HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 2 LOT 21 LEGALc6fruMn E€rGLOpUEr{f Design Review Board ACTIOH FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vail, Colorado 81657 te!: 970.479.2139 fax. 970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com Project Name: O'BRIEN PAINT DRB Number: DR8080183 Prcject Description: PAINT PER APPROVED COLOR SCHEME (SEE DR8070378); NOT REPLACING WOOD SIDING AND TRIM WITFI STUCCO, AS PREVIOUSLY PROPOSED AND APPROVED. Participants: OWNER O BRIEN, J, P, PO BOX 2473 VAIL co 81658 APPUCANT O BRIEN, J, P. 06102/2008 Phone: 970-479-8212 1845 W, GORE CREEK DRIVE VAIL co 81657 Project Address: 1845 GORE CREEK DR VAIL 1845 W Gore Creek Drive/Lot 21, Vail Vil LocaUon: Legal DescripUon: Lot: 21 Block: Subdivision: VAIL VILI-AGE WEST RL 2 Parcel Number: 2103-123{602{ Comments: 0610212008 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPP Date of APProval: 06/03/2008 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the wntten consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PIAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activiUes. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days followinq the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS' @nd:202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building Permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner:DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO TI Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2128 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submifting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittat requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted untii all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission''O"sign .e"i.* approtal lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within General Information: one year of the approval. of the Request: Location of the Proposal: Lot:-Block:- Subdivision: Physical Address: Parcel No.:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review Nerv Construction Addition Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alterauon (single-family/dudex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request tr tr tr D K D $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $3OO For an addiUon where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as,' re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee D ywilo?18 Jawrs " 0'Brtotr^_^^jffno u* '}**'l**llltfl**tlalttaaa**a+ata+aaa**l'*tltlttii'llitt**'lff|}'tlt't*****'il"ilti'lt|atatfaaaafalafaafall TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statcmcot+t*i+ta*****lllff++tf***a*t*++**a***'}'}**fat++tl'f*fl+fff+lr+**f*tt'**{'aaa{t'l++++++aitt+lf*t**a'}+ Seatement l{urnber: R080000848 Amount: $20.00 06/02/2OO9O3:08 pM Palment Method:Credlt Crd Init: iILrB Notation: dtAl{Bs P OIBRTEN Permit No: DR8080183 Type: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Parcel No: 2103-123-0602-0gite Addreee: 1845 @RE CREEK DR \fAIIJ Irocation 3 1845 lt ciore Creek Dri\re/Lot 21, Vall Vil Total FeeB: 920.00 Ttria Payments: S20.00 Tptal AIJJ pmts: $20.00Balance: $0.00 ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Des cript ion DR OO1OOOO37722OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current Pmts 20.00 Desi n Review Board ACTTOI{ FORl.l Departm nt of Community Developrnent 75 South Fr ntag€ Road, vail, colorado 81657 79,2139 fixr970.479.2452tel:970. v$eb: www.vailgov.com Project ame: O'Brien exterior stucco Project DescripUon: Final review of a minor alterat DRB Number: DR8070378 on - O'Brien exterior stucco Locationl Particapants: OWNER O BRIEN, J. P. PO BOX2473 VAIL co 81658 APPLICANT O BRIEN, J. P, og/o312007 0810312007 Phone: 970-479-8212 1845 W. GORE CREEK DRIVE VAIL co 81657 ProjectAddress: 1845 GORE CREEK DR VAIL 1845 W Gore Creek Drive/Lot 21, Vail Vil Legal Descraption: Loti 21 Block: Subdivision; VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 2 Parcel Number: 2103-123-0602-0 C,omments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditionsr /STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 08/3112007 Cond: 8 (P|IN): No changes to these blans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail sbff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 Approval of this project shall l{pse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a builfling permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued towafd completion. Planner: Scot Hunn DRB Fee Paid: 320.00 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97 0.479.2L28 tax: 97 0.479.2452 web: wvw.railgor.corn General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior b submifting a building permit application. Please reter to the submitlal requirements for the particutar approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required informauon is received by the Community Development DePartsnent. The project may also need to be rwiewed 4 the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. besign review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and constru(tion commences within one year of tfie approval. Description of the Request: ln rlnl t- I lnl ULI T le /A rF-;--L=\,leU\YlE OWN OE VAIL 0 LocaUon of the Proposar: rot: I I srocr: CZZlsubdivision: Physical Address: Parcel No.: Mailing Address: owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Maiting Address: $f'n Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Concepfual Review $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot oftotal sign area' New Construction Addition Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Altention (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request (Contact Eagle C.o. Assessor at 970-328-86'10 for parcel no.) For consuuction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (indudes 250 additions & interior converslons). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fenes and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, windorar addiUons, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee V N {t s $Name(s) of Owner(s): <Atl U[e.n No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 tr tr D $20x, n tr MII{OR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SU BMITTAL REQUIREM ENTS General InformaUon: This applicaUon is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or siE improvemenb, Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they invofue the addition of patios, water featr.tres, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL R"EOUIREMENTS** o Stamped Topographic Survey* o Site and Grading Plan* s Landscape Plan* -.o-*l1s6i1ectural Elevations* Qg_TExterior color and material samples and specifications. D Architectural Floor Plans* o UghUng Plan* and Cut*hee(s) for proposed fixtures u-'Iltle repo( including Schedules A & B to veriff ownership and easements* fo )ptrotos of the o<isting site and adjacent structures, where applicable' -6- Wrttten approval from a condominium association, hndlord, and joint owner' if applicable o Site-specific Geological Hazard Report if applicable* o The Administmtor and/or DRB may require the submission of additjonal plans, drawings' specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed neaessary to determine whether a project wlll comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterish (*). **For interior @nversions with no o<terior changes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of o<isting and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have rcad and undestand the above listed requirements: Project Name: Contractor F: \cde\AFORI"IS\PERMm\Phnnlng\drb-minor-alL1 1-23-2005.doc rrlz3acfs Page 3 of 13 Topographic survey:r Wet stamp and signafure of a licensed surveyorr Date of suruey. North arrow and graPhic bar scale . Scale of 1"=10'or I"=20)o Legal description and physical address . Lot size and buildable area (buildable area o(dudes rcd hazard avalande, slopes greater than 4OVo, and floodPlain). Ties to o<isting bendrmark, either USGS landmark or sevrrer in\tert. This informaUon must be clearly stated on the surveY. Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy, Di$nces and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show exisUng pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner, . Shour right of way and propefi lines; including bearings, distances and curve information. . Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions' . Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot. . Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals o Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured ftom a point one foot above grade. . Rock outcroppings and other significant natunl features (large boulders, intermittent sEeams, etc.).r All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building werhangs, etc.). . Environmental Hazards (ie. rocKall, debris flow, avalanche, weUands, floodplain, soils) r Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback) r Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact locauon of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include:. Cable W Sewer Gas. Telephone Water Electric . Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc. e Adjacent roadways labeled and edge ofasphaltfor both sides ofthe roadway shown fora minimum of 250'in either direction from property, . Site and Grading Plan:r Scale of l'=20' or larger. Property and setback lines o Existing and proposed easementsr Existing and proposed grades o Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fenes and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line. o All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elwaHons. Indicate odsting and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to cahulate building height. . Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elwations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade. . A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction.. Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed seMce lines from sources to the structures.r Proposed surface drainage on and off-site. r Location of landscaPed areas.. Location of limits of disturbance fencing F:\dev\FoRMs\PERMm\Planning\drb-minor-alt-11-23-2005.doc Page 4 of 13 . Location of all required parking spaces. Snow storage areas,r Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure.r Retaining walls with proposed elerrations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevagon drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4' and 5'feet in height.o Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable . Landscape Plan:o Scale of 1" = 2O or larger. Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan. o Location of existing bees, 4" diameter or larger, Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affucted by the proposed improvements and grading' r Indicate all e><isting ground cover and shrubs.r Detailed legend, listing the type.and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the o(isting and proposed plant material including ground cover.r Delineate critical root zones for o<isung trees in do6e proximity to site gradinq and construction. . Indicate the location of all proposed plantings. . The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation.. Lxsting and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elerrations noted. o Lighting Plan:r Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.. Include height above grade, lumens ouFut, luminous area. Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. , BEPAINLEBoPjS r For all proposals to repaint o<isting buildings, the following supplemental information is required: . Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s) r Architectural elerration drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window Uim, doors, fascia, soffiits, Etc.) F:\cdaAFORl'lS\PERMm\Pbnning\drb-minor-alt-11-23-2005.d0c Page 5 of 13 ru23l200s PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material ColorBuildino Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows WndowTrim Doors DmrTrim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighfing Other slurc"D . Frrt@sSr.-l+\lltTL zooq Tu) g\ Notes! Please speciff the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a mlor chip. F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMm\Planning\drb-minor-alt-1 1-23-2005.doc Lrl23l200s Page 5 of 13 J.P. O'Brien RE: Stucco work at 1845 W. Gore Creek Dr. Vail, Co.81657 August 27,2007 Scot Hunn Senior Planner Town of Vail Dear Scot, Please find attached three photos and brief descriptions of the proposed work I would like to complete before the snow flies. The project is very straightfonarard and I think you got a good feel for it on your August 17 site visit, I have incorporated your suggestions in my plans. The described property is a wood sided duplex, I own both sides. As shown on the photograph you have on file, the exteriors of the east and west sides are identical, therefore all figures herein represent proposed work on both sides. Although the house is structurally sound and in good repair, it is in need of an exterior remodel. The exterior surfaces are weathered and the paint is peeling in some areas. To remedy this I would like to stucco the exterior walls and repaint the trim and soffits. The stucco would be painted Finesse 2009, G, DW, the trim and soffits Black Coffee 2033, 3, 83, the town has samples of these colors on file. A sample of the stucco technique to be used is shown on Figure 1. Tar paper will be attached to the existing exterior surface, followed by two layers of different gauge chicken wire at opposing angles, this will be covered with a scratch coat, a brown coat, texture and paint. The stucco will butt into the belly boards shown on Figures 2 and 3. The thickness of the comer trim, and as needed else where, will be increased so that the stucco finish butts into it. Stucco will also butt into the existing window and door trim. All trim, soffits and belly boards will be sanded and painted, or replaced as needed. I would like to start work soon, please contact me by phone @7A.479.8212) or email if I am "good to go", or if you need additional information. Best Regards, J.P. O'Brien Erv=lil 27 2087 U OF VAIL n f-/F lnl =* tujln\ NG llll TOWN J.P. O'Brien RE: Stucco work at 1845 W. Gore Creek Dr. Vail, Co.81657 Figure 3. ..eye.1lD _ Vonena,'/ 'frivls" r? be fLe4uc+,r e*o/at I@i.O aF( -ra +'v -r*r&Ar Dlrvt4l't34') Co ht-co :?lrrts DAIi: rT)VUlj or vAn- DESIGN REVIEW STAFF APPROVAL rlaW)oz--"G":' -€JL--,? - WaL- J.P. O'Brien RE: Stucco work at 1845 W. Gore Creek Dr. Vail. Co.81657 Figure2. ,-W + l4*.'tu+'A* TDVVl.i clF VFIIL DISIGN REVIEW STAFF APPRC]VAI- J.P. O'Brien RE: Stucco work at 1845 W. Gore Creek Dr. Vail. Co.81657 Figure 1. i[" ffi*t*ot- 1845 VI/. Gore Creek Dn rral*{'*{'a'**{'l * * l**t** { | *ltt* l' *:l tt+*aa+** * * *l * * * * * * t{'{'{'{'{'*'t't'l*'l******* * * I +i + t r'|a''|laata* ttl +l I TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statenrent aaa*aaalt't't{'t't'l t't't't**'t * I * I tr * * * * 't * *:t t I I I * I t* | I t * * * *t*ttt'}* ** | ttttttt I I t 't * * | 't { * * *at* + * I I { t * l'* Statement Nurnber 3 R070001435 Amount: $20.00 08/03/200704t22 PM Payment Method: Check Init: LT NoE.ation: JameE OrBrien / ck 3071 Pennit No: DRB0?0378 Type ! DRB-Minor AIt, SSR/DUP Parcel No: 2103-123-0602-0 Site Address: 1845 GORB CRBBK DR VAIL Location: 1.8115 w core Creek Drive/Lo! 21, vail vil Totsal FeeE: 520,00 This Payments $20,00 Tolal ALL pmts: $20,00 Balance: 90,00 * * I I I I tl al +*aaltl I + * | * | I | 't * | | | | t * * * * ** *il.'a'l*t** 'l * I * * * * * * * * * t* I i t t t* r**t|*ll*l *** * * *l alllllll ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Degcription CurrenE Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20,00 ALtl A n C H I t T tcT5 f.'/,' qncgnrgnATlD founof vall 26 Janua?$, lqqb g c?ar Lmcnl of @mmunllf g ev elo?mcnl1, aoulh ??onlagc l<oad vall,@lorado d1651 Attcntlon' Jmc|rnutt€.*ld,ql?firllr.RE: 9tr|€/l,tws7tr/9RarV?na$onc Pcar Jln, onbehalf of mU olleni, TeAglmalhere, t am u/lihdraurlnglhe a??lloallons to oonllnue t,hc "EO/DqO a??royale prooeEE for thc gmalherc Addlllons/R'emodel at 1a45 n.eot Oo?e C?ec(Drlve. lf lhe ?raJcct were l,o go lorwardln the f uture, lt ulll be under a new a??lloallon. Thanke,HK Ercni Alm OOz Tedamatherc eKA/ba VqnUOr.zO,cOnov II EftM^tN^n aar70'tn96n r.9.09xt2t V/tl- Cq-gnti0Q a6t6 j t'*+t""t , ()" 1t)1 ro: MEilORANDUM Pfanning and Environmental Commission fl I Community Derrelopment Department Jh,fr^^1"1':vWFROM: DATE: SURJECT: t February26,1996 A request for a worksesslon to discuss Density, Sj!9.CoveF99' EI9!l Sebick- and $ide Seback variances to all6iFFor the rem6def0f the Slitong tocatdA atEaFW;st Gore Creek Drive/Lot 21, vall village West, Filing No.2. Applicant: Ted Smathers, represented by Brent Alm Planner: Jim Curnutte t. DESCRImON OFTHE REOUESTS The applicant, Ted Smahers, has requested a worksession with the Planning and_Environmental Commission (PEC) for the purpose of discussing issues related to his request for Density, Site Coverage, Front Setback, and Side Setback variances to allow for the remodel of the building , 1 located at 1845 West Gore Creek DrirreAot 21, Vail Village West, Filing No. 2.l0\ r ( llr,"/" . .1,n Despite the fact that tre property is zoned Primary/Secondary, here are three rental apartments il; Zt" in th'e existing building. fnd +iticant intends to remodel this building in such a way that two of ' ^ \s- the units woutd be combined, enlarged, and become the primary unit. The third unitwould then ,. \t remain as the secondary unit on the property. Each of the applicant's variance reguests is? described in more detail as follttws: a) Density Variance - section 18.64.050 (B) of the vail Municipal code, states that: " Structures which do not conform to density controls may be enlarged, only it the total gross residential floor area of the enlarged structure does not exceed the total gross. residential floor area of the pre-existing non-conforrning structure.' . Kd6 ^ 15," This building does not conform to density controls, because the lot on which it is located is less , I / ' than 15,000 sq. ft. in size. The code only allows one unit on a lot less than 15,000 sq. ft., with l0' the exception that a secondary unit is allowed if it is deed restricted for employee housing.' Although there is available GRFA and site coverage remaining on the lot per zoning, Ue-bJlding units it is co this the applicant does nol from the non- remove the shed, and its 7 the building, which will of site coverage, he is coverage allowed on ttl The proposed building expansions contributing to aE-oitionai-sG6verage on the property are as follows: - Addition to the north side of the primary unit = 665 sq. ft' - New two-car garage = 378 sq. lt' - Two new chimneyE added to each side of the building = 1q sq. !. -Covered walkways = 32 sq. ft. - Total slte coverage proposed = 1'091 sq. ft. c) Front and Side Setback Variances - The Primary/Se_qo-ndary. Residential.Zone Districtrequirgs ;.mifrimum {ront setbacX ot ZO and side Setbacks of 15' from their respective property lines. The cideJelbaak These setback figures apply to the existing residential - New two-car garage - The applicant is proposing to add a two-car garage to the front ThiS garage is 18.25' long by 21'wide. The(south) side of the foundation wall of to be 1.5' of the garage, bringing this Efi-es, roof ov9(ra4gs, e]_vptngs, louvers, flues and chimneys and similar features toeaves, root ov9oa4gE, e]_vFngs, louvers, Ilues ano cnlmneys ano $IIrrraI reatutes 1( project up O-3'jrnld4'f6"qTfred setback area. Thelg[qg both covered walkways (on - Govercd walkrrays - The applicant is proposing to add a covered walkway on each side of the proposed garaOe providing covered access to the two main entry doors of the units. Th66vered walkw.fgare 5'wide and extend into the front setback approximately t6'. Section 18--5f.0-4u6fffi-e Vail Municipal Code (Architectural Projections) allows ilr"iLiioltat?ilttt(tict"""rr"oi"'=".-ilerelgre, boih covered walkwavs (or bithersideofiFegarage)extendapproximate|y@d<area. Additionallv- the covered entrv to tri west sidd unrr encroacnes z tnlo Ine fyfr6stAdditionally, the covgrjld entry to fte wes se&ASK_alea - Ghimney encroachments - The applicant is proposing to add a 2' x 4'chimnev to gach side ol rhe building. Although.u.otn ot tnese chimn g[qfxq!_^slg9 ^.-18.54.040 of However, since the existing building located the weslt_side setback, the^_addrflsn-q!-lbic-abmr|ey_tulg1gseitl0 e,4' bllowance specified by the previously referenced section of theqncroachnorathan the,4' allorlra4ge specified by the previously coOe. tneretore, a variance froillci-Ue necessary to authorize this chimney encroachment into the setback area. II. BACKGROUND On July 6, 1965, Lot 26 was created when the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners approved Filing No. 2 of the Vail Village West SuMivision. In the late 1960's or early 1970's, the property owner at the time received a Building Permit from Eagle Gounty to construct a duplex on the property. .On Jufy 5,1g74,the Smathers family purchased the duplex. f :\everyonetssctnsno8\smalh€fs.226 On August 13, 1986, this neighborhood was annexed into tre Town of Vail and was suUseq-uentiioneO'primarybecondary Residential. No other records exist on this property in the Town of Vail files. III. ZONING ANALYSF Zoning: Primary / Secondary BesiJential Lot Aoa: 0.266 acres / 11'587 sq. ft. AIo$redAg$iEC BnglDC Ptooeod ' BUiHing lleigtrr: 3ir' $' No Ch'|ge GRFA: 3,747 8q. fi. 2,570 sq' fr.' 3,(y5 eq' ft' Selbed(6:-Fml: n' 18' 1'5' . sdos: 15715' 14'5'9'a 8 '5/12' Feer 15 90' 68' ffi;'ilffi i:ffi,;x iHr'i:'' -, -l- 5 {<Z ' nb |h|n hdudo th. ?5 tq. ft d|.d ft.t h propo..d b b. not rd ryl|h thr ndrvdopmlt pfoeo.i.' st Tho ofrmg..tbd( ttgur ippty to trr rrlitnj rrUrrtlrl bolHlng rd mt h.h.d, uhl€ft b loc.f.d ll5. lrill b. fuont p?op.rlylit .nd f hom lh.m.l p.op..ly ln.. irorfuoni of rll of tlrerc rproo rn ltl* tr Uro pt|bilc dght-olrry or on tho rdl.aril ProFrty to lh. wrt rv. CFITERfA AND FINDINGS Since this is worksession, the Crlteria and Findings lor reviewing the variance requests will not be specifically addressed, however, staff felt that it woutd be helpful to list them in this memorandum for the PEC's review: Varlance Crlterla and Flndlngs A. Consideration ol Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necesslary to achieve compatibiliU and unlformity of treatment among sites in tre vicinity or to attain the obiectives of tris title without grant of specialprivllege. 3. The eftect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traflic facllities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following lindlngs tlefore grantin9 aB. variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent ' wlth the limltations on other properties classified in the same district. f.!n/.rf na$edmamodmrtlr€rs.226 o That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, 6-r materiatty injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. g. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of tre specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent wih the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the. same site of the variance that doe not apply generally to other properties in the same . zone. c. The stict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. v. plscussloN lssuEs Since this is a worksession, here is no formal staff recommendation at this time. However, the staff has identified a number of issues which we would like to discuss further with the PEC and the applicant. The proposed redevqppment of Lot 21 has both pros and cons associated with it. lf approved, theThe oroDosgd rgogveopmgm or LoI zt nas oou prqs anq q)ns assouarEu wr r. .r+,,Pr uvtrsr urtt redevetopment witt @aniF-a number of non-conforming issues; (r-e0gyelglhe-9!99 in the front and side setback areas, relocat-ion of two off-site parlilg -s_paggs onto the property, removal ol one illegal dwellilg uoi$. The redevelopment will also signilicant q9$!e!i9 considerable improvement to the exterior of the entire building, the enclosure of some of the front of the building, asphatpavllgto replace gravel parking areas, a ). Altrough staff would like to see upgrades made to this property, we are having a the variances as requesled. Our concerns related to each variance requests are further described as follows: Denslty Varlance lssues - When the property was annexed into the Town of Vail in 1986, and subsequently zoned Primary/Secondary, it was recognized by the Town that many properties would not comply with the development standards in this district and would therefore be considered legally non-conforming. By choosing to zone the neighborhood Primary/Secondary, as opposed to duplex, the Town clearly decided that fie only way legally non+onforming properties could be expanded in the future would be in conjunction with bringing them into conformance with he adopted codes. Although Lot 21 is zoned Primary/Secondary, it falls below lhe 15,000 sq. ft. minimum lot 1. .e1 r , .t)t n'/y ', ,1,"' -9r ^ 1\r1\\r ,J\.A tv ilicant to thesize requirement, and is therelore restricted to one dwelling unit. can have a restrict he unit for use as a the owner from deed restricting the secondary unit on the property along with his redevelopment proposal. t\svgmnobadrnemos\smsther8.226 Slte Goverage Varlance lssues - As mentioned previously in thjs memorandum' the existing building and shed have a total site coverage ol 547 sq' tt. !9t9w the maximum site coverale anowEd on the property. The applicant is proposing to add improvements to all sides oi rtre buitding, wniin riitt r6su[ in a si@. There are the smather's 1. The Town on West Gore Creek Drive that appeqllg 12, On August 14, 1995, q 1.696 site coverage variance was granted br Lot 47 (Houtsma . . residence) in order to allow for the consFuction of a two{ar garage in the front setback. Although there are instances of garages located in the front setback on west Gore Creek Drive, the two situations listed above differ from the proposed Smather's application in that: These garages are allowed to be in the setback, therefore no setbac* variance request was necessary. The site coverage variances were granted to minimally exceed (less than 2"/") the more restrictive 157" requirement imposed on lots with average grades in excess of 30%, as opposed to the 2(P/" allowance on the Smather's property. Both of these garages are side-loaded, thereby allowing them to be screened , Statf has suggested 6{. Smathers that he consider !@d!ng this garagryn order to lessen its visual impact fromlhe adjacent public way. ,rtnlgvieTiffiT"e-flet6;;ach of these cases, it turnd6ut thaGince both of these properties , \ are on the leeper, uphill side of the road and have average grades of 3(PA or more, ftey :Mquatity to put a garag'e in the tront setback, witlrout needing a variance. The code section *fi ri,tricn anws gaiagel to go in the front setback on sites with average slopes of 30% or more' 'lIy' nowever, carr-ies iitr it a reOuced allowable site coverage than normally allowed. The site coverage on fots which exhibit such steep slopes is reduced from the normal 2W*lo 15o/"' In he clse of Lot 50 (lt4gnma-tosHenee)4re Planning Commiqslon granEd a site coverage variance to allow the pr6perty to exceed fle tSy" restriaion Ov SB E.ft maximum affowable site coverage. L- -- by landscaping between !h_eiqr!99_g!g-1]!9gre9J. is also concerned that the site coveragg_y3llalgg-Lejngl of coveraoe overaqe rooosino wifr this Setback Variance lssues - As mentioned previously, fie setbac* issues involve the with due to the location the-re As mentioned above, staff suggested that the impacts associated with bringing the structure closer to-lhe-oubliclay would be Orea$yLeduced if the garage could be slde-loq4lgd, allowing the addition of with the proposed two-car garage, the covered entries on either side of the garage and the chimney onthewestsideofthebui|ding.A|thoughstatflee|sthat@ f lowryon€tseclnemoobrmhar!-220 l 4. fr!{- ,r; .S\l;"4 rt.{O 3{o"^grf-{-'| ,ln* AnNrer justification Tltle Report - The submittal requirements for a variance requires that a preliminary Title Report 6e provided. To date, staff has only received a copy of the deed and the 20-year old pr6tective bovenants for the proper$. We must receive a Title Report before this application is sc{reduled for linal PEC review. VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION since this is a worksession, statl tvill not be providing a recommendation to the PEC related to the proposed variance requests. Staff requests fiat the PEC provide_direction to he applicant, so that a final decision on this application may be made at the March 12' 1996 PEC meeting. to address the fact hat the mensions of the , the Public be seback of 24'fiom a @fore,thecurrentfront|oadingdesignofthegaragedoesnotI rqr r9|l rY meetTown requirements in two areas. fl^] l:\evsryons\pedm6mos\gnalhef3226 GORE CREEK L\'"q .i;,. ./'N . ...+" --.--tt 4li\\\\''-.-) ta ---- ::=:a\:: -:'- "!':---'- "---'-:" "' :" ' -'-----=::--- -%* .,(n, \q'". e.i- - - ---..-\. -ll--S"----\-.__._ 'a--. Ii^ tll \\ t'uo too q.-(6-*---r?a s 3/"14'zr fv - ur.w it -_--l .,.-')rl '],.''-"'* ^-.e$il; 'h(a +e^/^6O-+4 +i^o^ o^'!o.b- 7'(H 4, .(-s :-- \ a,.0\J I-l-.- U) s)\\' -! \ LL( l_ntIla;t: .-;ti.-l-. z =s';q -;-q(, 8o; *' r€ ItJ o)(,q Sr + .o frl I 5 N) I ry/I 2zn'<<! -1 {., \:J ! '4a r,^\ v,Jegf GaN_ Cte*ll-=- oo $ . o $$I I 0)r $fi I tTtff 5il I T tr $ n$ ld t t 2 {t =- OE $F 'es s!;3r-r{ %% q : I ;t !!r t;i !;i ;Ii!ii lii il ff' ,,\iI % f(g{ ir ni II lil ilt ii ,s g $H I 4-.. _J4.}l---..-\i -fC $I( TI 1 t tI 7. ._it {iu E $F EFf I I{ n ! tI n I I II I i I t !t I o o l! b TF EF? d ff @o at rr* /-/ W t^ll h,',ry* @rt6* s,Yt fuar*# 6ta'^f* )wl'ufucr 9ec61"lA'7 4*-**ocL oY''0T' -W un( **"&;7 Y&( N a 7oi k^^ e '-la1*: bL ,f* Fr Anur4o^^'&"X7 @ gfu;r.€67.,-t"-t+g u,uw^a * zJa? @>*;4 - ^/o ry1tr''--/ A2Att[ ,il (*ta1 n l'Lr *l aloYe'' "[6(4pV,,tilff v ) I I-v'?- - lr .A-.. 't ao t UJ I RTVT L9'Wrrw? aW' ,f* q'le bul,l d"rV* nf f,*r'\" fu.T ( - {^- ' - ^.' ,f^r.s ,('" *rt ,u^,w, raNtjvi#.aL bril-,l - ; cnuYfiu'"r '{'t *f t'u'^r"-\JaN q, tbu*l* v4wu*|do fry'L f^r,t kdl r^-f'-'l'l^nl, Ftr 4 Y*t&^ 7 ,i-; #a vh€'/u (ou/"(', W, P,rnt'iV*S- *t 0J[' t^Irfr Q,ne*f,^r' , ., Efra d<dra*ldift 2"';[i@*o *#T? Kevin Deighan made a motion for approval of the request with no conditions, subject to the statf's findings on page 4 of the memo. Henry Pratt seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 3-0-1, with Greg Amsden abstaining. 4. A request for a worksession to discuss Site Coverage, F onl Setback, Side Setback and Density vadances to allow for an addition to the building located at 1845 West Gore Creek Drlve/Lot 21, Vall Village West Filing No. 2. Applicant: Ted Smathers, represented by Brent AlmPlanner: Jim Curnutte / Randy Stouder Randy Stouder gave an overview of the request. Due to the small size of the lot ( less than 15,000 sq. ft.), the request involves four variances. The density variance request is for relief lrom the code that requires the applicant to deed restrict the secondary unit before he can enlarge the slructure. Randy summarized all of the variances and directed the PEC members to the discussion issues listed on page 4 of the memo. Randy pointed out that density variance requests are rarely granted. He also pointed out lhat restricting the secondary unit doesn't affect the use ol this unit as a renlal property. He stated that similar setback variances ( Houtsma residence and the Mumma residence) were approved with side-loading garages which ended up extending out to the property line. The proposed front-loaded garage permits no ability to screen the structure with landscaping. A side-loaded garage can have substantial landscaping and also allows for additional parking. The side-loaded garage eliminates any conflict with cars parked halfway out onto the street, as would likely happen with the proposed front-loaded garage. The site overage request is 24h of the lot area. Randy said staff felt the amounl of site coverage is excessive and would like lo see it reduced. ' Greg Moffet asked the applicant to speak. Ted Smalhers stated that he wants lo upgrade lhe existing primary unit with a larger master bedroom and a garage lor slorage. With that in mind, how can he go about doing that. He showed p,ictures of his home. He stated that the upgrade is a big improvement to the neighborhood and it gives him a better place to live. Brent Alrn, lhe project architect, said a side-loaded garage would eliminate parking for the rental unit and thus, is not acceptable for lhis site. Ted Smathers said a side-loaded garage would be hard to snow plow. He owns this place and he is a believer in privale property rights. He doesn't want deed restrictions put on his private property. He doesn't want his title encumbered by restrictions. Brent Alm staled, relating to the sile coverage variance, that he looked at stacking the addition into a twestory structure, rather than stepping down the site. But the applicant desired t0 be down closer to the creek, rather than up higher on the sile. Plannirg and Environmental Commission Minutcc Fcbruary 24 1996 Greg Motfet asked if there was any public comment and reminded the applicant that this was only a worksession. Henry Pratt had no problem with the garage in the front setback. When Public Works gets throu-gh with this request, the applicant will see that it doesnt meet the Town requirements. Henry stated that febls that the site coverage and side setback variance requests would be a graniof special privilege as proposed. Henry slaled that the secondary unit needs to be deed iestricteO. He also stated that he would not support the chimney on the west side. Greg Amsden said that Public Works would deny the garage as designed. He agrees with the appticant and is also a strong advocate ol property rights, but the need to deed restrict the seiondary unit would not change the value or use a renlal unit, except that it would be rented to an Eagle County resident. Ted Smathers planned on having his daughter rent the unit, however, she is a ski instructor in Summit Gounty. Therefore, he did not want to restrict the unit. Ted Smathers stated there are restrictions being put on this property now that didn't exist before. He said he is being forced to rent to a total stranger. Kevin Deighan said the current zoning doesn't allow you to build a Primary/Secondary on that size property without deed restricting the second unit. That is the way the Zoning Code reads right now and the applicant must deed restrict. Greg Moffet said the PEC can only grant a variance when lhere is sutficient hardship and not a grant ot specialprivilege. Greg would prefer to see a side-loaded garage, however he is somewhat sympathetic with the reasons for a front-loaded garage. He can't justily covered walkways lor the site coverage variance reguest. Brent Alm suggested reducing the width of the covered walkways. lf we did that, would the PEC still have a problem with the additional sile coverage? Greg Moffet said it would still b€ a grant of special privilege, inconsistent with relief granted t0 other residents in the neighborhood. The applicant needs to come back with a stronger argument. Brent Alm said the front loading garage is a nay. Kevin Deighan summarized that the PEC members want a side-loaded garage. Randy Stouder reiterated that a front-loaded garage could result in cars sticking out in street if they parked in lhe driveway. Kevin Deighan suggested that the applicant meet with Public Works on the garage design. Greg Moflet concluded that the PEC members would all like to see a side-loading garage, with reduced sile coverage and the elimination of the chimney on the west side. Planning and Environrnental Commission Minutes February 26, 1996 T|I|/N OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Voil, Colorado 81657 3 03-479-2 1 3 I / 479-2 I 3 9 FAx 303-479-2452 . TO: COMPA]VY NlJvrE: D e po n ntent of Connnu niry D eve Io pn ent FsqD FAx PrioNE NUMBER: all q - -7 7e 7 FA)( PHONE TRANSMITTAIJ SWEET RESPONSE REQUIRED?: SENT BY: TOhl! OF VAIIJ PAX FHONE NUMtsER: 8031 479:2152 ' TOirit{ CF v?fl REGULAR FHONE NIjI{BER: (303) 479:2138 COI4"TENTS: o 75 South Fronrcge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 3 03 -479-2 1 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 . Depannent of Connnntiry Devlopment f,!,3--x ^ q COMPANY N.A.lurE: FAX PHONE NIJI"(BER: FRol"l: DAT'E: .TIME: *OFPAGESTNDOCL'':'13NTS(I!OTiNCLUDINGCOVER'SH9ET): RESPONSE REQUIRED?: SENI tsY:EXT. #: TOhN OF VAIL FAX PHONE NU}IBER: (303\ 479'2152 TOhNOFVAILREGUL'.qR'PHONElT'Lr'tritsER:(303)479-2138 cc't{{ENTS: 5TCrHcR o A Town of Vall D e? ar lmenl o f OommunlhJ D ev elopmenl 19 g,ouln?ronlageToaA ValL Oolo?ado A 1651 RE: S r4tncl f or ltr ee V tlalv*lo r4tft d ln Une propod f or an addillotr, ncv gtqc and ext €{,lor In?rovencnts b JJlp r ccl|&twc adc''i',d al 1 a19 t tcrl @r c d"E9"Nc/Lol2l,Vdlvlllryc nael Rllno No. 2. Pear ?lannlngg,Laff , Ae the a? chlleol f or the pro Jeot, I am T ed g]malher s, lhe ouner ol lhe pr qertg located at 1A1, neel Oo?e O?eeR ne are aFPlulng f or the followlng lhree varlanoes ln lo the exletln g pr ogerlg looaled ln lheorde? to makc the ??o?oeed ? ? lmar U/ 9 c c on da? U R'eg/, Aenilal de 1. Varlanoe fromlhe TOV zonlne 1OJ3O6O -getbaoks. 26 Janua?U. 1qq6 2, Va?lanoc f?omlheTov Zonlng Re€ulatton 1O.13OOO - t2cneltg @ntr:oL 3. Varlance fromlheTov ZonlnlRegulailon lA.13OqO -9/tf-c,o(6:age. ln pulllna togclher lhls gropooal ue haye oonsldered secllon 1 o.62.060 - allerla and nn4nge theFlannlng Oommleslonand?lannlngglaff usesloevalt;a,leeaohof Lhevarlanoe re4ue'ls. The a@om?anllng archlleclvral A?aulngs should be ref erenced wllh reg,pecl t o each varlance. 1. The rafatlonehlp of Etura4tF';gt!,dv*lancnto ot-lEJr er(xF,Urgo'. ?otanilaltrcJ andstfuclrrce In tftc v|clnitur Y'.fl',,lt(,€frqn 1b.1".obo -*fuac*oz fhe exlshlng slruclure ig built flve feel fntoihe sldeeelbao(onthet(ebt Eldeof lhepropErtg. lnaddlilon,aemallshedfissF) exlsleln the 6lde gelbaokaboutslxlnchegfrom lhe Ftegt properlgllne. Thc proposal For lhe adaftlon, garage and exlErlor lmprovemenls tncludiE rbnoial ol lhe shed'agparl ol thle varlance ?e1veet. On lhe tlegl glde of lhe proposed new garage roof, a eeclion of eave extendg over the neu/ enlrg ana woda pr o Jeot lwo f eel f or a dlElance of flve f eel lnlo lhe gi|ae selbaok Theroof extend' the nrlnlmum rqulredto ?rovlAe shelle? to lhe cntrldp,or. Addlllonallg on the neet slde we are ?ro?oslng a ohlmneglo enolqe exLtlngmeohanloal Yenllng. Thlswould?rojecLtwafeelfor adlElance of four feellnlolheEldegelbaoK ThlE ?roJeollan oouldbe smaller,though we f elllhe proporllonE wodabe ts.lEs deslrable. ne fcl! the ohlmneg el:p,nentwouldbe more viauallg deslrable than the exleillgmeohanloal ventllation apwell aeproyldlnaylsuallnlerert on ihlg largeblan!, neolfaclngwall. Il BfitN[Atjl.i\|^nfththc?ro?osedremovalofttleshedbrlnglnghheexieLlng 1lnOrygiaoondlllons ologer lo complianoe'iwe feel lhe eave and ohlmneg would haYc llllle lnpacl dn the nelghbors lo Lhe neol compaied P.9. BgX t2ll tolheexlsllngshed" V LC9I9MD9 a6t6 2. l,@r.An/€d The Wo?oeed garage wouldbe cntirelg ln the front gelbacq. Ae f eel lhal encloslng lhe ?arKlng e?acee on lhe yopcrtg ln the front eclback (currentlu ?a?Rlng occurs partll oubslde lhe pro?erlUboundarleil ulth the Vropoeed garage wouldlmprove lhe a??ea? ance of lhe lol. The ?r o?osca gar age would be the mlnlmum wldlh f or lwo vchlclesandlhe maxlmum &plhallowablcln ldelhepropertglinc. Helght wouldbelhe nlnlnum gocolble malchlng thc exlctlng slruolwcs roof slope. v',lanr,€ Jron 1 o.13ooo - P.c'/lE,ltU oanthalz The exlollng struolwe hae been used ae tu/o unlte elnce ll wae con lrwledln 1 71o, Allowlnl thle uee lo oonllnue urlll havc llttle af lecl on lhe swr oundlng gr operlles. vtlalvz i"om I o.l?oqo - gllc 6ttqc: Ae f eel our yoposal f or lhc addlllon ueee the 600 ef ol slle @vc?age avallable on lhe loL Othc? locatlon opllons for lhe addlllonal flvlng arca wereex?lore4e?eolfloall1,bullaingonlhelo? of lhe exltllng elructurewae?uledoulduetocreallngundeslredhelghlalongulthmaseandbulK The locallongelecledfor lhe addlllonmlnlmlzegmasg and bulk bg etepplng dou.rn thc hlll f ollowlng exbilng topographg. VlewE of lhe addtilon from bolh lols lo lhe easl anA }{'esl would be mlnlmal. Thus, we f eel the alle ooverage va?lance la lled lo Lhe garaee. As ouillned aboye, encloelng the parklng s?aces on lhe slte woulAlm?roye lhe a??caranoe of lhe lol, havlng little negallve effeol on lhe nelghboro. Thc &gre b whlc,h relcf from the rtrlct or lltcral lrtagetaBon ad enf qcrrnprl oJ aqediledre4ldatlon It nea;srlrlrr. arJrlleve corpltulttg and rnlforrnltg of traatnantartor cft€c fn thc vlclr{tg or to attaln tle el*Ifua of tlrlo tltb uffircnft grart or ry,ld?rfulbga Y;laun Jrorn 1 O.13060 - gctba*-sz The ?ro?osal f or lhe garage In the f ront selbacK doee not lnolude an enologed ?asEage lo lhe ourrenl entrg door of lhe rcaldenoc. ll ua' &le?mlned that lo we lhe cx|]ilng enlrl door would have f orced lhe garagc to the neet andlnlo Lna dde sclback- Furlhermo?e,l,o deslgn lhe garage wllh an cncloseA en|,/"Uwouldhaye requlred addlllonal glle covera^e. g,eebelow. The new entry door ls ?rqosed In the gouthruegl oorner of lhe llvlngarea andls lhe moct logloal locallon whlle keeplng the garage out of lhe slde eelbacK. The ?orilon ol lhe eave lhat exlends Into the glde selbackls relaled to thle neu, entru. fhe eave uouldbe the mfnlmum elze?cqulredlo provlde sheller lo lhe entrgdoor. Ae oulllned ln Bcm 1 above.the funcllonal ohlmne1?roJeollon lg of a mlnlmum.lze to a4.oporllonallg ulork on lhe largc t tegt elevation. Y*lanc*Jrorn 1a..130@ - Dcneltg (nnholz As staledln 1O.61.020 - Oonllnuanoe, under lhe sccllon of lhe zonlngregulal.lon ooverlng Nonconformlnggltes,Uses,gtrvolureg - lhe uce of the existln g slruolure mag oonLlnve. !r''rlaJ|,r;c ftr o|'n I b.13OqO - dL @veragez The ?ropoeea glle Oovera^e va?lan@ wouldbe for lhe area of lhe garage. r'he garage le th€ mlnlmum elze a. slatedlnltem*1 aboYe. f E cf Jq.l oJ t E vtlatu* an lgftl and alr, dlshFuftort d ?ogt/ciilon tralrrsportaUon trafffo facflltla. uUlltlca. aM rl.bnc, *fcfry Y*lua Jrqn | b.1 3O6O - gaba*s, The exlen lon of lhe eav e lnlo lhe Elde eelback wlll provl& bellcr publlc safelg t o lhe enlry door of lhe ?esldence bU shelt.€,?lng ft from la and91nowbullatp. Allowlng lhc Oa?age to be bulll ln the f ront, selback would ??oyldc parklng on lhe ovJne?e WoWrlV rather than on -fown ?ro?ertg. 3. tLcmS.cpnHn/€d v a|€tv,? lr orn 1 b.1 3 ooo - p.crclu (fittrou Allouri ng lhe exlsllng deneltg lo r emaln would have no efteol on the orllerla llgled above. V 'arlatyJron | O. 1 3 O qO - At a C,otcr 4ez Allowlng t he 6ar age t-o b e bulll uslng a&lllonal elle ooverage wodA ?roylae ?arKlna on lhe owners p?o?erll ralher lhan on Tovn?ro?crhJ. 1. Hotu Va4r r4t/p]ct d(flct wlt,,'vdi' @np"chcndyc Flan gcc llcme 'l -3 abovc. Though the number of varlances ?e4ul?ed lo allow our pr opooal lo move f orward are man1, I feel lhal our re4ueola are not unreagonable or unpreoedenhedln lhls nelghborhood. ln mtJ o?lnlon, the fnprovemenlslothe exlsllngproperlg,lf lhevarlances are granled,wou/,Anola, lhe zonlngreeulallone slate'oonglllule a grant of epeclalprlvllegelnoonalelenl urlth the limliatlone on olhe? properlles classlfled ln lhe game dlstrlct: and lhal lhe grantln1 of lhe yarlancee urifl certalnlg nolbe'&trlmenlallolhepublioheallh,safelg,or welfare, or matcrlallg lnJurfoue lo ?ropcrilcE o? lm??ovcmentg in the violnltg'. ln conclwlon,lbelleve lhls p?oJecl wlll bc a dra.llclmprovemenl oyer lhe exlellng?ro?erhJ and ulll oe?ve lo further enhance the b e aulg o I the nel ghb orho o d oKA/ba L/ gma/ O 1 .2 b.q 6 /T OV.?eO tsrent Alm .((ai,/ \\ '*'..' ss.."\ ^x- \:, /:. , ,44l,o - Kv )'-).--":"""' .-.'tt -$'' . {.rv\- LOI 22 \ts , \ :2'::'a'. \ ,,\/ / \ r.l r-\ o-v\ "."- . :- -.3r\:i ( \. L-Fg{f,o p#F r{+3"'\' \----j'ra a.- .-' a rtl". ".r41fr\. \ .r,,.\____+i+e #l^ta*fZ;...\i . \(ii';" ------ t"a 4atv7 lt-l F"4+i- \ o-9 -wffibf@ -o'w LL.EEiF lFTT t E *K EFtI s fl liI t-! .'x L F {H NF5FI I I I I t 'Eii? TFI fE?€', Datr'. Aomparlz ftorrf froJcol, @rwtclrl,sz oqrtclnlc:C4tbl Fllc: tr FAx tr ?osrlL T HANPPELIVERY 02.1q.76 T own of Valf, communl lU Development gegarlmenl Ereni g,malhe?. Addlilon a t<emodel Lol 21, Vaif Valleu ne.l,Flllng*2 vall,oolora& Dear Jlm, endoscAto abller fron lhe owner addresolnglhe glaff commenls we dlscucced f aEl ureek and a revlged Elte ?lan. Jln, I dld a qulck sltc @ve?agc calculatlon f q the addlilon on lhe baok of lhe housc - and as you delermlnedllls aboul 66 1+ gf. I have not found ory'. wher e we went wr ong, bui I thlnk the ?ereon w o?klng on thl g dld a 6l<e A caloulallon - lo Lhe lnclde of the urallo (lheg wlllbe flredD rather than slte oover age. At anu ratc. ao gou told me, gltc ooYer agc\ slle cover aqc and I gucEe ue have l9!9. lf lt makee a dllf erenoe, we could uQrk to brlng lhe a&lllon down lo 600 ef , aE waE mg Intentlon all alone. \ Thanke, IM*u ooyer + lehler fromTed 9lmalhere,R'evlsed slte plan (2) T/gma/02.1 q.q6/TOV tl Au1Arcfficts,frc. aa770xa.96n P.9. E9Xt2l VALffI.9MDg 61616 a r''r' tt'Er/tt' OZONE CHECK stnsle Family*""ru#-ln*@ zoNE DI STRICTS -\--.------..-.-'- DATE: 2, ", IJEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot Block - S_ubdivisi ARcHrrEcr Af{- ,+ .4L n/1 pnoNE 7 ^-' -?6-50 ZONE DISTO'"' . P/S .,\t |IEL ",r//,i1sVl if']l ' i AlLowed PHONE t''( lrru a, ,fi iL)S ? Proposed ToEal ADDRESS: O9INER PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE 2l PercenL slope l< > 3}9ir /Ve 3) Geologic Hazardsa) snow Avalanche peb) RockfalL - tvv c) Debris ELow T 4) wetlands view Corridor EncroachmenL: Yes il;'.::i'"i.tilEil,r3;:i";u3iil,ti3i,i3''l."ffiisrequesL?p:(t.^, t"t, uo uo6 ie 6(e, ffpf"r{f Na{rMoe z /d/es BRIEFDESCRIPTIONOFTHEPROPOSAL: /) tA'/ r., /^ Wu) -f'L)o e4r*. $aco.gQ 4P4. addltftan/ 'f'€t bdy @p cA!."LK SrolL Comments: IYu, EararTe AeeOs to bu t1'.^4ce? lo notd L, cars- a((ft burrr al rtl,,tl vtll dntroa0ri rnto hre To.rr €oW. llrlg rqq.rrre ?A' frooi.\ne dqec* a" ghott fq t1|"' 3f{aT3 dorrs .E Fr eA eerar^in5 . On5 Qrlo@'d kx ov\ av eas wvt'r dr Cxqzct r. r 6cri{\g N 4f AepRoJ eo. @.^,.''6rni(. Comments: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Comments: ' 't.r' Distributed to the Firo Department, t. \o ro: M'KE vr"aQr ffiro?D o''ENHETMER' DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: Engineering: Reviewed by:lwpl. l-andscaping: Reviewed by: tl- Ffiic teu eaet) . ?ltAtq\p Date: ztzv\qv rgylrnad : Ll l:blTta. Date: Date: Public Works, and Landscaping Return 16 ,. JIll CITRNITTTE. Town Planner -'--lto'@ GREGHALL rs INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW Retum lo '.JI}T ctIRf,IlTT.E. Town Planner D OPPENHEIMER Landscaping: t Roviewed or, 41^'to ouru,a15 -1L, Comments: N\" 6>b ,e"*trr5, t--oa [c- 5 9."I, Dishibuted to the Fire Department, public Works, and Landscaping on DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING lLei-s BRIEFDESCRIPTIONOFTHEPROPOSAL: /, tn'/:.,. /^ W"e +o4.)o eA.f* $acqge q*'4 adotltfta/r' fl bdS @P c r\t*k s iole- Engineering: Reviewed by: Comments: Reviewed by: Comments: Firo Dept.: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: Date: Date: 1975 Placid Drive #14 Vail, Golorado 81657 February 19, 1996 Town of Vail Community Development Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Subject 1. Variance on zoning regulations re Setbacks, Density, and Site Coverage 2. Other findings Dear Staff: The architect icr my addition, Mr.Brent Alm, informed me of the preliminary comments made by the planning staff regarding the variance proposal submitted toyou 26January, 1996. I want to convey to you my thoughts and approach on this property improvement so this matter can be resolved in a positive manner. Density The deed /title information that was submitted with the proposal shows that the property was originally zoned for triplex/duplex units when my unit was built and when I purchased the property. My understanding is that now you want to impose upon me the condition that before you give consideration to the submitted proposal, I must be willing to deed one unit of the properly for employee housing. lwill not have my property rightq taken from me in such arutneuver. ) Think back where you were 2.years ago. lwas here in Vail and I bought the duplex as a duplex. I have not lived in the property but I have provided 44 years of employee housing durjng the22 years that I have owned (and paid lots of taxes) on the property. That is a lot of employee housing, done in an era when employee housing was not in vogue. Now I am at a point in my life when I would fike to live in Vailfulltime-in my property at18/15 West Gore Creek Drive. And I would like to upgrade the property. The plans submitted by Brent Alm convey the design that is my desire. There is an irony here. When I move into the property, the density will go domt as there is only me. There will be fewer people and cars on the property. Site Coverage As reported to me, you want the site coverage changed and offer as a suggestion that I put living space above the garage or in a two story addition on the back. This is a hard one to comprehend. There is a creek in the back of the house and trees and a pleasant view. Above the garage?? Maybe in Commerce City, but not here. The two story approach would block the windows from the upstairs bedrooms. To step the structure down the hill towards the creekworks with the existing house wtrile not creating a two story mass' Please refer to the drawings for the conect approach. Garage I understand that you want the garage and garage egress to be parallel to the road. The entrance would have to be from the east, right through the cars parked by tfre tenants that live in the employee housing in the East unit. This will not work any way you wish to slice it. Chimney The addition of a chimney strudure on the east side that tould be the minor imago of the one on the west side would only improve the looks of the total structure. The chimney was designed to pull together the offset roof lines. And it would eliminate the shiny pipe sticking up through the roof now. I think the chimney on the east side would be a definite improvement, don't you? This would have minimal impact on the adjacent property. Landscaping I am totally for anything that will improve my neighborhood. I will look at your suggestions in the light of how much they will add to the cost of the proiect. To really improve the appearance of this part of West Gore Creek Drive, however, I wish TOV had been as interested in burying the utility lines before West Gore Creek Drive was paved last year. Any vegetation I plant or paving I do will not hide the ugly porer lines that stop at my place. We have submitted to you an excellent upgrade to the community. Please accept it as it has been submifted. Thank you. AL Sn,o.IU* Ted Smathers I ftsYrfry.qcrwe? updeted 4/17195 ,EEruF4gflWt)LV, [)EPI I. GENERALINFORMATION This procedrc is rcqrfucd for any project requcsting a varianco. Tho application will not bc acccptcd until all thc information is grbmitt€d > A. BRErFDEscRrpTroNoFpRoposAL l.AWlTloh{ \}alNzr AvAtL .F& 4 +$3 Catfip6+. Z. Al?Ott'Jg/'- 2<a+A,/VT!\,6 c,,e€. e?M \! ??arJTlffiWiF- a. rN\uovE[48\rF TD Trtf wrwU. q-T\k ENmFf, qTwq)re . B. NAME OF APPLICANT (type orprint)TEp €t.4A{r+lffie *o*rr, fdllp flSatp DgrlF, flt ,H'NE 4119._1ffi_ CITY, STATE ZIP \/FIu-. t Q Oltotr?T I ' c. NAMEoFAppLTcANT'sREpREsENTArrvs EF6f AUM, ALH l€ttll'tWftrr Na. eoopsss ?.o.W Tztt '|flo"r?*.^u% cITY, srATt, aP VFlv , Lo A\VW qav a,ka?+1@.vre /. E. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL:\b46 t^Et( @(zE W)vr Lor-- ?-sLocK-FrLrNe VVW KA STREETADDRESS CITY, STATE" ''- Tp V6'\w . ao glVTT $25o.oo P^n Z--c*n%-" The fee nqgg! be paid bcfo'rc thc Community Development De,partment will accept your poposal. ADJACENT PROPERTY NOTIFICATION Starpod, addressed cnvelo,pes ofthe names of owners ofall property adac€nt to the subj€ct pmperqy INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, md a list of their names and mailing addreeses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application confcrcnce with a planning staff menrber is wongly rccommcndcd to detcrrine if my additidnl inforrnation is nccdcd No application will be acceDt€d unle.ss it is comDlerc {must includc all itcms rco.gired by the zoning adminicrator). It is the applicant's responsibility to make an 4pointmcnt with the staffto find out about additional zubmittal requircments. ST'BMITTAL INFORMATION PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE TI{E APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOI,JR PROJECT BY DECREASING TIIE NI.]MBER OF CONDMONS OF APPROVAL TIIAT TIIE PLAI{NINGAND EI'IVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. AITCONDIIIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPILED WTIII BEFORE A BI.'ILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. Application PECMEETINGDA APPLICATION F'OR A VARIANCE om. V' .\IV. NAMEOFOWNER(S)(gTeorprint) 1@ crrY, srArE, zw (&lv , co al(Fr? v. I I a FOTJR (4) COPBS OF TIIE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMTTED: / A. A uritten statcm€nt ofthe precise nahre ofthc variance r€quested and the regulaion involoved Thc statcment must also address: l. Tbe relationship ofthe rcquest€d variance to other existing or pot€ntial uses and sfiuctrr€8 in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from tle strict or literal interpretation and enforcement ofa specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity oftreatrneil among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives ofthis title without grant or special privilege. 3. The effoct ofthe variance on light and air, disribution ofpopuldion, transportatioq traffic facilities, utilitics, ard public safety. 4. How your requcst couplies with Vail's Cornprchcnsive Plan. / t' B. A topographic and/or ilTrovem€nt survey at a scale ofat loast l" = 20' stamped by a Colorado liccnsed surveyor including locations of all existing irrprovementg including grades and olcvations. Othcr elcmcnts which must be shown are parking and loading areaq ingress and egesg landscapcd areas and utility and drainagc fcatrrcs. r r'" C. A site plan atascaleof atleast l" = 20'showing existing and proposcd buildingB. 4D. -trGi N(/ All preliminary building elevations and floor plans srfficient to indicate the dimensions, gone,ral am€a(mc€, scale and use of all buildings and spaces existing and proposed on the eite. A preliminary title rsport to veriry ownership and easemcnts If the proposal is located in a multi-family development which has a homeowners' associatiorl then written approval from thc association in support of the projoct must be receivcd by a duly authorized agcnt for caid association. N* C. Aoy "aAtional material necessary for the review of the application as deteiurined by thc zoning adminisrrarcr. For interior nrodificaions, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. TIME REOIJIREMENTS Thc Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A conplctc application form and all accompanying maerial (as described above) must be zubmittcd a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the dat€ of the PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications (as dctermined by the zoning adrnini$rator) will be accepted by the planning staflbefore or after the desigred submiral darc. All PEC approvcd variances shall lapse ifconstiuction is not commenced within tr*'o yecs ofthe date of approval and diligcntly pursued to completion. OTHER Ifthis application rcquircs a scparate revicw by any Iocal, State or Fedcral agcncy othcr ttran thc Town of Vail, the application feo shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such revicw, may include, but arc not limited to: Colorado Departnent of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineem 404, erc. The applicmt shall be rcsponsible for payrng any publishing fecs which arc in cxcces of507o ofthe ap,plicatim feo. If, at thc applicant's roques! any mat€r is postponed for hearing causing tho rnata to be re-publishod, then, the entire fee for srch re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applicadons dcemed by the Community Development Depafiment to have sipilicant design, lmd usc or otbcr issucs which may have a sip.ificant impact on thc oommunity may require rcviow by coneultats othc,r than town stafr. Should a detsnnination be made by the town staff tbat an outside conzultant is needed to rovicw any appiiuariorl Communiry Deveiopmenr may iure an ouaae consuttant, lt shall estimat€ the amormt of rnonoy necessaf,y to pay him or her md this amount shall be forwrded to rhe Town by thc ap'plicant at the time he filcg his application with tho Community Devclopmont Dcpartmcnt. Upon oorrylction of thc rcvicw of thc applicmion by the consultan! any of the fimds forwadad by thc aprplicmt for payrn€nt of thc corsultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be retrrned to the applicanl Expenees incuned by the Tovm in excess ofthe amotmt forwardod by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 &ys of notifcation by the Tovm. VI vIL B. B. c. f:\weryone\fonnsbariance.4 I 7 d |r 9Atry u?gKED lN nL" L I DBSIGN REITTETY BOARD APPI.IICATION rOWN OF VAIIJ DATE JA.t. *t****rrr* TNCOWIETB APPLICATIONS NTAY NOT BE SCIIEDur4BD ?OR REIIIEJT. t*t**ttttl* PROiIECT IITFORIIAIIOI{ : DESCRTPTION:Nrn cf€.f6g Fs.lr? I e tgg0 DEPT I. A. B.TYPE OF REVIEW: __ New Const,ruction ($200.00) ttinor Alteration ($20.00)><Addition ($50.00) -conceprual Review igo) ADDREsS, lW h6f aW q#. Dpt\Ec. D. E. F. IJEGAI' DESCRIPTION: Subdivision If property is described by a meets and bounds legaldescription, pJ.ease provide on a separate sheet and attachto this application. ZoNTNG: W-lt,t*+t't /.*uw*P<'t NAI,TE OF APPI.IICAIiIT:T?D Mailing Address: Phone G.NATI{E OF t'iiailing APPLICAI{T I S RE Address z VO,[f.f/. X{' Phone NAITIE OF OWNER(S) MaiLing Address: APPITICATIONS WIIJIT NOT BE PROd.ESSED WITEOW OWNBRTS SIGilIATURE Condominiun Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees,time of submitt,al as shown above, are to be paid at theof the DRB appLication. IJater, whapolvildins permit, please identifvaluatown ot valJ. w adjust ee accor table below, to ensure the correct feeis paid. EEB PATD: I I. J. CHECI( S: DATE: BY: FEE SCHH)UI.IE: VAIJUATION$ o-$ 1o,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 s150, 001 - $ 500, 000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 DESI@T REITIAW BOARI' APPROVAIJ BIIPIRES APPROVAIJ T'ITIJBSS A BUTIJDING PBRUIT TSIS STARTED. FEE $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $100.002e $200.00' $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFIIER. FII{AIr ISSUED AIID COrISTRI'CTION LIST OF TiATBRIALS NAII'E OF PROiIECT:QrvrP111ft.5 AO?NlcrNJ 1 G"<?-N6 I'EGAIT DESCRIPTION: L,OT STREET ADDRESS: The foLLowing inforrration is Review Board before a final A. BUIIJDIIIG I.TATERIAIIS: Roof Siding Otsher wall Mat.eriaLs Fascia Soffite Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues FLashings Chinneys Traeh Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining walLs Exterior r.,ighting Other I,AT{DSCAPING: Br,ocK _ sIrBDrVrSrON WAWFTD* &trt? W required for submittal to the Design approval can be given: TYPE OF IIATERTAII COIOR Designer: Phone: Ire Vnrqtd,t\Fc (,CowUaA{LO B.Nane of tr".t*tW o IALSPLAIiill I.{ATER Size* PROPOSED TREES ATiID SHRUBS *Ind,icate caliper for deciduous trees.for decid.uous trees is 2 inches. Indicate ight, forconiferous trees.trees is 5 feet.**Indicate size of proposed shrubs.5 qallon. SqBrare Footage GROT'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROIJ C. L,AIiIDSCAPE I-,IGHTING: rf ext,erior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separaEelighting p1an. Ident.ify each fixture from the f.ight,ing planin the space below and provide Ehe height above grade, type oflight proposed, Lumen outpuL, luminous area and a cut sheet ofthe Light f ixture. ( Secuion 18 . 54 . 050 ,t) OTHER LNiIDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swinrrringpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwaLls. Maximum height of wa11s within the front setback is 3' . Maximum height of waI1s elsewhere on the property is 6' .L\ Wvwcf-7- ae6 Pp*t^J1^rag D. ?wft u$6\0w"trurrl*dT*rIrP(T{ ff $g Mfucffn0^J {ravtaed, 8/17 /9A JOB NAME ,!FOT{I[ OF VAII., UTTI,ITY I,OCATTON VBRIFICATION FORII STIBDIVISION LOT BI,OCK FIIJING ADDRESS The form is used to verify service avaiLability and location. ThisEhould be used in conjunction wiLh preparing your utility plan andscheduling installations. For any new construction proposal , theapplicant must provide a completed utility verification form. The Location and availabil-ity of utilities, whether they be main Erunk lines or proposed lines, muEt be approved and verified by thefollowing utilities for the accompanying site p1an. Al-L authorizing signatures need to be originals. Authorized Siqnature Date U.S. West Conununications 468-6850 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949 - 6135 Gary Ha11/Rich CooJ.ey HoLy Cross Electric Assoc. 949 -5892 Engineering Dept. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty **TCI Cablevision of the Rocki 949 -L224 Mark Graves *rUpper Eagle Va1ley Water & Sanitation Dist,rict * 47 6 -7 480 Fred Haslee Wffit'l- ALU m\41:\(s trA site plaa is required. Pbyaical location of kaown utilities mrr3t be sbowa on tbe site plan. Utility locations nay or nay notoffer senrice to tbe proDerty line. Any utility extensioa required sha1l be tbe responaibility of the property owner. NOTE: 1.If a utility company tras concerns with the proposed construction, Ehe utility representative should notdirectly on the utiLj-Ey verificaLion fo:on that thereis a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue ehould then be spelled out in deLail in an attachedletter to the Town of vail. However, please keep in nind that it is the responsibility of the utiLity company to resoLve identified problems. rf the ut,iliey verification form has signatures from each of the utiLity companies, and no conments are made directly on ttre form, the Town will presume Ebat, there are no problems and that the development can prcceed. These verificaLions do not reLieve the contractor ofhis responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vai1, Department of Public works and t.o obtain utilitv locations before diqoing in any public right-of-way or easement in the Town ofvaiL. A building germit is not a street cut permit. A street cut permit must be obtained separately. hstallation of service lines are at the e:<pense andresponsibility of the property owner. 4. wdl w ^.ry .*f"sw"3 r@,?tr* ? ww. FOR Sin91e Famil-y Residence, Duplex, Primary,/Secondary ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: L'EGAL DESCR IPTION: "O'4\ B].OCK ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE l'()o,W VVw rIo. * tD\) BUITDABL ooto I L,?94- Existinq Proposed ToEal 'e^VP??-,qel "L Allowed (30) (33)Height roTaI GRFA ljflPv cnra s6rydarv cnra seLbacks FronL Sides Rear SiLe Coverage l,andscaping Rebaining WalI Height.s Parking Garage CrediL Drive: + 425 +425= ,," &,L No , lwZ- /N 0/ ed uriLh Lhis reguest? ql4,+ 4b1 zo, /-ts't'7t5, ta O?n l11al**-*) <ue I ") 1t-e@_ ?'/v'lE- ffi1vaflva,t',fffid 3'/6' LtbsM^eqPe -)Reqrd ? F;nc]- (3oo) (600) (soo) (1200)- ?(fu{4o Permitted slope % Proposed slope O oo complies with T.o.v. r,ight.ing ordinance Yes wat.er Course Setback (30) (s0) Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (501)YES Environmen Lal /I{azards :1) Flood Ptain 2\ PercenL slope 1< > 30t) 3) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfall c) Debris Flow 4) wetlands View Corridor EncroachnenL: Yes poes Lhis re,T'iesL j.nvoive a 250 Acidititlr? llot^r much of Lhe allowed 250 Addition is us Previous condiEions of approval (ctreck properLy file): \?Pl z@-l*l lVe e Vteo NO LL Nz t\to 10 o o TOWNOFVAIL RECEIPT DEPARTME!{T OT C()MMItr{ITV I'IVTII)?MIIIT - --;;ffi_oF-,ro''- l'li sce I l aneous Cash I'AT t := 1.1,.' -0 -0 -0 -0 -o -o -o -o -0- -0 -0, -CI -0i -0i -oi CIIECI(.S MADE PAYAALE TO TOWN OF V ILffi B 1.:?.?F,t q. I f. Eif RFcFiF,t + 1t155t Frcc,unt # r:ti 5I'lFTHEFi5'..PREFFI I I1 FrriB|-tn l tendered I retrr Paid r:11LlEltlF4I 3f, I EEtEt B1BEBB41f,3SEE6 * 3f,Ei.'f,f,*f, trE5I ritl FiEl-r I El,r. t.JFlF: I Rtlr::E :, f,5ff. fi$ FmGUnt. Faid 1ElE1. E1r:1 ?58. EtJ tlt(x,,tI4I2 | CONTRACTORSTICINSD,S FLES 0l 0000 4t4t3 SIGN APPLICATION FEE $20.00 0l m00 41413 ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE ISI.OO PER SQ.FT.'I 0r @00.42440 vTC ART PROJECT DONATION-TI OO00 41331 PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE -ln r).(x rT1lrwTz:nl II.IVESTIGATION FEE (BUILDING) 3l oo0045rr0 TOV PARKING FUND 0t oom22027 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND*0l 0000 2lllz TAXABLE @ 4% (STATE) *0t 0000 41010 TAXABLE (a4% 0t oo0042371 BUILDINC I}IVESTICATION ()tHbR 0l m00 41330 rf-,Dl I.|ONAL GRtA "25O s200.00 0l m00 41330 CONDITIONAL USE PERM]T s200.00 0l m00 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION [LESS THAN IOO SQ.FT.]s200.00 0l m00 41330 EXTERIORALTERATION TMORE TIIAN IOO SQ.FT.I s500.00 0I m00 41330 SPECIALDEVELOPMENTDISTRICT INEW]$1.500.00 0l m00 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMA"IOR AMEND $l.0uJ.o0 0l (n00 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TMINOR AMEND $200.00 SUBDIVISION 0l q)oo 413301 VARIANCE s250.u0 'L'U'0t -Otqff4Tt30 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS $250.(ru 0l m00 41330 RE - ZONINO liz00.(ru ITHh,R OTHER I,nnrnfhu-<V*,o nn o IT0TAL: 35D.Q c2' ers', r r*.-iTK^' ,r.o1-,@W zoNl o N ANALY9I9 W'. ouulr,': t-qlgGu*Wu I@cocz bnc. Ex|ctlngUcc: 9dtD,rrfoz HclehL Pcnaltg: 9/ilc ,v.az dts@v*qcz e?Fh Frkhg: 12.O4a5 :|cAg,malhcro Lol 21, Vall Vallsu t rcol Flllng No.2 1O15 }{crt eorc C,/'cck arlyc ?rlmar U/ gecon&?U Rcoldenilal DlEVlcl Dl/alcx Jt@t/E,cz Duplex Fronh 20'aldc* 15' daokz 20' 9?'allowed No. of prucllln Ounllc allowcdz onc (Lollaac than 15,OOO sf) No. of Purclllng unlte cxletln et lwo O.26bO aqeo x 1?,560 gl . 11,rb1 si t{b!rc& 20% x 11,9b1 .f - 2p11*ExloLlng (Houge 1,1 11 of ) + (9hed 19 3f ) - 1 J q9 afAvaf|-la 524-oJ o K -15 K 11,5a1 0f x O.2515K-30}< OO,OaOof xO.lOsoR-OO,OOO of x O.O5 + 42, sf/Dwslllng unlt: 2 x 429 A/,outed€,f,lF^f Exfatfng 6RFA: (Aesl 1,2o1 oil(Eas Avallabb€'lCF '3 gecon&4lUnlt 6RFA Max: 10?6 x ?,141 ol . 1,4.7O of 2 cpaoct wr 9wclllng unlt . 4 rI aI1 AtrlrrKli.0r. II97tlE27.tCtO ?.i.0gxtil V,tLC?LfMoe EI6'E sf. 2.Oq1cf O,OOO cf o,ooo 6t b90 0i 9111cJ - 2,9b1 cf rB66 of Flla ZN 12A1.q>,/gmalhers o nclrdcd liaxnalt ll lrr Tttts Dnrl, fil|d. tit. 5th ilry 4l atuly te 7f . lrtrt"n John F. KlalnwachtGr . d/b/a ;l -1, tm|cilnfi rn JULfi,I?>4 ol ttt Colnit of Eagle .nd gt i. ol Color.do, of t|i. flrtt pirt. ^ndEdnond w. Smathera and .lessLca C. smather! ol tho Coort' ol BOUlder rrd St te ol Colorrdo, 01tlr rcoDil Ftlt F!?NE8sETH, thrt thr tlld D|rt y of thc llrrt Dmt, tor rnd h canddrntlo ol tlr mn ollxty-eight thousahd---- -Dolt/ttrt, lo tb. trld t rlr ol tha llrlt Dr.t In hnd D.ld It th! 'rid p.!ttc. of tjr. &cond Ftt, dtt rrc.lD,t rhal.d lr h.rrbt.ottte{.d .nd ..bro'lcdgc4 hr a -=t?.ntcq bcr*rlncd, rold ud co!"!t!4 |nd Dt thr Drr|ob doea r||!t. b.|'rh, xll. .o!v.y rnd contlnr l'lto thr rnld t.rtl.i of tha rocond Drlq o!cl! l.tlr rod rrrlgr forrrrr, ml h tf1t.rE b corrrnon bot tn rolnt t hrtE , rll ti. totlorlnF d.rcrlH lot or putd ol l.r4 dt!r!a, tshf od bchr h tlo c{''untt ol Eag le rd 8t t oC Colotrdq ta rltl 4" :al TOCTTIIER illh ill rnd tlntlhr th. h.Fdlt rn.nir rnd .ppurtrrrncr. thrunto talonalnf, ot ln lntrlx rFD.rLlr nr' th. t r'.rllon end Fvcnlon:, rerlrlnilcr enrl r.h.lnd.n, t.nt , hr!a. rtd Dlo tta tlirolt rnd dl tb ' .rtra., tlaht' tltlq lhi.tcrt. chln ind d.tnind rhborr.r ol thr lrtd Frt y ol tl. n!t! D.rg rlt.!!|' li br c! aqultt, of, h rnd tr th. ahorc bnrinlned pr!'|h.a. rll,i tho hcrrdltlrrartr rnd tlDrrtanmcal TO II^VE AND TO ltOl,D th. .rld prcrnlr.. rb|'. t rerlh.d rrd d..crlb.d. rltl tll. rDlortdr.ia6, mlo ftta ddpril6. ot th. r.cond Dirt" thcl! heltr .nd .r.larr tor.t r, Ahit th. trtd Dtlt y of thc ttld D|r{ torhltnt.l f . hlg hclrr, ct(.rutorr, .nd rihlhl.tr.torr do Cg .or.nuf, fr t, Dar||h |!a {t.. iO |ld rttt tl. .lrld Fttl.| ol th. xcmd pon, th.lr hclrr rnd ||rlrnr, thlt .t th. urn of tL .itGrtlnf |t!d dluntt ot tlr|. F.ntr he 16 tlll ..lt.d ot th. I!!tril... rhot corv.t.d, rt ol Fodr r[rr. FrtFt rbfthi. .!d hddldblarrbt ol hhcdlr!.r, In hr, In t G .ltnDlr, rnd hr A tnod rlsht' toll lorrr |!d lrrtlt rltDorlt to trarl Lt\. . t|ln, xll at|d loaF th! ||'||! hr rnrn!.? rnd tor rtorr|.ld, rnd thrt ttra n!|r rrt tri rrd d.a! tr!6 dl to|'rr .Dd otlrar i' tr, b.rmlnr, rrln|, llalt, t|!tr, lrir|'tn.ntt ind Gncurr|bt|t|..r o! rhrta"r' llnd o? lrtutt |oanlr excoPt taxea for 1974 and subrequent year!.pat€nt r€relvltlon!, eaaetnents on plat and in Book 218 at page 120 anil reltrlctlonr lnBooklgo at page 56I rnd tha.bort b.ttrln{d ptcrnfu.t ltr LlrG qstat.td Da.ccrttc t|o ldtloo ot Uro rdd Drrtb oi llt .|.coftl part, thtt haln $d rrtlrtt, rtiltltt lll rnd rralt tcrrotr 0r tatton. t.ifullt ahlmbrt or to ctrl[r t'ia rholt ot a|r,' D.rt tlrtot, tlr. ||ld Drly ot th. tlr|t Drrt rhdl r|rd rtU WARi'ANT AND Foltrff,n DEffND, lN mTNEga trl|EnEoF i|!. rU ,.rt y ot thr nr* p|lt h.a hal.l|tlr. t.thl! tLld md Lal tlr d.t rt t..r llrd.bo"a ra{tt I Lot 2l,Vall villlge west Filing, Flllng 121accordlng to the recorded plat thereof, County of Eagle and state of Colorado. a/-4{*- Jdtrn it-K &.r3' !t luDa .!a ltncbl r.L ?.t.i-i".\,alf; corrnf mfon crglr* (#<.t-, 4 .tt !t n.i.rrt Fnon o? D..ra. hn ttr-n r.r.. c !.|n.r: It LrFtu *tlra b irmtralt. aa .tt|drt ilaalt, d aa.&,'.r.h-.t..r. tn.n Inrn.n.''. or Fni...r-!r.q, .tr' et.tn:6ii;.;ln;-.iii;itt;; dd;r-ri-tir-i tri br;fto;-of i;:i.;89..1,.ffi':?:#"l,ii:.lj,,j[i*IFI.:ilitrt,.il,ildf..H;i.? o,ui ii.ii_e;a_;6-ift;.i.i;6iir-:Erriift -).).J :{.! tlt. t^it^ltt trttl}-r. rLa "irr-f!.dtw hll|lh, O.r ttta{ t-t tU, !fr, Ct r..--*|' sT fE OF COLOnTDO, l-- coontr oiBoulder f th. tor.tllna h.tnn/lt rrr rctlortdrrd 6frr ac r rte , br' .tohn F. Klelneachter , A/b/a J-K t! i,' L.orded .r l.rcttbn No. Qt'lT Cl,Atlt DEEI) JESSTCA (:. SH TfiERS whore tddrcm lr 2tr0 ljoodrtock, louldl.r County of Bould.r . rnd Ststc of Colorrdo . for thc conrlderetlon of Dccrcc of Dlrtolut lon rnd nol---------- Dolhrr,In hand pai{, -hlreby r.ll(t) rnd qutt chltn(r) to Et llollD lJ. sxATllEts rho!€.ddr.rr 6 11530 E. Evenr Avrnuc county l( Arrprhoc prcpcrty. In th.County of Lot 2lVrll Vlllegc llcrt Flllng l2 ia lourh ltaal: .i, ardGLrrt, thancab. t.tt lC r ltl ,. a0'trltarla'llallng. !,,1 ii. :t:i I *.r i,,].. !:' ll t:':'I.:l i !r '. {" ,. I t: ' , ;. li.i 4t375t B-517 p-379 JO iIETTE PHTLL IPB d "f ll/13169 13.17 EAOLE COI.,N'V CLERK. l84t Y. CorC Crc.kallo knorn ra atnot and nunbGt rlth rtl lt rpDillitrnrncc. Slanrd thh 26rh dry ol lou ld. r Junr STATE OF (-'OLOnAD0, countY of lot'LDsl Th. fort1olnt Inttrumcnt rae rtn.'vlcd3?d bcf.!t" rr!" in thc lrf of . Strto d colorrdo .t989 ,by J.trlct c' Snrthrrt tf r.'rnrf..ron.r!r'r . ,y',, ! ',, i 't/' 7t:77 S t?NEsE 'it hrn.l.nd.ln.i.l *rl ll.,ni.r.la+ Q3 t? clrlt oixlt '--i r.r'l'-.a ttr'-.<. rI . h k 3--i , rnd Strte of Co lorsdo , tha folloslnt rod E.8l r . rnd Strte otcolorrdo, to ilt:' Vall Co t1657 oln "l p6torl c(LonADo l-. , thir 26th Cqlnat drt lnn-.. l a-l rirarltl | l'h lllti . t9l9 . WARNAIVI'Y DEUD' ,o0fT nhmNrs SIATE OI r lor record taly ofit.,r- un.. ..-.-.,/..e. .4'ary ot . ;.. -... -.-*+*l4/- -.. -..... - -...... .... . r r7.(IlLl-=-*orcbct--*.f_J.--.!f .,uddulr(rord.d b B-L--?3-f- -.--...-. r,^R.:,. 7.1:_. ,t i..rxt rttn|lr- -rr xr.ra. o o o O o a THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that rhe Planning and EnvironmentalCommission ol the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance wittr Section 18.66.060 of the MunlciPal€ode ol the Town of Vail on February 26, 1996, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for an amendment to the Town of Vail Municipal Code regarding zoning administration and appeals, amending numerous Sections of Tide 18. Applicartr:Town of VailPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a Bed and Breakfast located at 987 Ckcle Drive/Lot 26 Buffehr Creek. Applicants Jeannine EricksonPlanner: Jim Curnutte A request for a Front Setback Variance to allow for a garage and a Type I EHU to be consfucted at 1464 Aspen Grove LaneAot 10, Block 2, Lions Ridge Filing No. 4. Applicant Carol Orrison, represented by Tom BraunPlanner: Mike Mollica A. request for Site Coverage, Front Setback, Side Setback and Density variances to allow for an addition to the building located at 1845 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 21, Vail Village West Filing A No.z. - flfpplicanu Ted Smathers, represented by Brent AlmPlanner: Jim Curnutte A r6ques-t for a Gonditional Use Permit to allow four volleyball courts to be constructed at the soccer field located at 640 Vail Valley Drive/Tract A, Block 2, VailVillage 7th Filing. Applicant VailRecreationDistrictPlanner: George Ruther A.request for a Setback Varlance to allow for a residential addition located at 5165 Black Gore Drive/Ld 17, Block 2, Gore Creek SuMivision. Applicart Kurt and Leslle DavisPlanner: George Ruther An appeal of an administrative decision relating to Section 18.58.020 (A) (Fences, hedges, walls and screening) and Section 18.04.370 (Definitions - Structure) located at Lot 11, Spraddle Creek Estates. ApplicarE Ric Fields representing Dr. SteadmanPlanner: George Ruther il,! ^fnffiffi" f i-' o Arequestforaworksessiontodiscuss.proposed.amenqg."-l.tonumeroussectionsofThe Town of Vait li,i"idip"i Code, including Uut not limited to T'itle:-2, 16, & 18 to allow for 'modificationstothesignGodeandtheDesignReviewGuidel|nes. APPlicant: Town of Vail Pidnner: RandYStouder A request for a worksession to discuss.potential changes to the Town of vail Municipal code relatihg to how building height is determined' Applicant: Town of Vail Pidnner: RandY Stouder Siqn language interpretation available upon reqirest with 24 hour notification- Please call 479- 21-14 voi-ce o( 479-2355 TDD for information. Community Development Departmert - .. Published Februarry 9, 1996 in the Vail Trail' t-' ' rHrs rrEM "Xt tltsftll8E PRoPERTY NoTlcE|sHEREBYG|VENthattheP|anningandEnvironm^enla|CommissionoftheTowno| Vaitwilt hotd a public hearing in accordance';ith 5;ffi-ib'be'oeo.ot the Municipal Code of the Town ot Vail on March 11, 1996, at Z:OO p^fti.'in in"-io*n of Vail Municipal Building' In consideration ofl A request for a residential addition, utilizing the 250 ordinance' to allow for an expansion to an existing singte family residence located at 2ii6-Ch;oniilanbl-ot 7' Block A' Vail Das Schone Filing #1. APPlicant: Frank D' D'Alessio Pidnner: George Ruther Arequest|oraCclllvlajorE-rtglio.I.lllglltignatGotthelf'sGa|lery|ocatedatVi|lageCenter,122'dait'ttteaOow Drive/Bb6k 5E' vailVillage 'lst Filing Applicant:FredHibbard,representedbyPamHopkinsPidnner: George Ruther A request lor a setback variance and s€paration variance to allowjor the conStruCtion Of separared sarages partially within the ttonilitriLil'h;;tJ it ZeSg & 2833 Kinnickinnick ndyUos 7 & 8, Block 4' Vail Intermountarn' Applicant Peter Gladkin for Timber Creek Gondominium Homeowner's Association Pidnner: RandY Stouder A request for proposed amendments to numerous sections ol-The Town of vail Municipal code' inctuding but not iitit"olo rit"s 2, 16, & fig"jil-;-gi moolrications to the Sign Code and the Design Review Guidelines' ApPlicaril: Town of Vail Pidnner: RandY Stouder Arequest|orSiteCoverage,Frontgg!q?gk,sideSetbackandDensiNvariancestoa||owforanI addition to the building located at 1845 Wg; G;;" deei Oriveit-ot 21' Vail Village West Filing .&No.2. IFCt 'Appli."rt, Ted Smathers, represented by Brent Alm Plannec Jim Gurnutte A request for a change to the Town of Vail survey Policy relating to calculatlng building height' Applicant Town of Vail Pidnner: Lauren Waterton Sion lanouage interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification' Please call 479- zri+ voite or +z9-2sse TDD for information' Community Development DqPart.meJtJ .. - .. Publistred February 23' 1996 in the vall lrall'rwh,fft 'q/ I ozt =tu,c oo \o (t) r,uult! E =tL!d trrb l blhYlh tmt t+Y) FI oror Prt4(a vtrlz H z A 3B9E!+< v h: z^-3 >' = 9J o uJF g. F Fgz zz o uJF z oz Jl @€ o2 =rl t!J uJo E.oFo CEFzoo G c UJz =od Elu := .E \,, <F7at2z(/)< .o OA-l()>-r Fl@(,lezH<Ohdc) O l.{ . p1 Fi<an tn lrlc)EtrlEN Fl(9\o< 6 FT ftp 2 tsIFlct ooo 6 E o o (! 0)! o EDc E dl E o =f do o o.o.(t 3 .9 E EgDO ,.Et!8: -166.9'6E ;dEo-oc;e pF 5P cD--coCq,o(DN() iE tEFO ebEEoo PF P€oo3oqt El o.9:l'-=9d Bg f€ Ef -!tog s9'o ooc(tt; gs .6E '6 (lto .ti 0)o o c '6 E -oJo E (! o:Eo?i(!'=!ro IEE cov,.e; IEPc-.= (tFfc e 6Ptr-o e:5 :€Pd 5=c9G'- AG ESE_'E > E FA =sE,FOO --: o EasF= c.Y- 6 o.(E o.*Ep (a! o.E€e E6: E E.EOO: EE E *eC(! 0'-E; q) --E g:E ;6>9 6 -o. ::Etiie Btg9Eo .,gEg -oG @ \t e.lc! 6l e ET qJ L zor o x z o ) (J Foul u, z = ) z () uJ = g,l uJ z tr UJ () uJ .o] uJt uJ z 6uro F -n> orll z auJ x ulo U'ului Ll- F =G, UJ o- FoF Iz J ao J UJ ul oz ao =J6- J = tlJ- NOuVntv^ I I lE IB lPtd xrlE- 9e a2FF{ trv)C)r{ HT iprE> HEop $ o(\l N 2Z9oF^U'x:r=E90oo6dQ2r!<93i()-8 .;oi =>d t< lH lH z9 F rl (J UJo- F ooo \o xX oa o-lu z E z tr UJFJ : UJz I Ezlz9q <oo< =E2lER\e*p-s Fz. 9z tro3tr zI F .Jloz =,.1 a)rl ts7,'L1 -t .l ,?l f : 8l o 3 lJl sl zl zl ,. >|o UJ uJulzoF UJ z E (9 =FU' l I I I I "lzlYI <l tI r1 Yr.:-ltr lEIol{t!ldl''' Ilx*kl>og CN I t- lt-c) OO tn2 Ff O.r z c c'r trlu, z zH uJF o uJ E @oo-)zo F.L u.lY IrJo oF E Eul 0. l!o o-oo I uJFoz vrd & zta--o cgtr g =< \,coo '-=z-)f 6JO'io- u- @ !!! J "3q =83;HE t uJct!ouloz l aho F 9 JFuJ-h= =Eo- uJ =cO|!9o\uJxo:>IJF uJJ! uJ F co E CI -9o EE .E t E E 8 o eo E €oo! nl \.-l! d 4 ts =e UJGzIF(JfE azo C) I ol HIJl <l:l 6l zl BlolFI I ,l il =l sol ruFI F rn\' c\| e.,l Ic'\ @rtl Io\ F- ?l ril I .l ?tolurl :t al>lttlol zltl EI zH & zl ol IIJI 5t <l>l r!lol zl BIolFI zGI Fv) FIB lrl(9 FlF{ FfH o I FoJ & IFl at) Irl H t.t) ii =z (D o I rn F\ fr = Ftl>l<l rnlzl<l>lFl 'l c.t Irnl(nl-luav,|II 04dq 3 aJ)& E Eu) H BE UJ =z EoF tFzo C) E?+E FOzo() 2"? E3fF d- zo E -rO<t-COuj <zE (nZ-o E!!