HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 2 LOT 17 LEGALDesign Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Fontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.219 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: drb020156 DRB Number: DR8020156 Project DescripUon: Enclose lower portion of deck with lattice Participantsr OWNER SIMPSON,IUDilH A. 05/28/2002 Phone: o/o CIO ERIN K. SIMPSON 5895 FRIARS RD 5305 SAN DIEGO CA 92110 License: APPLICANT Erin Simpson 05/2el20OZ Phonei970-270-L227 391 High Ridge Drive Grand Junction, CO Esvega@attbi,com 81503 License: PrcjectAddress: 1813 SHASrA PLVAIL Locauon: Legal Description: Lot: 17 Block Subdlvision: VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 2 Parcel Number: 210312306016 Comments: SeeConditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovalz O6lt4l2002 CondiUons: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005333 Lattice work may only enclose two sides beneath the deck Cond: CON0005334 At least two trees must be planted by November 1st, 2002, screening the lattice work on the side that is not already screened by trees One of the trees must be an evergreen Cond: CON0005335 Lattice work must match deck in color Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO JTAY,L5.?@? L?IA9PIf General Informauon: Descrlpdon of the Request: N0.711 P.t/L? Application for Design Review Depatment of Communlty Development 75 Souh funtage Road, Vail,0olorado 81557 teli 970,4n,2r39 fax: 9?0,179,2a52 web: www.o.yail,o,us AlLpryiects requlrlng.derign ra,ieil, must rech€ approval prlor b submfttng a bulldlng pemlt appllcauon. please reGr E .me submlltal requir€mqts fur the parflo4ar appro6l hat is Equested, An apptication for Design Rerdalvonnot be accephd until all requircd lnfomauon 15 recdved by he @nmunlv Development Dcpartnent, TheproJec may also necd to be rsrierrcrl by tfie Town oounctl aniVor the Plannin! and Erivimnmenal Gommhshn.D6lgn t€Yieu, appturel lapees unlesi a b||llding peflrit is assued ana cirrtruAion onmelros within one year of the epptDva!. w'yW-*' Location of the prcposat: rotr lTBwrr -? subdivtsioni Phycfcat Addrrsc; /8/j Slasl* Ph,e V";l Partel No.:o3 b lOnaa Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-3ZE-884{l br par€el no.) zonlngt €-st E.mall Address: Iype of R€vtew and Fee:tr Signstr Conep[ral Relview tr NewConstucUontr Addiuon tr MinorAlterau-on (muld.fam ily/com merdal) tr Mlnor AlteraUon (singlehmily/duptex) E/ Changestonpprcved plans D separauon Rcquest t+<tt Own€r(s) Signaurc(t): l.laillng Mdn:se: aAall D 9tro3 Ll .<orA- $50 glJs $1,00 per qr:are tuot of bbl sign area. ib Fee $650 For construdion of a new buildirrg or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where squar€ b&Ee is added to any re$dential or commercial building (indudes 250 addittions & inErior @nver$ons), $250 For mino dranges b bulldlngs and sib impDvEfients, such as, rerooffng, paintng, window additions, landscaping, lEnces and rebining walls, etc.$20 For mlnor chanoes to buitdlngs and she improvenents, $rdl a$ r€roofing, palntlng, windqw addldons, landscaping, ftnces and rctaining wallt etc.$20 For rcvisions to plans alrcady approved by Planning Staff Or Sre Design Revlew Board. No Fee .-"jEBFor Office Uie Only: F.Fg, =& ' oreckno,: .g-i?Z ay:Date: Ong'ilo.:| 2t affi, Rec-el,vod i 5/15/02 11:11AM; ' r'14Y. t5.?.6A2 12:l1PM Roof Siding other Wall Materials Fascla Sofflts Windows Wlndow Trlm Doors DoorTrim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Wdls Exterior Llghung Other ge6o-> Home; Pa N0.711 P.6/L? Cqlor PR,OPOSED MATERIAIS Sf[ding l.laterials ftme of Material , tt'I-alTtce lo ^r[.L nJe, lt Notes: please speciff the manufacture/s name, dre color name and number and attach a olor chip' Pase 6 of LUIZ|OT|iZ Department of Commwity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us RE: West June 6, 2002 Erin Simpson 391 High Ridge Drive Grand Junction, CO 81503 Simpson Residence, located at 1813 Shasta Place / Lot 17 , Block 2, Vail Village Dear Ms Simpson, The Community Development Department has reviewed the plans for the Simpson Residence, located at 1813 Shasta Place / Lot 17, Block 2, VailVillage West. The following comments and concems must be addressed prior to final Design Review Board approval: 1. Only two sides of the lower portion beneath the deck can be enclosed. 2. Provide plans illustrating which sides you intend to enclose. 3. The lattice work on the enclosed sides must be screened with trees. 4. Show proposed locations of these trees. The above comments and concerns must be addressed prior to final Design Review Board approval. Please submit the revisions as soon as possible. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 970-479-2139. Sincerely,z{@ Amanda Clegg Planning lntern Town of Vail cc: Allison Ochs, AICP tg *"n"uor^ro o o Q 'z1iv^ o +laaf+a*a*{t'}**t a**} l*t*+tal'}* t'} *** +***t+ * + + ++ + | * + *+* ** + ** +t*******+**'} +l+ att * ll' laaal ll*a*+f*l TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Strrcment f+*aa+t+a*aaaa*l'la**a*l*tt+a+aaf**{,!t**'}***ti*+l*****+*+ft****t+**'}+*a'}fa+ltfi+laaa*aaaa*alaa SEatetnent lill rb€r: ROOOOO2457 llnount: $2O.OO O5/2e/2OO2O8335 i|l{ Palment l{ethod: Check hit! itAR Notation: 5593 ErLn Sirqreon Permit No: DR3O2O156 . Type 3 DRB-Minor Alt, SER/DUP Parcel No: 2103123 05 016gite AddlegE: 1813 SHASTA PIJ VAIIJ IJocation: TotaL FeeE: $20.00 This Palments $20.00 Total A r Pmts: S20.00 Balance: $0.00 ***aa't****t'lf***'3+**af*laaaa*atfa*ar*'if**'it*t*{'r}*'tft+**+**t+a+*aa**a**a'|f{'+t+f+aaaa*aaataa''l* ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current ftnts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI,I FEES 20 .00 TOV|IN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIIJ, CO 81557 970 -479-2L38 Occupancy: \pe Const,ruct.ion: Tlpe Occupancy: Valuation: FircDlacc lllforo!tsion: R6atricEcd: ves Job Address: 1813 SHASTA PLLocat.ion...: 1813 Shasta PlParcel No. . : 2LO3-L23-06-016 ProjecE No.: 899 -0314 status...: rssItED Applied. .: L2/03/L999 Issued...t L2/L4/L999 Extrrires. . : 06/LL/2olo DEPARTIVIENT OF COMMT,]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,JOBSITE AT AJ-,L TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT PETMiT #: APPLIEANT HIGHPOIMT DECKS 1.632 HIGHPOTMT CIRCLE, GOLDBN. COIiITRACTOR H]GHPOIT.IT DEEKS 1632 HIGIIPOIIIT CIRCLE, GOLDEN. OV'INER co 80403 co 80403 Phone: 303 -582-0646 Phone: 303 -582-0646 srMPsoN iIIIDTTT{ A Phone: 970-476-7t64* ERrN K STMPSON, 1813-A SHASTA pL, VAIL CO 81657 uescrrlrut€rr:-- Replace decks, stairs, railings removed by oEher con *'ri*rr'r'rrrr.+*t FEB sItul.tARY rrt*r*rr*ri*.tatr'rti$titt*ti.tr R1 Mult.i-Family V l--HR Type V 1-Hour l-8, 000 llof Oq6 At4lli.ac.s: Rasguarah! Plan Rc\ri6r- - > DRB Fec-------- Rcctoation Pcr----------> CIe.n-Up D6poeiC--------> Clean-up Deposit Refund aPProved '4-L aa4a$acRrnt loD.' date. *"., -ql-le(ELseeg/Prrr.c : TOV/Comm. Dev. TotaL calculaUed F.cs-- - > Additional FceE---------> Total PelEit. Fcc--------> Pa)rocnCa- - - - - - - Building--- -- > Plan ch6ck- --> Inw66tigatsion> wiII caII----> 225.OO L45 .25 .00 3 .00 . o0 .00 . o0 100. o0 474.25 100 .00 s7 4 .25 574.25 TOTAI, FEES.... - i r rr r t tr 'r r r rr J r r r i tr i t r ttrir * * Dept: BUILDING Division: JR- Dept : PLAIiINING Division:verbal apprDept: FIRB Division: Dept: PIIB WORK Division: IEEM: O5].OO BIIILDING DEPARTI4E}ITL2/.03/L999 KATIIY Action: NOTEL2/06/L999 ilRlil AcE,ion: APPRIt,EM: O54OO PI-,AI{NING DEPARTMENTL2/03/L999 KATIIY Act,ion: APPRIECM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI'IEI{I1,2/03/L999 KATHY AcE,ion: APPRItem: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKSL2/03/L999 KATIIY Act,ion: APPR Routed to APPROVED Previous n/a N/A See Page 2 of this Docunent for any condiEions thaE may apply to this permiE. DECLARAIIONS I helaby acknowlcdgc chal I h.vc r.ad thiE apFlicatign, filled out in f,ull che inforB.lion rcquired, couplgted an .ccur.t. plot plan, and stsato that all thc infordation E,rovj.d€d as rGquir€d is corrects. I agrcc to couply with bhs infonrtLon .nd itlot pl.tt, to corlply rith all, Town ordinatrccs and 6t'atc lar6, alrd tso build chis structur6 aecording to thc Tonn'! zoning.nd eubdiwigion codca, dceign rcvicw approved, Unifgrn Building Codc all'd oEh.r ordinancE6 of th€ Town applidablo !h€r6to. REQI'ESTS BE MADE TWENTC-FOUR HOURS IN NDI/ANCE BY clean-Up Dcposig To: Highpoint *:l****************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit *: 899-0314 as of L2/L4/99 Status: ISSIIED ********************************************************************:l!r********** Permits Tlpe: ADD/AI,T MF BUrLD PERMTT Applied: L2/03/1999applicant: HIGHPOINT DECKS Issued: L2/L4/L999 303-582-0546 To Ercpire: 06/LL/2000 ilob Address:Location: 1813 ShasEa PI Parcel No: 2103-123-06-016 VATL VILI,AGE WEST FILTNG 2 LOT L7 Description: Replace decks,sLairs,railings removed by oEher con Conditions:1. FIELD TNSPBSITONS ARE RSQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2. ALL, PEI{BTRATIONS IN WATLS,CEILINGS,AI{D FLOORS TO BE SE,AITED WITII AII APPRO\IED FIRE MATERIAT. SOmf OF Vlltr. @LORADO StaEcfint gErCaEtB tob.rr REC-O599 llounC:871.25 12lL4/99 09.31 Prl'ltn!' ll.ghod ! O?50 llotrBion, HIeDO IT DACfg tuit: anl Plllrig lto: 899-031{ t!?.. l-ta! P.rc.l tfo. 2103 -1,23 -06-015 git. lddr.tr ! 1813 llBAgtl DL Loclgion. 18x3 ahratr Pl IID/II,T r|! EI'II.D PAN Ttlr P.yEcnt logrl !as. I A7l.2E Aottl l!trr P[8. r Blltnca r 57 4.28 574.25 ,oo lcaor.Bt Coda tP 00100003111100 Pt 00100003112300 cG 00100003123000 tt D2-D!PO8 ||c 00100003112!00 D!.c!lpeion EttttDttac Pln||IT tEla PInf, CHICX tttg ccEflRlclbn t IcEtStg CI,EI!|ED DIDOSITg rui! cllitr ufaPter[or taE lrulrt 226. O0 l{6.25 100.00 100.00 3.00 rowN oF vArLGNsrRUcroN 'ERM,, ort"AroN ,::Jtt " Plumbing ( )Electrical ( )Mechanical ( )Other ( ) Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Subdiusron or"ne., r.ra."' 6-c if\ 3 vr\PSoD Address: Architect: DescriptionorJou' bCc-6$oi, feploro*pnt b krkClass: New fl Alteration ( )Additional ( )Repair( )Other ( ) Number of Dwe[ing units: t$t Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances BUILDING: $--18--OOO- ELECTRICAL:$ PLIJMBING $MECTIAMCAL $ Number of Accommodation Units, L'l Gas Logs Wood/?ellet OTFIER: $rorAl$F CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: Phone # INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR Trrn APPLTCATTON WrLL BE REJECTETI Contact the Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8U0 for Parcel # Parcet# zlo3 - lz3 -Dto' olk o'", I l'i6'?9 rouNarne: 6rt A SrnnPSsn nuruinef rhone*__,1$=.!etrQ_ - $O VALUATIONS i/Geoerar conrracto', l| b[,?o'n* b". tcS Town of Vail Regisration No A lq - B Electrical Contractor:Address: Phone #Town of Vail Reeistmtion No. Blss!!!s-@: Town of Vail Registration No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Reeistration No. Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TOr Dnte ReceiveAoo stOg Sr- arn'+radre-S tio. ffi%'lWoo o TO: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WTIH THE TOWN OF VAIL ...\1.i . hI' .?IiiFROM.', .Tq$'IIOF/VAILf,UBiIAIVbNTS AND COMMLINITYDEVELOPEMENT ."i:" | " '.t ' .-::'..1':DATE: JANUARY 1, 1999' STJBJECT: CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE s-2-10: IIEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROIIIBITEII A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered" tracked or deposited" sand" gravel, rocks, mud" dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof B. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may noti$/ and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand" gravel. rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense ofthe notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable: l. Within the immediate area of any construction, maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water main, sewer main, electricity line, gas line, telephone line or any appurtenanc e thereto; 2. To deposits of sand, dirt or materials necessary for the protection ofthe public safety: and 3 . To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B' above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section l-l-l ofthis code. E. Notice; Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof. and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder. be punishable as provided in Section l-{-l oftltis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Read and acknowledged by: Position or Relationship to Project: Date: (i.e. contractor or owner) o TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PE,NMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Deparunent review of Health Departrnent review, and a review by the Building Departnent, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. r All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentroned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned deparnnents with regard to neiessary review, these projccts may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this deparUnent to expedite this permit as soon iN possible' I, the undersigned, understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date. that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agrecd to by: ProjectName: SrrnP>on Date: I I lb'1q- Work Sheet was tumed into fie Community Development Dept. tp*uo"o TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS JANUARY I, 1999 WHEN A "PIJBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQTIIRED /, JOB NAME: )I TN PSON DATE: PLEASE ANSWER TI{E FOLLOWING QTJESTIONNAIRE REGARDING TI{E NEED FOR A *PI.JBLIC WAY PERMI'I"' : L Is this anew residence? YES NO..)C Is demolition work being performed that requires the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES_ NO;f_*or ""-K Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? Is a different access needed to the site olher lhan lhe existing driveway? YES NOA 6. Is any dftrinage work being done that affects the Right-of-Way. easements, or public property? YES No-++ Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES Nox A. Is the Right-of-W€y easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES_ NO_-^,_ B. lf NO to 8A. is a pdrking saging or fencing plan required by Community Development?YES_ *o x If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit'' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's offtce or at Community Development. Ifyou have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 479-2198. 4. 5. '1. 8. YES ANSWERED ALL TFIE ABOVE QI.JESTIONS. Companv Name I{IgHPOINT DECKS '63? I{IGHrcI;NT CIRCI.E @LDEN, @ 8o4O3 303-667-31:tO | 303-fi?-W ILQ - 4 lJLt' l?1 t TO: TOWN OF VAIL BUILD N6 DIYISION I ,.FROII: JON DA\ns - HI6I+OINTDECKS A 0f ,,b.1,,l2RE: DECK sPEcs tY W ))."nL.'I n)'- STAIRS T . TREAD HEIGTH - APPROX. T +"r TREAD WIDTH - 44". TREAD RUN - APPROX t0 *". AIL RAILIM - 42" IN I/FI6HT . AIL JOISTS AND 4X4 SUPPORTS ATTACHED WITH APPROVED SI,UPSON HARDWARE. LU?IO, AC4, AW4.L-7O. $CISTI},|6 CASONS BEINO USED. CASONS SET 4'DEEP, 10" IN DIA,I ETER. LED6ER ATTACI{ED TO HOUSE WITH 5 *' X +" LAes MI|Jl\Eo SNOW PUSH ryPE - 4X4 SUPPORTS APPROX. 5'APART. 2X4 CROss llE/tiBERs wrTllzxz ac(ETs SPACE 3 7/8" ApApT,3 +" GAp AT SOTTOM RATLINoc AIL I ATERIAL #t 6RADE PINE CCA wALrwAvr FRAtltIl.l6AND DECKI}.|6 STAY AS ISr NEW 2X12 PTNE CCAFA!{!A BEING ADDED. NEW SNOWPUSH ryPE RAIUING - sAi E As DECK BEIN6 ADDED *f{-1) ' 'Date Received ,\ Ol tv DEc o 3 les ^A1r,l I \a f. '.. ,1Y cr"rtvr' ooPY o \ rlc ; o o /l htyl I o II.otaoEd9qa o FOEoE'.o EE o c; <; c; (., H F 5 o g Eop al F FI4o E FI tsqu o E a ti I li4a *88" CB !tE(,e EA H cXIu !,1 B .| E 6I o J4t O3.a! t{EAoorE orE60o F F AE.ZEOD!.OE-E4 ulrE :. F. E6 E9q|a D rl FJti' 4,ftE{tH( P AHcl lr l.t-t , Hg E4 F 6 1 gl H xt aol.lFA EE-uES tQE!ES EEB S8(JU A F .J Il. HD fiIc E BTE E EE F to9 4dtT> EII{!lalo.Iaodro tr! oAAl. _'-<___1ri_:_. lit. I lnop*etron llequert lt Thi€ e rp: Irn 1l ( tlv Fage 9 S1t, I'rn€ : t.MF 1-fs6 t7 I.;r11 irhrr-,er .lt:l 592-lti*i r-hon;: 1.?c-1?€-7''!64 ,af.;.:.rs if,3582-0646 H-eg!'Cslcgl l$Ses][onf ql Iten:: 9O RLS*incr R€qu8sor. Hfr3tiFoB.rr De CrsCo{iln€nts. :I)]-:lOtj;1O86 AislgfFd To Jhid'hlDRACrO$$ d4{on r'i$iirre$1ec 'l iref : 0l ;00 Ptl irflon€: JO]ff]?-064'5 l, .l lit/ $9nI ,^f,\n*'.**ro vY \N .,/ ngrn: 30 Bt.D_G'Framlng I \ ^ Itgrn: 30 Bt.DG'Framlno -.,, \ O!/11:(1O "lnspeclcr: .JEtl + '.:,; ,:i PAhllAt AFPPCVAL ' ' l.o.cotnmenb: PfrF.TlAl_ FRAMtiiC, A.Fifr X O Ifllinr: 5fi BLDc-insublk;{r 'l L.i ttsrrr: 6O BL fJc;$lrs€troci( Nsilllen!: 70 BLW!Hb t.*p€cror. ''-S?ra"v"' .-+-ir.:rr ,,riFi"rAppri;irr3s l,lt ^f hJcammentg: 2 gbno kbc ar€a,iaionr D' ,lfnsm. s) tsLDG-FinBl 1 llfgzi$gloo ltBosc:r(x: iRM rlcii:.:I|' rjA i]/iR I{AL $pPRt}VAl - feomrr.rots: Ot(D FOR IJSAG€ Sg.l. Cr?iOglOO Ins&cctr:r: JRM .rul!...;rr' l{) i€FTIFICATE tF OCCUPANCY-;ornn|€n!*i ApDTL COMM$ . {){}FFi:r:1i}t.l'i r\R;i:'r." -ii:j Ftr.NA!. CQMPIF1E TIEfr,RESTORE SITE AtlD {:.:L*IN Lrp HA},rl-{i,{!L flH.*i.,$ 1 ar u{: ,li['!,.ii ]:l f HD r.F0rri 4;l l{'! 34.38 A '1., ,un IT ,ttl U Q".r**, Arh/ry BSff-OSi4 lyrr: l-MF Consl Type. ,-}., crrpai'cy.F6ii€l: ?10311Jo6olt Appllcant: HIGHFoNT r.ECKS t)$rn€i' SltltPSON JU$TFI A ConlraCor: HlGi"{POil.JT DEC|(C Oescripti<xr. Repiaie decks,stair* rallings rerc;'uai, bu *hei i.i.:r Flequ€st"{l ;$rpe'.ja O6t?: r}*JnFscaf, C"*,rember'l S. 2C0t ifr$rrncugfr l{rea' 'jAfidlire Aadrese: 1*13 stl,qi!iA fi-'rAlL 1813 sna$ta lrl Slalu6: l$StJED lrcp Araa: JRM Run lil; 1143 t' REPTl31 zo/ tz O v- Ui/,7e w" #z- DEPARTMEI.IT OF COMMTTNITY DEVEI,OPMEI{T NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSTTE AT AIJL TIMES ADD/AI.,T MF BUITD PERMIT ilob Address:Location. . .: Parcel- No. . : Project, No.: DECK STARS, INC. 8280 WEST COAIJ MINE AVE. DECK STARS, INC. 8280 V{EST COAL MINE AVE. SIMPSON JITDIITT A aBE SUUIIARY .'r'' *i rt t tt*. t ttrtt *t.i * t * *r status...: IssttEDApplied..: O8/26/L999Issued...: 08/3L/L999Expires..: 02/27/2000 TOWN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FROIiITAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLIEANT coltTRAqroR OI{NER Description: #15' LITTLETON, #15, LTITLETON, Phone z 303-979-'7477co 80123 Phone: 303-979-74'17 co 80123 smount date 2103 -123 - 06-016 t ERrN K srMpsoN, 1s13-A suAsrA nr_,, verf@$7$6Fflm. DeV. Clean.up Remove old deck/railings reptace same for ""*" Appf6ved Occupancy: Tn)e Construction: npe Occupancy: Valuation: Fir.phcc Infon.t,io!1r RG.lricCGd: R1 Mult,i-FamilyV I--IIR l:/lge V 1-Hour 10,000 Add Sq Ft,: YBg #of, ca6 A!rp1irnc..! *of or3 Logr: l+of wood/P.11ct: it Refund Building-----> Pl.n chcck- - - > I nvG Etigat' i on > wilI call- - -- > RereuGant Plan Rcwicr- -> DRB F..- --- -- -- 145 .0 0 94.25 .00 3 .00 342.25 75.OO 1L7 .25 4L7 .25 DepE,: BUILDING Division: JR- 'JRMDept.: PLAIiINING Division:Dom-verbaL 8/L7Dept.: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: See Page 2 of Ehis Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECIJANATIONS I h.rcbt!. aclsroul.dga thrl I h.w. r..d thl. rpplicatsion, fillGd ouf in full the infon clon r.quired, cdpl.t.d .n rccuracc plot' pl,rn, and .tet6 tsh.t r11 gh6 inforrrtion provid.d .B rcquircd i. co!rcc!. I agrcc to conply iith t'hc inford.tsion rnd plot pl.n, to cooply xlth all lorn ordinancea and aCrtG 1.v6, and to build tshi.6 Egructsure according !o lhc Torn, s zouiag end.ubdivi6ian cod.6, d€Eign rGviar rlrplgvod, Unifonr Building Code and othcr ordinrnccE of thc Town .pplicablc tsh.r.to. REQUEATS FOR INSPESIIONS SHALL BB MADE tWENrc-POItR HOORS IN ADVAIoE sY TEIBPHoNE AT 479-2138 OR AT OltR OFPIeB SROll sloo AU s!00 Pll SIGNATT'RE OF O9INER, OR COIITRACTOR FOR HIIIBBLF AND OWNBR **********************************************************************:l**:r****** permit *: Bee-0223 "S"i?tT57Tirs9 stsarus: rssuED **!t:t:t*************************************************************************** PermiE !)4pe: ADD/ALT MF BUITJD pERI{rT Applied: og/2G/L999Applicant,: DECK STARS, INC. Issued: 0g/3L/L999303-979-7477 To E:<pire: O2/27/2OOO ilob Address: Locat,ion: 1813 Shast,a Pl_ Parcel No: 2103-123-06-016 VAIL VTIJLAGE WEST FIIJING 2 LOT 17 Descript.ion: Remove old deck/railings replace same for aame Condit,i.ons:1. FIELD INSPEEfIONS ARE FSQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODB COMPLIAIICE.2. ALIJ PENBTRATIONS IN WAI,IJS,CEILINGS,ATiTD FIJOORS TO BB SE,ATIED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE }ATERIAJ..3. SMOKB DETEETORS ARE REQUIRED TN ALt BBDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC. 310 . 6 . 1 OF TIIB 1997 IJBC.4. FIRB DEPARA{EIIf APPROVAL IS RSQUTRED BEFORE AI\TY WORK CADI BE STARTED.5. CONSTRU TION MUST MEET CODE FOR STAIR WAY RISE A}i[D RUN, ITAI{D RAIIJS AT{D GUARD RAII-,. CONTRACTOR WILL PROCEDE AT OI{N RISK DT'E TO INCOMPLETE PI.ANS. *rl***********.t*******il****-********************!r******I_********** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO SEaEemnt,*****it********************************rl********!r**************** statsemtr Number: REC-0554 Arnount,:4L7.25 08/31/99 13:20 PalnnenE, Method: CIIECK Notation: #679/E.SIMPSON IniE: KMW Permit, No: 899-0223 Tlrpe: A-MFParcel No: 2103-123-05-015 Sit,e AddreBs: 1813 GIORE CREEK DRLocat.ion: 1813 Shasta P1 ADD/AI.T MF BT'II,D PER This Palment ********************,ttt:l**!t************t******t***!t*****!t******:t* Account, Code Description BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUIIJDING PERIIIT FEESPF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEEScL 00100003123000 CoNTRACTOR LTCENSES AD D2-DEPO8 CIJEANT'P DEPOSITSwc 00100003112800 WTIJIJ CALL' TNSpBefION FEB Total- FeeE: 4L7 .25 Total ALI-, Pmtss: Balance: 4L7.25 4L7.25 .00 Amount. 145. 00 94.25 75.00 x00.00 3 .00 oo oo o C' oc) 'HctOD.oo-oa o oo oo l'o!ODd8o o 'IE A o0 oo o C' 00 oo o0 E EA E B I H oo o c C'c oo ocr.l xUEAo r, o dEoI ol o UI{ 6 AEt! RI.ia 9la6t.(,EOUHFIKH'e8 c aa|Iq!!\gecl o al o 6a IHOHHEln E8IIa ooIAqI.rcl! At. EEit &I EI fEFIE( a ?E E' E FF HB Er II I E3B88966B AHin EH 6 E Ha *nq a HI! F nIA : d o=o :EtIlr.Eao.E fr8S EE€ Fe--r..^t 1t-, h6D ,Irrot,n /tr/s 5l,l^ lr Date Received sEP 01 1999 oF.?5tr FR]FI :FRX I.E. :A.tg. 4 LW IBieffil FE ^-*,-.Uc.tz.ts""..r z!d5t1,^.-.e) IEST ffiyNERS rtrre?eaza] tS.444 ,.1,T .r"r.. ' ToUUltl OF VAIL cotrl$TRUCTION pERUfrAPPucArloDt,FORtf ND l?45'$ QtffitpEFdlfuA, lOffiPadt 'z'ol_ t6 Qb d h ' r*ru be.}- raJrill -, ufiog1a ldDgr,l HFr-{( }t6rbl( )cE( ) tqrtDlrcriturc l+ Ho* fuffidiq own"r!t:-Id$5,+ .- tw lan S,/r^6ia^ Ci- swl3e9-6?g!y Atrllt ?Dr* Dceifiod wqcbs ltb ( )A[tain() i Add$H(]rryr/Q O!r( ) wglt*i riG cDrdli!3rtrs_L_tnF--Du Pr-B-' tthi.r f\Qa. 6??\r:wrr@ r&^e# lgl3 Slq.aia fleee:- rtutadDl3 drrqr* B^Ft!E-hrk_ srt{* ugJrls[E ArldEs ba rSdLffi ab8 tmdVrittrgbdaQ hoBE lWrdrmddottic WoodtFdtg-. ;ffiW3-ffi"1-o's@ r_lCI.oDE-_ T1OTAL 3 B?8o w.Coqu ffi ineAve Ontr tto'Lrtt$a+sn - aorz3 rorlefvd R6Ffi.B Nr--!SQ€--- nor rr go3' q1 q nul] *-rzo- 131- sor3 -B,fbh. a?.. l m ll|l|Ct 6lGfilATu ZdllNlr dotA 303'-Foo- logo S. Van(ior&n Lare^.t ooc!, f.O ?,0228 4Z+lqq --p6ror.nic ot t-o/decr- iLsrie nr:relrsnqc{ -, -.-.-.\.r-r'.*-A- EO -'#;ff.;;Q,,,.70n8/a+hs'o a4prcq. I o5.rY\.8/a.{ hs'o a4prov. I o5. in.ts/1rlse ' Donnrnrc-75uurscs*r .r-^-'*no j*.. TOWN OFVAIL Departmcnt of Community Devebpment 75 South Fronnge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 97M79-2138 FAX97M79-2452 DeB t'>arLed. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: Gene Deck Stars Kathy Warren Town of Vail Building Div. August 24,1999 SUBJECT: l8l3 Shasta Place Deck Gene, I just spoke to Travis and he asked me to specifu the information needed to acquire a building permit for the above location. Please have him send me 2 sets of structural drawings detailing: (1 set will be filed and 1 set will be retumed as a field set for inspection purposes) Span Spacing Type ofhangers Type of lumber Type ofconnections Footing Detail (how many, depth, number of rebar) Stair Detail Handrail and Guardrail Detail The Town of Vail requires a l00lb snow load on open outside decks. Footings must be at least 48" deep (frost depth), with a minimum 12" soni-tube, 2-4 pieces of rebar. Handrails can be 36", picket width 4", rise/run 7 Y1"/11", Guardrails are required to be 42". Call me if you have questions 970-479-2325. {g *"n"t"o'^'o Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Narrc: Slmpson Deck Project Description: Replece deck and rriling' Owner, Address, and Phone: Erin And Judith Siryson 1080 S. Ven Gordon Ct Lakewoo4 CO 80228 fuchitect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Same es above Project Steet Mdress: 1813 Shastr Place kgalDescripioa Lot 17, Parcel Number: 210312306015 Comments: BuildingName: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: U20199 Project Name: Simpson Deck VAILDATA/EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAJS\I DRBAPPR Board/StaffAction Action:StaffApproval DRB Fee Pai&(Part of buildtng pelmi$ September l, 1999 Erin Simpson 1080 S. Van Gordan Ct. Lakewood, Co.80228 Dear Erin, Just thought I would let you know that I received your check today in the amount of Ml7.75. It should have been for $417.25, so you may notice my scribble attempt at changing it on your check, hope that was okay. The payment was posted today and I have enclosed a copy ofthe receipt for your records. Let me know if I can help you with anything else. Sincerely, Kathy Wanen Permit Review Coordinator DEC. 3,1999 8:@ffI ERST 1€ST PMTNERS fp.7a3 P.? Docamber 3, 1999 Kothy lVuren, Pecmit Rwicw Cmrdindor TownofVail Conmunity Dwelopmeat Dcputucnt Building Saftty g InTcctiotr Senriccs Division 75 SouthFrqtage Road Vail, Colosodo 81657 DearKathy: Tbanh you for )our pdicnce and underqtaading with the rlelays associaed with the dock mnsatptiop at my horuc locatcd at I E 13 Shaata Plsc€. I an sxcited to bave fie job compl*ed as soo as posriblc. After maay uureuousbls sstbaplre &om the initial coutsactc, Dcc& StaE, I havc caaoclod their cmtact to build thc dcok I h*ve si$e4 a new coDtact with Highpoint Decks (Jobn Davis.) to complefe tbo deoh Iligbrpoint DccJ<s udcrsEnds the sihutiou and will work diligently to completc the itesk as Eoon $ poseiblc, Higbpoint Declc brs ebfied to roplacc the rleclq stadhg with iusta[iug railing in ths nost critical r€at. The dcck should bc finishod boforc Chrisbas. I Iflouhavc myqucstiop+ pleasc ilo notbcsitateo oonhctBc et (303) 523-1500. Again, I appreciato 1our undo*tandhg with this dclayed coustructiou ErinSimlronrl i Date Received ,l t)EC 0 3 1999 FRolil'r tt; ]"rt'"t#'i, i,ii n --" l*' ,-'*" a3:GPM l--- --?rg _-1;Lr-r;r^lr --l' a T s4' ' +sl -sbr l'tr [;r[l'l tn' I Jo' $-g IT 13 ,l g 11'r- I rft l-- i-lgtI i", t *B rt t prsr bRsE- r,, 'rn ArmPSOd t{*ri&PsL.lJ\Al |- sre*P STHgs .L{O Cgft *2 ovgrtrgz. -";;rrvt DaeFD.lbtsl- [+A^,0@&rt oN sTAIBS raneORftlL Oht osclF-t Date Received AEP AUG 25 1999 \r*.J w: tf" $*J o-{,, F,I&WDilrt' cuttlt tbt' \ FROl't : loo ffi of your oecrf*e' 23 leee 6:a1Pn' Pz The Scale is 1/E" : 1' | :--r,'7.-ii tt;'-:al' ,-til - I Bsvf Butt - 'lt''" /tt roo \it srcr-.) \coc'' I SPa.' =Fo-crfiq-\1e*"tY@ c)4\ n.o'C+t(sf\D oe;il+" lr4 Tootrrcr in11," $fif-, ,p= gp+;-+nr tlrrYrronred 0 CJnCIrt J +{O*'DFtrl ' -3b" pteka-f --L/r tl FROt't' : lgo "i" of your o"rrl*e' 23 1e!B EEizEPn P3 FFN}4 : lro ffi of your orcrJue' 23 leee *reBPM P4 Ito ilJ.r of your oe"rJue' 23 Lw e'i*,Pn Ps fto frJ; of your o""rl*e' 23 1e!B e'i",Pn F6 ooza{Fco{oz '0ln7 ={ d (D m Igl-o.;E 11 : 3tf;E al9r 1Iri 9. EF gr-l Zf5 o<1o-dEa9e€>a3gm- _'l m t =m T z. z -.{ c) -.1o \., !z. t- -t t-a< JZ 4E3: -l c)o>70r 9s nz>mc)E--l >or- T =oi €zm -n =z pr H F'Ptso {o @ l-l H z T U) o on Hl D l- m g) o t_lp Hpl = PJ @ I N 2 l{to l€lz lo t;|m lF,lz le I I 'tl = Lr \< tr) li l€ l6 IIt> lFlltlmloflzto I l*lo\ t?IF I +l{mlOrl= lo tl l> t;lm l6-,tz I' lito l€ lz t; t;lo 9zlqmt I c-.'. r liD X| \.,Ia.'Lt. l'- O | '.o 'r'l P'ott! m :0 - -{o TD mxmtI oz(-o @ U' -{m o)O-o ;E3d'o9d iEgE 9 =o) o =:EF*ias' (/'(D=JA-.osrc)-*o R.(t - 5:5s--=ooi Q 3aUrgt 3a*=(o9 +@6e1€ -tt o, ! e.e=il ;'a 9.3 5.s 3-1 IeaE = =.9 P@3oL 3 e.91 ;rFE E= frq<o-= E:A P 6' ;*ai $U a 5 ^l3q€ueR=. EFE.i Ns o ',rt...RFi \--S,C \ t l./=. rl, k o ?\3,, N9tll :. i'9'(otoo o o =*|\\rf:;N E#dL[ 4,.r,N' :;mN g F3i\- $ =l ozm ^ -ntv \?9lS --r Eh\ =;L! "lt\.:3l\S :t t-\ =Yl 6'el Erl ool . o =l d3t =(tl :Jml5l l-Dt> tx lE I I I I i +-1_ lt)-l z D =z a_.It m -az mm m l< - lz t? 1> 1r- I o 5 I l= --to<n_om I lm t4 t,lot! I I t m :i € - fl z U'cr -l z ! I zm cm IOtr€otrIi zA 'z = z>e8IOd= >o i'i !(,o zc =-1 tl I I I zm€ m >xz ,.} =z m_0 i m c l- I z - s o F Foct Ar F H a-$ F x<X-o ia>'izo\Yo atr o6t< Ebt-.{6ozz r$@= Sm= ooI a< E8EZ vio or- t+( H' "I s6 5=o;.xn.. Or Hprlolot { rl I(, z 2 F ID . 2 z { m zzo =2 -{ u -.1m r, Eit- z' F3!'3 +lIdtpF, I O\lrltsli ;l 0l arf 0) o 7i- Is. I\o(]) -{ -i t- !mf,t = ='Tl mm c(n m -.{ x o|-m 2 m l mIoz m m€ m m --l znmm 3mo z t- qz mrm --t o t- z -m x @ F z - 1'mF3 =-n mm(t VALUATION !mv3 -{ zo 3m 2 t- =z mt-mo 6- 2c) tJ._l (,|) N o\ UT ( nto)([*c(r A aLl ooz 9Fco{6z !mn ={ 3P z=c]qtz=5oz I -r -{o EmIq!-olra EIHE El9s ?l!= slijn Il< -{ tl=l i ;=.6€4o.68g,*FEfi5I ! m! = riinnE"-<trq 9ii=ti= FE"t- "tr!tr z,O n+(') -;;- u 8=ZA-rY b>6z 9X = c cI t- =@z il =ts<-{ d97r C) 2n-{mnz>mOI-t>o|-n n a =mo €zmn III z, =IT v) HE tn z u, tsFrlj )Pf,uiAo>'t- @ u) FutHF Er{F o-{ l= CE1-r Ir2 DHr{ H F{FLorl {frtut F {* N) im-m -|o€z o.lt r m 2 I = Hto l€ lzlol'It<t> lF |m t!, lz Iv = {! n @ N)\.| Iul{ o\ 6 t€ lzlo l'llt<t> F ll|l Pz L(,5 * n! EI]*.F t-r Ft'tt< Fd rr g tnHz lito t€ 12lo l''lt< t> lFItm lotz It3 lrtol{ lz let<t> lFII lm lF,lzlo I73 a -l I 3 t- m n 3 a F- - 3 t- m U' F cnH trPc) z m C-{ (n B U) z zo-lm I &.! o'tl FIz z v)l! TFrm\.l tr G=\O -.1No @mxm!i oz(-o(! 2 -.1m )P HP rlf4 =.2(-, H(t -.l (^) o m 0)o- Egs dPggii E;A-9{ iFF ilp. =-.o at=*-dE-r$5l-=2ioo Q 3a " eBaBi F -oe-d€tt oE "s; F 693o =. --OO-r. 5-i=eie ieg ordJ=s.:f "t t;3ilq o-f _43 d', H*t iqE ah (D =. $ i.e gtt v, 0) o. o o d 6' o c d 0tooo 4 @ o o -{ € ui N A' o. <t,g cto. s. a,t 5' o clo !t, oo to { A) ! o oo. c: o 3 sJ(o ooo"o D o (D .sl -o{ oEeo Do o o d 'rto! T =@mr'n z -{? m o{zm xz @T q,-tz =z l- m -{ zmm m l<' lz lz t;l- | .h, lo t. I II FI I fio<>_n! ln € t-t-(t, I z z I ls t- I I 1- I z @ T -{ z 'tt m {Idxz m U' f, t- c m I troI-l 2't-l z lf)m!t- mgt €trll- =zacz = = -l zcz -l i I z rn€ m =z =z ,mt nxx9< 3 m 1l r -{oz N!-R:XT>:m =.r>'n:a1>o.ns6=-c:a!Y66z2 m= E< = N t\) EgtJz :vm i:r-trrH BH FI n9 >o EsL-/t crr lHt Hl Bl r'r IxlHI HI F I F. trlft, FF Ertc,HH z tn rtltrl€ z-o F @g t-Izozo-lm U, zz =z -.1 --tm FI Ksrv2, "ro I FYIz^, Z:"1 Fl I I I I I ol ill I I I I I c)x l- 3 zz u) f4 \o\o N) Ioi t- !mD = =-n mma a,m i x o|-m 7 !0m!o 9. -.1 m 2 m tnt m mI znmm mc) z t- Tr' = m|-fi t- t- z m x F z mE = !m7 = -r'l mm U) VALUATION 3m 2 t- !-c3qzo mf-mo{vo t- @ F0zo 5' !m7 =z9{h r\) 'F+ )P{)PqnF{x .49- /036-82_ &h g ,/J,rz- Plaa Rcvier Beeed oatbe 1992 Uniforn Codee NAME:SIMPSON BOILER DATE:9/17/92 ADDRESS:1813 SHASTA PL. CONTRACTOR:,JERRY SIBLEY VAIL, COLOR.,ADO ARCHITECT:NONE OCCUPAI.ICY:R3 ENGINEER:NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V PLANS EXAI{INER:C. FELDMANN CORRECTIONS REOUIRED Ebe it.Dr ligted bclor are not intended to bc a coplete liatiag of ell lrceeible codc reguireuents in tbe edopted codes. It is aguide to lelected eoctions of the codeg. Tbe folloriag i! Dot to be construed to be an approval of any violatioa of any of tbe pro- vigione of tbe adopted codes or any ordioance of tbe Tora of Veil . 1) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SEC.1-2].0 OF THE 1-991 UBC. 2I UNDER FLOOR INSTALLATIONS SHALL COMPLY WITH SEC.?O9 OF THE 1991 UBC. 3) A WALK THROUGH INSPECTION IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO THE START OF AIiIY FURHTER WORK. Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Simpson Deck Project Description: Replece deck and railing' Owner, Address, and Phone: Erin And Judith Simpson 1080 S. Van Gordon Ct Lakewood, CO 80228 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Same as above Project Steet Address: 1813 Shasta Place IrgalDescription: Lot 17, / tt AZd,/ AZ Parcel Number: 210312306016 Comments: BuildingName: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: 8120199 Project Name; gimpson Deck VAILDATA/EVERYONE\DPB\APPROVALS\ 1 DRBAPPR Board/Staff Action Action:StaffApproval DRB Fee Paid:@art of building permit) ' Qucstiors? J. Fliuuring Silt'iu. 17i-: i33 lpr, [cluox roR DEsIcN nnruw *pnoVrr, GENEnAL,INFORMATIQN ,, rrr.+q$f qil fgzry poj'a rtquebg' Dcdg Rsic* Tgroval. Ary Foj.ct r.qu&trg tledF.rEviw Ersrrtrcirc Dcdgu REUiar 4porrd pic o sripralniqg tr a art-dtrg FdL isr-rycctnL tmldq, sc 6c sbadnd rcquLunar$ fortw niairr rypvd 6$ ic nqucacA mc ryiUllm cannir bc accftod ulril dl Ae rcqoirc4bfsmaim is s6ruincd. nc poien:r nef rlso o*d p bc lc,rid,k by ilrc Torrgn Cquacdl-urdor t||c ptoiag rnrlElvitmmd &nrdrdo. Ihdt! Rrricr Boerd epprwel crsrrr oc ycrr rfter filrl rpprovel llre$ rbnlCrg p€rd Ir isuail rd corrt'|diltr e nrru.L LOQrrrONoFtRoposAI.: rfrJ3__auocK: --FTLNOJ -rPH\€ICALADO*ffi . l,fl3 t.,$h*la qez L tCooEct AgsCo. AlssoE Officc ar 9,7G328{640 frparad fl F. c. TuFNOF A. DESCRIPTTONOFTHEREQUESI: .r'.e'Are, 19. 1gggI'rotsAsr t€sr\t PMINERS tDt97g'4?92432 1''p.494 P.zACE 3/ra c. D. E PANTEEL#: Ll03 29Ng{q_1+Jrf NAMEOFOWNER{S); MAIUNG O}VNERO SI@{ATTIRE(5): }*{MEOF.APFLICAM:' l{All.D{o If, TYPEOFREqEWAI{DFEE tr NqCmcurcdq-t200 tr Addrbr- ^8tvtimrrunrertol- l?-ttat I Conslglmdsncrtddng. ESll fuqLdcsayrddrio whccryrrcfr@ciraddCornrrlrsid:oriel c cqqtuEcillhritdi$, $?0 lrcludcc rninrctrangcs ro hddugFrad $trirntrlocra!flls.srsntc, rclldlry, pintinl, *rdor rdditiu+ tudsEaphg, &accs sd r€rll !g salh oc. DRSftcssprcbcp!ilNt6cri'cpf"rU,rt r, Lrtc.whcragptyi4gtuainildhgpcmhntc"saiaaeg tte acqsarc valrr4iorr of,ttc gojccl Thc Torm ofVgil wilf a4iusr-thF fBc acccAis-ti rlc Floiad vditofio. PI&TSE SUEMIT THS ATPUCATIOF1 IiI SWUTTTAL REQT'IRET.DIMS AND TNE FEETO TE DEPARTMEhTT OF COMMUNTTT DSYELOPMNTT. ZJ SOtMr IROITTAGE.ROAD. -vAn,coloMDorr6r?. Uatg RgCeiVgd o c0 TOWN OFVAIL Department of Communiry Development 75 South Fronnge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 May l, 1998 JeffAuxier PO Box 1391 Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: Aspenview, Lot 17 , Vail Village West 2nd Filing Dear Jefr In response to our meeting on Wednesday, April 29, 1998, the Town of Vail has agreed to issue a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy and accept the bond submitted for the outstanding improvements. However, pursuant to our conversation, there also includes the following work to be completed: L The installation ofthe required snow guards. 2. A Design Review Board application needs to be submitted for the change to approved plans for the mechanical equipment on the building. 3. There continues to be some e)fterior stonework required on the exterior deck on the north side of the building. I trust you will work diligently towards the completion of all the outstandi_ng improvements. Should you have any questions or concerns in response to this letter, as always, please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me most easilv at 479-2145. Sincerely, 14ry.-R,^*t'r^-l George Ruther, AICP Senior Planner {j *o""uor "t, rt EPPLI I revised e/ coroRADo 1) 4l9L CATION - TOIIN'OF 1TAII.I, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ******r*** ,-ffi. TEIS APPITCATION I|IL'.I NOT BE ACCEPtrED uNTrr erJJ REQUr**O**rno*Till'JroN rs suBl'rrrTED r. DESCRIPTION-: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: Ne$r Construction ($200.00) X Minor Alteration (S20.00) c. D. Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review (90) ADDRESS: l?tl Sh,usla PL LEGAI DESCRIPTION: Lot I.?Block Vt,l V,lla,. Subdivision If property is described by a meets and bounds legaldescription, please provide on a separate sheet andattach to this application. zoNrNG: \, ple, ?e r,le*|-l LOT AREA: If required, applicant must provlde a current stamped survey showing lot area. NA!{E OFMailing APPLICANT' S REPRESENIATIVE : E. F. G. tl .NAI,TE OFMailing Address: I. J. K. *SIGNATURE (S) :Mailing Address: Phone n-7q-1sLz Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEE; DRB fees, as shovrn above, are t,o be paid at, t,he tlme of submittal of DRB application. Later, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify the accurat,e vaLuation of the proposal . The Town of Vailwill adJust the fee according to the table bel-oC, to ensure.the correct fee is paid. FEE SCHEDULE: VATUATION$ 0 - $ 10,000 $ 10,001 - $ 50,000 . $ 501001 - s 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500r 001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1r 000,000 * DESIGN RETXTEI| BOARD IPPRO\TAIJ EXPTRES APPRO\IAI. I'NI.ESS A BUIIDING PERMIT IS SIARIED. FEE ONE YEAR AFIER FII{AI. ISSUED Ar{D CONSTRSCTION *€ptr*p E zqql **NO IPPLIqAIION I|ILL BE PROCESSED 1 r|Irsoul i.-... s 20.0 $100.00 $200. 00 $400.00 $500 .00 O9INER' S SIGITATURE rs PRE-APPLICII. III. A pre-application meeting with a member of the planningstaff is_strongly encouraged to determine if any additlonalapplication information is needed. It is the applicantrsresponsibilit.y to make an appointment with the slaff todeternine if there are additional submittal requirements.Prease note that a COMPLETE application will" sCrearnline theapproval process for your project. A.In addition to meeting subrnittal requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the pfoject siti toindicate property lines, building lines and buildingcorners. AII trees to be removed must be taped. A1Isite tapings. and staking must be completed prior to theDRB site visit. The applicant must ensure Lhat stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Revierd Board: aconceptual approval and a final approval . Applicantsshould plan on presenting their developnent pioposal ata minimum of two meetings before obtaining tinaiapproval . Applicants who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled neeting date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the item has beenrepublished. The following items may, at the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the CorununityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be reguired): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Buildi.ng addition,proposals not visible from anyother lot or public space. At the time such aproposal is submitted, applicants nust includeletters from adjacent property owners and/or fromthe agent for or tnanager of any adjacentcondoninium association stating the associationapproves of the addition. If a property is located in a napped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfal.l, fl.ood plain, debris flow,uetland, etc) r a hazard study must be subrnitted and theowner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a-Town planner F!io5 to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. For all r€sldentlal construction: ar Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insidefaee of the exterior structural wa]ls of thebuilding; andb. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. B. c. |.\ F. E. If DRB approves the application with conditions ornodificati.ons, all conditions of approval must beresolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit. G. a LIST OF MATERIALS " lla BLOCK It o{ SUBDIVISION NAI{E OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: ,..,+L nctal roo-t. ror_-jl < Sho<Io A. The following information is Review Board before a final BUILDING }IATERIALS: Roof Siding Other WaIl Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trin Doors Door Trirn Hand or Deck Rai-ls FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other IANDSCAPING: Name PI"ANT I'TATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES required for submittal to the Design approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR of Designer: Phone: Botanical Name Comnon Name Ouantitv Size* B. EXISTING TREES TO BE REMO\TED *fndicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum calioer for trees.Indicate height for coniferous PLANT l'4ATEt,S: Botanical Name PROPOSED SHRUBS Ouantitv Size* EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size 5 qaIlon.of proposed shrubs. Tvpe Minimum size of shrubs is Square Footaqe GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR }4ETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separatelighting plan. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the List below and provide the wattage, height abovegrade and type of light proposed. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa1ls, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwal1s. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the propertyis 6 feet. D.