HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 2 LOT 27 LEGALV,zV;thu U.at'4z/bf 27 Planning and Environmental Commiscon ACTIOI{ FORltl Deprrtment of Csmmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Cdorado 81657 tel: 970.479,2139 fex: 970.479.2452 web: www.va i lgov.comgttttw tEtGt.ctE t ProJect Nams: TANGE VARIANCE Project Descrlpdon: FIML APPROVAL FOR A VARIANCE FOR A DECK FOR AN EXISTING DUPLEX - vaTiance application withdrawn by staff due to lack of necessity for requests Particlpants: OWNER IANGE, NADINE 0712il2006 1509 YORK ST DENVER co 80206 APPUCANT DAVID IRWIN Oil 27 12006 Phone: 390-0931 PO BOX 3342 VAIL co 81658 PrcJect Address: 1905 W GORE CREEK DR VAIL locaton: 1905 W. GORE CREEK DR. WEST AND EAST SID Legal Descrlption: loh 27 Block Subdlvislon: VAIL WLLAGE WEST FIL 2 Parcel ilumber: 2103-123-0602-6 Comments: PEC Number: PEC060059 Modon By: Second By: Vo@: Condltlons: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOT| ACtiON: WITHDRWN Date of Apprcval: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No dtanges to these plans may be made without the written consent of Torun of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 da1a following the date of approval. Planner:PEG Fee Paid: $500.00 , I Variance Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of C-ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2L28 fax:. 970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.mm General Information; All poects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit apptication. Flease refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is request€d' An app]ication foi'planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type of Application and Fee: $6s0 $400 $6s0 $800 $1500 $2s0 $1300 $s00 $200 Description of the Reque stz Eusv,uf /J?l/tt physicaf Adcfrcss: noS (wlE) O' 6orc Crcek iltai't Parcel No.:2lo3tno6o21 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) E Rezoning $1300tr Major Subdivision $1500tr Minor Subdivision $650O Exemption Plat $650E MinorAmendmenttoan SDD $1000tr New Special Development District $5000D Major Amendment to an SDD $6000tr MajorAmendmenttoanSDD $1250 (no exterior ndn@ilons) Crnditional Use Permit Floodplain Modification Minor Exterior Alteration Major Exterior Afteration DeveloDment Plan Amendment to a Ds/elopment Plan Zoning Code Amendment Variance Sign Variance iloorI h -0 tr tr tr tr tr tr trr( tr Ecpplcrn Name(s) of Owner(s):'nf/6 /a. 9/F;= .- A Name of Appliantz / tJ '+y'tl? )t-nltt al fro- LF<z I F <"i Mailing Address: Phone: E-mail Address: Ficdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\PECWariance.doc owner(s) Signaturc(s): PEC No.: Paselof6 + TOWNOFVATL. COTORADO Statement *************i{t'}'+*********if*t****l**t****+*+*tl******'}'t*+**{rt*+*{.}:l,l',1'**+****+*************t Statement Number: R060001084 Amount: $500.00 07/27/200608=22 llt! Palment Method: Check rRWIN Init: iIS Notation: 11215/DAVID Permits No: P8C060059 Type: PEC - Variance Parcel No: 2!03-]-23-0502-6 Sit,e AddreEE: 1905 W GORE CREBK DR VAIL IJocation: 1905 W. GORE CREEK DR. VIEST AtilD EiAST SID Total Fees: Thi6 Payment:$s00.00 Total ALL Pmta : Balance! $0.00***'i******f**t*l'+fltltt*+{'taa****+**t****+*l****+*****************+*****+********t*t*+**'i't't* ACCOIJNT MEM LIST: Account Code Description PV 00100003112500 PEC APPLICATTON FBES 500.00 9so0. 0o $s00.00 Current Pmta PI328IJ 'FPO ENTRY / N.ECEIVING REPORT PAGE: L FPO NT,MBER : F28150 DATE RECEIVED. 9/OL/06 RB{ARI(S : REFIIND WITHDRAIIII APPLICATION R'ECEMD BY: LrC ENIERED: 9/OL/O6 11:05 BY: I-rCAIrIPBELTL, VENDOR: 0000001 - Inrin, David INVOICE N[,MBER: P8C060059 IIWOICE DATE: 9/ot/05 N\roIcE FOSTED: 9/OL/06 11:06 By: r,CAMpBEr,L FAYMENT DU8: 9/08/06 ArttoIINr: $ 500. OO ACCOIINT# PROiI# Al,lOIrNT fTEM DESCRIPTION 00100003112500 $ 500.00 PEC060059 - IrAllGE IIITIIDR.AWAIT The Nova Group P.O. Box 3342 Vail, Colorado 81558 Omc€: 97H76?l0l CG[: 9G3904931 Fu: 970476-3334 sneoutofiO@nsn.com TheNovaCrrup htly24,2006 Planning md Envircnnental Comnission Lot 27, Vail Village West 1905 (W&E) W.Gore Creek Drive Vail, Co. Re: Variance Approval for Dock Cc: To Whorn it may concem: . Written Description: The comuction of a new &ck located offthe main level. It lvill €xtend out l0 feet for each unit. Th wcst rnit will also bve a 5 foot d€ck connecting to the west side. The unite will share a common shirc.se. Thc deck is locdd to the No(th side of the building facing Gore Creek. .Writien Statercnt: A. Most of the homes frcing the creek already have rear decks facing the stream. B. Thcre wouH be m special privilege since nrost of the hom€s in rhis area where built und€r past regulatixs ad bve constructed decks to face the sheam. C. There would be no disnlbance to the public in any way since it is facing the sts€am to the r€r of tr€buildin& D. The Town has always encor.nage to use and enjoyment of Gore Creek and this would enable these owners to have th* enjoyment form the new deck. Shcer€ly, flr,*ll,*, David lnrin THE.NOVA-GROUP.COM : eFs EE'Z??ua zl*E>v E-rB H3E F Fit 5ss -{ 2 -....4|.etrr-ts-b-lraor5an2tdtr5o - 2oQh(rra, t-A-t--lElrbriahr!5 - ld28 ;i.r{-*tu}dhrqrb .' -df,'t'-'*Ftt $ I *-rr<tt i l- l- .2' E&?i-:"./.a lat ,/-----=-:)i-/'/ \ -.--"t".'/- rrg- \ T\/__---- PloPos.o F!'ru!E D6cr \. i$ tl$:$ q t.v :'* #*9- Pd(|D ..- ,EHi fu i;iii fIvA'"U(I fIuJ fluoc.at s06IJSIAI flOYlIIA TIvA,Lz Lm Sfl JNqOISflU NflI^InHS / flCtrrlv'I ffi V? ao E dc G\o it .; ::tl5 s .5 9 ffi flfTT-".-LL'.r/,_ ' ,t,'J,tffi ltfllll! $ I F.:) F )< Fa L.rl =IF trl r (. z x UJ Fa t! -oFx Ld ffiffi € .IM ''U(I TUf, f,UO9'Al s{,6I rsfl \ Scva'rIA 'llv^'tz ro'I SflJNI(IISSU NTI^INHS / flONY'I,EEg i'; ii iit PAOt Ub ' 6zl2cl2ffi 69:6'l :f3313L777 fcr Lo t3a:tFOrrOll,t^ PIrL-tltcc|nf-rr (FEN SC$I COTI]TNEilT FOR T]TLE IXSURAXGE ISSUEO BY -r aralr^ IltloqEa-lrj*h lt--, -jt. rcHDgrrr''9-zl f--. A,crCO ||e9o * Pltonpiltr+||07?tE< FerFtogag.ta|l A btt'+tdf 48 I tua ffifrc bFtre hgt agent tor FIRST AMER|cAil NTLE INSURAI{CE COMPANY AGREEMENT TO ISSI'E FC'LrcY Ff RStArEncAl| TITL€ norrRAilCE O(I|PAXV. rrfrmd rorrobcmffiuil r.l|!cot|F.tt thrdrdtftrr{crBfbnaffi .boUq, rffi tobriirAgc.ilcGf .rthe&pl*Sl-bhlr gotctb youacoorilOf'ncfileCl*rCorrrnmn Wtt.rr*rtrIrr eo|b||no@ldUarnFr..0f fuoOooOtncunOhsdredubA ttrlecfir'|ltilt ntbail*dtcciltt|d0.Co|! ih!.|lDfr tHtl hSch..ldcA I0|o R.Srtrrn$lrdrun In thbcdrdarnontlnY3.|of bo.n 'ncrlldtioail |nddf ffiCaF mliment datq, o|roafgffin rmdcr0rirGomnllarxt || qr.l Afo or dt|t.r mer l||bcocl'|d ui[ d!.1 drdr t||. Pollry b l$|rd elrd Oln qrr oblledloo !o you uI bo std.t I|c Poacil' Olr oilg|dloo t ndc. t||tt Co|tt t$totcnt rt thil€d by the lolldner Tha Prlortlona in SdE(l-A The RequiuEril! il Schcrt|b Bl- fllo EEcpdom in Sdt€rlub &2. The Coduoor qr the |Ef,rta aUs d ihlr re|. rh|lr Go'D|t|itrE rl a nor nld utlhqi SCfiEDt LE A .t|d S-.tio.r t md 2 of SCllCDtlLE B h*Arch;aTIrbfu-uCW"-f-/ff'fu ^*, filiA &r-+lrz- !-cEu'Y fl:T#;adj*.- tr '. r- *.-16.-.4<:- 3a - ; i. StrrIMr X. ,t S-t';" .':. :il"r,,i'il.'{ COi'IITEFSIGIXED ' g?12412frfi 4l:ert 3533?3L777 (fEN SA}I PME 67 C(llf nIf NEilT for Ttf LG rtlSUlAI{CE irdt Corff.iaIfr.D": 0trtto{4 :rribfunb3rtldl:- -ilet.r-Eqfi Tic TflGoqry ofto nocscr' t*' -E*lc-io w s."--cr;*Ehrd,3a I' Fo Eorgs AE OO !1610-{T -L.I Ttrrt C6uPaHt oF THE Rocxtts, Inc' /ll lrib hr Arerr Im: trrrrn Ccrtrr n b..o: F4ot,iE,I-qe thflrafnEilold sliftr :hilr & Frrqro/Bilgn Sucrt 230eidpSF.rvd[@ rldt? Smlu:A l. 2- EEaircf Allpl2t"IftJr Pohv(qFo|iior)bbtd r) ALTA O;dt ttficY(ldl?rYz) Iiorocdlnod. I|.afcLoF b) ALrALaFoltoY(lOrl7r9D) bqrDc: S.FfrttrrilS rlrttacao mrtr6 Nbyend FdtcyAm proporcd Uod. /fl.rt ilctlt+ Ir Srcorsr ud'or Arlr Tb cr c ard hrbeb.| derrtrcd c ntrcd b h lir ooaroc ad ooncrcd lgtlt is: lcrSbilc rd nL Cdb it ratr cftcdrlg d- bcdrcd i!: Jcroc T. tbpovft Tb UrtuC b - tir cclEl b toc|ld h tu Cdy of E dc' ss dc'loildA nd i3 dsdbrr: FONL'GAI,DESGn|TTIOITSDBSTEDT'LIACOT{TIIII'SDOIII|EXT?AGt g112412@6 8:64 :lp33?31777 CoiEilo.dI?lO€ PAI*. UUTFEN SAN Sar.el(otnd) I'GALI'ESCnlFfl(X Ttr hd rfrod o b tsrir b loc*d h Ss coutt of El3t:, src of colrr&' ad Gcrbcd rr folbrr: A prcl of ldbno s .w*sTortc hrpd Tm-. tri;rprt-of t'd.a Y1'gf t- iriiirg N" {.r...lif b l[G Fli lbrdn d ilt ?' 1 966 b Pb E * !rF'l c tto!trbir{o ioi6i, c,iry "tnrlq * *conrrq trqG Ftt*tt dlrcribd r fr[orr: 81ft rto ro-rtl cu of r[ llt 27' d- }r'q:rc'lf V, edlrrcc of ?lllC it io b TRUE FOINT(f EEGTNNING; lbfr.l{ t3'lr32'E I direof2a3a &c; rhco:s 3filfiEl" 3, rdbc dtSlt eot ir"- S t3cD:If $ rrtrc of l?J, @, rt*N:16'rtr{AlP U,edhlocof lt.?f fca; tt S t3cl9'32" tU, r disile of l2.OS 4tt'* X lO'tzf ?, r&e d'||}.l0 &GtiD l* IRUE XXNT tr EDGlililf|(i; qlrir!'rD I radiri&d tfz ilgqa b ldo wril Torillrc fGd (Lq lr-3^All 6'.i'z,,vtil nfu p wJ mrr xo. a roc(br D tb ttl- trtdqtd {-b-?' t965 i Pr.Bo*&il! I RFdo No. t0l5t9, Cq ;Ek, $G otG.tlorl h, rar e croqrinof wcb Ta*n iE r';'J;.s;;i;-l|1-fr-d !rcfli' dr FFd of Ld lrm -'uttu rc;tt: iiJ rno' t ir. pr of r,c zl, vill vrnlp va fu no- z, rcrfr -t t 1: 13'df, L' Irly Z, i95S I nifjot hgc lr s nradn-rro. tol6t9, re ptlfiy 61.6 rSlbrrr Bqirig r 6. rdr!.t w d snd Latl' tac N Ft5'l4' U, rrlrre of,7lj0/| @'top fr Sfptf:f E, I dirc of 2f3f tut rt t3 TRt E FOTNT tr BEGE{NDK'I ih* 3 36!aOZf E, I dboc d J3.ll tut' fhcx g'lqn' E, edrc of, 12'.9 H. thcNt6e4lllf V,rdirhccof 13.?t tug tkEl{ 5}'19:t:FE, a drrc 3f lzot ea, tE !l !6aoF2r|P 'y, r dirtrr of,l|o.fo t[t' tge S ttcl tll2' Y, e dis& d 2134 ft.3lo lb TRt E FO|Nf OF BBGINN ING' - j urrror* B!t:o. ,n,g3331777 fnttE lrt(FEN SCSI Scb|Llc l.I Rtlp!ffi C@Nc.oir9Dr-C C-umsvrnTrnr lqnrncr Scarnr.: B - Srcnqr I RrOur:rurrc THB FOtlI)wINC ARE TIC nRTTnEMENTS TO BE COrtrPl.IEtrt vtn* rr.|l(r)Pq!d]bafudE-G6softbgurrrngqrlorlofrbfullur|d:ratirnfrrthorfE c'hrtritobsiafld. It D (b) P|4opc Eu.!(!) crcli|, tb olG a iE b bG brrcdrrr bc orard d ft H furccd,br& |.r--t'rbFltTsEdEd.ad'dtDE..ofTrdt'c,GT.Ib?ort|!fu|htcd fficet-, o =-"iio'm.o' ala etaa 15,205' adrtcrtr Atrydn' 2O0crrflhtNo.tEcta. l(lT€: Tlo *o* Itocd dTru ssrs r rermlvh3liac of rrcdt od rl crb mrr bc n{er*d b itt GtlhltY. 2. Evlds lilcuvtot: cryv cb illdbo. lEtr-lF T* dl dlt' imd bv Orffi n". ZC=;d.; of t yp, of 6G tm of-v.ll ColtO f- btn P-4 d U rtitia trir-oty S.tu rl o.tlofbbanffivffc4 3. fxd gurGT.PopoubbNrfFlqs. NOTF; If*y a:ond rcrl prqcrty rroer Cclrdoo' a;dty oldr-$c Clm c GrrE, b rrcry' &-6;i ddaa *om, psmar o Ar* la qf l'lou Bllilo. t2|.{1439-r{-lct. 4. Dcd ofTI|{ t6 Nrdh. LrEe b OG bDc Trli.o of Etb Cdt frr thc uro of Abo! MqtllBBbssf|ll,COJn Tborst Flicy, t- L*4 rtinncnb Erccnricls' l, 2, 3 rd4 Fovi&d lh: (A) Thc orclc.d frrn ofituity rglGcfid fidrvn rd rgcd b i6.ay crm UiouAcddrttyt' p-tv(ittl i$oJd drtmcdrotr CoPrYcitr&Dffitfrrd (8)rrntr.|bbrcffifurpib0!droft6|'.0,gcprStothcconwrry cbdubeialrgcnt' Ib llclp: hliy, drE -sal tfl u cmdr Erqrilr No' l, X 3 rd'' id iill ciEdssdFqn loo'lmvibdtb:' (A) Ihc coclocd eeru oftdoity *t!ffi a hl ffvil ad aruaur ir i6orv *otrna aucr|oth iv to ervtloO rccg rd rd b b Cryycfr&lYrtublllr'nd @)rpplic*rr :ebd ctrrF b ltt rmdof tOJtO rrc peidlo |lt cryry or ilr i{tdtorizql {Fi. ' g7l24l2tnb g!t:o4 '*,3?33I?77 C.-NaO7'Fa{ (PEN InAT,I FAE IU Sda&Br r!{ddG# Tbc lrlatlr.e Fo[ct, !b ir4 ttll crrir lbtlor[ Ea&S Fo(r] Fllbdil .ffi$,r.1.f,i.d O."ii O anttl eloriqr crn 6''6.o tdt D rb Cm|aotrDdiulrCar , - Le fin l0-Coqnb$nFteild t?o'O Ldr Fq0l-l'En&mlPrdir ttO'O l,cFaDl0.3O-MiE|bM tltl'm PAf- !l g,u2412ffi 09:8.1 :tr333?1777 CdiorqaNo.Ffto+C tfEN $$l scn dub &|l Ercttinr Colrrprr tor Tmt litrrrlrct $crrrrrE-$rcrgrII Dlcrrnat sa.dG a of tc polhy c policb b bc i$trsd wlll cdin GxelPdc to lD. fo|lottht Ders [sh!O fu * rs di+c:d of,b tbo *isfirdo o'f tfic cqpoy. Aly h!| r h!r, hrc.hdi4*orry ftc' tyrcar of t3 rrE1' toil bdot: l. Att Ec., r|F' i4 c clrb rill rc d imn qt Uc-ede qo'd!--T,:*i*-coon * -irrlir uy r b.p..d; ;J nccty.ttilg hqrllry of gcnor h pwcsrhl saar' z Edachb o'f rscs' Dt*ollttti.f.tblictcqt- 3. DiEEi|. oe hbodry b4 futrfe -.|rq.nq|t .Lr.oE, ud ryodr b Y,ilct r etil -.'i' nI dbdo* f,d rffi lt m *oa bt fu F$lb tlcqdl 4. Ary li., c dtlr b r lir fu tli6, k s fril brnofut c lr&arnl4 iFd ty hrr -dd *on tttic F-fb tErdl 5. Dctcnr rs, edelt, rvqlcGa|.Eru* f:-l:t=igt'ql- pdh tlsdt a df nboqd E tu fiirc d- bccet, E Fb ro b*db ;;; d.oF!s ;t"dd tu * tu !* c it*rl rJora6r 1gccorc.o by nnCcttu- 6. Tus &r dpy*fe d rry r+ rfccbl lrlreoro, &fe c lh iryri fu *t c -rq gvicc, c fu lY ot|rl gccn E* t0tb- 7. Ary Fio4 drynD r drcr* *b lD ry. 16 c ait of H r r r:rrt of ly clqr - Oc' ;fi tnsi,.d'toodc t d.r'6- iltll "a'*L rlardo lod -!q! tFdq crudc c crruoof b;il1'..4 td, clrr{'ccor of 13 61 bcq3 Cr.r til rtA Ct tti..r fcA U ry gOc rro t UrU ofrud cgbA td' bd c mo o. ftl e*iiFi;ii; a l* frr tr ppc decito3c bcr's#s. s. Ary ri!b, br't* a @ b ftrr of b $* of colonlq ft tnrd $G ofrlsicr c l*-Afri pr-Ic.U "Or -.n ".na o clir b orr, s&dc rc fu *r d Flril ad p.s btd d bd of rrit c'rr" CFIL 9. Ritil of|l! Eq.ifr of r Ydn c Lo&b.tdtt rdtilG b a: rlcrdcr' d & * tG ftrd b p6j - g,..1-L-r.d-, nd ri.5 ofq k 6.1.. ctl&.oogd tf tb ffy-of* urbl 3rc, tff"rd i r.r*i ss iu Fc..-d.b 15, lrll t Bo.t 93 dPrS! 15; rdOcs,blr4lgtt h H,93 r hFr0l' lo- €il,dbl rrdidcr G crramr csrrir'adrirbsfrry: ||fuial tto- arrfvi| vnr voc ilot xi- z gh tdrt t, ti6t - nn Eook hrp 4t rs neccptb l&' t0t69. l'tlJt Lz(fEN scAl"t' 61t24t2ffi O9:O4 3433331777 SnddrE.[ E tir.(cff'd]CodI{cF trl4 Il. com, dq, ttSidkri dGldPt6clcddbt f|lodrlcorsk vd vi[|!r urr miE Nr 2 rtftd ro r' licl |-ry* I,o r EF t6l r&rtb ilo. lof 7Ul; rdA&naiiJt'"q*d ftil; lq rqr b Soor zli *F.Ut?t -Rtc'frbNo r126'2. l?- srrb*, b.' cFE!' rutrir d rlcf lr of rrr I Jrm q b Ph of kGt dl,c n'-- nd vi[.!!'v- iniN.t fiHr-. ti,sn i so*256 rltF 5+f r tpqFoNo. '5i|,6'2. 13, corf,r.il|, oodiliD, ttsiaiEt @ rsvirfu+ ft' l|lb d DrV- rf-lEb-:djrtd bb Tor@ o-rrii. rfonrnTe;b Fr*i Aryd 11 19Tl b B.*25t I hp el9rnrt'cNo. lSar||- t tttt lJ(tEN SCSIt altzqtzffi o9:o4 3a33331777 CocfulroSTto+C DidcgrE DIrcI.o$URE$TAIf,I|EI{TS I{o|3 h colanrb Dnido of hrrrc nllFEiEs }}t, hlnjr c qArd* Ye TFb F "Erqy rnb coty filr b rtcpo.rSb t * in n.uo w er6co rr o b tll of rrsdic Go t o[ ""dE "-d;tu 4..* J i t .r-tlii ltl noff r filiq dbd @ radirr fim h uidcr rfb *clocod.' (G+ ftGb) N6 2s Erct'da lfo r3 dScEb B, Sccdo Z of, t--c@lE rt b &d io lb on t't *ricy p to iir.a hcmdrr p conpIrs rit th frfurhgccdlir: rrTh hdbs&:d in SffiilGA of tbcobg inrrbc r*ftoffilrEi&rc'rrt6 itcfrdlr ! dhn c brdoc rrf B.No Dr r Glb; h bcoa fifia:d tr ao* c Gi& 6r p3Dc d cantrrtb o lb hd d#JL *tllb A of tfo ccrlra rt b F I t d' c. Th cry,-n.***----tp.lri* .i6&r bdlll6fi3 rhr cary re .illq3d cchrriJr rrdarlrbol lita. p. ery c-in- i.- "*dHG A thGD C &r! ! try b-* dryrcli* a Iffi s tu Cryt t-, &- i&ry, r, r lr ofra' Ucql uy n&* r drb fuqtio. E ]rymt ofttr Pb fir sA cffi.33. tro!r3: Tb frf,orb3 drolorr :cl.rcby ri purr |' llGl l-122' Cl.Si (D n!rti!clL.l pqalr ry bo brld b erlcdJ ch3eiq ii{l r ".amoe of-d, iu; frrh3 a udftdhfo; fl bc orfri nn |b cdt' Trtrrrqclb CorcyTnrsdrahodrslfe4ed (iii) ia# qrdbc il"rt il*i.r, ol rio bcrrarb of 5|d dsrdorry br otoH frm' 'tc@yC t Codt CLtf rrd lcoorfr' c tb Cody Ascsr' ile + lf to rb Fie of b SGlr Fqqtt scccdr IIQSI' lb db ld b cria I corylyrit tc drctfup * flrD"t ll: i-ld; dct.s. lt+Zl{0lS Orqrrdrkrrtdfid iltrt hnnttD ci,s. llGt t-la Ndb bHy $rtf (r) lfUltrrccrdrdrnibbrdrrrl crr+-f ta am+ lrd c dbrbl 6?il too t rrfr!! .r* O- fu b I ffid Ecfteod r[|l r rrd prty boli r s dl *|tt a !a[ lF, &rb'nlrr a llolkd fl' h lbpqp.'ty, rnd G) ih d i;i "r* ry f&e-tc rth b cG id rs' e fofctv rnou tu rdcc orutFffi. l{oa G Eftaivo S+c*a r, lrn, c.Rs. !3el0-|q6 FtrI!3 lh :l| FFTt cclvrd frr *"qlttr * Oif I d. ac* i rqit* oC* *O -rrbi q rrrl ogrE * bC d r bG i*f r|d bd; r3l or r ta c"yf id rb cbt d c* i.r 16r. b Ecd a 6b ry haf tl &cr rt oqfu|l Ifor. ?: fu ltlttry Fdi:t: wG rill d rgrce ngElb Pml ffi bfuuio r ry rmrl srmnAqdlin rinbcrt hrs bcGn rtaaAty * @'S a G rc{|ild by br- -ffi * THIS ]TEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on August 28, 2006, at 1:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of A request for a final review of a variance from Chapter 1zt-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Yariances, Vail Town Code, to allow for retaining walls in ex@ss of 6 feet in height, located at 796 West Forest Road/Lot 13, Block 1, Vail Village Filing 6, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0054) Applicant Doug and Kathy Gannett, represented by Steve RidenPlanner: Bill Gibson A request for variances from Section '12-1+17, Setback from Watercourse, Vail Town - a Code and Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapterl2-17, '.bY Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a deck addition to encroach into the fifty foot (l7ro. Gore Creek stream setback and'the eastern side setback, and for the addition of bulk ,tPl'2 and mass within the front setbacks, located at 1905 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 27, Vail tt' ;l Village West Filing 2, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Nadine Lange, represented by Dave lrwin (PEC06-0059) Planner: Elisabeth Reed The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 97G479-2138 tor additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please eall970479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published August 11, 2006, in the Vail Daily. Depaltment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 MX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us September 1,2006 Mr. Dave lrwin PO Box 3342 Vail, CO 81658 970.476.7101 (Fax) Re: 1905 W Gore Creek Drive/Lot 27, Vail Village West 2d Filing DRB06-0327, PEC06-0059 Dear Dave, Thank you for submitting the remaining materials needed for a complete proposal for a new deck and two dormer additions at the referenced address. The application has been placed on the Design Review Board agenda for Wednesday, September 6, 2006. Per my conversation with you, Staff will recommend to the Design Review Board that the following issues be addressed in some for or another, should an approval be granted on that day: 1. The amount of asphalt that faces the right-of-way should be reduced. Ferhaps the parking area to the east of the duplex could be eliminated entirely in favor of lengthening and nanowing the parking area that exists to the west. 2. All existing non-conforming lighting (such as floodlights) shall be removed from the residence prior to Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 3. The utilities attached to the south side of the residence shall be enclosed stucco or stone to match lhe materials specified on the proposal prior to Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. Please nbte that I have withdrawn the Planning and Environmental Commission variance application from our permitting process. I have enclosed that withdrawal form for your records. Please expect a relum of the $500 fee paid within a few weeks from our Finance Department. Thanks for your continued patience in the design review process. I will plan to contact you late in the day on Tuesday, September 5h, regarding the placement of this item on Wednesday's DRB agenda. Please don't hesitate to contaet me with any 970.479.2454 or concerns you may have. enclosure {S*oto"o"uo o(rl;rtw c€\,EjittEtr Decign Review Board ACTIOI{ FORltl Department of fiommunity Development 75 South FrontaE€ Roadn Vail, colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgo%com ProJect Name: LANGE/SHUMEN DECVSTUCCO Project Descriptlon: Participants: OWNER I.ANGE, NADINE 1509 YORK ST DENVER co 80206 APPUCANT DAVID IRWIN DRB f{umber: DR8060327 07127/2006 07 12il2006 Phone: 390-0931 LocatiON: 1905 W. GORE CREEK DR. WESTAND EAST SID Addition of neul decks to north of residence; addition of two new dormers at each side of south of residence; addition of stone and stucco to exterior; new lighting frxtures; reduction in amount of asphalt in front of residence between west side of Project Addrcss: Legal Descriptlon: Parcel Number: Comments: PO BOX 3342 VAIL co 816s8 1905 W GORE CREEK DR VAIL LOT 27 BIOcK SuMlvision: VAIL WLI.AGE WEST FIL 2 2103-123-0602-6 see condition Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: APPROVED Date of ApprcYal= 0912812006 Cond:8 (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made. without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to @nstruction activities. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and @nstruction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0008481 The applicant shall limit the amount of asphalt at the southwestern property line to twenty four feet in width, replacing former areas of asphalt with new landscaping (potenUlla, junipers and perennials). Planner: DRB Fee Paid: 32O.OO Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 Sou$ Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fax:. 970.479.2452 web: www,\ailgov.com General InformaUon: All projects requiring design review must reeive approral prior to submitting a building permit application. Please reftr b the submittal requiremenE br the partiorlar approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town C,ouncil and/or the Planning and Environmental Commisdon. Design rcview approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of dre apptoval. Description of the Request: /lollalr nuF (ter,*ue Location of the Proposal: LoH 2? Block:-,u6rui"ion, lr/*/ tl, tlrye f//rlsr Z Physical Address:/c6d (elE-) o. 6xe Ceeea /)trrre vrl $-l I Xal {-o t/,l,J Parcel No.:2lo 3/eOoCoZC (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):h'd',u Ln l^60'yotL6r Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: ehuneu EteTtr- E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review O New Consbuctiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alterduon (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request X tr tr c'er..&? Fax: il - AAA{ Ett utEEt,: tEE l ECll'Ea' EoltEloe- $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot oftotal sign area. No Fee $650 For construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild' $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 addiUons & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.' $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sudl as, re-rooftng, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Owner(s) Signatur€(s): ff'a*tftttt**ttall****lf*l*f**ttl'}l'}**{rt*+*****+tta+*a+*tftl*i+f**i****************a*a**aafaa TOWNOFVAIL, COI.ORADO Stat€mcnt ffllfallllt+***+t+***l*lll*++*'}*'}la'laral'l**t+*++tf+flt**{'t*+i**rf*af++*:}+*a*tt'}*a:}'}l|lalaaaaaa Staternent Nuibers R060001085 Pa)ment liethod: Check ,IRtfIN Amountr $20.00 07/27/200608:28 Ali!.Init r iISNotation: 11215/DAVID Permlt No: Parcel No:gite Address: Location: TtrJ.s Palnnent : $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 DR3060327 Type: DRB-Minor Alt,SFR,/DUP 2103 - 123 -0602 -6 1905 W @RE CREEK DR \IAIIJ 1905 YI. @RE CREAK DR. }IEST AIID EAST SID Toeal FeeE: $20.00 Total AIrIr Pmt.B : Balance: **f**t{'*lr**l*tl+lat*ffflatf*tfaa't*'}***lt't'lt**tftt'tt******ll}1}t**+ff iti**++l'}'tr}'}*'}r}*al++aallll ACCOIJNT ITEM UST: Aecouats Code Description Current Pmta DR 00100003Lt2200 DESIGIN REIVIEW FBES 20,00 MINOR EXTERIOR ALTEMTIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This applicauon is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterauons and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS** o Stamped Topographic Survey* B Site and Grading Plan*o Laridscape Plan* o ArchitecturalElevations* o Elterior color and material samples and specifications. o Architectural Floor Plans* D Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures o Title report, including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easements* o Photos of the o<isting site and adjacent structures, where applicable. o Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable o Site'specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable* o The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the mateials noted with an asterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior changes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner. if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name: Contractor Signaturq oatesisna y'*+/oc F:\cdev\FoRMS\PERMITS\PIanning\drb_minor-alt-1 1-23-2005.d0c ru23l2005 Page 3 of 13 Topographic surveY:r Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyor. Date of suryey. North arrow and graphic bar scale. Scale of 1"=10'or 1"=20). Legal description and physical addressr Lot size and buildable area (buildable area o(cludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40o/o, ?nd floodplain). Tres to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This informaUon must be clearly stated on the survey. Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monumenE found and their relationship to the established comer.. Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.. Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions.. Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lol. Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervalsr Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade.. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.).. All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.).o Environmental Hazards (ie. rocKall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils). Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addltion to the required stream or creak setback) ' Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed seruice lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include:. Cable W Sewer Gaso Telephone Water Electric. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc.. Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. . Site and Grading Plan:. Scale of L"=20'or larger. Prope0 and setback lines. Existing and proposed easements. Existng and proposed grades . Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.. All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height.. Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade. . A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction.. Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures.. Proposed surface drainage on and off-site.o Location of landscaped areas.. Location of limib of disturbance fencing F:\cdev\FoRMs\PERMlTs\Planning\drb-minor-alt-11-23-2005.doc Page 4 of 13 07l24l26OE A9:04 3A3333L77? 7on: t{o t3a3 {cCleofAl! tnn L.ne$o. Comnto|.t IFEN SCA}I PAGE 06 COIITITTEI{T FOR TITLE I NSURAI{GE tssuEo BY tue ffiwffm?,!'84 ffitrl* A &1/,ir;&l,s,'/bg A{|('|, d F,rtt Areri@lt.k bxro*e Cang;y ag€nl lor FIRST AMERICAN TITLE I NSURANCE COMPANY AGREEMENT TO ISSUE FOLICY FIRSTAIIEFFAI{TffLENSfTR NCECOI|PA}{V,cLnsdtolnthhOo n tmcntrathlGorp.ny,lhrdeh it .0r€nt ldcrtliod rboYq, ral.nld to In thi.Ageemont il thoA0pr*, roilar to l$ur r policy t6yqr .coodhg to th. trnra of lhir Comrnitnrcnl Whao E Ehq, lha ponci ernouit rnO tnn ntrtro aa lhcryaoo.tt hlun'dlngdtodulcAth|!Cqnmitmcnlbccoossfrecth,g$oathsCommft;lcilD.bthout inScho<h.ilcA rthaRosrtenfnttCtdrln thirCqnnttmonthmnotbsro rretwltlfnth montDratLrth.Co|n'nittnent(htqo{ltoDlgnbnoiltcrthiacom'|iilontwillen lAboourdlgdlonundorthhCofinilmrnt wlil cr|d wf|e r th. Poltcy h i..ucd lnd |tton our ouleltbn to you ulll ba ind., tt|r posc', Our obl{tNtlon urd€r thts Commitmenl ts limited by tha tollwtn€: Thr Prwtrbnr in Schet|rtb A The Rrquilmcnt! in Schedub St. Th. Erccpilom in Schcrlub S2, The Condlllst! on the rew||a side otthb Dlg|e Thlt comrDit,ncnt la not r|ild ulthoot SCHEDULE A lnd s.ctiom I rnd 2 ol scHEouLE B, :%w '** /H*l-k Ct**r- sEc*rrrr l.'1tl.1r"qt---"15;;;;? -j<:- cl cr r.- ?, 5tl[Iiltl ?,. j ---4-'. rsr -.'-} i;;;;;T;;l_j @uNTEFS|6r{€o . g7l24l28gg 99:04 343333L777 (FEN SCAN coMMIIMEltT tor TITLD lI{SUnAIICE irnElb Ttrlr Coupallv oF THE Rocrlrs, hqc. rrfrlrb hrAnlrrcrr lrn: ]currrcr C*rn PAGE A7 f,rfln*r: PtpoltU-ogc Prrgrrd for: EUlolrd Sliftr Snnh e Fnqrc/Bnilp StoGt 23{retd;cSFlr vdl@ il557 Codrfircra lIrrb.r: 0tO7904{ tqrlrbiorldDctbrdb TtrocyLEmfrtn Tlo Tftlo Coq6y ofitc Rocldoq lrc. -Egb tO W B.rvrrCr.kBhtd, *1121, FO Box900 Avm.Co ll62|HBe' SouunrA l. E&ctiwhe Arlr'lrrr20ST:l0.r ls:Dlc: S.Dc-tqt'2ft 2. Policy (a Poli:ir) b bo i&$o& r) ALTAMrEollol(tdtTrYr) PolicyAnrant Sa|l:3COO Propocdfmmd: ltlrdircllgC b) A.|-TALarPdiq(lUl7ty2, PoltcyAncrt Snlt|f,, Plopccd lnnrcd: Abru Morrgq3g ltr Snccrrror rod/or AlLll 3. Tb cfre or irtr!.t in ltc hod dcrcnlbcd a nfurcd to h tris Coniucd rad cowrcd lgth ic Pcc Sluplc md tith tb:rao ir n Ot cfhcdv! drb hc|3of vcatld i!: Jcrrc T. Popcvft a. Thc lgd pfopd b io llrir Cmmitmt it locsd h t}o Courty of Er$c, SS of Cololrdo, rtd k d.rcriHublhlr: I1OR,Lf,GAI,DDSCRI?TI('N SEE SGIIEDULB A COITTII{UND Oil NEXT ?AGE ,/,luCnfrr,-&,r*&t Pqt{7 A7124/2aAE 89:04 3S33331777 TP€N SCAI.I GomdruNo.(f,oT9O+C Sdcdd:d(olirod) LEGAL IDESCIIPIK'IT Tllr hd FfG.tod to in l:rcin ir locrEd ir thc Coufit of Er3b, Srar! of Cob'|&, ud dcrcribod ar followr: A Ftt3l of Ld llora rs 'Wefrs TomDoru: hrEd TF", hir6 r p|rt of t rzl, Vril Vilhl! VcI rilhgNo. 2, eoidhg no tbe Ph r$acof fihd tuty Z, t965 ilr Ph B6of fr6r rt i facaricr'lto. 101690,CoUyof Er3lG, Se of Colando, rrqcprtiodrrtydcr.riHr fo[orr: - Ecjinni4 { tb ro rhrc$ craor of sdd tc 2?, thco N (2"16'14'W, edi*rncc of ?1.08 ftc !o th. TRUE pOtNT oF aEOINNING:tltfto N 53"ltB2' E, r distrncc of 2a.t4 t&th@:S t6',30:tt'B, I dime of Jt.!! ft.q tha|eS SreBAT I adirboccof l229fr'ii thcocc N 36"rO'2F W, a dirtrncc of 13.78 fcct: Itdtc! S 5lcl9'32' W, I disracc of t2.0J ftsq, thaca N 16"4021F Sr, e diorcc of 4{f .10 fcci ro thp IRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; ogatrr witb u radividcd lA fuEtlt h |ld o Wci6| Tomhou!. Itft.l OrE, bcbs All of Lc Zl, Vril Valhtp Wc* FlSn3 No. 2, accoed@ to thc Ph rtqrof mod ,elt 7, t965 in Pln BooL prga rtt u Rrcgtkn No. 101699,Cquty ofErglc, SraF of Cobndo,'lb thexccptin of wcirr ToulqroPrcl Tro &qftod $ec d dh tlE cxccprin of e pad of L^crd lnom r .Wdrc TorrtlFurhccl lfrtc' ltsitg r pt of lot 27, Vril Vithgc n Gs Fililg lro. 2" rccdfu o Oc na rMfilod July 7, 1965 h Plrt Bok Prg! 4l o RacqtioNo. l0l699,mcc patiarhy d:rqfrrd rs folloryr: BqnlnbS I $c sordttt 6t co.rc. of trid Lot 2?, ircooc N O2"t|5'[f" W, r dirtrrcc of ?1.0t fccr; ttare N 5301932" E, r dirnooc of203a ftd b tbc TRUB FOTNT OF BEGINNING; th.Doo S 36c4o2tP E, a di*uc of J3.ll ftrttlr . N 53"1932'E, I distdtc. of 1229 fer,\tcnc N l6o4ftll" lV, a dirtancc o,f 13,?t ft"q turcr N 53"19'32- E, e dktre of t2.05 ftlqrlrc N ]6"a0'2tP tf, r dirEcc of,0.l0 ftcr, 0ncc S 53c1932' W, r distraoc of 24.3,t fca.b thc TRUE FOINT OF BBGINN|NG. PAGE 6S A7l24l2OoG 89.A4 3933?3L777 (FEN SCA}I Sot.fuh&l Rqtdtffi Cmibrntlrlo.0t0T9Ol{ Cournxrrr lc Trrr.r uwulrrcl Sannlue B - Src.rror I RtQunrrwrs THE FI)LII)\VINC ARE THE REQIJIREMENTS TO BE clfrlPLIED WITH: Itcm (a) Pryffi to or fre tlr rccornt of thc gutoru or nrongrgon of tho fult aomfttantiq ftr rbe edds 0r hlctli to bc imred ttan (b) Ptopor bnruu(s) wctig thc crc c ilurtrr b be innrcd ns bc ercoilrd rrd futs nd for rccm4 to ul: l. RGlterc by ti. R$[c TnSc of E*!a C$nty of ec Doodof Trurt fton Jclrr. T. po?oltltt ftf t! ts. o( Fh&d, of Avmr O rarre t60,m.00, drcd Augst 15, 2(105, nd rccodrd AryC 22" 2mJ d Rtc|Dtion No. 96,93a. NOTE: Tl: tovc llccd orf Tnnr socrrrc . Fvohlng lino of cedit md ar sucb nur bc rslosod ir ib .rilrrty. 2. Evtdooc ..ti+.rory n tho Cmpy r it ArV erid igart rhd ri3 nr!.l lrt E bil'ftr rDr" inpotod by ordhnoc No. 26, Scks of I 979, of thc Tom of vri[ Colorrdo h6 bcro [ni4 d tH thc lkn ilpcC by Scctiol ll tlFrroflnr b.tn ftlly e*bficl 3. Ihcd frrru Jcmc T. Popovio b NrdiF LrlSG, NOTE: Du! crccutod rorl propcrty trlrrfa d.cl{dioo, cxoortod by cltlror thc Gradq ortusc, b eq.qf thc Dctd rFoti@cd tbovc, Ftrsurti to Articlc 14 of Hose Bill No. l2il4RA 39-l{-ro2. 4. Do.d of Trur fild Ndhc t mge to thc Pub[o Tnrrco of Erglc Coruty for 0rc ur of Absl Mont*c, ro lcqrc 37l1,600,00. Tho Ornrio Folloy, whln i!$r4 will not cotrh Er..Fioor No. l, 2, 3 md,l providcd thrl (A) Tb ctclocod fom, of ird![Eity rlrccocc c llnd rffdrvit rod egronont ispcrf crootA rd rlnorloQcd by dre put(ic5) indkd ad rcturncd to tbc Corpoy r ib frlyrfio.izd rgrng.nd (8) Tlc rpplic$lc tdt?dd6d chrrges.in drc oorourt of l6l0.lD, rra paid rtl thc Coorprty or b duly ulhorizal e3arfi,' TIrc Matgrgc Pollsy, rbm il$Fd, rin nc corrnh Erccptiur No. t,2, 3 .!d a, lrd will clonh Edorrr'mt Forn 100, providcd dlt: (A) Thc cnclccd furu ofildcrnity agrcdmt or filrrl rffirvtt ad ltrccrncnt h propcrly cxccrilcd aod rcfffibd8d by tF F ty(hs) ildiced nd rasnod o 0ro Cuprly orlg fuly ndtsird r;ar[, rod (B)ApDlbbk scbdrdcd chaS6 h hcrnqntof t70.00 utpeklblhc Conpq or il! &ts antfiirrd.Seil. tl/rCn/'it'''-$ffi'.| Rqrtnfr.'* P'o, t {7 PAGE 69 A7l24l2gS6 09:84 ?s333?t777 Coanbciloqfr9Oa{ TFEN SCAI{PAGE IO Sctc&rlc &,1 f4cfrrunr (od!rd) Ibc llatsrfp Policy, u,h.o htoG4 ,iU corin thc follorhg ErnlanarrGc Fqm(r), fovlded6t aptcrllc rcbfikd drrFr h to m{l) fotlortg crch cndoncmcot rll plid o trCry il iir tutyadlodEd|3d. , t-oFqnl00-GonpnfiaiwEudanonsrt t70.m|.ot Fqur l-l - Ervirw|ld Ptr6iq tgr.00 LoFom 1(tr.30 -Miprlr Edoncncon tltl.00 A7l24l20gE 99:04 3933?XL777 IFEN sCA{ Cdmion rtNo. 03qr90a{Schc.fub Lll Excctiiq|t Conrnrcrn lor Trrr-: twurelcr Scrrrvur E- $rcnsr II Etr:rrrroro SchcArlc B of6o polby q polkks b bc brucd rritt contdn axccpionr o bc folbwlag nlrrs unlcsr thc src rro d&pcd oftl6c lrisictiol of thc Courguy. Aly lorr u dn'.ge' hrhdiry lnaocy ftcr, by rwr of th3 rrjlt'! lbon bclor: l. futt frdlr d$i inta:r6, c clrins rhich lc mt shonn by Uc p{blic rtc{ttb but urhidl could bG rrccrrtrd by n iorpoaio of rid lnd c bt nr*itrg inEriry of pcrros m possorsioo thawf. 2, Eremlr cchfoir of qqncm, mt Jrd[ by fna publio rcc&. 3. Di|g?pcci!* cmolclr in boruntrry liner, !hst.!s in rlcq enqrllmds rnd ory ortcr ficrr nhicl e ccrcot anrq rould dirolo* d whtlr an not rhorn by thc ptrblic rwor&. a. Ary lirn, ari3lr to r lia frr rcryicc* hbq q mrtoriel hattofrc a brrcdbr frailrc4 ipoFd by Ltr od loa $om by ttc Fblic rEcordr, 5. DGfur th[r, r"r.rsrbrnccr, rdvct* ching or olhrr rna$filr if uy cnaud, h rypcrhg h t! publio rurdr c thiag d&qratb rb cGctiw & h€rcof, hr Fkr b fu dru of rb pttpo*A inruod *Sh6t sf rcqd fr. vrlc ttr 'trr. r ht rtst c Da!3ry3 tbto colrlcd bt ltbCoroimcnt 6. Trxos &r uipryrblo; ad uy |rr, lgecbl .tssncd!, c$rgr u lkr iryocc.l frr wor or rgxa ravica, rfrery 06rr rpceid trrhtS dificr 7, ery g:*fua dip c drrnc chius b ry locs tr;xin of hod r e rnrh of uy dr4t b tba srtck or riycrbcd lootio[ by othlr therr 164 -rrr* q a]orttiil drudt qctioq tt$ctkn, etuic c stdtie of fu cGlH, hk, drel r flow of tbc wGr incrfli Cftdr tiqiilhb lhc rij..t hn4 d ry qcsdo E b ft hcraion of rrcl ccaa tLa4 lulq bod cfu rr r kgd fucrbdoo Dmosd 6md!r for S. prpccs of Ccrshgc tocdi€ c&j*l bds. t. fuy dsltl iertr6 q crscoatr in frnor of fu Sffc of Cdcrdo, rl. IJdtcd Suaci ofAncricr, r tttl garnl palic, rliclr cxil c re clrirncd o arirt in, ou, rmdcr ud/c sqr drc res ild F..ltadFt b.dgd bulr ofnit Gac CrcL 9. Rigtr ofthc Plop.iff of r Vcin c l,odc to .rdnct od rcnow tb m rhcrrfiwr, rhou5 frc rrnc bc frrtld to pE a|b tr l|ts|!c.t 63 Fttrftc3, r|d riglt of tE fu dirc,b c cclr rurrctd by thoffiy of lb Unbd SEc+ rl rcscrrcd h Udad SrrE h6 rcoord.d tw I5, lgll h Boot 93 d P.Se 15; ndOcrobcr,l,lgtt h Boo&,93 dh3c301. 10. Cwtons, ctndim$ rc$dcdolt ndcr; ctnstts, r€crrri'nt rrd riftrb ofrnf,r u Sortr dt 0r. Pla of Vdl Vilbs Wost Filiq No. 2 fild Juty ?, 1965 nr Pllt Eook h3c rf l r Rcocptbr t{o. t0t699. PAGE T1 AlnCoan ;/n- 'ffi& e.II E,P,ptt''Pqe t d7 O7l24l2OAg ggi84 3033331777 (FEN SCAI.I ComnroNo 0lqll0r4 Sdrdub E.lt erfdoor (ccdurd) I l. Cwa|rlr, oditbor, ttsi.niG rd c8@.d provbioo cufrhod hto Prctiw Cmrt hVd Vi[$r lrcr FllbgNo. 2 |Ec&d Jqry ?, l96t h Boo|( t90 a n$t i6l |. tretrior No.l0lf2; ndAddoafllr {g,clo rscqd fttrury 16, l9?O b Boo* 2l? r hS. ?I rr lccqdo Nortzfrn, 12. Sclbrcl lb, cem6, rtuvdiqr rad rgrr of rryr s $ornq b Ha of $rilt ofid 2?, v.if VilhF V.|t FiiltE lrb. 2 fibd tw 17,lW h Bo* 2j6 { p€e sal rr fcocptlcr t{o. rn'6i2. 13, CrutC, ccdltin,Frcici.rrs, G.msFwiriq+ prry rrlb rdprty *ell r|1b cculnad h Sc Tmfur lhcbrim fu Wcbr Tonlahr" rlcsdod Ausrn lt, lg7l b go* Z5l - Prtc 6f9 s Brrgrio No. lt{gtt. PA€ 12 , O7/2U2^AB g9:O4 3A3333t777 IFEN SCAI.I ComiuuNo 0307lol{DirloarcSbtmb DIIICIOSURE STATEUENTS Itotc l: Cokrdp Divbhn of llalrac R4uhims 3-$1, Pngrrph C of Articb VII, rcqChor trr "Eruy ti$c octrty shrll bc rcspmiblc fr ell naqr whkn rycr of rico,rd Fifi ro fu tirc ofrtcodht rrficacs thc titlc crrfty oodrcA 0rc chn6 rd L rcspmbk fw rrcordbg c filing of htrt doaerts rc$rhirr|, Eur eG tsrrrrCio rrtich *rschccd" (cp nAarion) Nor. 2: Exepdo. No. 4 of Sch&b B, Selioo 2 of rhb Cororritlc ny be ffi fim |[c Oudr Fofrcy b ba isrd hmdcr go ccapthnco wit thc follovilg condition: A. Thc H daclfrcd in Sclodrdc A of llir c@ritlgr narrt bc r rilgbfonily roridorc, rhfult inchda r codooiniun c hlbor* lmir. E. No bbor q @Lb nry hew bG6 irnhfid W reohicr or nJrri.hlo for prpora ofcon*rgb orb lqd deccribcd h SCro&rlc A of th CrfiEni!ffrt rirtiD tlr Fs ll |tmtb. C. Ifc Conpry mrst rtcoivc lr ryroFiac d6drvn idqrdfid4 rhc CqWy.nlasi ufilGd ncctoidr ad undrbrnt lirns. D. Any &vi&n e,oo condidms A tioo$ C $or,r itr rejcEr b rocl dditinal r:qrinnclils ot Infrrogin s fu Corytynrya*oEcecsry, f, a iE ogtm, OoCarpuy nryrfirtc u &lca dr crccptlm. E, Prlarcm of thc Frnhm for said covcr.gc. Iro0r 3: Tlr Hlorinj dircloarc rc hcmby n& pusrof b !lGt t-t22, C.R"S.:(D T)r. $6F.t rr.l prop:rgr nry bc locod h r rpccid rai4 di*icr; (ii) A cqdfcc of trxcr dr nrtiE ad ufug irirtlicrim rhdt bc otalrcd tE fu Cooory Tfrsrrq c tr Cot{rty Trcaruods ndrorid agclq,.d (iii) lnfora*io rqldi4 ryosid &nic$ rnd tlo trumdrier of such dirrricrs mry bc obirincd frocr 6c Cqft CcruDi$iqs$ &c County Ctcrl {rd Rocordcf, or th. Coonty A$arsor. Nob a: lf 6c $br Fic. of fu etictr p.opc{qy qcccds S100,0ff1.0O, |! !.Nkr rhr0 bc rrqqfud b comply with th di:clurc or wirtrbolding prorfibm ofC.R.S- fr9-Zl{|rj OqHcddGil rifuldiit} llo0r t: hrrwil to C&S. $lGl l-123 Noric! ir laroby givc'n: (a) lftkc i ccorddwidcrp thJ a.uirrl rrub bear acld,lolrd q fuwitc cdnt5t d froo $G rrEEG cr* tLo dgr b r nidrdal lilstilpod drr r tid prly ffi rcr r etl ircrcd b oit gs, ot[a nirr\ c lcotbnrl ffiDr in tb proprrt;r, ud O) ILd !{c$ efirrl crtO ry incre b! riilt b cl06 d rcc tb propcrty ritoc tu rrtoe oun fi prrrildm. No& ft Eftdivc Scptc& l, lryl, C,RS. 130-t0{}6 rqflhc| rhd dl dmrffi |lcciwd frr recodin3 or filirg in ll: clort od noordct'r otrc. *.ll codlh. bC nrgh of .t lclst orc iacl rd a IGC dlh rd fu nrttb of d l6t m-hrtf irch tte ckrt rnd rccordcr nry rcfrl. b ttcqd tr filc uy hnc |llf .lo.s lot cqftrn" Ifotr ?: Or Privry Policy: Wc will m. rcsl rrorpublh Dcnorrel cuctorrrcr iaffifiltidt 1o ury crlarael nordl[acd orgrizdict qilols ut hvc bccn arrhqizcd by thc crsaoncr, or arc rcquircd by law. PAGE 13 /ln*t-Dbclclt PGrdT Frcm: To: Date: SubJc{: JRRuhpaugh Elknbeth Rsed 0717112006 1:48:56PM DRB06{327 Lange rcaktencs hr been t€vler^€d and approved. Happy haircut. J.R, + \ Dep artment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road l/ail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com July 27,20/J'G Mr. Dave lrwin PO Box 3342 970.i (Fax) 1?1.6614 Re:1905 W Gore Creek Drive/Lot 27, Vail Village West 2d Filing DRB06-0327, PEC06-0059 Dear Dave, Thank you for submitting an application for final review of a minor exterior alteration and review of variances from the stream and side setback regulations to allow for the addition of a new deck to a Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residenee located at the referenced address. The Planning Staff has conducted its initial review of lhe project and outlined outstanding items below, which must be addressed prior to final hearing of either request. Survev / Please submit a wet€tamped topographic survey of the lol, which includes the following information:o A scaleo Benchmarko Legal Descriptionr Lot Sizer Easements. Topographyr 100 yr. flood plain r Water course setbackr Treesr Utility Locations S_Ptan Currently, there are two proposed setback variances: one for the encroachment of the decks into the slream setback, and one for the encroachment of the eastern deck into the side setback. Please verify whether my interpretation is conect or not. According to the elevations, a new dormer is proposed for the south side of the western unit. lf this is the case, please indicate all proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations on the site plan. This will allow Staff to calculate roof heights over existing or proposed grades. Please show the location of all required parking spaces. Cunently, only the paved area is shown, most of which occurs beyond the property line. {p ^""r"""o r r" other { Please submit a sample board detailing the materials proposed for the exterior of the residence. { Please prepare to have the following items staked prior to review by either the Design Review Board or the Planning and Environmental Commission. r The outline ofthe proposed decko Both of the southern property cornerso The line ofthe stream setback { Please submit a lighting plan which indicates the number and placement of lighting fixtures upon the site. This may be overlaid upon the site plan if you'd like. r' [ is imperative that we receive all utility verification signatures reguired for a minor exterior alteration. I have atlached the appropriate form for your reference. Finally, I have routed the application to both the Fire and Public Works Departments and have requested their comments by next Wednesday. ljust received verification of Fire Department approval today and will keep you appraised of the Public Works Department's comments once I receive them. Please note that I would like to have the Design Review Board conceptually review this proposal on Wednesday, August 16s, with the Planning and Environmentral Commission review following shortly thereafter on August.28'n. Please submit all items which have been requested to our Department no later than Friday, August 11'n at 12 noon. Please don't hesitate to contiact m ?ny questions or con@rns you may have. enclosure Eckel Reed THE liK)YA GR(X'P P-O30X3312 VAILCOI.oRAmtl66t &rs:gn}39G0qtl FucVN4763l34 facsimile tansmifial Fil:Tc Wtmr lt itay Concern Ronr: hvidlilin llrb:a$w k tlolig emrcvd & Vcrificatim hpe: @: trl.[nl Xn-m,*Ebffi Encnary trbw To Vhom It May Conccrn, Please sign tftility Approval sihca for h 27, vail villagc wcst, FiliDg 2- An existiqg duplcf a 1905 Wec Cror€ C|t€k Drir! Thc Prrqfort b to rcfuisb the exisri€ sfiructtr€ with st'cco dd add a new l0' &dr rt ftc rer of thc slnrcn[c. t nced tbe sign&rcs m hr tlqn Wcffiy Augpst 9F. Ycr mrcech m *yr0-390.(831. Thnkyou foryouhelp. Silgclv. 4rr,,l /rrrrr*, Dryil lrwin tgo02r 002ti'ffi:. il'ri'o:c-iriiir_rcor^ir,".I:' s"o-4?6-333r0. i6r p. I p. rtr t Jrl{t{ [:15 frr.tfilw,crNltt3plat rttnG? r''at ?'lrlrrt t{rr + SD ulrfiYnrrn tErErEr IFF---rrrt rhri ;r-.r rrlo-.Err lt rEr-rr9r d fr s'= = ?;=lr-,r---:---ir-c:---JrLi|Er-|C ir,t|} r*e'Ntl+ r frr.dt r- tlb*bt]--tsGtu4uadffr fl'tr$-r m: qD qIF tnSrruTrD(!rrorr€Fi),ni'' '4EDALx SifrE' *r*.qt ffiffiFr-Grild.rfi(Elo|Et6ttfc Cc1-L:ttO- 371- qa77tctGllErS9or'?scd;ag1artE,ffitlnic!&!a r.a:Errtil.r2'<Blblc.Erlrni||t9rrra.nrffi|EE * ncmSnl'tlrnnlgrcr,70,n3,rLG t9!frc,D(HGEIEET CT'GII|itrrtt:ncat-HuD..e,zozc:,CEG tsbAE*f &d-.abJd.h 8- tLt-a6 alEsFb-ATCFIhrarft'fttua llttJg (to. atr rvr.Ee *Uarrz Paoiecr: lqot ut Goae.Ceeek Q*,rloY ?-r, 1f2'lU'lleqeil)eor ExroTrer{ Qcple't - 0r$,l,elnr*1 ErrgRroe- t neo',}t a NEu, Q'EAP' ,4*k' ' fieJ,nE*-.^, - gqo'oq't FAx: 4-16'!12 IGF- rc gr rEt- fl Et|.lrE - c -Gt - -llg''lt rrd'EE r' rr trt rthfre rIDi fl mHt:r-rrrFI *G#l-F L t. r|ll.rF b llurrri trFFa-E' |rE * r'g* iL-qry o F q Gilfr Hi tirrhfrr*r*Oar*rtr r*r Tr--adbbd. tr8rriahti;-J ia fnE.. r- -tt h d oe.c rtE l|f-E t|E q ry rd tr *'r 3 r|rh rgFE lrrilr tlr E*D-.aIQ tt* ilD cl5.fkE--h taat--- E.lffi tc-!E! E*a€-lE 5-l,rrd€r-rGtu'{r9]rfl a-cffit f ltc' -*,-!:--rriqrc&rrt- rr:tsrtsc*iidHtodr|f|| lc tltnt rdl*l{. d*k. 'ot tNt I 3t+1 c!reUr.fuE cE41t7D- 37r- qa??rcYGtarr-!E ,m:n7Fqn 9t!09a8_rnt,ffi.iluon ilErfrEAl E.E3Y9r!26l.,r@(lbr)c'rElle'rt!'!L2Eiztm+tricAGn NETDB,EIrsnlnEet 9r0.<rai.7F(EDgD.€ri_{.f,9(ht 6E? ftf lGnrctd-G GmFrc5,tttLl|ta:a86,umGd)gitD..Br tarz ft)Clria t.|' Oeta |l. Gtch.dErr| F t*!dr' s"o-4"6-3310,069 P. I p- 1 ''l&lrE. I-ar l.ara/Dt fl, -Gc E' dt(i. ,. 2000= /:49ltl DllOLY (jll0s$ tItflGY J.r{7{ lt:br frrtil aF Wt mltt IE Bt ,rrfrhaEFfr rrD.slaA|9(rte7o'i.@rF,srlania(4cccls $rr tes ffi.dt m,rdilEEllE],n&#69ru.l6ttn l\S11, url tprlou|.ltlrrr[n EES"p.dyhrh..ffi rGf, rFrrrsur orol-14aryG.r E D€-- --aE-r-ti*turrcc- -.EtE-qlc!*-'ttr|rap.a|Fr:@ rFlrFE -.sDfrrn Dri grlr sr rtr, ---Ararrigra-c -Jara."-irE-iioct;Frpod.dEb. @ 0b0 /WJ/*8-zo6 III T: t. rd:W ilFEl altlorbl3lrr lsl|lE lt.tril cr otet Q ffi, -rd rb olniB n D11 q6ycr !* tbor, r'lTonr- rsr lEtrrFrrrcptx,uorr AjdricnEi;Ha - - - - ; - e -:FI - :-l- r! tE ttF -r r? Q rDEEr tEt E C|E !n !r {fV:99-: 1*-_?r lF . - ttEr rr-r rE r !E ErE :l e * l!|l tr * I D EE :I, o r-lqr c rr rffiF. Erh?e nH urab ot rrr'orJrr !r t': uD qrr;id ir 6iirt r eron'fiffcdFfr8 l'-tlewfr5!.6 drrbrlE@tEtrClt€Dch. trttc*rtuhErFE[lf;fir#=;r;Effi=i = =-!rr=:rEdqE3-iq_rE ErFDE{EE-rGrDErL.c{siru JrrEs- E=G.trrc-qtts|.itEa-ftllqnncE:S":cE[G*Ehr4gntrEE ffirlrdt|lr6, * uare : {Jaoiecy: leot ur. 6oa1 Caeek 0o. ,Iov ?-t, t/.e,l U,lleqe,U}esr { nnnr'ruq a" NE4l (.Er|(L tvztltffi l=xrtfrrrg , de"k. \ao' oatt ) upl1x - BeF,"l,s[r,rj l-=rreRrar- f JrqrltO Elflrurq.'- gqo'oqTa -rox: azc-ffi A{I'L utTu I Ltthv3 O.l OE I 2: OSp tax.Y(v&.z4{Jj(DrviC lrrin ,frg 10 :r(ffi 9:L2970-r"6-333a P-01 F.3 rrl-lt{ Ish trr'{l t nlt tllll Et|.nl|t ttlatllan tE- r.fl t.rt lx r{t tlra lE N'tjl rtllr?m.rElt Ef, --q-.rFr--Er-ri---rrtd-r5,--D-EL-E--lIE't!rE--r-r-IGr- Efrta--rarEtI!|l r-I|! -IE E4!er!rEr-. -I-3E!-----tEl?trdriIEL trctlDrsrr.,|tcD '!.I1GHn.3.EFDh- -nt{ErlA AETTETC '|riE.Fr(IDrrrrSFfErh- "cu,v€JgjfJl''tr!.r.sE!ruG.rFCCfknE}ET G,FVtt!:g,oFCGrrEInl/nEttIET tunImrrm-trctnf3t3l09!.n3-tBlAE i|I!Er3 oFlGrrar!nI.3UHttrnDilEhlIffJEE-l.![ Errtt F.,h L trf Q!- lfr -Elq-r---F-qldin i :-tE, G :GXr;rfl F- :Frt!Fb:r|-qFrats - = r - - -ltElrt tr r-ItrrEE -- rD - - G r |!-rltbtFarfl = 'tEt lE rCtrlt] trr-br-!r-rts---Hr,a E f-, |b Q t: rt X a a r- * d* -? q -a rtaartrE- -rhtth, - .- --- : - tr-tlEE-t| -. rl-r r- r --rtl--lr--t- -EE-r-E----- ----f - -C= r--E=-tr -----:--. -==---.lr--r:.rr-ar|'rlEft rrrrr r=€rt. r GrllE |Irttrrt-]tI|!Ef-!rlll.Iill|IGr:6 - rE i +.rrrr -trtl.Hl .ll*Uaret lJaoieet: l?af, gt Go1.eCeeek 0p.-riar ez,Ve,lU,lhqeUec l-=r,tr,rrt fJ,rpter - OeF.lrah,aq tr=xref,ro<' { aeoiuq L NE.il l.Eefl- ,4uk {}nu,o$ru,u - gqo-oq7. -ul : 4ar-1to t 476 jTg{(t\tu at1 d ao' rgtE H-E ga '6 lg:4e ga 476 E?F1 FFE.G slLrtxrntot }|, Fax:ly^rbuu{.nFug Or$ OB O3:2Ep lt.vid lrrin Jrl-ll{ 0l:ltr ?rr.ltilC nll ilftn Eflmt atrb !m.&ro6!tto..nril L:.YZ' lrtl'llYatn lull'gtD EfU:E_=:! r-E.'arrrTEIGE{r]qEtr-f rt- -E --Drr.t rrb g d *r k p q*nrr d d r: uril a q|rir:* rtdrr ru r* r|r afiA lF!!r -rrr rbr, Hfr FrTl eb bfL *crari r rriiildtirena*it.ttr.Fuc.dEbr H.q 7re 15:@ P.A297()-.1?6-333+ P. 1 l-ral t.iltta r{tt l-B tlh Lr-e*ru !a,6It m |I|.m||l elltlIrElntatHgr"I..|ErrlF, 91egr.o2.(qG SEChETrffdds ErurEl-g@rt Grtl*E-rr-c GErrGITnsan-,ut(U)rr!.{Errt(h)qtG id Oraru.ffic.a IgIG L firq*l,d.rrn- b-rEtc ct €.ttr eo|E*a rd rrorrrtn m-. ttEtfoltq, rt lb- F EttsFr reF-b.-rdta .g*f|irdn r-a :j:j===l!=_ =l!Fr! tr ;EF c|'Er c ..D rrE -rd rc r-r, ar E E.TGI !E - -II " I!--IG IIN'EE I:G, t!I!D' l[! I_ED .E3E rI'Dt.Tnr_C E rE, !E l' |t rr fi r i ttGFrt lc * qt j-- Fi-ciHHldf,, L :,-sthr-G.-r*@rtrttffi Dd.i,Itq tt|':Er!Llot!!!![a:.I!.E :r--:: r-. l-r---E-p-- - - G.:---t - !-ffr lhl!-c|E rnhlrrrEFEFiEErliii+.- l==- 1.a1--.!EErE s - q.e D rfri g r.s r -.aftu. -- -FF-Grrt-tatrl:rE]cqElrratE rgrEltalElr*E.lErylE rEtft UG sr|rrttrtr.?!1t6, E Filtd ft g LVrlIrc * Uai-E: {Jaoiecr: }eo{ 4.t. c}oae. Cneek 0r.riar zt, t/e.ll!,lleqetltear fJrcrg[rrrf Quple, - 0eF,l,shreT Exr-enrae, * AOoiul 4 NEIJ AAL ef,Y,$' iJn't,a Eeur'ru - 31o-oq'9i FAt: 4-t-lifr OiCEttuCErttr%'g7t-A6"7XIY6I.ETIrDJrJnsO9r0.9Bra0l) clqbc df $sot,ffiEfl Elrt ',r0:E/Ea(h)c|ir'cExrq.tttrze.mrfdrf: aogFt rattntlnlrlnlltnErErErciri.xa(qtt7u.r€Glrl Arrll-?S O:!3 Frr€1f30 J.l{l.S O:Or ?r=Tl G Ull il|lr HEf It0|ruml rlmilE T-f6l P.Otn0t FLr t.I|rta F3t0 P{rr )11gsa' ASDI ulltfY.t;on Hl-lF/--. rlr :rr rr rrur -rdEE - =G- rr -- - E r.rtrrf -r r'|ll'vatrril/x,lrEmtrn T-ffirrr.rtEtiltslmilrrtsrygrrrrsdQrrfr, jrbtt''rtgdt r - nbc-b!fl bdr*-ffiF--r ffirQF-{d.r l-i-, l !- h ffi rrt Fi b-, d -.rq' rH b-. trH !-tk.tddfr n-a-qF El (t5srottt'|Dms"rE$F{gt1902,EaqEE SEIr-i-qE.'dt E f!0rrErl-GFN:''frEFDta'3!68hlllb$F cEttzt*to- 37r-?371crnlEEt!"rrsfrF0mJG{OttboGHhEtrer E,trto.:ErFtGllhrtlnrEorElt:l!t3lt rnEE5ltT'T'DE ''lJrlroGdlt!.fit0rlCaG Fttt:Iffit*n GmScfr 8-q-aA tLCD.3tnFDJro/rl&rF:,ffidEC I tn: uQ qtd I lHb hrlrt-Ehr to tt Q * d ncr- -r -aq!tlh h, A!tlr I pnlh -rt5jf effuci pd - = - G -- :--E-*-E-- -t rr-tl :!i. : ---_: cr---ErEf r=5a!c. t - J-rra- trr-EE -G:rTF_t H. lF, t r, h tI lr a 6|! *tlf Q E/r & ilblrirEhPFmffi, !- llrdfr .|r*rrh tlrsEr:*r -r*,q EbcrllFtlra- E------ -. r- Errr-r-r-- - - -,--- - -,-- --=-- - : --. :r! :-rt =ry- rt-D--f r5G-E- r--,-r !rrrra{-E- f I5E IE- i- I -rrr tE-r-|E,II-- Gats=Gb'-rc.=-MIE ffFil, * Uorr : flaoiecr: l1at tb. Goae Cteek Ao. ,l.,v z-t, vla.l ll,llaqetlkar E-ftffi.q Ft tlrtrtt ,J/,!'re Ex,rrr.r? (JopLex - 9.eF.rr,sh,ar9 etref,.ia- * neer'p1 4 NEw fl-r*'yn- ,l enL ' {l7 .r.n Fnor,r\r - geo -oegl Fax.. 47C-1rO t Fug ltl OG O8:56a David lrrin Jrl-lt-o0 at:,tr Frc-T0[ f t tt OU||y EEtmft Affi.tmt Qrts!It!st3.Aq'e09rD.:rr@l ent-efr22&qtoG sh tEs9e.rfrr6.Oan G.rqEarEgtEcEyro.5:L.o,6 g:tt.t50,l{n SlT0-+76-333+ p.3 nunaln T-z{f ?.'4ttu Hrt -I|G h -ilr/o, t\v, rrlrrrYrt toul'twlcffinfrEr.tz-G----- ilD -r=G-FqfGidFr rrF-, G-r!5 !r ]!|I!EE Q!! G,-rl-DEslVsatt -dt.d iEb k.E qErdird$nr-b'.j rol-r-- l#|prltlr l-9rofrt iffic' A* rh, E a Fdrt' rbl b.*i, * *ai g e ;lffi;;iaftb;iE-brryorda|(,sHiqr (u, Gd) CoGt ltbgsEtc CELL:r7o' 0?t - €6'17ffiH€f*"!'40.!Xt.mEl Onbcl ,rf Ytoo.rlhltdr!*.dt ffiLAnEV 9t!:6ZiE8(tu)GfrbgdtAzfiL.@ff.oElra$rt frrcrrra'IEr$[l flfiIsrrrct9,3..rraxo(d) ',o..rfa.GG-d)hhdr*,lEb&Isd-o! CMHGl!.IeTerm,xEd.rroF)e7u.rar'z(lr(} Cbr'.i. td DotEc r. f OE try ?Fd I gll-o ftrn lB JrrEU|ls nut an oa rl s!t, G, r$ m dnEGi ar€ maE dHyc lF ftq, lr?m { E ttt UE rc-o rr*r rn-* dergd.l* dn E-. - -' 2' lt r-$o4q b orrE rG !t md.nrE, rF € cE tfl c € ja gp gQ,EEr tun tB rlrt b. s{:rr *:} nir* o e cim. i! ba i;-b E ffi i l rrxrlr n.' o rhIF!!^c-161 lhEr, d!.c -'r h nirt ort a brhllscrere*o .lrr ur.Frb.t$t.. iht&a ffi, 3. TLs litltEo td rt Ol @ otr:rffi b A. '* rt er* hr t- Dr'|t.a|tt ot 'tDrc rb.tsr!:Torr ce etr!!--FCiiri"r*e5lt-Fr-j*da-'-r'.tr{rin tr T*r dtr e rr :*1ffi *liJ.--t, rx Hpir rqadlFEtrilr* q #.bqill!:Gbefd l*rfr !|,lErry_=ns-:E=r -taaE Ei:-EE qrueleccrr€trib, =E6!lrrr dlttt b'|o. lacerr F: rEEf r, f] * Uai-r: f?aolerr, fgor Ut. 6oae Caeek Qo.,Iov z-t, l/n,lU,ltaqellksr IJx,fr,etg Orpiet -d-rck. ' i')ou,o OeF,"r,sla rgvg Ex-rEflro€ -- Z'io'o43i * AOOiuT dt ,trEtrt P.eArL Fax: 4ze 'W w'affi E'la-tr,^-t Status:Z Apprcved GONANAUruITY DEvELoPMENT RounnC FONNN I Approved with conditions fi Denied Routed To:George Chalbers, PW Date Routed:07127tc6, Routed By:Elisabeth Eckel Date Due:08/02y06 Description of work:Addition of rear decks, new dormer, exterior materials change Addrees:1905 W Gore Creek Drive. sides E and W Legal:Lot: | 27 | Block: | | Subdivision: I Vail Villaqe West 2* Fllins Gomments:Date Reviewed: 8/3/06 Need additional review bv Fire aloud to build in set back? Provide 100 vear flodd olan info. Provide erosion control olan and shoe limits of disturbance fence. wet lands? off on orooosed construction. Additional comments with revisions. Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us September 1, 2006 Mr. Dave lrwin PO Box 3342 Vail, CO 81658 97O.476.71Q1 (Fax) Re: 1905 W Gore Creek Drive/Lot 27,Vail Village West 2nd Filing DRB06-0327. PEC06-0059 Dear Dave, Thank you for submitting the remaining materials needed for a complete proposal for a new deck and two dormer additions at the referenced address. The application has been placed on the Design Review Board agenda for Wednesday, September 6, 2006. Per my conversation with you, Staff will recommend to the Design Review Board that the following issues be addressed in some for or another, should an approval be granted on that day: 1. The amount of asphalt that faces the right-of-way should be reduced. Perhaps the parking area to the east of the duplex could be eliminated entirely in favor of lengthening and narrowing the parking area that exisls to lhe west. 2. All existing non-conforming lighting (such as floodlights) shall be removed from the residence prior to Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 3. The utilities attached to the south side of the residence shall be enclosed stucco or stone to match the materials specified on lhe proposal prior to Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. Please note that I have withdrawn the Planning and Environmental Commission variance application from our permitting process. I have enclosed that withdrawal form for your records. Please expect a return of the $500 fee paid within a few weeks from our Finance Department. Thanks for your continued patience in the design review process. I will plan to contact you late in the day on Tuesday, September 5'n, regayding lhe placement of this item on Wednesday's DRB agenda. Please don't hesitate to contact me with gfy quesJions or concerns you may have.\__/ Best reg \--"7 7 970.479.24s4 enclosure {g *ot"urr^ro Seplember 7,2006 Mr. Qave Inivin PO Box 3342 Vail, CO 81658 970.476.3334 (Fax) Re: 19OS W Gore Creek Drive/Lot 27, Vail Village West f fnng DRBO6-627 Dear Dave, Thank you for attending yesterday's Design Review Board hearing at which the Board reviewed the proposal for exterior changes at the referenced address. I have listed lhe Board's concems for lour review below: 1. The Board encouraged a reduction in the amount of asphalt that faces the right-of-way. This could occur on one or both sides of the property depending on the legal issues associated with the parcel division. Please submit to me a revised site plan indicating increased landscaping which takes into account an 'improved street presence'. 2. Please submit cut sheets of lhe proposed garage doors to replace the existing doors. Per our conversation yesterday, lrou may expect that the application will be staff reviewed and approved depending on the submittal of the listed items. Thanks for your continued patience in the design review process. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or oon@rns you may have. Best regards, Elisabeth Eckel Reed 970.479.2454 76 l ,:1 ir';JR w Max, Watt. 'l Mc12' - 71/2' lE----dri-li 23', - 71t2" - .lE 100w ; 3€ chain Extends wire ibii:ib]ir WWltnq"tt'al-a*l*eq o6i,r.l|TY CIITELO9HEIIr Deeign Review Board ACTIOH FOR]4 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vaal, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www,vailgov,com Project Namei Lange Changes to Approved Plan Project DescripUonr Motion By: Second By: Vote! Gonditions: DRB Number: DRB070274 Changes to Approved Plans- minor exterior changes to material application and detailing. Participants: OWNER I.ANGE, NADINE 1509 YORK ST DENVER co 80206 05l2sl2oo7 APPUCANT STERUNG HOMES INC 0612512007 Phone: 970-748-1700 P O BOX 3699 VAIL co 816s8 License: 301-8 Project Address: 1905 W GORE CREEK DR VAIL 1905 W. GORE CREEK DR. WESTAND EAST SID LocaUon: Legal Descripuon: Lot: 27 Block Subdivision: VAIL VILTAGE WEST FIL 2 Parcel Number: 2103-123-0602-6 Comments! BOARD/STAFF ACTION Actiont STAFFAPR Date of APProvalt 0812712007 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Entryt 0812712007 By: SDH Action: AP NO GRFA ADDED PER THIS APPLICATION; NO ADDffiONAL GRFA APPROVED - no bedroom bump out or bathroom bump out approved for West unit as lot and structure are legal non-conforming. Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced r\ - 'j:r..-.. .:: " ..,1 .1:, i . ir... ' ' : r'ri and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Scot Hunn ,t , DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 sElLgizoa.r .16!.1e 05|Lg;ztfti 16: 81 3033331777 979?{8586il TFEN SCAN fEn-:N6 FEi4;9 tre, PAtr 83 PA6E 61i62 vNss \ &$ .N Pl-3rild $lbiliiil: lNinor Exbflor Albrations Appllcafion for Dcrign RcYlelru oeF Effit0f cornilfrilu osdop|rirt 75 hrth Fortllr ln4 Vrl, Qbttrb BldX/ cl: 970.4?D.2tt! lb et0lt?l,l45lvrlciffru.Yd{w-dr b rr$ililE r hlllrj Fennt aenmLfl fl!ts.l3 tqrlttf tEtn rrs|r mEt rdt! qrorcyd prb b rr$rfilt9 r hlllrj Fennt aenMrL Pl-r rdl'F t! rrililil q|,mrB fr thr pUig|h' rnpool thrt b trq'd. ln rAilldon br Dd$ R:trf.iv ilMot br $#d udil il rquircd hlurudflr b il-liid tt Urr Omrmty ortrloDrnst Drp*nd. tltc $qcrt rrly dn nccc b il il,g,|od by ilrr Torun g$r6t il{/or tm Pt*|nff|g afi Ftwlnm.fiil cfl|mh|dt DI||tr rf,hu rpr* l!il hb I Doldht prilt b b||d nd d*ttr mtnotil r'hHn m tlrd|lta rDf,tllrJ. D.ElDdonof irrRqucrU rcrex*aw&!4r- a,Urtftt- ut ta$'t'?fS, ,_ . LocrCIon of$a Plr,ortlr Lotr - Bloc*:_- Subdlftilonr__ trurftlrtd.r,T Jan< W. kOte.r&Al ,fu2* *- htd tlo.:cfiffi E 0h Co. Ansor rt 9s1r28"86{o Sr Pfi€{ m.) loffit il||||{qof orrrH(Or lillru: Our(rlt|rrtrr|{r)! flpccf torlowo!r|| lbl tr Sleitrtl @lup|dnnirw tr ilrwcor$rxnntr rdfion tr llltwAffin(rn*ffutly/orrnrrfl) l{horAlurdon (tlnol+furwdtrPh) Clrfngrr b Atforfcd Pfilt sg{|0srnqp* iiO ltlfl.S srrqrtgc foaaf te'ulngnarn. Xo ftc $650 For('r*rdqnC. n r|UJx[n0ordcnto/rdutK.ll00 For m rddlrhn ifr'r$tle frobdt tr Ulcd b art rcLhilhl oromm+rn bdEhg 0ndrder fto ddllonr lI Irb]br enrcrlau),f250 For 0$or cfrngE lo u.{*rgu ar 'E FtilufiiltB, grctr a''a{odfro, g.ldn$ tvfxbn dffim, fr&ff, Ers ardrEn|fitg harr, {r.$t0 ForfldmrdI|'Et u, hr!6ltEttndttr lsF|uvunslB, ilcn |+nT-oqtt, pdrftq' wlmerv ilt(erE, bn(bfig, nncc rooru*re rEl*rar.il tr ilo rrr 5fn/m7 fl-"^ W.aa et. atr*JUN z LZ00l *f'}lli*alaa*fl*ll****aaaafa+alff+t+iltaaa****'t99*'}lfl*a*l'}ll|'a**++**+ffllaraataa**aaat*a*ta*a TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Statcmeot ttlltltttaallallffa**raatttttff*****ara*a***ttttttt***a**tfr***t******rttaa**tf**tta**aa*r{|a gtatenEnt llunber: R0700010?? Amount: $20.00 06/25/200709:5L All Palment Method: Check Init: LTNotation: sterling ttomee /ck 3352 ' Permit No: DRBO?0274 TIE)e: DRB- Chg to Appr Plana Parcel No: 21.03-123-0602-6 SI.tE AddTEEe: 1905 9I GORE CREEK DR VAIIJ IJOCACI.ON: 1905 W. GORE CRSEK DR. WEST AND E,AST SID TotsaI FeeE: 920.00Thia Palnnent,: $2o.oo ToEal ALIr EmtE: $2o.OOBalanrce: $O :00 alafffltf+tflf'|fll'}'}'}*l*f*lllll++fft'|ft*a't*t't'}'}l'|at++*fatt+llfft*afaaa*++at*++*tatllll*tll*l ACCOTJNT ITEM LtrST: Account Code Deecription Current Pnts DR OO1OOOO3TT22OO DESIGDI REIrIEW FEES 20.00 66/ fe/2817 16: D7 978T48E8EE I !:TERLING Tflt€S :I.E FAGE ALlAT ,OIT|T PROPEETY OII'IIER WRITTEI{ APPROVAL LETTER r,(ff1'ntouru*) Cq(Y Sftftl'@ pra{de this letter as writtGn aFPrwal of thc plans deted - wfiid|ha\€b6cnstJbm|tGdbtherbwnrrlVa||oommunityDevetopmcntDcpldmcntfoftic proposed inprcv?ments b bC completed At tfie addres noted abov€. I underStand that the pmpced lmplovcncnts Indude: Addltionatly, pl€€se chGck thc *atemdlt bglow whldt ls mct applicable to yut: D I wdetfrld tlat mher ordlkatiow naf Em& b the phw over tls auts of the revbw pw b eratn anpfatrc witlt ths Town's aNkabQ d8 and twuhfur6' (Ittlttal hcre) i EI I tqt/€f'ttlatall n dfuafung, miwril otM*, whw arc nde b tln pbrs ovutln coun af thc r€yiew al11cgd'ir, b. btEughttp W.tt nfbn by the dilrlfrant fu ztlditfual aPwval bdbrc undevaw ftrffi tcw+tl by tttd Town. Oiltlal hen) a joint ovYner of PtlPeO loclted at g6lLBl2O67 1E:19 0t"ll8!29/67 16: E6 3433331777 9787486966 tFEt{ scAtt sre{-Irt6 Hrft€6 lrs xltfiPnolmrtowlllnwllfigl|'fnov tllTTER PAGE 81 P.(E aLIOL r, tprtr runcuMM. ,l^ n il CF -, ! Joinr cw06 d e,wertr bcrhd * J,?r:s V/. fuz [rrq.}.'.Da., Voilr.,( 0 SnT? - prwklethbfasrrrvtfturlpprs\ddurcprarc w-'b' tt'-oT . whHr hrra b.a,r 'r|t|nfiad b tio TI9*o of \ral Conrmunlv OonSeos* Ornartnnt b t|rt erDpocd knfo,tJrcnb b b. smplfrd 116? rddfts nod $otc. I t Hhrcb|d UEt 0ll Aata#En@ - otwd fUmwmneir$u|rr Prtr) eruetldlt' Canficttln rEbnntbdot wlrhh lr rrotmtLibl.t F lcu: g t utafll$N ttpt arilvrfrrdffHixux rrpf E t ** tD d{ &E olry ttn oulr flile rt*t ptw b ?g{/e flNtaE ltft lf flltnt ttfHo tf E d tWsbrf' ffiffi) n Itq.tfra,ftr'4''rd,lgtrt$,nlnqtdnrix,, rdtht, t ne m*,pd?frt''g'e'tlF .|xrp .rf ttt,nrrt|nrp,rrrr, b 'Ifrf/rt b W frf'/'r't b fi ,jF'F|rt fu a#la,d ?'l qrtdee fifrgtg frrd,t,tfrt A W lU"L W >'9Nfi-r$ if DE LK '''._\ .\. ,_- --\,_"---- . 9rpR0 cM z t'l{eul 4/xlt '*7IYPOr{ EX\SIN6.F-L\)€ raut\pooTe blc)g 41 r No &rWg Arl*ttrM tsl'frg r q SARAGE RmF.FEro\^l nrA nvRr*4r -'7F fraNhL 6RFA Eag'n1Ab. = r I ;s *Fl duf ='5 F* S:r*53 xs9H-e11 l;r {== l1ll u -- f N-$F35>{s \.t F- fiFr-r t\Sv *'- S S-s rFrL-AG-d tri d {xJt 1-- rrll(. mQrnl -r:9d -/) ADJuTT co15 ro pRovrOE 6tt StD€ Reveat -frve;\ "- '"!..->\--'-\--*- --'.---.--..- ENT€Y - - - EXrSrtNo 6" |A?FO,|EV WALL5, wluD0rrt5, D oog9ao gE KEr4c/iD *l O-+\ mr. ?troeo:@ K,' iN ;#En \r rE l-4 \, lg u \Y l:- JUL 11?001 TOWN OF VAlt \A 3IALE- l "= | Foof >9.Nfti)i *H*n":.q iliEsf *** tl$3F -s 1n (X-s {H $t Oft $g F' jt IAKst+i\d Crc =- '!*-4fr1 r(,^, B$rt>'aL?r3P tA> {t^ I 5 -..1 z @,taudly NO Nf"\AilS rgN /,f,sli{[v\ sltllAf, A01tg CAo$ .:qVdVs q,UlN-1 .".^ atJ,-,-1,,r'/..--- I :- - -t' Ilrl I\ r1\H'#.tu ;;il214\=._.,, | , ft,lM A?N cdv AoqrutA aalouJdl1Tffi 7 Weo8,o4g $qzAN>L.fr 5f)L€t{t fi.q\ryLEu evflut*sL €tr{1* g1,ttttvB qr9$2d - \ jiJ() 'r IVAOHddV JJVIS r\fiiull^3u Nels3o /,, JlvA JO Nn a'f ti '' r,;,.t'.!i. li NOAUd.f g hJritllliltltlIttiil ll tltttttiil iltlil1l tl 1til 2tl :l;liltliltlil tltltliltllllltltlll (ut,i vattdts,9 ? .t) 0t s.]p.) -L9ncdv '1 .-,-^, t I L- i I i. i I.t. I I I -slll-F-/\t(}wj. i,lF|'.*,4 ul$ .ur $u Ii*r?FRf,'o(n $oo t t*? *i{ tJ f* fr*i:-->6tr J d(stt- t. .q ll s 1"- lldE I ,(:t \ 11 JJ x \l a t & t-a1 Eg,/"fr,t sg #K 9Js ? \ t,u ap 2 r{ '.J-5 : t- UJM s) vl aaA J.|- J. z€Xr$v. c |. Yf I (/) F\! t)Vli 2'L\r I -ht >-'o rJ' 395 bHF-4G "7 FHf; pr,il 9F n; ?H Rg ty 3ur +s ov llt C .iJJ l-L !l *, 3.gr;c u9lll= .J>' trF ?s',lrl>- l ='^{ | I.F cr c)2 Zone Check Date: Jwr-ul ilLt Legal descriptidn: 2e+ Lot 7*Block Filing rlAu JtlrrAedt- t\)FGr z^sa Address lcl Owner Architect Zone d Lot size Prooosed use Buildable area Existinq Prooosed Total Remaininq TotalGRFA Primary GRFA +(425) (675) = secondary GRFA +(425) (675*;= '675 = 425 credit plus 250 addition Does this request involve a 250 Addition? lf yes, how much of the allowed 250 addition is used with this request? Site Coverage ls more than 60%of the site being disturbed (per Section 12-21-14E Restrictions in Specific Zones on Excessive Slopes)? Height Setbacks Allowed 4t otr L,4h^ ttMz n t bbtl 2tt+L (30) (33) Front Sides Rear 20' 15' 15' Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights Parking Garage Credit Driveway Minimum Required 3' l6' (300) (600) (e00) (1200) Permitted Slope % Proposed Slope No o/o Complies with TOV Lighting Ordinance Are finished grades less than 2:1 (50%) Environmental/Hazards ls the Property non-conforming? Describe: 1) Percent Slope (< > 30o/o) Yes Yes No 2) Floodplain 3) Wetlands 4) Water Course Setback (30) (50) 5) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) RocKall Previous conditions of approval (check property file): c) Debris Flow :-=-tz a, , flztlz O 2-bf":J lffiztv '89 '/ V<rrrt*tu.t f^{tffvrrr1f -yTrvcYrmT -- -: --=' 6@'qo4 tY t \U$D aat'v'cucrng aw'1 = gq, ' -l.- E Sto fl'Wal'h =er ' rf p- crxre1(ffi))o)ffi suollcuFer leld sscuEuen sJopuJoc ^ eln (puno.l6.rapun) sarytnn sag6uy opeqs / uns uollecllrsn'o'3 sqdues leueleuJ 6utpl;ng els lo soloLld ujroj uolleculs^,$lln (gw) uoda: e[U geno:ddy opuoC sea:1 pasodor4 saa4 6u11s1x3 r..lcl!d ]oou sleueleu{ / Joloc elEcs nH3 ecedg cgy 7 pnerg vluc leuorlrppB 092 VJU9 .elms sNo|lvn3l3 eNlcllns tr sno3N\nlfcslhl tr NVld tdv9soNvl sNv-ld uoo'lJ tr sse??y elH e6arolg r*oug ss11e)IeiiraiPs snlpPg 6u;u:n1 ebeleg y 6u;ye6 sacueJ sileM 6ululeleu edolg 7 eperg alls uolpeuuoc e6aeg sgluocp8 / qceo (,,y) s6ueqen9 / ss^Bf slceqles slueuqcBoJsuS tq6pH Eutpung alBcs suogena;a lodg suo1pco1rfily1 seeJf spJEzBH lEluauuoJ!^uf )peqles esJnoc JeleM u;e1d poog xI OOt Iqder6odol slusurasBf Eery enepl!ng szls lo'l uo;ldpcsap le6e1 NVld SltS D ASAUnS I lslpleorlg ^ e!^eu u6;seg alecs :1ce[o.rg Datc: Lcgal dcscrip tion: Lot Ad drcss Osncr Architc:ct Zonc disri Lot sizc Sitc CovcraEc Hcigbt Sctbacks Landsc.aping !,ctaining Wall Hciglts n*l-nt Garagc Crcdit Drivcrvay ZONE CFTECK Existin e . proposcd Total frrl,/fr) eRcmaining ,/-) Total GRFA '7ftrn"*'".="ffiffit-/ uscrondary GRFA _ $yL + +Ea{ _ l4 r, V0 + 2/72 =&cr>.....r- \ Minimum luLd *rr"o-;9u! Conrplics witb TOV Liglting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gndcs lcs tlan 2:l (502") Environm cn talllla- rds Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: a) Snorv Avalanchc b) RocHall uzttz I c)Dcbrisrror -oT hoposcd usc Brrildablc arca -- -!4r1&/&=o' 14. 2.4 Encloscd '(3oo) (600) (eoo).(r2oo) ru_d4. Pcrrrunca,slop4@ -i7, proposcd,slopc %yo Ycs . No_-v@ .l) Pcrccnistopc (<?)O%) L/W2)Floodplain lttt 5) Gcologic Hazards /1t2 ry'#, q al- luz rQ n I lrl ,{lBIG *$ld ,HHFFIV ,s, bJ 37. c.l.\r 7$ eEE.67E43 dp BE=5u'F- g= r.,lS 55 €5 if,v\ur Nr,-a-=J .:- (}F--t - AEF$ *$ Ef $HE:JU':I pl $fis*.2le ,@ o n l9I |p ,2\ _ol .g>l ffi F-(f, { LrJ =fr35>B bliIz7< FHItr i--r S' 06 rry --'\ C.Tt - *H i{et3 Ssfi5 <){).s q-$ gJs I-F.K e Et tss s e ul CIt ro )LJ !-? i<- fi :let tfl fi, fi' d ?a u.lLJlu ', F< oS z:.bItfl F$ n.s t-F \) t I F. il tlis dt! .t r,l' IL d.E IlU 9 ++'l UJo tr IIII -LL !l-a trJ i= \'! o '7{>a282&aq ',l\Sn,bl ' /.x1,J(l{t 3$flfi- 53it'[YHg i",{.:'ifi "bVL tv-* ActLl-$VL C ? ' -l rdA E:-a'";-'' ,-{'A ,:C ""t i,; :jr,'.iti : i'l r",: 3"".*..;/-..Q ^11 - L 'q Lcgal dcsc rip ti.o-n: Lot Addrcss Orrncr fuchitcct Zonc d Lot sizc Docs/ls r]qucst invol vcl2 ddition? rv much\[ffilorvcd 250 Ad lgn!t/a*irh rhis Sitc Covcragc W 2%f _ honc Pbonc Proposcd usc Brrildablc Existing hoposcd Total + + 2 ttz * 2/72 = .*r/_ (3q8: /+, f Hcigbt Sctbacks Lrndscaping Rcuaining Wall Hciglts ParinS Garagc Crcdit unvc\yay Conrplics witb TOV Ligbting Ord.inancc Arc finishcd gndcs lcss than 2:l (S0r/) EnrironmcntaUHazards Prcr.ious conditions ofapproval (chcck propcrty filc Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: Minimum Rquirc - _4riW,r";Ao-td. 2 Eitcloscd Proposcdslopc ?oA I ) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%\__JZz 2) Floodplain 3) \Vctlands 5) Gcologic Hazards b) c) ' (300) (500) (e00).(r200) ,/ry_@t€ P crmincd Slop{fuil'- -t7, Ycs ' No .-) rorarGRFA +- =_ildL_ / -, / - - q.tza( "/trn^-cnro ,ruz+m..^= W/^- ar E'4a) Ss.condary cRFA --JGl"Xler..\-_WteyL Fron t ',. Sidcs RearIud 3'c ^-u2 4 /'/a2"""// uckrr'4L%tuw> -. Proicct: ,=-<-:'-__'_ _=.= . Q SURVEY Scalc -Bcnchmark Lcgal dcscription Lot Sizc Buildablc tuea Eascmcn6 Topography 1001r. floodplain Watcr Coursc Sctback Environmcn b I Hazrrds ;I rees i Utility locations Building Height Eniroachmcnts Sctbacks Q FLooR PLAl.Is Scalc GRFA 250 additional GRFA Crarvl\d,nic Spacc EHU Q BUILDI.IG ELEVATIoNS Scalc . _ ColorWatcria.ls Q UNDSCAPEPLAN Exr'sting fccs - .Proposcd trccs Lcgcnd Buitding matcrial sarnptcs C.O. Virification Sun\ShadcAnglcs Utilities (undcrground) Vcrv Corridors Varianccs Plat rcstrictions MISCELLA\I'OUS,/y' _CondoApproval./' V Tidc rcport (A & B) Utility.verif cation form I ,/ - SPot clcvations crsrrEPLy_ / ,^. (rrnr 7,"4 4. /.t? I ----. EavcVOvcrhangs (4) . DeclslBalconics Gangc conncction Sitc Crddc\Slopc Rcraining Walls Fcnccs Parking/Gangc Tuming Radius unvclvay (access and gradc) Snorv Storagc Firc Acccss TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M06-0099 Job Address: 1905 W GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1905 W GORE CREEK DR, EAST SIDE Applied . . : O3l24l2W Parcel No...: 21031230ffi27 Issued. . : MlzOl2W Legal_Description: IRJOG .o (Og Expires . .: lDllTlz006 Proiect No : "' owNER FOIR BEARS HOLDTNGS LLC 03/28/2006 35 GOIJDEN E,AGLE I'II LITTI,ETON co 80L27 APPL,ICANI ROD HALL COMPANY 03/28/2006 Phone: 3O3-7'77-770O 255 WYANDOT STREET DETiIVER co 80223 I-,icense : 150 -M CONTRACTOR ROD HAIJL COMPANY 03/28/2006 Phone: 303-717-77OO 255 WYA}IDOT STR,EET DENVER co 80223 Lricense: 150-M Desciption: FIREPLACE CONVERSION WOOD TO cAS Valuation: $5.000.00 Fircplac€ Information: Restricted:# of Gas Appliances: 0 #ofcas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellet 0 Mechanical-- > $100. 00 Resnrarant Plan Review- >S0. oo Tolal Calculated Fees-- > $12s.00 Plan Check-- > InYestigation- > Will Call---- > Total Pemit Fee------ > BALANCE DUE...---.-- > Item: 051O0 BUILDIIIG DEPARTMENT o4/tL/2006 caunion Action: AP Itemr 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEL,,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPLIA}'ICE. Cond: 22 r (BI-,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CIIAPTER ? OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL. Cond: 23 (BI-,DG-): BOIILER INSTALI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANTTFACTURER'S TNSTRUCTIONS AI'ID CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 (BL,DG.): GAS APPL,IANCES SIIALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO MECIIANICAL EQUTPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 oF TI{E 2003 IMC AIiID CTIAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC.. $2s.00 TOTAL FEES-----------> 912s.00 Additional Fees------> ($128.00) $0 - 00 $0.00 90. 00 $0.00 $3.00 Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SI{ALL, BE MOTUTED ON FI,OORS OF NONCOMBIISTIBLE CONST. IINL,ESS IJISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BI,DG.): PERMIT,PIJAIIS AIID CODE AIIAIYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECI{ANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AIT INSPECTION REQT'EST. Cond:30 (BLDG.): BOILTER ROOMS SHALL, BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FL,OOR DRAIN OR OTI{ER APPRO\IED ME,ANS FOR DISPOSING OF I,IQUID WASTE PER SECTIOI{ 1004.6. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to cornply with all Town ordinances and stat€ laws, and to build this struchrre according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigrr review approved, International Buildhg and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OLJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4PM' ,l n I\-/o^",.-No-J(-A' SIGN AP?UCAnot wtLL rroT tc AcclpTEo tF ttfcoHptcTl oR u"@ )/vloe-oo?? iltrf*,ffi mvv qprfrL 75 5. Frontegt Rd. Vall, Colomdo,!!,652:,Provlde l.l:chankal Room Lavout drarvn to rcalc to Incfudt:o Dlcchanlcel Room Dlmcnilonrs Combucgon Alr Duct Slze and Locatlona Combutdoil Ah Duct Sizc and Locadono Fluc, Vqtt and Gat Linc Slze and Locetlono Hcat Lors Calcr,o Equlpment Cut/Spec Shcetl Permit will not be accepted wtthout $e fottowlng: ,tAVi AddlUon ( ) AlterEtlon Repalr ( | Athcrffl Does an EHU extst at thls lmtlon: Yes () No( ) TypcdSldg: Slngbfrnlt!( ) Oup|cr Multl-hmtly( ) CorrmcrOel( ) Rtstlunnt( ) Othcr( ) No. of AccomnrodaUon UnlB In thlr buldttg: No/Typc d Hrcfl*a Pmpoccd: CrasAppffrnes[A Gr. Logp () Wood/Pdlet( ) Wod 8umlng(ttIOTALLOwED) COilPLET! VAtUATtOtil FOR }IECIIAIIICAL PERltllT (tabor I trlaterlalr) coNTn cron inronnmor -"?17no o .1....... r............r......r....f rr. r rF(OR OFIICE USE OllLY.r.. rRaGdTdl MfrftflHffio 1'd xur l3cu3sHl alll ITMITDOTA GAS DIRECT \TENTF'IREPLACE INSERT SPECIrICAIIONS & CLEARANCES -T I A II rr. ttlFNOIloFGOt|tlronf,TE-hlstTir | = s|||tEl:m f-B ufna ]_ FROtfT VlW nmAlLEnlt luflq tFtl:_\ r TAL IAI'IILD!ln{ (f,|DI{' 7- tlf, /Fa / -l ll. frll. r{oxadlt[?rulcARlfiEXlE|tm CO.AXIAI VENTADAPTER FIGIJRE 2: D.30 Surrround Dlnonrlonr If T1rI. CI.EARA]ICE TOlIDilArL I)-30 S urround DLmenslone A B lnchec mn,Inchcs lnmi NoBnsgTrim 24 6I0 36 9ls 27 685 40 l0l6 3l ?t8 44 il18 WithBraacTrid 243R2 6t2 t63^6 919 27 3R2 68t 409^6 r02l 3t3t32 790 4431t6 n22 7.d xuj 13CU3SS'1 dH NUOtlOt 9002 'z J3l'l MENI'OTA GAS DIRECTVENT FIREPLACE INSERT SPECII'ICATIONS & CT,EARANCES I A _l_L_ l<- !. tAr. rAilt|.ilFn|fiiDfif - frg lEloYAtLE/ Forrtrau flor t- i rerra.t: il'n. Fnon toP oF oRtl TOIT'{|IL F_B l--.0 tr. ttorT Yttr CO-LINEAR VENT ADAPIER rf ut.l|oroolurmulHEtRfl'tgttxtrof, 2,10 l.tuoi:oI 9OOe 'Z Jrhlg'd xul l3rd3su-'l dH llu{DotA D{0 GAtt DnEcr ltlxts-nnEP['AcB Il{gEBr ctcElcAnoNt rcl.lAnailcls -l l-rrgrrrrr--l i rrrFrutllE: --l-\' tlI <li l.D- rg'mff plfttl{llIll!J' iltvt iii.,t. ..t .t 't ii t, *G B ,!l r:i,ld tlGrUll2: D{ilT IOUIODnfiN$Ot{l t xgl l3ru3su1 dH 1.lgot30l 9002 tu Jrhl MENDOTA D{O GAS DruCTVENT FIRIPLICE E{SERT grEcrncanoNs r cLrAnANcES :l-+ l+. I -\ rlX -..|r i-rl * .T-- ,lt?f,.HTU4atrrtorrtlE r--t x rl tll ?tlt tlxtBptu(EY|D i l-lt E IIi ,+ tf L H4f0l|ll' llamrqlrc r3cd3su1 dH l.luo':oI 900e tz Je!l Request€d Inspoct gat6r tlgnday, May 15, 2006- InspeGtion Area: CG Sit€ Addres8: 1905 W GORE CREEK DR VAL I9O5 W GORE CREEK DR, EAST SIDE ^ Type: B-MECH uccupancv: INGS'LLC' Sub Tvoe: ADUP Status:Ube: Insp Area: Phone: 303-777-7700 Phone: 303-777-7700 Requested Tlme: 11:30 AM' Phone: 30U777-7700 Entered By: DGOLDEN K ISSUED CG N WOOD TO GAS ANY GAS LINE WILL ALSO BE REQUIRED. - CGUNION Reouested Insoec{lon(s) Inspection Hlstorv Item: 200Item: 310Item:315 Item: 320Item: 330Item: 340Item: 390 -7700 for access (key is hidden) Time Exp: * Approved * tor - 'JRM IR TEST Action: AP APPROVED I ll^zk^/*F l,)J REPT131 Run Id: 5278 ",,Q TMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPTOWNOF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL.co 81657 970-479-2t38 Lo{ rr, \),^\ \).(^ Plan Check---> tnvestigation-> Will Call--> $25.00 DRBFe------------> s3 .00 50.00 TOTAL FEES---> 5128.00 Total Pennit F€e----> 5128.00 Paymstts-------) S128. 00 BALANCE DUE--_..> Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARII,IENT O'l /30/2004 JS Action: APItem: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. Cond: 22 (BI_,DG.): COMBUSTTON AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 IIMC, OR SECTTON 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond:23 (BLDG. ) : INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER ].0 OF THE 1997 I''MC, CHAPTER 1-O OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPLIAI{CES SHALL BE VEIIIED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPEC]FIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 199? I'MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMHiIT MUST COMPI,Y WTTH CIIAPTER 3 AND SEC.1O17 OF THE ]-997 UMC AI{D CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. s0. 00 $u>,+xd NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PCrrNit #: MO4-0I38 Job Address: 1905 W GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Iocation.....: 1905 WEST GORE CREEK DRIVE, WEST SIDE Applied . . : 07/30/2004 Parcel No...: 210312306026 Iszued. . : 08/20/2004 ProjectNo : f//n Expires. .: 02116/2005 I OWNER POPOVITS, iIEANNE T. 07/30/2004 Phone:* WEISS 7432 E PURDUE Al/E PHOENIXAz 85020-2244 License: CONTRACTORJERRY SIBIJEY PLIIMBING 0'7 /30/2004 Phonez 970-827-5736P.O. BOx 340 MINTURN, CO 81645License: 152-M APPLICANT \TERRY SIBLEY PIjTMBING 07/30/2004 Phone: 970-827-5736 P.O. BOX 340 MII TURN, CO 81645 License: 152-M Desciption: REPLACE EXISTING BOILER Valuation: S4.240.00 Fireplace Infomation: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # of Gas kgs: 0 # of Wood Pella: 0 FEE SIIMMARY Mechanical-> 5100.00 Restuarant Plan Review-->30.00 Total Calculst€d F€€s--> gl-28.00 50.00 AdditionalFees-------->s0 .00 Cond: 31(BLDG.): BOTLERS SHALL LISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON Cond:32 BE MOUNIED ON FTOORS OF NONCOMBUST COMBUSTIBI-,E FLOORTNG. CONST. UNI,ESS POSTED ]N MECHANICAIJ ROOM PRIOR HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY SEC. 1022 OF THE 1997 IJMC, OR o fBLE (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE AI.IALYSIS MUST BE TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond:30 (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING BOIIJERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WTTH A FI.,IOOR DRATN PER sEcrroN L004.5 0F THE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I heneby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in futl the information requird complet€d an accuxate plot plan, and state that all the information as r€quircd is corr€ct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with al Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQT,'ESTS FOR INSPECNON SHAIT BE MADE TWENTY-FOTJR HOURS IN 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:(X) AM - 4 PM. NTRACTOR FOR HMSELF Al.lD OWNER l**l****+fat***a***fl+*f**+++*tt**f+*t**t*tftt*iaa++a***tt*ftt**ff*taa********tt*tt*t*tffttf TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stat€ment+f+f*+*l******+****ta***+*l}la*tflltf*a***+*!t*ta*++**+*f+fff***a*******************+la***t+af Statenent Nuriber: R0400064?4 Amount: Palment Method: Check 2993]- $128.00 08/20/200404:06 PMInit: DDGNotation: Jerry Sibley Permit No: I'{04-0138 llT)e:Parcel No: 27O3t2306025Site Address: 1905 W GORE CREEK DRLocation: 1905 WEST GORE CREEK This Payment: $128.00 MECHAIiIICAIJ PERMIT VAIL DRIVE, WEST SIDETotal Fees: ToCaI ALL Pnts: Balance: $128.00 $128.00 $0. 00t*ll********f*ll+f+f,tl{'l'f*{'*ttlftltt*****lt*l***f't't!t**'t't't't*'}*t**+************'}*****a!:}'}*'l'}*ta ACCOTJNT ITEM UST: Account Code Description Current Pmts MP PF WC 00100003L11100 00100003112300 00r"00003L12800 I,IECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PIJAN CHECK FEES WILI, CALL INSPECTION FEE 100.00 25.00 3.00 Building Permit #: TOYTIWYilL 75 S. Frontagc Rd. Vall, Coloredo 81657 REClil.., JUL 3 a a,,,, Permit will not be.rccepted with-utthe fdi6m;; NTRACTOR IMORMATION own of Vail Reg. No.: te*s,le^r. t\/.t\ EZ,]-S13. COMPLETEV & Materlals) rEsllAr{rcAlr $ Lrl nt*!-t -_l6tr8\2.3- ii\!:ooAddress: l4o€ tr OosEbE.(t,otg Work Class: Nerv ( ) Addttion ( ) Boilerlocation: Interior() e,.t"ruilffilrt I Does an EHU o<ist at thb location: yes ( ) - N"- rypeof eus: sinsp,rarnlty( ) puptex(F-M;;-6ii;( I offi No. of &isdng Dwelling Unlts in tnf Ouitain+No. of Accommodation Unhs in this bullding: Is thb a convels :t rt rl. lF rf, ,l * * rt rr t,t *,t r|,1. 1. * :t * {. r. * * FOR * r;,i rt,lc rl ,lc * l*,t rt,t rt l. : I,l F: /astonG/tonnr/mGctp$n ONLY*{.r. tF,rt *,lrtt,}t t 1-7t81124) J(60) (432) -l I I I 24-7ts Righ Side View P!ll-oul Ironl View E-t 18 \2251 Model JVi Model JV lront Yiew Gas Manitold/ &rmer Ttay i,) Lelt Side View Size mpul BTU/hr x 1000 (/c4) Healing Cap. BTU[rr r 1000 (Kt!) Not l8R BTUftrr 1000 (Kl4) AFUE %Dilnonsions lochss (mn) Waler uonn. 0n., Gas Coin. (in.) Approx W€ight (rba.) Nat. Gas Gas Nal. Gas Pro-Nat. Gas P.o. Gas B c 50 100 125 160 225 50 11.6 t5 21.9 ldJ n.l 125 36.6 160 46.8 n5 65.9 41.5 12.1 62.3 14.2 u.0 24 0 102.5 30,0 131.2 38.4 181.5 51.0 42.0 12.3 63.0 t&4 43.5 24.4 t03.0 30t r32.6 38.9 187.2 54.8 36.1 10.5 51.2 15.8 72.6 21.3 E9.6 26.7 1'14.1 33.4 160.4 '6.9 36.5 10.7 51.7 16.0 72.6 21.3 89.6 26.7 115.5 33.8 162.8 47.1 83.4 832 821 82.4 E2.3 82.2 84.0 840 64.0 82.8 824 83.2 1U3t8 340 133/8 3.r0 16-1t8 429 167t8 429 20-3/8 518 295/8 65t l1i8 80 4-114 108 s3l4 146 ,1t2 140 7-114 184 10 254 2-7t8 73 251 2-7t8 73 251 251 251 1-1t4 1-1t1 't-1t4 t-t/{ 1.1t4 I -1t4 112 1n 1t2 1t2 1t2 v4' 160 165 180 185 210 n5 '12 for propano inpd BTU,,T x 10m (/014 HsalirE Cap. 8TU/rrr 1000 (Xlt) N€l IBR 8ruftrr 1000 (XIVJ AFUE %Dimffto.E Ind€s (rt ) Conn. (in.) Gas Conn. (in.) Apprx (rbs.) Spa lgnilim Sbndi€ Pilol NAL Gas Pm. Gas Nat Gas Plo. Gas Nat. Gas t t!.Nal. Gas Pm c D 50 75 100 125 160 25 50 fl.6 75 21.9 100 a. t t25 36.6 160 16.8 225 65.9 42 12.3 63 r&1 83 24.1 1U fr.l 133 38.9 186 5,r.8 43 12.6 u 18.7 &5 2,1.9 r06 3r.0 135 39.5 r90 55.6 36.5 t07 54.E t60 72.2 21.1 90.1 26.5 115.7 3J.9 161.1 47.3 37.4 fl.o 55.6 rA3 73.9 21.6 92.2 27.0 111 4 34.4 165.2 18.4 u.4 84.0 E4.0 Ei}.0 83.0 03.2 E5.4 E5.0 84.5 E4,E 85.0 N.2 80.5 80.7 80.7 61.0 81.5 82.0 E2.5 82.1 82.7 83.0 E3.5 193! 340 tI36 340 16.78 1n 167t8 4E &3t8 518 2S5ru 65t 27-3t4 705 27-314 705 2E-314 7fi 293t4 7N 28-314 7fr 31.1n N0 2J-5$ ffi 2+14 613 2+1t8 613 2$t8 6@ 2$t8 600 23-1t4 591 2144 fi2 21-3t4 552 n-3t4 578 n-44 578 22-Xt4 578 24-94 6n 26-1t2 673 27-12 A9 zt-fi @9 n-1n @9 n-1n &9 2t-1n 699 1104 5127 5127 6152 6152 7178 1-1t4 1- 4 1-1t4 1-1t4 1-1t4 1-lt4 1n 1n 1n 1n 1n 3/4' 1m 'r26 1?4 138 164 1E1 '1l2fot p@pane www. te I e dy n e I o or s. c o m -,I^TELEDYNE LAARS An Allegheny Teledyne Compony ) 6000 Condor Drive, Moorpark, CA 9302 | 20 Industrial Way, Rocheste( NH 03857 | | | York Avenue, Randolph, MA 02358 480 S. Service Road West, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6K 2H4 . 805.529.2000 FAX 805.529.5934. 603.335.6300 FAX 603.3 35.3355. 781.986.9r00 FAX 78r.986.9907. 905.844.8233 FAX 905.844.2635 t,rho,n U.S A @ Tlledyne L:i.3 9901 DocurEnt l0g6c o \\\' qu9 tr.o.rrc\ l<- '- s't , J-zr-ol Pop"ri,',,\" tqb5; h C'o.z Oe- _>l T I I f"* pr-Orgt9gl*'k'5 Con-bVelus atf- L-ouvez- in d-aoa i I --J lP Err-ts'5 l3'F15" \--/ a ETTF20F- -ttspec,tt'cn nequesf neprUng 4;-2!pqr1_. _ o R€ouested Insn?i:f Dafg: Trr+{dav Januar\' 18. 2n05' IntFcctforr A res' JQM Slte Address: J9f'5 W GCPE CREEK DR VAIL 1gO5 IVEIT GORE CREEK DRIVE. V\EST SIDE Page 18 A/PID lnformaUon Actlvltv: ti040138 ". vne: B-MECgComlTw*: Occtroai*v Odrier: POPOVfiS. JEANNE T. Appllcant: JERRY S]BLEY PLUMBING Conbaclor: JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBIIVG Descrlption: REPLACE EXISflNG BOIIER Sub Tloa: ADUP U:e: Phone: 97O.827-5736 Phons: 970-827-5735 Sl,atus: ISSUED lnspArea: JRM JERRY SIBLEY PI.UMBII{GffilffrP rrrrre Ero /o TIDtrTTEfiqSFER GPTLL IOOSb IIT:-.- 2.PROTECT &VENT FROM DAMAGE AND CO{.JTACT nem Comm€ntr: lTEtul l APPROVED. NO ACCESS TO tl|EM 2. l!em Comments: It€m' llem: Itom: Itam: Itern: Item: ttem: o/- /8-o{, R,.ouested Tlme: 08:00 A!,' Phone: 97S827-6f36 Fntered By: DCOLDEN K Wo*/b*M lnsoectlon Hlstorv 200 MECFI-Rouoh 310 MECFT-HEalno 315 PLM&G.SPlolm 320 MECH-ErhauLt Floods 330 MECFlSuoolv Ak 340 MECr+Mrii.' 39O llEol|.Flml 1011?lM lnspeclor: GCD Action CR CORRECTION REQUIRED CommenE: 1.ADO I TRANSFER GPTLL 100S,:, lil z.PROTECT &VEIIT FFICM DAMAGE AI{D CONTACT.11l17lH Inssectot: GCD A.tlon. CF CORRECTIOU REQUIRED Comm€nts: ITEM 1 APPROVED I.IC A.. Cf, SS TC ITEM ? Best copy Available Run Id: 2750REPT131 Srign Review,t.t, Form TOWN OF VAIL ProjectName: SalamunovichResidence Project Description: skylight infill, egress window, residingn painting Owner, Address and Phone: Nancy & Thomas Salamunovich, 1905 West Gore Creek Dr, 479-9794 Architect/Contact. Address and Phone:Nancv & Thomas Salamunovich. 1905 West Gore Creek Dr.4i9-9794 Project Street Address: 1905 West Gore Creek Drive Lcgal Description: Lot27, Vail Village West #2 Parccl Number: 2103-123-06-026 Comments: Building Name: Motion by: nJa Scconded by: nh Vote: n/a Conditions: Town Planncr: Brent Wilson Date: July 29, 1998 Board / Staff Action Action: staffapproved I- tIVURYoNE\DRB\APPRoVA L\98\SALAMUNo. 7 29 DRB Fce Prc-Paid: $20.00 .--:r-.+ .). , e u.r,i o,*il,^kk,^, r:. (':'":, APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicrv nrust rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicrv approval prior to subnritting for a building pcrnrit. Forspccific infonnation, scc thc subnrittal rcquirctrrcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc applicatiolt cannot bc acccptcd until all thc rcquircd inlornration is subnrittcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Torvn Council and/or thc Planning and Environrncntal Conrntission. Dcsign Rcvierv Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issucd and construction is startcd, r'.DESCRTPTTON OF THE REQUEST: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: ZI BLOCK:- FILING: ZONING: NAME OF OWI{ER(S): MAILINC ADD c. D. E, F. C. H. DRB fccs arc to be paid at the tinrc of subnrittal . Latcr. rvhcn applying for a building pen it. pleasc idcntify thc accuratc vah.ration of thc projcct. ThcTorvnof Vail will adjust thc fce according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIRET\IENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COIVIMUNITY DEVELOPiVIENT. T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL. COLORADO 81657. TOWN OF VAIL PFTYSTcALADDRESS: 14o5 dc<t Qovc Crcclc Dr Vai I ('--8/(E'/. PARCEL #: 7=lr0?= l:=z'=0k i+1 (Contacl Eaglc Co. Asscssors Officc at970-328-8640 foTparccl #)z t o ? \7?t :. .o. -! t--I'oi6 t't.: owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: O Nerv Construction - $200 tr Addition -$s0 $20rblt+inor Altcration - PHONE:- ?79 Crtl PHONE: Construction of a ncrv building. Includcs any addition rvhcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or conuncrcial building. Includcs nrinor changcs to buildings and sitc inrprovcnrcnts, such as, . rcroofing, painting, rvindorv additions. landscaping. fcnccs and rctaining walls, ctc. ttc o :€a2a )a ,Auz t ,. II LTST OF PROPOSED IIIATERIALS BUILDING MATERIALS:COLOR:r Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia SofTits Windows Windorv Tr Doors Door 'l rirn ll irnd or Flucs Fluslrings Chirrrncys Trash Encl Crccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting* * Other * Pleasc spccif), thc nranufacfurer's color, number and attach a srnall color chip +* All cxtcrior lighting nrust nreet thc Town's Lighting Ordinancc i 8.54.05 0(J). Ifexterior lighting is proposed, plcasc indicate thc nuntbcr offixhrrcs and locations ou a scparatc lighting plan. Identifo cach fixture type and providc thc height abovc grade, lunrcns output, luminous area. and attach a cut shcct ofthe lighting fixhres. TYPE OF MATERIAL: Updated 6/97 t.I OF BUILDINGS { *a' IUINOR ALTERATIONS TO TI IE.EXTERIOR AND SITE IMPROVTiVI DNTS CENERAL INFORMATION This application applies to changcs rrtadc to a sitc or exterior altclations ofa building. Any altcration in rvhich additional building squarc footrgc is addcd rvill rcqtrirc an "additions" application. I, SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Photos or skctchcs rvhich clcarly convcy thc cxisting conditions. Photos or skctches rvhich clcarlv convey thc proposcd building or sitc altcration(s). Atl rclcvant spccifications for thc proposal including colors anrl nlatcrials to bc uscd. Condonriniuru Association approval (ifapplicablc). - lf thc intcnt of thc proposal is not clcarly indicatcd, thc Adnrinistrator may dclcnrrinc that additional nratcrials arc ncccssary for thc rcvicrv of thc application. STAFF APPROVAL The Administrator may rcvicrv and approvc Desigrr Rcvicrv applications. approvc rvith ccrtain modifications, dcny the application. or nray rei'er the applicatiou to thc Design Revicrv Board for dccision. All staff approvals arc subjcct to final approval b1'the DRB. Thc follorving typcs of Dcsign Reviov applications ma1, bc sraff approved: A. Any application for an addition to an existin-9 building that is consistent *'ith thu' architcctural design. rnatcrials and colors of the building. arrd approval has bccn rcceived by an auth orized,mernbcr ofa condo nriniurn association. if applicablc: B. Any application to nrodify an exisring building that does not sigrrificantly changc the existing planes ofthe building and is gencrally consistcnt rvith the architechrral design, materials and colors ofthe bLrilding. including. but not limited to exterior building finish materials (e.g. stonervork. siding. roof rrraterials. paint or stain,). cxtcrior lighting. canopics oras.nings. fenccs, antennas. satcllite dishes, rr,inclorvs, sk-vlights. siding. ntinor colnnlcrcial facadc improvcrncnts, and othcr similar moditicatious: C. Anv application lbr site inrprovenrents or modifications including. but not limitcd to. driveway rnodifications. sitc grading. site rvalls. rcnroval or modjfications to exisfing landscaping. jnstallarion of accessorv structures or rccreational l'acilities w'*v- o ,OWN OF VAIL lr ruil/N OFVAIL zi.t:,:::;ri;Ai'^. '{i,;i;YiE;"* t THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSlTE Job Address Location' ' ' Parcel No" Project No' ff":il"Hffi#*1:ilitrf"-il* ffi;';iffiil' , - -: r.. oaqidence ffi:'3:::i',,"tio"' $3N ilgt? i:*lt"'::sidenc' valuation: 900 Add sq Ft: rof uood/Pall'et: -'J*-i$#--*-ltffi i6:ilif'!':fl "-r$**,16"-.ffi*-ft* ffi ; 7Z ^i"'iitY D ev e Io P m ent L-of+-r -D V U'( lD^r il AT ALL TIMES T 'il,*zzStatus ' ' ' " Rpplied.. l8sued' ' ' ExPires ' ' Phone: 4?6-161L vArL, co 81657 3l:ii' 476-1611 vArlr co 81657 81657 SWEE #ffifr:::l-; ii.$ !i,',.1;;;;;:_::::_:', *.00 ffi!"1!ll11l-:::------' ",H ffi*:i:101?"oo'o ?i:i:il?-::,-"-J '1il i:i:*l.F;::------:', ,, $ !i1,.ls:lt*;;;;l'Lan cnec*--: -00 [ilii:uq_*r""tl:__-_:t, zs.io ."_*llll*:-jli-;;*ir*****r***********fiili'::ti:-:y' ^_*i:--,-.iE*Hf;;-;************i(i;'h(**l-",r: B'TLDTNG Division: ii*t,e e t s' .frts1k:.::i"s?"*qffiEHH 11?ivfi*'.*1$W *$*ft , *,, ***i ltffi -,*.,*:'-:lj-r--J-----------'*-:-l:*t(t*rritrHdrt**in'"""";;;, appry to this pernit ' see page z of tltis Document for anYoconditionsrtn* *"":-:^-r.r.danaccurateprot [:$tit$iififili:ri:,,,**H**r*s*l+*rugg*19ryru.-:"i"#*il"ffiT:il;1* ;:;-;';"'Rs rN ^DvANcE u'$'\ff''47e-z13aow "E -"'-- I I Send Ctean-UP Deposit To: {g rt"'"tto '*t' / TOWN OF VAIL, CO!,ORADO Statemnt ***************************************************.*************?5.80 03/20/96 12:51 INit: CFStatemnt Number: REC-0118 Arnount: Payment Method: CK Notation: CK *1207 895-0023 Type: A-BUILD ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PE 2to3-L23-06-027 1905 W GORE CREEK DR SALAI'{IINOVICH REMODEL Total Feea: ?5.80 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addreee: Location: Thie Palanent Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 ?5.80 75.80 .00 Deecription BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN RSVIEW FEES PI.A}T CHECK FEES WILI, CALL ]NSPECTION FEE Amount 32 .00 20.00 20.80 3.00 :j?h^Llp-lf dol-Stz ; AppLrcATroN Drusr BE FrLraD our coupr.Errly oR rr r,ray l{or}ffi 1&t9&p {]:":il:;l]ffi ;1";T:I::n';:,..:.:,l9fcW[E"ut} t*********t** &EUqEPJ- IJtb uaue:' 5a)amu*uoutuh Job Address: 4 ,-r V*t" Vttt*c.Legal oescription: tnXs/l Block_l_ 'Flling crz- suBprvrsroN: ,u/&r owners Name: y*Nu'uriga";'"-t""ik ess: l4at u). Grti &fut<-.. p,.. Architect:Address:Ph. .Plunbing Contractor: Address: ltechanica]. Contractor: Address: ** ***** * * ** * * ** {. * ***** **** * * **{: * BUTLDING PERUIT FEE: PII'IiIBING PERMIT FEE: UECHAITICAIJ PERUIT FEE: EI.,ECTRTCAI. FEE|: OTHER TYPE OF EEE3 DRB FEE: FOR General Descriptionz _b,lJ-A-d_AL t n.r..-l ,,.n ( , l*-t er utat) _g'WorkC1ass:[J-Negt',]--arterationtl-Addit1ona111-aepair['J:other- . Nuuber of Dnelll.ng Units: Z Nulber of Acconnoaatlon Units: 2- ^ lpnber and Tlpe of Fireplacess Gas Appliances_ cas logs_ I{oodlpellet L It*********it*********************** vArrIrATroNg ***** *** * ********* ***************rl !-u,t_l,g1yg: ErJEqtRrcAL: s- - orHERs t_j-n - _PLtn[BrNG: $ uEcltA]rrcAt: $- Torar,s FPLttuBrNG: $ uEcItAlrIcAt: t- ToTALs Ir,- f *******************.*****.** coNTRAqroR rNFoRl,[ATroN * *******.******************f Eeneral contract_orz ),14?at.ri!a{yt7-tt $u/ac.e< Torsn of vail Reg. No. a4C-AAddress: I.6, 4A,6ez t/*,1,4"6.--- eESe phone Nunber: .416-l&f T I Electricar contracto=, E9 b - OO Ja Town of Vail Reg. No.r i,i-^- -Address: _ phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: oFFICE USE *************i***************** BUTLDTNG PI.AN CTIECK FEE3 PIUI'TBING PIAN CHECK FEE: UECIIAIIICAL PIAN CIIECK FEES .RECRE.ATION FAE: CI.EJAI{-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAI, PERI.IIT FEES: BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATT'R8! -Tho-r.a+ 14os VHt- 9"la*or^-'on, uh d. Qoa-Co rt Or'1 TO3 C.rocA I IN EI \l-l I =l Il -.| ol UI(tl EIofl I I I I IN'Ol (\IIF b6 I I I I sl -l ol=li>lorltr (iio tzrori .t5 UJFoz z J- @ .6 oz F FIz = =z LbvLhxn ,]tLB ru anul LllL == uJ o- lt tro ='r E t! o Fz o ltlz3oG !L uJdz.-3 a-oI lllFI<Fz_o9zo< a;*:c €EgEI EgE:; :ECEP'- o..c ^: E EE 5: EEEEE .9"; E"g €SEaei itE€; EEEEg :-oE3d t;ooc gf;ir€ :ei;? geiii (n uJ uJt!t =E r.lJ oF z = .Jo- ul uJ z tr IJJ t!E o =uJt IJ,J z 6IJo oz cl J NOtrvn]v^ llJl (! UJz iF 2I J oz iz ,. 9= tro3trOI x x x Ff F z tra oz Y ulo tzlz <Oo< >62t! xtrX.i<z .. >lo ulo llJ UJzaF u,J(! J z E o =>lq --..?i tr,t .S =(oN zzoo cqtAA oqraz>-oo()z l!<oq t9 .i c.i x 3 |r- z.oF Go llJo J E UJzur z tr lJ +)(F n{L nv o- o E (l- lu >< z tr o z Ek gJ ol =.1ol IJJI 5l <l>lr!lol zl 3lolFI llIIttIJqK ol -tPt I9l olil zl El sl3ol crl rr)(JI ,I N;l 3lx El 6l- El Fl t (Jl Isl I"1 Is-l Iojl d. Iq sllol (\ll(lJl r-.1!l I.-l ,ilel :l 3t cI ccl9l ,l =t <l ^El il1qlzl =l 3l flPl lltltl ."ll(,ll."-t I El el ol EltEl+Jl ,l:l =lflB|tzl =l 3lct olu--l Fl ol col -l stlol o., I =l .-r I.et .l-t ols-l zlol olI uJl!t El,El --rl El sl,;t lr-l-'t IdaEFI G] (l +J JAo =r) (9z t! 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FINAL PLUMBING DATE : FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: FINAL ELECTRICAL DATE : -.\t '.v!-\ FINAL BUILDING TEMP0RARY C of 0 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: oz E =t uJo. o tr) (o lJ- E IJ& |f, (f) tt IJJ lIJ]L E =t uJo- Ltrlrg +?n p d E NE =c) zz r-{ <\! Lr) ollJ|-oz o2 d @€ o =zo uJIF 9Zo< sfo(\j (\tot (t, F o EoE -g-o6 .9 o.o. .E ;oF oE ot oE ottcqt o!too o) I t0 E o =cl !o o o,o. a! =.g o F H€g 'EeEE € gE:E e$:E;si;c9cE.lo5o 3 5'-: EEE; EE:E $Iae cL (5 cL-SEie ra i -o- ul E *:€Ea:i EEEE - o..Y o 6 0'- .=<; o (/, E't; g gE:E E Iloi *gg; eEgg - o 6: Lr) sf sf, (\t NN o Ft O r-.F\ F EE UJc z6Il co E() (Jz Jo- o ru lu z6 = o- J 9z qJ = UJ uJ zIF IJJ ouJ o =uJ UJGz 6 uJo Fo uJ z ut F uJ.t o uJ UJl! E =t uJo- J FoF z 6!f J 9eF(JulJ UJ Itzo = oz - uJE NO[Vn'lVA I I q'lcl- = ol=>tr 5lE - - to -cl= u *.ili = co N cOl -.FE+Oc;-ZZtt-o o octr ^ 62+ H d = F:66 E_E! ^fis FaE; -.NO c) oL ro tn att (F o L ag.tJ q, E =o F J st! trti o uJo- F L' (I E gJ J z E o z F- uJ 3 UJz Io Ez zI k I a =zfo =J ll,/ B o!J(.) 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C) E -rO<Fdo IJJ <zF I.lJ Fazo () )E<o()F fr3q=tro ^- 2? s3 =Fd.3 ixC)ts =3g6 EhgE+8,FFo2 o -)<()ffl3f6 / GilD Project Application Dat /l-r-?{ /o^un t/r c(-'7,,n.",Proiect Name: tf-*'/r>- l.l 1i ,t{ay*.{ro"- -Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone:tn ur*t,y' t cA 7"v Zt{f , Uoul (t f r,{F Architect. Address and Phone: /9 tf U, 6ore Cree t )rZ_ Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL summary: lai,^- v li-( ,{, u,,r'frL prrrfi'| ,,r^^y'ils Town Planner (.,", Approval to IB e TOWNOFVAIL RECEIPT ./. I DEPARTITIENT ()F CO}I}IU!iITY DEIELO'IUEITiT2alanurt o //bl ,ts 24 CIIECKJS M^DE PAYAAI-E TO TOWN OF VAIL AcclatotraTN(l IIEM 0l ofrn 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS IVTAPS s5.00 0l 000042415 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE s54.00 0l 000042415 UNIFORM PLI.JMBING CODE s39.00 0l ofin 42415 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE ]iJ7.00 0t 000042415 TJNIFORM FIRE CODE $36.00 0l 0000 4241 5 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE s17.00 0l ofrn42415 OTIIER CODE BOOKS 0l 000041548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)s7.000l 0fi)0 42412 XEROX COPIES s0.25ol oo(n42412 STUDIES 0l 000042412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $t.0u 0l 000042371 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 0l 000041332 PLAN REVIEW RE.CHECKFEilTS4OPERERT 0r 00m42332 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 0r 000041412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 0t 0fi)0 41413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE $20.00 0r 00(n 414t3 A.UDII-IONAL SIGNACE FEE IS I.OO PER SQ.FT.I0l 00m 424!0 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION 0r 00004t3311 PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE 4{/ t | ,_---, , ,r^,r:c.rrr_: A TrnN FFF {BUILDING)-rohtht oF (JFt r 1_-- T f'liscellan€ous Cash - 1 1-E1et-35 14 : 4i: frir - F:rceipr. * 1,3f,46* - Fcc,:unl. # t::l'li + 1r,:tl5- HFl.lt:\r StrLFl'lUtt[rUIf:H..,pFiEFt]If] t]F;Er FEE- Rrri'run I. t*nde re,J .:, i,O , ,f * - Itero paid Eroaunt paid - n f ,lr:it:rtl4l if, I FEtsl ?rl, [r[r - f:h.:ng'3 r*lruffed .r. r::1, r-li:i . . 'ttt-rFIt-* -- - OTHER t t , /Lllflg uno//c'h hlnr{Ns ltll r cAsnt I ,-.,, 1035 rM.oLl *".,,.Uw(' ft ilov 07 tggS EW BOAND APPIJICATION ' TOTIN OF DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: t*l*t*trl*!t* VAIIJ, COIJORADO N.,1/ 7 t1q{ i0v-c0NIl$. I. A.'/o ex'/erlo r ***t****** PROTTECT TNFORIIATIOII : B. TYPE OF REVIEW: a meets and bounds on a separate sheet legaI and attach F.NAI'|E OF APPLICAIiIII:Mailinq Address: Vt4t t- C" S lL E?, Phone G. NAI.{E OF APPLICAI{T I S REPRESENIATIVE:Mailing Address: Phone H.NAIIIE OF OltlNER(S) : Mailinq Address: Phone APPITICAIIIONS WILIJ NOf BE PROCESSED WIIHOW OWNERTS SIGIIATURE Condominiun Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submittaL of the DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permiL, please identify Lhe accurabevaluation of the proposal . The Town of Vail will adjust thefee according to the Eable below, to ensure the correct feeis paid. tc'{ r. J. FEE SCHEDUI-IE: $ VAI,UATION 0 $ 10,000 t;q.gg>v --, -.,i:. ; 50, 000 s 50, 001 - $ 150, 000 $150, 001 - $ 500, 000 $500, 001 - $1, 000, 000g Over 91,000,000 DESIO{ REVIEI| BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVEIJ I'NIJBSS A BUIIJDING PBRIIIT ISIS STARTBD. ONE YEAR ATTER FINAIJ ISSUED AIID COIISTRUCTION P JV. UV $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 r.,oL ;,4 Block New Construct,ion ($200.gg1 ,/ Uinor Alteration ($20.00) Addit,ion ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) ADDREss t llof tdc<f Goee (reek D r., V,+,t- IJEGAI' DESCRIPTION:BK- - o2-s8 SubdiviEion If property is described bydescription, please provideto Lhis application. IJIST OF MAEERIAIJS IJEGAIJ DESCRIPTIONz LOT:L1 BIJOCK SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS: €ast std<- r{ fu^ytex required for submittal Eo approval can be given: IYPE OF IrIATERIAIJ the Design COLOR The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUIIJDIIIG MATERIAIS: Roof Siding Other Wa1l Materials Fascia Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues FLashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Ret,aining waLl.s Exterior r,ighting Other h/talhersh;"1 dl,*vn i n,t'.-' Cla4 att l-hu)ood I ri,,,- pa,inleol 5 76r,t a'fu,_(,tlo. "Fh or, st- . 4 un',+ tof nlrD wifh loq'e r Designer: Phone: ffits B.TAIiIDSCAPING: Name of TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECTs Town Council conrnunity Developnent Department July 21, 1987 Appeal of the Planning Comnission decision to deny avariance request at Lot 27, yaLl Village Vlest FilingNo. 2Applicant: Albert D. Weiss The accompanying memorandum outlines the specifics related tothis request. rt was the recommendation o? ttre staff that theapplicant propose his addition in conpliance with theprovisions outrined under ordinance 4 (the ord.inance thatarrows additional GRFA of up to 250 sqiare feet). rt is feltthat ninor design rnodifications could be urad.e t6 ttre proposalthat wourd all-ow the application to cornply with the limitationsoutlined in Ordinance 4. Planning cornnission voted G-o to deny this application. Theircomrnents were generally the same as those expiessed in thestaff mernorandun. t ) TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ef.rrrrQ.rra "-l -oEnvironrnental Commission Cornnunity Developnent Department JuIy 27, L987 A reguest for a sideenclose two existingFiling #2Applicant: Albert D. A11"-E setback variance in order to decks on Lot 27, YaiI Village Weiss $.ttoN West I. DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED The applicant has proposed enclosing two existing d.ecks witha greenhouse enclosure. The existing structure, as well asthe decks, are encroaching into the reguired L5 footsetback. These improvements are 1ocated 10 feet from theproperty line, which was the required setback when thestructure was built under Eagle County regulations. Theconversion of the outdoor decks to enclose space requiressetback approval from the planning Commission. The Planning cornrnission previously reviewed this proposal onJune 22nd. At that tirne a GRFA variance was also needed. rnresponse to the staff and planning cornrnission direction, theapplicant has designed these enclosures to fall within iheprovisions of Ordinance 4. As a result, only a setbackvariance is needed for this project to proceed. II. CRITERIA AND FTNDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings,the rnunicipal code, the Department of recommends approval_ of the requestedfollowing factors: Consideration of Factors: Section L8.62.050 of Community Developrnentvariance based upon the The rglalionship of lhe. requested variance to other existingor potenlial uses a Many structures in this area were built prior to their incor-poration into the Town of VaiL. This has resulted. innumerous non-conforming situations. The degree ofencroachment proposed does not adversely affect existing orproposed uses in the area. The d to which relief fromon and enforcement th E_ strictt necess to achieve t c ao and literal cif ed resulation isfonnitv of As stated, there are numerous nonconforming developments inthis neighborhood. Because of the existing location of thestructure, and a lack of physical irnpacts on adjacentproperties, it is felt that there is legitimate cause togrant a setback variance. The encroachment is not greaterthan the existing encroachment of the deck itsetf. The factthat this encroachment is not being increased is also aconsideration in our recommendation on this itern. Tt"re. ef_feg! of the requegted variance on light and air,distributio safety. There are no direct inpacts on any of the aboveconsiderations. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deensapplicable t III. FINDINGS The Planninq and Environmental Cornmission shal1 make the That the granting of the variance witl not constitute a grantof special privilege inconsistent with the lirnitations onother properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental tothe public-health, safety or welfare, or materially injuriousto properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of thefollowing reasons: The strict or literal interpretation or enforcement ofthe specified regulation would result in practicaldifficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistentwith the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances orconditions applicable to the sarne site of the variancethat do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The strict interpretation or enforcernent of thespecified regulation would deprive the applicant ofprivileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties inthe same district. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The applicant is faced with a hardship in that the house anddeck are encroaching into the reguired setback at this time.The deck enclosures proposed are reasonable frorn thestandpoint of the existing position of the house as well asthe relationship of the existing floor plan of the residence.Staff reco:nmendation for this reguest is for approval . d w:tt g s f(} sf ) \J\-J -,P4 4B+^iN h34a *$ Q, e/ I [-r # g o n + ri 3f F€2 ss ne Ffl ,+ I f" 1t -4 John M. FeftinVArchitect AIAA/oir nilQesort, 1000 Lions Ridse Loop/ p.o.)utvoit, coro. 816ss/303- 47t,lgs1s rj1af zt tqAl W ?Mtraw qscrJM fhAl/66lze .qgt,t)l,l ot= vblt-, ' uAfLl @owln Ebsei W: Al- rrEss ASp{6"1 ${O pAnW w, W, eH H+Bt* otr r^V. A,-' r,r/EtsS g aJFl+{t> NprebL $fl€_ feojstort F s{le w^-b{G UAIL n-A[,lMlge, carw)rsstor{ cFOt^lE, &, rolb-t oM qlle. AEouE. pweze^taEb PPr*)Etr b $*i=, -lDu:t-{ ccrr\,tcrL d- de,doarq F ,,o'r-. TIJANT. \bI) Sfr{cra=t t';4'| *' /,Afu* (-/G. AL v,ElSS, torn BNA{Jo\t PUBLIC NOTICE NorrcE rs IIEREBY crvEN that the pranning and Envirorunental cornrnission of the Town of vail will hord a public hearing in accordance with section 19.56.060 of the muni-cipal code of the Town of Vail on June 22, L9B7 at 3:OO pM in the Town of VaiI Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1- A reguest for a density variance and a side setback variance to enclose decks on Lot 27, yaiL ViLtage filing #2. Applicant: Albert D. Weiss 2- A request for a setback variance in order to relocate a pool building at the Ranshorn condorniniums on Lot A, Block 3, Vair ViLlage Sth Filing. Applicant: Ramshorn partnership 3. A request to amend Section L7.26.O75 of the Subdivision Regurations related to owner restriction for the conversion of lodges to condominiurns. Applicant: Tohrn of Vail 4. A request for an exterior arteration in cornnercial core rr for expansion of conmon office space at the Antlers Condominiurns located at lot 3, block L, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant; Antlerrs Condominium Association 5. A request to anend Section 19.54.050 C.t_3 concerning the physical connection in the design of prinaryr/secondary and duplex residential units. Applicant: Town of VaiI The applications and infornation about the proposals are available in the zoning adninistratorrs office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVEI.,OPMENT DEPARTMENT THOMAS A. BRAI'N Zoning Adninistrator Published in the Vail Trail on June 5. Lgg7. -- U'ion r. DESCRIPTTON OF VARIANCE REQUESTEp The proposed deck enclosures entail two variance requests,one for encroachment into the required L5 foot side setback,and the other for GRFA over what is allowed under existj-ngzoning. The enclosures proposed affect two existing decki onthe north side of the property located on the first andsecond levels. While the existing structure is locatedwithin the side setback, a variance to the proposed enclosureis reguired because the degree of this encroachnent is beingincreased by the deck enclosure. The extent of thisencroachment is 4 feet, leaving Ll_ feet between the strrrctureand the propertyrs easterly boundary line. Allowable GRFA for this property is 2,616 square feet (notincluding allowable credits). Existing cRF[ within botttunits is 3,476 sguare feet. The applicant has reguested 250square feet under ordinance 4, and an additional 59 squarefeet under the variance process. The total additional GRFAamounts to 3Og square feet. rI. CRITERTA AND FINDINGS TO: FROM: DATE: SUB]ECT: Planning and Environmental Cornroiss Connunity Developnent Department June 22, L987 A request for a density control variance and a sidesetback variance in order to enclose existing decks onLot 27, Vail Village West Filinq z.Applicant: Albert D. Weiss Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section L8.61.060 ofthe rnunicipal code, the Departrnent of Community Development recommends denial- of the requested variance based upon thefoJ.Iowing factors: Consideration of Factors: The rplatlolship of the recruested variance to other existingor potential uses and s Because many of the structures in this area were constructedprior to incorporation into the Town of Vail, theneighborhood abounds with nonconforrning situations. Thesewould include setback as weII as density considerations. Asproposed, the setback requested is consistent with theprevious reguirement under Eagle County (L0 foot sidesetbacks). The degree of encroachment proposed does notadversely affect existing or proposed uses in the area. Existing GRFA on the property.is nearry 509 greater than whatis presently allowed under vailrs zoniirg. wfrife-ini"situation.nay continue due to its noncoiformint status, it isinappropriate to consider additionar aeverofm.it-u"y"rrd thatallowed under Ordinance 4, The deqree to which rerief frorn the strict and riterar ,'r itneCii and uniforritv fft among sites in the vic attain theobjectives of this title wlthout ant of s aI privil As.stated, there are numerous nonconforruing situations inthis neighborhood. Because of the existin! rocation of thestructure and lack of physical inpacts on idjacentproperties, it is felt that there is legimat6 cause to granta setback variance. However, the appriiant has requested.GRFA beyond that arrowed under the provisions of ofdinance 4and the staff feels strongly that to approve tnis requestwould be a grant of.special privilegre. -The ultimate goal ofany developrnent controls are to fimit the amount ofdevelopment in a cornmunity. ordinance 4 has gone beyond. thisto arlow for small additions under speciar ciicurnstaices. Toconsider_GRFA beyond the 250 square teet that ."V-f"pernitted, particurarry- on a pfoperty that is drirnaticallyover its current allowable sguare fo6tage, is unicceptable tothe staff. The effect of th. ..pottation and traffic csafety. There are no direct impacts on any of the aboveconsiderations. Such other factors and criteria as the commissionapplicable to the proposed vaTiarrce. IIT. FTNDINGS The Plann and Environnentat, gomrnission sha1l ryke thefficl-ng a variance: That the granting of the variance wilr not constitute a grantof- special privirege inconsistent with the rimiiaiions onother properties classified in the same district. That the.granting of the variance wilr not be detrimental tothe public health, safety or werfare, or materiarly iniuiiousto properties or irnprovements in the vicinity.---- That the variance is warranted for one or more of thefollowing reasons: The strict or riterar interpretation or enforcement oftle specified regulation woirld result in practicaldifficultly or-unnecessary physical hardsiripj-nconsistent with the objLciiies of this tiife. . 'There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances orconditions applicable to the same siie of the variancethat do not apply generally to other properties in thesane zone. The strict interpretation or enforcement of thespecified regulation would deprive the applicant ofprivileges enjoyed by the owners of othei'properties inthe sarne district. rV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff is unable to support the request as presented.wnile we see legitirnate trii'asnip for t-ne regue'sieo siaesetback variance, rde are strongiy opposed to ttre additionalGRFA requested (beyond the 250-squai- feet arrowed underercrlnance 4). If- the proposal were within the 250 squarefoot allowance' .the statf wourd feel cornfortabre-supportingthe setback varianle: ,Hohrever, as proposed, the staff wouldrecommend denial ,of this applicatioir. -we rlconrn"nd th.t th"Planning commission encourage the applicani io-"consiaerscaling back the addition t6 ue within tfr"-pi""i"io'=permitted under Ordinance 4. - ilohn M. Perkins I n "nit*t/ Fost office Box266l voir, ctto 816s8 I 30g-949-46z7 18 June 1987 Mr. Tom Braun, Planner Town of Vail North Frontage Road WestVai1, Colorado 8L657 Re: Snow Slide Damages to the lYeiss ResidenceConsideration of llardship Dear Toml I have made a visual inspection of Mr. Weiss' residence on GoreCreek Drive in West Vai1. I have verified the following damages,potentj-ally dangerous conditions and general concerns: . Snow falling from the roof has annually seriously dam- aged the deck and stair railings. Currently, a make-shift railing is in p1ace, providing a bare minimum ofprotect ion. . Moisture is currently causing discoloratlon, cracking,peeling and spalling of the stucco-covered north wal1. . Potential structural damage to the concrete masonry unitsat the si11 of a sliding glass door on the grade level isevident. . There is a generally dangerous condition of snow and icebuild-up on both of the decks. It is my opinion that the above mentioned concerns constitute aserious hardship to Mr. Weiss' maintaining his residence in a safe and attractive condition. I urge you to recommend approval ofMr. Weiss' applications for variance to the density and sidesetback regulations on the basis of these obvious hardships. If you have any further questions regarding Mr. Weisst applications,please do not hesltate to call me. Thank you, hn M. : Mr. Pe-rkins A1 Weiss oor,-rro{ro* FOR PROPERTIES IN FOR ADDITIONAL GRFA EXCESS OF ALLONABLE GRFA Date of Appl icati onltfrll t, tt?C? Date of DRB Meetins J(.|l.rf l, nt5]l PRE-APPL ICATION CONFERENCE A pre-appl ication conference with a member of the planning staff is stronglyencouraged to discuss the provisions under "r,iin-.iiiii'onii enrn can be addedto a site' It should be uiroersiooJ-tnut tnis oioinini.-Jo.r not assure each propertyan additional 250 square feet of enrn.- Rather, it"-o"Ji.irce ailows for gg to250 square feet if certain conOitions-are met. Applications for additions under this section will not be accepted unless theyare complete. This includes att inrormation required on thi;-i;; Jr"".ir"l!'Design Review Board submitiut-r.qrir.*."tr. r) rulrrr ds r{err .ts A. PROJECT DESCRi PTI ON: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: , Add".rt Fit ins u.l4 rtEg8f Elutrla{a c. NAME 0F nppLrcANr: 4{r hJBl$S Add".tt non.4f,b-€Eg D. NAME OF APPLICANT,S REPRESENTATIVE: !Ia}l T lyl. otbeElhls Addres s ='.'-'=flFi-4b311l NAIIE 0F Ot,lNER(S), ,/1 -Signature(s) M Addr.tr **"fib#, F. Filing Fee of gl00.o0 is required at tinre of submittal t-/ze hl l- /7 2 t-7,,,The fo]lowing'ilforma!]9!,-in addition to DRB submittal requ.irements, shali berequired with this submittal: l. Verification that the unit has receiveo 2. Names and mai'l ing addresses of adjacentunits on the same lot. This infoimationAssessor's office. 3. Condominium association approvai (.if appl icable). 4. Existing f'loor plan of structure. Legal Description: Zone Di str.i ct tot_!2_atoct< a fjnal certificate of occupancy. property olriers and of olners ofis available from the Eagle County Appl i cat'i on Dat PEC MEETING DATE 6 /,1' APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE + 2* W,A I. Th'is procedure is.required f9I gny project requesting a variance. The applicationwill not be accepted until a'll inioi-maiion is'submitied. A. NAME oF appucn[r 4 0t ElSg ADDRESS V&r@. pnonQ?G.l5re5p, B. NAME OF APPLICANT,S REPRESENT ATIIE "IA?'4 /72. Aoosrss 2e. Eb< % Wat (a. enonzee?<fu!/ c. NAME oF owNER(s) (type or prift) tq- te4i3 Sionature(s) ( o' D*.^--Tr9..-c.r-.r; ADDRES Q1,ra.6 t pHoNEfu& D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL E. FEE $IOO PAID cK# THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTII,IENT I.IILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. LEGAL DEscRrprroN ntn etocx iluNe (,frLL(21&tBE 4G{?.Q ADDREssz??ls & @ e, adjacent to the subject property and their mailing addresses. MAILING ADDRESSES. FROM II. F. A list of the names of owners of all property TNcLUDING pRopERTy BEHTND AND AcRoss btRblts-, THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONNTCf A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE t,{ITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO )DETERMINE IF ANY'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION l'lILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT Is coMpLETE (MUST rNcLUDa Rr-[ irEni-ngqirineo By THE zoNrNG l9I.lNMR4IgE). IT Is rHE RppticRt'tt's RESpoNsrBrLrry r0 dnxe nn AppoTNTMENTWITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTNI NiQUINEMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION l,llLL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FORY0uR PROJEcr sv 0EcREA-SING-THE NUMBER oF coNDITIoNS 0F AppRovAL THAT THE pLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL cot4MlssloN MAy srrpuLATE. Rtl coruorrioNs 0F AppRovAL musr sE'cOMPLIED wITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT Is IsSm. ._. '- FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: l. The re'lationship of the.requested variance to other existing or potentialuses and structures in the vicinity. -r rvve"e's 2- The- degree to which relief from the strict or litera'l interpretation andenforcement gl l.rl::tlied-regulation is.necessary.to achieie compatibilityand uniformity of treatment among sites in the vi;initt-;r-i; ;il5;;';h;objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. III. OVER t variance O'- 3. The effect of the variance on'l ight and air, d'i stribution of population, - transportation, traffic facil ities, util ities, and public safety. B. A topographjc and/or improvement survey at a scale of at least l" - 20' stamped by a Colorado licensed surveyor including locations of all existing improve- ments, including grades and elevations. 0ther elements which must be bnown are parking and loading areas, ingress and egress, landscpped areas andutility and drainage features. C. A site plan at a scale of at least l" = 20' showing existing and proposed buildings. D. Al 1 prel'iminary bu'ilding e'levations and-floor p'l ans sufficient to indicate the dimensions' general appearancs, scale and use of all buildings and spaces . existing and proposed on the site. E. A preliminary title report to verify ownersh'ip and easements F. If the proposal is located in a multj-family deve'l opment which has a homeowners' association, then wrjtten approval from the association in support of theprojebt must be received by a duly authorized agent for said association. G. Any additional material necessary for the review of the app'l ication as determined by the zoning administrator.. * For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. IV. T'ime Requi rments The Planning and Environmental Commissjon meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material (as described above) must be submitted a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications (as determined by the zoning administrator) will be accepted by the p'lanning staff before or after the desig- nated submittal date. a . ADJACENT PROPENTY OWNERS TO THE AL WEISS RNSIDENCE Lat 26 Paul Gotthelf 141 E. Meadow Dr. Vail , Colorado 81657 Lot 27 Jeanne T. Popovits Box 1002Vail, Colorado 81658 Lot 28 Inga Prime Box 1165Vail; Colorado 81658 Lot 48 Helga Bethune Box 3662Vail, Colorado 81658 I-c-t 49 Professional Financial, Inc. Box 949 Carmichael , California 95609 Lot 50 Jennlfer Van Dyke 1886 It. Gore Creek Drive Vail , Colorado 81658 Spruce Creek Townhomes (See attached) t. DATE: ,W/??lAg EAoo AsselonCOUNTY PAGE: C ONDOT.I I N I Uf'I L I ST I NC CObE: O41O CONDOT'IINIUI'I: SPRUCE CREEK TOWNHOHES AT VATL ================:t!================================E========!3======A=-gtt-4======== OOOI SCHEDULE: OLAL74 DISTRICT: 113 BRACG, THT]MAS A. & TRACY D. 9$06 NORTH 89TH LONOHONT 9TATE: CO UNIT C-4 ZIP CODE: 8O5Ol BK 0309 PC 0470 BK O3e? Pe 07o7 TAX ITEI'|9: 113O 123O OOCA SCHEDULE: O1294? DISTRICT: 113 CASTELLANOS, ALFONSO CALZADA INDEPENDENCIA gUR SO?.9.O4 SECTORJUARX, CUADALAJARA, JAL C. P. 44100 l,{EXICO ETATE: OO ZIP CODE: OOOOOUNIT E-S PHASE II BK 0331 PG O1AE TAX ITEHS: 113O 1?3O OOO3 SCHEDULE: Oleqe? DISTRICT: 113 D. O. H. ENTERPRISES 2316 JEAN ANN DRIVE CAPE CIRARDEAU STATE: t'l0 ZIP CODE: 63701 UNIT A-4 8K 0300 PG 0315 EK O3e9 PG 0767 TAX ITEHS: 113O 1230 OOC4 $CHEIIULE: O13173 DISTRICT: 113 DRAGUL, PAUL H. 10 CHERRY LANE DRIVE ENCLET^,OOD STATE: CO ZIP CODE: EOllO UNIT C.3 8K OSO? PC 0150 TAX ITEI4S: 113O 1?3O OOOS SCHEDULE: 013163 DISTRICT: 113 ETZEL, TII,IOTHY N. & CAROL J. 67E4 SOUTHWEST AYLESBURY ROAD TOPEKA STATE: KS ZIP CODE: 66614 UNIT B-3 BK 0303 PC 0616 BK 0329 PA O7A7 BK O3?9 PG 0316 TAX ITEl"lS: 113O 123O DATE:, 03/?2/83 EAC co cou HIN CREEK NTY AS IUI'I LI TOI.JNHOHES A 5E3 STIN T VAIL PAOE:2 OR c CODE: 041O CONDOI'IINIUl"l: NDO SPRUCE 0006 SCHEDULE: O13164 DISTRICT: 113 FORDHAT,I, J. LYNN 14814 SURVEYSN BOULEVARD AT}DISON STATE: TX ZIP CUDE: 7tr234 UNIT B-4 BK 0311 Pc OO90 BK O3a9 Pe 0767 TAX ITEHS: 113O 1?3O OOOT SCHEDULE: O1a987 DISTRICT: 113 FRTCKE, CLAUS WERNER & EDNA N. Bt]X 370 VAIL STATE; CU ZIP CADE: 8165S UNIT A-E BK O30? PO 05&6 BK O3e9 PQ 0767 TAX ITEI{S: 113O 1?3O oog8 SCHEDULE: O1a548 DISTRIGT: 113 GANDOULF, JUAN PEDRO Z VAIL NATIONAL BANK, ATT: t-lRS. J. PRICE lOE SOUTH FRONTACE ROAD WEST VAIL STATE: CO ZIP CODE: 81637UNIT E-4 PHASE II EK 0331 PG 0130TAI ITEI'IS: 113O 133O COc9 SCHEDULE: 012541 DISTRICT: 113 CELT, THEODORE Z. EOX 5560-TA DENVER STATE: CO ZIP CODE: AOZLTUNIT D-l PHASE II BK O35t PC 0117 TAX tTEt'lS: 113O 1?3O 0010 SCHEDULE: Ole$44 DISTRICT: 113 CEREN, PRSSTON F{, III PENTHOUSE I, sTE D FORT WORTH TOI^'ER CLUB FORT WORTH STATE: TX ZIP CADE: 7610?UNIT D-4 PHASE I I BK 0330 PG Oe69 TAX ITEHS: 113O 123O DATE:. O8/22/Aa EAco COUNTY CONDOI'TINIUT'I CT]NDOHINIUI'I: SPRUCE CREEK TOWNHBHES AT VAIL Asselon LISTING PAGE: CODE: 041O OO11 SCHEDULE: Ote543 DISTRIGT: 113 GUNDLACH, HEINZ & ALEXANDRA G.iI RENDEZVOUS I^'EST BOX 397 VAIL BTATE: CO ZIP CODE: 8165eUNIT D-3 PHASE II BK 0335 PA 0427 BK O33? PO OeO4 TAX ITEHS: 113O 123O OOla SCHEDULE: O1a54S DISTRICT: 113 HARBAUCH, VALERIE GATES 3133 SOUTH ADAI'IE I,IAY DEHVER STATE: Ctl ZIP CODE: SO2IOUNIT E-l PHASE II BK 0330 PC 0147 TAX ITEt"tS: 113O 123O OO13 SCHEDULE: O1316? DISTRICT: 113L &. I'I INVESTMENT CT]T,IPANY 1600 EROADT^'AY, SUITE A1EO DENVER STATE: CO ZIP CODE: EO?Oa UNTT B-E BK 0305 PG Oe19 BK O3a9 PG 0767 TAX ITEMS: 113O 123O OO14 SCHEDULE: O1aS47 DISTRICT: 113 LUNA, CARLOS EONZALEZ'{ VAIL NATIONAL BANK, ATT: HR9. J. PRICE lOE SOUTH FRONTAEE ROAD WEST VAtL $TATE: CO ZIP CODE: e16$7 UI{IT E-3 PHASE I I EK 0331 PG 0129 TAX ITEf'lS: 1l3O 123O OOlS SCHEIIULE: Ole546 DISTRICT: 113 f'IACKIgSACK, JORCE 7. VAIL NATIONAL BANK, ATT: MRS. J. PRICE lOE SOUTH FRONTACE ROAD WEST VAIL STATE: C0 ZIP CODE: 81657 UNIT E-A PHASE II BK 0331 PO O3A2 TAX ITEH$: 113O 1?3O DATE: .ot,/2;.)85 E ,' ICOBE: 041O CONDBf'IINIUM: SPRUCE NTY AS5 IUf.I LIS TOWNHOI,{ES AT AC co cou HIN CREEK Eo TIN VAIL PAGE: 4 OR cNDO 0016 SCHEDULE: O1e98F DISTRICT: 113 I4IftAHONT ASSCICIATES 17O9 LINDENI.{ETER DRIVE FT. COLLTI'I5 STATE: CO ZIP CODE: EOge4 UNIT A-3 BK O30A PG OO41 BK O3e9 PA 0767 TAX ITEHS: 113O 133O CIOl7 SCHEDULE: Ote986 DISTRICT: 113 COLUHEIA SAVINGS ATTN: COLLEY, LARRY L. BAX t7t27 DENVER STATE: CO ZIP CODE: 80217 UNIT A.1 BK 0309 PG 0565 EK 0334 PG 0Sa8 BK 0334 PG OO78 BK O41e PC 0994 TAX ITEl"lS: 113O 1!3O 0O1A SCHEDULE: O1e542 DISTRICT: 113 RUBENSTEIN, SEYT"{OUR J. & CATHERINE A. E547 SOUTH ASUJEGO STREET AURORA $TATE: CO ZIP CODE: 8OOt4UNIT D-2 PHASE II BK 0369 PO Olle TAX ITEt"l€: 113O 123O OO19 SCHEDULE: O13161 DISTRICT: 113 SFRUCE CREEK PARTNERg EOCI SOUTH JACKSON STREET, SUITE 4EO DENVER STATE: CO ZIP CODE: EOeOP UNIT E-l BK 0310 PG 044? BK O3e9 PC 0767 TAX ITEI'|S: 113O 1e3O OO2O SCHEDULE: 013171 DI$TRtCT: 113 SPEUCE CREEK, LTD. "11 NORTH WEST 57TH STREET OKLAHOMA CITY STATE: OK ZIP CUDE: 731lE UNIT C-l BK 0301 PG O6e1 BK O3e9 Ptr 0767 TAr ITEI'IS: 113O 1?3O 'oorr, osnaTas eeaf couNrY Asse!on ]} aPAGE: 5 C ONDOI'I I N I UI.I L I ST I NC CoOE. 041o GoNDoHINIUPI: 6PRUGE GREEK ToI.INH0HES AT VAIL OOal SCHEDULE: O13t7e DISTRICT: 1f3 SPEUCE CREEK, LTD. ?11 NORTH IIEST 57TH STREET OKLAHOMA CITY STATE: OK ZIP CODE: 73118 UNIT C-E BK 0307 PO 0271 EK 0329 PO 0767 BK O34B PC 0642 TAx ITEHS: 113O 1230 .t Project Application Project Name: Projecl Description: Bercof Contact Person and Phone owner, Address and phone: Poporrlts 4?5-156? welss 4?5-(860 140< Goro Cr6ek Dr. Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot 27 Block ptl;ng Ve L Vlllage West nU-.4 zone - Commenls: Design Review Board Molion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVALnlllltl I 7 T lMeI Et_ ? {-'2 .?'{ :; I .-titift:farfEtEn-T : \I--:::I:l:'r -i -:--.: -.;;$rdr ---: l' - _-:r::r::iiij:::lfi,I,, ,,, "-, -_ __-_ _I :::::__ ._ -_^_iilll:;:.^=^'. _\ 1- 1--\,--\,---,-_-\.-1_,a'_1___1-4. \---\,-\,-\--\,.-!_a_ "\r--..- \! vvVV'vwY'v \\.^r\-\-\-\^r\*- aq\.n:ffi \fYv"t--. top off your masterpiece witf i stile metal sales \ Use Stile" when roofing... you'll never look better Metal Sales Manufacturing Cor- poralion presents beauty on top, a roofing system that combines the ver. sarility of prepainted steel with the classic look of tile. We found Stile in Scandanavia, where for centuries peo- ple have demanded beauty, durability and economy in their homes. Produc- ed in the United States exclusively by Metal Sales Manufacturing Corpora- lion. Stile is now available to lend charm and beauty to the American home. Turn on a home with Stile does everything for a home that its name implies. Put it up against other roofing systems, and you'll be pulting it up on your next roof . BEAUTY AND STILE''T We took a classic and elegant pat- lern and combined it with the flexibili- ly ol preformed metal. Then we repro- duced the resulting look of tile in Spanish CIay, Fliviera Sand, Slate Grey, Blue Mist and Tudor Brown. Simply beautiful. For vears. Metai Sales has led the industry as an independent producer of metal panels for construction uses of all kinds. With the introduction of Stile, we once again demonstrate the u nrivaled advantages of Metal Sales products: versatility, durability and economy. Stile'" INSTALLATION WITHOUT COMPLICATIONS Crews with little training can han- dle and quickly screw fasten the metal panels. which run over 3 feet wrde and up lo 16 feet long. Stile br ings beauty wilhout weight to roofing: only one pound per square toot. LOOKS THAT DON'T GROW OLD We've welded the best f luoropolymer paints to tough,26 gauge, galvanized steel. lt's a 2o-year paint system that is highly resistant to chipping, chalking and fading. PROTECTION YOU NEED Fire threatens many structures to- day. Stile has been tested and passed for a Class A fire rating on new con- struction when properly installed. ECONOMY YOU NEVER EXPECTED Stile is very competitive with other specialty roof systems because it is easy to ship and easy to install. 7.7lMet And Stile's high impact resistance vir- tually eliminates maintenance and repair. Economical beauty makes tur- ning on a home hard to resist. UA Uses, Applica*i*ns The look of clay tile... In many c I imates and many cultures. lhe serene look of tile has endured through the centuries. What makes lile so distinctive? Classic lines and curves ripple through a repetitive pattern that pleases both the eye and the mind. lt brings to mind our heritage: the look of tile to. day lends old-world elegance to any bu ilding which it decorales. The look ol tile also signifies d urability and long-lived value. Despite its weight, costly manufac- ture. and labor-intensive installation and repair. tile was often the choice for a rocf meanl to endure. Anywhere... In our times, classic appearance and durable pertormance are no longer limited to a material only few can afford. With Stile. Metal Sales in- troduces the timeless look which can now be applied easily and econorn- icallV to almost all residential and lig ht commercial conslruction. Design Stile into new construction: it goes down easily over solid sheathing or rafters and purlins. Or renovate and renew an existing building; it takes only an even surface to begin transforming the plain into the distingu ished. The look of tile belongs on your residence, vacation home, or con- dominium. Also excellent for store fronts and mansard type roots. Stile applies easily over steel framrng members. Don't hesitate to do it with Slrle. You ll never look better. And for a long time to You want lhe beauty of a new roof to last. We don't blame you, and with Stile, it's simple. Nothing protects the f inish on a metal panel f rom sun, wind and rain better than Stile's unique Fluropon" coating. When it bonds to lhe surface. Flurooon" come forms an exceplionaly smooth and flexible finish that will not fade. chalk. or crack. That's why it lasts for many years. Fluropon' 's performance has been proven on buildings which have remained beautiful in spite of ex- Dosure to some ol lhe harshest en- vironments in the world. Once you turn on a home with Stile, it will stay that way. You can count on it. m -rr//e '" OF Overall Frodr.lct in Place Product Information STILE '' METAL ROOFING TILE SYSTEM Material Coat ng Colors. Th ic kn ess Covering Width .... .. Standard Lengths .. . . Nominal End Lap .. . .. Weight/Foot2 Weight/Mete12 Roof Pitch Hot dipped galvanized steel sheets U pper surface-Fluorocarbon paint system Lower surface - Epoxy Based Undercoat Spanish Clay. Fiviera Sand. Tudor Brown, Slate Grey, Blue M ist 26 gauge material (.5mm) '1.0m (39.4 inches) 3 Jeet through 16 feet at one foot increments Each step appears lwelve Inches apart 2 inches 1 pou nd 5.0 kg Minimum recommended pitch is 3 in.l2 Roofs less than 3 in 12 require sealant in all side laps .----\--l\..,,... l\4T Materials, Finishes Fluropon' provides the excep- t ional color consistency and durabi'ity which assure the lasting beauty of a Stile roof. Alter years of Finally. Fluropon' is bonded chemically to the primer, pro- viding a film of highiy stable fluorocarbon molecules which vir- t ually ignore normal pollutants, moisture and u lt ra-v io let ligh t. Flu ropon s" ceramic pigments are permanent. like the ceramics in c lay tile itself. Five rich colors F uropon is a regrslered Spanish Clay ,*,* \ :qi jT.\T\\ LIIITI t^ilI tI[\ [,\\ \,\ The Stile'''Paint Process... Delivering on a Promise wear, lhe orrginal panels can still be matched by new panels wrth no detectable color change. And in this case. beauty rs not only skin deep. il) lt oegrns with a galvanrzed zinc\-/ coatinq whrcn will sacnfice' itself to protect any exposed sleel f rom c o rros io n. The zinc coat is protected by an epoxy-based primer. The primer resists penetration by water vapor and oollutants. and it pro- vides a bonding surface for lhe final coating. trademark ol Desolo. Inc. Riviera Sand Tudor Brown Slate G rey Blue Mist Al Assembly, Instructions Installation OVER SOLID SHEATHING When applying Stile over solid sheathing, roofers should first lay down 45-pound roofing felt paper parallel to the direclion of the eaves. A single alignment strip should then be placed parallel to the eave al a 45,position corresponding to the second steo uo of ihe Stile Sheet. ACtUal d istanCe slLE qooFrNc f rom the eave will dePend aLGNM€Nr BoAFo Purlins are then spaced 16" c/c from the first to the second row. The first purlin along the eave serves as the alignmenl board. (See "Over Solid Sheathing.") All other purlins are then olaced 18" c/c in order that the SOLID SHEAIHING bottom of the step of every th ird course rests direclly on lhe center of every olher purlin. Fasteners are then placed in the bottom of every second tile al the base of the step oJ every third course. Gable ends of the roof are fastened at every purlin, regardless of where the screw lies in relation to the step. SCREW FASTENERS Fastening is done with the proper screw fasteners for either metal to wood or metal lo melal. lt is not necessarv 10 ore-drill the sheets. )'* 'l' !>. Self-drilling, nylon headed steel screws with a bonded neoprene washer are used for all wood aoolica- tions. Generally. a 1" long shank is sufficient for original wood sheathing application. Re-roo{ applicalions need a screw with a shank long enough to fasten into lhe wood substrate by at least 1". Therefore. if the old rooJ is 7.7lMel 1" thick, the screw length must be 2" (1 " for the wood substrate and 1" for the original roofing material). This also aoolies for insulation material. (See drawing.) When lastening Stile to metal of up to 20 gauge lhickness, use a 7/8" sell-drilling stilch screw. For heavier steel f ramework applications, use nylon headed Tek{ype fasteners. Approximately eighty fasteners are used per square (100 square feet). Be sure thal the screws are seated squarely to the sheet and that the nose piece ot the screw gun is ad- justed for the proper depth. The screw should be fastened so that the neoprene washer is just visible around lhe base of the screw head. Over or under driven screws may result in improper wealher seal. Fasten at the valley of every se- cond tile on every third course, and every end lap. Generally, a screw is placed at the valley of every corruga- tion for eave, ridge closure, junction sheet and high wind applications. Trim items are fastened in lhe same manner as the sheet on which they are used. Screws are placed iust below the step. SIDE LAP SEALANT For roof s with a minimum oitch of 14" (3 in 12), a side lap sealant is generally not necessary. Roof s with a pitch less lhan 3 in 12 requrre a sealant (strip or caulk), and the use of the recommended screw fastener in the top of the corrugation to clamp the sheets together. Eilher the metal lo wood or metal to melal screw Jastener may be used for stitching, and fasteners are placed below the steo. Be sure that the screw does not go through the sealant. Stile is not recommended for roofs with a pitch less than 2 in 12. on amounl of sheet overhang desired. Once the Iirst sheet is in place, all other sheets will align themselves properly due to lhe tile configuration. The second and subsequent sheets are pulled tight against the alignmenl strip and the bottom (eave) step of the prior sheets. Thrs assures proper alignment of the side laps. OVER EXISTING ASPHALT ROOF When re-roofing an existing asphalt roof, care should be taken to repair any damaged areas and adlust any uneven parts of the roof. lt is recom- mended that felt paper be applied over the existing roof as a precau- 'tionary vapor barrier. The alignment strip is used in the same manner as in solid sheathing. Be sure lhat screw fasteners are long enough to oenetrate at least 1" into the wood substrate, after passing through the existing roof and any ad- ditional insu lation that may have been applied. (See "Screw Fasleners.") OVER OPEN RAFTERS Some new homes are built without a solid sheathing, using only polyfilm or reinforced plastic loil as a vapor barrier. On this type of rool, purlins are fastened directly to the roof trusses or rafters, over the vapor bar- rier. CHIMNEYS, SKYLIGHTS AND OTHER PROJECTIONS Felt paper is applied snuggly around the roof projection and should extend up the proJection eight to lwelve inches. Stile roofing is applied as normal around the projection. Sidewall flashing is used to trim around the projeclion sides and to cover over the stile. A junction sheet then flashes otf the too and bottom of the projection. (See Accessories .) QIW Speration, lVlaintenanc6 General Handling Instructions PRESERVING SHEET SURFACE Care must be exercised to avoid dragging one sheet across another -lhe cut ends of all manuJactured sheets tend lo have sharp edges that will scratch the painted surtace. Generally. an electric nibbler ls us' ed to cut the sheets. The nibbler must be held perpendicular to the ac' tual cutting surface in order to operate smoothly. ROOFING. While roof perlormance will not be affected. cosmetic damage may be noticeable. GENERAL MAINTENANCE Minor damage to the Paint can be covered with touch-up paint available from your distributor. Treat only the blem ishes. Wood supports, at least 2" x 4", should be arranged at the same centers as those in the standard packs of sheeting. Stacks must not exceed four packs and all packs must slope suf ic ently to allow ary rarn- water which Denetrates the stacks, to drain away. Sheeting must be covered by a loose fitting tarpaulin lhat allows circulation of air around the oacks, the tarpaulin must not touch the sur. f ace of the sheeting. For a long period-Store inside under cover in a dry place. Sheeting must not be stored near tertilizers, acids. a r,.alis. salts. other corrosive agents, or rn a corrosive atmosphere. Stile requires no other mainten- ance. Because Stile has long life and low Initial product and installation costs, its annual cosl is much lower than most roofing products. Panels subject to accidental damage are easily replaced, and due to the excep' tional durabilily of the Fluropon' coatrng. Stile sheets can be matched even years later with nominal color change. STORAGE For a short period -packs of sheeting are to be laid on pallets so as to be at least As the laying proceeds. lt is essen- tial for dirt, metal chlps and debris to be cleaned from the sheets to prevent scratching of the painted surface. Extreme caution must be exercrseo to keep the slivers from lhe electric nibbler from scratching the surtace. The use of a large magnet is ideal in collecting these slivers. lF NOT FEMOVED. THESE WILL RUST AND CAUSE RED STREAKING DOWN THE 3.,",11;1" l\'fx-t CP Component Parts ACCESSORTES Below is a charl of Stile ac- cessories, with a basic key to their applicalions. All accessories are manufactured with a slriooable plastic protective film that protecls GABLE and RAKE TRIM against damages in handling and en- sures finish quality on the roof. EAVE TRIM COIMPLETE OETAILS FOF THESE AND OTHER ACCESSOBIES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION MANUAL. SIOE WALL FLASHING 7.7lMel FILLER STFIP\.4.4.-.4.a.^.^, ches coverage width (one nreter) when lapped one wave. Panel lengths shall be from 3 feet through 16 leel in length, available in 1 foot incremenls. Fasteners. All Fasteners shall be Prisma@ glass f iber reinforced nylon headed self drilling type with bonded aluminum and neoorene washer assembly as manufac- tured by Conslruction Fasteners Inc. (or approved equal). CC Code Acceptability, Certification FIRE RATING CERTIFICATION Stile has passed class A, B, and C fire ralings as tested by Ramtech Laboratories, lnc. (Lab #61'17 -82\ when sheels were properly installed in a prescribed manner (complete specifications available). Tests were conducled to orovisions soecified in lhe Uniform Building Code Standard N umber 32-7, which are essentially lhe same as those specified in ASTM: E-108, UL: 790, and NFPA: No.256. ICBO CERTIFICATION ICBO approval is pending (file #82-4-41. PAINT PERFORMANCE The Fluropono f in ish manufac. tured by Desoto, Inc., is available in 5 rich earthtone colors. Fluropono is a 2o-year paint system that resists peel. ing, cracking, chalking and lading. A copy ol the paint's pedormance specifications is available from the manufaclurer. TS Technical Support Architectural Specif ications A1. Roofing shall be 26-gauge galvanized steel type called Sl ile rM, manulactured by Metal Sales Manufacturing Corporation. Colors shall be selected from the five slandard colors. Paint shall be Fluropon' , DeSoto, Inc.'s tluorocarbon resin based coating. A2. Panel configuralion of Stile shall have tile wave 5 inches on cenlers and shall have a depth of 1-3/16". Steps shall appear every 12 inches and shall be 112" deep. Each oanel shall orovide 39.4 in- 43. JUNCTION SHEET M R Manuf acturer a. For lastening into wood fram- ing or stitch application, a #14 x 1-inch minimum length, self -drilling steel screw shall ha I raan b. For fastening into metal fram- ing members up to 2o-gauge in thickness and for stitch ap- plication, a 7i8" self-drilling stitch screw shall be used. c. For fastening into steel purlins over 20 gauge in thickness, a #12 self -drilling type fastener shall be used. A4. Aoolication shall be as indrcated in the published installation manual: STILE Product lnlorma- tion and Laying Inslruclions, available f rom the manufacturer. AC Availability, Cost AVAILABILITY Slile is available trom each of the listed manufacturing facilities. The in- stalled cost of Stile is very com- petitive with many other types of specialty roofing products. Stile is manufactured in standard length sheets lrom 3 feet through .16 feet in one-f oot inc rements. Metal Sales Manufacturing Cor poralion is a metal roofing and siding manufacturer serving all 50 states through eight conven iently located manuf acturing f acilities. Our product lines are designed for use in many phases of medium com- mercial/industrial, agricultural and steel building type applications. All products are made from high-tensile steel coated with a variety of in- dustrial quality f in ishes. Manulactured entirely in the United States by Metal Sales, all products are cut to exact specifications and delivered on company trucks. metal sales manufacturing corporalion +1--aa -\I I \t,, Corporate Office 10300 Linn Station Rd., Suite 2o0, Louisville. KY 40223, (502) 426-5215 Manulacturing and Sales Oltices E. 1230 Front St., p O. Box 3827, Spokane, WA 99220-3827. (509) 536-6000, In wA (800) 541-2323. Outside WA (800) 572-656s 71 1 Sourh cherokee, Denver, co 80223, (303) 777-O1OO, In cO (800) 332-8470, Outside CO (800) 525-8413 4001 produce Road, Louisvi e, KY 40218, (502) 969-9318, In KY (800) 292-3575, Outside KY (800) 626-5924 9401 83rd Avenue North, Brookryn Park, MN 55445, (612',) 425-17OO, In MN (800) 652-9758, Outside MN (800) 328-9316 Space Park East, 3520 Ambrose Ave., Nashville, TN 37207, (615) 227-6761, Outside TN (800) 251-8508 2801 Fairfax Trafficway, Kansas City, KS 66115, (913) 621-1445, Outside KS (80O) 255-4403 6600 suemac Ptace, Jacksonvi e , FL 32205, (904) 783-3660, In FL (800) 342-9943, Outside FL (800) 8744419 352 E. Erie, Jefferson, OH 44047, (216) 576-9070, in oH (800) 233-5719, Ourside OH (800) 321-5833 LIST OF MATERIALS IIIIIT OF PftOJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF The fo'l'lowing information is required for submittal Eoard before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING I,IATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL 9IILE lctel roof by the applicant to the Design Reviery COLOR Tdor hrcnRoof Si di ng Other }Jall Materia'ls Fasci a Soffi ts llindors lJindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs .. Chimneys Trash Enc'losures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: phone: Botanical NamePLANT ]'IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Common Name.Quani ty Si ze* EXISTING TREES BE REI4OVED *tndicate caliper for deciducious trees. Indicate height for conifers. 75 south fronlage rord Yall, colorrdo 81657 (303) 476-7000 otllco ol qommunlty dewlopmcnl September 20, 1984 A] l,lei ss 1905 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado, 81657 Dear Al , The Design Review Board denied your application for a Pro Panel I'I roof at their September 19th meeting. Reasons cited for denia'l were relative to section 18.54.050 C.6 of the Design Reivew Guidelines. Specific problems with the proposed material included: 1. Insufficjent standing 2. Too high of glare. 3. Insuffic'ient gauge. 4. Exposed fasteners. seams (lack of relief). This decision can be appealed to the Town Council in writting within 10 days of the Design Review Board meeting. Please do not hesitate to call me with any questions you may have. Si ncerel y, ',\ .l i" . bN\ V,UuYf Thonns A. Braun Town Planner TAB/rme Project Name: Prolect Appllcation TeLss - Popouii s lcr'n:lr<-rr;.r;og s^1" el4/t/+ Proiect Description:.1;;,-1'991 Contact P€rson and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot ?7 , Block rril 2 Filing tr I I \,'J 1 I ;i !!'. ; ^t ilet2- , Zone Comments: Design Review Board 1,..r,,(, ,,,,' Date Ssconded by: APPROVAL ( - *a ) LIST OF MATERIALS rl. NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P Roof Si di ng 0ther l.Jal'l Materi al s Fasci a Soffi ts l,li ndows I'lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Flashing5. Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: The following information is required for submitta'l Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL by the applicant to the Design Review COLOR Bnotle Name of Designeri phone: PLANT IIIATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name Quani ty Si ze* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED / *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Indicate he'ight for conifers. o PLANT IT,IATERIALS: Botani cal Name .- Common Name Quani ty Si ze (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Type Square Footage s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION . TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. \ ttif oo You'll never look better :? WE'VE GOTCHA COVERED WITH PRO-PANEL II Are you looking for durability, versatility and beauty all rolfformed inlo one metal panel? Go with the pro, Pro-Panel ll. Processed to ex- acting specifications, our "tull hard" 90,000 psi high tensile strength, 29 gauge steel possesses exceptional spanning properties and springJike resistance to abuse. We don't sacri{ice beauly to make our panels this strong. The unique rib design of Pro-Panel ll, available in a variety ol colors, creates an eye- pleasing shadow patlern that enhances the appearance of any building. ll you are using metal panels, Go with the pro. Pro-Panel ll. NO CREEPING OR GAPPING The reduced flat area between the main ribs and the two intermediate stiflening ribs grves Pro-Panel ll extra strength and built-in rigidity, When fastening, there is no tendency for it to creeo. ECONOMICAL 36" COVERAGE Pro-Panel ll's full 3Joot width coverage and custom cut lengths up to 40 {eet make it cost efficient to in- stall. There are fewer panels to apply, fewer rows, less fitting, and fewer fasteners. The outstanding spanning capabilities of Pro-Panel ll also make for fewer roof purlins and less loss al side and end laps. Finally, Pro-Panel ll is compatible with all standard channels, door jambs and other naroware. WEATHERTIGHT LAP DESIGN The unique siphon groove on the side of the panel interlocks with the side ol the next Danel to torm a weathertight seal. This design per- mits a lree{low water runoff while the non-leak drain channels out anv water that might be forced nlo the snugJitting lap. A VARIETY OF COLORS Pro-Panel ll, every bit as beautif ul as it is strong, is available in six rich earthtone colors that will accentuate any building. A thermosetting pro- cess welds four separate coatings to the steel, providing even greater durability than galvanizing. In addi- tron. the panel s interior surface is painted white to brighten and enhance the inside of buildings, and to give an extra measure of protec- tion against condensation damage. Lasting beauty goes with the pro. SOMETHING ABOUT METAL SALES Metal Sales Manufacturing Corporation is a metal roof ing and sidrng manufacturer serving all 50 states through manufacturing facilitles located conveniently throughout the continental U nited States. Our product lines are designed lor use in many phases of medium com- mercial/industrial, agricultural and steel building type applications. All products are made from high-tensile steel sheets coated with a siliconized polyester f inish for protection. utl F h h r 36 Cove,ase 314" 3/8',fl I lr 5ta" PRO-PANEL II DIRECT UNIFORM Span inches 16" -l- .r rr'-l-z za--l- -ly;.; I ,"11F 9', l' ^.-.1 i;; I ll50 TYP FffiI LOAD TABLE (29 cA.)20" 24' 30"36" Load pounds per sq. ft.344 lbs.220 lbs. 153 lbs.97 lbs.68 lbs. METAL SALES' 4 STEP PAINT PROCESS 1. Each panel first receives a hot- dip galvanhed (zinc) coating to protect the base metal against corrospn. 2. Next, a zinc phosphate coating is applied to improve the adhesion of the orimer coat. 3. The primer paint provides addi- tional protection from corrosion and insures the adhesion of the linal coating. 4. The final coat is a rich siliconized polyester tinish paint, providing a rich durable surface color and years of long-lasting protective beauty ProPanel ll colors are controlled to a 300/o low gloss to give the flat soft appearance ol quality. When CIEi-=ID Dolbb Anglo Fl|htr Sfi9 .l-r-Skyllghl Plnllr FUt. Stlp ordering Pro-Panel ll, specify color, The additional cost is small and color adds value and beauty to any building. CUSTOM CUTTING & SERVICE All producls are manufactured and delivered within 7-10 working days cut to exact lengths per contractor's specilications and are delivered on Metal Sales Mfg. company lrucks eliminating job hold-ups and potential oamage. METAL SALES'WARRANTY Metal Sales Mfg. Corp. issues a competitive warranty on the color coaled linish of ProPanel ll steel rooling and siding. For complete details of this warranty, contact your Metal Sales Mfg. representative. \ \NN-. t,l)/ I Wl.do Fltcb gr Pod Tdm metalsabs manufacturing corporalion i-rl3 ..qP"Jal"?3,m f-is 711 South Cherokee Denver, Colorado 80223 (303) 777-0100 Building Products Golors WHITE 129 Gauge High Tensile Steel I36 Inch Coverage, With %" High RibsI Weathertight Side Lap DesignI Jobsite Deliverres I Custom Cut Up To 40 Feet PRO.PANEL I EROWN GOLD GREEN BLUE BLACK MOCHA BROWN PFO-PANEL II NOTE: S ope cial Installation o Instructions Roofing and Siding Both roofing and siding should be started vertically at the end of the building, op- posite from the direction of the prevailing wind. Girt spacing should be no more than 36" for normal sidewall application. ll is recommended that purlin spacing be no more Ihan 24" for normal application with a slope of at /ea st 21/2" per tool of run. The recom- mended slope is 4" per foot of run for large buildings. See table for end lapping data. End Lapping Data Pitch- Rise Per foot of run 2" -21/2" 21/2" -4" 4" -6', Lap Length 12" Lap 9" Lap 6" Lap Maximum Run Length 15' 33', 55', No end lap should be less than 6". For complete weather proofing, caulk all side and endlaps. regardless of the pitch. The maximum recommended run is 55'. Sidelaps should be caulked at the top of the rib. while endlaps should be caulked at the end of both the top and bottom sheet. How to Nail For best results use 2'' galvanized steel ring or screw shank nails with neoprene washers. Select nail lengths for roofing and siding that do not go completely through purlins and girts. Do not overdrive so as to dimple or distort. Estimating Nails-As an average,90 nails per square are used for rooling and 50 nails per square for siding. How to Apply with Drill Screws Generally, 1" screw fasteners are placed in the f lat area of the sheet at g" on center. Do not overdrive so as to dimple or distort.l%" woodgrips are used for the lapping rib. lf purlins are placed over 24" apart, stitching screws are recommended on the lapping rib in between the purlins. Cutting Because the bottom side is flatter. it is recommended that roofing and siding be cut from the bottom. A power saw nibbler, snips, or profile shears may be used. Storage Instructions lf metal roofing or siding is not going to be used immediately, it should be stored in a dry area. lt should be unbundled and stood on end against an interior wall. lf materials must be stored outside, protect with canvas or waterproof paper. lf plastic is used, do not cover air tight. Application Precautions: Avoid installing directly over green or damp lumber, porous insulalion. or other damaging materials. The use of a moisture barrier is recommended in such situations. Strong chemicals, such as fertilizer, manure, some soils and lime mav cause damage- Storage or application near such materials should be avoided.