HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 2 LOT 23 LEGALu,t )o f (! z u .( ! F iiEE::t=;E Eiiii; ii:tla F$iiei .? .9 cr -:; t_pt.o 4C €i ;o I I .q )c4q I 6 I >l-!lq If,,! rJ-1 -[4't-l 04u{q I Avl - lrJ UJ a\orxo t-- '.orHgtD{>x\kr"=uoRE{ 3iz a\<\J(o-2op:r<;r{ t-r32'. , ('\rr.;-in LrJ \J-<,"Htr7.6!a.4.<=lrJ F- Jccba or zYFF-t{< Ev=r-{voitl=zFu-> 1o 'e *-l-.!tEurliSFTXq il*o>): ,,r Oe!:{z{ *Yv HFix\JFr\VIoEAFZU,-ffi::EUTXH,..'FY- F53f )a-o aa k6 Fl. O+ FSI EN E H -lflJaF fHf\sv {-+{F(F?G{ 11|e ++\dlLIFH rd *ts€Lft{ !+-o El O+ il-tdl{ rfJtF.rF.tf-t l-{o. € U ,.F 't' l'l . ' -?r? Orner") described as: ("the Property"); and '- WHEREAS, the Owner wishes to place cortain r€strictions on the use of a unit or apartrnent located on the Prop€rty for the benefit of the orvner and the Town of Vail, colorado ("the Town'). NOW THEREFOHE, the O,vner does hereby impose, establish, acknowledge, declare for lhe benefit of all persons who may hereinatter purchase, or lease, or hold lhe subject land the following reslriclions, covenants, and conditions, all of which shall be d6emed 1o run with the land and inure to the benefit and be bonding upon the Owner, its respectiv€ grante€s, successors, and assigns. The Employee Housing Unit, conlaining9$.or",. feer, is hereby restricted as a Type I Employee Housing Unil (EHU) which must comply witl.r all the provisions of Sections 18.57.020, 18.57.030, and 18.57.040 of the Vail Municipai Code as amended. The Type I Employee Housing Unit shall be leased to lenanls who are full-time employees who work in Eagle County. An EHU shall not be laased for a period less than thirty conseculive days. For the purposes of this section, a full-time employee is ons who works an average of thirly hours each week. A Type I EHU may be sold, lransferred, or conveyed separalely from any single family or two tarnily dwelling only if it meets the following conditions: a) lt must be used by the Oruner ol the Type I EHU as a pormanont residence. For the purpose of this paragraph, a permanent residence shall mean ihe home or place in which one's habilalion is fixed and to which one, whenever he or she is absent has a presenl intention of relurning after a departure or absence lherefrom regardless of the duration of absence. In delermining what is a perman€nt residence, the Town staff shall take the following circumslances relating to the Owner of the residence into accounl: business pursuils, ernployment, income sources, residence for incorne or other tax purposes, age, marilal status, residence of parents, spouse and children if any, localion of personal and real property, and molor vehicle registration. b) lf a Type I EHU issold, transfened, or conveyed separately from the olher unit in a Two-Family dwelling it is a part of, lh€n bolh the Type I EHU and the unit to which it is attachsd shall be subjsct to all the provisions sol torth in Section 18.57.020. The Type I EHU shall nol be divided into any form of tirneshares, interval ownership, or fiactional lee ownership as those terms are defined in the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail. No lat€r than February 1 of each year, lhe owner of each employee housing unit wilhin the lown which is constructed following lhe eftective date of this chapter shall submit two copies of a report on a form to be obtained from the community Developmenl D€partmsnt, to th€ community Development Department of lhe Town of Vail and Ghairman of the Town of Vail Housing Authodty setting forth evidence eslablishing that lhe employee housing unit has b€€n rented lhroughout the year, the rental rate, the employer, and that each lenant who resides within the employee housing unit is a full-time employee in Eagle County. The owner of each EHU shall rent th€ unit al a monthly rental rate consistent with or lower than lhose market rates prevalenl for similar properties in the Town of Vail. 1. 2. .'l i- I -I I -II -I -I I I I II I -I II II Ca3ao.< (,IL aa-COaarn ul GloFOGt.oo.FZ:!t-oFrOo.oao.'loot?tO\ott.NF. ooc d({0 ooro.od A 5. 6. rnt{irrtrrpr\6qmd{\:. sNnf ---Wf r|/fr- :sarrdxe uorssturtloc'(t,lt Y::it;#ryw /Ut/ : 't'' 1o Iegffi slqt euJ eloleq pe6pelmoupe sE/' lueurnrtsur buto6ero; eq1 NOrg'IOOTN "t NruHtvx ) {uedord peou cEe$o.q 'S 9t 6661-II9 sordrl uolsslururoc ,(ll oilqnd IrBloN lqluu .3 ouuv :tIEI-i --- - (- P AeP-77 slql eu ejoleq pebpel/\loulce sB''^ lueunilsul oc .I!t! oo'o N oo'o o 00'rI u z ,c z J.tltf J rJrs E!€ dttrl0 8661/!q/9o__lgr099 lil llll llllllll lllll lllllll lllll lll lllllll lllll llllll I uoperodroc ;edrcrunur opEroloC B'llVA lO NMOI 'Iuedord eq] lo reu/yl6 sql puE lten 1o uivrol sr.lt qloq lo luasuoc u€uurl €ql Iq ldecxe pepuaule Jo 'peleutulel 'pauopuPqe 'pelrem aq lou lpqs uraJaq pauteluoc syuautealOe pue 'suoqe;ndtls 'suotlculsai 'suotttpuoc aql 'ur\ oI eql pup lau,rag eql Iq pscJolue eq ,{eu slueue^oe e^llculsoJ eseql Jo suorsr^oJd eql 'eueurs oseql sleour oqs io aq lPql 6urLurtge U Ep1;je up epnlcur lpqs pue oloqe quol las Euellrc eql sleeu:eseqctnd erulcedsotd oql leql burluaurncop lueuuedeg luacudolanag Iltunuluog aq1 o1 uoqectldde ue ltuqns l1eqs reseqcrnd enrlcedsord eqt 'nH;1 1 edll e JoJ peeP E lo re;sue4 eq o1 loud slep Iyql '6CUeptsol fueuud €ql Jo reumo aql Iq paaluetenb eq l1eqs 1tu1 6utsno;1 eaIoldu.t3 aql uJo4 obeleb eql ol ssacce '1ru1 Oursnog eeloldut3 eql puE eouaprse: fueu:trd oqt qloq Iq pa:eqs aq ol sr e6ele6 e ll 'pesolcue €q leqs 193 1 edll eq1 ro3 pettnbal 6ut1:ed eql;o luec:ed lgtl .IlrroqnV 6ursnog eqi r{q.pouru-r.relep sE uorlsctlqnd ol lcehns sq llEqs ocuet;durocuou ut eq ol punol tiJn e 'ure.raq peprnord suorlcutsor pue sorl;eued toqio Iue ot uorttppe u1 'acuerldr.uocuou ut €q ol p€utujjelep Bq ll?r.{s u olEJ }alrPr.u eql lE €lqEllBAP }ou sr pue petueJ lou sr lrun oql ll 'sllun elqercdu-roc 1o saleJ letuar ant] lo urnuttuttu e ;o e6etar're ue uo paseq sq lpqs elel lalrer.u eql -ul\ol aql poq6norqt satltuaup pue l1t;enb 'uotyeco; 'azts alqeteduroc Jo suun reqlo Jo ,(pnts eqr uo p(ireq otr | ]n)lJEu.t 6ql oululrBlep llrM Auoqlnv oursnoH lren lo u/r^ol €tll 'tl '01 '6 '8 .L TOWN OF VAIL 15 S. FRONTAGE ROAD /AIL, CO 81657 ,7 0-47 9-2738 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMESPROJECT TITLE: MIDDLEToN RESTDENCE(sFR,P/S,DUP) PERMTT Permit 89 7 -017 3 TOV/ Clean-up approved 6mount date S/A Occupancy DwellingsPrivate Garaoes Locat dresson... No. .Project No. Type Zone 1 V-N Zone 1 V-N Town of 1,027.00 DRB .00 Recrertion Fee---------> 3.00 Ctean-Up Deposi t--------> 1865 GORE CREEK DR St,atus...1865 WE GORE CREEK DR Applied..2103-123-06-022 riiuea. . .PRJ97-0105 Expires. . I S SUED o6/20/tse7 07 /74/ree7ot /ro /tee8 APPLICANT GRAY-STONE CONSTRUCTION phone: 97023698 US HWy 24t BOX 721, MTNTURN CO 81645 CONTRACTOR GRAY-STONE CONSTRUCTION phone: 97023698 US HWy 24t BOX 721, MTNTURN CO 81645OWNER MIDDLETON JAMES KATHRYN 835 INCA PKWAY, BOULDER CO 80303 Description : NEW SFR/EHU/SECONDARY 827-s231 827 -s23L .00 3,811.75 3 ,A14 .75 Table Dare: 05/17/I996 Number of Dwelling Units: 002Factor Sq. Feet Val-uation 80 . 60 3, 365 271 ,2L9 . 0021.30 462 9,840.60Subtotal: 3,827 281,059.60Total Val_uation : 2BL,059 . 60Vail Adjusted Valuation: 31O,OOO.0O0 Fircptace In{ormation: Restricted: YEs flof Gas Appl,iances: Z tof Gas Logs: ,rof uood/paL l,et:*****lrl*************************************************** FEE SUtltlARy *****************t**************************************** Bui Lding-----) 1,580.00 Restuarant ptan Reviev--) Ptan Check---) lnvestigation> tJi L t cal,l----) .00 200.00 Total catcutated Fees---> 3,914.75 Addi tiona L Fees--------- 504.75 Totat permit tee--:-----> 500.00 Payments------- rtem: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DepT: BUILDING Division06/.20/.7997 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO DAN06/26/1997 DAN Acrion: AppRrtem: 05400 PLANNTNG DEPARTMENT Dept: pLANNTNG Division06/.20/.1997 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO TAMMIEo6/23/L997 TAr4MrE' Action: AppR Add 200.00 to permit feerLem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT nepti FIRE DivisionO6/20/1997 CHARLIE Action: AppR N,/AItem: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept: pUB WORK Division06/.20/.1997 cHARtrE Action: NOTE PLANS TO PUBWORKS07/08/1997 LARRy_p Action: AppR LpItem: 05550 ENGINEERING Dept: ENGINEER Division06/.20/.1997 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO TERi.Io7/08/7997 TERRI Action: AppR OK WIl pw r***********************t**********************************************************************************t********************* see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that, nay apply to this perrnit. DECLARATIONS I heneby acknovtedge that I have read this apptication, fitl,ed out in fut( the information requircd, corptcted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that rtt thQ infoamation provided as required is corrcct. I agree to compty uith the information and ptot ptan,to conpty sith att Tovn o.dinancca and statc tavs, and to buiLd this structure according to the Toyn's zoning and subdivision codes, design revieH aPProved, unitorm Buitding code and other ordinances ot the ToHn appticabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Send Clean-Up Deposit To: GRAY-STONE CON PAGE 2 i******************************************************************************* CONDITIONS OF APPROVALPernit #: 897-0173 as of O1/L4/gj Starus: ISSUEDr******************************************************************************* Pernit TypeApplicant Job Address Location ParceL No NEW (SFR,P/S/DUP) PERMIT GRAY-STONE CONSTRUCTION 1865 GORE CREEK DR 1865 WE GORE CREEK DR2103-t23-06-022 Applied: o6/2O/:-s97 Issued:. 07 /I4/t99'l '*************************************************************r.****x************ CONDITIONS r*tt*****1t*********************************************************************** 1. THIS PROJECT I^TILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPRoVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FORA FRAME INSPECTION.2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILTNG HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS,AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OFTHE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OF THEROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE. Ar 179-21 AT OUR OF' ICE F OI]NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII1S o C' .;o lre2OD.oo(,o o c oo oo co oe 'trOEop"'3oa oo c o 0c oo|. oo oo oo co e A( XUE o 12 cl dEo 6 o Ul! o l|.h F(iB E'(olrl)!P:. H oodzoaA|.IEE\(,ao F'a 6paz5 ar85 a .0aid4t !68f; Ft! r-a o !l :E !60 .ooB dt !i6toFb E AF.3e EI ;lI EI trH3Z E9q|a Dtt e |r Ft 2Bi35<o EA Fllr H3 88N'A tlto ? EF.ao EE l. 2oIE64anEE &IEo oDH GO E f;8 A Hol ,I Etr a D FIEIEc oz ee F oo u roD EIAotrc<4EOacl-EOLEEiE LETIER OF DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT Legal Descriqtign: gt*lAtuieiz:rr. lA'\@P,l 7 flLw otft'tn<- .EWinto thisTHIS by and among TOWN OF VAIL called the "Bank"). WHER plans, dated lmprovement A reement; and 'qfqn (hereinalter called the "Developer,'), and the the "Town") and (hereinafter WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in thejudgment of the Town to make reasonablL provisibns for compleiion of certain improvements setforth below: and WHEREAS' the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Ag.reement, including construction of the above-referenced improiements by means of the following: Developer agrctslo/elte$Fh a lener of credit with a Bank in Eagle county in a dollar amount ot $--Q.t-a.tr_ - (25/" ot the total cost of the work shown below) to provide security for the tollowing: At,/,\ "'{ ,LaMccof.nt NOW' THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at the sole cost and expenses, to lurnish all equipment and material necessary to perform and complete alt improvements, on or beforeffi .'*:fl ",:1;ll'i,.,'#ll,if, T['if ;I,xs',iillfilmli,rilin?;?11,"., the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced governmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as cornpleted by the Town of Vail community Development Department and public Works Department. 2- To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide security and collateral as follows: lrrevocable letter of credit #in the amount ots J /6/tSo (name of bank in Eagle County) as the security for the improvements set forth above if there is a default undei the Dat6 ol Expiration: Agreement by Developer. Page I of3 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of collateral acceptable to the Town to guaranlee the faitiful c6mptetion of those improvemenls referred to herein and the perforrnance ol the terms ol this Agreemint. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4' The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occuiring to the work specified in Sris Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of thL same, nor shall fre Towir, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumedby the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnily and hold harmless the Town, and nay of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or ire based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town lor any and all legal or olher expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liabilig or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer may have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town and the Town shall authorize lor partial release of the collateral deposited with ttre Town for each category of improvement at such time as such improvements are constructed in compliance with all plans and specilications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will the amount of the collateral that is being held be reduced below the amount necessary to complete such improvements. 6' lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements contemplated hereunder are not constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications set forth in this Agreement on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 2, the Town'may, but shall not be required to, redeem he letter of credit as necessary to complete the unfinish-ed improvements. The Bank shall release such lunds upon written request from the Town stating that the improvements have not been completed as required by this agreement. The gank snlll not require the concurrence of the developer prior to release of the funds to the Town nor shall the Bank be required to verify independently that such improvements have not been completed as required by this agreement, but shall release such funds solely upon the Town's writteh request. lf the costs of completing the work exceed the amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certilied to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property.'lf the permit holder fails or refuses to complete the cleanup and landscaping, ad defined in this chapter, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of the Zoning Code. 7 ' The Developer warranb all work and material for a period of one year alter acceptance of all work referred to in this Agreement by the Town if such work is located on Town of Vaif property or within Town of Vail right-of-way pursuant to Section 17.16.2s0. I' The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Dated the day and year first above written. Pagc 2 of3 STATE OF COLORADO COUNTYOF EAGLE .;1 t The foregoing Developer lmprovement Ag;Qq&ent (-LA.c:-dayof -L.rl'r-- . t$:$by Witness my hand and official seal. Planner, Community Development STATE OF COLORADO COUNWOF EAGLE The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this day of 19- by Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires; Notary Public STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE 6* WJ^ ,{ Vai / The forggoing Developer lmprovement Agrqepent wasl ne rorgggng uevetoper tmprovement Agrqepent day of ( \(-^,\r- . t$=}$by Witness my hand and officialseal. cknowledged before me this \ir* fursiilrd" ffi#Pagc 3 of 3 TTBAil( FirstBank Ol Vail 17 Vail Road VaiL CO t1657(970)476-55t6 "LENDER" IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT 75 S.Vail, This Letter of Credit shall expire upon th€ €arlier of, 1. the close of business on ;tnlv 22, L998 and all drafts and accompanying statem€nts or documents ADDRESS I must be presented to Lender on or before that time: orAI'DRESS1865 W Gore Creek Dr | 2. the day that Lender honors a draw und€r which the fullVeiI, CO 81557 | ' tEr.tpHoxE flo. tDElrnHcAroN r{o, I amount of this Letter of Credh has been drawn. an lrrevocable Letter of Cr€dit in f,avor of Beneficiary for aLender hereby-establish€s at the r€quest and for the account of Customersumof Six lhouaand On€ Eutrdr€d gixty One and 5O/IOO These funds shall b€ made available to Bengficiary upon Lender's receipt ftom Beneficiary address indicatgd above (or such other addr€ss that Lender may provide Beneficiary in accompanied bythe signed written statements or documents indicated below. Dollars ($6, 161 . 50 of sight drafts drawn on L6nd€r at Lende/s writing) during r€gular business hours and WARNING TO BENEFICIARY: PLEASE EXAMINE THIS LETTER OF CREDIT AT ONCE. IF YOU FEEL UNABLE TO MEET ANY OF ITSREOUIREMENTS' EITHER SINGLY OR TOGETHER, YOU SHOULD CONTACT THE CUSTOMER IMMEDIATELY TO SEE IF THE LETTEROF CREDIT CAN BE AMENDED. OTHERWISE, YOU WILL RISK LOSING PAYMENT UNDER THIS LETTER OF CREDIT FOR FAILURE TOCOMPLY STRICTLY WITH ITS TERMS AS WR|TTEN. 1. DRAFTTERMSANDCONDMONS Lender shall honor drafts submitted by Beneficiary under the following terms and condhions:Guarant€€ couDletion of Landscap_ilg- at vair vill-age $t. Filiag z, r-r,t- 23. Alsoknown as 1865-vf . Gore creeii or.-vifu, -county or-rigrJ, 6tiIE of coJ.orado. Upon L€nder's honor of such drafts, Lender thall be fully discharged of its obligations under this Letter of Credit and shall not be obligated to make any further payments under this Letter of Credit once the full amount of credit available under this Letter of Credit hasbeen drawn. lf a non-contorming demand is made, Lender shall notify Beneficiary of its dishonor on or before the time specified inParagraph 5 b€low. Beneficiary shall have no recourse against Lender for any amount paid under this Letter of Credit once Lender has honored any draft orother document which complies strictly with this Lefter of Credit, and which on its face appears otherwis€ in order but which is signed, issued, or prEsent€d by a party or under th€ nam€ of a party purporting to act for Ben€ficiary, purporting to claim through Beneficiary, orposing as Beneficiary without Beneficiary's authorization. By paying an amount demanded in accordance whh this Lettertf Credit, Lender makes no r€pres€ntation as to th€ correctn€ss of the amount domanded and Lender shall not be liable to Beneficiary, or any other person,for any amount paid or disbursed for any r€ason whatso€ver, including, withorJt limitation, any nonapplication or misapplication by Ben€ficiary of the proceeds of such payment. By presenting upon Lender oi a contirming bank, Beneficiary certifies that Beneficiary has not and will not pr€sent upon the oth€r, unless and until Beneficiary meets with dishonor. Beneficiary promis€s to r€turn to Lend€r any funds received by Beneficiary in €xc€ss of the L€tt€r of Credit's maximum drawino amount. 2. USE RESTRICTIOI{S All drafts must be marked 'DRAWN UNDER FirstBepk of vail IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NO.9953817 DATEDilune 22. 1998 ,'and th€ amount of €ach draft shall be mark€d on the draft. Only Beneficiary or Beneficiary's Transf€rs€ (if this Letter of Credit is transf€rabl€) may complete a draft and accompanying statements or documents required by this Letter of Credit and make a draw under this Letter of Credit. This original Letter of Credit muat accompany any draft drawn hereunder. Partial draws ! are permitted ffi are not permitted under this Lett€r of Credh. Lender's honor of a partial draw shall correspondingly r€duce th€ amount of credit available und€r this Lett€r of Credh. Following a partial draw, Lender shall return this original Letter of Credit to Beneficiary wkh the partial draw noted hereon; in the ahernative, and in its sole discretion, Lender may issue a substitute Letter of Credit to Beneficiary in the amount shown above, less any partial draw(s). 3. PERMFTEDTRANSFEREES I lf checked, this Letter of Credit may be transferred by Beneficiary upon prior written notice to Lender of the transfer. The Transteree shall be deemed the new Beneficiary of this Letter ol Cr€dit and the documents ot the Transferee, including drafts required under this Lgtter of Credit, will be proc€ssed by Londer (or any intermediary) without the original Beneficiarys intervention and without any further obligation ot Lender to the original Beneficiary. E] lf checked, tho right to draw under this L€tter of Credit shall be nontransferable, except for: A. A transfer (in its entirety, but not in part) by dir€ct operation of law to the original Beneficiary's administrator, executorr bankruptcy trustee, receiver, liquidator, succ€ssor, or other representative at law; and B. Th€ first immediate transfer (in its €ntirEty, but not in part) by such legal repr€sEntative to a third party after express approval of a governmental body (judicial, administrative, or executive). MAST6@ €)FormAtion Tochnologias, lno. (g/S/eq (goot go7-g7gg 4. TRANSFEREE'S REQUIRED DOCUMET 6. 7. When tha pres€nter is a permitted Transteree under paragraph 3 above, the documents required for a draw shall include: A. All documents requked elsewhere in this Letter of Credit, except that such documents may be in th€ name of and executed by either the original Beneficiary or the pr€s€nter permitted by paragraph 3; and B. When the preserter is a permitted Transferee under paragraph 3.A. or a third party under paragraph 3.B., a certified copy of the one or more documents which show the presentef s authority to claim through or to act with authority for the original B€neficiary. TIMING OF DISHONOF Lender may rely upon any reason for dishonor which h communicates to Beneficiary or the presenter within three (3) Banking Days after Lend€r has receiv€d the last document forming B€neficiary's pres€ntment (the "Three-Day Period'). Lender shall be entitled to rely upon such reason without regard to either (i) the timing of any presentment made bebre the Expiration Date, or (ii) th€ timing inside the ThreeDay Period of any preliminary communication(s) ftom Lender concerning the dishonor decision or any reason for dishonor. For any reason for dishonor given during the Three-Day Period, Lender shall be conclusively deemed to have met the'reasonable time', "withorrt delay', and other timing requirem€nts as the Uniform Customs and Practice tor Documentary Credits, 1993 Revision, ICC Publication No 500, as most recently published by the Int€rnational Chamber of Commerce (the "UCP") may impose. The Expiration Dat€ shall not be ext€nded lo accommodate a presentment made less than thre€ (3) Banking Days before the Expiration Date, and Beneficiary shall not b€ entitled to submk a draw request or provide Lender with any documents in support of a draw after the Expiration Date. Lender shall not be required to communicate a dishonor decision or its reasons within a time less than the Three-Day Period. 'Banking Daf means any day, except Saturday, on which commercial banks located in colorado are open. COMPTIANCE BURDEN Lender is not responsible for any impossibility or other ditficulty in achieving strict compliance with th€ requirements of this Letter of Credit precisely as written. Beneficiary understands and acknowledges: (i) that unless and until the pr€s€nt wording of this L€uer of Credh is amended with Lender's prior written consent, the burden of complying strictly with such wording remains solely upon Ben€ficiary; and (ii) that Lender is relying upon the lack of such amendment as consthuting Beneficiarys initial and continued approval of such wording. NON-SEVERABILTTY lf any aspect of this Letter of Credh is ever declared unenforceable for any reason by any court or gov€rnm€ntal body having jurisdiction, Lende/s entire engagement under this Letter of Credit shall be deemed null and void ab initio, and both Lender and Beneficiary shall be restored to the poshion €ach would have occupied with all righls available as though this Letter of Credit had never occurred. This non-sev€rability provision shall override all oth€r provisions in this Lstter of Credit, no matter where such provision appears within this Letter of Credh. cHorcE oF LAW/JURTSDTCTION This Letter of Credit is subj€ct to the UCP. This Letter of Credit shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the 9131s q1 Colorado , United States of America, except to the ex€nt such laws are inconsistent whh the UCP. Lender and Beneficiary consent to the jurisdiction and venue of any court selected by Lender in its discr€tion located in the State of colorado in the event of any legal proceeding under this Lett€r of Credit. 9. EXPIRATION Lender hereby agrees with Beneficiary that drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this Letter of Credit will be duly honored if oresented to the Lender on or before the Expiration Dat€. Dated: ilune 22 , L998 LENDER: FirstBask of vail ENDORSEMENT OF DRAFTS DRAWN: Date Negotiated By Amount ln Words Amount In Figures l\rAST802B (, FomAtion Technologi6s, Inc. (9/3/9€t (800) 937-3799 TOWN OFVAIL D epartme nt of C ommunity Deve lopme nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 Octobcr 20,1997 Jamcs Middlcton 835 Inca Parkway Bouldcr, CO 80303 Dcar Mr. Middlcton, I would like to takc this opportunity to thank you for aclding an crnploycc housing unit to your ncw hotnc. Employee turn-ovcr in our local buSinesscs can bc attributcd largcly to a lack of affordablc housing in our Town. Efforts such as yours will hclp irnprovc scrviccs tbr gucsts and locals by bringing consistcncy to our work forcc. as wcll as hclp build a scnsc of community by housing our ycar-round rcsidcnts within Vail. I havc cncloscd thc dccd rcstriction pcrtaining to your unit for your rcvicw. Plcasc bc adviscd that this documcnt tnust bc cxccutcd bclbrc your Tcmporary Ccrtificatc of Occupancy will bc issued. You may bring it to thc Comrnunity Devclopmcnt Departmcnt, or rcturn it by mail at your earliest convcnicncc. Fccl frcc to contact mc should you havc any qucstions. I can be rcachcd at (970) 479-3447 or at thc above fax numbcr and address. Kris Widlak Housing Coordinator Andy Knudtscn Mike Mollica {g *"n"'"o"'* TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 oo {Vlt2Dce ranJ k- €> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLUMBING PERMIT Job Address: 1865 GORE CREEK DRLocation...: 1865 W GORE CREEK DRParcel No.. : 2103-123-06-022Project No. : PRJ97-0105 APPTICANT CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC phone: 97O94902OO41348 u.s. Hwy 6 & 24 WEST, BLDG E, UNIT 4, AVON, CO 91620 CONTRACTOR CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC phone t 970949020041348 u.S. HWy 6 & 24 wEsT, BLDG E, UNIT 4, AVON, CO 81620 OWNER MIDDLETON JAMES KATHRYN 835 INCA PKWAY, BOUTDER CO 80303 Description: PLUMBING FOR lleW SrR/nUU Valuation:l-8,600.00 *****i******t****t*********t***t*************************** FEE SUl'lllARy *******************************************************i**PLunbing-----> 285.00 Payments Item: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT07/14/1997 DAN Action: AppRIt'e,m:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT07/L4/1997 DAN Action: AppR Dept: BUILDING Division: DepT: FIRE Division: ********************************************************************************i**********************t**********t*************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL t**********i************************t********t**t***********i********t*****************************fi******t********************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoHtedge that I have read this appLication, fitted out in ful.l. the i ISSUED o6/20 /ree7 07 /14/ree701/ ro / LeeB JOBSITE Permit AT ALL TIMES P97-007 3 71 .25 .00 3.00 .00 t59.25 Restuarant Ptan Revi elr--> TOTAL FEES----- Status. . . Applied.. fssued... Expires. . TotaI CaIcutated tees---> Additionat Fees---------> TotaI Permit tee--------> i nfornat ion 's zoning and 359 .25 .00 359 .25 accuFate ptot and ptot ptan, subdi vi si on Ptan Chcck---> lnvest igat i on> l.li L t CaL t---->> 359.?5 p[an, and state that att the information provided as requi red is correct. I agree tto compty lrith atl Tovn ordinances and state [avs, and io buil,d this structure acctfcodes, design review approved, Uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I,IADE TI.'ENTY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TE HIIISELF oFFlcE FRof'l 8:00 A TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0308 Amount: 359.25 O!/OS/97 J.l:22 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: *5670 Init: CD 3s9.25 **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Paynent Account Code 01 0000 41311 01. 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 Description PLUMBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE P97-0073 Type: B-PLMB PLUMBINc PERMIT 2LO3-L23-06-O22 1865 GORE CREEK DR 1865 W GORE CREEK DRTotal Fees:Total ALL Pmts: BaLance: 359.25 359.25 .00 Amount 28s.00 71,25 3.00 O Bq?'-o'r73 O Koechlein Consulting Engineers Gonsulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy. Suite 135. Lakewood, CO 80228 AVON (e70) 949-6009 (970) 949-9223 FAX 12364 W. Alameda MAIN OfFtCE (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 (970) 468-693e FAX July 23,1997 Harry Gray Gray-Stone Construction P.O. Box 721 Minturn, CO 81645 Subject: E,.cavaf ion Inspection Proposed Residence 1865 West Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado Job No. 97-204 As requested, a representative from our office inspected the foundation materials exposed in the excavation at the subject site on July 2l and 22, 1997. The purpose ofour inspection was to veri! that the exposed materials would safely support a spread footing foundation system for the proposed residence. The depth of the excavation varied from approximately 5.0 to 8.0 feet. The materials exposed in the bottom of the excavation consisted ofa moist, dense to very dense, silty, sand and gravel with cobbles. The exposed soils within the excavation were compacted in accordance with our recommendations. ln our opinion, the exposed soils will safely support a spread footing foundation system designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 3,000 psf. Our opinion is based on the exposed foundation soils remaining unsaturated. We appreciate the opportunity to provide this service. If we can be of further service, please contact us. Sincerely, KOECHLEIN CO TING ENGINEERS William H. Koechlein, P.E. President sBM/jt (l copy sent) cc: Town of Vail wffiffi,l,:rk[i"ar-t1i1q &r,,l;m,t'sN |nCoct Eagle Councy Asaeeaors Offlce ' "iLo ;?wt|Ey"?l vArlJ coNsrRucrroN "*i,,?!)3&i* PERI.IIT / Wtw-O/o5 APPTTCATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACSEPTED lr****f **********tl*********** PERMI! INFOII|ATION ***********t***********rt***** . l-Bulldlng [ ]-PLumbtng c*21-E!.ectrlcal [ ]-t'techanlbar t ]-other rb Narne: ftr,JdLe-to^ rgal Deecription: Lot lners Nane: :chltect: ilob Acldre "aftq- .9*t-tc DC Block__ Ftflng ?. Address: Addrees: a3 Ph. Ph. rneral Description: 'ILDXNG: $EI;ECTRICAL. $ Ao() ,t l{BrNG: l__MECHANTCAL: I ** * ** ** * *. *** * * * *** * ** * * * * coNrRACroR INronMAl'IONrrl9li1 Contractor: .dress: ectrical Contractor: dress: o1fi Uto' l,,,o.o unbing Contractor: drees: :chanLcal Contractor: .dress: *******ri***t*t*t*t********ri* FOR rnber and Type of Flreplaces: Gaa lppllances * *** * *** * *** * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS ,II,DXNG PERIIIT FEE: UMBINC PERIIIT FEE: ICHANICAL PERUIT FEE! ,ECTRTCAI-, FEE I 'HER TYPE OF FEE: .B I'EE: ** **** ** ** * ** **** *** **** r.** Town of VaiI Reg. NO._ Phone Nunbers QD1&o uu*-; Qlu'e Town of Vail Reg. NO.n6-€Le &bt7 Phone Number:sa.r- 1n10 Town of VaLI Phone Number: Reg. NO, Town of Vail Rcg. NO. Phone Nuraber: BUII,DTNC: SIGNATURE: ZONINGS SIGNATURE! rrlc clasE: fu-uew [ ]-Alteratlon t l-Additional t J-Repair [ ]-other runber of Dwelllng Units:Nunber of Accorunodation Unlts: ._ Gar Logs_ Woodr/Pel.let * * * * **** rr *** rr**** ** * * ************ OTHER: $ TOTAL: I OFFICE USE *r* *** ** ******* ****** ** *****:t** BUIIJDING PIAN CHECK FEE: PLUUBING PrAt{ CHECK fEE: T4ECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE! RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERMIT FDES 3 .EAI IIP DIPOSIT RIffiD T{I; TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT PermiL #: 897-0156 Job Address: 1865 GORE CREEK DR Status...Location...: 1865 W GORE CREEK DR Apptied.. Issued. . . Expi-res . . I SSUED 07 /25 / |se7 07 /25 / reeT 0r /2r / reeB Parcel No.. : 2103-123-06-022 Project No. : PRJ9?-0105 APPLICANT SABO ELECTRIC 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS RD, cypSUM CO 81637 CONTRACTOR SABO ELECTRIC 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS RD, GypSUM CO 81637OWNER MIDDLETON JAMES KATHRYN 835 INCA PKWAY, BOULDER CO BO3O3 Description: TEMP POWER FOR NEW RESIDENCE DRB Fee Invest igat ion>.00 Payments Phone : 9"1 0-524-7 97 O Phone : 9'1 0-524-7 97 O Valuation:200.00 ***************t**********l(****J(*t************t************ fEE SU14 ARy ****t*******************************r********************* Etectr i ca [--->.00 Totat Catcutated Fees---> 53- 00 Additionat tees---------> -O0 Total Permit tee--------> 53.00 $i tL caLt----> 3.00 TOTAL fEES---> 53.00 > 55.00 BALANCE DUE---- *******************i***************************************t**********t*************t**************i*********************t******** I!e,[:,9qQ90_ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:O'l/25/1997 CHARLIE Action: AppR FOR LEOIt'em:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: ******************************************************t*********t*********************t***********************i******************* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ******t*****ii*******************************t*************************************************t******************i*******t******* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I have read this appLication, fitl,ed out in fuLl, the information required, completed an accurate plotptan, and state that atl the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty with the iniormation and ptot pl.an,to comply with att Tovn ordinances and state tavs, and to buiLd this structure according io'the Town,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design revieH aPProved, Uniform BuiLding Code and other ord'inances ot the Town appLicabte thereto. REQUESTS toR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE iIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HoURS IN ADVANCE BY TEIEPHoNE AI 479-2138 oR AT oUR OFFtcE tROtt 8:00 A 5:OO pl,l ?"'^z S*- SIGNATURE OF OI'NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII.ISELF AND OIINER ******************************************************** ******** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Nurnber: REC-0304 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notationt *2897 53.00 o7/2s/97 1L:13Initt cD 897-0156 Typer B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2703-L23-06-022 1865 GORE CREEK DR 1865 }I GORE CREEK DRTotal Fee6:53.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance:***r.************************************************************ Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description TEMPORARY POWER PERMITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 53.00 s3.00 .00 Amount 50.00 3.00 AUG-25-1997 ls:51 t. CONCEPT MECHAIVICAL, INC. PI.I,MBING . HEATING. SYSTEM DESIGITI ]olceet MEclfiNIcRL, INc.O s?a s4s 6ea P.at P.0, BoX U6s AVON, COTORADo 81620 PtloNE: (e70) 949.0200 FA(:970) 949.0300 Aug:st 25, 1997 TO: Mr. Cbarlie Devis; Town of Vail Building DcpartmentFROI\,I TlsrRoseo RE: MddletonResideooe . 1865 West Gore CreekDrive; Vait Colorado; Building Permit #8197 -0173 BoilcrPlan Sizing I Wc bsw completed ourheat loss cslcailEtiotrt forthe home and sizGd the boiter and ffu01 rri:tl''r4''$r: 'rl.'rt''tl' This is a new rcsidcom with thc boilcr serving nine zones ofin-floor heat and a scpratc 80 grllon indircctArod storagc tank. Thc hcat loss for thc bomc is 68,830 Btub. Thul, thc sca lcvcl input oftbc boilcr is approxim*dy 264,000 Btuh input based on 80 % ficicncy- The boiler scleotcd is to be a Burnharn #2O9BWNS (or equivaleut) rared at 266,0@ BNh sca level input. Tbis boiler is nted for an "olcove" installation. This irutallation easily complics withthc si:<tecn times nrle. I havc includod a cut shc€t on thc boiler. At a 25' rise (nomfuul), the tlge 'rB" double wall flue will bc $E dinrnetnr. Costbusiort air dustl (two) will bc 14" x 5" (or a geomeuic equiuleot) conn€cted to a common lower sized at 16" x l4n. Tbe cornbustion sir duots will drop down venically into thc boiler rcom. Plosso clll ifyou have any questions. Crray Stone C,onstruction is tbo gencral sortrsotor on this project. Please oall llarry Ciray to come pick up the mcshadcol pcrnit. Tbad( fuRou- Itarqy (ha$ Gray StoacCoutrustioq A|.JG-25-1997 15:51 Jceer HEcr-r$rrcnL,, tNc. Best . copy' Available y7a 949 A3W P.@. SPECIFICATfO].t5 [Eturnharrl a ^l,€a€.E Erla g'c|*tf .{w sERIEs Z RATIIICIS Nahrral Gas or LP Gas Q@@@GI warcr Ooly - 50 r,sl utorklng lrtRslrtc DOE hcadng dapeclty and ennual cllicicncy arc based on U5, C'o\rernecnt studard trsts. (r) whcn ordrriog, sufflJ( N' indicatcs nnEral gas, Substjtutc 'P when ordcrlnt propanc. Add v' lo ind icarf, 2{ volr sralldixt pllot- Add '5' to indicatc Smarwzlve intcrmlttent lgnltlon. sma.tvalvc is standrrd on zDh. {21 series 2h hign cfficiencybollcr not arrdllablc wlth LP tas- (3) A0A/0OA radrgs sho$/n afc for installalions sce lcvcl and clwations up o 2,000 ft. For clerratlons abovc 2,ofl) Ft., ratin$ should be' rcdrrc.d at thc raac of fou r pclccnt (496) for earh 1,@0 ft. abow ssa lcvel. (41 Nir I-D-R ratingr shflvn are based on normal l-B-R plplng and plck up allowanr. ol t.15. Consuh Dumham for irutaltations having urursurl pipiagand pickup requl(€mcnB such rc lote.mlu.nl $y6tcm Ofopcration, cxk:nsiyc piping systcms, erc. .,.', I]ii, IBurnhatri , ,: ,ir 1J,{il r iii 2o2DwN(vxs) 2o2BXWNM(S' 2orDw.r(vxs) 2o{DwN(v') (sl 2osBwN(vl (s) 2o6DwNM(sl 20zDwN(vxs) 575 50 62 96 150 164 198 2t2 200 290 3l ,U 57, go r06 ur0 t65 rn 318 244 27 37 t5 70 9{ It8 1,,2 166 190 u2 aot 805 60.o 60r 80.2 80.3 80.4 80.0 80.o 80.o 42.3 83,5 82,6 82.3 82.0 al.7 81.4 st.2 80.9 00.0 _. ,_!rq-_-__.4xt5 4rlE' o r ts." '"- 0r15 6rt5 7x\5 7xt5 axtS 8xt5 A,,ENEAEr)ILEA OOUPAI'NEltnham CorporaUon RUG-25-199? 15:53 I1ECHANICRL, INC.9?O 949 A3AA luittol-6t trEorDuqtt c.tr.. xl0tLt lmnnrpphr !firsc er kng'vlry of rhcbcht 1!:y cJ*padam brsd clalnb, idodh! enl. ft trz:, rb&b atr daolota! rla cbcapr nrDb:r gacgdrlr artcri- nE\tlfor tartrl p{ afgbhrooc FEgr{FI'DonaE vc*lcrl!ry N.hr.ldran trErdDt salnhssrltd, u{lit! :hntnE d rl.r!. 1na|r|nbq xft rllb no 3!t{ogi xr& frfbrttA- Erlry baa|tsq'rlllty llv|rl|lalv, hrrlr,r 16 dc onlvloalct |nrsbe Etgthrac.|r Ll[|dr cl-r"r u.rlbfktcrhltrfrA rultq/-ttE rcdh|taclo&r.d v|tn kor nlpclF rr'l|tln3'toof r I7l crrcrtrtrtrdt3l,Ll nd' 9?G 6f!r! '.IEe llE rhEDonc? 16 slm oa tor flrc |!d Eontlnrtor ro ldgh0$ tr&lt rna $oothly groviliag $et iCiltion rd hf lifc. Tt \tdrr ir occe&d i,rdc tho bdlcrFrllr lddd.n t'!tn atu&lromrd trfcftc rrcldcllrl bqdgs ald tlopGtbt: |]f lter0lrrtril 6 E{.1 Ans badcrurlys ral!.t sFitd, borrd !.arac hr E, tlerrGrcmFnuc&t &crr$dc. Forc8Eglc, if bag!}rrtrrlbbutMhbcooc bld4.dot rc d.tal'. th.tlelo$ o|,t i.t hrlt erbordrdvslttlt ogll3 lbrEDEvGnto&rdot D!'?rcd6 tmn tpmlry ho tqrldlr rnd to prs!,ltdror8t bJlour bolhr. l?l l&chtrurdt6 llZJ nrrr.tt.bnt lylbltt &tn 6c bqlar h dE arrtttdlc rDlmnrygrvcdsF![Mat blxhtd. by scnCqcracsstr: ht crltic lk dr.nldo4 l7f ocrralrdccaudrlZl Allnnt c&r.bn"o !!d.lbr Do[al.aH b 9ttLcll drltltF rld rstFh& |.:f (ffiltcdd E4j tr sc*re lot|:rren irrtrll oa a.ry lLorrltl(s l|ltout boc -itf,olf trorry, (Do st ltfng oa llqilbt.) Dollq b etdah |r u.s.aAtoroln bqrdqrrt Feoc.n lutttfted bdhs .adl|FrhturC trDuth-ftta bolh. rorllonhal ' DdltlDri|l. f.Hrcl|hglcl..h|rwrt-ruvcth S.4r 2 Dolnr, ilfutE;Irtrururu6/- nrtalra'rgtaltt hlll calrysodct r Ddcr vi& e litdiroc ltllCrrtrrnryolr funcetsorafrr' (heckftt te OFraittg and Jridy ft.nftg E/ rralortrAmlI!.J UqldaaLo(ECrmirg ,ao.dr! tiha@8d ofhca4 GdudrEtb.l n rtd.{,taSltou Eortt . 'out aldillsy gtoi/il6 rss1rrsof sd|fdiryofqqdtod. 17[ rt*rtgfsarF lY-J TtA roonedaly clorca rtc fl|le D p.cr,l'rhrat ftc6a{r ll8uf thcd onateftcr alrDurElr slnrsdTerd rtopdri t {rh Dcfo.E lba bofid coEcr on. ndsbddlH brtrd:Dh ar r[ etrce c?rtr g:rlcr 2 boGr ftrlnt i.rurtl gri dl.PgE, Curpld wiall. 'td|rndllr t.3 vdl'!, tr tysatr srlstY shuFdor!o!ot. d g0otllrm: lo lcs tiroo|c gdd. rzf rcrroodrblfl Fo.Eic[ malds ln 6e hlShst qudlvbfrd nrtr olsds :srrtg rdirblht rd evtlbDlllry. 1 ,' :f i:' vldls..z l.661-W-8z'd SEE]9LZW)L6 N.lsNoc 3\pIS-A\ f, ]^PUl AUG-2?-L957 a,8.32 #coNcEPT MECHAil|CAI- tNC. PUTUAING. IIEAII'|G . Sl'lSTEf, DESIGI{ P.O. 8ox 116{i Arron. Cdordo 8t 8a0 Plrqr.: (gtol eaoqD FrE (gtot eag-qn COI{CEPT I.IECHAI.IICAL' INC. $Eer o. OTEOGD BY oF- *r-"n^**---fu8- ^n- nnntr|FatsDl}H TOTRL P.Az o o TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-4't 9-2L3B Job Address. . . Location Parcel" No.....Project Number 1865 GORE CREEK DR 1865 W GORE CREEK DR 2lo3-t23-06-022 PRJ9 7 -010 s DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTEI THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit +: M97-OO9B Status. . epplied. Issued.. Expires. I SSUED o6 /20 /tes7 08/26 /tss702/22/teeB AppI-,rcANT CONCEPT MECHANTCAL, rNC 41348 U.S. HWY 6 & 24 WEST, CoNTRACTOR CONCEPT MECHANTCAL, rNC 41348 u.S. HwY 6 & 24 WEST, OWNER MIDDLETON JAMES KATHRYN 835 INCA PKWAY, BOULDER CO Descri.ption: MECr.r FOR NSPR/EHU F i reotace Information: Restricted:/rof Gas Appt i ances: Val-uation: ,/of cas Logs: .00 Totat Catcutated Fces---).00 Additionat Fees--------->378.00 Totat Permi t tee--------> BLDG BLDG 80303 Phone: UNIT 4, AVON, Phone: UNIT 4, AVON, 97 09 49 0200 co 81"620 9't 09 490200co 81620 15,000.00 ,,of ttood/Pa t tet: ****t****i***,'**i*****t************************************ FEE SUlltlARy ** tll*** ************t**t***t* * ****t*******t*t***i*** *** i* r l,lcchan i cat---) Pton Check---) lnvestigation> UitL catt----> 100,00 Res75.00 DRB tuarant Ptan Rev i ew--) .oo TOTAL FEES----- 3. O0 378.00 .o0 378.00 Payment s------- **********i****r************************r***i*********r**i*************i***i***********illllil-lli;;;;;;;;;ii*ii************il?*** IleFi,9t190^EUII,DING-DBPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:0B/26/1997 CHARLIE Action: AppR CHARLIE DAVSIIteni'.Q56Q0_EIB DEPARTMENT Depr: FrRE Division:08/26/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIEI,D INqPEqTIONE ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COI4BUSTIqN ATR IE BEQUIRED pER SEC. 60? OF THE 199L UMe;3. rNSrAr_,L4rIqN_UqST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES illSrnoeirOWs-nUoTO APPEND]X qEAPTER 21 OF THE 199]. UMC.4. cAS AppLrANqFq_Sr_{4r! pE VENTED ACCORDTNG TO ICHAPTER 9 ANDslral,!_TERMiNS!E__4S_qPEqrFrED rN sEC.906 OF tHE 1991 UUC-.-s. AqqEss ro HEATINq EQUTPMENT MUST eOUpr,y Wrru-Sne.sos-iiNo703 0F THE 1991 UMC.6. BOILERS SHALL EE-MOqNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBTE CONST._ UNLESS LTSTED qOR MOUNTTNG ON COMBUSIIBI,U rrOORrNGl- -----'7. pEEl{rLp!4Ng^ANp ggDE_ANAlysrs Mrusr-BE-FoSTED- iN-MECHANrcArROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST.8. DRAINAGE OF .UEC!AN-iqAI, ROOMS CONTAiNING HEATING OR HOT-WATER lyi5o6rrgfiE"tgrir0ftL.BE EQUTPPED wrrH A FiooR DneiN--Fnn"sEc:' ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS t h.raby acknovtrdg. that I h.v. rcld thls cpptlcrtion, lltted out in tutt thc lnfor0Dtlon rcqulrcd, conptctcd rn accurrt. ptot ptan, and .trtG thrt .tt thc Infomatlon provldqd rs rcquirad ls correct. I !9n.. to co pl.y vith thc intorr'atlon lnd ptot ptan, to coapty vlth ltt foun ordln nc.3.nd ttrte tavr, and to bultd thl3 structurc accordlng to the ToHnr3 zonlng and subdlvlsion REOUESTS fOR INSPECTIOI{S SHALL BE }IAOE T}IEI{IY-IOUR HOURS IN 0R AT oUR ofFlCE FRo]t 8:00 At't 5:00 P STGilATURE OF OIilEN OR CO TRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OUNEN ,i .{-..;, G: tt" ******************rr********************************************* TOWN OF VArL, coLoRADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0319 Anount: 3?8.00 08/26/97 16:50 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #5854 thit: Cp Pernit No: Parcel No: Site Addrese: Location: Thie PaYnent Account Code 01 0000 413L2 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 378.00 Total Fees:Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Descript,ion MECHANICAL PERI4IT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE M97-0098 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT 2103-123-O6-022 1865 GORE CREEK DR 1865 W GORE CREEK DR **************************************************************** 378.00 378.00 .00 Amount 300. 00 75.00 3.00 Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Roa'l vai1, colorado 816 57 (303) 479-2138 Plan analYais based on the 1991 Uniform Buildinq Code NOTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended Lo be a complete liEting of all po""iUf" code requirenenls in the 1991 UBc' It is a guide to selected sections of Ehe code' ProjecC Nurnber: PR,1970105 Address: 1855 W-GORE CREEK DR Contractor: GRAY- STONE CONST ' ATChiTECT: PARADIGM DESIGN Engineer: MARK MUELITER SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE NORTH ProPerLY line 45'0 Feet EAST Property line 15'0 Feet SOUTH Property line 30'0 Feet $IEST Property line 15.0 Feet EXTERIOR WALI, FIRE RATINGS AND TabLe 17-A & Table 5-A Nane 3 UIDDLETON RESIDENCE Date : ,f une 24 , L997 Occupancy: R3,M1 Type of Const: V-N Plins Examiner: DAN STANEK R3 Irll NORTH BRG NON.BRG OPNG WAI,IJ VIAI.'L PROT ohr ohr None ohr ohr None EAST BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALI, WAL.L PROT Ohr ohr None Ohr Ohr None AREA MIN. I.,IGHT FIRE PROTECTION 45 ' 0 FeeE 15.0 Feet 3 0.0 Feet 15.0 Feet OPENING PROTECTION SOI.T[H BRG NON.BRG OPNG 9IAI,IJ $IAI-,L PROT Ohr ohr None ohr Ohr None WEST BRG NON- BRG OPNG WALL WALIr PROT Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 Apartment 2 Bedroom *1 2 Bedroom f2 2 Bath room 2 Halle, closetE, etc. TOTAIJ FOR FI-,OOR 1 Livins/Dining room 1 Kitchen 1 Powder room 1 Garaqre L Hal-1s. closetE, etc ' TOTAL FOR FLOOR B l.{aeter bedroom B llaster bath B Mechanical room B Laundry room B Studio B Storage room B Halls, closets, etc. TOTAI, FOR FI,OOR BUILDING TOTAI, 453 2r1 t73 )z 318 12t7 353 195 20 452 285 I325 432 L23 L54 122 184 87 L72 r284 2543 45.30 2L. \0 17.30 0.00 0.00 35.30 19.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 43.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 18.40 0.00 0.00 23,L5 1al qq 8.55 0.00 18.15 9.80 0.00 0.00 2r.50 b. rf 0.00 6.10 9 .20 0.00 0.00 Yes Ye€ Yes No No No No No No No Ye6 No No No No No No Yes 1 1 I l- 1 1 1 1 1 1 L 1 l- 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 FOOTNOTES: 1) EGRESS - An operabl-e window or door thab is required frorn this room' The mininum opens directly to lhe exterior clear oPenable area must meet 2) 1l the following. -- Sec. 1204' 1) The minimum clear heighL is 24 inches 2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches fi tfre minimum clear area is 5'? square feet ai rne maximum sill height is 44 inches The number of exite is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) A mechanical ventilation sysEem may be used in in tieu of exterior openinqs for ventiLabion' -- sec' 1205' (c) The requirement for "tt-"qt""" window in the basement is based on Sec. 1204. +t ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habibable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feeE 5 inches. Kitchens. halls, bathrooms and toilet conpartmenle may have a ceiling height of 7 feet meagured to the lowest projection' If the ceiling issloping.thentheminimumheightisrequiredinonlyL/2ofthearea. - -Sec. 12 07. (a) Everydwellingunltshaflhaveatleastoneroomwhichhasnotlessthanl20 square feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet' -- Sec' 1207' (b) HabitabLe rooms obher than a kitchen shafl noE be less than ? feets in any dimension. - - sec- L207. (cl GLAZING REQUIREMENTS : All glazing in hazardous locations is required ho be of safeEy g]-azLnq material- -- sec- 5405' (d) 1) Ciazinq in ingrese and egress doors except jalousies' 2) Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of slidins door assemblies and panels in swinging doors olher than wardrobe doors' 3) Glazinq in storm doors' 4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors' S) clazinq in d.oors and enclosures for hot tubs' whirlpools' saunact' sEe:rm rooms, bathtubs and showers ' Glazing in any porlion of a building wall enclosing these compartmenbs where ihe bottom exposed edge of the glazinq is less tfran gO inches above a standing surface and drain inlet' 6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door-where bhe neareat exposed edge of the giazxing is within a 24'inch arc of either vertical edge of the aoor i.r, " .fo""a position and where the botbom expoged edge of the glazing is less than 50 inches above the walking gurface' 7) Glazinq-in an individual fixed or operable panel' other than Ehose locaEions €tescribed in items 5 and 5 above' than meets all of bhe following conditions: A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater Ehan. 9 square feet' B. Exfosed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the floor' C. Expoeed top edge greater than 35 inches above the floor' D. one ot .o.! 'rn"ifittq surfaces within 35 inches horizontally of the plane of the glazing. 8) clazing in raitingJ t.g.idl""" of heiqht above a walking surface' fncluded are structural baluste. p"t ei" and nonstructural in-fi11 banel s. -- sec. 1210' (a) 4 smoke detecbors are required !o be wired to the buitdinq's power source and shall be equipped ,iitt " battery backup' -- sec' 1210' (a) 3' Detectors eharr sound-"" "r-"trn "uiib:-" in arI sl"eeping area of the dwelLing in which they are located' -- sec' 1210' (a) 4' OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between Eh€ garage and tshe residence. materials approved for thr fire construcEion are required on the garage eide only and any.doors between the garage and the iesidence "t" io be a self -cl'osing 1 3'l8 inch soLid core door or a 20 minute fire door' -- Table 5-B & Sec' 503'(d) exc' #3 A smoke detector is required in the A smoke detector is required on a1I If the upper 1evel conEains sleeping in the ceiling of the upper level SMOKE DETECTOR REQUTREMENTS: A smoke detector is required located in the corridor or -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke debector is required on area. - - Sec. 12L0' (a) 4' STAIR REQUIREMENIS: A stairway in a dwelling mu€t The maximum rise of a steP is - - Sec, 1705. (c) 3) ShafEs for gas venLs, noC exlend lhrough not on the ceiling or wal'1 at a point centrally area giving access to each sleeping area' the ceiling or wall- in each sleeping basement. - - Sec. 1210' (a) 4' stories. - - Sec- 1210' (a) 4'-."".i"1 , a smoke detector is required close to the stairwaY ' be at least 36 inchee wide' -- Sec' 3305' (b) 8 inches and the rninimum run i-s 9 inches ' -- sec. 3305. (c) exc- #1 Provide a handrail on orr" side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above Ehe nosing if bhere ie 4 or more risers. -- Sec' 3305'(i) ProvideaguardrailwheredropoffisqreaterEhan30inches.Minirnumheight = 35 inches. maximum opening size = 4 inches' -- Sec' !712' (al exc' *1 The minimum headroorn is S tt.- 8 inches' -- sec' 3305' (o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for thr fire-reeistive construction' -- sec' 3306'(1) SI{AFT ENCLOSURES: 1) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts wibh a crosE-sectional area of noE more than 9 square feet may lined on the inside with nob less hhan 25 qage g:alvanized sheet metal with all joints Iocklapped' The outside must be t hr conetruction. Al1 openinga into any such enclosure sha11 be protected by not Leas tban a self-tlosing solid wood door 1 3/8 inches thick or equivalent. -- sec' 1-705. (f ) 2) Gae venls and noncombustible pipj-ng 3 floors or less do not need to be installed in wa11s passing through in L hour shafts. facLory-buiIt chimneys, piping, or ducts chac do more lhan 2 floors need not be in t hour shafts' - - Sec. 1705. (c) 4) Al,L other shafts are required to be enclosed in a t hour assefibly' -- Sec. 1705. (a) ADD ITIOIiIAT, REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy- -ritf" project will requtre a site inprovement survey' Such survey "-ft"ir-U.- ""U.itteA aia approved prior to requeEt for f rarne inapection. All crawl rpace8 wlthin the Town of Vail are limited to a earth to structural ffoor cei-if"e h.fgl't of 5'' be earth floor only' be ventilaced ar per uic z6re (cie witrr minimun access as per ttBc 2515(C)2 and maxlnrua acceaa of 9 eq' ft' Any buildting 81te wlth a slope of 30 degrees or more Ehall requlre an engincer deeign. s".ft -a."ic" ghal'L adldrlsg drainage' soil retal-naEc end atructural deaign. ExcavationbelowslabgonEradeshallnotbePermiltedwithoutprl'or approval . AddresgnumberaEha]'Ib€poetedplainlyvisib].eandleglblefronthestr€et. Por titl occupancy- -irlp" gtt-"g. iLoor to alLow for drainage to outside- !o provide a ffolr arain with sand and oil inlercepgor to dry well or to aewer' Any garagc floor drain connected to aewer nust be approved by Eag1e Rlvgr Water & Sanitaeion DistricU' area above, the rralls of the garage v'iich are ehall be protected with one hour fire uBc 503 (B) . In grrages with living bearing th€ area above resistivs construction. Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Roail Vail, Colorado 8l-6 57 (303) 479 -2138 PIan review based on the 1991 Uniform Building Code Proj ect Number: PR.T9 7 010 5 Addressr 1865 w-GORE CREEK DR Contraclor: GRAY- STONE CONST ' Architect! PARADIGM DESIGN Engineer: I{ARK MUELLER Name: MIDDL,ETON RESIDENCE Daee: ilune 24, L997 OccupancY r R3 , !41 Type of Const: V-N Pl-ins nxaminer: DAN STANEK Exberior surfaces vrtiLh atucco shal1 be provided wibh exterior metal lath as per UBC 4?05 with 2 layers of ;;;;;. windows and doors are reguired to be-"i-"e""t"iv f lashed (not with just screed metal) ' A tath inspecbion is required prior afucco appL icaLion. A baEhroom is required to have an openable window or " .".ft.tti."t veniitation system' -- Sec' f205' (c) In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry room8 a mechanical ventilacion syEtem connected directly to the outside shaLl be provided' Bathrms which contain only a waler closec or lav' may be ventj-1ated with a recirculating fan' UBC 1205 (c) ' Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts sha1l be installed as per IJMC 1104 and 1903' Flexible duct connectors may not exceed 5' in lenqth and shall not be concealea witfrin construction' Ducts shall terminate outside the building and not exceed 14' 1ength . supply a mechanical drawing indicabing deeign of "vrt"., size (BTU and volume) of equipment' vent tication and terminatsion, and combusEion air to be supplied prior !o any installation' The garage musb be separated from lhe dwellinq by thr iirelresistive construcLion on bhe garage side' - - Table 5-B & 503. (d) exc.#3 The maxinum rise of a step is 8 inches and the .ini^um run ia 9 inches- -- sec. 3305'(c) exc #1 A handrail is required along a sLairway' IC ie required to be 34 to 38 inches above the nosing of Ltre steps and if Ehe side i6 open, the maximum size of an oiening in the railing at Ehe stairway is 4 incheE. -- sec. 3305.(i) & L712' A 35 inch high guardraiL with a maximum openinq of 4 inches ie reguied l^there atep is greater than 30 inches to floor or grade below' -- sec' I7I2' il The enclosed usable space under lhe staire is iequirea to be Protecled by thr fire-reelEtive constructlon. -- 33 06. (1) Tbe open side of all deckE, porches' stairg' etc' which- are mor€ than 30' above grade sha11 be prolected with a quaidrail ' openings can noc exceed 4'. Within R-I occ. and all R-3' height min' ie 36n -ouCside R-1 occ. height min' ig 42"' UBC 1711' Include a copy of bhe soils reporE for lhe glte to be buil-t on. - - Sec. 2905 ' 10 11 L2 Oa TOWN OF VAIIJ CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLTCATTON FORM DATE: Oo I PNRUIT /I ^ APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDa I****************************** PERMIT INFORMATfON ***************************** ?v [.,J-BuiJ.dtng [/-Plumbing gf-Electrical l,-f-Vlecbanical [ ]-Other Job Name: Legal Description:r-Eg owners Name: S; address: /L41 &r, iqt- ODA rown or Vait Job z,rcniter;cz pa P-P.f lqrnber and Type of Fireplaces: easJppli-ances _ cas Logs_ Wood/Pe1let_ f**********************-****----..-Pa$ffi/r;*flffi****************************** t I /-\ /. / ?- r-t.,.--,., .t, n /k-T) ceneral Description: /1work class3 J4-Nev t l-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accommodation Units: ELECTRICAL: $ .,q'YO Orgnn: t MEcHANrcAt,,i 7 ,9,"oo TOTAL:W TI9N ********i****************** ] Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg,-- fo.fr- ./7/ Phone Nunber: 6"?-V -f2fl Electrical Contractor: O Address: -,-/ contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor. loale -,.." fhone Number:&T.cvrlea/ Town of Vail ******************************** BUILDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLTIMBING PERMIT FE8: MECIIANICAI-T PERMIT FEE : ELECTRICAI, FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* CLEAN-UP DEPoEI.T: JUll ? 0 TOTAL PERMIT FEES:--'. BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: ?-tyv?#e Phone Number: ,qL/?- o'2oo Mechanicar contractor: (bqCuAf WcM'.i7r-/ rorn of Vait rteq. tto./rf?-fAddress: - ' phone Number: Wo-ffi VALUATION ,__.IcLEAN IrP DEP0SIT RxFnrp m: e-fou/_J*a ( On,l/.I-/ DEC-18-19:? 11:36 CII.ICEPI t€Cl*' o O*,T?'*''|-ro a sM %e M P'aL coNmpr MECxrANrcAL, rNc. l- tZEPLUMEING . HEAIINC . STSIEITI DESIGN P.O. B0r u55 AVOil, COLoRAOO SIS:n PHONE: (97O !}49.OAD Fell: t97O !f49-Gm tlhofi,Eloi/ Decsmber lt, tgY/ TO: ToruaorfVail BuildingDopaltncrnFROItt TinRscuRE: ItfiddlcrotrReidmce It65 Wd Gur Crcdrl)rirc; Vait Colondo; p6mit#B9Z4lZJ RcvisGd Boilc Phd Sizisg Por tho owncfs roqucct to rdd approxiuaoly lJzCI squrrg fEct of rnowmcft to this pmjecg wu rn upeizing th boilc plar to accormodsto this rcqrrost. The up+izcd boilcr phc will haw turo boilers yiaatg ryp,mx- 5t0,m0 Bailr orm*. Thc boilcrr sill bc Bunhrn $rioc 2 rated for slcovE corurudioNl N t25' fte (nonilel) tho upsized fluc will bG lO' dirncmr type B do$lo wdl. Th comblrdi{rn rir lcnrcr will be eppmlc ,tot rgurrc insh€s of facc arca rtffi witl bc twolTrlf &$G droppitrg down vcrticatly totio mcchanical roon Pl€es. cdl if you hnrc eny quccions. Gray sone con6tnrction is rhs gmcrd cortn|ctor mthirpm.ict. oc: Ilarry GrrV; Crrry Ston Coodructiql TT]TH- P.A1 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 38/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Deparnnent of Conununity Development FILECOPY June 23, 1997 Kathryn Middleton 1865 West Gore Creek Drive Vail. CO.81657 RE: Lot 23, Vail Village West Filing No. 2 Dear Ms. Middleton: This letter is just a reminder that the Design Review Board, (DRB) requested that you submit details for the following items for review and approval by slaff: 1. Details on lhe columns; and 2. Details for the railings, windows, and shutters. i You have submitted plans lor a building permit, and these items must be reviewed before the building permit is issued. Please provide this information no later than noon, Thursday, July' 3' 1997. lf you have any questions, please contact me at (970) 479'2142. Sincerely,; {. //,u*;*4",* Tammie Williamson Town Planner tP'ontto'*u ilSign Review Action Fth TOWN OF VAIL Dare 5- 23-7'7Calegory Number Project Name: Building Name: Owner. Address and Phone: ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone; LegalDescriprion:Lot 73 Bbck- $ubdivision'y'Ar V,,-ar,t Nt {L zoneDistrict P/< ProjestStreetAddress: I Comments: @;e uotronoy: CLAK!- Fp nTlg tN Vote:a-L Seconded byt bt V(approval ! Disapproval 1l Staft Approval r rv '/rk {rz Ptfl* 5. 6. 8. Logan - Final review of a new single-family residence with a caretaker unit. Tammie 8l i potato Patch Drivc/Lot 2, Block I , Vail Potato Patch' Ap;i;;;i' kent & Vicki Logan, representcd bv Picrce, s!g,1b-ttq & Associates rvtOnON, Ted Hingst SeCONp: Clark Brittain VOTE: 5-0 TABLED UNTIL JUNE 4, 1997 Harman - Residential addition. Lauren 5l l7 Main core Drive/I-ot 5, Block l. Bighorn subdivision 5th Addition. Applicanl Louis and Elizabeth Harman, rcprcsented by Pam Hopkt-Lts V'OftOn: Ted Hingst SECOND: Bill Piercc VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: l. That 4 cvergrcens be added, with location & sizc to be worked out with staff. Crossroads - An appcal of a staffdecision prohibiting a chain link fenc-c. Dirk 143 E. Mcadow Drivc/Portion of lnt P, Block 5D, Vail village lst Filing. Applicanf crossroads condominium Association, reprcsented by Bill Pierce VtOftOnr Ted Hingst SECOND: Clark Brittain VOTE: 4-0-l (Pierce abstained) MOTION TO UPHOLD STAFF DECISION Crossroads - New trash enclosure Dirk 143 E. Meadow Drive/Portion of Lot P, Block 5D, Vail village I st Filing. Applicant Crossroads Condominium Association, represented by Bill Pierce MOTION: Clark Brittain sECOND: Ted Hingst VOTE: 4-0-l (Pierce abstained) TABLED UNTIL JUN& 4, 1997 g. Public Works housing - Final rcview of Employcc Housing 1309 Vail Vallcy Drivc/lcgally dcscribcd as: Dominic Dirk Dirk flominic Dtk bcginning at thc Northwcst corncr of section 9, Township 5 sou1h, Range 80 west of thc sixth principal Mcridian thcnc;S 89'3149" E2333.14fect, along the North line of said Section 9' to a point on thc northcrly right-of-way fence linc of Interstate Highway No, 70 thcnce along thc l"Ji.tfy tigttrof-way fJncc linc of Intcrstatc Highway No' 70 as follows: S 67o41 ,33 " W 415.82 fcetl thcnce S78' I 3'02" W I 534'29 fcct, to a point of curvature; thence 456.43 feet on a curve to thc right with a radius of 5580.00 fect, the chord of which bears S80o33,38,, W 456.30 fect to a point on thc Westerly linc of said l.:!t:" 9: thence departing the northcrly right-of-way r.*" rinl of Interstate Highway No. 70 and following the westoly line of said Section 9 N00oi8'21"E 565'l I feet to the point of beginning' Applicant Town of Vail, reprcsentcd by Aldy Knudtscn an{lu1c^Hervcrt V'OrtOn: Tcd Hingst SbCouo: Bill Picrcc VOTE: 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED StaffApprovals Frankc - RcPaint. 27 l2 Kinnickinnick Ct./Lot l0, Block 2, Vail Intcrmountatn Applicanl Pcter and PattY Frankc Thc Eaglc - RcPlacement sign. 1000 Lionsridgc l,oop/Lions Ridge Filing #l Applicant L&B Broadcasting, LLC Lodgcs at Timbcr Creck - Garage convcrsion. 289j Timbcr Creek Drivc/Lodges at Timber Creek Applicant Stan Cole Enzian - Reroof and modifications. 610 West Lionshead Circle,/Lot l, Block Z,Yaillionshead 3rd Filing' Applicant EnzianHomeownersAssociation,Inc' The applications and information about thc proposals are available for public inspcctio-n during regular oflice hours in the project planner,s oflice, located at the Town of Vaii Commgnity Developmcni Departmcnt' 75 South Frontage Road' sign language intorpretation available upon requast with 24 hour notitication. Pleax call479-2[ 14 voice or 4?9-2356 TDD for information. Accnda last rcviscd 5122197 3 Pn DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA WednesdaY, MaY 21,1997 PROJECT ORIENTATION / NO MEMBERS PRESENT Brcnt Alm Clark Brittain Tcd Hingst Bill Piercc Genc Usclton (PEC) SITE VISITS - L Lionshcad lnn - 610 West Lionshcad Circle 2. Crossroads - 143 E. Meadow Drivc 3. Alcman - 600 VailValleY Drivc 4. Harman - 5l l7 Main Gore Drivc Drivcr:Laurcn 3:00 P.M. LUNCH - Community Development Department MEMBERS ABSENT l:00 2:00 !l.Lionshcad Inn (AKA L'Ostcllo) - Rcpaint' 610 wcst Lionshcad circlc/Lot l, Block 2, vail Lionshcad 3rd Filing. Applicant: Eustaquio Corlina, rcprcscntcd by Bill Picrcc fufOftON, Clark Brittain SECOND:Tcd Hingst VOTE: 4-0-1 CONSENT APPROVED Northwoods - Discussion about futurc additions and deck enclosures' 600 Vail Vallcy Drive/Northwoods Condominiums' Applicanl CommunityDevelopmentDcparhnent NO VOTE. DISCUSSION ONLY Aleman - Northwoods deck enclosure. 600 Vail Valley Drive/ Northwoods Condominiums' Applicant: Christine Aleman, represented by Kurt Segerberg u'OflON: Clark Brittain SECOND: Ted Hingst VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH 2 COITIDITIONS: l. Thatthcoffsetshallbeextendedto 12"' 2. That the windows shall bc symmcbized within the offset' 3:00 Laurcn (Piercc abstained) Dirk Dirk 2. -J. Smeridi^.I-end Tiale Arsociation CoJnmitment - Moditi€d lOl73 165 (20M 10/88) COMMITMENT FOR TIT{E INSURANCE ISSUED BY ,a,/r*,bA.{r44- tt<"r.-'-" Chairman of the Board Cou ntersigned by: STE\VAFTT TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, A Texas Corporation, herein called the Company, for valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgageeof the estate and St iou lations hereof.' t: .:i: d to inSbhedule A, upon payment of the lf Schediles A and B and to the Conditions :. , :l:, or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to inSchedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor; all subject to the provisions of Sc This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of ltl ! . | !:i. rtity of:lthe proposed lnsured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in'Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endorsement. This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such poiicV or policies of title insurance and all liability and obligations hereunder shall cease and terminate sii months after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. This Commitment shall not be valid or binding until countersigned by an authorized officer or agent. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Commitment to be signed and sealed, to become valid when countersigned by an authorized officer or agent of the Company, all in accordance with its By-Laws This Commitment is effective as of the date shown in Schedule A as "Effective Date." ' 'l'EwAIt'r''f Ia'LE tu President OUARANTA COMPA N Y $t,1ffi=='-j:.):j;I't{,iro seria, No. C.l601. 180674 SCIIED{JLE A ORDER NIJMBUR: fl90'J5.12tt l. tst'FEe$M DATH3 JuIy 28, 19t}1t at 2 . T,OI,I CY OR P0i,ICI ES TO R8 I SSTIIiD: A. AI.,TA C'ITINER 'S POLICY 8 : 0{t"'A:r-tl . OII INSIITTANCE ,000. ()0 B. PROPLTSFII-) INSURET): KA'ITIRYN JOI\NNE TOHRE AL'I'i\ LOAN F{JLIeY [.,R(.1t.'{1qF[r I !\iSUREfi : AI.,1'A I,OAN POLI{]}: ['t{(1['(]SFlf) -tNSURIID Ayi{}tlN r t 5 "i. 1'HE tl$T.\Tbl (.)R -tN'l'ERES''.1 IN TH!l I.,AND Dll:i(:lil:8Eb rlll IIL'ti'tiRItEl) 1l') lN TIIIS fOl'lMlTlltlNT AND COVURII[-', HIJRIIIN IS FAn S lMIrLli A\JO TITl,li THERFITIT 1S AT 'THE HFFDC'TTVE DATE HORIiOf' V[TS']'ED Iil: ROBNI1T I{CHENRY SEHI1ANN 4. TllE LANI) IttjFllRRl:D 'l(l tN 't'tlIS C1:)MllI'l'UCN:f Ilj DESCRtBED Ari F{-!t./LOhlSi t,o't' .l -l VA f L V,. I,I,/1,,.38 WEST T.'I I,ING NO. J C-'oUN1]Y I}iT E:AGIJI.] STATO 0F' COLOT1ADO FOR (lt-IBSTIONS RUGARIJING THtS COt'tFlt-'fMUt{'l PLbl..\rji:. il..\l,L {JIJTH r)TNEILL ( 303 ) q4-cr-10i"t. PR EFI t IJM : OWN IlF S :.TAX CERT. 574,00 1.0.00 .. , ,.1 ::, .r.1 STEWART.TTTT,E OF EAGLE COI:INTY, INC. P.O. rlox 1248vArL, c(). 81658 ( 303 ) 949-1011 STE\VART TITLE GgANAt|TT COr|EA TY A{jTHORIZED 99C (500M r.891 R tl(l Lt I R [,t't {ltv'I'S l'Hh I|OLI,C,I^IING ARF] THE ](Ii0UIRT}iF]NTS TO I]U T]OI"IPLIDTJ {{ITIJ3 ITIIM (A) pAYl4EllT T(.! OR t'08 llHi.; ACC(.)tlN.f oF'fHE GRAN'I..)RS (.)ii t',lOFt:CA(i()RS()ll 1'llli: LrtrLL CONSIfJDf{ATTr-)N F(iI? T'Hi.r ESl'AT}r OFi If.t'l:'llRElr,il"l'0 t}Ii lNSrt-lllFiD. I'lcM tlJ) Pl:lot,Etl INl3'fRUtrtENT (s) cllEATI.Nc 't't.rE Es't'.q.tI oR TNTfiREs,r r,r) BE INSURiILT !1,iST ilti ITXEC(l't'FI) AN0 t)Uf-,.i t'LJ,ED r{lR RF;r-:ORt} . !,() WI'l': 1. Fxer:titir:rn of af fidavit .1 13 to lltel.rt.s an,l t,ir-'rrs Arr,l its r,:Lurn tr:SteiJarL T"r t- le C;rraranty Ccrm6r"l11y. 2. hlxecrrbiorr of Certifi.cat.e - L:ntity'I'ransfr:ror,/Inrfivirlual 1f r;--rnsf err:rr an,l i t'. s rtll.urn to blrn of f ic,:. 3. Evidence s a L: i. sJ f .1c' t ') r )' to St+war:t .t..it le r'.irr.,-is-1y,6! Cr.,nrp-ru -1r.,-tlie real esl:af r:{ tr..rl)sf er trax ;lsrJes$eC by t h,r .l.rlw n r.rf V;r:i I has Lreen paid or l'tr.tt ttrr,: ;.16rr"uct-ir:rn is r* x em1ll f r.,lnr sa i-<l t;rx, 4. [ieleas,:: t:5 t.]re P'.rLrl. j c Tnrs.;tee o.[ ii;rg I e (.Ll]Dt.y of t'he fieed of't:rust f ronr t{i r.rha rd L. l"lr-rrtensen ancl sandra !,. ttort--enserr f or theuse of Colurnbia S.:tvi-rrqs atrd J,oan Asstrr:i;,tion L() secjurFl $30,000.00, cl,:,rt.ed Outoberr 29, 1973 r:r:rr,.or-,lecl N()v{jnr}>r1y 9, I97 j j.n Book 2llL at [:age 9tj9 as Recr.:ption No. 111 7848. 5. Releas,: by the Public Trustee of Eaglr: Courrty r>f the L-teed ofTrust f rom ttr-rtre rt llctlenry Seenrann f .:rr the usLr (,f F j rst.Barrk crf Vai I tr--r se(-:rrre $50,000.00, d.rt,rd April 10, l9B7 recorder] apr.i. I l7 , 1987 in Book 461 at. Pi'rgr,. 1-j4 as llecopt.ion N'.r. :1 57362 - 6 . Deecl f r,:,nr Rtrbert Mcl'lenry Se6-anl.1nn, .f est ing .ii n:e sir,ltJJ ll t it lr:irr Kar-bryrr J()annc-. Lohre.,:l*()f,E; NOTA'I'J.ON OF THE L|lGr\L AI)F]i{ESS L)F' T'HE T]RANTEIJ MI]ST APPEAR ON'fJIE DEED AS PER 1976 AMET\DMENT TO STAT(ITE ON REEORDING OF DNEL'S 73 CRS 3835109 (2). S'TE\VAR.T TITLE ou/rnartt cor P/r tf Y JC (600M 1-89) SrjtlLlt)l.rl,i:l ll - SE(_:'J.'l(_ii.l -t t" xc'l;'i'"1' l (.)NS ()IllJI'lt] NtlMtll'il( : 8900r1.i28 'f ilFi p(:)Irl.cY oH P()t,I(.'lEIi TO []Li J S$r.il:[) trJI f,!, (ir)tJ'i'/\]"i.i li\LrEtr'l'Lr)]'is 'I'r) 'l'hi tl FOf,Ir0r{.t't'iL; tiNl,Ilss 'l'fJFl IiAi.ill r\}ilr) I,l:i!'osLilt ()t-' 1l'() il}ltl 5A'l't5L"A(-Tlc)}J oL' 'I'HE CUMP.{NY: 1.. lltCH'fS r)t:i (1t,,\IMr'l Ol.' I'Al1'llIES ll'J !,OSSESSJ.(.)N NOT Stlol{N iJY 1'Hf:l FtiB(,IC fr.F)C'()t1t):t . 2.. EASlilPlENl.'S, {)R {)l,i\1MS ()r f.jAS;El'lilNTS. r\1Lt'f I:.;f{{)t!N P,Y TH[i PUt]1",I(-' RNCC)RI)S. 3. LTISCREP.Ai\l(lLllS, {j(:}Ntr'l,iCTS LN UOtlIlDr\lt\i LiVL:lS, lit-lOR'L'AGFi lN ARL1A, ENCROACtI!lill:1':j, Al.lD ANy [Jz\CT'S trtHICH A (]C]RtiIi(iT SLlRVliy ;\l,it) "IliSF.)liC?t(Jt: Ofi Tl'{fi PRlll'1ISES WOtrLtl DISC-1.,C)sE r\NL't Wltl-Cil ARfi flCjll' SI-l(JrJN [t'I ?riU I'(]f,,Lf 1.l RIJCOIiDS. 4. ANY LrEN, ()R nIGH'lt To A l,rE,N, F()ri sEtrvI(_:l.tri , I.,At]olt ()R irA:f El.:ln J, HnRlllll'()[rORI.] OR tlI.lRtjAFT'HIr tl trRNl Sltli')D. f 11P(llj[]D BY t,AW -qlllL) NO'f SH()'^iN BY 'fltt PtJIILIC RECOiiDS. 5 . LIEF f::{11'S, r, I Ii:.1S, 0NCt-lljt.]RAt\jc!:s, :\r)vE]tst,; cl,,\IillS (:)R C)TI{DR illi\TTllt1S, IN A\,Y, CRt A'l'ED, fiIRS'l AtrPIiAItl.rr"G IN il'l-lr'l Pi-jl?t, I(' RE(:ORl-).S (.)R AT'fACIll NC SUF.;SIlQtll.lNT 'lO 'I'fli:l EIFITF)CT LVr.: t).\'.f I, Ill"lrUOI.' DtlT' I'RIOR 1l(-) 'l'l'{Fl l)r\TE trROP(.)SEtl t Nl,:iLli?LL) .qCQLrIllFiS (rl:' FF;C()ii!l FrJR VAI,UE Tl'lli L:STA1'H OR INTL)RHS'l' OI:t ll,l()trTGAGll TllliriH(-)N C(.rYIlRED Ily 1'HIS Cr.rtrltvl t TltL:NT. 6 . Arry l=rnd aJ. I un1'rai rl taxr::s Arrr-l ;1 sgls5.smr:rnt.sJ ,in,J dny Llrrrr.deenr(:rcl f .i h s,:l i ,-r ri . 7. 'firc' erf fer:t of itir-:.tus j,lrrs j.n ,rtrv .Jen{rr,-l 1 ,:rr sFrr.:cif ic r.latet' cC)rt"ciFjyv;rrl.-:y, f i.r'r: l:'r'of rjcl-.i.1ir), sr,:ri.l ,-:c,ns;;(:1ryat, ..,:rr ,.rt' oLher' d j.sl rir.rl- or ine lrr:; j.on irr any- w,:tt rj !' servi(:e r-rt' stre'll. j.ntproven)ent. a.l. (:tA. tl , tit-:s i" r' j.cLi orrs irij rr,,r:ordcrl ,rtri t, 7, 1965 .i rr Fio',\k J.!)0 at. l'.,r,,ttt 5{i1 a:; tlt r::.:'l.rl. ir,'n N'.'. i(Jl7()2 .rrrd ;'i.si --1rfrenrl*cl kr1, .\n,,ru'1nr,an i.:. .r',ir:.)l:rJqLi in Book .1.87 at 1rv1r.1'':ti(li ;{s Re,-:cl,f i,)n i\o. l02,i9ir, anr:l itnr€n4nl.-sn l: recrrrded Fehruar-,", tti,'1 970 irr l"l..rrk ).I7 a1. Pa.{l;,'?1, as Rcccpf.is'6 No. L126 12 9. tlighr:'. of rn'ay for rl-r. tr:,hr:-"r r)r carr;:rls r:onstrlrr:retJ by t.tte atrt:h,rrit;y of i-hrr {lnil:,r.:rl St:.rtes: as l'esr::r'ved irr t'n t t.ecl Stater' P,rterrt recorded Oc+-ol)rir 4. L91.8, in Br,r,11 93 at L':-rgr: 301-, t 0 . '1'wel'rty f ooi rrl-.i"J it-v e;reernerrt ovr.rr t. hlq rrc-ir Lfrr,:l"iy lot- I irre' as st\own on thrl rr:cor:dcd pl;rf . J-1. nr.jirt- of w.:ryr for the conL j:nlred f 1,s.,'r rst G,rrr: Cree]<, the centerl i rre of vrhic:h f orrrrs the norther l]- t)i)und,1r.v of sjub ject propert.y. L2, Easement granted to USrgrsrl Eag lr: Va11ey Sarr j L.;ltion Dist.r.'ict Ctrnt,i nued on ne::t. l.ra,J rl S'TE\VART TITLE OUARANTY COXPA NY rgc (500M l-89) l{l ) l;it Nt;}lll!)}l: ;rr)rr'r ;1.'!l l"r't'(-)t'iJi.,-l r:-1 !' I 'l , l.'i' 7{l itr l-t,)r,k ..1 j. i .,rt i r,1': I'!l(r J.t ['1,],','[)i l/,ll i'JL!. I I rli,0. S1'D\VA['.'f TITI-I' GU A RA NTY COMPA NY 99C (500M 1 a9) FtrE coPy 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 1 39 FAX 970-479-2452 May I, 1997 Jim and Kathryn Middlcton | 865 West Corc Creck Drivc Vail, Co.81657 Departtnent of Community Development RE: Lot 23, Vail Village West Filing No.2 Dcar Mr. and Mrs. Middlcton: Thc Town of Vail Comrnunity Dcvclopnrcnt Dcpartmcnt is in rcccipt of thc application fbr a conccptual rcvicw by thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board (DRB). Aftcr rcvicw, thc Public Works, Planning and Firc Dcpartmcnts havc idcntified thc following issucs: Works: Thc drivcway cntrancc/curb cut can bc a nraximunr of 24 f'cct including thc flarc; Thc backout/ hrrnaround arca nrust bc a nrinium width of | 2 fcct: Plcasc show a 4'concrctc pan with a_2" invcrt at thc cdgc olthc asphalt for thc tull width of thc drivcway; Thc grading on thc northwcst corncr of thc structurc appcars to cxcccd thc maximum Town of Vail stln9_glds p".f2 l;and.. l"^ -":-^::;----*Plcasc providc a titlc rcport in ordcr to chcck thc cascmcnts on thc propcrty. Thc Planning and Firc Dcpartmcnt has idcntified no issucs. Plcasc addrsss thcsc commcn[s prior to thc final rcview of thc DRB. Plea.sc bring any color samplcs you nray havc and as information, plcase sfakc thc lot bcforc the final DRB mcting. lf you havc any qucstions, please contact me at (970) 479- 2142. Sinccrcly, Public "// J/' / c{^",- X/ t/rilr"*r*- Tarnmie Williamson Town Planncr cc: Erich Hill {,7 *""nuo'u"' PARADICM DESICN LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: To: 43-29-97 Tani Willianson Town of VaiI Conmunity Development Dept. 75 S. Frontage RoadVaiI, Colorado 8L657 Project: l,liddleton Residence, Lot 23, vail ViIIage West Please find Dated 4-28-97 4-29-97 enclosed Copies 7 1 the following: of Current plans and elevations Transmittal Remarks: Tami,question, please for all yourI will see you he1p. If you have on May 7th. thank youcall me. any Copy to: ARCHITECTURE SCULPTURE INTERIORS 835 INCA PARKWAY BOULDER, COLORADO BO3O3 303-499-4252 o mmunity o ting FormCoDevelopment Plan Rou Approved X Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Partch, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee. Fire Return To:Tammie Williamson, Community Development X 21 42 Middlelon Single-Family Residence with EHU 1865 West Gore Creek Drive Lot 23 Vail Village West Filing No. 2 Project Description:Single-Family Residence with EHU Jg,r'lc -ret'.,\c\? ZONBCHECK oat: ;f- /4-9_1 Lcgaldcscription:Lot 7? .Block_Fitingx*as lA65 N, @r. CI."LG Vnn- l/,u-a Msr 4trw #z Phonc Phonc (3a3i q- hoposcd usc Total=- rco{ + /38b = ?nl '-)u 20' .l)' : l5' zo ls- r /5 LS Minimum N/ft z3 411 Pro'ious conditions ofapproval (chcck propoty nt.) Zonc distict Allorvcd Existing TotalGRFA Zb4 *=zfi4_\ \ooloPrimary anYt ISH'4* @ fazs.) =_811 4 /00/pS*onaary cRE Al O4, b @er.1 - t4 7 4, b + 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? ND Horv much of tbc allorvcd 250 Addition is uscd rvith tUis rcqucst? V 4 Toahsir"covcrage Hcigbt Sctback 3't 6' Requircd -{ 7pq1 @,1, Front Sidcs Rcar I t711 Proposed + 3L1S + (300)(600)(e00(@ Pcrmitted. Slopc lL o/o proposcd Slope % Ycs- No_ A/ o DEfTItt-s Ycs- .-1 Nq 2) Floodplain t 3) Wctlands A D 4) Water Course Sctback (lO) (SO) N/k 5) Gcologic Hazards a) SnorvAvalanchq b) Rocldall c) Dcbris Florv Encloscd Remaining fidf,]-',a*oi"g RcainingWail Hcigbts Parking Caragc Crcdit Drivovay Complics with TOV Ligbting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs less than 2:l (50%) Environmcn taL4lazards Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: N/A t tr SUR\1EY Scalc Bcnchmark I . ' Legaldcscription ; LotSizc BuiidabieArea Eascmcnts Topography 100 yr. flood plain Watcr Course Sctback Environmena I Hazards Trees Utility locations Spot clwations tr SITEPLA}I Building Heighr Encroachmeng Setback Sitc Corrcrage EavcVovcrhangs (4) DeckslBalconics Garage connection _ SiteGradc\Slope RctainingWalls Fcnces - TurningRadius Drivcway (access and gradc) Snow Storage Firc Access DESIGN RE\{IEW CHECKLTST tr FLOORPI.AJ..|S Scalc GRFA 250 additionat GRFA Crawl\Attic Spacc EHU Q BUIDD.TGELEvATIoNs Scalc Color\Mataials Roofpirch B I.AJ.TDSCAPEPLAN Existingtccs Lqgcad MISCELI-ANEOUS Condo Approval Title rcport (A & B) Uti lityrcrifi cation form Photos ofsitc Buil ding rnatecial samptcs C.O. Vcrification Sun\ShadeAnglcs Utilities (unduground) Vierv Corridon Varianccs Plat rcstictions 7 o REI\TIET{ BOARD i.vt..A,7!14ltl DESTGN APPLICATTON . TOT{N OF VAIIJ, COIJORADO DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG: !ttlt******* :ta*:t****** APR Z J 19Si A.DESCRIPTION: B. TYPE OF REVIEW: Neer ConstrucLi.onAddir.ion ($50.00) ($200.00) - Minor AlLerarion ($20.00) X. Conceptual Review ($0) c. D. ADDRESS: I,EGAI, DESCRIPTION: Subdivision If property is described bydescription, please provideto this application. a meets and bounds on a separate sheet legal and at.tach F. ZONTNG: H. NAME qF OWNER(S): MaiIing, Address: APPLrcATroNs wrrJL Nor BE PRocEssED wrrilow oWNER,s srcrA?uR.s Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are L.o be paid at CheLime of submieLal.of rhe DRB apprilarion. li[ei, wnenapplying for a buirding permiu,-ptbase identify Lhe accuracevaluation of Lhe proposal . The fown of Vail will adjusE thefee according to the table below, lo ensure the correct. feeis paid. I. ,1 . FEE SCHEDULE: VAIJUATION ,!,! n ,h .lY v + rv,vvt,$10,001 -$ s0,000$ 50, 001 $ L50, 000 $150, 001 $ s00, 000 $500, 001 - $1, 000, 000$ over $1, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIETT BOAID APPROVAL EXPTRES APPROVAI IJNI,ESS A BUILDING PERMIT ISIS STARTED. FEE iD zu. ut $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAI, ISSUED A}ID CONSTRUCTION 4':yp=g'&,@il*=A*"*i ^ ,". o..f=-,, o, ,/ }{arlrn9 Addressr , I =:-:;= Z' +ara-.+2!=- {ftryp. oF APPLTcANT' -s =tFErR=ns' Kdr".f,. i t.*t t \ddla.{orf\t Mailing Address: I*J-6 t.t. Zi ' \ rr III A pre-applicat.ion meet.ing wiEh a member of the planningstaff is encouraqed to determine if any additionalapplication informaEion is needed. It is the applicant.,sresponsibiLity to make an appointment with the llaff todet,ermine if there are additional submit,tal requj_remenrs.Please noLe that. a COMPLETE application will st.reamline thereview process for your project. rn addicion to meeting:submit.tal requiremenLs, theapplicant. must stake and tape the project sit,e t.oindicate propert.y l-ines, buildinE lines and buildingcorners. A11 Erees to be removed must be Laped. Atlsit.e tapings and scaking must. be completed prior to theDRB site visit. The applicant must ensure thaL stakingdone during ehe winter is not buried by snow. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally reguires Er,rro separaLe meetj-ngs of the Design Review goardi.a concepLual- review and a final review. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on Lheir scheduled meeting dat.e and who have nocasked in advance Lhat. discussion on their item bepost,poned, will" have their items removed fron Ehe DRBagenda unLil such time as the item has beenrepublished. The following items may, at Ehe discreLion of Ehezoning adminj.scraLor, be approved by the CorununiLvDevel.opment. DeparLmerjt sLaf f (i.e. a formal hearingbefore Lhe DRB may noc be reguired): a. windows, skylighcs and similar exLerioJ chanqeswhich do noL alter che exist.ing plane of Lhebuilding; and b. Building addicions not. visible from any ot.her lotor public space. At E.he ti_me such a proposal issubmiLted, applicant.s must. include Ietteis fromadjacenE propert.y owners and/or from the agenL foror manager of any adjacenL condominium associationsLat.ing the association approves of the addiCion. If a properLy is locaLed in a mapped hazard area (i.e.snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris f1ow,wetland, eLc. ) , a hazard sLudy must be submitted andthe owner musL sign an affidavit. recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a buildinq iermit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a-rbwn pi-rrrr",prior to DRB application Eo decermine che relati-nsnipof t,he properLy to all mapped hazards. For all residenEial const,rucLion: a. Clearly indicaLe on Ehe floor plans the inside. face of Lhe exterior sLrucEural walls of thebuilding; and b. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot dist.ance f rom the exE.erior facL of thebuildinq walls or supporting columns. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodif icat.ions, alL condit.ions of approval must beaddressed prior Eo t.he application- for a buildingpermi t . FI n _lrsE_or ulrgBlAr,s_t NAT'IE OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRTPTION: LOT BLOCK STREET ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUTIJDING MATERIAI.IS: Roof Siding OLher Wal1 Materials Fascia SoffiLs Windows window Trim Doors Door Trim Iland or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses . ReLaining WalIs ExLerior Lighting Other required approval TYPE OF for submit,tal can be iiven: !,TATERIATJ Lo the Design COLOR A*f t+ Ur e-r-lt^]re4 Cl,ad Brrl^rrt n^&^--l L,rn I ho{r.-l UJe-.t t/\ciq,",J [ ],*^,c [/h*.t*l It4aL t P,e*nUlUrja M.r. I P^,^+.J t^\hde LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: B. Pr,ANr o t"*lrt PROPOSED TREES A}TD SHRUBS Botanical Name co**olole*. *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.deciduous trees is 2 inchesi Indicaf.e Lrees.**Indicaie size of proposed shrubs.5 qallon. ouanti tv S,ize* . -#* arft*^. Minimum galiper forheight for coniferous Minimum size of sh:r:nbs is Sguare FootaoeTVpe GROI'ND. COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSTON CONTROL c LANDSCAPE LTGHTTNG: rf exLerior righting is proposed, pleaseshow the number of fixLures and l0caLions on- a leparaceliqhting plan. rdencif v each f ixt.ure f rom trre :.i.itrting pranin the space below and provide the height above giade,-type oftiqht proposed, lumen ouLpuL, lumi.nous area and i cuc sneeu orthe light fixEure. (Secrion 18.54.050 J) orHER LANDSCAPE FEA"URES (reLaining wal1s, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) prease specify. rndicat.e heights of retaininiwa1ls. Maximum height of wa11s v"ithin Lhe front, seLback it3'. Maximum heighL of waLls elsewhere on t.he prof.rty is 6, n SUBDTVISION JOB NAMELOT * BLOCK FILING \4 Urlh( Ll€e Rl,g2^ ADDRESS lN A t,\. h . c,nt F1'.:,.* The location and availabilicy of uE.i1iE,ies, whethert,runk lines or proposed lines, musE be approved andfollowing utilities for Ehe accompanyinq-iite p1an. they beverified 'Date mainby the At.t ,^+,t,+t* c*t#hl ^+U.S. West Communications 1-800-922-L987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949 - 5781cary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949 - 5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.v.. 949 - 5530 Steve HiaEt Upper Eagle Va11ey war,er & Sanitation DistricL * 4'7 6 -7 480 Fred Has1ee \tr\'TrE.This form is t.o verify service availabiliCy andlocaLion. This should be used in conjunct.ion withpreparing your uuility plan and schedulinginstallaLions. 2, For any new construction proposal, t,he.applicanL. musL provide a complet.eO ut.ilicy verificllion form. 3. If a utility company has concerns wit.h Ehe proposed. consLrucLion, Che ut.ility represenLative should notdirecLly on Lhe utility verification form that thereis a problem which needs to be resolved. The issueshould Lhen be spelled out in det.ail in an at.LachedIetLer to Lhe Town of vail. Ho\^rever, please keep inmind t.hat it is Lhe responsibility oe tne utilitycompany Lo resolve identified problems. 4. rf t.he utiticy verificaLion form has signalures fromeach of the utiliLy companies, and no collunents aremade directly on the form, E.he Town will presume. that there are no problems and that Lhe development.can proceed. 5. These verifications do not retieve the contracLor ofhis responsibility to obt.ain a sLreet. cut permitfrom the Town of Vail, Department of public Worksand t.o obtain utiliLv locations before dicrqinq inany public right.-of-way or easemenL in Lhe Town ofVaiI. A buildinq permiL is not a st.reet cut permiL. A sLreeE cuL permit must be obtained separately. 6. Installation of service lines are aE the expense andresponsibility of the property owner. * Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations whenobtaining upper Eagre varley water & sanir,aLion signatures. Fireflow needs musL be addressed. o imary/Secondary o amiSing1e F ZONE CHECK FOR 1y Residence, Duplex, pr ZONE DISTRICTS Lot _ Block _ Subdivision DATE: LEGAT DESCRIPTION: ADDRESS: OWNER PHONE PHONEARCI{ITECT LOT SIZE ZONE DTSTRICT PROPOSED USE BUILDABLE tOT AREA ExistinqAIIowed (30) (33)Height TOIAI GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA SeEbacks Front. Sides Rear Site Coverage Landscaping ReLai.ning WaIl Heights Parking Garage Credie Drive: +425= +425= 20, l-5, L5' No Proposed G Allrz +\+ : t*5 3'/5' 4. neqrd - 5 (nncl (300) (500) (9oo) (].200)_ Permitted Slope % proposed Slope Complies with T,O.V. Lighting Ordinance Yes water Course Setback (30) (s0) Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50%)YES Envi ronmen ta1,/Hazards :1) Flood Plain 2', Percent Slope (< > 30t) 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfallc) Debris Flot 4) wetlands View Corridor Encroachment: yes tr^^- rr-: _ ---^.-__uoes LniS t-egi.ie5L iuvuive a 250 Aqdition?How much of rhe artowed 250 Addir.ion is used--Jii6Tis Previous conditions of approval (check property file): Tot.a1 No L0 reques t ? a Project Appllcation Ly- /'.)- v.'/Dale | / 6./ v I \ -,-tProisctName: i4€ I'A'I(P'tA "\ Proi€ct Description: Contaci Person and /A*v u4"r[r+u< z-,.' - | a- .-,.* l. /1 . ,-)Owner, Address and Phono: l-.A|,zC j€.Ztwt<" t.,t t't i Xi--) --ttt < ( -rt' r L. lt'.l \)(,., (., ("r, \((,'( 7 \,/ )( ) :-:. , :. ,.. )( A q (? Architect, Address and Phone: Lesal oescripri on, ro, € 0-'1 ,r/"*t!Y t ':A #;tc= <.r-Q \4 -1Ii*u: Design Review Board Date Molion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPBOVAL Summary: { st"rr Approval LIST OF MATERIALS MME OF-PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P Roof Si di ng Other t.lal'l Material s Fasci a Soffi ts lrli ndows l'Jindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails F'lues Fl ashi ngS ., Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther w The following information is required for submittal Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MTERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL by the applicant to the Design Review COLOR of Designerl phone: PLANT IvIATERIALS: Botani'cal Name '{C=---- Quani ty Si ze* ,t-^-J-z{a/ >-Lq_ u (/_ E)(ISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Indicate height for conifers. PLANT IfiTERIALS: Botanical Name Corrnon Name Quanity Size (con' t) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED TYPe Square Footage GROUND COVERS s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal'ls, fences, swirming pools, etc.) P'lease specify. ,J*,n O^r1hjr;tu-u\', t i:*':k*"** a+&**"*.4 a Puopn-*-{6 "L^TyMTt *t /s6{ G,va*.L O;<,,'ryf^-hazrc<qH"-,f Z.ry 4*'f't5x* Tr^.p^tnn 3 31 "d'*[Yf ,th;c,) d^',,,,.,)&4]{. .U. olu^ta,^:3 pH. L*an-d-^A". /4._da"'t ;d^JdrT^, i pe*^-E o-l/n2Ls Vt^ *a 6. 7L t),'<,-(:;r/t1 !"u-r,,-U e"> ao vo z-e-za, O u,-"UiJCt_T "Hd4""t\TJ*, ,l*,j- t d; e9,^k\)(44 G*& /Jr& / . .: C 0 -CL- druu^'/, tD,vc!-4Utttl (y Crlcr* . eLl' (-*'rt-<<t< \ br- -4ttr"*1"u!*-- c",&' usr"*-L{' G<tc-an".-ZW A.-- eo;, --G< ph"l 6.&< ,;.*l[ t *uC-.4 ul-t<L G,^< e.*E lC. 'Vh'*4 {d* h - -j- a .- J 0,n _F_ ClLur-<r;tz,lfl (h LLu A-4/4 er'n"XfcL c< tt/r//TFL fuh1a-zz<! /ooa-a\. t , ,^'7':- -- '^' g'-' - , ' ' ,--L-r"rJ=_ ?p-rn ,/ | . RobcnSeemad{ - 11 A.^ / -*-..9- 186l Gore creL* or' W Vyl / *:.*"'*'*- vail, Colorado 815t7^^Y I | ,,8,trr$s,*,a^utA r.I I" /rw \ ./?€73)s v%2767 z17-66: xelal 0002-z€9-g0z : euoLldalel lgt90 lnrr])auuo) 'urvrola;ppty1 . laarls qrlus Sl?. 'ru1 '{uedu:of l)S ullo l-)t | (r^",," '.lo-.-{ al/€il*.. {'%#E*,t:,' ( 'L- \--\-' 1."'- J \-/ ,\ ,li \\ :F.J ,.\ h^,n- n \'14 0'^)j f G*t Cre"*h Du"i *q (,.rro' ''t' L ,\M':gI - l. a-- --_ rlq/l ztz-66:xelal 0002-z€9-g0z : auoqdelal ISWO lnf,lpauuo1 'umo1a;ppgy1 .laarls qrluls glf .'rug '{uedurof pls ullg b#93 U4 uilarttea-a / E(" t Go"z C,"-t Ar;4. Ot -:n+ :fi'--*'-''* e----\-'l----\_6,*-C*tr- U' '-'a e'94 c.t.oP'nt)Dv - .,'/ U"4 Roben Seemann 1861 Gore Crect Dr. Vail, Colorado 815t7 Hd lY,y l\),YO \P -"- lr { i,q d5 N $ e3 N, $ / .---.-n/ G,t- C,,r*(* Of in Ski Company, lnc. . 475 Smith Street . Middletown, Connecticut 06457 Telephone : 203-632-2000 Telex: 99-272 "r / ':al . i ,/ "r.^ o Date Project Application Project Name: Prolect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description' t-ot !3 , elo"t r,rins U.L)l )aJ #& , zon" Com ments: Motion by: Design Review Board /I ,^," 9/zz fgltl DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: APPROVAL ! 3i:ii \-;;Eri S !i:rra> -(,<3*-idF =<r<'-.: ,$i3;; 'F i - 3 d< :. : z Fc"ti: "2.. E!i; I I l., .Ft<to I I I I l- t< rF I tltz t=to lotz Jt ot,t4 ll'ala' tBlht/so o- =:z Z tL.=Q I ojr i-^azFq 5 >enE 8 "E=qtoEE, E;b{ :dlu-qxI '6=-r(\to z ;Ygcz<90-E t, -6,diuJEEFi<az6Z= ld'Z)r<(,ozcliEsEe I(q "lqq cl .-1 I I I ciz t =E UJo. oz F C) IJJ-i E ls = l:E l-ul-o-zoF()f E,F(nzoo 1S:">t'" i vtg\zJ= -,= \-- I-..--' A?sH-. -sIl "1 UJ o ttf E lsltpllsrl lElloltsl|.tl-j=l-l:l l'Ell= &lotzF-i9E =o P EE c |lt q, (Uv, ui =z -l|l UJ =z q lt = o- F =tr llJ clo o- F LoE E =ttr !1 UJc = |ltttlllEtltlllttnlflt6l tolJilq<t trtrl =l c tl I I I I Itolalr!IElol< Et iGl = Fc 3l at <l -4alg !JEo Ja = =g. tr r(L F E LUz =o F() uJ =T E <FEQ I,IJ <zEUJF.a Z-o t9 -<NGYr-t!,2 1r >Y;s JZ,tl-O O ix YFz() =<=rv Y,Z =g (I -, \./ =+E Fo2oo <oo9.3H Jzoz ,NQzzdro =zffd9 (,c) :o =uJ@uJ utr co EcoE oE .E 3FE=Rtr o Ll-vOtr r,t9EE>EFoo.o!!! .'-,r i/: , ti t 0 nf. rl Uzi)QtI t- I-!)') Ii $ [: t f' u. *- oltl) li ,q ,a \ l''z li lF.fn r$ I t-' -{ l-..$'.; ll) I . t-' t- 'l -- - -I-ir !lri I I I I .t ,t $. iri. .S l-t- JIos EP 'rl !21 t:l 'llu) t.s ,z | __-__i e2 J':_ )3_._-ra_ J Y c\>* c\ q. (u \!X${ 'g -,YL-? J ll TJge\ it,( sa: 01 Fdl5,' ,t). -\e\ 1t \ *vtot.""83; *" e.*&1 \+:- Ri? '' $Y i\\\-,a-: ,r, l1P".\ c.:0<.97{'t \3t \' o{s ',,Y -.- \,3'* \tgY- \4y f>g$/le\ =-> \5i \ \'' .r'-+ sf. <_) i \:$c6 / -/,.\6<? )d JJ a\ ! X C-t $% : \rJ \) x J I ,j i ri :l l1il, !litliJiaL Ilst :l\ltli\9 IXit\tlltt,i,:iil-l , .. ^\- I \l I 1 I t ! ? I I I 1.#+=€+ I_ -\ ---;- :a:, *d* ...\ Ai').'Y f.-.ro-t\ I.-b\ ,' s$\6 t"h ?*i" V%qs t"-c.?z\ "w:$, u o K.->e*fu cT ' , -6t .'83{"y4 t=r- -3 - az<jf '{ \l llltII "\ t\ ./ \?\^)'?1, '%?s-"*s,fr I t ts <9| .e'..Y "*-u-'ja-;* 4,#r .l t- r \\Tltr\ll \\I \[ltll \\ III\ -- -'' -'--l: ;-= :'-':t- LN{ Ct '.1 V t o*- qq 5*g. iF >q3*. rEta.. i_..1-_ + iI I )o<n .J7 ?- oo gag€gggiie iffiEgEiEEi l; dJ !-oo A(d(o(J .:1 lq o)@th \r RoYo.6q ? J(6o..>, :J/ v= oq or E:o:io .tc o.! = \,, E !cl. E zr OraxOEsiSigE-.Biigji58.:rlEE.EgEHEnFxtooe --i a\.:1lEiF xHe tr F:.E e SeEEgBe.*iEsE38E,fiE33r"fiEHE ',EtE€iieEEfraAfi35#gs;E;FSB# E?EE!€EiSEEE g; 3# 5 FE;HFEE O l-.qo.,'i>ooFo _eFx5 d.9 :-.A --1 -lal;,.\t,,n l{ =rEX .9 Tr E igii:qegiEt *;j eE$IEEEHEgEfiEJ oI;!€;HEI eEe e si : Y O E.!s -tr . u-'! --.- '$j4ff,,t- - *'7rsE \ \' rtri.l*ffi ri lr<E'JFrSt \ t '/{._. A L\. b 0)o. =Q '= >r '-6 oP96 d.= cb) (U.Y y{4 A.v E fr_. -ird6g6q';=v,2 Ul .=-.tFx7if8e a,o o) an €o. o) iE o|0) GI -:du:E 3rr 8c-'66de*ieP EEE H€: H *ESE; i**;EB ^ = /1 L& o oo dEiE 3g3E e E H3E:-6xa.0JtrYgis€ 65 n:x *-E (!x;-r, nrjO I i€ ii H_E !,- Y:--:1 .F 7rStl!J ,/-\ o a ) -.:|.--' 't --, - ' -) : "i.$-._..i'=\{'i,.. ..-,,r .i t,1 t. r *^'-^ -t'vq=: - il-- )i:.. \-'-:-:=-//-\.- -.-- ,r.'-' i \!,1rr:,$'|.. . 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'\[- k 'lifi ''+ 0)l-'( f .? .{- .) I,! f. gl 'J. t- $) ,.. lr ,"1 ,i 1l t.e-{ A I I.l r-tl- /- ')tl- lD ui .,r L\t l- I,lt i+ (- ... .{ rli !l r 't i I. r ,t.:) ,' -I r) r'-t c'- || =+ tI l"- ('I ,9-{:J,lJ b; ,!.- \-t1.,'.t: l.r.J' \.' (-!.7 \) -.-.'tJ '1 q N'JJ. N F * ,r R e g *'1"' '+ Project Application t I^ o^," 5ll2l&l Project Name: Proiect Description: 4>IC conract person and pnon. - L\6lA -\€Otutfr-t& clV( 773?.- 14..- -Q^r>w tl7'. 2Q67 owner,Addressandphone: A,:V See^arrr^j-- t3(! Gner eper,< hP". Architect, Address and Phone: Legat Description: t-ot 13 , elocr Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL -f Z./*"/ l),,-'-4 .$- /'a.<-- ,/'2--4r- "'4, Ta q "4=4 J.-*^-===-*-- +-." -/zrrz. Czt-.zz-A--: e o - t' ;- -zz2z--,_- oa o o o Book ,.,,f0-PA d' a 310 ssuszszso ' *;;;;;rrf n,u. septeurberl3o, r.e8o Recorder Johnnette PhilliPs oEagle County Fee $12.00od 7 SUBDIVISION II,IPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, is made and entered into this 2Sth day of May, 1980, by and between HIGH SIERM DEVELOPERS, INC', a Colorado corporation, hereinafter called the Subdivider, and the County of Eagle, State of Colorado,by and through its Board of County Concnissioners, hereinafter called the County. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Subdivider as a condition of approval of the final condominium map of Sierra Condominiums, wishes Eo enter into a Subdivision Improvements Agreement as provided for by Section 30-28-L37, Colorado Revised Statutes L973, as amended; and WHEREAS, pursuanr to Lhe same authority, the Subdivider is obligated to provide securiLy or collateral sufficienE in the judgmenE of the Board of County Conunissioners to make reasonable provisions for completion of cerEain public improvemenEs set forth in Exhibit A atrached hereto and incorporated herein; and WIIEREAS, the Subdivider wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including construcEion of the above-referenced public improvemenEs and consEruction of the private improvements also set forth in Exhibit A by means of a condominium map restriction stating that no condominium units within said Condominium Project shall be sold and/or conveyed until all public and private improve- ments referred to herein are approved and accepted by the Board of County Cornmissioners. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of El-re following mutual covenants and agreemenEs, tlle Subdivider and the County agree as follows: 1. The Subdivider herdby agrees, at its sole cost and expense, Lo furnish all equipment and maEerial necessary Eo perform and complete, on or before lilovember 1, 1980, in a 8''E# good workmanlike manner, aLL public and private improvements as shown in the final comdominium map documents for the Condominium ProjecE in accordance with all plans and specifi- cations for the Condominium Project filed in the office of the County Engineer and/or DeparEment of Community Development and to do all work incidental Lhereto according to and in compliance wiEh the following: a. All final condominium map documents submitted prior to or at the time of final condominium map approval. b. A11 laws of the United States of America, State of Colorado, County of Eagle and its respective agencies, affected special districts and/ot service district, c. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, skeLches, and other maLter submitted by the Sub- divider Eo and approved by any of the above- referenced governmental entities. A11 said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfact.ion of the County Engineer and/or Lhe County Building Official, respectively, and, shal1 not be deemed complet.e until approved and accepteci as completed by the Board of County Cornrnissioners of the CounEy or said Board's appointed designee. 2. The esLimated cost of said rtrork and improvements is the sum of $25,000.00. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, the Subdivider agrees to provide security and collateral in the form of a condominium map restriction appearing on the face of the condominium map which states thaE no condominium units within said Condominium Project sha1l be sold and/or conveyed until all public and private improvements referred to herein are approved and accepted by the Board of County Corrunissioners. -2- 3. The Subdivider may at any time substitute Lhe collateral originally deposited with the County herein, for another form of collateral acceptable to the County to guarantee the faithful compleLion of Ehose public and private improvemenEs referred to herein and Ehe performance of the Eerms of uhis Agreement. or employee4. County sha1l not, nor shall any officer thereof; be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring Eo the works specified in this Agreement prior to tl"re completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the County, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any Persons or proPerty injured by reason of the naLure of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Subdivider. The Subdivider hereby.agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the County, and any of irs officers, agents, and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to whicl-r the County or any such of its officers, agents, or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respecE Lhereof) thaL arise out of or are based upon any performance by Lhe Subdivider l-rereunder; and the Subdivider shall reimburse County for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by County in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Subdivider may have. 5. It. is muEually agreed, pursuant Eo Ehe provisions of Section 30-28-f37(3), Colorado Revised Statutes L973, as amended, Lhat the CounEy or any purchaser of any condominium unit subject to a condominium map restriction which is the security porEion of a subdivision irnprovements agreement sl-ra11 have the authority to bring an action in any district court to compel the enforcement of any subdivision improve- ments agreement on the sale, conveyance or transfer of any -3- such condominium unit or of any other provision of this arEicle. Such authority shall include the right Eo compel rescission of any sale, conveyance or Lransfer of any condo- minium unit contrary to the provisions of any such restrictions seE forth in the condominium map or in any separate recorded instrument, but any such action sha1l be commenced prior to the issuance of a building permit by the County where so required. 6. It is further mutually agreed that pursuant to the provisions of Section 30-28-L37 (2), Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, as amended, that as improvements are completed, the Subdivider may apply to the Board of County Conunissioners for a release of part or all of the collateral deposited with said board. Upon inspection and approval, the board shall release said co1lateral. If the board deLermines that any of such improvemenLs are not consLrucled in subsLantial compliance with specifications, it shall furnish the Sub- divider a list of specific deficiencies and shall be entitled to withhold collateral sufficient to ensure such substantial compliance. If the Board of County Commissioners determines thac the Subdivider will not construcc any or all of the improvements in accordance with all of the specifications, Ehe Board of County Commissioners may withdraw and employ from the deposit of collateral such funds as may be necessary Lo consLruct the improvements in accordance with the specifications. l. The Subdivider tttttrra" all work and material for a period of one year after acceptance of all work referred to in this AgreemenE by the CounLy. Further, County shall h.ave a right to require security or collateral be provided by Subdivider to remain, as determined by the County, suffi- cient to cover any and all claims under this warranty. 8. The County agrees to approval of the final condo- minium map of Sierra Condomi-niums, subj ect Lo the terms and conditions of this Agreement. -4- o 9. Parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from Eime to time, provided that such amend- ments be ln writing and signed by all parties hereto. 10. This Agreement shall be enforceable againsE Ehe Subdivider provided, however, chat in Ehe evenL the Subdivider sells or transfers all or part of the Condominium Project, as shown in the final condominium map (prior to extensive sales of individual condominium units), the obligations of the Subdivider under this Agreement as to that portion of the Condominium ProjecL may be assumed by the purchaser of the parcel, and Subdivider shall have no further obligations hereunder. It is agreed, however, that no such assumpEion of Ehese obligations shall be effective unless the Board of County Commissioners gives its prior approval to such assumption, following an investigation of the financial condition of the purchaser. ATTEST: Clerk of the Board of Countv Commissioners ATTEST: STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE corDoraE].0n. trfitness my hand and official OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLOMDO through its \ ) ss. ) SUBDIVIDER: HIGH SIERM DEVELOPERS, II{C., A Colorado corporation BY: The foregoing Subdivisio4-finprovements Agreement was acknowledged before me this Z6u day of May, 1980, by lJilliam T. l,Iezwick, as President, and L]-oyd A. Johnson, as Secretary of High Sierra Developers, Inc. , a Colorado COUNTY By and BOA ecreEary seal. My conrnission expires : -5- EXHIBIT A PUBLIC AND PRIVATE IMPROVEI,IENTS FOR ROAD, PARKING SPACES, RETAINING I'IALLS AND RELATED RE-VEGETATION Said improvemenLs shall include excavaLion, embankments, grading, construction and installation of retaining walls and restoration and re-vegetation of terrain disturbed by said improvements. A11 of che above as more specifically set forth on the final condominium map for Sierra Condominiums, and those public and private improvement maPs, plans, and specifications for said Condominium Proj ect as fiLed in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder, and/or County Engineer and/or the DepartmenE of Planning and Development, respectively, of Ehe County of Eagle, StaEe of Colorado, all of said docr:srents incorDorated herein bv this reference. ae $N Recorded at 4t45 P.M. October 28, 1980 Recorderlhnnette Phillips No Fee jaete county 8.*-p"{"F- ;,0825/ Book 311 Page 376 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 80- S.{ DELETION OF PLAT RESTRICTION - FINAL PLAT OF SIERRA CONDOMINIUMS WHEREAS, The Board of County Conrnissioners, County of Eag'le' Co]orado, hereinafter referred to as the "Board", at a regular meet'ing held on the 2t day or d" /o , tggO, approved the fjnal Plat of Sierra Condominiums located on Lot 23, Vail Village West' Filjng No. I' County of Eagle, Co'lorado; said final plat being recorded in Book 309 at Page 162 of the property records of the County of Eag'le, Colorado; and WHEREAS, as a condition of final p'lat approval, the developer of Sierra Condominiums, High Sierra Developers, Inc., entered into a Subdivision Improvements Agreement dated May 28, 1980, and recorded in Book 310 at Page 250 of the property records of the County of Eagle' Colorado; and WHEREAS, as a condition of final plat approval of Sieffa Condominiums, a p'lat restriction was p'laced on said final plat which stated: "No condominium units may be sold until the improvements the parking lot are com-plete to the satisfaction of the Eagle County Engineer."; and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the developer has satisfactorily completed the improvements on the parking lot and all improvements set forth in the Subdjvjsjon Improvements Agreement as required by the Board at the time of final p'l at approval; and WHEREAS, the developer has requested the Board to delete and/or lift the plat restriction referred to herein from the final plat of Sierra Condominiums. I\ NOll, THEREF0RE, be it resolved by the Board of County Conmissloners, County of Eag'le, Colorado: THAT, the plat restrictlon placed upon the fina'l p'lat of Sierra Condomlniums which states: "No condominiun units may be so'ld unti'l the improvements on the parking lot are complete to the satisfaction of the Eagle County Engineer." ls hereby deleted and lifted from said final plat and shal] have no further force or effect with respect to the sa'le of such condominiums. l'lOVED, SECONDED AND UNANIM0USLY AD0PTED at a regular meetlng of the Board of County Cornnissioners, County of Eagle, Colorado' held on the 14th day of 0ctober, 1980. ./ SIGNED this 7Y day of 0ctober, 1980. COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO By and Through its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: Dan l,li l'l iams - F. Grant - Chairman erk of the Cqnmissioners Commi ssi oner Keith Troxel- Commiss'ioner , EAGTE COUNTYEngineer Department P. O. Box 850 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.731r BOARO OF COUNTY coMMtSSloNERS Ext 241 AOMTNISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR Ext 202 gUILDING IN I NSPECTION Ext 226 ot 229 CLER K & RECORDER Ext 2l 7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Exl 242 ENG INEER Ext 236. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENS IO N AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANN ING Ext 226 or 229 PU R CH ASI NG/ PE R50 NN EL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHER IFF Eaqle Ext 2l 1 Ba'salt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERV ICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | ty'*n &*;a.-, l-,lu o"ffro-, rgao Board of County Cormrissioners Eagle County P. 0. Box 850 Eagle, CO 8163f Subjeet:Retaining Wall on Slerra Trail- constructed by High Sierra DeveJ.opers Gentlenen: I have inspected the subject waLl on two occaslons, once on October 6, 1980, and once on October 15, 1980. On the flrst inspectJ.on, the folLowing coffnents were mede and a copy of these connents were glven to the developer: 1) One (1) weep hole noted ln entLre length of wa11. (4 inch diameter holes at 5 feet on centera in two tlers were required to be constructed and shown on the approved drawing. Water stains observed lssulng from existlng hole. ) 2) Rebar exposed Ln face of wal-l- along with face of block of wood. 3) l,a rge ctack, approxlurateLy 1/8 lnch wlde at top of walI noted. Crack ls vertlcal and about midway in wall J-ength. Crack wldch is greater on exposed face than on backfill face. (Water stains were observed to issue from the crack about 2 feet from the top of the wall. ) 4) North end of wall needs work to obtain continuity between concrete wal-l and adjacent slopes. The following are the minimum required correctlons for the above-mentioned observations. The correctlons were also given to developer. After the listed correction, in parentheses, is the reason behind each correction. 1) A11 weep holes must be constructed in wa11. (When water is alloved to accumulate behind a structure' the load is greatly increased, sometimes beyond the design capacity of the r'ra1l. The accumuLatlon of water must be prevented. This is the reason a well- draining materlal is specifled to be installed inmediately behind the wal1 and the reason for the holes. The size of the veep holes must be large enough to keep the well-draining naterial from boaro or LounEy ft "ttorr".tOctober 16, 1980 Page 2 2) plugging the holes. That is why a 4-lnch dlameter hole was specified. Accumulation of water may also affect the overall stability of the entire area as pointed out in the soils report by Lincoln-DeVore. I belleve the accumulation of unrel-ieved fluid pressure contributed to the development of the fracture observed in item 3 below. Exposed rebar must be protected from exPosure to weather 'preferably with epoxy fil1er material. (A1-lowing \tater to enter confined spaces or come in contact with reinforcing steel and air can be detrimental in ttro erays. Flrst, if water enters crevices and/or discontlnuitles ' it rnay remain and be subJect to freezing and thaw-ing cycles which can cause rapid deleriora- tion of the concrete. Second, free water greatly increases the corrosion rate of relnforcing steel and a rust bulldup aror.rnd rebar will cause the concrete to spa1l away from the stee1. This concrete removal ' if at a polnt or area in a structure where the concrete was desi-gned to be load-carrying can cause trouble. Allowing any rebar to become exposed is symptomatic of poor construction as is honeycombing of the concrete; but when such conditions exist, the best thlng that can be done is attempt to keep water out. ) Large observed crack must be fi11ed or covered with a water- i-mpermeable material on al-l surfaces. (The large crack observed was, I believe, the resul-t of overloading of the wal-l- during or irmnediately after backft11 operations. Discussion with I,es Douglas revealed that rrfloodingrt may have been used to obtain consoli.dation of the backfll1 material. Since at the time there was no way for excess \^tater to move away from the structure quickly as there were no weep holes in the wa1l, this caused a buildup of pressure that caused the wa1l to crack about rnidway in its length. Once the crack was formed, the fluid pressure was relieved by leakage of water from the crack. This is evidenced by the waEer stalns on the wall ln the vJ.cini-ty of the crack. The wldth of the crack on the exposed face of the wal1 probably indicates yielding of the horlzontal- rebar adjacent to that face. This crack w'i11 probably act as a hinge in the wa1l, which might not necessarily have a bad effect on the stabillty of the rest of the wall. ) Gap at north end of wa11 must be fi1led with cribbj-ng similar in construction to timber crlbbing shown on drawing subrnitted rrith road cut applicati-on. (Erosion of steep slope caused by any water movement from behind wall must be prevenEed r,ri th sorne type of structure. ) A one (1) year bond guaranEeeing structural soundness of wall. Bond equal to amounE of $26'000. (The wall has experienced a local failure immediately upon completlon of constructlon. The wall was not constructed in accordance with approved drawings and surface flaws suggest poor construccion. Review of 3) 4) 5) B:::i.:'r::T#"""sioners Page 3 the soils report polnts out the marginal overaLl stablltty of .- the area, even wlth a well-constructed retainlng system. AlL these ltems seem to point out that lt mlght be prudent to require sorne addltional assurance from a developer that what he hae bu11t wilL stand up at least a year, Sprlngtirne wiLL be critlcal. ) Re-inspection on October 15 revealed the status of developerr s efforts at correctlng defects: f,) Weep hoLes drilled tn, 2-lnch dlameter' rnay plug up with naterial' not 4-1nch as per drawlngs. 2) Exposed rebar covered with relatlvely hard rnaterial. 3) Large crack nldway ln walL fil-led rri th hard rnaterlal-. Crack Just about footer stlll not flll-ed. Hard material used for filler has halrl-ine cracks which appear to be directly over crack ln concrete. Could be shrlnkage of flll-er material or that concrete crack ls opening more rri th tipe. 4) Wood railroad ties in-place as cribblng. I would suggest that l-f the Board sees fit not to requlre this structure to be bonded, at Least dont t accept the qral1 as a public lmprovenent for a year. If failure of the wal1 does occur and it has been accepted by Eagle County, then l-labllity for darnages caused by such a failure rnay be the Countyts. Yours trul-y , 7U/6de.2ffill It \.on E. Atwell- Eagle County Engineer MEA/ncm xc: Tom Boni, Asslstant Planning Dj-rector, Eagle County Beth Whittier, Eagle County Attorney Les Douglas, Eagle County Building Inspector WiLliam J. Post, Esq., Attorney Iligh Sierra Developers EAGTE COUNIY Department of Corrnunity. Developlent - P.0. Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.7311 BOARD OF COUNTY coMMrssloNERs Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR Ext 202 BUILDING IN I NSPECTION Ext 226 oi 229 CLERK & RECO R DE R Exl217 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENS IO N AGENT Exl247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG Ext 226 or 229 PU RCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAO & BRIOGE Ext 257 SHER IFF Eagle Ext 211 Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 827.575 | soctAL sERv tcEs 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | 0ctober 16, 1980 Sierra Condominiums High Sierra Developers, Inc. Box 1872 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Sierra Condoniniums At their reqular meeting of 0ctober 15, 1980, the Board of County Corrnissioners instructed the County Attorney to draw up a resolutionfor sierra condominiums that removed the plat restrictions and released a $26'000 letter of credit and replaced said letter of credit with a $2'600 retajner for one year. Resolution to be presented to the Boardof County Comnissioners on 0ctober 20, 1980. If you have any,questions, p'lease contact this office. Sincerely ,'-'1 4:--,4//,.*-.*'2 J'im Wi'l l iams Zoning Inspector Jtf/i p cc: Board of County Cormissioners EAGI.E COUNTY O EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-731 I BOARD OF COUNTY coMMtsstoNERs Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R Ext 202 BUILDING IN INSPECT IO N Exl 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Exl 2l7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENG INEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AG ENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG Ext 226 o( 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BR IOGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Baszlt 927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | CERTIFIED MAIL P23 0253218 October 15, 1980 Mr. James C. Harvey Assistant Cashier First Bank of Vail 17 Vail Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Release of Letter of Credit No. 1144 - County of Eagl e Dear Mr, Harvey: 0n October 14, 1980, the Board of County Cormissjoners' County of Eagle, Co] orado, at its regular meeting' moved to release a certain Letter of Credit No. 1144 dated August 27, 1,980, in the amount of twenty-six thousand dol'lars ($ 26,000.00) for the account of High Sierra Developers, Inc., P.0. Box 1872, Vail, Colorado, 81657. I have enclosed said Letter of Credit and wou'ld appreciate the First Bank of Vail taking all necessary steps to finalize the release of said Letter of Credit' Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. If you have any questions, please contact this office at 328-7311 onp.O. Box 850, Eag1e, Colorado, 81631. Sincerely, r6l-rt-, A LuL,\-ft\JLr Beth A. tdhi tti er County Attorney 8Al'l/da Encl osure cc: Chairman, Board of County Conrnissioners Mel Atwell, County Engineer l.-{qn Boni, Acting Planning Director l,l'i'lliam J. Post, Esq. EAGTE COUNTY EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-731 | BOARO OF COUNTY coMMtssloNERs Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER t49-4292 ASSESSO R Ext 2OZ BUILDING IN INSPECTI ON Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 2l 7 COUilTY ATTORNEY Exl242 ENG I N EER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENS IO N AGENT Exl 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476.5844 PLANNING Ext 226 o( 229 PU RC HASI NG / PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BR IDG E Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Baszll927-3244 cilman 827-575 | socrAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | r -t Se ptember 2, .|980 Board of County Comnissioners P. 0. Box 850 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Subject: Sierra Condominiums Gentl emen: I have reviewed and recommend approval of the pub'lic improvements proposed by the deve'lopers of Sierra Condominiums for Sierra Trail in tlest Vail. These improvements consist of the construction of a retaining structure adjacent to the roadway and the construction of a parking area 'located off the pub'lic right-of-way. A letter of credit in the amount of $26,000 has been secured from the developer as col]atera] to make sure the public improvements are completed and a road cut permit has been issued and secured by this same letter of credit. The County Attorney has drawn up a subdivision improvement agreement whjch is ready for your signature and is holding the letter of credit for public improvements. Yours tru1y, 7WtDt0fr,'/1 Melton E. Atwell Eagle County Engineer MEA/ncm xc: Beth l,lhi tti errI EAGTE COUNTYCornunitg Deve Toprrent P. O. bx L79 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.731 I BOARO OF COUNTY coMMtsstoNERs Ext 241 AOMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949.4292 ASSESSOR Ext 2Oz BUILDING IN INSPECTIONErt 226 or 229 CLERK & R ECO RDE R Ext 2l 7 COU}ITY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENG I NEER Ext 235 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Exl 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaglr Ext 252 Vril 476-5844 PLANNING Exl 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eaole Ext 2l I Be:sell927-3244 Gilman 827-575l SOCIAL SERVICES 328.6328 T REASU R ER Ext 20 | 30 Mag 7980 Sierra Condomi niums High Sierra DeveTopets. Inc . Box 7872 Vail, CoTorado 87657 Re: FiJ.e No. Sn-176-80 ,9ierra Condominiums At thejr Mag 28th neeting, the Board of Countg Commlssioners approved gour minor subdivision request with the condition that regtading and tetainage plans (inciuding soiLs report) be apptoved bg the Countg Engineer. your piat uti77 not be signed unti-l thjs condjtion has been fuTfi7Led. If you have ang q'uestions, pJ-ease contact this office. -/*-d4; Thonas Boni Ass't Director of PTanning rB/kp cc.' Board of Countg ConaLissionels EAGTE COUNTY Cor,rnuni ty Devel opment P.0. Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.73 r I BOARO OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Exl 241 AN IMAL SHELTER 949-4?92 ASSESSO R Ext 202 BUILDING IN I N SPECT IO N Ext 2?6 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 2l 7 COUNTY ATTO R N EY Ext ?42 Et\(rIt\EEF( Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AG ENT Ext 247 LI3RARY E,(t 255 PU BLIC H EALTH Ea 3le Ext 252 Vait 476-5844 PLANNING Ext 2?6 ot 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAO & BRIDGE Zxt 257 SHERIFF Ea3le Ext 2l I Basalt 9 27-3244 Gilman 827-5 75 | 50crAL SERV tCES 328.6328 TREASURER Ert 20 | 22 May 1980 Sierra Condominiums H'igh S'ierra Devei opers, Inc. Box 1872 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: File No. Sm-176-80 Sierra Condominiums At their meeting of 21 llay 1980, the Planning Commission recommed approval of your minor subd'ivision request(4 units) and one building site rvith the condition that no conveyance of the property be allowed prior to constructjon of parking, retainage and landscapjng. Th'i s recor.rnendation vrill be forwarded to the Board of County Conrnissioners on 28 May 1980. If you have any questions, please contact this office. t)'Jh t', t t 7- ^i .: '/ "a-<, .! w,7.-!'.- Thomas Boni Asst. Director of Planning TBladjcc: Board of County Commissioners irrttll;tai rFra- oo,'; @ ro .(, \o ll,, .a': {J.) .> .ord ov7 - c!.d o<AqtL(u(, =EP-ou '(F G'.^o9 Fg)\o l, aorovtLCq-o! -oo16o lg(.,F 3'O c ' .F1t oo- c>E OJg.5t E. F.F (uo<l'l E.olj L o+l d'F 16(-, C,| -oo dJl o- !.F !. (,l CJF (U> 9l i'F*:;jI (jl eEtu6lE I C(J aO.-o !l .F Vt PF ol ErJ.F (U.t'(J >l r t-.C=!6l - OF.|J Cfl 3l F.$.. E=<l El Erl ... :l ocll Pl ol Erl (,l !lol ol ol r.-@l tl !l (F rl ol ol Gtol oJl |!l Pol dl @l (, 5lql<@c, I ..1(ul cr .pc o(uo'9 i/'c, l.(uP t ro = .'|.) o.E E.Fo E.d < Q,,-ciiJo=> oEoq,+r O- O-! > L rrJ O cl.- q (J< ,-cE|t,|, 0rc o ...) cr o 9Gl or!ou !3 r6P O-O.P G' cn t! q, oo cooo {,) |, C PF"go.!.F 5!o l-! o'F(JP!E E ('ro! E oo!|qc .U L.IJ LEFO) X (^.F OO trs.F,- l-.P r,ooul. 5"E .o o aJ o,.-(J E r, O- .q- c,(u+-rQ cr q rE:lF .(, o- u 'q o'FrE oF l-PlJE .FF G,.F IEo(o..c € o c!P(\rF>aO f Cdro;8.. E!l o '. :'l o at !lol ol ,+- =l vl q-qt (Jt |!ojl rtrl Pdl aol v7 co (., (IJ {JE ErE -E C.F td|, Fo:x o-ooo lF(l, E!>r'(, !-o q|63 o- O e 3 (uF - t -C .q,,,€'F,.ooPvcn>() ntS .F €,,.rJ r, q- c-cd .- (1, ! >F.pI r! E< .tr C! u(Do <c)c d-<.rr!, o EO, C 3.1, C.F O-: o o.!{., oP L.Oo (/t ! 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(uq-.p J oA A C.F.-t qJ (|)tFF.rJ 4 ttl-- (J.F g).a 0., '(, O.n E |!-OF |,.C.F Js o r, oE o+,-O- = Ut-c.d f 'l,-Y 3 00(l)(uo I P =-c-t.6 = ..J-o o (, oJ.c o !.P <-YraQ(,O @ F.F,-F C,|, .p c,-"c<.F.1- - O,{J'O E C (,F - .Po o(l)=6rrr! >rOU (D Cr{- xv-rF dJoOJ T/) IF E F>. c5 O-- C+t(\l O E 5.- O {' ri.-.F ! E'F (D .tJ C .o r/t BJJ ro.F .6 q- !- -c = =E o, +r o.rrt (D > L-O.Fq, rgFcott'(, +) E (J >r c'rcO.F (|J.o Co r, !- -c.lr ('l (u+JJJ - ro +, o !-.|-, r{- c rt ?rt|, 'c, o.! o.o o-(|) <.tJ PJ .O "O(uqJ o <oor! P! P C !-.rr(n!3.!ocJ(l) d (u o 0ro >(J > q-o E .B 6ee- E.F qrJ ()F.rJa\ ! .oo {Jt 6lv,l Llol ot3t Jlcrl ojot ,!ldl col .!- 0,.E C' +) 16 +) ?6oul =o+ro(,o'E OJ.60 =cq- oOot r! (u.PF.. -< Gtor Pl- .F Bo- -c(u!- Pvr l!0,O c -o(,Eo cr, iroo c.rcr o t-'FF !9-! J5.nc, Lo a)l- .g-<!r (Jqt, (I).F5 Cr>(t op.!!(u 'lJ O (J €)!- O, Ftha ut lq ,' g)c L.F JOC.!C'(J.FFlJc x ()l 16o F.! !- >j- P O r.F O- (F .! EO -tr g E lt, (FO !- 3 C OF < q- .F C (F.Fc o.rrooP..F .}.J (.).F .O.1., tr o.al c E (J o - t^ th t-O L.? 'ErO v, !- O.F.F t- Fc q, (u o{rq-P oo (J*J Lc.^ ctF g C= O O'F+, <EHZ O-(J O 5pdE^^^^o-< H <\J 'Y' (', OrI N q, ! ooq, tc) lJ .€,F qrtc q- qt o(J-o =orrt| (1, ?i C li- u o.oo €,, ro - l!.Fo (J ct _E (u. PE,- .h th E C.F = (J F L (J Cdo- rD cr.- > E o- o,... l! Q o-.- Oltr P.Fl E O F'F ol.F .c:tpl o, q, oJl_!-.qr El* - jir til =t dl.PI AI dIclt Lt ,. I Jl vl r+- j c'l rJl rr, Iot llt .Pldl ol (al o oro >E = I o= !r (u@ E.o (ul a7 0- d <co<6(J ,EisiigtPq:'8o.o'!s-5t i:te g i f ; i€ .Eebg! 5iifri3oi"s*tEl rE r, g;,lif;:iE*F !":iElsgi:;iAE jE t.il geli"'::q'6 6oq!1 rp''iBFbst;; he EH: r":€tE;i;Cii alP;:oB5q:;;.;i- tz€ !8. ".sojdFi.e 3.9 :gli:;ilH{:es *i i;r *l;;;Ei[;$j ii;EEiii 5*'"3 b i;€li=s t$ ;;* :c;ilH[5il! 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'Rrr-roLoLt !|Xoln0E i' 81a111l€1i11E111l1ii1i1ii Ei?iiil{llliillillllill,il a Eliil-lEli lliiilliiiilliiEI-iE ii* * lutr* iin ag* [i'i €Iii ; E i ; iB-or;.o99rt-,i.:t€l{3 ii+n:r:i+itE.sgsnlii E; *l,E.8;g.l 3 -!!o,oGotc. xqi i i. ;::6.1i E F' o! g-'i +E aEIf|'-;3HE ; F i ;:E E u B'r B,'d-B"e.s€$: il 6' o., o >' ^!i 35;;!i!'5 ;Ftt$tF?" oi-,i",-BE!:;:EFEo rJOSlrUcE .,n E x H i*E€ q -*i* frii F 1a Ei.a3.A!d3iTt;Igg i; f,;riu;ix If i r+ iil;il; i*;!6 F: H;; n i: v;H H.3 f,* s Hf ['€I", 3i'6t *f,Ei;;;H;;: I E !f ?{; I * * r5;;lE t:; i? i s'*s? s r s#: $d g:; i; gIt:;i;i; g; s:;it ii:;E>* .a ;egiIci;i,l;AB:HH;l*giE.cFg?'; Ii:i E ?t $$I .!; i e! r"i rr, r ss'i€.r s'it * B c.E I : E 4 : * i 3- s e i: S t t : ; r' 'r'' ." - ) - cj ''r !* o,,,.F.cs El ;i" fI Ht,iE, E g.[t F i l€ il $i E E 6:.i.rs€ B: os :' l:Ssjt: BiE gi tlq;; "i $3 F:! t;€:? f s *i; EE Fr e n i i b: s ! €: u i t::: sr! dod i'!oes5;F*;g;lgAr?'iFEiFlis"Eieli;; c!;$,i,ig .r ; 3;;;lH:;e3#EIr.,l Hr;;,tlt ai! ;.Ht:!H!f 8.r, " 6,r,r,ii;:-:i! s; E H H.H H:ti: .E Br F*3 1$:! g,q:t :-..1.E; Air- t ;f i;*T u;t s: 6;* 3*t "roE 3F ooEtI;; HEI'I ti: * l; q;f q,i s iq i-.tE:i 3 E g sr EE ;ii B-irg;ieiai ;a$ +;E :" *:i;r',1 a (! ! F oj c .l !iis.i: iEEtHgFf g ut r"as+ie€;:Eg#t€E;i d EI Ei il;'Eg&i[.HtF E.lelasooE iB!IE:;Egae;E'iit €::;:::; f.:ji3'i,eE€j:#H[;E.? i;Er:! I iE!i13 boouE(! rlrrO .r{ .,{ l: OJr{! oql JJlt,Cn6..{3rt|.Et al o.rltrost o-tr(rno rqul >\to )oO>l xdE h0(l) 9(l)U) .i!F olr UE l,|(l0 iiiii ii11ll1 llliiliil lll il,1?li1ii1 l111ii i1 I I i; 11i r 1gii i! li i 1i iili i rt g- Parcies hereto mutually agree that this AgreeEent uay be amended frorn time to time, Provided that such amend- ments be in writing and signed by al1 Parties hereto' lO. This Agreement shall be enforceable against the Subdivider provided, however, Ehat in the event the subdivlder sells or transfers all or part of Ehe Condorninium ProjecE' as shovm in the final condorniniunt rnap (prior to extensive sales of individual condomlniwl units) , rhe obligations of the Subdivider under this ABreement as to thaE pottion of the condominium ProjecE may be assumed by rhe purchaser of tlre parcel, an<l Subdividcr shall have no furcher obligacions hercunrlcr. tE ls agreed, horevcr, cltac no such assumption of Ehcse obli.gaclons shaII be eflccr!vc tlnlcss cllc Iloard of County comnlssi,oners gives lrs prior apProvlI to 9uclr asstrx"p!lon' followlng an invesEi.gaclon of rire flnlrncLnL condlcion of tlre purchaser. COUNTY By and OF EAGLD, STATE OT' COLOMDO rirrough iEsATTEST: elerk of the Board of Councy com,'nis s ioner s ATTEST: STATE OF COLORADO )) ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) SUBDIVIDER: HICI1 SIERRA DEVELOPERS, II.IC., A TlIe foresoine Subdivisioq -Iirprovemenfs AgreemenE nas acknowledged Sefoie me tl\i's Aul day oF I'lay, 1980. by William T. t,lezwick, as Presidenc' and Ll.oyd A. Johnson, aa Secretary of High Sierra Developers, Inc., a colorado corDoralion, wiLne6s my hand and official sea1. Colorado corporaEion ,. r".,, ' '1 -'" "''BY: #ig"#+r-esrqenE :/ I Ll/ lly com:ii s s ion expires: EXHIBIT A PUBLIC AND PRIVATE II@ ROVEI{ENTS. - - - - FOR Rd;D, PARKING SPACES, RETAINING TALLS Atlo n-e rarso RE-vEGETATToN said inProvernenEs shall include excavacion' embankments ' grading, construcEion and installation of retaining walls and lestoration and re-vegetaEion of terrain discurbed by said improvements. AL1 of the above as rnore specifically seE fortll on the final condomlnium map for Sierra Condominir'tms ' and Ehose public and PrivaLe imProvemenE maps' plans' and specificaEions for: said Condominium Project as filed in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder' and/or CounEy Engineer and/or the DepartmenE of Planning and DeveloPment ' respectively, of the County of Eagle' StaEe of Colorado' all of said documents lncorporaled herei'n by rhis feference' f cJir Colorado State Forest Service P.O. Box 520 Steamboat Springs, Colorado 80477 Steamboat Springs District May 7, 1980 Mr. Terrill Knight, Director Eagle County Departnent of Planning and Development Box 179 Eagle, C0 81631 Re: File No. Su-100-80-P4 Beaver Creek #4 Preliminary Plan Dear Mr. Knight: The port'ion of this developrnent that lies in section 11 south of U.S. highway 6 is in an area classified as severe hazard brush. I would like to see the developers do some vegetation management work in this area to reduce the hazard. Our organization wou'ld be glad to assist them. Sincerely, District Forester sih RECEIVED MAY 14 1980 oept. oi Planning & D.vet. &gle, County, Coto. O 1? UncolnDeVore 1000 west Fillmore St. Colorado Springs, colorado 80907 (303) 632-3593 Home Office High Sierra Development P. O. Box 1872Vail, CO 81657 Attn: BiII Wezwic Re: Retaining WaIlSierra TraiI ApriI 14, 1980 Gentlemen: Lincoln-Devore personnel have examined the nature and consistency of the soils in the vicinity of the above referenced construction. The foundation soils were found to consist of a deposit of fine grained silts and silty sands of low to noderate dens i ty. To aid in designing the retaining waIl for this location' the above values have been calculated. The slope to the rear of the wa1l varies fron about 3.2:t to 3.5:1 (horizontal to vertical). At this slope angle, the native sands on the site would possess an equivaleht fluid pressure of about 51 pcf in the active state. In the passive condition, these sarne soil-s would Possess an equivalent fluid pressure on the order of 176 pcf. ttlaxinum toe pressures nust be lirnited to about 2300 psf. Assuning mass concrete placed on the fine grained -3ariilsi a friction angle of about 17' would result. we would recomnend that a draln be construcced behind the wall to intercept subsurface seepage' being discharged through a series of weep holes. Drainage at the top of the waII nust be such that water is intercepted and removed quickly from the area. We hope this has provided you with the inforrnation you require. Should you have any questions or desire additional infornation, please feel free to contact Lincoln-Devore at any tlne. rNc. MFE,/labcc: Johnson & Kunkel LD-Glenwood Springs 602 EaBt &h Street P.O. Box 1427 Pueblo, Colo 81001 Glenwood Springs, Colo 81601 (303) 54S1150 (303) 945-6020 109 Rosernont Plaza Montrco, Colo 81401 (3O3) 249-7838 P.O. 8ox 1@ Grsnd Junctbn, Coft 8t5ot (3Og) 2.12.89€8 P.O. Box l A4il Fock SprimB, Wyo E2gol (307) 382-2849 !|*'9.{ Respectf ully submitted, LINCOLN-DeVORE T.ESTING By:- Martin F. E igmann, P. E. EAGTE COUNTY CommunitY DeveloPment e[Cr:el8bJ6flooo ttu.t TELEPHONE 303/328-73t I BOARD OF COUNTY coMMrssroNERs Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 AS5ES50 R Ext 202 BUILDING IN INSPECTION Ext 2?6 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 21 7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENTe*247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 475-5844 PLAN N I NG Exl 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERI FF Eagle Ext 2l I azsalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328.6328 TREAsU RER Ext 201 o March 20, 'l 980 Sierra Condominiums Hjgh Sierra Developers, Inc. Box 1872 Vailo Co]orado 8.|657 Re: File No. Sm-l76-80 Sierra Condominiums At their meeting of March .l9, .|980, the Planning Commission tabled your minor subdivision request to May 2l to allow the app'licant to submit: I . Soi 1s report2. Grading plan3. Landscap'ing pl an If you have any questions, Respectful 1y yours, 2**"*-'/ ,6-'.-"-''' Thomas Boni Assistant Director of Planning TB/J h please contact this office. nmteroffnee mnemn@remdumn IO: Kathy Peterson Subiect: Final Plat Checks From; l6f).Beth A. Riggert "r.. File No.:Oate: 3/14/80 As per your request of March 4, 1980, enclosed are my corrnents Final P'lats which are to be reviewed by the Planning Corrnission The language of allthe certificates are in order on all of the to the following on l'larch l9, .|980, following Final Pl ats : Siema Condominiums: File No. SM-I76-80 B. Thomas McElroy Duplex: File No. SM-I72-80 Final PIat - A Resubdivision of Lot 19, Whiskey Hjll: File No SM-'173-80 Resubdivision of Lot 2, Block 7, Eagle-Vail Subdivision: Fi1e No. SM-l74-80 Eagle Hi'l1s Subdivision: Fi'le No. SU-120-80-F EAGTE COU${TY Department of Buildinq anv 17O e?G r-'d.to r-o RADo 8 1 63 1 TELEPHONE 303/328.73 | | BOARD OF COUNTY coMM tSStoNERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 24 | AN IIVIAL 5HELTER 949.4292 & Pl ann Ken Long Johnson and Kunkel Eagle, Colorado 81631 Si ncerel y , 12 March 1980 ASSESSO R Ext 202 BUILOING IN I NSPECTI O N Ext 226 or 229 CLER K & RECORDER Exl 217 CO U NTY ATTO R N EY Exl 242 ENGINEER Ext 235 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTEN5ION AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PU BLIC HEALTH Eag le Ext 252 Va il 476-5844 PLANN ING Ext 226 or 229 PU RCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIOGE Ext 257 SH ER IFF Eag le Ext 2'l I Basall 927 -3244 Gilman 82 7-5 7 5l 50c tAL 5ERVIC ES 328.6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | Re: Fi le No. Sm-176-80 Enclosed please find a copy of the Eagle County Surveyor's 0ffice review of your final pl at. It is the applicants' respons'ibility to be certain the items listed are chanqed at least 10 days prior to the County Commissioner's meeting. You or your agent may come to this office and make the necessary changes. If you have any questions, Dlease call me. E_--__ Thomas Boni Asst. Director of Planning TB/SS I RK I EBULAND SURVEYIN JAM ES BURK PHONE (303) 324-9414 BOX t4 GYPSUM. COLORADO 8t637 Ivlarch 12 , 1980 Mr. Terrill Kni.ght Eag1e County Planning DepartmentEagle, Colorado 81531 Re: Sm-l76-80 Dear Terrill, (Sierra Condominiums) We have checked the PIat of Sm-176-80found it to be complete and accu!:ate withing exceptions: trtr. and havethe follow- PAGE 1 i-. Distances should be given to hundredths.2. The condominium site does not close"3, If the condominium shorrld close, then someof the buildinq ties are incorrect. PAGE 2 Distances should be given to h.r:ndredths. The distance of 24.2 on the first floor Unit-C should be 24.7. Unit-C third fl-oor and unit--D third floor- the 29.8 and 29.4 distances are inconsistent.First floor Unit-B and Unit-C, the 15.5 and 16.6 distances are inconsistent. Unit-C stairwell partitions shoul-d have the dimensions given. Unit-D stairwell partitions should have the dimensions given. Unit-B first floor, the deck should be located with respect to the buildinq.8. The location of first floor Unit-C is anbig- uous. 9 ! Many of the wall thickness dimensions are not given. GENERAL 1.The completion date is not given. If you have any guestions, please contact Jim Burk at s24-94L4. I 2 W'b"^/ | RECEIVED MAR 7 1e80 Dept. ot Planning & Devel. Eagle, County, Colo. c0t0it00 DtPtRTil:xT oF HEltTtl 12'O EAST IIfH AVENUE . DENVER,COLORADO 80220, PHONE 320-8333 Frank Traylor, M.D., Executive Director DATE: March 6, 1980 SUBJECT: NON-STATE ASSISTANCE NEVIEW ATiID COMMENTS TO: Terrill- Knight Eagle County PlanningP.O. Box 179Eagle, CO 81631 PROJECT TITIJE; Sierra Condominiums, Vail ViJ-lage West FiU-ng #1 #Sm- I76- 80 STATE IDENTIFIER: N/A COMMENTS: (Due March l-9, 1980) There are no comments from the Water Qual-ity Control Division or Radiation & Hazardous WastesControl Division; however, Air poll-ution Control comments are forthcoming. strator SOC-3, Jan 79 RECEIVED MAR r iggr., Dept. ot Plat,,r,i,.,! ! tjeyel bgle, County, Coto.upPER. E,AQn-tr, \ALI-EY SANn"lr.,\lfnON DnsTR.nCT" 0145 Avon Road P.O. Box Y Avon, Colorado 81.620 (303) 949-s274 March 4, l9B0 Mr. Terrill Knight Director Eagle Corrnty Department of Planning and DevelopmentP. O. Box 850 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Re: File No. Stt-I76-80 Sierra Condominiums Dear Terrill: The Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District has no objection to the subdivision of Lots 23 and 24, Vail village West Filing No. 1. The District, however, has received tap fees and sewer service charges for only three units as opposedto the four units presently on the property. No sewer service will continue to be provided to the property unless this fourth tap fee and past service charge Sin ame s P.Collins I{anagerDistrict JPC/dh cc: Willian Cacek, CPA John V. Amato, Esq.Al Flewellinq High Sierra Developers, Inc., P. O. Box I872r Vailr CO Box 386 Eagle, Colorado 81631 MAR 7 1980 '' "'i:,1:,'ilfl i,: :"i":'" llarch 4, 1980 T€t?i'I] Knight, Eagle Comty Hlanner % Eagle Cannty Hlannir:g Dept. Bor 179 Eag1e, Colorado 8l-631 Terrll!: Tbe Slerra Condoinfu[s nlnor gubdlrision requeet was sutolttedto tbe Rogl 6 Q6aply Soi.L Consenrailon District for revler'r and conoentct. We have no comentg conceradng this reqrest. Sincerely, t ^9'--f_4//I-)ZAL-a- Btrd Gates, Preeldent I LLAGE I TIONvAtL vl WEST WATER & SANITA c/o James P. Collins 445 Union Blvd., Suite 123 Denver, Colorado 80228 (303) 986-1s51 DISTRICT March 4, 1980 Mr. Terrill Knight.Director EagJ.e Coturty Department of Planning and DevelopmentP. O. Box 850Eagle, Colorado 81631 Re: File No. SM-I76-80Sierra Condominiums Dear Terrill: The Vail Vi11a9e West Water & Sanitation District Board of Directors has no objection to the subdivision ofLots 23 and 24, Vail Village West Filing No. l. The Dis-trict, however, is presently providing service to only threeof the four units existing on the property. One additionalwater tap fee and past water service charges must be paid bythis devel-opment or it wiII not have any lrater service. As concerns the possible additional unit aften sub-division, the District will not provide vrater service to ituntil the new storage tank is constructed within the District, expected to be this fal-l. If you to cont,act, me. have any further questions,feel free s P. CollinsDistrict Manager JPCldh cc: William Cacek, CPA Byron D. Brown Frank D. Barrett High Sierra Developers please RICHARD D. LAMM GovERNoi JOHN W. ROLD Directoi RECEIVED II4AR 5 i980 "orlr",J,1',1,g;;*o. COTORADO GEOLOGICAT SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 716 STATE CENTENNIAL BUILDING - 1313 SHERMAN STREET DENVER, COLOFADO 80203 PHONE (3(x}' 839-2811 March 3, 1980 Mr. Temi'll Knight Department of Planning & Development Box 179 Eagle, C0 81631 Dear t'|r. Knight:RE: SM-]76-80 l'fe have reviewed the data submitted regard'ing this application and have no objection to approval on the condition of soi'ls investigations for the retajning walls as specified by l'lr. Ken Long of Johnson, ltunkel & Associates. Yours truly, Jeff64y V. Engi neeri ng Geol ogi st JLH/gp cc: Land Use Cormission GEOLOGY STORY OF THE PAST . . . KEY To THE FUTURE o RICHARO D. LAMM Govornor J. A. DANIELSON Slate Engin€or DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Dopsrtmant ol Natural Fle6ourcaa 1313 Sherman Slreet - Room 818 Denver, Colorado 802ff! AdminBtratlon (303) 8ll$3581 Ground Water (*Xl) 8393587 March 3, 1980 .i;i.l jjl i;5 tytAll ,t.. u. u80",,i,iiw&* Mr. Terrlll Kntght, Dlrector Eagle County Dept. of Plannlng and Development P. O. Box 179 E€le, CO 81531 Re: Sierra Condomlnlums Ftle No. Sm-176-80 Dear Mr. Knlght: Thls ls to acknowledge reelpt of prellmlnary plan materlal for the aborre referened subdlvlslon. The Vatl Vlllage West Water Dlstrlct has been deslgnated as the source of water; however, no letter of commltment for servle has been submltted. lnformatlon avallable ln our flles lndl- cates that the Dlstrlct may have sufflclent water available to serve thls development. We would recommend approval of the Slerra Condomlnlums contlngent upon the developer obtalnlng a wrltten commltment for servlce from the Dlstrlct. Very truly yours, HDS/GDV:mvf cq Lee Enewold, Dlv. Eng. Land Use Comm, Water Management Branch (Dta= f-o-,-o GE tE o ! o6 o60,,o o!q- o l|).-o .(, > C!< L (I) qrF o 6 E! cl, o +x|l'(\J,! oo{JL lJp 6 O0) O ='6'srJ 5(Ura . 0) . lU+ O-.J A-6 s'O q' -o >rl.J d 'ctE oA . E ;.9.:_> aD a\t POOU .F'P-C Oo,-l- rEO F-.,39'-5u-6lu 4t- toFo o l- o.Er (J l- 3.rrFlr,'P C OJ .P (,rt ox s E o o cN LarooEL I Fo eF (J.r O o ol ee. o- Eu El o oE..rl :tr.F o'o fl =eF.-.-l |! cl o, 41t-cl ar=6 'Fl oJ5(u0,-l 333lrt El :gE: T'l >!(JOI(|, lrl >!t> -l + /!.-lE cl F ()o dl E!t #lo ol !4uL| -o.Fr dla,, ol !.- o cr cl r-c +rElL I f E dl : old !l O€rl o El ll ool F'.^Et- Orl F'., F.ol Eto oF Ft llx F -l cloJ olin q|l ,clo.FI '.5tL.r,= | ..t5F -rl ,|Jloluc(l rl .rlolo ol oloi .Fl.J ol 0rl0{rN.Dl f l:16.i-lL 6l rlvlo <l oJl.ol . Plo. lr|l (rrl'!l oNl dl.ov(..r| F.l .. Eo t< F ll Il(il < .o o |zl <.o lldrl oldt \El ) o = ' L- - qq.. 3 3-E 5.: 53qE "" >-c t- = o .o dEIoo !lo) otoclE ()l.rJ F .rJ.. ll.F 0I 16 t.rrlol(, dl'cr u rl,ol LIF lo .F Eotot ! (Ft6 r c, =tJto-{FFF -c qr6l olE rsl> u LoJtrdto pto o o,st(ot() r/, L.P rt ol!-lol olol 'l'l FI Fl TI -l o = o occ .ric3 @ rU O |n! . -l. (Fc|ltst(.r- o o- .rJ C O O EFOO!-Or.o -.J o,o E c o (' |l,.E'rF E E.".F. "(J r$. t|, L.|,x c E "|og3n5r.3 3.rJ () (U > i6 u - o (JE- l- cor! JoorD5.Er q€ .., o .rr.F o, .lr ctq, o>L.FOt!'O.F t.Ft: o L'('o .rl- c !o.F^ .lrl(J o O =-c .'otl: o q- (Ul CF.o Elo '! '!El(t Ol ^rcto (JtElo c.,. tt ljt r! v-c.|Jtolo El- 'rlLldi lo- q ootdtc, 9l o .rr rrl eto rslp l! ^qI rEti PtF o- u€l6F r/.,1o ov . .FO ol.(uEo :.;€ E E&-331 l'= - q 3l!'? i ;-EtE* ...; E', Et= cl t0l .F c,at !4r Eq,.E (\l Ft! (U:t. .c rD ,co .rr ]Jor >.r.F.i' I l,|,oo- rrJ o .rJ. 5 a, .!, 'atlr!d'<l (l) vt uFF L'F (U O- >F.Fl-J(|| @.EO F.o l. sr<f q, lEd .>>(,rr.JPE.F O-co r5 q, L.r) i, L60 o L o o!r'EF a,r.c9 tF(J o. c, ,rtx c oo' E o. -o oroo .rrlc! oF(J{, clf .p.p @ x ol. !rrc -ar rE Elot o ool F oJOrl O,r 5 F Olol -, cro ..(F Fl5l .-ol,l-r:lo olol >Lo(rol >lEI .F {J O.FIO llrltl !o uE{rlrr ol3l -o F rg o, lt'lro Iot f, -c o 'oto LlFI aFE(DclF OlI {J o (lrl{- .Pll.l o .F EFF -l!t F...t E EIP (|)lol !l o oll- El>-l alr4 L oldj |'/tlI .'5ltDl.- o,llr Irt +llot'- El rlI l/lll-l(J ! lcr Io\l ojt Rt 16 a, $-Ic cllF.l 3t!l F lF}ar r.\lrl qlolco! dl rl rtl dl.ol . {r t^lo €lTI TI6t d"d d ,Ft tl dI orl IDF O(] c!'F.- >,'- TE ..F L t!,, o o.o NU0,ro 'o d !F +a) O E €{J O.P L J'P ulZoi(F F sQ)ocE .!> ]l: E\o -o.i (U.rJ9-(v -E CF (lj-O +r (I, O. (J E E6 .!16rEu - o,) .F{r O =-E-- C + A).!F - oa o-FF .cr .or!.',5 (1, trJ o .. ftr! L ^^ql!l d - c.l !.-F! -c g) .rr o,PF O . C.|) CF € (') Or o--.i 3 eE 5.='; O{u>!!E r L! OO o dlE 3.F'oo ?ird 'o-<o .|J a .J66 Q (|) sr (u LEo .!c! .P o)F L E6E c.(' o o r 'O O 'F= c rF Eorrcoo, oo rro tA --0,)Lp .F ' or .F u ct'Er! o! 'l' dJ xd c c aJcEo 0, '- F.-Foqt Bo.o -E! r!.F ou o,, c o,-O OrC O c J € --o F<g o-o oE(t E q-+r t- .F.-I| P (l) (u E ='OO F O.+J = rC d.Far . (lJ Cr !c) 3.lr g:(J (lJ rlr !F - o o,'0 o E-e G, OE.rl . .c c EO E ! 4,) l,r+r ooFi,4oqiq E 6-0O 6rC.PdB F>.J Or!.D O.rJ Ooar O-t< (J o!! o, {JFrJ= (J '- (1,o <1,, !'o cr .F o.rr (1., dLd EnETFFF-FE o!E.-q, .-.F O = = f clF E EF LH 5-o o .c ocro lg0(' 0 s.. (ut r, c,crr- oF o u E q)< 'o !, q-Loocct 'ooo oq, o .-t >t f q, >i >. c r! >,.P d o,po.F +{ r3F.F oJ.PrJ o 4.PO |!l = (Jp'o ! LF E d tlr'- > (r, -L U O'| <: .F .F 6,' O {J C' L < E C f E .1,) ll,, <, >rF (r.- o,<E c,>! 0l .- .- +r o o ! o .P E o ().o >g ! 6).r 5l- L-c' >.d.- 6 O 5.!E O-O:t OO- O< d=FuFvrO-qH^^.d.rl-(\re,t+ ,: t:lql -)q;l FL:= @l- (o)(=i=L= @(=t=t:l 6ti c)o-) q= (o) \-"1 t:){ 6T)t- ^v-u c-_)72 r= =JA 4}lv/ nnnt::J n -tt6-t ,./-)L<L--\l nnnt:_:l I 6 o z 6 'r a E C'I |t-lrF .FO'FE c.pcalJq, o,'ooE!do !-o r, 'tt llc .E E g€ E t €o o)!- o r!oo-oo |.- EP (u .r- O crto{- O.| .rr 9- LF t.u >orc, ,! r, r5p., o-o o, +i . . >,oF . P{',C c'!c:'P ol E'Eoooc.Fq- oroo cl .FrFLooFC o 3F .!l c O ltE.-l sor o -rgr 6c) Ll dcE.atr.F o- = 's o.J >l 6-=q, a orF rl o)F o o:!'.cF c!60 | -cFaroceFO.-! .l FOOL d9..Cqro ol rr-Eour .'o!q- o >\ Hl ..-qr 14 O,c|.t l-.FF 16 | cl.c '! |,.J (|,ot.p 'n |, = .t ot.P -E or o |n.Fl -c . () ot 'Fl+jlc 0, o, > 'Fl Plc ar.F {Jolo o (J.c.F El t6lO.F -(F O-ol cr{Jt. rEl El .c occrt, d E ct Ero (,| q,OTIO.tJF.J I qrl(u!! o {,El4d!r!! rDl Elo!?N> EIsESE E ?] SEEAi;Eut c,l ulol.D rlJl otodlu..'lcFN('r | | lcF(\r(r<l'r.-l.E | {- l,rt(FtF ot rFt.F i6l L col dll.PlrE I I .rrl llt6l> o\l .rl >aolrl>lNl Iiildl !F c,= h- n E o,.; , N q, ; L:}o q-oao, 'oE a, E o- 3 " EsOF vi.P o e ;iii o '. L o _rQ 6. * E gE: I3l';- ", Elg5E L; @ 9E+ > E it, IJ- E { tt |, E.F t999 i6cE ! f Ed ji ls F.Elc 6 "l EI (,l 9l +l @IrlFl =l :l -lq)l o.l o,I =l-l ort 'l 3lcol!l II,51 ..1 pl LI'l!rl cl 'l col .., ITI .;l dl -l 'l -luil olcol a'l ..1pl ;l.;l €l OI -l |,|,I L o' G) .:(,q, FBE !!,! d4,,g oEOO ;t ! c o; = = = ' o@ .= i: ol olt!qrl|!lE zo qo E,c E; II. , B = o P 6 E.FE *..'- E ilelS - 0l (Jl= 6 o ol 5l EI .rl d ,i E^ E- 0, o +o>r!E'oqo)o v I rr- o .!,t') E -ro5|!oa ! t o..J Ir F {, c.F C, L {r.F (t -c.p oo > a -! .! .!T-v (U F Cto o oo,< O >.rJO 4,.-O.}l F L(JO i -O CDd .-!oI !- (JL L lFVr 'O(F PC.! FEo',.a,o tt,-o. 5r, .tE! o o c.a.E oL0ru5o, .rJ o,p .< at..o E F.rr v rFo-u o 6o|! F o =c, '.rrE co = r, (F a ',|,6 ?o o o!rr- E>trFo o, a, EOo'o .p or.P ct .r o)c,, '0 'g<r 6g:.c..- L' ro . >'FE o-E|rl Lrro! c).|lFrF+r .F {r 5 = O()LrtF'Fc,t o Loo .Fru lt r<C) F q,, .oEL:l.-OO('4 qr(|, f .Porooc!q e c-o.oEot/|,..t6= = coF Ft.- dla, {J gtF o.F 6rle o. 5-E EOrtrr. or! Llo o 5 0., L u) o -ct a, ('J|lo-E G.F.F+).p.F ! <to, (u rro rloo L(J I> r> ar Fir(Ja, clc,t/,c.c 4coP> .rroL ol<1, rlrtrl^(u o nr F{JLcaJ >lE OEcLod.-OoE|, c]clt.F Orc!C.F'O 6 oF CtE C .61cF c o c'rF >r:l cr.- 0,, r t- o olE c,a6l| {.r!., L IL .E -.r.P-c! !laro -c60E.|JF drl.- l!'F - nr{J L >,.p € E !.P Ett O 5 O (u |!.F C 'F O, c O :' -c I.o Aao!ll-r! '!.tr O(Jtr.9 rl ..'ill.\ @ O|OF Al ('Srr c'lF FFF @I All -Plrl, rl551c .hl €l oolCI CI .tio; <D'-! 'o-e..1)t >6. o oc.p .!3 llJ Lr -O O.},i,co, €> E! cr ql o D! F= |!-c 6rr oo !E{r !- rr- O.c F LLr| 5.,o 'ct I o. oo€ .F.rr . (\r -s. a=.^ 6@ oq-'E I C q).C,| OOr OJ O'F.rJ ||) >! o> oro 13 () ig J !,o l- .F u ' F.oE'! -g 5'"=- E.o0, .J L Cr.F OrF,oo'9|,0>:E 'Et-oF >\.P c, .F o3 srr(JEO rr!F'E O rL arr- -c crF ur 'oof -cF{ro c.P-cO .FOOa, .sC-fEt'-E ,-co .P ar 0) I L rlj.l,(rooCE0r.|r.+r|t,P+: XC O E E1r+J (l).Forroo'-rl)(lr5LU c' P ED.P>r Or(JE.UX L G' OE L C '(l,(u o = t- 5E qr'F o l,F cE =F.r{J E-O dc!L d.rr (J L (r? L i:' o o l c o <uF r o,6(Jd(F?Z= O.J(A i = (l,r.F rl) s +, l6 o r.g *r |,! E'r- E 3 + ;- El Eto ol <ci d -r st rl| \o F. i'{ . r|!l'f'l)t L.9c.tEO.lr.|.,?co .lt octoCtFo€P .noosFo.rdgClFrFcaooEro.ljvr!r') FIU.PEoErrrtoFlro!tceNcgt6, 6, . '4, EE {, E NU}I .PE .f E ."6' Ia, E I CF r'o oc |l| ilaoL >O ! O9.O a- l! q- ! A irl l|, sl i! U| r! ooooo.P td P t^|/|re,r 0r ll rr.. o 3 (|,a Io atr c |l'.c oCD AF IhE G} C' I' C'c - cF !.PF ',d FIEOCG'6c!.oE . coo.Po Fc Ere Ol atl EF.'C rJt 6FarE!ror.l,P+.t o cl FoodrF-Er.t4too 6l drFo lF.lr,oo.C.rr ?l rF o.! .1,(|,F . Ll {,a, Ct.c.€F C!l| >r dl E.glata, slOFO+FP >l F+t. .,F()rF.c c t c.t.l, .c Fg|.lr J rl E 6.J.dE...O!Oo | ...grF O lFElsLF(J tll Cl OL.) :'ctl.lr tt Fl OfO lDctt O I.Fl .c lU (|, (,l FlrD (u 3 o€F.rJlc EF 0l .111cr s.rr'|J r vr d.!lo a{j .' tl 6laco c!l d (Jl 'olaoc.F!9cFO .r .P IJJ I El ' O .rr ll, L ElEf FE 3l ElHcse 35 L (,l .Fl (rt? clo FGt I calctF Gt rttE rt t>.r-l,E I r|.l cl l- @l rllF.rrld | | .},1€utl> Fl vtl.|J >lr\rl I algl d. roo 4 Ro go I5 c o o |t'ooE.rordgco.l .,f'- C!.ut ,!tt i, >c c.Poo,n I jr i5 u Lr! iF o ll,+r9 1/lOClr !olo E .,oo 35 I oF !orno FA-> t! o rar !0 o Io!, otolt>chl 5J Eag Ie Planning Departnent of Plannirrg and Developnent Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Gentlemen: We have examined the Western has no facilities I'ebruary 13, 1980 Res Preliminary PIot Plan #5u-176-80 - sierra condqniniums One Park Central - l5l5 Aropohoe Streel P. O. Box 84O Denver Colorqdo 80201 (303) 534-1261 RECE!\/Er) FZa I I lrod Dcpt. o{ Plilrning & Dcvol' Eagle, CountY, Golo' above captioned plot plan and on the land to be plotted. find that at thiE time Pl-ease note that we are a transmission utility and our approval does not reflect our ability to serve subject subdivision. Very truLy yours, /1t t ./t {oouo'{ Wf-o) Laura L. Rodgers / Associate Right-of-vfay Agent LLR:pLf EAGTE COUNTY DEPART]flENT OF PIAIUNTIVG E DEWIPPI'TENT Box 779 328-7 3rl I February 7, 1980 thank gou verg mucn ' EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTY coM M rSsr oN ER5 328-6809 ADMINISTRATION328.6674 ANI{\JIAL SHELTER 949-429? ASSESSO R 328.6593 BUILOING I NSPECT I ON 328-6339 CLE RK & RECORDER Eaqle 328-6377Baidlt 927-3244 COUNTYATTORNEY 328-6674 ENGINEER 328-6337 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH 328-77 t8 EXTEN SI O N AGENT 328.6370 LIBRARY 328-7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328-5594Vail 476-5844 PLANN ING 328-6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328-6591 SHERIFF Eaole 328-661|B.;alt 927.3244Gilman 827-5751 soc IAL SERVICES 328.6328 TREASU RER 328-6376 R8: Fi.le No. Sm-'l 76-80 APPLICAI;|T: Sierra CondOminiums High Sierra Developers,' Inc. Box '1872 Vai'l , Co]orado 8] 657 EncTosed hetewith is an applicaxion and pTan submitted to in" tugl" countg eTanning tonrnissjon fo,r teview and recom- nendation at tl,eir tegulZr meeting on 19 March .|980 InaccotdancewithC.R.S'706-2-9'706'2-33and706-2-34' l-963, as amended anil Eagle coantg Subd-ivision Regulations ' Section 5.O0, 7972, as -anenited effective I August 1976 ' gou have 35 dags ftom date maiLeCl vrithin which to tespond or-the tequest will be deened to have been approved bg gour agenca. ThePTanningCommissionwouTdsincelreTgappteciategour conmenxs and teconwtendations p'iot xo the meeting date'- rf gou desire aitititionaT information ot time ' please advise this office. F tLE # ..&z'.,.L - flls-: P- EP,CI.Ir lC. Pl /.1,1. C F'E.iji--:l,r) Cl:rY NiEu-iri'.lG OF | lqtd llarne of . llame of Tf ACdre s s Section ).20 ot Proposed Subdirrision A --1 i ^ --+^Pyr-avo.rrv ,tpplicalion Forn I,trNOR SI'BDTVISION Eagle County Srrbciivision Regulations evidence of aut subdivide propertY. 1. Iocation of Parce1 2. Sj.ze of parcel to 3. llwnber of Iots to be subdivided be created o,5 l+. Zone dislrict in 5. Tr''enty-tvro (22) infornati-otr she1l be vil] be revicr'rcd at raonth. Dale subnr:Ltled a Deve Inc, ot;ner of orization 6. An original a..nd five (5) shall be subni-tted aL leasl neeting. Date subnifted copies of the FinaL Plat ten (r0) days prior to the wlth all required signatures Plaruring Comrni ssion Revierv Refer to Section 4.01 .03 7. F\rnr-ish evidence of 8. Furni sh erridence exhibit B) of the Eagle CountY Subdi on Regula adcogate r.rater supply' (ttaY be attached as exh-ibit er € ,-< of ac.leq5ratc sel{aGe dlsposal system. (t'ray A) U. 9. l\rni sh nraintenanc e . erridenc e (l,iey be of access attached to a county as cxhibit road vrhlch l been acccPted for :' !5 { 4',^';:;1!,:,';!;3o*i; l' r', ,' ' .: . ,'Y I -3 , ,,.. ai )q Ha-lil'"'t /qto o Appllcation Forn - Page 2 10. I\rrni.sh adclitional infornation as required, (t'tay be attached as extribit D) a. ff th-is is a rcsubdivision of propcrty r.rhich has been prcrriously sub- divided and recordcd in accorCancc vath Ea61c Cor:nty Subdlvlslons ReguJ-atlons adoptcd septcmber 5t Ig?2 or later, incicate n3,r1e a1d recording daLa of said subdivisi.on. b. If 10a does not aPPfXr sitcs for the proposed uses fu:ruish errldcncc of with regard to the adequale and safe building foll-or'dng j.tems. Soil conditions Gcolo6ic condj.tions (3) Topographic and slope conditions (4) Drainage conditions Flood hazard potential Source of fire proteclion Vqi I F' D," ' ''' ' '' fhe above infornration is correct and accuiate to .). c tr rr.o Lloyd ,)ohnson s.e lc#"" {u L(.1 (:) (6) 11. Arni.sh utility and road plans (vrhere applicabl", i6iu"'Lcj 'Sectton 3.2O ' Dagle County SubdJ.vision Regutations) (i,by tL attached as exlibi.t E) For official use: Accepted for the Plaruring Conrnrission Revicu meetirg of Review Fee Paid' 4 t SO . 'Q'fu6 ^ecording Fee--l, -'2fu; &0532oo. "Qo. t Johnson, Kunkel & Associates, Inc. LANO SURVEYING. CIVIL ENGINEERING . MAPPING January 31, 1980 Mr. Terrill Knight Director of Planning Eagle County, Colorado 81631 Dear Terrill, Concerning the Proposed Sierra Condominiums ' a Resubdivision of Lots 23 and 24, Vail Village West, Filing No. L, there are a number of items that I would like to clarify: 1) The fourplex was build between 7L & 74 2) The parking stiuation is such that only one space is of required size and is out of the street Right of Way.3) Lot 24 was purchased mainly to build sufficient parking for the fourplex and one other unit. 4't Retaining walls will- be necessary for the con- struction of the parking lot.r5) A soils rePort is an absolute necessity for the design of the retaining wa11s. 6) The terrain is such that a drill rig cannot get to the site until Spring to take the soil sarnplings. Thereforer we are submitting the site plan subject to the changes that may be necessary to satisfy the recommendations of the soils engineers and the County Engineer. A cost estimate is being prepared and a suitable bond or letter of credit will be posted with the County. If there are any questions, call Ken Long at Johnson, Kunkel & Associates, Inc. 328-6358. Sincerely, Ken Long KL: epm P.O. Box oo, .] East 4th street . Easle, colorado ururt fon": (303) 32&6368