HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 2 LOT 29 TO 40 PTARMIGAN TOWNHOMES LEGALTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 ilob Address: 1975 PTACID DR I.OCAEiON. ..: L975 PI,ACID DR Parcel No. . : 2103-LL4-L7-029Project No. : PRJ00-0249 APPLIES]flT AQUARIUS PIJUMBINGp.o. Box 33762, NORTIIGLENN, CO 80233coltrRAeroR AQUARTUS PLtMBTNG DEPARI!4EI{:T OF COMMT'NITY DSVEIJOPMEI,IT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT AIL TIMES PLT]MBING PERMIT Permit #: P00-0101- Status...: ISSIJEDApplied..: 09/2L/2oooIssued...: 09/28/2000Bxpires..: 03/27/200L Phone: 303 -469-60L9 Phone: 303 -469-60L9 OWNER P.O. BOX 33762, NORTIIGLENN, CO 80233 FORST TRACY 'J - IIIJNTER JAIVIES A - PUCHI DAVID C & SAI\IDRA, 550 FOREST ST, DEli[\rER CO 802205153 DescripLion: INSTALL FI:CIURES TO EXISTING PLtMBvaluation:3,850 . o0 rrr*rrr**t**1rrrr.rrrrirrr*irrrrrrrrrrttir!}trttrr+r**r*'r*'lirr*r* pEE st uidARy *+t*rr*rrii*r**rrl*r**rrr*tittrar*rr*r**rarrrrrrtrlirtrarr Plurbing-----> Pl.n ch6ck---> fnv6atsigacion> 'ti]l c.ll- - -- > Raatuarang Plan Ravi€tr-- > TCrtA! PBES---- - Tots.l calculaC.d F!!a- --> AddibioEl Fc.!---------> Toc.l P.rnits F..- --- -- --> Paya.lrC6----- -- BAIAIICE DI'E-.-- 6o .00 15.OO .00 .00 7B.OO 79 ,00 75 .00 153 .00 153.O0 .00 fEe.B: .q5180 BUILDTNG DEPARITI|EIiIII Depts: BUILDING Division: O9/21,/2OOO iINOLEN ACIiON: APPR APPROIr'BDI!egr:"q5600 FIRE DBPART!,IENT Dept: FIRS Division:09/2L/2000 'INOLEN Act,ion: NOTE N/A t*ttrtrt'rriirtatttii*iit'rairta * * J alr rr rrJ r rr'rtttt ra * t *.ttl. trlr i CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FTELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIBCK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICB. a'r|, r J rr rrJ rr atr t i+ra*tr tt t a t*rrt ri r'r+ra rr trr** r irrr *ll r *rr* rtr r rttri'rtta* t.r ti trttrt ttt !rtr tt t DEC[,,ARATIONS Co coEIrIy ylCh rI1 Toitr ordLnlrtcos .nd rt-gc lar6, .rtd to build this sEructlrc rccordiog to th€ cod.s, dcsiga r.vicr .pE !ov€d, Iraifolo Buildiag cod. .trd othsr ordLnanc.g oi.chc to"n' REQUESTS FOR IN9PEeIIONS AIIAIJJ BE IIADB TI{EME-POIN HOI'RS TN IDTnI|CE BY cobplcEad an rceuraE. ploE ploc plan, vl.at-on 8:00 Atf 5:00 PU STG AfORE OP POR HIUSEIIF IND OIINER o *tllt,ll*attl. tt*tti!t*att*a*tatta*latti*titt**t**r**f tt*t*it**tr *t at TCrWlf OF VAIL, @I{TRAIX) gtatennt ll * a*!latai atia!l|}a**ll*ttt*ltt*att!rtatttttt*att*t | l}t**tll ttr a* tt t*a *r gtat€mt llurbcr: REC-o581 tnount: 1S3.0o o9/29/oo og.L6 Paynelt ltethod: 4o3o lfot.tLo!: A0[IARIuE pl|In|Brvc Inlt: iIN Perml.t No: P00-0101 Tlpe:.B-P!trrlB PIjTUBINS PBRUIT Parcel No: 2103-U,l -L7-O29 Slte AddrerB: 19?5 PITaCID DR I-ocatloa: 19?5 PLACID DR Total Fees: 153 . oo Thl! Payocat 153.00 Total AIJJ Pmts: 153.00 . B|lancer .00 tttl t|ltt tla *|}t*attil tii|lt llttllat*t ltati ttat t** *!r tt *t t** *t t t* * t *t * Accorr|rt Cod€ Ilcecrlptio enount PP OO1oOOO311110a' PIITI||BMG pEnUrT FBES 60.00 PF 00100003112300 PLe CEECf, FEBA 15.00 cL 00100003123000 coItTRAcIoR LICENSES ?5,00 __T_::i:::::ii::::__-_:ti-T_T::T:::_:::__ _____ ____t_ll__ AppLrcATrorOLL Nor BE AccEprED rF r*co'prE]* unrrnn=o Proiect #: Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 970-479-2149 mtrn0FYtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 _ ov// COnELt Asqcssrc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel #Parce|#(Requiredifnob|dg.permit#isprovidedabove)2/w k) rob Name: tr o R-s-f ?es-, Ap u" " nu aaaressff,# rPn;&P '4rp6'oQ -rotoNll/&'85 I y tj ut) - @Z-e (tpck nr, Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name: FO ZST Address: tft/n F Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: ,(;l"ota/! a.)-u h"o *\ulruz<.t eXartl-x,e ilt."L,r ^ Work 9lurt,__wgt1|$Addition ( )Alteration ( )n"pairff o Typeof Bldg.: Single-tumilyp{ Duplex( ) Multi-family( ) Commerciat ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) L No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PTUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) ). . CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Plumbing Contractor: A Q*+p-T qS PLBG Town of Vail Req. No.:/39:7 Crntact and Phone #'s: ('elL t\h4-55O : Q.t c < - so3-.lbq bot q -/6oL Contractor Signature:1t'1, "in'/ / /;:zz-214. - *****************lr********************'tFOR OFFICE USE ONLY***'r**********r.*****t<**************** F/everyone/forms/pl mbperm fficD sEP 212000 HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Deparlment Russell Fonest Director, (970)47e-213s Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you conhct? Building Environmental _ Housing_ Admin Planning _DRB _ PEC 2. Was your initial contact with our staffimmediate_ dow _or no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your project reviered on a limely basis? Yes / No lf no, why noP 5. Was this yourfirsttimeb file a DRB app_ PEC app Bldg Permit_ IIUA . 6. Please rate fie performance of he staffperson who assisted you: 54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall efiectiveness of fie Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is the best lime of day fur you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would ailow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey, We are commitbd b improving our service. TOVIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROA.DvArL, co 81657 970-479-2t38 APPI,IEA}IT COIiITRACTOR OWNER Description: Elcctric.l- -- > DnB Fe€ Inv.stig.tion> t{il1 call----> TOIAIT PBBS..-> ELEqTRICAI, PERMIT rfob Address: 1975 PLACID DRLocation...: 1975 PLACID DR Parcel_ No-. : 2103-114-17-029Project No. : PR!T00-0249 MEADOW EI.ECTRIE COMPAIVY, INC. 7829 NILE CrRCtE, ARVADA, CO 80007 MEADOW ELECTRIC COMPAIiTY, INC. 7829 NrLE CTRCLE, ARVADA, CO 80007 FORST TRASY iT - HUNTER JAIVIES A - PUCHI DAVID C & SANDRA, 660 FOREST INSTAIJL RECESS IIGI{TING,WIRE GAME iTOBSITE AT AI-,L TIMES Permit #: 800-0i-80 status...: IssItEDApplied..: 09/2L/2000rssued...: 09/22/2000Expires..: 03/2L/2OOt Phone:. 303-424-2070 Phone: 303-424-2070 sT, DEMTER CO 802205153 ROOM, Valuation: L L, 700. 00 DEPARTMEMT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMEI{:T NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON *rirair FEE sulotARY 50 .00 .00 .00 3.OO 53 .00 i+rrrirrtir.rt Tolal Calculabcd PG.s- -- > Addicional Fees--------->: TotsaI Pcmit P€e--------> Pa].u€nta - - - - - - - 53.OO . oo s3.o0 SAI,ANCE DUE-... .OO tJttt'r*itit*'rattr'rt**t***at*tii t***ttrt*ttri*t CONDITION OF APPROVAI 1. FIETD INSPEC|IONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPL,IANCE. DECI,ARATIONS I hcr.t't' scknol'l.dE. Bh.! I h.v. rcad lhiE .pplication, f,illed oul in futl thc infonoation rcquircd, conpl.tod an rccuritr ploc p]rn, and sLaL6 t'hae all tshc lnfornrtlon lrrov-idcd aa rcqulrad la corracc. I agree to cortrttly rrllh tsha infoh!.tsiolt and plot plan, to couply rrith all To$n ordinrtrc66 and Etsat6 1al'6, and to butld thig stnrclure accordiig to tsh6 Aosn's zoning and subdLvLsion cod€a, dcdigrr rev-icw epprowcd, unLforE Building code and oth€r ordlnanc.B of tshc Tor.tr rpplicabl€ Eh.!ato. REQUASIS pOR INSPECTIONS SLAIJIJ BE MADE Tr{ENry-FOnR HOTTRS IN ADVANCE By TELEPHON8 AT {79-213S FROU a:00 A}| 5:00 Pl4 ITCM: O6OOO ELECTRIEAL DEPARTMEIVT DCPI: BUILDING DiViSiON:09/2L/2OOO iINOLEN ACTiON: APPR APPROVEDIt,bM:. 05600 FIRE DEPARII'IENT DCPI: FIRE DiViSiON:I9/21/2OOO iTNOL,EN Action: NOTE N/A OFPICE O t*'}**t *ta t I f*a | *il+atr att t*t tta !tata attt*t*** ttaa*ttitt t t tt .}r tt tr* tit** Stat€unt lflrDb.r: Rac-o678 lnouat: 53.oo o9/22/o0 oa:32 Pal4ent llcthod: 1712 lfotrtlon: l|EADow ELECIRIC Init : it![ 800-0180 Type: B-ELEC EITBCIRfCAIJ pERr{rT 2103- 1141-17- 029 1975 PIACID DR 19?5 PIACID DR Total Fees: 53.00 Total AIiL Pnta: Balance: tt!atttiia*aat*a*atttttrt titiat * ttrlt iit.ttttlllit* tftt ti t* t tf at tt *tt lceount Cod€D€n('lilptlon 8P 00100003111100 EIAeRXCBLT PERUIT FEEg l|e 00100003112800 rr!,Ir CAI;L llfSpBerlq{ pBE *tti*t* |lt}**l *i tt*i I ltairttt * t * gtate|!!t rrr, **t** *ttfta*rt ta t*ittt* *rr Tonlt oF vAIIr, OOI{IRADO Pemit no: Parcel lfo:gi.te Addrcrg : &ocetldr: Ihl! Palmqrt 53.O0 53.00 .00 Anount 50.oo 3 .00 AppucATroorlr Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMplfoR uNsrGN _ Pt?Project #: Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #r 970-47 9-2149 (Inspections) 75 S, Frontase Rd. Vail, ColoraEo 81657 Prfrp.Il/GN dMl/cuffi #27 Contact Assessorc Office at 970-328-8&0 or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if n9 449. permit # is erov-deld Job Name: ,+Qr€t'-Frer*eS'f H. si a gPG6.JobAddress:,q ,{K"'K!{ E*{*" o* Legal Description ll Lot: ll Btock: ll niting:Subdivision: r\(it + Zq owners tlame: HA vtrK ( /r",Osfll nooress:r1 d 3 r n Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed dFcription of work: rnli[arl-t&c ess Ur]trrDq Drsr uo, HnrL K,f.hrp., lalpu CnrE?oo- . thnr:a.- cs*,*L WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel ffi Repair( ) Temppower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior pQ Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type ofBldg.: single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-famity Dq commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: IS t!!! peMtt fqr a hot tub: Yes (No D{- Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (tabor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICALVALUATION: $ tq..tn o-9 CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Electrical Contractor:Town ofVail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: rtrr***lrt(*rt*t **lr ** ***************FOR CE USE ON LY* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r. *:t * * * * * * * * * * * tr * * tr rr * * F:/erveryone/forms/elecperm RECD SEP 212000 o 6l i3Bd8 l. a|JE 4 co 'Ho2 I.oot o o o 3oI!|o t: AHcElo o o oo n| oo o aEl' :<E::,E HE5;P" C e8 d CA|l6E b oo o co o o at o .| o (, '-t, IA 8r" !aalo r at O. ATT 'AH ot!?t ilOI Hea !l lr|coo E o oo o oo o o I H o HEEIp. A I ET iaH'aI E H:{H'l'D EI El' 6 I T!o x EA H EII- EoIIAERl|EU aH g U E z AI H frff a ELTq :.t{ p I G| o dobeNlln Fld dor)TTI|..5dofr8r EE8 REPTl31 hso.c{bn l{Hoil Itcm: 520 Itorn: 70Itcm: 90 Ac0\,lty: 80&02()8 TvDc:ContTfpi: Occrpaibrr:Pric.l: 210311417029 AElced: HAWKCONSTRUCTION, lNC. Cor{rac'lor: HAWK CONSTRUCTION. lNC. Ornor: Dcscrlption: Nirtlcc: Cofimcd: Sttb r;pe: usc: Phottc: Run 257 AMF Stet6: ISSUEOV1-HR lnsnAl6' r*t 30$972-0317 30$972-0317 R.ousst.d helocflor{3) lcm: 00 ALDGT-FhdRcdrCor: Devld Hawt( Coninrcrilr: On Ct.. 3O321G3895 AsslgncdTo: CDAVIS Ac di: Phonc: .ETC.NEV\' LOFT FLOOR B APPROVAL REOUIRED FOR THIS INTERIOR CONVERSION. CONDO LETTER OF E/22iOO - KATHY Time Ee: Item: 226 FIRE DEPT.It.m: 510 diwwrv 0!Itam: 10 BLttGFddrytt.m: 20 BLDeFdndi Itcm: 30 BLDGFranins (OirlioriaD too,lit 0- Inspcc,tor: JRM Corrncnts: APPROVED It6m: 50 BlDeltl3detlon (Ogtlonsl) Itcm: 60 ELOGShrct|od( Nall ioptional)_- _. _ _i 0-4.0 )0 Insp.dor: _ JRM 4pprovcd'l Acflon: " Apffowd " Aclion: AP APPROV APAPPROVED Itcrn: 530 BLDGTomD. CrOItcm: 531 FIRE-TEMP. C/OItqn: 532 Itcm: 533 Itcrn: 537 Itcm: 538llcm: 539Itom: 540 (,,#,* AIPID ltrfotmClon REPT131 Run Id: 257 R.qurC.d hspsct Odo:- AsComd To: lnsoec{Fn Tno: Efte Addbbs: - T),po: &PLMB occupancy: sftt"**08,2000 PLf{8 1975 PLACID DR VAIL 1975 PLACID DR A/P/D tnbmradon Adivitv: P0G0t01 Const Type: Ptrccl: 21031141 Apptcatt: o|Mren Cor*rudor: Ooscri*ion: Roorded lnoorcdon(sl liom: Roqrstor: Cdrincntr: Assidlcd To:- Action: hsoe ctlon Hlstoru Commdts: 0ff28n0 Corrncnis: Itcm: 230 Item: 240 Status: ISSUEDlmp&ca: JAMESA. D(sTING PLUMBING Timc E)p: Phono: 301.[696019 Phonc: 3094696019 R.rirod.dm: 08:lXlAt Entored By: KWARREN2 K Itcm: 210 PLM Sundcrsolndhcm: 220 PLM&RouqftD.W.V.0g28n0 lr;D.d (Optlonal) cD(optionaD * Apgovcd - Ac'tion: APPR APPROVED N 280m llcm: Itam: Itc r: Sub Tgee: AIvlF U+ ?4 vr-,,1 rt''i whz r(f TOWN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 IIAWK CONSTRUETION, INC, 7648 SOTIn{ IIAIINS PEAK, IIAWK CONSTRUqfION, INC. 7648 SOtIffi ITAHNS PEAK, FORST TRAqY ,J - HI'NTER PUCHI DAVID C & SAI'IDRA, ? l--*'b* Phone:. 303-972-03L7 co 80127 Phone: 303 -972-O1L7 co 80127 sT, DENVER CO 802205153 DEPART!,IENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOtE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ONJOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ATT MF BUILD PERMIT PETMiT #: BOO-0208 ilob Address: 1975 PLACID DR status...: ISSUED Location. .. z L975 pl,AcrD DR, #29, pTARAppIied. . .H08/24/2000 Parce1 No..: 2L03-Lt4-t7-029 Issued...: 08/30/2000Project No. : PRf00-0249 Ercpires. . : 02/26/200l APPI.ICAIIT col{TRAcroR OWNER Description: Building- -- --> 91aD ch.ck- - - > InweatsLErtion> Hlll call----> LITTTETON. IJITTIJETON, iIAIIES A - 660 FOREST TOi//Comm. Dev. REMoD KIT/BAITIS /CABS/rIxn REs, ETc. NEn LoFT FLooRC t ea n - U p DepOS it RefU nd Occupancy: R1 Multi-Family TIE)e ConsErucEion: V 1-HR TIrye V 1-Hour Type Occupancy: Valuat.ion:28,L50 llraplace Inforuallon: Rrstrletrd! YBg *of caa Appllmcc6 ! approved amount Add sq r9$te sL *of Oar Log€ |*of wood/Pe116t ! rrrrr.rtirtr*rrtirrtirrirrrr.r FEB suto,tARI 343.O0 222.93 .oo 3.OO .00 2't.30 250 . OO s16 .25 .oo 446.25 Raatuarrnt Plan R6vi.r-- > DRB F..-------- Recraatloa! Fee----- -- --- > cL6rn-Up Dcpo6it - -- - - - - - > Tolal celculibcd Faaa- -- > Addifional Pc.6---------> Tocrl Pcnit F€6--------> .........:..*...........:::ll.ili3.;;;::;;;;;;;:,.........::13i"........H11.3T;;;;;;;;;;;;;:,,.......,..;::... ITCM: O51OO BUII,DING DEPARI!4ENT DEPL: BUIIJDING DiViSiON: O8/25/2OOO KATIIY ACtiON: APPR ROIITED TO iIR!I IUbM:.O54OO PI,AI{NING DEPARI!'IENT DCPT: PIJANNING DiViSiON: O8/25/2OOO KATIIY AcLion: APPR PER 'JITDY-NO DRB REO,Drtb.tna'.056q0 FrRB DEPARfl,tENi Dept: FrRE Division: 08/25/2OOO KATI{Y Act.ion: APPR N/Ar!b.rnr'.0Sgqo pLrEI{rc woRR:g '. DepL: PIIB woRK Divigion: oe/25/2OOO KATIIy Action: APPR N/A *arr**r*itrr.r*i r*ltrftrtrrt*rrar ir*tttt*t*tirt*t**tttatt*attirtltta*ra*t See Page 2 of this Docunent for any conditsions that may apply to Ehis permit DECI,AR.ATIONS I hereby .cloorl.dgc chat I hav. rcad thi. aplrlication, flllcd oul in full the inforinatsion rrquiled, cooltlGts.d rn accur.te plot pl.n, .nd .C.!. Chrt rll th. infon Cioh providcd ra rcquirad i. corr.ct. I agr.c to cooply rrith tsh. inforo.tLon and Plot pl.n' to cdlrly righ .11 aovn ordinrncca .nd .!rt. 1.r., and to build thi. €trucgu!. eecording co !h. losn'. zoning end rubdiwl'gion codca, dcsl,gn rrvlcr e;rProvcd, Unlforo Bullding codc and oEhar ordinenccs of th6 torn applicrblc thercto. REQUA9TS PoR IN9PECTIONA SIBIJIJ BE UN)B Tl{lNTf-roIJR ltolrRs IN ADI/}NCE BY tE g.nd cl€an-Irt, D.porlt to! BA9{K *tt:ltt*******************************:t*************:t:l**:l:l*:t:l:l:l*:t*!t!t********!trl***** COIIDITIONSPermlt #: 800-0208 as of O8/30/OO Stsatus: ISSUED ************************ttrt:t:t:l************************!t******!t*!t*********!t:l*!t:t:t!t* Permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT MF BUIITD PERMIT Applied: 08/24/2000ApplicanE: HAI{K CONSTRUCIION, INC. rsBued: O8/3O/2OOO303-972-03L7 To 8:<pire: 02/26/200L ilob Address: LocaEion: 1975 PI-,ACID DR, #29, PTARMIGAII TOWNHOMES Parcel No: 2103-LL4-L7 -O29 Description: REMOD KIT/BA$TS/CABS/FIXTURES, ETC.NBW LOFT FLOOR CondiE,ions:1. FIEIJD INSPEqTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR EODE COMPLIATiTCE.2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AIiID FI.,OORS TO BE SEAI.ED WITTI At{ APPROVED FIRB MATBRIAL.3. SMOKE DETEETORS ARE RBQUIRED IN AI,L BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1 0F 11IB 1997 I'BC.4. FIRE DBPARITI{ENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAII BE STARTBD. (l ttf *ttt**ttraartttt***taa*arrit $Omf OF VAIL, COIPRADO Statemt a ttatt t!la*tt ta ft*i'trtattrttra*it!taa *t * rla ttt** * r arr ta ta t ** tt lt I tlllr Statmt lfir[b!.: RBc-o6?1 iuount: 846.25 oa/3o/oo Lo.59 PayneDt letbod: Cf, lfotition: *1O829/mfK Inlt: I,c Pcnlt tto: EOO-0208 T!8.: A-fF AI)D,/ALT lfF BUILD PER Parc€l l|o: 2103-U{-17-029 gLt€ Addresr; 1975 PLACID DR IIOCATION: 1975 PIACID DR, *29, PTARUIGAIIT TONNITOIIBS o r ***t Total Feee: 845.25 TotaL ALIJ Pmta: Balance: a*ta*attrat*tt*r**r*taaaatlaa*a*aaa**rl*tlatttt*a*****t*tt**t*tr* Account Code De.crlptl@ BP 00100003111100 BltrutrHo PBRIi|IT pEEA PF 00100003112300 PLAtf CHECK rEEs ED D2 -DAPO8 CIJEINUP DEPO8ITA RF111OOOO31127OO RBCRBATIONIFEB8 wc 00100003112800 rILIJ cAIfJ lrSPBqfrorf FEE iti***.1*!}lt*t*tt*lt*!lt:t**t*t nrlr PalDqrt 846 .25 e46 ,25 .o0 emount 343 . OO 222 .95 250 . O0 27 .30 3.00 ApplrcArrorOrLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLElR#lTH Building Permit #: 970-479-2149 (Inspections) 75 S. Frontase Rd. Vail, ColoraEo 81557 Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! Contact Assesgorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit forParel # Pargel# tto, tt1ltu* :ob Name:TfzFcr ft iob Aooress:PlA(lD Dg. ,,1Qv tt r^n (to..-. +Zq Lesal Descnption ll tor: LQ ll aoct Filing: l Subdivision: ?fpmrA*l owners *ut"TRra*E,sr Address:r7t D. a! /a-t #za Phone:Pru'1419- eotLtrffiP*9srfr..(,,^*ir A\ aau"s fAtI\.q,t-qLo1 Fnctiqeer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: Ra^ur- V,rek,o 1 g6r*s -&u AA;{s * Eu.rtuo, /fr,^ /h'rr/ n,l N I,>Ir FAe/- WorkClass: New() Addition( ) RemodelSQ Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior\Q Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family @{ Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Tvpeof FireplacesExistinq: GasAopliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq(f') No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) DoesaFireAlarmExist: Vesfi) No( );f*..1: ll OoesaFireSprinklerSystemExist: Yes( ) wo(() COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) BUILDING: $ !{rcr@ -ELECTRICAL: $ I 96.OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ ,sTO-MECHANICAL: $ t-b"rorAL: s ;18, /Sb - REFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION fr #'si lt$,r (4ot *****t!*!r*****'r**!t********rr*************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**'r r!*:r **r.*******t'*tr******:t*t!**:tt ** De8 APrsorrAL EIdD FoB Publlc Way Pemlt Fee: Lrc ruro reofl4o F :/everyondforms/bldgperm-pp. gUn{ - -J5EDIOC. c6fir,tpstdrr- tob FIDDB,qPAt. FROT'I : HRUK PHlt'.lE l''O, : 383948452?A.r9, 19 W W?3FPt1 Pl HAWK CONSTRUCTION, INC. 7548S. EehusPc.f Uttlctoq Colondo fllf2? OFFICTT 3(}L97e|}3r7 TAX: 36.90&s5!17 FACSIMILE COVER SHEET FA)( # >*,dnh .r*i,M Subject Regffding: Totalmrmbaof co\f6 slee,t: FRTI'I : IR.JK O",""3ff.Fi; .e="o*T,o ",!o,Fe' rs wt"aJ'gFn n PTARTTiIGAN TOUIT{HOUSE ASSOCIATION lsTsPtACtO DRrvE vAtL, co.81657 To: Dave llaMr llewhGon$rudlsr As Managhg Agent for Phrmlgan Townhom$ | ha\re be€n asked to convey b the Building Depafinent of the Tourn of Vail that Ptarmign has been aeked to approve ttre remodel flans of unn 29. All construdidr, to our knolledge will be to the inbrior of fie unit; there wlllbe no dranges of astrucfi.lralnatureUutwill underminethe lnbgdty of the bultslng. lf there are stuctural changes intended they must be submlted b and apprwed by a certfletl engineer. Common ehmenb $dr es €Ddedorvnalis, fie roof, etc, cannot be altered or aftc{ed wlthout wriffen assmiation appro\lal. Any proiect u,itr high impac{ actr'vity t}nt orea$s noise hdt ould distutb neighboring unib must be done durlng normal l4qkine hors (8A.M.- sPfu.) Gonsruc{ion vehicle$ mtH b€ parked In"he units assigned €paoes of in guest parklng. TheAseoclationwill need a liaUlltycerttcate of insurancefrom the General Gonbador, and a Torvn of Vail btdlding pemlt The buildhgs and grounds are to be leltexactly as they were hund. Anycleanup ry ne freo<fation dwing or afier the constlrtlon will be bllled to fie or/{rer. Ptarmigan Managing Agertt Tom Saalbld 4'-". b ; s ..1 ill Z- o- U \-/oI LL Fa E- L- O Z.traxL! /P ! I { ; a o rE z. (9 =E F(L Z. I o_ E-ooIu- O Z.oO LLIa O Z. =ax [_l ,@ O.*,u* RESTDEN.E REM.DEL PTARMTGAN #18 PROPO;.Ep BAIH/CLOSET ADDITTOH'' -lthJt Jfifi$* ++ ei$jl t3 5$ru3; 5s_EfH;g d 9v{5_--w la l1 ds4 1l; #3\s_!EN--r7/tv- iarl ir J $,o v] .$\d =+Eqr 42._x rw)idiJ e4\55>-rT 4[$ \d.tr <.l g JF$+"\ll 3+S Jll FO $ffi cc 85 35 e8 -).6- rf€-rt- $ @F A-ds o) 5n*aI lp 4l?rrrE rt lq EX!aTI]IG FROI{T ELEVATIOII EX!ST|]{O/PROPOa!D RIAR lttVATtON rte r EXIETII{G #18 REAR ELEI'ATTON PROPO$ED REAR ELEVATIOI{ EZI +tg EXIITITO REAR ELEVATIO]I PROPOSED REAR ELET'ATIOI{ X'6 -JtJ{. 3.2603-11:55AM .Fron rland Titlt (tit4) Dry,,flrtD-sl9lL,L!XI ryqroNil l,gt N0.411* -'P.U t##ff"ffifl"#:'comPonY our oritt NrmDcr: VIltl?9532'2 p"1., 95.0I.!003 ProDcrtl Atlircrs:-1Y'5 PT"ACID DNVE ETBSIB^N'BOAYAE l? VAI{Xo.ID YA]!..co lt63? Amr M NDF Tltmcr 9t&l?9'!:ll6 Ba; D7ftl7t'l30 B. Vh Onl.fta' NilBTFf . .FromiLand Tltlc (ll4)Duilgf E,,AliD",s!9U! lgU.r'lEToNM irDr-JUN. 3. 2A@B-11 : 55At'1 NO.411 4 "P.3 Land Tltle Giuorentee ComPrnY YOURCONTACTS DstG: 05'0?'2003 Our Ordcr NurnFcrr VTFtlgSS''l ProFdqY Addrcr:-19?5 PIAcp DR[\m *lTt "q " p1o1*,.P- *.E c',r"vNrrz' tlgL gt6 t' Notcr Onc. rn orlBlnrl cQmnlrm.|lt hos b'en itstod' rny ntbtequcnt i"irn*ii.* *rn [c cmphaslrec by undcllnlng ol.PiPlcnn .rr*{r..rt'tt*i.*"rntt"..tnfi'tiiiJl** **"t-t"tt* f t*rrt',tl itr*l''rt{'r IIyou hrve rW lnqulris or rcqulro lurthcl srsletrncc' PleuG oonilct ollo of tlrc nrmlglfl1];Ot**' For closlnB Ar,lr0rncq vil Tlth 'Yf'utdt B4gcr Avllr ros S' F'otIrtP Fd' W' {t2o3 Po' Bort97 Vril, Co tt657 Phn;9?0'4?62151 Irbr 9?0'47&tls34 Enuih f,rvllr@l$c'corn upcondng cloclng? ch'clr out lrnd tlttlctt s'Gb tlte rt "*'tS* Aln LoaD Pottc)t 10'17'91 OcfOon of U"oPlon l'3 (tdo'hr) ;;i;ffi oi e"rnl uc+lon 4 (Lendcr) Dldotelnrrrt 100 (I4illc r) ffi-iil,i scn* nouns ho hcn ordcrtd trn Etfc !vil ffi; scii i'ooezs n bon odcnd rnrn Erglc cy $6?0 .00 $3O . oo tlo. oq 93o .00 115 .00 115 , oo forn cEalBlcl ' L lllANI( Y(xl soR YOun' onDBrl '-' -JUN. 3.nO3 11:554t'l. Frqn:Land Titlc (lill)DUffSE, AN,D-, strg!-L L-Ex I NGToNti MUT r.to.41l' -'P.4 OrlcrSo Tllc brrunnce comFlv ALTA COMMT'tMENf our dcl No. vTGl79g12-2 CutL RcL:Echcduh A PrnDGrtr A&lrcscr-tgzsnrco pnrvs l.Ellcctlvc Drtc:FcbnnrJ !4r to03 rl5roo P'DL Pollcy io bG lr$r.d' rnrl Ptoporail lnrurtdl $00,000.00 "AIITA" Irdl Pollcy l0.rT'gt ProurcdlEtnd:;itffiill' 6n vNI. Irs snscEsltons N{D/on AssIq{B TbcGrtstGor|nt!rg.i|tlh.|rnt|dcreribcdorrcfcttcitto|nlbbcoliln|hilflt.ndcovoFdhcn|n|r; ADccffic Tlth to thc ctlrle or Inldutt aovcrtd hcrcln l' rl thc ttlccttw d'tt hcr'ot Ycttsd fn! JoY cE EAErGir, JryP -!ltlgn1n*'l#W1ffi *' f,tT NI-FN ivalls CnIN4GS,-uIANq Thc|rrrrlrcfcrtcdtot||t|tl3cololtdqnm]Edrrcr|bcdrr[ol|owr; miw,mgmp'imsfl'mffff"#', - -JUN. 3.2943_11155F}4 DINST4ORE AID SHOFIL LEXINGTONI ITDT. .FroniLand 1i11s (t{4) Jco u' 'i" -vv'N0,411'r vtP,5 ALTA COMMITMENT SclrdtcE 'S'cioD I (Rrqulnrncntr)Our Ordct No. V[fi'270531'1 Thc tollowlng a|! 3hc r'quhemcDfr b bG comPllcd vlth: tErn(r)Wm*Dorlor0rorrcorn!otJtrgfllio|'ormoilrSonot0llE||conr|derrdonior|h.G|&or liltlcst to E iltsurti |Em(b)ProFr|IIE|Drn(s)clt.{|gdFGrbEorh!t!|ttDbG||5tltdn[tboGr.cuEddtdtb|ytl|Gdtorrtconi' b-f,lt: Ia||r(c)F.Flot.llBo|,chr8rfo's'.rsrfl'b|ev|Gdadrrsarcdrgdrt0Ftuh|lc3Ptlil$G,lwHch$.dr rdPryeUc' tfin (d) Adddonl nqdrtmcnu' lt ry dl*losed blow; DSD OFTRUSTFNOM ffin:tucrNJslEEvfiffixxrrreosEcunETtIEslrMoFffiiEfficdm?ronrre'uEE oF $10,000.00. Hffi,ff"ffiJ.iH,?Sffi'8trff $sff HSff f:ffi il'ffi ','* it6uii,itrrlrD oolrDlrroNs orrlr'rowN oF v A'PI,ICABI.E NOIE: IIlMlt l'3 oI'TIIE STANDAID EXGPTIoNS Am HERf,Dy DELEItsD' NSIhffit lrglffi s ulILL BE DEr'urED trPoN nEcEIFr or A riri'r|{ri NOTICE oF FEE qlANgq ETFECTIVE sEFmMBE',R l' 2002 rttt'rr*rr Fuil,|'rr ro cororado n::t5cl srhtE 3Q,10'42rr "" 'ITTJ'Jl#ffiH"'Hlffl'f;fi'fiLT#:l;T t' Jiftt** toelvctl tor ptotdlnS or tlling hr ldr or trl toaF Frld[ld B sgln|!'r' ;tlo'ii??: (,,r'4T"^" oulloft,trilD*sfglb !5'rlFiqIoNM MDr N0. 411 t erP, 6 ALTA COMMITMENT SclgiulcE's'cdon2 (ErccPdons)Our Ordcr No. VII'dt9S3t'l ThgPo||gyorPo|lc|crtobcirnredw|||conra|nc*eptlorutothclo||owinEun|Gr'lhg|omc|r!d|'poscd of toth! mdttrctlon ot thc CoI'|Pr Yr t. llghlr orcldnr otprilalnprrcrslonnot'hortD [ [rc prFllc ncott' 2. 'h.erne r or cldn$ of cdotneDbr not 3horvll by l|E F|Uic tlcolo l, Dlrcrrprrcle, co tlcE ln boudly llns, shorlr3J In 'El cnrlErchrtllEt -Tfl lv sAE ttlich r Go|TaGt tr|vcy dll InrFc{on "t ,r* r"'-t' iliiaitr"tt ttl *rtrfu Jnoitttom by lh fbllc tccoldt' a, Aw lleD 0r dght !o ' llcN} torsc lor'' l'Fr or rnr&rl't ilErcolor! or lFretiir rurltltcd' lnporcd by l|rw rnd ' -isnorvn I th PHlc ncot{c' s, Dctrcq, [t|F, enrunDrr'csr, dvcn!-cl.trFor*::-fitts.it ry'iT*U:lffiSl5H:.Slf * ocl{ng nnrcErtnr o-ttffilvc Ain h'ttot D$ F|ot 6 bc dets lhc pfoFrc" I ydlc lm crotc ortrnnirlit-ttstgt tllcon cosqcd !d fig Co||lilmnc 6. T0xG. or rpeelrl rstcNstr*rts flhlch m mt rhown rg crlrdn3 llclu by 0f trlillc ltcoilt' 1. Ucil lor uFFd'il vlbr ld oeTcr clurgcr' ll !V' i.tnrd4|doq|hGotlFf|p||gv4llbcru[Nccttoilp[tottgcc,|fr$lmc4|nscc|lonlotSc|rdtJcDbrcoc 9. NGIrr oF FnoPRIEToR oF A VEIN oR I'ODE To EXTRACT Ah'D nEMOvc IfE OnE r'EEEFROr't s'ou$'ffi ;Are bn qq12.r6 ffiffii,ig "R mrtnsrcr rxr PnEMFES As RE5ERVED nr ufi"rrri,*sii'iilsr^m'lt nrc-dfiEp iuNE l!lY-T' N BooK '3 Ar pAcE t5 ^xp m.oiii6 6iiornna, r9rs N BooKes ATPAGE30!' 10. NGHT o[r wAY noB DITCIIES oB cAN'AIs CI)NSISUCIED BY II{e aq-THj}n$a or TflE ru'iiinno,'^*^'-lu.ffi#*S'H";;6n'a5;;:ffi'J;^t#^Hi""' ntloorcr aTPA6 301. tl.nEsTRIcul|EcovENANTswIrrcHDo.!'ioT.co,\TADiAFoITEITUJEoRREVEBTERCI,AUSE'BuroMnrrycgvEi':onni^rrriinnrsrnrcribiisliib-oNBAcr'^ffR"ffill$l';ffiffi ktsffi iffi Hfitfrh1'x"a;imn11scnot360?oF tiltrinsp{I"s"r3;i,rilI^1iliil{ii#fJsiitg3i?fr-'#J3'f; ssiYJhrn*conDED DISCnI!.fl{ATGAGA ;E"EIttE'-Eit'1969,'NB.,0l(216aTPAGE677' 11, ffiffi "Tlfls8}iffi lsi.ffiffi,'lffii*ffi\'"^f;$Hiffi $ffi * FILTNGNO.2. -T r.J d3.2B@-1xs6nm DU[SE",oll,?ys!9$! -L-E1|'!9Iot:tm upr N0.411 t qF.7 ALTA COMMITMDNT SdtcdulcB'S.clioD2 (ErclDllonr)Our Otder No- VIFl795l1'2 Thepo||cyorPo||a|.!lobG|pucdwt||contr|trcrocpdorutotholo|hvingun|cJ,thct.nc.rGrl|rpo*d ot t;3he p.dsLctlon of cll! colnPrlv: 1. llghF or cldnr ol Fil3t 1n pilccrlon not thottt }ly 0* pbllc rccord* ?. Earerrrrb, or cldlr of, e|'G|mrttr mt rhown by tlr ptllc ncot{ l, D|rcaprcleq cot{llc6 lD Fomdry ||tE' np{ff !. r|!f c|lclaorhmcili'':31y bco w)ilch ' corsct ruwsy rl i|IPccign ot ur p.tmrcl i;I-o'litlc'sta vrtrio .r. no-3 JDl?n by thc prHlc ncords' |.AwIG|bo]Ilglrlnal|e$[or|G|x|GG''|.brorDrrcr|.|[Frebfor!o]h0rt3rt|Err|gh!d,|Fno'GdDy|il.nd -i.ftotrm tY hc Pbllc recodr' 5. Dofcgb, llc|ur enc mhinccs' cdtsttc cfrlts o:Tr:'o"eo' lr 'vt GErt^4 ^tt|'t r"rdnr In 0r Ftbl|c reodr or rnrldn8 .uEaflrnr ,'iii,in .irc a.tc Hnor nt pillt ,i" lnri'u* proprca lriiuod aiqdnr ol ncotd for vcw {r crnb orhnresioiiirrm. lbrton covcled uy 0i' coilnltsncnr 6, TBct or tpccld rrrcrrr*nr rvhlch ut not rhovn I cdll4 llcnr E 0tc Flillc rEtort' 1. U3|r for unFid wrcr rd !G\w's clrr8:e' lt sV' & [r rddiion, lhc orrrdt Pollq wlll Dc ruDlcct b !p morgrge' il rry' mcd ln Soe[on I ot Schdulc E breot' f . ilGHr oF PnopnlEloR oF A v'EN on I,()DE TO UTnAcr AND nE${o\m HIS OnE sffi ##ilffi^##trrsgsrmmH**As ilrrliliKvril.' ^ ";il ciiiiroil' rcn 51 noors aT PAGE 30L FAGE 15 AND RECOBI 10. ruGIIT OF WAY FOR DITIC-IfES ON C'ANAI.S CON9IBUCTED EY TIIts AUTHONTY OF ITIE nrjJ,m*, wtsy^*'"' 301. ,1tE'ffi ffi fr s'^s,)-e5Hffi fl;i$l-sHillit$11,ffi*t#ffffi ffi "-' ffifH'tr{f mruili3tffifi"a;o'*1 1'r- Ty.don 360? oF A;;i"a-:r*Si,#.ilflftffi$lltl3.ff'PfJR"'f i-H*-rnEcoBDED DISCNITS{AIIEAGAffi;ffiil lr' uer,'utt Bo(x 216 aT PAGE 677' ,! ffimm'ansffiHuHffiffffiHsiffi ffi * FIIII{GNO.2' -.'-JUN. 3.M3 11:56AM DIISMOFE AI{D SHOHL LEXIT.rcTOM IiDT .' Fron Land Tltlc 0il4) (tctr v' '" -vr' --'- 'N0,411' ''P.8 . I , r r. ALTA COMMITMRNT Sclrcrillo B'Sectlon2 @xccptlolu) Our Oricr No' VIF1 '532-2 Tlrepo||cyorpo||c|clSobGr0cdrv|||conb|n.IctP3|on,fotieto||oringun|gtthc|itncrrcdrEopd ot totltc ntk0.dlon of thc cotFdvi l!'I|ilRI\|s'coNDtTlot{-sANI'lnovls[o-NsoFDjc[^R^TIo}irncolD.EDSEPIE|IBER'9'r,[9 IN EooK 3r4 ar PAdEI;; iiiri-rlr^f rrrrcr sLBIEct PRottnf,Y' ._- _-JUN. 3.20@-11 :56F*'1 ' .Frltrr'tana Titlc (i't4)- Dryof E,AllP" sll,oJlL tExI NgroNt ilDI N0. 411 ' -'P. 9 I I I I fosl DdEt(@ 0gllrlfa LAND TITLE GUARANTNE COMPANY DISCLOSUNE STATEMENTS NoL: Psnr.nt l,o CIS l0'tl'112, nodcc lr tEllbt gtv,Ti:B il-nt-.;ili',cf lroF*l;;tt iottoa rn r-apctrt *l1gl":*rEd trom r,* c6ntv ;i ;a;i;.e oriub nrn turnf cccb talrg lutrdcdor Trpsrrcfs ruhorlr:d rgcnt' cld dlsllcu nd tb bo|ll|rlrtcs of rudr drdcB nry_-q:Drlnd trom O Thc lr(ormrdon Egrtdttg tFcld *T"'^::i:;J;';..;;- or tlp Cortr{ At'6ror' orc Eogd ot counv t-ii5"iil;;*F clcrk nrd lmotdcr' or 0E corttry At Nor: Eftccdvc scprrmbr rr ree?, -cF ro:r011 lgf,lTfl"fffif Sfl:ilTf;,ffifiS* *g*Xfi*-.,'1![itriH'iniH,i!!ffi ;;;';nc.ouo1n!c:f rdoc'*trdilr does noicorfor111 .*pr*ii*-*+r[,*,cr- u" tp-#iltrt"il mrg'plv ?"dt$*tln8totrt8 on vtich rpre ir provrrco ro'rilEciiiii!"iii;ft-rni"rni"u*it ut roE '|n|8tn ot d|G docmehl Noer cotondo Dtvtdon or.nru**c n,sdrdoil 3't I ffi9rlt lffiI},If i$"s;**ffi Hlr*rum,* ffi{ f i ffiffir*ffiH* im. - Iiitlt"ito "tJo"g t6rn nrc uouudon wMch wrr closcd cong condFts m crorrrJii-fr r-r*a r*r*lon di i t-potttblc lar ncordlng thc ffiHffiff#';1ffi ilffiffi iltt -''m"' on rhc o*n"''' ndc Non: Alnntnfve rrcl|g G'r llor potes{on for qry: ttw Dc rvrlldc (tlflclly by dcledon of ErccDdon no. I or stncci" il ftoon i "r ut ""-t'#il ffi nr ovnriil Pollct o b f'?{} lsl i"m g#iiil'"I"ffi 'lHfH* -" t h r d*re '"ilv ."rrdcncc whr ch "tgtni1iffimilr:'$T#'"tTtp,lt'HyortrrEsmnrorprporceorcornorrrdon "n O* r.r'iii'l.li,, S"frOlfr r ot.mt lnrtottt* vftldn-rh pr 5 rnottfi' c) TtF corrpqt ,,", "o"r['I'fii":t'ii filt" ir,a#6iii'oo cot'pv rilnt rn'nnr '#trulcir e1d mlcrid-rrnt r llanr- Ir) Tltc ColtUsV ttn"t *ti-t p"l*t* ot rNr rFroFlrngenfim' rilil on [: poprty to b' Frdred [i ti;fi ]iil ftn corru$loq ltqrovcm'n! "ty-l:l'-#;;ffido oD'lir cirvcrqc''ill*'i"Si'.S:i'r.$J.1'":'"ff#mffii#iffiiiiiilo'*n'-'t'r-rrronroon r'Elficsc|trr,o,mrri.iJ'o.{rocoltsbEpy''iii:J.r'"n'pirtcpmr|urntu|lv gxccutcd ltdcm,v ^s;;;'lut'r*"v- to tt"-t"ffi ; ;4'rv fuolond r€$tlnr*nls $ ilv be Dccct6"v d;#;tffifii o:r oto trotoic foonn[on bv [F comFv' No coveilg! wlll p gtvon urdcr rV cltstrrlbnccs for hFr or n*tl'l tor vhlch dr lrrnrltd nr nonmcna tor or 'gtBcd to FY' lifi "ffi t?'#.Tlll''lil;fr'l':fi l.ff '*ng.iilffi ;ffi l:ilH{-.^'1ff';*llr"g;""trfi.1$ffi*ipffi'Hffi '5gqelo;ur B) TIl]$rh |l|lrFrd crDE rnqy lncltdc 0E dght b 'mtl-' sutfrc ovur'r Frmbclotr rilr no0ce 4llr, o .r[r" p"ut sortt|ittsrtB conflnlrrg e ml|Frrt tsecrrn'c t|rltilsil .1fi;iffi;ffi*poons, Inscilcdolc D' sccdon t' No'E r,.rrn :o"lll1c-d,*'l5"fiffii*Tff"frfiffffi" o provr& sv ot r'" Govctqct rclcrrcd lo h|rln |mlctl 3.?AO3 11I55FN DIATSMORE RND SHOHL LEXINGIONI MDT T{ t1 t fll4) Jt" "' '"e' -' - - - - ' N0.411- -'P.1B JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLTCY (ctrtdlrr Nrdoni Flnqrc'lsl cron otcolnr:1Y^1::::ilc Inturincc coFFot\y md Lrnrt fitte Glrrentoc ComPonY JuD l' 2001 ffiffiffiffiffitlffirffiffi'#W [nlhccouncofourbudn.r3'vamryco||ccPcnonrtlnsormrl|on.bout'ouftonthcrq||ow|n8lourccl! ffiW;gffiffi**m**x"iliffi:Hm#Til' ourPol|c|orf,GErrd|ryt|rehoiccFonotlheConl|r|ctt|d|trrndscct'r|t'o3YoorPcponrtlnlornrS|on X*ipffig*rmffi *ir,qrmgrmfroW$mg*r*rmr" Our Pollcter rnd hacdccs R'glrdlng the Shrring ol Your Portonsl Informodon IfoI?I6gg"lflf.$f*fig51'l;['Sffffi;iffigg$i5gffifri3pG'r rscnt'r rnd ocrcr cd "i'iJffi"*;f*r*ffiffi',rffi1'*:r*:3H:ffi n:x-""" ffiit'i#iffitr'ffiffissffiffifr$#ffiffi#dft ffi "g- Sn$rJ3,x,T[s[s*$*1fi,$ilti.lssill$H"e#*tc' I' b ttconr dof in thc pu'tc NShitoAcccrsYou]Pcrrona|Inlonmno[nDdAb|||lytocot?.ctErrorrorBcqrrertCheugcrorDdctlo|| f,frNwumrmm*wffil#-wr+"w*H;' i||'i-S'ii'"ffi,*,.t%frStHti:fl?t'P-'W'3'* ot codpnrci/clt'r8o nrtc Dr.-mG coilFrs Hflfis$ltffi'- Muf dplc Productl or sorvlccl -^_r^- r^rr itre ftcotie rmrl lrrn onc pdvtcy nodca f."Yitr$f sT,E'sffi t*rHpgm"n'#""i'll3yff 'vorr'.v'.cer?em loar| '!lf.Ed"CFI DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT o COMMI.JNITYTOWNOF.VAIL 75 S.FRONTACEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address.: Location.,....: Parcel No....: Project No...: FireDlace Information: Restricted: Y Building-> Plan Chcck--> Investigntion-> Will Call-----> Add Sq Ft: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0# ofcas Appliinc€s: 0 $853 . ?5 Restuarant Plan Review-> 9ss4 . 94 DRB Fee---_-_-> S0. 00 Recreation Fee----.-.> $3.00 Clesn-upDeposit-> TOTAL FEES--> NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES? ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT 1975 PLACID DR VAIL 1975 PLACIDDR#I8 2103tr4r70t8 Permit #: 803-0088 O$INER GRII{ES - EASTON - CAr!{NITZ - 05/02/2003 phone: ET AJ.,, C/O AI.,I,EN E. GRIMES, iTR !{D 2016 HART RD IJEXINGTON KY 40502 Lricense: CONrRACTOR Critical Path Management, TIj,05/O2/20O3 phone: P.O. Box 4882 vail, CO 0255 Fourth Of iluly Road Eag1e, CO 81558 License t '737 -B APPIJICAIIT Critical Path Management, IrrOS/O2/2OO3 Phone: 97o-949-L571 P.O. Box 4 882 Vail , CO 0255 Fourth Of iluly Road Eag1e, CO 81558 Lri.cenee: Desciption: REPLACE EXISTING FINISHES ADD I BATH Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family Type Construction: V l-HR Type V l-Hour Type Occupancy: 2? Valuation:$80.000.00 $0.00 $0.00 so. 00 $1, 411 . 69 Total Calculat€d Fc€s-> A&litional Fees-> Totsl Permit F€e-> $1, 411 .69 sl,411. 69 $1,411 .69 $0 .00BALAIICE DUE--> tt *af ta*tttt'tar *l'l la*lla'l* *a*al rar Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTIUTNT ,5/2L/2OO3 GCD Action: AP Item: 05400 PITANNIITIG DEPARIII,IENT Itemr 05500 FIRE DEPARTI|ENT Itenr 05500 PUBLIC WORKS l^ols {4 - tt<) u;i o,tl**wr-ot lLtJ.\ u/^,v lB ISSUED 05t02/2003 07/29/2003 0v25/2004 # of Wmd Pcllct 0 it ttt+t+t ttl tt* t**t'tta*at aai '|a*t'at See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read ttris application, filled out in firll the information rcquired, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stnrcture according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQI,JESTS FOR INSPEC'TION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY+OUR HOI,,IRS IN ADVANCE BY 49 OR AT OLJR OFFICE FROM t:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF FOR HMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE2 *|:t'||***'}*'}|'t**'}**|***'t|'|*'t'l*ttl***t!tt***{t*|'**{t'}'t*|lt*|'t***'}**'t***{t'}{.'t*'}'}'t't'}:}'t{t!}|****i*|*| CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 803-0088 as of 07-29-2003 Status: ISSUED 't*******'i*:t*****l'**'trtf **'l*t'l****!****t ** '|! | ** * * **:t* t 't * rt * t * ** * * * * t i!r*!r* *:i*!t* *,r * * * f * *:t * * * | * * t * *,t * ***!t,i * ** * * * Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applicant Critical Path Management, Inc. 970-949-rs77 Job Address: 1975 PLACID DR VAIL Location: 1975 PLACID DR #18 ParcelNo: 210311417018 Desoiption: REPLACE EXISTING FINISHES ADD I BATH Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQURED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITHAN APPROVED FIREMATERIAL. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.9.I OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: I (FIRE): FIREDEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORKCAN BE STARTED. Applied: 05102D003 Issued: 07/29n003 To Expire: 0125n004 a***lf+**a*lltf+a*ll*a+lf*'i'3++++l***+i+f****++ff++*+'i***taf**lfa'}t*tttt*lrf*a'+*at**ta*{'*a**** TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stat€ment * ***t*lt*r ra*ttlftftlr*lalt'i**lattrrl':ltla t* *a*+ fltf fltfrf++fa**+fttt I ft ltl ft llallllf fafaa+f+ Statenent, Number: R030004402 A,rnount: 91,411 .69 07/29/200301:rt4 pM Pa:ment Method: Check Init: LC Notsation: #X18lALlerr crimea, ilr Permit No: 803-0088 rype 3 ADD/AL,T MF BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 21031141?018 SiIe Addresg: 19?5 PLACID DR VAIIJ IJocat.ion: 19?5 PIACID DR *19 TotaL Feea: $1, 411 .69 Thie Payment,: S1,411.69 Total ALL Pmts: $1,411.69 Balancer $0.00 **a*** f+taf*a'lf** t'| + '}*++ | |'**** r**l+t ftt + r*fai**ta+ t'*++ a+ * a* r* * *r***f*at{rffa*t*atf+tt+*l ** +** ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Curr"ent Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES 853.75 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 554.94 I./C OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Contact and Phone #'s: Rrctt4,eo flc1Aes qhlTl-BlfGeneral Conlraclor:ckneh- PFThI tq6q5 Nc 6€ e €462€P*tJcH.ar?lEmail address: ':\ru",'.4 c fu rcflt*_.__, COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor & Materials BUILDING:$ 47,5Oo.oo ELECTRICAL:$ ? 5OO. OO OTHER:$ r'4 PLUMBING: $ aa oOO . aO MEGHANICAL: $ --rorAl: $ 80.06 For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit 2t o? - I t rl -/7 -otg Job Address: 117s fwto 42.^-i l8'*tt-, co glLggJob Name: 6ha'l€S R$paoe kvogt- subdivision: V4t Utlt+F U6TLegal Doscrlptlon enoneggq-g/a-%/oOwners Name:14. At 6pn4; Detailed descriotion of work: Farcn<s exrc Ftatrs,ES -rtoo (t) 8fi71 Work Class: New() Addition ( ) Remodel Q{ Repair( ) Demo ( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exisl at this location: Yes ( ) No fYfWork Type: Interior 0O Exterior ( ) Both ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Twcfamily ( ) Multi-family ffi Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 4 No/Tvoe of Fireolaces Existinq: Gas Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood B No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No 00Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) tto (X) r**********it.s**i*riittsstst*t**FoR oFFlcE usE oNL \Wail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERM ITS\B LDGPERM.DOC olqz-C4t SQs-ac (8 'AilcdPdtilnrymenT hr. POrBo(48&2 ValOOArCSS gf|'4n4gilg Project: Scope of Work: Grimes Residence Remodel Ptarmigan Townhouses - Unit #18 1975 Placid Drive Vail, CO 81657 Replace all existing cabinetrylcountertop Repfaceallexistin!doorsandtrim / - ,rrt , It tt \ Repface existing oien stairs and railings LSce- &t+M.lt"eAle*teq Wrap exposed rough sawn beams with alder "l-rhll nru rrent drertr@eer ftrshll ue - " "-g Fatie Caer b nulche-dcfug Replace allvinylflooring with tile Drywalland patching as required Repaint all walls ceilings. Stain/seal new trim Install new door hardware N<roB',t*red^I,rF{4l#itfi -8"[y#:.i;iilhl#Xt'".U"il^fl ,h*{sy,,6,'.}1,slnstall new"boiler and water heater - reuse existing flue u",rultRq,sT,.kpffj1i:fflP:-j1?llri',,je*sl=ggfl -trrh4*sp"d.Add new bath and closet per plhn (attacheO)&rflJft- ScLWe- 6Al.+ Perform electrical repairs as required Add can lighting (8 total) as directed at entry, living room and kitchen APPP-OI7ED CommunilY D3vclsl:' :rl DePai:,1:flt Buildlns SafetY &,H;;;lr\lC,arctrrrct Kr ^Type- V- lUR. Ou.wpo-'t"y 6d^P K I Secrion t06.4.1, Un11o.- SuIehl Coaq ltdldry of D{[dt fis issus@ ":.-ii"t of s pcrmrt or approvrl of plc aFCtrcdot -Ed coTqut-atioo lriilii [" .-J^.J ,o u. i p.l tL. ca mrvrl or'-Tv l9h1]ti tr uv of thc provrsions of rhis codG aof 8y fu onliaalco or oe. Junsdr lt:clL ii-io oriru-inr t glve auhodty o viohc or c-rnccl thc provisions oi ihl .J" ot ittt". o.til*o of 0rc juritdfcdoo shall not bc vali4 iir"-irr"-." of r tcnott basci oo glanr, rpecificadons- ond-othcr dita ihdl ;;;;;';;;;-il ;"ldt"s officist from thereaftcr icquiring thc conecticn rl a"ol ,. .:t,i pf-t, speiilicarions tnd orhrr d'::r cr from prcventing building ;';;i;"; i.l-; c;cd on thc,cuncc' " .' I r !;urdioo of thir codc cr of TOWNOF VATL o^-,r,6-l!,4- I sslLgl2AA3 A5:51 976-328-t977 qHFdrlJftnltrlr, P&h4t@ v{,oo8lGS glo4Tvwnt Proloct MCGFEE PAGE g2 t t \ Grimes Residence Remodel Ptarmigan Townhouses - Unit #18 1975 Placid Drive Vail, CO 81657 iro: I Charlie Davis Chbf Bullding Official Tom of Vail Stalrwell lmprovements W7oogg ,A n1fuJLW trltr a n tv-/rtl . I I I v'/-- \' Mt'n'' (l ),,-Q l/M v- -\ 14 -o) The cldsting steirs sbrt at the fi15t floor enfy lerrel, go up to. a landing at mid height' tum gO aegreesind go to the sscond ltoor level. They ary TF!r'S* -d cxposed rcugh iawnimU"tstdrigers wlin op"n risers. Rough sa:wn 1x4 is installed vertically o-1 6: .. .dJ.g on tnj siies to form ctosures. Theri is no existlng handrail The overallwldth of UiJ"ATt*.liiJg,+. fn" "t lnrcft is forrmd by a wall on ona slde whicfr isthe plumblng wall for both the pouder room full bath and tne second lsvel full batr. The otfier side is iffi; bt;n-;ifi;d rough sawn beam that supporb the second.tloor and roof structure above. Atthis Ue6tng line a column supports the staifwell bcam at the transldon from the enfy tevelli'oor elevatbn to ttie 12" lofler llving room lerrel' There ls no lighting otherthan ambient llght. Tha proposed lmprovements would consiet of demolition of the existing st?ry and. . fandiht hnO refa'ming tii"m *ttn conwntional concealed 2xl2 stringer. and clos.cd ri.ser con*ictio". CoOe f6ii gu"nni and handnait upuld be installed, and the width of thc stairs ubuld be inceaied-duc to the elimlnatlon of the exposad sb!ru?q on the sHes' i-ni "utt"ttt opentng to thc tiving room would be closed with dm'rall' Lightlng would be aJOeO. A dryrrnallei recessed Sookshelf urould be created in a pordon of the dead spaoe below the landing. tn conCluslon, the propoeed lmprovernents wlll make the stalruell a much saftr and aestfr"tilffv imprdvei tuature. Whih the structural de$l9n and bath locatlons make it idlitfiay exrlnsfre ini-pos" a sevgle hardshlp on tre onrynes in orderto widen the shinrrrell, thc proposed "copc otttrork ofiers a reasonable and sensible way to addreOs inJ extsttng sitoricomlngs dnd prwlde considerable improvements.tlIIt\I .i I I I TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 oto**r*T oF coMMr.JN,t" orurrtr", NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT PCrMit #: EO3-0I21 '|r.>aeg Job Address: 1975 PLACID DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1975 PLACID DR#18 Applied. . : 08104f2003 Parcel No...: 210311417018 Issued . . : 08/13n003 ProjectNo: Jffi|g-ot(( Expires..: 02/09aoo4 owNER cRrl{Es - EASToN - eA!{Nrrz - 0a/04/2003 phone: ET AJ,. C/O AI.,I.,EN E. GRII,TES, 'TR MD 20].6 HART RD I,EXINGTON KY 40502 License: COIITRACTOR Wilcox Electric 08/04/2003 Phone: 970-328-7257 P.O. Box 1467 Eagle, CO 109 Oxbow Ct. Eagle, CO 81531 License: 328-E APPIICAIIT l{ilcox B].ect,ric 08/O4/2OO3 Phonez 97O-328-7267 P.O. Box 1467 Eagle, CO L09 Oxbow Ct. Eagle, CO 81631 License: 32A-E Desciption: REMODELKITCHEN MIRINCNEWBATHROOM Valuafion: $3,000.00 FEE SUMMARY'F.*.t...'r El€€tical-> DRB F€€-.> Investigati6,n---> will csll-> TOTAL FEES-> o8/04/2003 Dp Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMBTI 9s4 .00 $0. 00 $0. 00 s3.00 $s7,00 $s7.00 $0.00 s57 .00 $s? . oo s0.00 Totol Calculal€d Fecs-> Additional Fe€s-> Total Permit Feo--> Payments----_; BALANCE DUE__> *'l't:la*ttlla*laaaa Approvals:ItEm: 05000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTIT{EIII Action: AP ar{tt+ttttrliilllll*r*ltltl+l*rt{.tlltall+l!*ata*rt*alil*l*+l CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 -lLT.-.n'I.-1-*T3,.:.:::-t:l-1",X..T:,:::-"::::,.:,*".:li.:..::.,:,o.::.,:.:y,".::T:i;-.,.-,.,,+*,,,,,.,,,.,,,.*,,+,:l***,, DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all ,"nfia subdivision codes, design rwiew approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Tovm applicable thereto, REQ{'ESTS FOR INSPtsCTPN SHAI,L BE MADE TWENTY-K'UR HOURS IN ADVANCE OR ATOIJROmCE FROM t:(nAIr{-4 PM. *t'i * +*++ +t{'ti* *'it* +aaf* ta**+ +faf* *** * *t ia'i at * +** * t* + * ***+ +**a* ***** +*{'* * * +*** * a**f *+*'}* *a*** {' TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Staternentl*ftl+flt**a*a*tfaltalaa+ataattllt*+**+tl+l't+*l'***t+***t****+*'t+*f*llttf++++lftl***+r*'i***a*** gtatement lihrnber: R030004481 Amorurt: 95?.00 Og/L3/2O01OB:40 AIrl Palment Method: Check Inlt: DDG Notation s wilcox 8269 Permit No: 803-0121 Type 3 EITECTRICAIJ PBRIr{IT Parcel No! 2L0311417018 Site AddreseI 1975 PIACID DR VAIL, Locaelon: 1975 PIACID DR #1.8 Total Fees: $57. O0 This Palment ! 557.00 Total ALL PmtE: 957-OO Balance: $0.00 ****a***+++ala*aaiaaaa*a**ltl*l'}*lt*+'}*'|faata*ttt+t'*++++ta**'i{r'}*ff*+lff+ll*a**{r*ta{.rt+*aaal+l ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31111OO TEMPOMRY POWER PER]'IITS |llc OO1OOOO31128OO b/ILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 54.00 3.00 2149 (Inspections) o AppucATIoNQrLL Nor BE AccEprED rF TNcoMpLETE oR Project; \ Building'l ElectricaI 970-479- MM.,IOFYAIL Permit #: I Permit #: - 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 aft INFORM COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VAIUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) Contact and Phone #'s: ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ 1./fiitAMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: Contact County Assessorc Offtce at 970-328-8640 or visit # Parcel #2llhtl( t',tl rob Name: ?lwn;anil fanhaun robAddress: /ffr ?/a.c,/ En #t/ Legal Description wtffi Block:Filing:?-subdivision: tlrl t/rtlrt AJt* owners Nane//fu ln;n Address:7110 1l*,J Itxu{tt Phonet {sq- %) -7<u Engineer:rra Address:U Phone: Detailed description of work:-+ ?elrlloD-c l(tcwtl ultQt Work Class: New ( )Addition( ) RemodelQ()nJpair ()TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior Q() Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-famiv () Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:4 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No (t1) Does a Fire Alarm Exist:Yes( )No(X)Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist:Yes ( )t..to (y) for Parcel ************************t!***rr**********FOR OFFICE USE ONLY"************************************ Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees: :,,AcceDted Bv: \\VAiI\dAtA\CdCV\FORMS\PERMITS\ELECPE RM.DOC 0112612002 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97Q-479-2138 M€chanical--> Plan Check--> Investigation-> wilt call-> 580. 00 Restuarant Plsn Review-> 52 0 . 00 DRB F€e--------->s0.00 AdditionalFees------>s0.00 Pa,.ments------> S103.00 BAIIA}ICE DUE__> g0 - 00 o?o *rtr*r oF coMMUNrrv oEv e r-o p'N{eNr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M03-0161 &atoo88 Job Address: 1975 PLACID DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1975 PLACID DR #18 Applied . . : 09103/2003 Parcel No...: 2103 I 141 701 8 Issued . . : 10/30/2003 ProjectNo : ?il-iD3o (?{ Expires. .: 04/2712004 owNER GRIMES - EASTON - CAMNITZ - O9/O3/20O3 phone: ET AIJ. C/O AI.|I.'n.'I E. GRIMES, i'R MD 2015 HART RD IIEXINGTON KY 4O5O2 License: CONTRACTOR ,J S & M Mechanical, Inc. 09/03/2003 Phone: 970-949-4500 P.O. Box 09338 Avon, CO 8162 0 License': 246-M APPL,ICAI{n if S & M Mechanical , Inc. 09/O3/2003 Phone: 970-949-4500 P.O. Box 09338 Avon, CO 8152 0 License:245-M Desciption: REPLACE EXISTING BOILER AND WATER HEATER WITHNEW Valuation: $4.000.00 # ofcas Loss: 0 # of wood P€llet: 0 50.00 Total Calculated Fees--> S103.00 FireDlaco Informntion: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0lt.|*.,||tt|l**++*'i**'t*:i.t:|lt.ll|t*:t**:}***:l*...+.|+''ll.ttt.|*t+++.+|t**FEESUMMY S0. o0 TOTAL FEES-------> 5103 . 0o Total Permit Fee------> 9103 . 00 s3.00 :t'trtt'rt ta*t*aaral+a:ttrttttlillllalall*ltttt|l**a lalll f llltlttt+*ttatt+rl I rll ll l a * *:! lt,t:t a:r l:i t'r 'lt,t,tritt+*ali,t t+:i+t+:l lr aa IEem: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENI 09/25/2003 GCD Action: AP ItEM: 05600 FIRE DNPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BIJDG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE' Cond: 22 (Br.,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. ?01 OF TIrE L997 UMC, OR SECTION 701 0F rHE 1997 rMC. Cond:23 (BL,DG.): INSTALL,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTTTRES INSTRUCTIONS AI{D TO CHAPTER 10 oF TIIE 1997 UMC, CIIAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 (BL,DG. ),: TERMINATE Cond: 29 (Br,DG. ) : THE 1997 Cond: 3L GAS APPLTA}ICES SI{O BE VENTED AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE ACCORDING TO C 1997 UMC, OR 8 Al.lD SIIAIJIT 8 OF THE 1997 IMC, 3 AND S8C.1017 0F CONST, UI{I-,ESS oIIAPTER CHAPTER CIIAPTERACCBSS TO HEJATI}IG EQUIPMEhIT MUST COMPIJY WTTH T'MC AI{D CITAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. (BL,DG.): BOILERS SIIALL BE MOTNTED ON FI-,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBITE IJISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BI-,DG.): PERMIT,PL,AIIS AND CODE ANAIYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAI-, ROOM PRIOR TO Al[ INSPECTTON REQnEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS COIfTAINING I{EATING OR I{OT-WATER SITPPLY BOIIJERS STIAT.|I-, BE EQUIPPED WITH A FIJOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF TTIE 1997 I'MC, OR sEcTroN 1004.6 0F THE 1997 IMC. a+ l,lt'l'|.'ll *lt+*:l | 'la*+,|t | * *tt * ta* rta* t,t +* *t I llrt r:t *t:l'i i 'l lt'l | *t1+a t 'r a,* 'r++r t:l * * a* t:f * t'lt** *{ ,|.* | *a,l t a+ l,}:l{ *a DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filted out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towrs zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQIJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV Y TELEPHONE AT 149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OF OWNER OR NTRACTORFOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF *l**l f+faa*'|l't * | '}ataa+lff**fl**l'{'lt* ** +****** **+f+ t***++** | f+t** ****t ** **+l***+r******'} + l+** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statem€ntt*++laf +*l'*l***rf+ t + **'ta**++a't***** * ++*+** f+ + +'l' + 't+*t * + +t t + | ft t + | ++ + * *t* ** + a* * * + t* * * *+t*a *+ | | Statement Number: R030005042 Amor:nt: $103.00 rO/30/ZOO3OZ:57 FNI Palment Method 3 Check Init: LC Notation: #2255/J9&ltt Mech Permit No: M03-0151 TllPe: MECHAIiIICAL PERIIIT Parcel No: 21031141? 018 Site AddresE: 19?5 PLACID DR VAIL Irocaulon: 1975 PIACID DR #18 Total Pees: $103.00 This Payment: $103.00 ToEaI AL,L Pmts: $103.00 Balance: $0.00l**l tl t + +**'t{' tlt a* t *** ****t t**'f* +rt** ** ***** * {' * *'t * * **** * f+ + I + * ** *+ **** * * '}+ ** i't**+ ***** +* a* *'l* ACCOI.INT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniotion Cunrent Pmts MP OO1OOOO31111OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 8O.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 20.00 WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO AppucATroilllL Nor BE AccEprED rr rn.orr.#o* mvno?utn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 4)z 97 O - 47 I -2l49 (Inspections) :##$ru Building Permit #: Permit will not be accepted without the following: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mechanical Contractor: 53+14 UzcAa.*io^9, Town of Vail Req. No.: ,a{t" - t"l Contact and Phone #'s: qc/q- 4soo tu E?o - /B(f E-Mail Address: Contractor Siqnat/re:,haac COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor & Materials '0n-d) 'rnlz -(:, WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) NoBoiler Location: Interior ffi Exterior ( ) Other ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family [a:) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building: -No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: ,.-- nces( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet Nofiype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas LoSs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes Conbd Asgrsrp,rc Offie at 970-328-86t10 or visit for Parcel # ,E ************************FOR OFFICE oNLY********* \WAiI\d8t8\CdCV\FORMS\PE RMITS\MECH PE RM. DOC un6Dw2 oo $tq t'''J D rTor ; Jvl ta, e ,,fliI t-l*EItft Lo.,-.te/ Lo^ Pautlr- Tr."{o-llc-fron Ins\nr<-*rott s Orn r S.r{<- 6r =^sfecr*tortS 4- no€ + z^ I N* (D_ tc\-'{s.-g +sF{*r 0ra,,,,. e.{d ftr {t q$c g1- lozL PlovLTr*sE( 6r,ilt H,#. dp l^c'> W C.'ihbrrslorn A,f t'ls s1 r'" (Aci tq 3Ht Office Gopy Dimensions anO fetrnical Data tor Glk4Xleries Boilers clearancG: Z FIqi ? Sd€s 6'R€d REAR VIEW i;i i16-lliilf-li i tt----JJ ii \-------------y ! L-------_-__-i SIDE VIEW TOP VIEW Venting Requirements: ,ltmocpnert V€ndng Models: Slope vent pipe up to chimney at leas. 1/4 per foot. Draft Induced Models: Minimum 6" clearance between vendng and combustibles. Maintain vent size; install per National Fuel Gas Code. Use 3" AL 294C for venting material. Draft inducer, fun connedor and termination provided. Maximum total pipe run: 25 feet total equivalent length. 90' elbow equal to J feet. Slope pipe upward from boiler atl/4 per foot, last nrn down atl/4 pet fcnr". Use high temperature silicone (G.8. 106 or equivalent) for sealing of vent components. Buderus HYDRONIC SYSTEMS 16 lndustrialWay. Salem, NH 03079 FRof'ft VIEW G124X Series lntermittent lgnition G124X IUDI ltlodels G124Xt18 G,124XI25 c124XB2 Stading Pibt Gl24X SP/DP ttlodds G124Xt18 G124Xf25 G124X132 Input Bhr/hr Output Bhr/hr AFUE II IVIOdCIS AFUE DI ltlodds Venl Size lndl Dry Weight Lbs Wabrconbnt Gal Number of Bumea Prcs. Drop @ 20"FAT (ln WC) Climension A Indl Dimensbn I lnch Dimensbn C lncfl Dimem;in D lndl 74,000 61,400 84.3% 85% 5 n4 2.5 2 18.8 83r 714 4v 15 flqm 85,500 u.2% 85% 5 280 3.0 3 22.9 5ta 8 r/8 5 r/[ 131i2 132,500 110,m0 84.6% 85% 6 332 3.5 4 32.2 1sE I 514 11 fl 74,000 61,100 81.5% 81.5% 5 224 2.5 2 18.8 83n 7 1t2 4 3tl 15|2 103,000 85,500 81.5% 81.5% 5 280 3.0 3 22.9 5 1/8 810 51/8 13fl 132,500 1't0,000 81.5% 81.5% 6 3i]2 3.5 4 322 15J8 I 5tE fn Dhan,'.. /Ane\ AOA-nEAE . Eaw' /AnC\ eOQ-{ nEE CrAi^,t a- .6nE^^ !;t|i-l| ;^li- TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970-479-2138 O P+-"1 .-',,1 , L+ , # t( DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTry DEVEI-OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 801-0032 .0 Job Address.: 1975 PLACID DR VAIL Status....,: ISSUED t1\^4- Location......: PTARMIGAN TH UNIT11 Applied...: 03/U/20f1 Parcel No....: 270377477077 Issued...: B/U/20{J1 Project No...: ( -j n -CrDq'L Expires...: 8/28/2ffi7 OWNER DIE{IER, WILLIAI,I - F:I3NNERY, O3/0L/2OO1 Phoner 231 THATCH PAIM DR BOCA RATON F]T., 33437 License: CONTRACTOR ANNAI{DAIiE CONSIIIrIANIS INC. 03/0a/200L Phone: 303-985-118I 1350 S. Wadsworth Blvd., #310 I-,akewood, CO s0232 License: 634-8 APPLICINI .AIINAIIDALE COI{SITLTANTS INC. 03/0L/2OOL Phone: 303-985-1199 l-360 S. Wadsluorth BIwd., #31-0 I-,akewood, CO 80232 License: 634-B Desciption: INSTALL GUARDRAIL/DIVIDER BETWEEN STAIRWAY AND WALL TO COMPLETE PREVIOSLY ISSUED PERMIT BM-MO1 Occupancy: R1 Multi-Family Type Construction: V 1-HR Type V 1-Hour TypeOccupancy: ?? Valuation: $1,.[50.m Fireplace Infomration: Restticted: Y Add Sq Fe 0 # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas l-ogs: 0 #of 90 .00 Total Calcr.rlated Fees--> S85.50 So .00 Additional Fees--->90.00 9o .00 Total Permit Fes--> 985 . s0 S0 .00 Payments--> 585 . 50 TOTAL FEE$-> s8s . so BALANCE DUE-> Wood Pellet: *' FEE SUMMARY Building-> S50.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> plan Check_> S32 . S0 DRB Fee.-.-_> Inve8tigation-> willchll-> So. oo Recreation Feer----> $3.00 Clean-uPDePosit----> 90 .00 Approvals:I€eim: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 03/0L/200L CDAVIS Act,ion: AP Item: 05400 PI-,AI|NIIIG DEPARTMENT Itsem: 05500 FfRE DEPAXTMENT Item: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiorl filled out in full the infonnation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is corr€ct. I agree to comply with the inforsntion and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQI.JESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOIJR HOUtr[s IN ADV PM. Send Oea*up Depoclt To: N/A AT 4792138 OR AT OI,'R OFflCE FROM 8dN AM - 5 OF owNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIN{SELF AND OWNE l Lt'. rw[wwn 75 S. Frontegc Rd. Vrll, Golorado 81657 ,t-O APPUCATTOilwlLT - i.. r. I Nc BE A..EFTED tF lrtco'ptErE*n"u*=o Proied *: LOo - 0ro t INTOttm* ri..r..rrltr..tttr*rtitatt*rt3rtrrr.r..F(OROFEICEusEolllY.t..tr....l.t'tti'ttrttlt'l'rl*..'*tlt @nbing'rmchenicnl' Ed Peterson - 303-985-1188 hr 1!o3 ttl t +t;t )olrNarnel Ptarmlgan II thtt 11 Renpdel hbAddressl 1975 Placid Dr. Legal Descrlpthn I toB I BJock: I Fillttg:Subdlvblrn: ArchiEcvDesigner: U>--Mdress:Phooei Engineer:Mdrcss:Phone: ffi rnstallatlon or lster and Divldtng wall betneen kltchen and family roct Work@s: t{erv( ) Addltion( ) Rernodel( ) RePah( )__9gqql_l- OSt€r(X] work Type: IneAor 1X; Eftrbr ( 1 aotn ( )ooesaneHUexistatthblocatbn: Yes( ) No( ) TY?rof Bklg.: $nd!-f.|fily( ) Ttlo-(anily( ) Mt t-hdv( ) Contnerltal( ) Rrstr[rnt( ) O0tct( ) No. d E{slng Dlild|krg t nG h $E bulldirU:t{o. of Accqrmodatlon UnlE ln this buildlngl No/Tvoe of Flreolae Frlsdno: Gas Aoolianccs { 'l Gas toos ( ) Woodl No/Tvoeof Flp4acgProoosetl:GasAoofianes( ) GasLoqs( ) Woodndbt( ) WodBurnlno(Ngfrt[OWED) -sprhkler sysEm Exbr Yes ( ) No ( F i/at,|tryon./6rft /bldcrcrm q5,t0 RECD MAR - 12001 EDEEH L3039262t34 P. E'1 ?zl@'oon9- Boo' olol PO Box 1373 Edwards, CO 81632 January 10,20Ol < Kathy Waneq Permit Rcvrew Coordiuator Town of Vait BuildingDcPanment Vail, C,olorado Dear Ms. Warren: I wish to dcaolivstc pernit #BoG0lol, i.c. tho Dicner willianrlanrs Dion remodel il;;;?s Pltcia or (*r il narmigan iownbouees until firrthcr notice' Tlrere may be at lcast oltc mechanioo lien on the unit. Thank you for hetp on thc proiest. '4- Cordially,thfl*r Erih W. Bdeen RECEIVED JAN 1 r Tllt,'J TOV-COM.DEV. 4* TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPI.,ICANT CONTRAETOR OWNER Occupancy: 'IlG)e eonstruction:'I!pe Occupancy: ValuaEion: Pireplace Informatiolr: Re6tsricted: Y Job Address: 1975 PLACID DRLocation...: 1975 PLACID DR (#L1) Parcel No. . : 2LO3-IL4-L7-011Project No. : PI{.o0-0092 EDEEN IIOMES P.O. BOX 1_373, EDWARDS, CO 81632 EDEEN HOMES P.O. BOX L373, EDWARDS, CO 8l_632 DIENER WILL]AMIFI,ANNERY DION 231 THATCH PALM DR, BOCA R.ATON, FL 33437 sLatus...: IssItED PTARApplied. . : Os /'J-8/2000 Issued. . . : 05/1,9/2000 Expires. . : r!,!15/2000 Phone z 970-926-21,30 Phone: 970-925-2L30 Phone: 551-395-1535 TOV/Comm. Dev. DEPARTI{ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TI}IES ADD/AIT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 800-0101 Description: IIMERIOR REMODEL AND ENCLOSE 2ND FLOOR BALCONY Rl- MulE.i-Family V 1-HR Type V l-Hour 32,000 #of cas ApplianceB: Rescuarant ?Lan R6view--> .OO DRB Fee-------- RecleaEion Fee----------> 16.20 Cl..n-tP D.porit- -------> 250.00 Addit,ional Fees---------> .00 TotsaI Celculag€d !'ees- - - > 4Of woo<i/Pa-lcc: 859, gOBuilding-----> Plan chcck- -- > Inwaatigahion> 354.00 236.60 will call----> 3.00 Total Pcruit Fee--------> PayrlentE------- 469. SO 369. S0 TOTAL FEES.... - * * t **r * t t *i a ii *a * * a*rr * r + tt*t * rtsCM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMEIVT05/1912000 'JRM Action: APP Dept: BUILDING Diwision:os/r9/2000 JwrItbm:' 05400 Pt05/1-8/2000JRM AcE,ion:ITbM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTIiIEIiI'T DEPARTIIIETTT DEPT: PI,.ANNING DiViSi CI,iON: APPR OK PER ANN Item:RM ACTION: APPR APPROVEDPI,ANNING DEPART{IIENT s10n: Dept: FIRE Di-vision: 05/a8/2000 'JRr{ AcEion: APPR N/AITEM: O55OO PI]BLIC WORKSo5/Le/2000 JRM Action: APPR N/A D E CIARAT IONS I horsby acknoyle€e tshats I hawe read tshis application, fil.Iod ouc in futL tshc informa!:on rcquired, codPLeeed an plan, and 6tate tshats all tshe infonnalj.oD prowided ae lequiled iE correct. I agree Lo colply r,ith tho inforBacj.on tso conply rith all Tor.n ordinances and state.la*s, and to buiLd thi.s structulc according Co Cha tottn's zoning and codca, dcsig!! rcvier approwed, unifornr Building codc and otsher ordinanccs of t.hc Town applicable thcreEo. accuraEs plot and plot plan, subdivision :00 AM 5 :00 P!:REQI'ESTS FOR INSPE(' TONS SHAIJL BE !'IADE TTIENTY''OUR HOIJRS send clea'r-I4) Deltodit To: EDEEN ltoMEs elean-up Deposit Refund approved anlount dnte Add sq Ft: 54 *Of Gas Irogs 3 FEE SUI.4MARY Dept: PIIB WORK Division: ll*ara***r*rrrt* See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply Eo this permit. COII?RACTOR FOR HIMSEIJF AND OWNER ************************t!*:l*********************:t******************************* COIIDITIONSPermit #: 800-0101 as of OS/L,/OO SEaEus: TSSUBD *************************:l************************************************rt***** PermiE \49e: ADD/AIT MF BUILD PERMIT -Applled: )5/18/2OOOApplicanE: EDEEN HOMES Issued: 0s/19/2000970-926-2L30 To E:<pire:1,1/t5/2ooo Job Address: LocaLion: 1975 PI,ACID DR (#11) PTARI,TIGAN TH Parcel No: 2103-1L4-17-011 Description: INTERIOR REMODEL AI\TD ENCLOSE 2ND FLOOR BA].CONY Conditions:1. FIELD INSPEqTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. AI.,L PENETRATIONS IN WAI.,IJS,CBILINGS,AI\TD FI,OORS TO BE SEAI-,ED WITII AIiT APPROVED FTRE MATERIAI. 3. SMOIG DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN AI.,L BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1 0F lgE 1997 UBC.4. FIRE DEPARIII,TNTT APPROVAI. IS REOUIRED BEFORE AI{Y V{ORK CAN BE STARTED. O- t * + * *t * t trll I * * *t ** rl* * i.* *t t* tt l!l * t t:l a * *rl *:l * * TOwt{ op VAIL, CIf,LORADO , gtatennt il*!t***l}**+t*t**ttti*rr**t****tr*ta**trl*i*ill*ilil!t*rl*iltl!t*t*i*rt*rl'**** statennt Number: REC-0631 Amoult:869.80 05/L9/OO 09 t2L Palmeat Metbod: 97 Notat.l.oi.: BDEEN HOMES Inlt: JN Permit No: B0O-0101 T!/t)e: A-Mtr ADD/AIrT MF Parcel No: 2L03 - 114 - 17- 011 Site AddresB: 19?5 PLACID DR LocaEion: ].9?5 PI,ACID DR (*11) PTARUIGAN TlI Total Fees : BUILD PER Thj.s Pa)ment 859.8O Total AI.L Pmts: BaLance: ti******:lrtrarri*jt*tt*:!*******ttttttt*****att***:ttt*i:trttra*raaa***a:rra Account code Deecription BP 00100003111100 BUTLDING PERITIIT FEAS PF OO1OOOO31123OO PIIAN CHECK FEBS AD D2.DEPO8 CLE.ANUP DBPOAITS RF r,1100003112700 RACREATION FEES !{C 'O1OOOO31128OO WILII CAIJJ INSPECTION FEE 859.80 869 .80 .00 Arnorurt. 354 - 00 236.50 25() . 00 7.6 -20 3-OO ufp['T"m#* Project Name: DRB Number: DR8050332 Project Description: Removal oftwo dead aspen trees on the condition that nofthernmost aspen be replaced, See condition. Pafticipants: OWNER BEC& CALVIN E., JR & JANELLOTIII/2OO5 26280 SPRING VALLEY RD LOUISBURG KS 660s3 APPUCANT FTARMIGAN TH ASSOC O7lLtlz0ls Phone: 970-471-2028 1975 PI.ACID DR VAIL co 81657 Project Address: 1975 PI-ACID DR VAIL Location: 1975 PI-ACID DR Legal Description: Lot: 1 Block: Subdivision: PTARMIGAN TOWNHOUSES Parcel Number: 2103-114-1700-1 Comments: see condition BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Hanlon Action: APPROVED Seond By: Dunning Vote: 5-0{ Dateof Approval= 0712012Cf5 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007366 Prior to October 15, 2005, the applicant shall replace the dead aspen tree at the north side of the parking lot adjacent to Unit 5 with one new aspen tree of a three inch (3") caliper or greater size in the same location. EnVy: O712U2005 By: ee Action: AP Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 O uino, Exterior Alteratits Jl.lL 1 i r General Informatlon: i r-1r All pojects requiring design revlew must reeive approval prior to subrnitting a building perrtit-epBkaticii-:-P|€aEd refer to the submittal requirements for the partiorlar apprwal that is requested, An application for Design Rwiew cannot be accepted unfri all required information is received by the Community Development Department' The project may also need to be reviewed by the ToMvn c,ouncil and/or the Planning and Enviranmental Commission. ifeiign reiriew approval lapcee unlese a bulldlng permlt ls lscued and conetructlon commences withln Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colondo 81657 te/; 970.479.2128 faxt 970.479.2452 web: www.\railgov.com the Request:tr bdL/d 4-Ea--^T=---- ^Ft Locauon of ure prcposar, ro,, f rtk- su6ivision: UAtc =rl t dzAr6e !!,, Ft#dQqtFl ,nr.,"", Addrcss: ' fqf S ,O+=--e"eZ Cc=tL-DRr,l-E: P/a^, { $YfV parcef No.: Zl= !* l7o4 (ContacrEagteCo,AssessoratgT0-328'8540forparcelno.) IZI Zonfns: W V- Name(s)of owner(s): h*A'r4.a*il -Totl* *cr'a-sa. AsSocr'+Tiorl O ruOress: P Eox 83Iwr v1 NameofAppttcanu 9{\vrnL [ \, Mailing Address:illl"' v-.l tlpe of Reviewand Fee: I Ntr Signs $50 Plus$l.Oopersquarefootoftotal signarea' YZ tr Conceptual Review No Fee i1 |tr New con*ructlon $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuitd' tr Addition 9300 For an addltion where square footage is added b any residenual or t- @mmerclat bulldlng (lndudes 250 additions & lnterior conversions)' ,d Minor Abration $250 For minor changes to buildings and site lmprovements' such at / - iillfi-filtv76grrerci.t) re-rooflng, patnting, window addltions, landscaping, fences and retalning walls, etc. tr Minor Alterauon $20 For minor changes to buildings and site lmprovements' such as, (single.famlly/duplex) reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, tences ano r€tainlng walls, etc. tr chanses to Approred ptans $20 nU*::rl"lt"llans already approved bv Plannins staff or the tr Separation Request No Fee ,-ffi one year of the approvrl. Owner(s) Slgnature(s)l o {i ,. seP \ 5 O3 O4:l?p CPM/McGhee KRMcoNSUi o i;o,i.'3J,-1goo r,.r, LTANTS' lNc' boloog9 25 o3 O4: 1?p vArL, coLoMDo 81658 s7528-rs?7 p.2 (970) 9.[9-9391 (FA)()94$,152 DATE: PROJECT: \ t\ i Dnn \ \ ,4^rr"t/v. RECORD 9/18/2003 Ptarmigan #18 Remodel I ueenuarvorEs I neseoruse I a-anmcertoNrcHAuaE This is in response to the as-built framing of the bedroom extension at the ebove referenced prolect The header at the new exterior wall that spans approximately 9'-6" over the windorv opening was framed as (3F2x6's instead of the originally specified (3)-2x10's. This is acceptable il the existing RS 3x10 roof beams cantilever over the new LVL beam and have not been notched any further than the original birdsmouth cul at that bearing point. COPYTO: Ricfiard McGhee Critical Path Management JQBNUMBER: PTARl8 Sep 25 03 Oil: lZp CPM/f'lcGhce KRM CONSULTANTS, INC. P.O. Box 4572 Voil, Colorodo 81658 (e70) e4e-s5e1 Fox (970) 949-1577 :328- 19?7 p.3 Jo€ PTARMIGAN #18 REMODEL SHEET O. cALcurrrED ev jEU- om -W@!-- $tEct( BY otE I =lxl tl vll 'r I 2l FI9l il1 o x (Y) tlv utz F(/7 xtd o x (v) ,/l g, l:tz FIA x lrJ 9916 l/4' = l'-0 ,b..7 sfJl$ (3)- 2 x 10 tl <3)-ll3/4 x 1l 7/8 ILVL ROOF FRAMING PLAN 4" = 1t-0" Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: mmlwutb 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 97 O - 47 9 - 2149 (InsPections) COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (tabor & Materaals) Town of Vail Req. No.:*tu-P 0. Contact A#erc Office at 97O-328'8640 or visit Parcei # B lO 3/ I c/t 1O L 'oo^u "'QR)m?s- euTan-)ob*dress:pygflZM Legal Description ll Lotr ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed descripUon of wo;k; . , j!-*"V;ZAt ZSod't* o'. l"ph Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Afteration ( Typeof Bfdg.: Single'tamily( ) Duplex( ) Multi-family( ) Commerciar( ) ^"**^(,) **(0 &nfu No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: for Parcel S ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* \WAi MsIA\CdCV\FORMS\PERMITS\PLMBPERM. DOC mn6D002 Tt-G-Um5- - insp6stto;-CAue$f Reeortlno _7_-Ql_em __ _ uen* eo -TCIwr{_bF _- Requeshrd |nipeci Oate: rtrursday. l)e{.reorber 04. 20fil Inspecflon Area: Cif,' Slt! Addres$: 1975 n"qclo DR VAIL tfr75 PIACTD DR3r8 Page 15 A/P/D Infiormatlon AclMty: Const Twa:frnhr: AtD'ncril: coilaclor: OescdD0on: Comin€nt: B03Ul88 Typa: A'MF GRnEs .EAsror -ffilffiffT6as1o,i, - Cdlhal Path Xianao€rnont. lffi.. Crilcd Prtl M€ns6smorfi. tnc. REpt-AcE ExtsTtilG Ff,"ilsHES Aoo 1 Brr}{ ROTJTED TO GREG FOR REVEW . DR()FES Sub Tlpe: AAIF Lhe: VI-HR Phon€: 97u9491577 il*questsd Tlme: Phon€: Silrfrr: ISSTJEDlrEpAtE: CiD 01r00 ffi 471-1379 R€ouesFd lnsocc{on(s I Itern: 90 BLDG+ln.l Crlllcd Palh Monao€mgnt. nc.tt8"r?n*{€KLA r".t_.. .' _- Tlrfi. Exp; Entorod By DGOI-DEN K lLor: lbm: tbm: lbm: REOLNED 3zXlOWERE S}PECTED. lhfl: 50 It m: g)* Ap?{ured - qgEEGt hspelo(: GCoComm'IIi: LETTER RECEf\,ED A,{D IN FILE BLDGFt3uffiofi@fzzt0l Insprctor: ElDGghecbock iL$ (}9/25/(X} hspacior: BLDGMbc. BLDGThd PLAISILC FounrFtbn Phn Pl-AtI-lLC Slla Pbn ft.m: 70lbn: g) nem: 21 lbm'. 2, 0,\6)' ,i1t fi^ij' nri./ \vl 1 t4 05 o(ul p03 - ()o e I !n i/d'K \ri REPT131 Run Id: 1{60 '.-t. -l- I lmz0-03-- --_ tnrpecdon-nquerifn-eporUng_7:91-s!---- __yal|.-cq Jo!tril_aE.*_-l Page 16 R€quested Infpect Date: Tlrursday. Dec€mbcr (X, :e{X}3- Insp€dtton Area: {3D Slb Addr+ss: lc75 PI-ACID OR VAIL tSlS PLT{C|O DR#t8 A,F|D |nlbnnrtton lfil3{161 TypE. &MECH GRTME. - EAsroi, -8ffiilff*!?'r^"t*, - sild|r:lmpArr:tgsrrED GD ADrilcrril: Js&MllcclE|{cal, lrE,. Pftone: 97{19{W00Cffiacbr: JS&Mllechanhal.hc. Phone'97G941"4500 DGCdp{on: REPtiCE EXISTIT.IG 8O{.ER AIDWATER IIEATER wlTH NEW Cm*nTnI: ROUTED TO GREG F€IR REVEW . DFLORES ReauesH lnspeation{s I llem: 390 tEcH+lnal Roqudof: J S& Ml|ech6nlc!1, hc. Arsbncd To: GD€IICKLA- A.{o.r: R€questcd Tlme: 0E:00 AIU' Phon6: 970.949j|5m -or- 970.39! 6614 Enbred By: DGON-I)EN K nrno Erp: |nspacton Hlrbrv liem: 20O lEC}}Rwoh llarn: 3t0 ilEC}}tlrftrglbm: 316 PLMSGtsPb{nolbnr: 32O MECI+ErdEGtlbodslsn; :lilo ffiCFt\SiDDlyAF Item: 310 liEcl+ldic. - lbm: 4x) riECHfhd (,/ REPT131 Run Id: 11160 lt- -i2T47603 -lrrspccuon neqtest n;porttn!-7:9j-eu--_ -=_----__v.A|L-c[:to!fitilof ---_ Page17 Requested lnsp€ct Dat€: Thursday. Decemb€r O+, AX)3 lnsgcctlon Arer: GD Slte Addrers: rC75 PI-ACID DR VAIL lg75 PtJrclD DR #t8 AJFID Inlbrmrllon Aclhrlt!,: Cord Typa:mier: AFDflc.NT CriiLictor: C'recrhdon: H):IOml Typo: *PLilB o*n€s . EAsro{ir - ffilfil#r "r* - J S & it M.ctEnhal. Inc. JS&Mtlechanhtl, lnc. €ililr: ISSIJED.ln pAr-: GD Reouecbd hsoccdsr(sl lbm: 290 R-ffBFlnalR.qudor: J S & M lrlochrnlcal. hc. As.Sncd To: GDETTEKLA- Actlon:Ttmd Exp: In$pecton HlstorY lEn: 210 PlM$lrdorqrosrdtlrYr' >20 Pl llB.Fldnhln w \ Ptpnr; 97t)-9tG1.15fi) Fhc*ie: 97tr9'S45tX) ADD 1 BATHROO*I REPLAC€IT.IG FIXTURES S{ T,OVYDER ROOTI EX|SMNG BAIII AAD KITCTEN RequesEd Tlme: 08:00 At' Pfron : 97&9*$45m or- 9zF3fll 5614 enlEr.dBy: OGOIDEN K REPT131 Run Id: 1460 a TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTACEROAD vArL, co 81657 970479-2138 oil*trr*T oF coMMUN,t" o"urrot*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P03-0091 BoS{oB( Job Address: 1975 PLACID DR VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED [,ocation.....: 1975 PLACID DR #18 Applied. . : 09/03/2003 ParcelNo...: 210311417018 Issued. . : 09/1612003 ProjectNo : p(a6 S-o(2 \ Expires . .: 03/14/2004 owNBR GRIMES - B.ASTON - CAr!{NITZ - O9/03/2OO3 phone: ET AIJ. C/O AI,IIBI E. GRIMES, iIR ![D 201.5 I{ART RD IJEXINGTON KY 40502 License: CONTRACTOR J S & M Mechanical, Inc. 09/03/2003 Phone: 970-949-4500 P.O. Box 09338 Avon, CO 8152 0 L,icense: 246-Yl APPIJICANr ,J S & M Mechanical , Inc. O9/O3/2OO3 Phone- 97O-949-45OO P.O. Box 09338 Avon, CO 8152 0 Lricense: 246-Yl Desciption: ADD I BATHROOM REPLACEING FIXTURES IN POWDER ROOM EXISITING BATH AND KITCHEN Valuation: $5,000.00 Firplsce Information: Resficted: ??# ofGrs Appliances: ??# ofcas Logs: ?? # of Wood Pallet: ?? atra't'1!tt+*ltll FEE SUMMARY .'.*.*:tr*a:r*a'r*aaraallltlll+t'i'l*a.'r.....r,r.*,r.r***t*****:r*:|*t* Plumbing-> S75. OO Restnrsnt Plan Review--> Plan Check-> S18 . ?S DRB Fee-> g0 . 00 Total Calculated Fccs-> 995 . ?5 $0. oo Additional Fees -s0.00 Investigation-> will call*>s3 .00 BAI,AhICE DUE->$0. 00 Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPAR1'!{EIII[ o9/o3/2oo3 D? Action: AP IteM: O55OO PIRS DEPARITIIENT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review S0. 00 TOTAL FEES---> 595.75 Totll Permit Fe€-> $95.75 Payments----;' $95 . ?5 oappovd'Uniform BuildingCode *U otordt-ces ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQT'ESTS FOR INSPECNON SHAIL BB MADE TWB.ITY{OUR HOIru N ADV AT OLJR OFFICE FROM t:(n AM - 4 Plt{. l**f*faat**'l'l*lftlltlt***tlltfaf*attttta**ttttaat*t***t*a*rt*a*tttat|.ttttttfafftttattftfttt* TOWNOFVAIL, COI,oRADO Strrcmoottaaa*aallaaaaaaaaraaffta*aatl+t}flli**+aa**l**a+ara*****f+*aa*+a*'la+'.4*a***l**alaaaa'|aaaaalaaa gtatenent ll\rnb6r! R030004705 Anounts 996.?S 09/]-6/2OO3O4:05 pM Palnnelrt Mctlrod: Check Init: DDG llotatio: aIgEI.{ 2205 ------:---- Petmlt Uo: P03-0091 T!pe: PIJITMBING PERI,IIT Pardel l[o: 210311417018gite AddreEE: 19?5 PIACID DR \,AIL location: 1975 PIACfD DR #18 fotal Fees: $96.75fhis Palmeot: $96.75 Total AI,I, Pmta:. $95.75Balance: $0.00Itaaaaaa*tlttltlt+ltaaal+*{rltltaat'*a*ta**a*+tt*++*f+taafl+aa!a*t*tf*ta'aattt'}'}+a|taf*****ata{'*a ACCOTJNTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pnts PF 00i00003112300 pLAt't cHEcK FEES 18.75 PP OO1OOOO31111OO PLUMBING PERfiIT FEES 75.00 I.lC 00100003112800 l,lILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.00 ,t .'t -t I Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Community Devdopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co,us Project Name: Pbarmigan townhomes balcony enclosure DRB Number: DR8030221 Proiect Descriptionr Enclose balcony, thereby adding 39 feet and 3 inches of GRFA (39'3). Enclosure will match existing enclosure on nearby units 16 and 21. Siding in rough-sawn cedar, soffits in "western adobe", and windows in rough-sawn cedar, all to match existing. Participants: OWNER GRIMES - EASTON - CAMNTZ - 06/16/2003 Phone: ETAL. C/O ALLEN E. GRIMES, JR MD 2016 HART RD LDONGTON KY 40502 License: APPUCANT Critical Path Management, In06/16/2003 Phonei 97 0-949-L577 P.O. Box 4882 Vail, CO 0255 Fourth OfJuly Road Eagle, CO 81658 License: CONTMCTOR Critical Path Management, In06/16/2003 Phone: P,O. Box 4882 Vail, CO 0255 Fourth OfJuly Road Eagle, CO 81658 License: 737-8 Project Addressr 1975 PLACID DR VAIL Location: 1975 PLACID DR #18 Legal Description: Lot: 18 Block: Subdivision: PTARMIGAN TOWNHOUSES ParcelNumber: 210311417018 Comments: All new must match existing BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Approvall. 0710812003 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Entryt 07/0812003 By: EECKEL Action: AP all to match existing: no -mTO structural dranges O whlte stu@o wall, second Condr 0 (P|-AN): DRB apBrwal does not aonstitute a permlt br bulldlng. Please onsult vrlth Torn of Vall Buildlng personnel prior to @nstrucUon activities. Pltnncr: Ellsabe$ Edcl DRB Fee Paid: 1300.m o floor t.,tl J. , Anr-?1-t003 0?:{lm Fron-Ul{ITFD|iEf CAffi 806?213tle T-08e P.00tl003 F-0ll Application for Design Revlew _- C.partment of Corrmunlry Oontopmcrt 75 South Frontsgt Ro.4 VaiL Cotonio 8169 t0f r 970.{79.:t3t l.x: 9m,a7g.Z4sz $rcOr rwvw,Cl.vail.co.r.g €u|g|ll fafbrnrdon:qg9qF t6guirtlg d6tgn r64Y Jtun reaelve apFovrl frpr fo submtcing. buildlng Dcrrlf! applKBEon. prrls!det b uE qrbnFd nqrktmlntr rcr.qc parual'll ttPli;,$rt.is rcwcstcd. An .pplp tron for D?€ign R6/irtrc.nnot bc rocgptc{t undi arl requimd irito-rfrinin'-n tifiri.i o, thc communrq, Dcrelsgnrnr txoarfiflc,,r. Th?ProFcl ilv 'bo nccd t! b. rwicficd by ttrc towrr cour,al rnllo, u'C rriimrii uii'riiirtonrcnt t cornrairlirn.Itg nY!.w |DPfe.l.bprt snhtl r ulrrrr-iertr ts iruGd rnd onslc$otr srnmanca $trttnolC Fr7 of thc.prtrrr.l, D6crlptirn ot th..fqs.*t Ax/4 loclUen of thr Prcpcat tat: ./,(_abck:_ gug4ilisi1nl t/tht- l|rt&qq I)A5T rhtdceteeurerrz F75 f-ofto a<rtX -q tg (nneaUd zout*:,qg.) 7t4Pfrtaf lfo,r z-r5 'tlJ?t3 -ay-lVot)(conbct Ergtc co, Assossor rr s70-328-8640 rror prrcet nqzl)l N 11 ZonltE:1U)^t oty mrnr(s) ot Owncr(s): Ow||t(rl $gn.En(r): tfl|n. otAppNlc.nt! HdllnS lddrrrs: 550 B€ $.m fr sqtEre toot otbbt g9p 31s6, No Frc 9650 For construcbqr ofo nar buitding or dcnrq/nbuitC,$100 For fi .dditim $,br" rgua€ to&Ce b addd to my teidential com|llrcht buitdng (inc,udca 250 dditions & intQrfor cqtwrdqF).$2S0 For mlnor drrngcs lo bgildingf orld site imprwcmtnB, *rdr rE,rerufing, prindng, wirldo, addldon5, l.ndscaplng, fmcrs and r8binhg w.15, s|?.s20 For mjnof ornges ro buddifut rM site lmprol,qnranB, such !r,rersoirlg, prffiiflg. windoye lddiBorir. llndrclplng, tcncei lnd rebinang w.k Gc.t?0 lor r"visiom t9 glrru atRidy rpprovd by ptannrng $rft or rln Desgn Raiw Eoard. No Fa. E+rrrifld&rec /.(4n6€ Typc of Bnrl.w cnd FeG: O Signs O Coneptrrl Rrr/irl fl##**.CI0' O Mhar AFr.don (mulU-frmlMaommcrci.l) O MinorAtnntlon (shgb"f}rlly/oupret) 0 Chrngrs b ApprEuad Pt!n5 O S.p.Gtlon R.qu..t tllCI lldllrjldlorrr: lp r-21.2003 02:llpm From-UfilllDllf CARE t-08? P.003/003 F-ot!608??13t1t Jorrt PROPSRTy OW'{FRWrufltl{ APPROVAI LETTEN I, (prtnt nurflc) AqLFI €' 6n'h!c* , ltsaJornt owher of Foperry torated at (addrcsvtegll description) ?rr-arn<6a4,> To.rr^r.c"r,r:. { t( trc<-r- vr+tu , ca' f prorile tits lettrr rs writttn tpproal of the plan: dated whldr have been submttted !o &e Town otwil communlry Dewloprnent Depanrnznt for thc propotGd imgroyetncnts b be cornphtsd rt ha lddrass nobd obop, I un@rsbnd t|at o|e gFposcd tnptovemcnts induc: I tslher urdcrtUld th* minor modifications may be mrde to thc plrns orrcr thc osrse of thc rrirbtr process t0 €risutt aorplbncr wth tte Townb Bpplicable codas rnd regulc0oru. )f R?a f qeo D&tE '#t? / ^- tB , Ftu'rJQ Z, t/frtt- UrttAl€ UN SB Pags Z of L2l0A07p2 l{r*lrl*13*lla**l*l*'tla*rta|ta:}:at**trafttlttat+t*****'tt{r!tt**'}**t{rttttaa'}ttt+t**tal*tfaatttltta*+aa TOWN OF VAIL, COIORADOCopy Reprlntcd or llclc2003 rt 15:18:30 6lld?fi3 Statemetrt *'llt**taa**t'|lalaa+a**l*at'it}*a**at**tl*alatfll+all't*a't'|atl+l.t'a|t'|a'alal.la't**r*a**l***al*alal*ita Statenent lnlnlber: R030O04185 Arnount: $300.00 OG{L6{2OO303r18 Ptri Palment l,lcthod: Check fnit: {IAR Notation: Lo51 critlcal Path t{anagenent fac Permit, No: DR8030221 Type: DRB - Additsioa of GRFA Parcel No: 210311417018 Site Addreee: 1975 PIJACfD DR 'ltAIIr IJocaELon: 19?5 PIACfD DR *18 ToEaI Feea: $300.00 This Payment: $300.00 Tot,al ALL Pmgs3 $300.00Balanrce: $0.00 l{r*tt*a*ll*'tfl*a'atl*aat*****t*ia'}ta'*t'}atltar'}t*{ra{tft**a:.tt**{r'a*tt**arr***tt+la'}lala'fl*a*aa*ara ACCOT,JNTITEM UST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 300.00 aTtaSt2sss 15:58 e7s-328U7 Oldad tdt i'htag.rfFnt, lDc, P.O. Bq.l0&lt/fl,Colol$ 81666 Phonc 970471-1379Fd g7o.S&197? [€GI-EE PAGE AL al7484 lroo- Rr414 Acqrcf e?etlWe3rcz-trt rtil gEtidff tr'|rgoorrr* BtLDi'rly trtlrordcf a Oantlf fuo*a /s rE /lf.p',ir*r45cPrq SWl'4 W cru.,& d)r* f&Ei-Cr@c@un |7hl^lts Par 87lg3l2AB3 15:59 FFCfi I s7a-328e7 MCGHEE ,",.lBB rti!.ei rz PAGE A2 f-Cl lO. : Improvemurt SweY hli*ffr$frj obohidon orLor Dth$dl qv.'r Y4't{t* mbtilo' 1 ffifiifii-fr; fita.a pr* rr*ot' r4p crntv' c0lo'cb # ffil'oorr, -, n.r no"r.l tE $'r $nrt. llnrdt| nnttFttcrm lddr: Ud !E PlcldDnw I !t 1 I I PbidDrip lrt20 ltCIl t'-'I i.l!nd!!sB tt 8 !0t{6catt0 ri rt6' !,r.cvl|E' co !l2tl (llt ))91'9160 I *i"ffi ffi ftrs':trHsstYffi ilffi $g#g*Jf.f fr$0.dntotcrn!€d |iom||!lou L.a!!. l{!'rrg| Lot 18 \.' irt{.t l \l \i PTARUIGAN TOWNHOUSE ASSOCIATION PO Box832 vAlL, co.8{658 970 4764328 To: Critical Path Management Dear Richard: As Managing Agent for Ptarmigan Townhomes I have been asked to convey to the Building Department of the Town of Vail that Ptarmigan has been asked to approve the remodel plans of unit 18 | have md with several Board rnembers and they have approved of the remodelas proposed with several conditions. 1) The Board agrees to the plans as submitted but the contractor must harre a strustural engineer approve any structural changes. 2) All existing exterior surfaces damaged or altered as a result of construction to be repaired or replaced in a timely fashion with similar rnaterials and ftnish, 3) Hours of construction shall be 7:306:00 Monday-Friday, 8:0G 5:00 Saturday, no work on Sunday or Holidays. Contractor must recognize neighboring units may be occupied and take steps to accommodate them with hours and noise restraints. 4) Front door must maintain existing size and location as per Ted Smathers request. 5)The Board wishes the renovations to the rear bedroom (enclosing the existing covered balcony) to mirror those on Units 16 and 21. Ptarmigan Managing Agent Tom Saalfeld Yifr"#4k- Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us Project Name: DRB Number: DR8050333 Project Description: Removal of large (-50'h) Cottonwood located at northern edge of mouth of common driveway to Townhomes; tree was causing sewer failure. Pafticipants: OWNER BECK, CALVIN E., JR & JANELLOTIIUaOOS 26280 SPRING VALLEY RD LOUISBURG KS 66053 APPUCANIT PTARMIGANTHASSOC 071tU2005 Phone:97047I-2028 1975 PI.ACID DR VAIL co 816s7 Project Address 1975 PI-ACID DR VAIL Location: 1975 P|.ACID DR Legal Descripfioni Lot: 1 Block: Subdivision: PTARMIGANTOWNHOUSES Parcel Number: 2103-11,1-1700-1 Comments! BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: APPROVED Second By:Vote: DateofApproval= Q7|2U2O05 CondiUons: Cond: 8 (PIXN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Entry: 0712U2005 By: ee Action: AP Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO ,-#) f Uinor Exterior Alteratils Application for Design Review Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit apdication. Please refer to the submifral requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departrnent, The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town @undl and/or the Planning and Environmental Commision. Design rcview apprcval lapses unless a building pennit is issued and consffuction commenes within one year of dre apprcval. Location of the Proposalz Lotz #Fuil6 Physical Address:lq-75 W€sT- GruRe CeGk- DRrrla wo v1o wwvr Parcer No.: 2t o 3 t tq ll oof (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s1: h€ann Po Eox 8p-Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:I f\*re Mailing Address: SS o C t,+TiO,l tr tr A Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review New Construction Addition Minor Alteration (m u lti-fa mily/commercjal ) Minor Alteration (single-famiV/duplo<) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request q1b *o3 $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition lvhere square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re.roofing, painting, window addfions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, zuch as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee tr tr lltaaaflaaalaa+tafaft}afaa*f't'|laa'fa*aaaafttltllalt+{'tlllaaaal'laafaaaaa**tta*aaaaaaafafafatfaa TOWNOFVAIL, COITRADO Statcmcot a*aaa*aaaiaaaa.aataaallllaaaaalafffaal+tla*a*a**+***9aa*aa**tta*a***'}**t!aaaaaaaaaaatat+affaa StatenEnt Nuniber: R050O01038 ltrpunt: 9250.00 07/tt/2OO5O2:09 PM Patmtent Method: Check Init: iIS Notations 5791,/PTARMIGIAII TH ASSOC. Perrnit lfo: DRF050333 T14re: DRB-Minor A1t, Conm/Multl ParceL No! 2103 - 114.- 1700-1Site Address: 1975 PLACTD DR VAILLocation: 1975 PLACID DR Total FeeB: $250.00Thie Payment: $250.00 ToEaI AIIJ IrrnCB: $250.00Balance! $0.00tatat+*t**+fl*ftltl'|*t**lftfll't'}'|'|'|'t'|**ll+t+++f+al***raf+a+*rlalaaaaalra**+++atia*lrr'}r'|'tt*** ACCOI.JNT ITEM UST: AccouDt Code Descrlptlon Cunent Pmts DR 00100003L12200 DESrqN RS\itrEfl EEtsS 250.00 :' fu.. a g,- 4-;tF-' t ?.1 (10 ()li: SllP flnna Peter'son 303-s85-0608 ?7c'- iJ( '-)/ p.1 PTARMIGAN TOWNHOUSE ASSOCIATION 1975 PI.ALID DRIVE vAlL co 81657 /.s |',,'laria:lirl'J Ai]ri;'i1191'pi3rmigan r' rll'nrtcllrr:sl I hl /i: beert asked lr: r-(ri1V!,; 'lr.r 1l;e Buildln!; De peliir'lerlt cl,tne 1o"';n cf Vail thal Ptarmigan i, ,., be-j,r ask€.i tc apprr.rve tfrc fcrrl(rrJc, fla"s c't,t'n'l,l: " ll,i:te rnetwrth ,'3i tli)i:rQ tlientbers and ther' havc 'rlipic"c'd ol the r"':trtoCei as ''' 't'T1[]L:;l;'il::"-il'ffi ,.'i.]lIo:,''"Lr€Li i)Lr]'| ii'+ c'rntiactor must r rit,,e a 51 r11;!r.liiri ang'ilut t appro'/L: slructr-tt al ctiatiges' 2)Tirt-'[.]tlardilisheslherenovat',',itot|lecreer<sil.iabecroom ., rido,t,s i.t'.i.:llrl;ngihe" b"C'con' on'" 1uo' p3ti0 3r8?;' rrritroreci those {:,trle orl Lllr i #21 I r.,arniig r: r fvl at ra.qiri3,;\'3atii lorri .saalfeid ffi '"", "rt;ffllil Deveropmenr 75 S. Frontag€ Boad Vail, CO 81657 Receipt No. 5Oto-11 H.}ts$Bffi6 of,-Z5-,-eo- checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Code#:GostEach 001 0000 314 1110 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Building Cod€ - 1997 - Volume 1&2 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Buildinq Cod€ - 1997 - Volume 3 001 0000 3141112 International Plumbinq Code - 1997 1 0000 314 1 1 12 Intefnational Mechanical Code - 1998 1 0000 314 11t2 Unitorm Mechanical Code -1997 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314't112 Abatement of Danoerous Bldq.'s 1997001 0000 3141112 001 0000 3141't12 Model Enerrqv Code - 1995 001 0000 314 1112 of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1211 001 0000 314 1111 001 0000 314 1111 1 0000 314 1111 1 0000 315 3000 001 000031 12300 Plan Review Re+heck Fee ($40/oer hour 001 0000 31s 2000 001 0000 312 3000 001 0000 312 4000 001 0000 312 4000 001 0000 311 2200 01 0000 315 ^^^^ 001 0000 24( 001 0000 312 D2- Dr 001 0000 23( Iom of {eil||r qSTmR FECEIPT lrr '001 0000 20 '001 0000 31 llAlE: t/4i/ee el flECtlPTr ffi8343 001 0000 31 1 n61 n.rnilali IESCRIPTIIII OTY illilT fp ilffi ctl6TnElllt{/$[ I flm.m rCL o(vvr vvvvoI ERIK EEBI 001 0000 31' IESIE1 f,EUIBf FE I fJC.t 19f, fl OO1 OOOO 31. ERIK ED€B{ 001 0000 31' 33j+33$# HDE* DErnlfI uuuv\tr tx lla ltsr.m1000031' I)f,rE: {/?3/t TIE: l?r?5:?{ 001 0000 31 ' T0TA- OCo{ft50.m oo1 oo0o 31. ililr IB{tEnE}ftsc.m 001 0000 31( nfl( ytu FgR mn myE{I! Comments: Cash _ Money Order f check # -!l@-- Received by: F:/EvervorE/FomVSal€sacl.sx€ ftfll|tG&ru-l |.00^a? Land Tltle Guarantso GomprnY I)rE: Darlnfutl,1999 WILLIAI DIBITIBR AND DIOI{ M. FLANNERY 23I THATCII PALM DruVE.BOCA l^fiIC'N,FL331T7 Br,locrlplcrr fudtDc titlc hnrrropolicy fo yottt ptoporty fq.r;.t- rgf U n!.!c rwicw 6i6 pdict h itt .ldEty. Ir OG 6tcol lhr yar 6d rry diinllpry, or if yon hrvc rry qudmt rcg$diry ,!ur 6nr1 drlh policy, til nrt corLd l!&! Pt ./l0.476lil];3l Fs:Y]U4IUSY P'b$GrGfu ltoor6crNo. U)fl657 - ' shmld yo &cidc b -ll lto ppaty &criDat i! fiis policy, c if yol rc rquiral o purcherc I rr &lc cmniEErt br mttglc prl.fo, -you ney tc curi&i o icrcAit tocild ftOro lifc lntrc FdttEt' UO ** O.rro C6fuli tilti fuia r-copy of eir polisy p rre vill bc $lr b D@vid. ftfii Foductf rd sviccr o you quiclly udoff"l'aty. ltukyorr fur giviryu boOpqhdtyto rntc tuu. Sircccly, I.|ld1trlc GurD@Crr.t|lry ^, ftrru uRrG\\ Covn^r CftoRD oR[L BRtc- eOea'q -.\OrAArb* -l )ts^'*r"\ E66F5t*-91.*'sb( ScfY 0406 - FA*t' pFR ?? ,@ 6gf:Sr4AM *r* tO *,P.? Orr0rtcrt{o. lrlf.7657 $cttrhA ADud SZr5,m.q, Prqsay Aldru; IOT 11, IESUBDMSION OF Lgnt 29 THROUGIII a0, VAIL YILIAGiB WBST, FILD{C NO. 2 It Doli8t Arol '|f dhudcellf Inru b,t f0 patC of th. rDut |ht|! rDor ol r.L of rb llrd lrr rdrcrrb olib Polq IHG Do[cyllall Deceqbrr2l, 19t9rtt:00P,M- 1. Nrlrol[rrrd: WIIJJAI{ DIBNN AND DIG{ M. PI.AIiTNBRY 2. You hird btb lud covrrd ty ttfr lblg ir: A Fi Singlc 3. lb lrad rt&rrtd b b tlb Doilrt k drcrlbrd rt frllowrt LOT I t, PLAr oF flIE nBSUBDMIilON OF II'TS 29 THTOUOH ro, VAIL vulrlrcts wBsr, FIUNO NO, 2, AT{D DBCIJ\NA:ITOII trln THB PIJ|T OF TTIB RBST'EDIVISION OF I.OI1$ 29 THroUcH lo. ven vn:-eog wBsT nuNc No. 2, 88CORD8D lN BOOr 216 Ar PA(E 67t. COUNTY OF BAGIJ, STAC OF COIORADO. lEr Hkt tdld 0V il &idtL B b rtrrAd. LndTUr GurrrnecCoonrry B4rrlaahS Clthrp THc Irutrc CqrrY AR ?? '@ A9:55ff1 *t* G" *' (hirfficrNo. Ull7651 P.3 Sc.bdutaE In rdldon o lb Eiclusiori yqr |rc lot i8lttcd rpinrt lo*' cosis' tt@t3' ftsa' rd orpcnrol $rrld!! Eoto: I9!X' TA'(BS NOT YET DT'E AND PAYABI.E. ilGHT OF PROPRIET1OROF A\I8IN ORI.ODETOECITACf AND RETTOVBHls ONE TrrEsEFROr{ sHourl) ffi;lA}d bi rouxp ro mffiire on DI$nsBcT nrB InndsBs As nEsE*.tBDIN uirrmlilriiiemrrnscg^1g'-ruruNE 15' lglE' IN EooKea Ar ;;@ li iND nscoRDED ocrorrn' *, lelt IN x)oK e3 AT PAoE 30r' RIGIIT OF wAY KrR DrrcHEtf oRcAlu{IJ q:oNSEIJCTED BY lrlE AurnoBlfr oFTIIB UMTBD STATBTI AS RBSEIiib i{ UNiTID STATBS_'ATB}fIRECORDED JT'I{E 15' I9IT' IN Bfi)K 93 AT PA6IE TS 'iidIdCONPSD OCNOEBR 14' IgIt N BOOIC 9:I ATPAGB 301. REsTRIclIvEcovBNANn'wHIcHDoNoTcoNTAlNA!onFBITI'REoRREvERIB'ctAus'B' BUT OMTTTINO ET.TY COVft.iiNT ilNEiTRICfION ilib ON NACB, COll}R, IELIGION' sEt(,HANDrCAP,rer,,rmi"sienliorxlnomr'-6-ruowuNlJssANDo-NLJTOIIIB B)(ITNT THAT s^ro covffiIiniA) rs-B)@{pT rnvorn, cnnrrrn 42, sEcTloN 3(n oF TrrE uNrIF-D srrrss cop?bR-@)iBilr83 To HANDICAP Bur mBs Nor DrscruMrNArr rcenrsr-rliiiidep rnsor.rs, s iiilrrenvrbiN INI'TRUMENT REconDED prcElrsER Zl, 1969, N EOor 216 AT PxiE f,t?' COMMON.PARKIIIG EASEMENT 15 FEET IN WIDru AIONG THB BA'SI3BLY IJST LINE OF suBIEcr pRoPrmv ls ffinr ox nn nscoRD- -E;-PIAI oF TIIB RsiSuBDMsIoN oF iffi zs THRu o vAIL vnt A(E wEsr FIUNGNo' 2' , BASBMBIIT Al{D RIC,IIT OFWAY FORGOTB C4Eli'AS tT ATFBCIS SUUBCTPROPRTYAS sHowN oNTHE BEconD;D;;; oirrrnssuBD--nil$oN oF l,,s$29THnu4{t. vNL YSI^CBWEST FIUNGNO.2. SASE{BNTS. nBttERVATtONS Ar{D RE$IRItTIONS AS ltIIOStfl OR RBSERVBD- ON ffiE RECoRDED prar or rlis-il;il#MsroN Or Lgfs ig $Ru o VAIL vILt GB l'Eltf FIIJNGNO,2. TERIr,ts, collDrTtoNs ArrrD rtRovtsloNs oF DJCIJnATIoI{ RECoRDBD SEFTBMBBR29' l9B9 rN B@K 514 AT tecs di', rs n *Av AFEcr slJnlBcr Pf,oPrRTY' TBRMS,coNDmoNsANDPRovIltIoNsoFlAtTYwAtJ.AGnEEMEIITnECoRDBDIAI{UARY ri, rnri w B001216 Ar PAoB t2t' PFR??'@ oqW!Co. V?11637 SI'IITH BFRhfY Z|as P.4 $hc&loB ll, DMINAoB BAsEf,|B{T 5 FEBT lN wImH ALoNG TIIB WESTERLY l,gr UNE oF sr,n'Egt ;ib-niiiTy As-SgolrN olr rnr RECOnDaD EIAr or rsB RFslrEDlvNor{ oF utrs 2e rrnU 40 VrUt- VIUAoB wBSr HLING NO' 2' DBBD OF TRUST DATED DECBI,IEBR IO, 1999' FNOM.WIUIAM DIINBTAND DIO}{ M' Fr,Ar,NBRy To ns puBu;EirsdE- iir iirbr-s conr.|TY FOn THB USB oF gqIBAltK F.S.B. TO SECUnB TIE SUM iF i2m'000m nsconogo pscsltlDB' 21', 1999' t',NDEn BECEFrIol No. 7l$140' 99 t -,o U IJJ (9 Ld UJ (, - IIo m :) ^^ rtTrtf -E. ld T 5I o F J& JJ # o o o -\r \ /, $t- @ 00 Fo#.q aol too' !/ r t-oJlI E{ d A frl x p U Is ,te.ti }---.-.-r-r /10Q\J- rttt re J- I F..r I ifi.zo,llroY- t l I| .4.i se"flff *t3\--- jjt4,-ffi-<t ?F.>7\ \?",\ \\:-Akl Fl (n FI I oti- \eo a @F e{ ('l '@ rO a ro FI rO @ a !t oao rO\0 & o{ (\I @c{ i{ Ct arl{ Fl arlo !! rfl oo Nrn or (\a(\l C)o rtlr|f Fl ao o!f o6 aea oo a \o F{ $ ao @ I NN @tn ao$ ;o,o o(\ or- $ m o @ o(l @o o arl tvl ao rtl GI oarU ao ao 0 Qo\ oo lno o!t @ oa rll &pu F1 N F'{ln ro . ApplrcATro,frr. Nor BE AccEprED r, rn.oroatlR uNsr Building Permit #: NWN0FUIb 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 DEnno 97 O- 47 9 -2L49 (Inspections) ?-r ^Dnr r.^Tr.' rr 60o -olot Separate Permits are required tbr electrical. plumbing, mechanical, etc.! Contact Assessors Office at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcel# elOAil+t7ol Job Name: D ieae,-r/ftan4eg R"n u/"1 rob Address: n &{ P/*,,{ 4{:,,K.(L, Legal Description Lot: //Block: -Fitins: f ( /subdivision: Vqil -|ll"+se k/.$t o*nqz[lyf LP'if 'r;'"Y"'*,Address: z-J L T4 afc6 P"/,n O,tt<ocq ,Kc,.k.n FL,l.,'.r? Z Phoneil;6/-3?€*/655 Afchiteqt/Desiq ner: E4 fvtl.,5o( AUUN04L{(bosuL. AvC Address: /36 O S iv,{iaor,'rh lt "L(,L-,QeutzJ CO p:OLJL Phone: .36r;'.- 7g C- / / B g Engineer: ffir.-t /rlo 6..WRn)Address: tV<a't G,,t,[ Gax'{?e phone:?70_ ?Vj_ ?t,i I Detailed description of werk: Rer4,.e :l4ue-t /oc( t 5t flzL.- r-r, /.i, l-t: f t t fu+a- 4;z//5 t fu. n 5aoe,<,/,;a t=/r*Xrr"t E.1/O-F F A.c\ Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) ! E:I--f \'',Fi Remodel (() Repair ( ) Demo (X) Other ( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Mutti-famity OQ Commercial ( ) Resraurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 6 No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Nof|-ypeofFirep|acesExisting:GasApp|iances()GasLoqs()*ooo/o",,u. Ngffypeof FireplacesProposed:GasAppliances( ) GasLoqs6() Wood/pellet( ) WoodBurninq(NOTALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ()Q Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) ttto fr ) qo @ t !t-<-- COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR CONTRACTOR INFORMATION BUILDING PERMIT (I.aDJlF*1i{at3$arsl-a 5goorofud _--\ BUILDING: $ \orooo ELECTRICAL: $ t,ooo Wen?* qoo" ) PLUMBING: $ l.e,ooo MECHANICAL: $ | J'ooo ro.l-AL: $ 52,0oo REFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: General Contractor: -F\gpnAF Town of Vail Reg. No.: ?at- 9,L'-tr aJ Contact and Phone #'s:qzb.z13o Jlohtractor Signatule\ -;*\*<*;i.- F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm ,t***************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**r,******************rr:!:t*)r**-&!r*-&*r.-&** v Flpn 24 0O O3:53p FnnE PeteFson PTARM IGAN TOWNHOUSE ASSOCIATION 1975 PLACID DRIVE vAtL, co. 81657 To: Ld Peterson As Managing Agent for Ptarmigan Townhomes I have been askeo to convey to the Building Department of the Town of Vail that Ptarmigan has been asked to approve the rernodel plans of unit 11. I have met with several Board members and they have approved of the remodel as proposed with several conditions. 1) The Board agrees to the plans submitted but the contractor must have a structural engineer approve structural changes' 2) The Board wishes the renovations to the creek side bedroom windows (extending the bedroom on to that patio area), mirrored those done on unit #21. Ptarmigr:r Managing Agent Tom Saalfeld 303-S85-0608 p.1 c/?t,- 7rAb - 2t.:Jo SHEET NO. P.O. Box 43E5 Avon, CO E1620 Phone 90-949-3140 Fax m0-949-3142 165 Cook St. Sle.207 D€nver. CO E0206 Phone 303.270-01t9 Fax 3{13.270-0190 CALCULATED BY OATE CHECKED BY DATE .Ef .gls ETErf e.gE S.E; fcg. l€ E $ E€E g. .ts.t Eg EE = E €8ct C 'qAn.g€ Eg -'*T iE g Eg EE g1t :r "' F tr ,ri .a s! € #€ B5X H eE i;JI =. 6L EHiE 5a EOOaIA-53 H_.-;$ E-J !-r 4 |r-6 ttt tr:E E.5€5 E =-d -o ts e.9 g Es Eg€: sgE '€E'r € E€ € e;€.E5sl s:l aEA I Es8 3 5 i?,io AI E -.E He F E{ { g cto 5 eI oo .E E.o =v)\to3) 3g HE .,gb.t €r€ H E EE +r<-rl,tt, L Glo-6'F e E.=si9= ci<6 :i "gE EEt $8.$ t uE8:E Efl 3 H€B'E 56 gEfi E'rs3g e< Ees 3€;;sIhtETIE&*ets a.og cog Eit & ;gEt IE*E I SHEET l|O. P.O. Box43t!i Avon, CO8162l) Phone 9ll-9|9-31,10 Far YrG9{9-3t'12 165 CookSt Slo, Zl7 lterlver, CO fllll|5 Phme 3lB.t 0{1tD Fu 303'271}Ol9ll CALCULATEO CHECKED BY TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiITAGE ROAD vArL, CO 8L657 970-479-2a38 APPITICAIiIT CONTRA TOR OWNER Job Address: 1975 pLAcID DR Location...: L975 PLACID DR #11,Parcel No. . : 2L03-L1-4-L7-011Project No. : PRiIoo-0092 statsus...: rssttED PTARI{Applied. . z O04 / 25 / 2000Issued...: 04/27/2000 E>qgires. . : Lo/24/2000 DEPARTITTEI{:T OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMEIiTT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .'OBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/AI,L BUDG.Permitr #: D00-0018 Vafuatsion: Fireplace Infor|latsion: Restricled: 4, 000 *of cas Applianc66: Regbualant Plan R€vien- - > Recreation Fee--- ------ -> Clean-Up Deposit- -------> TO4AII FEES----- Add sq Fr: #of Gas Lo96: . o0 Phone:. 970-926-2L30 Phone z 970-926-2L30 Phone: 561-395-1535 *of wood/Pallet: EDEEN HOMES P. O. BOX 1,373 , EDWAFDS, CO 81632 EDEEN HOMES P.O. BOX L373, EDWARDS, CO 8r_632 DIENER WILI.IAIVT/FI,ANNERY DION 23]- TI{ATCH PALM DR, BOCA RATON, FL 33437 Description: II{TERIOR DEMO TO DBTERMINE STRU TURAL REQUIREMENTS Occupancy: R1- Mult.i-Family I)pe ConsLructsion: v l--HR I'ype V L-Hour q4ge Occupancy: Building-----> Plan check- - - > Inves!iga!ion> will Cal1----> 85 .00 .00 3 .00 . o0 . oo BUTLDING DEPARTT{EIiEKATTIY ACTiON: APPR APPROVED PI,ANNING DEPARTT4EM|KATT{Y AcTion: APPR N/AFIRE DEPARTMENTKATI{Y ACIiON: APPR N/API]BLIC WORKSKATITY AcLion: APPR N/A ENVIRONMEIiITAL HEATTHKATIIY AcLion: APPR N/ArrQuoRKATFY Accion: APPR N/A Total calcuLated Fecs- - - > Addilional Fees---------> Total Pelnit Fee_-_-----> .00 Paynenhs - - - - - - - - BAIAI.ICE DUE---. .OO Item:05100 04 /26 /2000Item: 05400 04/25 /2000Item:0550004/26/2000Itbm:' 0550004/25/2OOOItem:0570004/26/2000It.bm:05900 04/26 / 20oo Dent: BUILDING Division: PER- KWDept: PTANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept3 PIIB WORK Division: Dept: HEALTII Division: Dept: CLERK Division: See Page 2 of this DocumenL for any condiEions that may apply to this permitr. DECI,AR]ITIONS I heleby acknonledgc lhat I have read thie application, fiLled out in fulI lhe inforEatsion iequiled, coEPleted alr accur.be plot plan, and 6tsatc that all thc illfordacion provided a€ requir€d is correc!. I agree to cottrply wigh tshe lnforoalion and ploE plan, go eofiply xith all Town ordinadces and 6eate la!r€, atld to build this st-ructsure according to bhe Toitn'6 zoning and EubdiviEion codea, deaigin rcvies approved, Uniforn Building code and otsher ordinances of the Town aPPlicable thereto. REQITESTS rOR TNSPEcTIONS SHAI& BE MADE TllElWY-FOln HOURS rN ADVANCE BY TETJEPHONB AT 479-2138 OR !.T OttR OFFICE FROI' g:00 Ar 5:0O Pll ,gend Clo.n-I4r D.!to.it To: ERIC EDEEll,SIONETSRE OF OWNER OR C5IfTRACfOR FOR HIUSEI,F AND OWNER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS as of 04/27/00 SLatus: ISSttED********************************************************************************PermiE #: D00-0018 Permit $rye: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BUDG. Applicane : EDEEN HOII'IES 970-926-2L30 Applied: 04/2s/2000 Issued: 04/27 /2000 To E4rire: to/2a/2000 ilob Address: I-,ocation: 1975 PLACID DR #11 , PTARMIGAI{ TOITINHOMES Parcel No: 2103 -LL -L?-oLL DescripEion: INTERIOR DEMO TO DETERMINE STRUCTTJRAL REQUIREMEMTS Conditions: 1. FIRE DEPARTIT'IEIiI'T APPROVAIJ IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CA}I BE STARTBD IF TITERE IS A FIRE ATARM OR SPRINKI,ER SYSTEM EXIST. ING IN TIIE AREA OF CONSTS.U TION. THIS WILL PRBI/EI T FALSE AITARMS.' 2. FIBLD INSPECTIONS ARE RBQUIRBD TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAT''ICE. ****rt*t***talliatl*t**i*********!t****t*l**t**+********rl**t*t****t TTIWN.OF T'AIL, CAIPRADO Statetrmt *rt****tq**t***!tll!t,frl****.rli******+****rl.l*il*tt+*t*rlrt.l*trl**!t**ia**irta!r gtaterErt lluirber: RBC- 0521 Amoult, :L43.25 04/27/OO L4.39 Palment lrtethod: 1123 Notatlqt:.EDEEN HOllEg Init: ,fN Pertoit No: D00.0018 Type: A-DEI'o DEItlO. OF PART/AL,L BU Parcel l{o: 21o3-U4-17-011 S1TE AddTESg: 19?5 PIACID DR Locatlon ! 1975 PIACID DR *11, mArudIcAN TonNHOUBS Total Fee€: L43.25 Thls PayDeDt 143.25 TotaL ALL hte: 143.25 Balance: .o0 tttt**tttt***a***tltt*****tl*t*t*t***t*****!|llttt*tt***tl**t******t* Aceount Code Deacription Anrount BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUII;DXNG PERI{IT FEES 85,00 pF 00100003112300 P&elr cscK rEEs ss.25 l|C 0O100O031128OO l{IIJtr CALII IIISPECIION FEB 3 . OO Rpr 25 OO 1O:O3a Pctcrson 303 s-o60s-98 o {nr ;l r$i p.1 ro: #// E&DNEE Frr: 9704lfdlilC 4ry-a YCPEry .,, -i; ir {i'I I ii ,i :!.t,\rl .ri -*r ; : iil I,{ Iflc!s|8p: IR(UECT: PlrnnErr Cordo, Url ll, Vail (Dcmcr/Ilarrry) Copy of rbcrfioo rcport es pcr !,orr rcqEt nna O AN NANDALE CONSULTANTS INC. TRANSMITTAL Fron: Ed Hcrrol Pton:3f3-9Eli-lltt Fer#: 3lIHl95{6lE f Itdcrert April?r'2m0 Tovun of Vail - ,.-.,-= I r!F nnDV'' el,-, I l D; lc fic +eiv; I APR 2 2003 PuUoo . ooqz Doo - OOIB ll6lr 3. V6$d thtd. ,tlo |rrno4 CO gxli|2 llm: 3ll!93t-l ltl Frr: 303{t5{601 Hpr 25 OO 1O:O4a Fnna Petcrsono Boulder Environmental Menagement Inc. 't{ U' /1,"*" Chris Maron Pmject Manager Arbertc*Lced*Indudrlel Hygiene*Sfetf Flnet Alr Tcrtlng tHedth and Sefety Tnlnlng C:\WINDOWS\Dcr&top€omplctcd Joh\lnrpoctionr\19?5 Phoid DnPtarrrigm rnil | l-Vnil.docCratod on 0326O0 6150 PM 303-985-060A p.2 i8l frtWht 2227 Crryon Bhd. Suitc t51 Bould.r' CO t0:t02 Phone/Frr: (303) fi9-t I 75 March 26 2000 Dion Flannery 231 Thatch Palm Dr. Boca Raton, FL33432 SUBJECT: Bulk Sampling Report 1975 Plrcid Dr., Ptarmigen unit l1' VaiL Coloredo 81557 DearDion, Ateach€d is the report for bulk sampling of srspect asbcstos*ontaining matcrials at 1975 Plscld Dr., Ptarmlgrtr unlt 11, Vall, Colorrdo E1657. lf you have any questions regarding thc contcnts ofthis report, pleasc do not hcsitdc to coDtact us. Sincercly, Rpr 25 OO 1O:O4a Pcterson 303-98S-0609 Boulder Environmental Management, Inc. '"' *" ?:1## Iiii,?if;!"rorado t0302 ASBESTOS SURVEY ANDBULK SAMPLING REBORT 1975 Placid Dr., Ptarmigen unit 11, Vail, Colorrdo 81557 Introduction: On March 21,2M0, Boulder Environmental Managcrnent, Inc.'s building inspcctor' Chrls Meron, conducted bulk sampling of suspected asbc$os-containing materials which would be impacted by proposcd renovation- The purposc of the suwcy was to identify asbcstos containing materials (ACM) and matcrials prmumed to contain asb€stos (PACM) as defined by the Environmental Protcction Agcncy (EPA). Srmpling: During tho sampling process, suspect ACM was separated into ttuee EPA categories. These categories are thermal system inzulation CISI), surfacing ACM, and miscellaneous ACM. TSI includcs all materials used to prevcnt heat loss or gain or water condensation on mechanical systems- Examples of TSI are pipe coverings, boiler insulation, duct wrap, and mud packed fitting ccment. Surfacing ACM includes all ACM that is sprayed trowelled, or otherwise applied to a surface. These applications are most commonly used in fireproofing, decorative and acoustical applications. Miscellaneous materials include all ACM not listed in the thermal system insulation or surhoing categories, such as linoleum, vinyl asbestos flooring, and ceiling tile. Boulder Envircnmental Management Inc. followed EPA rccommendcd sampling guidelines for identification of asbestos in bulk mahices. A set of three (3), five (5), or seven (7) samples were collectcd for cach matcrial type and anzlyzd by Polarizcd Light Microocopy (PtM). Each sample set was systcrnatically analyzcd. Upon dctcrmination that a sample in a set contained asbestos, analysis of the rcmaining samplcs in the sct was discontinucd. If no asbcstos was dctcctcd during thc analyscs, thc suspoct matcrial war determined to bc negative for asbcstos contcnt. Arbedor*Lord*Indurtr{rl lltrglene*Sefegf Flnel Atr Tedlng *Eerfth rrd Safety Trrlnlng nnao p.3 flpr 25 OO lO:Ot$a Fnna Petersono 303-985-0608 P.'l Bouldcr Environmental Managcment, Inc. 2227 Canlon Blvd., SuitG 155, Bould.r, Colordo E0102 PhondFax; (303) 449-1 175 The following materials were analyzed and determined to be non asbestos-containing utilizing polarized light microscopy (PLM). Dlscucsion: Sample analyses rcsults are reported in percentages ofasbcstos and non-asbestos components. The EPA defiues any material that contains grcatcr than one percent (l7o) asbestos, utilizing PLM, as being an asbestos containing material. Matcrials trat arc identified as "non detected" are specified as not containing asbestos- Conclusion: The sampling and analysis have determined that none of the materials noted in thc table abovc are asbcstos containing. Thc laboratory rrcports supporting thcsc findings arc attached. Please contact Boulder Environmental Managernen! Inc. with any questions or concerns regarding this report. Sincerely,. , - ll L{irA /lton n Chris Maron (AHERA Building Inspector 04650'' 1457) Arbertos*Leed*Indurtrhl Hygiene*Srfety*Fiuel Alr Terdng *Il€dth end Sefety Trelnlng NON ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERHLS MATERIAL LOCATION SAMPLE II) textured drywalUjoint compund laundry roomacross frcm machines, downstairs bathroom undcr sink, behind kitchen stove, upstairs bathroom under sinh dining room ceiling, 3-21-CM{lA 3-2r{M{3A 3-214M44A 3-2t-CM-05A Hpr 25 OO lO:O4a nnao PeteFson 303-985-0609 p.5 303-985-0603 p.GoFpn 25 OO lO:OSa Hnna Pcterson - ASBESTOS CERTIFICATION STATE OF COLORADO has met Control certified IN lssued: 1O/19/1999 Expires: 10r19/2000 'nis w@t It t&erfl fihlb gottutbn o! urecC AHERA cttllfuttoe htb a&rilftkc tgcciltdo,or. Rcord NumDcn 7857 Rpr 25 OO lO:O?a Flnna Peterson 303-9A5-0608 p."o ;;HIl .striim,\/,,'''-vrron 7100 N. Broadway Ste. 65, Dcnver, CO. t0221 Phone (303)4E?-f 533 Fex (303)487 4534 t.,ti CLIENT: CLTEI{TPR(}IECTft PR(UECTNAME: AEDREVIATIOilS: BOU LDER ENV. MANAGEMEI{T, INC. 2ZZTCANYON BLYILflT55 BouLDe&cosl30, tyTs Pt \ctD DIL-ASPEN, OO t1657 SAMPLSTYPE YT.Vhyl lloor Tllc f$'nor Sf..d.S Ac-ArordicJ 8grry{r CT4cllbtTilc D.lM-lrrtrrll Jolrt Mod WP-W.llPh|e? GRAN$nmhr SEI PR(UECTfr DATEOFRECEIFT: DATE OF ANALYSIIT: SAIfPITD BY: PAG&# slrt 0$2}|n rBzt{n cuBnrr toFl ASBDSTMTYPD CHRY$ttryrodh ltilOtl-^.*Cl(rc{lcld.lb TnEM-Trroua. ACTIN-Ac{Lonc NAD'No ftt ra6 Dcts.n d TRACI'<I%Arbcrb UdIESAUIISE CELL.C.l|ttlorc nG.Hbru!Gb AGGaGnle ItlF{lorffinr EIII&d.t EYI{€td.d. lllt{IanH.L Nrtif/t{vlA? 1,,/ll ftoaeo c[.,tHTf EltLATT 8AIPI.aDEECXENN rAllagnE orBrallll/ut ll}ffi HF !2r4M{tA tTtl DRtaYAlITIlrI-GAtY. nlnorr8,Gn^x NAI'IOXCELL+AGIC GIflID YI.s tnt{ 44 tTla DRvWArJ,fll| {nEY. flf,RO$ Cf,AN NAO lOt(CElJ,+aGrC Gi(XlD tD8 1214 {3A t?tt tnYwaurr|ir{ttDY. Ffm(Irircn N NAI'159j6ggl+AGG G(XXD YES !2r{ {{a ,'ra DSYWATlllrlM€NEV. FttRousfcf, N NAD tOttCE[,L+/Uic G(XI|D YD8 .}2t{MasA I?E DNYIVALIJDf 4TEY, NNOIE'GIAI{ I{AD tt$t(cf,lrr^Gc G'TOD YES METHOI': DETBCTFN LIMIT: AI{ALYST: Autlorfurd Sigrrhre Pohdrd llglt Mltro*opn EPA Mdnod dIXYR-9yl 16 t% Ar$cetor L.'!Mdrtroc jlt r|F.t f.illr dt a l. b ld. Ttl .?.rr !t ra L trFba qaa f fD rl tr-- dtll fE nFf cra|C.-ED-atbFd rroja b ilVt..r r e tE Jl t.l c -, nrTr. r.d- q t|- rr-t rkrtur Ff *l - - | t--- -r HE r-.. bgtfitf, e3lls-, if rrr.-. |r.-t- t r- lriar r.|t sr* €t- tU r-,*.- ttl - *5 tiartl l' lt^lc!f,,Att-a.--b-b t tEa(<lfil fftfrI4f.GtJ! L.r{.tt rr.r* brflHb FPn 25 OO lO:O?a Rnne Petet.son 303-S85 -O6(,8 p.a Sftr# o)o3 R LOCATION: Boulder Environmental Management Inc. 2227 Caryo Blvd., Suitc 155, Bouldff, Ct) 80302 Phonc/Far: (303) il49-t 175, Pagcc (3o3) 20flH33 ASBESTOS BI]LK SAMPLE LOG DATE: 3'Zl -6h*,** r',* ll CLIENT: INSPECTOR: SAMPLE ID MATERIAL SAMPLED BUILDING/LOCATION QUANTITY j -zl-c/h. 0\A 4ev{"cp/dn*".\ll ,"^* <n '"o larndr" crr acrossffbrn rv\q(Lih 02A I dos,,"h^ko hottrno^ ,,",chc qitl olA Ll";J l*ht*'. slo'. o\A ,rnc-l^i.< hd{r*- ,ndJ Sll.k o5n lr IC,[^ rnn l ln c -llir..oJ TEST METHOD: PLM- ASBESTOS TIJRNARoIIND' R(,E H SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: SAMPLES COLLECTED BY: SAMPLES RECEIVED BY: DATE: S-et.m TIME: t/'b TIME: JO',ol0h ' ' KRM mNSULrANaNc. P.o e(!( 4572 [9701949.Ss1 [FAq 9491577 vaL @_GAOO 81658 7 r -40\)ELT 5t4t2000 Rarmigan #1 1 Remodel RECORD Po-rrl zlO <11yrtotl JOB NUMBER:0005-02DATE: PROJECT: 3 nrt I ueenuo NorEs ffi nrsrorusr J cunncenoN/cnANcE I have reviewed the plans for the proposed remodel to Unit #11 at Ptarmigan Townhomss in Vail, Colorado. Attached to this record are copies of specific areas of the architect's plans with my structural notes superimposed. The following items are addressed: 1 Where th6 master bedroom wall is being removed to extend the space into th€ balcony, add a triple 1 314" x 11 /8" LVL beam. 2. In the upper floor framing over the family room, where the post by the stairway is to be removed, reinforce the existing 6x14 beam with two 1 314' x 14" LVL's each side. 3. In the upper floor framing over the kitchen. where the post is to be removed, replace the existing 6x14 dropped beam with five 1 3/4" x 14" LVL's. 4. lt is acceptable to notch the boftom of the existing 6xl 2 header over the glass door to the back deck 2" for the new sliding glass door. Refer to th€ attached copies of the plans for more specific information about the above listed items, The contractor is responsible for notifying us of any existing conditions that may effect the structural items shown. We should also be contacted to observe the work once it has been completed to verify conformance with our design intent. COPY TO: Ed Peterson - Annandale orFCdop, Do"-trcr Date Recbivec r,rAY 1 ? 2000 aTt Design Review Action Form TO\MI\ OF VAIL Project Name: Diener Residence ProjectNumber: PRJ00-0092 Project Description: Enclosure of 2nd F'loor Balcony Owner, Addresg and Phone: Diener, Williem - Flannery Dion M. 231 Thatch Palm Dr., Boca Raton, FL 33437 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Erik Edeen Box 1373, Edwards, CO 81632 926-2130 Project Street Address: 1975 Placid Drive, Unit #ll Legal Description: Ptarmigen Townhomes Parcel Number: 2l03ll4l70ll Building Name: Comments: 49 squere feet of GRtr'A added under the 250 ordinance Motion by: Board/staff{cfoor,"u"oo"oved with I condition Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: 1. Meterials shall match existing Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: 05/08/00 DRB Fee Paid: $50.00 Project Name: Diener Residence Qu.r,ionrl, thc Praiining *^(flg,3oZ APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL TNFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsigr Rwiov approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign revicrv must rcccivc Design Rcvior approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For spccific information, see the subrnittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd- Thc application carurot bc acceptcd until all thc requircd infbrnration is submittcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcviovcd by thc Town Council andlor thc Planning and Environ rrtcntal Contmission. Design Rcvierv Board approval cxpircs one ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is startcd. A. DESCRIPTIONOFTI{EREQUEST:2-"( f/,/ron ea /ar 2t1 TAWN OFVAIL B. D. E. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL:LAT: /1 BLOCK: - FTLTNC: 2- PHYSICALADDRESS: / ?- ( ,- r;c( dl^ Un 14 F // (Contact Eaglc Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONING:aisl; NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINCAD F. G. H. TYPE OF REVIEWAND FEE: E Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a new building. ^ tnaz, , eG rs Z pHoNE: OWNER(S)SIGNATURE(S): Se trHr€O c ^orr NAME OFAPPLICANT: MAILINCADDRESS: BOT /373 E./)LTfiRDS CO PH}NE: E)O-?>G-Z/SO Dl Addition - E Minor Altcration - $50 Includcs any addition where square footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or conuncrcial building. $20 lncludcs minor changcs to buildings and site improvcmentg such as, rcrooting, painting. window additions. iandscaping. fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees e to be paid at the timc of submittal. Larcr. whcn applying for a building pennit. please identif thc accurate valuation ofthc projcct. The Town ofVail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. I,LEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION. ALL SUBIVIITTAL REQUIRE}IENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTIVIENT OF COi\{}IUNITY DEVELOP}IEN'T.75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. VAIL,, COLORADO 8I657. Ere, t n 4/ FO FEtt/ 4.n O"z {."c{an I BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trinr ...Doors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs rlasnrlrgs Chimncys Trash Enclosures Grccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other LTST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: {,l COLOR:* A./-&orr.-t . Broour-1 (s.." "4/i --.-___t.-.-:- U,4,/g 4rurzzrz a-////U De f."V,-?tI nul /c[..-:n/ A.u,*n 5e V6v/6 8.awfi &un., (416//t e."los./ go. ,y'2y'a + Please specify the manufacturer's color, number and attach a snrall color chip *+ All extcrior lighting must rneet the Town's Lighting Ordinancc 18.54.050(J). If cxtcrioi lighting is proposcd, plcasc indicate thc nunrbcr offixturcs and locations on a scparate lighting plan. Identify each fii'ture type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, lunrinous area. and attach a cut shect of the lighting fixhrcs. .i. t F ' Updated 6/9? Gs noil ft(o( Wu'a( t PROPOSED LANDSCAPING PROPOSED TREES nNb sHnues: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: CROUND COVER soD SEED IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Botnnical Nanrc 57".u{ e +Mininrum riquircnrcnts for landscaping: Conrntorr Namc Ouantiw Sizcr o.nii 6e" V4,r'6 +.5 epi/3 5e e//,r(s dcciduous trecs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcightshrubs - 5 gallons Squarc Footaae Q gv e't '/o (n/ l-'t a, ht'o,,'-3r c5/,,oe5 cfofo4 OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining waiis. ienccs, swinrrning pools, etc.) Please specifli. indicate top and boftom clevations of rctaining walls. Maxinrunr hcight of walls rvithin the front setback ic ? fcet. Maxirnum heisht of rvails elsovhcrc on the propcdy is b iect. t-dpr<k t t ITII TY LOCATION VERIFTCATION This fomr is to vcriff scrvicc availability and location for new con.struction and sbould bc uscd in conjunction rvith prcparing your utility plan and schcduling installations. Thc location and availabiliry ofutilities. whethcr thry be main trunk lines or proposcd iincs. must bc approvcd and vcrificd by thc following utilitics for thc accorupanying sitc plan. Authorizcd Signature Date U.S. Wcst Communications r-800-922-t 987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Scrvice Company 949-5 78 t Gary Hatl Hbly Cross Elcctric ,{ssoc. 949-5892 Tud Husky/Joltn Boyd T.C.r. 949-5 53 0 Floyd Salazar Eaglc Rivcr Watcr & Sanitation District * 4'16-74,\{l Frcd Haslcc t t,// Ust 716+rz/,/,da eu /-<.. € z k., )u- u /, Lt,t lo hct,; {r.,"'/ aS 6, on/J c 4a9es f-?-00 14 (t.;on * Plqisc bring a sitc plan, floor plan. and clcvations whcn obtaining Upper Eagle Vallcy Watcr & Sanitation signahrrqs. Firc florv nccds must be addrcsscd. NOTES: I. ') Ifthc utility vcrification fornr has signaturcs fronr each of the utility cornpanies, and no colnllrcnts arc nmdc dircctly on thc ibnn, thc Torvn rvill presunrc that therc arc no problcnrs and thc dcvclopnrcnt can procccd. ifa utiliw company has conccms with thc proposcd construction. the utility reprcscntativc shall note directly on thc utilig vcrification fonn that there is a problcm rvhich nccds to be rcsolved- Thc is.suc shoulci rhcn bc dc'.,aiicd :n an anached lcticr to ihc Tonn cf Vail. i-iorve i::. ;l:-,s; kccp in mind thar it is thc rcspcnsibility of thc utiiir-v company and thc applicant to rcsolvc : r ^-.: i:,.lrr wv. -..:_, These vcrifications do not rclicvc the conhaitor of thc responsibility to obtain a Public Way Penrrit front thc Dcpartmcnt of Public Woria at thc Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obtaincd before diqqing in any public right-of-rvay or casemcnt within tlic Town of vail. A r't 1' Uidared 6/97 3, |l(tl,,j:t'o|.+:L/'.|.|ll|\/\,v'rl.|y\iY14.'l|), Assessor Proper$ Detall Harce Ownc Icr-H I lzer'iBoc Acc Drsl |-al Owt--' lDrr I 123iBc Situs Address-.,,*ir,,, loiJuJ ilocrsrsl lrr II "-- -',--t'---i I 9'rcei rlart'e lSurt" 1 iPLAcrD I DR i [c"noo riu"'"- - I [c.-a.v! -" .l ountNo: R013145 kict: SC'|13 lNb: 210311417011 ner Name/Address ENE R. WILLIAM. FLANNERY, DIOI.I M -J I THATCH PALM DR A MTON. FL. 33437 Su bd iv ision il;r*";il _ 3.909 _ I lmpr,r ASoessed 22,724 |..._...,..-t '.i t" "ri'i. iiil 'r'. ".',i:1.! r(:i', i.',. .;.r,. 1 1 ..,' rir'. l,'i',. t'i(,i.lrsirtri ,( '.r :r, tr..r" r r.r: [ (il'i'' :'\ i l:,1:r ,,, , i',:i, r ', !l.tl '.i:i':i., l i l. 1ri('1'1";-r11'11 .i.,r,ti, :i:., (.1 r, .,i .t:,rr,1.. l.llrl;1rf i Ot:i'''rllii cntiril caglc oounl\: '1 :ii.t1 i'':'l- '.'t Cupl rii4hl 'c) 1993 l-ag'le Cottut-v Sitc t'r.oduccrl and Marntaincd tr1'l!rli+ i:riiLr.'.i.1''i-(et1113.i \':'\'t'''''r.'l F;.n lFi- ln-.*f.i' io""i*: | 1R718339 127.50 L _-l_ - ---J-- - - a;.". lFi- I n-*r*.** iooo r | 1R71833e 127.! ---r-- * --+-- sales Dale lSale Price 12/10/99 i zzs,ooo --.--. -- -.,.. -l-- - t 1 . D:\F.D-unitl I .jpg (loc Paee I of2 t rt- i,, t' I r"T t I t'i' / / D:\F,D,existing,unitl r! 0ocarl .//4'. yr-y'',, U, l,l'l , l, /,. .), ' (:. /L elof2 f/ tt lo, t..r(.;'ti: llrt.,,t' L/, r ;-rt /) //,)C't(c.tG ,/ /) / t- ?Lt," 2l D:\D,F,un it2l.jpg(t Paee 2 of2 "r 9l;, i'j"F: l' j"-s t ,,urT Z1 Fno'/cstP f1,,- 1,,,t i/ # f/ zlo zeagd (pco1) Edl 1 11nm'Eurlsrxe'q'C\:C D:\D,F,uni t2l.jpg @"{ *'i fii t ,r *.. ;l-' ...In:'-i ]/a-- | Paee I of2 j * --1 - .i{6[it*i '*,;'Effi'i.r * L/n,7 f.a 76r,7/i. on,l // TJo ZeEEd (pcot) Edf'1 11run'C'A:C (D *5T\tvs !rl .9N + _]" T lit5 T -eN Ir!l_ I of .L t.!n +.r F-u-E :, um'J' -l UI2 t. 3 Q.uilaO6 o:zatU).. hfi .-9..v N I lfi; 6A l. .r' 3 ._s -tfr I $ al'l i.-. .it .Fl l_J- ,,i,W.tr ,. , I II , I .l I tJ), !o \rt ---*,- ;'f-{rl '-: .l e, 'di.Eg ii IjP \ ...-'- I Io $ l,tI I t I I5I I ir a'-3 TIt' T ANNAI{DALE CONSULTANTS INC. To: Eric Edeen Ct-& 4 ?zo- 3?6 -a g?7 Frr #: 90-926-2130 7 trf* TRANSMITTAL From: Ed Peterson Phone: 303-98t1188 Far#: 30&(D$060E Date sent: llday 5,2000 Message: PROJECT: Please add these struc'tural drawings to the mini seb you will rcceive in the nail shortly. These detail the size, number and framing details for the materials to be usod on the beams to eliminrte the two columns, one in the Htchen and one in the living area C*2'* ?2a-/)6-o€/6- DienerlFlanneryCondoRarmigantrUnit r * /97g &-r;pA" ' bpP' o\o\ 1360 S. Wadsworth Blvd. #310 Lakesoo4 CO E0232 Phonc: 303-985-1 188 Fax: 303-9E5{60E 6iffin"d'6pv valvclzgoa 1u: 15 ar6a..aLJt t v |\I<IYI UUtt5Lt- | Art | ) lr{J. rAl:E u\ KRM oq\suLrANrs nE. PO 3CX4t7e v1,L, c*oqADo el6la l97olg4slqxn lFr,,(l s.$r 577 Fil(TRANSMITTAL DATE: 5l4l2oo0 FAX TO; l, |IANE: Ed Pstoreoo 3. NAME: COI|IPA^IY: Annandelc Coruultonts, tnc. COI\0PANY: FAX: 303-985-0608 FAx: 2. NAHE: 1. NATITE: COMPATJY: COMPANY: FAX: FAX: JOB ITIUMBEE: OOOS-O2 PROJECT: Pt.tmio.n ll I Remodel WE INANSTJ'Ir HENEWIH f'IE FOIIOWNO NEilS IIN AODITIOI'I TO TH/s THINSMIT|ALI: 'PECES.. DESCEPflON: 1 Record 4 Marksd-rp copice ot architccturll planr REMARKS: Sory rhls took so loog. I heve thrca copios of the originals of thesa .t my ottice lor romeone to lick up lo turn in to rhe building dopartmcnt .nd to htvc on tita to. construction. sr6rv60..W Kimb..fy trrcch{ gstg4tzAqA 1B:13 9799491577 KKM ULINSIJLIANI5 .I rA\'E VZ l97ol949Stgr FAxl e4F1577 t{-. o'KRMcd\FrLrA ne. 9rl4ta5r2 vaL rf! rqmo 8to58 RECOm) JOB NttMEEf,:0005'02 DA1E: PfrOJECT: 5t412000 Prtumigrn fl t Remodd I h6vo tlvi.wad thi planr fof lh' ptoposed romod-?l to Unit '11 't hlrlniorn Townhorncr In Vril' Colorado. Anach.d ro rtti" rr-co'O "'l copi"' ol rpecitic r]re]as'of tne arclutecr'i ptens with my ltructural notes suporimposcd. The following cmt ars addressed: 1'Wholeth€mtst!'bedroprrwgltisbsinoremovcdtooxtendth'gP'c€intotheb.lconY.addlrrip|c 1 3/4' x 1l /8' LVL bstm' 2. In ths upper lloor ltrtnino ovcr llre frmily room'- -whora thc post by thc stairwtY b lo bc rcmovcd' iitrfot""'tn" cxistim 6ri4 bcam wirh two 1 3/4' x 14' LVL's each tido' 3. In the uppor lloor framing Over thc kitchen, whato the poSt as to be rcmoved, ropbco thc cxirting 6x14 dtoppod bcrm with fivr 1 3/4' x t4' LvL's' 4. lt ir accoDtablc lo notch the bottom of rhe existing 6xl 2 header over lhe glosl door to thr b'ck deck 2" for tho new diding glass door. Ref€r ro rh. attached copiel of tho planr for more cpociflc information about th' lbovo li't'd ilamr' The cont.rctor is rcoponlible for notifYing u3 Of any cxisting condirlons that may cffcct tho situcluf0l itrmt shown. Wr should .lso bo conl.ctod to obsetvo th-e work once h hla been corndeted io vetity conlorrnance with our drslen i ent. 3 art I neentte uores El nsspoltrss D aenncaftoN/cllANcE COPY TO: €d Petorson - Annandllc TOWN OF VAIL DEPARII,IENT OF COMMIINTTY DEVEIJOPMEITT75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 NOIIE: 1TIIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELE TRIEAT PERMIT Permit, #: 800-0134 ilob Address: 1975 PLACID DR Status...: ISSITED Locat,ion. --: L975 PLACID DR #11 Applied... O7/LO/2O00Parcel No..: 2103-114-17-011 Issued...z O7/La/2OOOProject No.: PItiI00-0092 Er<pires..: OLILO/2OOL APPI-,ICAIIT SABO EIJESTRIC Phone: 970-524-7970 0799 CqrIpNWOOD PASS ROAD, cypSIrM, CO 81537 coNTRAqroR SABO Er,EerRrC Phonez 970-524-7970 0799 CoTTONWOOD PASS ROAD, GypStM, CO 81637 OWNER DIENER WII,,I'IAIVI/FI,ANNERY DION PhONE: 551-395-1635 231 THATCH PAJ.,M DR, BOCA RATON, FL 33437 Description: REWTRE tlNrT valuation: 1,350.00 rta a a aarrrr r'r *rrr*tttt rrrt rrrrr aatrrra * r.r rrrrt trarr rrrirtrt r FaE Al'fiARI rrta.r rrr r ti** ** ttt..tttt t t ati,r arttttitt 'ltt tttt Elcc!rlc.l---> 50.oo To!.1 crlcul.led Fcc!---> 53.OO DRB Fce Inv..tigrcLott> .oo Toetl PorEib Fc.--------> 53.oo nlll crll----> 3.oo P.:dGntE------- TOIAIJ FBES---> 53.00 BAIN.}ICE DUE---- ttttttt*t**tr******jrr{*r**r*r'i'|'l*''|'ll*'**'*'**''fr'*t'ttttttittttttit,**t*t'*t*j*!rjr*'t*tttt*jtt'*ttttt*t'ft|'}.ltt*!}ll+* rttitttaatat*tt tat+a,ta,tittt"'tt*'tti'tt'r.t EONDITION OF APPROVAI, 1. FIBLD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODB C0!{PLIAI{CB. a ri rtrt aa tt r*rr*rat.t t r ttt.r'tarr r*arrrt,t**rttta *trtatttttltattlt|'t*atta'lrltaartatttttttt DECI,ARATIONS I hctcby acknoylcdE. thit f hrrc rsrd lhie application, f,iIIld ouf in fu]1 thr infonatsion r€quir.d, coaplaC.d.n .ccu!.tc plo! plrlr, and atate thBt, all t'ho inforoacion providqd.e raquirsd Ls corrcct, I agree to colrply xluh lhr infornrgion and Plots pl.n, Eo couply uith all Tovn ordinrncca and atate laxs, and Eo build thie atructsulc according to tha loxn't zonlng md iubdivlsion codla, dasiEn r.vl,!w approvad, Unlforo Building codc and obhcr ordinrnccE of the Tosn .Pplicrblc !h.rlto' REQLBSTS lOR IM'PBCTIONS SflAt t BB |{ADE rnBltTr-POUn HO(ng IN ADInNCE BY TBIJEPHONB AT 479-213g OR AT OUR OFIICE FRO!| 8!OO A}| SrOO PU Item: 06000 ELECrRICAI DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Divi-sion: O7/LO/2OOO iIRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVEDitbm:'65600-F-r-ns DEPARIII{EItI Depts: FrRE Division: o7/LO/2000 iIRIr{ Acrion: APPR N/A G..-<*<"2-- STG ATI'RB OF ONNER OR COITIRACTOR FOR IIIXSBLF AND OflTIN o tt*ltt**tta***t***lrt*t*i****r**t**i*art*****rr*a**l***trarrart* TOIII| OP VAIIJ, COIORADO Statsedrt *ttt*tttlf ttrtrtla***tattttl*lirlli:ltttttii**tt*t**ttttttitttttt*tt Statcnnt Nunber I REC-O55{ lmorurt:53.Oo 01/L4/ 00 11:32 Palment llethod: CK Notatlon: *25,10/8ABo InLt: LC E0o-0134 Tlpe: B-ELTEC BLBqTRICaIJ pRItlrT 2103-114-17-011 19?5 PIACID DR 19?5 PIACID DR #11 Total Feee: 53 . O0 Total AIJJ Pmt,E : Balance: 53.00 53.O0 .00 'tt*at*t*tttlttttatlt+tta**t*tt*t**ttttitt**ltlitt**ii*at*tlrla***tt Account Code Descrlptlon EP.OO1OOOO31114OO EI.,Eq[RICAI., PERIiIIT FEES tfc 00100003112800 wrri6 cAr,r. rNsPEqtroN FEE Peru1ts !to: Parcel No: Site lddreEe: Locatlqr: lbLa Payuent Amount 50,00 3.00 v wilJ.APPLICATIOT I{OT8€ ACCEPTED IF ITICOMPLETE OR UII5IGI{ED Proiect #: luilding Permit #: Electricrl Permit #: ?5 S. Fruntrrc Rd. Vall, Coloreilo E1552 COIITPTETE SQ. FEET FOR I{EW BUILDS a'td VALUATIOITS FOR AU. OTHERS (TAbO] & IIAffi) AMOUNT OF SQ FTIN STRUCTURE: J f,5EI EL-ECTRICAL VALUATION: $ COTITRACTOR Iil TOR}IATIO II *t*r****rra*J*+r***trii*r*r&r*****+r***FOR OFFICE USE O LY**.*..*****+*+*******.a************** ffiw # fT (nequlrd lf no bldg. p€rmit # is prwloeo abor) 4rJrtettl ou Job Nanre: D ie por- T.'en o p<-l robAddress: ET"=viyr:" " " Lesaf Descripilon lf rot // llanrr Inmg, F-rz llsuouirition.y5ir lr,f t4z l,-xst ownen**,D,,, ttit._ ll uarg.3r; Hpr!r,- ?.{r_n I phone:szr_ Be.r ,d,i.r Enginsen Address:Phone:'- Detaifed descfiption of work: p<^.i Lr ^ r-t ;DO ' Or9+ Woil(class: ttlet,() nOOition( ) RernodeU4 Repair( ) rempPolver( ) othgll) WorkType: InbrbrA4 Exterior( ) Boffi( )Does an EHU odst at thb locatbn: Yes ( ) tro ( ) Ty6ofEUg.: Singletamily( ) ouple<( ) r4ulfiemivjc ComnErdal ( ) Restaurant( ) Oner( ) No. of Existing D$telling Units in this building: <1 No. of Accornnrodatm Units in thb buiHirg: Is thb permit for a hot b.rb: Yes ( ) uo K) Ooes a FircAlarm E(bU ves ( ) No (Oa)Does a Fire trinkler Systetn E)c'st: Yes ( ) l'b (rO Electrical Contrabr: Sabo glqt.iu Tov'rn of Vail Reg. l,l,o.:€ >16 C-ontact and Phone s's: V^.5 $nbt ,52'l-772o ffiaEfulaturc: fq&.a-<.,r F;/evcryon€/fonns/€leeerD 4._RESI) JUL 1O 2OOO TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIITAGE ROADvArt, co 9L657 970-479-2t38 ilob Address...:Locatsion......: Parcel No.....: ProjecE Number: 1975 PLACTD DR 1975 PT,ACID DR (#11) 2LO3-LL4-L7 -OL1- PRJo0-0092 status...: rssIJEDApplied..: 06/L6/2OOoIssued...: 06/t9/2000Expires..: L2/L6/2000 DEPARTI4ENT OF COTIMI]NITY DEVELOPMEMT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES I,IECTIANTCAL PERMTT Permit #: M00-0059 APPTIETNT VAIL VATLEY PLI'MBING & HEATING P O BOX 2048, .AVON CO 81520 CONTRACTOR VATL VAILEY PLIJUIBING & HEATTNG P O BOX 2048, AVON CO 8L620OWNER DIENER WILLIAIT,I/FI,ANNERY DION 231 THATCTI PALM DR, BOCA RATON, Description: new gas boiler gas l-ine,wat,er heaLer Fireplac6 InforoaEion: ReBtsrictad: Y *of oa6 Appliances: FL 33437 Valuation: *Of Gas Log€: Phone: 970-949-777L Phonel. 970-949-7771 Phone: 551-395-1635 21, 000 . 00 *of Wood/Pel1.t I FIE SI[itlteRY Mccharical-- -> Pl.an Chcck-- -> Inv6 a tl. gat i on > will call.----> a* *t* * J +t* tl tl * trr * t* i t a *t*lJ* !rt 420.OO 105 .00 .00 .00 52S.00 529 .00 ,00 524.00 529.00 .00 .OO TOTAL FEES-- -- - 3.O0 Re6luarant Plan Rawier- -> nDF Fa6-------- Total calculat.ed Pec6- -- > Additional Fecs---------> Total PeldiE P66- -- --- -- > Payrnents- -- - - - - BAIANCE DUE--- - Iqe.lni .Q5180_E[ILDING DEPARTI{ENT Depts: BUILDING Division:06/16/2000 'JRM Action: APPR APPROVEDI!eni.g56Q0 F-IRE DEPARTMENT Depts: FIRE Division:06/16/2000 JRI{ Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1 . FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO C}IECK FOR CODE COMPI,IAT.TCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THF, L997 I'MC, ORSE TION 701 OF TIIE ],997 IMC.3. INSTAI.LATION MUST EONFORM TO MANTIFA TURES INSTRUCTIONS ANDTO CIIAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 T]MC, CSIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CIAPTER 8 AND SHALI, TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 I'MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF TITE 1997- IMC.5. ACCESS TO HBATING EOI'IPMEMT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1O1.7 OF TIIE 1997 UMC AI.ID CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC.6. BOILERS SIALL BE MOI'NTBD ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. I'NLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT, PLANS ATiTD CODE AI{AI,YSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANIEAJ, ROOM PRIOR TO A}I INSPESIION REOI'BST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECIIANICAI ROOMS COT.ITAINTNG HBATING OR HOT.WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SIIALT BE EOUIPPBD WITH A FI.,OOR DRAIN PBR SEC.L022 0F TI{A r-997 UMC, OR SECTTON 1004.5 0F TrrE 1997 rMC. ******************************************************************************** DECIJAR.ATIONS I h€arity .cknorl.dg. tlirh I hrv. Irr|d tbl! qDllcrgtoD, flllcd ouc id. fuu rhc lnfoo:ulglon rrguilrd, ccpl.b.d .|r recu:r.tr tflotPIrn, rnd sllcc bhrt rll cha lr|foa.|lrEtot! P!.ryI&d r. r|qulr.d L! coE ct. I .Era. !o cooply rlrh Bh. lnfodrucloo.a!d plob plrtr,to cq)ly xith.ll Torn otr,dlnlrc.. rnd.!.!t lrrt, rnd bo buil.l thl,r rEruclurr tccordlng co t'h. four, r laDlt€ .trd.ubdlvhiocod.t, drtlgt| rrvl.t rtDrovld, lttrifon BulldLng cods |nd oghrl ordl4!!f!!j;L!hs ?orn rppllcrbl. th.r ro. ruon88T8 rOR IrgPreXIOnS gHILIJ !! XIDE n|rl{rr-rom. aolng .aT 479-2138 0R tr OMCl llol 8r0O lt 5!00 Dfl glonlrnl oF ofiItR on colrnecloR ton Et|3lra rsD ot{trlB v ******t************i*****i****t*****t**l******t******r*i**t***** TOWN OF VATIJ, COI,oRADO , Statennt. *!r**if****tarl*******i+t**********t!r*a****l*t**t*t*****rl**trtrl***t gtatemnt Number: REC-0543 Amount r S28.OO O6/L9/oO OAtS3 Palmen! Method: 203O4 Notation; VAIL VALI/EY PIJUI! Ini!: iIN Permlt No : lit00- 0059 Type: B-UECH MECIIANICAL PBR.!{IT Parcel No: 2t 03 -114 -17- 011 Site AddreEe: 1975 PLACID DR Location: 1975 PIACID. DR (#11) 'Ibi6 Palnnent Total Fees: 528.00 Total ALL PmtE: Bal.ance: *tla*t+***t:)it**+***t****tt***********il.l+***********t**t******t** Accourot code De6cription l{P OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANIEAI, PERUIT FEES PF OO1OOOO3].123OO PLAN CHECR FEES wc 00100003112800 IIIIJr CAIJL rNspBerroN F8E 528 . O0 528 . OO .oo Amount 420.00 105.00 3 . O0 APPuCATIoI.TLL NoT BE ACCEPTED IF INCoMPLESR MWNOFWN 75 S, Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Pro;dde Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include:d =ffitfifanica I Roo m Di m ensi on ss- Combustion Air Duct Size and Locatione' Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Location{Heat Loss Calcs. o/- Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 -2149 (Inspections) Permit will not be acceoted without the followino: Contad Assessorc Oflice at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcef # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) 2/t3 - /// - /7- O,// 'oo*ut*4u,- z.a#Job Address:'o?{,me 227 '47 Legal Description Lot: //Block:Filing:SuMivision: owners Nu-"fzataqhrzrraz-ll Address2gT 74ffi;%tr nz' I enonei45 y- 3? f- tA 3 ( engineer'4-4pr6kzt?-e/,fdrrVFdressi€radzrtly'y'2 Phone: Detaifed descriptionbf work: €/672t2..?fzizr dF /4d a.2 .tuzft./ ./2/.e27't?e-Z lu/a,tfu ,A/e.7 ,r'Zq arl&€e fug?..<.&o 4,75 ,a'7za-b Work Class: New 1-; Additig ( ) Alteration 6z) Repair ( ) Other ( ) Boiler Location: Interior ( vf Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family (() Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas W{h./wood/Pdlet ( ) Wood Burninq (X ) Nofype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs (>/) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOTALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) tlo 9{ MECHANICAL: $ Z/, COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (Labor & Materials) CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contact and Phone #'s:V//Zrrown of Vail Reg. No.: ***********************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************ F: /everyone/forms/ mechperm ffiCD JUN 15 ZOOO ******t**** oo '\. 2- )---m- xfi*)5C-) 9l*l .ESJt'1r." ', !,J-- C> o E) { -q-) \Id F_1. {\la N h $ -.tq \ f.5 \e;'4*o-j*, "lt *z_r,2 q oo l € € { 4ov \ u 22 =42 Ji:dc oor<,DE llaLL # >1 J NI I v e{IJ svz (E .h ;,) \ufg z H AI \nqq, Ff, -\r R\\) ,s *, taf$ -s \5 3.tL$ r s \, *f Yl \\( \q, V\ \Jt an lSO9001 Cedifrad Company e GOLD GV SERIES 3 GAS BOILER with Direct Vent I Easy to Install and Service I Low NOx Certified by South CoastAir Quality Management District (Rule 1146.2) in California I Made with Weil-McLain Quality \ 1II I d Water Net Ratings: 53,000 to 133,000 Btu/Hr. Applications: . Commercial . Residential . Multiple Boilers . Schools and Other lnstitutions . Indirect-fired Water Heating .,Radiant Heating ... And Much More As it tlfrIc!, SnR Padrot Wbil-Mf/.,ain EIVERGY Sr,4n qui ,i4es ,br v(/'ain &J/ebmin€dlhal Itls oroduc{baots D DOE I Net l=B=R I Approx. A.GA. I Heating I Water. lSrrippingInput I Capacity I Ratings I lVeight MBH I MBH (1) | MBH (2) | (Lbs.) - Ritings DOE Seasonal Efficiency (AFUE)% Venl Diameter Inches (31 Boiler l/\later Content (Gal.)@ @ Aw DOE @__ b'#&6.0133153GV$175 410 87.0 NOtgS. 1) 8as€d 0n slandard test procedures F€sffibed by lh€ United Slelos D€padnont ol Energy. 2) N€t l:B:R ratings ar€ bas€d 0n nel inslallsd radialion 0f sufiicient quanlity lor lhs requiramonh ol the hjllding and nohing need b€ add€d for nomal piping and pick-up, Ratings ar€ bas€d on a piping and pick up allowanc€ of 1.15. An additloml allowance shorjld bs made for unusual Fting and pick-up loads, 3) GV kil€r5 must be v€nted dileclly to th€ outdd€. Low NOx c€.tr'i€d by SCAQMD in Calitomia, as lorry as 30 nanogrann perlule. AGA desiln c€dii€d for irEhllation on combustible fmdng. Testsd b 50 PSI worling pr€ssurE. GV artomalica$y compensat€s b al&de roEdliB h trduced inflr as toit 'vs: 2m0 fr. - 93%; 3000 fi. - 90%; 1000 ft. - 87%; ard 3% b. oadr addilboal lm fi. For bolo6 us€d at dflld€s above 56m fi., a high allitu{b kit rrusl be inslall€d. ,l Dimensions ' Circulators suppli€d with boiler cannot be removed and cannot b€ used as a zone circulalor in multiple zone systems. " lncludes insidB and outside plates, vent cap and naroware. Boiler Model Length - Inches L Supply Size Inches Return Size lnches Gas Connection Size Inches TOPVIEW Crate Dimensions Moasurement8 - In,) width 3$1t2 22 3I1lZ 36 VEIT d AIR a rOP YEW ll{nouor w tt ljb.tt c.0 b ta x lott ;'' ) I locate our Sales Offices b visiting our llbbstte: www.well+nclaln,am 30 PSI ASME Relief Valve (boiler sections testod for 50 PSI working pressure) Wat€r Temoeraturo Limit Switch Soction Block Temoerature Limit Switch Combination Pressure-Temperature Gauge Drain Valve Additional Equipment: Expansion Tank Package #109 - sizes 3 thru 5; #110 - size 6. Shipped in separate carton. Through the Roof Termination Kit - includes 5' x 5' x 3" tee, 5' cap, flus supportl spac€r clamps, debris scrs€n and hardware. 5" Type B vent pipe and fittngs must be fumished by installer. High Altitude Kit W-M 5 & 10 Year Homeowner Protection Plan W-M lndirect-lired Water Heat€rs W-M Maxill@ Pool HEaters W-M AlumiPexo Radiant Healing ProducG W-M Basoboard Units Weil-McLain 500 Blaine Streel Michigan City, lN 46360-2388 In f|o Inter€st of continual lmprovements in produc't and pedormance, Weil.ltlclain reserves the right to changa sp€cificatiom withoul nolico. ufEll-flhlllll A Unihd Dominion Company gD€EIIVANq{ Standard and Additional Equipment Standard Equipment: Factory Tosted 'lnsulated Extended Jacket Cast lron Seclions Wth Built-in Air Separator Steel Bass GCM GOLD Conlrol Module@ with Indicator Lights Blower Assembly with Observation Porl Gas/Air Manifold Assembly Gas/Air Orilic€ Plate for Natural Gas (separate plato turnished for convorsion to propane) Stainless Stesl Burner Cone and Ring Assembly Negaliva R6gulation Gas Valve Hot Surface lgnition System Air Pressure Switch System Circulator' Built-in Bypass Circulator System with Sensor for Temporalure Control* Condensate Drain Trap Sidewall Vent Termination Kit.' 40VA Transformer Electdcal Junction Box @ 1999 Weil-McLain Form No. C-834R1(0899) ProductSpecificotions 1|, (*) This fitting can be used as a retum connection if circulated domestic water is required. It can also be used as an alt€mate connection for the relief valve. Performence 1|. TR Serias Conditions: - 20ff boiler water supply - 90' temperature rise - Forced circulation - Vertical installation HL Series Stondord Feotures A Durable, comigated stainless steel inner tank A Steel outer tank completely insulated with 2" of polyurethane foam (TR series) or 1 1/4" flexible polyurethane covering (HL series). CFC free. A Baked enamel steel jacket for TR models and vinvl exterioriacket for HL. A A Factory supplied automatic air vent Complete control system includes: . Adjustable thermostat . Temperature gauge (TR series) Limited LIFETIME waranty residential 15 vear wiurantv commercial TR-20 19" x 19" 38" TR-30 19" x 19" 49" TR-36 19" x 19" 60' TR-45 23" x23" 57" TR-60 23" x23" 67" TR-75 24" x24" 62 TR-120 30"x30" 72" l' t" 1' | \tq" I l/+. 2" z', 1' 1" 1" | \c" 3t4', 3/4" 3t4', l' I' 1\2" l\2" 314', 3/4" 3t4" 3/4', 3t4', 314" 314" 314', 1" r \2" 11b" 3t4" 3/4" 3t4" 314" 3/4" 72 110 15 165 18 180 20 r94 u 220 29 368 42 450 11 101 13 t23 16 143 20 170 u 194 32" 38" 46" 5'1" 66', U{z L' /?)S /aact6 /}z,a U'tu'-,(o. /.ae ! Av6/.oss@ z?.s Enff, 6?? - &v6/os5 @ sz.s Brc'81 frrflt &7D\ bss Zoue €7 s9g t /os) /q @l Ktrc*t</ 3-,€OLFlooPJ fqasr€R Enrr"cor"r 2-3oo t-o L*i /i' vt rasga lk ?.x Auu f,.sr Sfntot| b, o,- f as> 7 bst Eru'hh " V)rtzsr3o /bP.* 6" oc / esS g,tlS &ro' liz &rD' 11o A'' {^/trrruo lh /7^ 7" 0c- /t(-*fu Lc+cut h nry7L /ZUot-- /,axr F\ 31? a UWILLsure Bar* $,r,.u Qne'* J-3eoLc fssts t/2. Avh fve€ {rro-t /euf t plot tJWv Lsv€t- /4 gs€ Brlis AztJEds 37, zz? '&rut'" UnLlrY E*rt fua fws€ {aro-+ loure l,o 8"r?/ zyv41 Jo?4 loss A,7q7 . Ents p hwa/hnu Fm J42O tr /oeps /z u)rpsao /ti>** frva fuar €tueNa 6" oc Zaxe*3 ls2F Lo>s ,/,1?o U PPaP tg,.ts,t Se*no €aw-l*.bo t > taae t/z' NtBsgo He lZr ftva {"sE fu,^tt'2 a" cL 8ro' '/k aWi& 1l- n, ps'n lvl t, -I' TOIIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArt, co 4]-657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMEIfI OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMEN'I NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLT]MBING PERMIT JOBSITE AT AIL TIT{ES Permit #: P00-0054 'fob Address: 1975 PLACID DR Status. . Locat,ion.. . : 1975 PLACTD DR (pTARMrGANAppIied. Parcel No..: 2103-114-17-OLL Issued..Project No.: PRiI00-0092 E>cpires. ISST'BD o6/L4/2000 o6/L4/2000 12/aL/2000 APPLICANT VAIL VAII-,EY PLI]MBING & HEATING P O BOX 2048, AVON CO 8L520 CONTRACTOR VAIL VATLEY PLUI{BING & HEATING P O BOX 2048, AVON CO 81,620OWNER DIENER WILLIAI4/FIANNERY DION 231 TIIATCII PAIJM DR, BOCA RATON, Description: PLIIIvIBTNG FOR REMODEL Phone: 970-949-7771 Phone z 970-949-777L Phone: 561-395-1-535 FT, 33437 Valuation:1s, 000 . 00 *rrrr*rtrr**rrrrt*i+tr*1*t.t*** *ttti*rrrr*rrr FEE suliluARY **{a'rrt'rrr+itar Plubbing- - - -- > PIan Check- - - > Inve6cigaeion> will call----> RaaluaranL Plan Revien--> TOTAI, FEES- - - -. Totsal Calculated FeqE- - -> Additional Feee---------> Paynrent6------- .00 3. OO .00 2e4 -25 .oo tolal Pemit Fee--------> 2a4.25 2A4 -25 BAI,ANCE DI'E. - - - .OO rtt*'r.r*tr*r!r*J!rra*ttttrt*i*r**J*tar*rfritr*'r t*ttt*ai'J*trt*t IEEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARII'IEI{:T DCPE: BUILDING DiViSiON: 0611412000 .fRM ACt,iON: APPR APPROVEDiEbma'05600 FrRE DEpARTTVIENT Deptr: FrRE Division: O6/L4/2000 JRM Actsion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI 1. FIELD INSPE TIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. **af,rati*:lr**r* r+i*i****i*t*tr* ,**,trirtr*artt DECI,ARATIONS I herBby acknorkdga tsh.ts I have rcad chi6 aPplication, fillod out in ful1 plan, and st'aie tshats all tha inforlation prowided as required is corract. Eo corl!)ly rich all Torrn ordinanc€s end 6t.at6 1af,6, and tso build chis cod6s, design rawiev rplrfovcd, unifon Building coda and othar of tsh6 To*n applica.ble lhereto. REeuEsrs ron rNspecaioNs sHArJr, tsE tilADE TwENry-FouR ltouRs rN TEI,E PT{ONE groo Al4 5:00 Ptt the inforEaCion rcquired, coEtrll€lcd in accurau. ltlot I agrcc €o e.pElw rrilh th. inforo.tion .nd PLo! plan, tso tshc-Ibrn's zoning .trd eubdivieion FoR HIMSET F v **rlrta***t*!}*tt*t****t***tt**t**li*!t*rl*t*t+tttr**r*t*****t*t*****lr TOICN OF VAIIJ, COLORjADO 'Ftatemotl***l**il+l*ttlatt!l***tA*!l**t!t*****t**t*!}*tr***t*ta****lti*f****** 8tsate it Nunber: REC-0541 AnouDt: ZA4.2S o6/L4/Oo LSZ2L . Palmetxt ethod: 198?5 Notation: VAfL VeLI,Ey plilu Init: iM Permit tfo I P00-0054 Tlpe: B- PLI|B PIjr!,tBINc pERltIT Parcel No: 2103 -U4-1?-011 Site Mdresa: 1975 PLTACID DR Loeatl.on: 1975 PIACID DR (PTInilIeAlr Is 11) TotaL FeeE: 254-25 Ilrls Paynint 284.23 Total ALL Pnte r 2a4.2s ' BaLance! .00 ****lllta***i***a***a*i***************tit!)t*******i************t* Account Cod€ Desc?{ptio|t Ainount PP 00100003111200 PUrilBIlfGt pRmT FBBS 225.OO PF 00100003112300 PIJItr CHECK FBES 55.25_ tfc 00100003112800 !fI&L cAIJr rNspEetloN pEE 3.00 (' gt+ orr.r*t QrrLL Nor BE AccEprED ,r rn.o"re o* uJoonro aar-B Project #: Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 97 0-479-2749 (Inspections) MWNOPYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Contact Assessrs Offtce at 970-328-864O or yisit '.com for Patcel # Parcef # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) t/Aj-/7TmV JobName"-s-&z tzg/)ob Address:, //{&2,e. F/ Legal Description tot: //Block:Filing:su}dvisiot/2f4E V/Ad ru84 ownersNu^e4a,/aq/r2rct/o=llAddress:4rr/7aaa4aa,2*gryz47rtl*hon* Ensiner'4rr4bag.r/4zr+ou'/t*i9dress:Phonel Detailed description of work: Z Eafmg Saarff /Aqz*l//a^.? al fg,fzffzia. plarv0/db- eCZ//zilA,<-AJ #Et Workclass: New() Addition( ) Alteration(r) Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family fr) Duplex ( ) MultFfamily ( ) Commercial ( ) Resbaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 1/No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes (x ) No ( ) COMPLETE VATUATION FOR PTUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBING: $ /5. W Contact and Phone #'s:*azfuz- %i/-zzzl *****************rt***zi********:t*****"**FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*"***r.:r******rr******rt**************** F/everyone/f ormgplmbperm ffic'D JUN 13 2000 o o FoaOE'd8 e I Ol4 'f{ozOD.oOI j a{ c; FI-2}lb68P" oq|2A6t EA i. cT 5Hq| DtJ g T 6I ut trot 2. a ttlao TE oorAOEOA.. o o I (\| o e; q 4 3lDc|rr Al.lg Eop F tJ F.a6 q H4qE U ; !l o o:rt! BAE< ri E4 EE EEB. E IE iEH' HT HHHI HEH. T Ei EaA xH 2 H EHECt(.,tg exI-Io ollH ERg Ex6 E- o l.o B E ED EIT( e En4 F 2 EIA o 1: o orDc!t ci:> r:rxqa oaLAG, TDO t EE8 REPT131 11-1A-?$Yl o. l.{ at tl ArPiO ffio.rndlon Activity: C|J6t Ti4r€: Parcd: Appicant: cHainr' Rl'| ld. a)6 Page 12 Sierra Computer Systems P0G005,1 210:r-114-1 /01-1 Status: ISSUED lrrsp tuea' JRM vArL VALLFT PLUMBING & HEAINq DIFNFR WII I IAM/FI ANNFRY DION , Conhador: VAIL VALLEY PLUMBtllc a HE TfNd Desqiptiqr. PLUMBING FOR REMODEL Raqrsted hrocctlonlsl lrm: Rcql3Cq: Cofiancds: AssigtEd To. ' Adlon: ftemComr'|!ds: 29O PLIB-Flnc Timc Frel vAlL vAtLEY PLUMSTNG El HEATTNG UNIT 11 ! CDAVIS i'l ,, t Roq. lnspoct Dde: Aislgnod To: hspecum Twe: lnspe€{ion Area: $to Addross: Tlpc: B-PLiIB Occrparcy: Inspection Request Work Sheet Tuesday, Novembor t4, 2000 cDAV|S PLTIB JRM 1375 PLACID DR VAII 1975 PLAC|D DR iFTAFtlGAr{ TH lt) Q'fi Tt^a AAOTve r rPv. 's! r Use. Phone: 97O94$7771 Phone 561-395-1635 PhonE: 970 9497771 F.qlmsl.d Tkne: 08:00 AX Phcne: 9?0-94$777.1 -of- 9157771JI'I IF ErrtuerJ By. JNOLEI,I K |nsostlon Htstorv Item; 210 PLMB Undcrgotnd (Optional) " Approved " 06/15 10 ktq,rectcrr. GRG co|rmtrt3i soME WATER & DWV@ 5 PSI Item: 220 PLM&RouEtr/D.W.V.(Optional) 08O3,n0 krpec-tor: JRM Cdrmords: APPR 6# AIR TE9T UnSIZE 0An3n0 hspcc-tor: JRM Aclro|l- Af,r-F( Al-Ft{\Jvtru A.ction: APPF APPROVED Action: CO CERTIFICATE OF 9CCUPANCY Corrmcds: ADDTL COMMS - WEST VENT TO 2INCHES ADD NAIL PLATES. O&IX)i{)O fisocctor CD Corrmcdr: ? VENT CEUPLETE Action: APPR APPROVED Itcm: 230 PlM&Rorglvwalrf (Optional) - Approved * 00rc3,S1 lneprctor: JRM Corrncrtr: UNOER STREET PRESSURE Actlon: APPR APPROVED PtMSGas Piplng (Optlonall * Approvrd " 08jo3ru0 Inspcc,tor: JRM Com.ncr s: APP 15#TAGW/CONTRACTR Adion: .APPH F.PPROVEO It€rn: 240 Itom: 250 Itlrn: 260 Itcm: 2S) PLMSFJooUHot Tub PLM&Mlsc. PLM&Flnel (Optioflal) (optlonaD (RG+ircd) il Lu,rwSt d6 Ftt'ttrL' Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Ptarmigan trash enclosure ProjectDescription: trash enclosure Project Number: Owner, Address, and Phone: Tom Saalfeld Ptarmigan Townhome Associetion Box 832, Vail, CO 8165E 476-3328 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: same as above Project Street Address: 1975 W. Gore Creek Drive Legal Description: Lots29-40, Vail Village West Filing 2 BuildingName: Ptarmigan TownhomesParcelNumber: 210312306034 Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions:materials must match existing Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 09127199 Project Name: Ptarmigan trash enclosure Document2 Board/Staff Action Action:staffapproved with condition DRB Fee Paid: S20.00 Qu.rtiolr|}l thc Plalning staii a. 4?>'-l I 2s APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Design Rcviov approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign revicw must rcccivc Desigr Revicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information, sc€ thc submittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucsted. Thc application cannot be acceptcd until all the requircd infbrmation is submittcd. Thc projcc-t may also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Environmcntal Conrnrission. Dcsign Rcview Board approval cxpiics onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is started. A. DESCRIPTIONOFTHEREQUEST: c. D. E. B. F. c. 'f tw,- 't\r<a \ L/-! t PHONE: Construction of a new building. Includcs any addition where square footagc is added to any rcsidential or comrncrcial building. lncludcs minor changes to buildings and site improvements. such as, rcroofing, painting window additions. landscaping, fenccs and rctaining walls, etc. H.ryPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Ncw Construction - $200 tr Addition - $50 Vftlinor Altcration - $20 DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building permit. please identiff thc accurate valuation ofthe project. Thc Town ofVail will adjust the fce according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMTT THTS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vArL. coLoRADO 81657. T0|IfN0FvAtt, pHysrcAl nnonrss: lQ'? f t r 1 6ao€. cLac L \\2r t/(2 PARCEL#:atoilZl ob2Vq (Contact Eaglc Co, Asscssors Officc at 970-32E-E640 for v(\ NAME OF OWNER(S): OWNER(S) SIGNATTJRE(S): NAME OFAPPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: MAILINC ADDRESS: ao Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Lee Residence Project Description: interior remodel with minor window changes Owner, Address and Phone: Robert & Jo Ann Lee,5620 N. 75th Phce, Scottsdale, AZ E5250, (602) 675-0190 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: *ArTi!?ij-rf11ii%"t"rur, Po Box 146e, Edwards, co Project Street Address: 1975 W. Gore Creek Drive / Ptarmigan Townhomes #21 Legal Description: Ptarmigan Townhomes #21 Parcel Number: Building Name: Comments: 42 square feet of GRFA has been added to this unit with this approval Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: tll4l99 Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproved F;TEVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL99\Iee.wod DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $50.00 TOlflNOFVAIL building pcrmit is issued anrl construction is startcd' A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: Qucstions? Call thc Pll::rning Staiiat 479-1128 APPLICATION FOR DESTCN REVIEW APPROVAL ?^T 11 ' ooo 6 GENEMLINFORMATION ?4't - 6rooo9 This application is for any pljcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv Jpp/*'ut. -Anylrojcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicw ntr' t rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to submitting for a buiiding pcrmit' ioispcciRc infomration, sce thc subrrittal rcquircnrcuts for thc pa(icular approual that is requcstcd. Thc aplpiication cannot bc acceptcd until all thc requircd infornration is subntittcd. ft . prJ;..t may also nccd to bc ,cui.*cd by thc Torvn Council and/or thc Planning and Environurcntal Conrrnission. ncsign Rcvicrv Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a ct.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: PFTYSICAL ADDRESS:u PARCEL #:4!!1J!t70Ll BLOCK:- FILING: w io:tzt-sdff^;parcel#) C. D. E, F. c. ZONINC: NAME OF OWNERIS): 4o L c' ,.z o MAILINC ADDRESS: 5 /'/- o ?.f {7io Dlrr1\ftr. 6eL - 6 7 5-- a I 7oQ- t 7I r.tZ OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): H. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Nov Construction - $200 Construction of a ncrv building' tr Arldition - $50 Irrcludcs any addition rvhcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or comnrcrcial building' tr Minor Altcration - $20 Includcs nrinor changes to buitdings and site improvcmcnts' such as'. rcroofing. painting. indol additions, landscaping' fenccs and rctaining - rvalls, ctc. DRB fccs arc to be paid at thc timc ofsubnrittal. Latcr. rvhcn applying for a building pcnnit. plcasc identiff thc accuratc valuation ofthc projcct. ThcTown of Vail rvill a jusithefcc according to thc projcct valuation' PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATTON, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUTREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COIVIMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' VAIL. COLORADO 8I657. 7 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAII-,, CO 81657 970-4?9-2L38 ilob Address: tocatsion. ..: Parcel No..: Project No.: occupancy: R1 MulE.i-Family Tlpe ConsEructsion: V 1-HR Type V l-Hour Tllge Occupancy: ValuaE,ion: 120,000 Fireplacc lnformation: na"ttiat"a, Y *of Gas Appli.ncc6: DBPARTI,IENr OF COMMT NITY DEI/EI-,OPME]IT NCI{TE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AIJL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT PETMiT #: 899-0006 Status. . AppIied. Issued. . E:q)ires. ISSI'ED 0L/L8/L999 oL/L9/L999 07 /L8/Lee9 owNER ST3*"83.H'FE RrrN, LoursvrrJlrE rcr 4o2fioV/c-omm'.Dev' Clein-uP DePgsit Refund APPI,ICAI.IT R.A. FROBERG & ASSOC, INC P.O. BOX L469, EDWARDS, CO 81632 CONTRA TOR R.A. FROBERG & ASSOC, INC P.O. BOX L469, EDWARDS, CO 81532 v'vvrr -r-r "J-A- Description: 6 i,7\r,^rrr .2L'el'L;I. II,LI.IJrI: .. J INTERIOR REI,IDEOL AI\ID DECK INFILL appfoveq amount date Add Sq FE: 42 *Of Oas t oga: Phone: 970-926-3220 Phone t 970-926-3220 Sof wood/grllcc I PEE St',t'll'IARY ari+tt'rtttt'rt BuildlnE-----> S2O.OO Lestuerrn! PLan Rcwi.t --> .Oo Toeal C.lculaC.al F6.5---> 1,95S'60 PIan Ch.ck_--> 533.oo DRB Pce-_----__ Invegtigation> .OO Recr€aClon Fce----------> L2,6O Total Peruig Fso--------> 1,968'60 wiLl c!11----> 3,oo claan-up D.posic--------> 5oo.oo Prt/ucnct----------------> 1'968'60 TOTAL FAAA----- 1,96e.50 BATANCE DltE- --- '00 **rrr i ri.r *a | *a+atrr+ r rrr* rar*rt.lratt**rtitar*attt*tttttttatrt*t tiltttr*+at*t**l*** ** t ITEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTtr,IENf DEPIi-BUILDING DiViSiON: 611I6/79e9-cfrARfrE -A-Eion; uOrn pr,ans ro cHAs:,rE 0177671999 cIaRtrE ACcion: APPR cHARLTE DAvrs iEbm;' os4oo-i'l^iffirNg-DsFARiuisNT- --- DepE' PIJANNING Division: OL/L8/I999 CHARI,IB ACTiON: NCITE PT,ANS TQ BRENT |L'/L9'/L999 BwrLsoN Action: APPR approveditbm;'d56oo FrRE DEPARTIIIENi "- Depts: FrRE Divi-sion: oL/L8/t999 clIARtrE Action: APPR N,/A .vision:rE.iem:' 05500 PttBLrc woRKsol/Lg/Lggg CHARLTE Act.ion: AppR N/A Depts: Pt'B woRK Di ":'-'-'"" "'" See Page 2 of this Document, for any condiEions that, may apply to this permiE. DECIARATIONS I hereby ackno$l.dge chats I hav€ rqad Lhl,6 applicacion, fi.lled out ln full th. inforoaLion tcquircd, coltPl.ted 'n accurate plot pl,an, and 6!ats thst all the.lnfonEtion provid€d .r r.quired i.€ correcb. t ig!c. to corQly elth tsh€ inforEation rnd plo! plan, to comply vith all To$n ordinancc6 .nd 6caee lawE, and Lo bulld lhls slruccur. eccordlng !o !h€ Tor.n'B zonLng end aubdivieion code6, de6lgn rcwicr approwed, Itni for.m Building cod6 and och6! orait1.nc.6 of uhc Totn ipPlicrblo th.r.to. REQUESTS FOR INSPBCTIONA gHAt,L BI I,'ADE TIIEIITII-FOUR HOURS IN A.DVANCE BY \. 1975 PLAEID TARMIGAN TH T'NIT 2103-LL4-T'7= PRiI99-0006 og.nd clern-Up Dapolrlb To! R.A. FRoBERO Al|D AAsoC.srornnnr ", t" oR coNlnAcrlR toR tlllgltrP llD olNB ****************************************************:t*****:l*******t************* COIIDITIONS PermiE #: 899-0006 aE of OL/L}/99 Stsatsus: ISSIIBD ******************************************************************************** pernrit, Tlpe: ADD/ALT MF BUII-,D PERMIT Applied: 0L/L8/L999 AppJ.icant:, R.A. FRoBERG & Assoc, rNc tssued: ol/L9/L999 970-926-3220 To E4)irez O7/18/L999 ,fob Addrese: LOCATiON: PTARMIEAN T'II T'NIT 21 Parcel No: 2103-LL4-t7-Ozt DeecripEion: INTERIOR REII,IDEOI, AIID DECK INPII-,L Conditions:1. FIELD INSPESTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHBCK FOR CODE COIt{PIJlAl{Cts. 2. AJ.L PENETRATIONS IN V|ALIJS,CEILINGS,AIID FI-'OORS TO BE SEAIBD !{ITII AI{ APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. 3. SMOKE DEf,lEclIORS ARE REQUIRBD IN AIJIJ BBDROOMS At{D SIIBRY sToRY AS PER S8C.310.9.L.2 0F TIIE 1997 uBC. I ************************ TOVIN OF VAIL, COLOR.ADO * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * tr * * * ** * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * ** * * * * * !t * * * * * * Statemnt Number: REC-0490 Anount: 1,958.60 OL/19/99 LL:22 Palment Method: CHECK NotaLion: #5170 Init: CD Permit, No: 899-0006 Type: A-MF ADD/ALT MF BUILD PBRParcel No: 2103-114-L7-OzL SiTC AddrCSS: 1975 PIJACID DR LOCAt,iON: PTARIVIIGAN TH T]NIT 21 o ****t*********************** o ************ gEaEemnt This Payment Balance: .00 *****************************************:t**************f******* Account Code Description BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUIIJDING PERMIT FEES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN RSVIEW FBES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CITECK FEES AD D2-DBPO8 CLEANT'P DEPOSITS RF 111OOOO31127OO RECRE,ATION FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FBB 1, 958 . 5o 1, 958 . 50 Total Fees: 1, 958 . 60 ToEaI ALI_, Pmts : Amount 820 .00 100 .00 s33 .00 s00 .00 L2.60 3 .00 I I I o R. A. Froberg & Associates, Inc. O221 June Creek Road PO. Box 1469 Edwards, Colorado 81 632 Phone: (970) 926-3220 Fax: (970) 926-3220 Lee Residence Renodel Unit 21, Ptarmlgan Townhones l,lest Gore Creek Drlve Vail , CO 81657 1. AlL Building Codes and Requlations wiLl be strictly adherred to. Therej-s room fot a L2 cubic yard dumpster directly in front of the unlt and still leave roon for one parking space. Other necessary construction parking is on the North side of the Unit ln a large area adjacent to the complex swimming pool . 2. There'is no site work necessary for the remodel excep! for a sllght enlargement of the entry sidewalk like the unit next door. 3. Concrete work as lndicated above. 4. Approxlmately 20 square feet of River Rock Veneer will be applted tothe exlstlng flre p1ace. 5. No metals are involved. 6. The maln changes to the interior of the unit are the lowerlng of thekitchen, dining room, hallway and powder room 12 inches to the same Level as the f.iving roon. This also invoLves relocating the stalrway to the second 1eve1 and replacing an existing ful1 bath with a powder room. The second floor involves the relocation of the stairs, moving the laundry tothe second leve1 , moving the bat.h to the other side of unit over the dining roon and enclosing an existing balcony and making it part of the master bedroom. The roof already extends over this area. 7. There should be no disturbance of the existing roof other than a plunbing vent penetration. Any insulation disturbance will be replaced. - 8. There are some minor changes to existlng wlndows, and the additio; of one vindow to the south bedroom and the enclosure of the baLcony on the north side. R. A. Froberg & Associates, Inc. 0221 June Creek Road P.O. Box l469 Edwards. Colorado 81632 Phone:(970) 926f,220 Fax: (970) 926-3220 page 2 Lcc Rqaldcnca Rcnodal Unlt 21 , Ptarnlgan Tomhonee lrleEt Gore Creek Drlve VaLl, C0 81657 9. A11 flnlshes w111 be slmllar to what existed. 10. There are no apec!.ality items ln the rernodel. 11. Bxisttng kitchen'appllances are to be reused. 15. The hydronlc baee board heatlng system w111 be relocated nhcre nececeary. Sone of the plunblng flrturee wftt Ue reused. 16. Electrl-cal syeten will be brought up to date. li'. P.6t Prcrmi"fr"'n" r rrc g'?o 4"6 5aT PTARMIGAN TOWN HOUSE ASSOCNfl ON 1975 PLACID DRIVE vAlL, co 81657 , To: DickFroberg ' As Managing Agent for Ptarmigan Townhomes I have been asked to convey to the Building Department of the Town of Vail that Ptarmigan has beon asked to approvo the rernodel plans of unit 21. I have met With several Boarrl n:cinbers and they have approved of the remodel as proposed with several corrditions. 1) The Board agrees to the plans subnritted but the contractor must have a structural engineer approve structural changes. 2) The Board wishes to discuss the removal of the 2 fixed windows off the rear deck, The contractor will receive the Boards decision at a later date. Ptarmlgan Managing Agent Tom $aalfeld T AFnfs il$r rnd Ad&es IticlEd lrotf P.0. 8ox 3289 Aron. C0 81820 lnrued's l&rnr ad Addreg fl A Ftohru rnd Associare$ l,:r. P.0. Bor l{69 Edrrdr, C0 81632.1469 I lBCllrTnX ff oPEmnoil&t0CAT|0tslVEHlotfgnESrflll;ItoilslSpF0tA! tTEt{s 0rn C Contrat0r.couUuctfi 0t 1 0|2 fmrfi crder$es crRTrFtcATE 0r tilsunAilc[ |rnurr631' Srnit Mulull Inrurrnce Comprny ti000 Anroricun Pkwr. bladiron, Whcoruin 53i83'0001 lhrs ooritrlat0 is i$srsrl rs r m.tur 0t antormsrion only md contlrr no ridt upon th! Cortificrtr lloldrr. Thir oenificrle.door not rmlnd. rncod q dbr tlo cororrtp .tfDrded b1 rln polioios lhtad hlory. Enrurcafi ilot0cR,8 ru||Erto ADonGssr' Ft:[P.I* 4<ct Edwrdr" C0 81632 cAilcfl.aTt0lt Snoud arl ot lh! {tovr dercnbnl polrhr be c.ncehd brlon ftr rxpirrrbn tht0 th$eof, tie mhntffr{t Eottlfinyr||| d[0.u0r t0 rrbrt -l dtvl] pnnfi noths t0 $|e Cenilh.!| Holder |Em€d t0 thr hfl t{|l lrtre l-o nnil g-ctr ' 10!E0,snas rr{posr n0 obt|g mo 0r lio*tv 0t |ey thd upo.l tta c0{rany, ila ae3|u tr n esfi||tir!|.- lu |lafi uritps& irritetent numiet Ol days Sn0wfl. Thh h,t callily tlnl rulicir of inrulro listcd btlow harG bern is3u?ri tc tit rmurld runpd Ebore tof th6 oolicr oaiod Micrtrd, mtwithrlrn&ro rnr trqif.oult, trrm0l comlEn rnt cfltnrl 0r olhrr docurEnt wtth t*{nct ro wtict rnts cerr,irete nrey be trsued 0r ntay parran ihe imtramq aitoOgO tv tlr ftriri drbclM hercin con0ttons 0t tlcn ooilr.?J I. f'r;Lrdi 0ATi._-*---1-+ P0UCY ilUtu8r8 I EFF€C i tAt i,:r;. r 05x58127 08,1 1.88 i1. -. I TVPI 0t ilSUiAXCt $Ionff$ coltEflsAfloil rod lfPt0YliS UAtlllTY + .a....arl...all+laa r. I rr. oElllt ulfHtv Dtl Cmnchl 6mrC tiibtity l0ccncmrl tl tl 0&1t.ss Eadr fucuurclfuprrgltc ++ | ,m0 Aur0t{o1|lt uAillrw llOmd Aqor (Uric tonnl I I Omd Aotor Gon1;dmrpcl I I l*rd Autoe ll li.*orM Arilos llBrtr tbility II Bodill Iniry .[rh Prrcon t ,000 Budly Inricy ' [ach Accidcnl | .000 PtoP"onY 0rmrP. | .000 Boody Inpry nd koprty 0.m,$ Coll$ind I ,000 +Ihs irxjivi.lnl o parlmrs shown n luuredr I I Hrvr I I lhvr mt ereclrd t0 be covcnd 0t Hn0l0yeaa udar ftia 00li0y, + . t'roduc|'-Co[pLl,d 0pcraiom {lrrtola ir coual to aeh uBt.ll7fi &- lil$ ?u. ozze_926 (0/6) :xel ozze-926 (0/6) :ouor.ld Zt9!8 opEloloC'spre/$pf ol.f t xog'od peou learc eunl lzzo 'cul rselelcossv p Ereqoll 'V 'U fiffi,ll i+ "e *B,,s REou'$rJ?iiI''ff.r,Xolb;.*"3hHll?i" "o l,*,, 1 eee, . F.A6E : FTREA: CI) Acbrvity: 899-tZtOO6 4/?l/ 19 Type: A-MF Statr-rs: IS$UED Constr': AMF Address: 19'75 FLACID DR Loe::.rt i on: FTARMISAN TH UNI-f tl l_,drree 1 : I I rirS-1 I 4-1 7-.tzrll Oct:: Desrr"iotionr INTERIOR REI'lOIlF:t. AND DL:CI{ INFILL Hppl'j.carrt: R. A. F:ROBERG & ASSOCT INC l-'hr:rne l 970i-986-JEECt iiwner': AXTON JO ANN F,lrone: Cr:ntrar:borr R. A. f-ROBHRE & ffSSBC, INC Plir.rne: 97@-9E6-3€EB Use: V 1-HR Inspect ion Reqr-test Inf onmat Eeqr-iestor; TIM 0t DONNELL ltec.r Time; tZtS l {ZtE Comnents I On. . . . . : t"F:VEL. i:-' i:NI) Ac:t :r o rr Fhone: 9'lfi*.JlZt37 L.ilV[ri uN l.JAl.l-s CcinnentsItens r*eeltrest ed t9. be Insgected.. "o[lt' -/ iir l{*6--1fi.*s+ g+tZ'ruO L E-:::f:: --{41):ili Tine Exp lnspecb iotr Histot y..... I {,em : OOOSIZI BLDG-Insulat i on $4 / t15l99 Inspectot'r JRIY| l bemr Agt'Zr6Ut BLDEi-$heetr.ock Nai I AI/efi/99 Inspertorr CL) I Len: OOtt7B BLDB-FIisc. ASleV/99 Inrpector': JIil4 Item : arzrogo BLDG-Final ILemr AO53[t RLDF-Iemp. |;./0 ILen: OtZtS4rZr BLDE-Final C/O i{ct i srr r AirFIi F1c:t i ori : gl-'F t< f-tr::t i on : AI-'F Il APf'ROVf:tJ JRI'l {:{]RRiDOH I^IRLLS FRAITING RF.F'ROVED Printed by Charlie Davis 4/21/99 36am From: Gdry Gbodef.f. To: Ctrarlie Dawis, .tR MondxagonSubject! Mr. E.roberg -------:--G-ENOTE::: --4/L6/99:-3:2opm:-H€y Charl-ie & iI. R. :I worked th1ngs out hrittr Mr. Froberg REUnit 21-, Ptarml-gan Towntlomes, as f o-l- ]-or,ts : 1) Party wal]. - O.K. for on]-y L layerof 5/A" Type 'X' on hie side. He sezhe put sound batts betrd€en the studs, hth.lch provide both fir€ b]-ocking and some additl.onal fl-re rasl.stance, & Ifigure he do€Bn't }.a\re any control overwhat ' s on the ottrer dide, p]-us it ' s an€xisting bui].dj-nq e th6 party waLL wi]-Lbe much better than l-t tvas. 2) Lovrer €xterior htaLls. He sez thesetra't/e 1 " stucco on the gxterioE, & hein8ta1led R-13 batt3 betrdeen the 2 X 4studs , so I 'm appro\ring thi s as bei-ng1-trour f ire-resistirre. 3 ) Upper exterior !val-l-a . He sez theseon]-y trawe 3/8 " p]-ltt"tood eiding \"rith battens. & I canrt fl.nd any appxovedl-hour exterior !raL1 ase€mbli€s thathawe sidinq that thin (I did f j-nd one wj-th 5/9" sidinq). Hottever, I see Iitt]-e caus€ for concern about an€xterior fj-re exposure, as tre says ttlenearest other bui].dl-ng j-s about 40la!'ray (far greater than 10 | ) . THIS isthe area wber€ I can't see anyth1ng acceptab]-e to do ottrer than a) have HIM find & propose a 1-trour exterior rra].l assemb1y ttrat works ( fat ctrance? ) , orb) hawe him add a 2nd ].aye! of 5/a" Type 'x" and cal-.1- l-t good. t{e said tre'al aalcl an addl.tional aayer onthe rrpper exterior wa11s, front, rear and end sides. I to].d him tre didnrt hawe t.o do that in one a€ct1on that hadbe6n added and was most]-y r^rindorrs trrith about a2" of wal]- on eithe! side. Notworttr tfte hass1€ of ext€ndl-ng ttre r,{indow j ams f or the aa}dl.t j-ona.l- wa11thicknssa. And dats da name of dat tune...thanks to you both for your assistance, Gary Page: rl.ou .oOIoa lroaoit;8 I BI Aa 0C'o coo||l oo o o o o 'ii F TEt .o B 4 E F F o o o nl H &n Fl oHqTq (I 6lia,q ; E EE a,) o 14 E |J 0 N o ErJEf;8Fr"HQql2&ctsoo toaII{ Ell{Io ttr .(t.18 sE ooo rAorEorao nl ettrDt9xa cE Ea EB EEloa a iE n&A Fi liH! HET' ul.a ? ts 2ll E E Et{c6tnoEJ HHg Hiat B IF FD *Iq ETr H nEll ? I n|tt at ,!I> HIEat!|.E| dro tf;sP Inepecilon Requert Rcqr*sEd Insp€c1t Drb: Asrlcned To: Inspcc;don Tvpcl Inrirecdon lil.a: Slb Address: Thursdrv. Februtrv zil. 2001 JTONDf,AGON BLDG CD IO75 PI.ACID DR VA|L FTARilIGAN TH UtllT 2t : AIIF: V1.HR AP,Dlnformdon lc[ttr Coott TlD.: PlrEol: ADollc.ntcort .ior: Oilrat:hs*{oft: Rcqrs&rl Incprcilon(rl lbm: Rauanloc Cofiirt nb: Aq6lgD.d To:- A&n: lrtspccdsn Hlsbrv HXXXXIG 21(B11417fit1RI" FROBERO&RA FROBERG&ASSOC, Irc NffONJOAt{.t T.ITERCN REIIIOOEL AND DECK IMITL ASSOC. lr.rc Fttone; 97S$2&3420 Phona; 9709?&3?2O TtDe: clcc{Jp€frr sil|t: FNtLEDln$An: CD -"4 {ff 90 BLDG.FInII R.A" FROBERG & ASSOC, T.ICYD TlVltl CAIL Unltzl JI|ChIDRAGON Thne Exp: R€questEd Tlme: ol:m Af- Phono: 9?G&l&3??il1 Entffid By: LC,AIIPEELL l( hm: 60 BtDc€hd0ckthn loDfloilal) -Approorl*OtE{f$ hrp.obr: CD' Ac0on' APFRAPPROVEO Comrnrd$ CORRDOfi WALSWAZI* llp.dtor: CD Acdon: APPRAFPROITEDi5 Co.tnr{r: ALT-STEETROCKAPPROVEDlrm: 7t, BLDe'k. (Ot0ooal, -'ADprovd'- 03?9tre h!Dr6f: JRM Actiorr. APPR lpppgyEp Commllls: FRiltllG AFPROVED [.rn 50 BlD(|'t|.uhlhn (Wonol) - ADproved " tar(r6/St hrD€cbr: .'nil Actlon: APPRAPPROVED Cofinilfils: AFmOVEDJRM i.m: g, BtOGFminn: 5CD BLD+TiID.C,OlJn: 5€ Bl.-DeFtrIC/O (R.quh.d) (OFd6ral) (R€qutscd) \'-ffi'D du\6p REPT131 Run Id: 423 o t2-2?-2O41 |;1epectlon freque*t Reporttng Pagc6-L___:"_jtalLCo:Cltt-OL_ ___ ' R€sresbd Inspect Datc: Thursday, F€bru!ry 21, 2001 Assbncd To: JnO'ilDRAOOH ln3p.cfl6n Type: ilECH ln3irecuon At€s: JRtr Sib A&lress: 1975 PLACID DR VflL 1975 Pl|cld Dr. AJPID |nfurm|do.l A.ttillf: CondTna: Prrcall ADDlcsn:'bunar: Contrcior: DG€flrlon: tl$Hn23 _ Type: &MECH Occupairy: 218111170/21 BIA,NCOBRC'TI.€RS LEE,..|UIfi{ & ROBERT BtAl.lCO BROTIIERS R.nlodal bath,Fill,hundytrpbo. bolle'r & h.ct r.g sub Tffi: AD{JP Phone: 97DdlS287 Phone: 47&3763Plpne: 97S62$2O87 Requesb{t Tlme: (E:{X} At' Phon : gl6{Hn0 Erfird By: IcATFBELL K Sbil3: SSTEDlr6pAru: JRU Requc.bd lntncclbn(rl Itern: 3e0 tECH#lnalR.$armr D|ckFrcberg Cotntn ntr; YY1L cALL-t MT 21 Arclgn dTo: .mfiDRAGON- A.:0on: Frroecdon Hlsbn T|trrErp: REPT131 Run Id: 429 Recs€sled lnsp€ct Drte: Thursd.y, Fcbru.ry 22, 2001 Asilgned To: JilOflDRAGOiI lntpecfron TYpo; PLilB lnrirecfon Aiba: JRtlSlbAddress: le75 P!-ACID DR VAIL {975 Flacld Dr. AJPfD||llbflntf,ql : FSXNF Sub Ty?€: us€: Phons: PlEns: Ptpne: ADt,P 97084$287 4743763 970{a$2087 $rt|3: FlsLEDftrpgp' *, Raouerbd lnrlccdodrl lbm: 200 Pl-ilB+lmlRiilfrc DStFro0.Igcdrim.nE: ttT-L cALL-t rff 2i A$EncdTo: J- A.flon: hcaestmHl|tont Reguecbd Tlme: 08:fi) At. Pts(r: lillffino Enbr6d ry TCAFAELL K Tlme Erp: lem: 220 PLfFRoughrD.W.V. (Opdooal, * Approv€d * {BEES heg.chr: JRtf ' ' ktoo: APPR APPRC /ED Commme: APPROTEDS'.Ix16il(g?9!rg [B0.cbr: JRm Acuon: COCERnflCATEOFoCCIJP NCYCoflnaob; ADDTL COftilS - ldo 5# af \r,!lrr 6(f REPTl31 Run Id: 423' TOI{N OF VAII, 75 S. FROITTAGB ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTI,IENI OF COMMT'NIT](DEVEI,OPMENI @ b";tU,\l..q.QnJ"otA t^-ofs ft-<to a{*-'.*^^t.,^-r.-I-{\\J ltzt t ON JOBSITB AT ALI-' TIMES ^ \ PermlE #: 899-0032 Phone z 970-926-2001 Phone z 475-3753 NOTE: TTIIS PBRMIT MUST BE POSTBD ELECrRICAJ., PERMIT iIOb AddTEAA: L975 PLACID DR LOCAEiON...Z L975 PI'ACID DR' Parcel No.. : 2103-114-17'02L ProJects No. : PR,t99-0006 APPI,ICAI{T STONB CRBEK EI'B TRIC P O BOX 519, VArL co 81658 COT.TTRA TOR STONB CREEK BTEETRIC P o Box 519, VArL' co 81558 OI|NER IJEE, iIOAT'IN & ROBERT 5OO5 iONC KNIFE RUN, I-,OUISVILI.'E KY Descript,ion: C1)trlPLETE REWIRE Stsatus.. ': ISSIIBD , PTARMIGAliIAppLied.' : 03 /30 /.L999- Issuec" 'z 03/30/t999 etqrites' ' t 09/26/1999 Phone | 970-925-2OoL 40207 ValuaE,ion:4, 500 .00 .arr*rlrrrr.t.r..ertr.a+!jrrrrr.trra.ar'raa.arr.it.trttttlt*t!r. FEE SUt|lnRf ttt"ittatttrtlt"tttt'rttt'ttttl,tt"tfr"ttttt'tt*rtttrtti !l.cbrlcrr---> 9o'oo DRB Fc. 'o0 Inva!tlgahion> ntU crll----> TdlaIJ Flla- - - > To!.1 crlcula!.d F "---> 93'00 Addlltonal F.a!---------> 'oo fotrl Pcrulb Paa--------> 93 '00 Prt'[cncs-------- 93 '00 BAIA}:CE DT'E' - ' - 'OO .00 3.00 93 .00 .rrtttt.|it*aalttttttttttirttt,.ttrt'rattt"r,rrt ttt.,'t,,ttlttr'r'ttt"rJtt',"r"t.rt't{tttt'rttttttteot+Jtttttlt ig?illl3|i:$ffi:ffi5gsffi.ffi;;:**' "B:ffi "JH""n :lHlll' lt...r'.'J'ttti..rttt.''.'tt't..tt*ftt'|tl.}'t.'ttr,'t.attlttttt.,'*it'rttt.ft.a*tit.r.'',rt.t.tt't*t'*t..ttt.l.tt'llttlttJt.|l.'tti.ii COIIDITION OF APPROVAIJ artttlrrtartrtattarraJaaa.lltttttttatita'rrat*it''ttrttttit'tittrtttitt't'rJ t""t'*tttt"r' *t ttittt ttt'?t t I Ittttrttart t'tirr DECLARIITIONS I h!r.b, rcknorl.€. ghru I h.vc rord bhi. .PPlic'cion, fill'd outs in full rh' lnforotclon r'qulrrd' couPl'!'d 'n iccur'b' glol pl$, .nd .Brg. gh.! .rr tsh. lnforu.tlon provLd.d.. t"".ti""a i' corr'cL' t t"t":-;;-;;;ry 'r"rt trtt inf,orEatlon 'nd Plot Pl'n' ro cdply,lth .tl Torn ordln.nc.r end rgeer 1.[, .n! io butltl thit tlruclur€ ttlt"a;g-;"' t]t' Totn'' tonlng ina aubdl'wl'rion cod.a, d..ign "..,r.t .pp-o"ti, u"trot" Bullding "ta"'t"i-Jti ordlnrnc'e of thr Torn iPplicrbl' tlt'r'to' REQUEAISFoRITSPlCrrorEBHIILBETTDBTHA$TI-FOItRHOURaINADVINCBBYIILEPHONEAT'?9-2l3goRAroltRorllc;rRO$glooAtlS:ooEl4 Parcel # Date: TOWN OF VAILCNsTRUcTIoN PERMT pilcATIoN FoRM INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR TITE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTT,D Contacl the Eagle Courty Assessors O,?ic€ at 970328-8640 for Parcel # Permit# 8q?- oooL ntxatie: Lu u (-.s. Qc',^a-?,- (JobAddress: (?75' ((u -,J Dn r Building ( )Plumbing ( )ElectricaDq Mechanical ( )Other ( ) Legal Description: Lot Block Filine Subdivision Owners Name: Architect:Address:Phone# Description of Job: Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Alteration ( ) Number and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances BI,JILDING: $ PLTJMBING $ General Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Electrical Contractor, S:(a Plumbine Contractor: Town of Vail Regisrradon No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Repair ( )Other ( Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs VALUANONS ELECTRICAL: $,.-45-cro * OTHER: $MECHAMCAL$ TOTAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: Phone # /..fiddress: Address: Phone # Address: Phone # Wood/Pellet TownofvailRegistrarionNo.. la { E- r--mwe* 7l-6- |-ee( FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: TOWN OF VATL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIIJ, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLICAIiIT CONTRACTOR OWNBR DEPARTMEI\TT OF COMMI]NIIY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: rHrS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE Permi-t. AT ATL TIMES #: M99-0023 ilob Address... z L975 PLACID DRLocation......: 1975 placid Dr.Parcel No-.... : 2103-1L4-L7-OzLProject Number: PRJ99-0053 StsaLus.. -: ISSIIEDApplied..: 03/22/L999Issued...: 03/23/L999 E>rpires. . : 09/]-9./1999 Phone: Phone: 970-625-2087 970-625-2087 4?6-3753 6, 000 - 00 *of wood/Pallct: BIANCO BRqNIERS 1503 BEECIIA STREET, BTANCO BROTIIBRS 1.503 BEECHA STREBT, LBE, iIOAIIN & ROBBRT 5OO5 LONG KNIFE RUN, RTFLE, CO 81650 RTFLE, CO 81650 Phone: LOUISVITLE KY 40207 Description: ValuaEion: Remodel bat,h,kit,laundrlr,replace boiler & heat reg Pirlplacc Infoluation: R.!C!icccd: Y *of, (}as Applianccd: 2 fof oas Logs: F8E SUIO{ARY Hcchanical--- > Plan chcck- - - > Inwe6tigation> l{ill c-lI----> Totsal. calculit.d Pcca---> Additsi.onal Fs.B- - --- ----> Toual Pcruits Fee--------> Palracnta - - - - - - - BAIANCB DUE-- -. 120 .00 30.oo .00 3.OO 153 .00 .oo 1S3.00 1S3 ,00 .00 Ra6tsuarang Plan Ravicr--> .0O DRE Fes-------- .oo TOTAJ, PEBS.--.. ,riir.r trr ttar ti r t rtttlr atr*J * ra !r r r * i tr tt rttr r, * *i rtr *r *rt ra rt a ITCM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARIII{ENT DCPts: BUILDING DiViSiON:O3/23/L999 KATIIY Actrion: APPR Approved by JrUIIEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTIT'IENT DEPt,: FIRS DiViSiON:O3/23/L999 I(ATIry AcEion: NOTE N/AO3/23/L999 KATIIY Act,ion: APPR n/a COI{DITTON OF APPROVAL FIELD INSPECfIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE.co!@ggTroN ArR rs REQUTRED pER SEC. 701 OF TrrE 1997 I,MC, ORsEerIoN 701 0F THE 1997 rMC.INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO IIAIIT'FA TURES INSTRUCTIONS ATiDTO CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE ]-997 IJMC, CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. GAS APPLIANCES SHALI-, BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 8 AIiID S]IAIJL TERI\,IINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF TIIE 1997 I]MC, OR CTIAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. ACCESS TO IIEATING EOUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CIIAPTER 3 AT.IDSEC.1O17 OF TI{E 1997 I'MC AI.ID CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC.BOILERS SIALL BE MOIJNTED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNTESS TISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. PERMTT,PI,ANS AI{D CODE AT{ALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECIIATiIICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AI{ INSPECTION REOUEST. DRAINAGE OF MECIIANIEAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR IIOT-WATERSUPPLY BOILERS STIALIJ BE BOUIPPED WTTII A FI-'OOR DRAIN PER SEC.t022 0F TrrE 1997 I,MC, OR sEqrrON 1004.6 0F Tt{E 1997 rMC. 1.2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. *************************:r:r**********************!r*****tr*:l********************** DBCT,ARATIONS t halrht .ctndl.dgc chab I hrrt !!.d thi. atDlicrgloo, fill.d out iD full lha inforrrtioo rrquircd, coqrl.t.d G rccusr!. plotplra, lnd .trt. Ehrt rll th. lnforilrclon provld.d..lr coar.ct. I rgr.. go coqrly dtb tb. bloslrtslo |nd ploC plrn.to cq)Iy rilh all tolrr €dln]rc.B .nd atrc. larr, rad Eg cod.., d.aign r.vl.r qrprov.d, Itrlfortl Euil,dl,Rg Cod. .nd lhLr .t-uctur. rccotdq\co ch. TofD, r roning rad.rubdlvLlcr ordin|nca! of gh.thrrceo. n!$'lEA' FoR lnaPlcrloE !rtl!! ta nD! lltBltTr-poun noma atom:tE! or oHlR 4, cDrrnlctr* roR Ernagrr txD ottfln @ tT OtR Olllca Pi(|l a!00 lI 3t0o DI Tot l lr.!r 153. OO r|ti! P.l cnE 153,00 Tocrl .lI]L ltr!: 153.00 Eal|nc!. . OO lcclunt Coda DaacaipCiosr lrcunt, xr 00100003111300 l|Ecl|ltrIcll. pE||rE !t8s 120.00 Pl 00100003112300 Pt cl|tcf, ttl6 30.00 tfc 00100003112300 rrrL cll|t DfapEctld Ftt 3.o0 Legal Description: toQTgD Block_ tiling , ""A'ff"X71 Arclritect:' Address, IQ>{ L SUBDIVISIOII: ffi General De scrj.ption: Number of DweIliig' Units: Address: ' NUmbef of Accommod:f i.1rr rrFri +-., __:__ .r r._!rui,E:.r_ (JI Acco_._.. urrJ. r_5 - work class:- r I-New [1:F'?SES"JT^ OTHER: $ TOTAL: INFORIfATION **** ***********rr **** * * r. ** E.t.ectrical Aridress: bontratstor: ***** J ** ************rtc** x ****rf ***BUILDjNG PERMIT FEE: PLIIMB NG PERMIT FEE: HE:HA} TCAL PERMI? !.EE: EL]CT} ICAL FEE: OT:iER IYPE OF FEE: I Tovrn of VaiI Reg. No. .^ fl^Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO.Pnone Nunber: ?q'*O?twn or uurr o.n. "o.phone Nunrber: 2z e _ eg. No.I | /c-t4 FOR OFFICE USE ********)r*********************:r' BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: SlgIBrNG Pr,AN cHEcr( FE;;MEcHANTcAL prAN cnEck nrr, ..---"-- RECREATTON FXE: CI,EAN_UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PXRMIT IEES: BU]LDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: BUfLDIT*"** $(ffr*ei@ ffi* *** * ***.i* ** *t r' Eener r'l ".'.-..lil$-K /tt' A z3 C:'LEIN i]P D:P.OSIT VALUATION Tl riTTlJTt 'rrr . TOWN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FRONTA,GE ROADvArL, co 81557 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMETV| NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BB POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: P99-0008PLIJMBING PERMIT ilob Address: 1975 Pr,ACrD DR Locat,ion.. -: 1975 Placid Dr. Parcel No. . : 2I03-LL4-L7 -02LProject No. : PRJ99-0053 Stsatus...: ISSUEDApplied..: 03/22/L999Issued...: 03/23/L999 E:rpires. . : 09/L9/L999 APPLICANT BIATiICO BROTTIERS PhONE Z 97O-625-2O87 1503 BEECH STREET, RrFr.,E, CO 81650 CONTRACTOR BIANCO BROTIIERS PhONEZ 9'IQ-625-2Q8'I 1503 BEECII STREET, RTFLE, CO 81550OVINER LEE, .fOANN & ROBERT P,hONCZ 476-3753 5OO5 LONG KNIFE RI'N, I.,OUISVII.,TIE KY 40207 :::::-::-::: ::: ::::::: :::::::::": .H::::::::::::::::i :lilL:li Pluubing-----> Plan check-- - > Inw.sCigaCiolt> will call----> R€€tuarant Plan Revie{- -> TOTrr, FBaS- -- - - Toeal calculatsed Pee6- - - > Additional Fees---------> fotal PcrEits Fee--------> PautrGnga------- 150 .00 . oo 3 .00 .00 190.50 190 .50 .oo 190.50 190.S0 BAIANCE DUE.-.. .OO ITCM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTI4ENT DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:O3/23/L999 KATIIY AcLion: APPR ADDroved bv JRMIte.m:'.05600 FrRB DEPARTMENT Depts: FIRE Divj-sion:o3/23/L999 KATITY Acrion: NCrrE N/A03'/23'/L999 KATIIY Action: Appn n/a CONDITION OF APPROVAI i'r*trr*rrr**'r*r rrr.rrrtttiril*********r rt r.rit DECIJARA*TIONS I hcreby acknouledgc that I have read thig application, fi.lled out in futl the inford.rioh required, coopl€g€d an accuraLc plot plan, and atate thac al1 lhe inforn tion provided a6 iequiled iB correc€. I agre€ tso coEply riEh the inf tso couply *iEh all lorn ordinances and 6tage lawE, and to buitd !hi6 Etrucgure according to the Tosn'6 z,otLitr{and subdivigion codcr, &sign r€vicx approved, Unj.forh Building code and oEher ordinanceE of lthe f,or.n applicable REOUESTS FOR INSPE(:TIONS SHAIL BB MADE T.I{BNrY- FOI'R HOURS IN TDVANCE BY FROM 8:00 All 5:00 Ptq AND OT{NER v ttrr.aaa.ttttaf itl, ai*ittrrtattirrtriat!}ttltttata!rrrritrrrirrrriraal*tf tttat TOU Ot VAr&, COr.ORlltO gtrtdurt attttt**t*brirt*t'lafi*t|tttatJ|ltritttt*ttt**ltttt+atlttttit**rttailtt Sbrgant trurber: REc-0{93 lrculg I Pq|r]|g Lihod: cr l|o€rtloa: loI'a 190.50 03/2,r/99 08:a2 rnit I it! P.nl,E tlo: P99-ooo3 tl[,. ! E-PLI|B PLltlBIxC PBRI{IT PGc.l l|o! 2103 -11t-17-021 'IE. lddttr. ! 19?5 PLICID lrE tocrliott, 1r?5 Elrcld D| . IoLI h.a: 190.50 ztii PrlrE nt 190.50 loErl ll,tr P!r. ! 8rlrrca ! 190. S0 .o0 trrcun! 150.OO 37.90 3. OO *rarrra!raaa.rortiattrrttatattttrlattatart'aaattatttltta.t!rttar.rtaaa lccounE da Dlrcllpglon pE 00100003111200 Dl,ttcltc DE$rr llll pF 0010000311?300 P!r!l cBlca FBEI' ic ooloDooill2goo rI!! cl!! $laPBcrloN Fll to NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALI, TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M95-0156 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Job Address... Location. ParceL No.....Project Number APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: GAS LINE Department of Communiry Devebpment 1975 PLACID DR PTARMIGAN TOWN HOUSES 2L03-rt4-t7-025 RICH COOLEY GAS LINES 814 TURQUOISE STREET, LEADVILLE, CO RICH COOLEY GAS LINES 814 TURQUOISE STREET, LEADVILLE, CO FARRELL BILTIE JEANNE - TRUSTEE 30 LAKE FOREST, ST. LOUIS MO 63117 Status.. Applied. Issued.. Expires. Valuation: fof Gas Logs: Phone: 804 61 Phone: 80461 719-486-3491 719 -4 8 6-3 4 91 300.00 fof l,lood/PaL tet:F i reptacc Information: Restricted:#0f Gas Appt i ances: *rtfi,t**rt*#ettr*ffr|*********i*ttr*********Bfirfft****t* FEE SUl,tt'IARY *ffft**ffftffifi*ffi*tH**ffi***t**ffift#tffi** l'lechani cat--->20.00 Restuarant Ptan Review-->.@ Totaf Catcutated Fccs-->26.00 Ptan Check---> 5.00 DRB Fee------Invrstigation> .00 ToTAL F€Es---- t,li tt Cal,t----> 5.m P.ynents--- **riffi ffi**r**ffi **********ffi *ffiffi**ffi**ffi ***ffi ffirr*no*n***rillff i-l$i;;;;;i-*-*-**Jlf** IIem: -O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENTO9/19/L995 DAN Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. GAS TEST ]S REQUIRED. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I herrby acknolrlsdgc thlt I have rcad this apptication, litLad out in ful,l, the inforration rcquired, completed an accurate ptot ptan, end strte that atl the info ation p.ovided as rcquired is corrcct. t agree to conp ly yith the intormtion and pl,ot ptan,to cotPty Hith ltt Tovn ordinancls and state [avs, and to build this structure according to thc Toun's zoning and subdivision codcs, design reviev approvcd, unifor[ BuiLding Code and othef ordinanccs of thc Town appticabtc thereto. REOT ESTS tOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I|ADE TUENTY-FOUR H(IJRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-21fi oR AT OUR oFFIcE FRofl 8:00 Afi 5:00 Pil ISSUED SIGNATURE OT Oi.INER OR CONTRACTOR fOR HII,ISELF AND OlI ER {g*ot"uo'uo a Oot,D-"^\v \-a\'s e<- d{ {0 . - (l-*a>- ntt +\\ ffi-----ln$pcctiCIrtnequesl'itepArtFg---- FascF 1[3-! pm -__ "-__.. __-".-__ltail,*co-.'fis_af ..._-.__:_ _*_ Flaluested Inspect DrtG: Friday, Mrr;lr t)2. 2001 Assione{, To: C DArsls Inspecti6n 1'ype; fiLDG lnspecfion A163: CD Sit€ Addre$: 1975 PLACID DR VAIL PTARITIGAN TH UNIT 1' ArPID lniormsflotr Acfvltf Con6l TyD€: Plia€l: OrYn€r: Aoplhant: cdnbador: Dfscrtpoon: Raot|ested InsEfi:tor{rl ItEmi 00 Requedor:TAI.IT$ lr.lc. CommerG: WILL CALL - FD 3e156+5288 9 M*''nHnlf,l coAvrs 801{092 Type: t"MF Occupanc}. 21fft11417011 DIE}€R. WN.L!qM. FLANNERY. DI}N M. .JT AiIIVAND'ALE COf{S UTTANTS I|,|c . AITIMNDALE COiISULTAI{TS lt'lc hISTALL GUARDRAIUOMDER BEiWEFN $ TSIRVVAY AND WALL TO COIiIPLETE PRE\IIOSTY ISSUED PERMIT BOOIO1O1 StsIIs: ISSUEDlmpAr€: CD Tlm€ EIp: hso€cuon HBtorv It m: 30 BLDC'.Fmmlng (Wonal) l$m: 70 BLCfr-Mhc. (()ptbml) 9m: g) BLDGFlnar (Rdqu0edl L/bon.4/UP [ /qan* ;2-7 I /6',"a 0r fiur'r /J"h/'&-. sub Typ'€: AIIIF LJ3€: V 1.F|'q Fhoru: 3(F-986{188 Prorla. 30&98$1188 Reguesed Tlnrc: 08100 Aif Phorp: 3{B!ts$11t18 -or- 3n&56+ 5288 - ED Entar.d Sy: JROORIGUEZ K REPTl31 Run Id: 439 ,1cJ Ut fr2, ,^ rs t I LUp.f >q'V o TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT permit #: 897-0153 Job Address Location... Parcel No..Project No. 1975 PLACID DR ISSUED ,o6/Lo/|ee7 o6 /70 /\ee712/07 /].ee7 Status PRJ97-0090 OWNER DONALDSON JAMES & SIGNE S 317 WTNDSOR DR, CORAOPOLTS pA 15108 CONTRACTOR GORE RANGE CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 435, AVON, CO 81620 Description: INFILL VAULTED CEILING AREA Occupancy: Rl Type Construction: V L-HR Type Occupancy: Multi-Fanily Type V L-Hour fof itood/Pa l. Let: *ff*********i****************t************t***********t**** FEE sUt'lt'lARy ****t**********i****************t*******t***t*ff********** Valuation: Fireptace Information: Restricted: 3,050 fof Gas Appt i ances: Add Sq Ft: {0f Gas Logs: .00 1m.00 Bui Ldi ng-----> Ptan Check---) lnvest igation>tlitL Cal. t----> 85.00 55.25 .00 5.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi eu--> DRB Fce-------- Recreation Fee----------> c Lean-Up Deposi t--------> .00 TotaL Catcutated Fees--->?43 .25 Total Perrit Fee--------> 243,25Payments----------:-----) 243.25 .00 Additional, fees---------> .00 REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS I}I ADVANCE BY Send Ctean-tp oeposit To: GORE RANGE CONSTRUCTION rte,m: ,O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DepT: BUILDING Division:96/70/1:992-CHARLTE ecEion:- ADFn cHlnr,rE DAVIS-' - Ite.m:'.05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Divieion:g6/LO/1!99-? -CHARLTE A-t,ion;- EDFn pnn DrRK MA56N- - Iqefn!',05600 FIRE DEPARTT{ENT06/lo/1997 CHARLTE Acrionj AppR N/AI!e,ni',951Q0-PqEI,Iq woRKS ' . Depr: pUB woRK Division:06/IO/L997 CHARTIE Acrion: AppR N/A *fi************************t**************i*************************f,***************************t*t*****************t*ff********** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions thaL may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoutedge that I have read-this appl,ication, litl,ed out in fuLL the infornation required, conpteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the intormation provided as required is correct. I agree to compty riith tie information and pLot iltan,to comPty rrith atL ToHn ordinrnccs -and state.tarrs/ and to buitd this st.ucture according iothe Torrn's zoning and subdivisibncodes, design review approvcd, unifofm Buil.ding Code and other ordinances ot the town afpticabtc thereto. 2to3-114-12-015 @Eued. . . Expi-res Phone : 97 0-7 4B-OL9 6 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 897-0153 as of 06/12/97 srat.us: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMTT Applied: O6/tO/t997Applicant: DONALDSON JAMES & SIGNE S rssued: O6/IO/L997 To Expirer L2/07/L997 Job Address Location Parcel No Deecription 1975 PLACTD DR (PTARMTGAN TOWNHOMES) 210 3-1 14- 17 -015 INFILL VAULTED CEILING AREA Conditi-ons: 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL PENETRATTONS IN WALLS,CETLTNGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC.4. FLOOR/CEILING ASSEMBLY IS REQ'D TO BE 1-HR FIRE RESSTSTTVE PER I.991 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE TABLE 17-A5. THIS SPACE CANNOT BE USED AS A BEDROOM. (NO EGRESS WINDOW) r-"-j --t *******'l******************************************************** TOtfN OF VArL, COLORADO Statennt ***********************t**************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0286 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #1478 243.25 06/L2/e7 11:04Init: CD Permit No: Parcel No:Site Addrees: L,ocation: This Payment Account code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 Total Fees:243.25 TotaL ALL Pmt6: Bal.ance: Deecription BUII.,DING PERMIT FEES PI.,AN CHECK FEES CLEA}TUP DEPOSITS WIIJL CALL INSPECTION. FEE 897-0153 Type: A-MF ADD/ALT MF BUILD pER 2103-114-17-015 1975 PLACID DR 1975 PTJACTD DR (PTARMTGAN ?OV|NHOMES) **************************************************************** 243.25 243.25 .00 Anount 85 .00 55 .25 100.00 3.00 :or1 L.r c t EagIe CounEy Assessors rt 970-328-8640 fo-r Parcel #. 'ARCEL /i :,llD3- tlLl - l7- 6 I 5 Office TOWN OF PERMIT VAIL CONSTRUCTTON APPLICATTON FORM PERI.IIT I DATET_ /-ZZ-c/7 ^ APPLICATTON MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDt i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 't PERMfT fNFORMATION *****************************t- fif-nuii.a'ng [ ]-prunbing [ ]-Erecrrlcal- [ ]-Mechanibar [ ]-other Job Name: Yn(*zlzez_an en. ffitfir 77iob Address: Jj-,'<" F/r2...1 .a Legal Description: Lot__1]f Blocksr_ Filing_ oknersName: _ :.; .-;;==, ffi /4t , fo.za-l./ '.rchitect:'rts Address: r{ork crass: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration lr2-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other ***************************JONTRACTOR INFORMAI.,ION ***************************eneraL Contractor:AI.,ION *************************** -o$Jrown of Vait neg. no.&52./-Eddress: f''\/ (a . _Phone Nurnber: ;4-4f*- - t En7-ottt?' wffi-{-Ca,c4[- Town of Vail Recl. No-llectrical Contractor: \ddress:Town of Vail R eg. NO. ''t.umbing Contractor :ldress: Phone Nunber: aczT-. 4-i- /t/-Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: {echanical Contractor. n/_ A\qoress:Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: ,i******************************FOR oFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDTNG PI.AN CHECK FEE: PLWBTNG PI,AN CHECK TEE: MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI.,EAN-UP DEPQSIT: TOTAIJ PERMIT'FEES: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: ]IIJDING PERMIT FEE:)LUMBING PER},TIT FEE: IECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: :T.ECTRTCAL FEE: ;I'HER TYPE OF T'EE: ,.(B FEE! cmments: VALUATTON :LEAN I'P DEPOSIT REFIINI) TO: o 75 soulh tronlage road yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 ottlce of communtty developmenl TO: ALL coNTRAcToRS .URRENTLYL REGI'TERED 'ITH THETOWN OF VAIL FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: R Y ead and acknowledged by: TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITy DEVELOPI,TENT MARCH 1-5, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn surnmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit.any r"ir,-tJ.r., sand, debrisor materiar, including trash iunpsters, portabre toilets andworkmen vehictes.upon any streetl siaewaix];ii;y or publicpt?:" or any porrion theieof. rtre rish€:;i_;;;-;n art rown ofVaiI streets and.Ig"-d= is approxi*ul"iv-s-it.-iti pavenenr.This ordinance w1l| be. str_iltiy enforced by the Town of VailPubric works Department. pers6ns rounalilr#;"; this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to rernove-said rnaterial .rn the event .he person so notified.aoe=-nlr"'J.ipry with thenotice within the 24 hour.time-specifi;e,-'trr"-irtric worksDepartment wir.r- remove said mateii"r it-trr""!"pli=e of personnotified- The nrovisions or irti" "iai".n"I ;f,Iii not beapplicable to c^onstruction, nainienance or repair projects ofany street or altey or any utilities i" a;"-;iiii_._ruy. To review ordinance No- 6 in furr, please stop by the Town of:3:i"::ti3*"3"";fli5'il:lt.:: "riii" a copv' rirani vou ror vour rli 1 Fur- TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 Invest igat i on> tl'i l. L Ca l,l.----> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 897-0110 Job Address: 1975 PLACID DR Status...: ISSUEDLocation... I 1975 PLACID DR (pTARMrcANApplied..,:)06/IO/1997Parcel No..: 2103-114-17-015 Issued...: O6/tO/L997Project No.: PRJ9?-0090 Expires..: L2'/O7'/Igg7 OWNER DONALDSON JAMES & SIGNE S 317 WTNDSOR DR, CORAOPOLTS pA 15108 CONTRACTOR JUNE CREEK ELECTRIC, INCP.O. BOX 482tt VArL, CO 81658 Description; ELECTRICAL FOR VAULTED CEILING INFILL DRB Fee Phone r 970/47 1-3197 Valuati-on:400 .00 **********|H******ff****i****t*************************ff** FEE Su14l'lARy **t**************************t*************************** E Iectri ca t--->50.00 Total Catcutated Fees---> 53.00 Additional, Fees---------> .00 .00 3.00 Totat Permit Fee-------->53.00 TOTAL FEES---> 53.00 Payments------- BALANCE OUE---- ***ff*********************************************t**************************************,*********************ft**************t*** rtem: 06000_EI-,EcrRrcAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:06/Io/!997 CHARLTE act-ionr- AFFn-ron ERNSTItem:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: t****ff*******t******fi***t*******************fi****t*****H*********t****t*****J.r***r*i****************ff*******ti*******t******* CONDITION OF APPROVAL ].. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. **************************i***f,*******ft***tt*************************ft***************t*tt*******t*****t************************* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that r havc rcad.this apptication/ fil,Led out in futt the information required, completed an accuratc ptot Ptan, and state that atl the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compt,y Hith tire iniornration and pl,ot ptan,to compty with stt Tovn ordinances -and state larrs, and do buiLd this structure according to'the Toyn,s zoning and subdivisibncodes, design reviev approved, uniforr BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Town appLicabl,e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY 4.. ******************************!t********************************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt ***t******!**:**************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0286 Amount: 53,00 06/12/9? Il.O3 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #L479 lhit: CD 897-0110 Type: B-ELEC EL,ECTRICAL PERMIT 2103-114-17-015 1975 PI.ACID DR 1975 PIJACID DR (PTARMTGAN TOWNHOMES) Tot.aL Fees:53.00 Total ALL pmts: Bal.ance:**************************************************************** Perrnit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Paynent Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Deecription ELECTRICAL PERI.TIT FEES VIIIJL CALI INSPECTION FEE 53.00 53.00 .00 Amount 50.00 3 .00 $ a I$i B'{ i.Fri ,r'ftil $ $ I 61.'tr :t 3 ;*,.lr. i ,:if '"\'1, vt I .l i' li f T ) ' , ''i 'll ',:i,J: ' 'Ir r t{F\ 'tftit-,.IlJs;lisj.' ..v, -t /{ 1l E,-t' t .ii $ ,,r I ,iO. ?t 'tliirua ''l ', r', ' t,t,t.,:' ' ll,' '47. '.':t 3"-( O't); 'r:e: !.t .l L 'ri;$-:rr',t x I t).t,. ,,Tl.1t"l i t) ,r,i., I REF.T1S1 TOI^'N OF VAIL, COLORADO F'AGE T4 A6/5.4/97 fl7t37 REOUESTS FOR INSFECTION t^JoRk SHEETS FOR; 6/?4/97 FIREF: EG Activity: E97-o110t 6/e4/97 Type: B-ELEE Status: ISSUED Constr: AAFT Address: 1973 PLACID DR Location: 1975 FLACID DR (FTARMI6AN TOIINHOI'4ES) Farce I : ?183-1 14-17-015 Oce: Use : Deseription: ELECTRICAL FOR VAULTED CEILING INFILL Appl icant: Flhone: Ownet': DONALDSUN JAMES & SIGNE 5 trhone: Contr"aetor': JUNE CREEK ELECTRIC' INC. Fhone= E7V/47 1*37i7 Inspect i on Reqr-test Inf ormat i on. . . . . Requestorr DENNIS Req Tine: O8!OO Commentsr UNIT tS LOCKBOX M-J-D Fhone t 47 l-31.97 Itens l'eqnested to be Inepected... Actjon Connent42/ Time Exp soleo ElEtr-Finar ZgptNEd.4, :- Inspection History..... Item: AAle0 ELEC-Rough 6-zr-77' 06/tA/97 Inspector: EG Action: AtrtrR unit -13 Itern : 0O13la ELEC-Conduit Iten: BOl40 ELEC-Mise. Itern: AO19O ELEtr-Final REF.T 131 I TUTJN UF VAIL, COLORADOtd7/lI/97 67:58 REOUESTS FUR INSFECTION l"lORK SHEET$ FOR: 7/II/97 Activity: 897-ft153 7/IL/97 Type: A-MF St at r-rs :ISSUED Constt': AMF flddr"ess: 1975 trLACID DR Location: 1975 FLACID DR (FTARMIGAN TOWNHBMES) F,arcel: ElOS-114-17-tZtl5 Occ:Use: V l-HR Deseription: INFILL UAULTED CEILING AREA Appl icant: 0wnerr DtrNRLDSON JAMES & SIEiNE S Contnactor': GORE RANGE CONSTRUCTION tt F'hone: Fhone r F'hone: 97O-748-O196 PA6E AREA: dS 1e Inspeet i on Reqrlest lnf ormat i on, . . . . Requestorr DENNIS/GORE RANGE CONST Req Tirer OBrEtEt Comnents: UNIT 15 Iteils requested to be Inspected... OOO90 BLDGi-Final Fhone: 8!7-554O Act i on CommentE Tine Exp Inspect i on Hi st ory. . . . . Item: 40036 BLDG-Franing A6/L8/97 Inspeetor: CD Iten r 0O056 BLD6-Insulat ion Iten: OOO6A BLDB-Sheetrock Nailo6/t9/97 Inspector: DS Itemr o,o676 BLD6-Misc.Iten: 0009t3 BLDG-FinalIten: oo340 BLDG-Final C/O ,., ri." "-" -' ACt i ON : AF'F,R AF.PRT]VED Act i on : AF'FR APtrRtrVED r. ; \ '''^' \ t a,,'1. t *t*thePlanningstaffat4Te-2138 towNoFvAnw ;rsf;su,r*, GENERAL INFoRMATToN $S[qU -L-, ,.\---:-i-,,E1----:G. Ap pl,rcArroN FoR plllyf c_ A]REJXu.9\|{ENTAL COMMISSION This application is for any project requiring approval by the Planning-and inforrrdion. sec the submittal rcquiremenh for the particular approval that is acce,pted rmtil all required informadon is submitled- Thc project and/orthe Desigrr Rwiow Board" A. TYTEOFAPPLICATION: +K Additiond GRFA(25O) tr BcdandBreakfasttr Conditional Use Permit tr Major or tr Minor Subdivisiontr Rezoningtr SignVriancetr Variancetr ZoningCodeAm€ndnreNt B. DESCRJPTION OF THE REQI.JES' iiilflor^vAL Amendment to an Approvcd Dwelopmcnt PIan Employee Housing Unit (tpc: --)Major or tr Minor CCI Extcrior Alteratiqt (Vail Villaee) Major or tr MinorCCII ExtcriorAlteratiott ll.ionshead) Special Dwelopment Distict Major or tr Minor Amendm€at to an SDD tr tr tr tr tr tr DESCRJPTION OF THE REQI.JEST: c.LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LOT :,T ELOCK-FILING BUILDING D. E.NAMEOFOWNER(S): MAILING.ADDRESS: rt OWNER(S) SIGNATIJRE(S): G.NAME OF R€PRESENTA MAILII\t, A!,IJI$]SD: PHONE: FEE - SEE THE SI.JBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR TI{E APPROPRTATE FEE. SI]BMIT TIIIS APPLICATION,ALL SI'BMITTAL REQTITREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO u657. For Office Ure Only: reepalt 7@* gk+, foB3 By, =D-<-.<.'^: ApplicationDatc: 9- rc- ?, PECMeetingDatc: H. Rrvind 6P6 { !'- +- '!- '-* -2tr/rz'zz:'/2 {'l €c>27 J.s e /tot8rr"l /t/(-? lJ. &ra {.--,( 6:zz - Zaes 4. 3e3!Z /r.+trJ.z4 {,/c,.7/ae"rt/ Ea . /Vf6 z-,1. (r..,re- P*o.'..{- ft'--t.'7ur f d Gr, 3S</z ltL (u 1i/6€/ &--/ 3Q /,,7-. / /-'(z*d"''rT fr'/"I2 {ras- & 2.,*.'( n>2' €, 7rc,,lfrt2,: €O .;a//rr V4,r.'fZ 'ttv'f '/'3 F, 8.r 7// (/a;/ {*4td se f'/Vn2/.-T (<,.2?. l2s -.,.z,l 6'.-- <.'--='* 4' 3a7o-." 5. (. c>/i,?.2.-rl" ' El--,/c.+ >"t-( (clif a &. /!'./7c to.( 'fd /37 U""t- T ?TilPt6,*z '/a'','t7' +.- /'734 L-/. (x4-c {r'."'1 A. 81..4)r../ 5'/7.t.-,:-- /r' ii",.r- /'€,/.) y',, ,Z 1,. Ki( s"E n /./ /', />-). {=ore ( r-- l t/ {.16:"'.-, n -77 /* ? / -i 7t- 4larc { 7-r I ,, // ? )' LQ.7 (-1 ftc:,- 7 ,"t" MAY AFFE.T YouR PRoPr-3 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that lhe Planning and Environmental Commission ol the Town of V"]r rirr nor,j ipuoric neiring iiiiicotoince viitn seition 18.66'060 of the-Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on June 9, igg-2, "t 2:00 P.M. in the Town ol Vail Municipal Building' In consideration of: A request for a worksession to discuss a conditional use permit, lo q!!o* for the construction of ine Afpine Garden eOucation CLnter, located at 620 Vail Valley Drive/Tract A, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Vail Alpine Garden Foundation Planner: George Buther A request for a variance from Seclion 18.13.060 (Front Setback) and for..a residential addition Liirfi"riinJzso Oroinance, io arro* lor the constiuction of a doimer addition' located aL2943 Bellflower Drive/Lot 4, Block 6, Vail Intermountain' Applicant: Frank Bannister, represented by RKD Pidnner: Tammie Williamson A request for an interior addition, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, to allow for an additional bedroom' io"iGO it Oao w. Lionshead Place/Lot 3, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing' Applicant: Phylis Darnell, represented by Rob Levine' Planner: Dirk Mason A request for a worksession to discuss a zoning code amendment, to allow for outdoor commercial ski storage, ir i conoition"l use and to allow {or commercial ski storage (indoors) in all building levels, loc-ated in the CCI and CCll Zone Districts' Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc. represented by Joe Macy Plan ner: Lauren Waterton A request for an interior addition, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, to allow for an additional bedroom' io.iftO it eeO w. Lionshead Place, the Antlers/Lot 3, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Larry Schwimmen, represented by Rob Levine' Planner: Dirk Mason A request to amend the Golden Peak Ski Base Development.Plan !q-11?y lor outdoor comriierciat ski slorage, a piiiing r;t attendant booth irnd outdoor wire ski racks, located at 458 i;it V;lt;y Diivenradt r,vail vitiage Sth Filing and Tract B, Vail Village 7th Filing' Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc., represented by Joe Macy'Planner: Lauren Waterton A request for a variance from section 16.20.010 (s-igns. Permitte.dl, !9-q!9* for two building ioeniiriciiion signs and io iiio*ioi an increase in tnE size of traffic control signsj-located. at.. Golden Peak Ski ease, aSB Vail Valley Driveffract F, VailVillage Sth Filing and Tract B, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc., represented by Jack Hunn Planner: Lauren Waterton A request for an interior addition, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, to allow for a study' Vl 1975'Placid Drive/Lot 15 VailVillage West Filing #1' fippicant: James Donaldson, represented by Gore Range Construction ' Planner: Dirk Mason located at 4/M t 1- A request ror a worksession to dis-cuss-liltll ::lbe:1,"f,':11'^ir#t'gi3:l)i5: 0111,'fll?';::'lEJrl|'r'.,11:r",";;;;;"oi,l"""t"o at raiElst Meadow'Drive/Lot P, Brock 5D' Vail Village 1st Filing. Aoolicant: Haagen Daz, represented by Bill Pierce Pidnner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a minor subdivision and variances from lot size (seclion 18'27'050)' landscaping (Secrion 18.27.100) uno ir?ifing f se.tion t g.zz.t 10) requirementsJor the First Bank in West v;;i;;;6;izz7'r N. froniade'noad/rract c, Vail Das schone Filins #1. Aoolicant:FirstBankofVail,representedbyJosephMillerPidnner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a minor subdivision lo modify the^platted building envelope for Lot 9' Spraddle il#J;;i;Jii iizg sptaddle creek/Lcit e, spraddle creet<' Applicant: Dr. and Mrs. Singh, represented by Gordon Pierce Pidnner: Tammie Williamson A request tor a review of the Environmental lmpact Report, to allow for a new single{amily 'nlrZllod"r"o af sl 1 1 Bl;;k il;;Gne/Lot 1, 'stock 2,'Gore Creek Subdivision' Applicant: Rolle Kjesbo Pidnner: Tammie Williamson A request for a conditional use permit to.allow lor a brew-pu!-qnc. ? request for a variance from Section 18.20.040 ,t, to i[Li"qJli"tent that no nrore than 45/" ot the dnnual p-rodu91i91 U.9,sotO tor of f-site consumption ind a variance to the reguiremqlt loJ^501 (.Section 18'26'150) of the parking to be located oniit", ro""t"o-it ooO Lionbhead Mall (Gondola Building)/Lot 4' Block 1' Vail Lionshead lst Filing. Aoolicant: Vail Associates, Inc.' represented by David Thorpe Pidnner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a conditional use permit.to allow for a seasonal structure to be erected for the purpose of seling ru"roi"fpf"fiiproducts, located a12154 S. Frontage Road/(Conoco)' generally located at: THATPoRT|oNoFTHESEI/4oFSE1/4oFsEcT|oNll,ToWNSHIPsSoUTH,RANGESlWEST oF THE 6TH p.M., enClicour.rrv, ColonRoo, WHIoH BEGINS4I A.tg^ll'lr oN THE SoUTH- EASTER|..Y nrcHr-Icjr-wei trr'te or rruteRsrntL HTGHWAY NO.70, wHlcH POINT oF BEGINNING LtES ss6" 14,22"w ibrs''ielrtebF rioo4c leet aNo Nqe"oo's7"E A Dls_rANcE oF 380.04 FEET oF THE sE coRNER oi snio sEcrroN 11, THENcE ALoNG sAlD RIGHT'oF-WAY N44"01'0s"E A D|'TAN.E or rsold r].lix-irlrtis+s"be,sq.q a orsTANcE oF 229.50 FEET, THENGE N85"36.13.W A DtsrANcE or zsi.'si'iEEi rorr-rE potNr oF BEGINNtNG. rRAcr coNTAINING 0's00 Ac. Applicant: Jane MackPianner: Tammie Williamson A request lor a tinal review lo establish a sFrecial Develop.ment P,rligt #35, the Austria Haus' i;;;ffi;i diz riii Meadow Drive/Part of Tract C, Vail Village 1st Filins' Aoolicant:Sonnena|pProperties,|nc.representedbyGordonPiercePidnner: George Fluther The aoolications and information about the propolals 3E available for public inspection during regular otlice hours in t',#;:ft", o'";;# ;fil;'i;;;i;iiirt" rb*i' of vailcommunilv Developmeni Department' 75 sor'rth Fronlase Road. Sign fanguage interpretation available upon request with 24 hour noiification' Please call 479'2114voice or 479-2356 TDD for inlormalion. Communilv Developmenl Deparlment Published May 23, 1997 in the Vail Trail' o =t-e IIJ4 U' UJ UJt! tr =E UJL 'apt lkb?,,;f br?rtl f,o \to\ I\o C.l I @ vz =Fl 9J 6 9 t!o <tz = u,F o E,oF EFI2 =o z z o uJF z o z_ o! c0 .6 ozzoN tulzto tt ulo Eott o Fo GFzooto G UJz3o FI H H.t)o rd A z tqFl o)ge E(D;bnt5 o(DoE e(tt6.9'64 €\-oc;bsFqa, ;3.g o'C.tod) :r€ -{r,tb SH .L, =trel !9(D e3 PF E3oo 3o60D o.E =oa!3 =6*g (,)O El--E59 e3 !otr6 !D.O 6E d:g ID 'i G'=o(,' g8E EEE .E SEc-o'- at =EE c96'- cL-c EEE E E-F,.-oog;; g-; ESEi (,'i c\€fi: E6: E E.E eEs -+'Cd o'-5Ee gEE '6>o 6= *fE i.E-: E5g -o6 lno\N (fl (\ t- = uJ z J -o UJE z J J F tlt) IIJ o26 = E J 9z ll,l IJJu/Itz tr uJ uJ oE olD 'g IJJe,z 6ui F U' IJJ z uJ x F u,lo Fl Fl Fl FfHB aD UJt!t! tr =t uJo-J FoF z6J =(o 9cF(,1!J UJ z 6 =Jr J z I uJ = NOtrvn'NA li IE= lE> E lF ltt tl = i s lf = o * li ;E 9sF ; gE i ; = FEo o e,-e, f;El!<o 1 lE E g gE ,{ N 0c zH ao HXtrl U) =IA H Fq F-lFlf tnzH z9 l TL ti e uJc t.z uJ z Eo zI F IJJ FJ 3gJz tltltltl at,tz z9oFur<oo< =PRtrUo<z aFz, 2= d63tr ull G u,/zYo IF 2o F 5oz =F uJ l!o G 3 at, Jl<l:--l 2l zl .. >l uJo UI uJz at) = ulo- J zo E (,z Fa 6 I l;.; Lc)() G(o UJ E Qoo-zo F TL uJY IJJo oFt>ss;id- b s:li-l 8Hlr?l HuJi^F|!,zo <i{ C)()24<E qnur\ =q tl dEI 9l EI Fl el C'I EI HlF (, =l! Jto FoJ E1& z FI E u; =zo \-) L. HE E z H E uJ =z c\ oc x alt c 2 6 I F.{ o- rr \c ; F = t!- UJ oo J o- F z Ftr q E lt I.iIN Az .; UJt J u-oz3I (\ ralrn I uiJ uJF tc tr (rl IIJ 5 >l t!oz3olFI =c oz o IIJ J ttoz =oF =tr z o IIJG J t!o23 F =tr o2 C'ltlE J a ato z3IF gJ JuIF' t UJz3 Fc) uJ F C)E E <FEOuJ<zg I.IJ F(nZ J&<o(JF H3}4F-i 2F gE d8 (J J (J z UJ = 5(I , E irg t-o2<c)fiil=l L z oP =ed)o =zt=JOo- u- ooz._d = u.J d) IIJ !n tr TE UJo. EU E<of€frB9Eir 5EF-t* = UI r-E b=o dE: >o-: O|!E oo9 5tuE ;O-E X>Ol:.iFc'i€= gJ tD oF F tbtul = lEE, I-lrJ -o-zoF()fEFazo()m \ v/fls\z/J= .I -F+r r--'r D<I LI f*o*. or vArL col'tsrltuc'tlg| PERI.IIT APPLICATIOI'I FOR}I PERMIT '} DATE:-.-- APPLTCATIoNI{USTI]EFILLEDoUTco}lPLD,r'BLYoRITI"IAYI'IoTBEACCEPTEDt"- M* * * * * * * * rt rt * * * 'r * * * * * * tt rt 't * * tr rr * * PERI'IrT r l'l FoR[l^'f r obl **************************** ,b'[x]-Buildlng [ ]-Plurnbing [ ]-Electrical t];H;nlcal [ ]'other "::' ;::":"'"#iiiiil i ";;;;.". : iM, Legal oescriptior,, ae!29-40 Block- Iril 476-3328 Owners l{al[e: Dta::qicran l4anaoerent Address: Architect:Address: General DescrlPLion: RefiP\€ fld existirlq as Instal-l built uP noof t- Work Class: [ ]-New [ ]-AlteraLion [ ]-Additional 1x1-nepair [ ]-oLlrer Nunber of Dwelling Units:Nurnber of Accotnmodatlon UnLts: :i\ElecLrj.calCon{:ract6r: ,'rl'J Town of vail Reg. No. Address 3 PDone I'Iunber: rlulibing conl-ractor:town of Vail Reg. No. Address:Plrone l'lumber: Mechatrical Address: 'Iown of VaiI lleg. No. Pbone Nunber: Of I'ICE USE tnt't * * * * * rt * * * * * * rr * * * * * * * 1*:* * * * BUILDING PL,I\N CHECK f'EE: PLU},IBII.IG PLAI'I CIIECI( TEE: }IECIIAI{TCAI, PIJ\I{ CIIECK ITEEs * * * * tt * * * * * * * * * * * * tt * * * * Jt * 'zt * ft * * f * nOn tsUILDING PERMIT FEB: A5 - PLUMBING PERMIT TEE: },IBCIIANICAI, PERI'III' FEE! _- IJJ,ECTRICAL TEE: OTIIER TYPE OF FBE: DRB TEE: ITECREATTON T'EE: CLBAI{-UP DEPOSIT: .IOTAIJ PERMIT T'EES: sQ. rT.BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: zoNillG: SIGI'IATURE: CLEIIN UI! I'LI,OSIT R.EFTIIIT' TO: N.umber and Type of Fireplaces3 Gas Appliances- Gas Logs- Wood/Pellet- q/ .! + + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * i * ll"t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tt * * * * * * * * * tt * rr * * * * * VALUATIOT{S * * * * * * tt * * * * * * * * * * * t t? ^ , i,.,''.n '.r 'r',tDTr-^r. :! OTHER: + - iurr,or1;", i 4.1-00.00 rygl1l9ll: l_-- ^#ffiiffi: f,- necsatucrLt$--- rorAl,:-ffir sr/ If,* * * * * * * rt * * * tt it :t 't 't tt * 'r * * * * tt * * * 't col{rrtAcroR TNFoRMATToN *****!t******t : 1:: " :"; T lllt,'#"il^"r vr\ r'r \"'s"'^ * -."Totn of VaLl- Reg' lto'-![FE.neral co_ntracLor_:_ G &.G Roofingr rnc. phone 11unpsr.366g-5552t! r'1 lln O 1 ? Er-.3 ^^^ t t/\ 6r.r t t .Aclclress: D.C). Bor R17, r?isco, Cll't R044? - VALUATIOI{ Bo)< 817, tisco, OO 80443 Pt ar m I r d'n l'lt rnt I rrs 3AE 4?6 g52A ,to*toN rowNHousE ^r*o.ho*POSTOFFICE BOX 832 vAlL. CoL9RADO Bl658 fi | cld^sk Far-b uANl FN 4lq'zdsa fil,)^A e -T^/\^- ftXA" '6*J ilfAT t(7a'77?F ('L'.-'i4 (+ 6.' pa.rtrrtJe ts frmtaRtz-€b Ta UDo{-H ail ?TAO4/^tc'+J }'oaFs " tnj f,U"f D€, S11(, /*f ^fAfX"^^- Adb ftLrrftoP*rz-t"16 -f\tfl1,,/. {M%iltftilfi-ev,J|' A*?il" f -uv I rNstbroN REeuEsr, TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 {S BEADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER TUES WE+, OOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELE tr-l trF tr( tr MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor, 7-/'?/ rNSpEcroR ATION vArt, eo. 81558 THE TNTENT OF THIS IJETTER IS TO ACKNOWIJEDGE THE REMODEI'ING PRO.]ECT WHICH IS TO TAKE PLACE IN UNIT 15 AT PTARMIGAI{. IT IS OT'R UNDERSTANDING THAT THE PRO.]ECT IS SIMPLY TO INVOLVE ADDING A FLOOR ABOVE THE DINING ROOM. THE ASSOCIATION IIAS REVIEWED THE PI-,ANS A}iID FOI'ND THEM TO BE ACCEPTABLE. PrARI,ttlN rowNnousE Ass BOX 832 toe MANAGING AGEIflT PTARMIGAN *GpH-a*ss+ae.fut, :*.'--ffitrfl ':***'::u**l*5 qt $:tL.iL + :\ -$.&-S:-J+..,l'jl"-d Potlcy Number AZ MINNESOTA TITLEA SUBJECT TO ]HE D(CLUSIONS MOM COVEMGE, THE ilCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN SCHTOULE S ANO Ur PBOVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS ANO SNPULATIONS HEREO, TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 0F MINNES0TA, herein called tre Comparry. insures, as of Dab of poticl shmryn in schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceeding the amount of insurance stated in schedule A, and costs, attomeys'fees and expenses, fiidl the Comparry may become obligated to pay hereunder; sustained or incuned by the insured by reason of: 1. Iitle to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested othenrrise than as staled therein: 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on such title: 3. Lack of a right of access to and fiom he land: or 4. Unmarkembility of such title. lN WITNESS WHEBEOE fre said lltle lnsuance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by ib duly authorized officers as of the dare shown in Schedule A. the policy to be valid when countersigned by an auttrorized officer or agent of ttre Company. TITIf INSUMNCE COMPANY OF MINNESSTA AStock hnpny ffi Sann Avsw so,tth MiurWlis, Mirupsoa 5510t C"lr-ill-'i'i^p-,.Je'6^\---l AunMEd Jgnatory TIM Form #130 8/86 25M TIt'l owners Form 2312 o. V15260 SCHEDULE A Policy Date: June 20, L990 Name of Insured: JAMES DONALDSON and SIGNE S. The estate or interest in theand which is covered by this A Fee Sinple t ile N PoJ.icy I orrnrrru Amount 5L40,000.00 Address UNIT 15 PTARMAGTN l_. 2. at 8:00 A.M. DONALDSON , as Joint Tenants Iand described in this Schedulepolicy is: 3. 4. Title to the estate or interest covered by this policy at thedate hereof is vested in: ,IAI,IES DONALDSON and SIGNE S. DONALDSON , as Joint Tenants 5. The land referred to in this policy is situated in EAGLE county,Colorado, and ls described as follows: LOT 1_5, PLAT OF THE RESUBDTVTSION OF LOTS 29 THROUGH 40, VArL VTLTJAGE I{Esr, FrLrNc No. 2, AND DEcr.,ARATroN roR THE Pr,AT oF THERESuBDrvrsroN oF r-,oTs 29 THROUGH 40, vArL vrLr,AGE wEsT FrLrNcNo' 2, RECORDED rN BooK 2L6 AT PAGE 677' suBJEcr ro rHE TERMS,CONDITIONS, EASE!,IENTS, RESTRICTIONS, USES, LIMITATIONS ANDoBLrcATroNs sET FORTH rN sArD DEcr.,ARATroN, couNTY oF EAGLE, STATE OF COIJORADO. Page This Policy valid only if Schedule B is attached. ::ffiv15260 lt"r No. AZe428z5 This poricy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of thefollowing: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by thepublic records. 2. Easenents, or crains of easements, not shown by the publicrecords. 3. Discrepancies, confricts in boundary lines, shortage in area,encroachmentsr.and any-facts which I correct surve'! andinspection of the.premises would disclose and which are notshown by the public records. 4. Any Iien, or right to a }ien, for services, labor, or rnaterialtheretofore or hereafter furnished, inposed uy r"r and notshown by the public records. ].990 TAXES NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE AND ASSESSMENTS NOT YET CERTIFIED TO THETREASURERS OFFICE. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORETHEREFROM SHOULD THE SA},IE BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PRE}IISESAS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED ;TUNE 15, 19].8, IN BOOK 93 ATPAGE 15 AND rN uNrrED STATES PATENT RECoRDED october 04, r-918, rN BooK 93AT PAGE 301. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THEUNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT REcoRDED June t5, 191-8,rN BooK 93, AT PAGE 15 AND RECORDED october 14, 1918, rN BooK 93 AT PAGE301. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CI,AUSE,BUT OMITTING RESTRTCTIoNS, IF ANY, BASED oN RACE; coloR, RELTGIoN, oRNATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMEIIT RECORDED December 23, L9G9, INBOOK 216 AT PAGE 677 AND RECORDED SEPTEMBER ZS, iSAS rN BOOK 5]-4 AT PAGE408. 6. 7. a EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY FOR SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OFVTLI,AGE WEST FILING NO. 2. GORE CREEK AS IT AFFECTS SUBJECT PROPERTY ASTHE RESUBDMSTON OF LOTS 29 THRU 40, VArL )age ' -l ortmer For:n 2313 rfo. v15250 SCHEDUIJE B tt* No. AZe,r28?5 10. EASEIIENTS, RESERVATIONS Al{D RESTRICTTONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PI.AT OF THE RESUBDMSION OF I,OTS 29 TIIRU 40 VAIIJ VILIAGE WESTE'XLING NO. 2. 11. DEED OF TRUST DATED iIUNE 14, 1990, FROM JA!,IES DONALDSON AND SIGNES. DONALDSON TO TH8 PUBLTC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COI'NTY FOR THE USE OF COLUITBIASAVINGS' A FEDERAIJ SAVINGS AllD L,ON{ ASSOCIATIoN TO SECIJRE THE SIIU Of9108,800.00 RECORDED June 19, 1990, IN BOoK S31 AT PAGE 927. /,red trcn inside trcnt flap)'/ ../"ro"r,r,^rn.,,.,0J;,03fl 'jir'i$Ll[fltfl#,t't.,o,n*, Company, after having received notice of an alleged defect, lien or encumbrance insured against hereunder, by litigation or otherwise, removes such defect, lien or encumbrance or establishes the title, as insured, within a reasonable time after receipt of such notice; (bl in the event of litigation until *rere has been a final determination by a court of competent jurisdiction, and disposition of all appeals therefrom, adverse to the title, as insured, as provided in paragraph 3 hereof; or {cl for liability voluntarily assumed by an insured in settling any claim or suit without prior written consent of the Comoanv 8. Beduction of Liabilitv All payments under this policy, except paymdnts made for costs, attorneys' fees and expenses, shall reduce the amount oi the insurance pro tanto. No payment shall be made without producing this policy for endorsement of such payment unless the policy be lost or destroyed, in which case proof of such loss or destruction shall be fumished to fte satisfaction of the Company. 9. LiabilityNonwmulative. It is expressly understood that the amount of insurance under this oolicv shall be reduced by any amount the Company may pay under any policy insuring erther (a) a mortgage shown or referred to in Schedule B hereof which is a lien 0n the estate or interest covered by this policy, or (bf a mortgage hereafter executed by an insured which is a charge or lien on the estate or interest described or refened to in Schedule A, and the amount so paid shall be deemed a payment under this policy. The Company shall have the option to apply to the payment of any such mongages any amount that otherwise would be oavable hereunder to the nsured owner 0t the estate or interest covered by this policy and the amount so paid shall be deemed a payment under this policy to said insured owner. l0 Apwttionnent lf the land described in Schedule A consists of two or more parcels whrch are not used as a single site, and a loss is established affecting one or more of said parcels but not all, the loss shall be computed and settled on a pro rala bases as if the amount of insurance under this policy was divided pro rata as to the value on Date of Policy of each separate parcel to the whole. exclusive of any improvements made subsequent to Date of Policv, unless a liabilitv or value has otheruise been aoreed uoon as to each such Darcel bv the Comoanv and the rnsured at tie time or rne issuance of this policy and shown by an express statement herein or bv an endorsement attached hereto, 1 1 . Subrogation Upn Payment or Settlenent Whenever the Company shall have settled a claim under this polrcy, all right of subrogation shall vest in the Company unaffected by any act of the insured claimant. The Company shall be subrogated to and be entitled to all rrghts and remedies which such lnsured claimant would have had against any person or property rn respect to such claim had this po|cy not been issued. and if requested by the Company, such insured ciaimant shall transfer to the Company all rights and remedies against any person or property necessary in order to perfect such right of subrogation and shall permit the Company t0 use the name of such insured claimant in anr7 transaction or litigation involving such rights or remedies. lf the payment does not cover the loss of such insured claimant, the Comoany shall be subrogated to such rights and remedies in the proportion which said pay- ment bears to the amount of said loss. lf loss should result lrom any act of such insured claimant. such act shall not void this policy, but the Companv in that event, shall be required to pay only that part of any losses insured against hereunder which shall exceed the amount, if any, lost to the Company by reason of the impairment of the right 0f subrogation. 12. Liabilitv Linited n this Policu This instrument together with all endorsements and other instruments, if any. attached hereto by the Company is the entire policy and contract between the insured and the Comoanv. Any claim of loss or damage, whether or not based on negligence, and which arises out ol the status 0f the title t0 the estate 0r interest covereci hereby or any action asserting such claim, shall be restricted to the provisions and conditions and stipulations of this policl. ruo frrn, ot or endorsement to his policy ca;;- made except by writing e'l16rsed hereon or attached hereto signed by either the President, a Vice President, the Secretary an Assistant Secre- tary or validating officer or authorized signatory of the Company 13. Noties,WhereSent All notices required to be given the Company and any statement in writing required to be furnished the Company shall be addressed to ih Home Office, Minneapolis, ilrinnesota 55401. Note: Ihis plicy valid only if Schedules A and B arc attached. rucofd thc Sy of--,A.D. f 9_,at o.ctock_t. 8y_ IHIS DEED, ruoc betrccn this dry of ,tlnE 14, 1990 ,f.S. DEIISOTLDA\I{ DEIISON:,ffi ftr&* A TrR:c.e.-'r,aid-ffiiiF+,ry.6*O^**.lffi,,}d#* tcd I .lR. rdrosc [cea( lddress tB 312 W:INEOR DRIVE, @RAOFOIJS, pA 1510g of thc Coqtty ot Cotor€do, of the first part, and JAI{ES Do}IALEoN ard SIC{E S" EbIALBON trd St!t. of @E/Lg/Eb L3z?7 FG I OF e REC EAGLE EOUNTY CLERK, EOLORADO 1A- ora of the errrEssE.r, Thst th! ".,.'HlI:l 3n1ff* **. o/E TIDRED FoRry IHqJSAND OOLLARS AXO OOl10or8s - rrd Statc of Colorado, of tne seco.td Dart:-for urd in cdrsldafrtim of thc sur of ' (***$14orooo.oo) and other good 8rd vatuabLe consideration to the said party. of thc ti_fst psrt in hsnct psid by the said p€rtiB of thcsecord part, the receiPt rhereor.is rt"..uv "*i"".ilit.i1q1.a93, -;"5-;;";;i; Lrsained, cor.d ard conveycd, rnd bylhese presents does grant, bargain, set[, convey ana ionrirm unto.the-said fufties'ot the second part, thelr heirs ardassrgns torever, no! in tenarty in ccrnron Ur.lt in joint ietving ard beins'in-ihe' '- -' conty oi -Sffib rtr the rotrotii"S,::filT,::1", :i ffii:" j'-" ot iana, ru 6tso knorn as s*eer rx-'r6er #15 grARMrc'AN TEFTNHCIJSE, 1975 prAcrD DRt\zE, vlrl, @ ToGETHER eith att ard singutrf the heredi ta*nts and apFJrtensnces thereto beronging, oc.rn anpri sr lppeftlinrng, snJthe reversion and reversions, -i*" i ^4". -"rg-...iJ"iil,''.*i;. issues iJ pi"iit" ii"reof; ud alt th. cstltc, ri9ht, titlcinterest' ctaim and tud *l:.:f"er of .thc ""io p""ii of . th. tirst p€rt,'Githcr in lar or cquity,of , ln lnd to rhe"bor",F:91]nf^ryni*s. ri rh the hereditanenis all ifu.,..or.n"r",To tl^vE Axo To HoLo thc aai.d Preni s"s abovc. berga'ilco erd described, rith the appurten rEcs, unto th. srid rErtirs ofthe secord Part' their heifs lrd aisigns forwcr:-i;-iir" seia pa"iv oi-irr. ii"ii-p"l.t, for hjooser.t, hie h.i.". .xccutors,ard adninistrators' does "o"11?tl, grent. bergain ard !gre. to lrd rith th! slid p€rtics of tha sacorid irrt. thclr hairs8nd assrgtls' that 8t the tine ot ihi ensiatiri "tg citii""v_ of th.sc g""r"nti,'i.T" refl sei:ed of th. pr€nis.s rbowconveyed' es of good, 'urc, peifect, absotutr rtrd l"o"iu""ior" crt"i.-oi- iJIl i'air*I, r' l!r, ln f.. clnptr, rrrd hr3 goodrlsht, rutt Porer snd trrfuL ruthorirv to g"-i, Ju".liii, s.rr a.ri-i-r;y'i;; ;;;i; nornar and fonr !3.fof*rld. ",dthat the sam are free srd cl.eor from atl i"-*; i;,td-;i;"r erants, barg.ins, Eltca, tiens, tses, lssessmnt8 lrdffiffiffi ,u'm,ffi"*-mmff B?s,ffi ffiHffi ffi tuw nr zri8Er84 Et-531 ?-Eea JOHNNETTE F'HlLLIF'S ar|d the. aboved bargained prernises in thr quiet tnern, theif assigns and the hcirs ard assigns ?!-!o,c!6in the *rote or any part thereof, thealn9u[6f nuter cha Inctudc thc ptur.t, thcgencers. . -.!fl utTI€SS lJltEREOf, the said party of theLal tten- -:!..T"::11. possessior of.said parties of th. secord parr. thc survivor ofor aucn survrvor, Erinst rll ard. every person of persan! taifutty ctalolng-said.party of th. firtt part shatt ani iritt ranadi iro ,mEvEt oEFElD. Thcplural tha efngular, and ihc usc of eny gender sh;al b- lppl lc€bt. to ltl DOC 14. AU first part hss hercunto set his hand and seal the dsy ard year flrst abovc tjt Il !1 tr'l F'l [il [:l [.il l,,l f::l l::l f::l i1 ,:'l Signed, Seated ard Del,ivered in the presence of PLEASI SEE ATTACHEO SIGNATURE PAGE SEAL ) I f.a "*=*, --,MR€. INGA G. PRIME,ezs coRE .REEK DR,'E. *,fu*o il | llD u^t.. .oro*o-oo-',lf, JuIY 26, 199O I $i.; rliian P.i,z W t ffi#i *Deer KrLgtrn: fr|;:$li3t*Ii,il"'*m": :"Iffi; i:u,lji":prsr""tron 2 to 5 carl'.lprT oay "nt-Jo;:rffi:: aqywhereusht. Sone badk ll"i. "lirioT"J on to the tot tonake roor for paralrii-p"itiii"io" the reet.lc f recall Ur. ,SlI?_":l nhone occupetton pemitfffil:t'i"lT: ff::;i y**";u ;ri *Jii?ff;nT$"."fcct VelI .fe a alldeltlal &!€Er Ealf a d.ozencerc parked ln ":lgr_gr n""n;;;-;ones an.l pattiosr! ln eJre-rore aad rhouiarit-i"-iernltted. f eril: lfi"lTrtfrl""..ggy"+. il+ir,T"i strauiJ-roi - "" ir,o"iii ";iii r*r"i| "" jltlril "r"ii; 3i*lf ii} ti, Slin'iili3'3f l'::lli.l";"lf:, o' the ce' that EI\i8' 875 - ENH 0o1.,-^2g!?_rF.zR gr13 - rFix 2998191 Yl$ Iruck. "i1-9r cot_or.aal-+-trr. strauss, owncar rr\f4ilrr N.i. lrcenge. Thank you for your consideration. Slncerely AqEs, Project Application oate 8- 3'6 -8 5 l,/ r -) .- Proiect Name: ff*tu,r'tcrN L5.-re }-P Proiect Description: Contacl Person and Phone l-r^l Owner, Address and Phone: fieqfT . G>^-tOc, *r.s^.. .l Architect, Address and Phone: fphfr*e*-J *^-)0 zls>e- Legal Oescription: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Dale Motion by: Seconded by; APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: I ro,, Approval 2 J t\ lur- $ \LI v b w o5rii ir ',{ I t\' dI27o I Z. .( ).uf i,i\L" \<N-\\ ..: \ I \ \\tIrilttlII I I lr.t /lU'T "ll*l:v b rl)o? r1 srK .J L.!g -lti J-ff !r)ft)(l. \) $tu s ,tl+ :/)l\$;$H j'' 2 t\i u $1 a ;s-f \p 'u -j h li) Yq t.rc Lt \$ I$ TLo tl\ar) \IJ '-QgdH F \N \Jq \n d 'aJ $.gil I I I F v 3 t.,.) .;l \i\\ ) --1---\_T J_--T ,c\-\ f s \- -v--si--t\ \) ,'',-,' \//\,\\ t-- _.rl= e \! rl J'-II 1 v {rze 1$ rD t1|J4 \J lr)oj .( L)0€$,i"Y:-- =?FE;\ !- '</ t!-t-'Fr i- tl rlJ r'--a:: r \-,;-?- *J (t!-r =\1 F c0 a> N !-J\ H.f tl 3 ry \ --- \-j ti -: 'l .i ,.. ll I t,\ l_\ -,i\ I I I t\\ i\ V -\)Jli] s.. xl!\l ?:'\ft Iv 2\oil\J '--. - -?-, /.*,r1: /- zn>z arx',. )5@{)J -1-( crqFr- 5 r'lls s9b$t $*F$+ E,g €ne EFg =s o NT .:/ss $s -r^ 3f,lo cl'l r*}xrl6 H(tr \) $ & { 2 ol- Ht 0,u P F <) r\)J ir oz ',iS$ N-$ \lJ2o2 r\ 'l.t { )t lJ ?t*I_ N \N \/ \\$IE\ r'1 *t) io kJ.? L-J-f (, ! =$ =.\F.N i,'f - i\l l/I- -d- -lL.T t-il/ {JE -) s'v6it\-.1' ^lrfrulr.)\-F J -X--L 3nl u\l t -€- N H : I$ tu N =I{tu -l_ =(9 X 's F \ll L? -7 \ll u -4 ftt\) I\-+_. $FF--*'t $'(Vt\ =q\\ \t- =v'x)Nl{tltttll\ / v/ \y \t= Ftt\ll=q111=i11t Itll=lrlElir :- rtrtZllll-l,: ==rll-= ll\.,/ mH*E EFg =s $$ T 9P NV bg 8.S Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Conlact Person and Phone Legal Description: Lot Commenls: VA{L Zone - Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Design Review Board Date Molion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: Date: Town Planner D statt Approval TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81.657 97 0-47 9-2138 Job Address...: Location......:.Parcel No.....:Proiect Number: APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: GAS LINE fiechani cat---> Ptan Check---> Invest igation> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE MECHANICAL PERMIT PeTmit Status. . . Applied..Issued... Expires. . t975 RICH COOLEY GAS LINES 814 TURQUOISE STREET, LEADVILLE, CO RICH COOLEY GAS LINES 814 TURQUOISE STREET, LEADVILLE, CO FARRELL BILLIE JEANNE - TRUSTEE 30 LAKE FOREST, ST. LOUIS MO 63117 .00 TOTAL FEES----- NOTE: THIS AT ALL TIMES M95-01s6 VOID oe /7s /tse5 oe /ls /7se503/r7 /1,ee6 Phone: 80461 Phone: 80461 7L9-486-349]- 7 L9-486-3491 Valuation: #0f Gas Logs: 300. 00 #0f Uood/Pa t tet:F i reptace Information: Restficted:#0f Gas Apptiances: fift****ff*ff*tffiffi******ff|it*ffi***ff***'Br*ff***** FEE SUl4tlARY ********H***lrt***#***ff*****ff*******ff*ffi****** 20.00 Restuarant P tan Revi eu-->.00 Total Catcutated Fees--->2E.00 5. OO DRB -00 2E.00 Additionat Fees---------> .0O tli l. L Cat l.----> 5.00 2E.00 28. 00 BALANCE DUE----***t**ffi*ffi*****ff*ff****t***ffi*|l*f*ffilrrdrtrt***rr#r**ffi***tdH***ff***#****ffitr*ff*****tHrrffitrffiffi*ffiffi*** Item: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT09/1911995 DAN Action: AppRItbm:. O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDIT]ON OF APPRO\ 1. F,',IELD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOr2. GAS TEST IS REQUIRED ***********************************************r DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoutedge that I have rcad this appl,ication, f il,l,ed out in futt thpl,an, and state that att the information provided as required is correct. Ito compty with al,L Town ordinances and state [aws, and to buitd this structurcodes. design review approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIOT{S SHALL BE TIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AOVANCE BY 1ELEPHC SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII1SELF AND OI,INER Totat Pernit Fee--------> Dept: BUILDING Division: P,.c+ Qo"ru/ k-n-tu-*** Wa^t P^rE ii;,it' I z rygi',r*4w*'ri' , / ID DR b).,,, L II.. CLJN4Z t trclffieoJ TO!{tf oF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statennt Nunber: REC-0072 Amount:28.00 oe/Le/es L5|32 Payment Method: CK NOtaLion: WAIVED FEES Init: DS M95-0156 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PER.MIT 2103-114-L7 -025 19?5 PI,ACID DR PTAR!4IGAN TOWN HOUSES Tota1 Feea:28.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :l * * * Permit No:Parcel No:Site AddreeE: . Locat,ion: Thie Payment Account Code *'TWAIVED FEES** Deecription }IAIVED FEES 28.00 28. O0 .00 Anount 28.00 a = 'r{rsT'ot II|/AJIRIALS NAME oF PRorEcr-&lj& LEGAr DESCRrprroN: LOrl1-lO BT,OCK FfiWe #J LuEs/ v4L tbN aL a u)cDESCRIPTION OF IRO'ICT IlPe -of Material Ttto following information is Board before a final approval A. BUILDiNG MATERIALS Roof Siding Other Wal1 Materials Fascia .qoffits Windows Window Trin Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimreys Trash Encl osures Greenhous es Other PLAl.lT I'4ATERIALS (Vegetative, Landscaping Botanical Nane required for subnittal can be given: by the applicant to the Design Review Color ilEL, . B. l,!aterials including Corunon Nane Shrubs, and qantigr Growrd Cover) Size Trees, lrT' tr , $usR_.LAJ'l.DscAPg FEAfl REs (Retaining l{alls, Fences, Swirming Pools, etc.) Please spocify. I :l fi:i,.:lil a IJJ UJu- ==uJ o- $Nt\ o uJF z z =l.o .6 I€,6lo\l-t ' t<( r'I'ozl F: I I =l-€rF i:E 'Alv,u,z slE.u<-lotz. @ @ (\ z F-l zH EPE F ig;gE :$Egg(gO-.:-.c=o./'E sHii: iBaEi ou, uJt!t =ul .L J FoF I I I=ll:*lsirr) tt- - ttr3tnSl* =@orlii <;.i Z2ucto oo-5; =Ffi66 aA6! fi-u-<o* i;Eg gE -.N(,E X X X X Flot oz tr(t) J z Y IE tl. UJo .. >lo uJ uJ uJz <t) == uJ IL) z E o u, f oa UJzY iF z tr J loz Fz, 9z fio3trOI z F z E tu I I .l ?l H el zl 3lolFI 9l olurl cElJI <l>l EIol zl 3lo{FI I I ?l g 5l Pl e q Ff E F :t-tX tr N B rrl 'r+F+g Ff,e (, =J Lt- tstutFotrzuoli 2 (JH =ft HA uJ =z o-) I IIrl' I I I.4ulaCId{I EO flFl\Ol'l I olzl ol rl ;l 2l FI .l) .AH pr Mtlltsz E =tr =.1olutl 5l al>l t!lol zl 3lolFI 2P;()=<=E d6() z T LU = Eiluri+EOz -rO<F(ts() r,! <zg LlJ F(42 -J d.Fo u,l J oz E =g, lu o- G t I !!tr E l,rJ :!{E>E<ctl6Ut62E9?L Et =>EJI- = u.r '-E b=o JiiE =FE 659 EtuE XO-t x>t q-o=r,E uJdl F -=- z ,r9 =4.oo =zffJO CL tr- EE=A;E TI T]FNLJ L-+(J ,'{-,ii9 aoc) Cf uJFo @oazo FIL IJJY lrJo ot- FE* =o\[- l!o-l> rdl EFIo'lrXl ,t x1t- lllbkzo E =E,lrla-zIF C)DEF(nzoo o INSPE CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT t'. \, ' 'cl -\... DATE '.-- '. -.- - I JOB NAME \... CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES ,. WED THUR PMFRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATEBtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEERu pLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr E FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E trly L \ r,*o. -APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: \ / l, ,, \\.tt INSPECTOB \'--, /. / r9|--^_- i'i DATE oz L = UJ.L S- ir<rJ\o <2a?>.\o- :i!=g R- irg:!sl =!;:E\$ Silid<'..: +\ r lit:lI <Fq,-I = g; i.;\^- < a a !$,:Ilci.r< - :-- 2 Fv- a - . triq.-I:t;,1 5ir9!o"\)it:ii03riilz - - l> I I l_ t?to I I I I I, IYt< rFlaz NOtlVnlVA Ll.lz uJ z E o z F- uJ J 3 UJz z UJ-l c(L -,1@lcl <\.tlrlrol I !! o E =E UJ Jz z tnY =<coO =zJO ,"=E ==3dd= Ernl o E o o o .:c E-EFo;oi ou--oE tr.r E>EFocto O-zo F(J D E,Fazoo/4.\/ ' :ltE \ 1 rlls\2E --a or 3lit <l =l IL Fa tnl uJl olol 1l <l >l <l =l lltltl,tl+{l.4 1 ctl9lql r=l.ul --l ,l ol,/N frI doltdl< El dtrr = z =II o P 'tr! ooto c =oF UJ =z lrl o J ? I IL I I I J UNulldlooln =(J t i\ Oz q) Fzo z - ul oozt- =#JZo-O o c) tFz ) o Fo LUJ UJ <F uj <ZEUJF(aZ (J uJ ts't-trEf r\ / r'1 L-Ydr I lrt t ( i /Dr(/ (A</I SPE cTl REQUEST TOWN//.-'|/F VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR ,FRI PLUMBING: O UNOERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR O FINAL PROVED T] DISAPPBOVEO tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ryt0/ onre,2-,4-f( rNSpEcroR ,*#"roN REeuErr t TOWN VA I CQ=a Q OF DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR ) @ AM IL, BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING )(rr'rsur-nrror.r tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL D POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: El HEATING tr FTOUGH C EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n tr n FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED D RErNsPEcrroru REourneo INSPECTOB, ,4DATE (_--' .',',,.'NSI?croNTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL I DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME '.-M99,', CALLER TUES THUR FRI AM FG, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS O FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL tr E tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT E o SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES I READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR @ ----<a---..----q_jy-) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER g FOUNDATION / STEEL ylrnnvrr.rc - b }NSULATIoN O GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK r\lAtL o o POOL / H, TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL EgtbTR!CAL: U TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR El-z tr trl f,INAL tr FINAL atyyED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED t INSPECTION €D TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL t DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS D FOUNDATI \nnurruc PLUMBING: / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND \ noucn / D.w.v. q RoUGH / wArER ON / STEEL tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr,SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR PROVED CORRECTIONS: PPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED st *' frClnz t g o t94(fKolE?j >V _ . ./4Jz- I\ 2F arn-r.zz1 s^zt .^ t{ i<s, INSPECTO t INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VA|L / ,."'tt r,?',.r'i . . ,, , l-,DATE READY FOR LOCATION: /ro, *o", INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND BOUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING O INSULATION GAS PIPING O SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H, TUB o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: KTEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D tr tr FINAL tr FINAL /nppaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR f t INSPECTION TOWN OF ll REQUEST VAIL ,'I DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER ..TUES ,WED i THUR FRI AM '' PM BUILDING: ET FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: A'tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION D SHEETROCK tr_ tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: E] TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr T'l tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o o.r(Nat O FINAL t d APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:THUR FRI BUILDING: Iq[ FooTTNGS / SrEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUqH / WATERN FRAMING tr INSUTATION E GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n_ tr SUPPLY AIR n q,fNnr tr FINAL '+waoveo tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ,*#".oN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL WED THUR 1 ( // oo* t/ t'/8r JoB NAMEr// BEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLU trU trR OR trG trP tr_ MBING: UNDERGROUND D FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER T] INSULATION GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT -, tr SUPPLY AIR E D qr FINAL tr FINAL i1xpt4-ou.,tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECT Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Molion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL , Town Planner,^,., zf Mfqt Xt"- Approval .f '* - i Project Application projectName: P/nn,-rc,eal nrrtAo)se 4al Nd'sE /?bPDl',{a proiect Descrip tio^, /#../l >b E L h o L t{o a s,r ownerAddressandPhone: y'-UnUt aAU Jt a;pNaa f* hSS d' Architect Addr€ss and Phone: Legal Description: Lot 9 -*, / y,stl Zone: Design Review Board /a Motion by: lf1n,V 0 seconded nv' 143'fhS A/l'/t ,' t /,'!!lo*" /"tQL'/ ,i;ut/i/ DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL 1,h/?vtmNS Summary: Chief Building Olficial O O''r="grt: sts-w"'NOrtrV 3.13 l:e'{a *.a n@) g)btra\v9A')9 VJ6q1 7e!ao ot-zi 6tlrlj. ?)aodgtcagv{t6 $E iH E : ES $i s'o $s /\ tc F o 9 $H *E *i; $$n doI;oi erot6F;W 3O96 sfi g.{ I e*,taT6-?eL, oeotl AooLTtor{ ro exJaT?. ?@l- wDl?.Kl,A--?RO fl TARM f GAN tow H r-louar lsecc YAttJ t@L'oQAOO -WanqOefzq,..M@?:- E\eao.oe AREA Rtffi wt.Qt pv.0'olA,.- l+'et-e6 9roafuae A/zCA 6rteT6.l?OO lsnfJllrls {c1 r-+cl -{ II I oz Fo UJ-lo(Ea J "?l6llil-[ ul F E EEl! +J <t (u U' =os =oF Jz z o9z4 Ero =z=llJO(L r! )J<."to =EanF-F -LU:A6d> aln oc o.' o1' .:E 'Fc-7ZCt8H r't U- 5H E>- CI o o-zo F()3 E,Fozo() | .-- ll-\'. '7t= \ /l-\ l€-\+-./- -tE=, a a. F- Fz J F UJ) lJ.t uJz3 L! z oz F = UJd s -:a:i\ I i--==:4 -'i=iii-i ,'* :i!=?\ l"i ;:i:* | .ra4= ! : - ? --.i-.?.'! --F : ^ : t--, z. : Z - r<;}-: '-'-;ii3i ' =<J < r .l--3;"i ','\=;:i- -:-lv.- o I I I IR \-tio I I I l- F 6 z t! 3 2 i, gF 9 I =d o *:eFE; E EE F5e?IrC =s:iiHg B P E zz= oF =22 I 9. Y> =o;Gatoz>c)(J<Jzr!<oq o-Yi5 =og'5 ul.r-o!l:!t< UJz u.r Ja = tlilirlltllltllltltltl lv''iI rrlltEltol l<la40l <ldE iiIillttlllI vrlt',l tEltolt<ldJsl <lEl =l u\4l oolq J >t IItltl4l HI'1 |qt FI .dltl:4 1]J4gddtq =t Jq<trl E I I ILlo- I I I ,)U\lrl dCIc-4<!E( I I I I Il' I I I Jrnlul o{clq J><!E(=J u- LIJ FFoz 3F z3 ?,2 =8 oo >; )zcO --r O<F IJJ <ZELUF.^ Z F- UJ EI e. )<ofiillo trg rOrng^rloN REeuEsrTOWN, OF VAIL]ATtr l/-\F \'^ r,rwvu ,\FrlvlE CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION;MON TUES \4/ED LOCATION: THUR .--.-:::--A"IVI PM BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL -g FouN.DAJt O tt_1-sJEEL PLUhIBtNG: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr RCUGH / WATERtr INSULATION E SHEETROCK tr GAS PiPING NAIL tr POOL i H.TUB;, tr LJ FINAL F APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED P---F: E INSPECTOR :o INSfECTION TOV'/N CF REQUEST l-\ n -E READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME _: '\ INSPECTION: CALLER TUES ...^-..WED THUR .'FRI ,,.*.- I!-DING:PLUI'IBING; tr UhJDERGROUND BI B n c t_l c tr FOUI'JDATION / STEEL D ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / \YATEB INSUTATION 5riE tr i FrLru^ N GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL,'H. TUB O FINAL ELECTRICAL: LJ r Ei\',:-. r\JVlEn MECHA},IICAL: tl l-l trA I ll\\: D EXHAUST HOODS N SUPPLY AIR FINAL 3 CONDUIT n o tr DISAPPROVED D FINAL N AOUGH AL t ' * rt.,";;,p $, TF,-o u E sr JOB NAMEDATE INSPECTION: CALLER MoN I ruES WED THUR FRI READY FOR LOCATION: tr DISAPPROVEDAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: ! I i I ; ItI! I :.' | '.r a trtr |,]Ta)Fl o INSPECTION TO\ryN CF REQUEST DATE JOts NAME MONREADY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED THUR . .--<a- ------ AMPM]_\ .,/---...-._-. tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED. -.'aa--/ INSPECTION: 'l JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES o INSPECTION TOWN CF REQUEST DATE READY FOB LOCATION: -z:----'WED THUR : FRI\_--..\__./- BUILDING: I FO;JNDATlOlri r STEEL -.,--PLUMBING: E ROUGH / D.VJ.V. : F:ANIING tr ROUGH / WATEF L INSULATION D GAS PIPING T SHEETROCK NAIL D POCI / H. TUB n D FINAL 1 je lecrnrcau iD IEIr'iP. POWER tr HEATING D FIOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr D FINAL .: ''/ 7'-If'APPROVED --i ;2) -DISAPPROVED :./ - ' /-2 4-.. ;r- - ,.'*.,', .-' , -: .-1 .' -. !. ..tt DATE iI.JSPECTCB o INSPECTIONTO\"'N OF REQUEST VAIL .,-.' '.;. 1.:. rr.la NAMEDATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM ':-?:.J; a REINSPECTION DATE ' -' ,l o INSPECTION.I REQUEST TCWN OF VAIL UA'E ItISPECTION: JOB NAT.,4E MON CATLER TUES V/ED, THURPEADY FOR LOCATION: FRI PM SUILDING: PLUi,,IBING:. rn ni" tr FOOTINGS ,' STEEL i.:.,'..:/. . '.. . - T] UNDERGROUND . D FO:jiJDATION / STEEL D FPT.L{ING D ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING O SHE:TBOCK NAIL - tr POOL / H. TUB L' ELECTRICAL: tr TEI",IP. POiVER MECH,A.NICAL: D HEATING D o o ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr,'FiNAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPFIOVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED .-: .':: r ,,- :::.- ! r; .'-.-', o ,*,?="roN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE -roB r,,lAN,lE MON '... _..: :-:.' :,. INSPECTION: UAI_LtrH TUES THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: \i/En PLUMBItiG: r.J \JiYiJC rl b Fl uUl\ u tr FouNDATtor,r z STE:I_ tr FBAMING C ROUGH ,. D.W.V. D ROUGH,'\,!ATER i F-* TF-- -rI I t- I I I D iI{SULATION tr SI-IEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL DISAPPROVED rrusP?c"*oN TC',nrrN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE ' ' -.' JoB NAIIEIT./ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES ] At'n ; PM EPf,OVED CORRECTIONS: DATE o Project Application ria':-_., ..-; ,,.\ , )ject Name:.-.|.:*'-.\r\ tLoiect Description: ;ontacl Person and Phone o*'lJt, eoiii.Js ino Pnon", Archilect, Address and Phone: Block Filing Zone - Commenls: I I I II r Design Review BoardiIt Dale - II"Ii Motion bY: .t o_Proiect ApPlication t1,al Project Name: L /-,:'oProiect Descriplion: Owner Adci ress and Phone: -S At L' .^ i .'' -2.7^i' / tr' ' -' -: ': Legal Dsscription: Lot , Block Zone: I Zoning Approved: :ri::i Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL Summary: '... , r Pi'*lt .t I )..,r."'No,)VA9- _ ''--\ =7.i= lia' €rt'r, .."ten t,t/ ;-' \-/ |- 2Z'.o" *- )a nd} 9J.,i:3\ a">9 Vd6el | ?aE, 0c oI,rrsl drc -tls (f J sa c TE f;*j a@ar -2)SWVoJ Plz Flqfi\l^? ..i_-1 Nl- ",|ffl .-15u=K F {0 17r- : Exl€,re, FENrc€ t\Dtldr $s$rsarrI: fF8:'v) ;rb Vi E\tqTG f=-rtE s$'rl :: Tf & ri; $$edol;gi fiBI ct* 6 d ! $ ?Loor< ?c.erl?toue '. ye" =1,.o,,F<ofuo.oO qA AooLTtot.l To ExtaT6. ?@L_. W Re4|GAN TOWNI,IQUgE A $=\)olrl < ficl *!oi 6e;1l E; ;fi t\$\iA Y I \i (\-l ^4 ".\ j 3oD; d-:I5 S"io d EX€cCte= Ar€A Frt36E wHtarpv.9tctA, -_ l+'et-sorz €bt fI\L gaaAGe AREA 6f,tgrci, p90 t?E Ex@T6. MECIiANIOA VAtL, , @9o72gg51 Auea AA7-9GR€... M6A t7. Kt"l..- ).,r...n1, t-,J-..r_*p tlyl,g1i, lOyA z)@e u3baSwVoA ExtgRSfarc6 E*qT6 rEhL4 gs fi;irAO -gxer:rl -gl/\ 6c of QlzEln t'l^).-l r;la ]im.5u=f{ H i6 17 : ?€pv O€Cr< 'a riElc.TpT? ?)gNTnaNcf gi,a.a ?z'-o" IT8 3fitoah $Hn6ol;9n F3\r'.6 3 EL-eo_B__fLAtJ- .. o€.auc- '. ya".l'o* ?€ofoo?? ?e, A rARM I TCWNHOUOE Y{llr , jOL'O y?AOO Avea OAq96ft9... MGR, t-^ t) L-/ AN tTtot J Tc'---KtaT6. ?@L-, w,t:t?. KM... E\€ftEIQ€ Ar€.A ,< ll^fi YIH tct PV-a'otA, -- l+'et-sotz graaAge FREA 6rr€16. C@ rZ9 txto16,y,€+lANl a C fl Fo 7a\z Elo + i7\ '.1 .si- ."..is 1R 5 tot7t- : \ o z)eo d9buSv.ltoo 3(A *?3' aa):torla\ €.r I C\f/= - 7@v O=oA t:6G.?<7T? ?: -, -,,.: -€53 ri-+\'E ?,5 I az'.o" s5) i VJ -\2 ?""1 0s oI T s s) oe as f;g J...f ft. t' EyATGrSttE i$is E; / -nlt: t)--x O Y9--t >y)3orh (i'ln- t$86al;gn i-'qfnr\ ct z 7i UJ Ft (1r R! fic 1! x^ GT-{r Gl- E; } '4._ EII 6 { I 3o .96ci;a-X -rJ Pdo 9l ;t-; #7. i, 7, .--"LqJ t I ?RofcOr,O qA AooLTtoN To ?KtqT6,ffiDt? KlA-- r RMIGAN N HCUO 7x> TC!V yJtttQtfuV et0tA, - :|l : <l\ t o\lHi'ii I+' ot gotz ?1cat39 5aA^G€ Ar{EA 6ar€T6. t2c'o Yhtt- ,cot oreAoo ht-=a G;->-?=126... h A?ffi