HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 2 LOT 47 LEGALilLt c0PY 1916 West Gore Creek Drive Lot 47, Vail Village West Filing 2 L2l30lro Backeround 1965 originally subdivided under Eagle County jurisdiction 1985 Front setback and site coverage variances granted for garage addition Annexed into Town of Vail early 1980's, de-annexed in 1985, re-annexed in 1986 1990 Lot 47 combined with Lot 46 through minor subdivision 2OO1 Lot 47 separated from Lot 46 and returned to prior configuration through minor subdivision and site dimension variance Zoning: Two-Family Primary/Secondary District Lot Size: 11,151 sq.ft. (2001 site dimension variance) Mapped Geologic Hazards: none Allowed Density: l dwelling unit Existing Density: l dwelling unit Allowed GRFA: 5,037 sq.ft. Existing GRFA: Unknown 12,752 sq.ft. under previous GRFA regulations) Allowed Setbacks: front 20 ft., side 15 ft., side 15 ft., and rear 15 ft. Existing Setbacks: front 5 ft., side 17 ft., side 15., rear 50 ft. (1985 front setback variance for garage addition) Allowed Site Coverage: 2,230 sq.ft. (20%) Existing Site Coverage: 2,576 sq.ft. (24yo) (1985 site coverage variance for garage addition) Required Landscape Area: 5,591 sq.ft. (60%) Existing Landscape Area: 8,451 sq.ft. (76%) Minimum Parking: 3 spaces Existing Parking: 3 spaces (1985 variance for garage addition allowed one space in street right-of-way) Design Review Board ACTION FORH Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 taxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com PToJect Name: HILGARTNER REPAINT Project Description: Pafticipants: Project Address: Legal Descrip6on: Parcel Number: Comments: DRB Number: DRB060460 FINAL APPROVAL OF A MINOR EfiERIOR ALTEMTION TO PAINT EXTERIOR OF HOUSE OWNER HILGARTNER,CHARLESRIFE,1109/2512006ANN -JT 1916 W GORE CREEK DR VAIL co 816s7 APPUCANT HILGARTNER, CHARLES RIFE, 1109/2512006ANN -JT 1916 W GORE CREEK DR VAIL co 81657 1916 W GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 1916 W. GORE CREEK DR Lotz 47 Block Subdivision : VAIL VILI-AGE WEST FIL 2 2103-t23-0702-9 Approved per plans dated912812006 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Action: SIAFFAPR Date of Approval= 09128120f,6 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is dillgently pursued toward completion. Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of community Development -nl'WN O f iAli 75 souh Frontage Road, vaif colorado 81657 DESlclt! lllViEW tel:970.479.2178 tax:970.479.2452 STAFF APiriia)VAL web: www.vailgw'com Generallnformation: DAIE:.-- 4WW All projects requiring design review must reeive approval prior to submifring a building permlt appli$tion.fflease reter t6 tne submitbl requirements br the particular approval that is requeste$'l 4FFPlljcatro_l-lglqElgltt€Sl cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department' I he project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. b"iign ,.ide* approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. DescriptionortheRequen fui.*. e*k'rtW O'$ YrcUQf' U1 LocaUon of the Proposal: Lot.-ll-Block:- Subdivision: Physical Address: Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address:tQtte e* Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs Conceptual Review New Construction Addition Minor Alteration (m ulti-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (si ngle-fa mily/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request ,HWtt'c-V+i( Vnic 6tks $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area' No Fee $650 For construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (indudes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements' such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee o d\otr tr tr tr tr tr (@ntact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel tt+*ltat*aaaaa+aa!{'*'}aa*****l*****a{'*a!*lr+*a*+a+ttll******9lll***{rtl+++r+a**a*t*aat**{t*{t*a"t'ti'} TOWNOFVAIL, COLOMDO Stat€m€nt +++++*aa*l*aaalaallllttaltlf*lllltllftla*a*{'**{'{r*ttlltl*t+lltlT**t{rtftlt*a**ta'allalltl*aa*r"l Staternent Number: R050001531 ilmount: $20.00 09/2s/200601 :23 Ptrt Palm€nt Method: Caeh Inlt: iISNotation: $/srAcEr HIIJGIARII|ER Permit No: DRBO6O46O Tlpe: DRB-Mlnor Alt, SER/DUP Parcel No: 2LO1-L23-07O2-9Site Add"ress: 1916 Tf C!oRE CREEK DR VAILIocation: 191.6 I{. GIORE CREEK DR Total Fees: $20.00 Thls Palment: 920.00 Total ALLr Pmte: $20.00Balance: $0.00+t*ltff|lttlal}ataaaati***aattt**{na**lfaaa+t*****1la+++ttllf*llf*at*aaafttal**aa*ata4aafa*a*aa* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description current PmtE DR 00100003LL2200 DESrGI{ RS\rrEW FEES 20.00 Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERHI-S Type of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows WindowTrim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior LighUng Other bwileTef tVtlnf gM nAs Flu ls't< ftY\,(. t<rl6 Notes: Please speciff the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. F:\cdev\FoRMS\PERMm\Planning\drb_minor_alt_l1-23-2005.doc t!2312o0s Page 6 of 13 o Loc:ttion of all required parking spaces. Snow storage areas.. Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure.r Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4' and 6'feet in helght.. Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable . landscape Plan:. Scale of 1" = 20'or larger. Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan. . Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed, Large shnds of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and gnding. r Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs. . Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover.. Delineate criucal root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and onstruction. . Indicate the location of all proposed plantings. . The locauon and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation.r ExistinQ and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be induded with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. . Lighting Plan:. Indicate type, location and number of fixtures. . Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area. Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixfure, . B]E4INLPSBBIS r For all proposals to repaint o<isting buildings, the following supplemental information is required: . Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s) r Architectural elerntion drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffiits,'etc.) F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMm\Planning\drb-minor-alt-l 1-23-2005'doc t7l23l2oo5 Page 5 of 13 Projectilame: HILGARTNERRE-ROOF DRBNumber: DR8050243 Project Descriptlon: FINAL APPROVAL rcR A RE-ROOF, SHAKES FOR ASPHALT SHINGLES Participants: OWNER HILGARTNER"CHARLESRIFE,1106/03/2005ANN -JT 1916 W GORE CREEK DR VAIL co 81657 APPUCAI.IT MASTER SEATERS 06/03/2005 Phone: 970476-3975 P. O, BOX 4473 VAIL co 816s8 License: 577-8 CONTMCTOR MASTER SEALERS 06/03/2005 Phone: 970-476-3975 P. O. BOX,t473 VAIL co 81658 License: 577-8 ProJect Addrcss: 1915 W GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 1916 WEST GORE CREEK DRIVE Legal DescripUon: Lot: 47 Block: Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 2 Parcef Number: 2103-123-07 02-9 Comments: SEE CONDmONS WV,lryu,'*2 tn +7 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By:vote: Date of Approvalt 0610712005 Conditions: Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not consUtute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond; 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. conar zoz O Apprwal of this prgect slull lape and becorne void one (1) year folbving the date of final appnval, unless a bullding permlt is issued and @ns0uction b comnnned and is dlligeNy pursued toward completlon. Planner: Joe Suther DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO Ortinor Exterior Altera$ns Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 f a\t 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a buildihgr-pdrmil.apptcatjbn-: refer to the submittal requirements for the pafticular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted unUl all required information is received by the Community Development Depaftment. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Location of the Proposal:Lot: /7 Block Physical Address: Parcel No.: 7/a 7 / "3 az e t7 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: df.,-=t/--,4 H lt-vo 3 ^t{w Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Mailing Address;a,/. -t /77 Z-?//C c. f/a-r4? Owner(s) Signaturc(s): E-mail Address: Phone: 7qa- 6')- 2 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. Construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. An addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining wallt etc. Revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (m ulti-family/commercial) 6rnor Alteration (single-family/d uplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request ( $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 @ $20 No Fee o PROPOSED UATERIAIS TVoe of Material tL DEslc\l R=v!E)ll t =. or4 otLo Color f4lcy' t-zoA Buildino Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: . Please speciry the manufaclurer's name, the color name and number and aftach a color chip. Page 6 of t3lL2/0404 Proposed surface drainage on and off-site. Location of landscaped areas. Location of limits of disturbance fencing Location of all required parking spaces Snow storage areas. Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure. Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and botlom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4'and 6'feet in height. Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable Landscape Plan: Scale of 1" = 20'or larger Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan. Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading. Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs. Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover. Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction. Indicate the location of all proposed plantings. The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation. Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Lighting Plan: Indicate type, locaUon and number of fixtures. Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area Attach a cut sheet for each proposed.fixture. REPAINTPRoPoSALS r ".': " For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s) Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie, siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffiits, etc.) a a a a a a a a a a a a o Page 5 of l3lt2l02l04 *+*'+******l*1f*1t'|*'i'!****!t*********l**********{'***********++**************+*+*******'l.l"l''}'ll'** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement Statement Number: RO5OOOO751 Amount: $2o.oo 06/03/2oo5o1 :34 PM Pa)ment Method: Cash Init: iISNotation: $/uasrPn SEAIJERS Permit No: DRBO5O243 I:pe: DRB-Minor AIE, SFR/DuP Parcel No: 2fO3-f23-O7O2-9 Site Addrese: 1916 W GORE CREEK DR VAIL, Location 3 1915 VIEST GORB CRBEK DRIVE Total Fees: $20.00 ThiE Palzment. : $2 0 . 00 Total ArJr, Pmts : 920 . o0 ' Balance: $0.00' ****l*****i*+++**+***+++++l++++tt++i*+***************l**f***t {.{r{.**+*********+***t********+t+ ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: AccornrE. Code Deacriptsion Current Pmts DR OOIOOOO3LI2?OO DESIE{ REVIEIC FEES 20.00 !1., 'TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMT Pemrit #: M00-0144 Job Address: 1916 W GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1916 W GORE CREEK DR Applied. . : lll07l2000 ParcelNo...: 210312307027 Issued. .: ll/1312000 ProjectNo: Expires..: 05/1212001 OWNER STRAUSS, RICIIARD & CAROLINE IL/07/2OOO Phone: PO BOX 1810 VAIIJ CO 815 58 APPLICANI STRAUSS, RICIIARD & CAROLINE LA/07/2000 Phone: PO BOX 1810 vArL co 816s8 CONTRACTOR STRAUSS RICIIARD Lt/01 /2000 Phone: 1.916 I{ GORE CREEK DR VAIL CO 816 57 License: Desciption: INSTALL A PHOTOGRAPHIC PROCESSOR Valuation: $1.000.00 Fireplace tnformation; Reslricted:# ofGas Appliances: 0 # of Gas togs: 0 # of Wood Pellet 0 r,rrraart+'}ttttra'''tar:airrt'tttttr+ttttrrar***'r*rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*r* FEE St MMARY Mechanical-> 92 o . oo Rcstuarant Plan Review->So . oo Total Calculated Fees-> S28 . o0 S5.oO DRB Fee-----------> 9o.oo Additional Fees---'-'> 90.00 So, oo TOTAL FEES-----------> $28 .00 Total Permit Fee-----'> 528.00 ntrr"roFCoMMrNrryDEVELopt' ult'* vatl vil uo ' Palmenls-> 528 .0093.00 BAI-ANCE DUE->10.0o *t**a+++,1|larrtt'rtItem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT LL/L3/2000 cdavis Action: AP It.em: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIII LL/LO/2000 mcgee Action: AP subject to inspection by fire dept haz mat CONDITION OF APPROVAL tech. DECLARATIONS I hereby aclnowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fi.rll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infomration and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. nrqub,srs ron ruspEcrloN sHALL BE MADE TwENTy-FouR HortRs IN ADvANcE By TELEIHoNE AT 479-2138 oR AT ouR oFFrcE FRoM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. Plan Check-> Investigation-> Will Call---> OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE *'}!*{.**!*'**'|,t't**'*****,*'t*'t*,.,|t*{.*{.**'l'l'|.'**!t*'t'N.***'}***'l*!*t}***,t'****'*********'}'t:|t**'}******{.,}'|'*t'*||t**:* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statelnent * ** * * * 'i * * **,iri * * * * **!* * * rl!* '1. *'i 'l '* tr * * 'i 't *'*:i 'l.r t *'i *:t'|* * + *'* 't'* * **'l{.* * 't * * * * 'l' *,lt* * * *'t * 'i * ** *,},* * *t* '1. * *:* ** '*:t* Statement Number: R000000205 Amount,: 928.00 ll/L3/2OO'aO:59 A!{ Pa).ment Method: Cash Init: LC Notation: pd by Rlchard Strauss - cash Permit No: l.{00-0144 Type: Ir{ECHANICAIJ PERMIT Parcel No: 2L03L2307027 Site Addresa: 1915 I{ GORE CREEK DR yAIL' Location: 1915 Iv GORE CREEK DR Total Feee: 928.00 This Payment: $2S.00 Total AIJIJ Pmts: $28.00 Balance: 90.00 *{t 'i **'t 't *t +'1. 'it* *{.f* * ** *** **l**,}** *:trt'}t* '1. {r '1. 'i* * * *** **{.**** '}+ ** * {t 'lt f i'r {. '1.** 'f **l * '1. ** *'t'lt **'t'lt I +* *+ +rt:1. ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pnts MP OO1OOOO31I13OO MECHANICAL PERII1IT FEES 2O.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 5.00 t^lC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTI0N FEE 3.00 From: Mike McgeeTo: Charlie DavisDate: 11l1OlO0 4:51PMSubject strauss photolab permit I was able lo get into the syslem on about the fourth try. I have approved the fire dept sile of the permit. I will fonrard the file to you nru<t week but the permit # is M00-0144. lt looks good to go and we do get the opportunity to inspect it. f 'fl be in a class Mon - Wed in Eagle but call me if you need at 471-0738 or page me at 748-2706. Thanks. ApptrcATroln Nor BE AccEprED rr rnaorn"rOR 'N'TGNEDProject #: NWN0Fvtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include:n Mechanical Room Dimensionsc Combustion Air Duct Size and Locationc Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Locationc Heat Loss Calcs.a Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets 't Euifding Permit #:_ Mechanicaf Permit *=@4 970-479-2149 (Inspections) / Contact As*ssrc Office at 97o-928-864llor visit for Parcel # Parcef # (Requiredif nobldg.permit#isprovidedabove)! X/ b 3 tZ3 A7 O L7 rob Name: STA4USS robAddress: /7/6 U 4^*(xut/ /x Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: ownersN" *i,oftAh/ srarlgdlAddress:4r Aloti ll Phone: +7/')7f 7 Enoineer:- tJ a ^,t tt Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: lN sitLU a t / /1" f" Fu/r/,c /f o., oo/, WorkCfass: New() Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other(pf Boiler Location: Interior ( )_ Exterior ( ) Other( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No,k) Type of Bldg: Single-family qZf Ouplex( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: /No, of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: No/Typeof FireplacesExistinq: GasAopliances( ) GasLoqs(/) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq( NofFype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas LoSs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) 328-8641' CoMPLETE VALUATTON FOR MECHANICAL PERMTT (bbor & Materials) MECHANICAL: $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION REC'DNOV062000 Mechanical Contractor:Contact and Phone #'s:Town of Vail Reg. No.: *******************+****FOR OFFICE USE ONLy*x*l ( ** * ** **** ** t'* );j* * 0t*rer Fees:Planner Siqn-off:Acceuted Bvz,-+Y DRB F€es:. F: /everyone/forms/ mechperm ********* Versalile ProMate ll hblebp prcscs are designed fm npid access color pinr Tlr ltolv{ate II will acconurodab cut shees and roll rnaterial ry aDS feet lmg wilh the use of the optional roll feed and take.up sysenu A light-tight cov6 is shndard for daylight operatiotr after loading. Economicol The ProMate II offers these axrgy saving fuatures: I Sau cs onepiece themcplastic hnks reduce condensation and heat loss from tempered demicals. L,ess power is requited to mainhin acflrate dr€mical tempetatures. I Tempered water is not requfued in the sbnd$y mode I Dryc, wato and uansport sptern shrt autonutiolly and tum off when not in use. Compoct The hoMate Il! compact size allorvs fc easy "through-thewall" installation or free standing in a darLroon. Prduclive Operating at 25 indres per minute, ihe 20" color rapid acccs model will pocess up to 375 8x10" Finb p€tr houl witlr the 31" model capable of 562 8x10" p'rine pcr hor. The t'ioltlate II processes dry-todry, eliminating lhe need fa a sqparate dryer. Modulor Tar*s and cansporB are modular in design, rcducing the drance of otsolescence when pocess dunges occtr. Compder Precisiat ond Control With computer precision, the ItoMate II autwratiolly conuols temFrature, d€velopment times, and r,eplenishmmt rab, assuring a high degee of pocessing acctracy. Chaniol temFntures can be Fogrammed to within 1 /1O F. dwelopmmt times to the s€con4 and replenishment ratss to ihe milliliu. Ptocessing Frameiers ar€ continuosly drecked, adjusted and redrccked by the comp'uter, maintaining process contsol wift unrnatdred prcision. Simplified Keyboord Controls qld Digilol Display The keytoard deigped fc the Pfolvlate Il permib easy data €ntry. You can easily switdr frun Foc€ssing Finb b Durabansu. A 32drancier alpha-numeric display instantly verifies operata inFlt and p'rocEssor sbtus. Audible signals will alert yotr or Proc€s9or fnrametss that arc out of tol€rance Advonc ed Repl eni shmenl Sysle m Infrared sersors on the feed table of the l}oMab II detect material entering the p'r,ocessor. The cornputer corstandy nonitas the amount of nauial being processed, and activates metering pump for the proper amornt of replenishment Cost Soving Features Providing maximum enegy and water savings, the ProMate II computer monitors maerial mtering ihe prrocessor and conhols on/off times br the transport, wash waE and dry6 cyde The wash water nte can be maintained at the abrsolute minimum based on the actual amount of material being poesed. While in the standty mode, all unnecessary procrssor functiors are shut down automatiolly, saving utility cose and minimizing wear. Ternpered water is not required to mainbin solutior ternpeatues which fruther reduoe operating costs. KREONITE,INC.715 E. r0th Sr.P.O. Box 20 Photo Lab Equipment & Supplies, Inc 3835 Elm St., Suite C Denver, C0 80207 Phone 303-322-0200 Fax 303-322-145Q Specificotions t7612616829 TT| (T') '14.7t' I fll&'n) | 25 lncnes/Minute (6scm) Dev. TIme:45 sec. r 3 min.,47 sec. (50cm) I IT I 21.t' (55cn) E s 3;3# o a o ,,, :,, i .-!"'.1 o.75" (lolcnt- (JUCnl I A" (160cn) - I l0lf TFa'l 20 inch Processor Model Number PM2-202&RA4 PM2-2M9RA.lNP 1, .;f lit!-fllt+.RAa r1 ;, 'P[ngi2tRAlNP.. Processol width 35" (89qn) Moximum MoleriolW'rdlh 21'(53cm),Ol Tonk Volumes gallons (liters) DcYelopet Bleoch Wosh (RA-4) Stoblllzer (RA.4NP) 3.5 gal. (14) 3.6 gal. (14) 7.2 gaL (m. 7.2 gal. Qn' r:i,:::::::: ,,,,'5Jl f,a! 1o81 I t0.8 i ,:,:,:1,::t':] ::: trliCI.l):.... FliPl):'! .:. F .j141l: iii tef,r(4.1)!t::: Produclion Copocilies 8xl0 Ff. Mr 375 2G 19 .i i.:56:l:r'.::::::::::::::: :.;',.,:,32 o!L:::::::i::::: Elecldcol Specilicglions" Slngle Phose Bru per hr. Pow€r (KW) 264 20K 6 lii'::::::':!: : ::: l:3!0j :::::::::::::: ,,:241 t,:,,;,;,.7, lllrll j':,t:::: I ... ... -...,... Operoling Wdghl 540 lbs. €4s kgs)r 6@ltn.':G Oplionol Accessories Roll feed/takeup systes1 Focessor stand, replmishment tariks, water conhol pnnel spare parb kit, portable dremiol mixers, boct-buck hansfomrer. ? tank ouls; *Pfmscs rcquire a nominal230VAC n/6AHz. (2{E to 248VAC openting range). 92-G28C 5/94 @ 1994, Kreonite Inc. All rights reserved Litho U.S.A. Photographic [,a.boratory Equipment & c'-ot29t t REPI FNISI{MENT BOTTLES The cugomer furnished replenishment bottles should not be mounred more than 8 feet (20.3cm) above the floor where the Focessor is locbted. If the 8 foot (20.3cm) head condition caa not be met, conlact your local dealer for an in-tine check valve. PLUMBING REOIJIREMENTS WATER PRESSURE: 50 PSt Minimum (3.5 kgcm). WATER, SI.JPPLY TEMPERATURE: HOT: Minimum of I 25. F (5 1.7. e. COLD: Maximum of 80' F (26.7'C). wAtER coNrRoL PANEL: Musr be mounred a minimum of 54' (l37cm) above floor level, meacured at base of panel. WAIER FLOW RAilES: 2..L5.0 cpM (9.5- I 5. I lirerVmin.) DRAIN: An exernal !" (5cm) minimum open floor drain wirh rrap is rocommended. Drain may be locaad beneath the frocessor or ertended fiom either side of the processor. WFIGIITS OPERATING: 2o" Modet 5a0 Ds. (245 kgs) 3t" Modet 660 lbs. (300 kgg SHIPPING: 20" Modet 575 lbs. (261 kgs) 3l- Model 700 tbs. (318 kgs) USEOFMANUAL This manual is desigred to assist the cusomer of the ProMate II hocessor in properly preparing thc laboratory area, allowing an expeditious and rouble-free insallation. The typical- 'Thru-the-Wall Installadon" shown on the following pages is inrended to provide a general overview of-a lypical procesrcr insulladon. Such ircms as processoi <iini"cnsions, accessory 'specificatidns and componrnt locadon will vary from one insullation n anoiher, dcpending on processor mbdll and individual needs of customer. The instructions contain deuiled prcessor specificarions (by model number), crirical o the Pre-lnstalladon layout. By using dre de!4iled spe-cifications -along wirh rhe iccompanying gineral information, a succcssful processor insallation will be achieved. PRE-INSTALLATION REOUIREMENTS l. hovide wall ope-nings per specifications contained herein, if processor is to be installed "thru-the - wall". 2. Mount and connect optional water conuol panel prior o processor installation. 3. Provide rough-in for drain, water supply and electrical service with disconnecs. 4. A water resisant flod treatmenl !o facilitac cleaning of floor area (optional). PROCESSOR RECEIVING AND TJNCRATING INSTRUCTIONS All Kteoni@ Processors receive careful tinal rest and inspecdon before leaving frctory and arc shippcd in complete and good wcking order. lmmediately upon receipi of processor, inspoctdrarc (s)in presence of <ianier.tf damage is apparenq file claim with Carrier. Ciaims fileit moie rhan l0 days afrer delivery may be denicd by calTrer, DOMESTIC: l. Cut retaining bands around crate and rsmove. 2. Remove nails from arounrl striping palter- 3. Lif! top wirh side panels off ar one time. 4. Remove sE4s ard plastic covers. 5. Remove all loose items from pallet 6. For next srep, refer o INSTALLATION and OpERAIION manuals. FOREIGN: l. Cut rcainingtands.aroundqate and rcmovc. 2. Removc side purel screws. 3. Remow all screws around pallet Rcmove all sides and top. 3. Ranove suaps and plastic covers, 4. Remove all loos€ items from pallet- 5. For next step, refer ro INSTALLATION and OpERATION manruls. 97ata oI DF ALF RtrUSTOMER CHFEKLIST The customer is responsible for all arrangemens to move the processor to insullation site and ready it for operation. This inclirdes rhe following arilngemenrs to be madi prior n delivery: I Provide your Ikeonire dealer with complete delivery insrucdons. E Prepare installarion site prior to processor delivery, irrcluding utilily hook-ups and wall opening. I Have necessary equipment and personnel on hand to unload uuck, move pr@essor to insullation sirc anc InsEJl processor; auending personnel should include: I numter I Elecrician I Technical Reprcscnhrivc I Receiving/Dock Help I If there is a loading dock, will ir accepr crarc from truck? I Ooes tnrt neeC a power ailgate? ! Is a forklift available? ! ts all cusomer-fumished equipment available? This should include: l. 12" hoi & cold water lines (wirh shut+ff rralves) to oprional water cmtrol Fnel. 2. lvlain elccrical power disconnect box. 3. Extcrnal power suppty cable from main power disconnect to power junction box. 4. l-12" drain hose from processor drain fiuing to flmr drain locarion. 5. An extemal 2" minimum open floor drain is recommended. I Is a flat bouom clean-up sir* available for rcgular cleaning of processor rransports? RECOMMENDED MINIMUM FLOOR SPACE Allow 36- (9 lcm) in front and 30" (76cm) in back of the processor for operadng r<nm , and 24" (6 I cm) on each side for servicing. VENTING RFOTIIREMFNTS It is essendal that a positive air pressure be mainuined in the darkroom. The darkoom should be vented by forcing air inro darlroom and allowing air ro exit Orcugh feed slot of processor. (Recommcnded l0 o 20 room changes per hour.) '?{r29 PROCESSOR DIMENSIONS FEg) EI{)EXIT EI{D T 2tJ(,l)I ELECTRICAL S PECIFICATIONS 230VAC, sOtfiHZ PnocEson PM2-2015-RA4 PM2-201s-RA4NP PM2-3115-RA4 PM2-3II5-RA4NP PM2-2025-RA4 PM2-2025-RA4NP PM2-3125-RA4 PM2-3125-RA4NP PM2-3137-BW SINGLE PHASE 25A 25A 29A 29A 25A 26A 34A 35A 29A BTU Per bour 19K l9K 23K 23K 20K 20K 27K NK 22K KW 5.7 5.7 6.7 6.7 5.8 5.9 7.9 8 6.6 t TANK CAPACITIES (WITH TRANSPORTS INSTALLED) * .aAIJ,ONS & {'JrERS) PROCESSOR WDTH DEV Bl,cl Ftx WASH 2-TANK T1OTAI.S STAE 2-TANK tloTAts PM2-2015-RA4 PM2-31t$RA4 zv' 3t" 26 (r0) 3.5 (t3) 2.5 (r0) 3.5 (r3) 8.2 (3r) 12 (46) PM2-2OIFN.A4NP PM2-3II5-RA4NP ar 3t" 2.6 (r0) 3.5 03) 2.6 (t0) 3.5 (13) E.2 (31) r2<6' PM2-2g].5-RA1 PM2-3t25{A4 N 3t' 3.6 (14 5.1Cltl 3.6 (14 5.4 (2t) 7.2 (n) 10.8 (4lt PM2-2025-RA4M PM2-3IzHA4NP w' 3t" 3.6 (14 5.4 (2r) 3.6 (t{ 5.4 (21) 72 (27' r0.r (4rl Ph't2-3137-BW 3r"5.4 (21)s.4(2t)lo.t (4tj 5A a POWER REOT'IREI\,fFNTS Kreonite PM tr scrics proccssors have becn dcsigncd to pcrform cfficicntly on most domcsdc and forcign power source-of singlc phasc configuration. There is no nccd torun spccial "conlrol Jeg" power lincs for thc ploiessor control systcm. The control sysrcm dcrivcs its power from the standard powcr lincC uscd to powcr thc froccssor. Sundard powcr rcquiremcnts for thc Kreonitc PM lI scrics proccssor is as notcd: VOUXAGE: 20U248 VoltsA.C. t HERIZ: 5U60CPS AMPS: 2O"Model 26AMPS 3l"Modcl 3OAMPS GROLJNDI Incoming clccrical conduit carth ground wirc. Standard powcr configurations arc as follows: 1 @ 2 wtc 208-248 VAC betwecn Ll and L2. Conduit carth ground wire must bc providcd. rA Boost/Buck tansforner may bc rcquired for morc cfhcicnt opcration of tbc recircnluion pumps and drlrcr fans, y!9q opcrating near thc specificd voltage limits, Voltagc-out of the Boost/Buck trans?ornicr must ;ot cxcccd 248 VAC. WARNTNG Thc Processor MUST NOT bc conncctcd to cithcr an auxiliary grounding rod or watcr or gas pipc ground. I PROIVIATE II INSTALI.ATION MANUAL ,3-drr I a PROMATE rrl NSTALLATION MANUAL STAND ASSEMBLY l. Assembly sund per "STAND INSTRUCTIONS" and locare in wall opening. 2. Apply silicone sealer to dreads of l-lp irrch elbow. rlren scrcw onto drain pan fiuing. 3. Inshll f.in-p- on np of sund, wirh elbow poinring forward q aft. 4. Connecrcusomer fumished drain hose o drain elbow and route to floor dmin. l. Remove np and sirb palrcls. 2. Remove whia deiown srap on drive chain.3. Remove ranspon guides and crossovers.4. Remove mnspon alignment screws lhal join transporrs togelher.. 5. Lifr lransports from tanks. 6. tabel which transpon is aken form which ank. .h;-.J...--t:-h.. l. Ivlove proc€ssor to srand inb wall oDening and secure oer"STAiID INSTRUCTIONS". a PRoMATE II O INSTALLATION MANUAL WATER CONTROL PANEL CONNECTION l. Connccl 12 inch hose from warcr conrrol panel o the 12 inch adapor located on the lasr unk from the fced end of $e processor. Clamp with provided hose clamp. TRANSP'ORT INSPECTION & INSTALLATION l. Prior o ro-imtalling transporrs in tanks, complere the following checks. A. Make sure all roller shafrs, bearings and clips are in place, tighan set scrcws on drive slrafr- B. Check for any visible damage to sprockes, gean, cndplates, etc, C. Fe€d a piece of phoographic marcrial between cnuiuce rollers of a given ranspon; tum large 80-ooth drive gear clockwise o drive. D. Make sure tftmspon ladder chain(s) on cach ranspon arc relatively tauq if necessary, adlust Ensron, E. Tighrcn any loose scrcws - do not over tighren. F. Remove any foreign marerial from unks and wipe clean inside surface of unks, using a damp linr-free cloth. Re-insull all transporls in appropriare ar*s. Insull all atipment strds ard screws berween liquid and dryer Eanspon endplares. (Enrance and exit guide asrcmblies have l/2- OD strds and all the resr havc 3r8" ODsMs.) Rcplace developer entrance and crossover guides to their original positions, seat€d on Eansport alignment studs. Also, insull dqrer enuance guide between final liquid ranspon and dryer transport (reference insrallations larer in dris manual). Rota& crcssover eccennic so cmssover guidcs come as close o 2 irrch enuance sak rollers as possible, withort rubbing. 2. J. 4. 5. a PROITATE rro INSTALLATION MANUAL CHAIN GUIDE l. Insall the tluee chain guides berween rhe combinadon gearlsprockeB lo keep the chain aligrEd. The slit erd fils over lhe frame and the rounded part rides agaimt the charn. l. Using rhe eccenuic bearing adjusring tool, rotarc all gcqc$lc bearings rc obain a gap of ap-proximaely I/16 mcn oetwccn mesh of E0_boO uanspon drive gears and eccenEic mounted gears. NOTE Make cenain atl mnspons are properly seated, wirh [reirwetgnb resung on lank lips _ nol drive ge s o, unk clipc. I I 3. Pull chain ension idler in direction of arrow, a! showr, totrghten drive chain &osion, then righrcn idlcr nur. (Aiar clcctrical powcr has bocn connect"A m proc"ssor, aciuaredrive sysrem o check for smmrh opeiradon of ai Ori"i componenB. \t$,r"t uarypoq are il at@nrm wirh each irher by$gnung aloru lop of endplares Makc sure hcr screws on uanspon drive gcars are aligrrcdwih adjaceil hex rrews on sirockeu. - I \'1.: ..r PROMATE IIO INSTALLATION MANUAL @ l. Routc replenishment lincs o holding unks. CAUTION Extreme care must be uken b insure proper routing and connecting of replenishment lines o the correct chemical. :i'. r. \Df l$ lh MAIN POWER CONNECTION CAUTION HAVE A QUALIFIED ELECTRICA}I CONNECT THE MAIN POWER. l. litlain power is connected rc lhe terminal block #2 which is locaed at the exit end of processor. 2. Remove the two screws from lower panel marked with "HIGH VOLTAGE'label, rhen slid panel our o gain acc€ss !o TB #2. 3. Route main power wire through hole in wing panel and connect to Erminal bloct as shown. 4. Rt-insbll tnain ponrcr panel. 5. Tum power on to prcc€sso at this point, GROUND PROCESSOR LEVELING l. Crimp rcpladshmc ' 'incs. 2. Fill Enks with warcr, adjusr lcveling legs until rhe watcr level is even rcrss |lre one irrh solid enFance roller in each anlc 3. Re+djusr rhc lcveling lcgs if nccessry. 4. Check plumbing and bnks for lcaks. 5. Drain wacr fiom tianls. NOTE Koep the lweling legs as far ino the proccssor as possibb. Raising the legs too fr can re.sult in ttte processor not being sEble. clGXrcAL BETD \\ cHEMtC^,. \ SOIIJTION IJYEL l- solD ENTRAIiC€ ROII.ET ALL CHEMICALTANKS o INST PROMATE IIO ALLATION MANUAL CHAIN GUIDE l. Insall $e thr€e chain guides betwccn the combination gearlsprockec to keep the chain aligrrcd. The slit end fits over tlte franc and $e munded part rides against the chain. ECCENTRIC BEARING AD.IUSTMENT l. Using the cccentric bearing adjusting rool, rcratc all eccentric b€arings ro obrain a gap of approximarely l/16 inch between mesh of So-tooth uanspon drive gears and cccentric mounted gears. NOTE Make ceflain all ransports are propcrly seated, widr &eir weighs resdng on ank lips - not drive gears or unk clips. I tI DnlvE cltart{ ECCE {tArc AEARING DRIVE CHAIN TENSION & TRANSPORT ALIGNMENT l. Pull chain Lcnsion idlcr in direcdon of anow, ar shown, to righten drive chain rcnsion, then tighrcn idler nur. (After electrical power has bcen connected to processor, activate drive system ro chect for smmth opeflion of all drive componen|s. 2. Make sure rarsporrs are in alignnrcnr witr cach o'Ocr by sighting along rop ofendplates 3. Make sure hex scrgws on tlanspon drive gcars are aligned with adjaccnt hex screws on sprockets. I \ o NST PROMATE IIO ALLATION MANUAL ENTRANCE GUIDE l. Slip Entrance Guide end bracket over 12" stud atrached t'o tlre developer uansport endplate. Snap the top of the guide bracket onto the top rie rod of the developer transpon CROSSOVER GUIDES l. Slip Crossover Guidc.s over lhe 318" sruds that are connecting the ranspors ogcther. 2. Check each Crossover Guide o mate sure hey arc complady seated. t EXIT GUIDE l. Slip Exit Guide end bracketover 12" stud auached to $e wash transport cndplate. Snap the op of the guide bracket ono the op fie rod of the wash uansporl PROMATE III INSTALLATION MANUAL 1. Remove filpr reuincrs from chemical tanks by ruming couner clekwise. Insull lilter on fie end of reuiner and re-insall. HEAT BAFFLE l. Install hea baffle in tlre last liquid unk jus prior to the dry uansps! as slrow in photo, with the bend part towud the front of processor. trrorc&.PtlMPs- l. To bleed air from u.e chcmical pumps, simply open drain valve momenarily oo appropriae chemical' (Drain valves are locatcd on the hear exchangers.) o INST PROMATE IIO ALLATION MANUAL ENTRANCE GUIDE I . Slip Enrance Guide cnd bracker over 12" stud aruched o the developer transpon endplaE. Snap the op of the guide bncket onto thc top 0e rod of the developcr transpon l? CROSSOVER GUIDES l. Slip Crossover Guidcs ovcr the 3/t" studs thar are connecting the transporb logeher. 2. Check each Cmssover Guide !o nuke $re they are complacly scarcd. AL EXIT GUIDE l. Slip Exil Guide end bracketovcr 12" stud auached o the wash transport endplate. Snap tlp top of the guide bracket onto tbe top tie rod of thc wash Uansport a PRoMATE II I INSTALLATION MANUAL LIGHT SEAL INSTALLATION I . Insall side panels in the side extrusions witlr cuouB lo the op. Smooth side inside dark roonr. 2. Install op panel into slots in side parrcl with smooth side inside dark room. 3. Insrall bolrom parrcl wirh lip to borom and facing rear of plOCess(rr. 4. Duct tape all panels ngether and also to the walls. CONTROL PANEL SETTINGS l. Disconnect main pow€r to proc€ssor. 2. Remove he four screws in the controt panel to gain access to $e prinEd circuit board. 3. To change the conuol panel readings from fahrenheil to centigrade, move the jumper on 't5" o the two pins closest. !o "J4". 4. Re-install control panel and retum power to processor. J5J4 WARNING WHEN SERVICING TTIE PR@ESSOR IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT T}IE BASIC PRECAUTIONARY GUIDE LINES BELOW ARE FOLLOWED. I. DISCO}II{EET MAIN TOWEFTCTTHEPRGESSOR. 2. BLEED PRESSURE FROM SYSTEM BEFORE DISCONNECTING PUMPS OR PLUMBING. 3. WEAR EYE PROTECTION WHEN HANDLING CHEMICALS. 4. AVOID CHEMICAL CONTACTWITH SKIN (WEAR PROTECTTVE CLOTHING AND GIOVES. 5. HAVE ADEQUATE VENTILATTON 6. READ CHEMCAL MANIJFACTI,JRER'S WARNING LABEL. SEE OPERATION GUIDE FOR CALIBRATION PROCEDURE. 7 PROMATE II PRE_INSTALI,trHON I\4ANUAL () ,o^u, pNlt, trif f SlSg Vtctor Guarlno Technical Sale's '#",{33i','li;f#r<((* q><,- 6>l/ It ,t !n,n{ - t1)6-, 3 7-9) 3835 Elm Street . Denver, Colorado ' 80207 -promatlli -- lllustra Parts Gatalog -Dot,FA , t'n 'No{H,* F Ge: fe \ 'ffte *r*(n,n,., ) t ( F*.' 6, il.f 'fo* fo| .,-lt 'o'[''f P'l {rY nt t cl6 Fo* \Uan \..53 6/ TH R T'-TH E-WA LL INSTA LLATION Hf8!fS? - ffi*'^''" -fi nad li k-c.-^[ oLo* ,v-*ch,ie + -^car. qbl4 Joor Jo haw clz ^r' ayt44 "e.^ J,flf. l- fiHHfl,1 t '(t3rlltL/_ FOrcEO F 1E FPf rYPI D|ELECInC U ttr€ flF (ULV NEEO lO @PPEn U{etl rcT IUTER cq-o tAlEn -T 2C CtllR ItD-I I L.It{ 0s4 0'-o l|Ar l?.ll t( il/ffiEl ---. cutq,T wolt{ zc taooEL.t otol tr I@EL S n.rl d\r= Tpfi lrpta AerV 0 cL**t l€lE: DttaENgg{S lE t rrct*irr{o (cEt{IltglEnSr r PREE830R tyDllt Ir-.- 20. X,O€L $. {rr---, Fts tf rcOE! rF(fiD -.+r4.;ffi Best copy Available i;:.il"'i:g ,,ri I f ii i,Jili'r lir ;ri iE;lieliii$ril;; iEiii:t$; ll;-i;i ffiili$ili:iltIiiii -ql ,o -l .'.. ,;' r'\.i'1FE b r tl F !>: oie;!,tt F ! i. Fi; I pli E ir {...\''b rih{ , igtii X:fi;1i9l;,r i d3lrl ,n;!: t k,h I+ lt!?€: $ile ;' , Z F'a-,t rsF"Fd i9{ E . tn :. ; ;\ I q !-t t T fti i b h)i t. q i i F 5 I tu i J tr\5i:,1ii il .q0 .irt fi i0.#:3 {i} S ,: rjs:il]{ttr-l3nH .p '- i1 Tf;i =tl .{. a ',f if;sun") e!j E 4! Qo d .i lliiiiiliii;;ii;;li liiliiHiEiiiiiiiiil itlligs gli iiilliii{ii i Ii iIIff igiililIl; iiirs$irii ,r"i i'iii;i,;riliJi+';i i,^,ir,, F{i::ii;;[: i{[]iiiii!: r;:lii'ii;: $if irg rrri:rr l,i*i:i ':il:,i!lijli!j;*i::bd t!{dt i,u {d ii j ii! 'rt ! 5 x ! .t .3t 5 ,t. f T E i lq6 II 0 {il+riili iilgii gt rliii Iiriisli; {lli,t ir ;{lrdi t;irififlr, rrlirit fi, iiiiii i iiiiiiiiI $i$iiIi iii liitil *'a t !it F Ir l ! !t EI c tE ,. I 6 I q o ti 6 t x! '' va i 11It: iI tl,I I& I i 9' ?! F7-, 'i:Tit*tirtd 9A trtIf :t# '- d'St i ; k U E fr-0)ut..) {1 t f r.1 d t:L; l.x o 'E, u: 'N* ! Irfil;i:'!i , r lr l tI r,! '=e Ir€i!in*E: + li e Ii? i1[]i; . l: li,n$tIii-tr Iif;l;E i tf i+ i ,l i ti i I c 3gt;$ tiillr:ii*i tiiiiiliiii iffiiiiliiii';ileEl:;i:*;H{}rJ{fr$,t *,s E,8 l tt {t n i 3 F , E 5 t *xf Iq fit! I: (t n alt-=utx H5ur)sg<oo>>t*F()[J r(u-F<zsrc J(J<(r r &.v,ul{FUI =d,5X6F*E ==-.*5F 1tff, -{ _, (f)<t<-l raEIIJFFO:AJ EEillt n *- = ii, K O- L/.1 v =zefi6$' E .'] u)OZLt co Q u.rz.vlt 9H?.e,Fxc: 3d$i3rt',('<ul rir5:# ;.sfrF IJ-2- HE69Otr'zH HF *gF; Hrl.D,4 I(9i'i'i IA;IQ<l?J I lu -: I 6Hltr#lq-"1 o. lJ]^!olanc (66/t ^al) @e ! 'ON rxvd \c' C. cl(r1 ln Ct, f' \ ,J -i-.1 ETEE I fiEE;fi;I irs:E !i ix;EE i5 lf f;aiic4*o,? 9l HiFfrE iI iE;igi$ ;riEiii !3$EE ; i 2 uJ ll, 2Io lu tr ITJ z N zo F.{ o -J tao d r.u ltlo gfigfi; eeoeo .Fg 2,:; rlq tl: l(,l F tgt.,i lllo l3lq ll a_l ?" E i.c in trJ .J F. fr.4 <,/1 z 0. =o Eul(Loto.oz6fJ =z tro- E()oLllo F oo o 2 utu, 5oo s I ui z za E: d, cra r.llir Fr r', c) .- !) o.c}4d ;, t-l .: ,1: 4 LJ '. Z.- f.l =<, )J .h'r$ l) ci .J <. f-r F g SED9t9?EI6; i9 !D I I - l--- I _), t' Ea I i r .-li_l (-:,\ Cr &J cu\ 00N <r EZ d.Qz28R n-6( F-=rl, t:a 9L! dr tLq' .r o;ZYa t- ZJ:) -Jo= ) u 'J) 5 (t z.) (J I l,' -) INDUSTRIAL WASTE SERVICES IMAGING SERVICES GUARANTEED PRICING/EXCLUSIVE SERVICE AGREEMENT --t\ L). ,. I... - ./ . f# - .- s. Custom€r.Name Customer Address ,/u-al- a& Expiration Date ol Agrsement (l,laxlmum ot ono (1) yeat from oate ol Agr€€m€nt) Safety-Xteen Customer Number Sal€ly-Kleen tsrancn I el€pnone Numoer Saf€ty-Kleen agrees to provid€ waste pick-up and proper disposal of the waste materials describ€d below (the 'Waste Malerials'j at the sewice prices listed below pursuant to the terms and conditions of this agreoment (the "Agreement") and tha Waste Handling Agreement by and between Cuslomer and Salety-Kleen, which is incorporated herein by this reference. Each stream of Waste Materials to which this Agreement relates is identified by either a unique SK Survey Numb€r that has been assigned to that particular stream of Waste Materials or a brief description of such Waste Matorials. The term of this Agreement shall begin on the date hereof and end on lhe expiration dat€, both ot which dates are written above; provided that in no ev€nt shall this Agreement have a lerm of morg than one year. ThE service pricEs set lorth below shall be guaranteed for the lerm of this Agreement, This Agreement shall supersede any prior agreement(s) betwe€n the parties to the extent such agreement(s) purport to establish guarante€d pricing tor the same Wasie Material stream(s) that are covered by this Agreement. customer agrees to use only safety-Kleen to provide collection and/or disposal services for waste Materials described below that Custom€r gen€rates during th€ term ol this AgreemEnt. . r5l ., ;r,t, _i I 7o's4t 11P SafetyXteen eranch Tel€phone Numbei SERVICE PRICES SK SURVEY NUMBER/DESCRIPTION SAFETY-KLEEN PART NUMBER UNIT DESCBIPTION (s.9., 55 gal. drum, 4loot box)PRICE PER UNIT ' lt \AAs1fi4 / itau-,')lu ',,rza Y|l. t5lt,/loa.-al lru ^,/?-a'"r' nxtq|l/ ?,loro fi*.J 41{91 ,t1-l ,lr,^o t?tt ' "'t CUSTOMER fas-z al PART NO. 1079 (, 97) YJ /o>7: I qt( ct)o. ail f kft t F\qps- F\oar \"" $ o1rJ.:6pr I -> \\.^l -'vbh.l^l*/ ifo'r* {$nc cole .d.u .SF>r,. - t2--/q-tL I cay'l T n ;{ fl :( ii o tr 0) .rt H Fl (t F!{ r{ (o r-l O co.-l O.r r'{ coo cr)..{ FrxoO HOU ()OFlO EOH(Utr]4O EA> '-l rl rO Erl NZrl N zoHHOdPp{(s CJUC HpE(d ;li 'r'! FIX o\O{oro\ot{ OC\ q) H o.E !'d od !)d dtr.q d i o) t l./ ]JoJd \do d o t]Eo -.r .aHorJ ZA.-rcd 5UIOU UU)Jg o -Fl (nCAAr.f rlH fr |4Fl Fl < r..8>rou F..f&(4H f't f\ r4 Fl siHBc^ tr-.rHOr('\5-'r rl $l(a f.r r'l r-l! A4F-Oroffto -ltrl oFl C.9ca{ZE1 OlrlZQ '-lUOdHHdd{FItslO (ai(o F{c0ErUzo -ZHt/)rf3U) HoDndF{mF-> Ki 1+ill ), i:ll; )- 'a s' 12-14-1 | !- t.+-6 SECTiON: 12-14- 1: Applicability 12-14- 2: Fences, Hedges, Walls And Screening (Rep. by Ord. 22(1see)5 6) 12-14- 3: Permitted Exceptions To Development Standards (Rep. by Ord. 22(1eee) $ 6) '12-14- 4: Architectural Projections (Rep. by ord. 22(1ese) S 6) 12-14- 5: Porches, Steps And Decks (Fep. by Ord. 22(1ese) $ 6) 12-14- 6: Balconies, Decks And Stairways Aboveground (Rep. by Ord. 22(1ess)$ 6) 12-14- 7: Fire Escapes (Rep. by Ord. 22(1ees)s 6) 12-14- 8: Bay Windows (Rep. by OrC. 22(1egS) S 6) 12-14- 9i Architectural Projections Above Height Limit (Rep. by Ord. 22(1eee) s 6) 12-14-10: Application And Interpretation Of Height Limits 12-"t4-11: Application And Interpretation Of Lot Lines 12-14-12: Home Occuoations 12-14-13:. Regulations Applicable To Particular Uses 12-14-14: Restaurants, Bars Or Similar Uses 12-'14-15: Sign Regulations 12-14-1 6: Property Owner Maintenance Ftesponsibility 12-1 4-17: Setback From Watercourse 12-14-181 Bed And Breakfast Operations 12-14-19: Satellite Dish Antennas CHAPTER 14 SUPPLEMENTAL FEGULATIONS 12-14-1: APPLICABILITY: The provi- sions of this Chapter shall be effective in all districts or, where specified, in pafticular districts, and shall be in addi- tion to the regulations prescribed for each district. (Ord. 8(1973) Ad. 17) 12-14-2'. FENCES, HEDGBS, WALLS AND SCREENING: (Rep. by ord.22(1see) S 6) 12-14.3.. PERMITTED EXCEPTIONS TO DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: (Fep. by Ord. 22(1999) S 6) 12.14-4.. ARC}lITECTURAL PROJEC- TIONS: (Bep. by Ord. 22(1999) 9o, 12-14-5:. PORCIIES, STEPS AND DECKS: (Rep. by ord. 22(1999) $ 6) 12-14-6: BALCONIES, DECKS AND STAIRWAYS ABOVEGROUND: (Flep. by Ord. 22{lese) 5 6) 12-14-7: FIRE BSCAPES: (ReP. by Ord. 22(1eee) s 6) 12-14-8: BAY WINDOWS: (Rep. by Ord. 22(1ese) s 6) Town of Vai) Jun€ 2000 12-14-9 12-14-9: ARCHITECTURAL pROJEC- TIONS ABOVE IIEIGAT LI}I- IT: (Fep. by Crd. 22(1999) S 6) 12-14-1A: APPLICATION AM INTER- PRET.{TION OF IIEIGHT LIM- ITS: Where a building is designed to have i2:r4-10 June 2000 Town of Vail 12-14-14 ihe appearance of s€parate, icentifiabie structures joined oniy by lower portions of the same structure, or adjoining for less than twenty iive percent (25%) ot the perim- eter of the pcrtion of the structure to anoth- er portion ol ihe structure, each separate or identifiable portion may be consrdered a separate structure for ihe purpose of deter- mining height limits. Determinatjon of por- tions of a structure having the appearance of separate, identifiable structures shall be made by the Administrator. (Ord. B(1973) $ 17.208) .12.'14-11: APPLICATION AND INTER- PRETATION OF LOT LINES: Where a lot or site does not have frontage on a street, or where access is by means of an easement or other right over adioining properties, by means of an extensicn of a portion of the site, or by means of a private driveway, road, or street, the line where principal access to the lot is attained shall be deemed the front lot line, and setback areas shall be determined therefrom. A por- tion of a lot or site less than twenty feet {20') in width providing access irom a street to the principal portion of the site shali not be used in calculating permitted gross resi- dential floor area on the site. (Ord. 8(1973) s 17.20s) 1 2-1 4-1 2i IIOME OCCUPATIONS: A. Permii Reouired: The conduct of a home occupation, where permitted as an accessory use by the provisions of this Title, shall be subject to issuance of a home occupation permit by the Administrator. Application shall be made on a form prescribed by the Administrator, and shall be accompa- nied by a statement fully describing the nature of the home occupation, tz- t+'tz including hours of operation, equio- ment or machinery to be used, aniicl- paied number of customers, clients cr students, and other features of the home occupation. The appiicatic,r shall describe in detaii the manner in which the home occupation will con- form with the requirements of this Chapter. Permit lssuance And Findings: After review of the application, the Adminis- trator may issue a home occupation permit if he/she finds that the pro- posed use will conform with the re- quirements of this Chapter. The permit may be subject to such conditions as the Administrator deems necessary to guarantee operation of the home oc- cupation in accordance with the re- quirements of this Chapter and com- patibly wiih other uses in the vicinity. The Administrator shall deny the ap- plication if he/she finds that the pro- posed use will not conform with the provisions ol this Chapter, or would be injurious or detrimental to other prop- erties in the vicinity. Permit Time Limii; Renewal: Home occupation permits, when issued, shall be for a limited time period not exceeding two (2) years. Permits shall be renewabie upon application, sub- ject to such regulations as shall be in eflect at the time of application for renewal. The Administraior shall make the same findings with respect to an application for renewal as for the original issuance of a home occupa- tion pe rmit. Requirements For Permit: Where permitted, home occupations shall be subject to the lollowing limitations: B. D. Town of VaiI 12-14-12 1. The use shail be conducted enlirely within a cwelling and carried on princr- pally by the ;nhabitants thet'eof. Em- ployees, other than inhabitants of ihe Cwelling, shail not exceed one person at any time. 2. The use shall be clearly incidental and seccndary to the use ct the dwell- ing for dwelli.ng purposes and shall not change the residential character thereof. 3. The tctal flcor area used for the hcme occuparion shall not exceed one-fourth (1/J of the grcss i'esidentiai floor area of the dwelling, nor exceed live hundreC (500) square feei. 4. There shall be no advertising, ois- play, or oiher indication of the home occupation on the premises. 5. Selling siocks, suppiies, or products on the premises shall not be permit- ted, provided that incidental retaii sales may be maie in conneciion rvith other permittetl home occupations. 6. There shall be no -oxterior storage on the premises of materiai used in the home occupation. 7. There shall be no noise, vibration, smoke, dusi, odor, heat, or glare no- ticeabie at or beyond the property line, as a result of the home occupation. 8. A home occupation shall nbt gener- ate signiiicant vehicular traffic in ex- cess of that typically generated by residential dwellings. No parking or storage of commercial vehicles shall be oermitted on the site 12-14-13 E. Interpretation: 1. For purposes of this Chapier, pro- vided that all requirements prescribed in :his Chapter are met, the following examples shall be considered home occu patio ns: a. Actiruities conducted principally by telephone or marl order. ..-'. Studios and activities produclng light handcrafts or objecis of art. c. Teaching and tuloring instruction limited to two (2) pupils at a time. d. Dressmaking or appa;'el alter- ations. 2. A home occupation shall not in- clude: a clinic, luneral home, nursing home, tearcom, restaurant, anti_que shop, veterinarian's office, or any sim ilar use. F. Permit Revocation Or Discontinuance: 1. A home occupation permit may be revoked by the Administrator il he/she determines that the provisions oi this Ghapter or the limitations prescribed as a condition ol the permit are being violated. 2. A home occupation permit snall become void if not used within two (2) months of issuance, or if the use for which it was issued is discontinued for a continuous period of six (6) months. (Ord. 8(1973) SS 17.301 - 17.306) 12-14-13: REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO PARTICULAR USES: The regulations set out in Section 12-14-14 ot Town of Vail tz-t+-tJ this Chapter shail be appiicable to the uses listed jn ihat section in any zcne in which thc rr.sc is,a nArmiittrr'i USe Or a conqitt6nal use. (ord. 8(1973) S 17.400) 12-14-i4: RESTAURANTS. BARS OR SIMILAR USES: ln districts where restaurants, bars, or simiiar uses are allowed. they shall be subject to the follow- ing requirements: A. Noise generated by the use may nol at any time exceed fifty (50) decibels outside the enclosing walls or ceilings of the use. B. Dwelling units in the same structure orin structures adjoining restau rants, bars, or similar uses shall have the right to privacy and the reslaurant, bar, or similar use shall be designed in such a way that view from the use is not directly into adjoining dwelling unit or uniis. Windows may be treated with appropriate ccvering" (Ord. 19(1976) $ 15: Ord.8(1973) $ 17.401) 12-14-15'. SIGN REGI;LATtrONS: All signs shall be regulated in accordance with the provisions of Title 11 of this Code. The Town Council may by ordinance pro- vide for the administration and entorcemenl oi the provisions oi Title 11 by the Adminis- trator or other administrative otiicial, and may provide ior review and approval proce- dures pursuant to 'Iitle 11 by the Design Fleview Board established bv this Title. (ord. 8(1s73) 5 17.500) 12-14-16: PROPERTY OIilNER MAINITE- NANCE RESPONSIBILITY: Property owners shall be responsible for improving the area from their property line tz- 1Z+- t6 to the edge of roadway, including neces- sary drainage. improvement of the area shall be designed so as not to impede snow plowing or impair vislbiiity at sireet intersec- tions. which improvemeni shall be accroved by the Department of Pubiic Works. (Ord. 19(1976) $ 15: Ord.8(1973)$ 17.700,1 12.i4-17: SBTBACK FROII WATER. COURSE: Minimum setback from a creek or sirearr shall be not less than thirty feet (30') f rom the center of the estab- lished creek or stream channel as deiined by the Town Comprehensive Plan Base fulaps; provided, however, that the setback from Gore Creek shall be fifty teet (50'). Natu ral creek or stream channels may not be rechanneled or changed. (Ord- 19(1976) $ 15: Ord. B(1973) S 17.800) 12.14.18: BED AND BREAKFAST OPER. ATIONS: A. Definition: See Section 12-2-2 ot this Tiile for definition of "bed and break- taJt B. Location And Criteria: Bed and break- fast operations may be allowed as a conditional use in those zone districts as specified in this Tiile. lf permitted as a condilional use Pursuant to Chapter 16 of this Title, bed and breakfast operations shall be subject to the f ollowing requirements: 1. Off-street designated parking shall be required as follows: one space for the owner/proprietor pius one space for the first bedroom rented plus one- half (1/r) space for each additional bedroom rented. Toun of Vail 12-14-18 2- Enclosed trash facilities and reguiar garbage remcval service shall be provided. 3. Femovai cf landscaoing for the provision of addiiionai parking is strongly discouraged. 4. Each bed and breakfasi shall be allcwed cne fesidential'nameolate" sign as Cefined and regulated by the Town Sign Coder. 5. lf a bed and breaHast operation shall use property or facilities owneC in ccmmon or jcintly with cther proper- ty owners such as parking spaces or a driveway in duplex subdivision, by way of example and not limitation, the written approval of the other properiy owner, owners, or applicabie owner's association shall be required to be submitted with the application ior a conditional use permil. Comoliance: lt shall be uniawlul ior a bed and breaHast operation to Cc business without a conditional use permit from the Planning and Environ- mental Commission after June 12, 1990 or to operate in violaiion of any of the provisions of this Code. Discontinuance: Any bed and break- fast operation which is discontinued for a period ol twelve (12) months; regardless of any intent to resume operation of use, shall not be resumed thereafter, and any future use of the site or structures thereon shall con- form with the provisions of this l-itle. Fleview Of Decision: The Town Coun- cil, the applicant, adjacent p!'operty owner or the Town Manager, may appeal/call up to the Town Council for review any decision made by the l{-t+-tJ Planning anc trnvironmental Commis- sion regarding a condiiional use per- mit for bed and breakfast as per Sec- tion 12-3-3 o1 this "l-itle. (1997 Code: Ord. 7( r 996) $ 8: Ord. 31 (1 989) ss 16-11e) 12-1 4-1 9: SATELLITE DISH ANTENNAS: A. Purpose: The purposes ol this Section are as follows: 1. To protect the health and safety of the inhabitants ol the Town by setting forth requirements for the installaticn of satellite dish antennas. 2. To protect and support the aesihet-ic ccncerns of the Town, a resort ccmmunity which musi remain aes- thetically pleasing to visitors to remain economically viable. 3. To provicle the protection set fcrth in the preceding subsection A1 and 2 of this Section in the least restrictive rnanner oossible. Definition: See Section '12-2-2 of this Title for deJinition of 'satellite ciish antenna". C. Appiication; Review: Satellite dish antennas shall comply with all the requirements set forth herein" Person or persons wishing to install a satellite dish antenna within the Town shall submit an application to the Depart- ment of Community Development for review. The application shall set torth the following: 1. Completed Design Review Board application form. c. D. B. E. ''I . See Title 1 1 ol this Code. Town of Yail lz- l1- t3 2. Site plan showing proposed Icca- ticn of the sateilile dish antenna. 3 Description of the satellite dish antenna (i.e.. size. oesign, maleriais. etc). 4. Color sample (if applicabte). 5. Landscape plan (lf applicable). 6. An improvement location certificaie and/or a preliminary title report. 7. Elevations, perspeciives or render- ings if deemed applicable by the staff of the Department of Community De- ve lop me nt- Upon receipt of application, it shall be reviewed by the Department of Com- munity Development. lt the Depart- ment of Community Development determines that the requirements set forth herein have been met, ihey shall forward the application to the Design Review Board for constderation of whether or not ihe sateiliie dish anten- na meets the requirements set forth herein in subsection 12-11-5H of this Title. D. Compliance With Requirements; Vari- clt l(,g. 1. Requirements: Satellite dish anten- nas shall comply with the following requ rrements: a. No more than one satellite dish antenna shall be allowed on any lot as delineated on the Otficial Town Zoning Map. b. The temporary use and/or instal- lation of a satellite dish antenna shall 12-14-19 be limiieci to a maximum period of one day. Only three (3) temporary installa- tions sirall be ailowed cer business or residence per year. c. The maximum height allowed for any satellite dish antenna, when mea- sured from the top of the satellite dish anrenna down to existing or finisheo grade, whichever is more restrictive. shall not exceed fifteen feet (15'). d. The maximum size of any satel- Iite dish antenna insialled for use by a single resicience or business shall be limited to nine feet (9') in diameter. Satellite disn antennas serving multi- family dwellings shall be Iimiied to a maximum of twelve feet ('l 2') in diam- eter. e. No adveriising, logos or identifi- cation shall be ailowed on ant/ satel- lite dish antenna. f. Satelli.ie dish antennas shall com- ply with the existing setback require- ments of the zone districr in which the satellite dish antenna is installed. Satellite dish anlennas shall be pro- hibited in easements and public rights of way. No portion of a satellite dish antenna or its supporiing structure shall encroach into the vertical plane as drawn from an existing easemenl or setback line- g. lssuance of a building Permii from the Department of CommunitY Developmenl shall be required prior to the installation ol any satellite dish antenna. h. Adjacent property owners anci owners of dwelling units on the same lot as the applicant shall be notified o{ Toutn of VaiJ / Y:' 12-14-19 any application for the installation of a satellite dish antenna. Noiification procedures shall be as outlined in subsection 12-3-6C of this Tiile. Names a'rd mailing adoresses of adja- cent property owners and ol owners of dwelling units on ihe same lot as the applicant shall be provided to the Department ol Community Develop- ment by the applicant. i. Due to the special aesthetic im- portance of the core areas of the Town, exlerior installations ol satelliie dish antennas in Commercial Cores 1, 2, Lionshead Mixed Use 1, and Lionshead Mixed Use 2 Zone Districts shall be permitted only if screened by some type of enclosing structure. Said structures required to enclose a satei- liie dish antenna in these areas shall comply with all applicable zoning regulations and shall be architecturally compatible with the existing structure. 2. Variance: A variance may be re- quesied from any of the provisions of this Sestion. The procedures for ob- taining a variance shall be set forth in Chapter 17 of this Title. (Ord. 3(1999) $ 7; 1997 Code: Ord. 9(1985) S 1) 12-14-19 Toun of VaiJ 700 ciz E =d, uJI |r1r\ .l't UJ UJ lJ- tr Et UJIL I I I I Or1chl IF dt 16 I Iz'Vt<lt d;i Hf't t9 Zl|!<Mr*F.l9rXAEiEo(Jtoz g. FI == zz o uJF z oz = cd z z h Hp & z H E-r rdAu)zlHI -,1 14l t-t IIrI z H Fl t -i- o c ltr o:.: (6.Y', tr! BE::E I; 'EEg;E le € gEE-' lf r$:;i NE EEi:! -f,; =E;lE {lg ;:sEi t;! s"; E"e C 19? o!*o"(o):o-!.e;d95 :f;EEJX(/r."OO :EE H;, EEEi: .c;o(/,cg*ir€ g g:i3 iHq;t iE;: g es$;i rd H B at) 14 rqF l-i B v) 14FI ts{ F =t! 2 ) co Y c)ul (J z d oc O UJJ llJ z J(L 2 o UJ = I!qJ z tr tu o o 3I tuEz 6 uJo F o u,lo z tllJo x F luof U' UJlu lJ- =E uJ F F z J 9 F UJJ IJJ (,z =J J 2 I() tu = NOrrvn-tvA zH an td "E1xtsqat) 3p4 b3ZA 9fqLE+(.>\f"o^ ez url =X N N zzootr^69i; tr9 o ahO7, >. QZt!<oo" 95FO .ini >t -I l(9|c t; l3IA lr4IAll-rt> lT ItrtzIB lo lH z tr lJ Lr- tr f llJ rn F- c o- llJ z Eoo X,4z tr UJF =glz Lzlz9ni6o< =p8c;<z =z 9z do3trOI uJ:) E z o I F- z F .Jloz o 3 X f F Jl<l 2l zl .. >l ul tuulza = u.t J z E :_l i i l I "l>Ir!tol I lI'I rrl1Z lz z .D ---T I I I I zlYl(rIfl I& lqti xl3 ild o (! F/.z c\l Lc) c\l OOv)2 Fl z uJF CJ, @oaz F LlJY IJJ F FO\ =9Et!o. e.l lL ..1oElial =zlvol(Jl,zlrHl uJ !- ll,l:^F\.,,zo ; \lzG oP tze xcoo x2Z-:)f \o dE o. Hrr- J..i5zE= =lJXdd= F uJ o uJoz laIo E ao- JFL!-r=:co- llJ>oOL9o5t!xa].x>Ir- =qJ co Eoo !t o! 'c- E Eo(, ,AOIlrl lco>FtsErQ =t*=ib I ts =G, lrJ a-zIF()f E,Fozoo =.1ol IIJI :l <l>l rLlol zl;lolFl "l=.1 rul :l al>l rr-Iol zl =lolFI IAI "tl =l I Hl JI <l>l t|-lol zl 3l FI F\ F\ F Io\.$ o\ ol =.1ol uJl :l <l>l ttlol zl 3lolt-l I I I I I cjl =.1 ql sl hl 2t ..:3t :ol ujFI F I I IL l" I I.4ru @ CIq{iAo t. t\ I\o Io- 6 X A uJ qa3J E zH Fl tn a rJ) Hrn ui =z .D tr{ |:<(J Id3 llFl itHlt>lF\l I\rt|l lF{€l<t>\ol$l otzF- -io=J IJ-o O z () z tlJ b2 O E 2P;C) =<f>dfFd6 <F LU<zd. U.J F.nZo() F E.Fz J tF UJJ F ul E'r E .J<(J<, 9.3oDtn INSPECTION TOWN OF ) REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLU trU trR trR nyj trP tr_ UMBING: UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V, O FRAMING ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEEFt PLYWooD NATLTNG AS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL o tr FINAL D tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWEB MECHANICAL: O HEATING o tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REAUIhED INSPECTOR niFs,op ;!j- f -'r r..r- o {--..'^.r T ' | ^J ' t?-' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: DArE '/./7 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEU tr FBAMING tr ROUGH I WATER rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr tr tr cl INSULATI tr tr tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D APPROVED DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR Ri_rrrsrop t I I DATE RECEIVED by COMMIINITY DEVEIOPMENT DEPARTI'{ENT '.-' I tl\)t/-APPIJICAIION FOR IIINOR SUEDIVXEION REVIEN CEAPTER L7.2O VAUJ UI'NICIPAt CODE (a OR FEIER IrOT8, l:*T"""lllXfr'"4,"-:#4, - c*. .--"n.x pHoNE {? 6 -.ils;?rt-"I 'larLrNG ADDRE'S f5o x , e rFl;l 1,, ( .- \** 1 '- B. PRoPERTY owNER 566 A nbo"e An'r-t €"'(-'^'rt6 *.r-.6Orl|ERIS AIETATT'RE IIAILING ADDRESS PHONE vic -Llr I tq 36 YJ es'1ic.ISCATION OF PROPOSAL (STREET ADDRESS) Qo *€ C ner tc D v', .lt t4*r. Ybu9 lsrocx €.suBDrvrsroN VA.{ Vitt..qa€- fuL=s\ .pD. FEE $1OO.OO PAID cHEcK * 282j E. The first step is to reguest a neeting with the zoning adrninistrator to assist the applicant in neeting the subrnittal reguirernents and to give the proposal a preliminary review. F, SUBI,TITTAL REQUTREUENTS 1. The applicant shall subrnit three copies, two of wttich must be rnylars, of the proposal following the reguirenents for a final plat below. Certain of these reguirernents may be waived by the zoning adrninistrator andTor the Planning and Environmental Conmission if deternined not applicable to the project. >2. A list of all adjacent property owners (including those behind and across the street) wittr their MAILING ADDRESSES shalt also be subrnitted. In addition, subnit addressed, stamped envelopes for each of the above. x 3' T3:*"li::T ;%itvins ownership and easernents' 4. An environmental impact report may be required as stipulated under Chapter 18.56 of the zoning code. -..'-5. FINAL PI,AT . REQUIREI.{ENTS AND PROCEDI'RE: (Sone of these requirements may be waived.) A. The subdivider shall subnit four copies of the final plat, two of which shall be rnylars, twelve copies of the final EIR (if required) and.any additional naterial as required belos. Within thirty days of receiving the coutplete and correct submittal for a final plat, the zoning adrninistrator shall cause a copy of a notice of the time, place and general nature of the hearing and proposal to be published in a newspaPer of geneial circulation in the town of VaiI at least fifteen days prior to said hearing- AIso, adjacent property owners to the proposed subdivision shall be notified in writing at least seven days prior to the pubJ-ic hearing. A - . ^n* nu i".,.^9^^4r- '*.fu* ^.*ffi' ,g-*J"-J; ry ;ry" k " I .) + O;. !+1q-qa -tTKF./9 s'+Yr+aal;*! -f rK*u$c fl' I/'$' A 4\4a,l1^N44/ * ,' ,t*7J Jrxuttu s b 1 , Ri c- H,qy< d sr€ F.'/s: !g( tr c Nff*lrdow^r L-ti,t AdTe Coc^1 ,11o-- "bo.-: pJ,r+45 6eT'rt€*' l6[S L/ 6+Ll7'''n'1"1i +Z qTL I 8. A description of all survey monuments, both found and set, which nark the boundaries of the subdivision, and a description of all nonunents used in conducting the survey. llonunent perimeter per Colorado statutes. Two perimeter monuments shall be established as major control monuments, the materials which shall be deternined by the town engineer. 9. A statement by the land surveyor explaining how bearing base was determined. 10. A certificate by the registered land surveyor as outlined in Chapter L7.32 of this title as to the accuracy of the survey and plat, and that the suri\tey was performed by hin in accordance with Colorado Revised Statues L973, Title 38, article 5L. 11. A certificate by an attorney adrn5.tted to practice in the State of Colorado, or corporate title insurer, that the or.mer(s) of record dedicating to the public the public right-of-way, areas or facilities as shown thereon are the owners thereof in fee simple, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except as noted. (See exarnple in Chapter L7.32) L2. The proper forrn for approval of the plat by the FEc chairrnan and acceptance of dedication and easements by the council with signature by the mayor and attestation by the town clerk. Exanples are found in Chapter L'l -32of this title. 13. The proper forn for filinq of the plat with the Eagle County clerk and recorder as per example in Chapter L7.32. L4. Certificate of dedication and ownership as per example in the appendix. Should the Lertificlte of dedication and ownership provide for a dedication of land or-improvenents to the publ'ic, a1l beneficiaries of deeds of trust and mortgage holders on said real property will be required to sign the certificate of dedication and ownership in addition to the fee sinple owner thereof. 15. Additional nateriaL which shall accornpany the final pJ.at includes, but is not litnited to: a. Conplete and final environmental inpact report if required bY the zoning ordinancei b. Complete engineering Plans and specifications for all irnprovernents to be installed, including but not linited to water and sewer utilities, streets and related inprovements, pedestrian and bicycle Paths, bridges and storm drainage inProvernents ; - r/--),'\Y - t* ., ) {.' : I c. Maps at the sarne scale as the final plat showing existing topography and proposed grading plan (c6ntour-inlerval I requirenents same as preliminary plan), a landscape and or revegetation plan showing locations, type and sizes ofexisting and proposed vegetation. d. A nap the sarne scale as the final plat depicting all high and noderate avalanche hazard areas, forty percent and high slope areas and one hundredyear flood plain areas as defined in the hazard ordinance of the vail uunicipal codet e. Tltle insurance company proof of ownership of aII lands within the proposal; f. Copies of any monument records requiredof the land Eurveyor in accordance with Colorado Revised Statutes L9?3, Title 38, Article 53t tt. Any agreements with utility cornpanies when reguired; h. Protective covenants in forn for recordlng; i. other data, certificates, affidavits, or documents as may be reguired bY the zoning adninistrator or PEc or councilin the enforcement of these regulations. THE DEPARTI'IENT OF COUUT'NITY DEVEI'PI'{ENT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SEEING THAT THE APPROVED PIAT IS PROMPTLY RECORDED I{ITH THE E.AGLE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER. t t ''t DtrtrMRrMtrNT @F .E@MMUNITV DtrVtrLOtrMENT XXXXXXX sALEs AcTroN FoRM XXXXXXX cosT .loTALAccouNT t . trEtt No. EA AtouNT COM. DEV. APPUCATION FEAS I 0000 41540 ZONINO AI.ID ADDRESS UAPS I 0000 42415 I98E UNTFORIT EUILDING CODE 1988 UNIFORTT PLUIIBINO CODE I98E UNTFORI' UECHANICAL CODE - -- - i-' w ADJACENT Pp(?ERTY OWNERS: ANJA CORPORATION Twaa 6-rr,1,rlu,"-,a 1. Morton Assoclates C/0 Robert Morton 33941 Stage Coach Blvd. Evergreen, C0 80439 2. Jack UcNamara 45 Fair Oaks Lane Choasset, llA 02025 3. R.L. Riener 86ll Split Creek Road Bath, t'lD 20817 4. Gay Stoeffl"er Box 775 Vail, C0 81658 5. Deboualt L. Kinball 6438 N. Daniels Park Road Sedalia, CO 80135 6. Ptarnlgan TH Manager 1975 lJest Gore Creek Drive Vall, C0 81657 7. Davld L, Irwln Box 3342 Vail, C0 81658 +, tulcn^t qb/*V trlrl$ @ VAIL VILI.,AGE WEST FILTNG 2 Lot 45 [1956 West Gore Creek Drive] David L. Irwin Box 3342Vail, CO 81658 Ptarrnigan Townhouse tl-975 West core Creek Drivel Mgr. 1975 West Gore Creek DriveVail, CO 8L657 Lot 28 [].9L5 West core Creek Drivel Deboualt L. KinbaII 5438 N. Daniels Park RoadSedalia, cO 80L35 Lot 48 [].906 West Gore Creek Drivel Gay Stoeffler Box 775vai1, co 8L558 HIGHI,AND MEADOWS FILING 2 Lot 4 [].954 Vermontl R.L. Riener, R.S. Rodman, G.S. Klein, Andy Cohen, G.R. Kramer8511 Split Creek RoadBath, MD 208L7 Lot 5 [].90L Vermontl Jack McNamara 45 Fair Oaks Lane Choasset, MA 02025 Lot 6 [1897 Vermont] Morton Associatesc/o Robert Morton 3394L Stage Coach BoulevardEvergreen, CO 80439 PUBLIC NOTTCE t NOTICE IS HEREBY GfVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Sectlon 18.56.060 of the uunicipal code of the Town of Vail on Novenber 26, 1990 at 2:00 p.n. in tbe Town of Vaj-1 Municipal Building. consideration of: 1. A work session on a request to rezone Lots 2 and 3, Vail Village west Piling No. 2. Applicant: Elnore, Vail Village West Corporation 2. A request to establish a Special Developnent District for the Sonnenalp redevelopment, Iocated at 20 VaiL Roadt A part of Lot L, Block 5-E, Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. 3. A request to amend Chapter 18.40 of the Municipal Code, Special Developrnent Districts.Applicant: Town of Vail 4. A request to arnend Chapter t8.24 of the Municipal Code, Conrnercial core I (vail Village). Applicant: Town of Vail 5. A request to anend Chapter 18.65 of the Municipal Code, Adninistration.Applicant: Town of vail 6. A request to amend chapter 18.60 of the Municipal Code, Conditional Use Pertrits.Applicant: Town of Vail 7. A request to anend Chapter L8.62 of the Municipal Code, Variances.Applicant: Town of Vail 8. A request for a conditional use pernit in order to establish a bed and breakfast operation on Lot P, vail vilLage 2nd Filing, 14L west Meadow Drive. Applicant: Joan M. Norris 9. A request for a conditional use perurit in order to establish a bed and breakfast operation on Lot 78, vail vil.lage 10th Filing, 930 I Fairway Drive. Applicant: Nancy and Paul Rondeau 'l tuu^-hd 4. ed"\rtcr ' L tftt Yt *r,J I -f' I n,^ ll ltl q, @l 01.^J),.t'r.r> 10. A request to rezone the folloving property comnonly known as the Mountair Bel1 Site located to the tth of the nain Vail l-zo rncefirge fron Agrrcuicurai opeface Eo Medrum Density MulElple Farnily more specificalf described as: Mountain Be1l Site described as a tract of land in the South HaIf, of the Southeast Quarter, Section 6, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Eagle county, Colorado, nore particularly described as follows: lrclailrc rt e rfa:'bi-l: r dF?g't6' t I ct t::tct d :' ' ;a5.'50 ins 'fic: :.lr' !sr?-:a$a €!t:.t ct t.€:lan f . iattttrt t :. 5ez=' Lrga Eo 5.3: ct ::l fr' ?"lr€1t.1 tat{ctrtr-0"!:i ::r'l':r jola:-rl D:t{:ct::: t;lo trilt I t.lrt c! i:r lc*rll - -:.llqt:.{f-I.; cf lntrn:rtc 7!: :a::cr : 60'23'i5' t rlett =r " : Eri: llrr o! talC 3te{cr t t {t3:.t€s ct 6::.tO /-:: =t=!r rre::'z:' .|l . cl r:::cr at is--tt t.rg !3 | tafts o! :lr 3rt! ioidt-irt. it titt tlzuzz-ir cei rlrt:;: €ricr i 3!stt'::' E rtase rilc Erl: lour.:rT lf!! : d:t:3i€! of 3,:i i -:: tr": gt l' ''';;i;i ;'; Enr. iric i.t*i-risc lring cn c'':'€r":t'ft itp:" 'ir..rr of tats-::gr tlli ::.tc! tlctg r.ic :o'.i-t!'I! '-1.Ff,'''!'iir gi il.-iiiioiia; ! i-::rr: ti r-'l3:-:tcr tr 3!''!: 'r'rrtolr: .J: :- st r i'.rar !: s! "{€:. t.r{ €r'tt ".ttil lr.*'i:i:ir t-io.ri o ir o:o:i':s', r nc{& of t390.3 l?t:.-nili; ji i -ii.:i' :i: i r-i-' j:rn. t- at Zal'i"t,t *:: .l I I 33:5'li' --r-;.;;rfi:#l,ii:,il-:;:iiJi.: lllirlI !.:.f ;i.!.;j{,r*,"i-l'i:'iii.;-';-rll.:: ''ei:: !; t i:3::'3t: !-r.lrj,'€: tt is:.id-riia; zl i-ii':o'zr;-3-i 3:r:-:ate.cr.,!!i'5 re:: 'rt ' J i:r::'rs' i r ais!.r..:<r -< ioi.iiii'i.-t'.S: e:!:tL:.:'-. . l!::,lffti rE c--:-.;i a l,s. €. l? .€ttt E!?: tt itJs: 3'::r. - F' ior::sr rf '.Ia.' 3tJ('t:s€ it-i!-:i:f- 5r*:- i":-::ra ll:olc' ii'iii, i; i;3, irlc< .t ??e21 li i;? ctr:€! oJ cic't rrc L<:"3tt if 5:qi: 3.*:1. coto"'-' Applicant:Town of Vail and Professional Developnent 11. A request to rezone the following property conmonly known as the Pedotto property located to the south of Kinnickinnick Road in the Interraountain Subdivision fron Prirnary/Secondaryto Medium Density Multiple FarniJ-y nore sPecifically described as: A parcel of land in the Sw l/4 of Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, nore particularJ-y described as follows: lsl.r:rlrs at | 9o!:rt rlte cr a brlr: e9 ret !c: rvll:err icr;c: ?* tb ltcrt -Vl e{ lrld 5cctlon !l bc;n'H 29'3a'll' l0?1.0t !ct:; tic:.cr lt 7{' 03r!9' 3 l3.ti tcltt: 'L':ctc.' i!1.62 t.'ar- I iocrl tltc rre c! |Gs/! ta -l:o tlEht fblel rac n:!'.t!:dr r c]o:{ !er:f:gf tstt:'!o' ! l,!.?l frrli Llccc: 3 77'40'Zl' 8 6:.??ifill L\eae t{7.13 ?cct rlans Ltc rs= o( | €:3!:! taL:t l,rf: Yl:lct: ir: lubte:ds r-de:{ barrl;g' f, l5r35tfe t :,1t.60 !e:tr Llcac: ll to'5:'55' E 10t.55 fceti !h::cr !{. l0 lcc t rlc:rg L\o r:: ol e e.:--t. Bo !}. tl6lB }hl c!r:c lultlEdr r c.:,osC lcarlng t 17':0':?' E {{.20 !..t, tle.'.€ S l{':5'3t' f U0.31 t!.:r L\c:rc! s fa'13'g!'I t:0.00 tcot; L\c:rc! [ t9o07r0!'I t0.00 fe.tt t!.nctt ??t,lt'l!' H !t0.13 (ec!; L\eacc .€ lo'51 'JJ' lf :s.18 fccr-; tleec: U t7'10'06' lf lJ?.?z fr€E: tlcnce t l!'5"t1' t 110.00 lcer to tlro po!:rt of beg!,n:r!:g, c=n'.rl::t 19 2.5006 lc:er, !c:c or lcs:. !csl,.ng trci c,L.o. Fcq:id tor SorS l./2 o( .{c'Joal{;c bc tvcen Scctlcns l,l-t3. Applicant: Juanita I. Pedotto, and Professional Developnent Corp. L2. A. request lA rezone the following progfty located to the north of f,way and Chanonix Lane in I vaif Heighcs Subdivisionf Lots 5-13 fron Prinary/Seco-ndary to Mediurn Density Multiple Fanily.Applicant: Konrad oberlohr, John W. and Patricia A. Riclsnanfor John Witt, Reuben B. Knight, and Professional Development Corp. 13. A request for off-street surface parking at the rrHoly Cross parcelrr described as follows: A t:aci oi grouad ia Lhe l{E llL of Sec:i,on 12' ?nslrip 5 Souch,'Range El gesc of sbe 6ch Principa! Heridiaa, l7ing ui*i: llac.p:rcal convcyed !o che loly C:oss Elec::i,c Associacioa, Ine. by Ce:d :arirCed ac F'ecepcioa f,o. 115123 on January 12, 198:, in !!e records of E:3i: Ccunly, ColoraCo, desc:ibeC as: Coraenei::g 'et lhe lfE coracr of iaid Sec:ion l2; ';:::c: Souch 88'19'29" r-es!, along !h€ norlh llne of saiC E !14, I dis::s: of 43'l faec co thc i,nsc:secsion of e5e prciongati,oa of chc essc 1i:: oi said par:e!; rleecr sou:h 0.01r33t, EasE, elong said p:oloagacioo, 3!3.2 faec co E5e lotrleas! ccr".: of said palcrl rhich is Ble poi,rc of bc3i::::3; !hc!c! Soul! 0'01t33" Eas!, aloog sai,d casE linc, 2:i.31 ir:c Eo Elc souchcEs! c3r:!er o! taid pa;ee1; lhenca nor:hsescarlt ac::ss sai,d parcel chrougb lbc fo!icoi::g four coo::.s: I) Nortb 23'35'19" !les:, 5!.05 fe:r, 2) Nortb-- 38'l:'34;9esc, 81.46 fc:r, 3) llor:5 50'48'25" lis:, 53.68 feec, and 4) Soucl 79'49'04'i Fesc, 13i.45 feec !o thc nor!::$a53 ccr:tet of said pa;ccl; . thenc: ao:--hcasEarly along rhc aoirh line of sa:i ?a::el nbicb is a i"i--ng.oa (a raCial, co iaia oorlbnesi iorae: !cr:s llorch 22'39'2E" llest), 2715 iooc radius crsc csocave !os!!.rly, 264.?9 ir:: (ceotral anglc eguals 5'i4':9") ro Bhe Poi:c o! begianiag. Tbis t:aci, as desc:ileC, conBaias 151940 squ::t !:::, or 0'366 ectls, Eor! or lcss. Applicant: Vail Associates L4. A request for a parking variance in orCer to construct additions to the Christiania Lodge, 355 Hansen Ranch Road, Lot D, Block 2 Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant: Paul R. Johnston \/ -L5. A request for a Dinor subdivision in order to vacate a lot _-Y' line between Lots 46 and 47, Vail village West Filing No. 2. / \ Applicant: ANJA Corporation I L5. A request for a height variance and a variance to the nunber of satellite dishes permitted in order to allow for the installation of two satelLite dish antennas on the roof of the Marriott Mark Resort, Lots 4 and 7, Block 1 vail/Lionshead Third Filing, Lots C and D Morcus Subdivision, located at 7L5 Lionshead Circle. Applicant: Marriott Mark Resort/Tri-County Cablevision The applications and infornation about the proposals are available for public inspection in the Comrnunity Development Departrnen! office. Town of Vail Corununity Development Department Published in the Vail Trail on Novernber 9, 1990' w.rlf Ae:et E1HT, f "c L t<l s 'c.+6 *t TtfE oF ovA ({<.tg1E To: elannilnd Environmental comni.""f , ^rf[I lw""FROM: Courmunity Developnent Departnent CN:il , DArE: December r-o, r.eeo Wqgfr1'RE: A request for a minor subdivision in order to vacatU uV* Il-ot line between Lots 46 and 47, Vail Village WestFiling No. 2.Applicant: A.N.J.A. Corporation/Richard Strauss I. DESCRIPTTON OF THE PROPOSAL The applicant has a residence on LoL 47 and wishes to combine this lot with the vacant lot to the west, Lot 46. The lots are in the Prirnary/Secondary zone district. The Town of Vail zoning code perrnits parking only as an accessory use to a residence in the Prinary/Secondary zone district. By combining Lot 47, which contains a singJ-e farnily residence, with Lot 46, which is vacant, additionalparklng can be placed on Lot 46. II. ZONING ANALYSTS Presently, each lot is zoned Prirnary/Secondary. The zoningr will not change, but tbe result wilL be a larger 1ot zoned Prirnary/Secondary. The net result is a decrease in density, from two Prinary/Secondary residences to one Primary/Secondary residence on the cornbined area of the two lots. Lot Size 9,93L Allowable Units 2 Existing Units GRFA GRFA Allowed Existinc Lot 46 o 2482 0 1 2830 2752 1 4358 2752 Lot 47 LL, l-5L 2 Cornbined 2L,O82 III. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recomnends approval of the requested minor subdivision. The reduction in density is positive. We recommend the folLowing condition of approval, as the ownerof Lot 47, A.N.J.A. corporation, did not want to purchase Lot 46 until the minor subdivision is approved: 1. That the plat will not be signed by the Town of Vail until the applicant shows proof of single ownership ofboth Lots 46 and 47. I'Ir. strauss has a home occupation license which allows the owner to have one enployee. Staff would also like to enphasize that even though parking is being added, the Townwill not al.Iow the new parking to be used for addj.tional ernployees for the horne occupation on Lot 46. :-!Ir!!:---:5! )T 45 FOUTl|o et ^rr ,lo. ! n€BARrl (584.r€ w, r.t fKf,i / coe|{to -:--.-_o all ffio ro ,o .oi scALE f=zd I I I i oa il ! I \ /o rou{a Ls. I I r{o 5 R€8ail I i I I I i .. 1990 :rlsrlng ronuenl s rs.tirg lhe soulh€rly i. plat 1.3 to rb.ndon lhc ProPer!! llna ra: I91b and 1916 l..a Colc Creel llrtv' ^€Cr' ,/ ".-" f||{ | clP llo. ztlltlL.l. LOT 48 h-&r. ilo. t i:8AE , LOT 5 HIGHLAND MEADOWS FILING NO. 2 ||q!IcE:ii""rai"g ." coloraaio lre vou 9:!g! c-€nce 'nv legal rn thls su.v.t rrthrn th!{ tc.r3 aato! yeu lrtst ilis': -y o.v.".t"" tt.tscd 'r9oo rtv al'et.ct io thr! tntvtv b€ ,/\,/\ h" ,/6".t..\./t \ \/t\ Fouao PLari \ \. \,. \ |'|6. ! iESAtl r \ \ !s-nl'09-1, -o:? \ \ ,'Fno^' coRr'ERl \- \a --au.o*ro out.,*a ta \\trtt .\t'.)LOTI \\./o.iro. lc. r \ /A\./uN"^ t.. ,/'i "9' \/'\ ---- ?Bo5rt%'^st., \ \ t-or 4? -."-''... ,/- -.rE$' ![r'r[1i \ --/",:e]W ..:.iji-*'i:IE IEL LOT 4, lr(r rb. d.i. of !hc ce.tiflc.iioo .h.fil hr.edr. o zot 2 d 9t oF lll F E F1 -)z i=4z(rF UJ(.r)> LrJ -o UJ I.Lf- == I t* sl? d: z .JI t d3 JZ E= ?r 21 ?E {,ff('(: i ^., ,/ a 75 south trontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 47$'2138 (303) 47r'-2139 January 7, l99L Mr. Art Klei.mer crzo Slifer Srnith Franpton 230 Bridge StreetVail, Colorado aI657 Re: Richard strauss Parkinq Area Dear Art: olfice of communlty developmenl Thanks for calling last week. By now you have received the faxed letter addressed to Richard Strauss and dated December 13th. My understanding is that you will close on the lot sometirne between January 15th and January 31st. The next step will be the Design Review Board submittal . Enclosed is an application for this review. You will note that paragraph three of the letter of Decenber 13th asks for the following: I. A Design Review Board application (we have this). 2. Topographic survey. )Y-att'e?" 3. Site plan with topo lines, gradingaand landscaping plan showing how the proposed retainage will be.constructed. In your faxed note of January 4th, you state that Mrs. Strauss will be designing the landscape plan and that Kent Rose will submit the topo and drainage plan. The iterns from Kent Rose will be submitted to the Town Engineer for approval before review by the Design Review Board, and the landscape plan will be submitted t,o the Town landscape architect. The Vail Design Guidelines require aII driveways and parking areas to be paved, and this rnust be stated on the landscape plan. I'r B.Final Plat - Staff Review. The final plat shall be circulated to and reviewed by the town's departnents, including, but notlinited to Public Works, Transportation, Comrnunity Development, Recreation, Adninistration, Police and the Fire Department. Conments and concerns of these departments will be forsarded to the PECprior to the public hearing. Final PIat and Supplementary Material - contents. The final plat and supplenentary material shall contain the following information: c. 1. The final plat shall be drawn in Indiaor other substantial solution, on a reproducible rnedium (preferably nylar) dimension of twenty-four by thirty-six and shall be at a scale of one hundredto one inch or larger with nargins of one-half to two inches on the left andhalf inch on all other sides. ink, with inchesfeet one and One- 2. Accurate dinensions to the nearest one- hundredth of a foot for aII lines, angles and curves used to describe boundaries, streets, setbacks, alleys, easements, structures, areas to be reserved or dedicated for public or common uses and other important features.AII curves shall be circular arcs and shall be defined by the radius, central angle, arc chord distances and bearings. All dirnensions, both linear and angular, are to be deternined by an accurate control sunreyin the field which must balance and close within a linit of one in ten thousand. 3. North arrow and graphic scale. 4. A systematic ldentlfication of all existing and proposed buildings, units, lots, blocks, and nanes for all streets. 5. Names of all adjoining subdivisions with dotted lines of abutting lots. If adjoining land is unplatted, it shall be shown as such. 6. An identification of the streets, alleys, parks, and other public areas or facilities as shown on the plat, and a dedication thereof to the public use. An identificationof the easenents as shown on the plat and a grant thereof to the pubJ.ic use. Areas reserved for future public acquisition shall also be shown on the Plat. 7. A written survey description of the area including the total acreage to the nearest appropriate significant figure. The acreage of each lot or parcel shall be shown in this manner, as well . As I stated in the Decenber 13th letter, there is a possibility that a building pernit may have to be obtained. we are requesting that the proposal to the Design Review Board be submitted no later than January 25th. Thanks for handling this, Art. If I have left you with any questions, please call. Sincerely, ffi"(:.'*LPlanning Technician o DATE APPLTCAIION RECEIVED: DATE Of DRB l'tEETINGz fu *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED I'NTIL AIJJ INFORMATION IS SUBMITEED***** r. PRE-APPLICAEION I,TEETING: A pre-applicatlon neettng slth a-plannlng_g!?ff Po'nber is strongly suggested to deter:rnlne Lf any additlonal information-Is needed. No anolicatl'on vill be accepted the zoninq adnlnl.stratorl . ft Ls the appllcantrs appoLntnent wlth the staff to flnd outabout additlonal eubnlttal regulrenents. Please note that a coMPLEfE applicatlon wlll streanline the approval process for your pioJect by decreasing the nunber of Eondltlons oi appiovat that the DRB nay' stipulate. ALL condltions of approval nust be resolved before a building pernlt ls issued. appllcatlon sill not be processed rlthout ownerrs Sl.Enature. A. PROJEeI DBSCRIPTION: 3-place parkinq pad so tha cant's visitors will not ha Drive - to cooperate with TOV De Snow Removal ITCATION OF PROPOSAI.,: Address 1936 W. Go B. Legal Descrlption l.ot 46 Block Filinq 2 Subdivisl.sn Vail Villaqe WestZonlng 2 Familv Primarv/Se-condary NA}TE OF APPLICANTS S l{ail.ing Address: Box L810 l" cic -.'./ic'' src. D. Vail, CO Phone 475-3757 NAI.IE OF uailing APPLICANITS REPRESENTAUVE: Art Kleimer Address: Phone 476-242L - E. F. G. q6a laall -t. s Condoniniun Approval lf appllcable. DRB FEEs The fee will be oaid at the titne a buildino oermLt is paid for. :TAUIASI9N TEE s 10.00 $ 25.00 s 50.oo 9100. 00 9200. 0o s300. 00 **g o $ 1o,oo1 I 5Or0O1 $150,001 $500, ool $ Over - $ 1O,O00- s 5o,ooo- $ 15o,ooo- $ 5OO,O00- $lrooorooo $1, 0oo, 000 \ 230 Bridoe Street - II. fUPORTAI{T NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBI.ISSIONS TO A. In addltlon to neetlng eubnlttal requLrements, the appllcant uust stake the slte to lndicate property llnes and bullding cornere. Trees that wllL be removed nust also be rnarked. Thie uork nust be conpleted before the DRB vlslts the slte. B. fbe revlew process for NEI{ BUILDINGS will nonnally lnvolve two separate neetings of the Deslgn Revl.ew Board, so tlre appllcant should plan on at least two neetlngs for a final approval . c. Appllcantg who fall to appear before the Deelgn Revlew_ Soard at thelr echeduled neetl.ng and uho bave not aeked for a postponernent w111 be regulred to be republlehed. D. At the discretlon of the zonlng adnlnlstrator, the followlng ltens nay not have to be presented to the Deslgn Revlew Board. They, however, have to be presented to the PlannlnE Departnent for approval: a. t{lndows, skyllghts and sl.nllar axterlor clranEesthat do not alter the exletlng plane of thebulldlng; and b. Buildlng additlons that are not vlewed fron any other lot or pubtlc EPace' vhlch have had letters subnltted fron adJolnlng Property ownera approving the additlon; and,/or approval fron the agent fort or Danager of a condonLniun assocl'atlon. E. You may be reguired to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your propeity (i.e. snow avalancher- rockfall, debrJ.s floir, wellands, etc). You should check with a Town Planner before Proceeding. / LIST OF I{ATERIAI"S NAI,iE OF pRQf,lQf3 A.N.J.A. Parkin Pad LEGAL DESCRTPTTON: IpTl!.Il- STREET ADDRESS3 1-936 West DESCRISIION OF PROJEqI: visitors will not have Fil 2 SUBDMSION ygi-LELt-egtsest Creek Drive 3-place parking pad so that applicant's to park on the street - to cooperate with BI'CK Gore TOV sno\^t removal crews A. The followJ.ng Lnformatlon is Review Board before a fl.nal BUILDING UATERIAI.,S: Roof Siding other Wall Uaterials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trin Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Ra1ls Flues Slashings Ctrimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B. I.ANDSCAPING: requlred for subml.ttal to the Design approval can be given: TYPE OF I.TATERIAI,COIOR n/a n/a n/a nla nla Nane of Designer: Carotrine Struss * Phone: 476-3757 Botanl.cal Nane none Comnon Narne ouantitv Slze* area to be aqn@!!]-glwe.EE- none nla n/a s tone / gtrave 1* t 6-6 f imL,cr ttbumnerstt if necessarv, culvert pipcjF..&e.cle.ssary PLANT UATERI'U,S! PROPOSED TREES EXTSTING TREES TO BE REI-IOVED trees. * Winner of TOV** to be paved if best home necessary garden/ flowers , 2 (preferably not, of last 3 years. due to aesthetics) *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. @aeciauous tree-s is-i-incfres. Indicate helght f9r-cgliferous PIANI }IATERIAI,Ss PROPOSED SIIRUBS Botanl.cal Name none CamgD-NgEe ouantLtv Sflgi. EXISTING ST|RUBS TO BE REMOVED Ls 5 feet. none *Indl.cate Elze of proposed shrubs. Dtlnltnun slze of shrubs l-s 5 qallon. Spe scnrare Footaqe GROT'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR UETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c.oTEER HNDSCAPE rEAlltRES (retalnlng walls., fences' swlualng poots, etc.) pleaee specify. Indiiate heights of retalnlng ;;ii;: -u.xinut hetehCof wilte withln the front setback ls 3 feet. l{axingn heiEht of walle elaet here on t5e Property retaininq walls not needed -- no waII P02.' \i;FRo[ UER SllrTHiFRAIIPTN ,"o04-1?-91 02:20 Pl tr* atl ob TI9t l I tI\r' $ f,.I ;l ifs {t{ $$ '4. Il lIr lEl tit }l {l' o!A ;S :l \E .t s G {, .1. I rlL ry N \ kl { ( Iv + N- ft $ s T * 5 1'L T Iti * ( \ '(l \\nt tl. .r\L t- J \9 \l ( Yg N \ $ \ \ \ sa\ \ S $ { J \ \ I\c I { --d {X t t$ \ { N *k J\ ") "n U t', Y U \u \ ..Qv Tbi$Lr \)$t'-E\o N \ .\ sii i ;\r)\,\ \\S $ _{'a\L{Fr\ c\\x q/ I'\q \ v]T -{\r J \- .t(q\lns-\. - rt.I ZONE CHECK FOR sFR, R, R P/S ZONE DTSTRTCTS DATE: _Oq!e!el 12, l-990 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 45 Block+LL-2 Flling Vail Villaqe WestL936 w. core CEilk DADDRESS_: ,r?i9 ry. Gore creek OT{NER A.cnaser PHoNE PHONE ZONE DISTR r' PROPOSED USE 3 perkinq space5 I,oT SIZE apprx. 75x150x85xL40 Allowed (30) (33) ExLstlncr Prooosed Total -0-Height Total GRFA Prinary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage Landscaping Pence/Retaining I{alI Heights Parking flowers -sc@ca.E-Estg- 20. 15 1 15 1 (30) (s0) n/a n/a 4- 20 15 I5 nla aprx;,5t nla 3 3t /61 n,/a Regrd Credits: carage (300) (600) n/a (eoo) (1200) (50) (100) nla (25) (50) nl a (2oo) (400) n/a Mechanical Airlock Storage Drive: Per:nltted Slope 8* Actual Slope less than 88 Approved by Town Engineer: Date: Environnental/Hazards : Avalanche n/a I Slope n/a Geologic Hazards n/a a) Snow Avalanche n/a b) Rockfall n/a c) Debris Flow n/a 1) 2l 3) 4)Wetlands nla LAND *f "" GUARANTEECoMpANy. Representing Title fnsurance Conpany of Minnesota THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER October 30, L990 Our Order. VL6L27 BUYER,ZOWNER: A.N.J.A. SELLER: ADDRESS 3 SLIFER, SMrTH AND FRAMPTON DR,AWER 2820 BEAVER CREEK, CO 81620 1 Attn: JAN JoHNsoN /IJIFER, SMITH AND FRAMPTON,/ 23O BRIDGE ST. ' vArL, co gL6s'7 Attn: ART/ANNA KLEIMER CLOSER Attn: ARZANA COPIES Attn: rNc., A coroRADo coRPoRATroN FRANK CALIENDO ANd JACK CALIENDO VATL VILI,AGE D FILING 845-9400 476-242L PICKED UP FOR DELIVERY AM PM LAND rf "" cuARANrEEA"DrpANy Representing Title Insurance Conpany of Minnesota THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER COVENANTS ATTACHED YES NO FOR TITLE QUESTIONS CALL KAREN HORTH 3O3 476-225L FOR CI,OSING QUESTIONS CALL ARZANA RUCKER MINNESOTA TITLEA HOME OFFICE 3033 East First Ave.,Suite 600 P. O. 8ox 5440 Denver, CO 80217 321-1880 FAX 322-7603 ADAMS 9101 Harlan, #100 Westminster, CO 80030 427-9353|FAX 430-1572 ARAPAHOE 7700 E. Arapahoe Rd., #150 Englewood, CO 801 l2 770-9596lFAX 290-9040 ARvADA 5440 Ward Road, #200 Arvada, CO 80002 420-0241 |FAJ, 423- 1 365 BETHANY 1 1059 E. Bethany Drive Aurora. CO 80014 750-1717|FAX 7SO-5412 EAST 3300 S. Parker Rd., #105 Aurora, CO 80014 751-4336/FAX 145-2669 GommitmentTo Insure 8ffiff' lssued throuoh the 0ffin of: FIDDLERS GREEN 640O 5. Fiddlers Green Englewood. CO 801 1l 771-4539tFN< 771-4526 HAMPDEN 8821 E. Hampden, #100 Oenver, CO 80231 75O4223|FAJ,750-4267 JEFFERSON 710 Kipling, f202 Denver, CO 80215 232-3111|FAX 238-2956 SOUTHWEST 3609 S. Wadsworth, #115 Denver, CO 80235 988-8550/FAX 980-8324 YOSEMlTE 3500 S. Yosemite, #255 Denver. CO 80237 694-2837/FAX 843-0402 EOULDER 2425 Canyon Blvd.. #230 Boulder, CO 80301 44,4-4101|FAX 786-8473 LAND TITLE P. O. 8ox 357 108 S. Frontage Rd. W. Vail, CO 81658 47 6-2251 lDil.ecr 595-96 1 3 FAX 476-4534 BRECKENRIDGE P. O. Box 2280 200 North Ridge Ereckenridge, CO 80424 453-2255ltAX 453-6014 CASTTE ROCK 512 Wilcox Castle Rock, CO 80104 688-6363/FAX 688-0143 COLORAOO SPRINGS t02 S. Tejon. #100 Colorado Springr CO 80903 634{821/Direct 595-41 t 3 FAX 634-3190 PARKER 19590 E. Main St., #105 Parker, CO 80134 841-4900 vAlt P. O. Box 357 108 S. Frontage Rd. W. Vail. CO 81658 47 6-225 1 I Dke<r 595-96 I 3 FAX 476-4534 AGENTS DURANGO 1201 Main Avenue Durango, CO 81 303 247-5a60 FAX 247-9089 LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COfVPANY ALr, coMrqrrMENr o SCHEDULE A Application No. VLGL27 For Information OnIy I,OT 46 VAIL VILI,AGE WEST 2ND FILING - Charges - ALTA Or^rner policy g391.OO $20.0oTax certit-'- ,oro,, - - g411.oo With your remittance please refer to V1GL27. 1. Effective Date: october L9, 1.990 at B:OO A.M. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: nALTArr o$rnerrs policy S3grOOO.ooForm B-l_97O (Amended l_O-j_Z-7O) Proposed Insured: A.N.J.A. INC., A COTJORADO CORPORATION 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to inthis Connitnent and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4 - Eitle to the estate or interest covered herein is at theeffective date hereof vested in: FRANK CALIENDO and JACK CALIENDo 5. The land referred to in this comrnitment is described asfollows: L9Ti36,)VArL VILT,AGE WEST FILING NO. 2, ACCORDING TO THE RECO'RUED Pr,AT THEREOF' couNTY oF EAGLE, srATE oF cor,oRADo. PAGE ]. Arr| coMr,rrrMENr SCHEDULE B-]- (Requirements) Application No. VL6L27 The following are the requirements to be conplied with: 1. Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors ofthe full consideration for the estate or interest to beinsured. 2. Proper instrurnent(s) creqting the estate or interest to bej.nsured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: 3. EVTDENCE SATTSFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 4. WARRANTY DEED FROM FRANK CALIENDO and JACK CALIENDO TO A.N.J.A. INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETURN ADDRESSES ON DOCUMENTS SENT FOR RECORDING! ! PAGE 2 Arr, coMMrruENr t SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) epplication No. VL6L27 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to thefollowing unless the sarne are disposed of to the satisfaction ofthe Conpany: 1. Standard Exceptions l- through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and special assessments not yet certified to the Treasurerrs office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRTETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISESAS RESERVED IN UNfTED STATES PATENT RECORDED October 04, 1918, IN BOOK 93AT PAGE 3O].. 1.0. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THEUNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED October 04,L9L8, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 301 . ].]-. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE,BUT oMITTING REsTRIcTroNs' IF ANy' BASED oN RACE, coloR, RELIGIoN, oRNATTONAL ORIGIN' AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED July 07, 1965, IN BOOK]-90 AT PAGE 56. 12. EASEMENT GRANTED TO UPPER EAGLE VALLEY SANTTATION DISTRICT IN INSTRI'MENT RECORDED APRIL 24, 1970 IN BOOK 2L7 AT PAGE 493. ]-3. DRAINAGE AND UTILTTY EASEMENT AIONG THE SOUTHERLY AND WESTERLY I,oT LINES OFSUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PI,AT OF VAIL VILLAGE WEST FILINGNO. 2. 14. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTTONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THERECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VILI,AGE WEST FILING NO. 2. PAGE 3 (Exceptions)Application No. VL6L27 The_ poricy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to thefollowing unless the sarne are disposed of to the satisfaction ofthe Conpany: 1. standard Exceptions L through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 5. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and specialassessments not yet certified to the Treasurerrs office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said Land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. RIGHT OF PROPRTETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORETHEREI'ROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISESAS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED October 04, 1918, IN BOOK 93AT PAGE 3O].. ].0. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DTTCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THEUNTTED STATES AS RESERVED fN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED October 04,l_9L8, rN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 30L. o COI,IMITMENT CHEDULE B-2 oo A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CI,AUSE,RACE, COIOR, RELIGION, OR RECORDED JuIy 07, L965, fN BOOK DTSTRICT IN INSTRUMENT AND WESTERLY LOT LINES OFVAIL VTLI,AGE WEST FILING 11. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAINBUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ONNATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTATNED IN INSTRUMENT1.90 AT PAGE 56. ].2. EASEMENT GRANTED TO UPPER EAGLE VALLEY SANITATION RECORDED APRIIJ 24, l_970 rN BOOK 217 AT PAGE 493. 13. DRATNAGE AND UTTLITY EASEMENT ALONG THE SOUTHERLYSUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PI,AT OFNO. 2. L4. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHowN RECORDED PI.AT OF VAIL VILLAGE WEST FTLTNG NO. 2. OR RESERVED ON THE PAGE Thc nrintc<l frrlionr of thia form aDrr6r(l bv thcColoia(lo l{dll lirrarc Conrnrilsnxf (Lt'.t0 2/dl) nllS ISA LnCAL lNsl'lauttltiM'.lrN(rr UNDMSTOOD, LUGAT TA\ OROTIII. COUNSmSIOULD UECONSULTnD nrjtERUS|CN|NC. couNTlDR?RoPosnL Illli: I'roposcd conlrac( for thc purchasc ofpropcrly (lcsclil)c(l as:VaiI Village, West Filing Z, I,,ot 46,1 VaiI, COUi .. --__,-/ rlso knorvn ns nunrbcr l-9 3 6 Gor:e Cr:eek Dr. , situatcd in rhc Town of Va il (hunryof tracf le , Colorarkr, d:rtcrlJuLv 26 , t9 !Qlrcrrvccn Jack Caliendo & Lena Caliendo ,scttcr,and A.N.J.A.. a Colorado Corporation , t,urchi*cr. 'l'hc undcrsigncd Scllcr acccpts saitl proposcd contract, sul)jccl to thc follorving amcn(lmcnts:L. Purchasers shall have right of assj.gnnent 2. Purchase price shall be g39,ooo, deposit 10?:, g3,9oO.OO, cashat ciosinS $35,100.00 3. Date of closing shall be Novenber 19, 1990 4. Inspection (Par. 18), November L and Novenber 5. All othcr tcrtns arxl conditions slrall rcmlin thc samc, If this countcrproposal is acccptccl by I'urqlrgr"scr,:rs.cvklcq signat urc hcrcon, and if Scllcr rcccivcs nolicc o[ such acccptnncc on or bcforc lhc said lrrcl, as nnrc[dc(l hcrcby, shnll bcconrc a contr:|ct bchvccn ltrc partics. ' 7*,- g-!'*A^ ,scllcr Lena Ca I iendoJack Caliendo ftrrcgoingcountcrpmpos.l isacccprcrt ,tit /q drry,,- 0 e( ,p?Q. t0 It (0 I'urchnscr By dit Kleiner PxJ;'- l\rrchascrfor A.N.J,A., a Colorado Corporation lf tlris counlcrproposal is iicccptcd by I'urchascr as lforcs:rirl, Scllcr agrccs to pay listing brokcr a conrnrissign of - '% of thc purchasc pricc for scrvicts in ahis transnction, and ngrccs that, irr thc cvcnt of forfcilurc o[ pnymcnls ofvaluc rcccivcd hcrcundcr and undcr saitl proposcd contract, such pnymcnts nnd things ofvaluc shall lrc divirlc4 s-cllcr and listi to saitl brokcr, but not to cxccc(l lhc crrnrnrission. ln(l thc b litncc to Scllcr. Jac CaIien 'N.l!. whcn lhis courrtc rpropos:rl is u.scrl, slitl proposcd conlrircl is nol lo bc signc(l by.scllcr. 'l1ris countcrprrlposal nrus( bc sccurcly altachcd to said proposctl contract. No. ('l'10 2/81 ('ar(iNllTRf ROPO\AI.rf (nlltrf cr lf ultlirhin8' 5o2 Mdrn st., cirrbonrhlc, CO 8l/r23 (7OJ)N;r.Wn f.clrarcd ar slitcr, Smirh,.t FrsmFon, lnc. pm)4:/L2,tzl oo 'l hc ltnrrlc.l tx)rtront ol I hrs l.)in atrt\rr)r'c(l t'v lhc(it';ra(lo ltial I btatc c:onrt|nr${rn ((:lL\:} 5/hr) 'l1||stsAl-F,cAl-tN5-rllUMEN|.ttlNo'rUNl)lills*|.oot).l,Ecn|-..lAxollot1t|!|lcoUNs|]LslIoULDBtlcONstJl,1'lj|.)I}tl|!l[js|(]N|Nc. VACANT LAND CONTRACT TO BUY AND SELL REAIJ ESTATE Sel-ler's remedy Liquidated Damages or Specific Performanc() (Section 16) L l'Alt1]l1S n NI) PI(OPl.:ll'l'\'. JuIv 26 ,lc) 90n.N.J.A., d Colorado Corporation purchascr(s) [f'urchuscrl, (lll N/,/rltl.t/'/\l{/tcnlnts in common) agrccs lo l)uy, an(l thc untlcrsigncd scllcr(s) [Scllcr], agrccs 1o scll, on thc tcrnrs und conrlitions sct forlh in tlris c.onlracl, the folkrrving dcscribcd rcal cstatc in thc Oounty of Eaqle ,coloradtr,torvit: Vail Village West, Filing 2, Lot 46 Vail, Colorado knorvn as No.Gore Creek Dr ive (Strcct Arltlrcss) VaiL CO 81657 (Oity, Slatc, Zip) togcthcr rvilh all intcrcsl of Scllcr in vac{(c(l slrccts and allcys a(ljaccnl lhcrclo,all cascnlcnls ln(l othcr appurlcnanccs thcrclo, all improvcmcnls thcrcon anrl all attachcd [ixlurcs lhcrcon, cxccpt :$ hcrcin cxclutlcrl, antl callctl thc Itropcr(y. 2. INCI,US|ONS. 'l'hc purch:sc pricc includcs thc follorving itcnrs (a) ifatt:rchcrl to lhc Propcrty on thc tlalc of lhis conl ract: lighting, hcating, plunrhing, vcnl ilat ing antlairconditioning[ixturcs,'l'Vanlcnnns,watcrsoflcncrs,snrokc/firc/burgl:rralarnrs, sccurity rlcviccs, insidc lclcphone rviring and connccting bkrcks/jacks, plants, nrirrors, florrr covcrings, inlcrconr syslcnls, built-in kitchcn applianccs, and sprinklcr syslcnrs antl cotr(rols; (b) ifonlhc I'nrpcrty rvhclllcr lltachc(lornol onlhc(latc of tlris arntracl: built-in r':rcuum syslcnrs (includ img acccssorics), stornr rvinrlorvs, stornl doors, rvintlorv and porclr shadcs, arvnings, blinds,scrccns, curiain rorls,drapcry rods, fircplacc inscrls, fircplacc scrccns, fircplacc gr tcs, hcating stovcs, storagc shcds,all kcys antl garagc tlooropcncrs inclurling rl/il rcnrotc controls;:rrrrl (c) nOne (d) Watcr ll.igh1s. I'urchasc pricc to incluclc lhc follorvingrvalcr r;ghts: nOne (c) Crorving Crops. With rcspcct to thc grorving crops Scllcr and I'urchascr agrcc as folkrrvs: 11Orl€ 'l'hc altovc-dcscribcd includcd itcnrs (lnclusions) irrc tol)cconvcycd to I'urchascrhy.scllcrbyhill ofsnlc, wafl:anty tlcctl or otltcr applicrblc lcgrl instrrrnrcnt(s) at lhc ckrsing, frcc and clcar of all taxcs, licnsand cncuntbranccs, cxccpl as providcd in scction 10. 1'hc folbrving attachcrl fixturcs arc cxcludcd fronr llris salc: nOne 3. I'UlLCI lASll Pll.lCIj ANI) 'll il{NlS. 1'hc purchasc pricc shall bc I'urchascr as fcrlklvs (atnrplctc thc npplicirblc tcrnrs bclrxv): payahlc in U.S. rlollars hy $3 inrlrcf<rrnrof personal check deposited upon acceptance Slifer, Smith, & Frampton, Inc. (303)476-2421 , llrokcr, inbrokcrk arus(lccounl on bchirlfof l;oth Scllcrand I'urchascr. llrokcr is:rulhorizctl toclclivcrthc carncsl nroncv dcposit to lhc closing agcnt, i[ arry, al or hcforc ckrsing. k) bc piri(l by l)urchascr a( ckrsing in csh, clcc(ronic translcr funrls, ccrtificd chcck, savings and hicr's chcck. Sul)jcct lo thc provisions o[ scclion 4, ilthc cxisting kran balancc at thc tinlc of onr lhc k)art halancc in scction 3, lhc:rtljustnrcrrt shall bc nradc incash at closingorpai(l as follorvs; a ) I)AltNIlS]ifllQN I iY. lo:rn tcllcrt chcck. or ckrsing shall hc rliffc rc n t (c) NIlw LOAN. by I)urchascr ohlaining a ncrv kran. 'l his kran'rvill bc sccurcrl hy a ( lst, 2nd, ctc-)tlcctl oI lrusl. 'l'hc ncw loan to I'urclrascr shall bc arnortizcrl ovcr a pc riod of _ ycars at npprcrxirrrrtcly $ pcr incfutfing principal an(l ;fllcrcst not lo cxcccd _,]1, pcr annUtrr, plus, if rcr;uirc<l by I'urclrascr's lcntlcr, a rlcposit o[of (l)c cslinr:rtc(l annrr:rl rcll cstalc l;txcs, nropcrly insrrrancc prcnrium, ;rntl orlgagcinsuranccprcmiunl.|fl|rc|rllrnis;rlrat|jslalllc ra(c inili:rlly shilll not cxccc(l rhc ligurcs sct f()r(h irl)ovc. N_o.CrN3.s1ll.' Vn CANT t - Nl),/r ht{M ANt) ta^N('[ (.oN fll^cf t o t]lry & stit.t. lU:;\t_ [sfAl.t iIllc^lfisrcr lublirhing,502 Marn Sr., Carboo(,ntc, CO rit(,2:l (lolltn1-tdrr't'iii,jrc,i'ii-Stit"ii;ii,itr,.tillampr"n,tnc (Jo3),t76-2.t21 l'agc I of 1, l,oan <liscount points, ifany, shall bc paid tcr anrounl. 'l'hc first (l, 2, clc.) - loitn discounl lcndcrat closing and shall not cxcrcd -o/o ol lhc tolal loan and thc halancc, ifany,points shull hc paid hy shall ltc paitl by Iturchascr slrall tinrcly pny a loan originalion fcc not to cxccc(l o/o ol tha lorn nntounl and I'urchnscrt ltxrn costs. Cost ofany appraisal [<rr lrran purposcs to hc olltaincd aftcr tlris rlltc shlll bc paid by application ns rcquircd by lcudcr. ((l) AS,SUtvll'l'l ON. upon loan by l'urchirscr's assunring and agrccing lop.ty nn cxistirrg kran in lltis approxinr:llc anlount, nrcscnllv nlval)lc al $ ncr inclutf ing princip:tl, in(crcst prcscntly at -uk pcr annum, and including cscrorv for lhc lollorving as indiqrtcd: tl rcal cstatc taxcs, D propcrty insurancc prcmiunr, ! nrorlgirgc insttr;tncc prcmiutn, and . Iturchascr agrccs lo p:ry alonn transfcr lcc not to cxcccd $. At thc linrc of irssumption, thc ncw inlcrcst ratc sh ll not cxccc(l -o/o pcr annunt plus cscrorv, i[:rny.and thc ncw paynrcnl shall nol cxcccd $ .sctlcr ! shall ! shall not hc rclcasc<l from liability on said loan. lf applicablc, conrpliancc rvitlr lllc rcquircnlcnts for rclcasc from liability shall bc cvirlcnccd by dclivcry at ckrsing of approprialc lctlcr fronr lcndcr. Cost payablc for rclcasc of liability shall bc paicl hy in an amounl nol 1o cxcccd $ (c) Sll.l.l.lili. Olt l'l{lVAl'll'l'l I IItl)-PAll'l'Y FINANCING. by I'urchascr cxccuting a pronrissory nolc pryal)lc to: on ths notc ftrrm as indic;rlcd: (chcck orrc lrox) llight-to-Curc Nfl) 82-l l-63 tl No llighl-lo-Curc Nfl) E l- I l-E3 sccu rc<l by a ( lst,2ndplc.) _ <lcctl of trust cncumbcring thc I'ropc rty, using I hc fornr as indicatcd: (chcck onc lnx) .Strict l)uc-on-S:rlc ('l'l) Z-l l-83) Assumablc - Not tluc on Salc ('l'D 74-11-83) Crcditrvorthy ('l'l) 73-l 1-83) 'l'hc pronr issory notc shall bc anrrlrtizcd on r]! tr tr D! inclrrrlirrg principal an(l irtc rcst lhc basis of fll lhc r;tlc of _ yc;lrs, .% payablc at $ pcr annunr, pcr I'lvnrcnts shall conrnrcncc An(i shilll bc duc on thc tlrry uI caclr succcctling lf not sooncr p;rid, lhc balancc of principal ;rnd accructl intcrcst shall bc ! shall f| shall not hctluc antl payablc :rflcr clrrsing. I'aynrcnls I shall I shall notirrcrcascd by _ ofcstinralcd annulrl rcal uslalc taxcs, an(l o[ cstinrals(l annual nropcr(y insu nrncc prcntiunr. bc irrcrcascrl by is not rcccivcd rvilhin calcndar rlays D:rvnrcnl shall bc duc. Intcrcst on lcndcr tfisburscmcnts undcr lhc dccd of trust shall bc .//o ncr annunt. l)cfault intcrcst rato sh^ll l)c % pcr annum. Purchascr may prcpay rvithout a pcnally cxccpt 4. trt NANCTNG CONI)t',t'IONS ANt) OBt,tGA't'loNs. (n) Loan Applicrrt krn(s). ltl'urchascristopayall or part of t hc pu rchirsc pricc as scl [or(h in socl ion 3 by obtaining a ncrv Ioan or if an cxisling loan is not to bc rclcasctl at dosing, Purch:rscr, if rccluirc<l hy such lcrrdcr, shall makc rvritlcn application rvithin - crlcntlar dlys fnrnt :rcccpllncc of lhiscerlracl. I'urchascrshall coopcrittc with Scllcranrl len(lcr lo ol)lain l()an approval, diligcntly and linrcly pursuc samc in gootl failh, cxccutc all rlocunrcnts and furnish all inlornation and clrcunrcnts rcquircd by thc lcnclcr, anrl, sultjcct lo scction 3, t inrcly pay thc cosls of olllaining such ltnn or lcndcr conscnl. (tr) l,oan Approval. If Purchnscr is to pay all orpart of thc purchasc pricc l)yol)taininga ncrv loan as spccificrl inscction 3, this conlrlct is conditional upon lcn<lcr's appror':rl of tlrc ncrv loan on or bcfrtrc 19 lf not so npproved by saitl tlatc, this cont racl shall tcrnrinatc. If thcbnn is soapprovcd,hut such procccds arc ntrt availatrlc to Purclrascr as rcquircd in scct i<rn -5 (Cood [;unds) at lhc I imc of cbsing, closing slrall bc cxtcndccl onc t inrc for calcnd:rr days (not to cxccc(l (-5) fivc). lfsufficicnt funrls lrc trol thcn avail:rblc, lhis con(ract shall tcrnrin.!tc. ,(c) Ilxisting-Loan llcviov. Ifan cxisting loan isnol lo bs rslcascrl at closing, Scllcr shall provi(lc copics ofthc loan (locunrcnls (inclutling notc, dccd of trust, nrorlificat ions) to l)urch:rscr rvithin_calcnrlar days from acccptancc of this con1rac1..l'|tiscontrac1isc()n(|iliona|upttnl'urchascr'srcr,icrvanr| conscn(s lo thc provisions oIsuclr k>an (locunrcnts if no rvrillcrr objcction is rcccivcd hy Scttcr orl-isting Conrparry front Pu rchascr within calcndar days fronr Purchascr's rcccipt ofsuch (locumcnls. Ifthc lcndcr's approval ofa transfcrof the Propcrly is rcquircd, this conlract is contlitional upon I'urclrirscr's obtaining such approval rvithout change in thc tcrnts of such loan, cxccpt assct forth in scction 3. If lcntlcr's approval isnot oblainctl onorbcforc l9 -this conlract shall bc lcrnrinalcd onsuchdalc. lfscllcr is tobc rclc:rsc<l fronr Iiallilily unclcrsuch cxistirrg klan and I)urchascr docs nol ol)lain such contpliirncc:rs sct frrrtlr irr scction 3, this contract may l)c tcrnrinatcd al Scllcr's optkrn. (d) Assunrption llalnncc. If l'urchascr is lo pay all or part of lhc purchasc pricc hy assunring an cxisting kran an<t if thc :rctttal princip:rl b:tltrrrcc of thc cxisting l(ran rt thc rlatc of ckrsing i,s lcss than lltc .tntourrl in scclion 3 l)y nrorc lltitn thcn llurchascr mly torntin:rtc lhis contract clfcctivc upon rcccipt lty Scllcr or l,isling GrnrJr:rny -o[ Iturchascr's wri cn noticc o[ tcrntinalion. 'l'hc loan shall alsocontain thc follorving tcrnrs as indicatcd: Ifanypaynrcnt aftcr its rluc (l:tle, a Lrtc chargc of_ o/o of such N'o.CnSl.s/m.vn CAN'I'l-n Nt)/1.AtlM ND RANCT I cONtItn CITo Dt.Jy & sril.r. lltt\1. r"s-Tnt.nef rz1 llif lcr Puhhrhin& 502 Miir S., carl,ondalc, co I t{'2J Ou)iti.icitl 't'iciriic,i rii-StitJi iii,irir', .t ttampron, tnc. (3ol)476.2421 I'agc 2 ol6 (c) Crctlit lnformation. lf I'urchascr is to puy all or p.rrt o[ thc purchasc pricc hy cxcculing a prtrtttissory notc in fartrr trl Scllcr or if an cxisting k.nrr is not lo bc rclc:rscd at closing, lhis contracl is cr:ndition:rl rrpon Scllcr's approval of I'urch:tscr's shall supply to ,Scllcr on or bcforc t9 -, at I'urchascr's cxpcnsc, infornt:tlitrn itnd rlocumcnls concr:rning l)urr:lr:rscr's financial, cnrltloymcnt lrrrl crcdit corrditbn; (2) I'urchascr conscnls tllirt Scllcr nray vcrify ['urchascr,sfnancial:rlli|itya|x|crc(litwor1hitlcss;(J)anyst|dlinftrnla|itln .Scllcr in confirlcncc,and nol rclciscrl toothcrs cx(:cpt l(,prolcct Scllcr's intcrcsl intltis tr:rnsittlion; ('l)if .Scllt:r tkrcs not providc rvrittcn nolicc of Scllcr's disapproval to I'urclrascr on or bcforc | 9 _, thcn Scllc r rvrivcs this condition. Ifscllcrtlocspnrvidcrvritlcnnoticcofdisapproval to I'urchascr on or bcforc said (lalc, this contrnct shall lcrnr initlc. .5. COOf ) nUNl)S. All paynrcnts rcrluircd at ckrsirrg sh:rll bc nurrlc in funtls rvhir:h conrply rvilh all applicablc Coltrra<kr larvs. 6.NOl'nSSlGNnltl,li.'l'his)ntractshrrll rrot bc ssignahlc by I'urclrascr rvithout Sc llc r's pritrr rvrit lcn conscnl. lixccllt:tsso rcs|rictct|'lhiscontractsh;r||inurcltllhchcncfilorantlllc|lintlirrguprrnl|tcltcirs,;lcrstrnl assigns of tlrc partics. 7. livlDl.,NCllOI;'ll'l'l,ll.,scllcrshirll furrrislr toPurchascr,al .Scllcr's cxpcnsc, y'fl/l'.,{ a currcnt comnrilnlcnl for owncr's tillc insur:rltccpo|icyinan:tnrottn1ct1tlalttrthcptlrch:tscI\f..cl/.l|f||wN/v/:ll./,lth|/\|/,'(,//t|l|||,//,//$|\t.t or bcforc [g141gl!__, 19 9 0 . If a titlc insurancc conrnritnrcnl is furnishctl, I'urcltascr nray rctlttirc of .scllcr llr:rt mpics of inslruntcnts (orahstractsof inslrunrcnls) lislctl in thcschctluloof cxccplions (l:.xccptions) irrtlrc titlc insurancc comnrilnrcni als() l)c furnishctl to I'urchascr at Scllcr's cxpcnsc. 'l'hir; rcquircnrcnl slrall pcrlain only 1() instrunrcnls shorvn of rccord in thc officc <rf tlrc clcrk and rccorrlcr of thc tlcsignatc<l counly or (x)unlicli. 'l'lrc titlc ittsur:rncc conrnlilnrclrl, logc|hcrwilhanyctrpicsor:||)s|raclstlfinslruntcnlsftlrnislrcdpursUanl|olhisscc|i()n7,conlilitUtc l)ocuntcrrts). l'urchascr nrusl rc(lucst Scllcr to furnish coltics o r :rbs t racls ()fin$lrurrrcrtts listcd in thc schctlrrlc ofcxccptirlns ntr fatcr thifn 5 c.irfcnrlar tlays aftcr I'urchascr's rcccipt oI lhc litlc irrsur.rrrcc (:onrnrilnrcnl. lf/$,/.ltfl ttlthtfi/l /ltl" pay thc prcmiunr at closing. 6.'l'l'fl,ll. (a)'t'itlc l{cvicw. ['urch:rscr sh;rll havcthc right lo inspcct thc'l'itlc l)()cunlcnls ()rahslrncl. \\'rittcn noticc by shnll hc signcd by oronbclralf of I'urch;rscr antl givcnto.scllcrorl,islirrgGrnrparryonorbcltrrc !-calcnd:rr d;tys;rflcr I'urchascrt rcccipt of 'l'itlc l)trcunrcnts or abstrad, or rvithin fivc (.5) calcntlar dlys aftcr rcccipt by l'urchascroI any'l'itlu Docunrcnt(s) or cndorscnrcnt(s) adding ncrv Iixccption(s) to lhc titlc conrnril nrcn( togct hc r rvitlr ir copy ()f t hc 'l'illc l)tlcuntcnl adding ncrv lixccplion(s) lolillc. lfscllcr or l,isling Conrplny tlocs nol rcccivc I'urchirscr's nolicc l)ythc dalc(s) spccilictl a|lttvc,I'urchascrshall|rctlccrrtct|ttrhltr,cacc-cp|ct|thccont|ititlnoflil|cast|is<ltrsct||)ylhc'l'il|cl)ocu|1lc||ts (h) Nlallcrs Not Shorvn hythc I'ulrlic llccortls. Scllcrshall dclivcrto l'urr:hirscr, on or bcforc tlrc (lllc sct ltrrtlt in sccli()n7'{rUcctlpicstrfa|||c:lsc(s)lrntlstrn,cy(s)in.Sc||cr'sptlsscssionpcrtlriningltll|tcI'rtlpcrlyanr| allc:rscnrcnls,|icnsor()lhcrti(|cma{lcrsn<tls|rolvnlryt|rcptr|rlicrc()r(|s0rwhii:hSc||cr|lasacltr:r|knorv|cgc. havc thc right to inspcct thc I)ropcrty to (lctcrnlinc ifany thirrl party(s) has any right in thc l)nrpcrly nol shorvn hy thc public rcctlrt|s(stlchasanttnrcctrrt|ct|c:|scn1cnt'unrcctlrt|ct||casc,tr|lllunt|ar conrlit ion(s) discloscd by Scllc l,isling Conrpany on or bcforc Augu st 1 6 , 19 9 0 . If ,Sclft:r or l,isting Conrpany docs not rcccivc Purchascr's noticc by said rlalc, l)urchascr shall bc tlccnrctl to hlvc ac.ccplc(l titlc suhjt:ct (o such rights, if any, oI third partics of rvhich I'urchascr has aclual knorvlcdgc. (c) lfight 1o Curc. lf Scllcr orl,isling Corrrp;rny rsccivcs n()ti(:c o[ unrlerchantlhility of lillc orarryothcr unsalisftrclory titlccontlition(s)asprrrvit|c<|insu|rscc|itrn conditkrns(s) prior lo lhc <hlc olclosirg. lfScller frils to corrcct said unsatisfactory titlc corrrlition(s) on or bcforc thc (l:rlc of cltrsing,tlrisconlrac1sha||t|rcnlcrnrinalc,str|rjcclloscclionI7;prtlvir|c<l, .Scllcr or Listing Company on or bcforc cbsing, rvaivc olrjcctirrn kr s:rid unsalisfactory titlc contlition(s). 9. l)A'l'li OF CLO,SING. 'l'hc tl;rtc of ckrsirrg shall bc AUctUSt 27 ' , 1,)p_Q_ or l)y nruluirl :rllrccnrcnt al nn carlicrrlalc.'l'hclrourand Pllccof chsingshall bc rs (lcsignirtc(l by SIifef , Smith and Irfampton 10. II{ANSFUIt OF 11'11,1 i. Suhjcct lo lcntlc r or paynrcnt on closing ls rc(luirc(l hc rcirr antl conpliancc by I'u rchascr rvitlt I hc o(hcrlcrnrsan(l provisions hcrcof, Scllcr shall cxccut c and dclivcr a good arrrl sufficicnt qenefal Wafl:anty (lcc(l 1o I'urchascr, on ckrsing, conlcying llrc I'ropcrty frcc andclcarof :rll taxcs cxccpt thcgcncr;rl laxcs [or thc ycarofclosing, and l//y'//any continuincr it ; frcc an<lclcarofall licnsfor spccial irrrprovcnrcnts inslallcrl asofthc rlatc ofl'urchascr's signaturc hcrcon, rvhcthcr asscsscd or nol; cxccpt tlistribution ulilily cascnrcnls, inclurling cahlc 'l'V; cxccpl lhosc nrattcrs rcflcctc(l l)y thc 'l'itlc I)ocunrcnls acccptc(l by I'urchirscr in accortlancc rvilh suhscclion [i(a); cxccpt thosc rig,hts,ifrny, ofthirrl partics in l hc I)ropc rty n()t shown by thc ptrblic recortls in accordancc rvitlr subscction [i(b); antl subjcct to lluilding and zoning rcgulations. I l. PAYI'tlENf OIr liNCUMl]lln NCli.S, Any crrcunrltr:rncc rcquircd to bc p;rirl sh:rll bc paid al or bcforc thc tinrc of sclllcmcnt fronr thc proccctls of lllis lransaction or frortr any otlrcr sourcc. 12. CLOSING CO.SI'.S, l)OCUNlllNl'.S ANI) ,SIlllVlCl:S. I'urchascr and Scllcr shall pay thcir rcspcctivc closing cosls at clttsing cxccpt as olhcnvisc providcrl hcrcin, I'urchascrand Scllcrshall sign and crrnrplclc all custonraryor rcquircrl rkrcunrcnls ator bcforc closing. Irccs for rcal cslatc closirrg and sctllcnrcnt scn'iccs shall notcxcccd$ 200.00 and shall hc paid al closing hy Buyer and Seller eguallv 13. PIiOIiATIONS. Ccrrcral taxcs for l hc yca r of dosing, bascd on thc mosl rcccnt lc!'y an(l thc rvalcr and servcr clurgcs, orvncr's association ducs, antl inlcrcst on continuing loan(s), itany, anditems. mosl rcccn[ :tsscssntcnl. rcnls. anv continuing shall bc proralcd lo dalc of closing. Anysalcs,rtscrtrdlransfcrtirxlh.rlnr;ryaccrucbcciruscof lhis trarrsrction shalllrc paitl lry SelIef and BUyefequally. No. Clts'l518r) V CAN f l",'1Nt)i/l'.AtrM ANI) lln N(.tI (-ONfltn (:I'fO ItUl, & Stir.t,lrti\t. t isf^l ljIu(:Alflstcr fubliihin8.502 Main Sl., Lhrbondale, CO $1623 (30])96i-1027 l"cparcd al Sli{cr, SDith, & liramp{on, Inc. (3O3)4762,t21 I'agc 3 oa /' 14. f'OSStlSSlON. I'osscssion of tlrc I'ropcrty shall trc dclivcrcd to I'urchftscr as follows; upon delivery of deed. suhjcct 1o thc follorving lcasc(s) or tcnlnc.y(s): none Ifscltcr,aftcrclrrsing, fails to dclivcr posscssion onthcda(c hcrcin spccificd, Scllcrshall bc subjcct 1o cviction andshall bc additionally liahlc to I'urchasc r for payrncnt of $1 0 0 . 0 0 pcr tlay front lhc tlalc of agrccd posscssion until posscssion is dclivcrcrl. t5. CONI)n'lON OIf ANI) l)nNlAGli,'t'O I' l{()l' l ilt't'Y. 'l hc I'ropcrty anrl Inclusions sh;rll bc convcycd in tltcir prcscnl condition, ordinary rvcar anrl lcar cxccptc(|. In tllc cvcnt thc I)ropcrty sl;rll hc tlanrrl;cd lly firc or olhcr c:rsually prior lo lintc o[ cklsing, inan:rnlounl ofnol nrorc lhirnlcnpcrccnt of lhctotll purch:rsc pri<:c,.Scllcrshall bc oblig:rtcd to rcpair lhc sanrc bcforc lhc dalc o[closing. ln thc cvcnt sudt tllnrirgc is nol rcpaircd rvithin said linrc or if lltc <lunt:tgcs cxccctl such sunl, this con(ritct nlay lrc tcrntinalcd at lhc trptitrn of I'urchascr. Slrould I'urchirscr clccl to cilrry ()ul lhis con(r{tcl dcspilc such damagc, I'urchascr slrall bc cnlitlcd to crctlil for trll lhc insurlncc procccds rcsulting lrom sur:lt tlanragc to lhc l)ropcrly arrd lncluskrns, nol cxccctling, holclcr, llrc tol:rl pur<:hasc pricc. Sluukl any Inclusion(s) or scrvicc(s) fail trr lrc rlanragctl bctwccn for thc rcpair or rcplaccntcnl of such lncluskrn(s) or scrvicc(s) rvith:r unitof sinrilar sizc, lgc antl <;uality,oran cqtrivalcnl crcdil, lcss any insurancc procccds rcccivetl llyl'urchascrcovcringsuchrcpairorrcplaccnrcnt.'l'hcrisko ossforanydamagc to growing crops, by firc or otlrcr casualty, slrall bc hornc by lhc narly cnti(lc(l to thc growing crops, if any, as providctl in scction 2 and such parly shall bc cnl itlcd lo such insu rirncc pnxcctls or bc ncfils for I hc grorving crops, if any. 16. llfvlll OF LIS.SllNcll/lU:Nl lll)l llS. 'l'inrc is oI lhc csscncc hcrcof. lf any nolc or chcck rcccivccl as carncsl moncy hercuntlcr or any othcr paymcnl (luc lrcrcundcr is not paid, honorcd or lcndcrcd whcn (luc,or if any othcr oltligalion hcrcun(lcr is nol pcrformc(l or rvaivcd as hcrcin provirlcd, thcrc slrall bc thc f<rllorving rcnrcdics: (n) lI: PUttCI lASllll I.S lN l)l il,AUL'l': lF'frrEBox INSUB.S|I(]ITON (r) r.SCriltCKDr),Su.t,F.r{'S r{riN,rEDil:^s SIrAr.t. B|l ASSr].'r FORl'rl lN surlsr.gt'toN (t) lsPEcllrtc Pr]r rotttuANcEl. IIr SAID uox ts Nor ct lricKF.D, st..l.l,lllt's Itlir\'lEDIlls SllALI. llli AS SlTr Foll'l]l IN,SUllsllC-l'lON (2) [.lOUlDA'l'l]l) l)Al!{AGllsl. ! (l) Spccific I'crfornrlrnr:c. Scllcrnury clcct totrcirt this c()rrtr.rct as cirnccllctl, inrvhich casc all p;ryrncrrls anrt things ot valttc rcccivcrl lrcrcrrndcrshall lrc forfcitcrl:rntl rcllincdon bch:rlfofScllcr,antlScllcrnriry rccovcr suclr rlanragcs ns nray hc propcr, or Scllcr nrly clcd lo trcat this r:rrnr ract aslrcirrginfirll forccand cffcct ancl Scllcr shall havc thc right to spccilic pcrfirrmancc rlr rlamagcs, rrr botlr. (2) l,i(lui(lttlc(l I)anutgcs. All p;rynrcnts irrrcl things of vrluc rcccivctl hcrcurrclcr shrrll lrc [or'[cilcd lry l'rrr<:hascr anrl rctaincrl on bchlrlf of Scllcr antl lrtrlh par(ics shrrll tlrcrcaflcr bc rclcascrl frrrnr all obligrtir.rns hcrcundcr. lt is agrccrl thal such plymcnts anrl thin6ls of valuc :rrc I-lQUIl)A'l'lil) l)ANlnCl;S antl (cxccpr as prtxirlcrl in subsccrion (c)) arc SIiLLIltl'.S SOI-ll ANI) ONLY ltl:,lvlllDY for l'urchascr's failurc to pcrfornr thc obligalions o[ this contracl. Scllcr cxprcssly rvaivcs the rcnrcdics ofspccific pcrformancc and additional (lamagcs. (b) IF SDI.T.ER tS rN DU!,AUI,T: . I'urchascr may clcct 1o trcat tlris conlract as canccllcd, in rvhich casc all paynrcnts and things of valuc rcccir,'crl hcrcunclcr shall bc rclurncd and lturchascr may rccovc r such damagcs as may bc propcr, or I)u rchascr mny clcct (o t rcrt this contract as bcing in full fcrrcc and cffcct ancl l'urchascr shall h:rvc thc right to spccific pcrfornrnncc or danragcs, or both. (c) COSI',S AND I)(Pll.N.Slls. Anything lo thc contrlry hcrcin notrvithstan(ling, in thc cvcnt of any litigrtion or artritration arisingout of this contract, thc court slrall arvard tothc prcvailing partyall rcasonablc costs anrl cxpcnse, including attorney fccs, f 7. EAI{N|1ST MONIIY DlSPUlIl. Notwilhstan(ling any tcrnrination of this contracl, Purchascr antl .Scllcr agrcc lhnt, in lhc cvcnt ofany controvcrsy rcgtr(ling I hc car ncst moncy and things of valuc hcld by l;rokcr or.closing agcnt, urrlcss nr utunl rvrittcn inslructions arc rcccivcd by thc holtlcr of thc carncst nroncy an(l lhings of valuc, broker or chlsing agcnt shall not be rcquircd to t.rkc:tnyac(ion l)utmay awaitany procccding, oratbrokcr's orclt>sing agcnt'soption andsolc ciiscrction, nray intcrplca(l all partics and dcprtsit irny nroncys or lhings ofvaluc into a courl of conrpclcntjurisrlic(ion :rntl shall rccovcr court costs an(l rcasonablc atlorncy fccs. 16. lNSPllCl-lON. I'u rchascr or any dcsigncc shall havc lhc righ t tr> havc inspccrion(s) ot t hc physical conditiorrof lhc l)ropcrry and Inclusions, at Purchascr's cxpctrsc. lfrvril(cn nolicc ofany uns:rtisfactory cttndition, signc(l by I'urchascr, is nol rcccivctl by 'Scllcr or l,istingCompany onor bcfrrrc Auqust 14 , ,1990 ,thc physical crrnrlitiorr of thc I'ropcrryanrl lnclusions shall bc tlccnrcd l() l)c salis[act()ry to I)urchascr. If rvrillcn nolicc oI any unsatisfaclory conrlilion, signctl lly I'urchascr, is givcn to Scllcr or l,isting Conrp;rny as sct frrrlh alxrvc in this scclion, and if I'urchascr and Scllcr havc not rc;rchc(l ir rvriltcn agrccnrcnl in scltlcnlcnt thcrcof on or bcfirrc AUctUSt 2O ,1990 , llt;s (:onlritct shall thcn lcrnrinatc, sulicct lo scclion 17. I'urchascr is rcsponsiblc and shall p.lry for any danragc rvhich occurs lo thc I'ropcrty and Inclusions as a rcsull of such inspcction. Nn. Cllsl 51sl vn Cn N f I JlND/l'AI{tU n ND rUNC CON tn (-t l o nU\, ,t Stit.t. RD\t. IiSti\.I.nN|tnl|ittcrPuh|i'h|D&502luainst.,ci|rl)on(t;||c,coli|623'(30lIir,r.io)l.t,ici''irciirii-S I'agc.l ot (' r t). AGI]NCY DtSCI.OSUllll. 'l'hc listing brokcr, :rnd ils salcs agcnts (l,isting Company) rcprcscnl .Ssllcr' 'l'hc l,isting Compnny orvcs rlutics of trust, kryalty anrl confirlcncc to Scllcr only. Whilc lhc l,isting Conrpnny has a duty lo lrcat Purclrascr honcslly, thc Listing Crrmpany is ths Scllcr's agcnt and is acting on bchalf of Scllcr and not Purclmscr. llY SIGNING lllll,Ow, PUIiCIIASIR ACKNOWI,lll)CllS l'RlOlt'l'lMl.il,Y NOlICll llY t,I.fflNG Ot{.Sll1,l,lNG COIIII'ANY 'll lA'l'l,lriflNc coMPn NY IS Sl ll,t.r.R'S AcDNr. Thcscllingbrokcr,slifer, Srnith and Frarnr:ton and its salcs agcnts (.Sctling Company) rcprcscnt: lllif 'll lll ROX lN .SUllsl.:()l'loN (h) lS (ltllt(:Kl:l), Slil,t.lN(; (lOrUl'n NY l{t il'lt I isl iNtS I'Ull()lASll{ ONLY' nS Slil' Itol{t'll lN.sut}SliCt'tON (b). Ir"t'ltli l}OX lN SUI}SliC'lI()N 0, I.s NO'l'Clllicl(l.il)' slll,l.lNCi COIUTANY lllll'l{t.sliNt'.S slll,l,El{ ONLY, AS Slil'FOI{I'lt lN SUllSliCl'lON (a).1 (a) Scllcr. The Sclling Company orvcs rlulicsof trusl, loyalty and confitlcnce to Scllcronly. Whilc thc Sclling Company has adutytotrcat Purchascr honcstly, the Sctling Comp:rny is Scllcr's :tgcnt and is actingon hchalf ofScllcr and not I'urchascr. BYSIGNINC l]lll,Ow, t'Ultclfn.Slilt ACKNOWLIII)CI;S PRIOII 11t\{ nLY NO'l'lCE l}Y Slll,l.lNc COMPAN\"I'I IA'I'.Slll.l,lNG COtllPAl.Il' IS Slll-I.lll{'S n GF.Nf. S (b) I,urchascr, If thc box is chcckctl: 'l'hc .Sclling Oompany owcs tlutics of trust, klynlty nnd confitlcncg to I'urclrascr only. Whilc thc .Sclling Company has a (luty lo trcat Scllcr honcstly, thc .Sclling Company is acting on l>chalf of Purchnscr anrl not.Scllcr. Sl,:.1-l,t]l{ ANI) t-1.91'lNC COIVIPANY ACI(NOU'I,lil)Gti Pl{loll 1'll\{[LY NOl]ClL l]Y Slll-l-lNG COIVIPANY'l'tlA'r l'l' l.S PUltcl lA.slllt'.s AGIlNr. 20. ADDITIONAL PROVISION.S: 21. ltllCOtvlMll,NDAl'lON OF l,IiCn l, COUNSEI,. lly signing tlris rhrcunrcnt, I'urclrrscr :rnrl Scllcr acknorvlcdgu thlt lhc Sclling Company orthc L,isting Company has rccomnrcndcrl that Purclrascr rnd.Scllcr ol)t:rin thc advicc of llrcirorvn lcgal counscl rcgrrding cxanrinnlion of titlc an(l tlris contract. 22.l'llIl,NlINATlON. In lhc cvcnt this contracl is lcrnri :rlc(|, all p:rynrcnls and things ofvaluc rcccivctl hcrcundcr sball lrc rclurnc<l ancl thc parlics shall bc rclicvcd of all ohligrtions hcrcundcr, sulrjcct to scction 17. N.o. (.llsr sl$r.vnc^N'[ lnNl)/Fn tr]V n Nl) llAN(:tl (--ON't Rnct'1'O l]Uy & Stit,l. llF./1t. nsl AltlMcn flftfct I'ut hshrn&5{ 2lvlain St,, Carbonrblc, CO till,23 (301)9(g-1027 l'.cparcdal Slitc.,Sn[lh,.t l.rampron,lnc. (J03)4'lG242l I'agc 5 of 6 23. NO'l'lCll OI;ACCIll'l ANCII/COUNt'lr.l{l'n ll'l'.S. lf this pnrposal is acccplc(l hy Scllcr in rvriting:rntl I'urclrascr rcccivcs nr)ticc of such acccpl;tncc onor hcforc JU]V 3L ,1990 , lhis clocuntcnt shall bccomc a conlracl l)ctwccn.Scllcr and I'urchascr. A copy ofthis<krcumcnl nraybc cxccutcd l)y cach parly, scparalcly,and rvhcn c:rch parly has cxccutc(l a copy thcrcof, such copics takcn togclhcr shall bc dccmcd lo bc a full and conrplclc conlract llchvccn tlrc parlics. A.N.J.A., d Colorado Corporation Broker Purclrascr I'urchascr's Addrcss Purchascr's.Addrcss 230 Bridqe Street Vail, CO 81657 [rO BII cOMPI-lft'l]D RY.slll,Lnll AND LISnNC COIVIPAN\'I 24. ACCIIP'IANCII/COMIUI.SSION. .Scllcr acccpts lhc abovc proposal this - tlay of 19 .............'._. Scffer shall pay to thc Listing Conrpany :r commission ol IO o/oof thc gross purchasc pricc or 3 , 6 0 O . 0 0 as agrccd upon lrctrvccn Scllcr and Listing Conpany f<rr scrviccs in this t ransnctittn. In thc evcnt of forlciturc of paymcnls and tlringsof valus rcccivctl lrcrcuntlcr, suclr paynrcnts and things ofvaluc shall lrc dividctl bclrvecn l,isting Company antl.Scllcr, onc-hllJ I hcrcof to l-ist ing Conrpamy, but not to cxccctl thc comnrission, and thc halancc to Scllcr. Scllcr's Addrcss 'l'ho undcrsigncd .Sclling Company acknorvlcdgcs rcccipt of thc carncsa nroncy dcposit spccificd in scction 3 and both Sclling Company ancl Listing Ctrmprny confirnr thc rcspc(tivc agcncy rlisclosurc sct forlh in scction 19. Sclling Cornpany Slifer, Srnith, & Frarnpton, fnc. (303) 476-242L Addrcss By 230 Bridoe StreetVail, CoLorado 8L657 Anna and Art Kleimer Listing Company Sl-ifer, Snith, & Frampton, fnc. (3O3)476-2421, I)alc Addrcss Ry 230 Bridoe Street VaiI, Colorado 8L657 Anna and Art, Kleitner I)atc N_o..CI|S3.s18ovACnNTlANl)\t,AllMANI)llANfl|CONl'rt (:f.K)tU\,,tSljt_t.Rt'^l,tlstn.t Mcnlllxfcr fublrrhrrr& v)z lllain SlI Ca.bon(talc, CO 816?l (301)961.1027 I'rclarcd rr Slitcr, Srnith, & lira.nplon,lnc. (3O3\47L-2421 I'ap 6ol h t91\ | ./i't- rNTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVTEw V u .l tu'-r 4 l V-l'lrlrll' pno.rncJ: la.,I,o^'l 1r+ y'-'-,, ["LvcLy'l vAr ( ,t^,b,,'iii, ,,,,v. et !r-,b,o)r+- ,,1'' ittff' yfbl*1 DATE SUB}IITTED:DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING I Date: tt lZe I lo '-1' t t "J-jr1 -l \'Ci V't it- /' I li'.t f4, , i,:_ )r- r. lj'. ,I;-'.' i +tI Jr I r / \'I i 4": ,, POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: RECREATION DEPARTI'{ENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date: ,./': , j ) ) L,' \) a.,I,o I COMMENTS NEEDED BY: I L/ 3-.........'- BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Comments: I{ .r\ /1, c t.hq,<-- .15?a f cg, Date: 75 soulh frontage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 479.2138 (303) 47$.2139 December 3, 1"990 olfice of communlty development Mr. Dan Corcoran Eagle Valley Surveying Fax: 845-9504 Re: Vacation of lot line between Lots 46 and 47, Vail Village Westriling z Dear Dan: I apologize for the number of changes we have asked your office tomake on this very small, sj_mple, resubdivision. However, hre mustask for 4 more, and I promise I will never again ask for anythingmore as long as I live! 1. Change the name of the plat from trstrauss Subdivisionrt to nA resubdivision of Lots 46 and 47, Vail Village West Filing No. 2.tl 3. 4. Under the certificate of dedication and ownership, changerfStrauss Subdivisiontr to I'A resubdivision of Lots 46 and, 47 ,Vail Village West Filing No. 2.rt Under Plat Restriction, please state: rrFor zoning purposes, the single tot created by thissubdivision will be treated as one entity with no more thanone two-family residence allowed on the resulting single lot.rt On the plat itself, change rrl,ot lrr to rrl-,ot 46n. Dan. frm sure this was a real test of patience. Thank Samtoo. ,4t >solackBetsy a .\ rc : rnoc 01 palno.Iar : Titrdrl d'I'g'u'0096 :IItOc papEoT gqon Jo uo11:od luapTsau auPu aTrJ :o puPuuoc pPg TO't uoTsra^ soc-slt paltPlsuT Nsdo,trsv.{ To: elannifand Environmental commissOr FROM: Cornrnunity Development Department DATE: December l-0, L990 RE: A request for a minor subdivision in order to vacate a lot line between Lots 46 and 47, Vail Village WestFiling No. 2.Applicant: A.N.J.A. Corporation/Richard Strauss I. DESCRTFTION OF THE PROPOSAL The applicant has a residence on LoE 47 and wishes to conbine this lot with the vacant lot to the west, Lot 46. The lots are in the Primary/Secondary zone district. The Town of Vail zoning code pernits parking only as an accessory use to a residence in the Prirnary/Secondary zone district. By combining Lot 47, whlch contains a single farnily residence, with Lot 46, which is vacant, additional parkinq can be placed on Lot 46. II. ZONING ANALYSIS Presently, each lot is zoned Prirnary/Secondary. The zoning wi.lI not change, but the result will be a larger 1ot zoned Prinary/Secondary. The net result i-s a decrease in density, from two Prj.mary/secondary residences to one Primary/Secondary residence on the combined area of the two 1ots. Lot AlLowable Existing GRFA GRFA Size Units Uni-ts Allowed Existinq Lot 46 9,931, 2 o 2482 0 Combined 2L,O82 2 I 4358 2752 ITT. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recornmends approval of the requested minor subdivision. The reduction in density is positive. we recomrnend the following condition of approval, as the owner of Lot 47, A.N.J.A. corporation, did not want to purchase Lot 46 until the rninor subdivision is approved: L. That the plat will not be signed by the Town of Vail until the applicant shows proof of single ownership of both Lots 46 and 47. Mr. Strauss bas a hone occupation license which allows the owner to lrave one employee. Staff would also Like to emphasize that even though parking is being added, the Town will not allow the new parking to be used for additionaL ernployees for the home occupation on Lot 46. :--:i1r--:r:.:- 6)€ )T 45 oo .ouNO PLArr rlo.5 RfB^a 2/ ts84o5 W. r r' rRo|| ,/coiteR) .\__--o _i\:_____-r \. .9)(f/ ad\ I It PLATTID loc^Tlora, rcrut€xT 'lor Sttl r#o ro ao .oi scaLE, l,=?0 I I i .r 1990 rxist(ng ronul€nls .r.tlo8 Iht southerly is plai la to .b.ndon ahc proP€t[ llne 41rc: l9 lb rhd 1916 u€Et core crc€t urtv' "-f d,"" LOT 48 PrAIrt {o ! ntlai , LOT 5 NOTI CE: i.."rO'"q to coloraalo r.v vot' !99! c(3t€nce- 'nv lcq'l rn thr5 ;lrvev e!lhrn th!.c v'!rE tttc! v"! | !'st drsr' 'ray.ny !ctro'r tJnsed uFo.r lny defcct rn tlris 6rrrvev tr i I >4 (,.,., ") s€T trfl a cr9 L i rO 26!9E HIGHLAND MEADOWS FILING NO. 2 ,/\/\ .\.. \\//A \/l\ \. ",..FO,O ?La/.r \ .. v \ .5 REEAi r \ \ ts.9ooor. o.r' \ ( ino" cbqr.em \ '. / \ t'. /!ulo lG our'.ri€\ta\\ t.. t., Lorr \ ". r"o.4L lc \ \ / '\- '" '",.).$ uu, '\ -- ?3%E'i"^-'S'"'o.s\. \ \ l-([ .]6 \ -.'-\ lor 47 / -.,i":1{P ?r"ffi ,..:'l-='r;f!gl!fff, LOT 4 t.c.tr rhe d.tc of (he ccttific.tion 'hdr hcteot'' a t-trld I a xcI oF lr, FoE Fz J z tr4z trF-ua> trj*o Ul L!F == l.., ?EI: I <I= ?Eld 33J28= 4626 ;/t z s!arG 'd,6 ,1 04-17-91 02:20 Pil FRoUIFER sllll[fFRAuPIl{rut strFE& Snnrnr er fnerr,rrom, nvc. ffiO' Alt , , jgql rE^t. ElxATc oRgt(Btr AND caIqJUIANtE a0 lrtlocrt STI|EFT vAlLCotoflAmHs6, rallfloN! crigatLrLl ?n s.rx ST'rGbrii cottptt{Xl oltt: FAX JI 4d* '*t'T,t iP%f.iryk.rrc. orl|rEa3 i.l y4;1.a16 mAYfin(lusx '.: ir -.(. ,'|| ..*t. '':J: .:.. 1. \*+ -a), [?:?,"1ff:1,*-]# ? STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE OFFICE OF THE TREASURER CERTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE oRD€B NO.: L3t77 VENOORNO.: 8OOO2 TSSUEDTO: LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COI'IPANY BOX 357 VAIL CO 81658 PARCELNO: OO129OO ASSESSED TO: STRAUSS, RICHARD & CARCLINE P. CI. BOX 18tO VAIL, CO BT65g AMOUNTS REFLECTED ARE VALID ONLY UNTIL ., 04/30/91 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION VAIL VILLACE UJEST FIL. ? SLOCK - LOT 47 IAX LIEN SALE A]'IOUNT IS SUBJECT TO :HANGE DUE TO ENDORSET''ENT OF THE ]URRENT TAX BY CERT OF PURCHASE TOLDER. AFTER SEPT 1, PERSONAL PROP. !: I,,IO8 ILE HOFIE AT',IOUNT IS SUBJECT TO ]HANGE, AFTER OCT. 1 REAL PROP. TAX .TIiOUNT I5 SUBJECT TO CHANGE. PLEASE :ONTACT THE TREASURERS OFFiCE FOR :ORRECT AI'IOUNT PRIOR TO REI1ITTING. CURRENTTAX TAX DUE: INTEREST: ADVERTISING: PENALTIES: 1,530. 58 TOTAL TAX OUE TAX LIEN SALES OR DELINOUENT TAX TOTAL AMOUNT TO REOEEM SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS TOTAL SPEC. ASSMTS DUE STATUS: PAID o. oo o. oo o. oo o. oo o. oo o. o( O. C, o.o o.o N WITNESS WHEREOF, t HAVE HEREUNTO THls Ot orv or APR IL Ao le THIS CERTIFICAI€ OOES NOT INCLUOE I.ANO OR IMPFOVEMENTS ASSES sio uruoen n sepmere SCHEDULE NUMB€R. PERSoNAL PRoPEBT iriei rnrr.rsreCrAx oR Mtsc. rAx cotLecrEo oN gEHALF oF orHEl eriiiiBs. seecrer oR tocAL IMPFoVEMENT olsrnlcr ASSESSMENTS ol iIOBILE Ho|l/|ES. UNLESS SPECIFICALY M€NTONEO. FEE FOR ISSUING THIS CERTIFICATE $ lO. OO NOTICE I. THE UNOERSIGNEO. OO HERESY CERTIFY THAT THE ENTIflE AMOUNT OF TAXES OUE UPON I}tE ABOVE OESCRISED PARCELS OF REAL PROP. ERTY ^NO AlL OUTSTANOING SATES FOFI UNPAIO TAXES AS SHOWN BY T}€ RECOBOS IN MY OFFICE. FFO{\I WHICH II]E SAME MAY STILL 8E REO€EMEO wlTH THE AiTOUNT REOUIREO FOR R€OEMPT|O|'| ARE ^S iIOTEO H€FEIN. SEs MY }rAND ANO SEALTI TREASUR€R. EAGLE COUNW SHERRY EFANOOII CERTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE vt6t27 VEND9RNo.: SOOOa ;SSUEDTo: LAND TITLE CUARANTEE COI'IPANY BOX 357 vArL co 81658 BUYER- A.N.J.A. CORPORATION ATOUI{TS REFLECTED ARE VALIO ONLY UNTIL - tt/30/w pABcEL 1.19.; OOt2854 ASSESSED TO: CALIENDO, FRANK 12lO EAST l64TH SO HOLLAND, IL & JACK STREET 60473 PROPERTY DESCHIPTION CURREiTTTAX TAX DUE: ADVERTISING: PENALTIES: TOTAL TA)( DUE TAX LIEN SALES OR DELINOUENT TAX TOTAL AMOUNT TO REDEEM SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS TOTAL SPEC. ASSII|TS DUE STATUS: o. oo o. oo o. oo o. oo o. oo vArL vrLLtgE LocK - toTry T.IEST FIL. 2 AX LIEN SALE AIIOUNT IS SUBJECT TO HANOE I}UE TO ENDORSEI.IENT OF THE URRENT TAX BY CERT OF PURCHASE OLDER. AFTER gEPT 1, PERSONAL PROP. T'IOBILE HOI.IE AIIOUNT IS SUBJECT TO HANCE. AFTER OCT. T REAL PROP. TAX I'IOUNT IS SUBJECT TO CHANCE. PLEASE ONTACT T}E TREASURERS OFFICE FOR ORRECT AIIOUNT PRIOR TO RE].IITTINC. NOTICE I. THE UNOERSIGNEO, DO HEREBY CEFTIFY THATTHE ENTIFE AMOUNT OF REAL ESTATE TAXES OUE UPON PARCELS OFTHE SAME FOR UNPAID REAT ESTATE PROP€FTY OESCBIAEO HEREIN, AND ALL SALES OF THE SAME OFFICE, FROM WHICH THE SAME MAY STILL BE REO€EMED WITH THE AMOUNT REOUIRED FOR BEOEMPTION, ARE AS NOTED HEREIN. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I HAVE HEREUNTO SET MY HAND AND SEAL rHts OToAyoF t{trVEl'IBER Ao 1e 90 TREASUFER, EA6LE COUNW MAFY E. WALKEB o. oo o. oo o. oo o. oo THIS CERTIFICATE DOES T{OT INCLUDE LAT.IO OR IMPROVEMENTS AS SESSED UNDEA A SEPARATE SCHEDULE NUMEER, PERSOI.IAL PFOPERTY TAXES, OR SPECIAL TMPFOVEMET{T DTSTRICT ASSESSME}ITS' IIiIOtsILE IIOMES, UNLESS SPECIFCALLY MEhITIONED. FEE n FOR R tssutirc rHts cERnFtcATE $ 10. oo t'r ?t2 (9 -/-'' _J gTATEoF ccloneoo COUNTY OF EAGI-E OTTTCE OF THE TFFASTJBEF CEFNHCATE OF TAXES DUE OROiFNO.: 17177 vENDOHNO.: EOOO? ISSi.IEOTO LAND TITI.E qJANAilTEg COIIPAhIY BBI 397 uArL co 9163t PAnCELt{t,: O0let@ ^t3?t*T&T; RI.HARD t .AR'LITG P. E. EOI r8to vAlL, co Nr65g AIIOUT{GI NEFLECTED AHE VALIO OIILY UTNL a? 04fta/crL PEoPERTY DESCRIPTK}N VAIL VILLAOE LEBT FIL. 2 lLocK - LgT .7 NOTICE ADVEFTI$ING: PENALTIES: MISC: TOTAIfD( dJE fAI UEN tALEg OR OEUNOUEI{T TAX TOTAL AI'OUTT TO BEDEETI spEclAL ASsEESllEt{t9 TOTAL SFF. ASSr|E DT'T gunnarrttx TN( DTJE: 1, t3O. 3B STATUS: o. oo o. oo o. oo o. oo o. oo PAID fAx LIEN 9rtil-E AI{OUNT IS 9UE"E9I-TO liiuoi riuE ro ENDoRsET{ENI-q1.IIE pll;jl"l'+i'illiEililt*lfl rj",iilJuexoE. AFTER ocr. r REiL..Ilet:,:l:- ilAUii' r'd i[i;icr to cl{ANoE' -PLEASElijiiiir-ire TReAEURERS oFErqE-ry.1 ;EHifti ffiunfPntoR ro RElrlrrrNo' o, o0 o. cC O. O, o.o ^I M'NIO HEFHil'tffi;frJd** *ffi sT '"' '*ilD r€ 6E t TilHffiSffiffTTT FEEFffi lSSUliFTtilsctRTlFlcATEt ro. OO crNva {. ra\rs o-!-f T r 6'oa'sE-EOd OP .'l tr VJ\,.,'g'I& I & t. , ./' 'on 11' rR0u UER $l[lTr+FRAuPTll P0lo co\tol Page) SuFun, Sutnr & Fh.nvrlonr, tlrrc. RE\L r$^Tt anorats AND cantBuurrt.s , 1l{I ENDGE ''REA'v^rL(r'6n^Dott iT lAcsrlfltE ratNgIlEt[rn 8at!4 rAx ilr 11 1- Lt{? t "roo*,I-oV frt\r',,E. I lql9l- I ll " , ,, FRol't! TOTII.I PACEST (lncludltrng tlrltEl, qtrltf, t rrllttrroNrlng.'trr.rt (3o3! 176-26ss oFFTCB lrrr vAtL 4'{lt $lavdrcRin{ 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 47$'2138 (303) 479-2139 December l-3, 1990 otfice ol community development Mr. Richard StraussA.N.J.A. Corporation Box 1-8L0Vail, Colorado 8l-558 Re: Vacation of Lot Line Dear Richard: and Parkinq of Vehicles At the Decernber 10th rneeting of the Planning and EnvironrnentaL Comrnission. your request for a minor subdivi-sion to vacate the Iot line between Lots 46 and 47 was approved. Next, you rnust show ownership of both lots and complete the requirernents for the vacation of the lot l"ine in order to have the vacation of the lot Line recorded by the County Clerk. To do this, please submit two signed mylars and one print of the two Iots, and submit tax certificates for both lots. our office will then sign the nylars and have one recorded with the C1erk. The next step is to get approval frorn the Desj-gn Revievr Board. After you have subrnitted a site plan, topographic survey showing drainage and grading, and landscape p1an, including how you propose to construct the retainage, we will schedule your parking lot for Design Review Board. During the site visi!, we noted that work had been started on Lot 46 and a car was parked on Lot 45 before obtaini-ng approval from the Planning and EnvironrnentaL Cornrnission or Design Review Board. We rnust ask that you not do any rnore work on Lot 46 until final Design Review Board approval has been obtained. It is possible that a buildinq perrnit may also have to be obtained. o Please subnit your plans for Design Review Board no later than December 31.. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call 479-2I3e Monday through Thursday. Thank you for your attention to this issue. Sincerely,* "#*/Planning Technician ,/' '\ / ._ Ii' r,0 ii \, i ,. ,a\ / : .,.,' November 13, L990 l{r. Art Kleimer Slifer Snith Frampton 230 Bridge StreetVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Minor Subdivision of Design Review Board Lots 46 and 47, Vail Village West #2 requirements for proposed parking Dear Art: In our phone call this morning, I explained that we must have the foltowing in order to schedule the minor subdivision of r,ots 46 and 47, Vail village West Filing 2. For the Planning and Environmental Comrnission meeting of l$eveftber 26r 1. The signatures of the owners of each lot on the application. 2. The proposed plat. 3. Prelirninary tltle inforuation (schedules A and B) of Lot 47 we must receive the plat by Friday, complete the merno for the PEc neeting.lnforaatlon and signatures by Monday, Novernber L5 in order to We rnust receive the title November ?}rd. I faxed a copy of the application at 9:3oin obtaining the needed signatures. I r L.-. a.m. today for your use At the Planning and Environmental Corunission meeting, a condition of approval of the plat shall include language which requests the applicant to show proof of a single ownership of both lots and all necessary signatures and forns cornpleted on the plat before the Town of VaiI will sign and fiJ-e the plat for recording by the County Clerk and Recorderrs office. I For the Degigm Revl,cs Board neeting on Decenber 5, have: 1. A grading and drainage plan 2. A land6cape plan 3. A topographLc sunrey 4. Confltmation that the lot will be paved (if at please state the date when It will be paved). 1990, we nust a later date, lfe nuet recelve the above by1 Pleage have the parklng Lot staked If you have any further guestions, Sincerely, Betsy Rosolack Planning Technlcl,an by noon on Decenber 5. please do not hesitate to call. TfU Uottgage 2/73. Form 23 ""t" No. B2ez1es5 ' Amount S133,000.00File No. VL5L77 SCHEDULE A Loan # Address .^u zos . -.- \\)' vArL vrLr,AGE rp{ 4- 1. Policy Date: tqay 29, 1990 at 8:OO A.l,t. 2. Name of Insured: FIRSTBANK OF VAIL 3. Tbe estate or interest in the land described in this schedureand which is encurnbered by the insured nortgage is: A Fee Sfunple 4. The estate or interest referred to herein is at Date of pol.icyvested in: RICHARD STRAUSS and CARoLINE sTRAUss 5. The nortgage, herein referred to as the insured rnortgage, andthe assignments thereof, if any, are described as forrows: DEED OF TRUST DATED MAY 04, 1990, FROI'{ RTCHARD STRAUSS and CARoLINE sTRAUssTO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF FTRSTBANK OF VAIL TOsEctRE THE snil oF g133,ooo.oo RECoRDED May 25, 1990, rN BooK s3o AT pAGE74. SUBORDINATTON AGRIEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH SATD DEED OF TRUST I{AS RSCORDEDMay 25, 1990, IN BOOI( 530 AT PAGE ?G. SUBORDINATION AGREEI,TENT TN CONNECTION WITH SATD DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDEDMay 25, 1990, IN BOOK 530 Af PAGE 77. 6. The land referred to in_this policy is situated in EAGLE County, Colorado,and is described as follows: IOT 47, VArL VILLAGE WEST FILfNG NO. 2, ACCORDTNG TO THE RECORDED pLAT THEREOF, COT'NTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COIbRADO. Page 1 This policy valid only if Schedute B is attached. TIU Ugrtgage ForD 2331 CT . Flle No. V15U7 . SCHEDULE B-T This policy does not insure against loss or danage by reason of the following: 1. Rights or clairns of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easenents, or cJ.ains of easements, not shown by the pubric records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area,encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of thepremises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4- Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or rraterial theretoforeor hereafter furnished, inposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. 1990 TAXES NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE AND ASSESSMENTS NOT YET CERTIFTED TO THETREASURERS OT'FICE. 5. RTGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR I.ODE TO EXTRACT AND REI.IOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SA}.18 BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PF€MISESAS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED October 04, 1918, IN BOOK 93AT PAGE 301. ?. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DTTCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THEUNTTED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED October 04,1918, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 301. 8. RESTRTCTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CI.,AUSE,DUT oMITTING RESTRICTIoNS, IF ANY, BASED oN RACE, colnR, RELIGION, ORNATIONAL ORIGIN' AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED ,Iuiy 02, 19G5, fN BOOK190 AT PAGE 56. 9. EASEUENT GRANTED TO UPPER EAGLE VALTEY SANTTATION DISTRICT IN INSTRUMENIRECORDED APRIL 24, 1970 rN BOOK 217 AT pAcE 493. 10. UTTLTTY EASEMENT AI'NG THE SOUTHERLY I'T LINE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOI{NON THE RECORDED PI,AT OF VAIL VTLI,AGE WEST FILTNG NO. 2. 11' EASEMENTS' RESERVATfONS AND RESTRfCTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED oN THERECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VTLI.AGE WEST FILING NO. 2. 12. RESERVATIONS AS CONTATNED TN DEED FROM VAIL CTTY CORPOR.ATTON TOR.M. DANGLER AND SUE ANN DANGLER RXCORDED IN BOOX ]-99 AT PAGE 243. ,"f, No. B2ez1e85 { Page 2 rIM uortgage Forn 2331 cTIt ""t, No. B2ez1e85 rile No. V15177 SCHEDUI.,E B-IT SCHEDULE B.II In addition to the matters set forth in Part I of this Schedule, the title tothe estate or interest in the land described or referred to in lchedule A iss9Uj99t to the following rnatters, if any be shown, but the Conpany insures thatthe lien or charge of the insured nortglge upon said estate or- interest isprior to such natters. A DEED OF TRUST DATED NOVENbET OI, 1984 FROM RICHARD STRAUSS and cARoL]NESTRAUSS TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF GERALDP. HIRSCH TO SECURE THE SUM OF $205,773.OO, AND ANy OTHER AIr{OUNTS PAYABLEUNDER THE TERMS THEREoF, RECoRDED uay 09, 1986, fN BooK 441 AT pAcE 607. SUBORDINATION AGREE!{ENT IN CONNECTTON WITH SATD DEED OF TRUST VTAS RECORDEDMay 25, 1990, fN BOOK 530 AT PAGE 27. A DEED OF TRUST DATED June 27, 1986 FROl.t RICHARD STR"AUSS and CAROLINESTRAUSS TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF GERALDP. HIRSCH TO SECURE THE SUM OF S48,OOO.OO, AND ANY OTHER AT.IOUNTS PAYABLEUNDER THE TERMS THEREoF, RECoRDED August 28, LgB6, fN BooK 44't AT PAGE ?81. SUBORDINATTON AGREEI.IENT IN CONNECTION T{ITH SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDEDMay 25, 1990, IN BOOK 530 AT PAGE 76. ASSIGNI'fENT OF RENTS AND OTHER RIGHTS RECORDED Uay 25, t99O IN BOOK 530 ATPAGE 75. 75 south fronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (3(E) 47e2138 (3qll 479'2139 January 2, 1990 Mr. John D. Goodman #48 East Beaver Creek BIvd. Suite #202 Avon, Co 8L62o ofllce of community develoPment RE: Mr. Richard Strauss parking/horne occupation Dear John: I am writing this letter in response to your December L2th l-etter concerni-ng the Strauss residence and home occupation at 191-6 West Gore Creek Drive. I have enclosed a copy of his home occupancy permit, parking and home occupation sections of the Town of Vail Zoning Code, and a copy of the zoning and address maps for his property. At present, a parking Lot is not a1]owed as a use unto itself under the Primary/Secondary zone District. In order to alLow for a parking lot in this zone district, you would need to amend the Primary/Secondary Zone District to all-ow. for the use. I must also enrphasize that home occupations are not supposed to rrglenerate significant vehicular traffic in excess of that typically generated by residential dweIlings". If the hone o-cupation is generating a need for a significant increase in parking, staff would be concerned about the intensity of the home occupation use. If you have any further guestions, please feel free to contact me aL 479-2L38. a-l cc: Ken Hughey, Chief of Police S incerely, r/ I 0.t (rifir,o (iQ. Kristan Pritz Senior Planner l,t\lFi vlI. s-lo\ Al.l. December l-2, L989 1\'IAII-ING AI)DRI}iS P,O. DRAV FR 5I]6{) A\ON. COT.OMDO 81620 JAMES VA4. STOVALL, P. C. A1-I ORNEY AT IAW rTI IJISI'I}IAVER CRERi I}{]I'I-If'ARD. SI'ITE 202 AVON, COIr)IIADO I|620 ttt$^ I lo-t ) 9i9 +2fi) Ms. Kristan Pritz TOWN OF VAII.,, 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Coforado 8L657 REFERENCE: Parking in the vicinity of L9L5 west Gore Creek Drive, Vail Dear Kristan: our office has been retained by Mr. Richard Strauss in order to help resolve a potential dispute over parking in the vicinity of the-Strauss Residence Located at tgt6 west Gore Creek Drive. As you are aware, Mr. Strauss conducts a srnall business out of his-horne. In order to accommodate neighboring homeowners, my client has asked me to assist him in developing options for additional parking in the neighborhood. To this end, could you please provide ne with the following: 1. A copy of his home occupancy permit; 2. whicirl if any, Town ordinanbe3 would apply to this situation; and3. A copy of the Town Plat map of the neighborhood. It has recently come to ny attention that there is a vacant lot in the neighboihood and that the current owner has expressed. a willinqness to allow it to be used for parkinq. rn the event that uSing the vacant lot became a feas-ible s5lution, please inform me of the necessary procedures for obtaining a variance. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. I look forward to hearing from you. JDG/)acfile45Ietter luwn 75 south lrontage road YEll, colorsdo 81657 (303) 47$'2138 (303) 479-2139 l_989 otfice of communily developmenl November 6, Mrs. Inga c. Prirne 25422 Danny Lane Rio Verde, Arizona 85255-7O44 Re: Prirne/Strauss parking issue Dear Inga, I am responding to your letter dated October 29, 1989, concerning Mr. Strauss'-parking siluation. The Town of VaiI in no way is giving Mr. Strauss preferential treatment. We are merely trying to treat.peoplein a fai-r and equitable manner. If you have any further guestions about our position on this issue, please feel free to call ne at 479- 21_38. Sincerely,* (t'+o'\ \ffi- Kristan Pritz Senior Planner KP:1r \ f\. , rl\t\ \ \\1\\'b I , c' \ olLt''t-29, r)d' MR8. lNsA G' PRTME rI.22 DANNY LANE "' " u'*"i", ^jil:H -#: o o'"oo' I,is. Kristan ltitz Cifti"u of 0o:,irnunj-ty DeveLop:lletrt iown or Vai] 75 South !'rontage Road Vail, Oo. 81657 R.e: irir,te/ Strauss parking issue S incerely ,#Ps,*" Dear hrlstan, It has becor:ie quite cfear to rrre who Sets prefe- """tiif ireatm6nt - 1i3 Strauss' And if i'e doesnrt get it, he tat<es it in his own rlanner' you believe 'ra.n other nej.ghbor", but obtiously "o" aonrt bel-ieve ne. The nunber of einployees'";;.;;a ;"i-oi !lr. strauss' house is a matttrr of the towns concern. My concern has bee'i the nurnber of cars constantly parked along vthat was my property. They do not bef ong to I'lr' Strauss' tirey U^efong to pebple workinS for nin' You wontt be hearing frorn -;'e any iirore, . but ^I an-rr"e yorr, or lir. Stiauss, will be hearing fro;l tlie n-ew owner if this continues' hwn 75 south lrontage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (303) 47$2139 October L2, L989 oflice ol community development Mrs. Inga c. Prime 1975 core Creek Drive, #L7Vail, Colorado 8L657 Re: Prime/Strauss parking issue Dear Inga, I am writing this letter to clarify the staff's position on theMr. Richard Strauss/parking and horne occupation perrnit issue. It iscertainly true that a sign has been erected adjacent to the lot thatyou previously owned that states that no parking between November andApril is allowed in this area. The Tolvn of Vail surveyed certain areasthat could handle parking on the public right-of-way during the spring,faIl, and surnmer seasons. Sunburst Drive,.Ute Lane, Snowberry Drive, and other areas have similar signs to the one you referred to in yourletter. Mr. Strauss j-s stilL not allowed to park on private property. This sign nerely allows anybody to park on the public right-of-way from May to the end of October. In respect to the horne occupation perrnit, I still have no concreteevidence that he has additional employees working out of his house. Infact, another neighbor indicated to rne that he believed that Mr.Strauss had only one person working at his residence. we want to beresponsive to you. However, we do not r,lant to be unfair to Mr.Strauss. I talked with Mr. Strauss and reminded hin of the conditionsof his home occupation perrnit. If you have any further questions about the Townrs position, I would be happy to answer them. Sincerelyr,.-.,) \ t)\ X.:.-Fn "r V;4n\\\\)\r.u\ \r11-Kristan Pritz I Seni.or Planner KP:1r cc: Ken Hughey Peter Patten ,""J:;::ni 5:,'J;*,, vAtL, coLoRADO 8t367 Itis I'..rist-.n r ritz Town rl-annerOfrice of 0o.,ii,.unlty revel-op-r.entVail, Co. 81657 b+,il10 ^.llLrnj',-{*Y+ \{)fl {#^%'r"*, ul Sept. 28, I98') eiilBl riear Kristanl il.e: -lrine - Strouss i,/e11' I guess I'ir Strauss is the 'iiinrier. He evident-ly went to Stan Serrytnan and got a sign put up byny lroperty rrl{o }arking Novenber to ii,prilrr, w}rictrgirffi hiu a green light to have his nunerous enplyyeespark there all day 1ong. Right now there are four. }tccording to nis ho-r.e occupatlon lermit (I :nclosea copy)of your letter) he is all-owed one enployee and one car on Xls pry!*. He pays no heed toInat wnat-soever. .ss a tax payer and llving in a resioential area Iresent that the ?owrr ailows a !)erson to conduct -' business tnere, that requi.res extensive par,l.ring along other peeples properiy. llne fact that I have sold tne rct nas notl:ing to cio witn it. Iney donrt want parr,ing t.lere agy ,.:cre than I d.o. f thin}i his per:llt snouid be revoked. S incerely r \' .'t ., ;., ...\ '",: \ " 'i'\, \-o.r, '.fl r'U' 75 roulh lrontage rord Yrll, colorado 81657 (303) tl76-7000 otllc. of oommunlty devclopmcnt August 1-9, L987 Mr. Ri-chard StraussP.O. Box 1808Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: Parking across the street frorn your residence at 19L5 West Gore Creek Drive Dear Richard; on August 18th, you came to our office to discuss the issue ofparking on the public right-of-way across from your residencelocated at L9l-6 West Gore Creek Drive. We discussed the issuewith the Chief of Police, Ken Hughey. ft is inportant to notethat three signs are located along west core Creek Drive whichstatg, rrNo parking except in designated areas.rt Due to thesesigns, cars are technicilly not allowed to park along the roadexcept in those areas that are designated as parking areas.Ttre area across the street that you have been usingoccasionally for parking should not be used for parkingaccording to the existing rrNo parkingrt signs. For thii reason,we rnust ask that you not park across from your residence. Ifyou have guests, we would suggest that they either park in yourdriveway or in another private designated parking area ifpermission is given from the owner. fn respect to the photography c]ass, rve must request that youlimit the nurnber of pupils to two per visit. This is arequirement which is listed in Section 18.58.L70 of the zoningcode under the definition of acceptabte home occupationsIt states that, rrTeaching and tutoring instruction is limitedto two pupils at a tine.'r The staff would like to rnake it vervclear that we see your photo course as a benefit to thecommunity. Honever, under the rules of the Home Occupationpermit, this type of course must be limited to two pupifs ityou are operating it out of your home. If you were to teachthe course at your business or perhaps at CMC, the HorneOccupation limit of two pupils would not apply. I hope you can understanu rrp"or"in nany cases there neighbors if a Honebusiness activity. Occupations have can be potential Occupation is not businesseS,. aimpacts on the oIlm].ES On negativeIinited to a very ninor Lastly, if you wish to change the rNo parkingn designation forthe area across fron your property, we.wourd sugges€ that y-uwrite a letter to. l{r. stan Belqnnln, Director oi-puuric woirs,and_make a request to change the nNo parking" designati";.- iihe feels that therg ir ? possibiJ.ity that y5ur reguest rnay beapproved, perhaps then it wourd be appropriate to completi tnesurvey to verify that there is adequlte puuric right-6f-way.The survey is necessary, as it is uncreai how nucfr pubric 'right-of-way exists between the edge of the lavernlnt anaproperty line of the adjacent lot. rn our. office, you indicated that you did not want to spend the lnonly to verify the public right-oilway. By writing yoii - ---- letter to stan first, you may be able to gel an inaicition ofwhether or not your request will be approrled. In aclditiorr, -i would enphasize that we would need to 1et Ms. rnga priroe know 3Pgut your request, as she is the property owner-adjacent -othis public right-of-way. r understand that you. are. feeling very upset about the parkingproblen. rt is unfortunate that you -annot mere]_y go airead aiapark in this area in order to solve your.problem. However,there. are crearry I'N9 parkingr' si9n3 wtriitr prohibit partciirq inthe- riglrt-of-way at this tirne. r iope tnat |ou wirr be abre towork things out with your neighbor ai-rd avoid'any iurtherconflicts. r arso hope this letter clarifies tire staffrsposition on the issue.__rf you have any further questions,please feel free to call ne at aZ|-ZOOO. Sincer t) | t(rifonKristan Town Pl cc: Stan Berryman Ken Hughey Ron PhillipsPeter patten KP/br LYt -. I x.dl_ ltrl/ EL LW'' anner "., " t, MRa. INoA G. PRIME I97I OORE CREEK DRIVI, $t? vAtL, COLOnADO atatT r'7/* g./as- Ms Krlstan Prltz Sown PlannerOfflce of Coneunity DevelopnentYa1I, Co. 81657 Aug.8, 1989 agaln on the Rlchard Streusg w Dear Kristan: Sorry to bother younatter. He eonplj-ed for about a week, but now we are rightback with nutrerous cars parked along ny propert!: esweLl ae one car on }tarnlgan parkln[. -e'toiat 6ffour wh_en, according to the n hotse dccupation pernllrrhe is alLowed one enployee and one vehj--c1e on lrlsproperty. As a'vfest V'aII resid.ent for 20 yeare I object thatperniesion has been given a new-conu to-cond,uctbuslness in a resldentlal area, when that lndivldualw111 not conply with the rules'and lntrudes on otherpeoples property. I did not byy that tot (2A, _tLILngZ)which I have owned for 15 yearb, just to pioviaeMr Strauss with parklng spaee I suggest that his perroit be revoked, if he does notconply. Sincerely -J\V\Efl.Inga$\lrine 75 loulh frontrge roed vall, colorado 81657 (303) .76-7000 oftlce of communlty devclopmont August 5, L987 Mr. Richard Strauss P.O. Box L808Vail, Colorado 8L658 RE: Parking for Home Occupation Dear Richard: The community DeveLopnent Department has received a conplaint about parking on property across the street frorn your lot on Gore Creek Drive. Apparently, nunerous vehicles are parking across the street from your house and creatinq problems for the neighborhocq: I have revievred your Home occupation Permit and on-TEE pe-rlnit you state that you will have one employee andwill require only one vehicle trip per day. I must require that you abide by the Home occupation Agreement and lirnit vehj.cle parking to one car on your property. In addition,parking is not allowed along the road except in designated areas f hope that I can count on yot: to cooperate with us on this matter. ff you have any furtl:.er guestions about the parkingj.ssue please feel free to ccntact i-"e at !176-7000 ext. Lll-. Sincerely,,) I nlvt ) ll.ll{l{-{/t A Ir*11l\u lur\ urrrKristan Prit-z Town Planner KPldkd tq,/L al^, *7 V ll h/- f 4 z--_, hwn 75 south frontrga rosd Yall, colorado 8161i7 (303) 47S2138 (303) 47$.2139 JuIy 17, 1989 olllce ol communlly development Mr. Richard StraussP.O. Box 1808Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: Parking across the street from your residence, 19L6 West GoreCreek Drive Dear Richard, The Corununity Development Department has received a conplaint from anadjacent property owner who believes that you are parking in front ofher lot. r tried to call you on .ruly 13th to discuss the problem withyog. However, I was unable to reach you. For this reason, I amwriting to enphasize once again that due to the 'No parkingt signs inthis area, cars are technically not allowed to park along iUe r5aaexcept in those areas that are designated as parking areas. The neighbor also clained that you nay have more than one employeeworking for you through your home occupation. As you are aware, tne home occupation pernit allows for only one additional ernployee beyondyourself. If the Town of VaiI receives further conplaints, we will need. to set upa neeting with you to go over these issues. Please keep these concernsln nind. Thank you for your cooperatl.on. Sincerelyur7 t {'| rtt , | \ / , ttX.;GYa ^ Yn.#ll\l)lqr\ N I \TKristan PritzSenior Planner KP: Ir cc: Ken Hughey, Chief of Police Corey SchnLdt, Lieutenant of Police 'no{tqr,Yririqu qlb 3)>5 \-h\lf, )'ra ut-$rY' o*fi'ery *o- {i\A{\q\ $$-t\e}t '{ \\n*t ,i teal\1 rr.'pnblooAl-Na d"b 4*a&r o- bur,nuil &\ 04, hr'- hoq -\ \ r. \ A- --- To the Town of Vail: We the undersigned believe that the area in front of the vacant lotr across the slreet from 1916 Gore Creek 'Drive should be available for neighborhood parking' we request that this be made a designated parking area. We all have visitors and this would be an excellent area for them to park because it is off the roadway but still on town pro- perty. We have seen the letter the Tor^tn of Vail has written Ri_chard strauss. we as neighbors have had no problems with his visitors parking there as stated in the letter' 37 In the event above. It is be rescended. a structure is built aqreeable that this on the vacant lot mentioned designated parking area will O Goor,ro'o* ro*|,,rrrr rrrr*f,(Required-by^0rdinance #1, Series of 1976, as amended by 0rdinance #Zf,Series of 1985) LICEN5E YEAR | 9E7 Computed license fee for EACH L ICENSE EXPIRES t2-31-87 location of business must accompany 75 s. frontage ro.Jhit appl ication' vail, colorado 81657 office of town clerk TMDE NAME: NAME OF CORPOMTION, IOMPA}IY, OR PARTNERSHIP: MAILING ADDRESS: P o 6 or /f,ot U ?l tz,ot eL / A businTess within. premises,if appropriate): lyo Et*t o STATE SALES TAX NUMBER: TYPE 0F BUSINESS: Retait Sales (Specify) Res tau ran t,/Bar BUSINESS PHONE NUMBER: ?)( - Lodg i Pres i den t/Pa rtne r Address Phone Vi ce-Pres i den t,/Partne r Addres s Phon e Name of Individual Owner TOTAL AREA OCCUPIED BY BUSINESS:Squar:e Feet INDICATE TYPE OF OWNERSII}P:Individual ,/ partnership Corpo rati on 4 l,/*c PHYSICAL LOCATI st street address,ng rame, and lndtcate ac ua4* Address Phone II,IDICATE:NEl{ BUSINESS IX1STING BUSTNESS ,,/-FORMERLYOPEffi LIST T0l.Jr,l ANY ADDITIONAL BUSINESS LOCATIONS IN VAIL AND ANY BRANCH OFFICES LOCATED OUTSIOE THEL IMITS: '-llio LICENSE FEE (Section Empl o.vees 10.2s - 40 40.25 - 60 60.25 - 80 80.25 - 100 100.25 + EMERGENCY NOTIF ICATION : NAME: STREE PHONE APPLICATION SIGNED: 5.04.050): Business Fee $ 100 $ tso $2oo $zso $3oo $qoo SECOND NOTIFICATION PHONE #. FULL-TIME X L = PART-TII4E X .5 = DEFINITI0N: Part-time employee = Less than 20 hrs./wk Seasonal ernployee = Less than 6 nros./yr. TOTAL NUMBER EMPLOYEES THIS LOCATION: ICENSE FEE SUBMITTED: O ct<czl / (, FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: STAFF APPROVALS HEALTH ( (Susan Scanlan) (Dick Duran or Mike McGee) (Tdm Braun, Kristan p"ta., (Girry Mumail, Joe Nowi^l (Brian Terrett) C , ''a or Rick Pylman)flo SI BUSINESS LICENSE RENEl^lAL INFORMATION POLICE /EAR RECEI PT DATE PAID DATE ISSUM LICEXSEIUfiBEN- 19tt $ tEo.*1-t-'87 7 -l-r'l t* zq zx \ (I ( NAME OF BUSINESS; LocATIoN: 1/ /A).'e-u- o*eak NME OF CONrAcr eeason: A,-(f4"/ S WsIpuow_3ft )7yZ _ JqPPLICANT'S STALEMEN IBING THE lAru&E-Of THE HOI,IE OCCUPATION:PLEASE INCLUDE THE FOLLOWINC. SPECIFJCS: L. fiilit"o3?%l?:offiF;-d-iature or the busjness , rtre nil<ic oF *r^ft-s?. Nunb-er of employees -' 7?, Hours of operation ' ?-2t. Equipment,/machinery to U! us-ea ,h+lTe cviTal !. Anticipated number of customers, clients or students 7. Parking provii'ions- .1.1 lA,r,7'1ry- "*. ]c.lost rhc S1-,t,.tyt-(ru..,,,r^ eatcy^,,o,,,i8' Approval of condominium or io"nt,/use association if appl icable. t4 L4r.rE, )-4,1r-r'4) . i.. APPLTCATToN FoR HoME occuPATr0I (Required as per Section'18,58.130. This is supplemental form to business I icense appl ication. ) V*c 4 o^(a,-i"ipi'g.'i""iiia to ulJ fiom the businessl^^-+.:^-location on a daily and weettv biiii / 8. Approval of condominium or iownti if appl icable. (Please attach statementsPlease attach statements on separate sheet to this form along with the applicationfor business I icense.l |1s st)a,-.-, na -L..*,; APPLICATION IS: fr nnenovro Conditions of approval/reasons for denia'l : J -4n )x<<-- 1L,- , )f ,o, o - DENIED FEE $50.00 pd. /t _a-'6 /tr1 DATE I Zoning Adminislrator fi!;i i'.'*r:.ij r:'i {,"..31 !lr.: Best copy Available oz E =E uJo- ooo (Y) oO) ooO (Y)an IJJ IJJlr E =E UJ o- e8/q/8 Slcsl HX |r, @ (\l @ ort '-q,.P .tJ(o CL (U OJ+ttn t!! loto @t\..ctl\.@ I $ l--.r9 '{E15, lu+ tgrl+r LUF o F Iz o =z .o uJFoz =oJl @ .6 o =2a) tlJ uJo =Got! troFo EF2ooto G uJz3od |!Lu6z;tEof llJFI<F2ao2o< Ja: {.tJ Nrr q F$ s'tr:s- so Fj5El'- $-=8-1, *J Y. ,!/^\ I<Y\ ;# F. EE; S E gEf .=6-6fcxo $Eil# (DE ooc(! o ooo E:o E o =cl E ru o CLo(t 3 .9 E oF o o oc ooo$ o o o =.o ocd o3 a! ;'s5i -(!60_ EP-oo-cct;(! EEt-6 EEa9 o'- =(l)o-, EEa'()>(gacc(Eb pcl f;gEoEEOo)o6 E E I E .9 (5 E o -c o o o= .9 (! =CL (t .2 !t6(D o (! : (! E 0,o)E -q, =o Jod ll o) oc oo gr C\Ig\l orf, <f o u)(v) oo o(Y) u)(\l sfN oo rf)(\l o ort(\l o oro(l rot\ t\oo E =E UJo-oz 6 = (o Y() uJ C)z Jo" IE F() UJJgJ (9z 6 =J J 9z otu = UJ uJtl-z9F u,le,o UJ 6;qJ ulEz9 att uJo u,o uto 2 g,t x F utof ollj tutI E =tuld J FoF 2 6 -J (E ()cF(J uJ UJ oz to =lJC J Iz uJ = NOtrvnlv o 0c .+J ]A xo o +J o .o!(o =o € = V- o =Z!-oo6z =o E 8gJ J uJz uJ > t tt' Y- !t -I(')ltn,t =O z9 E8.tO7>9Q92r!<oguj r{CEFOi <\i 2IF { II o- oe,o uJ oo @(Y) e, rqJ e, x z E z9 F EulFJ 3 uJz I Fz z tr 6o = 8 I at, =zl = =u,l3o aDllt() J TLt! E oz Ez trI UJ J G v, <h ll,/zY 9IF u,l F z tr 5oz I I _-l ) o Fa J =z z .. >l ut uJ UJzo = EIuo- J zI troo :lu oz tr J I = C)rr) r{ C! OO ro @ (O uJF o uJF q)glo1zo Fo- uJY lll .0 oF E E IJJo Il.o 0oo I utFoz tr!t z ,cPze<!oo =zl) dP =H* -x()A;E EM t l,tl o. t!oE9E5€8B9trLa95[E dEE !EE =FE 66E irE ;'6. u.l €= H F E =E,lrlo-zoF C)fE 6zoo aI t I I tl sl bl fli t- o) C'c(u o,0 =tr ?l(9l ol zl =lolFI r.o @ sl IOr<lO) fl <l>l tr.lol fl o .+-' tn oC) o =Ig =o! =c tr <l BI =lolFI P+,c, L = tr lrl(5 d. (5 (t', t/, sFtt', ui =z 6o-l r\rJ)N(7) Tc .t' 6 o xoco av) llJ o oor sf IOliG -c+JLo =+, (u = tr (\tl+l I+'Iarl(I)l =lI.l =l z tl. 6 I-l FoJ G F() g. Fzo z I llt = t-tirgX *E t-o2 O O GF(J uJJ uJ E2? =<zE d6 C) J E l,lJz uJ lnwn June 12, 1985 75 3oulh fronl,.ge rord vall, colorado 81657 (303) 'f76-7000 offlce of communlly developmcnl Dear Mr. Strauss: --, ._...1!_lheir,regular rneting of June 10, 19g5, the p.lanning and tnv'rronmenta'l connission approved your request for a fifteen(r5) foot front setback variantb and a'4fl sitd ioverig"-u."iun.". Richard Strauss cc: Ken llentworth RP/bl f 109 Pasquack Rd. Pearl River , n.r.-----'-- , Vail Villa ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: LEGAL DESER-I?TNN :TdT_B'lock Fil ino ADDRESS: OI.INER PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE * d.*,L g/ c,dA,+,,,*. o€ne-o \c^,/a\e .- 9(,rf,^t 16"',/e-Te- l> b. -conr,eJkA t'- c!-Fn ARCHITECT ,o*r orrr tnon" Height Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear I'later Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Reta i ni.ng l,la'!'! Al lowed (30) (33) 283) 20' 15' 15' (30) (50) ,/otc Ttto errol".1 ?tSJ- Sont t.> GR I+C-d d<L Qn<{oy-'Q u<lt 494 775J kr 6' Proposed r_M V Hei ghts Parki ng Credi ts :Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat ( 3oo ) (600 ) (eoo) ( 1200) (50)(1oo) (25) (50) (200)(400) Drive: S'lope perm'itted (FCdrr\ J-t% Slope Actual Envi ronmenta'l ,/Hazards : Ava I anche Flood Plain Sl ope Corments: tletl ands Geol ogic Hazards Zoning: Approved/Disapproved Date: ffi I PR}JECT; 12,<,r+, t:,, (n;r-,',,-": \ DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING T/ r(( y'?c f.^" / - t-dst,nru-: / R J-li<r/o/,Js ^JQ-, OR)0<1J4/ ,,r'] -""---- \lo<r-) &Pr<) Revierved by: &es ORrveu.t4 y G<Aoe- Becomx e% \.ttr/ Date Date Corments: POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: REC REATION DEPARTI'IENT Reviewed by: Corments: PUBLIC I.IORKS Reviewed Corments: FIRE DEPARTMENT o \? o Ft ,to.-,,scn R.A. t, s H' ;,,t ',-- FY"< e'''t7/^')' q ,^/, /'-) //, ) ) < /< /AJ ' /,, //e , _/ / - 9lrt.< zlf f*'.,"t.t,,.., r.) "f x-1.r / .r.' ,/\ ../' e>,4.,.-!eeA> /'-.t^,pA /,.>p) ,/ S.t |s,,t " ''.tt Sot.s /a vs q-7t6,,171,^.", /*- c,.t ,t-o C( a^ Ct 'atca ''4 tt t,Fa< 34" ,tlht**u tleua Oettc,,,4/,*) t .rzz-Zo v tt<(ftz5 i f- ' t<'/4<cS Date { Proiect Name: ProiectDescription: LJAQ,{6/- contact person and er.'.." lc-:u u-L*-n^ v1zy$ tt+l- 539kt Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriplion: Lot q7 Commenls: Design Review Board rlo"r. *l/3t 16 { Motion by: Seconded by:LJ,."t-*J APPROVAL <. * r^-'> DISAPPROVAL Summary: futo,nft,,,d** O -t"t-4i. -/dT Uilrry \nqt- d\,q *z I %nnLS** r{+\'aF f i1 - 531G zr'lg+ At\o*l,lo.6fifA . n6* $?zzQ ' ,sn.Q 14n* coGeg. va+ ht? 14e €t(.t0 4$+ utt,uh$ffi(o effi\ /t,=t*o ffi(L 6trst'q6o(aqe. l*\oe wdp('d"k k**a*n =tt Gwrale rn ,* o$o"o$.^ ttd+!: r{ofroroqro[D udf?'e"A ?4n+ [lt $,tzon*1 fu,.=Lt[ru o= *b*to$ ":T?rJ .# [6.ot*$r Uo,',r*, " A,tJ qltElug o LIST OF MATERIALS NAME.OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P The follow'ing information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Si di ng Other Wall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts !Ji ndows l,l'indow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ash'i ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name Quani ty Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED for conifers. (over) o 1&4J35 LOT BLOCK FILING R *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height .: ' PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name comnon Name Quan'i ty s'ize ' (con ' t) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Tvpe Square Footage GROUND COVERS r I s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c. STHER LANDSCApE FEATURES (retaining wa'lls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. t/ (/ o Appr ication ,^l d,4uq APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE prccedure is required fgl qny project requesting a variance. The applicationnot be accepted until all information is submitted. NAME 0F APPLICANT "r.r,,ra st* ADDRESS r nq p^slcac,k Road , pp-rl River. Ny 10965 pHoNEll+JLf-Ctl3 NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATM Kenneth Wenrworrh ADDRESS I, CO 81658 PHoNE 949-5395 c.NAME OF ot,JNER (S )(type or print)same as applicant 1-6- | Ur I. This wil I A. B. ADDRESS it4qo S+l,,.ts PHONE D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS C"re C.eef. prive LEGAL DESCRIPTI0N LOT 47 BLOCK FILING vail villase west-Filins *t I. FEE $I OO PAID ./CK # Y&) THE FEE MUST BE PAID BIFORE THE COMMUNiTY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I{ILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A Iist of the names of owners gl_l]l property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PR0PERTY BEHIND AND ACR0SS STREETS, and their mailing aia"esses. THE APPLICANT bIILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECi MAILING ADDRESSE5. ATTACHED AS APPENDIX "AUII. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE l.lITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDTO )DETERMINE iF ANY,ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Is NEEDED. NO APPLIcATION t.tlii BE' ACCEPTED uNLEss IT_IS COMPLETE (MUsr INcLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED ey rir-iot-llNe lPllNltIR4Igl). IT Is THE APPLICANT's RESP0NsIBILITy T0 inxr nn RppoinimrurhIITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION I{II-L STRTA.MLINS THI APPRCVAL '''ROCISS FOR YOUR PROJEcr ev-oecREsING-THE NUMBER 0F coNDrrroNS oF AppRovAL THAT THE pLANNTNc AND ENVIR0NMENTAL COMMISSI0N MAy snpuLATE. ALL c0NDITIoNs 0F AppRovAL MUsr BECOMPLIED I.IITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSM. , ' I ) tlI. FOUR (4) COPTES 0F THE F0LL0WTNG MUST BE SUBMTTTED: A. A I.IRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT I,,IUST ALSO ADDRESS: l. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potentialuses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to_which relief from the strict or'l iteral interpretation andenforcement of a-specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatiUiiitvand uniformit_v of treatment among sites in the viiin.ity or to;aili;'th;'-'objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. A lu,,ro .9ttE June APPLICATION DAT DATE OF DRB MEETING: 19 DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION l,llLL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE.APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any addjtional information is needed. No application will be_accepted unless it'is coirplete (must include all items required by the zoning admjnistrator). It is the applicint's respons'ibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica- tion will streamline the approval process for your proiect by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. pR0JEcr DESCRIprloN, Md,f,on olt@raqo fxrAcarP 4*h Gnv*rsbn J f""l B. LOCATION Addres s OF PROPOSAL: Go\eClccVTt* [r Bl ock gasr,\p"tu lE,{r,J C. NME OF APPLICANT:6\S,"r& 1 C&rolrnedrquss Addres s riri,g\h{v,_!bdw 4t FaA %,\g;ye, gY t@b6 tetepnon{9(\wr@3 terephone *-qna D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: HA.N S. Address -fofut z$o E. NAME OF Ot,lN Si gnature Address DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION $ 0-$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 tel ephone be paid at the time a building permit is requested. FEE $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ so.oo $i00.00 $200.00 $300 .00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEt,| BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. cro*F.r'.\+rtp 6r r Nt\fo^Projccl Name: Project De3cription: Contact Pe?son and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architoct. Address and Phone: Legal D€scription: Prolect Appllcatlon ,G ',*{$rarst fura o \ffi TO ,OOt N Cl--l etbSb r-fui \r" ck ftOi0a€. Commentg: Design Revlew Board t Morion by: 4{€6z-[5T- Seconded by: rlo"," cl 6lr-5 DISAPPFOVALAPPROVAL ,--^ | , ,i I ,4!|Jc,' q I c''. :;Jt*-'.-' fl-<d #'r& Q-o Summaryl APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE Strauss Residence LoE 4'1VaiI Village west Filing #2 Item IIIA. we are seeking a variance from the following articles of the Primary,/Secondary Residential District: article 18.13.050 Set backs front set back variance; be modified from 20' to f \t article 18.13.090 site coverage variance; to be modified from 20 percenL to 24 Percent- 1. Other structures do not appear to meet the required set backs. Much of the required parking also appears to be within the Gore creek Drive right-of-way. (See submittal photos). 2. The applicant currently has a tqto-car garage at an elevation of 10L' above the street. It has the longest practical driveway of approximately 60 feet resutting in a total slope of 18t. (If the rel"atively flat apron in front of the garage doors is not counted. the slope of the driveway is over 2It). The maximurn allowed for new construction in the Town of Vail is 8t, and with good reason. Having occupied the unit for one winterr the Strauss' have experienced many mi-nor automobile body scrapes and several near misses with other vehicles as they attempted to leave on snowy' sIiPPerY daYs. The nresent condition is unsafe, and good alternate garage locations that do not require a variance are non-existent on the site. The effects of the site coverage variance have been strongly mitigated by setting the structure into the hillside and using the roof as landscape. 3. This requested variance has no effect on light and air, distribution of population' or trans- portation. Traffic facilities and public safety will be enhanced by the elimination of a potentially dangerous condition. The only negative aspect that can be seen is that automobiles will be backing into the street, but this is a typical condition in the area. oo oo Page 2 Items B through E have been included. Item F is not applicable. Item G We have included several photographssite and the area to show conditions as we have outlined above. We have included a zoning check as APPENDIX of theexist alsooBrt. oo oo APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE Strauss Residence Lot 47 VaiI Village west Filing #2 APPENDIX ''A'' List of Names & Addresses Lot 45 vVW Flq. #2 Frank E Jack Caliendo 1210 East l64th Street South Holland, IL 60473 Lor 48 VVW Flq. +2 Helga Beathune Box 3667 Vail, Co 81658 Lot 28 WW Flq. *2 Inga Prine Box 1165VaiI, CO 81658 Lot 27 vwl FIq. #2 Albert D. Weiss Box 1002Vail, CO 81658 c,/o Alex Casberg Box 832Vail, CO 81658 Lot 5 Highland Meadows Flq. *2 Jack McNamara 45 Fair Oaks tane Cohasset, MA 02025 Lot 6 Hiqhland Meadows Flq. #2 Morton Associates c/o Morton's DePartment Store Highland Road East Durham, NY L2423 of Adjacent ProPerty Owners: Lots 29-40 WvJ FIq. Ptarmigan Townhouses oo APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE Strauss Residence Lot 47VaiI Village West Filing *2 APPENDIX "BN Zoning Check: Primary Secondary Residential District: 18.13.010 Purpose - this requirement satisfied .020 Permitted Uses ao A. Single family residential dwellings .030 Conditional uses - N,/A .040 Accessory uses A. Private greenhouses, toolsheds' playhouses' garages or ... .050 Lot area & site dimensions Minimum Lot Area 15,000 sq. ft. actual LL,322 sq. ft. l'linimum Frontage 30 ft. actuaL 74.5 f t. 80 foot square will not fit within the boundaries Response: This is a non-conforming site lawfully established prior to the effective date of the zoning ordinance. See 18 . 64.}20-Continuance .060 Setbacks Required front 20' Proposed 6' Required side 15r Proposed 15' .075 Height l.,laximum allowed 35' - existing 24' proposed garage 14' (top of railing) .080A Density Control Iots under 15,000 sq. ft. allowed only (1) dwelling unit. co oo APPENDIX ''BUPage 2 Response: There is one dwelling unit on the property, this will not be changed: Max GRFA = 253 of site area under 15,000 sq. ft. .25 x LL,322' = 2830.5 sq. ft. Max GRFA Allowed ffi-*. f,t. enra r*i"ti'o 2752 sq. ft. GRFA Proposed .0808 Exception for second dwelling unit - N/A .081 Appeal to Planning Cornmission - N/A .087 Appeal to Town Council - N/A at this time .090 Site Coverage Max 20t of site = .20 x 11,322' = 2264 sq. fE. Proposed site coveralte = 2664 sq. ft. Response: 570 sq. ft. of this site coveragehas an earth covered roof and could also be considered as landscape. 18.13.1I0 Landscape & Site Development Minimum landscape allowed: .50 x 11,322' = 6793 sq. ft. Proposed (Not including garage roof) 8451 sq. ft. QED Variance must be pursued for front set back and a favorable interpretation or variance pursued forsite coverage (earth covered roof). oo ,o APPENDIX "B" Page 3 GRFA Calculation I{ain Floor (existing) 58.33 x 29-33+.5 x 29.33 x 3.5 (Prow) -3 x I0 (stairwaY) +6 x 9.33 (entry) 1788.13 Lower Floor (existing) fI x 29.33 TOTAL EXISTING Proposed: Prow 49 ExistingGarage 516 sq. ft. Enclose Under Check L77 TOTAL PROPOSED TOTAL GRFA 322 .63 ?LLO .7 6 842.00 29s2.00 l'linus storage allowance -200.00 2752.00 sg. ft. {i I -'F" 7 3 4 tl _? 5 6 H-y,-r: -9-J J ltl 7 e:-.6, uu 8 r,a$tLtl Y al htrSsut Sart 9 Lralr!rrY al sxoF l-.l'rr to lSCROW CHAFGT ll ^asv-Ft( 72 txrnA woRr cxAact l3 FIRST SPECIAL CHARGE (CREDIT}srcor.ro sircraufiARGt (cR E Drr)THIRO SPECIAL CHARGE ICREDIT) t4 TYPt t5 t6 l7 a{rounr It T YPI t9 20 ALIA OWNTR S POLICY -Amended 1O/17/70 PLH/DB OrderNo.: Ili0-!.i Date of Policy: Sepc*mber SCHEDULE A Po L -:9{ At l :58 F'. MAmount of Insurance: S ll5, i'00. 00 1.Name of Insured: P. I u-tG'F.D 5 TFi! :: -{ .Uf Et'--AJ:.-' t I tlE 5TF.it!5'9 The estate or interest in the land described herein and which is covered by this policy is: FEE SI},IFLE The estate or interest referred to herein is at Date of Policy vested in: T(I(}{A.RD STFIAIJSS A.$IE C,1F.':'LIIIE 9IFSLTSS 4. The land referred to in this policy is described as follows: f t',.1, .l 1LLrl .t, irAIL i.'ILLil.GE t{E-qT FILII{C NN. ] -tiCOF. ,M'i T! Tf{E REC0F:DEI, FLaT T Cl,Ut{T'i 0F E}.iLEgTn?E r_ii' rlr--r[.r-'ipfn-i -*uurr . *arcE oo This policy does not insure against los or damage by reason of the following: L R igh ts or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or clainrs of easements, not shown by rhe fublic records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachmenls. correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which pu blic records. --rt-*. --_-.E_* and any f acts wh ich a are not shown by the 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, lor services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5.-{.n1' anC alrrex 3rles. TIre er f ect c lnSer-'Ja.nc j..-11strict ,-,r i mp roi;e ne n t F::trl:tr:ns. is I9t I in fl,:,:'r.: I '8 Bo'ir I rE nt b'lqe rt Fa'1; :t-. E3l ear:.-trI f',= !: -.;€nn ,ll* F-r,:L!it i1-:, .lrl,:nl.t 11, l:.:-.5 t':, I:i{. unlir,ld. Eazes 1nd nssessnents 5n.1 xnli unf edeerned ot' lnc lus !c,ns rn arr:; g€n:rll or specrf ii: r'rler , c'i.r'e Fr''3t*c11.--.r'r , toll c trts+r?at1€'n or ather InCIue lf,n ln ani water' ser:tt:e nr Stre€t 3.re-1 . t Plghf ,rf lf!€ i:,rL1Ft'ril.-1r":.r a -,,ern -'\r f.--f\\.,eKtr$,:t irrl (em.,\t+ tri g ,iIe rh€rEr f ,:.r!, .aticuld t ti.: €.L8€. he f .:, ur\ t,f Fen€ trlre or.rntereect ttie prenlsaE Fr€s;1---i..-{-tnte,1 , rs t'\:-:rr,',t1 rn l-htted iEetes Fatenr r*c,rrded Jur'e L\. \t: I8 rn E,:r,A:i at Frre l5 enrlr*':,f,rde,1 ,-'.q:.her: +, ijllj in uc.\n\:-,-rt Ls.re i.'t.\)Ptght r-,i -;.rI r,:.r 1(\'rrr i ,t,i' j-*,l\. :,:,nstrrrct€d bI th* l,-rtfrc,r.ttl'Di ttie r/r,rtr,l Sc:rtiF \ ls r.'eeir'.',t.:\ Ln rJnll€d gtltes Fatent Ptght r-,i -;.rI r,:.r 1(\'rrr i ,t,i' j-rrr\: :,:,nstrrrct€d bI th* l,-rtfrc,r.ttl'Di ttie r/r,rtr,l :[:rt\ \ ls r.'eeir'.',].:\ Ln rJnll€d gtltes Fatentrecor.le'1 .-rr15,1 !g, I \t\ ln Lr,:.,r l,: -t -- lf h. e.:e l5 3.n,1 re€L1rct"d.t,;t.;r'er $, I -;ls in u\.\ , j 3.F kasn -.,-,r. \ \,,ii ilt l[, ,,Restrr.ct \rr* re cc.nt.rrnt:d in ln=trum+nt recc,rde,l JuIi' :, Iyt5rtr B.iat( l\,.rt Fe1r.5ii es F*,:eplt':,n tl'] . l,-, l;r.'l en,J the -:ddendum t{\ ) I r.:. F rc,tec L r.''€ i.-1i'enf,nt s , re€er,1e/l F*bru,rr,' lt,l!r0 in E:',:eI .l-- at Ft:e :5 e: Re,:eFti,-rn t{c,. 1125_1 :. Essements for. '-riilitias 5 reet in -,rr'dth alc,ng ell :ide L'o'rn,lrr r€: 3g r'€:-=ir':r*,1 tti t11:r run+nr- reitt',1ed .rul:.' ., I:tg. in Br;nF- I:,lr rt f *':r.: 5i I e: tte:eF.t- 1:rl ff.:,. I'., Ir'.r1. Easrmerrl3 1i :3tr--,-*-rt ;l.r'r r]tr._3 Fief _.f ,.'rr I :.iiL.Iroe f{e:l Flliti,r li,r.t. c.-.r1i:rinn.J tfi rri3tr'llnant re':.f rJ,ed ,Jct,rt€r :5, 1L Fl'fe Ll3 and amrn,J.ed l.e.-'emt'er i, I!r:-i ln i 4i rnd {['r!:n.1€'j Fel::'ruar]' Ii , l'-i Ti tn Ea,rt, I I t he ,:,:'r-rn t t ,rt E.,l,r le, .:: t r.t* ,:r r.16 l,;,1- 1,1,;. , -r, n.1 iir.: . , -ts .:.:,nt t i-ne L ln ln:t r '.im?nt t'e.;(,r,1€,1rn E,:'c l,: L-:,.' 1r: F-1.a? 4,-,i !: F,e':ep.tr,rn ![.i. Page 3 AGENT'S FILF COPY STE\vAITT TITLI' GUAN.. IYTY coxP NY 16r3 t20M 12-83) \r t iraar..a9.tlr!4, t a !-raa,-r,Errt 14. Ten Fercent non-partlclpatlng ro3raltSr th anrl to proceed.sderlvel froo the sale of any rlneralg ef -dfratlcevar klnd an1nrturc prod,uced rnd nlned fron salrl prenlres, ag record.ed tn B-2r-,ft lt2-(. lt Fage *r17. an,l, anj/ rn4 ell rs:lgnEent.s thereof orlnterestg theretn. E.lsiru.:rrt t+n tet't 1ti -,rt.dth qrrnte,l r:c, ttrn f_tFFrr ErgIe ..,/n1Ie; Slr;ir:et-i,'-.n f,irrr i..:f, b7 t{tcheet .t-. Fs:-:nl.:, ,.Tr. rn,l Lorrrin: i1 .!*ilcnt: t7 i;":'-rur'--nr: r':.::'t',led t,irj' l _:, !;i::3 rri Ec.c,k ll: et Fe.re':-l- ag F.+,::c.':!.'-',ri ilc. ll3:gI. f':*d of T'ruer: f r:.:'n F:.:,t,ert ,i. H,t;.,.Iett arrC Toi,* Hol-rlert t,,r Eir€Fuhlic !ru-.ir::f Ergl* i:ur,t]', r-,rr th* us* of Horl,l S.r.;irrqsind L.--,,arl .1.;r+:inci.rrr, s f'*ii*r.rl Se.,",ings an,f Lien Essa,:lar:icti,tc' si,-.uf: SIi':,..'i.,,i.t),j. Cetei f.l--t*nt,er tj, lggl, rec*rd.ed t,: Jsriur-r;.' { , I yi i :rr E.::rz -;51 lr Fr1: :::\l Eec-:g.t 1c.n lJ.:.:{ ?7:-i. f-_ I \F.tder te sb.J?.i f,ee,l_of_Ilart, \c-/,ri-i Jln\arir *, ]. : -'r in Eo+},_i51 rr Fage -:1:i,: -+.e F.z{eptft i1,1\44::1.r.. -4,e*'rrnptl.cn ji,:t'*.eer':lit1 pel*ac[: ir\ l,t.:'tiii,:atlr.n of llate end fea.,l,.:i 'fritct , t/r.fn\j.{i1 .-{1.'u*nter/ :, 1.."8+ 1n E,--,_rt: J!4 rt Fa.ge igl es IT '-! r 4{- a.-a :a.nrr*.:ti,:rr <;ith e.bl.r-e f,'*ed c.f f":ed ,:f Trr ':'n iichrrtl. ituir-rse ari.l r-'sr,lIlne:ltr.J.urr f,t th?Pt"tt.I1c Trust€e c.f tlegle r--ounr:7, f .:r the ,_r*e cffil:.'l.ett .:tn,J Tfj..-t l-,1,:...;I*r:t, t:.:, Sf,:Llfe ;-::J,i:-.9 jr15. 1!rr,i, r€tar-.1*ti :leFt+rnb€r i , Iii* 1n Eor_,k j I;.eit-!Ft lon l{':'. : ?,i! I'j . F:,:be rt 'j., dtt*d 3+pteni:.e.ri'l et Ea,3e ig i ir' 231 5 (25M 2.84) !i a' I' \v.\ ll'f T I 'I' I- F: GUARAIITY COIIP^NI Page 3A o o .DT Xa 5 -d!-.-)7Ii, 4 &o \* T &-P -$' ; #t<lF o \ A lltnl rl -s € \l \\ d6j 6 e€ rd-4 \3 I /i ,''1,# ;t* o o \ t:,y' .--l / a/ Wz ,,,\I.},v iurg ,..ft-i+> r-J c\..d)> llrri',:i': ll E$ Hfi d .4ftl q ltTt ilIlJ llrltllrlllILl-lJ-,!-,LTLLLLLL-r, rl't *. . I ll 1lrl LL i{ -1 t f ---n '.!s ..+1tei q i I I o I -! J,;$ IrI €tr € N\A N $ I I I I I.l;l ;>, iq{rli;' Itlli'il,llrl a r\1+ ! il I ,i ll i,q.r-. tq..i .{,i$!lwtqllE!!!qi,a irrr*P, !,Fl!i61tF+4 }4' ,4.irirli-sr**j 1:. : : O cu6 t/&rL- JOB NAME MON INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NU DATE READY FOR INSPE LOCATION: THUR FRI PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING o tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL EI FINAL Et\rRrcAL: d rArr,tp. PowER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR a Y(Net FINAL OVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR I PE ,.-- ( I4'_\ - I..---2 |INS NAME CTION TOWN OF ilt; REQUEST 'VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION:MON (r_t -r" ,",,{*FRI OF PROJE CT JOB BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER d\FOOTINGS / STEEL -tl tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FBAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n o tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR .: ,J/5'l INSPECTION REQUEST - TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES t t2l / FRI oor. 1r7,q,/N5 BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER N FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING N GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL \d APPROVED -,-r'\ CORRECTIONS: ',._..- / 'a tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR {'7 \ / &1-- /J Joe NnNrE \----. /.--l /-*- rt lr t CTION REQUEST 'TOWN OF VAILrl- tNs I PE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION:6^, CALLER TUES WED LOCATION: I /6 I ,', - 'Cro V-'rh r af /;oa PLUMBING: ,;(roolnrcs / srEEL ,/A:ftF a 4/r tr uNDERGRouND tr FRAMING tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -tr FINAL PPROVED CORREGTIONS: T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oerc f - rz {{ rNSPEcroR ''.,-) / t- (l'-r J PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: <:'f r ( ('rl t INSPE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILr't I /\ ,',;\_ L\ \_NAME CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM -:W BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEET PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL/ H, TUB SHEETROCK NAIL D tr N FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR i- I / '-- (tNs ' /-;t '4 l' -: I PE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE NAME MON CALLER TUES (- . .-,.t READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ) i')i / t' WED AM 6D BU!LDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND d.rouruon' oN /srEEL/k tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEBu pLvwooo NATLTNG GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL D tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH o tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FISIAL tr FINAL /ffippaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE T INSPECTOR 'r \ 1 t-.' (-, .--+. .' ) | PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT .'.' , 4 t,416 ,,', ; 5 JOBNAME I INSPECTION a REQUEST t TOWN OF VAIL ' ,/ ..', i t -, .-/ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES ( .., l I t' r---.- MON WED THUR FRI AM PM t ', , i- BUILDING: N FOOTINGS ( rouruonl tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER oN / STEEL 6AE"K: n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECT INSPECTION REQUEST "TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES i.-WeO ,, rnUR PM ' | ; ,t:2. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH i WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEF" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING iroucn -':tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL q APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOB /)lr- / t) I PE PERMIT DATE ROJ ,.1 ..'l\- FNUMBER O I i,lL/ ECT JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI HUR ,} FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr o D tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND BOUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERE( FRAMING tr I9I9:^LST::R GAS PIPING ( D tr PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL n tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr o tr HEATING tr D tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE lh.Prini"Y/varr 1 I l,t ltr'/INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBFR OF PRgJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER I it TUES WED THUR G9 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- D FBAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL {nennoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE / rNs t PE CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL CALLER TUES WED THU 6pMREADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION:,'{ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr o UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL Vr,*o,- ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT TI tr SUPPLY AIR rl E FINAL .4 N FINAI tr APPROVED DISAPPROVED 'I-REINSPECTION REQUI RED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR O dt,,,il/gr/*' ffi'al\\/q6 ,",7 V** fu" t,lwl. 91 comunlty Deyetoprent Depart!€nt '- vr'il VWqb Ut ltf' ilune lor r9E5 'rerr' r'llr'arLrrsrrL , uo)'q tw W*'ffi v V lO3 FROTI: DATB: SUBJBCT: Reqnelt for a front getbacl variance of L5 f,eet and a sitc coverage variance fron 2Ot to 24t in order to conttruct a netr garage on tot 47 r Vall Yillage fett Filing fo. 2. Apglicant: Richard Strausa DESCBTPTIOTf OF YARIAITCE REQT'ESTED fhe applicant is requeeting a front setback variance of 15 feet and a slte coverage variance of 4t (488 equare feet) in order to construct a new garage. The new garage will be integrated into the hilleide and will have an earth covered roof. The applicant makes the following statement as to rvhy the variance is being requested! "The applicant currently hae a two car garage at an elevation of LO'I/2 f,eet above the etreet. ft has the longest practical driveway of approximately 60 feet reeulting in a total elope of 18t. (If the relatively flat apron in front of the garage doors is not countedr the slope of the driveway ie over 2fC). The maximum allowed for new construction in the To$tn of valL ie 8tr dnd with good realton. Having occupied the unit for one winterl the Strauss' have experienced many minor autonobile body ctcrapes and several near misse8 with other vehiclea as they attempted to leave on anowy, stippery days. The preeent condition is ungafer and good alternate garage Iocations that do not reguire a variance are non-existent on the eite. The effects of the eite coverage variance have been etrongly mit,tgated by settlng the structure into the hillside and uaing the roof a6 landscape. This requested variance hae no effect on light and airr distribution of populationr or transportation. Traffic facilities and pub.lic eafety lrill be enhanced by the efinination of a pot,enEially dangerous condition. The onl aspect that can be Eeen is that automobifes wilL be backing into thegtreetr but thie io a typical condition in the area. " The Town of Vail zoning code requireg 2.5 parking epacee for a dneJ.ting unit of this aize. The Proposal allbwd tor only two on-site parking €rpacer with the third parking apace partially within the Tosrn of Vail right-of-way. The Torln engineer ie concerned with potential negative eftecta thle may have on traf,fic and on atreet rnaintenance and hae requeeted that the applicant addrese hie parking requiremente hrithin hie property boundaries. Y \t CBITERII IIID FIITDIf,GS lhe relationghlp of the requcsted variance to other crieting or potential uses and ltructures ln the Yicinity. Through the deeign of the ltaragel the applicant has attempted to mitigate the neEative impacts of locating a structure within five feet of the property line. There are existing atructures withln the vlcinity which appear to be within the front setback. Because of the improvenent over the existing altuationr and with the deeign of the structurer it is felt that the setback and eite coverage variances rrill not have any algnificant impacta upon adjacent properties and structures. The to uhLch rell.ef f Itteralton tlbi lit and uniforn f trsatlen alon 8lr€Cial pEiviloge- The applicant ig attempting to improve an existing undesirable aituation. The current driveway grade ie l8$r resulting in an unsafe altuatlon for the appllcant ancl for the trafflc on Gore Creek Drive. The applicant hae put much effort into the deaign of the garage to minimize the impacts of both the setback variance and the site coverage variance. For theae reasonE i t is f e.L t tha t if the Town Engineer ' a concerna can be tnet ancl required parking could be providedl that the front setback and eite coverage variances erould not be a grant of sPecial prlvllege. The eff,ect of the variancc on llsht and airr distrlEqllo4 of DoDu.lationr tranaportatton and traffic facilities ubll.c Ehe Town Engineer has requested that a revocable right-of-way permit be obtained for the existing retaining wall that encroaches wi thin the Town of Vai.l. right-of -way. The f own Engineer hae also requested that all required parking for this eite be addreaged on eit.e and that no encroachment be nade into the Town of Vail right-of-way. The proposal ae deeigned does not meet thio require- ment. Such otheE factorE and cr ria as ,Y FINDIXGS Planni and Environmental Co4llission ghall Dake the folloryin ce: That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of speciaJ. privilege inconsiEtent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. that the granting of the variance will not be detrimental Eo the publi6 healthr safetyr oE w€lfarer or materially injurious to pioperties or inprovements in the vicinity' That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following rea E ong 3 The etrict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary phyeical hardehip inconeistent with the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordindary circumatance6 or conditions appficable to the aite of the variance that-; ;;t appii'generally to other properties in the same zone. The Btrict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the epecifled regulation would deprive.the applicant of privileges enjoy-"a Uy the owners of other properties in the same-district. while the staff feels that thig ia an inprovement of an existing ungafe situationr dnd that the applicant Suffere some Iegitimate hardahipr we cannot eupport this request due to the concerns of the Public works Departnent. w" "o-ppott the. concept of the improvement out feei that furtner oliign trork attenptlng to accommodate tne ieluired on-site parking. is warranted' Staff recommendation ig -r;; deniar of thi request as propoEed' -- -) ) a "g & .:ia' +i _s*t' ). ( -'7 / N\\it\ \. d5.! p -b$ I .N t \5 ==r rd 3HE 9 -,6$ E*lq* j t _;i i {':. 'ia- :;i..- .'+. ,. .-' *r- : .\Jg -.l -a> \-laz-]> li,i:rt tii :, i t; , , ti sE IR + !c F,l!rli IL< \9 \\!I N F I'i .JT 'ca st E+ -6itual ql g q .cr*l q I I'rllII LL lltlLiL I I I L { 7i9t tz I I I I ( ( ( i ,'l I i II \I