HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 1 LOT 48 LEGAL (2)O MEMORANDUM TO: VailTown Council FROM: Department of Community Development DATE: June 4,2002 SUBJECT: An appeal of the Design Review Board denialof DRB02-0070, a new Primary residence with a Type I EHU, located at 1880 W. Gore Creek Drive/Lol48, Vail Village West 1"t Filing. Applicant: DMC lnc Appellant: DMC lncPlanner: Allison Ochs r. gB.lE,gLEreEEBry The subject property is a Primary/Secondary Residential zoned lot in West Vail located at 1880 W. Gore Creek Dr. / Lot 48, Vail Village Wesl lstFiling. The applicant is proposing to construcl a Primary Residence and Type I Employee Housing Unit. II. STANDING OF APPELLANT The appellant has standing to file an appeal as the owner of the subject property. III. REQUIRED ACTION Uphold/Overturn/Modify the Design Review Board's decision. The Town Council is required to make findings of fact in accordance with the Vail Town Code: The Town Council shall on all appeals make specific findings of fact based directly on the particular evidence presented to it. These findings of fact must support conclusions that the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of this title (Zoning Regulations, Title 12) have or have not been met. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Town Council uphold the Design Review Board's denial of a Primary Residence with a Type I EHU localed at 1880 W. Gore Creek Dr. / Lot 48, Vail Village West 1st Filing, subject to the following findings: 1 . That the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of Title 12 (Zoning Regulations) and Title 14 (Development Standards) have not been met with lhe applicant's proposal. ?*'Ertnrmrnt'r' I '"'do^l'f Ulorrt(r&k{t, ffi,'w *"!411 t'6ll NV([\ uoru ttnt]' \ la ntnnTn] hilrd*l' f^,;';trlM ww w 4w nh ffiar'tf '!,,{:drf*u"^g'Atdu{i- fuut h'nil/. ff au" o : ffiova h w,t+rn 4 tzAt+ i,weL t*'4t^\ r ,--E d.ert ^, r#i,,t\-tirl frd'4 -',MIV HY*?,*" hvtrnr/lt-e hnfil |O*n4 , ,, n , ')) 5 ;*i*1, ^tittvwIw r''t *r ^(+-*M '^h;;i'ffi1*a,M,Ny,\ya '$f * aoin tE ami6n,l V VlurAlrr hfrt'u : la1nth^b, h uivd""rt Vi\\ - [ {,,,aq t'i nr 4{'wa hvq - [n'r,ft'n)-'-J r,iltii* .yiAv l,q&ylv'\arrt-Ww#Nlfl*'^' wffiW,Wr'f+w) ili^,i 1,\ ,";,1 & wi4 illxtf*rl n,r,+ Nfwyffitr#*ffi'wvwdrte \1 %"W';,'f ffibu,6ffi7sYa no whtt'' v.BACKGROUND The Design Review Board conceptually reviewed the proposed struclure on April 17,2002. Primarily, their comments and concerns locused on the mirror image of the duplex. On May 1 , 2002, the Design Review Board reviewed the revised plans for the proposed structure. The Design Review Board voted 5-0 to deny the application based on the lack of compliance with the Design Guidelines. A complete analysis of the application and the Design Guidelines is provided in Sections Vl and Vll of this memorandum. On May 10, 2002, the applicant filed an appeal of the Design Review Board's decision. As is required by Section 12-3-3 of the Town Code, the appeal has been published by the Town's newspaper of record and adjacent property owners have been notified. ZONING ANALYSIS Lot Size: .23 acres or 1 0,018.8 sq. ft. Hazards: Slopes in excess ol 30"/" Standard Allowed Prooosed vt. Density GRFA Primary EHU Height Site Coverage Parking Setbacks 1du+1ehu 3,855 sq. tt. 2,930 sq. ft. 925 sq. ft. (credit) 33 fr. 2,004 sq. tt. 4 required 20t15t15t15 1du+1ehu 3852 sq. ft. 1,927 sq. ft. 1,925 sq. ft. 33 ft. 2,004 sq. ft. 4 proposed.18/19/18/56 *Garage allowed in front setback on sites with excessive slopes. No GRFA in front setback. VII. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS OF THE TOWN CODE Title 14, Development Standards, of the Town Code provides Design Review Standards and Guidelines for the development in the Town of Vail. ln reviewing any application for development, the Design Review Board is guided by the Design Review Standards and Guidelines. Statf has provided the applicable guidelines below and reviewed the application for compliance: 1. Structures shall be compatible with existing structures, their surroundings, and with Vail's environment. lt is not to be inferred that buildings must look alike to be compatible. Compatibility can be achieved through the proper consideration of scale, proportions, site planning, landscaping, materials and colors, and compliance with the guidelines herein contained. Staff Response: Staff believes that the application complies with the above guideline. Specifically, staff believes that the scale, proportions, site planning, landscaping, materials and colors orthe proposed structure are compatible with the neighborhood and the surrounding environment. 2. Any building site in Vail is likely to have its own unique land forms and features. Whenever possible, these existing features should be preserved and reinforced by new construction. The objective is to fit the buildings to their sites in a way that leaves the natural land forms and features intact, treating the buildings as an integral 3. part of the site, rather than as isolated objects at odds with their surroundings. Staff Response: Staff believes that the application complies with the above guideline. Specifically, as the site has slopes in excess of 30%, the applicant has designed a structure which minimizes site disturbance to the front portion of the site, located the garage in the front setback, and minimized disturbance on the steep slopes. The location and configuration of structures and access ways shall be responsive to the existing topography of the site upon which they are to be located. Grading requirements resulting from development shall be designed to blend into the existing or natural landscape. Any cuts or fills shall be sculptural in form and contoured to blend with the existing natural undisturbed terrain within the property boundary. Staff Response: Staff believes that the proposed struclure and access way is responsive to the topography of the slopes. However, some of the disturbed site will not be relurned to a 2:1 grade. The code allows for grades in excess of 2:1, subject to Design Review Board review and an engineered design. However, grades in excess of 2:1 can be difficult to revegetate. Building siting and access thereto shall be responsive to existing features of terrain rock outcroppings, drainage patterns, and vegetation. Stafl Response: Staff believes that the siting ot the building and access are generally responsive to existing features of the site. Removal of trees, shrubs, and other native vegetation shall be limited to removal of those essential for development of the site or those identified as diseased. Staff Response: Staff believes that the applicant has complied with the above guideline. All areas disturbed during construction shall be revegetated. lf necessary, the Design Review Board may designate allowable limits of construction activiU and require physical barriers in order to preserve significant natural features and vegetation upon a site and adjacenf slfes during construction. Staff Response: The applicant has indicated a limits of disturbance on the site plan. Staff believes the applicant has complied with this guideline. Building materials shall be predominantly natural such as wood siding, wood shakes, and native stone. Brick is acceptable. Where stucco is utilized, gross textures and surface features that appear to imitate other materials shall be avoided. Concrete surtaces shall be treated with texture and color if used, however, exposed aggregate is more arcepkble than raw concrete. Neither aluminum steel, nor plastic siding, nor simulated stone or brick shall be permitted. Plywood siding shall not be permifted. Staff Response: Slatf believes that the applicant has complied wilh this guideline. Specifically, the proposed building materials are stucco and cedar siding. Exterior wall colors should be compatible with the site and surrounding buildings. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Natural colors (earth tones found within the Vail area) should be utilized. Primary colors or other bright colors should be used only as accents and then sparingly such as upon trim or railings. All exterior wall materials must be continued down to finished grade thereby eliminating unfinished foundation walls. All exposed metal flashing, trim, flues, and roof top mechanical equipment shall be anodized, painted or capable of weathering so as fo be non-reflective. Staff Response: Staff believes that the proposed colors are compatible with the site and surrounding buildings. The applicant is proposing beige stucco, brown cedar, etc. ln no instance shall a duplex structure be so constructed as to result in each half of the structure appearing substantially similar or mirror image in design. Stafl Response: Staff and the Design Review Board believe that this guideline is the difficult one lo overcome. The proposed structure is substantially a mirror image on the first and second floors. The original conceptual design was a mirror image on all levels. However, the applicant has re-aligned the roof ridge over the west unit to attempt to break the ridge and eliminate the mirror image. The Design Review Board did not believe that this was a substantial enough of a change to eliminate the mirror image of the duplex. In addition, the applicant modified the window configurations. The Design Review Board did not believe that these changes were appropriate, as it lead to a mismalch of window types. The Design Review Board felt thal there are architectural solutions which would allow for a duplex that would not appear to be a mirror image. The purpose of this Section is to ensure that duplex and primary/seondary development be designed in a manner that creates an architecturally integrated structure with unified site development. Dwelling units and garages shall be designed within a single structure, except as set forth in subsection 2 below, with the use of unified architectural and landscape design. A single structure shall have common roofs and building walls that create enclosed space substantially above grade. Unified architectural and landscape design shall include, but not be limited to, the use of compatible building materials, architectural style, scale, roof forms, massing, architectural details, site grading and landscape materials and features. Staff Response: Staff believes that the applicant has designed a duplex which meets this guideline. Specifically, both units are within one architecturally integrated structure. 10. Dmc Dlupxrxrrs- MosELEy CoNsrRUcrtoN lNc. G,r.r//-rr./&t*ffio^^ VAIL, COLORADO PR6IOENT P-O. EOX tStt vat|-, co El o6E (970) 476-A016 FrJ (0'ro, 4'16-90'22 CHAIRMAN CLARKSON P. HOSELEY 6390 LBJ FREEWAY, SUITE T06 oALLAs, TX -r8z/l<t <214t A|',,-O2r,'', FAX (2r4) 418{16A3 vAtL. co (970) 94e-414 FAX (9iVO' 4aA-9022 Vail Town Council Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 l0 May 02 Dear Council Members, I originally submitted this project for conceptual review at the April l Tth meeting. I told the board members that I was planning a two unit building, one free market and one Type I EHU. By utilizing all available allowances I am able to build a full four bedroom EHU of the same size as the free market unit. I believe that this is a positive direction to go with EHU's as they then become homes rather than transient housing. I designed the house to appear to be one rather than two units. Since I was dealing with only 3850 square feet it is possible to do this and not end up with a huge building. Since the ridge is perpendicular to the street I believe this represents a single mass and therefore cannot be minor image. The board wanted to know if this was some kinci ofjoke. They rejected my arguments and I went away having told them I would "Californicate" the elevations and bring it back. I re- submitted for the May l" meeting having changed the roof, the upper floor plan and multiple windows to remove the mirror image issue. The meeting began when I was told that my changes were "insulting" and "contrived" and "it looks like a window catalog." That was the high point of the session. I am building on a very challenging site and have complied with all requirements. I am attempting to build the first EHU HOME ! I have designed a very livable and attractive building which will be reasonably priced in accordance with its intended use. The board was wrong to deny this project, primarily because of the benefit to the town of a Type I EHU. The board was wrong again because this plan is in compliance with all rules and regulations of the town. I believe that the tone of the DRB has grown increasingly negative and confrontational. I am very unhappy with this entire process and ask that you overturn the DRB denial. Additionally, I hope you will do something about the direction this board is going. I am not alone in my level of concem or frustration. ffip President Dauphinais- Moseley Construction. Inc. T0l,l,Nm General Information: Action/ Decision being appealed : This form is required for filing an appeal of a Staff, Design Review Board, or planning and Environmentalcommission action/decision. A complete form and associated requirements must be submitted to thecommunity Development Department within ten (10) business daysof the disputed action/decision. Appeals Form Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 91657 tet: 970.479,2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail:co.us ll-O'ELE Date of Action/Decision: Board or Staff person rendering action/decision: Name of Appellant(s): Mailing Address: Physical Address in Vail: Legal DescripUon of Appellant(s Appellant(s) Signature(s): (Attach a list of signatures if space is required). Sstocr,_ Subdivision'Ui.ie Ut tt-,{6g'tileS f TtL+l Submittal Requirements: 1. ,On a separate sheet or sgParate sheets of paper. provide a detailed explanation of how you are an"aggrieved or adversely affected person,'.2' On a separate sheet or separate sheets of paper, specify the precise nature of the appeal. please cite specific code sections having relevance to the action being appealed.3. Provide a list of names and addresses (both mailing ana pnylicii addresses in Vail) of all owners ofproperty who are the subject of the appeal and all adjacent property owners (including ownerswhose properties are separated from the subject property by a rightof-way, itrear, -gr other intervening barrier).4' Provide stamped, addressed envelopes for each property owner listed in (3.). PLEASE SUEMIT THIS FORM AND ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS TO: TOWN OF VAIL, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. Activity No.: Project No.: Mr. Christopher Bartlett Ms. Donna Munna 100 Marland Rd. So. Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Eo€F FeB E$e iaQd t6-= =8;.!$g --+--_.. Century Construc'tion, Inc. 1452 Buffehr Creek Road Vail, CO 81657 Mr. Nicholas Emigholz 13329 Southaast 195th St. Renton, WA 98058'7769 Ms. Jana Ward 2300 75th Street Boulder, CO 80301 .ctoz $se =eS EEg PiE s$E THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Council of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-3 of the Town of Vail Code on Tuesday, June 4, 2002, at7:0o p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, located at 75 South Frontage Road. In consideration of: ITEM/TOPIC: An appeal of the Design Review Board's denial of a proposed new primary residence and Type I EHU, located at 1880 W. Gore Creek Drive/Lot 48, Vail Village West 1"'Filing. Applicant: DMC Inc. Appellant DMC Inc.Planner: Allison Ochs The application and information about the proposal is available for public inspection, during regular business hours, in the Community Development Department, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. For additional information, contact Af lison Ochs at the Department of Community Development at (970) 479-2369. Published May 17,2OO2in the VailDaily. I-ot24 - 1875 West Gore Creek fhive Jana Ward 2300 76e Steet Boulder, CO 80301 Lot25 - 1885 West Gore Creek Drive Nicholas Emigholz 13329 S.E. l95rh St. Rento4 WA 98058-7769 Lor26 - 1895 West Gore Creek Drive Century Constructioq Inc. 1452 Buffehr Creek Road Vail, CO 81657 I-ot 47 - 1868 West Gore Creek Drive John and Bobbi Ann Houtsma 4795 So. Lafayette CherryHills Village, CO 80110 Lot 49 - 1837 Alpine Drive Seven Vails Corp RobertB. Melzer 24877 Foothills fhive North Golderl CO 80401 Lot 50 - 1886 West Gore Creek Drive Chri stopher B anlett/Donna Munna 100 Marland Rd. So. Colorado Springs, CO 80906 TOI4'NM Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South ftontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel : 970.479.2L39 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Prcject Name: Daupinais-Moseley DRB Number: DRB020084 Project Description: New primary/EHu secondary Participants: OWNER Dauphinais-MoseleyConst.lnO4l0SllOO2 Phone:475-8055 1404 Morraine Drive VAIL CO 81657 Llcense: APPUCANT Dauphinais-Moseley C.onst. ln04' I 08 l20OZ Phone: 476-8055 1404 Morraine Drlve VAIL CO 81657 License: Project Addr€ss: 1876 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 1880 W Gore Creek Drive, Lot 48 L€gal Description: Lot: ,E Block Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 1 Parcel Number: 210312307018 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION MoUon By: Charlie Aceredo Action: DENIED Seond By: Margaret Garvey Rodgers Vote: 5-0 DateofApproval: Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: 3650.00 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, May 1,2O02 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING PUBLIC WELCOME PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Department MEMBERS PRESENT SITE VISITS MEMBERS ABSENT Pattison residence - 5126 Black Gore Drive Parks - 4166 Columbine Drive Ffeischer residence - 4315 Bighorn Road Reimers - 3275 Katsos Ranch Road Vail Golfcourse TH - 1730, 1734,1738 Golf Lane Sarratt residence - 1328 Vail Valley Drive 770 Potato Patch - 770 Potato Patch Drive Potato Patch Club - 950 Red Sandstone Road Wood-Pringle - 1'146 Sandstone Drive Marriott - 1750 West Lionshead Circle Billy's lsland Grill - 610 Lionshead Circle 11:30 am 1:30 pm t. 2. 4. 5. b. 8. 9. '10. 1'.1. Driver:Birl PUBLIC HEARING . TOWN COUNCIL GHAMBERS 1. Marriott Vail Mountain Resort DRB02-0085. Final review of changes to approved plans for Phase ll improvements. 715 West Lionshead Circle/Lots C&D. Morcus Subdivision and Lots 4&7, Vail Lionshead 3d Filing. Applicant: Vail Resorts MOTION: SECOND: 3:00 pm George/Allison Block 1 VOTE: 2. Potato Patch Glub Condo Assoc. DRB02-0109. Allison Final review of proposed tree removal. 950 Red Sandstone Road, Potato Patch Club CondosA/ail Potato Patch. Applicant: Potato Patch Club Condo Assoc., represented by Larry Barnes MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: 3. Potato Patch Club Condo Assoc. DRB02-0109. Allison Final review of proposed color scheme change. 950 Red Sandstone Road, Potato Patch Club CondosNail Potato Patch. Applicant: Potato Patch Club Condo Assoc., represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects.MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 4. Sarratt residence DRB02- 0095. Final review of proposed exterior paint. 1328 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 22, Block 3, Vail Valley 1"t Filing. Applicant: Alex & Flora SarrattMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 5. Lions Square Lodge DRB02-0073. Final review of proposed exterior alterations. 660 West Lionshead Place/Lot 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing 1't Addition. Applicant: Bill AndersonMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 6. SiegalresidenceDRB02-0067. Final review of interior conversion with dormer addition. 356 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot D, Block 2, Vail Village 1't Filing. Applicant: Gail & Richard Siegal, represented by MorterArchitectsMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 7. Vail Golfcourse Townhomes DRB02-0083. Final review of proposed exterior alterations. 1730, 1734,1738 Golf LaneA/ail Golfcourse Townhomes. Applicant: Vail Golfcourse Townhomes Association lVMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 8. 770 Potato Patch DRB02-0080. Allison Conceptual review of proposed stone addition to buildings 770 Potato Patch Drive. Potato Patch Club CondominiumsA/ail Potato Patch. Applicant: Potato Patch Club Condo Association MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 9. Reimers residence DRB-02-0066. Conceptual review of new single-family residence. 3275 Katsos Ranch Road/Lot 11, Block 1, Vail Village 12th Filing. Applicant: John & Gina Reimers, represented by JMP ArchitectsMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Bitl Bitl Bitl Bitl Bitl o 10. Billy's lsland GrillDRB02-0103. Allison Final review of proposed upgrade mechanical rooftop system and addition of bi-folding doors. 610 Lionshead Circle, Landmark Building/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3'o Filing. Applicant: Dolphin Ventures, represented by RKD. MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 11 . Parks residence DRB02-0040. George/Allison Conceptual review of a proposed addition. 4166 Columbine Drive/Lot 18, Bighorn Subdivision. Applicant: Tim Parks MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 12. Fleischer residence DRB02-0108. Bill Conceptual review of 2 new single-family residences. 4315 Bighorn Rd./Lot 6, Block 3, Bighorn 3'd Addition. Applicant: Chad Fleischer, represented by John G. Martin, Architect, AIA MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 13. Pattison residence DRB02-01 10. Conceptual review of proposed new single-family residence. 5'126 Black Gore Drive/Lot 2, Block 1, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Pete and Carol PattisonMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 14. Dauphinais-MoseleyDRB02-0070. Final review of new Primary residence with Secondary EHU. 1880 W. Gore Creek Drive/Lot 48, Vail Village West lsIFiling. Applicant: DMC Inc.MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 15. Wood/Pringle residence DRB02-0077/DRB02-0076. Bill Final review of a proposed addition. 1 '146 Sandstone Drive/Lot 13, Block A, Casolar ll. Applicant: Glen Wood and Mike Pringle, represented by Eggers Architecture, Inc. MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 16. Sweet Basil Restaurant DRB02-0074 Final review of proposed awning. 193 E. Gore Creek Drive/Block 58, Vail Village l"tFiling. Applicant: Matt Morgan MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Bitl Allison Allison 17. Middle Creek DRB02- 0060. Allison Conceptual review of a proposed employee housing development & private educational institution. 160 N. Frontage Rd./to be platted as Lot 1, Middle Creek subdivision. Applicant: Vail Local Housing Authority, represented by Odell ArchitectsMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 18. Nature Center Bridge DRB02- 0122- Change to approved plans. 841 Vail Valley Drive/ Ford Park. Applicant: Town of VailMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 19. Information Update:/ 5113102 PEC Joint Worksession on Middle Creek meeting update '/ RSVP PEC/DRB Appreciation Party Staff Approvals Abplanalp Law Office, L.L.C. DRB02-0087. Allison Office sign. 521 E. Lionshead Circle, Unit 301, Vail 21 Condos/Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1s'Filing. Applicant: Art Abplanalp Thompson residence DRB02-01 15. Judy Replace sliding doors, entry door and enlarge windows. 380 E. Lionshead Circle, Unit 302, Lodge at Lionshead/Lot 7, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1"t Filing. Applicant: William W. Thompson, represented by Peel/Langenwalter Architects Woodhull residence DRB02-0114. Allison Deck replacement and stairway addition. 483 Gore Creek Drive, Texas Townhomes #4A&4BlLot 4, Vail Village 4'n Filing. Applicant: J R & Barbara Woodhull, represented by Bauer Home lmprovement. Pearson residence DRB02-0024. George Addition. 303 Gore Creek Drive, Vail Rowhouses, Units 2A & 2ClLot 2, Block 5, Vail Village 1'r Filing. Applicant: Vickie Pearson, represented by Snowdon & Hopkins Architects, PC Dikeou residence DRB02-0056. Allison 250 addition, interior conversions, new garage, exterior modifications. 352 Beaver Dam Circle/Lot 5, Block 3, VailVillage 3'o Filing. Applicant: Panayes J. Dikeou, represented by Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Architects. Red Lion Building DRB02-0111. Allison Rebuild brick wall and remove trees for reoair of main water break. 304 Bridge StreeULots E & F, Block 5A, VailVillage 1't Filing. Applicant: LandmarkCommercialDevelopmentCO. Bitl Zachariah residence DRB02-0104. George Window changes. 4074 Bighorn Road/Lot 3, Bighorn Subdivision. Applicant: Bobby & Liby Zachariah Leon residence DRB02-0098. Allison Deck addition. 1650 Sunburst Drive, Vail Golfcourse Townhomes /Sunburst 3' Filing. Applicant: Rene & Aurora Leon 770 Potato Patch DRB02-0089. Allison Site imorovements. 770 Potato Patch Drive, Potato Patch Club CondominiumsA/ail Potato Patch. Applicant Potato Patch Club Condo Association Casa delSolDRB020106. Bill Replace decks. 2055 S. Frontage Rd. WesUcasa del Sol Condominiums. Applicant La Casa Homeowners Association Timber Ridge DRB02-0088. Bill Replant 3 aspens. 1280 N. Frontage Rd. West/LotC-1, BlockA, Lions Ridge'lstFiling. Applicant: Exoho/TimberRidgeAssoc. Logan residence DRB02-0078. Allison Change in driveway configuration. 814 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: Logan Family Trust Peterson/Greene residence DRB02-0121. Bill Re-roof from shake shingles to asphalt shingles. 2844 Snowberry Drive/Lot 18, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Thomas J. & Sue L, Peterson Deason residence DRB02-01 18. Bill Window addition. 1090 Vail View Drive/Telemark Townhouses. Applicant: Whitney Deason The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Devefopment Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. I fird,inarg Vw'l,l E\-- o' lr,m,PHr1P { 'Attr rUrhr\W 0urttr- 4t atrufitvu ur/ ]"fu, en${il W,IutAlrot*0*t o Status:I Approved coilLfirY DEVELoPMENT -;tR" Fonn ! Apprayed with conditions fi Denied Routed To:Leonard Sandoval, PW Date Routed:04n402 Routed By:Allison Ochs Date Due:04t12/02 Description of work:new duplex Address:1876 Gore Creek Dr Legal:Lot: | 48 | Block: I I Subdivision: I Vail Villase West Filing 1 Fire lssues. title walls from a license P or show on site plan, Heated portion of driveway in Town of Vail right of way on a different zone and marked at control box. trees within the right of way must be moved to meet Town of Vail site distance rements. adiust and revise. ea on soulh dide of home behind the purposed boulder wall is not returned to a 2:1 grade. Existing nole on site plan, regarding area where 2:1 grade is not meet. Must show methods of erosion control. When disturbed, it must relurn to a 2:1 grade or an PE must design and provide a stamped approved drawing of areas. DRB must also be aware thal a 1112 ;1 grade is hard to or adiust site olan. Snow storoe area musl be with orooertv boundaries. adiust and revise est Gore Creek Drive is a Bus roule - no backino out is allowed. show all and show location of turnaround area Der Town of Vail standards. 0[ ' Revocable rioht of wav oermit is required at buildino oermit staqe. Date Reviewed: Need additional review bv Fire y' t TOI,[N Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departrnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Description of the Request:Eeoro 0IT,p Location of the Proposaf : r-ot: 4( ebck:- Subdivision: Physical Address:gg0 10. 6o Parcef No.: 2t0Z- Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceotual Review d new Construction.- Addition E Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) fl Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request le (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) c_- oUlldtt $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild, $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, $/indow additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee klr ? r r{L'f t'.,", r\d For Office Use Onlvi- ) ,J" i^iiil-6ffiC^ecr uo,: SfSb sy' Application Date: DRB No.: o Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Architectural Floor Plans:o Scale of 1/8" = 1' or larger; 1/4" is preferred o Floor'plans of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale.tr Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building.o Label floor plans to indicate the proposed floor area use (i.e, bedroom, kitchen, etc.).o One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" indicating how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for regulations.o Provide dimensions of all roof eaves and overhangs. Architectural Elevations:o Scale of 1/8" = 1'or larger; 1/4" is preferred o All elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevation drawings must show both existing and finished grades. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale.o If building faces are proposed at angles not represented well on the normal building elevations, show these faces also. o Elevations shall show proposed finished elevation of floors and roofs on all levels.o All exterior materials and colors shall be specified on the elevations,o The following shall be shown graphically and fully dimensioned: fascia, trim, railings, chimney caps, meter locations, and window details.o Show all proposed exterior lighting fixtures on the building.o Illustrate all decks, porches and balconies.o Indicate the roof and building drainage system (i.e. gutters and downspouts).a Indicate all rooftop mechanical systems and all other roof structures, if applicable.o lllustrate proposed building height elevation on roof lines and ridges. These elevations should coordinate with the finished floor elevations and the datum used for the survey.o Exterior color and material samples shall be submitted to staff and presented at the Design Review Board meeting. Llghting Plan: o Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.o Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous areao Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II. IMPROVEMENTLOCATIONCERTIFICATE(ILC) Once a building permit has been issued, and construction is underway, and before the Building Department will schedule a framing inspection, two copies of an Improvement Location Certificate survey (iLC) stamped by a registered professional engineer must be submitted. The following information must be provided on the ILC: o Basis of bearing and tie to section cornero All property pins found or seto Building location(s) with ties to property corners (ie. distances and angles)o Building dimensions, including decks and balconies, to the nearest tenth of a footo Building and garage floor elevations and all roof ridge and eave line elevationsa All drainage and utility service line as-builts, showing type of material, size and exact locationo All easements Page 5 of 12102107102 UTILIW LOCATION VERIFICATION This form is to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date QWEST 970.384.0238 (tel) 970.384.0257 (tax) Contact: Jason Sharp EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.a077 (tel) Contact: Brian Sulzer HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970.949.s892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4024 (tel) 970,252.4038 (fax) Contact: Kit Bogaft EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICTX 970,476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 970.949.t224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact; Floyd Salazar ilr( li t each of the utility companies, and no comments presume that there are no problems and the xPlease provide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining approval from & Sanitation District. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1. lf the utility verification form has signatures from are made directly on the form, the Town will development can proceed. 2. lf a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obtained before digqino in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A building permit is not a Public Way permit and must be obtained seoaratelv, Page 8 of L2lo2l07l02 Botanical Name PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Common Name OuantiW Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Square Footaqe GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specifo other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of rzlozl1Tllz oot Land Title Guarantee Gompany YOUR CONTACTS Date: 0l-10-2002 Our Order Number: Vn462l-z Property Address: LOT 48, VAIL VILLAGE WEST, FILING NO. 1 Buyer/Borrower: TBD Seller/Ovmer: DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION. INC.. A COLORADO CORPORATION Note: Once an original commitment has been issued, any subsequent modifications will be emphasized by underlining or comments. If you have any inquiries or require further assistance, please contact one of the numbers betow: For Closing Assistance: Arzana Rucker 65 MARKET ST #4, P.O. BOX4420 EAGLE. CO 81631 Phone: 970-328-5065 Fax: 97G328-5064 EMail: arucker@ltgc.com For Title Assistance: Vail Title Dept. Roger Avila 108 S. FRONTAGE RD. W. #203 P.O. BOX 3s7 vArL, co 81657 Phone: 970476-2251 Fax: 9704764534 EMail: ravila@ltgc.com Need a map or directiorrs for your upcoming closing? Check out Land Title's web site at www.ltgc.com for directions to any of our 4{f office locations. ESTIMATE OF TITTE FEES Alta Owners Policy 10-17-92 (Reissue Rate) Deletion of Standard Exceptions l-3 (Owner) Deletion of Standard Exception 4 (Owner) Tax Repon SCH# R013260 has been ordered from Eagle Cty $467 - 00 $30.00 $70.00 $7s .00 TOTAT s576.00 Fotrir CO$fACt THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER! l)oo Chicago .Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A Our Order No. Y274621-2 Cust. Ref.: VACANT LAND Property Address: LOT 48, VAIL VILLAGE WEST, FILING NO. 1 1. Effective Date: December 21. 2001 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Poticy to be Issued, and Proposed Luured: 'ALTA' Owner's Policy 10-17-9 $210'498.14 Proposed Insured: TBD 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION. INC.. A COLORADO CORPORATION 5. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: LOT 48. VAIL VILLAGE WEST, FILING NO. I, ACCORDINC TO THE PLAT RECORDED OCTOBER 25, 1963 AT RECEPTION NO. 98I85, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. / ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirements) Our Order No. Y274621-2 The following are the requirements to be complied withi Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the gnntors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. Item (b) Proper instnrment(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: Item (c) Payment of all uxes, charges or assessments levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Item (d) Additional requiremeots, if aay disclosed below: 1. RELEASE OF NOTICE OF ENCUMBRANCE RECORDED DECEMBER 21. 2OOI. UNDER RECEPTION NO. 78082I. 2. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 3. WARRANTY DEED FROM DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION. INC.. A COLORADO CORPORATION TO TBD CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. NOTE: SAID DOCIIMENT MUST BE EXECUTED BY THE PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT OR SECRETARY OF THE CORPORATION, IF AN ASSISTANT VICE-PRESIDENT OR ASSISTANT SECRETARY EXECUTES SAID DOCUMENT. A CORPORATE RESOLUTION MUST BE PROVIDED TO LAND TITLE GIVING SAID ASSISTANT AUTHORIZATION. NOTE: DELETIONiMODIFICATION OF GENERAL EXCEPTIONS ARE FORTHE OWNERS POLICY. NOTE: ITEMS I-3 OFTHE GENERALEXCEPTIONS ARE HEREBY DELETED. UPON THE APPROVAL OF THE COMPANY AND THE RECEIPT OF A NOTARIZED FINAL LIEN AFFIDAVIT, ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS IS DELETED AS TO ANY LIENS OR FUTURE LIENS RESULTING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION. INC.. A COLORADO CORPORATION. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SHALL HAVE NO LIABIL]TY FOR ANY LIENS ARISING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF TBD. Ot ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirements)Our Ortler No. VT7462L-2 Continued: NOTE: ITEM 5 OF THE GENERAI EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED IF LAND TITLE RECORDS THE DOCI.JMENTS REQUIRED UNDER SCHEDULE B-1. NOTE: UPON PROOF OF PAYMENT OF ALL TAXES, ITEM 6 WILL BE AMENDED TO READ: TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2OO1 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS. ITEM 7 IJNDER SCI{EDULE B-2 WILL BE DELETED UPON PROOF TIIAT THE WATER AND SEWER CHARGES ARE PAID {JP TO DATE. Oo oo ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section 2 @xceptions) Our Order No. V274621-z The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 1 . Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, enctoachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or rigbt to a lien, for services, labor ormaterial theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the ef,fective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commiment, 6. Taxes or special assessments which are uot shown as existing liens by the public records. 7. Liens for utrpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 8. ln addition, the owner's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, noted in Section I of Schedule B hereof, 9. NGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNTTED STATES PATENT RECORDED OCTOBER 04, 1918, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 3OI, IO. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DTTCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED OCTOBER 04., 1918, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 301. I I, RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 25,1963,IN BOOK I?8 AT PAGE I49 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 6. 1963. IN BOOK 178 AT PAGE 345. 12. RESERVATIONS OF A TEN PERCENT NON-PARTICIPATING ROYALTY INTEREST CONTAINED IN WARRANTY DEED RECORDED OCTOBER 30,1962IN BOOK 166 AT PAGE 407. ti ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section 2 @xceptioru) Our Order No. V274621-2 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 13. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VLLAGE WEST. FILING NO. I. ooO LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSIJRE STATEMENTS Note: Pursuant to CRS 10-11-122, notice is hereby given that: A) The zubject real property may be located in a special taxing disuict. B) A Cenificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer' s authorized agent. C) The information regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained from the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Note: Effective September l, 1997 , CRS 30-10-406 requires that all documents received for recording or filing in the clerk and recorder's ofEce shall contain a top margin of at least one inch and a left, right and bottom margin of at least one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may refuse to record or file any document that does not conform, except that, the requirement for the top margin shall not apply to documents using fomrs on which space is provided for recording or filing information at 0re top margin of the document. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Anicle VII requires that "Every title entity shall be responsible for all matters which appear of record prior to the time of recording whenever the title entity conducts the closing and is responsible for recording or filing of legal documents rezulting ftom the transactioo which was closed". Provided that land Title Guarantee Company conducts the closing of the insured transaction and is responsible for recording the legal documents from the traosaction, exception number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the l-enders Policy when issued. Note: Affinnalive mechanic's lien protection for the Owner may be available (typically by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commiment from the Owner's Policy to be issued) upon compliance with the following conditions: A) The land described in Schedule A of this commitment must be a single f:unily residence which includes a condominium or townhouse unit. B) No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanics or material-men for purposes of construction on the land described in Schedule A of this Commiurent within the past 6 months. C) The Company must receive an appropriate afficlavit indemnifying the Company against un-filed mechanic's and material-men's liens. D) The Company must receive payment of the appropriate premium. E) If there has been construction, improvements or major repairs undertaken on the property to be purchased within six months prior to the Date of the Commitment, the requirements to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain construction information; Iinancial infonnation as to the seller, the builder and or the contractor; payment of the appropriate premium fully executed Indemnity Agreements satisfactory to the company, and, any additional requirements as may be necessary after an examination of the aforesaid infornation by the Company. No coverage will be given under any circumstances for labor or material for which the insured has contracted for or agreed to pay. Note: Pursuant to CRS lO-t t-123, notice is hereby given: A) That there is recorde<l evidence that a mineral estate has been severed, leased, or otherwise conveyed from the surface estate and that there is a substantial likelihood that a third party holds some or all interest in oil, gas, other minerals, or geothermal energy in the property; and B) That such mineral estate may include the right to enter and use the property without the surface owner's pemtission. This notice applies to owner's policy commitments containing a mineral severance instrument exception, or exceptions, in Scheilule B, Section 2. Nothing herein contained will he deenred to obligate the conrpany to providc any of the coverages referred to herein unless the above conditions are fully satisfied. Form 0l SCLoSURE OoO JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fidelity National Financial Group of Companies/Chicago Title Insurance Company and Land Title Guarantee Company July 1,2001 We recosnize and resoect the orivacv expectations of todav's consulners and the requirements of applicable federal and state oriiacv laws. We believd that rirakihe vou aware of [ow we use vour non-public Dersonal infoimation ('Persona- Inforinatiod"). and to whom it is disclosed, -will form the basis for a rElationshiir of trult between us and the'public that we serve.'This Privacy Statement provides Sat explrlredsl.. We resewe the right to change this Privacy' statement fiom trne to ume consrstent wlth applcaDle pnvacy laws. In the course of our business, lve may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources: * From aoolications or otber forms we receive from vou or vour authorized reDresentativei* From ybur uansactions with, or from the sewices being pbrformed by, us, our affiliates, or others:* From our internet web sites:* From the public records maintained by goveromental entities that we either obtain directly ftom those entities. oi from our affiliates or others: and* From consumer or other reporting agencies. Our Policies Regarding the Protection of the Conlidentiality and Security of Your Personal Information We rnaintain ohvsical. electronic and orocedural safesuards to Drotect your Personal Information from unauthorized access or inuirsi'on We limit access td the Personal Iiformation orily t6 those employees who need zuch access in connection with providing products or services to you or for other lbgitimate busineis purposes. Our Policies and Practices Reggriling the Sharing of Your Personal Information We may share your Personal Information with our affiliates, such as insurance companig5, agens, and other real estate s-ettlemerit sewice providers. We also may disclose your Personal Information: to asents. brokers or reDresentatives to provide you with services you have requested: to tffird-darty contractois or sewice providers *'ho piovide servicds or perform marketing or other functioni on our behalf: and to others with whom we enter into joial s3d6sting agreements for products or services that we believe you mav find of interest. In addition. we will disclose vour Personel Inforrnation when vou direct or cive us permission, when we are required bv law to do so, or when we 3uspect fraudulent or criminal acfrvities. We al-so may ^disclose your Personal hiformation when otherwise peniritted by applicable privacy laws such as,. for exainple, when disclosure is needed to entorce our nghts ansltrg out ol atry agreemeft, uansacuon or renuonsnlp wrm you. One of the important responsibilities of some of our affiliated companies is to record documents in the public domain. Such documents- may conlain your Personal Information. - Right to Acces.s Your Personal Information anil Ability to Correct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletion Certain states afford vou the rieht to access vour Personal Information and, under certain circumstances, to find out to whom vour Persoial Inform-ation has beeir disclosed. Also. certain sutes afford you the right to request conectiod, amendment or deletion of yogy psv5snal Information. We reserve the rilht, where permindd by law, to charge a r6asonable fee to cover the crjsts incurred in responding to such requests. - All requests submitted to the Fidelity National.Financial Group of Companies/Chicago Title Insurance Company shall b'e in writing, and delivered to'the following address: Privacv Compliance Officer Fidelitv National Financial. Inc. 4050 Calle Real, Suite 220 Santa Barbara, CA 93110 Multiple Products or Services If we provide you with rtrore than one financial product or service, you may receive nrore than one privaoy notice fronr ris. We afologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. Form PRlV.PoL. CHI Buildinq Materials PROPOSED MATERIAI.S Tvpe of Material Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: l,l8 Ct,i.^trrteu Lnf Color t,\eNh*',tr t,uotr NA*n"0 (vo,^, n tV4urn0. N,Su "n0 3e$e I or,tu O cnu 2r L 0I Celd(- il4 Please specifo the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of tZlIZl1Tloz 2r €TAu bilt&e trrfe b ( o*L €rr tLo +*laa*r**t*'l**++t+l+at{'**'.lttf*ftf,'t{'a'}*aa+a+**+++ltl'a*'}*t*f+ala*a+**'laaa***a**'}*a**aat***t**+ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement*l't't*t**+*t'l**+a+lf+1f,***t'i**tr***at'}a*a*'l*a+latlff+**a*'ia*a***'t*'}***aa+++ft+*'t'i**aa**l*'|**'} Staternent llumber: R000002114 Anount: S550.00 04/OB/2OO2O4:46 pM Payment Method: Check InLt: iIAR Notation: 3455 Daupnina.is Moseley Conat., Inc. Permit No: DRB020O84 Tl/tr)e ! DRB - New Construction Parcel tilo: 210312307018 site Address: 1876 GORE CREEK DR vArL Location: 1880 Vl eore Creek DrLve, IJot 48 Total Pees: S650.00 Thia Palment: $550. OO Total AIJIJ Ernta: $550. OO Balance: $0.00 +++******'i*{'******1"1"}***++ftlff++***'lr****'}*****fit'}******allfl+*+****i***+*t***'}***t+***+**** ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 650 .00 N o ^') $ 09\i "9 o*'u t IMPROVEMENT LOCATION LOT 48 VAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING NO. 2 CERTIFICATE _ I !T*y gqcrfy S.t S.lrupcwod loedroo oa't|llora€was pr?rr"cd for Hafuf ndrrna, tfe Urpor-d ledloabdrylgcd o r pnrrlrlf ?Tl9crrg |rrr"ry Ui f||ffirrb.*ro by qrhlr. rd iF-$ tr il t" u.'rrfra E_ GGodrHrhrnat of f.E!, hdfr;;et*'Irft- taprorordItn6r. I furthtr cerury at G"riffi."a. * th rbovsdrrorDca bt {s on trir .ntq;9fi-;d oo{mtnr, ErGrflrrb xrt$t! rh. beurirrt"; t tf ilf]n* r rlr*r,that trrrr u. D mrqr*racalr iilii d"r*s"d pronlrcby lmprovrnrnte ou.nt .4t ff,TE;il, rlcqrr rr ta6_tcrtoq rd tbrr orcrc ti u'rffi; lei o{ rry r.a.dcrcsdlt or burdca&g ray Frt d retd Irlt-lE. Get rrdd. Ootobor lC, ll?E I!+A!,ppPrnx bt4tVd lrltrrp PactFllq h. 3!r3lo Cot$r'Colorl& oo'or LOT 49 +\c 9o?. (o.. + oRt5,R FOUXo o0st / aoa*ra rouno IN PLACE t LOr 47 6!\tta t,t'\ aq\ tz o /,./t I ,'ti',t? ve6'**e o) I$9- "stso-- 'o ::;o- xo RCTAIIIII{O IALL /{/.$d2 o '&"LOT 48 3o ,4'ro o .o9 o9 LAND SURVEYING CO. GYPSUM, COLORADO DATE OF SURVEY ocT.29rt97t ORATil BY II{ PLACE t-of 1w€ (pu e 4 G eS q u *,T 1). :twt <tL( # :t la&rt* ?y'2 TIMES 895-0291 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST PROJECT TITLE: A-DD/ALT sFR BUILD ALL Status...: APPROVEDRpplied..: oe/08/L995rssued...: 09/O8/L995Expiree..z 03/06/I996 Phone: 3039491905 Phone: 3039491905 BE POSTED ON PERMIT JOBSITE AT Permit #: .Tob Address: 1906 GORE CREEK DR Location...:Parcel No. . : 2103-123-07-022 Project No.: APPLICANT PLATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR PLATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920, AVON CO 81620OWNER BOESEL ANDREAS A & SHAR] L PO BOX 595, VAIL CO 81658 Description:REROOF WITH LIKE MATERIALS Number of Dwelling Units: 000 Town of Vait Adjusted Valuation: 31000 FirepLace Infornation: Rcstricted: fof Gls Appl,iancls: flOf Gas Logs: fof gbod/Pattet: FEE SUII]IARY Bui Lding---> Ptan Check-*) lnvestigation> Litt catt--> 75.(n t',l.75 .m 5.qr Restuarlnt Ptan Revi cr--> Rccrcation t!P-------> .00 Ctaan-up Deposi t------> 1@.00 TOTAL TEES__* > .m Mditional, Fecs-------> .m .00 Totrf. catcutltcd Fces--> 26-75 Total Parrit FcF------> n6.75 Item: O5].OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/08/1995 DAN Action: APPRItem: O54OO PIJANNING DEPARTMENT 09/08/199s DAN Action: APPRItem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 09/08/1995 DAN Acrion: APPR Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 09/08/199s DAN Action: APPR Plynents----- BALAI{CE DUE-_- Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Divieion: -(n ?26.75 Dept: PUB WORK Division: See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that nay apply to this pennit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovl,edge that I have read this apptication/ f il,ted out in futt the infornation required, coiPteted an accurate ptot pl,an, and state that.l,l, the inforrution provided as requi red is corrcct. I agrec to compl,y vith thc infornation and ptot ptan, to conpl,y rrith al,t Toyn ordinanccs and statc taws, and to buiLd this structurc accofding to th! Toen's zoning and subdivision codes, design rcview approved, thiforn Buil,ding code and other ordinanccs of thc Town appticabte thereto. RESUESTS FOR IilSPECTIOI{S SHALL BE I.IADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHOI{E AT 179-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRONI 8:OO AII 5:OO PII Send C lean-Up Dcposit To:SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OI{NER **************************i***********11!3*?************************************ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 895-0291 aE of 09/08/95 Status: APPRoVED******************************************************************************** Permit Types ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: o9/.08/.L99s Applicant: PLATH CONSTRUCTION Issued: O9/08/L995 ilob Addrese: 1906 GORE CREEK DR Location:Parcel No: 2L03-L23-07-022 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS******************************************************************************** 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IANCE. **************************************************************** TOIIN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statennt Number: REC-0070 Anount:226.7s 09/14/95 13:46Init: JRPayment Method: CK Notation:3086 Perrnit No: Parcel No:Site Address: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41335 Total Fees:226.75 Total ALL Pmts: BaLance: Description BUILDING PERI.{IT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 895-0291 Type: A-BUILD ADD/ALT SFR BUrLD PE 2L03-L23-07-022 1906 GORE CREEK DR * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *!t * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * 226.75 226.75 .00 Amount 75.00 48.75 100.00 3.00 [ ]-Buildtng Job Name: l-Electrical [ ]-Uechanlbal Job Addrese: VAlLwtL4aE IVISION: Owners Name: Architect: Address: &,*tQ pn.lDt-\ZtD Address:Ph. Nurober of Acconnodatl.on Units: I ^ rylrmber and rlpe of Firepraces: Gas Appll.ances_ eas togs;1L wood/perlet_vx** * * * * ****!t* * 'r******** *********** VALUATIONS *************** **** **************tl 4 - -/iurr,oruc. r *D' ' Er.EctRrcAL: r_ .$IER: I _ Br,wBrNc: T- !,rEcridEcd;i- ;"dfi; Address:of Vail Reg. NO..I<U- Phone Nurnber: ceneral Description: Work Class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration Nunber of Dnelling Units: I Address: ******** ***** **** ****** * ******** FORBUILDING PER}IIT FEE: PLWBING PERUTT FEE: IIECHANICAL PERUTT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEEs .- 1)A/rr.1- ,l-AdditionaL |y'J-xepair [ ]-other_ Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: oFFrcE USE *** ********* ** ***************** BUILDING PI.AI{ CIIECK FEE: PLI'IfBING PIAN CEECK FEE: UECITANTCAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: Qffi't qoElectrical Contractor: Town of vail Reg.Yil"-t-r t* Address: - phoneNumber: Plunbii'tg Contractor: Address: llechanical Contractor : TOTAIJ PERI'IITIFEES 3/ / / 't t' 't PgI.lPIlF: lu.z%{- a- rzr STGNATLIRE: '- ZONING: SIGNAI'T'R8: CLgAIf I'P DEPOSIT IEPTilTD TO: o TOhtN OF UAIL, COLORADo REOUESTS FOR INSF'ECTION I^IORK SHEETS FURTII/e8/93 Activityr 895-OE9 1 LI/eg/93 Type: R-BUILD $tatus: ISSUED tronstrr ASFR Address: 19O6 GORE CREEK DR Locat i on: Fraree I : 31O3-183-67-E?A Descript ion: REROOF tdITH LIHE I{ATERIALS Appl icant: trLATH CONSTRUCTION Owner: BOESEL ANDREAS A & SHARI L Contnactorr trLATH CONSTRUCTIUN t lI i REPT131 lL/e.A/93 07:38 FA6E AREA: DS User U N 3Ur3949 1905 3A3949194S 0cc: Fhone: Fhone: Fhone: Inspeet i on Request Requestor': trLATH Req Tiner OB:OOIt ens requested to Informat i on. . ROOFING Eom ent s: be Inspected. Fhone: Aet i on Cornrnent s Tine Ex @QA9O BLDG-Finalk? -l5o nl,,e [-l 9^/nuJ.** History. . ...Inspection History.....Item: CIOSlO PW-Drive by Inspeetion Iten : gAOIO BLDB-Foot ings/5teelItem: OOOPO BLDG-Foundation/SteelIten: OOZ?A PLAN-ILC Eite F,lanItem: OOOSO BLDB-FraningIten: O004Cr BLDB-Roof & Sheer trlywood NailItem: OOA50 BLDG-InEulation Iter: et6060 BLDGi-Sheetroek NailIten: ftOOBO BLDG-trourtesyItem: @o010 BLDG-Misc. Item: QQO9@ BLDG-FinalIten: OO53A BLDG-Temp. C/OIten: Aq34A BLDG-Final ClA t I -t )I I REpT131 , TOWN OF VArLr trOLoRnDO LL/eA/93 o7z3? REEUEST9 FOR INSFECTION WURK SHEETS FURrIr'/eB/95 trAGE AREA: DS Activityr AddreEs r Locat i on : Farce 1 : Deseriptionr Appl icant : Owner t Contract or r =========lE===================================-=====895-Oeg1 Il/?g/93 Typer A-BUILD $tatuE: ISBUED Constrr ASFR 19O6 GORE CREEK DR e103-143-07-OEE REROOF WITH LIKE I{ATERIALS PLATH CONSTRUCTIT]N BOESEL ANDRERS R & SHARI L PLATH CONSTRUCTIT]N Occ: Use: V N Fhone: 3O3949 l9O5 Fhone: Fhone: 3O3949 19OE Inspeet ion Request Requestonr trLATH Req Timel Itens reque6ted to Information.,... RtrOFING ConnentE: FINAL-ROOF be Inspeeted.,, Action Fhone: Eomnent E riii ?x Iten: CtO516 trl^l-Drive by Inspection Item : qAOr.A BLDG-Foot inqs/5tee I Itegr ; OOOEO FLDG-Foundat ion/Steel Iten: OOEaO FLAN-ILC Site trlan Iten: @0t}34 BLDG-FraningIten: 0@@4@ BLDG-Roof & Sheer' trlywood NaiI Iten : AAQAA BLDG-Insulat ion Itemr 00@60 BLDG-Sheetrock NaiI Item : 0AOe0 BLD6-CotrntesyIten: OO@74 BLDG-Mise.Iten: AAA9A BLDE-FinaIIten: 00530 BLDG-Tenp. C/0 Item: @8344 BLDE-Final C/O Inspect i on History..... .ltl oo CHECKREQaEST DATE: 7sho//s-PREPAREDBY: VENDORNUMBER: DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAN IrP DEPOSIT REFIJND FORRP # El?Sl NAME OF JOB: Vf-tzo-/ ccouNTNuMBER 0l 0000 22002 AMOUNT OF REFUND: 6/A 4) DATEAPPROVED: APPROVAL SIGNATURE: oz E =E UJo- c r.l O oo o ocft o o@ rf, 1A at uJ uJIt ts =E IJJd dyl I,Slollu 99e8r, +tn l.- or r\N F t/, 6 oz L|JoF) I IIr" tolI r-{t"trl lH c,.r lo'F.lc)'o ,>Zl(JI< l-d r58t;rd.Itr,o)-t(,!^,zt-l-trr , =co UJF FIz = zz o uJ|- z z J od Itz zrl ll.Jr!o =(r t! o 1,, |- C\- (1 EJ F = =lrlJ(J { \(l b o {- vl ( b o E o) o o.o.(E 3GF ofr o ooo 6tc\6 o o o Ec a6 oEoO o' .= = d) E o =cf o o-(! =.g o ot:(l,.Y' iegsE8E"; F.9 R€ *EE8-.= q, - =1.96€ 6E:Ec-o> eHsE =si;c9GF -*=o)3 5;'5 E EE: EE;Eg-; Ae SE; s oiE-ors*:€ E.,:9 :Ee H E;EEi(!F: -rCJ(6 o'- .i.c; o (,) sf;; E ; e;: gfi E;9Eo -c5g: - ct (!: c o F. c oo stsf oo o o o P{ F(\ =uJ o. z 4 x UJ-()z a9tF UJ)gJ 26: 2 uJ: UJu, z tr UJc, gJ 3g UJ z(J UJ u,o ur lz UJJo x F llJo o UJ lr,tlJ- ==t uJo F ('z oJ co ) o c, uJ UJ oz tot Jo 2 C) uJ J Fot- NOrlvnlvA Fl= |J.I H ; o =ll. z9 aov, UJ ) c, UJz IJJ >E -a('t = !! d.: =.o(\l zz99Qs ?E9 0 trt o1>9()a)zu-<oq o-Yi5.i(\i z tr d o- o uJo- tu f,z Eo zIF uJF) B tlJz lltlll lhbzl X.i<z ll a,Fz, 2z ..1 ido3trOI ull 0- F 2 F J loz -.l- z, +' ='JY ,a- C u- (E o = uJo-tt:o F:f6o <U' JI -l zl zl .. >lolu ulul2aF 'a a a (f) I (! o aJ 3 UJ IJJF o t\ or (\t Fc)o lu Eoooazo Fo-ulY lrJo oFt Eut IIo o.oo I ulFoz z ,r9ze 60 =z=r :) dP J oozd a'\ F ==couJ E UJctl. 7!!6vE<ttl60ne,E9!ir trEE f * =ut:-E FEE =*E 569 lttrE XLE .;Io'i€; uldl F -t - E =E,lrl a-zo F() :)E 6zoo Rntt] 6 a t t-a izL(J (lJ! c5 =(ooo) z T IIJ = tl EI Frr I HIt(l)tv'= |dsl HIl> nl .*r lotz.F- Jll z,u.l-l-(-JF :Z IJJLt-lr F an ui =z dlo-) !o (F t{- # an llJ =z t\ x d an IJJe. J IA #vi.I o- ItFt'[ l=t> to =tr t = F E LUz. =o =E l! o UJ(r J l! z3 = ==J CL LUJ at) tr z d IJJ J a ltoz3 F = E z o uJ J a z3o q Fg =o, a a d tr z d uJ = u- z3 ul EF u-- oz o UJE J a ltoz 3oF ut l! uJz =o Fo UJ EToE E, -rO<F(E(Jr!<zEL!F(tZ <oOF F#\2 ;,-.1 IO E2? =<ZE d6 (J <; :/F?()z< il=>3 E ir lll uz<()onr.lJ x-aFIFINt< t<r r--r ,+ i. -*ti .f. fi::_--_:-":J llilil liI,iI i--fii Irl i"ili.t .l*f s.rf ilt.t - .[ d ;lL s-0 |.. Iw f ----l iti I| -rl It{i I *.1 ^. ,\ t., j isl -.n u.-...r' ..t -J-lslft |,\d I,,\, l>.n l ,I>r{ g-l-t I I i i .q i(t !L) i{t --=" :--.-=f .. :n:!!==..*. t 5t\t \**2b$ o 5 NTNUS JOIST COHPOHATION ]Y t MID-AMERTcA opERATroNs . DENVER sALES oFFtcEV^ 5600 South Quebec St. . Suite 16OD Enqlewood, Colorado 8O1 ll "W{ -.J rl \ {F- X s I f.t / ot 0 N rL N I \$ / ( /, / 3O3m0-6262 ,.)rcHucK zwrAcHlRt$7 ?aotrE7 €<ilopel- ffi zrb E€&sr,-sfi *br/tY-(W€ttE4< WQ,v Fq 4) ^ l( 7e l4=L Lr*n $ $ et JOB NAME: TOCATION: SALESMAN: SHEET - OF ffili'#r$' 'of l4,o gf ! o "f__ oorc lo,-lE'&7 qF r=lBl;l; r? | :e= lel2 H' iEl EqE ,=lB '-lcol CIl'F-{l JNl d,Eors I I I I I nc Jl<l -l 2_l zl .. >lo uJout uJzot (r UJ J zo tr >c = ,,, z9F^ =otrEtnO1>9()t-, Zr!<oqH6;(JFO ;ci ldtfl til.rH -He.gol =du-Holz4odl Eq 5"1lt t4Bfl 3HtrJ 9"1 J H(-lcl I oz E =e, IJJo- A,/, Af-/) / az lzL(J (Uz, ,r 98zF<coo=E3-a=oi Yor =E*- ;i'i o A;H tr!tr E UJrtto IJJ z oI FEI .Eo- JFH=:G(L l.lJ>oO|!ooi r.uxI:>.9F JJ IL uJ @oF go Ecto !t EE .E t E E 8\E f=6IDFbE =eE€ u,F o lrJF U) .ooazo Fo- uJY uJ @ oF tr aE-uro O.glfo^ o.o-CJ tv ulFoz ts =E, lrJ o-z9F(Jf E. 6zo() I I I I .tol =.1(rl IJJI 5l 3l rtlol 3l sOl uJFI F I I cil =.1(,l r,rJl cEl zl =lolFI rltltltl t3tulItrltJlt<ll;lloltzl BFI JI <l>l tl-lol zl 3lolFl tltll-llsl | .-{ |l-l(Jt .l Bq(-)l oluJl ullJI EI :l ilsl ultzl ==lqol uFl (, =Iu- I I od IF JlJl 3lrle. z.lrl-F :z |lJ JlJ-lJ- LJ.JOF a,/, ui =z o-t lrtltlrl- |(l)lr\ | -lr: IrFl Iq-.1 x Iot o I ;11 el H(5t d H:4Z z To uJ = E, F EFzoo l-E i'r =b= t(,c|zts =c) =#-JZtrO G, -.r O<FGQur<zE[UF(rzoo tr UJJ F ul E- & 6 a ! !E! INSPECTION. TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL ...\. ^\ _- ,- .. DATE \\ - *\. - \ JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUM EB OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr o tr tr UMBING: UNDEBGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOoD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n POOL / H. TUB NAIL +I tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING bnoucn tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT rt T] SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL P APPROVED I/coRREcttotrts: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR l)$'1 ) PERMI'T NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL t tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED lc,r,.\r/c PROVED CORRECTIONS: = d,,'l'tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL Zl' FHAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING TNSULATTON + tr POOL/H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL INSPECT PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE c JoB READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: {'l ,1. *i INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL NAME MON I -AMr PM CALLER 'i'.r_uFg/ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING T] INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr -FlII'*,n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n gr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED )RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED I \ INSPECTOR': IJ a q oz t =G UJo ,, ffi n/1 ftt/ uJ tso d!o')zo F(L ulY llJ @ oF tr =t\ll coHq l.l- \r/ (Y) >Gro-oiO':: 1D I utF z E =E UJo-z9Fo3EFazoo luF o a ==ul o-t! :t{E2E< 6A6eE9rrk Ed =>.=uJ-E h=o dtr: >(L: ou-E 909 I r.uE Xdt x>! EFo -'it,E l! @ o --- a 7' T-1t__J z,n9zioo =z o.-P Dtr <-N.n . i = =E= -.: t1! -! "i t!6il= ! # TElixi '71 6 )t lls li 3*l! & *El:4\ tl,t JG +=t; ELVL a E;*c EEEtr 8;:iE iEffi NOrM'lVA l!pElsr =Lr>EF =;:FEu,Sh =6orB( Jl<l trl zl zl .. >l u.l t1lt!zoL uJ zI =oo /.r 2 4t-/Ir^ t/ ; q= z. F >Z trlo ut!JU-tl- Ld Ftn ii =z oE) - q,lilqJ g T 1 q ql E 4 F\F\ x co vlul E)oosJ = fn:+ ,rl q -....I F Gd o .E -ccg =tr F\ (o xo !1 IIJcl co F. oi f| Fo loIt\ | !-l IH@acl..f cdo14z Hgtl p OJ(n<l>L4 r.1olz =l 3sl Ir!|F c\llr) rr) Iolsf Ol =g E 2 ciul J l.L 3I =tr oz UJ J t!o 23 otF = o IJJ 5 >l t!o zl 3lI = G z UJ J tt z3IF ui UJF UJz =o F- uJ F a (r e. --: o<FEC) trJ <zEUJFtnZ JE<o(JF FSqE-r EOO,a t- =#JZ LLO {x :IF7C) =tY'Z =g tirg b=<()$r=? tqtf] ::- 3 .. :\ido+ -d '\? .O/74 ---- =-. *oia-d, a4. l*;: --5r+f61 .: fl.-''' I tu,r 5s ld 1. n | - :' -*' ri;L ,,{#, I/f\ 7 0r- 7L,Y') c 7, e ? 7t t .;i : !:' ri IIliltl11: A1 il.l iq ll iiu--,:t lI il . .tl'.ll{ -tEI ..r'-at*-.'i| . . -/'l -J-,e- | | Cb.- -- '. /ilir:.i tl il ..lilis.I -l il ,li .ii ij,i t,ti--- :i- i, ,: o o o, -/l o^,, '7 ,l 4c/t"T Prolect Appllcatlon Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and tVe Lia tt Owner, Address and Phone: LesarDescriptio n,ro, 48 , ",'"r l/ lf W%u,rn Comments: Zone - Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL +I-rh nu| /o Staff Approval o AppLrcATroN DATE: 1l cttf /0 DATE 0F DRB MEETING ,/r,'Iri4 DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION l^tILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMiTTED***:T* I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zon'ing administrator).It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment wjth the staff to fjnd out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica-tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the numberof conditions of approval that the DRB may st'i pulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Legal Description Lot Block VV Yl;?; a Filing| '),e Zoni ng ^ l. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address tel ephone D.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Address i \-tel ephone NAME OF OWNERS: Si gnature / ',::,,tel ephone ' "', 1 DRB FEE: The fee wi I I VALUATION be paid at the time a bu'ilding FEE permit is requested. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $1oo. oo $200.00 $300.00 THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the appiicant must stake the siteto indjcate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. Address ) u- $ 10,001 - $ 50,001 - $150,001 - $500,001 -$ Over $ 10,000$ 5o,ooo$ 150,000 $ .500,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 2 The rev'iew process for NEW BUILDINGSof the Design Review Board, so plan People who fail to appear before the meet'i ng and who have not asked for a republ i shed. will normally involve two separate meetings on at least two meetings for their approval . Design Review Board at their scheduled postponement will be reguired to be 3. 4. The following items no longer have to be-pnesented to-the Design-Revlen Boa$.- i'hiy, trowevei, have to be fresented to the Zoning Adninistrator for approval: a. Windows, sKylights and simllar exterlor changes that do not alter the exjstjng plane of the buildlng; and b. Buildlng addltions that are not vlewed ttol Itw other lot or public spacel wtrictr hive had letters subnrltted from adJolnlng property owners approving the addition; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condomlnlum association. 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies 0n your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PR The fol lowing Board before A. BUILDING LIST OF MATERIALS .-'/7€ t)d7a;i122 tt) information is required for submittal a final approval can be fiven: MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL olEcz 1.'/- by the appticant tb 7?A/v'' ub- T4€:; '7, the Design Review COLOR Roof Si di ng Other t^lall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts I..li ndows l.'lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther m B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Common Name --T-_- *stxt't Quani ty 5i ze* for conifers. (over) U) t rtd Au'l Coor'5 f,nS' as 5h r"t ,*pe,fH,4 */ Du1ryYr pl *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height . "PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Conmon Name Quanity Size, r,\ J-__.____-_J_(con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Tvpe Square Footage GROUND COVERS s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal1s, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. irl= 1..5 N)i- t- ! I t I ! I i oootr o*ru t 1.1 o o ^Y \ \ 's,)7% \\92\ -+ \. \\ LOT 49 RETAININO WALL $\ Z \, ./ -\r'I " "K =*t-t.l1n\ 'nr I ,^6'fi{.. .,- o6.,ri o0s0 o "9 . 'o/.1" 3o o >\o 8 R.*\',o,'$\o.. o LOT 48 L0r 47 /,$/ -"*o t c.o "'Ys,* /' o€ ORI€R FOUND P#;"P."+ "-"";.:\ $\' \: IN PLACE INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF' PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS D FOUNDATI / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. AMING tr ROUGH / WATER -,' ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NA,IL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr BOUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL ?PROVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPEC ,lr.Srrr- t Q PERMIT NUMBER OF'PROJECT I INSPECTION REQUEST.;TOWN OF VAIL .- DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER/*:-':A"=.TUES WED " THUR.FRIINSPECTION:r{u )pu\-=- BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr tr /r'*o'tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER ITIEGHANICAL: tr tr tr tr tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr tr EINAL FINAL 7t O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CTIONS: EAGTE COUNTY Conrmuni ty DeveloPmePt elc Pe. Eo.il-86%oo r r ur'' TELEPHONE 303/328.73r I BOARO OF COUNTY coMMtsStoNER5 Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A55ES50 R Ext 2Oz AUILOING IN I NSPECT ION Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECOROER Ext 21 7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENG INEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL H EA LTH Ext 238 EXTENS IO N AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Exl 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIOGE Ext 257 SHER IFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5 75 | SOC IAL SERVICES 328.5328 TREASURER Ext 201 ^LIq' \$-r\\, ,\L I "December1e7e, \,\ t \t \ " \\, tl 'AI I, Katherine Peterson, Secretary and 0ffice Manager to Terri'l 'l Knight, Djrector of Community Development and Recording Secretary for the Zoning Board of Adjustment, do hereby certify that the attached documents are true and comect copies from the official records of the Department of Community Deve'l opment File Number 7v-74-79 - Helga Beathune Vari ance. Secretary, Office Manager Department of Community Development and Recording Secretary to the Zoning Board of Adjustment .t ,, r=rf t:lLr1_\LE G@UNTV nnterefflce mnemnorandunm to: Kathy Peterson tuoi""*'B""thorre v. zoning Board of Adjustment From: Beth A. Riggert, County Attorney File No.:D"t"'Nov. 28t L979 With respect to the recent filed case; Beathune v. Zoning Board of Adjustmentt I r.rould appreciate all papers contained in the Application of Plainbiff for Variance (fi_ie 11o.^ |V-ltr-1il o' tii" together with a transcript of all' proceedings- held on October 11, l9?9, relaiive to said variance application. I have been directed by lhe District Court to certify and foruard said papers to the Courb on January- 41 1980. Thank you for your assistance and if you have arly questionst please contact me. f\ g\-' f,- t .l Lli EAGLE CCU T'. S;i'RIFF 9t?f,qlfi i,2i 1 t ? tiitQ,?s8.....*lsr:*r_3.1.....corrRr H3LCA BA\?{InI!, Plaintiff--..-----., vE. ZCilINC EO.{RD OF ADJUSDEIA F1)R SAGLS COlnfrY, IN AND FOR THE C'oUNTr oF.-..-I;ii..l*.L AND STATE OF COLORADO Civil Action No.--7.9---CV...25!+...-.. Div..........-...,.. suMl,lolts DefendenL--.,..---. TIIE PEOPI,E OF TIIE STATE OF COLORADO TO Tffi ABOYE NAMED DEFENDAI{T.......-., GREETING: You are hereby suuaoued aad required to file with tbe clerk an answer to the complaint within 20 days a,fter senrice of tbis gummons upon you. If you fail ao to do, judgment by default will be taken against you for the relie! demanded in tbe compleinh If service upon you is made outside the State of Colorado, or by publication, or if a copy of the complaiut be not senred upon you srith this summons, you are required to file your answer to the com- plaiut rrithin 30 days after seryice of tbis surnmons upon you. I!'arning: If this summons does not contain the docket number of the civil action, then the com- plaint may not now be on file with the clerk of the court. The complaint must be filed within ten days after the summong is served, or the court wili be without jurisdiction to proceed further and the action will be deemed dismissed without prejudice and without further notice. Information from the court concerning this civil action may not be'available until ten days after the summons is served. This is an action' Dated-...1{ov-enb.er-.?..-...--..-------..--.---.-..., l9Z Clcrk of rdd Court lor Pta]nlifl J. V^{T{DENBERGE #5T67 By..-...-. Deput5r Clrrk Denver, Colorado 623'3633 (Seal of Court) ?fh!a .uEDr| !. L!.d tnrtEr!3 to 8qt. a, C.8.C"P., .a aE rd.a. tt l}a .[!r.!dr b Fblt b.a or r.rrod rltloql r cnDt ot ti. coqDlrh!rtt r t!. rott "r.l,lor" rt t ti. rrl|'t d.u!d.a. lf bdt q.gltto. ! t.odt t.ha |l|EE6r tatr.t rrrb. 'ThL L rn .ctlo! tculd.a uDoD tol.l..' /... rtFl*nul'L DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO ,a1ftrlvr.u'[] F \J r- - .l] ;" .t tuNTY sltufilf r l:{'r;iU':i:lirr' ' pM ?ii,?'tP,t,t,t,'t I l? iiiltEi6 You are to , /ffi{. O TN THE HEICA BEATHTJNE, PlainEiff vs ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT FOR EAGLE COUNTY, Defendant. TO:ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT FOR EAGLE COUNTY ! You are hereby direcEed Eo certify and for:qrard Eo Ehe above- enEitled CourE any and all papers conEained in the ApplicaEion of Plaintiff for variance (File No. ZV-74-79) on file wiEhin the office of said Board, Eogether wiEh a transcript of all proceedings held on apffication. of Civil AcEion No. 2?C/J{y' CITATION October LL, 1979 relative to said variance do Ehe foregoing on or before the 1a" are Eo /''d- respond and appear before this Court on the .zZ -'nra ' t 7.*t, at Ehe hour of *'.aaP,rr to show cause, if lief requested in Plaintiffrs Complaint, shall not be ISlWM. L:JONES JTJDGE/GEE*K day of 4nY, allor^red. lN 't'iIti t) I:i'l'KIC'f cOl.Jll,'f IN AND [,1\U l-t: s'tA'l[ olr Civil Action cot.oRAI)O l'lo. I tut,cA IltiA'lt tuNE,, Plaintiff, VS ZONTNC BOAITD OR AD.IUSTI'I]1NT l"oR tjAGLij couNTY, COI.IPI.AIN,I roR JUDICIAL REVIEK' DefendanE. PlainEiff , Ehrough her aCEorney t(ElTl{ J. VANDENBERGE, Pursuant Lo Rule 106 (a) CRCP and 24-4-106 cRS r7), as arnencled, alleges us fo l lows: 1. AE all Eimes relevanE herein PlaintifE has beerr the owner of the follor,ving-described real esEaEe locaEed in Eagle CounEy: Lot 48, Vail Village Wes!, Filing No. 2, as recorded in Book 27O aE Page 708 i,n the offtce of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle CounEy, Colorado. 2. Defendant is che final adminlsEraLive body for appeals regardlng error in orders, requiremencs, decisions or refusals by atlrnlnlsEraEive officials or agencies based upon Eagle CounEy Zoning resoluEions. 3. PlainEiff heretofore made applicaEion Eo DefendanE Zoning IJoard of AdjustmenE for a variance from Ehe Eagle CounEy Zoning ResoluEions, parEicularly SecElon 3.05.05, entiEled'tl"tinimum IpE Area ln Ehe ResldenEial Suburban Medium Zone". 4. On OcEober 11, L979, Defendant conducEed a hearing wherein PlainEiff's applicaElon for variance was considered. ThereafEer, by leEter daEed October 19, 1979, which was received by PlainEiff on OcEober 22, t979, Defendant denied Plaintiffrs applicaEion, copy of which letEer of denlal is attached hereEo as E><hibiE A and incorporaEed herein by reference, 5. The decislon of Defendants was discriminaLory, arbiErary, capricious and an abuse of lts discretion, to-wit: a) said declslon was noE substantiaEed or warranLed by the evidence when the record is consldered as a whole; b) said declsion \ras concrary Eo previous deci-sions of DefendanL Board under lndenEical faccual siEuaEions, so as Eo be unconsciEutionally disc rlminaEory; c) sald decision was conErary co consEiEutional righE; d) sald decision was Ln excess of DefendanEts auEhoriEy' purpose an<l limitaElons; e) sald decision was based upon findings of facE clearly erroneous on the enElre record. f) s"rid dccision uras conLrary to the law, Eo-wiE: Section 9.04 of Ehe zoning resoluEions. 6. Additionally, plaintiff alleges Ehat t-he relevant section oE tl're zoning resoluEion relaEing Eo variance and appeal is uncon- sElt-uEional in LhaE iE denies an applicanE for variance due process - trE law, conErary Eo SecEion 25 oi Article II of the Colorado ConstiEutiorr. I,IHEREFORE, PlainElff requesEs judicial review of the actions oE DefendanE, findings Ehat such actions consEicute a denial of plalnEifffs sEatucory righEs' are discrimlnatory, are arbitrary and capgicious, contrary Eo const,itut.lonal right, are in excess of staEuEory juris- <licElon, auEhoriEy, purposes or limitations, are an abuse or clearlv uur^rarranEed exercise oE discret.ion, are unsupporEed by subsEantlal cvidence when Ehe record is considered as a whole, and are oEhennrise concrary Eo law; a ciEation direcEed Eo DefendanE Eo certify Eo the courL aL a specified Eirne and place , a EranscrlpE of the record an<i proceedings and to show cause why plainciff is noE entitled Eo che recJuested variance; and JudgmenE reguiring Defendant t.o approve PlainEiffts reguested variance, as well as cosEs incurred. HEIIA BEATHUNE, of lawful age being firsE duly sworn upon oaEhdeposes and says thaE she is the plalnciff hereln, thaE she has readEhe foregoing cornplainE for Judicial Review, and knows Ehe conE,entsEherein to be true to Ehe best of her knowledge and belief. IIELGA BEATHUNE, PlainEiff STATE OF COLORADOI CounEy of Denver I ss' Subscribed and sworn co me Ehis day of , L979- RECEIVE D EAGLE COUNTY SHERIFF NOTARY PUBLIC N0v 2 6197e P)'.t nl J. /VANDENBERGE 5 l.awrence, SuiEe 433ver, Colorado 80202 ne:623-363'3 "'1911il,4I r?rPrfr?r? EAGLE EOUhITY Department of Planning and Development P. 0. Box 179 Phone 32B-7311 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMrs5roNERs328.6809 i ADMINISTRATION 328-667 4 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSE550 R 328.6593 20 February 1979 I, Katherine Peterson, Secretary to Terrill Knight, Planning Director and Office Manager, Department of P'lanning and Deve'lopnentPhereby cert'iiy -that the attached@-tre- from the official records of the Department of Plann'i ng and Development Fiie Number Zv-54-78 - Helqa Beathune Variance. and 0ffice Manager, Department P1 ann'ing and Development BU I LD ING I t ISPECTI ON 3?8.6339 CLE RK & RECO R DE R Eaqle 328-6377 Ba3alt 927 -3244 COUNTY ATTORNEY 328.667 4 ENGINEER 328.6337 ENVIRONMENTAL H EALTH 328.77 ta EXTEN S I ON AGENT 328-6370 LIBRARY 328-7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328-6594Vail 476-5844 PLAN N ING 328.6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328.6s9 I SHERIFF Eaole 328-661| Aai;alI 927 4244Gilman 827-5 75 I socl AL SE RVICES 328-6328 TREASU RER 328-5376 ry of dOqr..-r,qS-r.r:., O'L!- I *-'-* ' <r"',.$.. 1._\t , 9 Q-? \: aI... 'r t-' \J V'*.t . o--/,-- /* Tux..il.t J./ crc/av5>- z 134 l*-n. /' , "-, / P, -f {-<.+.t -+t. . (.ffc !-l f*./-Lc, / /.--/z .r p o Lrt '/ f' "tlAL ./:",* t/, 78 - f/'c- q7'-t/"u €-lfru &,3 0e+' ? e z effe: oT)-* ' I f *i'-' .',/ 4f*1 t/ 4ot d' y'-. /.-*oJ-1 d/ */*"<-' "7t''12"'-'/r' 0 f r*:| ,...' \L'--e TRANSCRI PT HELGA BEATHUNE PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE EAGLE COUNTY 1i OCTOBER 1979, OFFICIAL FILE NO. 2V.74-79. RECORDED ADJUSTMENT TAPE #6, METER NUMBER 165 thru 296 - SIDE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, ON ZONING BOARD OF II MEMBERS PRESENT HUBERT PETERSON, ANN HOLLAND, MEM BILL WILLIAMS, M KARIN SCHEIDEGGE MARY MORGAN, ALT STAFF PRESENT: APPL I CANT : l,ls . ATTORNEY : l,lR. CHAIRMAN PETERSO- J. WILLIAMS: Th' Board heard where the jr i s why your Village |.lesl Vai I Intercl not the Heal in this arei a presentat' F. BUTLER: Fot I ask the Br however, we Mr. Rosenber AND PART CF THIS DISCUSSION WERE: l.l.l0 T QMIL" IING first time, the i stri ct Court he Board and that t Vail - Vail toamap)-West Heather compiex, 1y or duplex lots 'Il let them give ) Helga Beathune. first applicatjon, f recornmendation. for reconsideration. I thought there was an overwhelm'ing amount of evi dence for us. The only ev'idence against us was the staffs reconrnendation which was it was too far away from the 16,000 sq. ft. mark. That js using an arbitrary reason (inaudible). Helga will conrnent on the hardship to her, and agajn, here is a situation where most of the surrounding area is multi-family (inaudjble) Immediately to the West is the Howlett (transcrjber not sure of spel'ling) residence which js very large compared to this. This particular house is about a 1,000 sq. ft. coverage on a 12,000 sq. ft. 1ot. The P'l anning Commission approved the application and that approval was (inaudible) this Board last time. Helga wi'll have me tell you at this time why it is going to be a hardship on her and I think it would be as sufficjent reason as she could give you, in fact, it would be very close to the reason that Sara and Gary Ha1 1 gave on their application of which this Board d'id approve their appiication for a rental. I djd go over the record as far as the granting of applications and the denjals. This Board has denjed ' regularly, appf ications for dup'l exes. It has approved, from every application that I have been able to discern from the record, every application for a small rental unit in a single fam'i1y resjdence, and that basical'ly being for approval , the Gary Hal1 approval up on Va'i I das Schone. I think it does work a hardship on Hel 9a and her hardship is very similar (inadubile) exactly the same as Gary Ha1 |'s 'i n that property va1 ues in this area are extremely high, a lot of the other surrounding areas are able to spljt the tax base where in Eagle County res'ident's are not able to. Again, her applicatjon is for a small residential rather rental unit. Helga' would you like to introduce evidence as to the hardship you have. H. BEATHUNE: Like I sa'id before, I have a small house on a fairly large lot. I have four parking spaces outside and two of them in the garage. I would only like to be able to rent this small apartment or studio, or whatever, to somebody in order to help me financially because everything has gone crazy in the last half year or year' whatever, and I would like to give somebody a nice piace to'l ive - one person. I wou] d only like to rent to one pers6n, you know, with a long tern lease, for a reasonable arnount in order to help them and myself at the same time. I'm not asking to build up or down like it was said before. I'm not asking for a condo, nothing like that' Page 2 oo It's just'that I'd like to rent thjs l'i ttle unjt to one person in order to help pay (inaud'ib1e) because othenvise, you know, F. BUTLER: Is your lot or property djfferent from the surrounding 1ot. Is your situation different than, say, across the road at the Wjess's ol ace? H. BEATHUNE: Is it different! I don't understand - how d'ifferent? F. BUTLER: Is your property different from the l^liess property across the road. F. BUTLER AND H. BEATHUNE: Talking as the same time ('inaudible) H. BEATHUNE: I don't know. I only know that this was a duplex lot. The others are duplex lots but they have four and five rentals'in them. I don't know what you are talking about. F. BUTLER: That's what I'm trying to get to. H. BEATHUNE: There all jn the neighborhood and they seem to be renting to so many people, you know. I don't know what they are. F. BUTLER: Would it be feasible for you to help support your mortgage 'i f you were able to rent your unit out? H. BEATHUNE: Well yes, of course. This is my ma'in concern you know. I keep a nice place and I'm not going to, you know, if I could rent it to one person, I mean I'm not going to do anything. I mean, as a matter of fact, the little house that we have built helped the neighborhood some because I get comments all the time, all I can say is we have p1 enty of parki ng. F. BUTLER: How many parking spaces? H. BEATHUNE: I told you - four outsjde and two jnside. l^le only have tvto cars. I only need parking for three cars. F. BUTLER: How big is your rental unit? H. BEATHUNE: I thjnk it's 20 by, I don't know, I think 20 by 20. F. BUTLER: How is it a hardsh'i p on you other than it would help you sustain mortgage and cost? Page 3 BEATHUNE AND BUTLER:?orrn at the same time - tinuilil"l F. bUTLER: This is a picture of the house that she is going to give you. This is last year. H. BEATHUNE: That was last year when it was under construction. F. BUTLER: She does have parking in front. H. BEATHUNE l andscapi ng H. PETERSON H. BEATHUNE That was a year ago, jn the rneantime, the parking and (inaudible). l^lhere is the parking? The parking is right up here on this side' H. PETERS0N: I,lot in front of the garage? H. BEATHUNE: No, not in front of the garage, I could easily put the other three cars here, also here, there is enough room that you could al so put a car without affecting the garage (jnaudible). F. BUTLER: Again ('inaudible) dup'lex ab'i1ity was changed with the 15,000 sq. ft. figure. (Transcriber's note: 15,000 is incorrect, should be 16,000) Several people talking at once. H. PETERS0NT l'las the foundation there when you bought the lot? H. BEATHUNE: Yes the foundation was there and like I say (inaudible) and the neighbors approve of it, as a matter of fact, they wouldn't want me to move. They would do anything. H. PETERS0N: These Howletts your talking about -'is that a single family dwel l ing? F. BUTLER: Yes it is - they have a letter in the file approving the application. It is a very large house though. H. BEATHUNE: They have about 3,000 sq. ft. I think, on their lot' A. H0LLAND: At building permit time did they te11 you that you couldn't put a duplex on that - when you came in with your p1ans. H. BEATHUNE: I found that out after I had already made a down payment because the owner didn't know at the time that it was not a duplex anymore. As a matter of fact, he had 'i t in the paper as a duplex and then (inaudible) yes I did know, but so djd the other people that were approved - their variance after that. B. WILLIAMS: Let me ask - you've got the house built. H. BEATHUNE: Yes we do. B. IIILLIMS: If you get the variance are you going to enlarge the house? H. BEATHUNE: No No - I'm not going to do anything at all - nothing. I'm not going to enlarge it. H. PETERS0N: The unit is already bujlt in there. Page 4 oo thereH. BEATHUNE: l,lel I js a room , there is a full bath and that room downsta'irs I could rent. F. BUTLER: }{'ithout the variance she is not able (jnaudible) H. BEATHUNE: Without the variance I'm not going to be able to do that- but I'm not go'ing to build up or down or anyplace - it's going to stay the same picture (inaudible). F. BUTLER: You don't want the right to sell the little rental unit. H. BEATHUNE: tlo llo I don't - I don't want to condominiumize or do anything with it. H. PETERSON: Does the Board have any particular questions? M. M0RGAN: Are you going to put a kjtchen in jt if you get the variance? H. BEATHUNE: If I did get the variance, I would put in a stove and refri gerator . B. l,tILLIA|vlS: (inaudible) BUTLER AND BEATHUNE: Talking at once (inaudible) J. tIILLIAMS: This all started approximately 0ctober 1978. H. BEATHUNE: Yes B. WILLIAMS: So this Board denied the variance. J. WILLIAMS: What happened is they made a motion to approve it and it did not get the necessary four members and the judqe in turn said, and what actually he said was that there was no reason for denial - there was no reason stated as to why they denied jt because the motion was affjrmative, or to approve it, and it died because it did not have the 4-1 and the iudge in turn sent it back saying you need a motion saying why you are going to deny 'it or approve it. B. I^JILLIAMS: So what rea'lly happened was this is the first one we have been taken to court on and the judge threrv it back jn our laps' J. WILLIAMS: In essence, why he threw jt back was because there was no reason for denial but the motion was for the affirmative. F. BUTLER: I think the evidence that the record does reflect before (inaudible) staff recommendation (inaud'i ble) to close or to far away from the square footage and that's not one of the criteria. H. BEATHUNE: Also one reason was that I didn't have enouqh parking but' I mean, everything is done now. I don't know-everything is done except it's not paved because I can't get it done. It'l eaves enough - you can put one rioht (inaudible). I on'ly want to rent to one person, iust one person' I don't want a lot of people - to help me out a little and I could, at the same time, offer somebody a nicer (inaud'i b1e). Page 5 M.'MORGAN: When the snow season comes do you sti11 have the four outside panking spaces available? Three on one side and one on the other. H. BEATHUNE: Yes. I also have a big lawn you know, a big area, a large area you can put it, I mean there is enough - really. H. PETERSON: Anything e'lse! F. BUTLER: Cou'l d I make one further comment? There is a law to the effect that was considered by the court that a lot, whether it was surrounded by other lots or acreages that are'l ess restrjctive, it does create an economical hardship. For jnstance, she has shown basical'ly the same reasons that the Hall's did and the Ha'l I's lot was 13,400 sq. ft. in Vail das Schone, however, site coverage is 1700 sq. ft. ('i naudible) there this Board did grant a variance for a smal'l rental un'it jn that particular p1 ace. I think this house is so small- 1,000 versus the 1,700 sq. ft, the fact that the 12,000 sq. ft. versus the 13,400 of the Hall's has a tendency to coincide, more or less, with the same application. It's a much sma'l ler house ('inaudible). There was no evidence, certainly not from the P1 anning Commission, that this would detract from the neighborhood or harm the ne'ighbors. All the evidence is that she had two letters from the jrrnediate adiacent owners, one of which has a single family residence, that they are in favor of this. l,le would ask again that there be a granting of approval with the restrictjon of course that perhaps that it not be sold out separately from the house and also----- H. BEATHUNE: I don't need that. F. BUTLER: WelI I 'm just commenting (inaudi bl e) H. PETERS0N: Do I have a motion, is there any further discussion. J. WILLIAMS: I might make one other point. l,lhen Mr. Butler exp'l ained to the Board that the idea of the Hall variance being granted by this Board' it might not have necessarily been the make up of this Board. It cou'l d have,been a different make-up. In fact, in checking the varjances granted or denied back to 1975' there are a number of cases where bas'i cally no ev'idence can be gathered from jt as to going one way or the other. The Board has a number of time, and I'm not saying the Board, the Zoning Board of Adiustment itself one time denied a variance because the lot was too small and a year later approved the variance. The conclusion I would gather from looking at the variances (inaudible) are fairly consistent, even going back as far as 1.975. F. BUTLER: The only cornment I did make was everyone wjth single family with added apartment versus a duplex definitjon you have granted all the single family with rental apartments and of course you have denjed a whole slew of duplexes, but your records, and this came from your office, reflect you approved all the rental units, the last one being the Hall's (inaudible). Page 6 J. IIILLIAMS: Some of the duplexes are primary,/secondary - they are iust not. written in that way as the Don Geiser, that was primary,/secondary. I can't remember the lot and block. I th'ink jt was Lot 5, Block D. It was shown as a duplex but was c1 early a primary/secondary. Just because (inaudible). H. PETERS0N: Do we have a motion? B. WILLIAMS: I can remember this case from before. I stil'l have the same feelings as I djd before where I rnade the nomjnation to approve it. t^lhen it comes down to 1ega1 business, have we been doing somethinq rlrong or why are we jnto this situat'ion. Now if we made a decision once why do we have to keep making the same decisjon over and over again. That bothers me. J. WILLIAMS: llell, let me try again on that. The problem was that the motion was for the affjrmatjve or for approval. It died because it did not get the necessary 4-1 at that time. The procedure that we were following is that if it dies, the person not voting jn favor will in turn make a motion for denjal stating their reasons. This was not done at this time, therefore the iudge kicked it back. B. tIILLIAMS: Our 1ega1 council at that time didn't adv'ise us, or whoever was supposed to advise us, the staff or whoever, didn't advise us that we had one more step to go. J. WILLIAMS: Right - what was happening - he evidently was not at the meeting or maybe he was. H. PETERS0N: Whatever - we were wrong. B. l,lILLIAltlS: I make a motion that we grant the variance on 7v-74-79 H. PETERS0N: Do I have a second H. PETERS0N: The motion has been made and seconded that we grant the variance on Zv-74-79. Does everybody understand the motion. Is there any further discussion. Al 1 in favor vote by saying aye. t,llLLIAMS - Aye MORGAN - Aye H. PETERSON - those opposed H0LLAND - Aye SCHEIDEGGER - Aye H. PETERSSN: I will vote Aye. So, now then we have to have a mot'ion stating why we didn't aqree - why you want to deny it. K. SCHEIDEGGER: 0n Fjl e Zv-74-79 - I make a motjon we deny the request because the applicant has not sufficient'ly demonstrated that the conditions of Section 9.04.06 l thru 5 of the Eagie County Zoning Resolutjon exist and that the amount of traffic generated will add to problems already existing. Page 7 H. PETERSON: Do I have a second A. H0LLAND: I''ll second H. PETERSON: lrlotion has been made and seconded. llow then' is there any further discussion. F. BUTLER: I would make a connxent that there is absolutely no evjdence before this Board as to the amount of traffjc generated. Apparent'ly this comes from Karin's own viewpoint. There has to be evidence before this Board show'ing that (inaudible) there js absolutely no evidence before this Board. J. WILLIAMS: Can I hear the reasons please. H. PETERSON: Read jt back P'lease. Record shows the Secretary reading back the motion J. I^IILLIAMS: In otherwords your statinq all of l thru 5 and add'i tional traffic. K. SCHEIDEGGER: Right F. EUTLER: My point is that if it goes back to the Djstrict Court and the iudge reads the record again there is nothing in there that shows any adverse traffic problem and therefore it's going to be another arbitrary decision' llle go back and forth again - there has to be something in the record' J. I^IILLIAMS: She is also saying that she fee'ls that l thru 5 under the Zoning Resolution had not been satisfied a'l so. F. BUTLER: That's correct, but she has to give the reasons why based on this evidence, like lack of hardship, that she doesn't believe that Hetga (jnaudible) or sornething ljke this. Just by saying that she hasn't met the criteria of the Resolution doesn't rea'l 1y point out the reason why she has denied her' Apparently the only reason is that there is going to be a lot of traffjc there because He19a is going to rent to one tenant. J. I.|iLLIAMS: I don't think that's what it says. I think that what she is saying is that l thru 5 had not been met sufficiently in her mind to grant a variance and also the amount of traffic generated. F. BUTLER: For the record, what are specific reasons - you named one - amount of traffic. l^lhat are the other reasons the criteria had not been met. There are five reasons. K. SCHEIDEGGER: They are all listed. I mentioned I thru 5. F. BUTLER: Those are the reasons. Basically the grounds that whjch you consider the evidence to deny or grant. But from the evidence presented this time and last time, my pojnt is that there are no specific reasons or evidence before you to deny it because there is no evidence that the traffic would be adverse to the area. Page 8 She has testified that the neighborhood will not be adversely affected and that js the evidence before you. There is no evidence, either the staff or somebody, the engineer, coming in here and sayjng well yes there is too much traffic (inaudjble). I don't thjnk there js any evidence before thjs Board' either this time or before, against us. That's why I came back from District Cou rt. A. H0LLAND: I don't feet Helga has given us sufficient evidence that there is a hardship on her. H. BEATHUNE: But what more can I say! A. H0LLAND: You were able to build jt - there was no hardship then. H. BEATHUNE: I'te did it al'l with our own hands, that's how we did it. A. HOLLAND: You were told at Building Permit time that you couldn't build jt. H. BEATHUNE: l,|ell so did Gary HalI and he got it approved. Now I don't understand why I am so different. Just because you two ladies don't care for me. I think that's the main reason. H. PETERS0N: Excuse me - let's not get into personalities. H. BEATHUNE: l,tell that's it and I have a few reasons I could say it is so' H. PETERSON: Please A. H0LLAND: I'm sorry. I was trying to give you my reasons. H. PETERSON: l.je have a motion and a second on the floor, so if there is no further discussion I'l'l call for the vote. All those in favor for the motion to deny - everybody understands what were votjng on - all jn favor for motion to deny vote by saying aye. HOLLAND AND SCHEIDEGGER - AYE H. PETERSON: All those opposed WILLIAMS Al'lD M0RGAN - AYE H. PETERS0N: There you are again - now then..... J. I.,ILLIAMS: All that does it shows the court, in essence, why the tvro members did not oniginally vote the the approva'l . It gives specific reason for the basis of the denial. Several people ta'l king at once. F. BUTLER: There is no directjon. You denied a notion for and you denied a motion against. Where does that leave us. H. BEATHUNE: blhy do on'ly two people vote or four people, why don't five people vote? H. PETERS0N: t{ell I can vote. I will vote on a matter that it makes no difference one way or the other at this point in time, but my vote...... Page 9 O n theJ. I.IILLIAIIIS: In esserrce, what the judge was askino .i first place is a reason for the denial. t,lhat I think he did not understancl was that the motion was for approval and so, consequentiy, he sent it back to the Board. This time the Board made a motion for approval that died because it did not get the four members. Therefore, the county Attorney that we have now has instructed the Board, in essence, to give those reasons for denial of the affirmative vote which they have done by basing their motion on those reasons. H. PETERS0N: Just a minute please - I want to get something straight in the record. If there are only four recorded votes - then the 5th one is mine andI vote against the denial of the variance - alright - I thought (inaud.ible). F. BUTLER: Can I have a clarificatjon. First, we have had two denials of the motion before the Board, one in favor and the other against. The motion to deny the variance apparently failed a1so. Does that have the apolicant in a state of I imbo. J' WILLIAMS: No. As I stated earlier, the only reason we did that was to clarifv why the two members did not vote for the affirmative in the first p1ace. F' BUTLER: The position were in - you denied the mot'ion to deny the variance - what does that tell us. Our application is still before you. Apparenily you are not going to vote against the var.iance. J. WILLIMS: It's been denied. F- BUTLER: It takes four votes to pass according to the Resolution. J. l,llLLIAMS: Risht F' BUTLER: The motion before you was to deny the variance - four votes were not case in favor of that motion were they. J. WILLIAMS: All that was was a clarification of why the two members did not vote for the affinnative. F. BUTLER: Well I don,t think it will be sufficient.ly again. My position is that the variance has not been denjed and those are basically the two motions. J. 1,lILLIAMS: It was denied for approvai (inaud.ible). F. BUTLER: l^le can actually have the motion read back I'm sure - the rnotion to denv the variance. J. t^llLLIAMS: No, the first one (inaudible) it did not pass. F. BUTLER: The second one did not pass. J. l^IILLIAMS: The second one was oniy for clarification. Several people talking. clear to the District Court approved and jt has not been Page 10 J. WILLIAI.IS: vote for the woul d th'ink state their A. HOLLAND: -It's only for clarificatjon affirmative the first time. it appropriate to have Karin reasons for denial . Inaudi bl e to why,t members did it is unclear at this time, Ann retract that motion and IT and not I' to J. I^IILLiAMS: llo your not - it's only used for clarification to why they voted against the affjrmative in the first motion. F. BUTLER: That reason is not in the Resolution. to pass a Resolut'ion or motion 'is needed. (Members looking for the Section in B. WILLIAMS: It's fa'i rly simple to me. I've got a variance and you don't get it, you probably got It just says four votes the Resol ution) a simple mind. If you come for deni ed. H. PETERS0N: Read Section 9.04.02 Subsection c. "The concurring vote of at least four members of the Board shall be necessary to reverse any order, requirement, decision or determination of any administrative official or agency or to decide in favor of the appe'l 1ant. " It don't say against approval it says in favor. l{hether it means anything or not I don't know - your the attorney. F. BUTLER: My point was that you have a motjon on the floor. Discussion between the Chairman and the Attorney on what the Resolution meand. (inaudible) F. BUTLER: The motion jn favor of approval was denied, the second motion of denial djdn't pass either. H. PETERS0N: That's ri ght, however, it doesn't say anything about a second motion. It doesn't say you have to have four concurring votes to deny. F. BUTLER: l^lhy did you come with the motion then? J. WILLIAMS: 0n1y to clarify it in the judges mjnd as to why the nrotion was denjed. H. PETERS0N: Because the judge told us to. Page 11 J..WILLIAMS: The original case was brought before the iudge and he says he did not see any reason why the vapiance 1aas denied but he did not' I don't believe' realize that the motion was for the affinnative and'now were back to the same thinq. The motion was made for the affirmative..... H. PETERSQN: I guess right now were in a position, I feel , that we have denied the variance and I guess if you need clarification you know where to go. That's the only thing I know to do Fred. Were not going to get anywhere by arguing back and forth here. ( inaudi bl e) F. BUTLER: Thank you for your time. Page 1.2 ,oo VARIANCE APPLICATION Action of Zonlng Board of Adjustment on Variance Application Approval tr' conditions: ,/ Denlal il reagons: (see Order of the Board, attached) Note: Section 9.04.10 Appeals from the Board' Any further app€al from the decision of the Board may be made to tlF courts, as provided by larr, provided, horrever, that 6uch eppeal is mad€ prior to twenty (2O) days follo/ving thE date of the notification of the Boardrs decision. Page 2 of 2 EAGI.E'COUNTY Office of Co$ununity Development oo *:r 949-5257 (Eagle area) (Basalt area) (Vail area) EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-731I BOARD OF COUNTY coMMtSstoNERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 2{l i ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSE550 R Ext 202 BUILDING IN INSPECT IO N Exl ?26 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 21 7 COU}ITY ATTO R N EY Ext 242 ENG INEER Ext 236 ENVI RONM ENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTEN 5I O N AGENT Exl 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaglc Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANN I NG Ext ?26 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAO & BRIOGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eaole Ext 2l I Ba;e lt 927-3244 Gilman 827-575 | SOCIAL SERVICES 323-6328 TREAsURER Ext 201 October 1-9, L979 Helga Beauthune Box 3662 Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: File No. Zv-74-79 On October LI, l-9-19. the Eagle County zoningr Board of Adjustment denied your request for a variance to the rninimum lot size for a duplex in the RSM Zone. The motion was for approval, but that failed because at l-east four members did not vote in favor of the motion. As a matter of clarification, the two dissenting nembers, gave their reasons why they voted against approval; they'felt that the applicant did not prove one or more to exist under l-5 Section 9.04.06 of the Zoning Regulations. If you have any questions, please call this office. Respectfully yours, \ \ tl4\i , rUI - i'*. lVJaaa-^rvo- {/im wittiamsuzoning Inspector .. J W/ nCm cc: Zoning Board of Adj ustment !{renric SerIm p*br WALL STR EET P.O. BOX rtr3 vArL, coLoRADO a 1657 LAW OFFICE TELEPHONE (303) 476-04t3 September 6, L979 "'';:r;:q,: . .. &_,+tl&r Eagle County Board of Adjustmentc/o CLerk & Recorder of Eagle County P.O. Box 537 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Re: Variance APPlication of Helga Beauthune Gentlemen: I have been advised that there is a hearing set for the Board of Adjustment of Eagle County on September 13, L979i as I had previously been informed that the hearing would be on August 3L, L979, I had made trial settings for the 13th. Accordingly, be advised that I do have a conflict on the 13th in that I have two hearings for Municipal Court in Vaj-l, Colorado on that date; I would request at, this time that you notify me as to the date of the next meeting of the Board of Adjustment and to re-schedule such hearing for that date. Thank you for the consideration you give this matter- very truly yours, .--:) -;E-'nFredric Butler FBB :9s cc: Helga Beauthune EAqLE COUNTY Department of Plann'ing and Development EaCr.986,-%Rooo ,,u.' TELEPHONE 303/328.73 | I Certified # 4442813 15 August 1979 BOARO OF COUNTY coMMt55toNERS Ext 241 ADMTNISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER949-4292 ': ASSE550 R Ext 2O2 BUILDING IN INSPECTI O NE\l 226 or 229 CLER K & RECORDER Ext 217 CO UNTY ATTO R N EY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTE N S ION AG ENTE\l 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 P LAN N ING Ext 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONN EL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 25 7 SHERIFF Eaqle Ext 2l I Basall921-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SE RV ICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 Helga Beauthune P. 0. Box 3662 Vail, Colorado 81657 2lRe: File No. |-74-79 Variance At thejr Public Hearing on 9 August 1.979, the Zoning Board of Adiustment rescheduled your hearing to the 31st of August 1979, because of 'l ack of a quorum. Subsequent to this meeting' some of the members called thjs offjce and said that upon checking their schedules, they would not be able to attend the 3Lst meeting because of previous comnitments. Because of not be'ing able io have enough members to attend the rescheduled meeting, we will have to have the hearing on the 13 September regular Zon'ing Board of Adiustment meet'ing. We are sorry for the jnconvenjence this might have caused you and if you have any quest'ions, please contact this office. a\^q.l;. W,W^;*, fi\n w;r iams Zoning Administrator Jl,r/ kp cc: Zoning Board of Adiustment Board of County Commiss'ioners Fred Butler, Attorney (Certifjed #4442814) \ LAW OFFICE ZV-54-7 8 (Varlance) RECEIVED JUL 11 1979 0r0t of Phnoing ! D.vat. [|8lc Coifity, Cdo. July 9, L979 t{re}rir pwlin P*ler WALL STREET P.O. BOX tlt3 vArL. coLoRADO Ar657 TELEPHONE (303) t75-O413 Eagle County Department of PLannlng & Developrnent P.0. Box 179 Eag1e, Colorado 81631 Re: File No Gent lemen: Please find enclosed a re-submitted appllcation of Ilelga Beauthune for a variance per your request. As - -she has already paid the fiLing fee therefore, I would appreciate your appl-ying same to this re-flling, together with all other docunentation and pertinent documents in the previous f 11e. Very truly yours, cc: IIelga Beauthune FB/to Fredric Butler O r.; ,.ir;: co.rrrly', coror.:Jrt io li',e /-L'rtin2 l?oarci o{ Adjustrrrcnts (rrrinirr,um 5 copicl, t t't1' raCl print or type, cxccpl signoturc:) Sec.l ion 9'04'05 '' 4 f co l; rr icl Dolc r lcd. b),: lle lga Ii(:{ruthuneAppl i c i"rl,/O.,r'rer h4air /.dJress -- -_j.q.- Jg, -?-Q9.2, Vail-i Co q [.rL _( 3 !.3)_426 - 3 g 3_!- 1. Regvlr.,iion a.nc scclion Nurr,t-,cr(s) ol Zonil.r? Rr.sotution ftom wilich Vari:.nce is sought: ltinirouro Lot area Section 3.05'05 2, Prc,senl Zclne RSM 3. Gen:ral localion ol pr<>pe|y (in rclalion lo a Tcwn, Rot'Cr Sircam or otir:r tznJmark): . I'v'est Vail, Soutbeasterly of the Ptarmigan Townhouses fronting on core Creek Drive (approximately 3 rniles west of VaiI, Colorado) 4- Lcgol ciescription of propedY (See attachment) 7, Siai=mcnt: A co;-;,pf c-te f ist of itl ovrnc-rs i::Jire:ses, cl lt ,': 1:'r o;'zr 15' l'tc1-r35.-.1 fcr Variz|lc(r and of a,ll c'.jrEt'o of all i.cja:enl Prc;.:.rlies is alii:irod hcrctol "liis =ig''--loty is properly t:.ti1li.ii z,.d io rr,'p\e appliczii.-;n lor Yarian:z sl;:lcd l,",eon IIl | .ln - | r | ^r ^ 5. b- Second Filing a. sutf ivision Narne Va i ! -Vi l1e9-e--]!9!-ql- Lo:- 4 8 Btk--r or; b. rlrelcs arrd bcunds (rrrey t'. z:ttz,ci,ed) itr;lud: survel' or ri 'ap: E:ief PLrrpose anc R.=",r'on lor \J;'ria,nce (mey te aiiacheci): as thg pal.ticulaI. 1Ot \ras previously zonr:d for duplex construction; however r"as dorvnloned ly lhe county to single family residence- It is the intenr and desire of applicant that the structure located' on said loL be and remain.single family l!iFh-a-one bedroom * Ai'.a'ch cx:la-raiio|l ihal ona oi rr':Ic- c3;ldt1 3:13 exlst tJ'..JL1r 5ec- :r.L''r'uor l-r- t:.ti1l. i iz,--d ',o rr,z\e r:pliczii.-;n lor Yarian:z sl;:lcd lr",eon'!**,-bp''E:.g -JllJ,tt S i 1;-rir'. u:er$f eulh,oriz-cd t:ppl i c '.-,:tt-; cr,rrer'!-. - .,.--- ' DrJte /.r- pi ic:riion acc.-.:pi:d es cor-nplcl e L;tplicz'licn rcjcctcd os irr:onrplclc fcr PuL'lic lli!)ti(t! lx'ca'-t3c: .office u:;c PL;Llic lJ:Jiin:r on d'.le (t;,1o t-ir;:1<,i'-l () * efficiency or rental unit contained therein so as to' defray ownership costs and provide for employee housing in the Vail' Colorado area. EAGTE COI'NTY DEPARTMENT OF Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMtsstoNERs 328-6809 ADM IN I ST RAT IO N 328-667 4 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSE 5SO R 328-6593 EUILOING INSPECT I ON 328.6339 CLE RK & RECORDER €aqle 328-6377Eaialt 927 -3244 COUNTY ATTO R N EY 328.6674 ENG INEE R 328.6337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 328.7 718 EXTE N 5IO N AGENT 328.6370 LIBRARY 328-7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328-6594Vail 476-5844 PLANNING 328-6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328-659 r SHER IFF Eaqle 328-661 | Bai;alt 927-3244Gilman 827-5 751 soctAL SERV ICES 328-6328 TREASURER 328-6376 O PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT 328-7311 81631 TK/J K cc: Fred Zon i Butl erng Boa rd of Adj u st. September 21, L978 Hel ga Beathune Box 3662Vai1, Co.81657 RE: File No. Zv-54-78 Variance At their regular meeting on 20 September 1978, the Eagle County Planning Comrnission recommended thatyour variance from the minimum lot size be approved. This recommendation will be presented to the Zoning Board of Adjustment at their Pubj ic Hearing on 0ctober 12, I978, beginning at 10:00 a.m. in the County Commissioner's meeting room #103,550 Broadway, Eag'l e, Col orado. If you have any questions, please contact this office. EAGLE EOUT.STY Department of I'lanning and P. O. Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 -velonmentDe BOARD OF COUNTYco r,,r M rs5 toN E Rs 328.6809 ADtN IN ISTRATION 328-667 4 ANIMAL SHELTER 949.4292 ASSESSOR 328.6593 BUILDING 1N sPE CT I ON 328.6339 CLERK & RECORDER Ea ale 328.6377Baiall 927-3244 COUNTYATTORNEY 328.6674 ENG INEE R 328.5337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 328-77 tA EXTENSION AGENT 328.6370 LIBRARY 328-7 7 87 PUBLIC HEALTH Ea qle 328-6594Vail 476-5844 PLAN N ING 328-6338 ROAD & BRI DGE 328-6591 SHERIFF Ea qle 328-661|Baialt 927 -3244 Gilman 827.575 | soc tA L SERVICES 328.5328 TREASU RER 328.6376 West Vail Property Owners Association P. O. Box 490 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: 7v-54-78 Helga Beathune Variance The enclosed application is being sent to you for your review and comment. The item will be reviewed by the Planning Commission at their meeting on 20 September 1978. Your comments would be appreciated prior to that date. TKlkpr EAGLE CCUNTY Department of Plann'ing and Development P. 0. Box 179 Phone 328-7311 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 24 0ctober 1978 BOARD OF COUNTYcofnrItSsloNERs328.6809 ADMINISTRATION 328-6574 ANIt,4AL SHELTE R 949.4292 A55E550 R 328-6s93 BUILDI NG I NSPECTI ON 328-6339 CLE RK & RECOROER Eaole 328-6377Baialt 927 -3244 COUNTY ATTO R N EY 328.667 4 ENGINEER 328.6337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 3?8-7 7 1A EXTE NSI ON AG ENT 328-6370 LIBRARY 324-7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaole 328-6594Vail 476-5844 PLANN I NG 328-6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328-6591 Helga Beathune Box 3662 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: File No. 7v-54-78 Variance At their Public Hearing on 12 0ctober 1978, the Zon'ing Board of Adjustment denied your Variance application because under the rules and regulations that guide the Zoninq Board of Adjustrnent, all members must concur in a vote for approval . In this case, the vote was sp1 it with two members votinq for a motion for approval and two members voting against. If you have any questions, please contact this office. '''':*-''" ./ '-'.-t t./"1',1". .7 /'t Terrill Knight ,/ Di rector 5HE RIFFEaqle 328-66 | IBaiall 927 -3244 Gilman 827-5751 50crAL 5E RV ICES 328-632A TREASURER 328-6375 ily'I It t TK/ kp cc: Zon'ing Bcard of Adjustment Fred Butler, Attorney at Law T f( ! \" a. I {.'t l\( I i t-.--."' .,)^:. EAGLE COqJNTY Department of Planning and DevelopmentP.0. Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 EOARD OF COUNTY co M rJ ss toN E Rs 328-6809 23 0ctober 1978 Fred Butler Attorney at LawP.0. Box 1113 Vail , Colorado 8.l657 Dear Mr. Butler: Regarding your request for a transcript of the Helga Beathune Variance Hearing, our attorney, Mr. George Rosenberg has advised us that you may order a transcript from Mrs. Lelia Mosher, Certjfied Court Reporter. Mrs. Mosher charges $1 .95 per page and she would prefer that you work directly with her. You may contact her at 3441 F 3/4 Road, C'lifton, Colorado 81620 or 434-5247. |,le will make the necessary materials available to her upon her request. If you have any questions, pl ease contact this office. ADMINISTRATION 328-6674 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A5SE550R 328-659 3 BUILOING INSPECTION 328.6339 CLERK & RECORDER Eaqle 328-6377Baialt 927 -3244 COUNTYATTORNEY 328-6674 ENGINEER 328.6337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 328-7718 EXTENSION AGENT 328.6370 LIBRARY 328.7747 PUBLIC HEALTH Ea ole 328-6594Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG 328-6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328.6591 SHERIFF Ea ole 328-66 | IBaialt 927 -3244 Gilman 827-5751 'nu:0.'*-..,, . .-? -;ii| i/,-o,-'.,' /: :*",-, Kdtherine Peterscin Secretary,/Off i ce Managersoc tAL 5E RVICES 328.6328 TREASURER 328.6376 $(d/ill'ifift[.. I t'., o, cc: George Rosenberg /\-i_,--- ----:"* TO: Eagle County Zoning Board of AdjustmentEagle, Colorado RE: Application for Variance of Helga Beathune Gentlemen: The undersigned is the owner of the following describedreal propertyr situate in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado and immediately adjacent to Lot 48, Vail Village West, Second Filing, owned by the above referenced applicant' to wit: LoL 27, Vail Village West, Second Filing Furthermore, the undersigned is advised and informed thatthe above referenced. appJ-icant has made application to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for the purpose of obtaining a variance from the zoning resolution allowing for theconstruction of a single family residence, together with arental unit contained therein to be constructed upon saidLot 48. In support of the application of HeJ-ga Beathune, the undersigned does hereby represent and manifest that he (she) has no objection to the granting of said variance for suchpurposei and accordingly, by these presents the undersigned does support such application and desires that the variance be so granted. DATED: August 31, 1978 .\ror',Q, h)ni< 4la -1>s7 Address Telephone TO: Eagle County Zoning Board of Adjustment Eagle, Colorado RE: Application for Variance of Helga BeathuneFile No. Gentlemen: The undersigned is the owner of the following describedreal property, situate in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado and immediately adjacent to Lot 48, Vail Village tr{est, Second Filing, owned by the above referenced applicant, to wit: Lot 47, Vail Village West, Second Filing Furthermore, the undersigned is advised and informed. that the above referenced applicant has made application to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for the purpose of obtaining a variance from the zoning resolution allowing for theconstruction of a single family residence, Logether with arental unit contained therein to be constructed upon saidLot 48. In support of the application of Helga Beathune, the undersigned does hereby represent and manifest that he (she) has no objection to the granting of said variance for such purposei and accordingly, by these presents the undersigned does support such application and desires that the variance be so Eranted. DATED: August 31, 1978 /7a -- f,fz.: Telephone ^ '-- It; \"{ .,'o II)s> r r. '. I I 't - - Ilsr :.1 , r, !j $ "l t\ I iN ; I : _J 7sC{- +1j-6 )-4G-ac - --,t"-- ,. I I jv \ I i J,6 /6 :' / 1 Vzat'L/ |. \-.. lL t \ Proposed rental which variance unit apartment for is requested (Exhibit A) EESTCoPY AI,AftrEtt /)--s,,t-;/-{'.:: " ?t, , -.; ,!//F. ./ )' ,!:'; r. -r.: "(_4,". .'./ ':-- - t- i I i - /t n". .- .. : t0 tl l2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 l9 20 zl 22 2t 21 25 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 t0 tl l2 t3 l4 r5 l5 t7 IE t9 20 zl 22 27 24 2' o bcdroon cfficlsacy r€ntrl unLt contalnad thccon to dcf,ray th€ orncnhlp oortr and to provldc lor enrploycc hourlng ln the ValI rrca. fhe state&ent about origlnally soned for duplax, the plat on the covcnanta of thie partl,cular ar€a dLd allow duplexcs on these lots. fhe County goning Reaolution doot allow duplexss ln the atr€a, provided tho nininun lot area ie aixtcon thous aguare feet. The area in queation ls approxinately twolvc thoue aquar€ feetl a littlo ovor twoLvc thousand. Under part slx of, the appLication f,orn whLch regueato an explanation that ona or moro condltlons crrlat under 6ectl-on 9.04.06, ono through fLvc of, the Uonlng Reeolution, thl,r I"s applicatlon for a varl.anee, The letter fron tlre aSrpllcent rtirtesr The applicant aaeerta the following con<tltione .ln Eupport of her appllcation for a varlance from the tonl-ng Rceotut{onr to-ul -2- I z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 tl l2 t3 l,l r5 t6 t7 t8 l9 zo 2l 22 23 24 z5 proposGd rcntal unlt ln ordGr to dcf,ray cottt of, orn rfhlP. tppllcantra lnablllty to colftruct r rsntal unit on rald prop.rty i.n oonJunctl,on rl.th thG slngle fantly rer!.dcnoc Ln rhlch rhe propoaoa to lLve sould be 4n uiln€cGaaary and unreasonable hardEhlp on her, and would reault in har havlng to s€ll the property and not ll.vo ln the 84m3. fwo, the clrcumstancas requLrcd ln this applloat for varl.ance !re!€ creatod prlor to har purchaao of, lald lotr t.€., down zonlng by the County, and were through no fault of thc appllcant. Threer the varlanca, lf grantcd will not bc nadc lor tho value, uae or enJoyment of the aubJact proporty, nor curtalL valuabLe rlght or oPen space of thc nelghborhood, as lritneased by the lettara fron the adJacGnt proporty ownerB, ap5nnded hercto. fhe varLance, J.f gtanted, nill not'be dl'reatly contrary to thc lntont and Purtrpse of thl.e Scrolutlonr or mast€r plan in that there tE ta eevet'a ahortage of enployce housJ.ng ln Eagle Countyr Cotror.ado. ! Theaa lottere rcfetr€d to in the appltcatlon erc twol 6n6, frorn Jeannts ltyatt, and Robolt Honlltt;. Thc let are tha aane on each ons, It gtateer Gcntlenenr -- that ,lncludea the lady lrere today -- lhe underaLgned Le the ownsr of ttre followlng deecribed real property cttuatad ln th. County of Eagle and $tatc of Colorado, and Lnnediately -3- adJaecnt to Iot 18, Vall Vttlagc ltast, gooond Filing, owned by thc rbova appllcentr to-ultr tF.t, 27, Vall Vllhg€ nert, Second Fll{ng. turthcmorar thc underelgmed belng advlead and i'af,ornad thet thc abovc narned appllaant har nade apxrllaatLon to thc Eonlng Borrd of ldjuetnent for th6 purpoce of a vartancc from thr tonlag Rcrolutl,oa allorLng for tho constructl,on of a rLngle f,'qlly rcrldcnccr togethcr rl.th a nntal unlt containod tharcln to bc co[structod upon r,ot {9. In rulrl)ort of, th. appllorlont of Hclga Boathuner the undcr- rlgned la hereby raprGrcnttng aDd nrntf,.rtr thrt he or rhc no obJectlon to tha grrantlng of ruch varl,ancc 6r ruch purpocc and accordlnglyr byrthcrl prdrcntrr ths und*eLgmcd doca cup;rort euch appllcatl6n;and dcsl,ree thc vqrLene. to be grantc<!. , Datrd August 31, l9?g. And thlc ls lot {? and LoX 27, Vetl VLllagc tleatr $ccorrd fi.llnEr by lobert Sorlitt end ilcann!.o Fyatt. i' , !!hc Erglo Courty Plrnnlng that tlre varlancr bc approvcd at thctr gcptstrb.r 20, t9?g neatl,ng. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 r0 tl t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 l9 20 2l 22 2t 21 25 -{- I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 tl l2 t3 l4 t5 t6 l7 t8 l9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 to the overall lot. It does neet tlro lot coverage requl-r€mel and floor ar€a ratlo under th6 Pr€8ent Rcgulatlon, of tha lot. As I cald, the sLngle fanily homc hae becn bullt. lfhit would be a converslon of a portlon of lt. fhe Plan aa submitted shows th€ unlt and the lotr ahowl.ng a parklng area with four parklng apaces, which would be tha mlnl.nun under tbe current Regulatlone' If thts le approved we do sugg€st that thc parkLng be changed. The spacGs to thc eaat are not adequatc for parklng or back up apac€r Th€r€ does apPear ther€ would be spBce on thg lot if the parklng werc readJuated. It could be moved further to the weat and provLde furthar back up space. It i8 inadeguate, but rc fael there ls sufficient sPace. The lot l-s relatlvcly steep in tha back and relatlvely flat l"n front, ao lt ls not one: of the'esEentiall steep 1ot6' but it aoes'have some tteepn€gg f" ti" !€ra- Againr itra not partlcularly cloae to th€ sfxtcen thoueand foot minimum, Bo we hava recosmended agalnat th€ varlance. Mra. B€athune le here todaYr and I bclLeve algo represented. Would you ltke to sPeakr slr? MR. FREDRICK BUTLER! Yeg. My namc lg Fred Butl€r rePreaentlng Helga Bsathune. llhe matn purpose for the varlance ig not really to create a duPlexr Per se. -5- t0 tl l2 t3 t4 t5 t6 l7 t8 l9 20 zl n 2t 24 2t o -6- I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 tl l2 t3 l4 t5 t6 l7 l8 l9 20 zl 22 2t 24 25 6hc hae itrt€d the partlng on therc. llhcre Le cnough rooo out thrrc for slx perhlag tpa€.. thc dld and har I think ertendcd thc parklng at thtr tltn ro Ltrr har deslra to live in the top part bereelf and defray emc ot the expeneee. As you alX knowr the property valu€t hava gone up rather steepl,y in the Vall arcar lnd poclLbly dcfr aom€ of, her cxpenaes by keeping a rontal apartrhent. Norr ehe could, lf you would, bc abLa to rent t bcdroorq or Eom€thJ.ng like thatr so long aa sho conpllcr wlth tJp Regolutionr without the kltaban and the anenltlerr that voul.d be attractlvo to a potential rentdr. $te do toow that there are other structures in the arca that aie rcntlnE out roona by thc night ln a recldentlal rrorr Thls ls not hor Lnt6nt. She dosen't intend to rent out -- (tnaudible) rather than having Juct to rGnt a troom out' but lf eha oonpLiea wlth the Regulatlona"-- X thlnk that thc County PJ,anning Comnigelon hae ae6n a neod of the enploycc hourlngt Ln thlg ar€a. We all knos -- (inaudible) there is really a drastic ohortage of eryloyoo hourlng -- vant to provide and help al,levlate tb€ enployee hourlng (lnaudlble) psrhaps soneday we would not have to gto through a varlancc proccdura Just to get thls. It ntght be naybe a requLrernent f,or a bulldLng pennlt Ln order to allcvlatr a County vlde enployee probleq of houelng. I thlnt thc -7- 2 3 1 5 6 7 8 9 t0 il Plannlng Comlsslon berlsally tc mrybc racognltlng thl.tl thr nced lor rnployee houling. Th6rs ar€ othcr varlaneee ln the area tlrat havc bccn grantcd. Poealbly of a largcr unlt s!,re, but wG dld aek for a varlance, lf wlth the rcrtriatl.on that tt could no longcr ba -- the applLeant would bo resttLctcd frorn golng to a -- aa far aa scllLng olf thc unlt fron tha maLn gtrusture. Ee1ga, do you have any co$[BGnta to makc ac far aa your partlculat elde of tha -- MR8. IIBI,GA EA.AIEUNBT No, all -- (inaudtblal -- they are looklng at tt already, ,you lcnou, eo lf tlray are going to sell that, then I can't, eff,or.d flve hundred dollara a nonth. (Inaudibla comments) cEAIRIi{Ar,r WTULIAI|SI t;et !|€ flnd out Just a'trdtly -. ttrc houae ls therc already? MS. BEAIIIIUNET Ye!. COllllBNfr Rtght at the locatl.on you ar. lndLoating on tlre map? l{S. BEA!!HU}fEI Yes. CO|.ll'IEli!,rT Okay. lforr, whar€ atr€ you golng to put thc rental ln? lils. EEtf[BU]lEr lbulrstairt. COl.0[ElrlTr fs thc dorrnstalra alrcady flnkhrdr or do you have to -- ItlS. BllTll{tlllti No. t{o. Ths houec lr alnort flniehcd. lz r3 t4 t5 t6 l7 t8 l9 20 2l 22 23 21 2t -8- to il l2 r3 l4 t5 t6 l7 t8 l9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 houro. Aro -- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -9- Or Or I z 3 .4 5 6 7 8 9 to tl t2 t3 l,f r5 t6 t7 t8 l9 20 2l 22 23 24 2' and any hc -- I fLnd out alryarently -- I rnytblng about I That was funnedletcly beforc I had thc 0 A a q. to nlelead yorl. dtdntt brry t' when you applLod f,or yourMS: bulldlng f callEd euch -- own6tr Thl-s he saLd ls when I lre didnr t found out, and tlran know anythlng of (Dl.soucaLon and lnaudlble comrsntcl A tou bought ths lot with the foundatlon Ln? llh€ prevlous owner had already planned to bulld a log houre -- (fnaudlblo emnanta) ltR. ENIGETT ft was a log house. (xnaudlble) MR. 8Uf,LER: I think we would bc happy to brlBg o -10- o I 2 3 4 5 6 7 r:ha adJolnlng progtrty owncri dovn ln.upport of thc appltoetlonr lrd nrnber trro lr r thtnk eII of tho flat arca tlrorrr rbrrr rhe doeanrt rco to havr thc parklng th.rc could be put et tbe rcatr aroa there and alro tlrc rcntel unLt, is thor and would bc bLddenr No lt rouldnrt be an addL rlng out thcrr, llkc a notol. tls. EEATHUNBT (Ineudible cwentl t ner'n, hc raya Lt vould br okey becaure bc knory tlat I yould hrcp cverythlag v.ry nloe. (ineudtrblr) aa.aald lt would br okay rLth hlnr basaur hs knorr -.- f . thtak rf fot, looJ<e pctlrr during sonstru€tion ttran othor'iotr do rltctrdidr. ' Ub t$ort x woul.d koep everything niao end cloan and ordrrly. O t{ry I ark rhat happened ln Vall rh.n thcy al,lomd peoplc to have llttlr kitcbcnett aprrtnentr for a carotalcr for thctr houacr? Dld thry have to go through thc hvr or anytlrLng to do thl:? (Diaorarl,on) !i&. KNIGHIs Alror to clarlf,y thc rrntLag out of, apaaratc EooDlE; ttrore -- 1tr8 technlcat.ly lllrgal, eleo. (Dleauralon) l{hat vo hear fron a lot of cltlzcne ln tha rrea, one of, thc naJor rGraens rc trecomndcd dcnlal ln thl,r aacc, fLret, o! alt r lt tr on e lot rhlcb t: not approrcbtng, sixtcrn thousand squlrG fcet vGry clomlyr and thr otlrcr Lr trylng to naintal,n thc oharactcr of th. rtcr. trr agrcc tlrat 8 9 t0 tl t2 t3 t+ t5 t6 l7 t8 l9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 -11- I z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 tl t2 t3 l4 t5 t6 l7 t8 t9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 thsrs lr a nccd for enployre houelng -- no guertlon about thatr but Ln arotr that are aubetanttally -- naybe not prtnartly, but substlnttally pemanant rcsldontt' singl€ fenLlyr f,anl,Iy tytrt rr.atr thc r€rson lha &.gulatlon rar in hcre rac lhat thcy vantcd to naintaln t*rat part of, the area. (Dlssurlon) 0 I fecl at thc tlma you got I bulldlng pcnrlt you kncr you vrro bulldLng a elngle fanlty unLt. You rhould havc hnonn you uorc.eol1S to run lnto a problen at that tLnc and we bavc had so nany of, tlrccc enall lott cotm tn and wr have to have rons type of a cut-of,f, and I realty fccl thatl too great a vanlance becaugl it doosnrt rea1ly gul,te cone to tru\to ttrougaDd. l{8, EBATBIINST yctr but t harae onouglr parklngl you know. Itrr blg onough booauac the hous. rLts bachr way back !lB. BtJ!f,t.ERr I thlnk you arc arrumlng thtt tbc trclvc or rixtoca thoutand are Jurt conor€tc figurer. !!ht purpo3s of, thc varLance !r poreLbly to anolloratc tlrc cff of arbLtrary nunbrre. Thererr notlrtngl rrltten, you knowr thrt that ie thc rnaglcal nunbstrr and Juet an eguttablc dtvtdtng lino botrrccn duplot and llngIc tanlly. (DLroumlonl llR. tlI&LlA!{8t Tctrllll orlt you ennt€r that gu.ation? In tho Vrll Vlllego FIIing Nunbcr rro, can you t.ll ur rougbly thc rlae of tho lot? Arc thcy all that -12- snall? rs tlrat norrual f,or thrt aror oa r partlsulirLy rnarl lot f,or that, arca? MR. KNIG8TT A good nunbcr of "ttfem ara thl,s tlte . I think -- there are pormita s Ilttle blt'rnallor than thl,a partlculrr Lot. Ehi3 ar.r haa bern rephttGd into townhous€ lote. (DLscueclonl restdanca Lr therc along thcrc? ll|n. l(NICfTr Frobablt thcrc atrrnrt a grort nunbor. 'ltherc are probably a thLrd of thcn ln that erca tbet arc clearly tlnglc fanlly hoD.a. O Eory nrDy vacant lots ar€ thert? Hn. f,l|IcBTt About e thtrd of, thc ovarall lote -- .bout a quarter to r tlrlrd. (InaudLblc dLsoutelon) (Dlecuaelon rt nrp, of cdJoLnLng arcaa) CEAIRUAHT A daairlon, ladlee? whrt do you th!,nk? ll8r [r11r I an thinhlng I locl bade but I an Eotnt to bav! to agroe rl,th fnn -- thorc.a too nuch of a diffcrrncr betrrcn glrtarn tlrousand and trclva. I f,ecl if m gtvr thrn tlrir, thrn rvorr'body lr golng to aq ln end ray -- f thbk rr hrve to drav thc llnc roaouhctro. ilB. EUBIERr In othor rnordnr you rr. leying by 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 tl l2 t3 l4 r5 t6 l7 t8 t9 20 2l 2:2 23 24 25 o -13- t0 tl l2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 l9 20 zl 22 23 24 25 o -1tf - 2 3 4 5 5 7 ltr and you wh6n she through problBm back to ordcr. to make T Butler. - Vail I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 ll l2 t3 l4 t5 t6 l7 t8 l9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 go by end nhcncvGr s. grrnt op {enf.rr hrrre tO hrvt r rcaSon, lanrt that trual : .. r' (Dl.scurrl.on) rc rtrc dolng today tn trttng to n|k. a dreislon on aoncthlng thet doesnrt fLt rLth ell thd Rulor. I rcally atrongty rccmond that pcoplr do rhrt thry thLnh le rlght, $c donrt havr to -- we arc not sattlng r nscras8ary proccdant, Jutt bccaure ro decldo onc vry or nothlng. rfo Judgc caeh and one of thcee !.nillvldually, and f would recmnand that Btatc thoir fcellng and be raeognirad, becauac thatrr rhat ro ari hcro for. r{a donrt hava to go al0ng wl.th cvcrythLng, and rc aleo donrt havc to dcny evorythlng. fhatrr our Job, ao pleaae, everybody, tccl frcs to do rhrtcv.r you ll,ka. !lR. toflGflTr tfrllr brLnglng lt back to your orlg guertlon fron tbc tonlng RseolutLon -- lr|ladlng provLrlou f,ron lonj.ng Barolutlon) -- ro thcro arc only flvc rocogmi rersona for a varlanca -- (rcraing lron Reaolutlonl ttR. tfltrLlAllstr ff re dany Ltl rr donrt havc to a rGagon. UA. l$ttrGEfl Okay. On r vot l !,! a notl,on is nrdc to d.ny and l,t la danledr tJre naker of ths rctlon rould etetr the roason. rt door tNk€ four poeLt!,ve vot€i to grrnt a -15- I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo ll l2 t3 t4 t5 t6 l7 t8 l9 20 2l 22 23 24 2t (Dlecusrt onl CHAfR!'lAtfr DoG! .v6r?body protty nuch undarotand tha vota? (Dlrcurel.onl IrtR. tllLLtr.Nlflr tfould you llke to nrkc a cment on thoss fl.vc hardrhLpa yhlch on€ you frel the nay ba eovcrcd undor? !tR. BUTLERT (lnaudLblc cmcntr, *- Bo I tlrtnk that nunbetr ona rould not bc appropr!.at6 r.rson lor tho Board to grurt r varlaaca. Sorovca, the fourth and f,lfth oner sould bc and l,t lf not golng to dctnct fron tho nclghborhood (lnaudiblsl wa do havo tb. Ptarmtgan rlght rctora th. rtr.et -16- -17- I z 3 4 , 6 7 8 9 l0 tl l2 t3 l4 t5 t6 t7 t8 l9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 a t0 tl t2 r3 l4 t5 t6 t7 t8 l9 20 2l 22 2t 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 that wo approvG tho varLancc. !{8. il.lRy [tORGAlf r Beoond. t' 't CB.trIRttlNr I havr a rotlon and f.cond thrt thc varl,rnec be approvad. Are thrrc any sondltlon -- lts. WIX,LIAI,IST tftth thc conditLon that thay do havc tho parklng chenged, end tho rcaaon ,.! thrt -- (tnaudtb Cll^lIBl,{ANr you raoond thc -- !t8. uoRcrNr yo!. r thlnk vc rhould alro add to t that at no tLnc should the propcrty over br aold, othcr than ar r ringlc unit. CI|AIR$Ax! ghet has been tha notlon, I thlnk. (Dleoumton) cHArFrrrrlrr Th. notion ie to Erant a verLance rlth tha -- lt no Longcr can Lrc rubdlvlded and that ernplr parkLng for tryo unLtc, and tho raaron bcl,nE hardahLpe. Dlgauarlon? Ask for a votG? All thore Ln lavor rcply by aaylncr ayc. u8. I{ILIJXA}|Br Ayr. !{8. ttORCAlfr Ayc. Cf,AIRHINT O![br.d? H8. nOflrlllDr Ayo. I'ts. SCUIBDIGGERT Ayc. CFAIRI{AX| llhorc ir a tLc. El.nce Lt rogutrcr a porLtlye votar thr uotlon ia drnlcd. Is thcr. any other notlonn? (Ho roqronec) (Dlscurglonl -18- #,::::::i.:li:il:::, Eaglc Co,tniy, Colorado to ti-'e Zc;ning t3oarc.r <ri Aclj ustmerrts (minimum 5 copies requiredl print or type, except signatures) Fito No.7l,r-sy'-V.7 Fee Paid.3 5. z, Zz Dale recd. 9- ?i/ Section 9.04.05 Applicant/Owner ELC. A ERT U'.Jg N4ail Address 0 , bo,(LLe il;Phcne: Regulation and Section n.J-.-..- l./ .1 Nurnber(s) of Zoning Resoltrtion ftom which Aes,a j 3.os . os' Vari,rnce is sought:1. Present zonellSfl Gerreral location of prope*y (irr relaiion to a Town, Boadr Stream or otlrer landmalk): West Vail , Southeasterly of the Ptarmigan Townhouses fronting on Gore Creek Drive (approximately 3 rniles \^Iest of VaiI, Colorado) Legal clescription of property SeCOnd Filinq a. subdivision Narne VaiI Village West,/Lot 48 Blk r ofr b. rrx:tes ard bounds (may be attached) itlclude survey or map:/,/ 4' ',ffin {ffn/ "- B.ief Purpose err:d Reason for Variance (may ke attached) : as the particular lot was previously zoned for duplex construction; however was downzoned by the County to single family residence. It is the intend and desire of applicant that the structure Located' in on said l-ot be and remain sinqLe familv with a one bedroom * 6. Atiach cxptanatioi inat one or nroie ccncliticns dxist unde'r Se6. 9.04.06, 1-5- (See attachment) 7. Sitatement: A coriptete list of d! owners adJresses, c.{ the property p";ropcseci for Vari:rnco a'rd of all owne.s of all adjacent properties i$ atti:hed hereto; tlris sigrratcrrv is nroperly stg""-.t,----tu-8ffi tFJrJippti"e,r't;owner'/.-D crtei of f ice ur;e Appiication accepterJ as cornplete fcr Publ ic I l,rarir)g Application re.iectecJ as incornplctc' f.-'r Public llri-'uing becaltsc: h.,. -A n", '--*:--!:trj.- ptarrrr!nc; cctrrr ir riJ 1, ctrf F.rJ,- l cl 1: ,&-'4-6 ulo*"u AppLrcAroN o ,,," "oZv-54-78 Beathune Actlon of Zonlng Board of Adiustment on Variance Appl lcation Approval tr conditions: Donlal 6I reabons: (see OrAer of the Board, attached) The four members present approval thus motion for did not a'll vote for approva'l was denied. 12 0ctober 1978 Dale, hearirg Note: Sectlon 9.04.10 Appeals from the Board' Any furthor appsal frorn the decision of the Board may be made to the courts, aE provided by lavrr, provided, however, lhat srrch appeal is made prior to twenty (20) days following ihe date of the notif ication of the Boardrs decision. Chairman P.l-tc 2 of'2 BUIIDING DlVlSloN oF EAGTE COUNTY; P.O. BOX 789 couRTHOUsE, EAGTE; CO.-PH. (3O3) 328-6339 3UlD lv ls l0N !UILDING TO TYPE AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION (TYPE' BUILDING PERMIT orre ,ltrne 12 - tt =F-=;;' PEaMlr No 1004 APPLTCANT K' Hoechtl/M' Schober ADoREss pERM,r ro c..",!r#*,f#5L,fJ*lt {--) sroR (coxln's rtcglse) NUMBER OF DWELLING UI'I ITS (PROPOSEO I'5E aI f! Ioa dz I3o IL 48 s lzE BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNOAT ION VALIDATION cFoss sTREEI) REM^^KSI (cuBtc/sauARE FEET) Beathun€ ( ffiddtl qr irvriro Jdo of QPlicotion to Uo conplrtod bv plan Check Fee $B2ul*5 -ztr ^n^ nn -..r"'t $ te s sn ESr TMATED "ot. $ 25,000'00 BUILDING BY- ourfiodz'd ogPnt Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numfured spaces only. 7- '* t3 PLAN CHECK VALIDATION fl,;.r"tLsoor BUIL o DIN G PERUIT APPUCATION \-o I WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUF PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION INSPECTOR 1905 Gore Cr.Dr.West Vall I oE5Ci.ng west Vail (LlsEE ^iracr{ ED sHEErl MAIL ADOiES' Helqa Beathune Box 3662 Vall, Colo. 81657 476-3034 coxliacYon MAtt aDDiESS PXO|E LtCEr,tSE NO.3 K. Hoeehtl,/M.Schober F'x.92 Vail, CoLo. 476-1125 atctat tEcf oi oEStcNEi4 M. sehober LICENSE NO. 8x,3662, Vall 476-3034 EXGINEER MAII AODi E3S PHONE L lc EtsE lr o. MA IL AOOIESS A'ANCH ? Slngle Famlly 8 CIas oI worK: fI NCW D AOOITION E ALTERATION tr REPAIR D M8vE D REMOVE I oescribe work: eonstruction of 2nd FIo6r l0 Change ol use fiom l1 Valuation ol work: $ 25.OOO.OO PERMfT FEE /bS, SA'LAN cHEcK FEE 8S,Z{ SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Si.e of Bldg. (Tolal) Sq. Ft. Fire Sprinkleft Required [ye3 f]1oAPPLICATION ACCEPTEO BY APPROV€O FOR ISSUANC€ 8Y No. of Dwelling Unitr OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ABE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDTTIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOO OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HERESY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF I-AWS ANO ORDINANCES GOV€RNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLI€D WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPREIUME Ttq GlvE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE IT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEANV OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW R€GULATINGOR THE PEBF,If,RMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION.MW d-Q-ze cor{ ttac tot ot autHotl HEALTH OEPT. FIRE OEPT. SOI L REPORT OTH€R (Spocltyt t; sL \ Form IOO.I l-77 o I-/ LE EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo ,, fu*t*o OFFICIAL RECEIPT RE.ET'ED ou" 9"^t t ' $?! cr 4t'*/- 91xh&- AMOUNT ITEM Buildins Permit Fee Application For Subdivision Zone Change Conditional Use Special Use Variance Aooeal Fee Code: (Buildinq)(Zoning)(Subdivision) Total Received All items are received for no-payment of en)/ item' Ne 3605 and th is receiPt shall be cancelled CHECK 2 o o UJ. Co (L_latE aTTACXEO SHEEtI I oE3Ci, MAIL AOOiESS IIP ' LtcErasE tro, .y_).a-u,.."22 - cr{Ei - ' MA|LAOOiES tNcrNtEi MA|L AooiESa alAt{CH U SE OF IUILOI{G /8 CIAS OI WOrK: ANEW U AOOITTON D ALTERATION tr REPAIR Typ. ot Fixtun d lfir WATER CLOSET (TOILET' LAVATORY 1WASH AASIN' KITCHEN SINK & OISP. OISHWASHER LAUNORY TRAYAPPLICATION ACCEPTEO 8Y PtAl{s cHEcx€o 8v APPSOVEO FOR ISSIJANCE 8Y WATER HEATER NOTICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIOI'E OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIV€ AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR--SINK OR ORAIN cAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATINC EQUIP. VACUUM AREAXERS SEPTIC TANK A PIT Juridiction of PLUMT\G PERMIT APPI-I&NON Applicant to complete numberd spaczs only. WHEN PFOPEBLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACE' THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATIONM.O. Form loo.2 1.77 CASH /1 "fu (h^^r^4,(' /,4*o)fu3621 INSPEC-IOR / County of EI,ECTRICAL Eagle PERMIT Job Name. lvlanford Schober 1906 Gore Drive - Lot 48 Filing #2 brlest VaiI Date of Application-..................i.:.9-l9- .......... .....1e Electrical contractor....B9.9.9...E:1. 9.9.U:i.s Applicanr. Sl3!ature APPROVALS Plan Chcckrr Dat€ w....7/.6n.A Date THIS FORM 13 TO BE POSTED Oil .,OB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION I8 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQT,'IRED FOR INSPECTIONS TemporaryNe tt26 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Date Paid...... . 7.:.6--78 Received By K. Peterson Receipt #3748 $..........1.?.,.Q.0-....... $..................... ...... $.... l-2.,.Q.Q..... ... .. $ $ ntas. Sre5:5Xit*8 rucrftru PERMTT npruCnrloN Juridiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. [s:e arrecneo sxeer) OIYNEi MAII. ADDiESS zIP PHONE 3./' :i| / <,' LICENSE NO. '\ -) aicHttEct oi o Es tcN Ei MA|L AOOR ES S PHONE LIcENSE r{O, MAIL ADOFESS PHONE LICENSE NO. u!E oF BUtLOTftO 8 CIASS Of WOrK: T] NEI^J tr ADDITION tr ALTERATION tr REPAIR TotalRECEPTACLE Ou els SPECIAL CONDITIONS: TotalLIGHTING Fixtures FIXTUFES RANGES CLO. DRYER WTR- HTR. NOTICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF \,iAW6 AND ORDINANCES GOVEFNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETTIER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. GARSAGE OISP. STA. COOK TOP OISH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR. STA. APPL. v, H.P. MAX. TEMP. POWER SERVICE E new E cnance PERMIT ISSUING FEE PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHEN PROPERLY VALIOATED THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION TE MP. /'"d"' rtlE FoTm 1OO.3 11.73 TNTERNATIoHAL coNFERENcE oF BUILDING oFFIcIALs. ELEcTftAL PERMIT APPLCATIoN Jurisdiction of Appticant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION ,, (,-) (-o]'t;- 'Err. (7t:\ /',,t, r/rtr- fper arrecxeo sxeer) LICENSE NO. J( AFCHIIECT OR DESI GIIER EXGINE€R LICENS' NO. MAIL aDOiEsS BIANCH USE OF BU ILDI II6 8 Class oI worK: E NEW D AOOITION tr ALTERATION B REPAIR I Describe wotk: fJ... SPECIAL CONDITIONS: TotalLIGHTING Fixtures FIXTURESAPPLICATION ACCEPTED 8Y:APPROV€O FOfi ISSUANC€ EY RANGES CLO. ORYER WTR. HTR. GARBAGE OI5P. STA. COOK TOPNOTICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. DISH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR. STA. APPL. Vr H.P. MAX TEMP. POWER LJPOLE IIUNOGO. SERVICE n new E cxnnce PERMIT ISSUING FEE TOTAL FEE WHEN PFOPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION CASH Q*.pt4st:r Bui 'qu#+,roof FOTM 1O0.3 I1-73 REoRDEi FFoM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE c)F BUILDING OFFICIALS. !!.o MIL( FoAD. wHIIIIERI C,rLIF. gO6OI County of EI,ECTRICAL Eagle PERMIT Electrical Contractor.....Bp gs...El.e_c!f ie. Applicanr....... Sltnature APPROVALS Chlel Bulldhg THIS .rOB FORTI IS TO BE POSTED ON SITE DURII{G GONSTRUCTION 18 HOURS ADVANCE NOTTCE REQIIRED F1OR TNSPECTIONS Ne t779 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $.. 9.? :. 9..-0............... $-........................... $..3.4".0..0.. $.. $.. Dare Paid.-.-..- I /9/.18 Received 8y..., .J-keller: Receipt #3925 Bldg. Permit #1004 o TitE VAIL }'ESI Arc{UETT'RII comnol, ca,ilITtEE AU G 8 1978 D€pt 0t plEnaiag & Dovel.ry. Corrr, Coto, T0r Un9. tlEln BETTHUNE lft rpprove yow p1rru for e one feurlty houae on Iot tqSr Vall Vlllrge lbltt nllfug f2r bglc Cormtyr Colorrdo. Stucoo !.s to bc n?r1tc or off nhlte. Cedrr aldlng to be alddle bnronn rrltlh drrl tr:ln. lrrrc Lr to be rn caored foundetlonr or exposed netal. lb crra or other obctrrrtloru on county rord; rirlch nuct bc oopletely oleu rt d1 tlncr. If yru put ln m addltlonrl dutLllng unlt, lt lr oul urderatarding thet Sroulurt sook rnd obtrtn rpprovd fro thc Erglc Courtty hpt. of E-sttttlttg 3d bralopcnt eg the 1ot rppcue too mrIJ. for tno dttllllng unltc und€r thc County Zonlns Rcrolutlon. IPU$I F. $IEVE WD' Conrr{ltent ,$6-)3r+lt I\-r, I f1 /7 t(u.ka ((.t,et*/ l.{ARKll{OSERr Conaultsrt r{16-fin K**' Srlrr6'yr- KInIN scttEIDEecsR, consui{Lnt 4?6-tl3? ,{lH+f,8 July 20. 1978 F.c. nrlldlng Inopcctor, Vg}c Corrty tr/ BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE:328-5339 DATE JOB NAME rNseec'oru =::(::-EAGLE COUNTY CALLER I orxen MON COMMENTS: ! pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION .. THUR 7 Wapp RovED E orsnpP RovED D nerNsPEcr E uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION P. O..BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER rNspecioru t:{{"Esr EA.GLE COUNTY APPROVED n orsnppRovED n uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 3:vA, ;;#=cloru Ft =f,!ZL-EAGLE COUNTY N ' oorc {- { JoB NAME TIME REcEfvEo /: p o sM prt n orsen f] pnnnnr LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION n nerNsPEcr LI UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTI CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR rNsFEcioNBUILDING DIVISION p. o.'eox tzg PHONE: 328-6339 DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM EAGLE C FIEOUEST NTY JOB NAME E ornen PABTIAL. ' READY FOR INSPECTION LOCATION/d-?n /) F* .,,. ,..r^'(@)r ***.MQN-'4* COMMENTS: PROVED D or$npp RovED ! nerNsPEcr : IJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS I lr I DATE i.'i -d!., BUILDINGpTVtSTON P. O. BOX 179 . PHoNE: q28-6339 I I\ATE ] \ COUNTY JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED '.. ,AM PM CALLER D pnnrrar READY FOR INSPECTTON THUR ! orsnpp RovE D NG.@RRECTIONS: .-_-r_ D nerNSPEcr rNsPEcioN .. *iiit' ,..'.r-:-B*": .:4-S'v-i;{1#T t HEeUESTBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE EAGLE couNrY *ts 1oo{ JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E pnnnnu LOCATION Vy'tu- E orxen MON GOMMENTS: READY FOR INSPECTION WED @TUE ,^, /^ g" r* E nppRovED E uporu rxe E orsappRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: E netNsPEcr CORRECTIONS 'F,i:i:??yil#:3: Review Bouting Form ( ) PERMIT APPLICATION LANDSCAPE INSPE Appl ,,o,1)"t Rerouting Permit No. /*Z_,lro4, P{ahnir rg Commission File No. Review and return to the County Buildirrg Official within 6 working days Date ReiJrr€J Planning: Complies with: ye;s _!o Reviewed by:Subdivision Regutations VnZoning Regutations t+nSite Pf an (Landscaping) W- VA Recommend Approval :Tlt Date: Comments: County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Comments: Recommend Approval : ntrn! Dntr D County Health: Water Sanitation perc. test Comments: Recommerrd Approval : n Dtrn n E D Final lnspection: C/O Recommend Approval .Comments:n Fir ral Inspect ion: Landscapi Recommend Approval Commerrts: by ngDN DateC,/O lssued Final Filing Date EAGLE COUNTY Bul||lc pERMlr AppLTCAflON aFINAL: C/O INSPEC.IEN, LANDSCAPE INSPECTION FORM Review Routing Form ( ) Primary Routing ( ) Rerouting b-t-t /Date Referied Location Review and return to the County Buildirrg Official within 6 working days Permit No. Planning: Complies with: Subdiv i sion Regul ations Zoning Regulations Site Plan (Landscaping) County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Comments: Reviewed by: Recommend Approval : Recommend Approval: Yes No run.p. Date: ! DnI Itrn n County Health: Water Sanitation Perc. test Final Inspection: C/O Recommend Approval Comments: tn Firral Inspect ion: Landscap i Recommend Approval Commerrts: ngtrD C,/O lssued Final Filing Date by Date EAGLE C@UB{TY Dcparti;rcnt of f'lann ing t Devc l6r'rr14pr EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 328.6809 ADMINISTRATION 328-6674 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R328.6593 BU I LD ING IN SPECT I ON328.6339 CLERK & RECORDER Eaqle 32 8.63 77 BaEalt 927 -3244 COUNTY ATTORNEY 328-6674 ENGINEER 328-5337 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH 328-77l8 EXTEN S ION AG ENT 328-6370 LIBRARY 328-7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328-6594Vail 476-5844 PLANNING 328-6338 ROAD & BR IDG E 328-6591 June 7, 19711 llclna leatirune c/ <t i1.. iioecirt I Vail, Co. ?1,;37 ller Lonl ic.ation for Srrildine Permit in Eaole Coun ty l)ti(: ?,o.re C r. !', r. ','aq t i.r3 i I - Den ie<r The Ea51le County 3ui ldino 0eoartrlent redui res that apel ications for buildino nernits in Eaole Countv be routed to the laqle County Plannino, Engineering, and Enrri ronri-enta I Health Dcoartnents for their coi:nnents prior to issuan.ce of the pernnits. Yeur aSplication l{as rotlted on 3/ | /7'..,. LiSte| belCl.l are the con-'nen t S a;rci reCom::enCationS rvlricir vlere rrrade by the above deoartment5 durino tl're routino ^roc.:dure. lf vou havc enY questions cr r.:ish to oet a I'urthe r exolanation. nlease contact the apnropriate CeDartment. The tcleohcnc nrr!-i5ers anci addrcsses are I isted r,r I th eech corment. pLAl!'! ll'tG: :iot approved. r'lue to the cut into drainaqe olans aroLrnd the bui ldin.,r plan of distur"ed areas (i€ an',), area (2 - lo' X 2D' parkinc spaces iiSALTIJ : Apn rorred hill, rve need evece tat ion sions of parkinrr ired) .,l-- ,/l(AI'r \*ll- -' v3 t. lTl iniTri r i!-iri. /liiip . e, Co. ,l I ti3l tne tr rlen :(^1 u I t i_-tns _ro I rtne I i nren requ tl t.t Itl I''rns disr I f., '""1 L'.'sI rl '-T F i;(tr t-t I t)'.:" {i-Ti :l '-u Lt I Foxj2I SHERIFF Ea qle 328-66 | I Baaalt 927 -3244 Gilman 82 7.5 75 | soctAL SERVICES 328.6328 F( ff{ TREASURER 328-6376 It r,rru ld bc to your rcctt i rrnrr-:tr ts as soon -tt:i,lCino oernti t artl' "'/ advan taae i f you r,:eo i n as Doss il.'le so os not lonacr thi n nc cess ery. to resolve any p rol--, lents anr.l/or to dclay thc issurncc of your l:a5le County Bui lrl inc 0f f i cial !iosliinl , E. IdeenL*-'--'-'.r - EA$LE EOU[I:TY P. O. Box 2411 \Z:ri'l r.^l^r-,1^ o'lrc?rqr La \zvrur q\-r\,, tJ.t-9J I EAT'DDI Efi LN BA DIE A X EgX EOARD OF COUNTYco M hl lssroN E R5 .. AD I!4 IN I ST R A1'IO N 328-6674 AI{ IMAL SI-T E LI'ER 949-4292 n ssF s5() R328-6s93 o BUILDING I I.i SPECT ION 328-6339 CLERK & I'(LLTJIlI.JE|{ Eaqle 323-6377Baialt 927-3244 CERTIIiIED _ RETURN RECETPT REQUESTED January 12, L979 Ms. Helga BeauthuneP. O. Box 3662 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Re: Residence at Lot 48, I,,lest Vail Filing #2Bui"Iding Per:mit {1004 Dear lq.s Beauthune: According to the County Department of Planning and Development there appears to be some problem inconnection with the above-re ferenced construction -Due to the fa-i-lure on your part to satisfactorilyresolve said problem, the Department of Planning and Developnent has forwarded tiris matter to this officefor 1egal action. Apparently, the above-re ferenced construction has notreceived a Certificate of Occupancy from the CountyBuilding Official. Certain corrections we::e required based on the last final inspection and apparentlysaid corrections have not been made as of this dateand therefore the Building Official cannot issue theCertificate of Occupancy. It is unlawful to occupy a structure rriithout a Certifj-cateof Occupancy. You were previously notifi,ed of thj-s fact. Before instituting 1egal action by this office on behalfof the County, we strongly urge you to immediatelycontact the County Building Department and,/or Departnentof Planning and DevelopmenL and further to talce suchsteps necessary to bring the above-referenced buildinginto compliance Your failure to do so within three Cays from the receiptof this letter will leave the County no choice but topursue aIl- its legal remedies, including court actionand/or possibly referring the matter to tne office ofthe District Attorney for investigation of criminal conduct COUNTYATTORNEY*ttrti../f ^ ^y 4y- 4 zut) ET!G INEE R328.6337 ENVIRONIvIENTAL HEALTH 328-7 t t8 EXTENSION AG ENT 328.6370 LIBRARY 328-7 7 A7 PUBLIC HEALTH Ea qle 328-6594Vail 476-5844 PLANNING 328-6338 ROAD & BRIDGE JZO-OJJ I SHERIFF Eaqle 328-6611 Baaalt 921-?211 Gilman 82 7-5 751 soc rA L 5E RVICES 328"6328 TREASURER JZO-O.t ,/ O " /!f i: ti ll 1l {.1 .:,,1 Irl 'tri xl 't\ :\1_-: ( ..9' o - Us. Helga Beauthune Page 2 I{e are sure you would wiof this action. Thank you for your prompyour continuing cooperat cR/jh .f anuary 12 , 19 79 Planning & Development Commissioners sh to avoid the inconvenience t attention to this matter andion wilh the County of Bagle.tsinc/rety,A ,l tp il,l?r;lt- U'n^4I1 c#rge /nospnuere/County'Attbrney / cc: County Zoning fnspectorDirector, County Dept. of founEy Building Of ficial Chairman, Board of County o BUILDING PERAAIT APPLI toN o CAT Ap4icant to complete numfured spces only. i Juridiction ot l-':T€, Gore Cr.Dr,\da8t Vail nq i,Jest \/ar-l tflsr: rrrrcx:o sxerrl2nd Fll MAI L AOOiESslielqa leathune tox 3662 2lPVall" Colo. 81 r:57 PHON E47C)-3434 col{liac lol MA|L ADOiESS PHOfE3 I.. t.oeehtl/l1.sc}pber P.x.92 vall, Colo. 476-7125 LrcaNSa No. aicxrlEcl oi DEsrcNEi4 r,,t, Ilefol-er MAI I AODi EsS FHOXEIx.3{i62, vall 476-3C34 LICENSE NO. M IL ADDFESS FXONE MAII AODIE 55 'i NCH ? :lnt]le rraml ly 8 CIasof work: 8 NEW tr AOBITTOII tr ALTERATION D REPAIR D MOVE ! REMOVE 9 Describework: Constrr.retLon of Zn<t I'lo6r l0 Change ol use from Change of use 1o 11 Y$uation ot work: $ 25.OOO.OO PERMf T FEE / i :-, :. ' SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size ol Bldg. lTotal) Sq. Ft. No. o{ Stor ier Firo Sprinklers RequireC [y"5 [1oAPPLICATION ACCEPTEO 8Y APPFOVED FOF ISSUANCE 8Y OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOT ICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERIVIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WOBK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 OAYS. ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPEI{DED OR AEANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. 5rcNAtuiE oF cor{tilctoi ot au?HottzED acElt {DAiEl ZON ING HEALTH OEPT. FIRE OEPT. OTHER (Spoclfy) WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR P€RMIT &.\,,' PLAN CHECK VALIDATION '.' .t r.r-t t-l L r- - Form 100.1 1-77 PERMIT VALIDATION EXTRA COPY BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 rNsPEcloru ,{ul(!=, lEAGLE COUNTY oare /'la TIME REcErvEo I'go AM PM cALLER E ornen E panrrnl LOCATION l/ad A. READY FOR INSPECTION g WED THUR ,. .4r ! nrrNsPEcrD orseppRovED NG CORRECTIONS: rNs"=.to*BUILDING DIVISION p. o.Box tfs PHONE: 328-6339 TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER FIEOUEST EAGLE COUNTY I ornen I plnnnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR, ' f,,|OH TUE|._--'' tl.' " , j,','',^,3)dd AMPM COMMENTS: B a,ppRovED E uporu rxs E orsnppRovED RECTIONQ: / E nErNsPEcr CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR ! BU|LD|NG Dtvtstolt oF ___-_ EAGTE COUNTY, P.O. BOX 789couRTHousE, EAGTE, c'o._pu. (gojl 3zs-osre APPL ICANT 058519 ra PEaMtr No U\JOJLeroy St. Nw, CedaFRaEliGlfowd-- NUMBER OFDWELLING UI,IITS STORY ( PROPOSED USE) 0- @ o c;z lr s uBo tv ts toN BUILDIIIG IS TO TYPE TO BE FT. WIOE BY FT. LONG BY r-or 48 "ro"* ----- "t?J. WALLS OR FOUNDAT ION FT. JN HEIGHT AI{O SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRI,JCTION USE GROUP REMARKS: BUILDING PERMIT ,o AT (LOCAT ION)ZON ING (sTREEr) (cu8rc/sauARE FE-iJ est rulreo cosr $ PLAN CHECK FEE 25,000 " 00 130 Lero St. NW Cedar Ra ids Iowa 52405 BUI BY (Alfidovil qr iryrir dd.ol *pllcofion fo b.conplolod by oulhorizod ogcnf g 45. 00 FEE"'' g 9413+ ,r*JlRo PERMTT orrr,.Il,oN Jurisdiction of Eaele CountY Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. CHECK V DATION cK. N PBOPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PEFMIT CASH PERMIT VALIDATION -*rb ")'n,/../a. lzr CASH ?J- INSPECTOR FOTM IOO.l 1I-73 R'ORD(R FAOM: INTERNATTONAL CONFERENCE c|F BUILDING OFFICIALs ' tt'O ' "II.! iOAO ' CAIIF. 'O'OT I JI Lof lr F.l,*, +a 0o, I u, ll o-c c r,f I t^. ;{ (fs:e rrt^c*to s'reerl tt'VP J , ;#t i g6l.e.t sf IVIP "A",/., FHON'LICENSE NO. flt toJ (7( n, aicHtTEc l ol oEstcNaF PHoN E LlcENsE No.^,-(61uad6 Ao,f o'I.rcJ.r s tlar*+e z €bl& MA LL AODhES S PHONE LICENSE NO. ''"' ij'; :% R"r', le'nec' 8 cras of work: {*t* fl A00lTl0N tr ALTERATIoN D REPAIR tr MovE tr REM0VE 10 Change of use from PERMIT FEEPLAN CHECK FEEll valuation of work: $ a {, An Occupancy Gro! p SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Work within Count-v risht--of- No. of St or lei Size ol Bld9. (Totarl Sq. Ft. Flr6 Sprinklcrt Roqulred E\',ei ONoAPPLICATION ACCEPTED BY:APPROVEO FOR ISSUANCE AY OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES:No. ot Dwellln9 Unlt! NOT ICE SEPAHATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING, THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTFIUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTFUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OB ABANDONED FOR A PERIOO OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WOFIK IS COMM ENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.AI-L PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. FI RE OEPT. SOIL REPORT .f .D t ^ - EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT , -- pur" -'y'i '/ '<, p^/e Application For Subdivision A no-payment of any item. N:' 1692 october Mr; l,elrl*rtln::'I . t ir; ; t j ': .:,:.. - ..+.: !- I.l* ecndlng yolr.this infqrrn4lor: al tlre lgqrrest oJ thg Y" .V . Smttb. " ,1 .' - tr. '. '. ir - .ni .. 1. I '. .. ,. {' :.r- .. i. r Mp,. smtttr ievlewed your slte plau and fequceted that be gubmltted:that ls a llttle'more to ecele.. .1. ..:, ',.i I ,..ii .. ,.,: ' . If.you heve any'questlons; please €otrtect lvir. Smitb atIlyou heVe any'questlong; please €ortect lvir. Smitb at:NDB-6S3g,:1,, : , t. ,.. Ibenk lou.i ,' i ; ;''," .-,-:-:'-- r--- t . -:,.: erjle County Bulldtng Dsartnrent Lee l)ouglas. Bulldlng rif{lcti} I t t{0 IND P.O. Ilox 769 DETANT!ff8}IT OT TI,ANI{I Mcl)onnld ltltlg. 550 Rroadway 29 September 19?6 Mr. Jim DeMartin P.O. Box 891 Vail , Colorado 1865? Re: John J. Fattig Building Permit Application On 13 September 1976 this office received a building permit application from a Mr. and Mrs. John J. Fattig for Lot 48, Vail Village West, filing No. 2. Before we can process this application we need a more detailed site plan, showing drainage, access, grading and setbacks from the lot lines. Please submit this information as soon as possible so we can process the application. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact this office. Sincerely, Eagle County Butlding Official tD/ ee cc: Mr. John J. Fattig, Cedar Rapids, Iowa DEllEI.OPlf,TI{T Eagle , Colorrdo 81631 Pltnning l)r.pirrtnrerrt /l)la n ning Comnrission: Sulidivision, Iluikling Olficial: Ilurlding I\'rnrits anrl Insgx'etion, Zoning Rozoning, Applicrrtions ttnd ltrvit w (303) 328-6331t Arlnrinistrirtion {30J) 32tl'1i339 Lester Dotrglas ELECTRICAL PERMIT DATE coNrnAcroR { ) D" UTiii;": ""W;"6fi?i LICENSE owNER ulru -.loh' { &t'*,/412 St Nv (ed." Q, WHEN SIGN ED AND VALIDATED BY BUILDING OEPARTME No. of Units TEMPORARY METER ,D.J S.v, ctRculTs LIGHTING H EATING POWER SUB,CIRCU ITS UTILITY IRANGE, DISPOSEFI, DISHWASHER, COOLER. FAN, DRYER, ETC.) FIXTURES NUMBER OVER F IVE NEW SERVICE ENTRANCE NUMBER OF AI\IPS CHANGE SERVICE ENTBANCE NUMBER OF AMPS WIRING MoToRs & coNTRoLS NUMBER OF OIL BURNEBS, STOKERS, FORCED AIR SYSTEMS, ETC. SIGNS NEON EXTERIOR SIGN AND ONE TRANSFORI\4ER NEON INTERIOR SIGN ANO ONE TRANSFORMER ADDITIONAL TRANSFORMERS, EXTER IOR OR INTER IOR INCANDESCENT EXTERIOR SIGN OF 25 LIGHTS OR LESS NUMBER OF LIGHTS OVER 25 TRANSFORMEHS & RECTIFIERS, BANKS oF % KVA ADDITION TO OLD WORK MOTORS 1 HP oF LEss MOTORS OVER 1 HP LIST UNOEFI REMARKS ADDITIONAL HP PER MOTOR, WHEN JOB IS READY, CALL THE BUILDING DEPT. ONE WORKING DAY BEFORE INSPECTION IS WANTED f:OII ALL WORK DONE UNOER THIS PERMIT TI-IE PERMITiFT ^CCEPTSFULL fTESPONSII]ILtTY FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THF ' BLIILDING COD€ AND ALL O-I11ER APPLICABLE ORDINANCES. cor\r-r RAcTo R ADDRESS EXACI'LY AS NAME APPEARS ON LI coN-r Rn c roll's r,HoNE NO. ff"t'"' " $:, R ff : T[:X'^ o ol FERMiT Ng ESTIMATED COST OF JOB $ ,d. ,/o,o { z\d THIS PEFMIT VALIO ONLY WHEN SIGNED 8Y THE CHIEF BLDG. INSP. ooor.rrAo/ Vr F,'/,,.lo" lAc'* /o,il v'lla.€ Q'16 OF JOB , TI{IS PERMTT AUTHORTZES THE ELECTRICAL WORK DESCRIBED BELOW FEE 8U ILDING OEPT. APPROVAL BY CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR THIS FO ICATION O .*--ttrt s4At- -r*.\|;i:r': _i{. ^rrt!- t'ld-!r|t_L>- + t-tr EAGLE COUNTY ITEM (Bu ilding) (Zonin ) (Subdivision) Total Received All items are received for collection no.payment ot any item- Build inq Permit Fee Application F Subdivision A Zone Change Conditional Use Special Use Variance AMOUNT be cancelled for Ne 1694 ,i! Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT EAGLE COtl" BUtLDtNG PEF Review Routins .or;' 't lU L lc Ar lo N Permit No. Please review the attached appl ication and return it and this completed form to the County Building Off icial within 6 working days. Planning Commission File No. P lanning: Compl ies with: Subd. Regulations Zoning Regulations County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage- Becommend Approval Comments: O. ^^ -^ : l!.: No t:]rltlrl tf E]trtl YesK IEflE tftf t:] .[r\t i: Comments: ,/ /5 /',7ll Date Referred Location ftLtNC, 2_ Recommend Approval County Health: Recommend Approval Sanitation Water xt-KtlK rlrltln comments: fr tr - /2 -ts= 76 Appticant sur;iRo PEnMrr APPLT&TIoN Jurisdiction ot to complete numbered spaces onlv, IIiHEN PFoPERLY VALIDATED (tN THIS SPACE) THtS IS YOUR PERMIT CHECK VA IOATION cK.M.O. CASH IN:;P€CTON IICTE 'tN A'I'ION AL C()NFElIENCE PERMIT VALIDATION -*td.b "f. cAsH fur-zrV'r'"/rt' lt' ?L I JI a Lot 4r F, lr'.,,, + t l)o, I U1 Ilo-s e cUcit r,w;|f 1[str errrcx:o sx: rr I I oa3ai, Ptlorf- Sf Ntp C"J.,o#r i !tcfNsE No. n/, 'i toJ (7( n) A'CH I T EC T Oi DEsICI{EF veru rbopess PioN-E Aak tol ? €a loL4 &l,ial6 m4 o').rcJq. s l*ar*r e7 5. L Et{oEl MAIL aooiEg3 'laricx 6 r""'$i,; *./.n R.r', I e nee. 8 crass of work: d-*t* D A0DlrloN fl ALTERATIoN fl REPAIR tr MovE ! REM0VE l0 Change ol use from Change ol use to PERMIT FEEPLAN CHECK FEEll Valuation of work: g a {, An sPEctAL CoNDlrroNS: Work within Countv rieht-of- Si.e ot Bld9. (Totar ) sq. Ft. Fi16 Spriflkltrs Required [ys5 !N6APPIICATiOII ACCEPTEO 8Y APPROVEO 'OF ISSUANCE 9Y OFFST REET PARKING SPACES:No. ol Owelllng Unltr NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIBED FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WOFK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMIVIENCED WITHIN I20 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO 8E TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL 8E COMPLI€D WIIH WI-lETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMI-r DOLS NOT PRESUI\4E TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOL,ATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANV OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW R€GULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. HEALTH OEPT. FI RE OEPT, SO iL REPORT OTHER (Speclfyl Countv Pl tltAr ap,. z 711,,'l :l;., b( .o- qLc<'t>,;j.a-+ '",u/ a<t r'-)'.&**:;Lfu ;/;;,>;);7.;J',Ll;f3:_ ,aZa4a;| 4.,942 r,.<--.r){-**-t-*--t _.-i ,,. -rt zt t,2 t-: /1, ,. /- , _ :;^' - I i.; : O;.+;ra.r,t.4_/t*o-':;E&fl1*/;*7 I i {i'ai-L,.-<-"-:.1,.('."1.<)'U<-b|1.='4.4--._-----n,j.n_-r,t--_., ; ; I i ,' : 'a121fraa4-.a.tz :+ j-.r.t-/2a,.2-A-./*-..1.2.-1=-,{ t ;, ' i,,, : 8' iY#,::"--, ^..i !::;.f4,:;;-;_a_ i;;b;<_ -)t ",.7a . t'i r .,*t:.%iftJ123;1?':t)-'n..1 i.",',, i ;. ( "'" t i I I .l.: I I ! . I I J o -o I 4@:41a*ez-- /.r 4x ra 4r.,:<-/ ( k-L-/"/: +.f /oJt.'<_./ ( .i4-1 .*,2.-.4u4;22;.- 1' o? "--.ic,..4 --d-).)t/, la't-/rL d-r....t-Zc-+ | 3, a-/-.-'.t:1/--<-,^-;z.e-- !I:;fi',ai i I i I I I i .4,/ inL ii,/,'iz'i i i I I i, iLliuJc" (e{ef | , I | | | i j.-/t.,-.-n,;-+*)4rt) I i i I ifr:3#*ti irrlWit'a'i.ii,l,liiiiiii #,r,'iiiii:i:: i| iii;il @l-l't ir iii;rl j I il, r i i i i i i i i i ,ffiliillllll IrtlJ,,,4L)"|ji ,iili.: I t- ; i:iliij: i:; ;l;l).: t*h/ rlil/illir i .t\ i : i : ;i .1.\ i:i;ii:;i \,i i i -tt- 9^t,=F iEr'-- \ CUs'TCIM DESIGh! ESTIMATE SI{EET For Free Cosi Estimqle. Fill Out Alt ltems ond Moil ln DRAW YOUR PLOT PLAN HERE t.{ t'' I s-?'. $ INDICATE Lot Size and ShaPe House Position North Direction Views, Hills, Mountains Roads, Streets lL; i :: rsP -f o, ?.s- -Jr \ o- -l t lr -. r(} $ill$; ; 1.3, e * l-j y\Tw6 ln(v ^. l- "* +Jiai- r|,\+l (l p * ---i \ \ MAIL PFIE.CUT gY JUSTUS COMPANY.INC. 2l16 TAYLOR WAY . TACOMA wAsH. 98421 ?.o \ C\ --t . {,,, -_/-- ,5 Lo7- ^1 f / -,// ?,3'.,#/-/7 4l/ L- '(rrt r,/7 , /--'\ .F\i\--t7c l 3/ #,\J ttt ,-/ ,/-:2? L(r//,/(4) n 17\ W,I nP l( /(Mtt( /'v t/ ,r/rfrt?/r:7 .rl 7't . c/c ;-r'>/ I l I I I I I !oj' ,r,tvl, . I rtt*I,t _._ jt 6to c ;,-. -/ , .'r1,1 yi ( r,, " ' 2.2 t(. 'a L LC a,) L' U /b-7 T 7{" [, c:iL/ /'1' K -"22. >( rNsPEJloN FtEeuEsrBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER EAGLE COUNTY D orHen n pnnnnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR APPROVED ! orsnpp Rov E D ! netNsPEcr ! uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ,INSPECTOR DATE BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6iXP DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER rNseeclloru EAGLE COU FIEOUEST, NTY E orxen GOMMENTS: LOCATION -APPROVED READY FOR INSPECT]ON WED THUR I orsaeeRovED ^"6) E nerNsPEcr El upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcroNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR