HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 2 LOT 6 LEGALi. lh+ l" Vt/bZ Dcpartmcnt of Commanity Dcvelop mmt 75 South Frontdge Road VaiL Ahrado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 uutu.aailgou.com July 11, 2008 Mr. and Mrs. Chance J. Smith 112 Trinity Bluffs Aledo, TX 76008 Re: 1755 W Gore Drive Vail, Colorado 81658 Certified Letter #7003 226 0005 8346 2516 NOTICE of UNSAFE CONDITIONS Dear Mr. Smith, A site inspection was performed by the Town of Vail on July 9, 2008, at the request of Mr. John Lowdermilk of Lowdermilk Plumbing and Heating Inc, to access the possible code violations of the mechanical systems within the single family residence located at 1755 West Gore Drive. This inspection revealed several potential life threatening issues. This confirmed the concerns of possible carbon monoxide poisoning by occupants of the Residence. This letter is a formal notice that the gas is to be shutoff to the boilers within 48 hours and the downstairs bedroom is to remain vacated until corrective action is taken under a permit approved by the Town of Vail. An inspection at the site shall be made after 48 hours to determine if the gas has been shutoff. lf access is not given and or it is determined that the gas has not been shutoff to the aforementioned appliances the gas to the home shall be shutoff per Section 1 15.3 of the Intemational Building Code. The following code violations will be required to be addressed and conected under an approved Town of Vail Building permit: , 1. The mechanical room does not have sufficient combustion air provided for the amount of appliances within the space provided. The dryer is required to be exhausted to the outside and additional exterior makeup air is required for all dryers exceeding 200 cfm. The cunent configuration of the room does not allow for the required accessibility of the hot water heater. The door between the bedroom and the mechanical room is required to be sealed and self closing. Note: the approved plans did not show this room'as a bedroom. 2.. 3. 4. {2 o"tc*ruo r 5. The bedroom is required to have an egress window complying with section R310 of the International Residential Code. The existing window will need to be reconfigured to meet this requirement. Sincerefy, t/4G Martin A. Haeberle Chief Building fficial cc: John Lowdermilk, George Ruther, Mike Vaughn, Jennifer Eliuk DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, July 5, 2000 3:fi1P.M. PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Department MEMBERS PRESENT Clark Brittain BillPierce Hans Woldrich Melissa Greenauer John Schofield (PEC) SITE VISITS MEMBERS ABSENT 'l . Davis residence - 5133 Black Bear Lane2. Golden Peak / Vail Ski Mountain - 458 Vail Valley Drive3. Pearson residence - 303 Gore Creek Drive4. Raether- 278 Rockledge Rd.5. Forey residence - '1755 w. Gore Creek Drive Driver: George ,::i co,oy 12:00 pm 1:30 pm PUBLIC HEARING -TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Davis residence - Conceptual review ol a new single-family residence. 5133 Black Bear Lane/Lot 14, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Kurt Davis MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: John Schofield VOTE: 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 3:00 pm Brent 1. 2. That the power box be screened on all sides with landscaping. That slaff approval of zoning/engineering issues is required. Pearson residence - Final review of proposed 250 addition and exterior remodel. 303 Gore Creek Drive ttl zclLot 2, Block 5, Vail Village 1"I. Applicant: Vickie Pearson, represented by Ron Diehl George MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: TABLED UNTIL JULY 19, 2OOO Forey residence - Final review of roof replacement. Allison/ 1755 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 6, Vail Village West 2no Filing. George Applicant: Keating Partnership MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: John Schofield VOTE:4-0 (Pierce recused) CONSENT APPROVED PER THE PLAN 2. 4. Thornburg residence - Final review of exterior remodel. Allison/ 1460 B Greenhill CourVlot 20, Glen Lyon. Ann Applicant; Tom Thornburg, represented by Fritzlen PierceMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED UNTIL JULY 19, 2OOO 5. Raether residence - Final review of existing metal roll-up blinds. George 278 Rockledge Road/Lot 15, Block 7, Vail Village 3'o. Applicant: Paul Raether, represented by Segerburg, Mayhew ArchitectsMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED UNTTL JULY 19, 2000 6. Golden PeaUVail Ski Mountain - Conceptual review of a new snowmaking facility, Brent 458 Vail Valley Drive/Tract B, Vail Village 1't Filing. Applicant: Vail ResortsMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: CONCEPTUAL_ NO VOTE 7. Gore Creek Whitewater Park - Final review of the placement of boulders and plant Brent materials within the Gore Creek Stream Tract. Gore Creek Promenade/Tracts | & A, Block 58, Vail Village 1'r Filing. Applicant: Vail Valley Tourism and Convenlion Bureau & Town of VailMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED UNTIL AUGUST 2.2OOO Staff Aporovals Crossroads of Vail - Replacement of planters. George 143 E. Meadow Drive/Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Village 1't Filing. Applicant: Crossroads of Vail Condominium Association Noel, Inc. - Extension of patio deck. Brent 183-2 Gore Creek Drive/Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village 1"t Filing. Applicant: Noel, Inc. Press residence - Replace deck, remove stucco wall. Allison 975 Fairway CourVlot 3, VailVillage 1Oth Filing. Applicant: Thomas Press Town of Vail - July 4'n Public Information signs. Ann Vail Village and Lionshead Applicant: Town of Vail Town oi Vail - July 4'n Special Events signs. Ann Vail Village and Lionshead Applicant; Town of Vail Sunshine Scooter Barn - New sign. George 141 E. Meadow Drive, Unit A"l7llot P, Block 5D, Vail Village 1" Filing. Applicant: Derek Freedman Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FzlX 970-479-2452 wwwci.vail.co.us August 15,2OO2 Gordon Saltire P.O. Box 1371 Vail, CO 81658 Daniel and Karen Forey 25088 Foothills Dr. North Golden, CO 80401 SENT VIA CERTIFIED MAIL RE: The Forey Residence, located at 1755 West Gore Creek Dr. / Lot 6, Vail Village West Filing No. 2 To Gordon, Daniel, and Karen: It has come to my attention that improvements have been made to the your residence, located at 1755 West Gore Creek Dr. / Lot 6, VailVillage West Filing No. 2, which do not comply with Title 12 (Zoning) of the Vail Town Code. Specifically, improvements have been made to the driveway which were not indicated on the approved building permit set of plans. ln addition, you have constructed patios in both the 50 ft. Gore Creek setback and the 1O0-year flood plain. These improvements were made without proper approval. According to the Town of Vail records, you do not have a Certificate of Occupancy, nor a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy at '1755 West Gore Creek Dr. No final inspections were ever completed or requested on Building Permit No. 899-0108. You will need to resolve these issues and pass the proper inspections before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. I am happy to work with you to resolve these issues. Please call me at 970-479-2369 at your earliest convenience to schedule a meeting. These issues need to be resolved immediately. Sincerely, ..-.,,./liI. l,.l 't 4itl,ttuuwq Allison Ochs. AICP Planner ll Town of Vail {,7*"n"uo"o A/FIDllbnrlhr t ,.*r1ilffiH ffiin, Ftru.ry 0.,206 Slb^*lnr! l7t5 @ffi CREiEK DR VAff- tTtcocrRE CFEEI( oR B-rCcH srb[ryr: Asf{t qStr: E!!.[D[f,.: [|?AII: .nm. -rT ffiHi TffiHHs^l|EFmsilf Flcou..fdJr.!.cdo{drl lbn: $0 tBCHfltlIR{||bG CRRYT]HSYPLIffiiEcorirnru xrc.ran?-s7i!A-FrdTo: CSI'E- ACotr: TInc Erp: Rr<nrebdTlno: 0O:004t- PlFil: lIlO{,76'Z38 Ernd+ ooq.DEN r d4;A D qr/ lnspcc0on t[!trt fr.m: 2fl) l:Chnr 3tO IECItr'm: 3t5 Ptlllbm: 33tl 1fClbtn: aFn EClbm: 3tO EClbm: Q ICC p Best . copy Rvailable REPTl31 Bun Id: 2661 L2/20/2004 14:12 FAtr 07082752C4 lnchor (nnl ttml Jerry Slbley Plbng INC @ 002 TFTELEDYNE LAARS An Allcghrny TsledYnc ComPonY ( Standard Equlpment and Specitlcatlons Model.fVi II nral -I (rlmu I wwrnY Irurt Vlu !."tf, 6aA i?t Bzsl tl$t Silc Vhrf I[odel JV frill Ylow Ldrsl& Vbt ,ttwte|c{fncloors'cpnr 6000 Condor Drht . MoorF K CA glOZ | ' 805'529'2@0 FAX 805'529J93{ T l"d;;iuhr;no.n&o, NH 03867 ' 603'335'6300 FA)( 603'135'33ss I I i ;; ;;;. nendotph' },tA 02368' 7E l'eE6't100 FA)( tsl'986'ee07 , .tr. .t---J- ----)^t.v trJr r Qo( tll t?lt FAX !t05 n44.2615 +ft$ '1,i| lor plofna I I II 1Q 1i/2, 1n tn 1t2 !r.' lll.a 03,2 82{ aat t2J a2 go r{.! 15 ztt lqo atrc t6,6ts /|tl aa &9 Or"nt,trr Orw QorrOr*t @ nr cnn ffiEr6g || 2rirf, 152 2t.fl{ !t p{a slg 2-2A nt u.la 57t za.lll fit ztln 6nt n-1d I zt-v? rst n-tnN n.1p o, zt-78 fi ?.r,. t6 ?.J. t0t 2&3'. 'll,zNt ?fl tl/r fu !r.rz o0 2'S m a- fit a.$ ort a6l 60 ?.l',At fl &lt 9l 1lnt 3{0 ,t$3tr 3.0 167D aA 1s70 flt 20J! 5'l zra,t 06t sr ll.0 $l ral ttt n.8 n2 r7,0 llll v.a tgz 10,4 & t2't 09 le. ltt t{.4 10. at 1$ trt rl! t+t !0 t{5 75 z|.t rD ,01 r25 +6't60 .6c fl5 &9 [0 oozJerry Slblev Plbne INc ......--- I tzttttzool16:Eo FAtr s7oE2762ti ^l-o f $-ilJ A I 9r J -Ja\ tE 6\o rI flrN {F} = NPs'\f -?it*- g i-;J*\$s 1 N l . $UlN ?guiLxf+ zFE+i 4s os -_ P\Er f1t+ L2/L7 /2004 v WILL Jerry SlbIeJ lI!!E INc IIOT BE AOCEPTID IF I'{CO""''TO* UIISIG]IED Project #: fr 11? Bullding Permit #: 97 G.47 9-2L4t (Inspedionr) Meqfianical Permlt #: Psrmlt will not be accapted wlthout the fullowing: { 75 S. Frontage Rd Vail, Golorado Ef REEMffi DIC 1 7 2i,04 TOV-COM.DEV. Conbct at97&328-8frOor # Parcef # JlO3 /)S oL OOg JobNrmer Kotur'l 6n*,Job Address:, 7s{d. c oo3l l€gal Desoipdorl Lot!u6*t Flling:Subdlvlslon: ownersName: g-,arr-.- ilj#tr" e],,L^s s{ be.rLe- ilth*fos -gpg- gg..rp Engineer: < I Adclrcss:Phone; mlleddqscriptlonofwsrk: .l I tlVe-alnr* sila,.;.ilt-eJ{- brq ,l.r Wo*6ass: new( ) Additton( ) nrerdqr( ) neparrlh otsrer( ) Bolhrlocafnn: InEriorffi EGedor( ) ober( )Does an EHU €Ddst at thls locatlon: Yes ( ) . No!() ff,peotBbg: liingle-frmiry(X Duplex( ) MultFfamily( ) Comrrrcrcial ( ) Restaunnt( ) Other( ) No. of E<lsting Dwelllng Unltr In hls buildirg: - No. of AeommodaUon UniE ln $ls hJlldlng: -- No/TvDe of FlreDlaces E:<isdnq: Gas Appllarrces ttt\ eastfrls(Ll wood/Pdlst L ) Wmd Burnlnq ( ) Nofrype ofFireplaG Propose* cas AnnlunerJ$c t-ogs (@woo4reu C'lg,laaod Euplng (NoTAlIowED) Ilde{rie? Yes( ) NoK) vffi **:r+**rF:lcrFrt****** rtrF;r* r****OFFICE USE LY***+***1.********r******:f tf f ,f *rF:F o l**+*aa****af***:!**llfl+a*aat+++*t**at***+aafa+*aaa*taaaa**afr*+a*f**f*ai**'}*tttfa+++a+at++* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statementa**'3*a*+***fatl+++****+*a+'0+a*a+*++*fa*{talaaaa****alf*aaaal*fa*fa{'at***ll+at++aa*+t+*f'}t**a* Staterrbrrt Number: RO4OOO?293 Amount: g1?8.00 L2l27 |2OO41'2z49 pM Palment ltethod: Check Init: LC. Notation3 ,JerrySibley/30L25-----------Permit No: M04-0375 gpe: MECHAIIICAL PERMITParcel No: 210312305004Site Addregs: 1-755 GORE CREEK DR VAILLocation: 1?55 GORE CREEK DR Total Fees: $178.00This Palment: $178.00 Totsal AIJIJ Pnts: $178.00Balalce: 50.00f*'tt*l*****t*lt++'3**flfll*+a****'}****lla****a*l+faltfl**tfttt+++***49*r**alla*r*a'|*a*r***l*+t ACCOTINT ITEM UST: Account Code Description Current, Prntg MP OO1OOOO31111OO MECIIAIITCAII PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PIJAI{ CHECK FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WTLL CATIJ INSPECTION FEE 140.00 35.00 3.00 TOWNOF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970479-2t38 ,l:*,1*ili| **+* *+ * + + +:i l' + la:|* **,l a Mechanical---> $140 . 00 Restuannt Plan Reyiew-> o'Qnrrrrs*T oF coMMrJNrry o"*ror?^,$o \).^^t U,. L\*e{^-tJJ < \-J \ .,{c" NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHAMCAL PERMIT Permit #: M04-0375 Job Address: 1755 GORE CREEKDRVAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1755 GORE CREEK DR Applied . . : 1212112004 Parcel No...: 21Q312306004 Issued. . : 12127/2004 Project No : N /A Expires . .: O6/25/2OOi OV\INER FOREY, DANTEL aI . & KAREN B. 1,2/21/2004 Phone: 325 CI,AYTON ST DENVERco 80206 License: CONTRACTOR,JERRY SIBIJEY PI-,UI{BING L2/21,/2004 Phone: 970-827-5736P.O. BOX 340 MINTURN, CO 8164 5License: 152 -M APPI-,ICANT,JERRY SIBI-,EY PI-,UMBING L2/2t/2004 Phone: 970-827-5736P.O. BOx 340 MTNTURN, CO 81645 License : L52 -I{ Descipion: REPLACE SNOWMELT BOILER SAME FOR SAME Valuation: S6.016.00 Fireolace lnformation: Restrict€d: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pell*: 0 FEE SI-IMMARY S0.00 Total Calculated Fe€s--> $178.00 Plan Check--> lnvestigation-> Will Call----> s35.00 DRBFe€--------> s3.00 S0 . oo Additional Fees------> BALANCE DUE.-----.> $0.00 TOTAL FEES > $178.00 Total Permit Fee-----> $178.00 s0.00 s0.00 Payments----------> S178.00 IICM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT L2/27/2004 JwI Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OFAPPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG. ) : FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:22 (BLDG. ) : COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 IIMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BI-,DQ. ) : TNSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I,JMC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1.997 IMC. Cond:25 (BI-,DG. ) : GAS APPIJIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I AND SHALL TERMINATE As SPECIFIED IN sEc.8O5 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CIaPTER 3 AND SEC.10I-7 OF THE 1997 IJMC AND CTIAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:31 (BLDG. ) : BoTLERS sHALL sB Mtrso oN FLooRs oF NoNcoMBusrt coNsr. uNLEssI,ISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTTBI,E FLOORING.Cond:32(BLDG.): PERMIT,PI,AIIS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED INMECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AI{ INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOII-,ERS S}IAI-,L BE EQUIPPED WITH A FI-,OOR DRAIN PER SEC. 1022 OF THE 1997 I'MC, ORsEcrroN l-004.5 0F THE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is corr@t. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desip review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTTON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOLR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. RGflcfbd ln$.ctDqbr Asilgncrl To:, lt|tF.cflon Typci lnslrcs{on Arir:SlbAddro$: flffirluuzr'zoot ilECHJffi 1755 GOf,E CREEK DR VAL{7gt W. CdrCru€k Dr,, t t6. WIT€ct A/FID lnfornr0on Owner: lrdtfir rilOl-fin? CofdTyra:Pritc: 2l(Btftn S.htri: F{ttGDlnrpAnil JFil FOREY &I(AR€NB.J B.J Plur: 97$82746?3 RequesEd Tlme: 0S!00 AllPtur; 97O€?7-$23 Eil.rdq,: DF1-OFES X hdd wrt gpo logilr.phcc F.fl|.3bdlnlo.ffisi lfr{r|r seo reCH+rtdR.$r.Cor: lEARlltl EXCF|AI.|GE, r*. 0lf )Conimrs: WADITSCO Adgnpd.To: CDAVIS Aefron: --.*- TlnnErp: lGEEeglbn Hlcbry tbm:lirn: ll.|n: Eaor:lhn: ItdD: nam: I 4n*Q dry;' b, I l"Dv Best copy Available srrbrlH: Asm 200 MECH-Rosfih (O$orED 3tO HECFI-Fledlrls (Cli$afleD 3{5 Pl-f,r8"G€6 Plfrne iopthnd)'340 MECl.l.E$au$t Hood3 iodlmall3S irEcFl-S$pplyAk (Optkhrl) 3,{, IrECF}}tr. {ffinartsn MEch{-Fhd {RdrtrrN) REIIXl31 Fttrn Id: 795 o DIRECT VENT GAS FIREPLACES (APPLIANCES) A unique feature of the "direct vent" gas fireplace is that there is no need for a traditional chimney. The double wall pipe comes in several sizes depending on manufacturer. The most common sizes are (5" x 8 5/8"), (4" x6 5/8"), (5" x 8"), and (4" x7"). The pipe can come off the top or back of the unit for ease of venting. Direct Vent means that the vent can be terminated horizontally, though vertical installations are also approved. At higher altitudes, a ratio of no less than 1:2 horizontal to vertical is necessary for adequate draw of the fireplace and proper function of the unit. The airtight firebox takes all its combustion air from the outside (through the outer pipe) and is ideal for today's tightly built homes. Direct Vent fireplaces can be installed in any room, and are especially good for bedrooms. Most direct vent fireplaces range in efficiency from 60o/o-820/o and the BTU inputs range from 19,000-60,000, depending on size and model. DirectVentfireplaces come in many styles such as the standard single sided, corners with two sides, see-through, bay style, and three-sided. Some models are "heater rated" and can operate like a furnace. They can be thermostatically controlled and usually have high efficiencies and BTU's. Almost all direct vent fireplaces are circulating (grills/ louvers at top and bottom of glass), but a couple of radiant models (flat black panels at top and bottom of glass) are available. Numerous options are available such as remote controls, fans, different trim materials and front options, wall switches, refractory upgrades, and log upgrades (not all options are available on all fireplaces). Finishing materials cannot cover any part of the grills. The panels must be accessible at all times to be able to access the gas valve and for proper air circulation. Each fireplace has its own valve either inside or underneath the fireplace (some areas of Eagle County also requires and auxiliary gas shut off valve outside the unit). The solid glass panels must remain in tact and cannot be changed, modified or covered in any way. Doing this will void the warranty and damage the structure of the fireplace. Only options offered by the manufacturer can be used. Nothing custom can be added to the fireplace. The logs inside the fireplace are designed by the manufacturer and the burn tube and logs are designed jointly to give the unit the best possible burn and flame height and color. Logs by Hargrove absolutely cannot be placed in any gas appliance. Direct Vent fireplaces are totally complete systems. Examples: Fireplace Xtrordinair 36DVXL & 32DVS Heat-N-Glo 7000, Grand50, Multisided Heatilator Novus, Caliber, Multisided Direct Vent Models ort ** oF coMMLrMr" or*ro*t NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES MECHANICAL PERMIT JobAddress: IT55CORECREEKDRVAIL Location....: 1755 W. Gore Creek Dr. / Lot 6' W West ParcelNo...: 210312306004 ProjectNo : ?PT q-9'' 6Lj1 OITINER FOREY DANIEI' .]AMES & KAREN 807/70/2001 PhONC: 25088 FOOTHII,I,S DR N GOITDEN CO 804 01 License: CoNTRACTOR HEARTH EXCHANGE, INC. (THE) 01/10/2001 Phone: 970-827 -9623 P.O BOX 570 MINTURN, CO 8164 5 License:774-l'4 APPLICANT FOREY DANIEIJ JAMES & KAREN BOL/|O/2OOT 25088 FOOTHIIJLS DR N GOI-,DEN CO 8 04 01- License: Phone: Mechalical_>$50'00RestuarantPlanReview.>$0.00Totalcslc.ulat€dFees-->$78.00 plan check-> f15.00 DRB Fee----> lo'00 Additioml Fees > $0'00 IDvc6tiga[on> $0.00 TOTAL FEE$-------------> $?s.00 Total Pemit Fee---> $78'00 Will Cdt--> $3.00 PayrFnts--> $78'00 BAIA|ICE DU|E-> l0 . 0 0 Item: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTMENT OL/!O/200! KIVARREN Action: NO o1l11l2001- JRM Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. REQUTRED PER SEC. ?01 oF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTTON 701 OF THE CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS OF THE 1997 I]MC, OR CHAP9ER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 81657 970479-2138 Desciption: Install direct vent gas log fireplace Valuation: S2,600.00 Fircplace Information: R€stricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: **tit*llr*****rtrt*ta*t**.|*+,t,traiat'tl+**t,t.lrtt"'t'l.|,i,|*l'art***+itlt" Permit #: Status.. . : Applied. . : Issued. . : Expires . .: M0l-0002 ISSUED 0l/10/2001 0t/rv200l 07/101200r 0 # of Gas l.ogs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE S1JMMARY *+tt'rri|r..***+!t**t*ir.r*****++t+*!:.i****++**+r*rr''r'******r ROUTED TO JRM FOR REVIEW INSPECTIONS REQ ' D PRIOR TO INSTALi-'ATION Cond: 12 FIEIJD INSPECTIONS Condz 22 COMBUSTION AIR IS L99? rMC. Cond: 23 INSTAI,I,ATION MUST 1997 T'MC, CHAPTER Cond: 25 GAS APPLIANCES SHALL SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 Concl: 29 WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.]-017 OF THE ].997ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY T'MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC' Cond: 31 eoiI,ens sgAIrIJ BE MoUNTED oN Fr,ooRs oF NoNcoMBUsrrBLE coNsr. uNLEss LrrsrED FoR MouNrrNG oN coMBusrt"o" .ooot". Cond: 32 PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAI-, ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. 7022 OP THE 1997 t'MC, OR SECTION 1004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. |tt*.*t++,t!B.'|..'.'tt**'*||.,F'rt|'***...'|d||||....****.t.|+|*'l...'r.+.|t++...*|||ti..|ft|.*||fl+|.''.'*...'|l}**||n..*.i+.' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have r€ad this applic'ation, filled out in full the information r€quired, completed an accurate plot plarL and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to compty with the information and plot plan, to comply with au Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sfiucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigr rwiew approvod, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thoeto' REQUESTS FOR INSPECTTON $TALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOTJR HOIJRS IN 8 OR AT OLJR OFFICE FROM t:OO AM - 5 PlYf OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNER 'r* t l * *+ ******* i r r*r 'tt |.r*'|t f ******a***'t****r{.* TOWN OF VAIL, COIORADOCopy Reprinted on 01-f G2001 tt l5t26zl7 0ur6/2001 Strat€ment +******t**ttt*tt't,t**a+**+t*********trtartal**t t **ltat*****:t****aa*r*lll**{.1*{.1'l*t*t****tlta*a*a Statement Number: R000000352 Amount: $78.00 0r/70/200L02:03 PM Pa]rment Method: Check Init: KMWNotation: *1288/HEARTH EXCHANGE Pernit No: Parcel- No:Site Aildress: LOcation: Thi s Patment : M01- 0002 210312306004 Ttrpe: MECHANICAL PER!{IT 1755 GORE CREEK DR VAIIJ 1755 W. Gore Creek Dr. / I'oL 5, W West $78.00 $78.00 $78.00 $0.00 Total Fees: Total AIJIJ PMIS 3 Balance: rrtt* *t ta*+++lt**t**t**t t* +**a*+*****a*t*t***r*a *flll*******lla*t ltr******a**++a *a****l**t. a* ACCOTJNTITEMUST: Account code Des cription Current Pmts MP PF wc 0010 00 0 31113 0 0 0010 0003112 3 00 0 0100 003112I00 MECHANICAI, PERMIT FEES PIrAN CHECK FEES WIIJIJ CALL INSPECTION FEB 50.00 15.00 3 .00 I 5y .. .t!rvt.!rLE I E frl( mwn0vyln 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colondo g165z frov-i-de ltledranical Ro,om layoutdrawn to scaleb indude:o lrfedranfcal Room OlrnelrinnJo Combustion Air DuctSlze and Locadono fluer Vent and Gas Unc S|ze ana LocaUons Heat Loss Calcs.o EquipmentCut/Specsheets Permitwiflnotoe@ ConEd Olt1eatgZO=oruidt for Patel # GOMPLETE vALuATroil FoR MEcHANTcAt pERMrr (Labor & Materiats)'.S COI{TRACTOR INFORMATION Detailed descripuonElilorr: &aition( ) Altention(v) Repair( ) O6er(), Eoilerl-ocaUon: tnteriortffi Does an EHU odst at this locadon: Ves ( ) ruo (l Type of Bldg: Slngt+famity ( 9uplet(( ) Mutd-famrly( ,mnt( ) oher( ) No. of Exlsting Durdting un,c n-ElsEffifr No. of ArrommodaUon Units in this buitding: Yg:g:Tf*P"="c MECTIANICA|: $ Contact and Phone #,s: ****l.***?5oFFIcEUsEoNtY**{.:ril:r:f:|.***:r****d.d.******d.**** / evcryon. /fonn!/med|plrrt| 'b9 DIRecT VENT MoDEL CFX-DA AUTHENTIC MASONRY LOOK Model CIX-DA combines the most authentic masonry look with outstanding energy efficiency to create an exceptional fireplace. Its glas viewing area is large and allows finishing products to be brought right up to the opening, lending to tiris fireplacel authentic masonry look. It also features Heat-N-Glo's patented ceramic fiber refiactory for a rcalistic look. The CIX-DA also offers design versatility with the option of 4 scts of available doors. DIRECT VENT TecuNoLoGY Model CFX-DA is a direct vent fireplace with a seald conrbustion chamber. Dirccnent fireplaces are air tight and take all of their combustion air fronr ouhide and thus are ideally suited for today's tighdy seald homes, even in a bedroom. I)irect vents keep the warm air in and the cold air out, providing exceptional thennal efficiencies and maintain indoor air quality. INSTALLATIoN VERSATILITY The CIX-DA's draft asisted design allows up to 50' horizontal, 40' vertical venting and 8 elbows for even more installation opportunities. CFX-36DA OPT|oNAL FRONTS BKA CFX3GO Black Arched frunt DF.CFX36D tslark Recl.rJrgulrr Irrolrt BKR.CFX36D Curved Desiglrer fiDish PBR.CFX36D lbllshed Brass Cun€d Dssigner Finish GRD-CFX36D cold R€ct2nSular Flolrt GAD.CFX36D Cold Archsl Fronl N{odcl CFX-DA shown with optional DF-CFX 36D Front Columbine North Condos - Deck addition. Allison 2821 Kinnickinnick, Building D (Columbine North)/Lot 4C, Block 4, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Jeffrey T. and Shari A. Rodeen Mattison residence - Deck addition. Allison 5047 Ute Lane/Lot 33, Vail Meadows 1'r Filing. Applicant: William and Helene Mattison AllisonCrossroads - Joint directory sign. 143 E. Meadow Drive/Lot P, Block 5D, VailVillage 1"'. Applicant: Trevina Ld./Crossroads of Vail Condo Assoc. Caster residence - Deck rail and door/window modification. Brent 2510 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 16, Block 2, Vail Village 13th Filing. Applicant: Sonny & Mary Caster Chamber's residence - Addition of stone to garage entry and handrail. Juliet 772 Potalo Patch Drive/Lot 10, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: Russell Chambers Allisonlllig residence - Change to landscape plan. 706 West Forest Road/Lot g, Block 1, Vail Village 6'n. Applicant: cliff lllig Vail Mountain Adventure Cenler - Outdoor display. 254 Bridge StreeVLot L, Block 5C, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Blanche Hill Breeze/Max - Outdoor display 244Wall StreeVlot L, Block 5C, Vail Village 1sr. Applicant: Intrawest Retail Group Flemke residence - Basement finish. Brent 1090 Vail View Drive/Lot 81 , Block B, Lions Ridge Filing 1. Applicant: Mary Flemke AT&T Wireless Services - Installation of rooftop wireless equipment. Brent 2077 N. Frontage Road/Lot 39, Buffer Creek. Applicant: Jayne Brandess Revocable Trust Garvie residence - Spa addition and heated stone patio. Allison 1675 Aspen Ridge Road/Lot 6, Block 4, Lionsridge 3'. Applicant: Carolyn Garvie Slifer residence - Awning. Ann 193 Gore Creek Drive/Portion of Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village l"tFiling. Applicant: Rodney and Elizabeth Slifer The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, localed at the Town ol Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138lor information. Sign language interprelation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Forey Residence Project Description: new roof Project Number: Owner, Address, and Phone: Daniel and Karen Forey 288 Clayton #100 DenYer, CO 80226 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Ireland, Stapleton, Pryor and Pasoce, PC 1675 Broadway Suite 2600 Denver. CO 80202 303-623-2700 Project Street Address: 1755 West Gore Creek Dr. Legal Description: Lot 6, Vail Vilage West 2nd Filing Parcel Number: Building Name: Comments: re-roof due to height problem Motion by: Seconded by: Ilans woldrich Vote: 4-0 (Pierce Abstained) Conditions: Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: 715100 Project Name: Document2 Board/StaffAction John Schoffield Action:consent approved DRB Fee Paid: Depafiment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co,us June 23, 2000 Karen Keating The Keating Partnership, PC 801 12th St. Golden, CO 80401 Fax: 303-279-4354 Ty Holt 1675 Broadway, Suite 2600 Denver, CO 80202 Fax: 303-623-2062 RE: The Forey Residence, located al Lot 6, Vail Village West Filing 2 Dear Karen: The Community Development Department has agreed to accept the revised survey to measure existing conditions. Because the impacts to the appearance of the house are substantial,.the roof change will need to be reviewed by ihe Design Review Board at their July 5b meeting. I have scheduled you for that meeting and I representative will need to be present. When an ILC is submitted, elevations shots will need to be taken at each roof ridge and eave, plus shots of the elevation where the buiding meets grade, to ensure that the house jn at the allowable height limit. tv Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 479-2369. Sincerely, )-j//h{L, L- (/ Ailtson ucns Planner ll Town of Vail - {gu"nuoruo a Jun-26-00 ll :15 Fror-lRELAllD n^ry 303823?700 T-13f P.0Un2 F-t 88 L TYRO E FIOLT 303 . 628 r 3530 (4$r!) 3{I3 r dD8 t 3721 (6uE$ nr, TtDdorrlbclt[$lEu m WdrB: **r.uUrl|t|DaEEs com June 26, 2000 v- r*ss,4q ;nP, p7o' ttg-z t rz Tom tvloorhead, Esquire Townof Vail 75 SourhFrontagcRoad Vail, Colorado 81657 Subiect: DearTom. Forey Residence. Lot 6. Yeilhlbge West Filug 2 One is$rc, urbich l neglected to raise in ny lener ro you ofFriday, Itrne 23, 2(XX), is our ueed for funbcr clarifrqriou with rcspect to tbc las 3e$ence ofMs Ocbs' letter ofJune 23. This serteoce contai$s "insuuctims" witb rcsp€ct to how the Toum wants the ILC ro be conducted afier &e reviscd roof is in placc iu order ro coufrm comptiance witb the epplicable rcguirements. Specificalln Ms. Ochs' lefier rcquires * . - shots of thc elerntion where $e building ueers grade We would like to know where, aud how ruay shots. you wislrto have taken so that we do not ngr inro a situaruon in whish we sre not behg specifically responsive to Ms. Ochs' soncertrs. I uadersand &om my client crd Mr. Oster tlrat h previous conversarions, Ms Ochs has ststd that the rbfarence in $e Tow['s gtandards to '?bere rhc building meets gradc" refers ro "hisoric grade". Is this correcr and woutd you confirm for us wbat exactly thal meEn$? As I undersrand it" where the building actually mccts grade as ofroday and perhaps as ofthe dare oftlre ILC is rhc )resenr" gnde and nor "historic grade". I want to rnake srrre thar we firlly undersrand all ofrhe srandards and requtremenrg, whieh tbe Tonm will apply for purposes of the ILC, before we qourmcnce auy corutruction. Tha* you for your ancodon to this uaner. Ibe lGating Parmcrship, F C Jonarhrn Oser, Esqulc Cc' a TTYIIqLN-lT$lc14altolt DOC llTl oalo r432009t1 tA?! E-o^orr,.r' gurTE a-OO, OE..vBF, eFeiF^pg eozoa ffi gclr-az3.z?ocl a.,r, loi.G,tt.zo52 ' Jun-28-00 12:53 FrorlEilll0 STAPl,.EI0ll -I EiTAPLETEI N r-...r4 rr-ara'o^ 9aror Lllt|tr PC . 3036232700 ^ T-'158 P.02/03 Fl84I - L TYRoiIE IIoLT 501 . 628 . l6:n (oin*r) 303 . 6ilt | 3zlr (duar ftr) *."JM.HffiH Jrrne 23, 2000 YiaFrcsimle Onb: p7q 479-2157 Tom}doorhca4 Esquire Tovrn of Vail 75 So*h Frquage Road Vail, Colorado3165T Subject: Fqey Resdence, Lot 6, Vql Yillage West Fthng 2 DearTo0' I am in receipt ofMs. Ochs' lener of June 23, 2000 regarding the above captioned maner. I am forwarding h to TheKeadng Pannership and Jon Oster, Esquirq counsel for Ms Forey firc lcrter invites me to call Ms. Ochs bur I am more comfonable in addressing ny commetrB and questions to you. As you lcroq the consmrrion has been stopped for a considerable paiod of dme wi*r clains *aning !o rutrrurt up from tlc conracor for dclay damages. Additioually, the winter season will bc upon us bcfore we know ir Eod ws rccd to have the consmrcdon on Mrs Forey's bome completed before the current construction sea$oo e$ds Accordingly, ro avoid aay funber delay and mrle sure rbu sy clieos and Mrs Fony are poperly prepared for thc July 5 meeting pleasc respond to tbe bltowi*g Ersrtions as soou as possible: o What is thc time and location ofrhe July 5 neering?e Whqrearewe ontbeagmda?r Since we herrc already provided the Planning Dryanuem whh rhe revised drawings wlrich completely reflec the revised roof design, whar will be the scope of the inquiry at rhc July 5, 2000 Design Review Eoard lv{ceting?r S/ill rnyone fiom de Planning Deparrmest be in Eneo4snce il the meeti4g? lf so, who? Is tlrere sny kind of recommendarion or rwiew by tlre Planning Depanureru, which will be forwarded to the Design Review Commicee? If so, whcr will that be?. Are any forms or addhional subminsls of any kid required for tbe Iuly 5 meering and rf so, pleasc idend$ thcm so that they can be courplered prior ro rhe rreedng-. What is tre nrture asd scope ofrhe Desigp Review Eorrd'r approvel?r What will be tbe process urd time requirement to get a building permit following rhe July 5 meedqgro rilhat forms or addirioncl subminels will bc required in order ro complerc rbe process and get a building perwritrr $rho do you wan ro aneod thc July 5 meeting in orderto completc thc proccss in the most expeditiorrs rnaruref? \TvHol"T\tr-l,olcvrlzq,ll.Ds $n.om rsrgael lA?3 F-.t-Fw-t, Es.?r z.Qq, E,gr.eEr! coLd.^oE gnzoz EEIE 3Og.czs.z?3rct r4r leg-FgZ-?'AA? Jun-18-00 l?:53 rru-ttELrID.sr^Piff 3038t32700 o T-{58 P.03/03 F-r81 TourMoortpad, Esquire tune 23, 2000 Patr2 I hope $at the arnount of effon dral The Keatiug Parurer$ip, Mrs. Forey, ber corusel Mr O$er andtbis Unr firn havc orpended ovcrtlc las six (6) months demonstratethat we uc prepErd ro compty with all reasonable requests of the Town of Vail regarding tbis maltcr- Howevcr, atrhis juncurc we med to rate all posible mcasure to ogedite the pmcess and gct con$rucrion undcnray as roon as possiblc I solicit your assistance in obtaining a conplae descdptim oftb: process and an anticipued rime liae for each $ep. Thaslc lrou for your anernion to tbir maner Cc: TheKertingPunership,P.C. Jona$an Oncr, Esquirr uY![nLE r4SC.\4YZQorr DOe t$tr 01tr rl gBrr of,r- r r...r. ;CPy June 23,2000 Karen Keating The Keating Partnership, PC 801 12m Sr. Golden, CO 80401 Fa><: 303-279-4354 Ty Holt '1675 Broadway, Suite 2600 Denver, CO 80202 Fax:. 303-623-2062 RE: The Forey Residence, located at Lot 6, Vail Village West Filing 2 Dear Karen: The community Development Department has agreed to accept the revised survey to measure existing conditions. Because the impacts to the appearance of the house are substantial,..the roof change will need to be reviewed by the Design Review Board at their July 5u meeting. I have scheduled you for that meeling and a representative will need to be present. When an ILC is submitted, elevations shots will need to be taken at each roof ridge and eave, plus shots of the elevation where the building meels grade, to ensure that the house in at the allowable height limit. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitale to contact me at 479-2369. TOWN OF VAIL Department of C ommunity Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-179-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us J Sincerely, "r1k^#^ Planner ll Town of Vail CC: Tom Moorhead $RECTCT.ED PAPEE o -"F tl May 5, 2000 Karen Keating The Keating Partnership, PC 801 12'h st. Golden, CO 80401 Fax: 303-279-4354 RE: The Forey Residence, located at Lot 6, Vail Village West Filing 2 Dear Karen: I have spoken to the surveyor at Intermountain Engineering regarding the surveying work done on the Forey Residence and completed my review of the proposed changes. However, I must reiterate my letter to you dated April 10, 2000. Because height is relative and not dependent on the exact elevation, but rather on the basis of elevation being the same for both the original survey and the lLC, the site plan you submitted MUSI be based on the original survey submitted to the Town of Vail in the original submitlal. When your ILC is done at framing, the ILC MUS| be based on the same basis of elevation and be at the same scale. I have spoken to Intermountain Engineering and they have agreed to do the ILC based on the same information as the original survey. I will not approve any proposed changes until the site plan matches the survey and all ridge and eave elevations are noted on the plans and are under 33 ft. in height. Please feel free to contact me at 970-479-2369 should you need additional clarification. Staff is willing to sit down with you to discuss resolution on these issues. Allison Ochs Planner ll TOWN OFVAIL Depaftment of Community D eve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2I38 FAX 970-479-2452 / {9 uo*r^t r o tr Inter-Mountain lflEnsineeringHa May 4,2000 Ms. Allison Ochs Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO. 81657 Re: Lot 6 Vail Village West Filing No. 2 Project No. 98-02275 Dear Ms. Ochs: Enclosed is a copy of the revised topographic map (12-22-99) showing the conect location and elevation of the sewer manhole used for the Basis of Elevation for the topographic survey on the referenced lot. A computer and typographic error showed the inconect location of this point on the survey dated 9/22/98. Ifvou have anv Duane Fehringer, P.E. 8392 Continental Divide Road, Suite #107 . Littleton, Colorado ffi127 . Phone: 303/98-6220 . Fax: 303/948-6526 77 Metcalf Road. #200 . Box978 . Avon. Colorado 81620 . Phone: 970/949-5072 o Frorn Derver Dkect: 893-1531 rt{il+, Y i/, TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-24s2 r?, l-\6 &("t, / April 10,2000 Karen Keating The Keating Partnership, PCgol 12th st. Golden. CO 80401 Fax: 3O3-279-4354 RE: The Forey Residence, located at Lot 6, Vail Village West Filing 2 Dear Karen: I have received your FedEx of information regarding the Forey Residence. After review of af l of the information, staff will concede that the original survey is off by 2 ft. There are multiple sources to support this fact, including your recent surveys submitted, along with the older survey from the 1970's. However, if you cannot produce a survey, at either a scale of 1:10 or 1:2O of the particular lot, staff can only use the grades indicated by the September 1998 survey to determine existing grade. In addition, the survey you provided that was done in 1975, while 2 ft. different from the September 1998 survey, matches the contours indicated on the September 1998 survey. In conclusion, staff will concede that the September 1998 survey is 2 ft. off based on the supporting information. This enor is due to the basis of elevation reading. However, staff is unable to support the argument that these existing grades were altered as there is no documentation of these grade changes, ard because the contour locations of the 1975 survey are extremely similar to the contour locations of the 1998 survey. Because the Town of Vail measures height from every point on the roof down to grade, building height is relative. As long as the survey and ILC are at the same scale and based on the same basis of elevation, building height can be determined. According to my calculations, this leaves the main roof elevation at 36.5 ft. (3.5 ft. over the allowable height limit) and the rear roof peek at 35.3 ft. (2.3 ft. over the allowable height timit). Please feel free to contact me at 970479-2369 should you need additional clarification on these calculations. Staff is willing to sit down with you to discuss resolution on these issues. Sipcerely, //t/, r,i,it //)t .,rrl t:.4./.';' - rl-t,^{_) Allison Ochs Planner ll IIil,:]Z]ITI2 S Tee LETE N IRCLANO. STAFLEAON. PRYOR. PA6COE. P.C. ANN C, KIRWIN 303 . 628 . 3629 (d irect) akirwin@irelandstapleton. com May 16,2000 VIA FACSIMILE AND FEDERAL EXPRESS Fax No. 970-479-2452 Allison C. Ochs Planner II Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: The Keating Partnership / variance matters Dear Allison: Enclosed is the Application for Planning and Environmental our firm's Check No. 48036 in the amount of $250.00 for the The originals will be sent to you via Federal Express today. Sincerely, ftAA 0,ltr*4rc Ann C. Kirwin Commission Approval, together with application fee. ACIVcb Tt 'own of Vail re pi'\50691DATE RECETVED FROM ADDRESS /turr)? rArD-'c.rrh -a""u. /'&o4- t6zs BRo^oway, turrE z6oo, DENvER, l:oLoraoo aozoz @ 2o3.623.2'?oo F^x 3o!.t32i!.2r]62 f,.corv..t: Al2Tteat 1O:/t4; I0704764fAa .> KETTI,|G PAnTT|EBEHIP; ,,Auc-27-e3 rE.E8. FRor'ri|Jr rrrr8 cuARArrrEE rD,lu?B.Es{ pAcE ?r? NOrrClllilEmloDctonEr.ElotluEll br!-b 0tn rtrtrllU.tllbH -EtrE=r- --qI-rI--- ---r Crrar lrr-'lErGE.ts.-l8-l---l- r. llrrb-rlblt -{5-l'rCt&=rnE'r-Etr.a t*rFitSEF'>*:!*- a tlrrF-+------ &hlt'l.Frg'!.r.Ur G|.l''l.FrfAH,on0 r] m.ltt ri r}-D.rldr|ll.*-rbFt-ltb-b-r: hfrh OtH||rr€r-ro,htrh,or (f t6rn bhaEr.uG iar a\t'S f.zr-' o l, )r* . ,IU FR/ G !l ctttarHqr[:fECI-oDrFa-.t o Ireland - StapletonAttn: Lisa Roth 1575 Broadway, Suit,e 2800 DEI\MER, CO 80202 rtworcE Town of,VaiI Accounts Receivable 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, CO 81-657 (970) 479-2123 TO:INVOTCE NO: 2OL7 DATE: 5/30/00 CUSTOMER TYPE: MS/ tA77CUSTOMER NO:L875 QUAIVTITY DESCRTPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE i-. 00 L-00 r-. 00 1_. 00 149 - 8 L/2 x L]" and LL x 17 copj-es @ .25/page8 blue print copies @ 57.oOlpageColorado Sales TaxVail Sales Tax 37 .25 56 .00 4.20 3.73 3'7.25 56 .00 4.20 3.73 $10L. r-8 Note: 1.5? Interest charged if not paid in 30 days TOTAI DUE: PI,EASE DETACH AND SEND THTS DATE: s/3o/00 DUE DATE:. 6/29/00 REMIT A}ID MAKE CHECK PAYABTE TO: Town of Vail Accounts ReceivabLe 75 S. Frontage RoadVail CO 81-557 CUSTOMER NO: L875 TERMS: NET 30 DAYS COPY WITH REMITTANCE INVOICE NO: CUSTOMER TYPE: AMOUNT: 20L7MS/ ]-877 $10L.18 hy-ll-00 l0:0{rrn:tneulDStTu EiTAPLETtrTN r'|r.i$O. gr.FrErCl|.FtaYOa.Fa=CqE'R C. TET44{)PY MEMOnaITDITII NAME: AllilopC Ochs-Pla.uner-F- -." ' TELECOPIERNUMBER: ?7.Q479-24s? -' Ir'ERIT'ICATION II{I"IMBER . 97 M79.21O7 CLIENTNTJMBE& 887I.O2OO ,, FROIT/I Clrcrl'le Bums. Assistant tq.Ann C Kirwin Esg- ..,. DATE: MaY r?.2000 ,- - ' ' RE: Kearing P-lqqprship / Variance Itf,arers T-f6t P.0tl03 F-235 INITIALYTIME ljt i i, .l,'il ;, I I I ,lri Thc toal mrmber ofpages (including tbis cover shes) beiqg tnruoilrcd is 3. Plcasc rclryhone (3o3i) 623-27A0 if yorr &perienc. any diftisuhics withthis transrnissioa asd ask forthe Copy Ceuer Specialisr. AIIToMATIC FAx NIIMDEn; (3113) 6l''2062 Tbc ilfororrioo coatained in this frriqilc ucsrgc b coatdcotirl iutonnrdon inreoded only for rge of ttc idividrul or earity orscd $ovc. If $c reedcr of tlir ocsseg! is oor Oc latcldcd rccipi."f, ot Oe coploycc oi rgSnt rtrpoPibJc to ddircr ll to tDG illclded rrcdPirur' you are lcrilv ootifnO $rr-ily O$,cpiaetio* d&tributioo or copyiog of rlir conuuicubu is strictly i-li6ir.C ffyo,. b|ri rraeivcd tb& couuuticuiou io crtot, ph$G ionrdiaclytotify u3 b!, fr.f[oac ua rsurn tte orighrl Dclrrgt to rs d thc bctou rddrcrs vir rtc US' Poctel Scrvica Ttralyoo. ITGSSAGE, Asacbed-is a revised li$iB of ftc Adjaccnr Prop€rty Owuers in co![egtioB wi& thc above rsferenced mfi€r- The ooly revision is fhc spcllrng ofrbe name $oerrry undcr Ve* lanrler Condos. The envelope was eddrcssed correcdy, but I inadverteotly sem yourhc list Ay Frr *u'"8 2600. 16?5 Elo^owA'. Oirrn. co a(l:aafa-{tr6 rCLgrnOr.S 3ot'6:23'?7ao Vest Lffid€t Condm t ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS Lot No. Name and Address Lot 2, Vail Village West Filing No. 2 Robert Tallman and Vincent Murphy 2108 South University Drive, Box 9723 Fargo, North Dakota 58106 Lot 3, Vail Village West F'iling No. 2 J. Antonio Aldrete and Walentyre Aldrete 350 Blue Mountain Beach Road Santa Rosa Beac[ Florida 32459 Lot 5, Vail Yillage West Filing No. 2 Patricia and Jabez R Jackson 2 Home Street Newporl Arkansas 72112 Vail Village West Water & Sanitation District 709 West Littleton Boulevard Littletoq Colorado 80120 Lot 7, Vail Village West Filing No. 2 Lenore J. and Herbert T. Williams 7148 SouthPoplarLane Englewood, Colorado 801 12 John H. Roath and Norma Roath 5790 South Ash Street Littleton- Colorado 80121 Bruce H. Ovind and Sandra D. Ovind RR 1, Box 17 Emerado, North Dakota 58228 JoanH. Stoacrand StacyC. Dcck 1756 West Gore Creek Drive, Unit lA Vail, Colorado 81657 William G. and George W. Thompson P.O. Box 19000-120 Avon, Colorado 81620 Alexander Ball 1756 West Gore Creek Drive, Unit 3A Vail, Colorado 81657 O Vest Landet Condos (con't) Chris, Michael and Kevin McNamara-l746 West Gore Creek Drive, Unit 83 Vail, Colorado 81657 Richard Stampp P.O. Box 2000 Avon, Colorado 81620 Russell Shay P.O. Box 4612 Vail. Colorado 81657 't,r=r rAY AFFE.T "or* r*or=J PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and invironmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on June 12, 2000, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Buiiding. In consideration of: A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the installation of wireless telecommunications rooftop antennas & a public service use within the Brandess Building, located at2077 N. Frontage Road (Brandess Building)/Lot 39, Buffehr Creek. Applicant: Planner: Jayne Brandess Revocable Trust Brent Wilson A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the establishment of outdoor patio dining and seating, located at 333 Hanson Ranch Road (Vista Bahn Building)/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1"1 Filing. Applicant: Remonov and CompanyPlanner: Allison Ochs A worksession to discuss a proposed zoning code amendment to Section 12-78-18 (Location of Business Activity), which would allow for mobile information dissemination within the CCI Zone District on public property. Applicant: WTCBPlanner: Allison Ochs A request to add a Type ll Employee Housing Unit to an existing primary unit, located at 375 Forest Road/Lot 3, Block 2, Vail Village 3" Filing. Applicant: Gary Mckers, represented by Gwathmey Pratt SchultzPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a building height variance from Section 12-6D-7,located at 1755 West core Creek , Drive/Lot 6, Vail Village West 2"" Filing. L. ^& Applicant Daniel and Karen B. Forey -\ Planner: Allison Ochs A request for a condilional use permit for the construction of a Type ll Employee Housing Unit, f ocated at 2490 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 17, Block 2, Vail Village 1 3rh Filing. Applicants: Mary & Sonny Caster, represented by Ben AguilarPlanner: Ann Kjerulf The applicalions and information aboui the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the projest planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpreiation available upon request with 24 hour notification. 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published May 26, 2000 in the Vail Trail. r-. Town of Vail --artment ol Communhy llevelopment 75 S. Frontage Road Vall, CO E1657 O t " 6.4*4-ReceiptNo. Sbleq / oate-5-J-JJ-t- eo- Please make 2--l L- tzr2u<< .q/lu-1-$ 2'4-tc-L*, payable to the TOWN OF VAI L Account No.Item l{o.Code #Cost Each Toral 001 0000 314 |.l10 Zoning and Address Maps ZA $5.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Building Code - 1997 - Volume 1&2 UE'$50.95 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Buildinq Code - 1997 - Volume 3 $57.20 001 0000 314 1112 International Plumbing Code - 1997 UEI $36.00 001 0000 314 11't2 lntemational Mechanical Code - 1998 CB $35.00 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Mechanical Code -1997 $33.60 00 0000 314 1112 Uniform Fire Code tr6 $36.00 001 0000 314 1112 National Electrical Code tJE $37.00 001 0000 314 1112 Abatom€nt of Danqerouc BHs.'s 19!17 $9.95 001 0000 311 1't12 lModel Eletryqodg r1995 $10.00 ,997 001 0 001 0 001 0. 001 0 0ol o 001 0t 001 0l 001 o( 001 o( 001 o( 001 0( 001 0( oo1 0c do1 oc 001 00 001 oo;-oo1 o 'oo1 or Iom of 0ail nnn, iligr$FlF* ffdilt,t"tto ltl IX,#iffih, T'ffi$., TSIER DETAIL S*' tiffffi TtE: Trlrfl- ofo(ffirfiI r60EnEn |a5c.s t3r?e:{l €5S.m |es0.m lev. Til( YITJ F(lR YIIJR MYE{TI 001 001 OOt OOr," w | | 4uvrr lAooruonal uHl-A - "250" $12.75 U6 BF $7.00 XC $0.25 MS $40.00 MS PN PF OH SP $20.00 SP DR PN AU RL SA TP T7 MS PV $200.00 00'l 0000 311 2500 Cordibonal Uss Permit PV $200.00 001 0000 31 1 2s00 Exterior Aherafion - L6ss than 100 sq. A PV $200.00 001 00003112500 Exterior Alteration - Mor€ than 100 sq. ft,PV $500.00 001 00003112500 Special Development District - NEW PV $1.s00.00 001 0000 311 2500 Sp€cial Development District - Maior Amend PV $1,000.00 001 00003112s00 Special Developm€nt District - Minor Amend PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Subdivision Fees PV 001 0000 311 2500 Variance PV $250.00 -JsD.&u 001 0000 311 2500 Zoninq Code Amendments PV $250.00 Re-Zonino PV $200.00 001 0000 319 3100 Greenstar Proqram Other -MS TOTAL: Commsnb: ,-/ , =lL'\-zu- ,4 ltt/"-^-t- fto Cash _ Money Order #Gheck #Rec-eived FlEvsryons/FonrE/Salesacl.exe 0/99w i. irEM MAY AFFEcr rou* ,*otu PUBLTC NOTTCE t\ NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and invironmenial eommission of t%**f Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Cooe\ffie ^Town of Vail on June 12,2000, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Buiiding. ln t 7;consideration of: uQOr^ A requesl for a conditional use permit, to allow for the installation of wireles s { telecommunications rooftop antennas & a public service use within the Brandess Building, focated at2077 N. Frontage Road (Brandess Building)/Lot 39, Buffehr Creek. Applicant: Jayne Brandess Revocable TrustPlanner: Brent Wilson A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the establishment of outdoor patio dining and seating, located at 333 Hanson Ranch Road (Vista Bahn Building)/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1s Filing. Applicant: Remonov and CompanyPlannec Allison Ochs A worksession to discuss a proposed zoning code amendment to Section '12-7B-18 (Location of Business Activity), which would allow for mobile information dissemination within the CCI Zone District on public property. Applicant; WTCB Planner Allison Ochs A request to add a Type ll Employee Housing Unit to an existing primary unit, located at 375 Forest Road/Lot 3, Block 2, Vail Village 3'o Filing. Applicant: Gary Vickers, represented by Gwathmey pratt SchultzPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a building height variance from Section , Drive/Lot 6, Vail Village West 2nq Filing. t Gfl ^@ Applicant: Daniel and Karen B. Forey -\ Plannen Allison Ochs 12-6D-7.located at'1755 West Gore Creek A request for a conditional use permit for the construclion of a Type ll Employee Housing Unit, located a12490 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 17, Block 2, Vail Mllage 13'n Filing. Applicants: Mary & Sonny Caster, represented by Ben AguilarPlanner: Ann Kjerulf The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular ofiice hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Developmenl Depariment, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 4792138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 47$ 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published May 26, 2000 in the Vail Trail. 293.s( oTrrvl HF, </>/ 8'@12.98% ==az(oOF.Qc!r,o)oo(.c){o(o-|..-.rcD, r\, i>iZ ol al IUO V =-?l Iu { {-.,q /o\()\ I@ IF\ \r-lI \F/t \-/ ilrn.N rr) Ki N AtO6F tl- ot () IJool|r) rdtr)o,F 42.53'-8"0,3.29% Nd l--at! = P. r\ q\ No)lo E't"..t -l /\ .tnq :-{ ;\ X=Irl ai-,rlI rl -)(Y-', Mo[Jo "/ /a,/ tFlo'\- \-/ N 3:''-.Dii .- I oooo Vl\ ;Zl'olFI<l>llll IJl tlrI FllZI: ot:uti rL l$ J-L c? l { $9aoi- tdq i. i' _E! t;$ iiEs t'" E$[B I tnN a 9d dii!td :r!lit!o o 1eE ioI ilr t 9d !! \ l9 t' t: lrq t<tu z \) F luJ tu FILlu .I-L_ 'B 461 l.ltrAr o a o tnN gr{ I Qt rg! ls, Eid l orI 12-21-14 No F. H. J. K.po Po L' }\o G' t. No 2. Not more than ten percent (10%) of the total site area may be covered by driveways and surface parking. A site grading and drainage plan shall be required. A detailed plan of retaining walls or cuts and fills in excess of five feet (5') shall be required. A detailed revegetation plan must be submitted. The Administrator may require an environmental impact report as provid- ed in Section 12-12-2 of this Title. A minimum of one covered parking space shall be provided for each dwelling unit. Setbacks, as they apply to this Chap- ter, as required by Sections 12-6A-6, 12-68-6, 12-6C-6 and 12-6D-6 of this Title, are amended as follows: there shall be no required front setback for garages, except as may be required by lhe Design Review Board. Garages located in the front setback, as provid- ed for in this Section, shall be limited to one story in height (not to exceed 1O feet) with the addition of a pitched or flat roof and subject to review and approval by the Design Review Board. Retaining walls up to six feet (6') in height may be permiiled in the set- back by the Design Review Board when associated with a permitted garage as referenced in subsection Kof this Section. (Ord. 2(1995) g 1: Ord. 13(1994) $ 1) 12-21-15 12-21-15: RESTRICTIONS IN GEOLOGI-. CALLY SENSITIVE AREAS: A. Maps Adopted: The following maps are hereby adopted as the Official Maps of the Town, identilying areas of geologic sensitivity: 1. The Debris Flow and Debris Ava- lanche Hazard Analysis Map prepared by Arthur l. Mears, P.E., Inc., and dated November 1984. 2. The Rockfall Map prepared by Schmueser and Associates, Inc., and dated November 29, 1984. 3. All areas within the boundaries of the Geologic Hazards Map, Figure 3, prepared by Lincoln DeVore Engi- neers, Geologists and dated August 16, 1982. B. lnvestigation: 1. In any area located within the boundaries of the Lincoln DeVore Map, or in any area identified as a debris flow or debris avalanche area by the Mears Map, or in any area identified as a rock fall area by the Schmueser Map. .'n initial application for a building permit, grading permit or major nr -r-:r subdhrislon shal! !: approved until a site-specific geologic investigation is complete. For the purpose of this Section, a site-specificgeologic investigation shall be deemed a detailed geologic investiga- tion which is applicable to each re- spective site. All reports and studies requi;cd b;' ihis Section shall be pre- pared by a uprofessional geologist", as defined by Colorado Revised Statutes section 34-1-01, as amended, or a "registered professional engineer", as Town of VaiI 12-21-12 B. Application; Contents: Applications for the substantial imorovement for struc- tures shall include the following: 1. Engineered drawings and specifica- tions sufficient to illustrate that the proposed structure will be anchored to prevent flotation, collapse or lateral movement during a base flood event. Such drawings shall bear the stamp of a registered, professional engineer. 2. Floor plans and elevations illustrat- ing that the lowest floor elevations including basement, of the structure shall be elevated to at least dne foot (1') above the base flood elevation. 3. Before a temporary certificate of occupancy is issued for a substantially improved structure, an improvement location certificate shall be obtained illustrating structure location in rela- tion to property boundaries, building dimensions, all utility service lines as built, easements, lowest floor eleva- tion, and roof ridge elevation. The improvement location certificate shall bear the stamp ol a registered, profes- sional surveyor. (Ord. 16(1983) S 1) 12-21 -13: DUTIES oF ADMINISTRATOR: The duties of the Administrator shall be to: A. Review all building permit applications to ensure that the requirements of this Chapter have been satisfied. B. Review improvement location certifi- cates for sub3ta;:;al!y improved struc- tures to ensure that the lowest lloor elevation has been elevated to one foot (1') above the base flood eleva- tion. 12-21-14 C. Submit an annual report to the Feder- al Emergency Management Agency concerning llood hazard zone man- agement and development activity. (ord. 16(1e83) $ 1) 12.21-14: RESTRICTIONS IN SPECIFIC ZONES ON EXCESSIVE SLOPES: The following additional special restrictions or requirements shall apply to development on any lot in a Hillside Resi- dential, Single-Family Residential, Two- Family Residential or Two-Family Prima- rylSecondary Residential Zone District where the average slope of the site beneath the existing or proposed structure and park- ing area is in excess of thirty percent (3o%): A. A soil and foundation investigation, r\O prepared by and bearing the seal of al- registered professional engineer shall be required.-t: )., ),...t "i,'. '!/.-r. B. w6 c. 1(1, Foundations must begdesignated and bear the seal of a reglstered profes- sional engineer. A topographic survey prepared by a registered surueyor, with eontour in- tervals of not more than two feet (2'), shall be required. D. Structures must be designed by a \qr9 licensedarchitect. E. Site coverage as it pertains lo this \@9 Chapter, as permitted by Sections 12-6A-9, 12-68-9 and 12-6C-9 ol this Title, is amended as follows: 1. Not more than fifteen percent (15%) of the site area may be covered by buildings; and Toun of VaiI I 7G' 9 tt {"..1 > lt*.-+ - ft2c- \\ sL.-,Sr*Aug $-4,^.'//.31- FILE COPY TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 October 7,1998 Charlie Peterson The Keating Partnership 801 l2h Street Goldeq CO 80401 Re: Forey Residence Addition Dear Charlie: Sincerely, | /AW/q''-{ -JeffHunt Senior Planner The building plans that were submitted for the improvements were reviewed today by the Design Review Team. The following items need to be addressed by October l9th in order for the plans to be scheduled before the Planning and Environmental Commission for review on October 26th. A complete set of plans for the existing lower floor of the dwelling needs to be submitted. This is so that GFRA can be calculated and to review the uses ofthat floor. The 100 year floodplain must be shown on the site plan for the entire site, in a manner that indicates where the proposed addition is in relation to the floodplain. Color samples need to be provided for final design review. At this time, it is anticipated that the design of the project will be reviewed by stafl and not by the Design Review Board. pfpnse feel free to contact me at970-479-2140 to discuss the project. {p *r"r"uor r* lml-r ID,D'o n '7 .---- I =-=-t"\-\-$- \ --- L-j. I GORE CREEK C Ra( - -J- rf I I I 4t*a '"-qb- I" --T- ' l l I I j I i ;o_-lq_-_& _.r,", '"t "i DGE CF RCAD .ra+ t)hrF'w, ,*t;/I!!' /-/ff-. sot(F ..L-/j^.fr. r.a+ t &nrfilhrnrctoild llm; 510 EEIIGFIndCPR.qu*n STLTnEPE\TELoFIENT trRESDE}.ICE hrc Tl'lc b||l: lrtu hn: lm: to 20 Eito s Co|trilfs1o/.zilfiCotnnd* nd#nCofirnill.tz:lcF Co0uradlolrt(}u A.ilo|r OOCERITFE IIEOFOCCUPAI{CY - Codrrclortn !i.l ooil!4liarl LC b |lS*lt F|orlo. tilfig le.fitt C dr.l ta rDubdbAhftOcb AcOoO: ATPRAFPROryED IRT'SsREFffiT8 to30o|dl -lDoluid-'.RI Acloo: APFRAPFRCXGD hn: 6O til: €O * AffN: OOCERTFICAIE OF@CLFAT€Y VAFCN AARRER LilER I.EI/EL,COTPI TE AATTSI{ F/P CI{ASE*lFrurd- HO: APFRAPPFOTIED *: ffi*s'vn,a,'l comDcrs3: wAltTscot'|hnfllTo: CDAVIS- A.{on: lmpocdootlbbrv hm: 51o *ffittffi Coffinia; Odcr{,iif hF hrc,XM€NB.J w,ntrc wmtcoRREcfNt eoouurt Pfrm: 9?S9IO.S6OPtpm: 0?0{rB{1615 I|EET Bt^B t€tollT 07/l1,am - .tr, wrHursuAoE R.amfffdTh., (nrooAt' Pfrqr: 9XL9|9{H, or- 97t}9)* Erp: - , t** Y2K r fuM"fnqls /ze ffi* Acdon: DN DETGD }EATvTo T.W SC LLEDFORtllcAThrTwRowTo AREVOCAEI,ERT}|T lmt$C torlorul) -Asod"ho.cloc JRll' Aclon: IPPRAPPRCwED APFROUED9QPt|- tRqrftd) "rlppotfd-_" to?7/s fry..roc ?-'- __ ,&brr: Io A.!o$ APFRAPPNOUED OD|bilD -ADonlrd-: ED 4.ilo0: ttNfltD Acion: OOCERTFEATEtrOCCI''ATEY - Or PlF AUJSO.I ROOF F€UE ltll' E RE$f,i/EDl A.[olt: AFFRAPFRCIEDf|o cbc RECE'I,ED Rrn It REDII31 Id: 795 Itl * hlpldon Roqq$ Lnu dn g-Oe,TsrD.CO|I|'i t{t d-DO-ffCrO t'x't'r \ t[,iqn;' \s.e a\:-t-'.., -{\J \ \ $.- N t' THE KEATINC PARTNERSHIP pc. Lattcr of Trrntmlttrl Job NoJs ="*fk fce L [olor"Jo - tNc ara *ndlng tlv tolb*4ngr fuat't x:,nea I urra", *p"rtt" *n, flar"ear* n orqrtnatb A rcWAwMa, n ^op araringo I ohan4o orkr I apcalfuatbnaD aory of lcwor Q rcToduotlona .toouamc Faref Re t vra Klren Forey fil|rawrc D sam?86 ! iler{ Ilve aft tranafiltcA I for aVpoval j ear4rneva I rc*waa I lor rwtcw and aoln|'mcn|" I for your tnformtuon I foryanr u* I foryanr rxnd I afvr banro uallor a,oulbtttlon to Parlbtl km'*o 5e# . Vlta+s n/ mc ;{ nu nead artlntr. ;& ,', , ) , )/h44k3 +.r ba. helP, uw* 6ren F/z /4ar/,2 re 001 sidential design 303 . 27&0010 12th Strcd o Gol&n, Colondo 0(X0l fine 8. A request for a front setback variance, to allow for the reconstruction of a qaraoe within lhe front setback, located at 756 Forest Road / Lot 12, Block 1, Vail VillagJ 6th Filing. Applicant: Emmet and Toni Stephenson, represented by Kevin EbertPlanner: George Ruther WITHDRAWN 9. Informalion Update 10. Approval of October 12, 1998 minutes. The applicalions and informalion about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town bf Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. sign Janguage interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 47g-23s6, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department 3. ; A ?doning and major subdivision for property previously unzoned and owned by the . r .o a "' United States Forest Service and transferred to the Town of Vail, pursuant to ihe Land ' Orarnership Adjustment Agreement to Primary/Secondary Residential District and Natural Area Preservation District (NAPD), for property located at Ptarmingan Road/ Lots 't through 6, Block 5, Vail Village Seventh Filing, and Government Lot 3; all in Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the Sixth Principal Meridlan. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Dominic Mauriello MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: John Schofield VOTE: 7-0 APPROVED 4. A request for a front and side setback variance, to allow for an addition to an existing single-family residence, located at 1755 West Gore Creek Drive / Lot 6, Vail Village West #2. Applicant: Daniel and Karen Forey, represented by the Keating Partnership Planner: Jeff Hunt MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Diane Golden VOTE: 6-0 APPROVED 5. A request for a site coverage variance from Section 12-21-14E of the Zoning Regulations and a front setback variance, to allow for the construction of a new single-family residence with a Type ll EHU, located at 756 Potato Patch / Lot 4, Block 2, Potato Patch. Applicant: Wolfgang Berndt, represented by Steven Riden Planner: Allison Ochs MOTIoN: John Schofield SECOND:Ann Bishop VOTE:6-0 TABLED UNTIL NOVEMBER 9, 1.98 6. A request for a worksession to discuss a major amendment to Special Development District No. 6, VailVillage Inn, to allow for a hotel redevelopment, located at 100 East Meadow Drive, Lots M and O, Block 5D, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Daymer Corporation, represented by Jay PetersonPlanner: George Ruther MOTION: John Schofield SECOND:Ann Bishop VOTE:7-0 TABLED UNTIL NOVEMBER 23, 1998 7. A request for a Major SDD Amendmenf and Conditional Use Permit, to allow for a "transportation business" within SDD #4, located at 1295 S. Frontage Road/Cascade Village. Applicant: Thrifty Car Rental, represented by Rudy & Associates Planner: George Ruther MOTION: John Schofield SECOND:Ann Bishop VOTE:6-0 RECOMMEND APPROVAL - MAJOR SDD AMENDMENT MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Diane Golden VOTE: 5-0 TABLED UNTIL NOVEMBER 9, 1998 - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT MEMBERS PRESENT Greg Moffet John Schofield Galen Aasland Diane Golden Ann Bishop (left at 5:00p.m.) Brian Doyon (left at 3:55 p.m.) Tom Weber MEMBERS ABSENT PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Monday, October26,'1998 FINAL AGENDA Proiect Orientation / LUNCH - Communitv Development Department 12:00 p.m. Driver: G KeX HLE c r/PY Site Visits : 1. Thrifty - 1295 S. Frontage Road 2. Forey - 1755 West Gore Creek Drive 3. Berndt - 756 Potato Patch 1:00 p.m. eorge NOTE: lf the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board will break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m, Public Hearing - Town Council Chambers 2:00 p.m. 1. A request for a worksession to review and provide comments on the proposed Lionshead Master Plan. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Lionshead Master Plan Team WORKSESSION - NO VOTE 2. A rezoning and major subdivision for property previously unzoned and owned by the United States Forest Service and transferred to the Town of Vail, pursuant to the Land Ownership Adjustment Agreement to Primary/Secondary Residential District and Natural Area Preservation District (NAPD), for property located at Rockledge Road/ Lots 2, 4,7, 8A, 9A, and 15, Block 7 Vail Village First Filing; Lots 3A and 38, Resubdivision of Lot 3 Block 7 Vail Village First Filing: Lot 10A, Resubdivision of Lot 10 Block 7 Vail Village First Filing; Lot 138 Resubdivision of Lot 13 Block 7 Vail Village First Filing; and Government Lot 3, all in Section 7, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Applicant: Town of VailPlannen Dominic Mauriello MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: John Schofield VOTE: 7-0 APPROVED make the following findings before granting a variance: 1, That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Departm addition to be constructed within the front That the granting of the variances will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the strict interpretation or enforcement of lhe specified regulalion will result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of the Zoning Regulations. lv. q'i #[l 1ff n'::fi ';,:f :?ff :'"#xril:i;y":i"#iJ?H:?"il?$H:ffi i:[::3';',"," same zone.5:Ia+rv& 2^* c -o afirou-l variance to allow an F:\EVERYoNE\PECWEMoS\9SVOREY Da: hol ._--.--r-^ \e'|"ti .-- ) 1*o A @1*'')) t*o 6. an eoP 6Lb' ,*n 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The addition would be to the front and side of an existing residence. 2. #"#"fl[i:it;:''." "-a-tklition, again excluding eaves, would encroach about 8'into the side setback. howeve to the The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. The variance would that is most visible. residences in the vicinity. The granting of this variance is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the area. The applicants are requesling a variance due to the constraints on their property. Other property owners are allowed variances if applicable criteria are met. Thus, this would not be the granting of a special privilege. The addition would improve the appearance of the residence. One of the objectives of the Zoning Ordinance is to require design review of buildings in order to affect their appearance in the community and to protecl and enhance property. The subject lot is zoned P/S. The P/S Zone has a minimum lol size of 15,A tvpical 15,000 sq. ft. lot in the P/S Zone would conlain - and was a , it would be qu to the residence. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. The proposal would have virtually no effect on these issues. Necessarv Findings: The Planning and Environmental Gommission shallB. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department October26, 1998 A request for a variance to allow for an addition to encroach into the front and side setbacks, located at 1755 west Gore Creek Drive/Lot 6, Vail Village West 2nd Applicant: Pla n ner: Daniel and Karen Forey, represented by The Keating Partnership Jeff Hunt I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST AND BACKGROUND The applicant is requesting a variance to the front and side setback requirements. The proposal involvesanadditiontoanexistingsinglefamilyresidence. Theexistinglotisll,0S9sq.ft. The lot is subject to the following setback requirements: Gore Creek 50'; front 20'; sides and rear '1 5'. The variance would allow an addition to be constructed to the front and side of the residence. The addition is comprised of about 258 sq. ft. of GRFA. The existing residence complies with the applicable front setbacks, but already encroaches about 9.5' into the side setback. The addition would extend the front of the residence about f into the front setback. The addition would align with the existing sidewall and thus would noi extend further inio the side setback. A copy of the olan is attached for review. II. ZONING ANALYSIS Zoning: Primary/Secondary Residential Lot Size: Standard GRFA: Site Coverage: Setbacks: 11,091 sq. ft. Allowed/Required 3,197 sq. ft. 2,218 sq. ft. (20%) Front: 20' Side: 15' Proposed 2,854 sq. ft. (existing plus proposed) 923 sq. ft. (42%) (existing plus proposed) 19', III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 12-17-6 of the Vail Municipal Code, Criteria and Findings, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested variance to allow an addition to be constructed in the front and side setbacks based on the following factors: A. Factors Enumerated: Before acting on a variance application, the Planning and Environmental Commission shall consider the following factors: THE KEATINC PARTNERSHIP p.c. AFPLICATION FOR PLANNINo AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL Request for a varlance at 1755 Gore Creek Drive Ownere of property adjacentt o lhe subJect pro?erEy PROFERTY OWNER MAILINoADDRESg lT4SW.GoreCreekDrlve VailVillaqeWesNWater &Sanitation 7 O 9 W est Liftl ern n Dlv d. Lrttlernn,Co BO12O lT6SW.GoreCreekDdve gruceH.&1andraD. Ovind RuralRt l.boxl7 Emerado,NDSB22O 17 94 & 1894 F ronta ae Ro ad J. Antonlo & Walentyne Aldrei,e 35O 9lu e M ount ain O e a ch Ro a d 5 a nta Ros a 6 e a ch, F | 3245 9 1756 W. Gore Creek Dnve 1 A JoanH.StneLzer& ?tacyC.Deck 1756 W. G ore Creek D nv e 1 A Vail,CO81657 lT46W.GoreCreekDrive UnitZ ClaudeL.Seeman& TatrickM.9arrett 277 1 Kinnickinnick RA, Aot. E-Z Yait,CO 81657 17 46 W. G ore Creek D nv e 3- A UnitS Danean9oukather 1756 GoreCreekS-A Vat,CO 81657 lT46W.GoreCreekDrive Unit 1 KchardOtamo 7.O.9oxZOOO Avon.COB1620 fl4AW.GoreCreekDrive Unit2,6uildin6ts Russell Joseph thay 7.0.Oox4612 Vat,COB165B lT46W.GoreCreekDrive UnlIS,OulldlnqD ChrisMichael& Michael?McNamara 17 46 W. G o re Creek D riv e 9-3 Va\l,COb1657 ignresidential des 303 278.8840 801 lzth Street . Golden, Colorado 8040I fine THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with,Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on October 26, 1998, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municioal Building. In consideration of: A request for a Major SDD Amendment and Conditional Use Permii, to allow for a "t'ansportation business" within SDD #4, located at 1295 S. Frontage Road/Cascade Village. Applicani: Thrifty Car Rental, represented by Rudy & AssociatesPlanner; George Rulher A rezoning and major subdivision for property previously unzoned and owned by the United States Foresl Service and transfened to the Town of Vail, pursuant to the Land Ownership Adjustment Agreement to Primary/Secondary Residential District and Natural Area Preservation Districi (NAPD), for property located at Rockledge Road/ Lots 2, 4, 7 , 8A, 9A, and 15, Btock 7 Vail Village First Filing; Lots 3A and 38, Resubdivision of Lot 3 Block 7 Vail Village First Filing; Lot 10A, Resubdivision of Lot 10 Block 7 Vail Village First Filing; Lot 138 Resubdivision of Lot 13 Block 7 Vail Village First Filing; and Govemment Lot 3, all in Section 7, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of lhe Sixth Principal Meridian. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A rezoning and major subdivision for property previously unzoned and owned by the United States Forest Service and transfened to the Town of Vail, pursuant to the Land Ownership Adjustment Agreement to Primary/Secondary Residential District and Natural Area Preservation District (NAPD), for property located at Ptarmingan Road/ Lots 1 through 6, Block 5, Vail Village Seventh Filing, and Govemment Lot 3; all in Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of lhe Sixth Principal Meridian. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Dominic Mauriello !f request for a front and side setback variance, to allow for a residential addition to an existing -.43gls-family residence, located at 1755 West Gore Creek Drive / Lot 6, Vail Village West #2.F-f Applicant: Daniel and Karen Forey, represented by the Keating PartnershipPlanner: Jeff Hunt A request for a front setback variance, to allow for the reconstruction of a garage within the front setback, located at 756 Forest Road / Lot 12, Block 1, Vail Village eth fiting. Applicant: Emmet and Toni Stephenson, represented by Kevin EbertPlanner: George Ruther front setback variance, to allow for the consiruction of a new single-family residence with a Type ll EHU, located at 756 Potato Patch / Lot 4, Block 2, Potato Patch. Applicant: Woligang Be;,,.11, ::presented by Steven RidenPlanner: Allison Ochs A reguggtfor a worksession to discuss a major amendment to Special Development District No. 6, VailVillage Inn, to allow for a hotel redevelopment, located at 100 East Meadow Drive, Lots M and O, Block 5D, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Daymer Corporation, represented by Jay PetersonPlanner: George Ruther A request for review and comments of the proposed Lionshead Master Plan. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Lionshead Master Plan Team The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planne/s office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Departmenl Published October 9, 1998 in the Vail Trail. rb For: Vail Villace West #2. Lot 6 A.K.A. 1755 West Gore Creek Dr. Zone District - Single Family Residential GRFA Ratio/Percentoge - 25% oflot ar€a offirst 12,500 sq. ft. Lot area = 11,089.52x .25 Alfowabfe area 2772.38 Additional Gross Residential Floor Area (250 Ordinance) - Allows an additional 250 sq. ft. for the upgrading of an existing dwelling. Totalallowable = 3022.38 so. ft. Area of Proposed remodel - Lower floor = l0l8 - Main floor = l0l8 - Upperfloor: + 678 TotalProposed 2714 sq.ft B esign Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Forey Project Description: Addition to residence involving a variance to front and side setbacks Owner, Address and Phone: Daniel and Karen Forey; 288 Clayton #100, Denver CO 80206 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Charlie Peterson, Keating Partnership, 801 l2u' St. Golden, CO 80401 Project Street Address: 1755 West Gore Creek Drive Legal Description: Lot 6, Vail Village West 2nd Parcel Number: Building Name: Comments: Motion by: John Scofield Seconded by: Diane Golden Vote: 6-0 Conditions: none. Town Planner: JeffHunt Date: 10-26-98 Board / Staff Action Action: Approved F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL9E\FOREY DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $50 o**' Ago88 6iA; l (s >.Qo dan, Com"^"* Address:Phone# De.scription of Job: INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR IEE APPLICATION WILL BE BEJECTDD Contact the E?gte^Couq\r Assessors OliTce f |7O-32E-E640 for Pafcet # earcet* &lO3 - /23 -oA-Oo( Date: 6' rc -ft rowN oF vACbNSrRUcroN 'ERM,, ofi,"^r,Xff;ff 6?39 ' ,"^rn B??-offi naNa c: Dtnte( bre-)l nrxd,""r' /75{ Qore. C.eKbv. Building ( )Plumbing(,if Electrical ( ) Mechanical (,f Filine Subdivision Other ( ) Legal Description: Lot Block or,*n**r", Dqn ie/ 6rov -__7- Architect: Work Class: New ( )Nterfron?-{ Addinonal(rf Repair( )Other ( ) Numberof DwellingUnits: S*- Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances @Aeslsr: Town of Vail Regisbation No. !!ss!!qs-@: Town of Vail Registratton No. Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs Wood/Pellet ?ar-744= 4'Pox 7ed Aro^ <-o Qtuao QaG ?{'fz VALUATIONS CONTRACTOR INFORMATION /- rl f , ^ j ., Sr"fh'r-(on3,huchoa,--xarerr, PD Box /7?t . V"i( ,Cc QlLsF. Town of Vail Registration No.l{"c - l.. Phone#q4? - oe-d,o Address: Phone # ruitt&ar"rr, Townof VailRegistrationNo. T - l/t Phone# FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: Fi:" ___ OCT 1 4 lses Depanment of Comrutnity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado E1657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 NOTIFICATION OF APPROVED PERMIT STATUS G Address:P.O. BOX 7314 AVON co 81620 Date Permit was applied for : Balance due: $78.00 7122199 Plan Ched< X'ee:$15-00 Job address: 1755 cOnE CREEK DRM Owner: DAf,TEr. F0RBr Job description: PLUUBING FOR ADDITION ,i OUR SYSTEM SHOWS THE STATUS ON THIS PERMIT TO BE OINSTANDING. IT WAS APPLIED FOR" BUT HAS NOT BEEN PAID X'OR NOR SIGNED TOR TIIE CODE ON EXPIR-ED PERMITS REQT]IRES US TO COLLECT TIIE PLAN CHI'CK X'EE Ix, APPLICABLE. THIS WILL ATTECT THE ISSUANCE OF'PER]VIITS THAT YOU APPLY FOR IN THX F'UTURE. IF'YOU HAVE DONE THE WORKWITHOUT THIS PERMIT WE AN.E REQUIRED TO CHARGE A DOUBLE F'EE. WE ART ALSO PLACING A LOCK ON YOUR CONTRACTOR LICN,NSE WHICH WILL PR-EVENT YOU I'ROM GETTING ANOTHER PERMIT UNTIL TI{IS IS RESOLVED. Please call .179-2139 or come into our ofrice at your earliest convenience to let us know how you would like to proceed. Thark you. qr"/-* ry, *f^'il /u/fuf /t {gu"n*o'uo t*a+***ltf*t**aaaa***a*++**tilaf*taa*++t**ll'f+iaa*++ll**aa'ita*+*ata**'***aat*****++f,****tt*t** TOWN OF VAIL, COt,oRADOCofyXrprhbd I f2"D-2S d l1:l*29 rawDN2 Statement lltfa*+llfa*aaaa*t**a+l**atataat*ta*+++t*a'}a*+f+**++t**+aaatt**ta**+ttl*at**t*+*aat+**t**taa Statdnent Number: REC-057? Amount: $78.00 LOIL9/L999O9:1G r!! Paynent Metlrod: CK Init: iM Notation: 31o5/SCHilEIDER Per:Td.t No: P99-OO77 T}/tr)e: PIJTTMBIIIC PBRIiiIT Parcel No: 2103x2306004 Site Address: 1755 GORI CRTEK DR VAIIJ Thia Panent: $78.00 Total Fees: $78.00 Total ALIJ Pmts: $79.00 Balaace: $0.00ta*'t'l*atlltfaa++ltt**ftaaaa**l**++fttaaa*+ftt+ffa+***rlaatatta+atat+***ftftafaaa+fff**ffaaal ACCOI,JNTITEMUST: Account Code Descri pt ion Current Pmts PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 15.00 PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLUMBING PEMIT FEES 60.00 wc 00100003112800 t.lILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.00 L,ocation: 1755 Gore Creek Dr TOWN OF VAII., DEPARTMENT OF 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-21,38 NOTB: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLI'MBING PERMIT iIOb AddTCSS: 1755 GORE CREEK DR LocaEion. -.: L755 Gore Creek Dr Parcel No. . : 2LO3-L23-06-004 Project, No. : PRJ98-0239 COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT JOBSITE Permit 80401_ Valuatsion: AT ALL TIMES #: P99-0077 APPTIEANT SCHNEIDER MECHANICAT , AVON, CO 81520 CONTILACTOR SCIINEIDER MECIIANIEAI-, , AVON, CO 8l_520 OWNER FOREY DAIiIIEL iIAII'IBS & KAREN B - ,J 25088 FOOTHILLS DR N, GOLDEN CO Description: Plumbing for additsion Status...: ISSITEDApplied..: 07/22/L999 Issued. - -: L0/r9/L999 Extrrires. . : 04/L6/2000 Phone : 970-827 -9443 Phone z 9'7O-827 -9443 4, 000 . 00 r*rrrrirrr**'l*, FEE SITMMARY i**i*ttii+i.*ir* Pluabing-----> Plan Ch6ck- - - > Inve6higacioo> will call----> RcsCuarant Plan Rewiew- - > TOTA]. PEES- totsal calcuLated Fees- - - > Additional Fee6---------> Tocel Permit Fae- - -----> PalnnanEs - - - 50 .00 15.00 .00 3 .00 ,00 7S.00 78 .00 7a.o0 79.o0 BAIANCE DUE. - -. *rtttti.a**rrt* I!EM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMEIfI DEPI: BUILDING DiViSiON:07/22/1999 KATIIY Act,ion: APPR approved per-KW IEb.m;"05500 FIRE DEPARTI,IENT -DepE: FIRE Division:O7/22/L999 KATITY Action: APPR N/A *tt'rrrrirr*rr,rr*rrriarr**r*,r,r,r r*rri****rrr*'rtarrtrrt****ta1rr**t** r** ttt*ttt COIIDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FTELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICE. DECTARATIONS I hercby acknowledgs lhac I havc read thiE appllcation, filled out in full oniatio!! requirsd, plan, and state that aLl tshe infornation prowidcd aE required i6 correct.I agre€ go comply !,i !.o eonply t{lEh all Town ordinances and st.ale 1ara, and to buj.Ld thia acco!ding code6, desigm rewier approvcd, UniforD Building Codc and o!he! REQUEST9 FOR INSPEdIONS SHAIJIJ BE !4A.DE TWENTY-POUR HOI'RS IN ADT'ANCE BY accurale plol and ploE plan subdivi6ion CE FROM s:oo AM 5:0O PM HITiISELF AND OIINER arl and _-> I r) )llll Ol VAIIJT Ol,oRrDO gEtEaunc, tr,rrorc trr.ul'qrt REc-0s77 lrcunE: 7a.oo Lo/L9/99 o91.t6 ::::::-:::T: :-----::::::::-::::1:T:::T - :::::-:-- D.r lE INo ! D99-Oo?? Eltr. r l-PLLB DLUIIBIIIC PER IIT Prrc.l Xor 2103-121-06-00l gLB. lddrcr. ! 1755 GoRE cnfEf ln LoclcLotl ! 1755 Gor. Cn.k Dr Iotr]. F.c.! 7t.oo ttrie Pal'|!.nc 78.00 ToErl I,LL P[c! 3 76.00 Balatrcc! , oo Accounc cod. D..cripulon Lsouttc pP 00100003111200 Pt utBlxc PBRlrr ttla 60.00 PF 00100003112300 PLll| CHECK FEES 15.00 llc 00100003112100 rIL! Cll,t IIAPBCTION tlB 3.o0 '-4., . I F;I.E r;r/P:r TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 October 26.1998 Charlie Peterson The Keating Partnership 801 l2e Street Golden, CO 80401 Re: Forey Residence Addition, Lot 6, Vail Village West 2nd, 1755 West Gore Creek Drive Dear Charlie: The Planning and Environmental Commission approved your request today for a variance to the front and side setbacks for an addition to the Forey Residence. The Design Review application was approved by staff, today, also. The next step is to submit 3 complete sets of building plans to the Building Division. You may contact JR Mondragor at 970-479-2143 regarding the process for submitting the plans. Please feel free to contact me at 970-479-2140 ifyou have any questions. Sincerelv. tNtXr'- JeffHunt Senior Planner {;*r*or r", Printed by Joan Nolen From: Allison ochsTO: BLDGDIV GRdJPsubject: Forey Res -== J{Qf !r---=--==-==--= ll / 2E / 99--3 z OT/99--3zOTW'-,r met withTom itoorhead, Dominic, and I net withthe Fofeys Fnd thejr- lanyer 'last week reoardrno tnelr neront DroDlem. A agieernen! was reach6d-that if !h9y the Foreys and thei rreoardino thelr hei oregardingheight prob'!gm.- ln 1-1pn wiote a 'l etter acceptinq the risks, we would continue to allo-then to get inspections and continue work on-thehouse. They are workinE to resolve thehcioht oroblen. No Tco-will be issueduntil then. A coDy of the 'letter is in the bui'ldinqpermit file, and-r gave each of you a - copy ln your mar rDox. thanks. Page: 1 ffi- uloB FREDERICK S. OTTO WENDELL B. PORTERFIELD, JR. WTLLIAM J. FOST Omro, Ponrnnrrpp & Posrur AI:NORNTrc AT I.AS POST OFFTCE BOX 3t49 vAIr- coroBADo 61656i!1le PHYSICAL ADDRESS: q)5I EAGLE ROAO EMERALD ACRES BLDG. III. EAGLE.VAIL, COLORADO II 620 TEL. €7o) 94$63eO FAX (970) e4F9l36 ANN E. HUTCHISON December 28, 1999 Allison Ochs Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Forey Residence Addition, Lot 6, Vail Village West Second Dear Ms. Ochs: As you know from our meeting on December 16, 1999, we represent the Foreys who are the owners of the above-referenced property ("Lot 6"). The Foreys are in the midst of a remodel of the residence on Lot 6. An improvement location certificate was recently performed by Inter-Mountain Engineering, Ltd. which showed that the elevation of the roof peak may exceed Town of Vail height limitations in two places. Because of this, the Town has taken the position that work must stop and that no inspections may be performed on the property. At our meeting on December 16, we explored several possible solutions. The Foreys and I are continuing to research the matter but'in the interim requested permission to put a front door on the residence in order to secure items being stored there and requested permission to continue with construction and inspections. It was made clear to Karen Forey and to me that the Foreys proceed at their own risk. Prior to receiving a temporary certificate of occupancy or a final certificate of occupancy, the height problem must be resolved to the satisfaction of the town either by demonstrating compliance as the roof peaks now exist or by taking remedial action to lower the peaks. We appreciate your cooperation in letting the Foreys proceed with work. Karen Forey Tom Moorhead The Keating Partnership Re: cc: rowN o F vAr LQo NsrRU c' 5: i Jh,t']f, l"^i'#, *; INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETD, OR IEE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTTI) Cortact the Eagle County Assessors Offrce at 97e328-EU0 for Pacel #parcel# L\o9- f \g- OL- ooQ Dare: f ' ;'qq Permit # Job Name: sildned Plnrubing ( )Electrical ( )Mechanical ( ) Legal Description:rot 6 ntocu Filine P(,7q8- e 23? JobAddress: ,1SHN %re kAz hrS Olher ( ) subdivisionY/r4, fimlf U*t h,/p Architect: Description of Job: Work Class: New ( )Alteration G )Mditional ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Number and Type ofFireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECHAMCAL$ CONTRACTOR INFORMANON Repair ( ) Other Number of Accomrnodation Units: OTHER: $ TOTAL $ Wood/Pellet Phone # Address: Phone # Address: Phone # tJsS aE-bF FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: BUILDING: s 715)ooo PLI.]MBING $ Address: /" AY Ut VAN rovrnorVairRegistrationNo / &i tbo h **"u 440|lb (C) ?of Sofr Erecrricar contractor:- Address: FQQ - O t tft Town of Vail Registration No. Plumbinq Contrrctor: Town of Vail Regi*ration No. Mechanicd Contractor: Tovvn of Vail Registration No. I oI o r:iOEOD.oo-oa o o -z.TDfi88:. EN&Hoa TA E BErIa B elI .t E o o c;o HoaOD.o o rIE |( (, H FxI 4Tqlo oo UH fr oE EI Tr(., 6?. 6 I 0 c3 $ o ol|H ,9 ql.aO.,4.ol|o o co (^ToroE Olrza t8c4 Eg H{ E{HzzE9 F8B. a4 BE|(E'igH{ o EA EE 8C!ta H FI h &l. 6 xH E FI E!lTUEH !lEESI 8EB f8(,u oH F I(J F A a c z ETc a. q| EEa al ? o ir|D Irl ol)trracac' rl H8 BAOrE trrr!rr!rtar'rr.ra artttrtra*ir*tt a rri rrr TttGr oF VIIIJ, CoIJORII'O o gcacount strts.Ert t{urbG!! REc-o523 l&unE: P.Fcnc Lehod r CK tfocrcion: 2932 2 t767.oo oSl2ll99 L3:.36 Inic: 'IR P.1ril tlo: E99-010e Tl[,. ! l-gItILD IDD/II,! glR BttILD PB P.rcol no! 2103 -1rg -06- 0O{ gLt. lddrc!.. 1?SE GORB cnEB DR Loc.tion: 1755 GORa CAEltrI Dn Thi. Prl|!.nE 2.7 57 . OO 2.7 67 . OO .00 fotal Foaa: 2,767.OO loErl ALIJ P[C. i Balancr: Accounts da Bp oolooo03111100 m 00100003112200 PF 00100003112300 ID D2 -DIPOI Rt 11100003112700 rc 00100003112c00 D.rcliptLo!! BsrLDllc plnxrr FlEa DBSIEI RElEtrI AEBA PIAII CBEC|3 FBEA CI.INTT'P DBPOSITS RICREISIO|, IBE6 lllLL ClL! IlfSPEcrION FIB ADurrl 1,2OO.00 200.00 ?80.00 500.00 a{.o0 3,00 Page 2:r***************:***rr***********************!t***********************************!r COITDITIONS Pemlit, #: 899-0108 as of O5/2L/99 SEatus--- : ISSUEI) *********!r***********************************:r********************************** Penuits Tlpe: ADD/AIJT SFR BUILD PERIT{IT appllcant-- : SAITIRB DEVEIJOPMETtr rNC 970-949-0550 .TOb AddTCES: 1755 GORE CREEK DR L,ocation---z L755 GORE CREEK DR Parce1 No-- : 2LO3-L23-06-004 Descript,ion: .ADDTTION AI{D REI{ODEI, OF RESIDENCE applied--: O5/LL/L999Igsued---: 05/2L/L999 To E:<pire . LL/t1 /L999 ************************************** COndj_t.iOns ***:l** ** *** * *************** *** 1. FTEIJD INSPECTIONS AX3 REQUTRED TO CITECK FOR CODE Ctlr{Pr.tANCE.2. SMOKE DETACTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALt BEDROOMS AIID EVBRY STORY AS PER S8C.310,6.1 OF THE 1997 IJBC. TOVIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8J.657 970-479-2L38 Occupancy: R3Tlpe Const,ruction: V N Valuation:215, 000 ti!.plrc. Infoluation: R.Etlictscd: Y DEPARTIT{ENT OF COMMT,NIIY DEVEI-,OPMEIIT APPI.ICAI{T SALTIRE DEVEIJOPMENf INC PO BOX L37L, VAIL, CO 81658 CONTRA TOR SALTIRE DEVELOPMENT TNC PO BOX L37L, VArt, CO 81658OWNER FOREY DANIBL iTAII{ES & KAREN B 25088 FO TIIILLS DR N, GOLDEI{ Description: ADDITION AIID REMODBL OF RESIDENCE NOtE: TIIIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PBRMIT ilob Address: 1755 GORE CREEK DRL,ocation...: 1755 GORE CREEK DR Parcel No. . : 2L03-L23-06-004Project No. : PIU'98-0239 -rJco 80401 ON .'OBSTTE .A,T AIJIJ TIMES Penn-its *: 899-0108 SEatsus...: fSSITEDApplied..: Os/LL/L999Issued...: 05/2L/L999 Ercpj-res . . z LL/L1 /L999 Phone: 970-949-0660 Phone: 970-949-0660 *of Hood/P.ll,ots t Single Family ResidenceIlrpe V Non-RaEed Add Sq Ft,: 280 l+of ca6 Appliance6: {+of ea! LoE6| rirrtt*ttttrtfrflrirrt*tatttitr* rrt**'l*ttt!rftfrt FBE sIrllltARY t r rtt tt* ttttrrr*r rt * * t,tr rrirtriirttai ttitfrrrrt rr i i* frrrrr * Bullding- - ---> Plan chcck---> Invc.t.igation> nilL crll----> 1,200.00 7go . oo .oo 3.OO ,00 200 .00 84 .00 500. o0 2t76't.OO 2,7 67 .OO .oo 2,7 67 .OO 2,'f57.OO . oo- TOTAIJ aEEs--------------> ReEtuEant ?lan R€vlar--> DRB Fcc'------- R3crcrtsion Pcc----------> Clcan-It, D.poaLE- - - ---- - > Tolal ealquLrt.d Pees- - - > Additional Pe.6---------> Togal Perrit Pce--------> Pa:rocnta------- BAI.A.IICE Dt'E- -.. IIEM: O5]-OO BUILDING DEPARTTT{EIIT05/Lt/L999 JRNI Act,ion: NCIrE05/2111999 JRM Action: APPRIEEM: O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARII,TEMT05/1111999 JRM Action: NOtEO5'/L2'/L999 trRNl Action: APPRItem: 05600 FIRE DEPARIIIEI{TO5/LL/L999 .]RM ACLiON: APPRIIEM: O55OO PI'BLIC WORKS PIJANS TO APPROVED PI,ANS TOappr per N/A Dept.: BUITDING Division: iIRItT iIRMDept : PLAf.INING Division: JEFTi eff-Dept: FIR.E Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: See Page 2 of Lhis DocumenE for any condit,ions thats may apply to Ehis permit,. DBCI,ARJATIONS I h.rcby acknorlcdg. Chats I h.v€ rcrd t'hio .pplic.tion, fill.d out in full ch. infon tsion tcquilcd, cc|!E l.c.d .rt rccur.C. plot plrn, .nd .Ere. Ehrt .11 Ch. Lnforu.Cion p-ovld.d ae rcquirod ir eorrecB. I .Er.. t,o codply rich lh. info!:E cLon .nd plot plen, lo coqtly ribh ell Tortt ordilrrtrc.. lnd .b.gr Lrwr, and to bulld thi! slrucgura .ccordiaE to gha TorD,. roning tr:rd rubdivi.ion codra, daal,gn !.vicr lpplovcd, IJnifcru Builaing Cod. rna ottrar orainrnc.. of lh. Torn applierbl. tsh.rcto. RAQUASTS FOR IM'PSCIIONS gMIJJ BI I'IADB TIIENIY'FOIN HOURS IN AD\ANrcB BY g.nd cllao-Irtr DrpoEit ta: SALTIRB DEVBIoP SIO|qfl'R"E OF ${NER OR CPF1TACI1cR ?OR IIIIISBI,F A}ID OTINER ApplrcATroNf,-r- *o, BE AccEprED rr r"aorr.ofR uNsrcNED,'ry IJJ/W{0Fvln 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 oloP Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! Conbd Asssnrc Office at g7O-328-864O orvisit for Parcel # lob Name: 7oe.*7 2gg rob Address: t7 g tJg Sf Gao{ C11€ IWorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repaar( ) Demo( / Other( WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: : Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) COMPTETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (labor & Materials) BUILDING: S @-=tc ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $rorAl: $ P) &D REFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Gqneral Contractor: I9ene{@v l.l Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s:1o4 S.KZ Contractor Signature: **'t*****:!*****************r.**:t*:t*'t*t ***FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****tr*************:r****rrr.* F :/everyone/forms/bldgperm lECSf ySO.rrL dw o ttt!l ttlf*1t *tta**tf * t*t!l **f a *t*ttt tttt1l a tt tl t t*ti l a t atrtt ttt*t**t* t Tom oF VAIL, CPIPRADO Statdurt a*t****taal*tt**ill!.!rait****a**ii+*i*att**it**ttailtatlt*t**att*** StateEt lfudcr: RBC-0552 lnount: 528.00 o8/O4lOO O9.L6 PalmeDt Dletbod: CK NotatLon: #353l/SAIJTIRE Inlt: L,C P€ttolt Nos 899-0108 Tlpe: A-BIIILD ADD/AIrT 8FR BUILD PE Patcel No: 2103-123-05-004 gLte Addrees: 1?55 GoRa CREBK DR Locatiotl: 1?55 @RE CRBBtr DR Total Fee83 3,295. o0 Tlris Palment 520 - 0o Total AI'tr t'mt6 : 3, 295 ' 0O Balance! .00 *****t*****a!t*tt*!a**t******t*t*t****a**t*t****t**ll*ttt*t'**t*tt+* Ac€ount Code Deacriptioa eDount BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUII,DING PERITIIT FEEA 32O.OO PP 00100003112300 PrrAN CIGCK FBEA 208.00 Scnd clpan-Up D?tosiC To: aI srcrqrqRE ", n" oR colrrRAsrpR FoR rulrsBrrF AND omrER Applied- -z O5/LL/L999Issued---. 05/2L/L999 To Er<pire z lL/L1 /L999 Page 2 ********************************************************************!t*********!t* COI{DITIONS Permit #: 899-0108 as of 08/04/00 Status---: ISSIIBD *********************!r********************************************************** Permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERI{IT Applicant-- : SALTIRE DEVELOPMEItr rNC 970-949-0660 Job Address: 1755 GORE CREEK DR Location---: 1755 GORE CRBEK DR Parcel No-- : 2LO3-L23-06-004 Deecription: ADDITION AND REMODEIJ OF RESIDENCE tr * * * * * * !r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tl * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOns :r * * * * :r * !r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPE TIONS ARE REQUIFED TO CHBCK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE. 2. SMOKE DBTE TORS ARE REQUIRED TN ALI, BEDROOMS AND EVBRY STORY AS PER SEC.31-0.6.1 0F TIIE 1997 IIBC. O O ^n,T1'vttLo"rlsL(JA9> DEPARTMENT OF COMMT,NITY DE\IBI.,OPMENT- NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/A].T SFR BUILD PERMIT 1755 GORE CREBK DR 1755 GORE CREEK DR 2103 -123 - 05 -004 PRJ98-0239 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiIfAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L557 970-479-2L38 Clean-up approved amount date TOV/Comrn. Dev. Deposlt RefunrJ: & :;Address: 'JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 899-0108 St,atus. . AppIied. Issued. . E:<pires. ISST'ED os/LL/1999 05/2L/L99e LL/L7 /L999 APPLICAIIT CONTRACTOR OWNER Occupancy: R3 fipe ConsEruction: V N Valuation: Single Family Residence Type V Non-Rated Add Sq FL: 280 Phone: 970-949-0660 Phone: 970-949-0650 Division: Division: CI),L,ocaEion. . . :Faiier No..:Btoject No.: SALTIRB DEVELOPMEIiIT INE PO BOX L37L, VArr,, CO 81558 SATTIRE DEVELOPMBI.IT INC PO BOX L3',lL, VArL, CO 81558 FOREY DAIiIIEL JAII,IES & KAREN B 25088 FOOTHILL,S DR N, GOLDEN -iIco 80401 Description: ADDITION AND REMODEL OF RESIDENCE 2 95, 000 Firaplace Infornation: Rascri<lb.d: Y *of Oa6 Appliances:*Of Gas LogF:*of wood/P.llet: r!r**r.*rr**rr*r**rrr**ia**r*1t**rara**r***.*t*ra*ra****rr*i FEE suu[IARY irttttt*a*tt**tirarrttt*]rr**rt Building-----> Plan check- - - > lnvc6tigabion> wll,l, cal:,----> Rc6tuarants PLan Rcview- - > Cl.ean-Up D6poEit- ---- - - -> 1, 52O . O0 988. OO . o0 3 .00 DRB Fee-------- 200.00 Rccrcation F€c-----_----> 84.00 TocaL calculated Fccs---> 3,295.0o Additional Fec6---------> .00 ToCal PcrEil Fcc---- - - --> 3,295.Oo Payb6nt8------- BAIANCE DUE- - -. .00 500 .00 +art**.r*rt:.rlir*tttt*araat***i+'itt**ta*att**r.rr***tia**tt* t*rll**tt*artr*, rttt******tt*tt E: BUILDING Division:: NOtrE PLAI.IS TO: APPR APPROVED t: PLANNING Division: iIRM Item: 051005/LL/L999o5'/21,/L999o7'/L4/2000Item: 05400s/LL/L999os'/L2'/L999 o'7'lL3'/2000Item: 056005/lL/L999IEEm: 0550 TOTAIJ FEES'- - - - iIRM Actlon: APPR aPPrAOCHS Action: APPR r-o-ofO F]RE DEPARTMENT iIRM e approvedDept-; FIREiIRl4 Actsion: APPR N/AO PI'BLIC WORKS DepE: PIJB WORK rar+**ta***a**t*l,rirttttr**r*tal,arrrttrr* *r*lrr**ta**rttt*r ****r*r*ar*rrt9a*rrrtf ta*t*t*tt1**i*ttt*atttrttt* See Page 2 of this Document for any condiEions Ehat may apply t,o this peimit.. DECI,ARATIONS t heraby acknowLedge thau I hav€ read this appliqatlon, fifled oue in full, the lnforuatign requLr.d, coottletsed an accurat. pIoE plan, and 6!.tc EhrC aLl !h. inforo.tion provided aa requircd i6 corrcct. I aglee go couply r,lth the lnforulcion and ploC plan, !o conply tith all Torn ordinancaE and .Cate lava, and lo build tshi!.tructure aceording to thc Tonn's zoning and 6ubdiwi6Lon cod€€, desiErr revicr rpprowcd, Uniforu Buildtng eode |nd oth.r ordinanc.E of Uh. Torn .pplicablc tshcr.Co. RBQT'ESTS POR INgPEETIONE SHALL BB UADE IIIENTY-FOIJR HOURS IN AD1IAIICE BY rll Page z 0 EXposED OPENTNGS, TOTALTNG >>>>>>;;=;0 EXPOSED WALIS,. not including openings,TO?A_LfNG >>>>ROOM SIZE IS 5_0.-LONG by -2.'s WIDE, TOTALING >>wINDOw TypE IS: U_Val"ue ='0, No'openings in this roomWALL TypE fS: U_Value = .irg,-f,.ame fnsul_atedcEIL,ING TypE rs: U_Value = o, -co"airio;;;-;;JfJ .Uor"FTOOR TypE IS: U_Valu" = .gf,-C"".rete FLoors O.O SQUARE FEET O.O SQUARE FEET37.5 SOUARE FEET The Total BTUH for rhe outside wall_s arerhe roral Brrnr for rfe d;;;Jj freninss arerhe roEar BrrrH for rh" ;;iiiiJ=""'rhe r,orar BruH for Eh; ii;;;;=-The BTUH infitrrari"r, f;;-;;J openinge isTHE ToTAL BTI]H FoR rFIIs-Rooil-I;"*.Reguired Radianr floor ""ip"t]-eTu, s /square foot is HEATLOSS 0 0 0 79 0 79 2.L ,OWER STA]RS IEILING HEIGHT rs__7:50 FEET, voLUME Is 390O EXPOSED OPENTNGS,TOTALiNA'2 EXPOSED WAJ,LS, not including oienings,fOfafillC']r>, 108.8rooM srzE rs 6..s--LgNG uv--"=al6 wrDE, rorAriN; ;, s2_olINDow TypE rS, y_yjl"u ='0, uJ'Jpenings in this roomIALL TYPE IS: U-Value = .Oe,'-f.irame fnsulated:EILING TyPE IS: U-Value = O, -6o"iitioned space above'IOOR TYPE IS: U-value = .er,-6Jncrete Ft-oors he Total BTUH for the outside wal_ls arehe roral BruH for Ehe d;;;"j <ji."t"ss arehe r.orat BruH for rh" ;;;liiJ="'"'he total. BTIH for tir" ii"o.r="he BTIJH infitrrari""-f;;-;;I openings j.st{E TOTAL BTUH FOR TIfrS nOOr,l-I;"-"':quired Radiant, floor ""ip"t,'gTU,s /square foot EUBIC FEET SQUARE FEET SQUARE FEET SQUARE FEE? HEATLOSS 587 0 0 l_, 057 0 J,,644is 31.9 : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *f *?*T*}*l*i* * * * * rr * * * * * * * * * * * *:* * * * *:r ** * * * * * * !. * * *ftuME rs :g:_EP OPENrNcs,ro?Ar,rrc ;;;;;;rr> iff '3#*ll1!iil""?T:i, :T"i:iri:*i -;;; i;;:' OOR AND CEILING sIzE Is YIg\Tg O.O SQUARE FEET . 2,429.5 SQUARE FEETe ?otal BTUH for the walls above grade are tTl:?|! e rora] BTUH for the walis ;;i;; fraae ar" 0e Toral BTUH for ehe nxp-s"e-;;;"i"gs are LB,z663 rora] BTUH for the ceitin 2,3483 total BTUH for the floois"3 BruH infilrrari"" roi-irrJ openinss is li;313 'l'Ftrt r'/ o Qz>t?'t t ( .f, -ne Total BT{JH for the outsideThe Total BTUH for the ExposedThe total BTUH for the ceilingsThe tot.al BTUH for the fl_oors Page 5 walIs are Openings are The BTUH infiltration for the openings isTHE TOTAL BTT]H FOR THIS ROOM ISReguired Radiant floor output, BTU,s /sguare foot is 2LL 195 U 437 155 999 20.8 REC RM CEILING HEIGHT IS 7.50 FEET, VOLUME IS 2,805 CUBIC FEET3 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING3 EXPOSED WALLS, 1o_e_llcluding openlngs,TOTALfNG->>>> 2Bg.O SQUARE FEETROOM SIZE IS 22-O LONG bY IZ.b WIOE, TOTAI/ING >> 3?4.0 SQUARE FEETwrNDoel ryPE rs: u-_Va]ue =- .36r, Doubl-e pane,-i"r . coating, crear Gr.assWALL TYPE IS: U-Value = .06, Frame InsulatedCEITING TYPE Is: U-Velue = 0, Condirionea ";;;; aboveFLOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = .d1, Concrete FL-oors The Total BTUH for the out.side walls areThe Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings areThe total BTUH for the ceilings - The total BTUH for the floorsThe BTUH infilEration for the openings isTHE ?OTAL BTUI{ FOR THIS ROOM ISReguired Radiant floor output, BTU,s ,/square foot HEATLOSS 1, 555 2, B2g 0 3 ,545 zrzol to ,292is 27 .5 SAI,IPLE RM 3 CEILING HEIGHT IS 7.50 FEET, VOL1I"1E IS I,238 CUBIC pEET1 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING2 EXPOSED WAJ,LS, lo_t^-l_l",l,rding openings,TOTALING >>>> 190.8 SQUARE FEETROOM SIZE rS lo_._o__LgNG by Ie .b wroE, ToTALTNG >> 165.0 SQUARE FEETWTNDOW TYPE rs: u-Varue =-.351, Double pane, i"*. coauing, clear GrassWAI,I TYPE IS: U-Value = .06, Frame InsulatedCEILING TypE Is: U-Vatue = 0, dondirion;e-;;;;; aboveFIOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = .61, Concrete Floors ' The Total BTUH for the outside waII6 areThe Total BTIJH for the Erq)osed Openint"-ur.The total BTUH for the ceilinqsThe total BTUH for the floors'The B?UH inflleration for the openings is "TIE TOTAI, BTTJII FOR THTS ROOM TSRequired Radiant fLoor output;-BTU,s /eguare HEATLOSS 1, 030 250 0 1,932 208 3,430fooL is 2O.g BATH 3 Page 5 MAIN FLR STAIRS cErLrNG HETGHT rQ-_e:9o FEET, voruME rs G4e ctBrc FEET1 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALTNG2 EXPOSED WALLS, not incLuding openings,TOTAtitqC-rrr, 110.0 SeUARE FEETRooM srzE rs G.0 LoNG tV - iz.b w.rD6,-rorAr,;iid >r_ 72.0 seUARE FEETwrNDow rypE rs: u-_v_alue =' .361-, Double'pi".,-iiii e coating, cr.ear GlassWALL TYPE rS: U-value = :O;;'r.r"." Insul-atedcErLrNG rypE rs: u__value = o;-4";irio;;-;;JrJ "uo.,"FLoOR TypE Is: U-Valu" = 0; ;i;;. over any Condirioned Space ?he Total BTUH for the out,eide walls areThe roral BruH for rhe Exp;;.J ili.r,ings areThe t.oraL BTUH for the ce'iiiro""-'The toLal BTUH for tfre ffoois--The BTUH infilrration foi-ifrJ openings isTI{E TOTAL BTT'I{ FOR THIS ROOM_I;--'Required Radiant floor orrtprlt,,-ST]U,s,/square HEATLOSS 594 520 0 0 4L5 1, 530fooE is 2L.3 BDRM 2 CEILING HEIGHT IS-^?-.50 FEET, VOLWE IS 1,080 CUBIC FEETr- EXPOSED OPENINGS,ToTALING2 EXPOSED WALTJS, not incluaing openings,TOTAtiN;-;rr, 13g.0 SQUARE FEETROOM SrzE rs 12.0 LONG Uv----iz-6 wrDE, TOTALiNG ;, 144.0 SQUARE FEET{INDoyt rYpE rs: U-VaIue ='.36i;-ioutre'p;;; i;; ! coarins, clear Gtaes{ALL TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .O;;'f,-rame rnsutat,ed:EItING TYPE IS: U-VaLue = o;-6";itioned space aboveTLOOR TYPE IS: U-Valu. = .et,-CJ"..et,e FLoors lhe Total BTUH for the outeide walls arethe Toral BTUH for 9|e exros"a 6fi"i"gs arerhe torat BTUH for bhe ;;iii;J"-'-':he EoraL BTUH for rrr" ii""i"'-I: BruH infiltrat.i." e".-ti,J openings isTTE TOTAI., BTUH FOR TITIS ROOM-I;--..'.equired Radiant floor orrtp,rt, gTU,s /square foot HEATLOSS 745 L,365 0 L,750 1, Og3 4,953is 34.4 ATII 2 EII,ING I{EIGHT IS -7.5O FEET, VOLT]ME IS 360 CUBIC FEET2 EXPOSED OPENTNGS, TOTAT-,iNc',t EXPOSED WALLS, nor^inctuahg- "pZ"rngs, i6iArffic-;rr, 3e. o seUARE FEET)oM SrzE rs 5'O-roNG bv----=er6 w-rpE,'rorAr.,iNc ;' 48.0 SQUARE FEE'INDow TYPE Is: U-V_alue ='.3at-, ioutte'p.;;; ;; ! coaring, Ctear G'assl_LL_rYpE Is: u-var;; = :o;;'rifr. rnsularedtILINc TYPE fS: U-_V_alue = o,-C""iitionea space above,OOR TYPE IS: U-Value = .if ,-d""cret,e Floors ..ooM srzE rs 5.0 r,oNG by I{INDOW TYPE IS: U-Value = ]{ALL TYPE IS: U-Value =3EILING TYPE IS; U-Value = FLOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = Page 4 ?.0 WIDE, TOTATING >> 35.0 SQUARE FEET.351, Double Pane, Low e Coating, Clear G1ass.06, Frame Insulat.ed0, CondiEioned apace above0, FLoor over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS 2LL 195 0 0 155 562is 16.t- Ihe Total BTIIII for the outside walls areIhe Total BTLIH for the Exposed Openings areIhe toEaL BTLIH for the ceilingsIhe total BTttH for the floorsfhe BTIJH infiltration for the openings ie IHE TOTAI-, BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS Required Radiant floor output, BTTJ's /square foot {UD RM :EII.,,ING HEIGHT IS 9. OO FEE?,VOLTJME IS1 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING2 EXPOSED WALLS, not. including openings,TOTALfNG >>>> ROOM SIZE IS 4.5 L,ONG by 7.0 WIDE, TOTALING >> dINDOW TYPE IS: U-Value = .351, Double Pane, Low e Fhe Total BTUH for t.he out.side walLs are the ToLal BTUH for the Exposed Openings arefhe EoE,aI BTUH for the ceilingslhe Eotal BTUH for t,he floors the BTUH infiltration for the openi-ngs is rHE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IStequired Radiant floor outpu!, BfU's /eguare foot 284 CTJBIC FEET5.0 SQUARE FEET97.5 SQUARE FEET 31.5 SQUARE FEETCoating, Clear Glass{AIL TYPE IS: U-Value = .05, Frame Ineulated :EILING TYPE IS: U-VaIue = 0, Conditioned space above IL,OOR TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Floor over any CondiEioned Space HEATLOSS 527 1_95 0 0 156 878is 27.9 INTRY ]EILING HEIGHT IS 9.OO FEET, 1 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTAIING 1 EXPOSED I{AIJLS, noE including openingB,TOTAIJING >>>> rooM SIZE rs 8.0 LoNG by 11.0 wrDE, TOTALING >> {INDOW TYPE IS: U-Value = .351, Double pane, Low e CoaLing, Clear Glass fALrL TYPE IS: U-Value = .06, Frame Insulated :EILING TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Conditioned space above fIOOR TYPE IS: U-Valu€ = 0, Floor over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS 15L 1, 430 0 0 L,L45 2 ,726is 31.0 VOLI]ME IS 792 CUBIC FEET44.0 SQUARE FEET28.0 SQUARE FEET 88.0 SQUARE FEET lhe ToLal BTUH for E.he outside wal1s arefhe Total- BTUH for the Dq)osed OpenJ-ngs arethe t,otal BTUII for the ceilingslhe tot.al BTUH for t.he floorslhe BTUH infilt,rat.ion for the openlngs is ]HE TOTAL BTT'II FOR TI{IS ROOM IStequired Radiant. floor outpuE, BTU'e /sguare fooc, - fhe total BTUH for the ceilinqsThe total BftJH for the f100rs-The BTUH infiltration for theTHE TOTAL BTUI{ FOR THIS ROOM Page 3 openings is IS 0 1,093 2,693 L4.2Required Radiant floor out.put, BTU,s /square foot, is GREAT RM CEILING HEIGI{T Iq,14.OO FEET, VOLUME IS 4,669 CUBIC FEET? EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING2 EXPOSED WALLS, l"!__t-l"l"ding openings,roraiirtc-rrr, 399.0 S9UARE FEETRoOM srzE Is 14.5__LoNG by la.b wroE, ToTAr-,rNG >> 333.5 SQUARE FEETwrNDOr{ TypE rs: u-var-ue = -35L, Double pane, r.,ow e coating, clear GlassWAL,,L TYPE IS: U-Value = .06, Frame Insulat.edCEILING TypE fs: U-_V_alue = .028, Unconditioned ALeic Space AboveFL,OOR TYPE IS: U-Valu€ = 0, Fioor over any Conditioned Space The Total BTUH for the outside wal}s areThe Totat BTUH for the Exposed Openings areThe total BTUH for the ceilingsThe total BTUH for the floors-The BTUH infiltration for t.he openings isTHE TOTAL BTI'H FOR TITIS ROOM ISRequired Radiant fLoor output, BTU,s /square foot HEATLOSS 2,L55 4, 095 767 0 3 ,290 LO,2g7is 30.9 PA}ITRY ]EILING HEIGHT IS 9.OO FEET, VOLUME IS 162O EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTAIING -^I^EXPOSED WAITLS, lo_t__1!cluding opening,e, TOTAJ,TNG- ;>>> 3E . Oi.ooM SIZE rs 4.o__toNc by 'a.i wrpe, ToTALTNG >> 1B.OSINDOW TYPE IS: U-Val_ue = 0, No openings in this room{ALL TYPE IS: U-Value = .ile , Frame fnsulated:EILING TYPE IS: U-Value = O, 6onditionea-"p""J "forr"IIOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, f.Ioor: over any Conditioned Space lhe Total BTul{ for the outside walls arehe TotaL BTUH for the Exposea Openings are'he t,otaI BTUH for the ceirirro"-'---he total BTUH for the floors"'he BTUH infiltration for the openings is,HE TOTAI BTUH FOR 1TTIS ROOM ISequired Radiant floor oueput, BTU,s /square CIIBIC FEET SQUARE FEET SQUARE FEET SQUARE FEET HEATLOSS t94 ,\lJ 0 0 0 L94fooL is 10.8 OI{DER RM EILING HEIGHT IS 9.OO FEET,r EXPOSED OPENTNGS,TOTAIJING VOLUME IS 315 cuBrc FEE? 6 n cN ttr DEr r:rDrrEr Page 2 UPPER STAIRS CEILING HEIGHT IS ].O.OO FEET, VOLI]ME IS 72O CUBIC FEET1 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING1 EXPOSED WAIJIS, not including openings,TorAlrNc >>>> 44.0 SQUARE FEETRooM srzE rs 6.0 LONG by 12..0 wrDE, TorALrNc >> ?2.0 seuARE FEETiYrNDow TYPE rs: u-value = .361,'Double pane, Lor^r e coat.ing, clear GlassTIALL TYPE IS: U-Value = .05, Frame Insulated :EILING TYPE IS: U-Value = .O26, Unconditioned Attic Space Above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Floor over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS 238 520 166 0 4L6 1,340foot ie 18.6 fhe Total BTUH for t.he outside walls areIhe Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings arelhe t.otal BTUH for the ceilingsIhe total BTUH for the floorslhe BTIJH infiltration for the openings is THE TOTAL BTT'H FOR TI{IS ROOM ISlequired Radiant floor output, BTt/s /square (ITCHEN ]EILING HEIGHT IS 9.OO FEET, VOLIJME IS 1,386 CUBIC FEET3 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING2 ExPosED wArJrrs, not including openings,TorAlrNc >>>> zo7.o seuARE FEET IOOM SIZE IS 11.0 LONG by 14.0 WIDE, TOTALTNG >> 154.0 SQUARE FEET[rNDow rYPE rs: u-varue = .361, Double pane, rJolv e coaEing, clear GlassIALL TYPE IS: U-Val-ue = .05. Frame Insul_ated :EILING TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Conditioned space aboveILOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Floor over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSSlhe Total BTUH for Ehe outside walls are 1,118lhe Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings are 585lhe total BTUH for the ceilings 0lhe total BTUH for the floors O:he BTUH infiltration for the openings is 469 :ITE TOTAL BTT'H FOR THIS ROOM IS 2,L72Lequired Radiant floor output, BTU,s /square foot is 14.1 ,TNING RM :EILING HEIGHT Js 9.00 FEET, VOLUME Is t,7Lo cUBIc FEET1 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALINGI ExPosED wALIJs, not. including openinga,TorAr,rNc >>>> 43.5 seuARE FEET.@M srzE rs 9.5 LoNG by 2o.o l{rDE, TOTALTNG >> 190-0 seuARE FEET'rNDow TYPE rs: u-Value = .3d1, Double pane, r,ow e coating, clear Glass'ALL TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .06, Frame IneulatedEILING TYPE IS: U-VaIue = 0, Condiuioned space above IOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Floor over any Condit.ioned Space HEATLOSS 235heTotal BTIJH for the outside walls are Page ***********:l**************il*********i******************************************* HEATLOSS Vers 5.0h Copyright 1986-1996, Thomas and Associates, Bellaire, MI(515) 533-8472 **a************i***********************************************************it**** DAHL/AVON P.O. BOX 18305 AVON, CO 84620 (970) 949-9101 o6-24-1999 SCHNEIDER MECH. FOREY RES. REMODEL Heatloss is based on a Design Temp- Difference of 90 MSTRBATH/CtOSET CEILING HEIGHT IS 8.OO FEET, VOLUME IS 2,040 CI'BTC FEET 2 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTAI,ING2 EXPOSED WALLS, not including openings,TOTALING >>>> 220.0 SQUARE FEET ROOM SIZE IS 25.5 LONG by 10.0 WIDE, TOTALfNG >> 255.0 SQUARE FEET wINDow TYPE Is: U-Value = .351, Double Pane, Lott e Coating, Clear G]ass WALL TYPE IS: U-VaLue = .06, Frame Insulated CEILING TYPE Is: U-VaIue = ,025, Unconditioned AtEic Space Above FI.,OOR TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Floor over any Conditioned Space HEATIJOSS 1, 1gg 1, 550 587 0 L,249 4,584 is 18.0 The Total BTUH for the ouLside walls are The Tota1 BTUH for the Exposed Openings are The total BTUH for the ceilings The total BTUH for the floors The BTUH infiltrat.ion for Ehe openings is THE TOTAL BTUH FOR TI{IS ROOM IS Required Radiant floor output, BTU's ,/square foot MSTR BDRM CEILING HEIGHT IS 9.00 FEET, VOI,IIME IS 3'240 CttBIC FEET 3 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING3 EXPOSED WALLS, not including openings,TOTAL,ING >>>> 263.0 SQUARE FEET ROOM SIZE IS 20.0 LONG by 18.0 WIDE, TOTALING >> 350.0 SQUARE FEET WINDOW TYPE IS: U-Value = .351, Doub1e Pane, Low e Coating, Clear Glasg WAL,L fiPE IS: U-Value = .06, Frame Insulated CEIIING TYPE IS: U-Value = .A25, UncondiEioned Actic Space Above FI,oOR TYPE Is: U-Valu€ = 0, Floor over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS The Total BTUH for t,he outside qralls are L,420 The Total BTUH for the Exposed openings are 3,153 The t.otal BTUH for the ceilings 828 The total BTUH for the floors 0 The BTIIH infiltration for the openinge is 2,525 THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS '7,926 Required Radiant floor output, BTU'g /equare foot is 22.o t t rrrfft - oo9l * fY) \[ b" t^f, 6 b',b' ')'-4'' -_tl b'lo" d a' Lnu> xffiS$ t"^s"ha' 1"' t ,"t**' lrucltrs e'*io \ia) g" Erur,,o Doc-rS HP OfficeJct IFarllisry R4ort for Curt Schrpidsr n0l&,?790d,6 Jul-21-911:21am Pergoml Printor/Far/Cqi6r/ScailFr -". .','. .. , f..,a, i I.ast Fax DqE Tims Tne Jul2l 1l:2&m Sent Identification 17l94f6.tt'7 Duretion Pagee Resilt 0:fi) 0 No anrvcr ..t 6, t I I b AIP/D lnfarmr{e!! tffiltrbJrsy 27,2co1 'TECHCDhrpcctionArbri CD SlbA{}(lrres: 1755 GOflE CREEK DR VALtT4tGorlCr€ciOr ,'Subl)p.: ASFR) uL: t; ' 1r $9SIJED : CD it',i/:TyDo: &IIECHOcsrFiUi.lhrth,, ll99o0m Coird Tlrla:Paiirl: 21Gt12il ' Stri||:Lrrb Afs: | -' Pfiom: 97D€27-9*5 Plb{E: 97O.&t7€+18 &I(AFENB"J Re(l|efbq lt|soccq-odlgl tFm: 390 ilECH+lnd Requ€abdTlme! 08:004HRequ$c SC|+EDER tlECftAl{CAL pfbm: 97{i'8a7-9a48 Cofiifircfil3: WAIITS CO A.dgngd-To: CDAVIS _ Eril.rdq,r DFLOfrES K- A(|lofi: Thrc Ero: hamcoffinonb: E:U{ffHngK$ffilt)T P.E DY FoR HMfF|5pEcTtoll Best fngl ctfonHlthry n n -' I/\ all '. t fs|n: 200 M€CFlRorroh {ODtbnalt .' ! fy\/.-, I !tEm: 2.o FLI€4* Ptplrrg 't0ptoruii) I I i\ I - Itan: 310 ffiCf't"Hrdng - (Woftd) *Aprtowd" l/ v ,/ ^ItylES Fn9€clor: GRB Acffori: APPRAPPRO\iED y , , I") Cocfln ilb; WIRSBO.UFPER.MAil{.5O.58 ' ,/ i t lt tl / l ftnm: 3ao UECH-ElCrsust iloorls (Sfronaf) *" AtDrorred * ,/ f i i\ I l\lOEU2{B9 [rapector: JRll' Acdori' AFpRAPPIRO\IED / | \l 'r v'- r l\Coffi.f*3: APPF\EI|Th|GD{JCTS I U \ / lltem: iXXl rffiC}+SLpFryAf {Onrhnct} \ | -*'ilarn: il{l t'rECH-Mtii. - loodDmtl * Aourorrtd }.t' 4,o7,,tl,Ot ln8p,trffi bRC Aclhr: APAPPROVED K ,/l Cofiun nt3: UTRSBO tubhg rfiowrrr.f," 7U Bt lor dfvr, frfit mt(, lFolt sbop s rp io .dttG of E. d.d(Y I llrm: 3fi1 MECIFF[rsl {ffiuirad)07n'{fi}1 hsp.dDr: CDA\fi$ Acfion: },lR }.lOT REATX FQR h!9PECTION Coffincnti: COTITRACTOR tlOT READY FOR FhlAl- hFPECTION PagF 12 REE{T131 ^llfi]* l'g: Ehm Id: 795 m|lf ot vlrL. oordlDo gtrEaEtt 8ts gerc lilbar! tuc-058a lEt&E t 1?8. oo 11/03/9, 13 !12 P.l&.nc ta.tbod! Ctr No!.cloB! !1{7 Init. tn 9.r Ir lo: ttr-oo92 rap. ! l-[cr lcct|lmcu. P! |rr E.!c.l f,o: 2103 -123 -06-ooa 8ig! lddr.t. r 1?55 dOru CRIIK m l,ocrcioD r l?55 oola Crt k Dr logrl t...3 179. oo l,hl' P.t'!.n: 17e .00 !oG.1 &L m. r 174. o0 Brlrnca: .oo €ttrar;r.rrttraa..rr.t'r'tttttatat.tttitttaata..titartttrtatattttit lccorlnt cgda D..cripclotr lrcunB l|P 00100003111300 XlCBrnICllr PERIIIT tllA 1l0.oo pt 00100003112300 PLN| CnlCX tElg. 33.OO ;rC oo1ooo03112800 itl& CII'[ llfaDlcrld, tll 3.00 o DECLARATIONS I h.rabtr .cknorl.€. Eh.t I h.!ra r.rd thir $rlrllcaBlon. llllrd outs ln full th. lnfon ttqr rlguir.d, cdIrlrt.d rn recurrta FIotpl.n, lrtd !t t. ch.t .I1 tsh. lnlorErcloa provtdcd r! r.quirld L. co!! ct. I rq8!! co coqrly rlch tho Ltrfo-urblqr .|ld plot pl|t|. to caqrly rith rl1 Tour oldl,D.trcar lnd !trl. Ir'., .nd to build chir ecaqctur. .ccordt nE to thc to[n,r. loDl,ng .t|d rubdlwirlon oo&r, dcal,gn rcvfor q6rrovrd, tarifotr Euilding coda rad ottraa ordiDalo.a of Chc fgra qurlic.bl. tsh.r.Co. t&lrtltlg !oR. Il|3Plelfol*t ll$IlL Bl ulDl ll ntTC-tOUB tloUls Ilr rDla.f,ca ll la&BPrlolll tT 479-21!8 oR At OlrR OlrIcl rRo[| 8ro0 rll 5!o0 Px lrrGrfAlrrR' oF ofdl* oR coNra?relor FoR ErrlrEr.r.rD ororEn (Yl Wt'co I '1"+< ,.1 TOWN OF VAII-, 75 S. FROTiITAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 9'70-479-2L38 Itcch.nicaf---> 140.00 DEPARI!{ENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMEI{:T TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT AJ,L TIMES IIECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M99-0092 NOfE: ilob Address...: 1755 GOR.E CREEKLocatsion......: 1755 Gore Creek Parcel No. -...: 2103-123-06-004 Project Number: PRir98-0239 APPLICAITT SCI{NEIDER MECIANICAL , Po BX '7314, AVoN, co 81645 CONTRACTOR SCHNEIDER MECHANICAI-, , PO BX 73t4, AVON, CO 81645 OWNER FOREY DAMEL iIAl,tES & KAREN B 25088 FOCTTHTTLS DR N, GOLDEI{ DescripEion: Mechanical for addtsion Firaplace InfordaEion: R€stricced: Y *of Gaa Appliancea: DR Dr Status.. Applied. Issued.. B:cpires. Phone: ptrone: -.tco 90401 Valuation: *Of ca6 Loga: ISSI'ED 07 /22/L999 LL/ 03 /L999 os / 0t/2ooo 970-827 -9448 970-827 -9448 7, 000 . 00 *ctf Wood/Pallcts: FEE SUT'ffiARY PLan Chcck---> Inva6tigaciou> t{l1l call----> Ro6luaraDt Platr Rewief--> DRE Fee-------- TOTIIJ FEES-.. - - TotaL calculatsed Fees---> Additional fees---- -- -- - > Tocal Permit Fee------- -> PayrdeneE - - - -- - - BAIANCE DT'E- - 35.O0 ' 00 3.OO .00 .00 178 ,00 17S .00 .00 178.00 174 . O0 .oo * r r rt} * t at r r * t tJ t r trttr t t t *t rrt BUILDING DEPARTMEIIT DCPI: BUILDING DiViSiON:KATIIY Acti-on: NOTE Routed Eo ChbrlieCIIARLIE ACTION: APPR ChAT}iC dAViSffpg oepARTtuiENT Dept: FfRE Divi-sion:KATIIY ACTiON: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI., 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHEQK FOR CODE COMPI-rI-Ar.rq-8.2. EdBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701. OF THE 1997 I]MC, OR sEqrroN 70r. oF THB 1997 rMC.3. INSTALI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFA TURES INSTRUSfIONS AI{D- TO CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IJMC, CHAPTER 10 OF TIIB 199? Il'tq.4. GAS A,PPI,IATiICES SHAtt BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1-997 I]MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF TTIE 1997 IMC.5. ACCESS TO IIEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WllTI CHAPIER 3_ AND- SEE.1O17 OF THE 1997 TIMC AIiID CSIAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC.6. BOILERS SHAJ,L BE MOUNrED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIELE CONST. T'NLESS I,ISTED FOR MOI'TiITING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. FERMIT,PI,AIIS AND CODB ATiIAIYSTS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECIIA}IICAL ROOM PRIOR TO .A}I INSPECfION REOI'EST.8. DR,AINAGE OF MECHANICAT ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING 9B IIEE:WATER- - SupFLy -Borr,sns SIIALL BE EoUTPPED wrru A FtooR DR.,arN PER sgc. LO22 OF THE 1997 IIMC, OR sEefrO.N 1004.6 OF THE 1997 rMC. ******************************************************t************************* fEem: 05100 07 /22/L99907'/23'/L999Item: 05500 07 /22/L999 rowN oF vALGNsrRUcroN 'ERM,, orfl,"^r,ff;T a2'. Contact the Parcel # Date:1 Building ( ) l,egal Descrigion: Plumbing ( ) Lot Block -'6€i >VGzs4z Permit # to9 JobAddress: ll,ff, t'O'QepqZ' DZ-' Electical(i M6shanical 1 ) Other ( ) Filing Subdivision Additional ( )Repair ( )Other( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs Wood/Pellet /, ownercxarrc:WX(4 Address: Architect: Description of Job: WorkClass: "*, t4 Alt€ration ( Number of Dwelling Unis:L - sFe- Number and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances BUILDING: $ PLI,JMBING $ General Contnctor: Town of Vail Regisuation No. VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: S TO, OOO.# MECI{AMCAL $ OTHER: $ TOTAL $ IO,OAO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: pi Town of Vail Registration No ffiphone # Electrical Contractor: I r\etrh E-lCt?-\C Address: Town of VaiI Re grsrriltonNo. 171- € Phone #qlo-?2't- 5?-51 Plumbitrq ContrNctor: _ Address: Town of Vail Registration No.Phone # Mechanical Contractor: slb-oq?o -@!+ Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE REf i I YT:) ]: . 1999 BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: SIGNATURE: **!t******!t****'**************tt********!r*!r*!trt*,******!r********!t:t*** TO-WN OF VArL, coLoRADO statemnt*******:t****************!r**!t***********t**********!r*********:r*** stat,emnt Nrrmber: REc-0546 Amount:Payment Method: CIIECK Notat,ion: #1Lg7 183.00 08/03/99 O8:24fnit: KMW PETMiT NO: 899-0124 TIPC: B-ELEC EIJECTRICAT PBRII4ITPareel No: 2103-123-o6-0b4SiIE AddrEgE: 1755 GoRE CRBBK DRLocatlon: 1755 W Gore Creek Dr Ttris Payment, Total Fees:183.00 Totat ALt PmtE:Balance: .00*!r**!r*****!t***!r***********************************i************** emoll.Irt 180 .00 3 .00 183.00 183 .00 Accowrt Code DeecrJ.pt,ion EP OO1OOOO31X14OO BI,ECTRICAI PERMI? FEESwc 00100003112800 WrLrJ esrL rNspEqrroN FEE o TOWN OF VATL 75 S. FROIITAGE ROAI)VAIL, CO 81657 970-4?9-2L38 Bl.cCrlc.l---> DRB F.e Inv..tsi9abion> wlll call----> TOIAIJ FEBA-..> iIOb AddrEsg: 1755 GORE CREEK DRIJocation...: 1755 W Gore Creek DrParcel No. . : 2103-123-05-004 Projecu No. : PRiI98-0239 co 81520 co 81520 KAREN B - J GOLDET{ CO 80401 status...: ISSIJED Applied..: 07/L9/L999 IEsued. . -: .O7/2L/L999 E:qrires. . : OL/17 /2OOO Phone: 970-82'7-525L Phonez 970-827-525I DEPARITI{EIIT OF COMMTINITY DEVETOPMETU NOTE: TIIIS PBRMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .'OBSITE AT AIJL TIMES EIJESTRIEAL PERIT{IT Permit #: 899-0124 APPIJIEANT WEBB ELECIRTCP. O. BOX 5986, AVON, CONTRAETOR WEBB ELEETRICP. O. BOX 5986, AVON,OM{BR FOREY DAT{IEI., JIAIiIBS & 25088 FOOTIITLLS DR N, DeecripUion: Electrical for addition a**rtiri.rrr*, PEE sln |l\nl Valuation:10, 000 . 00 130 .00 . o0 .00 3.OO 193 .00 Tots.l crl,cuhgaa P.ca---> Addicion.l Fcc.---------> fogel Pat[l,E Paa--------> PayEcttEE-------- BAIAI|CE DI'B.--.- 1S3 . OO . oo 193.00 143 .00 *trJl}fllrtirrttrrrrrtirrrrr*rrit*t*t *lr'rt*ttttttttt***t**til*t*t* a**** ItsEM: .06000 EIJE TRICAI DEPARTIIEIIT DEPts: BUILDING DiViSiON:07/21/L999 KATIIy Action: APPR ADDroved per-KVlIIEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARIIIENT -DEDT: FIRE DiViEiON:07/2L/L999 KATIIY Action: APPR Approved per-Kw rr*ttl'trrtf*art** att t lrrr ttttltrt ttt * t*t* tt ttattt ttt 'j * * t t t tt * t * t t t *'r r t t * * COIIDITION OF APPROVAI 1. FIEIJD INSPE TIONS ARE RBQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE EOMPLIAT{CE. tr rr irrt t t *r i tttt!rtrr tirir*!r i DECI,ARATIONS I hercby .cknoxladEc thrt I hrv. r|rd chi. .pplicrclon, fill.d ouc ln full ch. inforBrcLon rcqulr.d, coEpl.ts.d ln rccurr!. plotp1$, and .trc. chrt all th. lnforErtlon provld.d |! raquLrrd i. colr.cts. I !g8.. go conlrly irltlr gh. infg:iEation rnd pIots plan, Co couply riuh rll Tortr old{nulc.a |nd r!.tsc 1.r., .t!d bo buila !h1. .gauct.urc ..cordLng tso ch. Toen,. zonl,Dg .nd .ubdivLrLon codrE, dalign rcvior approvqd, ltrrlforu Buildlng coa. lnd olh.r ord{nrnc.. of chc tolm rFplicrble tjr.rctso. RlQttEgTg FOn IN8PECIIOXA SH1jIL BE IIADB T$allrr-FOm HOItRg nl ADVAIICE EI TELEPHOI|! Ar l?9-:138 OR AT oUR OFPICE FROM 8!OO lu 5.oo Ptt ffi-qtoP FREDERICK S. OTTO WENDELL B. FORTERFIELD, JR. ULLIAM J. FOST ANN E. HUTCHISON Omro, Ponrnnnnr.o & Posrur ,{TTroNNtrISAI IAW FOST OFFTCE BOX 3t 49 vAtr4 cortRADo 81658414S December 28, 1999 Allison Ochs Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Ms. Ochs: As you know from our meeting on December 16, 1999, we represent the Foreys who are the owners of the above-referenced property ("Lot 6"). The Foreys are in the midst of a remodel of the residence on Lot 6. An improvement location certificate was recently performed by Inter-Mountain Engineering, Ltd. which showed that the elevation of the roof peak may exceed Town of Vail height limitations in two places. Because of this, the Town has taken the position that work must stop and that no inspections may be performed on the property. At our meeting on December 16, we explored several possible solutions. The Foreys and I are continuing to research the matter but in the interim requested permission to put a front door on the residence in order to secure items being stored there and requested permission to continue with construction and inspections. It was made clear to Karen Forey and to me that the Foreys proceed at their own risk. Prior to receiving a temporary certificate of occupancy or a final certificate of occupancy, the height problem must be resolved to the satisfaction of the town either by demonstrating compliance as the roof peaks now exist or by taking remedial action to lower the peaks. We appreciate your cooperation in letting the Foreys proceed with work. Karen Forey Tom Moorhead The Keating Partnership PHYSICAL ADDREFS: 006I EAGLE ROAD EMERALD ACRES BLDG, III EAGLE.VAIL, COLORADO gI 620 TEL. (970) 949-6:160 FAX €70) e46€t 3E Porterf ield, cc: Wendell B. TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2138 n$97M79-2452 September 30, 1999 Charlie Peterson The Keating Partnership Re: Su,nrnrry of Development Potential for f,ot 6, Vail Village West X'iling #2 / 1755 Gore Creek Drive. Dear Mr. Peterson Our records inrlicate the following: Lot Size: ll,09l sq.fl. Zoning: Two-Family Primary/Secondary GRFAalowed: 257o of lot area of first 15,000 sq' ft' + 425 sq. ft. po allowable du 2218 sq.ft. (20% if slope < 307d 1664 sq.ft. (15% ifslope > 307o) 20 ft. (front) / 15 ft- (sides and rear) 60% (665s sq.ft.) 923 923 1295 sq. ff- 741 sq.ft. tl SLLLht AnnKjerulF{ Planner I Town of Vail ,| Site Coverage detemrination varies depending on the location of builcling footprint and slope beneath that footprint Standard Allowance (total) p:xisfins - Remainins GRFA 2773 + 425 = 3198 sq. ft. 2854 sq. ft. 344 sq. ft. Site Coverage*: Setbacks: Landscaping: You may be entitled to increase your GRFA by adding: i. a Tlpe I Employee Housing Unit (EI{u) up to 675 sq. ft in size; or ii. up to 250 sq. ft. for the existing dwelling unit (under the 250 ordinance). There are important considerations to be made regardrng the dimensions ofthe lot, the proximity of the existing residence to Gore Creelq and the location of the floodplain It is highly recommended that any iuther dweloprnent upon this site be discussed with the Deparfircnt of Commrnity Dwelopment at the Town of VaiL If you have any further qgestions or would like to arrange a pre-application conference, please do not hesitate to contact me at (970) 479-2L28. Sinctrely, €P *'n"uo"t' II\ I'L'RSTA 70 (p,t OLIND) gtr! rRoiiAGE ub" aI W CONI CEEEK DR + 7..,un- o-- $ ..,i 1OO YEAR FLOODPLAIN FLOODWAY RTVISIONS ESCRIPTION CROSS SECTION LOCATION AND ID Rocolv€d: 'lr'lJr'roJo'fi,ro 1* rryo => KEArrt{o PAnrrERffiN ;i*"r o*f I I JA,prll4,2000 I { Fruo: HrcnFocy I Frx SfJ3lEtlr-+?s4 j To: nr4Al[rm I IIte rrcl to 6s nltd of, f,[ h$ t 1755 Wd Gorr CIr* is EF hn u rfi" oE!rdrilror: toihc xIEst Wc trniltcd tbe hd fti dopcd dtug oirbousc to crcmc a fmnd to trtc Or untcr nvry fiur fte hnue i!*nd dle*hg $o ru m&Uou lt/hgcro Ufidrr.dthp pqct:r, it rnr clcrdy cvidm nrru Jitn mcrslel d$ffi divsdngtrc ndcrrwly ft@lhs tms rs ttf,prure rfi€d nilmad tispboed iafu effreldlu, ufiinl *t tm,Ed to rpdo trc doe r*ry trin fte lms. FAoz THE KEANNG TARTNERgHIT, 7C et€WEtutMW1wzl,QmWZB4&4Fs' lrlfterofTntwrttbtal Allieen 9che Data. tfzl75/Oa - Mma C.rnpary, filtw:, tb*n o€ lh;l W c ate *rdlrqtJnafdb|'ftry, $attrcWa E ufu qarate anq E tu mwtq* -bhrppfrta -or14kLb -rqd.stttter. -.slrrpdraifi:grs lltffitilre -amdre -ryy oftovta [rqAnorc -chargeth -spr,tfvat&rns otha. ,)&#: JobMme: Ouil/c,n ,6dt)E> r€az u ao"l -foryarlrtannarjf'/t Joryanr tw -afubdn|@ w -for &t'rlb'fi&,nto ?aftb -forgragTwal $4sp -twM -forrwbr &oomn'arfi rytra#rrW lltlctvls;lffilnlde€fqo , hf # A/ltq ou'r^ wt{h W I I /-------t- L r\______._ r2 >lrli lt.---- / 5_o't1r!!r! a i -..'-ii?5r%**r LOr F:A I s ri il lEsiitIE F; IHN Ftffi I $ M 6A/n LOr 3 \4aeJo:'-!uzgi]:" o<.- _I" qs./r.t I I EASEM.NT : -.---L, If --_tl OOR€ ,st nOffi EL- B57,5tl 5.0'unLlrY ,---_l!:€vE!J_ | --=.-- cn€Zh. I l A --..._/ I I I l I s/ st .er nh, \, |:- Irrj ,'OOD DFCK PEAKE-- 7987,8 LOT 7 BAS/S OF EL|VAT/ON: MH 094 RtM:7973.52' tNV OUT:7958.97' NOTICE: According to Colorodo low you must commence ony legol oction bosed upon ony defect in this survey within three yeors ofter lou first discover such defect. In no event, moy ony oction bosed upon ony defect in this survey be commenced more thon ten ;,eors from the dote of certificotion shown hereon. PEAK EL- n82.6 ROCK RETAN|NG WALL lt. I t' I RM PEAK EL- E9A2 - -g-s46'04'36"W 105.00' GORE CREEK DR.(50' R.O.W.) LOr 5 NOTES: Peok elevotions to top of wood shoke shingles.. This survey is bosed on the elevotions of the 1990 survey by Inter-Mountoin Engineering, Project No. 90029. I hereby certify thot this improvement locotion certificote wos prepored for Keoting Portnership, thot it is not o lond survey plot or improvement survey plot, ond thotit is not to be relied upon for the estoblishment of fence, building, or other future improvement lines. I further certify thot the improvements on the obove described porcel on this dote Morch 13, 20O0, except utility connections, ore entirely within the boundories of the porcel, except os shown, thot there ore no encroochments upon the described premises by improvements on ony odjoining premises, except os indicoted, ond thot there is no opporent evidence or sign of ony eosement crossing or burdening ony port of soid porcel, except os noted. This certificote does not constitute o title seorch by Inter-Mountoin Engineering to determine ownershio or eosements of recor rrcn Dy Inter-Mountorn Lngrneenng For oll informotion regording nier-Mountoin relied uoon the Finoleosements, rights-of-woy or title q{yuftfif ,RmFJ-Mountoin relied upon P)tb{or Voil Villoge West, Filing Colorodo. ; oo UJ Eo :rtd LrJto lrl E.o(, |r) rOl'- @ U)trl v.oo WOOO RETA|NING H I Eluo e q 2l|l d F oo or$ o6z() zl =ziil-o Fi@()flxq =:6(r*1 --i=< JIL?o)2. =oF RPS t' - 20 E 'sEo' osTo+76 98-0227S o Q. Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Forey Project Description: Addition to residence involving a variance to front and side setbacks Owner, Address and Phone: Daniel and Karen Forey; 288 Clayton #100, Denver CO 80206 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Charlie Peterson, Keating Partnership, 801 l2th St. Golder\ CO 80401 Project Street Address: 1755 West Gore Creek Drive Legal Description: Lot 6, Vail Village West 2nd t Parcel Number: Comments: Building Name; Motion by: John Scofield Seconded by: Diane Golden Vote: 6-0 Conditions: none. Town Planner: JeffHunt Date: 10-26-98 Board / Staff Action Action: Approved F;\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVALP 8\FORTY DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $50 QucsrionglCall thc Planning Staff ar 479-2138 ]"rco,rroN FoR pr,ANNrNc,ltxvlnoNMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL . -'v1gtLi 1E'o"',t' This application is for any projcct rcguiring approval by thc Planning and Environmcntal Commission. For spccific information, scc thc submital rcquircments for thc particular approvat that is roqucstcd. Thc application can not bc acccpted urtil atl roquired information is submittcd. The projcct may atso necd tL bc revicwca 6y Urc town Cogncil andlor thc Dcsign Ro,icw Board. El Amcndmcnt to an Approvcd Devclopment ptan tr Employcc Housing Unit (Iypc: )tr Major or E Minor CCI Extcrior Alteration (Vail Villagc) tr Major or tr Minor CCI Extcrior Attcration (Lionshead) Spccial Dcvclopment Disbict Major or El Minor Amcndmcnt to ur SDD TOWNOFVATL GENERAL INFORMATION A: TYPE OFAPPLICATION: . tl Additional GRFA (250)tr Bcd and Brcaldasttl Conditional Use Petmittr Major or E Minor Subdivisiontl Rczoningtr Sign Variancc ,X. y66*a" tr ZoningCodcAmcndment B.DESCRIPTION OF THE REQI.JEST: tr tr F. G. D. E. c.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT_Io .B;LOCK_'UA FTLNC e AoDRESS: /-7SS lJ. AaF Cffi< S.BUTLDTNGNAME: zontNG: 6rrJ4t-E Etra4rr-y PFsrte|'nnr__ NAMEOFOWNER(S): MAILINGAD owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OF REPRESENTA MAILINGADDRESS: FEE - SEETHE SI.JBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FORTHEAPPROPRIATE FEE. STJBIVTIT TIIIS APPLICATION, ALL SI'BMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT oF COMMITNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 soUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vArL, coLoRADO 81657. PH0NB. b>-27- 87Tl PHONB:93 - 2)a- 8640 rccraa:flLfd gk$.5)f ' sy, AppticarionDat ", q f Vg lql pECMccringDatc: R.vlsd &96 o THE KEATINC PARTNERSHIP p.c. gUPPLEM ENT 10 VARIANCE ATTLICATION FORM Ihe request ie for a variance from the front yard, and side yard seLbacks as specified by secf'ton 12-6d-6 of t;helown of VailDuildinqCode. this variancewill allow forNhe conetruclion of addrtional squarefootage, which will contain a new entry, sf,air, and mud area for trhe residence. the new conslrucAion will encroach infn lhe f ronE setback 1', in Iwo places, and intn the side y ard sehb ack 7 . fhe existing residence will under4o a subsNanibl remodel at the same lime as the new construclion iE compldnd. fhe actual buildable area on the subjecf. properLy is severely reslrained due to the setbacks from Gore Creek, an existring v;tlrty easement and required fronE and side yard srtbacks. The existinq reeidence is built wilh pre-exisuing, nonconforming encroachmenf,s intn Ihe side yard seEback on lhe wesi and the stream selback on the norf,h side. MaNure ve4eEation, including large pines, spruce and healthy willowe take up the remaininq area to the east of the existinq residence. The proposed remodel and new construcNion will preserve all of Nhe existinq vegetation exceplfor alarqe aspen,whichis onlhe southwesl corner of Nhe existing residence. The Ereewillbe replacedwhen consl,rucl,ion is completd. Thetotal area of new construction outsidelhe building env elope consisNs ol approximatnly 40 sa, ft. The proposed variance is compattble wiilh existring and potenlial etructureo in the vicinlty. Loi 5, directly tn the eaet, of the subiec| pro?er1y, is curentrly vacanf,. Any development of thal loI would require var'ances due fn the overlapping front yard sbream setbacks. Visibility of the proposed new consl.ruction from the properLieetnthewestwouldbeminimal and no ei4nrficanlview corndorswouldbeobscured. fhevariance,f grantnd,would notbe a granlof special pnvilege. The proposed new conslruclionis locafnd on the souxh wesl side of the front elevaaion (see sile plan for locatson) and is intended tn have minimal impacL onlheloNwmainl,ainin7mat revegetntron,andpreaewingAhescaleofneighbonngproperties.Theremodel of the existinq residence and Ihe nav'l construclion on the fronl of Nhe structure will benelfi bolh the neighborhood and lhe communYy as a whole. The stricv or lifnral intnrprelation of the regulattons will resulE in a hardship for Nhe Wo?erVy owners by severely limrlingNheir abtlity to addto the small exietinq residence due ln Ihe sue and nature of the building envelopeontheloL. f ine residential design 303 278 BB40 801 l2th Street Golden. Colorado 8040 | Thevarbnrewoudnotadverse$ affocathelQht,alr,oropenspaoeotlhena4hborhod. thevarArwvAllhave rlolmrlactonW@athwwanepoft,atblntrzffwtaclltfus,villiilrr',orpublbsafet1. TIlercatoorvtlct;rlnulll not' oBlruGt' any clar vlsbn aras for tsaffu stety. Tlunkyou,AratzZa,/-6* Tauloarfurff Chatlie Teberwn ftwKailngEar't'nervhip APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION r&f ? 8' 6L3a This application is for any project requiring Desigr Rcview approval. Any project requiring design review nrust rcccivc Design Rcvicrv approval prior to subntitting fbr a building pcrmit. For specitic infomration, see thc submittal rcquircmcnts lbr thc particular approval that is requested. Thc application cannot bc accepted unril all thc required information is submifted. The pro.ject nlay also necd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Torvn Corurcil and/or thc Planning and Environnrcntal Clontnrission. Dcsign Revicw Board approval expircs onc year aftcr final approval unlcss a .huilding permit is issucd and construction is started. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: oo Qu"rtionrQull tnf nning Staff at 479-2 l 2tl ' T?18 EFt<7-?t! ? 3TZ'u.4\YzE-. LOCATION OF PROPOSA L: LO.I: 6 U,O.* fB. (1. U. E. PHYSICAL ADDRESS:5t PARCEL #: ZONING: ontact Eagle Co. Assessors Olficc at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) TOI'//N OFVAIL NAi\4E OF OWNER(S): F. C. FI. MATL;NC ADDRESS ZAg ZUxylcr.l t+ lo<5 PHONE: %?- ^24- 8-t-7-7 O\\'NER(S) S IGN AT URE(S} : NAIVIE OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: 03- 278- 8 4o TYPE OF II.E\,'IEW AND FEE: fl Nov Construction - 5200 ('onstruction of ir ucrv building. lncludes ariy adtlition rvhcre squarc tbotagc is added to any rcsidcntial or cornnrcrcial building. Inch.rdcs rninor changcs to buildings and sitc improvcntcnts, such as. rcroofing. painting. rviudorv additions. landscaping, fcnccs and rctaining rvalls. ctc. I)ttLl lccs are to bc paid at thc tirrrc ofsubnrittal. Latcr, rvhcn applying tbra building pcrntit. plcase identily rlrc lccuratc valr.ration ofthc projcct. l'hc Torvnof Vail rvill adjust thc fcc according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE ST]BI\{IT THIS APPLICATION. ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE D I,, I'ARTI\,I ENT OF CON,IIVIU N ITY DEVELOPM ENT. 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vArL, coLoRADO 81657. For Ollicc Use Only: Fcc Paid:cr*, 3 7fl ey' Application o"t , al l?9 f of t Pr,---Appl icatiou Mccting Datc: {,tooition -s50 D I\Iinor Altelation - S20 PHONE: surLorNc MareRlaI-s' LIST OF PROPOSED I\{ATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: NAnuZPc. sta|{E STl tFJEr2 (JO(J|A It t\ MTl',-- STJCJE h)c.o.O N./+. 6T?hstr COLOR:* Frrt€S,-rtt->e FS.|O4"1 6 yvloss F<s<-x- E3ax-rl\) BtZ->r:c.J N*n:/*t- \ t\SAnn&44- #E.AS BG. BAaL^srg Roof Siding ()ther Wall Materials Fascia Soff its Windorvs lVindorv Trinr f)oors Door Trint lland or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chirpncys I ftlsll ts llc losrtrcs Crccnhouscs ILctlining Walls E,xtcrior Lighting** Othcr fl*'tMfure b)ooQ BAX:J * Plcasc specify thc manufacturcr's color, nurtbcr and attach a srrrall color chip **All cxtcriorlightingmustlncettheTown'sLightingOrdinanccl8.54.050(J). Ifcxteriorlightingisproposed, plcasc indicate tlrc numbcr offixhrrcs and locations on a scparatc lighting plan. Identify each fixturc type and provide thc hcight abovc grade. lumens output. luminous arca, and attach a cut shcct ofthc lighting fixnlrcs. B N "tF "t*^" Fq;Fa"'*JDEauFJ sT.Sl Updatcd 6/97 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Sizc* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BE RElV{OVED: CROUND COVER SOD SEED IRI{IGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EI{OSION CONTROL L)o Antnt'xrra.r- yMsc-*e__lF qWz&JI\Y- Q-n*txr=..> Fa€' Til'e- Ltrr ilo *r. rnsr-Tlae=,s t^rtuu ga lAqqe ^ tr- *Mininrurn rcquircnrents for landscaping: deciduous trccs - 2 inch caliper conifcrous trees - 6 fect in hcight shnrbs - 5 callons Tvoe Squarc Footagc OTI{ER LANDSCAPE FEATUR}S (retaining walls. fenccs. srvinrrning pools, etc.) Plcasc spccify. lndicatc top and bottonr clcvations of lctaining rvalls. Maxinum height of walls rvithiu thc front setback is 3 lbet. Maxinrutn hcight of rvalls clscrvhcrc on thc propcrty is 6 fect. Updatcd 6/97 oa THE KEATINC PARTNERSHIP p.c. Zone District - Single Family Residential GRFA Ratio/PercenAge - 25o/o of lotalirlz-, of first 12,500 sq. ft. Lot area = 11,089.52x .25 Allowable area 2772.38 Additional Gross Residential Floor Area (250 Ordinance)- Allows an additional 250 sq. ft. for the upgrading of an existing dwelling. Total allowable:3022.3E so. ft. Area of Proposed remodel - Lowerfloor= l0l8- Main floor = l0l8- Upperfloor= + 678 Total Proposed 2714 sq. ft. esidential design 303 278.8840 l2th Street . Golden. Colorado 80401 o Gross Residential Floor Area For: Vail Village West #2. Lot 6 A.K.A. 1755 West Gore Creek Dr. fine B0r oLD Rt"CtotroNAL rrrlE rN o SURAN "" C*no*" AI.,,TA COMMTTMENT SCHEDULE A Our Order # vTF257533 For Informauion OnlY LOT 6 VATL VILLAGE WEST FLG 2 - charges -Alta Lender PolicY $959 - 00 *3?3 33 *** THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE, BUT AN ESTIMATE OF FEES. WHEN REFERRING TO THIS ORDER,.PLEASE REFERENCE OI'R ORDER NO. VTF257533 *** ., l- l?g6,f'>r'- 1. EffecLive Date: :hfnif- l:ffi991 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: 'rALTAfr Loan policy LO-L7 -92 9304,000.00 DroIrnsoC--*astuf€4+ CHASE MANHATTAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION , iLs successors and/or assigns 3. The est.aE,e or interest in the land described or referred to in this CommitmenE and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or inEeresE covered herein is at the effective daEe hereof vested in: DANIEL FOREY and I(AREN B. FOREY 5. The land referred Eo in this CommiEment is described as follows: tOT 6, VAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING NO. 2, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED Pi..AT THEREOF, COI]I\I:TY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLOR,ADO. PAGE 1 Oa SEHEDULE B-]- (Requirements) Our Order # VTF257533 The following are the requirements Lo be complled with: 1. Pa)rment to or for t.he accounE of the grantors or mortgagors of the fuII consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. 2. Proper instrument(s) creating Ehe estate or interest to be insured musE be execuEed and duly filed for record, to-wit: 3. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED AuguST 25, ]-989, FROM DANIEI-, FOREY ANd KAREN B. FOREY TO THE PUBI-,,IC TRUSTEE OF EAGI.,,E COI]NTY FOR THE USE OF ESSEX MORTGAGE CORPORATTON TO SECURE THE SIIM OF $l-84,000.00 RECORDED August 29, 1,989, IN BOOK 51-2 AT PAGE 539. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS ASSIGNED TO ESSEX SAVINGS BANK, INC. IN ASSIGNMENT RECORDED February 07, 7.990, IN BOOK 522 AT PAGE 724. 4. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED SepEember 25, t99A, FROM DANIEL FOREY and KAREN B. FOREY TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGI,E COUNTY FOR THE USE OF AFFILIATED NATIONAI-, BANK-WESTMINSTER TO SECURE THE ST]M OF $32,OOO.OO RECORDED OcEober 1-5, I99L, fN BOOK 564 AT PAGE 759. 5. DEED OF TRUST FROM DANIEL FOREY and KAREN B. FOREY TO THE PUBLTC TRUSTEE OF EAGI-,E COT'NTY FOR THE USE OF CHASE MANHATTAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION , iTS successors and/or assigns TO SECURE THE SUM OF $304,000.00. IF THERE IS A CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP OF THE PROPERTY TO BE TNSURED HEREIN FROM THE VESTED OWNER SET FORTH IN ITEM 4 OF SCHEDULE A HEREIN, THE TERMS, PROVISIONS AND CONDITIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX MAY BE APPLICABLE. SENATE BILI-, 98-045 STATES TIIAT EFFECTIVE .JUNE 1, 1998 THE FEE FOR REQUESTS FOR RELEASES OF DEEDS OF TRUST WILL BE s1_6 . 00 . ooAI.,TA COMMlTMENT PAGE 2 aoALTA COMMITM SCHEDUI,E 8.2 (Exceptions) ENT Our Order # VTF257533 The policy or polici-es to be issued will contain exceptions to the follbwing- unleis Ehe same are disposed of to the saLisfact.ion of the Company: 1_. Standard Exceptions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessmenEs not yets due or payable and special assessments not yet cert.ified to Lhe Treasurer's office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land- 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any- 1997 TAXES NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE AND ASSESSMENTS NOT YET CERTIFIED TO THE TREASURERS OFFICE. ].0. L]ENS FOR I'NPATD WATER AND SEWER CHARGES, IF ANY. ]-1. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED OcTobeT 04, 191-8, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 3O].. 12. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAI,,S CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE I]NITED STATES AS RESERVED IN I'NITED STATES PATENT RECORDED OCLObCT 04, 191-8, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 301. ].3. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIoNAL oRIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRIJMENT RECORDED JU1Y 07, 1965, IN BOOK 190 AT PAGE 551, 14. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PI-,AT OF VAIL VILLAGE WEST FII-,ING NO. 2 . ].5. EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY FOR GORE CREEK AS IT AFFECTS SUBJECT PROPERTY. L6. EXISTING LEASES AND TENANCIES. /L7 - D{ED oF TRUST DATED July 18, L997, FROM DANTEL FOREY and I(AREN B- FOREY To Aun pvsL,rc rRUsrEE oF EAcr-,E coItNTy FoR THE usE oF CHASE MANHATTAN MORTGAGE 1,/ coneoRATroN To sEcuRE THE sul"t oF g3o4,ooo.o0 RECoRDED August 05, L997, rN BOOK 733 AT PAGE 827. ***ENDORSEMENT 281.1*** THE COMPANY HEREBY INSI'RES AGATNST LOSS OR DAMAGE BY REASON OF:(1) THE TNVAI-,IDITY OR UNENFORCEABILITY OF THE LIEN OF THE INSURED MORTGAGE RESUI,TING FROM THE PROVISIONS THEREIN WHTCH PROVIDE FOR CIIANGES IN THE RATE OF INTEREST. ,.-- ? \r-cj F-1 t-- l€:- 4 a @'€z-Ee''!:-. F--4. (-?,: <- z.- | | ^ -- f-€..s-, o\.-JZF 'r'a- f----q='- t"e E+ i E-- - - , t s.t-\-.-F.-€s L-€r€-az'@ C- I PAGE (-t e--'t It SCHEDULE 8.2 (ExcepLions) Our Order # VTF257533 LOSS OF PRIORITY OF THE LIEN OF THE INSURED MORTGAGE AS SECURITY FOR THE UNPAID PRINCIPAI, BALANCE OF THE LOAN, TOGETHER WITH INTEREST AS CHANGED IN ACCORDANEE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE INSURED MORTGAGE, WHICH LOSS OF PRIORITY IS CAUSED BY SAID CHANGES IN THE RATE OF INTEREST. ''CHANGES IN THE RATE OF INTEREST" AS USED IN THIS ENDORSEMENT, STALL MEAN ONLY THOSE CIIANGES IN THE RATE OF INTEREST CAIJCULATED PURSUANT TO THE FORMULA PROVIDED IN THE INSURED MORTGAGE AT DATE OF POLICY. THIS ENDORSEMENT DOES NOT INST'RE AGAINST LOSS OR DAIVIAGE BASED UPON (A) usuRy, oR (B) ANy coNsuMER CREDIT PROTECTION OR TRUTH IN LENDING LAW- THIS ENDORSEMENT IS MADE A PART OF THE POLICY AND IS SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS THEREOF AND OF ANY PRIOR ENDORSEMENTS THERETO, EXCEPT TIIAT THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THIS ENDORSEMENT IS NOT SUBJECT TO PARAGRAPH 3 (D) OF THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT EXPRESSLY STATED, IT NEITHER MODIFIES ANY OF THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF THE POLICY AND ANY PRIOR ENDORSEMENTS, NOR DOES IT EXTEND THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE POLICY AND ANY PRIOR ENDORSEME}TTS, NOR DOES IT INCREASE THE FACE AMOI'NT THEREOF. *** ********ENDORSEMENT 335 . 6*********** THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THIS ENDORSEMEI{I IS ONLY EFFECTIVE TF THE I,AND IS USED OR IS TO BE USED PRIMARILY FOR RESIDENTIAL PURPOSES. THE COMPANY INSURES THE INSURED AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE SUSTAINED BY REASON OF LACK OF PRIORITY OF THE LIEN OF THE INSURED MORTGAGE OVER: (A) ANY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION LTEN WHICH, AT DATE OF POLICY, IS RECORDED IN THOSE RECORDS ESTABLISHED UNDER STATE STATUTES AT DATE OF POTICY FOR THE PURPOSE OF IMPARTING CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE OF MATTERS REI-,,ATING TO REAL PROPERTY TO PURCIIASERS FOR VALUE AND WITHOT/T KNOWLEDGE, OR FILED IN THE RECORDS OF THE CI-,ERK OF THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT IN WHICH THE LAND IS LOCATED, EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN SCHEDULE B; OR (B) ANY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION LIEN PROVIDED FOR BY ANY STATE STATUTE IN EFFECT AT DATE OF POLICY, EXCEPT ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION LIENS PROVTDED FOR THE BY THE FOLLOWING STATE STATUTES: NONE THIS ENDORSEMENT IS MADE A PART OF THE POLICY AND IS SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS THEREOF AND OF ANY PRIOR ENDORSEMENTS THERETO. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT EXPRESSLY STATED, IT NEITHER MODIFIES ANY OF THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF THE POI,ICY AND ANY PRTOR ENDORSEMENTS, NOR DOES IT EXTEND THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE POTICY AND ANY PRIOR ENDORSEMENTS, NOR DOES IT INCREASE THE FACE AMOUNT THEREOF. NOT ON FTLE tlALTA COMMITMENT PAGE 4 oa 1-----'-- P6tas 67 ErtS77NQ P6lPFr'toF aJ t-oT' a. x,,/htt vtu'er* ''/N' |censs- Fffirz to (N PLr4<,,E oF As'f3olLT g P4rr"nrlrr-r q S / AS TrcY Do xro'I- ExrS,T. ZONE CHECK Addrcss Orvncr phoncl Architcct Phonc hoposcd uscLotsizc ll dlll 4 Buildabte Total GRFA 7'r'l? + Allorved = 3,t1'l Primary GRFA + (425) (625*) =_ SccondaryGRFA -,1^ * (zs)(67s+)- + 67 5 = 425 credit plus 250 addition Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? Horv much of thc allowed 250 Addition is used ivith this requcst? Existin s m1*f Proposcd -w -L3<4I .-.. r RcmainingTotal lAs = ftet 3/3-=}=T_ = i'?tft + Sitc Covcragc Hcight Sctbacks Landscaping Rcaining Wall Hrights Parking Garagc Crcdit Drivcway -M. 2,A )tr (30x33) Front Sidcs Rear = -a?3-=1r te15les ', nl t)' l5'5"** Minimum . J /O Required-Encloscd Complics rvith TOV Lighting Ordinancc Arc finisbcd gndcs lcss than 2:l (50%) Environmcotal/l{azards (300) (600) (e00) (1200) Pl'?"ll;r+^,| Ql^^^ ot. wrlurrr,rr olvu9 lo Yes No Ycs_ Nq 2) Floodplain ProposcdSlopc % ;u..,L*lJ':o,r 3) Wetlandq 4) Water Coursc Sctback (30) (50) 5) Geologic Hazards a) SnorvAvalanchc b) Rocldall c) Dcbris Flow Prcvious conditions ofapproval (chcck propcrty file): 202 Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: . suopcFsar lPld sosuBFBA sroPrtoS.$cJA (puno-6rcprnr) sa FI[ln scpuy opeqglms -uoFB3!rua^.o.c - scldures Je.roleru Supgng cllsJo soloqd rrtoJ uoqmguoAftlpn (g?V)uoducnrt prorddyopuo3 - SNOIINVTISJSII^[ puc8a-i ssascvand o8uolg,noug (cpefpuessccce)de,ucapq .- snpeX Eururnl o8engpuun4 :-- sscrDJ qJe4yfururepX cdolgopug cl15 uoprauuoc a8eng scluoc[eElrs]lceq (,?) sSueq:cagTscaeg - , aSeraao3 qrg qc8qlos qll3uryceor3rtt l{81ci18urppng cIeJs r{v'Id atrs tl .rSAUnS tr -:pcfor4 scc4 pasodo:g scc4 tupslxg l{r'.ldsdvcsctnfl D rlqld3oox sPg.lPNVoloc CIe3S sNoI.IYnS,]scMqTns tr nHg ccedg cp1141,ne.q2 vduo FuogtPps 092 Y{IIO .iers srw.Iduoo'rJ tr JSITXCffi C Id,SIAtrtI NOISSq Printed ' '>: .: Tr:rri Partct!Tor Brent Wilson,subject: fwd: forey Terri Partctrresidence -:,NOTE::- --IO/05/9A:11:44am:Brent, it f.ooks ]-ike the mal.n f.]-oor of the existing structure may already be undervrater in the 1OO y€a]c fl-ood. Couadyou trave ttte ov.rne rs ita\re tlre f l-oodplain mapped on their proposal? Thanks. Terri Fvrd:by : :Brent*!,ili l- s on*- 1 O,/ O 5 / 9 e :: L : O 9pm: F\rd to: ,fef f Hunt Page: 1 .t v ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: 6,?.?O T,EGAL 6s5cRrprronEC-]2- Brock - Filing ADDRESS:l'79q hr..r+ tLaac Cnc.ll \a. Ua:l V;llrge Ut)4t +? OWNER PHONE ARCHITECT S. taerl(,'ve PHONE zoNE DISTRISI P/1 PROPOSED USE ils i.s;/.nce IPT SIZE Height fotal GRFA Prinary GRFA Secondary GRFA SetbackE: Front Sides Rear Water Course site coverage Iandscaping @ro ^^D Allowed (r+) (33) 21'.12 * ltor.8 20. 15! 15 1 Ga? (50) L07a n;r. 3')6' 1 nel'"nr4 [3ssi@, (50) (1oo) (2s) (50) (2oo) (4oo) Slope Actual OK Propoaed j3t max. ztdl l t _t7t7,3 t- ?2t,1s 22o tbb3 f / 9tt t/^^tont' &c1uclf t -\ )*"rz OK OKFence/Retaining WaIl Heights Parking Credits: carage Dlechanical Airlock Storage Drive: slope Pemitted Environmental/Hazards : @.") I slare t (qzt\<T (zo.d\ - Gv\ (Er. | . tr% Avalanche Zoning: \/Flood Plain let ^tzt tc't't v4 stope ) jozo r Geologic Hazards -# . o< Approved/Dlsapproved /t/^'z = 0K Date: Staff Signature a o ) o Design Review Action F TOWN OF VAIL Dan Forey 325 Clavton Street Denver, CO (303) 331-0006 Karen Keating Keating Partnership orm Project Name: Forey Residence ProjectDescription: Deckreplacement Owner, Address and Phone: Architect/Contact. Address and Phone: Project Street Address: Legal Description: 1755 West Gore Creek Drive Lot 6, Vail Village West #2 Parccl Number: 2103-12306-{n4 Building Name: nla Comments: Deck is in the floodplain - replacing exactly as currently built Motion by: nla Seconded by: Votc: Conditions: Town Planner: Christie Barton Date: 517198 Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproval F-:\tiVl'lRY()NllDRB\APPRoVAL\98\ I DRBAPPR.f'RV DRB Fce Pre-Paid: $20.00 Qucstions? alr"o Plannin g Staff at 479'2 | 28 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL uo4 tL4 oL @4 GENERAL INFORMATION Thtr "ppl""tt"" ls for any projcct rcquiring Dcsigrr Rcvicrv approval' Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicw must rcccivc Dcsign Revicw approval prior to ri,brnitting for a buiiriing pcrrrrit. ior-specifrc infonnation. scc thc subrnittal ,"quir.n,rntJfor thc particutar approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc appiication cannot bc acccptcd until all thc requircd infornration is subnrittcd. fnc pio.lcct may also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Torvn Courcil and/or thc Planning and Epvironmental Cottrntission. ticsign Rcvictt Board approval cxpircs onc year aftcr final approval unless a building pcrnrit is issucd and construction is startcd' (4w+n,t V /\v\ P-L!s-.ft-D&lr<- I I o TO|//N0,FVAIL A, DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: B. c. E. F. ZONING: NAME Oe OwNJntsl' D MAII.ING ADDRESS: :,\t/ ) i)PHoNE: V7l^oooL C. t-t. OWNER(S)SIGNATURE(S): t" NAME OF nppucatr, 'i)AlJ MAILING ADDRESS: ( Uino. Altcration - $20 DRB fecs arc to be paid at the time of subnrittal. Later. whcn applying for a building pcrmit, plcasc identiff theaccuratcvaluationoftheprojcct. ThcTownofVailwill a justthcfecaccordingtotheprojectvaluation' PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBIVIITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Ncw Construction' $200 tr Addition - $50 E Conceptual Rcvicw' $0 Construction of a ncw building. lncludcs any addition rvhcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or comlttcroial building. Includcs nrinor changcs to buildings antl sitc irnprovcnrcnts, such as' rcroofing, painting. windorv additions, landscaping, fcnccs and rctaining walls, ctc. For any application whcrc thc applicant wishcs to nrcct with Desigr Rcvicw Boardio dctcnninc whcther or not the projc'ct gencrally conrplics with the dcsign guidclines. Thc DRB doas not votc on conccptual revicws' LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:IILOCK: - FILING: PTIYSICALADDRESS: I €"=i GOD{- c2-Xk-r/- .. r) tnAr.l IPARCEU #" /?t \) " I I-(Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) VAIL, COLORADO 81657. mryil\it;"ry$'n' Projecl Name: Project Description: ,. , ,r,6fip{fffr41.rfl -' ta* - t- Project Application o^," 7ft/fz " Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone:Crtt/'r ce @/d/ Legal Description: Lot 6 Block ,r,^n 14'/h /t?, c"/"f fk- Com ments: Design Review Board o^," 7/gr/?z- Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL f,-.tt-< zllSf - as<p. Kof"c f '.-' iJ.,'* zn<f O-S'-r"*- tafJ Approval revised , 9l4l9LI DRB COI.ORADOIPPLTCATION - IOWN OI'VAII,, , DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED:I DATE oF DRB MEETING: rsxs appr.r*r#iiilliior rr AccEprED UNTIL ALL REQUIRED II{FORIIATION IS SITBI'{ITTED*******r** I.PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRTPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction \, ,/($200.00) X Minor Alteration ($20.00) c. D. E. F. G. Addition ($50.00)($0) ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot subdivision /4// /tlZi'//f;Z- /,t,f'ZZ,; f///tU6 n)- If property is described by a neet" "ni bounds legaldescription, please provide on a separate sheet andattach to this applicat.ion. ZONING: tOT AREA: If required, applicant stamped survey showing lot area. must provide a current NAME OF APPLICANT:Mailing Address: Phone H.NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT, S REPRESENTATIVE : Address: Phone I.NAME OF OWNERS: SIGIIATURE (Sl : .Z-.Mailin Condominium 4iv t75t.1. K.DRB EEEs DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlme of submittal of DRB application. Later, whenapptytng for a building permit, please identify t.heaccurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of VaiIwlll adjust the fee according to the table be1ow, to ensure the correct fee is paid. !.EE PAID: S FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $- 0-$ 10,000 $ to, f01 - $ 50, ooo $ 50r 001 - $ 150,000 $150r001 - $ 500,000 s500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1r 000,000 * DESIGN REIIIEW BOARD APPRO\TAL EXPIRES ONE YE"AR AI'TER I'INAL APPRO\TAI, I'NI.ESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AT{D CONSTRUCTTON IS STARTtsD. **NO APPI.ICATION I|ILL BE PROCESSED WrIHOUI OWNER'S SIGNATURE t//,{'/L' n/A / pplicable. FEE ,L20.00-''$ 50 .00 s100.00 s200.00 s400.00 ss00.00 Proiect Application Date 4' 2.1 t Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legaf Descriptio nt tot (n , Block -/ , riting Com ments: F-L Design'Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Summary: fu'" #r-,*4- Date:1, ?'11 Staf f Approval *"U.u LlLeleL r. fftr0 APR'2 lgci DRB APPIJICATTON - TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE oF ons uEnrtud: rtrrs APPrrr"onrff Hrlrllio, "" A..EPTED UNTIIT AITL REQUIRED INFORIIAIIION I8 SUEUIIIIIEDItaltttt** PRoJECT INFORIIATIONS A. DESCRIPTIONs A(nro0gt_ /^rarRioA A\ fe-A i4AoPD!e0 REv,sca t LeoL I)LA'J ;c e \r<7tpr- EtV tn-6 A A-iil .-r,TH ti<t r=x-fF/LtotL Bc-o fttrr'r I r.l 00 ar..: r14 9dA'e Ce 5 ;XcaPT cL.'>. tLE ..f (-,\'L r.!/^.'OD(' A,rurA d/v€ \.,fC"C-rv Ar,(iA - At\t: i-/',!t ti.(.t/ ri6e D.,rrl+: '7o iA/,.-Ttrvt? <tla-;1Lvt 1 tJ's' B.TYPE OF REVIEW: Nen Construction Addition /7ft U. /a1/ ltinor Alteratl.on Conceptual Review d c. D. /*r/ T LEGAL DESCRIE{TION:. Lot.Block Subdivision If property is descrJ-bed bydescription, please provide a meets an6 bounde legal on a separate sheet andattach to this application. E. ZONTNG: ADDRESS: NAI.IE OF Maillng APPLICANT: Address: # F. G. H. I. J. K. IOT AREA: If reguJ-red, stamped survey showing applLcant nust provLde a currentIot area. Phone NAI.{E OFMalling APPLICANT I S REPRESENTATIVE : Address: DRB FEE: DRB fees are paid at the time of issuance of a buildinq permit. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION F8E $ lo. oo$o$ 1O,OO1 $ 5O,OO1 $150, oo1 95Oo, oo1$ over - I 1O,Ooo - $ 5O,OoO - $ 150,000- s 5o0,ooo - $1,000,000 $1, OOO, 000 tffi $100.00 $200. OO $300. OO *No APPLICAIIOI{ rIIrL EE PnOCESSED 'IIBOUI OXltERrg 8ICIIAIIURE Phone T8IGNATURE(8} !Mailing Address: Condoroiniun Approval if applicable. with the design guldelines. The DRB does not vote on conceptual reviews. The property oqrner or his representatLve shall be present at the DRB hearing. IJIST OF I{ATERIAL,S NAI.{E OF PRG'ECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: I,OT- BIOCK SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: A€rnobEL tNrEp-tot\ cLo>',r3 t'n ouE tJJt,vtol.+ oN.r' eXr€RtoA DooP, m hTcr"l ElTt]'JoF- sid0tt!(- To .'xtsf )Ne smtd 7v tbtl7ct1. Ttre folLowlng lnfor:natlon le Review Board before a final A. BUILDING }TATERIAIS: Roof Siding Other Wall. l,laterials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trirn Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other required for submlttat to the Design approval can be gLven: Exttr F tA - REf LAL? SLt [b tNG t, t'f ,] FR. E-N(A oBL TIPE OF I{ATARIAIT COIPR getA( - sTAtN T6 m ATW L=\tsa)r'tG SAour^J -o - Ic-- -o' -o.- -..- <) - --c - c/-o>€ c,\ A u-rrp u'6: FaA GAS <:o- lEZSlo, -c- --cr- .-i\- B.I,ANDSCAPING:Nane of Designer: Phone: PLANT }TATERIAI,S: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name conmon Name ouantitv Size'r EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED No NE *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimun err.,$gla;.f^gg tj Pou;tt) 1. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS ITEREBY GfVEN that the PlannJ-ng and Environmental Connission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the nunicipal code of the Town of Vail on June 11, 1990 at 33oo p.n. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: A request to apply High Density Multi-Fanily zoning to the Marriott l{ark Resort, a najor amendrnent to Special Development District No. 7 (I,[arriott Mark) and for a conditional use pernit in order to add 58 tirneshare units and 8 enployee housing units. applicant: Uarriott Corporation. A request for a front setback variance and a creek setback variance for Lot 5, Vail ViIIage West, Fiting No. 2, L'755 Itest core Creek Drive.Applicant: Dan and Karen Forey A request for a height variance for an addition to Condominiurn Unit E-6, Lot P, Block 5D, Vait Village First Filing, L41 East Meadow Drive.Applicant: H. Willian Srnith, Jr. A request for a height variance for an addition to Condoniniun Unit E-5, Lot P, Block 5D, vail Village First Filing, l4L East Meadow Drive.Applicant: Robert Snith A major amendrnent to Special Development District No. 4, Area C, Section L8.46.100, Paragraph C: deletion of the fotlowing sentence rrNo residential lot shall contain more than 42OO square feet of GRFA per the Glen Lyon subdivision covenantsrr, which amends the GRFA reguirement to conform to the Prinary/Secondary zone district, Section 18.13.080' Density Control . Applicant: Greg Arnsden for 758 of the property owners. A request for a setback variance in order to add a bay window at Villa Valhalla, Unit No. 3' Lot JI , Block A, Vail Village 5th Filing. Applicant: Harry Davison A request for a roajor subdivision, a request to approve the prelirninary plan, a request for a variance to the maxinum height for retaining walls, and a request for a variance to the naxinun percent grade for a road, on a parcel comrnonly referred to as Spraddle Creek, an aPProxirnate 40 acre parcel Iocated north and east of the Main vail I-70 interchange and east of the Spraddle Creek livery. Commencing at the Northeast Corner of the Southeast l/4 of the Southvest L/4 of Section 5, Township 5 South, Range 80 west of ttle 6th Principal I'leridian, Ueing an Eagle County Brass Cap properly uarkcd and aet' with all-bea5ingp contained herein beingA) / | ,*c*,r'n'os/aalgo-//k&W fi @au K 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. relative to q-pearing of S 00 11' 0orr E hetween the Northeast cfr of laid Southeast t/+ llc'ne Souchwest Lt/4, and the SoutlEast corner of said SoutheaEE 1/4 of the Southwest L/4 beLng an Eagle County Brass cap properly marked and set; said Northeast Corner of the Southeast L/4of the Southwest L/4 beLng tbe Point of beginning; thence S o0 llf oort E aLong the east line of said Southeast L/4 otthe Southwest L,/4 of Section 5 a distance of 1320.14 feet tothe Southeast Corner the said Southeast L/4 of the Southwest L/4 of Section 5; thence S 89 47' 48rr W al-ong the south lineof said Southeast L/4 ot the Southwest 1/4 of Section 5 a distance of 901.00 feett thence N 73 48t 32t' l{ alongInterstate 70 Right of Way line a distance of 2L4. 12 feett thence N 66 52 | 12rr W along said Right of Way line a distance ot 24L.1o feet to a point on the west line of said Southeast l/4 ot the Southwest 1,/4 of Section 5r thence N OO20f 31ff w along the west line of said Southeast l/4 of t}re Southwest L/4 of Section 5 a distance of 1161.56 feet to the Northwest Corner of the Southeast L/4 of the Southwest L/4of Section 5 being an Eagle County brass cap properly marked and seti thence N 89 41t L2't E along the north line of said Southeast L/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 5 a distanceof 1331.07 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said realproperty containing 39.55 acres, more or less.Applicant: George Gillett, Jr. A request for a conditional use pennit to allow for a Bed and Breakfast at Lots 6 and L/2 of 5, Block 5, Vail village Seventh Filing, 1119 E. Ptarrnigan Road.Applicant: Monie s. Beal A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a Bed and Breakfast at Lot 3, Block 3, Vail fntermountain, 2754A Basingdale. Catherine S. Cheney A request for a conditional use pernit to allow for a Bed and Breakfast at Lot I, Block 3, Bighorn Subdivision, 5thAddition, 5198 Gore Circle.Applicant: John and Paula Canning A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a Bed and Breakfast at L,ot 8A, vail village loth Filing, 920 Fairway Drive.Applicant: Alice M. cartwright infornation about the proposals are inspection in the Connunity Development The applications and available for public Department office. Town of Vail Comrounity Development Published in the Vail Department Trail on May 25, 1990. John M. Perkins I *.nitectn / Fost office bx26l voit, ctdo 81658 / soq949-46s; Lots 2 and 3: Lot 5: Lot 7 13). Lot 7 (w): Vestl-andet CondominiumsBuildinq A Unit 1: Stanley Ourada Route 2, Box 118A Holdredge Neb. 68 949 Unit 2: James Rayner 1308 Beck Dr. Oxford, MS 38655 ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS Elmore and Associ ates 10001 East Evans #69c Denver, Colorado 80231 Vail Village West Water & San. 709 W. Littleton Blvd.Littleton, Colorado 80210 Bruce Ovind Rural Route 1, Box 17 Emerado, North Dakdta 58228 John Roath 899 South williams St. Denver, Colorado 80209 Buildinq B Unit 1: Richard Stampp Box 1971 Avon, CO B 1620 Unit 2: Russell Shay 225 WalL St.Vail, CO 81657 Unit 3: Richard Box 2759 Ner'rport 92659 Eddy Beach, CA untc 5:Thomas LafferLy Michael Ludwig 4550 So. Downing Cir. Englewood, CO 80110 oo oo PI.AIINING AIID ENVIRONUENTAL COU!fiSSION JITNE 25, 1990 F Present Chuck Crlst Diana Donovan Ludwig KurzJin Shearer Kathy l{arren DaLton Willlans Connie l(night In the Lnterest of tLme,public hearing beginning Iclstan Prltz l,tike l{olllca Shelly llello Andy lGrudtsen Penny Perry work sessLons sere held prior to theat 12:40 p.D. Iot L, Block 5-8. Val-l VLllacle lst Filinq.Appll.cant: Sonnenalo Prooerties. Inc. Kristan Pritz explalned that the request was for the redeveloprnent of the Sonnenalp property and a proPosed Special Development District. she gave a brief Bunmary of the request and reviewed the zoning analysis. Slre reviewed those ltens related to the project found within the Vail Vlllage llaster Plan includlng Sub-Area #1-3, enphasizing coals & Policies, andIllustrative Plans. Slre also provlded correspondLng prellninary staff conments. I(ristan then relayed conments nade by the 81re Departnent and ltublic Works. Thie was a work session, so no reconmendation was made. Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, expJ-ained that they weie before the board on a prelirninary basLs and sinply wanted. comrnents and suggestions so they could move ahead with the design process. Irene Westby, nanager of the Tall.srnan, explained that the owners had discussed the proposal , though not 1n depth, regarding coordinatlon wlth the sonnenalp on landscape and parklng. As the managei, she would encourage the board to nove faster. They do have concerns with parking, landscape and fire access. Jay explained that he had net with the president of the association and the Sonnenalp had offered access through the Sonnenalp stmcture. Marilyn Fletcher, a TallEnan condoniniun owner, felt the proposal was very nlce looking. She was concerned about the setbacks and lngressr/egress. ol oo Kent Rose, speaking for himself as a Council ltenber, felt thatthe zoning analysis found wl-thln the nemo was well prepared. fnthe future, he would like to Bee a conparJ,son of the SDD wlth theVillage Master Plan as well. He auggested to Krlstan to add this comparison to the present chart. He stated that the additional comparison could help hin lean nore favorable toward the proJect. As it was currently deplcted, the proJect looked too large. L,arry Eslnrith ex;llained that he would prefer that the Council menbers not participate ln the PEC neeting. The Council is aquasi-judicial board and he felt their partlcipation could causelegal problerns. Diana asked lf they could speak J.n a general eense or at a nininurn ask questions, and Larry gat{ rtysE.tt lterv Lapin felt that page 2 of the Deno vas the key. When an SDDis proposed, there should be trade-offs. He wanted to know what these trade-offs were. He felt that staff presented the trade-offs Ln respect to the llarriott project well. Regarding theMarriott project, he felt that too much time was spent comparingthe original application to the current proposal . Uerv agreedwith Larry Eskwith, that the Councilrs conrnents should be linitedat this point. The Council was in a quasl-judicial role. Kristan explained that the Plannlng Conml.ssion sinply wantedgeneral conments and issues that the councll felt needed to be addressed. Lynn Fritzlen asked if staff could restate the purpose of applying underlying zoning and Kristan explained that there werebasically two reasons. The first was to ldentify the usespossible on the site and the second was used to compare theproposal with the underlying zoning reguirements which PEC and CounciL always reguest staff to do. Jay Peterson addressed the trade-off issue. He stated that the Sonnenalp building could meet the PA crl-teria, however, thebuilding design would becorne a terrl.ble bulky nass Ln the niddleof the lot. He also felt that the proposed use of 99* hotel. rooms was a trade-off. AIso, the proposal was not far over GRFA. The current proposal was at 32 units per acre conpared to the 25units per acre called for under PA zonJ.ng. Peggy Osterfoss stated that it would be helpful lf all parties concerned had a copy of the vall Village ltlaster PIan. Jin Shearer felt it was extrenely inportant for the Sonnenalp to work with the Talisman regarding parking and landscaping. He was concerned about the Ludwig deck and its inpact on the creek area.lle also wanted to see the employee housing lssue addressed. Ee was very concerned about the height creating a crowded feeling on fo lo Meadow Drlve. He understood ilayrs conments regarding the bulk lnthe nlddle of the lot, but felt that the nass could be pulled offof Meadow Drlve and a more attractive walk created. He felt the approach would create more interest for the retail area. iflnalso felt a phasing plan vas needed. Jin liked the Lncrease Ln lodging units, underground parking, and felt that the Faesslers were good nanagers. He had some concern about the anount ofretail apace and density. He prefered the tower as anarchLtectural feature as opposed to a ibuildingtr provlding llving area ln the tower. Kathy Warren asked if the staff could total all the sg. footagecalculatlons (GRFA, Accessory etc..) on the charts Ln the future. Fron what she could quickly calculate, the proposal was over PA zoning by 25*. Kathy felt ehe could not support setback variances for Vail Road, Meadow Drive or the strean and she feltthat the helghts called for by the l{aster Plan should be adheredto. Though slightly under on site coverage and over on Iandecaping, the landscaped area ls private and should be opened up and nore inviting to the publlc. Creek access is inportant. Kathy felt enployee housing was necesaary and would like to seelt on site. The Talisnan parking should also be addressed. No varlances on parking should be given. Lodge use is very good. She ls looking for the public Aood in respect to the proJect. Kathy felt tbat, because it was a hotel , she was not ae concerned with units per acre as she was with GRFA. She did not eee muchin the way of benefits for the Tonn. Jay, in response to the employee housing issue, stated that the Faesslers own 24 units in Solar vail as well as some units in Bighorn. Chuck Crist stated that he had always wanted to Bee the slte developed. He had concerns about the tower. He stated that he was not aE concerned with setbacks nith the exception of Meadowdrive. fhe nass on Meadow Drive needs to be broken up. The lossof landscaping is a problern. He also would like to see employee housing incorporated into the proJect on site. He felt that the Town would be losing green space and the stream would be blocked from the public and he tiked the anount of retail space proposed. He liked the underground parking. Dalton vas very concerned wlth the setbacks as they reLated to the transfer of open space frorn public areas to prlvate areas. The 20 foot setback must be maintained. The ber:m, per the VailVillage MaEter Plan, should be kept. lle felt that the building' along Meadow Drive, should be stepped back in order to avoid arrcanyonr affect. He did not feel he could approve the reguested setbick variances. The parking for the entire project including Talisnan and Swiss House nust be addressed. oa oo Dalton continued by quoting the Vail Village l{aster PIan Sub-Area #1-5 willow Bridge Road tralkway as stating: xA decorative paver pedestrian wallnray, Beparated fron the Etreet and accented by a atrong landscaped area to encourage pedestrian circulation along Meadow Drive. Loss of parking will need to be relocated on ELte.rl Dalton felt that the ingressr/egress ehould be on the east side of the Sonnenalp by Village Center (Swiss House) and the planter along Meadow Drive nust stay. Dalton aleo felt that the building should be pulled back to buffer noise fron bus trafflc. Ile feltthat the gate should be noved east and felt that the naes and bulk waE not compatible wlth East l{eadow Drive. Dalton felt that the 48 foot height requirement should be strictly adhered to, a 101r tower was out of the question and the King Ludwig deck should be stepped down towards the creek. The deck creates too nuch of a wa1l . Dalton felt that the enployee housing should be on-sl.te and that the proposal was taking open space and landscaping away from the public. The appticant should put inpublic spaces, like a stream wa1k. He conmended the Faesslers for being excellent hoteliers. Ludulg conpll-mented the Faesslers for running a trclass operation.rr Ludwig Kurz felt the proposal needed a comprehensive parking plan as well as an access etudy. He felt he could give lone leeway with the height and nass, however, the building stilt needed work. Ludwig felt that the walknay and loading area were in confll-ct and need a better interface. Jay stated that the loading area was located by default. Ludwig also felt that theinternal open space was naximized at the sacrifice of areas along Meadow Dr. and VaiI Road. Diana stated that the proposal disregarded the Vail Village llaster Plan. She guestioned whether parking for cornmerciat would be accessible and reserved for comnercial . Jay said space would be made available to customers. She felt that the building was beautiful but would be more appropriate on large acreage. Dlana felt that a streanwalk should be proposed and the parking situation concerned her. Jay explained that he felt the parking regrulations pertained to snittei hotel- rooms. The proposed parking would work sinilar to Crossroads and the gate would be relocated. Diana felt that the loading needed to be either moved away frorn the creek or improved. Parking for Swiss House and Talisman needs to be figured out. The role of the Tallsman also needs to be deflned. enployee housing nust be addressed - perhaps permanently restrict wtrit sonnenalp atready has for ernployee units. She felt lt sas inportant to know what the Talismanrs intentions were soon and whlt would be done. Diana also had concerns regarding the setbacks along Meadow Drive and Vail Road. She didn't have a oo oo problen with a variance for an architectural etatement, however,the height Ln general nust be reduced. Diana ras conserned whether an SDD was realy necessary. She questioned the benefitof the proJect to the public and stated Dore general publlc improvenents were needed. Kathy lfarren felt that the trash sltuation needed to be addressed and that the applicant needed to soften the approach at thepedeetrlan level . She also felt that new enployee housing units needed to be addressed in additlon to thoEe already owned. Shefelt the cornnerclal square footage also contributed to enployee houeing denand. Jay felt that an additional enployee unit reguirenent sould bepenalizlnE the appllcant for havlng the foreslght to purchase theunits. The applicant purchased the Solar Crest unLts with theintention of completing the redevelopment currently proposed. Ton Steinberg commented that he felt the proposal was going inthe correct direction. He alEo agreed with Diana that he was not sure an SDD would be needed. A recruest for a work session for an exterl-or alteration. a site coverage variance, a heiqht varlance. a landscape variance and afloodplain nodification for the Covered Bridcre Buildinc. located on Lot C and Lot D. and the southwesterlv 4 feet of Lot B. all in Block 5-8. Vail Villacre 1st Filinq. 227 Bridge Street. Mike litolllca explained that the applicants rrere proposing a major redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building. The proposalcalled for naJor nodifications to the front entrance of the exJ-sting conunercial spaces, the creation of lower level connercial spaces, infill on the north and northweEt eections ofthe existing structure, the addition of an elevator, and theaddition of two upper floors. The request involved 5 separate applications, an exterior alteration request, a site coverage variance request, a heJ-ght variance request, a landscape variance reguest, and a floodplain modification reguest. ltike reviewedthe applicable zoning considerations and gave preliminary staff conrnents. Since this sas a work session, no staff reconmendations were made. Kathy Warren aEked what the allowed GRFA was and Mike explainedthat the Bunrey vas not finlshed and therefore calculations were not nade with regard to GRFA. Ned Gwathney, proJect architect,felt that they would be within what was allowed. Ned explained the changes that were nade since the staff Bemo waswritten. The only issue he fett that the PEC nlght be concerned about was the height of the new roof line. The new proposal did, however, ell-ninate the fLat roof deslgn. He e:rplained that the oa oo adJacent properties were built prior to the enactment of the height restrictlons and rnost were above the helght of tbe present covered arldge Bullding. Ned stated that the proposal sould bein ll-ne with the surrounding properties, and that the desigm did not negatively affect adjacent properties. In fact the proposal could enhance the adJacent propertl.es, for example, the nerr roof would screen rrPepirs wall.tr Torn Steinberg, sitting in the audience, eaid he felt he would have no obJections to the height varl.ance due to the fact that the roof rrould Ecreen Pepirs wall. Dalton l{illlans encouraged working with the pocket park and extendl-ng the stream walk down to the end of the property line,if at all possible, so that it could be continued In the future. Chuck Crlst asked if tlrey would be lncreasing connon space and Ned answered rrno.tr However, there would be no decrease in conmon space either. Chuck asked how the height related to the grade found on Bridge Street and Ned answered that Bridge Street is 6' higher than the grade used to calculate helght. Ned also wanted Chuck to bear in nind that the building was stepped back, hence the highest point would be 5Or off of the street. Chuck explained that he liked the proposal . He would like to see more flower boxes and perhaps a more Tyrolean look. Ludwig Kurz felt the project looked good. He guestioned whether there was any opposition to the project and Mike explained that the proposal had not fornally been published since this was sinply a work session. Mike explalned that he did have one lettei at that tine frorn Rod Slifer in favor of the proposal . Kathy warren asked, if they rernoved the building area by the park, htghlighted in yellow on the plans, including.the rearitair, ii ttre proJect would be in compliance with sLte coverage. She also stated that she was not comfortable with the height variance but if the Town could end up with a more uEable public park she could consider the height variance. She was not Lonfortable with the site coverage variance. Kathy felt she could not object to the exterior alteration, it was a nuch needed inprovenent. Kathy guestioned whether the pocket park was identified in the Vail village Master Plan and Mike explained that lt was not addressed. Kathy was concerned about the Bridge Street access to the park and wanted to see more detail. Jin Shearer felt the proJect was good looking. He liked the roof lines and would like to see more planter boxes. He stated that the reason behind a variance is to improve the property. He would like to see improvements to the Etreamwalk and to see aII evergreens saved or 4 put in for the 2 taken out. He felt there oo oo night be a problen with the floodplain nodlfication. He was concerned w-ittr ttre elevator shaft-and sater seepage. He had noproblen wlth the helght. He would rather have an attractlve roofline. He waB satisfled with the looks of the propoeal. He f61tthe ataff and board needed to look at the vlew corrl,dor. Hellked the way the proposal tl.ered back from the street wlth theheight. Dlana Donovan felt it would be yonderful to get a walktray to Gore Creek Plaza. She felt it sould be nice to have jogs, and bay windows on the north side of the bullding. She felt the accessto the park needed to be nore enticing. She was not sure aboutthe height. Trade-offs and other conslderations such as screening PepirE building would be a help. She would have a hardtlne supporting the proposal lf the everegreen treea w€re reuoved. l,tike o<plained that the Town Landscape Architect felt the trees were very healthy and would last nany years. Diana euggeeted the use of pavers rather than asphalt ln front ofthe building. Chuck CriEt asked about the aluninurn siding that was oriEl.nally proposed and Ned explained that the siding had been changed to vood. The Publlc Hearing was called to order at 3:10 p.n. by Diana Donovan, Chairperson. Connie t<night waE absent. In the interestof time, the board skipped to Itern No. 4. The appllcante forIteng No. 2 & 3 were not present. Iten No. 4: A recruest for a conditlonal use pemit for a constructLon stacrinq area. located Just uphill of the Golden Peak snowmakincr puutphouse. Tract B,Vail Village 7th Filing.Apolicant: Vail, Assoclates. fnc. Shelly Mello explained that Vail Associates was requesting acondltional use pemit for a Eumner Eeasonal staging area at the Golden Peak base area for the construction of the Far EastReEtaurant. The area was located ln the Ski Base Recreatlon zonedietrlct. In this zone district, rrsunmer outdoor Storage for llountaln Equipmentn is an allowed condLtional use. ifhe proposed use would be for an office trailer, 12 enployee parking Bpacesfor the aunmer of 1990 and 25 parking spaces for 1991. A llnited amount of construction materials would also be located at the staglng area. The construction trailer and the buildingnaterials would be removed by Novenber 15th of each year. thelly oo oo (. explained that staff was concerned about parking being located onthe slte and suggested the possiblllty of located the parkinguphllt on county land or an alternate area such as the l{est DayIpt. The staff reconmendatlon waE for approval with conditions as found within the memo. Joe litacy explained that the request was made in order toconstruct a 500 seat restaurant at the Far East. He stated thatVail Associates had received at least 2 other conditional use permLts and had no complal-nts. They did not want to take parklng away fron the public by parking their employees in publlc parkingareas. The new Village Parking Structure had created a parklng shortage. Jack Hunn explained that part of the goal was to have vlslbilityfor delivery trucks. The other reaEon was to have a collectingplace for employees in order to linit the nunber of vehl.cles on the nountain. The applicant had originally looked at using the West Day Lot. However, when the Town of Vail decided to go forthwith the parking structure expanslon, it was felt that this lot would be needed for public parking. Joe ltacy clarified that the staging area was actually downhill of the punphouse. Kristan Pritz noted that the proposal had statedspecifically that the staging would be uphill. Ludwig Kurz asked if any of the area would be fenced or screened and Jack Hunn explained that the storage area would not be screened. L,udwig saw no problens with having both the storage area andparking on the site. He understood the hardship of staging from two areas. Diana Donovan asked why VaiI Associates did not vish to use the Eagle County area uphill since it was already graveled and graded. Dalton Willians had no problem with delivery and staging but wanted the parking hidden. He also wanted to know why the staff conditlons of approval included revegetating after the firstyear. He felt it would be a waste of tirne and noney, for the area would be used for skiing in the winter and reused for staging the next year. He felt it would be sufficient to revegetate in the fall of 1991. Jin Shearer asked why the request was for 12 cars in 1990 and 25ln 1991 and Joe litacy explained that the finish construction which would be done in the second year requLred more employees. Jin conmented that the blggest problem would be how the site would Iook from I-7o. I TO: FROU: DATE: RE: Planning and Envl.ronnental Cornnlssion Connunity Developnent Departnent June 25, 1990 A request for a front eetback variance and a creek setback variance for Lot 6, Vail Village l{est, Filing No. 2, t755 West Gore Creek Drlve.Applicant: Dan and Karen Forey I.DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIA}ICES REOUESTED The applicants are the owners of an existin home located at 1755 WeBt Gore Creek Drive.cantsar€ requesting variances fron Section 18.13.060 of the Prinary,/secondary ReEidentlal zone district with regard totE_Eont setlCcrc and fron Sectlon 18.58.300 regarding setbacks from a water courae, Dore ifically the 5ol o rs are a ma'lor single-f y hone and in addition they are an attached two-car 9arage with a owners are required to the r p€E Section 18.13.080 (Brlo)Townrs ?/e "ry zoning code. The property is zoned Lrinary,/Secondary and as such thesetlicr- reqiirenents amont property line and 15' from each side pfoperty line. Also, the setback requirenent from core Creek is 50r fron the centerline of restrof the a1l and a 9r encroachnent the creek. encroa rg t stream setback. As indicated on the constrained by therenaining buildablesite. The property attached site plan, the lot is severelylinitations of the setbacks and the area is linited to a small triangularls also constrained by the existing topographyi slo the e slte tely 31*.This slopea garage inallow, honever, forthe front setback vlthout a variance. Ibe appllcanttsdesire is to place a eecondary, rental unit over the garage. This adaltional unit re<nrires that a varl-ance be obtained use of The exLsting structure currently encroacbes into tlre west side yard setback as well as the strean eetback along GoreCreek. Parklng for the residence is currently provided by an existlng asphalt, surface parking area irnrnediately southeast of the existing hone. t II. ZONTNG CONSIDERATIONS Lot Area: Allowable GRFA: Proposed GRFAs 11,089 sq. ft. 2,772 sq. ft. 2r64L sq. ft. Corununity Development strongly requested variances will have athe irnrnediate neighborhood. we Site Coverage (15t naxlnun) Allowables 1,663 sq. ft.Site Coverage Proposed: 1,659 sq. ft. With the exception of the front Eetback variance request,the strearn setback variance request, and a portion of the surface parking being in the right-of-way (the Town Engineer has approved of this parking), all other development standards for this property have been met. III.@ Upon review of Criteria and Findings, section 18.62.060 of the vail Municipal Code, the Department of Conmunity Development reconmends approv?I of the requested variance based irpon t@ors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the recruested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures inthe vicinity. The Departnent of believes that thepositive inpact on believe that the ts aae very reasonable iri s of the-Eropertv. We believe this request to be positive because-ql] the exist veqetati. €pecffically, all the large evergreenthe proposeds located innediately north of garage and secondary unit structure will be preserved. We believe that the requested front setback variance and stream aetback variance request nouldnot adversely affect the privacy or use of any adjacent property. 2. lllhe Town Planning Staff believes that rellef fronthe strLct setback reguLrements are reasonable inorder to seneitlvely place developnent on thislot, and to provide accesel.ble covered parking forthe property. The Town Planning Staff hashistorically been supportive of requests for theaddition of covered parking. fn this particularsituation, given the present alllng c!_!beexLst on the eaEt on and e requests ThE"FFaff believes that the llteral enforcement ofthe zoning code regarding these setbacks wouldpresent a hardship upon the applicant. We alsofeel that the linitations on this property, as noted above, also present a physical hardship. The staff finds no significant inpacts with regards to any of the above criteria. The Town ofVail Public Works Department has reviewed this request and has no problerns with the location ofthe proposed garage lnto the front setback or theparking that encroaches into the right-of-way. III. REIATED FOLICTES IN TIIE VAIL COUPREHENSIVE PI.,AN Section 1.3 of the TownrE Land Use Plan statea: rrThe quality of developnent should be naintained and upgraded whenever possible.rl The Town Staff believes that the addition of covered parking on this lot certainly supports the upgrading policy. 3. tIV. FINDINGS A. That the granting of the variance will not constitute agrant of special prlvilege inconsistent with thelinitations on other propertles classified in the samediEtrict. B. That the granting of the variance will not bedetrinental to the public health, safety or welfare, ormaterially injurious to propertLes or improvements in the vicinlty. c. That the variance is warranted for one or more of thefollowing reasons: 1. The strict literal interpretation or enforcementof the specified regiulation would result inpractical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of thistitle. 2. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the samesite of the variance that do not apply generallyto other properties in the same zone. 3. The strict lnterpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicantof privileges enJoyed by the owners of otherproperties in the same district. V. STAFF RECO!{MENDATION The staff reconnendation, of the reguested encroachnent intothe front setback and the stream setback, is for approval . We believe this lot to be encunbered with a physical hardship, due to the extreme slopes on the site, thelocation of existing trees and the location of Gore Creek. t{e believe that the siting of the garage has been designedin the most sensitive manner possible, given the existingsite constraints. The staff believes there to be no significant inpacts to adjacent properties and that due to the physical siteconstraints, approval of this reguest would not be a grant of special privilege. 'F* 1?cl.!GT (t' "l *l+l o I t,t t I I I { tI t. /\, .l $l+ ( I i! tl -0g I I { tt) I ftItlt! I /tiflf ,) / )j / /, -_/ ,l tt F-ltt .. ili ti iiit:,ii, :,:,:.i;rii:.. 'i :!i:rli.i'ii: . \drr(\_i... r iij;$ irr,i : ..Y..1 1 rr'ijii ;ii;ii rliiii rfiilirt# :.;if; 1q1;,.1;i,q1x1i ii,,i$fii: r'uiil'.,'iit. :;1,${iif '...' - .i..,;. .;,.,-.:,.:...-. : ;..":;., ..::",,;;i,li,'.1, ';r r ;1,'"!-.i1;;iii;';,i'L;: P E,o ,.!'>o t I T,I _t il. I i' I .t r'|, tltilill i { iltl rl 1 T.t 1I It tit \t a I I t F il John M. Perkins / nrcnitecllA / Fost office bx266l voir, Ctodo 81658 I 90.194946g:,7 SUPPLEMENT TO VARIANCE APPLICATION FORM The request is for a variance from front yard setbacks as spec-ified by Section 18.13.060 of the Primary/Secondary Resi.dential Zone District. A second variance is requested from the 50' setback from the center line of Gore Creek. These varianceswill al1ow for the conslruction of a garage and secondary uni! encroaching 16'into the front yard setback and 7'into the stream setback. There is an exist,ing duplex residence on the site vhich will be converted to a single family residence. The average slope of the site beneath the proposed structure isin excess of 3O%. This will al1ow for the construction of a garage wi.thin the front yard setback as specified by SecLion 18.69.050(L) (Hazard Regulations). Therefore, the requested variance will a11ow for the construction of a 563.75 s.f. sec- ondary unit directly above the garage and linked to the primary residence. The actual buildable area on the subject property is severl-y re- strained due to setbacks from Gore Creek, an existing utility easement and required front and side yard setbacks. The exist j-ng duplex residence is built vith pre-existing, nonconforming en- croachments into the side yard setback on the west side and the stream setback on the north side. The remaining area to the east of the existing residence is taken up by mature vegetation, in- cluding large (plus-12' cal.) pines and spruce, and healthy wi llows .The proposed design of the garage and secondary unit vi11 preserve all existing vegetation on the site and minimize disturbance to the highly visible riparian character found in all of the lower portion of the site. No vegetation will- be re- moved from the site and nat,ural topography will be maintained' The total buildable area on the lot outside of setbacks consistsof 825 s. f. The proposed variance is compatiblestructures in the vicinity. Lot 5,ject property, is currently vacant.site would recruire variances due to vith existing and potential directly east of the sub- Any development of that overlapping front yard and A. EI stream setbacks. There are currently 3 garage structurea along West Gore Creek Drive built within front setbacks.Visibility of the proposed structure from properties to the rf,est rf,ou1d be minimal and no significant view corridorsvould be obscured. The variance, if granted, would not be a grant of specialprivilege. The proposed structure would be built in the same approxinate location as the existing raised parking areavith the intention of minimizing site disturbance and pre- serving mature vegetation along Gore Creek. Both of theseobjectives are in the public interest. The proposed build-ing J.ocation benefits both the neighborhood and the communityas a whole. Construction of the secondary unit rsould provide a unit of affordable employee housing. The strict or literal interpreLation of the regulations wi.11result in a hardship for the property owners by severely 1im- iting their abil-ity to add on to the snall existing residence due to the size and nature of the buildable area on the 1ot. The variance would not affect in an adverse manner the light,air and open space of the neighborhood. The variance is re-quested in an attempt to preserve these gualities by ninimizing disturbances to the site. The variance would have no irnpact onpopulation, transportation, traffic facilities, utilities, orpublic safety. The structure would not obstruct any visionclear areas for traffic safety and adeguate parking for bothunits ri1l be provided on site. c. to lo Dl-ana Donovan felt that if the ar€a was screened she could eupport the parking of 12 vehicles. She uas stIU unaure about 25 vehicles. Diana also felt that the rduet preventl.onr statcnent ehould state fron the nvlBta-Bahnn. She connented that she woul-d rather Bee approval for the atagLng site cone throuEhthe Vail board than to deny the regueet and be propoeed to Eagle County and have no control . Conditl-ons: 1. That the etaqLno site be used for constructlon fron June 1, lggo-Novenber 15. 1990 and the end of the Bki eeason to Novenber 15. 1991; and 5. That the applicant treat the road frorn the Vista Bahn to the Etaqinq area to limit the anount of road dust that would result fron the increased use of the access road. VOTE: 6-0 IN FAVOR Item No. 5: A resuest for a side and front setback varLance ln shelly Mello explal.ned that the reguest was for a garage and entry addition to the north and west sides of the exlstlngreeidence. The proposed garage had a total area of 526 eq. ft. and would encroach a uaxinum of 3 ft. into the 15 foot eide setback requlrenent and 2 ft. into the 20 foot front setback requirement. with the exception of the requeeted variance, all other development standards would be net. The staff recornnendation vas for approval of the request sith the condltionthat the eaeternnost 1or of the existing paved parklng area be renoved and landscaped. lllre varLance would not be a grant of epecial privilege and did not lnpact adJacent propertles ln a 2. 3. All areas inpacted bv the conetruction staqlnq have straw Laid at the bv Novenber 30, 1990 and be completelv revecretated bv November 30, lggl,Land No more than 12 vehicles at anv one tl.ne. ecreened in a nanner approved by staff in 1990 and no nore than 5 vehicles at any 1 tine be parked on slte in 1991; and A 3or setback be nal-ntaLned from Mill creek; and4. oo ot negative nanner. The staff felt that the addition of enclosedparklng would improve the general appearance of the nelghborhood. Galen stated that he had eignlficantly reduced the garage per theboardrs reguest at the last neetl.ng. They were sinply askl.ng to keep the asphalt. llhe proposal dld add a signlflcant anount oflandscaping. They wished to leave the asphalt as a place for theklds to play. Galen also asked to have a little leeway wlth thesetback (inches) in order to avoid having extensive survey work. Kathy Warren asked rlhy the addltional 10r of asphalt was needed and Mrs. Testwuide explained that sithout the addltLonal asphaLt they would have no gruest parking. Gueste would not want to parkin front of the garagte, therefore blocking the garage. Jin Shearer quest!.oned the landscaping as it was portrayed on theplan. He felt if the 1or area was Left, it would look etrange.!!rs. Testwuide explained the exletJ-ng rock wall whlch framed theportion being spoken of and how the landscape features were planned around the asphalt. Kathy Warren stated that she understood the staffrs concerns. However, she could also slmpathize with ltrs. Testwul,ders concerns. Chuck Crist, Dalton Willians, and Ludwig Kurz had no concerns. Diana Donovan suggested the applicant reduce the asphalt on the west side of the driveway. A notion to approve the recruested 3r side setback and 2lfront setback variances with condition as follows was nade by Kathv Warren and Seconded bv Jin Shearer ger fl-ndings C- L--topocrraphy. C-2 and C-3. Conditions: 1. The Desicrn Review Board be asked to look at elininating asphalt on the l{est side of the driveway and landscapinq. VOTE: 5-O IN FAVOR Item No. 6:A recruest for a front setback variance and a creek uike I'[ollica explained that the applicants ltere requesting variances frorn the front setback and the strearn setback. They were proposing a najor renodel of the existing two-fanily hone setback variance for Lot 6. VaLl VLllage WeEt. FLllna No. 2, 1755 West Gore Creek DrLve.Applicant: Dan and Karen Forev 10 oo ol Item No. 7: Road.Apollcant: Town of VaLl Police Departnent Andy Knudtsen dqrlained that the Poll.ce Departnent proposed tobuild a tower for a new antenna and Dicrouave dish as part of an Lnprovenent to the Energency Serviceg Comnunl.cation Systen. Thetower rould be 4O feet tall wlth a 10 foot antenna on top for atotal of 50 feet Ln helght. The staff felt that the proposal would have nininal negative funpacts and that the overall proJect would funprove the character of the area. The staff reconnendation was for approval with conditions as stated ln the meDo. Kathy lfarren felt that the nechanical equlprnent referred to lnthe reconmended conditlons of approval was already supposed to have been removed. Ken Hughy agreed and apologized that lt hadnot already been done. He assured Kathy that lt sould be done. Dalton Willians was concerned about the proposed height of the tower and Ken explained that he had looked into alternativeE; however, cost and the lack of cooperation from the U.S. WeBtbulldlng attributed to the proposed location. Ken commented that the long range plans were to relocate thepolice station and hopefully the nove would include noving allthe equl-pnent. Krlstan wanted the board to understand that the reason staff waE recommending approval of the request was because the building was located ln the Public Use distrJ.ct, not because the applicant vasthe Town of Vail. Ludwlg stated that he had concerns, however, in light of thesafety issues he felt he could support the project. Jlm Shearer asked if there would be any guide wires and Ken responded ffno.tr ilim then asked what the chances were of the Police Departnent adding other dishes in the future and Ken explalned that there were no plans for additions in the nearfuture. Jin pointed out that the paint color was an inportant iseue for the Design Revlew Board to conslder. Kathy ltarren had no cornnents. Diana felt that the big trees salvaged fron the parklng structure renovatl,on sould be too big and would attract attention rather than divert attention to the tower. She would prefer to eee aspens but felt it was a natter better left for the Design Revl.ew Board to review. L2 ao to which included an attached two-car qtarage with a secondary,rental unit located above the garage which is reguired to berestricted per the Townrs zoning code. Mike also explained thatthe lot rras severely constrained by the linltatlons of the setbacks and the renaLning buildable area was llnited. llhe lot was also constrained by the existing topography; the average slope beneath the parking area and the proposed garage site was approxinately 31t. The slope did allow the owners to conEtruct a garage in the front setback without a varlance. The varLance was required due to the proposed secondary unit located above thegarage. The staff reconnendation was for approval . staff believed the lot to be encunbered with a physical hardship and believed the siting of the garage had been designed in the nostsensitive manner possible. John Perklns, representing the appllcant, explalned that the hone was purchased with the intent of remodeling. The plan was to convert the duplex into one unit and add the garage and caretakerunit. He felt the key points were that the applicant was proposing to upgrade a property and add a uuch needed employeeunit. Kathy warren felt that the parking asphalt should be decreased to 4Or compared to the proposed 5Ot width. Chuck crist conmented that he liked the plan as presented. Ludwig Kurz also liked the proposal . Jin Shearer agreed with Kathy that the driveway could be decreased in width and ilohn Perkins felt he could adjust the width but felt 40r nay be too small. Jim conmented that it was part of the job as a Planning Cornmissioner to encourage upgrading, ernployee housing and coveredparking. He could not see any negative impacts and therefore could support the proposal . Diana Donovan concurred with the board. fn general , she feltthat the PEC iras beginning to be too easy with lots that hadphysical constraints. Ttre zoning regulations were written to address the matters and should be adhered to. A motion to approve the reguests per the staff nemo, with the condition that the DRB review the width of the drivewavto maintain as close to a 40r as possible. was made bv Jim Shearer and seconded bv Kathy Warren. VOTE: 6-0 IN FAVOR 11 oo oo Conditlons: 1. Renove unnecessary mechanLcal ecruipnent on the roof; and Reoair the danaoed fence on the northern orooertv line; and Buffer the tower bv plantLncr 3-5 trees; and ApplLcant: John Nllsson SheIIy MeIIo explaLned that the applicant was reeluesting a varLance from the 20 ft. side and rear setback reguirement to allow for the construction of a 101.25 sq. ft. addition on the north side of the building. The variance request sas for an 11 ft. encroachment lnto the 20 ft. rear setback and a 15 ft. encroachnent into the 20 ft. elde yard setback. Bighorn Terraceis a nonconfomLng subdivislon because it was annexed Lnto the Toun and zoned UDMF after Lt was establLehed. lhe inposed eetbacks greatly llnit the locatlons of possible additions rhlch would not require Eetback varianceE. The staff reconnendation wae for denial of the request. Staff acknowledged tbat otherproperties in the Bighorn Terrace Eubdivision had received setback variances and therefore the variance request was not a grant of special privilege and that although there were exceptl.ons or extraordinary conditions applicable to the lot whlch did not generally apply to their properties in the same zone district, a nlnirnun setback should be nal.ntained ln order to gruarantee a nininun diEtance betseen bulldings to insurepublic health , safety, and welfare as well as tbe fair treatnentof all property owners within Bighorn Terrace. If the PEC Yere to apprbve the-varlance reguest, staff reconnended the appllcant be required to underground the electrical setxrice fron the serrrice pole. 2. 3. 4. Palnt the tower. dish. and antenna sLth a non- reflectlve. envLronmentally EensitLve oalnt color per the Design Review Board approval . VOtrE3 6-0 IN FAVOR Item No. 8: A recruest for a eLde vard setback variance at 4247 Coluurbl-ne Drive, Unlt *20, Biqhorn Terrace. 13 ol oo John Nllsson explained that he needed the space to make the hone more habitable. He felt the ndlstance between buildingsi rule was unfair since there uere many hones nuch closer together. Hefelt the addition would inprove the area by ridding the Junk onhis porch. Ludwig Kurz didnrt feel the addltion Lnpacted nelghboringproperties in a negative way. He could not see denying the request with the anen.rnent of the code still outstanding. was also concerned aboutpolicies being in force. denyl.ng the reguest He asked where the pole He felt Lt was unreaaonable to ask the appllcant the yires when it had not been aEked in the past. KrLstan and Shelly eruphasized that when a varlance is granted, nany tines there is a trade-off. In this case, the undergrounding of wlres must begin somewhere. Dalton was not in favor of requiring the appllcant to underground the wires. He felt he could support a conditlon that requiredthe applicant to underground the wires at the tlne that 50t ofthe residents whose lines were located on the same pole undergrounded their wires. chuck Crist had no problem supporting the varlance reguests. He was not in favor of reguiring the applicant to underground thesires. He would rather see increased landscaping. Kathy l{arren clarified that the addition would be where theexisting deck was located. Because the deck waE already there, she would be comfortable with the addition. She would also liketo see the undergrounding of utllities. Jin Shearer asked how close the house was to the west and Shelly explained that the distance ltas 17r staggered but the deck enclosure would not increase the distance. Jim shared Daltonrsfeeling regarding the undergrounding of utilities though he did agree that ttre Town should get sone tlpe of trade-off in returnfor a variance. Diana agreed with Kathy warren in that the utilities needed to be undergrounded. John Nilsson felt it was unfair to reguire hin to underground the utillties until done by all. He explained that, within the last 5 rnonths, there was a couutittee fonned to try and have the lines undergrounded. The cornmittee LraE unsuccessful . During hisactlvity on the conmittee, the Lnformation he received waEcontrary. He underetood one llne at a time could not be Dalton Willians vithout fomal and lineE were. to underground L4 oo fo undergrounded. It sould have to be a nass proJect. tle stated he would be happy to get bidE on the cost, reopen conversation wlth the association regarding the undergrounding of the utLllties, and be wllllng to spend up to $40O.OO to underground thelndivldual utillty lLnes to his unit. CondLtions: lesE. and the Town to address the under<rroundinq of theutilities for the proiect as a whole. VOTE: 6-0 IN FAVOR Iten No. 9: 1. 2. 3. ltike llollica explalned that the application involved two eLenents, an anendment to the approved developnent plan to allow for the enclosure of two decks on the third floor of the structure and an anendment to the parking standards of SDD No. 23 in order to provide parking for this proposed addition sithin the parking structure at the Vail Valley Uedical Center. The proposal constitutes a naJor anendment to an existinS qDP. The ntanning Connisslons action is advlsory, and final deciEionE are rnade by the Town Council. The Etaff wis supportive of the Vail llational Bankrs request. Staff was comfortable with the tLnlng of the request and the Modificatlon Agreernent and Irrevocable Letter of credit. staff felt that the joint-use parking arrangement was very reasonable. The staff reconnendation carried conditions as found wlthin the memo. Jay PeterEon, representlng the applicant, explained that the appllcant had walted for the l-tedical center to get approval_ for _the additional spaces and begin construction before they returned to the PEc. He felt the tining was now right. 15 ol oo Kathy ttarren agreed the tining was right and Jira Shearer agreed. Dalton Willians guestLoned, slnce the applicant was purchasLng extra spaces, if the board could require then to delete a spacethat he felt was unsafe located on the front lot. Discussion centered around the issue and it was decided that the board did not have the authority to requi.re the renoval of the space. Conditions: 1. The Town of VaiI will not issue a Temporarv Certificateof Occupancv to the vail National Bank (for the enclosure of the two balconies), until. such tine as the Medical Center receives a Temporary Certificate of occuoancv for the parkinq structure. 2. ff for some unforeseen reason the Medical- Centerrs parkinq structure is not conDleted. the newlv constructed deck enclosure shall only be allowed to be used for comrnon storagre. The owner shall be recruiredto submLt a written agreenent addressing this condition on the use of the space for the Town Attorneyts review and this shall be recorded, on the land records. at the Eaole Countv Clerk and Recorderrs Office. VOTE: 6.0 IN FAVOR Iten No. 10: A reauest for an anendment to the Townts zonincr code to add rrTelevision Stationsrr as a firstfloor, or street level' conditional use in the Conmercial Core II zone district. Section 18. 26. 040.Applicant: Vail/Beaver Creek Television Network. Mike Mollica explained that the applicant wag reguesting to anend Section 18.26.040 of the Town of VaiL Zoning Code in order to addrrTelevision Stationsrr as a first floor level , conditional use in the Connercial core II zone district. The current zoning code did not specificalty address television stations, however the position of tne planning staff had been that television stations iall under the category of professional offices. Professional offlces are currently not allowed as permitted or conditional useg on first floor or street level . The staff recomnended deniat of the applicantrs request to nodify the Townrs Zoning Code. Staff did not support ttre proposed change in the zoning A motion to approve the requests per staff neno and conditions as folloss was nade by Ludwiq Kurz and seconded bv Dalton Wlllians. 16 oo fo ' code aE they felt that the appllcantrs request vag not conslctentwith the purpose section of the Connercl.al Core II zone dlstrlct. Althougb staff believed that televieion statlonE ehould be allowable uEeE in Connercial Core II at basement or second floorlevels, etaff strongly felt that the proposed use on the flrstfloor was J.napproprl.ate. Bill PerkLns, Presldent of Vail,/Beaver creek T.v., disagrced slththe etaffra aasumptlon that a Televlslon Statlon should fall lntothe gane category as a professl.onal office. Pirst, a televtalonstatlon needed high ceillngs. The nature of the businese wae tocater to and attraet the guests of the valley. An open frontageis also very lmportant. lte etated that the nerchants in tbe area were very eupportive. Bill elaborated tlrat the area they were consLdering was an area that had been unsucceeeful for retaLl useln the past. Chuck Etated that due to the nature of Vall and this proposed T.V. StatJ-on, he would tend to support the proposal . However, he. was afrald of creating a precedent for other professionaloffices. Kathy.Warren asked staff how the proposal would be handled since T.V. Stations nere not directly dealt with ln the code andKristan explained that the staff nade the assunption T.V. Stations would fall into the same category as professionaloffices due to sinilar uses and inpacts. Kathy felt she couldnot support the proposal . Jln Shearer felt he could be supportive of anything that wouldbuitd clientele in the area but didnrt feel a T.V. Statl-on wouldbrlng sales tax revenue to the Tonn. Bill Perkins stated that he understood the boardrs concerns. However, he needed a tenporary solution untll. the Sunbird waarebuilt. He asked if the board would be supportive if he could nake the station first floor wlthout frontage on the nall. It would be difficult for hirn to operate but felt it could be rnanaged. Xristan felt that it would stltl be considered first floor leve1 even without the frontage on the nall. Diana sonmented tlrat lt was not appropriate to change zonLng f,or a eingle applicant. Ludwig Kurz felt that the board was hung up on the definltion ofstreet level and stated that the proposed site was, without a doubt, first floor and a T.v. statlon should be considered aprofessional office. He felt the board could not afford to set a precedent. L7 oo oo Dalton Willians connented that he had the chance in the past to operate a T.v. Statl.on. He felt the board was ulssing the polnt of traffic. ff done correctly, a T.V. Station could increase sales tax in excess of what could be generated by a retail etore located in the Eame Bpace. He felt this sas the exact kind ofconditional use that should be pemltted Chuck Crist asked Etaff if a petmanent condition could be put on a conditional use and Diana etated an exanple from pg 346 of the code, Barber and Beauty Shops, vhlch stated the use would be allowed as long as there waE no exterl.or frontage. Discussion then centered around the posslbiltty of adding T.V. StatLons under the sane conditLonE as the Beauty Shops and whether it would be feaslble for the applicant. Kristan connented that if the use rtas allowed under the Beauty Shop conditions, the space would be taken away from other viable retail shops. A motion to denv the recrueEt to amend the zoninq code per the staff nerno vas made bv Kathv Warren and seconded bv Ludwig Kurz. It nas requested by the board that the vote be passed on to the Town council with comnents from the board as follows: Chuck Crist - questions whether the proposed use will really draw pedestrians to the area. However, he feelsthat due to the general resort nature of the Townof Vail and the proposed T.V. station he tends to support the request. Kathy Warren - guestions whether a conditional use pernit process would be more appropriate if the proposal had absolutely no frontage on a pedestrian rnall orstreet. - generally felt that the proposed use was aviable use on first floor in CCff. - generally not confortable with the reguest. - she believes that the requested use would bebetter suited to a baseruent or second floor level and suggested that the applicant pursue an amendment to the zonl.ng code regarding SectLon L8.24.030(C-6) regarding permitted uses on firstfloor or street level wlthin a structure, subJectto the issuance of a conditional use pemLtr lth9tr9the use does not have anv exterior frontacre on apublic wav, street. walkwav or mall area. 18 ao fo Jlm Shearer - Ie ln favor of bullding up the cornnerclal areasln Llonshead, but believes that lirnited sales tax would be generated by this proposal. - believes that an upper floor location would benore approprlate and feelE that an upper flooruould provide a better backdrop of the eki areafor the T.V. Etudio. - belleves that the proposed use does haveuarketable value for the Towrr of Vall but feelstlrat we nust guard against setting a precedentwlth thls proposed use. - agrees with Kathy warren regarding Section L8.24.O30(C-5) and stressed the need to protect against setting a precedent and feels that he wasvoting strictly as a PLanning Conrrission menber and not with his emotions. Diana Donovan -belleves that once this use iE listed as a condl-tLonal use it would be very difflcult to denya reguest for such a conditional use. - agrees with Kathy Warren and Chuck Crist regarding Section 18.24.030 (C-6). Ludwig Kurz - agrees with the staff that we cannot afford toset a precedent wlth the proposed change and iEnot ln favor of the request. Dalton Willians- believes that this proposed use vould produce very heavy pedestrian traffic ln Lionshead, which would generate sales and sales tax. - believes that this is exactly what the Town ofVail wants. -believes that people will show up for this proposed use. Feels that this is a rrdynamiter ldea. -believes that this J-s a proper conditional use. VOTE: 4-2 I|ITH DALTON WTLLIAIiIS A}ID CHUCK CRIST OPPOSED TO THE DENIAL 19 oo oo ftern No. 11:A request for a conditional use oermit for a deck exoansLon at the Sweet Basil restaurant, located on Tract A. Block 58. vail vlllage lst Filing. 193 East Gore Creek Drive.Aoplicant: Kevin Clair/Chuck Rosenauist withdrawn, no action uas taken.lhis iten wasItem No. 123 A.Covered Bridge Building - A request for an and a floodplain modification on Lot C andLot D. and the southwesterlv 4 feet of Lot B.all in Block 58, Vail Villaqe 1st Flling, 227 Bridge Street.Aoplicant: Hillis of Snowmass. Inc. and Bruce Amm & Associates. Mike Mollica explained that the reguest was to schedule a reviewperLod. Staff reconnended a 90 day review period for the covered Bridge Building and a 60 day review period for the Montaneros. B. A.motion to set the revlew periods as reconnended by etaff nas nade bv Kathy Warren and seconded bv Jim Shearer. VOTE: 6-0 IN FAVOR fteru No. 13: A recruest for a variance from the wal.l heioht 805 Potato Patch Drive.Applicant: Patsv and Pedro Cerisola Itern No. 14: A recruest for an exterior alteration and a landscape variance in order to construct anaddition to the BeII Tower Buildlncr at 201 Gore Creek Drive. Part of Tract A. Block 58, VaiIVillaoe lst Filing. Applicant: Hemann Staufer - Lancelot Restaurant A motion to table Iten No.s 13 and 14 to Julv 9, 1990 rtas nade by Kathv Warren and seconded by Dalton l{illiams. VOTE: 6-0 IN FAVOR properties (60-90 dav study period): Applicant: Montaneros Condo. Assoc. 20 oo ao Iten No. 1: Approval of minutes from June 4. 1990 and June 11, 1990 neetlngs. Ludwicr Kurz. VOTE: 6-0 rN FAVOR Chuck Crist stated that on page 13 of the 6/LL/9O minutes thevote should be adjusted to show that he had abstained. Kathy lgarren also had changes to be nade on l}re 6/LL/90 nLnutes and asked if she coul.d nake then later and have the ninutesresubnitted for approval at the next neeting. Iten No. 2: A reouest for a condLtional use pernit to allowfor a Bed and Breakfast at Lots 6 and 1/2 of 5. Btock 5. vail villaqe seventh Filing' 1119 E. Ptarmicran Road.Apolicant: Uonie S. Beal. There were no public conments and the applicant was not present A motion to anprove the request per the staff merno was made bv Dalton Williarns and seconded bv Chuck Crist. VOTE: 6.0 IN FAVOR Item No. 3: A recruest for a conditional use perrnLt to allowfor a Bed and Breakfast at Lot 8. Block 3' Bighorn Subdivision. 5th Addition, 5198 Gore Circle.Atrplicant: John and Paula Canning There lf,ere no public comnents and the applicant was not present A motion to annrove the recruest per the staff memo was made bv chuck crist and seconded bv Ludwiq Kurz. VOTE: 6-0 IN FAVOR The rneeting was adjourned at approxinately 7:00 p.n. 2L oAr. NO. NN0101r Am*icrn Lrnd Own.r! Follcy . 1970 OWNEFS POLICYro Tsff{6) Schedule A Agcnt'r Ordcr No': 1026r)0-0 1, Namc of Incured: DANIEL JAl,lES F0REY and KAREN E. FOREY In Jolnf tenrncl Z. tittc to tha 3stste or Intlrsst covered by this polioy tt th€ detc hrrcof is vostod in the in8urcd. .3. The rrteto or intercrt in the land described or referred to in this Schedule covered !y thls policy ir Fce Simple, TItl. A[ochtlon O 4. The land rcfsrred to ln thig policy ir locsted in the County of Statc of and dcscribed as follows; Eagle Colorado LEGAL DESCRIPTION SET FOR]H ON SHEET ATTA*IED HERETO AND BY ?HIS REFERENG INMRFORATED'HEREIN AND MADE A PART HEREOF. ?Ht! tollcy 13 vALrD oNLY rF t9HtDULs I 13 A?lAo}tED I o r. xa fiErt -TO r{Et ll.to ? 0 t41004 treoutE Order No. 502600-0 Ths lrnd referred to In thlg Pollcy ls located in fhc counly of Eaglc, of Oolorado cnd degcrlbed as follous: reorded plaf thcreot. State c f. t|o ||t0aa'F llc.r ftrf! *r *.n *t *t!fo Schedule.E F(I.lct t{o, 0 34.|004 0rdcr No. t02600-0 Thlr pollcU dor not Inruru realnst lora or darnrp by rsaron ol lhe followlng: STANDAFD EXClptlOl{8 Hlglrtr oroldmr of psrtler In pococosion nol rhown by thr publlo Goot{s. Erlfilant|, or ohlmt of cttomontS, not Shown by the publlc roaodc' Enoro*hrltnt!, ol1rltpt, boundery llne dlspubs, or othct mttltn whloh would br dicolocc<l by an reeunta urv.y or lmp.otlon of thc ptlmhct. Any lhn, or flght to r lten, for :swlcas, hw rnd ncl rhown W thc public rpcordr. cf {b) (o (o (c) (t $. hr lrbor, or mrtcrial ha$€f€n or hrnrftrr fumirhcd' lmpomd by J, Unp|tcntcd mining clsims; reaarurllona or rxctptlonl in patmtB or In aolt ruthorlzlng thr lrrurnos lharuot wetrr dghtr, olrlmr or tltls to wrtcr. Tucl orrrrccrmcnb which are not shown rr illttlng llcn! by ths publlc racordr- SFCCIAL EXCEPTlOltlS Rlght of ttr Prcprlrtsr of a Veln or Lode fo extracf and rmove hlr orc thcrcfron, should fhe sane be found to pcnefratr or Intsrsect the prmlsil hcreby grartcd, ar rrrcrvrd ln Unlfcd Stafss Prtcnfs of r€cord. Rrstrlctlonr, rhlch do not confaln a forfcltur6 or r.v€rfcr clausl, buf onlttlng rrefrle+lonr, lf.any, bascd on race, color, rcl lglon or naflonal orlgtnr.rs confalncd ln.lnstrument n*ordcd July 7, 1965, tn Book 190 at Pago !6lr ar amndrd by Inrtrumni racorded Februtry 16, 1970' in Book 217 at Prgr 7!. Earcmrntr ar rhorn on the r€corded plat of Yall Vlllagr lhrf Flltng No. 2. E€t.mnf and rlghf of ray for lnstrl latlon, rulnfsnanfi, and rcpalr of ratrr pump and f,ttor.llnc facllltlos, grantrd f,o Vall Vlllage l{est l{atcr €nd Sanltrflon Dlcfrlcf by Vrtl Ctfy Oorpoiatlon by Insirumnt racordad Oslobrr 7, 1966 In Book 199 at PaEc l2l, Dmd ol Trust frcrn Danlel Janes Forcy md Karen B. Forey fo thc Publlc Trucf6€ of Ergle County lor thg use of Esscx Moifuaga Corporaflon''to s*ur. $1841000.00, daird Auguri 2r, l91g, and recorded August 29, 1989' ln Book !12 rt Fugr !!0. k. o .: 'i$ t, a DtrFMRTMENT @Ftr@MMUNITV DtrVtrL@FMENT XXXXXXX sALEs AcrroN FoRM XXXXXXX 1 0000 41J30 COM. DEV. APPUCAI]ON FEES T{}|,JH OF LJR I t__ l"liscel laneaus Cash fr5-15-:{rj tlgr 4ir 1{J FlFr*iF,t. # el4lj5fl Flccr,un t S [],: ,H I'!':i JOHI.I 11 FEFII:.II.{!: 'IF:IHITEI::T HII] !.FIF,P FEE Flm'run t. t ende r*d .:. :$g. ,lr:1 Iten paid Elr3firrr641;3;gBgg [:h;rn'3* r'- tu rnpd .i .I-HHHr{ \JOTJ 'r'ou r c.ssh ipr 5T CONTRACTORS UCE}ISES FEES r 0000 41330 0l 0000 41413 ,SICN APPLICATION o Project Application Date ?.//,70 Projecl Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: / Legal Description: Lol (2 . Btock Com menls: Design Review Board Date 1,//,70 Motion by: Seconded by:#ffi:4 DISAPPROVAL -o Date: E Statt Approval : rl 1 ,l l I (o. z g,7o Pec 4-4(/ d4-= o( ).^ 6'o oK- ) 9/--,_g -z//c 2,.& , -4s+- Cr^aL , i .* .k iG' '- ^1t//'.'-( ir a3' oX-,v"*J+ .i tS f, .,r+ ry ow\ h io f oK- bt* 4 4 f-* "-- o.xa fr OK- lt t) W 2n z*)t 424^n;Ae.-. oK- D zro N E 7 -w*tlneun ELNo 0 .305+526-2185 Jun 21 ,90 18:19 N0.008 P.OI/02 lii,'t,)thli;,.. .h,:3a'l ls the owner of the Property WHEREAg, dcscrlbed ast LOt 8,VnlI Vtllage lllest r FiI Ing 12 herein relerred to as the rrsubJect propertytt; and WHEREAS,theownrrwlaheeboplaoec€rlainregtrictionEontheuse oftherubjrctlandfortheben.fitoftheownerandtheTor,nofVail, Colorado lttthe Townfr) . Now, THEREFoRE, the owner doee hrreby inpose' establleh' acknorrladge, declare, tor the beneftt of all persons vriro rnay' herelnaftcr purchase, or lcase, sr hold tnr eubJegfr' !and' the follot"lng restrlctlonsr covenantE, ancl condltione' uII of whlch rhall be deerned torunwlththe}andandinuretothebenefttandbeblndingupoltth6 owfl€rr ttc reapeotlve grantee4' succesaorS' and aselgns' 1. The eubject property ha* a secondary omployee dwelllng unit ln tha apprcxiurale elze of **+*J4++*ED AUD (-SI-) sguarc feet' rloyee ,rrrt"i3llt.i'""" th. subJecr propgrty shall not becold,trgnsfrrred,orconvayadecparatelyfromthEprlnarydw.Illng unic.rocaErCcnthrcubJeetprop€rtyforatrlerlodst|lorcthentwentl' (30) yrarc and the lifc of lltf,fany Inwrnthllr fron the datr bhat thr certlfloata of oocupansy ie leEurc for sald stcondary emplcyec dwclltng unlt. f' Tha E6oondary cnptoy66 dhtslllng unlt shall not bc lerneC cr r.nted lor any perlod of hll than thlrty (30) ooneeoutlv'' and' 1! lt shallbrrentedlitrhlllberentcdonlytotenantev,hoar.full-tltne enployear of the uppgr Eagle VaIlOy. The uPper EaEIe valley shrll be dsem:dtolnoludetbeGoreVallcy'Ulnturn'Bedcltft'Gllnrn'Eeglc- ,Jr.r rl5rl-r ELNo Jun 21,90 18:19o Vallr 6n{ flvon; and thelr aurroulldlng arcan' A full-tlmo enpl'oyee la perEon who workF an avrragc of thlrty (3o) hourt Per w€6lr' 3. The sscondary dtwclllng unlt ehall not be divided lnto any forrnoftingEhargg,intewatownerghip'orlractlonalfeeowngrEhlp. {. Thc provieions hereot nay be enforsed by the owner and thd Tgwn. t, '1 l'h6' cgndtciohv' restrlcliutit" 'ul'[pulutlolrs ' ortd dEreurrtei'r'ct contained hsreln BhaII not be tlalved' abandoned' ternlnated' or amentlcdrexceptbythowrlttenconBeneofboththeTownofVallandthe owner of the subJect PropsrtY' l|owN oF VAIL' coIoR'[Do BY' T ACTO{OHIJEDGI'TENlf The foregolnE inctrunent naf acknovledged befora ne thie -=.- daY , 1989, by a.303+526-2185 No .008 P .02/02 a 6l fr,w, t{y oorurlrrlen cxPlrret ACKNOWITEDCED foregcing Inltrunent rrll rclrpfJe$f| , fe|8, bY/w rxplree t ol /futels /rff- 06 IZ .90 PROPERTT OI{NER -.-AddreEE t0d ],\IV II:80 j,r.r / LIST OF I,IATERIALS NAI'IE OF PRGTECT: LEGAL DESCRISrION| LOrJb BIOCK srREEr ADDREsss /? 6s l@r DESCRIPTIoN oF PRoJEcr: ADD,T/E,(,I eP 82,W.- 4 SUBDIVISTON ViV. U,E^ITJ' Z@eE -P'G' 4. The followLng lnfornatlon lsReview Board before a finat A. BUILDING UATERIAIJS: Roof Slding Other l{all l{aterials FascLa Sofflts Windows Window Trln Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Raile Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other requJ.red for eubnlttal to the Deslgnapproval can be given: TYPE OF UATERIAL COIOR (EytS) Toorl @aan\ 1..{lNH/r B. I.ANDSCAPINGs Narne or Desisner: \El0Pl,Au( Wc\\nfl+l't l Phone: Botanical Name Conmon Nane ouantitv Size'r MM-IS 3 &bg WqEH))E*,r€{ } Gt-bl bl. As lllde tPB APz. ?)W -rHlB lbtzTWztil SSI.Eb PIANT UATERIAI,S: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate callper for deciduous trees. Mininurn calioer for deciduous trees Ls 2 inches. Indicate height for conlferoustrees. Minlmum height for coniferous trees is 6 feet. PIAI'IT IIATERIALS: Botanical Nane Cotnnon Name Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REI{OVED *Indicate size 5 crallon. of proposed shrubs.Minimurn Eize of shrubs is Type Square Footaqe GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR UETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swinningpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate helghts of retalnlngwalls. Maxfunum height of walls within the front eetback is3 feet. Maximum helght of nalls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. a PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS f,EREBY GIVEN that the Deelgn Revlew Board of the TowD of Vallwtll hold a publl.c hearLng on June 20, 1990 at 3:00 p.n. Ln the Toru of Vall Muntci.pal Bulldlng. ConelderatLon of: I. A request for addltlonal 250 of Grqee Reeldentlal Fl-oor area for Porey at 1755 lfeat Gore Dreek Drlve. Lot 6 Vall Vlllage West Flltag f2. Applicant: Daa and Karen Forey The appllcatlone and lnfornation about the propoeale are avallable Ln thc zonlng adnl.nletratorre offlce durlog regular offlce hours for publlc Lnapectl.on. TO}TN OF VAI,L COMMT'NITY DEVSI'PIiGNT DEPARTMENT Pub[ahsd ln the Vail Trall on June 1, 1990. ea k.7u,.tt ,^-tlL;o"*'n\ _qs. 04. 90 TEL No . 501+526-2185 03; 3Ot*5,90 10:58 No,001 P.O2/O4 P05. oantt g unI DNE IFPI.TSIIIOH DhT! APPIJfCATION RDCEIVEDI DTISE OF DRF I{EE8trNC: rrrr*ItllF lPPLrcATroN rlfIJJ llOT EE ACCEPIID WIIII rLL Il|FqRilAtrONIS SUBI{ItrIEgrrffi* I' PR8-T'DIICATION IIEMINCI A pra-gpplloatlon neerlng wlth e plarurtng rtEft DeEbEs lt3trongly rugg.Etsd to datrnnlne lf eny addltlonellnforuatlon tr needed. tlo rpsllcatlon ultt be ecceptrd Itroponel.biltty to heEe an appolntrnant wout about addltlonal Eubnlrtal rrrutrcnttal rrqutrcnentc, Pleage note thr rtaff to ftnd that a collPL'ETE rpprlcation wlll itreamllnr thr approvat Frotress for your proJeat by drcraaslng the nunbcr of,condltions o! epproval that thr DRB uray *tlputate. ALt,condltlons of approval nuat be feeolved beforr r bulldlngpl|mtt Ls lssued. Applicatlsn rrlll not be processedwlthout Ownerrg Elgnature. A. PRO'IECT DESCRIPTIONI x'emodel, .ct{eting rrrs{rleno-a rnrl .._ cot B&t.agg- With neru secondE.r.y rrni+ 'l ,-r,..n * *tl, o.b.-ttro - --. , B.IPCATTON Addrrlr OF PROPOSAIJ! 1755 West Gore Creclc Drivc Ifgal Deecriptlon tot - g -.. Block E. C. D. NAI'E OF OlrlNbRg r F. 6. _-Gql *en co Sq4o_1_ Phon. Condonlnlun Approval 1f applicable. $ 1Or 000$ 50,oooS tso,oooI 500,ooo sl, ooor ooo $l, 000, ooo subdtvlelonvall VrllaEe lfestrZonl11g P/S _ Nat{E oF rPlfltfAftfl,' p*n *r4 '-noo ro-"y- , ltalling Addr388!-?So8B ro.-oj.hltl-F Drire-Xgluh .,. -_.gq-lflen, CO 8Q401 Phone 919:114! NAI,IE OF APPIJICNITI.g REPRESENTAITVE: {9TI-IJ-I9I\T"E Vall, CO 81658 Phone 4?fi-szEE Kare ore lloNrEUnE(8) t ltntllng Addresc;Drlv orth 526- 1110 $ o-$ 1O,O0l -s 5o,oo1 - 0l5o, o01 - 9t00r001 -I ovrr DRB FEE: fri.,fle wilL boJrl|Ltt at the._tlnr e buildlqglpergdtjt peld fer. TIAI4Af,IOU EEE I 10.00 $ 25.O0 $ 50.o0 9100. oo $300. oo 9300,00 (0vnn) 0 0. 0g_,.. g 0 Thlswlll A. 03 TEL. No.303+526-2185::fu 5 ,90 10 :38 No .001 P04b P .04/04 I.prpcedurl lr requlrednot be acc.pt3C untl l Appllcrtlon 0ate PEC I'IEETII{O DATE APPLICATIOil FOR A VARIAI{GE for uny proJect reguesttng a vrrlrnce. Thc rPPllsrtlon all lnfonnrtlon is submltted. *ntl Kercn ForeyIIME OF APPLICANT D*U ,,. 0gtrderl, nn 80agr , --. - PHQNE 59|i-tl10 E. ilAfiE 0F AppLICANT'S REpRESENTATIVE {gUt_,ry_. Perklqir 4rqhrt - r'nit,.fit lraT8- . ,,. ,- Pl'|0ilt4a-slf+ c.NAME 0F 0tlNER(S) (type o print s,ren For€ ADDRESS 25068 I'oor iIls Dr. Golden, C0 40401 PHoNE 5?6-111_0_ D. LOCATIO}I OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS fZSS Cere Ce^c ,., LEGAT DESCRIPTION LOT 6 BLOCK E, FEE $100 PAID-_ CK '__ FRoM_ THE FES I{UST BT PAID BEFORE THE COMHUNITY OEVELOPI4ENT DEPARTHENT I{ILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPO5AL. F. A list ot ths names of owners of rll property ddJrcent to the subJ6ct proPerty II{CLUDING PR0PERTY BEHIN0 AND ACR0SS STREETST Bnd their rnalling addresses. THE APPLICANT t.ITLL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADORESSES. II. A PRE.APPLICATION CONFERE}ICE l.lITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEO TO.'OETERI'IINE IF ANY.ADDITIONAL INFORI'IATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION tilLL BE ACCTPTEO UNL€SS IT IS COMPLTTE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEI'IS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ilAKE AI{ APPOIf{TI'IENT },ITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ASOUT ADDIIIONAL SUBIIITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COI{PLETE APPLICATION }IILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT gV OTCFEffiTFG THE NU}IBER OF CONDITIONS OT APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNIN6 AIID ENVIRONMENTAL COIII.IISSION MAY sTIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL I-1U5T BE CO''IPLIED I.IITH BTFORE A BUIIDING PERI4II IS ISS!E[. TII. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING I'IUsT 8E SUBHITTED; A. A }IRITTEN STATE}IENT OF THE PRTCISE NATURE OT THE VARIANCE REqUESTED ANO THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEI'IENT MUST ALSO AODRESS: l. The relatlOnshlp 0f the requeg?cd vrriance to other exlsting or potentltl uses and structures In the vlc{nlty, 2. The de'gree to whlch rellef from the str'lct or llteral lnterpretrtlon and enforcement of a speclfled regulatlon is n8cetsary to achleve compatlblllty rnd unlformlty of treatment cnrong rites 'ln the vicinity or to attaln the objectives of thle title wlthout grant of spec'lll privilege. 3. Tha effect of tha var{ance on llght tnd air, dlstrlbutlon of-populationr ,* trrnsp0rtat'ion, trtfflc frcilitiis,. utll lties ' and publ{c. rafety' ' ' 'i{- ao Design Review Action Form TOWNOFVAIL Project Name: Forey Residence Project Description: Fenestration Changes (north and east elevations) Owner, Address and Phone: Dan & Karen Forey $t"t "".?.t8"d tior* ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Bud O'Ilalloran (Contractor) il9'ntliJtdo ttuot Project Street Address: 1755 West Gore Creek Drive Legal Description: Lot 6, Vail Villege West Filing #2 Parcel Number: 2103-123-06-004 Building Name: n/a Comments: l) Replace an existing window with a slider (east elevation) and rephce an existing entry door and sidelight with a window (north elevation). Board / Staff Action Motion by: Action: StaffApproved Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Approvedasrequested. Town Planner: Mike Mollica Date: l0l3ll97 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 o (+) I{ltLL'. TT|LS<- N$rz6 Wfu* -f6 stJAfsr'(:ts I (,) (r) t1) St{otatS Jt<ot lS Stfut^ls -SUou:s ZftaT €.L€ VrtrtcF( fofi-lt &r-:.r/tr-zoN U0 rutsorJ ; F-ttr+tZ Ooc 1 Srn zLrft.') { rootr-rr+ gcet /tT?'o.l lfial-o scr/urua bocr_- .eFnuLL bo ,srNbotJ -TltsE IL ip,lv,t4oq- &)-/^^",/ YtsnP{-' t^tt^0. ,rg - r*/a/.t< -/-* ft(UY pz^no6aa, l?Ss cn.l. 6cr4€. o+hr€c,1^\ doNJSTl&4Cnoxl lwru ,' ,ra|frnd\l fi)-2r^*\-Extsltaq ausx-brt. Yf;* '**-l 't-t /*t" ?L'. g4h Oll4u€ttrt'Q W"'1LcrD au 3s J$\ o x Is j ::,! \\ N o.:s>; lr $s tt) :$z g$ gs <3 T€ 53 .cc) gIa \t 34 J V) ? \l\J 6 $ 3 \'1, BFa-< .>\ e*gs 2sI- -?$2E $o'z+ ,,0 i lr/ Og .J \)4o J s 5/t d E Ea \ u e. -ts Eo G t-"t \).) $t € (t)zo U'; UJ(r 3Fgs E: dg ,r Q'1ll \i6' /-.tr a|01 33ton Nl lNnowY 3t Hl r,Y '9;?.8[x,""?""$r,Ht#'t{tjffi fl fr#"iffi#fliffi ,HHI}ffi M J( OH '' l{:}U:::l !;1.'b tli.ft/:J r:i{r " ()f -lv.t.NU tt.,i., //- x xitl sJ tvti.b/1. c, X "8,/!iil ilr.,t.Jd (){: sl. -t 1,;1. ' r.:r: r:lb - 09 rrv6/tbhdr(:; r tJt:tJl,i6c H l8 !!nN :t3ron Nr L:('';yl;o ]$[.t At/(:t.t. tut-lItoN snolNvl.l tcstw 000u 'oA AU3nn!o Nrjt t.LN.t:l.l ^.9t,il. xrJH " u' d oYo's NLJ J. r:il td.l.tiNt,i.' N'r dt., I l\rH , ol.tvn 'iltr1J.til.|riluN ]jo'$H()ot.E 83nO1Sn9 $?9 lil 0;", Nilft]"NLNt\ alt t-LN.L wo\ic;:ii-.4i26 ( L:ol: ) rJ(, / wr r.1 ., r,'i ^---*. *' ' ()(:y r.r, oF,,.ru p,i1 ; rruny *Nur.rJl,ur",ru]5.I!fju;'-^'"-'f co. sNo|l.cnutsNt gNtddtHs littY IB U:] 'o d 8no 'o d uno^ tryf Xutt ir.r !.J.gll 1}t,u{j ..r. iji t r.1 .; 9 iit'mr1ir I t.l - !r - tl [r: ] [t tt ."''Tii-"";r{orihsiar L\r$ber - Testt\' or srLg arrt\ er'c." -." "Nr-,*&tFIiT;:: re*\n" ,ccc\o\ a'.'lr " t${=ypgr3;{1fti. ..,,'. **1,,st,.'ffi *?i$i *-$lUl=ST"*r:l l* *.u i"f qi:':1"lll ...,,""11:o,"tlLt"::$;* 1* "t:"'s"qt*si::''*p::.'1. ;;5;;*" - .,non*", "$5,S1,i3U"**".. "r:",":"1:t-y"t5i,$i;'u;*'"" ':* "* .*", :: ,$i -:;\il:"_!!:ll$$,il"* *"" _* $:":1f, il t'::,'.", ar e .o. eru' '1:;3;tt;g,ffi:ili;;"*"::.'li::::::;r,r*r*Srf:,.'.*;". and *uss"" ^.^".,:t::i'f:: ti*,r,:"ftirs*""'"*,t --:;* "* :. : * :s";l1,;iiyi$i*ffi Qu.stions0l thc Planiring Staffat 479-2i28 APPLICATTON FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Desigrr Rcvicrv approval. Any project rcquiring dcsign review must rcceivc Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For qrecific information, see the submittal rcquircmorts for thc particular approval that is requasted. Thc application cannot be accepted until all the requircd information is zubmittcd. Thc project may also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Environurental Cornrnission. Dcsign Rcview Board approval cxpircs one ycar after final approval unlcss a building permit is issucd and construction is startcd. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: B. C. D. E. F. c. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LOT:BLOCK:-FILING: J+z umL ulu,ltct N6q PHYSICAL ADDRESS:lrf,s t 6a(L c,weL p&trfu (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) sluc.z A)K. NAME OF OWNER(S): k3 H. OWNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINCAD dfiinor Alteration - Construction of a new building. Includcs any addition whcre square footagc is added to any rcsidential or commcrcial building. $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvcments. such as, rerdofing, painting. window additions. landscaping. fences and rctaining walls. etc. DRB fces are to be paid at the time of submittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building pennit. please identiff thcaccuratevaluationofthcproject. ThcTownofVai[ will adjustthefccaccordingtothcprojcctvaluation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vArL. coLORADO 816s7. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E New Construction - $200 tr Addition - $50 MAILINGADD o BUILDING MATERIALS: LTST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS EPEILMAIERIAL: N,A Vttryr- cqkN s P@tL V tNyu Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trirn Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chirnncys Trash Enclosure.s ' Crecnhouscs Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other CQLOB:* N .A, tNtrrlz. Srtu4c CLJA'N Nfttre S(WL S fraqo N.A + Please speciff the manufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip **AllexteriorlightingmustmeettheTown'sLightingOrdinancel8.54.050(J). tfexteriorlightingisproposed, please indicate thc numbcr of fixturcs urd locations on a sqnrate lighting plm. Identif each fixhre type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area and attach a cut sheet ofthe liglrting fixnucs. Updsted 6/97 I PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Nanrc Comnron Namc Ouantity Sizd PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Mininrum requircments for landscaping:dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcightshrubs - 5 gallons Square Footase CROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls. fences, swirnming pools, etc.) Please speci$. Indicate top and boftom clevations of retaining walls. Maximunr height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maxirnum hcight of walls elscwherc on the property is 6 feet. Updated 6/97 Q"n."* "l8lffillil """".^F75 S. Frontage Road Vall, CO 81657 ill fuc tru[hoh lv'u Receipt ruo. NA DaE lo | 27- t qT Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Account No.llem No.Code #Cost Each Total 00100003141110 Zoning and Address Maps zA $5.00 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Building Code CB $54.00 001 00003141112 Uniform Plumbing Code CB $39.00 00100003141112 Unilorm Mechanical Code CB $37.00 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Fire Code CB $36.00 001 0000 3141112 Nalional Eleclrical Code CB $37.00 001 0000 3141112 Other Code Books CB 001 0000 3141211 Blue Prints/Mylar Copy Fees BF $7.00 0010000314 |11'l Xerox Copies XC $0.2s 001 00003141111 Studies, Master Plans, etc.MS 00100003153000 Penalty Fees/Re-lnspections PN 001 0000 311 2300 Plan Review Re-check Fee (940/per hour)PF 00100003152000 Oll Hours Inspection Fees OH 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees CL 001 00003124000 Sign Application Fee SP $20.00 00100003124000 Addilional Sbn Application Fee SP 001 0000 3'l 1 2200 lDesign Review Board Fee 001 ( 001 ( 001 | 00f; '00r "00t1 lbrnrtr: RSOIIIIT Orc*: 5m Drtr! lCla8/97 0l RreiPt: ffitEtlEtx He.00 hount lendered |?e.m pnY m ffi 0RllER $ FlRSlEfli( $ |JflIL UAIL. CD S1657 :l@l51519: FIIN IIHFIT IILY Ttt*{ tr |,nIL 570 ell7 t Deposit ilDeptFev. rble ateETax 001 ( 001 ( 001 ( Tonr of Uril rTT O.ETOCR RECEIPT TTTYY+ trfn: flsttlDr m Df,flfR: Iool ( ooIE: te/?o/97 el RETEIFT: effiigs 001 ( ^^i DC.scRtpTItil oTY HlllT lP il YYI : tEslg{ f,Et,IEH FE I tae.t DR cx uu'l ( tt III llf, 001 ( 001 ( of,TEr 1e/28/97 8rl9:39001( T0TnL ofo{ €e.m trrnT IE{DEnC0 |ze,m iq.tt. sq.tt. ru Amend tTmend TISI( YqJ FOR YII'R PNYF{T! Comments:"'""XiV r nlflreha) tFo,rvrLve\daub ftlid f tn /1 DR PN D2 RL str TPn MS PV PV PV PV PV FV PV PV PV FV FV MS door $200.00 $200.00 $200.00--$50m0 $1,s00.00 $1,000.00 $200.00 -T2sooo $250.00 $200.00 To'mt- wtulw LO 1U , N\@dr-nfM 't L Recelved bV WCash- Money Order#Check f or:',fl,&, Nes/fa ON iIOBSITE AT ATt TIMES ttlrs/ Vw)- Status. . Applied. Issued. . Ercpires. Clean-up De Refund approved amount date ValuaLion:2L,L00 Add Sq Ft: Fi!€plac€ Information: Rcslrictad:Sof ors Applirnc6B:*Of 6a6 LogE :*of wood/Prllct: FEE SUUMARY 590.25 BAIANCE DUE---- lt+tt*tt**aa*ia ITCM: O51.OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:LO/3L/L997 .IRM Action: APPR APPROVED .]RM- LO./3L./L997 iIRM AcLion: APPR DRB APPROVED PER MOLLICAtrbm:'05400 PLANNING DEPARTI4ENT Dept: PLANNING Div'i slon:IEEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DCbt: FIRE DiViSiON:It,em: 05500 PIBI-,IC WORKS Dept: PIIB WORK Division: *rrrirr*rr*rrrtr***rarrrriJrrt.|rt.rtr*ttrrtttri 't tt i t r ti t r tt r * !r I t t t.? i rr t t a t r a a a t See Page 2 of tshis DocumenE for any conditions that may apply Eo this permits. DECLARATIONS I h€reby acknoirkdgr lhBt t hrv€ lcad thi6 application, fillcd out ln full Ehc inforhation rcquircd, cgtlplctscd .n plen, and s!a!! Eha! all thc lnformalion provided ae rcquircd ig corrcc!. I egrc. Co conply itiEh lhc infonnaCion rccurate plots rnd ploc plan, subdivision 8: O0 ll, g: o0 PM to co$ply witsh ell Tor.n oldln.nccs and 6tats€ lawe, and to bulld thL. .tructura dlng to thr Town'r zonlng rnd codeF, dosign rsvicw rpltrovcd, Uniforrn Building codc and oth.! ordin.nc.a of tsh€ ISSI'ED L0/3t/L997 L2/04/L997 05/02/Lee$ TO!'IN OF VAII-, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArr_,, co 8L657 970-479-2138 DEPARITIIEIIT OF COMMTTNITY DEVEL'OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT .Iob Address Location. . . Parcel No.. ProjecE. No. 2103 -123 - 06 - 004 PRJ97- 0233 APPLICANT FOREY DANIEL iIA}4ES & KAREN B 325 CTAYTON ST, DENVER CO 90205 OWNER FOREY DANIEI., .]AIIIES & KAREN B 325 CT,AYTON ST, DENVER CO 80205 CONTRACTOR O'HAILORAN CONSTRUSIION CO BOX 756, MTMTURN, CO 81645 Description: ADD BATHROOM RESTORE FLOOD DAMAGE Occupancy: TIT)e Construction: Phone: TOV/Comm. 303827-9600 Dev. 3 Building-----> Plan check- - - > Invc6tigaEion> will call----> 265. OO .00 3 .00 . o0 50.00 .00 590 .25 R€stsualant Plan R€vlcr,- - > DRB Fec-------- RcclcaClon Pcc----- -- ---> TotsaL crlculebad Fccs---> 590.25 Additionrl Fccs------ --- > Toba1 P€ruit Fo6--------> REQUBST!' FOR INSPECIIONS SHAI.L BE MADE TWENTY-POT'R HOURS IN AD\ANCE BY TEIJE OWNER OR COIITRAC:TOR FOR HIIIgBIJF AND OTII{ER o Page 2 **************************************************************!t********tl******** PermlE #: 897-0404 COI{DITIONS as of L2/04/97 Sgatus---: ISSUED *************************************************!r**************tt*************** Permits Tlpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUIIJD PERMIT Applied--. LO/3L/L997 Applicant,--: FORBY DAIIIEL aIAIIIES & KARBN B leeued---: L2/0a/L997 To B:lpire z O5/O2/L998 iIOb AddTESs Z 1755 GORE CREEK DR Location---: 1755 Yf GORE CREEK DR Parcel No-- : 2LO3-L23-06-004 Description: ADD BAIIIROOII{ RBSTORE FIJOOD DAMAGE * * * !t !t * * * * * :t * * * * * * * !t * * * * * * !t * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOng *!t**********:t:l**************** 1. FIEIJD INSPECTIONS ARB REQUIRED TO CIIBCK FOR CODE COII{PI'IAT{CB. 2. SMOKE DBTtsqK)RS ARB RBQUIRED IN AT,I, BBDROOI4S AIID A\TERY STORY AS PER S8C.1210 0F THB 1991 ttBC.3. MUST COITIPIJY WIII{ tBC 1205 (lrEt{TING) f, -, - ll:. ,. i " ;. ,,, rf N7 lt PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: LoCArroN: !-l 5'; r/- /3 - / t/ JoB NAME llr#cnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 MON CalL BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING N ROUGH / WATER r-.r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PBOVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED PECTION REOUIRED 1,..' /-)f 14. :L )'i,'.,*-' {-t-:<.- J .^'.a-t:? ': DATE INSPECTOH sl..'.r -..-1'in ({ - i .-- ' \ '.- ,rI \\ \\ \ a\- v\A\ \\\\\ \ \. ,rNstnoN I TOWN OF REOUEST VAILPERMI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: MBER OF PROJECTTNU S JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI lS/APPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIREDAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMEING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB ON / STEEL _ ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING Fot PTPTNG - ID POOL / H. TUBtr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL o !tr tr FINAL tr FINAL MEGHANICAL: tr tr tr E TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT U SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR 1rr PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME tr DISAPPROVED t' .-r' THU CALLER TUES '",t PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr tr tr ! tr FQOT FOUN FRAM INGS DATI ING / STEEL ,*, at-l'. UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D,W.V, ROUGH / WATER R IL GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB X tr tr tr tr FINAL ROOF,& S PLYWOO INSULATIDN SHEETROCK ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr rl ROUGH o D n EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR' tr FINAL E FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: E REINSPECTION REQUIRED --'7- -,')_ (q7Darg /-': t- r'rt lNSPEcroR ,"rfi"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 WED THUR FBI PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT 1 7,t,s^ ddr- 6 *" y' oo-, 4- /1 fr JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NA|L|NG O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL MECHANICAL: tr u o tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED DISAPPHOVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: o,ne 4 *t*' 7/ rNSPEcroR ,*rt"roN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 ,,, '.' .t'. -...,:, / ,/ '-) PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT , /' .'. '/DATE - i'zr-t to"NAME /r"'"' n 7' CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING .- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAIL|NG O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: id-orsnppnoveo ,Of REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ,'' i '.t':)" INSPECTOR ..rf,1- v INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL ' \[\s I READY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMEER OF PROJECT\-\ \ r.- C\.\ \ -\--. -!\\p416 \ \J \\ JOB NAME CALLER PECTION: BUILDING:. tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILIN GAS PIPING SULATION "POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: B DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,^r.7*/?-7/ rNSPEcroR \ns I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT\ r -\c -Q\\p416 \ \J -\ \ JOB NAME I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: BU ol trl Vt;l-l trl Elt tr ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNDFOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL fnouor / D.w.v. 'E:'^'::,^r:"*RAMING ROOF & SHEER D GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATI tr POOL / H. TUBNSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL D tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: r-t tr tr EI TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o .a E] FINAL O FINAL ,!: tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED nlis'rop -7- t / -q'lDAIE / / (o lt INSPECTOR t art t t a t i t a t t a t aa.a ttt t i.l a tt a tt a J a a a t t atrt a l tt a a tt t t a t r r J t I rtat t t r r tofrlt oF vlIL, @loRtDo gE'ltrnnE a rl a i r r J r t J rt r l l rt l t a., '' a.a rr r 'r r * !r rr rJ a r i a a 3rt ti a i * * J arr a., 'r i * r a r, r| J Sl.CatqrE NuDb.! t REC-O365 llounl ! Pryrr.ns ll.rhod r Ct( Lotrclonr 508? tto.25 12/Oll97 '-ltOlInIc3 uAr P.nIE tfor 897-O4o{ qD.! A-IUll.D AD,/llT gFR BUILD PA Prrcrl Io! 2103 - r2t -06 -OOa tls. lddr... r 1765 GORB CREIK DR l,oc.lLonr 1755 19 GORB eRl8lc DR 590.25 590.25 .00 trarf|}rrrtatr*ttti.lrJ'r rJ'r f rrrttratrf rr.|iatJtrrrr*rrt*'ar*ara**i*rr ToE.l !...: fhb Pryr.nts 590.25 lotrl lI.L Prtt. t Bthnct I lccounB cod.D..crlptIon BP 00100003111100 BUll,lrINo PBRlttt Fllg DB 00100003112200 DBSTO! nalrtEi rtEa pF 00100003112300 P&lll cHtct( ttBtl Dt 00100002{03100 cLBtltrt9DlpogtTa rgc 00100003112300 l|ItI. cil.r. IISEBeIIoN tEE Aooung 255,00 s0.00 172.25 L00.00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L39 APPI,ICAIiE OlrlNER CONTRACTOR ilob Address: Locat,ion. . . : Parcel No..: Project, No.: 1.755 GORE CREEK DR 1755 W GORE CREEK DR 2r_03 -123 -05 -004 PR J97 - 023 3 StaEus.. -: ISSIIEDApp1ied..: L0/3L/L997 Issued. ..: t2/04/L997 Expires..: 05/02/L998 Phone:. 3O38275736 4, 000.00 DEPARTIIENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLT]MBING PERMIT PermiL #: P97-0158 FOREY DANIEL 325 CI.AYTON FOREY DANIEL 325 CLAYTON .JERRY SIBLEY P O BOX 340, .JAMES & KAREN BsT, DENVER CO 80205 .fAITTES & KAREN B sT, DENVER CO 80205 PLT'MBING MIT.ITT'RN EO Description: ADD BATHROOM RESTORE 81645 FLOOD DAt"IAGEValuaEion : FEE gt,l||ltARY tii ttrtr r irtr t'rrti*ttttrai irr Plurblng-----> 60. o0 Plan chcck- - - > R66Euaran! Plan R.vl6r.-- > TdTAL PEES- -. -. Totrl c.lcul.l.d 8...- - - > Addllional F..s---------> 79.o0 . o0 rccurrla plot rnd ploc plan, .ubdlvl!lon 15.O0 .00 ?a.oo Inve6tigatlon> .oo Tolal Pcltnit F..--------> 79.00 will call----> 3.oo PeyncnEs------- ?E.oo B}IAIiICB DUE- --. IEem: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT DepL: BUILDING Division: LO/3L/L997 iIRM ACt,iON: APPR APPROVED .IRM-IEbm.. 05600 FIRE DEPARII,IENT DepI: FIRE DiViSiON: CONDITION OF APPROVAL J r * * * rr r i lr t t r t t rr t r t t t t t t t t t * * t r DECI.ARA:TIONS I hercby .ckDowlcdge lhrts I hav. !.ad thi6 rppLicaeion, fillcd oue Ln full thc {nfor rCion Fquirca, conPl,GCod rn plan, and stsrtc thae all lhc inforbrCion providcd aa requircd i. co!rcc!, I igrcc to co[ply riEh !h. lnfgrnrtion tso conply wich all Totrn oldlnancaa and atsala la$6, and to bulld !hl6 atructurc accordl,ng t.o tha Toh'a raoning rnd REQITESTS POR INSPBCIIONS sHAl,l, BE MADE T1{E!fTY-FOUR HOlrRg IN ADVAI{CE BY 6,,qR AT OUR OPFICE FROII 6:00 AJ4 5:OO Pl| d{NBR OR CONARASIOR FOR HIIISEIJP AIfD OTINBR r TOiN Ot Vlrr., @lonrDo glrlaDtrC ttt att'J aa t iaatt lgrcannl l{uEb.r ! Rlc-o366 llounB: P.)r!.nB U.Ehod ! Cr HoE.clon! goa? ?r.o0 12l0al97 11! 05 9.rnis No! D9?-0160 TlD. ! E-Pr"MB ?lUuElNo PlRMll P.rc.l tfo ! 4101-123 -05 -00{ 8r.t. tdd!... t 1755 coRE CRIEK DR Loc.ulonr l?55 l' OORE CnEAG m, ToE l 1...: Ilrlr P.!ru.nc 71.00 lotrl lI,D PEtr r Brlrnc. ! t tltat ri t |r t lr al|t t.l !ri f, t I t itt ttt., i ttarr tta tttti t tlt tr ttt i tttttt, tt tt I D.acrlpll,on tniB: l|Atf lccount coda 7e.00 78.00 .00 l,nount 60. 00 15. O0 3.00 PP 00100001111200 PtuuBINo pERUIT FEEa pF 00100003112300 Ptls cllEcK PEla tlc 00100003112800 tllEL ClLt Il|3PEelIdl FBA TOIIIN OF VAII-, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArr.,, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 Eloct.rical---> DRB PcG Inwc6tsLgaEion> wilI call----> TOTAIT FEES- - - > DEPARII4ENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVEI.,OPMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AtL TIMES EI,ECTRICAL PERMIT Permit, #: F,97-0284 Job Address: 1755 GORE CREEK DR Locat,ion- . .2 L755 W GORE CREEK DR Parcel No. . : 2LO3-123-06-004 Project, No. : PRJ97-0233 APPLICANT FOREY DANIEI-, iIA!!ES & KAREN B 325 CI,AYTON ST, DENYER CO 80206OWNER FOREY DANIEL JAMES & KAREN B 325 CI,AYTON ST, DEN\IER CO 80206 CONTRACTOR WIRE NIIT ELECTRIC PO BOX LLL2, AVON CO 81_520 Tolal calculal€d F665- - - > Statsus...: ISSITEDApplied..: LO/3L/L997rssued...: L2/04/L997 Extrrires. . : 06/02/L998 Phone z 303-476-4236 57.00 57. O0 Description: ADD BATHROOM RESTORE FLOOD DAMAGE Valuat,ion:2,100.00 FEE SUMMARY 5{.00 .00 .00 3 .00 57.00 Addlcional Fcc6---- -----> .00 Tobal PcmiE FGc------_-> Paymcnt9------- BAIANCE DU8---. .OO IEem: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT DepE: BUILDING Division:LO/3L/L997 .]RM ACLiON: APPR APPROVED iIRM-IEbM:.05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIiIT DCPE: FIRE DiViSiON: CONDITION OF APPROVAI., 1. FIRE DEPARTMEIiIT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AIiID EVERY STORYAS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 I]BC. DECI.ARATIONS I hctcby acknonlcdgc lhab I havc rcad this applicacion, filLGd out in full fhc infornetLon requircd, conltlcl.cd an accuratc ploE p1an, and stsatse lhats all bhe informalion provided as requircd 16 cor!.cts. I eglc€ to comply with Ehc inform.tion and plog plan, to cotrply lri.th a1l Tonn ordiaanceB and BtalG lairs, enal to buiLd chig 6tlucbure according to ch€ To!,n'8 zoning end aubdiviaion codcs, desi.gn rcvicw approwcd, Uniform Building codc end oehc! oldinenccB of lhc Tolrn applicablc thoralo. 179-2lae OR AT OlrR OIFICE FROI{ 8:0O AJ.l 5:00 PURBQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS AHALL BE MADE TWEMN.FO(N HOURS IN AD\NNCE BY TEIJEPHONE OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER r l r r.r r r t r r r r a J a toltf OP Vl'lL, COIJORIDO ltrE.Dnt r I ttt tl|i, r r rl at t a t t t t t r i !r r r t It I r i r r r r ra t a ttt.a t aa t t a r a t|l trt!| I t r rr r t tr a 6c.c.nnt l{uubar ! RBc-ota6 lrcunEr PrlrlanB .rhod ! CX llot.Elonr 30c? s7.OO 12loaftT rt.oa lnlc ! t|lw F.rmls llor l9t-02aa tl'p. r B-lLlC ILBCIRICIE PBRMIT 9.tc.1 tro! 210t -123 -04-001 glc! Addr... ! 1755 GORI CRBIK. Dl loc.tlonr 1t35 r GoR: cRll|< Di Tol|l l..r ! 57,00 fti! Pq t|nc 6?.00 focrl lIJl. Pucr! Erlrncat 5?.00 .00 leunt 5{.00 3.00 taita aa at t a ittt taata ttt a t atattataraatt t tta a ttit't tttrt t t ttt ti a t], , l'ccourlB coda D..crlpEIolt !D 0O100003111a00 ELlerRlcrl. Pln tT ?Elg 9lc oo10o0o3112loo rlLL CAl,L llltlPEcrroN tBl ^ 79onl1!F -.11c19 LouuEy Assessolttlce O iil_Lt-!-zo;r28-8640 for Parcel #. TowN oF vArL coNsrRuetroN pERl'lrr #Lr rAKULL tt: rrEErrr?nrr PERMIT APPLfC.ATION FORI.{N .Z,?tLb_otu+ oern,--nt-,i[it----- Vpf n_ O2j3t APPr,rcATroN uusr BE FrLr.ED out "o""L#"" o* rr MAy Nor BE AccEprEDITr*********** **!r****** * ** ******* PER!{IT rNFOR}IATION ****** * * *************** * * * i *ifl. ,l)0-auilding [ ]-plunibing [ ]-Electricar I J-lrechanibat I J-other rob Name: fonzv lt*T ! rob Addre"=, l?df t,.1, 6orct argerc Dc Legal Description: Lot-q- Block- ri1i.S L ,urorursroN, llft?, V"'twil n'lnl Address: JZS Ltr.rttotJ ,Ferrrtt{tL-yn. r-ll.tzsOwners Name: _ Architect I llNLA .{AlL,l Address: ${Wg pb. Generar Descripti"". AAA DAntfZ,cOM , i04sl? KL n;qry EAtrr,+6O worK Ulass: I J-New rtr-Ot Nurnber of Dwelllng Units, I Nunber of Acconmodation ;";a=, , e tPtltt and T14pe of Fireplaces: Gas Apptiur,."= il4Gas Logs- wood/perret- fi***n***************************** vALUATToNs ********************************* iulr-,olllc: $ i5,O0O - Er,EcrRrcAL: $ 2t@ - o.i.Ir*pr $ r pLrrMBrNG: T MEcreAiiicAii i__ ;ffi;il; i-tffi-rrJunnrNc: I t+i UDD- MECIiANTCAT: $ - v tf;:;:i.::#:::il:1."7i'ii;li-,",T{*"}TrpoRMArro:Contractor:Address: W,.nt . :gyl o.f Vait- neg._No. t47_EPhone Number: _Z_214 hg_ :l::::::.1 contract;r. , o Wlf,/;tJvtT -.?tLrLA. rown of vair Res. no. ?fl-€Addresss __ /h/pnr;Phone Number: Plumbing Contractor:Address: j-\ Mechanical Contractor: __ r, 1 A,-Address: -TEl7n-BUILDING PERMIT PLUMBING PERMIT MECHANICAL *************-***************!*l.ll- rcR i: il BUTLDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PDUIIBTNG PLAN CHECK fEE: T'TECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN.UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERI,TIT FEES: BUILDINGs SIGNAT'URE; ZONING: SIGNAI'T'RE! Town of VaiI Reg. rvo. /3V-1'> Phone Nunbes: _ EL?.,flil-L__ Tov,rri of Vait Reg. No.5?6 EIECTRTCAI., FEE: O' HtXlsrpr6 rle,, l6rr/'t^(DoxlCLEAII IP I'EPOSIT NEN'f,D box 1Su Mtu'1wtN 1{-o 6tb4{ TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-21,38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Status . . Applied. Issued.. Expi-res. O'HALLORAN CONSTRUCTION CO BOX 756, MINTURN, CO 81645 O'HALLORAN CONSTRUCTION CO BOX 756, MTNTURN, CO 81645 FOREY DANIEL JAMES & KAREN B 325 CLAYTON ST, DENVER CO 80206 TOV/Comm. Dev. #of l,lood/Pa I tet: Job Address Location. . . ParceI No..Project No. WORK R3 VN 2703-123-0 6-004 PRJg 7 -010 3 ISSUED 06/rs/ree7 06/Le /ree712/r6/ree? Phone: Phone: 303827-9600 303827-9600 350 Add Sq Fr: Fi feDtace Information: Restri cted:fof Gas App[ i ances: REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IAOE TIIEI{TY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Clean-up D FROM PREVIOUS PERMITS approved single Family Residence amOunt Type V Non-Rated date #0f 6as Logs: Description: FINISH CODE RELATED Occupancy: Type Construct,ion: Valuation: Pl.an Check---> 13-00 DRB Fee--------lnvestigation> .0O Recreation Fee----------> ..-, _,,00 ^_ TotaL permit Fee--------> 36.00uittcal'|.---->3.0o-Il#F|Frr*,3-->..'....t0-IPayments----------------> rUTAL FFES-----lt**************tt*********ffi****t**********************************t********r**********i*****r*********************************** Itemi .051q0^EqII,DING DEpARTMENT Dept: BUTLDING Division:06/L9/19e7 CHARLTE AaEiont--ApFn cneurE DAViS-Itbm:'05400,P!,ANNING DEPARTMENT . oept: PLANNTNG Division:06/L9/1997 CHARLIE A-Eion: -EijFn n/eItem:'05600-qIBE DEPARTMENT '. DepL: FIRE Division:L1/Le/\ZZZ^C!4BI.,IE A.r1-on; AppR N/A :-':' __ _- ^_ :: 6E7li't?tttt9t"fiXRilf; ooRl[i"": AppR ri/A Dept: PUB woRK Division: **t*ft**t*******t****ff*ff*********t******t****r*ff********t**************t*t***********************t***********tt************** see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATlONS ************************************************#********* FEE SUllt'lARy ********************************************************** Bui Lding-----)20.00 Restuarant Ptan RevieF->.00 Total Catcutated Fees--->36.00 r _ hereby .acknowledge that I have read.this apptication, f il,l.ed out in futt the information required, comptetrd.nptan, and statr that atl the information provided as required is correct, I to compty with the informationto compty lrith al,l, Town ordinances and statc [aHs, and to buiLd this structure the Townrs zoning andcodes, design reviev approved, Uniforn Buitding code and other ordinances of le thereto. accurate ptot and plot pl.an, subdi vi s ion OfFICE FRON.I 6:00 A[ Refund OF OI,INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF Page 2***r.**************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 897-0167 as of 06/20/97 Status---: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMITApplicant--: O'HALLORAN CONSTRUCTION CO 303827-9600 1755 GORE CREEK DR 1755 GORE CREEK DR 210 3-12 3 -0 6 -0 04 applied-- t 06/t9/7s97 Issued--- z 06/19/1997 To Expire t L2/16/L997 Job AddressLocation--- ParceI No-- Description FINISH CODE RELATED WORK FROM PREVIOUS PERM]TS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOng * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIEI,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC.3. AIRGAP ON DISHIIASHER REQ'D4. PERMITS # 4775 AND 895-02?6 MUST BE FINALED OUT WITH THIS NEV' ISSUED PERMIT **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COi.,ORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0290 Amount,: Payment Method: CHECK Notationt *4787 4s.00 06/20/97 15: 16Init: CD 897-0122 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2103-12 3 -0 6-00 4 1755 GORE CREEK DR 1?55 GORE CREEK DR Total Fees:45.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No: Parcef No:site Address: Location: This Palment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Deecription ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES VIILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4s.00 45 .00 .00 Amount, 42,OO 3. 00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 €tectri cat---> oRB Fee Investigation> tliLL catl,----> TOTAL FEES---> Job Address Location... Parcel- No. . Project No. 4?.W .00 .00 3.00 45.00 TotaI Catcutated Fees---) AdditionaL Fees---------> Totat Pefmit Fee--------> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON APPLICANT WIRE NUT ELECTRIC PO BOX 1772, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR WIRE NUT ELECTRIC ELECTR]CAL PERMIT 1755 GORE CREEK DR 1755 GORE CREEK DR 2103-123-06-004 PRJ9 7 -010 3 JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #t 897-0L22 Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: 06/19/1997Issued...: 06/19/1997 Expires. . : t2/76/L997 Phone:3A3-476-4236 Phone : 303-47 6-4236 OWNER PO BOX tL12, AVON CO 81620 FOREY DANIEL .JAMES & KAREN B 325 CLAYTON ST, DENVER CO 80206 Description: ELECTRICAL CODE UPGRADES Val-uation:200.00 ******************t**************tt************************ t EE SUI'tllARy ******************************t**********t************t*** 45 .00 .00 45.00 Item: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT06/19/L997 CHARLIE Action: APPR FORItbm:' 056OO FIRE DEPARTMENT > 45. O0 EALANCE DUE---- Dept: BUILDING Division: ERNST Payments ***********************t******t*************************************************************************************************** DepI: FIRE Division: **************************t******************ff***i******tr***********t****t*************tt*************t***ff******************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ******************ff*******************************************************************t********************************tr******** DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknowtedge that I have read this application, fi(ted out\ in ful,t the information requi red, compteted anptan, and state that atl the infornation provided as required is correct. I agree to compl,y iith the iniornation to.compty trith att Toun ondinances -and state [aws, and to buil,d this stnucture acconding to'the Town,s zoning and codes, design reviev approved, Uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town afpticabl.e thereto. accurate ptot and ptot ptan, subdivision R€AUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TI.IEI{TY-FOUR HOURS TN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT tcE FRotl SIGNATURE CONTRACTOR FOR HII4SELF AND O}INER o **************************************************************** TOV|N OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Stat,emnt Number: REC-0290 Arnount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #4787 45.00 o6/20/97 15:16Init: CD 897-OL22 Type: B-ELEC 2LO3-L23-06-004 1755 GORE CREEK DR 1755 GORE CREEK DR Total Fees:45.00 Tot.al ALL Pmts: BaLance: ******************************************dr********************* Permit No: Parcel No:Site Addrees: Location: ,Thie Paynent Account Code01 0000 41313 01 0000 4L336 ELECTRICAL PERMIT 45. 00 4s. 00 .00 Deecription EIJECTRICAIJ PERMIT FEES WILIJ CAIL INSPECTION FEE Amount 42.00 3 .00 rob Name: mbl WJ.I^LV Job Address: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing suBprvrsroNt onners Narne: falLl Address , M €. 6uUOW I pn.h5 WL-w? Architect:NON A Address: Mr)lehb Ph. ceneraL Description:frN$bl &Ne (a,W;: NotLlL Number and Tvoe of FirepJ-aces: cas Appljances- _ Gas Logs_ wood/perlet_V "==-PP:P;.*- [*******.....1::****************** ro"diiiJoi;?P*5***************************** ELECTRICAL: $ 2e - MEcHANTcAI: $-_.-_-OTHER: I Address: Plumbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** FOR BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: tor.is ilLttlt&tJ- Work Class: [ ]-Ne!r [ ]-Alteration t l-Actatitionat [ 1:nepair [ ]-other Nurnber of Dwell.ing Units:Nurnber of Accommodation Units: sYurr,nrwc, + tSo - PLUMBfNG: $t li*** *************** * ***I Eeneral Contractor:TION *************************** - Town of Vail- Req. No. ././7-E -uozP]none Number: i>1 .qf.roF--_- Eq7- ot:2l Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Reg. No. rorAL: $-lK:- 41e .Rss Reg. NO. Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE ** *** * ** ************ **** *** **** BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAIJ PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT! TOTAL PERI'IIT FEES: BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Erectrical contract"", NV&LNUf eVr=ttZlcAddress: Y)A CLEAN IIP DEPOSIT RENND O'fttr^orzrtnl COrrfSraaacnor.l RE-.SCHEDUL.E FOR TUESDAY. ll::; f35:l Flffi:3lt 5?H*.*{.il REpT131 TOWN 0F VAILr CULURADO L6/L4/97 fi7tL7 REBUESTS FUR INSFECTION WORK SHEETS FORzLA/L4/97 F'AGE T7 AREff: EE Aetivity: ffddre s s r Locat i on: Far"ee I : DeEcription: Flppl ieant: Own er: Contraet or r 897-fA1eS IA/ r.4/97 Type : 1755 6T]RE CREEK DR 1755 GI]RE EREEK DR eloS-le3-a6-ao4 ELECTRICAL CODE UtrFRADES t^,I RE NUT ELECTRItr FT]REY DANIEL JAMES & KAREN WIRE NUT ELECTRIC -------i--LI-ELEC St at r-rs ; I'S$UED Con sf r : iASiFR U9e ! Fhone: 3O3-476-4836 B trhone: Fhone: 31213-476-4836 Occ: Inspeet ion Reqr.rest Requestor: BUD Or Req Tinel at8rOOItens requested to OO1g0t ELEC-Final Infornation..... HALLORAN/WIRENUT Fhoner 887-96OO Eonmentsr TJILL CALL F,LEASEI {OR F,AGE#845-3O47) be InsPected"' Y");*YYYfl/Time Exp Inspect ion Iteml Item: Item: Itenl History..,.. OrZrlera ELEE-Rongh ra0l30 ELEC-Conduit AAL4A ELEC-Misc. AOl9A ELEC-Final /o-tQ-77 o FIo f J{-etrLt) March 24, 1997 Ms. Karen Forey Karen Forey Design Group 288 clayton Streeet, #LOO Denver, CO 80206 Via Fax (3O3) 329{660 (303) 329.8777 Re: Permit Closure/Meeting/Courtesy Inspection, Forey Residence 1755 W. Gore Creek drive, Vail, CO Dear Karen: My meeting with TOV Building Official Dan Stdnek and Electrical Inspector Leo Martinez brought upt he following issues: Dan's comment was that these were consistent with what was asked of you under the last permit...that these shouls be of no surprise to you, etc.. 1) The following electrical corrections must be completed:a. the insertion of three blanks at the nain panel b. the installation of three QTSOTS bathroom fan grills c. the installation of one junction box cover plate d. the installation of many GFI outlets where required 2) The followingbuilding related corrections must be completed: a. the installation of a non combustible hearth in front of the fireplace. b. caulking the perimeter of stools to the floor surface in the bathrooms This work will require an electrical permit. Dan will issue it to me as soon as I apply for the permit. The two other building related projects will need to be done under a building permit. Both can be secured at the same time. The most costly measure is the fireplace hearth addition. It might make sense to carry the slate flooring from the entry and extend it to the required area in front of the firplace opening. By code the non-combustible surface should extend out 18" in front of the opening and extend out 12" on both sides of the opening as well. You also have the option of making this hearth raised in lieu f even with the floor surface. The choice is yours. If you have any questions or suggestions please call me. Best regards, Bud O'Halloran ooza{Fco _{ozT rr|7 ={ -.ta.\@m--Tr I oT-JL-JL-J L O.L1t<pP lJ ii q$ni lx B 3Eli 19 s ?g!" ld ! 3- 13q Il=E =I ll ll>{ r !r--*]d i =.): a! o €6:l- 1 c^>= d eH9s n *h=6 F EFZ =e -9,{i5- .ll ?$ = 2-lu+qn X<ZA-{ \,*;6zid\J>cc;>!-ot-=@zo ilzl3:o3-loo>c)2*vz>mon-l>or -=m--t €zm t--ozmFdFE'll<Pf,uiAo>'r-r---t<lEI'>gei*,I filu)lHl *l I -tlt-zHF{mt-m l_-ltot<t>lFm9)I=l-ll=lzt9l<t>lFlmF,zp 'T!3 {mrF@N){ItJl{{,Ol 6{z-nFm t,5. Ir€ nFu)trr'1K?gFdtrtEHz l{lzt9l<t>IFla !=l=lot:l>lFtm9,z n=i l-I3 zmFzR.dFrqz id .)E=r-FDfEr- lrnl- l(,YIlF.l{It tllr.'lt^ ! l!,1-lF'Ft t- IFt2l t,-. IF zo-{m I oo'o o'Tl !mt ={ -Jo q -{m Hz z DEF IJI \o\o (D mxm I z(-o @I{m F dHz OHoF F\Cj @E (Jl E3do9d dRg R.iPiEx =or O'<R{l.= Fj*s o:1 f : *+ =E-X F=l-rP3oo Q dar 9.8.aBr O +o g- iltE o)!!r -:'-r +i; 6g.do i. -'-oo+ gas : Q'9 or6r- =.4;q ==;ilo-foxo:E.iq:6;x=. 3 a'3qRd o tti !. 6ots.{o !t,€o) 66', 8E cd o@ av, P5 -o O0) \J C) q, 5'f(o oo =4E6 ={ c)Noovt=o5'-(o+^.65 --{ o.o. lt, 0 s. 9.ol o oI oL(o f o s.o € o ot = 3 (D g. - (o o l t =foovt o z{ oIo 'r'lo = U) ml- '| z ''. m €zm l< l" i I I! F l" l ! xzo @ :z X =z t-.It m =Iazmm m l< ' lz 12:t- lo1 lo t- I I I I I t- i- ix i-- i I I lmo lx - l=t> lc--T- I I I!'-z zr I -------{------ I I I I I P 1PIYt-I I I-t- .+- I I i z U)c- -.t oz t; l2lm t(t -.t llt Ffr I :rotr€o!1i.. -zZAal .-'z - z>e8l!od= >o i'i --.l(,c zcz --l I I I zm = {m --{ oz ?-' =z : 4m_0 --{ ar! o c .nt t- I 2 -l ol€lt4l ,dl >lzlul {lFIat)l Eil FI\t'IFI F<l rlll tdl I Nt-o-l8i€l;>'n =R<zoa,o 6rZc: 65zz ^)@= u< d2-5ilJ'.' H|n Ei 32itlY EirrtYstrr>l I 5. oo 7z F . 2oz {mg, z. =z6 i m -l9l2'olo' +l 0r -l I I I i I I ol ll I I I I Pz u)tl zF'n Fltt F { \o\o -{o-lr mu ='n mmU' at,m x t-m z m og --l mI z m m€ m m z'n rnm 3mo z 3 (D z ml-m o t- 2 -m x (Dc z m .,{ 1lmF =-{'Tl mmU' VALUATION !m- = =zo m z c) |- t- =qzo mt-moI1o F0zo +5o F, !r\ l52tAgH_L+)f9"l OUA ----x1) Y --tt c\- P$ i t$ r* E$ t$ ,,1, \tt$". tu ra- \t f\ I lt- .FI"f I\r-! $Fr NS s$i<\ {\t --=. \ \ 5\- \l. \\-jV\ \i\\ \\\ c\_\ N0 r\\ TO\^/N OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 OWNER Building-> Plan Check-> Investigation-> wi[ call-> ' DE'ARTMENT.F..MMUM*T:5# utl't (Jr 7' NOTE: THIS PERMT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT fob Address: 1755 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location.....: ParcelNo...: 270312306004 Project No : Permit #:895-0275 Status...: FINAL Applied. . : 8/31./1995 Issued...: A9/07/7995 Expires...: 03/05/1996 APPLICANT KAREN FOREY DESTGN GROUP INCOE/31/1995 PhONE I 303-329-8777 2O8 CLAYTON ST. SUITE #1OO DET{\rER, CO 80216 L,icense: 503-S AIso is CONTRACTOR FOREY DANIEIJ JAI{ES & I(}REN 908/3!/].995 PhONCI 25088 FOOTIIILIJS DRIVE NORTH GOI.,DEN CO 80401 Iricense: coNTRAcToR I(AREN FoREy DESIGN eRoltp rNco8/31/1995 phonel. 3o3-329-877j 208 CI,AYTON ST. SUITE #1OO DETWER, CO ao2t6 L,icense: s03-s Also is Applicant TOV/COm6. DeV. Description: REPI-,AtE STAIR AI{D WATJIOEAY Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type Construction:V N Type V Non-Rated Valuation: $10,000.00 Add Sq Ft 0 Fireplace Information: Restricted:# of Gas Appliances: Wood Pelleh FEE SUMMARY # of Gas Logs: S145.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> 994.2s DRB Fee--> S0. 00 Recreation Fee.-> 53 . 00 Clean-uP DePosit-> TOTAL FEES--> $0. 00 $20.00 s0.oo 9100.00 $362.2s Toal Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees-> Total Pemrit Fee-> PaFlelrts_--> BALANCE DUE-> ,362 .25 $0. 00 s362.25 $362.25 $0. oo Clean-up Deposit Refund approved amount date _i!- Approvals:Ifelm: 05100 BUILDING DEPARII{ENI o8l31l1995 DAII Acrion: Item: 05400 PIrAI{NING DEPARII{EIfT 08/3LlL995 DAlr Action: Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARI'I,IENT 08/3L11995 DAII Action: Item: 05500 PITBIJIC WORKS : 08/31/199s DAlr Action: APPR *t*.ffir*+t*t******rtt*rrr*#rFttrfi r****r**t}.t**H!r**hi*** See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infonnation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninl and subdivisioncodes, design review approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQLJESIS FORINSPECTION SFIALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOURHOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT479-2149OR AT OLIROFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATIJRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI PAGE 2 ***#*rk't***************|H*ffir*r#********1H***rl****************rr********{r*******r**Jr******** CONDMONSOF APPROVAL Perrrit#: 8954276 asof 0&1&2003 Status: FINAL ****ffi ffi **H*******H!***** PerudtType: ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT Applied: M/31./79% Applicant KAREN FOREY DESIGN GROUP INC. Issued: 09/07 /7995303-3294777 To Expire: 8/05/79% Job Address: 1755 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: ParcelNo: 2703723M0M Description: REPLACE STAIR AND WALKWAY COnditiOn8 **rt***l****{i*{r*#**i***ri}ri***## Cond: CON0000751 STAIRWAY TO COMPLY WIfi{ CHAPTER 33 OF THE 1991 TJBC. Cond: CON0ffi0752 FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CONfi)00753 OLDBTJILDING PERMT TO BEINSPECTEDAND FINAL"ED OUTWTII{ THISPERMIT. t*t't*l'* ** *la*af*'t * + **+*+ +t******{'*i* ****+* f * **t* ***+ ** + * * ** a * a t+ t * * ***** ** * * * a+ ** * *++*+* * * * * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADOCopt4rftilcdm0GlD2CXl ollz29t0[ 0611812003 Statement | | t t * t +** * *ltl' ** ttff I I 'i 'i * * t | * | * * 'i 'i * t +*** * * {' | | * * * t f ** * t + 'r + | * +* * * * t | * | * {.** * * a' | * + t a *'} * I {r'}'}* *t'} a* SEatsement Number: REC-0065 Amount: $362.2s 09/07/L99so4:21 pM Palment Method: CHBCK Init: LRD Notatton: *9466 Permit No: 895-0276 T14re: ADD/ALT SgR BUII-,D PERUIT Parcel No: 2103123 06 0 04 Sit,e Address: 1755 @RE CREEK DR \IAIL L,ocation: Total Feea: 5362.25This Payment: $352.25 Total AL,L Pnta: $352.25 Balance: $0.00 | ***'t* 'l 't** ft t*t | | * 't **'+lr* ****t *'t'l'l* * {' * * f* ft*'}* * +** * ** **d.** * t * ** *i* ** +* * * * *{r{r*t *{r'}** *'}'},} *lr*'a* * ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniotion Current Pmts AD D2-DEPO8 CLEANUP DEPOSITS IOO.OO BP OO1OOOO31I11OO BUILDJNG PERMIT FEIS 145.00 DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI,I FEES 2O.OO PF OO1OOOO31I23OO PLAN CHECK FEES 94.25 t,JC OO1OOOO31128OO I,JILL CALL ]NSPECTION FET 3,OO o oct rl.CE J9oa 6 EouI A EE B F It no Han d 4c E u F. e rl c' oatc o C} o oo o0 oo do C'o oo oo oo oc oo co oo Foiloo.oo(., A tlt A '(c F HiEfi88"t{Aq|e8atroo &o ci ilg.8tr " 5dl|r E{$H FErro Ioo I;g Pgo H ro !l5R E EE EET' n Ea EE9a Et iE EIc it EI T Ei I Z * Et{ EtlE6rH cT! Hsq| aoE HO c iql B IH E t frII o EEol H n EIo F 1l o !'{ D 46or)II9'!toao It8BAL:. o3 /?t/ 97 l0 : .18 -R.FoREy DEsrcr " .J @.oo-t |NSPEC ilON REQ TJESTTowN or vAil - - -- \ i 47e-2138oore 4- Ij -/{ .roB NAME --razg__ CALLEN loN ruEs wED d@ FFr //:oct ,r,n pMkftr cleep - o.ott:ry READY FOF INSPECTION; LOCATTON: ,]F FEnmif NUMBEF oF pRoJEci PLUMEII{G: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr 80uGH / D.W-V. EI ROUGH / WATEF g FOUNDATION / STEEL rr RooF & SHEER- PLYWOOO NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATTON tr SHEETBOCK tr POOL/ H. TUg tr EXHAUST HOODS tr coNDUtT tr SUPPTY AIB tr FINAL O OISAPPFOVED PECTION RECUIRED oarc 4'/4-7y'INSPECTOR .lt----{oTDmIa1-Ol-,h El<x fIHE :l9s 1Ii= 9.lmP o11 s Il=i i3=.o<4ede9,3ctt>tfie q f,! =-{ TTFI|-t|--9,{"<r9Iir=ti=FP"t-oozo{nco{ozTlnF ={ Tl .ItOrz=oq,2zooz n!TIt l! trlEEtrtr, HT)>€t{)<) DTDi<t D<t4 !EtEriFN I5o o!z< c.Oc'n3tl'l m ^. :o5< ' -.1 rr -l€oFr@ mxmT-loz(-o @atm E6,mt z r z OO F\ '.oN)-o no-=mo (,r n^c., PYi o5{ \mq. :noo -zoDH tr) FE rt,lt, l- r (-z=!TEfr€HFHzBEFRDfpltY tr{tf, tFkJt lnt(, tFlttzI r-l| !lFdI tnlOlt.trlrd I 6)t<tolt'Elt|nltlI aJlI tdllxllel | ,ol z,o4-rtfr 3mofzozn--t o9prcf;Ed6F t-mo-l6t-z-{ou 2enz>m--t >or-nEl9l{tot€lzlol'nt<t>lFl!lmLo D{xFIxFIDrlEXEI}(!{Fxt(EFX t<toIElzlolll>lFlille,lz I'lrrlNlHtt I' lrtot{12lol:l>lFl!tmlf,lz-{ l+mlOFl=t;lFtmlF,lzlo I I I ;E3d- o9.d 3699 ]q irq9q'd =:EF*=*€qrO:ar =-.ooi:--c'RE- s:5{ ^-=olo H s ap oa(,'= 3aB=(o9+o *Oiioro-=E*P orE il"9=F JaIS 5s3-1o3t= 5eE8 i=9e Pod= = =< =i:F= E=;q<o-f s: aPo- 8 i di $ ui a'5.,ER6 r r;€ ,= D ).(D =z l- !m =(n zmm m l<" lz lz IF m o Ixzo !z a-t q-t x X X X za a- =oz , m :r € |-t- -.{I 6xzm c m I tr G)I--t 2 z n m- m a €m trz cz-t oo l zcz = I I zm{ t-{m =z fi 1l o2 x<i5!56>_nZO?gogs 6r =c:6d2.2 F> No= q, I 5-n< = lo lE9 IEEtt-r>lFr-lr{o t6Bl'it-ol,-tzt;t ot;n IFF lel tFl bl l*l tsl tHl n'X =z t- m'tt u o =zo F @ F 2 z Jmo zz =26-{ I --{m Fc2oon'n a F- -1m fil zv) H F HN-F L.,t zts 1\,o \o\o -.1o-{ t-Tmn =-.1'Tl mma atm i x t-m z m i mI 2 m m{ @ 0 m m --l z'tlmm =mo z - !l- =2 mt-mo 6 t- !t- zo mox @ =I2 f,) !m! = !m =t 'Tl mm an VALUATION !mu =-{ 2o -mo 2o f- |- 3 z mt-m{t- z (, {'' sF 5s :/ \ff |bqb,j-.F.13ir-o (1 A Urab-q I ooz@-{nco{oz 'o 1rln ={ ..1o(DmIsLOLtll+oo:lc=-{oRa;oPoinO-{lm=i=Tfo<4o-69;!E@Octt>l =Em.a .tl ! m 3{ rnn<m@ l-rHFE Ifr= i \" l,-.in2la69'l;pt- lll=l=!nx.Tt 1lz< z2:o z 7qn =moTz 9pP=36n rmi6rz--lFo-lon 2nnz>m-l>'r=m-t fHr{Hr.lr.D cJtrl {trtvtH fl N) oz3lllF.FllItoF2I>l<TPrrPqE7v rFI FrllK I FFrt>l0lovrtIIlr-l-tI rrll-t6) IFIFI t IFIX I =F I o\ I \l tJ)(, H;aOo>'t--t t-.rmlOrl=tol'rlt<t>lr-ITtmlolz le I I I I I lslzlo|nt<t>IFlrlml6-,lz 1o€zo.n>mz -lo€zo'rtIrtmozo No\IF c)B=D<Frpl0|nrtlrI =l I I I (]zlqmiltlFolootztL<EOw'n'!._m.:' :D lJ -:ro -t\O -{HO @ m xm! -1oz Lo (1' tfm 'om = =zo rdFzv, r.l tsC) :E oOr -J (Jl f-g| € >-=1- =zz'' - z>9Rrd4<l.l.l < >oolm:lao zc 1-i i loz r !m fazmm m l<' m -lIo z m c m 2m€ m 6z =z -m ot o ! P t-c c)NF9o<F 8$F bonlTnax6 1Zt e2Io 6 P6= I bzq 'nzz €oux rrFa) lrt N) {Hz {u) {HH z ooFch >A rt, H >z €Hz €N@= $m= OJI tr< = E9d(D!-d dR€ 3 +Bl=x =0) o-<R{ {Eo- i Be' (D =f,f--o= =.= P =o) o e e.;retaBi E -o =9t! or! 9) -:'-f 4il;.:6 i'I =fl-o o\gif '+l; {lD- -=9o{9P qr5= =K:iJEJ Srt Elol1J*gd r$F 3qE .,lD=. qr -o c,ti -- E 3;{^. '- EO- B Ea.. Fso. :. r.r "t 7( -d H3E i=@trtz Y.,V) a altFd HFd -= EFE gI FE < O=HH =.OFZ ,X ^.ut Oi;ooB 84atf .lt, * - gsls t:frett 4=eillf q;tqt\ fr xt^t \ ux El-r.-, o izt \-@ 1lc.-. ;:;l\ 8l-\s 3;t '3? >l .oq,:l ilerI FQel r.r =l xeCNI Y OFl ro'rl Fz v, F'Fzrllt( FPn t.|) \o OI2lol +l et -l I I I I I I 0l {lml I I I I I IlgHrxI trr ,= r{ 'FI t-{ Its l I I IEr>nt'| |.) tHl\o'\o lH I I z c) z n I --t m -{ _-t J--0 m = ='Tt mm an €z FrHc) rrl rtl mIoz m m€ @ m m i z.l| mm rt c z 6) ot :c 2o !m = m =--{ -n mm <n o 'f't "{ tIi ta, t3 '=' '3 ':-l!O ':' ':' '3 '3 !5' !l:, C!l- Lr-' ':r ,5' 15' Lr.r+r ,{ Lfi "-' r:;' !-rC-r1q U-tF.E tl(I V ;1 -L ![Tl 's' ,5' '5' '=' ,=I rI' ?'t{ ,S, r5r t5, ,5' ,S, I *g. lli ;i.j ':','.i ll:i ; F.-' f':' t.i '3 *i e l'-1 f.l' t.:' ,:r l' ':'(ll '.r '-t * ':'1 -r :t- * -.i -J' * r'.1 at ':' t? '5, |!, ,3 ql ':' 's' ,:t t5, tI, rr, '3 '3 15' '!, I:.1 r: 'f I-:t '=' r!' ,5' r:! _c '5! '5 '5' '5' '5' lJ Lrl '5' t'-. -r ',1- at- F UJ fJ F. Lr-lt.-r LLI !t.i =r O {' LLI tl ':t f+i 4F .J {.'J+: 'l' l, J _--'t_l l-! H '--! ir tl ::. |I Ot I r-Ji' '5ti -J-,5' ':I'r nl l.'1 -L' '1' -crn 'lU :'n t-H$llu g o tt fll o U?$ idISgi!88o I tlt'{ | O },| | rill[E lcruI pttO | tsF\o I cl{€lO' oIr rElrlat ItI' FEr tt dltalltlll I iEr!ti8r. l!{HIH rltrll roIIro rtrtiEr!tr{ r€ iE 'Hr!l i I ; r!!rtrOrtt I ^8a5EgHoilIllrHq F vHi{ ,Cl iE TE 88IH|l|| U!l T6 T? EE "H HE F Hg Aootr{It|D ct ra3 Err oaH Orlir{}'Ut 8"!{ rlr- OnFNOEo E,."€! '.1 c "o,\cp" 8EI'aoo'HBErloo' ItFa-!tH,-F'doq,tFl ooclzdrl,o ; ]BnHv Cl.o otj B tI 2'Ht, d c' c0 oc o oo oo c)c oo ;e o oo o o oI oo J.r \1 \ )r B. I 89€fg operopoiF4az*ltlt . lfrtz xoq p!i'pu!qoc :toflenut [u eqr oovuoloc'TvAsArUO y33UC rUO9 ISrn 99t]'t=tool,ultu ASHoJtbrfuuy aTLrN\$ $${ o b $ $ \ I e) s \\ $ $t Sg 3R t$ $x $$ $l A $p- ls r*u $$ $sl bi[-Nd i\D!({ rS \\! tl s I tr 7 ts {} v IS o N. -t $= gF $s :$ \Z z s\ -ll-,]L d ts -]z o s\ N$fuu u$T $s \\ slCNoovuoroo'tv^'3^rrro x33uc ruo9 IsSn 99L]-1300ilt3H ASHOJ89ga ope|opolFnIAE€L' lwzxqEdeqbc Joflonuf [u aqt -,'/d g/,_/,3'va/%llli-;la: a_ct! 0r?:{r t t-l! {:!al -5rtt:>'-.:tEIl'-.t-lillaI!ilstli n *f $ rr'zI $ $ $il3S $$ilz N $IL 3$:s -\ Y $ \ N ilii:tfistIe.!iirla.9:gtrt'rtatlIt!ttftsIiffiFfiffi#ffiH$,t Itt- IHiril l::tttil.r-l!iffiiafilillltr!ll3a $*sts 5IIfi!lNa -$ / \)s o \ 7 t \fl X \$ tr o T 899|AEQR{'L'opsroloolFzfigz rcq !dpu!'oc Jeilonu [u eqlIt-\ _-_-sr oovuoroc 'TvAsArUO X33UC 3UO0 rs3n 99Zl1300tufu ASuoJt\tu*%/s_aal4ry\$$o $ $ $$ I o $t o (|)A' t__ tne mJ mueller co., inc. 18 July 1991 l[rs. Karen Forey FC DESIGN, rNC. 25088 Foottrills Drive North Golden, Colorado 80401 Subject: Forey Residence Remodet 1755 West Gore Creek Drive Vail, Cr.llt.l.Iado Dear Mrs. Forey: At the reguest of the Town of VaiI Building DepartmentI have been asked to comment on the fo1-lowing poJ.nts withrespect to the above referenced project: a) SITB INSPECTIONS-ThiE office has made 5 siteinspections during the construction procees tocoordinate details. b) CONSmUeIION COIIPLIANCE-TI1e contractor has completedall the Phase I itema in accordance with structural- drawings prepared by this office dated 26 April 1991. See above nentioned pJ-ans for all framing infornation andspeci-fications. If you have any questions regarding thisnatter please contact this office at the phone nurnber shown below. cc: Dlr. Dan Stanek-TOV Building Inspector clvff, archltectural and structural englneering o p.o. box 2747 vail,colorado 81658 476'2627 f'oo est:...: u1 Ern sn -tl ol- -a ?; " '4 lout'*o" oon'"u' (*- )f tlrldo3i-. , , (., ddot sePnpul '// 4- /- '/ . :-'t' .-." .1 ^ri " l' (-: ( /' r: f2 (' z- \/' ' '/ -\- '//t :.'1 w' -.. J, /,' \ /' /.t .- .- \ '7'U //'/ '"'-// ,/ '',/ / .' ._-r -', SNOIShOUd 1,' (// -r '7 ' /- aflONOC - ll ONV I V: {t sNorr/Z \--srsvulnos'lvNc' ..r' sNol: J /'' rAPd le3lPaw - r"r "9"\. qell leuosied - 'l eoe' -i /:;l sre\LJ I I Arl I mrsvn unoi: ir: l:ru:ll- l; EFi I sr,ror.tb Q1]]/ a.r'.r.'r',.'r'T This certilies that - CERTIFICATE OF INSURAI,ICE - Elsrlre ,or".,fro cAsuALry coMpANy, Broomingon, ,u,r,o', l.,n nsrnre FARM GENERAL |NSURANCE coMpANy, Btoomingrron, ltinois nl I U i\PI '1,1991 insures the following policyholder for the coverages indicated below: Name of policyholder Address of policyholder North Golden, C0. 80401-9171 1755 I,Jest Gore Creek Dr Vail, C0. 81658Location of operations Oescription of operations Doing Remodel ing - Acting as 0wn General Contractor The policies listed below have been issued to the policyholder for the policy periods shown. The insurance described in these policies is subiect to all the terms, sxclusions, and condilions ol those policies. The limits of liability shown may have been reduced by any paid claims. POLICY NUMBER TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY PERIOD Eftecuve Date i Expiralion Date LIiIITS OF LIABILITY (at bGginning ol pollcy period) Comprehensive I i --9re!r'eee lepility.... t............ ...i..."... LJ Products - Completed Operations LJ Contractual Liability LJ Underground Hazard Coverage Ll Personal hjury Ll Advertising Injury Ll Exolosion Hazard Coveraoe LJ Collapse Hazard Coverage LJ General Aggregate Limit applies to each project This insurance includes: BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE Each Occunence General Aggregate $ - Prodrcts - ComDleted Operations Aggregate $ - EXCESS LIABILITY ! tr Umbrella Other POLICY PERIOD Etfective Date j Erpiration Date BODILY INJURY AND PROPEBTY DAMAGE (Combined Single Limil) Each Occunence $ - Aggregate $ - Workers' ComDensation and Employers Liability Part 1 STATUTORY Part 2 BODILY INJURY Each Accidenl $ - Disease Each Employe€ $ - Disease - Policy Limit $ - FOLICY NUMBER ,--IYPreFril$nANCE POLICY PERIOD E fective Dale i Erpiration Date LIMITS OF LIABILITY (at b€ginnlng of pollcy pe 6s-os- zso;a PERSONAL \ HnMFnt.tNFPs ,/oa I o I I o I 4;; t-------'--','1 i Nan€ and Address of Certificate Holder lf any of the doscribed policies are canceled befoG its expiration date, State Farm will try to mail a written notice io the certificato hol(br - days before canc€llation. ll, however, we fail to mail such notice, no oblig8tion or liaulity will be imposed on State Farm or iis agents or reptes€nta- lives. TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontaqe Rd. }l.Vail, C0. 81657 ol Auhorlrd Be!.€s€ntalhr. AGENT 554{94 a 2.90 Pnnbd In U.S.a 4 /2/s1