HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 2 LOT 45 LEGALOO tltYtEr,ELtrE Design Review ACTION FORl,l Oepartment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef: 970.479.2139 f,a'x:.97O.479.2452 web: www.vallgov.com IBoard Project Name: IRWIN CHANGE Project Description: Participants: OWNER IRWIN, DAVID L. PO BOX 3342 VAIL co 81658 APPLICANT IRWIN, DAVID L. PO BOX 3342 VAIL co 81658 Prolect Address: 1956 GORE CREEK DR VAIL 1956 WEST GORE CREEK DRIVE L012912007 LOl29l2007 Legal Description: Lot: 45 Block Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE WEST RL 2 Parcel Number: 2103-123-0702-5 Comments: SEE CONDmONS RNAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PI.ANS FOR AN ADDITON OF A PARKING SPACE SURFACED WIIH GRASS CRETE DRBNumber: DR8070626 Location: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Gillette Second By: Dantas Vote: 5-0-0 Condi6ons: Actlon: APPROVED Date of Apprcvalz L2l2Ol20(J7 Cond:8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made wlthout the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). EnWt IA2O|2007 Byr RLF Action: COND 1. This approvat shall only apply to "Concept #2" as submitted by the applicant. 2. The applicant shall provlde Staff with dimensioned plans prlor to building permlt submittal. 3. The applicant shall plant one six-foot everyreen tree southwest of the approved retaining wall. @nd:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activiUes. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of apprcval, pursuantte VailTown @de, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEA!7 @nd:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. C.ond: 113 All development applications submitted to the Town after the efrective date of Ordinance 26, Series 2006 shall be subject to the pendlng employee housing regulations in whatever form they are finally adopted; provided, however, that if the Town fails to adopt the p,ending employee housing regulations by April 15,2007, thls Ordinance shall not apply to such development applications. PIanneT: MCHEL FRIEDE DRB Fee Paad: $20.00 Frpm: To: Sublec{: Rachd Frlede snapoutofltz@nisn.com DRBApprord Dave- Thank 1pu br atbndlng yeebrday's DRB meeting. Attacfied is the DRB Action Form, wttbh confirms your approval and shors the requircd condltlons. Slnce the DRB did not approve parking on the vi,Bstem end of )pur lot, please remove the car parked furthesl to the west. Pl€€se heve thet mo\€d by January 1, 2008. Also, please submit a dimensioned plan es soon as po$sible, speciflcally noting bottom ofboulderrvall endtopofboulderwall elevatione. Shouldthewall be4ftormore,youwlll bersgulreda PE stamp on your drawing. Please call or email ff you have questlons. B€st, Rachd O uinor Exterior Alteratlrs Application for Design Review Departnent of Crmmunity Development 75 South Fronbge Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479,2128 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General InformaHon: All projects requiring design review must rec€ive approval prior to submitting a building permit application, Please refer to the anbmittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all requlred information is received by the Community Dwelopment Deparunent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Deslgn review approlal lapses unless a builaling permit is lssued and consFuction commences wi0rln one year of the approval. 0 v) 6)o \) o Ot' Ntr LocaUon of the Proposal: Lot: 4.f glock:- Subdivision: Physical Address: Parrcel No.: ztD g I24 o2oe{(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-86'10 for parcel no.) /tZoning: ftrtmn! ./ Se,cot'r ")l6 Name(s) of owner(s): (JnurQ \. ttao Mairins Address: f\.o. fh - f s+z t/,+,1 , ( t. Phone: -190 -o€51 Owner(s) Signature(s): / y'r , ^ A Name of Appl/Cz/ntt ///u/n Tlo/t) Maillng Address:,fl.o. fioo 3342 Phone: Fax: .+74 - 7/0 / 47(-1964E-mail Address: Type of Revlew and Fee: n Signs tr @nceptual Review E New ConsfouctionO Addfion fl Minor Alteration (muhi-family/com mercial ) O Minor Alteration (singlefamily/duplex) I ChangestoApproved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.(X) per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 addiuons & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painHng, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor dranges to buildings and site improvements, sucfi as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landraping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee / 't**'|'|**ff+++*****+***f*fft|'f+++*'t+++*lt+*++f******t****t+++t*a+***+*t*tl"i't*'t***1"|'***tl++***a{, TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO StateNrreot***af++*a++'t+af*+taaaaat'iaal'***af+*{rt{'*f*a*aaia*+*++*+lftlaaaa*ta'**'l*attl*****aa++{'t'**+**+at Statement l[r:mber: R070002360 Arnor.mt: $20.00 LO/29/20070422]- pul Pa)ment Method: Cash Init s als Notation: S/DAVID rRwIN Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address s LocatiOn: I'blg Payment s ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR 001000031t2200 $20.00 *++aa+++lfff*aatll+*+f++*++l+*ltff+l+a*ali**+ll+*t*t***ta*aa*l******tla++t**lr'i*9*t+aa+***'i** DR3070525 Tlpe: DRB-Chg to Appr Plana 2LO3 - L23 - 07 02-5 1955 @R3 CREEK DR VAIL 1955 TIEST GIORE CREEK DRwE To!a1 FeeE: TOt,AI AIJJ PMtg : Balance: Des cription DESIGN REVIEW FEES $20.00 $20.00 $Q.00 Current Pmts 20.00 Printable Search Results frt O Account# Parcer# ouyner illffiJ Hlll3" crty R012e6B 2'to312:rl7o2s IRWIN' DAVID PJR?u#=r^ po Box 3342 vArL State co Page I ofl Ap 81658 (ilIai^0,W Yru' tc borc"l' /7bsY1P fu,t',,t M,^g,,le'- tD {a l*'l tYZwra' http ://fcs. eaglecounty.us/patie/printable, results. cftn 07/03t2007 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department December 8, 2003 A requestfora variance from Section 12-6D-6 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a garage within the required front setback, located at 1956 Gore Creek Drive / Lot 45, Vail Village West Filing #2. Applicant David lrwinPlanner: Matt Gennett il. il. SUMMARY The applicant's request involves the construction of a new two-car garage within the front setback of the Two-Family Primary/Secondary (PS) residential zone district. The surveyed fot size is 10,672 square feet and the slope beneath the residence is approximately 29o/o. Since the zoning regulations grant homeowners floorarea credits fortwo enclosed parking spaces and the applicant is proposing to build a total of three garage parking spaces, the third space requires the use of gross residentialfloor area (GRFA). Therefore, the request is for a variance to construct GRFA up to four feet (4') from the front property-line, instead of the required 11.3', which is the distance from the existing structure to the front-property line and the result of a belated variance from the front setback granted in 1982 (see Section ll for details). Based upon the criteria in Section V of this memorandum, staff is recommending denial of the request. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant is requesting to build a 426 square foot, two- car garage, approximately one- quarterof which would encroach into the modifled setback, as demonstrated on the attached site plan and architectural renderings (attachment C). BACKGROUND The applicant's residence encroaches 8' 9" into the required front setback due to the submission of a fraudulent survey during the development review process in the early 1980's. On September 27,1982, the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) approved the applicant's request for a front setback variance to allow the constructed encroachment to remain. Therefore, the existing encroachment establishes the applicant's "conforming' required front setback for the properg. The PEC did not reference any physical hardship or special circumstances on the applicant's lot in its motion to approve the variance request. Additionally, the applicant's driveway and retaining wallwere constructed partially on an adjacent neighbor's property. tv. In 1984, the Community Development Department identified the presence of an illegal second unit and numerous building code violations on the applicant's property. There are no records on file that indicate the second unit was removed or the code violations were remedied. In 1989, the applicant applied for permits to allow for a residential remodel and submitted an 'Application for a Secondary Unit for Lots of Less Than 15,000 Square Feet in the Residential Zone District and in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District." The application was placed in "pending" status until additional enclosed parking was provided for the secondary unit. The enclosed parking was never constructed. However, a remodel at the rear of the residence was approved. The lot size was reported as 1 1 ,238.75 square feet and the slope beneath the residence was reported as 31.5%. In 2001 , the applicant applied for another variance from the front setback to allow for a two- €r garage to be built 1.5 feet from the front propefi-line. The PEC voted to deny the applicant's request based upon the following findings:1. Any hardship on the property with regard to setbacks is self-imposed.2. Inadequate architectural design (existing garage/structure) does not constitute a hardship.3. That the granting of the variance would constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. Currently there is one enclosed garage parking space at this residence. The Town's records indicate a Certificate of Occupancy has not been issued for the residence. REVIEWING BOARD ROLES The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: 1 . The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this Title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety, 4. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. The DRB has NO review authoritv on a variance, but must review any accompanying DRB application. B. V. ZONINGSTANDARDS Lot Size: 10,672 square feet / 0.245 acresZoning: Two-FamilyPrimary/SecondaryResidential(PS) Hazards: Soils - mitigation report on file Standard Setbacks: Front: Sides: Rear: Site Coverage: Allowed 20ft. 15 ft. (east) 15 ft. (west) 15 ft. Existino 11.3 ft. 17 ft. 49 ft. 39 ft. 2,134 sq. ft.(2OYo) 1,708 sq. ft. (160/0) Proposed 4.0 ft. 17 ft. 30 ft. 39 ft. 2,130 sq. ft. (2Oo/o)* vt. "approximate CRITERIAAND FINDINGS Consideration of Factors Reqardino the Variances: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity, Staff believes the proposed use, structure and configuration are consistent with many non-conforming properties in the Matterhorn neighborhood and within the Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. There are a significant number of properties in the Matterhom neighborhood that exhibit setback encroachments. Most properties in the neighborhood were constructed under Eagle County jurisdiction and "grandfathered' upon annexation into Vail. The applicant's property, however, was approved as new construction under the Town of Vail's development review process with no setback encroachments. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal Interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulatlon ls necessary to achieve compatlbility and uniformityr of treatment among sites in the vlclnlQr or to attain the objectlves of this title without a grant of special privilege. The circumstances sunounding the applicant's existing setback encroachment are quite different than with other properties in the Matterhom neighborhood. After the house was substantially constructed, it was determined that the applicant submitted a fraudulent survey and the house was built within the front setback, an occurence well documented in the Town's files. Therefore, the existing setback non-conformities and the subsequent variance for the site are due to a self-imposed hardship. It has been documented that the existing one-car has been be used as B. storage or living space, thereby exacerbating the need or desire for additional enclosed parking on the site. Although there are significant mature trees on the propefi, staff believes the request for an additional two-car garage within the front setback is excessive and deviates from the zoning regulations more than is practical or necessary. The Two-Family Primary/Secondary zone district regulations give homeowners GRFA credits for up to two enclosed garage spaces (up to 300 square feet per space). Therefore, the addition of the third space requires the utilization of gross residential floor area within the front setback. Staff believes the request is excessive and that conformance with the criteria for review of a variance request has not been demonstrated by the applicant. The effEct of the requested variance on light and air, distrlbution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. The proposed garage would be located within approximately four (4) feet of . the front property line. The existing home already encroaches nearly nine (feet) into the required setback. Additionally, Public Works has commented on the inadequacy of the following standards: driveway grade; the lack of a guardrail next to the proposed driveway poses public life-safety issues; revocable right-of-way permit required fordriveway and landscaping; and no snow storage is allowed in the public right-of-way. Public facilities, utilities, and safety would all be negatively impacted by the granting of this requested variance. Staff believes the proposed variance does not comply with Criterion #3. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinos before orantinq a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the gmnting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safe$ or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. VII. STAFFRECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends denial of the requested setback variance, subject to the criteria outlined in Section V of this memorandum and the following findings: 1. Thatthe strict, literal interpretation orenforcementof the setback regulation does not result in a practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistentwith the development objectives of the Town Code or the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. 2. That the strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would not deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the district. 3. That the requested variance deviates from the provisions of the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District regulations more than is necessary to achieve a practical solution to the applicant's objectives. 4. There are no exceptions nor extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. 5. That the granting of the variance would be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve the variance request, the following findings and conditions must be made: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is wananted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. Conditions: 1. That the driveway and all landscaping imprcvements be relocated onto the applicant's own property. Vlll. Attachments A. Mcinity Map B. Applicants proposal G. Reduced Plans D. List of adjacent property ownerc IUlfN hFVAL 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2r38t479-2t39 FA)(970479-2452 December 5, 2007 Jim Gregg 1966 W Gorc Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Re: DRB07-0626 Departmant of Colnmunity Developmant DearMr. Gregg, Per your request to Warren Campbell, I am writing to inform you that an application for a change to approved plans has been submitted by Dave lrwin for an additional parking space at 1956 W Gore Creek Drive. The application will be reviewed by the Desigtt Review Board on December 19,2007 at 3pm in the Town Council Chambers. You are welcome to attend and provide comment on the application. If you have any questions or concems, please feel free to contact me. Rachel Friede Planner, Town of Vail (970Y79-2440 Rfriede@vailgov.com l"\o{to rv\ \rwM htstuol Joo\, Oppt.e^ol hr fovr+ s+ttra*\^rtan' -den eA ?003 '. a1plieA 6. {-'-"t .otta*- vart4yy1, - dtl'^r<A ?AtJ,l, Ofp-.a $o,rvwt-or ) c-a,- 0@rr1* - fesp cc'ts Il,b f I vrrcd t h<.d,<,ctLat L ( yen t4 *Z PVC .o-1un"t'*'..,^,t) -*c Qf ^vq pta,,rn o 6Lc0w/L\r/-h- d-l-,( (L1uiv<A pav-tr-16. a oo OO ,\.,.it,+nt I t.. at, I October 5, 2006 Mr. Dave lrwin PO Box 3342 Vail, CO 81658 970.4 Re:1956 W Gore Creek Drive/Lot 45, Vail Village West 2* Filing Dear Dave, In its effort to limit the number of outstanding plans and files within the Community Development Department, the Town is requiring that inspections be requested for all outstanding permits which have been complet€d. lt has come to the Town's aftention that the plans related to the reference permit number have not yet received a Final Certificate of Occupancy, and furthermore, that the finished conditions on site may not match the plans on file with the Community Devebpment Department. Please ensure that the site has been finished according to the submitted plans and then place a request for the Final C/O inspection before Wednesday, November 12,2OO6. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. Best regards, Elisabeth Eckel Reed 970.479.2454 Oo Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparunent of Oommunity Devdoprnent 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 webl www.ci.vail.co.us ProiectName: IRMNADDffiON DRBNumber: DRB0,mr90 Project Descripdon: ADDffiON/REMODEL: NEW 2 CAR GAMGE, Participants: OWNER IRMN, DAVID L. 05/2412004 Phone: PO BOX 3342 VAIL co 816s8 License: APPUCANT IRWIN, DAVID L. 0512412004 Phone: PO BOX 3342 VAIL co 81558 License: Prcject Addr€ss: 1956 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 1956 WEST GORE CREEK DRIVE l€gal Descdption: Loft 45 Block Subdlvlslon: VAIL VIII-AGE WEST RL 2 Parrel Number: 210312307025 Comments: See conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION MoUon By: Rogers Second By: Proper Vote: 4-0-0 Conditions: Action: APPROVED Date of Apprcvah 010il2004 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. C.ond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. i DRB Fee Paad: $3OO.OO oo GennettPlanner: Matt TOI4/T'M Application for Design Review Depadment of Community Dwelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax: 970.48.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a builcling permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Rs/iew . cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request CAtAeE APq fit^t) Location of the Proposal: Lot: 4f Block:U.U-tlt. Subdivisionl Physical Address:tQSA U/Es\- 60C.E eA.eEF- fi Atte R ECE IVE D :,:Al ? 4 alu!,'r Parcel No,: 2t68 t25 o1 02 5 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) /l razoning: /rQtm4rzv / SEcoilnAnv Name(s) of owner(s): flA rrf, Ynu,rn Maifing Address: 4.0. - ?342 I ' /, C." . Ft tsp Name of Applicant: MailingAddress: /lo. rtor O94z / lg,^. FusP Phone: 4 ?/, - 7/O I E-mail Address:47a- 8te4 Type of Review and Feel tr Signs tr Conceptual Review Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. $650 For construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commeriial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painUng, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings'and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee no..l9&L sy, $s0 No Fee tr E tr tr tr New Construction Addition Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request h Status: I Apprcved co'i?tw Deverop'ENr Ro;l?G Fonnn I Approved with conditions 8 Denied Routed To:Leonard Sandoval, PW Date Routed:05t27t04 Routed By:Planner Date Due:06/03/04 Description of work:Final Review of Addition Address:1956 West Gore Creek Drive Lesal:Lot 145 lBtock:Subdivision:VailVillaqe West Filinq 2 Gomments:Date Reviewed: 6,4-04 lssues. Need Show all requirgd parking spaces on site plan, within property boundaries. 3 or 4 spaces are required. ls heated? Adjust grade on east side of driveway. Proposed new grade is returned and shown at 1 :5:1 . TOV standards call for 2:1. adiust and revise. Show a limits of disturbance fence on site Show the and bottom elevation of boulder retaininq wall. Provide a Revocable ROW permit for landscaping and boulders when submitting for building On landscaping plan, no berm or landscaping can be within the sited distance requirements per the TOV standard. As show, a portion of the berm and planting of tree may need to be removed lsandoval. - G@PV Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com June 29, 2004 Mr. David Inrin PO Box 3342 Vail, CO 81658 RE: DRB04-0190, Design Review application for an addition at 1956 West Gore Creek Drive. Dear Dave, The Town of Vail staff has reviewed the contents of your addition application and has the following comments: 1. Mechanical and storage areas count toward the allowed GRFA total unless they have a maximum head height of less than five feet (5') and an opening with a maximum area of twelve (12) square feet. The mechanical and storage areas indicated on the proposed floor plans are not labeled with the aforementioned restrictions and have therefore been counted as GRFA. 2. The proposed floor plans have been digitized to calculate the total GRFA and the following numbers represent those results: Lower Level - 820 square feet Main Level - 1,390 square feet Upper Level - 1 ,013 square feet Since this results in a total of 3,223 square feet of GRFA and only 2,918 square feet of GRFA is allowed for your lot, adjustments and revisions are necessary. lf you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call (479-2140). Please submit the revisions outlined in this letter by noon on Friday, July 2,200/, in order to remain on the Matthew R. Gennett. AICP Town of Vail {prr"r.uortro July 7,2004 agenda as a ConfIrmataon Report - Memory Send Job nurbsr Dste To llurber of palas Start t l16 End t lle Pares sont S tatus Job nurber : 337 337 Jun-30 0't:05n 4s1753331 001 04:06pr 04:06pil Jun-30 Jun-30 Paga : 001 D8tB I Tlre: Jun-30-04 04:06pr Llno | : 9701792152 Erail l lhchlne lD : T0llll 0F V IL CUllillW ]lEVEt0reiT *d.{. SEND SUCCESSFUL *+* 00r ()K @@rP:Z 7if:1,*,H:t;"!;'" "Sffidiiiii-"."*i.ra|J.watl3oilcorrr Jun- 29. 2oO4 I,tr. D-vld trwtn 93tt=6=?e-t '--" ---rr^-tr6'r ror 'rr tcdttlon 't 19se u'"t Grorr' er'ek RE: EtREloa.{tl E)to. E --l!|n R-vlaiA' tPPllc'tton fo Dthrc. O--f E -\r-. rnr Tonvn d \'-il '.t-tf h" r''n'l'w!C t.rt' gc'rt''rtt o't your 'clcllllrgrr 'Pplic-tlora 'nd tr-t tlt' rar'rarne===tg3ft5' F;ffiffiH*jg#f*1il.1;ulilt-t ' :B5l3lr|ot l3b==f-ffi,:ffi;;; Cllnq'a<lLr-l €'.***.,*- Av n Department of Community D evelopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com June 9, 2004 Mr. David lrwin PO Box 3342 Vail, CO 81658 RE: DRB04-0190, Design Review application for an addition at 1956 West Gore Creek Drive. Dear Dave. The Town of Vail staff has reviewed the contents of your addition application and has deemed the materials incomplete. The following, necessary items were not found in your submittal, or the information you provided has been determined to be insufficient: 1. Please provide a red-lined copy of your proposed floor plans that depicts what you are counting as GRFA and the total new amount proposed. 2. Provide a set of existing floor plans and a set of existing elevations so that existing and proposed GRFA may be calculated. 3. Please demonstrate compliance with sections 12-154 and 12-15-5, Vail Town Code, which specify standards for adding GRFA and converting interior spaces into GRFA. 4. Show all roof ridge elevations on a site plan with the existing contours running through the building footprint so that roof ridge heights may be calculated. 5. Show top of wall elevations over the existing contours for all retaining walls. 6. The Main Level floor plan has an unlabeled space without access between the living room and study, adjust and revise. 7. Please confirm conformance with the required landscape area (60%). 8. Depict adequate drainage and a "limits of disturbance fence" on the Site Plan. 9. Show on the Landscape Plan all trees to be removed as well as planted. 10. lf the space that exists today as a garage was originally factored into your existing GRFA as a "garage credit", it cannot be converted into allowable GRFA. Attached, please find the comments of the Public Works Department. lf you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call (479-2140). As we discussed, I would suggest {p",","uo"'" that you go to DRB with your prrposal as a conceptual, if you intend to nemain on next week's agenda. Mattheur R. Gennett, AICP Torn of Vail i O ZONE EHECK Dot Lcgal dcscription: Lot Addrcss Osncr Archilcrt Zonc district Lot sizc Pbonc Phonc Proposcd usc Buildablc ar rorarGRFA ",16t'.Jd#fu--- Prinrary GRFA .-+ (42tGFi; Sccondary GRFA 75+) = + 675= 425 crcdit ptus 2j0 addition Docs this rqucst invotvc a 250 Addition? & a . Proposcd, '' ,0,.1 ,r Rcmaining2,t26'n 3?7' = 72)t,7 /)op 70 7l Landscaping C q6f,,i"i,u, k,'r; nLttt - ,:,?rtl!zJszb Rctaining \\rall Hciglts Prrking Rquircd 3'l 6' 3 b 3-Encloscd Caragc Crcdit Drivcrvay Conrplics wirh TOV Liglting Ordinancg Arc finishcd gradcs tcss tlan 2:l (50%) En r.ironm c n ta t /!I az:rds fiofrzfehfsoo) (r2oo)()' Yrmtr"a Slopc_% proposcd Slopc % Ycs._,_-- No ' ycs-- N9 I ) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) 2) floodplain 3) Wcrlands 4) Witcr Course Sctback (30) (50) 5) Ccologic Hazards a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Rocldall c) Dcbris Florv Prcviow condirions ofapproval (cbcck propcrty filc); ls thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: SJ-E Horvmuchofttrcallowcd2j0Addirionisus"d*irh,tirr.qurnt 13d d sitccol'craEc &K4rq , lttqt. Wl9 = le3zo Hcight eo)(3tJt/ jO' ,u/:,/+- sctbacks Front '.. 20, I I z / Sidcs .J5, / '"r Rcar ,; "t/ \ (cpe.6 puu. ssrcorj,{r^,,"npq sn.rpql gurnml cieregpugn4 - sacurJ slp1lfupFtcy cdoJglapu.rgol;g. l uoltJrwoc o8ue9 . __ sc!uocF 8i/s:lcaq I (9)s8ueqraagTsaazS --- '. , 1., ,f,ucaoJ at15 j srpsqps eucuryieo:cug ---- q8;:g Eusiglslg cl?cS . .-." ,,:'.* a t. ':' !. lwldarrs D vf,u0 T"s stwlduooTc tr Isrrjrc fl {3 A{ XIA gu N9rss g qcafor4 <\a t O **r'laa*a:i*l***a+*tat***r3*+a++a**aar***f++a**a******t+ft****t||r+*'ai**'l*****a,;t*+*+l*'|taat*tt* TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Statement statenent lfirdber: R040005869 Anounts $300.00 o5124/20o4L2:23 Pt4 Palment Method: Cbeck Init: iIS Notation: #10854/DAVID IRIIIH Pemit No: DRBOrlol9O T14re: DRB - AdditLon of GRFA Parcel No: 210312307025 Site Addreas: 1955 CIORB CREEK DR \rAfL Iocation: 1955 tlEgT GORE CREEK DRrvE Total Fees: $300.00 TbLa Palmeot: $300.00 Total AIjJ mta: $300.OOBalance: $0. O0 *tt*'t****tt*:a***t't*tt*talta**t**fattat***l++lf*aaala'|*+****rrra**t**+******r+rt'|ti*****'iaaar** ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Cunrent Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEbI FEES 300 .00 Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Deparunent of Community Development 75 South ftontage Road, Vail, Cohrado 81657 tel: 970.4A.2139 taxl 970.479.2452 web: wwwci,vail,co,us Prcject Name: Irwin Variance PEC Number: PEC030067 Project Descrlption: GAMGE IN FRONT SETBACK Partidpants: OWNER IRWIN, DAVID L. 09/29l2fi)3 Phone: PO BOX 3342 VAIL CO 81658 Liense: APPUCANT IRWIN, DAVID L. 09/2912003 Phone: PO BOX 3342 VAIL CO 81658 License: Proiect Address: 1956 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: Legal Descripuon: Lot: 45 Block: Subdivislon: VAIL VILLAGE WEST RL 2 ParcelNumber: 210312307025 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Mo6on By: Rollie Kjesbo Action: DENIED Second By: Chas BemhardtVob:S{{ DateofApproval: CondiUons: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to $ese plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vall staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Planner: Matt Gennett PEC Fee Paid: $500.00 o $6s0 $400 $6s0 $800 $1s00 $2s0 $1300 $500 $200 Description of the Request: 6AP.n e p tp Ftbur Sgtf,*cz Location of the Proposalt tot'. 45 Block:V.1. ilJ, Subdivision:z Phvsical Address: a t9] te (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) tr Rezoning $1300tr Major SuMivision $1500tr Minor Subdivision $650D Exemption Plat $650D Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000tr New Special Development District $6000n Major Amendment to an SDD $6000tr Major Amendment to an SDD $1250 (no exterior modifications) Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 teli 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular aoproval that is requested. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Depadment. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type of Application and Feel E Conditional Use PermitD FloodplainModification D Minor Exterior AlterationD Major Exterior Alteration tr Develooment PlanE Amendment to a Development Plantr Zoning Code Amendment E Variancetr Sign Variance Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): 471- ?t6 | Maifing Address: fl.O, fron ,"e+Z Phone: 4ll-ztl / E-mail Address: For Office Use Onlv:;;;,;i'7o5;.''' cnecr< ruo.: \h(2( ay,\ri. L\a.tru..ta D,rd,w Page I of5-01/18/02 Status: I Approved Gorrlrtlu DevelopMENT Rounne Fonna ! Approved with conditions X Denied o NITY Routed To:Leonard Sandoval. PW Date Routed: Routed By:Planner Date Due: Description of work:New 2 car garage Address: Legal:Lot:I Block: I I Subdivision: Comments:Date Reviewed: 11-25-03 Need additional review bv Fire Max driveway grade forthe first 10 ft must be at 8%. show on site plan. Plan submifted shows driveway at 9 % but could change with the flrst 10 ft being an issue. Max grade of unheated Guardrail or some form of engineered stamped protection to prevent vehicles from falling down onto bus route. West Gore Creek Drive. No Snow Storaqe allowed on Town of Vail rioht of wav per TOV Standards. adiust and revise. Revocable right of way permit requied for landscaping and driveway within ROW, at the building LSandoval THIS ITEM MAYAFFECTYOUR PROPERry PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Vail Town Code on, October 27,2003, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a setback variance pursuant to Section 12-6D-6 Setbacks, Vail Town Code, to allow for a garage addition, located at 1956 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 45, Vail Village West 2no Filing. Applicant David lrwin Planner: Matt Gennett A request for a sign variance pursuant to Section 1148.20, Window Signs, and Section 1144- 1, Signs Permitted in Zone District, Vail Town Code, to allow for additional signage for Bogart's Bar and Bistro, located at 143 East Meadow Drive, Unit 165 (Crossroads)/Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Village 1"'Filing. Applicant: A. Luc Pols Planner: Matt Gennett A request for a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-6H-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for a public utility and public services use, located at 501 North Frontage Road (Solar Vail Condominiums)/ Lot 8, Block2, Vail Potato Patch 1"'Filing. Applicant Nextel, represented by Glen Klocke Planner: WarrenCampbell A request for a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-9C-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for a public utilities installation, located at 545 North Frontage Road (Red Sandstone Elementary School)/Part of Lot 8, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch lsIFiling. Applicant: AT&T Wireless Services, Inc. Planner: WarrenCampbell A request for a minor subdivision pursuant to Chapter 134, Minor Subdivision, Vail Town Code, to alf ow for the replatting of property boundary amendments, located at 2965 & 2975 Manns Ranch Road, Lots 5 & 6, Block 1, Vail Village 13' Filing. Applicant Clinton J. Kendrick, represented by Segerberg, Mayhew, and Associates Planner: Bill Gibson A request for conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-71-5, Vail Town Code, and a variance from Title 14, Chapter 5, Parking Lot and Parking Structure Design Standards for All Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of an unpaved private parking lot, located at 862 South Frontage Road WesUUnplafted. (A complete metes and bounds legal description is available for review at the Town of Vail Community Development Department). Applicant: Vail Resorts Planner: Elisabeth Eckel ;' I{ i A request for a major suooivisfiirsuant to Chapter 13-3, Major srbJflh, vait Town Code, to allow for the platting of the ski-way tract and four lots at the Lionshead Iennis court site and a rezoning pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Administration, Vail Town Code, from Agriculture and Open . Space zone district to Primary/Secondary Two-Family Residential zone district to allow for the construction of residential dwelling units on the four proposed lots and from Agriculture and Open Space zone district to Outdoor Recreation zone district to allow for the ski lifts, tows, and runs located at 615 West Forest Road/Unplatted (A complete metes and bounds legal description is available for review at the Town of Vail Communig Development Department). Applicant: Vail Resorts, represented by Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: Warren Campbell A request for a minor subdivision pursuant to Chapter 134, Minor Subdivision, Vail Town Code, to allow for the replatting of Lot 31 and Tracts C & D, Vail Village 2no Filing; a request to rezone Lot 31 and Tracts C & D, Vail Village 2nd Filing from Outdoor Recreation (OR) and Lionshead Mixed Use 2 (LMU-2) zone districts to the General Use (GU) zone district; and a request for a conditional use permit pursuant to Section 12-9C-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for the operation of a water and sewage treatment plant and a public parking facility and structure, located at 846 West Forest Road/Lot 31 and Tracts C & D, Vail Village 2n0 Filing. Applicant: Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, represented by Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: Bill Gibson The applications and information about these proposals are available for public inspection during regular business hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department office, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend the project orientation held in the Town of Vail Community Development Department office and the site visits that precede the public hearing. Please call (970) 479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call (970) 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for additional information. This notice published in the Vail Daily on October '10, 2003. t. .,' ,r"I 'iF -" ? A,.qttr. rqr.r VVrr i' Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us October 21.2003 David lrwin PO Box 3342 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Inryin Residence - Proposed front setback variance, addition, and garage 1956 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 45, Vail Village West 2nd Filing Dear David. Town Staff has preliminarily reviewed the application for a front setback variance, addition, and garage at 1956 Gore Creek Drive. Based upon this initial examination, the Department of Community Development has determined that the application is incomplete and can not be reviewed by the Town of Vail until all required items have been submitted. The following additional items and information must be submitted: 1. Topographic Survey:. Topographic conditions at two foot intervals must be shown for the entire lot. 2. Site and Grading Plan:. Must be drawn at a scale of 1"=10' or 1 "=20'.. Label all property and setback lines.. ldentifo all existing and proposed grades.. Label all proposed roof ridges and roof ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown undemeath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height.. Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade.. ldentify all proposed parking spaces with a 9'X18' box for interior parking spaces and a 9'X19' box for surface parking spaces. Label parking spaces by associated dwelling unit. Please be aware that dwelling units larger that 2,000 sq. ft. of GRFA require 3 parking spaces and the proposed EHU requires 2 parking spaces.. ldentify the proposed surface drainage on and off-site.. ldentify the location of limits of disturbance fencing.. Delineate the proposed snow storage areas and label the amount of snow storage area in square footage. I NECYCLED PAPERs 3. Landscape Plan:. Must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan.. Delineate critical root zones for existing trees to be preserved and delineate all construction fencing necessary for tree preservation.. Provide a detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover.. Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction. 4. Architectural Floor Plans:. Provide floor plans of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale.r Entire floor plans must be drawn (i.e. plans shall not overlap to obscure other levels and plans for all levels must be provided).. Provide dimensions of all roof eaves and overhangs.. Label floor plans to indicate the proposed floor area use (i.e. bedroom, kitchen, etc. ).o One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" indicating how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. See Chapter 12-15, Gross Residential Floor Area, Vail Town Code, for regulations.. Front setback lines shall be indicated on the floor plans. 5. ArchitecturalElevations:. All elevations must be drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevations must show both existing and finished grades.. Elevations shall show proposed finished elevation of floors and roofs on all levels.. Show all proposed exterior lighting fixtures on the building.o All exterior materials and colors must be specified on the elevations.. lllustrate proposed building height elevation on roof lines and ridges. 6. An exterior lighting plan must be submitted for review. 7. Site slope calculations must be submitted, see Section 12-2-2, Definitions, Vail Town Code, for specific regulations. 8. Please be aware that a complete Design Review application for an addition must be submitted to the Town of Vail for review and approval prior to the issuance of any building permits. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479- 2173. Please submit the above listed items to the Community Development Department, to the attention of Maft Gennett, by no later than Wednesday, November 5, 2003. Sincerely, Ue_v""-22..------ Bill Gibson, AICP Planner ll Town of Vail CC: Matt Gennett, Town of Vail rcEEDI]IX,A MrlrtonM: vn l. $dfiw&e: 4gr,!r, t2, zort .e 2. PdcyrPMatofuistd: (atAI^T,L Ottur" (st[&E{, PropsdM: p)LLTJ" L@l hqardht@: (c) Iasdlold Prrytdltwd: 3. |lp state or iltranct in rlv ld L. ,L{rt. 4. TUle b llu Ccc l,tryllc DVIDL. ffin 5. Ihclandt{end bhDtle Cantuutb gEr .llt!fG@ Iett' DIJ4!f'?EEU L9S6 nl't 4trt Ctrtr.EBrtE lrrg.r gD 31e57 Aw otntwatcef rra (''g,Ed.zdt frro ,qndbinfrdl htnMudqd lr.ttittit &a@ br&dttrdb atrlto Mw&e hqqtedbu 8t&a[EMroF cEaRcEstutugaocead4yAe @natultqothiad. ca Gt'0r.1 tru rutr ll#lgrs l.l4E:g I@'€'lS ')rl rcgmulaa OnbItu vys I&ILD8fic'xPiw'if- ,oc 1gZn t:ElitatL m ept8 n. Z ct wf.r o, l'ffir I'g|fE E cf,E.,'go €'d Gr.o{Tt*t 3UIt $ttdls H4elg t@.Gr.IJ, scawlnaB Sdon 2 WrI*ntbr vvn Ex:CEPnOn{s nu.pltu]orpoliclat tobcittttdwill@t*in btE ftUov*rg tmlattl*wrc otedirry dottottu sati,sfadiotr of fta Cwpqt: 1. NM r chhtu $p,Aes U preq rrd tlrovt, bl rru pmc rw*. 2. fusqnaE, ot &imt $ 'g',an'glu, ,td .IwlW tlg frEc rwdt. 3. rlwW*\@Ar'eill fufuyliu, tfuugcbo4 &r@urgtu, doty fu utr,,dtac6' rects*rcy and irryfror 6 d,c pqrltdrrl wtU Cs&rc qtd ulia. on na sltm by tlrlc pdp tg1trls. n. Any.W* or rlght m a ll* for rcntueq l&q or rM haaSorc or lw@fimtM, ittgudhy bwutd not st owil by tlu ptbllc rcwds. 5. Dcffi, Ealr, a@illzwl,w, d>wtc&itreor odsrwqt, f@u,qedfrrtt awailmlnilcDuDlicrwdr u-otadtuq-nbqw b dE 4& &c tsd, tu Fifu 6 * a tie pqi&a inj1md ocA;fies{ rmdft rfu tlu aeac or bhat * dorgagc rt'rr'ant @wd bt iln{t cdmitineil 6. t@a$a nO*g &itlu,; rwtdnt ct ep&r^t in pu, q an 6 ethhg thc ittnarcc rtcreoJ:Wer tighfi, claiats q titlc oueq. 7. ,lay rad rrl oq|rrd tr:r od te'NalEa,ts rrd ray narcdcrad ter ratee . a. lb .tt.ct af laci|rr.lor Ls .[lr rocrd or r|-c{ fto rrc.r g€rafla cy, tlteprct€Etta ' ap.tl aolraa+ttlo or otlc dtetrtat o8 Ild,l,rrrjoa la agly awE.ltt ce oi atra.E { q'!!v--!t ttlar. g-- 'C'G.r}aErott on asa|'!l€r G6f-{i.d !-a v-a. Da'x|rlX., e t8 ,|aca.|rtf,orl'tla3ft.h. lrru.acc C&crcofe rilcordcd dttr!6 i5. ItIO JE aoot 93 .t !.rr ZS 6drrocrdrd Odtqb.r 4, ,gtt ll| t€t ,3 .t |.rg! 3Ot, E *rt Dg Z) 'd;gbGt ot Gt.proy!|tCEor oC t tptz or lc'dc tc rrtaas! cnd ratrrrr blt ora tlcrgfiu ad ,tr'tgfl?s oC tqr tos dl'cc6ct ud cr!.la oglttrytd & che 'lglE,F'/:tEy of tte@ttd gn e.8. 70. ?a ft ra.,Ag aaa-prtJ,otpr ttlg s!l|.lQr fa .,1d Eo 9E,ffit at r,{rd t!- ib. ,rt.oE .ay ,'llet It ot frtt ocrlE rr'|d |Ird E|rcufia poduocd ad rLocrt frd ,aJdFai..f, er rlcctldod te tcot 166 .E j.g. a0r, ad qt od rlt uelgelltettqst or ,,rt t|.ft, tLr.b. 11. .E ro.na .b.gErtr tb. Gorlttj' d irglt, tt t o, cbto8'.dF.. .ad ct .flcJt.ttJrr,w.' .t @C|lted ll lancr.rc ttat&d .tl1nrrG 71, l96t ta toat lgo .t D.g.lAS tt tccctrtlol no. 701911, gttatlry dr c.r.rcrrt t! .!d .Iont r€rdr ln ral,dtn&dl?tti-,- !2. &,l'r',aEt@t t r.aocd.d JA!!, ,, 7955 li foot ItO .t n gr S6t .. Z|r,egE!,a Xo.,OtlO2 .d .. ed Ut fuC.ruorrdrd t! Eoot It| .C paga i6t eo8.cqtcl'@' tu. ,02696. rad fr&t samrdcd le|'.|il !6. 7g?O La toot 2!? tc9.9. 75 .. t c.trc.lo rc- ttt6gt. !3. b.GE , tzt','ct,to, d 3tgll,,-oC-altt { doE o t!. Dl|G oC ttd,! ull',,rgnh.t. ttrt''t |b. 2 .Fcorff ir!.ttt 7. ',t6S .a tcGqlttt@ b- t1''69g. CaE |ru.d o a.re tragr ts'd Gt'o{']IU fUIr tilrcrs l.l#E3S W,'@'& a trrt Coatlsu.tjc ot gd.dtdo , - *tl'a z Ocdar IUrD.f t VIA ra- Gd.r .!d D.art csc&at Ylrl tlfi.F hrG tLrl lrcGcltor Dircsl,ag soooedrd&rrD.' 2' ,'9ro.t r.oq|Cl('i b. tta6t, rDd &tl,G. ot oagr|elrrtt@ of tD. ttLltt.llrgc nrC ttr. tnataoC:l,a[ Dlttt{gt't rsoordrd.FrrD6a 1, ilfu., Ira.rll.oab. tr16t6. 15. I D..d ot tlutG d.t d .tlt!. 72. ltte .rcuc.d DJr a.dd t. zE'da,. ao qh. tuhrtctlsrt . cf .hgrtr fubr,. F r.or.r.a Idibtt-r, d ttoo.ooo.oo. ,, f.r,or o''.E eE* oC hlt !.oerd.C tw tt, lgtO tB De! ,rt rt tagr CLO ., i.c.pClsBb. 427958. : 'lluA f,UIr $|'AnS t€!E:9 VE.@,.&s'd 6F'0N TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Attachment A MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department December 8, 2003 A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-6 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a garage within the required front setback, located at 1956 Gore Creek Drive / Lot 45, Vail Village West Filing #2. Applicant David lrwinPlanner: Matt Gennett il. ilt. SUMMARY The applicant's request involves the construction of a new two-car garage within the front setback of the Two-Family Primary/Secondary (PS) residential zone district. The surveyed fot size is 10,672 square feet and the slope beneath the residence is approximately 29o/o. Since the zoning regulations grant homeowners floor area credits for two enclosed parking spaces and the applicant is proposing to build a total of three garage parking spaces, the third space requires the use of gross residentialfloor area (GRFA). Therefore, the request is for a variance to construct GRFA up to four feet (4') from the front property-line, instead of the required 11.3', which is the distance from the existing structure to the front-property line and the result of a belated variance from the front setback granted in 1982 (see Section ll for details). Based upon the criteria in Section V of this memorandum, staff is recommending denial of the request. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant is requesting to build a 426 square foot, two- car garage, approximately one' quarter of which would encroach into the modified setback, as demonstrated on the attached site plan and architectural renderings (attachment C). BACKGROUND The applicant's residence encroaches 8' 9" into the required front setback due to the submission of a fraudulent survey during the development review process in the early 1980's. On September 27 , 1982, the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) approved the applicant's request for a front setback variance to allow the constructed encroachment to remain. Therefore, the existing encroachment establishes the applicant's "conforming' required front setback for the property. The PEC did not reference any physical hardship or special circumstances on the applicant's lot in its motion to approve the variance request. Additionally, the applicant's driveway and retaining wallwere constructed partially on an adjacent neighbo/s property. tv. In 1984, the Community Development Department identified the presence of an illegal second unit and numerous building code violations on the applicant's property. There are no records on file that indicate the second unit was removed or the code violations were remedied. In 1989, the applicant applied for permits to allow for a residential remodel and submifted an ?pplication for a Secondary Unit for Lots of Less Than 15,000 Square Feet in the Residential Zone District and in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District.' The application was placed in 'pending'status until additionalenclosed parking was provided for the secondary unit. The enclosed parking was never construcled. However, a remodel at the rear of the residence was approved. The lot size was reported as 1 1 ,238.75 square feet and the slope beneath the residence was reported as 31.5%. In 2001, the applicant applied for another variance from the front setback to allow for a two- car garage to be built 1.5 feet from the front property-line. The PEC voted to deny the applicant's request based upon the following findings:1. Any hardship on the property with regard to setbacks is self-imposed.2. Inadequate architectural design (existing garage/structure) does not constitute a hardship.3. That the granting of the variance would constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. Currently there is one enclosed garage parking space at this residence. The Town's records indicate a Certificate of Occupancy has not been issued for the residence. REVIEWING BOARD ROLES A. The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: 1 . The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this Title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safeg. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. The DRB has NO review authoritv on a variance, but must review any accompanying DRB application. B. V. ZONING STANDARDS Lot Size: '10,672 square feet / 0.245 acresZoning: Two-FamilyPrimary/SecondaryResidential(PS) Hazards: Soils - mitigation report on file Standard Setbacks: Front: Sides: Rear: Site Coverage: 'apprcximate Allowed Existinq 20 ft. 11.3 ft. 15 ft. (east) 17 ft. 15 ft. (west) 49 ft.15ft. 39ft. 2,134 sq.ft. (2oo/ol 1,708 sq. ft. (16%) Proposed 4.0 fr 17 ft. 30 ft. 39 ft. 2,130 sq. ft. (20o/o)* CRITERIAAND FINDINGS A. Consideration of Factors Reqardinq the Variances: 1.The relationship of the requested variance to otherexisting or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Staff believes the proposed use, structure and configuration are consistent with many non-conforming properties in the Matterhorn neighborhood and within the Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. There are a significant number of properties in the Matterhorn neighborhood that exhibit setback encroachments. Most properties in the neighborhood were constructed under Eagle County jurisdiction and 'grandfathered' upon annexation into Vail. The applicant's property, however, was approved as new construction underthe Town of Vail's development review processwith no setback encroachments. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformlty of treatment among sites In the vicinity or to attain the obiectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. The circumstances sunounding the applicant's existing setback encroachment are quite different than with other properties in the Mafterhom neighborhood. After the house was substantially constructed, it was determined that the applicant submitted a fraudulent survey and the house was built within the front setback. an occurrence well documented in the Town's files. Therefore, the existing setback non-conformities and the subsequent variance for the site are due to a self-imposed hardship. 2. B. It has been documented that the existing one-car has been be used as storage or living space, thereby exacerbating the need or desire for additional enclosed parking on the site. Although there are significant mature trees on the property, staff believes the request for an additional two-car garage within the front setback is excessive and deviates from the zoning regulations more than is prac'tical or necessary. The Two-Family Primary/Secondary zone district regulations give homeowners GRFA credits for up to two enclosed garage spaces (up to 300 square feet per space). Therefore, the addition of the third space requires the utilization of gross residential floor area within the front setback. Staff believes the request is excessive and that conformance with the criteria for review of a variance request has not been demonstrated by the applicant. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. The proposed garage would be located within approximately four (4) feet of the front property line. The existing home already encroaches nearly nine (feet) into the required setback. Additionally, Public Works has commented on the inadequacy of the following standards: driveway grade; the lack of a guardrail next to the proposed driveway poses public life-safety issues; revocable right-of-way permit required for driveway and landscaping; and no snow storage is allowed in the public right-of-way. Public facilities, utilities, and safetywould all be negatively impacted bythe granting of this requested variance. Staff believes the proposed variance does not comply with Criterion #3. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinos before qrantino a variance: That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistentwith the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety orwelfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions 1. 2. 3. vll. applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends denial of the requested setback variance, subject to the criteria outlined in Section V of this memorandum and the following findings: 1 . That the strict, literal interpretation or enforcement of the setback regulation does not result in a practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the development objectives of the Town Code or the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. 2. That the strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would not deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in thesame district. 3. That the requested variance deviates from the provisions of the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District regulations more than is necessary to achieve a practical solution to the applicant's objectives. 4. There are no exceptions nor extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. 5. That the granting of the variance would be detrimental to the public health, safeg or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve the variance request, the following findings and conditions must be made: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other propedies classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other 3. properties in the same zone. c. The stfc{ interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would depdve the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same disfict. Conditions: 1. That the driveway and all landscaping improvements be relocated onto thE applicants own property. Vlll. Attachments A. Vicinity Map B. Applicanfs proposal C. Reduced Plans D. List of adjacent property o,nen3 6 or#r"n,, ,. TOUIEROUP D!,vid kwin P.O3or( 3342 Vail,Coltr do 8165t FEno4.7fi3334 To: Planning and Environmental CommissionAttu To Whom it may Concern From: Davidhwin Subject Variance Re: To Whom It May Concern, I'm requesting a Variancc in order to place a two car garage within the fiont setback l. Thokyou for all yornhc$, Davidlrrrin September 30, 2003 J. Two other resid€nces located on lob 47 and 49 have been grantcd vriances for there garage in the front setback rhey were existing hones built over 20 years ago the same as mine. Thercfore my rcquest maintains a relationship to other existing stuctures in the area Currently my driveway encroaches on to lot 46 and this needs to be fixed before any new development for that lot. The new garage and driveway would then not interfere wift any potcntial development for lot 46. As stated above two other homes have been granted a variance for a garage in the front setback. Therefore granting my variance would not be a sp€cial privilege. I could locare the garage on the west side ofthe lot without a variance, but fre large pine ts€es prevent rhet So in order to save these tees I an locating the garage in tte ftont setbock This is a hardship specifically applying b rhis site. Ifyou would allow me to cut the trees then I will locate the garage out ofthe front setback. The house was originally built within tre front setback by rnistake. I encroached by 4' and a total of44 Vf. I was grantcd a variance due to hrdships that the lot preserrcd- Even if the house was setback rhis 4' I would still have the hardships ofthis particular lot. I would still be requesting this variance. The curr€ gange has never been large enough to fit a car. So it has always been storage and mechanical spacc. I plan on continuiag to usc it for storage md mechanical I will eliminste the garage door and place a window in that wall instead. I'm allowed 450 Vf for nechanical and storage which this space would frll under. It is cunently about 250 Vfofspace. I will use the existing driveway to access the new garage which will maintain the existing conditions for traffic frciliticq utilities and public safety. I wiU also be loweriag thc driveway clevation in order to have a lV/o gtada instead ofthe existing 13% grade. Thc last variance meeting it was suggested that I mglc tte garagc into the tecs. This has allowed the garagc to be accesscd easier and to bc firther away &om thc road- This additional distanct fiom thc road will allow me to landscape more extensivcly. The suggestion to change the location bas rnadp for a mgch beter Pnoicct 5. t Aftachment: C -, 3ie 9;Etls E Eii 3et!l Fe;=l* iii lr: ill tttI,! ,i# Hii rit ,#ffi1* ffii #i e EA .5tt:P.| EE ?= = ('ll f' EIt F t l/ t r o - rRwrN npsbsiicrrI)T 4trll.trilc 2, VAJL ru.ecr u/EsilI]OWN OF VAIL.tii ii ,FffiH ffi ffiffi I propcrty oryncn Pacr Rt*crholz 6T5Broolsi&Lme Mcndota Hcigba,Itin. 551 lS DoneyJelcsotr 290t Filhqr LitdcRo*,l|r. Z0Z BillicFarctl #30l:toFomst Stloois,Mo.63t 17 JoAtrolrc 5620 n75th placc ScottsdaleAz; E5250 R.C.Mcchcc P.OJox4tE2 Vait Co. fl6iE Aftachment D TooSslftld 1975 W.Gorc Crec& Drive VaitCo- tt65E Ri'chad SUauss P.O3ox tEl0 VaiLCo. Et65S JimGrqg 300e1 TrcuDaleRidge EvcqgrcoqCo. E(X39 Does this appeat involve a specific parcel of landa (G) (no) If yes, are you an adjacent ry*q owner? (yes) (66.t Name of Appeffant(s): /,/ ', -fnZral Maifing Address: Attachment: B(lc, tle,rto) WEES. Appeals Form _ Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colondo g1657 te:l: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail:co.us General InformaUon: This form is required for filing an appeal of a Staff, Design Review Board, or planning and Environmentalcommission action/decision' A complete form and associated requirements must be submitted to thecommunity Development Department within ten (10) business days of the oiiprtJ action/decision. Action/Decision being appealed: Date of Action/Decision: Board or Staff person rendering action/decision: cite specific code sections having relevance to the action being ippealed.3' Provide a list of names and addresses (both mailing ana pnysicii addressesproperty who are the subject of the appeal and all adjacent property whose properties are separated from the subject property bi a'rightof intervening barrier).4, Provide stamped, addressed envelopes for each property owner listed in (3.). Physical Address in Vail: Legal DescripUon of Appellant(s LotiatlBlock: Appellant(s) Signature(s): (Attach a list of signafures if more space is required). Submittal Requirements: 1. On a separate sheet or separate sheets of paper, provide a detailed explanation of how you are an"aggrieved or adversely affected person,'.2. on a separate sheet or separate sheets of paper, specifo the precise nature of the appeal. please PLEASE SUBMIT THIS FORM AND ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS TO: TOWN OF VAIL, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAI|- COLORADO 81657. For Office Use Only: Date Received:Activity No. Project No.Planner: / ' i'iTt 9'28$f' TOV-cOM.DEV. Attachment: C Departnent Of Community Development Vail,Colorado This letter addresses the precise nahxe ofthe appeal. Background: I made the mistake of building my home 5' into the front setback in 1982. I was given a variance for 8'9', because at the time that was the distance determined to be in front setback. Current survey indicates only 5' which represents about 48 Vf. of the home footprint. A variance was proven to be justified and granted at the time, but for reasons I don't quite understand it is denied now. The location of the home truly was in the best place for the lot and the neighbors. I am only asking for 110 Vf into the existing front setback for the required 426 Vfneeded for the new garage. The existing garage is only twelve feet deep and has always been used for storage along with utilities. I'm allowed 450 Vf for storage and utilities and currently the garage with utilities is only 330 s/f. I would remove the garage door and replace with a window. Therefore the new two garage would be the only garage for the residence. For the Plaruring and Environmental Commission to approve the variance request, the following findings and conditions must be made. l.That the gnnting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitrtions on the other properties classified in the same district Staffand myself believe that this proposed garage would be consistent with many non- conforming properties in the Matterhorn neighborhood. There are some homes that were constructed under Eagle Countyjurisdiction and then given a variance under the town to build a garage in the front setback. Then there are several homes that were given a front setback variance by the Town, because of the lot hardships to build garages and GRFA in the front setback. I do not understand why I am singled out at this time because I made the mistake of building into the front setback more than 20 years ago? 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materialty injurious to properties or improvements in the vicitnity. My new design actually will improve the all the above concems. I'm lowering the driveway to improve the slope of the driveway. It will be safer entering and leaving the residence into the public right-of-way. If.I !4ve to cut down the trees to the west to place the garage within the front setback it would certainly be materially injurious to other properties. In addition my driveway now encroaches by 36 sffinto the neighboring lot. The old survey did not indicate this and now with the new survey it shows this encroachment. I would like to remedy this since a new home is being planned to be built on this lot this surnmer. By fixing the driveway it will no longer be detrimental to the development of the adjacent lot and less encroachment to the right-of-way. Plus I can remove the existing retaining wall and allow for more snow storage. In addition I will be planting more trees with the new landscape plan. 3.That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following nersons. I was told at the meeting that dl the following reasons had to be justified. The Commission used only one to deny by specifuing that I created my own hardship. The regulation specified by one warranted not one unwarranted. a.The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specific regulation would result in prectical difiiculty or unnecessary physical herdship inconsistent with objectives of this title. If the home was 5' fi.rther into the lot I would still have the same hardships the lot presents currently! It seems that I don't enjoy the same privileges that the rest of the neighborhood does. I did make a mistake, but is that the reason I am not given a Variance? It seems that the decision is not based on the pure facts. It has been based on a so called self-inposed hardship. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply genenlly to other properties in the same district I have 49' from my house to the west property line. I could easily build my two car garage in the space without encroaching into setbacks. I originally placed my home where I did because ofthe beautifirl pine trees that are located in this area. There are three small pines about thirty feet high where two would possibly have to be cut if I get the Variance. Then there are two 70' pines that would have to be cut if I don't get my variance and have to use that land. All the neighbors would also like to see the large pines stay. I would say that this shows extraordinary circumstances. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant ofprivileges enjoyed by the owners ofother properties in the same district. It already has been stated by the Staffthat numerous properties in the area already enjoy usrng the front setback for garage and GRFA. So I would be deprived of the same privileges ifdenied this front setback variance. Four out offive homes directly east of me have been given front setback variances. There are several other homes in the same dishict with the sarne privileges. My home has the least visual impact than any of the other homes and the new garage maintains this same low profile. It seems obvious that I have shown that at least two out of three would warrant a variance, where only one was required. Thank you for your consideration and help with this matter. I have lived here for 32 years and have wanted nothing but the best for this Valley. I made a mistake a long time ago and leamed. I was the one that came to the Town and told them, because I was taught to own up to my mistakes. I've spent the last 22 years designing and building approximately 80 homes and remodels in the Valley plus an additional 50 homes throughout the Country. I've done my best to be a good and positive force in this Valley that is my home. I don't expoct any special privileges, but at least be treated equally. O Attachment: D THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Council of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-3 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on Tuesday, February 3,2004,at 6:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: ITEM/TOPIG: An appeal of the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission denial of a request for a sign variance pursuant to Section 11-4A-1 , Signs Permitted in Zone District, Vail Town Code, to allow for additional signage for Bogart's Bar and Bistro, located at 143 East Meadow Drive, Unit 165 (Crossroads)/Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Village 1st Filing. Appellant: A. Luc PolsPlanner: Warren Campbell An appeal of the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission denial of a request for a setback variance, pursuant to Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, to allow for a garage addition, located at 1956 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 45, Vail Village West 2nd Filing. Appellant: David lrwinPlanner: Matt Gennett The applicalions and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's otfice located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Community Development Department Published January 9,2004, in the Vail Daily. ,l]ilr,ilP hoG 9?G47G7l0l Far 9?(H7G3334 April 16,2001 To: Planning and Enviornmental Cornmission Attn: To Whom it may Concern From: Davidlruin Subjecc Variance Re: I'm requesting a Variance in ordcr to plaoe a two car garage wi6in lhe ftoc se6qclc Tbe orrent s@ of 29.5 To,location ofexisting sEucur€ ard location of man|re evergr€en ts€es $ggest tlnt a garage oeods to be placed in the front setback This does not grant me a special privilege considoiing otber sites in the vicinity. Tro of my neigbbors have aheady placed 2 cr grages in their Aoot se$ac&s with yor appmval. Therefqe I will ach€ive compatability and rmifornity aroung olter sibs in this vicinity. I will use the existing driveway to access dre new garage nrhic,h will maintrin the exising corditiom for traffic facilitiequtilities and pubtic safety. I wilt now bc able to part bodr cars inside ad not in front ofthe rcsidence. Thank you for all you help. Sincerely, David Inin Property Oumen P€ter Rustertolz 675 Brmkside Lane Medota Heights,Mr 55 1 l t Dorscy Jackson 2901 Filhore Liule RoclqAr.7220? Billie Fanell #30 Lake Forest St.L,ouis,Mo. 63l 17 JoAnn Lee 5620 n75th Phce Sconsdale,.Az 85250 RC.Mcch€e P.O.Box4tt2 Vail"Co. t1658 drlnrniSeil T.u. NAun'sn',Y'd' Pvf,mtrqnu nu'Jim Gregg 3fl)E2 Tronrt Dale Ridge EvergrcaqCo. t(X39 lq(6 u.t. 6ote Crk'D t PreOntqAN f H'RIJA *lqe 'zTNGk Prc a. Gas heekf)u n.tg u- 6orc CnL' (n,1, Co. e urp Lhucv +lllusezr 2,4o€ Etl,or Rd- (r1lu,1Aru It{' Vn,l, o" . ftd{t 0e. Prntu, qru nH I 975,4.Gore Creek Drive 6il,Co.8l658 . I t ..4 t Attachment: E tnTlM ToumCouncil TormofVail 75 S. FronageRd Vail, CO RE: Appeal of Dave Innin re setback variance at 1956 West Gore Crcek CA'4 ) To the members of the toum council: .ffF: We are neighbors of Dave Invin to thc west sidc of his residence. We reside at 1966 West Gore Creek While we do not have aproblem withMr Indn building a garage, we wouldbe opposed to any removal ofthe large pine tees on the property bordering our house. These large tees act as a buffer between the houes and also bufrer the road from our house. Tbese trees are very large and healthy and it is in all otr best interests to keep thc tees. Please keep this in mind drning the appeal, We hopc that some compromise canbe reached inthis mattcr. Sincerely, J) /lnryru Laurie and Jim Grcgg ' 1966 West Gore Creck Dr. MEMORANDUM TO: Vail Town Council FROM: Department of Community Development DATE: February 17,200/. SUBJECT: An appeal of the December 8, 2003, Planning and Environmental Commission denial of a request for a variance from Section 12-6D-6 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a garage within the required front setback, located at 1956 Gore Creek Drive / Lot 45, VailVillage West Filing #2. Appellant David InrinPlanner: Matt Gennett SUBJECT PROPERTY The subject property is zoned Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential (PS) and is focated at 1956 Gore Creek Drive / Lot 45, Vail Village West Filing lE. fhe appellant is proposing to buiH a garage addition, containing GRFA, sixteen feet into the required twenty foot front setback. The existing, nonconforming structure already encroaches nearly ten feet into the same front setback. STANDING OF APPELLANT The appellant, David lrwin, has standing to file an appeal as the propefi owner. REQUIRED ACTION The Town Council shall uphold, overturn, or modify the Planning and Environmental Commission's denial of David lrwin's variance application to expand his existing home further into the front setback, located at 1956 Gore Creek Drive / Lot 45, Vail Village West Filing #2. Pursuant to Sub-section 12-3-3-C5, Vail Town Code, the Town Council is required to make findings of fact in accordance with the Vail Town Code: The Town Council shall on all appeals make specific findings of fact based directly on the pafticular evidence presented to it. These findings of fact must support conclusions that the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of this title (Zoning Regulations, Title 12) have or have not been met. BACKGROUND The applicant's residence encroaches 8' 9" into the required front setback due to the submission of a fraudulent survey during the development review process in the early 1980's. On September 27,1982, the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) approved the applicant's request for a front setback variance to allow the constructed ilt. tv. v. vt. encroachment to remain. Therefore, the existing encroachment establishes the applicanfs "conforming" required front setback for the property. The PEC did not reference any physical hardship or special circumstances on the applicant's lot in its motion to approve the variance request. Additionally, the applicant's driveway and retaining wallwere constructed partially on an adjacent neighboCs property. ln 1984, the Community Development Department identified the presence of an illegal second unit and numerous building code violations on the applicants property. There are no records on file that indicate the second unit was removed or the code violations were remedied. In 1 989, the applicant applied for permits to allow for a residential remodel and submitted an ?pplication for a Secondary Unit for Lots of Less Than 15,000 Square Feet in the Residential Zone District and in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District.' The application was placed in "pending' status until additionalenclosed parking was provided for the secondary unit. The enclosed parking was never constructed. However, a remodel at the rear of the residence was approved. The lot size was reported as 1 1 ,238.75 square feet and the slope beneath the residence was reported as 31.5olo. In 2001 , the applicant applied for another variance from the front setback to allow for a two- car garage to be built 1.5 feet from the front property-line. The PEC voted to deny the applicant's request based upon the following findings: 1. Any hardship on the property with regard to setbacks is self-imposed.2. Inadequate architectural design (existing garage/structure) does not constitute a hardship.3. That the granting of the variance would constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. Currently there is one enclosed garage parking space within the existing residence. The Town's records indicate a Certificate of Occupancy has not been issued forthe residence. At its regularly scheduled hearing on December 8, 2004, the PEC chose to unanimously deny the applicant's request due to the self-imposed nature of the alleged hardship and that in approving this variance the Gommission would effectively be issuing a grant of special privi|ege. The discussion that ensued among the PEC focused on the previous granting of a variance for a self-induced, logistical hardship that still does not constitute any real hardship. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS OF THE TOWN CODE Refer to Sections Vl and Vll of the attached December 8, 2003, staff memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission which lists allthe applicable findings and provides staffs responses to the variance criteria. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Communig Development Department recommends that the Town Council upholds the Planning and Environmental Commission's denial of the requested variance from Section 12-6D-6 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a garage within the required front setback, located at 1956 Gore Creek Drive / Lot45, Vail Village West Filing 2 in accordance with Sub-section 12-3-3-C5, Vail Town Code, subject to the following finding: I t.. t F t 1. That the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of Title 12 (Zoning Regulations) have been enforcEd conec{ly by the Planning and Environmental Commission. VII. ATTACHTENTS A Deember 8, 2003, Planning and Environmental Commission memorandum B. Appellanfs appeal form C. Lefter from the appellant D. Public notice and list of notified properties E. Letter from neighbor -trt ffi %o g.? ,+o".\ ,x 3r _Er; E t : tg t cr -zzo =ZrlE} NC) c{ z ii$tr*ii i :;;;:!ii! ff*iit t!i: Ir .i t! ir fii'rii: !!Ei ii:;i,rl iii!:i:i i:liryl 9i9 EFr &. ?tF' E -te:53|a '.iii!ri:: iiir*ri" -5eti,t a'i3i!'-; ii; s j.:;! :garA;trjI:i ii_r -lira {ti9 iii i i4I i!-i:{.,:! it. aj; =iYrF$- ts\\iw h .1, a,7?3r'2 aldxlE E=EFFO t".' tt IEql TdSESq(!-r! ^o<6P :5I s.'ifi I cr(*-u'+ .'o>n oTc =4A< z'<EI i {.--$ss; 6t hmr r rrrrrnrFl-r|1-l-Fffll "FB il ?i :ial .rv^coN,{Aor I lllrl"l. :lt-l|||lttP|;llilllllll*zti I' ii iiEl rse^acori'^;tlh{'til}"'s'ro''I I f pf irp|' Itllilllru u.llll_J $d -s .R A ':'$:'.}xg!:38 F :;;:* i it iE'., P .J l-rJ J LT o I I i j lfuiii*l llry^ JIo N to.lrsita\ gcvtrr^ lry^ .z cM'[r !} J01xJM(trSltu Nr,nut htft}}_ t'l \q, ^t( -s A ct>zazaia *?A;-i6 6 !=>s Es= ?-!E' $E= FE ;:, !!;!ii if: !!!6tr rii i;i !i:9llt::t,. 3. !i:!:l!r F.tii l;r!l # tBr l&E !!:l iil;-.t: Efitt': iEE: r!il ff$ ! $ *:.1 ilii!;il! $!l$$! i. :i ii a - Jri\r'r !ri I z, TL Itt H' ,EEg ;', ii ieg 'IIVA dO N&\OT ISS/TI flCVlIA "IIYA 'Z CNI'IIg 'S} IO'IgJNflqISflU NIA\UI ae F +i. t z ) tl_ LiJ o- (Jaoz J rj'l ir,j Ft '':\t t Oj Oj TOWN OF VAIL Ofice of the TbwnAnorney 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970 -479-2 1 07/F ax 970-479 -2 I 5 7 November 25.1997 Blake Lynch, Esquire 953 S. Frontage Road West Suite 219 Vail, CO 81657 Re: Lot45 (1827 Alpine Drive) Lot 49 (1837 Alpine Drive) Vail Village Filing No. I Dear Blake: As a result of your conespondence dated October 27, lgg7,I have met with Larry pardee, Construction Inspector, and Charlie Davis, Building Liaison. It appears that the driveway in question has been in existence prior to the property's annexation into the Town of Vail and is therefore legal non-conforming in relition to the Town of Vail Development Standards' It does not, however, meet the current standards and regulations that pertain to thisproperty in the Town of Vail. In the event Lot49, 1837 Alpine Drive, ever makes application for improvements it may be possible at that time to require the driveway to be brought into compliance. Whether or not that circumstancewill pertain will be evaluated at the time an application is received and reviewed. If you would like the opportunity to meet with myself, Chadie Davis and Larry pardee we will make ourselves available for such a meeting. Very truly yours, Town Attorney RTlWaw xc: LarryPardee Charlie Davis $ un""'o '^'o I ir.rtvE' ocT 3 o rEs?F. BI.AKE LYNCFI ATTORNEY AT I.AW VAIL PRoFESSIoNAL BTJII,DING 953 Sourr{ FRoNTAGE ROAD WEST, finTE 219 VAII. COLORADO 81657 TB- (970\ 476-7870 FAx (970) 476-8402 October 27, L997 Ttromas Moorhead, Esg. Town Attorney Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Rd. VaJ.l, CO 81657 RE! Lot {5 (L827 Alpine orivc) IJot a9 (1837 Alplne DrLve)vall vLllage rillng No. 1 Dear Tom: Pursuant to our telephone conversation I am sending you anexplanation of the driveway encroachnent problen involving the above referenced lots. My client, Steve Arnold, is the owner ofLot 45. He purchased this lot in 1996 and obtained a buildingpernit in 1997. The home is nearing conpletion. The lot to the west is Lot 49, owned by Seven Vails, Corp.The building on this lot has been in existence for a number ofyearsr. The enclosed map for Lot 49 shows the location of the house and driveway that was added some years ago. The drivewaypartially encroaches on l.{r. Arnold's lot, but more inportantly asubstantial portion of the driveway is within the street right-of-way and crosses in front of Mr. Arnold's house. Mr. Arnold has requested that Seven Vails Corp. consider apartial relocation of the driveway so that the entry is west ofits present location and not in front of Mr. Arnoldts Iot. Mr.Arnold is even willing to pay part of the relocation-reconstruction cost. seven Vails has indicated it does notintend to relocate the driveway. Mr. Arnold can deal nith theissue of the driveway encroachment on his lot; however, a slightshifting of the driveway still leaves hirn with the problen of thelot 49 driveway crossing street right-of-way on what visually appears to be part of l,[r. Arnold's lot. It is my understanding that it is the current policy of the Town to prohibit use of street right-of-way for driveway approacheE under circunstances where the driveway approach isoutside the extended lot line of the property being served by ttre driveway. Oa fj Ur. Arnold is concerned about the fundanental fairness of Seven Vail's refusal to relocate the drLveway in conpliance siththe Town's current policies because it will cost more money. Ur.Arnold has built a very nice house in the niddle of an expensivelot, and the visual inpact of the driveway cutting acroEs thefront of part of hiE house is disturbing to hin. Ur. Arnold would appreciate the opportunity to explain hisposition to the appropriate staff nenber. Please respond to rneregardLng the pollcies of the Town on this issue. Sincerely, 2% F. Blake Lynch -$ E\ P{ {I ', 1.l t.a l8 ls I' /l I' /l,l/l ) l+' tirtvt/"t ITlrm \ u rilJ \i Int \rlool!, lq)i \lltn l".st.f( Ixle {\) \ \ ,w7 '', ' lot-lstli 'l' lt:l.' l.t ti i l'sj ,' lg,> '1," ,,,,', rx'tmrm l__l1lil lttu il'f .il] Xl'll I t;r' [ll .p 1l' I,ilt I'i $ ll,l'e ll '..:\ ; I I \ I I I I II I I x }.'i t\ t* 6 ii FF Ed ! Or :ry irtir!lrr,arl btr S.t \t\/fi 't'l . i 1i',','\', i\il\l!1l:l!1i: 'r! 14i8t \t;*/R/ , /eil ; I l;' I Il'll'll: I Ili, Ilrl I I rs llJ!{r u\Il/) b \t.i\ Ol a' . ti lij! o;l\l-l l-.-lal'l i I I I I t! t: I I :' !' : i I ! I rua xoa:- \ fi\ 3 I I s-5.:') \+. \Q(\abSdn)pxtiNk; NE lr Itl <q-J Porkin? Ara- b{ t d R: E R\6 t: I It' 1"o"**qwfrEf ilnn Review Action Ftr TOWN OF VAIL -lr, !--, catesory Number o"t" f I lbl I f p.iea r.rar", A/no ld U e"l f2ot., Ja*r e ' Building Name: owner, Addres" "no pnti*( r4r,a-tJ - ArchitecVGontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Project Street Address: oistrict P,/( Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: n Approval ! Disapproval IstatrRpprovat Conditions: Town Planner -t | , . ,/, -to"t", '/ I /b / | I DRB Fee Pre-paidll *t".o.; ,,-il) Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teh 970.479.2139 faxr. 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: IRMN ADDfiON DRB Number: DR8040111 Project Description: NEW 2 CAR GAMGE. REMOVE DCSTING PINE TREES AND RE.I.ANDSCAPE WPINE TREES Participants: OWNER IRWIN, DAVID L. 04107120M Phone: PO BOX 3342 VAIL co 816s8 License: APPUCAI,IT IRWIN, DAVID L. Ml07l2O04 Phone: PO BOX 3342 VAIL co 81658 License: Project Address: 1956 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 1956 WEST GORE CREEK DRIVE Legal DescripUon: Lot: 45 Block SuMlvlsion: VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 2 Parcel Numberz 2tO3I2307025 Comments: Conceptual, no vote BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: CONCEPT CondiUons: Cond:200 A conceptual review is NOT a Design Review Board approval. Planner: Matt Gennett Dr'..^.-rcLt,yED ,. ,iApplication for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submiftal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Depaftment. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. ) Locationof theProposaf: Lot:45 Block: / suuivision: VA,l Urllnqe tJtJeaf Z Physical Address:IcSr- ttls.sv 6ooe Ctee.k 0n,ve Parcel No,: 2toO leg o'?a2€ (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Name(s) of Owner(s)r Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Maifins Address: f .c:. (bcrx ?3<z lle,l . Cn. FtStf Phone: 4l('Ztot E-mail Address:47 ( -r6e4 @!lType of Review and Fee: tr Sirlns ff Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-fa mily/commercial ) tr Minor Alteration (sin9 le-family/d uplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions), $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Check No.: - By: Planner: Design Review Board Town of Vail 111 SO. Frontage Road West Vail, CO. 81657 May 18,2004 To Whom It May Concern, I am writing to express my support for the planned garage addition at 1956 West Gore Creek Drive, Vail. I have spoken to David Irwin about his plans and I have reviewed the drawings. I believe this project will be beneficial to the neighborhood and is appropriate on this site. I would encourage you to approve Mr. Irwin's application. Sincerely, Patrick G. Dauphinais,meowner at 1880 West Gore Creek Drive. 816s8-1515P.O. Box 1515, Vail, CO. fficD MAY .r8 2004 Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Department of Community Devdopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970,479.2L39 taxt 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail,co,us Project Name: Irwin Variance PEG Number: P8C030067 Project Description: GARAGE IN FRONT SETBACK Pafidpants: OWNER IRMN, DAVID L. 09/2912003 Phone: PO BOX 3342 VAIL CO 81658 License: APPUCANT IRWIN, DAVID L. 09/2912@3 Phone: PO BOX 3342 VAIL CO 81658 License: ProjectAddrcss: 1956 GORE CREEK DRVAIL LocaHon: Legal Descrlption: Lot: 45 Block Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 2 Parcef Number= 2L03I2307025 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION MoUon By: Rollie Kjesbo Action: DENIED Second By: Chas Bernhardt Vote: 5-0-0 Date of Apprcval: GondlUons: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made wlthout the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Planner: Matt Gennett PEC Fee Paid: $500.00 'i:.? r'tr Deptrtment of Commnity Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co-tts June 26, 200'l David lrwin P.O. Box 3342 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Variance request for Lot 45, Vail Village West Filing #2 / 1956 W. Gore Creek Drive David: At its June 25tn meeting, the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) voted to deny your request for a variance from Section 12-6D-6 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for lhe construction of a garage within the required front setback. The PEC's vote was based upon the following findings: 1. Any hardship on the subject property with regard to setbacks is self-imposed. 2. Inadequate architectural design (existing garage/structure) does not constitute a hardship. 3. That the granting of the variance would constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. ff you would like to discuss this matter in greater detail, please conlact me at (970) 479-2140. Sincerely, P[t---f u--<__._ Brent Wilson, AICP Senior Planner {Sr"*uor ro o PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS Monday, June 25,2001 PROJECT ORIENTATION / - Gommunity Development Dept PUBLIC WELCOME 12:00 pm MEMBERS ABSENT Diane Golden Dick Cleveland 1:00 pm %r* MEMBERS PRESENT Doug Cahill John Scofield Galen Aaslen Chas Bemhardt Brian Doyon Site Visits : 1. Inrin residence - 1956 Gore Creek Drive2. Schroeder residence - 100 E. Meadow Drive. Units 335 & 337.3. Lionshead Commercial Core4. Weiss lots - 3834 & 3838 Bridge Road5. Frazier/Dahl lots - 3816, 3826 & 3828 Bridge Road Driver: George KEX NOTE: lf the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board may break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 Public Hearing - Town Council Chambers 2:00 pm 1. A request for a work session to discuss amending certain residential zone districts in the Town of Vail to allow home day care facilities subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit and a home occupation permit. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther WORKSESSION - NO VOTE 2. A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-6 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a garage within the reguired front setback, located at 1956 Gore Creek Drive / Lot 45, VailVillage West Filing #2. Applicant: David lrwinPlanner: Brent Wilson MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Chas Bernhardt VOTE: 5-0 DENIED 3. A request for a major amendment to Special Development District #6, to allow for the conversion of 2 residential units into 1, located at 100 E. Meadow Drive, Units 335 & 337/Lot O, Block 5D, Vail Village 1't Filing. Applicant Patricia & Gerardo Schroeder, represented by Fritzlen Pierce ArchitectsPlanner: Brent Wilson MOTION: Doug Cahill SECOND:John Schofietd VOTE:5-0 RECOMMENDATION OF APPROVAL WITH ONE CONDITION: 1. The applicant shall submit a revised condominium map to reflect the approved amendment for review and approval by town staff by no later than June 25,2002. 4. A request for a worksession to discuss a minor subdivision proposal, located at 3834 & 3838 Bridge Road/ Lots 11 & 12, Bighorn Subdivision 2no Addition. Applicant: Gary Weiss, represented by Steve Riden, ArchitectPlanner: Ann Kjerulf WORKSESSION _ NO VOTE 5. A request for a worksession to discuss a minor subdivision proposal, located at 3816, 3826, and 3828 Bridge Road/ Lots 8, 9, & 10, Bighorn Subdivision 2no Addition. Applicant June Frazier and Jeff Dahl, represented by Steve Riden, ArchitectPlanner: Ann Kjerulf WORKSESSION - NO VOTE 6. A request for a worksession to discuss allowing ski storage as a permitted or conditional use on the first floor of a building in Lionshead Mixed Use 1 & Lionshead Mixed Use 2 Zone Districts. Applicant Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs WORKSESSION - NO VOTE 7. A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of an athletic field, located at 610 N. Frontage Rd. WesU A portion of Tract C, Vail Potato Patch. A full metes & bounds legal description is available at the Department of Community Development. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs MOTION;John Schofield SECOND: Brian Doyon VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH FOUR CONDITIONS: 1. That a gate will be provided on the w/sw corner of the field2. That staff will consider and explore the possibility of a boulder wall to create a berm for the fence.3. That amplified sound will only be allowed as part of school activities.4. That the school is considered the primary user; the Town is secondary and the VRD is third and this shall be indicated in any agreement regarding the field. 8. A request for the review of a proposed text amendment to Chapter 11, Design Review, of the Zoning Regulations to allow for procedural changes to the performance bond process as prescribed in the Vail Town Code. Applicant Town of VailPlannei: George Ruther RECOMMENDATION OF APPROVAL TO TOWN COUNCIL PER THE STAFF MEMO. 9. Approval of June 11,2001 minutes 10. Information Update The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular ofiice hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Devefopment Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: t MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Depanmenl June 25. 2001 A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-6 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a garage within the required front setback, located at 1956 Gore Creek Drive / Lot 45, Vail Village West Filing #2. Applicant: David lrwinPlanner: Brent Wilson BACKROUNp / HTSTORY OF THE SUBJECT pROpERTy The applicant's residence encroaches 8' 9" into the required front setback due to the submission of a fraudulent survey during the development review process in the early 1980's. On September 27,1982, the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) approved (2-1 vote, Corcoran recusedy the applicant's request for a front setback variance to allow the constructed encroachmenl to remain. Therefore, the existing encroachment establishes the applicant's "conforming" required front setback for the property. The PEC did not reference any physical hardship or special circumstances on the applicant's lot in its motion to approve the variance request. Additionally, the applicant's driveway and retaining wall were constructed partially on an adjacent neighbor's property. In 1984, the Department of Community Development identified the presence of an illegal second unit and numerous building code violations on the applicant's property. There are no records on file that indicate the second unil was removed or the code violations were remedied. In '1989, the applicant applied for permits to allow for a residential remodel and submitted an "Application for a Secondary Unit for Lots of Less Than 15,000 Square Feet in the Residential Zone District and in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone Districl." The application was placed in "pending" status until additional enclosed parking was provided for the secondary unit. The enclosed parking was never construcled. However, a remodel at the rear of the residence was approved. The lot size was reported as 11,238.75 square feet and the slope beneath the residence was reported as 31 .5%. Currently there is one enclosed garage parking space at this residence. The Town's records indicate a Certificate of Occupancy has not been issued for the residence. il.DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant's request involves the construction of a new two-car garage within the front setback. The surveyed lot size is 10,672 square feet and the slope beneath the residence is 29/". Since the zoning regulations grant homeowners floor area credils for two enclosed parking spaces and the applicant is proposing to build a total of three garage parking spaces, the third space requires the use of gross residential floor area (GRFA). Therefore, the request is for a variance for GRFA within the front setback. The applicant's statement of the variance request has been attached for reference. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends denial ol the requested setback variance, subjecl to the criteria outlined in Section Vl of this memorandum and the following findings: 1. That the strict, literal interpretation or enforcement of lhe setback regulation does not result in a practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the development objectives of the Town Code or the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. 2. That the strict interpretalion or enforcement of the specified regulation would not deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. 3. That the requested variance deviates from the provisions of the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District regulations more than is necessary to achieve a practical solution to the applicant's objectives. 4. There are no exceptions nor e)draordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. 5. That the granting of the variance would be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in lhe vicinity. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve the variance request, the following findings musl be made: 1. That the granting of the variance will not eonstitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same districl. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: Iil. a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcemenl of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other propefiies in the same district. Should the Planning and Environmental choose to approve the applicant's request, staff recommends the following condition: 1. An inspection of the existing garage space will be conducted by Town staff to ensure it is being maintained for use as enclosed parking. lf the garage is not being used for enclosed parking, the applicant must remedy the situation and restore the use of the existing garage to parking. IV. REVIEWING BOARD ROLES A. The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for evaluating a . proposal for: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and unilormity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this Title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. B. The DRB has NO review authoritv on a variance, but must review any accompanying DRB application.The DRB is responsible for evaluating the DRB proposal for: 1. Architectural compatibility with other structures, the land and surroundings2. Fitting buildings into landscape3. Configuration of building and grading of a sile which respects the toPograPhy 4. Removal/Preservation of lrees and native vegetation5. Adequate provision for snow storage on-site6. Acceptability of building materials and colors7. Acceptability of roof elements, eaves, overhangs, and other building forms8. Provision of landscape and drainage9. Provision of fencing, walls, and accessory slructures10. Circulation and access to a site including parking, and site distances11. Location and design of satellite dishes12. Provision of outdoor lighting V. ZONING STATISTICS Lot Size: '10,672 square feet / 0.245 acresZoning: Primary/Secondary Residential Hazards: Soils - mitigation report on file Standard Allowed Existinq Prooosed Setbacks:Fronr: 20 ft. 1 1.3 ft. 1.5 ft.Sides: 15 ft. (east) 17 ft. ' 17 ft. 15 ft. (west) 49 ft. 49 ft.Rear: 15 ft. 39 ft. 39 ft. Site Coverage: 2,134 sq. ft. (20%) 1 ,708 sq. fl. (16%) 2,130 sq. ft. (20%)- * approximate - to be confirmed VI. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS A. Consideration of Factors Reoardino the Variances: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Staff believes the proposed use, structure and configuration are consistent with many non-conforming properties in the Matterhorn neighborhood and within the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. There are a significant number of properties in the Matterhorn' neighborhood that exhibit setback encroachments. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the obiectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Staff believes the circumstances surrounding the applicant's existing setback encroachment are quite different than with other properties in the Matterhorn neighborhood. Most properties in the neighborhood were constructed under Eagle County jurisdiction and "grandfathered" upon annexation into Vail. The applicant's property, however, was approved as new construction under the Town of Vail's development review process with no setback encroachments. After the house was substantially constructed, it was determined that the applicant submined a fraudulent survey and the house was built within the front setback. This occurrence is well documented in the Town's files. Therefore, the existing setback non-conformities and the subsequenl variance for the site are due to a self-imposed hardship. The applicant already has a one-car garage on the property that appears to be used as storage or living space, thereby exacerbating the need/desire for additional enclosed parking on the site. Although there arei significant mature trees on the property, staff believes the request for an additional two-car garage within the front setback is excessive and deviates more from the zoning regulations more than is practical or necessary. The Primary/Secondary Zone District regulations give homeowners GRFA credits for up to two enclosed garage spaces (up to 300 square feet per space). Therefore, the addition of the third space requires the utilization of gross residential floor area within the front setback. Staff believes the request is excessive and that conformance with the criteria for review of a variance request has not been adequately demonstrated by the applicant. B. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. The proposed garage would be located within approximately 1.5 feet of the front property line. Therefore, any eave overhangs for the garage would encroach onto public right-of-way. Additionally, there is insufficient space proposed along the driveway to install a guardrail on the applicant's property adjacent to the steep bench above Gore Creek Drive. This presents a public safety hazard. Staff believes the proposed variance does not comply with Criterion #3. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinos before orantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the followino reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcemenl of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsislent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumslances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. AourGnoup o '' ' David lnvin P.O.8ox 3142 Voil,Colorado t l65E Eagle County Phone 970-475-7 | 0t Fax 97047 6-3334 To: Planning and Enviornmental CommissionAtur: To Whom it may Concem From: David lnvin Subjea: Variance Re: April 16, 2001 I'm requesting a Variance in order to place a two car garage within the tont setback. The current slope of 29.5 To,location of existing stnrcture and location ofmature evergreen trees suggest that a garag€ nceds to be piaced in the &ont setback This does not grant me a spccial privilege consideriing other sitcs in thi vicinity. Two ofmy neighbors have already placed 2 car garages in their fiont setbacf,s with your approval. Therefore I wilt acheive compatability , and uniformity amoung other sites in this vicinity. I will use the existing driveway to acce$ the new garage which will maintain the existing conditions for raftic facilities,utilities and public safety. I will now be able to park botb cars inside and not irrfront of the residencc. . . , . Thank you for all yow help. Sincaryly, //"rA"/J*.,A; David lnvin Property Owner: Peter Rusterholz 675 Brookside Lane Mendora Heights,Mn. 55 1 l 8 Dorsey Jackson 2901 Fillmore Little RochAr. 72207 Billie Farrell #30 Lake Forest Stlouis,Mo. 631 l7 JoAu Lee 5620 n.75tb Place Scomdalejz. 85250 RC.McGheo P.O.Box 4882 Vail,Co.8l658 Tom Saalfeld 1975 W.Gore Creek Drive Vail,Co. 81658 Richard Srauss P.O.Box 18l0 Vail,Co. 81658 Jim Gregg 30082 Trout Dale Ridge Evergreen,Co, 80439 T'rAPlrtril*Dl 85/12/2AAI 22:58 Aoa Kjcrulf 479-?,152 From: Richard ao<i Dehi Sumg 19f5'W. Gorc Creet Dr VaiLCO. ft:479-t3?7 Fax:47)-l(b e7z47efl Ter: Town of Vsil Conmuity Developrnent Deprtllent STRONG PAGE 6L t Rc: David tr.win regue*t for yariance finm Scctiorr t2{t}5 (Scthacks) 1956 Gors Crrck Drll,ot4s, Vail Villaeo W1t Hliug $2 In tight of lvtr- k.s.'rn's hisnory b t5is &igbborh& *5tt rvspecr to violations of building codes, his rnqucst fr a rzriencc ir mystifyiug to us. His firrt tiolatim o( tbe sarback nrles occurrcd whcn he uiginally built his home- csultrng in a fins- Su@uenttn it was l-ound thsr he had built his drivenray ov-edapping int<r thc pmpertt of his neighbor, D*k Sffeust, rcguirine an<rthcr finerciel ce{demcot. Morc te tlre poin! becaure of, his frrst violation his house is atready too clorc t* the stroct. Any addilicnal stnrcturc *'oirtd orrty makc Se situation worge, i Secondly, Mr. Irwin'e housr aldcady has a garagc. lf he drooees ro have ti,rx csrs and use his curfiilt garagc as a stornge spetr, rr'9 1fu a6t fecl l[is is a guld emugl justilicrtirm to require a variroce. Additirroaliy, we frnd it hard to ruplrod a ruluc* for a natianr:c frqn rcrnmne ghxe bistory is onc r:il, "build it now thc way I want - l'll pay lbc finc lebr---' Thcrc is alrcady too mueh of fis ocruning iq Vail- Why muc somc of us flay by tle rules while clhcre viol* first and tlrcn pey laier| Tbauk you firr 5,our time ana "msiatation-rl $ir,coely, L If,)t,]"f__, 7f/<J4,(1 .4 i lF Richard Stmng U }tebi S q <. < o ROPERTY4THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR P PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the TownofVail onJune11,2001,at2:00P.M.intheTownofVail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a variance from Section 12-6D6 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a garage within the required front setback, located at 1956 Gore Creek Drive / Lot 45, Vail Village West Filing #2. David lrwin Ann Kjerulf A request for a minor subdivision and a variance from Section 12-6D5 of the Town Code, to aflow for the resubdivision of Lot 1, Strauss Subdivision, a resubdivision of Lots 46 & 47, Yail Viffage West Filing No. 2, re-crealing Lots 46 A 47,located at 1916 & 1936 West Gore Creek Drive. A request for the review of a proposed text amendment to Chapter 11, Design Review, of the Zoning Regulations to allow for procedural changes to the performance bond process as prescribed in the Vail Town Code. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of an athletic field, located at 610 N. Frontage Rd. WesU A portion of Tract C, Vail Potato Patch. A full metes & bounds legal description is available at the Department of Community Development. Applicant: Town of VailPlannen Allison Ochs A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the consolidation of 2 units within the CC2 Zone District, located at 126 Willow Bridge Road/Lot K, Block 5E, Vail Village 1s Filing. Applicant: Henry Anthony lttleson, represented by K.H. Webb Architecis. Planner: Allison Ochs A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a seasonal structure within the Lionshead Mixed Use l Zone District, located at 715 Wesi Lionshead Circle/Lots 4 & 7, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3d Filing and Lots C & D, Morcus Subdivision. Applicant: Vail ManiottPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a variance from Section 12-6D9 (Site Coverage), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of an addition to a single-family residence, located at 1115 Hornsilver Circle / Lot 8, Block 1, VailVillage eth Fiting. Applicant: Carol Collins, represenled by Anis West Architects, PCPlanner: Bill Gibson +iHiTt* Applicant: Planner: Pat Dauphinais, representing Richard Strauss Allison Ochs a A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the conection of enors in the platting of Tract J, Vail Village First Filing, located at Vail Interfaith Chapel, 19 Vail Road / Tract J, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicanl: Town of VailPlanner: Brent Wilson A request for a work session to discuss amending certain residential zone districts in the Town of Vail to allow home day care facilities subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit and a home occupation permit. Applicant: Town of Vail tPlanner: George Ruther A review of a staff decision regarding a request for a minor amendmenl to the approved development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base, to allow for the expansion of the Wreck Room Restaurant arid Passport Club, located at 498 Vail Valley Drive/Trait F, Vail Village Sth fiting. Applicant: Golden Peak Ski BasePlanner: Ann Kjerulf The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planne/s office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orieniation and lhe site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign fanguage interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please e.all 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published May 25, 2001 in the Vail Trail. Oo 11- - ll 4 (t: ( F} t-- v F I I I \t ll' _A :.1 I I /: '' I ,, Iil T l1ilii IB 'l Irt\ff sS "."tJi tIRWIN RESIDENCE LOT 45, FILING 2, VAIL VILAGE WEST TOWN OF VAIL :- ffi Ei d ;gF, -- -------l _______l t-------- I IIwlIl TISTDEiIC'rI)T as, mINc 2, vatl VILLAGE WDSTfi)wx oF vArL ffiffi 9cYn'1 ' '/5 1- J-7 ? -., eV x-\t t:f t ,n6l ''' "/,-l S f€) g>roA-" - 7 l)S -.-' 1'1ty-'y ' )( (a--,..-e--,t --+, t^W '5L zLz) !r;tJ y:tz/5 d:\tf-o1 frf /wl - al4 "s*vtnay at!tJ ?tla '^eelea:.r/ lvnrJS t tv?'l t Jov (zQn'zC aYun?) -(r;t)P Y.g d:\tf'r"l yet"Jw, - 1lAt tU'.St zt x) '4 t. 1-f,qlo ,1)g Ll ot:f fat <)r 4v:hry 'vt (c - f)) -{s/n,1 c "^awt . ?v!l v)zdud j ilg14 al/ ' ,t l-\\ Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us June 18,2001 David lrwin P.O. Box 3342 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Variance request for Lot 45, Vail Village West Filing #2 / 1956 W. Gore Creek Drive David: Due to project workload constraints in our office, I am now handling the above-referenced application. Upon my initial review of lhe application, the following issues arise: 1. Section 12-21-14, VAIL TOWN CODE: RESTRICTIONS lN SPECIFIC ZONES ON EXCESSIVE SLOPES The following additional special restrictions or requirements shall apply to development on any lot in a Hillside Residential, Single-Family Residential, Two-Family Residential or Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District where the average slope of the site beneath the existing or proposed structure and parking area is in excess of thirty percent (30%): A topographic suruey prepared by a registered surveyor, with contour intervals of not more than two feet (2'), shall be required. Site coverage as it pertains to this Chapter, as permitted by Sections 12-64-9, 12-68-9 and 12-6C-9 of this Title, is amended as follows: 1. Not more than fifteen percent (15%) of the site area may be covered by buildings; and 2. Not more than ten percent (10%) of the total site area may be covered by driveways and surface parking. Although your application states the slope beneath your residence and parking area is 29.50/", the Town's records (from Kristan Prilz's review of a 'l 989 garage addition request) indicate the slope is 31.5%. lt is impossible for me to tell what the slope beneath your residence and parking area is without a complele topographic survey for the lot. c. E. {S *"n"uor^r", 2. lf in fact the slope beneath your residence and parking area exceeds 30%, your application will also require a request for a site coverage variance. The plans you submitted do not indicate where roof eaves and exterior walls lie on the site, but it appears you are very close (if not over) the 20h margin for site coverage with this proposal. Based upon these issues, I am requesting a complete topographic survey of the lot that shows the location of exterior walls and roof eaves. There is not enough information in your current application to determine compliance with the Town's Zoning Regulations. lwillschedule your application for review by the Planning and Environmental Commission once a complete application is received. ff you would like to discuss this matter in greater detail, please contact me at (970) 479-2140. Sincerely, K^--7 tlry* Brent Wilson, AICP Senior Planner Depttment o! Commmity Development 75 South Frcntage Road Vail, Colordo 81657 970-479-213E FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci,vail.co.tts MaY 4' 200r AnnKjerulf Planner IUGIS Specialist ToYm of Vail David Inilin P.O. Box 3342 VaiL CO 81658 Re: Vuiene w4ueLlor Ld 45, ValI Wbge West Filing #2 / 1956 lY' GoE Oe* Drite DearDavid: staff has begun to rwiew your application for a variance to. a oonsmrct a tw@r-garage in tbe front setback of your property. However, *".r" *ui[io complete this rwiew uoiu G rorro"'ing information is received: i.AcurrEnttopographicsrrrveyroinc|ude.existingconditionsuponthefifst30,oftheproperty,encfoachments upon aojacent property,;;'ti; i;;; vJ "-gh#;;#t*.en tfte front properiy line and the edge of West Gore Creek Drive; ii. A site plan slrowing the existing and proposed conditions (including existing and finished grades around the o.it,i.c st rC. ai'a grtdo aing the centerline of the drive$xay); iii. Foor-plans and elevation drawings for the existing building ard iv. Reduced 8.5"x11" copies ofall plans' From the plans that you lrave submitte,4 it appears tlut sollle GRFA will be added to the uoper level of the house' we need cxisting n*, prro. tJiilriJ"-irril-mr* cnrf#,iitt'ti,"i*ro*e ttd to deiermine how much GRFA is available. ff Oere is no anJfaliJAnfe, rft* t* o6ermecttanisns for adding sq'are footage to oldor residences including the zso orai"ance ana the inerior conrili- o1ory.., 1:lgr,l" determine whd exists' oristing elwation drawrngs;;;;trt d. tt is-apparent as well trat you are proposing to expand the front dcck. on the nuin lcvel oro. uuiriiig]*,c.;;;n.t" 0."r. in'r .o.,o"tn irtu rtie fiont sebadq staffbelieves that a second variance rcquest may be nccessary. Hencg an-acc'rate sffi srtowing e*isting and proposed conditions will help us rnake this deft'rminatiotr ii.tst *tt O"t all plans rlrst be drawn to scale' We have tabled your variance r€*,"st to the J*,e I ls PEC m€€ting' We wi1 reqttire rwised plans and a nery survey bv Mav 22, 2001. If you have any questions or concems regardinirttlt.tno, please do not hesitate to @ntact me a[ tki"tt lt@.i.nait'.o'us or 97o479-2148' Sinoerely, {jron*t * APPLICATION FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission. For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the pafticutar approval that is requested. The application can not be accepted untii all required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. A, TYPE OFAPPLICATiON:tr Bed and Breakfusttr Conditional Use Permittr Major or D Minor SubdivisionE Rezoningtr Sign Variancetr Special Development Districttr Major or O Minor Amendment to SDD tr tr trXtr E Quesiions? a|r" Phnning staff at 479-2138 Employee Housing Unit (-l-ype: _) Major or E Minor Exterior Alteration (Vail Village) Major or Minor Exterior Alteration (Lionshead) Variance Zoning Code Amendment Amendment to an Approvecl Development Plan B,DESCRItrNON OF THE REQUEST: c.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LOT: 43 BLOCK: V,V.W. EIUNG:2 PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #:?toOr 07625 (Contact Eagle Co. Assp{qors ffice at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) NAME OF OWNER(S): 4?6'-ilo OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S):G. H.NAME OF APPUCANT: PHONE: 47A - -7lOt FEE: See submittal requirunenE for appropnlate fee PLEASE SU BMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SU BMITTAL REQUIR"EM ENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COiIMUNITY DEVELOPMET{T, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VNt-, COLORADO 81657, RECEIVED APR | 0 2001 MAILINGADDRESS; fl.o. hox t34z '!Pn t IV; Gonlnnun a ITY DevelopMENT Rourtt ORM I Approved with conditions fi Denied o GF Status: I Approved Routed To:Leonard Sandoval. PW Date Routed:06/06/01 Routed By:Ann Kierulf Date Due:06t12t01 Description of work:Request for variance in front setback to construct a new two-car garage; driveway to be loweredl foot Address:1956 W. Gore Creek Drive Legal:Lot:45 | Block:Subdivision:VailVillase West Filing #2 Comments:Date Reviewed: 6-13-01 Need additional review bv Fire Show on site plan top / bottom elevations of new retaining wall at driveway . Retaining wall must be a least 6.5 ft away from edge of asphalt, (West Gore Creek Drive) and site distance per Town of Vail standards must be met. Revocable rioht of uired for wall and landscaoinq with Town of Vail riqht of way. Show on site olan. location of snow storaqe area within lot boundries. Show oositive d from area on south side of proposed qaraqe. Show limit of disturbance fence on site Show some form of erosion control measures on site plan, near W. Gore Cr. Drive Show on site plan. what all weather surface the driveway is to be. ls scale of site 1"= 10'? Show on site plan. North arrow. L Sandoval scawalea Ordcr l,hnnber: vttll L Scaivefute.' lprll 12, 2o)l tb 7t 2. Poltcl or Po/dcies to bc bsnrd,: (a) A,L,T,A, Aitnet'l (gaazCtcd) , Proposd lavrad: 'ltrotrrrt of Inswarcc,t tED I tts STATETIENT OF CITAR@S ?'hac dnrgcs an dua and pay&lc b@tc a Poliq anrbciwad. (b)A.L.T.A. L@tl Proposed huutcd: (c) Lusdrold Prqwed hrurvd: (BE nd.rlt 3. Thc estate or inlerwl in tlu latd' desoibd r{crteil to in hit Corrfittnot and covered herein is 8.. tlrytl. 4. nile b tln tc,c tJll;glc arurD &. ttrtil 6mtc 0t h sdd la*l ls at the &6lve datc hercof vested lrr: Ttv land rcJened to hthis &ntrrdtnart is sEa ,,TIAdiEID LEAI! DltcnrPfloil as follows:f Pvapottad iddtiratt, 7t56 nt8t @ra crtlr DltvE v^rb, co 82657 'IIUA T1-rr1 lUtGlSz'd 6F'0|.l I^IJZE:S IEEZ'Be'UdU SCHEDUIfrA Order lrlwtbet vvv LEGALDEEICRIMON ,!oE 15 U IL Vfi'InEg tlEEtI IZLI GI NO, 2 COttNtl? Ol lidt/t gExI',E Ot COAOIID<' E'd 4;F'0N IIUA TIIII lUUl'EllS HdEglS l@Z'OZ'Eda SCHEDUI'E B Scalior 2 Orderliunber: vvn HrcEMOIIS The pogcl or polidat tobe blrltdwill cottfiln qccpti@rt b the fdlowlng wthss the sarrv are ditposed of to the satisfaction of tIE @t9'arry: t. NSttc or cbhttt of prties btputusion, not $toxtrbl thc pttbllc remrd't, 2. futqnarE, or clahs d wasns, not shown by tlu pdnic recordt. 3. Dfucrapatuies,cvtflicxin bourfuOlimt, thortdgeinaf&, cncrmcttttr&t,^ttdotl-t?cAJ vthidtacorrea wttei wld iwpsdion of the premlses rwuW dsctme attd Nrldt atc trot shmn hy iltc ptrbtlc tecods. 4. Any lien, ot rldtoalieh f* rcrvlces, lfur or nateriath$ilqore or haafiafftNshd, itttposcdhy low wld not showil bY the Pubhc r.ffidt. 5. DSecfu, Ect?6,, cnctnbrutw, dyatt.chitsor otha attts, {wty,-ued&,firct aPpwittglnthePu?Uc ricordt ar attadttng tubserycnt n the fieaiw datc lutaof, bu pr'nr t9 tLe dde tln proposad intured acEdres ol reordfor wlu-the eswe or t$erest ar ttwtgage thson owrd by thls camdtmeat' 6. llnpatewd mldng chiw; rescttdions or exccptlotw ln paent, or d4 act adhotlattrg the iswa.ncc thatcoi; wdetfiglie, clalt'/6 ot titla toMst. 7. ,t rr rnd rIJ rugeld tr*ol cld rl,tatrl,edtl rad rny ulrod.€cad tr: t.1.6. 8. Tlla qltcct ot lljcluttozt la roy lfcacral ot tpatfto s.t t coea.t!.acy' tlrc grobeatlgi! t toll ooz,leztPttto or otlet dletrtal oE tnelutios tl asy *r t.r t.frtca ot attaeE l4tfortalaat rtat. 9. E ta€v.Elcttrt or excaptlo!, a trtn lt ln v.E. DeEcDE.. or tt? .lat, tltthotlrf'.g thc lt'.t'Ioee tkctqot r rocosdcd lt\oaa 75t 797C ta fooJr 93 .c t t tE .1d sroorCrd oahob.E 4, ,,9!? Ja roo* t3 .t Prg! 30t' tat.frlng Zt ntghat o! tl. Irto9c:lahor ol t vels ot lodc to rtlract aod raooys htq ors tlcrtfroo .nd, 2) tlgbEa ot w lot dltabcr rld ornrls 6&.tEua9.d trader lhr JrEtrl?tEy oE tbe Antt .t gE.E.t. 70. rBa ln'rolEt !6n-p.tElolp.ltng toy.lby t|| rad Eo l,Eod..dt dortvd tg6 Eh. trx. ot .ay ml'latals oC fut o.v.r ttnd s|rd Eltura ptodua€d aad nllcd tt@ eald ptulrtt, rr acecrrdrd la Eoot 766 tE E.gE 10lt rad eay aad rll r,tttgntcnte ttrGro! or tat.||. t!, ttrr.la. t!. !arda!! b.trr,..8 th. cotfiat oc ',',gle, lc.t o, calostdo, tad Ght t ,ct 7lEl.., In6,, .t doat!.la.d tn inrcfunct t.cor.Ld lutut8 77. 7969 l! loot 79O tt Ptge 105 tt ScceptJoa No. 707971, gE ntlng .E ar.alcEt to ad tToag rotdt la catlt .u!d,lvlttc'!. 22. EetaJfloEtg,n tt r.co$d.d tttTy ,. z'965 ta Doc* 790 rt ,.!lt saz .t n.a.rtbto,I No, 7o77OZ rad rr enandtd W N'i@'/BC tt,aoElad fu goo* 187 .t D.r. 163 ea Rccagl!* f,/o. I02696t tad &odoon E saaorted labtuazT 76, ,t70 ln loo* 277 aE Dlgt 75 .r t c.Pllon Ea. 772632. 13. E..@E., ttatttlaLloar rad tlg$t.t-oa-v'lyt .t tD;ofi o ta. Dtac otr llttl vlTTtEt n.t. ttrtug I/o. 2 tacotdcd illrly ?' 796j' tr Lo.Ptl'o! b- 701699, do|rtras€d on lattt txir. v'd 6F'0N '11U4 g]1I1 LUUl€J.s HdeE:S l@e'Ae'AcH Gostlsrrllc ol ,.6.4rI. ? ' t aElE 2 Ord.r tlrllt, lltl ta. ffi 19d D.c4. g'35t31g tilI Ttllrga n .c rtgi tret.ctlo! fr.cBtag rtoor.d.d Ifoluhr 2. ttro u '',o.rtgd|g{! h. lta'.i, d rccta. ct ot?.EJrrtlo! ot gb. Itdl WIIrgr r|rt tlt Daat.ga s, D!]fl,J;.G. sraordrC evd.r 2, ,910 ., t oqrtloa zo. Lraet6, t!. r D..d o, tzliItc d.t.C rtl&. 22' ttr0 rncuc.d by D.utA ,.. Etrtu. !o Ct htbtrta tfur!.. of 'f;lgl. cEla'lty, @ t a{E ra ladrbtrdlu t cC ,l0o,ooo.Ao. tt trrur ot tjrrGb|[t ot wll raootd.d ugsa tr, tt90 tt Dct 5tl .t lrSrt lto tt bo'll'ldo,! b. a2?9e4. 'lIU 31lll $rtE.rs ]€?E:S $W,'E'UHg'd Gt'cN Statenent tftmJccr: Pa)rment ltethod: Ro0ooo06o1 trcrlnt: s25O.0o oalL6/2OOtO3;27 HCheclc Init : iIAB Hotatiqr: 2653 Pemit tto: pEc01OO31 Parcel No3 21031230?025Site AddreEs: 1956 GTORB CREEKLocatlon: Q4re: PEC - Variance DR VAIIJ Ttria Paymcnt :92s0 - 00 Total p6eE. Total ALLr hts: Balance: 1250.00 9250.00 90.00 ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description PV 00100003112500 PEC APPLICATISI FEES Cument ffis 250.00 TOWNOFVATL, StdemcNrt,+++********iff*ff+statement Number: 'Roo'ooo5ol anounE 3 g25o.OO 04/L6/200ro3 227 prtlPayment Method:check Init 3 iInR Notation: 2653 Permi-t No: pEcO1OO31 Parcel No: ZLO3L23O7O2S Site Addrege: 1956 GORE CRAEK Locatlon: Type; PEC - Variance DR VATIJ Ttrie Payment :$250.00 Total Feeg: Total ALL PnrtE : Balance : $2s0.00 $250.00 $0.00 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Oescri ption Pl/ 00100003112500 PEC APPLICATION FEES Current Pmts 250. 00 oz E-e, UJo- 6 rn 1rl o\ U' uJ IJJt! F =g, IIJc $\\N$ N q\ao\ z v)H a 2 F) cl'l @6 cf)tltt- ots :J& O>rEmlt f-ao14OFzoJ l uJ e tFa =- zz oIJFoz('zoI).o a ozl Z)oi u) E tu HH z ,J, -l, f* tsHE trl .J)fIIJ Fl r! J u,l U' =Got! GoFo EFzo(J Eo .lll,lz3od L u.l62 .-- aEolulFI<F ?-aYZo< IJ :, ).. o{ Pt+. :o.lilIFl+ \t fil+/-)l-{l-(Jt+ o E c)E g .ct6 .9 CLo.o c' 'oF oG o.oo(tg q, .s Po o-c o Ec6 0,ltoo ct) E'5 co E o =cl ct) E'5 to E o =cl do Io.o. (E '.9 E EEgg €; g€ EB€E iE*E !€Ef, EE;E EIaeo.6 0.'SEre fEig EEtE -cLgo-+.c)o o'-.:E-^ ]D ah $5E: E EAE gfi s;9do - iE$E \'ttl .if -if, In tr)tt)\o @ E =dgJ o. (5z ct fo I UJI z o- 9E ()gJ tr oz aa El o- J Iz o UJ- gJ UJltzoF UJEo u,le oc o!o]ul uJczo uJo F o,oo.u,oL z uJ x F UJof at IJJ UJt! F =e uJ o- J F0F 0z6 =f @ J o EFC) uJ uJ Iz 6t J L I aoult .-t H ts NO[VnlY -l>E I -E.rlitr.tSl = a! N lfr ..2 yf! 5EanZ Z V tt-O O Oc!tr - 6z: B =F8v, c) E76! fiEt! < sF3i lEEg H"€N(, zIF f Eti o- o ujL E 5 E, utE XN5 z9 E zI e UJFJ 3 UJz tltltltl t!) 2 z9. e.3Po* =Pxr!6o<z l-ll'l at)t2.. 2= tro =Ei I,l utlIlll t-t toltoltdl luf,J tx .DoulzY9I UJo F z tr J oz .l-t I II -lcr.l, I_:I =l8t (n t!oo oo3 o o lI I I F o F!\ ..rl<l FI zl zl .. >lo IJJ rJ.l uJzoF cc UJ(L J z Eoo zFo 5o il; il;; n I \o -\co Jf- € -(d,/. -i/' tl''h ?,i2 @o\ \T tsA u) LlJ o ul ts(t,oo-zo Fo- UJY uJ(o oF b Elllo. IIo o-oo I uJFoz M lrlz&,r98zeooB =zll\oJORq-u-: Hnr "dE=de35r ;Hg ttEutBt!o E9F; =e,IPa95E E HE: HEE iHT HTsi llJo 0F ffi \zrE\-- E =e UJo.zIF C) =OE 6zoo *l ill Hl sl st Fl FfH (,z J tr z HF r-{ zHE&H ii =z .oo-l N I\o ic F-lH 6 F\ I\o F\\a F4FIFIE ET z Tc lt. c .f, Ic'\.it o\ I cjz cilutr J ltoz3 l,F H&H J 14HHv :c II N(\ an co I .n o'\ E Irn ; z d UJ CE J Eo z 3 F zH F1< ts Ht{itH =tr 2"? E3fFd5o E,oF() tFzoc) Fli() =Ft-o2 o C) mnm FINAL INSPEgTION'S COMPLETED The below items need to be complete beforegiving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE: FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING CERTI FICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMPORAIiY C Of O Boylc Englnccring, Inc. l.l3 East lkadorrr Drlvc. Surts 390 Uail, Colorado 8155? 303/478-2t70 Jlr. Joc Nomis TOSN OF UAIL BUILOING DEPT. ?5 5. Frontagc Road l,lcst Vall, Colorado 8185? Datc r SubJcct: Scptcnbcr 29, 1989 Irurln Addit ton Lot 45, Uatl Urllrgc tlcct Vall, Colorado Thlr ic to conflrn that I havc rcvtcutcd thc fraolng dcaipn for thc abovc notgd rcaldcncc. lrlhilc no froat protcctton har bccn provldod undcn thc clidlnq doora on ths .rrt and r,rcst sldas of thc addltlon, thc atructuro lndtcatcd ulll carry thc dscten loads rcqulrcd by local codcg ulth onty onc oxccptlon. That sxccptlon is that thc Jolsta for thc uppcr ?loor ahould bc stthcr 2tl2'a at 12' o.c. or doubla 2rl0'r at 16' o.c. Plcaac alvc Frc a call lf you hava any qucsttons Frgardlno thic nattcr. I I Plcacc Rcply tXl No cc : l{ova Dea i gn Rcply Rcq'd Ttmothy l'1. Prsa ldcnt : rrrl'lrl INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JoB NAME -lLwtt rs AlPl:l rC MON TUES THUR FRI tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDXsPPRovED . CORRECTIONS: Atou PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: n BUILDING: A FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. VrnRurltc tr RoucH / wATER - nY99.l-&^s-H,qFl...^ o cAS prprNc -" PLYWOOD NAtLt NG ---------------- B INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB -tr SHEETROCK NAIL O - r-1 r-r - tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: MEGHANIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING D ROUGH tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY.AIR -..1.T]- O FINAL oo-r, ,/* /o ^,/A rNSPEcroR \ PnEsr* ,*#"toN TOWN OF 1;l REQUEST VAIL ts.* ll J CALLER BEADY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER oF PAOJECT \-\ \ \\\./ JOB \\\\DATE \ \ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr D 0 tr tr n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDEBGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL r'l tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWERn $iou+t -d coNDUrr - tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL ? ,-,2// \ppRovED /,/< tr DrsAppRovED tr REtNSpEcIoN REQUTRED RRECTTONS: oor.- /- r/2 -8p rNSPEcroR- 4/fa PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT e . /) " .>DATE .'i ? /r JOB INSPECTIONTOWN OF ,.1 REQUESl'g * INSPECTION: NAME CALLER MoN , Otb WED THUR FRI AMREADY FOR LOCATION: ,-).-./V3(t / .,. /r:o*'1- BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr E tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING fl o ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL Krrrunr tr FINAL ELECTRlCAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH - tr o tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED : , -;. .//,/ ..../ ./ lNSPEcroR A/",a y'" ' ;DATE niHs,o" lawo"' fn,,,,, 6 x'1s r/^) LSrtr r, f 6 , ( _Ls 5,1 / c.; t tL.( ?,( r it-- O &," x to. , ' ?t'. ZoC,- 3o ,1X tz. ?!9 J'2-,: C, z- 'L.u f t t ,l?L- U Ult*;rft z-- 'L.f t t-) 51,1 <,3 { Y,J^ zt Y >1 .\- v {tl t.f L t ttl t--- l_s. l rLt L!. o, \. L 6?c.o n ,a\./" , )\- q xt- -- 1e Y. o s +,r //,f * f, : t/L, o - (,1 u < 5-.r- h,t (t- tr,'l <d. o Loo,a es-, 4 //t- " 3C;{ z. f ^ tf ' b's'-i: /?,J- x /=t - aS'.o 11'1 0,4 | .-a- r-. lL.t- t /< L-.L -. fd.c lut PX/-lt-: (V {u nn,- 7,s- t< ! : zo, o iSY.o zY. o ,o (,.< i*\tJln,'4, IdonEsst tqrb ^) ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Block Phone ri'tins / t/,'///-'= /-4 L ffi 6 -l/at 1/r ONNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE 2? J- n t / *,.(L^i i' Prooosed Height Totai GRFA PrimarY GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage LandscaPi ng Fence,/ Retai ni ng'Jal I Parki ng Credi ts: Garage Alloved ( xttr (30)(33) .t <./ (.' I t+4 Vul 2S'a1 %-'$ , rn;eili':(:'it b1 (u \-tl, /*J-,cr..1! 20, 1(l 15' (30)(so) Hei ghts 20L Mechani cal Ai ri ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: S'loPe Permitted Envi ronmenta I /Hazards : (3oo)(600) (eoo)(1200) (50)(1oo) (2s)(so) (2oo)(4oo),tliiTt Slope Actual Aval anche Flood Plain Slope llet'lands Geol ogi c Hazards Comnents: Zoni ng: Date: Approved/Di saPProved )Eatf 5lgnaEure o APPLICATION FOR SECONDARY UNIT FOR LOTS OF LESS TI{AN 15,OOO SQUARE FEET IN THE RESIDENTIAT ZONE DISTRICT ANID IN TTIE PRIMARY/SECONDARY RESIDENTIAI ZONE DISTRICT .^I. A. NAME oF PETTTT1NER /JAwO t. 72wnt nDouEss_82,__,&r3!az__Ud,hlo-.------_PtotilS21:-ilaJ- B. NAME OF PETITIONERIS REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS PHONE c. NAME OF 0WNER (type or prinil /JLyt srcNmRE Catil 4 *b . ADDRESS PH0NE_12k-Ze!_ D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL xppxess /eS6 .tU. Go,eE_ &4E[ fu F. A list of the nanes and mailing addresses of ovmers of all ProPerty Eua€enf-to the-subj"e-c{-p{'opert{. .. f j W)C__ ,&clnntt $rzer4so (z)r{6)--.. f fr,'' , (, @ Frren,m,7,en /,/h7a ,/' Tlre Cornmunity Developnent Department and Design Review Board nay grant an - !,rllo.-exception to allow the addition of a second dwelling unit if the following ftl)criteria are met: /a 1. The second unit shal 1 not exceed forty percent of the total GRFA allowed on the lot; and 2, The Corununity Development Departnent shall find that the granting of the exception will not be detrinental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the area in which the subject ProPerty is situated; and 3. That no variances for setbacks, height, parking, site coverage or landscaping, site devel opment or gross residential floor area would be approved unless the granting of such a variance benefits the visual appearance of the. site and surrounding area; and [urtrf, *1 f,* ,/Jtc o-/ Zct o)-z E. FEE: $100 Q n7/iqj?ry /,//*7a --/ V, \u/ -=*et [--F t ; ,/\ |.,tTTn-H H/*u 'o.As(uf,',u'' l. "1 f/^:. -r Cornmunity Developnent Department and Design Review Board nay grant an - , - -A ^. (0vER ) Application fot sldury Unit -2- 4. That fifty percent of the required parking rnust be enclosed, and 5. The architectural desi.gn of the structure and the materials and colors mrst be visually harmonious with their sites and with surrounding sites and structures, and nust not unnecessarily block scenic views from existing buildings; and 6. Access to the secondary unit nust not adversely affect the privacy of adjacent structures; and 7, The applicant nust demonstrate that its capacity for handling trash and III, RESTRICTIONS the site has the ability to double outdoor storage. Pursuant to Ordinance 22, Series of 1981 of the Town of Vail , prior to issuance of a building pernj.t, an agreernent to the following conditions must be signed by the property owner or owners on a forn provided by the Departnent of Community Developrnent : 1. That the secondary dwelling unit shall not be sold, transferred or conveyed separately fron the prinary unit for a period of not less than the lifeof Trent lttillian Ruder, a life in being, plus twenty-one (21) years fron the date that the Certificate of Occupancy is issued for said secondunit. and 2. That the secondary dwelling unit shall not be leased or rented for any period of less than thirty (30) consecutive days, and that if it shall be rented, it shall be rented only to tenants who are full tine enployeesin the Upper Eagle Valley. The "Upper Eagle Valley" shall be deemedto include the Gore Valley, Minturn, Red Cliff, Gilrnan, Eagle-Vail, and Avon and their surrounding areas. A Ifull-time enployeel is a person who works an average of thirty (30) hours per week, and 3, That the secondary dwelling unit shal 1 not be divided into any forn of timeshare-s, i.nterval ownership or fractional .fee, and 4, That a declaration of covenants and restrictions shall be filed of recordin the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder in a form approvedby the Town Attorney for the benefit of the Town to insure that the restTictions herein shal1 run with the land. rv. TrME_ R-EQyTREqNTS The Design Review Board neets on the lst, 3rd, and 5th Wednesdays of each month. The proposed plan and all required rnaterials rnust be submitted 17 days prior to the date of the neeting. *. -|.. hwn u llal 75 3oulh lrontrge road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 479-2139 Legal Description Physical Address As owner of the above named property, I hereby aqree to thefollowing restrictions : 1. That the secondary dwelling unit shall not be sold,transferred cr convef'ed separately fron the p=ineri'unitfor a period of not more than twenty years and the life ofTrent Ruder from the date that the certificate of occupancyis issued for said second unit, and 2. That the secondary dwelling unit shatl not be leased orrented for any period of less than thirty consecutive days, and that if it shall be rented it shall be rented only totenants who are fulJ--tine employees in the Upper EagleValley. The Upper Eagle Valley shall be deemed to includethe core Valley, Minturn, Red Cliff, Gihnan, Eagle-Vail, and Avon and their surrounding areas. A full-time employeeis a person who works an average of thirty hours per week, and That the secondary dwelling unit shall not be divided intoany form of tine-shares, interval ownership or fractionalfee, and 3. 4. olfice of communily dwelopmenl of covenants and restrictions shall bethe office of the Eagle county clerk and approved by the town attorney for theto insure that the restrictions herein Iand. That a declarationfiled of record inrecorder in a formbenefit of the townshall run with the :7 dyt /i'Wililhya LEY Because this is a serious health threat torepaired by 10:00 A.l"l, Friday, April 22, 19gg,at that time. the communitv, this condition must beor rrrater service will be discontinued A copy of page reference, Should you have me. 9 of the District's Rules and Regulations is enclosed for your any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact Sincerely, UAPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICTV*e(%*L David L. Krenek, p.E. Operations Director I ll PA'TlctPATlNG DlsrRlcrs - ARRo,HEAD METRo *ATER a AvoN METRo 'ATER . TJEAVER CFTEEK METRo wArER o B€FR' CREEK r! -^- /lll EAGLE-varL METRo WATER. EowARos METRo *ATER. LAKE .REEK MEAoows *ATER. up,,ER EAGLE vALLEy coNsoLroATEo 'lETRo WATER / CLEAlf \ It N vArL vaLLE.. coNsoLrDATED wArER. varLwarER aNosANrrarroN ;aNlrATloN @ T.18 Encl osure t'lntdZz Uppen Enele Vel WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTS 845 FOR€ST ROAD . VAtL. COLORADO 81057 (303) 476.7480 April 19, 1988 David Irwin Post Office Box 3342 Vail , Colorado 81658 RE: 1956 c0RE CREEK DRIVE Dear Mr. Irwin: - - It has become apparent in the last week the sewer service line for your lot hasbroken caus ing rar.r ser.rage to f I ow onto the ground , The Rules and Regulations of the Upper Eagle valley Consoridated SanitationDistrict state: SPction 4,2. Use_of Sewer Svstem. tt. . . Each customer shall be responsible forthe total cost of constructing and maintaining the entire Iength of the serviceline servins his-property and,/or any related service facilities, including butnot limited to, lift stations. Service lines sha1l be constructed in accordancewith these Rules and Regulations. Leaks or breaks in the service line shall berepaired by the prcrperty owner within seventy-two (72) hours of obtainingknowledge of a leak or from the time of notiiication or such condition by theDistrict, . ." ARTICLE IV UST Or SEWTTTD-TFNR SYSTEMS UNAUTHORIZED TAMPERING WITH SYSTEMS 4.1.1 - No unauthorized person shall uncover, use, alter, disturb, ormake any connection with, or op.nlng oiio, ,r"", a1ter, or dlsturb thewater or sewer systern wlthout iirst-obtatning a wrlcten permit from theDlstrict ' unauchorlzed uses of or tanpering with the DisLrict-ssystems lnclude, but are not lirnited to, an unauEhorlzed turn-on orturn-off of waEer ot :."r:. service, burying valve boxes, ana urodtfyi.ngany water oeter, and discharging prohibiied sewage ",*r"., itro,rgt, the satrenay be perforned on a privatJty-o*n.a "nd maintarned servlce rrne. 4.1.2 - No person shall damage, destroy, cover,the District's sys c em. naliciously, wtllfully, or negligenEly, break,uncover, deface or tamper with any poitfon of 4.2 USE OF SEWER SYSTEM 4'1'3 - Any person who shall vlolate the provlsl0ns of thls sectlon 4.1sha1l be prosecuted ro rhe fd1 ;;;;"; of colorado law. 4'1'4 - Any person vlorating any of the provisions of these Rules and ::::13::"il"""11t0,0""o'" rilure' - it'" bi"t.i."J -r"' o.^.'. or any evenr such o.rr""i!1"J"".'".""'"'"1"too"r,rLn"r""""rfrt #Ui.j*lt; ,llril;by Ehe District, violators snarr "rso oe assessed llquidated costs of$l'000' such liquidared costs "tt.ii""on"riEuEe a perpetual lien uponthe violator-s property, as allowed by section 32-l-r001, c.R.s., asamended, or a perpe-tual 11en "pon -atr-" property concerning which theviolacor lras providing servlces "i- rt" tirne of the violation rnquestion, whichever the Manager deems .appropriate. See Artlcle 5.gregardlng unauthorized connect-lons. 4'2'l - The custoroer shall notrfy the DlstrlcE prior to any expansl.nor change Eo the service or use of the l:d_-"l_o-" ii{ ;i";; .or ownershi o "t -li"oil:;::fr:.T::rtl:i:,::":;:ii oe responsible for the toEar "o"t of consrructing and naintalning theenElre length of the servlce l.lne serving f,is-properiy .na/or anyrelaEed service facilities, including uur not' ri*ii"d to, rlftstations ' service lines shall be constructed in accordance with theseRules and Regulatrons. Leaks or breaks ln che service line shall berepalred by the property owner wlthln seventy-two (72) hours ofob.alning knowredge of a ieak or tior lh. rr.e of notlficarlon of suchconditlon by the Dlstrict' rf satisractory progress toward repalringsald leak has not beeo completed within the same tlme period, or theDlsErict determines Eha! environrnentalcaused , - rhe Manager shall shut oi, - ,r," o1"$ifft'r".rfi-?-.: i:"*tt::breaks have been repalred. In additlon, the District shall have therlght to effect the repair, and the cost ttr.refor shall constltute a1len on and againsE the properEy of suct cuscomer, securlng payrnent ofsuch cosE, as provided for tv c.-n.S., ii_t_tOOt. Page 9 q(i leG Proiect Name: Proiecl Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot -'r , Block , Zone - Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPBOVAL Date: Town Planner Staff Approval -.---=---\\.-. | ,lt MME OF PROJECT LEGAL DESCRIPTI STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF LIST OF MATERIALS t ,4/,1il,t The following information is required for submitta'l Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MTERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL Roof Siding 0ther }Ja'll Materials by the applicant to the Design Review COLOR tt-x.,tL cE n4ut)an / n " {B f/f to"txrt/ wooa Arxncin zrnh%u7 Cg2,4/z a/vrr^rri. Fasci a Soffi ts l.li ndows t,lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Flashings., Chimneys Trash Enc'losures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name of PLANT IfiTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botani'cal Name Connndn Name Desi gneri phone: /@L€el Quani ty Si ze* o-2" EXISTING TREES BE REI'IOVED *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Indicate height for conifers. ,l PLANT MATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS 3 Botanical Name Type Conrnon Name /7ftzEnzlE Quani ty v I I I I 'Size Square Footage s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. /{oc /, s t,,\i,l Ii'ti\ i INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVI Et,l PROJECT: DATE SUBI.IITTED: C0MI'IENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: DATE OF PUBLICE HEARING: PUBLIC W0RKS .-1 - Reviewed bv, // 4 Corrnents: TOI.IN ATTORNEY Date: Date: Date: Corments: RECREATION DEPARTI'IENT O Bu,.o/.-!<- /^'G) 4(a A<<<>ztzt-.r r-o <cAyco,rB Ec-aa brtLL Neuo R-/4t<eD &a>'er;/Nta4<- Ze-fre? @ Urlcrl€a Fao,\ €A ttrr,.r<, ty'- a,se ? ttr so oE @ n" qen-so..J Fa 2 k-q,s frrat4 ro f,orczr7 @ PA.\*'L1', s<-oc€ (O e.fa2. F'1 ?ltO ,t.. -fl'fL( RgttnZ/'> FIRE DEPARTMENT \E fJE'voe'reL(3 e'o"Ov Ptsvt'nrz P& GxtsT/ac'/ €Ncro4<"d+4sp75' *t" Date:- Comments: POLICE DEPARTMENT Revianed by: Corments: Reviewed by: Reviewed by: Conunents: Zone District sFR, R, R P/S 7l)llE DISIRICIS Archi tect Proposed Use . Al I or.red ( 30) ( 33) Description: Lot Uf Elock Firins thl Uhr\tzl-egal 0wner Lot Size . 10, A7z 4 Propos ed Height. Tota] GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front 'Sides Rear l'later Course Site Coverage La ndscapi ng Par.ki ng Credi ts : Garage 20' 15' 1q.r (30) ( so) lLAIer (3oo) (600) (soo) ( 12oo) ( so) ( loo) (2s) (so) (2oo) (4oo) BdJ-4?il Hechani cal Ai rl ock Storage So'lar Heat Storage Drive: SloPe Permitted Envi ronmental,/Hazards : 51 ope Actual Ava'l anche Flood P'lain "''i- I r+ ?rbfi'.ho6a^il & rlllt}\ s)ope , 3l. f?o Comnent;: Zoning: APProved/DisaPProved Da te: - | ! | | .' - USLIF8 Trtle tnsurlncB Cctloanv of Dartas r,€:r,r,.3llea, lhe Ceti;,.,n) {o'ir,.?b,e consroera:ior.. hetebv co.lr-ltts iO r3sre ltApoircy or poltc|t|' ol tillc Insurance. As idcnrrtrGd in Schcdule A i.. lavor ol lh? p'gp(,sed Insutecl namad In Scheduls A 8s ownG: or rnongagt" ol lhe cslal€ o' in|.rcst covarcd he,aby in rhG lrnd dcscribed or telerrcd to in Schedule A upofi payment ot th€ premiums and chlrgrs th"tdori dl rubrcct to thr D.oyrsrons of Schcduls3 A rnd B lnd lo thc Condirrons and Sltpulaltons hstcol Thl3 Commtmrnt thrll bc at|rctivc only when rhe idcntrty ol thc DroDosed Insurcd and lh€ amounr ol lhc pohcy or polic|Gs commi[ad lot htr,. bcen rnsencd In Sctcdula A hcrcot b! th" Co'npany eilher al the time ot rhe rssuance ol this Commirmrnl or by subscqrt"nl cndotsctp Thra Comm|trTl! tB prrliminary to thG issuance ol sucn poiicy or pohcras ol titla Insuranc€ and lll liebi||ty tnd obligtraot[ hrtoundaf ShJl caraa rad Grrninttg slr (6) monfhs afi3i lhe cllective dale herGol oi when the ploi,cy or Folic|rs cpmmrned fo. thsll rstuc whl( navat fi'sl occata. p.ovidrd thal he tailura to rssue such pohcy or poirc'as rs nol lhE lauli of the Company. This Commrtmsnr thall nol bc ltiro o! b.norng until clunurrigncd by rn Ntholirrd ottacat ot sgant. ?:??i.:',',j0"," october 30, 1978 : Po;'cy ot.roi,crcs to bt rs3uecat 8:00 A'M' ' .,,-'A. AITA Ownar's Policny Proposed In3urrd: ' David L. rrwin I ALTA Losn Pohcv Ptopos€d In3ured. E-78-10- 58caserrc--'r-.-- - lisli€t+.T6',5rrg - -- Amounl I Amounl 8 18,500.00 clmmitment and covoted 127. 80 Prcmium t Premium I 5.00 Premium l-. heroin is f.a 3impb and ai n ,fra."ro i, - Tax Certificate Amounl S- 3. The cararc or inlcfasl in lhc land descrrbed or relarred lo In lhrs -, ar thc ellaclive de16 hct3ot vr3lrd in: Dean Davig and Lena Davis 4 The lrnd rcl€rrld lo In lhis commilmcnl is descriH as lollows Lot 45, VaiL Village vfest, Filing according to the PIat thereof as No. 2, F,ag7,e Countyr Colorado recorded. qchrdulc 8-ScclDn I BGquitlmsnrs Tha lollowing ?r3 tht taquitamanrt to bG Gompl|.d with. h3m |rl Pryrncnt io or tor rha rccount ot lhc grrntor! or mongrgors ol lha lull considcration fot thc 6r'lr ot InlatGsl lo bG In3u,ad. hrm lbl ProFr andrumlnr(3) crrring tha 33tare or rnrcr.st ro b! insursd mu$ bG Gxccubd and duly tilcd lot tacord, lo-wrl 1. f,he warranty Deed from Dean Davis and l,ena Davis to David L. Irwin, c6nveYing subject ProPerty. ll "i/ ti,r\\\\vvtFV rOvEFt fo'm?rir DA-!! S ',?tt AhD GUAR NIt COtfpANy totx too @) rortottrl .--.4. (' ,3 Anv rre|t or rrght to a rln lo'39rr,aci ,am'o- F-aierlai tnereloic.e or heleall"r lsrarts'lc -r:_'?J ov:ae\ anc nol 5h''w' oY l'lc l)ut'"a.ecorol 5 S.eircts L?ns gn!urnb'a.ces SOlv?rS! Clar.ns C. Olngr l::anerl. il any creared tr'si apoeatl6g In In! 9ub'rC recoroS or 'l:acnrng (uoslouenl t: iir .3?c!ivc dat! 'rercol r_i !,ror ta. tne aa:e lfr o,oo.led rnse;€d acourres 0l reco'd lor !au?:"e es?alr oi rrllrieSr o' t.:rnoa:? .-: ' ac.".ec or l..i comm|ixen: i r:pptrons ^umos.con9-19 -i,'e he'eo\ omrrreo 5.TaxesandassessmentsfortheyearlgTSandsubsequentyears. Tax Certificate has been ordered' .T.RightofaProPrietorofaveinorlodetoextractandremovehis ore Lhelefrorn ShO,rId the same be iciund to perretrale or inLersect the premisesi right-of-way for-aiicfres and canals constructed by theauthorityoftheUnitldstatesofAmericaasreservedinthep"i""t" to "1t the land coVered herein' 8. The Protective Covenants for vail village west' Filing No" 2' as recorded in Book 190 at page sEil aul"J'.r"ry z, rres in the records of Eagte CountY, Colorado g. Easement !o the upper Eagle Sanitation District recorded APril 4' 1974 in Book 217 at Page A9O and in Book 2J-7 aE Page 491' 10.Any boundary or easement change that might.affect Lot 45' Vail village West filing No. 2, by the filing-;i-v"ii Villaqe West' Fil-ing No' 3 as recorded in Book 232 at p"g;'g66,-J"tt,"ty ri, lg74' Map Case 2' Drawer V, county of Eagle' State of Colorado' Best copy Available ''::.:':.!S :ohfr,a!! t' '-r,J' .:" ":: s'' !" -' ' r'' '' : - .<1! ^aJrC C SC'-!ear'C v'r'C'l :'"_'"'":'i'^ l' r'f i'-:' ' Condrtront and StrPulal|ons 1 Tne term , mo gage. when used herern. shall tnclude deed o{ tausl, lrusr deed. ot olhef secuallY Insltumenl ? ll the proposed lhsured has or acqsi.es actual knowledge Ol any delect. lien. encumbrance adverse claim o' clher manrr atlccling rhe cslatc or Inlerest or morrgage thereon coy9..ed by this commrrment olher than those shown in schedult B nereol' and shsll t'il to drsclosc such knowleoge lo lhe Cgmpany in wr,ting, the Company shall be rel,eved l.om t'ab'ltty lor anY lbss ot damagc tesultlng lrom anv act ol ,ehance he,eon to the crlent lhr CompanY is ptetudiccd by tarlure to so drsclose such knowledgc ll lhc p'oposcd Insur"d shall drsclosc such knowledge io Ihc Company o. il the Company orherwrse acquires actual knowledgc of anY such dclEGl' I'cn 'ncumbtancc- adv?.S! Ctarm Or other mane.. lhe Company al rls Oplaon may amend Schedule B ol lhrs Commirmenl accotdinglY' but 3uch amcndmlnl shall nol ralicvc rh" Company f,om h"iif,i' pr"" . -ely incurred pu.suant to patagraph 3 ol thrse Coodrlions and Srrpulatrons' 3. Ltabrl,ty of the company under lhis commrtment shall be only lo the named groposcd Insured and such panras rncludsd undci th' dehnrrron of lnsd.€d in lhc torm of policy or polacies commrtled iot "iO onfV lot actual lo3s incut'ed in tslianc? hrr'on in und'rltking rn good larrh {al to com'ty wrlh rhe iequrrements hereol. o, fUt rolfimiiare etceprions shown. tn Schedule B' ot lC) lo acquirc or cr'll' the estale o, Intc.est or mo.lgage th?rcon covered by trris comm,tmi,i i,a no "uunt ttr"ll such ltabiltrv erceed lhc amounr Statcd in schsdulc A fo, rhc p'trcy Or p'trcres qgmmrtttd lqr and such lrabrlrly's "rUf""i io lhe rnsu.rng piovrsrons €rcluston l'om covcrag" a^d thg Co^ditlolrs .rnd Strputarrons Ol the tortu ol poirct ot |,u;rcres commrlted lar In lavor of thc proposed In:ured whtch ara herebv IncS'portlCd bY tll"rancr ano are made ! part ol thrt Commdmenl ercepl as etpfessly modihed he'ern 4 Any chrrn ol loss or damag". wh.rhe. ot nor based on n€glrgenc? and wh'ch Inte.esl or thc lren ol lhc Insu,ed mottgage coverecl hereby or anY actron assenrng condrrrortt and st,gulatrons ol thls commrlmenl lN WIINESS WHEREOF. the Companv has caused thrs Commrtment to be srgneo en aurho.rrad olicu or agrnt ot rhc Company. all in accordancr with its By-Laws' '. Schrdulc A at Ef{"qrrw Oalc ' USUFE Titl. Insuranca Company ol Oall!3 ,/.,uZt/.-* *..'a..t a Crr,'l t..coltr. O,l'c.. E--*6-< t,,rrr e'.cu.,'. v'ca Pte.ir.4 Sa.,.tart td ft..te..l ansEs oul of the slatus of thc ritlc lo lhG lslatc or such clarm. shall be .lstftctGd lo thr p,ovrsiona 'nd and sealed, ro oecome vald whcn Gounr€t3rgn'd by This Commitmcnt it ellaclivc !s ol lha dlta shown ^.t.t. t.6 s a-.tJ'. lnwn 75 aouth trontage .oad yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 May 9, .|984 Dave Irvin Box 3342 Vail, Colorado 81658 IAI offlce of communlty development Please call me as soon asyour.property. Hopefully posslDte. Sincerely, possible to schedule a time to inspect we can reso'lve this matter as soon as 1G^^R=Nc-.----=-- TOM BMUN Town Planner TB: br ,k// s*/ €/ l\( lt t ' Re: Lot 45, V. Village West #2 Dear Dave, In.March-of this year, Steve patterson, Gary Murrain, Kristan pritz anq myserr vrsrted your residence. During this inspection, it wasdeterm'rned you had an illegal unit in your basement as well as numerousbuilding code v'iolations. -At that timi you agreed to remedy thissituation-by removing the unit or app!yiirg foi approval of i secondaryunit. This was to have been done UV'nbriT tOttr." In a conversation we had concerning this matter you indicated thatthe situation was reso'lved by "cloiing off the u-nit.,' I would'liketo schedule another inspect'ioir of your-residence to confirm thatthe secondary unit_no ionger exists (i.e. kitchen has been removed).If the unit is sti'l'l on your property I woud al'low you until May ?9tt'lq submit a cglnpteti appiicitio-n ior ipprovit;f this unit.It action has not been taken by this time, we will cormence withthe issuing of a summons-citin-g you with itre appropriate zoningand building code violations. - - TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND The events bel ow: 815/81 l'trMORAN0UM P'lanning and Environmental Cqnmission Department of Comunity Developrent Septerber 22, 1982 Request for a front setback variance for Lot 45, Vail-Yjl-l-4e4g5.qJL,- Fiiini-no. 2, to al]ow an encroachment offiired- front setback. Applicant: Dave Irwin Ieading to the requested variance are listed in chrono'l ogical order Fo1 low.ing the Town requirement for a_stamped topographic survey prior ir a.i"i6pr"nt, Ouu. iiwin sunmits p'lans Lo DRB'for his sing'le fltily . r.rii.ni"-on iot qS, Vaii Vitlage-Wbst, Filing Nunber.2. The submitted rii" piin and topographic-surve! is apparantly stamped by-Steve Reiner' a soils engineer working for Intermountuin fngineering' -The DRB' after expressing some concern that trees be saved oi the'l ot,-?pproves plans i;i th; iEsidence. The bui'lding permit 'is jssued 8120181' 8/24/82 A site improverent surveJ is submitted to the Town, as is required on all new .onii"riiion u"i6"" a framing inspection is granted. There are a nurbe;";-;i;;r;il;;i"; b;;ffi; ir,e'original slrvey_and the.site jmprovement ru"u.y. Aiter consulting with Iniermounta'in Engineering' it is discovereA-"thai lrwin foige6 ine titte block and stamp of the survey submitted to DRB. The siie improvement survey i'llustrated that the r-esidence is 8.7 feet within the setback. The app'licant is seeking a variance from Sectjon 18.13.060 which.requ'ires a tvtenty ioit-ilont setUict< in'lfie Prirary/Secondary zone district.- The house is now ii.i t""i from the front1ot linL'; a variairce of 8.7 feet is requested' The appl icant states that the variance is warranted in order to avoid cutting i"""i'ln the back of the1ot and to avoid on1ing a deeper cut into the hil'lside' fhe.re]a!ignlhip of the requested variance to other existing or potentia'l usesin the vjcinity. The adjacent lots to both the east and west are vacant. The Ptarmigan Townhouses,which are directly across the street from lot 45, and the Hamlet, wfrich is westof lot 45, are projects built under County regulat'ions; their seibacks wou'ld notconform to current Town of Vai'l setback regu'l ations. Behind lot 45.is'l of 4, Highland Meadows Filing 2. Lot 4 is vacant. O ,*rn -z- s/zzl'z CRITERIA AI{D FINDINGS Consideration of Factors The deqree to which re'l ief from the strict or I iteral inte retat i on and enforcement on s necessa to ac eve c ty an un orm amonq sites in the vic or to atta ect st out rantot s pec 'ta I prl vi I ege . The effect of the sted variance on 'l i ht and air. distribution of I ation It would be a special privilege to grant a variance in this situation. Given theproper engineering and design a residence could have been built on this lot withouta variance. To grant this variance, particularly after the house has been built, would be to treat this site preferentially. lf lhe owners of lots 44 or 46 wishedto obtain a variance-they would be ful ly expected to apply for a variance beforethe structure is bui1t. To grant this variance would bb lo grant a spec.ial privilege. All new residences in Vail should be des'igned to fit a particular site with respect to vegetation, topography and zoning regulations. It should not be a consideration that ihe house js there and argue economic hardship to move it to the proper position on the lot. The central issue becomes,"Can a house be designed for the site which fits the vegetation and topography and stjll meet setback requirements?"'The staff believes that thjs can be accomplished on this lot. ans Do tion a safety. tra c tac c tac es ano utr lrf,'les It should be mentioned that a part of lot 45 is located'in geologic high hazard zone. Lincoln Devore's August_.|6,.1982 Iepof! entitled Geologic Haza[l;,,Invgstig.ation and Subdivisjon Evaluation, classifies'l of 45 in two hazard zones: "34" and "5 ffizardous)to7(mosthazardous)'Thebulkofthestructuresits on an area classifjed as "3A" or "moderate to gentle s'lopes above permanent qround-water tabl e of Gore Creek. rr tr 5rr i s 'l i sted as "metastabl e sl opes. " ltletastabl e ire characterized by steep to very steep s1 opes and "acce'l erated creep." _If the structure were moved back ejght feet it would be placed further into the class "5"irea. There are engineering-solutions to construction on such metastable slopes. Aqain, construction-can take place within the required setbacks without a variance. (5ee ittactred sketch. ) SucLollgl fa-qlgls and crjteria as the Commjssion deems applicable to the proposal. rrwif s/zz/B? F IN DINGS : The ?l,anning a!9 Fnvjronmental Commission shall nhke the fol'lowing findings before grant lng a varl ance: That the granting of the varjance wi] I not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitatjon on other properties classified in the sanre distiict. That the granting of the varjance wil'l not be detrjmental to the public health, safety".'or we'l fare, or rateria'l ly injurious to propertjes or improvements in thevicinity. that the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: The strict or I iteral interpretation and enforcernent of the specified regulation t^rould result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistentwith the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply general 1y to other properties in the same zone, The strict or I itera'l interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other-propertiesin the same district. STAFF RECOMI'IENDATION The Department of Conrnunity Development recommends denial of the requested variance. l.Jith proper design and engineering a house could be designed which fits inlbo the required setbacks. To grant this varjance would be a special privilege: 0ther applicants jn the neighborhood will be required to stay within their setbacks un'l ess a physical hardship is demonstrated and a variance granted before construction takes p1ace. To grant the variance would also set a poor precedent--the manner in which the residence on'l ot 45 came to be where it is cannot be tolerated by the Tovm. Nor has a physical hardship been c'l early demonstrated by the applicant. The geologic hazards can be mitigated by engineering measures; the nearest tree is ten feet away from the rear of the residence. At most, three nnture trees Would possibly be removed by moving the house back 8 feet, ihe foundation of the house-E6[Jt- be used to secure the slope rather than the existing tie reiajnjng wal1, By using the foundation as a retaining wal1, deep cuts into ine nitl wil'l not be necLssary. lrgltu procedure is recommended by most'l ocal architects with experience withbuilding on steep slopes. l. 2. fr*tt -4- st22t82 A detailed slope stabil ity and geotechnical report should be written concerninghazards on lot 45, and whether the existing foundations on.'lot 45 are sufficient. The retaining wall to the rear of the house shou'ld be examined by a qualified engineer. If the engineer concludes that the retaining wal'ls are not satisfactory,.a new wal] shou] d be designed by an engineer and ri bui'lt to those specifications. This retaining wal'l did not aPPear on the plans submitted to DRB. to t,/ad.znq 4azz4./v,t 1?O UnmlnDdrbre 100O West Fillmore St. Colorado Springs, Colorado 80907(303) 632-3593 Home Off ice September L7, L982 Town of ValL Planning Department 75 S. Frontage RoadVall, CO 81657 Attn: illn Sayre, Planner Rer Lot {5, Vail Village WestFlling No. 2 Dear llr. Sayre: At your requeat, the folLowlng presents a dlecugsion of the eristlng construction on Lot 45, Vail Village West, flllng no. 2,in relatlon to Llncoln-Devorers recently conpleted geologic hazard investlgatlon and eubdlvlsion evaluatlon for the area. The folLowlng dlscusslon ls based on thls geologlc hazardlnvestlgatlon, a revlew of the field notes appllcable to theLot 45 area, our recollectlon of slte condltions durlng the fleld investlgation conducted for the August L6, L982 rePort, and con- versatlong wlth yourself on Septenber 17, L982. The fleld lnvestlgatlon for the vail Vlllage weEt, Flllngs No. 1 and 2 area covered ln the Lincoln-Devore August 16' 1982, report was conducted on or about August 4th of 1982. Accordlng to our recol-lectlon and fleld notes, a structure was in the process of being conatructed on Lot 45 at that tlne. Gradlng on Lot 45 had essentlally been conpleted, and the exterior franing and conatruction of the reeldence had also been essentially conpleted. At the rear of the structurer an excavatlon was noted, whlch coneiEted of a vertical cut ln the slope ranglng from about 3 feet to a naxinum of about 5 feet high. At the tlneof the Augugt' L982, napplng, lt was noted that naterlale exposedln the excavatlon conElited of either debriE sllde or colluvlal materlals, and that the cut was unretained. I personally nade atrlp to the Town of Vall on septenber 15, L982' for the purpoEes of attendlng a elmposlum. During ny visit to vall' I drove through the ValI Village !{est, Ftllng No. 2, area, and glanced at the Lot 45 constructlon. At that time (based on a Passlng gJ.ance at the elte), lt was noted that a tinber or railroad tie retainlng or crlb sall was present at the excavation in back of the resldence. The state of constructlon (whether it wasflnished or in the process of being buiLt) could not be deter- nlned based on ny gJ-ance at the lot. Colircdo Springr, Glorodo Pucblo, Glorodo Grond Junction, Colorodo GlcnurooC $rings, Colomdo E,nnslon, Wyonring tot z!5, Vall Vtllage West, flg. *ZSeptenber L7, L982 Page -2- Accordlng to the napplng acconplished ae part of the August 15, L982, geologlc hazards investigatlon and subdlvlslon evaluatlon,Lot 45 is underlain by slopewash naterlale, debris glldenateriale, and terrace naterlals. A posslble landsllde encroacheEupon the extrene southeast corner of the lot. The northerly(front) portlon of the lot has been napped as lytng wlthtn aEazard 2G and 3A Classlficatlon zones. The southerly and north-westerly trnrtlons of the lot are napped as Bazard Zone 5. Theextreme EoutheaEt portion of the lot is napped ag Eazard Zone 6. It ls our understanding fron conversatl.ong wlth youreelf that thestructure eas conBtructed too close to the roadr and that therequlred butldlng eetback establlEhed for thls Iot had not beennalntalned. It ls our understandlng that you are processlng aregueat for varl.ance for the newly conetructed regldence. Other than the lnspection and napplng conducted as part of theAugust 16, 1982, report, Llncoln-Devore haE not nade a sltelnspection of thls lot for purposes of thle letter.Ltncoln-DeVore has not been provided with any lnfornationregardLng constructlon or lnvestlgatlons on thls lot. lfo p1ans,solls reports or other constructi5n lnformatlon haE been rivlewiaby Llncoln-Devore. Based on the lnfornatlon avallabte to us, the general congtruc-tlon procedures ln thls partlcular topographtc and geologlcsetting would probably be to set the buildlng as close to theroad as posslble, to narlnlze the amount of flll placed at thetoe of such slopes and ninlnlze the cuts into such slopes. Based upon our recollectlon of constructlon on the slte and conver-satlons wlth yourself, lt appears that the structure has beenbutlt on a smalL fill pad elevated above Gore Creek Drive, andthat a relatlvely low cut haE been produced ln back of the Btruc-ture. Tbls ls the tlpe of construcllon whlch probably most gults thls partlcular lot. It should be noted, however, that theeffect of the f111 pacl and backglope cut ln relatlon to stabtlttyof the slte can not be deternined based on the llnlted lnfor-natlon avallable to us. The basic questlon to be answered ls:should the bulldlng setback varlance be approved allowing preaentconetructlon to exlst as located, or should the varlance-for thesetback be dteapproved and the buildlng noved to the Eouth or rearof the lot. It le our understanding that the regueEt for varlancelnvolves an approxinate 8-foot dlEtince. If the-setback varlancewere denied and conatructlon wag forced to nove southward (intothe sLope), a hlgher cut would be neceeEary ln order to provldethe same backyard width. Unless thls hlgh-r cut were sp-clfl-cally deelgned as a buttress (and the exlsting cut for thatmatter), the cutting or further cutting of the slope nay reduceslope stablllty on thls and adJacent lots. With thts ln nlnd, it would appear to Lincoln-Devore that approval of the variance to Lot 45, Vall vi11a9e l{est, flg. *ZSeptenber L7, L982 Page -3- allow the etructure to be set forward ag much as possible awayfron the slope would be the better option. Wlthout nore detailedinvestlgatlon lnto soll properties, itope stabillty, geology,etc., the effect of present or future constructlon-on-this-f6tcannot be evaluated by thle Laboratory. If you should have any guestions or reguire clarlflcatlon ofinfornatlon lncluded ln thls letter, please feel free to contactLlncoln-Devore at any tlne. Respectfully subnitted, TESTING LABORATORY, INC BYs J Pro iIt{E/1ab 6$*fu.{uE,'\-- tt l'_ * i ituout.- !' kslf::e |'IATTHEWS €' ASSOCIATES Londscooe Archltecture, Plonnlng & Reclomotion llox 3567 Voff, €olcrodo 01656 (3O3) a769613- September 9, L982 Town of Vail Vail, CO. Dear Sir: On September 81 1982 I visited Lot 45' Filing 2r vail Village West at the request of Dave rn^rin to see if I agre.a on the placernent' of the house closer to the road in order to.save the large conifers on the south side of the house. In my opinion and in the opinion of Nick Adams' a landscape-.."hit""t with my offLce who was with me' the saving of *," very large trees would certainly be very pleasing to the nligrr-Uortrood and in no way should they be cut down for any reason, for they are irreplaceable' Care should be takln at this point to see the disturbed roots are ProPerly pruned and the trees fed to make up for the minimal root loss. When the Design Review Board, of which I am a member' Iooked at this site, I remember my main concern vtas in saving the trees that nor.r stand. state I am verY imPressed with damage to the south side of this Very Since Richard T. Matther'rs RTM:arnh In cloling I should the minl-mal construction hone. o t -n-u; $d \n\\ Lv*, t'w^ CItrJ* d^^A fl" h*"" Jnr,.^- r [,t A-, e* $**5:,Y J^ r a*LQ';1$ qs , bd F'n ; "h"tsJt -P-.-' "[*^ A ,b,* C^tt)r 0,,^, $ h"* 4'^ '!'f"fuX frl^* ml,n*-o /rrr lrr, Utru Ll- C U'l ,k Etttul t Ilp 8,IlKZ l"klho^ d 11 Gr c-un S \ra*.'c ho {";f,t'ns $ $Ocruc- St \ril U.rfrr,( 1--s fut*-; its P^Lsr,,"t -Pn.-s. --.- 9." c-aJVI. ("*,;hd,,6 9oS U' G''CIo- \t'kJl^ t) u,J , UL.!$a d o gtb fa4:7b- [b6l tt AzTF-"/ 'e'& -/l' ,4dZ hf1/r.^fu' 2*'b' a zz't/t-/ fu"fu&' 2'a, /4'4/^'.9'**t-i)rr?* A,-/c/tu 22fu "A' ;f*rrrz e'u44 6* t/ e,z //et/- & /*/ tb a*Z 'h// flr*U ,Z//t;//- t/t'?t/ /arL,,r-J. / Jf *ttt t-, o *hZ ' ffih V* /.*/'6'h1;a hatLU O/A/ O DAVID IR}TTN LoE 45 VAIL WLLAGE W8ST, FILING * 2 vall, 28 Augustr 1982 Gentlement I feel , that the houee cnd deaign of Davld Irrrln doee ftt the stte. It doeE not ln anln ay lnterf,ere wtth nty home or lnteleat. The house would faellttate cuttlnq four rprc i"rg" and btautlful trees tf 1t had to be moved back elght additlonal feet and I feel thlE ls not netcedary. IhavewatehedDaveworkveryhardonhlEhomcfor a year now' spendlng tnoat rteekends lnd holldaya a]l pY hlroeelf' ie'fras glvin itl tte-trag to hav€ thls house. I ttuly-lop" lt wl1l rematn ihere tt 18, becau8e tt wtll be a great compllnent to the reat of the nelghborhood. StcerelY \*qo, b*[-^g lQo! ?"* bt !r"'\l;(' PIAt#Ar rou'tousE ^rro,i?,'*VAIL, COLORADO 81657 m"P'R.Ata' 42- 'Oh-'-" * d,,*50-Ha<t'<-t''"!t ;6 Ftto, MNTEER ,H Pnr RENt Town of VailPlanning Cornmission 75 _ South Frontage Road WestVaiI, Colorado 91652 September 10, 1982 an Taylor Re: Variance Request for Lot 45,Vail Village West E'TNTE HD. Dear Mr. Chairman: r am the owner of Unit No. 23, ptarmigan Townhomes, which isacross the street from I'1r. rrwin's new home. Because of therocation of severar rarge trees, r wourd ask that the pranningcommission.grant rhe.reluesred varia";;: -;ir"-giJnting of rhe ::I:??::l il lt opinion,- woutd not be a srant of specialprrvrrege to Mr. rrwin, and not granting the variance wouldyork- a hardship on Mr. Irwin and the ,eit of the neighborhoodby the unnecessary removal of several trees. Polmoleer Reol Estote glves you o hond. Officer Veil Nationcl &nl. Building, Suitc 3O3 108 Soth Frontaoe Rood Post Office 8rlx2O7 Vail, Colorodo 81657 ,deo Code n3 / 476JtbO6 erely, - Planning and Environmenta'l Commission Septerber 27, 1982 l:.15 pm Site Inspections 3:00 pm Public Hearing Approval of minutes of meeting of Septenber 13, 1982. '1. Request for a variance to the parking regulation to construct parkingi for a duplex which would encroach into Town of Vail right-of-way located on 1ot 4i block 2, Intermountain subdivision. AppJicants: Dave and Nancy ttlcGoldrick 2. Tln variance requests for Breakauay lJest to move the existing parking spaces along Lionsridge Loop partia'lly onto their own property. Applicant: Breakway }Jest Condominium Ovrners' Association 3. Request for a setback variance to extend a single 9 inches into the north (front) setback on lot 45, Filing #2. Applicant: David Lawrence Irwin family dwelllng 8 feet Vai'l Vi'll age West 4. Request for amendments to the municipal code to revise submittal regulations for outdoor display and outdoor vending. Applicant: Tovm of Vail of Ap1>licati"rt ol-! APPLICATION I. This procedure is required The application vril-I not be FORM TOR A VARIANCE for anir project requesting a Variance, accepted until al-1 information is submitted. A. NAME Or APPLICANT I /avtl) l. 7ftwt,t/ wDwss 4or esa z wt1 C^k. HoNES-!!:-f//-o_-_ B. NAME OT APPLICANTIS REPRESENTATTV' 7PY flrZ'-P,qO'V . l-t./ADDRESS l(od f/il _ PHaNEE_26_Zel2-_ C. AUIHORIZATION OF PROPERTY OI,{NER SIGNATURE ADDRESS D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION ].or 1,5 b]-ock 2 Filing Vy' IL V// I E. FEE. $100.00 plus an amount equal to the then current first-class postagerate for each property ohrler to be notified hereunder. F. A list of the names of owners of al-l property adjacent to the subject property and their addresses, * lor // /)* %'4rrz,'";;; i6"tIr*k /2ea a :",;7;,"6,2"' ioqdnCOltt *Pt< / Oaro o.u-r u v * / oT {1 FtQPruK l'elcnrlo /g/o E. ze.t'/ 8T S. t/o//e,yn ,,2//. 60q 76 * a-,n,4n/z/E9^/ 7o wurvaasEg (a , e t A/2( - '48 ,< vnlil/4E /_ANE\Crt'Y* * ton I r/ri'#ff"%irnr n/ /- ,4. z. ftauEZ r te/K/-:"Jff{i:fr" ^za 7?' nr) /r,'-6/r/z a/t c- e tutryn n ?t louth lrontrg. rd. vrll, colorrdo 81657 (303) 476.7000 Decer$er 22.- lgflz Dave lruln Box 3342 Vatl, Colorado 1Dear Dave: Sincerely, t'l - -Z%.// . JIil SAYRE Ts,m Planner ,lS:br Re: Lot 45, Vail Viltage }Jest #2 The purpose of this letter is to serve as a reminder that a professional eng_lneer wlll be required to submit a stamped sketch of the ietainingeng_rneer fiil De required to submit a stamped sketch of the retalningwall to the rear of your house; the wal'l mirst be built to the engineer,sspeciflcatlons. This wi1'l have to be.accomplished before a temporarycertiflcate of occupancy is issued. ,*Project Application Project Name: Project Description:tt 5, Phone .'?Fe < .:.' /, /.1L Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot -a.L-, Block Comments: . Zone -W&- ;\ /'i-. Design Review Board 5- Date rr{'frr,tillvat )/\-=--DISAPPROVAL summary: - P.E"T4|N l^\ l'' W4 l,-'L"- /-l/9 T lI ''A E statt Approval box l(Xl uail, colorado 81657 (3031 476s613 department of community development 0ctober 22, L982 Dave Irwin 8ox 3342 Vail, Colorado 81658 RE: DRB Submittal of 10-20-82 Dear Dave: 0n 0ctober 20, L982 the Design Review Board approved your fake rock and retaining wall. You should bring a letter fiom a registered, professional engineer approving the design of the retaining wall. You should also bring details of your bridge constructioni you need to pull another permit for both of these items. Sincerely, JS:df (lin Sayre Town Planner I cl t'\1 0'l,r + ( .{t-t I PLANNING AND ENV]RONI'IENTAL COMMISSION Septernber 27, 1982 3:00 pm PRESENT Dan Corcoran Diana Donovan Duane Piper l,li 1 I Trout PRESENT FOR SITE INSPECTIONS Corcoran Donovan Piper ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Dick Ryan Peter Jannr Jim Sayre Larry Eskwith Betsy Rosolack COUNCIL REP_-..-.-- Ron Todd llorganViele .: Edwards The meeting was ca1 led to order by Dan Corcoran, chairman. The minutes of the meeting of Septerber 13, 1982 were discussedn and Diana corrected if,er to "eiat "because oi past iocumented actjon of Mr. Parks" to her discussion of Cyrano',s on page.2 of the mjnutes. Donovan moved and Trout seconded to approve the minutes as corrected. Vote 4-0' patten stated that sjnce the first two'items on the agenda dealt with parking il-iilr-;i Vaii right-of-wayn he wjshed to have Lamy-Eskwjth talk with the members before discussing the items. Eskwith said that the general view is that abutting property owners cannot use the pubtic right-of-way foi tneir exc'lusive parking, that the PEC djd not have the bower to itto* any"one thjs right, and thit thii was not a variance procedure' ile aclded that this right could only be given by the Town Council. patten then stated that the PEC would need assurances by both Breakaway West and Nieoidricks that they woutU not restrjct their parking lpaces, but that the.y would a11ow anyone to park-'in the spaces that were on-or partia'l 1y on Town of Vail prot;.iti-witt' mbre questionihg, Eskwith said that iestricted parking.war allowed bn irrivite property providing it was posted to conrply with tgwn statutes. After more discussion, it was decided Breakaway l^lest should go first.to^.Counci1 'ir'un to pic, but that the l4cGoldrick request could be.considered. The McGoldricks wiiiii iot riqueiiing-irrd exCiuiive uie ot' piitcing on the Town risht-of-wav, while Breakaway West was. 't. oru- e/27/82 Re_qgest for a. variance to the parkinq regu'laliol. to construct_parking for a duolex which would encroach into Toivn of Vail riqht-of-way located on @ Goldricki Peter Jamar showed the site p1 an and explained that there were at present 5 parking spaces which currently encroached upon Town of Vail right-of-way. John Perkins, architect for the project, stated that he cou'l d see no problem changing the wall to make it two or three snnller wa1ls, though it would be more expensive. Ron Todd pointed out that a de facto variance was already given to the McGoldricks--it was a non-conforming use--the request mak'ing it less non-conforming. Discussion of moving the parking spaces centered upon the fact that they would be made less non-conforming and would reduce the congestion of the street. Eskwith explained that the County had given the appi icant the park'ing rights for the 5 existing spaces, but that the PEC cou'l d not grant two additional spaces. Perkins asked to remove the request for the two additional spaces. Donovan moved and Trout seconded to approve the construction of a mu1 ti-level wall within the front setback area, each level not to be over 6 feet high, and to approve the parking with a maximum of 5 spaces to encroach upon the public right-of-wayfor lot 4,'Block 2, Intermountain. The vote was 3 in favor, 0 against, with Corcoran abstaining. 2. Two .variance r uests for Breakawa West to move the existin rkin cant:way After more discussion concerning whether or not Breakaway West should first go to the Council, Piper moved and Donovan seconded to table this item until the next PEC meeting after the appl icant has been to the Council meeting. Vote was 4-0 in favor of tabfing' (See discussion at the beginning of the meeting.) uest for a setback variance to extend a sin ie famil dwel I in B feet nto e West cant:I.\Jrence rea t'\-. 3. Corcoran disqualified himself from the meeting temporarily and turned the chair over to Piper. Jim Sayre showed the site plan and survey. He reviewed the memo and explained that in August the Town had received more geological information from Lincoln DeVore. Jay Peterson, representing Irwin, stated that he djd not agree with the staff's description of the problem, and felt that the staff had not done a fair job. He added that he felt that Irwjn had been punished by the press. peterson responded to "The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses jn the vicinity" by stating that there were few projects that were not in the front setback in the area. "The degree to which relief from the STFict or I itera1 interpretatjon irnd enforcenrent of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compat.ibility and uniformity anrong sites in the vicinity .or to attajn the objectives of thjs tit'l e without grant of specia'l privilege" Jay read and responded by-repeating the fact that there were many other buildings inthe front setback in the neighborhood lle added that the house was in the best-location onto their orvn s/27 /82 I and that as many trees as possible were saved. He felt that the central issue was qot as stated in the memo, but was.thc criteria set forth in the ordinance.PeteF$n read letters from suirounding property owners who did not object to theplacement of the Erwin house. under "Findingsi' he stated that since so rnanyof.the neighboring buildings were in front sitbacks, it was not a griant of lpecialprivilege, that the variance was warrented for all three reasons listed in theremo. and asked that the variance be granted. corcoran, speaking as part of the audience, pointed out that a precedent wouldnot be set by granting the variance, as eaih'request is considei^ed on a case by case basjs., He empasized that he feit strongly that the method used was wrong,but that the letters of the neighbors should-be taken into account. Piper requested further speakers'corments be specific to the rntter at hand. llarie Claire Veers, a neighbor felt the request should be treated as a variancerequest.. Irwin apologized to the PEC for his forgery of the survey. Trout askedto see the locations of the other properties that were als.o in the flront setback. Donovan stated that she was on the DRB when this house came in, and felt at that'time if the survey had been correct, it could have been'designed to fit withinthe setbacks. She felt that it was appropriate to consider.ihis apptication asa new app'lication wjth no building exiitiiig on the site, that no ti^bes shouldbe.unnecessari'ly removed, but theie were many more than 4 trees in back. Donovanadded that crowd'ing of the street must be prevented due to parking problens and snow removal .as they relate to public safety. She felt that the hoirse could have been_designed to miss the trees and still r-etain the slope'if the survey presentedt0 DRB had been correct.and.the problem addressed.and in fact the accu"lcy of thefront. setback wg1 questioned on the DRB site visit. Donovan pointed out ihrt ih;nardsh'ip was self inposed for which she could not give a variince. Trout asked if the Town had requested the Devore report, and sayre rep'lied thatthey had' He added that it was a fairly specu'lative leiter, wiihout inuch detail.Trout po,inted out that the letter mentiirneit ttrat ttre cuiiin6 or iurinei lriiinggl th" slope-may reduce siope stab'il-ity on this and adjacenl, lots. Sayre refliedthat one could bui'l d on metistable slo-pes vrith proper -engineering ano-piopeisite-planning. ..steve patterson, Building Of.Ficial'.for th6 Town, itated'thit innls op]nion' DeVore's letter was talking-about general conditjoris, but was not sitespecific,.and even if.it were site specific vre iould have to ask for iurtfier geotech-nical studies as the town has done ih a couple of other instances. Patten pointed out that because there are some properties in the neighborhood thatare.nonconfgrliltq was not a reason to grant a variince to this p"opeity. piper statedthat soil stabil!ty was not a hardship] since a structure couid'ue'Jei"ignea iithproper constructjon. .He was p1 eased that trees had been savecl , but poiited out thatlli"t:Fjtjlg 11]] had surely' severed roots of severat trees now staird'ing. pipetrert tnat the impact to the neighborhood was mininnl. Patten stated that the board must treat thjs request as though the house werenrtthere, then look at the varianc" .rit"iiu. PEC -o-)rru Trout felt that it was diffjcult to state the issue as though the house were notthere,.and that except for the circumstances under which it-happened, he supporteda variance. Jay Peterson stated that in order for the house foundation to be a retaining wal'1, one would have to dig four feet deeper, and go back another four feet, in additionto having a steeper driveway. Patterson saiO that several months ago-he would have agreed with Jay' but since beginn'ing the l ibrary building had seen other ways ofconstructi on. Trout moved and Piper seconded to approve the front setback on lot 45, Vail Village West #2' reading the following findings: That the granting of the variance would-not constitute a grant of special privilege'inconsistent with the'limitation on otherproperties classified in the same district, that the granting of the variance wouldnot be detrircntal to the public health, safety or welfare, or nnterially injuriousto properties or improvements in the vicinity, and that the variancewaswarranted because the strict or-literal interpretation-and enforcement of the specified regulat'ion would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other propertiesin the same district. The vote was 2 in favor and'l (Donovan) against, with Corcoran disqualified as statedearl ier. Trout stated that it should be pointed out that the staff did exactly what they aredirected to do in the'ir job, and that they had presented their inforintion in ir,objective way, and Piper agreed and added-that the board could then explore the gray areas. Peter Jamar-exp'lained the changes that had taken p1 ace since the lqst meeting. Afterfurther explanation and discusiion, Trout moved and Donovan seconded to appr5ve therecormendation to council for the amendments. The vote was 4-0 in favor. Trout moved and Donovan seconded that Donovan be appointed to the DRB board for0ctober,.Novenber and December. The vote was 4-0.' Discussion followed concerning the changed format which was used at this meeting.Patten stated that he had felt frustrated, because he couldn't refute some of thefalse allegations made, and because the pEC stated their feelings before thestaff had had a chance to have some feedback, sorne rebuttal . That jt was inportantthat the board not take at face value statenrents made by the applicant. Pipbr pointedout that they really weren_'t following the fornnt. Corioran tbtt tnat each'perion snoutd have a chance at rebuttal at sonE po.int. 4.Leques!.for qr,nen9ments ,to the municipat co{q !o revlqe sqbmrllg-l_jqg{ j!-qlg for outdooldi:play and outilooffiffi z E = uJ ooo l\ Ol @ ooo (o c U'lu I.IJ t1- = =E IIJ \4-'.'2 ^'C €oF\u? UJF o eo U'z =o zz z zz $\ :\\)r\;:::1 i$i :l;i \ \ui i!i!S .lii;i\ S iil:iJ \) fiiE? \ a E<'": s rr F 1r: F r\ (f) (f) Oo r\ o?o(o oo os |r) C\,I (\Ts- o oO oIooC! |r) r.r) Ol |a t- (r uJ(L z J 5 d) xo uJ z o G, UJ 2 =l 2 (J = |r|q,t!z tr UJ =uJ ul z 6 o F ILt!o fz UJ) <h LIJ I.IJF\ = IJJ J Fo z o =l ) F z =lJ ) = = NO[VnlVA lltltl|l)6- |:;sl=ur.il=coNl .. (n:<=qo ;.Ez z r!:x YY'F F ^ aJt Z'F; d aiE aoc6d 8:!F ie $g E-i9 ftiN(J z tr l Fl!; f E F Ooo O! ao-(UE J z Eoo z F oa UJFJ 3 UJz ||tttl) rtttl7 z- zF f;e F6."i5pP9=f ;EE =83?p;3 fl r E o2<coctoz=l-lllltlRl | | | l s?= = 'th t!) -3 < rHF2 e =deJ<=+e.E9iEg55oo(Jrz<) z tr) .J)z uJ o I o(f) I F UJI (J >< UJ =l!c F FIo 2 E F = L!F z UJ(L uJzx i F @o (\l (n I& t!(L ciu-lalo JF;;. ctr |.-' cci oz F C) uJ-r Eo- I llclil r ulF o 6 J Iz I UJ t (u(Jg o,! vl:(u'd =L o .u rJ z m -)I uJ z ul o - F (J E uJ oo = F() =l. (u (o =E tr =v uJ oo @l u.rl olot<lrl <l =l nl =l xl 1l =l<t >l (L E doo aE tr IJJz3 I.JJ =r <F uJ<zE (nZ <o(JF -< ;'F =zruO), E. zt- ;# )zr!o <^ YF ?() =<*triz =8 E. +EFFOz. -)<Oo9.!6 5TD Jz z z_eoo =z a! rJ- J =a/'\ F =L!(D UJ otr cto o, o ': E=oi.i.jIJl- ou- oit>rFo ot, F lb = liE, I'lrJ r- o-zo F(J f E,Fazo C) ,,<.---\/.\e\, /fl= ^ld J/ I'r=-'<_-J_) a =) t' \|. EE boyle engineering, inc, 143 e. meodor,v dr. suite n-10 crossroods shopping cenler r,loil, colorodo 81657 303/476-2170 1t/ b 4[(.7uly 7,19 83 Mr. Gary Murrain Tor.rn of VaiI Building Department 75 South Frontage Road Dear Gary: On JuIy 1, 1983, f made a visual inspection of the cribwall behind the above-noted residence. while we would have designed the wall with nore deadmen and better drainage measures, I feel that due to the height of the wall' thefact that it has been in pJ-ace for a year without probJ.ems, andl the rel-ative dryness of the site, the wall should besufficient' for the intended purpose. 9incerely yours, Vail, CoLo flrlin Esidence Slest Gore Creek TOWN OF VAIL-t- 4 f,' --L ( i- ,r ir J i( < \JOB NAMEDATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION: t\MON TUES WED / THUR FRI AM PM BUILD!NG: EI FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB s 'a Xa\^ro+ro4 trl tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR rNstctoN REou; DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIQN:,q,1 -&,^) JOB NAME MON CALLER BUILDING: \ roorrrucs / srEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. E] ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING O INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL D tr POOL / H. TUB n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ tr SUPPLY AIR tr ax'r{xt tr FINAL '1 .BPBOVED IRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ? ''z- ft/DATE / - <" 4,t TNSPECTOR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON t rnst-cfloN- RFouEq-f t, TOWN OF VA|L \ '. JoB NAME ?l/F ffua'r^, w wED €iFrnr QL--. CALLER TUES BUILDING:PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL RAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAT tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o tr tr tr D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED ECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOB - ,*rf?"toN ,o, *o"= $ TOWN OF DATE READY FOR INSPECTIO LOCATION: CALLER TUES BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION D SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR PPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,. - I rn#cnoN TOWN OF .1 t REOUEST "vArL \ . ,a,^,,, l() f /f { v,o, "o^n= INSPECTION:MONREADY FOR LOCATION: CALLER r\,TUES I WED THUR AM bv; BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND gi noucn / D.w.v. €I ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr n GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR rl ,'ii,ti,tr FINAL 7 //tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: L rrht y'v.ll ,"#"toN TOWN OF; REOUESTVAIL r., DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER ..MON TUES ,' THUR FRI ,AM '. PM] BUILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: - tr UNDERGROUND - tr ROUGH/D.W.V. - tr ROUGH/WATER - tr GAS PIPING - tr POOL / H. TUB n n - tr FINAL MECHANICAL: - tr HEATING - tr EXHAUST HOODS - tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELE ur trF trC tr- CTRIGAL: TEMP, POWER ROUGH CONDUIT tr FINAL DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED $rn ';i,y ) ! e,.. DATE INSPECTOR ,"rt"toN neouisi' TOWN OF VAIL \ DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THURREADY FOR LOCATION: FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr UNDERGBOUND - tr ROUGH / D,W.V. O ROUGH / WATER O GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr- tr FINAL MECHANICAL tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER tr tr tr tr ROUGH CONDUIT tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR il Y ?roe NAME ,i INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES * INSPECTIONTOWN OF 'lt I REOUEST !. VAIL '"b DATE BEADY FOR LOCATION: THUR FRI AM 'PM\*-/ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDEBGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER$ rnnvrruc r_.r ROOF & SHEEB - PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n -/"1 tr SUPPLY AIR t'l,,-T _-- '/ tr FINAL .' ./ tr FINAL ' "/ tr APPROVED ,'/&E$'^PPRovED frEINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ,*#"rroN REeuEsr JOB NAME ' ' TOWN OF VAIL CALLER fNSPEQTION: MoN TUES WED THUR FRI dtltt' "'PM ' !/i tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL F tr FBAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING B INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT o o SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL .I.,8-APPROVED , CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR ,*#"toN neouisi TOWN OF VAIL +s DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR .FRI ,,'AM ,' . I i. PM (.t BUILDING: E] FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - fi SxeernOCK NA;L z'it" .' .-'t 'l tr tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr tr.FINAL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND T] ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS B SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL ;;fr.'APPROVEO CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED '.\ DATE INSPECTOR ,: t/ DATE READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-., ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING B INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH EI EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E FINAL O FINAL ffieaoves CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED 4- RETNSPECTTON REQUTRED .INSPECTORDATE ,*rt"toN TOWN OF neouesi VAtL DATE BEADY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED BU!LDING:PLUMBlNG: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR F FINAL tr FINAL ,{-neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*#"toN REeuEsi' TOWN OF VAIL " . DATE ,1 '., INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr GAS PIPING tr tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL ..'-'*,9 AppRovED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTORDATE 7f3 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION REQUESl TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:FRI AM. PI BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUM B IN G: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.O FOUNOATION / STEEL O FHAMING n tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF A SHEER " PLYWOOO NAUING O GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK O POOL / H. TUB NAIL o o o'prsos 1on 'taa FINAL ELECTRICALs O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING O FOUGH O EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR ? -ta- o O FINAL O FINAL tr DISAPPBOVED O REINSPECTION HEOUIRE CORRECTIONS:. /eenoveo .: ri \l1\ ..l -i. r! i.e r ,L \t'\l .l';I-, tl... t);:: ai CHECK REQUEST PREPARED BY: VENDORNAME:T rz-o-, ,^r*-, DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE:CLEAN UP DEPOSIT ]RxFUNpFORBP# 1gtNAME OFJOB:'T K- a' , ,-.. P* t ACCOLINTNUMBER:010000 22002 AMOL]NT OF REFIIND, # 5 . .^ ^, - DATE APPROVED: ()nx lfi cP ^z ; z t- m-l, c)o = x z = mo 3 { =z -{ oxzm :6\iqd =;*1E 3o-?3POran ts,^;{z2c,o o nm t IrFftl DOH .Itno(- mo-{ zo @ m N N C."r Tm7 =I z'o m 3 ='11 mmU' VALUATION zo o - 6{u z2 z m ...1 --{ r m c3 z E\ irEtgr ;s\ixi;s' il$ N t>F ;c>- <o >tr! i'v';.c> c;i€igZtnoo>crj Ezg.z5>>-zv6.o U|r:na z;- q6>. an1 Fi i; e z a z I Rt{cE-7o&\eg box l(Xl uail, colorado 81657 (3031 4765513 August 10, 1981 David Invin Box 3342 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Dave: At the August 5 meeting of the was given final approval with of drivevlay - add 2 spruce, on 6r -- 4 of trees mJst be 8r or Peter Jamar Town P'lanner PJ:df department of community development DRB Submittal of 8-5-81 Lot 45, Vai'l Village llest #2 Design Review Board, your submitta'l the following stipulations: west slde east - add 4 spruce or pine minimrm larger. Si ncerel ..I tl Project Application Prolect Name: -i K W.,/t/ I'FS / ,/?f,/1/ CF oat Ttvh an t?.Fl/ Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: ttl / f /( tJt/ _ Lr,/o Architect, Address and Phone: ,zone JF Com menls: Design Review Board Date F/Nrtfut^*o DISAPPROVAL /ll/nun t o,. ENGINEERING CHECK LIST Subdivision Lot Bl ock Filing at!tn 1. Submittal Items (l{ot Acceptable}(Acceptabl e) ./t/ t'/ (A) Topo Map (B) Site P'lan(c) utility Plan (D) Tit'le Report (E) Subdivision Agreement (if app'licable) 2. 3. E0o ileeri ng Requi rements (A) Culvert Size l?r"(si oriveway Grad-(8E'ffi Source of Uti'lities Electri c Gas Sewer !Jater Tel ephone T.V. 4. Cwunents:-<a <)7at P1A^) A B c D E F Approved: 'i|,e I:10 Disapproved; - Department o Bill Andrews Ll QO oOProject Application - protecr Name: ,i v'i<) Y/,C -Ji vvll/ /\ F{ i,')i:,,/CE -77rue a, /fl/ Proiect Description:| /,//6" /- F ,1.i/?t4 y' contact person and p6on" .,')_t,tt: :-t1 w,.,+ ,t:/l - rft g a Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriptio n: tot y'i , Design Review Board //,u" 1//t/8 / ,/ ./ Motion by: DISAPPROVAL 'r,,/ i ,,-.f,-/t -t/tzzh. €4e'hZ I iil,Project Appticatio" ft $.; a I g61s ./.U',J, , t't, lq,+/ ' . Project Name: Proiect DescriPtion: owner Address and Phone: 'f : t Jlz tt-t tz 't - ()r.'r' 'rrr' F '.:'rF ?/€'{/,'t ArchitectAddressand Phone: 1n.' 3'3yJ ,.,?/,-1^'(.'r,na/.y'6 fl46'f 9/.'- -.(/1n Legal Description' Lot 4/.j- , Block , Filing 2a 2. |t.a,/' y',/./L.- c bl/.r cf Zoning Approved: Deslgn Review Board O^r"M APPROVAL Summary: i z2cnug 4A,Wtc Chief Building Official ZONE C}IECK SFR, R, for P/S ZONE DISTRICTSR Legal Owner Description: Lot {noru Zone District Lot Area / Setbacks: Landscaping: Park ing : Fil ing Archi tcct Proposed Use Hei ght A'l 'lowed t, - - ), " - '-:- r'.'_-,^.' ,.. ., -:rl'ront-Required 20, proposed 36'Proposed Sides-Required .|5, proposed Rear -Required '15' proposed lrfaterccurse-required proposed GRFA:. GRFA:Prir*rry Al loured Secondary Allorved Site Coverage: A1loived Secondary Proposed Proposed Required Required Aa./Proposed / /-Proposcd U{ Propc;: ed Actualda,/Drive: Slope Permitted 6 ,/O '_Stope Primary Envi ronmental /Ha za rds : Ava'l anche Flood P'iain 7o:r !nS,l',/D i s.-. p grro '.'::ri Dat ': : f UTITITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDTVTSIN Vntt yrrt4h e *par JoB N^ME /J-AV/A Z/lV/r/ . fJEslldEUcE _ Lgt_* 46___BL ocK FILING * ,L ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposedlines, mrst be approved and verified by the forlowing utilities foi the accompanying site plan. Authorized Signature Mountain Be11 Western Slope Gas Public Service Company Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Vail Cable T.V. Upper Eagle Va1 ley Water and Sanitation District V 'ilil^lrl-h'.-i1/3 6/ .r-l{-8,@/ftwtw u; & 14// lrrc /,f*g ry NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit fron the Town of Vai.l , Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easernent in the Torrn of Vail. A buildi.ng pernit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut pernit nust be obtained separately. This forrn is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with prcparing your utility plan and scheduling installatious. * .llIST OF I{ATIRIALS NAME OF PROJECT LEGAL DESCRTPTIoN: LOT4 ./6_!LACK FITING .* P- DESCRIPTION OF PRO'ECT The following information is Board before a final approval A. BUILDING MATERIALS Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window T::im Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimeys Trash Errcl. osures Greenhous es Other PIA]'{T MATERIALS (Vegetative, Landscaping Botanical Nane required for submittal can be given: the applicant to the Design Reviewby /A/r(//e/r/E/t,Lap e&2n rvacs Eoct - lt74 LFa4/Z 4nvu,a'o/ ,lnz14'ZlaF oaato. -, - * - - /rl-C , .- -- tz( - F4zFrtrzsf4l --- - - f)'044€4oNlU - 8 'gzEv ;)EraL .oZpt eaann B. Materials including Common Nane Trees ,Shrubs, Q]lantit_Y and Ground Cover) Size -r4u'E*fz" .6lbe aPzzs: Z 45'raF. t -A4 /tw'y AF-EZ7trJ I 'i I OIHER TANDSCAPE FEATURES (Retaining llalls, Fences, Swinning Pools, etc.) Please specify. SOI LS AND FOUNDATTON INVESTIGATION FOR LOT 45, VAIL V I LLAGE WEST F IL IhIG NO. EAGLE COUNTY, @LORAM PREPARED FOR: MR. DAVID IRWIN PREPARED BY: INTEF},IOUNTAI N ENG I NEERI NG, LTD. Box C-100 Avon, Colorado 81620 PROJ€CT NUMBER V.OI4zG August 15, 1980 TABLE OF CONTENTS coNcLUs roNs sc@E SITE LOCAT]ON AND DESCRIPTION SITE INVESTIGATIOI{ SUBSURFACE AND GROIJNDWATER CONDTTIONS FOUNOATI ON RECOMMENDATlONS SLAB @NSTFI|CTIOt,I BACKFILL AND SURFACE DRAINAGE LAWN IRRIGATION M ISCELLANEOUS LOCATION OF TEST PlT SUMI',IARY OF TEST PIT ST,IELL.CONSOLI DAT ION TEST RESULTS i,PISTURE MRRIER DETAI LS I I I 2 3 3 4 5 5 DRAWING NO. I FIGURE NO. I FIGURE NO. 2 FIGIJRE NO. 3 coNcLUs toNs Subsoi I conditions are fairly uniform over fhesite with 0 to 1.5 feet of topsoll, underlain by sllty clay with sand to a depth of 3.5 feet. From 5.5 fo a depth of 8 feet, the soi ls contained cobbfes and boulders to 2 feet and laroer ln d i ameter. The proposed single-fami ly residence should be founded on conventional spread footings designedfor a maximum soil bearing pressure of 11000 psf. SCOPE This. report presents the nesults of a Soi ls and Foundafion Investi- _r-gation foi the proposed single fami ly residence on Lot 45, Yai I Vlllage Wesl Fi ling No. 2, Eagle County, Colorado. The investigation was prepared by means of an open pit and laboratory testing of samp les obtained from the open pif. This investigation presents a description of surface and subsurface conditions encountered at the site, recommen ded foundation systems, allowable design pressures, groundwater conditions as well as design and construction criteria inf luenced by the subsoi ls. SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION -*- The site is located in a portion of Section ll, Township 5 South, Range 8l West of the Sixth Principal Merid.iran, Eagle County, Colorado, FOUNDATI ON RE@MMENDATIONS Non-swelling silty clay with sand will be encounfered in the excavatlon. The proposed residence should be founded on conventlonal spread footings desi gned for a maximum soi I bearing pressure of 1,000 psf (dead load plus one-half llve load). At this pressure, foundatlon settlements wl ll be tolerable. The botfom of the footing should be p laced a minimum of 48 inches below final grade for frosf profectlon. Some of the low density soils are very susceptibte to changes in npi$ture confent. A nplsture barrier, as detai led on Figure No. 3, ls recommended. An inspectlon of the excavation, prlor to placing concrete, should be made by a representative of Infer-Mountain Engineering, Ltd., to verify that the soil condifions encountered in the test pit are uniform throughout the sife. SLAB CONSTRUCTION The soils fhat will support slabs are stable at thetr natural rDoi,sture contents. However, changes in this natural nplsture content may cause sore consolidation. To minlmize any possible damage that could be caused by consolidafion of the soi ls supporting interi,or slabs, 'fie slabs should be separa*ed from all bearing members and utllify & lines to allow their independent movements. Slabs should be scored lnto maximum 2OO square foot areas to localize and control anv cracking and heavi ng. BACKFILL AND SURFACE DRAINAGE The foundation soi ls encountered in portions of fhe site shou ld be prevented from bein-g wetted after constructlon. Generally, this can be accomplished by insuring that the backfill placed around the foundation walls willrnot settle after completion of construction and that the backfi ll materia I is relatively impervious. Water should be added to backfill material to allow proper compaction -- do not oudd le. Surface water should be diverted dra inage swa les or running toward the structure from upslope areas around and away from the building by means of other sirni lar measures. The final grade should have a positive slope away"from the foundation walls on all sides. A minimum of 12 inches in the first ten feet is recommended. Downspouts and sill cocks should discharge in*o splash blocks that extend beyond the limits of the backflll. Splash blocks should slope from the foundation walls. The use of - _ l-- long downspout extensions in place of splash blocks ls advisable. - LAWN IRRIGATION Do not install sprinkler systems nex+ +o foundafion walls, porches or patio slabs. lf sprinkler systems are installed, the sprinkler heads should be placed so tbat fhe spray from the heads, under full pressure, does not fall within f ive feet of foundation walls, porches or patio slabs. Lawn irrlgation musf be control led. lf the future owners desire lo plant next to foundation wails, porches or patio slabs, and are willing.to assume the risk of structural damage, etc., then it is advisable to plant only f lowers and shrubbery (no lawn) of varieties that requ ire very little moisture. These f lowers and shrubs should be hand-watered only. M ISCELLANEOUS Some of the soils at the site are potentially consolidative and the owner should be cautioned that there is some risk of future damage. The owner ls directed to those items covered under BACKFILL AND SURFACE DRAINAGE, and LAWN lRRlGATl0N. Our experience has shown that damage due to swelling or consol idating soi ls usually resu lts from saturatlon of the foundation soils caused by improper drainage, excessive irrigation, and poorly consolldated backfills. The elimination of the potentlal sources of excessive water will greatly minimize the rlsks of constructlon of thls site. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Dave lrwln for the speclfic applica+ion to the.proposed residence located on Lot 45, Vail Vlllage West Filing No. 2, Eagle County' Colorado. The findings and recommendations of this report have been obtained ln accordance wlth accepted professional engineering practices in the field of Foundation Engineering and Soi I Mechanics. There is no other warranty, either express or implied. Sincerely, INTER-I4OUNTAl N ENGINEERTNG, LTD. GTA:cjn Steve Reiner, P.E. Chief Soils Engineer ffi;;lll,g. {E;-*hi'4} b^fi:.:1-1-* G l,u 3A*tr-, att-Y 1e:''Jatz' fi -uu Lu."u Dr. LOCATION OF TEST BORINGS 45, PROPOSED RES IDENiE VAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING EAGLE CCIJNTY, CoLoRADO FOR MR. DAVE IRWIN NO. ?RorEcr No, v-0l42G i ^o.ud cv I scelr, I orre DRATvTNG No. I OATE DRILLED: ELEVATION: -; TEST PIT NO. CLAY, Si lfy with Sand, | - Cobbles & Boulders CLAY, Si lty with Sand Bottom of Test Pit 8r No groundwaler en co un te red SUMMARY OF TEST PIT o toPROPOSED RES IDENCE VAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING NO. EAGLE CoUNTY, CoLORADO FOR MR. DAVE IRWIN LOT 45, PRorEcr No.: V-0 I 42G € UJ3u, I 2o E<Lo ou,zo() I l0 t2 o.l t.o LOAO l(SFl xHand Drive Sample NAT. MOISTURE CONTENT 9.5 % NAT. DRY DENSITY IO I PCF BoBING NO Test Pit I DEPTH * Add it i BORING NO. DEPTH t JJ UJ3U) I zIF o Jou)zo C) o-l SAMPLE OF t.o ( r(sF I l0 NAT. MOISTUBE CONTENT mai onv DENSlry PCF SWELL - CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOr 45, VAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING N0. EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO FOR MR. DAVE IRWIN PnoJ€cr No V-0 | 42G Ffcunt No 2