HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPRUCE CREEK TOWNHOMES 1980 LEGALV;V\u-r*:\zu{* ff@ t ,j BUILDING DIVISION OF EXCAVATION EAGLE COUNTY, P. O. BOX179 iwfrrtEAGLE co. - PH' (303) 328'633e DArE 0ctober APPLICANT Carpentry Unlimited & FOUNDATION BUILDING aooness BoX PERM IT NO. Co. Excavation and pERMrr ro Foundati on Onl y ! (_) sroRy ITYPE OF IMPROVEME N7) IIO. { r{0. ) (srREET) Building D NUMAER OF OWELLING UN ITS ( C ONTR'5 LI CENSE) ( PROPOSED USE' Z^ ;a PERMIT ' r8i- 388. Vai I . Ar(LocA.oN) 1750 S. Frontaqe Rd. South ZON ING o tsTR tcr (tr o,)(5TREET' BETWEEN AND(cRos5 STREEt)( CROS S STREET) LOT : G!l oo dz 2 |lo suBD tv ts toN BUILOING IS TO BE - FT. WIDE BY - FT. LONG AY TO TYPE USE GROUP LOT-BLOCK-SIZE FT, IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTIOTI BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDAT ION (TY PE) REMARK.: Flood Plain permit application completed - Allowed use reconrmend for approval.- Erik Edeen, Env. Health Fee for Permit #1848 & #1849 AREA OR VOLUME esrrulreo cosr $ eenvrr g 140.50 {cuBtc/ so uaR E FEETI Receipt #7085owHen Spruce Creek Townhomes SUILOING q 1sees55 Rox 1R75, Vai|, Co. 41667 By (Affidovit on reveise ride ol opplicqlion fo be completed by cufhorized ogenl of ownerl I hereby cedify thot the proposed work is outhorized by the owner of record qnd I fiove been ourhorizei by the owner to moke this opplicoion os hls I outhorized ogenl. a SIGNATURE OF AGENT ADDRESS APPROVED BY (NUMBER) 6TREET) (CITY) TITLE DATE l9 r.\ I BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbred spaces only. 1?50 5. Frontage Rd. South, Val1, Colorado 81657 flse r errecxeo sxtrr) OWNEI MAIL AODiE!3 IIP PHONE2 Spruce Creek Tor,rnhomes Et Vall Box 18?5, Vail , CoLo. 8'165'1 4'76-3161 coNttactoi MA|L ADDiES3 PHONE L|CiNSE NO.3 Garpentry Unllmited, fnc. Box 388, Va1I, CoLo. 476-2180 AiCHIIECT Oi DE3IGI{Ei4 Arthur Ljiee Architects 10Zl Bannock, Denvet, Eo.573-9542 LtcaNsc ro. tr-6'.76 MAI L AOORESS PXOI{E L tc Eft SE NO. usa o7 tur lorx 07 Resldentlal - sondominltrns 8 CIrsoIworK: EIEW DAODITIOil OALTEf,ATIOI{ DREPAIR DMOVE NREMOVE Doscribe rYork:Conetruct neur condominir-ms - Excavatlon I foundations onlv Phaee II - Bulldings D&E l0 Change of use lrom Same as permlts I I Valuation ol Yrork: $ 2O, OOO.OO PERMTT FEE 140.50PLAN CHECK FEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS:Occupancy Group Size ot 81d9. lTotall Sq. Ft. Fire Spranklert Roouired flyee [16APPLICATION ACCEPTEO AY APPROVEO FOR ISSUANCE 8Y OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOT ICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN I20 DAYS. ORIF CONSTBUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ASANDONEO FOR A PERIOD OF 12O OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK tS COMMENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW R€GULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. /O lo-t-o HEALTH OEPT. FI RE OEPT. SOI L REPORT N PFOPEFIY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUF PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION C"+t# rass Form 100.1 1-77 PERMIT VALIOATION INSPECTOR A8u4/a*4 / 7 fa - .?=f:.: c-t a INSPECTION APPROVALS .\ OATE REMARKS INSP-ECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT. LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.U?, ETC. EAGLE couNTy BUrLDrsnlenvrr AppLrcATroN aFINAL: C/O INSPECTION, LANDSCAPE INSPECTION FORM Review. Routing Form ( ) Primary Routing (4 Rerouling lo-eo - 80 Appl icantDate Are4 /a:/ Review and return to the County Building Plannir rg Commission File No. Off icial within 6 working days Permit No. P lanning: Complies with: Subdi vision Begul ations Zoning Regulations Site Plan (Landscaping) Commer,ts: Reviewed by: Recommend Approval : No Bnn Yes EDn Date: County Engineer: Roads Grading . Drainage Comments: Recommend Approval : utrtr tr nnil tr ylcounty Health: Water' Sanitation Perc. test n Dnn n EE,. R ecommend Approval : t€ t s.a,7r .72/?4L2<Final Inspection: C/O Fecommend Approva Comments: tr Firral Inspect ion: Landscap i Recommend Approval Commerrts: ngnn C/O lssued Final Filing Date by Date EAGLE COUNTY BUI F I N A L : c / o t N s p ; :? i ! fr=^H J "TJ='',i,:'J 3 | r, o *, o # Review Rout ins'w.hgy Y"pJ))"Hy a*/4 .l(iil e Date Referred Appl icant Permit No. Ar&4 Va^-,/ Review and return to the County Building P larrnir rg Commission File No. Off icial within 6 working days P lanning: Complies with: Subdivi sion Regul ations Zoning Regulations S ite Pl an (Landscaping) Yes Dnn tr ----- RecommendApproval : 6 flOo- No Enn Reviewed Date: Cornmer,ts: County Engineer: Roads Grading . Drainage ntr D n Dtrtr D Recommend Approval : Comments: County Health: Water Sanitation Perc. test Final Inspection: C/O Recommend Approval Coi'nments: Recommend Approval : ntr!K. tr nnntr ,ry)- Firral Inspect ion: Landscap i Recommend Approval Commerrts: ngtrD C./O lssued Final Filing Date by Date EXH IB IT To:permit Authoriw, )*h C,n^:--{f. 8*q.t C"",r,.-. (Name ot Jur] so l ct,'l on, _X"..t.-g^'xq[c.**N.\c^^.\ \lr"- , a matter of State " APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO CONDUCT A DESiGNATED ACTIVITY OF STATE INTEREST OR TO ENGAGE IN DEVELOPMENT IN A DESIGNATED AREA OF STATE INTEREST a-*t Q^-"*L f\N 'A U;\ Ruw \Yr Uo^,f Ur'. Ytd o0 1-o Matter of State Interest. applicant requests that a permit be issued for each of the be l ow: Re: From: Date Submitted: Date Received: l. The items checked o.h A permit to engage'in development in one or more of the following areas of State interest: ( ) Mineral resource areas ( ) Geologic hazard areas \- ( ) l,ljldl jfe hazard areas N) Flood hazard areas ( ) Historjcal and archaeological resource areas ( ) Significant wildlife areas habitats ( ) Shorelands of major publicly-owned reservojrs ( ) Areas around airports ( ) Areas around major facilities,of a pubiic utiiity ( ) Areas around interchanges involving arterial highways ( ) Areas around rapid or mass transit facilitjes *r t- Lt -68- EXHIBIT 6 x%r--:-7oo BOARD, OF COUNTY COMI'IISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 80 - PERMIT ISSUED TO CONDUCT DESIGNATED ACTIVITY OF STATE INTEREST OR IN DEVELOPMENT IN A AREA OF STATE INTEREST IN EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO oo PERMIT NO, TO ENGAGE DES IGNATED THE COUNTY OF Pursuant to the Guidelines and Regulatjons for Areas and Activities of State Interest of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, heretofore adopted by the Board of County Conunjssioners of Eagle County, said County has received an application from Spruce Creek Townhouses at Vail ., (hereinafter called "Applicant") for a permit involving the following matter(s) of State interest: Development of an approved use in a Flood Hazard area. and has approved that application. This permit authorizes the Appl icant: 'l . To construct condominiums and do site radi n on the condi ti on that all activities are located outside the 100-r Floo I a'i n per statements in the application and site I an. ?. RSM e-and_No or 5ec!10n J.For the following period:Iriterim Permjt to be issued for an of the construct'ion and the grad'ing and landscaping.** ** Applicant rnust call the Environmental Health 0ffice (328-731.|) upon completion of the construction for base fJoor elevations and first-floor elevations; upon completion of grading; and upon complet'ion of landscaping so that Final Permit may be issued. 0n the follorving described tract of land: A 6.2 acre parcel in the Zone alonq the south fronta e road east of the intersection of Gore 12, o3 OO' 4, In accordance with the plans.and/or sp€c'i fications approved by the Permjt Authority on the Zg4. day of 0ctober , '19 _gq, as vrell as the Guidelines and Regulat'ions for Areas and Activ'ities of State Interest of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, adopted by Eagle County for:Fl oodpl+in--Haz€+d-{.r€+s radepted Apri'l ]4.]980. - - 5. 0n the condition that the Applicant proceeds in con- formity with a'l'l app1icab'le Federal and State Statutes aid Regu'l ati ons as wel I as al 'l appl i cabl e I ocal 'land use controls inc'l uding, but not 'l imited to, master p1ans, subdivjs'ion regulations, zoning ordinance and build'ing code. This permit shall not be effectjve until: l. Appl'icant has filed the proper security with the Permit Authority, pursuant.to the provisions of the Ad- mjnistrative Regu'lations of this jurisdict'ion in the amount of ($ g/. 7t ). 2. The desjgnat'ion of and guidelines for the appropriate matter(s) have been finally determined pursuant to C.R.S., 1973, E24-65.1-404. This permit is valid for use only by the Applicant and may not be transferred. In the event that the Applicant fails to take substantial steps to initiate the above development or activity rlithin tlelve (.l2) months from the Cate cf thjs permit, or, if such steps are taken, in the event the Appiicant fails to cornplete the development or activity with reasonable d'i ligence, this permit may be revoked by the Perrnjt Authority.. DATED THIS /4 tl day of /z4lt*- Pernit Authority /-.;4 E 66z2 ,1980. EAGLE GO oo nnterofff,ee nnenn@remdumd v U / To: Eagle Co'unty Board of County Commissioners 5u bi €ct: Recommendations for Floodplain Permit - Spruce Creek Townhousqs q! l/aj,l From: Erik t,J. Edeen, Environmental Hea'lth Officer File No.:Date: 0ctober 27, 1980 Pursuant to the Guidelines and Regulat'ions for Areas and Activities of State Interest of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, and the F1 oodplain Regulatjons' Chapter 6' Section 6-503. Applicatjon for Permit states: "... (2) l'lot later than ten days following receipt of a completed application for a permit to engage in development in a Floodway District, a Floodfringe District or'a Floodpron6 District, thb Permit Authority shall determine and set a fee in an amount necessary to cover the costs incurred in the review and approval or disapproval of the permit applicat'ion, including all heari ngs conducted therefor, and shali'notify the applicant in writing of sajd fee and its amount.--" Regarding this permit fee, I propose that we set the fee schedule at $20 per hour stiff time. Thii includes'sta?f review, clerjcal tjme, offjce supplies, overhead, field time, research. (See below for Hearing Waiver Request) ! i.lith the hearing wajver request, time spent on thjs proiect has been about 3 hours for staff revjew, field time and 'inspection, c'lerical and office suppfies. 3 hrs x $20lhr. = $60 Xeroxing costs = 13 pages x 5 copies each = 65 Pages @ .15 each = $9'7s Mileage Costs for site insPection = 60 mi'les @ .20lmi = $.|2.00 Therefore, Staff Review costs, Xeroxing costs, proj ect . and Mileage costs equal about .75 for this particular I recommend that we set the permit fee for this permjt at S1.75 as per the above itemized expenses. I 8i7l HEARING I,IAIVER REQUEST /,'t ' -/r;(, a $gl I recommend that the Permit Authority the HB 1041 Regulations, Section 'l-303 that this Permjt Hearing be wajved as regul ations. wajve the requirement as stated jn - Notice of Permit Hearing. I request this use is an allowed use as Per the 4o'n /,''/ &; zc z e-t) 4Pt4' aa zZ r'l l€z 4'(/ /?- zr-fe / EXHIBIT 6 ( APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO CONDUCT A DESIGNATED ACTIVITY OF STATE INTEREST OR TO ENGAGE IN DEVELOPMENT IN A DESIGNATED AREA OF STATE INTEREST Permjt Authority,5*h C,t^^.{C*^^-. I *?^"ot , a matter of State i nterest. '40il (, To: Re: From: Date fia ta Name stK Uc-f e4t. yK ITElE-ph-onef Submitted: , O' t'o' ?D 4:OO t,*1 Recei ved: t. /2-22-/a Z'E' a:cn('^a Matter of State Interest. Theapplicantrequeststhatapermitbeissuedforeachofthe items checked below: A permit to engage in deveiopment in one or more of the following areas of State interest: Mineral resource areas Geologic hazard areas Wi I dl i fe hazard areas Flood hazard areas Historical and archaeological resource areas S'ignificant wildl ife areas habitats Shorelands of major public'ly-owned reservoirs Areas around airports Areas around major faciljties.o.f a public util ity Areas around interchanges involving arterial hight'tays Areas around rapid or mass transit facil itjes () () \,-l : t) () () () () () () f1*" fudi cti on cant' s *rt- L(ou -06- 1 ( to cond o uct - Permit anUf'rati;Form -- P' 2 one or mJ.-:'of the following activities ofA Permit State interest: () () () () () site selection and construct'ion of maior new domestic water and sewage treatment systems Major extensions of existing domestic water and sewage treat- ment systems site se'l ection and development of solid waste disposal sites Site selectjon of airports Sjte selection of rapid or mass transit facilities Sjte selectjon and construction of major facjlities of a public utility Site se'lection and development of new communjties Efficient utilization of municipal and industrial water proj ects Conduct of nuclear detonations () () () 2, Proposed Activity or Development' General description of the specific activitY,or development pro- posed (attach add'itjonal sheets if necessary): t'q^Stt'^^''l*f o{ 3. General DescriPtion. A general , non-legal description and the popular tract of land upon which the activity or deve'l opment i dflV '+^a 'S name , 'i f be conduc of the (a ttach additional sheets 'if necessary): 1750 south Fron Road west - Also see attached entitled "Drainage Study for Spruce Creek Townhouses" 4. Leqal DescriPtion. The legal description, including the acreage, of the tract of land upon which the development or the activity is to be conducted, by metes and bounds or by government survey drscription (attach addjtional sheets jf necessar;r). ,.)S\ S. f+^^l^.11 fu!. Llr$t - e e .z u".. o"'""r in the Residential Suburban Medium densi-'ty zone along the south FSontage Rpad east of the interqcc'iinn af core Drive and Nerth P*'bntEge fiOad; iflthire bhe llesb !- of the Southwest L of Section l-2, Tor,rnshlp 5 South 6th Principal Meridian. -69- G) . DMINAGE STUDY sPRUcE cnrnl ior','nrousrs PurPos e: To deterrnine peak flows for 10 year and 100 year storms as required bv Eagle County Subdivision Regulations for spruce creek Townhouses ' Addition- a1ly, the limits of any flooding are to be lndicated and Etre design of app- ropiaEe tlrainage facilities to accomodaCe Ehe anEicipated flows r'rlLlrin Ehe deve 1o pme nE ScoPe: Spruce Creek Tor^rnhollses are Eo be locaEed on seven acres approxirnaEely 3 miles east of Dowds Junctlon and 2 niles west of Vail along the south fronEage road for InCerstate 70. The southern boundary of the properEy follows che aPProximate centerline of Gore Creek fron a Point abouE 200 feet downsEream from the confluence of Buffer creek Eo its inEersecEion r'/i Eh lhe west Line of secLion of 12. llore particularly the development lies i'ti th- in the l,lest llalf of rhe southwesE Quarter of secEion 12, Townshlp 5 south, Range 81 l{esr of the Slxth Principal lleridlan' Thedevelopmen!isanEicipaEedEoconcalnapproxinrately3BtrniLsupon cornpletlon. AII units will be served by :r private drive ruhich loops off of the souEh 'fronEage road of Interstate 70' Parlcing will be aE the raEio of 2.5 spaces per unlE wiEh 38 units to be garages and 57 sPaces to be un- covered. The propose<l develcpment lies withln Elte Core Creck drainag'e basin' lilolivestreamsexisEwiEhinuhedeveloPmentrriEhEheexceptionofGore creek which flows along che souEhern boundary. rlows Seneraced l:y rhe InEerstare sysEcm will flow alorrg Ehe northerly boundary of the propercy in the road ditches Lo a point where IE eulers Gore creek west of the developneni.' I Permit o( .t.a|n Form -- p. 3 5. 0wners and Intereits. Set out below the names of those persons ho'lding recorded legal ' equitable, contractual and option interests and any other person known to the applicant having an interest in the property described'in paragraph 4, above' as well as the nature and extent of those interests for each person, prov'ided that such recorded interests shall be limited to those which are recorded in the County Recorder's 0ffice of this iurjsdiction, the land office of the Bureau of Land l4anagement for this State, the Office of the State Board of Land Commjssioners of the Department of Natural Resources, or the Secretary of State's 0ffice of this State (attach additional sheets if necessary): csn)[..^ tjnnt,*,.{U G*... hs,L-- Lqrn , \'r 6. Submissjon Requirements. Submission requirements described in the regulations which have been adopted by this jurisdict'ion for each of the activities or areas checked jn paragraph l, above, are attached to thjs application. Those attaihments are identified, by le-tter pr number, and described by title below: lge < .? fltz c<-a-d)- 7. Desiqn and Performance Standards. ff,. of the design and Performance standards set forth in the regu'l ations for each of the activities or areas checked in paragraph l, above, t^rill be met. The individual analyses are identified by reference to the appropriate paragraph or section numbers corresponding to each standard in the appropriate regulations adopted by this j uri s di cti on. 8. Master Plan. a. Does this activity or of this jurisdiction? b. If it does not comp'ly,please explain how it does not comply. ( developrngnt comply with the master plan\-Yes \ No 9. Add'i tionai Information Required by Locql Government Attach any additional information required by this iurisdiction. -70- lr Permit nppr( :iorfrm -- P. 4 permit for a perioa ot t^'cls'(w*h\10. Duration of Permit. The applicant requests a APPL By: n t4,r'* Uc.rr't -.- (Title) NOTE:llithin ten ('1 0) days following receipt of a completed application for a perm'it, the Permit Authority shall determ'ine and set a fee jn an amount necessary to cover the costs incurred jn the rev'iew and approval of the permit application, inclu.ding a1 t hearings conducted therefor, and shall notify the applicant in writing of said fee and its amount. Not later than ten (10) days fo1 lowing his receipt of such notice, the appl'icant shall present to the Permit Authority non-refundable cert'ified funds jn the amount as set. until the fee is paid to the Permit Authority, the applica- tion for a permit shall not be further processed' ?1 I .,..;. '.. .=, -'. : - .- .. :. j,... : - -.. , t Ii .rt7,''R\al{,::fltt,l i l:,.;i, /;:i:;::l;;.+.-i:i-t'; xi{* ano IltI Johnson, Kunkel & AssociateE Inc. IIII LANO SURVEYING' CIVIL ENGINE€R'NG ' MAFPING rry JM:epm October 22, 1980 Eric Edeen County Sanitarian Eagle County Eagle, Colorado 81631 RE: Spruce Creek Building D & E Flood Plain Dear Eric, This letter is to certify that Buildings D & E of the Spruce Creek Townhouse Project are more than one foot in elevation above the approved I00 year flood plain as prepared by Hydro Triad, Lakewood, Colorado. The elevations of Building D is to be 7950 plus or minus and Building E is to be 7948 plus or minus. Based on these elevatj.ons I the first floor finish grade will be approximately six feet above the L00 year flood plain. Should any additional information be necessary,please adivse. Sincerely, r /) ,O J-T', /. -x-8.4 /,//Gaictt--l - John MacKown, P.E. P.O. Box 409 ' I 13 East 4th Street Eagle, Colorado 81631 . Phone: (3031 328-6368 9t (: .J ;. t: &"'ii H Eg NEE'I r-.r E ;Eo.!6 .9C e c.r oq, o!u!cE .F !. (1, .- .r- .! n, >o tccclq (J9|] c c f: (r^e Ldatd- l rl, Foo .oo c crr() {r ! L Ic.P rrtoLtr-!oN elr!, c ur'- c . rr !- (J .J '.-\'o cr (r, qr c, rnu Loi.,4G Jo^,rrur:o 0, \rr(J..:|/.r <, F.tc,-o .a! ooc..'r slt- N<Jr)(\r OG 6 Or t: CJ !.: ' (U -,-! .L 0J> .;-cr!-po>0, - (J rr() gJ$ .1.ar -.JaJ E oaJEc'IC.oo!::'c d<,r_!.4)al(u0(.)q, !.F.r- c'o a c?4r o :o -,c> c.J<aF 1t'0o L vr lo: c qr aJ iu (t FF o !,_ oq,oJ u c, (u! . EpF 4\ c oq, cr c i :' rl/ O, a.-o,.-oL of: .Fc)-( -roL()Uc .,1!.l c!4, 0r0r&FN.- r! 60, .t E 4JI(-J -c- .rJ F L o-o (, E d<j,o! t(!c, tl ...- <lrtE! arc rdcOcr> o (rc, . at- ur ! (!, E -+j.J -J tccLi!Jl) .F .- Uro dO (.,o .r E F-o{u (, d = .F (, c.p:5 |i' aJ.- .c (u o., EI F -c 5 0.- :1 aJ 01)CrF F.-.- C r.lt CF.o a|. (,, {r ofE (J clcoO.- . o,>r.. rr O'€- i, 'Ol) \r|.G,!(Jd<-Oc(\rA '. ccr!- o fi o.arr+- ch .F 'j.: E oO IE (' 14 5\- (tr O O C, r, . O j () C L o o c u- o . .0,, l cl - L " (J f u orL .e o) o,oc! >rEd>L6! E.E I o-ocsO6.!OC>,,F O(u .F! (i a c,r, crN F ,ocFl.L or (r!po.:{J-r L r:tq- oo>r0r0r Ncoa,,o t? o :i or.F c Ir rs ! = o oec I dajq<. ozoE4tealE .<.Edl h,Fcv >r \oaa:Jec(eFro@...rc o@F,4=o \o '.(|Jor I tac6 -, :,>EcP.! r{I FJ OOCrOrlo -O I u.-Eoo)t . .. ar.J L oul oed d 6, o. ?:cl zt^ -.Dol crrF:t o o t-l Fs.6ordO -|!l r. a, rr L oE r!>t rr- d (,r Lcr60 c \ { 1 \)l (\t (\J o q !i 6 :3 ",3., ;Y, -t '; o.''Co -c !-do oi:6o (, ri -(, at ra.rJ 6' C\ .t: crr o (r"4r: or{,c4 o o, oJ 0, c/J o J oJ (U o.- - c(l) u.- rr.-.- lJ, x d - C ct€ oJ=i .-c. oe -)!r-c!:t.c 3r^ o O o-.-<, {t. rt v1 O N3oc4r(u o!Lcr.- .- >, oc >r - o ru.- o a, o.-o! c.- l:c c.) r:^! . :r 'u (- c'- 3 ur6.t) 6 4) '(fO' :r o qr.-oE .Fo o- L! 0r-o PL o, rt! -z '-tr@ o, ro() e(, Llj 4ro 'rJ () .:-< :- :('c c c o o ar o.c rr ro o lJ c o - r- .! t: - a o 6<< E . o c.J >o d), rJt>r lJ 0J 5Z c a! O c)< ! (J oQ- O - oc., aJ q-p! aJ t.ta). - oq- vla r c ^J o-c Fo doti ot- Folr! (1 ..r o 4r{r-.- o No.rcr - ti--J.rdr c cnto L .-ca c c > aJ c 9-= '! '.e >I o .F d>r rr.- ocr. at .F '-4o! -oacj -r.aa,6 6 li-ro:tcoo or^oF >oEor.p(J rd dco(Jo p - - +r <u o)'- poc- o >or)c co'F6jr .c* =d -- l:-oot!ct! .-!-F 3.c,-< o.rs .'udu ! .-!a rt oo.-..|. i!r,., x.-.F o o L-oo o, o (uE- ! cr- J0, .{+r.-o5o:E",€EE =:ej5*.F." ,?&e.5=-- Et E33"3i.1 ---3 E;-BFo, 'qrt- op (ro'P d z L oo u : u.'u o!, .-.1 cr (D O (J .o O, <t o.t oo! oEo)o > c+rccdoro F- ro@!rr O! pa<rc F 6ar-.'olqr3Ca.r lr'.erEooioc:ro c :.loul.rlr:o4rd.ro o.',cE >r -N.-3 .r (: (r.-,c c.Juj d 0',* '! (t>)(r I !- s..E o.- O t. c-o ., on c.\J c- ! cr.'o doic.o E-ioa E- o-:r cr'd.F !-!(r(r.tcad ,o.F od (J ooj-c co.a) o.=E o f: L>-p'rJ- EoEoj 6>.d c > > o(\j.cr+-<.lr o! cr't 5'- 0-' g .- o o- .- (r '=,F o e .- L -r6oej(l)p{, :t13o9,>-ocr!o lJ o.P0, -o.F.-.- clft 'Fo-I q!.p u-(, (r. I r-c o :':lrar.-L -o >ar!,-!€oc oi:J,ccjcEo4FI (,) o dF L: O 0' - O Or 4-OF j-. o A oF r.! 'i-Ro SoHE R" .-3-3*P-F Roo ,1"'E Ho To" E.3:3; do i>&r.3ft."*;_sE" *F;!_*oE:p ;*s;3e5 EE 3*{J-d=Eco g*;3t_3h5 ?;33tJi; I;5fi9;ISEF E;::;:r;c&i E;!E*E!sl ;;53$€:tJ>ci tio(l)! oo>o u a aci oJqEq-o! or qi= o"o, '{- o-c or-..r,! .; ar;q- d o< oc(,,i- ; 0r s,tr o-a- or.-q-.5s.-(!sa.r|! L .:p!.-;'+-od96(J-c:,g(JE OO(JqJO' dr! Od{r(Jc)6O.CiOd! OOts OCU (,-O 4 (r.Oz!toroeor(|') ziu.9.c-c9-o!Ec =oro6rF o zu.- o zortE-.c €cjpc<rarJF o!/r.-.- d;.tv!,s,s d(/1a c<eGoLo(/l<.r(rorooo r! l!! (J r! |!.O (| r! d -O o t! 'lr .o (., l! dA O (5= o.F o to> .,'c '-co ! Lu.rPC Co'p c'o o .Jc E C P ^E.F(ut H(uE<o 9- oE or F s (r(J! o, (, oc+ (v (J'o 0-6 >r,oo oo .at o Eoc, '-cr -c oru> .J L d 'J ]Jon +rL! o €,()O -OoO .r.! coo o .-F oo 6r.7) n ! (Jco ! c^J -E(-)d.J et<.-+r > - p o Fd<td!=> o o'oOEo o€ 4r L EFf,< 0i t: o. ar d !i a= da! cr+r 5 dr aro Lro- 's x c)!o!< N- fi 'rL u\c E oJ d c E (U .-o.)>dEu>q- :, a,! , '. (|).r)do'ro- !o dorEir(r>6 .t q, qJ cr.r-6 c 6 rJF-p c cN E4' I\I o or.r l: I o 5i:^i5L: .{f-..-rarCo6r\r o, +r ().< rr: 6 e .J ,: o, .J..- . I n1 oa. ro.r: (/, a. rj {l){, .c{J .F | (t) O-c it >ra u3cF o e.P !- o..t ! 6 >.J >rd o = oF c,..3rgL a)o- Or .- JF\ (1, ir aJ t-o Hr., o o o o 6- Q C oc,oo- o- u.- L E. < o< fJ> -30- po:(,F(Ul,|nCn -o.o o ,-.F>t- orc+, - .E ro I (l) x .Fo Fv< o oJ r! o c o dH.r3| 5 -H p cD< !o, 6 -.u o >6.-.F F 4r c !'l'+roco-co rlA -.- O'Oo r+- !. E U.- -OoOo-.c o-^1, o o,O-F C lJ O E L I:4roLLod E>|>U.l0J-c)O >',ir 5 c o rr- ord u E f:-o 3 c <<OLOE o d r,_, -_-c .pa \-. ! .'E, >5 d4f''..o!::].-I rJrr- L) a >oia J9 |ll- c|9 'j.,.| 0, €9- o oroo)-E oEC .-o ocrJ o o, (o c! .-E JdL (r (\J .! o 3 c (to +c 'C' 00q-3 .-r;g: E".oo d 0r :,.- (J 0r- c c5 ;*9:S 8S.9.9 = <<.F (|. O C.lJ o*oc.o.rlPO .- 15crO.- -c llc <( (J >:: L<J+ I'L r! F-c L.F.J o> .r-P o' !6r! 4q_!r>+, €o^o o.d o, < o-(r)FEnc.7r l--F L L o c.- :t c .-c5.- o (L) o u= t_oc! o ='E;+=tP .'= -t'.o 60 -; !; ;:; " o rF cn >OCF o o oF r- or'F16 cia o.<- o ctuELoJe .- i F d oc> oJ PE6rcdo)-'- ;a c- -(l>()> rJ4i4Jf{r5uF .rJ O-,1r ., O tr r:,: (U o, c ,- I(,'..tlr-oc! 4r 'o c \(1 r:!tir! .a cl d 4,t !a rt'F u) rr +)!. .- c)\|'-."o+cptn 6 rJ.- i: -c !) ! .r.- d rJ :,-.' ! LU.;t'oct(qo() :; .l = ea = E.- !-= t:l: ,,o,'O \-'5 o 5 'ag Y6 oo. c o9 s "€C -9 g, Eo (,J .a!!A '.!'rD€ - FF '1 S hr. a..J er sotro^or:t -_ oooo905833Q3-o \ 'iii /,'ii/,$:Ni ;P / \ \ i-" ) Dt--'\)\ l.- ,I//lla'/,)l\.^t"-i.\G\ tz".-1\\\t ,l'l,it t d' *ru ?1 r T ,l 9l5l)l r,b ils ? ( I --r Ir$l>Iutlrl IYE HP =l=p I r./\ \" +" N.'. l{ r..|-{ H \\ N -lJi r-'1 $ ilf3 __tr vil Ia\ --l I s^r I >=l Irrri ,<rf--- |r.1 ii--rl I I It I I I I I 0 -: rl .> 6 IIt rS-..-rJ.Jtllr s OC, T 0 - ulJ ut I o i\ t INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON -f ( ( tt-, FRITUES BUlLDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGHi WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: Itr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr FINAL ED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: INSPECTION REQUEST rF:l\,,-) TOWN OF VAIL TUES WED THUR FRI frry___AM @ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL r] UNDERGROUND T] ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr tr tr FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB n '/ o 1*rt. (?or[-v- tr FINAL T] FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR a FKat O FINAL yfueaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: oerc /'Z - zj ' .r':f rNspEcrop DATE JOB NAME INSFFCTION REQUEST THUR {o AM@. READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCAitON: TUES WED TOWN OF VAIL MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: UNDEBGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEU tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr trT] FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FyKL tr FINAL $ YUPPR<.ED . tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED .: t CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR a DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL '!t -----@PMREADY FOR INSPECTION:WED LOGATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ffOUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH /WATER tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr TEMP. POWER ' tr EXHAUST HooDS tr CONDUIT - O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ta DATE READY FOR LOOATION: INSPEGTION: INSPTECTION REOUEST- TOWN OF VAIL/ / -lr ,/)t-4.a--/\- L4 {'J ^ i I JOB NAME MON @r ,lJ oJ S t'y'-tt- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUITIBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIi.O POOL/ H. TUB tr_ O FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL:1.l tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr d r,rr.,rnr-tr FINAL fueaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: (,, l- 4.iy- I DATE INSPECTION REQUESTTqwN oF vArLI / --r/// /1!t/ /. /\./ .JOB NAME MON CALLER ESntnov FoR tNspEcrl LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. --tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER E INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL i H, TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS fI SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PPBOVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR INSBECTION REQUEST a a DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON @,READY FOR LOCA:[ION: PPROVED tr DISAPPFOVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERFRAMING NSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL MP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL iCORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR- INSFECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILta DATE a . READY LOCATI PECTIFOR JOB NAME MON CALLER AM@TUES WED{ Srn)zh THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB tr u tr FINAL .tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANIGAL: tr HEATING {noucrr -tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr/FtNAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR --'{F INSFECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL -----@ PM la DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON THUR FRI LOCATION: CORRECTIONS: '?/ "' EtEc. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATERd rnaurrr.rc tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED SAPPROVED ffierruspecroN REeuTRED oerc 7'--23-4 rNSpEcroR --- a INSPECTION REQUEST VAILTOWN OF {oire 7if JoBNAME INSPECTION: ( CALLER TUES LfO THUR FRI AMBEADY FOR LOCATION:Y MONa PM o,odt ryit 7T -L- )'V1 | aL rU ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR 3 <f'\/ t< -4-.-tr o FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL _ tr FINAL O FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: D^rE 7- //*P/ . rNSpEcroR INSPE <e,L /t*/,t {@ rHUR FRI -AMf e.,, 4 .s/a4-4 / CI CTION TOWN OF REGIUEt' I VAILt a DATE READY fOR LOCATION: ?U C e- INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALL TUES BI tr tr tr tr ( tr ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FBAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr E n EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n SUPPLY AIR tr FI'AL tr FINAL OVED . tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED + CORRECTIONS: D^rE (f -z t' 4 rNSPEcro ' oRte nfaov'roa LOCATION: INSFECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL />s.. -------tVPM PECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / O.W.V. B ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr O FINAL N FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR TI tr FAIAL E] FINAL VED :tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEOUIRED CORRECTIONS: ---z ' , -l- c -- ';2' ,t-- INSPECTOR aooi, -9-z z-t/JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,/,<a AM @ {rounroeroN / srEEL BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FRAMING tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O BOUGH / WATER tr INSULATION fI SHEETROCK n D GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FJT'AL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED i CORRECTIONS: INSPECTO INSFECTION REQUEST - a DATE a JOB NAME MON CALLEB TUES,READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: OWN THUR @ FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB D FINAL /1,l ED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 4;(-?I INSPECTOR a,., / / ,^1, {,r/il JoB NAME l'\ .READY FOR INSPECTION: I "') ,/LOCATfON: | '/( o ''(.-i.'. tr DISAPPROVED TUES {{F9' THUR INSFECTION REOUEST O REINSPECTION REQUIRED FRIMONa- ? BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL INSPECTOR TruSFEETION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL ry s+ (iffi) rnr AM@ES '^ '/ / , l/ j, "oi, {ft2/8/ JoB NAME JZzt/t /t ar 'READY FOR LOCATION: .INSPECTION: aJ. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND A ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED PPROVED SPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: g-z ?- 7/ \{ rr'.>St, .A!".r;. {itf. " '.- .+ . '^ ' BdrLDrNc DrvrsroN' P.O. BOX 609 ,PHONE:€28-7311I DATE fr JOB NAME EAGLE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLERa\ E orxen n pnRrrnu READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR ,a/ nod\J COMMENTS: E nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS t,.-_,.€lrrtr7lr-i?f6.r,i.,,. INSPECTIEIU FIEBIJEST ,rF JOB NAME TOWN OF EAGLE TIME RECEIVED- AM PMt '.{ fl orxen E panrrnl LocATloN READY FOR INSPECTIONn(v COMMENTS: ,^, l/to/fr'* E nerNsPEcrWappRov-E^D I otsnppRovED ffi"THE FoLLowr NG coRR ECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR ---_7 :::--{-..-r. .-7'{ F:.4 F" ;, ." :} r',j.. .. ." -d r, a ,$, I /*4e INSPEGTIdU FTEOUESTBUILDING DIVISION P.O. Box 179 PHONE: 328-7311 iarc /0 - J7'tU JoBNAME EAGLE COUNTY TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER oN- 4J /:00 ,^, fo]il LOCATI READY FOR INSPECTION E orsen MON COMMENTS: Mp RovED EIorsnppRovED E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! nrrNsPEcr , I BUIIDING DIVISION ' . P;o. Box 179 PHONE:328'7311 ar / 7/3 *'+ "' FIEElJEST UNTY I Jor, lo - le tr0 . JOB NAME T|ME RECETVEq- AM PMat CALLER E orsrn MON COMMENTS: E panlnq. fn"o READY FOR INSPECTION LOCATION ,'J 41 /:00 ,^, ffi lEldprnoveo E orsnpp Rov E D ! nerNsPEcr El uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS BUI[DING DIVISION P.O. Box 179 P|ONE: ?2*7311 D^rE tD'?q -q O JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM EAGLE COUNTY ! pnnrrnl. READY FOR INSPECTION THUR \ffiee Rov E D I orsappRovED fl uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS o*@ ! nerNsPEcr z.'r:- Y ;.. t 2'<,. / BUILbING DIVISION EO. Box 179 P$ONE: a2A-7311 EAGLE COUNTY TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER Wpp Rov ED AM (g/ READY FOR INSPECTION --\\( weo ) rHUR -f-t-,, *, jn,h,', FRI E orsnppRovED fl nerNsPEcr E upol,t rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS lor I pnnrrnu LOCATION COMMENTS: at \ BUIIDING DlvtsloN S,ICAVATI0N EAGTE COUNTY, P. O. BOX179 couRrHousE. EAGTE CO. - pH. (303)328-6339 i FOUNDATION BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO. pERMrr ro Foundation 0nlyt (_, .,o"t, jllldlgj NUMBER OF DWELLING UN ITS 8,4 r oore 0ctober ts@--1849 oec,-rcr"r larDenlt-v Unl I,mi ted ooor... -BgI-388,--VCl-!-r-bxcavatlon ancl (No.) (srREEri FIETD COPY (C ONT R'S L I CENSEJ {TYPE OF IMPROVEMEiIT} (NO.) ( PROPOSEO USE) ZON INGAr(LocarroN) 1750 S. Frontaqe Rd. South {sTREET) 0-6 o ID oz o l! NO ACTlVITY OR CORRsEPONDENCE ON THIS FILE' TO BE REFUNDED Flood Plaln permlt application ( CROSS STREET) f lLt Lor - stzE FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION {cRogs 5rF5Er, oN_ BUILOING IS TO BE - FT. TTIIOE EY - FT. LONG AY TO TYPE USE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDAT ION (TYPE' cqnpleted - Allor+ed use recottmend for approval - RE MA R KS: See Permit Erik Edeen, Env. Health #1848 for Fee PERMIT,KAREA OR VOLUME esrr"oreo cost $ ( CI.JBI C,/ 5Q IJAF E FEEl) o*n.^ Spruqe Creek Townhomes ooo*r.. Box 1875, Va{l, Co. I NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND CORRECTION REQUEST CARPENTRY UNLIMITED, INC; CARL DIETZ; I^IESTERN LAND & SEA CORP.; and ALL OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES SPRUCE CREEK T0WNH0USES AT VAIL, 1750 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado - Floodplain Permjt #l - A 6.2-acre parcel along the South Frontage Road East of the jntersection of Gore Drive within the West Half of the Southvrest Quarter, Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 l,lest of the Sixth Princjpal llenidian AN INSPECTI0N 0F the above-referenced property on December 'l , .l980, with the Army Corps of Engineers revealed the following vio'l atjons of Eagle County's Floodplain Regulations and Eagle County's Subdivjsion Regulations: l. VI0LATI0N of Section 6-402(2)(b)(c) - Eagle County Floodplain Regulations: Soljd waste materials and solid debris are bejng dumped into the 100-year f'loodpla'in and be'ing dumped into the area of the normal high water elevation and a limited amount of material is lreing dumped'into the stream which is currently at low water flow within the boundaries of the Floodprone District. 2. VIOLATI0N of Section 6-403(2)(d)(e) - Eagle County Floodplain Regulations: Solid waste materials and soljd debris are being dumped into the 100-year floodplain and be'ing dumped into the area of the normal h'igh water elevation and a limited amount of material is being dumped into the stream which is cumently at 'low water flow within the boundaries of the Floodway Djstrict. 3. VIOLATI0N of Section 6-404(2)(b)(c) - Eagle County Floodplain Regulations: Solid waste materials and solid debris are being dumped into the 100-year floodplain and being dumped into the area of the normal high water elevation and a limited amount of materia1 is being dumped into the stream which is currently at'low water flow within the boundaries of the Floodfringe District. 4. VIoLATIoN of Section 6-508(2)(U)(e)(i)(ij) - Easre County Floodplain Regulations: (a) Failure to comply with prohibitions restrictions and design standards; (b) Possible and most likely increase in depth of the floodway for fill activitjes; (c) Possible and most likely increase in flow velocities due to fill and narrowing of the Floodway/Floodplain channel . 4z''rrf*'.-t"4t? TO: RE: , 5. VIoLATI0N of Section 6'-703 - Eagle County Floodplain Regulations: Failure to comply with permit requirements. Floodplain Permit "l for Spruce Creek Townhouses at Vajl states: "Th'is perm'i t authorizes the Applicant to...construct condo- mjniums and do s'ite grading on the condition that all act'ivi- ties are located outside the i00-year F1 oodplain per statements in the application and s'i te p1 an..." Th'is permit was issued and approved by the Permit Authority 0ciober 29' .l980. CORRECTION REQUEST SPRUCE CREEK TOI,INHOUSES AT VAIL, BOX 388, VAIL, COLORADO 81657' IS HEREBY REQUESTED TO: (l) Stop a1l further work on the project that is jn violation of Eagle County Regul ations; (2) Submit vrithin 30 days a reasonable plan of compliance for correcting the above vjolations to include at a mjnimum the following: (a) Method of remov'ing dirt, rocks, asphalt, refuse, and other debris from the Floodplain Districts and the 30-foot setback; (b) Plan for recontouring the ground to restore the land within reason (as near as is possible) to the natural state within the 30-foot setback per requirements of the Eagle county Subdivision Regulations, Sectjon 5.06.0.l ; (c) Plan for revegetating the area w'i th natural native grasses and shrubs within the 30-foot setback and floodplain limits; (d) Set date for implementation and completion of all restora- tion activ'i ties i:ot io cxceed 6 mcnths. FAILURE T0 C0MPLY with the above N0TICE 0F VIOLATI0N AND C0RRECTION REQUEST will result in further actjon from thjs office. I am wilfing to meet with you at the site to discuss further restora- tion pians or other aspects of thjs NOTICE. ERIK l.I. EDEEN Acting Floodplain Administrator/ Environmental Health Planner "'Ew / F,i:i: ""?'".Tl#t|ft, Review Bouting Form ( ) ".1HJi^TJ ":,:'J 3 i'' ",G * r Primaiy Routing (,4 Rerouting lo-ao -8o Date --&a-u+ez&-A*a"Appl icarrt fu++@'u-- /a4a/ Va.^:/ Review and return to the County Building Official within 6 working days P|annir rg Commission File No. Permit No. P lanning: Complies with: Subdivision Regul ations Zoning Regulations Site Pl an (Landscaping) Reviewed by: Recommend Approval : No Etr tr YesIn Dn Date: Cor-nmer,ts: County Engineer: Roads Grading . Drainage Comments: Recommend Approval : nnn D Dn D tr ;dCounty Health: Water' Sanitation Perc. test Comments: fI Dtrtr nnDK , Recommend Approval : t€t1u-*t'r /1r'"/42 4Lz<Final Inspection: C/O Recommend Approval Co;'nments: ntr Firral Inspection: Landscapi Recommend Approval Commerrts: ngND C./O lssued Final Filing Date by Date EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATI ON FrNAL: C/O tNSpECrrf LANDSCjPE INSPECI|ON F{)4 Seview Routing Form (/[ Primary Routing ( ) Reror]tiilg- Ztcalt*z)-i + Fe:;Z z--/;,-- €rccr9'*2)i + F&'-Z;7'.;; ^,r/- - -U=14-@- -EEau+ azz'&-Ceg& A Daie Referred Applicant Permit No. <1-t L6cation J.i1 .r- ,, /AJ //JEZ. Y .!/t ,-a+:-'/ - . /1 Plarrnir rg Commission File No./{r}tl /te----tt Review and return to the County Building Off icial within 6 working days P lanning: Complies with: Subdivi sion Begul ations Zoning Regulations Site Plan (Landscaping) Yes Dtrtr B \ RecommendApproval : 6 //Ao,- No Etr n Reviewed Date: OrnmelrtS: County Engineer: Roads Grading . Drainage I Dn tr trtr D!Recommend Approval : Comments: County Health: Water S an itation Perc . test Comments: Final Inspection: C/O Recommend Approval Co,'nments: Recommend Approval : ! Dtr K- trtrtrn //) -ntr r!- li16'r,-..\L /.5 J. g, c'r/t zlzzt + Firral Inspect ion: Landscapi Recommend Approval Commerrts: n9nn c/o Final QE!-:* - lssued Filing Date by Date BUrLuflG PERMTT APPucn?roN Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION I 1750 5. Frontage Rd. South, Va1l, Colorado 8165'7 I o E5C R.{f}:et errecxro snrrty owx El MAIL aDoi€ss pxofrE2 Spruce Creek Tor,rnhomes at Vail Box 1875, Vat1, Eolo. A1657 4'?6-3161 coxtiacTor M,rl! ^DoiEs3 pxor{c LtcE[sE no.3 f,arpentry LJnllmited, Inc. Box 388, VaiI, CoIo. 4'76-2100 ai cH ttEc r or oEst6rEi4 Arthur LJise Architects 1026 Bannock, Denver, Co.5'73-95t+2 c-6'76 u5E 0F !U rLO|lr 67 Residential - condominiums 8 Class of worK: N ilEW D AODITTON D ALTERATION N REPAIR tr MOVE D REMOVE 9 Describe work. Construct neu condominiums - Excavation I foundations only Phase II - Buildings D&E l0 Change of use from Change of ure to l1 Valuation olwork: $ 20,O00.00 PLAN CHECK FEE PE RM rr FEE 1l+U.50 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size ot Bldg. (Total) 5a. Ft. No. of Storiei Fire Sprinkter5 Required f]\',e. lNoAPPLICATION ACC€PIEO BY FLAiIS CH€C|<ED AY apPRoveD foa tssuANcc BY OFFST REET PARKING SPACES. NOT ICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIREO FOR ELECTRTCAL, PLUMB- ING, H€ATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC-TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OF ABANDONEOFOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. | llEREqY CERTtF\/ THAT r HAVE REAO ANO EXAMTNED TH|S 4p?LLc_4M_l'l_4 ry o 6Now rHE sAME ro sE rnuiAND i-rjinecr.ALL pRovtstoNs oF LAws AND oRDtNANces covenrurr.ic rHtsIyqE 9F woRK wrLL BE coMpLtEo wlrH wnErxEh spEcrrrioHERETN oR Nor- THE GRANTTNG op e penuri ooEs Hoi?BEsulrq ro ctve AUTHoRrry ro vroLATE on cn-ru-cE r rHE?8qyLsrory€ oF ANv orHER srere bn lbbal lAw nLcr.lfArrrvccoNsrRUcrroN oR THE penronlaande oi cbr.is-i-n-u-b r ror.r. 5roi/ruRE o7l9!iriAcrof oi ^!\rHor,zEo acEx /O .ro -?a Not Requ ired HEALTH OEPT. F IRE DEPT. SO IL REPORT OTHER (Sp€clfy ) PROPERLY VALIDATED (ITT THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT r/ PERMIT VALIDATION A-## zoss Form 100.1 1-77 INSPECTOR BUTDTRG PERMTT APPLrcfiroN Juridiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. I 1750 S. Frontage Rd. South, UaiJ., Colorado I ots cr.{[st t rrrecr:o sxe crr MAr! AOOi E3s ttP PXOITE2 Spruce Creek Torrrnhomes at Val1 Box 18?5, ValI, CoIo. 8165'7 476-3161 co|{ tilc roR MltL aooREss PHoNE3 Carpentry Unllmited, Inc. Box 388, Vai1, Eolo. t+'76-21OO alcS I YEc t ot DE3 tCfJEn4 Arthur Ljise Architects '1026 Bannock, Denver, Co.5'13-95t+2 LICENSE NO. c-676 u5a ol !ut to||r c7 Residential - condominiums 8 CIASSOfWOTK: EruEW DAODITTON DALTERATION EREPAIR E]MOVE NREMOVE 9 gescribe work. Construct neu condominiums - Excavation & foundations only Phase II - Bulldinqs D&E l0 Change of use from Change of use to ll Valuation of work: g 20,UOO.O0 PLAN CHECK FEE PE RM rr FEE 1q0.5u SPECIAL CONDITIONS:Occu pancy Group Size ot 81d9. (Totarl Sq. Ft. No, ol Storiea Fire Sprinklers Reauired n\,es CNoAPFIICATION ACCEFTEO BY PLANS CHECK€O BY APPROVEO fOF ISSt]ANC€ 8Y No. ot Dwelllng Unlt! OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: Covered I Uncovered NOT IC E SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIBEO FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT AECOMES NULL AND VOtD IF WORK OR CONSTRUC.TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS. ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONEDFOR A PERIOD OF I2O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMM ENCED. I ]{EREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINED THIS 4 PPL LC_{T !O-N ANO KNOW THE SAME .rO Ae rnUE er.to connecr.ALL PROVTSTONS OF LAWS ANO OROTNANCES COvenr.l|iiC rxrSIyqE_.qF,woRK wtLL BE coMpLtEo wrrH wseruen sCEcrrteoFE8ETN oR Nor- THE GRANTTNG or n pehvtr ooES ruoipBE9u!4E T-o gilvE AUTHoRtry ro VToLAT€ oA ce-r.r-cEi_ rxE?Boyr9toNs oF ANv orHER srATE oR LocAL LAw CecuiArrruccoNsrRucrroN oR THE pERFoRMANCE oi Co Hir-n-utr r oru. srcxlfurE orJ!l!Tr^croi or anl'ko.rlco acfr|r (orrr) i O -ro -to ZON ING HEALTH OEPT. FIRE OEPT. SOIL REPORT OIHE R (Spoclly) N PFOPERLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUF PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION A4t# rots Form 100.1 t-77 PERMIT VALIDATION INSPECTOR f JOB NAME 'N#ctoNTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL (., ///]^CALLER TUES ,"rL@READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR n FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED O DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR t 'N toN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL ''z oer= ?/-?/,?/ JoB NAME / / t/ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING E] ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr HEATING BOUGH - tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL a! I t DISAPPROVED EINSPECTION BEQUIRED ,O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: =tG:-- to l-_ 'a' ' ,e lr.rsFEg^lT.oN- BFOUESTTOWN OF VAIL t./-t< /rt , 1,"., /^. ta1E t.'r/ z- ) ,/ / / JOB NAME _ "7 I i '' -. r-t.c L,' CALLER READY FoR TNSPECIoN: MoN ruES di) ttut FRI LocA'oN: ,11 "(. f zf< "'*-- -AM F/l-.( I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION - O GAS PIPING---------7----.-- ,1 /l E\SHEETROCK NAIL /t..; L' k<.!- tr POOL / H.TU// trtn tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRlCAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT n D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED CORRECTIONS: t ! are 6-- z a-4? rNspEcro oo BURK LAND SURVEYINE trtr. JAM ES BURK PHONE (303) 524-9414 BOX t4 GYPSUM, COLORADO 8I637 January 14, 1980 Mr. Terrell Knj-ght Eagle County Planning Department Eagle, Colorado 81631 ne: s*-t12-80-F Dear Terrell, We have checked the Plat of SS-112-80-F and have found it to be complete and accurate with the following exceptions: Page 1 f) 30' setback from Gore Creek should be shown and labeled. 2I Since Lot #1 is referred to in the Legal Descriptionit should be shown on the plat. 3) Would "westerly" better describe the location of the4 courses in the lega1 description for the boundaryof Vail Village West Filing No. 2 ? 4I The location of the sewer easement, by dimensions,at its entrance into the property should be shown, dj-mensions as stated are vague. 5I Since the party walls and exterior walls are vertical elements the d.imensions on the East and West wal1s should be the same for all three levels. Page 2 Main level IT-TnIEE-T , 2, 3, and 4 ilo not close. 2) Fireplaces should have (0.84?) dimensions given. 3I Limited Common Elements should have dimensions given. Lower levelI-)-uTTEs-f; 2, 3, and. 4 do not c1ose. 2) Limited Common Elements should have dimensions given. 3) Back wall of garages should have wall dimensions given. 4I Party wall between Units 2 and 3 should have walI dimensions qiven. -too BURK IAND SURVEYINE| trtr. JAME3 AURK PHONE (3031 524-9114 Bc'X t4 GYPSUM. COLORADO 8I 637 Page 2Re: Sn-112-80-F Upper levelI) Unit 1 does not close. If you have any guestions, pJ-ease call B. James Burk. Sincerely, 8,,2r"-8r,r1 B./James Burk Proj€ct Name: Proj€ct DescriPtion: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: r' Prolect Application Legal DescriPtion: Lol Block Filing Zone.. Zoning Approv€d: Deslgn Review Board Morion by: T t"+'tK S€conded by: DISAPPROVALftr,k-(z?rn l&{lft'ry/a6).stTE rtel Summary: Chief Building Olficial Io ruEDWsA ,Petur Nor To *'m l??ol @-oru,r sroil @ %ofeb 36-/ # (il gfrc9 WfD -3t/ c{ Br re 8i'* *-*@') lonn Q.)- &rLlilr -rowt/ 3,,o /t lt -r)' \'? March 9, 1981 Toun of Vall Vail., Colorado Att: Deslgn Revue Board re: SEruce Creek Tournhtrmea at VaiI Gentlemen: The above pmJect u,as an approved subdivislon by Eagle Eounty before the annexatlon of the area by the Toun of Uall. Slnce the annexatlon, thle eubdlvislon haa been accepted by the Tor,ln of ValI under its zontng of lrlest Vail- and as origlnalLy approved by Eagle County. This proJect ie nobr enterlng Phase II of its constructlon. All of the materlaL requested by the Board ues orlginalLy submitted to the Eagle County Plannlng Eonrnlesion and the Eagle County Gonrnlssloners. Thls materlal should be found ln our file turned over bv the Countv to the Toun of Vall. If you require any further lnformation, please do not hesltate ts contact us. AT VAIL Carpenlry Unlimited, Inc. Port Officc gox 566, Vail, Colorado 61 557 Very truly yours, MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTI]D I. NEW CONSTRUCTION 1C na and site lan of sitc corrtainin *'hc fol low (3 copies) : l. Licensed engineerts or surveyorrs stanP. 2. Contour intervals of not more than 2r unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or nore, in which case, 5t contour intervals will be accePted. 3, Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4rr or tnore. one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent strearns, etc,). 5. Avalanche are-as, 100 year flood ptain and slopes 40% or rnore, if applicable. 6, Ties to existing benchnark, either USGS landnark or sewer invert. 7. Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off culverts, swales, etc. b. Exact locations of all utilities to proposed service lines from sources include:cable TV telephone sewer water gas e I ect ric c.. Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed driveways wlth percent slope and spot elevations e. All easenents 8. Existing and finished grades 9. A11 existing and proposed improvenents including structules, landscaPed areas, service areas, storage areas, walks, driveways, off-street parking, loading areas, and other site inprovements. 10. Elevatj.ons of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shor,n underneath) to deterrnine height of building. A statement from each utility verifying locatio} of.serllice and availability. To be si.rbmitted with site plan. Landscapc Plan (lt = 201 or larger) " 3 copies l. Show the location of 4t' diarneter trees, other shrubs and native plant.s that are on the site and the location and design of proposcd landscape area with the varieties and approlirnate sizes of plant matcr:ials to be planted, 2, Conplete landscape materials list. 3. Designate trccs to be saved and those to be lost. NOTII: As much of thc above information as possible should occur on the site p1an, so that the inter-r'elation of thc various conlponcnts is clcar. Thc landscapc plan shotlld bc scpar- atc. 'l'he c'xisting topographic lncl vcgctat j"on..rl charactorj.s;tics nay be a sePoratc nraP. llowever, this inforrnation rnust ol)lcilr on thc sitc plan. A. site showing size and type of include existing soutces and to the structure. Utilities to B. c. D, Prelirninary title report to acconpany all submittals, to insure Property ffi l. 2. !,tust include floor plans and all elevations as they will appear Elevations must show both existing ancl finishcd grades. Exterior surfacing materials and colors shal1 be specified and for review on the nuterials list availabl.c fron the Departnent Development on completion. submitted of Corununity a F. Ttre Design Review Board may reqrl-ire the subnission.of addi!iglal-Pl_ans, .drawings,g a nodef) if deemed neces- sary to determine whether a project wilI cornply with design guidelines. II MINOR ALTEMTIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photos or sketches that clearly indicate what plan) of proposal may be subnitted in lieu of above, as long as they provide all irnportant colors and naterials. to be used. IIl, ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMIvIERCIAI is proposed and the location (site the more formal requirements given specifications for the proposal including Original floor plans with all specifications shown Fl.oor plan for addition - 3 copies Site plan showing existing and proposed construction - 5 copies Elevations of addition Photos of existing structure Specifications for all naterials and color samples on naterials list available at Department.of Comrnunity Development. IV. FINAL SITE PLAN @ithasbeenissued,andwhentheprojectisunderway,thefollowing will be required before any building receives a frarning inspection from the Building Departrnent: A certified inprovenent survey showing: A. Building locations with ties to property corners, i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to nearest tenth of foot, C. AII utility service lines as-builts showing size of lines, type of naterial used" and exact locations. 3 copies D. Drainage as-builts - 3 copies : . Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F. All property pins are to be either found or, set and stated on nap. G. A11 easenents. A. B. c. D. E. F. !;rJ l::'. 1il lJllc':' i'. i.,i ilrili'. , il:'jr1:lt.rii t t.r'r': ,'r'i::l- l;si. '.,r,.,i ;irt,i 1irr,.-1, 1i; b(' lr,':i -:'!t '|rlni":reF' 'I."IST OF IvIATIRIALS NAME OF PROJECT 5PRI.6E CREEK TOIINHOMES AT VAIL LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT BTOCK FILING Ujest VaiI - 1'160 S Frontaoe Rd. Uest DESCR1pTION OF F;O1ECT Total project to consist of ll Tounhomes - 12 units have been conetructed in Phase I - Phase 1I ulilL consist of 9 unlts the following information is Board before a final approval A. BUILDING MATERIALS Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails F lues Flashings Chimneys trasn Encl osures Greenhous es 0ther PLANT MATERIALS (Vegetative, Landscapi.ng Botanical Name required for submittal can be given: by the applicant to the Design Review Color natural Typ.e of Matgial Shake shinql.es B. Cedar natural-sealed&oiled Rouoh saun timber dark broun Rough saun cedar dark broun Metal. and olass dark broun UJood dark broun Cedar & rough saLln timber natural - dark brourn Metal dark broun Metal dark broLjn Cedar natural Trees,Shrubs,Materials including Common Name and Ground Cover) Size PER SUBMITTED LANDSEAPE PLAN C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (Retaining Wal1s, Fences, RETAININE UNLLS - o Swinming Pools, etc.) Please specify. tlmber atalned dark broun NAME OF PRO]ECT DESISI REVIEW BOARD CHECK LIST LEGAT DESCRIPTION LOT A. Building Considerations BTOCK F IL ING Prelim. Final Approval Approval Corunent s Bldg location on site Bldg Configuration Appropriateness with Neighborhood Height Mass Roof Forns Use of Materials Choice of Color Energy Efficiency B. Site Consideratiog Disturbance of Natural Features Snow Removal Access onto Site Vehicular and Pedes- trian circulation Landscaping Plan Grading G Drainage Erosion ContTol Irrigation System Exterior Lighting Retaining l{a1ls Accessory Structures C. Miscellaneous Considerations D.Other Comrnent s FINAL APPROVAL Snature RE: CARPENTRY UI|D.UTED, INC; CARL DIETZ; I^IESTERNOD & SEA CORP.; and ALL OTHER iNTERESTED PARTIES SPRUCE CREEK TOWNH0USES Al VAIL, 1750 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado - Floodplain Permit #l - A 6.2-acre parcel along the South Frontage Road last of the intersection of Gote Drive within the t^lest Half of the Southvrest Quarter, Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 lJest of the Sixth Principal lleridian AN INSPECTI0N 0F the above-referenced property on December I, '1980, with the Army Corps of Engineers revealed the following violations of Eagle County's F1 oodplain Regulat'ions and Eagle County's Subdivision Regulations: l. VI0LATI0N of Section 6-402(2)(b)(c) - Eagle County Floodplain Regulations: Solid waste materials and solid debris are being dumped into the '100-year floodplain and being dumped into the area of the normai high water elevation and a limjted amount of material is being dumped into the stream which is cumently at low water flow within the boundaries of the Floodprone District. 2. VI0LATI0N of Section 6-403(2)(d)(e) - Eagle County Floodplain Regulations: Solid waste materjals and solid debris are being dumped into the 1O0-.year floodplain and being dumped into the area of the normal high water elevation and a limited amount of material is being dumped into the stream whjch is currently at low water flow within the boundaries of the Floodway D'i strict. 3. VI0LATI0N of Section 6-404(2)(U)(c) - Eagle County Floodplain Regulations: Solid waste materials and soljd debris are being dumped into the 10O-year fl oodplain and being dumped into the area of the normal high water elevation and a limited amount of material is being dumped into the stream which is currently at low water flow within the boundaries of the Floodfringe Djstrict. 4. VI0LATI0N of Sectjon 6-508(2)(b)(e)(i)(ii) - Eagle County Floodplain Regulations: (a) Failure to comply with prohibitions resdrictions and design standards; (b) Possible and most likely increase jn depth of the floodlay for fill activities; (c) Possible and most likely jncrease in flow velocjties due to fjll and narrowing of the Floodway/Floodplain channel . t 5. VIoLATIoN of Section 6-703 - Eagle County Floodpiain Regulatjons: Failure to cornply with permit requirements. Floodplajn Permjt #l for Spruce Creek Townhouses at Va'i I states: "This pernit authorjzes the Applicant to...construct condo- miniums and do site grading on the condition that all activi- ties are located outside the 1O0-year Floodplain per statements in the applicat'ion and site p1 an..." This permit was issued and approved by the Permit Authority Qctober 29, .l980. CORRECTION REQUEST SPRUCE CREEK TOI,INHOUSES AT VAIL, BOX 388, VAIL, COLORADO 8]657' IS HEREBY REQUESTED TO: (1) Stop all further work on the project that is in violation of Eagle Cognty Regulations; (2) Submit tryithin 30 days a reasonable plan of compliance for correct'i ng the above violations to include at a minimum the following: (a) Method of removing dirt, rocks, asphalt, refuse, and other debris from the Floodplain Djstricts and the 30-foot setback; (b) Plan for recontouring the ground to restore the land within reason (as near as is possible) to the natural state with'in the 30-foot setback per requirements of the Eagle county Subdivision Regulations, Section 5.06.01 ; (c) Plan for revegetating the area with natura'l native grasses and shrubs within the 30-foot setback and f1 oodp'l ain limits; (d) Set date for tion activities not to FAILURE T0 COMPLY with REQUEST will result in further implementation and comp'letion of all restora- exceed 6 months. the above NOTICE action from this OF VIOLATION AND CORRECTION offi ce. I am willing to meet with you at the site to discuss further restora- t'ion plans or other aspects of thjs N0TICE. Acti ng Floodpla j n Admjnistrator/ Environmental Health Planner EE o EXHIBIT 6 BOARD OF CO,UNTY COI']I'IISSiONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. BO - PERMIT ISSUED TO CONDUCT A DESIGNATED ACTIVITY OF STATE INTEREST OR TO ENGAGE IN DEVELOPMENT IN A DESIGNATED AREA OF STATE INTEREST IN THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO PERMIT NO. 1 Pursuant to the Guidel'i nes and Regu'l ations for Areas and Activities of State Interest of the County of Eag1e, State of Colorado, heretofore adopted by the Board of County Commjssioners of Eagie County, said County has received an app'l ication from Spruce Creek Townhouses at Vail ., (hereinafter called "Appljcant") for a perm'it involv'ing the following matter(s) of State interest: Development of an approved use in a Flood Hazard area. and has approved that application. This permit authorjzes the Applicant: l. To construct condominiums and do site gradi n on the condi ti on that all act'ivities are located outside the 100-rFl lain per statements in the application and site I an. 2. RSM e^ano_No oT >ect l on 3. For the foliorving period:Interim Permit to be issued for an 0n the follolving described tract of land: A 6.2 acre parcel in the Zone alonq the south fronta e road east of the intersection of Gore 12, indefinite period of timel Final Permit to be issued upon I etion of the construct'ion and the grading and landscaping.** ** Applicant rrrust call the Envrlronmental Health 0ffice (328-73.|.|) upon completion of the construction for base floor elevations and first-floor eleyatjons; upon completion of grading; and upon cornpletion of landscaping so that Final Pernit may beissued. esC-/t." o 4. In accordance with the plans,and/or spccifications approved by the Permit Authority on the Zgr% day of 0ctober , 19 80, as vte'l 'l as the Guidelines and Regulations for Areas and Activities of State Interest of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, adopted by Eagle County for: F'loodpl+-in--Haza+C-*Feas'-adeBted Aoril'14. .|980. 5. 0n the condition that the Applicant proceeds in con- formity with all app'licable Federal and State Statutes aid Regulations as well as all appl'icable local 'land use controls including, but not limited to, master plans, subdivjsion regulations, zoning ordjnance and building code. This permit shall not be effective unti'l: '1. Applicant has filed the proper security with the Permit Authority, pursuant.to the provisions of the Ad- m'inistrative Regulations of this jurisdiction in the amount of ($ g/, 76 ). 2. The designation of and guidef ines for the appropriate matter(s) have been finally determined pursuant to C.R.S., 1973, 124-65.1-404. This permit is valid for use only by the Applicant and may not be transferred. In the event that the Applicant fails to take substantial steps to initiate the above deve'l opment or activity vrithin tlelve ('l 2) months from the date cf this permit, or, if such steps are taken, in the event the App'l icant fajls to compiete the development or activity with reasonable djligence, this permit may be revoked by the Perrnit Authority.. DATED THIS 31tl day of /zbler Permit Authority 4.;<; ze 66 zz , 1980. EAGLE nnteroffnee nnemn@rendunn Toi Eagle County Board of County Cornmissioners Subject: Recommendations for Floodplain Permit - Spruce Creek Townhouses at Vail From r Erik W. Edeen, Environmental Health Officer File No.:Deter 0ctober 27, 1980 Pursuant to the Guidelines and Regulations for Areas and Activities of State Interest of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, and the Floodplain Regulations, Chapter 6, Section 6-503. Application for Permit states: "... (2) Not later than ten days fo1 lowing rece'ipt of a completed app'l ication for a permit to engage in development in a Floodway District, a Floodfringe D'i strict or a Floodprone District, the Permjt Authority shall determjne and set a fee in an amount necessary to cover the costs incurred jn the review and approval or disapproval of the permit application,'inc1 uding a'l t hearings conducted therefor, and shall notify the applicant in writing of said fee and its amount..." Regarding this permit fee, I propose that we set the fee schedu'le at $20 per hour staff time. This includes staff review, clerical time, office supplies, overhead' field time, research. (See below for Hearing }Jaiver Request) l^lith the heani ng waiver request, t'ime spent on this project has been about 3 hours for staff review, field time and 'i nspection, clerical and office supplies. 3 hrs x $20lhr. = $60 Xeroxing costs =x 5 copies each G ..|5 each 13 pages 65 pages $e.75 rJ Mi'l eage Costs for site inspection = 60 mites @ .20lmi = $.|2.00 Therefore, Staff Rev'iew costs, Xeroxing costs, proj ect .this particular I recommend that we set the permit fee for this permit at $91 .75 as per the above itemized expenses . i g/, f6 ' ''/4r//'t ''''/ and Mj]eage costs equal about $9.l.75 for HEARING I,IAIVER REQUEST I recommend that the Permit Authority the HB'1041 Regu'lations, Section l-303 that this Permit Hearinq be waived as regul ations. ;/za-n'"-7n27 waive the requirement as stated in - Notice of Permit Hearing. I request this use is an allowed use as Per the 4 z. sa. z'A* P! - firt EAGLE GO nntcrof f nce nne nn@ remd um Tc-: Board of Eagle County Commjssioners Subject! SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS - SPRUCE CREEK TOWNHOU: From: Erik l^i. Edeen, Environmental Health 0fficer File No.:Date: 0ctober 27, 1980 E: According to the HB'l 04.| and the appended F'loodplain Regulations, the following submiss'ion requirements are necessary for each Floodplain perm'it application. Belovr are the items requ'i red for submission and the act'ion done with each: 'l . Compl eted app'l i cat'i on - Attached . 2. Plan certified by registered professional engineer showing: a) Boundaries of the Floodplain District - attached b) The exjstjng zoning of the property - attached and titled "Item #16" c) The nature of the proposed activity or development - attached as (2a) d) Building floor elevations - attached as letter from John MacKown' RPE, re: proposed building floor elevations e) Proposed floodproofing measures - not applicable in this situation f) Specificatjons for building construction and materials, filling' dredging' grading, channel changes, storage of materials, water supply systems' ind sanitary facjlities - none of the items in (f) are attached S) Descri ptions of any construction activity which wou'l d affect the hydrau'l ic capacity of the flooduray - not applicable'in this situatjon 3. Maps or drawings identifying or descrjbing the fo'llowing: a) A map showing the stream and channel - this map is the same as Item (2a)' above and iniludes the base flood elevation stud'ies attached. A map with surface view showing e1 evations or contours of the-ground; pertinent structures; fi'l I or storage elevations; size; location and spatial arrangement of all proposed and exisitng structures on the site; and locat'ion and elevation of streets, roads, water supply systems, sanitary facilities, and soil types - This map is the same as (2a) where appficable' but does not show the e'l evation of the streets. c) Drawings showing the profile of the bottom of the channel at the thaiweg and the urater surface profi'les - attached 4. The applicant shall submit the elevation (in relation to mean sea leve1) of the lbwest floor (inc1 uding basement) of the structures and, where the lowest floor is below grade on one or more sides, the elevation of the floor immediately above. b) --The proposed elevations are in RPE John l'lacKown; the as-built completion of the buildings. the attached letter (2d) from elevations must be completed after Floodproofing - not applicable in this situation. EXHIBIT 6 o APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO CONDUCT A DESIGNATED ACTIVITY OF STATE INTEREST OR TO ENGAGE IN DEVELOPMENT IN A DESIGNATED AREA OF STATE INTEREST Permit Authority,)*h C,''^^,{A"*,To: Re: From: Date Submi Date Recei FreGpIone) tted:, o. t-o h 4166 /t/-1 ved: /A_Za._ /a E.E. a!@-f .-_" 'l . Matter of State Interest. The applicant requests that a permit be issued for each of the items checked below: A permit to engage.in development jn one or more of the following areas of State interest: ( ) Mineral resource areas ( ) Geologic hazard areas --.. ( ) wildlife hazard areas N Flood hazard areas ( ) Historical and archaeological resource areas ( ) Significant wildl'ife areas hab'itats ( ) Shorelands of major publicly-owned reservoirs ( ) Areas around a'i rports ( ) Areas around major facilities,of a public utiiity ( ) Areas around interchanges involving arterial highways ( ) Areas around rapid or mass transit facilities C*^" -\-nt.-=€^'"\eht-N.\G^.\ \\r"- , a matter of state interest. (nlot+A urr) Q-t . Vltd c{'rt- L(ou -68- A permit to State i nterest: o con Permitl'ptttn Form -- P' 2 duct one or m*r of the fol'l owing activ'ities of ( ) Site selection and construction of major new domestic water and sewage treatment systems ( ) Major extensions of existing domestic water and sewage treat- ment systems ( ) Site selection and development of solid waste disposal sites ( ) Site selection of airports ( ) Site se]ection of rapid or mass transit facilities ( ) Site selection and constructjon of maior facilities of a public utility ( ) Site selection and development of new communiti.es ( ) Efficient utilization of municipal and industrial water projects ( ) Conduct of nuclear detonations 2. Proposed Activity or Development. General description of the spec'i fic actjvity or development pro- posed (attach additional sheets 'if necessaryl' (l*t^s{J"ir o{ 3. General Description. A general , non-legal description and the popular name, if any'of the (attachtract of land upon wh'ich the activity or development is to be conducted additional sheets if necessary)t Sp^-.t C^rr{ Ti'q\t^h-t"r "lt 1750 South Frontage Road West - Val.l- Also see attached entitled "Drainage Study for Spruce Creek Townhouses" 4. Legal DescriPtion. The lega1 description, including the acreage, of the tract of land upon which the development or the activity is to be conducted, by metes and bounds or by government survey description (attach additjonal sheets if necessary)' l-)sD S. f+^.,c*.}{l (/ U)r.E{. ' a e .z a"r" o.r".r ln the Residential Suburban Medium density zope. qlong the South Fpontage Roail eastof the intereer.+i nn nf ccfe Dfive and- Nerth lrfbntqge [€-d;- W*!h*n ' tie WeF b h- of the Southwest L of Section l-2, Townshlp 5 6th Prlncipal- Meridian. -ov- G) DMINAGE STUDY' for SPRUCE CREEK TOI.INIIOUSES PurPose: To decermlne peak flows for 10 year and 100 year sEorms as requlred by Eagle Councy Subdivision Regulations for Spruce Creek Townhouses. Addition- ally, Ehe limits of any flooding are Eo be lndlcaEed and Eire design of app- ropiaEe tlrainage facillties to accomodaEe Ehe anclcipated flows vlthin the develo pmen E ScoPe: -'lcc^-ao *bct,ffi ' (tlti.aDven .xc3a.,.fiilt*l€ty tq|t{gw, -r!*d"'.},!i|r}*s1;+r{tst qs tr'1Tr'1'1. $l0tg"t|{U'cottilf hlrrtG||Id"ffitqtr.Qi0r ?h,l.ffitntfisdarr.of. *br' fmprilr in ; s'f .Cr.t Sfcdllc" f Fe6' a"r'tcd'o3"r|r||rF 20e _,drrrlrrntr(*rcraaf,!.noo *cf .lMlGLtr 'rff€cilt' to ttr rlrcrcrccr*oilnitlFtrh ffi.:*r&oil{Ln lbn}rfr*n*uhnl&.-Fhe,depfon'.*l,rgartt6ltfiul*L t iqnnT.{ES e* 'Sm lso 'r3*''Teqchf*t.fim$il RH;t'ns;1rcilt$*raltililt4t$to*rbfliril*lao r r The development is anticipated t.o contain approximately 38 units upon completlon. A11 unics will be served by :r private drive which loops off of the south fronEage road of Interstate 70. Parki.ng w111 be aE che ratlo of 2.5 spaces per unit with 38 units to be garages and 57 spaces to be un- covered.' The proposed development lies within Lhe Gore creek drainag,e basin. No live sEreams exist within Ehe development wiEh the excepLion of "Gore creek whlch flows along Ehe souEhern boundary. Flows generaced by Ehe InterstaCe system will flow along the norlherly bouridary of Che properCj in the road diCches to a point where lt enters Gore Creek west of Ehe developmeni.' . ' Permit npication Form -- p. 3 5. 0wners and Interests. Set out below the names of those persons holding recorded legal , equitable, contractual and option interests and any other person known to the app'l 'icant having an interest in the property described in paragraph 4, above, as well as the nature and extent of those interests for each person, provided that such recorded interests shall be limited to those which are recorded in the County Recorder's 0ffice of this jurisdiction, the land office of the Bureau of Land l4anagement for this State, the 0ffice of the State Board of Land Commissjoners of the Department of Natural Resources, or the Secretary of State's Office of this State (attach additional sheets if necessary): tc$+tl-nU"^.{t l bf \,r 6. Submiss'ion Requirements. Submission requirements described in the regulations which have been adopted by this jurisdiction for each of the activities or areas checked in paragraph 'l , above, are attached to this application. Those attaihments are identified, by lejter pr number, and described by t'itle below: ltee a V/2412-/)7. Desiqn and Performance Standards. ,n" ot the cles'lgn ano Perlormance standards set forth in the regulat'ions for each of the activ'it'i es or areas checked in paragraph l, above, urill be met. The individual analyses are identified by reference to the appropriate paragraph or section numbers corresponding to each standard in the appropriate regulations adopted by this j uri sd'icti on. 8. Master Plan. a . Does th'i s acti vi ty or of this jurisdictjon? b. If it does not comply,please explain how it does not comp'ly. 9. Addjtional Information Requ'ired .b.y Local Government Attach any additional information required by this iurjsdictjon. o developrnelt comp'ly with the master plan Yes \ No -70- Permrl apniQron Forrn -- P. 4 permit for a perioa or t^.clr(w.h\ 10. The Duration of Permit. applicant requests a ft^J O,"r^,r.-- (Title) NOTE:ll|ithin ten (10) days fo1 lowing receipt of a completed application for a permit, the Permit Authority shall determine and set a fee in an amount necessary to cover the costs incurred in the review and approval of the permit application, including a1'l hearings conducted therefor, and shal 1 notify the applicant in writing of said fee and its amount. Not'later than ten (.|0) days fo'llowing his receipt of such notice, the applicant shall present to the Permit Authority non-refundable cert'ified funds in the amount as set. UntiI the fee'is paid to the Permit Authority' the applica- t'ion for a perm'i t shall not be further processed. -71 - "-\r*\) i:1.; l i-;.i:':?'i 3-t.l ., ;. ,,,;l:-i'li,it..i'.;',i' t' "' _ t':+\ 5: ',',lti.i#H '" f :', :\x T f \ \. ( : N /ij;,,1;ii' 'i:," ;.i. ,";ii. i .: t!. .. t. 1: ::. 4 1. l. '-. "i, r .i:..': \:'.'.:.:...l 'l: -a ".'! ':;--. ' g-FtE Ig EE6 NEEq NE . .. o.F E: !:^':.|jr-or:! !o .) ,-()o|,) c,o q,o:u c >!.{.,- ! I' il,.! crs o > o!eo(ro'(tOluoF.r4,53 E ro^F -: (Jro >t- EE C c) O' '-Ft:L.!Oa.,Etao(.9 0 oitor, -ooor -PC1 l:'.1 U.el! 6F o)P|:EO O .. o O Cr6 L ! OrF=: r o ro9.! cqr.--OC+)Oor 9.r o/r.-N e d.lJ-o . (DF =.r< ..-> 9LoJv >E r >> E o . L oo c.p q, (Jo (Jo{Joo . .. Or.F E o q) ,5 oJ O-'Fcr!-F-o(, {, r rr- - 0, cC F O (' stc C.!O F CrP Ci.\rOF€ r.! oa !D L u.rJo. |- L rt @ 4!. o', o!rJ.rc ru t- {- r! (uo'(t > !J: u |-lJ+rrrco,.r.rrc ot-c,o.c !1, o f: (r^f o, Fo o, oc!ccrr.r€}.Ll('' Cr !:.)Fr- OGI. N.Fct.r r-v F 6 :E :g oc! alu c! 0J \!(/) N|\@ i! o q,nT- r,or !Jc<u'-c.Cr.F|-.--c.!.-P vr > o, :: (.) (U -rrrJ-a c6 - ! d (IJ o:tio a.\rp rct o,o ()p4.J.F.rF Ct(', .o c.- "E IJ O(:c or c, (|)(n FF o Lr- oc) rr,c ! rl. cr: 5EpF or c oE.- qF otoE .-o.l:ro 6(Jo, o, (u+)F(! - (lr o o o 4, -F '--PE o-o(-) c o,^-., t- '.6|! d EO.O,o..F op-c.Jor< 3.!co6 O..e o L (|, E -+c+r(uo> .-1rroLo 5< (5O =CC Llo.- o a it o (J o.- q, d.Pd=r{r.r(u .JEE(tolo o.F -co o E -o'o <lJ F o-F c|J< r o oa,c- !o oq, d(|)4.F.o.>|}- .rr tu'('F.ElttoP<.FOc ' d fv) E o-or'r- rn .F =E oo:a ro rz (., .F (r,, o cr o o ,!.- r.- c .! !lca > l- l,.J E-c . o-o cP O, O,, .r! r, (|).F O'-9-'OrO C- L '. Cr (){r+i-Oi^oJ5r1,,o F-c6(D.A rE.!i 5O O{Jc | (t'lJ t/r<e(uF.srrcdl FFcv@?tc u@.')!r=o \oL6,lsEr..;. I N OOC'o ql (J-Eor, . .. 0r +rul oPd d aJ.l a6 -adl c, \- :t.-l aJ :t r- ('t c' Ll For('a,<t,ol .F or.J L u>l tt-.t vl .!= |-,i .3 -5 Ni 'e ; : $ \, o6l N E o 6 o\ .- a)ntc {,. :'o 0,.6 .sl oa:6 dr',cljDct E 'Jr u',^ c ohj: qreLo!c (:, L . rf (r.Fo N 3 0 -c.p1r >5 o odr I <o oldu-c (l,rL .Foo o -.- c o J c! |dr€a >- f (r dr <u .cod<e >ro <D o rrtuoJ o\ - FL_c'-dr7'p - d+JcLrJ .6 o E oF F!r! r! (r c rJGr'Fo- oc4 ! 0Jo ql-oLLr C O 5 C O.'-p <u o'r.- uoo.6O6*.- O >ooc co.F.!E a --t o(4.FFL6_t,(uO(cc<r'€ -oX(J PlFc:J (u < .rr.- r/, :J (Jcp c a tnEo oE .-o):''- ' U o c l- o0)(Jd oF o o 3 (|)6-O ACa',- O =ntUlOr:0)(l)doE !J .-(ro+rLc L O ..o L, . c s) 4r .n.E d(') (U o ar -c clorool€6, > > 6AJ-crr-^t.rJ o F .-!rt >rp c +t opo{r'-9 Fr (,-E.-=! 4 ocEo a,F r:c o NoFd(rl !-c1J orc) I oJ- O o)E.FEo= ql .o L>rd-.F g..('Eqco oF. o-{r 4r!EE do alorlo.oc^ri, {J c o o s (,,l+ c or< g .. r (J !r..d >o o'}O los<f I (rP o O'O- dJ o:o r-o LF l- >slc (,, r.- - o o)c o.- 0r.-(Fj.F >9- o c! .5! it f.rJ (1, (- O-.-,,t > O o-(J (lj,6 o (r.!o z.D.dd,c |gorpa6Lorr< rr <r (D L('o .o u r cl-o o ' E $ Eg B : rli,ir,$3 [q sFe Fi T t:$.li E,v! oo q, l)@6 j99 _.: 4 o )z.A4! c> :Eb.:r ;;.* :;tg3:,:: Eg:38 .PE -*E^. 3"3 f ;[.3J:E .95 E5- EF :.'*g; i:: irli;,ia iE;;= bi ;!E:"*;lf ;;i;;ge; E; !.:! ?e e EE.I- '.h*.!-95 ;9,-83 BS .9h*-9.: opl'o ;osii HE .Fe.irTl E*; 3':8t"3":iE ga 99^d- > (r, < 0,,p (D d o cp,;^rLau; cr.u,.'af R'E Eb5B.6 "=g Ests.3-.gg --E3r';E; €-;<83 E[3 [*.:.:bEP3 E3.-. "_ E. -Sr._3- olE.- : cJr =>,ooF< =.<i(r..E.o. ,a&3.==-- Et+.8:Pl gl .99- 3", = b 3-3 -+ -;. H:e Be3!ri5ei --::!F.FE&re i;8.!I'l: st >., !E E.j3 E.gE -..ro,..:- 1936:;-- 3 ....:ea,39'=EE E';:9.r.:H3PB 5; .3=E3=fE-esIr fE.E,g:e;3. =€3.^5:R Ee,HF5!iq ,3E66;€€hts E3E;3;.," €-6oF_.occ _dFr.g-.'!q,o_6J ;dta"oq iolo 60Ei: Ko .-i,Er-H.b il"" ,1"*F P"*"EEt o\F5;3e5 EE3 EE-3> $ E35L..r".do,L i..r.;o .tBgg i..=9.:-;:;8.-.6?ir11Ep Ei3.:hp:* g, Et,r,eaEssSdt-.3_9.:E[3i .g-9E-3-Ee5 :gr_e!'-=i;tsi9g!.r6EEE 93HC.e*.r9. 9r:Etrs*aEs5 oc6!-Nt cI ordcopF opttt.F.- d;c6.-a aaaa<;;=!! c,.o o rr o-o d i!; ; tj d, .- (rt >r o, -c t co+,o(, (-,cE-c {1, {J.|J ^ E.F "_ -gE O '. '6 c|F C (uo d->\ (uccao 'o(ro-c (uo>ccrL:rh!L oo .-(lro.lr < co, -F o ON L(J(,o'uc.|J c, Forod p= L E:'-cr 4 d cLE C'or+j:'0Jcloo c!E(\ o (u(.J 6r o(t o iscEor.. .d6>(JLCr. LF 0, 4) 3.Fo=a.notqP ru.i d o '. (l).e - a c rL.p.- O, -PO d o,ts+J iJ \!! (lr o) ru.d--o 6 ()F-+r c 5Ui!l o-(1', | .. )-n 1)p .)cY.}: o- ,- q, 6.- ., .J o.i (i ^: v) e. .) -?E E.- o E+iF 9- 8o t . .1 a' r-q .3Fq5 go€ RP35. .98€ -,o_ .F _c.i, i c, Eg:S H E3 F er*iEE .EE -,5Br('g :i;p: !F[t -e;fi:i EE EPg:E E;ss i;eE3 PE : -eE : S 6'E; "h"gtt b5 *; E;3 b,heR ^;F 3i -I .E?eE :e""6 r;5;; 3{ s5giJ :-tsi cl;hc j ; :_4r;", :SiH SIEIE €i-?:ss; tt^5 l<jsa .l:s,EiFitE --E;- iE.:$g i6 O '-'-"-.: a-Ph rupc 6t >Lorc.u F.o5iI--.a .: -.2.: .R5..: E.,:1!?eg "€*t ;FEJC; i;Es3!iF _E:f ef:-. ".:", - -n;oo.5-' G-;0, Y5"3:"5 0:,qStirlF ie€: iiElsF: fl==;iiE Sils =ilEf€r E:r-Ft=i. =1p. 9"_i, i-i! =''336'e^[].,3 Foo''= > i-;5il;stF!3! s:i??EF Ed:e> n cd.;o.u >;U6;.:* 5E!:+lifr<-dF_. :r.,=5-3 33r3e.a.E:i{''TF: !:i{l*:;= " ! .9r- | d..crq-EHP EEi;'F",o' ereEFv] cc.E;. *l;|";j*: e6 t;] I,! F c .::- '--.:;t:ri:'i<jq-EESc!coo4r" -;F.,i-.{;E}i;-i r.: IIF s t!* eri ..1 5 f;rr: fl.F5 ?1;".I{:3;gti: ,l r.FLi-- 5i? . ..'.: -.."_._.5_"JLLa-; ;.,;) >.1,_ -.ti a, i-i -.;i i:l i 3 ^'H l-i . > "'i; a',joe n;r;: o', .. :i.v'i: il " + i i: .- ,. "- i: . ": .i'I l' ", : ". h * P -';)iJ' :i "3...: i: I ;l.1, ; ,:- ,z ;, d.l: i: iJ,L ; ;i :i i, ,y ;,9,1i fl3}j l; E.".- li ;..i J ii;; .; l/- | )''-1l15Iql I q;] t(= | (aol | --v I /-\to)/-t> IODJ tqt5 @ c)oc::l q= t/t-r (,D .'u) (;Jt-tot:J rft>) (:-l c:a)(9 dTt LlJ]Ii ,_..!l (1t. ,'vl il| ri EH = E a o z F a. (z^) fohnson, Kunkel & Associates, Inc. LAND SURVEYING . CIVIL ENGINEERING' MAPPING october 22, I98O Eric Edeen County Sanitarian Eagle County Eagle, Colorado 81631 RE: Spruce Creek Building D c E Flood Plain Dear Eric, This letter is to certify that Buildings D & E of the Spruce Creek Townhouse Proiect are more than one foot in elevation above the approved 100 year flood plain as prepared by Hydro Tri-ad, Lakewood, Colorado. The elevations of Building D is to be 7950 plus or minus and Building E is to be 7948 plus or minus. Based on these elevations, the, first floor finish grade will be approximately six feet above the I00 year flood plain. Should any additional information be necessary,please adivse. Sincerely, JMiepm 't- ' - P,fr,V.-oloa*-r ilohn MacKown, P.E. P.O. Box 409 . 113 East 4th Street Eagle, Colorado 81631 Phone: (303f 328-6368 s' ctFJ dg FI .69€ tool .6pp€ p.A yqd ooooHgHg o FF - --':! .S W rFJ qr oor'o^'tt .* -] \(\ \, .l-fi \tt'ii fl/liytJ / \Nzq'tDj)\ \l)\ lr'--r /',#s ?' ,/, ffi T 0 -- rl CI.> I'lJl I fr,h ?1 r -rl 9l uJl JI I FP e i \ s'\ \ N I \1 d\\\I N\ \. $" Nt\ l{ r.l f.l h' \\ N F-f rl - -.{ |rl 1l il l1 rl rl tl il lr llll g) $ $r3 I I I I I I I I I I I ii ,l il]il lilll lill DEPARTMENT OF THE SACRAMENIO DISTRICT. CORPS OF 650 CAPITOL MALL SACRAMENTO' CALIFORNIA REPLY TO:;;;"'';" oF SPKco-o e8r-ol+3 Mr. Carl- Dietz Spruce Creek Townhouses of Vail Box 3BBVail, Coloratlo 8l:6>7 currED MArL - RE'ruRN REcErPr REaUTED ARMY EN GIN E ERS 95a l4 30 Decenber 19BO RECEIVED JAN 0 5 1981 Dear l{r. Dietz : This is ln reference to an inspection by corps of Ergineers personnel of or:r Grand Juaction Regulatory Office, concerning the placement of fill material betov the o"d.in"ty high water el-evation of Gore Creek on the property of Spruce Creek ttwnnouses at VaiI, Eagl e County' Col-oraclo ' you are hereby d.lrected to cease and clesist from any further placenent of dred.ged. or fil]- material into or belov the ordinary high vater elevatj-on ofGoreCreek.Youarefurtherdirectecltoremovethefil].rnaterialfrom below the ord.inary hlgh rrater elevation' This material- must be removed ;;io j;;v iggi. -ompliance in removing this material vill- complete our actlon. TheCorpsofsrgineersexercisesregulatoryjurisclictiononri-vers,streans and vetlands uncler Section l+04 ot tfre Cfean Water Act (33 USC 131+l+). The lavrequiresthatanyindividualorentitythatproposestoclischarge ctreclged or fill r"t."ial into vetland areas or "waters of the united states'r obtain a Department of the Army Permit prior to the comrnencement of said discharge. The clean water Act provides that every person who violates any provision of 33 USC fll+4 nay be pr:nished by a fine of not I'ess than $2r50o'00 or more tha; $25rOOO.OO p"" d.ay of violation, or by lmprisonment for not rnore than one year or both. The renoval of any illegal fi1ls placed in violation of the protision of said section may be enforcecl by an injunction issued by the District Court exercising iurisaliction in the District in which such filf exist and proper p"o"."di.rg" to this end may be institutecl 'under the dj-reciion of the -Attcr:r=;' Generaf of the Uniteil States ' ( l-/',-.4') EAStESUffi 'a " SPKCO-O E8r-01+3- Ur. Carl. Dletz 30 Decernber 1980 Shoultt you have a.ny further questions coneerning -this matter, you nay contact our Gra"nd J'nctlon Regulatory Offlce, telephone (SOS) al+:-ffgg. Slncerely, PAUL T. KAVANAUGH . Colonel, CE: Dietrlct Englneer Copy furrrlshetl: Coloradlo Dlvlslon of Wt1dllfe 606o Broadvay Deerver, CO 8OZt6 U.S. Eovlronmental Protectlon Agency lB60 Llnco].n Street Denver, Co 80203 U.S. Ftsh & t{lldLlfe Servlce JJO South Garrlson Street I-a.kewoocl, CO 80226 Departnent of Hea1th lratO Past llth Avenue Denver, Co 80220 2Eagle County Conmls s loners Eagle County Courthous e Eagl-e, Colorado 8f63f 850 BoX 8!C r }NVIRONMENTAL HEAUH EAGLE, COLORADO BI63I . PHONE t303l l9Eolillt3 328-7311 Mr. Ca.r]. Dietz P. O. Box 388 DAYE OATE 1 Vail, Colorado 81657L_ -*- No\r€dber 5, 1980 Fni l_fgSqplal.n Pernit :.Spfqge cre€k Town- housee at ValI Enc1999q please f-ind y,ogq !'loodpla,ln pe_rmit and thepertlnent lnforaration required for this permit. By Erik Edeen, Environnental Form N R73tt lhe orowine 8oord, In:, Bor 505.oollot, I.ros Health Officer SIGNEO DTTACH ANO FIL: FOF T.lLLOY.UI I' r TO: RE: NOTJCE 0F VT0LATI0N AND CORRECTION REQUEST CARPENTRY UNLIMITED, INC; CARL DIETZ; WESTERN LAND & SEA CORP.; and ALL OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES t'/ SPRUCE CREEK TOWNHOUSES AT VAIL, 1750 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado - Floodplain Permit #l - A 6.2-acre parcel along the South Frontage Road East of the intersect'ion of Gore Drive wjthin the I'lest Half of the Southurest Quarter, Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal lleridian AN INSPECTI0N 0F the above-referenced property on December I, .|980, Army Corps of Engineers revea'led the following v'iolations of Eagle Floodplain Regulations and Eag'le County's Subdivision Regulations : with the County's l. VI0LATI0N of Section 6-402(2)(b)(c) - Eagle County Floodplain Regulations: Solid waste materia'l s and solid debris are being dumped into the 100-year floodplain and being dumped into the area of the normal high water elevatjon and a Iimited amount of material is bejng dumped into the stream which is cument'ly at low water flow within the boundarjes of the Floodprone District. 2. VI0LATI0N of Section 6-403(2)(d)(e) - Eagle County Floodp'lain Regulations: Solid waste materials and soljd debris are be'ing dumped'into the 100-year floodpla'in and being dumped into the area of the normal h'igh water elevation and a limited amount of material is being dumped into the stream which is cumently at 1ow water flow within the boundaries of the Floodway District. 3. VI0LATION of Section 6-404(2)(b)(c) - Eagle County Floodplain Regulations: Solid waste materials and solid debris are being dumped into the 100-year f'loodplain and being dumped into the area of the normal high water elevation and a limited amount of material is being dumped into the stream which is currently at low water flow withjn the boundaries of the ijioodfri nge IJistri ct. 4. VI0LATI0N of Section 6-508(2)(b)(e)(i)(ij) - Eagle County Floodplain Regulations: (a) failure to comply w'ith prohibitions restrictions and design standards; (b) Possible and most likely increase in depth of the floodway for fill activities; (c) Possible and most'l'ike1y increase in flow velocities due to fill and narrowing of the Floodway/Floodplain channel. o, 5. VI0LATIoN ot Secti\.n U-tOt - Eagle County Floodplain Regulations: Failure to comply with pernii requirements. Floodplain Permit #l for Spruce Creek Townhouses at Vail states: "This permit authorizes the Applicant to...construct condo- miniums and do site grad'ing on the condition that all activ'i- ties are located outiide the 1O0-year Floodplain per statementsjn the appf ication and site plan..." This permit was issued and approved by the Permit Authority 0ctober 29' 1980. CORRECTION REQUEST SPRUCE CREEK TOIilNHOUSES AT VAIL, BOX 388' VAIL, COLORADO 8'I657' IS HEREBY REQUESTED TO: (l) Stop a1l further work on the proiect that js in violation of Eagle County Regulations; (2) Submit within 30 days a reasonable plan of comp'ljance for coryecting the above violations to include at a mjnimum the followjng: (a) Method of removing dirt, rocks, asphalt, refuse, and other debris from the F'loodplain Districts and the 30-foot setback; (b) Plan for recontouring the ground to restore the land within reason (as near as is poss'ible) to the natural state within the 30-foot setback per requirements of the Ea91e county Subdivisjon Regulations, Section 5.06.0.| ; (c) Plan for revegetating the area with natural native grasses and shrubs within the 30-foot setback and floodplajn limits; (d) Set date forimplementation and completion of all restora- tion activ'ities not to exceed 6 months. FAILURE T0 C0MPLY with the above N0'IICE 0F ViOLAllUN ANtr CUkRECTi0li REQUEST will resu]t in further action from this office. I am willing to meet with you at the site to discuss further restora- t'ion plans or other aspects of this NOTICE. Si ncerely 'PnL. Lz ERIK tIJ. EDEEN Acting FIoodpl ai n Administrator/ Environmental Health Planner a t Copies to: Board of County Commissioners (3) Beth Whittier' Attorney Les Douglas Tom Boni chronological file Floodp'lain permit file -/ , '2::5n /'a'"^t/ Z &4'"-'"- (4"-a G-,,-'o424'z /a&.-R .a-- TO: RE: NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND C0RRECTI0N C':nUEST with the County's CARPENTRY UNLIMITED, INC; CARL DIETZ; WESTERN LAND & SI.-A CORP.; and ALL OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES SPRUCE CREEK T0I.,|NH0USES AT VAIL, '1750 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado - Floodplain Permit #l - A 6.2-acre parcel along the South Frontage Road East of the intersection of Goy'e Drive wjthin the West Half of the Southurest Quarter, Section 12, Townsh'ip 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal l.leridian AN INSPECTI0N 0F the above-referenced property on December 'l , 1980, Anny Corps of Engineers revea'led the follow'ing violations of Eagle Floodplain Regulat'ions and Eagle County's Subdivision Regu'lat'ions: 1. VIOLATI0N of Section 6-402(2)(b)(c) - Eagle County Floodplain Regulations: Solid waste materials and solid debris are being dumped into the 100-year flondplain and being dumped into the area of the normal high water elevation and a ljmited amount of materia'l is being dumped int,l the stream which is currently at low water flow within the boundaries of the Floodprone Distrjct. 2. VIOLATION of Section 6-403(2)(d)(e) - Eag'le County Floodplain Regulations: So1 id waste materials and sol id debris are be'ing dumped'into the 100-year floodp'lain and being dumped into the area of the normal h'igh water elevation and a limited amount of nnterial is being dumped into the stream which is currently at low water flow within the boundaries of the Floodwa-v District. 3. VIOLATION of Section 6-404(2)(b)(c) - Eagle County Floodplain Regulations: Solid waste materials and solid debris are being dumped into the 100-year f'loodplain and being dumped into the area of the normal high water elevation and a'l imjted arnount of material is being dumped into the stream which is currently at low water flow within the boundaries of the Floodfringe District. 4. VI0LATIoN of Section 6-508(2)(U)(e)(i)(il) - Eagle County Floodplain Regulat'ions: (a) faiture to comply with prohibitions restrictions and design standards; (b) Possible and most like'ly increase in depth of the floodway for fill activities; (c) Possible and most likely increase in flow velocities due to fill and namowing of the Floodway/F'l oodplain channel . (a.o 1 2.r-4 .v/Z/ /z* s.- 6 O J/\PCTl" Lz ), rrs; an,o-' /,'//o1 r'6---;7 t{ .a,-'/P,s.a'ss {o r'asJ-^ 1"+*<"4--72,.5 ta' 5. VI0LATIoN of Section 6-703 - Eagle County Floodp'lain Regulations: Failure to comply with permit requirements. Floodplain Permit #l for Spruce Creek Townhouses at Va'il states: "Thi s penni t authorj zes the Appl i cant to. . . construct condo- miniums and do site grading on the condition that all activ'i- ties are located outside the I00-year Fl oodpla'i n per statements in the application and site pl an..." This permit was issued and approved by the Permjt Authority October 29' .|980. CORRECTION REQUEST SPRUCE CREEK TOhINHOUSES AT VAIL, BOX 388, VAIL, COLORADO 81657' IS HEREBY REQUESTED TO: (l) stop a1l further work on the proiect that js in vio]ation of Eagle County Regulations; (2) Submit within 30 days a reasonable plan of compliance for coryecting the above vio'l ations to include at a minimum the fo] lowing: (a) Method of removing dirt, rocks, asphalt, refuse, and other debris from the F'loodplain Districts and the 30-foot setback; (b) Plan for recontouring the ground to restore the land within reason (as near as is possible) to the natural state within the 30-foot setback per requirements of the Ea9le County Subdivision Regulations, Section 5.06.01 ; (c) Plan for revegetating the area with natural nat'ive grasses and shrubs within the 30-foot setback and floodplain limits; (d) set date for implementatjon and completion of al'l restora- tion activities not to exceed 6 months. FAILURE T0 COMPLY with the above N0TICE 0F VI0LATI0N AND C0RRECTI0N REQUEST wil'l result in further action from this office- I am willing to meet w'ith you at the site to discuss further restora- tion plans or other aspects of this N0TICE. S'i ncerely,dop -/ -/l -/'Eillr w7?oErn Acting Floodpl ai n Adm'ini strator/ Environmental Health Planner !o'!O-(1, F .O lo O -c t !o olr -o (/} c gt! E aO - 6 oJ p'6f -o A .= oq o, - o q L oru E .|Jo o'+ = n 5 o !o! gqaor-o- .- O oEE a;as :5=nf .= 5; EF - .,.,e 3 -'€.'q.!s : P' o dri - d, 6vt e aarJ \' o 6:Fs:: .;;f€.E=lE.:'.':;=gc sEaEsEi , E E'?F @ a 00.6 .d.o (D>, <c o > >r'F \o oE=4 !t ?_ orco or 6>'A orr o. '! r-. 'o E @'€ lad .g o.1Ee ="6E 58"'-5t", .)- .-- 3 ol9 - Ec-€'i€E ? .: !b5+,^.ooEc oO!'o6P,5-o p .- .! ,ire- L o) r '-Fo,i4|!;. or{JOa aoa,,- 0,, !.6 Fo > oo! > lu rE 3rJ o.rr6+o,o .r rd'a -J.p i :-; 6t'.8 ./i6 o o'!>u'- d ooroloE(^ - o ea6; !9t -o co (UcEl{ llo !>. oa -c ]J'- Ot o, s' (.) 0., F -= -o o E€o c cn>ir, .c- aE]Jc o)o- c -o--6d-o!-c oLii^ad'o 6 >.:o= ,eL .; or ,6 o, tD ! tEr.- ou . @r >ro (rvo f ' (lju.6.--c o ,- o oL .J o1.6tEoo oro >t o B;= oj-= cr-o-c .;..aloo!-c p - o!t+- -o.ou,]J; o> .r c 6_ !.;lEo o+r .p o)o uoc- - =.:-o =l,;-do; -tr a.P ! to o E ua o .:' '-!-tJo !-(r '.6ir_ : o>=a co. .;-.;<+!cE a aro {Joo. oorod.roeo.lJE Noo.r E.r didO-- -utr .o.rr ,d.)! o adic'oE;Foard co or.- lg -o>-oF = c drr:- op {.) < cooo -L>'dd -;..-; -o'oro636d3- o.r'- 6.,6- 0r.r r.r'- !o qpLo,.-d-oc<E oo. :g,:pEo;i_tg .tEE _b:t= -;"€a3t-e EE 33Fqi;i':SPrf s i=iCElE-E:e ris,t E!;=+s sEE:EEe E€.! r:.5ior.- Eordroo.) C,ooclEEo !> .'-qJcEc.- .;- e o.F-o !-o c .- .- - . 6 = a ^ (-) (, o . {l ro.- F c,r r - o 6 (IJ<!oo ooac > >,x.c uo.J o 0,t .,;iEFEes-Er€ts'.agE"6;': i35"-"E &E-'qPli3".blR -t;:3 -..:b=5;- ff3€[E=gEg*.93F E-:oE#p* *.:E'€ia.: '. crp.-.- .c c- -c. 3 : P ' : 5 r 3 ; P S : 3 . " 3 - I 3 g H g h ., * = ; 3 .: " E ; E ' : B . g = : ; 5 E E'F F; ! 'eor6- o! or.; ore .;. ar o- lg o 4.. a ar; o.- O - c or.F ! o ! o--d t .- >ra o,!1t.Fo..-o5!qPEo 't uapt o r '; o l! +- rl ; c) a o F .o 3., A o- r o E a L'.- a.;pv,Ear;LllcoccJ add'so oE.-{Jo€orpc !!+, :!- =u-c L f 'o.F.r)F-o u! E 0r.- co 5!oaFFOc rtF-iE -co^ ^ FFF.r6-PEP* Js P EE e.EEP"ets 3 s e e Fg 9EgEgEE€33ese3;-- i-.. E ao..i u(-J{J |n tr; -d..oP.F o o E E<D(rE6Cr!6OJ1t9rJrcocu!c93 ?;e p 3';e I ^;3 & LrJol.I oJ cD rr- oolr (F - oc'r I- a 6s.)o I l!)l! P r aJl!@ c.z6 c- Nd:a6.P@@ ro\!(!'c i) d.a o o,E-o (,, H,6-O E=oa <lr"oEO rr- a,f.-oa--.- =F.. E =: E E !6 =ar >o O-c.F HO l'r o c.F.rr EC ]J .F€|!F -(IJE - rlEo coo o E Y.- = d.r. =oUEo o o -L +ro -.oCF.!.!.-. o .- -o^!E ' (l) lr'F = 'tt 60-F<f Gt(u >r)u.O,O (UJ? o- F (tctr,rJd.O .-' (lr lJ E l!,F () r!l! FO FOO.->|oCLc(, .-q- (|JdHr! ou 6F (, -c c .p 'r, c o t._co.6 L O 0' !! C l- O|O^ ^uq)(9-4. oFc!+ (v xoEc(J tro, (u o(U o.:538:E: d5.sE. -^3-E f(Ja<ooo. F(rx o (J o. E(J(IJcJ.rJ .P (rJ a', O .o6(ud.P =5(l)54 o C(u: E C C,-'(,0us .. oco6..-o o!o^'.iE>cJ u6r'l, cE = E.Fo@Ecoro.!(r€Litjooo! .- o.- > ct > .--o.- -,s o cr-o.- i6 6^^o.--c F-c (D! crt' > J-c 'Eac{-c€F ]F oFF E-O tU oF.O Cvvo cl 60J = f e uto E o . eE F.. E LF...-E q,p o dd6l->- cr ED rr- =oo q- (roo) 11- rs I cto rv old.o @.o...<f o.o (J 6 'o-O () (O r5 -O EEE ooo rlJ (|) c) 5 (= L:]qtl=) t- NL- v/(=a=t-l (c Dl(= )'-_'lt- 6Tr tn o-te!---g= (9 !-' L=t- lT\ u c.-_) -) fi udJ(o (eh UJ E'! 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Box 388 Vai'l , Colorado 81 657 Re: Fi'le No. Su-112-80-F Fina] Plat Spruce Creek Townhouses : At their meet'ing on 16 January 1980, the Eag'le'County Planning Commission recommended approval of your Final Plat with the condition that a b'ike path easement be put on the Final Plat. This condition must be accomplished by noon Friday' 18 January 1980 jn order to be included on the Agenda for the Board of County Corrnissioners meetinq of 23 January 1980. If you have any questions, please contact this office. Thank you=Z;"Dfu Thomas Boni Assistant Director of Planning TB/kp cc: Board of County Comrnissjoners P.S. School Land Dedication fee will have to be presented by the applicant to the Board of County Commjssioners at their meet i ng . ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R Ext 202 BUILDING IN I NSPECT ION Exl 225 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 21 7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSI O N AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N ING Ext 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext.245 ROAD & BRIDGE Exl 257 SHERI FF Eagle Ext 2l 'l Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5 751 50crAL SERVICES 328.6328 TREASURER Ext 201 ',-4n'EXHIBIT 6 BOARD OF COUNTY COMI4ISSI()NERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 80 -. PERMIT ISSUED TO CONDUCT A DESIGNATED ACTIVITY OF STATE INTEREST OR TO ENGAGE IN DEVELOPMENT IN A DESIGNATED AREA OF STATE INTEREST IN THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO PERMIT NO. Pursuant to the Guidelines and Regulations for Areas and Activities of State Interest of the County of Eag1e, State of Colorado, heretofore adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County, said County has received an application from Spruce Creek Townhouses at Vail , (hereinafter called "Applicant") for a permit involving the fol 1ow'ing matter(s) of State interest: Development of an approved use jn a Flood Hazard area. and has approved that application, This permit authorizes the Appl icant: 1. To construct condominiums and do site grading on the condition L. RSM 0n the followinq described tract of land: A 6.2 acre parcel in the Zone a'lonq the south fronta e road east of the intersect'ion of Gore 12,e ^and- Nort of Section 3. For the following period:interim Permit to be issued for an indefinite oeriod of time; Fjnal Permit to be issued upon completion of the construction and the grading and landscaping.** ** Appl icant must cail the Environmental Hea'lth 0ffice (328-731.|) upon completion of the constructi0n for base floor elevatjons and first-floor eleyations; upon cornpletion of grading; and upon completion of landscaping so that Fjnal Permit may be i ssued. that all activities are located outside the I0o-year F] oodplain per statements in the application and site plan. a' 4. In accordance wjth the p1 ans and/or spccifications approved by the Permit Authority on the Z9r% day of October , 19 1Q[, as vrell as the Guidelines and Regulations for Areas and Activitjes of State Interest of the County of Eagle, State of CoIorado, adopted by Eagle County for: Apri'l .|4. 1980. - - 5. 0n the condition that the Applicant proceeds in con- formity with all appf icable Federal and State Statutes ai d Regulations as well as a'l'l app'l icable local land use controls including, but not limited to, master p1ans, subdivision regulations, zoning ordinance and building code. permit shall not be effective until: 1. Applicant has fi1ed the proper security with the Permit Authority, pursuant.to the provisions of the Ad- ministrative Regulations of th'is jurisdiction jn the amount of ($ g/, 7t ). 2. The designation of and guidelines for the appropriate matter(s) have been finally determined pursuant to C.R.S., 1973, 124-65.1-404. This permit is valid for use only by the Applicant and may not be transferred. In the event that the Applicant fails to take substantial steps to initiate the above deve'lopment or activity vrithjn tlelve (.|2) months from the date of *,his permit, or, if such steps are taken, in the event the App'l icant fails to complete the development or activity with reasonable diligence, this permit may be revoked by the Perrnit Authority.. DATED THIS of /2,41* This F'losd+l+in-'Haz Permit Authoritv ,4..*Z ze 64 "z 24 /4 day 1oan EAGLE nnterof f nee nne mn@ remd u nn I o: Board of Eagle County Commissioners Subject: SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS - SPRUCE CREEK T From: Erik l'l. Edeen, Envjrcnmental Health 0fficer 0ctober 27, 1980 Accord'ing to the HB l04l and the appended Floodplain Regulations, the following submission requirements are necessary for each Floodplain permit application. Belovl are the items required for submission and the action done with each: l. Completed app'lication - Attached. 2. Plan certified by reg'istered professiona'l engineer showing: a) Boundaries of the Floodplain District - attached b) The existing zoning of the property - attached and titled "Item #16" c) The nature of the proposed activity or development - attached as (2a) d) Building floor elevations - attached as letter from John MacKown, RPE, re: proposed bujlding floor elevations e) Proposed floodproofing measures - not applicable in this situatjon f) Specifications for building construction and materials, filling, dredging, grading, channel changes, storage of materials, water supply systems, and san'i tary facilities - none of the items in (f) are attached S) Descriptions of any construction activity which would affect the hydraulic capacity of the floodway - not applicab'le in this situation 3. Maps or drawings 'ident'ifying or describing the following: a) A map showing the stream and channel - this map is the same as Item (2a) above and includes the base flood elevation studies attached. b) A map with surface view showing elevations or contours of the ground; pertinent structures; fill or storage elevations; sjze; Iocation and spatial arrangement of al'l proposed and exisitng structures on the site; and location and elevation of streets, roads, water supply systems, sanitaryfacilities, and soi'l types - This map is the same as (2a) where applicable, but does not show the elevation of the streets. c) Drawings showing the profi'le of the bottom of the channel at the thalweg and the water surface profiles - attached 4. The applicant shall submit the elevation (jn re'lation to mean sea'level) of the lowest f'loor (including basement) of the structures and, where the'lowest floor is below grade on one or more sides, the elevatjon of the floor immed'iately above. --The proposed elevations are in RPE John MacKown; the as-built completion of the buildjngs. the attached 'letter (2d) from elevations must be completed after Floodproofing - not applicable in this situation. LHTY finterofff,ee o mnenn@rendu To: Eagle County Board of County Cornmissioners Subjectr Recommendations for Floodplain Pennit - I Spruce Creek Townhouses at Vail From: Erik tl. Edeen, Envjronmental Health Officer File No.:Oate: 0ctober 27, 1980 Pursuant to the Gujdelines and Regulations for Areas and Activjtjes of State Interest of the County of Eag'le, State of Colorado, and the F1 oodpla'in Regulations, Chapter 6' Section 6-503. Application for Permit states: "... (2) l'lot later than ten days following receipt of a comp'leted application for a peimit to engage in developirent in a F'loodway District, a Floodfringe District or'a Floodpron6 District, thb Permit Authority shall determine and set a fee in an amount necessary to cover the costs incumed in the review and approval or disapproval of the permit application, including a'll hearings conducted therefor' and shali'notjfy the api'l'icant in writing of said fee and its amount..." Regarding this permit fee, I propose that we set the fee schedu'le at $20 per. hour stirt tifre. Thi's jncludes staif review, clerica'l tjme, office supplies, overhead, field time, research. (See be'low for Hearing Waiver Request) l,lith the hearing waiver request, time spent on this project has been about 3 hours for staff review, field time and inspection, clerical and office supplies. 3 hrs x $20lhr. = $60 Xeroxing costs = 13 pages x 5 copies each = 65 Pages @ .15 each = $9.75 Mileage Costs for site inspect'ion = 60 mjles @ .20lmi = $12.00 Therefore, Staff Review this particular I recommend that we set the permit fee itemized expenses. HEARING I.IAIVER REQUEST costs, Xerox'i ng costs, and Mileage costs equal about $8.l .75 for proj ect . for this permit at $8.|.75 as per the above I recommend that the Permit Authority waive the the HB l04l Regulat'ions, Section 1-303 - Notice that this Permjt Hearing be waived as th'is use requl ations. requ'irement as stated in of Permjt Hearing. I request is an allowed use as Per the EAGLE G@IHTV nnterof f nce Rne nne rendu Subject: SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS - SPRUCE CREEK TOI^'N To: Board of Eag'le County Commissioners Date: 0ctober 27, 1980 From: Erik l,l. Edeen, Environmental Health Officer According to the HB 1041 and the appended F'loodplain Regulations, the following submission requirements are necessary for each Floodplain permit application. Below are the items reouired for submission and the action done with each: l. Completed application - Attached. 2. Plan certified by registered professional engineer showing: a) Boundaries of the Floodplain District - attached b) The existing zoning of the property - attached and tjtled "Item #16" c) The nature of the proposed activity or development - attached as (2a) d) Bui't ding floor elevations - attached as'l etter from John MacKown, RPE, re: proposed bu'ilding floor elevations e) Proposed floodproofing measures - not applicable in this sjtuation f) Spec'ifications for bui'lding construct'ion and materials, filling, dredging, grading, channel changes, storage of materjals, water supply systems, and sanitary facilities - none of the items in (f) are attached 9) Descriptions of any construction activity which vrould affect the hydraulic capacity of the floodvray - not applicable in thjs situation 3. Maps or drawings identifying or describing the fo1 |owing: a) A map showing the stream and channel - this map is the same as Item (2a) above and includes the base flood elevation studies attached' b) A map with surface view showing e'levations or contours of the-ground;' pertinent structures; fi'l 1 or itorage e'levations; size; location and lpatial arrangement of all proposed and exjsitng structures on the site; and location and elevation of streets, roads, water supply systems, sanitary facilities, and soil types - This map is the same as (Za) where applicable' but does not show the elevation of the streets. c) Drawings showing the profile of the bottom of the channel at the thalweg and the water surface profiles - attached 4. The applicant shall submit the elevation (in relation to mean sea leve'l) of the lbi"rest floor (inc1 uding basement) of the structures and, where the lowest floor is below grade on one or more sides, the elevation of the floor imned'ia_tely above. --The proposed elevations are in RPE John llacKown; the as-built complet'ion of the buildings. the attached letter (2d) from elevations must be completed after Floodproofing - not applicab'l e in this s'ituation' | '' .t:oo'ool(t, Iol !; g-ri ;:ii-.;-f:;'l---! ?'l: i:$rir EXHIBIT 6 (o APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT A DESIGNATED ACTIVITY OF STATE INTEREST OR TO ENGAGE IN DEVELOPMENT TO CONDUCT ;t"*tt: (-to""''|* *l1 (l To: IN A DESIGNATED AREA OF STATE INTEREST Permit Authoritv' z (Nape of .rroror.ff- -;tr."t. t,g-'xqC"t-X-V^^.r l.g , a matter of StateRe: From: lTei-ejfronef Submitted: , O' l'o' ?t ,\ uil Ut,^l, t^b. Vl(d 4:OO /tntDate Date 't. tne items checked Received: /a - 2a- f,a /.2' af a(-,_t Matter of State Interest. app'l icant requests that a permit be issued for each of the be]ow: A permit to engage in development in one or more of the fo1 lowing areas of State interest: ( ) Mineral resource areas ( ) Geo'log'ic hazard areas \t. ( ) l'lildlife hazard areas \t) Flood hazard areas ( ) Historical and archaeological resource areas ( ) Significant wildlife areas habitdts ( ) Shorelands of major publicly-owned reservoirs ( ) Areas around airports ( ) Areas around major facilities.o.f a public utiljty ( ) Areas around interchanges int'ol v'i ng arterial highways ( ) Areas around rapid or mass transit facilities t-{,"t t- Lt o o -06- C 1 Permit Yu( C"' Form -- P' 2 A perrnjt to conduct one or tJ.-:lof the following-activities of State 'i nterest: () () () () f\ () site selectjon and construction of major new domestjc water and sewage treatment systems Major extensions of existing domest'ic water and sewage treat- ment systems s.i te select.ion and development of soljd waste disposal sites Site selection of airports Site selection of rapid or mass transit facilities Site selection and construction of major facilitjes of a public uti'lity Site selection and development of new communities Efficient utjlization of munic'ipal and industrial water proj ects Conduct of nuclear detonations () () () 2. Proposed Activitv or Development. General description of the specific ac!!vity or posed (attach additional sheets if necessary): pro-devel opment 3. Generai Descri Ption ' A general , non-1ega1 description and the popular name, if any, of the be conducted (attachtract of land upon which the activity or development i additional sheets if necessarY): Study for Spruce Creek 4. Legal DescriPtion. Thelegaldescription,includingtheacreage,ofthetractofland upon which the development or the activity is to be conducted, by metes and bounds or by government survey description (attach addjtjonal sheets if r:ecessary),- l-)SD S. f+^.,"*|^,11 Lrl. UJtf,{ - a a-z u"t. our."r in the Residential Suburban Medium density zone. along the South Frontage Road east of the i ntFrqel.l-i.''n clf cofe nyive and Nerth tJ*'bntage ll.ad With+n tl.= llesE t 1750 South Frontaqe Road west - Vall Also see attached entit'led "Dra'i nage Townhouses " of the Southwest 1 of Section 12, Tor4rnship 5 South 6th Principal Meridian. -69- G) DMIi{AGE STUDY' for SPRUCN CREEK TOI'/}HOUSES PurPose: Todetermlnepeakflowsforl0yearantll00yearsEormsasrequiredby Eagle counCy subdivision Regulations for spruce creek Townhouses. AddiEion- ally, the limits of any flooding are Eo be indicated and the design of app- ropiace tlrainage faciliEies to accomodate the anEicipated flows r'ritllin the develo pmen t Sco Pe : Spruce Creek Townho,uses are to be located on seven acres approximaEely 3 miles easc of Dowds Junction and 2 rniles htesE of Vail along the south frontage road for InEersLate 70. The souEhern boundary of Che ProperCy follows Ehe apProximate cenEerline of Gore Creek frorn a point abouc 200 feet downstream from Ehe confluence of Buffer Creek to its inEerseccion etith the west line of section of 12, llore particularly the developmenE lies !'7ith- in the l.lest llalf of ghe Southr^res! QuarEer of Sectlon 12, Townshlp 5 South, Itange Bl l,tes E of the Sixth Principal lleridian ' The development is anticiPated Eo conEaln approximately 3B unirs upon by er private drive which loops off of 10. Farking will be aL the ratio of be garages and 57 sPaces Eo be un- coverec. The proposed development lies within the Gore Creek drainage basin' No live streams exisc within the develoPmenE. with Ehe exception of Gore creek which flows along the southern boundary. Ilows generaEed by Ehe InEerstace system will floru aloug the norEherly bounrlary of tl're propercy in the road ditches to a point where lE euters Gore creek \rtesE of Ehe developnent.' cornpletlon. All units will be served the souEh fronEage road of InterstaEe 2.5 spaces per uniE wich 38 units to (r Permit o( f.ion Form -- p. 3 5. 0wners and Interests. Set out below the names of those persons ho1 ding recorded legal , equitable, contractual and option jnterests and any other person known to the applicant having an interest in the property described in paragraph 4, above, as well as the nature and extent of those interests for each person' provided that such recorded interests shal'l be l'imited to those which are recorded in the County Recorder's 0ffice of thjs iurjsdictio-n, the land office of the Bureau of Land l4anagement for this State, the Qffice of the State Board of Land Commissioners of the Department of Natural Resources, or the Secretary of State's 0ffice of this State (attach additional sheets if necessary): &n,r.^1t..^ tJ."'nt"*^.-trl (*... hr,\t-- L\*n r \t! i-4a 6. Submjssjon Requirements. Submission requirements described in the regulat'ions which have been adopted by this jurjsdiction for each of the activities or areas checked in paragraph l, above, are attached to this application. Those attaihrnents are identified, by le-tter,pr number, and described by title below: lse< a fzzc/-2-/)- 7. Desiqn and Performance Standards. fh. of the design and Performance standards set forth in the regulations for each of the activities or areas checked in paragraph l, above, will be met. The individual anaiyses are jdentified by reference to the appropri ate paragraph or sectjon numbers corresponding to each standard in the appropriate regulations adopted by this juri sdi cti on. 8. Master Plan. a. Does this activity or of thi s j uri sdi cti on? b. If it does not comply,p1 ease explain how it does not comply. 9. Addit'ional Information Requjred by Local Government Attach any add'i tional information required by this iurisdiction. developnqt comply with the master plan Yes \ No ('o Permit nppr(: J rorm -- P. 4 10. Or"ation of Permit. The applicant requests a permit for a perioo ot "t^cls-(t^-Jr\ APPL By: ft,J O,"o"t.-- (Tj tl e) NOTE:within ten ('10) days fo] lowing receipt of a completed app'lication for a permit, the Permit Authority shall determjne and set a fee in an amount necessary to cover the costs jncurred jn the review and approval of the permit application, including all hearings conducted therefor, and shall notify the applicant in writing of said fee and its amount. Not'later than ten (10) days following his receipt of such notice, the applicant shal'l present to the Permit Authority non-refundab'le certified funds in the amount as det. Until the fee is paid to the Permit Authority, the applica- tion for a permit shall not be further processed' 7l- ll - Johnson, Kunkel & Associates, lnc. LANO SURVEYING . CIVIL ENGINEERING. MAPPING October 22, L98O Eric Ed.een County Sanilarian Eagle County Eagle, Colorado 81631 RX: Spruce Creek Building D & E Flood Plain Dear Eric, This letter is to certify that Buildings D & E of the Spruce Creek Townhouse Proiect are more than one foot in elevation above the approved 100 year flood plain as prepared by Hydro Triad, Lakewood, Colorado. The elevations of Building D is to be 7950 plus or minus and Building E is to be 7948 plus or minus. Based on these elevations, the first floor finish grade will be approximately six feet above the 100 year flood plain. Should any additional information be necessary' please adivse. Sincerely, ,fL.tro^t MacKown, P.E. JM:epm P.O. Box 4O9 . I l3 East 4th Street Eagle, Colorado 8163 I :1566 r _- o 0, r) ocq! t t.r, '. c oir:(IJ d, @.F F c!r x 'o.F co)}: ! o c! c\J 3 (){rr 6 I \^ 'J O 1r.e.F oc o-< :> f cJ cao--!€. oN>,o$och .o <t € OF - Lf- C Cr f, c dpoo. 6 O 4P - O > o !'Ect '- utu4c a-: oJ <r +r.d 4 5 0)c! c. \^ tr"- q cl? _ qrl: d or- or h z oll,! oc( 1- ar = .6 u l. c!r: (, ard!J .- (.r C!..r ! CO cr- o.d o l, >rpco foo .rr o.r OJC EO EF s c o N oF 4 c' !q'- O <D ; E; =;3 EE; Fi:E 5E F.,5 (' o,_ >r!r o) O it-c! (^.r O OE- o,raL('r .\oorc o, rr- - o =.J oHC.trr-6o-c.r d!9tp .EcJL(,(u (J l! .6 -O > cr.c .! t- u.p o.p c,(, (JCE-c (tr e a6E(F 4Eo .. 6 0 (\r o'o or, >t -c |lJU>dcl{J oo)(JO -o.td(u .-F o(|)6 6' 'rJ (J (.)c)o.sc+, O Fod(,9= cJ o o+J '. t:._(J d ur dl do\r3cral.o.r c) Nc /5 c: r-^ 0 roCErU..cro>o . 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