,Hn ef,ifi: sil; rsfg$gs; Eri€3 IX$l ei" ilt"-" lt: fqal-EEF: if":;E iil.e B.o 9-*- -eg ;..3 v,!,'r ! b o.6rA; Ff 'EE+ pFi E *"r:e e; it rs i 3gF- 6i -64 b.'' i13141q EL 33 f+ 't t'l' lo o 0r r ii 9q'6 'ri " - 1'1* 'ttt o ea't ISPL|CAT|ON FOR VARTANCE -from the Zoning Resolution of Eagle County, ColorarJo zonii n, "":.t:; Adj ust ments (minimumf copies required; print or type, except signatures) Section 9.04.05 Legal description ot property L.Ef r.{ f,, a. subdivisiol Nurnu hl1 E[.€" W""t Fi1i4 "t]L ei6- b. rnetes ard bounds (may be attached) include survey or map: Fl lo 2. 3. I I ! 4. r ofr 5. Brlef Purpose and Reason for Variance (may be attached):Ille are requesting a variance fron section 3.O5.O5 of the Zoning Resolution so that we lDay be allowecl to construct a prinary and secondary'duplex unlt on Lot No. 15. o. fAg"nt$**95t*,4" one or rrore conditions €xist under sec. 9.04.06, 1-5. See attachment A7. Statement: A comptete list of all o\ rners addresses, of the property proposed for Varience and of all owners of all adjacent properiies is attached hereto; this signatory is properly lication for Vari stated hereon . --7 S igriature of authorized applicant; offica use Application accepted as complete for Publ ic Hearing Application rejected as incomplete for Public Flearing because: s-t-1q dato Fee Patd ll(, Dd Date cecd. 4-,?/rvy'&. (-c-.zqz/UJ Appt icantlowirer leql&r1k ]Ifiglt! Inc, Mail Address P-0. Box IL1?. Glenwood. $pr-ines. Co1o. Phcne:.045-85?? 1. Regulation and Section Number(s) of Zoning Besolution from which Variance is sought: Present Zone_B$M__ General location of property (in retation to a Town, Boad, Stream or other landmark): Soutb of I-?0 on Gore Creek, Epprox. 1 nile uest of Lions Head ,Or.O, varlance from ninlmun 1ot areal 8000 square feet administrator Pago l of 2 til l;;rcAloN FoR vARTANcE ifrom the Zoning Resoiution of Eagle County, Colorado to the Zoning Board of Adjustments (mtnimurgf,copies requlred; print or type, except signatures) ffi iFf-ml section 9.o4.os 1. Regulation and Section Numbor(s) of zoning Resolution from which Variance is sought: Present Zo.e__.BSM__ Crsneral locatlon of property (in relation to a Town, Road, Stream or other landmark): South of I-70 on Gore Creek Approx. 1 roile west of Llons llead 4. Legal description of property a. Subdivisio. NrmeVail Village West Fi1fu t 14 Blk-' or' b. rnetes ard bounde (may be attached) include survey or map: l. Arl.r Purposs ard Reason for Variance (may be attached): We are requesting a variance from section 3.O5.O5 of the Zordng Resolutign so that we rnay be al-lovred to construct a pdnary a.nal secondary dirplex urrit on lot No. 1/r. See attacbnent A 1(. Attacfr e),qtl€nat ion that one or rr|ore conditlons exist under Sec. 9.04.06, 1-5. See Attachnent A. 7. Statement: A complete tist of alt orvners addresses, of the property proposed for Variance and of of all adi ies is attached hereto; this signatory is proPerly maKe cation for Variance stated hgreon. S i gnature of autfpr i zed app I i cant ; ow ner ? _r{_oate *<e-7/ Appllcation acceptecl as complete for Public Hearing on date Appllcation reJected as incomplete for Public Hearing because: 3. Ff le No. ' ,.r',*"u,oE?il--'-_ DatE recd. by: Applicant/Owner Edrartl Becvarik Sr. Mall Address c/o Err Reover"i k ,Tr.-, P^O- Rqy 111D, Clan$Rhtnq9pr{ -gs, Co:.O, 8L601 .O5.O5 varlance fron nlnimrm l-ot area: 8000 by: plonning administrator Pogo 1of 2 date ATTACHMENT A Iten 5 continueil: lfe feel thls varlance rould be Justtfled needed adCitlonal houslng for people J-l Aloo, because of tfie hlgh coste of consfor us to butkl a drpl-er ratber than aof the greater posslble revenue wbich can Iten 5 Tle feel that under sectlon 9.04.06 of the condltione e:det ln relatlon to this lot. Condltlon number 1 itfhat en unneceaaary be iqroseil on the propert5r qrner lf thestrict\r enforced.It lVe feeL thls condltlon erCste beeause ele was purchSsed lt was rltJr the wrders fqn{fJr resLdence coul-d be constructed. Conditlon nuder,.{ rrTbat the variance, lfvalue, uae or enJolment of atlJacentair ancl qpen space ln the neighborhood.r' We believe tJrat this conclitLon exists beca drawings ttrts buil<ting v111 not be of a siing character. A1so, as ls the care of alrea$r by nulti-fani\y &yelllngs thus our than roalntaln tlre unl.forotty and integrity Conditlon nruber 5: Itrat the varLance, if contrary to tbe lntent and purpose of ttris We flno\y belleve tbis condition erists be narlance that inequitiee nay be corrected tlhe neighborhood may be rnaintained which 1lot and is certain\r not contrary to ttre the zoning resolutiqr. cause lt would provldle nuch ln the west Vail area. tlon totlay lt le nore feaslblefaeflJ resldence because realized fron a dupler. resolution that three rurreasonable hardshlp r11l ong of this reeolutton are years ago when ttris property that nore than Juet a slngle ted v111 not dlnLnish the es, nor curtall deslrable l1ght as you can 6ee from ttre large enough to have an lrihiblt- 1ot the property ls surroundecl uildlng vl11 do nottring more the nelgbborbood. ted, r1I1 not be dlrectly Lutlon or the lrlaster Plan.rt uee lt ls the verlr nature of a the integrity and qunltty of certaln\r the case of thle of the Master Plan nor 10 L1 L2 L3 t4 L5 Iot Ntnber 16 L7 r.8 VAIL VILI"AGI Owner Joseph S & Charlene P.0. Bor 1/196 Vail, Colorado 8L657 Same ae above 'Irvtng ancl thelna J. 5901 Eaet Slrth Ave Denver, Colorado 80220 Rayrcnd llarlon Bor- 535Vail, CoJ-orailo 8L657 Saue as Above Edraril M. Becvarlk Sr. P.0. Bor Ll-77 Glenwood Sprlngs, Becvarlk lfrigbt Inc. P.0. Bor LL77 GLenwood Shlngs,alo 8l-601 Spc,bn and Paro{y TaJ. Box 322 Arltngton Hel.gbts, Kaleer E. llorcue Box 31OVail, Colorado 81657 scher Pau.]. J. and Dlana M. Oran F. ard PauLa A. (r) teer (II)(I) Bor 2506 \aLL, Co(II) Bor 427, ValI,orado 81657 81657