HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 3 BLOCK 1 LOT 4 PERMITS 1992 TO 2002 1 OF 3 LEGAL . . --�. ��� 4�4�-�-��°°� �f� � � �� �� �� 13 ' ��� ����� ���� - a TQWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMML]NITY DEVELOPMENT �o���� -� ��1�� � 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VA1L, CO 81657 ,n,� � 970-479-2138 ��`�"-'i° NOT�,: THIS PERM[T MUST B� POSTED ON JO�SITE AT ALL T[MES ELECTR[CA�.PERMIT Aermit #: E02-0236 Job Address: 714 W LIONSHEAD CR VA1L Status . . . : ISSUED L,ocation.....: Charter Sports 715 W LIONSHEAD CR Applied . . : ]0/30/2002 Parcel No...: 210107245009 [ssued . . . 11/13/2002 Praject Nfl : Expires . .: 05/12/2003 OtirTNER HAVENS S�PAR.ATE PROPERTY LIV10/30/2002 Phone: GARY J. HAVENB TRUSTEE 226 14TH ST SANTA MONTCA CA 90402 License: CONTRACTOR A-Phase Electric, LLC 10/30/2002 Ph4ne: 970-845-0188 PO Box 1564 Avon, Co 0749 Deer Blvd. #3 Avon, Co 81620 License: 3�3-E AP�LICANT A-Phase Electric, LLC IQ/30/2002 Phone: 970-845-0188 PO Box 1564 Avon, Ca 0749 Deer Blvd. #3 Avon, Co 81620 License: 313-E Desciption: lighting remodel Valuation: $12,800.00 �r:rrr+rs�r*��r�*sa*�e��r�s�rs*s����s�►*�*���*���*a�ra�*r�*r*a*�a*r*s* FEE SUMMARY **rr*ww***s*�«*ss*:*s*rs�+s*r�r��a�*****�*�*�**a�***********s Electrical---------> $234.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $237.00 DRB Fee-------> $o.o o Additional Fees----_____> $p,p p lnvestigation----> $0.00 Total Pertnit Fce----> $237.00 W'il!Call--------> $3.QQ Paymerrts---------------_> $237.00 TOTAL FEES--> $237.0a BAI,ANCE dUE-------> $�7.00 r�rrw*sas++:srsr�rsrs�xsss*rssrsars*�*�x*s�r�:*sss**srssmrssezx�rsrs*s�*rt►ra******��***�**rr********�*s*�x�w*�r*�«sa�*as�s**t**t�arrr*�«*�+*s*+**+ Approva�s: Item: 0600Q ELEC�'R3CAL DEPARTMENT 10/31/2002 JRM Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE �EPAR.'3'MENT ���**a**�**++�*++*+�**e�+.*.+*++.+.*.*.:*�:*�:++:«+�r**.+*::.«**�:.**.+****�:r�+���W�a�.*...x.»:**��«*�**:.�:�+*.+**�**+�*w�xw�.�wq�.+*..*s.���»:*+: CONDITIONS 0� APPROVAL cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : FZELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ssea*t*trrsa�xs*wrsa*r�s�**a**t**s«*sa�*t**�s�*s*�s**�**�«+�a�+**+******+**�*s*s**srtt*rrsr»stss«esm►atk��t*�x�*+t*t*�+****r+**+w*+x��r�swwsra�rra*+*s DECLARATIONS 1 hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the infa►-rnation rsquired, completed an accurate plot p�an, and stat�that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all *�*****�****�*****�**�+***�*****�***�****�*****��****�****�****�****�*�*��+**��+**�***�*�**� TOWN OF VATL, COLORADO Statement ****�********�*******��***+***�*****�************�:****�***�x*******«****************�******** Statement Numlaer: R000003434 Amount: $237.00 11/13/200211:51 AM Payment 1Method: Check Tnit: DDG Notation: A-Phase1138 -----------------—----------_-__°---°-°--°---------------------------------- Permi� No: E02-0236 Type: ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101�7205009 Site Address: 714 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: Charter Sports 715 W LIONSHEAD CR Total Fees: $237.00 This �ayment: $237,00 Total ALL Pmts: $237.00 Balance: $O.flO ****+****�***�****�****#***�***************�*****#�*************�****+�********�r****+******* ACCOUNT I'TEM LIST: Accaunt Code Description Current Pmts -—----------------- -------------------------_____ ------------ �P 001000�3111400 TEMPORARY Paw'ER PERMITS 234.00 WC OOlDQ0�3112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OD Totivn ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure accord'u�g to the towns zoning a�d subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ord�nances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR[NSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWE?VTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV NC� Y�"ELEPHO� AT 47 149 QR AT�UR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AI�f-4 P.M. S�GNAT E OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND O'Wi�fEF � , � � � z�� �� Al�PLICATXON WILL NOT BE AC�CEPTED IF INCOMPLETE flR UNSIGNELA Project#: Buiid��g Permi# #; ;� �� � ,�' Efectrica� Permit#� 970-479-2149 (Inspect�ans) ����� TaWN C'�F VAIL E�.ECTR�CA1 pERMIT APPLICATI N 75 S. Front�g+e Rd, Yail, Color�dc� $1657 • . COMTRACTGIR INF4RlMATION lectri�31 Cnntractor' 7own Qf Vail Reg. No.: . 0���nd Pho��� �j�—�+�'� � -p�t�� �� � � v,� Gp�tractor Signature: �OMPLE'T'E SQ. FE�'T �OR NEW BUILaS a�d VALUATit]NS FOR ALL OTHERS (l.aboc&Mat�rials) AM�Ur�[T O� SQ Fr iN STRUCTURE: �'LECTRICJ��vALUATIQN. � �� O� �� Cantact Ea le Caun A.ssessorx C7'rf►ce'at�70-3Z8-8lr40 or visit ww�n!ea /e-�un .com for Pan�e/� Parc:el # (Requined if no bldg. permit# is provitS�d abov�) ' 0 Q 00� ]ob Narne=C�'►�f�"�-�� 1�� ]ab Address: ��� � �10��� �;� i�- l,egal DesQiptian Lot: 61ock: Filing: SubdPvi�on:�Q� t.t? � — (�,� � �� Owr�ers N�me: Address: Phvne: Engineer: Address: Phone: . Qetailed deschptian of work: l.�il'fl �MOD�L.- y,vork Class: N,e,rv( � Add�ion ( } �emadel Repalr( } Temp Power( ) ��r ( ) yVprlc Type: Interiar Exterior ( ) Bvth ( } Dve�s an EHU e�cist at thls Icacatior�; Yes( ) NQ� ) Type of 81dg.: 5ingle-family( } Duplex( ) M�sRI-family Cornm�ercrcial ( ) Restaurant( ) Otl'oer( J lyp. af ExiSting Dwelfing Units in thi5 building; No. of Acc�mmvdation UnitS in this build'ang: Is this errrylt for a hot tub: Yes Nn �aes d Fre Alarm Exist: Yes ( No (_ ) �ves� F�re Sprinicler System �xist: Yes ) No ( ) #��*f'ii4�i�rivk*14�+rr/k*##i�kklMwA#'k111 A'df*#•4i i FQR O�FICE U5� CEN�Y��«.��►�����*��*+*�*.,.���**+f,�*«.����� other�ees: Date rt�ce�ed: � ��Z"��,�Z DR8 Fecs: /lcce B : . Planner ' n-fl�- � � � ��� . F:,�veryonelro�ms/e�etpe�n, Z0 39Cd �I231�3�13 35aHdt1 80�05VB�L6T zZ=50 Z06Z/8ZI0� • r � � ■ MI►�7 W4 I��MI Amendment ta the 1999 N E C Town of Vai�_�rdinance 14-�-6. . o Overhead services are not altouved in t�+e Town af Vail. � � Underground senrices hav� to be in conduit (PVC) from the �ransa`ormer ta the el�c��ic meter, main disCOnneCt $witrh and to the first eiectrical distribuaon dreu'it breaker paneP. c� The main discanneGt swit�h �hali be located next to the meter vn the exterior wall pf the structure easily accessible. ❑ AU �ndetgrqund conduits ��e required tn be inspected befare b�ck-�11ing the trench. c� In multi-family dwelting units, no electricai wiring ar feeder cables sh�li pass from c�ne unit to another. Common walis and space�s are accepted. ❑ NM Cable (Rornex) is nat allowe� in cornmercial buildings or struckures exceeding three (3} stories. ❑ I�a use Of a�uminum wire smalier than size #8 will be permitted with the Tawn of Vai�• TOVWIN OF VAIL �LECTRICA� PERMIT IDELINES o All i�staila�ions of exterinr hot tubs or spa`s require a DR� ap�rov�l from planning. This applicatien will not be a��epted witho�t a tapy af the DR� apprvval form att�ched (if applicable). q If this permit is far installatia� of an ext�rior hot tub dr spa on a �ew ele�rated pfatfiorm o� de�k over 3Q" above grade, you must also obtain a �uilding per�it. r� If this permit is for inst�lla�ion of an exterior hot tub ar spa art any existing deck or elevated plat�orm, � structural er�gineer must review tt�e existing eondition �nd verify that it will s�pport the added concentrat�ed load. Please provide a copy oE the structural engine€r� w�t stamped letter or drawing with thi� apptication, ❑ If this is a remodel in � rnulti-family building with � hdme�wner� associatior�, a letter of p�rrr�issi�n fram the associafion is reqUired. ❑ If this perm�t is for a Gommercial space, two (Z) set� af stamp�d drawings are .requir�d. I haye rea �nd under�tand the �hove. � � �{� �'� �}� Signatare Date Signed If yau have �ny questions regarding th� abov� inform�tion or have additiona! questions, please Contaet the Town of Vai! �iectricaE I���n s ����e the hou�s v hS�am nd 4art'�a You reached on Tuesday, 7hursday and Fnday m 9 may also le�ve a voiee mail and the ihspettor v+rill call y�u back. ze ��d az�i�3� �sti� se�e�veec�� zz.se zeez�eziei 11�13r�26�2 15: 22 19+0845�2�� �PH�S� ELECTRIC P�GE A2 _!/13r20@L 14:39 y70�fl5�'�5 �T��S C�hla'fRUCTI�N PAGE �1 � � . .. 11113l20�� 1a:�3 19T08a5B288 pPiFIASE EL.E�TRIC PAGE 8b �� 7 � �__.�. _ .�..---- --_--- ....�,. ...� _._._.�--,,�..._.,.r-. ,-... A I� HAfi R Lrl. CTRtC , 'LLC ���'�E.. ��� ����L�����{ t'YOm: A-!"b�P���C 1..L�C� To: A13�ts[wuu�w�i� I'�o�wi No: OOi29 �V B�nK 27� Nci•�amb�r t1.2� �tir��urn,t�fi 8lG�3 Wr i+�d+y p►�+p�+�c tv Fia+���hM.x�l rn�e+rinl erve�stlry K,pru�aW i1�c F3eut�it�a)i�lnti��n a1 C.�*�r1n* S��r'�r��+wRq�!ir Vrii� C:��t�x�o in���rero�whh i1+o fi�ilaw�{n����i�*• Wur4 wiil ht��Pc is acca�rnac wrrtl�aam�ct ttcmf aa li�d.W�raeMOC w�l1 aot be,pio�advd cm�P''d�a�d bY G+�� Ccntr�elos.[�1lte e�rant A-�l�E3ut�loctt3c rosamida u�.faQa�e�ep ita���e��isued��►e caa�racl doc�ts, A,. Phxs�a T?S�edric,�i11 prvnrl�dcs s prrc,a�+r yc.rr�pprcrv�l. 1�'a�.md upon 1�borT.cwrrwhra�p�'t�. iF wr�{3 bw��c e!F tA�canaad. • E�ni��tis • Iteoiw�a�d r+�ur�raU �acic e�u�pti�r!b;•a�bas • If�n t;�)p�cnd�ta o�rc��r.+cs • ��'P��)1W�+!trims�o ma1d�'bls�k bd�ex . Repi�e Qtidc d rto�r w�dl xA3�a�1at1 ktwr't'��� . iA6M�t f i}�cs1b fMiTe►iw we�9r M'�1 MNi • t��(�)4' 1��w vo3dMpo tnw1� f n�or+n n�+�rcwn � [n��1;1�' t�u.�+e�cane�+r�¢�wnd�ir+�u�t ue� • [s�a�o�(Z1 P�►tipho�� b�tkheact • iae4U(9►pQnbdlc 2x4 ar�js ease�ea�J area � tasldl��' a!tbac�+dt�t�scls fed e�t te4a!�eae tx�k�it�,(�)n���. zp�'�aiA!rooei b�e+�olv�e 1�avr tna�n�d � 71►a gri�ao f�r 1l�e ok+a.t work w iU� xR,4�i.1 U Pxy�bi���n�lelit�k�.nng►e�rw�N ; ,p�t.�7as{, SS����.,i2 Ce�nplcNo�a,oar�alnrent�spc�tion i5� t3,E22 33 [:rxnpla[i�final ins�ocdon 3i?''.i S2.�r19,3� TJrI�p�Y �l1NI i�.11(pt,�il�r+d�cri�ep/�d 'v�w�11'ia�wYiFi.in 3�t�[}'!t iAie{1lei�(1w1C. 1'�l0�etk 9�.i11 l�t NtopO�t�lt�S[e�liMd W t�Ct��9Cf4[��bE3O�by t�e Cysf�[tliz '�ac�rp,.d Fr} 4u�toe h}' - kr trvf�traekN U�►te �" L�ti F�o Bax t 9lL4 • AvCw.CQ S�62�0 �'FtvNa:�ac7.dal5.0 t 89 ' FNC 970.8�aB.02C�A � ��� � ���� �� � �' 'r. ..�, ��� _k � „ � �s • ..� , , '•,�w�!!� -F i� ,� .. .�; ��.. .��„_ t TOWN OF VAIL � DEFARTMENT OF COMMUNI rY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAG� ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97fl-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERM[T MUST �� POST�D(�N dOBSIT� AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM �UILD PERMT Permit #: B02�028] Job Address: 71 S W I,IONSHEAD GR VAIL Status . . . : [SSUED Location.......: 715 w lionshead c�rcle AppGed . . : 08/27/2002 Parcel No....: 210107207001 Issued . . . : 09/03/2002 Project Na . : L'��-<;� .�-� Z(�� Expires . . .: 03/02J2Q03 OWNER HMC ACQUISITIaN PROPERTIES I08/�7/2��2 Phone: C/O MAI�RIOTT �NTER3�IATIONAL � ONE h�I�RRIOTT DR DEPT 9 3 8 . �� WASHTNGTON I3C 20058 License: CONTI2ACTOR D�STINCTIVE TENT 12�NTALS OSf27/2002 Phone: 303-693-18Cf0 2500 W. FOUR AVENUE, LJNIT 1 DENVER, CO 80219 License: 454-5 APPLICANT DISTINCTIVE TENT RENTALS 08/27/2002 Phone: 3a3-693-1800 2 5 0� W. FOLTR .AVENUE, LTNIT 1 DENVER, CO 8 Q219 License: 454-5 Descip#ion: tent permit-bOx90 kent 9x i(}0 Occupancy: A3 A3 Type Construction: V N Type V Non-Rated Type Oecupancy� ?? Valuation: $6,500.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireplace Information:Restrictetf: !f of Gas Appliances: 0 #ofGas Logs: O Ji of Woal PelleC 0 ::e+sae**�sa+rs***.ts.s*.**�*ss»*«�s*.xs.ss.»ss**+��*r.s*.rrs�ssrrs�rs FEE S UMMARY *+*****++*r*w*MSS�sssssssss.:***srrsr*sr�*a��*+**+**+**�rr**+ Building---> $1P5.00 Restuarant Plan Review--> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $192.75 Plan Check---> $74.75 DRB Fee---------------> $0_DO Additionai Fees--------> $0.00 Invesfigation-> $�.00 Recreation Fee------------> $(1.Dd Total Permit Fee------> $192.75 WAII Call---> $3.0o Clean-up Deposii--------> $o.00 Payments---------------> $192.75 "FOTAI_,F��S-------------? $192.75 BAi,ANCE DUE--------> $0.00 �*+�*��*aw��wsww��w**w*�w��wtsM��*�x*�t***++�*arssr»xrr*mra�raaa�***e��x���r******�a*t��*******rwx�sr�ars►rss�*+��*�r****+�****t+�s***r*ar*t�r�:�w�sw�s Approvals: Iteztt: O�1Q0 BUILDING DEPARTME�T 08/30/2002 cdavis Action: AP subject to field inspection Item: 05400 FLANNING DEPARTMENT Item: OS6�0 F`TRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PUBLIC W�RKS «r�*�**����**.++s***+�**+�****+**.**s*++*�+w*rw*.rwwr+rww*+r���w**r�*�w.����s:�ea*►*:�**�*a«*s+a**���rw�*s�ak*r��xra�:��a*�*��*�*�«�*+s�**x**��«** See pa�e 2 of this Aocument for any conditions that may apply to this permit. � I�EC�,ARATIONS I hereby acknowlecige that I have read this application, filled out in full the inforn�ation required, c�mpletec� an accurate plot plan, and state that al1 the information as required is correct. 1 a�ree to comply with the �nformation and p�ot plan, to comply with all Town ardinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE IvtABE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS ITJ ADVANCE 8�TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT DUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM-5 PM. 5end Ctean-up Deposit To: N/A �� / + . � SIGN T RE OF OWNER OR CdNTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF � � PAGE 2 �****�**�***�x�*�***:�*********�**�******�******��*******�*��****�*�z**�*******�******�****�**�***�:***��*�* CONDITIONS OF APPFtO�IAL Permit#: B02-fl281 as of 09-03-2fl02 Status: ISSUED ��******�****�*****�*******�***�**********�****�:********�:�x�****�****�****�*�*******�****�***�******�**�* Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BU[LD PERMT Ap�lied: 08/27/2002 Applicar�t: D[STINCTIVE TENT RENTALS Issued: 09�/03/2002 303-693-180a To Expire: 03/02/2003 Job Address: 71 S W LIQNSHEAD CR VAIL Location: 715 iv lianshead circie Parcel No: 21 O l 07247�01 Description: tent permit-60x90 tent 9x 100 Conditions:. Cond: 1 (FIR�): FIRE QE�'ARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFC)RE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS A,RE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE �OMPL�AI'�10E. • � �***********��********�***�+****�****��****�****�******+***�+***��***�*****�*�*��********��* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statenr�e�t �*******�**************�**************�***�************�********��****�***»�***���**�*�*�***� Statement Number: R000002997 Amount: $192.75 Q9/D3/200210:07 AM Payment Method: Cash Iriit: LC Notation: Cash ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: BQ2-D281 Type: ADD/ALT CONIl"�ff BUILD PERMT Parcel No: 2101072D7001 Site Address: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL LQCatian: 71S w lionshead circle Total Fees: $192.75 This Payment: $192.75 Total ALL Prnts: $192.75 Balance: $0.00 *�***********�********�****+*****�****�x�***********�*****�**��***�#�******���***�********�x�* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code �escription Current Pmts BP D01000031111Q0 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 115.00 PF 0�100003ll2300 PLAN CHECK FEES 74,75 l�C 001000{}3112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.40 -------------------------------------------------------------------- AVG-27-02 TUE 10�38 RM P, 03 ` ��¢�car�o F INCOM �Q NSI'GNED � � �_�_ �t,ilding Permit �; -- + 970-479-21,49 (�nspetti�`" �i�N�DF�� � L U��D� E P �-�r `S r� uii'�d rOr C 3l, I f 10� 7��, rrobria�e ltd. u b�n ccl� iC31.e1C.! . Vail, Colarad'v 81657 � Carltact Ea Ie Coun A,s,s�s�ors dfj`i�e at 970-.�28-864U or visit www p.arr/e-c Pa rcel # � --�� Qcrr�� .com frrr P�rcP1.a� �-- `� —� Job tvame: ��f • _ ' � i"'u'�IC�'�"" V1i�� .�,�o�� ]obAddress_ - �----�---�— �1 S.l�u. ,��z S��c.1't�c�CUt��',,p i � �.e�al ,�esa-ipti�n I �ot; f �J B1oCk: FIit1 ' g� Su txtivision: I Qwr�ers {Varne: Address: Phor�e: � Arc�rfte�tJDe�igner: Address: � - . � Phane� ' Fngineer: Address: �---`-_ Phone: �°' � Detalled ciescr,ppon a�wark: - � .-�_-� ��' � I � �,5•1�-YI.�.�'_ �1�C1�I:�.w.-�r �'j K I+�d Lti�,u.�t � Work�i�ss: New ( ) Addi�ion ( } Remodel ( ) Repair( ? i�eer�o —� `�"`-" � } Other( ) Woric TYP�� Tnterior( } Exterior( � 6iatii - � ) Does an �NU exist at tnis Jocalion: Yes ( ) N� ( i I TYP�of a�dg.: Sinqie-�amily ( } 7'wv-fami —• .—.�` . ly( } Muiti-familY( } Commercial ( ) Res�urant( � p���.`,tr � Nq. �f Existing Dwelling UnitS itt tt�is �uilding: ,��� r — No, of Accommodation llni�s ir� this bvi�dinc�: ' �uc/�v or Fir� faces Exis�ina: Gas Ap fi�nces - -- �s L 5 tNoodlPellet Wood Burnirr I�e/Type of FirePlace� �ra '—�— �ed: Gas An�li�n�� �s s Wood/Nellet ( Wppd �urnih hJQT Al.1�pWED Ddes a Fire�Iarm Exist: Y�s { ) No ( ) Do�s a Fre Sprinkler Syst�;rrr Ex�: Yes ( ) �o � ) CpMPL�VALl1ATiUM� FOR BUILp�1yG Pg�M�T (I�t�r & M�t�rials) t3i�ILDII�G: S �LECTRICAL- � - --"— OT7-lER: � � PL(JMBING: $ M�C}-lANICAL� � � TQTA L:$ � R�I�LJTti`l.�CI_�ANUF' ia�P�S1TTC}: — � CaNTRACf�R INFDRMAT'xCJN �=en�r�J ContractAr: Towr1 af Vail Reg. No.: Cant�ct ar�d Phane �'s: �--����� 1U CIl �'� .� �—r-�-U� ,.��ln.�-� C-�,.�� �e�r .�r�—!�, �vnfiractor 5ignature: � _____"_ - . --��__ :'.h^•_�kx�*tki*ir±i�W�ktE��ir*#itT--k*£eb;k�� �— . � � **-*��*FOR O�FFIC� US�4Nl.Y:- 'F�f]F-.�.Y�'�C.i'#H!!.#1�"'a'Ifi.i.k$'rf �q!F�iir{,'.�fFi ii.fr� �ther Fees• - —�--�,1 '��-z- :r�B F�s: � _-. � Tlfp�+�f COt�stiudipn; � - � ' A�ce'rea - ; I PtrbliC W� �� n G�u : �' Plar�ner Si n•-offi: Y �ermlt Fee: , �.[3ate Receeved; � � � �:/everyonN/forn�ybi09P�'m ' ��� � ,. �� ;x, ,�?� :��,°� _ � � '�,� '� �: . � ��. � �� �� � � �.,� r� � 1:� ,� �T �� � � � .� � `�'�,,,� � ��, AU�-�7-02 TUE 10�39 AM P. 04 � . ...., . � .. ..,._. .,. ..... __ ._ . --.._....... - . . . . ---� ,�...._�.__.. ,. �- - � - . 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F' �.�.� �'•� '—A:' 1 :.�u y. . i �,y :;'�� .: 5i. t�" Y�'h . ;�� , � Y;` ,,. �y� . `,y�q,,S'.� ��'. a �: �,„,fr's��'� .. � - � ''�ai +' 4.. .�..,�r _ ,+ y—�e?'^ _ � ,�v �� �- ` ,��� � :�;: ::�t�4 9 � . . � � - , � ; , ..... a . 'r �` . , �y"ti . : r � . �.�f��'�to�� �•. . ,,. , • _ ..'., " Y w� + ��a�y�� �!�� .• • � )3�, •i�'�R� � %�� ��, � y�,' •� d�"���fi� . ���. J't' �� • ,..[ _� �r�k t�1��r I .. �yllLiA x` }��I/K3 . . � �, R .l Sr rfii'�v;i �a r 1� �M� t � {i . 1 � y , � �����K� e ..., $r: �. �"`a!�'u.,�dN�"���y�4. :S i rt. r. �:w�:. Tn:4a}S �� 7•. v'�'1����Y`N ( ( . ;.'4` I�J l��,y�L� ��� � � $r.y :.L ����.e . �•r � � -i�," . , �"3 ��,� � � � � � 7 c,'. g • ._ f., :+r, . _. . . 5:� . • • . . . . i � �Y•'�''T��'�:> r�►• 0 ► J � ' � � �.-_•;..�':. _n"�[�+ . + R� '� � L AUG-27-�2 TUE 10�40 AM P� Q6 � ,f�U�)T..,. � � Premie� $0 a�d I"�� T �� �nt ��aters � T� – — ..— � Tc•,1r s�rrc�.r Pnptable Gus Fired � ,����� ;' 'I h�e.ate�.s � . - . �'� X� S�mplicily _.� x-� � � ��� , '�P� . L.B. Wl�i�e; teRr he:tters:�re easy te>r�I up�nc�even �� � ' easier ta a�ec:,tr:. 'T'he hC�l�r�+use L.B_ 5�4'hiie', a� - dirc.ct 5park igniiiUn Sy�t�na tnr deP�ndab�e yi�� �� ,�„ � , up. lutil pl:�Le thc; to��Ie tiw�tcl� �� h�at, .r�t th� - thermUtilut. and tl�e Preiziier l�ea�A�•� ,uilJ ci« thc - ,_c''�� fetit. A r�171c�1e CF1er�lutit:ll �vitli�t ?0 tck}l ectril � • : allowti easy temper,�r�re adJu�tmenl wh�ther the healer ix ins�tic ar oulsid� the ier�l. A:�c�ll- ciia�nc�;;tic��n�r�l xy,tcm and LF'D r�akc it e�-ry ta i�ei�tify and corr4ct:tny problert�s. L-13. Wltite Prenti�r gvs ftre�[h�at�rs J�ruvide u �•afe�nd��crEnt sourcF of x��'rmih far ,S`(l�e� ynur tertlt�d event.►. The Pre�rticr K(I and 170;�re t�e�ruven markGl TJres�h�rr[er.s sNr r�J�yuickl,y and are leader-y for tent heatin��. Ti�e Pr4�i�r heatcr�;�re eac��ptionall�.�qreiel d�rri�rg operatiorr, des;ort rertified by trnern��ianal Apprt�val Sen�ice.ti Therrnosratrc�rnrrlrnr cts.r•e�res arr p a ta th�•titr�n��nt stand;ud.of h�th the A�merican �' � Gax A�soc9�ati�,n�anc�Can;�dian G:�;A.4cuiatio�i for c�Ui�s�ciFrrr, can,furtable t�ni,�re�rature ..�rr.d, porc;�ble,tempor�ry heating. TFiesc c�rtiJiG:ations �vi�h �'flip of a swilGh. 1'Jt�Pren:�er hectters �nti�re tE�at yaur Prernier l�eater will rlleet car ran bc•usc�rl to rircutute rinheQ7ed��r �x«e�1 indu�try standarcis for S�tciy aRCi q�a�ity in yr�ur'�(►nL ol'c�on�truwtian. An a�erscy report evaluatin; �he 7Y:e Premrer b'p is un gR,1100 Btuh healc:r an� P��niPr heater in the tent-hcstin� ���vironlp�nl is �ti�aila.bie I'rorn L.B, }JV[�i�e for u,e by 1�c�s1 �he Ptem�er I�0 gives you ,�70,(lpa��uh of ins�ection authorities_ h�u� Both h�afer►are fulfy ductible and are availuble in pra/�arre ur natural;•�c nrodels. YBI''�'Qlr�t�l Our r�ew tie:iten arG ve►�:�t�le c�nouch to �cat a tent of any size in v#rtu�lly;�ny kind vf weather. ,EY,� L.B. Wi�i�e pmvider a handy tent cizin� h b rultjL'tC) ��}A°�,� �E,�� / � ittiSltit YpL IJl dNLeftTtlillt;� �he nUlT1�T i)�F�e�ii�i� �nS� .k�* � fnr�K�c:h,iluation. �►Jso,vur ic;nt hr,;�ler� rriay ht . ��a, 1 �c �OClA94. r"+� �: �'� uyect t��r bcy�h wurmin�l71'`Ilfl(JiV Cl!'Y:UlilClll.�o,t�7t; "","'`° �� V� �•"'°•" air. Premier h��tcrs are r.er[if u;d f�r utie witl� cluCtfrt�and uir diffu�„rr an�l�an lae readily pl�r.�d ou�tiide the tent if yau wi;h. �uality �ieate�s �►u �can cour�t o .Y n, � AUG-�7-02 TUE 10�41 AM P. 07 � Y���/�B.11`h�ltDrpPer: � ' I �''r�rnrle� �Q ar�d 17�D L Srr�ee 195�, LB, ti''J�irP SpECTFICA�7°�ONS Co►,�party fiay'nea+de sure af ane thinb..prav�idittg aur �5�odel±Yu,ypber_- _-----__J _. 'I'SO$A_.v. T517�.._.. cr�storners witfi high qualizy, .-Iape�t_I�a�:,(B_r,�h�,__� �_-- SO a0Q0 ]70_Ob(1 reliafile/rcat�s Xhat exceed �,�Caosu�pt�ou:(mar.J - ..�° Pra a�ne(rnc/hr.J 3.7 7.9 �I�c��ons rvh�n it comeS 7►0 — �iailtl-a�Gas cu. r./hr.) .�_.. . _ 80 ----_v170 performarrce ar�rl safety, With 1�e$t�d Afr Oucpu�c�Al�_ 45Q --._ -•--- � ..._. �+ver 40 y�of�cc�ssf r! 4 ln�ec C�e r�asnr�:r�,r,,.,n„�.� _._.—.. _,,�1..00} � heati,ng��rience, we're the Prop��r�fin.13�C,J t 1.4113_5 �a.o/13.s lC4der i►J ter■t and ConSl!`r[C1i,ctlr Natnral�s('n.N:G) 7.(Yt�.S 7.O/I3.5 — J4�alrr� Ar LB.Wh� �ve ~E►ectr�r�i SnPph':(Y'o1rs�T�PhQral � i I 51[,O�i i l�/b0li� - ul�derstcrnd yaarr,�eeds are ~ A�PS(�ornn�,g�,,;r=v�..a 4.O�i.S - � io.-OI�S —. _. M`utor alW!#}rS cleangi.rr� Tl�wt's why ��' • - — — ,—. b�� ---- _..: r Case I1�ater,ial: Wl,itc..'T�i=ShielcS"�?ainrerl Stce1 we re carr:stanrl���p�avi�,� - -- -- Alwpys lp�ikijr,g for'l��tte�r, �iumensroQS:lin.j - - _ ....._ .._ mvre e,f�`icient p',�d ea.sr�r-wq'�fi ���-- 2g-� _ �0.75 t0 help�oL get rlu�job don� `'�'idth ,__ . �3.5.._. _ lx?g .. Heighi�_ Z4 �.�5 -- �o yuu krrow you cr�r�a!►vay� �,l�et weia�r_�t�,� ' 6� --- - - �awtt o�LB White or S6i � ---- -- �' . -- �� f .__. FP�$�'<;�;bt:.-��. 74 +� •._ . ... your h�atir�bry nesds. Gea Prs.ssurc_R�e ul�tor• — -• Sts�tdard St�datti'� _��+4lAtoLfat:(WmsheuP+�l?�t�h?�'eordl 5tandard -. Slani£2r�d .._.. �Gas Husc:(!t?R.X!,2 in I D�� St2t�iu[j SL.'mc13r'd CertiTicatiaa:Ameriea�r Gas Assocaadon �5tandard — gtandard'— —,--�---�_,...—.._ �r Uistr�buf�on �p�ians: Trrtt H�����L,B.VUhite ar� availe�le with ac�sosti�s that ena6le Dimra�sions(i�.) Wefght yoa to use dLcung or a difFuser. lcngrii width air puii�t �ys,� riiff�s�rs allow you to ptac�the l�ralcl� I'°�lli��r,pr���'�: 093$4 i4 15 15 x A 17 L1nitTliffuser �r -� __... aUCside itte te�t witlt a wic�e regi�ier thai -- ..s�i�170: t79396 23 24 24 x 5 25 distributes the.�tir at binemd level. Two bu�t�1i1'Ju�er:* ?1177 24 _ 2d _24 x�5.. . �5 Ductinb.btgck:' 0$978 •w IZ in._rr�tilf 'a' - scparate difFusersryl�c a0nw for Ducqug,wlpte:" 208�i5 •" - ��• , -- di$cre�i;usc.-s. A Unit Diffuser fits on ' " —,•--...-- l_1n rmr 20 � '�+t Cd on tl1 �f.c ss3iS"ntin_tn 1?'mru -..-- the unit,wbilp a Duct Uiflus�r is usr.d in -- cambination with f�cxi'6le Due.cing. �3ut]� ' diff�,scrs allow you to�ylace rh.r heater jf' � vatsida Ihc t�t and distributt 3Me heated I �/�' y`� ; .�,/ i,/�'/��f-=+, : .*'. air under the sidc ws31 of ihe trnt. T11� ' . t ,(l`f��,,�h.r,� + 12-fo�t lan�, 1?-inch dian�e#cr duct �'''(t, . ;.�. y s11pWs you to plac�:ttie heater further . .��' frorn thc ter�t,and cornpress�s to x . - o canveni�ni 3wfn�t!cn ;'��`;'' �'; �{ih for Siarage and t[arlsportati0n. Unit�i�aser I)uct Dif�'user Unctina �Zily ItB�@lS.yD� Cti'M C'O�Lltl,f?,i�. � � W�36 L.B.White Rd,OaaliikA,W{54650�(80U)3�5-�00�(6pg�7&�SbA]r F�x (��us �s.�z�x A�G-27�02 TUE 10�41 AM P. 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I.:.. ,��1�i , � ,�\j ' * . • q ♦ � AUG-27-02 TUE 10�37 AM p� �l � _� _ F�,� COVE� S�ELT Dfs#inctive Tent.�entals �5335� 1�'remrrnt Dr�ve En�lewoad, CU 8GY12 �'hone. 3Q3-��3-,�800 .�� �a.�-a.��-za�� To: � '�S �,�rE:����� cv,nc�� P,�lON�'#: �i,.�..(�� "1 �l"( ' ,��L�� �'A,Y#: � "L� _ �f�� � .. RE: �..•��,(�f�iT MI1�ER �F,Af1 G.�S;L'VCL U.D,INC CDT'ER SHEET�„�� �Please cal!if a11 pages ure r�,vt received �,Q � �,�'M�; 'V�°=Et�'-� L�t �� ,C•( '�.l�LL C� U'.� - �� --- ..� _ - _ �c�� � . 1�� �,�, � � .�...�..����U�.r�-,� r� . ,�D �,,;..�,e.,P l,-� � � � �-� �� � `�h� � �� , w t�-�, ��:..�.� 4� �'��-.� vYu.��� �" ,,�..�� (�,..� - TH�N.�' �DU �� AUG-27-02 TUE 1��37 AM �� �� � —�____. �� l)istir�ctive �'etat Reritals, Inc. A.ugust 26,2�v? Va�I Fire De�n�ut Vail, COi 970-479�-225Q R�_ Tent Permits We,Dist�nctiwe Teut Rentals,wiil be settin�up temnts,for the Marriot#Ma�tain�tesort on. Se�tember 3,?(?�?,the eveut is Septen�i�er 5—2b�', we r�vil�be taking t��tn down an September 27,2UQ2. The�uc;ation of the te�ts will be at 71 S W. Lianshead�Cucle,'V�il, C�. `T�.e cast of the insialla#ior�estimate is$6,SOO.a4. i.isted below are ihe t�n�.s we will be s�tting up. 1 - b0 x 90 G�nesis T�nt 1 - 9 x 1 d0 White Mar�uee Plc�se s�e the attachec�t'�ame certificates and a layout fox the above tents. If you have any ��estions please f�l free to�a1,1 our office M-P froin 7:OQ�-4-flOpm_ '��y�� ao�n crowea�r 303-693-ISpO IS935 F._Frernant I)r�ve EngPewr,or��Q�r�801�� {3D3J 693-1SOfl �.s Y�tnz4.�n� ,n�-, RUG-27-0� TUE 10�37 AM P. O1 � _.. _ �'A.� CUVER S�E�T laistindive 7'ent�entals 1'S335 E Fremant Drive L�'nglewood, C+a 80X I Z Phone; 30_3-b93-X8a0 �'a� 30��G9_�-2077 TO: +1� � DATE:�� �l C011�F�'141YY,- F1�idN�'#: � �} -" ''1 �7"r ' ����j 1�'�i.Y#: � �'"L - �i 5� RE: c,w LLi�.�` NUIVIBER OF�"A G'.L'S,fNCL il.Iy�C C4Y�'R S�1'EET_ l� Please cal!if all pa�,oes are rw�t receive� r .71��71IC1: '✓�-��� �b'-ZZ--� G't �.1�'ZG l� �� - � w � w � � ���--�,J 1 . ��' ,�,,,�.� c _� ��'�-�t.a�-� r� • � �,�t,�P jf-,� �,,�� _______�, ,�� ��..�,.,p � `-{-t�,�-�.�� � -�; . � r-,F--�,.. �a=.�.� v.� GJccr-u.� �,,.,�c.�l if ,,�.,_.�9...�p �...� - TI�EN�i' Y!"�U' �C� AUG-27-02 TUE 10,37 A� P. O� � � —_ Dis�ir�ctive Te,at Rer�tal's, Inc. Augusc 26,2oQ2 �Iail Fire E)epartm�nt 'Vail, CO 9'70�79-2�50 R�: Tem Permits We,DiStincti°ve T�nt RentaIs,will b@ setting 1[p tents#�Or Ch�MarriOtt MOUntain I�eS4rt on Septernber 3,'pQ?,the ev�z�t is Se�n�ber 5—2G�`, we wil�be taking tt��m dar�an Septe�nher 27,2002. The lcx:�tion of the teiits will be at 71 S W. Lips�shead Cu 3c,Vail,CG1_ T}xe cost of the ir�stalIation estirnate is S6,5bQ.(1U. i.isted bel�ow are ti,.e t�nts we wi�l be sctti�tg up- X - 60 x 90 Cre�tesis Tent 1 - 9 x 100 Wttite Marq�ee Plr,�se se:e th�attach�d.ttazne certificates and a layvt�t for th�abave ten�s: If you taave any questic�ns please fec�free to call o�r aff7ce M-F fram 7:QOaan-�l:�Opm_ T�arik you, lohn Craw��y 303-b93-1800 1 S33S F__Fremun!�rave Engl�wuo� CQlQradp 8(�I12 f.�g3j 693-ld0/! xa���nx�.�n� ,.�-.� AU�-27-02 TU� ]0�38 AM P, 03 `� ` APPLrC1�T�pN y1/IL�N - �T g�ACC,EPT�D IF TNCOMp[.�pR UNSZ'GNFD Projcct#: �uifding Per �m��---�-'- � 970-479-Z�,49 (xnspetti��-�- �3�'NOF�'l�IL � i3W�i! �� VAIL BU�LDrNC� i�El�MIt�1►PpLI SCp�ratt�Ctmits arc required for cfCCtric:�l, nle�,�b:ng, mecle�A��N 7�$. rrabta�e Rd. Y�i�, Coiorado $1657 PaCortt�ct Ea /'e Cou� �4.ss,e�sors pt{'ice at 9��-,�28-864U or v�isit ivtyw_ea�/e coun� .com fiv�P�rc�l # —„�.__` — — ,a� �---- �� ,lvh 1Name. �/f� - (� . � . ��� �y���1'� VL�"-n1 .�C�,.O/�� �ob Address_ ��-.-_ �J � �I S,1�.1. �G�'rt S�tQ��#" C.CJtL�'C.,p i �- I �Lec�.,ai 7eessa--iption i �,ot: BIoCk: � —�. Fling: Sut�di�sion: ! Owners Name: Elddress� i Phone: � Arcttitec:t/Desi�ner: Address: , 1 . � P�one: � Engineer: - -- . ��r�: Phone: ��e�f ed# p�on of worfc: ____ _, ! `�-� �,�-tur�-� �1�G1�i�c.�, � ��ab Gi�n�r I Work C185s: New � ) Addition ( ) Rerr�odel � ) F� `-` ���"( ) Demo ( ) Other� � Vuork TYPP� Inter+or( ) E7cteriar � 7ct ( } $p� ( ) ���n tHU exist at this Iocalio�: Ye5 ( y No( � j 7ype of E31dg.: Sing(�familY O Two-family O �fuiti-fa,nily °. �- � ) Commefc9al( ) Restaurant( ) p�-rer t�`�'�`.-'� � �40. a��isting t)welling �JnitS in this 6uilding: r� �I�a• of Accarrrmot#atiorr Units;n this building: �cI'rV of�ire lates Exis�ina: Gas Ap 1s2nces � -- Gas� s WoodlpeEiet Waod Burnin � N�/T e of Fire lace� Pro ed: Gas ADOii�nc� � � • �S a Fire�llarrr� ��ciSt: Yc�( � N--o �'ood�Pe�let( WO�j g�rr7ih NOT At.�UWED � � Does a Fre Sprinkler 5ystem Exist; Yes (� )j�Q f ) CQMPL� VALUA�I�'TUNS �OR gUILDZNG PERM�T (�.afSOr& M�t+�r�aks) gIJILDIIVG: S �����: � — • �''�HER; $ � H PLUMBING: $ M�C�tANICAL_ $ � TiITA�:� � �tEt=UND CI�EAN�JN l3EPOSiT TO: - —.� � canrraacroR rr�FOr�a�xoN r=eneral Contractor: Tdwn of Vaif R�g. Na.: Contae�ancf Phonc �'s: - - Contract�t5ignature: - ____ �C7�n.vi �.p��,:�� �r-(�[.`i3--��� . LL:;��::x�,r*�*�����r�:a���**�r� _ - _**4y*y�t*�*�=*FOR rJFfIC� USE ONLY.. �+*w=�xx,*x�t�_=-���*�.�+�f���,��t«-�;-�,:� �et'F�; �'� ;_D Ct8 Fees: �7Yf���Constfud"ean: � ' � �:g : , I P�b1i�Wa �--� 0� n Grnt, : . "� Pfanrter Si n�otf; � Y peitreit Fee: .. , �_Dat�Rec�vect; � . � " � F:leveryone/forrn,/6{dgperm AUG-27-0� TUE 10�39 AM P. 04 � • ...,� y�..._.� . _� ..� . - , - . _ . s � _ �- - -...__._.�_ - - � - . . ...� . . � . � ..:.. .. _ -- ._.�e. ��'�� :.�,ra����_ -- ... _.._ ._ . � � � .. - �— � ... �__- � . : , _._ . . , .� ._ . . . - � ... - . . .._.. �- , _ � . _ _ ... � �--��.,. t, - - - .. �. �� � ::.__ : ' . : : �- =�:.--._ :. ,"_.._ �._- �: :.._ . . .. : � . . � - ... .� � ��\ �I � _ : � - - . - _ - � - � . .. _ . _ �_ � � � � � - � . . . . � .._. ._. :-- -_ . . .� . ...,._. . �. _. . . _ _: _ _ _.. . __. ... � ...� � . ` _ . �. . � ._ . . . , _ __ . . �. �y .�__._ . ._ .�. _w�. .._ �....�.'_--.-:.��_...-�:_�_�.... . ._.� ._ . �. � : . , � .. � r . .. . . _�. _�.�; � � ,`�r,C�:.:- :- �, - ---_. . ._ .-_ � - _--�-=�:.___ --. . .....'_° _ =_- ,_�q�'_�w. __ .. _,_. . ��� � � .. , .._ . .... -�-- . .- -- . .... _. ,_ - .... . . .. _.. � �� � ._ .----_�. ---. - _..___.�... : .-, ,- ---—== :-�: �:.�.� . -. � . � a ti � _ __ .- . _ t� � o, �..� � _ _.. . . . .... . -. _ ..._ • -� � -- .... ---. -. . . . . . . _ _.. -,. ...._.--- � -• �..._.. . ... _ . . .. . _. . . .. _..._ ---- .... --- -- . ........ ....:_.` -- _.._._ . . .. --- _..,.. . , __-..._...._._ � � ,... . . ._._..._._ .__ . ._ - _ .. .._. _ .. . � � _ . ..... _... __. ..... �... . ... _.._ .._ �. .. .. . . .. .. . . . _ . .._ , _ _ ,_ .... .__ _.. .. .. . , .....,_ - - ..._..� ____ --__.__ .._._ .. . . - -- .__ - ._ .... . ..u.�._�.______. - ._- ,.. ..__ ,__ -__�- .� ---•- - -� . . . _ . . . . . , ...-.:.,,�__.. 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' 1 � i , �.:. / � � f� .."S ��?'� � •'! ��� �Y�_� � A �'��;'14�p� .. ,� �,� Y :Y t�` ' y ltF r� .y r ±��'��:; . r. ., ,�S,r...�. i : �* 'r� � � ,j�� , . �� tir r�+�,�}f��y� , - ' t`�ia`i°,,'C�e[its,! `� � _ } ,�";�p1^% �"aY"�"` 'ir�'«��� �:; �� � � �,,��.?• . ��i _ �+�t. �+- _'+.�-�'�N�". � 't�; +i� ,...� +�� ' - • . a �t- -. }s .�4 P •WY. � �� '• f.,, � • i. ��+� . �4�• �y p�'� • /r ��� . rf�r ��.Ka?f!� . .i ... . _ . .. jCdti\ �. i l � 7 �k� �y.�' � � ' r , 't 3����� �. .• J; :��vX� {a r�"2^f • ,�', �, +�s�h ti'���fX�' ^���wY�J"a�'' .. Ralp�`'4�'st tk'�ry{�'�.` � ��,��Y"ai�.�,1 y Y.. 11 srys�+� ?'�r'��� : •� �� i��' , �' y , �: �v .q}' P. 7.-•` / �� 1M� �R}�1!�: � �nYe l "� 1fN'w.w}�f�`•r��/ ,S f; � h� y°C : � .,. a{ 0Y" , * � k 5 . a r �..7� m'..e J��F�+.?6 i'�� w� r Ca,.n'�.�� � r �'i} �,i4: , .��,�+ ]��d.y u'A �3 � } U .v{� � .. . . . . . . . . �}.� � f! �_:�f��T!,� ' � � � � . � � �. .. . � . . . .. ....'� .t�� .' . . . . . . . . . . as.• . •" � • .� ���f:i....:�.:�:. . . .. . �. � , ' ' 1 � {�^;,��f.. ��:� .�f�. % . r ' � ' � _ s r ,� - �-.�--. , AUG-�7-02 TUE 10:40 (�"1 P• �� � ,�rvn1._. � . �1"'�Y11.I1',�' �i� ��1C� . _ _ 1'�0 fi�nt .�eaters __ -- -�--� _ ___�__. — Tc�rrt.Seric�.t• Pn�`ahte Gas .�'i�ed` � ��� �" H�ate�.�� � :�; � � � ^.� � '� T� Sin�plicity "`.�,,- _...z, .�� ���� � � ��; � '�� . L.D. Wf�ilt:tent �e:ilers are e;.t5y t�y sei up�nc]ev�n e�l�ier lc�c�per:�t�. '1'F��e hcatzn uu. L.B_ 1Nh�le'. � ;��- j' � ; , dirr.ct��irk ignilion sytitem firr dependuble til�in 1 � . �p. 1e,�1 pla�e thc toQCle xwnch tu hwt, tic;t �lze . t�errnust�i,and tlhe Premier hea�er�wili c1c, nc� --��-•�? ' resl. A rern��le therm��lut ���jih a?O ftk�t C�Srt� � : r�. r �Ijc�wti eayy [emper�tur�<idjust�ent wh��her ihe heal�r ia insici�ac•oulside ihe lent_ A 4�11- ' d�a�nc�tilic c`onlrv] wytiten� ,ind LED make it e�tiy to iclen�ity and eorr�c€�ny pruble�ns. L.13. W/:ite Prent��r gps fired heutErs nruvide re saf�t�nd e�cie�:t saurce of x�armt6 faf• ,�a,fe� ,yrrar lertted event►. The Preinic;r 8()and !7(i;;ire the Prc7ven mark�! Thes�lira[ers s��t up yuickly crnd are leaders tor ient heaun��, TF�e Premien c�ater� ajri: er'C�epti�rially yuiel durxng r�perptinrs. ��tii�n c�rtified by In�eni�l,ianal Apprc�vai $et��rces to the;;titr�n�,ent xt:�ndard�pf i�pth ihG American Thern�ostrrti4� cn�rlro�'as�ures yau p,�f"a G:tti A,soci�tion and Ca�ludi�n Gs,A.�;cxiatiw� for cvrrcistQnf, rnn:fmrtable ternperaturN .q�d, port�tble,temporary heatinfi. T'J�es� �z��i��;�Fions w111r R flip Of 4'switCli, t/te Ptenrier healers ensure tlzat your premaea hca[er wil! ctteet qr r°nn 1���used!n ei�,c;utat�[.Rhe[�ted 4[r Cx�sx�ir�dutitry st�nd�rc�s tor tia#ely artd quality in ynu�'te+�J. �!`c�onstrt�c�ic7n. An ;�gznry repart eyaluutin� the Preinier heatcr sn the tert�-tt4tttjnC ��:4iror1117►'ni iti 77te Prem�er 80 is a� �(1,lIQf1$luh he�tttr and �ti�aiE�hle I'rom L.B.White tor us�b� )o�:�� fhc• Fr�mier T.'(/g}vc•y you 170,�'Op 1�ruh Qf' in��nectie» authorities. - hc�a� Botlr fi�eat�n.�arP fr�rlp ductible�and are uvai/abl�i�r.pronane��r r�aterra!��dc�itod'e�s. V�i'SQtlll�l Our�ew heaterx�arc ver.atilc enou�h to hcat a tenl of any size in virtuulfy�ny k;rrci af We�ther. L.B. WF�i � o�T��. tc.�mr�idey a handy tent �i�in��uicic tc� �*�"'�.� ��� �� �.►�ist you in dNlerminin�lhe numlxr of he:�ter� n�� -K��, � � for c�Kilh yit��fi��n. /Llti��,uur t�;nt hr.�ler� rrta� f� " ��[- �: ` �'� used ttsr both w:srmin��r w;mply cin:uiatin� t�e `iaf►`hd� �/h��f��V '{�` �� ��,•�ono � ����. Pre�iier tie:�tcrs ;�rti c�ttiti�:cl fc�r use widt �� f�UCtin�an(�uir diffux�r,an�l can be r��tciily ' pluc�:c� ou�tiide the tent if'yc�u �vi,h. �ual.ity lieater�yr�u can count o�. � TQWN 4F VAIL � DEPARTMBNT OF COMMUN[��)EVELOPMENT 75 5. FRONTAG� €�DAD `1 ��� 1��\ `3� VAIL,C0 81657 970-479-2138 �;�.��� NOTE: TH[S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS[TE AT AL[.,TIMES ADDfALT COMM BU[LD PEf�M7' Permit #: B02-0198 Job Address: 714 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Lcscation.......: 714 W LIONSHEAD PLACE Applied . . : 06/26/?0�2 Parcel No....: 21010720501� Issued . . . : 07/17/2002 Project No . : PRJ42-0212 Expires . . .: Ol/l 3/2003 OWNER HMC AC4UIS�TION PROPERTIES I06/26/20Q2 Phone: � MARR.IOTT INTERNATIONAI, ONE MARRIOTT DR DEPT 938 . 01 'N1ASHTNGTON DC 20056 Zicense: CONTRACTOk HYDER CONSTRUCTION, INC 06/26/20a2 Fhone: 543 SAN'!'A FE DRIVE DENVER, CO B0204 License: 109-A APPLICAi�i'i` HYDER CONSTRUCTION, INC 06/26/2002 Phone: 303-825-131.3 543 SANTA FE DRIVE DENVER, CO 80204 License: Desciption: lN�'ERIOFt FINISHES FOR COI�v'DD c`,r 6TH AND 7TH FLOORS Occupancy: R1 Multi-Famity Type �onstruction: IE FR Type I[ Fire Resistive Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $S 13,000.�0 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireplace Information:Restricted: #of Uas Appliances: 0 #of Gas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellet: 0 ##Yµ#+kY#Y�Wi�7«*+KYM��W4MW##M#1T3�k4##M#�fF#kti#R#�k*ii*�kiM#i7�t�RiFti#M#i«� FEE SlJM MAR Y **++**+**r��+r*s�s*�►s»*:«�:r****a*++s�+*+*ss+s*+t*+**t�r*+� Building----> $3,592.aQ Restuaranl Plan Review--> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $5,929.80 Plan Check---> $2,334.80 �RB Fee--------------> $0.00 Additional Fees--------> $0.DD Investigation-> S6.OD Recreation Fee------- $0.00 Tolal Permit Fee------> $5,929.80 ----� Wi11Cal�----> $3.00 Clean-upDeposil-------> $0.00 Pa}�ments--------------> $5,929.BD TOTAL FEGS-------------> $5,929.80 BALANCE DUE------> $0.00 it�l�tWl��A��+►*i�lF*#�*t#�#####�##*##i#####4###�#ti##i*ttftiWtt�A4t#4M#Nfi#i�ifyf#itif*#1d*l3fi#1�##Mi�#k*#tiitsii►tii�fM+ht�hfl#�t#Mf#i41�f��MWtiYf#tt�it* Approvals; Item: 051fl0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 07/15/2002 cdavis Action: AP MAKE NOTE OF CORRECTIONS LIST SUPPLIED WITH DOCCT3�tENFS.ANY CHANGES TO APPROVED PT,ANS MUST HP,VE TOWN OF VAIL APPROVAL PRIOR T� C�NSTRUCTION Item: 054Q0 PL�ANNING n�PARTMENT 07/12/2002 George Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT• � Ttem: 05500 PUBLIC WORK3 �ssrssrasws*sass�*swss�ws�rws++*++*�+s*+***a*t+*s*ss**sr�*t*s*s+t+++***�*t+sts�*t+*st+tt**s*s**e*r+#*rsrww�wrtsw�sw+ss►s++ss«ssrtr�s*sswstssssrss►s See page 2 of this Document �or any conditions that tnay apply to this permit. DE�LAEtATIONS I hereby ack�owledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the informatian required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. [ agree to comply with the information and plot pian,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning ai�d subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances af the Towr� applicable thereto. REQUESTS F(�R INSPECTION SHALL BE 3W1ADE TWENTY-FOUR HOUFt5 IN Ab�' E BY TELEPH �{T 479-213$�R AT OUR OFFICE FRpM 8:00 AM-5 PM. Send Clean-up Deposit To: [V/A 'f �� / SIGN E O O ER CONTRACTOR FOR HIMS�LF AND OWNEF � • PAG� 2 ***�***********�*�*�***********�***************�**********�******�*********�****:��******�********�**�*** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: B02-0i 48 as of 07-17-2002 Status: ESSLJED ***********�******�***�**�******�****�*�**�**�*��*�****�*******��***�**�**�***�x�******************�*#*** Permit'Type: ADD/AI.T COMM �U1LD PERMT Applied: 06/26/2002 Applicant: HYDER CONSTRUCTION, INC [ssued: 07/17/2002 303-825-1313 To Expixe: 01/13/20�3 Job Address: 714 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: 714 W L[ONSHEAD PLACE Parcet No: 21 O l 07205�I 5 Description: [NTERIOR FINISHES FOR CONDO @ 6TH AND 7TH FLO�RS Conditions: Cond: 1 (FIRE): �IRE �7EPARTMENT APPROVAL IS I�EQU[RED BEFORE AI�Y WORK CAN BE STARTED. Coi�d: I 2 (BL�G.): F[E1.D [NSPECTIQI�S ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMALIANCE. � � *****�****�*+********�****��**�***********��****�****�*�****�***++********�+**��+*******��** TOWN OF VAIL, COLOIZADO Statement ****+*******��**�****+�***��**�r�v�*****�x**��*****���*�*��****�***�****�x******�**�***�****�*** 5tatement Number: R000a02741 Amount: $5, 929.80 07/17/200208 :11 AM Payment Method. Check Ini.t: DDG Notation: Hyder 45355 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B02-0198 Type: ADI7/ALT COPhNf BiTILD PERMT Parcel No: 210107205�15 Site Address: 714 W LIpNSHEAD CR VAIL Y�ocation: 714 W LIO�ISHEAD PLACE '�otal Fees: $5,929.80 This Payment: $5,929.80 Total �4�L Pmts: $5,929.80 Balance: $0.00 ***************s******************t****�*****�******�**************�**�*********+�********** ACCOUNT[TENI LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ --------—-- BP DOlOD003111100 BUILOING PERMIT FEES 3.592.00 PF 0010000311�30D PLAI� CHECK FEES 2,334.80 l��C 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.00 � u APPLICATI WILL NO E P'�D IF C E U ,c,^ Project #• -�{.�1{ � 'n #: 97A -2 (Inspections) � T V IL G P CATION T1DA'N UF Y'AI� - arate ar elec , plum g, anical,etc.! 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, �olorado 8165i CONTRAC'I'OR INFORMATIQN General Contractor: Town of Vaii Reg. No.; ontact and Phone #'s: �O3) g�s�=►3�3 C I � [V � ! f'T � It7 Signature: CQM�LETE LUAT�ONS FUR BUILDING PERMIT l.abor & Materials BUILDING: $ r��`dQd ELECT�ICAL: $ SS' pQ�� � OTHER: $ ��� "" PLUMBING: $ � �p p� MECHANIGAL: $ f��d TOTAL: S � (��J 5 For Parce/#Cantact Ea /e Coun Assessors Office at 970-328-Sf40 or visit www.ea le-caun .com � Parcel # ,'Z 1 O 1 D��p�p15 (appli�tion will not be accepted without parcel number) Joh Name: /,��L /�r��(���/�lil'V�q���1'�5 aah Address: �/�f (� f�O�S1>t�14D �i..►9c.�' ; r Legal Description Lot: Block: Filing. �ubdivision: � Owners Name: �� � Address: 137 Phone: r, 4' ArchiteGk/designee;�,,,���,� Address: Phone: D Engineer: �,� .—. Addr�ss: r, Phane: r , Detailed description of work: ' � '' ►v� 6''��'�m Work Class: New ( Addition ( ) Remodel (� Repair{ ) Der�o ( ) Other ( ) Work Type: Int�rior O Exterior O Both O Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes O �30 { ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family ( ) hlulti-famjly( ) Commereial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. oE Existing Dwelling Units in this building: No. of Accommodation Units in tF�is buil�iing: No e of Fire laces Existin : Gas A iiances Gas Lo s Wood Pellet Wood Burnin Na of Fire laces Pro osed: Gas A liances Gas Lo s Woad Pellet Woad Burnin NOT AL��WED Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes O No O Does e Fire Sprinkler System �xist: Yes O No O *,�,�,�*�*�*,��*,��*,�**�*,�,�****�**�*�*���*xFOR OFFICE USE ONLY��:x*,��:�,�*��*�,�*x,�*,�*,�,�**�*,�**,�*�*,�**,�* Other Fees: Type of Construction: Acce ted B� : DRB Fees: Occu an Grou : Rlanner Si -off: - � Date Received• ���, F:/everyone/formslbldgperm /` REC'D J U N 2 5 2002 �Y'� i1 �1r f'�'�� � _ N N :t (/1 I,- �k 4 � :. . .. . . . .� ' . _ . ' ...... .. ._._. _. ,� .. . .. '� ���� :,'� rc;�1 �< ,�,��. -� �'��'�...�`�' ���., '�I�,r -�'�a � . � . � . . . . a ti� i , .�� � � i:��.. . . _�� . � n �yx �,.,s, . r�',`. . � ,�. ,�N,�. '�y �a+, u . xr i x�k �-• z •� , , , �b �. .;� �,��' � � . r� A `< � �` .::�Jt`�l1�� aM` " . � . . .. , . -; �� �.� ��� , ;�r �, i;;,�.. ,�°�� - , ,� i : '� �,t,t _�' _ .. ,� iwM' t w= 'i�._; � . . .. '� , �, . �"�e.a��'� �'�: . . . . . �E w , �}��4�_ .. " �, �sr -.� .' , a '�' ',.�a,."- . _ �" . � . � .. . a s �,� = - . .. . . . . . . . '� �. � ti' .. . . . } �:��.^',_ j .,a . . . . .. �. . . _ , . � ��: . .. . � � . � � � . � .. �. .. n _ :,-. . �.- . . . .. , � . . . . , . . �� � ..-. ...�._ . ,. :. .. . . . �.. � .- ,. . �.: . . .. . I . .H„ . -�_ :- - .' . . � � . � . . . � . . « F - -� . . . . . . ��' � � a,�� . ;�... ��:�..� � . . . � . � '�F.- � . . a, y. _ y�.+� ' =; � . . . . , . � . . � .. . z , y .. . . . . .;� c,,. .;: . . , . . � . - � � � �Y+��: - � . � - . . . , � . � . . � , . ;r �. _q� . � � . . . . o', . 1 a, � . ' � ... � � . � '. .. ', .���'-1 ��. ,� . .. . . . . . ... . .r� r�i. �s � � . .. - . . , . . . �: ' A �-�. . �. . . . f �. ^�g`� gr.�"� . . . . . . . . � � � . �. � .. , .' . �.�, f � �.. ' � ` :�.� - .. Y .. . . .. -. /. ��� � �" � . � . . . :: q � , . . . . . . ���G� r . . .. ' � ' � � . . . � . � ... . . � ,�p _ - .. . .. . . . . . dr� J .:. F . . . . . � . k� . ..{ �� s, . �,ql j s, . ���_� ... . . . . .. �' _„ �iF�l e . . . . .. . . T, °' ;� ,� } ' t ' , l * ���� g�� ' _ ,� , �`.Ty ���.� ��� �:�r�r ..-i.� ��*1�_ ry . .. . . r _ .- � '+ � _ � , �.� .. , . �. _. . •n°' .y� •`� rq� - ; . . � .. . . �. . .... �., , - ` _ .::'Yr$'� �,RD �.:.b -,F � - � � -�� � . . . , ' . _" " -.i:� ��_' l.� , ... . . � . . . � L�t; . � ..; �._� . .. y�s, ' .' -._ �_ . . .. .k'� - i 1 �,r��' '� � ..�K,. � . � . . . . . ; -... �. ... . . . .:,..� �.,-:; �._ ..... „ - �' �� . � , _. �... , .,:1,_ ...-.�,_...; ,�_.,... y::..,-.�.:._ ; ' �. _ � � ��-�.� Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 ���� � ,:.,.� �� �,u ��4 1 ' "` ��' Buildinc�► Perrnit Su6mitta/ Check/ist T(}1-1'�' O� �;��L� - Department of Community De�elopment (��ll - �C�n�Q4S- l��!� �-��f /i o�� Project Name: __ (?�'O� Project Address: ,�//f f- ���s�yf��_�,L'�'1,E ✓ Thrs Checklist must 6e completed before a Bui/ding Permit app/ication is accepfed. All pages of application is complete ❑ Has DRB approval obtained (if requir�d) Provide a copy of approvai form ❑ Condominium Assoc+ation letter of approval attached if projeet is a Multi-Family complex ❑ Complete site plan submitted o Public Way Perrnit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) o Staging plan inclutied (re�fer ta Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkina or materiaf stora�e allowed on roadways and shoulders without written approval ❑ As estos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architecl stamp and sigruature (All Cammercial and Multi family) ❑ Full floor p�ans including building se�ctions and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) ❑ Window and door schedule ❑ Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) � Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural pians (All Commercial and Multi FamFly) ❑ Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection ❑ Fire resistive assemblies speciFied an� penetrations indicated ❑ Smoke detectors shown on plans ❑ Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signatu�e: Date of submittal: Received By: F:/everyone/forms/bldperm2 � � T°, �1 n, e 1niPAI OF VAb� HOW D�D WE RATE INITH YQU? 7ovvn a#V�I Survey Community Development Department RusselC Forrest, Director, (970)479-2'f 39 Ct�ecic all that ap�lies. 1. Whict� Departrnent�s) did yau c�ntact? Buiidi�g Environmental Housing Admin Planning DRB PEC 2. Was your initia�confact wi#h our staff immediate s�ow or no one available ? 3. If you were required to wait, hovu long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your project r�viewed on a t�mely basis? Yes/No if n�, why not? 5. 1Nas�his your first time to file a DRB app PEC app Bldg Permit N/A 6. Pfease rate the perFormance of t�e staff�erson who assisted yau: 5 4 3 2 1 Name; (icnawledge; responsiueness, availability) 7. Overa�� efifiectiveness of the FrQr�t Service Count�r. 5 4 3 2 � 8. What is t�e best time of day for yau to use the Front Service Counter? '9. Any commen#s you have which would allovw us to better serve you nexttime? �han�C you fflr tafcing t�e�me ta campl�#e this survey. We are commi�ed to improving our service. . � � � � . ���d�� ��� r���� P:ar � . ' ARCHITECT'S SI No. 52 (revised) _ .' ; ','" ` ,' S�UPPLEMENT�4L ate: 18 February 2003 ' ' ' ' ' �NSTRUCTIONS PROJECT: ARCHITECT`S PRdJECT NUMBER: 21 17 Vail Marriott Mauntain Resort Building 2 �� r, � � � � OWNER: Vail Resoris Company De�elopment P.O. Box 959 _ 2b — �� Avon, CO 81620 � TO: I-lyder Construction Inc. 543 Sent� Fe Dri�e Qenver, CO 802�4 The Work shalf be carried ouf in accordance witir the fn!! i lemental instructinns iss�ed in accordance with the Contract Documenfs wifhout change in Confract Sum or Contract Tfine. Prior to proceeding in accordance with these insfnrctiaRS, i�dicate your acceptance of these instructions for minor change to fhe Work as consist�rrt with fhe Contract Documenfs and return a copy to the,�rchitect. TF-IE WORK: As requested by the Owner, please make the following changes to the Building 2 lobby as described helow. 52.1 Construct a storage room for P3 to be located under the stairs in stair "E". Storag� room must be completely separated from the stair enclosure by 2 HR walls and the access to the storage room must be frorn the corridor and not from the stair enclosure. a. Per the TOV Building Of#icial, the walls and ceilrng of the storage room may be per UL design U-415, construction "B". Walls shall incorporate 4" C-H type studs and the ceiling shall use the same style studs in 20 GA (to support weigF�t of people walking/sliding on ceiling). Additional/ayer of 5/"8"drywal/shal!be insta!/ed to cover al!areas with exposed shaf�wal!panels (UL system GJ. Drywall finish in stair to match existi�ng. Drywall finish in storage roam to be textured and painted per typical. b. Provide and install new 3'�0"` x 6'-$" ilush alder 90 min door in HM frarne. Door hardware ta be passage with rfeadbolt. Threshold, closer and smoke seals, etc as required. Paint and trim corridor side of door frame in alder trim per typical tor that section of corridor. c. Provide and install equipment and fdnks as necessary #or fire deteetion and fire protection systerns in the new storage roam. This scope of work shali be design/build and shall 6e as necessary to compleYely satisfy the Vail Fire Marshall and Building Official. d. Relocate existing light in stair enclosure as necessary to serve new storage closet. Provide and install switch and new circuit fvr this aight. Install(11 dupJex outlef at east wall as requested by 8uyer. e. Relocate and repair corridor walls, signage, etc as necessary to accommodate new dodr into storage room. Signagellabel on new door into storage raom as req�ired by 6uilding Owner. f. Trim c%set srde of doar in Alde� wood trrm per typicaL Provide and instaf/wood base in closet per typrcal for cor�do uniis. ATTACHMENTS: drawing AX-110 dated February 18, 2003, copies of walP/ceiling construction from UL and USG books ISSUED: ACCEPTED: BY BY .s�.i Architect Contra�tor �`�t w A G7 �- �c a' p a o� o o � T� � �� �� � a �. c �� -� cn N Lu V> C C � � � _ N O O �' p � p Q N..o ° n � .. � m � C1 �J/ �/�F N y - c.� �. cn c� fl' `n w � � C/s N i�l 4 V�i �'�--• C'� C�8 � C V]p C/)p' / / �a �1 SG — � � Q N- � .�-r � GL � � D o � "'� � � � v O cp (O� c n� � n}� A � y � �' � � � N m rn � 9 �n � c � Q � � � Sm ' rn � � N 9 Q� a� roc � � o Q � � . Q, � � � . � � � � y � ` � � � � � � n� n cn w cn n � � m �,' � � � m a -cn °i u� m as � - m o � � �_ � �' ,y � r.�i m n.� c = `° � � e, c�p c� °• � w. � � � " �' � a =� � g � ��/,/N -^ �, �, � a _ � . _ � w � � ..0 = a� nC� y B m C G1 � � � a� \ cn �1 [T tn m N � � �p f�p � C/� C 3 y �C . j 7 � � O � o m"~-, � C � N � � � � �. 2 tp Q GJ � ;.T� � � � 4 y y C � N � N � (D � � = � � Cj C! T � � Cl � Rs O i� � y G> � �.7 � N � _' ti tT � C 1Q � � O �7 A C � Q �tC � X at � O cD �1 W N � `� 6� ^'\,• .= w � C C "� � O ro n -9 so c; � m w rc � `� p w � - C1 O�i � N � � w = � � C � � � � � 3 w p � p m v, w � � v� n`° _y ?�Q m `n°- � ,� c °��' � `° "' � o' m ca c� 3 � � °� � °' p y o m n � �n m cn �' m O"C7 A c a � b � � � m J 77 N y [/a w p . m � �.� � d m tn O pj � � •�-• `2 C"1 N � � O � f/' � y m m � � y _ n � ,p � � G O o`°+ � � o' m o � � ° � .� � O '�i' '',, � tmo p � o c �� � � � � � Y � m � n - c rn `° 7 0 _z �. 3 . � � c � y = z ro c�n c�n c�9n cn in a o �- ,v�� � °` .�.r 7 -- �a � o�o m � Q � � � Q � -ne N c;, a ,"'�, � n, :� � �. y cn vi � , uai @'� ^ � n o o v+ � Z � n � a� � � 0 6 m c � � m �' c cc cn � � ..�.. C � 4) O � � �.+ U1 - � C% � M' o � �t O� . � °� C C � o �..°w O1 � � � � c. -�� o°, � V � � °' w 6 0 �c' o ^ � . � =� �o r«�o ni d a �n '^ D -. � � c��o � � � � � � m R p v� � � c0 Q C � � 'o a m g � �, -� � �' 3. m c� � � v, a � � n a � � � pNn ° ° ,,v�r �v`' �'{ m �' e�� -`_°=' �v, � � � � m ry w � � � �. � � � � vs o o � y� c..� � � m �,� n m `L �° o v: � �. n ° � � '° n � � • s� � N o y = � n� � � � �•2 c� � m �o d u� �� C � y cD �, = A �m n Q tD cn � e _ '—". 01 � �' N 6a � w O Q yaj ' N ` C. !n O 0 � � Sca V1 IO �? � �j p. f3. �. � .9 C4 � _ � W � C .- CD � � �C !n N � d VJ N� � ��� ~ � � �� ` ti _ . � � -. . m �y � � w - — :. � ---- � ; � � m o � � \ �, ;� -- � � _ _ \ _ ---- � � N � � --- - � � � ; � � "-" n a —— _ rn n� "'_ � � _ � \ \ � _ � \ N� � $ � S N r�_ � C n?�/ / -' � H �I � _ /// ' » N � + �� d ' . \ � � � � !il '�- w � / � � A ``(f \ Np`. _ _ � . - � �+ C7 \ ` \ � m � _ � \ � � � � � � '��-.,� � c � I :�� � o '� ^. 4. i . m a � --- 6 N � . � "� \ a ,\ � � �� _ � � � � \ y � f _. ___'. .— __' — -� 1 �1 � R�LOG�T� �XIT SIGNS, � � FI�� �X71N6UIS��iZ Gr^�BIN�T, BUILDII�IG SIGN?�G� ?�S NEG�55ARY �� 3'-D" �f0 MIN FLUSH �-'� - " WD DDOR li� HM �i�ME , P ��_ _____� w/ JND 7@IM P�� TY� � ' ; � � � 2 HOUR W?.LL al�D G�ILING GONSTRUGTIO�I TO BE I L�Y�R �/8" DRYWaLL ON 80TN SIDES OF 4" 3 �/8 " 6" METL�L G-{-f STUDS (�O GA __- -- � ,4T G�ILING) w/ I" GYP _.___ - - SHAFTW�L.L. Pr'�NEL. INSIt?�- �w� —�� SE� UL D�S IGN ���� U-415-G y�� — - - — - - -- --------- ----- --r ----- -� U� � i i ———— ��—r-- — � . _,� i � � � ,� � �\` �P�'RDX GEILING BR�?.K IN STO�AG� ROOM ,... �- L � � �� LI�1� OF L.?�uDING/ 5T,41R _ �,eove �� �� 2 HOUR G�ILING TO � BE B�LOW 5��41E� ,4ND Sf�LL BE FL.�T ?�T LEVEL O� G�ILING B�LOW UPfi'�R 1�h1DING WH�N NOT UNI?�R STA�R E � r I � � � �'L,�N NQ1ZT3-+ 2 �T,� I � ��� �� _ I �2 � _��� SGr41.E: ��� � �"-O�� �,� - ��'� Gwathmey PrCttt 5chulfiz Arc#�tecfis,p.c. , 2 ' t� 'Q'�J 2�OQ FIRE RESISTANCE DIRECTORY ` � � 724 FIRE RESISTANCE 0lRECTQRY(BXRH) FIRE RESISTANCE DIRECTORY(BJ(RH) � Fire Resistance Ratings -ANSI/UL 263 (BXUV)—Continued Fire Resistance Ratings -ANSI/UL 26� (BXUV)—�ontznued P Desi�n No. U413 Systei7i {' — � IIr. Nonbearing WaLt Itating—2 I-3R. '� 1 3 4 , id'O.C�16'4.C� � � 24 iu. or eao mm o.C. � s. . • . , � Y'J: - — j � ��, / / � � 4 � , � � � 2 � �-� Horizontal Section i� 1. Fnrring channels— 3/4 in.0.30 lb cold ro3led steel set into base clip and System D — 2 Hr.� � into m��ing rarurers secured to{loor and ceiling. ,� 2. Metal Lath— Diamond mesh,3,41b per sq yd expanded steel fied to chan- 1 � 3 nel and at laps 6 in.OC with 1'8 SWG galv steel wtre. �-- xa �� a. eao rom o.c: —�( � 3. Plastea— Scratch eoat 2 c�ft brown coat 3 cu f#of periite aggregate"to lOD �/ � � Ib fibered gypsum. Y ` -;._ ::: -- ��. -. AIRtITE['ROCESSING CORP OF FLORIDA "`�T` -_ - =-- _- � =�. �. HARBORLITE COR[' . �. : Gy� PENNSYLVANIA PERLITE CORP OF YQ�iK q. ���. � � REDCOII Horizontal Section ��J : � *$earing the UL C7assificaHan Marking System E — 2 HT'. Design No. U414 1 �j (3� � I � Nonbearing Wall Rating—2 FQi. �`� �""\ 2s [n. ar 600 mm q,C, �—w� r� I � l 16'O.C�Ib'O.G� � . / � .r: • ' _ . � Z'h' � 4 �t �� Y � . . . • . , . . ., . .. . . , ... . .. •• ..,•.. • . •. . . . . ,-. •:. . , - . .. .� . :. . . �: .• . : • . . . . '. �� Horizontal Sec[ion � ` � - -- - —_ __,.. ......., �i 3 I Systern F — 3 Hr. - _� � 1 3 ,� ; 1-�— Y4 1 r 600 mm 0 C..—.-{ : :� l. Fuaing channels— 3/4 in.,0.3D Ib cold rolled steel set into base clip and � � � ' �� into ceiling runners secured to floor and ceiling. _ j :� 2. Meial Latfi— Diamond mesh,3.4 Ib per sq yd expanded steel tied to�han- � nel and at laps 6 in.OC wiih 18 SWG galw steel wire. '-,�', 3. Plaster— Seratch coat and brown rnat 2 cu k of peslite aggregate'to 100 � `�� ibs 6bered gypsum. 2 Horizontal Seetion � AIRLITE PROCESS[NG C�RP OF FLORIDA `� HARBORLI'T£CORP System C — 3 Hr. �'' PENNSYLVAN[A AERLITE CORP OF'YORK �:`� REDCOII 1 �J 4 .:� *Bearuag the LT[.Classi&catlon Marking I � u W„ or E00 mm O,C. �{ ���j � I '� � , Design No. U415 � Nonbearing Wall Ratings—1,2 or 3 Hr System 4 — 1 Hr. 2 �-'-'' - �J �� 1 � Horizontal Section i"i 2a iq, er 800 mm O.C. �f � � � 1. Floor,Side and Ceilin Runners— " g J"—shaped runner,min 2-]f Z in. / ' �' ` ` deep,wikh unequal legs af 1 in.and 2 in.,fabricated from min 24�(SG(rrun � 20 MSG when Item 4A or 7 are used)galv steel, Runners posi�ioned with short leg towazd finished side of wall.Runners attaclted to strucfural sup- 2 4 ports with steel fasteners located nok greater than 2 in.from ends and nok ion greater than 24 ia,OC. ' 5 skem 1-. 2. Steel Studs— "C-H"�—shaped studs,min 2-1/2 in.deep,fabricafed Erom ' y ! min 25 MSG(min 20 MSG when Itett�4A or 7 are used)galv steeL Cut to i � lengths 3/8 to 1/2 in.less than floorvto-eeiling height and spaced 24 in.or 600 mm OC. � za in. or 409 mm o.c. —� 2A. Steel Studs— (Not Shown)—"E"—,shaped studs installed baek to back // ' " in place of°GH"—shaped studs(Item 2)and used to secure the closure � Y liner panels at fhe ends of walls.When installed back to back in place af the ' � "C-H"-shaped studs,"E"-shaped studs secured togethet with steel scretivs 2 4 spaced a maximum 12 in.OC.Fabricated from min 25 MSG(min 20 MSG " Horizonkal Secl.ion when Item 4A or 7 are used)galv steel,min 2-1/2 in.deep,with one leg 1 � � � �n.long and hvo le�;s 3/4 in.long.Shorter legs 1 in.apart to engage gyps� iner panels.Cut to lengths 318 in.less than floor to eeiling heights,Sill and lintel of opening fonned with"J"—shaped runners(Item 1)secured to"E" —shaped stucfs with angle ciips and stee�screws. ZB. Furting Chann�ls— {Optional,not shown)—For use with single or LOpK FOFi THE UL MARK ON PRODUCT 2000 FIR� R�5�STANCE Q�REC30RY � • FIRE RESISTANCE DIRECTORY(BXRH) FIRE RESISTANGE DlR�CTQRY{BXRN� 72g ' Fire Y�esistance Ratings-ANSI/UL 263 (BXUV)—Confinued Fire Resistance Ratings -�,NSI/UL 263 (BXLJV)—Continued dauble layer systems.Resilient furnng channels fabricated from min installed horizontally.Screws offset 6 in.from layer be1�w. Horizontal 251VISG corrosion proYected steel,installed horizontally,and spaced ver- joints on adjacent layers staggered a min of 12 in. V�rtical pints een- tically a max 24 in.QC.Flange pozfian of channel attached to each tered over studs and staggered 24 in.on adjacent layers, intersecting skud(an the°C'side 9f the"C-H°studs)with 1/2 in.long CANADIAN GYPSUM COMPANY—Types C,IP-X2,WftC Type S or 5-12 pan-head steel screws.When furring channels are used, UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO—Types C,IP-X2,WRC wallboard to be ins#alled vertically only.Not to be used with Type FRX YE50 PANAMERICANO 5 A DE C V—Types C,IP-XZ,WRC % gypsum wallboard(Item 4A)or cemenhhous backer units{Item 7). Sys#em G � 3. Wallboard,Gypsum"— Cypsum liner panels,nom 1 in.thick,24 in.or 600 Gypsum panels,nom 5/8 in. thick,4$in.or 12p0 mm wide,applied � mm(for metric spating,)wide.Panels cut 1 in.less in length than floor ta verkically or horizontally,two layers over the flange of the"C"seerion � ceiling height.Vertical edges inserted in"H"—shaped sectian oE"GH" of the studs,one layer over the flange of the"�-I"section oE the studs. studs.Free edge of end panels attached to long leg of°J"—runners with I�er or base layer atkached to studs with 1 in.long Type S steel 1-5/S in.]ong Type S steel screws spaced nof greater than 12 in.OC.When wall height exceeda liner panel length,liner panel may be bulted to extend screws spaced 24 in.OC when installed vertically or 16 in,(}C wl�en to the full hei ht of the wall. installed horizontallp.Face layer attached to studs with i-5 f�in.long CANA�[AN GYPSUM COMPANY—Type SLX ` Type S steel screws spaced 16 in.when installed vertically or 12 in OC UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO—Type SLX when installed horizontally.5crews offset 6 in.from layer below.Hori- Y'ESO PAl�{AMERICANO S A DE C V—Type SLX zontal joints on adjacent layers staggered a min of 12 in.Vertical joints �/j 4. WaTlboazd,Gypsum'— centered ouei studs and staggered 24 in.on adjacent layers. '/�j Systems A d�A CAI�TADIAN GYPSUM COMPANY—Types C,IP-X2,WRC /f Gypsum panels,nom 5/S in.thick,48 in.or 1200 mm wide,applied vertically or UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO—Types C,IP-X2,WRC U� �pri2ontaIly,attached to studs with 1 in,tong Type S;steel screws spaced 12 in.when YESO PANAMERICANO S A DE C V Types C,IP-X2,WRC installed vertically or S in OC when installed horizontally{24 in.OC when installed 4A. Wallboard,Gypsnm"— (As an alternate to 1Cem 4,System A,B,C,D)— verficaEly or 16 in.OC when installed horizontally in System D). 5 f 8 in thick gypsum panels,installed as described in Item 4 with Type 5-12 CAIVAD]AN GYPSUM COMPt#NY---Types AR,C,IP-x1,3P-x2', steel screws.The length and spacirtg QE the screws as specified under Ite�n 4. SCX,SHX,WRC,4VRX CANADIAN GYPSUM COMPANY—Type FRX UNIT�D STAI�S GYPSUM CO—Types AR,C,FR.X-G,CP-Xl, UN[TED STATES GXI'SUM CQ—Type PRX IP-X2,SCX,SHX,WRC,WRX 5. Joint Tape and Compaund— (Not Shawn) ; YESO PANAMERICAN�S A DE C V—Types AR,C,IP-Xl, Systems A,S,C,E,F&G � IP-X2,SCX,SHX,WRC,INRX Joints between outer Iayers oF Gypsum Wallboard(Item 4}covered with paper tape : System H and joint compound.Exposed screw heads covered with joint mmpound. ; Gypsum panels, nom 1 J2 in,or 5/8 in. thick,48 in.or 1200 rnm wide, 6. 8ads and Blankets*— ` applied vertically or horizontally in two 3ayers.Inrier or base layer Systems A,B,C,F&G attached to studs with 1 in.long Tyge S steel screws spaced 24 in.�C (Optional)—Mineral wool or glass fiber batts parfially or completely filling stud when installed vertically or 16 in.OC when installed horizontally. cav�ty.Any minera]wool or glass fibet batt.mineral bea�ing the 4JL Glassification Oufer or face layer attached to studs with 1-5/S in.long Type S steel Marking as to Fire Aesistance. screws spaced 12 in.when installed vertically and staggered 12 in. Systems D&E from base layer screws,or 8 in.OC when installed horizontally and ��n 1-1/2 in.(System D)or 3 in.(System E)thick mineral wooE batts,friction fitted T staggered 8 in.from base layer screws.Joints behveen inner and outer between the studs and floor and ceiling runners. � THERMAFIBER L L C—Type SAFB i Tayers staggered a min of 12 in.when applied horizontally.Joints cen- % tered over skuds and sta ered 24 in.when a l�ed verticall �� Cementitious Batk�r Urtits*— (System d)—Nom 1/2 or 5/B in.thick � 8g PP Y• panels,scpuare edge,attached to studs over gypsum wallboard with 1-5/$in. 1 CANADIAN GYPSUM fOMPANY—1 J2 in.Type C,IF-X2 or lo�tg,Type 5-12,mrrossion resistant steel screws spaced 8 in.OC and sEag- I+VRC;5/B in.Types AR,C,FRX-G,IP-Xl,IP-X2,SCX,SHX, gered B in.from gypsum wall hoard screws.Joints mvered with glass fiber WRC,WRX mesh tape.Vertical joints staggered one siud cavity fmm gypsum wallboard UNITEC7 STATES GYPSUM CD—1/2 in.Types C,IP-X2 or Jo�nts.Horizontal joints staggered a min of i2 in.kam the gypsum wall- WRC;S/8 in.Types AR,C,II'-Xl,IP-X2,SCX,SHX,WRC,4VRX b�ard joints. YES�PANAMERICANO S A DE C Y--1/2 in.Types C,iP-X2 UNITED ST�iTES GXPSUM CO—DLIROiCK Exterior Cement or WRC;5I8 in.Types AR,C,[P-X2,]P-X2,SCX,SHX,WRC, Soard or DUROCK Brand Cement Soard. �� 8. Laminating Adhesive*— (Optianal,�rot Shown}—Used to bond outer System C layee of Cementitious Backer Llnits(Item 7)to inner layers oF Gypsum Wall- Gypsum panels, nom 1J2 in.or 5/8 in.thick,4&in.or 12D0 mm wide, board(Item 4)in Syskem D,AN5[A136.1 Ty pe I or anic adhesive applied ; applied vertirally or horizonYally,attached to stucis with 1 in.long with 1!4 in.square notched trowel.See Adhesives(�XWR)in the Fire Resis- ; Type 5 steel screws spaced 12 in.OC when installed vertically or 8 in. tance Directory or Adhesives(BJf.Z�in the Building Materials pirectory for 1 wher�installed horizontally. names of Classified comparties. CANAD[AN GYPSUM COMPANY-1/2 in.Type C,IP-X2;5J8 'Bearing the UL Classification Ndarking in.Ty s AR,C,IA-Xl,IP-X2,SCX,SHX,WRC WTLY UNITE�STA7'ES GYPSUI�!C0-112 in.Types C,IP-X2;5/8 in. Types AR,C,FRX-G,IP-Xl,iP-X2,SC?C,SHX,WRC,�vT�c I?esign No. U416 YESO PANAMERICANO S A DE C V-1/2 in.'I'vpes C,IP-X2; Nonbearing Wall Rating—2 HR. � 5/B in.Types AR,C,IP-Xl,IP-X2,SCX,SHX,WRC,WIZX System E 1 q 2 6 1 Gypsum panels,nom 314 in.thick,48 in.or 1200 mrn wide,applied vertically or horizontally,secured with 1-1/4 in,long Type S steel i � screws spaced 9 in.OC along the perimeter and 12 in.(}C in the fieid , when installed vertically ar$in.OC along the perimeter and in the r'(� � � � (� field when installed horizontally.Screws along side joints offset 4 in. I �l; � � � � CANADIAI�GXPSUM COMPANY—TILTREICODE or Ty}�e � ; r �P-X3 i � UPIITED STATES GYPSUM CQ—ULTRACODE ar Type II'-X3 9: YESO PANAMERICANQ S A DE C V—[7LTRACd17E or Type 3 e [P-X3 HORIZONTAL SECTION ,5 System F Gypsum panels,nom 5/8 in.thick,48 in. or 22�0 mm wide,applied verticalky or horizantally in three layers.Inner or base layer attached � to studs with 1 in.long Type S steel screws spaced 24 in.OC when 1 installed vertiea�ly or 16 in C7C when installed horizontaily.btiddle � layer atta�hed to studs with 1-5/8 in,long Type S steel screzws spaced 24 in.when installed vertically Qr 16 in.OC when installed horizon- tally.Outer or face layer attached to siuds with 2-1/4 in.long Type S steel screws spaced 16 in.when installed verticaily pr 12 in.C?C when LOOK FOR THE UL MARK ON PRODiJCT e� _ � � c c s a o a �n — � a i 1f3 T' C '- QJ O U C C � � � C I C �G T7 � �- s cC � ta � cd OJ o0 I O 0 � � � � � d] I� G C aJ �I .0 N VJ O] C] (�l 6f]N(7 L!l N lD�(](V C O N V](�J r- N f J Ql I�(n V] � � 0.> c0 ['] d U ""' f'��D 40 �uZ ?Q'V � Q�O]r of aP A Ga O O M� N N SD � � C � a (n � Q- U LU � � � C m 'f�N V o0 O f�V 4 Ql f��6[")N f� I�tD I 1' ffl N N 45 e0 C a� -i� � � 6 w � Q Y y � � ,� s ,- ,-� r� �r�r �.- j �c�= `° t�a ce � a'' " � v' � a n � 3 y � __�. ti ` a m � a y � � vi C �� o ai -,s � � = c O Q � a' � �j c a �� � � ° rno �n rnc�ornvs u�cno�o� vu��l o u�o co cuco ��:�., � .� � C � p. C C 6 � � � G r r-4"1 V N f�f�00 tD M L�]U'J f'1 4]41 �O f� N Of N N 4') � L � V U G � � U [V n C � O � � ltf GO N f���tD N U]�lD Ol 00� J9 C� N V r W O SV 47 �, _ � � O ¢C 2i � � � � iV �..� � r �--�- [y y ---� �V 7 N O 4 O o�o O O� ���p � a,�. � y � � ?, fU a Y � O .� Q C � {p M M M� �M[]I�A��PJ�em']u� tD J� fO�D�D . � "O � c6 OI � Vl 6��, r -p n7 � 3 f�I� 1� W 00 aCf W�oO O� [+l V'I M M M � H � � y y y m � � �, � _ � � � �„� O O O O O O O O O O O O�' O O O N � y C� �� .D tn -?i �-p .�_, N lC. 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V� � � � -O 4 0.� � o Gi N ` �«. � v� � � N 3' C R N N O�i V m�n.m f6 � y L�4 � 9l �p aO cO � ` p 6 �� � �'\� � 4 0�4 4 O cn 6 'v�� � J u'i . .= Q O C Q a �- C t9 � N L � - O O�00 C_ Np'E � E C3'i� 'O � � p � uJ O C 1� C � � ' � 4 y � (`�i';�c ° =C n ca � 6 � L c � � � m J�� � a- N ?. � a� C �' � ao - N °� a o = E c �ia co r�.a, m I c� � � aa m tL � H � � O O O O O � �� o � M � � p�j [CE O. 7 � � U G/j � � a _ � aci a E_�4 u? � aa o t Q c�e � y� �C +� C'3 io W O .� O. C � m OI D>o rn a�''� o . V r,� i• y � � V 6! O a C n C _ L1 � [ll � 0 m V� d 'y � N N M c'�7 '�o VD U.� � Y O *° O C � � 7 = � .l� C 10 � d C7 d O O O ro¢(%I n"U C N ,� ?, N Vf G � . / \] � __ — ` oia .5 0 000a - h �.— � E o d � c �n oi � m 6 �( O `\O '�\ � . y � Q C�I -tn F a° V � l9 L � C� � � � j O � 1 \ , Y � S O I R � �n w Q�'-�� o - Z � u�i p N � = R � � o� Q CV O � � ` d N Vi �}, C o m �� � f O "C = � 'D c n a- � � C 0 N ; 3f p�j N' �[S � 'O .-H�q�j � � �r }_ u�f �O a] i1,1 � Q � /\ � m C7 IC !O -N CV e N �e Y . Q � �C C C !C ,� _ / \Y ^ y Y � n o V]� Q �V7 y a . Y � � � � U � c � N ' �! \ � v J E'y =wN..`a..N�� �vaU a m �' "" � C O 'O � y � � d� � L � O al �2� �2 V]2 L N�� l6 c C ta a.) E - . F- G cn o c.�c���c�w c� =E c� .- m o_-° �3 ° �t� ° cq .�? � � � � _ Commercial Design Engineering, Ltd Mechanical Contractors 'LTD. LETTER OF TRANSMITT�L TO: Charlie Qavis �ATE: February 20, 2003 TOWN (?F VAIL 75 S, Frantage Rvad W. Vail, CO 81657 RE: Vail Marriott Conda's JOB NO.: 572'1 WE ARE SENDING YOU ENCLOSEDlATTACHE� VIA: FEDEX-OVERNIGHT 7HE FOLLOWING ITEMS: COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 4 2120/03 Test � Balance Report REMARKS: For your use. Thank you, Maria Prince Administrative Assistant < COPY TO: S1GI�ED: /� � I RECEIVED BY: DATE Return or fax ihis form to CDE for receipt confirmation. �"� '"I he Orrlv Reason F�'e:�re i+7 Busines.s rs tc� CrPate a Hll��Lr Cusromer." , 5y�4Y• � /�X[\G�'.. 2710 Delta Place,Coiorado Springs,CQ 8U910 1003 Winters Avenue,Grand Junction,CO 8d501 PO Bax 2440,Colorado Springs,Cq 80901 _ Office Phone: (970}245-0595 Fax(970)245-]O15 Of�ice Phone:(719)39D-0555 F'ax:(714)390-9448 �mail: CDEGJnQWESTNGT Email; CDELTD�AOL.COM c',tmmStransmit CER l"f�' D TES T, �t D � T, �1 ND B�4 LA NCE REPQR T � PR�JECT: VAIL MARRIOTT CQNDO� PREPARED FORe CQMMERCIAL 1?FSIC�N 14EPORT ISSU�' t)�4 TE: F�'BR(!AR�'' '�, 2�00� ARI' PR�J�ECT IVO.: � �2fi73 PRI�PAI4ED 81�. � AfR- f71GHT, lNC. _ � 5609 West 6fh Avenue Lakewood, Colorado 80294 Phone: (303) 232-5145 F�x. (303) 232-1238 e-mail: airright@aol.com web si�e: airrrght.com � Q A!R-RIGWT, IN . = • �� TEST, ADJUSI`� AAIt� BALANGE REPART � THE DATA PRESENTED IN THIS REP�RT'IS AN FJCACT RE�ORD OF SYSTEM PERFORMANCE AND Wi�S QB]�AINED/N COMPUANCE W7TN NEBB PROCEDURAL STANDARDS, ANY VAR164NCES FROIM THE DESIGN Fi'EQUIREMENTS ARE NOTED THROUGHO!!7 THIS REP�RT. T'HF RESULTS SHOINN AND INF�RMATI(?M PRESENTED 11V TNIS REPORT 15 CERTIFIED TO 8E ACCURA7E AND C�MPLETE, TO THE EXTENT POSSlE�LE BY EQUIPMENT AND FROCEDURES [JSED TH140dlGWOUT THIS SURVEY. THE FJNAL d41R DlSTRIBU710N SY5'TE�A�i MEASUREI4«NTS APZE IJY COMPLIANGF WITH NE�B "PROCEDURAL STANDARDS FOR TESTING, ADJ!lSTING AND BALANCING OF ENVIRONMENTAL SYST�MS" AIYD THE PROJ�ECT SPECIFICATlOIVS. C�'fpT1FlE!?BY: ��� _�..-- OATE. �_"/� � �'t' �' THE F/MAL 1�lYDRONfC DISTR�BU7T�N SYSTEM ME.�4SUFt�IV�ENTS e414�1fY COINPLANCE VI�I7'FI IV��� "�I20C�DURAL S7°AAIDARDS FOR TE�T11V1�, ADJ'L/S77N�AN�BAL.AM�1Mls l'��ENVI'R�NINElVTn4Im SYST7EIVIS`� �4N1? TfIE PROJ�CT SPEClFICATIOIVSa �ERTJFJED � — - " `__--___ .. DA7�E:�..'�.1� _'�=:� A/R-RlGHT VI/�4RRAHTS THAT 7'1'fE+4/R AND HYDR�NIC SY"STEIN�1/ALUATED DUR'IIVG Tf{IS SURVEY !S QPERA'T�NG A�THE SPECIFJED LEVELS AS SHOWN WITy1N THIS REP�RT, AT AND aNLY pT TH7S T1ME. AIR�RIGHT MAKES ND OTHER WARRANTIE�o STATED OR lMPLJEQ� CONC�RNING THE CONTINUEId PERFOFtMA1WC�p Ol�ERATION 4R SAFETYIN THE USE OF TH1S EQUlPMENT PAST TH1S T1ME, eARI i�'ECHNfCIAN(S): MARK STI4CJBL.E ARl NE88 TA�SUPERV/SOR: DARLDD K, FOX REG. N�, 2689 CEJZTIFlCATION EXPIRAT)ON: 12/39/03 P��a� t�t � �� �� ;7AROl.D K.FO'K ��TIFICATION • 25�3 � �Xp.1zr.��las � 5609 WEST 6Thl A1/,EIVUE, LAKEWOp�o COLOR,4D0 8021d, PHON�_(3�� ,�� ��' dr4ra�c . . �� . A/R-RIGMT, IN . = � TABLE OF COwTENTS � DOCUMENT PAGE COVER PAGE . . . . . . 0 1 TA� CERTIFICATION . . . , , , 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS. . . . . . . 3 BALANCING NOTES . . . . . . :4 A1R QUTLET 1�EST REPpRT: 6TH FLO�R FAN GOILS . 5-G AIR OU�'LET TEST REPORT: 7TH FLOOR FAN COILS . 7-8 AIR OUTLET TEST REPORT: 6TH & 7TH FL(30R EXHAU�T 9 BALANCING VALVE TEST REPORT: FAN CO1LS � HW HERT 10 BALANCING VALVE TEST REPORT: FAN COELS - COOLII�G 11 DRAVIlINGS: f�113.4 & M3.5 . . . . . . 12-13 � � � AIR- RIGHT, INC. = �-� B�,►��1�ING NOTES � PROJECT: VAIL MARRIOTT CONDOS `_ RE: 6TH AND 7TH FLOORS GENERAL NO7ES: 1. TH� CALCULATED MAKE UP AIR TO SOME FAIW COILS fS THE aIFFERENCE OF RETURN AIR SUBRACTED FROM THE SL�PPLY TO�AL. MOST MUA QUCTS COIJLD NOT BE MEASURED DU� TO EXTR�NAE L(M17ED ACCESS. 2. ALL OF THE OULETS HAVE INTEGRAL DAMPERS WHICH ARE �ASILY AGCESSI�LE 70 AiVYQNE. 3. ALL FAiV COILS WERE TESTED OM HIGH FAN SF'EE�AS df�DIC�,TED AT T�HE TH�RMC?STAT DISPLAY. 4. `THE IEXHAtJSt OU�L�TS kN TH�C�N�OS ARE TIED INTO TH� NIAIIV �UILDING#2 EXHAUST SYSTENI AND ARE ALSO SUSCEF'T1BLE TO EACH DAILY T�N�NT OpENIN� fiHE GRILL E?�4MP�F� �N EA�H F�ESPECT'iVE HOTEL ROOM AT ANY TIRA�, REN�ERING �R!TINI�,4 VERY UNBAI.AfVCED EXWAUST SYS7EIVI, UNLIKE TOWER#1 t��TEL ROOM��HAT EACH FiAVE TH�IR �WN EXHAU�T �,$►IV V4lHiCH ARE UNAFFEGTED �Y ANY�XTRACU�}�ICULA,R Q,�LAN�ING AGTIIIITI��. � � � � i � # ,arR- RlGkT IN . = �AIR OUTLET �.� t TEST REPC)RT RQJECT: VAIL MARRIO�f CONDOS SYSTEM: 6TH FLOOR CONDQ FAN COILS SYST�M T�RMtNAL DESIGN INfTIA� FlNAL I�OTES � NO TYPE SIZE AK VEL CFM VEL CFAIr VEL CFIM FCU1-t 1 SG 24"X6'° 0_85 530 450 730 621 2 SG --- � --- --- -- T -- -- DELETED TOTAL 450 ���. RG RG 24"X8" 0.85 470 400 654 556 MUa --- --- --- --- 50 --- 65 �CU1-2 1 SG 8'°X6°' 0.21 238 50 257 54 2 SG 6"X8" Q.21 238 50 ��,7 � 3 SG 24"X6" 0,85 470 4pQ 4�9 416 TOTAl. 500 �28 RG RG 24"X6" 0.85 d70 400 �,g, 4�2 MUA -- - � _-- 100 — 194 ' �CU1-3 1 SG 12"X6" 0.42 274 115 325 �36 2 SG 12"X6" 0.42 274 915 330 139 3 SG 12"X6" 0.42 274 115 310 130 4 SG 12"X6" 0.42 274 115 334 140 5 SG 10"X4" 0.27 i 85 50 24g g7 TOTAL 510 ��� RG RG 24'"X10" 1.66 277 460 330 549 MUA ___ — -- -�- 50 --- 63 AIOTES � PAGE: 05 A!R-RIGHT IN � �AIR OUTLET �.� � TEST REpORT RO.IECT: `VAIL AAARRIOTT CONDOS SYSTEIV1: 6T'H FLOOR COt�DO FAN COILS SYSTEM TERMINAL DESfGN lNITIAL FtNA� NOTES N� TYPE SIZE AK VEL CFM VEL CFM VEL CFM FCU4-1 1 SG 24"Xfi" 0.�5 176 150 � �73 147 2 SG 24'"X6" 0.85 176 '�5A 182 155 3 SG 24"X6" 0.85 235 200 253 215 4 SG 24"X6" 0,85 294 250 323 274 I ' 5 SG 24"XB" 0.85 294 250 3a8 2fi1 T�1'�4,�L T 10�n 1{l52 I M07ES � PAG�: 06 AIR-RIGHT, tN . = �AIR 4UTLET �.� TEST F�EPORT OJECT: VAIL MARRIOTT CONDOS SYSTEM: 7TH FLOOR CONDO FAN COILS SYSTEM TERMINAL. DESIGN INITIAL FINAE. NOT'ES� NO TYPE SIZE AK VEL CFM V�L CFM VEL CFM �I 701 �FC1�1 1 SG 24"X6" 0.85 235 200 279 237 � 2 SG 24"X6" 0.85 235 - 200 282 240 � 3 SG 6"'X$" 0.21 238 50 285 60 � 4 SG B"X6" 0.21 � 238 50 305 64 7�TAL SQO 601 RG SG� 24"X8" 1.13v 398 450 480 543 MUA --- -- - --- 50 -- 5g FC1-2 1 SG 6"X6" 0.21 238 5D 295 62 2 SG 24"X8" 0.85 264 225 325 276 3 SG 24"K6" 0.85 264 225 307 26'1 °�OT�4L 500 599 RG RG 24"X10" 'l.41 319 450 382 538 MUA --- - - --- 50 --- 61 FCSp1 1 SG 24"X6" 0.85 235 200 244 207 2 SC 24"X6" Q.$5 235 20D 2�1 196 3 SG �4"X6" 0.85 235 200 240 204 4 SG 12"X12" 0,$5 353 300 372 3�g 5 SG 12"X12" 0.85 353 30D 347 294 TOTAL �2aa 1217 , i __� NOTES � PAGE= 07 �i�-Ri�xr, i�v . = �A I R O U T L E T �.� TEST REPORT OJECT: VAIL MARRI�TT CONDOS _ , SYSTEM: 7T�i FLO�R COMDO FAN CdILS SYSTEM TERMINAL DESIGN INITI�►L FINAL N�TES � I�O TYPE SiZE AK VEL CFM VEL CFM VE�L C�Fh4 T02 FC1-3 1 SG 6"X6" 0.21 47B 100 571 120 2 SG 24"X6" �.85 206� 175 266 226 3 SG 24"X6" 0.85 2fl6 175 256 218 4 SG 6"X6" 0.21 238 50 300 63 TOTAL 500 627 RG RG 24"Xi Q" '!.41 319 450 396 558 MUA --- --- - --- 50 - 69 FG1� 1 SG 18"X6" 0.63 397 250 439 271 2 SG 18"Xfi" 0.63 397 250 466 293 TOTe4L, 500 �g4 -- 1RG RG 24"?{10" 1.41 319 45Q 355 500 MllA --- --- --- - 50 --- 64 FC2-1 1 SG 24"X6" 0.85 353 300 375 319 2 SG 24"X6" 0.85 353 30D 394 335 3 SG 6"X6" 0.21 357 75 376 79 4 SG 6"X6" 0.21 357 75 40Q 84 TOTA� 750 817 FC3a1 1 SG 12"X6" 0.42 238 �00 . 283 1�g 2 SG 12"X6" �.42 238 10Q 248 104 3 SG 12"k6" 0.�2 238 100 259 109 4 SG 12"X6" 0.42 238 10p 2gp 122 5 SG 12"X6" 0.42 357 15q 400 1S8 6 SG 12"X6" 0.42 357 150 348 #46 7 SG 12"�C8" 0.42 357 150 333 140 8 SG 12"X�6" 0.42 357 150 407 171 TOT�►L 'f 00�0 1079 hIOTES � PAGE: 08 A!R-RIGHT IN . = �AIR OUTLET '�.� � TEST REP�RT �ROJECT: VAIL MARRI�TT CONDC�S SYSTEIVI: 6TH & 7TH FLOC]RS C�NDO EXHAUS� � SYSTEM TERMINA� DESIGN INITIAL FINAL NOTES' I NO TYPE SIZE AK V�L CFM VEL CFM VEL GFM 6TFi FLO�R E1 ER 6"X6" 0.25 20f} �Q �68 42 E2 ER 6"X6" 0.25 2Q0 50 204 51 E3 ER 6"X6" 0.25 200 50 20fl 50 E4 ER �"X8" 0.26 200 50 192 48 � 7TH FL0C3R E1 ER 6'°X6" 0.25 200 50 192 48 E2 ER 6"X6" 0.25 2D0 50 184 46 �3 ER 6"X6" fl.25 20Q 50 216 54 -- Ed ER 6"X6" 0.25 200 50 208 52 E5 ER 6"Xfi" 0.25 200 50 180 45 E6 �R fi"XC" 0.25 200 50 �gg ,�� �7 ER 10"X10" Q.59 245 145 215 127 E8 ER 10"X10" 0.59 245 145 2�2 �25 NOTES . PAGE� D9 ,arR-Rrc�rr, �nr . � BA Le�G I N G VALVE �� TEST REPORT � PR��IEGT: VAIL IVIARRIOTT CONDQS SYSTEM: FAN COILS- HOT 1NATER HEATiNG � FLOW M�TER DESIGN � MEASUR�D _� D�SIGN DESlGN FINAL VALVE FIPJAL LOCATION TY�PE SIZE GPM �P b P POSITION GPM �601 FCU1-1 AUTO -- 2.6 2-32 PSI �.0 --- 2,B FCU1-2 AU70 --- 2.6 2-32 PS� 6.5 -- 2.6 FCU1-3 AUT� --- 2.6 2-32 PSI 4.fl -. �.6 � FCU4-1 AUTO - 5.4 2-32 PSI 5.6 -- 5.4 � �Q1 FCU1-1 AU�O --- 2.6 2-32 RSI 3.5 --- 2.6 �CU1-2 AUTO 2.6 2-32 PSI 4.5 -- 2,g FCUS-1 AUTO --- 6.0 2-32 PSI 4,7 --- 6.0 702 �CU1-3 AUTQ - 2.fi 2-32 PSI 4,0 --- 2.6 �CU1-4 AUTO -- � 2.6 2-32 PSI 5.5 -- 2.6 FCU2-1 AUTO -- 3.8 2-32 PSI 5.0 - 3,B FCU3-1 AUTO --- 6.0 2-32 PSI 4.5 --- g,p � I�OTES: �. T�� �pN COIL MEASURE 11A1��J'ES AUTOMAI°ICALLY hA,�INTAIN DESlGN FLOW RATE BY AN INTERNAL SPRING DEVIGE 1NITHIh1 A DIFF�RETIA� RANGE OF 2-32 PSI COMRENS�4T11�� �OR F�UCTUATIONS {N �H� SYSTEM. � PAC;F• 1(1 -AIR-Rr�xr, �H o w BAL�CI NG VALVE '�.� TEST REP�RT � PR��IECT: '��4�f�MARRIOTT CONDOS SYSTEM: FAI� �O�LS - COOLIfVG FLOW METER DES�GN MFASURED � DESIGN DESIGN FINAL VAL1/E FfNAL LOGATION T`YPE S12E GPM d P 0 P POSITIOf� GPM 6Q1 FGU1-� AUTO --- 2.5 2-32 PSI 7.5 -- 2.5 FCU1-2 AUTO - 2.5 2-32 PSI 8,p --- 2.� FCU1-3 AUT� --- 2.5 2-32 PSI 7.0 --- 2.� FCU4-1 AUTO -- 5.5 2-32 PSI 6.0 -- �.g 701 FCU9�'f AUTO --- 2.5 2-32 PSI 4.0 -- 2.5 FCli1-2 Al1T4 -- 2.5 2-32 PSI 4.5 -- 2.3 FCUS-1 AUTQ --- 6.5 2-32 PSd 4.Q --- 6.5 702 FGU1-3 AUTO ---� 2.5 2-32 PSI 4.0 �- 2.5 FGU1-4 AUTO _-- 2.5 2-32 PSI 5,0 --- 2.5 FCU2-1 AUTO --- 3.1 2-32 PSf 4.0 - 3.� FCU3-1 AUTO --- 4.0 2-32 PSI 4.5 --- �,.p � NOTES: 1, THE FAN COIL MEASURE VALUES AUTOMATICALLY MAiNTAIN DE�IGIV FLOW RATE BY Ahl INT€RNAI.SPRING D�VICE WITHIN A l�I�FERETfAL RAt�GE OF 2-32 PSI COMPENSATING FOR FLUCTUATI�NS IN THE SYSTEM. � PAC';F� 1�t . .. __.d ..� i . �► i � - � _� __ ___....__ _._._ �__._____ _ _______ , � - . _ .. . .._ . . . � 1 . _ . _ . , . . _ �u_��.._._ , E���, � ; ,� � � ,, ,� , Y . ra}—__ _--,-�.:-------_ �� � �---1---�- - � . s � •------ —-_..._W. -- � . r_.:.-_._:��._..- - —_ � �� �� ----- _ - —''[::--.- - , � ' - ' � � $ I --1 � ��� ,: f � ., � . � . t � ; �� $a x r } ! 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FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO $1657 970-479-213� NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED�N JOBSITE AT ALL TIME5 ��z-���� ALARM PERMIT Permit #: A02-Oa57 yytp� -o r�ct� -�o2 �c�t�K ���-al�� Job Address: 714 W LIONSHEAD Ci�VAIL Stahxs . . . : ISSUED �°�'�°�3 Lflcation.....: 714 W LIONSHEAD PLACE Applied . . : 09/'�1/20Q2 Parcel No...: 2101 f372050Z 5 Issued . . : 11/15/2002 Project No : ���� -o�t2 Expires . .: 04/13/2003 OWNER HMC ACQUISITION PROPERTIES I�9/11/2002 Phone: % MARRIOTT INTERNAT'IONAL.� Oi�TE MARRIOTT DR DEPT 93 8 . O l WASHINGTpN DC 20058 License : CONTRACTOR ENCOMPASS ELECTRICAL TECF�II�IOL09/11/2002 Phone: 970-949�-6d95 2107 W. COLLEGE AVENUE EI3GLEWOOD, CO soi�o Li.cense: 14 6-E APPLICANT' ENCOMPASS ELECTRICAI� TECHNOL09/11/2�02 Phone: 970-949-6095 21 A 7 W. COLLEGE AVEN[7E ENGLEWOOD, CQ 80110 License: 146-E Desciption. INTERIOR FINISH�S FOR CONDO @ 5TH AND 7TH FL,OORS Valuation: $4,044.�0 Y.Y�.A�YWWYe�.liY]FYkw*YP*kwkW*k*tMY�k*:hY.^k*rt*R�kkk*Rfl:YY:N:Y*i*�.FWk*k�.!!*:FR*t**RRfFk#rt Li:i:'C�1\.fl.fli]\! *�R*******##k**'R!R*#4fttRiFt##k*l#Hk##t#*#fF*k*irtYr*fF*k'k*�Y�F�t'4 1'CG Jl/iYllYltll\1 Electrical----� $9 0.o o Total Calculated Fees-> $93.00 DRB Pee------� $0.0 0 Additional Fees--------> $0.D D 1 nves H�a tic�n---> $0.0 0 Total I'ermi t Fee-------> $9 3.0 0 �Nill Call-----> $3.o0 Pa}�raients-----------> $93.00 TO�AL FEES-> S 93.o o BALANCE DGE---> $o.0 0 •iF*1r*k***#****#**k*i'#**tt*t#****�t#k##*hk#***M**k#*iMk#**t*#*�F**R****#*##k**#*#I�#'k*+*#**fi+t�'�+E#�'A'++i'�'M'k#f#*+Yt*k:�#**k:F3hYkYeYWkR�F+1Y'wxrtr+fikw%flkkitkkkkvrx �pprova�s: Item: 056�0 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1Of15/2002 mcgee Action: AP per letter from Schirmer Engineering k*t+akf+:t:t ti�k:r��+�:at�f���rsa.-x+.�a-it+#tra+#r�t+:rk+tx#�e�,tr:ta�,sr�t.�+�k+a k�r�t ks k+t.��+f+a���k+,t+a r+t�,u k�x+�ka k:rarxrx�+x�;a�+,e�rew�e,r��s�rt:t�ew�vrs,r,r�,t* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL WkYrwktiF#kNaY k*k+F%kAft*:Fk*k rtRrt#'kk*k rt'krtYr�1 k%'krt}k*krt�.4 krt*R'kt k%*Yr***kYrk'R:FkA:t*:F*Nk#*kYrrtRK krt rtk�kitkkRk*#R*k#*�F#*#*+#/�#k�#�F'+F**f#***t#*k#*'k#{-k�i:'.FtiF:Fk*ik%MVOF4'k�FYY DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have xead this applieation,filled out irt full the information required, completed an accurate pla�plan, and state that all the information as required is eorrect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to compiy with all To�nm ardinances and state laws, and#o bu�ld this structure according to the tawns zanin� ��a S�ra���s�on r���s, design review approved, Uiuforan Buildi�ng Code and other ordinances of the Town applieable thereto. REQLiESTS FQR INSPECTION SHALL BE M.ADE TW'F.NT4'-FOI6R HOI:RS 1�V ADV.4NCE BY TELEPHOtiE AT�79-2135 FROM 8:00 AR1-5 PM. � � • � � SIGNATU E OF OWI�TER OR CONTRACTOR�OR HIMSELF AND 4WNEI TQWN OF VAIL D�RTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELO}�NT 75 S, FRONTAG� ROAD va1�.. co $�6s� 970-479-2138 I�OTE: THIS P�,RMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E02-0129 ,�c��-a`�� Job Address: 714 W LfONSHEAD CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLI�D Location.....: 714 W LIONSHEAD FLAC� Applied . . : 07/I S/2002 Parcel No...: 2 i O 1 f17205015 Issued . . : 07/25/2Q02 Project No : -���G;� _ p�l� Expires . .: 0 U21/2003 OWNER HMC ACQUISIT�ON PRQPERTI�S I07/1S/20a2 Phone: � MARRIO�T INTERNATIONAL ONE MARR�O'3'T DR DEPT 938 . 01 WASHINGTON DC 2005$ License: CQNTRACTpR ENCOMPASS �LECTRZCA�, TECHNOL07/1.5f2�02 Phone: 970-949-6�95 210 7 W. COLLEGE AVENtTE � ENGLEWO�D, CD 8011Q License: 146-� APPLICANT ENCOMPASS ELECTRICAL TECHNOL07/15/2002 Phone: 970-949-6095 21fl7 W. C�Li,EGE AVENUE ENGLEWOUD, CO 80110 Zicense: �46-E Desciptian: BUILD OUT QF CQNDO UNITS QN fiTH AND 7TH FLOORS ualuation: $79,413.00 *+***+*ss+s+**tf*�r+**«+srwsr+*�rsx+str�rwrsi+*��r**►+*sra��r+�rr*ssr»s FEE S U h1MAR Y ***'�+*#«**+**s+sr+wsrwsaw�s�ss+sss+►�►ssr+�**�a+T*s«s*++*r+e Eleetrical---------> $l,917.00 Total Calculated Pces--> $3,42D.DO unn F�e�------. a�J_00 F+dd���onu�Pe::s—_ __> $C.CC - .. . . . .. " ' . �..1 R.-_ ,, C� ��n 1n . .'.�._._ __ Will Call---°----� S3.aa ��y�,en�s----------------> $i,420.DO "fOTAL FEES-> $i,aza.aa BaLANCE DUE--------> So.o0 �s�*+**++*t«***r+*r*ts*****s*+#s+rt�r�*t�#s*�*f**+rt*f**�r:+frs�r�r*ras:s�a�aas:s�s«rr**s:*s�+r***s**tr*st**r*�ssssssssxss:wasrs�*+**ss�***�*r�*r* Approvals: Item: 06d00 ELECTRICAL DEPARTM�NT 07f15/2002 DF Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT MWi�ii44iirt►i*�i#�a#Mi3�ti+�lMtt4tt+kMit►#iYtitwti+Ftl4►ki#�kiM�M►R**t1�####�###ti*#i*�Ft'kWi4Mi#*fiM*#4i#�M#4�fi#k*#t*##�####iiwW�F4ait4i�**tF#ti*#i#�it CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPEC�'IONS ARE I2E4UIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ►i#triA+Yfi4t1�X*�k#MkM+kt#k####!#M�kiM#t4*!M►*�*###►�A�*ii4*##Y�#####44##/t##*##Y!#�ii#Yyii►il4ii�f#4t#R�k#i�#i##4*i#*#iiit#4+F�M�Itiiititl�FiE�1*#i*##�4# DECLARATIONS [ hereby acknowled�e that [ hav� read this a�ppiication, filled out in full the information requiretl,completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply wit17 the information and plot plan, to camply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure nce�rdin�to the towns zoning a��d subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances�f the Town applicable thereto. � � REQU�S"rS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TW"ENTY-FOUR HOURS II�V ADVr1N E " LEP (lNE AT 479-2l38 OR AT OUft(��FICE FROYi 8 00 AM-5 PNt. SIGNATLIRE OF OWNER OR CO�ITRACTOR FC7R HIMSEL�'AND OWNEF � • �r****���*�*��**+�****�***��***�x�**�**�*****�***��**���*��w**�****��**���****��***�**��***��** TOWN OF V.4IL, COLOR.4D0 Statement *�***�*****+********�x��*�********+*��*****�******+*********�****:�*�*******�****��*******�r�** Statement Nurnber: R000002796 Amount: $1,420. 00 07/25/200201:08 PM Payment Method: Check Init: �C Notation: 101455 Encompass ------------------------------------------------------------------___-------- Permit No: E02-0129 Type: ELECTRICP,L PEI2MIT Parcel No: 210107205015 Site Addres5: 714 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: 714 W LIONSHEAD PLACE Total �ees: $1,420.00 This Payment: $1,42�.00 Total ALL Pmts: $1,42D.00 Salance: $D.00 ***�**********�****�********�***�*��**�*****s**�*************�****�*�*******�*�**�***:��***** ACCOUNT IT�M LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts EP Q01�0003111400 TEMPORARY POWER PERMITS 1,417.OQ wC 00100003112800 WILL CAL� INSPECTION FEE 3.04 --_______---—---—---------------------------------------------------------- _ . , . ,. _ . . �_- - _ . ,�. __,v _ ,._._ . ..�.._, �4�Pi.I+�.��I � �' "' 3� R 4�N � ���� � �ect #: � '� ��ding ��rmQt #: - a! �#e�r�c�d ��r��sa# #: � 97U�4�9-2149 (3�sperti�nsj �9��F�',�IL �";'3�����. ��3��1��' ���'�.3����'�� ���� �� ��3� ���.� 75 S. Frontage 12d �lail, ��lo�acdo 5� ���� � Electrica� Contraetor: Tawn of Vail Reg. �Vo.: ConCact and Phone #'s: r�t,� �,� ��,c,�r�� � �NC,�r--rP�!s�-�s ���.� cta� '�lC� ���..Q.�� 4 '�'r -�3�e�"'� L� Contractor Signature:� , ����i�3� ��Q. ��� ��R ���A� ��I�.fl� ��d �I�L13a����M� ��7R.���. ����3�� ��.��� �& �at��aa�s� AMOU�IT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTl1RE: '1 � ��q ELECI�2ICAL VALUATI�f�I: � '^I�,�}1 3 �+C�e��s��� 0� �a�n�g`^ �s3�s�vr.� (���r� ������3.��-�8�4�r�r ��s,�t vinrrw.ea le-coun .ccm fvr.�����!�` :�����9 # ��e�s��a0r�€� i��c� blt�a�, �era�a�� # is �r�vided �bove� �ob Name: R I if `t"?A�*+-l�>'1'� - � �..t�o� Job Address: � 4� W � l.�� n'S�If�I) C t�. �v� �� ,.�� ti ��/�� 53Ib5 ���aH �es�ri�ptior� L�: �Ecac:�c: �ili�nc�: Se�i��ivis�ora: Owners Vame: ��L ��T 5 Address: Phone: �ngineer: � ti�J�, � �5�s,�C . � Address: �i-t u�A t�R�.t�, Phone:�.� Z _ 3`�(o ' U v 7 Detailecf description af worit: '�t 4 D ��T G� �>G°r.,��p �,J AJ i'� .� x k� 1��'r �..p,�,�y, Z �Nork Class: New ( ) Addition (}C} Remode! (�) Re�air( ) Temp Power( ) Other ( ) Work Type: Fnterior(,�(} Eycterior ( ) Bath ( ) Does an �HU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No � ) � Type o�Bldg.: Single-iamiiy ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-�'arnily( ) �.ommerciaa� RPStaurant{ ) Ott�er( ) iVo. �f E;isting �we3ling lfnit� in thas building: No. of Accommodation Units +n t}�is building: I ( I Ts this �ermit for a hat tub: Yes ) PVo ��C Does a Fire Alarm E�ist: Yes ��() No ( ) �oes a Fire prinkier System Exist:. Yes �() IVa { ) %S:F�:FY:t'k'Jt�2:f:!'f]f:Fi(.'�P':C::::'.�f:'G:EIF'.��.:E'.�[L•YZ:E.�:G:t'ICT.�`.�fS�L� V��S�Y� Y�� V�i�`[N:4:FX.��C:EX.TZ:ti*:t'1C:�:STy1f�C:IfS�'fFY`A':K`.�CtIC*:F^.�'a!T"1F]I:�' {3tt�er���s: Date �er.��ves�: D17� �e�s; Ac�a t�d � : � �lanner Sigr�-off: � F:/everyo ne/formsJeJ ecperm ! � *� �,� * � ,,�� . -�• � �' � � �J�� � � . � +� .�►�. �. - f � � `� ?+�e TOWN OF VAIL DE�TMENT OF COMMUPJITY DEVELOP�T 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VA[L, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE PQSTED ON JOBS[TE AT ALL T`IMES MECHAN[CAL AERMIT Permit �: M02-0171 .� 'z -�lq� Job Address; 714 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Stat�s . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 7l4 W�,IONSHEAD PLACE Applied . . : 08/14/2002 Parcel No...: 2101072450Z5 Issued . . : 08/22/2p02 Praject No : r�����- p �{2 Expires . .: �2/1 S/2003 aWNER b3MC ACQUISIT�ON PROPERTTES I08/14/2002 Phone: % MAF2RIOTT INTERNATIONAL ONE MARRIOTT DR DEPT 938 .Q1 WASHINGTON DC 20058 License: CO1�I'I'RACTC)R RC3D HALL COMPANY as/i�/aao2 Phone: 303-777-7700 255 WYANDOT STREET DEN'�'ER, CO 80223 License: 150-M APPLICANT ROD HALL CdMPANY 08/14/2002 Phone� 303-777-7700 2S5 WYANDOT STREET D�NVER, CO 80223 License: 150-M Desciptioi�: INSTALLTION OF GAS APPLIANCES FOR FOR CONDO @ bTH AND 7TH FLOORS Valuation: $20,000.00 Fireplace Information:Restricted:Y #af Gas Appliances: fl �f of Gas Lags: 0 #of Wood Fellek: 0 ��s�a*r*a*sssws**�ss�s�ss+ssara**x�ss***xs�ss**�rr**ess�wrr+as*rrrrs** F�EE SU MMA RY �`**"**�°+r*�****a*******r*a�rx�a�v*+s*rrs*�s*rt*rsasa�xras��r*+ Mechanical---> $40�.�0 Restuarant Pla�i Review--> $0.00 'lbtal Calculated Fees---> $503.00 Plan Check--> $100.00 DRB Fee--------------------> $�.00 Additional Fees-----------> $0.00 Investigation-> $0.flfl TOTAL FEES--------------> $503.00 Total Permit�ee----------> $503.o0 Wil!Call----> $3.flD Payments---_-------------> $503.00 BALANCE DUE-------> $p.00 ###*A#*##i#�kF####�*#A#####�###�kt#�kR#########d##t#**###�!##�*######**k##*kMM*kW**�MW4*�*i*#te►t#1���kg#*MX:**###############�k#t###�#*#ttM�kBk��%**i*#k�k*i Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/14f2002 GCD Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEN'I' CONDITI4N OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : F'�ELD INSPECTIQNS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK �'OR CODE CQMPLIANCE. Cond: 23 (SLDG. ) : INSTALLATIQN MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTiJRES TNSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 UMC, CHAPTER ld OF TH� 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (SLDG, ) : GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED A.CC�RDING TO CHAPTER $ AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.806 OF THE 1997 �.JMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 � . (BLDG. ) : ACCESS TO HEATI�G EQUIPMENT MUST C�MPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1017 OF THE 1997 UMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF �H� 1997 IMC. Cond: 32 (BLDG. ) : �ERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS M�ST BE POSTED IN MECH�NICAL ROOM PRIQR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. ��sr��4wswws�ws�w*�w�ersswat�4**+**+�s+**+�*r+*r+*s****+t*+at*+*s+***+*t+�*t*�**«�s*s****s***ras�w*swr*+r�*�ssra****ss:srs�«*s**t*s*sx*s**s*xss�t • DECLARATIONS [hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the in�ormation required, compieted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the ir�formation and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure accarding ta the towns zoning arrd subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR]NSPECTION SHALL 8E MADE TW�NTY-FOUR HOURS[N ADVANCE BY LEP E AT 9-2138 OR AT QUR dFFICE FROM 8:00 AM-5 PM. � SIGNA7'URE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AI�6D O'WNEF • � ***��**��***��*******��***�x****�*****�x****�*�**�*��***�**�***��***�***���***�****�**�*****�* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCapy Reprinted on 08-22-20Q2 at 12:O1:1Q Of3/22/2002 Statement ***++**�****+�**�*****��**�***���*�****�**�+�*********�*�**�*+**�*�***��****�****�**�x�**�*�a* Statement Nu►t�ber: ROOOOp2873 Amount: $503 ,00 08/14/200211:37 AM Payment Method: Check Init: DF Notation: CHECK # 2940 ROD HALL ----------------------------------------------------------�__---------—-—-- Permit No: M02-0171 Type: MECHANICAL PERMIT Parc�l No: 21fl107205015 Site Address: 724 W LIONSHEP,D CR VAIL Location: 7I4 W Z�I�NSHEAD PLACE Total Fees: $503 .00 This Payment: $503 .00 Total ALL Pmts: $503.00 Balance: $0.00 *�********��*******�*********��*****�***��****�*****��*«*�*�**�*�***��**�*�**�*****+****�**� ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Cade Description Current Pmts MP 00100003ll1300 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 400.D0 PF D0100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 100.Q0 WC 00100003�1280Q WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.D0 7 • APPLICATIO�L� NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLE�R UNS � ' Praject #• °�'"' Buifding Permit #: Mechanical Pern�it #: � 970-479-2138 (Inspettions) ������ TOW O I MECHANI A PERMIT APPLICATIQN 75 S. Prvntage �.d. r I n4 be a ed it the following: Vail, Colorado 81657 � . ` Prn�ide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale ta include: o Mechanical Raom D�mensions " ❑ Combusfion Air Dutt Size and Location ❑ �ombustian Air �uct Size and Location a Flue,Ven#and Gas Line Size and location a Heat Loss Calcs. /��}� � � / �"'7 i o Eq�ipment Cut/Spec Sheets Y j � � -�` � �r � Cantact Ea /e Coun Assessors Otfice at 970-328-864D ar visit www.ea e-c n .com far Parce/# Parcel # (Required} � �[� �7 d � Job Name: j )ob Address: • ),� . - �����1��,` � �r-��c.�-4-� r-�-� ���� �- �-��� Legal Description Lot: Block: Filing: Subdivision: s �; �� Address: Phane: Engineer: Address: Phone: �etailed d�scription of work:�� tl�G��i��� '� �� - ����c�,,ac� ' `y���°�' Csc�S - J� ' ' C�� _ �� ��-, 5'tC�. ����s ,3,� ��,. r� U� � � � Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Alteration ( ) Repair( ) Other(yC) Boiler Location: Interior ( ) Exterior{ ) �ther( ) Does an EHU exist ak this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family( ) Duplex( ) Muitl-family( ) Commerciai( ) Restaurant( ) �t�er�) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No e of Flre laces Exlstin : Gas A Ilances Gas L s Wood Pellet Wflad Burnln No/Type uf Flreplaces Proposed: Gas Appliancesj ) Gas �ogs ( ) WoodlPellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOW�D) Is this a converslon from a wood burning flreplace to an EPA Phase II devlce? Yes ( } No (, ) � COMPLETE VALUATION �OR MECHANICAL PERMI'T (Eabor � Materials) MECHANICAL: $ � � (� (� � • C� C� COMTRACTAR �NFORMATION Me�anica4 Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. No.: Contact and �ho� #`� 1 �-� _ � � C7 C'� c��:l ��CL �� �c� � /� ,- � � � �Y�c�c°� � _ Contractor Slgnature: *****����*�********��*�������,�*,�***�**,�FOR OFFYCE USE ON�.Y�*+*,������*�***,��*+*�1��*,��,��***���*,� OtFter Fee�: Date Receiv�tl. � �� � DR8 Fees: Acce ted B : � Pfanner 51 n-aff: � � Y ��� � � **�*********#**�*�*******��***��***�x*�****�*****�***:�*�***�****�****�*��**�x�***�*****�****+* TOWN OF VAIL, COLQRADOCopy Reprinted on U8-14-2002 at 11:3'7:45 0$!14/20D2 5tatement **��***��*�:�*�***�*******���**���***��***�*�***�x��**��******�***��*****�*��*********+�***�** Statement Number: R000002873 Amount: $503 .00 OB/14j20027.1:37 AM Payment Method: Check Tnit: pk' Notation: CHECK # 2940 R�DD HALL -------------------------------°-_--------------------------------°----------- Permit No: M@2-0171 Type: MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 210107205015 Site Address: 714 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: 714 W LIONSHEAI} PLACE Total Fees: $503 .0� This Payment: $5b3 .0(} Total ALL Pmts: $503 .00 Balance: $0.00 *�**�+**��********�********��***��***��*++#*******�***�*�***��***�***********�******�*�***** ACCO[JNT ITEM T.IS7': Account Code Description Current Pmts ------------------- ---------------------- ------------ MP d0100003111300 MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEES 4�O.D0 PF (}01000031JZ300 P�AN CHECK FEES �.00.aO '�C fl010000311�$00 WILL CALL INSI�ECTION FEE 3.00 —-----------—--------—----——-----——--------------------------------�- TOWN OF VA[L DE��MENT OF COMMIUN[TY DEVELOP�T 75 S. FRQNTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT]'Vl[JST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M02-0t40 Jo�Address: 714 W L[ONSHEAD CR VA[L S�atus . . . : 1SSUED Location.....: 7�4 W L[ONSHEAII PLACE Applied . . : 07/03/2002 Parcel No...: 2➢0107205015 Issued . . : 07/I 8/?002 Project No : Expires . .: O1/1�/2003 APPLICAI��'i' COMMERCIAL DESIGN ENGINEERIN07/03/2002 Phone: 97d-245-0595 i003 TnTINTERS AVENiTE GRAND JUNCTION, CO 81501 Lieense: 192-M OWNER HMC ACQUISITION PROPERTIES I07/03/2002 Phone: � MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL ONE MP.RRIOTT DR DEPT 938. 01 WASHII3GTON DC 2 0 0 5 S License: CONTRACTOR COMMERCIAL D�SIGN ENGINEERIN07/03/2002 Phane; 974-245-0595 1003 WIN'I'ERS A�TENTJE GRAND JUNCTION, CO 81501 License: 192-M Desciption: REM�JVE BAS£B�ARD HEATING A1VD OLD COOLING SYSTEM. INSTALL NEW 4 P1PE HOF�IZINTAL FA�1 COIL SYSTEMS IN 3 CONDQS Valuation; $159,467.�0 Fireplace Enfonnation:Restricted:Y #of Gas Applianees: 0 �!c�f Gas Lo,gs: 0 �of Wood Pellet: 0 *�*�►*ft***s****++*+**�*st+*«+:*+**+s*+s*+**t**rrrr+**x+r*r�+�*rr*wwsr FEE S UMMARY r�ra►*«+**+►*a►s*r**w#srsswwss+ss*ss�sr**sr+�tr�**t****+�*t+ Vlechanicai---> $3,200.00 Restuarant Plan fteview--> $0.00 Total Calculated�ees--> $4,003.00 Plan Check—> $800.00 DRB Fee-------------------> $0.04 AdditionaE Fees-------> $0.QO Investigation-> $0.p0 TC7TAL FFFS------------> $4,003.00 'T�otal Permic Fee----------> $4,003.00 Will Ca11--> $3.00 Payrnents--------- -- > $4,003.00 $ALANCE DUE-------> $0.00 M#RRt*it#+##it#itt#t#####ti#*##+##i##t##Yti#+Y*#if*Mt1�MY*iWN!RW*#i4##*#i#Mi#*#tttl�t#�!#+##t##kt#k*+k*i4�t*##*itrt*it*ikt*t�k*�#*##*t#i#f#f�#fi#it�tYW#�M Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTM�NT 07/17/2002 CDAVIS Action: AP SUJECT TO FIELD �LNSPECTION Item: 05600 FIRE I7�AAR"TMEN'T CONDITI4N OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 {gLDG. ) : FIELD YNS�ECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG. ) : COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 701 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 {�LUG. � ; INS"TALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUF'ACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 UMC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond. 25 � � (BLDG. ) : GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMIIVATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC. 806 OF THE 1997 UMC, QR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 {BLDG. ) : ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WI'I`H CHAPTER 3 AND SEC,1017 OF TFiE 1997 UMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG. ) : BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLO�RS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOLTNTING ON CQMBUSTISLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG. ) : PERMTT, PZANS RND CODE ANALYSIS i'�IUST BE POSTED TN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQiTEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQ�7�PPED WITH A FLO�R DRAIIV PER SEC. 1022 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION lOQ4 .6 OF THE 1997 IMC. ♦######t�###�############i############t########t#######################t#f#*t#######�#####i�k#t#####R#tftf#t!##xtt#t#R/##t#Yt#f#iiit►Fiftt#R1��k#*FR DECLARATIO�S I hereby ac�Cnowledge that [ have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the informatiot� as required is correct. I agree to camply with the infarmation and �lot plan,to comply with all Town ordi�ances and state laws, and to build this structure according ta the towns zonin�and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Cade and other ardir�ances of the Town applicable thereto. REQL°ES�'S FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE h9ADF."i'WENTY-FOUR H(�URS[N ADVANCE BY TE, f'HONE AT 479-213$OR AT OUR OFFICE FRO�1 8�00 AM-5 PM. 51G�lATURE OF OWNER C7R NTRACTOR FOR H[MSELF AND OWNEF .. . . �' _ _ .. .. ,.. ` :. . - .- : ��: ., .. . , .. �e # I uil Permit #: — ni�l Permit #: 5����t�«��.���4�.�; 1�WNOF i��L TO OF VAIL MECHANICAL PERMI APPLI ATIUN 75 S. Frontage Rd. . � ermit will not be accepte� without the folfowi g: Vail, Colora 816 ide chanica� Room t d o ' clud�; M ical Roam Di si s ian Air Dud e d � c�t ��s L e a Loca n eat L ss Calcuiatio o Equ�pment Cut/Spec Sheets � COi�"TRACTOR 1NFORMA�I'ION Mechanical ContraRor: Town �I N 1 Contact and Phone #'s: �g�0) 986-5215 CE C�?.�'iERCIA�, D�S E GINEE G �, �--�� STEVE KING (970) 24.5-0595 Contractor Signat . COM��ETE VALUATIO OR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor & Materia�s) MECHANICAL: $ I59,467.00 C !e Coun Asse�sors Off"rce at 970-318-8640 or visit ww�v ea !e-�coun .cQm fi�r Pame1� arcel # � ,�� .. . .... . . ,.. v .. . .. �€t� ��1�.�:��d�.�'���'��t`t�io�d.a��� S{ C S '+.K':i:�/..� . ,. � � , �� : n e. VAIL MARRIOTT ��, ��,�J�p �, Jab Address: 715 W. LIONSHEAD CI�. Legal Descriptian Lot: Blocic: Filing: S�t�ivision: Qwne�s Name: Address:10400 FER�'�W�OD RD. , DEPT 91$ Phone: 301-380-7925 Engir�eer: ALV �d � Address: Phone� 403-34b-7007 Detailed descriptian of wark: RE:iOVE BASEB OARD HEATIPdG AND OLI� COOLING SYSTEM. INS'TALL �TEW 4PIPE HORI'LONTAL FAP7 COIL SYSTEMS IN �_:; 3 Condos Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Alteration � ) Repair ( ) Other( ) Boiler LflcatiQn: Ir�terior {}() Exterior ( ) (�ther ( ) Qoes an EHII exist at this locat�on: Yes ()C) No (' } Type of Bldg: Sir�gle-family ( ) Duplez ( } Mvlti-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant{ ) �thex(X) Condos/Hotel Na. of Existing Dwelfing lJnits in this building: 3 No. of Accommodation Units in this buildM1ng: No of �ire laces Existin : Gas A liances Gas L s Wood Pellet Wood Burr�in _ No/Type of Fireplates Proposed: �as Apptiances ( ) Gas Logs { } Wood/Pellet ( } Wood Bur,��nn !NO'� AtL�NicDl =� - ----r-- � Is this a conversian from a waod burning fireplace to an EPA Phase i3 device? Yes ( ) No ( ; � � *****************��*****FOR OFFICE US� �NLY************�*x ���*���*�***** :, t?�1h >. .. �art e� �-a�'. ! A� ;: . :>. .. ;_ ;: ... � , DR��s; ;; ; _ .. ........: ;' ,t7Eate R�ce��u�d ,: - F:/everyoee/fnrms/methperm 1� \ �� �vr + '' ' , • �� �yy,,���� � :s.. � . � �� F�!, �` . -t � . � * � . �;�, �!�a � � � ��1j� `�. �_� �� , � � � _� �±�, �,,. �. x�� ,� , i. �,� � � .� �.. . � . : � - i � � I � TOWN OF VAIL DE�TMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELC}A�T 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL T1MES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P02-0083 Job Address: 714 W LIONSHEAD CR VA1L Status . . . : 1SSUED Location.....: 7�4 W LIflNSHEAD PLACE Applied � . : 07/03/2002 Parcel No...: 2IO10?20�015 [ssued . . : 07/l$/2002 Projeck No : �4�5��_ p2(� Expires . .: O l f 14/2003 OWNER HMC AC�UISITIQN PROPERTIES Zd7/03/2002 Phone: �S MAFZF2I0`I'T INTERNATIONAL ONE MARRIOT'1' DR bEPT 93$ . 01 WASHINGTON DC 20058 License: COI+�'I'I�ACTOR COi�+IM�RCIAL DESIGN ENGINEERIN07/fl3/2002 phon�: 970-245-0595 P,O. BOX 2418 GRAND JUNCTION, CO 81502 � License: 228-P APPLICA�I'T COMMERCIAL DESIGN ENGINEERINQ7/03/2002 Phone: 970-245-0595 P.4. BOX 2418 GRAND JUNC'3'I�ON, CO 81502 License : 228-P Desciption: INSTALL COMPLETE PLUMBING SYSTEM TO 3 COND�S Valuation: $]25,000.00 �ireplace[nformation:Restricted:?? #of Gas Appliances: ?? #�nf Gas Logs: '?? #of Woe�d PalleL• ?? ae**s*s*tr+*�r�**+�*�r�***��*���*r*r�a*��*a�e�***��*�*�**r�+ra***�a*�+ FEF.SU MMr1RY �`**rr***x�*�rs�«�*»a�►�er��a*�***�*�«*se******r*+r*�xr*++*++«*t Plumbing---> $1,875.DD itestuarant Plaai Review--> $0.00 Totai Calculated Fees---> $2,346.75 Plan Check---> $468.75 f]RB Fee-------------------> $0.OD Additional Fees----------> $0.00 lovestigation-> $0_D4 TOTAL FEES-------------> $2,346.75 Total Pe�mit Fee---------> $2,346.75 �1'i11 Call----� $3.D D Payments----------------' S 2,3 a 6.7 5 B.A,LANCE DUE-------> $0.00 #***i*#**t**t**+f#*##*#i##t*#**M#*t*#!**b#*##�*�%W�+iXi+kttt�*it4A�#RkR*Mat*t#*rtisstk*ktts**4+k!*i*##***s*#**+Y#i**rt#Y�wi#si+iss►sJ�ti�ii*4ti�s*!#i#*#*#�t#�s Item; 05100 BUIF,DING DEPARTMENT Q7/03/2002 L�F Action: AP Item: 0560Q FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. } : FIELD INSPECTiONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECI� FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0005427 A11 membarane and through penetrations must be properly patched. Please provide copy of � assembli�s are to be used s**N#9��k&M*M�#k�k#i�#tF#**#�4*t**k**#tb#��h#*M#k�*#*�E##��4*k#k**###Y#**##**�k#+##Y*t��M�*F*#��E*a��***&**#*�*#**###6#+####*�#WWtV�M�WY*W�X�4t�F4##M�t�B#+k DECLARATIONS 1 hereby acknowledge that 1 have read this application, filled aut in full the informatian required, campleted an accurate plak plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply�vith the inform�on and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review appraved, Uniforna Building Gode and ot��er ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPFCTIC)N SHALL BE MA[�E TWLN"�4'-FOUR HOURS IN:tDVANC'F.E3Y TEL PHONE,A]'d79-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:OD AM-5 PM. � SiGNA"fURE OF OWNER OR C Tf�ACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF - •• ••-�- �•..� u� ac,�cr i cu lr liYLUMPL�TE OR UN �� #• �I ermit #: r �, ermrt #: ��i A� � � 97 4 9 (InspeCt�ons) OF VAIL I?�l LICATION 75 S. Fro ge Vail, Colo 1 7 � CONT CT Fp q, Plumbinc� )flU�i ir,r Tpwn Of Rr�q . , : Conr��c; .ind Phone �'s - I Commercia esl n '� 2$_p � _ _ Steve King {970) 245- 0595 Contra�tor Sign r : —`�------ � C�MPLETE VALUaT ON FOR PWMBIN� PERMIT (labor & Materials) PLUMBftv�. 3 125 , OOd. 00 - -- ------ --- - - ntact Ea e Cour� Assessors O�ce at 970-3'28-8640 0� visit wi�vw.�a le-cpun .cam for Parce/,# Parcel # (Required if na bldg. permit # is provided above) ;.; Jo ame: Vail Marriatt Condos JobAddress: 715 W�st Lionshead CR Vai1 Lega� Descniption Cot: Block: �iling: Subciivision: Ov�rners t�ame: Address: Phone:. Engi�eer: Address Phone: �etailed description of w�rk: I stall com lete lumhing system to ( 3} condos . Work Class: New O Addition (X X) Alteration O Repair O Other O H o t e 1 w i t h c o n d os Type of Bldg.: Single-family O Dup�,ex( } Mul6-family O Commeraal (X} Restaurant O Other O No. of�xisting Dwelling Units in this building: No. of Actomrnodatian Units in this building: Is this a canversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II dev�ce? Yes N � ( } No ( ) *�A#k}fR}y#�k#k*#t;kktkk*k4k#t#ti►*Ir#*k*�kFOR OFFICE U5E aNLY4��`#�k};'Ef'k44kk*4#4}}*}/r}p{r}kp�{.{$�t�� Other Fees: —._- — Date Received: .______--- DRB Fees: Acce ted�--__ P�anner Si n-aff: ,� _ ��� f/�ve*yo��e/torrns/plrnbperm O -.r � �' .a . ..r... � .. � ,.± _ ,-'1., � 'j , it.. � �` ,� � 1 � . � �, ; ,�., � � ,,-� �' _ ` "' �� U ♦''s+K�,• y. d . ��� • �r �1" � ' -:: r � . � M �- . •'�'„� � ` � � � ''e � � ,� " 7 . ,.,�� �'�., ,�� ,. � ;� `•,.�., �., �,� '�..r" � � 0�-28-200�__ _�_ �ns�on R�qu+�st RepOrtit� -_____.�._____� __` .g$_$_ 6:58 sm YAIL,C� -TOWN b� _� Reqc�st�eed I'nape�ct Dabe: '�'huraday�Au9ust 2�,�903 �^ Ina on A�; C�? �Addness; T1�YV UONSF�EAD CR YIV1L �- 71�W E.IUNSH PEAG� ArPI[?lnMrnlat�urt � -� y I�� , � �-�.��` )� �• 1? .�,! -�.,� k #a. �1 ��Activlty: �02-tl�t�4 ,�'� �� �"yp�: ArCCa1M 3��: ��OIuE �: �EI? Owt�' FiAAC PdGQU1SRIdN PROf�ERTIES IIVG � � C'�M: F�'DER Gt�NST�i1JGTNOPI.�iC f�ltane: 3t�3-8�13f3� acxot: ,I�YDE�t GtlPi3T'Rl1C7flt)N.ING ` ° D�ctl�: ?t1�TERtQR FlNISFIC�S F4?R C�OhJDO1�8"i'H TFFi F10URS � . ,Ac�o�o1 sl�b�n�1 far a�fd�lon of c�t spaca �����e! i�DAVtS Gontn��ni: Rri�D S�,F'RE`M���ha PAPPROViMLS � , � �� � . ReauisDet!Insoe�tltNe(m! � f/�..3, iT�� � � . l�trR: 9(t Bi,DG-Flnsl R11cEtusbd T�m�; OB:OQ AM R�la: HYGER GON51"RllCT'IUN.{NC Qttaw: T20-932-3264 Camm�nis: n�id mcrn�n�.vvcc 728-S3r^.-3�64 A�ned To: CG�4V75 fn�rad By: Df3t?LDEN K Acllot�: 7lme Exp: 1lem CanrtNnb: E 3. kem�: PENT�yt}U3E U3�Jrf 1 ARPRO�JED FOR TCO 1.'iAIIN[70'IiU AT J�T 1VB REQD�'t)BE S�FETY C3LII�ED OSB INSTAi.LED 04'�f�YYl�QVV F�Ft�Ca 2.�1REPI�RC'��V kyASTER SU�TE R�OD TC)LiOHT FlXED QN SIl`�. 3.qVS7^LL F1.G1pF�FQ+ItSH QN STAfRS FQR F�VAE.RfSE RUN. 4.ENTRY C�X}ft REf�D TO�LF'C�.OS�E APlD l.NTCH F!)€ED CiN 3!1'E. IT£�AS 1 �(+JD 3 REQ RE�tSP£CTlC)HI FOR FULL CO. l�im Camm�enis: P�n+lhousi�3 k�laN�n12�s Is�n�N Ih�eshs�ld st�ntry daor sprinido+r tw�rMaskt la�r�ry closat flr�cNp1�pprawsl Inatil burrt�rs at�tow � f C��/ 1 i i�t.s��O�,Hlat�„r , ' ' /.� �e�nt: 10 BL�(�.Fod��S`1�1 �tm: 2(y 81.�-� S1M! Ilam: 30 �QG-FfB�alltlp "`Ag�pto�d"' � 'F 0,"2d102 Ci�GD Actlon: fA PARTIAI.APPROVAL CamttfaM�: Pf�TN�l1SE 3(b'�h F1OOR� �d131/02 �p C3CD Ad�lcm: PA PA�R�IAI./1PPRQVAL Cornrs�rls: Pf;l�JT�H�USE 1 �C€11.lN+r3 i�R/1M�tJ�a. 1°3 i0d,'42 I ar: GtZC3 A�on�: NR!hK�T REAC?Y FfJR INSPE�TK7�1 Co�mmeci�.s. Rlc�i,su�'it�tden�t�nct�llad wl�en I caflsd.sal�he dld nat yet have cantplefie rotigh electrtcal . 11lE?5�i?2 ���on tiRc3 ���` A�c�or�� P�P APPR�I/ED Gornrrte�Ks: �1 �yr 1'4d19J�2 Ins�r. i3GD Act1�n: PA PAR�AL A�RRQVAL COfttmeMs: F� 'f�USE 2 (?2l21,�G43 it�spec�t)f: Od�1Vfs AGib11: AP APPR�DNED Gort:mer�ss� ttsmk�tcx sIR iev�el eddtlonal closet�te1Md w�hln axN�closuie appravod p�r�/ad aep�smbly IMm: 50 &.DG-UauFetlon 08�'2�+42 tnspec�a': GCD A�n: RI PAFZTlAL IIVSPEC'f'IDh� Camr�enls: 61h�ND 71h F1,.00R CEILMG II�t�ATION. 1�}/30102 c.da�M At'bOn: �PARTW.Nd3PECTIC)t� Gomrnertils: �+ictattot�weN 7tl�le�e���rlo�►�N at Arop��cs+ 19J04FU2 Inspec�ot L3RG A�t1tm: NR Nt?T READY FQR INSPECTION C�anrninis: Car��d� Rich.tlw supsrhtt�nc�ret.wMt�1 cal�ad him Itom tl'�site tar"�wll�caq." R�P'�1�1 Rtin Id: 3.27Q ..-;� � , , s_-�_ _ _- -- -- - � � ��B-28-2UO3 Irtspec�ort Request R�p _ � .._._._�__�.._��.—_.P�ge 9 6:56 em VA� CO -TOiN�,S�� �11tks'02 ! s; C�1RG r Actior►: t�NOT READY FOR INSPfCT10N Co�t�r6�: E�i��insu{e�tian k1 PaMtwu�1 r�vt nady�ot' 11/�6/tYC C�CD Adlon: PA�1�APPRt�N'NL C+�nNr�ents: ��TIOM IN F'ENI�USE i APPRSJVED. MEMB�lAhtE P'ENETRA'YIDNS RE4D TQ B�FII.�LE�FROM PENTFfOUSE 2 SIDE. 11I19l02 C�CCG A�ctbn: PA PAFt�f1Al.APPROVAL c«nrrc�en�: ��°`HOUSE 2 ExTERtOR wnlls A�D v�k�ARR�ER, l6�m: 6Q BLD�-S�alydtk Ned "llpp�rovs4*" 141'30;4� �: odriv4t �Lc!lon: /W AP'PROVED Co�rtr�rtt�: P�t�d�c�st�3 1111 Sl02 CiCD A�cdon: PA PART'W_APPROV'AL Comm�nta: �HOtlS� 1 C3YP 12l19�02 lra�pec�or: cx�a+�a Aetion: Ai'AF�PRt311�D Canrriertts: SMatrocic fvr Pantf�ous�2 02�5f03 � t� M �lto�: llP APPR011ED Comrn�nfs: NaI�E}SHE�TRdC�C�R STQRp►C3�CI.t�SET N�AR RM 647 �sm: 70 �3LDG-Mlsc. Nem: 80 BI.Df�-Flr�ei 09I24/03 �nspea�a►: �h Adfa�: CR C�RRECTtON RE�UIRED Cw[1maMs: �thouse�'3 4 _ I�fiaN un�,�s� '�,��, (`� . . isrnatl�►r�l�pid at eM�Y dopr��,C ` —�W���--.-._.._ sprtnidor ha�d ml�In � ,,� 3�n dept apprwral nqu� , � `.�� �IIA�Ik$��O[j Y�tSM1Ii �' r+ ! Q�1127�M�Lor�.�C�CR� �wAc t�: PA�A�T'�AL APPRWAL Go�n1#: TCO�OR P�t�T�k� �3. 0112�lOCi CiCD' � Actiatr�"EE��E�#tECTiOFf REQl.Nl�ED Cornm�nta: F��t13'�UNIT i APPROVED FOR T�CA I.WIMDCyW AT.�T�1�i8 REQ[J TQ B�SAF�TY C�t.AZED 056 INS7ALLED OVER YVNJ�NI F4R TCA 2.�tFt�PLACE tN MAS°f�R SUITL R�t�D TO LiC��HT FlXED t�iV SI'FE. �.�ISTAI.L FLCX�3R FINISH ON STPJRS FOR FMAi.RbS�RUhI. 4.ENTRY DOQR REQD T4 SELF Ci.OSE/W�iATGH FUCED OI��SIIE. 17'�Ma 1 AAI�JJQ 3 REQ�iEINSP�C'T'101+1 FQR F'1JLL C4. Nem: 530 �LDC3-'F_ .C;I4 "'Appsovad"` . �dn��MS'. �u��app�oved tot �ctlon: M JIPPRQYED �a�f certllica�d�tpa�ey wllt bt or�ca whaN�xc�act�compfedad Ram; 532 PW-F�MP.CIC3 Il�: 633 Pi�1W-TEIIAAR.C/O ltem; '�3? 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I�t�pcae.ior �c�a'ori:� �+,.t�oat: riF�'A,F�'t�,�l. fhdSfi��C"�`iC?� Cc�s��?i��ts; d..Q�t�r.id�ior w+r�t v�1t 7�t'�iev�+3xtet#c+s�+oiE ai t�r�Vlat'e �Zi�i�.12 �x'rs�rm.�Gf: �GRt3 � ACt#�:Mi: i��t(�t't=REAM7Y �'b'?R!t°3Sf�EC71a�i �:omm�nts. �.anc�8l�e!b��Ric�,.ttc��u�r�i��er�dsn�,wfisn s c�i9ed g����i t�om����li�inr"�II caEl.' i i;f�tt�2 tn�gsectar: �F�r �1+.-t3cn: PJf�#��GY�tEl4�Y FCtR 13vl�N�CTit�iU CamsYte:'r►.s: �xiertas Insulatlan in PenL'}GUSS 1 rtiat r�dy tot ins�.:fson. 19'�'i?"d I��e�cic•r: G::[�: ,a.:ticrtl: F'�F?AFt�AI.A,f7F�'RC)tlAL � �r.o���,e�,�: ��v:�o��.���c:r�r���r'°�t-�ra�.�s� � �,�€�±�r�i,at�t�. l�+I�IWS13��,N���::9�i�3"`r�iy��L"lNS�R���T��'�'ILI.�Ci Fk��..^�hA FEIJTF-kQUS�2 SlD�. 1 i ri 9�C2 �n=Ppc�x.�ta�: C3CD �.ctio�: f�R 4�AR`�G'�L �R�VAL _��,.�� �______� - - _______..._._..---.�._..__._._------------___.__.._._._ --...__..�_��.�.______��_�UIl �Cl: 7�J�T r � � �► rt TOWN OF vAIL Department of Comm�nity Developmeret 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 97Q-479-2452 www ci,vail,co.u.� January 29, 2003 Inter✓est $183 LLC i1�Ir. Dale Williarns Lionshead Penthouse Unit 3 On Monday January 27, 2403 the Town Qf Vail issued a Temporary Ce�ti�cate of ccupancy, as allowed per the 1997 Uniform Building Code Section 109.4, on the pr erty o s ' ead Penthouse Unit 3. har�es E. Davis Chie#'Building Official , ���RECYCLEDPAPEIt ' '�^w �..r��G�`� TOWN OF VAIL � DEPARTivI�NT OF COM�v1�Y 'DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRON�AGE ROAD VAIL,CO $1657 970-479-2138 NOT'E: THIS �'ERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TTMES ADD/ALT COPvIM BUILD PERIVtT Permit #: 801-0028 job Address: 715 W LIOI�ISHEAD CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.......: Accounting Office App�ied . . : 02/20/2001 Pareel No....: 21010720?OQ1 Issued . . . : 03/02/2Q01. Project No . : Expires . . .: �8/29/2f101 OWNER HMC ACQUISITION PROPERTIES IO2/20/2001 Phone:. C/O MARRIQTT INTERNATIONAL ONE MARRIOTT DR DE�'� 938 . 0� WASHINGT'ON DC 2��58 Licen.se: CONTRACTflit MARRIQTT MOUNTAIN RESORT AT Q2/20/2001 I�hone: 970-479-6979 715 W LIQI�TSHEAI} CR V'AZL CO 81657 License: 3 64-B Desciption: Accounting office-remove cioset,add wa�l&2 doors. Occupan�y: B Type Construction: II-fr Type Occupancy. ?? Valuation. $3,50Q.00 Add Sq Ft: U Fireplace Information: Restricted: #of Gas Applianees: p #of Gas Logs: 0 #of YVood Pellet; OM1rfRfrf#fiYfrt+MfifYrkkfifYrH#fJfr�YiilMi}a4MkfrAHA#****�F*NM#YF#�YMIrH*IrMli+! FEE SUMMARY ,••••••••,,•,,•"•••,,•••••••••••`••,•••••,""""„"'•••"`••••• Bui�c�ing—�> $a5.oo Restuarant Pl�n Review-> go.oo Tocal Calculated Fees-> $ia3.25 Pian Check--> $55.25 C7RB Fee > $o.oo Ac�ditional Fees- > $D.00 Investigation-> $o.00 Re�xeatian Fee--- > $0.oo Total Permit Fee—> $143.25 Will Call—> $3,oo C1ean-up Deposit--------> $0.00 Paymen'.� �—> $143.25 TOTAL FEFS--- > $193.25 9ALANCE DU�—> 50.00 wfc+aaa:+raar�ia+arrt�rraraa-aifar++`tfi.a+�ttt�rf++ata++tria+aa++aasrfiarttrr++r+,crafi+�+�+r�w+atwrarwrar�ssr�it:wr+�rtwwwFt,nrrtt+rta�rrrtt++t*+++#ri Approv-als: - Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 02f�2/2001 GRG Action: AP Item: 05400 PI,ANNING DEPARTMENT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARfiM�NT Item: 05500 PUSLIC WORKS iiiiH4Hi+f�t+a�tt�tasHfa�itkttiH�-a;ii+litltFilNf4#tlt4ii4fi#iifii�ilitittH+fl�ti+i#Irt�iiit4t4iYSt4#+fY4t+!!f#MMfR74lytf�wfNtt'Rff�e'FMw;49�RRFfRRA�R See page 2 �f this Document for any canditions that may apply to this permi� DECLARATIDNS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the in;Eormation required,completed an accurate I � i'ACE 2 � ,t�****,�*�*+*,t,�**�****,�*�t,tw*:tw�***�c***�,�****�*�*,�*�:r�***:i,t**��**�*,��**x***:rw*�**,�*,c*�*,�*,�******�*,�*,�* CONDIT[01�1S OF APPROVAL Permit #: B41-OQ28 as of 03-02-2001 Status: ISSUE'D �****,�***,�****�*,�*�,���,►*,�**,�,��,�**,���**�,�,�**,��**��*,�����***�*,��**f*�**w*w,�*****,�*.�*,�**�******,��*�*�* �'ermit Type: ADD/A�T COMM BUILD PE�MT Applied:02/24/2001 Applicant: HMC ACQUISITION PROPERTIES INC Issued: 03/Q2/2001 Ta Expire: Q$/2�/2�01 Job Address: �5 W LIONSHEA�D Cn VAIL Location: Accounting Office Parcel No: 210107207Q01 Descrip�ion: Accounting office-remove closet, add wall&2 doors. Conditions: Cond: 1 (FI[�E): FIRE DEPARTMEIVT APPROVAL IS I�EQUIRED BEPOR�ANY WORI�CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK �'OR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:CON0�0�569 This is a Typ� II-�R noncombustible building. Use steel stuc3s and 5/8"Type'X'fire-resistive gy�sum drywall for any raew wakls. T�aors within office spaees may be non-rated. Door between office area and exit corridor must be a�proved 20-m�inute s�noke-and-draft-control asaembly that is either self-c�osing and latching c�r automatic closing Swith zi�agnetic hold-open tied to fire alarm system). Carcd:CONOQQ4570 Inspectians,including inspectio� approvals, are required before cavering up any framing, electrical wiring,plumbing or drywall fasteners. . plot plan,and state that all the inf tion as required is correct. I agree to ly with the information artd plot plan, to comply with all Tovvn ordinance d state laws,and to build this structur ccording to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design reviev+r approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordi�ances of the Town applicable thereto. REQ�JESTS FC7R[NSI'ECTIOhI SHALL BE MADB TWENTIf-POUR HOU[z5 IN A37r/ANCE BY TELEPHdNE A�T 479-2138 QR AT OUR OFFiCE FROM 8:d0 AM-5 �'M. 5end Clean-up pept�sit To: none ,� � ��--��,•_G�,_ �EC�r'.���.—..� STG]`.IATU�ZE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE � ********�***************�t**�**************�**�*****�****************�***�**��*****�******** TOWN OI�VAIL, COLO� � Statement �***********�***:�*****� ***********************�*****�****�* ***�**************�****** Statement Number: Rp00Q00485 Amouz�t: $],43 .25 Q3/02/20010�:54 AM Payrnent Method: Check Tnit: JAR Notatian: 22234796 ----------------------------------------------------------°_____°__---------- Permit No: BD1-pp28 'I�pe: ADD/,AL+T COMM B[TILD FERMT Parcel No� 210107207001 Site Acldress: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: Accounting Office Total Fees: $143.25 Thia Payment: $143.25 Tota1 ALL Pmts: $143.25 Balance: $6.00 *********************�*******************+�+**:�**********�**�****�************��********�*** ACCOUNT IT�M LIST: Account Code DeSCription Curren� Pmts BP Da1�0003111100 BUILDIf�G P'�RMIT FEES B5.40 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHEC� FE�S 5�.25 WC OD100003112800 WILL CALL iNSPECTION FEE 3.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------—----—--- t ' APP�LICATIO�LL N(�T BE ACCEPT'Ei7 I� INCOMPl.�R UNSIGN�D Pr ct #: Building Permit #: � "� � 970-479-2i49 (Inspections) i! ���,��yAj�,r TOWN OF VAiL BUILDING PERM�T APPL�CATION Separate Permits are requireci fnr electrical, �lumbinb, mect��enical, etc.' 75 S. Fr�ntrige Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Cant�ct Ea /e Cvun Assessvrs�J�ce at 970�3�8-8640 or yisit www.eaale-coun .com for Parc�!# �arcei # .,'�.- , � � �C� .]c�b Name�:�/ / / �y Job Address: '1 / /`��i�•rtl�2`f' �GW �y�/1 �t'Sp°"t' /4CCU�NY'��� (N�i'C ,�S GR1�,5���1.r�5✓�'c�4e�' C�f'C�°L Legal Description LQt: Block: Filir�g: Subdivision: � Owners Name:�4r-r��o� rro�,.,s�;� rc� A�dress: 7/,� +._.tS�L''�,i>,5�ic���'�`�c' Phane: y79� �1T f ArchitectJDesigner: f/ Address: ,/ / / , Phone: /"7wrrro�Y" �1,� �l�Sr �.o�a.S�+�c� C'�^C �/�"�( -�Ol�j�f Engineer: Address: Phone: p��ailed description of woric: l�rwrav 4 C��Se� �'v,��� arC� ��� �is�� 4[�c� Z, ��'S G.,c� rr �4�e �Gr � � Wark Cfass: New ( ) Additican ( } Rernodel (f/� Repair ( ) Demo ( ) Other ( ) Waric Type: Interior ( Exterior ( ) Bath ( ) Does an EHIJ exist at this locatian: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of 81dg.: Singtle-family ( ) Twv-family( ) Multi-family( ) Cornmercial ( Restaurant( ) Other( ) � f�a. af Ex�sting Dwelling Units in this bui[ding: No. of Accommodat[on Units in this bui[d�ng: No/T e of Fire laces Existin : G�s A liances Gas �o s Woad/Peilet Wood Burnin N�pe of Firep�ae2s Proposed: Gas App�iances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pe{!et ( ) Woad_Burning (NOT ALLOWE�) Does a Fire Afarr� Exist: Yes (t,jf �10 � ) Does a Fire Sprinicier 5ystem Exist: Yes ( ) I�o ( ', CQMPLE''l� VALUA'TIONS FUR BUILDING PERMIT (Lab�r & Materials) B�JILDING: $ 3 .Sp�, �� ELECTRICAL: $ � �TFi�R: $ PLUMBIiVG: $ MECHANICAL: $ TOTAL: � REFIIND CLEANUP DEPOSiT TO: ,ti� CONTRACTOR INFORMATI�N General Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. �Vo.: Contact and Phone ��5: y��- yyyy ��Ir!'lfp� 3c��-c— � ��� � (O�1y Conkractar Signature: . �'::::4::: 'r.#�:a:aa:t.X�:krl::ic��c�'::Y�t.':7k::':$'�:�::�c:4�k4:rxF�:F�R OF�C� USE ONLY^rr-X$•�:�•r�•:ks;;k9;s�-?,�ka'.CS�:sC:s�.,-';:I....:':�'r:cgrsy� �ther Fees; I 1 TyAe o#Cons#ruetion: ; � Accept�d sy: , � DRB FeeS: j i � Planner Sign-off: ' O�cu�ancy Group: �_�_� _ � PubiiC Way Permit Fee: i �, Date Recee�ed: �� RECQ F�B 2 0 2041 F:/everyone/formsJbldgperm J � � ` . �� � ,,,�;. , Questions? Call the Buiiding Team at 479-2325 ` � � li'i } �'Otir4'�1� �F ��',�IZ ' Buildinc� P�rmit Submitta/ Checklist F Department of Commu�ity Dev�lopment � Praject Name: I�yfr,o� I'9vf,.,�fn �eS�r� r�CC��„�,�4 ('1�c�S Project Address: 7�� �e5� ���>S��L� C,»�c� V�, l Co. $'/��,7 ✓ Thrs Check/ist�nust 6e cvmpleted before a Buildina Permit apQ/ica�ion is accepted. ` � ❑ All pages of applieation is compl�te ;; ❑ Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a capy af approval forrn ❑ Condominium Associatior� letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Famiiy compiex ❑ Complete site plarr s��mitted ❑ PubFic Way Perrnit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) ❑ Staging plan included (refer Co Public Works checklist) Na durr�aster,aarkinq or m�terial storaae aiiowed on roadwavs and shouiders without written approval ❑ Asbeszos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring „ ❑ Rrchitect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) ❑ Full floor plans incl�ding building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Mvlti-Family and Commercial) �; a Window and door scheduie , � o Full structurai pians, inc��ding design criteria (ie.loads) � ❑ Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structurai plans (All Commercial and Muiti Family) o SoiPs Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection ❑ Fbre resistive assemblies speci�ed and penetratians indicated ❑ Smoke detectors shown on plans �, ❑ Types and quantity of firep6aces shown Applicant's Signature: � `���r•��� . ._:,. ?� � Date of submittal: Received By: F:/everyone/forms/�!d perm 2 � _ u Y ' F ` � i 11 � T�fl#�N OF YAi� BUILDING !RERMIT ISSUANCE TTME FRAME If this p�rmit requires a Town of Vaii �ire Departmen� Approval, Engineer's (Public Worlcs) review and approvai, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or smaii) and ail multi-�amily permits will hav� to follaw the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take � iesser amou�nit of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the variQUS above mentiane� � depar�ments with regard tio necessary review, these prajects may alsa take three (3) weeks to � review and approve. Every attempt will be made by th�s depar�ment to �xpedite this permit as soon as possibVe. I, the �ndersig�ed, understand the plan cfi�eck prvicedure and time frame, I also understand that if the permit is nat picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to cia so it may af�ect future permits that I apply far. Ag�eed to by: ��G�r � �e r�C a c�e�ti� Pri t name ��__!��r�--�-� Signature ProjectName: !?w��,•c�� f"'lo�►ti��yr�-r �r.s�r�-f f�CCa�►-�'����, !�#�r��S �ate: Z��U�G'l E:everyone/forms/bldperm3 � r � � r + 31 � ����1 ��ai. WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIREQ PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS REGARDING ThiE NE�D FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": ❑ Is this a new residence? YES N� �/ a Does demofition work being perforrned require the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES NO ✓ � Is any utilPt}r work needed? YES NO �/ o Is the driveway being repavec!? Y�S NQ � ❑ Is a different access needed to the site other than the exist��g driveway? YES I�O t/ o Is any drainage work b�ing done that af�ects tt�e Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YES NO �l � Is a '�Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES NO � ❑ Is the Right-of-Way, e �rnents or public property to be used far stagdng, parking or fencing? Y�S NO� If answer is NO, is a pa ing, staging or fencing plan required by Pubfie Vllorks? YE5 NO If you answered YES to any of these questions, a"Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Vu'ay Permit"'applications may be obtained at the Public Woric's offECe or at Community Development (a sample is attac�ed). If you have a�y questions please ca91 Leonard Sandoval in Qublic Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABQV� QUESTIONS. _� , �j�••^�U � �`�G�.�1`�.n /��SGi'� Contractor Signature Company Name Job ar Project hlame: �i[u.c�.���'.� Ot�-/C�S Date Signed: �IZiI�Uj F:/everyone/forms/blcfperm4 � 1 � �� � T�'1WN�F YA�. PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCFSS Haw it relates tr� Bvilding Permits: � Fill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" perra-�it is requ�red. You can pick up an application at e�ther Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public V'Vorlcs, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. y Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verify (locate) respeetive utilities prior to signing application. Some utFlity tompanies requir� up �0 48 hours notic� to schedule a loeate. y A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This pfan will show locations of all traffic cont�ol devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (ar�a of eonstruetion, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and wiPl need to be resubmitted for consideration for appravai through the wi�ter. Be aware �hat your resubmission for winter rnay be denied depending on the locatian of cons�ruction. � Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, wadth and depth of w�rk). This may be drawn on the traf�ic control plan or a site plan for the jot�. � Submit completed application to the Public Work's office far review. If required, locates wi{I be scheduled for the Tawn of Vail electricians and irrigatian crew. The locates take pface in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perforn�. : The Public Woric's Constructian Inspector will review t�e app6ication and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the statius and any r�q�irernents that may be needed. Mast permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but piease allow up to one (1) week to proeess. � As soon as t1�e permit is approved, the Bui1ding Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not eonfuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit°. : NOTE: The a6ov►e process is for work in a public way ONLY. P�ublic 1Nay Permits are valid only �ntil November 15th. A new P�blic INay Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each NaWember 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. I have read and understand the above. �� ��G�G% SP �ature Date 5igned F�/everyone/forms/bld perm5 � � 11 � 1 V���i" ��J.L DRAIMAGE AND CULVERT INSFECTIONS AR� ,REQUIRED BY PUBLIC W�RKS! Piease read and check off each of the items below: ❑ The Town of Vail Building Depart�ent has developed the following pracedures to ensure that new canstruction sites have adequately establishe� proper drairaage from buiiding sites along and adjaeent to Town of Vail roads or street�. o T��e Town of Vail Rublie Works �epartment wili be required to ins�ect and approve drainage adjacent to Tawn of Vail roads or streets and t�e i�stallatior� of temporary or permanent culverts at access paints �ram the road or street anto thE construction site. Such appraval must be obtained p�-ior to any requests for inspectior� by the Town af Wail Building Department for footings, temporary �lectrical or ar�y other inspection. Please cail Leonard Sandaval at 479-2198 to request an inspection from the Pubtic Works Depa�tmer�t. AI1ow a minimum of 2� hour notice. o Als�, �he Town of Vail Pubiic INorks Department wil{ be approving ail fiinal drainage and culvert 9nstailation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to ar�y Fina! Certificate of Occupa�cy issuanee. Agreed tv by: �c �vc����s�' Prir�t Name .>. �,��� Sig ature Project lVame: �cLuti��.� �J�����r Date Signed: _ Z�ZvJ�'/ _ ^ , F:JeveryoneJfarms/bldperm6 ,, , . � � �� � �OWN�F Y�I� MATERIAL STORAGE AND CONSTRUCTION PARKING Pl�ase read and ct�eck off each �f the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upan request} CODE 5-2-1p: UEPQSITS ON PUBI.IC WAYS PROHIBITED �a Unlawful deposits; Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful far any person to lit�er, track or de�osit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, rr�ud, dirt, snow, ice, or ar�y other debris or materiaf upan any street, sidewalk, af[ey Qr pubiic place, ar any portion thereof. ❑ Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any persan who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereaf, or who has in the Dprector's employment a person wh� violates or causes another to vioiate the same, tap remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24} hours after rec�ipt af said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the ev�nt the person so notified does r�ot comply with the natice vuithin the period of time herean speci6ied, the �irector of Public Works, or other authorized agenk, may cause any such sand, gra�el, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debr�s or any oth�er materia�l to be remaved from any street or alley at the exper+se of the notified. a Summnns and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for remaval provided in subsectican B above, any person who vioEates or causes another to violate the sarne, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upan being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. � Notice and Penalty: It is uniawful for any person to fail or re�us� to eomply with t'he notice Qf the Director of Public Works as provided in subsectioe� B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to paymen� of the expense of removal �ncurred by the Directar of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereaf, upon being found guilry of a �iolation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section i-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: �rdinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A-1 AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBS'f'RUCTING TRAFFIC &�MPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED � No person shall park any wehicle upon a street or at any other place within this MunicipaGty in such a manner ar und�r such conditivns as to interfere with the free movement af vehicu�ar traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. {Ord. 2(1968) § 1) � Whenev�r any police officer finds a vehide attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street ar �uporr any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to conskitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left u�attended for a period of twenty four (z4) hours or rnare and presumed to be abandoned under the condjtions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section G2-4-11p2, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed �n starage in the nearest garage Qr other place of safety designated or maintained by this �lunicipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoun�ment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) § 3: Ord. 28(1981) § 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: U c'u�r;i �t /�a,��i evti�' �- �_ ---7 Print Name ...��� �►-��� _ / Si�nature Position or Relationship to Project: . �'G.a*►`'a(�er' Date Signed: ��U/U� F:/everynneifrrrrns,'bfdperm T . , •. 1` � � � . �� l� �ou�v oF v�� Department of Publie i�orks & 7"ranspartation � 1�09 Elkhorn Drive Yail, Colnrado 816�' 9 i 0-4?9-2I58/FaY: 970-479-2166 Vail 2000 Stagin� / Park.ing Plau Information The Sta�in� / Parkin� Plan Philosophy- Is a very important step in the buiiding process. Stz�kaz�g a ba�ance between safe public access and �vi�g construction projects rooln to build is becaming increasingly challen�ng, fcr us to meet all the n�eds af those who will be irr�pacted by �.onstruction pro�ects. The fact is, there is less roam to build in the Town of Vail. I;evelopin� a creative Stagir�g Plan is a mus�. Staging in the Town af Vail Public l�ight of ��ay is a Privilege, nc�t a given right. We take into account when we review and apprave sta�ing i parkin� plans, impacts on neighborhoods, tourism, business and the traveling public along with your night to build. �'17e General Cr�ntractor is resz�ansible J'or aCl su�icontractors and a!t construction activitv relatin� ro th� 6urddin�project. The staging plan tivill be en�orced accQrding to the Approved Set �f Building ancfi Staging Plans. You are required to keep a copy of the Approveci Staging Plan �n site. Two staging /parking plans are required, a summer and winter. Summer sta�inb plans expire on Noven�ber 1, and winter stagin� plans ex�ire on April 15. (i�lote: There is no on street parkin� in the winter season and ail materials. eq�aipment, etc must be 10' off the edge of asphait). Enfarcement of ali sta�iz�g J parking plan is as #ollows. �} Staging/ Parkin� Plans to scale required. B) Qnce the plan is approved, �hey wil� be held to com�lete compliance. C) We will use a 3 step and you're out, process. Step �ne- Verbal and wrztte❑ warniags as to the staging plan violati+�n, then have contr�ezor si�7n and date field merno warning. Step Two- Police Departrrient issue tickets and tows ar public works writes secona �,�ntten warning �o all violators who have been n��titied un�er step one and whu are stil� i�: vkc�lat�o❑ of tk�e approved Sta�ing / Parkin� Plan. The Town of Vail Chief Building Ofticial will ca�l the cantractor and notify them, the next time �ny violation happens, t1�e buildin�dep�ez�t will rec� tae the constnaction site £or 48 hours. Step Three- If still in violation after step two, a 48 hour Red Taa will be issned to the �JFO��CC 51tE. If yc�u have any Questians, Ptease contact the TQwn of Vail Construction Inspector at 97�-479-2198 L�RECS'C1.ED PAPER � � #� � � � � O ��# w � � �• .--�--���,,... 1 � . '� _.� . _. - •.,r�. _ __ �, ��� � � � �, �� _ ..� _ _ �� � �_ ._. �_ __.�__.._ � - _ � �_ � :�- � ---- - � _ a � .,�. � � � � . O a ._b � � . .___ - - ._ __ _ �1_ � ._ � .._ _ � _ __._._�. __ _. � �' ' � , T,�k�R w�1��d � �V_ .. .... _ :{4, _ _ _ � -�lt- -� � ,___ _.. . ,�,� . . ..� _ .�__ ., n_.- _---.�.._. __ - _.._ ___._ __ __ ____.__�.__ .�. -T--.,_ _ __ _ _. � � 1 •� '� �, � ��Y,_ ,.:.;_,�._.�.__. _._�...._._. __�_...__._..__... ._ .._ _. _ �_....__.__� _...__- � ,��w ��ri � �_ ���_..._�__�...�..._,_ __. _ _ _. .-l�'_ __ ..� _ _ _._,�.__�.e__ ' W � � � � � � _�v _��.____ ��_: . _ __. ___.._.. _�._____ � �__ _�.. _ __ _ � ' � � � ��% __________�. _ _ _ �__��._. � : , . '�, � ` � - c� _. _ _ _ . . �_—�-- � � `" � -- �. o , z �_...._ .._ ___�.- - - .._ �.�_�_...__ _ � �� ...� � � _ , _ -- .�. � n � -�-----�-- _�-�-. _ _- ---_ �� __ _ �-__._ -- � �' q u � , . ___....__ ---__.__._..___� �__. � . _ � ' . 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'S� w 1c ; �-' i�b°:r.',e .,., ^_ t»�i�i -, _ _ , • .-�a Z� .. . >'t`�d'� �w - .,,. �r �~ , . , ,_ ��s . � qj�! �� • �. . 1 r� . � � �' �'• � r . :'+�y�+� . � . + � ', . . �, , ' � ^ � `� r a . � ..rr.....----...o..«�,-ar�.��i'� l���- -�M - .�c�t:i�t�i� .. ,. � �. � � _ ,- < < � �sk��aa :�W �., ;�;- .�r. � , ,. .. t3,�$ 8lTl __�� __�s'i�l��#�_d:t#�[.�# — R�ct�s�i�spc.�ct I?�te; �edn�ss�ay,arerch o7,zaot �s��n�ct�a: C�k�.Y1S In�°��ctlsn Tyrp�; E3l..�G- �fYe Aclslre�s, 715 IM L(C)FJ5NE�lD CR VAIL �,CCOU��ng C3K�e �t rms A�tivfty: 8�4-�28 I'�: R-��l4lM S�b Typ�; A��M Stet�,ts: ISSUED +Caa�s�t Ty�se� Qccu�ar�y; k� Use: ttµ[r insp Ra�es: i�arcal: 2141�72t}70()9 ��rrer: r��nr�caut�rn�ra��o€�r�r��s�rac Gon�c�tur: MARRfC3'Ti'�AOU�JTRtN RESC�F:T�4T UAJi. Pitor:e: �J7{�-�79-6�79 C,►esscr3p�: A�u;rx�n�F�g c>fNce-rerrecave ckasee.�dd�rat{�2 claars. I s �+ Ibem: 30 �LC7G-�raminc� it�uesteci Tir�e; U8;40 AJ�€ Rs�u��to�: hA�RF2tC6'T;Mui��T�'AEN Ft��yCaE?T n`� F�Itone: 47�9-6�'l9 VAiL1Sau[! G.c3mmer�ts' �r,�.�za�t�ng r.Rfce� A�sl�ttecjfip: A`^�'iiOv�?'i" Enter�ti��3y: LC.A�PE�LL K A�li�a: Time�x�: !ns ran His� It�arn: 22� �IR�bEPT.NO'�F�A'�DiV �t? .at�i� �em: i0 8[.�"a-Fcx���'S4a�i {q�r►a� . Ilam; �t3 6LD�-�s�..►rs ka�r�lSta�ei { �>s�q !�: � �LtJ�-Fr�ra��ng 4��l� ltem: � F3L�oG-Ittsu�ti�n (�tt�r�a�i kesn: 6� B�.i7G-�heetraxl;�b �t7priarr.�!) ftem: 70 B�I3G�Mfs.t. (f1�ii€r�al1 tte�ttn: 9t3 BL.�-�"Inel ff��qufr�rll �am: 5�i0 Bi.AG-Flnel Cr4 (Rsc�u4rec�� . r.'`' r(,/���: �F/�� r�s d wF��?�c Si���p�� I�f��v�� � Y��/llfj�l��D1� 1""0-� �r���� .��`,�'r�r°�c' .�=, -- _., . , J / / ��f " . . . � . . i�:'.p-'.i_-�. � �J' `' � ' ;�- .�;, � ,. .. .. .. , . - �,:. _ .' .: :E2E PT 13�. _ �__,_.T�.—..---------.._�.�..,_�_ -- k�t�ii I d: 4 4 2 { .�o� 5� �� �,r��� � � � U, ,��a,���..�—� 'QWN OF VAIL DEPARTMET3T QF CaMM '��`��' ���ELQPMEIrT'I' •5 � . FRQNTAGE ROAD rAIL, C� $1057 374-4'�9-��3$ N�TE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE P(3STED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/1�LT COMNI BUTLD PERNIT Pe�it � ; 804-0032 St�tu5 . . . : ISSUED Job Address : 715 W LIQ��H� CR Applied. . : 03/22/2000 Lacation: . . : Marriot I���ed, � , ; 03/27/2000 Parcel No . . : 2101-072-07-001 E�ires . . : 09I23/2flofl proje�t No. : pyppI,IC�,N� TASTE O�' VA�L (KATE LEW�S) Phone : 970-926-5665 OWNER HMC ACQUISITION PROPERT�ES INC ��,�T DR DEPT 938 01. 'G'WASH7NGT0 � MARI�I�DTT INTERNAT�ONAT.�, ONE �R Phone : 3 0 3-922-72 0 0 CONTRA C T O R D500 IW�FOUR AVEN[J�E�LN�T l, DE I�T V E R, C O $0 2 1 9 Descriptian: Install Temp Tent (4'/5-4/9/00) Occupancy: A3 A3 Ty�e Construction: Type Qccupancy: 4, 935 Add Sq �t : jj11'�jdt 1011: #pf ylopd/Pallet: Reetricted: #of Gae Appliances: #OE Gas Lags: Fireplace InformaCion: FEE S�UMMARY +'*a+r�ryt+rrt+�a.e+,rarr+rr#+irtt�r�r+r+sWr�riie+rw�ritw+�rr+rit 159.75 �p Total Calculatec� Fees---� _OD rr+rrrttrttrtrrtt+�rrtarereiry.+rv�r+rt+:��rr�wr�r��>r+iert�xa�+ -' 45.00 RceCUarant Pian Review--� Ob Additional Feea-----"- 159.75 Huilding-----' ------� ' ' ___ 61.75 DRB Fee------- .�0 Total Perntit ee-----— 159.T5 Plan Check---> -> .00 ftecreation Fee—------- -------� Investigativn> -p0 PaymenGe--------- .00 Will Call----? 3.00 Clean-Up I7eposit--------� 159.75 HAT.ANCE OUE------------�> TOTAL FEBS—--'""'--�----> t�...��.,.......+..t...�.��.�.......W...,...W....��,.W...�...*...r,..,.w.....�.....�...��e.�..�.BU3LDING{Divisian...�.. I���: Q5100 BUILDING DEPAR'TM�NT D � I�� �,�vi�ion: 03/22/2000 CH�RLIE Acti.on: APPR see conditDe�t . P� z�em: 05400 PLANNING DFPARTMEN`� �e�t : FIRE Division: 03/22/2dfl� C�RI'IE Action: APPR n/a Item; 05600 FIRE �EP�RT��� Dept : PUB WORK D�vision: 03/22/2000 CHARLIE A�tlan: APPR see coa�di�.ions I'tem: 05�00 PUBLIC WQ�� ApPR n/a p�/22/20�4 CHARLTE Action: �tttY�Fiiff/tYMfti'�'bY�f*ti\fWifif'Y`y'Vii#}'YftVt2#YYV**fY'ItilitY'YtiktYYfl'�t�Yy'YYtiitY#�FtYtY'ViitYY+iie���kY#��'tY��i��o�i{..��� �pe�it See Page 2 of this Document for any cozldilO�s� that Y PP DF CLAF�.A'I' fil.ed out in Eull the in€ormation raquired, complecod an accurate plot lication, � ee to comply aith tihe infor.nation and plot plan, z hereby acknowieskge that I have read thi.e app an� 9ubdivision plan, and state that all the information provided as sequired is correct• I agr l�cable thereto. to complY �+ith a13 Tow� iovedanUniform BnildingwCodenand otherdordinances�ofrthecTOw�lappto the 'rown's zoning corles, deeign review app OFFICS FROM 9=�fl � 5��� pM RE4LiESTS FQR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MW)E TWENTY-FOUR HDURS IN ADVRNCE BY TELEPHONE An 479-2138 OR AT 9UR Lf , SZG E �F OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSBLF ArID 4�r1N�R Send Clean-�p Depoeit To� �/A . � � ******��*********��*,r,r,��****,r**�**********�****�*�*******���******************�� CQNDITIONS Pe�nit # : BQO-0032 as of Q3j27/00 Status : ISSUED *******�*****,�***********************�*******�****,�****************��*********** permit Type: ADD/ALT COriM�I BUILD PERMT Applied: 03/22/2000 Applicant : TASTE OF VAIL (KATE LEWIS) Issued: 03/27/2Q00 g70-926-5665 To Expire : 09/23/2040 Job Address : Location: Marri�ot Parcel No: 2101-072-07-001 Description: Install Temp Tent (4/5-4/9/a0} Conditions : 1 . FIELD INSPEC'I'IONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FdR CQDE COMPL�.ANCE. PLEASE CALL 479-2149 24 HOURS PRTOR TO EVENT OCCL1`RIN� TO SCHEDULE .A.I'� INSPECTTQN . THIS INSPECTION �IT�'ST �CCUR PRI�R TO ANY OCCUPANCY MARE NOTE OF �COI2R.ECTIONS MADE ON PLANS . • � S ►**r+�**f******��+****+++#**#�#++**+++t****+++**f+++*t�Sta�Hmrit �pr,�N (7F VAIL, COLQRADO **,�*,rr*****�r++***+*+***,rri******f+**�r„�r�***�***�**+i*a*,r*++**** Statemnt Nu►nber: REC-0611 Amount: ].59�75 03f27/00 12:06 Payment Method: 2312 Notation: EVENT PROMOTIOI3---_Irait� JN-- -`--' Permit No: B04-0032 --'I'ype: A-COMM ADD/ALT COMM BUIT,D P Parcel No: 2101-U72-ti7-003 Site Addresa: 715 W LiONSHEAD CR Loca'tion: Marriot 159 75 Tatal Fees: 159.75 Total ALL Pmts: 159.75 This Payment .00 Balance: �,r*+**+r.t*****�***+,ftt***a�*t#,r�,r****�,r*rt+**i�r***a+r+i**�OU.Tlt+� Account Code Description 95.D0 pp dp�000a3111100 BUZLDING PERMITi FEE5 61.75 pF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK F£ES 3,p0 WC OOlDOQ03112800 WYLL CA�L IAiSYSCTI0I3 FEE ----Y--- � '��' =�ti�� '� 5� FRUM T�'1. ,-- � ' � _�M�-,��t1-LEi''I' D�97�=1 �9245� FA�GE 3;E AF*�l,IC.�Ti�iL1 Nc�T 8E.aCCEP7EQ iF i�ICOM��.Fr�uHS�G�ED Pr�ject #: BuiEdin� P�rmit �at; O- b0 �� 970-474-2149 (dnspe�ons) ��c��o��:� rc�w�a F 1dA�L Bl3ILDIN� �E�h�f T APPLI�ATIQN S��s:+r31�F`rrmi� arr reyuired fer slestricai..plurt�t+ing, mcch�nica9. rtc.: ':���. F'n�ai,tge R�3. Vait Coiuodd� $1657 ' � I F'�T ��� 1� ��tC.-F��, �`�� Ci>f;td<:t Ed /e C�unt A�s�U�e�at 9�'�-328-8c�sQ ar visit w���ia-.02 !e-c��;:,��,:co.?r for Parcef�' Par�es � Il�l— � — �°=�, � 7�_ Q7- oo� �1 ��r Name:, � - � � icb addr��� � I� `����k., �,.` \;c�..�.� " �\�,��,� �c��-- -- - - ��� U,'� � ��,��G����� �� ;��'_e__ ' f �.�u� DySC��Qt;on ' l.ot. — — � _�� �' '�:_ • '{� , 3lc�tk: � � if.ny: _L Subdn;sicn � ��.w[��e''��h�me:' ,1fJr47� /�GU1 5 AdCrES;: � f—�c7[� �-c�LC��f'�t'S Phar.e: ��L' ,`��b��� _ 'C_m H•-n�r.ec+.J�'c,�s��ncr: ���'�� Addr�ss: �.��nµ: `-- �I ; FR!'�fft?�': ���l i� P`GC11'�55: -- - �'1'S01?e, •� -._,.� !; r �:t]�a;.'•� �C,Griptic~� of+rr�rk: — �, N ri _ . �� t":�� �:lass: itiev� ( � �ddryr�� ; ) R.e�oodel { ; Rzpair�. ) Demu ( j i�;h�r (',1�-1 '� ' _ . .. - -- - - _._ � G"+'c,�k 'ti�,e: lnc�r'or'. , E�i=rior i^; �th ( j �'� Do�s ar. ;HU ex�st a� t!'r;5 lotation: Y�s ( 1 �lo ( ; � i:�{r'�f���.. Sing!?-�a�,�riy: ) I t'40-�3^'}I:y'( } Ml:l'.i-!21f`rilv( : �:Of1'Y(*2ft��� ReSCauran�� ; ti S ) � . r?ther f;�C, -�-�r� I fzo. ?F �r�s�ing G'v��e�linG �1ni�9n tn=s buil�inq: G ��c �f�cc�mr�cdation �rt;ts�� tnis �uilr�;��g; � �jr�. �,,�k?,�{P�rr�•�?rPS�ie5����: i.•�,aE�ViiartrC�: 1 �s Lcx�s ' } �lc?e��c1;'A�Ilek� J wU�Y.� &.:rni;a� � 1 � . -. � �._. ._� . --�.._� � �„ f; l�.'7 �f=t�e^I�ce� Fr � ,' Y �. 0�3�?C� aas A �i[a�Ces ! ; Gas i,C�S ( ti'JC�O�r°�{;�t' ; VV4od Bu�Tt!n N�'r A�C1�"��iJ;� �� j ��o��;? =in2 A'drr'� �i5#�,_ '�'E�( ; tJ0( ' �ces a 'ire SFr�nkler Systt�ii E:�iat� Y2S l i y�(' r � ---s� �, �=�—.��: CQMP�� illiLl�A�ANS FOR BUILLIINC� PERMY7' (L.ai�or& M�r�abs) !±_':�i iCJ�: � �f� �`� �':,, EL�+:.'Tr+'.I�!`,L: � r3'+?�CR: � T I r:-• ----�--�---_� ' �>���.i'�zi;dG: 3 FtE:,zAMI�AL: � I'�TAL� � � Rc.F;"hD�.�E;�,�.�_PQFAt;�S�"fT�'�: --- __ i CONTRACTOR It��ORMA'!'�4N ,� tx��F�al �cntract�r To+�un Jri9 Reg. No.: ! Cont�c�an�i Pnorr� ;�'�. °..__ ___. .. . -- � �'��� � v �l� � ;,�`l Zt� '��C�F-r',^ [}Y"��'�.0 I Q�` �C�3 '���� - 1�C^(_� ' ;�tractcr Sig^�tu-e: _ --- - ---- - - - � � r'---.' � -- ,,._�=�,�t,.„x�.,�:.<.:x����.�.x,:�:�.�:��;xFOR OFFICF USE�[�tLYx:x.:�::*.�>�}�� ,�:V,..�:w..�«�...��__ �_ . Ot�rr Fti�?s: •__� T �f Canstrutti4n: AC ted . DkB fe�S: ---�---- —- ----- _. ..- --- - - Occupancy GMwp_ � Planner �-� �ubi+c W�y�Permit Fee� D�►�Ftacxaived: ,_r� — __.._. ".;`r.-�ry o ne/':r^zs'bi4�t rr^ � ``�^��;` ,_��,� �% � f � �� � � ���-� � ��N,� „ �i ����� T(���:��f�F l��L �i�� i�-� ��� l; �"�" ,�/�--��� � � � �:�«uti.� Frarrluge Roar�' � e r t�.�il C�c�'arada �41657 ° � � �-_ , 1'C--t��?-.1 L?C� i �a z���'� ;,�,�, F'u.�: w 't�-4'9-�15; . �. ;:�_ �,:��� � � ;�-,«�K.cr.s�arl.s o.u.r a , , . � k' ATTACI-lMENT � ~ TEIIItPORARY TENT PERMIT - SUBMtTTAL RE(�UIREMENTS °'°a�e subr-;�it a completed bu�lding permit apr,f�cat��n a��d the fc!lowing �r�formation. a minimum o� 14 cavs q�rar#o the event, to the Tawr of Vail Departrn��!# of Cor�m�an;ty Developmen,, �75 5a�th �rontage Roa�, Vail, CO 8?�57. Contact ±he Tcwn �f Vaii �uiiding Dep�r#ment at 970-4r�- 2325 ta g�t a bui!�in� permit a�p��cation. �'�. Site p�an shawing the tayou: and size c�f the ter�t� ve,t�;icular deiivery, ard emer�ency access. ��,�..�,% �,��� . i� P1ar of iF�e fer�t shov����g al� �xits. �������-%G{' , 3 A �aicture or manufacture�s br�chure of tr�e tert (ca�or, style, etc.) � �I r'��-�..�,r" �:�.c� C�.�1+��..�'. �. , �..cE_v 4 D�te of inst�llation, even# an�i br�ak�awn � �U+�-``;�'-� �'c���'LL �- L�, 2��`'{" � �.ertifcat� st.ating the E�st dat� �f��e retardant t e�"at e�nt��� ����'� �, ��� ����t�� � Cast af the tr�staE{a!ion estirnate.��?��C!I�-<�_� � '. C�ccu�anc� Eoad praposed. �r� �U��: ���� I- T���'�r�� � �r�!G��1�rv( Urti'1 ,�'�� �--{-� C�� �1 +� '`�� n Description of ail eleetricity, aas, h�atirr and lighting that is propose�. AN lNSPECTION BY THE FIR� DEPARTM�N i �S RE��;I�E� !'RI�R TQ THE EV��1� Please con;act t;�e Vail Fir� Department at 970-479-22�0 to se: up an in5pec:iarr t�me;an� �ate. ��2��,a� �leL��{-��s��a; �� r;��.�-�.zE n'�-�N�. G�.=���`c:'d�r.� g. Show siz� of fuel storage aource. ,t }F� i HE TEN�` 15 TO BE LG�CAT�D C?N TO`NN a7F VA,IL PFZOPE�TI' (f.E. F�RD PARK), TNc �'�� �����VWING ADDITkONAL RFQUIREMEN7S ��IUST BE CUBAIIfTT�p: ' '�. Floors ar� required for all tents on Town �f�Jail property. pescribe #he tenf flaQr tha� �s proposed. "�: Locates fnr�rrigat�on is required at F3rd park. You must �meet with a Tc�wn of Vaif represer�t�tiv� on- site prior ta inst�l!a#�on of the tent. Cali Todd Oppen�eimer at �'0-��'�-2��8 to set a me�ting. ��� fi:"_ri:,.,E13PAPEk � h���? . a -�C :� 52 'rR�i•1 �'G'1-�:�h1-L�£'�i-�c?'t' , I� �7g�?9c�52 PAGE 5i� . , � � � 4 i � p�q� }� d 2 Vf� :7 �i Ifi�fjd BA1YLDi�I ,+C's PE6tMYT ISSC�ANC� TIl4t� F�.tsM� -i rrl�`i �.E(�RIt TP(:�Ui�r?$ ei ��.''vUfl :3i �U��j� Y=lIG �L�U�f�:�I��Si AjJw""�"���� �ngineer`"5 '�Pl�',3�1�: ���e'�y� '�:^:iC•sro' ��1d 8�p��.81, 3 t'f;f'iliRq L�?D�tJ;m�!`lt �e��iQw +Jr `i�cl':, �•e�ar;srznr �E'.�.?4Y, ���G d fE':��'��� Jk C�".£ �Ui r,�,ICI ��rc?[?t�'��rlr, "'lE �5',i;,r,�jt �ir.'1 'ri' . I ` � �r �� . y � � �Cf � e � � tat�. r�:v��w w��f �ak as Ianc� � ,t�r� (�, .�.�ee!�s L.;' tommerCiai (:a,-ge or Srr3�l; �nd �'� muE*��������ly perm�t� ws:; h�ve to ful;aw tne a�uve �,���:�oned �n�x� ,��r�� rcq�irements. �es���;�ti�t �nd �r.,2!i pr�;e�ts $nou4d �r;e a IPs�e' d�Ga^: :` C��,e. 'rlo�•�e��r, it r_�der,t�at r�r sr�1E?� �;;;}��Lti im��a��: ;�� ;�eric��,�. .��b,�t�� ;:�entirrrec �'r';}al?i?'it?fi� Ydl�!'T r�i�c!'L{ iL' !1L.°£'�SSc��' '�,':'rt�VY, J?�.�s� ��rJ��C''S [!'1�`( cIISC CcdCt' sl°1C�,'t' ��� W�'E.'�C_4 tD ���:ipL� an� ap��•o��,z. =v�•��f ?���tl+�t w��{ 'Jt R^3��' .�`iy "hi'� G�e(:1"o•"�1?t�!lt t� Expe�i�y �ii5 �i 111ii �5 SCio� c15 pUSSI�!� �. 'he ��F�?��s'�r�e�': �sn�-�•c3e�ci LhF ��I�s� i.,*�eck �r��ced�ro �nd tm� �ra!n�. � also Jn��rstan� t:�t�� �F 4+'I� �C�IL �rS �i.'� _}�1�=4 G��� ��y'� ri�P F?�iL'!rdCl'4.r1 Lid��� �Ei�� 1 ���u�l�_ �S�Iki �}C�y �1C� �.ilf�.: I_�'�'Li[, 1�1�'� and th�:t �� � �`��� *_n t1c; ��a �t �-^.:�y aff��C f1t�r� pw��itS 1`��t I �ppl°,� "ar. ��r�e� *." 0y': �"{�.� .C-_�C.�I.J l�, _ ?:�r�i n�m,e �-�� �(,.L(,,:11; S!L� ,�tU`� --- �._ Ar���?�.t i�amc. `��.�-StL. l�._ `,_�� �__' _�'� � 4��1'�����1`��C�� C3��e: 3�:"S � �C' F:Pvery�.rir.�`;;frt�'hiG'?N�Tt; ., �. , � -�v� .�► o� :i?G!•1 Z�='f-i_.7h3-s:E'v-�EP"', • ��:�7�7Y"'9245� P�uE =i6 , • � � ' � `�� ��, ��.1,�.�. � P���.�� :�� ����'��, � � �_ ���'i�r; ,����Nr ,� � -�' ,,, _ WWEN A "PU�lIC W�tY PERM�T'"IS REQU�RED r--- - - �r' , , � 1 �'ti�;�� �����' r ; C f�- `;� C� �� =�:��SE AEf1r.Hiy�u�C".:�. r-C =A��t-i �v�Tf-!F FQ��v's"r'If�1G ��t_'EST�10!:� ^��Gt:�RCI"1� 'I-±t ��'E'�iJ :-UF.,4 '�-.;::�.0 V:AY e��R4�{r,,. , i ! 15 _i'ii5 3 �92`rJ "�yiQ�^�C�! YCS �vQ,� ; G�:�s dcr 3;�1�,u,n v:orh bC rtg pe�f�rmec� �*�uir� ;he u�e' of+;,� F,i�h; of in'�y. e.;�r�n.ts r ;,ut�,� �.,rCCcr^Y' Y�5 CJG r, ---t�—• � 'S�r:; u'i�iy r�{'rk ;12CC]�? YES f�10� r �� _s,I��d�ivc��.ey be�F�: :e�a���' YES � n�C � 1 :�a �ifl�te� i e+.��5< n,€��F� -;,ttle 4i',� �tRe� t'�a:? _h�Cxi5t;rg arNe�rr:y�' Y=S P��_ ��_ � ls�n°J drdi�'�ge .vori� r� �:.�lH _:n3t ai�?cL: tFe „ic�":*,-�R-:t'�y j3�ST�i?�qt�, ��r Y�:�;�c' �re�'.r�^�? v�_.,.�_ NC��, : is a "npvccabk� R'�`�t��f,V'r�J �r �•�I" r�;uired? Y� _ tv_ �- � !S:f1t' J�,;�C--��-`.�13� P.a5et71?�t_ Cr ,,;;;kGC p'Op�!t4 t� ��u5c'd ��'r y�c,f�iri;� py"�Rir��y �7r !r�ci��g° �{�� NC_�___ � . �°answre- ;s 'i`�, cs a �.arksng, �tn_[,1y �r fert�in; a�an r�uirt� by�P��iic�'J�rKs: YES P:G _ __ 1C �;�u ��i�lvE'f2t� °E�C� �i1�1 7i��1Q�E y„PS���f�.�, �„°t1f3�'C:�Uli��l' '�ff'1�t���TfU5t (74'Ci��Z�-+r'�,�i. ' F-ah��e ti'.ay a�rrnit'�PRIic��a�7�;rridy k�obiair:Cd at�he ►'�st�li;,',`J��rk'S�ifi Ye s�� rt Cor,-run;�,r ��+�e�cpa7r�a1 f'd, sar���d� ks at'.a�_s�=d� if :�o� havz a�^�;��.;�st'son�plcast ca:! �er3na�d 5an�;;�r,,:�E :° PubE�t J4�C�Ic:;.�*,�79-2"_�ti. : :'i�JE i�EA.Q WVi� AP�(S�'J��sE� ALL�}�IE A�0'v'E!;�U�S�iVNS .� —_�._-_J}�ats�l�� _��L'L. � . _ �� _ _ � t��'rJ I �- L��1 '�l;'l.�r��r,�i � �. �.;t�:�.!�ct��r S�gnB`�.�z , Ca-ncany t•:?rr�r )o��r r�-o i� i�;�rr��: ���? .+, y /�1 �; �� �s�' ;� ,-_ F,- :���e S:�;c�ed: �� I�- i � � -'.lJd"r�.^,"'ccr^^�.`�,dCt�.°r� MAR-15-08 11 � 24 FROM= �D= PAGE 2/] 1 . . l�IS'�C"�'IVE TE;'VT'1�NT.4.LS AcyiR�MENT ir1Q 20{}Q10 �'.�335 E. Frem�nt�rive Erzglewaod, C�dorado 81��'.�.Z PA�E: f 31�3-693-�Rt�O Ftcx 303-F�93-207? '` ' •-• ' • a12400 03/15/40 B t EPSM ——_- �- BEVERLY DEMOSS ` #� A41�.RRE�T M�[#I�I'�'AIN R�SORT �� P.O. $OX 17q4 . Lx0I3SHEAI7 CR. �D9FARDS, CQ 81632 �� VAIL, CO $16S kiQME PNOME FAX NO. GUE$T�OUP4T CLIEIVT EVENT�AT�; 970--925-i495 R7E�T BEVERLY' D�MO�S O�J06 �-04/08 aFRG� r!OME PHpnrE S.U.QA7E PvOr��iSITE: �vENT TIME: Prror�E ��0-�Z�"�.��'� T.D.DATE: O4IQ� 97C►—�26—�494 � � �. QTI. # ITEM PRIC� 1 WH 12X22 9JH�'T`� CAN4PY _ ... ,_ , , . . .. .. 275. 0{} 1 � 12X�2 WHiT� CAF7'C?1�Y 5"?5 .00 � WH 9X�0 VYHITE ?�lA�QUEE 44}0 .00 �0 1 lfl0� WEIGH'I° �QO.QQ 3 1 17flK S'I'CJ KEATER $I4. (34 �Ofl LBS pk�Ct�,Ai�� INCL�]DED 3 � F�4PAN� TANK-24 GAL�,ON 225.00 8 T�A�K LIG�TING 2?5 .4f1 28Q WIN FT aF 7 ' WINDc3W SIDEWALL 840.00 � �2x�2 r�zT� S�1NER 5sa.o� �o W� WI�YTE 5��7�EPC3�,E D�Ap� �oa. v� �c� cv �T �� 7 ° �LEAR s z���A�.�, �ao.�o ON 1�X�2 �'��iZLOpKING MfTN. � � ➢�LIV�RY 340.Q0 CNE-wAY Pv9AINT,FiFiS. 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Phone: 9'70-9�6°5665 Owner: iiMC ACI�UISITIOt� PRQPERTIES IN� Phan�: li Com.tractor : �TSTINCTIVE TENT RENTALS Phone: �03-9��-7200 '� Inepectiort Request Tntorm��.ian. . . . . ' RequeStor: KATE LEWIS Pho : 926-56f�5 ;; �2eq Time: 01 :00 Comments: A�TE� N[3 Itema req�ested t� be Inspected. . . ction C;om �t � �� �C ��� Time Exp 0@530 BLnG Temp. C/O C� � � __ O ,� � .� � ; rt - — __---�-------___�--__p�----------------- --- --- - - -- --________-------�--_ - - - - - Inepection Histor�+. . . . . Item. 0�090 BLDG-Firial Item; 00530 BLDG-Temp. C/:0 Item: 0�531 �'IR�-TEMP. G�/(� ;�� �i r' � , � ;3 _ y "'-[ ' �,�Y � •'�n ^ �.,� 't�I�.� � ����._ t E' . }V., F-. � �a, �,c�,. c-�-_ _ �no,.�d � -� P � r i � . � ;.i! ��", t _. � r i i6 ��� r v, '�'v .3� � :� k ��. �p s�. `y -�'4.,' ` � . L a { �¢ �+ �� ' '. ��'� ��.- � ��y t T �.�� �� •' y '�,#I� - �y ��I � .. . - � � �L �T� ��"' � •xj. �` � ,�z�� �'` �k '� � � . 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FRC)NTAG� RQAD VA�L, CO 81657 97Q-479-2138 1�VQTE: THTS FFsRMIT MUS'I" BE POSTED ON JQBS I'� AT :�LL TIM}3S P,�D/ALT COMM HUI LD PERMT Pex�[rti t # : B 0 Q-O 10 9 Job Address: 715 W LI4NSHEAD CR Si�atus . . . : ISSUED Locatio�. . . : 715 W LIONSHEAD CR, MARRIApplied. . : 05/26/2000 Parcel No. . : 210�.-072-07--001 Issued. , . : 05/30,i'2000 Project No. : Expi�es . . : 11,�'26�20U0 APPLICAN�i` D & D ROOFING, INC Phot�e : 3�3-�87-304_ 6390 E. 49TH AVENUE, C�@M�[ERCE CITY, CO $OQ22 (.'ONTRA�'TOR D St D ROOFING� �NC PYlO7l1E: 303--2$%-3u�:i 6390 E. 49TH A�TENU�, COMMERCE CITY, CQ 80022 OWNER HM� ACQUISITION PROP£RTISS INC $ MARRIOTT INTFFNATIONAL, QNE NIARRTdTT DR DEPT 938 Q1 , WASHINGTO HUSINESS MARRIpTT N!'T�T RESORT HQTEL D�scription; REM�VE/REPLACE ROOF:SAME FOR SAM� ON MEC'H PIT. -�-���l��m�, D�V. occupancy: Rs Multi-Family C�ean-up Deposit Refund Type Construction: II FR Type iI Fi�e Resist 'v �-� Type �ccupancy: cl����'�ed ��� ���f"�O l.1 i�� Valuation: 7, 874 �.dd �q Ft: C�/ �� �,ri �1�, � +Li cf l� ' — FirsP2aca Information: Reetricted: �pf Oae Rppliancee: �Of c3ae Loc�e: #4f Wnod/palSet: rrrrrr+rr,rrarat+rra�,er��etifrrt�r�r+kaa,+�ferttr�rrrryrrrrrrr F6E �UMMARY �*+t�r��++*rtas+r+�t+rtr�trr.er*r��rr�+ee.ea�rwrrrtrY..r�:.,.r 8uilding-----> 1�S.fl0 Itcetuarant Plan Review--> ,6a Tot�i Calculated E'ee�---> �a��.2!, Plan Cheak---> 91.25 DRB Fee-----------------n .04 AddzCiona7. Faae--------> .Oo Investigation� .00 Aeczeation Fee----------a .QO Total Permit P'ee--------� 3p9.25 Will Cq11----> 3..Op Clean-U�S Depoait--------s 1D0,�0 p,�ymento---------�------> 309.?5 TDTAL FEES--------------> 3C9.25 HALJi.YCE DUE------------ -� .00 iY+M1rtit�4bry kyrMr*trtrtY��YYfwW#4#Mtiirlrt7r#�ki��te�w�rYYriti4ii�YtW*ii*i+t�rMit�ttn4�r4t�i r4rtrr�Ylq kwYaYYrh%��rrYir�F�kirrY YY1rt.F r i x+ia+tx*bik***Rir*+t Item• 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept : BUILDING D�.visian: 05/30/2d0U KATHY ACtion: APPR APPRQVED �'ER RW Item. 054{�0 PLANNING DEPARTM�IVT I7ep t: PLANNING L3i�ision: 05/30/2000 RATHY Action: APPR SAME FQR SAME MA.T' S Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMFNT Dept : FIRE I�ivision: 05/30/2pOf? TfATHY Action: APPR N/A Item- 05500 PUBLIC WQRKS Dept : PUB WQ�2K D�v:�s�on: 05/30/2000 KATHY Action; APPR NfA r+.rarrara�r�tttrrrrerrr���rrir+tr�Y�r*rwrrwr�y►rrrrrrr�rt��rtrwair+wr+f�r�t*r*wrerrrwrrrrrrwrrwr:rtrrar+r,e�wrarrrvy�+a��a#r�,rwrw►rrW*rtxw See Page 2 of th�s Document for any conditions tha� may appl.y tc� this pe�nit . DECLARATI O1VS I hereby acknowledge that I have se�d thie apgl£cation, filled ou[ in Eull tha information required, campleted an accurata p7,oe plan, and atate that all tha information providad a� Yequirad i� correct. I agrea to comply with �he infc�tiat:nn a.nd plot p2an, co comply with all Town ordinancee and etake lawa, and ta build thie atructure according to the Tewn's 2n:•�ing �nd auY�dzvision codes, design review ap�rayed, Uniform Suilding Coda aad other ordinance� of the Town applicable t4�erotu. REQVSSTS FoR It+FBPECTION9 3HAE,G BS MAD6 TWENTY-FOUR HOUR9 IN ADVANC5 BY TELEPH0�479- 8 �A�t"+0 G� � F'ROM 8�00 A :00 2M �J `'�-"'"7�-- . I � /� �_��r � �� a � 9end Clean-Up Depoeit To: DdD ROOFINC� SEaNATURE 43tiEk OR CONTRAC7'OR FOR HIM4ELN' 1:�I'L �k�kat*�F�t**�fk1r*ylr�frylr�lr�e•1r�kiFit4F�F�t4FiFikiryttfctiF�kikir�kir*ylr�lr*ilr*ikiktik#9rlr*�k*�k�tsk�k*�F�Eir���e�tiF�e�Y#,k9h�k�cirir�k�Yietit�F�F�tir CONDITTONS F�rmit # : B04-0109 as of 06/O1/Q0 Stat�.s : ISSUED ****��**�******************�****�*******�r�***********,��*��*�*��r*��*,�*�********** Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMN[ BUTL3� PERMT A�g�.ied: 05/26/2000 Applicant : D & D ROOFTNG, INC Ts�u�d� 05/30/2�00 343-287-3Q43 To �xpire: 1�/26,1'20�� JQb Address : Location: 715 W LIONSHEAD GR, MARR�OTT Parcel No; 2101-072-07-001 MORCUS SUB �escription: RENIOVE/REPLAC� ROOF:SAME FOR SAME ON MECH PIT, Conditions : 1 . FISI,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR C4D� COMPLIANCE . 2 . �T� PARICING OR STAGING OF MATERIALS Z� ALLOVdED ON PUBLIC RZGHT OF WAY WITH��fJT° A PERMIT. CONTACT �EONARD SANDCIVAL A'I' 479-2198 IF THE PROJ�CT 12EQU�RES THE ABOVE. � � � � *******�***,�************�***************�*�***,�*******�*****�r*** TOLJN OF VAIL, C�LORADO S�atemnt *******,�ar******,�*******************�*t�**,r****t****************�* Statemnt Number: REC-0635 Amount: 309 .25 0�/d1./0� Q9 :49 �ayment Method: CHECK Notatian: #10295/D&D In:�.t : KMW -�---------------------------------- -_____----___----____�----------- Pennit No: B00-0109 Type : A-C�MM ADD/.�LT Ct7i+1M BiJ:CLi7 � Parcel Na: 2101--072-07-001 Site Address : 715 W LIONSHEAD CR Locatian; 715 W LTONSHEAD CR, MARRIOTT Total Fees: 3�D9 . �5 This Payment 309 .25 Total ALL Pmts : 309 . 25 Balance: . (70 *�***t,t,�,r*,t*�********t***w�r*w**�*******,t**,t********,r,r**�r�r*�r��r,�** Accoun� Code Desc�iption Amount HP 0010000311110� BIIILDING FERMIT FEES 1.�5 . 00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHBCI{ F'EES 81. �5 AD D2-DI3P08 CLEANZJP I}EPOSITS 100 . �0 WC 001000031128Q0 WILL CALL INS�ECTION' FEg 3 . �10 � , � � ISAY�S�5�0b 1 S- 1`J� ]=KVA� �MV�LY�7�V�v—uyr a. ••�-�••—••��-�� � ApPLI�CA"i�4N MRLL Nq�'i'8E�PiE�D IF�NCOMPL�TE�R U F� . , • � • •pfpjecr#: . , . �� �: � 970-479-'214+1(Insped�lon�) • ��t�►y . ,�Ot�,OF VAIL RI,IILQINGi��IY.APRLICA'i�l� . Se�iat�c Pd�mi3s a�re req�tlre+d for dechie�l.pi�mbin�.mccb��s4 etc:: . Vsi��o1'�do 81657 � , " . . • . . . � ��� , , . ��� �Or!'�cie s1�971�-32�-d��D�or�t w� parice!�t L,t ��t ���-!� 1�"�--t�,71 •� . . , , , ., � �a+b�nr�+�: �,�ol�'r'i '�-s /1�. � �rF '°b a�d`es� 7�s r�►1, L►'arll�r.�.� �-. ' p �n ;L..� �?:�..r fi�L . l.p.gaf 17escriiptbt� LO[: 8iock F1fn9' ����' . �� �� pnone: :���--�'�—65`3 S �►�t`�t-U�►�L. � �„ _ . , Phone: Engis�eer. ��= , �O�' . . � •l��d�of w�ork; � n,h kc� . t�.,�ac: �*r�s�nkj ��'o r� ,G•. p�,� �-r5 - 1�1�+S��Cc�'�`�J. ♦�„51�f1'lf.-..41L�(�,���, �i.QOr�I. �'JSt= 1�11''�{-�'� �'�.�.. �t.{S.3 ��,�'� . � �IYQI'�f�5: HE.'Mr� � �I '�1( � . REiilO�,E � ��f' j �Q� � �C } Wc�r1c`!�►pe; InOerinc( ) 6�e►ics�( ) �a�kt� ) Ooes ac�E�1U vas�ak this 1oca�: Yes( } hio ( ) ry�or et�.: sm�te-��r t )• �-t�r( ) ra�a-c�+�r� ) comm�( .) ��ar�( ) �t ) Ptp.a��+g Dweliing Uni�s in th�s 5u�'Iding: No.of/w000crl�nodaGon l�tlit5 in ttlis bUik�ng: . . � � � �,� �s Wood wc�vd t3urni ' �,' S W P�Qet ' wood&srni NQT'A�LLOWED N �Gf F :C�S Iar�eS sr . f l�� DOes a Fre Alarm 6ci5� Yes( ) lv4( ) ' Does a Frre�Sprir�ler Sy�em�cis� Yes( ) No{ ). . � , C4MPLLTE YAWATIONS�'Oi1 BUII.DIIM�G P€R1�lIT (L.abO�&Ma'6e+�Ls) • . , . 7 �� s���.'� � � � �iRIcA�:� ' o�Qt- $ F�� � � "`....� p�yCY;$ . M�CHAIVICJ1Ls$ TOTAL:S ���urrn�e�a�ru�n�osrr�no� • � . . ' � ' �ao�rrRACre�t n�+a�a�rm� . ��! Towc�of Vad Reg_Nt�.: C�o[emct and Phone#'s: ,r� - ��-��,� '��i` S '���287'"�3 f� /J�I,�EY+�O�J� . � Gor�kr,�ar srgna�rre;, . , 303- u�Z-�z�o--r �.�..,k..�a,.a�r�►���a.r�+��►�•�rr�++�r+#+�+►r�wr+��QR O�IiCE 11�SE QMtY�,wr.�*�+��,rf•,r,r +r*�rY��,�4►�++� , , � . � ��� i�11er'�:� . . .ti •; W!� - y` ' ' . ' , . .[3Ry8�F�e� -.��• •,, . - - -�' , , � .�1!!�w!T.�.�'�;�'r.. .... '-�•'�:4' ... , ' � , , I..�U-�VM.�CY. ��.. � � � LQ. - . � d !rncx�'t��a1S 'bzcr-crn. �.� , ��,e � �,�,�,� � Q n� a. 01 • . i.�i-d � � ����ooa a �s � wd�0:0i ee. 9z haw � � � � � � , 3 �� ,+ - ' k""� f 1� r � •ClG '31•�.c.� c .:�,^lil� t': } %'�,:� �_� �' rr1Yf1.,�',�.;i? . •, ' � ° , . � • , � '7"?�x� . . 7'F f`i�^. .. ,d"ta`1,; - � • � � � � ; ' I 4 p7 � 9 q � � o y � i o � � r1 1 FI 1 i 1 I 1 � � O � O � O 1 i O I O 1 G 1 � 1 • I . I 1 . � a�a ; � � � � � � � � x � � � ao � E i r i i G� � i � a i i � � i � i � � i � e � i i i E+ o i o i i o � p7 i O i 6 � � O � � g . . i � . p H o i o i i o i v�� � o � o i i o � a � � � � � r+ � i � i i � i e r o i i o � i i i r � r h H qz o � o � � o i a p i a i o i + o i p F$ o i o i o I H Ij � O 1 O I � O 1 U] 1 rl 1 ri 1 ri I Q 1 1 QI I � I 1 1 [a 1 I w I 1 I F i � i i ri � A W H H � � � [ p Nz � o i o r � o � cn b � o � o i i o D H O O � � d G: a£ i n � o � o U o W r1 � a � o � a (� (] I W 1 rl I �-1 � I � 1 I I I 1 I � i I Q r� 1 1 1 1 t � { 1 I � I Z wp� 1 1 M. i F � O rtC i d, i t E p � m Fd ry U] FJ \ p I � I W [a W i H w � a ca � x � OG o H M [r w O p a�. i � C7 i q i � h 0 iC � p i F � � N + w � a � N o cwn F � i i W i o r � � r � i o 4 I ry I i1 1 I m � � Of O � Q � � a I •rl N N I H W (a O w+ H O e w � oH z � N i p1,F+ U �u � W AS � v! F �v � � U � q O W � q o� i W i q W 7�+ � C] � Q H � � rn W i o r4' o � p r,�9 iq � o o £ � a\o 7 � u1� O � o W F •� F�Cy� tV ul � p� U i o fa VI .. E+ R: �.a.� i U � fA 'J ^� ��� � U .] 'J U fa�� � p i � Q O U � w � � � w W F E F ° � � ' � a o °1 a o F� � �i ' o � H a a �aat°, � � ° � o � . ., T'OWN OF VAIL DEPARTMEly'T' OF CON�iTNITY D��IELOPM�NT 7 5 S . FRONTAGE R�AD F. j ���� VAIL, CC7 816 5 7 ����j-1 C-w-� >�u�Y�' 970-479-2138 /� � t � J�J�L,C�� �_:.�G--�Ir�U� NOTE: `I'HTS �ERMIT MLTST BE POS'�'ED OI�T J(7BSITE AT ALL TIMFsS �LECI'RICAL PERMIT Penmit # : E99-0011 Job Address : Status . _ . : ISSUED Location. . . : WEST DAY LOT Applied. . : 01/19/�.999 Parcel No. . : 2101-072-07-002 Issued_ . . : 01/19/1999 Project No. : Expires . . : 07/18/1999 APPL�CANT RIVIERA. ELECTRIC C�NST. , CQ Phane: 949-609� , DENVER, CO 8011� CONTRACTOR RIVIERA ELEC'I'RZC C�NST. , CO Phone: 949-6(?9� , DENVER, CO 80110 OWNER VAIL COR�'�ORA"I'°TON THE PQ BOX 7, VAIL CO 81658 Description: PARKING LOT LIGHTS INWEST DAY LOT �aluation: 21, OQ0 . 00 asxrs�a�:r+f*tt�e��r�rrr*�e�e�rrer��rr��rerrrr.:�rr��re�r�ve>err F`EE SUMMARY err+�+�r�tryr�rw*�►t.t+�t+��ta+y-++++r+++rt+�+ttrnt:,r►+a�rt�rrtr+�e Electxical---� 378.00 Total Calculated Feee---� 381.00 DR8 Fee ---� .On Additional Fee9 --� .�a Investi.gation� .00 Total Pe�mit Pee--------� 381.00 Will Call----� 3.00 Payments---�----- � 391.00 TDTAL FBSS---n 381.40 HALANCE DITE-�----------3 .00 re>*rrr**trtrirrrsar�ar�rrr�r��sr��rr+�*r+r�rra���rt�rrr�r�re�vyererrrsew��rt�++*y��e+rsrrf*ws�rstrr++rfi,taittt+s,rrrrrwrrw�rr�yrw�rrrrtrr�rrx+,e Item: 060Q0 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept : BUILDING Div�sion: 0�/39/1999 JRM ACtion: APPR APPROVED J1� Item- 0560fl FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: F'Z1�� Division: O1/19/1999 JRM ACtior�: APPR N/A �YVa�rrw Wwww�kriYr+airrtaYki+r�Y++rrrarrrar<a�rrriearrrii-it�+�fai+++rrirairaa�ti•wwvrr:f+rvrrrt+r�+b+i+di►Irtrirbi#►+�Yr+*rk#+;tai�a�Y+ksi+r�krsrn+rr�F CONDITION OF APPROVAL r+r,eirrrr+irwr�r+rr+rr�+rrrr++W�r,ri�r+W++reia�ai#r�rrtrrtrtrrr*�wt�++wittw+*a+++arrrtrawwrfrrw�rryr►re+�rrr�+++ryerrr+ttwri*+��+�:a�a.r+r�+r+ DECLARATIONS I hereby acknosvledga that 2 have read thia application, filled out in fu11 the information required, completed an accurate piot nlan, and etate that all the inforntation provided as reavired is correct. Y agxee to eomply with the infarmation and plot p].an, ko camply with all Town ordinances and etate laas, and to huild thie structure according to the Tawn•s zoning and aubdivision codes, design raview approved, [7niform Building Code and othex ordinances of the T'own applicable thereto. REQUBSTS 8012 INSFECSIONS 9HALL BE MADE TWENTY-EOUR HQ[Ti25 IN ADVANCE HY T6LEPHDN6 AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5:�4 PM � I �� • SIGNATTJRE OF DWN6R OR cON`TRliGK'OR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER . � �a*.yrr+�*+t.r►��..rrrrrt�r�wrxW�rvrw�w�rwwww�rr+�r#r*frtira+r�xtw TOWN OF VAIL, C4LORRDD 3tatemnt r�r�vwwrwwWtf#+*+s�+trttt�rrt�kttrf�trttrtt,r��rsrtrr�wr*,rrr,rwr,ryrwv StaCemnt Number: REC-0491 Amount: 381.00 O1/26/99 14:01 Payment Method: cK Notation: 077616 Init: ,7N -----------------------"-°----------------------------- Permic No: E99-�011 1ype: B-ELEC ELECTRZCAL PERMIT ParCel No: 2101-072-07-002 Location: WEST DAY LOT ToCal Feae: 381.00 Thie Payment 381.00 Total ALL Pmte: 381.00 Halance: .�0 �4rt+yrrf***�Y#fi*it#ri4ihi�YleiYYWnyri�YiFttiF�tYat�k�Mlii r4Y�Y�F�YiM1�Y9f��Y�FrrrtY�+Yf� Account Code ❑eacripCion Amount EP 0�1��0033.11400 $TaECTRICAL PERMIT FBES 378.00 WC 001oe00311^�80o WILL CAI,L SSiBPBCT3ON FE£ 3.00 �,.s,�.. ... . .�����;-..;' :.. .�� „. -::.�' -_- . ..�.,:,�. � � , t�,�ra+�d`&�s'4A!+�r'$:R'R=,.$�1P �'.�;.`�!i',�- �t .�1rVy4i.,;;49'.'!"t�F'-`��"""':,:!t±'.��a��s'!9 3,'��.�i t' i•f�•_',� •; :��.: :r� ..�- - 4 � . -" � � {*ConCact Eag1e County Assessors Office � at �-328-$640 fcr Pazcel ��. TOWN OF �1,r�IL CQNSTRUCTZON PER.`lIT (� �PAKCEL !1: �JU1 -0 7z ��p? - oo;a-� pERMIT APPLICP,TION FORM DATE:_� APPLICATION MUST SE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY i�R IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED *******���*�*******�***���*��� PERMrT �NF��tI�SATIaN ��**��*****��****x�***��****� [ )-Building [ ]-Pl��bing �-Electrical [ ]-Mechan 'ical [ }-Other Job Name: � oa.rs I.�iEar pAY �o Job Addzess: �Nr C� Legal Description. Lot Bl.ock Filing SllBDIVISION: C3wners Name: �i4��- (�ESaRrs Address: P��. (�u�t, � ph. �('t�- 3(ZS ' H Architee�: hloK� Addr�ess: Ph. �; . � � General Description: ��.sr�..c.. PARkr.n�� Lor �c.�-4r�n�G Tt� c...��sj- p!�-`� �.,..aT �t.r�' Work Class: �New -AZt�zat�on -Additional LRe ai.� Other � [ J � ] C ] - � '' [ ] - i , Number of Dwe1l�r:g Units: Number of Accommodation Units: � N mber and Type ot Fireplaces: Gas Appl,iancas Gas Logs Wood/Pellet < *�***�,�****�********�***����***** VALUATIONS ��********�t****x��**��*********** BUI�,DING: $ EI,ECTRxCAL: $�I U(30 �_ OTH�R: � fr� , ;� �]GUM���iG: $ MECHAN'ICAL: � � TdTAL: � `;� ********�*********�******** C�NTRACTOR INF�RMATION ***�**********�*****�**��*� enera�. Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. i�o. `� Address: Phone Number: �' E�ectrical eontractor: UtF-�p� £L1E� C Tow o V ' �?Z "� ra..z n F ���. ���- rro. 16 :; Address: �',c�. 143c,X l@i�3 Auoru Ca gt(ozo Phane Number: �Y4- 4o9S' � A � Plumbin Cantractor: ' g -- - � T� "' ��_ TQwn af Vail Reg. Na, . Address:. � _Fhone Number: __. _ ,� : -_ , �� Mechanical Cc�ntractor: Towt� of Vail Reg. N�. °� � Address: Fhane I�umber: :.. .. *�***��**��t*���������*����s��**,�� FOR QFFICE USE �*��**�****������t���t���**�*���* • BUILDING;,PERMIT FEE: . BUXLI�TI+TG PLAN CHECK FEE: 3 PLUMBING``PERMIT FEE; PLUM�zNG PLAN CHECK �EE: �� _ �:_� MECHANICAL PERMIT FFE: MECHANTCAL PLAN CHECK FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: RECREATION FEE: �E'St '' OTHER TYPE OF FEE: . . . _ _._; __� -C��N-UP DEPOS IT: — o r DRB FEE: TO�'AL PER1�IIT FEES: �dp��"� � � ,. —A��ail�ble ; TYPE GRDUP SQ.FT. 'VALUATIt}N BU�LDING: SIGNATURE: z� ZONING /`/`��R� coY..�}:�.nc� w�► .�(�13 �,,.1 � SIGNr�T`U� V '. � i� . i Comments: " `'i CLEAN IIP DEPASIT REPUND TQ . �.�a4 t«� ��^ ,� ` �a°-���,.''� �`ix; + f�'";���.,,�e;� ' �' �:"�" �" ;�'�>� �� - � � s t '' '' ^�w', . . . . .6 � � - � _ „ ,— . . �y, a � �yl���,., -i�y,W���:j 1�4�y�,;`�S ,.� e„+_ ... . ..�.. .`"..`s. .�F', '�Ltr"-s � .."�' 3'w"-' .°��4"�' v�`-:`��r+ �rL3!"`d :'.�i.r�-'�1 .. � . � +�” �''�v�' �� . .. r �T� � .. . . . . • . . � . � -�l� � . �, ' � xf, , y M� 's;r�S.- '� �1i, .. ,r�-�� • , �^' — 5 ,--��-� ��'Y � . L �. � .����.:,-� ���� D� ��� � . � . . �,. ,� �"' ' 75 south frontag� road �� �,� var�, coloraclo 81657 � . � ;; {303) 479-2I38 or 473-21�9 affice of cflmmurtlty deyelopmeiit . i ; : :�., � ;.k 1'. _ , . . ..i'': i .,_.``y}'�. '"� ' BUILDING PER�iI� ISSUANCE 7IMF FRAME � k ?r ��h: .�,y4 � ,5... . .. � ' .. � . .4 ��;. . � .. . . . � , � ,_ d A�. . . � . . . . . ..�z1 :- 6 d. 'S''� . . ��`�,:�+y� (F �';" ��, �.� I� thi.s �ermi.t requi.res a Town or" VaiT Fire Department Approval , �� . Engineer'•s (,Pubi �c Works} reYiew and approwal , a Plann�ng Department � ' �� review ar Nea� th Department review, and a review by the B��lding ' �` ��. Departr�ent, the estimated time for a total review may �ake as long � j � as tHree weeks. � � �� ;`#�; . Al l commerciaT �(;1 arge or sma7� ) and a1� m�ul ti�-Fam�1y permi ts wi I7 :;., ,;.� , �ave to fo11Qw the above mentioned maximum requ7rements . ResidentiaZ : °:� �s �r�' ' � �� and small pro�ects should �ak� a 7esser amount of Lime. However, if • � ���;;. . r�sidenti�al or sma7ler projects i��act the various above men�ioned � � ; -departmen�s wi.th regard to necessary review, these projects may � ,� i; a15o take the ttiree week period. � . ;�. � :: , �,.:; �;�: +" + ' Every attempt wi`I 1 be made by �hi s departm�nt to ex�ped�te thi s , " { �= >��=°,� permi:t.as, soon as possZble. :-�:;` . � M � . _,��i"r i`�r�. �4��� I, tfie undersigned, understand the plan check prflcedure and �ime ��' frame. �:s,� �. _ . ' , r?"T; .�, • � ' , ` ' , '�'., ,.a. '.'____.._ . ._...---.._--. ._..__._...�_._-----.___..__�_� - � . � . . , , � �.";.. . , -- - —.--�._—=-- -----_ - --._ _.., .. .. . . „r-'. i�."� . . � � ' . _ � . �.d��� � � � . � �+' � , '��". 4` x.�• 1±!� 5... k. � � � , - .. .. .. ��, ' . � . . ii - - Y �_ k 1' �.� . ���^ � �A' ��ti�. . ;� �Y, :�; � - � � � � � ' � ra,� � as k .= qgr�e to y., ,��' ��' �� �, � � �t, r: 'Y,�µ: .��-i�,�,� t , ,v, "�1"'� .� '� . . . - � . ..'.. 4 I "1 .. . 4L n � ��� 4' - , �' �": . �. � _ .y. .; • - . � � .k . ; . t j r L.��sr Qh`� L�T t�C�t+r.�rc� ; .. � -_..�_.--------__.._.._.__._:_. __ ,. .. ��''�. : Pro�ect Name • � ` � `��; . �L �� ., �a ,�, . � ;�, �;� � � ''��",��' f S �7"� . �k �K Date Worlc heet was turned i nta t e� ` �� a �.,', ��:Communi ty Qevelonme�t Department. °�;4 � �y. - _ . . , . . � . l' i _� ����{;.� . . : .. . .. , .. . ' . . .r:- :.'S � :!�( d�- ,, y�z� � y . ' .�"9,,;.� �.��fi�. � . . � � � � � . � ' i *� r �i{ ��� . . � � �. x. . . �. - ^�.. v . . � - _ �,.,�,.'a �`pX"� 'v . '" .. ��: � { Ti��e .. A� �. . :. . �. � � t�v4?�3-��wc'.:r �` _i$. te+� qt�rX �Y`3�i.'�M��� 4 �t� `6 d*-�� x�'�?�'ty��. . �.11 S, z�'a Ii r .. ..... � • .�'r�7 5 . "�.;" 1 . * � ,r� >;r �. ^ „� . , . . : . � �vrM� ��fx ar �,i�f."S''� �.'�':-�r'�'r 8 ,ii ( '�?l,�r .�-' �� ' N . . 1.��_'^'��r .� : . , .� ' .. .. . . . . , � a;�9 . �. - . ' . . ' • . . .3 , :,�."`y` MEMC7RANDUM �,�'� ' .;,�. r �'0: AI�L CO�lTRACTORS EftOM: T4W� OF VAtL PIJBLIC WOAKS DEPARTMEPIT �ATE: MAY 9, Z 994 . RE: WHEN A "PUBL4C WAY P�RMlT" �5 REflU1RE� ._ . - ; ; Jab Name: � �� GU L t� � . - Date: �/ta-/5'9 A�se answer the follawing q�estionna�re regarding th� need �or a "Public Way Permit": YES NQ � �'� e �J Is this a new residence? . � ,� :�: � ,�� � Is demolition work being periormed '� that req�9res i�e use af the rig�t � . f � of way, easements or public praperty. ,� �} Is any��tility work needed? � s ; � is the driveway being re�aved? � . .:. . . a da',`.:� ': . . ' � � � ' . �. y$J4�;�j� �� d±1,C �;:� ��p .� . � .. .. . . �' Is difif�rent access needed to sit� �. ..� " ✓ '' � otl�er ihar� exisiing driveway? � � Is any drainage war�c being done � afiectir�g t�e right of way, easemenis, . `� .� or public property? �,� ,., r -� Is a "Aevocable Right C?i Way Permit" ✓ � , requi�ed? - ' _ - -- ---- - ---- __--___ --- — - - . -- - -- - �— -- �s:,. ���A. � ts the`right af way, easements or '� {'. :�.�,t�, public property to be used for staging, °'' � `f :� �� ',�"�parking orfencing� ' .' . � ,+ �' � - . ��'�`,�',:. , . - . . � � „ . - , 't �;�' . " ° r .�.��,','B.: I� no to SA, is a parki�g, staging ,M;'.' � � ��';` �Y ";s� ,', or iencing �p1an required by Cammunity "' � ` , _ ✓ . _:, ,,; Development? . V;%y .. .. � . - _-------.-.-___. _—_' _'__ _�'—'—'.��__._—_ _ --'--�_— _ _ tYM1� �•.n 3�answered yes to any of tY�ese ques#ions, a °Public Way Perm�t" must be obtain�d. "� �c lNay Permit" appfJCations may be abtained af the Public Work's vffice or at � �unity Deve�opment. !f you I�ave any quesiions please call Charlle Davis,the Town �� " afYYaii Construction (nspector, at 4"79-�1�8. � ' � � ; i�e re�d and answered a1� the above questians. �, ; 1�=�7' I>E�Y �-at �6t+rrr��, c„G' ° . /-� �7 ���,��ame C�t�tractor's Signa ure Date : j� a� � � � � � _ . . � '� %'�. '�-�rP 1 Y' �-�'.Y��4�� .:� �v, y'4�6�� E {» •.t k^t 1, ':� 7 a k:�!�:i� '� 1 ����� 1 � �� � ,. � , � TOWN OF VAIL DEPA.R'I"MBN'I' OF CONIMUNITY DEVELOPMBN°T 75 S . FRONTAGE ROAD '�IAIL, C0 81657 970-�79-2138 NOTF3 : 'I°HIS PERMTT MUST BE POST$D ON M170BSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit # : B98-0337 Job Address : 7].5 W LIDNSHEAD CR Status . . . : ISSUED Location. . . : 7Z5 W LTaNSH�AD CIRCLE Applied. . : 10/30/1998 Pa�cel No. . : 2�.01-072-07-001 Iasued. . . : 11/23/1998 Project No. : PRJ98-0273 Expires. . : 45/22/1999 APPLICAN'!' MARRIOT i�OL]N'I'AIN RFSORT AT VAIL Phone: 970-476-4444 715 W LIONSHEAD CR, VAIL CO 81657 CONTR.ACTOR MARRTOT MOUNTAIN RES�ORT AT Vr�IL Phone: 970-476-4444 "7�.5 W LIONSHEAD CR, V.�IL CO $1657 OWNER HMC ACQUTSITION PR�PERTIES INC � MARRIOT'�' I1�'I'ERNATIONAL, ONE MARR�OTT DR DEPT 938 O1, WASHTNGTD Description: �� �:,;�?.;'r��e:1VY1CT1. �EV. IN'I'ERIOR REMODEL LQUN�GE & GPiS F3REPLACF ONLY �:::���:;��n-�a� Deposit Re#uncl Occupancy: A3/B2/R11tiTot in table ! ���,����� Type Construction: II FR Type TT Fire Resisti ,, Type OccupancY: �;:.. ,-�!,.#�'�t _ �db� Valuation: 24 , B Q 0 Add Sq F°t�.i�•- .� � "L � � �`' Firaplace InEormation: Reatrictedr #of �3as Appliancee: #Of Gae 4ogs: #Of Woad/pallet: vwrWrarrwrr.rWrwr�t►rs�++r+rrr��rr+r+rrar�+rr+a+r+a�+rrt+trr �Eg �q�(r�pjZY *t+rrt*�ttir+r+►��t+s+r+w+�rtr+�xw.v�rr*rvr*r�W+rr+w+err:w.rr Building-----� 295.0o Roekuarant Plan Revi.ew--� .00 Total Calculated Feee---� 639.75 .Flan Chack---� 19i.T5 DRS Fee--------°--------> 50.00 AdBitional Fees------—� 75.00 Inveetigetion� .00 Recreation Fee----------s .Q� Total Rermit Fee--------� 71+l.75 Will C�11----� 3.00 Clean-Vp Depoeit--------> 100.00 Paycaenta----------------� 714.75 TOTAL FEE9--------------� 639.75 BALANCB DUE-------------� -�0 t'i�fYVeMYV'tL1Yt�'�`i�'FW�YYVWtlW{�YYVVfFWW W�Y�MYW4W�IfYtiYWYYYrY�YteY�tWMYYtYt►1YY'tY/O'i4MtM'RM**►*i1'�iiii4iiYYWYL'YWY�'�'ftif�iY�'iri�FiY[iii}4*ikttiiii#titi Itet�t: 051d0 BUILDING DBPARTMENT Dept: BUILDIP�TG laivision: 11/17f1998 GG(30DELL ACtion: APPR Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division: 11/23/199$ JR1� Action: APPR N/A Item: 0560fl FTRB DEPARTMENT Dept: FIR� Division: 11/23/1998 JRM Action: APPR N/A Item: 055(}0 PUBLIC WQRKS Dept : PU� WORK Division: 11/23/1998 JRM Action: APPR N/A dWti#i#t►4#iii�Mty{iik***ifi#�*�Fb*4r*tiYYt6tYi'F*W1k0.'i4OAYid�I#*it/tR1�wilYiitiirild4tk�FYWYYY'�t0'ft/ft►trd'IkY*f*'kO'**t�Yk*kVi/�tt##tt9*iWW4fWWMYf♦ See Page 2 of this Document for any cvnditions that m�y apply to this permit . DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoaledge Chat I have read thie applicstian, filled out in full the information required, completed an accuYate pIo*_ plan, snd atate that all the information provided ae requirad is carrect. Z agree to comply with the inforneation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinancee and etate 1awa, and to build thie etructure aceording to the Town's zoning and eutadivision codee, design review approvad, Uniform euilding Code and other ordinances of tha Toom applica6le thereto. REQVESTS FOR Ita3PECTIONS aHALL BE M10.DE TWENTY-FOtJR HOURS IN ADVAtaCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-213B OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM 8and Claan-Up Deposit To: MARRI�TT 9I6NATt1R6 OF OWNER aR CO CTOR FdR H ELF 0 � � � � ************�******,�**********,�*********�*�********�*�*****�****,���*****�******* COND IT I�ONS Permit # : B98-0337 �� of 1I/23/98 Status : ISSUED �r,�**********,�,�**,�************�.******,r*�***********�*****,r***,r*********�********� Permi� Type : ADD/.ALT CaMM BUILD P�RMT Applied: lfl/30/I998 Applicant : MAI�RIOT MOUNTAIN R.�SORT AT �IAIL Issues3: 11/23/1998 970-47�-4444 To E�cpire: 05/22/199� Job Address : Location: 715 W LIONSHEAD CI�CLE Parcel No: 2101-072-07-001 Description: INT�RIOR REMODEL LOUNGE & GAS FIREPLACE ONLY Cvnditi�ns ; 1 . FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL SS REQUIRED H$FORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED, 2 . FI$LD iNSP�CTIONS AR� REQUIRED TQ CHECIt FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. , � � � • i 4#**YiF*Rt#�F*Y'#�F1riFR�tN04kilW4iYiYfitk#Y#*iek{'*�YM*t**�kti****tMiF**ktti*#�Ff TOWN OF VAIL, CpI�pRADO Stacemne r+rr*rrirrre�rwrr.rr+rrwr�+�rre,t++raw*r++krrwr,vt�erwryierrrwt�axw+. 3tatemnt Numher: RSC-U480 Amount: 714.']5 11/23/98 1i:16 Payment Method: CK Notation: 22223652 Init: JRM ----------------------------—--------—-----------——--------- Permic No: B96-0337 T�pe: A-COMri4 ADD/ALT COMM HUILD A Parcel No: 21d1-0T2-07-001 8ite Addresa: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR. Lqcatioa: 715 W LIONSHEAD CIRCLE � Total Eaee: 719.75 Tfiie Payment 714.75 Total ALL Pmte: 714.75 8alanee: .0� rrrrttrertrr�r*yr*�rrrererrvrrrtrr+rrr+rrtrrrirwrravrrwryrvrrrrs Ac�count Code Deacxiption Amount BP OO1Q00031111�0 SUILDING PERMIT FEES 295.00 DR 00100003112200 DEBIGN REVIEW FEES 50.00 PF 00140003112340 PLA[vl C3iECK FEE9 19I.75 cL 0016000312300p CONTRACTOR LICENSES 75.00 AD D2-DEpa9 CLEANi]P DEF03ITS 100.00 WC D0160003112800 WILI. CALL IN9PECTIdN P8E 3.Q� -------—------------------------°--------------------�-__�_---- . , • � � � , ; 0 w o � � � � o w � � o � � .� �F i i i z c� i o i o w� a � o � o a� i y, i i W � H i � i i i Q � i i i i i i i H H i i r � i i pr i z 2 i o � o i o � � Cu p i o � o i o E O � O i (.g o i 4 � s 4 £ C/7� O � O i i O iQ 1 � I rl ! ri i i rl a � i i i O � < < O i i i i • + v � v rl I 1 � h F � � q 2 � o r o i r o �� �J o i o i i o i i p i H�"' i oio io 1 H Q� I O [ O I O I [/� rl I ri 1 rl Q � a � w i q i W i � F � i i K w E F � F � �� o � o � � a z v� o o � � o a � oo • � • � d o a w� o � o r o u p � 47 o r o i o W i Q rl r r-i i rl W i a � ❑ � � � a � � w p � � � x w w � w � ev a � i � �i � � F Ca i �o H I O vi h � o a � N a a �+ � w H A a W � E N � O a � e� ca � E I N k � q [ti .-1 H � w � ,� a � a N w r o �n F 7 N � \ 1 ry 4 0 I I ry I I M � O 1 .i 1 N (�1 H u Gl O o F � y a W � O E 5 H I .i H LI rn i W fk � H v1 N � � � N i N W W � P�l � � z w � �w a� �, A � t� � rx r w ^, x ri � k7 m oo W � � � �p;q i �i �h O F e D i iq �f Q i m W F .. sC o in i :7 Y U � m�p U1 E-� C7 ��..a i U U W 5 •• 7. W N e�.� � u a o v �,x ro � R� y � A � o o U u a� 0 ' N � w� � F i-hi FG W C7 � � � iS Z O � a a� i U i O � W w €+ � o � � �**Contact Fagle County Asse�rs dffice �' ��� 'at '�7�— ' � 40 for parccl i'. T��•^� C,r^ VAIL �CONSTF.UC'I`IGN PEP��tli i� Pt�RCEL ff: PERMIT ApPLICATT4N FOR.'�i �- �,.�D( 'd7L �0? �El4� DATE: �- APPLICAT�ON MUST BE FILLED �� �� � �� �� OUT COMPLETELY OR YT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ����***���**�r***���*,t*�*�**��� PERMI�' INFQRMATION *�**** *******�****�****** � Bui�din 7 - g � ]-P�umbir,g [�]-Elect ical �j-Mechanical ]-Other Jab ?�ame: '�C'xh,n��ri 'IC� o � dress• � C'�',�� �.��` Y`�'o�1 " , `7/S in.' . �I'�,h 5 l.�„�,� Lega1 Descrip�ian: Lat BZock Fi]�in . , g SUBD�VISIO�I: . � � owners Name: c�, �.� Address: ' Ph. Architect: � Address: �� Ph. �eneral. Description: '�,1 }- �„ � ���5 �..�{` ' ,� � —� , . � �,c: R v�,. � r� �-a,--��+(J r�, Work Class:_ [ ]-NeW � ) -�lteratzon (,��-Additional L �` r [ ] -Repair [ ]-other 1��1 , Nuraber o� Dwell.inq Units; Number of Accomrnadatian Units: , N mber and Type o;E Firep�aces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs Waod/Pelle� � ��*�:������*�***��*����***������*� � VALUATxOI15 *��***��******��****�**�*�:*x*�� ' BUILDZNG: � �"� LLECTRICAL: $ �C�7'C). Y�� PLUMB�PIG: �� �� ��7'�'. �"'.� � _ . M�CHANICAL: $ TOTAL: � , „�11,t� *��*X��**��`**'�************* CON�RACTOR INFORMAT ON *�*���t��,�**��,���.�*,���*** � eneral Contrac�or: t ti , ' , Address: � �� �,�. , '� � ', _. � �-�;:� _ Town o� Vail Reg. lvo.3� -� [^''r r�a ? Phone tdunber: � � - .�- Electrical Contrzc:or: ,' p �' �;�•��• �, - Address: Town of Vail Reg. �Q � - � Phone Number• -��, �.� _ �,•- P].umbing Cofl�ractor: � �,:�, . . Address: Town o� VaiZ Reg. �vTO,�� �'�:�G_ '���� Phane N��mhoL': ��� � Contractar_: .�y(� � 22� - Address: ��^ M �'� Town o� VaiZ Reg. �1v,�� Phone Number: � �G,. - x**�*��xx�*��t��**�**����*��*�*�* FDR OFFZC� USE ��t*�**��*****��t*�������t**X�*�� BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUM�ING PER2�SIT FEE: � BUZLDTNG pLA�T ru�'r� FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: �'L�B�P�1G PLZ�N CHECK ,�FEE: rr.rrrn�Yr�:� ;.i.J i MECfi�''iNICAL PI�N CHECI-: .; : OTHER '�'YpE OF FEE: . �c��Tx�QN FEE: r�� DRB FEE• C�AN-UP DEPOSI'I': � ivir.L .k'�KMI`l` r'�;ES : TYP�F„ GRO P S �. . VALUAT�c]N BU�LDING: ._ . ��I�� ��' SIGNAT'ul-�£: . _._ "'--` - _ Z ONING: �---� Comments • ~- � SIGNATURE: _-.�-'� , _�_ � --- �CI.£AN iTP DEP.OSIT R.EPITND T0: __�_ � • � • ,. .'f!'t. r'�� , '; ' . ', '. � � +� .� n ;� , � ; � �� � ` , + . ,�,�� taw� fl� Uai ��� 75 soulh lronlage road , - val6, colorado 01657 (�o�) 479--2I,38 or �,79-2J.39 of(Ice ol communlly developmen� , TO: � � ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYS, 1�EGZSTEREd WITH TNE TOSdN OF V'A�L • . FROri: TOFTN OF- VATL PUBL�C WOR�S/COr�-iUNITY DEVE�,ppt�iE�iT DATE: - - 2�iARCH 16 , J.9 8 8 ' . ' SUB�'ECT: CONSTRUCTIOid pARF�YNG & 1�ip,TERYA�, S'TORAGIE ��� : rn summary, p�-d.�nanc� No. 6 s�ates that it is un�awful �or any � person to li�ter, track or dep�szt any soi,1, , �oc}., sand, cTebris . car materia]., ,i.nc��ding trash dumpsters, portable to�.].ets and . wor};men vehi.cles upan any s��eet, sidewalk, a�.1ey ox pubJ.�c ys, ��ace or any poxtion th�reof. The z�.gh�-of-way on al.� To�•rn of Vai1 s�.ree�.s and z-oads j.s appxoY�ma�e].x 5, ��„ o�� p�vement. - � 'I'his ozdinance wi�.l b� �trictz�- . : �� � Publ.ic •j�orks Department. Pexsons�tound�violating��hzs�oxdinance wil� be• given a 24 hour written no�ice to rcmove said mat�rial. In the ev�n� th� t,Prson so no��.�i.ed does .� no�ice wi-�hzn -�h� 24 hou�- time specified, �thecPul�l.ic� Worksr•G Departmen� t.a�l� remove said r,1�te��.al �t �he eypense of person � no�ified. The provisions of this ordie�ance shaZl not be applicabl� to con�truction, maint�nar�ce or x�p�ir pzojects �of any s�z�et or a11.ey oz any utiZities �n t-�h� �_ _.�_�_ �. _. _�.. _ Z—F7c�l,�r, ' .. To �-evie4r- �zdir�ance No: 6 in fu�.]. , please stor� �-�� ;:;:� �'o�ln o� Vail Bui�-�:-;� ���,�_ �,,,cnt to obtaa,� � co � ` coop�ra�.a.ort on this matte�, py- -�han}: you �or your ' -�-- � _�-� _ - � �I �.�r { `--�y�:u. py: . . !` -,- .. ' ' . V � � • , i\� e� t? �`,,,L e ��w . � �'osition/Relationshi' to Proj c�. (i, e. cont�ractni, ownerl � ' c �i �'(.t�, � �Date . a � . _ � ` ' : . � i � - ,,��� l� �`� • . w� a� ua1 . . 75 �oulh lronlage road vel1, colorado 81fi57 ' � (3o3j 479-2138 or ��74-2139 . ofllce of community deyelopmeis( BUILDING pERF;IT ISSUA�ICE TIh6E F'RAh1E � . If t�i,s permi,t requi.res a 7o��n of Vail �ire Department Approval , Engineer'•s (,Pub� �c �lorks) rey�ew and approval , a Planning Department review or Hea�t� Department review, and a review by the S�ilding Department, the estimated time for a total reviek� may tak�e as long as t�iree weeks , Ali commercial '(:large or sma� l ) and al � muiti--�ar�ily permits will i�ave to fo7lor�r the above men�ioned maximum requirements . Resideratial ae�d sm�ll projects shou�d take a lesser amoun� o� time. However, if residenti�al or sn�aller projects Zmpact the ti�ariat�s above mentioned departments ti�ri,tf� regard to necessary review, �r�ese pro�ects may � also take the three weef: period , � ` Every attempt �ii'i l be� r�iade by this c]epar�ment to ex�oe�+�te t�is� � pe�-mi.t.as. soon as possible. • I , the unders�gned, ��nderstand the p�an chec�; pracedure �nd tim� � frame.. I .. . � � � . . . . " , A�r_e to y�, . �C�Y�Yti P.-,� 5' Y'� �' �� . �QI'"�ior't ���Ima . . . C?ate �lork Sheet was tur�n�d i nta t e • ' �Cor�ur�unity Deve�anm�nt Depar�ent. , � � .� �� : • i ��E��aRa�raurri � TQ� ALL CONTRAC7'QR5 FROM: TOWN �F VAdL PUBLIG WORKS QEPART��IENT DATE: h�AY 9, 7994 � . R�� WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERM17" IS REQUIR�D � Jab Name: � • • Daie: Please answer th� follo�rring c}uestionnaire rega�ding �he need tor a "Public Way Permit": YES NCJ �) fs this a new resi��nce? � ' "� 2} Is demolili�n work being perforrr,ed � � , that requires the use of ihe right . � � o( way, easements or public properfy? � � .; 3} !s any�utility 4vork needed? � �) Is ihe driveway being repaved? i''� � � b} !s difier�nt access ne�ded to sit� � ' afher than existing drive��r�,f? ; ? . 6) Is any drainage wor'n, being done V . . affecling ihe righE of 4�ray, ea;emen4s, . or public property? � 7) !s a "Revocable Right O; Way P�rmit" ✓ � required? . � , 8) A. �s the rigt�t af ��ray, easements or � pu�lic propert},� to be used for staging, ; parking or fenc�ng? , � . / 6. �f na to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing �plan required by Commur��t}� . � : UCY�IU(�(Il�ll[ : �� YOVJ 2��151NEi eCl �eS �O �Tly 01 t�l@S8 vuc:��iQnS, a. "Public 1N�L, Parr,-��i" �iUSi u_ ��iiaiEl@Q, "Public l'Vay P�rmit" applic�tior�s may be obtained at the Public Wor'�'s oi:ce Qr at : Community Develapment. . If you have any qu�stions piease call Charlie Davis, �he Town ' of V�::` �onstruc�ion Ir�s���ior, at 479-21;,g, � � � � i�a�e read and answered all the above que tio � ! � �,yi h,E'.i S m��` S �� `, . . , 1�� � I`P�2 f � �p .. Job Name Canfractor's S�gna#ure Date **Conta.ct Eagle County Assessor�fice � at 970-32 -8640 for Parcel ��, TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTxON F�Etf�IZT Ir PARCEL �:��� ) ---U �a r? �-�� U°j PERMYT APP I ATION FORM DAT�:�IL'�.� . APPLICATI�N MUST BE FILLEd �UT COMPLETELY OR YT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED *�r�t****��****�*****�*��****�** PERMZT INFORMATION ****�:******��*�**�*****����*� [ )-Building [,�]-plumbing [ ]--Electrica� [ ]-Mechanica�. [ ]--p���r Job Name: _�C�f �'�D����v.�" Job Adares s: ��� � �f Jn,�� i J'`G,� Legal Descxip�ion: Lot Block� Filing SUSDIVISio�v: Owners Name: I�i ��`��'j`'�'S n. l�p� Address: ���G✓ �,v�i� C��r�JP Ph:/ 1,- v)/ Architect: Address: ph_ �eneral Descript�.an: ,��� ��r �rv!� rn� ��,n�Sr�_,-r,,� P �- � nn��- ,,�'pilr� -- i — Work Class; [ ]-New [ ]-AZteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-Other Number of Dwelling Un�ts: Number of Accommodation Units: N mk�er and Type of Firepxaces: Gas Appliances. Gas Logs TrJood/PeZlet �*���*���*�*****�***�*****����t��� VALUATIDNS ******�****�*��****�*****�******* BUTLDING: � ET.,EC7'RxCAL: $ �T���; $ PLUMBING: � O-= MECI-iA,NICAL: � �� TOTAL: � ***�**�:���:****�*�*�•��t�**�*� C�NTF2ACTOR INFnRMATION �**k*��*******�*a����****�*� eneral Contractor: /�/��r��o�- �uj�-,�, ` ,�' Town of Vai3 Reg. NO. Address: � , G �,� �u � r. Phane Number: ��- ��y� Electrical Contractor: Town o� Vail Reg. �NO. Address: � _; Phone Number: Plumbing Contzactor: � �� �)fc� ��� �� , _ Town of Vail Reg. NO�p,j-� Address: ,D �o)� ��yv ���., � �G . _ Phone Number. �`%�-/ �y� Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vai2 Reg. NO. Adc3ress: _ Fhone Number: ������***���**��x**�**��***�*�***� f'OR OFFICE USE ��**��**�t�t******���**��*�**���� BUILDING PERMTT FEE: SU�LDI�IG PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PERMiT F£E: PLUMBaNG pLAN C�-IECK ,�'EE; MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: �� MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: RECREATION F'EE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: CLEAPd-UF DEPOSxT: DRB FEE: TOTAL PERMIT FEES : TYPE GROUP SQ.F'�. VALUATION BUILD�NG: J SIGNATURE: ZflhTING: SIGNATURE: Comments• . � ' CLEAN ITP DEP.OS�T REFITND TO: � � 0 � � Y\ r 1JE�� C`OnC�c.°`,p. jG R-�g.'.��r� � ; �- t � � t � � ��o - �S�' � ' � � R � � � � ; p�„�,�, T � �� , � ' � + � � . 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Y � � �J � � t .� �7 -- '�( `� � � JL� --- �.�-- .-_____- .__._._.-----_._....._4________.�__�___._.�-- � . . • . � � � . . _ � �u� _�' r:;' " - ��-- -�n� � ��:�'`�� . � ,�, _ .:- ,,. , :,__------- -- ___ _ _ 4 �� t y - �� _- _ �, � !rt ';�z• ��,�u i, F� � � -a �; ;.�€ '��A ` ,, � _ .� . ::' Y, ,� b , .�,_ ,. , . , .. _ . " r', . .._. � �� � �_._.._ _ ----�----�-_._ -- ,- --- -- -- _. -- - — --- — -- � �.�` � rc„:, i • k� -r, � <�� F---._�_----_---- - ------- �_�_�__ _�___ _ � � _ _____.-_ ___ _�.__, VA1 L��n�• w -- ---- _—_.._�-- MOUNTAIN ---- RESORT _ - Robert J.Velasquez-Engineering Departrnent � 715 West Lionshead Circle � Vail,Colorado 81657 � �_ � (970)476-4444 ext.615p • Fax(9i0)479-b953 ____ _ _ -_ - ., :� -r ' � . � �A�+' _•as'�b.�b; - .��' . . . -- - � ��F � � ��3 ��'/��- --��—°-� ---'---�._. , .. ... �.:. _.._.. ..._. __._.._,_.�.. ., . -`— - . _ ,, « ' .., .. _ .a.. _ � r .� �:. ,ti, �,;. ��,y �.;. '� . � ,;. k�.�.•-:�-.� _ q'y�SY�, ,.,'���j� �S`;-:3g .� r:"V` .5�- �'�°..aLti . .i, '_"'.�-.'— . . .: .. �_.__ ..��,_.__�_. ._�..._��1q..�..�.- ... . . _ . -- . - — -. . r . c _ � � ` r• „ c �a,, � , v� ' — _MAqRIOTT`S � _. .,_._ .___.._—__� .. . _. _ M�UN�f�IN �f�OR1 � AT VAIL s�it� wat,ra Dirrctor aji:n$inrrl::� ]IS West Lionshead Circle • Vail,Cc,lnrado 81657 (970)479-6979 • Fas(970)479-b9.5,3 Int�rnrt;http:llwrvw.vail.net � � --- - -— --�-_...� r . . �^ q._ .. .'� �4' �5.�L^ ,��j, � ,�._� ,c'4:-.. �s. _ . . �' ��i51' n+" ��' f � 'X 4' '� `K �iS�IIr� �: - i « . � u.,, � . ' ;_ < _ �� �( . - rc, �. � � �� � . . � -- .sA€a � r � w='°% - _ r� r �cr + �yp�w ��" ��i�` � - � a� , ,, , " � h ( C � 'I: �. . f�N.'a'.- ? -,,� ' -� R� - �>' �F� . �� � � � .�'1a� w `��..� � - a: , _ . � A .' . •':• l�' 'r �' � . �E.. � . ., � s a. .�:' - -� .�... •s .�� � > ,. _. .s _ � . 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F"RONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL P�RMI'I' Permrt #: E9F3-0285 Job Address: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status . . . : VOID Location.....: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR(MARRIOTT) AppIied . . : 10/30/199$ Parcel No...: 210107207001 Issued . . : 10/30/1998 Pxoject No : Expixes . .: 12/03/2002 APPLTCKNT RIVIERA ELECTRIC CONST. , CQ 10/3Q/1998 Phane: 949-5095 P.O. BOX 19193 AVON,CO SOI10 License: 146-E Also is CONTRACTOR OWNER HMC ACQUISITION PROPERTIES I10/30/1998 Phone: � MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAI, ONE MARRIOTT DR DEPT 938 dl WASHINGT{�N DC 20058 License: CONTRACTOR RIVIERA ELECTRTC CONST. , CO 10/30/1998 Phone: 949-6095 P.O. BOX 18193 AVON,CO 80110 License: 146-E Also is Applicant Deseiption: ELECTRICAL FOR LOUNGE AND LOCKER ROOM REMODELS Valuation: $7,000.00 ..�w..�.�Y,,..,��.K....t..�..,�.��.«.....�.����w.�.,�.=�x..,�..,��.w,...��.. FE6 SUMMARY �.w..r.«.,..Y,�„k:.....:..��..+,,,.t�.....+�....t.....,....��.�... Electrical----> $126.00 �otalCalculatedFees—> $129.00 DRB Fee--------> $0.QO Additional Fees----> $�.00 InvesHgaHon—> $0.00 Tokal Permit Fee----> 5129.o0 4VillCall--------> $3.00 Payment5----- > $O.flO TOTALFEES—> Sa29.oa BAL.4NCEDUE--> $129.00 k+#,r#tr3ta+,YxtA}rt++,r*t+rk+*rtk+,tkfl,rixfi,r:tl+kl+l+sar+,r-:tk+k+:ra,f,tlx�k,r*r+t+�-Mr.t++!ki++<,r+ek33ril+C++t+sait+#ki++i Rxrrk,r:�kwlY k:!<•xRxx.kRk RrtlrrtxR+*<+x,r�F�+#k Approvals: Item: 06000 ELECTRICRL DEPARTMENT 10/30/19g8 JRM ACtian: APPR APPROVED JRM Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1Q/3f}/1998 JRM Action: APPR 1V/A r+ltrt>t#f�kkl.H*ix#A'kYakM#Wkk14#:Fk'F#Y3�FY-k+4kRiFMfik&#Yw:F�'4�F�+YiYrtk*Rt�0k:4YN'�F KXkwk'R:MRMk*:tRf kYrkMf R4*i:*/rM*#*k#*i#ti++#*+k**#it+#+it**kikWY"kYYlYRfrt'RrtivF!**R CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL t*#*tttikti#t#tf Y#Mr'Y W tY�NtYYr tR�k'kMfk WkYA4iM t4�ktNFtY1 k*�k*frk4WYYrt'R4fWkkM'ie iYfkiY kYrtfW41k�F'kR'1'kt!#f!*fk#Y*!t<fkM**t*f�R1****�h***k�#H R1t#*t#t##kf t**trfyk�Ffrtfi!#Fk DECLARATI(�NS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, €illed out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state khat all the iz�fozmation as required is eorrect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all�'own ardinances and state laws, and ko build this slructure according to the towns zonin� and subdivision codes, design review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SI-iALL BE MADE T4VENTY—FOUR I�OUIZS TN ADVAR'CE BY TEI.ET'FIO'_VE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 Aa�i—4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR COJf�TRACTOR FOft HIMSELF AND OWNEI T�WN OF VATL D�`PARTM�NT OF CC7MMUNITY DEV�L(SPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VATL, CfJ 81657 970-479-2�38 NOTE. �'HIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIIVIES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P98-0157 Job Address: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status . . . : FINAL Location.....: 71a W LIONSHEAD�R(MARRI�TT} Applied . . : 10/30/1998 Parcel No...: 210107207Q01 Issued . . : 11/23/1998 Project No : �xpires . .: 12/03/2002 APPLICANT VALLEY WIDE PLUMBING & HEATIIO/30/�998 Phone: 3039491747 P O BOX 5Q80 AVON CO 61620 License: 103-P Alsa is CONTRACTOR OWNER HMC ACQUISITION PROPERTIES I10/30/1998 Phone: °s MARRIC�TT TNTERNATIONAL ONE MP�RI2IOTT DR DEPT 9 3 8 O 1 WASHINGTON DC 2fl058 License: CONTR.ACTOR VALLEY W�D� FLUMBING & HEATIIO/30/1998 Phone: 3039491747 P O BOX 50$0 .AV�N CO 81620 License: 103-P Also is Applicant Desciption: PLUMBING�'OR REMODEL IN WOMEN/1VIEN LOCKER ROQMS Valuation: $6,800.00 Fireplace Informa6on. Restrieted: ?? #of Gas tlppliances: ?? #csf Gas Logs: ?? #of WQO�T]�llel. '�?k%�FYr*�t4k4%%�F*✓r***:4****itfFk**k*i*iF*F�F****ifk4!*i�k*k*i**i*�F�F*k*i**fti�*k CCC CI IR�IYIARl/ *Y:e4kfiMklkRk*:4ft**#**#*##R*}##**t**ktieJ*#tiliit*k*ik*k#tkfrk4% 1[LLl l 1'L:L�JV Plumbing--> $1a5.00 Restuarant Plan Reuiew�> $0.00 Tptal Calculated Fees--> $134.25 P1anCheck—> $26.25 DRBFee---------> $0.0o AdditionalFees-- -> $0.00 Invesfigation-> $0.00 TOTAL FEES----------> $134.25 Total Permit Fee > $134.25 Will Call—> $3.0 0 Payments— ----> $13 4.2 5 BALANCE DUfi-------> $o.o0 *k�x ax,t�xrr.�,���wx,er.r,rr�e�w,rx:trx,t+a,�x:t,ra sw�+axr�a:v�w�.er�,�x,cv�r�,trrr���x�+,rrr�rrr�r+�,�,t�r�.r�sr,r+rrrwt+<n-.rr:x*�+x��rt:r►��,twrw**wr+��r+r+r++x+���+r:t�+�<,r,�,r:+*��+kw Item: 0510fl BUILDING DEPARTME�TT 10/30f1998 JRM Action: APPR APPROVED JRM Item: 05600 �'IRE DEPARTMENT ld/30/�998 JRM Action: APPR N/A CO�IDITION O� AI'PROVAL *k*k***tr*+*********k#*#*k#****#*k********}#'k**#**ir***k#*#*t'�*#*M#****#**##f*+*#:F#+F*Rft+#*fifft#fk##t*H}��}gt+FMtYtHr�:Fkrttf:t**km.F*#*:Fk#*#'##*+ktrti*:F DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applica�on,filled out in full the information required,comp�eted an aecurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply v�Tith the infarmation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to buald this structure accarding to the towns zonin� and subdivision codes, design revi�w approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordi.nances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPEC"I`ION SHALL BE dtiSADE TWENTY—F�UR HOURS II�I ADWANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR QFk�CE FROM 8:00 AM—4 Ph4. SIGNATURE OF dV1lNER C?R CONTi RACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF . . � � ************��**�*****�****�**��*�***�***�*****��***+��***��***���*�*�*�*****��********�**** TOWN OF VAIL, GOLORADOCopy Reprinted on 12-06�-2002 at 11:59:0� 12/06I2002 Statement �*��*************��***�***+�****�***�x*****++****�+***��*�*****�*****�**�*��**�*�***�*******� Statement Nurnber: REC-0480 Amount; $134.25 11/23/199801:44 �M Payment Method: CK Init: JN Notatiozz: 19281 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: P98-0157 Type: PLUMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 210107207�01 Site Address: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL, Location: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR (MARRI�TT) Total Fees: $134.2� This Payment: $134.25 Total �LI, �mts: $134.25 Ba�ance: $0.00 *****�*******��e****************�*�***��***********s****�***��***��****�****�**+****�x***+**** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Cade �escription Current Prrts ----__-----—-—---- -------—-------------------- ------------ PF OO1000fl311230� PLAN CHECK FEES 26.25 PR OQ�0000311120Q PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 1D5.00 WC 0010000311�800 WILL CALL INSPEC7ION F�E 3.a0 TOWN OF VAIL DE�RTMENT OF COMMUN[TY DEVELOPIVfENT 75 S. FI�ONTAGE RdAD VAIL, CO S1b57 970-474�2138 NO`�'E: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON J�BSITE AT ALL TINfES MECHATJ[CAL PERM[T Permit #: M98-0223 Job Address: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status . . . : [SSUED I.ocation.....: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR�MARRIQTT) Applied . . : 10/30/1998 Parcel No...: 210107207Q01 lssued . . . 10/30/1998 Froject N� : `����{ �-6 2`13 Expires . .: �4/28/1949 APPLICAI�'I' THE HEARTH EXCHANGE INC 14/30/1998 P�one: 827-9623 P.O BOX 670 MINTURN CO 81645 License: 174-M Also is CONTRP,CT�R OWNER HMC ACQUISITION PROPERTIES ITO/30/1998 Phone: � M�RRIO"I°T INTERNATIONAL dNE MARRIOTT DR DEPT 938 0�. WASHINGTO�V DC 20Q58 License: CONTRACTOR THE HEARTH EXCHANGE INC 10/30/1998 Phone: 827-9623 P.O BOX 670 MINTURN CO 81645 License: 174-M Also is Applicant Desciption: [NSTALL GAS FIREPLACE Valuatian: �4,000.00 Fireplacc lnforniation:Restricted:Y #ofGas Appliances: 0 #ofGas Logs: � #of Wood Pellet: 0 er*wr*r*s++ss*:*s�*s���ar��rr**x***�****s*�►�e*a**���****+****�*+**** FEE SUMMAR`f' 4t�1#�tFi�*ktM��F�k*k�k###�###*##�#tM*�M*M�Ki#�iMti#t►i*iiii#*t#i*t• h3echanical--> $S0.00 Resh�arant Plan f�evie�v--> $0.Oq Total Calculated Fees---> $I03.00 Plan Check---> $20.0o DRB Fee------------------> $D.oo Additic�nal Fees----------> $o.o0 ]mestigation-> $0.00 TOTAL FEI:S-------------> $1D3.Do 1'otal Permi[Fee----------> $103.00 VJill Call-----> $3.p0 , Payments-----------------> $103.00 BALAiVCE DUE--------> $0.00 ���r*at*�s+s��*�*r�s��s**�ra«*a�axrxs***r*�*a*s*xsrats*ar*r��*a*a**e**+*s*s*s*�**r*r�a�*+�rs:a*sssa*�**�****�*+�**r*s*w�sssrsassssssas*sr*srr���e** Item: 051QQ BUILDING DEPARTMENT 10/3�/1998 JRM Action: APPR AP�ROVED JRM Item: 05600 FI1�E DEPARTMEN'� 10/3a/1998 JRM Actiion: APPR I�I/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD II+ISPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECI� FOR C�DE COMPLIANCE, Cond: 22 (BLDG. ) : CaMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 �F THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 701 OF THE 1997 TMC. Cora.d: 2 3 (BLDG, ) : INSTALLATION MUST CONFQRM TO MANUFACTURES I1dSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF TFi� 1997 UMC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cand: 25 � � (BLDG. ) : GAS APP3�IANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC. 806 OF THE 1997 iJMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cont1: 2 9 (BLDG. ) : ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEN'T MUST COMFLY WITH CHAPTER 3 .AND S�C.1017 OF THE 1997 UMC Ai�TD CHA�TER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG. } : SOFLERS SHALL BL MOU.N'TED ON FLOORS O�' N013COMBUSTIBLE COI�TST, iJNLESS LISTED FOR MDUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOOR.ING. Cond: 32 (BLDG. } : PERMIT,PL�ANS IIND CdDE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIaR TO .AN INSPECTION REQUEST. • Cond; 30 (BI.�DG. ) : DR.AINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEAT�NG flR Ht�T-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED W�TH A FLOOR D�AIN PER SEC. 1022 OF THE 1.997 UMC, QR SECTION 1004 .6 OF THE 1997 IMC. rttFM4*44�K4�#f�i*MFFMt��NttM*��F�d4**fi�k4kt+C*i*rt�FM4�k�FW�F�4t�W4�k#WY�*MNtN�*##Y�t+FiW#�*E###�*#t##8�*##i4#M###+i####�##t###tMkrt%�FW%�#*I�iM#�kY#t�+lt#t*tFt#i�*� DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, fil�ed out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inforr�ation as required is correct. 1 agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and sTate laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, ciesign review approwed, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR I3USPECT[�N SiiALL B�11�iADE TWEI�TY-FOUR H01JRS IiJ,4DVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR QF�ICE FRfJM 8:�00 AM-5 PM. SIGNiAT F OWNER OR CONTRACT�R FOR HIMSELF AND dVJNEF 10I08/1998 09:19 9708�22 THE HEARTH EX� PAt�E 01 . �.�� ��� ��S��l � ���C�iR11�Q -- , --.— , , To; ' Dat�: /a� - �- Q �' • T�me: �.��r� Gompany: _ _. � �rom; �..�.. Fax#: �"��A � '�'��' Phc�ne : Phone#: �f�7'�-- !r�'7'� Fax#: �97D1 8�7-9222 Subject: � ��� - - +�......•...ti..,..��r...•,,�•...,......._..�......�-�.•,..ti�.,,�v.•.,•,,......_,...,.�.,,.,...a...4..ti.,�..,.._..ti.�-,�.�......_..�.....�... Message/Nate: � `�,r.�•�..��E- ' ' r���� . � . ,�� �- �,' '�� ` . . �� : �� � - �7i � �.��__._� - �..._...��..�..�.�..�.�.............w�.....,._ ��....�......_...�.��..�._.._._._ _���._...........�...�.� Tatal pages including caver: � If ypu� did not receive all pag�:s.pfease call (�70}$�7-9623 ASAP! THE HEART}3 EXCHAIVGE, IfVG. Meadow Mountain B�sln�ss Park, Suite D-2 � Z3598 N. Hig�way 24 � P,O. Q 670 Mintum, Cfllor�do $I fi45 • �970J 827-9623 » F�x j97Q) 8Z7A222 . � 10/Q8/1998 09:19 970�222 THE HEARTH E�E PA(� �2 Y� +� ���i'��1 � )� ���Yian e� � !� - MARRiU�`T'S MOUN�'AIN RE50�'F : FIREPLACE PRQ�OSAL : New Lounge � Octaber 7, I99$ � Thank yau for the oppartw�.ity tQ present a�r�rpasal foz the tlirect vent gas firlepl�cc far the mew launge you are building, °"S�VVa gre e�ger io assist you w�ith the selectidn and installa�on of a firep�ace that wilt be of tl�e appr��riate quality a�a,d value for 7�e �/larriott. 'The Hearth Exch�auge se11s and inStalls gas fireplaces from several differeaat ; manuf�cturers, EPty,appr+ovad wc�od-burning ftreplaces,w�cx�c3-btzrning fireplaees vvzth gas �ogs,gas, wood, and pcllet stoves pl�s fizeplace accesso�ies. The following is our best esti�m�ate based on the infoxixzation avaita�le on Octq�er 6, 19�$. Actual�i�e�lengt�caa�, ar�ly be det�rcr�inerd at installa#ion., HEA'I'-N-�GIfQ 80flOTR DJ,�ECT'VENT �,A,S F�REPLACE: Thi,s 42" direct vent�as�eplmce witk st�,ud'zng pilot is xdeal when a laxger fi�e�],ace is des�rcd. Bcing "di�rect vent", it Ealties no room air for combustian so it is idcal t`or alzz�ost any xxastallatiQn. l�e fiber]ogs and t�e black-trimmed glass front azc sta�dar�.. '�kle framing dimer�sions a.re 42 �/2"k�.gh,49"wide, azzd 25 1/4°cteep. T�e glass c�pening is . 8ppr4xirnate�y 3�" by 23" and has sevez'a1 front trim options. T�e BTU inpuE iis 3b,00� per hour and it xs up ta 60°fo effi�ient. Our pipe estimates assumes the vent nin rreztncally at 4 feet, will have a 3 9�degree elbows with 2 1-foo#lctagihs and wi.il terminate horizontatly wit�the staz�c�ard round cap, This propasal assume�xcr coring will be necessazy to get to the exterior. 8tucco repau ofthe outside is n�t inciuded. : HEA`�-N-GLO 8aU0�Fite�lace: ����g,pp ! Black k'xnnt With Mcsi�: 129.00 . Wall Switch: �p.pQ Direcc Venf Pipe as deser�bed: �{� Subtotal: . . 2217.�30 $.5 °fo Sates T�: � 18$.45 InstaZla�on Charge: 400.0(} (Includes"Light-up Prograi�n") � Il1iSTAGLED ESTIMi,�A,,�'E: S2$US.45 `fH� N�ARTH EX�HANGE, �NC. I Mea�c�w r+AOUntair�8us;ness Park Surte D-2 • �369$ N. I-cigh�,vay 24 ■ P,O. Bax 70 Mlncurn. Color�do 81 b45 • f97q) 8Z7-q823 • F�x (9 rQJ 827-9�zz 10/0�f1998 09:19 9708�22 THE E�ARTH E�E PAGE 03 ' I Tk�e framiz�g in�vrmat�on is attacfied. No electricity is requi�cl fvr the opetatinn af ttx.is firE,place. '�1e Wg]�gWitEh,WjYI b��Ix(:pr� in t.h�roorrA dirQetly�bohind thc�iu,�a'�:,lay�, Tt1G town of Vail should give approv�l fo�r tht addition vf the t�rmin�ation cap on fihe e�cceniar of the bi.ulding. Thc Cap will be placec3 at lcast seveu feet above the walk way for�z�oper clearance. The pipe requues-�"cle,arance to combus#il�te on the sides a�d au7.dcmeat�, and 3'°Cle�'az�ce ab[tve. The He.�tt��Exch�e does n.o Cox�i»g througl��errte,t►,C for i�8 te;rx�aination cap. The Hea�rth Excb�snge does no dryr.v�l] ar stucco repair. W� G311 f773t8,�1 the fir�pXacc as soon as the pl�at�orrn is bu.i�t. Jaf stcyne is to be;placed ir�&or�t of t�� �rep��ee, be stue tb.�t ya�r platforbn xs raised above the heazyh to accommodate the thickneas of the stone. Ttfe gas liiie must come into the fire�.�lace fram the Ic#}side. Our insta.�latiqza costs aXe based ori the foa]owing assurnpdions: Pearnits are th�respvz�sibil'ity of th�Builder. ' '�'he Hearth Exchanga wi31�de�iver, set a.nd vent the fireplace be�are fi��ming and sheet rc►ck ate in place,�nsta�lation does n4t include coring af any ce�i.ent. The °'�,ight Up Prvgram"is included at no addiitional ck�arge. We will'retu.r,n right bofo�occu�ancy to�igtY#the fireplace,check�QZ�gas 1e�CS,take readi�,gs vn the valve a�nd t�er�mopile,check t�c wiring,a�3just the f�a�,ne and assure proper placemer�t Qf'logs, ver�oaiculite and front foz proper fuactaon of the�irep�ace, W� '�'i�1 a�so attach the vvall switch to the Vaive anci acld a wall pI�,te if desired. At this time we wiill alsa iristal�a z�emote or f�if selected by owr�ers. If yau do not C�lOOSC f,�Q"Light Up Pzpgr�"vve wi11 arrange the lags in tE�e firepla� �d attacb�ttae frant and hood at time of instalIation. "Lig1�t Up�rogxam" daes no� i�clu�de lea�u up frdm c�ry�waIl,xnasonry or ga,iza#ing. The gas line conneetion is fhe re.sponsibility of the buildcr. It baust enter the . fireplac��rorrx the left side.: . ; �'a prot�ct tl�c cor�ciition v£tk�e front, The Hearth Exckxazlge rnav stoze and instal� wb�.e�t the room is ready for use or w�en req�esfed by Builder, It is the�build�r's responsibility to kee��the fiz�eplace cican and free of d�bz�is after in.sta�lation arid before "set u�" � It is the Buildez's responsibz[i�ty to assure that other trades do nat interf�re wi�tkac fireplace or venting�ftex ia�stallativn is eonaplete. Repair or zeplaceme�i df at�,y �arts wil�be charged to �ui.lder. If, after set-up and a�{justnaent of the fireplace, the gas is shut off by�ther trades, Hearth Exchange will cb.a.rge t�c Bui.Xdex to return to light the pilot ligh�again. � � After delivcry o#`firc�l�ces and material ta;job slite, Tl�a Hcarth�xc 'ge is n.o longer re�ponsible for darn�age,thef3,ar misuse af any mate�ials star�d �eze before instal�ataon�r after insfallation is caraplete, T�e cQZ�tractor an ar dther � rHE N�rrr+� �xcr-�rwG�, FNC. M�adp�v Mouncain Bu51�;rss P��rk 5uite C7-Z • 2369$ N: Higl��,•��y Z� • P.C>. �3ox 70 �'��ntum, Co+ora�lo 81645 ■ d9701 827-4623 • Fax (9;+0J 827-�Z?z . I , 19/98/1998 09.19 9708�22 T}� FiEARTH EX� PA� 8a1 � trades axe responsiblc for tla,mage,t,�efk, 0�misn5c o�a,ny�a,te�a�5 oi�wDTk dane by`The Hear�h Excha.nge duri.p;g the perioc�befozc snd aftez�i�,nstallatidn, Addi�iou�l�stallat#on ch�rges at�ES9 per�autr will 6�billed if s�ditional trips are requfred due td stru�trrres px�t,seut in venting�-oute, impxoper framing,sheet-rockin�or other lacic of re�di�ness wben dir�cted �y Builde�r to � Uasta�, � , Accepted by: Dat�: ' : �stimated InstaIlatin�►Date: Farm of Payxnent:� . Billing Addxess: � Leg�tl Descrigt�qx�and Actuel Address ��Bu����'wanants: (a) abilit`�and willingrzess to pay invoices in accordance wi�The Heart�L?xchange,lnc. standard ter.�ons; (B)agr�ernent to pay a scrviee charge of up to �.S%per mon,t�(T 8%ApR)added on past du�e acCOUn�,s; (c)agreement to pa�i a.11 reasonabd�cQSts of colleeCivns,inoluding a reasomable sum for sttorney fees a#'the a�count is uQt�aid when due. . . : '. . ; ' � 'fHE HEAR'TF-1 �EKCHANGE, lNC. Me�iCiow Mauntain Busin��ss Pt�rk. Suite d-2 ■ �3698 �I, HigMV,.�ay��+ ■ P.�p. f3ox 70 Mi+,�rn. Colar:�riq $1645 ■ 197p} $�7-9623 � Fr�x {970� 82�-9�ZZ i . � n ,. ' ! ,i �'�'-d.�r�c� � � , r TOW[� OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY D�VELOPMENT 75 S . FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81b�7 970-479-2].38 NOTE : THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIM�S Ai�D�ALT MF BUILD PERMI�' Per�rt�t # : B97-OQ01 Job Addre�s : 714 W LIONSHEAb CR Statu� . . . : I55UED Location. . . : MARRIDT MARK UNiT 4-F Appla.ed. . : 01f06�`1997 Parcel No . . : 2101-072-05-009 Issued. . . : 01�06�1997 Prdject No . : PRJ97-0001 �xpixes . . : 07�05�1997 APPLICANT FR.ANK CONSTRUCTION Phone: 3Q39497992 PO BOX 641 , AV�N C� 8I620 CONTRACTOR FRANK CONSTRUCT��N Phone: 3039497992 PO BOX 641 , AVaN CO 81620 OWNER HAVENS GARY J $ MOORE WHITE CLIN 266 5 HARVRRD BLUD� LOS ANGELES CA 90004 �-��►f�omm. Dev. Description: Cfean-up aeposit Refund INT�RIOR REMODEL add drop ceiling and can lights approved �� P, _ Occupancy: R1 Mu1ti-Family a�710E.1n� �-��� /. Type Cor�struct�.on: TI FR Type �I F'ire I�esistive , Type Occupancy: C�dl.�' -' � �� �l Valuation: �9, 326 Add Sq Ft: Fireplace Infarmationt Restricted: WOf Gaa Appliances: kOf Gas Logs: qOf Wood�Pallet: **;4*iF*1s****ir*it*#ik***********k***ir-k*,t***it*ic*ir**iric**ic*ic*ic**icir FEE SUMMARY ic*#**#�ic*�k****ic*******ic*ic*�kir*****ir********ik****�k**ir***ir*** Building ---> 420.00 Restuarant Plan Revieu--7 ,QO Total Calculated Fees---> 996.OD Plan Check---> 273.00 DRB Fee-----------------> 50.00 Additional Fees---------> .OD lnvest5gation> .00 Recreatlon Fee-----------> .00 Total Permit Fee-------] 996.80 Nill Call----> 3.00 Clean-Up Depasit--------> 250.D0 Payments------------°---> 996�00 TOTAL FEES---------------> 99b.q0 BALANCE DUE------------> .�0 *ic**ic*-k**�**�kic*******ic****ic***iric*1c*lric*ir***********it***ic****�k****rt*********ir*ir***;4****:h*******k******,kic*ic i;ik**ic****tt*****ic*****ic**** Item: 051,Q0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT De t: BUILDING biva�sion: Q1�06�1997 CHAR�IE Action : APPR CHARLIE DAVI� Item: 054D0 PLAI�NING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLAN1�It�G Division: 01�Ob�'1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N�A Item: 0�5�0 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: 01�05�1997 CHARLIE Action : APPR N�A Q2/'05�1997 JEFF A Action: APPR Fire dept approves Item• 05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept; PUB WORK Division: Q1/06,/1997 CHARLTE Actian: APPR N�� ********��*****************************�***�**********************�r*********�***�*******�,r*********��****�********�***********,�*�* 5ee Pag� 2 of this Document for any condi,tions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in futl the information required, completed an accurate plot pLan, and state that all the information provided as required is carrect. I agree to comply �with the information and plot plan, to comply with aLl 7oun ordinances and state Zaws, and to build this structure accordirog to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design revieu approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Tnwn applicable thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECT10N8 SHALL 8E MRDE TWENTY-FOUR HOl1RS IN ADWANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 QR T OU OFFICE FRO 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Send Clean-Up Deposit To: FRANK CONSTRUCTION G U E 0 4►NE OR CO ACTOR FOA HIMSELF AiVD OWNER � , , � � ******************��**���****���****************��*****************�**�*�**���** CONDITIONS Permi� # : B97-0001 as of 02�07�97 Status ; ISSUED ******************��******�*��******************�**************�***�*���******** Permi� Type: ADD�ALT MF BUILD FERMIT Applied . �1�06�1997 Applicant : FRANK ��NSTRUCTION Issued: 01�06�1997 3b39497992 Ta Expire: �7�05�1997 Job Address : Location : MARRIOT MARK UNIT 4-F Parcel No: 2101-072-05-009 Description: TNT�RIOR REMODEL add drop ceiling and can lights Condi�ions : 1 . FIELD I�SPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED �0 CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . 2 . ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEI�INGS,AND FLQORS TO BE SEALED WTTH AN AFPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. 3 . SMOKE DETECT�RS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PE'R SEC. 1214 OF T�� 1991 UBC. 4 . F�R� DEFARTM��� APPRaVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY W�RK CAN BE S�ARTED. � � • • *****�**�*�******�***�****���**��**�***********��************��* TOWN OF VAILr ���a��� S�at�IRri� *******��,�*�*******�*�*******,�*********�***************�*******� Statemnt Number: REC-0247 Amount: 127 . 05 02�07�97 10 : 42 Payment �iethod: CHECK Notatian: #2507 Init: Cp -------------------_____--__------------�-------------------------- Permit �To: B47--0�01 Type: A-MF' ADD,/ALT MF BUILD PER Farcel No: 21d1-�}72-05-f}09 Site Addr�ss : 714 W LIONSHEAD CR Location: MARRIOT MARK CINIT 4-F Total Fees : 996 . OQ This Payment 127 . 05 Total ALL Pmts . 996 . 00 Balance : . 00 *****************�*************�**********�x�***********�r**�*�*** Account Code Description A�nount O1 0000 41310 BUILDII�G PERMIT FEES 77 . 00 O1 0000 41332 PLAN CHECK FE�S 50 . 05 - - i i TOWN OF �IAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITX DEVEL�FMENT 75 S . FRONTAGE ROAD VA�L, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE : THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED OI�T JOBSI'FE AT ALL TIMES ADD�ALT MF �UZLD PERMIT Permit # : B97-OOQ1 Job Address : 714 W LIONSHEAD CR Status . . . : ISSUED Lo�ation. . . : MARRIOT MARK UN�T 4-F Applied. . ; 41fQ6�1�97 Parcel No. . : 2101-072-05-009 Issued. . . : 01�b6��997 Project No. : Expires . . : 07�05�19�7 APPLICAI�IT FRANK CONSTRUCTION Phone: 3f739497992 FO BOX 641 , AV'ON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR FRANK CONSTRUCTION Phone: 3039497992 PO BOX 641 , AVON CO 81620 OWNER HAV�NS GARY J � MOORE WHI'TE CLrN 266 S HARVARD BLVD, L�S ANGELES CA 40004 Descrip�ion: IN�'ERIOR REMO�EL Occupancy: Rl Mt�lti-Family Type Canstruc�ion: II FR Type II Fire Resis�ive Type Occupancy: Valuation: 28, 326 Add Sq Ft : Fireplace Information: Restricted: tlOf Gas Appliances: 71of Gas Logs: NOf 4JoodfPallet: intle****�A'**ir*********************iesF**�k******;kic*****ic*ir***#* FEE SUMMkRY ******�k*irie**iF*ir****ic*�h*�t�hicic*#*-k***k-k********#*�t***�k*�1-ic*�tic* Building-----> 343.00 ResYUarant Plan Review--> .00 7otal Calculated Fees---> 868.95 Plan Check---> 222.95 DRB Fee-----------------} 50.00 Additional Fees---------> .00 Snvestigation> .00 RecreaYion Fee----------> .OQ Total Permit Fee--------> 868.95 Will Call----> 3.OD Clean-Up Deposit--------7 250.00 Payments----------------> 86B_95 TOTAL FEES---------°----> 868.95 BALANCE DUE-------------> .00 **1c*1r*it*****71'*****ir'k*1t************1r*ik*lk7k*******'k#***'k*****'k**7t1t**1r*******'k***:t'k******7Y'k*-k*k****,t********1�****71'*'k***�V k*ir*****1r'k**** Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT De t: BUILDT�IG D.ivi.s�.on : 01�06�1997 CHARLIE Actian: APPR CHARLIE DAVI� Itemc 05400 PLANNING D�PARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division : 01�46f1997 CHARLI� Action: APPR N�A Item: 05600 F'TRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: 01�06�1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N�A Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORI�S Dept: PUB WORK Division: 01�06�1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N�A ********************,�*****#******,r******�t�c***************�t*****************�****�t****�c********,r**************,t******************** See Pag� 2 of this Document for any conditians that may apply to th�s permit . DECLARATS�NS i hereby acknouledge that I have read this application, filled out in tull the information required, compLeted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply Nith the information and plot plan, to comply with all Toun ordinances and state laWS, and tcs build Lhis structure according to the Toun's zoning and su6divis9on codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Toun applicable thereto. RE4UEST5 POR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MA�E TWEiJTY-FOIIR HOURS IN AQVANCE BY 7ELEPNONE AT 479-2738 OR pT OUR OFFTCE FROM 8:00 AM S:QD PM Send Clean-Up Deposit To: FRANK CONS7RUCTIbN GN E F ER OR CONTRACYOR FOR HIMSELf AN� OWN�R , , � � �******��*****************************�*�******��******************�*+**�****�** CONDITIONS Pexmit # : B97-Qdal as of 01�06�97 Status : ISSU�� ��*****�**�*******�****************************�********************�**�****�*�� Permit Type: ADD�A�T MF BUILD FERMIT Applied: 01�06�1997 App�icant: FRANK CQNSTRUCTION issued: O1/06`1997 3039497492 Ta Expire: 07/05/1997 Job Rddress : Lacatian: MARR�Q� MARK UNIT 4-F Parcel No: 2101-072-05-OQ9 Description: INTERIOR REMO�EL Conditions :. � . FIELD INSPECTIONS A�E REQUZRED �O CHEGK F�R CODE COMPLIANCE . 2 . ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILTNGS,AND FLOdRS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATER�AL. 3 . SMOKE DETECTaRS ARE �EQUIRED IN ALL BEDRaOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC. 1210 OF THE 1991 UBC . 4 . FIRE DEPARTMEN� APPRO�AL IS R�QUZRED �EFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. , . � � **************,r�*,r*�x,�****x�*�*,�����***************�******�****** TOG�II� QF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt ,r*******�r*******,�*,r,�***�r*�**��r****�,�,��,r�r****,�*��*******�����*�r,�* Statemn�. Number: REC-b241 Amount: 868 . 95 O1/06�97 13 : 44 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #2461 Init: CD Permit No: B97-0001 Type: A-MF ADD�ALT MF BUILD FER Parcel No : 2101-072-05-009 Si�e Address : 714 W LIONSHEAD CR Location: MARRIOT MARK UNIT 4-F Total Fees : 868 . 95 This Payment B68 . 95 Total ALL Pmts : 866 . 95 Ba�ance ; . OD *�*�******�**����*�x�***�**�*�******���******��,�*******�*����**�x Account Code Description Amount 41 OC}00 4131C1 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 343 . 00 01 0000 41331 DESIGN RESlIEW FEES 50 . 00 O1 oaoo 41332 PLAN CHECK FEES 222 . 95 O1 OOdO 22002 CLEANUP DEPaSITS 25Q . Q0 01 4QOQ 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTIQN F�E 3 . 00 --------------------------------_.��_-------------------------- **Contact Eagle County A�se�so�ffice �t 97a�328-8fi40 fa� �arCe� �l. TOWN OF VAIL CQNSTRUCTIO� PER1�lIT �1 , ^ PARCEL �:��010'��d)Sd�'�[ FERMIT APPLYC TION FORM DATE: � ' APFLICATION M[8ST BE FIT�LEp OUT COMPLETELY OR IT NYAY NQT HE ACCEPTED *********,t***�*�,t*���*��,��*,�� PERMIT INFORMATION ,t�**��****�*�****�*�***�,�*��* (�Q-BuiZding [ �-Plumbing [ ]�-Electrical [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-other '�S • Q �ob Name: �i+3 /�'1�� _� Jab Address: EJ 1. un i � Legal Description; Lot� Block� Fil ing ��� v IO T: � � 9e�fo�- Owners Na�ne: (�r�� ���S , Address: �,�,(p 1�� �'"�.S.a►,�1�r�aw,ir�G44�'h.�/p �g �73� Archi.tect: /�/'��- Address:. �fi��,r� Phr �""7��.��� r . �!o�i►tir�'� Re1F+4�c,e- �c�l+4w , � Genezal Description:� W,r � a r�s � Work C�.ass: [ �-New [�c']-Alteratian � ]-Asiditional [ ]-Repair [ )-Other Number of Dwelling Units: Number of Accontmodatian Units: � 1���-�f �7-- G U G j �fCIS�� V N mber and Type oP Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/Pel�et�_ �****�#**,t***��*��***,��*�*,t�**�*� '�q� UGG / VALUATIONS **�r�******�r*******�*�*******+r�**� BUILDING: � p ELECTRICAL: S OTHER. ��Q_��, p�j PLLTNIBZNG: # MECHANZCAL: � TOTAL: � *�r******,t���,����****,����*** C�NTRACTOR INFORMATIO�N ***�********#***#*,r�r**�**** eneral Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. N0.�6�8 Address: . Phone Number: - Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Address: Phone Number: Plumbing Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. NQ. Address: Phone �Tumber: Mechan�cal Cantractor: Town of Vaii Reg. NO. Ac3dress: Ph�rne Number: *,�*�******���**********�,�***�*,�* FOR OFFICE USE ***�*,r*******�**��,���*,t**�*���* BUILDiNG PERMIT FEE: _ BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PI,�TMBING PERMIT FEE: PLUM�Ii+TG pLAN CHECK ,�'EE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: MECHANYCAL PLAN CFIECK FE�: ELECTRTCAL FEE: RECREATION FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: CLEAN-UP DEFQSIT: DRB FEE: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: TYpE GROUP S�.FT. VALUATION BUILC?ING: SIGNATURE: --..� � � 24NING: � SIGNATURE: Comments: CLEAN UP DEP.OSIT REF[INrf ?O: �����t1�,C.�-{,�►'�, '�'.Q� � (��f 1�{/r0'Yt�s i ���� � � � TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTME�T OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT 75 S . FRO�TAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES EL�CTRICAL PERMIT Permit # : E97-0016 Job Address : 714 W LIflNSHEAD C� Status . . . : ISSUED Location. . . : MARRIOT UNITS #593-595 Applied. . : 02�07�1997 Parcel No. . : 2101-072-05-009 Issued. . . : 02/07�1997 Project No. : PRJ97-0001 Expir�s , . : Q8�06�1997 APPLICA�T P.T.L. ELECTRIC Phone; 30332$6250 P O BOX 1181, EAGLE CO 81631 C�NTRACTOR P.T,L. ELECTRIC Phane : 3033286250 � O BaX 1181, EAGLE CO B1631 OWNER HAVENS GARY J $ MOORE WHITE CLI� 266 S HAR�ARD BLVD, LaS ANGELES CA 90004 Description: ADD CAN LIGHTS TO DROP CEILING Valuation : 1 , 90d . 00 ***********#**************************�******************** FEE SUMMARY ************************************************�********* Electrical---> 5Q.00 7otal Calculated fees---> 53.00 pR� Fee ---> .QO Additional Fees---------> .00 lnvestigation> .QO 7ota[ Permit Fee--------> 53.60 �ill CaLI----> 3.00 Payments----------------> 53.Q0 TOTAL FEES---> 53.00 BALANfE DUE-------------> .40 *****#**********�*******************************�*******�****�*#*************************************�**************************** Item: 06400 ELECTRICAL DEPARTME�T Dept : BUILDING D�vision: �2r07f1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR FOR ERNST Item: fl5600 �TRE DEPARTMENT Dept : FIRE Division: *�***********�****************�***************************�******�**********�**************�*�*****************�****************** CON�ITION OF APPR�VAL 1 . FIELD TNSPECTI�NS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ***�*****,�***********************�************************************�****�*�*�***********�*********�**************�****�****** DECLARATIQNS I hereby acknoNledge thet I have read this application, filled out in full the �nfarmation required, completed an aecurate p'lot plan, and state that atl the information prouided as required is correct� T agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Toun ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the 7own's zoning and subdivision codes, design revieN approved, Unifarm Building Code and other ardinances of the Toun applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPEC3IONS SHALL SE HADE TWENTY-FOUR HQURS IN ADVANCE BY 7ELEPNONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 pM 5:Q0 PM NA F 4W E 0� GONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER y � • ***�****�**�****�**����*****�**��*********�********************* TQw� OF VAIL, COLORADO 5tatemnt ************�*�***********�*******************************���*�* S�a�emnt Number: REC-0247 Amouttt: 53 . aQ 02�d7�97 I0 : 41 Payment Methpd: CHECK No�ation: #2507 znit : CD --------------------------�------,_----------------------------- Permit No: E97-0016 Type : S-ELEC ELECTRI�AL PERMIT Farcei No: 2101-072-�5-009 Site Address : 714 W LIONSHEAD CR Location: MARRIOT UNITS #593-595 Tota1 �ees : 53 . 00 This Payment 53 . 00 Total �LL Pmts : 53 . 00 B�lance: . bQ *******************************�****��**�********�************** Account Code Description Amo�n� 01 Q000 41313 EL�CTRICAL PERMTT F�ES 5D . 00 01 0��0 41336 WILL CALL ��SPECTIO� FEE 3 . �0 ----------------�----------------------------------------------- � � � �' � y **Contact Eagle County Assessoriffice • ' •' ae 970=328-8b40 far Parcel �f. T�WN OF VAIL �ONSTFZUCTION PEI�AIZT �� �PARCEL �i: PERMIT APFLICATION FC�RM -� DATE• APPL�CATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY dR IT MAY NOT �E ACCEPTED �,�**********�*******,t*******�* PERMIT INFORMATION �t�******�t�r*******�*********** [ ]-BuiZding [ )�P mbi�n�� �ectricaT [ ]-Mechanical � )-�ther Jok� Name• 3-- X}�r. � • � ,5 t.� m� u#' J�b aaar�ss: L�gal Description: Lat Block Filing SUBDIVISION: Owners A1ame: Address: p}�. Archa��ect: Address: Ph. General aescription: r �„ti � �� !�-�S L� Work Class: [ ] -New [ ] -Alteration [ -Additianal [ )-Repair [ ]--Other Number of Dwelling Units: Number of Aecomrnodation Units: N mber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appl.iances Ga� Lo��s_ Wood/Pellet *****�***�***�****�k**�**********� VALUATIONS ***********�►k�t*********�**,t****** E97-d°�G' BUILDTNG: $I���.r����� EI,ECTRICAL: ���i�� t}�l•}E-]�,R• � PLUMBING: $ MECY;ANICAL: � TQTAL: � �*��*******�t***,t,t�*****�t��� C NTRA TOR I F�OF2�iATION ***�rk�r���*********��*��***� eneral Con�rac or: jq-r� ICs Town uf Vaii. Reg. NO.��`1�3 Address: ' �'1 �,.-L Phone Numbar: � �-.� r Electrical Contractor: _�(� �� �o,,�� �� Vail Reg. NO. Address: Phone IJ�.�mber: � Plumbing Cantractox: Town r�f V�il Reg. N0. Address : � � Phone Number: '� Mechanical Contractor. Tow;s o� '�Tail �eg. NO. Address: � _ _ Phc���;� Number: _ _ ****�*******�*******�*����****�t* FOR OFFIC� USE ***�***�*��r�***�***�*�******�*x BUILDING PERMIT FEE: BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEEc PLUMSING PLAN CHECK ,�EE: MECHANIGAL PERI�IT FEE: MECI�ANICAL PI�N CHECK FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: RECREATION FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: CLEAN-UP DE�'QSIT: DRB FEE: _ TOTAL PERMIT FEES: TYPE GROUP SQ. FT. VALUAT�ON BUILDING: � S�GNATURE: ZONING: SIG�dATURE: Comments• C�.EAN IIP i?EP.OSIT REF[JND TQ: MAY-02-1997 15=20 VAIL MAf�RIOTT RESORT - NR 9'70 479 6%1 P.�1 . . � � . ������� � � � � �Q To. $uitc��Inspector,Tvwrr,of Vail �rom: Z,ee Snyder Dat�: 4 Frid2�p,Aprs? I8, 1997 �� i �ub����: Remodel of units 493 and 495 This 'I ta notYfy you that the remode]work iit unit,�493 uid 495,b eff Frank COnSttucUOn, ha�bc�n x�viewed and approved bq th�mana�ernen�df Marriorc's Mountain Resort at Vail. ���ast conl�t nrte iFy�ou have anT questidns. ��v " � � � , � I � � n5 w.u«�.�t,a c�� Va�l,CQ 87657 97D-A79198t 970-479-6953 Far H-mu[,htt�:llvail.net TDTAL P.�91 . . � � � � � � � � � o � a o � , Q p a �n N �,^�'P. � O � O � O J O � O O W O . W� � Pi i � W F W i i Q i i � i i i i F H � � N 2 i o i o � i o z W� � a � o 0 7 �O � O �£ i o 0 0 $ i �q i in � En i ui� s� n + e� i av i p i rC i a i o �i i � ri i 7 F+ q Z o 0 0 o q a o n o O E$ o + o � O �t rt an a En � vY U] �tV � N � 1V 1 Q 4 i r fi} 4 � W F � � � 4 q i C4 i H � � [-+ ",� i H i o i a i o `�' p) Q i O� i 4 :7 H p O � O O i W� � o � o � o V I 47 I N � lf} I ll1 (L (� ty a fV � N W � R^ i C7 � i i W �7 i i i � w w w � .+ w a H � o a a � H A � � H 1 .i N h ti O 4 � r+ W a r+ w a n x W m F F o� 5 i � � � t� o � �+ n � � x � A H +-1 H W Ci � w � a w � r � a N � F � � � N i � O ! C. ri � p o i �.+ o i rt V � i N ul J� aD z m w �r o � ca N o H � O F' ❑ O o H � U N N RL � � Y .� x� u r � W fx � C V F �a i 'e� V � rt i W .+ rt a � z w � w" a�i r °� � � A � A F x � w i o a �i i � W o m w q o i p �(� i o o � �7 � � F [Y.Gd � � W O F �a 7 i VI Q O � t�W F .. rl N j � aC U � m CI U� H W i.�+� U a7 p •� '& PG rv w�.� � U .7 J U �� � ca .� x F u° x C] � H r+ O O U Wa w i i �o� W F F F sC� ° � vHi a q oi w 0.�'R�S O � U O � W � W W H + �� F C� C.1 C7 _ , � � v: : �E�/liti/`:ii 4'`d : 1�i IiEGEL1L�'rS FF:lFr' I{`d�F'F_�1`}:L7�V W�kF; �k�E.�: fS f=CJi�e �/ 1��i3� f�Kc�i: i:i:� ___.�____....�...,��w.._..�..,....-�---_..._,�.._.��..__.�.�__�-�_._______.__.______�_--__�_.�_o=-..._.-__..__..�_-:._�_...... Activitya E97-��►1� fa/19/97 Type : R�EL�C 5���;�_�s : �SSL►�D Constr�: Af�F'7 �c�dr,ess e 714 W LIDC�aF6EP.D CR 1..a�ation : h�ARRTQI" UNITS #J�J.S-J:7J �F'ar^ce I : �'1�1-�7'2-��-��g C]cc: [Js e a pescript i.�n : 4�D�1 C�N �_IGHI"S �4 DRO�� CEILIN[� Appl. �.r_a��t : ��. T. L.�. E��'CTRIG ��hone : 3�33�8E��:'�� Owne►^: #-iAUEhJ5 GAF7Y J `l. ME7aRE WFi�TE CLIN �'hone : Con�r��ctor: ��. �-. L. EL.�GTRIC FEhon� : ��,:�.��8E�4'SQ� Tn����ct i on F�eq�_iest Ir�for�mat i on. . . . . Fteq�.iestar: .�E�F �RAh�F: CCIi�STRU�TIO�i F�hone : ,��8-5;��:c �teq 7ime : �8:��► Comments : UNIT 593, MARFtIOTT Items reyues•ted to be Inspected. . . R�� ion C�mm�cn�s �� Tim� Exp ��t 1�J� E L..E'G--f�'i n a 1. ����')�:c.,�'�..�.;�..�_�_...�_._�....�...... �. _ � �,� - - .__.._ �...� --.__.._..._ ________._. K..�.____._------ --- --- -------.----------�--_--____.�.�.�__�. _ _----____ _ , , , - �� -��� __ Inspection HYS�or y . � /� Item : �►�►1f� ELEC Temp. Fower � � .f Item : ��icQ� ELEC-Ro�_�gh ��/1�/97 Irispes�tar°: E_G Actior�. t�P�R A��F�R0�1ED item : ��13� ELEC-Cond�_iit jte�r: ��].4� E�.�C-M�sc. I�em : ��19� E�EC-Fin�l I t e m : ��7►c:�.'4 F=I RE-A�.f�Ftht RC3�CH Item : ��5;�8 �IR�-FINAL GJI] . � � � � ~ � 1 � �i► NOTE : THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSI`I'E AT ALL TIMES �� �'QI�N OF YAIL ADD,�ALT COMM BUILi7 PERMT Permit # : B95-0359 75 South Froniage Road Department of Go►ttnturtity Developrnent T�ail, iColorado81d57 Job Address : 715 W LIONSHEAD CR Status . . . : ISSUED 97p-479-2138/479-2T39 Location. . . : MARRIOTT Applied. . : 10/12/1995 FAX97D-479-2452 Parcel No . . : 2101--072--07-001 Issued. . . c 10/16/1995 Project No . : PRJ95-Oa86 Expires . . : 04f15/1996 APPLICA1r�T D.C.J. C�NSTRUCTION Phone: 3034768884 P 0 BOX 4933, VAIL C� 81658 CONTR.ACTOR D.C.J. CONSTRiTCTION Phone: 3�34768884 P 0 BOX 4933, VAIL CO 8165$ QWNER HMC �CQUISITION PhOPERTI�S INC 10400 FERhiW�OD RD, '�idASHTNGTON DC 20012 Description: BANNER SPORTS INTERIOR REME�DEL Occupancy: 82 S2 Type Constructian: 11 1-HR Not in table! Type accup�;ncy: Valuation: 45, 0�0 Add Sq Ft: Fireplace Information; Restricted: NOf Gas Appliances: t70f Gas Logs: dOf Wood�Pallet: ***ic***********ir***ic**#****�t�k***ic*i:*ic**********irir********** EEE SUMMARY ****�**icirkic*�kic�k�krt*stirir*�t�rkk:tiric7l-!r***ic**rk****aF�F*-k*1ri:*;k*irir* Building-----> 455.D0 Restuarant Plan Revieu--> .DO Total Calculated Fees---> 1,003.75 Plan Check---> 295.75 flRB Fee----------------> .DO Additional Fees---------> .00 Investigation> .fld Recreation Fee----------> .00 Total Permit fer-------> 1,003.75 Will Call----> 3.OQ Clean-Up Depasit--------> 250.00 Payments-----------------> 1,Ofl3.75 70TAL FEES---------------> 1,003.75 6ALANCE DUE-------------> .00 ir****lricit#*********ic*1c****lric*1�c************ic*****************int*ic**********iric*ic*****************ir*****�t********ic**�t***ic**1r****t��kk** Item: 0�10� BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept : BUILDING Divisian: 10,/12�1995 DAN Actior�: APFR Ztem: 05400 PLAN1�It�G DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Divi.sion: 10�12f1995 DAN Action: APPR Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dep�: FIRE Division : 10,/12�1995 DAN Action: APPR Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept: PUB W�RK Division: 10�12r''T995 DAN Action: AI��R **�*ir********i:*,r*�t*****�,t,r**********ir�r,k*,t**k************�*****,r************ic***************,t*****,t****�k**,t**,t**,r****************** 5ee Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may app�.y to this permit. I]ECLARAT I ONS I hereby acknouledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the informatian required, compteted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. 1 agree to comply uith the information and plot plan, to comply with all Toun ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to th oun's zoning and subdivisian eodes, design review approved, Uniform 6uilding Code and ather ardinances of the Town appli�, le hereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPEG710NS SHALL BE MADE T4iENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE 6Y TELEPHONE;AT 47'9-213 0 T OUR OFFICE FROM B:Op AM 5:00 PM r � Send Clean-Up Deposit To: SIGNATUAE OF OWNE� CON RACT4R F4R NIMSELF AND OWNER ��s�RECY'CLED PAPER . ' � � ��� �� ��xa���iY`l����� ��***�***�r*x,���**�******�****�*****�**�****�*�***********,�,��*�� 75 South Frontage Road CONDITIOI�S I?epartment of Cornrnunity Development ��albrc#�ta ��.Si�0359 as of 10�18�'95 S�atus : ISSUED ��*9`T1��7�*,��'.38j'�J'9'`��****�**�**���*�****���*�*,�,�*,�*******�*�*�****�t�************�** FAX 970-479-2452 Permit Type: ADDrALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: lfl�l2�1995 Applicant: D.C.J. CONSTRTJCTION Issued: 10�18�1995 3034768884 To Expire: 04�/15�1996 Jab Address ; Location: MP,RRIOTT Parcel No: 2101-072-�7-001 Description: BANNER SPORTS INTTERIOR REMODEL Conditio�s : 1 . FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2 . F�ELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 3 . FIRE DEPARTMENT APPOVAL OF FIRE ALRARM AND FTRE SPRINKLER SYSTETvIS IS REQUIRED. 4 . SKI SHOP IS REQUIRED TO HAVE FIRE DEPARTMEN'I` A�PROVA�. ��RECYCI.�DPAPER ` � � � �t�F�t�F�c��t9t�k7t�k7k k�k�F*�cic*icaF***�F*�F*�k�k*9tit*�k�k'�t�F'*747t�k�F*#*�r*�k*it�F�k7k****��!'**�c7F TOWrN OF VAIL, CQLORADO Sta�emnt ***********�x*************,�**************,��,r,r********��****�x***** Statemnt Number: REC-0088 Amount: 1 , 003 . 75 10��8�95 12 : 33 Payment Method: VK Notation: ck 17217 Init: MMC Permit No: B95--0359 Type: A-COMM ADD�ALT C�MM BUILD P Parcel No: 2141-072--07-OQ1 Szte Addres� : 715 W LIONSHEAD CR Lo�cation. MARRIOTT Total Fees : 1, 003 . 75 This Payment 1,403 . 75 Total ALL Fmts : 1, 003 .75 Balance: .00 *��*******�*�r********a�****�*��x�,��*******�******�,x,�******,�******�r Accaunt Code Description Amount O1 OOOa 4131� BUILDING PERMIT FEES 455 . 00 01 0��0 4�332 P�AN CHECK FEES 295 . 75 O1 000� 22002 CLEANUP DEPOSITS 250 . 40 O1 00{l(} 43.336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3 . 40 ----------------------------------------------------------------__ � � � �y� NQTE : THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES TOWN�F �AIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit # : E95-0234 7'S South Frontage Road D'epartrnenl o}'Conzmunity 17evelopmeni Vail, Colorado 8.1657 970-479-2i38/479-2139 Job Addres s : 715 W �I ONSH�AD CR Status . . . : I S SU�D FAX 970-479-2452 Location, . . : MARRIOTT Ap�lied. . : 10/12 f 1995 �arcel No. . : 2101-072-07-001 Issued. . . : 10/1$�1995 Project Na. : PRJ95-0086 Expires . . : 04�15�399b APPLICANT LECTRIC UMLIMITED INC Fhone: 3034765424 1'768 ALPINE DRIVE 1, VAIL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR LECTRIC UMLIMITED INC Phone: 3034765424 1768 ALP3NE DRIVE 1, VAIL CO 81657 O�i�TNER HMC ACQUISITION PROPERT�ES INC 10400 FERNtn100D RD, WASHINGTON DC 20012 Descriptian: BANNER SPaRTS INTERIOR REMODEL Valuation: 5 , 000 . 00 *ic*********ir*******�t�nt****�kintiti'nt*1ric�-kic**:k*ic***�rir*ir****icirintir FEE SUMMARY *irir*iricir**IF�r******icicicicirirk�t*�tirirkir**irir*#*******�tir*iririr***�k*irk* Electrical---> 90.00 Total Calculated Fees---> 93.04 DRB Fee ---> .00 Additional Fees-------> .OQ Investigation> .00 Total Permit Fee-------> 93.00 uill Ca[1---> 3.0(3 Payments----------------> 93.00 TOTAL FEES---> 93.OQ BALANtE DUE-------------? .00 *****�t*************it*t*�t*�t**i�***ir********#*******ic***ir****irk*****icirk******ir*iF*ir***ic*irk*****ir:k�k*kic*******�k*k*******ir****�k�int******�t Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPAI�TMENT Dept: BUILDING Division: 10,/12�1995 DAN Action: APPR **�*****��r**�**�x,�r*��,r***�*****,r*�****,�*****�t**�*,rxir,t***�***�,r*************�,t�*�t�**�t�t*�*****�t�t******�r******�**�*** CdNDITION OF APPROVAL �:***�***�r,�**�r***�****�r�r�*****�****�******�x*****�***�********,�****,r*****************�**�***�r************�*****�r* DECLARATTONS I hereby acknowledge that I ha�e read this application, filled out in full the infarmation requtred, campleted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the informatian and plot plan, to comply uith all Toun ordinances and state laus, and to build this structure according to the Tovn's zoning and subdivision codes, design revieu approved, Unifarm Building Code and ather ordinances of the Town applica6le thereto. ,�. RERUESTS FOR iNSPEC7I0N5 SHALL BE MADE 7WENTY-FOUft HOURS IN ADVANCE BY 7ELEP1i0NE AT 474-Z13$ OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5:00 PH � y'�/�/�, r �T�v •7_i ' . SIGNATURE OF OWNER ,�� RACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWI�ER ��KECYCLEDPhPER � 1 � � � *S�*'�**��C*iC�C�CY�l7��f71f]�'7k'7k5`f7�fYf**'****�'*7�'7r*'k*�"A'S�`A"�C7k�f 7�flY]�[]�!1'7F7�C7�.'�ik**�C�C�C7k'+C*'�f�S7F'k7E TOWN OF VAIL, C�L�RADO Statemnt ************������*,�******�*,�,�*�*****�****����*��*�*****�r***�x��,� Statemnt Number: REC-0088 Amount: 93 . 00 1U�18�95 12 : 35 Payment Method: Nota�ion; ck17217 Init: m�c Fermit Na; �95-0234 Type; �-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parc�l No: 2101-072-07-001 Site Address : 715 W LIONSHEAD CR Locatian; MARRIOTT To�al Fees : 93 . 00 This Paymen'� 93 . 00 Total ALL Pmts : 93 . 04 Balance: . 00 ****************,r�,�*************�r**,�***************�,�,�**�*,t�***� Account Code Descri.ption Amount Q1 d{10fl 4�1313 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 90 . 00 41 4400 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3 . 00 �___---------------------------------�------_-----------------------__ w � , � � . ;�. � � � � �� NOTE : THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ` �'�! TOWNOF VAIL ADD�/ALT CONII!�I BUILD �ERMT Permit � : �95-0359 75 South Fronrage Raad Departarzent of Comrnunrty Development Yrail, Codorado 81657 Job Address : 715 W LIONSH�AD CR Status . . . : ISSUED 970-479-2138/'479-2�39 Loca�ion. . , : MARRIOTT Applied. . : 10�12�1995 FAX 970-479-2452 Parcel No. . : 2101-072-07-001 Issued. . . : 10/�8�'1995 Project Na. : PRJ95-0086 Expire� . . : 04��5�1996 APFLICANT D. C, J. CONSfiRUCTION Phone: 3434768884 P � �OK 4933, �7AIL CO 81658 COI�ITRACT�OR D.C.J. CONSTRUCTION Phane. 3034768$84 P O BOX 4933, VAIL CO 81b5B O�WNER HMC ACQUISIT�ON PROPERTI�S INC 10400 FERNWO�D RD, W�SHINGT�N DC 20d12 Description: BANNER SPORTS �NTERI�R REMODEL Occupancy: B2 B2 Type Construction: 11 1-HR Not in tabl�! Type Occupancy: Valuation: 45, 000 Add Sq Ft : Fireplace Information: Restricted: tlOf Gas Apptiances_ t�Of Gas Logs: �!0'f Wood�Pailet: ***1rh*******ic*�tir**�r1rk**icir*�tirk****�cis**ir****ic**ak***********ic* FEE SUMMARY *�**icik*�/cir**icicrhtit�lr******ir*****ir*,ti:****,t**ic********#****ir**ak Building----> 455_Op Restuarant Plar� Review--> .DO Tatal Calculated Fees---> 9,403.75 Elan Check---> �95.75 DRB Fee-----------------> .00 Additional Fees---------> .00 Investigation> .a0 Recreation Fee----------> .40 Totai Permit Fee--------> 1,Q03.75 WiEI Call----> 3.�0 Clean-Up Deposit---°---> 250.00 Payments----------------> 1,OD3.75 T�TAL FE�S—-------,---> 1,D03.75 BALANCE DUE-------------> .00 ir#*�k****#*irk*it****ir#**#***�r*irk�t*:NF**�Y**ic*******ic**ic**ic*�F***i:�ht**ir**ir**ir**it****7t*********)c*****�tric****#-k****rt**kir***vt�t**it#irk�tir*ic**�ht Item• 05100 BUILDING DE�ARTMENT Dept : BUILDING Division : 10�12f�.945 DAN Action : APPR Item: 05400 PLANNZNG DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNIN� Division: 10�12��995 DAN Action: ApPR Item• 05640 FIR� DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: 14�12�1995 DAN Action. APPR I�em: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept: PUB WORK Division: 10�12,/1995 DAN Action: APPR �*�x*�t�*,r�,r**t�,t*�r***�t��t�-,:*,�::�,r******�c*,�,t***�t,t*�****:t,t**,t****�****�*�***************:r**,r****************�r********* See Page 2 of this Document for any condi�ions that may apply to this permit. DEC�ARATIONS I here6y acknowledge that I heve read this application, tilled out in full the inforrnation required, com�leted an accurate plat plan, end state that ell the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, io comply with all Town ordinances and state taus, and to build this structure according to ih oun's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform euilding Code and other ordinances of the Town appli�a le hereto. REQUE5TS fOF2 INSPEC7'TONS SHALL 6E MADE FWENTY-fOUR HOURS iN ADUANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-213 0 T OUR OFFiCE FROM 8:00 AM 5:40 PM -� - , r� _ Send Clean-Up peposit Ta: SI6NATUltE OF OWNER`OR�CON RACTpR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ���RECYCL.ED PAYER . . ! � � . . � ��� ***������.� *�*�*�*********�**����*�**�*��***********�*****����*�***��*�*** ` 75 South Frontcrge Road COI�IDITIOI�S Departmerit of Coi�rmunity Develop►nent [�fi�rr�''a ��.��0359 as of 10�18/95 Stat�s : ISSUED �*''�/th''�'9''2�13�`/��`�'�"�*,�,�*�******����*�*,�,�,�,�*,�**,��x�**********�*****�**�**,��**��x**** FAX 970-479-2452 Permit Type: ADD�ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: 10�'12/1995 Applicant: D.C.J. CQNSTR.UCfiIOT� Issued: 10�18�1995 3034768884 To Expire: 04��5�1996 Jak� Address : Location: MARRIOTT Parcel No: 2101-072-07-001 Descx-iption: BANNER SPORTS INTERIOR REMODEL Condi�ions : 1 . FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WQRK CAN BE STARTED. 2 . FIELD INSPECTIQNS ARE REQUIRED T� CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 3 . FIRE DEPARTMENT APPOVAL OF FIRE ALRARM AND FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS IS REQUIRED. 4 . SKI SHOP IS REQUIRED TO HAVE FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL. ��REC}'CLED P.4PER • ' . • � . , � *****���*,�**********���*�****�*****�*******�**�x�r**�*���*******�* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO S�atemnt *********����******����*�**********��*�********�r*******�r******�� , Statemnt Number: REC-0088 Amount: 1 , 043 . 75 1Of18/95 12 : 33 Payment Methoci: VK Notation: ck 17217 Init: MMC Permit No: B95-0359 Type: A-COMM ADD,�ALT �COMM BUILD P Parcel No: 2101-072-07-001 Site Address : 715 W LIONSHEAD C1� Location: MARRIOTT Total Fee� : 1ra03 . 75 This Payment 1, 403 . 75 Total ALL Fmts : 1, 003 . 75 Balance: . 00 *�**********���**************�x�,�********���*��**���************ Account Code Descriptzon Amount O1 0{300 41310 BUII�DING PERMIT FEES 455 . 0(3 O1 0044 41332 �'LAN CHECK FEES 295 • 75 O1 OOaO 22002 CLEP�TUP DEPOSITS 250 .00 O1 OO�d 41336 WILIa CALL INSPECTIDN F�E 3 . 00 � . ' ,�`y NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES • TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit # : E9�-0234 75 Sout1�Frontage Road Department of Comniunity Developmen£ Yail, Golorado 81657 970-479-2138/479-2�39 3ob Address : 715 W LIONSHEAD CR S�atus . . . : ISSUED FAX 97Q-479-2452 Location. . , : MARRIOTT Applied. . : 10,/12�1995 Parcel Na. . : 2101-072-07-001 Issued. . . : 10�18/1995 Pro�ect l�o. : PRJ95-0086 Expires . . : 04�15�1996 APPLICANT LECTRIC UMLIMITED INC Phone: 3034755424 1768 ALPINE DRIVE 1, VAIL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR LECTRIC UMLIMITED It�C Phone: 3034765424 1768 ALPINE DRIVE 1 , '�IAIL CO 81657 OWNER HMC ACQUISITION PROPERTIES �NC 1040Q FERNWOOD RD, WASHINGTOi+I DC 20012 Descrip�ion: BAI�IVER SP�RTS INT�RIOR REMODEL Valuation: 5, 04a . 00 irkiht*�l^kir#�tint�k�l^k�t*�t1c*�t�t�k*at�tic*�k7t**�tic**icicint*�Ht*dririr*�k**icicir�t�k* FEE SUHMARY **it*****ir*irir�tir*****ic*iric**irint�tk�t�tir**�t*ick�t***�lrk9r�c*****,tir*icir Electrical---> 90.D0 Total CaEcutated Fees---> 93.00 DRB Fee ---> .00 pdditianal Fees--------> .00 Investigation> ,0� Total Permit Fee--------> 93.00 wilt CalE----> 3.00 Payments----------------> 93.0� TOTAL FEES---> 93.C10 BALANCE DUE-------------> .QO *�t#*�Hc*lrkakic*�kiF*ir**#ic****it**ir***ic**ic*ir**#****ir*�hF**ic****:k*ir*irk****ic*******ir*********k**ic****it*******k**1t**rt**�Ct****�rir****�:*irieir#**#* Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMEI�T Dept: BUILDING Division: 10�12r1995 DAN Ac�ion: APPR **1r�:*****,�-!r*�r**,t**,r*�r,r**�C****************,r*******,r**1c****�r**********,t**ki;kirk****�C****,r******�k**,r**********�S*�F**,r***************�F** CONDITION �F APPROVAL ��r�**��:�,r*�,r*�**�*��***ar**��r***�*�*��**,�*:��*�r*�*�**�***�x�r**��r�r,���***�:�*�**�********* D�CLARATIOIrTS I hereby atknouledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the an#ormation reqt�ired, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correet. i agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply uith all Toun ordinances and state Laws, and to 6uild this structure according to the Toun's zoning and subdivisior� cades, design review approued, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town appLicable thereto. RE�UESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SNALL BE MADE Tw�NTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4T9-213$ OR AT OUR OFfICE FROM 8:Q0 AM 5:00 PM . � , SIGNA7URE OF fl4Jh1ER .`�'�RALTOR Fqit NIMSELF AND OwNER ��R6CY'CLEDPA?ER ****�**�����*�*�****�******�*****��*********�*�*���*****�***�*** TOWN� OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemn� *****�+*+�*�********�*****���*****�����***********��**�*�***�*** Statemnt Number: REC-0088 Amount: 93. 00 10�18�95 12 : 35 Payrnent Method: Notation: ck17217 Init: mmc -------------------��------------------------------------------- Permit No: E95-0234 Typ�: B-EL�C ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-072-Q7-001 Site Address : 7�5 W LIONSHEAD CR Lncation: MARRIOTT Total Fees : 93 . Qa This Payment 93 . 00 Total ALL Pmts : 93 .00 Balance: . OQ **�****�*���**��**�***�*****����********�****�����***�*�*�*�**** Account Cade Description Amount 41 0000 41313 ELECTRICAL FERMIT FEES 90 . Od 41 0000 4�336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3 . 00 � � � ,- , , , � � � �:�� :�- � � „ �, ,� �� ,� ,� 1f'/k:}.:,i��:::a ���� :i`� !•iF:�i.,!lJt��l`�i ��Ci�� IIti!'ci�'�:C; � IO�'a Wt,:1Nl-: �i-iLE,1'� #-L�ti: 11 ! .:��`r:i r`tFiE�: E._Li Acti.vity�: E��-�►�34 11! ,:�,�9� Typ� e �-EL�.0 St�t�_�s : T55UFD Conatr: ACOM Ad�ir�e�� : 71`� I�J 1_Il71VSHE�JJ C�t �'c"�Y'CB Y n c 1�1-"�7c°"��—��1 �CC C �..15 E : Descr�ip� ion: L�AhlIVER SF'f�I�TS TNT�€�IQR R�M(�AEL fl��l icant : LECTRIC UM�.IMITED IIdG �'harye : ;_,�347�i4�4 C)wn�r�: HMG f��G!I.JTSITION F'l�O�'F_l�TI�S INC F'hon� : Go n�r��ct;or^: L�CT'R i C UML I M I TED I NG F'h ar�e : 3�;.:,�7£��4c'4 ;;_ *ns�ection �tec��_�e�t Irtfat�m�tior►. . . . . � � �a�q�aestor: LECT'�TC IJfVL.IMIT�T� F'hane : 471-`951 f��q Tin� d t�l :�t� Con��ey�ts : y�em� r�eq�.{e�t�d t�z be Ins�uec�eci. . . Ftction Gomments Tim� Exp ��1�� EL�G-Ra+�9n ��.;�t•.rs��:;��..�....�..� � __.____�_. _ _�...�.._._...�._.__..._`........._._._. �__.._. - '� .---�. t-�--�---- ____�_�._�.______________�._.._____________---- InspECt i c,n Hi st Qr-•y. . . . . -_--_------•-�-- /��;-_________.� .� �f Item: ��i ].� E�EC--Temp. F�awer� ! % " .� � / � .�a-- I�et� : Q��1c'� Fl_.EC--R���h �te9n : ��1M?,�► �LF_C-Ccrnci�ait Itern � 0�140 ELEC-Misc. It�m : Q��119� EL_FI'-Fin�l 1 � � � -; � .: , � i ....ir �, ;� , ,-,- i�.�. � �_.,.! . � i��.�J . � � J � I �:��'. �� � 1 1`i�i�;3i�� �it� :a�i k�.(�!lJ�:�"C'�; F�1i�t I hJ;����C,T T Cliv WC3tt�". �HE�:��� a��:ii-�: ]. 1! .�f`:�� f�i�t�w� : I�i� �=------------------=------�._�___���.--_�..�_�._..____---------__�_�..__.�-�-�.�._-__.�____.� Ar� i.vity : �"�5-Q�359 il! .�/�5 Type: A-�Cf]h1h1 Status . TSSU'�Ll V�onstr: F�GQM Addx�esss �1� W L,.IQIVSHEAn GR ��ar�ce 1 � �'1�1-�7�'°��-O►Z�1 �)c��: Us� : 1 f 1-H� De�ct�iptian: �ANN�'R SF'C]1�T5 INT�R�i�f� R_F_�I�D�L.. A�apl i���nt : D, C. J. CCJNSTRtJ�CTICIN ��hone : ::,�;�47b$884 OWner�: HMC ACC�UISITI�1lV GF20���RT�ES �'�C �hc�ne: ��r��r�act ar�: �?. �'. .�, CQNSTR!JCTIClt� Ftk�aT�e� ,_.��.47E�8884 Ir►spectic}n i�ec��_iest Infot�mation. . . . . R�4t��s�or�: E�AVE-H�►I`JIV�I� JF�CJF�TS �'hon� : 47f_+--41�1 f2e� Time : �i. :�s� �omme�n�s : .Lterrrs t~ec��.�esteci ta be Tnspected. . . Ac� ian Cor�i�nt� Time ExP ,�tZ�,�,,v� 'a1 nrz:.aks��:Lcu.k.�,. _.._..__._._._�j.�,Y�.�,G�'�`�.P---_� -- _._.�..._._ _._.._.._._.�.�..---�-.�--� �N�J=1�,1,.,��.,_..._......_ �..d� _._�__.__._.._._._.._._ �... .^..___ �. � i� __�_�_._._..__._.__..�_.�.____.____.__...,�.. ._...., _ --__ ___.__.___,��..� .� _�..�__W ------------------. . . . . ___..__.__.___.._.�_r�.__v.��___ _.c_._ _�__.______.�_�._w„..__,�.�_�.___.__ Inspect i an t-ai stor�Y �������/�.�� /�- ��'S� Item : ���1� �W-Drive L�y In��ec� ion Item: ������1 L�L1�G-FaotingslSteel ' Item e ��fi�+�:� �i�DG-�a�_�ndat i`c�n1St��1 Item e�' �+Z�S�� !=°�.AN-If�C Site F�l�n I�e m : �+Qtf�;�� p!_.�3�-F►^a m�n g Item e +���4�+ R�.DG-Ftoof & Sheer� ��lywoo�l N�i 1 Item : +Z����� �+l_DG-�n�sulation . T�tem : ��++��� N�.17G-�Shee�rock f�iail T t e m : ���►8� �E..L?G-C��_�r�t e s y I�em : ��+�7� BL.DG-Mise. 3t�m : V���9� E�LDi�-�Fin�1 Tteme Q���,�� PLDG-�T�mp. C/D Item : 4'��r4� L�LDf�-Fin�l G/0 - � � � s�EC-riaN R�QU�s-r _ � � Q�� TOWN OF VAIL PERMfT NUMBER OF OJECT �, 479- 138 DA7� � J��J�B NAME CZ�YI/���! � C�� !�/I / "-�' ��2� l� � ' CALLER ��� � AEADY F�R INSPECTlON: MON TU S 1N THIJ FRI A PM LOCATION: BUiLDItJG: PLUM8ING: � FOOTINGS / STEEL � UNDERGROUND ❑ FOUNDATION / STE�L 0 f�OUGH / D.W.V. ❑ FRAMING ❑ ROUGH / WATER Q R(30F & SHEER p GAS PIPING PLYWQOD NAILING ❑ INSULATIOf`! � POOL / H. TUB D SHEETRQGK NAI� '❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ FfNAt O FINA� ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: C7 TEMP. POWER ❑ HEATING OUGH O EXHAUST HOODS � CONDUIT p SUPPLY AIR ❑ ❑ ❑ FINAL C] FINAL ��4PPROVEL3 �� ❑ DiSAPPROVED ❑ REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE fG�"' -� � ' � S INSPECTOR ' -� _ -------------------�--- ------T--------- -- '� � • � ,/� [NSPECTIO� REQUEST ���� (,���� � TOWN QF VA1L PERFJIIT NUMBER OF PROJECT 475-2138 J�} f� � ' DATE /G' ��� L� JQ8 NAME ' � �r �i � CALLER ��� �� �C REaDY �rOR INSFEC7�QN: MQN TU� WED HU FR{ AM PM LOCATI�N: !� , � BUILDING: PLUMB[NG: Q F�OTINCS / STEEL ❑ UNDERGROUNp CJ F�?UNDATION / STEEL ❑ ROUGH / D.W.V. FAAMING ❑ ROUGH / Vil�4T�R 0 R�OF � SHE�R p GAS PIPIft1G P�YWOOD NAiLING ❑ llrtSULATION � �OOL / H. TUB 0 SHE�TROCK NAfL p ❑ 0 p FENAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: ❑ TEMP. POWER ❑ HEATING Q R'OUGH � t7 EXHAUST 1-IOODS Q C�NDUIT � SIJPPLY AIR ❑ ❑ O F�NAL ❑ FINAL PPROVED O DISAPPROVED � REINSPECTI4N REQUIRED CQFf�iECTIONS: � c'' DAT� �"� ����� � INSPECTOR � � � . ::��, ��- : - . • � NOTE: THIS PERMiT MUST BE P03TED OA1 JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD�ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit # : S35-Q359 Job Address : 715 �T LIONSHEAD C�t Status . . . c APPROVED Location. . . : MARRIOTT Appl.�ed. . : 10�12/1995 Parcel No. . : 21Qi-072-07-001 Issued. . . : 10/12�1995 Project No. : pRJ95-OQ86 Expizes. . : 04�09,/1996 ' l�"�r ;'�- '';.i APPLICANT D.C.J. CaNSTRUCTION Fhone; 3 P O BOX 4933, VAIL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR D.C.J. CONSTRUCTION Phane: P O BOX 4933, VAIL CO 81658 OWNER HMC ACQUTSI°�ION PROPERTI�S INC 10�OA FERNWOOD RD, WASHII�GTOIJ DC 20012 Description: 8.�1�N�R SPORTS INT�RIOR REMODEL Qccupancy: BZ B2 Typ� Construetian: 11 1-HR Not in table: Type �ccupancy: Valuation: 45, d00 Add Sq F't: Fireplace Information: Restricted: NOf Gas Appliances: {!Of Gas Logs: #Of Wood/Pallet: �k***int**�k*******�tir******irkk********�k********int******ir#***** FEE SUMMARY �*irkic****ic*ic*ir*icic**irkk*�iF�rirk�ticir�ti�*int***ic**irkicirkkitir******icir Building-----> 455_�0 Restuarant Plan Review--> .00 foteE Calculated Fees---> 1,003.75 Plan Check---> 295.75 DR6 Fee-----------------> .00 Additional Fees---------> .00 Investigation> .00 Recreation Fee---------> .00 Total Permit Fee--------> 1,403_75 Wili Call----> 3.00 GleamUp Ueposit--------> 250.00 Payments----------------> .OQ TOTAL F�ES�--------------> 9,003.75 BALANCE DUE---------°----> 1,003_75 *int**�F�r�tit**intic*icic***ic**ic�t**int**itic�t********aYic****ir*******ir*****�t***intint*inticic**�Eintik***ir***�A'irk**�t*�Ir**Ar*ic�tir�#k�4*�t******itit�tic�t**•Ir**�I:**�F Item: 051�0 BUTLDING DEFARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division: ld,/12/1995 ]�AN Action: APPR Item: 0540Q PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept. PLANNII�G Divisian: 10�12,�1995 DAN Action: APPR Item: �5600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: 10�12�1995 DAN Action: APPR Item: 05500 PUBLIC W�RKS Dept: PUB WORK Div.�sion: 10�12�1995 DAN Action: APPR ***,r************,r****,r*:k,r****,r****************,Fk**i�k****************,r******1 r*,t****,t*,t*�-k****�t*�r**k*,r**,r�r,t ir******,tk*********,k*�t,t*a nr See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply ta this p�rmit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowlecfge that I have read this ap}�lication, filled out in fuli the informatian required, completed an accurate plat plan, and state that all the iraformation provid�d as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with aEl Tawn ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Tawn's zoning and subdi�ision codes, design review approved, Uniform 0uilding Code and other ordinances of the Town ap�licable ti��reto. REaUESTS F4R 1NSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN A�UANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-213$ OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Send Clean-Up Deposit To: SIGNATURE OF 4WNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER � .� � . . � � � , � � � ***************�,�,��x,�*,��*,��,��*�***************�****�r��,�*,�**,�,��*******�********�*� COI3DITTONS Permi� # : B95-Q35� as of 10/12�95 Status : APPROVED *****************�**����r,r�*************�r************,�**,���*x�*�x�**************** Permit Type: ADD�ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: 10�12�'1945 Applicantc D.C.J. C�NSTRUCTION Issued: 10�12�1995 3034768884 Ta Expire: 44/09/1996 Job Address : Locatian: MARRIQTT Parcel No: 2101-072-07-001 Description� BANNER SPORTS TNTERI�R 1�EMODEL Condition5 : 1 . FIRE DEPARTP�IENT APPROVAL IS REQ'UIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED, 2 . FIELD INSPECTI�NS ARE REQUIRED T� CH�CK FOR CODE CONIPLIANCE. 3 . FIRE DEFARTMENT APPOVAL OF FTRE ALR.ARM AND FIRE SPRII+IKLER SYSTEMS IS REQUIRED. 4 . SKI SHOP IS REQUIRED TC} HAVE FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL. � ' . . . � � . � r•, � � � . � � � i . NOTE: "PHIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED pN JOBSITE AT ALL TiMES � ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit # : E95-0234 Job Address : 715 W LIONSHEAD CR Status . . . : APPROVED Location. . . : MARRIOTT Applied. . ; 10�12f1995 Parcel �10. . : 2101-072-07-001 Issued. . . : 10,J12�1995 Project No. : FRJ95-�D86 �xpires . . : 04�09�"1996 APPLICANT LECTRIC UMLIMITED INC Phone: 3034765424 I768 ALPINE DR�VE 1, VAIL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR LECTRIC tT1�LIMITED INC Phone: 3034765424 1768 ALFINE DRIVE 1, VATL CO 81657 OTn�NER HMC ACQUISITIOI�T PROPERTIES INC 10400 FERNFnlO0I3 RD, WASHINGTON DC 20012 Descrip�ion: BANNER SP�RTS ZNTERIOR REMODE� Valuation: 5, 044 . 00 ***int*ir**at*irk�F**,�rk�r*irkir**�k**ic•k�t**it�k�t****-k*ir***�cir*ir**�t***�t** FEE SUMMARY ***,4ic**�t�ir�tir*ihic*ic�cik*�tiric�t**#irk#,t�t***�Fk*ikir�rk�krl-)r**ir5t�kiht�k�t****ic Electrical--> 90.C1d Total Calculated Fees---> 93.00 DRB Fee ---� .00 Additional Fees--------> .00 Investigation> .00 Total Permit Fee--------> 93.Od Will Call----> 3.00 Paya�ents----------------> .� TOTAL fEES---> 93.OQ BALANCE pUE-------------> 93.00 ****�*,�-,t*ic*ir,t*ir*�*�kic*i�itirk***,ki�*iri�**i1-k*�-1c*ic***�kic�rk*�k�kic*�:kir�t�kir�ir�rk�t,r**ic*ic**it�*�4ic**#***,r**ir,�k***�kk*,r�tir*�tid�A�iNk,t*irk�t*ir�k*iri�ticiti�rk Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT D�pt: BUILDING Division: 10�12�1995 DAN Action: APPR **,���x*,�,�*****�,�*,��*****�,r****�*�x*�****,�**�*****��,��r*��*��*��x�,r**��**�*��*�r�r��r��� CONDITION OF APPROVAL ��,r*,r�,r*�t**�t�*�x�****,�***�**�**�x**�*�r***�x**�tit**icic*idt��t��t�r**�-,t**�****�x�r****�**�x,r�t*,r�x�r**�at�t*� DECLARATIONS I hereby acknouledge that I have resd this appLication, filled out in fu�l the information required, complated an accurate plot plan, end state that all the information provided as required is correct_ I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply ►+ith all ToWn ordinances and state Laus, and to build this structure according to the To►rn's zoning and subdivision codes, design revieu appraved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the To�n applicable ihereto. RE4UESTS FOR IN3PECTIONS SHALL 8E MADE TWENTY-FO�R HOURS IN ADUAMtE BY TELEPHONE AT 47'9-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:b0 AM 5:00 PM SLGNATURE OF 04fNER OR LONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER � � � �� � t� • � �T� OF VAIL CQNS RUCTx�� • P�RI�tIT �k -J.�Lil2�EL 4�: �il !, ( t"�"�7_ 11-��„_,"� PERMIT APPLIC�ITION FORM DATE• �`� 2'? a � APPLICATION MUST B� FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED a�**************�***�*�t******* PERMIT YNFORMATION ********�****�***�**,r******�t* [�uilding [ ]-Plumbing � -Electrical [ ]-Mechanical -Other CJ Job Name: �'a c�.✓ � w'y - 1� :a�a�r��'�'- Jab Address: �1 I S �u.� ��_ , � �k�:� 1 Lega3 Descrzgtion: Lot��� 5'� B].ack � Fi3in '`�``�`� 3'� r � ►-�►G 93[�?4� 4'°r �SUBDIVISION: Owners Name: T�t 1' � fvt�',v` Address: ' �'' � (�� r gh, c `,/ Archi�ect: ��-, �v� r���.� �,�,,�-f . Address: �<� �YS,�j U�i., 1 Ph. `��7 � '�Z� Sr General Description: ��"u,�c�-_I,� 1 ��./-��/ �����>,,,� ` -- - � � Work Class: [ ],-New [Uj=Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-Other Number of DweZling Units: C`� �umber of Accommodation Units: _ � N mber and Typ� o:� Fireplaces: Gas Appliaz�ces� Gas Logs� Wood/Pellet�_ *�t*�***�*��********************** VAI�UATIONS *************��*��*************** BUILDING: # G(Ui���� ELEC7'R7CAL: � `a� f�3U OTHER: Z C] . PLUMBING: �, (� , MECHANICAL: �_�''�� TOTAL: $ '�'��"�'��"�**************�***** CONTRAC�'OR INFOR1�+.fATION **********�*************�t** eneral Contractor: ��" � �, -�,;u` ° `:.. �`, . Town of Vai� Reg. NO. Z� Address: � �,_'�_ �,. � • �,3:�l�hane Nuanber: �(?�U, z�;�x --� . Electrical Contractor: L�C� �c ,�L (��1(,,,n,r,z¢��/ Town of Vail Reg. N�.� Address: 1'�� �► � , w , Phone Number: �"7G, • �y4�a, � �j� ��� ,: � ���. Plumbing Contractor: Town o� `Vail Reg. NO,�_� Address: � ` Phone Number: �y�}-- � '�� — � Mcn}+�..�.._.� `....+.... ..�... h t �,6— - - "" -.�������i� � �'� ` � •rown or vail Reg!. N0. Nr�- Address: _ �h � �'�;y�� Phone Number• _�r� *******�*�*********�t*******,t***+� FOR OFFICE USE *�t*�******�*�*****�***��t#*****� BUILDING PERMIT FEE: BUILDING PLAN CHECIC FEE; PLUMBING PERMrT FEE: PLUMBIN� PLAN CHECK ,�'�E: MECTiANICAL PERMIT FEE: MECHAPTICAL PLAN CHECK FEE; ELECTf�ICAL FEEs RECREATION FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT; DR$ FEE: TOTAL PERMI FE : TYPE GROUP SQ.FT. VALUATION , v G �-- �� _�,� _"��c A BUiLDING: y L. ,� � , I �T �'� �J� S IGNATURE: `_„ ZONING: SIGNA'I'�7RE: Contments: CLEAN IIP DEP.dSI� REFIIND TO: . , • � . � � � MEM4RANDUM � � � TO: ALL CONTRAC74RS FFi�M: TOWN OF VAIL PUBL�C WORKS DEPAR7MENT DQTE: MAY 9, i994 RE: WHEN A "PUBLIC �VAY PERM��' 1S REQUlRED Job Name: .�� .1� y, � , ,�. . Date: �:�n-F z �, �ac:� � Please answer the foilow�ng questionnaire regatding ihe need for a"Pr�blic V'Way Permit": YES NO t) ls this a new residence? `'' 2) Is demolition work be�ng perfar��ned � ihat requires the use of the righi of way, easements or public property? V 3) ls a�y utility work needed? 4) Is the driveway beir�g repaved? V 5) !s different access needed fo site �/ other than existing driveway? 6} fs any drainage work being don� affecting the right of way, easemenfs� �/ or publtc property? 7} Is a "Revocable Right 4f Way Permit" � �equired? 8) A. Is the right of way, easements or public property to be used for stagir�g, � parking or #encir�g7 . B. fi no to 8A, is a parking, staging or iencxng p�an required by Comm�nity 1�' Development? �f yo� answered yes to any af these qvestions, a "PUblic Way Permit" musi be obtained. "Pu�fic Way Permit" app�icatior�s may be obfained at the Public Work's office or at Community Developrnenf. ff you have any questions please caU CharPie Davis,the 7own � of Vai� Construction Inspec3or, at 479-2158. � i have read and answered all the abave questia s. 1�;, ' U,, _ (��'J�(�,s �� � � ) + `-^�W � � "� �� �Y Job Name � Can ctor' S'gnat�r t� � �, �,�� / . , � � • i ,� +� � � � � �. . - � � � � PUBLIC W{?RFtS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Buil��ng Permits: 1) Fili out our c#�eck list provided with a buildinq permit application. If yes was answered to any of the above questions then a "Pub�ic Way" �s required. You can pick up an applicatian at either Community Development, located at 7� S. Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. 2) Notice sign offs tor utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility com,panies requ�re u,� to a 48 hour notic� ta schedule a locate. 3) A construction traffic control/sCaging plan must be prepaced an a separate sheet of paper.An appraved site plari may also be used. This plan will show locations af all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zQne, (area af Construction, Staging, etc..). This plan will expire on Oct. �5th. and wifl need to be resubmitted for approval thraugh the winter. 4) Sketch of wo�k being perfarmed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width & depth of work). �his rnay be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan fflr the job. 5} Submit completed applicatio� to the Public Works's office for reviewr. If required, focates will be scheduled for the �owr� of Vail Electricians and drrigativn crew. The locates take place in the morning but, ma�r require up to 48 hours to pertorm. fi) The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the app�ication and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be cantacted as t� the status and any chat may needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please al�ow up to ane weelc to process. 7) tis s��r� as ine permii 'rs processea, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allawing€F�e "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not con#use " the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permii" to do work on a �roject itself. NOTE: � * The above process �s fior work in a public way only. * Public Way Permits are vali�d only untit November 15th. * A new public Way Permit is required each year if work is nat complete. �drpwey - . . • � � • • � . . �� � „ r'► TOWN pF UAIL 75 5outh Frorttage R�ad Department of Corrri�t�niry• Development Vail, Colorado 8i657 303-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 303-479-2452 INFORMATION NLEDED WHEN APPLYING FdR A MGCHANICAL PERMIT I . HEAT L�S5 CALCULA.TIONS . 2 . TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF MECHAIdICAL RO(]M 4iTITH EQUIPMENT DRP.WN IN TO SCALE, WTTH �HYSICAL DIMENSIQNS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. 3 . SHOW SI�E AND LQ�ATIUN OF COMBUSTION AIFt DUCTS, FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. 4 . NOTE WHETHER �LEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANICAL ROOM. F'AILURE TU PROVIDE THIS INF'ORMATIOP WII�I, DELAY YOUR PERMIT. , - � � � � . 1 ��►� 7� �ow� �� ua� 75 aouth tro�tage road office of community deve�opment veil,cdorado 81657 �aa3f a7s�z�ae (3a3)4T9-2139 �TQTICE TO CON'�'T�AC�4RS/4WNER BUIT�D�RS Effective June 20, �991, the Town of 'Vail Building Depar�.ment has developed the fa]�lawing pracedures to ensure that new constructiQn sites have adequately established praper drainage from building sites alang and adjacent to Town of Vail raads or streets . The Town of Vail public Works Department will be required to insgect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary ar permanent culverts a� aeaess points f�om the road or street on to the construetion site. Such approval �ust be obtained priflr to any reques� far inspection by the Town of Vail Building Depar�r�ent for footings or temporary electrical or any other inspection . Pl�ase call 479-2160 to r�quest a� inspection from the Public Works Department . A11ow a minimum of 29 hour noti�e . � �,lso, the Town o� Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and cu�vert insta�llation with resulting road par.ching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to F� nal Certifica�e of Occupancy issz.ance . . � � � � - _ ��'� la�� �1 i�� � - 75 soulh froniage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 otfiee ol eommunity deveEopmer�t TO: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH °I'HE TOWN OF VAIL F'ROM: T�WN OF VAIL PUBLI� WORKS/COMMLTNITY DEVELOFMENT DATE: MARCH 16, 1988 SUB,7ECT: CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE In summary, Ordznance No. 6 state� that i� is unlawful for any gerson to litter, track or depasit any soil, rock, sanr3, debris or materi.a�, including trash dumpsters, portable tmiiets and workmen vehicZes upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portzon ther�of. The right-af-way or� all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximate3y 5 ft. off pavement. This ordinance wil�. be strictly enfarced by the Town of Vail Public Wor}cs Department. Persons found vi�lating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does n�t comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified, the Public Works Department wi�,l remove said material at the expense of person noti�ied. The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction, maintenance or xepair projects of any street ar alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordi.nanee No. 6 in �ull, please stop by the Town of �'�il ��i�d:�n9 Departmertt to obtain a copy. Thax�k you for yo�r cooperation on this matter. Read and ackno ledged by: � �` � osition/Relationship t4 Pro�ect �(i.�, contractar, awner) �Date � I r • - , � rj� � • • � . � �„ ,�� tow� a ua� _ 75 south frontage road vail,colorsdg 81657 (3Q3) 479-2138 ar 47g-2135 offlce of commun�ty derelopme��t BUILDING pER�9IT I�Sl1ANC� TIME FRAI+1E If �hi.s permi,t requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approva] , Engineer'�s (Public Works) review and ap�roval , a Planning Department revi�w or liealth Department review, and a review by the Building Department, th� estimated t�me fvr a total review may take as long as three we�ks. All commercial (large or sma]1 ) ar�d all mult�-family permits will hav� to follaw the above mentioned maximum requirements, Residential and small pro�ects shoul� take a lesser amaunt of time. However, if � residential or small�r proje�ts impact the variou� above mentianed departments writh regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the tFiree week period� Fvery attempt w�ll be made by this department to expedite this p�rmi�t as. soon as poss�ble. � I, the �ndersigned, understand the plan ehecir procedure and ti�ne frame, � � � �j . Agree to y. � L�G�..P.�l � � .L�;(,d(v.,�'2 f Pro�ect Name Date Work Sheet was turnea into t e Cammunity �evelopment Department. . 1 � � • � � � � � � �_ 4 � � f ' � � ' � ��'ii��f ; . � ��� ( ti �� a � ��` `�� - - �r , � ���� � o <<� _ �,�� a �-z � ; . . ; _ _ � � - � � 3 ; ` � - � `; � � [ L : � ''�-, � , �� p � 1 ' `L1. :. . �-- _______-- � �--� � � � � ���C�����►S7' � DATE: //%�j�.9� � � ' �� PREPARED BY' �' � ' ` . � VEI�iDOR1�TAI�'IE: �� � ���,��'�`�-�`-2� Y � �JENDOR NUh2BER: � � XPE:�ISE: CLE�'v UP DEPQSI'F REFL�ND� FOR BP �,�'9s Q35'� � � DESCRIPTIC)N OF E - `- i �:�� . � �', Np.h�OF JOB: ,�+ �� � Acco�r�'�rn���: o; oaoa �ZOa2 � -� p,MpLJNT OF REFU�D= � �``�� � �� � DATE?.PPROVED: ��I�'� �Co ` � �• � � � a � APPROVAI.SIGNATUR.E. � - ,� . s .. � . .� . • , � - _ - i � r��i�;:l,''' .!�,__ r ��:n�:�+'`-.-r..,i - . - �ry.�� f 6� t' � , � � . ._.. �s�._" �/'R'`� - r,��,�4.� � � (/✓ �.�• ' -�.� ti1�1��{i'�.1�� r ' '�-•-�rJ 1�� . i 3 � S CfIEC�C REQUEST 3 � 3 _ �'REPARI:D IIY: �� � S ��'� � I�ATL: (� �? `�'1 VLNDOR I�1AM�: C �i � (�4� 3 ��YJ c c Dh VENDOR NUM13rR: � �-� � �-� DESCR�PTION OT' EXPENS�: CLrAN U� DEPOSIT R�FUND �'OR BP t#���_o Z� z. NAME OF J�B: r % � � �t Z�e� !�-�2 �v� ACCOUNT NUMfiER; O 1 d000 22Q02 AMOUNT Or RE1�UND: � 'Z �c� , � � DATE APP'RQVED: � �_ �� APPROVAL SIGNATURE: �. VU1.l.tGl.a,vll , c.�� �.vv ..._.._ _ _ . �� ireplacc Information: Restricted: 110f C,as ApFr�iar�ces: !!Of Gas Logs: IIOf Uootl�Palle[: Ikic*kk*k**�kk***k�ic*Ak*�**�**k**A�*�RAk*�*��:kk�kAM*kk*** FEE SUt1h1RRY *k��****:hk�k*k*Aic***k***:1k�Akkk*�**k**k***1c**�k******iFhk�k* �ilding--°--> 329.00 Acst�rarant Ptan ftevicr+--> .00 Total Calculated Fees---> 795.85 l�n Clieck---} 213,85 DRD Fee-----°--__________� .00 Adclitian�l fees---------> .00 •ivcstigation> .00 Aecreation Fee°---------> ' .DO Total i'ermit Fee--------> r95.$5 ill Call----> 3.40 Clean-Up �epvsit--------> 250.00 Payments----------------> 795.85 TO7AL FEES---------------> 795.85 E3ALRPICE �11E-- -�-----> .UO k*k**k���ir**k**�**�Y*kiF**�***'k****�V**rtir#*;hie*�*�#A**1ek**:tie*�ic:4�*#hie*k�**�k*h���C*�*;Fi;:4**�*#*���kic#k*k*k*d*�1:*rF*�******k***�iek�k*�* Item: p5100 �3UTLDING DEPARTMt�NT De t : BUTLDING Div�.sion : 09�J.9��996 CHAk��,z� Action : APPR CI-IARLIE DAVI� I�.em: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTP�LI�T Dept : PLANI�ING Divisian : 09�19/'3.996 CHARLIE Ac�ioil : APPR I�]�.1� T�em: 05600 F'IR�; DEPAR�MENT Dep� : FIRE Divisian : 09�19�7.996 CHARLIE Action : APPR N�� It�m : D5500 ��Ll�3LZC GJORKS Dep� : PUS WORK Di.vzsi.on : 09�19�1996 CHARLIE Action : APPR NfA k**tk**ic***********r4***********�'k*****;k:41r*#***�*�lriric****ic*��*****�t*;t**i;***********�t***********�t*�***�************#****R****��l**R See Pag� 2 of this Document far any conda�ions tha� ma� apply to this p�rmit . DECLARATIONS hereby acknouledge that I ha�e read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an dtcurate plot �lan, and state thaC all the tinformation providecl as requirecl is correct. I agree to comply uith the information and plok plan, o compty uith all Tourr ordinances and state laNS, and to build this structure actording to the Ta:rn's zoning and subdivision oc3es, design reviau approved, UnSform Building Code and other ordinances of t#�e To�n appliceble thereto. DUESTS FOR TNSPEC7TONS SHALI BE MAD� T41EtITY-FOUR HOURS iN ADVANCE BY TELEPHOr�� AT G79-2738 aa OUR FFICE FROM 8'�0 AM 5:04 PP1 nd Clean-Up Deposit To: FRANK CONSTAUCT10�1 S NA 4f NE OR CO ACTOR FOR HIHSELf AN� QUtlER _ ` ' � � TOWN OF VAIL DEPA�TME�T OF COMMUN�TY DEVELOPMENT 75 S . FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CD 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE : THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIM�S ADD�ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit # : B96-0282 Job Address : 715 W LIONSHEAD CR Status . . . : ISSUED ` Loca�ion . . . : MARRIOT MARK U�ITS 3$3�38Applied. . : 09�19/�995 Parcel No . . : 2101-072-05-�01 Issued. . . : 09�23/199b Project No . : Expires . . : 03/���199� APPLICANT FRANK CONSTRUCTION Phone: 3039497992 PO �OX 641 , AVON CO 81620 C��TRACT�R FRA�K C0�5TRUCTION Phone: 3039497992 PO BOX 641 , AVO� CO 81620 �WNER KUSHNER LOUIS Phone : 412-338-1103 ROTHMAN�GORDON, 3RD FL GRANT BLVD, PITTSBURG PA 15219 Desc��ption : COSMETIC REMODEL CARPET, PAINT,TILE,ADD WI�DOW Occupancy: R1 MuZti-Family Typ� Const�uction : TI FR Type II Fire Resistive Typ� Occupancy: Valuatian : 26, 200 Rdd Sq Ft : Fireptace xnformation: Restricted: qOf Gas Appliances: NOf Gas Logs: 110f WaodfPallet: ***************************�****************************�** FEE SUMMARY *******�****#****#******�********************************# 8uilding-----? 329.00 RestuaraM Plan Revieu--> .00 Total Calculated Fees---> 795.85 Plan Check---> 213,85 DR0 Fee----------------> .Ob Additional Fees---------> .DO In�estigation> .QO Recreation Fee--------s .QO Total Permit Fee--a-----> 795.85 Will Call----> 3.00 Clean-Up Deposit--------> 250.D0 Payments----------------> 795.85 TOTRL FEES--------------> 795.85 BALAf�CE DUE----------> .00 �*********�**********�***************�**�*************�*********#**�******************************#******#*****�*****�***�******�* Item: 05�Q0 BUILDING �EPAR��ENT De t : BUILDING Divis�on : 09/19�1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVI� Item: 0540b PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept; PLA�NING Division: 09�19f1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR N�A Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dep� : FIRE Division : 09�19f1996 CHARLIE Action : APPR N�A �t�m: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dep� : PUB WORK Division: 09�19�1996 CHARLIE Ac�ion : APFR N�A *********�********************�******************�****�**��**********************�********�****�*******************************�** See Pag� 2 of this Docum�nt for any conditions that may apply ta this permit . DECLARATIONS I hereby acknouledge that I have read this apptication, filled out in #ull the information required, tampleted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the �nformation provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the informatipn and plot ptan, to comply with all ToNn ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unifoem Building Cod� and other ordinances of the 7own applica6le thereto. REQ�ESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL 8E MADE T�ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVA�CE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR OUR FFICE FROM 8�00 AM S:bO PM Send Clean-Up Deposit 7a: FRANK CQNSTRUCTI4N S NA OF NE OR CO AC70R FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER � �� • i ******#**********�***�****************�***���***�***************************.A.��* CONDITIONS Permit # : B96---b282 as of 11�07�96 Status : ISSUED ****�**,��***�************************************�***�**��****,�*******�*�******* Permit Type: ADD�ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 09�19��.996 App�icant : �RA�TK CONSTRUCTION Issued: 09�23/1996 3039497992 To �xpire : 03/22f1997 3ob Address : Location: MARRIOT MARK UNITS 383-385 Farcel 1Vo : 21fl 1-072-05-001 Description: COSMET�C REMODEL CARPET, PAINT,TILE,ADD WINDOW Conditians : 1 . FIEL� INSFECTIONS ARE RE{�UIE�ED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIA�dCE . 2 . ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS ,AND FLOOI�S TO BE SEALED WZTH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. 3 . SMOKE DETECTORS AfiE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STDRY AS �'ER SEC. 12�0 OF 'FHE 1991 UBC . 4 . FIRE DEPAR'FMENT APPR�VAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN HE STARTED. 5 . PERMIT IS GOOD FOR COSMETIC REMODEL ONLY w ~ � � *******************�*****************�**��********************** TOWN OF VRIL, COLORADO Statemnt �*******�**************�*���*******��****�*�***��*************** Statemnt Numaer : REC-0229 Amount : 206 . 10 11�07�96 16 : 12 Payment Method: CK Nota�ion: #2352 Ynit : CD -----------------------�_-------------------------------------- Permit No : B96-0282 Type : A-MF ADD�ALT MF BUILD PER Parcel No : 2101-072-05-001 Site Address : 715 W LIONSHEAD CR Location: MARRIOT MARK UNITS 3�3-385 Total Fees : 795 . 85 This Payment 2Q6 . 10 Total ALL Pmts : 795 . 85 Balance: . Ofl *************�**************�*�**********�*******�********�**�** Account Code Description Amount fll 00�0 41310 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 34 . �0 �1 O�OQ 41332 PLAN C�ECK ��ES 22 . 10 Ol 0000 22002 CLEANUP DEP�STTS 150 . 00 � �� ! • TQWN OF VATL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVE�OPMENT 75 S , FROI�TAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81b57 970-479-2138 I�iQTE : THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSI"I`E AT ALL TIMES AbD�ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit # : �96-�282 Job Address : 715 W LIONSHEAD CR Status . . . : ISSUED Lo�atic�n . . . : MARRIOT MARK UNITS 383-3$Applied . . : 09�19�'1996 Parcel No . . : 2101-0?2-05-001 Issued. . . : 09,/23/1996 Project No . : Expires . . : 03�22�'1997 APPLICANT FRANK CONSTRUCTTON Phone : 3039497992 ' PO BOX 641 , AVON CO 81620 COI�TRACTOR FRANK CONSTRUCTION Phone : 303g497942 PO BOX 641 , AVON CO 81620 OWNER KUSHNER LOUIS Phone; 412-338--1103 RO`Z'HMAN-GORDON, 3Rb FL GRANT BLVD, PITTSBURG PR 15219 Deseription : COSNSETIC REMODEL CARPET, PAINT, TILE,ADD WINDOW Occupancy: Rl Multi�-Family Type Construction : II FR Type II Fire Resistive Type �ccupancy : Valua�.ions 25, 20� Add Sq Ft : Fireplace Information: Restricted: qOf Gas Appliances: #Of Gas Logs: tlOf Wood/Pallet: **:�***ic*****lciciric****ir***:k****ik*****************:F******ic**:k* FE� SUMMARY *ic*ic-k:t***i;******1c*t*ir*:tic*1r*t*ic***rt********1r******ic**ic;k�ricir* BuiLding------> 329.00 Restuarant Plan Review--> .00 7otal Calculated Fess---> 795.85 Plan Check---y 213.85 DRB Fee-----�---------> .00 Additional Fees---------> .OD investigation> .00 Recreation Fee----------y .00 Total Permit Fee--------> 795.85 WiEI [alr----> 3.00 Clean-Up Deposit-------> 25Q.00 Payments----------------> 795.85 TOTAL FEES--------------> 795.85 BALANC� �UE------------> ,OU ic****************ic*********�k*ir***:tic*ir*****ic*�;k***ir*******it*ir**ic**************ic*ic******,tk*ir*�ic*1c***ir*:tic***********tk*:k*ic:ktF*:k******* Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEI�T De t : BUILDING Division: 09�19�1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE bAVI� Item: 05400 PLANNING DE�ARTMEI�T' Dept: PLANNI�IG tJzvision: �9/19�1996 CHARLTE Action: APPR N�A Item: 0560Q FIRE BEPRRTMENT Dept: FIR� DiviSion: 49f19/1996 CHARLIE Action : A�PR �1�A Item: 05500 PtJBI,IC WORKS �ept: PUB WORI� Division : 09f19/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR N�A *******,r******�*,�*****�t�*****,t****,r*******�*************�r****,��*,r**************,t***********,r*�******�r***************rr**,r****��*�** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit . o�c�asario�,s I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, fiLled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the lnformation provicled as required is correct. I agree to comply u�ith the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Toun's zoning and subdivision codes, design re�ieu approved, Uniform 6uilding Code and other prdinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE hiADE TWE�ITY-F4UR HOURS IN ADUANCE BY TELEPHONE Ad 479-2138 OR OUR FFICE FROM 8•00 AM 5:00 PM Send Clean-Up IDeposit To: FRaI�K CONSTRUCTION 5 NA QF P�E OR CO ACTOR FOR HIh1SELF aND OWNER � ` � � *�*�**�****�*********�****************�*�*****��*******************�******��**** CONDITIONS Permit # : g96-0282 as o£ ll�b7�96 Status : ISSUED *****�*�********�******�**���*****************�******�******�*�****���******�*** Permit Type : A�DfALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 09�19�1996 App��cant : FRANK CONSTRUCTION Issued: 09�23�1996 3039497992 To Expire: Q3/22�1997 Job Address : Location: MARRIOT MARK UNITS 383-385 Parce� �o : 2101-072-05-001 Deseription : COSMETIC REMODEL CARPET, PAIN�, TILE,ADD WINDOW Conditions : l . FTELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COP�PLIA�CE . 2 . ALL P�NETRATIONS IN WALLS,C�ILI�GS,A�� FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIA�. 3 . SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDRaOMS AND EVERY STORY AS P�R SEC . 1210 OF THE 1991 U�C . 4 . F�RE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 5 . PERMIT I5 GOOD FpR COSMETIC REMODEL ONLY - ' • # �**************************************************�************ TOWN OF VAIL, GOLORADO Statemnt �***�******************��****************�********************** Statemnt �Tumber: REC-0229 Amount : 206 . 10 11,/�7�96 16 : ].2 PaymEnt Method: CK No�tation : #2352 Init : CD -------------------------------------------------------------�__�_ Permit No: B96-0282 Typ�: A-MF ADD�ALT M�' BUZLD PER Parcel No : 2101-�072-05-Oo1 Sit� Address : 715 W LI0�ISHEAD CR Location: MARRIOT MARK UI�ITS 383-3$5 Tota1 Fees : 795 . 85 This Payment 206 . 10 '�otal ALL Pmts : 795 . 85 Balance : . 00 **,�*****��**************,��*�****,��*****:���*****,�*****:�********�� Account Code Description Amount O1 QOOQ 41310 BUILDING PERMI�' FEES 34 . 00 O1 O�Od 41332 PLAN CHECK FEES 22 . 10 Ol OQ�� 22002 CLEANUP DEP05I"I'S 150 . 00 , . , ` . � � TOWN OF VAIL DEP�RTMENT OF COM�LTNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S . FRONTAGE RO�D VAIL, CO 81657 974-479-2138 �OTE: THaS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE A� ALL TIMES ADD�ALT MF BUTLD PERMIT Permit #: B96-0282 Jab Addr�ss; 715 W LIONSHEAD CR Status . . . : ISSUED Location. . . : MA�RIOT MARK UNiTS 383-38Ap�lied. . : 04f14�1996 �arcel No. . : 2�01-p72_p5-001 �ssued. . . : 49�23�1996 �roject No. • Expires . . ; 03/22/1997 AFPLICANT FRANK CONSTRUCTION Fhane: 3039497992 FO BOX 641, AVON Cq 81620 CONTRACTOR FRANK CaNSTRUCTIDN Phone: 3�39497992 PO BaX 641, AVON CO 81620 OWNER KUSHNER LaUIS Phane: 412-33$-1103 ROTHtdAN-GORDON, 3RD FL GRANT BLVD, PSTTSBURG PA 15219 Descriptzon: COSMETIC REMODEL OF UNF� {CARFET,PAINT, TIL� ETC. ) �� i Occupancy: R1 Mu�ti-Family � G� Type Construction: II FR Type �I Fire Resistive ^ Type occupancy: ��� Valuation: 24, 200 Add Sq Ft: Fireplace Informatione Restricted- �Of Gas Appliances: �Of Gas Logs: qOf Wood/Pallet: ******* ***********ir**�1r**intirlr*icirk FEE MMARY �*�t�ic*1r*1c***ir*ir****icir** Building-----> 295.00 Restuarani Plan Revieu--> .OQ 7otal Calculated Fees--> 589.75 Plan Check---> 191.75 DR8 Fee-----~----------> ' .00 Additional Fees-------'-> .� Investigation> .00 Recreation Fee----------> .� .00 Total Permit Fee--------> 589.75 Will Call----> 3.00 Clean-Up Deposii-------> ,'� 100.00 Payments------------'---> 589.75 Yf1TAL FEES-------------> :` 584.75 BALANCE DUE-------------7 .OD **�t,t *�k*k�*�k*****�1:*******�*****ir�t****ir*1r**�t1�it***i;*�*�: *******ir*tr�rtr*,t**�t*1nHt*�t***�k*�c***�k*�**�t*�k**�t*i:******�r Item: 05100 �3UILDiNG DEPARTMENT �'• Dept: BUILDING Division: 09�19�1996 CHARLIE Action: �iPPR CHARLTE 1�AVI�S Item: 05400 �LANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANN�NG Division: 09/14��996 CHARLIE Action: AFPR NfA Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Divisian: 09�19�I996 CHARLIE Actio�: APPR N�A Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept : PUB WORR D�vision: 09 f 19�1996 CHP,RLIE Actian: APPR N,/A * ****�x�*** See Page 2 of this Document for any canditions t�iat may apply to this permit. DECLARA7IONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I egree to comply uith t�e information and piot plan, to comply xith all Takn ordinantts and statr laws, and to 6uild this structure according tv the T6NR�s zoning end subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and ather ordinances of the Toun appCicsble thereto. RE�iUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHRLL BE MADE TWENTY-FOl1R HOURS IN pDVANLE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR OUR FF1EE iROM B:DO AM 5:00 PM Send Clean-Up D�posit 70: FRANK tONSTAUCTION G OF NE OR CONT CTOR fOR HIMSELF AND OWNER � � + � • � •e �f�t�t�[**7k 9t'�!"�'�C�f'�f�f'�C�:�'A''lC�P�C�C*'k'7F'k*'�7t�C/f*�C*�f YP'�'�[�C�C 7k�f*�C�t`h'�t 7Y�('�C�C k 7�'A'`A''f�*Y1f�f�f*'.k'1t 7�!*�C�'jf'�P'�f'�7''�l'�[*7♦C'k�''�''!�'f�t coNmz°rzc�Ns Permit # : 896-4282 as of 09/23/95 Status : zSSUED *,�,�***********�,r***********�****�*****�*****�******,��***********��********,��**�* Permit Type: ADD,/A�T MF BUILD PERMIT .�pplied: 09�'19/199b Applicant: FRANK C�NSTRUCTION Issued: 09�23,/1996 3039�97992 To Expire: Q3�22/199? Job Address : Location: MARRIO'T MARK UNITS 383-365 Parcel No: 21Q1-072-05-001 Description; COSMETIC R�MODEL OF UNIT (CARPET�PAINT,TILE ETC. ) Conditions . 1 . FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE R�QUIRED TO CHECK FO� CaDE COMPLIANCE. 2 . AI�L PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND F'LOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPRQVED F�RE MATERIAL. 3 . SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUI�tED IN ALL BEDROOMS �1NA EVERY STORY AS PER SEC. 1210 OF TIiE 1991 UBC. 4 . FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAI� BE STARTED. 5 , p�RMIT IS GOOD FOR COSMETIC 1�ENfODEL ONLY . � � � • 'Z`OWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOFMEN'P 75 S . FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CQ 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED QN JOBS�TE t�.T ALL T�IMES ADI]�ALT MF �UILD PERMIT Permit # : B96-0282 Job Address: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR Status . . . : TSSU�D Location. . . : MARRIOT MARK UNITS 383--38Appla.ed. . : 09/19/1995 Parcel No . . : 2101--072-05-001 Issued. . . : d9�23�1996 �roject No. : Expires . . : 03/22/1997 APPLTCANT FRANK CONSTRUCTION Phone: 3039497992 PO SOX 641, A�TaN CO 61520 COI�TRACTOR FRANK C�NSTRUCTI�N Phone: 3039497992 PO B�X 641, AV�N CO 81620 OWNER KUSHNER Lf7UIS Phone: 412-338-1143 ROTHMAN-GQRDON, 3RD FL GRANT BLVD, PIT'�SSURG PA 15219 De�cription: COSMETIC REM�DEL O� UNIT (CARPET,PI�INT,TILE ETC. ) Occupancy: R1 Multi-Family Type Construction; �I FR Type �I Fire Resistive Type Occupancy: Valuation: 24, 20� Add S� Ft: Fireplacr lnformetion; Restricxed: qpf Gas Appliances: ilOf Gas Logs: 710f WaodfPallet: ***1r*�!r*****i:ir*iric*�k****#ir�c*ir**�t**irstit**i:*�kkit***irir**iF**'k*'k**�k# FEE S MMARY **�*�i:*irirk*�I-kiF******ir*�Nc '�`***�'* Building----°> 245.00 Restuarant Plan Revieu—> 00 Total Calculated Fees---> 589.75 Plan Checic---> 191.75 6RB Fae-----------------> .40 Additional fees-------> •� InvestigatioN .00 Recreation Fee----------> :' .DO Total Permit Fee--------> 589.75 WiIL tall----> 3.00 Clean-Up Deposit--------> 100.00 Payments---------------> 589.75 TOTAL fEES-------------> 9.75 BALANCE DUE------------> .� * **ir**irir*it*�l****�1-ic *ie*ic*irir**i�t�r�,F*�1��+* Item: 05104 BUILDING DEPARTMENT T�e'p t: BUILDING Division: a9,/19�1996 CHARLIE Actian: APPR CHARLIE DAVI�S Item: 05400 PLANNII�G DEPARTMENT Dept: PLAI�NING Div�sion: 09�19�1996 CH�RLIE Actian: APPR Nt�A Item: �05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: 09�19�1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR N�A Item: 05500 PUBLTC WORKS Dept; PU� WOE�K Divisian: 09�19�1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR NfA �t ��*�*�**�,t�t�r�t*** *�****�r,�������r�,r��-r��t*�t See Page 2 of this Document for an� conditions that may app�y to this permit. UECLARATiONS I hereby acknouledge that I have eead this application, filled aut in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information prv�ided as required is correct. I agree to com,p�y with the inforiaation and plot plan, to comply uith all Toun ordinarsces and state taus, and to build this structure according to the To�rn's zoning and subdivision todes, design revieu approved, Uniform B+ailding Code and other ordi�ances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR 1NSFECT10N5 SHALL BE MADE TWEN7Y-FOUR HDURS IN A6VANC£ BY TELEPHONE A7 479-2738 QR OUR FFYCE FROM 8;0(J AN S:QD PM Send Clean-Up Deposit To: fRAN9C CONSTRUCTlON G �OG NE 4R CONT �CTOR FOR HIMS�LF AND OLINER • • • .. � � . , ********�*****�*********�**************�*,�*******��****************�,x�r�******�r** CONDIT�ONS Permit # : B96-fl282 as ot 09�23�96 Status: YSSUED ****�,�******��*�*****�***�************�****,�*********�x******�*****************,�� Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD P�RMIT Applied: 04/19/1996 Applicant: FRANK C�NSTRUCTION Issued: 09/23/1996 3034497992 To Expire: 03/22/I997 Job Address : Location: MARRId'� MARK UNITS 383-385 Pazcel No: 21fl1-072-05�-0�1 Description: COSMETIC REMODEL OF UNIT (CARPET�PAINT,TZLE ETC. ) Conditions : 1 . FI�LD INSFEC'�IONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMFLTANCE. 2 . A.LL PENETR.A�IQNS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. 3 . SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC. 1210 OF TI�E 1991 UBC. 4 . FIRE DEPARTM�N�' AFFROVAL IS REQUIR�D BE�'ORE ANY WOFtK CAN BE SmARTED. 5 . PERMIT IS GOOD FOR C�SMETIC REMODEL ONLY i ' � � . . **,r,�***�*****�***��***�**�,�**��** **��x,�*********,�,�*****,�,�****,��* StatemIIt TOWN �QF VA�L� COLORADO *******,�*�******,�*�****�,�**��*****�***,��**�**,�****,��**********,�* 589 .75 09 23 96 11 : 07 S�atemnt Number: REC-�0204 Amount: � ynit: LRD Payment Methad: CHECK Notation: #22`�1 �____� ------------------�-- ----_ !� Fermi� No: B96-0262 Type: A-ME ADD�ALT M� BUILD PER Parcel No: 2101-072-05-001 Site Addz'ess : 715 W LIONSHEAD CR Location: MARRIOT MARK UI3ITS 383-385 Total Fees : 5$� •�� This Payment 589 ,75 Total ALL Pmts: �89 • �5 Balance: ,00 �x**********�r�x�*****�r��*�**�****,�,x�x**********�***��********�+�*** Account Code Descziptian Amoun� 01 OOQO Q1310 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 295 . (Y� O1 0000 41332 PLAN CHECK FEES 191 .'75 O1 0000 22042 CLEANUP DEPOSITS �`• Q� 41 0000 41336 WILL CALL I1�ISPECTION FEE 3 . 04 � � � � , � ,til�;n. r'c� `� - �'g - �� � �_ • TOWN OF VAIL D�'PARTMEN'F OF COMMUNITY DEVELQPMENT 75 S . FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, C4 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE : THIS PERMIT MUST BE �OSTED ON JOBSITE AT P,LL TIMES ADD�ALT MF BLTILD PERMIT Perm�.t # : B96-0282 Job Address : 715 W LIONSHEAD CR Status . . . : APPR4VED Location. . . : MARRIOT MARK UIVITS 383-38Applied. . : 09/19/1995 �arcel No. . : 2101-072-05-041 Issued. . . : 09�19,/1996 Project Na. : Expires . . : 03/18/1997 APPLICANT FRANK CONSTRUCTION Phone: 3039497992 PO BOX 641 , AVON CO $1620 CONTRACTOR FRANK CONS'�RUCTION Phone: 3Q394979g2 PO BOX �41 , AVON CO 81620 OWNER KUSHNER LOUIS Phone: 412-338-1103 RQTHMAN-GORDON, 3RD FL GftANT SLVD, PITTSBURG PA 15219 Description: COSMETZC REMODEL OF UNIT (CARPET,PAINT,TILE ETC . } C7ccupancy: R1 Mu1ti�Family Type CQnstruction: II FR Type II Fire Resistiv� Type accupancy: Valuation : 24, 20(� Add Sq Ft: Fireplace Informatian: Restricted: N4f Gas Appliances: NOf Gas Logs: ?IOf Woad/Pallet: i ***;kic***�t**1Nc******#*ir**irir***�t*tr*i;�tic*it**#**inhkicir*1r*****i:*ic* FEE SUMMARY **ic*ic�*******1rt****************ir#*�k****icir*ic**�t�c�4*ic***�k�t*ir Building--°°-> 295�00 Restuarant P�an RevieN--> .QO Total CalcuLated Fees---> 589.75 Plan Gheck---> 141.75 DRB Fee----------------> bD Adcfitional Fees---------> ,00 investigation? .00 Recreation Fee----------> .. Total Permit Fee--------> 589.75 Wi U Call----> 3.00 [lean-Up Deposit--------> 1Q0�00 Payments----------------> .00 TOTAL FE�S--------------> 5$9.75 `, �ALANCE DUE-----------> 589.75 *,t*ic**i�c*�t*�t*yk*-kir�t#�k*'kicir�k�FiY'k�F�kat�I'-k�A'�lc*�l'*tk�k�k*�th*'A"k�cir�l 1r**�I�I*:4**,k***'k�kyt*irk*************'k*********ir*a1M•*1t*�'***',t*irt**i�*�t***icic*****ltictkit�F* Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division: 09�19�/'1996 CHARL�E Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVIS Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT � Dept: PLANNING Division; 09�14�1996 CHARLIE Action: AP�'R NfA Ttem• 05600 FIFtE DEPAR'TNiENT Dept: FIRE Div�sion: 09�19�'1996 CHARLIE Aetion: APPR N�A Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept : PUB WJRI{ Division: 09�19�1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR N�`A �***�*�*t�*�*��*�r**�*,��r�*,�*�x�rx�t�rx���,r��***,�*,r�*�x**�***,r��-x*��***�*,r�******�t*�,r*�r*�*�**��r** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARA71'ONS I hereby acknouledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, cnmpleted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and �plot plan, to co�nply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Toun's zaning and subdivision codes, design revieu approved, Ur�iform Building Code and ather ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. RE�IUESTS FOR IN5PECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADUANG� BY F�LEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OfFICE FROM 8:00 AM S.Oq PM Send Clean-kJp Deposit To: FRANK CONSTRUCTION SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER � � **�**����r�***************�r*******�***�***��*�***��**�*****�*�**�*�x��r*********�** CONDITI�NS Permit # : B96-0282 as of fl9�19�96 Status : AFPROV�D *******�****�cw*�r�c,��rvc***�*�e�x��r�c*�r�c**********�*�******************�******�x*�r��***�r Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 09�'19/1996 Applicant: FRANK CONSTRUCTIOI� Iasued: 09�1I9�1996 3039497992 To Ex�aire : 03�18�1997 Job Addre�s : Locatian: MARRIOT MARK UNITS 383-385 Parcel. No: 2101-072-05-001 Deseription: COSMETIC REMDDEL OF UNIT (CARPET,FAINT,TILE ETC . ) Conditions : l . FIELD II�ISPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR C0�7E COMPLIANCE . 2 . ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEAL,ED WITH AA1 APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. 3 . SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQiTIRED TN ALL BEDROOMS A1�D EVERY STORY AS PER SEC. 1210 OF THE 1991 UBC. 4 . FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED �EFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STA�TED. 5 . PERMIT IS GOOD FOR COSM�'I'zC REMODEL ONLY ��Contact Eagle Caunty Assessors �'ice � �t 970'-328- 640 for ParS�,el #. TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTIC)N PER1�lIT 41 PARCEL �#: ,�-rG IO'�;�U�!OE�I PERMIT APPL C T�ON F4RM 1 DATE• �Gr (�' � APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED �UT �OMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEFTED **************����t*********��r* PERMIT I�1'k"ORMATION *****************��***��***** [)(j-Bui3,ding [ ]-Pl.umbing [ ]-Electrica�. [ ]-Mec���al [ ]-�ther Job Name: ,{�c.�,5{�n,�.�` �' ��°��,� Job Address: i�,��•-�-4! � rn�r,���-(--•?/� �. �.� /,��4R�1�o���"� �� r�ro�,s l� Le�al Descri�tion: Lot Block 3�;� Filin s B�IVTSION: � � � 3�15� �'�'�✓�"'�:-�.- �-.�S "cl. '��-� Owners Name: ui5��.c_.Sl�r� Address: �► rEs�cx,..r�. �r�rlS�-iiq rh. ���� 11R-3 Architect: Addr ss: Ph, � ��e� ' c�' . General Description: N�+.�c NeE.�,�- (x, , �vu�.� t���.cu..C� � � � wark Cl.ass: [ ]-New [)(]-Alteration [ )-Additional [�]��tep�air [ �-Other Number of Dwelling Units: Number of Accommoclation Uni�s: �_ �''�h'�''9 N mber and Type of Firep3aces. Gas App�.iances Gas Logs Wood/Pe1Zet_� ��*��t�****,�* *****�,�*****�******* VALUATTQNS *****�r******��******�r************ 1--�� `�'�s��--- BUILDINGt $°,�,h�, �da.pp EI,ECTRICAL: � OTHER: # P�LUMBING: �� MECHAN�CAL: � � TOTAL: � �*******************���***** CONTRACTOR INF�FtMAT'ION ***********�*�********�**�� .,��neral Contractor: �r�4n�C. �,�•{��-���,� � Town of Vail Req �NQ,�� Address: .�'��.�..,�; 4,y�/ �¢;•,crn. Ct, �rz,��, Phone Number: 47%- :�c�--��-��.��.. Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Address: � Fhone Numher: Plumbing Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Address: Phone Number: Mechanical C�ntractor: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Address: Phone Number: *************���r�**��*�*���*�*** FOR OFFICE OSE ��****�**�***��**�****�*�*�**** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: ?LUMBING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK ,�'EE: ''fECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL FLAN CHECK FEE: �LEGTRICAL FEE: RECR�ATI�N FEE: �THER TYPE OF FEE: � CLEAN-UP I7EPOSIT: �RB FEE: TOTAL PERMIT FE£S: TYPE GROUP SQ.FT. VALUATION BUILDING: S IGNI'ATUFtE: ZONING; SIGNATURE: :omments: 1 , CLEAN ITP DEFOSIT REFUi�IU 7Q� '�--f`�Yl A V��+�'����- C�J � . . . . . i FRAN,iC CONSTRUCTI�N � GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTf)R ���, . ��- �`�,V' • P.Q. 80X 641 ���," ��� �--r���-�--� AVON. CO B162U [3fl3) 949-7992 ('� � 3�-e-�� � �1 V ` � v'`'r. ` � � VV�y'1 1 vC...���Y I ' ••� 1 �/ �`��-� ��.tr ��;��` � �� �r� �. � � � ,� �- cZ ��s � �- �'��Lr�e�•-5 � �4��-r�, �,t v��..� r�.-�,�, , �, ,--��►�--c�.�� � � � �� �� � � '��� ���� � an�� ��r���+;,e�-r 8 -� t��- �-�,- �.� d-�' f,z., �?���.�t c.��--i..,�,��I-�-�� , �.�.,�-� �l�r' �-w ���--�- �.-�� ��- � ��.�- �t=�. � �.. 1`i.M�O�--�-� L.L�E)o c`L„ �G�C-�,�r.s�p ,C,,,�-� �4►°-C'_ ��,�:.�-t�.:`- W " ` � �( �1 j • C-�2_�� ��-�. L.�J" I�^�"-�. �„lJ�l '�`fo�,r-2„ �, C•P��f c�� ��'r-�-"" !� � �� S � [� � IVe.w ►�r-� �•-�-�l.eJ �-� � c �S��G��.�ci.: � � c�,[i r..�,�-�- �r�;�-,�- w 4�-5� � � 1V��.�.,✓ � �O�--`�— t5'�:�.�� �. ���`'�`i�'"� �-��-S ��- . — � �:X C5�� ��.u�.�c r� ��S ,�� f �� �� ���.� � r ��.�F����c� j �--�Qr--�, a • � - ��i� � �y ta wn o� ua i _ 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 office af cornmurtity deve�opmenf �'4= ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH TH� TQWN OF �7'AIL FROM: T{7WN OF VAIL PUBLiC WORKS/COMM[JNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE: MARCH 16, 198$ SUB.TECT: CONSTRUCTION pARKING & MA'I'ERIAL STORAGE In summary, Ordinance Na. 6 states that it is unlawful far any person to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debris or materia�, including trash dumpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place flr any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads �s approximately 5 ft. off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Warks Department. Persons found violating th�s ordinance will be given a 24 haur written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so na�ified does not camply with the notice within the 24 haur time specified, the PubTic Warks Department will remove said azaterial at the expense of person notified. The pravisions of this ordinance shal�. not be applicable to constructioan, main�enance or repair projects of any street or a31ey or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in ful�, p�ease stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to ohtaa.n a copy, Thank you fve your cooperation on this matter. Read and acknawledged by: � ._ �C��-��� os.�t�ivn�Relationshi to Pro�' ect P � {l.e. eantractor, awner) � ���� D e . � � ���� taw� o� �a� � � - 75 south fronlage road vali, colarado 81657 � (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 offlze of commuetlty developme�i! . BUILDING PER��IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAPIE If� thi.s permi,t requi.res a Town of Vail �ire Department Approval , Eng i neer'•s (_Pu bl i c Wo rks} reYi ew a nd a pprova 1 , a P1 a nni ng Depa rtment r e v i Ew or Hea l t h De�artment review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as tPiree week5. All commercial (:large or small ) and all multi-family permits wi11 have to foll�w the above ment�aned maximum requirements . ResidentYal a�d small pro,7ects shou7d take a iesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the variaus above mentior�ed departments with_ regard to necESSary review, these proaects may also take the ttiree week period, � Ev�ry attempt wi71 be made by this department to expedite this permi�t,as soon as possible. ' I, the unders�gned, understand the plan check pracedure ar�d time frame. � , e y, � � l�(.tSh r�2�✓ �'�' � -- ,��cj Pro�ect Name • Da W k Sheet was turned into t e Co unity Develo�mpnt Department. � MEMORANDUM � TO: ALL CONTRAC70RS FROM: TOWN OF VAI� PU�LIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DATE: �NAY 9, 7g94 RE: WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERM�T' 1S RE4UIRED Jvb Name: � Date: Please ns er ihe folfowir�g questionnair� regarding the need for a "Public Way Permit": YES NO 7) !s thcs a new residence? �'� 2) Is demolition work being performed #hat reQuires the use of the �ight �1,�'� of way, easements or public p��perty? 3} Is a�y utility work rteeded? �� 4) Is ihe driv�w�y �eing repaved? �� 5) Is dii�erent access r�eeded to s�te /�� other than existing dr�veway? 6} Is any drainag� work beir�g done ��.�' affecting the right of rvay, easements, � ar p�blic prop�rty? 7) Is a "Revo�able Right Q� Way Permit" �'�'C� reauired? � S) A. fs the right af way, easements or �'L pt�blic praperty to be used for staging, par�cing or fenciRg? • B. If no ta 8A, is a parking, staging �,/�� or fer�cing pfan requjred by Community Development? If you answered yes to any oi these questions, a "Public Way Permit" musi be obtained, "Public Yllay Permit" applicatians may be obtained at tha P�rblic �l1►ork's office or at Gommunity Developmer�t. �f you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town � of Vait �onstructian En�pector, at 479-2158. I have read and answered all the above questions. � � n -���'� I� . ob Name Con#ra o ign�ture Dat � •j . - � � PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Buildi�g Permits: 1) Fill out our check list provided with a buildina permit application.. If yes was answered to any o� ihe abov� questions then a "Public Way" is required. You can pick up an a�plication at either Co�mmunity Development, located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Pub�ic Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley DTive. 2) Notice sign offs for utility campanies. All utilit�es must field �erify (iocate) respectiv� utilities prior ta signing application. Some utility companies require up to a 48 t�o�r nfltice to schedul� a tocate. 3} A conskruction traffic controUstaging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of pa�er.An apprvved srte plan may alsv be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and t�e work zone, (area of Construction, Staging, etc..}. This plan will expire on Oct. 15th. and wili need Eo be res�bmitted for approval through t�e wir�ter. 4) Sketch of vuork being pertormed must be submitted indicatir�g dimensions (length, width & depth of wa�k). This may be drawn on the traffic cor�trol plan or a site plan for the job. 5) Submit completed application to the Public V1lorks's office for review. ff required, locates wifl be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and IrrigatiQn crew. T�e locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 48 f�ours to pertorm. 6) �he Public Work's Constructian Inspector wi{I review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will b� contacted as to the status and any thak may needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but p�ease allow up to one week to process. , 7) As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the "Building Permit" ta be r�l�as�d. Please do not canfuse th�e "Public Way Permit" with � "Bui6ding Permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: * The above_process is.#or work in a public vvay only. " Public V'Vay Permits are valid only until No�ember 15th. ' A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. cdlpway � � �1 �` � ��� . �� TOWN OF YAIL 75 South Frantage Road De�artment of Conmau�tity Developrrtet�t Vaid, Codorado 81 b57 303-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 303-479-2452 INFORMATION NEEDED WHEN APPLYING FOR A MECHANICAL PERMIT 1 . EiEAT L(3SS CALCULATIONS. 2 . TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIFMENT DRAWN IN TQ SCALE, WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATIPJGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANIGAL ROOI�. 3 . SHOW SZZE AND L�CAT�ON OF COMBIISTION AIR DUCTS, FLUES, VEN'T C�NNECTORS AND GAS LINES . 4 . NOT� WHET�I�R. ELEVATOR EQUTPM�NT WILL ALSO BE IIVSTALLED IN MECHANICAL ROOM. FAILURE TO PROVID� THIS INFORMATFON WILL DELAY YQUR PERMIT. . + ! � � \ '�t _ �oW� Qf ��il 75 sauth lrantage raed office of comrnunity dewelopment rell,colorado 61657 (303)47�2138 (303)479-2i39 • _ NOTICE TO CONTR.ACTORS/�WNER BUILDERS Effective June 20, 1991, the Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage fram bui�.ding sites alonc� and ad�acent to Town of Vail raads or streets . The Town of vail public Wo�cks Department will. be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vaii roads ar streets ar�d the installation of temporary or perndanent culverts at access points from the raad or street on to the construction si�e. Such approval must be obtainecz prior to any request for inspection by th� Town of �Tail Building Departrnent for footings or temporary electrical ar any other inspec�ion . Please cal� 479-2160 to request an inspection from the Public Works Depar�.ment . Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice . A1so, the �Town af Vail Pub3.ic Warks Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road � pa�ching ' as necessary . Su•ch appraval must be obtained prior to �"� nal Certificate of Occupancy issuarree . r. � � � � � , ,,� , � , , �[�5f 1�0`�r �k3: ifa Fi��(31.��a1"� t=uf�t IiV;���EC i Il:ll'J I�i�1ftH� ;3f-�t��F� k-k�li�: �i 1t� '':1 ;" ��iF�t:.H. i�:L;� ____:.---------------�----_---�--____�-�..._��:1�i----------_-__.��.��-�.�__.._-_--__-_-------_ Activity : L�'��--�Ll�;� aJl�a/9l �y�e : A-!�'IiF Stat�as : TSSU�b Cc�nstr-•: AM� Addr�s� : ?1,.�.i W LIQI'J:°,H�A17 CF� • Loc�tion : �lARRI�]T �i�l� u�ars .s�i.s--.�BS �=�ar�c.e 1 : �.:'i.4?�1.-�7`---�ZG�-���. Oce: Us e : I I FR l�escrip� i c,n : C�5}►��TI� f��MO��:L 4:ARF'El', F'AZi�lT, TIL.E, ADD WINDC�W Appl ic^�y7� : FRA�6K CO#��TRUC�'IQN F'I�vn�e : ��3949799� f�wner,: KUSHN�R LIJL}�S Rhonee 43.2-3?,8-11�3 Contr�ctor,: FR�NK CQN�TRUC�'�t3�V Phone : 3��949799r� Inspect i�nn R�q�.iest Tnfor�-m�� i on. . . . . Rer��_i�star•: Jeff Fr•ank ��hone : ,��-_'8--53c:c: F2eq Time : @B:Q+� �ommen�s : unit ,:;Fi.?�- will c�1 �. unit �t8,:� (Steve) Ite+ns r��q�_ieste� to be Inspec�ed. . . 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Mr1 �:. �,�¢4��` �' x .. �f � -� .. �..^ !�". ��4 �- 4�.. � � ' '� � m .�.�' � �.�y�N�"' ' . . �':{e� �� � - - y � ��'': �; r, i� &^ � � ro -� � " -� � u ;a- ^ �`,�. .' r� p�'a��I � Pl "�� . ti A� � F. 1� '�"'[ ��;` �_ ,� . a SM� �; � a �+���� I �''^ _ �a r�.�°"c�.` ��f�. °�t�T y' �r ,� � ��AL,� i,�',A�� ��� I , . r ��a ��� �- ,�:�� -.., a¢ '.. ., _. ., . , . , �•.. . .1. . � . . . . � . - � ' _ , � � � � .. .. . . . .. . .�,.. . . - ' . . � t:; r' �� Building Safety F�Inspection Services Division Community Development Department �} �,�� 75 South Frontage Road ��� �� ���r Vail, Colorado USA 81657 �� CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This certificate is issued pursuant to the requirements of the Uniform Building Code as adopted by the Town of Vail certifying that,at the time of issuance,this structure was found to be substantially in compliance with the various ordinances of the town regulating building construction or use for the following: Name and description of project: Vail Marriott Penthouse # 1 Address of project: 714 West Lionshead Circle Owner name and address: Vail Resorts Development Compan�, PO Sox 7,Vail, Colorado 81658 Occupancy Group(s): R 1 Type(s) of Construction: II FR Permit Number(s): B02-0198 NOTE: The building official may, in writing, suspend or revoke a certificate of occupancy issued under the provisions of this code whenever the certificate is issued in error,or on the basis of incarrect information supplied, or when it is determined that the building or structure or portion thereof is in violation of any ordinance or regulation of this code. Charlie Davis, Chief Building Official Date �� Building Safety F�Inspection Services Division Community Development Department �} �,�� 75 South Frontage Road ��� �� ���r Vail, Colorado USA 81657 �� CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This certificate is issued pursuant to the requirements of the Uniform Building Code as adopted by the Town of Vail certifying that,at the time of issuance,this structure was found to be substantially in compliance with the various ordinances of the town regulating building construction or use for the following: Name and description of project: Vail Marriott Penthouse #2 Address of project: 714 West Lionshead Circle Owner name and address: Vail Resart Develo�ment Com�anv, PO Box 7,Vail, Colorado 81658 Occupancy Group(s): R 1 Type(s) of Construction: II FR Permit Number(s): B02-0198 NOTE: The building official may, in writing, suspend or revoke a certificate of occupancy issued under the provisions of this code whenever the certificate is issued in error,or on the basis of incarrect information supplied, or when it is determined that the building or structure or portion thereof is in violation of any ordinance or regulation of this code. Charlie Davis, Chief Building Official Date �� Building Safety F�Inspection Services Division Community Development Department �} �,�� 75 South Frontage Road ��� �� ���r Vail, Colorado USA 81657 �� CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This certificate is issued pursuant to the requirements of the Uniform Building Code as adopted by the Town of Vail certifying that,at the time of issuance,this structure was found to be substantially in compliance with the various ordinances of the town regulating building construction or use for the following: Name and description of project: Vail Marriott Penthouse #3 Address of project: 714 West Lionshead Circle Owner name and address: Vail Resarts Development Com�any,PO Pox 7, Vail, Colorado 81658 Occupancy Group(s): R 1 Type(s) of Construction: II FR Permit Number(s): B02-0198 NOTE: The building official may, in writing, suspend or revoke a certificate of occupancy issued under the provisions of this code whenever the certificate is issued in error,or on the basis of incarrect information supplied, or when it is determined that the building or structure or portion thereof is in violation of any ordinance or regulation of this code. Charlie Davis, Chief Building Official Date