HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPRUCE CREEK TOWNHOMES COMMON 1979 LEGAL'{ il v\\r,4r r.\_^ u"{e,t $lq 1 $ suaorvrsror., < -Y-::- -::;: i$ auriorxc rs. ro ae -!A . '.4-, ," - t .-;d *.= til-*z tn:Tv9F _ ,- ! /i. > -,:l -- i /a> ,t- F ".ilor*", ,_pl,AffiIF oEpT: .: , /.1 ;- .- r. l . u',; -.'l,l ",' i ii , ui i -'r;l. : . !-.,- f - .-,, t : . it: I' I Xfllf-:F AREA oR i i; -i I ':',-: -1 i ; i]d ! VOLUME ' - )1 ] -.:-,-r,Sq -.- PERMIT :' ''+ . :1 .f --.-=--..- - ':. :.i --: a CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 79 PiOPO!ED IJS .e .( EAGLE COLJNTY BUILDING PER\4IT API)LICATION Fl NAL: C/O INSPEC-rlON, l-ANDSCAFT|: INSPECI-IOi\J FORM Revicw Routing Forrn ( ) Primary flor'rtirrq ( )" Reroutirrg-,. ,z&Mdtru,#, i;Y/o--p-A- ? C ( k\^,{ot,,r ,(-,.p. (4- (,-,,.- \;, Date Ref errcd Applidarrt (/ /lu Na3 / 4'7,) Permit No. '/.\ .,:_r >^'-{-t\'%.a.*J /0,---- Plarrnirrg Commission File No- to the Cournty Buildirtg Of f icial within 6 working daYs Locati Rev ierv arrd return P I ann i ng : Comp I ies v.rith : Subdivi sion Regul ations Zoning Regrrlations Site P lan ( Landscap ing) Revierved by: Recommend Approval : No r-l Htril Yesn t:]n tr Date: Comments: County Engineer: Roads Grading D ra i trage Corrments: nnn n nnn tr Recomnrend O,OOrou@ County Health: Water 5 an lta on Perc . test Conrments: neco2er;d f*';"T, 7 ?,/2 'l, t C19 nnnE 2- Final f nspectiorr , C /ot t' o'. r-tL_-tR cco,'rr menci A pproval Comments: Firral Inspectiorr: Landsc ap i Recommend Aoproval Commerrts: T-lll ngn C,/O lssued a:r. -.r =;i:,-^. f-!-.r-. by Date ,LE cotJNTY BUILDI *pE*t', APPLI cArtoN ,tAL: C/O INSPECTION, LANDSC/rPE INSPECTIONI FO ieview Routing Form ( ) Primary Rotrtir2q ( ) R1routi ,nzt: tr-.) 982'E o RM Permit No.Appli Locatio Review and -l,1 J%a4 aL'.* -fla/,--a Plannir rg Commission File No' return to the CountY Buildirtg Official within 6 working daYs P lanning: ComPlies with: Subdivi sion Regul ations Zoning Regulations Site Pl an (LandscaPing) Conrmerrts: Reviewed bY: Recommend APProval : I Date:7-z-tqNo Enn YesnI]n F County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Comments: Recomnrend A.PProval : utrn K Dnnn Corrnty Health: Water Sanitation Perc. test Comments: trtr Final Inspection: C/O Recommend APProval Commenis: n D,, ^/.U --"ff. R."o-merrd APProval : '.. ,r., Q A'(4 Firral lnspection: LandscaPi Recommend Approval Commerrts: ngD! C,/O lssued tri--l si linn F\=ria by Date BUILDI o NG PERMIT APPLIC o ATIO of I Jurisdiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. Apniox, 6.22 acr:s betr,rean east ancl Lrest entianne oi' Gore f,reel< Drive I DE5Ci.{ffistt rrrecxeo srt:r1 MAIL ADON E55 ZIP2 Sntuc= Jre:l< Tcr,rnhnnes at \,tai.l. F.C. llx li,B. \ coNrRActoR MAtt aoDRESS PHON€ ttCaNsE f{O. 1' larpentrv LjnliniieC. Inc. P-tr- ?nx ::f,i r/ai I - lnln^ F T.a.1 t,..G-211 4 Arthur ljise Architecis LtcEN3€ nO. LENOEi MAI L ADOiESS ttAr{CH6 CoLur:bja Savints P.L"r. 2ox 1112i. D=nver. Cnlr- o 7 les i rlen t ia I condominl 8 ClassofwoTk: E NEW tr AOOITION O ALTERATION tr REPAIR E MOVE D REMOVE 9 Describe work: Eonsiruct 12 neLl conConiniur.s l0 Change ol use {rom 1 I Valuation of work: $ 4C! . lCn. CD pLAN cHEcK FEE 549. CC PERMf T FEE 1r1i3.DO SPECIAL CONDITIONS:Occu pa ncy Group Si!e of Bld9. {Totar) sq. Ft. No. ot St or lel Fire Sprinklers Required D...e, flNoAPP!ICATION ACCEPT€O AY PLANS CHECX€O 8Y APPNOVEO 'OB ISSUANCE gY No. of Dwelling Unitr OF FST FI EET PARKING SPACES: NOT ICE SEPAFATE PERMITS ARE FEOUIRED FOR ELECTRTCAL. PLUM8. tNG, HEATtNG, VENTILATING OR AIR CON DITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WOFIK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PEBIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO AE TRUE ANO CORRECT,ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDTNANCES GOVERNING THIS APPLI(jA I I(JN AN(] KNAW IHE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT,ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDTNANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHERELD'-\OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRE OM6 TO GIV€ AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANC€L THEPRPVISIONS OF*!I.!'\QTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCgNSTRUCTIO{ OH\HE F€RFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTTON. FIRE DEPT, SOiL REPORT OTHER (Spoclty) PLAN CHECK VALIDATION -fs/?7 WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION Form 1OO.l 1-77 JNSPECTOR ErAGLg eOUIUTY DEPARii'lENT OF PLANNIIIG & DEVELOPi'IEIIT EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-73 | I BOARD OF COUNTY coHtlrsstoNERS Ext 2-i I SPruce Creek Townhomes Aor.llNlSTilATloN BOx 388Ext 2.11 vail, Co. 81657 AN I|\IA L SHELTEFT v+:r-+<vz TOLL FREE ruUIOS: Va il - 949-5257 Basalt - 927-3823 July 11, 1979 ASSESSO R Ext 202 BUILDING IN INSPECTION Exl 226 or 229 CLERK & HLLIJNLJE.fi Ext 2l 7 COUNTY ATTO R N EY Ext 242 EIIGIIIEER Ext 236 ENVIROI\]I.4ENTAL HEALTH EXt Z Jal EXTEII SIO N AGENT Ext ?47 LIBRARY Ext 255 PU ALIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Va il 4 76-5 6 t14 Pt_Afll.r NG Exl 226 o( 229 PURCHASING/ PEFSOIJNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Ergle Ext 2l I Br sa lt 92 7-.32,i4 G ilman 827-5 751 SOCIAL SERVICES TREASURER E,<t 201 RE: Application for Building Perrnit in Eagle County 6.22 acres - entrance of Gore Creek Drive - Denied The Eag'l e county Building Dept. requires that applications for Bujlding Permiti in Eagl! County 5e routed io the Eagle County Planning, Eng'i neeri ng' and Environme;tal Uealitr Departments for their comrnents prior to issuance of the perrnits. Your application !'/as routed on 6/26/79. Listed belo,rt are the corcments and recon'lmendations l{hich were maCe by the above departments during the routing pl'ocedure. If you have any questlons cr wish tc get a furihei explanatioi, please ccntacl the appropriaie dep'"' units (not condom'injums as I do gone through Yet). PLANNING I APProved. not think 0.K. to build i2 subdjvisjorl has /"orf,n yer ) ..ft;* ENGINEERING: Not aPproved' drainage. ams ,ng nspector 5l te p1 an must show detailed grad'i ng and HEALTH: It r.rould be to requi rements as builciing permit Not approved. Detai I ed f rom f I ood'ing. Shoul d control facilities to your aCvantage if soon as possi bi e any longer than 7)!r/fi*e q4'eg MeTton E. Atwell, uo. Lnglneer drainage plan should protect buildings also piov'i de sedimentation & erosion prevent soil loss & stream contaminat'ion. ,. , z/-: ./7(. ('/ '( t!._1.', La-t,// /.-Z'Y ,,,t-', Erik Edeen, .nv' neaTh=TFitEI-- you begin to resolve any problenrs -and/orio as not to delay the issuance of your necessary. Les Douqles Eagie C6unty Bujlding Official LD/J K Env. Health, Co. Engineer LEGAL DESCRIPTION for SPRUCE CREEI( TOWNTIOUSES A Parcel of land located 5 South, Range Bl West of Ehe Resurvey of sald TownshiP and Denver, Colorado on SeP cember ctibed as follows, Eo wlt: Beginnlng at a point on Ehe WesE line of Seccion 12' Ehe Southerly right-of- way line of InEerscate 70 and rhe southeriy righc-of-way,line of u.s. Highway No' 6' fron which rhe Soutfu^res E Corner of Sectfon'12 f,ears S'01"26'36"1J' 1056'70 feet distant; thence along the Soucherly tigt'i:of-t^y line 9f Y':' Highway No' 6 N.44"31'33"E. 535.96 feet; thence conui'n'ling "i!lq 11t9 rlght-of-wav llne 399'94 feet on a curve to Ehe righE r^rirh a radius Ir zsr!.00 feet, the chord of which bears N,4go35,46"E. :SS.Oi feeE discanri thence departlng sald rlght-r: f -way llneS.37ol0,3g,,E.2.30feetcolheNort'hwestCornerofLotNo.l'VallVillage west Fillng N.. 2 s;;;i"l"io", thence along the Northerly boundary of the Vall Vi11-age l\tesE, Fillng No. 2 Subdivisioi Ehe follo\tlng nine (9) courses and distances: r) s.37o10r39"E. 136 '92 feer 2) S.03o15'21"\'t' 207'82 feec 3) S.20"03r21"I't' 46'06 feet 4) S.37"14'21"1'l' 162'53 feet 5) s.45o39'21"I'I' 83'82 feet 6) 5.42"34'2L"\1 . 2L6'02 feet 7) 5.72"L4'21'\^l . t10'54 feeE 8) N.77o23'39"w' 185' 51 feet 9) S.73"53'37"!{. 149'66 feet to a part on the West line of Sectlon 12; lhencealongthel,lestllneofsection12N.0l.26'36',E.g7.l3feetroEhepolntof b eg lnnlng. Said contains 6. 17 acres' more less 7Q!-/Johns on 1551 in the Soulhwesc Quarter of Section 12' Townshlp ilxrh Principal Meridian according to the Dependent ;;;; "" appioved bv the u's' survevor General in i:,"rga:, ""td p.t.e1 being more particularly des-i I STJRVEYORI S }TOTE: 'Ihis legat ciescripcion does noE con^form Eo che orlginal deed as recorded ac Book 268 and Page 987 of Ehe Eagle,. county n""otat ii"fr'rot" in--tEEJegal descriptlon along the Southerly boundary of U'S' Hlghway No' 6 and the dlstlnt ln No' 9 of the above description' $iffi Ed:flH,$T parc el 2/ Departmen t This certifica'ue issued pursuant Building Code certifying that at r'rith the,rarious resolntions of TOr lne To I lor/r ng: TIi.rPOtiARY . Certificate of 0ccuPancY County of Eagle of Planning and DeveloPrnent Building Division to the requirements of section 306 of the the time of issuance this structure ltas in the county regulating building cons'uruction Uni form conpl i a nce or use NAiiE Carpentry Unlimited Group R-1 eu'iiding Permjt llo. 1473 Type Construct'ion V N Fire Zone 3 Use Zone RSM d*rner of Building Spruce Creek Townhomes at Vail I Bui'lding Address South Frontdqei'Rdad - ufflclal Use Classification Construct 4 Units N0TE: This Temporary Applicant must C.0. is for Unjt B-3 only. finish landscaping as weather permits. Bui 1di ng Date - /.f -8o CountY of Ea91e Department of Planning and Devcloplnent Building Division This certjfjcate issued pursuant to the requirernents of sectjon 306 of the Unjforn OuitOing Code certifying that at the tirrre of issuance th'i s structure was in conpliance r.rith th6'/arious rusoluiions of the county reguiating buj lding constl'uction or use for the fol I oiti nc : T[]lPOIlr\ilY , Certjficate of 0ccuPancY NAiiE Carpentr Unl imi ted Use Classification Construct 4 Un'its Suilding Permit i\lo.1473 Type Construction VN Fire Zone Use Zone RSM o Group R-1 0i.rner of Building Soruce Creek Townhomes at Vail Building Address N0TE: Thi s The Temporary fo1 l owi ng 1) Fi ni sh 2) Finish 3) Finish South Frontaqe'Road ,- East Entrance Gore Creek Buiiding 0ffi ci al Date 3- C.0. is being issued. for,Unit "B-3" correcti ons must be made. tile on upstatrs bath floor and wa1 ls. t hr. fire stop in stbrage under stairS. 'landscaping' as weather permits. County of EIJCTRICAL Eagle PMMIT Job Name....,Spruce..creek.. ---Bldg..,.#2.,...S^..Frantage..Rd 79 Electrical Contractor..... .......N I l!...8 I I -c-!I 7 I Applicanr- Sltlrture APPROVALS Ne t527 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation B7dg.#2-4units Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $........ ..............-.-.. $-..... ....-................ $.. L,6-7. -.. 9.0-............ $............... ..... ...... $...19.7..: 9.9..... "....... Date Paid.-...., .7 / ? 4. /.79 Received By ;I .KeLler THIS .rOB 7 - 25-,-7/ FORTI IS TO BE POSTED ON SITE DURII{G CONSTRUCTION {t HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQI,.IIRED FOR INSPECTTONS Receipt #5339 B7dg. Permit #7473 County of Eagle H.NCITUCAL PERIT{IT 1627 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Bldg.#2-4unLta Flrmit Feo Inspection Fee Total Fce $...-. s......-.. t.. lg?.., p.Q -.... _...... $............................ o 767.00!P.... - -.-..... - - -. r.... -.. -.. Ne Job Name....^lpnrcc..Cree&.. .:..Aldg....#2.,..^l^...eran-tage..Rd.,. ElectricalContractor............ly-ag..F.J.e..Cgf.i-S Applicanr.-..... Sl!!.tura APPROVALS Recolpt #5339 BJdq. Pennlt #1473 7 - z{-r/ FORT IE TO BE FOSTED ON STTE DURTI{G CO]ISTRUCTION {8 HOURS A"DVANCE NOTICE nDaunry Fon rNsPBcrroNs '"":r- : .. ,... .,, - . #,ffiz THIS JOB .- -:i-, d-,. iiL-..!---: - 1) .rtl I tl{Itgl Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. 2 PLUMil lG PERA,rIT APPLIcnTbN Jurisdiction of lutL wHEN ?R@ERLv vaLrDATEo 0rv rxrs spAccl rHrs rs youn eeann 1173 17,n fro-762s lto *.{ a*T I oE5Cl.ru)tt ,fi z'-"(hnre>t2rc Ltrt Ltn rrcEr{aa xo.3 IJE>Itt pLhnnt a alcxrtact oa 0aSiGxza M |L loota! S J. PiOiE EIGINEE MA|L ADOI t35 l|XOr{E l rc lr.ta r{o. MA|L AOOte S 3 aIANCX LrSE Ot !! rL OrN 6Tlfr 8 Ctassof work: tffEw fl A00rTr0N DALTEBAT|0I{ tr REPAIR Ty9. ot Firtur. o. hari WATER CLOSET (TOIL€T)SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORV (WAsH 6A5IN} KITCHEN SINK & OISP. APPLICATION ACC€PIEO 8Y PLAr{S CXECX€O 8Y APPFOVEO 'OR ISSL'AIICE 8Y LAUNORY TRAY CLOTHES WA9HER WATE R HEATE R NOTICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THIS TVPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEO HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESIJME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULAIING CONSTRUCTION OR TH€ PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR SINK OR ORAIN SLOP SINK GAS SVSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING I TREATING EQUIP. LAWN sPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK 3 PIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cac @n Form l0O2 11,73 '.o.cr. 'ior: M.O.PERMIT VALIOATION M.O.CASH A/*'f/eA"* # 51/tl INSPECTOR lllTlRia ATI€)I{A L COt{FlRlXCl 07 lulLG'|']O OtFlClALt. rr.. r. trorxrax r.r!! .oaD . rr.tt.rt.., ca|.tr, ,,r..1 PLUMBIG PERMTT APPLrclrtN c Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. rf)se r e rrrc"ro s*gr-r r owr{ Ea M |L loor€ss 2 . c. .:, / , ..,,ii ... 3 i ,' "'i !i // tl t( / ,7 :' .-// ; /t ^rca I racr or ocsrcNEi '' !'' I ' /.'A MAIL AOOTE55 MAr! ADOia 5 S ai^NCH 8 ctass of work: fi-NErv tr A00tTt0N O ALTERATT0N tr REPAIR 9 Describe work: TyF o{ Firtu't or lLni WATER CLOSET (TOI LET}SPECIAL CONOITIONS: LAVATORY {WASH BASIN) KITCHEN SINK & OISP, APP!ICATION ACCT'IED 8Y PtArts cri€c(E o 8Y aPPROvIO fOF tSSUArtCt BY LAUNORY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATE R HEATE R NOT ICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIV€ AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. UR INAL ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR SINK OR ORAIN SLOP SINK GAS SVSTEMS: NO. OUT LET5 WATER PIPING & TR€ATING EOUIP. WASTE INT€RCEPTOR VACUUM AREAKERS I.-AWN SPR INKLE R SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK ' PIT WHEN PROPERLY VALIOATEO (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUB PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cnc @r Form IOO.2 1l-73 CASH AUDIT' lNlERilaTloLaL conFERll'lcl oF lulLElrltc oFFrcra|-s. rt.c r. so.r.r^r ca(r.. ....1 PERMIT VALIOATION M.O. BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DAnE )-)/'y0 JOB NAME INsiPECT}I EAGLE COUNTY /474 FIEOUES,T,1. { !t TIME RECEIVED ..'45 AM@ florxe n n pnnrtnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR PPR.OVED flOrSnppROVED I upotrt rHE-FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: @ lI;:'^@' t I nerNSPEcr 6,onnr.t'ors ., ,.1 , . ''t '/-l-a*/, BUILDING DEPARTMENT P. O. Box D Avon, Colorado 81620 JOB NAMEDATE TIME RECEIVED---- AM PM CALLER | .. .'1?1"lt i.:4ftrfr" !' I tr 'rl.r,oN REouEsr fl nq-rrtrseecrroN REouEsr . ...{ /(H 9494280 E ornen ! penrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: ,._{)ryL/FRITUEWED APPROVED I uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS D orsnppRovED I nerNsPEcr !ree ento c oarc 4*tD-Vd ^1 4 a: na?T5i1!-!:{ '\r rr rrt{i-rn<r.r- ir,!.rF:rrEli:,f'.'{f-iqir-.4: r.aita BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328.6339 INSPECTIU tfl(FIEOUEST TIME RECEIVED- AM PM EAG L E COUNTY ( DATE JOB NAME fl orxen n pennnl. LocATroN 'Ad1/ D orsnppRovED ,*, =- Att#) E netNsPEcr WED E eppRovED READY FOR INSPEUTI CORRECTIONS FrF/'q' BUlLDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 . PHONE:.328.6339 DATE TIME RE a rNspEcrm "JJ^rEsr EAGLE COUNTY ga JSBNAME bfrottry | tln,rl "(CALLER E penrrnl READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON '{o*rr"r*, {orrRovED E uporu rxe CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: DnrtNsPEcr BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 32S-6339' , INSFECTII' , EAGLE CO /1'7 3 HEEUEST UNTY I JOB NAME CALLER DArE J-ia-go TfME REcEfvEo 0 : B() t E ornen n pnnnnu LOCATION Wlp Rov E D El uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS /r, E orseppRovED fl nerNsPEcr -{":rs'r!!l'?-ry,tr'!:!' BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 3e8-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER INsFECTII' HEOUEST ^ tl GL:c3.,'"'"- + Hry E orxen fl pnnrrel. LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION ff aenRovED E orsnppRovED ! upott i+rE rolrowrruG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS E nerNsPEcr ,",= 7{Z{71 a.- eti t t-Dr l'rc brv rsrolu. P. o. ifox rzs PHONE:328-6339 EAGLE couNrY + lt/7 3 f - |JOB NAMEDATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CATLER flornen D penrrel. LocAroN READY FOR INSPECTION I EfappRovED E orseppRovED E upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG GoRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! nerNsPEcr ,(-) PLUMBfiG PERMTT APPuctroN Jurisdiction of. Applicant to complete numbered WceE only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cnc @lr Fotm 1O0.2 I l-73 rroio.i.rorr ? ( a?tacrtD txta?l MAfL AOOra3S// . I fra M,rrt loot a 5s Pxort Lrcatl!E xo. ]rachr tac t oa oEsIdhEt tL, aDolass - ,xoxt MAIL ADOIESs 'IAXCH 8 Class of work:E AOOITION D ALTERATIO'{ O REPAIR Typ. of Fixluta or In.|n WATER CLOSET (TOILETISPECIAL CONOITIONS: LAVATORV (WASH BASINI KITCHEN SINK E OISP. APPL'CAIlOrr ^CCtPTED 8Y rtans cHtcxto 8Y atPRov€o toR tssuartcE 8Y LAUNORY tRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER NOTICE I HEREBY CERTIFV THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO AE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEO HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUM€ TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION, ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR SINK OR ORAIN SLOP SINK GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING I TR€ATING EQUIP. WASTE INf€RC€PTOR VACUUM AR€AKERS I-AWN SPRINXLER SYS'EM SEPTIC TANK I PIT WHEN PROPERLY VALIOATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PENMIT PERMIT VALIDATION M.O. INSPECTOR II{ Tf FI{ATIOr{AL cic'NFERTXCE C, Wd # l'/t'l 4&7 rulLol rl I PLUMfi c PERMTT APPLrcili,oN ' Jurisd iction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. : MAIL AODIE!S.,1' 'IP:' itL ,.. t. J', LrcINsf, {o. MAr! AODtfSs FXONE MA|L AOOr€ss lrANCh Jsa oF a! Lo n6 8 Ctass of work: B NEW fl A00tTt0N n ALTERATT0N D SEPAIR I 0$cribe work: Typ. of Fixtura or ltont SPECIAL CONDITIONS:WATER CLOSET (TOI LET) LAVATORY (WASH SASIN) KITCHEN SINK & O I5P. OISHWASHER APP!iCATIOI! ACCIPT€ O 8Y PLANS CHTCX€ O 8Y APpROVEO aOF |SSuANCt aY LAUNORY TRAY CLOTHES WASHE R WATER HEATER NOTICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEO HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMII DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. URINAL ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOON SINK OR ORAIN SLOP SINK GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTL€TS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTE RCEPTOR VACUUM BREAK€ RS L.AWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK 3 PIT IVHEN PROPCRLY VALIOATEO (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. M.O, CASH PERMIT VALIDATION c nr @. AUDIT Form 100.2 ll-73 tttrEFN^ytofa.A.. cotaFERtttcE or tutt-E)titc oFrtcta|-s..r.c I |.r!! ioaD BUTLDTNG ofvrsrenr P. O. gOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TfME REcEtvEoQ:/0 AM pM CALLER INSPECT EAGLE couNry ^,,+ r/72- ;-^ " j;,",^ery F t E pnnrral.LOCATION FRI E orren AM PM READY FOR INSPECTION rffi) rHuRTUEMON COMMENTS: E appRovED7\ E uporu rxe E otsnppRovED t FOTLOWI NG COR R ECTIONS: f| nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS IrNsFEcrilru FtEouEsrBU ILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: iZA-O:Sg DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER- EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING FOOTlNG FOUNDATION FRAMING FINAL PARTIAL .LOGATION: COVER INSULATION -SHEETROCK VENEER- ROOF PARTIAL LOCATION: PLUMBING ROUGH STANDPIPEwocsF!NAL PARTIAL L(rcATION: MECHANICAL VENT]LATION HEATING HOODS PARTIAL LOGATION: ELECTRICAL .TEMPOBARY ROUGH FINAL SMOKE DETECTOR PARTIAL LOGATION: n orHrn LJ PARTIAL. LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI COMM E N TS: -AM PM Wxpp RovED D DrsAppRovED n netNsPEcr tr upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE f,e BUTLD||t(f.DtVrSl P. o. tox 1rg PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER . .:;-. | . - tr Li'rt 7zINSPECT EAGLE COUNTY FIEOUEST E ouen E peRrrar LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION APPROVED lJ DrSAI fl uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS THUR FRI-AM PM E orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr BUrLDudDtvrsroN P. o. Eox 179 t PHONE:328€339 FIEOIJEST t172EAGLE COUNTY D^TE 4-t JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E ornen MON COMMENTS: E pnnnel.LOCATION TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR @-AM Prtr APP ROVE D E upon rse E orsnppRovED FOLLOWI NG GORREGTIONS: fl nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS aBUILDIN(}DIVISION P. O. tOX ?9 PHONE: 328-63a9 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER INSPECT FIEOUEgiT EAGLE couNrY4 /472 f] prnrrnu. READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR APP ROV E D f]orsnppRovED I nerNsPEcr E upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS .J BUILDIIUdDIVISION P. o. dox 1r9 PHONE: 328-6339 INSPEGT tLl77 FIECIUEST EAGLE COUNTY DATE Iu/EO JOB NAME T|ME RECE|VED- AM @ E ornen I pnnnnu LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION ,"*f# E nerNsPEcr6rno"-veo D orsnp fl upol,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONSI ,t BUrLDrlrd bivlslt)N P. o. gox 1?e' PHONE:328-6339 INSFECT FIEBUESIT EAGLE COUNTy-r- DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E penrrau READY FOR INSPECTION WED APP ROV E D E orsnppRovED D uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS rnt -?o@ E nerNsPEcr LOCATI( *--' @ BUILDING DIVISDN P. o.60x ?9 PHONE: 328-6339 EAGLE N FIECIUEST corlNrY (lW U^JL TIME RECEIVED- AM CALLER oerc ll-lL'7ol ,JoBNAME I orHen n pnnrrnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION TUE GOMMENTS: $*r.e RovED ilurorrHE FoLLowl ! orsnppRovED CORRECTIONS: n nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS -a BUILDING' DIVI!NON P. o. 6ox'179 PHONE: 328-6339 oArE/-l_:1Y-- TIME.RECEIVED- AM tNsltEcT TIUEST JOB NAME PM CALL EAGLE COUNTY E pnnrrnu LOCATIONE oruen READY FOR INSPECTION ,.G THUR ftA,ee RovED [D4,tponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRFEcroNS: CORRECTIONS I orsnerRovED ! nerNsPEcr BUrLDrr{G'DiVr51(nl P. o. fox r79 PHONE: 328-6339 INSPECT FIEOUEST D^rE //'t7-77 JoBNAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM EAGLE COUNTY I ornen MON COMMENTS: I pnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION ffieeRovED E orsappRovED I nrrNsPEcr E upom THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ? nl:..:,.1]*oS .r'..ja: o-z-'-' \ t ? Icitun trn tr,- r (t3n o3soaordt'171ox {tx ln3/lo adn l/Jo-tt l'.tl i1313q| 4 l:P:rr;'ms ASNVdNJJO IO ]IVJIIIIU]J ,iiii,::i .,A f!l,!Uld CNl-ql|nB,::'.iffi,,Fj#i*WrY-=-'''-"j;:llitrl+l"l BUILDINGBUILDING DIVISION OF EAGTE COUNTY, P. O. BOX 179 couRTHousE, EAGIE CO. - PH. (303) 328'6339 Buildinq #1 oArE Carpentfy Unl imited July 12 PERMIT APPL ICA}IT PERMIT TO ADORESS q { OX NO.) r47 2 (CONIR'S LICENSE) l$TlE?noo'u*, r" ilild(X{GX four (STREET} Construct M Units {TYPE OF IMPROVEME IiT) (-) sroRY t{o.( PROPOSED USE) >|l ^, (.o"o.,on) ;PJ+if.t( o.) lsrREET) BETWEEN ANO(cRoss srFEEf)(CRO5S STREET} E @ o @ C;z I o suBo tv ts toN BUILDIIIG IS TO 8E - FT. WIDE BY - FT. LONG BY TO TYPE LOT-ALOCK-SIZE usE GROUP 4 BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNOATIOII #1.472, t4 Et"J*/S.o.r $400,000.00 FT. ITI HEIGHT ANO SHALL CONFORM III CONSTRUCTIOTI (TYPE) FEE"'' $1 , 178. 00 PLANNING DEPT: 0.K. to build fiX units (not condominiums as subdivision has REMAN KS: Fees for 12 units Plan Check Fee $589.00 AREA OR VOLUME OIv N ER (CUAIC/90UARE FE ETI Spruce Creek TownhorBs at Vai'l Box 388, Vail, Co. 81657 BUI BYADDR ESS (Affidqvit on revcico side of qpplicolion to be completcd by outhorizcd ogcnl ol owner) I hereby certify thot the proposed work is oulhorized by lhe owner of record ond I hove been outhorized by the owner to moke this opplicofion os his oufhorized ogent. SIGNATURE OF AGENT ADDRESS (NUMEER) (STREET) (CITY) APPROVED BY TITLE J DATE 19_. .,',''.xtr,g,*'. '*,G;.F;- ".;jp.e--''.1 :.,;l;,.*.#ci;.".=.-i:n#r#*itr. rr qr*u,."..,-'.'frJ1i.?:i....*offi.gi. {ffi; ;gfiii;,xuDry,siSN6F -'.:i:.o;:J:*-i: :.:.11u.:.!,'- :...,1,:l:,r,"W,."g=o-- /:'-"'..f..'x.T'-- ,.;,'.'r' EAGtECOUNry,-p. O,-gO)c179-' - 51"::i=+1 = <-r. *' - "'i,".:,oArF* '7tt-ive " ;:",,, :founrno-u;5;1cf cor- fH;lFf't1"0.:9t, ,' ii,i F:i,'; BUILDING PERMIT | -ii ' '* *rro,tb f, , '' ',!i =r - E',; ii E CERTIFICATE OF OCCUI4NCY ,E; .:: ,1 . ts ,r - :'.ii o^re Julv 12 ' -- -:'rslg-a-pERMrr*o- 'i 1473 I : A P Pe I GANT ___14:flg.!tlFl ' : i{i:/J''l; zoNtftc.otsTRlcT- ; i-5,1r,.i, :I,: :ii.f1g|""i :1;f;'',.i (cRo33 r | :(tYfE, subdlvlsloa SEE REVERSE .e t{trtll()-tn cl>- I > 'o (D !t IA t_ z-:-o-F=?1t.,rr! o I .( BUILDING PERMIT APPLI o CATIO Applicant to complete numbred spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION I Juridiction of Approx. 6.22 actes betueen east and uest entrance of Gore creek Drive {Ssre arrrcxao srrert ztP P}rot{E ruce [reek Tounhomes at VaiI. P MAI L AOOi'3S PHONE atcx r rEct or ocsrcirEi MA|L ADOI ES 3 tHOriE LrcENSE rr O.4 A"thur trjise Architects 1026 Bannacx €r{otNEEr MAIL OOiC3S PHOXE MAI L ADDiE93 IIANCH6 Eolumbia Savinqs p.0. Box 1 u3E Ot autLDtNC Residential condominiums 8 CI|lt O' WO'K: 8l NEW D AOOITTOI{ D ALTERATIOI{ f] REPAIR tr MOVE tr REMOVE 9 Oescribe work: Construct 12 neu condaminiums 10 Change of use from 1 | Valuation of work: $ 400 , 000. D0 pLAN cHEcK FEE 589.00 PERMTT FEE 1r1'7B.DO SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size ol gldg. (Totall Sq. Ft. OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPABATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 OAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL AE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHERETIhOR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRE,I'OME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPRgVISIONS OFAY'\QTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCFNSTRUCTIO{ OF{\\HE FEAFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. srltilaTudE ol cq,Ff*lt roll Dl A\rtorrzEb IGEN SOIL REPORT OTHER (Spcclfy) l4--# -fs/?7 6,c* PNOPERLY VALIOATED {IN THIS SP THIS IS YOUR PEFMIT PERMIT VALIDATION Form 1O0.1 1-77 M.O. INSPECTOR a TNSPECT|ON APPROVALS OATE REMARKS INSPECTOR FOUNDANONS: SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT. LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY F INAL USE SPACE EELOW FOR NOTES. FOLLOW.UP, ETC. BUTLDT le prnrvrrr orrr,.oto* ' Juridiction of Applicant to complete nunbcrcd spaces only. I ,r -:::-:.. r.71 ,,f'. .:'; l, rr :- ,-l.t' ', '' .r'tl. r-i r.:-:;jr n, .:r, r-lii, ---.-.:t- ,-: \rij q[s:r rrrecxeo sx:er1 OWIIEi MAIL AOOiESS ZIP 'HONE2 ..,.r'r . .:,i :: ri-; t .:1.. . .1..'. ,1.'. i' ,'._oi-i' trcENsa No. ''- I I atcHr Tact oi oEStc{Ei "".).' il ; LtcarsE No. . a.':' EI{GINEEi MA IL AODN ES S PHONE MAIL ADDIESS nr: '1 .'i'. U SE OF 'U ILDII{G 8 C|asr of worK: El NEW D AODITIOI'I tr ALTERATIOil D REPATR f] MOVE D REMOVE 10 Change ol use from Change of use to PER M IT F€E SPECIAL CONOITIONS: Size of Bldg. (Total) sq. Ft. Fire SprlnklerS Required [y65 !p6APPLICATION ACCEPIEO 8Y FLANS CHECKEO BY APPROVE D FOF ISSUANCE 8Y OFFST REET PARKING SPACES:No. ol Dwellin9 Units NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING. HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT EECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN ,I20 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED,I HEREBV CERTIFY THAT I HAV€ READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT- THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VTOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. 5rGta ruRE oF coN rRAcloi ZON ING HEA LTH OEPT. FIRE OEPT. SOIL REPORT OTHER (Specifyl WHEN PROPEBLY VALIOATEO (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION __) ./-); /,rl-n7'-44 * Form 10O.1 1-77 EXTRA COPY County of Eagle ELECTRICAL PMMIT Ne 1526 BuildingValuation $.......-.....-....-.---..... ElectricalValuation $-.-.......-.-..-..--....---. B7dq.#7-4units Applicant..--... sl8nature APPROVALS Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Dare Paid....-.. .7 /2 4/.79 Received sv.... {: K-l]hl $.€.167... p-Q............. $............................ t f67.00rr- - -.- ---. -.-- -..--....-.-..- Data 7,-*fl:af THIS JOB FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON SITE DURII{G CONSTRUCTIOI{ ,lE HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQURED FOR INSPECTIONS Receipt #5jj9 BIdg. Pernit #7472 County of Eagle ELECTRICAL PERIIIIT Applicant.......sltlature APPROVALS THIS FORTI 15 TO BE POSTED ON JOB STTE DURING CONSTRUCTION {8 HOURS AI'VAI\ICE NOTICE REQIJ|RED FOR TNSPECTIONS o - )l o EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT sua 9"+' zy' , rs7? 76?scHEcK AMOUNT ITEM Buildinq Permit Fee Application For Subdivision Conditional Use Special Use All items are received for no-payment of any item. Ne 5339 Building) (Zoning) (Subdivision Total Received * tste l/57/P* collection only and lhis errcrnttir PERMTT APPLCITpN Jurisdiction to comptete numbered spaces only. c,t [sr: rrrecxeo:x:et). LteaLI Dl!c r. MAIL AODiESS ZIP ,PHON E uj L-1 hMAt L DOIESS FXOXE LICENSE I{O, AFCnItECT oi OES lottEi LIC'N3E NO. ENCIXEEi MAIL AOON EsS PHON'LICEN9E NO. U9E OF 'UI LDIN 8 ctassof work: flnew flA0olrloN trALTERATIoN tr REPAIR Doscribr work: RECEPTACLE Ourt€ts SPECIAL CONDITIONS: TotalLIGHTING Fixtures FIXTURESAPPLTCATION ACCEPT€O 8Y APPROVEO FOA ISSUANCE 8Y RANGES CLO. ORYER WTR. HTR. NOTICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THIS TVPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PFESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. GARBAGE OISP. STA. COOK TOP DISH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR. STA. APPL. y, H.P. MAX. TEMP. POWER LIPOLE IJUNOGO. PERMIT ISSUING FEE 'OTAL FEE 4 Q,;.t+ 472, ttzz , trt/l9ffiQ-.4't4eu"7 Form lOO.3 11-73 INSPECTOR \INTERNATIOHAL CONFERENCE OF EUILDING OFFICIALS WHIYflER, CA|.IF. 'O'OI +' t INSPECTION REPORTS OATE IlEM . REMANTS !tts?EcToR USE SPACE EELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. ELEc.TRifr. PERMTT orrr,et,oN Applicant to complete numbered spaces only, Jurisdiction of lst: errrccto sxeert MAIL AODR ESs ZIP PHONE LICENSE NO. aFcHtlEct oR oEsrcreR MAIL ADDF E5 S PHONE LICENSE NO. ENOINEEi MA IL AODR ESS PHON'LICENSE NO. LENOER MA IL AOORESS AFA}ICN 1 8 ClassoIworK: trNEW trAODITION DALTERATION DREPAIR I Describe work: PERMIT FEES TotalBECEPTACLE Outtets SPECIAL CONOITIONST TotalLIGHTING Fixtures F IXTU RESAPPLICATION ACCEPTED 8Y: RANGES CLO. ORVER WTR. HTR. N OTICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. GARBAGE OISP. STA. COOK TOP O ISH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR. STA. APPL. v? H.P. MAX. TEMP, POWER LIPOLE LIUNDGD. SERVICE E ruew E cxaruce PERMIT ISSUING FEE TOTAL FEE WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (lN THIS SPACEI THIS lS YOUR P€RMIT , - :, !: ,. , .' :: ^ : PLAN CHECK VALIDATION M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION M.O. TEMP. F ILE FoTm 100.3 11.73 INTERNATIoNAL coNFERENCE oF BuTLDING OFFICIALS v . TELlPOIir\llY Certificate of 0cctlpancy fn'n*rr nf Eenlr:\,vurlLJ vl L(ry.E for the fo'l 1ot'ti ng : Department of Planning and Developlnent Building Djvision This certjficate issued pursuant to the requirements of section 306 of the Uniforn AuiiOing Code certifying'that at the tirne of issuance this structure tlas in conpliance r.lith thi various resol ,riions of the county regulating building consiruciion or use o NAiiE Carpentry Unlimited Use C'lassification Construct 4 Un its Bui lding Permt't llo.1472 Type Constructjon Fire Zone 3_ Use Zone RSM Group R-l 0i.rner of Building ce Creek Townhomes at Vail Buildinq Address South Frontaqe Road - Easf Entrance Building 0fficjal NOTE: This Temporary Applicant must C.0. is for Unit.A-2 only.finish landscaping as weather permits. LEGAI DESCRIPTION for SPRUCE CREEK TOWNHOUSES A parcel of land located ln the Southwest Quarter of Sectlon 12, Townehlp 5 South, Range 81 l,les t of the Slxth Principal Meridlan accordlng to the Dependent Reeurvey of said Townshlp and Range as approved by the U.S. Surveyor General ln Denver, Colorado on September 13, 1943, sald parcel belng nore Partlcularly des- crlbed as follows, to wlt: Beglnnlng aE a polnt on the West line of Sectlon 12, the Southerly rlght-of- way llne of Interstare 70 and the Southerly rlght-of-way llne of U.S. Hlghway No. 6, froo whlch the Southwest corner of sectlon 12 bears S.01o26r36"1{. 1056.70 feet dlstant; thence along the Southerly rLght-of-way llne of U.S. Hlghway No. 6 N.44o31r33"8. 535.96 feetl thence contlnuing along sald rlght-of-way llne 399.94 feet on a curve to the rlght with a radlus of 2815.00 feet, the chord of rrhlch beare N.48o35'46"E. 399.61 feet dlstant; thence departing sald rlght-of-way llne S.37o10r39"E. 2.30 feet co the Norlhwest Corner of Lot No. 1, Vall Vlllage Weet Flllng No. 2 Subdivlsion, thence along the Northerly boundary of the Vall Village WesE, Flllng No. 2 Subdtvlslon che followlng nlne (9) courses and dl,etancee: 1) S.37"10r39"E. 136.92 feet 2) s . 03 "15 r 2Lt'w . 207 .82 feet 3) S.20"03r 21"W. 46.06 feet 4) S.37o14' 2It'W. 162.53 feet 5) S.45o39r 21"W. 83.82 feet 6) S .42"34 '21"W. 216.02 feet 7) S.72"l-4t21rrw. 110.54 feet 8) N.77o23r39"!{. 185.51 feet 9) S.73o53'37"w. 149.66 feet to a part on the west 1lne of Sectlon 12; thence along the West llne of SecElon 12 l{.01o26136"8. 97.13 feet to che polnt of beg lnnlng. SaLd parcel conLalns 6,17 acres, 7q SI'RVEYORI S NOTE: Ttrls legal descrlpclon doea noE conform to che orlginal deed ae recorded at Book 268 and Page-987 of the Eagle. County Records due to errors ln the legal descrlptlon along the SoutherJ-y boundary of U.S. Highway No. 6 and the dLetant ln lib. 9 of the above descrLption. Johns on $.ta,'"tt?d;.?11*f 4ss1 :*t.' '%r.gh$' / 'uoorE couNr' BUtLDtJ"t*t,, AppLtcArtoN FINAL: C/O INSPEC'iION, LANDSC/TPE INSPEC t TION FOR Review Routing Form ( ) Primary Routirp ( )w;2 %-a "*J .{Q"t-, P larrnir rg Commission File No. Review and return to the CountY Buildirg Official within 6 working daYs /l7r t4-r3 t4-7) Permit No. Locati P lanning: Complies with: Subdivision Regul at ions Zoning Regtrlations Site Pl an (LancJscaPing) Commerrts: Reviewed by: Recommend APProval : No Enil Yes trnn tr Date: County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Comments: nnf, D ntru E County Health: Water Sanitation Perc . test Comments: Final lnspectiorr: C/O Recommerrd nntrw nna $pproval : Recommend Approval Comments: nn Firral Inspect ion: Landscap ilg Recommend Approval tr Commerrts: n C,/O lssued by Date a corJNTy BUr LDr^t"="t,, App,-t cATt oN C/O INSPECTION, LANDSCAPE INSPECTION F t ORM EAGLE Fl].JAL.: Review rout iRouting Form ( ) PrimarY Rout AppliDate 4%-.4 "*,/4 -f,,-^- Planning Commission File No- Review and return to the County Buildirrg Official within 6 working days Permit No. Planning: Complies with: Subdivi sion Regul at ions Zoning Regulations Site Plan (Landscaping) Commerrts: Reviewed by: Recommend Date: 7-2-11No Etrn Yes Dntr F County Engineer: Boads ntrn m ilntr tr -7-e-77 Recommend ApProval : Comments: County Health: Water Sanitation Perc. test Final Inspection: C/O Recommend Approval Comments: n Firral Inspection: LandscaPing Recommend Approval n I Comments: Final Filing Date by DateC/O lssued EAGTE EOU!\JTY DEPARTiIENT OF.PLAIINING & DEVELO EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303 /3 ? 8.7 3'I I BOARO OF COUNTY coNr,1tssloNERs Ext 2-11 AO I,I IN IST i]ATIO N Ext 24 | AN If\'IAL sHE LTE R 949.^i292 AsSE550R axt zva BU ILDI NG IN INSPECTION Exl 226 or 229 CLERK.9 RECORDER Ext 2l 7 COUNTY ATTO R N EY Ext 2:t2 EI,IG II.IEER Ext 236 ENVIROT\T,1ENTAL H EALTH Ext 239 EXTEI.ISION AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUELIC HEALTH EaEle Ext 252 Va il 4 75.5344 PLAf\IIIIf\G Exl 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSOI.]NEL Ext 245 ROAD & BR IOG E Exl ?57 SHERIFF eagle Ext 2 | | Br sa lt 9 2 7'3 2,i4 Gilmrn 82 7-5 7 5l SOC IA L SERVICES JZO.OJ<O TREASURER Ext 201 o PMIIIT Spruce Creek Townhomes Box 388 Vail, Co. 81657 RE: Application for Sujlding Perrni'l in Eagle County 6.22 acres - entrance of Gore Creek Drive - Denied The Eagle County Building Dept. requires that appljcations for Bujlding P;imii; in Eagli County 5e rbuted io ttre Eagie County Planning, Engineering' and Environrnental tieatlfr Departirents for their comments prior to issuance of the perrnits. Your application ltas routed on 6/26/79. Ljsted belor.r are the cornmenis and recomrnendatjons lthjch \^/ere made by the ibove departrnen'us during the rouiing procedure. If you have any quest'ions cr !.I.i sh !o get a furt.hei explanation, please contact. the apprcpriate dep'u. PLANNING: APProved. not think 0. K. to bui'l d 12 subdivisioL has 'ob!,io!'nl#l;' Basalt - 927-3823 July 11, 1979 ENGINEERING: Not approved. Si' drainage. HEALTH:Not approved. Detailed drainage p1 an should protect buildings iron-|'iooaing. Should also piovide sedimentatjon & erosion contro'l taciTitjes to prevent soil loss.& stream contamjnat'ion. (c' ,(' e/'. It r.rould be to your advantaEe if you begin to resolve any problens and/ior requirements as soon as posiible io us not to delay the jssuance of your building pernrit any longer than necessary- Les Douql as Eagle Cotrnty Bui'l ding 0fficial must show detailed grading and LD/JK Env. Health, Co. Engineer EUILDING DIVISION P. o. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339. INSPEGTII HEGIUEETT E ornen n penrrel LocATroN FEADY FOR INSPECTION AM@ d orrRovED E orsappRovED E upol,t rHE FoLLowrNG GoRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS D nerNsPEcr DATE BUITDING DlVISION Flo:sox rzs PHONE:328-633$ a DATE //:3 5 t INSPECTIT HEEUEST EAGLE COUNTY JOB NAME rfME REcEfvEs f, b/l%v a1i CALLER E orxen COMMENTS: E penrral LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION FRI-AM PM dorrRovED ! orsnneRovED E upon rHE FoLLowrNG GoRREcrtoNS: CORRECTIONS fl nerNsPEcr --zv-r|r{rYr,i t*4 ,ri .a BUILDING DIVISION P.'o. Box 179 PHONE:328-6339 a rNsiPEcrtl IDArE /',/tr /? JoBNAME .sli, ,* €., *' t/,r,. ,l o,,-n- rfME RECETVED 3 'l/) AIWFM) ssyyss I Ai L E- r,r.,..'J t' /4 /.zt E /tZ, FIEOIJE=iT UNTYEAGLE CO ,'/ i n orxen ! paRrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR ! orsneeRovED tr REINSPECT @ D upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRBECTToNS: CORRECTIONS EhcppRovED ,) ,(ry TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION tLli 3 BU]]LDING DIVISION P]-O|BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6:139. rNsPEcrlt neoulsr DATE E ornen ! pnnnel.LOCATION t.+t--r ad4? MON COMMENTS: THUR ,^, / ^M@ .1 EleeeRovED Q unon rHE FoLlowrNG coRFECTToNS: CORRECTIONS I orsneeRovED ! nerNsPEcr EU.ILDING DIVISION P. O?BOX 179 PiroNE:328-ffi39 t t ,r rNsPEcrtil EST EAGLE COUNTY DATE .JOB NAME1 .'' TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orsen f,] pnnrrnu. LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION \ WED rnr 3 ot@MON COMMENTS: fl.eee Rov ED E orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS tNgrrEcrtl EAGLE COUNTY /,JLa.t- lfo FIEITUEEIT d"i BUILDING DIVISION P. (l. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 ,orr/*/7 roeNnr,fE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM I i ! ornen L-l PARTIAL. LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION ^'@ WappRovED E orsnppRovED E nErNsPEcr E] uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECnoNS: CORRECTIONS .J *r- EAGLE COUNTY JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orxen iif"$'t(l6,ppRovED E panrrnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR D netNsPEcrE orsnppRovED r | 1l-. , lJ upoN THE FoLLowtNG coRRECTtoNS: CORRECTIONS , r:F ---.ry rNsPEcril F.EB !l3€,BUILDING DIVISION P. o:tBox 179 .PHONE: 328-6319 DATE JOB NAME ' TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER EAGLE COUNTY tr OTHER I pnnrrel. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION 'MON COMMENTS: TUE FRr t?AM@ Repp Rov E D E[ uror,r rH E FoLLowr NG co€RlcnoNs: CORRECTIONS E orsappRovED I nrrNsPEcr DArE ,.7 - 5 ^" 34 sPEcl.,N /z+ / ,/ BUTLDTNG DTVTSTON P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-E339 DATE -JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER FIEOUEST EAGLE COUNTY E ornen MON COMMENTS: I pnnrrel.LOCATION TUE READY FOR INSPECTION wED @ rnr * AM@ [l neeRovED [l ueoru rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: ! orsappRovED !REINSPECT CORRECTIONS DArE 2-//-8d 7"\'4r.F ' r-tr-E-s ,P-- .! BUll-drilc DlvtstoN +. o. Box 179 , - PHONE:328-6:139 @-'!Ftt., r-- r, Dnr t'f.\rEE .rrT.rFF+-T^'_#INSPECIIru HEBTTEST ' oo* Z1"fy'a .roeNaMi TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER EAGLE COUNTY f]orxen MON COMMENTS: fl penrrnl LOCATION READY FOR ]NSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM WApp RovED E orsappRovED I nerNsPEcr I.t-I UPON THE FOLLOWING GORFECTIONS: CORRECTIONS ft*e* - -,lfurt-ornc DrvrstoN r P. O. BOX 179 . ' PHoNE' oz8-63:t9 - /4-4L -ttf-INSPECTIC'N FIEEUEST EAGLE COUNTY olr;e 2-/4-80 . aneni fia,uct- C,l 6z-,;u(o*,-'t,. rfME REcEIvED ):43 ^r@) cettee / hcl )orrniaz,, flL -//78 D orren E panrrnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTIOM WED THUR @---* PMMON COMMENTS: 6rRovED E orsnppRovED Eloporu rHE FoLLowrNG GoRRECTToNS: E ner NsPEcr CORRECTIONS EAGLE COUNTY TIME RECEIVED I>}! AM PM CALLER I ornen MON COMMENTS: READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR E orsappRovED E pnnrrnu LOCATION f, orrRovED fl uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcnoNS: CORRECTIONS E nerNsPEcr AM@ OL for (..t tas1 THUR ( r,€" (rG T3UtLDtNG DtvtstON ,- P.O. BOX 179 |. PHONE:128-6339 DATE 1- ala F - INS]'ECTIGIN HEEUEST EAGLE COUNTY € IL{72 JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED q: ID AM PM E ornen ! pnanel.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION E nppRovED n DTsAPPRovED fl uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS E nerNsPEcr -BUILDING DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNTY, P. O. BOXI79 couRTHoUsE, EAGLE CO. - PH. (303) 328-6339 Building #3 I BUILDING PERMIT Carpentry Unlimited oArE Ju'ly 12,PERMIT NO.747 4 APPLICANT PERMIT TO AOORESS Box (No.)(srREEr) Construct 4 units STORY l CONTR'S LICENSE) 3$Y?[i-3',- "tour-(TYPE OF IMPROVEME NT) {_) NO.{ FROPOSEO U5E) FZ^ ;o- Ar (LocarroN.) South Frontage Rd. - East Entrance Gore Crepk ltrive 5,"J+li.t(ilo.I (STREETI BETWEEN AND (CROS5 STREET'{CRO5S STREET) o c;2 2q o suaD lv ts roN LOTLOT-BLOCK-SIZE BUILDING IS TO BE -FT. WIDE BY- FT. LONG AY FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE USE GROUP BASE MENT WALLS OR FOUNDATION (CUgIC/SQUARE FEET} (TYPE) REMARK.: PLANNING DEPT: 0.K. to build 4 units (not condominiums as subdivision _ AREA OR VOLUME EsrrMArEo cos'r $ See Permit #1472 FEE"'t $ owrien Spruce Creek Townhomes at Vail ooo*."" in" 3RR, v^il, C^. - sul.-olNc oEPr' (Affidovit on roveisc side of opplicolion to be completed by outhorized ogent of owner) I hereby cenify lhct the prnposed ond I hove been outhorized by oufhorized ogent. work is outhorized by lhe owner to moke {his . l' lhe owner o{ record opplicotion os his SIGNATURE OF AGENT ADDRESS OU'TBER)(sriEET!(crTY) APPROVED BY TITLE DATE t9 F BUILDING DIVISION OF EAGTE COUNTY, P. O, BOX 179 CoURTHOUSE, EAGLE CO. - pH. (303)328-6339 Building #2 DArE Jul v 12 reer-rcrrr Carpentry Un] imited nooness BUILDING penurr ro Constrttct 4 llnits (-) sroRy(TYPE OF IMPROVEME NT) NUMAER OF DWELLING UN ITS ( coNTR'S trc€ sE) four lto.( FROPOSED U5E) PERMIT tg 79 PERM rr No.147 3 Ar (LocArror{) South Fncntage Rd. - East Entrance Gore Creek Drive 6lJ+li.t INO.) {5TREET' BETWEEN AND(CR05S STREET)(cRoss STREET) LOT 3 &o o c;z Ig. o susotvtsloN SU ILD ING IS LOT- BLOCK - S IZE TA AF WIOE BY - FT. LONG BY_FT. IN HEIGHT ANO SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE USE GROUP SASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDAT ION PLANN I NG to build 4 units as n0 gone not condominiums as subdivisionRE MAR KSI AREA OR VOLUME r0u ye EsrrMArEo cosr $ See Permit #1.472 FEE"'t $ {CUBIC/SQUARE FEET) Spruce Creek Townhoues at Vai'l ;"";"BUILOING (Affidovif on reversa side of opplicofion to bs complelcd by outhocized ogenl oI owner) I hereby certify rhot the proposed work is outhorized by the owner of record ond I hove been ouihorized by lhe owner lo moke this opplicolion os his oulhorized ogent. SIGNATURE OF AGENT ADDRESS APPROVED BY DATE l9 TE}.,lPOIiANY '. ' Ccrtjficate of 0ccupancy County of Eagle Department of Planning and Development Building Division This certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of sectjon 306 of the Uniform Building Code certifying that at the time of jssuance thi s strr-rcture was in conpfiance rviih the various resolriiions of the county regulating building construction or use for the fo l 1or.ri ng : NA|']E Carpentry Unl imi ted, Box 388, Vai l Col orado 81657 Group R-1Use Classification Construct 4 Units nuilding Permit t'to. 1474 TYPe Construction V Fire Zone Townhomes at Vai l Use Zone RSM Olner of Building Spruce Creek Building Address South Fronta e' Road. East Entiance to Goie Creek 'r ve Building Officiai l. oate 4->s:- il NOTE: This Temporary is being issued for Unit #1 on1y. e,ot/z/,ly 1# INSFEETIN'FIEOUEEiTBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHOIi$E: 328-61n!9 ol.te '/ / (., ,,'5(t JoB NAME rf ME REcEfVEs 1.::0 eru @-r CALLER EAGLE COUNTY n ornen n pnnrnu. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURTUE, I nppRovED D orsnpPRovED fufispecr E upotrt rHE FoLlowrNG coRRECTToNS: GORRECTIONS 9t"rn ra t/,4rl &(t r-a(-ru BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHOt\lE: 3286339 #- i *72- l4i l- t+i1-rNseeirtiru HEoue5r EAGLE COUNTY oorrn 4 --To -8o JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orHrn ! pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRTUE coMMENrs: NiLg: =Sr,q ! uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS APPROVED E orsnppRovED ! nerNSPEcr \ . ^.1'', | , !ll, \\ ' j i ttl . 'r, l ,- .Y t,"-.,' nn . J-- - DATE ^/ rNseecfiru EAGLE COUNTY,/-Dr L 2 hnoclt Ao t r47/ FIEOL'ESTBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHOfrtE: 328-6339,// oarc 4/ t4/ t{ JoB NAME rfME REcErvEo /: "/o @r, cALLER 47rt .h7t ! orxen n pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION COMMENTS: A{rrRovED D orsnpP RovED ! uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! nerNsPEcr \-,rj.: :Tr.Fl?jEE"rrlr --'- JOB NAME EAGLE COUNTY /o /r- | '//" c//71@rt w*f177ry INSPECfiru HEEUE9T E ornen I pnnrrel.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR 6rRovED [] orseppRovED ! nerNsPEcr I upotrt rHE FoLLowlNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS PLUMfikc PER^rtr APPLrdrroN . Juridiction of Applicant to complcte numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIOATION a t J h/fuo7t7eg lfo I o€3 c r.aE ArrlcHto MA|L AOOiE5! axoraa ^lcFr rEc r or oa!roxEi MA rL AOOi C93 rHONa Iiaf,N!: xo. MArl aDotE 5 5 alarcH u sf or rurLoric 8 ctassotwork: EfREw D A00ril0N D atre nnrtot O REPAIR Typa of Firtu.a or lt r SP€CIAL CONDITIONS:WATER CLOSET (TOI LETI LAVATORY (WASH BASINI KITCHEN SINK & OI5P. DISHWASHER aPPr. rcaTron accttlE o gY aPtBovto toR rssuat{ct 8Y LAUNORY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEAT€R NOTICE I HEREEY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECTFIEO HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANC€L THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STAT€ OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOCR'_5IN|( OR ORAIN GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING I TREATING EOUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS I.AWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM S€PTIC TANK I PIT IOTAL FEE WHEN PROPERLY VALIOATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION M.O. Pt *fi tr CASH slt Ll A Fi,.3io.,,,.,.r.oro.i''oIr,,.'.""^',o^f:,j:?:".""..,.",fu.kffi..l|l|Y'|.i| Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLUMilI\IG PERMIT APPLI T ON Juridiction of ;dt' /h. {flsrr rrrecnto rxcrrr MA rr aoor E ss PHoxa MArL AOOiEsS ..-// M rl loottss Pxona MAt! AOOtEss ti NCx Class of work:w{Ew U Aoorr0N D ALTERATION tr REPAIR I 0ercribe work: Typ. ol Firtu.a or ll.|n WATER CLOSET (TOI LET'SPECIAL CONOITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH SASIN) KITCHEN SINK & OISP, OISHWASH€R atPLicAlroN accEtlEo 8Y PLAIIS CHTCIEO AY LAUNORY TRAV CLOTHES WASH€R WATER HEATER NOTICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO AE TRUE AND CORR€CT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEO HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. arGriAtUtE !a COrl llllc tol OI.AUTxOiIZED lGaNt UR INA L ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR -SINK OR ORAIN GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING A TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTE RCEPTOR VACUUM AREAKERS rlWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT WHEN PROPERLY VALIOATEO (IN THIS S?ACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION M.O. CASH i ;, tal .'/ cac @u ,'ns,^rffi ' ' ,i -('tt- Form 1OO.2 tl-73 r.otori F.or: lNTrRt{atlOt{AL cOnFEREITCE or rUtlofnC Of f tCt r r-Sd.-o ., uor*rar. BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHQNE: 328-5339 DATE - TIME RECEIVED- AM PM INSiPEC tq11IU FIE(tL'EST EAGLE COUNTY ! ornen E penrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR "*@ Jo* RovED ! orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr n upor.r rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcrroNs: CORRECTIONS DATE BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHOJ\IE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME REiEIVE6 f .'.ZN AM PM CALLER INSEECfrru HEEUEST EAGLE couNrY* /t//4, / ,*ir^-. i' , n oruen f] pnnnnl. LocAroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRIiTUE ) "----'/"*@ I v. PP ROVED n orsnppRovED E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS n netNsPEcr BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6839 tNseecl(bru FrEouEsr EAGLE COUNTY // 7t/ ^^--' O;,ri t:t/DArE l/r - ;r, : i-. __ JOB NAME TIME RECEIVEO C//' 'J AM PM CA '/v. n orxen ! panrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION ! orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcrMI APPROVED E uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS COMMENTS: rNsee.frrv .=u1k,BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHQNE:328-q$e oete / ' ,',, tl - At- JOB NAME TfMEREcEfvEs * '(c; euffi cr EAGLE COUNTY lI READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: FRI AM PM n pnRrrnl.LOCATION {orrRovED florsnePRovED pueoru THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: connlrrorrrs f ,, t ,, i.l ) ,,;., t-r. E nerNsPEcr JrnolE coL,NTv uu,ro't PERN,ltr APpi-lcArloN f:INAL: C/O INSITEC-fl ON, l-ANDSC/.'frE INSPEC]-lOt\l FORII Revlew Routing Forrn ( ) PrlmarV Rotrtirrg ( ) Rgroutirrg- 5+l-2. +t 8'2.14 (rtvz'+Q:, /-7"/" " - -.', (.14a .r'2, 11LQ'-*(..- :,/ V' r.'€'r.<t1'bt. Datc Referred APPIi/artt)@<-?*//e=,-i,-\,^ ' Pla.rrnir rg Commission File No- 1(il t473 t41,7 Permit No. Locat io Revier,v arrd return to the County BuilcJirrg Official within 6 working days P lanning: Complies witir: S ubci iv is ion Regulations Zoning Regrrlations S iie P lan (Larrciscaping) Reviewed by: Recommencl Approval : Non 'cll t:] tr n tJI] T Date: Comments: County Engineer: Roads Grading Draitrage Comments: nnnn n L-ln tr Recomnrend Approval : County Health: Water > an lt a on Perc . test Conrments: TnnE trtr ""'"y:':: f*x":i 7t'crg 2- Final Inspectiorr: C/O Recornmend Approval Commerrts: ntl F ir ral Inspection: Landscapi Recommend Aoproval Commcnts: trng D a /(-' lccr rad oy Date .IAL: review Date Locatio Review COTjNTY BUILDIT c/o TNSPEC-f lON, PERMIT APIJLICATION I-ANDSCAPE INSPECTIONI FORM Appli Permit No. H'at**/-ct -!r')#-4 0-1'..6 -/la/---a Plannir rg Commission File No' and return to the county Buildirrg official within 6 working days Routing Form ( ) ,r,ry:,ytrind;) "dH lt=Za= P lanning: Complies with: Su'cd iv is ion Regulations Zoning Regulations S ite Pl an (Lanctscaping) Conrmerrts: Reviewed by: Recommencl APProval : Date:7- z -tqNo nLItl T Yesnun F County Engineer: Roads Comments: Recommend A'PProval : nnn m nntr n Cor.rnty Health: Water S an itat ion Perc . test Comments: z'1 ,, k'.1. trn Final lnspection: C/O Recommend Approval Commerrts: DN Firral Inspection: LandscaPi Recommend Approval Comrnerrts: ngnn C/O lssued t_ !ra-\t L, | !r-\n I t-t^ by Date PERMIT APPLIC o AT toN Applicant to complete numbered spaces only- PLAN CHECK VALIDATION V-"ff #s/?7 PROPERLY VALIOATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERM IT VALIDATION I Api-ro>r. 6.22 ircrr:s hei;r,tean east :nri !l€:st i:n1;:3nce cf Glr:: Creel< Driri: I oE5C F.{ffisr: rrrrcxto saetrl v^ l ADotrEsS 2tP 2 5nr,-rc: il:-oll< Tcr,rnirc:.cs a. Va,jl. t.C. t-r:x l,-.,1 - r 3 lerncnir,l LtcErsE r{o. l.ln1i-mi l ARCXIT€CT OR OESIC{€R MAII AODiESS PHONE IICEI.]9E NO.4 A"inur -jis= Archi:::cis 1[26 Eanrncl<. Deirver. !r:] n- l,l,?1.1, r,-a'71 I EX OE'l MAIL ^DDiESS AiAtlC{ o flolu-hi.a Savinqs P.ll. a,o>< tj1Z,7. )=rr.rer. f--nlo. 2r]? 1.1 7 :lcsi clent i al conrloinini r.rins 8 Class oJ worK: E NEW D ADDITION I ALTERATION N REPAIR N MOVE fI REMOVE I Describework: Consiruct ''12 neu crndorni.niuns 10 Change ol use from Change ol use to I I Valuation of work: $ lrln. {."Ci-r. t!PERMf T FEE 1t1i2.DnpLAN cHEcK FEE 589. Cu SPECIAL CONOITIONSI Size of B ldg. (Totat) sq. Ft. No. ol Stories Fire Sprinklers nequired [yss !rt6APPLTCAIICN ACCEPTED AY PLANS CH€CXED BY APPROVEO FOR TSSUANCE AY No. of Owelling U nit3 OFFST REET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE BEOUIBED FOFI ELECTRICAL, PLUME- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OFI CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMI\,IEI'JCEO WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONEO FOR A PERIOD OF ,I2O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMM E N CED.I HEREgY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMTNED THISAPPLICATION AI!D KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL AE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHERELDT-\OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPREJ;(JVE TO GIVE AUTHOR Y TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPREj;(JVE TO GIVE AUTHOR Y TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PR/U v rslONS OF*AIJ\THER STATE oR LOCAL LAW R EGULATTNGCFNSTRUCTIOi( OR\HE F<R{TORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTTON.I 1. .\-, \$\1. ) \\\ ---,'-'-. TircRtzEo \cEflT HEA LTH OEPT. F IR€ OEPT. SOIL REPORT OTHER (Specify, For.i I OO.1 1.77 JI i5P;CTOR EAGTF EOUNITY o 0 Pt'1EDEPARTi"IENT OF PLANNING & DEVEL EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.731 | l\tT 'obl,io!u#EIH' Basalt - 927-3823 July 11, 1979BOARD OF COUNTY cotu1Nlt55roNER5 Ext 241 SPruce Creek Townhomes ADT.IINISTRATION BoX 388Ext 24r VIit, co. atosz ANIMAL 5H ELTER 949.4292 ASSESSO R Ext 202 BUILOING IN INSPECTION Ext 226 o( 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 2l 7 CO UNTY ATTO R N EY Ext 242 EI.JGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONI,lENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AG Ef\T Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUALIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476- 5 3.14 PLANN ING Ext 226 o( 229 PURCHASING/ PER50NNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIOGE Exl 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927 -3244 Gilman 82 7-5 7 5l sOC IA L SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 RE: Appl ication for Build'i ng Pernrit in Eagle County 6.22 acres - entrance of Gore Creek Drive - Denied The Eagle County Building Dept. requires that appf icat'ions for Bujlding Permiti in Eagle County 6e routed to the Eagle County Planning, Engineering' and Environmental Heaith Departments for their comrnents prior to jssuance of the permjts. Your application t'tas routed on 6/26/79. Lis'ued below are the comments and recornmendatjons whi ch were made by the above departrnents during the routing pr0cedure. If you have any questions cr vl.i sh to get a furthei explanation, please contact the appropriate dep'u. units (not condomjniums as I do gone thro^ugh Yet).ro uqr -ilt l,$t PLANNING: APProved. not think 0.K. to build i2 subdivision has ENGINEERING: Not aPProved. S'it drai nage. ams,ng n spector plan must show detailed grading and HEALTH: Not approved. Detailed from flooding. Should contro'l faci l i ties to drainage plan al so provide prevent soi 1 e.ehr-a( should Protect buildings sedimentation & erosion loss & stream contamination. It would be to requirements as building pernrit your advantage if you begin soon aq oossible so as not any longer than necessarY. to resolve any Probl ems and/or to delay the issuance of Your Les Douglas Eagle County Building Official LD/J |( Env. Health, Co. Engineer LEGAL DESCRIPTIO}.I for SPRUCE CREEK TOWNIIOUSES A parcel of fand located in the SouthwesE Quarler of Section 12' Townshlp 5South,RangeSlwestofEheSixthPrincipalMeridianaccordingtotheDependent Resurvey of said Township and Range-a" tppto]"a by-the.U'S' Surveyor Ceneral in Denver, Colorado on Septembet 13, \943' "nia p"ttlf being more particularly des- crlbed as fol1ows, Eo wiE: Beginning aE a Point on the West line of Secrj'on 12' the Southerly right-of- way line of Inrerscare 70 and rhe soucheiiy rigrrt-of-way line of u's' Highway No' 6' fron which ctre SouctrwesE Corner of Sectfon'12 iears S'01'26'36"I'I' 1056'70 feet dlstant; chence along the Southerly tigt't:oi-*ty line "f Y'i' Highway No' 6 N.44.31,33,,E. 535.96 feet; thence conerniing rio.rg r.ra rlg,ht-of-way line 399'94 feet on a curve Eo Ehe rlghr with a radius 6r zsrl.00 feet, the chord of which bearsN.4Bo35,46',E.3gg.6lfeetdisEantithencedePartlngsaldrlght-of-way line S.37"10,39,,E' 2.30 feer co che Norch,,est C<lrnlr of Lot No. 1, Val1 Vj.llage West Flllng Uo. 2 Subdivlsion, thence along the Norrherly boundary of the vall Village I,Iesr, Filing No. 2 Subdi"i;l;; rhe following nine (9) courses and dlsEances: 1) S.37"10'39"E' 136 '92 feet 2) S.03"15r2I't\l' 2O7'82 feet 3) S.20"03'21"tr{' 46'06 feet 4) S ' 37 "14 ' 2Lt'W ' L62 ' 53 feet 5) S '45'39r 21"\{' 83'82 feet 6) s,42"34'21"1{' 216 '02 fees 7) 5.72"r4t21'\'I. 110'54 feer 8) N.77o23'39"I^l' 185' 51 f eet 9) S.73";a'37"I{. 149'66 feet to a part on the West line- of Sectlon 12; chencealongthel.iesElineofseclion12N.01"26'36''E.97'13feetEothepolnEof beginning ' contains 6.17 acres ' 70!_/ !, SUI{VEYOR' S NOTE: This legal description does noE conform to cire orlginal deed as recor<ied at Book 268 and Page 987 of the Ea 91 e.. co un ty n..o.a. "iLt-fr.-utto tt itl[nE-Te gal des cr 1p tion along the Southerly to'"taary of U'S' Hlghway No' 6 and che dlstlnt ln lio. 9 of the above description' $iwtafg*,*$ Said parcel Johns on County of Eagle Fx.ncfRICAL PERMIT Ne 1528 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Bldg.#3-4units Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $....... .................. $.. .......................-. $...!97..:.9?'......-... $-.......-...... -... ....... a...197..:.9.?...... . .. Applicant-...... Sltnature APPROVALS Pla.n Ch€cker Date Paid....... .. 7/.2-4 /.7.?. Received By.... ...J..keIJe.r THIS .rOB FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON SITE DURING COI{STRUGTION ,A HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQI.'IRED FOR INSPECTIONS Receipt #5339 B1dg. pernit #1474 County of Eagle ELECTRICAL PERMIT i{r i528 Building Valuation $-.......-.......-......-.... Electrical Valuation S.....--.-.......-..........- BIdg.#3-4urtits Electrical Contractor New tJ,ectrlc Applicanc.sltntur. APPROVALS Fermit Fe€ Inspection Fee Total Fee t 767.00 Y.....-...,.........-...t... s............................ . 757.00Y-.-.-...-.....--....-.-.---. Ottlclal JOB SITE DURII{G GOT€TRUCTIOI{ .E HOUTS ADVANCE NOTICE nEQTIRED tlOR TNSPECTIONS .2.. ...,&.1 . :.r...{.... THIS FORT 13 TO BE POSTED 01{ Received 8y.... ...J..kdlJar..................-.... Recalpt f5i39 . BIds. pernlt #1474 BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHo!E: 328-q$9 il\t=ieecGru FIEOIJ .lOUNTY r/ EST 1t/f j ()-/DATE \1 - ,, JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER f]orHen I pnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED d orrRovED E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS (*r_lge,FRI oMrr1 f]orseppRovED NSP ECT E ornen E panrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED d orrRovED \CORRECTIONS DISAPP ROVE D REINSPECT E upou rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcroNS: ')''rNsPEcr]u .=dr13|BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER EAGLE C COVEB ROOF PARTIAT LOCATION: PARTIAL LOCATION: :,-----:'--------T- I oruen I penrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURTUE FRI ._. AM PM COMMENTS: Q neeRovED El uporu rue CORRECTIONS ! orsnpPRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr DATE "zuILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6330 al DATE INSPECTITU ./ j --..: .',-.-.aeo& EAGLE COUNTY JoBNAME .' :''-.,,. ,'' ,..:.',,-.,':) ,:-) ,..;1 ,".'r'n -'.' .,.' TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orxen E pnnrrnl. READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: TUE WED THUB.FRt ,_,.i.,' AM pg) El nppRovED X uporu rse CORRECTIONS I orsapPRovED FOLLOWING CORFECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr DATE --rr,,-ur*o DrvtstoN P. O. BOX 179 . PnOfrtf : SZS-OS:b DATE -INSPEGTI'!N FIEOUEsiT EAGLE COUNTY JOB NAIVIE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER FOOTING FOUNDATION FRAMING FINAL .,: , PARTIAL ".','.i: ....... ." ", .LOCATION: , .': ', .,;, .:;.:i INSULATION -SHEETROCK VENEER - ROOF .,::. PARTIAL ..... LOCATION, ROUGH STANDPIPE .finer- w PAFTI LOCATION: PARTIAL:, LOCATIONI florHe n n pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI COMM E N TS: AM PM ! appRovED I orsnppRovED ! nrrNSpEcr tr uporv rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE il\tsFEcrtoN //ry' FIEGIIJESiTBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 . PHONE: 3.2S-633d TIME RECEIVED JOB NAME CALLER EAGLE COUNTY (-stoo' florxen COMMENTS: ev,.+f TUE n pnnnnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR ,11 tl 'CMppRovED ! orsappRovED D nerNSPEcr fl upol,t rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DArE 3- rt-ff BUILDING DIVISTON P. O. BOX 179 '?HONt: fl28-6335 OATE ;- 4. TIME RECEIVED '."1" (.:-- JOB NAME CALLER INBPECTilIU EAGL COUNTY //4FIE(tUEST ' rlto fl/r - fl oruen t.< vh tL n pennal LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION ,//I WED .rJ ,^, J)J D ^,@THUR GOMMENTS: PP ROVED . E upou rHE FoLLowrNG conRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS E orsappRovED D nsrNsPEcr rNspecr|Dru ^=u'ril!{,EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE:328.6339 ome 3'B'tO .,. JSENAME \ rrME REcErvEp ii :la ,Afi py cALLER fl ornen (L< LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR ^-4, W6'ppRovED ! orsapp Rov E D fl nerNSPEcr fl uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS BU ILD IN G DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 . PHOI\|E:328-6339 INSPECTIN FTEOUEST EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER FOUNDATION FRAMING PARTIAL , LOGATION: STI\NDPIPE t,YDCSFINAL VENTTLATION HEATING HOODS PARTIAL LOCATION: D orHen LI PARTIAL. LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FBI COMM E N TS: AM PM I nppRovED n DrsAppRovED n netNspEcr I uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE :"; 'a'o'-cqrLc d X O d.- qt- o rqro- P6 (t,a d:torj(t 'F ot o,L,! F o ! olD - 9' +r _c !ao.a - (9 oL orc|- c! , dr o.:r ,€ d> E E .c o F ^5a: - ;": i;co od...-vo, .EE 3go o) ar>c oiJo.9.! F ;B E)*E :.e.:'-i'a- PP -E; ]J i- l, Ea '1, ooE o-,!r f<t .Lo' +, -o. r.a-, a o oi.J'o 'qq :uf.- or< -- rt1 4) !1 !O.3; g .jg.j .[.5:; -:--ee I'e,!. tIvrloJ o o Fc @.2 xatts ' Lo,o cQBaE a g: e 3-g=. 39io-e,I 3E': 3: ! oo,c! ,F .udoj-o.-99 g -€'9 "'Et;: atgEies geg EFi;5. - C= j,9 tE5.'" =*3 H"." €iE. x t o 3 - f^o o. o:E'o c r 9?F. q-! F .-d>!:r >o F ) or-c6;E ?i E:;qg lE!5:;sE:::;,l?; Es?O ,o^o.> !(, oc- iror-do' lEq- E 4H= oocr(,, d oa a.r al or,!.- '!pr+ad o.c|c rJ o.-ir 3 .- .r'o,!cin _a, i.do!- -.-6r c -Qq 660J- ar!ig;t:€ :;;': gg-g' EEeiE;b';8:.q EE3E.Ae;g; B';:-39 :"sg: g;eF-€3 E€rE CAE:i=!li ii;;F :€sr; E;s;f;;e ;:=r! 51;ct o . ' c, c .- .rr -o o i o-, o o, L @<c= 0, - :'.p.:d.= .6b;d ,E- c cz 3.EP+{J L-orF d-E p ;E]'i resrsi Ec" ....:#" : R;Ft :e'E€ ''5 E'5eEEE ;tfr.et5 .'o.-' o o 'h.]'5€E.r !u.Fo 0r or>(4 .F c P<lTr'- r4o F i'F.- (^o,ir! a o.r!o olJ .c! r'o qr 'e.o .9+,6 co6rr>.Jco *-:eE - € 3F s.:E *;F 5t h €EEE:sF E:-E€i€;;- ,,t- o 0., 6- ;-d ! .;=ol.oi'oo o 'F q- o, r,o ri E5 E oo !'!>,EoJ '{-c cF .aP..8"E5=*!sFE: ?*te5E :*!e:E;E;E;;3.8 i E-ca;"..= {J c.r 5 t,.=a'tror rrJ..=tr dorrj!Joo! c-qqq{Jaqc.t o Poct!,d |J-6tF oci o,+r o :Pg'*ts3@L<UOJ -c I dL3! I oL,OO.L !,d-'o6og.?-Pt; - g-9Ect - gg:;i'8..F -= 3a - 9-9!!ts gE a- E;,; F-u--;6 r-Aaa;6o16i{loroQ Ndo-o:.6orqI c,.!(F o{J r o, ; = o a = +r o 't = = t E ! ooro+':'o.dcaNdt,ai f .ico o.o(,/) trtaico!.to+ru1 Eore(,d'! loczco(/) vr(' d to;; ; t;; ; i;; ; ,;;; ,.; = c crrrJ a{J (D OJE o+ro o" ECo 'o.F rl, O O,(.,(t ,! .AP r'B tA) d o.oc, (^.F +t 6 o,o< - or-e o - cr vro, (,rJ 9--c (, o,r< ooc (l, ='-co o f .r a6 rJ9- (\l!Oo o-.4 o.E F>r.l:zd.-. L O,CO' c(u:'Co ,o=Fv E E .6 o,riF ('rE - x !.tf! L .OO.^F!o L>- o, o-J r! .-o ql>r o- o < '!r !o.-- .o o)6 !.-.rrod €er 0, c!cloEOoL !-c -16oYtocrl,, a, E o, , urJLo'gE F(5 c< u E O, rFo .-Fx E >ooE'.loE{r! o o .- .o.F oo .F(J..r o > 'ot.F E . d' i! -o .rJ -v (u et -or, o'(, o. cc :r.6 @ d :tc rJ cl dr t^ at.F- , a<l)JLd O'o € oJJ tC.P O(Jo tr o.-CJOPC'o O'r (J F.F (Lr^O c: > L d C O ' C = (l) > r.A'- '-'- 6 i!,'-L d L (J p,u = -rr a.F rJ.P .! =Oc -D.-2.- a 6EO E6 a)F! c :-c oE (|, (J. Gro F -ra I (JoF(I)o,rc=at) (r {J rn@ o, t<t .< d. Q a6- c) oJHE .OO .P EC -rF .. dJ vE EF'. - E O, -oE'-p o o 'scrdooo, .co4 (J o|, @,'^=r!o !o co.. l 5o)< oo =ocl +ro.,ddo I o(JL6 3 | ot-(l) aJ ro) o q- ar o).P.o r{- -c+J Or f .-rz o c!9- o' =! € aD(F..J or.d F\soorjoC'r!E I (l)L|6cFo)+, I O.J 6 6 O.Pq-c :dc-ao o iEE(4 NoacDrrJ N(, o (t9-El 1lEE.'E Il (J qr |! -rl o.cooo z (FOOJO t), L c .1, "; o, 3 .9! 6=!,, c ! a)F rloL.JF.Ct .trc {1, Eo +r .o Gr o-cr -c !-c >(.) o,) (F l{ o .Fa?.o.. 06 L -c orJ! o<l<Fl/n 6- 5 .F ..n dJ .rJ (J!f)rJ.|- 4 .rr O, C6 .coo .|',q, -c !!5 .r- !c>o,L o (l)o -oo o .=l.po4E'O .l uE tro <t.P 19 (u < P O' rr f t!(5 ..r aJ v) c q ,<4! rg J o o o o @eqr " o Q!...3Pe , ooE <D6o3!tl- Lo E !:<o 4r{Lo or .F .tr o f L 0,, +r .|j rtF €-o-c -c !.F ,-.!rrltF a un:€P .ts, PiurE lE.- 6 oEo Lo) oE.-dN qJ > O :: rJ O-^ r5 +r F E+, .corooro.o - cL (wl c;{! oo o! ,s r+- cr .r '! E L! r! 16 .-(F L.1+ (D (J .-(.r O-rJ O-O c-c .F O .F O, oJ = > 0J O-cq-.5.Jal rJ }.EcL ! iIJ (|) FIJCF 1r 'r.c, o- o r! d .F (, L.- o 0J x o,, cl: oa-l i! s o --F.-p crt o ofoocc LoG16'- Oco O o1-r- o Ord oj o.--o!e o l-o (.1 - E !.- > o orP d cr-.p{i.o- c,r orp.Fltlo cr- rr Fc -l!o o,n.o. a! @lltf ooJ>l! cro (, cr.r a t+ ooO-o.P OJ c l, r, rJc.,rto |+- o r o >r (J+ o.t do) 6 q-- o.- -.J_w o q,+, 4 ho r o-c4 rJ -oo.E(U o.!oL Eo/.o.c ,rr () -r,F.! c-o (o x ()Jo{r '-g-oL oEF o).c>,t! c., o+rc'-o-oj A6 el.J- c' U(rj '!E 4! r x o-cq- 0r q).-CJE.J O FCOJGToT! >, o.r o oad d!lqu ocE ] :' .-a c o+rd.- I 1tE!6 _c "a altt l. cll o-c.o -+J (U e 6p(J cor < Ecrr .(t1 ! 'oL .4r - o.--c-="fiE- F " :-:';393" 9:.:[ij;i ::.3.E tglotooo '- a, ! 6cJoa o cc\l:o>r -o o,E c - l: :l: urt- - ol-.- '-o> Eq)! 4rr-i:Clooro4 c)oo){, = vl .d c)o Lc'.o l bu4r:!uor oF..r--E /F..rrr l.: o'- !l) c-- Or'r- rl (1 O af '!| orf . o E.< C:'oc{Jcc o_ccro-aroc)o o (o)orcO;occJo_(-)L'.o< ta..:rluo(,I e c c 6 ', t{r +r v)! () rr,ord .FdE. i 6 L tr o o ' d L ru o+)ai o, En r: .- ^^^ o o r.-. c o ^^-: o .rr: c .o q- oF\:!:cE dFd(\r.1 t- r, ot:r-Y!e rq-L .to,s-o .-+,!r+. o r-orsoc.Jc, I c,, ocp.-!q-/) 6(^ O r.- | Eol t: d@u tso:or o d 6v) o-99 .E.E.i/r.n.o u q1 d-o .;.id or 1! 0) z qJ \r -.- ..'";^ (= ) --'1t-ql C:)q-:1 (=L- x\7L:] @(= L- @(= L-l @tt\ c== (:l ..oJ t--, 4T\ '',./ /.--1,lr:l Cr---l f--'--ur-- 725t=') rA\\-'fi uu.il clt-;r: r '\- l t!!l rrE q ;5,.- o =, E o z t: \i - \.- !I r- 4, o ]r !{J '- .- tL, c ."o uo(u .P.CLI o! l- ,o o,)0J l! - (J.|JP (,!-(J Flo6 d,c '3 ' drp o 6J lo' ,n O'!o,.rJ oo o cDLrr (DF c(, o .od !.crr- Lool-o >io dP.J o L c = 6J! dd,, ., (l,lE ]roo, F!o craJL .!€> LLOr >=o uro oE: o- vr .- o d.rrE .! > o.o'F ool! ,oc ! (J ClFo crorrocF\- .- c L.e o,l'-|o'DrJE}.rr o cdE,- {J.c}CTOEE -t..- .e .) t) 0J o, 0, 6 o,d -co- i. '-.- o. I r 'itEt...,,r (r -c o y' E ruO, t 't' o{J - c| t. a ! >)e.p oBCO€ d.!tr.l.F O g L't' Ou Fc5ocE(F (U OOq-(|,o,F ...o'-E 3c oc co.F3 cO "-o€Jd>\.l|l|,(JFP.O aJ.FG 5o E L (|,.F P LI (|,Ol'tJ(JL9-r, or6(,(JPo>6<l'\ O,, >.tt C d!{J OI d 4 6F U 6.rl t) FJ|! lt o 2 (|, cooo .P :LsorF a, 16 04rJL(u.|J F () rJo c orJ ro,r. !c >< oi osr (t i c-r r, ..J .JP= CF o (Jo 0r.! cr..o oJ! > c 1) o € d E !-ci|-:r o" o, o, r, (j.-'t' .! >r o L o 5:E 4r 9-sc.F E: OJ.- O+roo,oEe uL.->.Jt F.- F O! o- > o>,o: o o . ir) o,.r l-r) c, L+lo t.L C' 50: O..'(J 'O (' C- -p 5 0.Fo or'. m L o o, .-oo(DcE +J.- E O. cllJFrrcc40, oc.6.-t!o.!+r@ 4r>! rrar.-.u c oFJ'- c: () O (J E 0,.u t- c ar +r oL'. ,1. e.-,, a o'd (J o:< FF ]c d (J o6F o o:r (l,r,F cr- . o 0J co r (r - (\, o- (9 r./, Ha\,an< .(,c-x.qrUl cO cr^-C .J F r.-.'F tl, .+rF Eo(F .t 'F (J q- .c, a o, c,,o E> o, +r ulL.-o.r .ooro,o, f oo oE Lq5 c.c! .ro .P -o oL C r(' 016 Eo F (/r o16-o+tf|! oo-c (ral ! x "- c-co ]E ! oro .F.F.r .c'o o ll, o, !-H .O rs coo o(^.c ai :>.r (^v'-ri- o =+,. cru {ro(J E -C O!{J (J ! |E.o.PPE!F.-C' F O? o L 'o o--orFrr -c E o L c o.E 6olroo,3 sE o, O.- rr- H clF j!C .cEOr(|,,oF.O O O o -.- -F.- E O L:r CrJ<r o 4r.cE E -c o-! ::(\J L>. (U !.lr o l. o =.(rc .! (1, c o o+ c.! cr.F c o o @cs 'o Ld.-r3cd.!Lo o@ o.o c oF-c o,F- p :-:l-0Jo> vLo o _z'R-o E L - !,1 c OJ.- o- o 0J <|/ -o]o. rrJo-f:Lc.qc! d E(J orq o = oJ .-O Ol!>'-o!o ccor!r+-!i/toLo)lgiroaO't'(J -O f+r!cl oro-tr (9(/l o.F oo).- (r,E > F-:5 >r c|.r3'+- !r..!ts d !F O oo'-Eo o.F! oao()lJ .- o I . O Oo {J ()ir.r (|) o r.- >\o L! E .- c olp (J ' , (J a, =! c oL c r crFd t-! Lc(4.eOO.!: o A rF > c-c) d u.O.c' 'o,- a od or cr >6, c ! o.rr L {r (n ' :r'o s E ;r q-'o E' o. tj' O'scrF- O rs.E I6-C 1) dJ (', ! 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(, oH lrr (/r.P o e- OF E; I o cs ] (,E.- ! 6(JOO(44 ONC o. +j s (1, F t!u O 6 -E-o 6 cr.- o.Fc!o. c,ro .c.-.F o 'o L{JCrO L F O,)c ocoOlJ N Oo: !4 ru >r rE oJ.s cnd.J (r c-c (J c ..E 3 O.r.- .F c')C) O or.|J.r o. ('-,5F.- F r c|. N.P.F.c.o -o < |! L =oo-|, lo l-F N (U O",o oi o io dro I -oO C\i o F O L6 .Q (U C rO O'- \ .d (l) E:l 0,, .r 1, c)>:E< o-o . .r 4, .J o!F! .-!o {/rore o rc u 0J.- >lo .J c o L E.c.Jo .rJ o +i .o E .r.- o0JFF (I, oqcu.-(u>rroooJ.rl o-t., o,.Fe !L !ror! o ('...F oJ"o c (l)'-cc=:ra B o (, o o f o o!-c d 4.to l- .rr clJ (!(o<.s (J 4 L'OaF (uO(u.OC.co.P-Eo"cJ>\...9 ---", EE'o r.o d.r cr E o.J >, 5 .EC .c0rE=oq-LO(,i-0)O }(dlor (u orEF9 o'- (,'oLo..J-oool! a t i! o oP ctc6rD()tCE(r'!O .oS3 r: - a''Ev '; * E 5-P o,€ 5'c0? > o aJ r, Ftlu|q, o,* G3; .j i,^! 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E': E'i; p .!-=-- 4 o '! cr o e .,* g!g 3E-- 3-5"F3.Fe--* 3 Co =- 2" .2 " t- € g3'-€'3e . s 5", =:i-.5 EP *!::55!5ps* .ir--ii o! pco oEq,oco ci!.ooc.-c >!:HiE:J "EE .F H'E.!3iEE.3€3E€..:3iE 5,oU\oq 3..';.;"ia*-::e.:3:a,-'i> E3;;: {,cocroq,o, .- or 3F 3h.:P;&9€'.'i-1q !(J E<t r=-o or c (J.rr ooNcE-g':: eR 3-E*3 :8-955€th--BEg'?.3.:- 53'o" .9p uo,t-oioo!crn (r6oo,o -tIeBf -3.H:6" r:;€'E.; .o PrE3 i- S="!I'-' 5€<, --'-'.d5 P5':33 g'EF!nace =oa.,L.- €rd;d:'.;.:*ir E 3€ P*;t- 35i--g€ 3-5 "?tp., 5 F-E.s E -..= P 5" 3 3* E.e. g+ E h.rc_Lc<c o rrJo t<>-o-ca,,;6d - €.ilr: H .;. q.l€ ler4-- i !: i: "s s i.+S'Si,aE tPA 585ii5.,-3 P; -3 B€t llE.'.5rrr/l l!.il u h d.4t (, 9€ 3ii;ir a tV- o eocn oEE€'E ." .: 0)lU r.- F '! ::cro a,('LC F .J O,'.ou'- -oL iu,! o L r.c >r J o< . Or:5o!.PcarLC>E.O66 Coaj(,orc oo or.F 6 (! ^d O. Oc'| > o-..c o,N EF.! . eor o 6 F- . (F O-C t-.f d +'..FPoJc.- 0,,N Or A' >r.DE € u .(Jo t (|) c.F o L(O d € cr E tDo- !- Ee eEC! E C' O.O >IE'-(JF EL L4.rrCrArlo o _,r- cr 3.r f tr_ .JF 9a! 6 C C r d Er-o c a:4.! o o sl -sF€!< oc o,rF-cF c o 0,,- QJ >r dc_ E_ aoE O' < F.'I F 'E|oLoar rrpqr'F -.. rs Ci e O.--d L ->P >d 6.,r - | 0) cn'F oq o I o.- lo or qo-6 !- 4r a dr o_<E N(U'Ef ElrJO- F.(l,C)c I rYe a 4tarl 6 tdaE E (J . n.O F{ ,(t -O (J l\J ,tt o.GO 9-qr||, OF "i o o^q6 Fq- o, '-}Jt {?'o u qo o! .-oL -p.:oo - (!>l'+) t:F .rJ l-O.$ U,- l! rE c|dO, OJ tt.- lco L ]J,lJ O O-.F 6,,c ol.- or(J ll' Lo u .o o, FoJ (J L cllc|. 40 A ,oC <!r+j cr'<rvn,o qj'rt .o o cr.c -oo.u o o, >- >' l- c't r 3 1- uF LE s53EE ou 6*, .i.B e -ooj.E O U o!!. q-.p c - .F.o.r .i- !F .0, -rr o (|lJ c o ,Fo- aJco(JF arr c).- .- cr d.! P- .c 9J s.:- oJg >.!.-y c:./' o<!,p,ov .? c, ._o- c cro c< rur. .o|^ .a E >->o .e.d;6'- Lct.)o')O lr A .- q-.- d6 3".o.h u p ooce oo.€ -c .-? i- o E.-r3 0 d .-.- (U<Or (|).rl .F d E t c E c; o, 6l !,c ,P(/|fJ > EoL > a)Hlc;orra oi- o c .F c o o f.lr o o .r] O.-- (J U iO rJ O O (u.EeF6.- !-c a coF:zo o .."cra; {J. L &_o. d F o_ (.'iooroclP.f h o{--c <lJ rEE p o d .t, .c -c.rJ oJF ';lu o c! <4 PC s l!!C> \c|.!pC OiJ{J O. L arO! o o o 'E lo F o L o ! o-E !) c o-o -o oJ ?"4 ..- +r or.-- @ c.c38::E e; ?rHF H !e5jer3:H*.pEE;o I > o Eca,o -' uetQE o c>o o o-B(r6F>aa ! Ir ora v|c9 () oJcor-o (J-oc=()e.-EE- ;5a.9E &3ts -h;i p "53=!h"i.8;:up:Eo (t) 1r !U :- 0r ., c-oo- c c,r 4 c!F.d-cp .- 6(\t rr, l! E (JE '-aEoo|!ci'l!u.so ra+ crcr-o . qr .. 0, .E q>'d 9Eq.f L t>L L.p<r! or4 '.-e- o.- -F cl!O I o - E (.) L 'o o u o o c 'o- .J 6.r c:r .F L = aJF OF L' O(O ! o.- C.F4J o. 6F-C ! cf .rJ Cr D_ F C1 o.F CO {r o' C.dcr< cc\t.u c c, +Jf E\a) L .Fc-P=o isco <!r .F EF\ '! o coo.-,!:z-(JF c sr c, ! 'o L c--c.For-cj (-J--c . .; >rqj.; d-<, .c. ! FqFq co F'!F-ac loFx.|,FE.rJ.)3<o-cr >c !qr.-c.C!c o {u }c, oc!.rd€+|Eorto-. Fr=o'oEco ! -E o.- a.-.-Dtic.;Ecs.-o,Eo- E -!rLL..a|! E o-.i>tror- - o.:85;rl3:U3g €..5._3 E..S-53ogr€E39"oox (r s).- od cr.F .Pod.Fd .Po-ocJ arE6<Ed drrJo 60! qJclc (J.rr t6aot:>!ct'F 01 (u- cnc.r-o-- 4.-rr- u o ocr o(F (r ci; arJ O^^^^s aoJ{J Nlq!o ir or rr- d 4, ch=rF<e crl -i c G| c.;HN.r.+q_ 6Ers r tt>c,?rrl->.p,! ,! Nsuue=o E'o Q 0/ g a € 19 E c o rJ rr- c ' -otitlo F+t r!2oocoa pr+- 6c: OdOaOC--C CI.F Cl^ O.F HdcO> O(A @Caco-i(J O. (/i, O O!q.:c)oi E'Fo ttr ct q-.E-a o L (t tt (Jo ./| 12:2g-aJo,o (h \ t! tr- ;gj p t 5 r S 5 oE o'- O (t(O ; (' O, rtr O a, r?ci'-i e; g -.e-9.; . bEEt9 o cr o'-.rJ L !o r: Q :EEFi5> {J O t j (,qL 9!9E:ot =qr2 -c -oO-= 3' - - oord co o qro-(J r!!!'r Llroo= c O, Ogo fi,F gr'-5 c 5q, 0, rF6Fl G (, ,,;! Fr/'| .qc oQo F rD d< {Jo o 5 .--crd :'E=f 6f ; ;;3 E iil:EtEe; € IEt eE .-oq.,o.,o c0rE E 4od.ra toi >r a5-o q = o-o!F crr o a={J t. o--o o,Pq a, oc(|)x o cro>,6 .e L) !r , O clla,r.; I E {J--' o,(r) F-6< 6.- .6 >o.F E.o a_< - E .- '6, €o o-+P u o rr- E r Ao- is o c (Jlscrt g >r0,,€ E>,lE;. .?g .o E€9.3b*5e; : g:h =(')olE !i::.- o-O O, .-cr d .-FL F>'+-oo E olro o- c. >!, +) ! r! u rJ 'n or rc -'ott .- c ro 5+r oo.d6'r g) F! {r .e>lrc9 u ^tE o o .orJcD5 EFcn? ta r c!3 c !-o! g-ri.!- q 9qr- ! oo-roo,d.;d .-o ._rJ or.- o!+r> LoE +r (Jo!u.-Eo-F€ o :roc FE !9'35: &tb 3 .-ggE-;€- ; .o.3 €o -c,L.r €o,.- o oorE ooro:,P-o J ! 6 1t(J -.o..:llc !^ . €c (J 3-clor_r-co or -o o q)q q -oc.- L c-o c' F!-au a!; l|:.€ !o q Cr9 o _ c..o c >u o I sr .rE or - vi o -guI #n Fsfi Fi E E-: i !;rii E BH€ : E$g l E;F "E$P:iiEEE E efl:Ei:pE e -*saig do . {dczoo o) o o od da ar $6>adac-o(l)Er! p po -o-r,q oc]l()^t o u ! r?!t=-(J o rr d.- c' dLr A ep v,,- oc)-..,8 .oAJc)a-pOr..4 o9{Jo5. (,c.o€ ccr <l;'.r;a.J Ecdqrcr>.-o F +,coE r:, a,-.oE.cr.oo d,-,; u c.-eoo;!-:6€c Eceeo €-Losojxoo.F|J o-.-ap.pl.) qlll .-duE - o-cr1J c, ('o,.-(_-c ro crE,o! urr i r!.- rr o-(a.- L!,o(J <{erodo44cO u < l: ca F,H;-,€.r:3 .:E€; I#q.!:;;;SFi: F.*.q..1;#E<!qcd4c,co-o.c .)-oo(J!6oo-oc (ro.> +Jtr<- .,,s E c,, \ a,! _ arrFcl,o1cE 6.:rd .3.9-:.:e-, .5i;.33=E.'3:p . 5;b,3.S30,&"3o 4 c,L . L! c:r! o o ! o L._ i o. o o a (J_o='.-: I orPs/o od.-rr Lq- c.LF o-ia r!6 | ar 4, crd, .rq-.- q q !t !) u '- q q q c > 4t 6 o 6o!u> oa ort'o(.)d>Ldrj9 \_q !.d q+ *.:6ci,rri ^'^Ll o Nrd -o c, Nlt' -o o N6 o (J }:1 .'. o, c) a COLORADO IEPARTMEIT OF HEALTII 1210 EAST ITTH AVENUE a RECEIVED r,r79 DEM(ER,COI-ORADO ffi22o prlouE &20-833!t lnthony Robbinr, X.D., lt.P.A. Erlcrrtlvo oiFctot DATE: March 7,1979 SUBJECT: N0N-STATE ASS ISTANCE REV IEW AND CO}tI{ENT5 T0: Mr. Terrill Knight Director, Eagl"e County Department of Planning & DeveLopment Box 179 Eag1e, C0 8L631 PR0JECT TITLE: FiLe STATE IDENTIFlER: COI{HENTS DUE BY: Yes l_J No lJ Yes Yo" | | Ye s No No No IIl_l l- No. Su-4-79-S Spruce Creek Townhouses Sketch PLan NA March 2J-, 1979 ls th is project cons i stent wi th the goa ls andobjectives of this agency? ls the re ev i dense of overlapping of dupl ica - tion wi th other agencies? ls meeting desired with appl icant? A l5-day extension is requested. tl il i:i Comments: Water Qual-ity Contlol-: The Water Quality Control Dlvislon has no ob- Jection to this proposal in that water and sewer servlce appears to be presently avalLable through the Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District. PLease rDte that, in accordance with Senate 8111 35, any development serving more than 20 people must receive site plan approval from the Water Quality Control- Cornnisslon before constructlon will be allowed to commence on the sewer facil-itles/extensions . In addition, any constructlon undertaken shoul-d strlctly adhere to an approved erosion and sedlment control plan Lncorporating measures designed to mlnlmlze possibLe contaminatlon of area lraters. For l-ike reason ve advise agalnst per- nltting deveJ-opment to encroach upon the 1-00 year fl-oodplain. /,1 2,, ""4'1 . 4ldtt-tv-/ Name, Title t Phone L Mickl Barnes, Program Adminlstrator ATTACHI'IENT B S0C-3, Feb 77 EAGg"E C0I'NTY aDepartrnent of Planning and Devefdpment f,cfr,8S,.dAeooo utu.t TELEPHONE 303/328-73 | I BOARD OF COUNTY corvrMrsStoNERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R Ext 2O2 BUILDING IN I NSPECTI O N Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 2l7 COUNTY ATTORT\IEY Exl 242 ENG I NEE R Ext 235 ENVIRONMENTAL H EALT H' Ext 238 EXTEN S IO N AGENT Exl 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG Exl 226 or 229 PU RC HA5ING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHER IFF Eagle Ext 2l 1 Basall927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 75 | SOC IAL SERVICES 328.6328 TREASU R E R Ext 201 26 March 1979 Carpentry Un'l imited Box 3BB Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Fi'le No. Su-4'79-S Sketch Plan Spruce Creek At their ttlarch 21, 1979 meeting, the Eagle County Planning Commission discussed your sketch plan and had the fo'l lowing cofiTnents. If you have any questions, please contact this office. Respectfu'l ly yours, B*. Thomas Boni Ass't Djrector of P1 anning TB/ kp cc: Board of County Cormissioners (1) reduction in the density is desirable(2) investigate ways to muffle highway background noise(3) parking should be 2.5 spaces per unit @ 10 x 20(4) show size, species and location of plantings in the landscaping design. F ll-E # --.. 5-u.=..u-2_=-?-1.:-f. . _... E/l.C!-E Cl. I}LAN. coMM. RECO|:D CCPY MEETTNG oF _-.!e..kx..!.?.1.1 CONDOII{INI UM DECI,ARATION FOR trffililK.G ) sbnr^r{ C..i.i'"h. fo*}rsn rt I RECITAI,S Carpentry Unlimited, Inc-, a Colorado Corporation (,'Declarana"1-, is lhe own"r of the real property situate in the iounty of Eagle, State of Colorado, described in the attached nxhibit trAu, which by reference is made a Part hereof' Declarant desires to establish a condominium project under the Condominiurn Ownership Act of Colorado (the "Act") and to define the character, duration, rights, obligations and limitations of condominium ownership Declarant has executed plans for the construction of Meadow Creek Condominiums on the iroperty described in Exhibit rrArr. which buildings when com- pfel"a sftaff consist of separately designated condominium units' i Condominium Map will be i:-teA showing the location of said buildings on the property which is hereby made subject to this Declaration. Declarantdoesherebyestablishaplanfortheowner- ship of real property estates in fee simple consisting of the .it'"pu". coniaii'red in each of the apartment_units in the build- ings,'the parking units described heiein, and the co-ownership, by'the individuai and separate owners thereof' as tenants in colnmon, of all of the remaining real property. II DECLARATION Declarant does hereby publish and declare that the following terms, covenants, conditions, easements restrictionst uses, reiervations, limitaiions and obligations shall be deemed to run with the land, shalI be a burden and-a""benefit to Declar- ant, its successors and assigns and any person acguiring or. own- ing an interest in the real property which is or becomes sublect to this Declaration and impr-ovements built thereon, their grentees' successors, heirs, executois, administrators, devisees or assigns' l.Definitions.AsusedinthisDeclaration,unless otherwise expr66$!6Tided : (a) "Apartment unit" means an undivided air space unit contained within-the perimeter walls, floors, ceilings, windows and doors of a unit in a building constructed on real troperty which is subject to the provisions of this Declaration' ind- as itrown and described in a condominium map recorded in the real property records of Eagle County, Colorado,.together with (i) aif -fixtirres and improvements therein; (ii) the inner decorated or finished s-urfaces of such unitts perimeter walls; floors and ceilings; (iii) the doors and windows of the unit; and (iv) the inteiior'nonsupporting walls within the unit. The term does not include, howe-vlr, the undecorated or unfinished surfaces of the perimeter walls, floors or ceilings of a unit, any utilities running through the unit which serve more than one unit, or any other general conmon element or Part thereof l-ocated within the unit. (b) "Condominium unit" means an aPartment unit together with the undivided interest in the general conmon elements aPPur- tenant thereto and the right to exclusive or non-exclusive use of lirnited corrunon elements associated therewith. (c) 'Ourner' means any individual , corporation, Partner-ship, association' trust or other lega1 entity, or combination of legal entities, which is the record owner of an undivided fee simple interest in one or more condominium units. (d) rrGeneral common elements" means (i) the land in- cluded in the real property which at any time is subject to this Condominium Declaration; (ii) the foundations, columns' girders, beams, supports, perimeter and supporting walls, roofs, balconies, halls, corridors, lobbies, stairs, stairways, fire escapes, entrances and exits of the building; (iii) the basements, yards. gardensr. automobile parking areas and storage spaces; 1iv) the installations, equipment and materials making uP the central services such as p6wei, light, gas. hot and cold water, heating, refrigeration and air conditioning and incinerating; (v) the tanks. pumps, motorsr-_ fans, compressois, ducts, and in general aI1 aPParatus and install- ations existing for cormnon use; and (vi) all other parts of the property normally in conunon use. (e) "Limited cornmon elements" means the part of the general conmon elements assigned for the exclusive or non-exclusive ise and enjoyment of the owner or owners of one or nore, but less than all, condominium units. (f) " Colunon expenses" means: (i) all expenses e>cpressly declared to be conunon expenses by this Declaration or by the by- laws of the Association; (ii) all other expenses of administering' servicing, conserving, mana9ing, maintaining, repairing or-replac- ing the general comrnon eLements; (iii) insurance premiums for the. iniuranc6 carried under Paragraph 9 of Articl-e II hereof; and (iv) all dxpenses lawfutly determined to be common exPenses by the board of directors of the Association. Notwithstanding the fore- going, management fees may be charged to owners as a direct ex- pense and not as a contrnon expense. (S) "First Lienor" payment of which is secured by trust encumbering an interestshall include a deed of trust, means the holder of a promissory note a first mortgage or first deed of in a condominiutt"'rrrrit'. "Mortgage" and "mortgagee" shall include the beneficiary of a deed of trust. (h) "Association" means Meadow creek condominilxn Asso- ciation, Inc., a CoJ-orado nonprofit corporation. (i) "Building" means one of the building improvements containing condominiurn rlnits located on real property subject- to this Decliration, and all other improvements constructed on the property subject to this Declaration, and "buildings" means all of such improvernents. (j)ThecondominiumunitssubjecttothisDeclaration shall be known as Irleadow Creek Condominiurns. (k) "Declaration" means thiS instrument and all Amend- ments or Supplements thereto hereafter recorded in the records of Eagle County, CoJ-orado. (1) "sharing Ratio" of an owner is a fraction, the numerator of which is ltre Percentage interest in the general conmon elernents aPPurtenanl to the apartrnent unit of such owner and the denom-inatoi of which is the total- percentage interest in general cormnon elements then appurtenant to atl apartment units. The interest in general conmon elernents reserved by Declarant and not appurtenant io any apartment unit shall not be included in determining the denominator of euch fraction. -2- 2. Division of Real ProPerty into Estates; Use and Occupancy of C (a) The real Property is hereby initially divided into 12 living'uirits number A-1 through A-6 and B-I through 8-6 inclusive. Each living unit consists of an aPartment unit, an undivided interest in the general contmon elements appurtenant to such apartment unit which interest is set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto, and the exclusive or non-exclusive right to use and enjoy limited conmon elements, as set forth in Exhibit C. (b) Declarant reserves to itself all right, title and interest in the conmon elements not apPurtenant to the liv- ing units and parking units set forth in Exhibit C, which inter- est Declarant may make appurtenant to condominium units built on additional real property made subject to this Declaration, as set forth in subparagraph 2(c). (c) Declarant may hereafter within 7 years of the initial recording of this Declaration subject to the additional real property described in Exhibit B to the provisions of this Declaration and -construct buildings thereon containing not more than 58 additional living units. Such units or parking spaces shal1 be shown in a Supplemental Map or Maps recorded in the re- cords of Eagle County, Colorado. In each such case Declarant shall file in the records of Eagle County, Colorado a Supplemental Declaration in which it shall convey and attribute (from its re- served interest in common elements as described in subparagraph 2 (b) to each such additional living unit an undivided percentage interest in the corunon elements. The interest conveyed and attributed to each living unit shall be expressed as a percent- age determined by dividing the number of square feet contained in such living unit by 15O,O0O (the maximum total number of sguare feet in all oi the condominium units now on or which hereafter may be located on the property described in Exhibits A and B), and mul-tiplying the reiull u1'. roo. For the purPose of computing the undiviaea interests in common elements to be conveyed and made attributable to additional living units, Declarant shall engage any architect licensed in colorado to determine the num- Uei of square feet contained in each living unit, and the deter- mination of such architect shall be final and binding on all par- ties. (d) At the earlier of (i) the date all of the land described in Exhibit B has become subject to this Declara- tion, or (ii) the date such land may no longer become subject to this Declaration, a1I of Declarantts reseWed-'itrterest..in"'' ' conmon elements which has not becorne attributable to a living unit pursuant to the provisions of subparagraph 2 (b) shall be conveyed by Declarant to the owners of living units on such date in the Sharing Ratios then in effect- Such interests shall then become appurtenant to the living unit with resPect to which it has been conveyed. . (e) Each condominium unit shall be inseParable'and may be conveyed, leased., devised or encumbered only as a condominium unit. Title to a condominium unit may be held individually or in any form of concurrent ownership recognized in Colorado. In case of any such concurrent ownership, each co-owner shall be jointly ana severally liable for performance and observande or irr th; duties and rEsponsibilities of an ',owner" with respect to the condominium unit in which he owns an interest. (f) Any contract of sale, deed, Iease, deed of trust, mortgage, will or other instrument affecting a -condoniniumunit may aeiciiUe it by its apartment unit nurnber as shown on the map, foilowed by the narne of the condominium and reference to this Declaration and to the map. -3- a(s) () Declarant shall give wrlftten notice to the assessor of Eagle County, Colorado, in the Act, so that each condominium unit assessed and taxed. (h) Except as set forth in this paragraph 2(h), the livi-ng units sfrait be uled and occupied solely for dwelling or lodging purPoses. Certain living units may-contain living facifi[,iLs lppropriate for the management of the condominiums or ioi "otr.t"nti-oirs isuctr as a leception desk, conference rooms and the like) and such living unit may be used for all PurPoses incident to such management duties or oonvention business' Ortners of the units may rent or lease the units to others for these p"tp"""", and .iy-""" ifr.r" nrrits for home occupatione which do not cause orrre.torrable dieturbance to others and which are permitted by applicable zoning codes. (i) The Association shall have the right to charge reasonable aclnission and other fees for the use of any recreational ii"iiity situate upon or which is a part of the general conmon elements. 3.Condominiumtrlap.Uponsubstantialcompletion.of.a. building, ancl lEGffi-n-y conveylnce by Declarant of a condominium unit ttr6rein, -Declarant shall ca-use to Le fil-ed for record in Eagle C"""tV, Colorado, a condominiurn map (the "map'),"which shall contain: i;t i-h; iegal description of the s-urface of the Land; (b) the linear measurenenfs and locition, with reference to the exterior boundaries ;i-ih; land, of the building and aLl other improvements built or to be built on the land; (ci ttre floor plans and linear dimensions of the interior of the building including the aPartment units' the general conmon elements wtrich are not a Part-of any aPartment unit, itra tn" Iimited connon elementsi (d) the designation by ngmber-or "{t"i--.vrool of each apartment unit; (e) the elevation-plans of ttre Uuiiaing; and (f) -the elevation of the unfinished interj-or sur- faces of the floors and ceilings of the building, including the ilartrnent units, as establishecl frorn a datum plane, the distances between floors and ceilings, and the linear measurements showing the thickness of the perimetei walls of the building. Declarant reserves the right to arnen^d a map frorn time to time to conform it to the actual location of any Luilcling (including all parts thereof) and to establish, vacate lnd relocate easements, access road easements and off-site parking areas- the manner provided in will be separately (a) The general comrnon elernents shall be owned in common by all the ownert and shall remain tfiiativided; No owner shall assert any right of partition with resPect to the general conmon elements. rictr ownlr waives any and ltt rigtrts of.partition il;;t holcl by virtue of his ownership of an undivided interest i" lftl generai corunon elements as a tenant in conmon with the other o*"rc. This paragraph shall not, holeever, limit or restrict the iight-"f tartition of a single condomini'm unit among the owners thereof, but such partition shall not affect any other condominium unit. (b) Each owner shall be entitled to use the general conmon elements in accordance with the purpose.for which they are i"i""a"a, without hindering, irnpeding oi imposing upon the rights of the other owners and in-ac"o-rdanc6 with lules and regulations a"rv--"rt"b1ished frorn time to time by the Association. (c) If any Portion of the general conmon elements nord encroaches upon any apartment unit, or_if any aPartment unit now encroaches uPon "ni oltt"r apartmeni unit or upon any portion of the general comnon elenents, as a result of the construction of any 6"iiai"g, or if any such encroachment shall occur hereafter as a result of eettli"g'or shifting of any buildingr a vatid eaaement 4.General Corunon Elements, Elqregghtente' -4- for the encroachment and for the maintenance of the same so long as the building stands, shall exist. fn the event any building' any apartment unit, any adjoining apartment unit, or any adjoining general common element, sha1l be partialty or totally destroyed as a result of fire or other casualty or as a result of condemna- tion or eminent domain proceedings, and then rebuilt, encroach- ments of parts of the general cotnmon elements uPon any aPartment unit or of any apartment unit upon any other apartment unit or upon any portion of the general conunon elernents, due to such re- building, shall be permitted, and valid easements for such en- croachments and the maintenance thereof shall exist so long as the building shall stand. 5. Mechanic's Liens; Indemnification- ' (a) If any os/ner shatl cause any material to be furnished to his apartrnent unit or any labor to be performed therein or thereon, no owner of any other condominium unit sha1l under any circumstances be liable for the payment of any expense in- cuired or for the value of any work done or material furnished. A11 such work shaLl be at the o<pense of the owner causing it to be done, and such owner shall be solely responsible to contractors, laborers, materialmen and other persons furnishing labor or mater- ials to his apartnent unit or any improvements therein. Nothing herein contained shall authorize any owner or any Person dealing through, with or under any olrtner to charge the general common ele- ments or any apartment unit other than that of such owner with any mechanicrs lien or other lien or encurnbrance whatever. On the con- trary (and notice is hereby given) the right and power to charge any lien or encumbrance of any kind against the general cornmon elements or against any owner or any owner I s apartment unit for Work done or materials furnished to any other ownerts apartment unit is hereby ercpressly denied. (b) If, because of any act or omission of any owner, any mechanict s or other lien or order for the payment of money sniff be filed against the general conmon elements or against any other owner's apirtment unil or any improvements therein, or against any other owner (whether or not such lien or order is valid or en- foiceable as such), the owner whose act or ornission forms the basis for such lien or order shall- at his own cost and expense cause the sane to be cancelled and discharged of record or bonded by a surety company reasonably acceptable to the Association, or to such other owner or owners, within 20 days after the date of filing thereofr. and further shall indemnify aid save all the other unit owners and the Association harmless from and against any and all costs, e)qPenses, claims, losses or damages, including reasonabtre''attorneyrs fees resulting therefrom. 6. Administration and Management. Meadow creek condomin- iums shall be administered and managed pursuant to this Declaration, the articles of incorporation and the bylaws of the Association. Each person contracting to purchase a condominium unit from Declar- ant, lnd each owner snitt also be a member of the Association and shall remain a member until his contract is terrninated or until he ceases to be an owner. Each member shall comply strictly with the provisions of this Declaration and the articles of incorpora- tion and bylaws of the Association. Each member shall be bound by and sfrait comply with ru1es, resolutions and decisions of the elsociation duly nlde or adopted in the manner set forth in the articles of inc6rporation or bylaws. Failure of the member to comply with such irovisions, r-ules, resolutions or decisions shall be grounds for an action to recover damages or to obtain injunctive relief, or both, maintainable by the Association on behalf of the other owners or, in a Proper caie, by an aggrieved owner' rn addi- tion, the Associationri lltfaws may authorize the Association, dur- ing the period of any delinquency, (a) to revoke-a delinquent-_- owier's iigtrt to use generai comion elements, (b) to cause utility service to a delinqoent o\,tner's condominium unit to be suspended- and (c) to suspend a memberrs voting privileges; however' no such suspension shall affect the rights of a first lienor. -5- 7. Ivlaintenance and Repairs. (a) Each condominium unit owner shall be responsi-ble for maintenance and repair of his apartment unit, includingfixtures and improvements and all utility lines and equipment 1o-cated therein and serving such unit only. In performing such maintenance or repair, or in improving or altering his apartmentunit, no owner shall do any act or work which impairs the struc-tural soundness of any building or which interferes with any ease- ment. (b) The general conunon elements (including thelimited conmon elements) shall be administered, conserved, managed,maintained, repaired and replaced by the Association, which rnay have access to any unit from time to time during reasonable hoursfor such purposes, or at any time for the purpose of making emer-gency repairs therein necessary to prevent damage to the general conmon elements or to another apartment unit or units. The costsof repairing any damage to an apartment unit resulting from entrytherein for any such purpose shal1 be a comrnon expense of all theo\,vners. However, if the need to make such entry results from thenegligence or intentional act of any owrer, such owner shall reim- burse the Association for all the costs of repairing such damage and shall be liable to the other owners for all additional lossesor damages suffered, including reasonable attorney's fees. (c) Notwithstanding the foregoing, (i) each condo- minium unit owner having an interest in limited cornmon elementsshall pay his proportionate share of the costs and expenses ofmaintaining, repairing and replacing any limited cormnon elementsof which such owner has any use and enjoyment, and (ii) each con- dominium owner shall pay all costs of repairing any damage to thegeneral cornmon elements (including the limited common elements),or to any condominium unit other than his own, resulting from theintentional act or negligence of such owner. 8. Assessments for Common Expenses, (a) Except as set forth in Paragraph 7 (c) , each owner shall pay his pro rata share of the conrmon expenses whichshall be each ownerrs Sharing Ratio on the date such conmon ex-pense is assessed. Declarant shall not be liable for any assess- ment hereunder due to its reservation and ownership of general corunon elements as described in Paragraph 2 (b) herein, and whichare not appurtenant to any apartment unit, The bylaws of theAssociation shall emporrer its board of directors to fix, deter-mine, levy and collect periodic and special agsessments to bepaid by the owners to meet the common er<penses and to create a contingency reserve therefor. The bylaws shall also establishthe procedures by which the assessments shall be made known to and paid by the owners. An action may be brought by the Assocj-a-tion to recover unpaid conrmon expenses from the owner liable for payment thereof, with or without foreclosing or waiving the lien described in the following paragraph. (b) A11 sums assessed but unpaid for the share of conmon expenses assessed to any condominium unit shall constitutea lien on such unit in favor of the Association prior to all otherliens and encurnbrances, except: (i) Iiens for taxes and special assessments; and (ii) the lien of any first mortgage or first deed of trust of record encumbering such unit. The Association'slien shall attach from the date when the unpaid assessment shall become due and may be foreclosed by the Association in like manner as a mortgage on real property upon the recording of a notice or claim thereof executed by the Association setting forth the amount of the unpaid indebtedness, the name of the owner of the condomin- ium unit, and a description of the condominium unit. In any such foreclosure the owner shall be reguired to pay the costs and ex- Penses of such proceedings, including reasonable attorneyrs fees. During tbe period of foreclosure the owner of the condorninium unit subject to such action shall be required to pay a reasonable rental to the Association. The AssocLation shall be entitled to -5- purchase the condominium unit at the foreelosure sale, and to acquire, hold, lease, mortgage or convey the same. (c) No owner shall exempt himself from liability for payment of his share of the conmon exPenses either by waiver of the use or enjoyment of any of the general conmon elements or by abandonment of his condominiurn Unit. (d) In case of sale or other transfer of a con- dominium unit with respect to which sums assessed for common expenses shall be unpaid' excePt transfers to a first lienor in connection with a foreclosure of its lien, the purchaser or other transferee of an interest in such unit shall be jointly and severally liable with the seller or transferor thereof for such unpaid assessments. (e) Upon written request of any owner' mortgagee' prospective mortgagee, purchaser or other prospective transferee of a condorninium unit, the Association shall issue a written state- ment setting forth the amount of the unpaid conmon expenses, if any, with respect to such condominium unit, the amount of the cur- rent monthly assessment, the date on which such assessment became or shall become due and the amount of any credit for prepaid ex- penses. Such statement, for which a reasonable fee may be charged, 1s binding upon the Association in favor of any Person who may rely thereon in good faith. Unless a request for such statement shall be complied with vtithin fifteen days after receipt thereof, all unpaid comnon expenses which became due prior to the date of nak- ing such request shall be subordinated to the lien or other inter- est of the person requesting such statement. (f) Any Party in favor of whom a lien on a condo- minium unit has been created may but shal1 not be required to Pay any unpaid common expense with respect to such unit, and upon sucfr plyrment such paity shall have a lien on such condominium unit for the amount so paid of the same rank as the lien theretofore existing. 9. Insurance. (a) The Association shall, on behalf of the owners: (i) keep all buildings (including all of the apartment units and all fixtures therein, but not includ- ing furniture, furnishings or other personal property supplied or installed by condominium unit owners) insured against loss or damage by fire, wirt.h.'extended coverage (including insurance - against l-oss or damage by vandalism or malicious rnischief), in the full amount of the maxi- mum replacement value thereof, without deduction for de- preciaLion; (ii) provide and keep in force, for the pro- tection of the Association, its officers and directorst and all the owners and first lienors, general public lia- bility and property damage insurance against claims for boclily injury or death oi property damage occurring upon or in the-general- common elements, in limits of not less than $250,000 in respect of bodily injury or death to any one person and n-ot less than $1'000,000 for bodily inJury or death to any number of persons arising out of one aEcident or disasler, and in limits of not less than $10,000 for damage to proPerty' and if higher limits shall at any tirn6 be customary to Protect against possi- ble tort liability, such high l-inits shall be carried; and (iii) carry insurance in such amounts as the Association nray consider necessary or advisable against such other insurable hazards as may from time to time be cormonly insured against in the case of sirnilar pro- perty in similar locationB elsewhere. -7- (b) A11 insurance required to be carried under this parasraph ti't"ri-ut-cairied-ii iavor-"f-tl: +:"::i:li?1j.^th" oror,"t'" (nimiirg ttt"*' and identifying in fulL t}.r3it respective .o"a"*iriio, uiits), and all firs! llenors, as their respective interests rn"y .pf"it- Each policY of insurance shall contain a standarA mortgil..-"fi""" in taitor of each first lienor of a conaominium unif if,i"t shall provide that the loss' if any ' - thereunder shall be payable t6 such first lienor, as its interest ;;-;pF;t, iouj"ct,-h6wever' to the loss palment provisions in favor of the Association hereinafter set forth' AII policies- of insurance against damage to any buitding and fixtures shall provide that l5sses shall tre paya-ute to and adjusted with the Association, as iitotrr"y-in-ficl for the owners' The Association shall hold and d;i;-;;a pio"""as of such insurance as set forth in this Oectaratibn-. Eac-h insurance policy. shall provide- that no cancellation thereof may be made by the ilsurance carrler without having fi;;a firr"rr-30 days, l-riqT written notice thereof to tl:e AEsociation, the owners ana aff first lienors' Each insurance policy-shall also provid" that in case of violation of i"v pi""i"-ion tiereof by one or-more (but less than all) of the otdners, the .o""i"g"-oi'such policy-shall be suspended or in- validated only as [,o ttre inteiest of tfre owner or ordners conmitt- i;;-th;-;i"i"ti"" and not as to the interesr of any other or,fner- aii poficies of physical damage insurance shall contain waivers of subrogation aia- of any def6nse based on co-insurance' Dupli- cate originals of all poticies of physical damage insurance and of all renewars itt"."oi, together iilrr proof of palrmelt oI - ^prerniums, shall be deliverel to all first lienors at least 10 hiyi pri6r to orpititiot of the then current policies' (c) The maxinr:rn replacement value. of the buildings (which shall indicaie the maximum-replacement-value of each "orraorirrium unit-contained therein), without deduction for a"pi"ti"tion, shaii b" d"t"rmined by the Association prior to obtaining .rry poii"y-ot tit" insurance or any renewal thereof by means of one or more written appiaisals made by competent, dis- interestea .ppr.I"-i=- copies -of such appraisals shall be furnished to each owner and each first tiLnor of a condominium unit. (d) Each owner sha1l be responsible for all insurance covering !ot" ot damage to personal property in his .""a".i"iurn unit ind liability ior injury, death or damage occurring inside his apartment_unit. -Ati'.such policy shal-I contain waivers of subrog"[i""-i"J sfraff U" to tiitten lnat ttre liability of the carriers issuirrg insurance obtained by the Association "f,.ff not be affected or dirninished thereby' .., rO. 4peointryent ot ettgrnev,il : --8""h owner by his acceptance " e vesting in hirn aninterestina-co''ao'oiniumunitdoesirrevocablyconstitute and appoint (a) the Association with full Postef of substitution as his true and lawful attorney in his name, place and stead (i) to deal with such interest upon damagg.to or destruction' obsorescence, or "ona"tottation of any buildils. or real property as hereinafter pt""ia"a, ancl (ii) to enter into agreg9e{Its - regarding general contrnon elements including but not Lirnited to leases, rights "; ;;t; agreements and ingress and egress agree- ments; and (b) o"ciiiint:with fuil power of substitution as bis true and lawful';;t;ilt i" tti" ""*L, place-, and stead to deal with such interest in order to effectulte the reservation con- tained in paragrlin-'jo,-"""rr-rittt full power, richt and author- ization to execute, acknowledge indl deliver any 6ontract' deed' proof of loss, release or other instrument affecting the interest of such owner, and to t-ie any other action' which the Association or Declarant may consider necessary or advisable to give effect 6-ut; troviiions of this Declaration' rf reguested to do-;";t [rr" a"""tiation or Declarant' each owner shal1 execute and deliver a writlet fnsttutrelt confitming such appointment. rtre ictfon of the att"Efition is settling any damage or condennation clain shall be flnal and bLnding on all owners' No owner ahall h;;;;i rlghts agaLnet the Aesociation or any of lte officers or dLrectore wfif,-resPect thereto eIcePt ln the caae of fraud or 9ro8a negllgence' -8- 11. destruction of whatever: ocase or thereof damage or by any cause-Damage or Destruction. In any building or anY Part (a) If in the reasonable judgment of the Association, the proceeds of insurance shall be sufficient to pay all the costs-of repairing and restoring the building, the essociation (as attorney-in-fact for the owners) shall cause the buitding to be repaired and restored, applying the proceeds of insurance for that PurPose. (b) If in the reasonable judgrnent of the Association the anticipated proceeds of insurance are not sufficient to pay the costs of re-pairing and restoring the building, and if th€i excesl of such costs over the anticipated insurance Proceedsr are less than 10t of the maximum replacement value last detennined under Paragraph 9(c), then the Association (as attorney-in-fact_ for the ownerl) shalt promptly cause the building to be repaired and restored, and the aiffarence between the insurance proceeds and the costs of repair and restoration shall be a corunon exPense' to be assessed and paid as provided in Paragraph 8- (c) If in the reasonable judgrment of the Association the anticipated proceeds of insurance are not sufficient to pay the costs of repairing and restoring the building' and if the- eicess of .such cosls are 10t or nore of the maximum replace- ment value last determined under Paragraph 9 (c) , then (unless within 100 days after the date of such damage or destruction a plan for repairing and restoring the building shall be approved Ly the owneis of 6ondominiqm units in such building owning 80t oi more of the total interests in general oonunon elements appurtenant to aPartment units in iuch building and by all first lienors of such condomini11n units) the Association (as attorney- in-fact for the oieners of condoruinium units in such buitding) shall execute and record in the Eagle County, CoJ-orado, real estate records a notice of such facts, and thereafter shall sell the entire real property on which such building is located (including the buildingi toget-her with reasonable easements for ingress and egress, if iequiied, as designated by the Association, free-and cie.r of the frovisions of this Decliration and the map, which shall wholly Lerminate and expire with respect to such proPerty upon the closing of such sa1e. This Declaration and any map, h-owever, shall iemain in full force and effect with resPect-to all other property and buitdings, and the percentage interests in getterai cotnrnon elements appurtenant to all apartment units iemaining subject to this beclaration shall automatically be increasel Uy ttre amounts of the Percentage interests in general conmon elemEnts appurtenant to all apartment.'units in the buitding sold frei and clear of this Declaration, such increase- to be allocated among apartment units in the proportions of their respective interests-in- general common elernents. The proceeds of insurance and the pro-eeds of such sale of the real property shall be collected by the Associationr appl1e{-first to the payment of e:<penses 6t the sal-e, and then divided arnong the bwners of conbominir.un units in such building and paid into separate accounts, each representing one condominium unit. The iniurance proceeds shalt UL aiviaed-according to such owners' respective percentage interest therein as shown by the insurance policies, i-f so shoin, otherwise according to such owners' resPec- live interest in general comnon elements aPpurtenant to aPartment units in the buil6ing so sold, and the proceeds of sale shall be divided according to such ownersr retpective undivided interests in the general comr,6t elernents appurtenant to apartment units in the 6ui1din9 so sold. The fun-cts in each account (without contribution fiom one account to another shalL be applied by-the Association for the following purposes in the order indicated: -9- L, (i) for payrnentlt the balance of the lien of any first mortqage or deed of trust ""-lrr.-."ndominium unit; (ii) for payme"!.9f taxes and special assessment liens in favor of any assessing entityt (iii) for payment of unpaid conmon exPensest..(iv) for ;;;ft";-;r- jirnior liens- and encurnbrtnies in the order of and to the extent of-d;i; piioriiy ana (v) the-balance remaining' fi ;;t,-"tiir u" p"ia tb tne c-ondominium unit owner. The pr""iii"r"-"t tni!-p.r"gt"ptr ebait not be construed as limiting in any way the tigftl-"i"a 'first ii"ttot (in case the proceeds all-ocated under iii "l"ve shalt be insufficient to Pay the indebtedn."t ""trri"a fy his lien) to assert and enforce the ;;;;;;;1 iiiuiriiv for- such deficiencv of the Person or Persons responsible for plyment-of such i"a"Ut"at'ess' If within 100 days after the date of such damage "r-E""ti"ction a plan for repairing and restoring a damaged or destroy"a uoiraing shall be approved [v-trr"-"*r"i5 "r-Cd-i"ot t-r" of t-he general_common elements appurtenant to "p"itt""gorrit".in suEn building and by all first Iienors, tbe ass-ociation (as attorneY-in-fact, ior such owners) shall promptly ";;;;-iuctr-repairs an-cl restoration to be made according to such plan. Al-l-owners of apart1ett! units in such buitding (ana no'oiili=l 'tltt"rr"ir"-u"""a Ly the terms of such plan' and the difference, if any, between the amount of the insurance pi"r""a, and the-clrl" "t- repair and restoration shall be an e:q)ense of such ";;;;; onty -ana shall be assessed and paid by such owners in tne pioportions oi--in"i" respective interests in general connon eieruLnti appurtenint to aparunent units in the damaged buil-ding. (d) Nothing contained in this paragraph "-l"Ilbe construed as i.p;;il; irry-ri"uitity wharever on any first li";;;-i; pay alt or any Part or the losts of repair or restoration. 12. Obsolescence. (a) If at any time the owners of 808 or more of the general conunon elernents aPPurtenant to apartment units in any building ;;;;"--bt tnis -oEcraration and atl first lienors with interests in such building trt"if agree that such buiJ-ding has become obsolete and shall "P;;;; a plan for,its renovation or restoration, $; essoci"tiot'- (i" atto-rney-in-fact for the owners with interests in such building) shall prornptfy. cause such renovation o, r.""to..tion to b; ."8"-""t"rd-ing-to such plan' Ot1 owners with intei".t" in such uuiiaing sharl_be bound by the terms of such pran, ""a-[tt" costs of trre-woir "ntrt be an expense of such owners onry and shalr be assessed and paid by such owners in the proportions of their r"sp"-iine interests in general conmon elements apPurtenant to "p"it^""t units.in such building' No o\tner ot a conh'oti,,itr^ unit iir any other ruf|fins shall' be required to Pay any of- ttre costs of iuch renovation or restora- ti5n on account of such ownershrP' (b) If at any time the owners of- 80* or more of the general conmon etements appurtenall :"-i11 apartnent units and atl first lienors shari'agree that any' of the improve- ments constituting general coruuon eiernents have become obsolete and shall aPProve a plan for their-ienovation or restoration' the Association t"" -"il"tney-in-iict for the owners) shall promptly cause ,lr.h ,"rrovat-ion oi-ie=totation to be made according to such plan. aii--"t""ts shall- Ue-Uouna by the terms of such plan, and the """["-"i-itre worx sha]'I be a common exPense' to be assessed and p"ia as provided in Paragraph 8' (c) If at any time the owners of 80$ or more of the gener.r cornmlr, ;i;;"6 and all first lienors sharl agree that the Uuifa:-nis n..," l""ot" "lt"f"te and should be sold' the Association (as attor""y-ttt-iitl fot the owners) shall promptly record in tfre real estate records of Eaqle eounty' cororado a notice of such facts;-;"4-;h;ii serr f'ne entire rear property, rree ina clear of the pi""i"i""s of this Declaration and the nap, wnicft "tt"ff wholly ["t*i""t" and-expire upon the closing of such Bit". ft.. pto"-""il-ltf--t""f, sale ihall be collected' applLed and divided anong *re owner--Uy tft" Associatlon tn the rli"Ei ptovided in Paragraph 11{c) ' -10- 13. Condemnation. (a) If the entire real property subject to theDeclaratj-on shalL be taken for any public or guasi-public use, under any statute, by right to eminent domain, or by purchasein lieu thereof, or if any part of any buitding covered by thisDeclaration shall be so taken, or if any part of the land shallbe so taken and the part remaining shatl be insufficient forpurPoses of Meadow Creek Condominiums, the Associatj-on (as attorney-in-fact for the owners) shall collect the award made in such tak-ing and shall sell the part of the land remaining after the taking,if any, free and cLearof the provisions of this Declaration andthe rnap. Such provisions shal1 wholly terminate and expire uponthe recording of a notice by the Association setting forth allof such facts. The award and the proceeds of such sa1e, if any,shall be collected, applied and divided among the owners by theAssociation in accordance with their.sharing Ratios. (b) If such taking shall be partial only, if nopart of any building shall be taken, and if the remaining part of the J-and shalI !e sufficient for the purposes of the condomin-ium, the Association (an attorney-in-fact for the owners) shallcollect the award and shall promptly and without delay cause the Iand not so taken t,o be restored as nearly as possible to itscondition prior to the taking, applying the award to that purpose. Any part of the award not required for such restoration shall bedivided by the Association among the owners in accordance withtheir Sharing Ratios. 14. Qual-ity of Work. Any repairs, renovation or re-storation of thE-E:[-!EopEr{ or any Uuifaing covered by thisDeclaration by the Association as attorney-in-fact for the ownersshall be done in such manner as to make the real property or thebuilding at least as valuable after such work as it was immediately before the occurrence requiring the work to be done. 15. Amendment or Revocation. This Declaration may be amended or revo@ any time prior to the fil-ing of the map, and (b) upon the written approval in recordable form of the owners of 75E or more of the general cofltrnon elenents and aII first lienors, except that the provisions of Paragraph2(a) and Exhibit C relating to interests in the general cornmon elements and the lirnited conmon elements may be amended only upon such approval of the orirners of l00t of the general conmon elements and all first lienors. It shall be revoked only uponsale of all or part of the real property pursuant to Paragraphsll(c) ' L2(c) or 13(a), or upon the unanimous'written approval inrecordable form of all owners and aI1 lienors. Notwithstandi.ngthe foregoing, amendment of this Declaration is subject to thereguirements of Section 38-33-106, C.R.S. L973. 16. Personaf Property for . The Association may acquire and all the condominium o\^tners, real , tangible and intangible personal property and may dispose of the same by sale or otherwise, and the beneficial in-terest in any such property sha1l be owned by the condominium owners in the same proportion as their respective interests inthe general common elements and shall not be transferable exceptwith a transfer of a condominium unit. A transfer of a condorniniumunit shall transfer to the transferee ownership of the transferorrsbeneficial interest in such property without any reference thereto. Each owner may use such property in accordance with the purpose for which it is intended, without hindering or encroaching uponthe lawful rights of the other owners. The transfer of title toa condominium unit under foreclosure shall entitle the purchaser to the beneficiaL interest in such personal property associatedwith the foreclosed condominium unit. - It- L7- Reqistration bv Owner of Mailing Address' Each owner snati re c;a--;J;' and except for monthly statements and other routine notices, all othei notices or demands intended to be served uPon an olener shall be sent by either registered or certified mail' Postage prepaid, addressed in the name of the owner at such registered iraiiing address. Alt notices, demands or other notices intended to be ierved upon the Association shall be sent certified mail, postage prepai-d, to the address of the Association as designated in the by-laws of the Association. 18. Duration of Condomi"t,- O*"gt"tt!p' - Tt-t9 aeParate estates create shall continue until this Declarltion shall be revoked or until its provisions shall terminate as provided herein- 19. ArchitecturaL Control- After filing of the rnap, no building, fffiructure shal-l be colutenced' erected or-maintained upon the property subject to this declaration, nor shall any exterior addition to or change_or alteration therein be rnade until the plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, height, color, materials, and Iocati5n of the same shall have been submitted to and approved in writing as to harmony of external design and location in relation to surrounding structures and topography by tle Board of Directors of the Asiociation, or by an architectural corsnittee composed of three or nore rePresentatives appoilted by-tlg Board' rn Lne event said Board, or its designated corunittee' fails to approve or disapprove such design and location within thirty dils after said itans and speciiications have been submitted to it', .pptoval wiLi not be reguired and this paragraph will be deemed- tb have been fully complied with. 20.Reservations.Declarantreserves(a)therightto dedicate an!-ffi-ffids and streets serving this condominium project for an-d to public usei to establish easements, reservations,-exc6ptions and exclusions consistent with the condominium o\fner- "rtip'or tn" condominir:m project anf for the best interests of the con-clominiqm unit owners ana-tne Association, (b) for a period-of ten years from the date this Declaration is initially recorded' the righl to construct recreational facilities on the ProPerty deicribed in nxhibits A and B. The recreational facilities may become general cornmon elernents and if so, the operating expenses of such facilities wilt be a cortrtron exPense. However, Declarant has no obligation to construct additional improvements, (c) for -a period of five years from the date this Oellaration is initially recorded' "r, ".."io"rrt o.t"t unimproved or paved parts of the general common elements, to the extent necessary ior construction of additional improvements on the property described in Exhibits A and B, which nay include parking-, driveways_and recreational iacilities which iitt Uecorne general corunon elernents. Holvever' Declarant has no obligations to construct additional improve- ments. (d) An area reierved as an access easement for future a"""fopt""i tfti"f, is indicated on the condorninium maP as Area !t The easernents described herein shall run with the land and shall be appurtenant to the land described in Exhibit B' such that a trani?er of legal title to all or any portion of such land described in Exhibit B shall automat-icltly transfer a ProPortionate interest in these easements. 2L. ceneral. (a) If any of the provisions of this Declaration or any paragraph, "att"tt-"e, claus-e, phrase or work' or the appfi-calion-thlreof in any- circunsta-nce be invalidated, such i-nialidity ehall not affelt the validity of the remainder of this Declaration,--i"a-lfr" application oi any- such Provision, paragraph, eentence, cfause-, phrase or vtork in any other iircfto"iances shall not be affected thereby' -].'2- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Declafation this day of (b) The provisions of this Declaration sha1l be in addition and supplemental to the Condominium OwnerershiP Act of the State of Colorado and to all other provisions of law. (c) Whenever used herein, unl-ess the context shall otherwise provide, the singular number shall include the p1ural' the plural the singular, and the use of any gender shall incfude all genders. 22. Time Sharing. Time sharing of any condominium unit shall not $e-Tfioffii. The provisions of this paragraph nay be amended only upon such approval of the owners of 1008 of the general conmon elements and all- first lienors. 23. Household Pets. No animals, livestock' horses or poultry of any ffiA'-EET-r ue rept, raised or bred within the tondominir:m Conplex, except that one dog, one cat or one other household animai may be kept as a pet. Pedestrians accompanied by a household animal within the Condominium Cornplex must have slia pet under their direct control by use of a leash not to exceed 10 feet in length. Declarant has dulY executed this , L978. CARPENTRY T'NLIMITED, INC. ATTEST: Secretary -13- The undersigned holder of a deed of trust upon theproperty covered by this Declaration hereby subordinates itsinterest in such property to the provisions of this Decraration.By execution of this Declaration the undersigned,, assffiEllE6lllity, Personal orprovisions, STATE OF COUNTY OF se ror covenants or By: COI,ORADO) ) ss. EAGLE ) The day President of Secretary of foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thisof ,1978, by Carl M. Dietz ascm ana ionltd pressley asCarpentry Unl-iruited, Inc. Witness my hand and official seal. My corunission e:<pires : Notary Public -14- (Attached to and made a part of Condominium Declaration for the Meadow Creek Condominiums) EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRTPTION A parcel of land located in the north one-half of the southwest one-Ouarter of s."li""-i4, Township-s s""th'^l?l?" 81 west of the Sixth Principal Meridian, nujfL County' state of Colorado ;;i";;;;e tarti-curarlv described as follows: Beginnj-ng at a point from which the Witness corner to the west one-Quart"t cotrr.t--ot section 14, said township^and range bears N 80o21'19, w tiil.As-ieet distl"li-trt""ce N -83o32'00" E 156'00 feet along the southerly boundar{ oi t prittate.parcel of land .as described at ;;;i;-toi, Page q'OZ, sagie county Records; thence N B7oO9'OOu E 2t2.g' feei along fn; soitfrerfy l-ine of a private parcel of -land as described at a";k zog' Page 407' Eagle County Recordsi thence ;.;;;ti;;-""ia "oottt"try line-s.51o05r 10" w 105.93 feet; tnenc'e soutfr 25'00 ieet; t-hence s 41000'00u E 35.00 feet; tnence-s L6o28'00u E 20'00 feet to a point on the northerly boundary of Lupine cootii'6";;; along iaid northerly boundary s 73"3i;'00'i w l-s.00 feel-io " Po1nl where Lupine court' Kinnikinick Road, and Basingdalg Boulevird intersect; thence atong rhe norrhJlii"ff""-"8'"iia intersection S 52"59 '30" w L42.24 feet to the southeast corn"i-ot Vail Intermountain Develop- nent Subdivision, Block 4; thence-tfottg the east boundary of said subdivision'tl-5s;ir;io" w zo:'el ieet to the point of be- ginning. Said parcel of land contains l'000 acre' more or less' A- I EXHIBIT B (Attached to and made a part of Condominium Declaration for Meadow Creek Condominiums) Description of ProPerty A11 that part of the N L/2 sw I/4 of section 14, Township 5 South, nange 81 West of the 6th Principal Meridian' Eagle County, stite of Colorado, lying South of the Northerly J-ine of saia N L/2 SW L/4 and Wesl oi ttre Easterly line of said N L/2 SW L/4, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Northerly line of-said N L/2 sw L/4 wh6nce the true- position of the West Quarter Corner of sai-d section 14 bears s 87o09r00" w L7g5.06 feet; thence N 87o09r00" E 965.06 feet along the Northerly line of said N L/2 SW-!1! to the Northeast "5rrr"t of said N t/Z sw L/4i thence s 01"28'45" E 280.00 feet along the Easterly line of said N L/2 SW I/4i^_ thence S 87009'00" W 673.L7 feel; thence S 73"32100" W 605'35 feet; thence s 52o59r30" w L42.24 feet; thence N 39o11r30" W 263.-87 feet; thence N 83"32'00" E 156.00 feet; thence N 87"09'00" E31O.00feet;thenceNOto3l'OO"Wl-30'OOfeet;thenceN33002r00u E 185.09 feet to a point on the Northerly line of said t't L/2 sw L/4, the point of beginning' except therefrom the foll-owing described parcel: A parcel of land located j-n the north one-half of the southstest OnL-Ouarter of Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 8I West of in" 3i"ttt Principal t"teridian, Eagle county, state of colorado being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point from which the witness corner to the west One-euarier Corner of Section 14, said township and rang'e bears N eO;2I'l9u W L247.85 feet distant; thence N 83o32'00" E 156.00 feet along the southerly boundary of a private parcel of land as described at Book 20-3, Page 402, nagle county Recordsi thence N 87o09'00u E 2L2.g5 feet along the southerly line of a private farcel of land as described at Book 203, Page 407, Eagle County Recordsi thence departing said southerly line s-51005'10u w 105.93 feet; thenci soutfi 25-00 feett thence s 41"00100" E 35.00 feet; thence S 16"28'00" E 20.00 feet to a poilt on.the- noritt"rfy boundary of Lupine Courti thence a1ong said northerly boundary- s 73o32'bo" W S-5.00 feet to a point where Lupine court, xinniki-nick Road, and Basingdale Boulevard intersect; thence along the northerly line of-said intersection s 52059 | 30" W L42.24 feet to the southeast corner of vail Intermountain Develop- ment Subdivision, Block 4; thence along the east boundary of said subdivision N 39011'30" W 253.87 ieet to the point of be- ginning. Said parcel of land contains 1-000 acre' more or less' B-1 Linited Common Elernents B-2 Thefollowingcondorniniumunitsshallhavetheexclusiveright to use-fi'niiedl c5,moon elements as set forth below: Theownerofeachcondominirnrrrrithaving.anattached balcony, as shown on the lrap wlth the nrsnerical designation ot the balcony correaponding t-o ttre nurnerical designation of the "J"a"ri"iffi unit i-o:wtricfr it is attached, shall-have the exclusive ;iili io o"" sucfr-Uaicony; anA each such balcony shall be a limited coinnon el-ement appurtenant to such unit. EXHIBIT C (Attached to and made aDeclaration for ltleadow part of Condoninium Creek Condominiurns) Interests in General Conunon Elements Percentage Ownership in General Common Elements Appurtenant to the Apartment unit No. of Sguare Feet in ApartmentUnitApartment No. A- I A- A- A- A- A- B- B- B- B- B- B- 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 r. 06 1.05 1. 05 1. 06 1. 05 1. 06 1. 06 1. 06 r. 06 1. 06 1.06 1. 05 1s89 1589 1589 l_5 89 r589 1s89 158 9 l-s89 l-589 1589 15 89 t_589 c-l -EAGLE G@ nmteroff lee nne mn@ ren d umn To: TERRILL KNIGHT, DIRECTOR, PLANNING DEPT. Subject: SPRUCE CREEK TOWNHOUSES-PRELIMINARY PLAN From: t, / ERIK EDEEN, ENVIR0NMENTAL HEALTH DEPT.l-.ir FilB No.: Su-l l2-79-P Date: MAY'16, 1979 APPLICANT: Carl Dietz Carpentry Unlimited Box 388 Vai1, C0 81657 In regards to the above plans, I approve. E/{GTE EOI"E$STY oa DEPT. OF PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT . BOx 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-73 | | BOARD OF COUNTY coMr,4tsstoNERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext ?41 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R Ext 202 BUILDING'IN INSPECTION Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECOROER Ext 2l7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Exl 242 ENG I N EER Ext 235 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALT H Ext 238 EXTENS ION AGENT Exl 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Exl 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAO & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 soctAL SERVTCES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | of l{ay 17 , 1979 Carl Dietz Carpentry Unl imited P.0. Box 388 Vail, Co.81657 RE: File No. Su-112-79-P Spruce Creek PreliminarY Plan At thejr meeting on 16 May 1979, the Eagle County Planning Conmjssion recommended approva'l of your preliminary p1 an for 33 units of 1750 sq. ft. per unit; also, the bike path easement to be located on the property. Th'i s recommendatjon wil'l be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners at their public hearing on 24 May 1979 beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the County Commissioners' Meeting Room #103' 550 Broadway, Eag'l e, Colorado If you have any questions, p'lease contact this office. Thomas Boni Asst. Director of Pl ann'ing TB/J K cc: Board of County Commissioners -#PH ftr-iiHrfi,'o,t, _ Box 17e EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-73 | I BOARD OF COUNTYcoMt rsstoNERS Ext 241 AOMINISTRATlON Ext 241 . ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A55E550R Ext 202 BUILDING IN I NSPECT IO N Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECO R DE R Ext 217 CO UtITY ATTORNEY Exl242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH. Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG Ext 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAO & BRIOGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Batalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328.6328 TREASURER Ext 201 Car'l P.0. Vail, Dietz Box 388 Co. rB/j k cc: Board of County Commissioners tA c Inso su; 4e'-''-6 May 31, L979 File No. Su-112-79-P - Spruce Creek May 1979, the Board of County your preliminary p'lan for 33 units l-' This approval was granted with e path easement would be granted Thomas Asst. Bon i Director of Pl ann i ng GOLORIDO OCPTRTIIETT OF HEALTII 1210 EAST 1I7H AVENUE DEMIER,Co|.ORAD() 8O2N P'fiNE g2O-83'3iI lnthory Rdbln3, X.D., ll.P.A. Er.qrtlvr Dir.ctot DATE: May 30, 1979 SUBJECT: N0N-STATE ASS ISTANCE REV IEW AND COHI{ENTS iJECEI| D JUI! 1 i!i y Jopt. ol Plari i,rB & Dsvol. frgls. County, Cfrl T0: Mr. Terrill Knight Director, Eagle County Departnent of Plannlng & DeveloPnent Box L79 . Eagle, CO 8153L PRoJECTTITLE:FileNo.Su-112-Tg.PSpruceCreekTownhousesPrellminaryPlan STATE IDENTIFIER: NA C0Hl{ENTS DUE BY: l,lay L6, L979 Yes Yes No No No No D til iil trl tr [l |:| v., [-i ls thls project consistent with the goals and object i ves of th i s agency? ls there evidence of overlapping of dupl ica- tion w ith other agencies? ls meeting desired with appl icant? A l5-day extension is requested.Yes Comments: ,€{/ tTitle s0C-3, Feb 77 ATTACHI.{ENT 8 Progran Adminlatrator r.nt.tt,.fr\. I'1../rtrl ct ir-:c.t( I t:_;.r.a [:- i lc: l']rrr.r rlrr-rr. l.Jirrrro "r l:,,j ,.iir,,:ri- - -_.--' zs /- It c f cJrc::;: ; . f [) 1-1,s. ; 6r,',1'l,l )ry-*t- *l - *c'e' k ()orttrnirrtts; Dcrio l:l l''co ivccj [:cc [r;r icl 17: I'll_{fccts', st:rlern:ni. bV all i-of lcs ional.'q zv. Jo s 21 . \/c,:c.e i ct ion 2?-. \^/il<itife 2-3. \.\/itctfire s9Ao"l d.ctlicalio,1 d. . t,f- rae p rolcc:lt ov1 FILE # .-S- ;tG:-?3.:-!---.- EAGLE CO. PLAN. COMM. NECCI]D CCPY i.iEEl'i fJt-j ar ....//.. fuF.ZZt 1'1 (:ir'^^ {^,.,-..!.r:I ,a_:r_l:Lj:_loi t)_Llr)IIc us,.3 _!-9:gi,ciltotJ or r.csl:r,ei:l12. Ocmnrcrl oocn :;oece ]1--:'-qf,gs-cc lar-rcj usc blegligyfq, g;-..-- L1_._-_1.19!n;;:gj{I s fgl o,;i,Ji,. liJF ! i":'":ee-..s-r'=!e,'nlliE@16" Sta'icnrcnt o-L need RICHARD D, LAMM GoVEnNoR JOHN IV. ROLD Director COLORADO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 715 STATE CENTENNIAL BUILDING - 1313 SHERMAN STREET DENVER. COLORADO 80203 PHONE (303) 839-2611 May 14, i979 RICEIIiET) l'1AY 18 i979 Dopl, gt Pirx.ii;lg - ijevei. . fnSl* 0otltltY, c(|,0. Mr. Temill Knight Eagle County Department and Development P.0. Box 179 Eagle, C0 81631 Dear Mr. Knight: We have no objection to LRL/vt cc: Land Use Commission of Planning RE: SU-112-79-P/ SPRUCE CREEK TOI^INH0USES approval of this proposed development. Sincerely, Engineering Geologist GEOLOGY SToRY oF THE PAST . . . KEY To THE FUTURE E 3 ..r n $i.: r, . +s ri; e ;;t:l-*ix li ; !*'' 'i,a,-6i::.:E il; y,:!rr I *1 i'l !iE :f*il';i..* ..i:r ll.-eId;ii 1.; " Ji; : - ai!.rc.r;f*;; Ili !-i-les!; Iii t -': i:r -;,:.i!,:p*i* lii gl-tt,ia i;i; i:!;f! !;En=F;:.!..eHs- :ti .:::lr;; i: : i!;.t,.. ,1,;''it-a t* L:*- d;: .i;,oE.:+!lg "i - ."t i.i ";,,i:,5E,: .l::=r! .9.; ii=::tt-er ;e- o cr;: :'" - d.ri oi:-- *d.:r__ ;ep ,:,r,-'rit,l!; ig f i:iii;i lir:::g;r El:i;;i ::: ;tixn*l,p Lia z lai!=$ :!lgF;;!':$€;iiEE :i9 il.I:i"F! "t - E-.:-.,+...p- p-€ =-.,_g.q!.t f1 r.u:riEt- €r3.1-:i.iiH6"i5;.t;Es. 'F*F;;;; 5t ;IE5;g!r; ?,S:rti;fEiX.:* H s*Jei $IsE --- * - u- P orii:::i;:;: +;g*;li; .e F;:q:!e:s l;:fiI*ii*- 5;i€Ei+les :;*;:$r; :; si;i!:eFI ;;+qs:s:E j;FIgi*;FE i;E;r9=;; !: ;:-s=3€.:: *5=sxt:i€ I*=ii=3fi;[ :eiuE#;: E; g'i=559;g +",*r5=inI;'33$;IJHF E;:Fl*ErHe€ ;.;:F;H&H- ;;FlF3i;g :;;-*;;;e: ;E!feteiit; ;;f;iit;; ;;i;iigtFird; ; c; ; ; F; ; ; E;; ., e; o oF lDo-=EOt: ! o <& '! oo!tt oo-c€uE ca dl lJ- Nr, r L ;^ ?, s',*l*: s: € : EEIii::srl!* igig!: Ef E.;EgsEE;E*: :-,E:?; #s *EE € ;:gii c;il ;iiis [ :; i pg, 0:i'il SEAF :-::a;: E! - ate.lligs;sg ;i;H;i Ei i;fi€ F,.;:ars ;g:; l"'!€; i E!' *:* g;; ;i:gr[i_"t!' *s;iir Es ;;ieg;::::i;s r;:i ,s5i;* € ;q gig E:i :€?e;:; :;gr f€:*;;; ; -iti = s;; ;fi,:-=;::! *5-;" :;liff; ; ::it fi iIErFE; ;;nf:i*rll;l* ;iXll'l s l*irg ;ii*ll;$[r;e:;l'ite; tAlri:: ; ;j:g:iu , \r,aBas I;i,i:l:t[;;, #ii![E: il ;'Iglr r;:;FIIj;Iir".i:i;rpg ;iil;,j;rfli _r+,! :r;:s*l Ii'n:;i{;lf iii *:-{i;:r;i i;rJis [;,ssii*t,;r::;:!i;; iii,l:illi i{;n:,* ;l',;;:I i ii,i::.i I'i;iiriii;:i ;,ti iil: J't,iii,.';jij :r,ii:,,j ii:. ii ;.,; ; E ;.; .; i; ; ; ,; i. ;.,; .; E EL! iDo ; EA = '.- .i '- L: (- L:Ir;l L:-)c,;-l\')(= L:tl f(o1 ti-o(;) L:] (1y t=L-j-r (D (u) tlJ (Jt: (i!) c) | '- :liI J -_J.) r) ) )) til I ir i Ir = .J=E &- Etts +, E: ,! lE E-9 3 l:] 6r-ra- o cc.J|!- r.- o ('rc6C F l.160 .-'- tl,o, 0r ..r t: !-c+J dcl o-LE,+rE I5 '- g . b: -g;*8e 3 '€3 eSS ES'E 5'x39:sP;:*E. i33' 35s-e EE'E 8:P".: Sro'-E r oc+ .ec.".r. q6 ,!o - -ag|or6ai.i oL F(tr- rlttE '-9,.:: ": R.:ga*es =i7 1;93 -.eio oJ o d c -crJ.::.?EIF_.ERHSE.FE Ht?E [€?E! dF!!- -E,:;? g;:;.t.:3 -58" =rEih :=--Er :a qrt ;-clE.-aJo>6, = o o., -o1"l_ .pE"e -*d.€ G":.*- g= gEol _:.-_ i.1 !q - .525; E.:93":3'g "3'3 .=e:.EE --.=!i! Pe:EF erlnI.g! ;i.g: shE3.s 5s3.F'-P Lo'53 5.3gg3o,t = .-F'o+,.- ... Poo. oo",'o. FPF -".€ ';-b_ :iEtl t:EEi3 F5.iflf EE .ieE*; ;EEs Ei.- doeuYe I9'AEH -Eii€5.:;- be;= ;ciE55 ;;5;oG' Pc o d o'F -3E - 5.^- Eb^-- o Eo.-:E g; g hE. ...: E;,EEi E = F'- a ' E;?EE 6 =f'F-ol 8o6t; E",dE-sb9 .=Er- gEE!": leE;;E 'gEG.t .eEs5E;6.3 5.EEb: EEEt:3 REE! +E {8E35 !l=i:lEe g:E:3 3eE-^3eE R.eE;| ' < o o.F .o n,F o.F cld,F FF.Fco c-o o.o, "; 6i6E'o :tdFvE; lopE\g .,t =d ..e€'f,.jo'.:t. ':&'-: Ee -i;iD F!E:^;Eg!;gE8ge--o'-- =5 93 38'-93*8 e.3..,.9i; EeEs:,€&E:rceE=' TEiE: tl.FEeEE !;.Fi63;hR.Fi:;*€g;E:;r -3E-3 R3t-3-; R3E?;ait=":33t;38-Bgg tE€go-. "5FE30-.! dFEgza e 6./1i.c d, .tJorF .s'-coE l'\'F cv > to 1- olv :E 9:g-c.5.cc .JF!'co., c od.r o i o Pbgql.T IEE-.i5 ;sE|,.: >tEc!i,, N qEips <-EEtii,,; ; d sl :..9f gg dr&E"ps <;j#.;-3l 3?":3 o =3*:3c-'E = 6*:3.El .gt3'-P SeEe-PE 3386"L' F dd "*,9 3€E E&; fl 3El i:pA'- ('! r!du o 6i a\i c d t 1r EAffiT"E CC,FJS$TY Deparl-mcnt of Planning and D n tlnv 17Q Enc"r- e."d0 l'o R R oo s r og r TELEPHONE 303/328-731I ,uevelopnlenl BOARD OF COUNTYi-lriitrtccr.\ArEflc Ext 24 | AO M IN I5T RAT IO N Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A55ES50 R Ext 2O2 BUILDING IN INSPECTION Ext 226 or 229 CLER K & RECOR DER Ext 217 COUNTY' ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AG ENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Ext 226 or ?29 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BR IOG E Ext 25 7 SHERIFF Eaqle Ext 2l I Basa lt 927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 75 | SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING In accordance tllith paragraph 3.08.01 of the Subdivision Regulations of Eagle County, Colorado, notice is hereby given that the Eagle County Planning Conrmission shall conduct a Publ ic Hearing to consider the following Prelinrinary Plan for the proposed development of certain real property located in Eagle County, Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Spruce Creek Townhouses Prel iminary Plan Section 12, T5S, R8ltl, West VaiI Area Such pubfic hearing shall be conducted in the Eagle County Commissioners Meeting Room #103,550 Broadrvay, Eagle, Colorado, at the next regular meetjng of the Eaqle County Planning Conmission on 16 May 1979 cornmencing at 3:00 P.M. All citizens and spec'ifical'ly all adjacent property owners, are herebyjnvited to make comments regard'ing the proposed development either in writing or at the Public flearing Dated this 8th day of May 1979 /-..</)./-./ _ /._-.?<_-. /d.44- *"2_z+lerr'f il Knlgnf,' ./Secretary, Eagle County Planning Commission RICHARD D. LAMM Governor C.J. KU IPER State Engineer RicilvEt) MAY 8 i979 trl}l. dt Fi.r'. ltirg & Devsl' t 9€. G'ountl. Qofl. DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Department of Nalural Resources '13.13 Sherman Slreei - Room 81 I Denver, Colorado 80203 Administration (3Og) 83$3581 Ground water (3o3) 839-3587 May 3 , 1979 Mr. Terrill Knight, Director Eagle County Department of Planning and Development P. O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 80631 Re: SPruce Creek Townhouses File No. Su-ll2-79-P Dear Mr. Knlght: This is to acknowledge receipt of preliminary plan material for the above referenced subdivision which we revlewed at the sketch plan stage. since that tfne, the developer has obtained a letter of commltment for water service from the Vail Village West Water District. We feel that a dependable water supply will be available from the Distrlct and we recom- mend approval of the Spruce Creek Townhouses. Very truly yours, CJVGDV:mvf cc: Lee Enewold, Div. Eng. Land Use Comm. Box 386 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Iprt'l' 4l 1979 terrlll f,rdght' F-glc Csuaty E1anner t Eaglc Cqurty PLannlng Dcpt. Bor 179 Eegle, Colorado €0.63L ferriAl: ?rc Spnrcc Creek ?onrhorccs prelfudnarT plan was artntttcd to tb Eegte Countt Solt Coneerratlon Dlgtrtct for rwlcw erd comcnt. llc havc tho follorlng comrentlt 1.) Solts tdormtlon pnov!.dcd by LJncoln Dlvorc doca rnt glvc cndgttt 6p.eiflc detallg for thls proporal. St'at cntt ladc by tno l.rsteat,c thc necd for e dctalled lol1s lfivertigatlon. Itria rbanld bc done prlor to prell'nJnary $lrn apprwla-l. 2.) A rtatent ts rladc on tbe propored dranrtngr that bdtgcnsuc gr.s@s wllt ba dlentcd. lfhrt ere tlreae typer, as wc1l ac wtren rdLI tbe plantlngc occur ard wbat arcuntr of eccb opeclca rvLll tc planted? $lncorely, A-tl/i'* hd Gater' Prcaidcnt RECI'', ",:''"] MAy 4 1979 ie,n.t at piar:,fie ij levgr. Lagle, County, Colo, certification is hereby made that a copy of an application submitted and given the above File No. was entered into the U.S. Mails, or hand delivered, on g Of)/ lgZ?totheoffices/personsas1istedhereon,,pages(o|/,as-a"t.@ certifierts Sienature: AH*-,X'LILF . AAlt Applications refered to: f)..Applications in Eagle-Brush Creek to Ectwards: A-l( 1. Colorado Geological Survey 9K 2. Colo. Department of Health ,21 ,.VK 3. Colorado State Engine€r lk 4. Eagle County Sanitarian/\,,/K 5. Eagl€ County Engiheer -.+K- 6. HolY Cross Electric Assrn 1. Town of Eagle 2. Eagle Sanitation District 3. Colorado Division of Wildlife 4. U.S. Forest Service 5, Eagle Vall€y Telephone Co. 6. Rocky Mtn. Natural Gas 7. School District RE5OJ7. eel6r^de Mtnr eol U.S. Soil Conservation Service U.S. Bureau of Land Management Colorado River Water Consv. Dist. B.Applications in Baealt Ar€a: 1. Town of Basalt 2. Planning Representativ€ 3. School D i strict REIJ 4. Basalt Water Consv. Dist. 5. Basalt Rural Fire Dist. 6. Basalt Water and Sanitailon Disi. G.Applications ln Upper Eagle Valley: 1. Town of Mintum Div. of Wat6r Resources Town of Red Cliff Upper Eagle Valley San. Dist. Eagle-Vail Metro District Other Dist. (none at present time) School D istrict RESOJ Colorado Division of Wildlife U.S. Forest Service Mtn. Bell Telephone Co. Public Service Co. of Colo- 6. n 9. 10. 7- Colorado Division of Wi ldl ife 8. U.S. Forest Service 9. Mountain Bell Telephone Co. 10. Rocky Mtn. Natural Gas 11. l4t. Sopris Soil Conservation l.Appl ications in Gypsum Area: 1. Town of Gypsum 2, Eagle County Airport Authoriiy 3. Colorado Division of Wildlife 4. Lions Ridg6 Water 5. Vail Vitlage West Firs 6. Vail Intermountain Water 7. Vail Sanitation Dist. %8;'% z. ._-_._ 3. ** -4-* V^24 iri Gore Val tey - Vai I Area! 6 | Westem Slope Gas -/ -.....-Town of Vail l''-a Vai I Vi llage West Water & San. :- 0/- ALyi\, 4. U.S. Forest Service 5. Eagle Valley Telephone Co. 6. Rocky Mtn. Natural Gas 7. School D istrict RE50J .z-oott =t*"3 i,,, ?8e?S; flji tat i8n€i dd:'ict' 1. Sr:hool D istrict RE5OJ 2. Schooi Oistrict # 1 \r. rJ5 rcrcs: >4rvtce I Eagic, 4, US Forest Servicc (Minturn) 5. Eagle Valloy Tel,iphone Co. 6. Yampa Val ley E lectrlc 0,tt fk ft- a('ui<- 'l o 10. 11. l,l School District RE50J Col orado Division of Wildlife U.S. Forest Service Mtn. Bell Telephone Co. Public Service Co. of Colo. Upper Eagle Val ley San. t.Othcr A,gencies (where appropriate) | \AL 1.. ColoraCo Dept. of Highways].t_-.-'| \AL 1.. Colorado Dept. of HighwaysI -' I AK 2., Coto. State Forest ServlcoI V--- -''-I III F I LE # -...5.,- :- tt -r-:rt - -- - ---- -- EAGLE CO. PLAN. COMM. RECORD COPY MEETING OF ../9.-m*#:l3.Jf- EAGTE COUNTY DEPT. 0F PLANNING & DEVEL0PMENT - Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-73r I BOARD OF COUNTY coMMtsStoNERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR Ext 2O2 BUILOING IN I NSPECT ION Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & R ECO R DER Ext 2l 7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENG INEE R Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL H EALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Exl 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG Ext 226 or 229 PU RCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 5HER IFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 April 9, 1979 RE: File No. Su-112-79-P - Spruce Creek Townhouses Prel im'inary Pl an APPLICANT: CaTI DiCtz Carpentry Unl imited P.0. Box 388 Vail, Co. 81657 Enc'losed herewith is a copy of an application and plan submitted to the Eagle County Planning Commission for review and recommendation at their regu'lar meeting on 16 May 1979. In accordance w'ith C.R.S. 106-2-9, 106-2-33, and 106-2-34' 1963, as arpnded, and Eagle County Subdivision Regulations' Section 3.05 and 3.07, ai amended effective L August 1976' you are required to receive the plan, and you. have 35 days from date niailed within which to respond or the plan wi'll be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The Planning Conmission would sincerely appreciate.your comnents and recormendations a few days prior to the meeting date. If you desire additional information or time, please advise this office in writing. Thank you verY much,w" Terrill Knight Di rector FILE # ..-.53 -:.!.#- : -22-:-f...--... EAGLE CO. I"LA}.J. COMM. FECCIND CCI)Y t\,1 EETf hl 3 OF -t.t'.:??-*t-nzt.. Johnson, Kunkel & Associates, Inc. LANO SURVEYING. CIVII ENGINEERING. MAPPING LprtI 4, 1979 Mr. Tom Bonle Asslstant County Pl-anner Eagle County Planning Department Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Tom, Please flnd additlooal lnforrnation required submlttal a6 requested by your department. Referenced: Spruce Creek Townho us es for prelirninary plan 5.5 unirs / Acre 6.2 Acres 2,5 / UnLr 34 J.t 51 .9 Acres or 15,"( 1.2 Acres or L9%Tffi 4.1 Acres or 667. 6.2 ]-002 6 Units It ls hoped that this addltlonal inforrna tion is helpful in the clariflcatlon of the previously submitted preliminary package. FILE #..$u--,t"t-1":.?.3.'-.Y..,,:::.i- GENEML DATA Zonlng RlShrt/ Land Area Parklng Spaces Required Multlfanily Townhous e Unit.s Parklng Provlded Covered Uncover ed Land Coverage Buildings Parklng, drives & roads Total Impervlous Conmon Landscape Total Unlt Conflguration slnce:erv, EAGLE Cb' Pr-nn' coMM' n /) L4 L REcoRD COPY- - .---)W. t7/o'- /ft,<^'16,prrlNc oF -tb"TlrcJaL'Jlonn uac^ow* P.O. Box 409 . ll3 East4th Street ' Eagle, Colorado 81631 . Phone: (303) 328-5368 _o5rilt/11| Johnson, Kunkel & Associates, Inc. IIII LANDSURVEYING'CIVILENGINEERING.MAPPING - April 4, 1979 Mr. Tom Bonie Asslstant County Planner Eagle County Planni-ng Department Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Tom, Pl"ease flnd addltlonal informatlon required subnlttal as requested by your department. GENEML DATA Zoning RlS/r4/ Land Area Parking Spaces Requlred Multlfamlly Townhous e Unlts Parklng Provlded Covered Uncover ed Land Coverage Buildlngs Parking, drlves & roads Total Impervious Conmon Landscape To ta1 Unit Conflguration thls additlonal lnformation ls prevlously subrnitted prelLminary Referenced: Spruce Creek Tovmhouses for preliminary plan 5.5 units / Acre 6.2 Acres 2.5 / ltntr 34 34 51 .9 Acres or L5i( 1.2 Acres or 79% 2.1 Acres or 34% 4 .1 Acres or 66"1 A''L00"t 6 Unlts helpful package. It ls hoped that clariflcatlon of the S incegely, .W tTJo-- fr^"---t vJarhn r.racKown Eagle, Colorado 81631 . Phoner (303) 328'6368P.O. Box 409 . I13 East 4th Street oEAGI.E'C@f"$h$TY DEPT. 0F.PLANNING & DEVEL0PMENT - Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-73 | | BOARD OF COUNTY coMMtsSloNERs Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL 5HELTER 949-4292 A55E5SO R Ext 202 EUILOING IN INSPECT ION Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 217 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTEN SIO N AG ENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N ING Ext 226 or 229 PU RCHASI NG/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eaole Ext 2l I Baizlt 927-3244 Gilman 82 7-575 | SOCIAL SERVICES 328.6328 TREAsURER Ext 20 | RE: File No. Su-112-79-P - Spruce Creek Townhouses Prel iminarY Plan APPLICANT: Carl Dietz Carpentry Unl imited P.0. Box 388 Vail, Co. 81657 Enclosed herewjth 'is a copy of an application and plan iunmitt"a to the Eagle County Planning Commissjon for review and recornmendation at their regular meeting on 16 May 1979. In accordance with C.R.S. 7A6-2-9, 106-2-33, and 106-2-34' ig63, as amended, and Eagle County Subdivision Regulations' i"iiion 3.05 and 3.07, ai amended effective 1 August-1976' vou are required to receive the plan, and you have 35 days ?rom date mailed within which to respond or the plan wlll be deemed to have been approved by your agency' The Planning Conrnission would sincerely appreciate. your comments and recommendations a few days prior to-the meeiing aate. lf you desjre additional information or time, F'l ease advise this office in writing. April 9, 1979 Thank you very much, q*n*W* Terri l'l Kni ght Di rector TK/J K Enc. EAGTE COUNTY DEPT. OF PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-73t I o -Bo BOARD OF COUNTY coM M t5s toN ERs Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A5SE550 R Ext 2O2 BUILOING IN INSPECTION Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 2l7 CO U NTY ATTO R N EY Ext 242 ENG INEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL H EALTH Ext 238 EXTEN SIO N AG ENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG Ext 226 ot 229 PURCHASING/ PE RSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHER I FF Eagle Ext 2'l I Basalt 927-3?44 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | x 179 July 6, 1979 RE: File No. Sm-123-79 - Mustanq Townhouses Lot 15, Resubdivision of Buffer Creek APPLICANT: Randall Guerriero - P.0. Box 1931 Vail, Co. 81657 Enclosed herewjth'is an app'licatjon and plan submitted to the Eagle County Planning Commission for review and recom- mendation at their regular meeting on 15 August L979. In accordance with C.R.S. 106-2-9, 106-2-33, and 106-2-34, 1.963, as amended, and Eag'l e County Subdivision Regulations, Sectjon 6.00, 1972, as amended effective 1 August 1976, you have 35 days from date nrailed within which to respond or the request will be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The Planning Commission would sincerely appreciate yout^ corrnents and recomrendations prior to the meeting date.If you desire additional information or time, please advise this office. Thank you very much, O)-..:tt4*4r o*Terrill Knight Di rector TK/J K Enc. EAGI.fr C@IJEUTY O O DEPT. 0F PLANNING & DEVEL0PMENT - Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.731| BOARD OF COUNTYcordMrssroi{ERs June 8, 1979Ext 24 | ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANTMALsHELTER RE: File No. Sm-113-79 - Lots 18-A & 1B-8, B] ock 9, Vail Intermountains4e'42e2 Fire No. sm-r13-79 - Lots z-A & z-8, vail Intermountain ASSESSORExt2o? AppLICANT: Vail Intermountain Associates BUTLDTNG rN P.0. Box 1048INSPECTION Ext 226 or zzs Vai I , Co. 81657 CLER K &RES9RDER RE: File No. Sm-115-79 - Resub. of Lot 1, Block 8, Vail Intermountain Ext 2l 7 couNry APPLICANT: Michael Del udeATToRNEY P.0. Box 1048Ext242 vail, co. 81657 ENG INEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH Enc'l osed herewith are applicatjons and plans submitted to the Eagle' Ext238 County P1 anning Commission for review ahd recornmendation at theiiEXrENsroN regular meeting on 18 July 1979. AGENTExt247 In accordance with C.R.S. LO6-Z-I,106-2-33, and 106-2-34n 1963, asLfBRARY amended, and Eagle County Subdivision Regulations, Section 6.00, 1972,Ext2ss as amended effeitive l August 1976, you 6ave 35 diys from date mailedPUBLTCHEALTH within which to respond or the request will be deemed to have beenV:lJiid.lrfiii approved by your asency. PI-ANNING The Planning Commiss'ion woul d s'incerely appreciate your cornmentsExt226or22e and recon'rneidations prior to the meeting date. If you desirePURCHASING/ additional information or time, piease advise this office.PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGEExtzs7 Thank you very much, ;lfrXl',[r', A'.;'rl'{'*4,/o Baia f i 927-3244 " tt< Gilman 827-s7sl Ter.ril l Knight socrAL sERVrcEs Director 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 20r TK/jk ,/'{ Enc. (3) dt L': \L\ L;;plication .l'ornr .l xlilL slllllvrprorJ: lt ct rtlu o.I of il' to Secfion 3.ZO of E:gle 0orurty Srrbcliv.i-sLr:n ilc6ulations I'ropo scrl SirL:dir.j. sion _t4f,fSlAJISI Townholnq s ____ 'lltli:::l: -..l*44!L..qrr+ero--* ---o!n* ? yesai)pr-rcar! rs rroi Lhu ovner. or'-r.cc;ia;-mrtill-fiia(,,.cc of a;tffiiE;;subdi-rnit] c il::o1.rcr Ly. Address of App)icant p Bo 1. Iocation of 'arcel .@t !!, resubdiElg_ig@Qection IA T5s, ?. Sizc of parcel to bc subdividcd 4pp.gr<:__fs,656 sq. ft.' R81W. Edil;"Inii!= u"Jli#o,, .,.u 4. Zonc district in v,hic.h thc parccl lics p_ A_-__r% 5. Tr"enty-trro (22) copies.of .the appri-cation for:n, sitc pJ-an, and aII rclatcdi'fon;at.ir-,ri Errarr- be, subnitrea uv iiiil:.il ;.;;l;; "i-ir,i, month. The ap,plicari.rr H*lr,:" rcvicr,.cd ;rt Urc rcgular i,fn.rrri"C Conr.aissicl ncrricw rnecting the i,olloiring Date srrbmit,ted ._rJune- 29 , IgTg 6' A'n o:'i;rnal n'nil five (5).copies.of thc.$rgruf,qt r,rith alr rcqui.re<r signa',ur.cssharl be sub;nit'i;eci ct reail'tcn'-ii6)-4"y" pri.or. to t]rc I'.lsnning co:nnission Revierrmeeting. Datc sulr:n-tttcci Iief cr. to ..;ec Lioilfldilfil-rT;Efffiffi v'i s-i. c; r ltc.1u1ati- or,s. 7. Arrnj.sh eviclcnce of aricquate v,atcr supply.(iray be atiachccl as exhj.bit A) Buffer_Creek Company (attached Exhibit A) tl' lfunrirrlr e'r,':Ldcncc of airt:cjuatc scr.rirge dispos.J. systcn. (t.:ay bc attaclcd aso>hibit t|) County Approved Septic (attached ExhibitritA) _ ') ' l\u';1!s;t1 cl-icre'ce of rcccss to a co*nty roacr wh ich has bcen acecptcd forr,r:ri'te':-rcc. (tiy bc autaclrcd "; ;"i;;ia"c)-""^ ""'-" "sr Plat of Fuffer Cf C) . _ r'ipplicatio;r,i'e':'n - pr11c 2 10. I,\rrnic,h a.lclillort,.l- infonurtion as rc.:quirccl. (tl'ry lrc irtLachctl as exhibit D) a. ff tiri{, is a ru;ubrJiv:i.si.on o1'proyrcrty rilrjclr !u.rs becn previousl.y sub- tiir"idccl a;rcl r'irecr"clcrl in nccorrlance ni.th liag;l-c Courrl,y lirrbdivisions Iie6;ulations actoirtccl ScpLer;rbcr 5, l9?2 or J-aLer.', j.ndicctc n:r:ne a:rd recordi.ng daLa of said subdivision. exis.t_inq _unit_s b. If 1Oa docs trci applyr sitcs for thc 1'r:'oposcd uscs furni sh cv.Ldcnc r: of r'lith rcg',:rrrl to tlrc ;rtlcqual-e ald sa{'c building .foll orrin;; itcns. (r) So11 conditions -S(" (rle (l) Toiro6rcl-.ltic ald sl.opc con<b.lions (4) Dreinage cond:itions (5) Flooci ha:,:ard potential (6) Sourcc of firc protcction .+/e . 11, I\rnish utility and road pluns (uhcrc a1:plicablc, rcfer to Section 3.2O D"g'lc County Subctivision Regulations) (ltay Ue attached as c;rhibit E) Plat of Buffer Creek resubdigiqion (attagbsg Exh-lbit C) _ 'fhe above infonrutj.on is correct and accuratc to thc bcst of my hrouledge. r)- 1 --7C//et/f - tdateJsignaturc For official use: I'.eveivcd by Acccptecl for t.he l'lenrring Cornnisoion Ilcvicvr Review Fee Paid Dat e mccting of Aecordir-rg Fec ii'EFE tln rr*er r OTALS THIS MONTII )AYi{ENT ir!$rHBI [tH lficifiiltt[riErli I OAYS PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUI{T a \| .. Nane of Nane ofrf to Scction Proposed Su Applicant Michael Delude OO oo Application Form l-rTf,rrrD ct rl)nTtrTQTnLrIrl r r \.4 ! L, v 1lll.v .|I \-,/1 1 3.2O ot Eagle County Subdlvlsion Regulatlons bdlvision p.r-ub. of L^r 1, Rlk A nt Sub. Owner ? See Attached #1 appllcant is not the or,mer of recorci, furnish evidence of author:izaiion zubdivide property. Address of AppJ-icant P. o. Box 1048 Vail , Colorado 81657 1. Iocation of Parcel Lot 1, B1k. 8'.V.I.D.S 2. Size of parcel- to be zubdivided 3. Number of l-ots to be created z 11. Zone district ln wtrich the parcel lies site p1an, and a]'l reLated of the month. TLre appllcation Rerrieu meeting the follot'ring RSM 5. Twenty-tuo (22) copies of the application form, information shalJ. be subraitted by the first uorkday wilL be reviewed at the regular Ptanrring Comn-i-ssion month. Date submitted 6. An orig:inal and five (5) shal1 be suburifted at least .neeting. Date zubnritted of the Final- Plat with aJ-J. required signatures days prior to the Plaruring Connission Review copies ten (ro) Refer to Section 01.0J of the 7. I\rnish evidence of adequate See Attached Setter Bagle water Regulations. attached as extribit A)supply.(t'tay ue 8. l\rni.sh evidence of adequate sewage disposal system. (t'ay Ue attached. as exhibit B) See attached letter 9. Frrrnish evidence of access to a county road wtrich has been accepted for maintenance. (t{ay be attached as exhibit C) Bellflower Drlve has been accepted by Eagle County' oo OO Appl-ication Form - page 2 10. nrrnish addj.ti-onal lnformat:.on as requi.red. (t'ny be attached as exhibib D) t a. ff this 1g a resl.bdiyision of property vrhich has been previously sub- dirrided and recorded in accorCance with Eagle County Subdivisions Rcgulations adopted Septerober 5, )-9?2 or later, indicate name and recording data of said subdivision. Resub of Lot 1. Blk. 8, Vail Intermountaln Develo r subdlvlslon b. If 10a does not applyr sites for the proposed use furnish evidence of s nith regard to the adequate and safe building following items. (f) Soil conditions (2) Geologic conditions (f) Topographic and slope conditi.ons (4) Drainage conditions (l) ELood hazard potential (6) Source of fire prrctection 11. I\rrnlsh utility and road plans (vrtrere applicable, refer to Section 3.20 Eagle Cognty Subdivision negutat -ons) (l.tay L; aLLached as ex6-ibit E) '5he abwe inforrnation correct and ac curate the best of my lcrowledge. For official- Reveived by Acccpted for the Plarrning Commission Review meeting of Review Fee Paid Recording Fee Date oo oO UPPtrlR E,A,QI-E \Al[,r[-EY S.ANI"['AT'ION DnSTR.ilCT 0145 Avon Road P.O. Box Y Avon, Colorado 8162O (303) 949-s27 4 May 30, 1979 Mr. Mike Delude c/o VaiI Intermountain AssociatesPost Office Box 1048Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Sewer service to Lots 2 and 8, Block 9, Vail Intermounta"in Subdivision and Lot 1, Block 8, Vail Intermountain Subdivision Dear Mr. Delude: The Upper Eagle VaLley Sanitation District does comrnitto provide wastewater treatment services to the above refer-enced properties. It is our understanding that Lot 18 pre-sently contai.ns a single family residence and Lot I containsa fourplex. It is our further understanding that you areproposing to further subdivide these parcels. It is withthis understanding that the Upper Eagle Valley SanitationDistrict does guarantee that upon payment of appropriate tapfees, wastewater treatment services will be provided. The Upper Eagle VaIley Sanitatlon District presently hasexcess capacity to provide service to its present constituentsand is under contract for an expansion of our Avon treatmentplant whicb will more than double its present capacity.A1so, the district is under contract for several milliondollars worth of sewer line reconstruction. These activitiesare expected to take the district's capaclty to provide waste-water treatment services for expected growth well into the1990s. Accordingly, the districttreatment servlces to the. a JPC/ss cc: BilI Cacek can a.nd will provide wastewatere referenced resubdivided lots. ncerely, James P.District Co1lffi-s Manager OO OO Exhibit AVAIL INTERMOUNTATN WATER DISTRICT c/o James P. Collins 445 Union Blvd., Suite 123 Denver, Colorado 80228 (303) 986-1551 May 30, 1979 Mr. Mike Delude c/o VaiI Intermountain AssociatesPost Office Box 1048VaiI, Colorado 81657 nei Water servlce to Lots 2 and 8, Block 9, Vall Intermountain Subdlvision and Lot 1, Block 8, Vail Intermountaln Subdivislon Dear Mr. Delude: The Vail Intermountain Water District can and will pro-vide domestic water supply to the above referenced propertyper the proposed resubdivlsion of these 1ots. The VaiI Intermountain Water District has previously denonstrated it has sufficient water rights to provideservice to lts constituents a.nd, in fact, has acquiredadditional water rights and additional pumping capacitywithln the last six months. Accordingly, the Vail Inter-mountain Water District can and w111 provj.de domestic waterservlce upon pa.yment of appropriate tap fees. If you haveany further questions, pl.I free to contact me. Sin rely, JPC/ss cc: Robert Garton, Jr. James P. -Cifflins District Manager aa-----,,-,---- OO lll. J. lluddlc{on 4BS w peakaiew Aoe ffiLiatleton. Colo._!:L_________JC LITTLETON, COLORADO 8OI20 794.4572 Z* /rzz /sD Dt+re z* GnstperzlrG ziTtty_ 7,r,., ^^ ^y ?Z"Z ExFczt€atc€p Te"-?: :!: : : 1on * /'-;;;;: xtr;,Z -?LvcEcczy, 2,e. --L/tcnnaz 17, Dutuea >fe"rou /crt*rop - // s so " u v' Fax to*g Vnro, Catorenotz A/657 I?ee . Z E, €,+.zro* &ilTE< oF zg /Vov /gzgBet lecnt KcsuLp*r"^^r r,.-)i-"t,e z a" * a, V n ). ;;;E n S,::;,lLu,r*o Den< -UE, pyzua€, / ll ts a) /z.L eaN cE.e.yrN*"#:::r:::vcsao4 dr zo lrat /s4 ux'^"* e;; ;';:::: ;::-:::: :7nzu zea tu o, --r ru su s e t r r r;"f i_, ; :* :):)!:{)Tne Te.zms ouTz/pb tat 7aE Kerezzc,atctt> kJTc,< ./ou 4ac #ezeey AuzvaR/zcc> D 4l.:7 ,s/'Y vlc /trqv&, -- '? '7c/ ns /4)/ tTew Do Ts ExpEerzg n//N6s q ) 'v'v/tt't^4) /ou e/gattt-t- EE ,Nc€REi/ A%*ArcAr, ///envr* V7 Hueo*s OO ATTACHMENT NO. 1 fhe owners of the llest Rtdge Condomlniums are! UNIT NO. ]. John Purcell & Robert Bartlett P. 0. Box L134 Val1, Colorado 81657 UNIT NO. 2 Ronald E. Waddell & J- F. Taylor P. O. Box 1484Vail, Colorado 81657 UNIT NO. 3 Rlchard D. Saundere 1J.609 Ananda Drtve Studlo, Callfornta 91604 I'NIT TO. 4 S tanton R. Esecson 1861 S. Unlverelty Blvd. Denrer, Colorado 80210 Ttre duplex ls omed by llarvln & Wlnlfred L. Huddleeton P, O. Box 705 VaLl, Colorado 81657 TlDo thy Garton is actlng as agent for all these olrnera. Oll oa Resubdivision of DEVE LOPMENT oo I l I 1.. :1.i'!"-t IIq /: LOT I, VAIL . S UBDIVIS ION INTERMOUNTAIN . BLOCK 8 Prepared by Johnson & Kunkel Land Surveying Company P. O. Box 409, Eagle, Colorado, 81631 NOTE: An easement 15 feet ln wldEh, conslstlng of a strlp of land 7.5 feet ln wldth along all slde l-ot llnes, and a strip 10 feet 1n wldch along all back lot llnes, ls dedlcated as a utlltty easenent for use of publ-lc and private utlllties and drainage ways . ,1224 Ac. LOT lA S/TE PLAN oooo Name Nane lication Forrn I'lIlIOn SUBDTVISfCN Section 3.20 of Eagle County Subdirnision Regulatlons Proposed Subdi-rri si on Applicant vail In,t=eryoBnrain Asgocl er ? Noappli cant ffimE'e or"nerJGdoffiurni sh ev:icrence or a[F66ffiTiinsubdivide property. Address of Applicant p.O. Box l04g Vail Colorado 81652 1. Iocatlon of parce-l Lot 2, Block 9,.Vai1 rntermountain 2. size of parcel ." o"o"t;:iff 3. 'Nunber of lots to be created. 2 1+. Zone distnlct in which the parcel lies of ofrf to R. S .M. 5. Twenty-tvio (22),copies.gf.t!." application form, site plan, andinformation shgir- be, sut mitt"a uy ifi! r:.""t workday of thi rnonth. ffiltr:" reviewed at ihe ""euru"-i, *;ig coruds"i; R;;;; meering aIL The the related appllcation folloulng Date zubmitted 5/30/7e 6' 'An original and five (5) copies.ot !l" Ilnar.prg!, $dth ar-r requirecr signatures;::iil:: zubnitted at teaii'te"'iio)-a"yu pffi:[6-Te planning co-mmission Review Date submitted Refer to Sect:.o 7- r\rnish ev:idence of adeg'ate rrater supply. (t.tay ue attached as extribit A) 3;lli"iit ev:Ldence of adeEratc selrage ilisposal-'system. (l,ray ue attached as 9' r\rrnish erridence of access to a co'nty road wrrich has been accepted fornaLntenance. (t,toy be attached o" u*friiit"C)--- "'--" ..-" LoE 2 ' Brock f is bordered by county _roads Basingdale Blvd. to the: Application Form - page 2 10. F\rrnish adiLitional inforrnation as required.. (f.f.V be attached. as exhibit D) a. ff this is a resubdivision of property r.rtrich has been previously sub-divided and recorded in accordance rdth Bag1e County Subdivisions Rlgulationsaagg,te{ Septernber 5, J972 or Iater, ind.icaie na.e and recorxling data of said,subdirrlsi-on. Vail fntermountain Develo t Subdivision as recorded in 8225, P315, September 7, L972. adequate and safe building folJ.owing items. (1) SoiL conditions (2) Geolo@c condi.tions (3) Topographlc and slope conditions (4) Drai.nage condttions (:) Flood hazard potential (6) Source of fire protection 11.- Arrnish utillty and road plans (vrhere applicable,Eagle County Subdivision Eegulations) (l.hy G attached. refer to Section 3.20as exm.Dr_! :rJ roads as indicated b, If 10a does not apply, furn-ish evidence ofsites for the proposed uses with regar<l to the Lot has direct access to all utilities andy sl_re plan. 'The above information is correct ancl accurate to the best of my lorowJ.ecge. fure Michael R. Dulude {--zt -.zo (datej 5/30/79 For official use: Reveived by Accepted for the Planning Comrnissi_on Review meeting of Review Fee Paid Recording Fee Date a 3/27/79 Vail Intermountain Assoclates Box 705Va1I, Colo. 81567 To Whom It I'lay Concern: We aa owners of Lot 2, Block !, Intermountai-n Subdivision, hereby authorize VaiL lntermountain Assocj_ates to complete subdivision work on the aforementioned property as deemed necesaary, and in accordance rvith the original terms and, representations of sale. ')8fr)*2,-- Dav.ill C. z.llagknr,an VftttilfuQ, I'lrlmarI'aErl_c1a A. flackman $: N )$tr\ t$p \, \ t- 0J rllt 0 0 ll U h d 1 b\ v-ilE c i|Jt !q U 1.,q r\ r 'r(\ of 0! ill t- N-$ r0 t-.{l\l $i uf,fr rll-i$q0 oops F rP 7 $\ o0 |r, D-'7 ***fij" ni 9sl i('lr ra 7 b $ r(\ N 0 ,tx )t {,t 0 dnls[J\ o FU'oQ J-: ,...0 llld)tt{ $q-o $ o o 7 '$ r\- rSt \0\ F'\ N 5* \?s \ t \ -/'v E ttrls fs 3o ct'rt1[Y rlrat 1s I9tlr rl;ty of Dcccnrbr:r, I I marlc a curvey of Parcel B, cr of che Councy of Eagle! Scate of Colorado; bclnp, more psrrlcularly descrlbed as f ollolrs: Beglnning ac rhc most northerly polnc oi sa{d Lot 3; thence N 43o 161 25ttE 29.58 feecl thence slong tlre arc of a curvc to tl.ij rlg,hr 15.62 fcet' the chord of whlch 'bcarg N A4o 47r 41" E 15.62 feect chcnce s 3l'07' 38" E 57'03 feet; thence S 12' 16 58,'E 147.63 foet; thence S 54" 56' 42" W 25.00 fecc; Ehence along the arc of a curve to the rlght 39.04 feec, the chord of shlch bears S 69'51t 32" W 38.61 feet; Ehence N 23t 2lt OO" W 152.4I feet; chence S 64o 28' 00" W 23.00 feet; thence N 24c 3Or OO'f W 18.50 feec; chence along che arc of a non cangent curve to the LetE 67.75 feet, che chord of whlch beare N 52" 17' 49" F, 67.47 teet to the true poinc of begln- nlng contalnlng 0.3549 acres nore or 1cssl and f cxrnd the cwo story frame duplex to be located entlrely Lrlthln Ehe boundary llnes of rhe above descrlbed propercy as shown on rhla plac. The locatlon and dlncnslon of all butldlngs, lnprovemcnts, easementsr and rlghts of way ln evldence or known to me and encroachments by or on the premlses are accurately thowrl. 7 /- ((//J nll,' No rnran H . Hun c LS 10,732 "?;'?#:5,W'*dt' #(\,o 0- '-o- ..s0 iJ.$ I, lt LCTT' '2.-a.Ug: l'= 3,Ol ) ili- Efr{ qi$ )I f,{ J;' t f'r \9t Fa.ser1tN-1- p. r<-RDvl/Y ST fr.!f-T\/ R-E S.PaR t<rF..r6 axS F.lBLt C-€ Pp.ry,A-Te \frrLtfreS --. cgt E!' ?z'r1' 38. Ga Ctwrda?.O4 ,arc. DEVELOPM Jou }-l9 ']zt82 ELDORAOO ENGTNEERING 80! COLORAOO AVENUE PO 2 JAN l9--t9 COMPANY CONSULTING ENGIN€ERS . RE6TSTERED LANO SUEVEYORS %4" 5G'4t2+.@' IMPR,OVFMENT 3ur=<vFY PA.r<CE.t- '!'---"' ..A. F>oR-rrON OF LOTS z+? BLOC< 3 VA.tt- INTF|<-I-'IOUNTAIN Bt'-lT =Ut3DtVt€r\ ONI t: '1, cofl-5 .l -lolA Rjr<rroLJ CFL-oTs; 2 tr Z :o* | tt I -.-4L;! f (r"uo -Io=.t- I - a2 | Q/.r<r'2 /, FRAr'1E c^JPLEx W;J:# BOX 669 GLENWOOO SPRINGS. COTORAOO 81601 301.945.6917 oo ?o Applicati-on Form I.II}IOR SUBDTVISION Section J.2O ot Eagle County Subdirnisj-on Regulations Proposed Subdiv:ision t 18-A & l8-8, Block 9, Vail subdiride properby. of Applicant P.O, Box 1048, Vai1, Colorado 81657 Name of Nane ofIf to Address Appli,can! . Vail Intermountaj-n Associates Olarsr 1 appJ-icant is not the or"rrer of record, tunds6-eEaence of Intermountain No authorization 1. Iocation of Parcel Lot 18, Block'9, Vail Intermountain Developmentffin2. Size of parcel to be subdirrided 3. Nurnber of lots to be created h. Zone district in which the oarcel lies R. S.M. f. - Twelly-fwo (22) copies of the appllcation for:n, site p1an, andinfornration shaLL be subnitted by the first vrorkday of thl rnonth.vrlll be teviewed at the regular PlanrLing cor,rnission Review meeting month. a].l The tha related application foLLoving Date submitted 6. An original and five (5) shall be zubnitted at least rneetlng. of bhe -Final Pl-at with all required signatures. -_-;--days prior to the Plarurirtg Corur[ssion Revier'r copies ten (ro) Date zubrnitted Refer to Section .01.03 of the Dagle County Subdiv-ision 7. I\unish evidence of adeouat,e water supply. (t'tay Ue atLached as e:duibit A) 8. hrrnish evidence of adequate sewage disposal system. (ttay ue attached asextribit B) 9. r\rrrlsh evidence of access to a county road which has been accepted fornaintenance. (t,t"y be attached as exhi_bit C) t 18, Block 9 is bordered on the north Snowberry Drive. Application Form oo (2) Geo1o6"ic conditions 0) Topograptric and slope conditions (t-) Dreinage conditions (i) ELood hazard potential (5) Source of fire protection 11.- hrrnish utiJ[ity and road_p1ans (vlhere applicable,Eagle County Subdivision Regulations) (ifu" -bL attached Lot has direct access to all utilities and refer to Section 3.20as exhibit E) roads as indi-cated oo - page 2 10. Arrnish additional information as required. (ttay Ue a. If this is a resubdivision of property vrhich hasdiyided and rccordcd in accordance- wiih lfagle Countiadopted Sept,ember 5, L9?Z or J-ater, indicaf,e ,,uru oi-,dsubcllvislon. vail rntermountain Development subdivision as recorded in 822s, b. rf 1oa does not apprxr furrr-ish eviclencc.of adeguai:,e and safe buildingsites for the proposeo-uies with regard to ihe tolrorring items. (1) SoiI condttions attached as exh.ibit D) been previously sub- Subdivisions Regulations recording data of said by the site-plan. 'The above information is correct ancr accurate to the best of my lororAedge. Mich-ael R. Dulude {-=r' ';4 . (daLeJ 5/30/79 For official use: Reveived by Accepted for the planning Comnission Review Fee Paid Date Rerrj.cvr meeting of Recording Fee oo 4,e5rzl/a"/ 4444/- ?/6sz flr"rz zct, 47? 6 Ul,r, ,Z g tu4A4L,: g/'M/ **f Ar'r;rZ- 4 f4oc&2. ,&,.H'i,//h'or- ( Zt /9, a /X A**Ar"*^i; 'td/?fr. & z*?;,1 - A.r t C) t/- ' ,t?7Laqa\ t u Oa--(' '/ Grreul F cr*au Ar/*r*k"fe; /fur,^ho>u oo oo VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN WATER DISTRICT c/o James P. Collins 445 Union Blvd., Suite 123 Oenver, Colorado 80228 (303) 986-1551 May 30, 1979 Mr. Mike Deludec/o ValI Intermountain AssociatesPost Office Box 1048Vail, Colorado 81652 Re: Water servlce to Lots 2 and 8, Block 9, Vail f ntermountaln Subdivi.sion and Lot I, Block 8, VailIntermountain Subdivision Dear Mr. Delude: The VaiI Intermountain Water District can and will pro_vlde domestic water suppry to the above referenced propertyper the proposed resubdivision of these lots. The Vail Intermountain lyater Distrlct has previouslydemonstrated it has sufficient w&ter rights to provideservlce to its constituents and, in fact, has acquiredadditional water rights and additional pumping cipacitywlthin the last six months. Accordingfy, tne-Vaii Inter_mountaln water Dlstrict can and will provlde domestlc waterservtce upon payment of appropriate tap fees. If you haveany further questions, p I free to contact me. Sin re1y, James P.District ins Manager JPC/ss cc: Robert Garton, Jr. ao LrPpEtit jlAQLli oo .V,\ it-I-,l}'f S A\ N lt "rl"A"[']l ON lDn STR n C t' 0145 Avon Road P.O. Box Y Avon, Colorado 8L620 (303) 949-s27 4 Re: Sewer service to Lots z and 8, Block 9, VailIntermountain Subdivision and Lot l, Block 8, VallIntermountain Subdivision Dear Mr. Del.ude: The Upper Eagle Val1ey Sanitation District does commi.tto provide wastewater treatment services to the above refer-enced properties. It is our understanding that Lot Ig pre-sentry contalns a single family residence and Lot 1 conlainsa fourplex. It is our further understanding that you areproposing to further subdivide these parcels. It is withthis understanding that the upper Eagre varley sanitatlonDistrict does guarantee that upon payrnent of ippropriate tapfees, wastewater treatment services will ne proviaeO. The Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District presently hasexcess capacity to provide service to its present constituentsand is under contract for an expansion of our Avon treatmentplant vhich vilL more than double its present capaclty.Also, the district i.s under contract for several milliondollars wortb of sewer line reconstruction. These activitiesere expected to take the districtrs capaci.ty to provide waste-water treatment services for expected growth well into thel99os. May 30, L979 Mr. Mike Deludec/o Vail Intermountain AssociatesPost Offlce Box 1048Vail, Colorado 8165? Accordlngly,treatment services JPC/ss cc: B1II Cacek the district can and will provide wastewaterto the a e referenced resubdlvided lots. ncerely, James P. CoTffiDistrict Manager of Box 386 Eagle. Colorado 81631 lcrrdll f,ni8ht, nrrel e C@nty Elennsr 1 crgle Conty Elawring Dept. Bor 179 Ee8Le, Colonado gL67L Itereh 6, 1979 ;iEUi.-t' ',::i.r lYiAr.( f) l9/9 i.rrl,: .r i ' nd & Oevsl. Lagle, Couflty, Colo. Terrll].l tbc Spncc Gbcek lorrmhorsoE rlc€tch plen rar shtttrd to t&c Eagle 0oturty SolJ. Conocrvetlon Dl.etrict for ngrrlcr arrl. cmcnt. l|c beve no comentl at tlts ti.re concernlng t&la reqnclt. Slneerc1n 6L,.():Lr-t,-' hrd Gatca, Prcrtdcnt L RICHARD D, LAMM GovERNoR ** gar COLORADO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 715 STATE CENTENNTAL BUILDING - 1313 SHERMAN STREET DENVER,COLORADO 80203 PHONE (3031 939-2611 JOHN W. BOLD Dirsctor Mr. Terrill Knight Eagle County Dept. of Planning Box 179 Eagle, C0 81631 Dear Mr. Kn'ight: LRL/ba cc: Land Use Commission February 2L, 1979 & Developrnent RE: SU-4-79-S SPRUCE CREEK T0WNH0USES SKETCH PLAN i'iECIi"'i:l] FEB'IJ I9i9 Dept. of Piattil,ttS r.le'e' fugl€, County, ooio. The preliminary plan for this proposed development should include a complete geologic report by a professional geo'logist and should address flood p1ain, set back from Gore Creek, ground water conditions' cross-site drainage and unstable s'lopes, if any. We have no objection to approval of the sketch plan, so long as the above are handled in the preliminary plan stage. Sincerely, w(%J4 L. R. Ladwig Engineering Geologist GEOLOGY SToRY oF THE PAST . . . KEY TO THE FUTURE OneParkCentral - l5l5 Aropohoe Street P. O. Box 84O Denver Colorodo 8O2Ol (3O3) 534-1261 Febnrary L3, L979 Eagle Count!, Defrartnent of Planning and Develolment Box l79 Eagler Colorado 81631 Re: Prellminary PLot Plan- Spltuce Creek trovfi*rouses Gentlenen: We have examined the above captionecl plot plan and find that at tttis time westeln has no facilLties on ttre landl to be plotted. PLease note that lre are a transrission utillty and our approval does not refLect our ability to serve subj ect subdivlsion. f,f,\rZpf very truly yours, &',r*rX fu/ Iaura 1,. nodgefs Associate Right-of-{vay Agent /-flr1aly/g ""|;ri!,,Wt",,^*n RICHARD D. LA[,4[4 Governor C.J. KUIPER State Engineer Mr. Terrill Knight, Dlrector Eagle County Department of Planning and Development P. O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 Re: Vail Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums, File No. Su-3-79p, Spruce Creek Townshouses, Flle No. Su-4-795, and Elliott Ranch, File No. Sm-lS-79 Dear Mr. Knight: This is to acknowledge recelpt of preliminary plan material for the above referenced subdivisions. The Vail Intermountain Water District has been designated as the source of water; however, no letter of commitment for service has been submitted. Information available in our files tndicates that the District may have sufficlent water available to serve these develop-ments. we would recommend approval of these proposals contingent upon the developer obtaining a written commltment for service from the District. Very DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Department of Natural Resources 1313 Sherman Street - Room 818 Denver. Colorado 80203 Adminislration (303) 839-3581 Ground Waier (303) 839-3587 February 9, 1979 , Jeris A. puty State ,:,n!:i\/[D FEB 13 / r77 v.p.. !t rirhrrr,i .rr Uc\d, E{L Ca&,orh. Danielson Engineer IADlGDV:mvf cc: Lee Enewold, Div. Eng. Land Use Comrn. CER'f IF Iiagle County, Qolorado Certification is hereby made that a copy oI sn &pplication submitted ancl given the alrove File No. 1!asentered into the IJ.S. llails, or hand clelivered, on to the offi ces/'persons as listed hereon, pages__/of_l_, as marked by tbe initials _r)L__. OF I]trIJER.{ L Planning Commission l'ilc No: Ccrtifier I s Signature : .{.Ali ApF lications refered to: ^iQ*qa2r.t- D.,Appl icat ions in Eagle-Brush Creek to Edwards: 1 , fown of Eagle Eagle Sanitation Di strict Colorado Division of Wildlife U.S. Forest Service Eagle Valley Telephone Co. Rocky Mtn. Natural Gas School D istrict RE50J G.Appl ications in Upper Eagle Val ley: 1. Town of M inturn 4. 7. Town of Red Cl iff Upper Eagle ValleY San. Dist. Eagle-Vail Metio D istrict Other Dist. ( none at present time) -: School D istrict RE50J 8. U.S. Forest Service 3. School District FtElJ 7' Colorado Division of Wildlife ,r,k 1. Colorado Geological $urveY A)L 2. Colo. oepartment of Health Ok 3, Colorado State Engineer AK 4, Eagle Cotrnty Sanitarian 9k- 5. Eagle County Engineer /'Lv 6. Holv Cross Electric Ass'n-----t"> nl 8. U.S, Soil Conservation Service 0t1 9. U.S. Bureau of Land Management._F-_ 0/- 11. oiv. of Water Resources-.---a-- B.Ap: licetions in Basalt Area: nY 10. Colorado River water Consv. Dist. 1. Tovrn of Basalt 2, Pla.ning Representat ive 4. Basalt Water Consv. Dist. 5. Basalt Rural Fire Dist. 6. Basalt Water and Sanitaiion Dist. 7. Colorado Division of Wildlife 8. U.S. Forest Service 9. Mountain Bell Telephone Co. 10. Rocky Mtn. Natural Gas 'I 1. l4t. Sopris Soil Conservation C.Apclications in Gypsum Area: 1- Town of Gypsum 2. Eagle County Airport Authority 3. Coloradq Division of Wildlife 4. U.S. Forest Service 5. Eagle Valley Telephone Co. 6. Rocky Mtn. Natural Gas 7. School D istrict RE50J u. G\'--:Jm sanitation L; ijtiicto.1tr=iitc:iitns in Colorado Iliv.'r Arca: 1. S,:hool D i.r tri ct REsOJ 2. Sci'ooi District # 1 I t.:. u^r^^+ q-.i/i^^ I'c^^l^l US Forcst Service ( M inturn) Ea:le Valley Telephono Co. 6. Yampa Valley E lectric l_i.Oiher A gcncies (w,hero appropriate) 1 . Co loraclo Dept . of l.l ighways 9. Mtn. Bell Telephone Co. 10. Public Service Co. of Colo. 6;rpp r i ".i#" i ddf"1fr ,;:'" ;l ;i{; : E o f - 9K 1 . western S loPe Gas / 'Qf 2. Town of vail L''"- 3. Vail Village West Water & San. 4. Lions R idge Water 5. Vail Village West Fire 6. Vail Intermountain Water 7. Vail Sanitaiion Dist. 8. School D istrict RE50J 9. Colorado Division of Wildlife 10. U.S. Forest Service 11. Mtn. Bell Telephone Co. 12. Public Service Co. of Colo. 13. Upper Eagle ValleY San. -,)tL vr- AY AY_Y- QI 9z-NQP n ,// ,1 4K- 2'Colo. State Forest Srlrv ico )EAGTE COUNTY Eagle Corotry Eevirorwrtal llealth Dept. Box 850 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 MEIORAI{DIMBOARD OF COUNTYcoMMtsstoNERs 328-6809 ADMINISTRATION 328-6674 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSoR328-6593 BU ILDI NG INSPECTION 328-6339 CLERK & RECORDER Eaqle 328-6377 Besell 527-3244 COUNTY ATTORNEY 32A-6674 ENGINEER 328-6337 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH 328-7714 EXTENSION AGENT 328-6370 LIBRARY 324-7747 PUBLIC HEALTH Easle 328.6594Va 476-5844 PLAN N I NG 328-6338 ROAD & BRIDGE328659 t SHERIFFE8ql. 328-661|Beialt 927.32/t4 Gllmen 827.5751 soctAL sE RVICES 328-6328 TR EASU RE R 328.6375 TO: Teffill lhigfrt, Director of Plarmirg & Developrcnt FROM: Erik W. Edeen, Errvircrurental l{ealth Dept. SU&J: File l{o. Su-4-79-S Spnrce CYeelc Tormhouses Sketch Plan DATE: Febn:ary 7, L979 CCPI{EMS: A preliminary plan will need: 1) Iandscaping plan 2) Drainage and srrow rmval areas 3) Drainage plan should include erosion and sedirsrt ccntrrol facilities EAGTE COUNTY DEPARTI,IENT OF PLANNING & DEVEL Box 179 328-73L1 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMtSStoNERS 328-6809 ADMINISTRATION328-6674 ANIMAL SHELTERe4s-4292 RE: I OPMENT ASSESSO R328-6593 BU I LD ING I NSPECTI ON 328-6339 CLE RK & RECOROE REaqle 328€377Saiell 927-3244 COUNTYATTORNEY 328-6674 ENGINEER 328.6337 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH 328-7718 EXTEN SI ON AGENT 328.5370 LI B RARY 328-7787 PU BLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328-6594Vail 476-5844 PLANNING 328.6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328-6591 SHERIFF Eaqle 328-661 |BaiEll 927-3244Gilman 827-575 | soctAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASU RE R 328.6376 February 7, 1979 Fi'le No. Su-4-79-S Spruce Creek Townhouses Sketch Plan APPLICANT: Carpentry Unl imited Box 388 Vail, Co. 81657 Enclosed herewith is a copy of an application and plan submitted to the Eagle County Planning Cormission for review and recormendation at their regular meeting on March 21, L979. In accordance w'ith C.R.S. 106-2-9, 106-2-33, and 1.06-2-34, 1963, as amended and Eagle County Subdivision Regulations, Section 3.05 and 3.07, as amended effective 1 August 1976, you are required to receive the plan, and you have 35 days from date nailed wjthin which to respond or the plan will be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The P'l ann'ing Comrnission would sjncerely appreciate your conments and reconmendations a few days prior to the meeting date. If you desire additional information ortirn, please advise this office in writing. Thank you very much, q;.t +14ttv 7t< Terri'l'l Kni ght Di rector Ft LE /,,! -.-.5.-!-=!.:.fi-.:.f..... EAll i-:- Cl. ll. rrl'!. CC\4rr.4' nf i.:,.-.,r '.'.'.:"{ lvlill ' ,1,.:i :. i: ?-! 2t:4i+11! t?7?