HomeMy WebLinkAboutWEST DAY MARRIOTT (10)\")""'\ Utz A-^."tf $tE& ={5 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-24s2 TO: COMPANY NAME: FAXNUMBER: PHONE NUMBER: FROM: Bailding Sof"tl &- Inspection Services Team No. Of Pages FAX ER SHEET Z Gary Goodell, Chief Building Official Town of Vail Community Development Department Building Safet! & Inspection Services Division 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Phone 970.479.2321, direct line FAXs70.47q.24s2 E-mail: ggoodell@ci.vail.co.us '' {goun"uotoro Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 Date: To: From: Re: January 5,2001 Whom It Mry Concera Ernst GlaEle Town of Vail Electricrl lmpector MEMORANDUM 4/ Marriott Pool Dcath on Dccember 28o, 2000 Electrical Bonding and Grounding inspection on the outsidc pool and spa at the Marriott Mountein Reson on l)ecembcr 29b, 2000 rt 9:45 a.m. Iluring the inspection thc following penons were pr€sent: (1) Mr. Sclim Wabba - Dircctor of Engineering at the Marriott Mountain ResorL(2) Jim O'f,ara and 2 additional licenscd electricians representing Riviera Electric(3) Mysef, Ernst Gletle, Town of Vail Electrical Inspector. We conducted a continuity test on all bonded metal parts associated with the swimming pool as well as the outside hot tub, as requircd by the 1996 National f,lectrical Code article 680- 22. We tested all metal parts for continuity including the following: All metal parts, pool ladder, all underrater light fixtures with metal housings, all pump motons, circulating pumps, jet pumps, filter pumps, etc- to the power supply panel with G.X'.L circuit brerkers in the boiler room. All of these metd prrts er€ bonded together by a #8 solid copper bare wire. Our ohm meten (2 of tbem) indicated 0 r€sfutence, and showed continuity to all metal parts as rcquired by the N.E.C. While testing for continuity I noted the following violetions to the N.E.C.: (1) The cirtulating pump motor in the boiler room appeared to have e loose connection of the #8 bonding wirc to the motor housing. Also this pump motor had no grounding wire to the motor terminals. (2) The filter pump motor only had e #12 strNnded copper wire for bonding to the motor housing md was only connected to the nearect electrical bor, instead of being connected to the other circulating pump motors with a #E bonding wirt. Eowever, e #12 grounding wire was connected to the grounding teminal on the moton (3) Therc was also e rubber cord in the boiler room connecting one junction box to another. However, our ohm met€rs still indicated bonding continuity through a$ocieted metrl conduits. {gon"uor r", +?0 ! 4872113 HaRwooo Lt-ovo, LLc COIJNSELL9RS Ai I-AW rlO t{^tN 9TFEEI ''ACKEH9ACA, TIEVJ JERESY 0760{ (gQlt 467'IOBO FACg:rlrl'E (2O r 487''i 756 :!5t] ttrTr.../€F.rE, a,tCT :13O4 !t rr'frE t-rali e'!rl:'|i'J r'dw r9{r.. rrd' rrF|{ la'rlg (212i a iJ$ 6r3e f^<{"n'!a ieta, 6941135 January 4, 2001 T-718 ? 0z/i2 F-e4?. J^ili01-01 -.t3:39pM TRl][|.HARIIOOD LTCYO LtC t8A^6 v o !-CrO rr /rt,vttL O, ?FqPJ{ig !i])nA'lo i, flolA .;t gA?rA r. !'€OtlEC t euirAiO : 8i an,r'$r , tRrrr. FO! ts^.' ; rJ::q!L & .CPa '!r ChECrF. - rF 7'ir !; ..r:tr.'at i. aite^., ' Otiu^ ? t',i{rrcFEfi / (^^,rrrg.. tgdp{g' ?F (l fA!9T aoa{fii56r. i PtrI€l t '.tuE.!EF n cF!€- - BF^P" ' 9-tn? rr FliFEi'rn h.rh^5 A raFh^r 9 E,CnAar? t !i;.,(nac alFf|'r J iuFP{ l-'r ++_nr'. -CF!L( Oa./,n'f i..rr9 : ,:!P. r' !gaF(6e r a€tgn Ct9--\A w. r..E.C. al -oer' ,t FE I,F r'A?(eYggrri Joj'ePlr r1 ^fr\atl I lAJFrqC. tO.tE Jii'|E5 P rln€tu- '{ihr-'^t OEnr,ro I |iJlltr- .t ^?Ai.rt i.n ii.r a 6-'{|1i^1. ,tt';'.t. A .:o.oA L(!:i !: i '.r..Jr r '-(:'i^ !FeC+xL1 r tRAilo:,n:ldt t q CriAFO J ao.ltf t E.r6€F F ^\r:l.a ' lc{aqr.r : -rar r; rF IORan ? RO ^^O'.!:h_l::*'_ - . y,ci'9jt C {.ltr)}? t.e.t,'}ie ft{r{ra lt o !ro14.r'r'9t:' ?;J, * t6 C€.r '.a;; .rO' i.an-Cs C a,t€. rlF o:. o?( grr.L r i*-STEtl ,lo:3 'ott Er nrl! ;.P\Fr -ct,,6tt' oloqae r Bf,on/b as{jala' Avc,lt ScnEOlCi '94' ^1on r) !E(t,;tO (,r1! lfr'-- AFe.'ndv r At?a ^gt{rr r, 'F " REr Death of RYan Rezvani Dear Mr, Leiser: This will confirm our telephone conversation requesting that you conduct investigation in connection *ittt thb death of Ryan Rearani at the Marriott in Vail As Air.rtiO, please oOtain-ieterant photographs and information regarding the adjacent demotition and renovaiion atthe irotet. -atio please determine what investigation was conducterl after the accident' This will also confirm your billing rate of $80.00 a hour.plus milnage and we will extend to you a OuO'get'oi if ,ZOO.6O at this time. You have agreed to do this investigation by Monday, January 8, 2001' Thank you for your attention to this matter and if you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. GII/dc .)l27ul_l c,".ci*.-. girwin@HarwoodLloyd'com (7.0r) 487-7443 Hackensack n/a(13) Leiser & Associates P.o. Box 17396 Denver, Colorado 80212-0396 Attn: Mr. Dean Leiser I ,"/y' 50 October 1981 A Jornt Venture i,"€ wiriamJ Ruor Kenneth S Wentworth Ross P Carl A Worth Thomas W 4- R)oft/\,tGtrtuorth Architects*:ry:;3;;,A[ A.Vlprthindon Bouldof , Colorado 40302 303 443-7271 Mr. Steve Patterson Building Department City of Vai I Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Marriott Mark - Phase ll Vai l, Co lorado Dear Steve, The following discussion is in reference to the Mark Hotel conference ceilingrs fire protection. We wish to confirm our interpretafion of the 1979 U.B.C. Code. The conference area is an A 2.1 occupancy, of TYPE ll FIRE RESISTIVE construc- tion. The bar joists and meta I decking are requ ired to have a one-hour f ire protection (Table 17-A). Sec.508, page 53, of the t79 U.B.C., states that where a one-hour, fire-resistive construction throughout is requ ired by code, an approved automatic sprinkler system, as specified in Chapter 58, may be substi- tuted, provided such system is not otherwise requ ired. Therefore, it is our understand ing that the automatic sprinkling system has satisfied the code requirement as the primary purpose for this protection is to provide one-hour fire reslsfance. We do not see any other reason for thls requirement. Please advise us if this interpetafion is incorrecf. Respectfully, l V0rtU,tU Lonn ie Gre im Arch itect - LLG,/cecxc: Ken Wentworth Monty Abeyta Moe Cox Kaiser Morcus o-P t"?*"#- zzztltr r,6-d r I t LD Ft PnFT 0N t"rcAVAT lCri iliStICT I CNs J"'.. cstc In tFcctcd r"r"r frJv-.4r-'R-€--"!*, $-$&r) . ' l,rl .i-,J,.J'r'u& O;- /7 LO;AT I C.t Strsct Coun t y FourDATl0\ s0lL € L0L'ER LiY!L;0,e^\ erdisL e,IL ' I tr'li 4 a1q- /t'; ( t?r"-ffi:, I /w*44 ,e-*-4t*2'L.' -l n4 - !t I d<^,*z--^ l-^^--,., .:. Hclst'-:e ,-0,..-6- t^r.:l -,i:i':..:-p l:rdi:ic:s cf "islef 1.:F:R TC J33 ilo. ,4-t*"a-+*-l--- tI II i w O/\04-' l /- Vtl=-tsxoTt tocAIl0\ 0F tJn:tzrJ rtPa-+a 1ffie ,--1-- YWU/ IIIr( lJ\f , __r I $.tluv"-- f"ffi;u .__.._-/-) HAhD ORI!t, a PEtNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LUerrTto?h JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING D INSULATION tr GAS PIPING T] SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ryAPPROVED c6'ffirEG tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR IN O SPE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE ,/2- z-t-. {/ READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: t] FOUNDATION / STEE. tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr tr FINAL O FINAL D DISAPPROVED{'eeenoveD /v- /? -tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR REQUEST VAIL DATE //- 4.- F /JoB NAME .-/%, z 44-{'F- ,*rI?".oN TOWN OF READY FOR INSPECTION: CALLER TUES LOCATION: ,prneeaovro //- *?/PPROVED €OHFECTTON* PMAM tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR oe oINSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE t/-;>-a/ READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR AM TOWN OF BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr D FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS EI CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr O FINAL tr FINAL {neenoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED D^rE 4 Z3. EZ tNspEcroR / ,*5l="rroN REeuEsr DATE ./,/- z- -9/JOB NAME READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION:PM TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr cl tr tr o FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr o tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr o FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION RE (r - oere //- 'z- - €/ rNsPEcroR /4 : / rh.p.h.,,,va,, I 'F OEC r 7 1s74 N OF FIEBUESiT VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED D orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE D penrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM flappRovED E orsappRovED D nerNsPEcr D uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRREGTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR / DATE rNsPESnrytaz r;leeuEs OWN OF VAIL E ornen E pnnrrnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRITUE AM PM il I neeRovED ! orseeeRovED fl netNSPEcr E uporrr rHE FoLLowlNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR ^ Fltr rNseeJroN Itov 2 ? tg74 FIEOUEST F VAIL E orxEn ! panrtnl. LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMONTUE AM PMFRI I appRovED E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: ! orsaeeRovED tr REINSPECT CORRECTIONS I : 0,.),. r, ,:- ,.*. ,,, : 1,: INSPECTOR DATE cr *0v 1r *T4rNspEctr"ft -t|SJllEsir TOWN OF VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED E ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE WED ! penrtll. LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRI AM PM E nppRovED D otsnppRovED fl nerNSPEcr E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG ooRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR to rNsPEcloN TOWN OF FIEEUEST VAILRtt ocT 21974 JOB NAMEDATE TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER ! orsen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE E pnnnnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM E appRovED ! orsarrRovED ! nrrNSPEcr E upon rHE FoLlowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR o rNsPE.lonl- :iilJ3'l=' DATE TIME RECEIVED I orsen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE n panrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM El app RovE D D orseppRovED ! nerNSPEcr n upon rHE FoLlowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR a rNs"=rdlo*l,.i AUG191974 FIETIIJEST VAILOWN OF DATE I.' ,.JOB NAME OTHER MON COMMENTS: TUE ! penrrel. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM D nppRovED E uporrr THE FoLLowtNG coRREcTloNS: CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr rNso=rfo,n TOWN OF AU8 I $74 FlEEUEsiT VAlL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER D ornen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE ! pnRrtel. LoeArroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM I eppRovED E uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR o rNsPE.|lot iLu AU0 6 tg7+ HEEUESiT VAILTOWN OF '.-'|. DATE ,4 ' X:) / ; JOB NAME -TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER f]orxen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE E pnnnnl. LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM flneeRovED E UPOT'T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS florsappRovED f] nErNSPEcr DATE INSPECTOR rNsPEclo,*, FrEorJEsr DATE JOB NAME TIME RECElvEti' i, : r t.. r,i\!l PM CALLER TOWN OF VAIL Rtt AU6 1 le74 D ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE E pnnrral LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FBI AM PM E nppRovED E orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr ! uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: COBRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE rNsPE.|lor ,.EeuEsir JoB NAME --t*- n,,'n o,l o * t o toou li'l u t tnto rfME RECETVED 2 .::.t am4ia.], GALLER ! orxen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE ! pnRnnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR ,l\AM PM 'r'. ,fl a.eenoveo florsappRovED .,t\uPoN THE FOLLOWTNG coRRECnoNS: I nerNsPEcr DArE .l r 'j.r. r- 7+ rNsPE.lo* JEJ',::'J'l TOWN OF VAIL oare ji i j. t r 74 JoB NAME T[ i-p M R,* i.- TIME RECEIVED (,1 l.:, t4M'PM CALLER At- E orurn MON COMMENTS: Ipnnrtrl LocAnoN J, arl READY FOR INSPECTION THUR AM,PlvrFRITUE E nppRovED E orseppRovED D nerNsPEcr E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE '1 JOB NAME r N s P EclS'fr.,u'i :gL E s r , TOWN OF VAIL TIME RECETVED AM PM CALLER E orxen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE E penneu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM E appRovED E orsapp RovE D ! nerNSPEcr E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR 4OO l-16 bo. dace colS(ddo scrrg cobfodo . 009i7 3O3'5Oo'7547 031 sotrh lrorraoe roodp o box 1E44 - wl . cobodo . O1557 303 . 415 .0297 v co*l^,| F,rlT "r:1 l;,-t- C0l',lPRf SS lVf STRFNGTH REP0RT cLtENr No 1O',-' r-AB No 10:-;-(-lj--a5) coNcRETE No fo:.r+"c .'iix r tME M r xeolljfi46p 1 y6e 1:lC pLAcEo 1la^a...r-.i -1al' n r.r -'r.r,'lN STRUC TUp I r.r-rus--siit' ;--.;'r i-..,,:_j:=:_. soil tiOn n9tneenng LOCA T I ON OF PLACEMEN T I coN TRAc roR Acx,cn Coilsct'irc t,ioir CorBany ---------:--\-pRo.rEcr'- Ti:c liark )...........--_- TRUCK NO Uu'v TICKEl 19 V215.(rj g '-. cu yos pLAcEo... 1{O cu yos oArE oF rEsr.. .. 9/i3/'7ir- TRUCK LOAOING... T CU YOS CALC I UM CHLOR I OE MI X NUMBER SPECIFICATIDNS.. DES IGNED 8Y..... elu/uo RATIO AEA oz/ vo tu IVA TER CONTENT... IYATER-CEMENT.. AOM I X TUR E . . TtM€ oF rEsr....2:CC : f -SLUMP ..... -r-Z--- FREsH coNc. wr.. !!i ).'' ENT. ArR coN rEru r jl . ii' F INE AGGR EGA TE. I NCHES PCF dP sAMPt-E CUR lNG. . . iac IVATER ADO€D.GALS PI-ANT cEMENT coNTENt,. ;; il'. q COARSE AGGREGATE- PCY JOB SI TE 1.5-3/4tl 1/i! )/4" -#4 PCY _ i4 sPEcIMEN NUMBeR !ci-7 9L-'i DATE TESTED e/2t/7\9 / 2j/7:+ NUMBE R OF OAYS CUREO 2 I Jl 2A ?B o I MeNS I ONS, lNCHes srD. cvt I noen=6rrX12rl std sP€cl MEN lvE I GHTrPouNos 2c.1r. ESSD oens t rY ' PCF !r*,2 o o 14i.: AReA oF- cYL I NDeR, I N3 sro. cYLtr.roen=28.2? tHa LQca(c:o..:/ TOTAL TEST LOAO,POUNDS 8540o 45400 c0MPRtSS I vE STRE NGTH TPS I )v)\))o2r D SPECTF I EO STRENGTH.PSI 3500 3ioa TYPE OF FRACTURE: l) otAcoNAL sHEAR2) corue 3) vERrtcAr- sPLlr I REMAR K S SAMpLED sy G. l:lanzari f ar6rt /'\ I TESTED aY G. lianzari stcNEo .o-..,| r,:lr '?:lrt lrl"''I 0C1 sotrh f rortoq€ ro6d u,"sr o o box $qa - n9tneenng LOCATI ON OF PLACEMENT I N STRUCTURE COI,4PRFSS IVE STRFNGTH REf,ORT cLlENr ruO 10::-2 rtcKEr No V2222 rtME Mlxeo9i52 t,aar yge 10:-qQ,-16a0 c&.e sprrqs cobado . 6O9T7 rca'cdsodo.01657 303 . 4t5 .0297 soil G r-AB No _ !Qj-a-( ioj-t_oO) coNcRErE No Portc iij-x kjf F. CU YDS PLACEO... TRUCK LOAOING... N'A TER CONTENT WATER-CEMENT.. ADMIXTURE.... CALC I UM CHLOR I OE M I X NUMBER. . . . . . sPectFlcATl0Ns.. DESIGNED 8Y..... SLUMP INCHES FREsH coNc. wr.. l4'5.f PCF ENT. A IR CON lENf ?'7 16 SAMPI-E CUR ING.. . .LAO' WATER ADOEO.GALS PI.ANT CEMENT CONTENT.. 2* S'':. ICY COARSE AGGREGATE- PCY F INE AGGR€,GA TE pnv 79 CU YDS OATE OF T€ST. CU YOS TIME OF TEST. ^ l- r\ fnl'J/ .v/ i + J-L. L',l_0 elu,/uo RA T I O AEA oz/Yo /"JO8 SITE 1.5-)/4" )/4" -#4 i4 Concrete Tenp.68or Air Tenp.- -o- sPEcrM€N NUMBER !0>Z DATE TESTED 9/2?/74 9/2717 4 NUMBLR OF DAYS CUREO o tMENS l 0NS, I NCHES STO. CYL I NOeR=6rrX12rl sPectMEN hfE I GHTTPoUNOS BSSD OCXS I TY, PCF 1/+-<. I ARtA oF CYL I NDER, I Ne srD. cYL t r.ro g,n=28.27 | rua TOTAL TEST LOAOTPOUNDS COMPRE SS I ve STRENGTH,PS I SP€CIFIEO STRgNGTH.P TYPE OF FRACTUR E: 1) ollcoNlL sHeAR2) coHeJ) ven r r cAr.- sPr- | r REMAR K S By G. Xanzarl TEsTEo By L. Lechner S I GNEOSAMPL ED gnoM n 1 o, s, fll[[ oc't 1 41'tr't aora^rlFrFLD TEST IND AO0 hdbo( ddceccbfa@ so(rs cctrado d09iz 303 5'C6 l5a7 103'l souh trcrxaoa roodg o bot €4a - \61 . cokrodo . O1657 303 . 4r5 '0297 CL I ENT NO I.AB NO CONCRE TE NO COI,/lPRFSS IVF STRFNGTH REPORT 'r-vrr-! icrtc lli-x soil TtME Mt xeo y:-.i lnnt veolC:i;pLAcEo t-ocAT t0N oF pLACeMENT I N srRUctune llase;.ctrt ::"^,1 ::r-qr___:_ug!.! CONTRACTOR enoregf-' i \-,inucx r.ib":i TlcKEr r'roVl,l-Jak, g *--.. cu Yos PLACED... 39+ cu Yos TRUcK LoADtNG... 10 IYATER CONTENT IVATER.CEMENT.. ADM I XTURE.. CALC I UM CHLOR I DE M 1 X NUMBER. . . . . . SPECtFtCATIONS.. DE S I GNEO 8Y..... OAT€ OF TEST. TII,'E OF TEST. ,7/ - . . . ,..Cz,;CU YDS e e r-,/t- o RATIO A EA oz/to % SL UMP FRESH CONC. wr.. l_4c.9 r^ENT. AIR CONT€NT2.:' I NCHE S PCF d SAMPLE cuR tNG.. . r,a!l IVA TE R AOOEO-GALS PLANT .EMENT coNr€NT . . ):; 3'.i. +et coARSE AGGREGATE-FcY -./Lr" F I NE AGGR€.GA TE. Alr Terp. PCY JOB SIT€ 1.5-3/4n 3/4r -54 i4 Concreta ?enp.r e0n :1, r-; Q; SPECIMEN NUMBER 1O'i2 OATE TESTEO NUXEER OF OAYS CUREO DtlreNSloNS, tNcfiES sro. cYLtNoeR=6flX12r1 sFECt MeN WE I GHTTPOUNDS 2?.7' BSSD oerus I TY I PCF r!i'..7 AREA OF CYL INOER, tN? sro. cYr-f NoER--28.2? tnz 2.., ?.) TOTAL TEST LOAOTPOUNOS COMPRESS I VE STRENGTH.PS I PEcIFIeD STRENGTn.PSI TYPE OF FRACTURE; 1) otAcoNAL sHEAR 2 ) corue 3) vER r l cAt- sPL I T REMAR K S By G. Manzarl rEsrED eY G. liarzaf i S IGNEOSAMPLED FoRM C-l tlu ocT1419?4 coficRrt F rELD TFST nNDo, f,AO0 h'arbo. ddc" cdorado grgs cokxddo . 00917 303 . 506 . 1547 103'1 sclth f rmta@ rood u,ssrp o box 6oa - vd . cdsado . O1557 303 '4r5.0297 COI'4PRESS IVF STRENGTH RFPORT CL IENT NO t-AB NO CONCRE TE NO CONTRACTOR PROJE TRUCK r.ro L'; 'TrcKEl xg Vl1 T I ME M r xeollj2=_ARR I vE9 l:1'., p116g9 tN srRUclrrra I:l-c..eirt :1ab !.1t. :!?:.LOCA T I ON OF PLACEM€,N T r..- .: / \r ^.riu _.-_- \ ' ) -:--.) J Portc l,lix U F € CU YDS PLACED. . . TRUCK LOAO ING.. . IVA TER CONTENT WATER-CEMENT.. AOM I X TUR E. . CALC I UM CHLOR IOE MI X NUMEER SPEC IF ICATIONS.. OE S I GNEO BY.,... OA TE OF T€ST.. TIME OF TEST.. SLUMP ..... ''; rNcHEs FREsH coNc. wt.. l:-'+,'.'' PCF ENT. AIR coNrtr'rr /;.i; I sAMPt-E CUR tNG. . . j,ei IVA TER ADOEO- GAL S PI-ANT cEMe N T coNTEN1.. :'.' S '.-+4r COARSE AGGREGATE-- FCY I r, fi---=1:-CU YOS CU YOS e a r,/t- o RA T I O AEA oz/'ro %0 ':. /.: -tl JOB SITE 1.5-)/4n )/ 4'-#4 t4F INE AGGREGATE.FCY sPEc I MEN NUMBER !Cr-;:9;-14 OATE TESTED 9 /2t /7:l c;/z>/7t+LO/Z/7\ NUMBE R OF. OAYS CURED 7 7 r4 ?.8 tk otMeNStoNS, lNcHEs s rD. cvL t ruoER=6ilX12u c+..1 StcL SPEC I MEN WE IGHT,POUNOS 1;' r '-ii. rr-4a.;y BSSD oETS I TY ' PCF -Ll). i L1i.!l-44.1 AREA OF CYL I NDER, I sro. cYLtNoea=28.27 N2 lN"LQoL(c-Jo.(10.1.i TOTAL TEST LOAO ' POUNDS -l54oo u54OA l_00000 coMPREss I vE srRENGrx tPS I )vt\:.].^,ai sPEC lF t€D STRE.NGTH,i s I i)w 1-,>OC TYP E OF FRACTURE: 1) D I AGoNAL sHEAR 2) coNE 3) vERTtcAr.- sPr-rr -L 1 .L REMARKS G. l.tanzari TE S TED BY G. i'lanzari SIGNEO Rtr ocT 1 4 coricRFo F rFr-D ,r' nno 1974 4Of l-Brbo( doce ccro.6oo sprr€s cokrddo . 00917 30J. 506 .?5d7 lGl1 scr..rh f rtr)(ao€ roddp o box fi4a - vd . colcrado . O1557 303 .4r5 .0297 C0!',IPRESS IVE STRENGTH RfF0RT cLrENr No 10j-2 r.A B No 10i-:-({.,5-90) CONCRE TE NO sol coNTRASToR Aspen Cons'uruction Corp4ql'_ -o**o*..'' ..; ".1,.- rRUcK No 55 rtcKEr Noy4!)! TlMe M1 ;6e9:10 ARRt vEoZ:.Zg_pLAcED LocArloN oF pLAcEMENT tN STRUc196g lasenent slab n.w. c^riad. (I, fls CU YOS PLACEO... TRUCK LOAO I NG. . . h,ATER CONTENT IVATER-CEMENT.. AOMIXTURE. CU YOS OATE OF TEST.... CU YDS TIME OF TEST.... 105 9/ri/i4 'l n. :n10 cA L,/L o RA T I O AEA oz/vo 7" SL UMP 4 I NCHE S CALC IUM CHL OR IOE M I X NUMEER SPECIFICATIONS.. OESI GNED 8Y..... Concrete Teap. FRESH CONC. wr.. i+4.2 pcr ENr. A lR coN rENr :.3 % SAMPI.E CUR ING. . . lAD. rVA TCR AOOED.GALS Pt-ANT CEMENT CONTENT . . 2-; b:i. ?1_ COARSE. AGGREGATE- PCY F I NE AGGREGA TE. . ^ PCY Ai- tTta.... c.>Uri:rII r sl.ljr. ( a- t :0 JOB SI TE 1 .5- )/ 4" )/4" -i4 #4 rJ2oF SPEcIMEN NUMBER 10f-a o)-i Q I-L4 OATE TESTEO 9/2t/74 9/2r/74 LO/2/74 NUMBER OF DAYS CURED 7 7 14 2R ?8 olMENSt0NS, TNCHES srD. cYL t NoeR=6xXl2'r std std std SPEC I MEN IVE I GH T, POUND S aO r J-U 11.,^zal BSSD oers I rY, PCF -.iJ a .l 14i. i L4t.? AREA OF CYL I nOEn I 1ru2 srD. cYL I NDER=28 .21 t n2 .i.1/.o.e( TOTAL TEST LOAO,POUNOS 95200 9b000 l_10000 c0MPRESS I VE STRE,NGTH TPS I SPEC IF I €D STRENGTH.PS I )?UU i500 zqnn TYPE OF FRACTURE: l) olAcoNAL sHEAR 2) coNE 3) vER r rcAr- sPL I r 'l I I REMAR K S SAMPLEo BY G. I'lanzarlrf,"TESTED BY G. llanzarl S IGNED coNCRF| F rFLD P5r'^t-tr1 4 1974 COMPRFSSIVF STRENGTH REPORT CL IENT NO I.AB NO LO)-" 4O0 hdbor do(e cddddo sgna6 cobd&'dogt 30J. 596 .1547 03'l sd.{h frtr{o@ ro.d \,qstp o box fiaa - vcf . ceodo 'O1657 303 . 4rb '0297 ton neen(E T ICKE T NO v2100 rt ME M1 y6e 11:l-41"" I u.o11:40"LAcED LOCATION OF PLACEM€NT IN STRUCTURC Basenent slab s.e. quad. coNcRE TE No Porto l'lix o"orefEgslE (t flf cu yDS pLAcED... 80 cu yos oArE oF rEsr...,9/L7/74 TRucK LoAolNG..' 7 cu Yos rlME oF Tesr-..- 12:00 wATER CoNTENT. aau,/t-o sLUMp .....4 IITATER-CEMENT.. RATI o FRESH CONC. wr. . 1+1.] ADMIXTURE. - AEA ENT' AIR coN TEN T +'o oz/,ro _% sAMpr-E CuR tNG. . . Lab. cEMENT coNrENr.. 5i- Sii. t'et INCHES PCF CALC I UM CHLOR I OE M I X NUMBER. . . . . . SPECIFICATIONS.. DES IGNED BY. . . . . IvATER ADDEo-GALs Pt-ANT .,OB S I TE 1 .5-3/4" coARsE AGcREcATE.- FCy z/4rt 3/4tt-94 F I NE AGGREGA TE.PCY _ i4 SPEC fMEN NUMBEa LO3-2 79-7 3,-\ .1 DATE TESTED 9/24/71 9/24/74 NUMgER OF DAYS CURED 7 14 2B ?8 o l MENS l0NS, I NCHES sro. cYL I NoER=6[Xl2x std std SPECIMEN WE I GHT'POUNDS 28.70 co.0u BSS0 oeNs I rY ' PcF 146.2 L45.7 AREA OF CYL I NDER ' I N2 srD. cYLtNDER=28.2? tuz 16.t1 .10 .1 ( TOTAL TEST LOAO'POUNDS t-05000 10s000 COMPRESS I VE STRENGTH'PS I 3750 ,o2rJ SPEC I F I ED STRENCTH 'PS I 3000 3000 TYP€ OF FRACTURE: l) oTAGoNAL sHEAR2) coHe 3) veerrcAr- sPLlr 1 .' -L REMAR K S SAMPL ED ---!- ^ .a ev t. Lechner TESTED BY S I GNED o l-tdbo( TRUCK NO r "'\ ^: ,-\ T ICKE T NO V<'UO4 rtMe MtxEo 1!49 lpplyEe2:00 pLAC€o LOCAT ION OF PLACEMENT I N STRUCTURE ,"ialls north eni oi buildlng. sol foundotion dngineering c€(doo sgrt96 cdorddo ' 80917 303 596 .7547 fi1 sotnh f roflao€ rood $€5(p o box tQaa - wl'cddado.81657 303 .475 .0297 RLI' ocT 1 41974 coNce r trlo rrsr al,ro C0r',lPRtSS IVF STRFNGTH REP0RT cL t ENr no 10.:4 r-A B No LO)-z /,rt ra \-\ / )'('. ) CONCRE TE NO Por''bo }lix coNrRAcroR Asuen Construction Comparty PROJ kj F '-.. CU YDS PLACED... TRUCK LOAO I NG. . . WATER CONTENT. YVA T E R. C E M E N T. , ADMIXTURE. CAL C IUM CHL OR IDC MI X NUMBER sPEClFlCATloNs., DE S I GNEO 8Y..... OATE OF TEST,... T IME OF TEST. . . . 9/\6/'/4 SLUMP ) tNcHES FR€sH coNc. wr.. 141r.2 pcr eNr. ArR coNtt-nt;.) /" sAMPLe cuR rNG. . . Lao. fvATER AooEo-GALs PulHr 2o F1 ceMEN T CONTENT.. 2? iil" tltr COARSE AGGREGATe- PCY F INE AGGREGATE..PCY ( CU YOS CU YOS enu,/t-o RA T I O AEA oz/ vo f; ,o' r,OB S I TE 1 .5-3/4n 3/4" -#\ i4 sPEcf MEr{ NUMBER \OYz 777 'i Li-'i 7r-14 OATE TESTEO 9/?-t//4 9/2t/7 4 9/")0/7 4 NUMBl.R OF OAY S CUREO l4 28 28 otMENSt0NS, INCHES s ro . cYt t ruo En=6r x12n std sid q+,1 I sPECl MEN IVE I GHTTP0UNDS {o. )u 10..+ ESSD oe.Hs I rY ' PCF L4i.?144.2 r43.9 AREA OF CYL I NDER, I N2 sto. cYLtNoER=28.2? tNz 1C.1(/:e.a/aa).4( TOTAL TEST LOAO'POUNOS 75200 'i4900 o2LVU COMPRESS t VE STRENGTH 'PS I 26'oO -v'f ./f010 SPEC I F 1ED STRENGTH,PS I .i000 i000 5000 TYPE OF FRACTURE: l) otAcoNAL sHEAR 2 ) cone 3) venrlcAr.- sPLlr 1 'l .L 1 REMAR K S SAMPL ED FoRM C-1 avL Lechner T€sreD BY i,. Lechner S I GNED AO0 harbor dacecobado 9r!6coilr.do . 00917 303' 546 .1547 coNcRF) r ,rrlurrS:t^1,rn *" C0f',IPRESS IVF STRENGTH REP0RT lOi-2 - / -.. .- \\IU".-,j-(.1at_l Porta i.Llx Soil G CL I ENT NO I.A B NO CONCRE TE NO CONTRACTOR PROJE 10C1 sor-nn f rofloee road \ ,?sr I o bor tQaa - \d . cctrado . O1O57 303 '475.0297 nee(n9 rrME M'rae 9:0o rnnrveol0:O$LAcED LOCATION OF PLACEMENT IN S TR UC TUR E ba$elllenE 9. tr LUi?.C. (t flf CU YDS PLACED ... 95 TRUCK LOAOING... 10 WA TER CONTENT... - IVATER-CEMENT... ADI\,llXTURE. CALC I UM CHL OR I OE MI X NUMEER SPECIF ICATIONS.. DE S I GNEO 8Y..... oArE oF rESr.. .. p41:iE TIME OF TEST.. SL UMP FRESH coNc. *r.. LLr2.'7 ENT. AtR CONrer.rr /i.2 CU YOS CU YOS e I u,/t- o RATIO AEA oz/ vo 7. INCHES PCF % SAMPLE CUR lNG. . . r-,ao. IVA TE R ADOEO-GALS Pt.ANT ceMENT coNrEN1.. 5i Sli. egv COARSE AGGREGATE- FCY F INE AGGREGATE. rO .JOB StTE 1.5-)/4" 3/4n -is4 i4 SPECIMEN NUMBER ]O-;A b9-r4 OA TE TESTEO 9/2i174 9/zi/7+9/to/74 NUMBCR OF OAYS CURED l4 t t-a o I MENS I ONS, I NCHES sro. cYL t NoER=6ilx12il std std sPECI MEN rV€ I GHTTP0UNOS /-s.92 2i.i2 10-u1 BSSO DENSI TY, PCF L4Z.g L42.7 AReA OF CYL t NOER, tN3 sro. cYLtNoER=28.2? tr'ra 10.4'/2a.2'l ct.c( TOTAL TEST LOAO,POUNOS 94400 Yruuu 103000 coTJPRESS t ve STRENGTH,PS I ))LC SPECIF I ED STRENGTHTPSI io00 io00 f000 TYP€ OF FRACTURE: l) o t AGoNAL sHEAR?) coNe 3) v€R T tcAr- sPL I r 'l r 1 REMAR K S SAMPL Eo FoRM C-1 Bv G. l,lanzari T€STED BY L. Lechner SIGNeD CONCRO ' TT' i::J,13'O 4O0 frdrbo( ddce c@rooo sFxr€6 cobado ' 0O917 3O3 . 5go .7547 1O31 sou,rh frorraoe roadpobox fo4 - ,,,ci cob.ado , 01657 303 . 4rb .0297 COMPRESSIVF STRENGTH REPORT coNcRerE No Porto 'lix CONTRACTOR pRo.,Ecr \Ihe;:.._.... Jsoilfoundat'on dngineering rRUcK r.qo 360 r rcKE r uo V199J rlME Mrxeoli:9i, o"^,u.o l:00 PLAcED LOCATION OF PLACEMENT IN m^...^.i -. ..rrr:r..1. --rr.,irr-inr v;af 1 .STRUCTURE I tiUII-L v eUuL'e .L u t/dr-llr-rie I (t fl F-. cu YDS PLAcE,o... 40 TRUCK LOAO I NG. . . h,A TER CONTENT... - IVATER-CEMENT.. AOM I X TURE. CALC I UM CHLOR I OE MIX NUMAER SPECIFICATIONS.. DC S I GNED 8Y..... :) SL UMP FRESH coNc. YY1" i+'r' i ENT. AIR CONTE.NT -'-) CU YOS CU YDS eet/ to RATIO AEA oz/ vo 7; OATE OF TEST. TIME OF TEST. F INE AGGREGA TE. )/i\-/'i!,. ,1 .'lL' INCHES PCF ,! SAMPLE CUR ING. . . !.,.. VIIA TER AOOED-GAL S PLANT SEMENT coNTEN r . . t-; 'r"' |CY COARSE. AGGREGATE- PCY PCY _ i+ JO8 SITE 1.5-3/4" 3/ 4n -54 SPEctMEN NUMBER LO>?oi-l oi'-r+ OATE TESTEO e/LE/?4 9/L3/71 9/2r/'i1 NUMBE R OF OAYS CUREO 7 f,i L,.Q ?8 olMeNsloNs, lNcHEs sro. cYL I NoER=6rrX12n Std Stci SPECIMEN IYE I GHT'POUNDS .:O . ,C ::e .2 L BSSD oeNs I TY ' PCF L44.'L45.2 L+'J . ) AReA oF CYL t NOeR, I N2 sTD. cYL t Noen=28.2? I tr2 lQ.af )2 )n -, e -.-t4Q ..- ( TOTAL TEST LOAO,POUNOS 94400 94000 loy0_q0 coMPReSgt VE STRENGTHTPS I 33i9 t6ri SPECIF I EO STRENGTHiPS I i000 1000 )UUU TYPE OF FRACTURE: l) otAcoNAL sHtAR 2 ) coxe 3) venr I cAL sPL r r t I REMAR K S sy L. Lechner TESTED By L, Lecllner S IGNEOSAMPL Eo trocv C-1 s, s, .ol.qlq@ COI'4PRFSS IVE STRFiiGTFI RE,PORT400 fr,Jrbor frace cdo(adr sg'r96 cobrado ' 00917 303 506 7547 cL I eN r ruo 1Ol-2 iltl ()CT 1 1974 r-AB No IAia-(55-hO CONCRE TE NO Por.t n l'1i x coN TRAc ron Asiien Constnucti on Compeny PRo,rEcr Tne l'iark rRUcK ruo 5].2 r tcKE r No V18i5 r I ME M r xroll:,!L lnn t veoL,1:flplAcEo-- srRUcluq6 Tennls court retarning wall. 10Jl s.!th Jro-{aga rodd \^/"9 p o box 1914 vda. colorodb 'Ob5i 30J . 47C .0297 foundotion dngineering LOCA T I ON OF P LACEME N T IN (t a o€f CU YOS CU Y O S eal,/t-o RA T I O AEA oz/ vo cu YDS PLAcEo . .. L?t TRUoK LoAo I tn... 7 wATETt CONTENT... -==--_WATER-CEMENT.. . ADMIXTURE. oArE oF T€sr.... q/b/?t+ T IME oF rEsr. . . . I2z2q sLUMP .....4-L FRESH coNc' wr" 144'i ENT. AtR coNrtNr ;'5 Air Tenp.7c)ot INCHES PCF fr CALC I UM CHLOR IDE MI X NUMBER SPCC I F ICAT IONS.. OES I GNEO BY..... Co.ncrete Ter:p. - ut" sAMPt.e cuR lNG. . . !o'lro WATER AOOEO-GALS PI.ANT L-1CEMENT CONTENT.. )-i ;J:-i' -4^ coARsT. AGGREEETC-_=.--- I CV F I NE AGGREGA TE. . _'=-=.- i,CU- 7. /t,rr.LL=-_ -_- t4 .JOB SITE 1.5-.)/4n ')/ 4" -#4 :o- sP Ec tMEN NUMBER 1O:;:.5t-7 )a- /-;?-I4 DATE TESTET)9/!i/"r i 9/\i/ r-\c; /LJ /7 t+ NUMELR OF DAYS CUREU 7 ?14 ?d olMENSloNSr I NcHE s srn- cvr I HoER=brrX12x std 5tu SP EC IMEN WE t GHT'POUNDS 'Lt)-L')a:t . - UL)/'i ^ /' -) ESSD oe^ls I TY r PCF 1Li- 1 'l L2- q lI!-)-,i AREA OF CYL I NDER, INz srD. cYr-tNDEP=28.2? lt't2 1C.1(.v.a(Z'i .l ( TO TAL TEST LOAD ' POUNDS 7'd?OA 't l. nn Y CTIUU COMPRESS I VE STRENGTH'PS I ca /Y )+Lv SPECI F I ED STRENGTILPS I J00q 5000 3000 TYP€ OF FRACTURE: 1) o TAGoNAL sHEAR 2 ) corue 3) vERrtcAt- sPt-lr 1 J-1 ReMARk s SAMpLEo By L. Lechre r rEsrEo ev L. Lechner s lGNeo tr oPM C-l {' .o*.oO ,, :rjl[ 00T 14€74 FLD TFST 11l'D COI'4PRFSS IVF STRFNGT|T Rif-CRT CL ICNT r.ro 10J-2 CONCR E TE NO corurnacrdii, foundation dngineering PROJ TRUCK NO rtcKEr ro V1"25 r I ME rvr t xrc9:j'o lnn r veol_Qj-ig pLAcEo LOCAT ION OF pLASEMENT I N srRUcrune lennlq cogrl lqiq41i41wa1l. 40fl hd(bor ddce corc(6@ scrrQs cobddo . 0091-7 303 . 506 75d7 1031 sotrh f rornaqe rodd v€stp o box tQ4a - vol .cdorodo 04057 303 . 475 .0297 Soil(t g s cu YDs PLAcEo... ijj TRUcK LoAorNG... I ITA TER CONTENT IVATER-CEMENT... AOM I XTURE. . . . .1O:JrO SLUMP .....'1 INCHES FRESH CONC. sa11.. Ll+Z.L FCF ENT. Af R coNttvt 2.5 % SAMpr_E cuR tNG. . - Lab. WATER AODED-GALS PI.ANT i2 .JOB SITE OA TE OF TEST. TIIUE OF TEST. ceMENr coNrENr.. tii- Sk. rer COARSE AGGREGATE-- PCY CU YDS CU YDS eal/uo RA T I O AEA oz/vo laCALC I UM CHLOR IDE MI X NUMAER SP E C I F I CA T I ONS. . OESIGNEO BY..... Concrete Tenp. F INE AGGREGATE. .', /' , tt PCY 1 . 5-3/ 4" )/ 4" -it+ t4 5t-oF.\) SPECtMEN NUMBER 10t-2 tt9-7 tb7 :;i-l+:,1.,-OPT DA TE TESTED ) /LL/? !+9/Lr/71+9 /LL /7 t+1a/,- /7',1 a, /;' /i i, NUMBLR OF OAYS CUREO 7 7 't4 UR ?d L O IMENS IONS, INCHES STD. cYL I NDER=6IIXI2II stc Stcr stc sti SPEC IME N WE IGHT,POUNDS )':. nt'.'\C r.'.C-ro 2..'i'O ESSD OENSI TY, PCF L4r.4 L47.O LI?.0 LJ(."t .!r+c . 4. AREA OF CYL INDCR, IN" sro. cYr- tNoEn=28.2? tH? 1C./'i LC oC (za..L/10.a(cv.ll aa oLf TOTAL TEST LOAOTPOUNOS t-03000 lioooo 1i9000 1i4000 ;;7C00 l iqooo COMPRESS I VE STR[,NGTH'PS I ')()v L 41VV 4r.o J j+0ir5 49r? SPECIF IEO STRENGTX'FS I 7'OOO 5000 ",OOn ,00c i000 t000 TYPE OF FRACTURE:1) otleotraL sHEAR 2 ) cone 3) vER r I cAr. sPr- | T 1J. '1 1 1 I 1 Air Teu - nOr"J( T REMARKS SAMPLEo ev L. Lechner resrEo ev L Efl.. Lecbner S I GNEO **..? 825-5261 Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock 6-Lb7t+ 8k. Sl ump: AspEN coxsrnucmor ccn'rPlr@ Iii;5ff/oor., lst floor-northwest corner-toppi.ng wt/Cu. Ft. : 13g.40 yiel d: r.O Concrete TemP.: 24 F A Moisture: Weather: SunnY and MlId me Tested: Pfeifer t It1 Tested By: Cyl i nder D'ia. ( o,.o )..',|.fJ cylinder oia 2@ 28 Day 5.9b7 2852 5.950 27rr 278r 1 HOLd @ 45 Day 1@ tq oay 2619 before slump. after sIunp. Materials Testing ServidH JUL 1 0'e74 West 8th Ave. r, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT for Job No or t.O. 9L272 ' . Date Tested: Mix I.D.: 6 l'later TerP. : ' Total, Yards: 2L/trz Max. .,Ags. si ze: 3/t+' Tinp Batcheo: 9:30 Spec. P.S.I. at 28 DaYs: TEsT CYLTNDERs cY ,92 Cyllnder oia. 2@ .7 DaY 5,96) 2255 5.95L 22OO Average: 2227 seter added rater added Locati on: il" Ai r: 8# Air TemP., 55o Tota'l Water: Max. Size Load c.Y.; 7 Yde' Ti me P'laced , 9t\5 3000 o *Qu.- zznn74 r''t.' ' 1C33 South FronE.age Road lias; P.0- Box 1944 V'4il, Colcrado 81657 .i,J16 H\t3CH pLACE. C3r-C?Art-J S11r\ - ._ r-j.DC3C. t7 AVA}LABLE I ::,-D ::S?5 ,i C: I,iPD.ESSI'/E gse i:*ni,:1!,:r: eillnq ci '_:i):.;ci.:Ti BEST COPY 3(j3/ 59A7637 ;.5'i I'i 1,1:Tfr 'f -LrS I.\l lIC.\ l:D 1L5 i-.1- ^ a. ^ f icket l:ie l'{olded: 6/1o/i',. Time;_g;j5-33Cu*ng oi Samoieffi Lac, if-l l,torsc P.corr ^,;Flil." t3i:6tiT io:r:re,.e 'r'erp. cOJi, i-ir Tenp. 72o,r Sluno '.^: Wt- of iresh Conc. PCF '1 .h.'-,,r Ali Conien: c143-65 Cr3E-63 ' . C23I-62 Vol. of Load 7 cy/Truc<^r/-r-t -^ | I l. !-aa- G:I./Sack :;Vaiei Aid:..I € Planc , .i:c(Gat) ' Ceneni Contenl: ' Fi nc lnrrr>n.a Ia v"J I Tests at D3vs o - r.tl <'t ci oz/ct SPecs .'; Sacl; c 12-54 -Sid 5xiZ cvL 3SSD/C .19 63 CT SrC Cyi 28.27 (:) (3i C,tne l,;eri. S. ir.:r [r lj-r '' iGaii Samp la d i,ieiersignea sy:. f i,---...- 4 - :,Q o J t"42.-P'/ Fi'l r'; ; feg, (.a 1l -1-1 5r, :l :: Fr.:;:-.'; a a:.€ :.lo.,:C i:-:!; v a -1. -. 11:/,/. iali, C.-lc: ad.a E,Le 57 .1,3 'r.-,r,t;R p|^cF, c.,,!(i i-lADo spi: |:.ti:a a'-'. . '.' :..aJ ?):J.J' ' 3i'?i .J'!4. ,-a1t- ! if :: llGT? lrcr i:r,l ai il..;- : -: r r. ::: iC':.i Ci COlJClniT: i:t-:-' 'l'isij i Ci r"::'|:is.::r'ti j..sl tr! }.{:?EL-1DS ;:;1.1 c -T:D Ru JUN 131974 !nl-. "lrtrr - I 'r oi-2 Lab. Ir:, 1O1-2-(37-L2L _ ._ i Coac. Cc. porto i.lixStruciure lst at"C 2nd f l oo I lne l:iir:i R .'r ? rrn Dete l,1oideC: 6/a/7t ?i.ne:g:Fo em Curi:rE of Sanpie$X=:b-.._oT I.ici:; '- J l:-CO - -^o-uenp. )o !. of Fies6-Fonc. PCF 1&0-6 .i--:r Jcr::er-: 6.2 '.', .l.cc:l Concrete c 3i-66 - --orenp. 2u, /rlrwt.(lrrrnn <a c !43-65 ltol r-. f T rr;rd ,7 --, /T:-, r -'--r v r,' lr' uvi- l'11r -: -,,-/ L- --r-- r- -'. /' ^ -.;, -ga- - --,.,c* C i'J 9-f 3 i\'; ie: ,le :-.9::r lairc Aini:.:.riie: ,tilA l .i!, ].'-- . ' Ge i,/Sa c*'^;--^- .:: ,'iV c:'--- -.-J:J Ccerse .. _ v.. 3i-r' Snecs. 5 Sack Cc:'rc;:: i:i:ecrie It Desigrr ly :C: Driilei Cores u +z -c+ C n.: - i:'.: ,: "r l.irr D::,e;:src::s inches - S:d 5 x 12 Cyl ;S;,ecinen ',\ri. ibs. 3S3t1//0.i953 CF i'ri:eiEh: ?Ci 3Sg: i.::ea Sc. kches - StC Cvi 7.9.27'.- - Last No. of Specinen ES 9F lr.: i. J ^:i5(.:J f l'i Djag. C_:- .. - - C:ne t3) Veri. Sciii r:t!llt-t tsi ;3:j-;i i ?-?oc Testarl tsy: T. J. l'Ie1er Sanpled By: T. J' Meier Sig:red J!,v: Rrf JU1 101974 Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 5r.5 Tj cket ; VO0ZB Balcony 2nd floor north side. lrlt/Cu.Ft. : LbL..,6 Yield: Concrete TemP.: 6Oo F A Moisture: 7 yds. Weather: Cloudy and rain Time Tested: 9:OO Pfeifer o 825-5261 TEST CYLlNDERSfi\.:' Cylinder Dia. CY 59I 2@ 7 Day weter rater 6.00? 20j9 5,ggo 2o?g 203t+ Cyfinder Dia. 1@ 14 DaY 6.oo7 248O 3*" slunp. slunp test. Cy'linder Dia 2@ 28 DaY 6.002 3L60 5.998 3270 32L5 HOld @ l+5 Day of of before after MATERfALS REPORT for 1"0"o Construct ron@ Job No or l. D. gLA-z Date Tested. 6_5-74 Mi x I.D.: 6 sl ump: Water Temp.: Totql Yards | ?/Lz Max. Agg. Size: 3/4n Tirne Batched: 8cI5 - Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Locati on: 3t" Ai r: Air Temp.: l9o Total Water: Max. Size Load C.Y.: Time Placed: 8225 Days:L Tested BY: o 'I 1.,r (, - '. :i , 3:.'-..jr. :!. glct BEST COPY )t: . AVAILABLE i.iTi- iri-:-Lr T:i-Tl t0Utrti.iii ^f r-14\_rrfr Conc:e;e Ter;.Siur:rr ;+ C 3i-{--u --o-2G, Al-r \iii . tI arnn q.Q Ol t\J foi lrr:,<ir Cci:c. lCl tlO. t_ ^.- " ._ ...:: i. -:..,_. .__ 5.7_C r+J-65 1;cl . Gai,/Sac* t Deys .l-Ee 1 Las'" Iio. of Slecrnen lio. t es. test e!_dey€_ci-a69-_-__ -J--.-)--i3:.L... - - -i9:14-*!ihlE- -. -.*;-?i. + l-clr I:',. ,/1 .-\ t-t . 11 ^ /-,, ( ,/1 a../ri. 1,/1. /1 ,. ,, /:. /.. ;. . / .. /,,:.___pJ:_41.L* ^91-f.-1/ /\. --, _.,.rJ.:r.. | ! -?-r.-,...:-.- .,rLr.r. _: , t - i t _ L/ J-.1 -:f sii. Sacpiec' !;': T. J. I'jeier S:-E:.ec g Seruice Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Casfle Rock l+" Tennlg court footldgs - r€st gide. WtlCu. Ft.t 144.60 ytet d: Concrete Tenp.: 54o F A Moisture: C,Y ,: 7 3: oo yds.Weather: Cloudy Tested:3:LO Pfeifer and rlndy Time Tes ted By: cv 2c0 i 2048 205t, 205r Cyl i nder 6.ooj 1@ t+ oay z68l Cyl I nder 5.992 5.9y7 2@zg oay 3205 3059 3r33 45 Dey 589 Day Di a.Dla I HOld @ M^rERrALs REP6RT ro, ASPENCo{smucTroN c0MpAtrr .- ffr;^;;l ,"r.0 51o Job No or t.D., gi2-2 --q:-1* Tested: l:D'' ,* r Tenp. : der Dia. o06 958 I Yards I 3;OE/L11' Agg. Stze: )/4" Satched:2s45 P.S.I. at 28 Days: CYLINDERS 5-3L-74 gk,' Sl urp: Locati on: Ai r: Air Temp., ?5o Total Water: Max. Size Load Time Placed: 3000 ls Testing Service .,ltiL Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 69 Ticket y VOO16 u B 1974 .;:, , $te Teste4: 5-3L-7b ' . t|i1..1.9. i.1, tl sk. s'lwP: ."' Haier Tenp.: .'-"','.,...,.r r'r.,; Total Yards: TOaOO :l'r,, I lrlax.' Agg. Size: /lt* " s) Ti{B Batthed: 12:18t';,.. Spcc. P.S.l. at 28 DaYs: ATESTCYLINDERS CVt:,:]. : . .tylinder Dla. 2@ 7 825 -5261 ASPEN CONSTRUCTION cCFrtP Locati on: Zt" Ajr: Air Temp. t ?Oo Total Water: Max. Size Load C.Y.: Time Placed2 L2?4h Footings for ternis courts top trench.l,lt7cu.-Fil: I1'L.01' Yield: Concrete TemP.: 6Lo F A Moisture: 3000 _ Tested By: 7 ydt.' l lme , Weather: Tes ted : Pfeifer Sutury and nild 588 Day "_laIaLa+ 2l-5r 2L38 Cylinder Dia. 6.006 r@ tq oay 2703 Cylinder Dia 5.ggg 5.996 2@ zg oay 3oo7 3060 30)3 I HoId @ 45 Day of uater added si.te. r Constnction. Bon Frickel. BS &tgelkeI Suparvisonn of-Vall TO: Material .el ,, f L{. JUL g lg74o sTlbstilng Service 825-5261 Also:Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 511 ri i[et yy V0ooB Location: footlnga for'Tennis court - eaot side t" Air: !{t/Cu.Ft.: 1r}5.l*o Yie'ld: Air Temp., 11-o Concrete TemP.: 600 TotalWater: FAMoisture: Max. Size Load C.Y.: / Time Placed: tOr45 Weather: Tested: ]-Ot55 Pf,eifEr t't me 3OOO cv st| 20 7 Day Cylinder Dia. 6.o05 Cylinder Dia 2@ 5.9y7 5.gw Tested By: lCI 't4 Day 3otr3 28 Day 7L72 3bLl 2222 2180 220I L hotd O t2y2 Dayl+, of rater added at site. lUlaterials Testing Service 825-5261 AsPEil co*srR'cr'* €-yD Locati on: ,*r, Ai r: Air TemP.: 57o Total Water: o JUI_ 8 1974 FI IRtt Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 967 Tjcket # VOOOI .,; ." MATERIALS REPORT {or i ,,. , :r., 'Job No on l. D. 9L?-2' i Ddte Tested: ,-3L-74 "i: l,flx t.D.] 5 gk. S'l unp: ;: i ... ' water Terp. : '. Total Yards: 7/Lb . 't,|r*. Agg. Sizei 1/4' ' TlrB Batched: 7!2o.: SpQc, P.S.I. at 28 DaYs: 6ATE5I CYLINDERS CV i]-x" " i, cYllnder Dia. 20 7 " ''r' ' 6roojn z)37 ,i Max. Size Load C.Y.; 7 Yde'Weather: Sunny and nild Time P'laced: 7z)O 30oo Time Teste 6. 9zl5 3rd floor balcony - north side tlt/Cu. Ft. : Ll+l.60 Yiel d: Concrete TemP.: 5go F A Moisture: Tested By:Pfeifer : 586 Day Cyl'inder Di a. q oR(, /. ttv/ r@'tq oay 2836 Cylinder Dia 5.994' 5.999 2@ zg oay 35?9 1227 Sbot at site. 1o 45 Day 8.&*raarEta BEST;,nsrileefiilg COPY *!i- zz,n14 1033 South Froatage Roac! h'esE. P.0. Box 194e Vai.1, Cclc;ado 81657 . ..{1"t,, FAaBC; PLACE, COLL)qADrl sF-''\ S i.(j..: ':i)'j'i:,,.: 3031 596-7647 i:pcp.T o I c o NC s.E T"+VAII/tBUE & c c ].1 P P.E s s l\ii s rlr ].r GT iJ i^STM h,iE?i{ODS I}JDICiTID Job )ic . 104-2 _ IOl-2-(';!-=16) Conc. Co. Tine lv:ixeci 4:55 pn iTn-cl::rio. qog Ticket No. 1100<6 Cu.t'is.PiaceCllZ,zl0l l:ne Arr!.vao q:10 pn -t-- D:te l/tolded: )/\1/?L+ Time:-!afQ_p3r Curlng of Sampleil ]-ab. &i-1 l,loisi Rccn c al-66 -c 31:66 : concrete Terp. -55"F;- nir renp, 560r Slunp____l*__Wt. of Fresh Conc. PCF_J.4!-,C__ Ai; !sn'.grt 2 2 94 c 143-56 c 138-63 C 231.-'oz Vol .of Loa<i 7 _ cy/Truc'<1at,,/1.c.tar4 'i\'5ier Cr-:neni P.aiio icnixiure: AEA i\ratei Ad.aeti € Pl:nl .. irb (Ga:i,Jenent Contani ?Ci CalzSack I ':' n ot/c't Desrgn by Specs, ii jiask Ccarse AggieEe:e Fine Aggregaiell Acrr o :'L., i iDrillei Cores u {z-b{ S-oaciraen No. lD"t" Turt"d lDrre:rsions Inches - Std- 5 x 12 CyI jSpecimen Wt. Lbs.3SSD,/0.1963 CF 'veight PCF BSSD /1'l r-lnr a f?l 'i t^ -. J-::- Tests at ?ln nf il*.ran i .:orr il tl tl aa t:l ;(]\-, J. l.ieier S atap le d T. J. l.leierSigned l0co o rffiE.fut,RF:,-tlrG F .C . F a ..)0li i'I0tJIeiCl:ia: Ettg ii,= el iL'g BEST COPY AVAILABLE RtpcRT cF coj,.'cF:TE FIJLD TtS?Sl.: CC1\/;,iISS:iE STii:.:cTH ISTT{ I.{'THCDS ]h'DIC;T'D '.\':i.:-Y*. flrr JUL 2 21974 1G3-i Scuri: frc::rtage !.oai iics',- P-0.3c'x 1944 5jf. - 4O1 fr hA.:; Cii F -Aai. CC'L iji l t_: Si'.q,'\ :j:. i_:- L i:l ^1 1. c.l: :, JlJ, :Y: / =r:, Jcb lic, T u 1r l.i- 103-2 10T2-(2tr-"0L_ . \rvl;9 . LrIY' . .Tirne lvi i xe d__12;11$_jE__* v001"5 Cu.YCs. Piacei ?O/!OW ?j.r,e llsrlved_.1aiLl-U_ - D:te Molded:/7ti c-3i-66 Slump________,fl Time:!.1Qf_pgr 6fE, a1r renp. Zg"r-r,Vt. of l:esh Conc. PCF of Sar,pie l.roisr P.cc;r A:i Coaieiri 2.2 c i:.8-53 fE L=b. &n,l+- ^ t'r- J.::Cb .. Curlng c 143-66 \,-o!. oi Loaci -t : J-- J- !,.Y/ Ir uvl"' \1 iter C.er:ert Raiio Ainixture: AEA Gal../Seclr : -:-vvg!E: J-,|j*g-: i: i:ar-- r -.,-j Cenent Cor,t=;: Ccarse AEg:'egate = f-.: Firre AgEregate tl Oz/CY iesign by ioi:tteci Cores Tes:e- atc 42-64 iSpecinen ]Io. llr-.^ rn- ^ ' -; ,j],:::srsic---s r::ches - SiC 5 x i2 C!'i ;S::c!=e;: I,Vt. T)s. !-S!lz'!.1953 CI iii'eigiil i:CF 33S.r I'rea Sq. inches - SiC Cri 28"27 5950o CY4UU e - Last no. of Specinen I{o PT . e+'l i!,i1ii.; .i,c-.ual iSi C3i]-i:r: i I'.-rg or.'I '_ : : --- --.-r:- i.,i:'-tea,-,i;r -2t,t,P, 7i)1 ;a:. i ;rE'A:: LT-v -/Yy ! .:_.1[ i ) r-/l--L Tested Dy:Sanpled Si.g;ed. l; : .r*f gn F h- rL lit;.L{z; nlr* zz ts74 iC53 S c';: ": F:cr.-;.;e P.0. E,-':: i!:c4 BEST ' '"-'qlr, ccjc:cde €.r.'i;57 COFV 4:ti0i-,Ac.iJ: j:^:r-...1i..;;:.:--:r'.:! -.-i :l'i! '-':3 '' i::LjAVAILABLE 5ci[ [ [ouriiciir n Eh.0liri0i tir;. ;T Dr-,:T /"\= /-a!l'l---:'T:' FTF' T\ i:'e": e ,, af'1..' tr!:T ( c.!',':' eF:i-r'r':TL:I\-.' \J:.1 \/', v-.jj\v:--.:r tZ:--:J r-sr* (X \-/\/;'-. ;STM I.'|;THCIS Ii\'llCAT:D Job lrc.103-2_ Lab. lic. I}?'-2-(1a-?l!)_ _ . -_ Conc. Co.Tennis Court Footers Tlme l.tixe.:i 9:30 as CDi:!-..ac:or: 9t^i a Fl' Locaiion of. ' .:] iruci No.Ticket lIo .J3e04 Cu .Yds. Plabed 95 Tlnie ririued q: 5O ax . - Dei.e lr{oJded: ,q/Zt/ll+ Tirne: iO:l-5 alFur!::g cf Sa-;ciefl& *b;.&I luicisi i.'-::: Concrete Teup.ff, Air Temp. !$^c 3i-66.:lJa I L 3i:65 : C'l'.*^ .\'l \r,f- ^€.J.ruilll, /'l' \v!. \J! c 143-66 Fresh Conc.P C F__fAt*.&_ i'-it C cr-e r --, -__;l;/__2__ _ _ - \rcl . of loa6 7 "r'.,'i:uc',: G.i38-e3 1,\':lea C.e i;,e ri iaiic idri:-r:iure: }.jF. (!zl. /9* r-'-- oz/c't ^ -1 ^L\Eecs. )? '5acK Ccarse Aggrege:e f ' c,,:': :-.\4u9q \.--; ;:'- i-- 4\^-+^*-vg,.r.:lr ! Vt-'rr'-= ! : - Dasign by .d. L It gie A-tli:(.-1 no. of ;7 ', l lLb-5 l:l.!+J--t-2a-i.5 -;frJ+S:.-2-6-2L,--?E.r?- -. .?a.,-t? - *=,1 .-J"-- ... ;'9.:i.9.. -, ..... )|26 '-.-t?-qc--,- +-)-?1 . y):c _ j.q_0_9._. ,OCC_ _ _:SQ]_a. '-' 't' 2t. 2, - -=Y 1::I . iz=C:ij ',L) C)::r-r l:::.ri.i.s TesteC sy: T. J. Itieier Sanpled Ei': T i r..-.:: r.' ,',i ,*u t*ii ' t t': e b4ffirK|:u L t. i \r.*-. i ' cre--::-.: c: Pour ;.n S:ruc:ure Balconies . f rnish scuth. & i -a..*h 4 czr nr,': lrd hi r nn /, th qrs . nn 5-'h nl tts ' tlJJ. U^lr ) Dill. \J L:. )Lw-t vrb \Jri ? vrf t sr4. vLL /' vLL D;ie l,1.'iced: 5/i}/?4 *Tine: IO:20 atC'.:::::E of S::-,:r;le Xi{ 1: -4. :l d:-:;.:'-j i.-, Lr 3J-65 lnnnr.,r:f o rTornrr ;,i"F A'i z. Te'".n, Slu;:; !! 4 /t: -^o-(ur r-ln-r n Dar '1 L Z n'"^---52:-Y--- .'i., \ivi. of i:esh c 143-6e C .i; i -ii.i '?r'l::.i.'lli. ci T oad , : ;.r t ,/: ;: r- r- uLrc. >ts :.r-:-Ir'gv.U> i r 2,) il Tests at Days Age - Last no. of Specirnen no. indicates test ai days of aEe. !i i ---15=f4 ir5-ZS :-L?=e8- 1&-0PJ ll 2,+_5 /-z?A?:4 5 / 2?J7 \ -U?? / ? 4 t i- r__ -_--_:I-_L. i I Ii1 -5:i 5xi? (-:,-i'rc.-':.,ii T'-c :-S:1,'0.1963 Ci ii;ea Sc. inches - S:C i zg.z 2p.2 i^i=l : -!:." lil( i i /)\ 1..\ f2'\ll t. -: \J D.e q. (),,:,2 veSir+e- il ri t; :-I-' ii:,a'i1 --:,-J-Q0 ,, i -.-'-l.--/ / -... - -. - ..._190_Q l--, Service 5th fl-oor NW corner balcony Wt/Cu. Ft. . 1104.48 yi.l dt concrete temp.3 610 F A Moisture: 7 yds. Spec. P.S.l, at28 DaYs:& Tested By: Pfeifer EST CYLINDERS Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Ti:[!, u'l7rg flu JUL 3 le74 Weather: Sunny and Mild Time Tested: l0llro I I f-qfil West 8th Ave. Denrer, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT fO' Job t,fo or t.O. 9L272 ' Date Tested: Mix t.D.: 6 Watcr TerP.: Total Yards z L!r/ZL+ l,fax. Agg. slze;3/bt' Tlnrg Batched: 9zL5 l Cyl I nder D'l a. 6.016 ,.99) 5-)o-74 sk. Sl unp: cv 585 2Q 7 Day 250b 259t1 Cylinder Dia 6.0o5 5.990 20 28 Day 3 881+ 3655 825 -5261 ASPEN CONSTRUCTTON Locati on: 4fr Ai r: Ai r Temp., 68o Total Water: Max. Size Load C.Y.: Time Placed: 9:40 25b9 Cylinder Dia. 10 14 DaY 6.009 3O1O 5.985 2932 2glL rater added on git€. I HoId 37?o at h5 :' tapea Constructl'on!{r. non flckel SupervLaorof'YalIgs6 nilgeLke -t Materials Testing Service q53l West 8th Ave.825-5261 ASPEI{ COI{STIIUCT'O* @ Sl ump: tr| cv 583 22 7 Day 2?62 2709 Spec. P.S.I. at 28 DaYs: ?000 Tested By: Truck Ti cketnlr -iul 3 balcony 3rd floor, Viest side t^tt/Cu.Ft.: lllf.80 Yie'ld: a,O Concrete Temp.: 04 F A Moisture: Wedther: sunny & mild Tested:11:05 Pfeifer Denver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT fo. Job No or t. D. 9I?_z Data Testedz 5-29-71+ Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock nv]-297o tFTd Mix I.D.: o Water Tenp. : Total, Yards, rl+/2r+ Max. Agg. Size: J/11 Tirre Batched:10:15 Locati on: Ai r: -,..OAir Temp.i tv Total Water: Max. Size Load C.Y. | 7 Time P'laced:10:40 Cylinder Dia. 1@ 14 Day q oAn ll me 8.\TEST CYLINDERSil! Cylinder Dia. 5.96' 5.937 Cylinder Dja 2@ 28 DaY 5 .958 3 808 5.94t+ 3930 3869 1@ 45 lay I Average:2775 REMARKS: Hol d , Aspen Constrr:.cti.on Ron Frickel. -Bob Eneelket/Tovn of Vail-" Vail Supervisor €-,i E;e Ff":ttLtr I Saii * iour,istic: B53lincine::ii..' t AVATLABLE -,:'i' ,uL 2 2 F74 1Cl3 Scuth Frc:.tage hcz:d trle:; F.O. Bo>- i944 Ve.il - UCIL:aCC .rlC) / 4L' r C l-iA.PbUfr PLAC.- COiCaADC Sail:iJ: C1'-A-rAa?ea.,, 'tX1i '.9i 7641 IBf i:a'C.c.T Ci CCNCL:l: ni:-J ?tS!S a CJ]'4Pl.aSSi.': S:i:i:CTri ASiiJ l.lilrioD.s I iliiri C;TEi) >i/.rienf. ,ii-cceiion of Pour in Siructure 5th floor:. floors 2-5 Ccnc. Co. ! patlo d.ecks. ?ime liruck No. 518 Ticket Nc -llLZgZO_ cu.Yds.Placed 2r + Sime LO3-2 LO7-2-(7-L2) lvlixed IO:2O am Arrivee_1O; 35 am Slunp \{i. of F;esh Conc. PCF__!!+j}__' c !3 ii-63 .-; ?3!-A? Gallicai - c 143-66 tln I G=l/Secs | .leterAdieoGP.::r:i . j;: ^^-^-r.r*-4..*, i'_::: '' \JEt:lJrrl L,!rr r i: r.:. Soecs. 5 Sack Ccerse Agg:eE=ie ."L I F:rre g:regaie ?CY az/c: i:-'irrieo uores !c 42-54 !-i5=ecir:en iio. ;:-.'.ltO : -a S:eG.: rDr::.ensions Inches -S;d 6x12 ,S!eciinen lv'r, L5s.5S!D/C.1.o63 iifeighr- ?cF BSSD l,':ea Sg. Inches - S:d :Tcta] Lcad Lbs. - Last no.of Specinen No. D.ag. S;iral t2) Cor:e /11 Veri. lesied3r': T. J. l,ieier S r, i': Saupieri tsY: N. Neved SigneC :rl 2n l;j .ialF r::o - --t Materials Testing Service €Sgt West 8th Ave.825-5261 Also: Dillon, Longmont Denver, Colo. 80204 Vail, Castle Rock Truck 5ro Ticket n YL?9L+L Flt! JUL 3 1974 Concrete Temp.: 58o F A Moisture: 6.018 278t+ Average: 28?5 REMARKS: 1@45Day 7 gal-. water added on site after slunp test ,--.REPORT TO: I r -., .rt';'P' Aspen Construction . Ron Frickel' Bs6 Eneelke v/fovm of vailVail Supervisor - 2 .j 6.005 1+025 6.010 i9r3 3969 MATERTAL' REpoRT 1o, Aspen consrructt"" 5@- Job No or t. D. 912-2 Date Tested | 5-2t+-71+ Location: 5th ffoor balcony East side Mix I.D.: 6 sk Slump: )" Alr:1.8y'' Wt/Cu.Ft.: 14l+.64 Yieta: Water Tenp. : Ai r TemP. : 600 Total Yards: 14 Total Water: . A ^^A ,>QAA 6 nn1 ?l /,O\,r. \Jv\J aQvv .t Lb+v Max. Agg. Size: 3/lr" Max. Size Load C.Y.: 7 Weather: cloudY & mifd TirE BatcheA: 8:40 Time Placed: 9zOi Time Tested: 9z3O Specr P.S.I. at 28 Days: 3000 Tested By: Pfeifer ao,.tsett cYLtNDERs cv 5Bo Cylinder Dia. 2@ 7 Day Cylinder Dia. 1@ 14 Day Cylinder Dia 2@ 28 Day al i'* l Sl'l.l"r '.:i1 ". t! - , - ': ..4531 West ra Materials Testing Service 8th Ave.825-5261 i- Denver, Colo. 80204 Date Tested, 5-23-7L Mi x I. D. 3 6 sk 51 unrp: tJater Tenp. : Total Yards z 21+ Max. Agg. Si ze: 3/l+" Tln'. Batched: 821+5 Spec. P.S.I. at 28 DaYs: ffiTESI CYLINDERS CV 579 Cylinder Dia. 2@ 7 DaY 6.0$ 2850 6.007 279t+ MATER;ALS REpoRT 1o, Aspen Construction Co' Job No or l. D. 9+2'? Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock li:*. f?,?",,, tfr.t JUL 31974 Locatjon: Roofdeck 2nd floor - S.W. corner 3 3/tn" Air: 5/" -^oAi r TemP.: rz Total Water: I,ltl Cu. Ft. : Il+L .92 y i e1 d : Concrete Temp.: 600 F A Moisture: Max. Size Load C.Y.: 7 Time Placed;92O2 3000 Tested Weather: sunn} & mild Time Tested 2 9zl5 err. Pfeifer Average: REMARKS: 35 gat. > gat, zgzz water added vrater added Cylinder Dia. 6.0r9 before slump test after slump test Cylinder Dia 2@ 2g oaY 6.009 3703 6.004 3532 ^/1AJ OIO 1@ 45 day l-@ t 4 Day )o92 ^ REPORT TO: #+ Aspen construction -2 [,. r[ BESTiaii & Fouridcli,;r. COpy bngiileelixi:AVAILABLE 303/ 594.70.47 R:iCIT CF CC}.JCR|T:: 'IE:,D TiSTS & CC]I{?I:SSI\€ S.3II|]\]GTH AST i'f I,4E?IICDS i l;L1i CA'i:D iiri lfn} roz'r iC13 S.--ut h a:ontaE:e 'Foad, I,ier-c F. C. llc'x i944 '.'a:1 , Colorado 81657 40i9 i-iAaeoR PLACE, COLOTiADO SPfit!.iGS. Cai 'J 3aDC t!!.17 |cb I'rc. " 10j-2 __ *. ,. Lab. l"': . l O5-2-( 1-5 ) Conc. Co. PorSttucture SUndeek .iloplJ ng .D:ie l.4clCed: Concrete Temp. 57"F Ai-r_.,$ll! Siunp 5 311 Time:1[!.Q_ Curi:is of Saniplsfl AiiUUf :"'.c]::t :cci: c 143-66 Wt. of Fresh Conc.PcF__l3t_r_ c i3 'j-53 Vol . of Load 7 cv/Truz'i- C 3l-60 i'\\r.te: Cene-t Faiio Co:es ' GaI./Sack ,'y'atar -l.iieei € Flant ,. i.:::: Ce=eni Ccric;r::.^...' /r^- -^ - i---.- --r..'-./lJe;. >E 5'jJ; =iL'c i.-..:,:J.Y P{ne I ^,.ir-.:r: > ia i:./- r.' n- / r-\rY-/ v\_ C 42-i)1 - Last no. of $-csgj:'rsrr ],[s. e!-.-de.xg -gl-ag9r- - -._ -"-..-*. - - !"' 6 /?Q /.7-+-5/-?Q / ? 4 .5 /.?p- / 7 4 I iSee :i=ei i'lo. I ' 5/6/z. !iit3 -'i S iCC Di:.cisicrs iiches - Slcj 6 x 1? Cyi S,:rc!r,en'#t. Lbs . Vag-:,,/'i. j9€3 Ci ;i'r'e:giii PCF BSSD ;ie.:i Sc. ir.c}:es - Std C'rl 28.27 ,Tct ji L.:..3d Lbs ,. (2i i3 ) /-ar. c- '.larl S:Liiiii:::;:-:.: {i} Tl i :r ,.r S l:e ar l-;lil J.Y=J ., ,5oo-0.- Sar:pieC i3y: T. J, i.leierSigircC 3,w: oo Materials Testing Service I ffVesr cYLINDERS Cyljnder Dia. 5.gt+O 5.937 West 8th Ave. r, Cofo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT for Job No or l. D. 9LZ-2 Date Tested2 5-L7-7b Mix I.D.: 6 sk, SlumP: Water Temp.: Total Yards: 16 yds. Max. Agg. S'i ze: 3/ h" Tirp Batched: L0:3o CY 57t+ 20 7 DaY 2800 zto3 2802 Cyl inder Dia. 1@ '14 DaY 5.978 3rt+9 825-5261 Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock ASPA{ CONSTRUCTION CCnnPmrr:-fi\--Truck 509 Ticket #YL2853 Fdt[ JUN201974 Location: 5th floor, southeast wing - ,topping )n Ai r: Zt* Wt/Cu. Ft. : I46.leB y je'ld: Air Temp. z 690 Concrete Temp.: 6o0 Total tJater: FAMoisture: Max. Size Load C.Y.: 6 Time Placed: 10145 yds.Weather: SunnY and nild Time Tested;11:00 Spec. P.S.I. at 28 DaYs: ?OOO Tested By: Pfeifer Cylinder Dia q Qr,4-/. /*/ ( ao?,...,./r 2@ 28 Day 4467 43l-9 ,. ? ci2 Day Average: REMARKS: 81unp taken at PunP before I Hotd @ lr5 3 gaLlons were added on sj-te' REPORT TO: ,,@run*iHllHltr ': ', I|r.. Bob Engelle - , ': rom oe vanx Vetl SuPervlsor - l. : . -1II 2 a Service lst floor topping, tJt/Cu. Ft. : I40.16 Concrete TemP. F A Moisture: Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock copl,uvdGuG-) It,gk zll\=-_,__*.-" l lcKet # VI2825 Rtt JUN20,rq74 Locati on: Air: *t$ Air Temp. z 660 Total Water: Max. Size Load C.Y.: Time Placedt 9220 southwes.t corner Yi e'l d: : 600 T3TEST CYLINDERS Cylinder Dia. ,.919 5.9)2 Average: Cylinder Dia. 5.9t+6 Cylinder Dia 2q 28 DaY 5.958 )45lU^ 5.gt+6 37Og )579 I Hold @ 45 Day cv 572 2@ 7 Day 2jLO 2j)o 1@ 14 DaY )v). REMARKS: i* sb, 30 gallons of $n elump at 2)20 water added at site pump and at hose after REPORT TO:,/c\t ,Aspen Construction Bon hickel - I Bob n:ngeLke _ 1 ?om of Vail -1 Yail. Supervisor - Materials Testing ra53l West 8th Ave.825-5261 MATERIALS REPORT {or ASPE{ CONSTRUCTION Job No or l. D. 9lb2 Total Yards: 5O Max. Agg. Size: Tinre Batched: Spec. P.S.I. at Denver, Colo. 80204 Date Tested; 5-16-71+ Mjx I.D.: 30OO Slump: le$'l Water Temp.: yds. )/b 9tO? 7 yds.Weather: Sunny and breezy Time Tested: 1O:lro 28 Days: rOOO Tested By: Pfeifer -I water was added. 825 -5261 rbi lilaterials Testing Service il. -"" I i'*it,'iii','iirl, :- ^i.'i ^iSft IFrl 8![4X",. m Arso: iinollonslont iDenver, Colo. 80204 I ozc-czol I v"ir, iasi;:R";k i :i . l, j:; tf ", -.- li. i ';*rr1n*1sner::l:r: Aspen construetron cq 4,t- Iiii5rfil.*r. : i ' . rot il or t,o. 912-? ->'.-:-*-' It tJ's."r'6' il .' :. I -r. rrrrr.in {n7; ii, O.a" tl.sted: F15-?4 Location: 5th floor - west w:ing i,'' 1 l,4tx 1.D., 5 sk. Slunp: 5tr Ai r: wt/cu.Ft. : 139.88 vie'ld: ii. '.. ' ... .rn ' ;1' . .watqr;fe p.': Ai r Temp. : 75o concrete Temp. : 58o : : i "'. ,r l";1 lT,otil ,Ya.1g: jt yds. Total Water: +1O gals. F A Moisture: .;.. :,l+9€tegt i,,,':F|.r.,,16E; iifrii/t tt, ' Max. size Load c.Y.: weather:sunny and windv ' i . :.lri * Batched: LZ;26 Ti me Pl aced z Is 45 T j me Tes ted: 2:00 ii ,.:' ,'; ,: ,1.": spec.:P.s.I. at 28 Days: l00o ' " Tested By; Johnson i:, 'r. I, .. f .'-' ; :;,.fiIesr cYLllDERs CV 57O t+,1: 1' {' :l Ctttnaur: Dla. 28 7 Day Cylinder Dia. 1@ 14 Day cylinder Dia 2@ 28 Day ;",,,-i.;tlto"'"' ru:rt v''r "'"r,."n* 3zj6 "" r" ."rr.," -' r'r",ro" 'i ''it : 51928 2rl+i,8, . :'i l@lr5DaY i,,..,i1," ', r., .,. . .' ,-, i:,;.,:,nHFbhrlTO,: , ,.',. ':' ' ']:l ,:#& ..'. , Acpen. Constntctlon i-qSgS. ;.1: ht5.frtokel . " l;i5 "'lj: {elt : gupcrvltor f:,,10,, ,,$,""tli, Bd, hlelke' ,,. llr.';'r: '',:ti.tgltn trf Ye1l , t ,, : ;- rslq. -i*lt:,.,r"$.!',,ttti. . .." {H,:. ;;i*i;:' ,)_\ i..i ,li a Serrials Testing vrGe Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock825-5261 l'. l'|ix.I .0.i5'sk. 51 unp:2t' beforeAir: I it'ir temp. , ?zo ASPEN GOISTRUC1TON COMPANY r:- TllE MARK .' llugk Ti cket [ir\.!, "!U\lLocation: 5th floor - west wlng Wt/Cu.ft.: It*5.85 Yield: Concrete Temp.: 58o 2 {??"sor *1 'tC":1 Total Water: +l+O gallons F A Moisture: Max. Size Load C.Y.: J yds. Cylinder Dia.1@ 14 Day Cylinder 6.010 "r22 q or, ? ( QI.Q Weather: wlndy uta 1 HOId (D45 Z@ 28 Day 3O6l+ 3AL3 ?nq? Day l n53l West 8th Ave. Denver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPoRT for ASPEil CO!{SIRUCTIQI{ CC!,!PAI{I Job t{o or l. D. \2-2 Materials Testing Seruice 825-526r Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock <6s MAnb Itugt e$z\.---Y llcKet # lZ7), Rtt JUL 3 1974 Date Tested: 1,-917b Location: ?oppi.ng, lst fLoorr east halfr sotrth MixI.D.:'t sk. S'lunp:54.c Air: ).6 t'lt/Cu.Ft.:138.8trYield: *trU'' Water Temp.; Ai r Temp.: 600 Concrete Temp': 57o Total Yards: 35+ yde. Total Water: +10 gallqrs F A Moisture: Max. Agg. Size: 3/tr" Max' Size Load C'Y': Weather:g"qny Tirne Batched: 9zO7 Time Placed z 9zt+5 Time Tested: 10:OO Spec. P. S. I . at 28 Days : 3ooo Tested By: ,T oh4sql & pfeifer. ]' 4-\Tesr cYLINDERS cV 56t+ cyljnder Dja. 2@ 7 Day Cyfinder Dia. IQ 14 Day Cyljnder Dia 2@ 28 Day 5.gt1 1&5O 5.935 2r3g 5.y1? 282L 5.9t+6 1483 5.9j6 2763 ' Average: rt+67 2792 REMARKS: I Hol.d @ lr5 Days PcrBorulx "6.006 jL96 */ Grlctun chborlde '& ; Asoen Constnrctiot €,gV Spec. P.S.I. at 28 DaYs:3000 oJ DayDay CV 7 Cy1 i nder ,.94? 5.950 Dia 2@ 28 2887 2877 185r r80t 2882 1 ,n , E n^,,^-.i- \|:Y +) JJct! o ( o(n ?adl/.,/./\J t)vL - Service first floor North East side lJtlCu. Ft. : 138.36 Yiel d: Concrete Temp.: 5Zo gals. F A Mojsture: 8* Tes ted l1 By: Also:Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 51O Ticket #L27L6 flu JUL 3 1974 lrleather: clear & warrn me Tested: 12:OO Pfeifer & Johnson Materials Testing m63l West 8th Ave.825-5261Denver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT {or Job No or l. D. 9V-2 Date Tested: 5-8-?4 Mix I.D.: 3OO0 Slump: l,later Tenp.: ttllt d'ig'J. 2+ Max. Agg. Sizez 3l+ Tim Batche6s 11:15 563 Day Locati on: 3tt Ai r: 5/" Ajr Temp. z 59o Total Water2 = 12 Max. Size Load C.Y.: Time placed; L1:45 {F{esr cYLTNDERS Cylinder Oia. 2@ 5.942 5.9t6 Average: REMARKS: 1$r 16 calcium Chloride :. Aspen Construction Cy l'inder D'i a. 5.938 1@ 14 2bLz Materials Testing Service "$31 West 8th Ave. Denver, Colo. 80204 825 -5261 Locatjon: [th floor East side gn Air: 4.fl" Wt/Cu.Ft.: 140.84 Yield: TJme Batched: 8:1O Spec. P.S.I. at 28 EST CYLINDERS , MATERIALS REPORT for Job No or t. D. gl-?-z Date Testedt 5-8-71+ Mix I.D.: 3000 SlumP: l,rlater Terp. : Total Yards z 7-658 t.?l f,ssl€s"i?e, r4" Air Temp.: 59o Total Water: Max. Size Load C.Y.: Time Placed: 8:40 Days: - 30OO Tested Aspen constnrctt"46@)+i:i!, l1z,o, ru JUL 31974 Concrete TemP.: 5Zo F A Moisture: 8e Weather: sunny & War:n Time Tested: 8'.55 By:-Pfeifer&Johnson Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Cylinder Dia. 6.007 5.9b3 cv 562 2@ 7 Day 1882 2118 Cylinder Dia. 6.oo5 1@ 14 DaY 2L,l+8 Cy'l'inder Dia 2@ 28 DaY 6.002 2873 6.004 2928 2900 1 @ 45 Dal-e 6.001 35o) Average: 2O00 REMARKS: 58 sacs .3 galLons added at site Aspen Constrlctlon.' Roh Frickel Beb Enselke 'Vall Supervisor 't, 'ri, , i ,lii,. ".,'' ? ? ,'iir, ''' Materials Testing Service i$s3t :Wett 8th Ave. f o,rrr-laT-l Also: Dillon, Lonsmont825-5261i Denver, Cofo. 80204 | eL,rzet I vail, castle Rock .:i A/ /\:; r MA?EDrar < DFrnpr r^, Aspen Constrrrction ;-The Mark --.1 Truck 8b9; , , MATERIAL'REpoRT {o, Aspen Constrrrction a_Iire Uark,._,, Ilrgk up,?.,rr.,. Ticket #vL'oYYrr.... ., llcKet #v.r ,, ll Job tlo or l. D. 9],?-2 nrr: . '^7 flu JUL 3 1974 t- -'.,,: Date Tested: >-7-74 Location: Mark lrth fldor- East side -":i ,, !61i Te5ted: 5-7-74 Location: Mark lltn ll0or- Isast sr'oe X'li'.'t" ^ t ' el rrnn. E1 u^Ft.: 't r,t, q) yield:', Mix I.Dr r 3OOO S'lump: i+ Ai r: SM Wt/Cu.Ft.: Il+t+.52 Yie ['l l,,ater Temp. : Ai r Temp. t 58o Concrete Temp. : 58o i.,' ",.';.'," Totalt Yards: 7-l^l+ Total water: F A Moisture: t. Agg. Sizet )/4 i,;rrrest cYLtNDERs cv 559 1813 Cylinder Dja. 1@ 14 DaY 5.9bO 2526 Cylinder oia 2@ 28 DaY 1@ l+5 5,g)5 n83 5.99)3?69 3376 Max. Sjze Load C.Y.: 8E Weather: clear & sunny Time Placed z ?z50 Time Tested 78245 .l '\Fiit. J:.:- Materials Testing Service 4t53t West 8th Ave.825 -5261 Denver, Colo. 80204 MATER|ALsREPoRT{o.AspenConstruct'on@Ii:*'f!7u,, rob No or r' D' 9L2-2 flU JUL s 1974 Date Tested: 5-6-71+ Location: 4th floor - West side floor slab Mix I.D.: 3O0o Slump: ,+,' Air: S.lfr wtlCu.Ft.: 139.04 Yje]d: l.Jater Temp.: Air Temp. t 630 Concrete Temp.: 560 , Total Yards: 7 yds. Max. Agg. Sizez3/bt Time Batched: 1.Ozb5 Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: IOOO Tested - 50 Total Water: Max. Size Load C.Y.: I Time Placed: 10:50 Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock F A Moisture: Weather: sunny & clear Time Tested:11:05 By: Pfei fer grqtTEtr cYLINDERS Cyl i nder D'ia. 5.9t+7 5.9t+5 cv 558 2@ 7 Day 1591 L758 Cylinder Dia. l-@ 14 Day 5.9)) 2)58 Cylinder Di a q o/, r/. ,. -f4 2@ 28 DaY 2621+ Average:1675 REHARKS: 16 calcium Chloride 5$ sacs 17. gallons water added at site 3/4't aggregate REFORT TO: Aspen Constnrction Bon Fri.ckel I @ ll5 Days 5.9U8 3037 Bob Engelke -llail Supervisor/ Tovm of Vail i. 2850 O I ena ,fiS3t West 8th Ave.825 -5261 Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle RockDenver, Colo. 80204 Truck 5O9 Ti cket #t2665 flu JUN20197d Date Tested: 5-:r-?t+ Location: !_opplng-- 3rd floor south wing tlorttr wine - east half Mix I.D.: 5* sk slump: 5 Air: S-ofi Wt/Cu.Ft':- Il+2'21+Yield; Water Temp.; Ai r Temp. : 57o Concrete Temp' : 600 Total Yards: 49 Yds. Total Waterz +2O gals' F A Moisture: Max. Agg. Size: 3.4" Max. Size Load C.Y. : 7 vds' Weather: Ei*+t cloudv Tjne Batched: 10:42 Tjme Placed: l-l-zl+5 Time Tested: 12:00 Spec.P.S.I.at28Days:?OOOTestedBy:Johnson&Pfeifer Mat ls Testing a Service MATERIALS REPORT {or Asnen Construction Co. Job No or l. D. 912-2 'Qiiresr cYLINDERS c\ i5b Cylinder Dia. 2@ 7 DaY 5.9\? 1688 5.9bO L732 Average:17rO Cyl i nder Di a. 1@ l4 DaY 5.gtt7 ?)Ob Cylinder Dia 2@ 28 DaY 5 - q,,3 ?906-/ . / t+ -/ 5.91+3 z88l+ ?895 I @ 45 Days 5.939 33t,9 , REMARKS: porto-Mix t* calcium chloride ' TO: Aspen Construction Roir Frickel Bob EngelkeVail Supervisor Town of'VaiI$ @ Materials Testing 6 Service ft5gt West 8th Ave.825 -5261 MATERIALS REPORT {or Aspen Construction Job No or l. D. 9\2-z Date Tested: l+-3O-?l+ Location: l^later Ternp.: Total Yards: 42 Yds. l'lax. Agg. Si ze : ) /tr" Ti nra Batche az 1.)z 32 Air Temp.: 600 Total Water: + 20 gals. F A Moisture: Max. Size Load C.Y.: 7 Yds.lleather: partly cloudY & Time Placed: 11:OO sunny Time Tested: L2zL5 Spec. P.S.I. at 28 DaYs: 3000 - Tes ted By: Johnson & Pfeifer ' r-l l',.:' Denver, Colo. 80204 Cylinder 0ia. 2@ 7 DaY 5.9bO t653 5.gb5 1585 Average: REMARKS: 16t9 Porto-Mix REFORT TO: Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock /-'-,-_------=,Co. h The Mark ) Truck 5L:- Ti cket Nl-Z6i3 nu JUL 3 1974 3rd floor - Northwing - topoing Wt/Cu. Ft. : Lbz.6l+ Yiel d: Concrete TemP.: 5Oo Cyl i nder Di;.. 1@ l4 5.%9 zoz9 Day Cy li nder D'i a 5.gt+O 5.91+l+ 2@ 28 Day 2854 zSiL 28/,+3 1 @ tel Days 5,9t+O 33t+9 Asoen Construction' Roir Frickel Bob Engelke . ... {aiI Supervisor, yzfg* of'Vait bst I Materia 8th Ave. o ls Testing Service 825-5261 Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Aspen constructlon co. 6;;).j#- fllt{ JUN 1 21974 Locatjon: Topping- 2nd leveI- south sectlon nir: 5.5fi wt/cu.Fr,z rt+5.21+ Yield: Air Temp.: 600 Concrete TemP.: 58o Total Water: + 1O gals. F A Moisture: Max. Size Load C.Y.: 7 yds. Weather: sunny Time Placed: 11:05 Tjme Tested: 11;20 Truck 869Ticket #Vf2608 l+-2t+-7t+ sk. Sl ump: 28 yds. )/rr" LO;44 5y Spec. P.S.L at 28 Days: 3OO0 Tested By: ESf CYLTNDERS CV >46 Johnson Cylinder Dia. 5.9lr0 TO: 2@ 7 Day 176r L6oT 16 8+ Cyl i nder 5.932 5.9t+7 Dia 2@ 28 zB95 2822 Cylinder Dia. 1@ 14 DaY 5.91+5 2183 Day chloride 28r9 I HoId @ 45 DaY j.96('j- 3059 Aspen Constmction Ron Frickel Bob BngelkeV,eil Supervisor r lotm of VailV' UIGE cortst:ruction co. llne lfiark / ---'-- n,1 MAI Truck 'r-51b qr. ? 7 Day Cylinder ). -/,/., Dia. 1@ 14 DaY 2657 Dia 2@ 28 3088 3L28 Day I@ 45Cy'li nder 5.955 5.95L Average:2l-9lt REMARKS: ' Porto-llixL* calcilm chlorlde REFORT TO: Roa Frickel Bob EneelkeYlil- SupervisorY4i1- Superv . Aovm of Vail 3r0d MateBr Testins sE .'f,'531 West 8th Ave.825-5261 MATERIALS REPORT {or Aspen Job No or l. D. 912-2 Date Tested: l+-22-71+ Mi x I.. D. : 5* sk. Sl ump: 5" Water Tenp.: Tota'l Yards: 35 Yds- Max. Agg. Slzez 3/4n TinE Batched: 1:2O Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: 10OO Tested Byl .--:.TEST CYLINDERS CV Locatis6;Toooing- 2nd Level- r'iest half Airz ?.5fi lJtlcu. Ft. : r[2. 84 Yiel d: Ai r Temp.: 5Oo Concrete Temp.: 55o Total water: + 15 gal. F A Mojsture: Max. Size Load C.Y.: 7 Yds.Weather: sunny Time Placed: 2:00 Time Tested:. 2tl-5 Johnson Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock 510 f,vL2589 t Denver, Colo. 80204 Job No or t. D. 9L2-l- Date Tested2 LZ-?'-7) Water Temp.: Total Yards: 45 Also: Dillon, Longrfiont Vail, Castle Rock Truck gg1 Ticket #tZjZt Rtl JAN 1 71974 Locatjon:Sw corner of garden parking deck Mattria ls Test ing trruice 2531 West 8th Ave.825-5261 MATERIALS REPORT for Aspen Construction Mjx I.D.: J| sk. Slump: U, Air: tltlCu.Ft.: Yield: Air Temp.:4go Concrete Temp.: 5Oo Total Watert +? gal. F A Mojsture: Max. Agg. Size: 3/t*" Max. Size Load C.Y.:Weather: fair, cold Tirrre Batched:12:05 Time Placed: I2z3O Time Tested; 1:OO Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: 3oon Tested By: Burdiek rEsr CYLINDERS 9LZ_Z (Set 25) Cylinder Dla. 2@ 7 Day Cylinder D'ia. 1q 14 Day Cylinder Dia 2@28 Day 5,950 3051 5.990 )o3 / 5.9t+I 3t+O) Average. TZZT REMARKS: 1 HoId 2# calcium chloride Hot water Portenix REPORT TO: Aspen Construction; Ron Frickle; Bob Ergleke;#supervisor; Vail Mate?lab Testing Stuice ?531 West 8th Ave.825 -5261denver, Colo. 80204 Date Testedz l-L-}c.?) Locatlon:Garden level - SF,t parking Mjx I.D.: 51| sk. Slunp: ) 3/tr" A1r9.$ l.lt/Cu.Ft,: Lb5.28 Yie]d: l{ater Tenp.: heated water Air Tenp.:2Olortslde Concrete Temp.: J2o Totat yards: l+o Total t.latellr"lnsldq F A Moisture: Max. Agg. Slze: 3/4' Max. Slze Load C.Y. z 7 l.leather:cloudy & cold Tirp Batched: 9:JO Tlme Placed: IO:IO Tlm Tested: LOz25 Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Drys:L Tested By: non Jotmson Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 862 Ticket #LZ)O) IIATERIALS REPORT for Aspen Con6tructLon Job i,fo or t. D. 9f'}-z rEsT CYLINDERS 1IZ-Z (Set, 24) Cyllnder Dia.2@ 7 Day Cylinder Dia. 1C14 Day 6.010 25oz 5.9Y1 289]- 6. o14 zr+9? Average: REMARKS: 51974 24Yl 2@ 28 Day 370t+ 3773 3738 I HoId chlorlde Cy'li nder Di a ( oqn/. / /v ( o(2.t.,//E Porto-nix 2g{ calciun REPORT TO: Aspen Constructlon;Ron Frickel; Bob Engleke;Supervisor; VaiI IMPOR T MESSAGE TO DATE TIME wHlt M OF TE LEPFION ED WILL CALL AGAINCALLED TO SEE YOU WANTS TO SEE YOU RETURNED YOUR CALL EE " 't,g PIIOJ ECT IIAi.iE DATE to the attention'of thls office that ( date ) 3a Nr.u z9 has: SeT z3 t2 preliminary test ? ?e<- z3 lf has been brough t concrete test tal,'.cn Elrno*n tow results In f]roi roo e-e.!.\Sl-llr.no' * So test i s: 23a" e t4 J,-1 The location of You a re locaf i on net h o cis he reby not i f is af your is ach ieved. ied that future construction upon said risk unti I one of the following correction i. Recalculation of imposed design load showing concrete strength as tesfed is adequate, upon letter from structural engineer. 2. Core test that shows required strength. 3, Adequate reinforcing of low unit. 4. Removal of low unit and replacement with acceptab le con:rete. Flnal inspectlon and issuance of certl ficate of occuPancy rllll.be wi*hheld until this matter is co.rrected. EfTRY L. ALDRICH BU I LD ING OFF IC ICHIEF 4 ""'t-"";;"on*" "e.v Y$f *lt ,r$ ?a' ot erials Testing Seruicet 5.9992)Ot+ z)67 Vail x Mat 2531 West 8th Ave.82s-5261Denver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT {or Aspen Constructio Job No or 1..D. 912-2 Date Tested: LL-)O-7) Locatlon:Garden level - Ifd+ parking Mix I.o.:5* sk. Slump: )*" Airz).7f" WtlCu.Ft.: 146.0 Yield: Water Temp.: heated water A'i r Temp.:JOl outside Concrete Temp.: 5Oo tnTo inside Total Yards: 3 5 Total l.later:F A Moisture: Max. Agg. Sizet 3/t+" Max. Size Load C.Y.: 7 Weather:cloudy & cold Tjme Batchedz 9258 Time Placed: 10:30 Tjme Tested: 10:45 Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: 10OO Tested By: Don Johnson rEsT CYLINDERS 9L2-Z (Set Zl ) Cylinder Dia.2@ 7 Day Cyfinder Dia. 1{B} Day Cylinder Dia 2@ 28 Day 5 .946 Average: REMARKS: 23)5 Porto-mix 2/. cal-ci'vsr chloride 1 Hold Ron Frickel; Bob Englekel Supervisorl Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 5lJ Tj cket # L2268 REPORT TO: Aspen Construction; f:'*rl+t.I 4 , I I I I Date Tested: LL-29-7) Mix I.D.: 5* sk. slurp: l.later Temp.3 heated water Total Yards; [8 Yds. Max. Agg. sizez 3/b" Tirne Batche6; 11:10 Spec. P.S.I. at 28 DaYs: TESr CYLTNDERS 9L2-2 Cylinder Oia.2@ 7 Day 6. oo7 2)6t+ 6.005 2401 Average: REMARKS: 2))2 1) Bridge Garden Level - 2) NEt parking Wt/Cu. Ft. : 145. 80 Yi el d: MATERIALS REPORT for Aspen Job No or l. D. 9L2-2 Congtructlon Locati on: Air:3,7* Air Temp.: I+1o Total Water: Max. Size Load C.Y.: 7 Time placed. 11:45 3OO0 Tested Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock 1 7 fi':1 Truck 519Ticket # L2249 garage 3lr' Concrete Temp.: 52o F A Moisture: Weather:clear & cold Time Tested: 12:00 By:Don Johnson (set zz) Cy'li nder Di a. le 14 Day 6.002 z5t+5 Dia 2@ 28 Day )267 3t+7 4 Cyl i nder 6.oo7 5.999 3370 I @ 45 days 5.999 3679 Porto Mix + 2531 West 8th Ave.825-5261 Matdfiab Testins Slruice enver, Colo. 80204 FE JAN REFORT TO: AsPqn Constructlon;Ron Frickel; Bob Drgleke;Supervisor; Vail s 1't , F-l PROJ ECT TIAi.lE It has concret been b rougltt e tcst'l'akcn ( ca't e ) 26 hhv 73 has : ii--o tno attent ion of th ls of f 'T*f '"i) onrEk ru JAil 1 71974 na ry test e5+s: qg \ I lsno',,n low rcsults in Prellmi Wrzirt-4#,?se.l [.-lt*no. The lo<:ation of lest is: Gt LcueUt*E €otsCte, Lar.l*tn.o'f ' 'z'rl - GrlaCg^r '.;uPL - Yotr are herebY notif ied that location is at Your. risk unti methods is achievec. | . Reca I cu I at ion of imposeci des i gn load show i ng concrete strength as iesied i s adequate' uPon iettelf rorn siiuc'1 ural engineer' f uture construc'l'ion uPon said I one of the fo I low i ng correct ion 2. Core fesl'tha'l'sho"'s required strength' 3. Adequa*e reinforcing of lcw unit' 4. Remova I of lor't un it and rep lacement w i th acccPl ab lc concretc Final inspection and issuance of cerfif icafe of occupancy ;i"ii.b;';ithheld unti I this maitei- is corrected' EITRY L, HIEF BUI /TLDRICH LD il{c OFF lC I f g d" ,( \d '.o Y..p" ,J"v' td ,v' \'t. : rj i 1t Matefiah Testing CEtrice The Mark (Set.2r) Cyfinder Dia. IO 14 DaY 6.008 2L52 .2531 West 8th Ave. L/enver, Colo. 80204 Date Tested z LL-26-7) Mix I.o.:5* sk. S'lunp: Water TenP.; haated water Total Yards: 2l Max. Agg. s:zez)/4n Tjne Batche6; 1O:28 Spec. P.S.I. at 28 DaYs: TEST CYLTNDERS 9L2-2 Cylinder oia.2@ 7 DaY 825-5261 MATERTALS REPORT {or Aspen ConstructLon Job No or l. D. 9L2-2 Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 5I5Ticket #L2]-95 Location: 6n leveling course' laundry-gardenlevel 4' Airz ),5/. wt/Cu.Ft.: 142.80 Yjeld: Ai r Temp.: 3oo Concrete TemP. : 51o Total Water: FAMoisture: Max. Size Load C.Y.: 7 Weather: cold & snow Time Placed; 11:30 Tinre Tested: 11:45 3000 Tested By:Don & Lana 5.999 ]-768 6.or4 1882 Average: REMARKS: L825 Porto-mix Ron Frlckel; Supervlsor; Cyl i nder Di a 2028 DaY 6.010 nz6 6.010 zL86 2256 I@ 45 days 6.009 25t+5 REPORT TO: Aspan constnrctlon;Bob Engteke; u4ail ru JAT 2r/74 oocrder 28, 197'. Engolkc Arcbltcctr ?lE6 So. HolltOunr, Colorrdo &222 Attsrtloar llr. lad Srerrfght n r ,a6G)t Yrtl"FTE Dcrr lodr Thlr lctttr lr e srfln dr coonrrrtlsr rcgerdlng tGrt rcrsltrfor concmtc poorod on t'ho Errdra tcwl of thlr pruJcct. Cylfader ttrungth for Srt 21, takrn q 11126173, dld not roclr thrgaclflcd J,OOO prl. llorowr, plcu aotG thrt thlr concntr r.J pourcd ln tho lrundry ercr, rdrrr prtcatt rhb rnd brer tptnr rn rhortf md coeposlte actlo of tho topplng lr not rcgsfrcd la ordsr to topport thr dctlgo ladr. nnrcforc, et thlr p.rtlcul.r loeatlon, thc cccntc rtrurgth lndlcrtcd by tha cyllndor tc3tt lc of no soeccrn rtrwturally. Fourtccn drt tcrt ruults for S.tr 22 nd 23 arc rolatlvrlylor, trmvrr, llmc rcrt lr not prccdlng rt tho projcct .t tblttlr, r nuld rccmnd th.t no actlm bG t.Ln uatll rcrultt of 28 end t5 dty tr3tr ara evrlfuble. lf tilrcrc foll to Gt thr ruqolrod 3000 psl ttrrogth, aorc t3str or othcr appruprlrtc retlsl cm bo tdcn rt that tln. t'rar._.! lf lor rqdtr *y rddltlatl Inlorrtla.t &Jr ttrlptret ctact t. lrry tnll lnrrr, to.c gtnt, ttg. Q"u-?u;.1,rIIuv&a Zhlta*t, ?.E. tur.ea lr. &rry lldrlcl,ldl lrlldlq lrprhrt irlr; $1" 6' enver, Colo. 80204 825-5261 MATERTALS REP0RT {o' Aspen COnstruction - The lr{ark Job No or l. D. 9L2-2 Vail, Castle Rock RIT JAN T4€74 Truck 515 Tjcket # 11898 Date Tested: LL-6-7)I) tdest ra1l-south half - 24r llftLocallonZ) colunns outslde west wall Mix I.D.: ,5} sk Slump: 2t" Air: 3,6 wt/cu.Ft.; Ll+).)2 Yield:w/ pozz Water Temp. i ["tt"o water Air Temp.:440 Concrete Temp.: 5lro Total Yards: 50 Total Water:F A Moisture: Max. Agg. S,izez )/l+" Max. Size Load C.Y. I I 3/4 Weather:PC & cold Time Batche 67 2zOO Time Placed 2 2tL5 Time Tested z 2'.)O Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: 30O0 Tested By: Don TEsr CYLINDERS 912-2 (Set 20) cylinder D.ia. 261 7 Day Cyl inder Dia.1 g 14 Day cyf inder Dia 2@ 28 Day 6 . oos 2%2 6 . ool 33gt+ 6 . oO8 37 92 5.ggu )o\2 6.097 4022 Average z 2987 REMARKS: Porto Mix concrete )907 REpORT TO: Aspen Construction; Ron Frickel; Bob &ge1ke; Supervlsor; Vail Matefiab Testing $ruice ffi ' 2531 West 8th Ave.825 -5261 1) west eall at corner of south helf Location: 18r ltft2) centenvall-west half-24r ttft5" Air:2.4 ilt/cu.Ft.:139.84 Yield: Air Temp.: l+Oo Total Water: Max. Size Load C.Y. : 7 Tjme p'laced:12:OO 3 000 Tes ted By: Don Johnson (Set 19) Cy'li nder Di a. 1@ 14 Day 5.995 2700 Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Rtl JAN 141974 Mark Truck 514 Ticket #11887 Concrete Temp.: 5Io F A Moisture: lleather:PC & cold Time Tested L2zL5 enver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT lor Job No or l. D. Date Tested - tt-6-73 Mix I.D.:5,* sk slump: w/ pozz Water Temp.3 heated water Total Yards: 502l at test Max. Agg. Size: )/4" Time Batche6; 11:15 Spec. P. S. I . at 28 DaYs : TEST CYLTNDERS 9L2-? Cylinder Dia. 2@ 7 Day Aspen Constructton - The 9r2-2 6.OL2 2t8t+ 6.013 2106 Average I ZLlr5 REMARKS: Porto Mix Concrete Ron Frickel; Bob Engelkei Dia 20?8 Day )280 326t )270 Cy li nder 5.995 6.026 REPORT TO: AsPen Constructlon;Supervisor; VatI { Date Testedz IO-)L-73 Mix I.D.: 5.'bsk SlunP:Z)/l+ W/pozz Water TemP.: Hot water Total Yard-s z 77Yds 63@test l,fax. Agg. Size: 3/+ Time Batched: ?:3O TEST CYLINDERS 912-2( 18 ) cylinder Dia. 2@ 7 oaY 5 .995 2)7 t+ b.oo9 2)L8 825-5261 Const Air TemP.:41 Concrete TemP': 60 Total l.tater: +11 gal F A Moisture: ls Testing S after test Max. Size Load C.Y.: TYds Time Placed: 3:OO Set B Cy]i nder Dia. 1@ '14 DaY 6.014 z9t& RLt oEC 1? 1973 Locatlon: llighwsll center section 12rlift Ai r: !.0 l.ltlCu.Ft.: 1,+4.40 Yield: fr ervlce Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 510 Ticket # 11808 Weather: cold flsnow Time Testedz 3'.75 By: nnn Cylinder Dia 2q 28 DaY 6.005 )22o 6.005 )zt+o )2)O o Materia MATERIALs REPORT {or AsPen Job No or t. D. 9L2-2 2531 West 8th Ave. .-,€rv€r, Colo. 80204 Spec. P.S.I. at 28 DaYs: IOOO Tested Average:?31+6 Dnntn Mi v REMARKSioo^ I"i. i.iri' chroride on ticket REPORT TO: ASPEN Constructi on;Ron Frlckel;Bob Engelke;Supervlsori Vail { Matef,trc Testing Sirvice Locati on :nHighwall-NE Corner-4 I lift Ai r: 3 . 5 r,ltlcu.Ft. : 1lt3 . 64 Yi e] d: Concrete Temp.: 57 F A Moisture: By: rton ..,€nv€r) Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT {or Job No or l. D. 912-2 Date Testedz LO-)L-73 l"li x I . D..: 5* sk S'l ump: 5" W/pozz Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 861, Ti cket # l18oz RLT DEC 1? 19R Cylinder Dia 2@) 28 DaY 6.ov 3bo2 6. oll+ nV )L79 Bob Engelke; 2531 lt/est 8th Ave.825-5261 Aspen const @ Water Temp.: Hot water Air TemP.LO Total Yards; 77yds Total Hater: +8gal 3 5yds at te.st 'before test Max. Agg. Size: )/ln" Max. Size Load C.Y.: Tyds Tiine Batchedz 1222 Time Placedz Lz)5 Spec. P.S.I. at 28 DaYs: 3000 Tested TEsrcYLrNDens 912-2(tZ ) set A Cylinder Dia. 2@ 7 Day Cylinder Dia. 1@ 14 Day 6.010 2220 6.009 2782 6.00t+ 2048 Average:2I)t+ REMARKS: Porto Mix No cafcium chLoride on tlcket REPORT TO: Aspen Construction; Ron Frlckel; t,Jeather: PC@coId Time Tested:2:00 Supervlsor; Vail nnad?iab Testing $ruice %:d' 2531 West 8th Ave. .-,ehv€r, Colo. 80204 825 -5261 Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck q'l n Ticket # Il5ZO ,NQV 2 g lg73RLI MATERIALS REPORT {o Job No or l. D. 912-2 .^ /^, /^^Date Testedi te/t4/ /J Mix I.D. z 5i sk Slump: t,rlater Temp.: Total Yards, 70 Max. Agg. Size: 3/tn" Ti me Batche 67 Il+ ' l+2 Spec. P.5.I. at 28 DaYs: TEST CYLTNDERS 912-2 Cylinder Dia. 2q 7 DaY 6.013 2702 6.009 26t+7 Locati on: 2+" Air: Air Temp.: 4Oo Total Water: Max. Size Load C.Y.: Ti me Pl aced z 2z l+5 1000 North Wall .,. Wt/Cu.Ft.: l-]+3,28 Yie'ld: Concrete Temp.: 42o F A Moisture: 7 yds.lr{eather: partly cloudy Time Tested, j roo"td "ofd Tested By: Howdy & Cindy Sloan 1@ Hold Dia 2@?8 3866 3757 3 8r1 (set 1g) Cylinder Di a. 6.019 Cyl i nder 6.005 6.oo7 't o'.l4 )50r DayDay Average: R EMARK S: 2671+ Porto l{ix Set B REPORT TO:Aspen Construction;Supervisorl City of Vail ffi Concrete Temp.: Lzo F A Moisture: lleather: col-d & windy Time Tested: 12:40 BY: Howdy Sloan ; C i n rty S] oan 1@ Hol_d b Average: REMARKS: ( set r5) Cyl i nder Di a. 6. olt+ Cyl i nder 6.019 6.004 Dia ZO?8 Day 36rB 37Ol+ Spec. P. S. I . at 28 DaYs :3000 1@ 14 309r Day 220L Porto Mix Set A 366r Matefiaf Testing St 2531 West 8th Ave. - enver, Colo. 80204 Job No or l. D.Y L.-a Date Tested. IO/21+/?3 Mjx I.D.: 5;+Poz6lump: )" Water Temp.: Total Yards, 7o! Max. Agg. Size: 3/lr" Time Batched: 11.96 TEST CYLINDERS > ra-a Cylinder Dia. 20 7 DaY 5.999 2L8t+ 5.998 22l-9 MATERIALS REPORT {o, As rerqThe 825-5261 Locati on: Ai r: Ai r Temp.: 4Oo Total Water: Max. Size Load C.Y.: Time placedz 12225 N.W. Corner - Wal-1 Ht/Cu. Ft. : 141 . Og y.iet d: Tested rUIGE Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock <'l < RLt Nov 291973 REpORT TO: Aspen Constructionl Supervisorl City of Vail '4531 West 8th Ave. Denver, Colo. 80204 825-5261 MATERIALS REPORT {o. Aspen Constmctlon Job No or l. D. 9L2-2 Date Testedt LO/IL/73 Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 861 Ticket # 11389 fllt 110v 21 1973 Location: WaII l{.E. Corner l.Jt/Cu. Ft. : 141.48 Yjel d: ro Materials Testing Service Air Temp. i 32o Total Water: Max. Size Load C.Y.': 7 Time Placedt 9z]-5 { Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: ?00O Tested Mix I.D.: 5* sk Slump: )*" Air:+ Pozz. Water Temp.: Total Yards: 403 Max. Agg. Size: 3/4" Ti nre Batched: 8.90 Concrete TemP.: 4to F A Moisture: Cyl i nder Di a 2928 Day 6.o?o 72896.010 )3)r 33rO TEST CYLINDERS Cylinder Dia. 6.ol.z 6.004 Average: REMARKS: 9I2-z (Set I4) 2@ 7 Day Cylinder 23)2 22r8 6.ot3 Di a. . l-o 14 Day 2985 277 5 Porto Mix Supervlsor; q' Weather: snowy Time Tested I gz1,O By: Holtlrry s'losr; Cind 1@ Hold REPORT TO:Aspen Constmction;Clty of Vail l E ftI Materials Testing MATERTALS REPoRT {or Aspen @ Job No or l. D. 9L2-2 Date Tested: LO-I+-?) Total Yards: 13Or Total llater: t-,- o53l West 8th Ave. Uenver, Colo. 80204 Average z 2535 o ayt-r Service 825-5261 Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 511+ Ticket #1L227 Fltt Nov 13$n Locatjon: SW corner foundatlon wa1I MixI.o.:5*skpz6lump: )*" Airz2.6* Wt/Cu.Ft.: Yield: Hater Temp.:Air Temp.:59o -, oConcrete Temp.: )4 F A Moisture: Max. Agg. si ze3/ l+ Time Batched; Spec. P.S.I. at 28 DaYs: 30O0 Tested ay: Hordy rEsr CYLTNDERS 9].Z-Z (Set t3) Cylinder Dia. 7 Day Cylinder Dia. 14 Day Cylinder Dia Ze Ofy. 5 . ggo zt+go 5 .995 3648 5 . OO3 Lr6 9 6.015 ?58T 6,oL7 4rr4 Max. Size Load C.y.: 7 Wurg6sl .clear & warn Time Placed: 4:15 Time Tested: l+:30 fl4r . REMARKS'Porto Mlx SEI C REpORT TO: Aspen Constructloni Ron Frlckeli Bob Brgelkei SuPervlsorS Tall o Materia o Service ?531 West 8th Ave. uenver, Colo. 80204 l.later Temp. : Total Yards: lOO 6.010 26L5 6.005 3114 5.989 2t+28 Concrete Temp.: ffo F A Moisture: 5.99t+ 372t 5.999 )7t+2 Average: 252I REMARKS:pssto Mix Set B )7)L ls Testing 825-5261 MATERIALS REPORT {or ASpen Job No or l. D. Date Tested: Lo,tl+-7j 9L2-2 Location: Top of E. Basenent wall Mix I.o,:5t sk pzS'lunp.3 )/Ln Air: ).tf" wt/cu.Ft.: 143.80 Yield: Air Ternp.: 6Jo Total t.later: Max. Agg. Size: 3/t*" Max. Size Load C.Y.: 7 Weather: clear & warm Tjme Batched: 1t:46 Time Placed: 12130 Time Tested: L2zl+5 Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: ?OOO Tested By: Howdy TEST CYLINDERS 912-2 (Set 12) Cylinder D'ia. 7 Day Cylinder Dia. 14 Day Cylinder Dia 28 Day Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 515 Ti cket # 11209 Fltl NOV t5isi3 Pqtr_ 5 ',J"1 REPORT TO: Aspen Constructlon; Ron Frlckel; Bob Engel-ke; Supervtsor; Vall o Materia ^531 West 8th Ave. Denver, Colo. 80204 Da te Te s te d I Lo-l+-73 Mi x I . D. b+sk pzzSl ump: )*" l,'later Temp. : Total Yards' 10ql Max. Agg. Size:3/4n Ti me Batche dt 7 2l*8 MATERIALS REPORT {or Job No or l. D. Aspen 9r2-? A'ir Temp. : l2o Total Water: Max. Size Load C.Y.: Time P'laced: 8:15 rEsr cYLTNDERs 9L2-2 (Set 11) Cy1inder Dia. 7 Day Cylinder Dia. 14 Day 6.001 ) l+l+I Average, )t1:6 REt'ltRKS'Porto Mix 3190 JOt+2 Aspcn Constnrctlon; 6.009 6.009 Bob Brgelke; l+)O2 6. ool 6.oo7 42)L t+)7) ls Testing Service 825 -5261 Rtt Nov 131s73 Location:l{E corner of foundation walls Ai r: 4* Wt/Cu. Ft. : 1lr5.4O Yi el d: Concrete Temp.: !6o F A Moisture: 7 Weather: clear & cold Time Tested: 8:30 Cylinder Dia 28 Day Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: 3OOO Tested By: Hordv Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 510Ticket # tttgZ REPORT TO:Ron flckel;Supervlso; ValI '531 West 8th Ave.825-5261Denver, Colo. 80204 .<:.-:\MAT€RraLs REpoRr {or Aspen Constructiott(-- \p Job No or l. D. 912-2 Date Tested ' Y2l-73 Locati6n; Center portion of center walL Mix I.0.5* sk.pz.slump: 2+" Airz 5.8fi wt/cu.Ft.:145.8L Yield: Water Temp.: Total Yards; 100 Average: 2)L6 REMARKS, Set (B) Porto nlx o Se rvrce o Materials Testing Air Temp., 8Oo Total Water: Pft - t- J*q' Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 860 Ti cket #L9gbl+lru OCT 2r i:I Concrete Temp. :7Oo F A Moisture: t4ax. Agg. Size:)/b Max. Sjze Load C.Y.: 8 Weather:Partty cloudy & Time Batched: L4'.52 Time Placed: 3:00 Time Tested: 3zL5 warm Spec. P.S.I. at 28 DaYs: JOOO Tested By; Howdy & Denny 1@ l+5 days rEsT CYLTNDERS 912-2 (Set lO) Cylinder Dia.2@ 7 Day Cyfinder Oia. l@ 14 Day Cylinder Dia 2@ 28 Day 6.017 zt+26 j.ytg z7r) 6.016 zzo7 6.)o? )zL5 6. ott+ 3299 t.l6 REpORT TOAspen Constructlon; Ron Frickel; Bob Engelke; Supervisor; Clty of Vatl a Service Job No or L D. 912-2 Date Tested 9-?I-7)Locatjon: South wall (running E to W) MjxI.D.:5+sk.Stump:2*" Airz3.Afi Wt/Cu.Ft.tll+8.52 Yjetd: Pz.Air Temp. , 650 concrete Temp.: 55oWater Temp.: Total yards: 10Og Total Water: i4ax. Agg. Size)/l+" Max. Size Load C.Y.: 7" Weatherflear & warm T'i me Batched; 8255 Tjme Placed2 9zI+5 Time Tested; 1O:0O Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: 3O0O Tested Bv: Howard 1@ 45 days rEsT CYLINDERS 9L2-2 (Set 9) Cylinder Dia.2@ 7 Day Cylinder Dia. I@ tq Oay Cylinder Dia2@ 28 Day 6. oo8 l1o3 6.007 l+340 n. Cl? t+9r8 6. o1o 3t+t+5 6 . ol9 tr967 (l,#- - "/*f 1531 West 8th Ave.82s-5261Denver, Colo. 80204 Average ' )271+ REMARKS: Porto mix Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock M^rERrALs REpoRr ro. Aspen constructl",,fr;;)Y F A Moisture: Truck 5LL Ticket #1092I RU ocT 241173 l+91r2 REpORT TO: Aspen Construction; Ron Frickel; Bob Engelke; Supervisor; Cityof VaiI o *"ffi Service r Materials Testing .531 West 8th Ave. Denver, Colo. 80204 825-5261 MATERIALS REPORT for Asoen Job No or l. D. 912-2 Date Testedz 9.13 /73 Location: Too 3r North Wall and 65't'1.W. Corner Mix I.O.:5* sk Slump: 4*" Air: 3 7/, Wt/Cu.Ft.: Lt+?.1) Yield: Water Temp.: Ai r Temp.: Concrete Temp. : Tota'l Yardsz 7 of 1l 2 Total Water: F A Moisture: Max. Agg. Size: 3/t" Max. Size Load C.Y.: / Weather: Time Batched: 2228 Time Placedt 2z5O Time Tested: 3:lO Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: 30OO Tested BY: Denny Davalt 1@ Hold rEsr cYLTNDERS 912-2 ( Set 8) Cyl inder Dia. 2@7 Day Cylinder Dia. l-@.|4 6.000 z7go 6.ozL )L9j 6,002 27t+O Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 5I1 Ti cket tIC?l7 ,lltl ocT lgig?*? Day Cylinder Dia 2@28 Day 6.ooj j7og 6.005 3Tt+z Average: , REMARKS: 2760 Pozz. 6 rylinders - Set C Porto-It{ix 3725 Aspen Constmctionl Suoenisor;City of VailREPORT TO: o tJry Materials Testing Service i53l West 8th Ave.825-5261Denver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT {or Job No or l. D. 912-2 Date Tested t g/tl/Zj Location: West ttral-t 20 | from North WalI4*' Above Footer MixI.D.:5lsk Slurnp: 3n Air:3.6fi Wt/Cu.Ft.:ll+7.36 Yjeld: Water Temp. i Air Temp.: Concrete Temp.: Total Yards t 7 of 65 Total l'later: F A Moi sture: Max. Agg. Size: 3/tn" Max. Size Load C.Y.: Weather: Time Eatched: L2z3O Time Placedz I2z5O Time Tested: 1:00 Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: ?OOO Tested BV: Denny=9alal! 1@ Hold rEsr cyLtNDERs 912-2 (Set Z) Cyl inder Dia. 2@ 7 Day Cylinder Dia. L@ 14 Day 6. ol-3 :ot+2 6 . 012 33 ro 6.017 2879 Average: REMARKS' REFORT TO: Aspen 2964 Pozz. 6 cylinders - Set Porto-Mix Aspen Constnrction;Supenrisor; City of Vail Cylinder Dia 2@28 DaY 6.oo1 41ot 6.007 t+)75 t+268 Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 61? Ti cket *'i6ZoS flrr 00T 1 91973 ,-"* , U ,t)Yawl Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle,Rock Truck (1 q' .|1.,..'lrcKet # I)692 Ru, 0cT 1 91s73 Date Testedt 9/13/7) Location; North WalI I*' Above Footer 25r Eastof North West Corner Mix I.D.: 5l sk Slunp: 21f' Air: 3.4" Wt/Cu.Ft.:147.92 Yield; Water Temp. : Ai r Temp.; Concrete Temp. : Total Yards : 7 of l-25 Total t'tater: F A Moisture: Max. Agg. Size: 3/4 Max. Size Load C.Y.: Weather: Time Batched; 10:t0 Time Placed: 10:30 Time Tested: 11:00 Spec. P.S.L at 28 Days: 1OOO Tested B!: llenny Devqlt. 1@ HoId TEST CYLINDERS Cyl inder Dia. 6.007 6.o09 912-2 (Set6)' 2@ 7 Day 3056 )Ot+2 Average: REMARKS: 3ot+9 with Po zzllith 6 cylinders Set A Porto-lt[i x Cyl'inder Di a. 1@ 14 DaY 6 . OI3 t+L? t+ Cylinder Dia ZO28 DaY 6.oo7 4404 6.012 4[03 4403 Clty of Materials Testing Service :531 West 8th Ave. Denver, Colo. 80204 825-5261 MATERIALS REPORT {or lspsn Job No or l. D. 9L2-2 REPORT TO: Aspen Oonstnrctioni Supervisor;Vail .1 t e Itllateria ls Testing a Se ]UIGE Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 86) Ti cket ffo6,-0 ru. 00I 1e teB Date Tested | 9/LL /73 Location: Footins East Side Mix I.D.: 59, sk Slump: )4" Air: 3.I/. Wt/cu'Ft': 144' 61, Yjeld: r.t - .f.t Ai r Temp. : 50" Concrete lemp' I l+8" F A Moisture: ?531 West 8th Ave.825-5261Denver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT {o' Asoen Constnrctj.on Job No or l. D. 9L2-z l,Jater TemP. : Total Yards: 22 Total Water: Max. Agg. Size: 3/tr" Max. Size Load C.Y.: 7 yds. l'Jeather: nartl"' rainy Time Batched: I+zl+6 Time Placed: 5:OO Time Testedz 5zL5 Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: 'IOOO Tested eV: a TEST CYLINDERS 9L2-2 ( Set 5) cylinder Dia. 2@ 7 Day Cy'linder Dia. 1@ 14 Day cy'linder Dia za28 Day 6 . o16 zSt*6 6 . oo2 316? 6 . oo2 )6 t*o 6 . ou+ 2t$5 6. oo3 167 4 Average | 2l+75 1657 REMARKS: Porto-l*lix t hr. waiting for concrete REPORT TO: Asoen Constnrction; Suoervlsor; City of Vai-1 r / 4l.+p; t- , J..1r1 Denver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT for Job No or l. D. 9L2-2 Date Testedz 8-)L-7) Mi x I.D. : l| Sl umP: Water Temp.: Total Yards z L7O @ test Max. Agg. Si ze: 3/ l+" T inre Batche d: ) z l+5 Spec. P.S.I. at 28 TEST CYLINDERS 912-2 Cylinder Dia. 2@ 7 DaY 6.014 265) 6.007 23L) Average: REMAR(S: 2t+8) (Set 4) Cyl'lnder Di a. I@ 14 DaY 6.014 2?7t Cylinder Dia 6.013 6.008 2@ ?8 Day 3282 ))7t+ r@ 45 n28 days Materials Testing Service 't531 West 8th Ave.825 -5261 Aspe; Locat i on I )*" Air: Air Temp.: ?Oo Total llater: 0 Max. Size Load C.Y.: Ti me P I aced: l+: IO Days:L Tested BY: JAH East footing south end Wt/Cu. Ft. : Yiel d: Concrete TemP.: 7Oo F A l4oi s ture : |^leather: Clear-cool Time Testedz l*z2O Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 5l-5 Ti cket # 10458 ltl OeT 314?.' REPORT TO: /<;*-pv f t t, L:.ti Denver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT for Job No or L D. 9l.Z_z Date Tested I u3]-?3 Average: 26tb R EMARKS: Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 5L5 Ti cket #LO/+l+g RU oCT 3 $13 Location: South pads, I, 2 from easL south of )998 I @ 45 days Materials Testing Service '531 West 8th Ave.825-5261 o**qi.Effi Mix I.D.:5$ sack Slurnp: Z*u Alrz3.2S Wt/Cu.rt.:144.86 Yield: center Water Temp.: Air Temp., T, Concrete Temp.: 59 Total Yards: I)5 at test Total l.Jater: F A Moisture: Max. Agg. Sizez 3/4n Max. Size Load C.Y.: 7 lleather:"1o,.dy & warming Tjrne Batched: l:28 Time Placedz Zz)e Time Testedt Z2t+j Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: 3OOO Tested By; ,lAit rEsr CYLINDERS 1LZ-Z (Set 3) Cylinder Dia. 2@ 7 Day Cylinder Dia. 161 14 Day Cyl'inder Dia 2q 28 Day 5.013 27L5 6.c/02 2g)2 6.002 4OO0 6.018 2632 6.008 )9q7 REFORT TO: Mate '531 West 8th Ave.825 -5261 o rials Testing -L ^!uervrce MATERTALSREPORT for Aspen (T;1l;j.> Job No or l. D. 9L2-2 Date Tested z *3L-7)Location:.Center footer 40r from west end Mix I.D.:5* sacksSlump: 4x Airz J.ffi '.tlcu.r,.' r'rl!?dtlq.ffi,"' Water Temp.:Air Temp. t 650 concrete Temp.: 6o0 Total Yards: 90 at test Total Water:F A Moisture: Max. Agg. Size: 3/lr" Max. Size Load C.Y.: 7 Weather: cloudy & cool Tinre Batched: 11:40 Time Placedz L?z)O Time Tested: L2zl+5 Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: 1OOO Tested By: JAH rEsr cyLtNDERs 9l-?'2 (Set 2) Cylinder Dia. 2@7 Day Cylinder Dia. 1@ 14 Day Cylinder Dia 2@28Day 6 .@7 28)6 5 .999 3099 6 . 006 3 481' 6.013 2929 6.003 3501 / u^,pw { , '-"o'/ Denver, Colo. 80204 Average: Z88Z REMARKS: REPORT TO: Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck jLl+. ru 0gr g tCI?s Ti cket # totl*z 349L I @ 45 days Mat "531 West 8th Ave.825-5261Denver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT 1o|' ASPE Job No or l. D. 912-2 Date Tested: Mix I. O,:5t Water Tenp.: Total Yards: Max. Agg. Size: 3/t*" Max. Size Load C.Y.: 7 Tine Batched: 9:OO Time Placedz 9t)O Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: 1OO0 Tested Cylinder 6.or7 6.011 r@45 Dia 2@ 28 Day t+o)2 l+2.+l+ t Se rutce a erials Testing m Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 5LL Ti cket #10428 Rrr ocT g En ?Ot F)rst of Nd corner, North wall '-:t*,$i:f qgtins Wt/Cu.Ft.: 145.20 Yield: Concrete Tenp.: 52 F A Moisture; Weather:clear & cool Time Tested z 9245 By: -- JAH 8-3L-7) sack Sl ump: 27 at test Locati on: 2+" Ai r: 4.8 -/Aii TemP.: )o Tota'l Water: TEST CYLINDERS Cylinder Dia. 6.018 6.0o1 (Set 1) Cylinder 0ia. 1@ 14 DaY 6.004 )7oI 9L2-2 2@ 7 Day 3)6 )590 Average: REMARKS: Porto )t+76 mix Itrl8 days BEST COPY ! : r{):J .1 .1 REPORT TO:AVAILABLE ,fu/,,flK- hrZr{Q /J5,5 Yrl < e S {a(z-,@. U,xry ql - /4a>€f 5(,{- t'l froerfuiAery € sz>T J. Fa.,t;"< +(or2;s /f-' ^: ry t L, /,*al4*.,,. h/.7.*ov. as t3l- /-, (,*a,,.4.c.r,. Dir/. 9< . 7' ; to f' r--,;s*.^/,t/y.-i r;", Al,rI lp '#/t z),7*-/.-7 *4-ry)ffiiffi'w a.4)*- 7k*./, y'/u" g"At/ o'5"**/i7^"1"ry tl.iz 4. -/; A r>,' L-.1&+ n l?442.+J ,-.lo-*ozl a-<cz4-taz7/4 0% /,ff::r'7/,4,,.2,."-^").-,--^ (L:: Z '. 6T .1fi !--.:C>rr.,Fr>.rV.r;d"iEl..rc6 oi'Lo coort od& ?1 c r!d trr > o o d o o ur r.r (D o, o o d t o r!..1 a- O E.P |rr r.r q.'.1 l{56ot!.e CEr .it.<F o..1 (t l{ ..1 d aJ .!CCrHri.OoO.t)d If or a A (|(,) o(r.{ont(lcL= }. o.io,-{ 6 r a t o o.c o.'.r g a< . € i.P -t-. ur.J r o d|9 ar-{ t 6 F o 4t tO lr||] t, dOO O C'o -t€o rF.l:r{tC O O t'l |- E (J d 5 ||{ .d| {r r{ --r 0, O or .r O -io Eoo{,..to}tpl ,r ...Qt.-{ lr o O FI l. F{ O .'l () .9 lr 9 > lr O .cFt E ll) (,)'{ O .{ .E E r O C o lr O O - O OrJr! ol ..r c -.r d gr H c > ru c o tr'* !! HE.Ar. O +€ OO..i9O IOAOt| !Esr.a .9!r.o ..r.rrcuoo a.Q.<.-l ..r(,) Ei -r, . o rJ o o q q .o ( E o ..rO >, O O O C re.'l U !|t 6 a C l{ O O .c t6OC.OEOOOE{Io.60lr..r>=q n."'i .t u ut !o i t C .,.a O o.Odrc>o}{OAO.,..A|aZOAIHAc o . q o E..r at d l t{ c 6 u ti Fr (,r o 'aE o o dr d o& o o H oo tl t o o F{ o|tt .,.t 2 . .'l (t o o 6 .rt .'t ..,t o Et rr,d rH,i c nttr o c .rr o i+r € !l o o I F{ 0, 0l o rE }o d q, ..{ o lr o c t! - o r! o r{ c & .c o Fu o o .c o Q'd +r o, >..r o > o E{dl .Ptr{a-EU'.{ CooClr..rE{rtl .r ".r O l! O ll C O a .p O l! (1, .O ..| .P O .r lrl d O C, O,cocEa||J-A ul lr > '. 1 .)6d o.c0 .e Q o o nt ro o rrr. d t'lF{E c.ul. E o lr -. : & E F E a o,o ..{ E. .r, |0 Frr.t o l{ tr . o o c F + r d i! F{ \o c rr{ FO c| C qr O O Ur,Cl d\ sl Oi C A Z d CorO € O .l' r{ C .{ .,{ O C O O rJ O O q| (t ...E+Jlrl|,dtt lr...1 5 @O.{..1 O ..{l{..,1O 6 O l{ ar .a O o E O qr o --r,< + C }r O .c O ..{..1 (lh'ol{(, .q.i.{ 3 O 14 rJ.{ t{ Od.J (J !+,ocooo{r€n E o o-r!91 DcoOr r{ t $.r o(, @e.p o0.0,)6O.Fltt& r.'1 ,Ao.El o c >.,{ o.{ o o c, d o J.c o ett 6 {J H >r rt,a r{ H ..{ i(t L > .q r d a., (J o,!cEE)+,ttCO6Eol.Aparr 6 >r 6 "r -{ .h O 6 O rtl t{ F{ O O !: 9. C C OO.q().{U6.C.C(,)Olr.uOtO,.g lJ'.{ .{ q.| rl I r., ! .lJ i E O ll.r F C J 2 O (/'li ..r .{ |! r.{ o o c - {, E o F o o H tt Eit O. O -{ O l+a O Fl Cl t{ d\''{ O C qlfl. ...r o{rrroo 5 o o > Fl +J E !g ..{ o oaoorHa'.to tr.t! .O J tt| ti(J t1 .li<. H ..t nr .d +r q. > d O .{ C ..{ rl{ r{ z 2 G +J *o QQ-9'rE9AZO CO€Oq'HOO d!r.. € o r, o..{ o o {r..1 E .cr|]{tL +, p. rr.r o U 'o o O r o -{ t' -{ Ct OO o OC -.1 €(J0>66a,0 glu.caJ q{ o q.,{ c o E t{ > -t c 5: .{ !n+tCOA OOOnt>'6CdlCr.O Ul .{Co.Fl O OI >.QIO O..t ll) (.) l-l .Q '.1 Ncodt>r{J.,{9.tJ(a*a+J>or< L d o r.l'E c o'! !, )! ra o.o o6'd E .C |l O E O l.r O .C E E r E b !r,(:t +t t o O .o o E O o .rr .6 E< et 6 A qt E +, ouloA Itl't{o L 'o {J o t,|c G' o ol|.rdqroo|!ohEIA'JCi!64t()00€Oo'.H}tOc..{Efr.|J.e|(tHrooo{roooH..r@3onl t,|k A.&6..1 4)OEECTOOOAcoOrFr+).c()'{6lr{Jl].C,{r'^OOll!r.. O !t ri.{ E ri{ -{ Frozvo.trlHr.r ttatcH|l.or€o>(rOHOr.Eo.oC.A..rAAdlJc,|'ao.c€cuol{ohao..{oodrDbtrr.d0'€Q,l{hcdl{lta>oorroSut(tootoqcxor.l!rt..{'r.HOr|r.Cttl<0oorJH>tlr^tq.{c}'c.lr.,{o.Q,ol.,{voE.c:hEA..tO4JiDr{tJ6O+r>.,{a)4,EA,.OldC.rJ16v.drqoa 6{r.t,tE'rtcaEot€a,0ro.J|)00>..4O Ei (,OoPEcooo.t.lH 9.rr r.{E.q.4 6l!{rE!o.6o.aloEc!n^O-0OO,?r-{.o1(,>(,!EY9.JC-O.OOO,-.OOFECo.{EEtro^qddOCoct6ooat|.C't nr.- I ,t A O Ir U'n ..roen 'raoa$tUrr.rOr{ G F '.4OOrarr{{r0rott d rrl !r l\ N )tI!\) |! rEl()q,,Ft €t{ CflloAErgo oo .4, E6 or ..r (,ec OU x{rF{ Ii6Pe>' o.dlrOA3 oC {{ot>.'{ Ool'|o€E or! Htt (,o^cN0,6d oo! !ttrE d" ,o E g I I.eelq{r{O^O[..1 duteo|Elnr,.G!9.'{Oo}fYA|,oko()r{HIDC(ro6arucEq'oo.EUt>dz0660CO.cD"lc;'l'ttE..{l{.rrO+a',A.Focca(,()EFoar6co.cod.rJooo€rio2utqa|,@CFa'{B.OOOi4tl|,adEotEFtr.Er-lO..lE<Oli'tHOooE.lro,oorrEcoI{qEFtP.Palo-'lEOaJFoqE{rtrnt>LoO .rrr.EEEOOE.ceq{O]l>.(l).49.qr&r!!rEl>6OFO,r.rrD |.r O{rtl (|.{c|Flot{OO!('1ril,c|o6]Qrgq>(,>Er'nozor9qeq,OCF..{HOEOOttLto.'{dddeoOEFIQCttot{rf.6q64l\6rrloqr(,!,L)O-''IOOq.{ar>,.lorFF.o.or|6qOOc5F4.OIrClUdt{!tor-{EaJ(t€Uo.tt.cOFrcql',{-{o.-{)Fl{rd.oa.{qtCq\6.g.qrtul'|ot(t3't'o9.oqq>!o..tooroor>orE4tFrFit:{>I{{'rF-oHqooo&lgcrFr{altda)oror{oo>oro.q{,EOE'!J4qllrl0)-{(t,OC44!Orqrrr:Oo(,t.o>3tE&Crr.'rro.ltrl{ori\>to.(a!vrrrCDotc.lll!.(Ae>4!F|dEr.oH!tt{oI{Hoko4r&o&h&rtraztDOH(t:.Cdtildld'{=E.PEiEArqEtr)''{O.!EB"tl>atoZ()or.etC|!4OCl{OOr..E..Ord(|oFOZAk.!oc|CE!t={iOOarQodooE+ruolE|(/|i{,Ur.lrIOCCCanEOhd-adr{oo{!lorr,to..r.4i.c!:rt.!t)tur.e.t|,c.o+rno ; .dEFiN -o4Hd r-{ o2, t-r Fz zc|g|E Hf'tH9. IrJ Z S(/rF(JAHc)ETd4z,(,)ozHiEAd ZHEAEIzoFto EH;{=rio!.O d>tr:Ov)al rt ou |.lOz.XZzHHFAOIO<(,E{ =Frl.2AFiA=?Er-{ }I(. Z c)!1 O'oqlr.rdlrdZ&& AE!r F.zgl=H = .u, d a O E4F H}f UOFoat{ htI 6\ (,plU.{E<C.5EO2 ZZZE Z( 9. !I tjl l{zo==Hl!l{tl AAHOF.O8333",3HO>r!lt'l(aq Cs>>{iqcr!lztdlo'|IEr{zl:d.,)EleAli'€F. *,\. d. \\\ \s- -\x- H --IiFr O rr120 HOU!,z.a4t{zar-t (o J r ffiI{IARK@Rr^,\DTE\^6o,," Aprll 29, 1976 Dlana Toughill TOf,N OF VAIL VaLl, Colorado 81657 Dear Diana, Thls ls to contirm our agreement tb.at the llark wlll add three extra parking spaces to the next phaces ofthe llark, to replace the three underground parklng spaces elinlnated due to the constructlon of a hall- rnay from the elevator to tbe pool . Very truely yours, t -,r-*r$* swtwq6-w SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT i,, MAY301974 PROJ ECT NA DATE i LoCAT roN I APPROV E D EORRECTIONS REQUIRED CONCRETE: slzzlu S,*oezr-GAort4 fffi- MASONRY: STEE L: PRFCAST: 0THER: Spec i fy ADDITIONAL REMARKS: ftz-L RLi MAY231974SPEC IAL INSPECTION REPORT TOWN OF VA IL INSPECTOR/^"f.:PROJECT N CONCRETE: .- l^ trTb f -z , ?" '*o tt it ,'+ -lb MASONRY: STEEL: PRECAST: 0THER: Specif ADDITlONAL REMARKS: SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT OF VA IL )"*'rNSPEcroR (' t ?PROJECT N RU ttAY 101974 DITE i LocAT loN I A CONCREIE: STEE L: PRECAST: 0THER: Specl f ADDITIONAL REMARKS: sPEc 1AL lNsPEcT l0N REPoRT fltft. MAY t 0 1974 TOI{fIL OF VA I L PRoJEcr NArrE "{h.-n/rk- ) INSPECTOR LooAT l0N I A CONCRETE: : 5r lo €r4' -fi/t,r:t"4<t 5oft 6' MASONRY: STEEL: t&rtzcs d boctc-- PRECAST: 0THER: Soeci f ADOITIONAL REMARKS: r --t SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT AIL Ru uAY I f?4 (onr(, C, CONCRETE: DATE l-22'74 TIONS RE 9/,,,,.3/i-" h 5A" LOCAT I ftp1thg- .a.ry leu'el AEsHa/( - ffE,la. ECAST: FILI. JUN T 21974 ff, M*f. SPECIAL lNSPECTION REPORT TOVJN OF VA I L INSPECTORPROJECT N CONCRETE: Ut4e^ $A.€0$RY: STFEL: PRECAST: OTHER: Soec I f ADDITIONAL REMARKS: irrr JUN 121974 SPEC IAL INSPECTION REPORT rNsPEcroR ry,'{.^PROJECT NA DATE LOCAT rON I APPROVED CoRRECTt0NS REQUIREo CONCRETE: $-tz-71 Lt.Lt ?*l -[i "/u.^ur 5 %" l- :A' *r-l La. ^-/z,J a, 3f " ,-2'l -rY fJ*; on 3'{ *r{$l ''/-t) 3" d4- n-] ")/^ T- u I MASONRY: STEEL: 5-xz-1y 3a-+-", ,.t- J.-.a'' 1'2'l- r'1 t 't' PRECAST: 0THER: Spoc i fy ADDITIONAL REMARKS: SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOV'IN OF VA I L INSPECTORPROJ ECT ilLt JUN 41974 LOCAT ION CONCRETE: Ft t t-tltl .Wc.4v1E t' bF CYL r^t-Aa'.>t MASONRY: STEE L : PRECAST: OTHER: Soecif AODITIONAL REMARK5: SPECIAL INSPECTTON REPORT TOWN OF VA IL INSPECTOR firt JUN 61974 PROJ ECT N DATE LoOAT roN I APPROVET)CORRECTIONS REQUIRED CONCRETE: t/slta mlcart ct Fj2, z*i /t[ Fp.a So-*-+.(]w MASONRY: STEE L: PRECAST: OTHER: Speclf v ADDITIONAL REMARKS: SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT '.\.\PRoJECT New lNsPEcToR <o*t t4,arc*-(@,d 74 l0 /t4 RII. ATE i LOCAT I RoVED I CoRRECTIoNS REQU CONCRETE: MASONRY: STEE L: PRECAST: 0THER: Soecif ADDITIONAL REMARKS: SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT ru JUte0E74 OF VA IL INSPECTORPROJECT N CONCRETE: -fr "//JMASONRY: STFEI.: PRECAST: 0THER: SPecif ADDITIONAL REMARKST /os- z- lE t'/t Ru, ocT 1 ls74INSPECT ION REPORT TOWN OF VA IL PROJECT N rnseenoa@ QAR"/ /l4,ANuARl LAR,R,I LAINER, D I CORRECT IONS REQU I CONCRETE: ii.i* &ti-e,r- 1(!rcaa uti--bL: PRECAST: 0THER: Soeci f ADDITIONAL REMARKS: 7 SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOWN OF VA IL lo.3- t $cDocTt+1974 TNSPECTOR Toru /Vlerce 6AftY t 4.r 7412 t L&AP/ lE.rllveC PROJ ECT NAME DATE LOCAT ION II APPROVED CORRECTIONS REQUIRED CONCRETE: p/z/zq t/acrrl Pte.il oE nb/ra t,/;zrle*r Aet tt i lreps nk- MASONRY: .JltrEL: PRECAST: 0THER: Specify ADDITIONAL REMARKS: SPEC IAL INSPECT ION REPORT TOWN OF VAIL Project Name t nspectorC) .fr,t &. RU Nov 1 319RCONCRETE: o* f^trf+^ /0 iot5, -fie' PRECAST: REMARKS Rn Nov 21 1973 SPEC IAL INSPECT ION REPORT TO}{N OF VA IL Project Name Inspector LOCAT ION ITIONAL REMARKS SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOWN OF VA I L 4 Rtr ilov 21 ro71 Project Name t^specto"fufufu/ REMARKS / ffi*,/-- ryH .: - {. 4:'/.?A SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOWN OF VA IL Rll oEC 2? teB t n, p " " t o r{a.!,$oa4Q/"- Project Name APPROVE ADDITIONAL REMARKS SPEC IAL INSPECT ION REPORT TOV'IN OF VA I L nu sEP t ? 1!'' ; Inspector &ro/r4, Sloa* T IONS REQU I BE-Q Slurrpt e- 4?rl t* Project */tc/{ APPROV ELOCAT ION fu/es €t * rQelua 12//4t41lt1tl" 5tJt 6ytt ttrTix 7 LLt 4t( F o'rE PRECAST: ADD IT IONAL REMARKS RU JAil 1419R SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOltlN OF VA IL ProJect Name tnrp""+o{t). fr'-','&J LOCAT ION PRECAST: ADDIT IONAL REMARKS &t-ilt I Z-a- -* FIEOUEsiT VAIL eINSiPECTIclN TOWN OF JOB NAMEDATE PM CALLERT!ME RECEIVED E oruen MOI-\l COMMENTS: FRITUE ! pnnrrnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM E appRovED E orsnppBovED E nerNSPEcr ! upon rHE FoLLowrNG conRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR t SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOWN OF VA I L f tz-L I i .1 'J;.i Sti' Project Name I n s p e c t o r fu' rF"'.,,--.,,-J, o /, - *(e^a/" CONCRETE: OCAT ION 5laqt I no/.n4s a ftt'6,/ rh \ SPEC IAL INSPECT ION REPORT TOWN OF VA I L Project *u^t Z7* %*,/. ou o"'n* lnspec+or/4lo LOCAT ION de//Pn-r PRECAST ADDITIONAL REMARKS SPECIAL INSPECTTON REPORT TOWN OF VA IL Project Name RU ocT 24 tg73 r nspectorfualfi4f-)f, I b office of the town manager vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 CONDI TIONAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCI.JPANCY -\ THE MARK: Lbwer garage level, total' ''" fi r3t f loor, mi nus conven- tion center' second floor, total . Allowance for occupancy for the areas ljsted above are hereby granted with the following conditions: (1) Grease hood duct system-'i s .corrected to the requ'i-rements of iection 1107 of thL 1973 Edition of the Uniforrn Mechanical Code by not later than MaY L5' 1975. (2) Complete required dry standpipe.system in south stair shaft'\-' ;; ilqrired'by Seciii,n 3803'oi th;1973 Edition of the uniform ilrttAing Code', by not later than December 15' 1974' In the event the above condjtions are not met by.the cjted deadline' ir'ii'Coniiiionit Ce"iitiiiie wiit become void and developer may be subject to legal action. 1|al Chief Building Dated:27 November 1974 Jerry Aldrich, Fire Marsha'|1Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Mol i;Jrnn- Ventilation System'*: j'p Dear Jerry: I am,sorry that we cou'ld not get together on December '|8, 1974. After tal.k'ing with you a number of tjnes, I would have enjoyed meeting you and demonstrating our equipment to you. Enclosed is some literature on our Ventjlation System, which shouldgive you an indication of the operatjon and efficiency of the system.I would still ljke to get a chance to talk to you and if I am eVer fnthe Vail area, I will try to give you a little-more notice, so that we can set up an appointment. Also, if you find yourself in the Denverarea, I would be happy to demonstrate our unit and show you our manu-facturing facil ities. Enclosed is a copy of our report to Mr. Kaiser Marcus, Owner of TheMark. In my recormendations, I make no mention of the duct gauge orconstruction' but I am sure your taking care of that problem to your ovrnsatisfaction. One thing that is rea'l1y out of my baiiiwick, but-possibly V9u should be aware of is that the cooking equipnrent adjacent to the Plasterboard walls, is causing the paint ind'alio the piper to peel offof those walls. I am not sure what temperatures they lrb gettiirg at those points, but they must be quite high. If you have any questions about our ventilation system or lf I can be of any assistance to you in any way, please get in contact with us. Have a Happy Ho1iday Season. FLB: r Enc. ffiAl*,-'qL. Bloemendaal , Engi neer Fred Sal es Au- oEcas€'4molitor I in(G. P, 0. 80x l21E 2829 SoUIH SAt{tA tE DnrVE PH0t{E 789.223r -AREA CODE 303 EI{GLEWooo, coLoRADo 80r 10 A Subsidiary 0f Sta in less Equipnenl Co, December 19, 1974 Very truly yours, MOLITOR, INC. MEMsEn oF m rpEcrALrzrr{c r* Fo0D sERvrcrrc EQUIPMEI{T m.ol itor nf ffi lne. ?. o. 80x r2tt 2E29 SoUIH SAflrA fE 0RtvE Pfio E 789.2231 . ARIA CODI 303 . EilCtEWo0D, C0t0RADO SOrrO A Subsidirry of St!inless tqui0ment Co. December 19, 1974 The Mark l.lest Lions Head Circle & Lions Head PlaceVail, Colorado 81657 Attn: Keyser Marcus Dear Mr. Marcus: This 'letter is to RE: Mol i -tron Venti'lators in Kitchen report to you our findings of December .|8, 1974. upqn py arrival' I found that the units had not been correctly wiredand that the exhaust fan switch which we had supp'liea, had noi been used.Thisrviring is partially to blame tor ihe probtbin you'had with one ofthe.fire dampers 9lg:i19. The other part bf the ploblem, which un-fortunatety you still have, is that wb are not driwing the required CFM. At your insistance, two of the Electricians and myself, worked on theventilators until 4:00 in the afternoon and complLteo iti the necessarywlring. The units are now wJred correctly, and they shou'ld give you n6further problems as far as self-creaning ina grease extracti6n arl con-cerned. l'le would make the following tw6 recoforendations in order tohave the entire installation proper-and compieie, l. The connections of the ducts to the venti'lators arenot mechanically secur€d, nof are they sealed. These connections should be mechanicaily secured lncase the ducts tend to warp, because of the cookingheat. These ducts nust be sealed to prevent waterleakage from our p'lenum wash system. 2. As I have mentioned, your ventilators are not pulling the recormended CFIvI for smoke and vapor removai. Thisconditlon is not a safety hazard. Hbwever, we would recormend that_if you fiird you have smoke escapingfron the ventilators, that you have the fan ctrhng6a topull the required CFM. r!rrEl ot @ rpEcr^r.rzr*c rlr rooo sErvrcrxc Eour?rErl I also noticed that you have been uslng another detergent rather thanthe Mo'li-Degreaser that is recormended for the detergint pumps. Ourdetergent dispensers have been tested using Mol.i-Degieasei, ind we have warranted our d'ispensers for use of this produit. lJe know that some detergents are very caustic,.and that these dispensers will not withstand this type of product. (For example - Trumi Detergent). Itis, of course, up to your descretlon as to which detbrgent you wish touse, however, we will not be able to warranty the dispensers. Mo]i- Degreaser can be purchased through Nobel, InL. You.have.purchased-an exce'llent venti'lator from the standpoint of safety,reliabili.ty and efficiency, and we would like to be sure lhat you aresatisfied with our product. If you have any problens or corments, please feel free to contact us. Very truly yours, I4OLITOR, INC. Page Two - Oecember 19, '1974 The MarkVail, Colorado Mr. Keyser Marcus FLB:r cc: llaurice Skidmone - Nobel cc: Jerry A1drich, Vail Fred L. Bloemendall, Sales Englneer gI F C,rr|a 5 i I ru ilov 271g74 office of the town manager vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 coNpIJIoNAL CERTIFICATE 0F gccuPANcY /,/tffi\ Lower garage\-----z first f loor, tion center' total. 'level , tota'l minus conven- second floor' areas listed above are hereby granted (1) Grease hood duct syste.nn is .corrected to the requireii'ents of Section 1107 ot thl-igi3 EOition of the Uniforrn Mechanica'l Code by not later than MaY 15' 1975. (2) Complete required dry standpipe.system in south stair shaft'\-' ai i,equired'by ie.ii"on-:eO:'of tn! 1973 Edition of the Uniform griidi;g Code, by not later than December 15' 1974' In the event the above conditions are not met by.t[e cited deadline' iiiii.'ConOitionat Ceriiriiiie wi'll become void ahd developer mav be subject to legal action. Allowance for occuPancY for the with the following condit'ions: rry L, Chief Bui'lding Dated:27 November 1974 ilr, [alser l{orcus lbrcus RerltY CorP. Vall, Colorado 81657 Stage of Cmpletlon Town of Vall on Processlrg 0ctober 15, 1974 -. Phcse Il byThe lhrk' Dear Xalser: The followlng ls the st tus of your prcJect known as "The I'hrk II": (a) Prellmlnary deslgn revlebt apprcval hrs been glven by Deslgn Revlew Boa-rd,16sludlng slte llannlrU, architectural and pfq- _ limtniry materlal-sel6ctton.' Flnal-approval of the Indlyldual OuttAtngs and slte devclopnent wlll be requlred' but thls should not be anY Problem. (b) Trc vrrlarces lrere appllcd,for-and heard by the vall Plannlng Gcrnrlsslon and Toxn bbuncll. A setback varlance requested bJ' fou ias denied by t6e Plannlng Csrmlsslon ard Town Councll' but i var{ance overr-ullng the offiet requirements outllned ln the &rlk Contr-ot regutaiioni of the Zoning grdlnance of ttre Tqrn of iiii (Sectton SISOO) was granted ln respect to the proposed con- flguritlon of the bulldlngs' as presented by yott. (c) At thts tlne, the follovlng requlrenotts must be fulfllled before' lssuance of a bulldlng Pennlt: (l) Flml deslgn revlet for the speclflc bulldlngs ard related slte develofnent;(2) iroieiitng bt ttnat r,prklng draulrgs for conpllrnce wlth Eulldlng Code (UBC); and(3) n iinii-zoninS'ihaii when flnal rrorklng drawlngs are completed. Sl ncerely, l{FP,Jr,/rm Htlllan F. Plerce, Jr. a rO& 5'HOUR TIRS REEISTA}ICE AS RiQUIRSO BY TABLE I7-A OF :' - THf; gltFORf{ SUtLDtilO COoe., | 973 ED lT l0ll AXD gUILDI}IG I DESIGN DATE 0F MEETIIIG I MEMBERS PRESENT: RTVIEI.I BOARD August 15, 1974 Ruoff, Bill Hanl on, B'i I I Parker, Lou . Sage, Dave SUBJECT:THE MARK - material changes - Kajser Morcus ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: MOTION VOTE: -A+PR0VE0]--.- SUMMARY: .fux # I O /""ry-- REVIEI.I BOARD Septanber 5, 1974DATE OF HEI4BERS SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: DESIGN }IEET I I'IG : PRESENT:Ruoff , Bi'll Abbott, Dudley -/ Hanlon, Bill Parker, Lou Sage, Dave zZ*tr-a't-nty' THE MARK - moss rock j Kaiser Morcus MOTION VOTE: to approve o, E.r"o- --.7._ ,4 - Ur-- i SECONDED BY FOR:AGAI NST: APPROV ED: DISAPPROVED: SUMMARY: MEI4BERS PRESENT: DESIGN REVIEI,I BOARD DATE 0F l'lEETIltG: Auqust I, L974 o Ruoff' Bill r-- Abbott, Dud'ley Hanl on, Bi l I Z=------- Parker, Lou Sage, Dave L--- i SECONDED AGAINST: ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: MOTION VOTE: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUI"IMARY: 4_ llarch 14, 1974 l{r. l(d i5e r l,iorcus 14orc us Rea ltY Va I I , 0o lorado iie: i'lark, Phose I Dea r Kalser: flegardlng the Mark, Phase I' the bulldlng p€rmit datcd 5*31-73 ls stlll ln full iorce and offeci as of this date. lf you n€eC f urther lnf orrration, pleaso contac+ fhls offlce. Yours fru I Y, T0i,{fi 0F vA lL Ulana 5. Toughill Zon i n9 Adrrlnlstrator ,T i ,a) 'Toru-.-n r' /in-4' A-Jt- --2-4) h--2 /2- 3o - 7J - 2t7 r 3-7 /a r' o' 4*/ *.fu--- -- t7 t |ao ,./rooV dt=;?3 .ffiaz- ,t 2 z. .t7 , ROEII'RTlf0||| ^RcltTztlt t. ttttf 5t.0E.xvEn c H. alclrJ(E ECrs A.t.A. s I tT I | 0. tot ?57-t7!00t0Rl00 ao222 TRAT$TITIII I.tITIR d att project We are sending you PRELIMINARY ORAI{INGS REVISED DRAWINGS WORKING DRAI{INGS SHOP DRAWINGS For you to: APPROVE BID REVISE & RESUS,ItT ENCLOSED SEPARATELY \/-- SPECIFICATICNS SA}IPLES L ITERATURE oT1rEq FILE STUDY & CONSIDER OTHER NO. OF coP I Es DESCRIPTION remafls : snn! a |lv oFoc! dca &January 28, 197\ Engelke Architects 2186 50. Hol ty Denver, Colorado 8f.222 Attention: Hr. Rod Seanright Re: The Hark Job # 145 Gent I esen: , lJe have received copies of the concrete cyl inder test results whlch you sent to us. Please note that^ these are for rrSet 2lrt cast on Novenber 26, 1973 and rtset 23" cast on Novenber 30, 1973. These test results are the sane ones covered in our letter to you dated December 28, 1973. Set 2l is for concrete poured in the Laundry area which does not reguire a structural topping. Set 23 is for concrete in the north- west quarter of the garden level parking. We have at this tinE 28 day test resul ts in our office shovring an average strength of 3t65 psi which is above the minimum 3000 psi requirenEnt. l,le, therefore, see no reason to take further action on these test resu I ts . lf you requi re any further information at this tine, please contact nE. Very truly yours, AD8C GR0UP, lNC. 9,n^];l;li, Yohn Zielinski, P.E. ronatd n.frickel.std6t#al engineer .23.45 seyenth street'denver colorado 80211'3O3'458 8501 {e.eg,.aDErc'A FfL[ AU62o0R 2 - z'-6't * 6t- e" s.<.CW$.ru 16 6u&L!+ELJ.A\,/ l.rETAL FPA,'IE3 3" MErAL t;rutz+ w/ va" 6.(e ffi pTH'=t?6 -F4E4HAhlldAL - 4JtP4Et)T aE<=HE{T =_ffi? HAN Wt+tel 6- t-73 y'gt = l''a" VAIL , AL-?. tO Jrly tl?! lr. Irfrr lorc|.tfa trt lorc Omrk Drlvo' lrl l, Oclcmdo rt 6t7 Dalr Ir. llorcrt, !!f! !. lo corf l'thrt fhr yril rrtrr red tmttrf}lrfetrtrf ct rn t trrrtri !!r -$jrst irejrci-riii';il;".ra Lr.r trrvtcr reJ rrrf rdiqrr?i tiaaariiii r;rrrrlf l|lr tr do lo. frrl irrly totFt, , ?ffi gt t*tr La? l. ltar, P. !.llrfrlet leglmrr tcl I .*,,' Frwbr & Eingery, lnc. CONSULNNG EIVGINEEHS 2840 SOUTH VALL€JO STREET ENCL EWOOq COL ORA DO 801 I 0 TELEPHON€ 303 761-4860 August 8, 1973 Mr. Jerry Aldrich Chief Building Official Town of Vail P. O. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 nCffiF-rEfntrudq4or compliance with Uniform Building Code Our Job No. 452.12 Dear Mr. Aldrich: In response to our Preliminary Review dated July I0 | 1973, the Architect has submitted the following rnaterial: a. Written response to alL items of the PreLiminary Review by letter dated August 2' L973. b. Two sets of revised drawings (Drawings do not carry a revision date). c. Addenda No. 1, dated August 2, 1973, incorporating Sketch X-l' dated August L, 1973. Our detailed review of this material is as follows: fiu AU8t4€n ?,tu,l D-p: G''' rti' *'/ A,4'-" {'"J fr"Item 1 .=*--Ugiq*F--o^t*g-glclpl with the Architectts methods of calculation in the following respects: a. F2 and 82 Occupancy. The Meeting Room 104 falls under the catagory of 83 occuPancy. AII- other commercial and restaurant areas are F-2 occupancy. Lobby and office areas have been construed to be F-2 occupancy in lieu of H occupancy to eliminate requirement for occupancy separation which aPPears to be unreasonable for this layout. ctvtl ENGTNEERTNG / |AND suRvEytNG / sroRM DRATNAGE / srRucruRAt- I / WAIER & SANITATION Jerry Aldrich August 8, 1973 Page 2 b. The F2 and 83 areas are not entitled to an increase i.n allowable area due to multiple stories since these occupancies occur on only a single story. /-. / rr... .t,.,.c. we,go ng:-Ssreelwithth;"L"nrti".t"4't.bor.ti!/o/:"il;;t .'!."il t' -' However, we do agree that additional area increase is obtainable by using formula for separation on two sides in lieu of three sides as used in our report and we further agree that Sec. i-J-02(a) will allow the Fl occupancy area to be excluded in calculationof the unity factor under Sec. 503 (a). Recalculation using the areas set forth in our Preliminary Review as nodified by above considerations yields a mixed occupancyratio of 1.0025 which is deemed acceptable. Item 2 Replatting to legally move the lot line for required setbackis an acceptable solution. Proposed relocation is not shown on the revised drawings. Item 3a Satisfactorily corrected under Item 2' Addenda No. 1. ftem 3b Corrected by Sketch Xl under Addenda No. I Item 4 Door and finish schedules have been included in the revised drawings and are in compliance with code. Item 5a Conflicts have been deleted. Iten 5b Corrected under ltem 4' Addenda No. I Item 6a Clarified on revised drawings in compliance with code. Jerry Aldrich August 8, 1973 Page 3 Item 6b Corrected under Itern 3, Addenda No. 1. Iterr 7 We concurr with explanation in Architectrs letter of response. Iten 8a Corrected under Item 5, Addenda No. I Item 8b Corrected under Iten G-1' Addenda No. I Item 9a Corrected on revised Drawing A17 Iten 9b Corrected under ltern G-2, Addenda No. 1 Item 10 Subject to concurrence by Building Official. Item 11 Architectrs response is in compliance with code. Not shown on drawings. Iten L2 Storm water drainage system and roof drains have been added to the ltechanical Drawings. Part B-Iten I We concur with the Engineerts written resPonse' PartB-Item2 B.€souuep fs\ Processed under Iten G-2r Addenda No. 1. \'J Jerry Aldrich August 8, 1973 Page tl PartB-Item3 we concur wlth the Engineerrs written responEe. PartB-Iten{ Subject to enforeement by Builcling Official. This conrpletes our review of II'HE !,1ARK Project. ALl data ie being returned to you under separate cover. If you have any queetions, please feel free to contact us. Very truly yours, FRASIER E GINGERY' INC. -/4z-fu- Knud o. RaEmussenProject !'lanager KOR!gE Enclogure ccs Rodney D. Seawright I ENGELKEtrtt l. taltt tr.0ttttt ttt Frasier & Glngary, Inc. Consultlng Englneers 2840 So. ValleJo Streel Englerood, Colorado 801 l0 Attn: Knud O, Rosmussen Re: Job Nurnber 452.12 trThe Markt Genf I ernen : ln referencs to your prellnlnary plan the follorlng: l. Our calculatlons vary sllghtly(a) Baslc Al loxable Area...... (b) Increass for Flre Tone 3 - 35 1/3* (c) Increas€ for Multl Story - 2.4 Ktcrl gltl# - nnctncrs ul',oli 'i'l ii'!A.lAI August 2, 1973 check (Job f452.121 we submlt (d) lncrease for on 2 sldes(46r-20r) x Separa?lon - 1.251 - 12.51 from those llsfedFl - unllmlted F2 - '0,000a2 - 22,50AH - 22,500Fl - unlimlted F2 - 40,00082 - 50,000H - 50,000Ff - unl lmlted F2 - 80,000 82 - 60,000H - 60,000Fl - unllmlfedf2 - 106,000 82 - 79,500H - 79,500Fl - unl imltsd F2 - 106,000 82 - 79,rOOH - 79,500Fl - 32,468 =F2 - 924= BZ - l5'3to 'f-f - 50,373 - in your letter: Type I Type I Type I Type I Type I 0 < 1.0 Type I .0087 .1925 .6356 (e) Total Allorable Area (f) Actual Area . ..'.: .8548 < 1.0 Frasler & Gfngery Job #452.12ttThe Marktt August 2, l97t calculaf lons of al lorable f loor areas vorsus actuat f loor areas doesnof allol for bultdlng to be Type ll construcflon throughout. But bynaklng the lorer two levels of parklng (Fl) of Type I constructlon, as per sectlon ll02 (a) then upper 5 levels can be of Type lf con-structlon. Thls will requlre a separation frcxn F-l to B-Z occupancy(levef 100-0f) to be 5 hour rated. The concrete tvln tee wtth topplngas shorn on the drawlngs only gl,'res a 2 hour rafed separatlon. There-fore fo achleve thls separation ve have added .25n THICK !.|ON0KOTE AS !4AI.IUFACTURED BY ZONOLITE CORPOR,qTION TO ARRTVE AT A RATED ASSEMBLYof 4 hours although lt ls our oplnlon that onty j hour protectlon ls necessary. (Thls ls par my dlscusslon wlfh both Jerry Aldrlch of Valf,an! Mr. Wally Prebls of PCI whorn I understand has presented you wlfhfhIs type of fIre rated assanbly). 2. West propertv llne of lot 7 adjacent to stalr nunber 5 ls to be moved by the Ovnar to a polnt not closer than 20 feet to the stalr. Thlsls posslble slnce the Owner orns bofh lot 7 and lot 4. The prl- mary reason for movlng sald properly ltne [s to make the proJect confonn to the requlrements of zoning and F.A.R. for the Torn ofof Val l. 3. See Addenda #l . 4. See ner set of drawlngs submltted wlth thls leiter. 5. Ner sei of drarings ellmlnafe Dohrman drarlngs, therafore referto Archltectural and Mechanlcal. Atso see Addenda #l . 6. (a) (b) See new drawlngs submltfed wlth thls letter. See Addenda #1 . (a) A ffre rated celltng ls used although no celltng ls bEcause the concrete assanrbly that re are uslng for structure gives fhe regulred flre ratlng.(b) Same as A. See Addenda #1 . See Addenda #1 . ner set of draxlngs. Addenda #1 . Acceptable as per telephone conversation vlth Jerryof Vall Bulldlng Oepartment. Panic hardware ls to be orovided ln accordance wlfh See neu set of dravlnqs. requl red the 1 Seg See 8. 9. (a) (b) (a) (b) 10. / n. 12. Aldrlch, Torn Sectlon 3516-a. o Frasler E Gingery Job fl452.12ItThe Markrt August 2, 197t As per lotter fronr Structural Englneer, A D& C Group,fn regards fo Parf B. l. 'rOur standard procedure in deterrnlng load requlrenents for restauranf and lounge areas ls to use a 100 PSF llve load, take no llve load reductlon, and neglect any dryrall partltlons whlch may be present. We neglect ihe welght of drylall partltlons b:casse the presence of a parfltlon makes lt lmposslble to atfaln a t00 PSF llve load In fhe.area adjacent to the partlflon. ilote that a drywall parfltlon such as these under dlscusslon relghts approxlmately 100 PLF and rould requlr€ only 4rt of unloaded area each slde of fhe wall ot equal the deslgn llve load for fhe re- malnlng f loor area. 3. tfeld slzes and lengths are shown on connectlon detal ls rhere requlred by deslgn. Where no slze or length ls shorn, mlnlnua welds are ad€ouate. ff there are any questlons andfor addltlonal lnformaflon, please feel free to eall. Thank you. at--^-^a--5incere|\,- .2-" /1 t/ , .4,/-TJ.il *s-E/ // Rodney D. Searrighf €ncl. cc. Jerry Aldrlch ': i ENGELKE;rll5 Nlttt 51.0trr t t cot 0 o*"rrG"t= l',oJI I'l i','l AIA (11 v' , (\t .y (4) rr.,:c'.rsi ?, 19it lspen Ccnsf r-uct I on P.C. Brx ZZ Aspen, Cclorado Aftn: Bl ll Turner RE: The Mark ACdenda #l The followlng is a tlst of ltems haraby r-.rade a parf cf fhe contract doc:Inenis and should be inclucjed ln your co;'ltract prlce.' {i) As a polnf of ctarlflcatlcn, all spr-lnkler heads ln the parklng ai'ea 5h3ll !e dry penCanf non-f i-eeu e fype for hsadrco'n clearance. Provlde frcm fhe domestlc xater sysien 3 l" r'slveC branch wlfh sprlnkler head at top and at altei'nafe floors for bofh llnen and rubbish chutas. Provlde flre dampers where ducts pass thru floor on Owg. M-4. Pr-ovlde a NuTone 8510 cel llng exhaust fan In Prcjecflon Booth and ducf 8" round thru shaft to sto,-n louver at roof. PnovldE flre dsmper where ducf eniers shaft. (5) The helghf of ths range hrcd shall be 5'-4" above klfchen f !oor. , A CC2 or Ansul flre snofherlng systan wlth auto gas shuf-off :hell be provlded per CoCe. tA) Change MUA-I {D|{G t1-1, ltern 6) to a Relnor RPAK ?2 xlih 1,60C [lHB S. L. lnput, frio sfage burner, twc sfage space thermostaf, F. A. Ssriper fo open rhen urrlf siarts, Inlei stonn louv€r' f I lter bcx 'llth throv axay f i iiers, and I l{.P. trfc*or. Unlf tc be enlireiy weafherpi-ocf. Provlde 24" hlgh !eE: fc avold snarv foullng. Ti'e "e I icw i :r3 a re Sereio ! Ccr'l':'ect !'i'gtts: G-l ) Dro'r I dt: a Ctvider !n Cuct shafi +c iscl.l?e tl'.e r-arqe i'.ood axhaust Cuci f rc'-t other iults: Secuerce oi con:trr.lcf lon *c be cs follc.-s: R.ln3o !{ccci Duct, 5".a1: siace, ?? ga3e ga!'ranl:eC '' g1-ee! gheer, irr nlneral xco! , r12n f lre coCe sheef itdk on n€t3 I sluCs. Ar ac:epfabie elfernate ls: Pange HooJ D.rct fo 6 frt :cnc:aie. A 1l rn.Ja f I Au:r:i ?, 1973 a-?l) Dr:'r i,je J j.1J sr.fi. free 3D3ii , -o<i?r pe. € levrto: to ','e,r-r'! ! a le ng in lioor of ,-i 2tz+cr equil'reri e ! e'zr*ci Y3ch laa r'laitl . I naJrpo:.i i'.r el+acr:'i ilatiilg ?cCney D. Saawrighf :iiGELK:. teCV-tCrSiy'--/U7U*'- Bt'. mEran s-rue+ vu/ /eil ay? ea PTH'it?a -HE4FlAhtla/!.l-'- -.E4.Jtp.t4e-r-tT 6L|<E.HENT =L_t"e<- eaN @/ftie+ y'g'= l'-a't Frasier & 0rhgery, lnc. /-,t-1\,1:, . :.,;1 -: 5\.. _ .. _ _. _. 2840 SOUTH VALLEJO STREET EilELEWOOD, COLORADO 8OIIO TEtEPHONE 303 761-4860 Mr. Jerry Aldrich Chief Building official Town of Vail P. O. Box 100 Vail, CO 81557 frlt AUG101973 August 9 o L973 STATEMENT Fixed ree $1J35-34 A},IOUNT DUE THIS STATEMENT 9T+S5ry3+ Job 452.L2 Plan Check EOTAI, lu ^o& t3 Accounts not paid within $ days from date of statement will be charged TNTEREST at the j lte ol Llo per month of the unpaid balance. , F".? ) a.' ENGELKEtrtt ! r0ttt sl.tlrf tl c0l0 Tr. a ARCI{ITECTSrr0rl ?t? J?9t iIlrr!0 lctt2.fttrl. Ftr ruo I fia A,rg,rsi :, l913 Aspen Ccnstrucfion P.0. Bcx ZZ Aspen, Colcrsdo Attn: Bl ll Turner RE: The fotlcrlng ls a list of ltgrrs hereby made a pari cf fhe contract docunenis and shoutd be Includod ln your conlraet prlce"' (l) As a polnt of clarlflcatlon, a!l sprlnkler heaJs ln the parklnE area shall be dry pendant non-freeze fype for headrconr clearance. lA Prcvlde frcrn fhe Csnestlc nefer systan a l" valved b:-anch wlfh sprlnkler head at top and a'f'atternate flocrs ior bcth ltnEn aad rubbfsh chutes. (5) ProvldE f ire Carnpers b,here ducts pass thru floor on Dr*g. l.l-4. (4) Provlde a NuTone 8510 celllng exhaust fan In Prcjectlon Booth and duct 8" round fhru shoft to stonn louver ai roof. Pro'rlde flra danper vhere duct enters shaff. (5) The height of the range hcod shal! be 5f-4" above kltchen floor. A CQ2 cr Ansul flre snofherlng systen wlth au+,o ges shuf-off sh3fl be orovlded cer eoCe. l.6l Ciange i,tuA-l (DWG tl-3, ttem 6) to a P.e:ncr RPA( 22 xlfh 1,600 Ur.{3 S. L. !np.uf, ?:*o st3Ee burner, iwc sfage sprce *herncatEt, F. .4. 3anpei' fo open 'ahen un lf sfarfs, lnle* storo louver, f I iiar 5cx with thrcv aray f I Ifers, and 3 H.P. ?.icfor. Unltt; be enfirely weafherpi-ocf, Prot lde ?4" hlgh legs to avcld :n:v fo'.rlirg. j:li:,rLl'rg l:e f,ener.f I Ccniracf liens: o't ti 4a a 'Jl ti dei l:r iu':t sha f t to T sc f.lte t\e ranqe hood e)':r:l'.,lt.i j,.;c; f r+.'r ct\rir Js-:*s: Se!uslra 3f :an;f rucl loa ic !:e rs f ...,t lo,rt: Pa,;r3e !"iccd lu.:t, J" alr scrre, 23 3a3e gsl raniled s'aq! gllee:, lt' nlner-al 91511;, 5./ jtt f lre coie shegf i-)ck an "gtals1:;{3. ir :c:epia5le a lte:'::ate I s: Ra:Tge ilocJ D.;rt fo 5 f rt .:.1.:^.oIa t I *o;;:t{ 'EST I\ ffilittottt :i::ria {1i--:-st ?, 1977 :-:) ort'rije -', i,i i sq.ff. gree ngpnin; lr f l.-).11 ti si,:.'rfrr e'iuipnen-i :cc:i )er e levato:' to .:e;r'iil.:+e e ievlr-oi- nr:.:\irg t'-on. { j) ln:crDor:te rf I'ache,i <1:e*inE. #dfr"L#'\-- / ,/ / Rc inev l. Sesu;-i:hi ' I -rl-ll.-ll-l ENGELKEllt6 s !!ttr st..!lri!i c0t0 ARCHITECTSll0lf :?!?.1?3! I T trr00 r | ? 2 ! AlA. A,rgust ?, lrTt Frasie: & Slnger-y, Inc. Ccrs:ltlng Engineers 2043 Scuth Vallejo Stisef Enge lwcod, Cc loradc 8Cl l0 Attn: Knud 0. Rasrussen REr J:b NunbEr 452.12 "The Morkrr Seni lmen: ln reference lo your p:'ellmlnary Dlon check (Job #452.1?)the lol loulng: YE subm I f l. Cur calcul.rtions v3r'y sllghtly(a) 9aslc Al losable Area.... .. (b) Increase for Flre Zone J - 33 1lsfi (c) fncreaEe for Multl Story - 2.C (d) lncrease for Separaflon - on 2 sldes(n6'-2C' ) x 1 2j.c" = 3?.51 (e) Tctal Allowable Ares (. i) 4ciug I Area from thcse llsted !n ycur let?er: Fl - f0,000 unllnlted F2 - 10,00c82 - 2?,'CCH - 2?,5A0Fl - 40,000 unllmitedF2 - 40,000 B2 - 50,000H - 10,000Fl - 80,000 unllmltedF2 - 80,000s2 - 6C,000H - 6C,000Fl - tC6,000 unllnited?2 - t05,00082 - 79,500H - 79,rAAFl - unllmlted F2 - t06,0c082 - 71,5J4!l - 7q,5C0Fl - l?,453*0 .<1 .0F? - 9?4 '.0C878? - l5,llC=.19?5H - 5tl,175 = .5115 .?143 < 1.0 Frasler & Gingery Jcb faJ?.12t'.ihe ldarkt' Augubt 2, 1973 Calculafions of allcwable f loor areas versus act'ral f l:or arers do€s nc'l al lcw for bui ldlng to be TVpe ll eonstr,.icticn ihrcughcut. But by making the lo'xer two levels of perklng (Ft ) cf Typ'1 | .-'onsiruciion, as per sec'ilcn 1102 (a) then upper 5 levels cen be of Tyae ll con-structlon. This will reo,.,rlre a seosraf lon f rom F-l io B-2 cccup:ncy(level l00-0r) fc be 3 hour rated. The conci-efe twln tee wl*h topplng as shown cn the drarvlngs only glves a 2 hour rated separaticn. There- fore to achleve thls separatlon we have added .25" THICK MCNCKOTE AS MANUFACTURED BY ZONOLITE CORPORATION TO ARRIVE AT A RATED ASSEI,IBLYof 4 hcurs alfhough lt ls our oplnion that only 3 hour protectlon ls necessary. (Thls ls per my dlscussion wlth both Jerry Aldrlch of Vall, and Mr. Wally Prebls of PCI whcm I undersfand has presented you wtth this type of fire rated assenbly). 2. West properfy llne of lot 7 adJacent io stalr number 5 ls to be moveC by the Ovner to a polnt not cJoser than 20 feet to the stalr. Thls ts possible slnce the 0wner ovns bofh lof 7 and tof 4, The prl- mary reason for novlng sald property llne ls to make fhe project' confonn to the requlrenents of zonlng and F.A.R. for the Tovn ofof Val l. 5. See Addenda fl. 4. See ner sef of dranlngs submltted rrlth this letter. 5.' Ner set of drawlngs ellminate Dohrman drallngs, therefore refer to Archttectural and Mechanlcal. Also see Addenda #l . See new dranfngs submltted vlth this letter. See Addenda fl. 7. (a) A flre rated cel llng ls used although no celllng ls requlreC because th6 concrete assenbly that ve are uslng for fhe structure glves the requlreC flre ratlng.(t') Sama as A. 8. (e) See Addanda fl.(b) See Addenia #l . 9. (a) See new set of drawlngs.(b) See ACdenda #t. 6. (a) (b! !0. Accepto5le es pei' felephcre aonversstlcn xith Jerryof Vatt Buiiding Deparlment. Panlc harCware ls tc be orovided ln acccrdence xilh See new set of drairinqs. AlJr-ich, Town Ser-f I on l3l 5-a .il. 12. o rras !er & S l ngery Job f452.12 .1Th€. rr'larktt Augusi 2, 1973 As per lsfter f rcrn Struc'lural Engineer, A CE C G:'cup, ir regarCs io Par? B. (t.J "Cur standard prcceCure ln deferming loaC rnquir^elrents forV .resfaurant end lounge areas !s to use a 100 PSF llve losd, take no Ilve load reductlon, and neglect any drytall rartltlons vhich nay be present. We neglect the n€lght of dryvall partltlcns because the presence of a par-tlflon makes lt lmpcsslble fo attaln a .l00 PSF llve load In the area aCjacenf to the partltlon. Ncte that a drywall pariltion such as fhese under discusslcn velghts approxlmately 100 PLF and vouId require only 4" of un]oaded area Each slde of the rall ot equal the deslgn llve loaC for the re- nalnlng floor area. 3. Weld stzes and lengths are shown on connectlcn details xhere requ!red by daslgn. l{hEre no sl:e or length ls showqr, mlninum welds are adequate. . lf there are any quesilons and,/or addltlonal lnformatlon, please feel free to call. Thank you. Slncerely, ..t n<?'ar4*z nocne/o. Saawrlght ' / encl. IENGELKE ARCEIMECTSllll s. rtttt sT. ?l0tt: ?5? t?10 I T A0lrytr ctr0tr00 !t???r5'.l.1l. i.,,i AUG ? rcnFrasler E Glngery, lnc. Consultlng Englneers 2840 So. ValleJo Street Engle;ood, Colorado 801 10 Attn: Knud 0. Rasmussen ne' il?kNil:*i*'{z'r2 Genf I ernen :Aug usf fn reference fo your prelknlnary plan check (Job i452,12) the follorlng! t. Our calculatlons vary sllghtly(a) Baslc Al lovable Area...... (b) lncrease for Flre Zone 5 - 33 t/37 (c) Increase for Multl Storv - 2.0 {d) lncrease for on 2 sldes (46r-20t ) x Separatlon - 1.25/ = 32.5tr from those llstedFl - unllrnlfedF2 - 30,00082 - 22,500H - ?2,500Fl - unlimited F2 - 40,00082 - 30,000H - lo,o0oFl - unllmlted F2 - 80,000 82 - 60,000 H - 60,000Fl - unllmlted F2 - 106,000 s2 - 79,500H - 79,500 Fl - unlirnlted?2 - t06,000 82 - 79,500H - 79,500Fl - 32,468 - F2 - 9?4. B? - l5,ll0 r H - 5Q,313 = 2, 1973 xe subn lt in your I etter: Type I Type I Type I Type I Type I 0 < 1.0 TY?a .0087 .1921 6116 (e) Total Allorable Area (f) Actua! Area .8148 < 1.0 Fras I er & Gfngery Job f4J2.12r'lhg [16rkrt August ?, 1973 Calcuf atlons of allowable f loor areas versus actua I f lcer areas Coesnct allow for builJing to be Tvpe ll constructlon throughcut. But by maklng the lover txo f evels of parklng fFl) o{ Type I consf rucflon,as oer sec+lon 1102 (a) then upoer 5 levels cen be of Tyoe ll ccn-structlon. This will requl re a separatlon from F-l fo B-2 occupancy(level 100-0r) to be 3 hour rated. The concrete fwin tee wlth topplng as shoxn on the draxings only glves a 2 hour r-ated separatlon. There-fore to achleve thls separatlon we have added .Zjn TFICK MONCKOTE AS MANUFACTURED BY ZONOLITE CORPORATION TO ARRIVE AT A RATED ASSEMBLYof 4 hours although lt ls our oplnion that only J hour Drotecilon lsnecessary. (Thls ls per my dlscussion wlfh bofh Jerry Af drlch of Vall, and Mr. l{ally Prebis of PCI trhom I understand has presented you wlththis type of fire rated assembly). 2, l{est property llne of lot 7 adjacent to stafr nunrber I ls to be moved by fhe Owner to a polnt not closer than 20 feet to the stalr. Thlsfs possible slnce the Owner owns bofh lot 7 and lot 4. The prl- mary reason for movlng sald property llne ls to make the project conforn to the reguirerenis of zonlnq and F.A.R. for the Torn ofof Val l. ? 4. E See Addenda #l . See ner set of drawlngs submltted rlth this letter. Ner set of drarlngs ellmlnafe Dohrrnan dranlngs, therefore referto Archltectural and Mechanlcal. Also see Addenda #1 . 6. (a) See new drarlngs submltted wlth this letter.(b) See Addenda #l . 7. (a) A flre rafed cell!ng ls used although no celllng is requlred because the concreie assernbly that re are uslng for the structure g lves the requ i red f tre rat lng.(b) Same as A. c (a) See Addenda(b) See Addenda (a) See new sef(b) See Addenda #1, #1. of drarl ng s.ft. 10. Acceptable os per felephone conversetlon with Jerryof Val I Bulldino OeDarfmenf. Panic hardware ls to be oroviCed in accordance wi+htl AlCrlch, Town Sectlcn 3316-a. 12, See new set of drawlnqs. Frasler & Glngery Job f,452.12ttThe Markfr August 2, 1973 As per letter from Structural Englneer, A D& C Group,ln regarCs to Part B. l. "0ur standard procedure In determlng load requlrenrents for restaurant and lounge areas ls fo use a 100 PSF llve load, take no llve load reductlon, and neglect any drywall partltlons whlch may be present. We neglect the welght of dryrall partltlons becasse the presence of a partftlon nrakes lt lmposslble io atfalna 100 PSF llve load ln the area adjacent to the partltlon. Note that a drylall partltlon such as fhese under discusslon relghfs approxlmately 100 PLF and nould requlre only 4rr of unloaded area each slde of the vall of equal the design llve load for the re- malnlng f loor area . 3. Weld slzes and lengths are shonn on connectlon details where required by deslgn. Vfh€re no slze or length ls shorp, mlnimum welds are adequate. lf there are any questlons and,/or addltlonal Inforrnatlon, please feel free to call. Thank you. Slhcerely 'n / .z/u #e.r7ry Rodney D. Saarrfght encl. cc. Jerry Aldrlch -.IENGELKE ARCI+TTECTS2lll s il0ttt st. P[0lt r!?-3?30 I I I0trvtl c0tcrr00 r0 ??z.rIlA. August ?, 19'73 Aspen Construct ion P.0. Box ZZ Aspen, Colorado Attn: BlllTurner RE: The Mark Addenda #l The foliorlng ls a lfsi of ltems hereby made a part of the confract docunents and should be lncluded 1n your confract prlce.' (l) As a polnt of ctarlflcatlon, all sprlnkfer heads ln the parktng area shall be dry p€ndant non-f i-eeze type for headroom clearance. (2, Provlde f rcnr the dornestlc water systanr a l?? va lved br-anch rlth sprlnkler head at top and at a lternafe f loors for bofh llnen and rubblsh chutes. (J) Prov!de fire dampers where ducts pass (4) Provfde a NuTone 8510 cel llng exhaust and duct 8" round fhru shaft io stonnflre danper vrhere duct enters sha{f. (5) The helgh* of fhe range hcod shall be A C02 or Ansul flre smotherlng systan shsll be provlCed per CoCe. thru f loor on Dwg. f.t-4. fan In Projectlon Booth louver a+ roof. Pnov I de 5t-4" above kltchen f loor.rifh auto gas shui-off {6} Change MUA-I iDWG M-3, f*em 6) *o a Re:ncr RPAK 2? wltn 1,600 MHB S. L. Inpui, *rro sfage burn€r, twc sfage space +hermcstat,F. A. Damper +o open when unlt s+orts, inlef storm louver, f ! lfer bcx wlth "l'hrox away f llters, and J l.t.P. l''lofor. Unf fto be entlrely weatherpi'oof. Provlde 24" hlgh legs fo avcld sncv foullng. The f o I low I rg ar-e Genera I Contr-act l'f erns: C-l) Provlde a Clv!der" ln Cuci shaf* *c isctate ihe range hood exhausf duei f rcrn o"ther 3ue+s: Sequenee of construct ion fo be as fol!cws: RanEe l.icoC Duct, 3" ali' s2ace, 22 gage Eaivani:eCsteel sheef , lt' ,"n lnera i uccl , 5./3tt f lre code sheet rock on net3 l studs" An ai:eptable a l'l'errafe ls: ,Range Hood Duct 'l'o 6 {" !^.,6a ?6-O Addenda fl August Z, 1973 G-?'l Prcvlde 3 3/4 sq. f i. free opening ln f loor of ele.r'a+or equipment roqr per elevator to ventllate e levafor- machlne rocm. (1t lncorporate aftached dra*i ng. +4"i5"%74 Rodnev 0. Seawrloht Q*',*.NMENTAL *ro.t" O Box 8tl - Eagle County Courthouse Eagle, Colorado 81631 Yail176-5613 }IE}iORANDUM Date; July 10, 1973 To: '!Ir: R.' Smades, p.E. From: Erik W. Edeen, lt.p.S. Re: S-unburst P.U.D. Ahe Uark loag" Vantage Point IIVail Lnternational. EnzianCondorninir:ru Vailglo Lodge Shareho Lders' . .:[e]einark Townhouses If you have any questlons please do not eMo EI{E/bw'cc: State Health Department . Eagle County Coiarni ssloner s Town of Vail Building Deparrment The foLlowing letcer was mailed to each of the above: ' "au"""tly. it has come to our attentron you are establishing a. "rir*rrrgpoor at th-e above referenced property. prans and specrfications onthe pool, ftlter and chLorinatton sysrens should be- submitlqlig_.j-frr..-._^--*.. office prior to construction. Enclosed is a copy_of the swrnrning pocl Regulations and the countyInspectlon Survey Form. Eag.le 328-7718 Basalt 927-3322 F. R. Orr Construction Co.' 'Aspen Construction Go.F. R. Orr Construction Co. Benes Construction Co Hansen and Jordon Construction Co. San Jaun Pools Co. Shareholders BIll Wtl1tams. Construction r.; hesitate to contact thls office.,r. a I Fraicr & Eingcry, lnc. CONSULTING EIVGINEERS 2840 SOUTH VALLEJO STREET ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO 8OI 10 TELEPHONE 303 761.4860 July 10, .|973 Mr. Jerry Aldrich Chief Building Official Town of VailP. 0. Box 100 Vai I , Col orado 8'1657 Uniform Bui Our Job No. Dear Mr. Aldrich for Compl iance wi thlding Code 452.12 ntr JUL131g7q The drawi ngs and spec'if i cati ons f or The Mark have bee.J-revj*uegLfor compliance w'lth the Uniform Building Code. 0u(5fgl,im|Il-ry) f i ndi ngi and recommendati ons are presenied herei n . -ThF?EEffid corrections are marked on the plans. t.le wi'l I make our finalplan check as soon as we receive the corrected plans. If you have any questions regarding the referenced subiect, please contact us at any time. Very truly yours' Knud 0. Rasmusseh, P. E. K0R: gs Encl osure crvrt ENGTNEERTNG / rAND SUwEYTNG / STORr DRA|NAGT / STRUCTURAT / TRANSPORTAIION / WATER & SANITATTON 452.12 7 -9-7 3 PART A Review for Oocu ancy, Type of Construction and Exit Requirements Items found to be fully or partially in vio'l ation of the code are asfol l ows: I : Fl oor Areas' - Mixed 0ccupanc.v Type I I minimum 30' setback eas - A1'l ,090 s . F. ,875 S. F. ,692 S . F. ,860 S. F. u I ti p'l i er hree side 0-20) = 1 = 2.00 .33 s s- .25 Ar 30't'l 54 4 eM nt (s ry='l eas xlx'lxlx'l ncy a. Actual F'loor F'l F2 H B3 b. Area Increas Separati on o'l .00 + 0.025Multjple StoFire Zone 3 c. Al'lowable Ar Fl = 30,000 F2 = 30,000H = 22,500 B3 = 22,500 d. Mi xed 0ccupa FI 30,090 + I .33 x I ,33 x 'l .33 x l.33 x 'l Rati o = 97,750 S.F. = 49,875 S. F. = 74,8I2 S.F. = 37,406 S.F. .25 .25 .25 .25 x2 xZ F2 I,875 + H 83 54,682 + 49 ,87 5 7 4,88 0.3078 + 0.238'l + Therefore, bu i'ld i ng mustin accordance with Secs.tion required for Type II Stair 0penings Stair No.3 as shown on Drawings Al , A3, A420 feet from the property line and is shown openings at the I andings. Under Sec. 3305 g,f,7fr 2. .4067 > 1.00 separati on wa I I s Four hour separa- A5 is Iess than exteri or exteri or and wi th (m), ,+tfg 5 t.o Required 0.7309 + 0.'1299 = 1 be provided with area 503 (a) and 505 (c). constructi on. stairways sha'll not project into an area where openings are required to be protected. 3. Trash and Li nen Chutes a. Under Sec.3802-b-7 rubbish and linen chutes sha'l'l have sprink'ler heads at the top and at alternate f'loors when extendi ng through 3 or more f 'l oors. 0n1y one sprinkler head is shown for the trash chute at the fifth floor on Drawing M-6. No sprinkler heads are shown for the linen chute. b. 0n tirawing A-2 the trash chute js shown terminating in theparking area. Under Sec.'1706-c rubbish chutes shal'lterminate in a room separated from the remainder of the build'i ng by a one-hour fire-resistive separation. 4. Fire Rated Corridors Doors on plans are not numbered. Door schedu'l es are not shown and materials of corridor walls are not scheduled; hence, compliance with Secs.3304-g and 3304-h cannot be checked. 5. Projection Booth a. Projection Booth 105 shown on Drawing A4 is not in agree- ment with Booth as shown on Dohrmann Co. Drawing 4943-0ne ',A"_4. Dohrmann drawing shows passageway extending under loft forbooth. If this is correct, what is access to booth and what protection is provided for edge of loft? b. No venti'lation is shown for the booth. Type of projection equipment should be defined for possible application of requirements of Chapter 40. 6. Verti ca'l Shaf ts a. Materials used for enclosure of stairwe'l ls and mechanicalshafts are not defined. Fire resistance cannot be checked. b. 0n grawing M-4 air conditioning ducts are shown passing through the floor. Fire dampens thould be provided atfl oor penetrati on. 7 . F i re Ra ted Cel-lj ng!- a. Under Section 9 of the Specifications, I Hour - U.L. Design No.30 fire-rated cei'lings are specified. Areasof use are not def i ned on the p'l ans. b.0penings in fire rated inches per 100 sp. ft.the kitchen area. cei I ing sha'll not 0penings appear 3 exceed I00 sq.to be excessive tn 8 Range Hood and Exhaust d on Dohrmann Co.le'llA - Vo'lune II h ood chase to encl osure 0peni ng f or access I adder as shown on Sheet A'17 shou'ld have a protective chain guard. b. Mechanical drawings show gravity roof ventilator above elevator machine room. 0penings in machine fl oor shou'l d be provided in accordance with Sec. 1706-d. Stair Rai'l In Sec. 3/17 vertical stair rail members are spaced in excessof requirements of Sec. 1714. 12. Meeting Room Doors Doors for Fleeting Room 104 as shown on Drawing A4 sha'll have hardware in accordance with Sec. 3316-a for B-3 occupancy. Roof Drainaqe A large portion of the bu'i'lding is detailed as a f]at roof having a 3'-4" high parapet. No rool drainage js shown for this area in either the architectural or mechanical p'l ans. In accordance with Sec. 3207-c roof drains and overflow drains or scuppers are required for this area. drawings the on mechan i calII a separate Height of range hood is not specifie Drawing 4943-3. See Sec. 'l'109 - Tabfor fire extinguishing requlrenents. 0n both arch'itectural and mechanical exhaust duct is shown sharing a comm the roog. Under Sec. l'107-g, Volume i s requ i red for th i s exhaust duct. evator l4achi ne Room a. b. EI 10. l'l 452.12 7 -9.73 PART B Review for Compl iance with Enqineerin ul ati ons to be fully or partially i n vi o'lati on of the Code are i ng S3 appears 'low n Drawing A4. ng S5 does not providentilator above theve the mechanJcal s S7,S8, and S9 ons have been omltted. Town of Va i 'l requ i repecial inspectorcti on of the fo1 l owi ng by a registered be approved by the on Draw shol{n o on Drawiavity ve'ings abo Drawi ng connecti of theploy a s constru ps art Pl a0xlti win de we equ a'l ime e dead load of 5of extensive p ine Room Roof ng for the 3'- room or the muI as shown Dra ut the various and length of Construction Rr or his speciesent at a'l'l t work: concret mas0nry welding i al Inspector ona'l engi neeri0fficial. t. noteditioning n shown4'-o grp'le openg ilG. ta i'l s onlds for i rements agent ems duri ng Items found as fol I ows: l. Servicein view 2. The l,lach an openi machi neshaft a'l 3. Throughothe size 4. Speci a1the owneto be pr types of The Specprofessi Building shal'l be ng f I rm empl oyed and sha 1 'l I ") ; . ( THE MARK.\-*;ffi Proj ect Data Proj ect No. Sheet 452.72 GENERAL Owner: Architect: StructuraL Mechanical ELectrical BUILDING DATA Use Apartnent House AssenbLy Area Restaurant 6 Retail Parking Garages Type of Construction:Fire Zone: Stories: Floor Areas Group H 541682 S.F. Group B-3 4,860 S.F. Group F-2 11,875 S.F. Group F-1, 30,090 S.F.Balconies, Decks Q Ranps 16,065 S.F. VALUATION Group H: 54,682 S.F. e Group B-5: 4,860 S.F. Group F-2: 11,875 S.n Group F-1: 30,090 S.F.Balconies, Decks g Ranps 16,065 S.F. C $0 Pernit Fee: Plan Check Fee: Kaiser Morcus Engelke Architects Ronald N. FrickeL John J. Blank Occupancy Group H B-3 F-2 F-1 Occupant Load 273 Persons 324 Persons 791 Persons 150 Persons 0 Engineer: Engineer: Engineer: II J $1,095,640.00 155,520.00 380,000 .00 541,620.00 93 390.00 $2,264,170 .00 2,390 .67 1,195. 34 ITrf dtJt_ A tsli} Project DataProject No. Sheet 452.L2 GENERAL Owner:Architect: Structural Mechanical ELectrical BUILDING DATA Use Apartnent House Assembly Area Restaurant Q RetailParking Garages Type of Construetion:Fire Zone: Stories: Floor Areas Group H 54,682 S.F. Group B-5 4,860 S.F. Group F-2 1L,875 S.F. Group F-l 30,090 S.F.Balconies, Decks I Rarnps 16,065 S.F. VALUATION Group H: 54,682 S.F. 0 920Group B-3: 4,860 S.F. e 32 Group F-2: 11,875 S.F. @Group F-1.: 30,090 S.F. eBalconies, Decks Q Ranps 16,065 S.F. G Pernit Fee: Plan Check Fee: Kaiser Morcus Engelke Architects Ronald N. Frickel John J. Blank Occupancv Group H B-3 F-2 F-L II 5 7 Ogcupant Load 273 Persons 324 Persons 791 Persons L50 Persons 0 $1,093,640.00 155,520. 00 380,000 .00 541,620.00 93 590.00 $2,264, L70.00 2 ,390.67 1, 195. 34 Engineer: Engineer: Engineer: 8s2 $18 $6 W IUL z t:,;;t Frnior & dthgcry, lnc. COIVSULTITVG EIVGITVEEPS 2840 SOUTH UALLEJO STREET ENCLEWOOA COLORAOO 80110 TELEPHONE 303 76T.1860 June 29, L973 Mr. Jerry Aldrich Chief Building OfficiaL Town of Vail'?: 0. Box 100Vai1, Colorado 81657 .-*-*-:.:\-Re: ( The Mark - Plan Check\u'r+eb No. 4sz.tz Dear Mr. Aldrich: As per your instructions, we are proceeding withthe plan check of the subject project. Our prelininarytake-off of general building data is attached. We ex-pect to conplete our review during the week of July 2. A preliminary report will be delivered to you on, orprior to, July 9, 1973. We are happy to have this additional opportunityto provide our services to the Town of Vail. Very truly yours, FMSIER q GINGERY, INC. Yrr-*- 4 4,,**t/^-- Knud O. Rasmussen, P.E. KOR/run Enclosure clv|t ENGINEERING / TAND SUTVEYING I sToRl't DRATNAGE / STRUCTURA! / TRANSPOnTATTON / Wrter & SAN|TAnoN Use Z..rne F.A.R. Actual ,oi/,O , Allowable Square Footage Lot s t." 2_+%_/".29_1, Actua I Square Foo-f age 2f ZAc-, 7-S , Ove r (Under) Front 4a , Sides /o - 4o , aear 37 Parking Provided: Covered ,/q/47s ?/ , Total Provided: 4t -,1*Z*-^-.---h 4, /-**:24f Plaza Credit Setback Requirements: Setback Provided: Parking Required Uncovered Front / f , Sides __J_4_, R.u, _J2_ PROJ ECT Lega I Description f:, Does Use Con fo rm F.A.R. AND PARKING CALCULATIONS 'LT- t -rF 6 o. ?r'l f,,t s x f,'er >,. '/rf a.li' /??.8'/ , yq. 57 /6, rf /. t ./ tl/ S La, "/a\ 67/2/. ao 23.t- " /7.{ (a'' K '-l ---. 7 >^ - 7) 3 c ' 7 > 2 480'' u 6,rr xfoo"- Jo fn, oI,uo rte+4..1' t 0 /", z/ e<! ,z Lo. ,.J - l<'L. cz/ ,/ A ,, u,{.= tt \ lt = 3A4 .@/ e'a'-' = / { 6rr,,il - /'zt:'/-'t'6e/L4-e { 0 , = /Q Y?7 '/4/8t1'4J = / p .' : 32 X qt: /J-i| @z"c- 2- E .' -- .z 7 *. "?? g 7 83 @ /'ert* F 't - ezrlr'"'--fLf@/'zrz' /'z' &"''{o X 3 //**' ?L'to{t'-o ,/1^4-fr- fryu. '-v fi "u'i tt@ /a'n- /a*' I? F " /'A9" F t, /',/'s- 'e" ), ^t< 0 t --t7oE A'o a /+ n ,/3r7r= /?oq /'s-O lfu "*'/' 41, 13x (cc'7f X t G,/i x f ' x t x -{' t /34 7x?2, . 3 705'' 3,f?, Ir. t 7,{ > s31 33 23- 7i y'l ' t- /, ,?s'l 7a {' a5 .", /o / /f , e o J*fr4 -=' /2c-. s-arza'-4V- bE, Var COMMENTS ON REVERSE S IDE Checked Gingety, lnc. CONSULT'IVG EIVGITVE E FI S 2840 SOUTH vALtEJO SIREET EilOLEWOOO, COLORADO 801IO fELEPHOI|IE 303 761.4860 Robert R. Enqelke, Architects 2155 So., Holly street Denver, CoLorado 80222 ettni N. Baouell - Project No:452.L2 Date: 5-18-73 ,uao;n Proj ect: Gentlenen: I'e are naking a Plan subject project for conpli-Buililing Code atofthei Check ance with thethe request of-hEnitted'for review gorles. Site PlanArchitectural Drawings Structural. Drawings I'Iechanical Drawings No Plan Check work wil-L as narked is subnitted.to this'office, and one All inquiries as to the Electrical Drawings ( )Structural Calculations (x) SoilReport (). Specifications ( ) be done until all required information Two copies should be fo:rrarded directly copy fo-rruarded to the Building Official.. status of the Plan Gheck, and questi.onr Very truly yours, I FRASIER 6 GINGERY, INC. Knud O. tl(x) () pertaining to items of the Plan Ctreck Report nust be directedthrough tFe Buil<ling Official. crvtl ENGlniEEItNo , TAND SUEVFYTNG , STON .DRAINAGE ,' w^rEr & sANrAnoN/ srRucruRAr. / rRANsPoRtAnoN ,L/-I. SIA|E OFCOLOIGDO DEPARTMENT Or XICXWAVS 222 South Sixth Street, p.O. Bor 2tO7 Grand Junction, CotoI.do ETSOZ-2107 (303) 218-7208 September ZI , L9B7 Marriott's Mark Resort715 tionshead CircleVail, Co 8tC52 Dear Sir: This letter is to.inform you that your application to erect aspecific rnformation and Business iign air- exii Numner l7G at vailmust be denied. Acgording to C.R.S.-1973, 43-l_401 et seg iigei-colo. Sess. taws, chapter 512), speciiicaifv-piragrapn 43-I-416,a city that has enacted loca1 ionlror ot ouiaoor iavirtlsing - ' devices, that has stricter limitations or contrors or aav-i€isingdevices than the State law, can deny the u". "i-"pecificinformation type advertising devicel within its cicy or to${nboundaries. The Town of vait has ttris tvpe "i-"a""itisingcontror and has stated that these signs iinnot ue erectea.Therefore, the Department of Highwayl must deny your request,. Please find encrosed your original check for application fees anda copy of your application. rf you need further expranation, r suggest you contact the Townof Vail. For further explanati6n of itle oeiartment of Highwiy;'position, please feet frie to caff. Thank you for your cooperation and patience in this matter. Very truly yours, R. P. MOSTON DISTRICT ENGINEER Edward K.'Dry Roadside Advertiding InspectorEKD: rb Encl.cc3 Clty of Vail Moston Einbodenf1le ..t G t- "-l e Prolect Appllcatlon 4,1 , ! f!\ ,"' proj€ct Nam€: lilittr -' lli'{ r ! \,., ,,'l DrAia^r naot ritrri^^. Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Archilect, Addr6s and Phone: L€gal Description: Lol Comments: t*h r ir Design Review Board Oate Motion by: Ssconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: B +( rrl, 1 '\ \!r Iffietanner-vif'l )< r D"t"' ll ' ' ltt ,Q'st"tt Approval c ,.'Li Projecl Appllcation I Proiect Name: l', . ,1.f'.ri,, llr Dale Prolect Descriplion: Contact PeBon and Phon€!,,l, j'1, j Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Addr€ss and Phone: Legal Description: Lol Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPFOVAL Town Plann6f {t,"u Approval .A )t;IJrar. lBZr9fil. Ei$ t Edq g-bs ,s Ji'l.lil; i ir,i j'il i; j :i'r i rii ,'r. l/. :l { ' l!jl\\ \\\\\\ \\ ,l: Holders and Brackets for all Purposes The "RALLY" Holder Designed especiaily for r,vall mounting of hrger indoor flag sets. ldeal for churches, auditoriums, large meeting rooms, lobbp, balconies, etc. An attnctive universal desi;n to compie- ment all architectural styles. Ithde of lifetimeost hlh tensile skength aluminum with rich gilt finish. Holds flagpole to 30. angle. Standard bore for 1:/d' diameter poles with adaptor for ls/z/' Wle5,. Gtalog No. 5400590 The "DETTRA' Holder A veritabte gem in the Dettra tine-up of quafity hofders. lt4ade especially for indoor wall displap of 16 x 24,, at:d 24 x 36' flags. B€auUful je$defs gold finislr. Bor€ will accept 3/d, and V/' stafts. Gtalog No. 54IOOOO SPEARHEAD Flag Holders Designed especiaily to hotd 12, x 18,, flags on :/d' diameter staffs. lthde of sturdy cast iron witr ,,Aluminized', protectiw finistr. For porch niling, window sill installations, and appro- pdate locations anywhere group showing of flags is desired. Catalog No. Style Holds 3 Flags Holds 5 Flags 542m00 5430000 Electric Wby Holders BANDS-Made of durabte staintess steel with convenient threaded tightening assembly. Adiustable for utility and street light poles up to 10" in diameter. f " BRACKETS- Made of high tensile aluminum. Equipped with thumb screw which keeps flag staffs from slipping out. For use with flags up 1o 3 x 5' in size and poles up to 6' long. BANDS oNLY-Catalog No. 5570560 1' BRACKEIS oNLY- Catalog No.5550560 The "STYLE DD" Bracket Hotds ftag pole at 45" angte from either horizontal or vertical surface. Gst iron with attractive Drotective finish. Catalog No. Size Finish 5490530 5490s50 5490560 Aluminum "SCHOO[' Bracket Made with unique spring-dip lo& hat holds flags fimly. Eliminates wobble and d6 not require adjustm€nt. Fits staffs from y4 to s/d'diameter. Catalog No. 5440fl)0 Minimum orde. I Dozen Stamped Metal Brackets The lowest-priced atFpupce nrodel.. For 3/{' diametet pol€s, indoors or outdoors. Grefully gatvanized. Catalog No. 5470550 lvinirum Order I Dozen The "PARK0MEIER" Holder For dependabte disptay of flags on standard 2-inch pa*ing meter posts. Made of sturdy <xt aluminum. Use with 1:/d'diameter wood flag pol€s. Available for larger posts on sp€cial order basis. Gtatog No.5460000 Curb and Lanrn Sockets The 0aks Grrb Socket has a threaded non-cono6ive br6r cap, will not rust fast. lhe perstring l_aun Socket has a bright red all-weaber plastic <ap, easy to insert and remove. Sockets fit flush- made to fit each size Dole. r/z' Crold 3/ t' Silver 1" Silver 5510590 55205@ 5520590 oaks, Curb- 13/E" bore 8llZ' l0|g Fershing, tam- 1" bore, l0' long Persl ng, La$n - l3ls,' bore, t3I/Z' loru 25lbs. 2.lbs. 40 lb6. 49 Popular Merchant Ft;s of Foreign Nations With Canvas Headings and Brass Grommets for 0utdoor Use Superior strength, long-lasting colors. Dettra quality seen on all the waterways from the bays and inleti to the high seas. lntricate designs are screen printed in Dura-Lile nylon; plain design flags sewn throughout. Other siz€s and flags of unlisted nations are available upon request. To determine the catalog number for merchant flags, use the 3 digit nation number listed and add the 4 digit material-style number listJO in parenthesis at the top of the appropriate price column. EXAiIPLE: 4 x 6' Dura-Lite Belgium with heading and grommets uould be 305 (Belgium) + 2091 (4 x 5, Dun-Lite heading and grommetsl = 3052091. BULTDOC COTTON Heading and Crommets. Catalog No. DURA-LITE NYLOlI Heading and 6rommets Catalog l{o. 627t051 6272011 6212051 6212091 AMERI-CLOsS PRINTEO Mounted on black stafl with soear. Catalog No. Size Size 2x3' 3 x 5' 4x6' @ 'Customade Ship Line Flags Special prices on your quantity r€quirements. Available in Dura-Lite nylon and Bulldog cofton. please send sketch and specifications for quotations. The United Nations Flag Screen Printed Copy of United Nations flag code (we furnish) must accompany each flag. o D.EC. 1987 4x6" . These flag designr are $e s.rne as toreign llatonal lllustratidts. 29 Nation ARCENIINA AUSNAUA BEtC/UM BERMUDA BOTIVIA Nation No. 400 ()1 €05 .403 q4 BRMIT EURMA -CANADA CHITE CHINA (TAIWAN) .307 .308 €09 .3r0 Q9 c0t0MBrA COSTA RICA DENMARK DOMINICAN REPUBTIC ECUADOR 410 411 .316 413 414 EL SAIVADOR FINTAND - FRANCE - GERMANY lwEsT) - CREAT BRITAIN 4W .319 .320 .321 4I8 CREECE GUATEMATA HAITI HONDURAS HUNCARY .323 420 42t -326 .327 .328 425 430 o24 .364 .331 430 431 'JJf, .382 .531 .340 .341 437 .343 ICELAND INDIA INDONESIA IRAQ IRAN IRETAND IsRAEL ITAI-Y JAPAN KUWAIT tIEERIA MEXtC0 NETHERTANDS IIEW ZEAI-AND I{ICARACUA NIGERIA NORWAY PAKISTAI{ PANAMA PARACUAY .392 .344 441 .Jrl) .346 PERU PHITIPPINES POTAIiD PORTUGAL SAUDI ARABIA 444 .348 446 .3s0 .903 - sPAIN SWEDEN - SWITZERLAND TURKEY UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA 452 .354 .5)f .358 .902 u.5.5.R. {RU55tA} URU6UAY \TNEZUELA YEMEN YUCOSLAVIA .360 as9 60 .461 456 75 3outh frontage rosd Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 1986 olllce ol communlty developmenl 0ctober 15, Mr. Michael Robinson Marriott's Mark Resort 715 West Lionshead Circle Vai1, Colorado 8.|657 Re: Marriott's Mark Sign Variance Request Dear Michael: I have scheduled the Marriott's Mark sign variance for 0ctober zg, .|986. Thestaff reviewed the request and recommends that the following changes be madein order for us to support the request: 1. The sign code allows a maximum height of 25 feet for a wal 1 sign. It appears that the proposed sign is approximately 38-40 feet high. Ue suggest that you either use a low free standing sign s.imilar to the onethat exists at the Mark, or a wall sign which.i s w.i thin the 25 footheight I imit. 2. Instead of the proposed interior lighting for the sign, the staff wou'l dask that you consider indirect or pan channeled light.i n9. Indirectlighting means that the light source is separated from ihe sign andilluminates the sign by means of spot 1ights or similar fixtures. pan channeled lighting means that the 1ight source jllumjnates the wall which the sign is attached to and therefore highlights the lettering. The l ight does not shine through the lettering. 3. The staff would encourage you to choose a more natural material for thesign instead of the plexiglass. The sign code states that, ',S.ignmaterials should be predominantly natural , such as rough cedar, pine orother types of wood. Stained glass may also be considered by the Design Review Board. Plastic or other materials are discouraged." (Section 16.16.030) I would appreciate hearing from you as to whether or not you wish to change your proposal given the staff suggestlons. You have the optlon to keep your proposal exactly as it exists, however the staff would not be able to support the request. l{e feel that it will be helpful if you understand our concerns, before the staff memo is actually written. If you have any funthir questions about our reconmendations, please feel free to call me at 476j7000, ext 111. I wi1 'l be happy to exp'l ain any of our coments. Si ncerely,r) t 0t- {n\tq^ {G Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP: br Planning and Environmental Commission May 28, 1985 L I BRARY 2:L5 Site Visits 3:00 Public Hearing 1. Approval of minutes of meeting of May 13. 2. Request to amend Special Development D'istrict #7 (Marriott Mark)in order to al'low time share estate units, fractional fee units, and time share license units as a conditional use in Phase III. Appl icant: M-K Corporation 3. Request for a conditional use permit in order to construct an amphitheatreat Ford Park. Applicant: Vail Valley Foundation 4. Request for a variance to. convert an employee unit, Unit 2 in Building 15of the Vail Racquet Club to office space for the Vail Racquet Club 0wners' Association located at 4695 Vail Racquet Club Drive.Applicant: Vail Racquet Club Condominiums 5. Request for a condjtional use permit in order to construct a mjniaturegolf course on parts of Tracts C and D, Vail Lionshead Filing No. l. Appl icant: 8ud Benedict 6. update on the development of vail va] ley Medical center,s long range plan. \ tf')*,' f,, ( T0: Planning and Environmental Commission and Town Council FROM: Conmunity Development Department DATE: April 22, 1985 SUBJECT: Request for an amendment to the conditional use section ofSpecia'l Development District 7 (Marriott Mark Hotel ) to addtime sharing on a fractionalized fee ownership basii. Appl icant: Kaiser Morcus I. THE REQUEST D'hflirli* . Although lyi!9-lglsthy,,we've enclosed Jay Peterson's memoranOirm AFribing the-proposalln oetai I and discussing its merits. A thorouqh understandinq of-the rboulstrn seEal I anq olscusslng tts merits. A thorough understanding of the requestcan be obtained by reading Jay,s memorandum. 4tt -lrl" t J, *^loo ^ i'lr - 27 k'lchcns,, l 4 ofo (frlun n, i.od is to convert Phase III of the lrlarriott Mark Hotel app cant upon the argument that more convention facility hospital itywere needed to support the (see minutes). 'l icant represented as rt of the proposal that there would management that the to the Marriott as the This was represented so II. BACKGROUND rri \- G ?i" 'll'Fn*:.ll? ?t lffi ffiyi::,l?i l8llfililiralong with-to the special Developmlnt Districtto accommodate revisions to this project. 'we've enclosbd the staff memorandum and the minutes from that-April 20, l9g] meeting for yourreference. |rJe've also highlighted sevbral arias within th6 memo'randumand minutes which are appi'icaule to the request now before the pEC. -The.fo]lowing are.aspect! of the previous-dpprovat wtrictr ire impJiiant'to keep in mind-when considering lhe current'request to amend a numberof characteristics and elements'of that prevjoud approval: firm concern ove representative that this has already been amended. been informed between Morcus by cant's and the Marriott l^le have agreement Li rriott -2-4/22/85 Ilwnich were a part of the master development plan,allowinilto be provided as agreed upon in '1977 with the orio'inai aopr:ovai or une oeveiopmenl pian anq uhe- -rom underneath the convention faciTity-to-an above-ground structure west of the Phase III building. B. Time Sharing in Vail Attached please find Appendix B of our most recent Development Statistjcs report regarding existing and potential bui'ld-out of all timeshare {a$ltir'fiiiijiliilF' Iii'ill i. rne Town or yaffieslgre rlrii represenr, app.o"rmaEely- - TeEtlonship to the total number of units in the final build-out scenario of the entire Town, being 8,896 units (sing'le family, duplex, accommodation and mu]ti-family). *.J:'i:!l"3J!xxi.;I.[:'il]il"fl.:n;.fi':ffi.",in the last several years. and s i ndustry. ion man for their units and this resulted in a high timeshare 'level o for many projects. s been unable to get a handle on th which have plagued thisittle to no regulation overi ncepti on. these marketing practices by municipalities has occurred a4g!These poor marketing practices project a in which these projects are 'l C." Economic Impact Upon the Town Tnefoiiowrngexcerpf,rsrromtnerecenciyreieaseoreporEotrntr -or Ene Town or varr. ne feer EnaE Enese conmenEs are appropriate to this app'lication and should be a serious consideration in the PEC's decision on this proposal: "Recommendations on L f hotel-type units to timeshare nsfer tax generates more revenue three or fo E ownership. Although the real estate tra However, conversjon ownership has the potentia'l of increasing and higher uti!r of condominiums util ization of to timeshare the units--jobs, more -at4 8t*'"4/14-".- 'l ocated. L tax revenues. 27f /z/^:)-.ar*/t *? L.A.--) ,// 4 ( Marlt -3- 4/22/8s "Dregarding time sharing, however, is thel D.'"='Lr|E5GlltrJU|Uu]d''Il::uU:'-d|'!-l4l|-Vcomptete. Approximatety 40 percent of the project's sales revenuesare comitted to sales cormissions and/or one-time promotions. 0ften,the developer !s cq4pletely out of the picture; and ically too III. .IMPACTS OF THE PROPOSAL Following are pros and cons ofsituation of l2'l accommodation and containing 27 kitchenettes A. PRO or control . evaluated against the existingpart of the overall hotel the units. the proposal as units run as a within some of - Genera'l1y' time sharingyear round occupancy than hote'ls because the owner feels has higher an obl iga-.tion to utilize or rent the weeks that he owns. o Part of the proposal is to put capital into IE - ( compatibility of the time shared portionunitprt'Dl oj lhe complex. Be aware, would increase the versus the accorunodation however, that these management Town of Vail knowledge -reduces the number of potent'ia'l owners to 460 within Phase III, whereas, it could have been five times that amount by selling individual weeks to individual purchasers. The Marriott Mark facility contains Iin aIIIIror th! iime iniriEuse. B. CON o Allowing a general and is this conversion would be a precedent setting decision towarddirection o t { Oott vart -4- 4/zz/Bs Negative effect upon group business. It is noted in the applicant's memorandum that approximately a one year lead time will be requiredto include an individual week into the Marriott rental pool . Itis unlikely that an owner will have made the decision oi whetheror not he will utilize the unit himself one year in advance. Thiscould result in the unit being vacant for that week because the owner decided within a shorter time frame not to use the unit andthe Marriott was subsequently.unable to rent it. The impact uponthe Marriott's ability to conduct the larger group businbss meetings would be very negativewith this uncertainty over unit availabil ity. Town of Va'i I conta'i n9_a sgfficient number of time share unjts.prevlous ly noted,ovvn contains seven t'ime share proJects representils 135 total units upon build-out. Without a great dealof statistical data we, nevertheless. fee'l that in consiJprinnof statistical data we, neve 1ess, feei that in considerinqthe time share industry's current problems that we may, indeei, have enough of this type of land use. of marketjno program. The 'intention of the proposal guests of the hotel the time share weeks as wellis to "sell" the guests of the hotel the tjme share weeks as wel as bringing peop'le to the site from throughout the front rangesite from throughout the front range and the country for short term vis'i ts. l,Je feel that these may be negative marketing influences upon Vaii rather than positive ones with the knowledge of the poor track record of time share sales peop'le and general marketing practices. Decrease ln mqrketing dollars for the h . The application fuily l l ars foi^' the hotelin regard to the reduction of the number of accommodation units. The violation of the four year old aqreement on accommodation unit ago with the assurance that these units would remain accommodation units and be managed by the Marriott and would be an integral part of the conference facil ities. The approval was given based on these proposals and we feel strongly that they should be respected as was promised. Negative economic impact of the Town of Vail. The EDC points out the ioss of long term sales tax revenues from accommodation unitrentals as opposed to the short term real estate transfer tax gains. Conversion to time sharing of Phase III of the Marriott is a very negative econom'ic impact upon the Town and a poor use of tax payers' dol I ars. Negative parking impacts. Especially during the marketing stages (approximately 4 years) the impacts of parking on the site will be tremendous with the large numbers of potential purchasers driving to the site for sales pitches. Moreover, time sharing requires more parking as a use than accommodation unjts because front range purchasers wi'l I choose to drive to the sjte, and studies show thatt furriott- 5- 4/22/85 at least two parking spaces per un'i t are needed. 'o Trend in Vail of fotdqlninium conversion of accommodation units.I'le.are receiving a significant numbeffiexisting accommodat'ion units to condominiums. A1 though, our regulationsstipulate owners' use restrictions to tt,to weeks wintei and two weeks surnmer, overall, the wholesale conversion of AU's to condominiums has a negative effect upon overall room availability.i n the community. One thing the Town of Vail can ill afford to lose i! ttre availabilityof our lodge rooms to the public in general in a flexible arrangement. " Nggative effect upon restaurant business. The conversjon to time share condominiums of Phase III wi lI reduce restaurant business and have a negative effect upon the sales tax due to the jncreased number of meals to be eaten in the condominiums with k'i tchens. to this feeling. In fact,_we encourage the addition ofe Villaqe and tionshead aiffirather than their eliminationl l.le also feel thaLtic_€qq_lem.l! impact as noted by the EDC w.ill be a neqative oqe folthe Town and shar rm manaoementone for the Town and share s concern over the long term management of the Phase III approval. Furthermore,shari nq i ndustr.y' s i'litheir problems i or concernto the Conrnunity DevETopnrent ( IV.RECOMMENDATION The Community Deve'lopment Department feels strongly that that this appljcation should be denied. t,Je feel that although time sharing generaliy increases e Community Action Plan contains manycies relat {,4,try ?,/,{fit' cormitment. we feel strongiy that the applicant should respect the promises i n that many .---- concessions were made to allow addit'ional kitchens and for other aspects to the cormunity Deve'lopment Department in that allowing the convers'ion m{y indeed result in a negative image of Vail rather than a positive one. The-potential negative impacts upon the Marriott's abilitv to conduct group business is a very real onE-as-well as the loss of sales tax from reduced - restaurant revenues. In general , we feel that the Marr.iott Mark hotelis.a positive contributor to the Town of Vail in its existing configuration and operating procedures and we feel that the conversion to iime shari ngof a major portion of this hotel is not in the best interests of the Townin either a short or long term outlet. t occupancy on a year round basis that the neqatives far outweiqh the positives !I[lLij_pr9p95_e]: We feel that one ordo at this point in the.Town's history is to protgct to the qreatest extentssible our accomrnodation units which are ce d ness ta t-,. t\ l$ l$ !N N N \ I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I(./) d lrl -4 q rll.\ | -ll*1 u_lol '1 Fz. Ll.JF o!.t\ T ilILI \{\-- F\ R ,u\l J <l =lU.' LL IF ol Iz =. 1 =l€t u-.r P Ila< I><l < Jl -l - -rlol <t-t < |ztl _tJl tJ ..lti = vl<l F r\lr\l NI c! |.r\Otr\tr\(O Ctl l'.\ o_ o @ F-l Olrr)O o lqlr, J =C) (\l a.r\ LO * LN O){@F.fo c,/)L- UJFt!J EOc) zO Fc) d. 11.1-fru)QZ.1- J(-) Fz. UJ =o-OOr.d J(n !) LTJFtlJ,Jo-EO(J tdF UJJ G-EO(-) l"rJFtrl-J EO(J LrJFLd.J o.- =O(J =t 1..\ = z =O z.o o +,(J .lJ vl >Ze o- O.JJ J(J :z LTJ d(J Ldz. F <./') z. u') (./>ooz.o(J td (./) = LIJ Fu') z. =e. -J z.td€. tu = Fz. O Lrj z. tlj(.9 J ca -2. U) _J FOt-- IJ o_ <..) z. O O c9z. (/) (./) F z. €l =l =lol=lorl.=l!l =lfl-ol 3lEl!l I 'N { ( t (MEMORANDUM TOI^IN OF VAIL TTME-SHARING REGULATIONS The Sprinq of 1980 saw the first time-sharing regulationsadopted by the Town. The ordinances, in general , calledtime-sharing as a conditional use in the HDMI., pA, CCI and CCIIzone districts, required disclosure statements and regj-strationof projects and reguired persons sellinq time-sharing to obtain alicense from the Town. subsequent ordinances in the FalI of t9g0removed time-sharing as a conditional use from the pA, CCI andccrr zone districts and prohibited mixing time-sharing units andwhole-owned condominiums in the same building. This left the HDMF zone district the only one possible to locate a newtime-sharing project in the Town. .FIJF DFATTETC|rr ( Phase Three of the Mark is located in sDD *7, which is aseparate zone and is an official part of the Town of vail zoningmap. Prior to becoming SDD #7 the land was zoned HDMF. The request is for phase III, which is under separateownership from Phases r and rr, to become a fractionalized feeownership project which will remain in conjunction with the MarkMarriott ResorL. Each owner of a fractionalized fee interestwill receive a deed to the property for that period of time whichis purchased. _ .The proposal j-s for a purchaser to buy a five week incrementof time, two Winter weeks and one Summer week will be at a fixedtime in a fixed unit. The two remaining rveeks will be offered ona floaL/ftexible basis in the off seasons of Aprir to mid:Juneand.october to pre-Thanksgiving. ohrners may reserve two night m.t_nj-mum stays, using part, all or none of these fourteen days. - Currently, Phase III is comprj-sed of 121 rooms which areeither rented separatery or as a one, two or three bedroom suite.while the current proposal is to separately condorniniumize the121 rooms, the condominiumi-zed rooms would be sold as suites,made up as follows: Ten (10) - Three (3) Bedroom Units Seventeen (f7) - fwo (2) Bedroom UnitsEighteen (18) - One (1) Bedroom UnicsOne (1) - Studio Unit REOUEST FOR MINOR SUBDIVTSION APPROVAL AND CONDOMINIUI'I CONVERSION The regulations call time-sharing a subdivision proposal.This proposal involves less than four lots and is a minoisubdivision. There are no special criteria by which to judge atime-sharing project as a subdivision. The regulations iimifyprovide that an approval for such a subdivision must be obtained. f The-submittal requirement for this is simply the proposed \ condominium plat and rel-ated controlling documentl . The pros and.- cons of the actual proposal will be outlined in the conditionaluse section of this Memorandum. rn addition to the subdivision regulations, the appricantmust comply with the condominium conversion ordinan.e,-iohi.hcontains, among other things, a use restriction for orrrneroccupancy. Because of the nature of the fractionalized shareownership proglram' the use provisions of the conversion ordinancewill be automaticalJ-y complied with. Regarding the r"irai"ginspector report, the building received i certiticate ofoccupancy approximatel.y two years ago and should, therefore, beup to current Town of Vail standards. (ft is interesting to notethat if the building were condominiumized. while underconstruction, which the owner had a right to do, no conversionordinance regulations would have to be complied with). CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: CONSIDERATIoN oF FACToRS Purpose of the Conditional Use: Because of specialchara quire "p".iif-.eview andevaluation so that they may be located properly with respect totheir effects on surrounding properties. rne iev:_ew process i.sintended to assure_ compatability and harmonious developmentbetween conditional uses, the surrounding properties and the Townat large. uses listed as conditional uses- in the variousdistricts may be permitted subject to such conditions andlimitations as the Town may prescribe to ensure that the locationand operation of the conditional uses wirl be in accord.ance withdevelopment objectives of the Town, and wirl not be detrimentalto other uses or properties. where conditions cannot be devised.to achieve these objectives, applications for conditional .usepermits shall be denied Criteria: 1. Relationsttip ""a i*pact "t tfr" use on developmentectiveS6F:,TEEdwn. ( OBJECTM: provide high quality guest,visitors. B. DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE: Attract ,,high qua1ity,,guests in l-arge numbers to Vail. C. DEVELOPMENT OBJECTTVE: Ufficiently utilizeexisting facilities and accommodations (i.e. hiq-h occupancy)throughout the year. A. accommodations D. work togetherguest. DEVELOPMENT for Vail I s DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE:to create an affordable Public and private sectorsvacation experience for the (The fractionaized fee interest proposal fulfills the abovedevelopment objectives. The program can best be compared. to one presently underconstruction in Beaver creek - the park praza - where sal_es havealready started and occupancy is quaranteed for November, 19g6.The offering is structured as a fractionalized interest with 1/10shares each consisting of five weeks of use. vail Associates,who deveroped and is marketing the park praza project, anticipateownerst use will average three weeks, and that the remaining Linewill most often be rented. we anticipate the same for phase rrr. A highry reriable independent study (rntervar ownership casestudies, volume r, Richard L. Ragatz Associates, rnc. for theAmerican Land Development Association, November, 19g0) oftine-sharing throughout the country has shown interval owners topossess high levers of income, education and occupation. Theyhave prepaid for their accommodations and come wilh money tospend. At this point in Vail's history, it would seem to bePrudent to attract such personnel to a- great a degree aspossible. The average price for an incr6ment at tire park prazais $100,000, and vail aisociates reported 94.2 million worth ofinventory was sold by January, 1995, with totar se}1 out expectedin three years. They believ3 the offering has strong appeal topurchasers who will not pay $400,000 for i whole unit ttrlt wiffhave minimal use, but who Lan afford and will pay g100,000 for afive week use period. vail Associates stud.ies hive shown thataverage owner use of a whole unit condominium is 4.6 weeks, andthey have structured the park praza offering to meet these needs. rt has been demonstrated that a viable market exists for lli"-kind of product in vair, in other areas of colorado and inFlorida' and this_offering is an arternative for the buyer whomay J'ook at a whore unit, but whose use of such a unit would belimited. Bearing this limited use in mind, a irictionar interestconsisting of five weeks annually would. have great appeal . Inaddition, Phase rrr units would Le in a furl ioter mlnaged by theMarriott with full access to all the hotelrs amenities indfacilities, including indoor and outdoor pools, racquet and handball courts, exercise room, saunas and oulside tennis courts. ^ Five years ago, when the time-share ordinances were passed,there was a great deal of concern thaL a potential time-shareinvestor vras not the type of person that vre wanted in the Town ofVail. Experience has srrown tirat this assumption is not correctand, on the contrary, the time-share invest6r has shown to be nodifferent than any other purchaser or visitor to our Town. The offering wirr be made to a highly educated, affluentgroup of consumers. purchasers wirl pii-tniriry be in the agerange of 40 - 50 years, corlege educal.ed, wit-h annual incofres ofat least S65,000 and a median income in excess of 9100,000.Considering anticipated pricing, these units will not beaffordable to a lower income group than this. Based on ( { experience, it is expected that some purchasers will buy two ormore of these five week increments. - The targeted age group includes the fastest growing sectorof our nationar economy. As was cited in vairrs summer studv: "The number of Americans 31 to 55 will soar by over 20 mitli6n,with the group 35 to 44 years the principal growth sector of theconsumer market." This segment includes the older of what hascome to be known as the "baby boomt' generation - a groupcharacterized by good education and an increasing afflu-nce.They are known to be value-oriented and they will comprise asignificant percentage of orrners. These purehasers will present the same demographic profileas the typical Vail- whole unit condominium buyer of the type ofunit involved. whore units of this improved quality would- sellfor $240r000 - 9550r000, and several Vail realtors have describedtheir buyers of units in this price range as betwen 40 - 60years, with incomes of gl-00,000 and over. Frequently these areprofessionals - doctors and lawyers - who purchase a-unit inpartnership, for li-mited use. This buyer will al-so be similar in d.emographics and incomeleveL, to Poste Montaine owners (another Beaver Creekfractionalized fee interest project). While poste Montaine isphysically superior even to the upgraded Mark offering, butrealizing it is an intervar ownership project with an averagesale of 2.5 weeks, it has attracted buyers with median anttuilincomes in excess of 9100r000. elthough the quality of poste Montaine cannot be duplicated here, the amount of living space,the superior amenity base, and anticipated quality of tfresi unitsafter significant_upgrading should attract i similar market,particularly considering the offering of five week packages. Each of the Phase rrr units wilt be refurbished and upgrided tomore,positively position its appeal to an afftuent mar[et. This market will be found in the front range, Texas(particularly Dallas and Austin), southern Caliiornia, andChicago. The front range - Denver, Colorado Springs - maycontribute as much as one-third to one-half of- this group ofbuyers, based on realtorst experiences. That these will be the best markets is apparent also from areview of Vairrs Board of Realtors sales sumrnlries for 1993 andthe first hal-f of L984, and from vail's winter study (19g3) wnicrrstates in a discussion of markets: "Clearly, on the basis of current ownership reports,Colorado is a primary target. In addition, Texas, theMidwest and california are also more rikely sources ofpotential buyers. " Interviews with local_ realtors have reinforced theobservation that the Vail market is increasingly one of { owner-users, rather than of invattractive to this kind of dperiod of use need (of 4.6 weekrelationship in a management inMarriott management and the hotexcellent environment for part- The product is also consisfinding that only 108 of potenprospective purchase as a futur90* of prospective purchasers aresidence. This kind of offerVail of a number of tourists w because of their limited needs make a larger investment. yet make this purchase, and suffici make this kind of commitment to Occupancy rates for fractiabout 808 throughout the year. much higher than a luxury condoreason time-shari-ng produces hiindivid.ual or couple owns only ( wj-lL certainly either use it thlet it sit vacant and waste thehigher quality interval ownerspurchasers, who, studies haverather than rent or exchanqe foconducted by the staff on SaniTime-Sharing Field Study on SanPatten, October 22, L9BO) shothe large number of interval p shoulder season business As a resuLt of the nature occupancy levels will increase 1g ? Tesult of upscale sales gdiminishing number of hotel acc Owners will most surely use thstrengthen the currently softeApril, whiJ.e maintaining presbalance of the Winter. OwnerSummer. This pattern is consiincreasing busines in off-seas season. Ot^rners managed by utilization yearr s leadall of their time will bewill be made wilL have accessMarriott, who willof the availabletime will be requiweeks. A signifi made available foavailable to grou stors. This product will be veryin that it meets the averaqe ), with a good price to value ensive setting. Al-ternatively,I style of operation present an ime rental. ent with the Winter study'sal purchasers viewed aprimary residence. Conversely,e not seeking a future primaryg will ensure the presence in would not buy a whole unit,/or reluctance or inabilitv to toey are sufficientJ-y affluentt1y 1oya1 to Vail to wish toreturn. nalized fee ownership tend to runThis is higher than a hotel andinium used as a second home. Theher occupancies is that if an week or two of property, theyelves or rent it rather thanr vacation investment. Thep projects attract higher guality own, tend to use their own weeksanother resort. A studyIsland, Florida ("Report onI Island, Florida, Peterthat local businessmen believejects there have helped their f the program, the hotel's ause of the owners I presence,eration programs and a mmodations at the property.r two weeks in Winter, which will weeks of December, January andnear 100* occupancy for the cupancy will al so be high int with the Toqrn's objectives of and the slower part of the ski a full service rental program ve ample time to plan for roved units, since as much as ad if owners wish to rent any ornt percentage of two weeks I floatrental and much of those rentalss for conferences and meetinqs. ( Buyers will make high use of their Winter weeks, and Summerweeks as well, but some portion of the weeks wil_l_ be availablefor rental. Unfortunately, there is no basj-s for presentingaccurate rental- figures as no similar programs have beenundertaken for any period of time in a hotel environment. Thetwo off-season weeks will be flexible in that anywhere from twoto fourteen nights may be reserved for use, and the balance oreven the total- two weeks may be offered to the hotel for rentaluse. To this end, many of the bedrooms wilL remain as lock-offsso that they can be rented as hotel rooms or suites. An owner ofa three-bedroom uni!, for example, may choose to use one or twobedrooms during his occupancy and release the balance to thehotel for rental. The program provides for a quality product ina full service Marriott-managed hoter so that owners will d.erivethe full- benefits thereof. owners will be abLe to take advantaqeof the existing hotet services, amenities and facilities. Whil;this section of the hoteL - the nerdest addition - is an integralpart of the existing operation, an upgraded service package isplanned in keeping with unit improvements. New o!,rners will haveseparate check-in,/check-out services, and a professional concierge available to thern, which will be consistent with thoseservices found in the finest resort hotels. Ful1 utilization of the Phase III is a distinct advantage inthat it can be treated as a separate entity, while stillretaining its integrity as part of the existing hotel and itsability to be incorporated into the hot.el inventory when time inthese units is retinquished by the owners. Existing meeting space will be retained and continue itsfull operation. current group use primarily consists of smarl,concurrent meetings. Management reports only one single groupbooking that required alr available rooms. Average gioup-sizl is75 - 100 attendees, reguiring the use of 40 - 50 iooms. Giventhat ineeting space is only provided in two separate areas andthat reported average group size is 100 maximum with a need for50 rooms, the hotel's remaining inventory wil1 be able to meetthe needs of such simultaneous meetings, supplemented by phase III units as available. Marriott's long-range marketing pJ_ans include developingmore group business in periods of lower occupancy, which coincidewith ownersr off-season weeks. owners are fully expected to maketheir units available to the hotel at these times, which willsupport Marri-ottrs plans, and perhaps serve as a catalyst intheir implementation. A major requirement in implementing this program isMarriottrs cooperation. Marriott has agreed to tne sare of theseunits and has also agreed to provide management to the type ofprogram envisioned. Marriott has assured that their presence inVail will continue; that they consider the balance of the roomsto be adeguate to continue to run an increasingly effectivehotel, that Marriott's position vis-a-vis management of the Mark { will continue, and that the Mark will retainIargest resort hotel in Vail.its position as the 2. Effect of the use on li ht and air distribution ofa!io@ ac fies, ut €sr scnool.s,ksano recreation faciliiteE es anes needs. - Lastry, while the national econornic situation has staged adramatj-c turnaround, the effect has not rippled down to the Vailreal estate market, and the continuing aepiessea market whichwould appear to be_deepening indicates thlt times are changingfrom the past decade and thit new avenues for second-homeownership need to be exp10red.. Fractionalized fee ownership,while not a universal cure-all , certainly goes trana_in_trand witha quality hotel operation like the t*lark l,tairiott Hoter. ( the unit for a short period. of time. Fractionarized feeownership will , however. have a slight impact on tt"t=portationfacilitie3, parks and recreation raciritils and other publicfaciLities, as there wilr be a greater number of peopre in ourTown on a year-round basis The interval owners (as a whole) will not increase thedemand for public transportation with regard to the bus system,.?.llt: facility already operates as a fu11 service hotel . Inaqor.tr-on, the location of the Mark actually makes it moreconvenient to wark to the Lionshead lifts and thus, wilr notover-crowd the buses in their peak times. During the off-seasonsand summer season when higher 6ccopancies "." .*fr""ted withfractional-ized fee-ownersfiip, tfre iown of Vail birs system will bebetter utilized. and will noi'in any way over-burden the system. 'lrractionalized fee interests require a higher degree ofrecreationar faciriti-es. Fractionar-ized ree inieiest is avacation plan--people purchase to reserve vacationaccommodations. Vacationers are extremery-Etre-peopre, andthey require recreational amenities to meet their needs. rn thiscase, the Marriott Mark Resort has provided a veiy trigh lever oirecreational amenities and cornmon areas for its rr6ter operation.The existing facilities will be able to meet the--needs of theinterval owners. The proposal wirr also create a demand forother publi-c recreation facirities such as gorf and ice sraling.These activities all generate user fees for-their respectivepublic owners and should not over-burden tne existing'facii-ities. !c.\,J-rrLrED tree(rl'. tngre wrJ.I be no e --__-_ tne structure is already completed.. FractionaLized fee ownership on t]-ght. and air as :111 3}:"-have no effect.on lchools as each owner only occupies 3. Effect u n traf f ic, v/ith rticular reference togongest ion, Eufomo-€:iEi an satety and conveniencerarI]-c tlow contro access maneuver ano remova ofsnow trom L One of the most ownership has proven ng areas. negative effectsto be the parkinq of fractionaized fee and congestion problems streets an { which on-site marketing praetices create. Because intervalownership creates about 48 times the owners that whore-ownedcondominiums do, the marketing of the project is extremelyintensive. considering one in 10 prospeclive purchasers lctuallybuy (a figure generarly experienced on sanibel rsland), a sellermay have to attract almost 500 people per unit before he selIsthat unit out. The obvious problems created, especially onweekends, are shoddy off-site ',huckstering,, praclices (Leenagerssoliciting guests at stores and parking lots- offering tre" gi.ii"for a tour of the project), hard-sell real estate prietices andan unmanageable on-site parking problem created by prospectivepurchasers. Compounding the parking problems are recent.practices of offering ry. interval ohrner of a project use of itsfacilities and amenitiFat anytime of the ye"r. The Phase rrr proposal mitigates most of these problems.Phase rrr will offer only a package block of weeks as describedearlier. Thus, a buyer must purchase a minimum of 5 weeks ratherthan 1' reducing by five-fold the problems just mentioned. Thi;means that there will be only 10 owners per unit. A1so, no"year-round" amenity memberships will be allowed. with the sale ofa fractionalized fee interest. The off-site "hucksterincr,practices will also not be part of the marketing package (seeArticle #5 below). once sell-out has occurred the fractionalized fee ownershipwill not increase traffic flow in peak seasons because thefacility already operates as a hotel . During the off-season andsummer season, traffic flow may increase somewhat because ofincreased occupancies over the normal_ hotel operation, frJrever,Town of vail systems and the hotel facilities have been desijnedfor the peak season and can easily handre any increase in useduring that porti..on of the year. rn additioi, once the occupantshave arrived in Town, there is no further tteed to use a carbecause of the rocation of the project. A11 najor sportsfacilities, except for the golf course, are loclted witnin ttreproject or within.walking distance of the project and, therefore,there should be 1itt1e- effect upon traffic or traffic'"""g""ii"".Removal of snow from the surface parking areas is no diff6rentthan if it were a regular hotel operati6n. ( Effect n the character of the area in which the u se l-s ocated,ncl the sc erelat'].on to e surrou uses. The scaLeog w]-II o ousl-y no ge and theproposed use is compatible with the area. 4. sed ro of The surrounding area is made up as follovrs: A- Vail Spa_ is wholry-owned condominiums which areshort termed with a fulI service restaurant and front deskoperation. B. Enzian Lodge is a hotel operation with a fu11service restaurant. c. Enzian condominiums is whorry-orvned condominiums. D. Antlers condominiums is whorly-owned condominiumswhich are short termed with a front desk opirati-on and meetingroom facilities. E. Montaneros Condominiums is whol1y_ownedcondominiums which are short termed. with a rroit desk operation. F. Concert HaIl plaza is retail commercial space. c. The remaining portion of the Mark Marriott Hotelremains attached and is an- integral part of phase IIf. 5. Other Factors and Criteria. A. One of the criticisms of the time_sharing industryhas been the off-site "huckstering" and hard seLr rear estatepractices. The guality of this offering in Vail to a great extentpredetermines the marketing approach. Marketing programs havenot yet been fully developed, however, the philosophy fras. Theuse of_sweepstakes, streel solicitation proirams, or any othertype of program that would be offensive Lo tTail residenls | -- guest,s, or clients of the project wil1 not be used. - The product wir-r be presented as an alternative to a "1"19 unit purchase, therefore, emphasis will be on thesimilarities to a whole unit, wiin tne benefits of limitedinvestment for a "realistic" use period in a full service hotelwrEn l_ts attendant faciLities, amenities and services. fn selling the product, it is the Vail experience thatwill be marketed - not so much Marriottrs Mark or fracti.onalinterest - the main thrust wilr u" to provide a furr serviceaccommodation from.which to experience vair. That experiencewill include families, their rlrutirr.s and guest=, .nit in manyinstances, business associates. rt is given that in the various forms of marketing doneon-site and off-iite - whether-lnrougn upscale mailings, themedia or personal presentations - th; grLate-t appeal wilr begenerated by Vail,-.lg :g""ldarily by lne uarrioti. Emphasiswill be placed-oi full discro"rr..-and the sale of a use productto a- knowledgeabre purchaser who wirl voluntarily choose topurchase based on his needs. Among the severar programs to be used wilr be a firstclass mailing to pre-qualifild ii"ts, with a quality brochure andinserts, si:nilar to those done for first-class condominiums. { Other traditional media presentations, such as television andprint, will be reconrmended since experience has been that upscalemarkets are guite responsive to such presentations. A local broker prograJn will be used and it is felt thatthis product will be consistent in guality with others presently handled by Vail realtors, since buyer demographics will stronglyparalleJ. those of whole unit buyers. It is expected that manyclients will return to the project trdo or three times beforetheir decision lo purchase is made. To create opportunities for on-site visits, shortvacation programs (two nights/three days or longer) will be usedto bri-ng qualified clients from primary markets to the hotel , andsince the Marriott Mark Hotel experience itseLf will be a focalpoint of the sales program, gualified and interested hotel guestswill be offered sales presentations. These guests wilL be istrong source of potential owners since they will have experienced Vail, and it has been repeatedty shown how importantexposure to Vail is to establish and reinforce loyatty to theresort. The most effective resources present are the tovirn, thehotel and the product. Vacation questionnaires will be mailed to selectiveclients in the primary markets to determine interest levels, andto offer opportunities to visit the site. It is also a veryuseful means of creating interest in the area and the resor! among groups who have had minimal or no previous exposure toVai1. In addition, following proper registration procedures,off-site facilities may be estabLished in primary markets to givepotential clients an opportunity to determine their interestlevel. before visiting vail. Those who show serious interest inthe offering and who are determined to be gualified, will beinvited to visit the hotel for they will not complete theirdecision to purchase until they have enjoyed the resort. These saLes activities will generate a strong clientelebase of non-buyers that will increase occupancy and future demandfor vail accommodations and the resort. ulny of these clientswill initially visit in summer or off-season periods and wil-r beexposed to a different Vail that will make them return forreasons other than skiing, though skiing wilt benefit, too. These sales processes will_ further penetrate existingmarkets and may also open new ones. We realize that of thosefirst timers who visit. it is reasonable to expect less than 20tto become owners, but for 40? or more to return as repeatvisitors. We see this process as an opportunity to increaseVailrs potential client base, and believe there will beprofitable long range benefits, which will be compatibte with thetownrs needs to increase tourist traffic and to slrenqthenperception of Vail as a destination resort. ( 10 { B. A cruciar question is whether there is a demand forthe product. currently, Beaver creek is providing Vail with itsbiggest competition with rear estate sarei of wholly-ownedcondominiums and is-currently alone in the market piace serlingfractionalized fee interests within the core of the ski area.Beaver creek has two highry successful projects, poste Montaineand the Park Praza, while vair has no high-quality, high end.fractionalized fee interest projects located in the core areas.Both Poste Montaine and park plaza have generated large transfertax fees and have provided Beaver creek witrr an alternativeproduet in addition to hotel rooms and wholry-owned condominiums. In addition, interviews with local realtors and realestate professionals, as well as, the vail winter Study, indicatethat dernand is great for condominium style units with ritchens inconjunction with project amenities and. iervices. There is no other opportunity in either CCI or CCII toeither convert an existing proJect or Lo buiLd a new project, aswas done in Beaver creek, which offers the same level ofamenities and services as the Marriott ltark Resort. This Phase III program responds to these points veryspecifically, for the producl will mlintain its intlgrity as icoltiguous.part of-the existing hotel - whi.ch will be a itrongselling point - and yet there rlriff Ue upgraded. services andrefurbishment, and an atmosphere of excirisivity. C. Another guestion often asked is: Will the projectbe maintained? Existing furnishings will be initially replaced. withthose fPpropriate to a very upscale and excLusiire resort, and ata level of quality that wirr ue attractive to the market'forwhich'the units are intended. Hallways in this section of thebuirding will be redecorated, again ii reeping-riit the upgradedfurnishings. rn order to support the speciar services to be providedthe owners, the owners will be assessed a reasonable yeariymaintenance fee to assure upkeep of the premises and first classmaintenance of the upgraded-unii quarity. This fee wirlessentially conform to maintenanc6 fees charged present owners ofcondominiums at the hotel r with appropriate iaiuitments for theincreased services and higher utiiizalion. An adequate reservefor replacement of short-tivea building components andfurnishings and fixtures wilr be incluied t6 assure rninimaldeterioration. The units should function at a leve1 well abovetypical resort hotel accommodations over a long period of time. D. Will there be a reduction in advertising dollarsspent by the Marriott Mark Resort? ( 11 ( We recognize that with a reduction in hotel inventorvthere will be a potential reduction in Marriott's marketingexpenditures for this hotel . we are also aware that Marriottrsmarketing thrust has been on "Vail" and that there isconsiderable locar concern about the loss of these dollars. Theremaining Marriott Mark Resort, however, will still contain 229rooms and large convention facilities with its commensurateadvertising budget, which is still Vail's largest hotel andIargest and best convention facilities. It is also true that while a substantial budqet hasbeen created for the marketing of this program, this budget wirlonly exist so long as there is a sales program, and we anticipatesell-out wirl occur in approximately three years from inception.However, we estimate a total of 94.3 mirlion wirt be spent onnarketing and, while actual expenditures will be made in areratively short period of time while sales are in progressf theeffects will- be long-term. For one, the infusion oi such largeamounts of money initially will increase marketing effectiveness.Programs will be broad, as previously described, ind willstrongly impact the target markets which are also those of Vail .There will be a momentum created that must be sustained to assurethe programls success. As has been pointed out, the primaryfocus will be on the Vail experience - in effect, marketing theto$rn. The S4.3 milLion eguates to 20 years of marketingexpenditures by Marriott for the 116 rooms that will no longer bemarkeled annually after three years. During the sell-out period,marketing of unsold. rooms wirr continue to the extent thev areavailable for rental. , Experience has shown that such broad programs,utilizing various media and concentrated on very sfecificmarkets, have a long-range resi.dual effect - in essence, it isprepaid marketing for the area and the project. We recommend that marketing efforts be focused, inparticular those that invorve bringing clients to the hotel , inthe softer, off-seasons. For one, a greater number of rooms willbe available for those staying overnight. Also, it will beadvantageous to expose tourists to the off-season vail. There isno need to demonstrate the excellence of vail's skiing, but we aoforesee marketing benefits in presenting the less crowdedoff-season mountiin experiencel which m5st tina-verv enjoyable aswas noted in the 1984 Vail Summer Survey. E. Recognizing the townrs concern as to the impactsuch a program will have not only on available rooms, but on itsrevenues' we wish to address the issue of the impact of such aprogram on sales tax revenues. The recent study by Vailrs Economic DevelopmentCommission points out that: ( I2 { "The primary growth area remaining for thetown of Vail is growth in visitorexpenditures - both from attracting morevisitors during the slower months and fromincreasing the leve1 of expenditures duringtheir visits. Japanese visitors in Hawaiispend approximately 9700 per day - primarilyon gifts. The Summer Survey indicaled thatmost people were visiting Vail for the moreabstract reasons - sightseeing, natureexperiences, getting away from the day-to-dayactivities at home. fn many resorts,shopping is the major visitor activity. " The kitchens in these units will be continued, andexi-sting wet bars will be upgraded to include microwave ovens.while these are essentiar faailities from a sales point of view,the actual use of these amenities by owners at thele incomeLevels is linited. Experience has shown that owners of pre-paid vacationstend to spend more on dining out and entertainment than thegeneral tourist, since they are not faced with paying forlodging. An extensive study done by Richard. Ragatz, ph.D., forthe American Land Development Association compaied consumerexpenditures at three different resort communities, contrastingtourists in general with or^rners of pre-paid vacations. Theresorts were in Florida, California and Hawaii. , Ragatz demonstrated that owners spent more on overallexpenditures than did general- tourists by rit :-n Florida, 39E incalifornia and 63t in Hawaii. These expenditures includedcategbries such as dining out, entertainment, recreation,shopping (other than groceries), etc. but did not includelodgings. Looking at restaurant and nightclub expend.ituresspecifically, the owners' expenditures ire greatei than generaltourists! by J-B in Florid.a, 20? in california and 34t in Hawaii.Florida.owners, although spending consid.erably lessproportionately than california and Hawaii owirers in this onecategory' did spend more than three times as much as Floridageneral tourists on shopping. In fact, in both Hawaii andFl-orida, shopping was the second greatest expenditure (afterrestaurants and nightclubs) for the ohrners. In this study Ragatz confirmed a phenomenon we haveobserved elsewhere. Because owners of prepaid vacations do notneed to allocate funds for lodgings at lhe- time of thei_rvacations, as do generar touriits, tt"y either have, or feel theyhaver.mole disposable income. ownersr expenditure patterns whilivacationing reflect this attitude and thul they spend more onrestaurants' nightlife, shopping and recreation. This then ( t 13 t becomes an ongoing infusion into the economy of the resort town, t recurring with each use period. As Ragatz has demonstrated, this pattern is consistentwith various locations and is not confined to a particularIocale. we anticipate' therefore, that these Mark owners willmake a substantial contribution to the townrs economy - more thanthey would as consistent J-od.gers and more because the overalloccupancy rate of the property should increase substantially. Moreover, review of the Town of Vail Sales Tax receiptsreveals the great seasonal variation in expenditures as reflecledin sales tax revenues. These variations aie consistent withreported occupancy level-s and with seasonal observations by localrealtors and real estate professionals. While actual revenues have increased for the most part(october and April show decreases in 1993, and october shows aslight j.ncrease in 1984 although not to 1982 | s level , while Aprilshows a substantiar increase in 1984), there are significantdifferences between the high winter season and the iest of theyear, and these differences persist throughout this three yearperiod. The Economic DeveLopment Commission report points outthat: "The five-month Winter season continued to( capture 674 of the annual business j_n Vail .\- Although business activity in the non_Winterseasons has increased at the same rate as theWinter season for the past ten years, therehas been no "closing of the gap". Thenon-Winter seasons continue to represent onlyone-third of the total yearts business income. t' The program structured will serve to offset thisdiscrepancy to some extent, !y enabring and encouraging clientsto make use of Summer and off-season time. The mosi significantgains we believe wilt be in the Summer. The Economic Development Commission has also pointedout that "Vailrs attributes (location, etc.) result in iepeatvisits; therefore, expenditures made to attract visitors ior thefirst time have a multiplier effect over the ensuing years." The environmental ct report concernlnan envlronmenta ct report is recruLr 6.if No EIR is required. 14 {SUMMARY ( - In summary, by converting the third phase of the MarriottMark Resort the hoter will be reduced in iize to a 229 roomhotel , stiJ-r the largest in vail , with the additional convertedrooms being available when not occupied by their owners. Al1conventions and recreational facilities remain in tack. simultaneousJ-y, (1) an entire section of the existing hotel*+ll.be upgraded, both in furnishings and service; (2) over 94nirlion will be expended on marketinq within a few years; (3) anextensive marketing campaign that wiil focus on vaii and. Marriottwill be embarked upon; (4) a strong client base will be created,many of whom will be first-timers to vail; (5) the continuinqPresence of loyal vacationers who will contribute considerabiy tosales tax revenues wil-l be ensured; (6) off-season occupancy wittbe increased; (7) potential buyers of whole unit condominiumswill be offered a true luxury alternative. Many of thesepotential buyers would not make a purchase or woutd defer apurchase because their limited use of a whole unit would requirean investment far in excess of the time they would use - theywourd be offered a better varue, while on balance the town, itsmerchants and its citizens would all gain; and (g) potentialbuyers, if not given the opportunity to purchase in-vail maypurchase in Beaver creek or elsewheie and be lost to the vairreal estate market and the Vail hotel narket. Three factors inherent in this offering wirl have strongappear: that the five weekst use meets appirent documenteddemand, that the units are based on a fu11 service hotel withaccess to all its amenities and facilities, and that ongoingmanagement is provided by Marriott. we berieve that a iraciionalinterest offering_is an appropriate use of these facilities,given the needs ot tne exiitinq market. MICHAEL ROBINSON GeneralManager ,$$$tpJt MARRIOTT'S MARK RESORT 715 West Lbnshsad Cird.. Vait, CO tt 667, 3(ts.a7t-aitiaia. Err. tor I5 r: MEI"IORANDUM Comnis s ionTO:Planning and Envrironmental FROM: DePartnent DATE: APril 20' RE: Request for District 7 BACKGROUND A. Nurnber of Ulits of Corumrn ity Development/Peter Patten 1981 Approvals for Phase II Addition and for the Marriottrs I'brk Hotel 2 Anendment s to SPecial Developnent In February of. 1977, Special Developnent District A Master Developnent Plan was adopted at that time that tine showe-d general locations and designs for proposed. The SDD 0rdinance outlined developnent Ttre proposal currently under review is called the l,tark'Hoiel and resprsents the final develoPnent of TTIE PROPOSAL Ttre plan subnitted for approval contains additional dwelling units, acconnodation rnits' a convention center oi gr?so sguare feet, parking structure and 2 additional tennis courts' ALso included is the coniretion of the ranhscaping and corstruction of a bicycle path' The following statisti"i""p""r"trt the existing, proposed and allowable situations: 7 was adopted for the !'lark Resort' for the entire Project. The Plan at the buildings and the intended uses standards and nax imrrn density controls' Phase II Addition of the Marriottrs the propertY. *An efficiencY kitchen will fron a dwelling unit to an be removed fron Phase 1, Unit 108, converting Unit 108 accomodation unit. Al lowed: B.Gross Residential Flegl_4lgg (Acc. units and dwelling rurits) Proposed: GRFA(sq ft) 86,513Existing Phase 2 Total U{r961 I 33,134 ,000 4 #yLll .Proposed: Original Phase I Phase 2 Total Al lowed: .Acc. Units 106 rtlftsul Dwelling Units 14 L2* 53 304 g"i* (Ihis section changed since Planning and Environmental Conrnission meeting') Qb fl1\ e,ur,ftf*fr.o,,( Itarriottrs M^tk -at2 - April 20, 1e8l of C. Parking for total Project Required: 238 sPaces' Provided: 238 sPaces all turderground (This section Planning and"neeting. ) changed since the Environmental Conslission l. 2. J. There are several revisions from the to the Special Development District' We agree with the instances in Town 1977 Plan and 2 official requests for amendnents The revisions are as follows: Relocation of the parking structure frorn underneath the convention center to the westsideofthePloPerty.Thisisproposedtoincreasethespeedofconstruction ""r,]riiti in less'aiir"piion for t"tarrioit's Mark and Lionshead' A ninot redesign of the nassing and building envelope to produce a more appropriate design with regard to scaling iown the appaient sizl of the west elevation' This revision atso aids d"-;;;;i;" solar fun'ciion of the residential portion of the il;;i;; by allowing . i"tgu nunber of rooms to face south' The original approval included a covered tennis court facility' The applicant ".i-,r"r-ifr"t t"nni., has lost sone of the nass appeal that. it had four years ago when the plans were iirrt "pprou"a. Also, they-report that the Marriottts lilark's tennis courts rrave ueen- rrnd'e'r-uti l i zea ana tn"y have spoken to the owners of the otherindoorcourtsinTownandhavelearnedthattheguesthasalowusagerate at those facilities.-"rrtey ao ProPose 2 additional outdoor courts on the roof of the Park ing structure. The requested anendnents are as follows: l.Theapplicantwishestoinstallfireplacesintheeightdwellinguritsinthephase 2 Addition. At the time the p"oitiUitlon for fireplaces in S-DD7 was passed' there was nuch discussion about not aiiowing any nerv -fiieplaces to be constructed throughout uottr io'unercial cores. thir, of-"ourse, did not happen, and the applican feels that ttris i.!"1-itatasftip on hin as fireplaces are allowed in other dwelling units in the Town. STAFF RECOMMENDATION 2.Theapplicantisrequestinga.l*g:inthedensitycontrolsectionforPhasell.Forthisphase,theTequestisfors2accomodationunitsand2Tdwellingunits. Thiswouldbeanalrendnenttothenulnberofacconodationanddwellingtmitsfor special Development District #l ind not an increase in the total density ofthesite.InmanagenentagreenentofMarriott'sl.|ark,thereareguarantees that a total of S"iO-tEyt be aiailable forrental for a period of 25 years' STAFF RECOI'$IENDATION The staff supPorts this change as the allowed under the zoning, and there is units rernain for rental for 25 years' owner and feel this amendment is justified' There are no otner "t"". ,u do not allow one fireplace per dwelling unit' proposal is within the total number of units '"-itut.tt.e that the acconodation and dwelling tl J &:it'' ..y' It It J f; [':' i' Marriott's l*tark - e"t - April 20, 1981 ENVIRONMENTAT II'IPACT STATEMENT SUPPLEMENT -nergy sources tor sDDT requires that each phase of the project should contain. a supplenent or update to the original rr,ui"onri,,,tal Irnpact i;a"i"i""i. We have asked that three issues be addressed for this Phase: 1. Energy Conservgt:191 - investigation and possible i'ncorporation of alternative the project. 2. Enployee Housing - the past operation fG--dequacy ofthe employee housing such an investigation to uPdate this dernand. of the complex should have demonstrated tii""lio", ittd *" asked for the results of i"i"t*.ti6", including the Phase Ir increased Pedestrian and Bike Path Considerations ontheoriginalplanadopted,apedestrianwalkwasProPosedforthenorthPart of the original U"iiaine^. We asied the applicant l?,tell.us when this would be provided. Also, the Town Plans to cons'truct a bike path to the south of the pr"i"ray near Gore c"""r., *a "" wanted to know if they were willing to connect into this Path. APPLICAI.IT RESPONSE l.ThedeveloperisincorPoratingsonevaluablepassivesolaraspectsintotheplan (see enclosed report on energy conservation for the project), and other energy efficient t".tr,oiogi"s for heat and water are ProPosed. The report subnitted to the staff also includes a very p-iitit " attituie Loncerning active solar panels for hot water and swimroing pool heating. we feel the short pay-back.period on these systens and the signiiicant pu".int"gu of reduction in conventional enelgy systemswarrantstheincorporationofsuchasysteninthisproject. 2. The owner of the conplex owns 56 dwelling units that are utilized for enployee housing for the Marriottrs Mark enpfoyee!. He.states that they are all utilized in the winter months, but that in-it,u'surnmer the denand goes down and nany of then are rented to non-enPloyees of the business' Theyexpectthat12to16additionalnaidswillberequiredfor.thePhasell Addition, uui that no other additional enployees would be needed' The staff feels that the nurnber of units provided is adequate, but w9-feel that possibly some agreement between the ownei and the Town would be justified to ensure these uni.ts renain available to;;; "tpioy""t of the Marrj'ott's l'lark on a denand basis and for a certain period of time' 3. The Phase II Addition plan does show a bike path connection to the ProPerty line' and we ro"ra ""qui"" "i. conaition of approval , the full connection to the Town's path. Another condition of approvaf wili'be that the pedestrian.Pa:lt be constructe( on the north side of the originai'U"iiaing in conjunction with the Phase I1 work' 5. Marriottrs Mark - April 20, 1981 STAFF RECOMMENDATION In the Staffrs opinion, the project is well overall conplex. The convention center is connnrnity. We feel the sane way about the to see them eliminated, but do not want to effect.ive progran, either. Except for the proposal neets all the SDD requirenents inof facilities and density ceilings. thought out and an improvernent to the a needed facility and an asset to the indoor tennis courts, and donrt like force the developer into a non-cost arnendments requested, the developnent terms of developnent standards, provision -'+ In conclusion, the Staff recomnends approval of the Phase II addition t,o the |'tarriottrs Mark Resort with the following conditi-ons: l. Consider the incorporation of an active solar systern to heat hot water and the additional indoor pool . An agreement between the owner and the Town be worked out to ensure the continuedavailability of the enployee housing units for the projectts enployees for eight years. In addition, the Planning and Environmental Corunission will reviEw bhe project in eight yeals to see if it warrants extension. The applicant agrees to connect the bicycle path/walkway proposed to the yrest of the existing tennis courts to the Townrs systen (if located near the property) and construct the path to Town standards. 4. Because the parking structure is proposed 5r fron the western property line, there should not be a loss of existing parking spaces due to the constructionof this building. 5. The applicant agrees to participate in the design and construction of improvenentsfor West LionsHead Circle in front of the Marriott's Mark to inprove pedestrian and vehicle flow and beautification of this area. * 6. Parking be resolved so. as to confonn to original approval given by Cormcil . * 7. Landscaping be completed in the following planting season following construction. * Conditions 6 and 7 approved by the Planning and Environnental Coumissionat their neeting. l. lIEMORANDUM TOWN OF VAIL TIME.SHARING REGULATIONS The Sprinq of 1980 saw the first time-sharing regulations adopted by the Town. The ordinances, in general , calledtime-sharing as a conditional use in the HDMF, PA, CCI and CCII zone districts, required disclosure statements and registrationof projects and reguired persons sellinq time-sharing to obtain alicense fron the Town. Subsequent ordinances in the FalI of 1980 removed time-sharing as a conditional use from the PA, CCT andCCII zone districts and prohibited mixing time-sharing units and whole-owned condominiums in the same building. This left the HDMF zone district the only +.1 - ----, l, ,^ ! .!- ' THE REQUEST map. The request is for Phase I1I, which is under separate ownership from Phases I and II , to become a fractionalized fee ownership project which will- remain in conjunction with the MarkMarriott Resort. Each owner of a fractionalized fee interestwill receive a d.eed to the property for that period of time whichis purchased. The proposal is for a purchaser to buy a fj-ve week incrementof time, two Winter weeks and one Summer vreek will be at a fixeotime in a fixed unit. The two remaining rveeks will be offered ona fLoat/flexible basis in the off seasons of April to mid-June and October to pre-Thanksgiving. Owners may reserve two night minirnum stays, using part, atl or none of these fourteen days. either rented separately--EE Phase Three separate zone and Whil-e the current proposal is 121 rooms, the condominiumized made up as follows: of the Mark is located in SDD #7, which is ais an official part of the Town of Vail zoning a one, two or three bedroom suite.to separately condominiumize the rooms would be sold as suites, REQUEST FOR MINOR SUBDIVISION APPROVAL AND CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION The regulations call time-sharingThis proposal involves less than four a subdivision proposal .lots and is a minorsubdivision. \* The submittal requirement. for this is simply the proposedcondominium plat and related controrling documenti. The pros andcons of the actual proposal wilL be outl-ined. in the condilionaluse section of this Memorandum. rn addition to the subdivision regulations, the applicantmust compry with the condominium conveision ordinance,-whichcontains' among other things, a use restriction for owner \- *21 ctsx t' t ,Qdr occupancy. Because ofownership program, the the nature of the fractionalized shareuse provisions of the conversion ordinancewill be automaticallv conpliedwith. - 5rd should, therefore, beup to current rown of vait stanEar (rt is interesting to notethat if the building were condominiumized while underconstruction, which the owner had a right to do, no conversionordinance regulations would have to be complied with). Purpose of the Conditiolal Use: Because of specialchara q"ir.-"p""i-t-r"rriew andevaluation so that they may be located proplrly with respect totheir effects on surroundinq properties. irre ieview proless isintended to assure_ compatabirity- and harmonious deveropmentbetween conditional uses, the surround.ing properties and the Townat large. uses risted as conditional uses- in the variousdistricts may be permitted subject to such conditions andrinitations as the Town may pr6scribe to ensure that the rocationand operation of the condilionar uses wirl be in accordance rvithdeveropment objectives of the Town, and wilr not be detrimentalto other uses or properties. where conditions cannot be devisedto achieve these objectives, applications for conditional usepermits shall be denied L. RelationshiectiveFrc-ffiwn. B. DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE: A.ttract "high quality"guests in Large numbers to vail C. DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE: Efficiently utilizeexisting facilities and accommodations (i.;:-ili;i, occupancy)throughout the year. A. accommodations D.work togetherguest. DEVELOPMENTfor Vail r s OBJECTIVE:visitors. DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE :to create an affordable Provide high quality guest Public and private sectorsvacation experience for the The program can best be compared to one presently underconstruction in Beaver creek - the park plaza - where sales havearready started and occupancy is guaranteed for November, L996.The offering is structured as a fractionalized interest with r/10shares each consisting of five weeks of use. Vail Associates,who developed and is marketing the park plaza project, anticipateowners' use will average three weeks, and that the remaining LimewiLl most often be rented. we anticipate the same for phase rrr. A highly reliable - (rnterval ownership caseStudies, Volume I, Richard L. Ragatz-Aslociates, Inc. for theican Land Development Association, November, 1990) oftillFsharing throughout the country has shown intervar owners topossess high levels of income, education and occupation. Thevhave prepaid for their accommodations and come wi-th money tospend. At this point in VaiLts history, it would seem to beprudent to attract such personnel to ai great a degree aspossible. The average price for an increment at the park plazais $100,000, and Vail Associates reported 94.2 million worth ofinventory was sold by January, 1995, with total sell out expectedin three years- They believe the offering has strong appeal topurchasers who will not pay S400,000 for i whole uni€ ti:it wittave minimal use, but who can afford and will pay 9100,000 for aive week use period. ta\ q\\\ .ghr*)they have structured the-ET aza o , and n9 to meet these needs. rt has been demonstrated that a viable market exists forthis kind of product in Vail , in other areas of colorado and inFlorida, and this_offering is an alternative for the buyer whomay look at a whole unit, but whose use of such a unit would beLimited. Bearing this limited use in mind, a fractional- interestconsisting of five weeks annual-ly would have great appeal . rn:99itl:1, ?ltis: IIr unirs wourd be in a fult froter mlnaeed by theMerrriott with ls, racquet and handball courts, exercFroom,saunas and outside tennis courts. rtt17lrt $t I ,. il\t'-u^t" o{-Y\,\ Five years ago, when the time-share ordinances were passed,there was a great deal of concern that a potential time-sirareinvestor was not the type of person that we wanted in the Town ofIiil'"" :T5:';:=i:,*: ::**:"different than any other purchaser or visitor to our Town. The offering will be made to a highly educated, affruentgroup of qonsumers. purchasers will prirnarily be in the agerange of 40 - 50 years, college educated, with annual incories ofat least $65,000 and a median income in excess of gl00,OOO. Considering anticipated pricing, these units will not beaf fordable to a lower income _qroup than this. Based on experience, it is expected that some purchasers will buy two or more of these five week increments. The targeted age group includes the fastest growing sectorof our national economy. As was cited in Vail-ts Summer Study: "The number of Americans 31 to 56 will soar by over 20 million,with the group 35 to 44 years the principal growth sector of the consumer market.rr This segment includes the older of what has come to be known as the "baby boom,' generation - a group characterized by good education and an increasing affluence. They are known to be value-oriented and they will comprise asignificant percentage of owners. These purchasers will present the same demographic profileas the typical Vail whole unit condominium buyer of the type ofunit involved. Whole units of this improved guality would sel_lfor $240,000 - $550,000, and several VaiI realtors have describedtheir buyers of units in this price range as betwen 40 - 60years, with incomes of 9100,000 and over. Freguently these areprofessionals - doctors and lawvers - who purchase a unit inpartnership, for limited use. fractionalized fee interest project). while poste Montaine isphysically superior even to the upgraded Mark offering, butrealizing it is an interval ownership project $/ith an averagesale of 2.5 weeks, it has attracted buvers with rnedian annualincomes in excess of g100,000. Althouah the quality of poste Montaine cannot be duplicated here, the amount of living space,the superior amenity base, and anticipated quality of these unitsafter significant upgrading should attract a similar market,particularly considering the offering of five week packages. Each of the Phase III units will be refurbished and upgraded tomore positively position its appeal_ to an affluent maiket. This market will be found in the front range, Texas(particularly DaJ-Ias and Austin), southern Ca1 ifornia, andChicago. The front range - Denver, Colorado Springs - maycontribute as much as one-third to one-half of this qroup ofbuyers, based on realtorst experiences. That these will be the best markets is apparent also from areview of Vailrs Board of Realtors sales summaries for 1983 andthe first half of 1984, and from Vail's Winter Study (1983) whichstates in a discussion of markets: "Clearly, on the basis of current ownership reports,Colorado is a primary target. fn addition, Texas, theMidwest and California are also more likelv sources ofpotential buyers. " Interviews with local realtors have reinforced theobservation that the Vail market is increasinqlv one of r Beaver Creek owner-users, rather than of investors. This product will be veryattractive to this kind of demand in that it meets the averageperiod of use need (of 4.6 weeks), with a good price to valuerelationship in a management intensive setting. Alternatively,Marriott management and the hotel- style of operation present anexcel-lent environment for part-time rental . The product is also consistent with the Winter study'sfinding that only 108 of potential purchasers viewed aprospective purchase as a future primary residence. Conversely,908 of prospective purchasers are not seeking a future primaryresidence. This kind of offering wil1 ensure the presence inVait of a number of tourists who would not buy a wirole unit because of their limited needs and,/or reluctance or inability to make a larger investment. Yet they are sufficiently affluent to make this purchasef and sufficiently loyal to VaiI to wish to make thi-s kind of commitment to return. Occupancy rates for fractionalized fee ownership tend to runabout 808 throughout the year. This is higher than a hotel and much higher than a luxury condominium used as a second home. Thereason time-sharing produces higher occupancies is that if anindividual or couple owns only a week or two of ptoperty, theywill certainly either use it themselves or rent it rather thanlet it sit vacant and hraste their vacation investment. Thehigher quality interval ownership projects attract higher qualitypurchasers, who, studies have shown, tend to use their own weeksrather than rent or exchange for another resort. A studyconducted by the staff on Sanibel Island, Florida ("Report onTime-Sharing Field Study on Sanibel Island, Ftorida, peter Patten, October 22, L98O) showed that local businessmen believethe large number of interval projects there have helped theirshoulder season business. As a result of the nature of the program, the hotel r soccupancy Levels wiII increase because of the owners' presence,as a result of upscale sales generation programs and adiminishing number of hotel accommodations at the property. Ovrners will most surely use their two weeks in Winter, which willstrengthen the currently softer weeks of December, January andApriJ-, while maintaining present near 100? occupancy for thebalance of the Winter. Owner occupancy will alio le trigh insummer. This pattern is consistent with the Town's objectives ofincreasing busines in off-season and the slower part of the skiseason. Owners will have access to a fu1 l- service rental program managed by Marriott, who will have ample time to plan ior-utilization of the available inproved units, sinci as much as ayearrs lead time will be required if owners rvish to rent any orall of their weeks. A significant percentage of two weeks, floattine wilr be rnade availabre for rental and much of those rentalswill be made available to qroups for conferences and meetinqs. Buyers will make high use of their Winter weeks, and Summerweeks as wel1, but some portion of the weeks will be availablefor rental . Unfortunately, there is no basis for presentingaccurate rental figures as no similar programs have beenundertaken for any period of time in a hotel environment. Thetwo off-season weeks will be flexible in that anywhere from twoto fourteen nights may be reserved for use, and the balance oreven the total two weeks may be offered to the hotel for rentaluse. To this end, many of the bedrooms rvilr remain as lock-offsso that they can be rented as hoter rooms or suites. An owner ofa three-bedroom unit, for example, may choose to use one or twobedrooms during his occupancy and release the balance to thehotel for rental. The program provides for a ouality prod.uct ina fu1I service Marriott-managed hotel so that owners-w111 d.erivethe full benefits thereof. owners wirr be able to take advantageof the existing hotel services, amenities and facilities. whil;this section of the hotel - the newest addition - is an integralpart of the existing operation, an upgraded service package lsplanned in keeping with unit improvements. New owners rvill haveseparate check-in/check-out services, and a professionalconcierge available to Lhem, which wilr be consistent with thoseservices found in the finest resort hotels. Ful-r utilization of the phase rrr is a di-stinct ad.vantage inthat it can be treated as a separate entity, while stiIlretaining its integrity as part of the exiiting hotel and itsability to be incorporated into the hotel inveitory when time inthese units is relinquished by the owners. Existing meeting space wilr be retained and continue itsfull operation. current group use primarily consists of sma1l,concurrent meetings. Management reports onry one single qroupbooking-that required all available rooms. Average gioup"sizl is75 - 100 attendees, reguiring the use of 40 - 50 ioo*". Giventhat meeting space is only provided in two separate areas andthat reported average group size is 100 rnaximum with a need for50 rooms, the hotel's remaining inventory wirr be able to meetthe needs of such simultaneous meetinqs, suppremented by phaseIfI units as available. Marriottrs long-range.marketing plans include developingmore group business in periods ef lower occupancy, which ioiicidewith owners I off-season weeks.their units available to the hosupport Marriottrs plans, and perhapstheir implementation these times, which willserve as a catalyst in .A major requirement in implementing this program isMarrj-ottts cooperation. Marriott has agreea to ttre sale of theseunits and has also agreed to provide tnai.ge*ent to the type ofprogram envisioned. Marriott has assured that their preslnce invail will continue; that they consider the balance of the roomsto be adequate to continue to run an increasingly effectivehotel, that Marriott's position vis-a-vis *.nuieir"rrt of the Mark will continue, and that the Mark will retain its position as thelargest resort hotel in Vail . _ Lastry, while the national economic situation has staged adramatic turnaround, the effect has not rippred down to the vailrear estate market, and the continuing depressed market whichwould appear to be_deepening indicates that times are changingfrom the past decade and that new avenues for second-homeownership need to be exprored. Fractionalized fee ownership,while not a universal cure-all , certainly goes hand-in-hand witha quality hotel operation like the uark laairiott Hoter. the structure is arready compreted. Fractionariied fee ownershipwilr also have no effect on ichools as each owner only occupiesthe unit for a short period of time. Fractionalized feeownership will, however, have a slight impact on transportationfacilities, parks and recreation racir:-tils and other bublicfacilities, as there will be a greater number of people in ourTown on a year-round basis. The interval owners (as a whore) r^zirr not increase thedemand for public transportation witir regard to lte rus system, ":-!hg facility already operates as a fuil service hotel . Inaddition, the location of the Mark actually makes it moreconvenient to walk to the Lionshead lifts ind thus, will notover-crowd the buses in their peak times. During the off-seasonsand summer season when higher occupancies ut" "*i""ted withfractionarized fee-ownership, the Town of vair bus system will bebetter utilized and will nol in any way over-burden Lhe system. Fractionalized fee interests require a higher degree ofrecreational facilities. Fractionalized fee iiterest is avacation plan--people purchase to reserve vacationaccommodations. vacationers are extremely-atTve people, andthey require recreational amenities to meet their needs. rn thiscase' the Marriott Mark Resort has provided a very high level ;--recreationar amenities and corrunon areas for its noter operation.The existing faciri.ties wi.ll be able to meet the needs of theinterval owners. The proposal wirl also create a demand. forother public recreation facirities such as gorf and ice skating.These activities all generate user fees for their respectivepublic owners and should not over-burden the existinq-facilities. 2. Effect of the use on li ht and air distribution ofulatio@ties, ut ties, schools ksand recreation fac tes an cacr-li-ties needs. There w ect on ltght and air as con a c rrow and control , access rnaneuver and removasnowng areas.of One of the most ownership has proven negative effectsto be the parkinq of fractionaized fee and conges t.ion problems e streets an which on-siLe marketing practices create. Because intervalownership creates about 48 times the owners that whole-ownedcondominiums d.o, the marketing of the project is extremelyintensive. considering one in 10 prospective purchasers actuarlybuy (a figure generally experienced on Sanibel fsland), a sellermay have to attract almost 500 people per unit before he sellsthat unit out. The obvious proLlems created, especially onweekends' are shoddy off-site "huckstering" practices (Leenagerssoliciting guests at stores and parking rots offering free giftsfor a tour of the project), hard-sell real estate prictices andan unmanageable on-site parking problem created by prospectivepurchasers. Compounding the parking problems are recentpractices of offering any interval owner of a project use of itsfacilities and amenitiFat anytime of the ye.t. The Phase III proposal mitigates most of these problems.Phase rrr will offer only a packtge brock of weeks as describedearlier. Thus, a buyer must purchase a minimum of 5 weeks ratherthan Ir reducing by five-fold the problems just mentioned. Thismeans that there will be only l0 owners per unit. A1so, no"year-round" amenity memberships will be arlowed with the sale ofa fractionalized fee interest. The off-site "huckstering"practices wirl also not be part of the market.inq packaqe (seeArticle #5 below). once sell-out has occurred the fractionalized fee ownershipwill not increase traffic flow in peak seasons because thefacility already operates as a hotel. During the off-season andsummer season' traffic flow may increase somewhat because ofincreased occupancies over the normal hoter operation, however,Town of vail systems and the hotel facilities have been designedfor the peak season and can easily handre any increase in us6during that portion of the year. rn addition, once the occupantshave arrived in Town, there is no further need to use a carbecause of the location of the project. A11 major sportsfacilities, except for the golf course, are located witnin ttreproject or within walking distance of the project and, therefore,there should be littl': .effect upon traffic or traffic congestion.Removal of snow from the surface parking areas is no diff6rentthan if it were a regular hotel operation. 4. Effect upor the character of the area in rvhich theproposed of fe and theproposed use is compatible with the area. The surrounding area is made up as follovrs: A. Vail Spa is whol1y-owned condorniniums r^rhich areshort termed with a furl service restaurant and front deskoperation. B. Enzian Lodge is a hotel operation with a fullservice restaurant. C. Enzian Condominiums is wholly-owned condominiums. D. Antlers Condominiums is wholly-owned condominiumswhich are short termed with a front desk operation and meetinqroom facil-ities. E. Montaneros Condominiums is whollv-ownedcondominiums which are short termed with a tront desk operation. F. Concert Hall plaza is retail commercial space. c. The remaining portion of the Mark Marriott Hotelremains attached and is an- integral part of phase III. 5. Other Factors and Criteria. A. One of the criticisms of the time-sharing industryhas been the off-site "huckstering" and hard sell real estatepractices Thepredetermines not yet been quality of this offerinqthe marketing approach.fully developed, however, in Vail to a great Marketing programs the philosophy has. extent haveG - The product will be presented as an alternative to a I wfo+g unit purchase, therefore, emphasis will be on thesimilarities to a whore unit, with the benefits of limitedinvestment for a "real-istic" use period in a full service hotelwith its attendant facilities, amlnities and. services. rn selling the product, it is the vair experience thatwill be marketed - not so much Marriottrs Mark or fractionalinterest - the main thrust will be to provide a furl serviceacconmodation from.which to experience vail. That experiencewirl include families, their relatives and guest", ""& in manyinstances, business associates. It is given that in the various forms of marketing doneon-site and off-lite - \nrhether-lnrougrr upscale mailings, themedia or personal presentations - th; grLatest appeal will begenerated by vair' and secondarily uy irre uarriotl. Emphasiswirl be placeffi full discrosure and the sale of a use productto a knowledgeabre purchaser who wirl voluntarily choose topurchase based on his needs. Among the several programs to be used wirl be a firstclass mailing to pre-qualified iists, with a quality brochure andinserts, simil.ar to those done for first-clasi cond.ominiums. Other traditional media presentations, such as television andprint, will be recommended since experience has been that upscalemarkets are quite responsive to such presentations. A local broker program will be used and it is felt thatthis product will be consistent in quatity with others presently handled by Vail realtors, since buyer demographics will stronglyparallel those of whole unit buyers. It is expected that manyclients will return to the project two or three times beforetheir decision to purchase is made. To create opportunities for on-site visits, shortvacation programs (two nights/three days or longer) will be usedto bring qualified clients from primary markets to the hotel, andsince the Marriott Mark Hotel experience itself wil1 be a focalpoint of the sales program, qualified and interested hotel guestswill be offered sales presentations. These guests will be astrong source of potential owners since they will have experj-enced Vail, and it has been repeatedly shown how importantexposure to Vail is to establish and reinforce loyalty to theresort. The most effective resources present are the to\^ln, thehotel and the product. Vacation questionnaires will be mailed to selectiveclients in the primary markets to determine interest levels, andto offer opportunities to visit the site. It is also a veryuseful means of creating interest in the area and the resortamong groups who have had minimal or no previous exposure toVail. In addition, following proper registration procedures,off-site facilities rnay be established in primary markets to givepotential clients an opportunity to determine ttreir interestlever before visiting Vail. Those who show serious interest inthe.offering and who are determined to be gualified, will beinvited to visit the hotel for they will not complete theirdecision to purchase until they have enjoyed the resort. These sales activities wiII genelate a strong cI ientelebase of non-buyers that wilr increase occupancy and fulure demandfor Vail accommodations and the resort. Many of these clientswill initially visit in summer or off-season periods and rvil1 beexposed to a different Vail that will make them return forreasons other than skiing, though skiing will benefit, too. These sales processes will further penetrate existingmarkets and may also open new ones. We realize that of thosefirst timers who visit, it is reasonable to expect less than 20gto become owners, but for 40? or more to return as repeatvisitors. We see this process as an opportunity to increaseVailts potential client base, and believe there will beprofitable Long range benefits, which wirt be compatible with thetown I s needs to increase tourist traffic and to strenqthenperception of Vail as a destination resort. 10 B. A crucial question is whether there is a demand forthe product. currently, Beaver creek is providing vail with itsbiggest competition with real estate sale! of rvhoily-ownedcondominiums and i-s.currently arone in the market piu.ce sellingfractionalized fee interests within the core of the ski area.Beaver creek has two hiqhly successful projects,.poste Montaineand. the Park Plaza, while Vail has no high-guality, high endfractionalized fee interest projects locited in ti:e core areas.Both Poste Montaine and park plaza have generated. rarge transfertax fees and have provided Beaver creek wittr an alternativeproduct in ad.dition to hoteL rooms and wholry-owned condominiums. In addition, interviews with local realtors and realestate professionals, as well as, the vail winter study, indicatethat demand is great for condominium style units with t<itchens inconjunction with project amenities and iervices. There is no other opportunity in either CCI or CCII toeither convert an existing project or !o build a new project, aswas done in Beaver Creek, which offers the same level ofamenities and services as the Marriott Mark Resort. This Phase III proqram responds to Lhese points veryspecifically, for_the product will maintain its integrity as icontiguous part of_the existing hotel - which wilr b6 a strongselling point - and yet there *irr le upgraded services andrefurbishment, and an atmosphere of excirlsivity. C. Another question often asked is: Wilt the projectbe maintained? Existing furnishings will be inj_tia1ly replaced withthose appropriate to a very upscale and excrusiire resort, and ata lever of quality that will be attractive to the market forwhich the units are intended. Harlways in this section of thebuiJ-ding will be redecorated, again ii keeping with the upgradedfurnishings. rn order to support the speciar services to be providedthe owners, the owners will be assessed. a reasonable yeariymaintenance fee to assure upkeep of the premise- ind first classmaintenance of the upgraded unit quality. This fee willessentially conform to maintenance fees charged present owners ofcondominiums at the hotel , v/ith appropriate iaiu'stments for theincreased services and higher util-izalion. An-adeguate reservefor replacement of short-rived building components andfurnishings and fixtures wiLl be included to assure minimaldeterioration. The units should function at a level well abovetypical- resort hotel accommodations over a long period of time. D. will there be a reduction in advertising dollarsspent by the Marriott Mark Resort? 1l We recognize that with a reduction in hoteL inventorythere will be a potential reduction in Marriott,s marketinqexpenditures for this hotel . we are arso aware that Marriottr smarketing thrust has been on "Vail,' and that there isconsiderable rocal concern about the loss of these dollars. Theremaining Marriott Mark Resort, however, wirl stirl contain 229rooms and large convention facilities with its commensurateadvertising budget, which is stirl Vail's largest hotel andlargest and best convention facilities. ft is also true that while a substantial budget hasbeen created for the marketing of this prooram, this bridget wirlonly exist so long as there is a sares program, and we anticipatesell-out wilr occur in approximately thiee-years from inceptibn.However, we estimate a total- of 94.3 million will be spent onmarketing and, while actual expenditures will be made in arelatively short period. of time while sares are in progress, theeffects will be long-term. For one, the infusion oi such larqeamounts of money initially will increase marketinq effectiveness.Programs will be broad, as previously described, ind willstrongry impact the target markets which are arso those of vail.There will be a momentum created that must be sustained to assurethe program's success. As has been pointed out, the primaryfocus wilr be on the Vail experi-ence - in effeci., marketing thetown. The $4.3 million equates to 20 years of marketinqexpenditures by Marriott for the 116 rooms that ryirl no lonqer bemarketed annually,after three years. During the se11-out period,marketing of unsold roons wilr continue to the extent they areavailable for rental. Experience has shown that such broad prog,rams,utilizing various media and concentrated ot ,r.ry specificmarkets, have a long-range residual effect - in-esience, it isprepaid marketing for the area and the project. We recommend that marketing efforts be focused, inparticular those that involve bringinq clients to the hoter, inthe softer, off-seasons. For one, a greater number of rooms wirlbe availabre for those stayingr overnight. Also, it will beadvantageous to expose tourists to the off-season Vail. There isno need to demonstrate the excelrence of Vail's skiinq, but we aoforesee marketing benefits in presenting the less crowdedoff-season mountain experience, which most find very enjoyable aswas noted in the 1984 Vail Summer Survey. E. Recognizinq the tol,/nr s concern as to the impactsuch a program wirl have not only on availabre rooms, but on itsrevenues, we wish to address the issue of the impact of such aprogram on sales tax revenues. The recent study by Vail r s Economic DevelopmentCornmission points out that: 12 "The primary growth area remaininq for thetown of Vail is growth in visitorexpenditures - both from attractinq morevisitors during the slower months ind fromincreasing the level of expenditures duringtheir visits. Japanese visitors in Hawaiispend approximately 9700 per day - primarilyon gifts. The Summer Survey ind.icated thatmost people vrere visiting Vail for the moreabstract reasons - sightseeingr, natureexperiences, getting awalz from the d.ay-to-dayactivities at home. In many resorts,shopping is the major visitor activity.,' The kitchens i_n these units will be continued, andexisting wet bars will be upgraded to include microwave ovens.while these are essential facilities from a sales point of view,the actual use of these amenities by owners at these incomelevels is limited. Experi-ence has shown that owners of pre-paid vacationstend to spend more on dining out and entertainir.ent than thegeneral tourist, since they are not faced with paying forlodging. An extensive study done by Richard Ragatz, ph.D.. forthe American Land Development Association compaied consumerexpenditures at three different resort communities, contrastingtourists i"n general with owners of pre-paid ,,r".u.iiorrs. Theresorts were in Florida, California and Hawaii. Ragatz demonstrated that owners spent more on overallexpenditures than did general tourists by ria in F10rida, 3g? inCalifornia and 63? in Hawaii. These exp-nditures includedcategories such as dining out, entertainment, recreation,thgnfinS (other than groceries), etc. but did not includelodgings. Looking at restaurant and nightclub expend.ituresspecificarly, the owners' expenditures are -qreater than generartourists' by 18 in Frorida, ior" in carifornia and 34* in Hawaii.Florida.owners, although spending considerably lessproportionately than california ind uawaii or-ners in this onecategory' did spend more than three times as much as Floridageneral tourists on shopping. rn fact, in both Hawaii andFlorida, shopping was the second greatest expend.iture (afterrestaurants and nightclubs) for the ov/ners. In this study Ragatz confirmed a phenomenon we haveobserved elsewhere. Because owners of prepaid vacations do notneed to alrocate funds for lodgings at the- time of theirvacations, as do general touriits, they either have, or feer theyhave,.mole disposable income. owners'-expenaituie patterns whilevacationing refrect this attitude and thus they sfend more onrestaurants, nightlife, shopping and recreatioi. This then 13 becomes an onqoing infusion into the economy of the resort tov/n,recurring with each use period. _ As Ragatz has demonstrated, this pattern j-s consistentwith various locations and is not confined to a particurarloca1e. we anticipate, therefore, that these Mark owners willmake a substantial contribution to the townrs economy - more thanthey would as consistent lodgers and more because the overalloccupancy rate of the property should increase substantially. Moreover, review of the Town of Vail Sa1es Tax receiptsreveals the great seasonal variatj-on j-n expenditures as reflecledin sales tax revenues. These variations .ie consistent withreported occupancy levels and with seasonal observations bv rocalrealtors and real estate professionals. while actual revenues have increased for the most part(october and April show decreases in 19g3, and october shows aslight increase in 1984 althouqh not to rggz's lever, whi-le aprilshows a substantial increase in 1994) , there are significantdifferences betrveen the high winter season and the rest of theyear, and these differences persi-st throughout this three yearperiod. The Economic Dever-opment commission report points outthat: "The five-month Winter season continued tocapLure 674 of the annual business in Vaj_l.Although business activitv in the non-Winterseasons has increased at ihe same rate as theIdinter season for the past ten years, therehas been no "closing of the qapn. Thenon-winter seasons continue io- represent onlvone-third of the total year's businessincome. " The program structured will serve to offseL thisdiscrepancy to some extent, by enabling and encouraging clientsto make use of sumrner and off-season time. rhe mosf, significantgains we believe will be in the Summer. The Economic Development commission has also pointedout that I'Vail's attributes (location, etc.) result in iepeatvisits; therefore, expenditures made to attract visitors for thefi-rst time have a multiplier effect over the ensuinq vears.,, No EfR is required. 1A SUMMARY In summary, by convertinq the third phase of the Marriott.Mark Resort the hoter vrill be reduced in size to a 229 roomhotel' still the larqest in r./ail, i^rith the add.itionar convertedrooms being availabre vrhen not occupied by their owners. A1lconventions and recreational facilities remain in tack. Simultaneously, (1) an entire sectj_on of the existing hotelt+ll be upgraded, both in furnishinos and service; (2) over 94million wilr be expended on r.".arketing vrithin a few years; (3) anextensive marketing campaiqn that ruiir focus on vail and Marriot.twill be embarked uponr (4) a strons client base will be created,many of whom will be first-tirners Lo vail; (5) the continuincrpresence of loyal vacalioners who vrilr contribute considerabiy tosales tax revenues wilr be ensured; (6) off-season occupancy wittbe increased; (7) potential bu-vers of ryhole unit condominiumswill be offered a true luxury ilternative. Manv of thesepotential buyers rvould not make a purchase or woul"d. defer apurchase because their limited use of a r.rhole unit would requirean investment far in excess of the time thev vrould use - thevwould be offered a better value, ru'hiie on balance the town, itsmerchants and it.s citizens would alL cain; and (g) potentialbuyers, if not given the opportunj_t1z to purchase in-Vail mavpurchase in Beaver creek or elsewhere and be rost to the vailreal estate market and the Vail hotel r.arket. Three factors inherent in this offerrnq rvil-1 have stronqappeal: that the five weeks' use neets apparent documenteodemand' that the units are based on a ful1- service hotel vri-thaccess to all its arnenities and facilities, and that onqoinqmanagement is provj-ded by Marriott. h'e believe that a iraciionali-nterest offering is an appropriate use of these faciriripc-given the needs of tfre exi-st:.ng market. ^sA.. ot*qrH,, Et' De^1. (2.^4 -: PKc rt *."-^ltl+7*, Y, ut u-f L, I th14 {'+/a'7t+- h'-t , [,ro^u .('* -t,. v) /l:( ,l /h,LJ,1 (r^.L|,^' *,vL lqo,y\,^,t qA rrr e$-r.ilf;) uLr ,\ 1,,,,L n/'gT^S L< t ,J$-- l*1. * L,* /, /7,*7 l,/ ,,/ n,ilor* (*r ,l ( /n. ^"14,,-'J;^ ', "0 ,h r^-T,* /u'-iI /;t t"il. - t;,tl J^ srV, no...\t e,Z "f -hr.^ 3Lnt ,-L w.-JlX \.? |., i.-V' . g^" L Ir^ lrr; <c s s ..\a - \-ri\- t{f, fFA^gaf,ql^+ z a' **|. .rlr-. J.* Iil (t^.r.N'-b + rrm^b / he { llLJ* \ .S,, *L1 Q,^t 0 Art. $. , ' 1,"..k I 'l^l"nyi" 'X , /. '{7\ 5.4-I^.- ar,rr..)(Jg \r\c{- , a VC . *)*Lo. ^.[. arv-nihrzl*t*\-f* 't^,'S.lY l4t\ L,\2 o,uA-f ^ t/ (i , rn J;tq-;yh, \{ Unt'41 dv\ u-0. *^+ uohnhru 0,1 ( -13 ",\dap lr.n \c', \"L"*, , ,\a/r^^i. l*.' nl Lo 'fa -J; ,\^^ L int^-t I*" ,ri h u^L ", [1 f L,, t'^'k S\s.,Lrrs', Ar* 9,*b\.--- C-' -L Ct-,t or.L.* Howrp Ttrpr-,Jena -t /rrr-f,\f< o . tt@tfl- ,-72.,47;",/."J rt-- ,at+>.-.--=*.-.rr- rrLza_ ; J/ /trzetczrn4 ,ot 74zL '4/zaa'z- f.s. /M Zo 4 //z-l/--1-' :_ /*-;-,a.../ of -zJ -r-' **/2"47n/-*-,;tauq 4 a3 / (-/- l.- O '/o/[ J '-t /:bz t2,- a fr^ -/ril 4b'lfJ- a i /1 o, rfutE l:; ////lvvO7z/*1l: /;a1,, * I,-hr\ ,.?(!) {J*/,^o * f'i ,/h/, L'| / rhtltu,4tY u/Uf /)F l. ir ll 1,, ii I lrr I il t, ll' rli ili iil'l ?e'z+*zc. fi 4TZA'I* /r//r'4r?c'rt rii iii il.r-- //4il8/ 1,'^ ,r-/ ^ /r,,.* ill,z lil/*k { /, / n4J4*/', I o 1-</t4/ oo /-hr"r"'4 @ '- h/ &#*^ Ftrn-1,s, 7r*, - P- t/ z-Z;lt / r4{/z/zt //47 / ---7---J, ' tt r ,.ts- 4/fuh /fr**/ #,. 7A.- /) /*,/6"^n// u (// -//44ft7af -^ /a,o.-' ,foy1v2ztc'J# t /' -fuL-- .1-v ; .V,-*7 /.-,'' rz,-^l / ' 'r r-'7 h.a?t "- Z*V 5 /'t-"-.<4 t',-< (/_1 * -;qL.--#L /,a-ffi*-hz /*"aft s/ffi,n*."-r' M 2/D - /.LZ Y"Z4rfoA* Z* r4 /4L/ ---> "Z^ -1 /e-* r-:*fq f 9-' A'.*1 * /.u."/ '6:t r* o -*o/-.-*^-f/4 "*f I /zn^- "' )tu/i ,/-*W\." '- Z *L ,-;2. 1 "tL ga-,,.,"-<^ Z trhQ ,/24 Ch;.A 6._* 1./.^ &^_l / :/ //e1 h*;;/ fu2 aa.'t-a ;fra- n r//* ?ffe//z-,- -/"/M,*r/ /6 ffifu/^4 U,/ -/- ,l, 2ao \ *_,6 ---"'-'-' hn^ ,7 a*. *.'hr/-*/"ir- a--zrzv-z-t..- ,---t',/ {,./71,<- %2---"'tr +t-*".-rrfnuzb ,-qt/ ,U ( /- et "^// lP f-X-<-, - /./-c filrbfu / a/**- .--- /.74'.,,---'-r* t#* "q" o-,/ r//*/1- Zr*Z-tU-^-,*,--,/ / //l*1 rtzizE" z -f '--: ,, . c/>"eZ -- zou / lt-LZ) lrzzzzzt'9 '+-?/,/s 4or-? #^*Z \oo T't'r,.-*-e*YF'', 547n"'6v^-"-f '+- -zlua r'"/ *-/ z.fo-au-.2--I / L# ,y. AH-*//'U It'.i Itl\*,** A*^ A *p ,lr*o*h'^u /-46,,L E*--(;^La''^t ,k5 /)2zf-fla,ovv{r/ l$rT coPy AyAT.ABLE j J14 - 0\r-t,l--?/el/--l-,.1b> I/'15 Town of VailAttention: Tom Braun I hereby authorize the application dated March 25, L985 for phase III Resort. April 1, L985 for the condo conversionof the Marriott Mark Marriott Corporation Date of Application March 25, 1985 APPLICATION FORI{ FOR SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DTSTRICT DE]I''ELOPMENT PLAIiT I.This procedure is required for any projectthe Special Development District'procedure. The application will not be accepted until A. NAIIE OF APPLfCANT M-K Corporation that wou1d. go through all information is subrnitted. ADDRESS 715 tr'Iest Llonshead Clrcle, Vai.l , CO 9L657 PHONE 476-4444 B. NAME OF APPLTCAAIT'S REPRESENTATIVE Jay K. Peterson ADDRESS P.0. Box 3149, Vail, CO 81658 PHONE 476-0092 C. AUTHORIZATION OF PROPERTY OhINER D. SIGNATURE ADDRESS 715 West Lionshead Clrcle, Vai1, C0 g1657 pHONE 476-4444 LOCATION OF PROPOSA]. ADDRESS The Mark ITf Condominlurns LEGAL DESCRTPTION SDD //7 E. FEE $100.00 A List of the name of owners ofSubject property and their miling all property adjacent to the addresses. PAI D__-___:__ F II. Four (4) copies of the following information:. A. Detailed written/graphic description of proposal .B. An environmenril inpact ;A'po;t ;iiii'!;-submftred roadrninistrator in accordance with chapter 1g.56 hereofby Section 19.56.030r exempt projects; c. An open space and recreational plan sufficient to meet the demandsgenerated by the development wilhout undue burd,en on avairableor proposed public facilities; the zoningunless waived (ovER ) i!r Application tr* special Development Did-ct Development Pl-an D.Existing contours having contourfeet if the average slope of the or with contour intervals of not slope of the site is greater than intervals of not more thansite is twenty percent or more t,han ten feet if thetvrenty percent. five less, avera€te F A proposed site plan, at a scale not smaller than one inch egualsfifty feet, showing the approximate locations and dimensions ofall buildings and structures, uses therein, and al1 principal sit,edevelopment features, such as landscaped areas, recreational facili-ties, pedestrian plazas and walkways, service entries, driveways,and off-street parking and loading areas with proposed contoursafter grading and site development; A preliminary landscape plan, at a scare not smarler than one inchequals fifty feet, showing existing landscape features to be retainedor removed, and showing proposed land.scaping and landscaped si-tedevelopment features, such as outdoor recreational facil_ities,bicycle paths, trails, pedestrian plazas and walkways, water features,and other elements; Preliminary building elevations, sections, and floor plans, ata scale not smaller than one-eighth equals one foot, in sufficientdetail to determine floor area, gross residential floor area, interiorcirculation, locations of uses within buildings, and the generalscale and appearance of the proposed development. III. Time Requirements The-.PLanning and Environmental Commrission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. An application with the necessary accompanyingmaterial must be submitted four weeks prior to the date of the meeting. NOTE: It is recornrnended that before a special development district applicationis submitted, a review and conrnent neeting should be set up wiih theDepartnent of Cornrnunity Development. G. ? ADDENDIIM TO APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT TO SDD /I7 This Appllcation to Amend SDD /17 is to aurend Section 8 of SDD /17to add the following paragraph: J. Time share esEates unlts, fractional fee unlts and tlme share llcense units in Phase IIIof SDD /17. a lE Junr 197, lrlr. Ka I rlr llorcug ,84 E. 60r. Crc.h Orlvl Vrl l, Colorrdo 816t7 Drrr llr. llorcus' Thr llark hrr rpgllrd for I Bulldlng Pornlt' thr plrnr for rhlch arr Prafrntly brlng chcchrd' Thr proJrct ar pltnncd nortr rll zonlng roqnlF'r'ntt' Vrry frulY Yourt, Dlrne S. Toughl | | Zonlng ACalnlltrator lrJ box 10O rail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-s613 81657 de 1i*hment of community development 't;i6muer 14, 1978 ---*---...- Kaiser l'lc;r\us,"' Ilark Hotel I' *Bdr*s{o-*/ Vail, Colorado Dear Kaiser: In reviewing Bu:-lding Permits for 197S' it bas been notjced that twelve t. 12) fireplaces are to be included in the lrlnrk Phase II. Unfortunately, Special Development District 7, Section 18.51..O90, limits fireplaces to two additional fireplaces fo:: the entire project. There is no distinction between gas liireplaces and wood burning fireplaces. Also, no fireplaces are llermitted in accommodatlon or dwelling units. This section of' the Special Development District ? must be enforced. It may be possible to have false fireplaces as long as they are designed to be physically impossible to ever burn v,rood in these fireplaces. Unless some special designis submitted to the Departnent of Community Development ' the Special Development Distrizt 7, Secti-on 18.51 .090 stands with two fireplaces for the proSect. We have conferred vith your archj.tect' Bill Ruoff' and he is fu1l.y aware of the problem. If you have any questions' please call me at 476-5613 Extension 213. Smile, A1len Gerstenberger Director q AG/di o ORDINANCE NO 3-l' STRIES of 197[ AN ORDINANCE ESTAELISHING SPECiAL DISTRICT 7 AND AI,IENDING THE ZONiNG ORDINANCE AND THE OFFICIAL ZONING iilAP' I.IHEREAS, Article 1, Section l'20.l , of the Zoning 0rdinance' 0rdinance No. 8 Series of '1973, of the Towir of vai'l , colorado, as amended, established Twelve zoning djstricts for the municipality, one of which is the Special Development Di stri ct; l.lHEREAS,KaiserMorcussubmittedanapp'licationrequesting that the Town establish spec.ial Development District 7, hereinafter referred to as "SD7", for the development on its parcel of 'land compri s i ng' 5' | 7 acres in the vail LionsHead area, county of Eagle, State of colorado' more completely described on attached Exhibjt "A"' WHEREAS,theestablishmentoftherequestedSDT'wil.|ensure unified and coordinated development and use of critical,site as a whole and in a manner suitabie for the area in which it is situated' HHIREAS'theToivnCotinci.lconsjdersthatitisreasonab]e' appropriate, and beneficial to the Town and its cit.izens, inhabitants, and visitors to estab't ish said SD7. N01^I,THEREFORE,BnIToRDAINEDBYTI-l[To"^'NCCUI1CIL0FTHE TOI,IN OF VAIL, COLORADO' AS FOLLOHS: !Cc!g!-l-. Title Thisordinancesha]lbeknotvnasthe'.0rdinanccEstablishing Speci al Development District 7". !g{f"S!-a. Amendrncnt Proceclures Fulf i lled, Planning Conmtission Report. TheamendmentproceduresprescribedinSection2l.S00ofthe Zoning Ordinance have been fuifilled, and the Town council has received the report of the Plannirrg comrnission recoirunending the enactnlent cf this ordinance. !Sg!&!--t-. Special Development District' 7 tstablished; Anrendrnents to Zoning Ordinance and 0fficial Zoning liap' Pursuant to the provisions of Articles l' .l3' and ?i of the Toning 0r'dinance, 0rdinance lio' B, Series of 1973, of the Tovrn ot \ai1 , Colorado, as anicnded" Spe<:ial l)QVeloPment District 7 (SD7)' a special aevetoprf zoning distrlct, is hereby establii} for the development on a certaln parce'l of land comprislng 5.17 acres ln the vail LionsHead area of the Town of Vatl, and the Zoning 0rdinance and the 0fficial Zoning Map are hereby amended by the addition of the followlng provisions which shall become the Eighth chapter of Article 13, the caPtlon of rihich shall be "special Development District 7" and a map which shall become an addition to the Official Zoning Map. Sectlon 4. Purpose of Special Development District' A special development district is established to assure iomprehensive development and use of an area,in a manner that will be harmonioui with the general character of the Town of Vail, Colorado, '' provide adequate open space and recreationa'l amenities, and promote the objectives of the zoning 0rdjnance of the Town; and there are significant aspects of the special development which cannot be satisfied under the existing zoni ng. Section 5. Aoproval of Deveiopment Plan' A. The Development Plan for the Mark Resori and Tennis Club which is part of its said appli.cation shall be incorporated by reference, and made a part of SD7 and constitutes a general plan and guide for development within the Speciai District. B. Amendments to the Approved Development P'lan which do not change its substance and which are fully recormended in a report of the Planning commission may be approved by the Town Council by resolution. C. The Envinonmenta'l Impact Report shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator in accordance with Article 16 of the Zoning 0rdinance prior to the commencement of the revie| and approval process. Supplemental reports prior to the commencement of construction of each phase shall be provided as necessarY. review and approval by (l ) iactr phase of reconrnendat i ons of the Town Counci I . the development shal I require the Pl anning Connission and D. Each Arti cl e eof Section 6. Content of Proposed Development Plan' The proposed development plan shall include but ls nary i;|;}.. Supplemental documentation of proposed contours and drainage shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator with the plans for each phase of the develoPment. C. A preliminary landscape plan, at a scale of I inch equals40feetorlarger,showingexistinglandscapefeaturestoberetained or removed, and showing proposed landscaping and landscaped slte develop- ment features such as outdoor recreationa'l facilities, bicycle paths, trails,pedestrianplazasandwa]kways'waterfeatures,andotherelements. D'Schematicbui'ldingelevations,sectionsandfloorplans' atappropriatescales,insufficientdetailtodeterminefloorarea' generalcircu.|ationanduselocation,andgeneralsca.teandbulkofthe proposed developmdnt. Specific detail for these items and the appearance shall be submitted on a phase basis. E.AVolumetricmodelofthesiteandtheproposeddevelbp- ment docurnented by photographs, at a'scale of 'l inch equals 40 feet or larger, portraying the scale and relationships of the devel oprnent to the site, and illustrating the form and mass of structures in the development' -3- O F. An architectural model srraf lf submitted prlor to ' construction of each phase at a scale of I inch equals 20 feet or larger, . A phasing plan of the proposed development indlcating order and general tlming of construction phases, amenities, and proposed lnterim d'evelopment. Section 7. Permitted U.ses in the Special District. . A. Hultlple family residential dwellings' includlng attached or row dwelllngs and condominium dwellings. I 1:,.'odgeg'.jncluding accessory eating' a1int.--r,'nS' rbcreational ! . '.-'or retall estab'llshminis. - . C. Professional and business offices, D. Meeting rooms and convention facilities. E. Accessory eating, drinking, or retail establishrnnts. shall not occupy more than 20 per cent of the total gross resldential 'i floor area of the deve'lopment. Sectlon 8. Conditional Uses in the Special Distrlct. A. Private c'lubs and civjc, cultural , and fraternal organizations. B. Public or conunercial parking facilities or structures. C. Public transportation terni nal s. 0. Public uti lity and'pub'l ic service uses. E. Public buildings, grounds and facilities. F. Public or private schools. G. Public park and recreation facilities- H. Churches. Section 9. Accessory Uses in the Special District. A. Swinrni ng pools, tennis courts, handball courts' squash courts ' . and patios, or other recreational facilities customarily lncidental to penni tted lodge uses. B. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to penli tted ' or conditio"',"*:,'1,:T::I:,:::,'::.::::::l'n thereor' **r.n development standards are minimum developrnent standards in the Special Districtl -4- 5.17 acres as A. Lot area and site dimensions.^ The Special District snatt consJof an area totalling specified in Section 3 hereof. B. Setbacks. . : ;. ' The required setbacks shall vary' as indicated in the Development Plan, providing spaie for planting and an acceptable relation- ship to adjacent properties. C. Distances between buildings. The minimum distance between buildings on be as indicated iri ths Development P1an. D. Height. (Story shall be Cefined by the Uniform Building Code.) The height of the buildings shall be subiect to the recomnendations of the Planning Commission and the approval of the Town Council when the architectural design is approved. E. Density Contro l . The gross residential f'loor area (GRFA) of alI buildings (including, existing building) constructed in the Special District shall not exceed 134,000 square feet. The total number of dwelling units shalI not exceed 34 and the total number of accommodation units shall not exceed 304. F. Bui lding Bulk Control . Building Bulk, maximum wall Iengths, maximum dimensions for buiiding elenents, requirements for wall offsets and vertical stepping of roof lines shall be indicated on the Bulk Diagram of the approved Oevelop- ment Pl an. adjacent sites sha'll G. Site Coverage. The site area to be covered indicated on the Deve'lopment Plan, but in total site a rea. by buildings shalI be as generally no case shall exceed 55% of the H. Useable 0pen'SPace. Useable open space shall be provided as required in the Publjc Accor,nrodation District, Section i'508 of the Zoning 0rdinance. l. Landscaping and Site Development. At least 2011 of the total site anea shalI be landscape and plaza area. Landscaping and other site development shall observe the landscaping concept as indicated in the approved Development Plan. r)- J. Parkjng and Loading. (l) Parking and loaf shall be provided as required in the Public Accommodation District' Section 7.510 and consistent rrlith the provisions of Article l4 of the Zoning 0rdinance. A1'l required parking shall be within the main building or buildings or beneath accessory decks' plaza and patios except the minimun necessary for registration and temporary loading and uni oad i ng. (2). P-arking siall be provided for,Charter Buses. :i -' 'i(3) Loading, de1 ivery,'and garb-age fdcilities I :i... shall be off-street and within the structure as indicated on the Development Pl an, Settion ll. Ljmitation of Fireplaces. Fireplaces shall not be permitted in individual accommodation or dwelling units, however, no more than two additional fireplaces .shall be allowed in the Special Development District, to be located in a public area' as indicated on the Development Pian. I Section .l2. Conservation Control s. A. Developer shall inciude in the building construction energy and water conservation controls as general technology exists at the tinre of constructi on. =Sgg!g!_l_l. Recreational Amenities Tax. The recreational amenidies tax due for the development within SD7 under 0rdinance No. 2, Series of 1974, of the Town of Vail, Colorado, shall be assessed at a rate not to exceed $0.75 per square foot of floor area and shail be paid in conjunction with construction phases and prior to the issuance of a building Permit. A. Tennis courts in adequate numbers to reasonably serve the needs of the Devel opment. B. Swimming pool of adequate size to reasonably serve the needs of the Deve lopment. C. Such other amenities as indjcated in the Development Plan' Section 14, Effective Date. This ordinance shall tal'e effect five days after publication following the finai passage hereof. -6- o ORDERED PU TNTR0DUGED, READ oN FIRsrIEADI| itt-tllt: ^I B[rsHED oNCE rN FULL, this lg a{or .l(Lu'ttt' 19ft and a Public hearing meeting of the Torn Counci'l ATTEST: on this ordinance shall be held at the of the Town of Vail, Co'lorado' on the I>i aay or h!:rt.z:4., , 1gl+' at 7:30 P'M' in the ltlunicipal LU Euilding of the Town of Vall READI NG, INTRODUCED' READ' AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ADOPTED AS AMENDED, ENACTED ON SECOND IN FULL this lst day of February' 1977' ATTEST: TOI^IN OF VAIL Tol,lN 0F VAIL, C0L0RAD0 ; | :,rt'llil _ iu[iL LuLLLu; ffitil-Fro-Ten -7- {t"' a' v , l. 2. 3. a PLANNING COMMISSION Agenda January 20, 1977 RESUBDIVISION OF LOT I4, BLOCK 4, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION THIRD ADDITION (BORI{ICK) THE MARK -. FIML ENVIROIIMENIAL IMPACT REPORT REZONINGOFLOTg,ELOCKI,VAILPOTATOPATCHFROMHDMFTOMDI"IF(LAZIER) t"' @ PLANNING COMMISSION Surrnary January 20, 1977 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dudley Abbott Dan Corcoran Ed Drager Pam Garton Sandy Mills Gemy llhite -DATE ON COUNCIL ACTIONS Jim Lamont gave a brief up-date of the Council's actions related to Planning Corunission matters. RESUBDMSION 0F LOT 14, BL0CK 4, BIGH0RN SUBDIVISI0N THIRD ADDITI0N (Borwick) Diana Toughill and the applicants, Leroy Tobler and Tim Garton, gave a brief summary of the proposal (reference January 6, 1977 P.C. meeting). Most of the problems mentioned at the last meeting had been taken care of. One of the maior questions to be reso'lved before final plat approval is who wi'll be responsible to pay for the CATV service? Tim Garton is to work that out with Frank Thompson of the Vai'l CATV. Road dedications and pedestrian easements are also to be taken care of before final plat approval. It was decided by the Planning Cormission (Mil'ls and Drager against) that the 8X land dedication was not necessary in this case -- the land that wou'ld be dedicated wou'ld be of no real va] ue or benefit because of the location to the T0V. The applicant agreed to write covenents and allow agricultural zoning to be placed on that parcel so that open space would remain. Dudley Abbott made a motion to approve the preliminary resubdivision plan without the 'land dedicationi Gerry White seconded the motion. A 4-2 vote was recorded in favor of the motion (M'ills & Drager opposed). THE ]'IARK .- FIML ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT John Ryan gave a brief description of the changes in the Mark's EIR report. The additional factors to be considered consisted of: 'l) Economic Impact2) Bus Systern3) new section dealing with Mitigating Strategies The Planning Cormission deferred final action on the report until next week when they will have had time to completely review it. t.rrl+. PLANNING COMI4ISSION Agenda January 27, 1977 - l. The Mark Envirorunental Impact Statement -- Final approval 2, l4anor Vail -- Request for setback variance on Building B 3. Resubdivision of Lot l, B]ock 2, Vail/Potato Patch 2nd Filing final plat apprcval 4. Discussion of Timberfalls zoning -- Ron Riley t .4 @ PLANNING COMMISSION SumnarY January 27, 1977 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dud'ley Abbott Dan CorcoranBill Hanlon Ed Drager Sandy l'lills Gerry l.lhite THE MARK ENVIRONI'|ENTAL IMP The app'l icant, Kaiser l,lorcus, had no additional comments to make'so Diana iiirshiii oririned the iiarf memorandum. to the Planning Conmission. Areas that ;ilid Ue noted or identified some problern areas were as fol'lows: l) 0ccupancy data -- staff felrt that the figures were understated' apprbximitely l'l-'12% during the peak times, 2) Overflow guests -- where will they stay? 3) Employment -- more jobs created but possib'l e lack of employee housing for peop'le employed not at the Mark 4) Recreational Amenities 5) Energy Consumption -- alternate energy-sources should be investigated- and pbssibly incorporated into the design process 6) Sewer Capacity -- it was noted that-the,project will.b:,9oTPl9!:9.-' sur,mer oh tgZ-g rather than wjnter of 1978 (phase I of the proiect, -- ihis snoulA have a benefitja'l effect upon the sewer capacity 7) surface runoff 8) fireplaces -- the tota] proiect is limited to tu,o fireplaces . 9) pedestrian access from the project to Lionshead l0) parking ll) increased bus usage The Planning Corrnission felt that the report covered al'l of the areas that needed to be discussed and was very complete. The mitigating measures must be followed throughout the proiect as was outlined in the Report. Dudley Abbott made a motion to recormend approval of the report-provided that the mitigating measures must be followed throughout the proiecti Gerry it lte secondei the-motion. A unanimous voie "as reiorded in favor of recormending approval of the report. t Planning Conmission,f ru"r 27, 1977-2- MNOR VAIL -- SETEACK VARIANCE FOR BUILDING B Dick Elias gave a presentation of the design of Building B and explained whythe proposed variance of approximately 8 feet is requested. Diana Toughill went through the staff memo (attached) and recommended approvalof the request. Gerry white made a motion to approve the request; Dudley Abbott seconded themotion. A unanjmous vote was recorded jn favor of the request. RESUBDIVISION OF LOT L BLOCK 2 VAIL POTATO PATCH 2nd FILING DISCUSSION OF TIMBERFALLS ZONING It was noted that this p1 at and resubdivision request has been changed toincorporate_6 duplex lots rather than 4 single-family and l duplex iot as was originally proposed.* Jim Lamont requested that the appliclnt obtain aletter from CATV stating,who is-going to provide the service, who vrill pay forit' when it will be put into effect before the final plat is brought beioiethe Council for action, * This change was made due to legal implications of possible "spot-zoning". Ed Drager made a motion to recommend approval of the requested resubdivisionprovided that the applicant submit a letter of committment to revegetate thecut areas for the road and to do proper bank recontouring; Gerry White secondedthe motion. A 5-0 vote was recorded 'in favor of the motion. Dln corcoranabstained from the vote. Ron Riley, representing Timberfal'l s, wou'ld like to volunteerily down-zone hisproperty prov'ided that he get a guarantee from the planning commission orcouncil that his project would not bet down zoned again when the Growth Managementprogram is put into effect. It was noted by the staff & Plann'ing Commission that this kind of committmentcan't be made, The areas that will probably be down zoned without densitytransfer will be hazard zoning: mass wasting, avalanche, flood p'lain, rock-fall It was suggested that the applicant create a special development district incorporating his existing zoning, This would al'low his a "cushiont' against down-zoni ng. MEMOMNDUM T0: Planning Commjssion FR0M: Departnent of Community Development DATE: January 27, 1977 RE: The Mark Environmental Impact Report The Department of Community Development has reviewed the revised impact statement for the proposed Mark project and have the following statements: l) Given occupancy data produced as a part of the Growth Management Study, the potential peak population impact could be understated (page 9. ) 2) The estimated overflow guests raises an interesting question -- are there enough vacant rooms in the Lionshead area to accorunodate the overflow? Using the occupancy characteristics outlined on page 9, a total of 438 condominium units or 875 accommodation units would be necessary to house the guests that could not stay at the Mark. The greatest overflow is projected in July. Using current units surveyed in Lionshead (accommodation for approximately 2,675 people) and occupancy figures for those units (51% in July) and assuming their occupancy will increase at the same rate projected for the Mark, adequate accommodations do not presently exist. Approximately 200 additional accorunodation units or 100 condominium units would be necessary. l,lith the proposed comp'lex on the Vail 8 site, there should be enough units in Lionshead (page 22). 3) Projected employment of 272 persons at full capacity creates an additjonal 129 jobs which in turn creates the need for additional emp'loyee housing units. If we assurne that 801 of the employees reside in the Gore Valley and that each employee unit houses an average of 3 persons, an additional 34 employee dwelling units (impact report estimated 40) would be required. Kaiser controls Fall Line apartments which he utilized for ernployee housing. There are 54 apartments J , llark Environmental tft RePort -2-Qunrur, 27 , 1gl7 in the complex or possib]y fewer than the additiona'l demand created by the proiect (page 24 & 3l). The additional residents generated in Eagle Countv compounds this. 14e must also consider the non-Mark employees that will be disp'laced by Mark employees. 4) In an analysis of projected revenue to the Town of vail, one important category has been over looked -- the Recreationa'l Amentities Tax of approximately $81,000.00 of whjch approximate'ly $25'000 will be retained by the Town after appropriate credit for on-site amenities has been granted. Another maior income category is tap fees to the Water & Sanitatjon District of in excess of $60,000. No attempt was made to estimate increased lift-tine waiting time created by the Mark (probably an impossible task as the use characteristics of Lionshead will probably change with this being the only Gondo'la). But' if we assume an average lift wait of 15 minutes, a 19% increase would be no more than a 3 minute increase which does not seem significant (page 37)' 5) The negative impact of fireplaces has been lessened by limiting fireplaces to 2 in pub'lic areas (page 40). 6) Energy consunption has been addressed, but the report does not state whether the additional natural gas and electric'ity is avia'lab'l e to meet the demand. l.le wou'ld again strongly recommend that alternat'ive energy sources and conservation techn'iques be thoroughly investigated (page 4l)' 7) Sewer capacity seems to be a possible prob'lem during the 1978 season, but will be resolved prior to the 1979 season. In the meantimd' the Town will be placing the burden on the Upper Eagle Valley Sanitatjon System' which they will be equipped to handle (page 43). 8) Surface runoff should be provided for as outlined in the report or by an alternate method. This should be a requirement for approval of the E.I.R. (page 44). .Ma.rk' Environmental lmpafeport -3-,ilur, 27, 1st7 9) Pedestrian access through Lionshead to the gondola area must be thoroughly studjed by the Town and Vail Associates. The Mark plan must provide access through the project from the West parking Lot (page 45). l0) The Forest Service is providing a general policy statement regarding day-skier parking lot use. There appears to be no problem in utilizing the west lot for overflow parking jn the summer months (page 46). If current winter pafking trends continue, conventions during this time should have adequate on-site parking. 1l) The estimated increase in bus useage generated by the project tends to indicate the necessity of purchasing at least one additional bus to serve the proiect. The estimated additional revenue generated annually is sufficient to purchase several new buses each year (page 49 - 52). We strongly reconrnend that the Planning Commission review the proposed O mitigation measures in detail and make recommendations to the Council to incorporate the necessary measures as a part of the final approval . Our staff specifically recornmends adoption of all the mitigation strategies that apply to design and landscaping (page 54) and pedestrian circulation (page 55). A specific requirement for on-site employee parking should be required during winter months (page 57). Alternatives outlined for large groups during winter season should be carefully considered. The Department of Community Development recommends approval of the final draft of the Mark Impact Statement, Al'l areas of concern have been adequately addressed. iotI I I l. 2. AGENDA DECEMBER 24, 1976 PLANNING COMMISSIOI{ Meadow l*lountain Plan - Vail Associates, Roger Mark Special Developnent District - Kaiser s }IERRY CHRISTMAS i I kemeier 1/,i 1 PLANNING COMMISSION SummarY December 24, 1976 l'1EMBERS PRESENT: Dudley Abbott Ed Drager Pam Garton Sandy Mi 1'l s Gerry lrlh'ite MEADoW MOUNTAIi[ l!4I Roger Tilkemeier, from Vajl Associates, presented..thejr long-range development olans for the Meadow Mountain Area jnclubing the King Ranch' It was noted It'ii-ti'.v r,lu. no-piuns for developing the irea as recreationa'l land' commissioner Abbott fe'lt that vAI should be encouraged,to develop this land ;; ; il;k ;p iki ur"u to the Vail Mountain and Beaver Creek because of its priil.-lirruin io. U"ginning-una int"it.ajate skiing and cross-country trails' 5i.'Vl[irg ltrat coutO iu[. tf,.1oad off of itre Vai] ilountain should be encouraged' iJitso-fett that it-woufA he'ld out with the Town's "westward" annexation anA growth management piogrir.. The Planninq Consnission in general felt that over-flow capacity oi ite-lleaaow Mountain irea from the Va1l Mountain would be an asset. THE MARK -- SPECIAL DEIIIqUEII-IIIIEIII Diana Toughill pointed out that the Planning conr.mission^was.to vote on it" iiiit"iraft'and p""ir"t"ii of the Mark deve'lopment.SDD 7 onlv' The Town should still have the right to vote on-in. final design and environmental impact statement at a later date. The Planning commission then discussed the total project according to Gerry White's planning .ooriin.l"i iuiiiift"a il tne scale). 0n a preliminary basis tn"-ll.it'specjai Development District scored an 85' Dudley Abbott made a motjon for.approval of the first draft and paraneters ;;-i;t -l,ilrf Oevetopmeni---'5peciii'Oevetopment District 7... Gerrv.14hite- seconded the mot'ion. A 4-l vote was recorded in favor of the nption' sandy M;ii;-;;r-;gainit tt. toiion'i;; iE foliowing reasons:. she had problems with the number of peopl", r"iti, and mass of ine 6uilding structure' The proiect bv itself she liked';r;";;;'hiJ-problers *ith the rclsibi.litv that a developer w-outd come it at a ritjr-aite wiltr a tiriiir"pifpolii ano thl commission would have to turn it down because of the mass, additibn of units and people !f9t - The Mark proiect represents. Arguments-ioi tn" proiect were: the benefit of increased facilities,-i1".-ih.'c6nvention Center' handball courts' tennis courts; the increasia ii.ifil-generated in the Lionshead Area; it was better to have people concentrated in one mass; and this project offers an alternate December 24, 13 econony to skiing -- the Convention Center which would run on a year-round basi s. As there was do further business to discuss, the meeting tras adiourned. 1) 2l 3) 4) The I'lark Sky Lion Bequest Reguest Block 6' PI,A]I1I I}IG COI'i]'iI SS ION Agenda December 9, L975 Special DeveloPnent District SPeciaI DeveloPnrent District for rezoning of tot 15 r Bighorn for rezoning of Lots 11'12 and-eigtorn Third Addition Second Addition 13, Block 4 and Lots 1 and 2, t4El't0RAilDUl4 T0: PLANNIIIG C0i'iMiSSI0N FR0l'l: DEPARTI4ENT 0F COHl,tUi,lITy DEVELOpt.tENT RE: PRELIMINARY ASSESSI4EI|T 0F THE l,lARK SPECIAL DATE: December 9, 1916 DEVELOPI4ENT DISTRICT l1llIH CURRENT ZOXING Units Proposed Units PROPOSAL AlIor,rable cor4PARIS0ll 0F Site Area Lot 4 61,852 sq. ft. Lot 5 123,562 sq. ft. Lot 7 40,040 sq. ft. I'IARK SPECIAL DEVELOPMENI DISTRICT Al lor.rable GRFA proposed GRFA 37,111.2 . 74,137 .2 Site considered as a yrhole 225,454 sq. ft. Less existing bldg._19.u5.75 103,003. 65 94,000 max. AlIowable Conrnercial 129 - 258 dwelling units converts to 258 - 516 accom- modation units (74 acc. unitsLess existing units Less Existing Bldg. Less existing meeting room 210 accornmoda- tion units 20 suites (DU) t7 ,531,24 3,225.00 Ia-50674-' 4,860.00 l4 dwelling units) Proposed Corrnercial ---T5o-d---Disco and conunercial -T,IE67q Additional sq.ft. al lowable The Town of vai'l generally fee'ls that the project is in line with the proposed growth management plan in that it is located in a high density area, is directly adjacent to pedestrian areas' transportation, dnd provides a corrnunity benefit (convention center) rt private expense. l'le do not feel that we have had sufficient time to review the proposal since it is a very involved one as the Environmental impact report was sub- mitted only today. l'Ie would reconrnend a conceptual approval and suggest that the ]9.999 proposed meeting room.|4,500 sq. ft. proposed anyfonnalactionberrithhelduntilsuchtimeasthestaffandthePlanningCom.miss.ion have had an opPortunity to review both the revised drawings and the environentnal impact report.l.|edonotfeelitisfairtoeithertheTor.lnortheapplicanttobasea decisiononinformationthatwehavenothadtheopportunitytoreview. AcompletereportwillbepreparedpriortotheDecember16PlanningCom- missionmeetingwhichwillgivestaffrecomnendationsandrevjewoftheEnvironmental imPact rePort. . Pa ge Tirree i.l-a1-n-i ry -c-o1@l-s r on-!-qryE$5-: DanCorcoranfeltthatthissitevtas.notsuitableforthe.proposeddeve.Iopment 6ecausebTTne 0.."J!iri".rti'i-t.l.ining-r.il necessary to make it vrork' The onry deve.ropment'ir,".t-r,.-tt,orgnt ,ouia""rrr'r,.i"-ii'L g-singte-famiry dvel'lings on the open area. iii"uJt"-fo" tfie ptoposed project was N0 Ed Draqer had problems wjth the proiect because of the visability of it' lle voti-Gs N0 Sandy l,lil'ls voted N0 because of the vjsability of the project' DudleyAbbottvotedl|0becauseoftheenvironmental.impactonthehil.|sjde Gerrv l'lhite voted N0 because of the environmental and visual impact the projefb,outd have i""ir.'.-rifi"y. - H" felt that this proiect vrould be a hetiiment to the valleY' Bill Hanlon voted N0 PamGartonvotedN0becauseoftheenvironmenta]andvisual.impactandshe naa praSfas wirh in.'""l"iriw-lrti a'iiiii i"o how it would be revesetated' As requested by-the applicant. a.prel'iminary vote Cormission unantmously'felt that the project was it" Vutt ValleY & Cor'munitY' was not taken. The Planning a desirable one for THE MARK Jim Lamont gave a summary o$e iituin"a ar6 some figures of the Diana Toughill. discussion he1d at'last week's meeting' il;il;A-p"oiect that were PrePared bY After a 'l engthy discussion between.the Developer' Kaiser'Morcus' and the plann.ing corrnission,-ii *it-Ji.ided by.;;;Pi;;;i"t commr'ssion to table final decision on this mattei lirlii-r"ii ,.!r'*h"n itrev iouta have had more time ;;;;;;;G;ti digest all the information' r-( -t- MEI'IORANDUM T0: PLANNING C0MMISSION FROM: DEPARTMENT 0F C0MI4UNITY DEVELOPMENT RE: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMEI.IT OF THE MARK SPECIAL OEVELOPMEI'IT DISTRICT DATE: December 9, 1976 COMPARISON OF MARK SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT PROPOSAL I'IITH CURRENT ZONING Site Area Allowable GRFA Proposed GRFA Al'lowable units Proposed Units Lot 4 61,852 sq. ft. 37'lll.2 Lot 5 123,562 sq. ft. 74,137,2 Lot 7 40,040 sq. ft.NW sq. ft.23,032,O 143,280,4 Site considered as a whole Less existing bldg. 40,276.75 ) Less existing units Less Existing Bldg. Less ex'isti ng meeti ng room --A;SOO--Of*o and consnercial t'' r03,003.65 e4,000 max. 133,i.ii;t"",., tl3.T?H*'- converts to 258 - 5i6-accom- 2o suites (DU) modation units (74 acc. un'i ts'14 dwell'ing units) - Allowable Cormercia'l Proposed Commercial l7r53l. 3,225.l4 306. 24 00 m 4,860.00-E;44F.7i8 Additional sq. 10,000 ProPosed meeti,ng room T4;50-0 sq. rt. ProPosed ft. al lowable The Toum of Vai'l generally feels that the project is in line with the proposed growth management plan in that it is located in a high density area, is directly adjacent to pedestrian areas, transportation, and provides a cormunity benefit (convention center) ." . rt private expense. |||e do not feel that we have had sufficient time to review the proposal since it is a very involved one as the Environmental impact report was sub- mjtted only today. lle would reconrnend a conceptual approval and suggest that the ,t -any fonnal action be withheld until such time as the staff and the Planning cqnnission have had an opportunity to review both the revjsed draw'ings and the environemtnal impact report. lle do not feel it is fair to either the Town or the applicant to base a decision on information that we have not had the opportunity to review' AconrpletereportwillbepreparedpriortotheDecember16PlanningCon. mission meeting which will give staff recorrnendations and review of the Environmental impact rePort. O t,: t, I e{t }"r Hso )o-l ,"1 2 6, s r3 '-712 l"- 1,4oo G nFr+ (o c.rrttt-o-w.in I Knst'ouuo,.7f A-c. rl'r^-tq P-,44. u^Altl/soo T F Ac-a"o.--5 e'*,n R r^-)'P uo+a--lQ -J+ -4funoa* ?:,o o/o arf ver ,Qft-41",6tu-% € xi>*toa t 17 1 ft.. . Ll^i4 s 71 Q,.-all, c)^i+t aJ M a i. -. - PLANNING COMI4ISSION Agenda JanuarY 27, 1977 ,* - l. The llark Environmental Impact Statement -- Final approval 2, Manor Vail -- Request for setback variance on Bui'lding B 3. Resubdivision of Lot l, Block 2, Vail/Potato Patch 2nd Filing final plat approval 4. Discussion of Timberfalls zoning -- Ron Riley PLANNING COMMISSION SurrnarY January 27, 1977 MEMBERS PRESENT: DudleY Abbott Dan CorcoranBill Hanlon Ed Drager Sandy l'lills Gerry }lhite THE MARK ENVIRONMENTAI- T The applicant, Kaiser Morcus, had no additional comments to make,so Diana Touqhill outlined tnl siaii iremorandum to the Planning Comnission. Areas that ;ffii;'U"-nii"J-or-iJentified some problem areas were as follows: l) Occupancy data -- staff fel,t that the figures were understated' apprbximitely ll-l2X during the Peak times, 2) 0verf'low guests -- where wi'll they stay? 3) Employnent -- more jobs created but poss'ible lack of employee housing for peoPle emPloYed not at the Mark 4) Recreational Amenities 5) Energy Consumption -- a'l ternate energy-sources should be 'investigated' and pbssibly incorporated into the design process 6) Sewer Capacity -- it was noted that the proiect will-be.completed. sunrner of 1978 rather"i[an-rint"i of 197b (ptrase I of the.proiect) -- this should have a benefitial effect upon the sewer capacity 7) surface runoff 8) fireplaces -- the tota'l proiect is ljmjted to two fireplaces 9) pedestrian access from the Proiect to Lionshead l0) parking ll) increased bus usage The Plannlng Connission felt that the report covered al'l of the to be discussed and vras very complete. The mitigating measures throughout the proiect as was outljned in the Report. Dudley Abbott made a motion to recorrnend approval of the report-provided that tha nitigating measures must be fol'lowed thr6irghout.the proiect; Gerry lfhite secondeA the-motion. A unanimous'vote was reiorded in favor of recormending approval of the report. areas that needed must be fo'llowed -: Planning Commissiona -2-Uur, 27, 1977 MANOR VAIL -- SETBACK VARIANCE FOR BUILDING B Dick Elias gave a presentation of the design of Build'i ng B and explained whythe proposed variance of approximate'ly 8 feet is requested. Diana Toughill went through the staff meno (attached) and recormended approvalof the request. Gery white made a motion to approve the request; Dudley Abbott seconded themotion. A unanimous vote was recorded in favor of the request. RESUBDIVISION OF LOT L BLOCK 2, VAIL/P0TATO PATCH 2nd FILING @ a It was noted that this plat and resubdivision request has been changed toincorporate-6 duplex lots rather than 4 sing] e-family and I duplex Tot as was originally proposed.* Jim Lamont requested that the appliclnt obtain aletter from CATV stating who is,going to provide the servite, who vrill pay forit, when it will be put into effect before the final plat is brought ueioiethe Counci'l for action. * This change was made due to legal impl'ications of possible "spot-zoning". Ed Drager made a motjon to recommend approva'l of the requested resubdivisionprovided that the applicant submit a Ietter of committment to revegetate thecut areas for the road and to do proper bank recontouring; Gemy White secondedthe motion. A 5-0 vote was recorded in favor of the motion. Din corcoranabstained from the vote. DISCUSSION OF TIMBERFALLS ZONING Ron Riley' representing Timberfalls, would like to volunteerily down-zone hisproperty provided that he get a guarantee from the planning commission orcouncil that his project would not bet down zoned again when the Growth Managementprogram is put into effect. It was noted by the staff & Planning Corrnission that this kind of corunittmentcan't be made. The areas that will probab'ly be down zoned without densitytransfer will be hazard zoning: mass wasting, avalanche, f'lood plain, rock-fall It was suggested that the applicant create a special development district incorporating his existing zoning, This would al'low his a down-zon i ng. "cushiont'against MEMOMNDUM T0: Planni.ng Commission FROM: Department of Community Development DATE: January 27, 1977 RE: The Mark Environmental Impact Report The Department of Conrnunity Development has reviewed the revised impact statement for the proposed Mark project and have the fol'lowing statements: l) Given occupancy data produced as a part of the Growth Management Study, the potential peak population impact could be understated (page 9.) 2) The estimated overflow guests raises an interesting question -- are there enough vacant rooms in the Lionshead area to accormodate the overflow? Using the occupancy characteristics outlined on page 9, a total of 438 condominium units or 875 accommodatjon units would be necessary to house the guests that could not stay at the Mark. The greatest overflow is projected in July. Using current units surveyed in Lionshead (accommodation for approximately 2,675 people) and occupancy figures for those units (51fl in July) and assuming their occupancy will increase at the same rate projected for the Mark, adequate accommodations do not presently exist. Approximately 200 additional accormodation units or 100 condominium units would be necessary. l,lith the proposed comp'lex on the Vail 8 site, there should be enough units in Lionshead (pale 22). 3) Proiected employment of 272 persons at full capacity creates an additional 129 jobs which in turn creates the need for additional employee housing units. If we assune that 80X of the employees reside in the Gore Va'lley and that each emp'loyee unit houses an average of 3 persons, an additional 34 employee dwelling units (impact report estimated 40) would be required. Kaiser controls Fall Line apartments which he utilized for employee housing. There are 54 apartments ' Mark Environmental t[t RePort -2-jnuarV 27, 1977 in the complex or possibly fewer than the (page 24 & 3l). The additional residents this. l.le must also consider the non-Mark Mark employees. 4) In an analysis of proiected revenue to the Town of Vai'l , one important category has been over looked -- the Recreational Amentitjes Tax of approximately $81,000.00 of which by the Tov*r after appropriate credit for major income category 'is tap fees to the of $60,000. No attempt was made to estimate increased lift-line waiting time created by the Mark (probably an impossible task as the use characteristics of Lionshead will probably change with this being the only Gondola). But, if we assume an average lift wait of'l 5 minutes, a 19% increase would be no more than a 3 minute increase which does not seem significant (page 37). 5) The negative impact of fireplaces has been lessened by limiting fireplaces to 2 in public areas (page 40). 6) Energy consumption has been addressed' but the report does not state whether the additional natura'l gas and electricity is avialable to meet the dernand. }|e would again strongly recommend that alternative energy sources and conservation techniques be thoroughly investigated (page 4l)' 7!, Sewer capacity seems to be a possible problem during the 1978 season, but will be resolved prior to the 1979 season. In the meantime' the Town will be placing the burden on the Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation System' which they wil'l be equipped to handle (page 43). 8) Surface runoff should be provided for as out'lined in the report or by an a'l ternate method. This should be a requirement for approval of the E.I.R. (Page 44). additjona'l demand created by the project generated in Eag1e County compounds employees that will be displaced by approximately $25'000 will be retained on-site amenities has been granted. Another lJater & Sanitation District of in excess -3- 9) Pedestrian access through Lionshead to the gondola area must be thoroughly studied by the Town and Vail Associates. The Mark plan must provide access through the project from the West Parking Lot (page 45). l0) The Forest Service is providing a general policy statement regarding day-skier parking lot use. There appears to be no problem in utilizing the west lot for overflow parking in the summer months (page 46). If cuffent winter parking trends continue, conventions during this time should have adequate on-site parking. ll) The estimated increase in bus useage generated by the project tends to indicate the necessity of purchasing at least one additional bus to serve the project. The estimated additional revenue generated annually is sufficient to purchase several new buses each year (page 49 - 52). l^le strongly reconrnend that the Planning Commission review the proposed O mitigation measures in detai'l and make recommendations to the Council to incorporate the necessary measures as a part of the final approval . our staff specifically recommends adopt'ion of all the mitigation strategies that apply to design and landscaping (page 54) and pedestrian circulation (page 55). A specific requirement for on-site employee parking should be required during winter months (page 57). Alternatives outlined for large groups during winter season should be carefully considered. The Department of Community Development recommends approval of the final draft of the Mark Impact Statsnent. Al'l areas of concern have been adequately addressed. , ' l4ark Env j ronnental Impaf eport .Jf,ury 27, lg77 ,a, ,l AGENDA DECEMBER 24, 1976 PLANNING COMMISSION l. Meadow Mountain Plan - Vail Associates, Roger Tilkemeier 2, llark Specia! Development District - Kaiser Morcus MERRY CHRISTMAS PLANNING COMMISSION SummarY December 24, 1976 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dud'ley Abbott Ed Drager Pam Garton Sandy Mills Gerry White MEADOI,{ MOUNTAIN PLAN Rooer Ti'l kemeier. from Vail Associates, presented their long-ran9e deve'l opment ;fi;; i;'in" lrlioo* Mountain Area inciudins the King Ranch. It was notetl Ifii-tir.V fiue no-piuns-io" deve'loping the area as recreatjonal land' Commissioner Abbott felt that VAI should be encouraged-to develop this land ;; ; il;l ;p iki area to the Vail tlountajn and Beavir Creek because of its p"ir"-i"""uin for U"ginning-unJ inlermeaiate skiing and cross-country trails' liry[nirg inat couta iile ine load off of itte Vail iountain should be encouraged' ff""iito-t"ft that it-wJufa fteld out with the Town's "westward" annexation and growth management-'piogrit. Tha Planning Conmission in general felt that ou.rlffJr.apacity of lhe-Meadow Mountain irea from the Vail Mountain would be an asset. rHE MARK -- SPECIAL DEVELQPUENT D LB!.EI Diana Toughill pointed out that the Planning cormission^was-to vote on [n" ii"ti-araft and pi"ir"teis of the Mark Development.SDD 7 only' The Town shou'ld still have the right to vote on-it," final design and environmenta'l impact statement at a 'later date. The planning Cormission then discussed the total proJect according-to Gerry. l,thite's planning.oo"iinii"i i;til;ili ii ttre scaie). 0n a preliminarv basis I'ne-m.ir'speciai Development District scored an 86' Dudley Abbott made a motion for approval of the first draft and parameters ;i-i# i'ilit oevetopr"nt---'.5pec'iai'Oevetopment District 7'.. Gerry.t,thite- seconded the motion. A 4-] iote was recorded in favor of the nntion' Sandy l1ills was against tne moiion-i;; ih; foljowing reasons:. she had prob'lems with the number ot peoptel ;;i;;; itir 'ilit or tn" Suilding structure' The proiect U'-iirlii sne iif,i*-Uri rn"'nuO problems with the poisibilitv that a developer would come it at a riier Jate witn a simiiar propoial and.the commission wou'ld have to turn it down because of the mass, additibn of units and people !lt9t - The Mark proiect represents. Arguments-ior the project were: the benefit of increased facilitiei,-i1..-it" C6nvention Center' handba'll courts' tennis courts; the increas.i iiiifil-g"netiiea in the Lionshead Area; it 91as better to have people concentrated in oni mass; and this project offers an alternate December 24. 1976o econwry to skiing.-- the Convention Center which wou'ld run on a year-round basi s, As there was no further business to discuss, the meeting was adiourned. ,1 _a o PLAT{N ING COMI'II SS ION Agenda December 9, L976 U The Mark Special Development District 2, Sky Lion Special Development District 3) iequest for rezoning of Lot L6, Bighorn second Additlon 4) Request for rezoning of Lots 11,12 and 13, Block 4 and' tots 1 and 2r Block 61 Bighorn Third Addition .- MEI'IOMNDUM T0: PLANNING C0MMISSI0N FROM: DEPARTMENT OF COMI4UNITY DEVELOPMENT RE: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMEI.IT OF THE MRK SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DATE: December 9, .|976 COMPARISON OF Site Area Lot 4 6'l ,852 sq. ft, Lot 5 123,562 sq. ft. Lot 7 40,040 sq. ft. 225,454 sq. ft. Less existing bldg. Less existing units Less Existing Bldg. Less existing meeting room MARK SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Allowab'le GRFA proposed GRFA 37 ,'111.2 74,137.2 l.llTH CURRENT ZOI{ING Units Proposed Units PROPOSAL Al 'lowab'l e Site considered as a whole 103,003.65 94,000 max. Allowable Cormercial 129 - 258 dwelling units converts to 258 - 516 accom- modation units (74 acc. units 21 0 acconmoda- tion units 20 suites (DU) 17 ,531.24 3,225.00 t4-306:n 4,860.00 l4 dwelling units) Proposed Commercial ---14;E00---DI sco and cormercial -9;746:N Additional sq.ft. al lowable The Town of Vai'l generally feels that the project is in line with the proposed growth management p'lan in that it is located in a high density area, is direct'ly adjacent to pedestrian areas' transportation, and provides a community benefit (convention center) It private expense. l'le do not feel that we have had sufficient time to review the proposal since it is a very involved one as the Environmental impact report was sub- mitted only today. lJe would recormend a conceptual approval and suggest that the ]9,999 proposed meeting room 14,500 sq. ft. proposed - any formal action be withheld until such time as the staff and the P'lanning cormissjon havehadanoPportunitytoreviewboththerevjseddrawingsandtheenvjronentnalimpact report.l,|edonotfeelitisfairtoejthertheTownortheappljcanttobasea dec'ision on information that we have not had the opportunity to review' AcompletereportwillbepreparedpriortotheDecember16PlanningCom- mlssion meeting which will give staff recommendations and revjew of the Environmental impact rePort- !:' Page Three Dan Corcoran felt that thjs site was not sujtable for the proposed.development la'.ffir:u'i,-"...rrJri"irti a-r.taining wal'l necessgfy !o make it work' The only development tnit tre thought *oria *ott were thi 3-single-family dwel'lings on-tte 6pen arei. His vote for t6e proposed project was N0 Ed Draqer had problems with the proiect because of the visability of it' He vote was N0 sandy Mills voted N0 because of the visabj'lity of the proiect. Dudley Abbott voted l,l0 because of the environmental impact on the hil'lside and visual imPact and she how it would be revegetated. was taken. The Planning not a desirable one for Jim Lamont gave a summary of the discuss'ion held at last week's meetjng' nilu.fria i"i sore figuiei of the proposed project that were prepared by Diana Toughill. After a lengthy discussion between the Developer, Kaiser.Morcus' and the piir"i.g-Cotiision,-ii wis aeiiaea by the Plinning Commission to tab'le fina1 decision on this matter until next welk when they would have had rpre tjme to thoroughly digest a'll the information. flanning Commission : Gerry I'lhite voted N0 because of the environmental and visual jmpact the project would have on-if'"-uitt.V. He felt that this project would be a detriment to the valleY. Bi l'l Hanl on voted N0 Pam Garton voted N0 because of the environmental ffiAni€bTems with the necessary cuts & fills and As requested by the appl'icant a plgliminary vote Conmidsion una-nimously felt that the project was the Vai'l ValleY & ConmunitY. THE MARK a P rolect Application " Project ,',frolectDoscription: EVTZ: l' - /1//'-'4' /A*/\< | (\ 't ',= &'-Zl u''Ownar Addre$ and Phon€: F/,,:z ?4fl .' Architect Address and Phone: ,- Legal Doscription: Lot ' ," Zoning Approved: Design Review Board // ,"" /t/t?/fl // DISAPPROVAL Motion by: Sscond€d by: APPROVAL Chief Building Olficial INSPECTIOI REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL7-DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES t2/t WED THUR FRI JOB NAME /-ffil_----/ BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.E tr FOUNDATON./ STEEL FRAMING I tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr SHEETBOCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL D FINAL tr APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ..' ,/ \ CORRECTIONS!. ' ., tr . --)--t-/- (1' box l OO vail, colorado 81657 (3031 47G5613 l,larch 23, 1979 department of community development Ttre Mark Ilctel and Tennis Club Bo:r 34O VaIl, O 81657 C'ent1ren: Ercleed is ttre Certlficate and Inspectiot form for your ELevator li2 s,ldch wasl recently inspected by our hrildi:lg Offi.i*l, Mark W. Marctlrs. Tleis @rtificate should be posted in the elevator. AlsoenclosedisthelnvolcefortheE]-evatorlnspectlor vtuich should be paid withjn 30 days. Ttre corr.ections on the Inspections Forrn strould be capleted by ne>rt yearlY insPection. Sincerely, ^, A 0,0A'^/"tA qrtu-t- Catberile A. Jarnot Building Dept. Aide frrcls. caj rNvorcE ELEVATOR INSPECTION lmn utloOWNER: BUILDING: ADDRESS: ELEVATOR 'il;1..,.'lAli. ill' . .r.i: ' '.:I,' .:, I rr\r 'r.l^ :-,:, '-: :-'- NO. 3-:L* /t rINSPECTED ON: INSPECTED BY:Uarh iJ - . ;rl r'- r'ril PAYABLE TO: TOWN OF VAIL BOX 100 VAIL. COLORADO INSPECTION FEE NOW DUE $25.00 81657 ,. j ' gO th.Prrnt ry/vail fErueu 4,u17tt Pzl7rtfiAde€- t :: -,"/ r-*.7.,0 a luwn box llXt rrll, colondo 81S7(gr3l 476€613 l[arich 23, 19@ department of community dwelopment the Mark btel and Tennis Club Bon 34O VaIl, @ 81657 Ccntlm: hclced ls the Oefttflcate and Inspectio form for your Elevator nfyafcn was rrecently fnryectea by our hrilbi'.gOfficial, lla.rk W. Uarc,hus. Ihls Oertificate should be pos'ted tn the elevator. ALso enclced ls the lnrrclce for the Elerator Inspectlm nfutch shanld be patd wtthin 30 days. Tbe conectlons m the Inspections fiorrn should be canpleted by nelrt yearly inspectlm. Sircerely, ^ A Ufrrrhr/l4r,"J- Catlerlne A. Jarnot Brlld.tng Dept. Aide Ercls. cci : !, '(,.) rNsPEclorrr *r#=r, / row) oF vAtL gr JOB NAME 71r?c 44zer'- 4 CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PMAMREADY FOR INSPECTION:I LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH../ WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEI tr tr tr tr INSULATION SHEETROCK ,n Lns,..prptN NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL r] FINAL tr APPROVED co!ffEClo[s: DISAPPROVED tr-REINSPECTION REQUIRED .'=s.s,/ - Jlr * t*"rr"t'd-{jhDATE Z .\. DATE R-ECEIPT- Theln of vail l9_Nt, 65t RECETVED FROM ADDRESS DOLLARS $ Permit Numbers ' Police Receipt Numbers HOW PAID-Cash-Check_ Bv o rNvotcE ELEVATOR INSPECTION OWNER: TItr; IIIAIU{ li:tIEL Arllr i-ihl{lij CLL1JBUILDING: ADDRESS: ELEVATOR Ebx l]40 Val1 Cf) {,j.{r57 NO. 3-2I-79INSPECTED ON: INSPECTED BY:l\!ari, W. i'Ia:nchus PAYABLE TO: TOWN OF VAIL BOX 100 vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 INSPECTION FEE NOW DUE $25.00 ;JLT TD lha prlniary/vall o/- 63/Wl'* trt*L P-'^fu^'- d : >E<ti I -< liFI illlEli,.<CF0o qE!:<7Z ZYY'a<<o hFBiE9i! ti Ff o ts 4 I EI.Jl2l5 \Sl" til oulElJ ooa ulo2s .E oFzut E uJo q,l o F G Il IE cooJ IL ulc Fo J Fo ul IE GooJ J FoF ! E tr lrl 0. o z I o Jf tr => ILet -,-eF- t\I (9z Y G Fo t|.tt Gi4!l CE 2o 6o 2o F G uJF tr( 3ulz F 2 ? o u,lJul s G oIlUEotrIc|lI = tl) E ti zo I & tlo uJF o N N x J 8ut Goo J = NtvlNtriG 2.ttq $( F ErE_:9 2qlll =o o €r ozo F33!lOFG2:FI6fH8tt -.iof--E_ L- . (>. I.-, v Project Application o"r" /9 -5'79 Prolect Nam€: Proiecl Description: O Owner Address and Phone: Archit€ct Address and Phon€: Legal Description: Lot Z Zone: Zoning Approved: Design ReYiew Board DISAPPROVAL /z inO Administrator Chief Building Official ao !- i€E ,? t ; €?* p.o vu .oO,-tt;E iE H ee.53i : ;id.e.5: 5E i*iEecE.rE ,;-€!Er 'a.aF ;b5E.EEE { 5 EE;t€iFlE: Fit€Fflt Fs.r. t:ii'q;i ;3 ci#8E:E?it Es"E[;i : .arE.e;E EE iFt€::E:Es"i f rf;".:bE "R" .i"E-i ;s 5;E!#!,s€!s ;iit''"s5 :g! i::s!i€ EF ttF;q;E;;: HEs;E:I Fli: P;:E;;; €E ;€fi€u"g::E- ![;.;:.s r!'* iES5-SEE+; _t;..=e;; Er;{ ;HsEie.: ie iii€;i; :;;i:EE "'E;i;rsEE:rE i: E!Ea3:3r: : e5 EF 3i:-*srr si;:!s! 3;iE;E;ii::E :E!"i :;; *i'e'elri ?4: rFqE ,-c6!.;ar-s*E{j e!59;F;e-s-ggii*roto:=Eoo*'ai,bo'sEcd6;"E ir.i,c'lE :E Fse -L o. . o,o,-f I; =t =g h,g;= b e > € .I': fl g g q : g E g " F E + t ..7 i: 6,e E e F F ; 3'; E=.4;;;; Eg€;€;€"E Ee;iS'EFEi; E :Fei;fit:EEEE,idi;Elig .i;i!*:i€:;F =:;EE:$'i:.:si;3.;;rjEeFe€ ;,iiE:gElieee =_5 + E I g ! i -t " E 6 - ; - :i d ; I : : E E - ; ; : > I E . 6, o, .o;;;eEiE€l g€;s:r €l E;g;css;!Eif t^RqgtE € [;;FE;sl :sieEls,HI ;h5iu87.'2 Fss IF;:i:x:i5;ts1 itel:E :EH i,E ii+; ;:;E'E!+E? S "l'.t',,'.-N t;5 ddt ela: "H;:EE1 s .EE;.:lg EEe :o' ;o ! -6'o- :..s--r .,r.o+'-.- .pg s.e .q;t€ ;I&s':.:;d FE;.EH.E e,F: FF ;€4.3 Ei'iSsX,5=fri E"E5."Jfii 6I,F *i 5b.si shs E3 - 'E - *E"d" i 5 e 5 P 3 ifE e .o.r'sr(lrni!oaarr-v|(rourE.-E;-Eq-lroEEE A:;r j€ €€ f ; q !ir{ i!i!;5 ;$; E ;; i E 6 3 e H F 5 5 I i -s;:: IE:i; :; FF i * ; laie ;i3cocrqcoiD!^ 5s: ;Eg! :t"r: E E : r;F: :!FEgJ i;a il:E g;.9-?, E 5 E jEHi;:f,3EF s".; -e:Es 3.9883 P i : iE 5ig*t^22 t=-- . Sf,'au g H q ts e! ei.c:;:3: EEEE ;.;E; : 5 ; EEif €i$t .qtr.*EE ::E:iE'gi;;:Ei e ;;E:€E;i!i'd-e 2Z Fe: EH;,fl:r:i:; E i E ;iF";f Etg.-ts 3.t lee 18.:,:€ g E:'A e 5 E i [;E;5i-..) '.z.,.J =E:-. 1..: " t:Ird;!:! =9 iEe 1E!,,qgilif E;EiH':g ; s si:ErE!-.a:tr e*s-..!f 'E.EEEti 'co:"-=-; iE;is;S:hE=iEg ; s s B'.Eti;E jE**E [;" r r i6 e;;+gEFi; ;iE-"i p *+ € -: g:iiE s . 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EEEER:E€6i>\Eg"i;frsiE$'' sFs$Ei€l id6',.iriil ;!b d:5c',o,6 o: ^.':dd al:.h-9d.d';5-€-t.eL,iE".EEE; o o ts; 6 E .:33 P! o: tea.t '=qE?E E E S:.i;E F -&;gF5f,r vi e gF E - E;; 5!iE:3€ sFElIr:s rH.Ff;E:iE 3;€3E n.. i o 6 5 -;Ei .g L9 E::t E >5.:--85'E:Hri.: 5E:iii o o'E .! -.E p.=; s a"!=-{.= ":l F.='dII+€5,51 :=FdfE1;E!l EgEf*:,.l h + 6l i r ai E; E; P EI -'i r 3t'i!'.--:-9a-,=g.|,LL.trF gQ E En iE 3 o Es gB E, i*EE* !i* I'& gH *E i'.f;E ", E :fl;i 155; -;3f *i,ri 36:B € TE i; EiEi si;l :;iiif !iE igEi3j Hf-ie F€FE .r ^= E{,is.:i=iei F:€-EF; EiEEE i;ii Hi;;i!is;;E€i; iEi;f ;g E;;E= *:Fi EE:;€;E:!gEg:i EE:i€Ie *.Ff ;E rEh: :aeli:gEE:;:EH ;::ieEE ;E$s; €;;E ;!E-:;E:risF:sE ;r=R- FEi iEiF" s-'€.E i:ec ai1 oitaJ.i e.eEt*s+ -ab_*ts xtsE.i EE€EgFi jF;iEEI lg€t ,.:E; eEErs s:EE rEs{IgiE;g;;dll;:t€ t :El E:FEi-.EE€F ;*;:;ii;!eu:si:EE;;";e E ai;5:gEf ;s 5€ii#!€g!;"::t;r€jEI s is;, Se.FEEei:1 Ff :*E."hEqfi;..EitEE-e€ Id ie;lilssEiEi;;i;3sEi!€;E;;i€EFE sE iEEt j!:.5:lE:3;;*:if tF:!€Br;5E$n i :dE; :;gg-l:i.g"iET€-EE:3 ; tg;; :ci- ?:.5: F:;; El;; E iE;E F4f I $:Ei ;gEi rs* >E 9c Sqcao!o'-L; ;E ^p i; ge Er, *s:€:i.I .pf; E! .. ."9 ep5-5.9',.l,uE=.9qE:Eebg5b.Elig=E3.coa'6:;;ii; E i: Es i; Fi*s iE -o_s,. 5 :t i = E; ElrE Et:IEtf s FE Et 3.l :F*.; 3-;i^EB p Ei =$ .;r;ggE € ;E i:!; 2 a ,i;;:3 oqFFA;EEi E! !:EF,I€ ;;:gt iEg;E;EEt A: -sf;:;?EE ;;lis €:Ei5g;E; ii iE;a5=; Ci=i!iiE;aE:r-; €i :gE?;eb :rrE.:EE.€<"=-F" :- -. 1.r-s! E=iFls s;F F-3;4iE s' E EFiXs :g€i;-' : e.:.; Ei:;t 5C ;.: s * g-:Is.i.3:i.: -":: E"dt:.i=E^P Z=. g "=:.-ile:g€g:-" iiE.F=Ps3Et E;dE; 5.3-,^l a ? F- si-.:.tEE-ei- -EE', l!*^', lE -,,EgEs.'3f rc'-;EF ;*;l gsi:l €'; "l gF$;lri E:35i1 i a#il F:*Ei Ei :l EE;+;'E; I=,EiiE H #s.Il i.is.ul -.i.,Ei ci;:;-, = --'o I5 -r - € =.!.: < c.,;c,!q,P 3t i' EC.3 b-."-o?.rt/lo'-o oo+r;5 g 5 .: f :;o*gl-oEq-.EEq-i t6oiL orog O' G'lJ t.'5_€dtug s ?E ? P?F!I E tE3qarct. a . -3. .P ltl c !i,E E E: :I E fl3i R3 St .-i,-6 - U*EEdE.j 3t FE 99: E:g !€€i:ggEe 'I al| -Y I "'-ge:,io-fr,==F .t!. - L rr- c! d tt aooot!cFuq-;.tPo.a! E g€;dJ e.Fi $t e XeEoe !t.IEtl;F: E* I $i;E E - : 'i = -2, E ; 9 " - '' 3 i :.b eE -CF F - E E d Fo,LEtE "::X_c s.iR El '5F "o5-q,9olttElo,6'55t=ef; € e : g € Et t s 5 a = ' E = 2 Eo < g=* ?E ro E - g-d q, " 3I? . E B ' : 3poSE :1 eb'Er 2-E =Z €E:39;E E = 3 q - e :o- ; S P : B g:..es!q,8/Pg5;:$ H::EEI:E .ap R+$eTEqs.F-;$83=-:E;.3*i-"0(':ao6-nroE!€E cEirEIe: :: ies€;5 ?fr:sE.3grb;.Fi5 l; gr:;i;stss:E8".;€lErE ;3f -'9sEr€Eq!.i1!e!oror(Fi,fi,.-E:3;€e"c,!;-:6tb35--.Es*F€i9ojporst-LEc,uro.oa:!:4o60(r<!or.P 9E".ju.,S.--.rEE63-e.:gC5",3t=--; 'agst-!+>gE4!.Vr6!|O. 9eopo-F,.-hqr.trrrta,.i f !.. 3 "j F.:o- E d ; t = .j f -g ; r 3 6 ; i E :6S.qr|!"-r3-J Ei . crr€ f gE E " S i s S t 3.:5-4rar.-!l-olaFo6cE'F 5- E .CbEeJ*.,,:"c'oaj(JlroollrEo!-E<C\,-a\-_-/ ,ac-co6 q, +J (u .rr rir ! o. .-itE o 9lo!a >rd|22 h.= ;-e OE6!'a-gEE =: S€5- .e8E(l,r!"9:..:.: H !t 9,t P S-5t ig Esep6q,.Dn.uo r!'9ccrr,s"'-EgEE358!!:pE orlt'-eEaEeS;.=5o(^F(u!E o;5 Et.JcE.r.<FrrcoFdccrFE 6)r/r6.rJ.J !o?E g. E t\aro€ "i 3f 3 t E t9t-lq, .-t"r.9 =.l.'<l'!o'e ^lrJolFo= ol.. lo) <r>.c-EZ F!.os ls*gdtdlc (/rl!3.rj q,I O!.PN o1- td JIIF to IIEooat3 'loFO.-olF to, >o odol el.-lEdl.rlF art.-.,|:Et.o -t lnwn box 1flt vall, colorado 81657 B03l 47Ss613 llay 11, 1979 [tl department of community development The l&xk Bo('340 Vail, O 81657 Re: Public/Hvate Joint Venture hograrn Dear Sir: I an sorxy to inform ycm that yo-r project has not been approved as part of the Rfilic/Private Joint Venture Program for 1979. ltle llo$/n Courcll has decided that your project stroul"d not be finded due to tbeir feeling that the landscaping plan as preserted m,s part of the werall landscapi.ng plan presented to and approved by the Plarmilg Cqmissim and Torm Co;ncil wtren the Special Developrent District vas originally approved. It is, therefore, not an eligibLe project. I mr1d 1ike to thank yor for applying and hope you have a epod sLtlrflEr. Sincenely, 7-,', O' Jares A. hrlcin Zoning Administrat* q: JAR:caj \te Aq,aWL ( (qql/#;.b) F Fz a z = 3 z 9f!lz<Fg<:Ir-zFF-<9.,,9 }FI F:b nfitrei:??:2izz=e::ge()<b<90t z: "i*linr-:;;<o- <F3ei3Ii"<cQ>-U)<of'!ag<E<}J 'F .E \UJ () 2..) z iul o- (J o E UJ o 2 t! zg Fzul E uJ IJJ F lltc o E uJ J J utc (C o)tt J F t tr lrl o g z -o Jl E = lre =, =eF ; l tll F xru z Ftt) ILtto z ) F lt E EE z 6 = ul uJ Y ulI 2 J Y 3 1! at J IJJ 2 F o z F EulFJ Butz z J o lll F z El uJ llJ() o uJF = t! = E- IJJ o (,2ul l! ulY E z F llJ r! z 9 ul oz oo o |r| u- (J ut o- an uJJY2 4 UJ l! lll oz F F llJ3 uJ a oz o IJJ z E (J Jg gJ Eoo FIt Ao J ll. IJJ Fo It z Ez z l l! ^z 9E IJJ)ul NOIIVN'IVA B z Fo- uJr IJJz z tt llrF IIt.Iri I i gt G E z Y cl F -) Is >(,.t \llN IJJ (J: -o5 z trY;&.6 9oA>xo:z:< >oFO ;.i IJJz N uJ (Y' LJ3ltHcav DATE JOB NAME TIME RECE D- AM PM CALLER D orxen . rNseecr(bru FIEBUEST .if /- n panrral LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED \'.\FRI i AM PM ,i OF VAIL MON COMMENTS: TUE THUR i ':-.,.:-,\ .c:: c-- -- ' APPROVED n uporu rne ! orsaeP RovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: n nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE DATE TIME RECEIVEO AM PM CALLER n orHen TUE .INSEECTGru FTEOUEST TOWN OF VAIL ! pnnrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM JOB NAME MON APPROVED E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECrtoNS: CORRECTIONS E orsnpp Rov E D fl nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR - rNseeciGru FIEOUEST VAILTOW.N i OF DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I ornen ! pnnrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR fl epp RovE D D orsnppRovED I nerNsPEcr ! uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR lkIrt I\F\75 o. zo KH9L o.' 3E(J IJJ uJ az :{ u,()zg zqJ =ulv, ut F G (ll J t! lll F F F uJ ooJ F F a b 2 L .E =tt=ilo l&eg -Z =dE'I -al E Cc5 ti >(,o 2o9 -U'-ot z Fqq&.6FGQO ->-z*< >c) ;..i 6< E_c 5c| '"?'F6'l ytct.o3_ PLIJMEIINGi.' MECHANTCAL PEF|MIT TOWN OF VAIL D^TE /(7 ,o"rorrfy'fur--',-q,.//'fhl z /kan rt,z,S'(stT,yrz o*rr /DtnrAh)t ADDRESS **Jo"ro" Ci,O S*tltes enoneQy'g- 7772 oF woRK: E rrrew E roorror,r Efnenaooel ! nepern RIPTION OF WORK: /rn@vE/nry776, PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER d' VALUATION $vALUAnoN s 8(),vb/- BEMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT FEE 'ERMITFEE ,f2re4 ,/ -l-l'ffipaa 'R;c" E orsnppnov f7 a t-eQ rorAL FEES: $ *A:= -- ,*, nki/Q, DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPLICATION Itw DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT : LOT_, BLOCr ,FILING PLAN #: ADDBESS (MArtrNc)_ r;iiiigiiiEg;E;iEi;,iElierEi!E! ;!H i8 i;E;EEsii:;;r -m! EF !gii;!;!ii:s!E$i ;ri;iffgi;sr;s E, o(' t-*r,oEat o!-t -g{-4 $ I e A d eo 3I Eoo 'rE $j T.l gr .E Sl a$ >, 1 €bEl tl1€ l*t*.rltl5.9E€o-E€(rtqo€E E; 1$tt) u, '-lE 4 I I I I tlqrl qt I I Hrl i < I Iol"I .',I ql YI = I I ;iEti;*i =i tE? igiil?lE il;' r ;i!Bi:3i, ; ged: iEEifiei iEgqi H?ffiia; iaEr; i;t{eig?r E: f f: EEaEE!3SEE EE iE cl E c(9 '>r tt o(lAto >'l -t (|, 7 GI -l F rl rrl F NI \\) l{ VI5c- zo Er (J Fl cll O. ,; ho ^^^ kRoEJ 5 Y5Fl()rr h!,o>, r-r t'.EZ*3-,,OI I b o DES oIGN REVIEIV BOARq L,ou Parker Bill BishoP Ron Todd Abe ShaPiro t .-t | | r . DA'E or MEErrNc | 7l [ /'17 MEUBERS PRESENT:Bill Ruoff ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: UOIION: VOTE: APPROV.ED: ' DISAPPROVID:- SECONDXD BY: AGAINST:FOR: ABSTBNTION: \F SUITIIIABT: ffid \ .$lEE:9F:F5.8!s r*tsFq.5g.Ei isf:ger: s;Fgi i:i:iigi 5!tlr;E" ifqj; : rqii?i:{ ;;;i:;; 5?iEi :ii:8EEI iliSree FSBi:.9: 9F:r+;i; ="Eile;i ;r ,E I.-eElfss t;:Frf; 2 =YI[-U:i 9e;'6uu- ) .sg!lf"is!5;i;:{n' i ; sssEif.:tigSFiFi E ! $s;f;Fgicifiiit $ o C'talt$:,0rF:&a ("| Itr;.iri.ElJI#fL \q=- r I I I i l: I i; tt o ry O) o b! rtt o E rfiE:gjgF El { f f f iff*gfff igf $i /f ifgfffffig f 'sfff*ffigg;fj Eesffl:;rr;rrf fi + .w7 4lrrta,*l 9l E o.xa, co p E€oc)\T o Ax(l) c: .9t EI ;,1 = i'i2o F '.ttr er h t\8o;oE< trl xs Oh fri O F<E2 t-t O.no tr 1l-\|,, I--{ tt(ll C) (|, (! u, a c E. C' o) a) c:q,) o c: t !t 6 tt .tl v2 vLA € vEo ,-i I II 1 {'I Re: Ar€ust 2, LglT Itls. Diana Toughill Tlorn of Vail P.O. Box 10OVail, @lorado 81657 The Mark Design Revienr Dear Diana: Enclosed is a typed copy of the notes mde i.n qz rneeting withBill Rloff and Ilaiser lvlaxcus on August 2, ttn. Tbe project is tmensely jrryroved and I'm relieved to see it finally reach a point of reality. Iet rp lorow if thene are any firrbheur questions. IIAMI,fiO @i !rh. Terrell Mingenlft. John Dobson trfu. Stan Bernstei:r }ft. Janes Iannrnthcl: landscape Architects: Iand Ptanning Urban Design hrk Planning Environmental Planninc Kovston Hairamoto Beck & Abey Associates: 225 Mller Avenue llarold N. Kobayashi ASLA Mill Valley Roben T Batterton ASIA California 94941 George W. Girvin ASL-A, 415 383t900 Robert S. Sena AsLA %z Principals: Rob€n Royston FASLA Asa Hanamoto ASLA Eldon Beck AsLA K^zuo Abey ASLA Louis C. All€y AIA ktricia Carlisl€ ASLA /t MEX\rcRANDIIM FROitr: RE: DASE: Tcnvn of Vail Eldon Beck The lilark Design Revieur August 2, Lg77 Meeting in Mil1 Va1ley w'ith I(aiser lr,larcus and Bill Ruoff . 1. Building Irlassing is a significant inprovanent over previous zubmittals and is acceptable. The heights are within the range of previous approvals. Ttre notches between corq)onents and the angled roof forms'work very well with the rpuntain fo:rns and various vieu;s. 2. Si-te Plan: A. Ttre site anangenent provides adequate space for a substantial land- scape. Approvals should be conditioned upon suhnittal of an overall site landscape p1an. B. Ttre entrance design and changes to lfest Lionstread Circle look pronising but require further detail study. It would be gpod to study a revensal of the access (fron the urest) and evaluate which djrection of access is best. Ttre traffic load and safety of access to the ' frontage road becme critical consideratj-ons. C. Ttre surface parking south of the covered teruris courts is workable but not necessarily desjrabLe. TLre space sesns best used for either tennis or landscape. Tlree courts on the southside appear to be betten than four courts, hrt furbhen design study is needed' D. Ttre Torn should jointly study the develognent of landscape, bike paths and walkrays along Gore Cteek belcnv the project. This is an important area and a logical connection frorn the westerly parkilg area to the Gondola. 3. Phase One: A. Ttre building bulk and scope of work is reasonable. The building form respects sun orientation and scale of the pool area. B. Surface parking is acceptable frqn the standpoint of design and is a political rathen than a desigrr desicion. Ttre fj-rst Phase should include conditions for sqne landscape to screen parking, cqllerent the building entrarce, and ensure the envi-rrcnnrental quality. If Phase 2 follorrys quickly i-t nay be possible to word the condition affording scne type of flexibility, that is, require tenporary land- scape only if the Pha.se 2 is delayed by nore than one year. " 4-' Mqprandun to Town of Vail: Augrist 2, 1W7 - Page 2 C. Ttre service area rsm.ins a critical visual elenrent. Detailed design mrst proceed, the service a.rea nnrst be screened ln sme way. 4. Building Elevationg: The initial concept of a staggered facade is very gpod and zuccessfully modifies the scale of the bullding. The feeling is both conteryorary and su:prisingly Alpine. l'fuch refinsnent is needed. trlrther revie'r of desigrt is reconmended. 5. Building Interior: A. The ilterior was reviqred prirnarily to understand circulation and vienns outtraxd frcrn the buitding. Although food delivery to the Convention Center is distant it appears to be rnorkable. Minor change is possible near the elevators to avoid conflict with the stairway to the lobby. B. Flexibility of connection frqn the convention space to the enclosed tennis courts was discussed. Ttrere is space for an enlarged coffee area and larger scale stai-nray access. 6. Conclusion: I reconrnend that approwal be given to the Special District Plan I'ilodification in arcordance with the nrcdel and drawings sutxnitted" Conditions should be listed requiring fr.rrther detail sutxnittals, laadscape p1ans, and naterial clarification. Respectfully submitted: Eldon Beck Royston, Ilananrrto, Bedr & Abey i _,,5:1, /? 77 5-{ /2- 6o 6o /2 5-1 zL E -2- _-t7_, za__ (tz 77 @ F -3 9? JA JI J-O E - /- --'zl- 47' .J tr. L J ?49 __ lo '2- 5\2 tf. .J /)tft441 .77' tef74/*--, y--l z-t I D 4, 1 fu/ t6,40 tc'.a7 A/./6 lc,4_o ft*"-'= /24 4:Q, -@- ,l _3Lt#---fi?eq x. 1 t. -,/d44-h q, 3lb'/-- a*---l 44+- 1-,{Z 24 \ ?-?s.t 17 -5 i ll 2-1. ls 315 - -25 X I o-.-s ,92 Y l ?--5- --lo.tA lo !-)s-G-rx j-j.a:r XI X16 oo Rovston Hahamoto Beck & Abey JuLy L9, 1:97'7 Ms. Diana Toughill Tovn of Vail P. O. Box 100 Vail, Oolorado 8L657 FE: fire Ilark, Design Review Dear Diana: orr lYiday, July 15, lW7, I net with Kaiser Morcus, Bill Ruoff and Ross Cooney to revieur architectural progress on design of orpansion of the l"Iark. My ccrments are as follows: 1. Ttre rearrangenent of mass aad hei-ght is a significalt change frcn prwious sutmittals. The project appears f,e !s |ulkier by the absence of any kfud of break up of the nass. Ttre Phase One wing is r4l to trc floors higher, is tight to the existing Mark with serious trpact on vievrs, sunlight, scale and site uses, It blocks the valley vievs and dramatically changes the enrrironnent of the restaurart and pool area. I cannot agree to this design. 2. Ttrc location and vizual irrrpact of the uajor ki.tchen service area 1s not acceptable. 3. Although I am not an expert on novsnents of people and materials within a building, I find that the food dis- tribution systern, particularly to the proposed conventj.onfacility, sonpqihat exbended and not wttolly understandable. Ttre single elevator core also seqrs to require rnuch ualking in hallways by hotel guests and does not suggest a high quality openation. 4. Ihless excellent reasons are evident, it A difficult supporting no urdergrormd parking for Phase Gte. In previous Special Develognent Distrlct pncposals I have tried to be consistent in requiring that each pha.se be Landscape Architects: Principals: Associates: 225 Miller Avenue land Planning Robert Royston F]ASLA Harold N. Kobayashi ASLA Mill Valley Urban Design Asa Hanamoto ASLA Robert T. Batterton ASLA California 94941 hrk Planning Eldon Beck ASLA ceorge W. Cirvin ASLA 415 3831900 Environmenta.l Planning Kazuo Abey ASI,A Robert S. Sena ISLA lruis G. Alley AIA htricia Carlisle ASLA .t- self-sufficient and ccnplete within itself. Ilrrther, similar Phase One projects have been held to odinance height controls with averaging of heights considened in later pnojects. The Srmburst project is an o<anple of this and in rryz opinion is the prcper procedure. At this tirrcI see no reason to permit a construction phase vftieh e*<ceeds helght and bulk and deletes any undergrolmd parking. Qte mrst considen that any phased pnoject can conclude at the end of a pha.se and never be corpleted, as at Sunburst, aad tbat the best i.ntenests of the Tbrmr must be protected. 5. Other aspects of the project, such as the bulk of the enclosed tennis courts, equal to a four-story 66lfling with no openings, and the connected bulk of the convention center were discussed. Ttre building sizes are very large in creating a single nass and the fencing of tervris @urts on tops of a pontion of the roofs uould further enlarge the visual tnllk. My conclusions at this tjre are not positive. It is ilcreasingly difficultto visualize strch an arbitious poject on the site. Sincerely, Wffiff-nth cc: Ii,lr. Tenell J. Minger [4r. John Dobson ltu. Bill Ruoff [,fu. IGiser Morcus ''| \hilAssociateglnc. June 7, 1977 Mr. Allen Gerstenberger Town of Vail Vail, C0 8.|657 Dear Al'len: Regarding our ear'lier conversations about the l..lest Day Skier park.ing Lot at LionsHead and the expansion of the Mark Resort and rennis club we have set the fo'liowing terms and conditions for design and approvalof the Day Skier Lot: l. that Kaiser Morcus, The Mark Resort and Tennis Club, and hisarchitects develop a detailed site plan for the proposed change showing the agreed upon 20C day skier car spaces and that the costof any and all improvements would be borne iolely by Kaiser Morcus. 2. this development plan would be submitted to Vail Associates and the Town of Vajl for final approval and subsequent agreement from the United States Forest Service. 3. this plan would include grading, landscaping, parking specifications,i.e., a. berming around the full perimeterb. sodding, tree planting and plantersc. grades not to exceed 4% to 5% in the parking lotd. design of storm drain-catch basin systeme. specifications of subgrade base, compaction, thickness of asphalt,. curb and gutter, etc. 4. the configuration of the agreed 200 day skier spaces to exist will allowfor ample snow removal and ingress and egress for vehicles such as semi-trailer and truck tractors, 5. an entrance/exit will be constructed on the west end of the lot fordirect access from the South Frontage Road to facilitate summer construction activi ties. Box 7, Vail, Colorado 81657, 303/476-5601 6. Mr. Gerstenberger -p;ga'-U-----'- JJune 7, 1977 estab1ish a pedestrian/skier right-of-way of 6' to the exit of the lot to the front of the Mark.along way. Coordinate with the Town of Vail on design of bike path systems. 7. instal'lation of two benches at the bus pickup adjacent lot. 8. that the increased capacity of the lot is not to imply towards the Mark's parking requirements as the lot is use of Vail Associates, Inc. and the day skier parking by the United States Forest Service. 9. all fina'l plans will be reviewed by Vail Associates, Inc.-prior-to starting attual construction and that construction schedules wjl'l allow for completion before the onset of the fo]'lowing skiing season. 10. that the improvement of this day skier parking lot will demonstrate quality lanilscaping and enhance the aesthetics of the suryounding communi ty. Allen, would you bring this to the attention of your engineering department' recreition deiartment-or whoever may have interest for their additions and or comments. 8' in width from side of the road- creekside trail/ to the parking a creditfor the sole as required letter from Gary Wall regarding theAlso, enclosed p1 ease find a Frontage Road parking during Thank you. Yours truly, IL ASSOCIATES, INC. u^z!^f,- Jim Clarke Vai'l Mountain Planner JC: rjb cc: Harry Bass Jack MarshallBill Sargent copy of a peak days. t June L, L977 i l" Po 1ic e SincerelY, 3f,1{'*;'} ils[nrtl'|sil ol nnliffi 303.4?8'56?1 box 537 o Ylil' colorado 8t65? Jin CLarkeili-ir-!.ttociates, rnc P.O. Box 7 v;ii, colorado 81657 Dear Jin: This letter- is in anstver to' our Tecent tel'ephone-conversations tegarding tne availabl'e parking ii-iitu Totun'of Vail' The policy of the Torvn-of Vail Police Departnent^is to allow uark-ing during p!"it-'iii"r davs-on'iil" rib"tase-r3ads and other :*nr*:' :"t' .;i:':it lt.; r:.:;:l':ilpl lt"'ll i "Ei' n+f, t' policy will remaii'iil--"lrect untii-t"ilrt"t. "?lit" or until idditionar p""*iig iit""i"""t or lots are built' If you have any further questions regarCing this policy' please i""i rtu" to contact ne' o PUBLIC NOTICE PLEASE TAI(E NOTICE THAT Kaiser Morcus' representing the ,/\'./ Mark, jhas applied for an amendment to the approved development | ---/\ pt"o for Special Development District 7' Application has been made in accord with Section 21'5OO of the Zoning Ordinance' Ordj.nance No. 8, Series of 1973, as amended' A Public Hearing will be held pursuant to the provisions of Section 21.500 of the Zoning Ordinance on August 4' 1977 beforetheTownofVallPlanningCommj.ssionwbosedecisionwill be transmitted to the Town Council for final decision' Said hearingwillbebeldintheVailMunicipalBuildingat3:O0PM TOWN OF VAIL DEP OF COMMUN DEVELOPMENT S. Toughill Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail Juty 15, 1977 { ). PETITION VAIL ASSOCIATES' INC., a Col"orado corporation, and M-K Corporation, a Colorado corporation (hereinafter col- lectively referred to as Subdividers) hereby petition the Town council of the Town of VaiL, colorado (the Town council) for: (a) approval of the vacation by Subdividers of the plat for VaiI Lionshead 5th Fi1ingr. a resubdivision of Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing, Lots 4 through 7 inclusive; and (b) affirmance of the continuing validity and legal effect of VaiL Lionshead 3rd Filing, Lots 4 through 7 inclusive' effective as of the time and date that the plat for the vail Lionshead 5th Filing $ras filed with the clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. In support of its petition, Subdividers hereby state as follows: 1. After obtaining the approval of the Town Council, Subdividers resubdivided Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing, Lots 4 through 7 inclusive (the Subdivision), into the subdivision known as Vail Lionshead 5th Filing (the Re- subdivision) by a p1-at filed with the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County' Colorado, at I:OO P.M. on JanuarY 27, L977t under Reception No. 148377 r MaP Case No. 2' Dravter V, and recorded in Book 252 at Page 95 2. The plat of the Resubdivision neither created' nor destroyed any rights in roads or easements across or in connection with the real property designated in such platr but merely carried forth such rights as shown on the Plat of the Subdivision. 3. Subseguent to the filing of the plat of thc Resubdivision, it has become known to the subdividers that certain o!{ners of condominium units have an interest in a portion of the real property designated in such plat and that these condominiun owners did not acknowledge such plat ^lr { as required by C.R.S. 53I-23-104 (Curn. Supp. , I975). pur- suant to C.R.S. S3I-23-1II (Cum. Supp., L97Sl , the rights of such condominium owners were not affected by the filing of the plat of the Resubdivision. 4. Due to the above lack of acknowledgements and the resulting possibility of a defect in title with respect to the lots described in the Resubdivision, Subdividers desire that the plat of the Resubdivision be vacated and the real property designated in such plat be thereafter platted, subdivided and described as such property previously was platted, subdivided and described by the plat of the Sub- division, unt,il such time as Subdividers may desire to re- subdivide such property in the future. 5. Subdividers have prepared for fiLing for record a Vacation of Plat attached hereto and made a part hereof to accomplish the vacatj-on of the plat of the Resub- division and desire that the Town Council, as representative of the only interest affected by such plat other than Sub- dividersr interest, approve such Vacation of Plat. For the reasons st,ated above, Subdividers re- spectfully petition the Town Council to adopL an Ordinance: (a) approving the vacation by Subdividers of the plat for the Resubdivision; and (b) affirming the continuing validity and legal effect of the Subdivision, as though the plat for the Resubdivision had never been submitted to the Town council, had never been approved by the Town Council and had never been filed with the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. EXECUTED this day of VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., Colorado Corptratio President M-K CORPORATION, INC., a By: , L977. o box t o o r volt. colorado 8t65? February 2, 1977 Mr. Kaiser Morcus The Mark Resort and Tennis Club P.O. Box 340 Vai1, Colorado 81.657 Dear Mr. llorcus: conspicuous place near the main exit frorn the Lor-nge. luun 303.t0?5.56t3 Based on the square footage for the nightclub in the Mark, the occupancy load for the Match Point Lounge has becn set at 117peopl-e. This figure ltras conputed on the square footage of =3*rfutoi'ti r':?'llg uW3'ol"gill3$161s unoerina please wil.I- be If you have any questions concerning this .do not hesitate to call. Your assistance appreciated. Sincerely , &n.rz-Fl+---/-Janes Olsen, Captain Vail. Fire Protection District JOlbn occupancy Load,'n. this rnatter = l. !.ro93'E EAftsd.|F :s s-- P,T Sgoio s:3 tE 35 5€ HBe .l >c =-E;o5 3-Eao lu r! '6-3gE:Eaoo4dutl, =Ear€:;i;:3EE6q< ooPo :.9 ii;iilii;iii';Eii!liii?ii::;iieEi;iiilr, ilEi!iiiiiiiiEiiiiEiiti!ii, ii:?ie;:iiiiEi iEiiEiii;iiE,i!i EEEi!iE;ii: iE;i,il: iia= iE= iEiE E F gli3;;gEEiEFi;E:?EEiEE \( Y \v Ua\\ \ $ \\ \{ ': ;t': -Ei qE r ! ::: : 1HE, €r; Er i, E t = iii- iu',i:: g!!e ;; Ef : 3 E :i:i :;Eo"ts rE;; _-* iF e " E :E:A E.E"-'E€g e!l! Hs.s; E E ; e:E; d'-:: fii Ee.E; !::i ii = E i !EE-d::AeH:3: =-r:; EsEtR P F = :E 6;€*E^;; i;Is F!:: i7;E; p ; = ;-clg*'t:i =.El- E;:! ;b.., 39 Ri;5 xf na.-'E:!9i i s P Ee€;::igr", E*i;e;Eie;:i!!E; E E s;EF!;3u*;; tEl;; ;Fs;=E;iEs : ; i :;E!:iq"1frs iE;i:r..i3iil:i;;!;:E e c sE53F3:3i;E ff;.i;;tFf ;E'EP3"'Hs il:;;::E iiI ggEii6. ;i;!;;l13€;:;!i! 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U3 b 5 ..9 s!-3 - o3gi: s{ ! 3* E " 6F.E E Pb = F EEsR!555i>cg-tEeHE:';, ggEilelsl .:i E { I ";l &dci,.i4E.Hl ;!r €ct !r'5oa,gr90r.cri}6 q-t9! lJa\toiiULoF.,-|:o!t!uF'a.acc!!,.-5crl Ee E 6 6s t.,f (\r G .P .i;:9 E g g E i,ooc:r?IE.,13€ = cS3rp; " g:i 9orq,-r.trFoE:F€ s3€tl:1s rEFilS "€5 3:;3t"* 3 - 3 5.: 3t ! 3 PE o -= E E:38?,o9F E!-!,o3o,o'*,"S'-oc0ro 9<t^ c r\l oa oc.s_€Ecl.,-s!i'i.jPl EEEE< 6 < - E 3l - € i *-EdEFsl {Ed€ qE; lt,E !€ o : Ee E E|:-':-.C{JE b; 3 !c!.rrri3 5.-e ts b ts PE E ; .:3E-EE. :€i !,].EE EE *^nsEE ;g;i :r:E .iis*-:ilE Eii;;s .i E;!E E-::; :;r:rFs:F Iir$t €E ,t: ErEE eQea ;F:ii;:3; g:Ees: Hi,=!, EeEE -5;j*l5Xg:Ei:! 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H; ;3 t, 5'* s s )h.,_g- 5 :c '?= E; g:!E ? " t i i E S : I r i +{€ g t € E . 5 ;;.ii;;g a 3! r;t"{ q'! ,:Ri t ': r a, e : t ' €:S: i !, E ., . c . -6.<Or(,.rJEi5*:3s e :i .FrI!., !a *;i!! 36 o r d - E E ; 3 Ne-:c - o ; 6 L E -cseaiiEFR :* !NE\f j:E r;:s; !!!lvoEEc f - ag\VJ:?5E IsEas E-qE:.ggE€' 35 5:<e\F€." E;lsi aobiei.p:; ;f *E\E .g:; gr",.ESe = i a i; r: # €: ts s E:E s € t _ s 3 E; E Egis E;aB:i gE.EF3:lsii s € EE*EigE i = ..= . b * = ; '! ; : t E 5;'e i : E ; F i I s E IE-iE.t -, p'EF 3 Eti - E,{- e=; i E.;.or;_.srucooaj-orE_o.;:!;3€n=i ;iF5E:l:s;3 JEr:e;EE 5 : F 3 E E f - - s ; 6 . r,q r c ; o c o- .5 ; F E i t b 9 .;r " 9.r .. qr o ' +r 6 o ." o: - ; 5 . : I e -r i, b{q Sl 3 : :l F E s - br EE;*EH .B:sl Hg:E.l rE =i i.:tz;.aE E;FiE: i =5il E'"1:.il Et ;l lE;IEE; I E 'g 5 C. E ; 5 6 .Hl i i.{ E Ei ' i , 3l .P ' ' E d -.s\. -, o s c @i F € F .3 .3 <tcr qs3g 3E :;:i-\u b ! a 6 . o=.-g.l5 i 5 : P : L':\ta ; u f 3 *:5\" 5ts ;38E. :6t9ec aa,cEarS.pear crJrlrc ELF l,r'at qco-E OFFq,L(,ill,c,r-.GFuc).r$o torl|aro.EAruP+r.!o'octarE! E|!o>OeFg edo,oe oO-naF6ar-crrlFcOl|,arF.r,.{ro..roli!r.c.rt-.rc .|/D!'rl, {,o.(r!.<.citgc.,..,O ce.P orooa, CCFoc.u'i.ig rlro,!6rorFFO.UCJ''6P?,!ou!eta.a n..= 3;J-g Aco-toH<tdc CIJ orc.aa.crga o€.tEqf:46 (r.ac <AF -sdI .€ - -E r- 3.clrrrFFo'doo -C-o(,t-;- E € E EEa d - P 9B*E qg ; i c €.gE .FR6A5.,-Cd-95:,'--'o'e E e5.I :r5_ Eri3 S€ - ooo t;; .F:p '|JdE Es * !is ;::: ;gF: .gH 5 :#3 E.fr,li Eb-enl.uc!^3o5;>'rr.E:3r-oS-'ts.EEbo!rc.o'.rcr.-i r= ! ;:i! sshi {;FdE" FE ,;E ;E;i e;€; EgF'iuE :E 5a eXsa lx;g :E:E;: EF EEdsgts 3E3*:EiE85,., i5 .33e=:Ec \-5;:3;t;sra :l asE#;S[.38f ;E.E!5:ii f; H gEH.res:E;-.,€:icEE3; g; Ioo .-l;Qte;.?1ci6; -Pd;s!.;:E5€;,."E? --e E € E s ; E-6i f u iE;! ;; E ;: ; : E'5 i -5 5 E : t Bi.l i s ; ! 3 € :EEs -e5 t E E pn.i 5 9z F .6 E e ; s z aE e.:-q s .o-5sEii:3i.f--;: .3dS *;i dt;E-;E Is;Ei9EeE E=o Es s E: ;ss gfL e4p EE E €r "FE! :EdEEcFiu-€39F.::Go*r[Fi;Fa.r ! q 3 5l E c' o 3* -; 3E e E.i €EE EEE >r-E la tll"? lteE e l:f i iEs'iEs cie:i: Fg lE!r2,'EEr:E.*$Jqi;iii Eg3€ti=Ee!-r €5;ii: e ig ti E 5 g IE a IJ E F i1.*-l=ii_-.?.1 :-':m: I |.r PUBIJIC NOOICE NCIIICE IS HEREBY GMN that Kaiser Morcus ' representing the Mark, has requested a resubdivision of Lots 5 and 6 of Vail/LionsheadThirdFillngandavacationoftheVail/Llonshead Fifth Filing. Application has been made pursuant to Sectlon 21'500 of the Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance No' 8, Series of 1973' A Public Eearing will be held on April 7, 1977 before Town of Vall Planni-ng Commission in accord with Sectlon 21'40O the Zoning Ordinance. Said hearing w111 be held at 3100 PM the Vail MuniciPal Building' TOWN OF VAIL DEP OF COil4MUNITY DEVELOPMENT tbe of 1n ;6, \"4b.: -ls-tant Zoning Published in the Administrator Vail Trail March 18t ).977 Royr Hair Beck & Abey landscape Architects: hincipals: Associat€s: 225 Mller Avcnue Land Planning Rob€rt Royston FASLA Harold N. Kobayashi ASLA Mll Valley Urban Design Asa Hanamoto ASLA Robcrt T. Batr€rton ASIA California 94941 hrk Planning Eldon BeckAsLA George w. Girvin ASLA 415 383'7900 Environmental Ptanning Kazuo Abey ASLA Roben S Sena ASLA louis G. All€y AIA Patricia Carlisle ASLA February 22, 1977 Mr. James F. Larpnt, Director Departrent of Conmunity Deve'lopment Town of Vail P. 0. Box 100 Vai'l , Colorado 81557 RE:The Mark Dear Jim: This letter is to record the topics discussed on February 16, 1977 with Kaiser l,lorcus regarding The I'hrk expansion. A1 though plans have not been changed, Kaiser intends to make the following proiect changes: f. i4ove the covered tennis courts to the west end of the Phase 2 w'ing. The units at the west end will be moved closer to the center of the project. 2. Redesign the main entrance. 3. Rethink the stair tower locations, possibly change the connection between the new proiect and the existing Mark. 4. Build a new two-level parking garage under Phase One expan- sion rather than only one leve'l . 5. Eliminate the steep and angled auto ramp into the new garage area. 6. Delete future parking under the three tennis courts near Gore Creek. The gains of these changes are: A. Impnrved main entrance. B. Imprrved project nnssing. C. Ability to design the entry drop-off and parking with a much better landscape. l. Mr. Janes F. Larnnt -2-February 22, 1977 D. A direct access from the entry to the parking garage below. E. A much improved street side landscape and pedestrian ci rcul ation. F. A mre effJcient hotel operation. Conceptua'lly, these proposed changes wi'll improve the project. I appreciate Kaiser's maintalning contact with us as the proiect matures. Si ncerely, ROYSTOI{, HAI{AI'|0T0, BECK & ABEY Eldon Beck th cc: ltlr. Kaiser l4orcusllr. Stan Bernstein l-lr. John Dobson Mrs. Diana Toughlll :----" I !, oI!! v cFs(t G -[ E Efl*,-,-ro5E.E b-e #:: E gi-.:Rs EedE5.o-E-8E3F5roE; aEa* aF: i;ilFsE #EcF?cr,<toltPFo.oFcD.oo!t$ a-l 6 o ' f 3 € I "'E ;.9 .3 f b €ral''E!.CEi,iteEFEl(,rts-8Lo-rgEb'E'E-!'6EEEG+'Eg3--E5PoA5E33.EEa&33_8H3€P 3:* 'i3fr:lcs n;!r(r!r€tt.LarctLLI B.be- 339 .;5F gS ."€E3--t.P vrFo o o,A.:.-t EsE$-*EFg! ;rl*7:.8:;3 EhJ(J*F(|,=E !aE(\,EC'O EDEC c'= 3 t e b' 5I - E I e S 3.'i E 3 3('160-arEarrcraJl-Pv'lt<(eFE9rnl-ctctan.lt!!o.rJ.lJ?oEorcnlrctoc..aLFrjF<fcc|lt.rroE6t:f3s;*.=g E:Eq,EH=EEg9 Hfiri*l:rE :;i3EEE:Eas €:rJGrlro!.crt-ol-'ro>FH.E#-hd ElEb"go.35Eo,P 3ea L alr Er :' +t .- o .u J ar nt .tt ctcor.-.Jcl:do.tt>rnorcF>JFF..S!6E .E BS=EEE5.PP. .E.j*#giEEE tg.EHrEta;E€ EEqroar.|r=rdarovrlrtacfE.ehgbBg e3885=o5E-3 3E"E€-EbE *i.e.EE€l=-'i5'86 ar ^ | rF .P ot^ aJ t- {J !t d nt c ! 5 +,f-E.3i--.!I3 Dl..nq-"3o EE; B o,9 E i E .j c -'- E o ? " 3 -i g Fo E J6 CrrFFra5CrJ'o>q, +.HI.: FBto -.EPegE903Eb E-t: Es:g 8g*EEetsE-cE; s'EE$ g#€E €:l;eBE;;!E .Ee -nc'6r.Jr'-CrhraC.J<CFP'9a.uctrt.Pdo6.o.F.-ItOtE.Prl,Cctvl.F!aaroF.rr,PP>(,.|Juo€9-! 5"x5 g g b: gg " ., c 3sE *;Ef B.o E"E€: E Elh UEEE i33 Ef s:€ 3 €"o tsF I' :tG gara,G E 5 I -.-I a (l. 't {' (' c(p"Eg rE i ;!a qiii -E =:Er: EEer E Ba; €E:* ElEEli; ';g: ! *?i E:i 1;sc;;r ;!;E E ;;i."g"€ ;E iE;iE ;ir! p Ti !E;?E' :;titi' +E:; g.!i:tsui! t: E:eiE :'EiriEi-EEi?[,i;;iatE E;;EsE;;Ei;ii?EiEi;E;; Ei:''l; : A;;EEi;cEe EiExi 3?ti?EiiiEtEii;sE =?; e; t; e E l.l.t ! a'= e g"*e:;Fts E?r;* i ;e-s ::^; Es' ;e*t e-u;=r r *E€ i;= :;:EiE:!ie?; E ;ic 'El E;;::E; 3;f,8 ; cE; IEE i; hsB E'o>9:; q?Ela- Eor} do'crc* EtB.9tE qE 3,besi- 69EIE!h--PEE,F.ob -o€ g 2- 3gg o o. .EEgHc- E aEo9-s6r :i5g;:-.:3;E ; e,E-uglE'i-*i' ?g;iig r Ei s r : a;E3i;; i-i: i € E E l i iEI E ii; eliiiesl i ii€ EE ;E ii i i lEi ia al ; E Eiii EEE ie ; iE iiiiii iiii i ii:arE*EiiBiiliEiiiliiiiiiii ft Pl. E(u o _. c'o3g .- ta€ .1,5E E.; E* E6(JF. Eo6.l:(J.IJF4c(\,cn lucE-l-,rr !CLN'E A'I'?F = r.r..OF6az<rrrF|!od s *i;li iiii :;iiic .E t;;ii; ;ici '! ui = I3"xfii E-6EE :E :Esie:-:;€; g i d ;g;ii;gllfig E, \a\5+ o c! E d >'l lt ^- tl\Ivlott riOl? E;9 .E G| A o ={, 15 a! o2e (l) g F oC' otr cl cl ,r cl oE Gt .q : F: o Q: >, q, .E:g:5::fs E | 3*-.9:{9;c - |.fr#s'EIEl>E E-l .e-:-:?€€8:E F I:i- Cr r. cC (qr.'- 9? x !.-ryBe€soUE e o elE*-€.gFqE : E 'b*Ho;.989 ,='5 EEhr':i A'3 'ti .cr n'E9it;;e e! # E I-'e >., I r-o'o .= i pO-Et&iut ts g Ect < - rD-u l: ct r. 9.:5ci; i X:: .a I o =-- s _l!t + v, dt I--!5EE*g ; f F s.H t'Ee EEi : F €qE.slsh'-x E E.g:=\x{5=? .i Ec,;=.=tFEF5Y-9.Aa-J E: -.. E r-::6 .- + H..?5.:;g:i9EDoO ;,' b !naiifiEa-.E; ; i riJ E;l';i-:4 =-Y 'r't t lE ''- i E <:9-i=(J - -P7'A, El c.=,-. w .o a,6.:E-9E9Eo x S 5 E=iE;E:o't !l o -qF-?YEh&J .9 .. EEL='?t 9= :6l,r at -EcS;8Ec; 9 n E er\0 ^,I3 s.o.j _ = -r. -?g vE ?ri - ?6dE:-FE;E FO E ,6 'sd!.9'rEe: t EE=EtE.S'."8 E g EEgES-5Oie 6: q ' rr =r- a.^.- =.E d ; .E_ 6 9* ii-.cq ! - E rr isgE5!$fl f EE aa!o 'it x .) B € q, tr GI (D ct t-l F. Fl frl F o F F it a!a,; (|) o tt .-€ crlo-E€EEtroo6T:.Eo 1{at rn dr"l or 4 zo t.t o Fl o t 6 oq, o 'ao F Fr8qE? Ex* O11. hOOt E2KDE8 ta at, \p tto ql <DA6cl '!, ,o 6 o MEMORANDUM *r T0: Planning CommissionBEST 'i COPY FR0M: Department of Commun'ity Development AVAILABLE DATE: January 6, 1977 RE: Resubdivision of Lots 4, 5, 6 , 7 ' 8' Block 1' Vail Lionshead Third Filing' The app'licant, Kiaser Morcus, is requesting a resubdivision of 10ts4,5,6,7,&8,Block'l,VailLionsheadThirdFiling'Thisparcelof property present'ly consists of a portion of the Mark Property and Va'i'l Associates North Day Skier Lot. Theapplicantwou]dliketotradeparcelsofpropertywithVai.| Associates in order to move the present parking lot further west so that his new proposed proiect would fit better w'ithin the site. t'tith the trade' 20 additional park'ing spaces would be added, but the square footage of the new lot would remain the same as the old but having a different configuration' The Department of connnunity Development foresees no difficu'lties with the proposed resubdivisjon and recommends approval of the request' iiFSif :'3q:u'& ;ilyEi 5F*"'Eg; o> 6 F t-- N=3:*9:;f#*ff = p! :-5.:tf i;6 ;t q s ls!i ;sEiiii;iigi!5ijgE5 €,() dcsE;t 6!.! (]arl ('!IT -I a^:l E, 6! A + !s ii \\t\ a! -(-l-\l*l \--l-tE oT'.! a q, €{,o ' 3 = (|, o o o) o, t o j. lll tl i o c) t (|, i OJ o 1t 6l!lalE-lb!lg "-loO.c* .=b =!?.:rt33;Foc, 3:" <Do€'d! Laq Eo = <t):t irbEsb Ttoo>x it)g: cl qr 2A P, For o) (! v) B(t c) (|) !(:iEc>E l'; ::E }P f.E il! | .rt 'c i=F. E. €q lE <! tt 1J+r-! Ab!Eti'E '* :>. at a)- (,O 2 a' gtr u'6a .t, . 9Et$l*' t8i lr E.! d;> :o€ cr? o g5 AE ex r5 :' f.: < trv9"r53 A'4. dq)f3 l5'lr i;'iE i 3z,= .*r ol i!: €; c 3( ito;r. q/ 'P,qrd5= 9e nq 9qic) <r,.9 9E|. lge.' E' ;! tr.o, q,! 9t boort -o lDEi; ci =ov-co-o!ie *o e.9 .. -osx J.r f. q)a.t :J :o- .x. 3t 3i 5( >.: ?c>tE E:cl Atr Ea! 5b -o (t oJ *eau! Fr. -'€. ij> :o Ei Ori c.. ":!a!!'5i ol 6c !.!QE o 5- :ff"E SP tJ o. it: 2 t';)- !5t r E' r 5.)-g i"ii o. I 'bt uo- <t? H! Fl a: o'9 EiC), 3 (.) -rc . EI '-t Er t; oJi: 'to o t €, ' I F -J EI F \) UI+.1 JI(\l 5la .lt F o,) (1,) 5 p ,.i <D <' ? o o) 6! E IE q,) C' a) o 9 dJ o z F Fl Aa; Eo ^^^ XO f ? El : orrOh frr \" rnFLiZ$?6U d x >l t, COllUOtft{EALTII IJA}|D TITLE INST RANCE COMPAI{Y HllC AcquieLtlon Propcrtiet' Inc. 1o{oo Fornsood Rd., Dept 721924.\L Warblngton, D.c. 20058 ordler l{o. +114900 llarch 31, 1995 RE: Vall l,larriott In connectlon vittr thefollowing: onners Policy lf. ar€ plcaced to havc above natter, rte are enclosing herewlth thr the opportunity to be of service. ldil'/l10'/|/ril03.t101 9E6l z I tdv t. 2. 3. 4. OWNER'S POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY J@ Commonwealth. lEl Land Title Insurance Company SUBJBCT TO THE D(CLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE CONDrIIONS AND STIPUIiTIONS, COMMONWEALTII LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a Pcnnsylvania corporrtion, h*cin callcd thc Compann insurts, as of Dalc of Policy shown in Schcdule A, against loss or damage, not excccding th€ Amount of Insurancc statcd in Schcduh A, sustaincd or incurrcd by thc insured by rcason oft fitlc to thc cslrte or intcrcat d€scribd in Schedulc A bcing vcstcd othcr than as statod therein; Any &fccr in or lien or mcunbrancc on thc titlc; Unmsrkctstility of the rfth; [:ck of e right of acccsr to and from thc land. Thc Company will alro pay thc cootl, sttom€ys' fccs and cxpenscs inctrrcd in defensc of thc titl€, as insurcd, but only !o thc extcnt providcd in the Coaditions and Stipulations. IN WTINESS WHEREOF, COMMONWEALTI{ LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has gauscd iB corporatc nanc and scal to bc hcrcunto affixcd by its duly authorizcd offrccrg tbc Policy to becomc valid when countcrsigned by an aulhorizcd offrcer or agcnt of th€ Compony. LAND TITLE INSI'RANCE COMPANY Prcaid€nl EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE Thc following matters rlc cxprcssly cxcludcd from thc covcragc of this policy and the Compgny will not pay lo6s or damrgc, costs, attorncys' fccs or cxpcnscs which aricc by rcason of: t. (a) Any law, ordinance or govcrnmcntal rcgulation (including but not limited to building and zoning laws, ordinanccq or rcgulations) Estricting, rcgulating, prohibiting or rtlating to (i) lhc occ'uparcy, use, or cnjoymcnt ofthe lald; (ii) the clnractcr, dimcnsions or location of any improvcmcnt now or hcreafter cr,cctcd on thc land; (iii) a scparation in ownership or a change in the dimcnsions or arca of thc land or any parcel of which thc land is or was r pffq or (iv) cavironnrcntal protection, or thc effcct of any violation"of thcsc lews, ordinancs or governmcntal rcgulations, Grccpt to tll€ crtcnt that a notice of thc cnforccment th€rcof or a notice of a defect, licn or cncumbrancc rcsulting from a violation or allegcd violation alTccting thc land has been rccorded in the public records al Datc of Policry, (b) Any govcmncntal policc powcr not cxcludcd by (a) aborr, ercrpt to th€ Gtrtcnt that a noticc of thc cxcrcisc thcrpof or a notice of a defect, lin or cncumbrancc rcsulrinS from a violation or allcged violation affecting thc land has been rccorded in thc public rccords at Date of Policy. 2. Righls of cminent domain unless noticc of the ex€rcise lher€of has been rccorded in the public rccords at Date of Policy, bul nol excluding from coveragc any taking which has occurrcd prior to Datc of Policy which would bc binding on the rights ofa purcharr for valuc without knowlcdgc. 3. Dcfccts, liens, cncumbranccs, adversc claims or othcr mattcrs: (e) creatcd, suffered, assumcd or agrecd to by the insurcd claimant; @) not known to thc Company, not rccorded in thc public records at Date of Policy, but known to the insurcd claimant and not disclos€d in writing to lhc Company by thc insurcd claimant prior to the datc thc insured claimant b€camc an insured undcr this policy; (c) rcsulting in no loss or damage to thc insurod cleimant; (d) attrching or crealcd subs€quent to Date of Policy; or (c) rcsulting in loss or damage which would not have bccn sustaincd if thc insurcd claimant had paid valw for thc cstate or intcr€st insured by this pollry. /"'-lnQ42 -%zz.zCOMMONWEALTII#Attert: Amorican Land Title Associatlon O,vner's Policy (10-21-8?) Faco Pag6 Form 1141-1 Valid Only lf Schcdulc A, B and Cover Arc Attschcd 'uon"Entl ,(ue anutluoa .!o qnJocoJd'PueJep ol uolletllqo ro {trtrqerl ^uB EulpnlJu! 'rlEurtural llcqs'eppur eq o1 parnber stuaur,(ed aqt uErll rrqto 'f,8eruEp Jo ssol prurBl3 aqt ro.;,{c11od sgqt rapun parnsur rW ot suo[e8tlqo s,fueduo3 eql'(rt) ro (rxq) stldElt?l?d ut ro.; paprrro.rd suoltdo lql Jo Jerltle Jo ^uedu.roJ aql f,q asb.raxe tql uodn ',(zd ot pateEllqo sr ,(ueduo3 ar0 q q/n pue lueu ed Jo auu aql ol dn IuDduroJ eql {q paz.uoqln? e]t\ qclqt\ luBurelc paJnsur aql Aq peJJnJul sesuaoxe pue saeJ ,s,(aurol1e 'slsoc,(ue qlrn\ reqptol ',(rrlod sql lrpun roJ papl^o:d eEeurup Jo ssol tql luEllltslJ Palnsu! eqt qltilr Jllles eslual{lo lo AeO ol (ID ro :f?d ol FlBAItqo st ,(ueduo] eql qclq,tr puD lueudud 1o aurll ol dn fu?duroJ aql ,(q pezuoqlnE araAr qclq,{ lururlE[3 p3Jnsur eql ,(q pountur srsuedx, pup saoJ .s^auJoll? 'slsoJ {uE qlr,t raqleEot ',(qlod s!$ repun_ lsulet? peJnsul ulelJ {ue luptul -lJ paJnsu! u? Jo au?u aql ur Jo JoJ senr?d reqlo qlr^r elllas 3sl^ueqlo lo A?o ol (I).tu?ulelJ pernsul eql qtl^\ ro pemsul eql usql J3qlo setu?d qUA\ alllas rstiuaqlo ro ,(Ed oI (q) 'uollellaouh roJ f,u?druoJ eql ol parapue.uns eq ltErts /(Jltod eql pu?'uopB8llrl ^uE anulluoc Jo 'atnJesord 'Pu.JeP ot uollstllqo ro IIIFq?lf,{ue EutPnlcul '.leu!uu3l llDqs'pulnbeJ luaur{"daq aieui'bt ueql riqio 'drlod stql rrpun peJnsut aqt o1 suoge€11qo ,(?d ol puB ,(lrlrqDrl ll? 'uondo slql Jo ^uBduroJ eql ,(q aslcjaxo aql uodn patsEllqo $ IusdtnoJ aqt qtJq^r pue luau,(?d Jo J.Pual ro luell ed Jo .IIrn aln ot dn 'fusdugJ 3ql {q pzgor{ln? er3,n l{3lq.t\ luBulDp paJnsul aql Aq paunJur sasuadxe puD s*)J .s^euollE 'slsoJ Au? qll^\ leqladol Aslloo slql rsPun acusJnsm Jo lunou? aqt Jo lueu,(Bd lJPual Jo ,(3d oJ 'ecu?rnsul Jo tunouv eql Jo luau^"d raPual Jo ^?d oI(?) :suo$do tul{..olloJ aql e^eg [sqs ,(u"dutoJ aqt '&llod sF0 mpun urlelr ? Jo asst uI 'Alt'ilsvl1 Jo NollvNlnu3r :Snltr|O 31ll3s 3Sl,I\UgHrO UO AVd or SNOIIdO '9 'rlrrDlt l?qt ol s? ,{cl[od sJqt r)pun fueduroC aqr Jo ,(ltlqel ruE el?u-nluet [ag! qdr!:tereA srqi ur'parrnber se setuzE Prlql uro{ uon?uuoJul ^lPsgceu Alqsuos"ar eJntas ol uolssltlllao luE-E lo uollsrruoJuJ [raNmber ^lq?uossar Jeqlo oonPoJd'roBo repun uollBulrll?xa roJ truqns ol lueulslc palnsu! aql Jo oJnuBl ulelJ ltn Jo uoF?Jlslump? aql trr {rDssaoeu sr lr ',(u"duroJ eql Jo lueuetpnf elq?uosEar aql ut 'ssalun sJeqlo ol pecolcsrp eq lou llErls uorlJes sr-ql ol lusnsJno AuEotuoc aq] ol papr,rord luzurrelc peJnsur aql fq lelluapuuoJ s? per?rflsap uorlsuuoJul llv'etEutsp Jo ssol er0 ol ulsuad flquuosBal tlcq^\ '{u?d pltrn E Jo loJluoo:o fpotsnc eql u! epuerour.ttr puu acuapuodserroc 's{JeI{3 'slrtP3l 's{ooq 'sp:om.r 11e fdoJ pu? Fedsu! ' aurr.uDxe ol FupduloJ aql Jo e^usluocaJdeJ ptzgoqtn? fue rol €ur1pm ur 'uolsstEJad st! luEra tlPtls lueurrclJ pn:nsui sqt ' fuedruo3 aql Jo a^Fulue$rdeJ pozlroqtnr ,(us,{q pals:nbel JI 'requnC 'aEeruep ro ssot eql ot ulpued {lq?uoseot qJlq,t '^cllod Jo 3l?q i'ag3z ro .o;aq elup e Euueaq raqlaq,n 'Epueroruour pue ourpuodsarroc 's1'ceqc 'sreBpcy 's1ooq ispr<icor lle '{u?dt[oJ aql .;o a,rpzluosarde: pc-uoqtne ,(ue ,(q peleidsap aq Ietu s" saceld Pue saurll alqeuos?rJ qtns ie 8ut,{doc pue uoqrcdsur iuoqauSuexa rog aonpord IIEqs pu? ,(ueduo3 arn Jo e^nqu.sardeJ pazuoqtne {uB ,(g qlDo Jepun uollBulu?xe ol Uruqns ol parlnbar eq ,(lqeuoseeJ ,(eur lueurnlc pernsu! aqt 'uoltlppB uI 'etsu"p ro ssol 3o ;oord qcns Euulnbal stall?u ro reUEtu eql ol p&Eal qllr 'uon??tltl ,(us enulluoo Jo'alnoesord 'puaJep ol uon?tllqo:o {1qtqe11 {ue tutpnlcut 'al?ultuJet tteqs fqlod oqt reprm parnsul aql o1 suoqeEsqo s,i(u?duoJ eql 'rEeuIeP Jo ssol Jo JooJd parmbeJ aqt apr,ro.td o1 lu"ur!"lc pensul eql Jo eJnlPJ aql ,{q p$rpnfrrd sr ,(ueduro3 er{l JI 'aEBurBp ro ssol aql Jo tunoue eqr Eultelml"c Jo slsBq aql 'elqlssod tuelre 3qt ol 'elsls ltuqs pse et?u?P ro ssol Jo srs?q eql salnllFuoJ qclq,r,bJlod sHt,(q tsul8te Palnsul Dll?tu xtqlo lo 'epn rqt uo €uarqrun3u? ro uall Jo 'ur lttJap aql aqursap ;1eqs oteurep ro ssol Jo JooJd eql 'a8eruzp ro ssol aql ol esu tul^|E $cEJ aql ulsutos'D lpq6 lu?uu?lJ p€Jnsur aql reUe s/(Bp 06 urqlr^r ,tuBdtloJ egr ol peqsrulnJ aq [Bqs lu"tulElt PoJnsul eql Aq ol tuol{ts PUE peElts eIEIIlep Jo ssol Jo JooJd " ',(u?d[roJ aql pepFoJd u.aq a^Eq suo$elndns puE suotltpuo3 asarlr Jo € uopJos Japun parmbeJ s3opou eql ieue pus ol uoplPP? uI '3ovtltvo uo ssol lo looud'9 'uoq?radooJ qrns Euplnber sIall?ul ro lelt?ur aql o1 p:u?at q11,r' 'uolt"tnll fue snulluoo Jo'aln esoJd'puaJep ol uoq"Ellqo ro {1qrqer1 ,(ue tutpnltul ' eululel [eqs ,bqod aql :apun punsur aqg o1 suor1e811qo s,{u?dtuo3 tqt.'uonHadoo3 permber rq1 qsrurnJ ol pornsur aql Jo alnllsJ aqt ,{q peotpnfa:d $ ^usduoJaql JI 'Parnsur sE tseratur ro elEtse aqt ot eul aql qslqelsa ol alquls3P Jo ,fussseoau aq /(?ru fusdruof, eql Jo uorurdo aql ut qtq^\ lJe InJ^\?l Jeqlo i(u? ur (rl) puE'tueuelltos Eultcoga :o 'turpaaoord ro uollJe aql EutpuaJapro turlnjasoJd 'sasseult^\ SurulElqo 'r.uapr^e tuunces 'tulptDoJdro uolt3e ^up ur (r) pr? elqeuosEar 11u {ueduo] aql e,rIE 11eqs'asuadra s.,(ueduo3 orn lE lpejnsu! aqt ',(uudruo3 tqt,(q p3t$nbal Ja^auaqrt\ 'asodrnd srql JoJ prJnsur eql Jo rruEu aql 'uoltdo sl! te 'asn o1 ,(uedu-to3 eql lluuad pu? 'urareqt sleeddu 11e pue 'Eulpeooo:d ro uoq3E aql ur asuaJtp ep4o.rd :o alnceso.rd os ot tqtu aq1 r(ueduro3 rqt ol arnJos llel{s Pa.lnsutaql 'tulpeeoo:d Jo uorlJ? {ue Jo esu{ep aql roJ epr^oJd ro alnJ"sord o1 ,(uedruo3 eql suqnbar :o slnu.red {trtod srqt elaq^r sosec IIe uI (p) hbbtcu-Lct oN roHrNoc re^oJ eplsul po|rupooJ sro$rldps p|rs s oltlpuoJ 'Jepro ro lueruSpnf as:alpe fue uo{ lsaddu ol ,(ueduroJ '{puatqrp os op llrqs ll 'qde.rt"rud s5lt repun stqtp sll esrcrar. llsqs,(ueduroJ aql JI ^cltod srql Jo uors!^oJd {u? e^r?,n ro ,(trlqB[ eprJu€ ,(qeleql tou tteqs pus'repunereq otqgll ?g lleqs U tou ro raqtaq,ir '{J!lod slql Jo srurel eql repun uoll5E ateFdorddE r(ue a1e1 ,(eu ,{ueduo3 eqa 'FxrJnsur aql ol aE?urcp Jo ssol aonpar ro lue,rord ol Jo'pornsur se'lselalul ro el"lsa .gt ol aDll aql qslnslsa ot qqsrlsap ro ,gBssc€u aq feur uolurdo s1r ur qrrq,n 1ce iiqro,{riri'op o1 ro'iurbairo:d ro uollre kue alnrirord pue elntrtsu! ol 'tsoc u,ro su le 1qE!i ar{l 3^sq llsqs Iueduo3 eq1 (q) pernsur lou s*u?ur eEerp qcrq^\ uolpr Jo sasn"3 "ufilt$'j$"j$ttitt";paJnsur aql ,(q paunr-u1 sasuadxa.ro sqo?'saeJ,(ue {ed tou ltl$ {uBdu{ietll lacunoc $qlo ^uB Jo saeJ aqt {ed lou I[,$ pu" roJ alq8l aq pu llBqs pu" uorlss Jo sesnp5 polets osoqt ol sa pernsu! eql luasa.dal o1 (osnec alqruos?ar roJ lJefqo ol pernsu! eqt Jo tqtu eql ot Fefqns) .oloqJ sU Jo lesunor tmlrs ot tqtl.t rqr o^srl lpqs {uudrroJ eql fclod s$r ,(q tsursiepernsu roll?ur Jer{to Jo ouBlqutnJu:r ro uert 'treJ.p E tudlelp uollc8 Jos.snsr pelals rsoql ol sB {lu-o tnq'peJnsur s" ls:[ctur Jo allll o$ ol e6Ja pE urlPl3 e suits€? Aueo PrFll AIIB qclq/n ur uortEitltll ul peJnsur us Jo 6u:rJrp aql roJ apnoJd lt?qs',(q3p rlqsuosBaJun tnoqlla ptt" lsoc urro sI le 'AUEO(|IOC aqt 'SuoD?lnCOS pu? suortrpuoc $eqt Jo g uonces ur paulsluqt suorldo aql ol t3efqns pue pernsur eql fq tsenbcr u1rF,n uodn (s) ':llvu3dooc or .tNvf,nnc oSunsNllo Arno :silou.Jv Jo No[nc3soud oilv 3s1{3jro 't 'to!pn[.rd erll Jo luetxa e$ ol {luo uaql puB 3.mlpJ aq1 Iq porpnfard eq lleqs -,(usduroS aqt sselun- ,(c_qod srql l.pun petnsu! ,(ue Jo $qtg eql ecJpnj3{q asPr ou ur llsqs ^ueouo-J ern AJ[ou ol nl13J tEqt 'D^e,toq 'pepl o^Jo :peJrnDar s] onou {uroJd q.lq,h JoJ sJsllstu Jo Je$aur eql ol PJ?.al- qtyr elsulluet [8qs ^u?oruoJ oql Jo ^uglBll Jl" pclnsu! eqt ol se uaql 'AEaouloJ aql ol u5^6 aq lou nBqs 3onou ldrnoJd JI 'alqqalJsqrun sB pelceter. sr 'pernsur se 'tserelEt lo al8lse eql ot ell$ trl (fI) ro 'frflod sJql Jo^anul^ ^q alq?rl_ 3q A"ru Au"orro3 oql qdq^r JoJ stslrrEp lo ssol csns) tqlrrr qJnlr PUB'PaJnsu! s3'lsarelu! lo alqse eqt ol eDll eql ol 3sJc^p? sr quq/$ NsJ.lul lo alln Jo ul"l3 Au? Jo laponalaq peJnsu! uB ol au(x) llEqs eapel,rosl a6ec ur (rr) -',toleq -(s)t uon.es u! quoJ le6 s" uoF€8nl {us JO aSBJ ur (r' runu^\ ur Ancuoro i\trBcluoJ ew AJlou IIEqs pelnsut rql 'rNvnulc osunsu As N3At9 3s or ntvlc Jo 3c[oN '8 'peJnsu! eql 01 uel6 eE?E our fouou esuqund e ,(q peJn es ssaupalqapur u? (rr) Jo'pu"l .ql ur NaJelul ro ale1se ue (l) reqlp J9 Pelnsq eql uo{ Jas?r{cJno Au? Jo Jo^g ur aloJ ur anupuos lou llBqs,blqd stq,L 'lseJetq Jo etqsa ern Jo aou?,(a^uoc Jo Je.Fu"Jt Iu? ur pelnsul aql {q apBur ,(lu?u",n Jo sluDue^oc Jo uosB3J {q i(lll|qetr e^Bq ltBqs pe.rnsur aql s" 8uo[ os ,(luo Jo 'peJnsur aql ruo{ Jrs?q.Jnd ?,(q ua^!t ctEduoru Aauour 3s?qrJno e Aq peJnaes sssupelqapu! us sploq Jo 'pusl aql ul lsalel ro olalsa ue surqar Funsur eql s? tuol 06 ,(po pernsur u" Jo Jo^EJ ur {ttlod Jo 4eq Jo se ooJoJ ur anunuoJ 11eqs {c11od sqt.;o ctere,ran cqa '3'll[ Jo f3]{VASANOC U3tlV SCNVUnSM JO NOIMNU?{OC ? '.llg qqslalrEur Jo fue^lrp aql tuumb uonrDu@ l?rrlJB4uor I Jo anu! ,(q 3s?rl nd ol uowtrtqo ew uorJ poBBr]ar aq ot V eFpeqrs m pequ.6ep tsoralu! ro etqse .qt Jo .rssq5md ? atlnu, pFo/h qrnl.tr 'atera^oJ l[o{ peldeoxe Jo pepnlcxJ lou .puq eqt ol anF 3ql EunJelJB JeUEr.u luerzdde ro peEelp u? :..elu aql Jo f111qqaqruurun,, (t) ur rotrrsp aI' IoJ unoo pursrp sorsrs p"tr"n ,,f:X?J"i: tii';Ol$"# eW u,l lclg suell uonieloJd lsluauuorhue gplrlqu! o6p [Eqs ..sprocuJllqno,, 'ersJe^oJ rrorc suorsnlJ)ql 3ql Jo (^r) (B)l uoq€s ot lsxtcrqlr^|e8pel,$ou{ lnoqlln pu? rnp^ roJ srassqrrnd ot,{uJdoJd t".J ol EuqqeJ sJelleu Jo :onou a^qcrulsuoc Euq:edrur 3o asodmd aql toJ fJllod Jo rlBO ta selnl"$ alels repun paqslqqse spro.xrJ :.,sprocer J1qnd,, (f) ,(lunres reqlo ro 'p€p lsn.,t 'rsur Jo peep 'aE?tuo.o ,.."a"arrl?]f,lo! 'frllod srql ,(g parnsu! sr pusl eqt tlro{ puz ol ss.€B Jo tqtu E r{nq^r ot lualxa aql trrull Jo,{Jrporn lprls urar3q tuqtou tnq'sfe,ruelu,nro s{E,h 'ssusl 's{ell? 'sonua E 'speoJ 'slaeJF Eulllnqa ur lueuracgt Jo al?Na '$erolur 'auu ' lqtu-,(u?-rou. ' V_ elnparlcs ur ol peJJoJer Jo paqucsap ?:rE rrll Jo sou11 aqt puo{aq durdojd,(ue apnlour lou saop ..pusl,, tul3leql {uedord lear elnlltsuoc ^\q ,tq q qr$ ol eql poxlll" sluaura^oJdur pus 'V elnpegcs uI ot p.lraJat lo poqursep puBI .qr :..puEt,, (p) 'pue1 aqt turuege srellsru Jo *rnou e^rlJru6uoJ lJ?durr q q,n sploJar reqlo ,{ue :o {c11od str1t ur pauuep sz sp:ocet c11qnd aql Jo uosEJJ ,(q peJnsur uE ol polndutl eq ^?ru qrrq^r Jcllou io .tpsl,r\ou{ a^rlrrulsuoo lou'aEpol,noul IEnl3? :..u/t\ou{,, ro ..aEpqArou)t,, (r) 'a€eurep ro ssol Eunu!?p palnsur ue :..lueu{"lo pemsu!,, (q) 'srossixbns ,oercnpg ro alHod.rocro 'ur{ Jo lxru 'sa^rlsluaseJdej lsuoslad ,sJo^!^lns .seashap ,salnqF$lp 'sjraq 'ot pelrurl lou lnq 'tupnlcur es"q nd u.ro{ peqsrnEuqsrp se ^\el Jo uorleraoo Aq PoJnsul PaurBu ar{l Jo lsemlu aql ol peocns oqlr\ asorrl 'parnsur prurBu ar{l tsuret? pBq e^uq pFo^\ fu?dutoJ eql s.suaJep Jo $qEui(ur o1 pefqns 'pue 'V atnporlJs ur peu?u pemsur eql :..punsur,, (e) :uuaru f,cr1od slql ur pesn uaq,n sulel tuhrolloJ eql i-rlrr-s 'Jepro ro lueru;pnl esa^Pe AUP tuo{ lsaooE ol 'uorlarJsrp alos slr ur 'lqtg aql se^reser ,(lssardxa pue uoqtpfgnf lufleduoJ ro lrnoo ? fo uoruunuralaD reurr ol uonetnn,(us ans.tnd ,(utu ,(uedurolJo unoo ? fq uoll?uluralaprluualap IEuu ot uoltetlllt ,(uE suolsr^oJd oql {q pellruuadeql ',(trtod sn{l Jo suolst^oJd oql ^q pellrruJad ro partnbar se asurJtP e pasodralul Jo uorlrg ue tqtno:q r,req llEqs ^u?druoJ aql rt^aurtt\ (f,) qi\I.rIT I Y-INJI Iq fl NIY S\Tr|I I Tfl \TN1 'snu3l lo No|rrilrJfo '] COIO|ONIEAITIE IrAID TIU,E INBttRlt{CE COUpAI|Y POIJICI OF TIIL'E IIIAORINCE SCBBDUIB A Anount of Insurance: $22,OOO,OOO.OO Policy No.: 1114900 Date of PolLcy: December 6, L994 at 5:00 P.U. 1. Nane of Ineured: lll{C Acquisition Properties, Inc., a Delaware corporatlon 2. lXhe eetate or interest in the land described herein and $hlch is covcred by thle policy is: FEE SII{PLE 3. llhe estate or lnterest referred to herein is at Date of Pollclt vaatcal ln: IlltC Acqulsition Properties, Inc., a Delaware Corporation 4. llhe land referred to in this Policy is deEcribed as fol'lowg: (SEE ATTACHED PAGE FOR I,EGAL DESCRIPTION) CO}Ir{OITIIEALTIT LAND TI!L8 INSURA}TCE COT{PANY I.EGAI, DESCRIPTION Policy No.: 1114900 Condorninium Lodge Unit, The Mark/Lodge, in accordance with Declaration of Conaorniniurns foi The Mirk/Lodge iecoided March 27' 1974 in Book 233 at paqe BZO and the Amended becliration of Condoninium for The Mark/Lodge ie6ordea October 17, 1978 in Book 276 at Page 606 as Reception No. L73O16' and Arnendrnents recoided January 29, 1975 in Book 238 at Page 467, Vlarch 6, 1975 i.n Book 238 at Page 876, and March 22, 1979 in Book 183-at Eage 344 is Reception No. t7g756,.and.the condominium Map for The.Mark/,Lodge iecordei March 27, 1974'in Book 233 at Page 93O as Reception No. _129830lnd the Anended Piat of the Site PIan for-The Mark/Lodge recorded October L7, 1978 in Book 276 at Page 607 as Reception No. 773OL7 'County of Eagle' State of Colorado. Parcel 1: ParceI 2i Units A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I,.J, K, L and L9dS9 Unit, The.Mark Resort iiia-ienirii'ctuu,'in'ac6ordanie witfi tlie condorninrlin Declaration recorded Uaicf, fC, 1980 in Book 3OO at Page 183 as Reception No. L96572 and the Condorninium l,!ap recorded March 14, L980 in Book-300 at Page-184 as ne-eption tto. igeSZ3, of the Eagli County records, County of Eagle' State of Colorado. Parcel 3: A part of Lot 1, Vail/Lionshead Fifth Filing, being a replat.of all or paii-ot Vaiflli6nsheah 3rd Filing and Lot C; Morcus Subdivision,-Town of tiif, Eagle bounty, Colorado, noie particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of said Lot c; [fr""ce N 16 deq. 17 nin. 2]- sec. W 198.64 feet to a point on the Southerly right-of-way line of West Lionshead Circle also being the Northwest corner of said Lot C; thence L2g.67'feet al-ong the arc of a 392.00 foot radus curve to the left wfrole-central angle is ie deg. 57 nin. 10 sec. and whose long chord bears- N 87 deg. 18 urin. 35 sec. E L29.08.feet; tnencJ ieavinq said right-of-way line N 83 deg. 25 nin. 45 sec. E 178'43 feet;thende S 06 deg. 34 min. L5 sec. E !73.10 feet; tfi"nce S 74 def. 21 ni. 19 sec. W 52.64 feet to a point on the Westerly Iine of Lot 4,-Block 1, Vail/Lionshead Third Filing; [["""t-H-22 dLg.38 tni;. 41 iec. w along said westerly Iine L4.79 feet to a point on the-southerly line of said Lot.c; €trEnc" 219.83 feet jfoni said Southerly line and the arc of 580.00 foot iiaius curve to fIie-iigfit wto"" centrai angle is 21 deg. 12-Til. 57 sec. u"a-ttt"""-long chord b6ars S 78 deg. l-2 nin. 47 sec. W 218.51 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, Page 2 COlll{Oltl9EAIrTH LAND TITIJE INSURAIICE COl,tPAl{Y SCHEDUIJE A - continued IJEGAIJ DEECRIPIIION county of Eagle, state of Colorado. Parcel 4: Policy No.: I11il9O0 POINT OF BEGINNING'feeti POINT OF BEGINNING, A part of Lot 1, Vail/Lionshead, Fifth Filing, being a replat of all orpait of Vail/Lionshead 3rd Filing and L,ot c, Morcus subdivision, Tol'rn ofVaiI, Eag1e County, colorado, rnoie particularly described as follows: COUI'IENCING at the Southwest corner of said Lot 1, thence N 22 deg. 38 nin. 41 sec. w 140.10 feet; thence N 74 deg. 21 rnin. 19 sec. E 52.64 feet to the thence continuing N 74 deg. 2l nin. 19 sec. E 83.04 thence N 6 deg. 34 min. L5 sec. W 160.00 feeti thence S 83 deg. 25 nin. 45 sec. w 82.00 feet; thence S 5 deg. 34 nin. 15 sec. E 173.10 feet to the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Parcel 5: Lot D, lltorcus Subdivision, Town of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. TOGETHER WITH: Together with all rights and benefi.ts accruing to the above describedpr5perty by reason of the party wall located atong the division line, desirib-ed in the Party t.lali Aqieement, along a poition of the westerly boundary line of The Marlc/Lodge, as provided in the Party WaII -Agreementrecorded October 17, l-978'in 6oilf ZZ-o at Page 608 of the-records of Eagle County, Colorado. AND TOGETHER WITH: Together with a reciprocal, non-exclusive, unrestricted, irrevocable eaiement and riqht t6 use anv and all existing and future recreational facilities and irnenities and-a non-exclusive unrestricted, irrevocable easement to traverse, cross and utilize any portion of the.general cornmon elenents and common irays and a non-exclusive easement for ingress and egress for the purpose of using the recreational facilities and amenities oier Parcel A dlsciiUea in Agr5ernent recorded October L'l I t978 in Book 276 at Page 5O9 of the records of Eagle County, Colorado. AND TOGETHER WITH: Toqether with a non-exclusive easement for the parking of rnotor vehicles with pathways, turnouts and ingress and egress access ways, and- for pedestrian ialrs over the propeity described in the Grant of Parking'Easenent recoided october- 171 1978 in Book 276 at Page 610 as Reception Page 3 COl,tl,tOlffElIlTE IJAND TITITE INSURANCE COIIPANY Policy lto. s I11{900 Scf,EDULE A - continued IIEGAIT DBSCRIPIION No. 173020, and Anendrnent to Parking Easement recorded July_27, 1982 in Book 343 ai, Page 467 of the records of Eagle County, Colorado- Al{D TOGETHER WITH: Together with all rights and benefj.ts accruing to the above describedpr5perty as contained in Party Wall and Encroachment Agreement by and Letileen-The Mark Resort and Tennis club Association, Inc. and !l-K Corporation recorded July 27, 1982 in Book 343 at Page 463 of the records of Eagle County' Colorado. AND TOGEIHER YIITH: Tosether with all rights and benefits accruing to the above describedpr6perty as contained in Agreenent by and between M-K Corporation and The ftiiil n"3"rt and Tennis CIuF Association, Inc. recorded July 27, 1982 in Book 343 at Page 464 of tlre records of Eagle County, Colorado. Page COIIIIOIII9E}I,TH I,AND TIEI,E INSURAIICE COI{PANY Poliqy No.:r114900 SCHEDUI.E B This Pollcy does not insure against loss or. danage by raason of the foI'lowing3 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easernents, or clains of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shorta encroachments, and any facts which a correct surveof the premises would disclose and which are not spublic records. ge ].n area,y and inspection hown by the labor or materialby law and not shown bY4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services,theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposedthe public records. 5. Taxes due and payable; and any tax, special assessnentP, charge or lien imposed for-water or sewer servi-e, or for any other special taxing district. The 1993 General taxes paid, according to tax certificate dated December 6, L994. 6. Reservations of (1) right of proprietor of any_penetrating-vein or Iode to extract his ore; and (2) right of way for any clltches or canals constructed by authority of united states, in u.s. Patent recorded Vlay 24, 1905 in Book 48 at Page 5o3-(Affects Parcel 1) 7. Reservations of (1) right of proprietor of any penetrating- vein or lode to extract his ore; and (2) right of way for any drtches or canals constructed by authority'of onited States, in U.S. Patent recorded September 4, 1923 in Book 93 at Page 98.(Affects Parcels 2-5) 8. Covenants, conditions and Restrictions, which do not contaln a forfeituri or reverter clause, but onitting restrictions, i! any, based on race, color, religiori, or national origin. as contained in instrument reiorded Octobei fS, 197L in Book 221 at Page 991' and Arnendment recorded August 12r t977 in Book 258 at Page 453' 9. Those covenants, conditions, Terms, ob]igations, Easements- and n"rtiiciions whicfr are a buiden to'subje-t property described in Schedule A hereunder, as provided in the Declaration for The Mark Lodge recorded March' 27 | ig74 in Book 233 at Page 870 and Amended Oeciaration recorded October L7, l-978 in Book 276 at Page 606, and. Amendments rlcorded January 29,'L975 in Book 238 at.Page 467, March 6, 1975 in Book 238 at Pag-e 876 and March 22, 1979 in Book 283 at Page 344. Page 5 11. 10. t2. 13. 14. 15. 16. UtilityFiIing. utility easement(Affects COI{I{ONTEALTH LAIID TITIJE INSURaNCE COI'iPANY Policy No.: Illt9oo SCSEDULE B - cortinu€d (Affects Parcel 1) easements as shown on the Plat of Vail/Lionshead Fifth easenent as shown on the PIat of Morcus Subdivision, said being over a Southwesterly portion of said Lot D. Parcel 5) Easement and right of way for the right of ingress and egress across, as granted by M - K Corporation, a Colorado corporation; and Th6 Mar* condoniiriuro Associition, Iirc. to HoIy Cross ElectricAssociation, Inc., recorded April 19, 1978 in Book 259 at Page 202'affecting the following described property: Lot 7, Bloik 1, Vail/Lionshead, Third Filing. An easement twenty(2Ol feet in width, the centerline for which begins on the westerly bouirdary of said Lot 7 at a point from which the most southerly corner 6f said Lot 7 bears S- 22 deq. OO rnin. 10 sec. E, a distance of 120 feet, more or less; thence fr ae aeg. 27 rnin. E, a dlstance of 140 feet, more or less; thence N 40 deg. O0 nin. E, a distance of 32 feet, nore or less, to the point of ending on the Easterly boundary of said Lot 7. Terms, agreements, provisions, conditions and obligations as contained in agrein-ent by and'between M-K corporatign, a colorado corporation and The Markllodge Condoninium AsEociation, Inc. rec-orded October 17, 1978 in-Book 276 at Page 609. Terms, agreements, provisions, conditions and obligationF grs -contained in Part'i i{all Aqreement bv and between The Mark-Lodge Condourinium Association, inc., and t'l-X Corporation, a Colorado corporation recorded Octobet L7, 1978 in Book 276 at Page 608. Terms, easements, conditions, reservations, restrictions and obliqations as c6ntained in crant of Parking Easement recorded octo6er 17, 1978 in Book 276 at Page 6LO as Reception No..173O2O, and Amendm6nt to Parking Easernent iecorded July 27 | ]-982 in Book 343 at Page 467. Those Covenants, Conditions, Terms, Obligations, Easenents and nestrictions which are a buiden to'subject property described in Schedul-e A hereunder, as provided in the Declaration for The Mark Resort and Tennis Club re-corded March 14, 1980 in Book 300 at Page 183.(Affects Parcel 2) Page L7. 18. 19. 20. COUIIOIW9EALTH LAND TITI,E INSI'RANCE COMPAilY A. Encroachment ofB. Encroachment of Page 202.c. Encroachment of PooI onto 15 foot pedestrian easement. Policy No.: I11t900 aCEEDULE I - continued Terms, agreernents, provisions, conditions and obligations as contained in Party Wall and Encroachment Agreenent by and between The Mark Resort ahd tennis club Association, Inc. and lI-K Corporation recorded July 27, 1982 in Book 343 at Page 453. Terms, agreements, provisions, conditions and obligation! es contained in Agre6rnbnt by and'between M-K Corporation and The Mark Resort and Tennis club Association, Inc. recorded JuIy 27' 1982 in Book 343 at Page 464. Easement and right-of-way for ingress and egress over Lot C Morcus subdivision and-for utility purposes as sho*n on Map attached to said instrument, as granted to noly cross Electric Association recorded Augrrst 30, L982 in Book 344 at Page 922. Easement and right of way for the purpose of. installing, -uraintaining and-repairin6 cable telev-ision lines, granted to- Cabtevision Associltes vi, d/b/a Heritage Cablevision, fnc. !V -Marriott l{ark Resort by instiuinent recoided.May 20, 1983 in Book 360 at P.age 42, in whi-h the specific location of the easernent is not defined.(Affects Parcels 2, 3, 4 and 5) Matter of Survey as shown on Survey of Inter-Mountain Engineering Ltd. No. 94391s, dated June 13, tgt4., as revised August 4, 1994, as fo]-lows:fence and concrete onto adjacent property. fence and building onto easement in Book 269 at 2L. 22.Any loss or daroage occasioned by any question as,to the size or folation of non-6xclusive easemLnt -fof parking of motor vehicles, pathways, turnouts, ingress and egress access ways_and^pedestrian irays a-s 3et forth in iistrument recorded october 17 , -L97-9 i!^P9"+ z7'6 at Page 610 as amended in instrurnent recorded JuIy 27, 1982 in Book 343 at Page 467. NOTE:This exception is linited to the coverages of those easenents- to be insured under ScheduLe A. 23.Line of Credit Trust Deed Fee and Leasehold Mort9a9e, Deed of Trust, security Agreement, Fixture Filing,statgnent, Assignment of Leasei and Rents 5nd finaircing Statement-from HMC Acguisition Properties, Inc., a Delaware corporation to the Public Trustee of the- County'of Eagle for the use of Bankers Trust Conp?ly, a Newyork StatE Sankiig Corporation, as Collateral Agent,.the.naximum aggregate amount 5t principat to be secured at -any time is iiiO,6O0rOOO.00 dated November 29, L994t recorded Decernber 6, t994 in Book 656 at Page 655. Page 7 24. above Deed of Trust. Secur|tv lntcreet under the Uniforn Comnercial Code affectlnE the eubiect-property, notice of which is given by Financing Statauont Cron fnfdecquteltlon Propertles, Inc;, debtor(E), to Bad(srs Truat conpany, ae'coUateral Aient, sicureil'party, Deiember 6, 1994 ln Book 656 at Page 657. COtiltOtilEAL'Tf, LlllD IITITE Il[gUnE|tCE COI{PA!|Y Poll.oy ro. r l11at0o ECEEDUITA E - sotttinuad NOTE:Ageiqnnent of Leasee and Rents recorded Decenbar 5, Iln g5ok 656 at Page 656, gLven ln connectlon wlth therecordedDecenbar6,1994 Page ENDORSEMENT 103.1 Attached to and forming a part of Policy Issued by COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE No. I1149oo COMPANY The Conpany hereby insures againstshall sustain Ioss or damage which the Insured as a result of any exercise of the right of use or naintenance of the easenent refeired to in paragraph-6 and 7 of Schedule B over or through said land. The total }iabititv of the company under said policy and any endoiienents therein shall not exciedl in the aggrLqate, the face amount of said policy and coEts which the cornpany is obligated under the conditions and stipulations thereof to pay. This endorsement is nade a part of said policy and is sub]ect-to the scneaufls, conditions and stipuiations there-in, except as nodified by the provisions lrereof. DATED: December 6, L994 TITLE INSI'RANCE ENDORSEI.TENT LO3.2 Attached to and forning a part of Policy No. I1149oo Issued by COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INST'RANCE COMPANY DATED: December 6, L994 INSI'RANCE trhe Company hereby insures against loss or damage which the Insured ehall sustain in the event that the owner of adjoining land shall compel,pursuant to final judgment or couit deciee, the removal of any bortion of the inpiov6ments on the insured land which encroach irpon said adjoining land as referred to in paragraph 26a of Schedule B The total Iiability of the company under said policy and any endoiJements thereto shall not exc-eedl in the aggregate, the face amount of said policy and costs which the Conpany is obligated under the conditions an-l stipulations thereof to pay. This endorsement is rnade a Part of said policy and is subject-to the scneauits, conditions and stipuiations there-in, except as modified by the provlsions hereof. This endorsement is not to be construed as insuring the title^to said estate or interest as of any later date than the date of said policy' except as trerein expressly lrovided as to the subject matter hereof. TH .\ ENDORSEMENT 103.3 Attached to and forming a part of Policy No. I1149OO Issued by COM!{ONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY The Conpany hereby insures against loss or damage which the Insuredshall sustain in the event that the owner of the easement referred to in paragraph 25b and 25c of Schedule B shall, for the purPoaes of iain€aining and repairing any existing utilities-lines,- coqnpel the removal of-any portion oi ttr6 improvements on said land which encroach upon said easement. The total liability of the conpany under endorsements therein shall not exceed, in theof said policy and costs which the conpany iscondltions andl stipulations thereof to pay. This endorsement is made a part of said policy and schedules, conditions and stipulations therein' except provisions hereof. DATED: Decenber 6, L994 said policy and anYaggregate, the face amountobligated under the subject to thenodified by theis as ENDORSBMENT 103 .7 Attached to and forming a part of Policy No. 1114900 Issued by COI.IMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INST'RANCE COMPANY The company hereby assures the Insured That sald land abuts upon a physically and public open street known aE w. Lionshead Circle; and the conpany hereby insures said assured shall sustaln in the event be incorrect. assured aqainst loss which saidsaid assurinces herein shalI prove to The total liability of the company under said policy and any endorsements thereto shall not exceed, in the aggregate, the face anountof said policy and costs which the Conpany is obligated under the conditions and stipulations thereof to pay. Thls endorsement is made a part of said policy and is subject to the ScheduleE and the Conditions and stipulation3 thelein, except aE nodified by the provislona hereof. Dated: December 6, L994 TITLE INSI'RANCE ENDORSEMENT 110. 1 Attached to and forning a part of Policy No. I1149OO Issued by COMMONWEALTII I,AND TITLE INSURANCE COI,TPANY Said policy is hereby amended by deleting paragraph(s) Lt 2' 3 and 4 of Schedule B. The total liability of the conpany under said policy and any endorsements therein shall not exceed, in the aggregate, tfre face amount of said policy and costs which the conpany is obligated under the conditions andl stipulations thereof to pay. This endorsement is made a part of said policy as of the date thereof ana ij subJect to the schedulesl conditions and st,ipulations therein, except as nodified by the provisions hereof. This endorsement is not to be construed as insuring the tLtle to said estate or interest as of any later date than the date of said pollcy, except as herein expressly provided as to the subject natter hereof. Dated: December 5, 1994 COMMO TITLE INSI'RANCE COMPANY: Attached ENDORSEMENT 116. 1 to and forning a part of Po1icy No' I1149oo to the by the INSURANCE COMPANY: Issued bY COM!,IONWEALTH I,AN6 iitiN IWSUN.NHCN COMPANY lhe company herebY defineated -on the-Plat i[a. on Jury 11. L9994' [iieto and rlade a Part insures thatof a surveY designatedhereof. said land is the same as that rlE!-uv-inter-ltountain Ens ipger.rli!j:66-u"'. gaggr s, -thich is-attached ":ll,H:i:T til: ?lI" .'o,,n. o6iiqitea under the is subJect as nodified TheconPanYherebyinsuresag3instlossor.damaqewhichsaidAsEuredshalt sustarn ,r, [t!-!"!'tit-t[lt-€fr3"]i""iln""-nereifi shaII prove to be incorrect. The total liability 9f th9 corDanv under endorsements ther6in-iiraff not exc-eedl in the ;i*;;i;-;ori"y "ta-Josts which the-cornpanv is EinafEio-ni and stipulations thereof to pay' This endorsenent is made'a part of said policy and schedules, conaidioi"-I"a-=tipuiaiions there-in except provisionE trereof' Dated: December 6, L994 COMMO "*o?l::T"*' Attached to and forming a part of Policy No' 1114900 Issued bY COI4MONI{EALTH LAND TITLE 1NSURANCE COMPANY The Conpany hereby insures.that the land described in Schedule.A, is contilioiJ-[,"--i"iGi-i i;-aontiguous to Parcel 21 Parcel 2 is contiguous to parcels 1, 3, i, ana S; Parc6l 3 is contiguous to.Parcels 2, 4 and 5; ;;r;;i-;-i"-6""€id.ionl to'Parcels 2 and 3; Pircel 5 is contiguous to Parcels 2 and 3. The conpany hereby insures against loss or danage yhigh said Insured snari"luJti-i"--i"- the -event that fhe assurance herein shall Prove to be incorrect. The total liability of the cornpany gndel said policy and any enaoisinen€t-ttreiEin siraU not ex-E-ai in the aggr-egate; tl" f?ce amount of said policy and costs which the conpany is obligated unqer Ene conditio-ns and stipulations tbereof to pay. This endorsement is rnade a part of said policy and is subiect -to the scrreiulEs,--;;;ai;rJ"r-"".i-"[ipuiili"ni ttrirein, eicept as modified by the provisions trereof. Dated: Decernber 6, 1994 COMMO TITLE INSUR,ANCE COMPANY: INIIORSEMENT Attrcicd o Folkl Nc lsrdby ld Commonwealth. l5l Latta fiile Insurancc ComprnY IhaColrFnyhr|,!3u|aln$rd.!l[rnBordt[| !3 3u!tr!|.d !y rrercr d ury lnomrUrs h th"t4u'aFt 6r! l IhE o' Pal|..},': (r) A@sdn3 E rpPdclu. larhS ofiIn rEr lrd ugvtnrntr th.ttF. tlu lrtrd tr 'r-'dtfil zaE SPECIAL DgltEloPt{8tlt DlsrRlgl 7 o) Thr flroutg ur. or u!a. rn 'lhtd t$d'r ttut d8lbthn $blcct b Go8p{ttr !'ilh r|ry ..ndgt* nStEtLn| a nql{tllgul ca$|!r.rl!rut rfi!|tordlursrnrlrcnrlngurth.Fto.lfldulnthlnorlntdb,th!lcodngdrc.r$ryomgtrcl|$ul' r.lsrr rr . Fstqudlt tt tll. ll!. ot rrt t: SEE AITACEED gl(EtBIl 'A' Tlr. CornFry fidr.t luut3llrlnlt bsc o.d|!tr!!.dlttt fiur r ffnel drot. ol. qrt oa dudqt Fdddb| (.) Ptddlthtd|.u..dUr.btd. ryldrrrvmsuEPrt!.tulytdttdrhrrcqr urPrdrdbF [FDhfOFa O) rtqulffrg ilra ttDvd.a rtLltEl d lha $trilrt qr tha blA th|t rt thL d lbltst, rhr ordlss ld 'edEilr d|rnio turr EA i,kirrd tdrh tttPca b rV d tl: ffitt errr'rr: (D Att|. wldtto.d.Fhd tlE b&l rt. hrildtE Jn b3 dl tttrailtg (Il Fl@E rF.t rttrdtE Sltslg (|Il S.rbcl d dt ru|rlll!. tnel dr gropctty Urt d th' lrn& ot (tvl HdgN ol ih. !!rro!l- th.tr 3lulb.rc[.u!lyl!|.Lrttrtrhdorro:mbrqlqrdr.hvrldltyoar.tdoldl|rtsad|t!tftdEI|6.lt5drlUteHdsr. c r .a!r c cu,prr.lrt-FddLnm 4udtcrtts hr umldly, thr clfcc of wlr|d b b Drdl|l ur ur aun Loc or rtIn4f .tto Urrn nart h$tt{ alrhll ltt tl{3lndo.ttdlnt dtrl ma hcit& ld a d'E|!l n'l|tt'd ctE|rrttd l'| tutd lha ttirlal oa ury prnar r plorrc. rclrr-c rnd m:rt qr ur ca'! or lrEnrt outnd !t tlcr P*t' llrlrlnrlo!.rcruB!u|l.rFnoath.PoEt]tdbtubl.dbdllh.t tlsrrdFovtrhttt'ttdtnddlrtPtbhffiItfido. Erc.FroUr..mcnrop...ttr;t d.rrhirliusroara6sV_ilt"c;-dd4C6dd!Pd.t1rdrryPftuffi'ls&'r tt .rpnd thr c6xf"c C.lc oirft: dty lU uy prU ltd.fu.lstlt nor Oei n Ug11r dI h" 1aar Usrd' s,,a.y).(-il COMMONWEALTII T.AND 1TTII' TNST'TANCE COMPAT{T E/,/6a*, ALIA ENDORTIEUA CLTA Fom lA: 3 (na .lutldrrzed !t lfulBtrfr EXHIBIT "A" MULTI FAIIILY RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS; INCLUDING ATTACHED OR ROW DWELLINGS At{D CONDO!'IINIUM DWETLINGS; LODGES (AS DEFINED IN 18'04'210 or rrtr,u 18 ZONING) INCLUDING AccEssoRY EATING, DRINKING; RECREATIONAL OR RETAII, ESTABI,ISiTMENTS; PROFESSIONAL A$ID BUSINESS OFFICES; MEEIING Roolls ATiID CONVENTION FACILITIES, ACCESSoNY NEITWG, DRINKING' OR REIAIL ESTABLIAIIMENTS . ?. DET;RMINATION, EXTENT CF LIABIL']'Y AND COINSURANCE. l:ris lolicy is a c'Jntracl of inqernnity agai!.st a':tual monr.,ary :oss or damagc sustained or incuned by th€ insured claimant who has suffered loss or damlge by reason of matters insured against by this policy and only to the extent herein describ€d. . (a) The liability of th€ Company under this policy shall not exceed the least ot: (i) th€ Amount of Insurancc statcd in Schedule A; or, (ii) the differencc betwccn the value of the insured estate or intcrest as insured and thc value of thc insured estatc or interest subiect ao the defcct. lien or encumbrance insured against by this policy. (b) In the cvent the Amount of Insurance stated in Schedule A at thc Date of Policy is less than 80 percent of the value of the insured estate or interest or thc full consideration paid for the land, whichever is less, or if subsequent to thc Datc of Policy an improvcment is erccted on thc land which increases the value of the insured estate or interest by at least 20 percent ovcr the Amount of Insurancc statcd in Schedule A, then this Policy is subject to the following: (i) where no subsequcnt improvement has been made, as to any panial loss, the Company shall only pay th€ loss pro rata in the proportion that th€ amount of insurance at Datc of Policy bears to the total value of the insured estate or interest at Date of Policy; or (ii) where I subsequent improvement has been made, as to any partial loss, the Company shall only pay the loss pro rata in the proportion that 120 perccnt of thc Amount of lnsurance stated in Schedule A bears to the sum of the Amount of Insurance stated in Schedule A and the amount expendcd for the improvement. Th€ provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to costs, attorneys' fees and cxpenses for which the Company is liable under this policy, and shall only apply to that portion of any loss which exceeds, in the aggregate, l0 perccnt of the Amount of Insurance stated in Schcdule A. (c) Thc Company will pay only those costs, attorncys' fees and expenses incurred in accordance with Section 4 of thcsc Conditions and Stipularions. 8. APPORTIONMENT. If the land described in Schedule A consists of two or more Darcels which are not used as a single site, and a loss is established affecting onc or morc of the Darcels but not all. the loss shall be comDuted and settled on a pro rata basi-s as if the smount of insurance under this policy was divided pro rata as to the value on Date of Policy of each separate parcel to the whole, exclusive of any improvements made subsequent to Date of Policy, unlcss a liability or value has otherwise been agreed upon as to each parccl by thc Company and the insured at the time of the issuance of this policy snd shown by an cxprcss statemcnt or by an cndorsement attachcd to this policy. 9. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. (s) If thc Company establishcs the title, or removes the alleged defect, licn or cncumbrancc, or cures the lack of a risht of access to or from the land, or cures thc claim of unmerketability 6f ritle, all as insured, in a rcasonably diligent manncr by any method, including litigation and thc completion of any appcals therefrom, it shall have fully performed its obligations with respcct to tha! matter and shall nor be liabte for any loss or damage caused th€reby. (b) In the cvent of any litigrtion, including titigation by thc Company or with the Company's consent, lhe Company shall have no liability for loss or damage unlil therc has been a final detcrmination by a court of competent jurisdiction, and disposition of all appeals therefrom, advcrse to the titl€ as insurcd. (c) The Company shall not be liablc for toss or damage to any insurcd for liability voluntarily assumed by thc insurcd in settling any claim or suir without the prior wrirtcn consenr of the Company. 10. REDUCTION OF INSURANCEi REDUCTION OR TEFMINATION OF LIABILITY. All paymcnts undcr this policy, exccpt payments made for costs, attomeys' fecs and cxpcnses, shall reduce the amount of the insurancc pro tanto. 11. LIABILITY NONCUMULATIVE ll is exprsssly undgrstood thal the amount of insurance under this pollcy shall b€ reducod by any amount ths company may pay under any pollcy insuring a mortgage to which excsption is tak€n in Schedulg B or to which the Insured has agroed, assum6d, of laken subiect, or whlch is hereafter Executed by an insured and which is a charge or llsn on the estate or inter€st describod or referred to in Schaduls A, and the amount so paid shall b€ deEmsd a paymenl undor this policy to the Insursd owner. 12. PAYMENT OF LOSS, (a) No payment shall bc made without producing this policy for endorsement of the payment unless thc policy has been lost or destroyed, in which case proof of loss or destruction shall be furnished to thc satisfaction of rhe Company. American Land lltle Association Owner's Policy (10-21-87) Cover Pago coNDrTroNs AI{D STIPULATIONS (Contlnu.d) (b) When liability and the cxtent of loss or damage has bcen definitely fixed in accordance with these Conditions and Stipulations. the loss or damtrge shatl be payable within 30 days thcreafter, 13. SUBROGATION UPON PAYMENT OR SETTLEMENT, (a) The Company's Right of Subrogation. \ry'hen€ver the Company shall have settlcd 8nd paid a claim under this policy, all right of subrogation shall ycst in the Company unaffectcd by any act of the insured claimant. The Company shall b€ subrogated to and bc cntitled to all rights and remedies which the insured claimanl would have h8d against any person or property in r€spect to the claim had this policy not bccn issucd. If requcstcd by the Company, the insurcd clsimant shall trsnsfcr to thc Cornpany all righls and remedies sSainst rny pcrson or propeny neccssary in order to perfect this right of subrogation. The insurad claimant sball permit the Company to sue, compromisc or settlc in thc namc of thc insured claimant and to use thc namc of thc insured claimant in any transaction or Iitigation involving these righls or rcmcdics. If a payment on account of s claim does not fully covcr thc loss of the insured claimant, the Company shsll bc subrogatcd to thcse rights and remedies in the proportion which the Company's prymcnt bears to the whole amounl of the loss, If loss should result from any act of the insurcd clsimant, as stated above, that act shall not void this policy, but thc Company, in that cvent, shall be required to pay only that part of any losses insurcd against by this policy which shall exceed the amount, if any, lost to the Company by reason of the impairment by the insured claimant of the Company's right of subrogation. (b) The Company's Rights Against Non-insured Obligors. The Company's right of subrogation against non-insured obligors shall exist and shall include, without limitaaion, thc rights of the insured to indemnities, guaranties, other policies of insurance or bonds, notwithstanding any terms or conditions containcd in thosc instrumcnts which provide for subrogation rights by reason of this policy. 14. ARBITRATION Unless prohibited by applicable law, either the Company or the insurcd may demand arbitration pursuant to the Title Insurance Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association. Arbitrablc matters may include, but are not limited to, any controversy or claim between lhe Compsny and the insured arising out of or relating to this policy, any scrvice of the Company in connection with its issuance or thc brcach of a policy provision or other obligation. All arbitrable mattcrs whcn the Amount of Insurance is $1,00O,0O0 or less shall be arbifated at th€ option of cithcr the Company or the insured. All arbitrable matters whcn thc Amount of Insurancc is in excess of $1,000,000 shall be arbitrated only when agrccd to by both the Company and the insured. Arbitration pursuant to this policy and under the Rules in effect on the date the dcmand for erbitration is made or, at the option of the insured, the Rules in cffcct at Datc of Policy shall be binding upon the parties. The award may includc attorneys'fees only if the laws of the state in which thc land is locatsd pcrmit s court to award attorncys' fees to a prevailing party, Judgment upon thc award rendcrcd by the Arbilrator(s) may bc entercd in any court having jurisdiction thereof. The low of the situs of the land shall apply to an arbitration under thc Title Insurance Arbitration Rules. A copy of the Rules may be obtained from the Company upon request. 1s. LIABILITY LIMITED TO THIS POLICY; POLICY ENTIRE CONTRACT. (a) This policy together with all endorscments, if any, attachcd hcreto by rhe Company is the entire policy and contract betwcen thc insured and the Company. In interpreting any provision of this policy, this policy shall bc consirued as a whole. (b) Any claim of loss or damage, whethcr or not based on ncgligence, and which arises out of the status of tbe title to the cstatc or iniercst covered hercby or by any action asserting such c[aim, shsll bc rcstrictcd to this policy. (c) No amendment of or endorsement to this policy can bc made except by a writing endorsed hereon or attached hercto signed by cither the President, a Vice President, the Secretary, an Assistant Secrctary, or validating officer or authorized signatory of the Company. 16. SEVEHABILITY. In the event any provision of the policy is held invalid or unenforceablc under applicable law, the policy shall be decmcd not to includc that provi- sion and all othcr Drovisions shall remain in full force and effcct. 17. NOTICES, WHERE SENT. All notices required to be given the Company and any statement in writing required to be furnished the Company shall includc the number of this policy and shall be addressed to Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company, Eight Penn Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103-2198. Valid Onlv lf Fa.c Proe S.he.l"l.( A en.l R ArF A r.he.l o o ^^='a{!:<3='ox 7-=Nf03 :'g(! zA,FEA1 AFEoF 3 f5 x o FIH a{ FIJ {(D D' F}5 o FF !E,ita =H'ir- s.>tr G- Eeo r = tDHig E ==T= T h;g ,'. s tr:-=9 I 3>O J v, f-- iri ll + =3=9 E ii Egl "' F O rY \t6oit6r= I B'- PROPOSED RENOVATION MARRIOTTS VAIL MOUNTAIN RESORT 715 W. Uonshead Circle Vail, Colorado MAIN LOBBY > Upgrade finishes including floor, walls and ceilings > Relocate existing Banners clothing store to existing Engineering offtces. Indudes removal of exterior awning. > Install new gas fireplace. Includes closing two windows to exterior and replacing door with window > Gonstruct new lobby lounge with bar > Relocate existing wall between main lobby and conference lobby FOOD AND BB/ERAGE OUTLETS > Construct new restaurant in former action lounge area (Bogie's) including buffet, service stands and all new finishes. > Close existing restaurant (Mountain Grille) and pizzabar (Luigi's). PUBLIC CORRIDORS AND RESTROOMS ' Upgrade finishes in second floor public corridor including floor, walls and ceitings ' Upgrade finishes in conference center public restrooms and bring into compliance with the American Disabilities Act BALLROOM PREFUNCTION AREA > Replace existing chandeliers (4) and wall sconces (2) RETAIL OUTLETS > Provide new tenant space for Banner Sports including new exterior storefront windows and entry adjacent to outdoor pool HEALTH CLUB FACILITIES > Relocate weight room to racquetball court > Upgrade lockerroom facilities > Construct additional massage and spa rooms > Upgrade finishes throughout ' Remove existing indoor whirlpools (2) and install new whirlpool (1) in naw location DffERIOR > Replace existing concrete poot deck with new exposed aggregate deck ' Construct new outdoor whirlpool adjacent to outdoor pool. Indudes expanding mechanical area to accommodate whirlpool equipment > Replace eisting concreto catering deck and stairs with new exposed aggregate deck and stairs. Includes addition of ADA compliant ramp and handralls > Replace existing asphalt tennis deck with new wood deck. Close existing exit doors from indoor pool area and remove wood and concrete stairs. Relocate pool exit to new wood deck MARRIOTTS VAIL MOUNTAIN RESORT 715 W. Llonshead Clrcle Vail, Colorado 81657 LOBBY RENOVATION > Rsmove blue awning > Remove two center windows and replace with rock to match existing > Remove door on extreme right and replace with window to match those removed ":!, MARRIOTTS VAIL MOUNTAIN RESORT 715 W. Uonshead Clrcle Vail, Colorado 81657 RETAIL AREA RENOVATION > Remove existing door and windows shown on right side of photo and increase opening. Install new storefront windows and pair of doors for relocated retail store. Finishes to match existing storefront in building (see openings in background of photo) MARRIOTT'S VAIL MOUNTAIN RESORT 715 W. Lionshead Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 HEALTH CLUB RENOVATION > Add screening material between pickets on and color to match existing fence. Screening fence closest to building (parallel to white building. wrought iron fence. Material materialto be utilized only on wall) and at right angles to MARRIOTT'S VAIL MOUNTAIN RESORT 715 W. Lionshead Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 POOL RENOVATION ' Replace existing landscape timber retaining wall (left side of photo) with new landscape timber retaining wall ' Replace concrete with new exposed aggregate concrete MARRIOTTS VAIL MOUNTAIN RESORT 715 W. Llonshead Clrcle Vall, Colorado 81657 POOL RENOVATION ' Replace concrete with new exposed aggregate concrete > Remove wood planters and wood fence with new fence to match existing wrought iron fence (lower left of photo) MARRPTTS VAIL MOUNTAIN RESORT 715 W. Llonshead Clrcle Vall, Colorado 81657 POOL RENOVATION > Install new whirlpool (n ground) in general location of round tables. Finishes to match existing pool MARRIOTT'S VAIL MOUNTAIN RESORT 715 W. Llonshead Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 POOL RENOVATION > Extend existing mechanical equipment room on right of photo to provide room for new whirlpool equipment. Finishes to match existing MARRIOTT'S VAIL MOUNTAIN RESORT 715 W. Llonshead Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 POOL RENOVATION Remove lowerterrace concrete and install new exposed aggregate concrete > Construct new concrete ramp along far side of existing concrete deck. lnstall wrought iron railings both sides. Railings to match existing wrought iron fencing around pool MARRIOTT'S VAIL MOUNTAIN RESORT 715 W. Uonshead Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 POOL RENOVATION > Remove existing concrete and install new exposed aggregate concrete > Remove existing concrete and wood timber steps and construct new concrete steps in same location. Install new wood railings both sides. Wood railing to match new wood railings at new indoor pool/tennis deck. MARRTOTTS VAIL MOUNTAIN RESORT 715 W. Llonshead Clrcle Vail, Colorado 81657 HEALTH CLUB RENOVATION > Remove existing metal pipe railings, concrete steps and wood timber surrounds. Patch concrete deck to match existing > Remove doors and installfixed windows to match existing > lnstall new wood wainscot along base of building where steps have been removed. Colors and finishes to match existing MARRIOTT'S VAIL MOUNTAIN RESORT 715 W. Lionshead Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 HEALTH CLUB/POOL RENOVATTON ' Construct new wood deck for indoor pool and tennis > Remove window to left in photo and install new door. Reuse existing door from other side of room MARRIOTTS VAIL MOUNTAIN RESORT 715 w. Lionshead Clrcle Vall, Colorado 81657 POOL RENOVATION > Existing tennis terrace that will be removed/covered by new wood deck 0r_ \-!-- /4afuzoutfr- Qd.a Beneddrb t:y*- 'r{arL {r*-, faf ftynfi le/sza2aaa o foi ad/e.:7/g/h //f7,7 .frlTecf , /ar/ tarryat Re&,1oorns, Eat/er a.zd furv"tdazzr ,@larA/za,rrye qt yaft. /r/I,Z *. t s/e slrr€/ //ac azz4trdey'ztn Fcle Ary s.7.4 2.1.U ,(arc4 Z44f r /7,*/ e.,4 d c/ ea.a/l arts,r@rzzfulU iloY P a4'aY'r /r'2e- 14 e,' re- /,/art, aAr 1r.rlarn,ra//aah a.2/'Ul€/edf rerzautrazz ez' 3/3 fuarlrm.rzr /o Sqtr*. &tzyafuu (ZZmn) ry c/rc r€% t t"*t erl fa rez'' .f4 z r /rU7addle il //b 8. dorlaqrZlr rWZz;rrC .fu ar erzz?han r?nzzd tu rfr e o,rrz e n-.2* ^ 2z /- - - . ./WzaV,&rva.? /e%r2,ed ope4/laarqy'e,rftrazz,,r'7uz,tzba /Y/4/a/r/ ol hdale- /#,*hrV 4are.n/g' /,r'4 lVfa e" l4rc {coVe at/ leazzze fre la,nr aV h/a/t tale perThrtmdd/,f,e @r/fre arhznare ,/, @rzrylra/ bl r4e Cune" Aad Rdpzza/, Z2- ?/E rd€o- ur// b€carne he lasrc 7@r f4 e2r2Tec/dadV, e ?r*.2(:^ zn, ,/az €a€ry/rfueaVa@ ,hry'er- Zaec/aa/ fmTzzttr /q t'aAnunlrrnaunAfirnatiry{ /aV ,rread-zarryn,/aaaganar \ fldqa.luao -,/nrez7 2€naa\- 37// labaV - 2 reabr a/w.z-ietu' 4-'- ," /,C t/azry ,<€ //atr/- /a7/.oaa 44u€ ,/n7der 2s/ Zah/l @V ,Ulrrtnrrtry74 8a/,,2rnaO,rart ,furzr> *nzaar @ r/tx ( lrl,rrd Aarf) 'rvatnc ?r).a,re,f zoercrrz) r -'{e?azn,* fexfrz@ &z/trzV. z. Rgzore exnr/tr>/ d.ryarar €.r4fla/ 47duare fu*-??etrz. .ilale'exthnA r4eear fule /u/d({ Repan,/ ac, E,r4an d{. \ s t-nfttoleazzze/ /zy/et zbre-zzaz2z Y. rrpn/e n€nz tdtned /lpad /d@ce- Q Z/.'- 6. ErTrr-/772y' ACAf,f/tA/,2,/e arZClfiV ll /4euA. y'A/, anz/ A/eq ,b,&q//? /. R€rnaru rtnT/l,U/Amtrtgt,O #lu/ry fuA(r ZeryE /A/ affree Any' h,rful,qezz rtrzT/nralurzrttzTQQTorl,arfrl/€gryffi Llfz Rerynl %tryy'eineab- 'Pt c /par/ram4, /a/h,rtVrr s. l*>zat'e ex,tlhrlf cazn//r.nak,tgb ?n/ QzunCete4,/. L/ /. Dah (p ,rbtad,/opr e ,4e//Ace e+rrfraf €nfu fu<ru/4 ..84/ ,rrhz.zltaar'airryr'barr 6. 7. t/oy fur/@tet furez:zzazn (na/e Z€ // a(/7,W/ed -a a/Fzta/ rhz ^ v/u//er)' o 8 4*nore +v,r/tnV 4a47:urt* acnz/u/4s/4/r .Lhare an*iz7 a.z/prurzfu.ada/ dar#/az. /0 F.rtrhaf nte/ezze,zz14f zb rUbta t/ fr&zzare. yA/ /rUru,/an4r q4dlatu? ///a/ ,u 4erna/e errlltrt/ rwz/tea/ larc a/V/u- n 2/e n en/,rfuirtd //@/Aff /J . r'/af/fu </e/v2/ nr4se r/n/ d/r/.r Caar an/ rny'azl 2brzer '? &€znare- &rt//zn/ arz4,Arozfu 4e/t/ zfof fu,ter V/€/er rbr zfe?Aa/et arzl,rtzzr?A rc 4r2rt/e dn€ aldz*bn a,/plazze,/Ad At/ozze ad4ftaaa/ /qZ/* au//e/F tu2rzz (,re fuarzi lr .?r,a€.. 1// c /6 4E? 3/n / ery,rlta y' laeZa ar/lea/a{ff"*//. eztr/rz7 ortliazc a/2d @azrz.€z. r?/a/4e'Aath a tur*na//Z /6, lrUnle rtinr .r/atodra/7r7p onhe lqzlfrrtq rqbne ,eectq ,lafu- Qp b//le /dH/,*aze 4/.,qe/zzzh ,tfre /a/ a///e qz/Ta/. ,?Z rZ/4V r' cti22 6 /ry fa/VAa7*',,? / effuUdtn ,4etfi./ ,b 7hzz,/a/-ln4rr e/zlnahrar-€,14r/te/ rr7fi7zUr"r /e.r'tuza/4 /r?/e na4d fo,r1e rA.z/// q/W J€/ch/ pl1fu. ( u Z " 4/ ^ 76,lri,/ ^ aa "z) r'rA n 4e 4 €///,rfut/ne/ had/,r1 f.ko e 6/tdtr2/ furc /4dart444 fie cauala" /d/e' Vrunle /7o,qe/,/ /Cfu/e-afuzv'fu/q/7"r 4/ 3 44a,rcru<?no/e q/extHtnl @,/elAAfu Anq "w"qfl,6le u,rd ln Z u// c. nrqtr4tuarz, R€rztarzfuz/4r/wrZ b be /tpa77Vv7ant C, fur' / t . R ern,are. Qy*lzr7q qryef an/Zal/a,rr?/ /84/ f/h aqa* andlaarenzac z €xtFz,4 Mfu^ qfuzl e dre,rfuZ rbrAWtt /VU fr fT.ryZn.- (,v ?'P4 /t2s CTerUrtanr,b re ?r>a- 2 '/ D. tffr 2a//,UFarzdpay' 2/A/ef h/p/afu#//4/4/ rrirf?(, latuaaz/6) ,/tg//,rr?zz/() tbrrtTe hqir k) a-t / /,\ ,/ b//e (t) Mryreaa/(zMr2reaa/&) /r,rlnz7//e @) Taanbnp () 4rware/a.zp 6r rltfl/,rfun//arz7> ( fuozeL (s) ?/qn/ ( /):,,- frmnt 27/sa711aff.rwra/ (r) (t tr1ht 2t (/.Uuryelaad2a/ZTF rc) - alryry lhngafurwd 1t) z.z"zf,rtrArf/e () Z,z'/ v t4+reQ a4fi%fuaxe.tn4@) 72 "HAdaAd ()zt, I Z,vj/,rbn//a.aZ?rlrql/rfuna (t1 lnare /anp ?) Cartnqe datb'( ) (rryar (/ )' / Czfuhan () A/h,u/Z k)stle P//e ( ) ?An/ 0 )' / 2€,8 0 D€rL c'tar (z) 'hrau/t/aur(r) rtrrz'talre A) / rf (///'rz1 ( )f/ry,Czryi C) aerL,taztp C/ ftre.rl//e. arzestracrn zct q (+) \'$ )? /nfer/ o€a.z Uzy/ra&,an l#ZOrZ, ^N *'a-c ,<.Ae)\ 2. FF€€ /tir/ ,fa/n€ dt ry-s* cx@ /r*,zrt (s) \>\t lrutbt- oues/lcr-e (t-L N t /n rer'l teh/ cArt</rUd.art ,rf&blk tqc\ off{a-,gar"? cylrr?trt() lretghte //qll lxbra o Q€r/ba4_@are Z Ga.(@. '+' k/ltlg : c-t<ryzze-<zn=r' )t ReVaTrzf exzl/t&tzny '"/ / 4 - €xt,/ha/ azn/ta €y' /q4,* e.1a/b.nVfu re.*,atzz3 gZih.z/ exlaut/ ,b r*zazzz 8 '14/-/- Rernare rlnr/r?A/Az.lryatr /a ,q/?,ru.n /aa4,'Vzepaze /te? J u*?el,an/ hrrZlzt4zzzr7/ .Ma/4//4/ 4. .,4ep,q//2/ rzez?/3Uz/yr>ze aa dntbae/lmr s*r3 Z €nm are- 4rz</zn/,r/az csr andprurz k ngh/' l-- Raz-loze e.rtrhrq an/pruzle 4r///Ub4,/ sraua//427125f . €xztrzZ/,12(/fr/e fu rzrn azt 7,b,t/€/Ar{5 R&nare-ery,r/zzf,bnte/r%d a.t/ / rutnefu/ q/ lo o ttrZ rrytzle len/ /a/ /th€/',. RerZlare emr/zrZ4 tfAlezf /Are laQna ndc I a,,/ c€ rg.z. c,t/c bare Z€,aza,re *rtf/trz/,f/a toza arfulz 4 aza haak aa/ zrwi/e p/a,r/tc ,r/€se- o/?r enrfunV,"AA,a// neo,z,r.l auz gTrrhrn n 4/,r 4rrmarc eflr/ta/ azy' 2tuzzle zea/ /ta4/ura p/dfucpr f€c €y'.tac /€t ln d,fattfu € t . ,8' / (-/ . (e i4t2,n/o.vtartde.,ra/aa/,y4 e.e rza//ryfura+ 44//f, /aat /qrn e.r an/ duzzzc /"2. v fbary .ttu are avir/ta/ a/ prcrzle ae/// //aar /t/e. re extrhblr€,q/?n/;?vnu,#an,/r?/paad y'rurde 4€/4/ /vAZ,,e '.ftrc,fla4 2 ,rf f,fae A,fr' -f4o4/3 Cqffu/b /aewb/e. Q") . h fez/oce. L,/ iriif" ,d ltL'u ^ /6 /z"t . .< 2C il /eeo4 n 6/€r czln re /-,- idz/y' "/r,laAlt ,fe/ L--- /{e / o.p qb/t'c la.*rcozt. /ay" ryrc-r L_-.''(/'/7/7'4aVl D,/42( -ldd,4arZzj4 !-3 X-4rlrj',.i N(inf ne'l/t/e:t::f y/,,.4UUZ-trti ,da ao,'pa/rt/ L,/ fuve/rac/ /rar^t rt r4,ry L-'/ z-+//zt/,r 2x"s/ teep SrtTeazona//rarag b,.- 4/uraauzn qr,)t?< ;/€p0/tt,/4&O;o-r67 , :-:;:j, Qfu 527V3,7 L-,,..,*l t. .- {\ IymC Jr) r t '.t ' i".ttt(,/ RK fi2) x - 3L'j5 X-ACSZ(c2) "l tl !lt) tt- il l! L: ,/-;\( ilj I ) r/.i\i:,\< X-4OCV RKF (3) PH:SE I TYPI B IUi S TRIDI4S.--jii,, 493 i:.. =93 (Ob?(a( lK -=+fi€/--.r-dl RKd ?4q;,eZ rc/.ace.- ./tr; r/ ,_, r .,/--,.i: 'turnrl'dn t72rz aCrfarVcnrli4 4a'ry'/e_ na.tc,r7/,ggz, \ t i€r'rtr.;crr /z // /)er'/ h/e/COn€ ry/tr _4gt/M4rcc.N : I'r -.,- aI r rr ! 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RD N2I St/tn€ A(,P*A Til tn il- |r-H j,L !i v L-,'L trI rr;_ 7- :'-.1, + ll, -J ir--1 ti :, lri '.1 t- a i-l i r LJ I'I j') <-,\-,(..21.^;zi-^\ ,n\l ,-,-, a/fun/furatalz (C !.j RDF (3) F'i-.iA3i iTYPT A /-t tl- a..-r::-'r'1 1r^i.Jl-jLitil: 'il,ij: a'a .,, ,." ! . .1 q{ ,! '.,_Ina' x-l0a Y - .Jt t\' / )<-ea;!,7 \LJ,/ ii---=l' i--llt1 rlI'7c+--t l t. :' i-.;IL-}:=J| !c- i.I v{ :i--.] fF---11 I'ii i'r,, ! | |tr:l i -\ lrr+'- {\ :: /, t\ ll i_- ji: \j/ t l\--*-lr'l li ILi \tI--1-7 Iri Yl-==--- -l\l\t\ t\l- - - --.r l-;,-,.1 /\ -uLi ix-003 (.", /^!1t\l)i- 4 C0\'/ -t^t1 .1 .1 /-l RKH fi21 7 ai_jtlTil!ili'i5, ,1', -'. -' ' .| '; i-, \,/ -; -, x-700 -J ?o+tw A f n4,-5 l2-et 36,/5S" 155a x-,3tl5 r:i_xffT AT r: i_ii .j T Flnl=l,l li;l-'/ :,'- ' 'l ^:\./ ia3 !l L-LJI ? '-;.l/ tl/ rr / tl / ll t----Jl----rl ----JL V - ?r1 i/\ !iL;: Ll\i I ri'/ i",,'-'i' GUt )lTi[Xi.l x -2082/r,)\ Y-?T8Z /'-'l\ ){ _ -jic _\ | j-i a/'---'1 -..:-i,.-i->|r(itll\=J I I I I-=--l''(t rl11 rlL:I I !- - --'i lr i lr\i \l<\,r_v'I ':- - -.:-: /rl- -\-'-- - - : i_'l I : -:: iRi-.,ii',; 1a,3 i L i,-.- RKH O) PHASI ? TYPI A I:.. B liit S TRf,li'43' S2'me c/s Ktil )(-ica x-400v '.', f i : i: i;.j- 'i RKJ (1) PHAS' ? TY'PT Gl-rf ! TR[[]'.1' L=. i: f,.€ -\€ m -1: Ii:::=1KP Efi---I<--- ------z' vacfi ry/zrnc-e I / /utnh7.rr7:,p pZtrlrc€t/t'za 4o ?Zefr,y'An€? 4/anlqum za/.,,ie=cEa/l / 4,/;y'trlda,rJ ?nq,r€z lfry't7tr4ntpal i re,rya bare.4eAirr /n",ry.r )( - ji-al Ntrlr 4€iy. uadl lA.f o pkqft f'/blfi c/cor ,q:?/ere /1//h p0//7'/ei/ -/ttn f,/mme.r ,si ow€r ra( ng// c2ier =; _lt ;t t) rl RQF Q7I )(- 3i-]5 X-.:':)82(c3) .1 r\llt) J t; tl tlt: x-00 i :r - 002,<:\i lrlt 1-------./ | /- ii---lii i/-\ it J\, ll-J I ir-ii3 RQF GI CTf D\- n T C ':,A Fl ir it \./U!r(_' .Jl \/t_ i )(-300 CLlt'_i r;--I!l',i X - 4 0J'r'/ N[ D!!R AT GUiSTR!II',IS 535 6 / ,-\ -", C( O-j / STIPS AI GUISTF:If,I"1! 536 & 637 LNL'/ fI\ITP'/ VAY AT GUtSTRlf,i'iS 5:Jt, 8..537 DNLYi-!r I A a. l- t\,,a--\a-F - Ll \ t- -:r I a uL, | 'r, jr l_ t_ | | | i_ r.; ri-tTtrnnt.t t..r.rJ,_ !) | | \ t_tL_lt I L,. ,- F / a ^,-: / -..-\ - -) -it 'JJ I, t-' _,ij I '-. tJ -, -/ t P;AS[ ? TY7': C l- | tt- ^'i t-\ ''..:-i , ^i. li .Ir ii ttvl '..I I \ L--i t_,i I rsr' ,,'\ - :.j '-j I t'\ - '-: tJ a,-;;r\. \:i-l ReF (9) "tr,E r\ - J, :-. 'J )(-400\.,/ .:' ,..-_f,l I i I Ic!i t:I.L I I I I I Ii- - ---:i !:- -j ,lti D{ri i)l l-J I I I I I I I I--- ?i;li rllLl i.2li E71| _--J !- ':( -1-:) X-5Ji v_ .'4,: )(-tr:? P* B,Q (34)&t{ -) i \/.-)- n ."\ :i_ii:ti?l!i"1S, 1Ia-, -L-J ,'. / .' ==-. )i - cr:lx-00 ,2(ilil-iV -iLr .j /I )( -:. iri X -:Ci I )(-5Ci )( - l0? '/ -iiiti x -00e,.-'=\i rril )\:_7 l-l-;ii(t ii l'< il L - --'l i----.,f;!l ril;lii r it -i' i l;,J ;i--- I I I I I I I I I I I I \ ,-Wne /a7aa/ R8-(19) RPO- FiiA Si ? T ';'Pf A 8, 3 GUiS TRNII'"IS, 1t43,:i44, 4-J3, 455, !3?, '; tr ,- BTLOW T-rC3 x-=04 I-:UJi X -:,0 ! ElaP 6:1 1t-t1 RKB @I i :-l r- ':- (-. .t- I r t-\ i t-l, rr- | _\lUl-/ILl l-\ t I A -. l- --\,r-,--' 'HAJL ? T i'PI BL ,:i ttr \- TDf-'lf"i rr/?. -.i'Jl- J ll\Lj Ljl'l-j,' i':.-t /t -tl^ a .- ., \ .a a -,.-: - -- Il_ -/, at/,Ytr? m,/CUtf/qf4/i/la"e / t/ta/,r/4? _,aur+. t-?ca7 (c 3) )( -4031 \L.j,' i I I I I I I l- fiaa'4ry ,zfuc dt/oQtoodrzlrrqs/cce -\palor.ne?/ /€H///.a7 4€r/ €//cct^/aQ,/ /t/c4//,6e//a/ /tgVz /nz7aa6 /ey'/qce rzot2yre€Hxq+zy adC rE/q4aze/a(Lal,ffit<rRKB (3)) X - 3,liZ \UJ./ )(-4i2 ,v. - 2t't9z (c 3) x- 4crlv ;,:!{ t}\\/ itit ii iiliil iltlI I )z--r \._.U'r-d,.tr-li- r too) RKB (1) I i--) '- - ,- -i- i i .--\ 'i i-'lLrri r J, lLJL,ILI l--, | | A <- r- -) ':- \/,.-) r-| | ri--tJl_ !_ | tt -f-i ri- c -i r,T-lf-tr,trj:_r L _\ I Ki rui.'l: tl -t4 Bi_ ctl 'u2ei?'u! A (1' -'! ll XX lv,z qd./ cez/rhg P?thrr4.rz<f Dtzoi ltp 4.a2z^. T+'f- larrod a----... ll \ ii i _cu ><x z J- y ilc- ie/ort - 1-./ / / =-' = H/af4e;zhretr <J --._l_Q:,t 7a5e lc,t/ cau.4icj I C)'3 L-') I -\J/u atO i I a I '/| '_l zl-lr<o,, 3"_. 'Ja ri O.J r.1-.'u ll ><>< I @ I C],- !l I - _3J ll /ryn/-/4d htrur-hi,,,' /,/\ ,/ // ,n /Y/4 // ; t,, t- r^, . t)/C//)U/4/- '2. :-_ hty![;: 4 e/'^/ t/ 00 d rfZp - /€y't/ //'n"t O xt!\i"A F, ..;i:1ultN ", " n (li ! !t\'- , \t\ "' nttl,r'il i; O\i o.l I X ,'/ corJ rrin airoaho/ /?/n:,WY ?it' 'il_r_ i;il_---li hAt ro|l X1 oi Yirl '1.rot' it l' ^1\1 ; lfuqkl t// rrinolals futon/ no(e Aorafu1ro tr tndou' 6/orlr;t-o B/ // Alc,lf7 .N. i\t' : E F;l=r r I il -Ey _i I-eJ_rJ | *rtr/ii_L_ll*.i=oi_i ;frl'-.| : t -g€\ trg=l -K| \ ---_' r * r t;l 'l D -;l / ;ir 'i h.il r'' /i 3i I i l^: )nl ) ji# 3i;.i ' iffi'--6- ) iJ--- ,,o)1;. r" lii 1i r--q--_) = l-iv.6= -- rl =" l',i i,ffi,,r ....( i,-l ? 'ttrTi El = '1: ,'. ji '{\Lij '.\ iLzl E +ffi r, iilj I\=i = \;rzi E lli - it!il | -----:5^-i i_ ii; N =| ll )==s t'4ilr-#;)#.,\ziL | 3= 9___;i_) cC itl i I:ld ll ivll " -,'Q. I oc iiiil,-^lllliuu iilij--_lii -ii ,/ zr/ t- *Flt' -.= #; i=i-l-7:it -l <1. 3-llii:>l< f';'t. i"y,!:'----:'*-) \ ii i lifjIt5- t/.-------- l ( lll I i i;ir I '.rF-:i i----t lFXr ll =l=ii Ii _l;ti = ,,\\ l, ; i ;l / ))) J----i:rrJt.-_:=t rl a,' \.\-=/l r*____J. ltJ-.1/,// )'tt,/-/4 ')" -l I'1 -tu..-'. \,1 .Fr --.-./ \ |i't." ___n I i./ n___ oc,/_\ii;i(l i--izn illi I t/ 1l: ,\i iig-rt; I !y_jl l_lxt_l lr_fi_ =1,! :,' \VJ | ,*_ ___J. tL4 ')' -r (,., t/) i t- O ? I I I 5cf l'l-) ^, l-.t I L-J- l at T',,.' ) iy. Y"Z!r-J T-l =a OOi1 I p4ar:.//:!- x- ?24 ,) ^rl rlnfi ^,;-i \ *'V 'I I i <W6/6/€,qz' u".tn 6ltto )( - []rl i X - 0ar: a,-'li)\_7 v'-?:.r \/\ ._._ - i /'-Lji!x-00ez7-:r( .LtJ- J @ N.I-C ner' c2/4f€/" fuptrahup zde/ieupzlc \t'erna/4 fr,fJrc. dtrrezua' 4a ir,'/Ve RKFO @) , /'i,,,-\\Nli\u.l ? SUITT B I a4/f /+.fr/G x-101 x-10e zit, / AatVoArz- A,Are- ,/d,,,4 h A:/q4 at/' r-/..'/ x-40 x-i01 x-102 x- 300 x-??4 x-?052 (c1) x-303 .eufup @qf?dad.g 3na//r€frt//ra7fr,t ,lrlara:c. /*/ /)€,y' ,t4Ztfiya?ctv u'7rl7q RKK (1) PHAST 3 TYPT A GUTSTR!!M 101 ' cliic K-103 '!-^rg -r A.'\, 1,.1 ftxYd/undatl - A- ji_r _L._ x_102 =,IASI 3 TYF'f t5 iri_itsTR!ir,,1S: x-104 x - 31_i )( - aill z (C 1) 4q4"ryred fu&crtf /zararc(4f+\ft4dccilrtF r'+?ry?4/A^ 4pah r\-IU..) r\-Jril RKL (3) x-001x-004@ ex/;rhby'&.'tu b rezaiT RKM Q') PHASI 3 TYPI GUTSTRD!MS An7 p ,ZG\\JU,/ o i::-., x-e052 (c1 r'l | |tt tl drtsot'o* x-001x-00e K-103 K-501 lli x-700 D(. raole d.can x-itii x-10e /ieh/ a/ut ,23e//nc,/4/F,/ P/ecf-RrHf,-so x- 300 x-300 o 'Q'','ar' /c.)/,e- \b.\€tEr 4/ ,,n$00* flj\' P-tho RKHO (5) STUDID(HANDICAPPID) PHASI 3 TYPE 83 GUt STRIIMS' fJG)tsre sog & slo\.\t- L \J2 \J L \J t \_.,, \ MnnTtrTrl) Gl Jr\TPlnM 4t1 ;(7 \ *:/ x-e052 (c1) x-303 x-1r X-10c ^_JUT g fitcqF Ppora pur rrtC^ x-001x-00e -r1-]1 rlttl J _l-_-rJ I A0It w.lu I ll ,)'rhu U -$J (\t \ N ---t ---j-:--.---i /aeoul t/48 t;3zz'CO?4 t C!/ €-/rtbintl b(/ot't tnc//f714 - LJ I x-104 x- 101 RKGO UI S TUDII PHAST 3 SUITT 84 GUTSTR!!l'4S ' /G,3ot,4Dl , I n' U\ 5o( x -0cr1x-01?(a) b I I K- 1C3 x- 102 IL- X-700 )u: -,-';1.-:--,l,-Iar =_-:r'. ji: :'Jii ho/e' ho de.* r- 1rIr'- --tItI--j -500i r^ i-.1 \ tt,-^ ---. i- l'- i'l \ ! ' .^ -, L, l--i :- ffi ,,w X-3C3 X-?t1Z (:l i: I RKJO (6) /a-.=i :ir 'l f-'l \\-) i Lr )-i I'--) / a-)| |I \- r- '-) "l-\/r-rr- D]r r-tF -)I_ J liTL ),.L GUt JTR![I"1S ..1'.-\.f1/-1^.'.-.|A.''^'^./-' i-: -:t J!J, '-,i/ t -J-j) a!. l_- _ -II- l:f,1=' r_ +1,:' ,'_. - i\l a U Lr L-r -. )(-2ilI (ii; ;iK JI- ]C:: x-30ix-001 '1 - l^t (i ) ( 1U1.) nfte; node<fL RKJO QI /C Tl l: I f-l \\ J I Lj :_ !iJ.' -)r tn '-- -) -:-\./nT- | |lr--t-_ !, I tt L a-rri-<--r-'lT-l;--!r.r(-u'-r L J. i ii LJ t__l r'tJ: ,f -,- rt ^t-,iC=) ,:. JCJ K- 103 \1 -,4i) 'll lD.l -a ):.xi \:t::, r-'l t= .-t *- -i : i'-\ - :: i'i -:' - : Fl\1r-I-5tCI .l\ .N \\si\ .." '\\ N q\ q H N ..r'l .\.r a\ t\ -.,/ \J ,4/eoa4 uat/ qrUf Ri'l!l- 1ir3 Urn/er pa,fe€) 4 r(riqr_r(fri ? r^l--A IDC :f! Ra!i'] 5i3 li.; 'r .. il<li 'i.-2=r7 I fr1e odf ,a '-r '1 /i/z/c/,fe- x-700 OL rea///L ,t?ACe 7 tl G4 u#--9"f;'c'cr: )okr* doceh _ K qa\b/ebtrf( ab,tn/r7n,/sa.7 RMLO U7') Yorn) /a/a/ aa/' {4q /rx c.eirn! /ft lazd r6/r4arurhr.' lah/ut /t4(,:n.= x-l0l x-102 ,tdfe , ,o a6rL 7ant7rtft Dernl2t! /Y2/A@'fr4 u1h 4€,/ liznrk-' ?rCarr7l ^e/n a /<- fuar.gaa '' ce/.fix/= RKMO (1) ( STUD I[) PHASi 3 TYPI Bi rrLtf STRttM (:1-D trl -l =b--r,f lart'/e-4e^/ CC K-103 x- 40? K-501 '-iul /\- LU(. x-305 x-2082(ce) x-30 x-30 ,b&badAn N! CHAIR IN RIDM 4T4 RDG (19) PHAST 3 TYPE CA GUTSTR[DMS, N2 ||14 11? 114 212\-/ r r-., v. t) tLr) LL tt r-rr-/, ?14 215 ?1? ?1A ?1sLr ,/ t-tvJ v\!) eL t) !,rr v, /n5 al2 41A 415 5nq| \)\Jt I Lt_) | t t,) | Lt/,, .J\-t.J) 506, 512, 514 & 515 x-?052 (c1) -lll < v-qn.) I FURR !UT AT WllrrllUw]N RMS ??7 & 31 INLY x-i0ii r- X-10e RDG (6) PHAST 3 TYPI B? GUISTRD!MS' ?17, ??7, 3r7, 3?7, 417 & 517 Ed€t,/ d.qrex-30 x-?08Z(c2) /'rff/V€AEr --r-r-l r1 | Itttl\J | | t-J 1i*jI=l x-?052 (ci) -ttt< x-5 \J--700 X-1Ci X_iCA '/.- 1t1 -]LI JX-iCI )i - I,rf a.-1;l-.{1i RDH (3) 3' /'a= ': T'./3ir | .r'--JL- _j I I l_ (- t "i- .4 T - F i-:..1 .t .tliJr- ) ti:Ltj:,i l.: 7Va6/a/aan.fl€/ /a x-ac5z(Df !K &Fi[!r.'i 52 (41) Cl-'ijR j:\l4 E\JLY) [- r-----l .'ra tr."l( lr"rL:--l \/ = a , ----'---qr///cF.zar ,&;7C/',<-lZOf€tc .------'-' /+Y ce///4jz 7Q/ZCe- 14nalta/d 5-o 7e lamaqe/ i:.? !-':'L x-i33 x-50 | /:.\,-|_.^v-.v^- I'j frufi ctp /,/CAA/ /+ry.ve_ x-?a8z(ca) ,-,,-x-3ac ' - -- ------t tepa lb,/ af ,, //e- !i':l.jaa;l? l:iR -*---Pg/,?r :rr 1, 4!?, 4?(r. fuvpva ..t_...__ crbq{€oL RDJ (9) frUore"rce.t,* U/,/pla/de //a/' rhft/4feq'//ifue ib re! /qc€/n h t' mAd,b fr rar/ aty'exrtuddrtlr'a///€r,urealzltn/ /a(1fr/d2/;r/ran, q/.L,4nj,_2nr',fr/d t-[R A -.i l-i I x- ic3 X - 3,15 X_zC?Z(ca) Y_,iJ (41 4 ili lli_il;"1i -.'--r X -::;:lC 're/o/av//an RDJ (3) e '-' ,'11 x-i03 -.Jtrc -'.'=..\.'E: rJ _1. *l i_l J d.nlf ,?Af/* ha/? ry/d/nce STT )( -,?[ : )(-2i,jSl(ca ) /4 zd.zn6a4f l4o unde."EW RDK (8) Steaal.r/b^/-ju,'/a/n @liract4ll?dtc/-. U//0/1 ltp 4€t/4aar Pa/)n1 \ l /. rt/e /acnt arat/ ot-' /4re.rho/ut'CL .4',--\ i-lf: ! (:\.it\ -;it= 1' - -'.','-''JJJ, 'il v:, . r- -- '-ti:, .il-J:'. I r-) --l "'= 1 :.-,: o '1 -',r n --rlt\ : v J i I I I I L- Y. -: j: ^-?a]z( c?) INLY I ChAiRil'.l REEI'I 3ta SqlveA*f i00 RDL (5) F!AS[ 3 TYPI E3 6UISTRNNMS, 'lrla, iCe, ,?C:-, "':ii? ti l/"tll!--r--- I | /\ \? i .,.= ! '.:" I I -"1 01 0? \/ --1tttt o ..:.:__t:-T-ll lli i,,| ) Ll',\_-/ i-CC '_, -i)c- <2/ ,a^O- Ct rJF cT o1w Po.- t^, Rc<rn5 X - j i;'2---------------- x-?012 (ci) )(-c0i )( -0lja ^ - J,t J ;.1- 30il -?032(c a) 7r {l ti iirrr-l\_:_:.,/Irr'1 i I I I -,4-:-' n vl ^ , ^ r- -l :-t-i. |-li j-l _-:r- -,T{' -- - ---:.-: l-1r -J:-- -_i\i R[4i"1 :]:; x-700 RDM ffI Dt-rl'ctr ? T'.')- i2'T|:f-rJL J I i-L - a -r If-<-1-i-lilT"tt,4UULJ I - LJLJI"I ^^/ 1A/ ^'4" -)1- '\' ' u \_,, \J/ M) ; *'Lr/ _J, Jt .tu J1 -:'. ) C lla x-101 x-10e x-e052 (c1) x -001x-004 RDM (1) PHAST 3 TYPT I? r:i_lfsTRlDt'1 118 x-101 x-10e;af-v x-e052 (c1 i<H. v-nn1| / | \.r\Jlf----i X-00e, RDN Q) PHASf 3 TYPT GUTSTRDIMS, 505 & 5i3 tl< ( x-101 x-10e FV r[l TI rttl\J I I :*jr--=_. r/il----11;7 ll tl-x-e052 (ci) x-001x-00e x=103 x-5 [-'oo x - <t I RDO QI PHAST 3 TYPL GUESTR[!MS, 611 & 619 D4 (, (, 1 I 1 - _-1 I I -) x-305 x-?087(ca) x-501 x-404 x-20s2 /41\\(-rl x-502 RDP (4) PHASE 3 TYPI 85 GUtSTRI[MS, 203,303,403 & 503 i'\z ,.' N0-500I Nrn-qn x-30 -.Jlt'-\ /icD-U x-001x-002.@ It KND-500i '/'ii x-2052 (c1) x- 301 x-?517 X(J11 (cD---- F--r x-700 r-)\_l ooPo x- 10i x- 104 rOadrrq> ,'z ft,,/aa4 nazle/ t\v Nllla ,rJaa=- 6BKNO (2) ='-,Wi:-1!'ryTlg! PHAST 3 SUITT r:t ttr QTPI-ll-lMQ:\J \JL- J I r\ t-rLJr.liJ-.-. olct y6d -.--/ .gJe Tl,1t)! !'* ./p.,^.4,t,t-t/ ,/tn ' ' / " .!-y').-i//"'.,// ",1r /7<- .r'4',/