HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 2 LOT 26 LEGALTO: FR0trl: l.lEilORANDUi,l Planning and Environrnental Conmission Comunlty Development Department CRITERIA ANO FINDINGS lationshlp of the DATE: November 23, 1983 SUBJECT: Reguest for a front setback on lot 26, Val'l Vil'lage l.lest Filing 2. Applicant: lljl'l Mlller DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED The app'l icant.has requested a variance of 6.5 feet (resu1 ting in a 13.5 foot front setback), to build a primary/secondary un'it. The variance has been re- quested because of a 20 foot wide sewer easement that bisects the property. The appljcant malntains that the easement'rcreates a buildlng envelope greatly reduced in size and interferes with the successful deslgn and development of a primary/secondary structure. " existino or o The site ls located in a nelghborhood comprised of duplexes,,primary/secondary units, and single family homis. t'lh'lle thbre are existing units ln violation of thi front s6tback, aiprcving this variance would only add to the non-conforming structures in the neighbbrhoodi ]llany lots 'in the vicinity of the site have yet to be developed. For this reason, the staff feels it important to maintain the 20 foot front setback. -If thTs-vailancerequesl-is-alFrov&IiTt6-4ffi residence on thls site would not be allowed under existing zoning. To develop: a prlmary/secondary unit, zonlng requlres a mlnlmum lot s{ze of 15,000 square feet. Thjs lot measures 10,075 square feet. Exceptions can be made to thls mlnimum lot size requlrement if certain conditions are met. Among these cond'ltlons ls the stipulatlon that no variances are granted for setbacks, heights, parking, site coverage, etc., unlelq the granting of such a variance wou'ld benefit the vjsual appeaiance of tfiFTTTe and-of the-sumoundingarea. There is no indication that grantlng this variance would improve the vlsual appearance of the site or the surroundlng area. Consequentiy, the staff cannot recormend approval of this variance for the development of a primary/ secondary residence. I i teral o Mil ler -2- 11/23183 dl strib There would be no negative lmpacts upon the.above. Such other factors ald criterla a_s-_the commissign deems applicab'le to the prpposed FIl{DINGS The Plannlng and Environrnental Cormission shall make the following flndlngs before That the gnanting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special prjvi'lege inconsistent t.rith the limitations on other properties classified'ln the same dlstrict. That the granting of the variance will not be detrinrenta'l to the pub'lic health, safety, or welfare' or material ly InJurlous to properties or lmprovements 'ln thevicinity. That the varlance is warranted for one or nore of the following reasons: The strlct or literal lnterpretatlon and enforcement of the speclfled regulatlon would result in pract'lcal difficu1 ty or unnecessary physical hardship inconslstent with the obJectives of this title. ' There are exceptlons or extraordinary circumstances or conditlons appllcable tothe site of the variance that do not apply general'ly to other properties ln the same zone. The strict or literal interpretat'ion and enforcement of the speclfied regulat'lon would deprive the applicant of privileges enJoyed by the ownbrs of othei propertiesln the same dlstrict. STAFF RECOI'IIGNDATI ON The staff recormendation for this request is denia'| . The prinnry/secondary zone does not allow fo.r the developmht of .a primdry/secondari unit on a lot this,,size wlthout certain conditlons being:met. .As previous'ly stated, thisappllcatjon doeS not meet these conditlons. Consdqubntly, the deve'lopment of a Primary/secondary residence on.this s'ite is not permitted under existing zoning. The slze of the lot ls slmply not approprlate for the development of a prlmiiry/ secondary residence. The applicant has claimed plrysical hardship resulting fr.om a sewereasement that,bdsects his property. Even wlth,thls easetnent, there remains a buildlng envelope adequate for developlng a:slngle family residence.. The staff.feels the appllcant should re.':evaluate hls developnent obJectives and constder con- structing a single fami'ly unit. The building envelope on thls slte:fs large enough to accommodate a stfucture of this type wlthin exlstlng setback requirenents. PEC 11/28/83 .-5- 4. A request for a setback variance in order to build a multi-use space at Dick. Fyan explained that thls was a revised request and that the requested area had been reduced, and that the setback variancd requested ranqed rrdm g to l0feet. rlohn.Perklns, archltect for the project, shdwed slte plans with existing and proposed construction, and elevations and sections. The vote l{as unan tmous Tom Braun explalned the request exolalnjnq thatexplalnlng that the zone did not allow foi theunlt on a 'lot under 15,000 square feet withoutthis application did not meet those conditions. Tim Clark, architect for the proJect stated that in that subdlvision, 75fl of thelll]Ajryl were non-conforming, and that only 75 of the lots were yet to be developed.}{ill Hil'19r, applicant, gave-the board lettbrs of approval'and support, and pointbd out that he cou'ld build the same amount of GRFA with a single fami'ly home.' Clark showed floor plans, but did not have arry elevations to shori what wai being proposed. Mor9ll wondered why one of the stlpu'lations for granting a variance of this kindwas that it must benefit the vlsuil appearance 6t ttre ilte when there was a hard-ship and when the Town would benefit by'having an emp:loyee rental un.lt. After more discussion, Morqan moved and Rapson seconded to approve__the req!e!,!.for a front setback var The meeting adjourned at 5:30 pn. the staff reconmended denial development of a primary/secondary certain conditions being net, and Planning and Environmenhf Commiss{tn AC'fIO!{ FORM Department of C.ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vall, Colorado 81657 tel:970.473.2139 fal:970.479.2452 web: www.nai lgw.com Protect Name: HASSErT RESIDENCE Proiect Descripdon: Parddpants: PEC Number: PEC070002 trNAL APPROVAL OF A FROT.IT SETBACI( VARIANCE FOR GARAGE AND ENTRY RooF ENCROACHMENTS owNER HASSETT, NANCY OLIL'IZOOT PO BOX 68 MINruRN co 81645 APPUCAT.IT MIMMONTI ARCHMCT PC PO BOX 5820 AVON @ 81520 License: C000001930 ARCHMCT MIRAMOIfN ARCHITECT rc 0LlL6l2OO7 Phoner 970-949-1138 OLI L6l20O7 Phone: 970-949-1138 PO BOX 5820 AVON @ 81620 Liense: qD0001930 Protect Addr€si: 1895 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 1895 W. GORE CREEK DRIVE legnl Descrlpdon: lot! 26 Blodc SubdlvlCon: VAIL VILIAGE WEST RL 2 Parcel l{unber: 2103-123t602-5 Cotnm€nts: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Motion By: Second By: Vote: Condltlons: KIESBO JEWITT 6-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Apprwalz 0212612A07 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the writren consent of Totryn of Vail staff and/or the appropriate rerrlew committee(s). Cond: 300 PEC approral shall not be not beome valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 113 All dwelopment applica0ons submi$ed to the Town after the effective date of Ordinance 25, Series 2006 shall be subject b the pending employee housing regulations in whabver form they are finally adopted; provlded, howwer, that if the Tor rn fails to adopt the pending employee housing regulations by April 15,2007' this Ordifiance shall not apply to such danelopment applications. Condr CON0008725 This approrral shall be @ntingent upon the applicant obbining Deslgn Rev'tew Board apprwat of the design rwlov application assochted willr thls variane request. Planner: Bill Gibson PEC Fee Paid: $500.00 It Variance Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Fronhge Road, Vail, C-olondo 81657 tel 97 0.479.2t28 f axi 97 0.479'2452 web: www'vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring planning and Environmental Commission re\riew must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit apptication, Ftease refer to tne submittal requiremenG for.the particular appro/al tiat is requested' An.ppi&tion foi'planning anJ Enui.nrental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information - i is reeived by the Community Development Department. fne project may also rieeO to Ue reviewed by the Tovrrn -f I Council and/or the De$gn Review Board. av TypeofApplica$onandFee: t D tr Rezoning $1300 O Conditional Use Permit $650 tr Major subdMsion $1500 tr Floodplain Modification $400 I tr Minor SubdMsion $550 C ttlinoi e"te'ior Alteration $650 tr Exemption ptat *OSO tr Major Exterior-Alteration $800 L, tr MinorAmendmenttoansDD irooo tr DevelopmentPlan $1500 tr New Speciat Oevetopmenibistrict $OOOO tr Amendment to a Development Plan t?Ig- tr Major Amendment to .n ioo $sooO .! loning Code Amendment $1300 \,tr MajorAmenot"nttouni56 iitao { ylntte $s00 /noexbriormdifrcationd d SignVariance $200 nftoarcnorndifiationsl 'd Signvariance $200 n Descriptionof theRequese Vtcrr$z-e e-e- a <iO'txrlcrrqt. l tA*o **e, Z,.to'V/ 2+ ^'.,^.)- 4 e.r*a.r OoU-*. l6 Location of the Proposall Lob 4--Block:- Physical Address: Parcel No.: zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signabre(s): Name of APPlicant: Phone: 41O 6tt4 M t gar.l aH+rAELc.}+ t* e'a* e: a-ar'r c-os*' $ €+ oo I.)zto?.121 , OQoz.4 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') Mailing Address:zo il? F:\cdev\FORMS\P€rmib\Planning\PECvariance.doc Page 1 of 6 MEMORANDUM flu*'"'1j' n* TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Developmenf Department DATE: February 26,2007 SUBJECT: A request for a final review of a variance, from Seclion 12-6D-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, to allow for a new single family residence within the front setback, located at 1895 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 26, Vail Village West Filing 2, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC07-0002) Applicant: Nancy Hassett, represented by Miramonti Architects Planner: BillGibson SUMMARY The applicanl, Nancy Hassett, represented by Miramonti Architects, is- requesting _a variance from Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, VailTown Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17' Variances, Vail Town Code, lo allow for the construction of a garage wilhin the front setback, located at 1895 Gore Creek Drive/Lot 26, Vail Village West Filing 2. Based upon Staff's review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends approval, with conditions, subject to the findings noted in Sections Vlll of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant, Nancy Hasselt, represented by Miramonti Architecls, is proposing to construit a new 3,652 sq. ft. (GRFA) single-family residence at 1895 Wesl Gore Creek Drive. At its October 10, 2005, public hearing the Planning and Environmental Commission approved a variance to allow the applicant to construct a new single family residence with 210 sq. ft. of a two-car garage located 12 feet into the 20 foot front setback. The applicant did not construcl that proposed residence. Since that 2005 public hearing, the applicant has redesigned the proposed residence and is re-applying for a new front setback variance. The applicant is currently proposing 105 sq. ft. oi garage (instead of 2'1 0 sq. ft.) located 5 feet (instead of 12 feel) into-the 20 foot frdnt selback. The applicant is also requesting a front setback variance for 49 sq. ft. of entry roof overhang that encroaches 3 /e feet into the 16 fool roof setback. The subject property is located within the Two-Family Primary/Secondqry Zone District and is ldgally non-cbnforming in regard to lot size. This lot is only 9,984 sq. ft.. in size (minimum lot size in this zone district is 15,000 sq.ft.). Gore Creek cross the rear (north) portion of this lot. The Gore Creek floodplain, the Gore Creek 50 foot setback and two 20 foot wide easUwest utility easements extend across the entire width of the lot and a 10 foot north/south drainage easemenl extends the lenglh of the west edge of the ilt. DroDertv. The floodplain alone occupies 36% (3,570 sq. ft') of this lot and the various E"ilr6nrc occupy dnother 37% (3,698 sq. ft.). These factors yield the rear half of this lot un-buildable. As a resuft of these site constraints, the applicant is requesting a variance to locate appioximatety 105 sq. ft. of a two-car garag€ and 49 sq. ft' ol a front entry roof overhang *-nhin tn" m|i'rimum iront setback areas. The applicant is not proposing to locate any gross resiaential floor area (GRFA) within the fronl selback in association with this request. A vicinity map (Attachment A), the applicant's.reques! (Attachments B)' the proposed architeciural itans lRttacnment C), and the Public Notice (Attachment D) are attached lor reference. BACKGROUND Vail Village West 2d Filing, includinO Lot 2,6,y1s annexed into the Town of Vail through oassaoe'ot Ordinance trto. tA in August of 1986. At that time it was zoned Two-Family Frtr"i/Se"ondary Residential, which allows lor single-family or two-family dwellings anO tn'e possibility of a Type I Employee Housing Unit' No structure has yel been .onrfir.tbO upon this sit6. However, plans were propos,ed for new single-lamily iesidences upbn this lot three times previously: in 1984, 1987 and 1997. A Planning and gnvironrirental Commission approval of a 6.5 foot setback variance request was ipproveO in conjunction with the 1984 proposal. For reasons not documented in Town tiies, none of the proposals were ever conslructed. At its October 10,2005, public hearing the Planning and Environmental Commission afproved a variance to ailow the applicanl to_ conslruct a new single family residence vfii,n a portion of the garage located_within. the front setback. The applicant did nol consfuh that proposed reiidence. Since that 2005 public hearing, the applicant has ""rptet"ty redbsijned the proposed residence, reduced the setback encroachmenl, and is re-applying for a new front setback variance. IV. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Sfaff believes that the following provisions of the Vail Town Code are relevant to the review of this ProPosal: TITLE 12: ZONING REGULATIONS Section 1 2-OD'l : PurPose The two-family primary/secondary residential district is intended to provide sites for single-family rediaentidt uses or two-family residentialuses ln which one unit is a larger pri-mary ,eiidence and the second unit is a smaller caretaker apartment, together with 'such ]ubtic facilities as may appropriately be located in the same district. The twolamily primiry/secondary resideitial district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, privacy 'and ipen space for each dwetting, commensurate with single-family and twoJamily occupancy, and to maintain the desirable residential qualities of such sites by establishing aryropriate site development standards' Secti on I 2-6D-6 : Selbacks ln the primary/senndary residentiat district, the minimum front se//bacl< shall be twenty feet (20'), the minimum side setback shall be tifteen feet (15'), and the minimum rear setback shall be fifteen feet (15'). Chapter 12-17: Variances (ln part) 12-17-1: Purpose: A. Reasons for Seeking Variance: tn oirder to prevent or to lessen such practical difficutties and unnecesiary physical hardships inconsistent with the obiectives of this titte as would resuft trom dtriA or titerat interpretation and enforcement, variances from certain regulations may be granted. A practical difficulty or unn&essary physical hardship hay result fr6m the- size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of existinj struitures thereon; from topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical limitations, street locations or conditions in the immediate viciniiy. Cost or inconvenience to the applicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance- V. SITE ANALYSIS Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Current Land Use: Lot Size: Standard Setbacks (min): Front: Sides Rear: 1895 Gore Greek Drive Lot 26, Vail Village West 2no Filing Two-Family Primary/Secondary Medium Density Residential Undeveloped 9,984 sq. ft. (0.2292 acres) Allowed/Reouired 2005 PEC Aooroval Proposed 20 ft. 15 fr. 15 ft. Density (max): 1 dwelling unit 1 dwelling unit GRFA (max): 4,592 sq. ft. 3,725 sq. ft. Site coverage (max.): 1,997sq. ft. (20%) 1,819 sq. ft. Landscape Area (min.): 5,990 sq. ft.(60%) 7,666 sq. ft- Parking (min.): 3 3 (2 enclosed) VI. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING 8ft. 15 ft. 66 ft. Zonino Residential Cluster Two-Family Primary/Secondary Two-Family Primary/Secondary Two-Family Primary/Secondary 15 ft. 15 ft. 67 ft. 1 dwelling unit 3,652 sq. ft. 1,992 sq. ft. (2O/"') 7,527 sq.ft. Vsn 3 (2 enclosed) North: South: East: West: Land Use Residential Residential Residential Residential CRITERIA AND FINDINGS The review criteria for a request of this nature are established by Chapter 12-16, Vail Town Code. A.Consideration of Factors Reqardino Variances: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Front Setback Variance The width and location of the ERWSD easement renders approximately 15% of the lot unusable. As was mentioned in the background section, the Planning and Environmental commission approved a 6.5 foot setback variance foi a proposed structure upon this Lot in 1984. Other existing uses and slructures in the vicinity have not requested or been granted variances due specifically to the easement because the easemenl intersecls the surrounding lots at angles that allow for more development upon those lots. However, the small lot sizes within this subdivision have piompted other homeowners to request variances from the setback iegutitions. Staff believes that the proposed front setback variance is neiessary due to the existing site conslraints and will not be delrimental to the existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which reliel from the strict and literal interpretation and enfbrcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or t; attain the obiectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. staff believes that relief from the strict and literal inlerpretation and enforcemenl of lhe front setback regulalions would grant this homeowner some amount of flexibility in constructing a residence upon this lot. This relief is necessary to achieve compatibility among sites in the vicinity through the construclion of a well-designed residence on a previously empty site oft-used for construction materials. Staff does not view the approval of this request as grant of special privilege' 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facililies, public lacilities and utilities, and Public safetY' Slaff believes that the requesled front setback variance will not have a negative effect on light and air, dislribution of population, transportalion and traffic utilities, public facilities and utilities, or public safety. Furthermore, Staff believes that the requested variance will have a positive effect by continuing quality (re)development wilhin the Vail Village West 2nd Filing. Addilionally, Statf believes that the applicant should make every effort to mitigate the effect of a slructure built within lhe front setback through increased landscaping. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proPosed variance. At its October 10, 2005, public hearing the Planning and Environmental Commission approved a variance to allow the applicant to construct a new single family residence with a portion of the garage located within the front seiback. ihe applicant did nol construct that proposed residence' Since that 2005 public hearing, the applicant has completely redesigned the proposed residence, reduced the setback encroachment, and is re- applying for a new front setback variance. B. before orantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant.of special privilege inconsislent with the limitations on olher properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, sifety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinitY. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcemenl of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. Tne striit interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. VIII. STAFFRECOMMENDANON The Community Development Department re@mmends approval, with conditions, of a variance from Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, to allow for a new single family residence within the front setback, located at 1895 Gore Creek Drive/Lot 26, Vail Villa{e West Filing 2, and setting forth details in regard thereto- This recommendation is basid upon the -review of the criteria in Section Vll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance requesl, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission pass the following motion: "The Ptanning and Environmental Commission approves the app-ticant's request for a varianCe from Section 12-6D-6, Setback, pursuant to Chapter 12- 17, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a new single family residence within the front setback, Iocated at 1895 Gore Creek Drive/Lot 26, VailVillage West Filing 2, and setting forth detaits in regard thereto, subject to the following conditions: l. This approval shall be contingent upon the applicant obtaining Design Review Board approval of the design review application associated uith this variance request.' Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance requesl, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission makes the following findings: "The Planning and Environmental Commission finds: 1. The granting of this variance will not constitute a granting o! spectel priuilege inconsiitent with the limitations on other properties classified in the Two-Family P ri m ary/ Seco ndary D i strict. 2. The granting of this variance will not be detrimental to the public heafth, safety, or welfire, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. This variance is warranted for the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code. b. There are exceptions or ertraordinary circumstanes or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same district. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district." IX. ATTACHMENTS A. VicinitY MaP B. Applicant's Request C. Architectural Plans D. Public Hearing Notice Attachment A qHF !3; gEF 3E e AE E ePaitr :Ei tsr 99 bt i 6g F s rl f'- |olol C.l I I(olc{l I>Ir-l Gtl =l-oq) LL I c ,9a.a E Eo(J 6+. c) Eco't c [rJoc(u o) ,=Cc fit fL o o .)<oo C) ol-o(, *,oo =ro o)€ F ct) .E ll !tc(\ o - o ED -g dN oJ ooe Gt-L (E .Yoolt*,oa Aftachment B tir.rA:"t:i.l ! ,iir,:t::liat l': ir ij L.! i-t i.l :'.,:- !,:i ar il': ll.:! h,{ffih/i# Date: To: From: Febtuary6,2O07 Town of Vail Gerry Meremonte, AIA Subiect Hassett Residence Written deecription of the nature of the variance requected: The variance requested consists of a 114 square foot (d mcroacftment) two-car garage and a 75 quare foot (.Y encroadrmenQ entry portico encroadring into the front setback- Written etatements: a.) The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinify. Many of the lots on Ore northern side of West Gore Creeft Drive are bisected \r a sewer easemmt. This easement greatly reduces the buildable area of the lots, and necessitates any buildings be moved forward on the lots toward the street. As a result, many of the o<isting garages are located within the front building setback. Most of the residential drives along West Gore Creek Drive are orierrtated perpmdicular to the street and off street parking is located in the right of way. b.) The degree to which relief frour the strict or literal interpretation and eniforcement of a specified regulation is necessar5r to achieve compatibility and unifondty of txeatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of a special privilege. The area endosed by the setbacks on the sides and front, and the sewer easement on the back is 1,918.5 S.F.. This is 78.3 S.F. less than the 1,96.8 S.F. allowed 2Mo site coverage by the building. Therefore, the combination of setbacks and utility easemmts make it impossible for the Owner to benefit from the maximum site coverage as allowed by Town of Vail Zoning Code. c.) The efftct of Ore variance qr light and ai+ dietribudon of populatioq transportation, traffic" facilifiee, utilitiee, and public eafety. Ttrere are no nggdine aftacts ecqlected in any of these areas. d.) How t|re requet ompliee with adopted Town of Vail ptanning policies and developmmt obi ertives. The angled drive aocess with hrrn around allows for safer street access. Attaihment C F CD uJ =otU C)CDi -J -J -rEl\= 04 s95*-699= (o@C\\ l-o J FF mf CD mEo tll(J z,lrl CT -q,ulE Fl-IIJ 3T'q, - bul nf ."iF-ss Eiigl, p$g EIE E'ic t;,Itslo IFI'I\JIFl>t-l<l-l^llOlHllHlcl>1"L__l F6o + ltl €-f, E9<gffa. ft llta .,: *EiqF r).s1ofs iI .} -9: i). ,.i *o E \} va tn FoJ tlrll aa:{ :.!rf -t I 6 rt ts t.::l:ri iii lFi:6'!$llit icr iiir Elqii EiiIi !i !1.: #iri ^rt7dI E I Rlir" 4.,r, t nffi'* If I t\t- FoJ:;. \n;x ittri T] I 'lti;i +9. v\) b 5 { = E8 H::3: 6v6iB S8eB8? :dgEgE E.q i x EEE { s c'; -1.l-ir-lF"tZr-;o* ia<lr'^llo it-tc i.E r<L-l 1 o 'i lr st6'f TJI a;:ih i9 66 Jl oJ .: : itl i:9; :!rlt -:ir! :: lir i.iPr -:!*i i.-s:; i E; iaIC! i;l !q{$ :iiiii .ii;!sii i"."i8r-. 4 iiiii itr:t! -: iliirr i $irit 6 3. IE sg !n a { * It \; l-;#ry1.,'mi$ '1il t$ '.t '.. ES Ii: r:t \ r I f :t9r:t \?ti .\.. |:l:t'a?' t.E iii -) \$ \ E i;1,- I Eile, illi, ro E !t{i-r' I:: ui3 if' ,=,uiii Ei$, il E $ Js s33 [i, EII EIg $EdF i*i,- :F:.,,Zt- ;E-'<:i ,Fid I E:< F ffi;]--i.]__, E .-i q i :l:F Ii7iZ uii 'guiii $[g, tf' lr IItl-t.rf- but :-r 5 -,, Jr7_: Ss33 - .,-, EtH =:'1i. gHg ;iili $EaF F l l 6l EI HI, ffti (Nl ffil I I Hl F I --T-- __ L__ __ __L ll t- lt tl _ 11_ tl t----- L .i++ i *+ I 1 tF+ 3 UJ{ f - tr 14'z o 911,1 = -' ",j -;E 6x6.<- - i?, frdH<. = !i, *tds- ; tiit qqds ll il it I ll il lt i t -F+ iltlli ;-;+?F9+ !i ++f+ Im-l I -t|@l IH @ H r_u_ru Attachment D THIS ITEM MAY AFFECTYOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on February 12, 2007, at 1:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a final review of an amended final plat, pursuant to Chaptel 12-12' Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for a modification to shared property boundaries, Lots 11 and 12, Bighorn Subdivision, located at tE52 and 4856 Meadbw Lane, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC07-0001) Applicant Meadowlark Development Partners, LLC, represented by Greg Amsden Planner: Wanen Campbell A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Yanances, to allow for a new single family residence within the front and side setbacks, located at 1895 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 26, Block 2, VailVillage West Filing 2, and setting forth details in regard th"t"Jg. (PEC07-0002) Applicant Nancy Hassett, represented by MiramontiArchitect PC Plannbr: BillGibson A request for a final review of an appeal of an administrative action, pursuant to Section 12-3-'38, Appeal of Administrative Actions, Vail Town Code, appealing a determination made by ine Zoning Administrator that for zoning purposes Condominium Unit E' CoveredBridge Building shall be considered the "first floor or street level" of the building' located at2Zi Bnage StreeUlot C and D, and the southwesterly four feet of Lot B' Block 5-B, Vail Village First Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Appellant Covered Bridge, Inc., represented by Carson, Carson and Dunkelman' LLC Planner: George Ruther The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspe_ction Ouring bffice hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontlge Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that preced-e the public hdaring in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 97&479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretration is available upon request, with 24-hour.notification. Please cait gZO<Zg-2356, Telephone forthe Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published January 26, 2007, in the Vail Daily. .$, Page 1 MIRAMONTI ARCHITECT PC POST OFFTCE SOX 5820 AYO N COLORADO 8I620 T970 9.f t I tl8 F970 919 0l l7 1895 Gore Creek Driw Adjacent Property Orvners 1885 Gore Creel Drive Nicholas W. Emigholz 13329 SE 195h Sbeet Renton, WA 98058-7769 1905 C,orc Creek Drive .leanne T. Popoyit 1432 E. Purdue Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85020-2244 19O5 Core Creek Drive Andrew Cotton 1903 Holly Hilb Ddve Austin, TX 78746 1906 Gorc Creek Drine Andreas A & Shari L. Boesel P.O. 8ox 595 Vail; CO 81658 1886 Gore Creek Drive Christopher & Donna Bartlett 100 Marland Rd. S Colorado Springs, CO 80906 1896 Gore Cteek Drive Professional Financial Service lnc. P.O. Box 625 Citrus He'rght, CA 95611-0625 IlIRAMONTI ARCHITECT PC POST Of FtCE 8()X 5r2o AVO N COLOTAOO 8t 620 fr70 ,19 | | 38 F970 91' Ot t, 1895 Gore Creek Drive Adiacent Property Orvners 1885 Gorc Crcel Drirn Nicholas W. Emighotz 1 3329 SE 19Sh Street Renton,WA 98058-7769 19O5 Gorc Creel Drirre Jeanne T. Popovif 1432 E, Pudue Av€. Phoenix, AZBSO2O-2244 1905 Gorc Creel Drire Andrew Cotton 1903 Holly Hilh Drtve Austin, TX 78746 1906 Gorc Creek Drira Andreas A. & Shari L. Boesel P.O. Box 595 Vail, CO 816s8 1886 Core Creek Drire Christopher & Donna Badett 10O Marland Rd. S Colorado Springs, CO 80906 1896 Gore Crenk Drive Professional Financial Service Inc. P.O. Box 625 Gtrus Heighb, CA 95611-0625 F lrnd TitleGUA| ltt Crtt t?A'|t Land Title Guarantee Company CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION Datc: 07-07-2fi)5 6ur Ordcr Numbcr: VS0010566 Propcrty Addrcss: 1895 GORE CREEK DRIVE VAIL, CO 81657 Ifyou have any inquirta or require further assistarce, please contact one of the nwnbn below: For Tltle Assistance: Vail Title Dcpt. 108 S FRONTAGE RD W #203 PO BOX 357 vNL, CO 81657 Phone: 970-476-2251 Fax: 970-476-4732 FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS 1650 E. VAIL VAILEY DRIVE c-t VAIL. CO 81657 Atln: CIIET Phone: 970-{76$342 Fax: 970-476-4901 EMall: cardslm@vailanhitecls.com S€na Vle EMatl Land Title Guarantee Company Datc: 0'l-07-200s OurOrderNumbcr: V500f0566 Propcrty Addrccs: 1895 GORE CREEK DRIVE VAIL, CO 81657 Buycr/Borrowcr: NANCYHASSETT Seller/Owner: NANCY HASSETI il*l"ffior31"ulffJrh$/lH"j1#H#*rt check out Land rftle,s web sire ar w*v.lrsc.com ESTIMATE OF TTTLE FEES Informalion Binder $75O. OO It L.nd Title 6u.!.4t . Cqra'ry till b. ctotlnq tDjs t!:.r..ccto!, a.boeo f..s ri-ll .ba collected rt cirt tLoa. TOTAL $750 . OO toD coaltlc! 05/oa THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDERI tAttID TITIE GUARA]IITEE COMPATUY lrnd Title Gu^l.^arltt co PAw ItrtuotcE Owner: NANCYHASSETI Prcperty Address: 1895 GORE CREEK DRIVE VAIL. CO 8t657 Your Reference No.: When referring to this order, please reference our Order No. V5fi)10566 - CIIARGES. Information Binder $150.00 $150.00 Please make checks payable to: Land Title Guarantee Company P.O. Box 5440 Denver, CO 80217 Chicago Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Our Ordcr No. V50010S66 SchcdulcA Cust. Rcf.: Property Addrcss: 1895 CORE CREEK DRWE VAIL. CO 81657 l. Effccdve Date: June Zl, 2005 at S:00 p.M. 2. Policy to be l$sud, and Proposed Insurcd: Information Bfuder Proposed Iruured: NANCY }IASSETT 3. Ttc catatc or intcrcst ln thc land dcscribed or rcfcrrcd to ln ihts Commitment and covcrcd hercin is: A Fee Simple 4. fitlc to lhc cstate or intcrcst covcred hcrein is et the effective date hertof vested ln; NANCY HASSETT 5. Thc land rcferred to in this Comnitrnent is dcscribed as follona: LOT 26, VAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING NO. 2, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED JULY 7, 1965 IN BOOK IOI AT PAGE 699, COUNTY OF EACLE, STATE OF COLORADO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirements) Our Order No. V50010566 The following are Oc requiremcnts to bc complicd with: Itern (a) Paymeni to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideralion for the estate orinterest to be insured. Item ft) Proper instrument(s) creating the estale or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for rrcord,to-wit: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or ass€ssmenls levied and assessed against the subject premises which are dueand payable. Item (d) Additional requirements, if any disclosed below: This product is for informati.onal purposes,only and does not constitute any form of title guarantee nor insurance. The Ji|}jtt-.ry. .of the company shatl not exceed lhe charge-paid by the applicant ior this produc'i, nor shalt the company beheld liable to any party other than rhe applibant foi this proiuct. " THIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY, AND NO POLICY WILL BE ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Erccptions)Our OrdcrNo. V50010566 T" rytity or polides to bc issuod will contain cxceptions to thc following unless the same arc disposcd of to the sadsfaction of the Companyr l. Rights or clairns of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrtpancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shorlage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey andinspection of the premiscs would disclose and which are not shown by the public reclrds. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter firrnished, imposed by law and not shown by the pubtc records. 5' Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other mailers, if any, created, ffrst appearing in the public records orattaching subsequent to ihe elfecdve date hereof but prior to the date the proposed iriiured aiquires if record for value the estate or interesr or morrgage thereon coverid by this commitment. 6. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records. o lhe Treasurer's office. 7. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if -y.. 8. In addition, the owner's policy will be subject to the morigage, if any, noted in Secdon I of Schedule B hereof. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRJETOROF AVEIN ORLODETO EXTRACTAND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD TIIE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED OCTOBER 04, I9I8, IN BOOK 93AT PAGE 3OI. IO. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAIS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHOR]TY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN I'NITED STATES PATENT RECORDED OCTOBER 01, 1918, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 3OI. II. RESTRICTryE COVENANTS WTNCH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESIRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL OR]GIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED JULY 07, 1S65,IN BOOK lg0ATPAGE 561. 12. EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE PI,AT OF VAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING NO. 2 RECORDED IULY 7,1965 tN BOOK l0r AT pAcE 699. ALTA COMMITMENT &heduleB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our OrderNo. VS0010566 Itc ry[cy or,policics to bc issued wlll contaln cxceptions to thc following unlocs the samc are disposcdof to thc satisfacdon of thc Company: 13. EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY FOR GORE CREEK AS IT AFFECTS SUBJECT PROPERTY. 14. UTILITY EASEMENT AS CRANTED TO UPPER EAGLE VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT ININSTRUMENT RECORDED APRIL 24, 1970, IN BOOK 2I7 AT PAGE 489. 15. TERMS' CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF EASEMENT GRANTED TO UPPER EAGLE VALLEYSANITATION DISTRICT RECORDED APRIL 24, I97O IN BOOK 2T7 AT PAGE 487. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Note: Punuant to CRS l0-11-122, notice is hereby given thal: L) The subject real property rnay be located in a spicial taxing district.B) A Cerrificate of Taxes Due listing each laxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the CountSr Treasurer's authorized agenl. C) The informatign regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained from lhe Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Note: Effective September 1J997., CRS 30-10-406 requires that all documents received for recording or fillngin the clerk and recorder's office.shall contain a top ma;gin of at Ieast one inch and a lefl, right and bittommargin ofat least one half of an inch. The clerk and reco.der may refuse to record or tile an! document that does -not conform, except that, lhe requiremenl for th€ top margin shall nor apply to documents using forms on whict space is pmvided for recording or filing information it ttre top margin of the document. Note: Colorado Division of {ns-urange Regulations 3-5.1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires that ,,Every tille entity shall be responsible for all mattcrs which appear of-rec'ord prior to the time oi recording whenever the title mtity conducts the ctosing and is responsible for rriording or filing of legal doclments resulting from the transaction which was closed". Provided that L-and Tirti Guarantee Company conducts the closing of the insured transaction and is responsible for recording the legal documents from the transaction, exception number s will not appear on the owner',s Title Poliry and the Lenders Policy when issued. Note: Affirmative mechanic's lien protection for the Owner may be available (typically by deletion of Exception no. 4 of schedule B, Section z of the commitmeni from the ownJr''s poiicv to be issued) upon compliance wilh the following conditions: A) The land described in Schedute A of thii commitment must be a single family residence which lncludes a condominiurn or townhouse unit. B) No labor or materiah have been fyni{ed by mechanics or material-men for purposes of conslructlon on the land described in Schedule A of this Commitment within the'past 6 months.c) The_ company must receive atr appropriate alfidavit indemnifying ne compuny aialnst un-filed mechanic's and material-men's lieru. D) The Company must receive pryment of the appropriate premium. E) If there lras been construction, improvemmts-or m4or ripairs underraken on thc property to be purchased within six months Prior lo the Date of the Commitment, tire requirements ro obtain .on"r"g" for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain construction information; financial information as to the seller, the builder and or lhe-conlractor; payment of the appropriate premium fully executed Indemnity Agreements salisfactory to the company, ana, iny iaotionat requirements as may be necessary after an examination of the aforesald information by the company. No coverage will be given under any circurnstances for labor or material for which the insured has contracted for or agreed to pay. Note: Punuant to CRS f0-ll-123, notice is hereby given: This notice applies to owner's policy commitnenti containing a mineral severance insbument exception, or exceptions, in Schedule B, Section 2. A) That there is recorded evidence that a mineral estate has been severed, leased, or otherwise gonveyed from the surface estate and that there is a substantial likelihood that a third party holds some or all interest in oil, gas, other minerals, or geolhermal energ5r in the proierty; and B) That such mineral estate may include the right to enter an-d use the propeily wittrout the surface owner's permission. Ngthing herein contained will ,be deemed to obligate the company to provide any of the coverages referred to herein unless the above conditions are fullv satisfied. Form DISCIOSURE 09/07/02 JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fidelit5r Natlonal Financial Group of Companles/Chicago Titlc Insurance Company and Land Titlc Guarantec Company July 1, 2001 We recognize- and r-espqct-the privary gxpectations of today's consumers and the rgquirements of applicable federal andslate oriiacv laws. w'e beliwe'thar. rinkiirg you aware oi-h'ow w-C usCvouinon--p"6tibirs,iiiil-i-ni.iffiirffi flp#ffiiInfonnatiorf'), -and ro whom^ir is disctosefl.'will-rirniit[i iiiiis'ior1;dl;il;fii;iii,Eib"rr."n us and rhe pubticrhar we serve. This privacv starement proiidei-tirii-6xilanaift;.-iv;;&;;iii{;;fiit;ffig;'ih'il Frid;;""-*Statement from time ro tide consistenrivtrtiippiilalidliiuu.y,rws. In the course of our buslness, we may collect Personal Information about you from thc following sources: + From applications or other.forms-we receive flom yo.u or your authorized representative;I [mm ybirq transacrions wirh, or from rhe serviciJ 6eing'pdrfi.'iil'6tru,';fi;ffiffiid, or orhers;' From bur inlernet web sites;'* From lhe public recorrls.rTlil4l*.-by ggu.,-mentat entities that we either obtain direcrly from rhme. entities, oi from our alfiliates or otheisfand* From corsumer or olher reporting ifenlia. Our Policies Regarding thc Protcction of Oc Confidcntialtty and Security of Your personal Information We maintain physical, electronic and proce-dural safeguards to protect your Personal Information from unauthorizedaccess or intrirsion. w9 limit access idthC pJisonat ifif;;.atiofr;iiid"dft;H;'i,,#l'i'*tro neea such access inconnection with providing producrs or services io you or Toi-otiieiiligirimll6bi,l;?ft-i(;;i"*s. our Policies and Practlccs Rcgarding the sharing of your personal rnformation We mav share vour Penonal Information with our affiliates, such as irsurance companies, agents, and other realestate s-etr.temedr service providers. wc atso rnay iis;6;Fi ftrs-oriiliifiiimiiiiiril:-*"* to agents, broken or representatives to proride you with services you have rcouested.' to lhird-partv contractors_or,service proi,iders who provide servicdJoitedoni-;;i[iting or otherfrrnctioni od our behalf: and+ to olhers with whom we enter into joint marketing agreemenls for products or services that we believe youmay find of interest. .In addition-, we will dlsclose your Per-sonal Information when you direc-t- or give us permission, when we are requiredlv-law to do so, or when we'suspecr frauduleni oii-iiiiiiiii il{iiiriei.-ii';;ffi;;v'd'ffffsel;d pi,rs;;ai rriformarion when_orherwise peniriiled [y applliible ir:iinacy ifr"i'iiirr'iJ,]iil#ilil5fti",iiL'rJii"#'ii *.a"ato enforce our righs arising 6ut of any dgrdehenr, rlnsactioii6ii;Hiffihi:;ilfr;fi1 "' One of lhe imDortant resoonsibilities of some of our affiliated.companies is to record documenls in the publicdomain. Such'documenri may conain your Peison.al tn-ii-irii'iuon. Right to Acccss Your Pcrsonal Information and Ability to Corroct Errors Or Rcquest Changes Or Deletion Certain states 4[ord yol tie righ.t lo.access yo-ur personal Information and, u4der certain circumstances, to find outto whom your Persodal Informition lras beej discioied:-I6-;;i;tafi';6ffi;ii;;it il;iffiEfii'td;&i,Ai-'-- "* correctiori, amendment or deletion of your Pe-onal into-rinirio-nlWe;;il; tl,;;ieii ,iiiiB ieii,riiiiti'ly ru*, rochargeareasonablefeerocoverthec6stsincurre'd-ii-iilp-iiiiiridriiiuctirilririiir.'"-" "'" All requests submitted to the Fidelity National Financial Group of Companies/Chicago Title Insurance Companyshall bb in writing, and delivrred to"rhe foitowing-idiiiss:'- Privacy Compliance Ofhcer Fidelitv Natirinal Financial. Inc. 4050 Calle ReaI. Suite 220' Santa Barbara, CA 93110 Multiple Products or Services If we provide vou with more lhan one financial Droduct or service, you may receive more than one privacy noticefrom ris. We apologize for any inconveniinii-ihIi .ii'.-*r, vou. Form PRW. POL. CHI .:r:i i r-j,: ,9:l ' t:\j i: rt.t.l F&ruary6,20fr7 Town of Vail MEMO Date: To: Fron: Gerry Merernonte, AIA Subiect HassettResidence Written description of the naturc of the variance requeeted: The variance requested consists of a 11.4 square foot (5'encroachment) two-car garage and a 75 square foot (75'encroachment) entry portico encroadring into the front setback. Wtitten etatements: a) The relationehip of the requeeted variance to other exieting or potential uoeo and structules in the vicinity. Many of tlrc lots on the northern side of West Gore Creek Drive ale bisected by a sewer @sem€nt. This eas€nrmt greatly rcduces the buildable area of the lots, and necessitates any buildings be moved forward on the lots toward the street. As a result, many of the orjsting garages are located within the front building setback. Most of the residential drives along West Gore Creek Drive are orimtated perpendicular to the street and off street parking is located in the right of way. bJ The degree to whidr relief from the shict or literal interpretation and enfuicement of a specified regulation ie neceeeary to achieve conpatibility and uniformity of treahent among eites in the vicinity or to attain the objectivee of thie title without grant of a epecial privilege. The area enclosed by the setbacks on the sides and front, and the s€wer easement on the back is 1,918.5 S.F.. This is 78.3 S.F. less than the 1,96.8 S.F. allowed 2O7o site coverage by the building. Therefore, the combination of setbacks and utility easemmts make it impossible for the Owner to benefit from the maximum site coverage as allowed by Town of Vail Zoning Code. c.) Thc dfcct of thcvahnce orfiglt and aig distribudonof eopddo& trulleutdo, trrtrf, f.dftice, ufilidcq and public safety. ltrearno ncgntiveaflectrogectd h any of tlreeeares. CI Honr OrG rgqu€t oonptice witr adopted Torvn of Vail plannlrg polidcr ild dcvelopmatobiedver. Ihe angled {i\re m wifh hrm arqurd allowe for saf€r sffi ao6. r ; r,, I tr -r,: t1 2.j -, i.\ ' '' ") I Site Zoning Code Analysis Proiect: Location: Zoning: Purpoee: Pernritted uses: Buildable Area: Setbacks: Height: Density Control: Site Coverage: Landscaping & Site Development: Hassett Residence 1895 W. Gore Creek Drive, Vail, CO87657 PS (Two-f amily primary/secondary) The two-family primary/secondary residential district is intended to ptovide sites for single-Iamily residential use6 or two-family residential uses in whicfr one unit is a larger primary residence and the second unit is a smaller caretaker aparbnent, together with such public facilities as may appropriately be located in the s.une zone district. Single family and two-family residential, Type I &W employee housing Any site, parcel or any portion thereof which does not contain flood plain, red hazard avalanche area, or areas in excess of 407o slope. Minimum front setback twenty feet, minimum side and rear setbacks ffieen feet. For a flat roof or mansard roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed thirty feet (30'). For a sloping roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed *rirty three feet (33). Not more than forty six (46) square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA) for each one hundred (100) square feet of the first ten thousand (10,000) square feet of site area. Site coverage shall not exceed twenty percent (207") of the total site area. At least sixty percent (60%) of each site shall be landscaped. The minimum of any area qualifying as landscaping shall be ten feet Parking: Site Notee: (10) (widtfr and length) with a minimum area not less than three hundred (300) square feet If a dwelling unit's gross residential floor area is 2000 square feet or more, but less than 4000 square feet: 3 spaces There are no 40o/" slopes on the site. There is a twenty foot utility easement and a twentv foot sewer easement on the site. Area within setbacks- 1.919 S.F. Site Areas LotArea (.2292acter)- GRFAallowable-(0.46) of SiteArea up to 10K S.F.- Allowable site coverage 20% Gross Residential FloorArea for Proposed Design Lower Level Gross Area-7,4295.F. 9,984 S.F. 4593 S.F. 7,997 S.F. O S.F. 7,4215.F. 3.652 S.F. 1,908 S.F. t(}s.F. Second Level Gross Area-1,695 S.F. Second Level NetArea (excluding Covered Deck Exception #& 42 S.F.)- 1,653 S.F. Upper [,evel Gross Area 335 S.F. Upper Ievel Net Area (d additional vaulted area # Z- 24il SJ.F 528 S.F. Lower Level NetArea (exduding Basement Exception #G 1,429 S.F.)- First Level Gross Area-1,908 S.F. First Level Net Area (excluding Garage Exception *l- U7 S.F.)- Total Gross Residential Floor Area- Building Site Coverage Area for Proposed Design Building Footprint Area- Second Level Cantilever Area at Bow Window- Entry Portico over four feet- 40 S.F. Total Building Site Coverage-1,991S.F >,d6'5eE T5: EEF ;iEBE3ifE!t3 'aB 3S !F 3F 5:E8 $s!?i iB.-E E! T R t F Attachment A I roOON 3 l-o -o i f€oE_11.0:-^ot .o Y! Yt-f_>c =o gF o go bss(9EE lo>-FeFpEly'{Fqe- llJ Ec(! o, .g Co (L OE uaEST VAtIALL .' ! t8532 1873 tc'A ooNO utitF g 6 sgl EI {I EI ll tf, OORE DRIVE z0za5 ?{ \a:la3a \ HIGHI-AND ITEAOOWS \ i-\ FIL|NG 2 rce:\91 'tu.\ r .-'\i:r"', ,.,/:eeevev )\ t!1, t|g2 Ita t70a I Eal \I tt i \4t\al 'o,l 1.1L \ lttor r7at7t 0 '2 *ez 9rN3nHCVrtV, , , , THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on February 12, 2OO7, at 1:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a final review of an amended final plat, pursuant to Chapter 12-12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for a modification to shared property boundaries, Lots 11 and 12, Bighorn Subdivision, located at 4852 and 4856 Meadow Lane, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC07-0001) Applicanl Meadowlark Development Partners, LLC, represented by Greg AmsdenPlanner: Wanen Campbell A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, Vail Town '.VP Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Yariances, to allow for a new single t"rity t"iiO"n." N\{ X within the front and side setbacks, located at 1895 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 26, Block 'r;f \ y'' 2, VailVillage West Filing 2, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC07-0002) tV Applicant Nancy Hassett, represented by MiramontiArchitect PCPlanner BillGibson A request for a final review of an appeal of an administrative action, pursuant to Section 12-3-38, Appeal of Administrative Actions, Vail Town Code, appealing a determination made by the Zoning Administrator that for zoning purposes Condominium Unit E, Covered Bridge Building shall be considered the "first floor or street level'of the building, located at 227 Bridge StreeULot C and D, and the southwesterly four feet of Lot B, Block 5-B, Vail Village First Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Appellant Covered Bridge, Inc., represented by Carson, Carson and Dunkelman, LLCPlanner: George Ruther The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 970-479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please call 970-479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published January 26, 2007, in the Vail Daily. Page 1 Ll IHdi es H:: EE, e$fiili $idE t;'-lhl.rlZl' lvlFt>l-l< l-I Bt L)tFlIHIClEl<L..J eA5 aU q.5g+ ltd {3aiu Tfi PTr 9( $.v 1Of$i 5 $ vo rfi FoI -e^ )j '.$r. :l jil a.. ta rIi ! ilr iit l$rftl ltli9I ,iiil H:it; [:iil tiiii , cil. rl iI)l [!ii IiiIrl f t iI E 7. ! lr t$ $'* _tf 4P',. ti!!It +I $.v 9.vo 2?I i t (Ll olIIt Ft'uEf {J+lLf.' H .A ""6 \.\t \, \! o 6 zz()e 1a) E;9 t =.Hg= 9F>-E-!= P9gP (a- r) ;r: Irrl i Hffi di$s lltfi t -: {; -II \.F c( \r \,,^ \ ,F .: ti ;i I I r.. i t\ tt ?rl ldl !!t I tlr 3 iiff; iiiit lliFl iifiiir t ,ifr*;,i * fiilt i!i i$ffi$ieo !.It nrt !r i'.../) ->( >.a* l! cl lueullcEllv OCriaA,Ir oelElopllrt{t Design Review Board ACTIOil FOR}4 Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.213! fax:970.479.2,15? web: www.vailgov.com PToJeCt Name: HASSETT NEW SFR Project ltescription: Participants: OWNER HASSETT, PO BOX 68 MINTURN co 8164s DRB Number: DRB070001 0110212007 Phone: 970-949-1138 0L10212007 Phone: 970-949-1138 RNAL APPROVAL FOR NEW CONSTRUCION OF A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE NANCY Otl02l20l7 APPLICANT MIRAMONTI ARCHITECT PC PO BOX s820 AVON co 81620 License: C000001930 ARCHITECT MIMMONTI ARCHITECT PC Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: PO BOX s820 AVON co 81620 License: C000001930 1895 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location! GORE CREEK DRIVE Lot: 26 Block: Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 2 2103-123-0602-5 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Planner: Bill Gibson Actaon: VOID Date of Approvah DRB Fee Paid: $650,00 Ftt[ coPr Dcpartment of Cornmuniry Dcucltpmmt 75 Sottb honugc Road VaiL Cotmah 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 97C479-2452 uuru.aailgou.com Sincerely, ?"4 BillGibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail 24.44-- January 17, 2008 Nancy Hassett PO Box 68 Minturn, CO 81645 RE: New Residence (DRB07-0001) '1895 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 26, Vail Village West Filing 2 Dear Nancy, The design review application for a proposed new residence at 1895 West Gore Creek Drive has been inactive since April of 2007. Therefore, this application has expired and is considered null and void. Please submit a new application if and when you choose to proceed forward with constructing a new residence on this property. ff you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2173. {S octc*run New Construction Application for Design Review Deparunent of community De\relopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Crlorado tf]l: 970.479.2128 la'/.t 97 0.479.2452 web: www.vailgw.com FEB 12 200? G€n€ral lnfiormaton: All p.oJects r€qufhg delfgn rc\rleiv must reehre approval prb to submittng a hrlldng rcfer b the sbmfttal rcqufi€flEnts fa the patirubr apprc\rd tftat is rEqrested. tul cannot be mepted untl all requiEd infunnation b recehred by the Community prsJcct mst abo need to be r6,lerr€d by tne Town Council and/or tllc Plannhg and Emrironrrultal Commisshn. Ddgtr |t rld apFord lrp rdc e hrldtrt pc|rtt b hEd .nd o|tdtuctloa qnrnanc wltlrln ano I-r dti. eppruel. Deecrlfdon ot baement. trYo f,mrc and ffi. LocaUon of thc Proposal: Lot: 26 Block: 2 Subdivision: Vail Village West Physlcal Addrcse:1895 W. Gore &eek Dr-- Vail- CO 81657 PalEl ]lo.: 210311417026 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-32&8640 for parcel rn.) Zolrhgt gmleFamilv Residentbl larn{r)dOrne(a): l{arEl/Flassett $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total slgn arca. No Fee For consfucton of a new building or demo/rebulld. For an addition where square footage b added b any resldendal or commercial building (includes 250 addltions & interior conversions)' For minor ctranges to buildingF and slte improrements, such as, r+roofing, painung, window addiuons, hndscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor clEng€s to buildings and site impro/emenb, $ich 6, reroofing, painting, windoyu addltiont landscapirE, fenc6 ard retaining wallt efr, For rwisions to plans akeady approved by Planning Staff or the DesiJn Revierv Board. v T) cpg ooo G\ HalllngAddrrr:P. O. Box 68. Mintum- CO 81645 Phom: Orncr(e) 9gmtrrl(r): llrtrdAgflk nt Gerdll K Meremonh- AIA Ldrylddtc.: P.O. Bu 5820. Avon. @ 81620 Phone: (970) 949-1138 E-mallMdresor miramontiardritect(a@rncast.com Fax:_(970)949-0112 TyF of Rcrrlew and F€e: tr Slgns tr @nceptual Revl€Mv tr l,lerv @rdructlontl Addltion El Minor Alteration (mulU-family/commercial) O Minor Alteraton (ingle-faniV/duplex) tr Chages to Appmved Phns tr S€paration Request $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 $20 No Fe€ 3[% r"' s,*.t*-., 7 zLw, D*: 3"2-s7 PROPOSED I,IATERI I.S Brdldlm ltlatslab Tlmc of Habrlal Standingseam copper panels Natural finish Siding other wall Mabrials FirE E)cure cementious stucco l\,ory Fascia Soffits Wndows Metal<lad wood windows windo/v Trim 2xg cedar tim Wood paneled doors Door Trim a<8 cedar uim Hand or De.k Rails cedar & copper Hues painted mebl Flashing Chimneys Tra$r Endosures Greenhqlses Retaining Walls Exterior Ughting Ofter Copper Stone w/ @pper cap 2x edar Stain Open w/ 6" T& G V{rco\re deck Stain Colol Facbry-finished metal Stained Stain€d Stained wood & natural aoppl Natural finish TBD & natural opper finish Stone boulders toGc.: Please specify tfie manufacfure/s ranne, lfie olor name and number and attadt a dor d|ip. F: G1&2qr6.doc Page 7 d 14 l,/23l2m'9 Survey/Site Plan Review Checklist Department of Community Developrnent 75 South Frontage Road, VaiL Colora& 8f557 tel: 970.479.2128 faxt 97 0.479.2452 webr www.vailgov.com *Thb MH mt& bc subnldd plor b htblic Worfu twlew of a p@ dcvfupt rane OilneryrcJ€ct @Addrcss:18!5 W. Gorc Crcek Dr., Vail, @ 81657 Applicant:Gerald K Meremonfre, NA Phorn Number: (970) 9*1f38 SubmlttalB Stamped zurvey of propertyo CiMUSite plans Survev Reoulrgnents: q Surveyor's wet stamp and signatureo Date of zurueyo North arowo Prcper scale (1"=10'or 1"=20)o l€gal descriptiono Basis of bearings / Benchmarka Spot Ele\rationsq l-abeled rlght d way and property lines; including bearings, distanes and curve information.D l.ot Sizeo Build able Area (elaludes red hazard ardandn, slopes greater tfnn 4{I}6, and llooddain) Slts Plan Rmulrcrncntr: I. Ac@ss (check all)o Driveway type and finished surface are shown on the site plan. o Unheated o Heated (portion in ROW in a separate zone)o Srrcw storage areas are shown on the site plan within property boundaries (3()% of driveway area if unheated; 10% of driveway area if heated)a All driveuray grades, dimensions, radii are dearly noted on the site plan and conform to De\reloprnent Standards, p. 11. SEepest Section Driveway Grade (not the average grade):-o Parkirg spaces and turning radii arc noted on site plan and conform to De\relopment Standards, pp.12&14 U. Construction Site (dreck all)o LocaUon of all utllitles and meter pits are shown on the site plan. o Limits of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan,o I am aware that appro\d Stagirg and Consbuction Traffic Conuol Plans, as per the Manul of Uniform Traffic C.ontrol Delrices, will be necessary prior to construction.D I am aware that a Re\ocable Right of way Permit will be required prior to construction. D Landscape plan o Tide Report (Section B) o Environmental Hazards (ie. rocKall, debris flow, avalanche, weflands, floodplain, soils)o Waterourse setbacks (if applicaHe)o Treeso Labeled easements (i.e. drainage, utility, p€destrian, etc...)a Topognphyq Utility locatonso Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway sho^rn br a minimum of 250'in either direcdon from property, F:\de\r Gr&206.doc We 12 6 14 ra?9,I2ryJs %*,\ 10m{0Fyl[, Dcpartment of Commtnity Dcac hpmcnt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colnrado 81657 970-479-2r38 FAX 970-479-2452 atwuuailgot,com RE: January 8,2007 GerryMeremonte PO Box 5820 Avon, CO 81620 Hassett Residence (New Residence Desigr Review Application) 1895 West Gore Creek DrivdLot26, Block 2, Vail Village West Dear Gerry, The Town of Vail Community Development Department has received a design review application (DRB07-0001) for a new residence at 1895 West Gore Creek Drive. This application is incomplete and cao not be reviewed for compliance with the Vail Town Code as submitted. This application is therefore considered null and void. Please find enclosed the voided application and a blank design review application form. Once the enclosed form bas been completed, please submit the form along with all associated plans and materials to the Town of Vail Department of Community Development for review. Additionally, please ensure any coostruction proposal complies with the building setback requirements of the Vail Town Code. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at 970479-2173- Sincerely 4/r/L h-.'i-L Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail Enclosure: - Void Design Review Application (DRB07-0001) - Design Review Application Form $RBCYCLBD PAPEN New Construction Application for Design Departsnent of Community Development 75 South Fronbge Road, Vail, Colorado 8 tel: 970.479.2128 lu: 97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General lnfonnation: All ptoi:cts r€quidm design r€rybrv must r€oeive approwl gior b slhniHng a buiuittg r€fer to the srbmiEal rcquircrnents br the particuhr appmnd tfi* b rE$ested. An applffin forrErq q, ufE tsurarr.rrrr rsqurrrrrErrl'l rlr urE lr.[ t{.u|( I .tl4rruY<tr gt.n It rl5t'lutSuar, ,{rr aPvE4'rrr. rrrr rrE.y[r .\Evrsrr \-_ cannot be accepted until all requlred Inbnnation is received by the Cornmunity D€velognent fEryn:||!. I* =protect may also need !o be revbrred by the Town Council and/or the Plannirlg and Environmental C.ommlssion. Deeign rwleu apP|oval lrpcer unlcs a bultding pGnnit IE beued and construcdon comm€nc6 wittin orn year d tlr appnoval. Descrlpdon of th€ ReoucaE Cor6truct m of ilew 4.000 S.F. Reiidene Wth oardSe, basemenLtuoflmrsard ffi. Locationof theProposal! Lot 26 Block: 2 .-. Subdivision: Vail VillageWest Phy.ical Address: 189I U. Gore Creek Dr., Vail. CO 81657atvttTSottoZS Parcel 1lo.! @ (Contad Eagte Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parel no.) Zoning: llam{s) of Owncr(s):l,lancv Hassett l{ailing Addrres: s) Sbnaur{s): flam€ of Applicant Gerald K MeJemonte- AIA HailingMdrccs:P.O. 8or 5820. Avon. CO 81520 Phone: (970) 94+1138 E-maif Address: miramontiardritect@@mcastcom Far:_(970) 9494IL7 ono o \, D o o (l-- Type of Revlew and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Re\riafl -F{ nerv con*ruclontr AddlUon O Minor AlEraton (muhFhmlly/commercbl) tr Minor Alteratlon (dngl+famlly/duplo() tr Chang€s b Appoved Plans tr Separddon Requ6t $50 Plus $1,00 per square foot of tobal sign area. No Fee $20 $20 llo Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 For consbucton of a new building or demo/rcbuild. For an addltlon where square footage is added b atry resldentbl or commercial building (include 250 additions & interlor corwerCons)' For minor changes to buiHings and site improrements, such 6, rermfing, painting, window additiont hndscaplrE, fences and retainlng walls, etc. For minor changes to buildlngs and site improvements, slrch as, re roofing, paintng, window additions, lanGcaflng fences and retaining rvalls, etc. For r€vislons b plans already apporad by Plannlng Staff or the Design RederY Board. HTHT Tf+.t, ate*ru.: ?LL ev: \tAfi_ ;ffi UTIUTY APPROVAL & VERIFICATIOTI 51.40 Thb form sen es b veritfy that the poposed improrr€rnents will not impact any e)(i*ing or Foposed utilty srdaes, and abo to !€rt'Y sewice a/allatility and locatbn for rcrv orsr,rctbn and should be used in conjundion with pregarfB your tfflfty plan and schedullBg instatlatlons. A dE plan, irduding grading phn, floor plan, and eleyairons, shall be suhnitEd b UE folhflllg tfilities for apprwal and v€rincation. PTEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEI(S FORAPPROVAL OR C0llllElfnt FROII THE UTILITY COIIPAIIIES. ff pu are unabh to obtain comments within that timeframe plee contact The Town of Vail. Dcvebpcr to Ptovfu Ld A&ts Informadon: Lot Addrrs.: 1895 W. Gorc Crrck DL Subdtulrbn:-VAllltrIJAG|EIEEL Lot#:zeElf,2 Authorizod SlonatrE Comments I,rb QWESr 970.468.6860(tel) 970..168.0672(fo() Contacts: Sarn Tool€y samuel,tmlev@owesLcorn XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAI' 970.262.,{076 (teD 970.468.1.f01 (fdo Contact: Rich Sisneros rkhard,sisnerc@xc€lenerw.com HOLY CROSS EI{ERGY 970.E1:7.5425 (Ert) 970,945.,f081 (fax) @ntact Jef Vroom ivroom@holvcross.com XCEL E]IERGY 970.262.4038 (fax) 970.262.4024 (teD ContacB: Kit 8ogErt lGthrvn. Booert@XCELENERGY,com EAGLE RryERWATER& SAIIITATIOil DISTRICT 970.{76.7,f,80 (ED 970.475..108!t (fdo Contach Fred Hdee ftaslee@mrd.oro COMCA!'T CABTE 970.418.8248 (teD 970.9+9.9138 (fd) Contad: David Evans david errans@cabh,corncast.com dglEi gk/ /'"-^'2t6n7 1. If the uunty approval & veriffcaton furm hc slgrdres frorn eadr d the utility cornpani€s, and no omrnents arc made dlrccdy on the form, or no a(fron b taken within 2 $€eks of the uulq/s r€celpt of the form without qpbinatbn tfie Torm will ttfegrne that there are no poblens and the development can prcceed. 2. If a utifity aanpany 116 concems wfth the prcped construction, the uulity representative shall note dlrcdy on Ote utilify !/eriffion fdm that $er€ b a problern whkh neeG to be resoh€d. The bsue shoutd then be <letailed in an attach€d lefier to the Tolvn of Vail. llorvever, please ke€p in mind tlrat it b the responsiblity of the udlity mrpany and the appflcant to resolve benhned prcbhms. 3. These verificauorE do not rdl6n 0le ontractor d tlre respondbility to obtain a PuHic Way Permt from fie Depaltnent of fublk Wolls *O|eTown dVal. in ary putilk 4*td'waf or erserEnt within the Tovn d Vail. ,0. The Delrdoper b required ard agr€es to submit any rwbed drawings to the utlities for re.appruval & everification if the sr.rbmitted phrs are altered in arry way aft€r the authorlzed dgnaturc date (unl€ss otfierwise sp€ciftalv noEd witfiin the oo.nan€nt arca of thb fom). Devehpe/s Signature C:\Dooments and S€ttingts\iwoom\Dcsliop\PoF8\Tov Uli[ty Approvalol -25-07.doc Date 1-2F.2007 I XI:EL SI}4MII CiY Fax:970%24057 Feb 7 2W 7:09 P.01 I t"(3 W' f ,CIc& rLec.F \q-' -F* \ U11Lfnt1p?fry tlVttlt lNt,/^i WEtl3'- -'.'rv G!.t --lg11g"f:,* *ffi,5 uBLrnt p?rw t MttEcrflor gffiary*trF$'.ffififfi nin'ron'ii't E-ilridr*n'TIa-dfin ru ffi.rt *r?oJl.gttcrf,ra.50rald.tcul!!t: Trr wrtl Gil !rlur frlrfl,a07ttItAN.yrrcilr rEl tur* tltl|rl cr)(E'tFrt I tsygrt;r4rr!Ct70,;r7tol (u,*xrecr0r,tCilrt: IttvlutldEdl EH''rro.r&lu(mffixlEimu3l.(torIr!|r|a.Ft |rrll|Urrfirlrr[rAtEB|llEl ro.ra.t{o&0rr0rt6.c(blffihlldlffi6 qf*JrGrl.l tto.{..ttcd. rto(r[) tro..."plsrofrrt|* iramrfnirrqldl'n flFt,a*r *" l Edlb#tr bi h- it5!'|r ftltr r{ ot !|''iltv ctnflE' rr |D omrr'6 lr rt tftEly cro.rfiLlrrYiln*c-tnfr:';i;;;;"-erithrrrcr'aloeaetcrrP|oa t ta tt arltlrl |f dE|rnt rln !r Fd ccfid'4 [| tdt? gnnlrantrl lE itrE g' ltr tlFr effit br6 tI rre r . rilr rr;-"a;u ;'-rr.-i. E ili t'.. !t ctltrrlt' f: *-IE rE = E{' rs d vu. lurr, Fr !D h tni fir r b h r*t$d ; ffiur'' dtiF rl rtd tr'99bt b trl; !ltr. aw7 : .Er{lltll.E --ltrG@t!!t'rorl : lrvor. t .a rlE lflIllll ---_- -. -J tbElaIfl- rEl->r-! 3ur|iattiitl|E DFE!+- ifli. -- ]* a,t'-aL t -iG--F llr mts I nd rrc {|rr r ||n |rt Jn'ft rrt*tt b !' t|*l- b tGrF'an! f cilml I it' rlffi drr rr rrr h rlt It Jb rlr :rtl*r l'nlrr Ii Si[l d-t'tih$afr tdil*t " durn !Cfiftn). tlSF|| PO EI tcl rr/iuyin{t ,a, Ua ,ul AOr49 tllr|.tE Pn6E.A2 SILUERTIIORNE HP Fax:19704681401 Cl6|tbF/lflF.nl'r D|ts F:Er4Ef,l|turrt$Flrrt\prltb-ltd-q!!fft-tot0.26..bc Prt?9dr{ Feb 7 2OA7 7:06 P.02 Sm uruw^ttlonAlltfiuncrrrorr .!fur''WIz Thb tonn g.16 rr E ry lrlt !fic A.oFGd ltPtoirrficnts 'tdf rEt |tlFt ltry qlrurg or pro'pd udty rvkE, ry |? b .\r.rt rrykr rysltv-.no f*ni" i"r lprl d).strus{o.r .rd $ould b. usa tn orlrrrdqr tlilr FrFntr9 F tiftt pLn rd drilf,t IEE'I l ir Crn I'rti'tt gd!|e flrn, fbq' Crr, end ffir, Jrd t! 1ffi5 E fi hbtrro tffi ttTr-dl|EEt. l|TIEc 9rill nl qr!1'yrosr:rrrt (ul rlD.Iao2!'rr, 90o,@.ul;r(aD6rfut: S[n WEtr-Ef, 4tL trtllt tittarrtt € a r70J6rixD6 (d) tto,.fl-!5r (h)C6f!n|fis-rrc rprYan|ltgtrcgro.$.sart (ra) 97o.9,r5-{Cr (tU) C.o.6: ,a|r vlEtt 'itra{,ct} &,*ttZ E.E Iro^lril..rclr(h)C!.rE:rI lqrt tr!-I62.{OU{ Xfhrh. fosn tl.|lrYul/lllltrrrirruDlfrr-r rrqa7l6.t I(u)97O.r7(rG(k) Co|l..d: H Hd-Hd.c aorclrtcrru t lo,af/i.l'g, d- f l@ (!.1) 9t0.i64. ra7 r (tu) C,|ldi iral Q.c! Ertt@-q*drn ri f U: rft rpoal t rrrft#n frtn lc tgrsrG trqn s?t of Ora ralty conprlc, ls rb o.rtrulr rrc m* rlgtl o|t dE lbrn, t'F Town ul Ft3rtfr firt !trc'! * m F€Urr|6 rrd llt &dogtr{ cf| prcd. l, tr| | |||lo' EqttF.rt trra.Drgrr3 l|th dr ,m,d ooififibn, Brc uollty rl9|ranEdv. ,|rt noi dttdy st li. tn|t' rt*n fUnr l: dr1lj f r prot*n rl*i nrrd b h r-lrd. Yll irr dD{E t!ct! b 4r# h rt.lDdt d tsGto 6a r{rn clrl, lffir', gr- tip h mhd lrl I ad! rcpc$flry d rF utlly conprT }rd tlr.danr b tEE lirnthll g.e|' !, Tflr r{Etlt,ts& l!. n*f, lhc Erffi ddr rt+fraait b oElr|. tud. tf ffif irdn tb Otptltt|t C tril yuorb t ir' Tfltr d Ya l'r rt trl!: tldt'd{t q' lrff rltr $a Town cl v{, n: EErdgr t rqi|t| r'd t|lt b 3ri|i IIt ttrH rirrnrg b l'|c ufr frr tG.gFnid i |!-|Elffi t'| rfnUl ic n'lf n rrry rf tE [r rffiil lgr$'t e (u|k rrtarrb qdkay rd rrltrh ir a;rt -.tUab|rl r !/ryzolE Fd-ol-2001 oe:tr Fror-ERtSo eru?61080 f-008 P.001/001 F-3s1 ffi tovc,rytut*upro-Jil:',::::::;T'ff:proposcduu,itys€,vices,rndarrob l,e'lty sewke av.ilabiltty and loc*iofl for nev, conshrctton and shouH be uscd in conjunction wi$r fliparing yrur utility y'an and schduff|g Inst llrtions, A gte pbn, hcludi0g gradlno pan, tloor pbn, and d€\rations, sfiall b€ EJbmittld b the b[ou,|ng udlltbs br approval ard v€rlthauon, Authorircd Slnr.tup Comnonti Drtc QSICsf 970.5t3.718!l (t D 970,38{.02rr(fao 970.587.07?2 (c.ll) Conbcts Sbvs ttt atJt ri6trr36ayrelt corrl e(cEL lil€H PRESSUiT 645 9m.ru.,O76 (trD 9m.468.r,$l (fu) Con6: Rkh Si$€roc llofY CRj06S etlcrilC 970.9{7,5425 (tsl) 9m,945.{08r (fir0 Cqlbd: JcffVtoofll M0balrlerr.ffE EICEL IilENGV 9m.262.4038 (foo Co0tads: Kr 800ril9?0.262.4024 lQdrcrinc Bogc|t TAGTTRN'BWA':RI sAilttatloil Dutrtlgr 9m.a76.7{E0 (!?l) 9711,{ /6.t0t0 (fix) Cooct Fnd Hadec &sts@!@$c ootrcAsT c,llr.E 970.468.2669 0d. lr00 (80 90.458.2672 (to() Cont*t: Srad Dorcas WU &-7-O 7 hdt-&@!CIc|fdff0os8$o l. If thc ulllty a99rw.l $ lrcrilkation h.m has slgnrtu|ss ftom sadr of tt|. uUiV cornpani€s, and no comttt€|lG are n de dlt€cdy on tlrc form, the Town will prca{me $!t $erc are no Foblens and the dar€lopment can Htceed. 2. If r riillty amrEny h* concernr with thc proporcd co.lltnrtlotr, tfie utllv rcpresentrtt\,E $rll note dirccdy 0n tha uulity wrltlcahn fom tlEt tft.rc b a robl€m whidr needs 6 be r€roh,ed. Thc Fsue should thcn bc d€trilcd in fi atbc:hld htrc| b tht Tou,n of Wi[ HourGrr, Ccase lcrp in mind that it i3 thc rcsponriHlity of tfte utility comDiy ild thc .pdicmt b rerohc itlcttfiltcd problsn3 3. Theso varlrlcarjong Co not tdlcw lhc contraclor of tie rc5ponslbrllty to obEin . Public W.y Psmlt trom tic D€P.rtrfilnt of Publlc Wortt rt drc Yo$rn d Vllt in my public ttht of.wsy or ellpmem wu{n th€Torvn of V!ll. A hldldlm ncar|lth nat r public wrv E rnrlt rnd mstt br Gbtrln d slit|rEftt Thc Oardops b rrqulr€d and agnn6 E albmit .ny rwiqd drawlngs tp thc utilithg tor rc.appro,al A ro'vct'ltkillon lf fte srb.nltto.l pbns rrc rltsEd in any ![.oy afEr thr authorizcct srgn ure dntc (unlesr otheruis. spacifcally not€d wHrln tfio comtn€nt atedthbform), Oewlop./e SBn.turs f :\cCev\IORHS\FcrrniE\Pb0nlrE\0RAWrbJeu;csr$nrl'm-t0- ra-2006.&c Oat€ Paqe 9 of r{lu33n005 fLt coP February 15,2007 Miramonli Architects PC PO Box 5820 Avon, CO 81620 Hassett Residences - 1895 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 26, Block 2, Vail Village West Dear Gerry and Daurel, The Town of Vail Statf has preliminarily reviewed the Design Review and Variance applications for the proposed Hassett Resitlences located at 1895 West Gore Creek Drive. The Hassett Residelce propqs_Q] 't'ai been schedule for a conceptual review with the Design Review Board on Wednesday_, February 21"' and for final review of a front setback variance before the Planning and Environmental Commission on Monday, February 26rh. The following is a summary of the comments from the preliminary review: 1. The site must be staked and taped prior to the February 21d Design Review Board and February 26th Phnning and Environmental Commission hearings to indicate property lines and proposed building locations. 2. Written approval musl be submitted from all utility companies. 3. Submit a complete landscape plan. 4. Submit an exterior lighting plan, light fixture cut sheets, and light fixture luminance calculations. 5. Submit building section drawings. 6. Submit architectural detail drawings for windows, facia, railings' etc. 7. Site Plan:. Show all proposed roof lines with proposed ridge and eave elevations. . Show snow storage areas and area calculations in square feet (minimum 30% equivalent of driveway area).. Show all required parking spaces (min. 3 spaces) with a 9'x18' box for interior spaces and a 9'x19'box lor erlerior spaces.r Label the TOW (top-oFwall) and BOW (bottom-oFwall) elevations for all retaining walls. . Show proposed utility seMce lines.o ldenlify the driveway materials and label the driveway as snowmelt "heated" or , "unheated'.r Show the proposed limits-of-disturbance fence and erosion control methods. . Label the proposed lire pit. . ldentify lhe proposed patio materials. 8. Floor Plans:o Fully dimension the lloor plans. o Show dimensioned roof eaves and overhangs. IOMIOFIII{II D cp artmcnt of' C o mmunity D ca c hp mmt 75 Sorth honugc Road VaiL Alorah 81657 970479-2138 FAX 970479-2452 uwu.uailgw.com {7h""nnoruo Dcpartmcnt of Communitl Dcuehpmet 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colarado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 97M79-2452 ututw.uailgou,com 9. Architectural Elevations:r Show horizontal dimensions. . Show the location, and screening methods, for any exterior utility meters. r Label all exterior building materials and colors. 10. A construction staging plan must be submitted as part of the building permit application- 11. Application for a Rlvoiable Right-of-Way Permit lor all improvements within the West Gore Criek Drive Right-ol-Way will be required w1h the building permit application. please submit revised plans addressing the above listed items by Noon on Wednesday, February 21, 2OOZ. lt you have any questions or comments, feel free lo contact me directly at (970) 479'2173. Sincerely, (4ZEh"..iL BillGibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail n AECYCIED PAPER From: To: Date: Subject: 'Ric Fields" <ric@f ieldscape.net> <bgibson@vailgov.com > 041301200712:05:01 PM Hassett Residence P.O. Box 1871 Avon, Colorado 81620 (970)3284006 ph. (9701328-4212tax ric@fieldscape.net wunr.fieldscape.net Biil, Here are a couple of layout plans lor the Hassett Residence: the Hassett Lalout plan is the one that you reviewed afterthe DRB presentation in February. The issue with il is that the masonry retaining wall that's oflset lrom the drive and holding up the walk to the front door exceeds 3' in height: no retaining within the 20 front setback can exceed that height. You and I discussed a possible solution over the phone, later that week and came up wilh a scenario which meets the Town ot Vail design guidelines. By building a retaining wall adjacent to the drive edge under the 3'height limit and keeping the upper wall lhat holds up the walk to the front door (creating a raised planling area, we'll have met the Town guidelines. The second (Hassen A[ l-ayout) sketch shows that solution. Please review these and let me know if you find any other issues with the second. We'rs getting ready to submit for Final Review and would very much appreciate your feedback as soon as possible. Thanksl Ric CC:<miramontiarchitect@comcast.neF, "'Nancy Hassett"' <n.hassett@comcast.net> g\ a s Ir Is ( \ *o\ f ,6ff / { *'t (-\ Y\ ^A \--1- T- \g'.tt \ ^l& L\s L \ F fr :a se_ b1 Pc) u&l u, Architcct Zonc disiict Lo( size ToralCRFA Sitc Covcralc Hcight Sctbacks Allorvcd =. L/572 r.-+- Existiqg Phonc' Phonc +---l__L 4f <', -''tZ. ).e-- = tlo, Proposed Total Rcmaining q./h t,1q7 (30x31) Front Sidcs Rcar ,o +nqz=111z --_- tL tb \ /; (ol \-_----.--- I .5- 20' \)art a.r.cz PCLIT - oa6L .l5' l5' q 7 .'--- * -Encloscd Pcrmr'ttcd Sf opc ro 7o proposcd Slopc ro .4 Ycs_ . _ 'No Yis-*4 No l) Pcrccnt Slopc (<>30%) 2) Floodplain 4) Wabr Course Sctback 00) @ C-^<e <r"**5)GcologicHazards-- n/n -l- a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Roclcfall . c) Qcbris Florv Is rhc propcrty ndn-conforming? a (f) 5 ul *j JI sIS6*uovo ry_l*;os F*=e 3q$* I '-< l|- F.. :E 3'j. rr iii.r itl: < k i:'. "', a. --i 2l--) Gl u.t$ ll :T E I I &_t llffitl l----.]- I 3.):r d)ul3 lrt.stt ..tii Jl-i* > ' tr) JJ i l,l,r' USS I - l- 6-.'di..]i ?,i ovol. I ii fr8pi .-- tt .;:l s ;i 6i i.. -.' I ':t'* ._ :,,_ FSaKi* i" l;i thBi i-- 'io ,., ii$i !^\f,.sbg lu *JJt ,lJsil- 6-'d.: ovo*; .D Q ', '.-. Hlqui * o \Ji . E ^-vi-* u,t'\j5;:' $q"d* ; r-., i_ .' l!--']' i.',,luli,-i,v lr- i << i,- 1 4lr-l) r"z 1<) : * lcr.-l-I .a i4 t,__-_] t'lu $$d, -_':' -' ::a- \. i( il \, \. .)j ;-,;;.')-'--'l ot _. El6l '[ I I ,/liI- -s7li -,ll siiil Qr t;lf- -pl- =j-ii- --il ;| \iiIti :l " liitl- - i-r -- S--=---#-- {iulTI (D F\^ 6[J3 rlj sJJ; JJur?<o>>. 6.iry_ctvo: , s8e 01 #6 '; , Fs;sFi; 3g$* i-'li:-itl'-li-ii/lllll*i 1." Ii -'ii *l!*iItrri') O I l-l F I cr ''.='-:-.:. = --::'...:.:: . =-.- = -+ - l; ; _.=.=.=- =-,:--- - --=:,:r:,--=.=---- : II I l ll x ll I I I I I rl {ll IololJI A \:/ ---.t-- ,l ^a) lll i. I ,r')L.l-l -, :cr'r- Xc$ ' ..-/ ,^t \_ t i "1' a'!\ l',/:$ i:nA .1 l\ Fr . - v, r\ (ti, \Lr, /.\ 'JY> L.t- .l I rl- I lgt-, z z il3z, t\o C\ts- C\ o C) E,o UJ E.o C9 = F CD TU =tU C' JJ J C\i (o C\ l-oJ J FF -m =CD mEo IIJ CJ =IrI CT I cDulEFFIIJq, ctt - \< C)oJm J roo)@ - ,:. ' F Z 6ul3 ulF{ oj llj JrF . sss - $E 6;rr 5E rtl Ru., ^ frEa u;Ke Ex; ts:\t : Fi$ 9ids 'O __ -aaqr\\ *D '!|J)c\ FoJ .D "€ t"s !t s$il Pat bA v I $) c), ne)v. 1., ,\\ t\ ,tU^ 5H,s!3 <tr u_ 9d TJN 55 \ { !o Fzllloo^utu-(Yrfi ;:{- J6=dr- :iq'i d) tu||tJflr uUZ<9 Doza.{ u_ = N(f)I- '.$ o. .'{ :za 66> -l lt-l voo -JIL F d)v TL 3 z -JL UJF o $,I +r)3t>r$',.8 \) \, \il.. . rSri \-6. @ s ILlrr 6il 3K bU !! qE zo!l{u!t 3cT :i rlg -r:53 l!3 -i5l"l -:8F,; i5Xi:6-5 f Y:p -slii it;gE r.;: EEst, itJ '9II 'i "t i! ! i Hiii: iP'Sdit: i E:.6 5 i .l:piei .i[-i o ! " _.Prsr; :li!6r.. !H:!Es 3 IL u I z E <t $.v rO)<r6\J:I $ tlo uuI u /'\ \ \\ \ tz t a,() I n I o u d r(-'t FoI +$$, cy $.\yo ut zurft uJ !o $ S o b E HJ.Jr-5 ()JJ,!ufs 'gi. fi$fr :Eis $sis i- --ti-ill-lizi l\-'l iaii<i iHi 1>iil b E ut { J JJ sss,. 6-rd ,i a) oX A :i- gHH ,.i $qEs >-., F '2. * >'_ -".1 =td"t 1< tl I r.rolr.t-- 5 E |rt {J.Ji'> O J:-J', Ss$* rE 8ii$ : ii, gi$ *[i* $EdF f..l Z : 2. irf irii, ! l(r:sl|a _ __ farlrlf----___ b E $Fl (,) JJ,rr usI '$F. fr$fr : FIB $giF i;liFltzl l=ll<l tF1 |i r-{ | rEl l llii i-ll -l,, \ $ft- I F(J) s lu {JJ JJ uss- fr.;ur! OVO ii, gHg :3; FsJsFi; *q$s F-F L.-.l ,7/-. a , .-' F- 2* .'- =rr' l) r-gj .2-. 4 +.l itEa l J E I'tj ilE iFp J ilE+ \ Il[+ :=-_-* __l T]--|r-------"ttlI tf-]-- tm--|- ll Lt-- I IFFFIil I Fxrl|]l n---|TT_--rill|F ilil ffiil tmtil ILflII tffilrl 'Lr-!lll ffill Ifl-lffinl/ |ffiltlr I r'--11 ' I l.rfnlll| | lFrFlllI Ll-- lrr--llltr-1 l lfi----------rlll m lU =lll vJJ . (j lJ'Z u 81Jz.Y * r! HIK<- - l: Eds< = 5i. rdHA.,,/ O Y:'j::: ^- (.-l; HNiKz ; ?is $q$s I 6l ilJIIliot- sli lC.ll |l!!tl rF#9+ I I E 1rl iF+ I j iF+ ! :F? I't .5 ili+ j rls+ \ +|ilFll * , tt:nt t-Fi-::-l t trfl tl t tff tllL*J rl*l--.lt t Planni ng and Environmental Commission,-t) *v,t\"tw6tv ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail,Oolorado 81657 tel: 970.47D.2139 fa* 970.479.2452 web: wwwci,vail,co.us ProjectName: HASSETTVARIANCE PECNumber: PEC050072 Project D€scrlpdon: Request to locate 210 square feet of garage area within the front setback; request to @nstruct 2 curb cub, separated by a landscaped area, at the front propefi line. Pailicipants: owNER HASSETT, NANCY OglI2l2OOS PO BOX 68 MINruRN co 81645 APPUCANT FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHffiCTS 091t212005 Phone: 97047G$342 1650 EAST VAIL VATIEY DR" #C-1 VAIL co 81657 License: C000001402 ARCHITECT FRtTZLfN PIERCE ARCHITECTS 091L212005 Phone: 970-476€342 1650 EASTVAILVALLEY DR, #C-1 VAIL co 81557 Lhense: @00001402 Project Addrcss: 1895 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: GORE CREEK DRIVE tegal Descrlption: loE 26 Block Subdlvlsion: VAIL uLt-AGE WEST RL 2 ParcelNumber: 2103-123{502-5 Comments: see onditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION l{oUon By: Kjesbo, Kjesbo Acdon: APPROVED Smnd By; Lamb, Bernhardt Vote: 6-1{, 5-2-0 (see mins.) Date of Apprcval: 10/10/2005 @ndlUons: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made wi$rout the written consent of Toryn of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). @M:3fi) PEC apprwal shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. C,ond: CON0007632 This approval shall be @ntingent upon the applicant receiving Design Revla,v Board aprunltfrnn mrior appthauon associated **ta*'o rcquesL Cord: CON0007533 Prlor b ffnal deslgn rwlat apprwaf the applicant shall submlt a topognphk survey whidt r€llects tte data ftom the most r€enUy r€\rlsed l(X) year flood plain survey. Condr @M007634 The applhant shallensure Utat Bte Design Rariew Board submlftal ref,ecb ttte Fesence of no more than 24 of pavement wldth between the two curb cuB gnfted tlrm|.|gh thb varlance rcquest. . Planncr: Oare Shan PEC fce Pald: $500.00 .i;i{ ,e..= t) TOI4'NM tr Rezoning g13t)oD Malx SubclMdon $1500tr Minor Subdiriidon $650tr Exempuon Plat $d50tr MinorAmendm€ntbanSDD $1000tr Nev, Special Dqrebpment District 96000tr MajorAmendmenttoanSDD $6000tr Major Amendment b an SDD 91250 (no adsior ndifi@dons) Variance Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 td. 970.479.2L39 fax?, 97 0.47 9.2452 web: wunrr.vailgov.com General Information: All projects reguiring Planning and Environmental commbsbn revleu/ must receive apprwal prior b submitting a buildlng permit apdlcadon. Please refer b the submittat rcquirefilents for the particr.rhr apprwal that is reqr.rcsted, An application for Plannlng and Erwircnmental Commission revierlr'cannot be aicepted un*l'all reguired Infonnation 11 recelved.by tfie Community Darelopment Department, The project may also neea to fe reviewed by the Town Coundl ard/or the Design Review Board. Type ofApplication and Fee: fin q so { Ft D Condttional use Permittr FloodolainModificaHonE Minor Exterior Albratbntr Major Exterior Alteration El Development Plantr Amendment to a Danelopment Plantr Zoning Code Amendmentd Varlancetr Sign Variance $6s0 $400 $6s0 $800 $1s00 $2s0 fr300 fs00 $2oo Description of the Request F.ee A fg€FlT €ETtsAcrc VAEI{NC.E Ti> AuLo,,^J A /2) f.Ag- 6Ag.A,r-f. -fo Eueei>Ar.t.{ Ue -ro eto 6i}.Fnr, lrJYc ']i.ae €gT&ALtC Locationof theProposaL l'oti ZGBlock_Su$Msion: t/ArL Vn-L\GE h,eir ftt.rlrb ?Z Physical Address: l81S t"*.s z*eg;u >zrrte Parcef No.: Zlo3lz olo'oZg (Conbct Eagle Co. Assessor at 97G328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Ah*r-t Hl<serr I'lailing Addrss:JD. hx LB ,{ owner(s) Signahrre(s): Name of Applicant:Egru.lS ?Egcs- Aezl.rrrrar< cla cr,{eT Az.Asry\ Mailing Addrcss:&5o e. Va,re- Ururev Dg. L-l \AlL I ao Buas'-7 phone: 11o . 41b. U31L E-mailAddress: gAeastt{ e VAILl\gc{rTflrlFax j7o. 4'ltr. 41o I ao-..1 Page I of6-0428lM aa*l|aaaaaaallff'llalaaaaaafafaaaaa*tataaaat***+t*aaaaaa+*{'*atttaaaftffftttaaaafatftfa*ta*a*att TOWNOFVAII. COI,oRADO Statcmcnt '0llaaaatlltlll'tl'l'llllttlat+lfttt*'tlt'ltltllaaaaat**a+**'}*****l***+**laltl****laaaa*aa**lr'lt'|'l't SUat €n€Dt, ltumb€r: R050001t9? Anor:nt: 9500.00 09/L2/2OOSO3:3{ pM Pal'[€nt }{ettrod: Cbeck Init: itsNotation: 13278/FR.IIZL'E[| PIERCE ARCHITBCTS Permlt No: PBC0500?2 Type: PEC - VarLance' Parcel l[o: 2103-123-0602-5gLte Addresa! 1895 GORE CRBEK DR VAIIJIlocation: GORE CREEK DRrvE Totsal Feea: S5OO.OOThis Palanent,: 9s00.00 Total AI,IJ pmt,a: $5oo.ooBalance: $O.OO*t*ll*tlfffaaalaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaa'la*lllfllfttfaf'}'}fa**lta|tat*l|laaaaaat*ttalff+r**llafalaaaaatl ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Cod€ Deacrlption Current Pnts PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPI.,ICATION FBBS s00.00 Llnn Fritzlen, AlA. Architect Wiliiam F. Pierc€, Archited K.athy Heslinga, Business Managef 1895 C.orc Geek Ddrre Adjacent Property Orvners 1885 Gore Creek Drine Nicholas W. Emigholz 1 3329 SE 195d' Street Renton, WA 98058-7769 1905 Gore Creek Drive Jeanne T. Popov'rb 1432 E. PurdueAve. Phoenix, IZ85O2O-2244 1905 Crorc Cree& Drive Andrcw Cotton 1903 Holly Hills Drive Austin, TX 78746 1906 Gorc Creet Drira Andreas A. & Shari L. Boesel P.O. Box 595 Vail, CO 81658 1885 Gore Crcek Ddve Christopher & Donna Bartlett 100 Marland Rd. S Colorado Springs, CO 8{Xf06 1896 Gorc Creek Drive Professional Financial Service Inc. P.O. Box 625 citrus Heighb, cA 956'1 1{625 1650 tast Vail Vallcy Drive, Fallridge C-1 , Vail, Colorado 81657 P:97(1.476-6342 t: 97{t.476.4cJ01 E: inio@vailarchitects.com www'vailarchilects.conl FRITZLEN PI ER?E ARCH ITECT5 vAtt, coLoRADo m GUAR^N]tI SOMP NY Land Title Guarantee Company CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION Datc: 07-07-2005 Property Address: 1895 GORE CREEK DRIVE VAIL. CO 81657 Our Order Numbcr: V50010566 FRITZ LEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS 1650 E. VAIL VALLEY DRIVE c-t VAIL, CO 81657 Altr: CIIET Phone: 970-4?6{342 Fa: 97M76-4901 EMdl: carolm@vallarchlle€ts.com Sent Vta EMatl If you have any lnquiria or rquire further assistance, please contact one of the numbers below: For Tltlc Assistancc: Vafl Tttlc Dept. IO8 S FRONTAGE RD W #203 PO BOX 357 vNL, CO 81657 Phone: 970-476-2251 Fax:. 970-476-4732 -UU Land Tifle Guarantee Company Date: 07-07-2005 Our Order Number: V50010566 Propert5r Address: 1895 GORE CREEK DRIVE VAIL, CO 81657 Buyer/Borrower: NANCY HASSETT Scller/Owner: NANCY HASSETT See{.a map or dirtctio-ns fog you-1 uproming closing? Check out Land Tifle's web site at www.ltgc.comfor dlrectlohs to any of our 5,[ ollicdlocatioirs. ESTIMATE OF TITLE FEES Information Binder $7s0. oo ft L.td. Tlt7a 6ualaatee Cq[-ot ti-ZI be c].osiaq tlir trlaslction, tbove fe€s ril'l -ba couactod at tbt tl.!la. TOTAL $75O.00 to- @tltlcl 06/Oa TIIANKYOU FOR YOUR ORDER! oo m LA[{D TITTE GUARANTEE COMPAilY tNvotcE Owner: NANCYHASSETT Property Address: 1895 GORE CREEK DRIVE VAIL, CO 81652 Your Reference No.: When referrlng to this order, please reference our Order No. V500f0566 - CHARGES. Information Binder $150.00 --Total--$r50.00 Please make checks payable to: Land Title Guarantee Company P.O. Box 5440 Denver, CO 80217 oo Chicago Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A Property Address: 1895 GORE CREEK DRIVE VAIL, CO 81657 1. Effectlve Date: June 21,2005 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be Issued, and Proposed Insured: Information Binder Pmposed Insured: NANCY HASSETT Our Ordcr No. V51X110566 Cust. Rcf.: 3. The etate or interest In the land described or referred to ln thls Commltment and covered hereln ls: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or intcrest covered herein is at lhe effective date hermf vested in: NANCY HASSETT 5. Thc land referred to in thls Comnitment ls described as follows: LOT 26, VAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING NO. 2, ACCORDINC TO THE PLAT RECORDED JULY 7, 1965 IN BOOK IOl AT PAGE 699, COUNTY OF EAGLE. STATE OF COLORADO. oo ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirements) Our Order No. V50010566 The followlng arc the requirements to be complled with: Item (a) Payment to or for lhe account of the grantors or mortgagors of the firll mmideration for the estate or interest to be insured. Item (b) Proper instrument(s) creating lhe estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessments levied and assessed against the subject premises whlch are due and payable. Item (d) Additioml requirements, if any dlsclosed below: This product is for informational purposes only and does not constitute any form of title guarantee nor insurance. The liability of the company shall not exceed the charge paid by lhe applicant for this product, nor shall the company be held liable to any party other than the applicant for this product. THIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY. AND NO POLICY WILL BE ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO. oo ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. V50010566 The poliq or policies to be issued will contain exceptlons to the following unless the same arre disposcd of to the satlsfaction of the Company: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are nol shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter frrrnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liern, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in lhe public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. 6. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as edsting liens by the public records.o the Treasurer's office. 7 . Liem for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any.. 8. ln addition, the owner's policy will be subject to the morlgage, if any, noted in Section I of Schedule B hereof. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOROFAVEIN ORLODETO EXTRACTAND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOIJLD THE SAME BE FOI.JND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED OCTOBER 04. 1918. IN BOOK S3 AT PAGE 3OI. IO. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE T]NITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED OCTOBER 04. I9I8, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 301. II. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE. BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT TTIAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTATNED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED JULY 07, 1965, IN BOOK r90 AT PAGE 56r. I2. EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, CONDITIONSANDRESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONSANDNOTES AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE PLAT OF VAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING NO. 2 RECORDED JULY 7, 1965 IN BOOK l0l AT PAGE 69s. oo ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exccptions) Our Order No. V50010566 Thc policy or policies to be tssued wtll contaln excepdons to thc followtng untess the same aro dlsposcd of to the satlsfaction of the Company: 13. EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY FOR GORE CREEK AS IT AFFECTS SUBJECT PROPERTY. 14. UTILITY EASEMENT AS GMNTED TO UPPER EAGLE VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED APRIL 24, 1970, IN BOOK 217 AT PAGE 489. 15. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF EASEMENT GRANTED TO UPPER EAGLE VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT RECORDED APRIL 24. I97O IN BOOK 2I7 AT PAGE 48?. oo LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-l l-122, notice is hereby given that: A) The subject real property may be tocated in a special taxing district. B) A Certiffcate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer's authorized agent. C) The information regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained from the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Note: Effective September l, 1997, CRS 30-10-406 requires that all documents received for recording or filing in the clerk and recorder's oflice shall coniain a top margin ofat least one inch and a left, right and bottom margin ofat least one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may refuse to record or file any document that does not conform, except that, the requirement for lhe top margin shall not apply to documents using forms on which space is provided for recording or filing information at the top margin of the document. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires that "Every title entity shall be responsible for all matters which appear of record prior to the time of recording whenever the title entity conducts the closing and is responsible for rrcording or filing of legal documents resulting from the transaction which was closed". Provided that Land Tifle Guarantee Company conducts the closing of the insured transaction and is responsible for recording the Iegal documents from the tramaction, exception number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the knders Policy when issued. Note: Affirmative mechanic's lien prolection for the Owner may be available (typicdly by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commitment from the Owner's Policy to be issued) upon compliance with the following conditions: A) The land described in Schedule A of this commitrnent must be a single family residence which includes a condominium or townhouse unit. B) No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanics or material-men for purposes of conslruction on the land descrlbed in Schedule A of this Commitment within the past 6 months. C) The Company must receive an appmpriate allidavit indemnifying the Company against un-filed mechanic's and material-men's liens. D) The Company must receive payment of the appropriate premium. E) If there has been construction, improvements or major repairs undertaken on the pmperty to be purchased wilhin six months prior to the Date of the Commitment, the requirements to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain construction information; financial information as to the seller, the builder and or the contmctor; payment of the appropriate premium fully executed Indemnity Agreements satisfactory to the company, and, any additional requirements as may be necessary after an examination of the aforesaid information by the Company. No coverage will be given under any circumstances for labor or material for which the insured has contracted for or agreed to pay. Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-ll-123, notice is hereby given: This notice applies to owner's poliry commitrnents containing a mineral severance instrument exception, or exceptions, in Schedule B, Section 2. A) That there is recorded evidence that a mineral estate has been severed, leased, or otherwise conveyed from the surface estate and that there is a substantial likelihood that a third party holds some or all interest in oil, gas, other minerals, or geothermal energr in the property; and B) That such mineral estate may include the right to enter and use the pmperty without the surface owner's permission, Nothing herein contained will be deemed to obligate the company to provide any of the coverages referred to herein unless the above conditions are fully satisfied. Form DTSCIOSURE 09/O7/O2 'i .-OU JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fideltty National Financial Group of CompanieVChicago Title Insurance Company and Land Tltle Guarantee Company July r, 2001 We recognize and respect the privacy expectations of state Driv-acv hws. We believe'that rfrahhp vou awan we recognize and respect the privacy expectations of lodav's consumers and the reouirements of aoolicable federal and state privacy laws. We believe'that frakiirs vou aware of liow we use vour non-oublic Dersonal infdimation ("Personal Inforination''), and to whom it is discloseif, 'will form the basis for a r6lationshid of tru'st between us and the'oublicInljorination"'), and to whom it is discloseif, "will form the basis for a r6lationshid of ru'st between us that we serve. This Privacy Statement provides lhat explanation-. We reserve th6 right to change this I4lormation"), and to whom it is disclosed, will form the basis for a rElationshid of tru'st between us and the oublic that we serve. This Privacy Statement provides lhat explanation. We reserve tha right to change this Privacy' Statement from time to tirie consistent'wilh applicable'privacy laws. In the course of our buslness, we may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources: * From applications or other forms we receive from you or your authorized representative;* From ybirr transactio4s with, or from the services 6eing p6rformed by, us, o'ur affiliates, or others;+ From bur internet web sites:+ From the pullic records-maintained_ by gove-rnmental entities that we either obtain directly from those entities, oi from our affiliates or olheisiand+ Fmm consumer or olher reporting agenbies. Our Policies Regardtng the Protecdon of the Conlidentlallty and Security of Your Per:sonal Informatlon We rnaintain physical, electronic and orocedural safesuards to Drotect vour Personal Information from unauthorized access or inhirsion. We limit access tri the Personal lilformatioli onlv t6 those emolovees who need such access in connection with providing products or services to you or for other l6gitimate busineJs purposes. Our Polides and Pracdces Regarding the Shartng of Your Personal Information W9 may slare your Personal lnformatio4 with our aftiliates, such as insurance companies, agenls, and other real estale s-ettlemerit service providers. We also may disclose your Personal Informatiori: * to agents, brokers or reDresentatives to orovide vou with services vou have reouested:+ to lfiird-party contracto-is or.service proliden w'ho provide servicds or perforni mark6ting or other firnctioni; ori our behalf: and+ to othgrs- wilh whom wd enter into joint marketing agreements for products or services lhat we believe you may find of interest. In addition, we will disclose your Personal Information when vou direct or sive us nermission. when we are reouired bv law to do so, or when we suspect fraudulent or criminal aclivities. We aEo mavtisclose vdur Personal Information when otherwise Denirilted bv aoolicable orivacv laws such as. for exa"mole. wheh disclosure is needed lo enforce our rights arising but of any a'ge'e:ment, trlnsaction or relationihip with ybu. Qne of thlt important responsibilities of somg of our affiliated companies is to record documents in lhe public domain. Such-docnmenls may contain your Personal Information. ' Rlght to Access Your Personal Information and Ablltty to Correct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletion Cert?in 512195 af-ford ygq tle right to access your Personal Information and, under cerlain circumslances, to find oul lo whom your Persorial Informltion has beei disclosed. Also. certain statej afford vou the risht to reoudst correctioti, amendlne_nt or delelion of your Personal Information. We reserve the right, wherE permittled by law, to charge a reasonable fee to cover the c6sts incurred in responding to such requests. " All.requests submitled.to the Fidelity-Na-tioml Financial Group of Companies/Chicago Title Insurance Company shall b-e in writing, and delivered to-the following address: Privacy Compliance Officer [6ddbu8,il3$".lil 51ru;r;''* Santa Bartara . CA 93 I I 0 Multtple Products or Services If we provide yog wilh grore lhan one financial product or service, you may receive more than one privacy notice from ris. We apologize for any inconvenience tlts may cause you. FoTm PRIV. POL.CHI il?,sett Residence Site Analysis Buildable Area Any site, lot, parcel or any portion there of which does not contain designaed floodplain, red hazard avalanche area, or areas in excess of 40% slope. By definition the calculated buildable area is 46% of the total site square foohge (including the 100yr. Flood plain) Set Back 15' Setback on North, West, and East sides 20'Setback on South side Easemenb West - 20' se\,ver easment South - 10" wide drainage easment 40% Slooe There are no slopes over 40% on site Heisht Limited to 33'-0' per Primary/Secondary Zoning Parking Density Conbol Not more than a total of two dwelling units shall b prmitted on each site with only one dwelling unit permitted on /ots /ess than lffteen thousand square feet. Shall not exceed 20% of total site Area within Setbacla GRFA This statement sp".ifi"r?"t *" are only allowed to build a Single- O Family Residence on this lot The total lot size is 9982 which is well below the 15,000 square foot requirement for a dulplex or Two-Family Residence. From: To: Date: Sublect: Lynne Gampbell Elisabeth Eckel 10/0U2005 8:06:02 AM Fwd: Property Owner Comments on Variance Requesls lf lhis is not 1ou please forward to the correct planner. Thanks. >>> Nicholas Emigholz <n.emigholz@earthlink.net> 09/30 6:55 PM >>> To Whom lt May Concern: Reference: Town of Vail Public Notice, 3rd Request, Vail Daily on September 23, 2005, as mailed to me by Fritzen Pierce Architecb on9l23l2o05. My name is Nicholas Emigholz. I own property at 1885 Gore Creek Driver/ Lot 25, Vail Village West Filing 2. The purpose of this email is to indorse the request for variance being submitted by Fritzlen Pierce Architects on behalf of Nancy Hassett, Elisabeth Eckel, planner (reference). The requesl would allow for the construction of a garage within the front setback and two access curb cuts at 1895 Gore Creek Drive/Lot 26, Vail Village West Filing 2. Approval of these variances urculd relieve the property owner of hardships crealed by those restrictions. Reportedly, Pat Dauphinais will attend the Town of Vail public hearing on October 10, 2005, at 2:fi) PM. He may speak on my behalf. Sincerely, Nicholas W. Emigholz 13329 Southeast 195th Street Renton, Washington 98058-7769 253€31€257 (H) Frcm: Mlke VaughanTo: Elbabdh Ed(dDatc: 09/15/2005 9:39:55 AM$ublrat llatcdt rssldenoe.... G@ mornlng Ellsabdr, regaldfp thc Ftrsstt lusktsrrce, VFES has no requiramenb for thb projecil. Ag lt is eerly rarry concefid, ws nould llke b aee the dranges to this plan ae lt develops. Thanke, have a lfsst dey. co"" r rR DevelopMENr nou'rt Fonrtr Routed To:George Chalberg, PW Date Routed:09t14t05 Routed By:Elisabeth Eckel Date Due:09t21t05 Description of work:Variance request to construct a garage within the front setback Address:1895 Gore Creek Drive Lesal:Lot 126 lBlock:Subdivision:VailVillage West 2no Filing Status: I Approved n Approved with conditions fi Denled Comments:Date Reviewed:9121105 Need additional review bv Fire w/2" invert not to be heasted. Show all required Site distance must be meet Show top and bottom of walls. Show erosion control Limits of disturbance fence. Show new qrad with different line weioht. Atl to take place on Show all snow on to be heated? Address West Gore Creek Dr. ORIgINAL TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department October 10,2005 A request for a final reviewftrom Chapter 14-3, Residential Access, Driveway and Parking Standards, and Chapter 12-6D6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Yariances, Vsil f,own Qrde, to allow for the construction of tnsln:IF IElocated at 1895 Gore Creek Drive/Lot 26, VailVillage West Filing 2, and se-tting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC0$0072) Applicant Nancy Hasseft, represented by Fritzlen Pierce ArchitectsPlanner: Elisabeth Eckel suMMARy The applicant, Nancy Hassett, represented by FriElen Pierce Architects, is requesting variances from Chapter 14-3, Residential Access, Driveway and Parking Standards, and Chapter 12-6D6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Yariances, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a garage within the front setback and the construction of two access curb cuts. located at 1895 Gore Creek Drive/Lot 26, Vail Village West Filing 2. Based upon Straffs review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and Departmentan[]recommends Xlll and lX of this memorandum. II. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST subject to the findings noted in The applicant, Nancy Hasse$,_ppresrented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects, is proposing to construct West Vail. The new residence is proposed to be qpproximately 3,700 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) upon atJ|ts Sev6ralefsting site constraints preclude a substintialahount of the site from belng {evelopable, including a ffi ,T:ff"#1t'"Tt?J"it: " the rot and th# As a result of these site constraints,applicant is requesting variances, first proposing to locate approxi the front setback and landscaping along the to avoid backin l-alnbtu 6 ilt)- c '42% /-t@rltr z///2 {^5rAt1Y*rhtlie {/4 art- 5,. S,5 -z-a o a road. to provide more oo "Z*'.Q/rk @'qd,ahffib'atu ry) "7y,Air*A4zrf_ft,bzr/zr-ffi'r*,rrb,,z,ol,o'zfu u:z'tzb".a ffi d,t/zrro,qllr't ' e/6' / ',*6. fur zrnz l rfortZ AVV/ z /- tl ,n. 6n 16, /t* //) /-'/ b.n ro*&*.o fu /dr/,tL-Z/' n (/Z 'tz') / 'ob*'o fr*.Z/n6 %-7'/-* /, &t Zad-.a"ti =,rcry /*- * AlzlzzltKKt zt/firaz ft22 ;/z{frt'-' a ;;aqzf//.l.rbL+ *zqhzt-,/ -/f' afu/t'a*tZa*4zz Z 4 t4(%' rcf 3'{e- d%aF pzta '7n A vicinity map (Attachment A), site photographs (Aftachment B), the applicanfs request (Attachments G), the proposed architectural plans (Attachment D), and the Public Notice (Attachment E) are attached for reference. BACKGROUND Vail Village West 2d Filing, includ!ng!o'!.!Q, waslinto the Town of Vail through passage of Ordinance No. 18 At that time it was zoned Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential, which allows for single-family or two-family dwellings and the possibility of a Tlpe I Employee Housing Unit. No structure has yet been constructed upon this site. residences upon this lot three times previously: in 1984, 1987 and 1997. For reasons not documented in Town files, none of the proposals were ever constructed. The fot is relatively modest in size at 9,983 square feet, of which 2}o/o may be utilized for site coverage and which allows a maximum GRFA of 4,592 square feet, However, several site constraints exist which substantially limit the buildable area of the lot. The most substantial site constraint exists in the form of a twentv foot wide sewer easement owned bythe Eagle RiverWaterand Sanitation Districtf fhe easement runs east-west through the center of the lot and occupies a totatfl[,665 square feet) of lot area, including the side setback areas at the east and west sides of the eas€ment. The second most notable site constraint includes thilIbrea at the north side of the lot, which renders approximatetyJl@,StO aOOiiionffirare feet) of the lot area unusable, including the area of the east and west side setbacks and the rear setback to the north. Once the front and side setbacks have consideration as unusable lot Firstly, the applicant is requesting a variance from the 20' front setback standard prescribed within the Two-Family Primary/Secondary District. This request is primarily the result of the ERWSD easement. lf the easement did not exist, the homeorner vtould potentially have access toIandbe able to locate the residence between seve location within the front setback Second|y,theapp|icantisrequestingapprova|fortheconstuctiono|Et association with the construction of this new single-family residence. This request is being attributed to the fact that the residence is located on West Gore Creek Drive, which provides a bus route for residents and guests within the West Vail area and which At the time of its adoption, a regulation within the Development Strandards Handbook, Vail Town Code, Driveway Standards stated that "backing into the street is not encroaching into the front setback. The amount of garage square footrage proposed for tv. permitted on streets with a) high traffic volumes, b) on bus routes, or c) where sight distance requirements cannot be met'(Section 14-11-3). Since that time, however, such regulation regarding not backing.out onto bus routes was deemed unnecessary and is no longer enforced. Additionally, the Residential Access and Parking Standards detail within the same Title states that only one curb cut "per street per unit" is allowed with a"maximumoftwocurbcutsper|ot"(-Section14-3-Tab|e2).G Because the applicant is proposing to construct only one unit upon the site since the site is less than 14,000 square feet in size, the number of curb cuts allowed for the lot is only one, per the aforementioned guideline. The applicant has presented Staff with a site plan showing the feasibility of a hammerhead scenario in which only one curb cut is necessary and therefore a variance for two curb cuts would not be needed from the Planning and Environmental Commission. Because this scenario has been deemed possible, it is Staffs opinion that it should be pursued, provided it can accommodate a full-sized parking space completely within the property lines. This proposal is nol currently scheduled for review by the Design Review Board, but such review is a condition of approval recommended by Staff as a part of the variance requests. ROLES OF REVIEWING BODIES Order of Review: Generally, variance applications will be reviewed by the Planning and Environmental Commission, and then any accompanying design review application will be reviewed by the Design Review Board. Planning and Environmental Gommiseion: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval, approval with modifications, or denial of a variance application, in accordance with Chapter 12-17, Variances, Vail Town Gode. Design Review Board: The Design Review Board has no review authority over a variance application. However, the Design Review Board is responsible for the final approval, approval with modifications, or denial of any accompanying design review application, Tqvn Gouncil: The Town Council has the authority to hear and decide appeals from any decision, determination, or interpretation by the Planning and Environmental Commission and/or Design ReMew Board. The Town Council may also call up a decision of the Planning and Environmental Commission and/or Design Review Board. Staff: The Town Staff facilitates the application review process. Staff reviews the submitted application materials for completeness and general compliance with the appropriate requirements of the Town Code. Staff also provides the Planning and Environmental Commission a memorandum containing a description and background of the application; an evaluation of the application in regard to the criteria and findings outlined by the Town Code; and a recommendation of approval, approval with modifications, or denial. v.APPLIGABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Staff believes that the following provisions of the Vail Town Code are relevant to the review of this proposal: TITLE 12: ZONING REGUIATIONS Afticle 12-0D.1: PurFse The twofamily prtmary/secondary residential district is intended to provide sites for single-family residential uses or two-family residentialuses in which one unit is a larger pimary residence and the second unit is a smaller caretaker apaftment, together with such public facilities as may appropriately be located in the same district. The two-family primary/secondary residential district is intended to ensurc adequate light, aE, privacy and open space for each dwelling, commensurcte with single-family and two-family occupancy, and to maintain the desirable residential qualities of such sfies by establishing appropriate site development standards. A rti cl e 1 2-6D-G : Sefbaclrs ln the pimary/secondary residential distict, the minimum front setback shall be twenty feet (20'), the minimum slde setback shall be fifteen feet (15'), and the minimum rear setback shall be fifteen feet (15). Chapter 12-17: Varianc* (in paft) 12-17-1: Purposer 4. Reasons for Seeking Vartance: In order to prevent or fo /essen such practical difficufties and unnecessary physical hardshrps rnconsisfent with the objectives of this title as would resuft from strict or literal interyretation and enforcement, variances from ceftain regulations may be gnnted. A pnctical difficufty or unnecessary physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a sffe or the location of existing sfructures thereon; from topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical limitations, street locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity. Cosf or inconvenience to the applicant of slrict or liteml compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance. Section l*3-Table 2: ResidentialAccess and Parking Shndards (in part) Standard Single-family, Two- familn Primara/Secondary -access to not mor€ tban 3 d$/€lling units (including EHUs) -shuchrcs ard all portions thercof within 150'ftom odte ofstr€st Davem€nt Multiple Family -acc€ss to 4 to l I dwelling units -feeder road only Multiple Family -acc€ss to morE tban I I dwelling units -fccdcr road only Curb Cuts Curb cutr pertrdtted (number) I pcr str€et p€r unit Maximum of 2 curt cuts per lot per parcel M|nrmum nece$9ary for ad€quate acc€ss 4 SITE ANALYSIS Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Current Land Use: Lot Size: Standard Setbacks (min): Front: Sides Rear: Height (max.): Density (max): GRFA(max): North: South: East: West: Land Use Residential Residential Residential Residential 1895 Gore Creek Drive Lot 26, Vail Village West 2d Filing Two-Family Primary/Secondary Medium Density Residential Vacant 9,983 sq. ft. (-0.23 acres) Allowed/Reouired 20 ft. 15 ft. 15 ft. 30 ft./33 ft. 1 dwelling unit 4,592 sq. ft. Proposed -15 ft. 66 ft. <33ft. Site coverage (max,): 1,997sq. ft. (20olo) Landscape Area (min.): 5,990 sq. ft.(60%) Parking (min.): 3 SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING 1 dwelling unit 7,666 sq. ft. (-76Vol 3 (2 enclosed) Zonino Residential Cluster Two-Family Primary/Secondary Two-Family Primary/Semndary Two-Family Primary/Secondary VIII. CRITERIAANDFINDINGS The review criteria for a request of this nature are established by Chapter 12-16, Vail Town Code. A. Consideration of Factors Reoardino Variances: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existlng or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Front Setback Variance The width and location of the ERWSD 157o of the lot unusable. structure upon this Lot in 1984. - been granted variance easernent because the easement intersects the surrounding lots at angles that allow for more development upon those lots. However, fhe small size of the lots within this subdivision has prompted other homeowners to request variances from the setback regulations. Staff t,,D 3. believes that the proposed front setback variance is necessary due to the existing site constraints and will not be detrimental to the existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Drivewav Standards Variance Staff does not believe that the deviations from the driveway standards arein keeping with the general character of the Two-Family Primary/Secondary zone district sunounding this lot, in which district no other residences have been allowed two curb cuts.rllltrt the Town has requested or been from this . Therefore, Staff does not believe the driveway standards variance request associated with the proposed residence is in keeping with the general character of the neighboring properties. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among eites in the vlcinfty or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Front Setback Variance Straff believes that relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of the front setback regulations would grant this homeowner some amount of flexibility in constructing a residence upon this lot. This relief is necessary to achieve compatibility among sites in the vicinity through the construction of a well-designed residence on a previously empty site oft-used for construction materials. Staff does not view the approval of this request as grant of special privilege. Drivewav Standards Variance Staff does not believe that relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of the driveway standards regulations is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity since no other sites in the vicinity have requested or been granted such a variance. Additionally, the applicant has provided Staff with a workable plan that may potentially negate the need for this variance request. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, dietribution of population, transportatlon and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilitiee, and public safety. Front Setback Variance Staff believes that the requested front setback variance will not have a negative effect on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic utilities, public facilities and utilities, or public safety. Furthermore, Staff believes that the requested variance will have a positive effect by continuing quality (re)development within the Vail Village West 2no Filing. Additionally, Staff believes that the applicant should make every effort to mitigate the effect of a sfucture built within the front setback through increased landscaping. Drivewav Standards Variance Staff believes that the requested variance from the driveway standards will not have a significant effect on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic utilities, public facilities and utilities, or public safety. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deeme applicable to the proposed variance. B. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinos before qrantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical dfficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title.b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone.c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Front Setback Variance The Community Development Department recommends approval, with conditlons, of a variance from Chapter 126D-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a garage within the front setback located at 1895 Gore Creek Drive/Lot 26, Vail Village West Filing 2, and setting forth details in regard therelo. This recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission pass the following motion: The Planning and Environmental Commission approves the applicant's reguesf for a variance from Secfion 12-6D-6, Sefbacks, pursuant to Chapter 12- 17, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a garage within the front setback at 1895 Gore Creek Drive/Lot 26, VailVillage West Filing 2, and seffiing fotth details in regard thereto, subjectto the following conditions: Should the Planning and Enviionmehtal CommiSsion choose to approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission makes the following findings: The Planning and Environmental Commission finds: 1. The granting of this variance will not constitute a granting of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other propefties classified in the TwoFamily Pri mary/Second a ry Di strict. 2. The granting of this vaiance will not be detrimentalto the public heafth, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to propefties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. This vaiance is warranted for the following reasons.' a. The drict litercl interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other propefties in the same district. c. The strid interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other propefties in the same district. Drivewav Standards Variance The Community Development Department recommends denial of a variance from Chapter 14-3, Residential Access, Driveway and Parking Standards, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Yariances, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of two access curb cuts, located at 1895 Gore Creek Drive/Lot 26, Vail Village West Filing 2, and sefting forth details in regard thereto. This recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission pass the following motion: The Planning and Environmental Commission approves the applicant's rcguesf for a variance from Chapter 14-3, Residentra/ Access, Driveway, and Parking Sfandards, purcuant to Chapter 12- 17, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of two access curb cuts located at 1895 Gore Creek Drive, Vail Village West Filing 2, and setting forth details in regard thereto, subject to the following conditions: 1. This approval shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Desibn Review Board approval of the design review application associafed with this variance request. 2. Prior to final design review approval, the applicant shall submit a topographic suNey which reflects the data from the most recently revised 100 yearflad plain suruey. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the Gommission makes the following findings: The Planning and Environmental Commission finds: 1. The granting of this variance will not cond,ituta a granting of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other propefties c/assrfred in the Two-Family Pri mary/Secondary Distrtct. 2. The granting of this variance will not be detrimental to the public heafth, safety, orwelfare, or mateially injurious to properties or imprcvements in the vicinity. 3. Ihls variance is wamnted for the following reasons.' a. The drict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specffied rcgulation would resuft in praclical difficufty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsr.sfenf with the objectives of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other propefties in the same district. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties' in the same district. x. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to deny this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission makes the following findings: The Planning and Environmental Commission fids: 1. The granting of this variance will constitute a granting of special pivilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties c/assl7ed in the Two-Family Pri m a ry/ Secon d a ry Di strict. 2. The granting of this variance witt be detimenta! to the pubtic heafth, safety, or welfare, or materially injuious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. Ihrb variance is not warrcnted forthe followingreasons.' a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code. b. There are no exceptions or ertraordinary circumslances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply genenlly to other properties in the same district. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would not deprive the applicant of pivileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same distict. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Applicant's Request C. Site Photographs D. Architectural Plans E. Public Hearing Notice 10 Altachment A loOo C\l P c)orr t'|-9 xE6'EE IoE- YN6 T E:sE-Eo gH ogo6>goE6 n>-FoR0 El r'SF9E- LLI Eco o)c'- co & Aftachment B r lrii.,ir-.,,\l{ .\irfrir\i O ,i|]) | l)i.'r\\'.,\rr lritr\ 1 1 | h.,.,iirr.a; ljri-cin,-,s! Il.rtJq|r FRITZLEN PI a ERC MEMO Date: To: From: September 12,2005 Town of Vail Chet Arasim Subiect Hassett Residence - Description of rhe variance: The request is for a front setback variance to allow a two car garage to encroach up to 210 sf into the setback. 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Residential drive access along Core Creek Drive is primarily perpendicular to the lot lines and off stret parking is located in the right of way. Numerous ga',ages are located within the front building setback The right of way width is 2O' allowing for easing maneuvering and off stret prking. These non-conforming conditions are due to the re-annexation of Wer;t Vail from Eagle C-ounty several years 4go. Numerou s lots along Gore Creek have a significantly restricted buildable envelope due to the Eagle Valley Watet and Sanitation easement that bifurcates the lots. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. The site coverage allwved for this lot of 1995.5 is 77.5sf greater than the area within the building setbacks and antside of the Lhility Easements making it impossible for the Owner to utilize the maximum amount of site coverage allowed by the Town of Vail Zoning Code. Further the area within the Eagle Vallqt Water and Sanitation lJtility Easement that is outside the applicable building setback is 486 sf. Therefore 486sf of site area is not available for development due to the Eagle Vallqr Water and Sanitation easement. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. lir:.1) [,]:i \'.];l t'.rllt'r Dri,.r', i,rllri{l+ a-i \',trl. C,rilr.:rl,r tl li,l I i,: ,t:ir.ll{' r) i.1..: I : !:ri.'{:{i."1r)ir'l I : rtrt,r.'l.ir,,til.rri lrilr't 1:r i,)irl rr r,,',r i.riirr, lr,lr.r i..'';:r ARCHITECTS vAtL, cot_oMDo \ FRITZLEN PI#E ARCHITECTS v il_,cotoRADo No adrcrse efbcfs are anticiptd, 4. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. Ihe pqorid guqe b aryld to the street in or&r to enlane ax of driveway acress and to creafe a more dairable sfreef pr€s€nce. The dual driwvvay ut allovns for a lat flanthg aten n&. to the road that will enhane the appearane of the strerr. from the public right of way. The propd layaut dlmilwes h&irg out onto Gore W Drive which k a hts rwte and a cr:lller/rq *rerf,. 1650 tast Vail Valley Drive, Fallridge C-1, Vail, Cr.rlorado 81657 P:. 97t).476.634? f:97O.476.49O1 E: info@vailarchitects.cr:m wrrwv-vailarchitc,cts.com I l .*l i W,r 4.t tt-t C INSIAIHSVIIV J = .E=---)ss--. !)..-' \ I Jlt Vll;. I t:t, I V//i, 'I i\ lr.l ,& zz >a =."t'a =j H= 95"*lEssP e Eiliir 'r 6c^ "\ :--ll \.: g\r \/-\ \ + _&\ !orl rg EI ,'* I t \.. i \E a rlt -l iiiri lEiil fiiii! I a EA!: tl 3! i i:,! I i";i;|l:ii tEt;5 5l: : !;:58 i; i ii;i;Eiiffi#I -:|il; I '., zj 11'r,1':::'.?a.'.':-' .'.',' Ji \.\ tr ).--\,<":i;\./''.'//^ o lusr.Lfl.lcEuv :iiii-f 6 ii*ElEl 6so I DltorJ lfNtcts:lu IttssvH g E .' 1.. . jrl]l$iiil r:.:,1 ttt,,Il lil,l, lii[iFllIrl g &5 8' I. tl .|\-?.. F/t \\l f\\ I -\sX tg 'd fio v ut IJJd\) uJtl o lelilirs -t _ e ;ttlis HI $ x l! fur#o## | N tul- z tu iiliHH 5l!!,ll]|olJ lfNlctslu II,tssvH ao !iliffiH 6L90rlrltotd tfN:lctstu Il]ssvH ztl <tlJtl 0-ll ull otl 9tlnll Jil tutl >tl lutlrll AIZl'oot:o l_i Hli @ li , ')7\ 6,A---) ZF\\/-\sx < d E a e4e'v d-L-Y ' ',.- Oo iiiiHE 619l|1.]]|c!I. I!9LIO(IV|TOEJ TY.ror{3r r r$^ twnlrt,v L ror r^ro rn!) &r e5.r ]fN]CIS]U Ir]SSVH ztl <tl dll 6ll otlJtlnll Jtl HllJll Dilt Ellr @ ti 't'EltYt-'s\fr oo IIJ Uu tlJ 61!r ' r:!k!J r!9rr (xtm)l-r) lv^ro{.JnrB rsrM trnu w !rnn raro rt !) rDJ erdl Sf,NlCIrSlU I]SSVH i I ttl I I FI Fil- $li r.$\-i7 tl tl il zll otl Hl<il >tl mtl -Jtlilrll Ellt Hil; fl}) zotr luJtu Fo tu tl tl tl tl zl oilFt{ll >tltullJll urll Ellr Mllr ell;o Attachment E THIS ITEM MAYAFFECTYOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, VailTown Code, on Oc{ober 10, 2005, at 2:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal BuiHing, in consideration of: A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for a rezoning of Lots 1-3, Vail das Schone Filing 1, Lot 1 and Vail das Schone Filing 3 from Commercial Core 3 (CC3) to Public Accommodation (PA), located at2211 North Frontage Road/Lots 1-3, Vail das Schone fling 1 and 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Vanquish Vail I LLC, represented by Bharat BhaktaPlanner: Matt Genneft A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7-4, Permitted and Conditional Uses, Second Floor and Above, Vail Town Code, to allow for a professional office, located at 710 Lionshead Circle, Units Aand B (Vail Spa/Lot 1, Block 2, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto.Applicant Kyle and Lorraine WebbPlanner: Matt Gennett I A request for a final review of a variance, from Chapter 14-3, Residential Access, ..r$*, Driveway and Parking Standards, and Chapter 12-6D-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, tSt^\o9 pursuant to Chapter 12-'17,Yanances, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a -tr\P\ garage within the front setback and the construction of two access curb cuts, located at 1895 Gore Creek Drive/Lot 26, Vail Village West Filing 2, and setting forth details in regard thpreto. Applicanti Nancy Hasseft, represented by Fritzlen Pierce ArchitectsPlanner: Elisabeth Eckel A request for a final review of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7H-7, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, and a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7H-2, Permitted and Conditional Uses; Basement or Garden Level, and 12-7H-3, Permitted and Conditional Uses; First Floor on Street Level, Vail Town Code; and final review of architectural deviations, pursuant to Section, Review Griteria for Deviations to the Architectural Design Guidelines for New Development, Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, to allow for the development of 107 multi.Jamily residential dwelling units, located at 728 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 2, West Daj Subdivision, and sefting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Vail Corp., represented by Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: Wanen Campbell I The applications and information about the proposals are arrailable for public inspection during office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frcntagq Road. Tho public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visib that prccede the public headng in the Town of Vail Oommunity Developm€nt Department. Please call 970.479-2138 for additional information. Sign language inbrpretation is arrailable upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please call 970-,479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published September 23, 2005, in the Vail Daily. ZdaSzzZZ Lcpl dcscription: Lot Addrcss Orrncr Architcct Zonc disu Lot sizc Total CRFA ._ +_ Primary GRFA _+ (42j) (675.) = Scrcondary GRFA" + ( Phonc Pbonc 4,7'15/Z hoposcd usc Buildablc Existing . 5/z el= + 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs tlis rcqucst invotvc a 250 Addition? O,. Horv much of thc altorvcd 2i0 Addition is uscd with ,Jus rcqucst? (2.2 sitccor.cragc ,e/.rzJ4?/_- /r7r// = _ /fS /Hcight $y6)/uz.Sctbacks Front .,. 20, b, Sidcs .15' ------- Rcar l i,, t r,-a 4qn<a 1-,, t - ,/1 ^ I laU -Landscaping Mfun^^/A/.-ft5f/4_ -7 AUA | @ty1il?- f?oRctainingWallHcigtrs 3, 16, E.4 75664Parking Recuirca .2 ., i1 Eircloscd caragc Crcdit Goo{600)/(goo) 1200) Drivcrvav /'tza-' /ff V l"r n"ras *' ? n ^r"scdsropc 7 o/. Complics rvith TOV Liglting Ord.irancc V*_ 3_ No_ Arc finishcd gradcs les tban 2:I (50%) V.r__7_ No_ Environmcntal4lazards 2) Floodplain 3) Wctlands '4) Wdtcr Coursc Scback (30) 5) Geologic Haa:rds a) Snorv Avalanchc b) RocKall c) Dcbris FIow /U' Prn'iouscond.itionsofapproval(chcckpropertyfitO, f--7Ztzz , Z/? ,.4-Un*rr6ff h4, Isthcpropcrtynon-conforming?Dacribc:- 4 / / ZONECHECK Allorvcd ftf, o o t. DESIGN REVIE}Y CHECKLIST O SITEPLAN Buitding matccial samplcs C.O. Vcrilicati on Sun\Shadc Anglcs Utilities (undcrground) Vierv Corridon Varianccs plat rcstictions .rl PREPERTY DESCRIPTII]N Thot port of Lot ?6, Voit VttLoge West,, Fito the mop thereof necorded in the off ice Colorodo, Clerk ond Reconder, descr tbed os The southwestenty ten feet of sqld Lot 26,feet, rrore on tess, tlng No, ?, of the Eogte fo I lows r contotn Ing qccord i n g Coun ty, 1174 squone n"t", -/tfr.2---___84 Ston Hogfe t Colorodo P/,L,S, + + <, <,+o SCALE:l' - 30' LOT 25 €dl I .i OCT I '97 7!Og FR ' 924-lSt E.3ll}' U S I,IEST 97A 244 4349 TO 919?BBZ?5SSE P.6t/gl $1f, ofrlrr,2ta>*ffi \AilVflh6wlo,|. Dcr to','7 4A 1 t'' ' r*Lalt' 9?gc??5885 Pt6E.SGz xx TOTnL PnGE.90l x'( ffi br blowitrvicrr&['tl' dtdi(n fcE{Etrrsio"ic||lbcdh cqiadotHffi r*ffiffir r;ttt*irclb- U.s.wc(bnd.dFt{il{uz'l9rO4g6-gr&.lto tt|*triooco4ry tae'5711Otrtf|{ tlCtOilEL*Lr{s' tt9-t191 TCH{tdloblotd Tc,l. rt-txlonqcgs F-FlttcwsrSrr&Di;lc' .f-7.110 FnilU.. r n6li6rdrcah-0rorfh.r'd:vei**tiUlrtlFaE||'cv{ctwstSdto i* i'* tatn*-tErffi Noris: frfc&rdcrrictrbrfF &od otrLoorycq*'r||c rdrc d lnd - m ttG-rII* c* i*i rw rdr d tlo dsvolgdil Fe..!a iliadlf9.dm mffii$ffiffq1Cflnl..md'r'A leE ^tlucxtrcLgdElBEl sEP aa '9? 9!30 tz;2x"7"",W- tzrt a aq,'zi-rFqS,agFPlr nI9{ gg! C9L,S\E cct\ET'N s?Esas6 IrO. 117 p.?/r?p.2 I I I ,:r '-t_-// -././'q 7,{ ./ L- ? t/a bTulbh.o'L' l-:zt?7 I F56'' f,l4rdrcplu. rhrpln rnd uovrto6*r0otortnrurF Brdcvrllcy wse fuffion dg[t|!. l|lt fktv ncada tili bc rddrc*d i NOTES: it. . tffio rdltt rctlctr tunr hr.Urrut'*u O of0crdUry o4rnie' nd m co|t|ru-rctUoOrdy onrfottrt dt3TitBtl[ Froolbi.rrc r Flblcr' rd tc dorlPataPoocod. a tt.dlivoo4!Vhr.ccr.|lrrlltU.Fql.d-.d*tbdfrVrqccadrtfill.iob di4vd tarflry rrelmluniu{mclrirotn'rldr drrobcrdtd. Ite l* lidld ttt.| br-rbllcd ia m dod l6t' F tlt tott otVdl Hon!|r*, plcrc f.c9 h r*a t[4tuittuEr*dbitilt cib.tiiltvcoihDrysArtc*flicnttoo*rc . firdld fubtonr !, ltcrvrltdc.doadicttEtu.*rd**tqcrfmVbcrirr h&ltcWg Fr|il !s Uo lrlg|rnqts oth$llc Watr i t ttn dV4 iidlh-|6!!ry+*1re&irCbry renrSldiry cuvllh hoTom dvdl I &q- sr?c bzaT' Gr-i1c- )rlrorls ?\'r.- sztt 1i I Udr.d6,'? Thir ftrlr ir !o uclt st"lcc rvrlbbaliry rld tqliur lbr ttcs€irlrrdqr nrt rbcld bG rrd h cqn{9o ffiffirtir.,;',nfrynrnnl jiiiilinrinrblhtio6 llrclnrim.d16it15litol61tb4Ttc6ct tt q L-rn i" -ri* finc i'fqo..f rir,cr n l to OOpot cC ldirtdfr.d bt tho fbllori'3 utilid€ tE rhc FnpritttdrFlat EB U5. wc*Ooonristictl t{00-0zll-1917 .6141Sa9.1t4530 nriro g-i.o Conr.oy 949-tRl OryHdl Holt Olcr Esic Arrm" 9a9'$92 TEnHryroftlEotd T.C.l. re.5tl0 FletdSJE qtbniw*tFf S.nhahn DFlcl' tt76.7a|ia ?|td Hrrla This fonn is to vcriS scrvicc availability and location for tlcw constntction and should bc uscd in conjunction ilI, ;;qr.rirg your;tiliry plan and sch;dilling installations. Thc location and availability of utilitics, whcthcr tt,cy lrc n.,ain Inrnk linc.s or'proposcd lincs, must bc approvcd and vcrificd by thc following utilitics for thc acconrpanying sitc Plan. ry:ylw: Datc U.S. Wcst Communications t -tt00-922-l987 468-6S60 or 949-4530 Public Scrvicc Crrrnpany 949-5781 Gary Hall Holy Cross Elcctric Assoc. 949-5892 Tcd Husky/John BoYd T.C.l. 949-5530 Floyd Salazar Eaglc Rivcr Watcr & Sanitation District * 476-7480 Flcd I-laslcc Authorizcd Sisraturc tua A As p.* '^l\*qfn'$b't'c+ ""of q-B^qT * Plca.sc bring a sitc plan, floor plan, and clcvations whcn obtaining Uppcr Eaglc Vallcy Water & Sanitation signaturcs. Firc flow nccds must bc addrcsscd. NOTES: l. lf thc utility vcrilication forrn has signaturcs fronr cach of thc utility companics, and no commcnts arc madc dircctly on thc iorm, thc Town will prcsunrc that thcrc arc no problcms and thc dcvclopmcnt can Procced. 2. lf a utility company has concems with thc proposcd construction, the utility rcprcscntativc shall notc dircctly on the utility vcrification form that thcrc is a problcrn which.nccds to bc resolved' Thc issuc should thcn be-dctailcd in an attachcd lettcr to thc Town of vail' Howevcr, plcasc kecp in mind that it is thc rcsponsibility of thc utility company and thc applicant to rqsolvc idcntificd problcms. Thesc verifications do not rclicvc thc conbactor of thc rcsponsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from thc Department of Public works at the Town of vail. utility locations must be obtained bcforc digging in any public right-of-way or easement within thc Town of vail. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE Ev*y- Sryc b'usT' G-lny z j'YPeros g>-t- rz3t(t* zLl- 59< b 4 5. -t' Updated 6/97 75 South Frontage Road YaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 D ep artment of Community Development July 31,1 997 Erich Hill Paradigm Designs 835 Inca ParkwaY Boulder Colorado RE: Lot 26, Vail Village West Filing No. 2 Dear Erich: The Town ol Vail is has reviewed the revisions to the above-referenced property, submitted on .luty ZA, 1 997. The following issues must be addressed by noon, Monday, fugust 4, 1997' and resblved in order to remain on the August 6, DRB agenda for final review. The issues are as follows: j. The site plan shows a deck that is approximately 9 feet wide. lt appears that foundation and/or stiuctural elements will be constructed within lhe sewer easement. Please provide verilication that Upper Eagle Valley has reviewed the revised plan and is agreeable to permitting this encroachment; Z. The grass-crete pavers in the driveway for the EHU is al 12.2y" grade; Please revise the grade or designate that the driveway will be heated; 3. The grading associated with the northeast corner of the house exceeds 2:1 between the 40 and 42 contour: 4. please revise the site plan to show the pan installed entirely in the proposed driveway' to the north of the existing edge of asphafiFa lf you have questions, please contact Terri Partch at (970) 479'2325. Sincerely, 5ir'*{-ttll,",* Tammie Williamson Town Planner €P u*u"uo trrn Review Action ronl TOWN OF VAIL Parcel Number: Proiect Namc: Lohre - new single family with a T]'pe I EHU Building Name: Project Dcscription: New single famil)' with a Type I EHU Owncr, Address and Phonc: John Lohre Architcct/ApPlicant, Address and Lcgat Description: Lot-26 Block - Subdivision vail village westfst Filing Zone Distict J/s- Proicct Street Address: 1895 West Gore Creek Drive Comments: Board Action Motion by: Clark Brittain Vote: 5-0 Seconded by: Ted Hingst X Approval n Disapproval a Staff Approval Lauren Waterton Town Planner Date: August 6, 1997 DRB Fee Pre-Paid $0 Cornmunity Development Plan Routing Form Approved x Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditions Routcd To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Partch, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Mike McGee, Fire Works Return To:Communify Dcvclopment Datc Routed:7/28197 Rcturn By: Proicct Name:€nc ilil Proiect Address: Projcct Lcgal: Projcct Description: r. fo$ psclrdbl\ ccnir 5ui1f crnl k-'urrjn hrv\ /5tyu(.t\-re: ewrer'ri ir\fD lht f un'<nan<nl. P ldsP kc*n ?rel tts\ee n rrj ch-arl" qe '2. -t\.q(As5 crete rl f ku.z!..1 la- f,e €ru, i(,, ar a lz. tt'/u qradC. PEat. reclrcr<lc 3o Wtt )l- tlw:S 6pt hAvB toW,ttareA 2 Yco hauO o(V A(Z\ v*g(e +o-r qr.r)\^q e{c6ad5'L-! \qt tt-v ^arih e,JrY ca'ne( of .rtp hoagg . belq!g.. rhe 41 ^.d4?- <{frturc. 4 l-tta:e inr,tt111 ;.on a'lHr€lj nft:v"- Nef*seddci.:a.,so1 rG tc,rhe rvrtho? the ett<hlg 4gs4 {Sn L.lbrt<r-. t-<xcJ Pa1ke E\re.J,}jd1l"l rerrxrne,<} -ll'i\. Date rece ived: PARADICM IJETTER OF TRANS!,IITTAL Date: 1-Zb -9-1 1).e+ f(;,St&-,ure- ro3 Ta,qr^tr tD,t|.,r^ls, C.,",^. t)",,r.Tb.rr o* Vo.t t.75S. F.-*{-qF- Ro'...o[ ProJect: Vott t Lo btt"Sl tats eu V.V. h). Flrlg Fro 2- DESICN Please find Dated -7-2Je-q1 enclosed Copies 3 the foLlowing: of C*.r^* pta'.s a etetr";lro'ts Remarks: F[i {},.,^,r i, -{\srrhs nre- krre'o t4 'f4"''"c' gta. !ce- ace* e-r {a- o.tt y."\^rt"otp. t€+ ar€- prabta"^.9, C-o,nCrnS /*fl--rlqqr DRB copy to: ARCHITECTURE SCULPTURE INTERIORS 83s rNCA PARKWAY BOULDE& COLORADO 80303 303-499-4252 (h,uno/s hlicy Anerican lrrd I& As$ciabl ton& l90l&rctlbdlG17-701 eorunn't" AZ 942026 MINNESOTA TTTLSA Su&trf TO nE D(ruJ$fi{S fRoM CWERAGE It{E o(EPIlOtlS CO'IIANE0 lN SC}lEDt E B N{D ru PnMAfiItlS 0FIHE qlf{DrnoNs AND SnruWnils HEnEof IIIU N$nAllf,E Coirf[NY tr MINNESoTA hsrein c.ilsd t]E cotFry. irsrcs, c of llaE of ft$cr *uirn in SchduleAaginr lcscdama6, rrdtrcgedhtg hsrnmof irnrerc sbtsd hSdE&leArdoars.nwmys'fuesadcpwsttttii tu Ctrmmy nrty bcom dlpbd b psu hsEu*( $st ined t inoJrd h Oe iNuEd bv ea$n 0t: l. Ids bfuelm a innrs*rbscrlEl in SdurdeA birryBEd otEwisc 0tan ac snatedtheain; 2" Aoy 6a in c liat or emrrnbrEs on sdr t'tlc; 3. Ldofadfnotsordlunhhnd: r +. ttmshmblfitvof sdrttle, ItlW|Itl[SS VYlmoEths sddTde lnstamCutprty of Mir'wE tus ca!8d iB cspmbnan d $al bb ]rorqrlo afirrt h iA erb artlutq, officm ao oltn dac *ofln in Sdro&|0 A dE poliYb be '/alid utsl cu,nmigEd by sn atffi dterfisgcntd hsCdtptry. TIU |ilSTRAXCE CoMnIW 0F tlf{NEstTA Aed0o4t?q)W ,''{Dsdt i/tt'lFrl r/tEf5O, Itl f=-..\I ,ii'id Il|clln rll &e8 25X o6l30y'I997 A9!13 303?444951 _ Il,l ouner tro:n 2313 Fllr lfo. V14012 ECBwliE I STIXES Ar.lD CII MGE 82o Pollcy ro. M942026 I ?. IIS|niBII AIID RICITT OI lrAV IOR 608T CREEK IS IE AFFECIS SUSIIGII PNOPIRItr.r I I I tr3 I -8613AlL997 A9:13 3037446951 !Il,[ owncr Forn 2313 "t oo. v14ot7 ST(XES A.ID CO PAGE A3 l.r", No. AZe4zo26 SCIIEDUI,E B lhi6 1rollc1z alors not insurc agalnst losg or danage by rcason of tbolollowilg: Rlghte or cl.ails of parties in ;rosscccion not shorn by theprtbllc ncords. :. Easaucnts, or clailr of easeuents, not shoyn by the prrblic record3. | . Dllcrcganalec, confllctr Ln boundary lines, sbortaga ln ar:a,' encroacbants, and any taots uhich a correst sunrey andinspcetion of thc preuieer would dl=elogo anal uhich arc not sbovn by tbr public tecorals. I I . Any lLcn, or rlght to a licn, fot gehrl,ces, labor, or naterialttreretofon or hereafter fir.rnirbed, luposed by law and ttot sbovn by tbo public rocordc. . TAXSS FOR, Tr{E YSAR 1989 AND StBSBQttENlI yEARg. . IJENS FoR InrP rD I'ASEA, rilD SEtfER CRARGE!', IF AnY. . RIGHI OP PROPRTSTOR OF A \IEIN OR I'DE IIO E:KTNAET TND RII@VI EIS ORE $IE.RAFAOU SBOUI,D IIIE SAIG BE FOT'ND To PENRIRATE OR INSERT'ECT lM PNEICSES r,s RESERVED IN I'NITED SIATES PATEN'T RTCORDED OctobeT 04, 1918, IIT BOOtr 93A[ PAGE 3OI. . RIGTTT OF TNAY FOR DI.|ICEES OR CATTAIS CPNSTRUCIED BT IIEE AIIIIORTTC OF 1TEE UIIITED STAI|ES AS RASERVED III T'ilITED STATES PAIEI|! RECORDED OCIObCT O{, 1e18, If BOOr 93 Alr PA('E 30L. . NESIIBIETTVB @\'ENililTA $EICU DO NOI COIIIAIII A FORFEITURE OR RT\TERIIIR CIAI'SE, EUT Ottlgtrllc RESlRrqlrOtfE, rp AltY, tAsED otf RACE, @toR, RETJOTOF, OR NA,trroNrIJ oRIGrN, AS' CONtATNED IN TNSTRUUEN! RECoRDED July 07, 1965' nr BOOK I9O AT PAGE 561. O. EASEIIEIII GR,ANTED TO UPPSB EAGI..E VAIT;EY SANITATTOII DISTRICT IN INSTRTNGrI ntscORDBD APRIL 24,. l9?O llI BOOX 217 AT PAGE 4e3. I. DRAINAGE AND ITIII,TTV E.ASIITNTTS TTEN: T EEET TX rITYIB TRAVSNSDYG SUATECT 'ROPEN T A!| TTVE FEET TT WIUIB AI'NC |IHE WESTEnI,Y IdT I.ENE TS glrc.rN Oil IlE REconDED PIJAT oF VAIL VIIJAGE tfEST FILINC ll0. 2. rEc 2 . f,il3a1l997 69:13 3O37 fIM Om€rs Forn 2312 I I 440951o ST0(ES Al.lD CO oPolicy No. A2942026 File No. V14017 AnouDt 951,5OO.Oo SGEDT'IJE A PAE g4 lddnrgVrIf. VIIIAGB T'ESE FII,ING { I!. Policy Date: January 12, 1990 at 8:oo A.lrt. l. I{ane ol InruEccl:' 'OHI| O. IPHRE r'.,1 lbc eatat. or lrrte.regt Ln thc land described in this sch€dule and wbich is covered by this policlr is: . A F€e.SitplG ,. lDLtlc to tho estate or interest coverid by thls policy at tbe 1 dat bercof ie vested in: JOEI{ O. IOHRE i.l 'l!be land referrcd to in this pollcar is sltuaterl ln EtcrrE County,Colorado, and is deecrlbed ae follors: r.EE 7e, VrIIr \rrIIAGlE tfESI FILIIIG NO. 2, ACCORDTXC TO lmE'\ RECTRDED PIAA TBEREOF, CouNTy oF EAGI,E, STATE OF COIrR.f,IlO. I Page 1 lfbJ,s PolicXr valid only lf Schedul€ B is attaohed,. f,r copy 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-21 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Deparonent of Community Development June 25. '1997 Erich Hill Paradigm Design, Inc. 835 Inca Parkway Boulder. CO. 80303 RE: Dear Erich: Lot 26, VailVillage West, Filing No. 2 The Town of Vail has reviewed your revisions submitted on June 23, 1997, for the above- referenced property. The following issues are outstanding and must be submitted to the Community Development Department no later than noon, Monday, June 30, 1997, in order tO remain on the DRB schedule for Wednesday, July,2, 1997. Planning: 1. .,/?Gase provide a title report to include Schedule B-2, to verify ownership and easements; 2. Please provide written verification from Upper Eagle River Water & Sanitation District, that a deck is an acceptable structure within the easement; 3. The parking requirement for this development is 3 spaces. With the currenl design of the driveway, the third space outside of the garage is unusable. 4. Please slake the lot prior to the DRB meeling. Public Works: 'l . Please revise the site plan to show a minimum radius of 20' from the center of the garage; 2. Please revise the site plan to show a back-oul turn-around area on-site; 3. Please revise the site plan to show rip-rap retainage spot elevations of the top and bottom of the walls. Please show walls with a layback of 1 :1; 4. lt appears that a few walls are 4' high. Please have the wall details stamped by an engineer; {p *rn r"oruo 5. The maxlmurn curb cut ls 24'. Please revise the site plan so that the concrete pan drains lo the wesl; To resolve the issue ol the drainage easemenl, please contact Terri Partch of Public Wofts at iSZbj ze:Zte9. ff you trarre aOOiiionalquestionb, pbase contact me at (970) 479-2142. SincerelY, /cf,*->(A,2'; Tammle Wlliamson Town Planner cc: John Lohre Terri Partch rfE c0P TOWN OF VAIL Departnent of Conununity Developnent 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 June.l0,1997 John Lohre 333 Logan Street, Suite 203 Denver, Co. 80203 RE: Lot 26' Vail Village West Filing No' 2 Dear Mr. Lohre: The Town of Vail Community Development Department is in receipt ol your Design Review Board (oneiapprication lor " n"*'ptit"tyliecondary residence located at the above referenced b1op"?fyi'fn" Planning "nd'prbtl.'Works Departments have reviewed the application and identilied the following issues: Public Works: 1. The maximum width of a driveway cul is 24'; 2. please revise the site plan to show a 4'concrete pan with a 2" inve.rt between the existing edge ol asphalt and niw drive. Drain the pan to the west ot the existing drainage pan and transition into the flow line ol exisling pan; C) AU cu 6. \9 XJ/ A minimum centerline turning radius of ?0' from the cenler ol the garage is required; Please revise the site plan to show rip-rap retainage spol elevations _ol.the lop and oottom of the walls. Please show walls wilh a 1:1 layback, which is 1' horizontal space for every 4' of vertical space; Please revise the site plan to show a back-ouUturn-around area, please note that backing into the street is not Permitted; The snow slorage area must be a functional area which is 30% of the paved area; It appears that there a few walls that are 4' high. Please have any walls 4' or higher stamped by and engineer; and The Town of Vail is requesting an additional 5' ol the drainage easement on the west side of lhe properly iine to maintain an existing drainage way' {9 *rn"t"ot ru Planning: 6 @ The GHFA permilted for this lot is 3,346.05 square feet. The plans submitted have 3'431 square feet proposed which is an overage of 85'; Please provide a title report to verity ownership and easements: Please stake the lot priol to lhe DRB meeting; and Please provide a color board demonstrating the types of materials and colors at the meeting. you must re-submit your responses to the items listed above by- noon on Monday, {ur z1' incorporating any commenls from the DRB conceptual review of the project, scheduled for June jb-JbSZ. nfis wlrr enaUre yo, to O" scheduled loi a final review by ttie Dne on July 2,1997 ' lf you have any questions, please conlact rne at (970) 47.9-2142' SincerelY, d"*""-- t/ h/,/fl;.,-- Tammie Williamson Town Planner cc: Erich Hill Approved ^.nL,,co*rnOity Development Plan nouQ Form i-_.q43y .qI-cLc, /,\_4._{9_ef .X Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditions Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Tprri Partch, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Mike McGee. Fire Works Retum To:Tamm ie llillism so n, Community Development X 21 42 Date Routed:6t5t97 Return By:6/11t97 Project Name:Lohre Residence Project Address:1895 West Gore Crcek Drive Project Legal:Lot26, Vail Village West No. 2 Project Description:Primary/SecondaryResidence'\ l/) t .O ll:.4)n((pnta( fr€tte) 6 -16-?7 Drcs ) o''i'd* t \.L '.'r\. rra <.( <rrcfr-rib an i nl* cir-r'''c oi.,rrf {fC tx-r rc rt'l, r.'(it lid r\B <'xy- jr\cr-rrJ r r11a.q1 5- fl:{-. 1i{,tr1,\ i.t\ r-, \( l 4t p (;qi\3 . t €ir'. }irl (a F}tl i,t t Ng !-i\:{..,,Oc(\iK\ e9 rt ll-r-.F,r "rvf- -\lrj i)& AV.", pi31r1 srv-r.rj .rrr\\', tv^r proi '.a\+ i' :.i1'ug.r.r{ ri-, t' r^,X';36,4 a.-^, \ -\ t. ri- li u 1rc -l' 31tc t Tt too'r< LrV{: \isu \-\.-r,re ,J cc,Ji--\L Li- la (().'1.,j.\\ *)rte.i-e.,r(i i-r-r..-a' "-/ '4;ollJ - ?iCt:'g. rvtJc. <1lt ejal Pr 4' Jfe Iovt s rerru-:, n rv-\ crn 7'drcr'tr'aq( r-rf /<c1.: - rni.-;., f t^ rt.a tt3lf Qf e lD \l\i'jfi fa,\,-l ?xdec' \€F .a-,.D-t\'! -f(;-n ?r,,.r,f, J,;,,ro'.1 tk Nrffv r.r rh \i oJ$lua'tr r+ rro1r,,r:d p.r i^r r- Date receivcd: Reviewed by:Date rcviewed: PARADICM LETTER OF TRANSI,TITTAL Date: b-3-91 ,41't, Dr.k TZr^:'r o$Voi | (o-'^*^^rt-'1 -15=. trrt"*a& Q"\ UJ ' I Project: Uc.i\ Co. btasf l-o* rt", U"r \ Url. U).1Frlr*,No. Z Uar t l-o, tA"-. 1' Res'dcnf<, '-r Please find Dated b441 b-->9-l enclosed the following: Copies Of b C.{-c*rt ptanr I -T-t^rrs tn'$$'a I €et...n*.-^ Remarks:DU^ a e, T d^1 t^,1tt [c,",1 Yr{ . 3 ttP:S :+t+og3t-pu,. 9.,..r ur-i'-+ l"+" ?b Tt^" b> { yri. ' l.- \e Qt*i. n^f \ '+ YO"\ haoe o^y queS*urtS' ARCHITECTURE SCULPTURE INTERIORS DESICN 835 INCA PARKWAY BOULDER, COLORADO 80303 303-499-4252 B. Qucstions? | Urc Plaruing Staff at179-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must rcccivc Design Rwiew approval prioi to submitting for a building pamit. For specific information. see the submittal rcquircments for the particular approval that is requcstcd. Thc application cannot be acceptcd until all thc required irrformarion is submitted. The projcct may also necd to bc rcviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmcntal Cornmission. Dcsign Review Board approval cxpires onc year after final approval unless a building pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd. DESCRIPTION OF TFIE REQUEST: tJsd Pr,,,,."r.'' /'.e-.'.:,..4.'.t t.c\'da."cc- .^ n .r,."..nk Lolr. ' t' ' LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LOT: 2(o BLOCK:-FILING:\L(l urtt^{L(e\'+ u.- 2\ PI{YSICAL ADDRESS: E. F. ZONING: Pc,*,'^l ,/ <er.*{sy NAME OF OWNER(S): ' \,-h^ n. LDhc€- tl Addition - E Minor Alteration - C. D. MAILING ADDRESS: OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: Bo,^tAa. C->. 6o3oq PHoNE:?cA-49or425Z, C. TYPE OF REVIEWAND FEE: El New Construction - $200 Consfiuction ofa new building' $50 lncludes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. $20 Includes minor changcs to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. flConceptual Review - $0 For any application where the appticant wishes to meet with Design Review Board to determine whether or not the project generally complics with the design guidelincs. The DRB does not vote on conceptual rcvicws. DRB fecs are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applyrng for a building permit, please identi$ the accurate valuation of the project. The Town ofVail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL STJBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS AND TI{E FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT, ?5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' TOWNAFVAIL VAIL, COLORADO 81657. Updated li97 BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL: €lqc/t> COLOR:* AaeeA G're- Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chimncys Trash Enclosurcs Greenhouses Retaining Walls Extcrior Lighting** Other Brra.J Bl.rc- Bt.r<. I/I^A^J ( rz,n.z Ltvu,- (*r,rtA- * Please speci& the manufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip *+ All exterior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). lf exterior lighting is proposed please indicate the number of fixhres and locations on a separate lighting plan, Identiff each fixture type and provide ihe h"ight abone grade, lumens output, luminous area" and attach a cut sheet ofthe lighting fixtures' t{b @- Crnoel iJ"L-l, N.re il.J.rtrl- CI^A L<d.r 2:x,4 1?$q- Ll^A B.ra.,o,r **ucto O "*o"o."o"nno."nrrrr" O Botanical Namc Common Name Ouantity Size* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: (.n- 1(n', + St ar+ /"f t tS -2"d. t.Sctn.r.tos EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minimum requirements for landscaping:dcciduous trecs - 2 inch caliPer coniferous trees - 6 fcet in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons Square Footage GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE ORMETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specif. Indicate top and bottom elevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. at 4* o Datc: ZONE CHECK Phonc Phonc (50 hoposcd usc Buildable arca - 1z5L Lcgal dcscription:Lot 2 b ^Block_ Filing nddrcss]Sg.f N, &pz C-ot "-i --J rotarGRFA ryrf-=#r*Y Primaryo*rff_@x 6,"s.)- tlzJ-,lg o sccondary cRrA118'3@0625.) = 1423.3 _a.__ + 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? N 0 T SitcCovcragc !,O Hcight Sctbacks I-tndwping /ofle/,Minimum Rcuining Wall Hciglrs Parking Ga.rage Crcdit Drivcway Complics rvith TOV Lighting Ord.inancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss tban 2:L (50%) EnvironmcnaL/llazards *Prrgl Tnus RgnaT ua ?o'fff, \ Z5' bo' l) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >302d 2) Floodplain 4) Watcr Course SctUact pO;ffu 5) Ceologic Hazards a) SnorvAvalanchc b) Rocldall c) Dcbris Florv Pra'ious conditions of appmval (chcck propcrty nf O Architcct L Zonc district Requtucd I 4 L (300)(600)(e00)@ Pcrnitted Slopc Ycs No Ycs Nq Encloscd ProposcdSlopc % Remaining Ial,as Proposcd Horv much of tbc allorvcd 250 Addition is uscd.rvith this rcoucst? N i t+ nqb.11 * 151'l = (30x33) Front Sidcs Rcar (1f0,3'l 3',/6', 20' , t5' l5' ls thc propcrtynon-conforming? Dcsoibc: N/r4 o DESIGN REVIEIV CMCKLIST D'^ i^^r. tr SURvEY Scalc _.__ Bcnchmaxk t . Lcgal dcscription l " Lot Sizc Buildablc Area Eascmcnts Topography 100yr. floodpiain Watcr Coursc Sctback Environmental Hazrrds Trees Urility locations Spot clcvations tr SITEPLA}I Buitding Height Encroachmcnts Sctback Sitc Covcrage EavcVOvcrhangs (4) Decls/Balconics Gange connection Site Gradc\Slopc RetainingWalls Fences TumingRadius Drivcrvay (access and gradc) Snow Storage Firc Access Q FLooRPLANS Scalc GRIA 250 additional GRFA Crarvl\Aftic Spacc EHU Q surphicrlEvAnoNs Scale ColorWatcrials Roof pitch tr LANDSCAPEPLA}I Existing tccs proposed tees Legend MISCELLANEOUS Condo Approval Titte rcporr (A & B) Utilify verifi cation form Photos ofsitc Buii ding material samplcs C.O. Vcrilication Sun\Shadc Anglcs Utilities (undcrground) Vierv Corridors Varianccs plat rcsricdons Proiect Application ',2 irtt /url I / | | ts\. Proiect Name: \-1 '' L-vtt 't'VqQi ts?'r'i OQ qtt't*N OLProiect Description: contact Person and Phon" --ti1 C WWd *7 (r ' ,-:<'<J <l !{ rLLl,"*t'l lt ; ;i.. c-rL,6*.+ t i-i,:n"lgFf EPrb C laoLtrOwner, Address and Phone: -- tlO-. I l:\a r ' ,.-i t3 >VAI L .41 b -atq4 Architect, Address and Phone: *.1 P/eLegal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: /, :' i:.1.\ Seconded by:F-\1..t/r "\ APPROVAL . ursappnovir- -) : ---*.--*..:-.--- 6 .l,if. -"+ E statt Approval ,Proiect Application Projecl Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone --{,,(._ i..r.-- i-"-. Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Commenis: Design Review Board Motion by:,J o-r^n.l-r.j^.. Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL ,.'t - t l> -'Lr-', #., .44 --. ':..r-t \ <--* E statt Approval lr 75 .outh frontlgc rold vall, colondo 81657 (303) 476-7000 o? otflcc ol comnunlty dwdopmnl Apr.i'l 5, 1984 Tim Clark Box 2065 vail ' co'lorado' 81658 RE: Mirer Residence Dear Tim: The Vai'l Town Council gave Design Review Board approval to yout' application for the Mi]ler Riisidence at the April 2nd meeting. Final approval will be conditional on the results of the geotechnical study that wlll have to be subnri'tted prior to the issuance"of-a building. permtt (see enclosed ordinance). Do not hesitate to call me with any qdestions you may have. Sincerely, aGg,\h^^,"^-- Tom Eraun ENCL. TB/rne Architect, Addr€ss and Phon€: I I li'--oare -<-'i'5/ Owner. Address and Phone: Legal D€scription' Lot 2/-^ , Block Comments: Filing ,iJrri l{ .}, ,"* fl: Design Review Board ) ,-t - r:)nar6-/{"/ Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPFOVAL 'J-() t Summary: Dale: Town Planner E statt Approval To. 2-1, VlvJ 'a L Cor\*cr-6 =g-\X.---r_A.!\-31o l?r lfe Ur6. 2 l\ L<r*'aa LEv€z- 35c) ?-t6 q7,--- 1t1 17t-5 t- \.5 lrj 1tr 25u),.5t?' 1," _ 11's Lo 5.t tr\ .rne.L, f'( s'\".\c 7312.5 t APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB MEETIi'IG: 'i'r Z'4'O1 , ' DRB APPLICATION ::: ' 11 g.idf . ! ,,i_'r, . tSifT' *****THIS APPLICATION l,liLL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION,IS.SUBI4ITT[PIT-"-U I. PRE-APPLICATI0N MEETING: , i , i,r6 ,d ' ,, A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongfy suggtiitiia to determine if any additjonal jnformatjon is needed. No application wi11.,be,.accepted unless jt is complete (must include alI items required by the zoning adrirjnjstrator).It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittai requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE..qppJj,ca-. tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the.ntjmberof cond.i tions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of'approval must be resol ved before a bui I di ng permi t i s i ssued. A. PR0JEcT DESCRIPTI0N: Cc:ualeUL'ftog Atr A 3'<1Af?Y LOCAT I ON Addres s OF PROPOSAL: loq, AV51 bo<€ csaeK ?R.ve Legal Description Lot Zte Bl ock loge Zon i ng SVttDeNatNL -- FRtM LF-t / 5eLo\Dkpt c. NAME 0F APPLICANT: P,c,Uu { ,.J.2(t Ga'rr+VLF VAIL VILLAA€ Filing a.t*'f LZ Add res s D. NAME OF APPL ICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE : tel ephone 1ZG-2o83 q41'tllZ telephone 476- 3o)A Best Cop;iee' Availabte E. F. Address nO, Ba> Cr3 Avau, (ovo, bl6Zo NAMi OF O|^JN Si gnature Address 7,0, Box 30l, r/Rtu, Owo . Bl 6 20 tel ephone 126'20A7 be paid at the time a building permit is requested. FEE TxuL 4e Jl.-! t (r/','ftUeDF DRB FEE: The fee wi I I VALUAT I ON $ o-$ lo,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ ,500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ s0.00 $ 100 .00 $200.00{?nn nn IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the appiicant must stake the site to'i ndicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the site. 2. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetingsof the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meeting.s for their approval . 3. People who fai1 to appear before the Design Review Board at thejr scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ j shed. 1G98, rt ri^i,iE o; pR0JrcT: - -G-olftlEt/s-PqwetaailCnr_-orscRrpTroN: --L.0Tl_.2<.-_-_----FL0'er --L+eztt-F-- 1-lLii'lc vrtv vl.L*cE QE6'11+7 " Srnrut ADDRESS : *-lo-15-_A63-*--(-?-?-E-4EF-E-K-p-Av-E- nilCniprroN 0F psoJ€Cl1fuLa-g1cel +gae '- Lu-Y-B,E'_!PeHLL--. : :, ?r !i . The folloiring irrformation is required for submittal by thi! applicant to the Design Review Boar'd bei-ore a f inal approval can be fiven: i. A. BUILDING I'IATERIALS: TYPE 0F I"IATERIAL rl', ' ' C0L0R Roof Siding 0ther l'Jall l'iaterials _4_{'p^R_--_<Bl$4L15 , . tlATllRAL --Jt L JAQ--.-IPL?- B€t?E.. ILAAE Fascia Soffi ts lli rrdor.rs liindorv Doors ?ELL4\ . ZL^P hll..llT6 %x+ IE?a.P-l^lll lrETri m uoor lrrm Hand or Deck P'ai I s F lues. Flashings Chimneys Trash Incl osures Greenhouses 0ther METAL Belbe 4st-.t tA tzEP l'lf1Au B,ie-l {rE 0a Estus tl?tJE, ,:, LlHlTg - , - ALI--_A llt-:s- r" ' FiiA"r{E B. LAiiDSCAPIi'iG: liame of Dcsigner: Phone: Pt-AtiT iIATERIALS: Botanical iiarne C orn:o n iianle 0uani ty Si zel. -1:-Ii-:=-jra-_fr-t{pRoposED tnr.s 4Lv>.Plt11*jl.- - MW' ^, i:XiSil',G TliiS T0 3F- l;:ii3\1[D I ejutra tz*a-JW-- I-I>Y F-" ?#aa'EE-' WiltAfi la - &*,>D{eP- -F@a- @ 4r%k-L- * I ncii ca te cal ipe r ior dcr: i duc i ous tl'ccs .Indicate heigltt f or cort i 1'c rs . (over) :v " PLANT I'IATERIALS:. (con't) cuD||aQ €rFf*t{ffii'tfltf}3 TO Btr REMOVEO GROUND COVERS s0D SEED Botani cal Name /.zta1A+ . uffi'' Type Common Name f4n$v,1qWe"ELlat4O rzr14f_4 1 q *+ V 2 /2 il-i .tl t2 TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROS iON CONTROL c. 0THER LANDSCApE FEATURTS (retai ni ng wal ) s , fences ,swimming poo1s, etc.) Please specify. 1...t 1,.,',' t DATE: l- 11- O7 vArL vrrLA-ZE LEGAL @ Btock flalJE Fjt jng tj6r ZH,z-iurdZ Alpllss: tpt1 H+r--Z)G-aze[ >ztve = - uwNtK__-_ PA L 4 JarJt <;afTl.lELF U-n0ne qZL- 2oA1 ARCHI IECT_r:I)t ri+ty 4tJtF-1tsF6EF , . , Phonea+n-lllL 476-349 i9l!^91:|!.!9t Pestp, ?ztrtxct / SEaal+p*zY rKUPU)LU U5L .lLubLE tr^.trltLY RE.5ltr,E}lllj Height TOTAI GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Kea r Water Course Si te Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Reta i ni ng LoT SIZE O'zzqz AC,- lqba,o S,f. ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS A l Iowed Gq@ 5'f, 1,F, Proposed '|Vl na+< 7L71b'g z,419,a 6.f. 7A%4 zrA)2,a 5,f. 20' 15', 1(l (30)(50) .1 I Parki ng Credi ts :Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Stora ge 5ol ar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : Comments : t,114.0o 5,r, : 4@1ooo)(eoo)(1200) (sAooot @tsol @t+oot za1,a 1' a1o Wal I Heights a/"Slope Actual .': Aval anche Fl ood Pl ai n Sl ope l.letl ands Geoloqic Hazards t5 Zoni ng : Approved/Di sapproved Date: )[aTl 5lgnature I UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION - il;i':, ' ' jiii' : ' i.n +-' r"-'tr:"' '' i.n +- :ri....: '..:.SUBDIVISION Vn," Vrr"r4€ l^lESa ,.., ..' , i--> ;;:l .JAB NME IOO-|TTIELFI3, KESIDE*LE ' Ltr Z9__BLocK l*lailF rrr.rxc zFP ..',iilit ADDREss Wqf Ll, /-.zep Zzrze.U Dervra :::ri'.,t-!{\ aJ, v *-v r l-{ v e : ' ,.5;,''.' The location of utilities, whether they be rnain t.runk lines or proposed ;11 ' 1ines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the ij,i acconpanying site plan. . ::,. i'i ' Authori zed S'i gnature Date 1 ,,:.*t" "'' l.lestern 51ope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service Company Gary Ha11 * Holy Cross Electric Ted Husky/Michael Herii*le-llaii Cable T.V. totry-rUtn-sor Assoc. Laverty For new cons'l.t4aa/.;lplease fill ou' attached sheet 11,,.( 6.rzins(i Upper Eagl e Val 1ey l,later and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek 6h4.*,L / / .l4/-2,/ ,rt-.e6, ad#., -**t -Lry d.2_.4),,.-a/t4t.t4,{kt furi. r&"-.,4 ''n€{' r//z "/ /-t A-/8/.b NOTE: These verifications do not relidve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit fron the Town of Vai1, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Town of Vai1. A building pernit is not a street cut permit. A street cut perrnit must be obtained separatel y. This form is to verify service availablity and locati.on. This should be used in conjunction wi.th preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations, PoucYNo.AZ 573976 ATIERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OTVNER'S POLICY FOBM B - 1970 (Amendod 10-17.70) (- Authorizcd Officcr or Agent . ,: ., EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE , The following matters are expressly excluded from t}e covclaSe of this policy: l. ,lny iaw, ordinance or governmen(al regulation (including but not limited fo bui.lding and zoning ord.inenccr) , restricting or rcgulatiog or prohibiting the occupancy, usc or enjoyment of thc land, or rcgulating thc chrrlctcr, . , dimensions or.location of any improvemcnt now or hercafter erected on the land, or prohibiting r lcPsrttion itl' . . ownership.or r:rcduction in the dimensions or area of the land, or the effect of aoy Yiolation of lny ruch hw, ordinance or govcrnmcnta.l regulation. rights of policc power unless notice of thc cxcrcilc of luch rightt i6 linsuird.'cltimant;(b) not known to thc Company and not shown by the public records but known to thc in3urld (p)clai'mini"eithl'r' {t;Da ti of Policy oi at thc date such claimant acquired an estatc or inlcrcst insurcd by thb policy an{ -4gt _.dig9f.o-scd in writing by thc insurcd claimant to the Company prior to the datc such insurcd chlmrnt fi iiiitibh trct."ndcr; (c) rcsulting in no Ioss or damage to thc insurcd claiment: (d) attrching or crcstcd ii'iiucnt to Date of Policy; or (e) resulting in loss or.damage which would not haYe becn susteincd if thc inrurtd' J., ..'.chirnant had paid valuc for thc estttc or inlercst insured by this Policy. frrr-e lNsuRANcE r Stock Company, of Minneapoli!, Minnototl SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERACE, THE EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED bI SCHEDUIj 8 AND THE PROYISIONS OF TTIE CONDTTIONS AND STIPULATIONS HEREOF TITLE INSURANCE COMPAIIY OF MINMSOTA, hcrcin callcd thc Company, insures, as of Datc of Policy rtrown ln Schcdule A, against loss or demage, noi cxceeding the arnount of insurance ststcd in Schcduld A, rnd cor$, rttomcyr' foct rnd ixpcnscs which thc Company may bccomc obliSated to pay hcrcundcr, sustained or incuned by thc insured by rcuon of: l. Titlc to thc estate or interest dcscribed in Schedulc A bcing vested othcrwisc thra rs stated thcrcin; 2. Any defect in or lien or cncumbrance on such titlc; 3. [:ck of a right of acccss to and from the land;or 4. Unnurketability of such title. IN WITNESS \VHEREOF, the said Title Insurance Company of Minncsota hrr ceuscd it! corporatc nemc rnd rd to bc hcrcunto aflixcd by its duly authorized officsrs as of the datc shown in Schcdulc A, thc policy to bc nlid whcn countcrsigncd by an authorized officer or agent of thc Compary. or [|| rNNEsorA n ii tjoMPANY oF lvl lNNEsorA Irl-e I NsunaNce Ior,renNv 6. Determination and ,", ji'i,1:,ii:l:y this poticy the 5r_:HEtrl_lLE Flr-, 1icY ftate:-lu n r: CtF ,1'?FjA a t L:t: c)0 A, M. ?. Nanrr,. ':f .Insr:r'ed:, FALIL M. Gr:TTTHEL"F ' a;1d ,_lrlr[rl ] r:ir:TTTHELF a.s ,-lc, i rr t Terra.rrts ::t . Tfre egtate ':'r. irrter.esb irr tl-re Iarlj 'lL3s':r it,e'l irr tl'r is and uhich is cr'ver'c-d t,r tfr is pc, l i':1' i.s: A Fee 4. q f-itle tc' tfre estate r,r' inter'est- c'rver.ed l,r' date frer,st f is vested irr: t l-r is r,:l i':r f:'Alll_ f,i . I:iI:TTTHELF arlI ,_lr:rf.l l. r:jjr-:rT"l HEI_F " a s lc' r rr t Terra.rr ts The I arrj r'e f er'r'e,J t,i j.rr thls PC, I j.cl is s j. t-Ltate,J irr EAI:iL-E l.: c' I '-,r.a'J'r' a.rr,l is descr' j. l r..d a.s f c'l laus l :...:_: i J.lr. \',.r1':_ vILLAT:iE tE:::T FILIf,lr:i Nr:r - t, Ar::t::t:rFlfrINr:i iiili::ijRLrE.ij,F,'LA:i THERET:rF,' rl:ltt-t1,11y r:rF EAr:.iL-E, !:l'ATE r:rl: I t_t tntr. f:r_rLr:rRAf_r:r . .lli' Best copy Available Best copy Available l'ttls Dnro. irt.rtc rhis 28drl,ry or l"lay .:s 86 | u lLtNLt s lAltlrl,:- bctwccn | , '''tiot* II- l'!tlJlrt1, rrr | ,"':"*''iii'"1| '')4t ; nf tllc Cotrrrty of F:cl n rn'l Sl.i.(r of I|,'.. Color:rdo, of thc first D.\rt, and PAIJL M, CCTTI.IEI.,F and JONI GSIiT{EI,F. ,"i i tiX'l whosc legal aclrlrcss is P ' O. Eox 3815 | .:.!| ,-.,\,r:ri l rY1 at (ca | ':i:;. I ..* -i of tlre Countyof Eagle anrl Stntc of , :,tii Cololado, of Lhc scconrt pnrt: . . .-. ,. ,+:, i',. . . ...-. . -l::i. .; \.t1.NESSr'],||1,,'lltit!lresl|ill1rirrtioftltcril'St.J)i||.|'.fot'itnr|ittctrDsirlq|'il(ionttf|htsutrtofl'..ii.ili. 1J!:-^_FORrY FDUR LI'IdJSAND AND NO/100- ($44,000.00) ---------- ,' .il.,, DOLL^Rl* ., and oL.lrcr gooil arrd valr-rlLlr: consi(jcl jrtions to t)ls sirl(l pil t) ol tlrc filsl nurl in ltantl Jtitirl b) the $ai(l parties of thq-. seconrl n^r't, tl)( I r(cil)L qlrcrcc,i'is ltclclrl'corrfcsscrl artrl atinLr*l(rlc(1, hrs glllrrtrd. [ralgnirtt'd, sold rrrtl conveycd. and ily|.hr'sc|.|l.Cscllisr|rresgr:rnt'.llal'g:rirt.sc||'r''on',l. assigns fotcvc'r'. rrot itt Lcn;rncy in corrrDrofi i)lrt i|l joint i.crirrrl, r'll tlre follouint:{lts(r'iltcrl lut orpnltcl i <rf ,ilrnd,siL\rfltc,l)ingarr<l [rr:ingin tlrc (iorrrrtl of Eagle rn(l Stntcof Colorado, towi!: ....;,iot 26, \4\IL \,TLLAGE hEST FILING NO. 2, according i:o the recordd Plat thereofl . i-nrrnr' n€ rr;rr,t,: cFni:e Of ColofaclO. : , \' \-r_,/ur l uy \Jr r-crlrg I JLcrug \J! \_rJ.t-(Jl ci(_,I(r. :1,-- .t:. . ..-;-li.- i.. ...::,ti...,! . :tl:l rlsrl krrorvn irs slrlll arrl nrrrnbr:T i" : ^ 1:l:t:; n/a , -""',i' TO(;t]Tlll]llrr.i|'haIlirrldstngttlat.ll1|,I\Cl'ci|itilj]l(.ll:siln(|it|,lltll.tcna tir irirr ( ln(l tnd to Lhtr abrr!c batKrrinerl pr r: nris!s. \ ilh Lllc hcrc(lrli||lrfilts;rrrrl apDrrflertatttcs. TO llr\\'li,\NI) l'O ll()l.l) tlrl sirrtl lrIr.r ises i\i)orr lr;rrf:rinrrl rrrr,l rlr:stIiirr:rl. \rith thc r r l r p u I t c n a n c c s. unto Ilr('said t1tcirircir.sanr|assigns.thi|L!lLtlrctinrcrr||llcrnsr:it|irrglrrrt|rlr]ir.l.}. ill1(ltlr;llLltcs^lllear.cfr.ccirnrlclc;tr'fr'onla]lfrlr'rrltr'anr|o|lrer-gr'lrnL:.l,:rr'gilins.salcs.licns't:rr-Cs.a5scs5m(lntsirn cncrrrrrhrarrccs,)f slr:rLcvcr'lirrrlol rr;rtrrlc sr,t'vcr'. 41.16l eXCCpL gelet:al lll:_Ope-Ity ta-XeS fOf the yea_f i.986 a,nd subseguent year--s, easciren Ls of record or in existence, recordedr^ ^ r - --r'i -- - '-^ -r-'-r cLions / reselwaL j.o:1s and coveneur Ls /!l\:LIc,LLCTLI\JLr5/ Ig5rLI.l-(-L-|t),/ !!J5c]lVCrUJ.\lt):) Cll t!.1 L(JVtjllCUlL-5/ ;rnrl tlrc :rbovc l,irtF;rirrctl l)r'(tlris,:s irl tlru (l\rrct nrt,l pcactnlrlc posscssion r,I tlit' riri(l paltics of the sr:conll plft. th; slttr'ir-ol'of|llcrrt.t]1cil'i|ssiKl1s:trlr|l|r('}lcrr'slrltrl:rsslgttsor|{t|('l|slil-\.i(|| s)rall irc applic;rUlc Lo rrll t.:cr'rl('r.. lN \VITNnSS Wl{EnEOIr Llre siri(l t)iIltJ a bove \vrittc n. Sigrrt.<i. Scalcd lntl DclrvcrtC in tlrc Plrscncc ts-E"i !.1 ,,i,i t,.,.:;,, l lsEA Ll ' 1, '. ::1.,'!, ', ',' i.::i,.i,::i;i.'."' _ ::i . ,. j, ' l: ';: ','' ,^ ub ";. l:","' ' ' : '.1::i ' . . t.. rrnrl officinlserl. -:.., ,' I ' j;: .iJr^ir,il$t,l': ' ..rl: r I FI LINc srAI!1P;i ': r';1"'"r 'l ., ::l,irit . I: ,"., r.l,;;, I, ;'.'r1ta'vta1",' I :::":*l.;.. qii;.i :;tldi.,1, -,::,fi11.1 . ,rt'j)i.,i{i;}l ' i' -, *--*rii**...' I-'l ' ' -'; -l::i' ; lf |: , +il..,;.,.| ) - -------- i,i lDoLL^Rq_".. II by the rairl pa rtics of thc. I nt.d, solti rnrl convelcd. and I .:cr,n<l pnrt, tltcir hcirs rrnd I or pnlccl ' <rf I ::;1.:"1::r;, I ' t' -";- | i': -'i':;i:'I s'l'A'l'ti orr cot,o R,\ Do Cou n ty of Tlrc for'cgoing inrLrum(rrl \vos nckrlowlcdFe(l ty WIT.TJAM I.t. MILLtrR, III lrl y Conr nr i:is io n cx pircs l):rft lli\s lrt't't'rtttto s:t iris ltanll iltltl sr:\l lh( (l^l'nll(l drl or |'1aY oi t lrc first of I t I l | ., l hisl)rforc lnc tr W itrt c ss rttr'hlnri ll . [iIler III .']',, !-ri& : i. lr.1j, i r' '. :,.*-. No. 92l,\. \\',\ rtlt,\\Tl o - 't I NTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVI El., BRIEF DESCRIPTI0N 0F THE PROPOsAL: ^J..> l.srd."..ca - . a, Cil*l :cf o F gtat^5 *:1 brgv1t^f tUc,.,rtt\ . $",^< *,r^.e- b".qG. f,..,r- .., "J.rt*J y*f (tctnw*..t^A1 - t^r^.-t c*q-Hy L,t( -t-L7 r,"*rf Cr- fi. leet<cA,^...1-. puBLIc w0RKs €kad0{o.. +.-!e !.r. ' ; ^,- rt *** out" tlt4ez K*t Conments: PROJECT: Reviewed by: Comments: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING 1-f ?t- rrt,t V,l("1. t rif '*a- 4€ru.r' tut-/ Evxot|*roo/(!.) C&tc*ttc4c ttua sqGgoa++e o<111a4' { e:.,...ttcg'4rrira..5 - /F C e}.p ev?t .rlc *\,,}<vZe-E Ft s -,?Att t /9 .9c r a s !i< 3e??* t*??o zo .I.oV c,gt, t'!t t c€s,d /e@,eaaartt4 <u7J lci @ Ar,"tu*' &*1a GD a'+-"* FIRE DEPARTMENT 3"o^ 4sft.l rlcz nt g.6OrC ae)a?.r<7o 4 Date u) tL. tt € &r, t.1. PoLICE DEPARTI.|ENT Reviewed by: Corments: Date RECREAIJgN DEPARTHENT ' :'.'l on rto (- o.'.iL -"i!2lrtllztc- .,,t ao <64c, /e,-E.e t 7o /S' .-lFr.€ r oa eto&ttj, y'tlarct F..-, o9'7 6a 76 &ae <AdU/ t< Alrle ( C+S r:o.ytcE7ntoryJ t-tt s E€ e/.Gvj,,.i 4\<44rf- eF E tfrlr Reviewed by:Date GI NEER ING , Subdivision Lot Bl ock Filing l. 2. (Acceptabl e) ,/ --t// (ltot Acceptable) €}!€<e Fr ecr t,Q.f,:i P^ Ea Source of Utilities A D c D r' F E'lectri c Gas Sel.rer Itra ter Te'l ePl;orie T.V. errtg:4. Con,n L' e- Ll c t.,lr-r ( y'€l'f 2(-- Submittal Itcms (A) Topo Hap (B) Sitc P'lan (c) utility Plan (D) Title RePort (E) Subdivision Agreernent [[qineerir]9 Requirements (if applicahle) d--G>ffi Approved: Di sa pp roved :n /'r /t4 ll)'ll fr ,/t'll (^- /-taFE-n-hffi 8i I I Arrdrc:':s Uppen Elele VltLeY WATER AND SANITATION O ISTRICTS 8a5 fOREST nOAO . valL, COLORAOO 81657 (303) 475.7{40 January 27, L987 Land Deelgn by Elllson E Co. P.O. Box 2677 VaLl, Colorado 81658 R8: L-26, Vatl Vtllage Weat, Ftllng #2 Dear Slrg: Ttre Upper Eagle Valley Consolldated SanLtation Di8trlct and the Vall Valley Coneolldated llater Dlstricts have no problems wlth your propoeed construc- tlon of a rock wall over the exlstlng sewer aod water llnes at the above referenced property. llowever, tf the exlating lines are danaged with the constructl.on of the wall, the property owner will be reeponalble for all danagee. Alao, lf at aone future tlme, the aewer or rater line nay be requlred to be expoeed, the Dlstrlcte wlll not be responeLble for replaclng any lnprovements nede wlthtn the exletlng easenent. If you have any queatlone, pl.eaee contact ne. Sincerely, I'PPBR EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SAI{ITATION DISTRICT \*^L \ H..ll-QeL Fred S. Ilaslee Englneerlng TechnicLan FSI{/ng I ll pa*rrcparr c Dl3T.rcrs - aRRowHEAo METR. warER. avoN METR. WATER. BEAVER .REEK METR. *ATER. BERR' crtEEK METR. wotaa l"ah\ a\ EAGLE-'A'LMErRow""""o*"*::,rfl:::::',:ff:.'fiTHlrrJT:1'":T::,*:x'**"coNsoL'oArEosaNlra'oN @ Subdivision Lot Bl ock Fil ing 1.Submittal Item! . Sou rce of tf ti 'l i ti es - -*2_ ... (Acceptabl e) ,./ - ,/ : (ttot Acceptable) Cr*€<k Fa ef (A) Topo MaP (B) Site P'lan (c) utility Plan (D) Title RePorttii iruii"ision Agreement (if applicatrle) ?. 5,glineeri4g Requirements '" [l]8llfffi ,'l:,;ffi,,t'ffi'^n% A B c D E F El cctri c Gas Sel'rer Lra'ue r Tel eplrcr;e T.V. 4. conir,errts: O,iii"'l*,-,,,ro- F*a' L @"n;<< '4.e?o<r '7 (2\ v^us7 C O-1,€ Cll ^, tar, L Appr-oved: Di sapproved: fl "'ll f r/1 ll (\^' /'Dffi'@ Eill Arrdrc:'rs POLICY NO. AZ T227 O AMERTCAN LAND TTTLE ASSOCTATION OWNER.S pOLtCy , FORM B - 1970 (Amended 1O-17-70) Trnifi lrrLE INSURANCE [romnaruv oF fvlrNNEsorA a Stock Company. of Minneapolis, Minnesota ITAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE PROVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPI,JLATIONS HEREOF TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINMSOTA,herein called the Company, insures, as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceeding the amount of insurance stated in Schedule A, and costs, attomeys'fees and expenses which the Company may become obligated to pay hereunder, sustained or incuned by the insured by reason of: . . I . Title to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested otherwise than as stated therein; . 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on such title; 3. I:ck of a right of access to and from the land; or '" 4. Unmarketability of such title. IN WITNESS WHER-EOF, the said Title Insurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers as of the date shown in Schedule A, the poliry to be valid when countersigned by an authorized officer or agent of the Company. lrrr-e !rusunnruce nn ivlrNNESorA[onenr.rv OF President EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy: l. Any law, ordinance or governmental regr,rlation (including but not limited to building and zoning ordinances) restricting or regulating or prohibiting the occupancy, use or enjoyment of the land, or regulating the character, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter erected on the land, or prohibiting a separation in ownership or a reduction in the dimensions or area of the land, or the effect of aoy violation of any such law, ordinance or governmental regulation. 2. Rights of eminent domain or governmental rights appears in the public records at Date of Policy. of police power unless 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant; (b) not known to the Company and not shown by the public records but known to the insured claimant either at Date of Policy or at the date such claimant acquired an estate or interest irsured by this policy and not disclosed in writing by the insured claimant to the Company prior to the date such insured claimant became an insured hereunder; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy; or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid value for the estate or interest insured by this policy. Best, CopY eb Available of the exercise of such rights -t Form l30 2113 3OM Copyright 1969 Amerlcan Land Tltle Association (fl'Dublic records": lhose rte I "onttt,i"iivi notice of matters relating ti no be given lo TIM Ownsn Ft{f 23J2 . -;'!-;,)t1]),.ri.ii :r':ii r "' nt. irir''l, ;;.. GV 74'15 o.r1n i. tott., p"1. '' ' ' ' Septerber 2l ' .|978 31 " 8:00 AM . i 3, The estate or interest in the land described herein and which is covered by this policy is: 'i, '' a !. : ,i '' ' 4. Title to the estate or interest covered by this policy at the date hereof is vcsted in: :, , : " . ' .. . WILLIAM H. MILLER' III Lot 26, VAIL VILLAGE WEST, FILING N0' 2' accord'lng piitl-in"*or,-iountv of iag'le, State of Colorado' to the This Policy valid only if Schedule B is attached' I ^ (rr.r,ro. GV 7415 V scHEDULE B | *,,.Et". Az 1227a3 a ' ' This policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following: I . Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3'Discrepancies,confliclsinboundarylines,slrortageinarea,encroachments,andanyfactswhichacorrectsurveyand inspection of the piemises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown taxes and assessments requ'i red to be paid years . 6. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges' lf any. 7. Restrictive covenants, which do not contaln a forfeiture or reverter c'l ause' as contained in lnstrument recorded July 8, 1965 ln Book .|90 at Page 561. 8. Reservation contained'in Patent from the United States as fo'l1ows: Subject to the right of the proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and remove his ore therefron, shou'l d the sarne be found to penetrate or lntersect the prem'i ses and there is reserved a right of way for ditches and canals constructed by the by the puhlic records. 5. Any and all, general or special in the year '1979 and subsequent 9. Easement over the Northerly 20 feet as shown on the plat. 10. Deed of Trust dated September'15' '1978 from I'IILLIAM H. MILLER III of Eagle County for the use of FIRSTBANK 0F VAIL to secure the sum September 20, 1978 in Book 275 at Page 594. authority of the Unlted States. Ass'ignrent of Rents in connect'ion with said Deed of Trust recorded Septenber 20,1978 in Book 275 at Page 595. to the Public Trustee of $15,750.00 recorde ,\ 4N Form 130 2/73 3OM Copyright 1969 Am€rlcan Land Titlo Assoclrtlon oc CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS 1. D€finition of Terms 2. Continuation of Insurance aftet Conveyance of Title rhe rorowins relms when used in this poricv mern, ,"Il"J?f:"j;r';tl$,9:l'g ,i,'t'":,",1t:lT,',1',J:.,::i:,:il':l;":i (a)..insured,,: the insured named in schedule A. and, subject or i;terest in the tand' or holds an indebtedness sccurcd b) a to any rights or a"r"n'""rJ",rir'i,J..i;-';!, yL lra{l against the purchase monev mortgage given bv a purchaser from such insrtrcd' named insured, those -ho su"c"ed tb rhe int".est of suc.h iisured by or so long as such insured shrll have liability by re!son of covenatlts ope.arion of taw as dtJi;;d:;;;f};ii l,ri"rras" incru^gi"g, bul not of warranty mrde bv such insured in anr- ransfer o' convcv!nc! of tinrited ao, nerrs, Jisiiiu,rr"es, devisees-. _ survivots, personal such estatc or inlerest; provided' however' this policy shall not .ep'es€ntatives' ne-t 'f";j;;;;';;;;"rate or fiduciarv'u"""'!".'' :i,ilT';,f i3,'"?t:.t",;';.:i "ll it:.:'ilii:;,:',ifiJ':*1;li::'i1'i (b)..insur€d claimant": an insured claiming loss or damage purchlse money mortgage Siven t.) such insuted. hereunder. 3. Defense and Pros€cution ot Actions - Notice ol Claim to be (c),,knowledge": actuirl knowlcdge, not constructive given by an Insured Claimant Lno*tJale or norico rvhich may be imputed to on insured by reason (a) The Company, at it5 own cost lnd wirhout undue delry, of any pu-blic records. shall provide fo. thc .lefense of an insuted in ltll litigltion consisling (d),.land,,: the land described.-specifically.or bl,reference in of u.iions or proceedings ctrntntcnceil t8irinst such insured' or a scheduleA,.,"di.;;;;;;;ii,rrii".lthereto'whichbylawdefenscinterposedagairistaniltsur.dinilrr'ittli0|||l)cnf()lftr constit'te ."uf p.rpuriyipro"i.taa,-non*rar, lh-e lernl "l3nd; does contract for asrle of ihc cstJtc or intrrcsl in ruirl lan'l' t(' tlre (\lcnl not include any propeity'beyond the lines or r tre.r rel. specificalty lhat such liligation is founrlcd upon . irll . rll.][cd dffs{l ' liLtl' dcsc'ibedorle'€rredlo.i'iJr,"our"A'noranyright,title,interest,encumbrance'o.otlre!mntterinSuleditilinstb}'l||isp{'lie.v' esirte o. elsemen, in "'t"iting streets,..oads,.rvenl:.:' a-llel.s' l.an:s' (b)The insured shall notif! the Companv pt('mprly jn \\'rting *ays or \\.:rrcrw,y", uri-r"lii.s li"r;in shrll nrodifv .:i-t]g:",1].: (i) in case any acrion or ploceeding is beSun (,r duf.ns. is intL'n"t('(l e\renr lo !L,rri"r, o ,tgniti-".l"ti r" nna from the Iand is iosured by as set rorth in (a) above, (ii) in -case. kno$lcdgd shall corrr! t(' rn ttris potrcy. insured hereundciof arry ciaim of title ot itltote-sl rYhich is :rdverst (c) ..mortgage..: mortsuse, deed of trust, rust decd, Dr other :?"::",:itj""tiutl;"illilr'l,il"'f i*; t"*t#i';:i ;i'i:J[''JJ sccurity i|rstfumcflt. virtue of this policy, or (iii) if titlc to the estate or irtertst, !l (f) "t!r/l,lic records": those tlcords which by law impart insu'cd' is rcle'ctea'as uninarketable' lf such prompt nolice sh0ll ""^,,,J:li,'J'illll:'".';;:;$;;;"',':iii.;;;',:Li;;.il' "' ''" """''- ;;i';;tu; i' 'h" c"p'^,' 'h""c*'"""*,"*'"., "'r '*bi'il" TIM Ownor! Fo.m 2312 .': ';pi;1$;1ffiie:Ul.fuf$ Preju(lice. ' (c) 1hr Co6psnt shall have the .i{ht .,! its o,!n ..ost ioinslilute a;Jd without undue delay lr\.rsecutc any il(tion orprocecdinS or to do ony other act u.hich in irs opiniol- moy ucnecessnry or desirable to establish the title to the esiate or interestos irrsurcJ. rnd the C'ompany may t0ke any apFropriate uction unoerrne terms ot t,:rs policy, whether or not it shatt he lrahlc thcreunoer,and shall not lh.reby concede liability or rvaive any provlsion of thlspottcy. (d) \4lrcncver rhe Conrpany sh3ll havc b.ought f,ry rction orinte.posed a defense as required or permitted uy"tf," pri"r",rn, orthis policy, the Company may pursuc an!. such litigaiion to finaloerermlnau()n by a courl .of competent jurisdiction anJ erpr€sslyrese.ves ahe riglrt, in ias sole discretion, to appeal fronl an', adversejudgmcnt or ordcr. (e) ln all cases whe.e thts policy permits or requlres thcCompany to prosecut€ or providc for the jefense of iny'action orproceeding, the insured hercunder shall securc to the Company thengnr to so prosecute or provide defense in such aition orproceeding, and all appeals rherein. and permit the Company to usc,!t its oplion, the name of such insured for such purposi. Whcn"u,errequested by the Complny, such insured shalt give ttie Cornpany allreasonable aid in any such .ction or.procieding, in eifeciingscftlemcnt, securing evidence, obtain-ing *iin".rar, or-iaoru"u,,ng o,defcndirrg such action or proceeding, anU the CLmpany snatlreimburse sucll insured for any expense so incurred, 4, Notica of Loss - Limitalion ot Action In odditior to the notices requircd under paraglaph J(b) of theseConditions and Stipulntions, a s!aremenr in rvriitni .ri "r,v ,o"" o.dantag(' fo. which it is claimed the Company is ii.-abte under thispolicy shall be furnished to the Conrpany ivithin lO d"1|i oft", "u"nloss o! damage shall hsve been dctermined and no rigit of actionshall accrue to an insured claintant until 30 dayi after sucnstd(ement shall hive been furnished- ftilure to furnisn sucnstatenlcnl of loss or damagc shall terminate any liability of theC,rnrpany undcr this policy as to such loss or damage. 5. Opiions to Pay o. Otherwise Setrle Claims 'Ihe Co! pany shall have the option to pay or otherwise setlefo. or in thc name of an insuled claimant any "tai- insureJ agat'lsto. to terminaae all liability _and obligations of the Companyh!'rr'under by paying or lefldering payment of the a.nount ofinsu.anc0 under this policy together with any costs, uttorle!,s,feesand expcnses incurred up to the time of such payment or lcnder ofpalrncrrl, b!, thc insured claima||t itnd authorlted by the Company, 6, Determination and paymsDt ot Loss (a) l he liability-of the Company under this policy shalt io nocase clcecd thc leost of: (i) the actual loss of the insured claimanl: or (ii) th,l amount of insulance stated in SchedulE A; or (b)The Company will pay, in addition ro any loss i,tsuredagainst by this poticy, lll costs imposed upon an insure,l ln iliigu,,onca.ried o-n- by the Company for such insured, and 0ll costs,apornr:ys' fces and expenses in litigation carried ori by iucn lnsureowlur rne wntten luthoaizurion of the Company, (c) When liability has been definjtely fixed in accorqancewittr rhe condilions of this poticy, the tols or r:amagJ-Jal bepayable within 30 days thereafter. 7. Limitation ot Liability No clnim shall atisc or be marntainable under this policf, (a) ifthc Comf'any, itfter having received notice of ln rltegej r.lefect. lienor encumbrance insured against hereundea, b' liaigarion orolheawise, reI|t{)vcs such defcct, lirn or encumbrrnce or .stablishesahe litie, as insured, within a rerson!ble aime aftcr receipt ofsuchnotice; (b) in the event of litigarion unril lhere has been a finaldetcrminirlion by r court of competrnr jurisdicrion, irnd dispostt,onof irll Jppeals thcrefrom, adverse to the title, xs insurr,.l, as p(rvidedin lar!graph 3 hereofi or (c) fo..liJbilirr voluntiril! "r.u.!,j ny "uinsur.'d in settling any claim or suit rvithout prior rvrit(en conscnt oflhc C()rnprdy. stLr,rncj5 r:.:r .rnJ-r1.::rsr.;. ;nall rrrlu.e,,,o rni",,"i-,,i'ii,.l :l::,,: ll:,:.l'."^ ] "lll:.: -,] u l1':r".n! srrsl bc nrldc.,"i,r,,,,,i p,",r,,"inithis policy for endorsement of s!ch pn:/nftnt ,"f.,r, tt"'i"rfi.r:'i.ilost or destroveil in !!tich case proaf of such loss ,rr .l.struitr,,nshill be I.urnislred lo th4 satrsfil!iion t'f lhc Company. 9. Liabilitv Noncumulative ll is etprrssly understood thxt th(, amount of insu.lnce undcrthis policy shatl be reduced bv ary rmounr !he Company m.t poyunder any polic_,- insuring eirher (8) a mortgage sho*n'ur,ai"r-r'"U toin Schedule I hcreof rvhich is a lien on tt e isiat" ", i","r"" ""r.."ob).' rhis. policy, or (b) 3 mortgage here3fter cxecuted UV an insu."A$'ntcn ts a ch3rge or lien on the estate or in?erest describcd orreferred to in Schedulc A, and the amount so paid shall t" auanr"A upryment under this polic).. The Company shtll have the or\tion roapply to the payment of any such mortgages uny "tno,ini irr"rotherlvise .\aould be payabje hereunder to the-insured o*n". uf,uaestale. or interest covered by this policy and lhe irmount so Daidsna De oeemed a payment under this policy fo said insurcd owner. 1O. Apportionment If the land described in Schedule A consists of tr,r.o or morepa.cels lvhich are oot used as a single site, ond a loss is estabtishedaffecting one or more of siid parcels but not sll, tlte loss shilll becontpuled and settled on a pro rtta basis as if the amount ofinsurance under lhis policy wrs divided pro r0ta 0s to thc value on Date of Policy of each separate parcel to the whole, cxclusiv€ of anyimprovements made subsequent to Date of policy, unless a lirbilityor yalue has otherwise been agreed upon as to each such parc!,1 bythe Conrpany and the ilsured at the time of the issuan;c of thispolicy and shown by an express statement hercin or by !nendorSement attaChed hereto. 11. Sub.qgation Upon payment of Ssttlement .Whenever rhe Company shall htve s€t ed a cltim under lhspolicy. lll right-of subrogation shall vest in the Company un"tt""t.gby any aci of the insured clsimant. The Cornpaiy shail bcsub.ogirted to and be entitled to all rights and re,ne,iiesiuhich su.trinsured cluintrnl $ould hrve lrad agtinst any person o, oroo"r,r_,r,respect to such claim hcd this policy not been issueO, an|.t ifreque3ted b)' the Cr.rmpany, such insurcd claimant shall ,rrn.fai,"the Company all rights and remedies ugainst any person ". piop"r,Vnecessar!- in order to pcrfect such fitht of s;b;ogari(,n jriJ'Jarr permit the Company to use the namJ ofsuch insireO cfui,nant-in , any transacrion or litigation involving such rights or remedies. lf the' p.yment does nor cove. the loss 6f such -insur"d ;l;i;;;;;;"Company shall be subrogated to such rights and .".;;;;; l; ;;"proportion_ which sajd payment berrs to t-he amount of sairt lois.'lfloss.should result from any act of such insured ctaimuni, iucrt-a"tshall.nol void this poticy, bur the Company, in ttut ereni,-straitl"required to .pay only that part of 'any losses i";";;; ;;;;^:,nereunoer whrch shall exceed the amount, if any, lost t6 thcCompany by reason of the impairment of thi right 6i *U-i.ti"". 12, Liabitity Limired io this poticy . _This instrumenr together with all endotsements and otherInslrumcnls, lf lny, attached herelo by the Compa'ly is the cntifcpolicy and contr3ct between the insured and the Company. Any claim of loss or damage, whethe. or not bascd onnegligence, and rvhich arises out of the status of tfre fitfe-to tfre ::1.i1"-:r-:l:"I:r,. "o vered hereby or any action asserting such ctaim,sna oe resllrctcd to rhe provisions and condition! and stipulationsof rhis policy. No amendmeot of or endorsement to ihis policy cao be madeexcept by rlriring endorsed hereon o. attachei heieto "bnJ Weither the President, a Vice president, the Secretaty, "n ;;;;,Sccretaty, or !"lidating officer or au rorizcd signatory of iii.Company. 13. Notices, Where Senl . All .notices required to be glven the Company and any strtemenlrn w ttng rcquired lo he furnished the Company shall be sddrcssedto its Homc Office, Minneapolis, Minnesota 5S+Ol, Note: This policy valid orrly if Schctlules .A and B itre tttnched. AP Copvright 1969 Amorican Land Tltro Arsoclarre" (, '= TIT!-E INSUFAAS{CE FO[-rCV AMERICAN ll.u.d through tha olllce ot: LAND TITLE ASSOCIA,TION OWNER'S POLICY FORM B - 1970 ')^t --^ {* :.e.4. irrlr I NSURANCE !. i-i t:OMPANY OF ,,;tNNESOTA \ L.- :li Home Office: 4O0 - 2nd Ave- So., Minneapolis, Minn. 55401 . 612t322-5111 Project Application 'b i:'tL/0,24 Proiect Name:VtLLbV trlq_Qi r> ts-r-t OE Prolect Description:i-tfzr{ \LurQrDLlJt& Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone:NrLLl.r*r*.i tttt-LEttz- 6*I i l)r,r'-t9HE+!b C IPoLA ',161L , adAvbat arz'\b<,J | -,,:f tfl (f '.-Pv'u-VX'/ r7-('O--,VAt L. "41 b -o944Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot l"/.b Block *,'y P/qFilingZone Comments: Best copy Available Design Review Board Date APPHOVAL - .-.- -''.'-..--\ -. D'TSAPPROVAL ,' !-\ i-r,r '\ t( a;'/* ,,t- Summary: Town Planner E statt Approval Project Application ,1 , .4 Date - /t, a! \ tt ! proiecr Name: /f l, it';,r {'.')' i': ',1'.'.* Proiect Description: 4,t,n .' i' r-(- -il 6..^. f*--Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL h, -'t t .^: ..-2 6wn Planner E statt Approval 75 eoulh tronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce of communlly dtvllopmonl April 5, 1984 Tim C'lark Box 2065 vail ' co'lorado' 81658 RE: Mirer Residence Dear Tim: The Vail Town Council gave Design Review Board approval to your application for the Miller Riisidence at the April 2nd meeting. Final approval wi'll be conditjonal on the resu'lts of the geotechnical study that will have to be submitted prior to the issuance-of-a building' permit (see enclosed ordinance). Do nst hesitate to call me with any quest'ions you may have. Si ncerely, aG6GM"'--- Tom Braun ENCL. TB/rme f-l lL{ l,' I t.c'r'_fu4_vr,ocx )2r,r-tp:J-'- i-e f:f f.f li(; \../\./r ^I & Q- lililij,Ol: I'iil).; I:C'l' t\lr ri!:r;ctul'l'rr\ lll:scl{ I I'1 1(.::i oF 0ri Ir ll t,EN0b Thc fot l or"i ng infornation i's Board bcfore a final apProval A. BUlLI,lii(: l,t{'fERIALS Roof Siding Other I'ial I lrlat erial s Fasc ia Soffits l{indor.;s Ittindow Trin Doors Door Trin Hand o: Deck Rails Flues Flashi.ngs Chinrney s Trash Encl osures Glconhorrs es 0cher' lvh +Cu*t',;t- 4up+*|-J4^A q{vd "ov b9?s '' rcqrlilcd for submittal by thc ap1:l icant to tlrc Design Rcvier" carr be given: Type of l'latcrial Color lbbt4tu-V t-tt-.UwWl-r'i? aWV bwv vVeL W)EI ta*11u" tn Jrz,5t-l?,t tpb u 1-,..ri.r l'r"a+n,\b' g r+C.+1 N lN'\z2LU *'rlH tt-'l 4l-*O,A nJ rppr;.., +.1-\t.l o >ln F\4. r-'1Af4u qlDr,\tC]uL_+ ti-, B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS Botanical Name Common Name TREES ,JtUg lYi*'tt:.ct'CF-9 fl'tilr-tr\6 liD?'fi lc r t- z ; - ?"r!9 ".-++2- &!' i) C i' li J-l-rl 9 " lot? t- " I l.;C? Quantj ty L-e Si ze e: epu. ,lt,a tLr\<*-l 2 I I rl " r>iuPlO *1lb D_Nta)^vc? I t^ | r,T\ i',' ', !' !,i,' ',; tal9, \..Lt 't WDt. , pA9 SHRUBS -l-l- r.J -r:,'' ltt ;-,**r a*ri"", o, SQUARE FOOTAGE SOD SQUARE FooTAGE S EED rvet At6,4 /*I,+r+Vu> I Ct'uy€jS sQUARE FooTAGE C,,l'.F:\) r pl \? \gttjRti;i:.\2 .i ',. i'ri - q. TYPE OF IRRIGATI ON TYPE OR I4ETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Other Landscape l- .'r / t,-1.' Features (retaining rt<:- '-:i,"lDi\ag]fl wai 1s , :.4 i-,'-,1 fences,swr mm t ng pools, etc.) Please I rl irl '. -r'i:,1;; specify. a Town Council Community Development Department l'larch 29, ) 984 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ ECT: APPLICANT: ARCHITECT: Appeal of a Desiqn Review residence as proiosed (Lot Gore Creek Drive). l.lill Miller Tim Clark Board decision to deny the Miller26, Vail Village ttest #2, lgg5 0n February 15, lgg4, t-rfFr-t.denial were the the neighbor , ilfl This decision was uphe'Td-In the motjon to deny this Review Guidelines was cited: A revised proposal wasmeeting. This proposal siding added to much of remained the same (i.e. The Design Review Board.denied this proposa "Structures shall be compatible with existing structures, their :yrloynqllgs, and with Vail's environment. It is not to be inferredthat buildings must took atike to be CJmpatibre. corpiiiuiriiv-cin-be achieved through the proper_consiaeralion of sca.l e, iroportion, siteplanning,'tandscaiing, rniteiiars ano iotori, ino-ioriiilni! *rth theguidel ines here contiined. " y the Town Counc i I Secti onproposal ,of presented to the Design Review Board at their March 2gthincluded a revised lindscape plan as well as C"aii ---" the structure,s exterior. 'Thb shape oi ttre stiuiiureflat roof). . The motionfor denial once aqain cited Section ie.5q.osO lJ-;FiE;Design Review :,litl:ltf:: "I5_1":g::ape^prin ";; ;i;; .ii"a ii [":"s-irioequate. AuGuidel ines. The gl,l1;"1":: ?::i gl- l":l:: ?:.19,.,u"", -*no'r"t"l ;;' ;;"y";fil"0[;".;i ffl:';:f_.?.:n:,fl:: i:gl.:^tl: ,.1i! '^"u,on'iJ,-a."rii.' iiil'ofi!"Siillntingrr- vrrg \a lJJt: 13l?"1.]l^rl:.:id.ilg.,9dd9f .to the. structure and the tail stand of ffeesbehind the house would mitigate itre-irpu.t of the frat roof. on March 6[-3 vote. 18.54.050 A.t the Design A\"nfrlne16 '.\flnflt March 28, 1984 To: VaiL Town CouncilFrorn: Williarn H. tdillerRe: Appeal of DBR decision for Miller resiilenceLot 26, V.V.W., filing #2 I would like to appeal the decisisn made by theDRB at their meeting on March 28, 1994. I'feeftheir decision was very subjectiri.e in nature andinconsistent with various d6sign preceilents whichhave already been set in the V;il^Valley. The reason for denial was that the board feLt theproposed residence would be incompatible wlth thearchitec-tural style of the nieghbbring homes ln lrrestV"i}. My contention is that tFere alieady existsa diversity of styles and rnaterials used in the"architecturett of-that area, and that a desi.gnsuch as nine would lot only-add to that variEty,but would actually l\nFrove'the appearance ofthe ndighborhood, Thereforer_I wouLd like to appear at the April 5,1984 Tovrn Council lrleeting in'brder to statl oy case, Thank-you. William fl. ldit.1er Montaneros, 641 west Lionshead circle, Vail, cotorado 81657,/ phone: (303) 476-2491 a $incereLy why cars rvere be_ing al1owed to park on the Froniage Road instead of beingdirected to the Lionshead Parking structure after-the village siructurefi11ed. llayor slifer stated tha[ ttris had been a council decision and.-it was being done on a trial basis for the convenience of Vail,s guests.Mr' corcoran stated tha"t he felt this rnight be unfair to the Lionshead.-merchants and stated that they (L/H merct"nt=j wtura probably be contacting'the Council. The next item on the agenda was the appeal of a DRB decision regard.ing Lot 26 X:.11^Y+ltlg?-_\f"=tr. F1l]lc #2. . peter patten presented the appeal to the / a lru\ ,,&-2- tl I \ {,',t .Vl'\The next item on the agenda was Citizen Participa.tion. Dan Corcoran asked. council, stating that the DRB had turned it borvn on the issues of not beingcompatible with the neighborhood structures (flat roof), the accent of thehouse and the landscape p1an. \rrirr Mi11.", o*rr"" of the property, addressedthe council on his project along with rim crar[l-tne architect. After somediscussion councirwoman rrahrlici made a motion t" ;;u;;;;;-;;; DRB' aecisionand.alIow the project to be built as presented. paul Johnston seconded themotion' A vote rvas taken and the motion failed 4-3. councilwoman statedthat she rvould like to see some changes made to the siding and councilman ".-*ilii-";i";";;;;';;;:5I ]:gl!-:oy!ill"li"i.. Miller was requested. io make his ci,a"i"s and takehis project back to the Design Review Board at that time. The'next item on the agenda was the consideration of a sign variance requestby vail Apothecary, rnc. Peter Patten presented the requEst to ihe council,stating that the smal1 wooden sign outsj-de of the business had been erected.prior to the annexation of lllest iail into the Town of vail, but the applicanthad failed to get.E1.g1"_county or Town of vail approval to erect such a sign.Patten stated that the-1arge yel1ow sign on top ^ot the Vail De Shone roofwas part of the'-'grandfather clauserrand would be forced to be removed inJanuary of 1986. Patten stated the staff recommended denial of the variance.After some discussion, Councilman staufer made a moti.on to uphold the DRBdecision accordi-ng to findings in the staff memo and. Councilman Andersonseconded the motion- A vote was taken and the motion passed 6 - 1, Johnstonopposing. The next item on the agenda was the d.iscussion of the Lionshead financi.ng forthe Lionshead rmprovement District. BilL Pyka, Assistant Town uanager andIin?1"." Di-rector, reviewed the informatj-on ihe'corrrrclr had received fromBoettcher and Company in their packets. Steve Clark and Linda Clart<, fromBoettcher and company, gave an overview.of the financing plan and the procedureto refund the real estate transfer tax warrants. Clark and Clark were giventhe go ahead from the Council to begin time frame for the refundiug of theRETT warrants and to proceed on the necessary rf.p. for the bonding. Boettcherrepresentatives st-ated that they would be geiting back to the CounciL in tbenext tlvo rveeks with their progress. A motion wal made by councirman stauferand seconded by councilman Anderson to authorize Mayor slifer to enter intoan agreement wlth Boettcher and company for the bonding scheduie. a vote wastaken on the motion and passed unanimolsfy. Under Torvn Irtanager Report, Town l\lanager Caplan stated that a date needed tobe set for another joint meeting the the Pianning and Environmentar commission.It was tentative set for llonday, Irlarch 26, from ioon to 3:00 p.m. CouncilmanAnderson stated that he would be out of town on that date. under Torvn Attorney Report, Torvn Attorney Eskwith stated that he had receiveda brochure regarcli.ng a parliamentary procedures seminar that he felt rvould bevery beneficial to the Council-. He slated that he rvould like to schedule sucha seminar i.n vail sometime in the near frrture. \o fiTm rJ2f p rr'.q qer of rhic 75 soulh lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 T0: Town Council FR0M: Department of Community Development DATE: February 29, 1984 SUBJECT: Appeal of Design Review Board decision as proposed (Lot 26, Vail Village West APPLICANT: l,liII MilIer ARCHITECT: Tim Clark Background on this Proposal . olllce ol communlty developmenl to deny the Miller Residence #2, L895 Gore Creek Drive). This proposal was presented to the Design Review Board at their February 15th meeting. Prior to this meeting, the applicant had requested a front setback variance of 6.5 feet. This request was approved by the Planning Commissionin November. This proposal is in compliance with all other zoning considerations. Design Review Board Decision. Reasons cited for denial were not so much over the design of the house, but rather with how that design related to existing structures in the neighborhood. The proposed structure is a modern design with a flat roof in a neighborhood where roofs are almost exclusively pitched. The mot'ion for denial cited section 18.54.050 A-l of the Design Review Guidelines: "Structures shall be compatible with existjng structures, their surround'i ngs, and with Vail's environment. It is not to be infemed that buildings must look alike to be compatible. Compatibility can be achieved through the proper considerationof scale, proportion, site planning, Iandscap'ing, materials and colors, and compliance with the guidelines here contained." The majority of roofs forms in Vail are gable roofs with pitches of at least four (4) feet in twelve (12). Other roof forms are allowed however, and this proposal's flat roof was not thdlYeason for denial . It was suggested that the addition of accent materials could g'ive the house greater compatibility with the neighborhood. The landscape plan was also cited as being unique to the area and aplan more indigenous to the area would also contribute to the proposais compatibility in the ne'ighborhood. UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION be main trunk the following lines or proposedutilities for the Authorized Siqnature Date / - 3t.t-s'J /-e{-g{*'9 j,/at, Gas' Company F" ., /"*+ suBDrvrsroN W\ L Vt LL&l. E brlgg f ADDRESS roB NNE VtbLW VUIzHW _w '/4fo_tlocr FTLTNG # {L The location of utilities, whether theylines, must be approved and verified by accompanying site plan. Mountain Bell I -634-3778 Western Slope Harry Moyes Publ ic Service Gary Hal l Holy Cross Electrjc Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek /-2f6{ t ) * For new const ihSZkZlplease fill out/ ' attached sheet. r /zE /?/ NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut perrnit frour the Town of Vail, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain i.ttility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Tor,m of Vail. d building pernit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut pexnit nust be obtained separately. This form is to verify service availablity and location, This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. f sFR, R, R Lot /Q_Bl ockLegal Description: 0vrfiet Zone District Lot Size He'i ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear l.la ter Course Site Coverage tandscapi ng Pa rki ng Credi ts : Garage l'lechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Stora ge Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmeniai,/Haza rds : / o o1-s gh.F.x) sso 20' 15' 15', (30) (so) o ^Yf-/-() Ld r "-.,4ja')( ,, 16 gs*.1 (2.. = A (t",0-tt\ q1, Aval anche Flood Plain Sl ope Connentl: ( - >8 t-S Architect --t;, f !a* Proposed use r\ 1 Al I or.red Proposed -),'....- # zz?7-. tt& -so'lu* A'-' ! L ',*!*')' (3oo) (6oo) (eoo) ( 12oo) (so) ( 100) (2s) (50) (2oo) (4oo) DISTRICTS Fi1in9 (w-t -14 ?G -', --?.<.> .oo .</ /A---'-T'---- Slope Actual Date: 0 c.J'+- Zon -L '+T' r (.---.--\ "qob\ i ng: Approved/Di sapproved Da rl ,grer+r,^1 ,i "*[" -rn,\ -.r[.,^ d^ qr.n i > / / Irv't'P{2t - \=rK0o * J*€(.^ ---:- 2^\ l(,-,A+1 /-- ,rltlt #-1"+^/ //f F* --' 6,4,* <<- a;-, y'--K ker+ "*,$y^7 /6"s / / Y36 -.'1 v7"1'5tmr- I ?6 V6L /o 3Q v <. <----..4(Yz /ezs '-'-('vL /a.ss 5'ht.r7u 3Q/tY 7</ -1 8'0zi (2- Kza-'.->3Q _4_ut ,B?..F.F- |. ess 12t. 4 e.-4- 2-z '7 z- I / vra 33c 1((a z $nsf fl", fir,"t)- \\""'r E4{68.E COq"!NTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & DEVEL o OPMEN Box 179 328-7311 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TK/J K cc: Zoning Board August 17, 1978 l'Jil'liam H. Miller Box 1528 Vail, Co. 81657 RE; File No 7v-53-78 At their regular meeting on 16 August 1978, the Eagle County Planning Commission recornmended denial of your variance request because of the size of the lot. The Zoning Board of Adjustment wi1'l hold a Pub'lic Hearing on 14 September 1978, jn the County Commissioners Meeting Room #103, McDona'l d Building, 550 Broadway, Eag1e, Colorado. If you have any questions, pl ease contact this office. E2l ,rZ-.2/ Terril l Knight Director of Planning & Development of Adjustment t--( e,49ss coui{TY t Deve' Department of Planning and .ooPir9eot-%rX3o *u.' I I opment Editor, Eagl e Va'l l ey Enterpri se Eagl e, Co]orado 81 631 Thank you 14 August 1978 AOARD OF COUNTYcoMMrssroNERs 328€809 ADMINISTRATION 324-6574 ANIMAL SHELTER9494292 ASSESSOR 328-6593 BUILDING INSPECTION 328-5339 CLERK & RECORDE R Eaqle 328-5377 8ESall 927.3244 COUNTYATTORNEY328S574 ENGINEER 328.6337 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH 328-7718 EXTENSION AGENT328.5370 LIBRARY 324-7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328.6594Vail 476-s844 PLANNING328€338 Notice of Public Hearing Zoning Board of Adjustment 14 September 1978 P'lease pub'lish the attached Notice of Public Hearing asa "Legal Notice" in the 24 August 1978 publ ication of your paper. Please bill and send affidavit of publication to this office. ROAD & BRIDGE328€59 | SHERIFF Eaqle 328-661IEaialt 927-3244Gilman 827-575 | 50ctAL sE RVr CE5 328-6328 TREASU RE R 328-6375 f .--t*.* \ - Wl4/ Terril I Knight Director TK/kp J NorrcE oF puBlrc HEARTNc|) COUNTY OF EAGLE, COLORADO 'flotice is Hereby Given that the Eagle County Zoning Boarda Pub'lic Hearinq beqinn_ing at iolod'n.il. on rc SeptemberSection 9.04 of the-Eagre"coun;i';;r;i;; Resolution. Saidfol lowing: Zv-58-78 l.lilliam Miller VarianceVariance from Section g.OS.OB-if) Residential Suburban Medium:Zo;;'_ Resol ution. Vail Vil'lage t,lest, Lot 26, Filinq Iff li35l'3u3nfi11.ff.fft8,;i":T.f;Hll]' Buirdins, countv commissioners Meetins Persons being affected.by a decision on this request are invited to make commentsto the Board by appearin-q at the-Heiring, o" by submitting written statements inperson or by mail thru the Secretary. Further information .may be.obtained, and corrnents submitted, by contacting the EagIeFf,iljt 3iBiil?i': ELollg:t;6 ;il-il';i;pment, sso-s;ii"iy, rugii; -iii""iaJ"= Terril'l Kniqht Di rector Secretary, Zoning Board of Adjustment 9I Adjustment wiil hotd1978, in accordance withHearing will include the File No. Request: Location: and 3.05.05 in the Eagle County Zoning #2 *'F*lvf.Ftw-*r---*-' ll rt o, !r c EO16Or o 0,F o ro oc, 'o .T, c(J -E:C Fc L .- {r nr.u .o > o-F |! 0o('€o oc oan po. lctA.- Ot Co.- . or 4 or (u (Ul- o t.- ir !r:: o r^ r€ (u.F (,(J o .-or,/r o(,EC, =<LoraJra<.16>\.,>'o -o E >rFF- >\C - t- O.O rO C' O <lroo.Jc ! CIF >.c,OI O 0).c F Or.r't'() > F'- o R " 3 c cS g N =r'cr.rr o o o+ <lJ c -c.n o| ..i 5 L OJ (u E .p.F o o, (, rJ Ea../r4>L>(l).- stoll Gte o 0:.6 !r o.F o |ltz(I)lro.F=rs! Lltt) ca, o(.) 1, tl orr- 4 d, ru.r (D uT, u.€ I: O'- a) - '- '1, -lr)4 -rt c t: >'.rl O Or ovt o.-o x.J rl, c91.n c r os o-- FO C c C O '- O.oF .- c d(F < 0,, E,.- t o = x O .-F o O >!o. '6OFEro.,c,, at L -cE{Jd,3(JFo5 3'(, Cr !O c g,Crc C-c or 'oc6orccrl!o q,!]',o-FE'FL -2. EB.- >-LFL e l:O +, .F -P ct t! (/i.- OFo (D.O > OJaC.. c'- 5 o, qJ . oc, !o- rf)ooLo! o- -o,.EE. 9-.:1::^E353lU O >.tt O'od E - L(5.- r,| -s o ^-t o 1r dlF .-.J lDv . Cr.P d) o it Gl! .rr E.rJ -s.F !6 t-'cCO PP(r'= E ! AJF.-HF. !- O-O O C E,6. l or (1, | 5ar d E td oo H o- o o. cr, or-E o >,-O)trrrCOq)!E {J-< oF\F|l.r c.F l!'F.rcE L.Jlv\vrt | 'FH-.oB.E.J (, !.FrF O-. = cr! r -o >F o !' o E(F z o 3.6N 6, = t (.) E o =PE t!.o -O RC9.. g - f- "96 ': o or > rn.F q, E - L -r 3 'Ou rF lE(u>o@ .Jc tUTOCCFFT.)OF -F =F IE P .F -,9,1 et r.=6 '- o E :'CJ fi ER'-C- gS} c rF o,otE.r o oc aJ Fa tA d(D .F '-rr Sr+,l!(',) >=+r .r li69E 3 5dg:3 5E €EEl!i 'c' cltoF t'-'dd qr>|g o- '-r.!t6q).r tl) = o o rt o cr- c c EL€ c, r, oz!.rr r! (lJ orc q'F l,c clt. o E!d. 6-,c > ! ct cn !uo.F c, a o.p > qr aD - ! 'O'- f E,r'.oO-cF'.|l .c ! 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L|o € = E"R, |6E F.- c E +r .oE E L.F > (, Ecoar o o (u pF EE.8. €' E O CZ.rJ 3E.h qr.F d c .'o r, > =.-,F ! - c, o o-c€ dJ.Fo-(D<lr-!r O L'O.F .rA-E 3.-.- qr -0 -o E e> c 5 o, o, tO E.J 4 E.rr,F(r('o,L F (r 0,0,, o,o, c o oraz€-o a6 ,. -E .l' 6 !', <.J (' q- o.--E c| O,' E GrF 3. r E t -,9.,4 .. -r o e_E,.rrJ o or rD ..- OE Or.FCa 6! ! !rt o,r GDLF9- (u t o l! ! rl, p o oo:.oo.L(/)l)|.'..| e -.r UE J a, rYl <l (.' ro r\ oo ffir n'gBeffixeB@s ''\finflt February 17, 1984 To: Vail To'um Council From: WilLian H. Mil-1erRe: Appeal of DBR decision for Mi11er residence-Lot ?6, V.V.W. rfiling #2 I would like to appeal the decision riade by theDRB at their rneetiirg on February 15, 19g4.' i -ieef their decision was iery subjective in nature .nd i .inconsistent with various d6sign prececlents whichhave already been set in the V;il^ Va1_ley. The reason for deniaL was that the Board fel_t theproposed residence would be incompatible with thearchitec-tura1 style of the neighbbring hom-s in--Westva1t. My contention is that there already existsa diversity of styles ancl materials useil in the"architecturett of_that area, and that a clesign.such as mine would not only add to tf,at vaiiEty,but would actually inprove'the appearance ofthe neighborhood. Therefore, f woul-d like to apDear at the March 6Town Council Meeting in ordei to state my case,Thank-you. Sincerely t .. tZ,l"lilryr/filu Willian H. Ml1ler Montaneros,641 west Lionshead circle, Vail, colorado uasT ./ phone: (303) 476-2491 oo 75 soulh lronlage road vail, colorado 81G57 (303) 476-7000 T0: Town Council FR0M: Department of Community Development DATE: February 29, 1984 offlce of communlty development to deny the Miller Residence #2, 1895 Gore Creek Drive). SUBJECT: Appeai of Design as proposed (Lot APPLICANT: l^lill Miller ARCHITECT: Tim Clark Background on this Proposal . Review Board decision 26, Vail Village West jnNovember.Thisproposa.l.isincomp1iani:bwithailffins. Design Review Board @t+,,all,+- *Q Reasons cited for denial weie not so much over the design of the house, but rather with how that des'i gn related to existing structures in the neighborhood. The proposed structure is a Uodeg__desfsa with a flat rqof in a neighborhood wherb r6ofs are atmost excluliidiliffifi6d. The ho-tjffir deniat iited section 18.54.050 A-l of the Design Revjew Guidelines: J4 "structures shall be compatible with existing structures, their lsurroundings, and w'i th Vaj l's environment. It is not to be ijnferred that buildings must look alike to be compatible. ICompatibiiity can be achieved through the proper consideration Iof scale, proportion, site planning, landscaping, materials and fcolors, and compliance with the guidelines here contained.". I gu,lfu^f/ This proposal was presented to the Design Review Board at their February 15thmeeting. Prior to this meeting, t variance of 6.5 feet. This request was approved by the Plannin!-T6nurii35iff Droposal 's f-lafr'{/l//,5aaa'ition of@ - the neiohboF'rg&b area ani apl .--an more I n -, iomous-to-thrarea woul d t the reason for den'i al .It rvas suggested t ve tne nouse reater compati bi I 'i ndsCaDe Dldn:wdS a ISO C -d as bElng unique to hat the wi th the proposal s compatibi I i ty in the neighborhood. also contri bute to the sffl::H:lit:l::t Eagle County, Coloracjc to the Zcsning Boarcl of Adjustments (minimum 5 copies required; print or typo, except signatr.rres) Section 9.04.05 Applicant/owner_ ![illiam H. Mil].er FiteNc.Z{-5?.7! Fee paict;fuZp-92_ oate rccd. 3/1t /t / ,t1///y'-f,.-. 2. Mail Address _F,o- 1 5?8 VFi l . eo] r.l.ado F l6q7 phcne: 476-'r4F. -.1. Regulation and Section Numbcr(s) of Zoning Resolutiorr from which Vari€jnce is sought: -- 3.05.08 (I).-and I05.05 * Present Zone__3SU__ Gen3ral location of property (in relation lo er Town, Road, Stru'arn or other lErndmark): North side of Gore Creek Drive three lots east of Ptarmigan Townhouses. Legal descr:piicn of property ": ::. -*Htr#ffit2. Brk-' or'rilins #2 Elricf Purpose ar.rJ Reason fol Vaiiance (rrray' be al.tr:ched) : /fr Setback; Sewer easement restricts reasonable use of l-ot. Renta1 Apartment; Economic necessity to financiall-y carry horne payments. Attr ch elp!anation that ono o, ,norn conCiti:)'19 e)(ist rrnC.?r Sec. 9. C 4.05, 1-5. 4. 't,S tatcrnent : A co' nplctc I ist al: o,,vf :3rs of all r{rtf rc!'iz-id :o r:t? af eji owners e^C,1tess.-.s, of the proporty prcDosrrd fcr Veriance and of er.Jiar:.errt pro;rori.ies is att2ched fiercio; ttri€ sir.,lna{ory is properly Sigr,aturc' (){ rr-rr.h:i;z():! {rplil ic.lni; c$/ner? office use , / , / / ADif ;c.:ti')fr ircce;rtctl irr. ccnrpletc for. Fublic Flea:ing on 71 / I / 7 { '/ -f-f;;;-- Airiili.-;rtion rrrj.:cted;_rs incompletc flr pr.rblic l.leof iir3 bocousc: i'r I'lt i t-l i,a jr ti i' riL I t ;tt iJir:;.-'1r,i 1l I.iIOlltE€Il\oir urrxlacrl - Jveo.k Gore Range Properlies REALIOR PBOPERTY MANAGEMENT P. O. Box 3639 Vail, Colorado 81657 303/475-1350 Denver Line 623-7110 Uail, Golorado E1657 REAL ESTATE P. O. Box 1528 Vail, Colorado 81657 303/476-2482 Denver Line 623-7110 il5C[iVED AUG 2 s 1978 rblt !)t Pr,rrdr;llg & iJOV0l.3tft ftsn(', coh. August 25, 1978 Terrill Knight Eagle County Pl.anning Dept. Eagle, CO 81631 Dear I{r, Knight: Due to schedul-ing problerns and a withdraw my variance applicationFiling #2, change in plans, I would like to for Lot 26, YaiL Village West, If there is any problern doing this, pLease 1et ne know. Otherwise, I will assune it has been withdrawn. Yours truly, /ril,ulu, Will H. Miller l{HM/sp @ a^ a//r*t * ma& *,ft ]* /z/u-€ fral Ea.l":us fl az oc (/,) ( 3,) (,/) ( t) a/4 6 fl"'7 'olrho /'*' r/4 rVet-;/'e fLz /o/ " at'ae' %7 a',/ on '% lbr fr" tu/ q a 'u//aq w// 'ot-/ re&t uwrT f/a rwal' f /'/ "/ ftl l'/ /* on r&oz/oo 4 A /nrt 4 ^o/ *.^' %^*' h't*tafe s')e 6' fru arta a/4/ tzztilfur/aad ftz /roP ot'/ s/ot/r'u h ay'Ttrdrzza/el7 sf 'F/' zn'h /f/o fr // a/a''z /radz ; ffu s'{a'/ n4' fl! "rz//ril Oa'*n"42 a w7/t'b""/ on'h h( nai/ nrz, /ata/, al na'e.// .% ri /uZ /ao*t ?//ar/ ru/ k* ru//"e/ k/24*4 fu a//r'/^rt 4 o t'"o'h/ a*"/ ; ;i, ar/n4. a'"a/ /'" fr* /o-'t a*'d fulh u*;nr*'q* a'r/t ft! '*-h/ a// ^ha U" 6arn% I s aatn a/ & 'ol// /'i4 **& ;T fu ru, l//*t'/,r-l 4a',a44 ensni/s 7 *rd &*'//, duy'fue', /'"*'/""*' a'u/ etv/aw)ntadts a// i' ftl zn'npdhL arir;' /7 @ /o/ 4 // *^*' / A-'4rF'*:''tz'tz ///7th zz T , € 6l za ////ur1. r/6d7 Qaar/ P' * /a/zs 2o /er/ /t' o/ zr /aues 4' ol zg /l/rc/a/as U 'o/ za //;//'o'-' .o/ 27 ilda/ A. hirrz. /ro / tla //?/ /"-'/ feemaa 6ax 3/s t /'u'/ il)e//s r lnoe t Bx rtr /a'/ 6n,7 Aa/2, 6to o//ar, *,",'rrffrn'f7".r, /A, zszoz / lll,r/u 6zr /tz/ /'q'u a,,"/ /earoe T rt/er ss Bo* /aa z /*tc- :aI l8 .,''ir. /r)'ot 6ax //6t' /nrc Ph, tu/ra// Tazan Aaztsas # 16 /ylor h. e, /t/assar % c' n' i# ifr'f:t 6 Trqo 46 2q*tr lohsaut, ?oo l;tOn 6//f' t" ;ff{':! #rz fuVa /r'ont , /"x //65t /a''/ d/f (,//. /^/a/ * (Ermes /azze/a,nol ftzm z-( /t/'d":"1 K/aras; #/q/U;/li*r/aloEeraloEa'A/a'75/'h"ts2'+tt''f//dd{z/ **',o, o;;';"!; ?i' i)'', ::',i''f"' : ::'-^'o"/ K/ sr t 2z //az uis,q val*sa,rt ,?a/ 4s/ S/, , fy'utrar/, /,< 72//L izs 4oo fa7 tar 8q //?t /^'/ e) Onfi''tllzy' .diar-rotz */ld/Aru1n h)es/ n/,{F/ ,{of ?6 Fzaurc t (ar/ &/'L'/a , /z ro g1 /4 q a tr lor ?7 2olo,/ * 7au€ /o*"€T, Qox /zag, /*rc lor 48 //etert 6er.uo'Ye ,E^ /fag , /nta f,o, ,4o"rt*4 Z:l6dY2 '-or 4? CAan /es k)ell F2 / rv/elea ft)a.7'0e"r faz ol lor fo' frll /ilarea fta// lzx //aa /*/ br .of OT -af '.oT ?t /oel. trl.s /2. /7dd faala /-, /rr-, /o^,* fr77s3/ ?c ft)rr' * &a.r/-oq '4/*' /a ///6 /a''/ t/7 /(;*/rae/ /otTarr/, 6z/ fuara/ fro/?4,&ryor#r, yB ,(ar7*an/ .!i /aqe,/ /?a3 fu,1//n D4 //c1e'stH ,fL 6 /8d/ q? f,a,e, Aa;/t O'rp fi Fars /Arr€4 ' httre zlt g Qvrr /' '';;fj''*7::rjr /ai/ /,//aye 2)"r/ 6/rn1 #s Oapra/ €/,''aua ' 4tso< &t" /j4-, Uoo'/4 4/aE.-J 06 ?< :! ffi';ffi h*4#6/eiz'q'ii-g- it-rzeZ lu // /// l,sQ /// (o4s,er 4 Faaeeac4 /oX 6 6 / flitana.tt,Cr EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECETPT (' r t./Date .i '/ , lg','RECEIVED OF Buildinq Permit Fee lication For Subdivision Zone Change Special Use Variance Appeal Fee Code: (Building)(Zoning)(Su bd ivis io n) All items are received tor coltection only and this no.payment of any item. be cancelled for Ne 3885 l/.$rrr,r, -s- 4. A request for aAe-mb-r6aa--s:l?s:hEY'"i; ,'" 'p".. .t Dick Ryan explained that this was a revised request and that the requested areahad been reduced. and that il," i.tru.['variance requested ranged from 3 to l0feet. John perkins. architeCa i;;-;il project, ,nd""a-iiti, plans with exjstingand proposed construction, ana "i.uii'io[, and sections. Jlgul=T9yg9 ?ld Ra oved the request as presented.was unanrmously approv 5.front setback variance in order to constVillae West ng No.app cant: the st6ff rE The vote denialTomi nedexplaining that theunit on a lot underthis application did the request exp'l aining thatzone did not allow foi the.l5,000 square feet withoutnot meet those conditions. development of a primary/secondary certain conditions being met, and Tim clark, architect for the project stated that in that subdivision, 75/. of thebuildinss were non-contormingi-iij-ir,ii"onty t% ot ti"-ioii-*... yet to be deve.loped.|ilill Miller, appiicant, gave-ihe uoaia-tetters-of.approvar and support, and pointedout that he coirtd ouird ihe-sir. iilJi,rt of_GRFA with a singie family home. c.tarkshowed floor plans' but did rot-hir.-.'iv "r"rufi,ili'tI iriii'"nat was being proposed. Morgan wondered whv one.of,the stipulations for granting a variance of this kindwas that it must -benefii t#-ui;;5i'lip"urun." of the iite when there was a hard-ship and when the Town wourJ-be;;;;i 6i'niuing-u; d;i";;;-rentar unit. fil"l Tlii,olliHlil"l;" The meeting adjourned at 5:30 om. PT/28/83 _4_ GRFA had reached, and Ryan replied that the.staff.was working with 14inston andAssociates and others oir it, but ilrii itre aiiiuiiio;;;;il'lljn in the prelimlnarystage. Ryan added that the staff had sreat_concern that until the'T;;; [;;;;;i'were to establish criteria, no additional GRFA inouri uu irunt.o. viele concurredwith the sraff. He fert that the project was positi,r" unj jii-ilirr'slJi ilffi!'for vail' but was more concerned with-the massing ano-rreighi. Donovan said that her opinion hadn,t changed, but that she had the same concernsshe had at the last meeiing regarding in""uririnution-oi"itre servtce station,that the restrictions of the oiigtnai sDD were isil;;,'ttre'ourtaings r.{ere toomassive still, the views were im[ortant, thatr".dluop*.ni ias needed, but thiswas too much. Rapson responded to Winston's suggestiols, saying that he Iiked the feelinq inthe ptaza, wetcomed that type of-iedeverop,n"ni iiciuJirg-th"'ii.;;'.;-i;ii iii..it was dvnamic and wourd nirt affect the qira.int.unq niitJ".siue viilage. He fertthat it was sad to have to wait for new iiite"ii ioi'iiinir'tnat wiri deverop. Trout stated that he wourd like to not wait. and wanted to make a motion. Morqanfelt that Pierce did an aamirjute-iol-reworlins tne-aesiin','-lut he still had o.itti-cultv with massinq. -He fert that ih; oriiaing'ujj;.;;;'io'pnur. rrI was stila, little 1arge, aia teit th;t'il'"""'*ui-u wari uiiuii'on-iuri Road, but fert thatthe project was beneficial to Vail. D Trout moved to a rove the roposal as resented that Nov..|983) withtan over la w e cnanqes a decrease o toocommerc l a ce ln an I ncrease s ace rn Phase 0ra to 800 square eet nc rease commerc t aosquare fee at num r ot roomso85because the bul k, mass . he t, view coriensry, a e I imi nati nq t e charter s parking were acceptab lewasmeri te sDtr to roposal as resented re resented t i ntentions m0v that the rezonencouraa harmonious WO T 1- able relationshio amon anq use s consi stent W theve lopment o ves, that the conditiona use tor e convent on Spacelecause the pro sed location oF-the use ano accor w'it ur qpcstrict in w slre Is Iocated and the enera I a -over wenterest of the communitv as aw : y.o an at Phase snou e starte tions for approva a com uring the next three o ttve years,at the a Cant agree tO Dar cipate in an no! remonstrate a ai nst a speci alrovement di stri ct iT-TormEE-for the 4-wa STO area, and that the arcTiTEETIra-tn teatures as presented on t e ptans. e eva ons and mode not De altee env t ronmenta act statement re because the e oriqinal SDD. Viele geconded the motion and the vote was in favor ?a inst Donovan and Morqanwerce abstainin j m l4I izAoc4u 1. )rx41 ./'t l1flfl ot\ UJF F- U>EkFz r _-___ 3N!aH31? s t33HS = { J z.o t-kzr.tuu)>LdFt-oLt, tLFr = iC\J Z z. J LL o(,r) =ed3I> Fz (J: LJ;J rjFIEiz>:l':arl-ct:,> =rdJr@Jrlou)or l) 7 MEMORANDUM T0: Planning and Environmental Commission FR0M: CommunityDevelopmentDepartment DATE: November 23, .|983 SUBJECT: Request for a front setback on]ot 26, Vail Village West Filing 2. Applicant: Wil'l Mi'l ler DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED The applicant has requested a variance of 6.5 feet (resulting in a .l3.5 foot front setback), to bujld a primary/secondary unit. The variance has been re- quested because of a 20 foot wide sewer easement that bisects the property. The applicant maintains that the easement "creates a building envelope greatly reduced in size and interferes with the successful design and developrnent of a primary/secondary structure. rl CRITERIA AND FINDINGS The relatjonship of the requested variance to other existjng or potentjal uses and structures in the vicinity. The site is located in a neighborhood comprised of duplexes,.primary/secondary units, and single family hom6s. Whjle there are exjsting units in violation of the front setback. a-pprovinq this variance would only add to the non-conforming structures jn the neighbbrhoodl Many'l ots in the vicinity of the sjte have yet to be developed. For this reason, the staff feels it important to maintain the 20 foot front setback. ed€++ng-€hai"a€ter ef the n d--T+l-i+j€-due.-€€!+h€-sunber-{f+ej€hbs+jfl9- lemes-al+e'aqr-in-ir+eia-tri€'rl{f-the-f"ront-retbae*-equi+eme!+-I+i+5sl-ft-gpaetj+9 this vari+nel rveuld net eenstitute a speeial priviiege. If this varjance request is approved, the development of a primary/secondary residence on this site wou'ld not be allowed under existing zoning. To develop a primary/secondary unit, zoning requires a minimum lot size of .l5,000 square feet. This lot measures.l0,075 square feet. Except'ions can be made to this mjnjmum lot sjze requirementjf certain conditions are met. among these conditions is the stipulation that no variances are granted for setbacks, heights, parking, site coverage, etc., unless the grant'i ng of such a variance vrould benefit the visual appearance of- TIe-sTte and surrounding area. There is no indication that granting this varjance vrould improve the visual appearance of the site or the surrounding area. Consequent- ly, the staff cannot recommend approval of this varjance for the development of a primary/secondary residence. The deqree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcernentof a specified requlat.ion is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of lreatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of thistitle without grant of special privilege. o'I , i,:.Mo -2- 11/23/83 licable to the roposed following reasons: of the specified regulationphysical hardship inconsistent or condjtions applicable toto other propertjes in the ,+r :f' There would be no negative impacts upon the above. Oeersvar't ance. FI ND I NGS gran!rng a variance: That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilegeinconsistent with the ljmitations on other properties classified in the same distr.ict. That,the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health,safety, or welfare, or materiarly injurious to properties or improvements in thevicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the The strict or literal interpretation and enforcementwgy]d result in practical ditficulty o. ,nn"."rrurywith the objectives of this titi;. -" - There.are exceptions or extraordjnar.y circumstancesf,ne srte 0f the varjance that do not apply generallysame zone. The strict or literal -interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulationwould deprive the aoplicant or priviieges enjoyed by the owners of other propertiesin the same district- STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommendation for.this reguest is denial. The primary/secondary zone does not allow for the development of a primary/secondary unit on a lotth'is' size without certain conditions being mei. As- previouity itateo, iffi - application does not meet these conditioni. consequentiy, ite develofment-of 9,!tjT1ivl:.:9!d9"Y residence on this site is not permitiea unaer existing zonins.Ine size of the lot is simply not approp.iate for the development of a primary/secondary residence. The appiicant has claimed physical hardship resulting from a sewer easement ll3:,!j:":!s his propertv. Even with rhis easement,"there remains a uurioing :lvel0pg.adequate for developing a single family residence. The staff feels"rne appllcant should re-evaluate his development objectives and consider con-structing a single family unit. The building envelope on this site is iargeenough to accomnodate a structure of this tyie withiir.iirting setback requ.i rements. l :15 pm 2:00 pm PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSiON November 28, l9g3 Site Visits Publ ic Hearing Approval of minutes of November .l4. A request for a rezonlns. o! the Getty 0il site (parcel irrnediatelywest of Pitkin creek Park condomiums in Bighorn)'from Low Density-Mu'lti.-Family (LDMF) to Arterial Business Distriit in order tobuild a restaurant. Applicant: Brooks Investment *q:::l-."^amend Special Devetopment District 6 (Vail Village Inn)Eo rezone the Amoco site from Heavy service to piblic Accomfrodati6nand include the site in-to the sDD6, to amend the zoninq code toincrease. the acreage, et iminate aiitance oeiw;;; b-;i'iiindil-a,iinathe height section, amend the p1an, increase the gross rdsidentialfloor area, to increase the grbss residential fto6r area and changethe mix of accommodation uni[s and condominium units, to request - an exception to the parking and not have permanent parking for charter DUSeS and to request a conditional use to permit meeting rooms andconvention facilities. Applica4t: piccidilly Square, inc. in order to construct a residence2. Applicant: l,lill Miller 1. 2. 3. 5. 4. A.request for a setback variance in order to build a mu'l ti-use spaceat ApoI'lo Lodge. Applicant: Apollo West, Inc. A request for a front setback varianceon Lot 26, Vail Village West Filing No. ob, on Application to iqt /Oz FOIg*.1 FOR A VARIT1NCE for any project requesting a Variance. accepted until alt information is submitted,. , Date $" I.Thi.s procedure The application APPLICATION is required will not be A. NAIIE OF ADDRESS APPLrcAlrr lrl t l.j- M t LLE R b4t i{,Vtot-+g*e/o ctF.z.Lz PHoNE 41b- 2+q I B. NAME oF AppLrcANT,s REpREsENTATTvE .trr{ CLIF-K 41b -obq4 D. c..NAME OF OWNER (t rint)I LL .MILIEV- SIGNATURE AOTWSS ToN, LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS LEGAI DESCRIPTION lor 2@ btock rilins-V!\/ ^L^l t+ r2 E. FEE. 9100.00 {fut''o :. F. A lis,t of the names of owners of all propertysubject property and their mai.llnq addresies.- - . +\t4 rt ,i!'-.-- adjacent to the e--- East% Lot 27 tWW#z AlbertlD. l{eiss Box 1002, Vai1., CO Lot 25 WW#2 Nick Emigholz 4604 SilverUakr Dayton, OH Lot 50 VW#2 PauL F. G Jennifer S. Van Dyke Box 1531' Lot 49 WW# 2 Profess ional Financial- Service Inc. 816s8 45424 Vail, C0 81658 Box 4762, 0verLand Park, KA 66204 Spruce Creek Townhouses Phase #3, Burgett Woodcock, Columbia i3;i"ttt Box 17127, Denver, CO 80217 1b-44q II. apprl'catl'or, tolor a var1ance page 2 ' -t il:y_i:n_llt existing and proposed fearures on rhe requested,"l-:i,Tj*i":., :1.::___if necess..yl . perrinenr to rhe variance ll'*:?:lP. "tl:^*y3::':-": -i"e"rl'd -;#;.;:, "ilItIEii3 l::l:t""" ana heishrl, toposi"ph;-;J ;;;;ffi ;=:ff::,"l;.:i*l?". Four (p copies of the following inforrnation: A statement of the precise nature of the variance requested,the .s'egr'ffiavolvedl u"a-irr"-practical aitricurry or unnnecessaryphvsical hard.ship inconsisrent wilh *,u "[:".ti;;; of rhis t.irlethat would resuli rr"m "iii.t-"i-riteral interpretation and enforce-ment of the specified regulation. A. B. data. c' -^r$gtional materiar ag ghe zoning administ5ator may pre-scr.be or the-Epp-rGEFfrE!-subnir p"rti"J"i--!i tn" apBrrcarion . fff. Time requirements The planning and Environmentar commission meets on the 2nd and4th Mondays of each month- an applicatio.,-,:-tr, the necessary accom-3?"{i:"rg:i;;:t musr be submirt-ei r-""'---'""i. prior"iJ-ii!'i"t" a f r0/s7/83 TO: RE: Town of Vail Planning Departnent Front Setb,ack Variance, WiJ. liarn H. Mil1er Property, Lot 26, V.V.W. Filing No. 2 Dear Sirs, Id as it ap due to tfoot sewFiling N which bethe succ s tTuctur drawing. o hereby apply for a front setback variance, .pLies tb the current Town of Vail Zoning Regulations, he unnecessary hardship as it relates to the twenty er easement which bisects ny property, Lot 26' V.V.W. o. ?, and therefore creates a buiLding envelope comes greatLy reduced in size and interferes with essful-desigir and developnent of a prinary/secondary e on my property, as shown in the acconpanying Also, although the existence of many non-conforningfront set6ack sitiations in this particular neighborhood of "Vai1 Village West" does not justify rnak-ing ny situation any more non-c6nforrning, it does- indicate that there exists a certain degree of cuirent zoning "contrarinessrt as it ,.relates to t[e Town of Vail front-setback requirements. Therefore, I request your utmost consideration in granting a front setback viriance, so that I lo"y continue on with-the developnent of rny property. Thankyou. Gratefully. -PfraZWillian H. Millerr ,' |'o RE: r0/37/8s Town of Vail Planning Department Front Setback Variance, Willian H. MilLer Property, Lot 26, V.V.ltl. Fil ing No . 2 Dear Sirs, I do hereby apply for a front setback variance, as it applies to the current Town of Vail Zoning Regulations, due to the unnecessary hardship as it relates to the twentyfoot sewer easenent which bisects ny property, Lot 26, V.V.W.Filing No. 2, and therefore creates a building envelope which becones greatly reduced in size and interferes with the successful design and development of a prinary/secondary structure on ny prcoperty, as shown in the accorupanying drawing. A1so, although the existence of many non-conforningfront setback situations in this particular neighborhood of "Vai1 Village l{est" does not justify making rny situation any rnore non-conforrning, it does indicate that there exists a certain degree of current zoning "contrarinessrr as it relates to the Town of Vail front setback requirernents. Therefore, I request your utmost consideration in granting a front setback variance, so that I may continue on with the development of rny property. Thankyou. Grat e fu11y , Mi 1ler --ffi.##'wr'"\nnrL UrJ", 984 To: Vail Tor.m CounciL From: WilLiam H. Mil1erRe: Appeal of DBR decislon for Miller residence-Lot 26, V.V.W.,filing #Z f would like to appeal the decislon rhade by theDRB at their meeti-ng on February 15, 19g4,' f feeltheir decision was very subjective in nature and i.,inconsistent with varibus d6sign preceitents whichhave already been set in the V;il^1ta1ley. The reason for denial was that the Board" felt theproposed residence would be incornpatible with the Srchitec-tural styLe of the neighbbring homes ln WestVail. My contention is that there alieadrr existsa diversity of styles ancl materials used in thettarchitecturett of'_that area, and that a designsuch as nine woulcl not onLy add to that vari;ty,but would actually improve'the appearance ofthe neighborhood. Therefore, f would Like to appear at the March 6Town CounciL Meeting in ordei- to state my case.Thank-you. February 17,1 SincereLy, rful.ltnVrpllu Willian H. Mlller Montaneros,64'l west Lionshead circle, Vail, cotorado g't6s7 / phone: (303) 416-2491 n\r,f \ ll Y\..!A \dLezt"\ce.., N-s N ' \^tltl- |^ \ noA* hr.,rN$v:"1.u^^-oLI0t{,u_-.\l\'}'\ -_l'"*.v t " $^."f,Sp '. : bRg, Ao^,ri.L..AA-Q\cr.{i,,",r S--O KA ... \ "L \? c{io \,\ z o\! v. aso ,,+ . I .<::=-r' . t'' I InA I r +L/ tt \anc-K U#Co-^.',.d -;pL'.oJ)&t \RB Ln <! -/-ac r.-l\'*, arzr* -l - .->' : I'I r, rAao. k J Aw\' *NN,K bay o 4"*,.,eL o6yJ,"^+on ,7-l \N.r.'t'-** A\i) 4 Co',^J r.>"-t-4'.&"^a ^ffJ ala)n a-L^^^n* \^^ c^-pJ .-;l"il- n / t t | . ^\ ' ,\pllc* (u'hicl, bB W ;'4 u*2"7"*/e),t oflfl" L + 4("* zxJpr., oa , .,r",.r\u"1 t\- r+f.-,-"": p*han /t-sf-"-a n. {. h ,(r^/r,",rr- * & /L!;a \frr\il:ry' 6- ( lnwn 75 south lronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 February '16, '1984 Tim C'lark Box 2065 Vail, Colorado 8'1658 Re: Mi I 'l er Dear Tim: 0n February 15, the Design Review Board deniedthe Miller residence. Specifically, the Boardof the Design Review Guidelines. i,structures with existing structures, their surroundings, ment. " tc ofllce of communlty developmenl Resi dence your application for ci ted Section 18. 54.050A.'l .shall be compatible and with Vail's environ- An appeal of thfs decision should be made to the Town council withinl0 days of the DRB decision. Sincerely, THOMAS A BRAUN Torn Planner TAB: bpr