HomeMy WebLinkAboutWEST DAY MARRIOTT (9) . . I \., ��� �� � �� � / '`"� � . , . �� � ��,zf Pfannin�g an� Enrrironmer�tal Carmmi�sion - ACT`IC31V FORM �'s �',�±� ` [�epartmcnt af t�arr�muniry Deveio�ment 1,V YY�1'�I 'll� �+����� 75 Strruth Frontage Road,Vaii, Colorado $1657 te1:97{1.�79.2139 fax: 97�.479.�452 we�:www.�i.vail.co.u5 Project Nam�:�p;{�i���atir �`� ��c!�uK� PEC Nurnb�r: PEC04t}012 � PEC Ty�; Marr�ott Terr�p. Se�sv�al Stru Prajett Descriptivn: TEMF�C}RAR4`SEASQh1AL STRL�CUTF��T(� BE ERECTED(7VER FRC]M APRT�3D-OLTfJBER 31, 2{]04 PartiCipantS: a1N�iE� VAIL+C�RP �3{03/20a4 PhQne: �c� ��x � v�� co a��ss Licens�: APPLICAIV�3' MAURI�LLQ PLANNIi�G GR�UPr LLa�f(7��2i7(J4 PhOf3�: PD B�X �t�S8 EG+WARDS �[7 8163� L€cens�: Project Ar�dress; Ltacat�o�r: 79D 'W'EST L4(��35FtE417 CIRCL� L�gal ��scriptian: Lot: 7&4 �I�k: � 5ubdivisivn: Vaif k�ions�te�d3rd Fi�ing P�rcel Nurraber. Z1[liD7�E77QD2 Comments: 5e�e CvndiCian� sc�AR[�Jsra���a+cTiaN Motion By: G�rg� Lamb Activn: APPRC7VED Second �iy: Rollie K�esbr� Vat�: b-1 (Jewit��ppased} D�t�af Appraval; (}�/1�fZ[}(()4 Meeting Dat+�: Q4�J12j20€l4 Cr�nditic+nst �and; 8 �PLAN): N� chang�s to these p�ans may t� ma�e withaut the writk�n consenfi oF Town af Vail staff and/or t�e ap�rapriate revi�w cammittee��). CcxncN: 3Q0� PEC appraval s�al1 n4t b�e not laecc�m�valid fc�r ZG day�fallawi�g the date of appraval. Cond: CONO�I35370 Th�t the ap�Gcant shall rrpC erect the kent prior to April 3d, 20�4 and that th� appliGant shall rernpve the tent k�y no later tha�t Qctt�t�er 31, 2�C]4. Cos�d: CONfI�(�6371 7hat tYre hr��ars c�fi operation shall t�ee fr�rrs 7:aD am t� 10:�a pm, se�es� �days a week, Canr�: CQ�1C1�1a6372 That ihe��plscant"s ope�ation af tt�e temparary seas�nal structure comply with all Town gf Vaif r�gulatic�ns regarding noise levefs. i ` � � Cand: CQIVD(��6373 Th�t the ap�lir�nt install a minimum o'�six, 5Q-gallan plan�ing pgts, cuntaining � cam�in�tion �f evergreen tre�es and flower plants in e�ch �t, in assa�i�ti�n with th�Al[ernativ� � seascrr�al str-ueture roCation. Carsd: CQN�[}Q6374 Th�t the applicant re��i�res a Town of Vail building permit prior to erec:tting the te�t. P�anner. Warren Campb�ell P�C Fee Paid: $6SQ.4U � � Design R��iew Bo�rd �� ���� ACTI+C�N FrDRN� : a �sx ��� [7eparirnent a�Community �evefqprnent �"���+'�r,�� �,,y�.�I� 7S Sauth Fronkage f2aad,Vail, C.alarado 81657 te1: 97�.479.��39 fax:97p.479.�452 web: mvr�vw.ci.+�ail.ca.us Project Name:��irr{'���7fas� �'�A,� �wc{ui�. �I�B Number; pRB+�4a�50 Prmject Descripti+�n: T�MP�RARY SEASC}NAL,`aTRUGTUS�E T� �E USED APF�IL 30-CJC7UBER 31, �OQ4. Fart'reipants: (�WNER VAIL CORP �3J�3J��D4 Phone: P�t BC]X 7 VAIL C{3 $f658 License: AP�LICA�JT MAURIELLO F�LRFVNING GR�U�, LLQ�/03�20a4 Phone: '�O BC3X 4�58 EQWARDS CC} 81fi3� Licensc: Pretject Address; Lc�catian: 790 WEST LI�lVSHEAD CIRCI.E Leg�l �lestription: Lot: 7&4 Biock: 1 Subdivision: Vail LionShe�d3rd Filing Parcet Num�er: 2101072Q70[7Z Cnmments: 5ee Cc�r�ditior�s BOARb/STAFF A�IQN Mdtion By; Actinr�; STAFFAPR Secon�d By: Vate: Date�f Apprt+►ral: fl4/131�(�CW Cc��sditians: Cond: 8 �PLAN): No changes iQ these plans may be made wit�ouk the wrikten cons��t of Tawr� of Vail staff and�or tihe appropriate review ��mmittee(5). Cand: 0 (PLAN): [�R� approval dv� not canstitute a perrnit€or build€ng. Please cansulk wikh Tawn of V��{ 6�ilding persa��e4 pr'so�ta constr�cti4n�ctivit��s. Cond: 2Q1 DR�approvaf shall not become aalid for 2a days follawi��CFre dat�nf apprc�v�l. Ccand: 202 Ap�rc��al af this proj�ct shall laps�and f�eecome vaid ane(�.) year Fallaw�ng the date af fin�l apprnv�ad, unless a building perrnit is iss�ed and constructdan is eprr�mene�d a�d is d'sligently pur�uerl taward comp�etio�. �ond: C�fVO4[]53�a9 � � � Tiiat t�re applic,.ant �nskall a rr�"rnimum of srx, 54-gallong planting �ots, cor�kaining a combination nf evergreen tr�s and flovYreri�g plants in eaeh pat, i�t assaciattan with the Afterna�iWe�2 se�sonal �tructure location. Plann�r: Warren C�rnplaell DRB Fee Paid: $25a.D0 • � � MEM�RAN�7UM �� TO: Pfann�ng and E�virara�ment�l Cr�rnmissiern ����/� � FRdM; i�epartment vf �ommunity De�elapment i7ATE: A�pril 12, 2[�D4 SIJBJECT: A request for a conditiar�al use permit pursuant ta SectROn 12-1�, Conditional Use �'ermits, Vai� Touvn Gode, tfl allow f�r a tempnrary seasonal str��ture within the L"sanshead Mix�d Us� 1 zorre distri�t, located at 715 Wesi Lions�ead CirclelLots 4 & 7, 81ock 1, Vai� Liflr�shead 3`� Filir�g �nd La#s C & D, Morcus Subdivisipn, and setting forth c��tails in r�egard thaere�o. Applicant: Vail �arpc�rativn; represented b� Mauriell� P�a�ning Crc�up, L.�.G. Planner: INarren Gampbel{ i. SL9MMARY Th� applicani, Vail ��r�oration, represented by Ma�rwellr Planning Group, LLG. is r�questing a conditiana! use �ermit as outlined in Sectior� i 2-15-� �Condition�� Use �ermit), Vail Tawn Cade, #o be located at 715 West Lianshead Circ�elLots 4 & 7, Bfock 1, Vail Lionshead 3`d Filin� �nd L�tS C $t [], Mc�rcus Subdivisi�n. Tt�� conditional us� is requ�st�d ta a�low the ap�afic�nt tv erect an SD-#oat �y 9�-�ont t�mpc�rary seasc�nal structure �n th� Marrio�t tennis co�rts from April 30 through July 3�, at whici� poir�t it would b� refc��at�d t� the Marriott parking structure frorr� August 1 thrvugh C?ctaber 31, 2QD4. Ba�e�i upo� Staff'� review of ihe criteria autfi��ed in Secti�n V�If of this memvrandur� �nd the evid�nce and testimc�ny pr��ented, the C�mmunity Devefopment De�ar�men� re+�t�rnmencis appre�r►al Qf this request subj�ct to t�� findings and coraditions noteci i�r Sectic�n 1X �f this memorandum. Il. DESGRIPTION C1F 7HE RE4�llE5T The Vail A�larr��tt Maunta�n Resort is r�questing a canditional use permit to all�w �ar a #emparary seasvnal structure to be eracted an Yhe existEng tenn�s court site an the �outh side of the hotel frc�m April 34 through Jufy 31, (l�fternative � �r� the sife �lar�} at �rhi�h point i# w�uld be relocated on to the M�rr�ott �arki€�g structure frvm August � thrQUgh {7ctob�� 31, �{}(�4, f A�t�rnat�ve 2} an the site pian. This t�m�o�`ary seasvnal structure �s a tent which will be used by th� Mar�ic�tt tv host c�nference g�oups a�d c�ther larg� grdups �tilizing the h�te� facilit9es. A ui�inity map is attach�d for r�ference (Attachment A}. This praposal is differs #rQm the Vail Marr�att's previous conditianal use p�rmit req�ests ��r a seasor�al strucfur� in that it �ropases tw� alterr�,�twve locatians. The vperation� t�f i�re structur�will be as it has beer� in th�e past. �`he r�asan far rec�uesting appr�v�a� vf the structu�e in '[wQ locations is t�at Vail Corporatic�n inter�ds to ka�in c�nstruction August 1, 20�4, c�n the Gc�re Creek Residen�es which were apprav�d by �he Planning and Envir�nmen#al Gnmmissio� an Fe�ru�ry 9, 20D4. Propased AI'ternatiue 1 is the lo�atit�n whief� has '�een ap�raved far th� se�asonal structure in the past �n top vf #3�e existing 3ennis courts. Aft��nativ� 2 is nn the upper parkir�g de�k t�f the IV�arrxott �arking structure. There is pr��os+�d ta be a ped�strian carzapy feading frc�m the west �nd af the 1 • � � Marriatt builciirtg €o the p�rkirtg stru�ckure. Th� h�ight Qf�he c�nr�py wil! be apprc�xim�tely 15 feet in he�ght. Th� ��cation af th� s�easc�r��l s�ructur� or� tap vf t'�e parking deck dispfac�s 35 parking spac�s, which is �Imost half af the 73 par�cing spac�s which exi�t an the upper parking deck. As the �5 of the r�quir�d parking far th� M�rri�tt, the appiieant has �re�pased a plan utilizing va�et parkirag s�rvic� fc�r g��sts of the hotel. V�hi�le� to be park�d by t�e va�e# servic� will be placed on th� �foly +�r�ss Lvt where Vail Resc�r�s seasor�al employees park. Ir� the e�ent that cv�structit�n t�f the Gore Cre��C Residenc�es does not begin an August i st or is �elayed, the s�asor��l struct�re wiil remair� on the i�nn�s caurts �ntil such time �s can�tr�ctian t�egins. A copy af the site plan identifying the two prcap�sed altemative laca#ions is attached far referer��� �Attachme�tt �). Th� propvs�d struct�re is tv be used by hot�l guests participating in canf�rences. No c�utside visitor� will �e arriving at the Marriakt to �iiiize ths �tru�ture. The structure is pr�p�sed to be a white �0 foa� by 9a fot�t "Genesis Pavilion" with � marquis walkway l�a�i�g fr�m #h� hc�tei to the structure in both proposed fac,�tions. Th� structure wifl have a p�rtab#e amplrfied speakin� system, fighting, an�i hnro prv�ane heater�. The prapase hours c�f operatian are fram 9:00 am tv 6:U0 pm, seven days a week. 7h� applicant's letter of request {Attachment C� and specifica#ior�s f�� the struc#ure �Attachmer�t �} are attached far further detail. lIL BACKGR�UN[� � Un ,June 20, 20fl1 the Planning and �nvironmental +Commissian appr��ed a canditinnal �se per�it for a on� year periad far a femporary tent on #he Marriott �811�115 COE11'fS. • Qn Augusi 22, 2flD2 th€: Plar�r�ing �nd En�ir�r�m�entaf C�ammission again approved a cc�nditia�al use permit for a vn� ye�r periad for a tempc�rary #ent Qn the Marriott tennis courts. IV. REVIEWING B(7ARD ROLES +Qrder vf Revi�w: GeneraJly, applica�ions wilJ be,reviewed first by the PEC for a�ccept�bi�rty�f use�nd th�r� by the CJRB for ccamplr'�r��e vf pr�posed buildrngs a,�d sr't� pJannrr�g. F�lan�inc� and En�irnnrr�ental +Cvmmi�s�a�: Activn: The PEC is respc�r�sible fv�i'in�!appr�av�{Id�ni�!c7f CUP. The PEC is responsible far�valua�ing a�ropc�sal for: 1, Relat�onship and impact afi the use r�n develapment vblec#�ves af the Town. 2. Effect af the use Qn ligh� and air,distribution of populat€r�r�, transportatin� faca€ities, utilities, 5chools, parks and recreatian facilities, and vther publ�c faciiitkes a�� Pubfic facilities needs. �. Effec# upan traffic, with particula�referer�ce tn c�r���stic�n, aut�motive and pedestrian safety and conveni�nc�, traffic flaw�nd co�tral, access, maneu�erak�lEity, and removal of snaw from the streets ar�d parking areas. 4. Effect upon the ch��acter of the area 'rn wF�ich the proposed use is to �e focat�d, includin� the scale and bulk c�f the �ropased �use in rela#ion to surrouncfing ��es. 2 ! # 5. �uch o#h�r factvrs and criteria �s#he Commis�ion de�ms �pplicabfe to the pr�posed u�e. f. Th� env�ronm�ntal impact report concera�ing th� pro�c�s�d use, if arr en�ironmental impact repc�rt �s r�q�ir�d by Chapter 12 v#this Title. �onform�ne�with develflp�n�nt stan�ards c�f zone distric# Lc�# area Setbacks Build�ng Height Density GRFA Site cavera�e Landscape area Pa�king and ��ading Mitigation of de�el�pm��t impacts DesicLn Re�iew Bvard: Actic�rr: The DA'B has NO�r�view authorify on a �CUP, but mu�f re�iew any accomparryirrg DRB appli�atrc�r�. T+awn Council� Rc�i+on� af DRB c�r P�C maybe ap,�ealed tc� th� Town Cc��ncil or by #he Town Cvuncil'. Town Cour�cil evaluates wh�ih�r ar n�# ihe PE� �r DRB erred writh approvals �r d�nials anc�can uphQfd, uphold with mc+dificatians, or overiurn the �oard's decision. St�f#: T�e staff is resp�ansible for ensurir�g tha,t all sut�mit#aK requir�rnents are pro�rided and plans cvnform t� th�techrricaf requirem�nts c�f the Zvrring Regui�tivn�, Tt�e staff aisa adv�ses the applicant as to compliance with th�design guidelines. Sta#f provides a staff inem� cantaining b�ckground on the pra�erty and prt�vicies a staff evaivation of the project wiih respect ta the required criteria ancf finciings, and a recc�mmendation ar� ap�roval, a�prvval with conditions, ar deni�l, Staff al�o facilitates the revEew pracess. V, APPLICABLE PLANNING CIOCUMENTS A. Town vf Vail Z�ning ReguEations En the past, the tent h�s �een approved in cvnjun�t�on wit�t a spec�al event under the definition c�f a "s�asc�nal �s� nr stru�fa�re.'" Hc�wever, th�s tent is propase� to �e in service for more thara � manth which i� much mare tempprary. Th� Tov+rn Code defi�es a "seasonal use ar structure"as: A t�mporary coverr'ng erec�ed vver a recreati�rraJ amenity, �r�ch �s a swimmrr�� pavl ar �ennr`s caurt, Ior the purpr�se raf expandrng their use intn the �old w�ath�r /'�''Gj mpn�hs. Such seasvn�! �ov�rs rr�ay �vf be irr place f�r mor� tharr severr (�) 1�� � cc�nsecutive mcarr�hs of arry twelve (12J monfh peri�d. For the pc�rpases a►` thrs �-/ Ti�1�, a s�asonal us� c�r sfructur� shaF! no�f constifute site cover�ge �nd sha�! nof l� � be subject[o t�uiJdirrg bulk ca�ntral sCar�d�rrls. Any se�sorra!use nr structure sh�l! r�qurre a candi�ional use p�rmit rn a+ccord wit�i Ch�pter t6 c�f this Title and r's subj�c�ro design review. 3 � � �or the Planning and Envirc�nmental Commiss�orr's refer�nce, S�ction 12-16R1, Vai! 7own Coc�e, ides�tifies the purpase�c�r a corrc#itional use permit as follc�ws: !n rarc�er t�o provrde the flexibilrty necessary to achieve �he objectrv�s at this trfl�, speci�'i�d uses are p�rmit�ed rn c�rtar'n distric�s subje�t tt� the gran�rng of a conditiorral use permit. Because nf �heir urausuaJ or specra! characterisfics, canditional uses requr're revfew sQ that fhey may be 1c�cated pra�perly wi�h r��pect #o the purpases al fhr`s fr'tfe ana+ wr`tir respect t� fherr effects on surro�rndirrg prop�rtres. 7"he review pra�cess prescri�aed rn �hrs cf�apter is r'ntended tn assure campafrbilrfy and harrr�c�nivr�s developmer�� befw�een condifivnaf �rses and sc�rrounding properties in the To�vn a� large. Uses Ir°s�ed as c�ndi�ic�naJ vse� in �l�e uarraus districts may�b� permi�t�d s�rb,�ect to such c�r�di�r`arrs and limi�afiarrs �s �he T�w�r may pr�s�rr6e to insure fhat fhe foca�Jon and operaPlorr af the CC?77C�1,flI7!?c�I (1S�S wr'!T ,�e in acc+�rdanc� wifh the d'eu�lopm�n[ objectr`v�s c�f Che Ta�vn an�d �i11 nr�# be defrimenfa! tc� o�her uses or properfres. Where c�ndirrons cannat be �evised, ta achieve these o,�jecfiv�s, applicativns f�r cc�nditir�na! �s� ,�?+°F177f�5 Sf7c'3�1�`J�E Cfl,°f11f'C� The Marriott is facated within the l�ionsh�ad Ivlixed Use 1 ze�rae district T�re purpc�s� c�� �MUi is : The Lionshead Mixed [Ise 1 Dis�rrct rs infer�ded tv prQVide si�es for a mixiur� of multr'pI�-fan�rily dwellin��, Indg�s, h�tels, fractionaJ fee clubs, time shares, ladge dwvelling unrfs, restaurants, offices, skier seraric�s, and cc�rrrmercr`al establrshm�nts rn � �l�rsfered, unifie�' development. Livnshead �ulixed Use � l7istrict, in �ccvrdance with the Livnshead Redeve�opment Mas�e�` P1arr, r's infena"ea' tQ er��ure adequa�e lig�rt, �rr, c�pen spac� and o�h�r �merrities appropria�e tra the permr`�fed types �of buildrrrgs �nd uses and t� m�intain [he desirable quali�res af th� �r'strr"�t ay esfablrshing appropriate site d�velapm�nf standards. Thrs �rstrict is mean� �v encvurage and provr"de incentives fvr rede+we�vprnent in ac�ar�a�rtce witf7 the�ror�shead Rede�efQprrTent Master Plarr. This Znne [7�i��ri�t Nvas spe�ificafly develaped to provide incenPrves for,pro�erfies co redevel�p. rh� ultr`mace gc�af c�f ihese irrcentrves is fo create �n ec+�nomicallY vibrant 1Qdging, hc�using, and eommercral cor� area. Th� irrcer�tives in �his Zone �?lstrict r►�clude i,ncreases in a�lowabfe gr�ss resider►�ia1 floor�rea, buiJdrr�g height, and derrsity over #he previa�sly es��blishe� z�ning rn ihe Li�nshead Redev�lr�pmer�f Mas�er Plan study area. T�he,�rimary goaJ�f the irrc�nfrves rs tv create economic corrditrons favnrable �o indt�cing prrvate redevelapmen# cor►sistent with the L.ianshead Redev�lapment Mas�er PJarr. A�'drtic�nally, the rncerrt�ves are �reafed tv help �in�r�ce publie off-site irnpr�veme,n�s ad,jacent to red�v�fopmerrt prr�fects. With any d�velapmentfr�d�velvpmerrt proposa! fiakirrg ad�anrage of the incerr�ives creafed �rerein, �h� followirrg arn�nrfies wilf b� �evaluaPed: streetsc�,pe r'mprovemerrts. pea'e��rran/bieycle aceess, publi� pf�za redeuelapment,public art, r�adway impravemer�fs, and'sJmifarfmpraverrrents. B, Lionshead Redevelopm�nt Master Plan The �u1arriott �s afsv gvv��n�d by the c�evelapment Q�jectives as stated in th� Li�nshead Redeve�Qpment Mast�r Pian. C3f the sfx Pvlicy fJbjectives c�utlir�ed in �he Licanshead F�edevelopment Master Plan, staffi has identified the �ollawing o�jecfives as applicable tc� this prqposal: 2.�.f Renew�F�nd Red�v�loprrrer�t 4 � � Lionshead can and shoc►Id be rer�ewed�nd rede�relc�pment�o becom� a warmer, rr�ore vrbranf environment for guests �nd resrder��s. C.ronshead need� an �ppealing and ct�heren# rderr�r#y, a ser+se vf pJace, � p�rsc�nality, a purpase, and' an r'mproved aesthe�ic character. 2.3.2 Vi�aJit r��nd Arnenities We mus� ser�� the oppartuni[y fo enhance gu�sc experience �r�d communi�y ir�teractrc�rr thr�ugl� �xpand�d �nd �ddirrona� acrf+�rties and am�nffies such �s performing arts �rerrues, crnfere�ace f�crliti�s, ice rinks, street�cape, parks and ather reGreationa!imprtavemer�ts. The Lionsh�ad RedevelQpmer+t Master F'fan spec�fi�aily identi#ies ti�e te�nis courts as an �rrfil! app�rtunity: Th�►�e ar� severa! fen,nis courfs vn the scauth side c�f �he Marricr�t Thr`s area presen�s and c�pportunity fvr law-rise infill devefopmen#tha�eas�s the visua!and physi�al tran�itic�n frr�m the exrsfirr�strUCture fo ih� �c�r� Cr�ek r�creafrvn pa�h. C. Vai! Lar�d Use Plan Staff belie�es the fvll�awing go�ls ��d �bjecti�res from the Tvwn c�f Vail Lar�d Use �larr, appiy to this prc�pvsal: �.4 The CQll7fl7LiAil1�� should imprt�ve st�mmer r�creattonal and cultur�l oppvrtunitie� tt1�ncourage surrrmer tourrsm. �.5 Ent�rtainment ori�n�ed busira�ss �nd culfuraf acfJvitr�s sh�ufd ae encouraged in th� care are�s to cr�ate d�versity. �are nigh�fime businesses, on-g�ing events arrd sanctivned "street Frappenrngs"shot�ld be encc�r�raged. VI. �ONING ANALYSIS Zoning: Lians�head Mi�ed Use 1 Dastr`tci Lan� Us� Plan Designatic��n: Rescrrt AccommadatiQns and Serv�'rces Current Land lJse: Mixed Use Vll. SURFi0UND1MG k.A1V�] USES ANU Zt7NING l.and Use Zor�inq N�rth; Resideratial Lianshead Mixed Us�-1 District SoutF�: �pen Sp�c� h�atural Area F�reservation Q9strict �ast: Mixeci Use l.ivnshead Mixe°ci U�e-1 District 1!V'est� Mixed �Jse L.ianshead Mixed Use-1 District VIII. C�#ITERIA AND FiNDII►�(aS The reVi�w �riterra €o� a rec�uest of ihis nature ar� esta�lished by th� �'awn Gad�. The �rcap�sed temp�arary se�sanal structure is iocated within the l�io�shead Mixed Use i �c�ne [3istrict, Ther��c�re, �his prv�casal fs subjec# t� the issuanc� r�f a +car�dctia�al ,use p�rmit in accc�rdar�ce with the prvvi�ior�s c��Chapter 12-16, Vail Town Ccade. 5 .. � � A, Gvns�deratir�n of F�ctr�rs R�garding Conditiar�al Use Per�its: �. Rei2�tianship a�d impac# nf the use c�n the development vbjecti►res �rf the Town, Staff beli�ves the propc�sed seasonal structure �n b�th locations is cor�sist�n# v�vith the purpose af the Lic�ns'�ead Mixed Use ! zone district. Th� tent pr�vides �dditiona! facili�ies #�rr the ht�t�G, while en�urin� ad�uate ligh# and air. The locati�n of the tent on the parking structure rrray have minimal irnpac#s on the resid�ntial us�s to the �arth. Noweve�, staff belie�es that the hours c�f c�p�ratic�n and th� limited exterior lighting wial red�ce ar�y negative impacts a��aciateci with havir�t� the tent or� the parking struct�r�. Staff �elie�ves that k�eca�se the use is temparary, there w�ll be no effects o� f�fure develapment �f the tennis court s"r#e. Therefore, staff beliaves that the prc�pc�sal is c�nsister�t with the �ic,r�shead Fted�velopment M�,s#er Plan. 2. The effect af �h� use an iigl�t and air, disiributian c�f populat��n, transport�tion faci�i#ies, utiii#ies, schoals, parks and recreati�n fa�i{iti�s, and other public facilities needs. Staff beRi�ves the pro�os� structure in both lac�tions wiil harre negiigible effects r�n th� above-�,entivned criEeria. The Iocati�,n of t�e structu�e on the tennis �caurts t�as no impact an #he use vf tF�ose facilities as they �re de�un+�t, and tt�ere#ore, no recreationa! uses are besng displ�.ced. B�cause of fhe temporary nature of the str�ct�r+� and th� manner in w�ich it is tv be vpera#ed, �taff believes�h�t there is n� effect+on ihe use c�f ii�ht ar�d air. 3. Eff�ct �pc�n traffic with particular referer�ce t� cor�g�stion, auta�tnotir�e a�rd pede�trian safety and cor�uenience, traf#ic flow and cantrol, access, maneuverabeli�ky, and removai of snaw from th� str��;t and parking areas. Siaff belieaes that the propas�d str�rcture will have negligi�le effects on the abc�ve-mer�ti�ned criteria. °�he prop�sed plan �o utiliz+e a valet serv�ce tc� park guest's cars on th�e Holy Cross Lot will adequ�tePy address the #empvrary displacement a# 35 parking spac�s �n the upper d��k of the parking str�cture. The Ho1y �rc�ss Lat is mrsscly vacani during ti�e summer manths which �fiminates any potential conflict b�tw�e�t Marriott's par4�ing neecfs ar�d Vaii Resort's parking needs. 4. Effect upnr� tY�e ch�rac#er af #he area in w�ich the �raposeti use is to be Iocat�d, including th� scale ar�d bulk c�f t�e p�ropos+ed use in relatian to surr�ur�ding �uses. As a seast�nal structure, the proposed t�nt is not subjecf ta bulk and mass standards of th�e Lio�s�ead Mixed Use 1 z�ne distriet. �ec�us� i� is #err�pvrary in nat�re staf€ b�4ieves there w�lf b� na �ef#eci or� the character of t#�e �eighbarhm�ti. �€��re are �tfl �xt�rior lights p�opc�sed `rrt ��nj�n�tion with the te�t. Staf� �elieves the addition vf land�cape plantit�� pots ar�und the perimeter of the seasQnal structure uvil� E�elp t� miiigate �ny pv#entia� negative visual imp�cts of the tent being located on tt�� of t�e �Ill�rr��tt parking structure. 6 , � � Ei. Th� �Pfanninq �nd Enviranmentaf +�omrr�i�sion shall rnake the lollowinq �indir�gs k�efore qrantinq a condition�l use permit: i. �hat �he pr�pQS�� Ic�catior� c�f #he use is in a�cvrdance with the �urpo�es c�f the conc3itional us� permit secEior� af the zonir�g cade and the purpase� o#the Lio�sh�ad Mix�i Use-1 Zone Distr'rct. 2. T�tat the prvpvsed l�cati�n af the use and the cvr�ditions un�4�r wt�ich it vuill be op�rated or mainta�ineci will na�t be de#�imental to th� pu�l�c health, safety, or v+r�lfare c�r m�teri�lly injurious tD prn�ertie� �or imprvvements in the vi�inity. 3. 'f�at th� �roposed use wi�! comply �n+ith eacl� of the appiica�le provisions vf the c�r�ditivnal use �ermit section of the zoning cc�de. ��. STAFF F�EC4MME�1QATIC)N The Community C�evelopmer�i D�partment re�amrnends that #he Plann�ng and Errvirc�nmental Commissi�n appra�res the applic�nt's recyuest for a cvnditivnal �s� permit tQ ailow for a #�em�ar�ry sea�an�l structure �vcated at �t�cated at 715 West Lior�sl�ead CirefelLots � � 7y BI4C�4 1, Vail Lionshead 3`d Filir�g and L�ls C & D, Marcus Su��iWisi�r�. Siaff°s recommend�tion af approval is based up�n t�he reView �f the criteria described in Section VIII c�f this memc�and the e�idence and testimany pr�ser�ted. Shauld the P�annfn� and Environmental Commissi�n choose t� �pprave ti�e applFCant's req�est, st�ff r�commends that�h� falfowing findi�gs b� m�d�as part of a motian: 1_ That the �ro�osed Incati�ns c�f�he use is in accordar�ce with the �urposes of th� conditional use permit section �f the zanirrg cQd� and t�e purp�ses of the distric# in w�i�t� the site is I�catec�. 2. That the propased lac�tian� af the use and the canditians under wh'rch it w�uld be operated ar maintained wc�uld nat be detrirt�ent�l t� the public heafth, safety, �r w�l#are or materi�l�y injuriaus to praperties c�r im�rc�vements in the vicinity. �. That the prc�posed use would c�mply with eac� of the ap�licable pr��i�ic�ns of the cc�nditia�al us� p�rmit ��c#��n r�f th�zv�ing ��de. Shaul� the Plannir�g �r�d E�vironmental C�mmissi�n cha�as� to apprav� this r�u�st, staff recommends the follawing canditions of approval. 1. TFrat the �ppEicant s�alf nvt erect th� tent prior ta April 3[�, ��D4 and that th� applicant shall remove the ter�t by nc� lafer#han Octaber 31, 2(l(�4. �� 2. �hat fh�� hours of �peratior� s�-rall b� frc�m 7:0� am to�.�D pr-n, seven days a week. 3, That the appiican#'s aperation of the temp�rary seas4nal str�actur�cQmply with aE4 Tc�wn of Vail regulatic�ns r�arding noi�e leveE�. 4. That the ap�licant install a minimum of six, 50-galfc�r� pCanting �ots, ��ntaining a ccr�bination af evergr��n tr��s �nd �fower pian�s i� e�ch pt�t, in ass[��iatian with tfi�e AlterrsatRVe 2 se�sonal str€.rcture location. 7 , � � 5. Thaf the appCic�n# re��ives a Ta^�vn �f Vail building �ermif prior t�r erect�ng the tent. X. ATTACkiM�NTS A. Vicini#y Map E3. Sit� plan �howirrg prcrp�s�d structur� la��ti�ns C. Leit�r from appi�cant Marc� 20�04 D. Tent sp�cificatic�ns and pf�otographs �. F'ublicatk�n Natice F, A#fidavit af f'ubl�ea�ion 8 �� •�� � � e ..l "'. A:+Y'� " �� ,� �� � f� � � � 1,` � �.� . M T �� � '#�' '�` it�� �. ' � �` �T ` :� � '"� F" � � c' � �y.� �� � - � � �. "�£ � Y� —� .��a� . � �,, �� � ��, „x. "�t�" - 'r �,rr. . s"� 'C �� ,. x � ' 1 -- ?r� � -�`—�. ':wY' � :'�y�. � 5 �G - � � ,�, ' � ,,� �€�e -q� "� i � �"1 '�,��r �,;3' l�t' ` ��� �r�`� b "�'`-1 .'� iS�Y. , +-�'��1 L-�',k �•.•... _. � � , ..�&� ... �;. � �'. � �9 . � .�� ,�� _ ' � 4 ��� ._ .- .. 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'w� y� �' ,_� r•' �,� n�. ���� �:Y3 �� � .�+�,� �[ i �t ,r. �� +� �1 � �e �R� � �� ��q� i 't ... . °1 f,r JA `y �� � � � , -♦ E� � `.� � i r' ,. -r �ta , � ��� . . .E �"'�--s � 10 ;fr �`'� �� � �p � y ' R�� � ' � .. � w� ,� 5M4.' { '{+. . v'�,� y '��� , � 5 ��ryeY k�b• S'� z �;,1j � ir �yg � � ' ' .,,ti �ty �{,*� S.= ��S �� � ���� p � " '��a A _ Y . . , . . °' .��. 1 �� a A . ,ct�7� � ��. � ,� � . . . f . �`.� Y� R� ,..t L.. o/�� � � ,� � / � , . . :;'y ' � � � �.' _.,.�y�p A�i.. .... '. .'y �1 z � � � f . t , 4�y � ' .�r �� �5 ;� �� "��t . � '� �.�{ � . . � . 1 1 iy�.'� � S�k`.`p�°y . -�.Y i � j �' M1.- �� ?.Y�il 1�L1 , �.. N � �° �, �, � T��tfi���„��Y T��1T �L�4N i � :�� ��w �;;��r , t�r�.����rr r� �A�r� �s�T . , � �s. Fr�;,., . VAIL,��'JD � . � + � � � Maur7ell� Pl�nnin� Graup Mar�h N �. 2C)O4 , k Warr�n Campbell P�ar�ner � , Tnwn af Va�6 75 �caut�r f-ron�ae�e E�caa�i Vaol, Color'ade� 8! �5? l�e: Park�nr� Plan Speckal Fvent Tent an I�arksr�g 5tructure Dear Warren: Thts 9etter �s �r�ten�ed ta rllar�fy t��e par�C�nc� plan in the ��r�nt th�t f'he �peG�al �rret�t5 tent �5 �rec��d ternpprarily on th� Nlarr�c7tt parking 5truc�ure. 7he upp�r level af the parkir�� structvre curre��tly ��nta�n� 73 �ark�ng �p���s. The �ra�o5ed ter�t locaf:,c�n w�ll dE�place 35 ��rkbr�g 5p�ce� ,r� o�cEer �a pr�aU,de ade�[u�te sp�c� for the tent and �dcc�ua��: roam around the tent. [7ccas,�r�ally, deper�d�r�g Qn �h� ���r7t, kh�re may be a need tQ d���a6�ce mar� th�n 35 p��k�nr� ��aac��. The d�spl���d park�n� woEl be prav�ded ,n th� tlaky Cra�� park�ng I��, vuhG�-h +� mo5tly empty dur�ny t1�e sUmm�r rraonths. Th�t p�rk�ng I�t Fia� �he c:�ap���ty to hold more ihan ?2t? park�d car5 �se� P�C appre�vec� park�nr� pEan �ttache�). NJ�en a h�atel c�uest c�r �omeane aktepclinr� an event at the Marro�t� Mc�untain Resort ar°r�ve� �t the hQtef, the valet servrce w�fl par�k the�r veh�cle �n the �1oly CraSS Iat. 7herefor�, gue�t� to the hotel w�ll not be requ�red to park �t the �ialy CroS� lot ar�d walk b�ck to th� ho��f. I hQpe t��� cl�r�f,e� the �ark�r�g arranr�em�nt �t �he Marrsatt fi�+0ountain Re�ort dur�e�g the usag� a# tf�e temporr�ry �pec�al euer�t5 te�t fr�r t���� �ummer. PC7 6ox 44�8��dwards,C47$i63�•t7tfice:97�-748-09�0•Fax:97[J-748-fl377•Ce�l:970-376-33 k$•maurioWo[�CC�mcast.nei Atta+�hment: C . _ � `�, Thank yQU �n advance for your help w�th this applica��on. S�ncerely, Dom�n�c F. Maur�ello, AICP Princ�pal + , * � � M� rr�� �tt h11 �Ur�ta � n ���C�rt �Tem�Qr�r�y �pe��al ��ent Tent Appli��t��n fc�r �c�r�d�t��nal lJs� Perm�� Mar�h 2C�04 Appkicant: 11��rriatt Mc�un�a�n Re�o�'� F�epres�nted by: DQn�rrnc �vlauriello. /�ICP Maur�elkc� �lar3n�r�� G�'oup, LLC F'�7 Bax 4C?5f_3 �dwar'd5, CO � I �3� ��(�.74�3.C��2C1 . . � ,� � I. Introduct�on and_Ba�k rg our�d For �ev�ral year�� the Marr�catt Mounf;a�ri Re�ort h�5 u�,l�zed a ��rnpvrary tent t� ho�t �pec�al �+�ertf:� �uch �5 er�rtference5 and weddenc�� ori y�� Gampu� in Lson�h�ad. Gr� Jurxe 2C)C?I �r�d Avc�u�t 2f]C�2 the �i�nnanc� �nr� En�iranrrsenta! Cor��m���rr�r1 a���rovec� a �empc�rary �er�t dn tti� ex��t�n� tennE� ceurt5 fvr lar��er per�c�d� r�f t�m� �o iha� Ch� �en� cauld b� ut�l��ed througt�out the cour�e caf t�e �u�ame.r. �he Marr•��:��.� h�� ��abrr��tl.Pr� an appltc���on tn a�lrw �Fa� tert�porary apecdal event �er7t ac�aen thi� ,urramer fr�rn April 3CJ t� dCtpber 3 ! . The tent wifl agair� !ae u5ed fc�r cc�n��renr�:� ar�d wedd�ng rece���ans. Th�S y�ar, hc�weve�, the ap�l�cat�e�n �� slsc�htly dsff�R�ent. Th� Mr3r�ricatt wauld hke tc� hav� twQ alternati�e 6cacats�r�5 approved, b�t onl�r c7ne to b� ut�l�zed. Tt�� f�rst lo�at�c7n would b� th�; ex�st�n� te3ini5 �c�urt �rea as apprc7�red �n th� �a5t. S�nc� thts lo�atr�n m�y be cc�m�r�rr����� lay the Can�tru���n�r caf tMe Gore Creek F'.e5�derrce�, the MarrEOtt wauld lEke the P�G to can��de� an �Itern�t��e s'�e: th� t�p of tf�e Marr�ot� parkin� �tru�tur'e. II. Lacation Afterrtatives if �f�� �eriC �� p&a�ed sn the tenr7�� cc��rt �rea a� �n prev��us year5, thes-e �re no �r��rt�or�al �iLe n�c�dificat�on� re.r�uired. �IQwever, if the tent �s erect�d u�an tP�e h,��rr,c�tt �ark�ng 5tructure, tk�e ��nt w�l{ d��pl�ce appraxArizaGely c�ne-half {�5 spac_�s� �f �he ex�5td�c�} 73 �arkmc� ��ace� on the �tap level �f the ��ruC�ur`e. Si���e the 35 p�rk�ng s�aCeS are �art c�f th� r�:c�u�red �arkin� for �he Marr��att, the�e �ar-kin� SpaCe� mu�t b�: �rcc�mmoc�ated in �IDS� prc�x�rr�tty Ec� �he Marr�C�tt. The Mar'ri�tt wt7rkinc� w�ttt Vail f2.��ar'C�, pl�n to make u�e �f � portion r�fi �he park�ng appra+rec� fqr the f�n1y Crc��S parcel ta the we�t c�f the Marr•�ott s�te. The 11�ly Gro�s parcel has b�:�n �pprav�d for emp�ayee �aark�T�g, hvw�vea' durinc� the 5urrmer mr�nth5 th» �arkor�g 6Qt �5 mC35�1y vaCant. Ttie INeSt Day �c�t, another 5�te can��dered far ti�e d�ypiaced ,�ark�ng, w+ll E�e ��ec# fnr �c�n�tr�vct�on stag�nc� for the Ga+�e �reek �.�:sfdence�. ln order tc� prr�v�de prot�c��on af tent u�er� from t+�e weath�r, the Ma�rovtt �s ai�Q prapas�ng �c� pca��de a t�mparary carsopy from the west �rac� oF th� Marr�att tc� �he ��rk�nc� structure. The car+�py w�El be pVaced at �he heFghf: of the park�ng �tru�t�are anc� therefare w141 r,a� Gnterfere wh�h ve���eular acce�s to �'he park�ng �tructure. I � ' ! } .+ � � III. CQnd�tiQnaf U�se f�:ev�euv CrGtersa The fr�flc�w�nc� �s a 3��t af tP�e cr�ter�a tF�a� �he Plann,r�g and Zonrnc� Comm����an �� rec�v,r�d tc� cons�der rn the re�r€w Qf a Cc�nd�t�r�n�i U5� F'ermit. W� h�vc: �ncluded pur �rwdiy5�5 af the prnpr�sr�� use relat��e ta the rriteria. I . i�.elat�ar��l��p and impa�t of th� u5e an t�he deuelopment objec�i��� c�f the Tawn. C7t�r An�llf5f:�: �he�r��a?ec��e�se�n�l strvctu�c �� con���st.errt w�th l-he pvr��,�� Qf the L�an�h���'Mrxed Use 1 zone �'rstr�ct, tfFe L�or�Si��ad�C'.edevelc�pme»t M'��ter �fan, and t�h��oals of lhe 1/��11 �rzd LI�� Plan. 7�he G�r�t pir��de� a�'d�tronal fac-rlrt�ey for Gh� ho�el, wh�l� ensur�rrc� ��r��r�r1�t� Ifght�n�'a�r �� rre��P�6vr��rr� pro���:taes anc�u�es. :7ir�G� tf7e u_� E5 ��,pr�pc�r'�ry�r� rt�atG'��, �h�r� wrll b� r�C7 r��r��t�lr� �m��C�S �CJ tlt�° fut r.�rc ra'e��fr�+pmen�pC�t�°r�t��!C�{f��e C�'r��i5 �:c�urt�r'�� L��°�ray��rm.�n�nt �n�pact� t.� thr M�rrfc�tt park�n� ��ructur�. T�re �-ent cvrll alkaw the Marr�r�tt ta re�t��rx s�heduleca`conferenc�s L-f�r'Dug�o��t f.he Surnrr��r'. �. The efFe�� r�f th� u�e an lic�ht and �+r. di�tr��ut�on of pvpul.at�an, '�ran5pc�rt�t�on fa��9it�es, �atilit+e5, schvol�, park� �rtcl r'ec�'eat�on facili�ie5, and othc:r publ�c faci9Mt�e� nee�l�. �ur'�1r��fy.��5.• �h����'D,,!����� u.�� wrlf fr�tfe r��c�h���It �'ff�Gt� vr7 t,'fi� ��c�Ve rr��:nt'��r��c' Gr�tc=r'�a. �he pr�?pc�se�alt�ir�at���c= 14�c_-�a�r,�ns r�f th� f�:nt. �n th� t�r�n�� �'e�urt� ar• tf�c Marric�t.f park�r�� stru�G�ure c�i1C h�u� frc� r�e�atrv� fm�act �n CI7� {GrtUr`�' U5� C�{L'13C?��' fd�rlit�4y {th�' G�f�f7l5 GUUrtS rare Gf�rr�rftf�G��fUr��'� anc.� t�`re p�rk�n� 5,c�ace.� are 6e�r�y terrt�vrar�ly relc��ated,J. Dt�e t.� t�he ��napar�ry nature raf the t'ent st.ruct�c.rre�nd the manner rn �%hrcf� rt rs t� be ap�r�t�d, st�ff b�l�ev�e� th�t tfr�re rs n� effect on IEC�ht and arr, c��5Grf6ution of f.^�,�t�1�Gron, tran.��'c3r't2t�c�n 1'aC�frt.ie5. UG�f����'S, SGht�c�f�, parks, reCr���rDn f�Grhtae5, e�r'r.�Ghe�'�vublr� faCrl�t.r�.�. 2 � ' � � • � � 3. ��fect upon traff4c with part�cular ref�rence to c��nge�t�c�n, autr�mat�ve and pede5trian 5afety and con�enience, traffec f�ow and �c�ntrc�l, a�ce5�, m�neuV�ra�+l�ty, and removal c�f �n�w frorra the street and park�ng are��. Cau�Analy_�r�: rh��rapo�ec�'�tructure wlll ha�e ne�l��rhle effe�:l�s �rr the abv�e- rrier�t��r�e�'�r��er�a. AuCc�rr��L�,we ar�d,�edesL�r�ar� traffrc Er� tf�e arca will ma�n�a�ned tca t�h� Mar'r�r�L-L� U�a n�wly�stabh�hed�����.�alk� and Ch�' ex,5trnc� ��r�ul�tron 5y5L'�rn �14��] W�st f�c�r�5h�ad C�rG`I�, ff th�,��rk�nr,� StruGtur� Ica��t�vrt r� Ult.�mat�l�r s�l��tec� f�+�' the r.'r��t��n �f ti�e tent, �'arkrnc� �.vfll 1ae farcvrc�'ed ar� �-}�� Hnly G:ro�� Parc�l, u�hich h�� been u�ecl for�n�,pfc�,}>ee �ari�i,��r thi.S �rrrrter�. �rr�c� the �ent' w�ll o�Py r'�n���rt �p clurrng the 5ummer mnnths, th�r� rs np e�fe�=t an snaw rema��f frt•m �-he str�et ar��'park�ng ar��s. �}. Ef�e�t u}�r�n t4�e cl�arac�er� af �Me area �n wh4�h t�e proprsed use i� ta be 9ocated, �nClud�rac� tk�e �cale and bu9k of the pro�o�ed u�e in relatiQr� �0 5urrc�und�nc� us��. C7��r An�Cysr�.� As a �ea�car�al�tructure, �h�prapo.s�d t�nt r� ncat �u6�rect �� 6u�k anc�' m�55 5t'�rar��r'��� cJ�Cf7� �tU�15h�c7c.�M�x�c�U5� 1 lOr1�d���`I°oC�'. S�I7C� r�' terrrp�ra��y��r� natur� there w�ll be no,�ermarrerTt. �£f�ct an the Gh�ra�Ger�f L�1��� ner�hb�rho��. IV. �pl�cable Plann�r�g aacumerrt� L+on�head RedeWelQ�ment MaSter� I'lan: Th� Marri�t� �� gc�u�r�n�d by �he c�euelc�pmenL ot�jective5 af the L�onsheaci fZedevelopment Ma�ter �I�n. C�f Lhe 5�x PoliCy [7bject���� outli��ted in the L,or��}7e�� Red��eloprr7en� Ma�ter Pfan, �he fallowsnc� ob�ec:���r�:� are ap�l�c�bl�. �c� Lh�� prop��al� �.3. i �.ee�ewal ar7d E�ed�v�l�prnen!� €�ic�n�head can ar�d should be renewed �nd redeveioprrrent t�r t�eca�e a warmer, mare v�brar�t env�ronment �or �uests and r��id�nts. L�anShea�9 n�er�s an app�ahng -and caheren� ic�ent�ty, a �en�e of place, a p�r�onal�ty, a purpose, a��d �n �mpr�ved aesthetic �haracter. 3 � ' ► . � � 2.3.� Vit31�� and Arrr�n�ti�� We must se�ze the Up�artunity t�a enhanCe gue�t exp�r��r�r_g and camrn�nEty �rsteract�on t�irc��gh expancled anr� addit,onal act�vit�e� �nr� amernt�es such �s p�rfc�rm�nc� a�ts �enu�s, �r�nference Fac�6�t�e�, �r_e rinks, stre�ts�ap�. ��rks anr� c�th�r r�creatianaV imprc�v�men��. The Liat��head �ede�elr�pment M�Ster f lan ��ecifi�:ally dderrtifie� the tenn�5 c�ur�s a5 an anfiPl c�ppc�rtunity: There are s�uera� tenni� rour�5 r�n the �c�uth s�de of �hF� Marr�ott. ThrS �re.� �re�ent5 3n� o�p[�rtu�Ety for' le�yv-r��e lll�hEl CiI�VPI[}�ff3�R� �h�t ���e5 the u��ua� an�i phys�cal trans,t,�n from the ���st�r�g �tructure tca t�� Gt�re �reek recreat�on path. Va�l Larsd U�e Pfan: The fc�llowing gc�t�l� ��d ob���tive� frc�m t�e To+�un c�f Vatl L�nd U5e Flan SLa��a�f t f�h� �r(7pc]S�GI US�: 2.4 7'he communety 5hr�uld �rnpr�ave 5ummer recreat�or�al and Cultvral c3p�r�rtunatee� tc� enctavra��: �ummer touri�m. 3.5 �nterta�nment ar�ented bu���es� ar�d cuftural act��et,es �hould b� er�couragec! m the c�re are�� �o c�e�te d�vers�ty. More nigi•rtt�me bi�:��ne��e�, on-�a�n� ��er�t� ar�d �arect�nr�e�1 "�ts�eet happen+r�g�" �k�o�ir� b� e;nceaur�c�ed. � p:1Tf}1fp2�Qltdw�IWsst�ayLnllTentPlan.dw�,02124f04�9:18:C1d PM..IiNGLES � � � \ +' •�„�!'C!� � ,i1 k�11,} � r �� .,i�"' '�� ��.7�-.yG I ��g i �'.�� ,`if t` " +` . _�� 1� 1 ' , �+ r�� � Ay �_ � $ ,� ,,5 , r \ �,tf. .:j, :.-r -- t�l, `� \. �.' •�A � �., °'' ti � �' — ' ��'� � � '" — �'��� , ,' � n`;' f - f- �: �!, y� ,�` , �� �r 4�: ��u �, � :� - � � ,�� ., �� � � r ir, �. ;y � !? ` r: �- 4� � \ ' J� i M1 ( �� "� �p ik� �I � i [I �i'� rl"� Y,.'i � • F ± � ii i� - I ��7� �• r�.�'°~ `}{t`�� i, i t; �1 � _� ��. .,�+ � '' s ' � � � � . � � �� 7 � �s = '�—�-` -�x� -�.� _ ;� �'` �� ���` ; � �, , � _ �� i r . , ��, . - ,�� � � � r : : , _ �. , w �� �. , _ � � t� .= � '' � � � � 4 � ,. � �= � � __- �i, � � , � �� ,� / � � r i � r1...., 1 � I -� `F dM`` 1� kL 4 4 � � �' .'� �r q� � ¢• �,C ' �',��� 1 �,� ` T s`. 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I 4 � k. �9, t� .'•~" r' E�y• I1� p �f� � 4 .�� � 4 `i•; '� � T�Mf f�D#�RY T+�NT �°L,.�'�4 .» � r ' �r,`► �2. � �" ; >,.i�► Mf4RRIG1'f MC�UI+�IT T� �ES�ORT '. � E F VA IL, �KJ , ; ` • L �AR�21-Q3 FRI �4;32 PM � � P, �] . � ��� � � �� ���T� ����� ��• 3�'M3D s��E vzFw 3�'MID' 3D' �0'��Q' a—�s` CENTI�R POLES lsa� v�'r�1� �°' �8-�7' SIDE POL€5 . 28 ST+�ES ll�� RC3PES _�-��- :°+���X��r -2$` G�[[VT�R PQL�S 3�[ 7' Sc1[7E■P��fl(�LES ry �y-� �Y � FS� V'V!V �Q�� J�k��L 80rX���� �--2$` CEA€T�� POI..rS �4U-�7` SIDE Pl7LE� q�p STA�CES ►�'�1D RbF�S 30"�NI] $Q'x15�' 8-2s� c��Cr� Par� 46-7' SI�E �'C�LES �s sr►arcES �w� Ra�ES '�'� T'�I�I�AL PLAN ��� sc�.� .,.�._ @ �(} �0 3� �ttac�mer�t: o ��� E h,l D '�L A� ' ' ��%� e �'+��� .� ��,�c��s �t�c. ������� . .��. . . . . .;�� , ,� � ��. . r•N,� � �r� �* ' � � _. ;' � ..,.. _,. � ��'�'���"'� �.•' A �.,JSr� . ... � ��� � ,,;!��'�,.�.r...�F.} _ �� .�_�_ . :.� � sA�*� ¢�� �; �. � a, `s 'YT",ye„° 'e * �V ' .. . .•,�� ,n.:��- . .. _ w � i ,� ,.,� ,�� �,: ``� - �f�����F': "' � A� t �� �$,t"b". � « '7��'� 1A'�"' �. r�' ,�.x�t yt,: � . A �� ' "q, '��Y �� � �k � ` -'" ���' �-345 �P� y^' 'S. �,, � �.'; , ;:�mwf� ry > 1 � �, � ����.� .. . ,..:.: . .. . ..:.:- 4�.:'.. . � � � .; �`.S"S S!`�.Y �... � �.. J ( � �� �� k �-•, r�, � h�u ;,�; �t�r �_ ' � .�-- .�; �X, ;, ;€ �, .. � b . ;��v ��,.y�. :'�, '�; �r.• . � , ��..�-i j� _ � � � ...:*�;��:.:` '� ' � : -) �.:'.: - ..��� .. . ��a • • ��� _�- �"� � , � �o�o��� ` THIS (7E1111 !VI►0.Y AFFECT YUUR PROPERTY PUBLIG N�TICE NQTECE IS HER�BY GIVEhI that tf�e Plar�€�ing and Envirar�mentaf C�mmissi�n a#th�T�wn of Vail wilf hold � pui�lic hearir�g in accc�rdance with Section 12-3-fi, Vail Tc�wn Cod�, an April 12, 2[}�D4, at 2:I�0 PM in the Town e�f Vail Munici�sa! Building, 3n consid�rativn a�: A request far�r�a[ review af a varia�ce pt�r�uant ta Sectifln �2-6�-8, Setbac'ks, Vail Town Gvd�, to allvw fvr a new �rimarylsecor�dary residence t►� encroach into th�fr�nt �nd side setb�cks and a variance frtam Chapter 14, �#F-street Parking and Loading, V�il Te�wn Ce�d�, ta aGlow far r�quired parking ta be b��ted within th� pu�[ic �ghf-of-way, I�cated at 283a �asingdal� BIvd.lLvt 5, BI�c3c 9, Vail Interme�unt�in, and se�ting forth d�tails ir� regard thereto. �4pplicant. 'V"U.L. Broer Constnrcfi�n P3anner. Matt Gennett A request�or a minor e�erior altera#iQn p�rsuant to Sectic�n 12-7B-7, E�tterir�r f�lteratians ar M4dificativras, Vail Town Code, ta allow for a c�ammercia� add�tion to the Siifer Bui1c#ing, foca#ed at 230 Br�dge StreeULot B„ Block 5, Vail Village i 5' Fil�ng, and setting forth detai�s in regard �€`E�rsto. Appli�ant: S#Rfer Building, LLC Pla�ner. War�en Campbelf A reqs�est for a condition�l us� �aermit p�rsuant#c� �ection 'I2-1 B, Can�ditional Use Perrnits, Vail T+�wn Code, to allaw fnr a tempor�ry seasona! structu�e wcth'tn the �.�vns�ead Mixed Us� 1 zone distric�, la��#ed �t 715 West Lic�nsF�ead CirGlelL�ts 4 & T, Block 1, Vai! Liansi�e�d 3`� Filing and Lr�ts C S� C?, Morcus Subdivis€on, �nd setting far�h detail� dn re�ard theretc�. Appficant: Vai! CvrXaaratian; represen#ed by Maur��ll� P�anning Group PEanner: W�rren ��mp��fi A request fc�r ca�ditior�al use p�rm�t pursu�nt t� Sectian '[2-7E-�, Cc�nditi�r�al US�s, Vail Tovsrn Co�3e, far an amendrr��nt to the �xistir�g pnvate cluk� �i.e. �aarking club) cc�nditianal use p�rmit, Ivcated at 12 Vail Road �'ail Gat�w�y)ILots N � C7r Block 5D, Vail Viflage �SF Filingy BTIC� S�E�EfI� �vr details in rec�ard th�reto. Applicant: Vai! Gateway Plaza Condominium Association, Inc., represented by Greg Gastineau Planner: �ill Gibson A request�c�r a varianc�from 5ec�san 12-2'l-�4, E�estrictior�s ln Spe�if�ZQnes ��n Exce�si�e Slopes, Vail Town Code, to allc�w far#h� cc�nstruction of driveways �r�d s�rface parking in �xcess ❑f 1�°/o �f the tc�t�l site ar�a, I�ca#�d a# �388 Garmis�h ariv�lLot 9, Biack G, Va�1 Das Schone 2�� Filin�, and setting for#h details in regard theretc�. Applicant: Snvw I�c�w, LL� Plan�er. 1Narren �amplaell A reque�t for a weark session to pr�eserat an r��erview af t3�e prcapased re�ev�l�pm�n# plans fc�r the l�ic�n�head Gt�re Sit� �eate�, Eocateei �t 675 L�onst�ead Placef(a �car�pl�te i�gai description vf the proposed d�v�els��am�r�t site is availabCe at the Te�wr� Qf Vail Cammurrity De�elopment �epartrr�ent upon r�quest), and settinc�for detai�s in regard theretv. Appli�ant: Vai! Carparafican Plann�r: George �i�t�rer The applicatb�ns and ir�fiormati�r� a�out the proposals �r�a�vailabl�fo�pub�ic inspectio� during r�gular ' Attachment: E. aific� F�our� at the Town of�Cnmmunity Develapment D�partmen'l!I� 5outh �'rar�tage Rc�ad. Th� - pub€ic is ir�vited to attend project�rientat�an and the sit� visits that prece�e the public hearing in the Tc�w� c�f Vail Cnmmunity G�velo�ment aeparkm�nt. Pl��se caff (�7Q) 479-2138 for�dd�tio�al infarmati�n. Sign languag� ir�terpretation is �va�lable u�on request with 24-hvur notificatia�. Pl�ase cafP ��7{�) 479-2356, Te[ephone #or the Hearing Impaired, far infarm�#€an. Pu�lish�d March 2�, 20CJ4, in the Vail Da��y. � �; � }.__� w' . � � Mflrrintt Tem��rar;��Tent Application Adjacent�'rQperiies Ot►�ners List "1'[�WN �F VA1[_ F3�iANC'E DEP�IRTM�N`I' 75 S. rRC]NTAGF RQqD �'AIL.Ct}Eilf�57 � +C�L{�IL4DG L)EPT 4F TRANSPURTA'I'lON 42U1 �ARI�.AI�ISAS .�'G'C DENV�I�t,CO 8�222 � V�SiI.�ORP PC)E30X 7 �%AII„CQ 81657 [ ENZiAN C+C)1`+IDC7�MINICIM AS�[�[`1.hTI�N Cif7 GC(�f'�° WI�.IG1-i'I' 61[l t�V Lif3NSFIE,�U CI� Vr1IT.,CL7�i1bS7 � LI()N SC�UAR�C'O��L7l� AS5(aC bG{J �,�V LI(7�� HF,�ID PI� V�111...�'() #i l fi5 r � I,1f71'�i S(.�[�Al�k�C71rTH C[3?tiIDU AS50C'. bb�]W LIONS 1-IEAD PL VAIi..,CO 8I657 � MCINTA�°ERC75 CC3NL]C)M�N�I?1'vi :'1�5(?(:iA"1'lO�f �Ll�)7„� KLI-I�I I Es41 �V I.IC}�iS�IEAD C�K VAII_,CC3 S 1657 � 7'l:��lS T�LEVISI�N II"�1C �'� l3(JX 16290 HOL�STDN,"�`3� 77�22 � TNEA]. Rtr��l�{.J�lJ LfVING TRCSST- RUMFURD, HEATH�R „�,,. & FR��.L�ERIC'� �'. �r75 F+OREST RD Vt�ll.,�"U 81657 � PARSC)NS �.�MiLY LLC P(J f3U���7 �ll�1ARI7S,CC7 81G32-04'�7 � AllAM,NA]'�iCY SIIAPiRC7 A�achment: F . � � �975 E E'ftESERVF G���1�WC]C]I3 VILi..h+CE,CO 84712� � h�iLLERS i.T(7i�iS�-I�AI7 I.L+C 1277C1 M]°I�IT T7R ST�E�UU D11LLA5,Tk 75?�i � CA.L�UI,,RtJ�GER V, &�ALL�i'M.-J't° �85t] �; I3R(]GI��:SS('IR G1��:N�V(J(7T]WTI.I.AG�, C{}80111 [ C'L)LMAk� [.I.C' �51 F(]VVi,F.R R€] F,�R HTT.[.S,`rJ 47931 � M�hiI�R.J�R�44RD F. &.IQ�AT�1 S. -J°�' 251 FaDWL�R RD Fl1R IF3L'LS. NJ �37�?31 � EN[;L�MAI�1,J�HN 5. � ��'�1'li�� 13. - f lA'I'HC7R:'� Mf1RY M. Cr'Q h�lAR.4' M H,4TF�[(}RN 541 Ei�Y RD ELY,VT 1�5Q45 � C,i�NERAL COMMLFI`1ICA,Ti[JF.FS �I`�1C A'1"1'N: A. EMM�T STEPHE�`SUN,JR l U�C7AItF�EI.I� S��TI I FL ll�NVER.C'(7 fSC12UG-555Q � NANFTTE S. �;L��iB:4A� Li`V11�'C�T�IJ�T- NAi+IE�"CL S. �LEIV�3At��TR[_i�T�:�: 33��Ur"lKI3ALl'; HICKC?R1' �OItN,�I�S, 'N149(lGb I ANTL�RS CONI]C}MINIt?M l+�SS[7C fi$0�TV l.IOI'rI�IIt.All 1'L VAIL, CD $16�7 � VAIL SPA CCDNDOIVIIN�LiM ASSOC 710 W L�OI�FSHEAD C'IR VA1L,C,'C)£�!G57 � VA1L SYA GC7N�C9M�t�fItJM ASSC]C SI�U[.iI�A1L"1'7'HdMSf)N�4c KILFtGY PC i175[} 17'TH 5T ST�230Q I]ENV�it,C:(?8�265 � EAGLE RIVER WATER�SANITA'TT�N DIST�ICT �4G Fc]P,EST RC7rlI] . f � � VAIL,CO 81657 � MAURTELLO PLANNF�i 1Cr GROUP,LLC PO BO�4058 EI�WARDS, CO 81632 � I � ' Y � � .. 1'• ��Y I �� i.! �,+��"� � � "''��r: App[icatia� for Ft��ri�w by th+� Planning and Environmental Con�m�ssi�n .t V�V� Y� Department af Cammunfty[l�veioprtterit 75�Frontage Read,Vail,�dwado $1657 te1: 970.479.2139 fax: 97Q.479.2452 web: w+,�vYV.d.wall.co.us Gen+erai Ynformatiori: � Afl proj�Cts requ�eing F1an�ring ans� Et�v�ronmental Comm�s�sion �view ma�st receEwe approv�al prior tv submi�ie�g d be�iidiny permlfi applicatian. P��e re�er t,�the submittal requirements far the�articular apprwa9 tEiat is requested. An appllcatior�far Ptanning ar�d Envirc�ment�l Comrr�€ssJon re^vlew rar3nc�t be acnepke�f urotll all rec�uired infot�naUo� i� �e�e�ved hy the Cnrnmur�ity [)evebpmenE[7epattnaent The pro�t rnay also rreed to be eer�iewe� 6y tia�e Town Csur�l�ndlor the Deslgn Revi�ew Bvard. Type r�f Appiica�ia�and Fee: C] Rezaning $13�U .�1 �Concf�tfonal Ilse Perintt $65Q � �ajQr Subdivislac� . #1544 � F{oodplain Mvdifir��an $4C+Q p Minc�r SubdNisibn $55�1 � � �linor�icterbr Wi�eratiori $65Q � E��m�Plat $650. �'l N��or�xt�rbr Afterat�on • $8(}D I� Nf3rti0r Amendment to an SDD $10�J0 Cl DeveCcsprr�nt PEan �15U4 p N�ew Special Dcwelc�Pment Distrltt $GOpU 0 Amendment tt�d D�ve�oprrtent Plan $250 ❑ Major Americlme�t ko an SDD� ;�U O Zqning Code/Unenci�ne�E $130D ' • ❑ Nla�ar Amendment to an S�� $�25p �I "Variai�oe '$5(�? (no exterfcarmrx�i�t►ons) ❑ sign Varianoe $zaa - [)escti;�tl�n+ot'the Reqt�est: G3ndilianal Use Permit for a tem�r�ary tent�n the Marrlatt Mauntain Resort Site. l,oca�lon Qf the Pmposal: l.e�t:,.�; B. C. D Bioc{�`5ub�ilv��on; Nl�rcus Sub. P�hysical Addr�ss: �t Elanshead Ci . - Parc�! Na: 214�.a7207(3U� ( Ea�le Co.Assessor at 970-328-86+4�[l fe�r parce! n�.} Zaning� l.icx�st��ead Mixed LEse i R�St�fct Narrae�s)of Owner[s}: ____Vail Ca-n. Mailin�Addres�; PU Box 7,V�id CE7 81658 ° _ P . av+rner(s)Signature(s}: ' � . Name of 14pplicant: � r�nted b au �li lannl Grou LLC . � � Mai![ng Address; ��y�1058, !Edwards. CO 816;�� • � ;, Rhones 748-0920 � . ;` . . i . �. • E-mail Address:rnauriello@c�[�c�st.n�� Fax: 748-0377 i , . For�}ffite llse Otti�Iy: � � 3 Fee 4�aid: t�,�r� ,.... ��ck 1�1a . i�i 6'r��,' �y: �..`�s e �:'��"� _ . �P�ir�linn�ate: '?�G E�a.. '�"�,-�.������� .„� �!..• �,��: � �ianner:_ ----- Pra}e�t N�.: _ . U2117l44 • , . � � � ***�*��**�*�*���*��**��*�*�*****�***+���***+��*��*�*�**�*********�**��**�**�**�*���**��**�** T�(7Vw7N OF'VATL, �CC]LfJR.tk,DQ Staten3ent �*�*���**�*****��***«+t��w*�**���**�r*�**w***��h**���**���*********�t*�****���****�a*��***��*�** Statem�nt Nuu[�ier: RO�OL105�64 An,ount: $s�o.a� 03,I03 f 20�4Q8:29 AM Paymen'� Methvd; Check Init: �TS Pdot�,t ion; Pezm�t l�iv: PEC040L�12 °T�rpe: PEC - Con�itional Use Parce�. N�: 2�UT07207Q02 Si�:e Address: �aCation: 79� WEST LIC7NSHEAJ] CIRCLE Total EE:es: �65C1,40 This Payrn�nt: $5s�_0�6 Tcatal ALL P3n�s_ $55a.Clm Balance_ $[].tl[� �**�****$*s****��*�*�***$**x��****�*��**�*�****��r+�*****��***�*�*�a�*********�*�r**����*******�* ACCf)UNT ITEM LIS'I: Account Code ��scr�ption Curren� Pmts PV OOl0a�031125�0 PEC APALICAT�0�1 ��ES F�5�.40 . � � � E�� ��� � ����, Appl�catinn fa►r Design Re�iew ; �s F, �p ? ; ;_���; �`�� d pepdrtm�nk of Cor`nmuniiy [�velDpment ����� �� �`���� 75 South Frontage Raad,Vail,Colorado 83657 te1:47{�.479.2139 fax: 97Q.479.2452 web: www,cr.vail.ca.us General Inforrna#ion: All pro�e[ts requir��g design review r�ust reCeave approval preor to su�arnitting a building perretit application. Piease refer ta the submittal reqtairements f�r ttte particular app�'oval tt�a�is r�uested. An application for Design R�view cannvt be accepked until afl req�ired informatian is recei�etf by the Community E7eveiopr€ient Department. T°�e proje�t may alstj ne�d ko be revieweci by the 7own �ouncil ar,�l,lor the Planning and �nvir�nmental Commissian. pezign rev�iew approv�l lapses un[ess a huilding perm�is i�,su�t1 and r.tsnstru�tion commenc°es withir� ane year n6 the appro��l. Description of the Request: ApDrpval qf Tem[rc3rarv Tent and Cana�y Locafi�t�t�cxf the Pr�pasal: Lo�: A,B. C, [}Block: Sulat�ivision: Mareus Sub. „, Physicat Addr�ss: 79p 'W�st Lionshead Circ�e Par�ei No.: 210�C172{J7�0� {CQntact Eagle Co. Assessor at 97Q-3�8-$540 for parcel no.) Zoning; Lianshead M�x�ci Use 1 �3istrict Name{s}of Qrnrner[s): Vail Cor�. M�iling Adtfress: Pfl �ox�. Vai6�[��,1658 .,,.,. /� _P�one�e �45-23fi9 -— �.�,_., iDw�er(sj Signature{s}: ::- �:��' „ ,: Name vf Appliean#: Re re ted b Mauriello annin Grou LLC Mailing Address: PO B�ox 4(1�8. �dwards. CO BIfi3� Phmn�: 970-7�#8-092fl E-mail Address: mauri�llo�camcast.net �ax: 7 -74 - TYP�of Rewiew and F�e; ❑ Signs $5EJ �E,t�$1.(}0 per square feaat af katal si�gn area. ❑ Conceptual Re�iew No Fe� � New Constra�ctian $650 For cor�s�ruuctian of a new bufiding or demoJrebuild. � Additior� $3�fl For an addit4on whet'e square F�tage is�dded to any residen�ial or eommertial huilding(includes�SO addit�ons&interiar ConverSif�n�}. ��lir�or Alferation ��5a Fpr minar changes ko build�ngs and si�e impravernents,sueh as, (multi-family{�ammerciai) r+ert�uff�g, painting, window additiorrs, lar�dscaping, Fe�ces and r�tair�ing walf5,etc. C] I�inar Alterataon $24 For minor changes to buildings�rrd s6te Improvements, �+a[h as, (single-familyldupleat) rervafin9, Painting, window additio�s, las�d�caping, fe�es and retaining walls,etc. ❑ C�anges kv Appraved Pfans $2p For revis�arrs tc7 plans already �ppr�r�e�d by Pfanning StafF or the Desigr�Review Boar�. C7 Separatinn Requ�sk No Fee For Otf ce Use�ty: + '°"� -� Fee Paid: �.� _ Chec�C�Ja.: ���Z�'y $y. ��C�-;� ��.��r � +��lica[ion dat2: DR8 hlo.:� _� P@ann�r: Proiect�lo.:�P i O4� - (��'�� . � � � ���*�������*��*�**�*******�*�***�**�*��#**���**��**��*��***��*�**�*��**��*�**��*���+*��****� TQWN QF VAII., ('�L.CYRADG Statement **�**x��*�*�»*�v*��+�**�*****�**���***�*�m**���**�e*******�**�****�*�***+*�r***�*�****�x*�*�**�**� 5tatement Num�er: R0440054�� Aanount: $250.Q0 03/C53/26f1448:27 AM Paym�nt Methad: Che�k Init: JS Notation: Fernzit luo: BRBO4ao�Q Type� DRS-Ma.nar .F.lt,Cammjlh+fulta. Parcel Na: 21�1D7207bD2 Site Address: Lacation: 79t� WEST LTC]�TS�iEA3� CIT�CLE Tata� F�es: $25fl.47Q Thi� Pay�nel�t: $�5[1.04 T'v�al. ALL Pmts: $25t1.�7� Bal�.nce: $0_fl0 ***�****�+k**a�*xx���x���*�*�x�x�**��*******�*�*x�**��**�k�*���k�k�*���**��**�x***�*x��w�***�**e�***a:**�** ACCOLTNT ITEM LIST: Account �Code De�criptir�n Curr�nt Pmts �R �f�1QQU�311��CJ� DESIGN R£VIEW FEES �50.0�] --------------------------------�_-_----------------------------------------- � � � Maur��llo P'lann�ng taraup f=��r�uary ��, �t`�C7� G�r�rc�e �uther, I�CCP �h��f of Piar�n�nr� 7c�wn of VaiC 75 �outh �ron�ar�e Raa� 'Va�l, Goloradc� 8 ! G�7 f�e: Condtt�n�al �fse Perm�t fc�r� S�ec��l Event Terot ar7ci Car�ca�y �t �rVarriott Mcaun���n f��or�t C7�ar ��:acr�e: �n�:lc�sed with th3� let�er are the app9�cat�C�n mat�r�al5 rer�+��r�d fc�r a Cond�tiar�al LJr,e Perm�t for a temp�rary 5pec�al eVenf ter�t at the M�rri�1:L Mc�unt��r� R��r�rt ,r� Va,l. S�m�Nar appl�catior�5 have been appra�ed far the ��t� �n past y�ar�5. Tf��� year• Ghe c�wF�er �s �eek�nc� ���ar•Q�al af twvo potentE�l t�nt �c�cat«n5. f w�ll be represent�rig tk�e �'a�l Re�ort� thr�ur�hout the prnc�ss of �b�a�n�nr� the rec�u�r�r� a;��raval� fc�r Lh�s use. I b�l,��+� yrau 1�a�e a!� of the rec}u���d 5ubrn�ttal docurnentat�on, howe+��r, �f you need addztEanal �n�oc�mat�on ple�5e dt� nat l�e��t�te to c�ll me. Ti�iank yau �n adv�rice far yqur help w�th thi� appl,ca�s�n. ,5,nc�rely, C�om�n�� �. Maur�e�IC], �,ICP �rirrc�pal P�Box 4058•�dwards,CO 87fi32•C7�ce:974-74�-{i520•Fax�970-748-�377■C�11�97�-376-3�1$•rrsaUriello�com�ast.n�t ' � . � '� ' Chicagr�'f'itie lnsuranc�Ccampas�y ' AL'TA COMMITMEE� T {)ur C}rder Na. VC273511 Schedu�c A Cust, Ref.: Property t�dtlress: MAItRfC]'ITT MC1llP�1TAIi�i RES(JRT AllD 5PA J.. �f'fect'sae Date: August l5,2QQ1 at S:�l(1 P.M. 2, Pc��icy tn be Issueci,and�°oposed Insureds Informat�an Biader ' Prng€rsed Inst�reci: T[] BE DETERI�lINED �. The es°�ate nr interest in khe}arod descrihed ar reFerre�l to in this Ct�mrnitment an�cavere�i hercin is; A Fee Siu�ple 4. Title to the estate ar interesi covered here�n is at the effectioe dnte hereaf vested in: F�MC ACQUISI�ION PR(3FERTIE5. INC.. A DELAWARE CDRPQRATI�]N S. The lanci reCerred tn [n this Cominike�tent is descrik�ed r� Foilaws: SEE ATTACI-EEG]PAGE{S) F{3R L�GAL D�SCRIATIdi`�l . . � � . C?ur Or�ler No. VC27351 l. 4.EGAL OfSC�iIPTI�N PARC�L I: CC7NDf]�II�IICFtvt LC]I]G�UNTT, T�iE M,4RICILC)]3GE [ti ACCQItI�ANCF WIT�[1"HE AME:+IDE97 D�CL.ARA'�IQ�1+C�F�COND�3MINT�JM Fd�2 TH� M�FLKlLQDCE RECOR�E17 C3CTQB�R i7, 19T8 aN BOt3K �C76 AT' �AG�:GOf�AND MARCH 2�.. 1979 II�' B�?C1K 2$3 AT Pr�GE 34�AND THE CO1�IL7�OMINIUM MAP FOR TMI�'vIARKILC?DGE R�',CQRI)ED MA1�CI�27, 197� IN B[�Cl�233 AT PAGL 930 ,�N�S TH� AM�NDED Pi,A�" OF TIIE �TTE PLAN FdR�'1-IE h�1ARKILOD�;E�ECaRDED i]CTDBER 17, ]97$IM I�CIC]K 276 AT PA�E 6Q7, �C}UNTY OF EAG[.F, STATE OF�f7LORADC7. PAF��EL 2; A PAR'T()F LOT 4, BLC)CK I, VAILfLIC?N5H'�A[7.THIRD FId.iNG A,I�D FART OF L{]T5 C ANU 1�, MC�RCtJS SUBD[Y[SI�1�1', TUWN OF Vt1IL, EAGL6 CC)UNTY, COL(3RAD4, MC?RE PARTICULAT�.LY I7ESCRIf�EI� AS FOLLOWS: f3EG1�tIrii�iG AT TH� N(7R�I`[�1�VEST COF2i�iER 0�Lt3T C; THENCE A�,QNG THE LiNE C[lMM�7N TO St�i7J LOT C r"1ND LC}'T"S A AND B, M�RC'fJ5 5(3BDIVIStQN, Sf}UTH 16 I�EGREES 17 MTIVUTES 2i SECt�1�'DS EAST A D]STANCE C}F 399.60 FEET;THENCE I�dRT�-[73 DEGREES 42 MWU'I'ES 37' SECC)NDS EAST A D�15TA1VCE C}F 26.b9 FEET: TI9Li�CE�VORT�€ lb ��GR�FS 17 MII+iUTE5 i]0 SECOIvL�S WEST A L7ISTAi�CE OF 3.15 �EET:TH�.NCE N[}RTH b6 D�GRC,�S 24 [viINL°TES fl0 SECCl1Vi]S L•A�T A D15TAI'�ICE [7�'?lO.UU FEET; TT-I�I+1�E tiC)RTH 22'f�EGREES 3�3 MFNCJT�S 41 SECO�i�35 WrS�'A DISTANC�C?F 14�.10 FE�T;THEI�CE NdRTN.7�3 D�GR�ES 21 Ml1�LFTES Ig SECUN�7S EAST A I315"C'AlY("E dF 135.fi8 F�FT; TI-IENCE T�IORTI-I 0�DEGRF.ES 34 MINUT�S l5 SECC7ND5 WEST A DISTl�..'�iCE UF 1G4}.I3�} FEET; �'I-1'Eh[GE 5C?UTH Si D�GRl.�.S 25 MINUTES 4S iECOIVDS Vs�EST A DISTt�CE OF 26b.�t3 F�EET TO A POIIVT 4��'�fE SQLITI°IERLY �Li�"rHT OF WAY L3NE UF WEST LIOt�SIiEAD CIRCLE:T�i�I�C� AL(7�(G Sf�.I�7 RIGHT QF Wr�Y LdNE ,A DIS"TANC� QF ]29.67 FEET AL4NG T]-!E ARC OF A 39Z.0{] F�7C�T RADiUS CU1�VE TC?"fHE L&�'T'AND WHOSE CEIv"FRAL A:VGLE IS l� I�E(�f��ES 57 MINI�1`�S 1Q SECt7NDS E1NI3 WHU:SE LQ�iG CHd1� BEAR� SIJIJTH 87 DEC�REES 18 MI1VU"d'�S 35�ECaNDS WEST A DISTAt�10E�iF 1?9.48 FFET T4 THE TRUE PC+TNT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 3: �CQND�MINIUM UNTT NOS. A THRQIJGH L, It�CLUSIVE, A1�D TH�Lc�DG�[9NIT TH� MARK RESQRT AI�ID TENNiS CLS.iB (f1 CC)�It3[�Mi�1lUivi) IN AC��R�Altl'k,'E W[�E�THE G4�NFa�1VI1I'�IUM DE�C�..AR�1TIiQ�I RECCIRDE�] MARCH 14, 1'�$L1 li�l E�QQK 34D A�' F,ACaE 183. ANt�TH� CO�1I�QMINIUNf MAP REC4RDED MARCH f�. 198Q iN I3[](]I{3fJ0 AT PaGE t84, C{)LJI�°CY O� E.4GL�. STAT"� OF CdL��_Al�a, . _ � � �ILTA COMMIT1�i �NT Sch�dule B-Sec[i0�i l (Require�ents} Dur-{�rder IVa. VCZT351 1 '1'he fnllowing are tlre requirernerits ta he com�lied with: Itern (a}Paynrznt c�s�r€or the accouni of the gcantars or ms�rt�agvas of the fu31 cansi�ierdtion fur the�saate�r i�tterest cc�be ins-ured. Jt�tm(b} Prnper inst�ument{s)creati«,� (he estate r�r iaterest tv bt; ins�ureci naust be exG4utcd xnc!duly �ilyd fur record, tn-wit: iteru�c}Pa�ymen�e?f�11 taxes, c��art;es ar assesssne�Es leVied and a,ssessec[aga�r�st the suhj�ct�rernises wtuct�are d�e and�Sayslb�e. Itexu{c�) Addttional r�quircmcmts, if any riisctc��d l�tavr; THIS C[7�IvIMITIe+IENT IS FDR INF'C�Rh1ATION` ONLY, A1'�'D N�7 POLIC3'4VILL BE ISSUE� P�JRSUANT I�ERETO. . � � ALTA C� M1vi [TMENT Sc�i�clule S -5ection 2 {�:xceptionsJ Our�Drrier�Eo. VC27351 l 'F�e pali�y or palieies ta be is.sued w�ill enncain exceptinns t�a the f�llvtivang unl�s tlxe saene are disposed oF ta tt�e satisfaccion o€the Cc�mpany: l. Rig�its�r clai.ms of parties in pvssession nnt shurvr�by che pu�lic recc�rcis. 2. fias�utents. vr clairns Uf G:tsesneu#s, riot s�i�wn by the�ubfic rec�rds. 3. Discrepan�s:ies, cari.f[icts in hnundary lines, Sh�irtage in acea, encrs�acfau�ents,an�l any facts wluch a correct survey arrd in�pecticai�of the�remises wnul�l cii�close anci wluch ate nat sliown hy the publiu rec�rcis. 4, �+uiy iiea, or right ta a lien, far se�rices, lahor or raaterial [hercivfare e�r hereafter fi�rrush�d, isnp4sed by law azYd �c�t&t3�wn hy the�auhEic rec�rds. 5. I7efec�s,liens,encumbrances, ad+rerse c�aims or vthrr matzers, if any, ereaked, tirst appearin� in ttrr ps�blic recorc€s ar actachin� suhsequent to the effec�ive�k��icreaf but pricar t�thr date cli� prn�t�sed iosurecl ae�uires af re�t�rc1 for vaiue the estat�nr in[er�st�r murt�;a�e itierec�,n co�erec�by this Cam�ni[ment. 6. Ta�ces pr speria� assessnients whicb are n�at shown a�s existiz�g li�er�s by the public r�ccarr�s.o ihe Treasurer'S oftice. 7. Liens for un��.icl water and sewer c�arges, af any.. 8. in aciditi�sn, �4�e ownec's pc�licy will b�e suhject t�t��e moragage, if any, u�rte�l in Sectio[i I oF Se�edu[�S b�ereaf. 9. f�EGHT C]F PRQPRIET�R UF A VEIN (?R LODE TO�XTRACT A�t+iD REM(]V�HIS Oft�E 1'Hr..RLFROM SEEOULD TH�SAME B� FC7UND TO PEN�TRATE OR ir�1TERSECT THE FRE:vIISES AS RESERVED Il�i UNI'I'Ei7 5'fATES PATE:tiT RECQFtD'�D MA'Y 24, 19�}4, IN' Sq4K 48 AT PACiE 503 AND SEPTEMBER 4, 1923 IiV BUCJK 43 A�I"FA,�`rE 98 7(D. RIGHT OF WAY FOkt DIFCHES 4R Cr1,1�ALS �C'C�NS�'RUCTED BY THE AiJTHl7RITY OF THE UNITEI] STATES AS 4�ES�RVED IN UN1TE� S`i'A"I"ES PAT�NT RECf}RDEP7 MAY 24, 19�}4, IN I3QOK 48 AT PAG�5�3 AND SET''x"EMBER 4. 1923 IN BC]UK 93 A�`PAGE 98 l l„ &tE�TR[C�'IVE�CC3VE�fe?�,�ITS WH[C�i�0 NUT CDNTAIN A FC]RFElTt1R� t}R 13.�V�RTER CLt1,USE, BUT OMITTI�iG ?tNY �'C1V�NANT OR RESTRdC'1'TdN B�SED t}�'�F RA�E. COLQt2. RELIGT�N. 5�74. HANDICAP, �AM[LIEiL STAT€J5 OR T�iATiQNAL[}R1Cr9N UNLESS A�fl (]I�l'LY�'C7�'H� �XT�NT�'HA'['SASF3��1VEI�AI'�T(r�} [� EXEMPT UIVDER CHP�f'TER 42, SEC"I"tQN 3C07(]F THE lJNC1'�D ST�h"�"ES CODE C}R(B) R.ELATES TC} �-iAI�I]ICAP B�3T L7O�S NOT DISCRIMIhiATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSC�NS, A5 C�l1VTAIN�D IN IriTSTi�UMEN7'RECOR�ED OCTC�BER 1S. 19T1, Iltii B��K Z21 A7' I'ACE 991 .AND AS AMEND��fN CI'+IS7'R[1MENT RECC?RDED AUGUSfi 12, 1977, IN BDf]K 258 A'f'PAGE 453. �2. UTILITY fiAS�MENT 5 FFET iN W"If�'FH ALQ1vC� THE SC�U'€'I1 i.�J�'Lf;�E UF LQT 4 AND LaT S, BLC�CK 1, lt7 FEET IN ►��'IL7T€i AZ.C7NG TH� �AS"I`LO'X" LI�IE bF LOT 4, BLC�CK 1 AI`dD A p4�RT3C}N flF THE SC1[.J"r"HEIt[.Y M05T CC]�RNER QF Lt�"f 7, BLUCK f AS 3I3C7WN UW 'FH£ ' , � � �, L�� c o�t t�s � -r� � r�-r S�hedule E3 -5e�tinn 2 [Exceptioas] �ur Order iVo. VC27�51 I '["he p�licy or golicies ta be issuetJ will cantai�exceptians tm the foilowang untess the.�aame are disposed Qf to the satisfaction af LE�e Comgany_ RECOR33ED PLAT OF VAILILIE71'dSHEAD,THIRD FILINC►. 13. PEDES'FRIA�1 EASEI��ENT 15 FEE�"]N W1DT7� AZ,D�JG 7'H�SC3UTH LOT LI►vE 0� L�?T 7, SLC3CK 1 '11AILfLIQNSH�A.D,TH1RD FfLiN�G A$SHOWN OI�THE RECQRDEb Pl.AT. 14. UTILTTY�ASEhIENT A5 GFtANTED�fJ Hf3LY CRU55 ELE�TFt��ASS�]CIAT[C71�[, II+��. [Id INS'f'RUMr1VT RECC+Rl7F�A�'R1L 1�, 1978, ll*1 BC7C3fC`?G9 AT PAGE 2(�2 AND AUGUST 3Q, I�82 Ii� B{JQK 3�4 A�' PAGE 9"?2 ,4F�ECTS LOT 7, �3LC�K I VAILILI+DPd�HEA�, THIRD �ILI1�1'G A3�Ii� LCJT C M£�RCUS SLiBDIVISiC7N I5. [DTILfTY FAS�;ivEENT AS GRAN'I'EC7 Tf]�ABLEVIS[[7i�I ASSOCIAfES VI, D!�!A HERTTAGE CABLEVI5lt7?V [NC. I�.�i INS�RU'NI��T R�CORD�'�!'viAY 2�7, 19$3„ IN B(�dK 3fa0 AT PAGE 42. 15. EASEMEN'['fi, EtESER'dATIONS, AND REST�t[�1'1Cl�la AS SHC7WN Q�2 R�SERVED C7N"f'HE RECC1FtU�D,PLAT f]F VAILILiONSf-�EAD �"1FTI-i I�ILII�iG. 17, tITII.�'i'Y EASEMENT AFFECTI�IG T�IE 5QLlTHWEST�RLY PC7RTIf]1"�i C7F L�]T D, MORCUS SUBaIVISF4N, AS SHC�Wi� bR�5ERVEQ ON TI-I�FLAT aF MORCUS SUADIVI5I4P�1. 18. TER�15, CUNI�1"C1t�N5 P41+I�PROVISIOP�S L�F PAI�'i'Y' WALL AGREE�'��NT BY ANI7 9�T4V�EN THE MAR.K-�.ODGE CONI�C�MINFU]N ASS(3C[ATION 1N�., A NU7-FQR-PRO�IT C�3LQRADi] COPdRATI�}N AiV'� M-I�CORPOR.ATiON, A C�L�F�AT�O C[�RP�1�.�A'iII�N RECOADED C}GTf3BER 1T, 1978 i`� S(3fJK?l6 AT PAGE b08. AFFECTS�ARCELS I ANi)3 19. 'T��15. C�ND��'IC)NS AND PRQViSiC]1�S CC3FdTAINED IN AGRFFMEI�IT BY ANI3 B.ETWEEN M-K CURP�JRATI�QN, r1 �Uf�C7KA[]C7 CC7RPORAT1t7h AIYa THE MA,�t,K-�.Qi�GE Ct�NL[�Mdl4IIliM ASSQC[ATIOIW INC. RECORF��D (]CTQ�ER 17, 1978 Fi� IICIC?K�76 AT PtiC�&49. AFFECTS PARCELS 1 A�[7 3 +_ " , � � . .F"+.�TA CC7�M M 1TMENT �SCh�c�ule B-Sectinn 2 (Excegtio�s) . C)ur Clr�der No. V�'Z73511 The pol�cy ar policies ta he icst��d w'zil�or�tain exce�kiar�s to the following unless the same are disposee� oF fa the satisFac�tivn uf the C:nm�any: 2U. TERMS, CC1NT31�'CC}NS AND i'R+UWI5IC7NS C}F PAR1'Y WALL ANi] �NCftOAC�MEI�T AGREEMEI�T BY ANL7 BETWEEI� 'Tli�.MARK RES�ItT AN�'I'�IVNiS CLUB ASSCJCIA"Ti�I�, i(�C., A CDL�7Rr1D0 NOT' F(3R PRU'�F'[T C[1RP�RATI4N A1V�l lv!-IC CORPO�tAT1CaN, A C[}LOAAI3� CGRPORAT[ON RECC�RDEIJ.TULY 27, 19�2 il�i Bd+C�IC 3�3 AT PAG�4b3. AF�ECTS PARCEI,.S� t�D 3 2l. TERMS. COI�I�3I7`lQNS AND PROVISI(�I�iS OF AGRE�,IviENT BY AND BE3'W6EiV TH� M-K C�1RPQ1t�T[(}N. A CC7LDAAL30�C1RPU�A'CI�N .�I�'CHE MAR� RES{)RT ANt7"fEN�T]�L[IB A5S9d�CIATIf]N, INC„ A�QL4RAUO�aRPQRATIUI�1 REC{33iL ED]IJLY�7, 1982 IN B(JC]I{ .i43 AT P,AGE 464. AFFECTS PARC�LS 2 I'1l�in 3 2�. THaS� �RlJVISIC�l�iS, COVEl�Ai�[TS AF�L�+CONDITIC}N5. EASEMENTS, AND RESTRi�:TIC]NS, CONTA�NED Ii� AM�IVD�I] D£CLARA7tUN UF CfiJNL747MPN1UM FQR TH�MARKILODG� R��ClF2D�D O�TOB£k 17, �973. 1N HQOK 2?b A7 PAC�606 A�SD r�S AMEtiI7�D 1N I1�STRUh�.ENT f�EC�1�D�D M.+�RCH 22. 1979, IN B(3C)K ?�3 AT PAGE 3�4. PJPC3N RECEIP'T C?F A 4�IAIVER C)F TH� RIG�t'F Q� FIRS'£REFUSAL C[3NTAII�EU IlV �Ali3 I)ECLARAT[ON THE FOLLCiV+IItSG NC�T�WILL f3E A�l7ED TC3 THE POL�CY TC} BE ISSUED HERE[1�: "TH�TE.Ft[vf5. CtJNDITIdI�'S t�ND P�tQV[SiUNS C7F THE R3GHT OF FIRST REFUSAL FRdY�S�C]N FIAS B��N CaI�FLIED '��II1`II." 23. E�ISTING LEASES AND TEI+iANCIES. 24. EASEMEIM1TTS, RESER.''�ATIOf�S A1�'U REST�ICTIUNS AS SHC}WI�I OR RESERV�D Qlwi TfIE C�}NI�QMINIUM �AP(3F TH� MARK R�5{)�`T' Ay�TENt�IS CLUB COl�DC7MIl�fIUMS REC'C�RDED MARCH 14, 1480 TN 6f��lK 34@ AT PA�E 18A. 25. EASEMENTS, R�S�RVATIDt+1S AND RESTRtCTIONS AS SHOWN Oit i�ESERVEa C1N THE CUdVDUl4�.11'�IILJM MAP�OR fiHE MAF�4t LC)DCE ltECC1RI3EL] MARCH 2T, 1974 [N B(J�K 2�3 t4T PAGE'�3D AND AMEP+IDED PLAT RE�l7�EI7 (JCTUB�R l7, 197$IN B�{]K 276 AT F'AGE �S(?7. F . � � � . _ __ _ ALTA COivIMITMENT Sche�l�le A -Secti¢n 2 (Exceptiansl Our Clyder No. VC2735�1 The poticyo ur�alicies tn be issuet1 witl cc�ntaui exceptior�s to the foilau�in�;ualess the same are dispased vf to the satasFaction of the Corn�,any: 2b. ENCR(7ACHi��IV1'OF CC3NCRE'TE ANI? PDOL+QN'CO UT�LI'1'Y EASEMENT AS SI-fOWIV (3N IMPFtt]VEM�NT L�QCATTCIN CERTiFf�ATE P�2EPARED :�UI°�iE 19, 19J2 RY TNT�R-MO[Ji`iT�IIN ENGI:�iEFRING LTL7., PR07ECT NC?. }2255 5. �7. TERMS, �CINDITiC)I�S AI'a'Ll FRCIVI5I�N5(}F MEMURANDUM C7F MANr'IGE,I+fE�'T AGRE�MEIV`1' �tECQ�U�T)MAY ]8, I'�99 AT R�CEI'Ti�IV NO. 646353. . � � � �`� Ap�plicat�vn fv�r Re�iew ti�y th� ` �' Pianr�in �nd Environmenta1 Cc�mmission ` '''-`:.�-a"� `; � � .; ���������� ��.� � '��� �� � C�eparlmer�t af Cvmm�nity �ev^elvprnEnt 75 Sauth Frontage€io�sd,Vail,Coloradc� 81657 4 � „_ � iei: 97i}.479.2139 fax: 97{�.479.24�2 � f„� � w�b: www.ci.wail.�o.us y� Generaf I nformativn: r(�� ��'�� ;1 � �' All projects r�quirir�c� Planr�ing and �nvironmentak �Commissfon rev�ew must receive apprav I priar ko su6mitting a buildina permii applica�ion. P9ease reter ta the submittal requirements tor t�e particula��pproval that is requested. An ap�licati�n far Fiar�nir�g a��tJ Envir+�nrnent�3 Cc�mrnission review canr+vt b� acce�teci untli �if requEred iniormation is received by the Commur�ily C}evelo�ament E?egartment. The prvjeet may also need tv I�e revi�wed by fhe Towra Cat�ncil andlflr the Clesign F�e�iew Bs�ard. Type vf Ap�sii�ation and �+�e: • �ezanir�t S13fl0 r�" C�ndstiona�Use Permit 5�50 � Major 5�rbdivision S�5i14� � �foodp��in Madiflc�tior S4f�4 • nl}inorS;.�bdiv�s�on 5654 • {Utiner Exterio�Afteratton S6b� • Exer�piian Plat S�S� � MaJnr Extesi�r Aiteratsnr; S8�?4 � '�w4�r,or,�mPr�dmer�l 1�ar�5€JG S7D6D • O�velo�sment Plan 51500 ` Iv�u��pec;i�l�i�o+elopm�nz Disirict 56000 + Amer�dm�ent ta a C�ewe�oprn�nt Plan 525f� • fVlejarAm�ndrr�ent �a ar��DL] S6flfl0 � Z�n1ng Gode Amendmerdt 5i30Q � Mai4rAmer�drr�er�1 t�a an S17� S7�5t7 • V��r3rinc;e S5(30 (RO exrericsr modifieaPiarrs) ■ �oc�n Va�isnce S�DO �escription �f the Request: _�.°_ c� ,�. r�_ S✓,'�'tn��Z /��J%_ /�caM I`?�1';�" �'��- .�� . I 7� t� �-r�C�t i�� o r..1 �°�v�.ir_� ��t-`� !yv' �r'� �� f���'�_._ �r`�-C��'�YZ�'/',, Locatian af the Prvposal: Lot: _ Bl�ck: Subd�visian: �_ � �= _ �-J. L ���SS++�7�3 �'-t ��,.�� �'hysical Address: - - -- Parce� hEa.: �!o�b�Z[�`��o l_ fCnntacE �aglE Ca. Ass�t�r�t 974-328-8640 ft�r psrcef no.J I � Zoning: �• �'��--�� Name(s) �f C]wner{s,�: 1,��1� �'��t�� ��1�,n.��i'��7+"�_ ����,� Mailing Address. l� � '�-�• �f'�^-}-��� ���� 1,.��1� � C r� ��f�'S� phane; '�?� ? — �°� �L3wner(s) Sig�ature(�): -- hlame o� Applic�n#: .- � �� ��L��'�`� Maiiing A�idress: -7�. i•-.� , L��,,r.�5+�-f��] �.�{.{-� �+��� , t.o ���.� P►�one: �ic?� �'7`� - � 9'�J � E-rnsi! Address: C�riti€�• '4''�L��Sc��� ►"'�c3���a"�-�.. Fax �'l [7 � �� °��l`7� G� e�fJ��� � For fJ�ifice Use Oraiy: � ;�����d: ,��? _ cr������.: C�-� r��' B�: i _ 1 �Applieatian �ate: PE�No.: 1� �� F'la�ner: PrajsCi h�c�.: ' r �p� ; � � ?(�1�1� _..._��J Pag� l n1'�-4}711�SI[�"� � � �r****�t�**���*s******�**�*+r*****�**�**s*�*****�s��*�***����»a*�****�*�r+ww�w�r�*���**�+�*�+** �i-o►,��nr o��ai�, cc��,a�� ��c����f **��**��***��***�**�����«*����*�����*��*����*��*�**�#«�**�**���******«��*****���*�t�*#*}**** St�t�!CR�nG NLiinl}JE:I': 12t�30QD3733 Aatttt+JUn�: $6�a0.0(} C13f24�20D343:36 PM Payment Methoe3: Check �r�it: JAR Nota�ionc Q95928 Vail R�sor�� Permit No= PEC�3D022 Type: PEC - Conditiox7;a1 Use Parcel No= 2107,472C�7401 SiCe Address: 7].5 W LI(3NSHEAI] CR VAIL LoCata.vn: 715 W Lions�ead Ci�cle/�eant t�x� tenni� ct Tvt�.1 Fees; $65fl_Qq This Payment: $650.00 Total ALI� Pmt�: �650.Op Balarece: $�.[l8 �***�***���r*�t��*�+r+���*r�r*�r*ww�+�***t*�e�***�s**�**#s*+►#���*****#*�**�***f***��*�rv�**�rt***k*��*# ACC4�CFN'T ITENf I.,iST": A�count Cade qescrip�.i�n Cur•rent �mts PU 0(}1Qfl[}(];i11�50D PEC AP�[.ICAT�Q�f FEES bS�.Q� . • � � *� ::w ��fi = JQ�M�' PR4�'ERTY +pW�I�R ��-��T, ,[ `6'� `i � i� WR ETTEN APPRC}VAI.LETTE�d I �,� e� � �.1� � :� ,��, :;;, B, �Prin# n�me) �t f'� f�JC���s�� �,a j�int �wr�er at prope�.y focat�d a# faddeess�i�g�l d�s�ripti[�n) l�� t L 1"''��#.�t'�- I'�r��n}T�l� ��d��, , i��vWide this letter as writt�n apprvva1 c�f the�lans dat�d �� �� � �� , which have been submitt�d tv th� Town vf Vail Ct�mmunity aevelvpment Departr��nt tnr the proposed improvemen#s to be comp�eted at the addre$s not�ci abav�. I unt�erstan�i that th� proppsed imprc�vements includ�: �'i ��� .��f: ,�/''�. %�� Ir.� � /''�/ G,�S� �°f��'f �,-�,/,� r I�����2�4 I further unders#�nd that minor madifi�aiians may b�made ta #�e plans c�Wer the caurse af the eeuiew prc�cess tt�ens�re e�mpliance with #he Tawn's�p�laca�ie ccades anr� regutations. ! � 1� �� (signacur�J {D�t�) P��e?ot`5-�}7J18102 . � � ;- ,. ,� _ . Car�ditional Use P�rmit ` ' '� Submitta� Requ�rements , ����� ,; �������',�� ��.�- ��,���i_.�r� ;: GEN�RAL INFDRMAi'�f]N A cc�nditiana! us�p�rmit is rec�ui€ed for any use classifie� a� being "concMitianal° in any�f the Tcswn's zone districts. RII appfieations for canditi�nal u�e permiEs ar� reviewed by t#�e Pianning an�} Enu�r�rsmen#al �ommissi�n. Use�liste�d as canditianal us�s in the va��i�ous districts may k��p�rmitt�d subject tc� such co�sdatit�ns a�rd iir�itation� as the Tow� rr�ay prescrrbe to ensure that ihe location and o�eration of the ca�tditiona�l uses wii4 be in accardance with der+eio�ment objeclives of the T�wn and witil r�ot be detrirnental ta �ther uses or properties. I. StIRM I7TA� REC3U i REM�N'TS �.-� Fee: $650.a0 There is na fee required for candition�l use p�rrnits for �mployee Hc�usinq Units �EHI.�'s�, nawever, �esign Review fees ar� requireci. � 5tamped, a�idressed enveiapes ar�d � list of the praperty Qwners adjacent to the st�bject proper#y, mctuding pr�perties behand and a�rps Stre�ts. The fisi o# property ownecs shali inc�€�d� the c+wners' r�ame(s}, corresp�anding mafling �ddress, and the physical address ar�d legaf d�scriptian ❑f the properCy awned by �ach. �The applicant is respansiks�e far carrect nar�es and mailing addresses. This ir�fc�rmatian is ��ailable from the Eagle Cour�ty Asse�sar's c�ffiGe. �� Title R�port, �r�c�uding Schedules A 8� 8. �'� W rit#en approval frarr7 a c�ndominium ass�+eiation, landlord, and;�odnt awner, if applica�le. � A wriiten st�ternent ac#dr`es5ing the fvlfowing: 8. G1�SCflI7L thE pr�cise nature a� the �rop�sed use arsd me�surQS pro�c�sed to make ft�e use eomp�tible with other properties in t�e vicinity, b. The relat�onship ar�d impact bf the use an d�velapmer�t vbjecti�+es vf th�Tc�wn. c. The effect nf the use on ligh# ancS air, distribution vf pv�uiatic�n, transportatian faciii#��s, utilities, schoo9s, parks anef recreati�n facili�i�s, ar�d a#her p�blic f�acilities and public facilsti�.s ne�ds. �!, The effect upon traffic, with particular reference ta c�ngestian, autamati�e and pedestriarr safery and convenien+ce, traffic flow and cc�ntral, access, maneuverabiiity, arrd removai of sr�aw from the streets and parking area, e. 7he effect upon the �haracter af t�►a area in which the prop€�sed use is ta tae loca#ed, ir�cluding the scale and bulk of the propns�ci use in reiati4n tsa surrounding uses. e Existing and PrvpQSed Site and Gradin� �lans {Fc�ur compiete se#s of plans�. e Existins� �nd Prapased Ar�hitectural Elevatic�ns (Fc��r cvmplete sets of plans). e Exi�ting �nd Pro�o��d architectural Ftoar Ptans �Fr�ur cam�lete sets r�# plans}. �� Ail plans m�us# ai�o be submitted in 8,5" x i 1" reduced #armat. These are req�ir�d �or the Plannin��nd Envirc�nmental Cc�rr�rnissian members' irrfprr�'i�ti�rs pack�ts. f3 Add�tional Material: The Administratvr andfc�r P�C may require the subrnkssion of additional pfans, drawinc�s, sp�cificati4�s, samples and �ther mat�rials if deemed necess�ry to properly eva�uate the propr�s�l. P,x�e 3 nf S-f}711K1U2 � � I i. DEfiAILEa�i�BMITTAL F3E�]4JIREMENTS SiCe �and Grading Plan. � Sca�e af i"=�[�' vr larger e Pro�erty and setbac�c Imes � ExESting and propased easements e �isii�g and pro�osed grades e �xistint� and proposed layaut Qf buildings and ati�er siructures i�clud'sng decks, patios, fences and wal�s. Indicate the fvundation wi#h a dashed line and the rocrt �edge with a sol�d lirte. e All prpposed r�of ridge lines wit� propased ridge eleu�tions. Irsdicate existing and pr�p�s�d gradEs showrr unt�erneath �II roc�f fin�s. ThiS will be �sed t� caleuda#e building heigh#. s Prc��rsecl driv��ways, including pereent siape and spat elevat+nns at the prn�erty 1ine. garage slab�rtd �s necess2ry aEong t�t�centeriin�e[�f t�he dri�ew�y tv �ccur�tely refleCt grade. e A 4' wide unhe�ted Cc�ncrete pan at the edge vf aspha�t for driveways that �xit the str�et in an uphil! directican. s Lacations of a}i utilities in�luding �xisting svurces arrd propos�ec� service lines f�am saurces to t�ae s�ructures. r� Propc�seci sur�ace drain�ge c�n anri off-site. e Location of lar�dseaped ar�as. e Location af limits of discurbance fenc'sng � Lt�atian c�f ail required parking spaces � Snow storag� area5. � f'raposeci c�umpster 1c�cati�n and detai! of d€��pst�r enclosure. � Retaining waHs with pr€��ased ele�atic�ns at #�p and battom r�f wafi�. A �etailed cross-sectior� and elevati�n dr�uuings �hafi be provic�ed an th� pian ar se�aarate sheet, Starnped engir�eering drawings are required for walls between 4' ancf�" fee# in height. e Lelineate�reas tcs be phased and appropriate timing, if �ppficable Arehi#ectural Floor Plan�: e Scale af 1 J8" = 1` c�r larger; y 14'" is pr�ferred u Floor plans �f th� prQpos�d der��lapme�st �rawn t�s scale a�d #uily dirrjensianed. �laor pfans and building el�vatiar�s must be drawn at #he sar�e scal�. � Clearly indicate on the �laar plans th� inside face �f the exte�ior s#ructuraf wa�lls v# the building. y Lal�l flvar plans ta ind�cate th�pr�pc�sed floor area use {i,e. bedroorrr, kitcher�. etC.). e ��e set af �1ovr pfans must be "red-lineti" indieatinc# hc�w the �r4ss resideniial flc�Qr area iGRFA) was ca�culated. See Tit1e 12, Chapte� 15—Gross R�sider�tial F14or Area for regulations. e Pr�vide ciimer�sions af a11 roc�f eawes and overhang�. Architectural Ei�wationg: � 5cale af 1!8" - 1' or lar��r; i 14"' is preferr�d � Af1 elevations af the propvsed du�elopr�-��nt drawn t4 scal�e and #u11y dimensianed. Trie elevatian drauvings must show bat� �xist�ng and fi�ish�d grades. �Icrcar �lans and buiiding efevat�s�ns mus# E�e drawn at the same scaEe. � If building #ace..s are prapr�se� at arsg#es nvt represented wefi c�n #h� nc�imal building el�vati�ns, sh�w these faces a�sa. e '�Yevatir�ns shali sinow propersed fir�ished eie�rati�r�of f�c�ors and roofs on ail levels. e All exter�ar ma�er�als ar�d colors shali be speci�ied on tYse ele�atians. � The fQlxowin� shafi he shawn grap'�ically and fully dimensivr�e�: fascia, trirn, r�ilings, chirr�ney caps, meter lt�cations, and winda�w d�tails. a Sh�w�il pr�apnsed exteric�r lighting f�xtures pn the buifding. y 111uskr�#e�II deck�, p[�rch�s�nc�balcanies. 6 lndicate the raof at�d buiiding drainage syst�rn (i.e. �utt�rs and dowrtsps�uts}. a kr�dicate�li raaftop rrreGhanical systerns and ali vth�r rat�f structures, if applicable. e 111�strate pre�pased bt�iiding height elevatian on roQf lines and ric#ges. �"'��se �fe�rations s'hould eovrd€nat�e with th�finiaih�ci�faor elevations arsd the dat�sm used for the survey. Pa�e 4�1'S-U711�10� � � � e '�F cterior coior ar�d material sarrrpies shall be submitted to staff ant� pre�ented at the Design Rerriew '�c�ard rneeting. F�AE-APP�ICi�Ti�ON CC�►NFEREN+�� A pre-a9oplicatinn canferen�� with a plannin� st�ff iner�nber is strongiy encour�ged, No applic�tian will 6e accepted unless it i�cornplete. It is the applic�nt's responsibikity to m�ke an appointrr�er�t uvith the staf# ta determsne submittal req�ireme�#s. T I ME REQU I REMENTS The Plar�ning and Environmental Co�nmission meets on the �n� ar�d 4th Mondays of each montF�. A cr�mpiete a�plicatic�n form and aEl ac�ompanying rina#erial (as d�scribec� abarre) musi be a�cepted by the Cammunity Develapment []�partment by the appropriat�e su�rrritta�l date. which is a minimum of f�ur �4} weeks priar 1r� the tfate+]f the PEG public he�ring. All PEC ap�rorred c�ndi#ivnal use perrnits shall lapse if cans#ruct�on is not commenced within one year of the da#e af apprcav�9 ar�d diligently p�rsued ta ce�mpfetion, o► if the use fc�r wh�ch t�e ap,�roval is grant+�d is not cammence�d within c�ne year. A��ITI�NA�L REVIEW A. if thES �pplication requires separate revi�v� by at�y iacal, State or Federa! agency other than the 7own of Vaif, the applicatian fe� s'ria[i be increased by �204.[70. Exarr�ples of such review, may incfude, �ut. are r�t�t Iirr�iCed ta: Calorada D�e�artmen# vf Highw�y Access PerrR-�its, Army Cnrps of Engineers 4�4, e#c. B. The ��p�icant shall be responsible far paying any pu�ii��7ing fees whici� are in excess of 5il°Io t�i the applrea�+on #�e. ff, at the appficant' srequest, any matt�r is pastponed f�r hearir�g, �ausing the rnat#er t� be r�-publfshed, then, #�e entire fee ftrr sucf� re-�ublic�tion shall b� paid by th� appli�cant.. C. Applicatic�ns de+�med by �he Cc,mrr4unity Davefcsprr�er�t Department ta hav� CEesign. I�nd use ar Csth�r issue5 whiCh m�y have � signifiG�nt impacf t�n the C�mmunity may require r�vi�w by cc�n�ul#ants in additior� to Town staff. Shr�uld a determin�tivn be �n�de by t'�� 7awn sfaff thrat an o�atside consultar�t is neer�ed, the Car-nrriunity �evelc�pment Qep�rtrn�rrt may hire khe cc�nsuft�nt. The department shall estimate tne �mnunt t�E money ��ecess�ry tn pay the consuEtant �nd this ar�au�t shall t�e farwarcled tp th� 7own kay the appi�cant at the lime �f (ifing an ��ppGeati�r�. Expenses incurred �y t�a� Town 3n exc�ss t�f the amt�unt tr�rwardet! by the applicant sh�ll �e �aaid ta the Tawr� t�y #he appli�cant uvithin 3C} days of notifieation by the Tcswn. Any excess funds wil! be returned to the appticanE upon review Comp�etiC�n. Pl�ase rtote tlzrat c��rly e�r��plete applicatruira �vi�!I he accepted. A!f oaf'the reqr�r"r�ct ijafc�r�ia,atio�� ar�usd be si�hf�ailted r`ir rard�r f�r t12�applicariori ta be d`eerrte�t cv�riplcle. Pa�e S of 5-U71]�tlt�2 � � v�►���CCI��� n�t�t7��At�r K��c��1��s�n I�+lem�ran�lum Qate: '�11712i)[}3 �I'�: �'fanni�g ai�d Ei�virrst�ienEai ('c�nmi�s:;infk Fram: Claip�Ielsar� Su�ajcct ['nnditi�anal L]sc Pcrntit A. Dcscribe the precise rtat�rre of thc prapascd use an�measures prr��aasc:.d tv���al�e the use campalible ��'itl�otticr�ro�erties in the ti�icitli��,�. - An '�2�1t)square i+�ot#cnt tc�}iost ineetin�s and ca4ered Iu��G�ics fat�ror�ps s[a��in�;al thc M arr►c�tt. B. �he re�at�nns}�i� a[�d #[npaCt[�1+fI"le U5e�in i�eti�elopme�rt objecti�res o#`t.l�e tmw�n. - The tctlt a1ta���s t��e hote�tc�h�s��sr�c;r�roups by��ro��idir���ddici�n:il spac�to ihost r7zeal f����ctions for the groups. - Pro�-idc;s re�ee:�ue fur�f�c Marrir�tt and sE�rroundin� LivnshLasi prvperties r•ia overflc,sv raort�s; �l����; iiticre�si�i�l�rx r���c�aues f�r�hc 1c�4��r�. C. Th�et'f"eGt nf'lhe us�;vt� li�E�t and air,di�tri�aEStinn of'pa�ulativn,tr�ns�ortation facilities.utilities. �c��nls,�Sar�:s a�id recreation facifit�es,and ot7i�r,�ut�lic f�cilities a�xti �aublsc facil9Lics�icccis. - No 1�z�atir,�e effect�n ara��of t1ic:abot��. D. Th�clt�ct upon traf`}ic.ti�•i�h parti�ul�rr rcfcrc»ce ln c�n�,,CStI[)fl. 3UCt7tT1L)L3i�c and pedestr�an safet��and ca►�ti�ciii�ci�cc,trafTi�; 17c��ti�anci cc�n[r�I,acccss,Ensza3e���€�rabilrty, ar3d r�i��oval al siio«� fron� llte�lrc:Ltti a��d�1r�:ir��areas - Np ne��stive cffcct o��a��}�of tfie abave. Gue:sls are stayir�� �t the �+tarric�it aa�d�urr��nding Li�nshcad'�r�perties. �. Thc ci�GGt upt�n ch�chacacter c�f thc arca in n�l�idi time prc�posed use is!ra be[acatcd. includin�t�.e sialc and b�ilk of tlie}�rn�c�sed usc:i�� rejatiar�to surrntmc�in�ar�as. - TP�e tent avil� coo�cr old t�.tutis cc�ures��°hrc� are n�lun�;�;r in usc for rccreatic�n. The ter+t actualiy iYix�rc�vcs ti�e site ns it covers ai� faded tcnnis surfaGes. Y��{ � — y l� � � I � 5 � "�•C}� ~�' �, � __ �� ri���S� ��.}`� . .�^ �� '4 � r: �t �i Ik 11 • _ ',� ` �.„�4.i - �,!�a ' F y.y . � � S 4- I ny ,� . �r I� ' '� �` �.,�{', ih��'�I ' •� l!A 5 �- , � . ;�- .. -- � a � �.�,`' �.m� .:e � 1., �� ,� �,' . �'z j� `�. I 'S .� r� '' ��. j r Y � � ` =y � t ,� �ti�-., _ , ����� ^��, ' - .. 1 ��'� � 5 � � ' . � v .°rl� . . b 4. -ri � � �. �• �' 'S , �, � � � � � .! � w` i ���,. 't, .,�. ,� ��"�} .:� ,.�:.�}�: , ti :, �1 ���� f J.�rrr�44; �3 x ' •1 . . � �y '.� .���� S � � t�� � � 7 + y y y''� T m = '. 'ws° „wr `� � �.''� .� ' �� , , �± �.r f ,4 ', T A ,.�ti � � 1'i.'� ; �� ' s �If• ��9� il Y� r •> � �n ` ' � R• �.l: } � �`r. �� •.M. �_` t � 1 T ' • - J- .,� , �4 ��.\t. ��o-.��- 1 � t .. �. R. `1 ` { • ' \� X'. �� _ � � � � � ` .� O � 'rj ' �7 a ; `' �. � "'^ �� '�c _�,� �� ? � x � r" '+ 4� � ... � , � � ^ a �"' 1 ���.y� �� iti c 7S .�'t�''1�� � ,a '-7 �-t'�' i �_ � ' � y � ` } ~. 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N fii6 i.lQNSH tk'lY u.� a...,.�°' rsount LfDNSl�l�AA • !! fi4�8W5 '�+A�IiAALL.5�3{i2 '��s�,�.r•, - " r WAfL Co 81857 :uB:VA�lL�!ClNSHEAp �L'3�LFC;�L.Ci7:1 UESC:P CyF �K-04T�PG-07U$B'K-Q�78 PG-0�'7'5 P317 02-1���BK-0�7 '. �� ear �sir,c= P+�a-0988 Bii-03�S i�G-0828 PTD�D-3'ii-B1 �if-0651 PG-tM193 SlINL2: Zi�02 s�743 Q8-1�3-8�4�K�15�:3�G-�,�Fi PT�1n-;30�1 I � r�1�as �i I �A Parur�I�urnber A�H Space 5eq � �1 Qrt-063-D4-0�63 i � S��aec o r Nos eee arriu pa ' !DDQ�iD W �L1t}�iSM�3 CR ! , er.at�on C��y 7�1..os.�t an Zip �"fyPe gi K �, • 1 � VAIIL �9B�T r r�. ,M �.v"�� e� ".� '' � �-�`r �u � F n� t� ,� �, � ,� G R c �"��F.,, �� �, r c'4.. y�yt :� l.�3� n�k�t^p �.,1} 1?"'�i f*� �` 5� i� 3,.a �, �1� ' •' - . � `�a,�o '�.`i".c+ xtE_ % ACoae ner ia �tivn�er LocaAon p�o _�:, s �,,;��r����.����„�3 �'i�"` �y�`":{� s�r f�'"r M4'����r���� ���* y'.� j v� �`.� *s; . ; 1`�^. t,`-"`" � e y#i '�.s�.hs �+c � � nJ�-51:..4..�s.� "�6.v�aaY�,�r`��..s. i$NS��ItBS�IARiR - _" - -� �+taamm� �' T�h��ns Pro�ssi�'i} .Y. �Aww(a� T'"YF'� �' ACTUA� �S�G A�:R�S ; SC� �`!` ,R cc�MM��cu� �,r9a,a�a �.8�56,x�o� —�.-�, _.. . .o; � s,TUS °, prerSuG „, AAa��B Autri� _ Persu��(Pj .._ I � � I�a�il� ',"' R�marics '� Va1�+er ,`. Uil anO Gas � i ;T Trast ";�`; T�c Sale _ S[ai�I� „ liacgrarng � � f � � P —' Candr� � SpcAsmt� �anua� T Inna�in� � , �707A1 5�T38,�Sp i.6S8,7$O i U.COQ, 0; ,� �" �fa�k =: AI61nes � ii�ssory �; 5ales � Si�l�ng _ PPCer[�er S1�a+en GweriQS �Ilsc(M Et�g�S � f�cem�stian � ACC[iu�}7 R �uar�rrt Year Pn�r V`ersion Ta�c Ync Prior Year H��t Version Aeaternanr NnuR Year iGhsra�risTit.s Prmpe�[y C,�r4 �Ipaai�r Cfear Fa�it � �3-F�-�Q02 �9;75am Fram-EAG�E C Y A5SE554R ���c[c6E7� i-4�9 P.004/016 F-108 i I F M����V■ �11��1�s.��� `+ "y - �1 ccounc THE��.RIIMFORD R.Mh1GTR1J6T-R�MFDR�, dd985fl I N �F�7�1ER d 8 FREi�ERIClC C, BTS F�REST fi� Sk��:III�,tL YII-�.AG�FlLING B BLlC:2 L�T�4 8K�l263 RG-0789 e�1' Qist�i� VAlR CC�$1�5T 8K-0535 PG-0S�E GC�!�5-0�,'B��li�}�4 F'G�i1582 QCE7�8-�1 �K-062$F'��i1B04 Q�[3 1�-[�8�9�K-064i P{3-p3�fl 4GD�5-'14•94 2�t12 C1�3 $1(-0641 PG�f133'I QCD{}5-t4w44�iC-05b0 PG-0616 4CD 01�30�J5 r 17��t Sa � 8k-066�FG-06'�8 QCR�11•SCl�S BK-0737 PG-077411CD(19-1�i� �1{�737 PG�417�5 QGD Oid-15�7 REr496S7 CICD�$-77�8 R649592� a � �cn aa-��-as Rea2sa� c�co aa.���ea fes��sae Ccp na-�2�� Pa�tel N�sm r MH Spar.� S� R7�1539�!G[�Q�-�B-0D R72i5�QCR�1-28-�t� ` �'f 0�-07P-7 0-003 � sr�s No r tr�t arne p� I �o�s7's �� Fa�r RC� I �nca +�n G��y � ac�t,on�p 7yPe 8t YAiL '�81657 �ACaqa ner 1�! Ownvr LQCatwn p IVo Business Ne�e �-4'f'�� -- AC1�l.1AL � ASS� ACR�S : SC� F�' `.� N�tt1s� r'1 a�x 1!€�rns,`` F'�roLest('f1 :.' CANIA{A? � i �� Situs =' PrelSue T MaAi�e Auth__ Per�o�t�l�F� t�E�IA�NTIAL ' 1,8TI,'�SO 171,8�4Q1 , 4,D3�� � llQbile � �rr�arics _� V�{�a$ ,_ C}il Si�CS G8� : � 7ract "' 7au�a�s ;' Stax�,r�s�p _ Fceccr��n� � .�. � ^ CD�ttla 'T Spc A�mt,�'�'; Corrirol ,_,_ Ixi��[n� TDTAL� � 1,�77,9$rQ� '#77.$40 — - 4.�}92. y �' BfoClc . : Minas _ Flis=oty - � 5al�s ;, Sibli�g i P'PCer�Lu _ "�ite�ch qllB�'fBS ��� Mis�[in�: Fia�s �� Exarnptiar� fACCOU��' Curr�rn Y�ar Prior Vers�on Taac Trx A� �a ---- - -- - Pr�orYear nte{Y�SVa�lan Abas��nens Neact Ye�r Cfwra�ar�stics Frap�a�y Car�f Llpqa� C1e.�r �xiR ` 03-25-ZQ02 09.T5am Fro�-EAGLE �� TY AS5�5�QR �?Ou�EEE79 T-409 P-�D510t6 �;208 E �J � .�..sw� �...�. ,.��,... ... �_ ��b�' � a���wn� �RAtiSqNS FAMI�Y�� .�". . _�: R0�745i1 , �1 P[}8U]f 4�7 . � E17WAl+175 CO 81�i32-U4�17 5tl6�WA1L VfLLAGE FI�LI�fG fi�LK:2 LC]T;7$K-0278 PG-024� e�f trics ,OC�4�•27•70 BiI�[1319 PG-0F�iB QCQ p�-09-81 EiK-05[l4 PG�iB16� QC�u4-�a�9 8K•0�59 AGa�t78 4CD D�-i1�5�K.o6�1 FG.�o�38� �[i0Z S�1o� R�p t��•{1��5$K-�li62 PG�84ti W��,3-0�-85 { pr��[ t V A � � Parr.e�N�++t74� AAH Sp�CO Ssq � �i�1-0i2*t i?-�� ' Smaec No i?r o� seraee arna Y�e i100745 F[)RF�T RD C9C&t(RR C�/ � Qfl �1 �Ty� I..'i�[ : r �°-=-s—^ , y ,— ��14 V�� � � S i T p 1 iy 'e �,�n�5` . �t {>F . ,G-. u'��•� 4W j��F.9 �"'C p ri ' „ , ��B�{.`'O�Q r d C.}�W�1"�flCd�1W{ p O i* � '�p' �z°i �y'�E^*` � � � j`A �� . � ? � T ' Y p� �#"��a�'-"�"�� t ..-_.�� j ,.� ... ... .�..__e. .t��_...� _.a_� Y� F .� '£ ki'• �},+�p,y�p�u�_,� ` ��X � �.�ie�.a.:sx..-c��.y�K..�:�...;,'•.�� i.i 4i9 f IOW f�0�11� - � _`�i 4.. -'y� F �,� Fl�ne � Tax Itsms�� Proras��T1 :�; �A�MA tAI P� � ACTCJAL ASSC�-- --ACF'��5�� �C��F'T� . ._ ; S1E� �_ Pre�Swr ;� 1►4abila Ae,rh� Paraanal(P} R�SfAEI�TfA� 2,�86,45!Q 18R,990 5,1�2' F. INo�ilp �`.•" ge�rks :� Y�lue C1�!ans��s • � 1 . i ` �a �-� Tax 5aw � 5�ss As� � �Reoararng , , _ Con�a, SpcAsrr�t_ C4ratral — �8�� TClTAL ~ .�-----;p86.4�Q Z94.910! S,iB� — .. 81c�Gl� I4M;n�s ` Hisxnry - - Sa�as ,.., �i�lfng _ FPC�rs�n� Sk��cn C�uerie� � �tiisc{s� FJags � Exerr+ption � � ��CCOUHT __ - . _ G„rrar�t Year Ar�or Yersron T'as 1'n 4 i Prior Ysar NQ{x;t VeraiQn A�sate�ens Ns�rs Yaar �Charac�+arr�tics P+�oper[y Cara Uixlate C1ear �ac�t " 03-T5-20Q2 a�,ZS�m From-EA6tf C� TY A5SES50� 9T43cH66�B T-409 P-a�fi101� F-YOB _ ....CY�C] --- unt � AM,�N RR1t�23D ��4976 E PRrS�.RR'1►E SU$.1fAIL 1fi�i.AGE FIRING 8 BU[.2 I.0 -B K-0245 R��R8i�5 Year f3iS�'i�T G'��:��VDQD VlLLAGE GD 8Q1?4 W[D 44�74-78�K-0367 f'G-0Q66 C��Gp tf2-�5�2�K�S[fT PG�S1� [1C[7 D4-19-89 R65bD9�QCp[�&-14�is Ft86G�499�lCt7 p8•18J98 PE�p� SG1Q3 R5Er6�D�1]Cp�8-53�1� 3'� St A Parcel urrat�er IRH S,pace � 2101-072-1a-007 � STrf,+at t�a D a flrect h6arrie ! � UOQ763 FflR�ST R� f Lo�^tion �Y � �tacn an p cca pe Laet VAI� 81657 _ �`a � _ I�►IA er or� p I�a us�ne�a e - ; , �T`���___ .. �CTUA�:_� ��S F - - --=- .- �larns .:. Tax oterns_ Protest I�'f3 . CANtA(Aj G� -- `ACF�E�_�-5� F'T� ,�" 5rc.,s -"� Pte�"5�c _ Madofe�utR_ P$rsansa E�� '��s����na�. ---- �,� 154�38f]! , 3,628. �T �1Av#rila :� 8emarks Valcra []il ana Gas '_ 7�res :_- Tex S�la . " Ssasa assd ,-, Rq+�ordtng . _ Cas�do � Sp�Asmt"`F �ontra► :_ Imaging ;TOTAL 1,fi97�3�[t; 1SR.5�[l� 3.G29� .�.� �,>,. B roc� ", M�r�s - i�;story 'L �' Sar�►s "�' siblir,a ,` FPCertur � &ketcn Queries n I�lisc{Y� �ta�s �tamp�la� � a�CBUhR turrerss Ysar Priar Vsrsion 7sx Trx -- --�-- Pri�rYe�i ketx�tVersion Ah�[emen� ��Yt Year Gi�ar�czerisir� 4�rop�rty!Card upnats GieSt �.ict[ - 08-�5-20Q2 OB:�6am �rarn-EAGL� C��NTY ASSESSOR �7032BB679 T-409 P.06T/O1S F-��B � �,�.,_. ,.,. ...�.._ J ....� ur�i �Ml�LER�Lk�PiSH C - R�1U2T1 � 12T1'[!MERiT[]ft Sl'E� �l]p.VA1�L VI�1..ACa�F�L.i1�G ��l-1�'2��dT'S p�5(:: LlNfT I1 � �AiSerr ct pALL-�TICC 752�51 6F[�368a PG-0586 SWD 10�04-��R57�4Z2 'WD 1 ft•13�8 { �b47 5C'�03 � � +A�1r[7Mist St , ; � A � s Paresl AIur�D�r �II Spate S��y � 27�7�IDT2-��Ll48 5tra+Bt Ho Ri�r �Sira�nt Narrw i �[18695 FOREST RA ` �oeat t�n CRy 't?� r�ca on�iA ��YP� �� VAIL �81#"iSi' B Co� er fa C]wA�t�.ncai�r� Map c �us neaa Hamr . _ ^ k� ;=' Ta�ttarns� Praeast f�} �� CA,M,A�A� �P� - __�;CTLIAL, ' ASST3 A+CRES ` �Q FT �' Sa�s �' PratSuc _ 1Aoas�le fWn� P�r�anaf�P] �iiESfD�H'T'114�L 1,936,53U' 17T,tB�1; 3,554 � I�o�il� : �emar�[s ,� Vs1ue _ L?i!an�Gas '-' Tr�c1 ,_ 7a�c 581� � �'[�[e a8A •-� R�rcarsdirtg � � �_ CPf�[3 �� $PG14SiilY� , �OriSP�I � I'lTS3Qif3� TC�7'Al� i 7r�3$a53t1 �7i.1�Ial �,� � r` sroc�c � M«au�s � N�ssory r' �81es ; Sibling _ PPC�rTLa SketCh LZuE�fI�S i Misc(Ma,� F�ags ^ Euemp�ton +��CC41J+hfT Cusrrant Year Pr�ar V�rs�an Tax Tnc Friar Year �le4xrt Verr.Fon Albazer�nsns I+texs Y�ear Ct��eteriss;rs �ra,piany C�r�c Upaai6 C;6dr Exlt - 03-T5-�00� 09;�6am �rom-EAG�E C0� A55ESSQR '� c � T���9 P.00BlDI6 €-2�9 L °" � —� : Vw1�C1 Pi0�1� uivrs� �iw ;^� , LL,.�� � . nrn. � I�. ., n� - Accc�unt T�ICAS T�4�3115lON INC ---__ - • '� �� ,�, � �� `..,� i �,---;. � _ 3r R��02T3 N P�8UX'I fs�90 :�.�t •�����-�::s ...s.�' , '. FiDUSTON T]C 77� SI�B VAlL VIL�AG�FILl1iG f E3L.1(:2 i�(3T�5�ESC' LlhllT B sar p rttict BF[�]578�G{1216 �0�2 SCtQ3 1��� t I � I Pars:e Nutl�bar 1�lH paoe 5¢q ! 2wUa�7Z-�o-+D� � 000685 � ��r �a� FO EST� RD� oca��an i�yr � Lcacaacn p Aut Ty�pe i.a�t � �.:a. VJUL '—8165� ' � r� ` �� -� „ , , - � s � � ,,� Caa� rwr �rtter Lrx�at�vn p o r x _ � ,� ��` �- �c ' -{w;��^� ..v t.'r��` <k" ��Qt������� . : . . . . �f Name •�' 7ax nerr�s`" Protest ifT} J c,pµ,r+i[�) � `T5'PE ACTLIA� ►4SSi] �A �R�� ' SQ F7. r;- srwa �.`- P�s�e " Mcdil�Avtn� P�rs,anal{P� '��sia��in�u. .� - �,aae,sea��,��a�i - __ ._ -3.�2Q: , —�— Mo�ile •'�7 8err�ariss _ 4ralue , flil ann Gas � = Tts� � Tax S�a�e ` ��at�qsd Rs�COrG�n� T Corsda - - Spc AEms� Conucsl -. �rn�3��9 �fiOTAL. 7.4t�8,581}; 1�8.680 ��32�i �`�°; .� ,,.. ._ �i1�k Mines u HisROry ,`; , - . _ SaI�S '� Sib��n9 � RPC�srt�[r , �kas� Ctu��le� " �wise�Ar�' �eags � F,�amp�ion � �ACCOUIV'T � Curren[Year F�rfar Ve►�lon 7a�c Trx .^ . Prtar Y�aar Ne(x�Vara7cn Ana�mpn� T�axi Year Charac[eristics Praperey Cara 4tpdata CIe3r Fac�t 63-�5�fi��� 08;17a� From-EAG�E C0 Y A&5ES54R Q7C•:��5s?9 T-4Q8 P.006/D16 F-2a8 �� �,..._. ..,.. �....--- �;� � . .. ._ Aeeoum GAI�C}L.R�i�EF�V.& ALLY�Il- ,,r7 � �885p E RlRC7Gi�55 C6� R0�1i2� GR���WO+�P VILU�CE C�8�}7�1 � S�B:WAII.VILLA6�FIL1NCi 6 ALFC:2 L:i]7�6 i�ES�:FARCE�.A r Y� � ,� �K-a247 PG-05�4F6 BK-0426 PG�'12�i$K-0�31 PG°D85T WR ; 11-�4�'� , 2t1�qF SC10S � Apr rst St ; A A i � �'ares�Mwrrsper i�l1 pa� S�x} � 27 C!ti-O�i�-'1�-0�{1 r tree� D pir N Straei kame � � �}D?a5 �� F�i�51' ii#� Locat�on �'y � oca 4+n p � ype i.a'gt I�f L 81657 BACc�de r!d Dwt�r�+�c�3,c►n p o 6u�ne.ss lVarr� _ - � -.. �- i� �� -- N�me � Tax�ems- Prot�es�f� ,: C��[n) TY'f'E --�AGTUAL _. --ASS� _�• ACi��S.. ,__ -�� F,,�.:- � S�Rs�s ,� Preisue ; _ Mon,�e Aenn�o Personat P .�ESi�3E�iruU. 't,45s,1'#Si� 1a3,a'io� � a,1B[� ' i 1 �-.—_______. E. . —� � ._� . _ � .— - � Mvtrile; F�mar�cs ° value ` Grl and Ga� I � „ � Tr�ct 't`a�c 5ale � Staie AaG a FkacvrAirng � � � I ` e ,� COn�4 `; Spc Asrt�t� G�r�trol � �9��9 �7QT/LL 4.4ri8.71�( i93�41�� � �R4�0� ;- = �I�k _ l�lines , Hiseory � _ +�s '� SiC��ing _ �PCerSL.Ur � $ke[efs Q�Bfi85 II[isG�M'� FJags u Euempti+�n ,ACCD�dHT Gurrenc Year Frlar Vefslan Taac Tnc _ _. ` ��+or Y�r Ne�x]t Y�arsion A�ac+�rner�c N�t Yea€ Chara�tenstics Pr�r�rry Cara ' Upa� Gtear E�ci� 0�-��ita�2 pD;�7am Fr�m-EAGLE Ca TY AS5ES50� BT�32BB678 T-4DS P.�101016 F-206 �'" I ' V'ti11V1 �7ii11 YAf i..ia! s�re�y. — AGebunT �^Cl'lLMAR�L.�.0 - -• -• — fio2'4123 � � t �s� Fnw�.�� sug:vai�v�ua��Fle.rn�� �etrc:x e�ar:���s�; p��c��.�a �r ist � 'Fafi H��.1.5�l.f�7531 �K-�z�PG-0Zq1 Rr47BOS C}GE}1U-04-��! ���Z SC103 �r a�st i ° � P�reB!�iambar Mli Space ecp 21 p"l-07Z-10-011 Straat Ho �]ir H Szree�l�ame pa # pf1�7�5 ��F�ti�ST R[] � �acac��or� ih � � �� p �'�YF,�,� � A!L 8't6�7 oA� wn+rr �wr�tr Gecauvn p�t� �usinerss am�a - i - T'Y'F'�: A�TUAL ASSD ' +WGR�� 3 SC��T -- -- _ Name Yax tsems Protest(7'� �', CIIIYtA(A) .�_� . . S�tus � PrelSuC � i�laG;ie Ac2cFi. �`ersanaE(P� ���I�ENTIAL 7,4?53,35U 13Q.764. �,A62 , �Ila�ile ,` S�marks A Va�uc „� t]tl anc7 G�ts " ;` l"�aci i� T�c 9�Fo ` 5[�t�A�� R9Ci0rGiT1$ : i ; � ` Condo r Spc A►�smt— Canerol ��. �►+ae1�B �7(J7AL � 1,4�9�3�4° 130�78�� � t,9S� � R Biack ' Min�s "' '¢ � � ._... lfistory ";! 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Y�..,.:� _ ' .?.. - �---� _�-- � , �_ � - - -_ s�rsiness Nama . � _ - �� � , , i . = r��+� .� T����= p���m :-� c��ua say "IYPE— � . �icT�Al� ASSa �C�E�+ �FT `-' Sii�es � Pn�+�S�rc -- MaAiia Auah^ F�rsana!tPl �RESIA�t�TIAL 577.23p�__ ._ •-5C,82{t� _.� _� .. - 3.447� � I � , , � Mediia � 8emarks � V'atws �.,j [}11 anp G� � �! `�raes � Ta7[S�le i i Si2xe Ai� � Rs�cording � � � � Cortcto:! SpcAsrrrt� Co�tral ` Irr�ag+ng fTOTAt 577.�3p� � 52�82�1 ' 2A47� �� � BI[aCk � Aline.s ` Hissnry � _ "'� Sales T' �ira�ing _ PPG�rrku 5ie�ucri Clu�eries �' �41�s�c li� E�ags � �rempti�n ' A,GGDL11i6'� ��,rreni Y�ar Pr�ar Veraion 7ax T� Pris�r Yaar Ne(x)t V�ar$s'o� A�axemern �I+e�'Mear Charari�r�sti�a Properry Cartl �1pQ� �lear �rcit � � De�ig� ReWiew Bv�rd '� � ,�� A�TI��V ��DR� �_�-_ 1y ° ; ,� D�parkment�f Go�nrn�sniry p���Iopm�nt 1 lJ Y�r��� V� �,�1:�f�' � 75 South Frontage Road, Vai#, G�lorado 81657 te1:97�1.�79.2139 fax: 97�.479,2452 web:www.ci.vail.co.us Project h�me: Nlarri4tt tent far speual events aR6 Nurnber: DRBt33Q�174 Project @escriptinn: Tent fer summer special ev�n�.s F�ar-ticipant�: CIWNER �iMC ACQl7ISITiC�N PROPERTI�S IU3JZ4/�f103 Phone: CJQ NYARRiOTT INTERNATIC}f�AL rJN� MARRICITT 17R �EPT 93�.01 WASFiINGTON DC �0458 �ic�nse: APPLY�If�TT Chip Nels�n 03/�4JZOQ3 Phone: 479-5991 Vail Marri�kt Mnuntain Resort 7f5 W Lianshead C��c�e 11'ail, C� Chip.nelsorsC�r�acriott.com 81657 License: Pra�jec:t Address: 715 W LIDNSH�Ap CR VAIL Locatic�n: 715 W Lianshead Circlel�ent on tennis C# Legal Uescriptipn: Lot: �&�7 Slc�,ck; �ubdivisio�: h�ORCUS SUB, parcel Number: Z101072�74D1 comrt�ents: se�canditi�rr$ Q�OARDJSTA�F ACTIC]M M�tia�n By: Hans Woldrich Action. A�PI�OV�[7 Secnnd By: Da�+�d Vfel� Vcat�: 5-� Date o��4ppravaE: Q4�16�'�UO3 Gonditi4n�: Cas�d: 8 (PLAN}: No changes ta t�ese plans may tae made wit3�au�the written consent nf Town c�f Vail staf€and/or the appropriate review committee(s�. Cond: Q (PLAN): C�RB approval dq�s nok cvnstitu�� a p+er�rrit€ar�uildinc�. Please cvnsuit with Town of Va�l Bu�lding perSc3nnel pri�r to�t3nstru�c#ion ��'tivities. �and: CUNO�}Q5�09 That tt�e walkway frvm the ha�el to the tent be in gv�l nepair and weCl d�e�igned. Cand; CC�N�l�0�810 That t#��there be no �nsightiy outd4or stc!rage. Plann�rr Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $3flE1.00 . . ' - , � � , APplic�tion �or i�esign '�evi�ew k Av' �1 � � ,� �Jepartment of �ommunity Development � ;; ;' 75 Soutfi� Front�ae Road,Vail, Color2�do &165i ����'�'��' �,M�� �:�I�� � °=''` tek: �74.47`9.�i3� fax. yT0.�79.2452 we6- www.ei.r�ail.ea.�s General I nfc�rmaticrn: A11 �roje�fs fEC�UlfffkQ i�P.SI�Tl review must receive apprav�l priar to s�abm'sttinQ � huilding permid app9ication. Piease r�fer to the suk�m6ttal requirements tor #he particuk�r apprava! thaC is requ�sled. An dpplicativn fvr �esign Fie�rfev�r cannot be accepted until all required in#ormation is receiveci by the Cammun€ty ❑ev�lopment C�epartment. The prvject may al�o need to be re�v€ewed t�y the 7own Gour�cil andlar t�e Planning and Environrr�entaf Commission. Design reuiew ap�rorraf iapse5 unless a buil�iing permit is issued and canstructios� ❑o�ttmences within one ye�r Qf thE appro�al. Qescciptr`o� �f the R�queSt; ��dC� Sat.�,�. �vMr�_�� i��.7T �(�eee�Nl I��`►;� %S__ ��T�6E"� /, �'�e�. ?���� T� � ,���.� c�� `���5 c�.�� �� _._.��,�Z t?t= #-(•�`i�2 �f �'fl��I�" _ Locativr� vf the Propr�sal: Lol: �lock: Subdiv+sio�: �nysi�a� Addre�s: �� � �- �c�,trSrl�� �.c�-� Parcel �Jo.: �t r�1C,7�2.v'�aC] l (Caniact Ea�gle Co. Ass�ssor at 970-3�8-8640��r parcel na.) �aning: Name{s) ot �wr�er(s): 1��1�L �"'���t.e�i`� �a�l.,.�c`Iri� � ��t Ma�ling Address: `Jx � C...�, L�(�� �`� '��-�. _ �lA11_ , C.c� '�� hone: `�"7t� —�'��' Gwner{sy Signature�s): hfam� of Applicar�t: _!l.._�f�/'1� ��� tUUl�lllli� ,ACldl'@'SS: / � � �-+-�• �•��]���1L'�-� �tt°� r �/'�'�' v`,�1� , c� :���s� �r,��,�: �7� — ��`� ( � �-mail Addre�s: C���'7 R���s'�f� L� M?�C���o�. Fax� fi'7� � ~ �.�`�� _ _ c� — _ __ Type vt Rewiew ant� Fee: + 5igns S�•'..� Plus�1.0'� ��r square tc7at at to#al sign area. • Cvr�ceptuai F`eveew No Fee �-hlew��r� SF�G For construction af a new building a�dEmofrebu�ld, i Acicfiti�n 53(3{� �'�Far an additivn where square foratag� is added to ar�y resid�ntoal or � �� � -- � commescia�buiidirag (includes�50 additiQr�s & interiar conversians). • �M}ntrAlteratPOr� S�5(? Far minor changes to bullding5 and sfte 4mpravements,su�h as, {multi-fami4ylco�mrnerci�l} reroofing, painting, w'ir�dovv addltV4ns, iands�ping, fe�ces and retaining walis, ete. • lNinorAlteratian S2� F�r mfnor char�ges to buYldings a�d site fanpra^vements,such as, (singfe-farnfiyldu�alex} rprc�a#ing, Aainting, wEndow addithans, land�ping, fenc�as �nd eetaining w�alls, �ke. • Changes tc�Approved Pl�ns �2C� �or re^vi5ivr�� to p�ans already approved by Plan�ing Staff or ihe Design R€view�ioard. , ��' ` � � � �� . Separation �ieq�est ri�o�ee a; '� � ��` ��A r�� � � ?�#3 �For Off�ce U e �Dnly. ��Fe�Paid: ��'U _.._ Check hlo.' ��J��� �Y� � �Appiication Dat€�: DR�S Na.: � • ��� �Pl�nner: -------- Praiect No.: ,�I�� ' .��- S i____�.. ---- --- � � � � � � µ .� ,, JC)!N7 PROPERT'� L?WNER > 1NR ITTEh{ Af�PROVAL LETfER i�"„�,:< �;,, ;' � �����+1�,' ���. 4 l�J.,t_�. ' -- __ ____ _._-- _ f. f print name) �r� �'"`'��=-����.. , a jaint awner af property ��cated at (addressllega! description) .---1��fk l[_ N1 hR f�c�►'� N�-r�,.7r.�i��1 `i�-���-�[ , �}fCJVECI� �}14S I��C�C�S WI'It�E.'Cl ��JJ}7fQVc3I Gf t}l� F7I$CIS C��t'L'CI� O W�11C�'i 1'1�VB been submit�ed to the Tawn of Vail C�mmur�iry ae�+elr�pment Depa�tment €or the prvpvs�d imprcavements to b� cvrnplec�� at tF��address noted alaoVe, i understanc} that the pra�osed impravements�nclude: ��. r.�� S�_ t=T ���i `T� f�� uS�.'� �-C-�t�"�, S-I�c� —�',,�.��:�b3 I furt�er understand that minor modaficati�ans m�y be m�de to th�e plans over the courss of the re�rieuv prc�cess to�ensure complkarECe wii�r tr���own's applicabl�e�od�s and res�ula#it�ns. � �1I�7 � c� � ( ignatu re) [Da�e) ._ Page 2 crf 1�1(111171�?2 � � � � � � D�SIGN R�YIEW B+pAR�AGENOA "�`�`';,� Wednesdayr Aprii 16, 2003 .,�� �:�a P.n�. Pu��rc �nE��iw� ��su�.Ts Pue�ic +���co�n� PRQJEC3 C7R��NTATI(]h11 LUNCH - Commur�ity Deve�opment�]epartment 12:fl0 pm MEMB�RS P�CESENT MEMBERS ABS�N�' Ciark Brittain Bill Pierce Har�s VNoidrich Margaret Rv+��:rs �3avid Vie�e SITE VISI`PS .�:�a p� �. Behrend# residence--4778 Meadow Drive 2. Vail Maunta�n Sef�o�� —316Q Ka#sos Rar�ch Rcaad �. French resirJence—,2935 Nla�ns Ranch Raad 4. Coaic r�sader�c�s �012 Eagles Nest CircE� 5, V�il Trails East—433 Gvre Cr�ek L�rive �6. Ap�lav Pa�c—R342 S Frc��#age Rd East 7. Middre �ree�C— 1�fi{� N. Front�ge Rd. 8. Br�r�dt res��ence— 3707 E. Buffehr Cre��C Road �. Meualuna —6+�a W. Lionshead Place f]rtuer: Warrerr PUBLlC HEAt�1NG -Tf]W�'N COUNCiL CHA�ABEF�S �:p{� �� 1. Vail Nlounta�n �choo� aRBC�3-D�61 Russ Fin�f reu�ew of changes to the exterior far�de 3i�0 Ka�s�s Ranc� R+�adlLot 9, VaiV Mountain Schavl Subdivisivn Applicant: VaiE Maun#�in Schoai, represented by Bc��n Assvciate� M�TIC7N: Bill Pierce SECt]�ID: Marg���t Rogers V�TE: 5-(} A�"PR[7V�D WITH 3 C4NDITiDMS: 1. That th� gazeb� f�ave the same roofing material as the sehac�l. 2, Tt�at t�e third modular us�a th���r�er sh�de of green tt�at is used �n one af th� twr+�existing mvd�ul�rs. 3. Tf�at the architect�ral ele�ativns be modi�ed ar�d appro�ed �y s#aff, as indicated an t�e submitted pla�ts. � Tl1�N U�YA�G 1 � � � 2. Whit�rock �LC DRB�3-�03� Bill Fi�al r��riew af a prc�po�ed e,]cterior al#�ratFan 124�W�stt�avan Circlef�at�5, ���n Lya�n 5ubdivision Appl�cant: Wh'r#e Ro�k LLC, represented �y Tab Associates, Irrc. MC]Tl[]N: �lark Brittain SE��ND: Margarat �togers VQ�'E: 4-1 (Pierce t�p,�as�d} APPRCIVEL] 3. Bra�dt r�sldence �}R803-009(� Warren Gonc��ta�af re�iewr af new�ongle-famiPy �ome w�th a Typ� If �HU 17D1 �. �3uffehr Creek RoadCA part nf Tract A, Lia�ns Ri�ge 2'� Filirtg Appli�ant: Scott and Ciaudine �rar�dt, represented by +GottEe Grayl�eal Yaw C�3MGEPTiJAL—N�Vt7TE 4. Cor�k residenca QRB03-OU�4 Warren �inai review af prvposed new s#u�cca wall and fence 1012 Eagles �fest C�rcf�ll.vt 2, Bioc�C 6, Vail Vill�ge 7�' Fiiing Appficant: Sam C�ak, r+epresented �y Fritzlen Pierce Archat�cts MaTIaN: Ntargaret RQgers SECaND; C}avid VieRe VQTE: 4-p {pFerce recused} AP�ROVED DRI'VEWAY ENTRY$� P[y�JL, PAV�RS ►4Nd STUC+C+Q W►4LL W�TN 1 GC�NDITION: �. That the appiicant shaw details �n the stuceo r�►all and that i#�e subm�fted tv staff fvr apprvval with the s��anning shown fo protect the trees and other lanc��cape an� that any disturhe�i mr des#royed landscape �e r�placed. Mt7Tlt?N: Margaret RQgers SECC3ND: Hans Wvldnch VQTE: 3-1 (F'ierce recused, Viel�opp�sed) DENIED—W�]a❑ �ENGE 5. Vail Trafls E�st Gandomir�iums !]�B43-Q{}40 M�g Fin�l revierv af peQpQSed new rc�vf 433 Gore �re�k �3ri�efBlack 4, Vail V'iilage i� �il�ng Appiicant: Uail Tr�E[s East Cvndominiu�ns l'VlOTPf.7hf: Bill Pier� SEC�?ND: M�rgar�t aogers V(�T�: 5-0 TABI.�Q UIVTIL MAY 7, x[ft�3 6. Mezzaluna Resf:�urant DRB43-Q452 ��� Fin�! review af propc�set! deck expar�si�n 6�0 W. LionSh�e�d PlacelLc�t i, '��ii Lions�reacf 1�Addi�ion A�plicant: Deryk C�ve, represente� by MichaeR H�azard l�ssociafes N1�7Tf�N: Margaret avgv� S�CaNO: Q�vid Viele VC1TE: 5-� APPRQYED 2 ' � � 7. Behrendt Resid�nc+e �RBQ3-OQ85 Vllarren F€r�al rewiew of new addition and exterior�Iteratic�ns 4778 I�Jleadvw Driv�ILot 2, Bfock 7, Bighc�rn 5�'�4ddition Applica�rt: Mr. and Mrs. !B�hrer�dt, represented by Envirr�nmenta� Syst�ms Qe�ig� MUTION: Glark �ri#tain SECflNQ: Margaret Rc�gers VQTE: 5-D TAB�.EQ UNTIL MAY T, 2043 8. Fren�ch r�sidence DR�(]3-(1�66 V11arr�n Fir�al r�eview of�raposed tree rem�val 29351v1an�s Ran�ch Raa�lLc�t 3, E3f�ck 1, Vail VFlf�ge 13�' Filing Applir�nt: Mattie L. ��ench MC3�`IC7N: '�i19 Pierce SECOND: Margar�et Rc�gers VDT�: 5-0 TA�3LE0 UNTi� MAY 7� 20�3 9. Apalla Park DR��3-O�C19� pt����yn Final review of propased re-r4�f Apollo Park, �142 S. Frontag� Rd, EasWail Vill'age 5�' Filing Appiic�nt: Darrell Carr MC}TIC?N: Da�id Viele SE�OND: Margar�et Ro�ers V�TE: 5-0 APPRQVEU yVITH Z CQ�1DITlONS: �. That tf�e �hingl�es be the °dr�ftwood" c�la�. 2, That the ��sts shall be �on#ir�ued on m�Etiple leve�s tv the gro�nd so �s to proaicie visual ccrosist�ncy. 'Eil. V�il Mauntain Marriatt Resart DRBD3-��774 M�,tt Final reui�r�r r�f propvsed tent {associ�,ted wf spec��l events permit} T15 W. Lionsh��d Crrcle 1 Marrini# � Applicanf� Chip Neison M{�TIa�1; Hans Woldrich SEC+�ND: Da�ic� Viele VUTE: 5--4 APP�t'3VED W�TH 2 C�?hfafTl[3NS; 1. That the walkway from th� hotel #a the t�nt be in ga�d repair and d�signed wei�. 2. That#here be r�o autd�flr, unsightfy storage. 9�. I�our�easons F�esort Df�Bt�3-C103� A��isc�n G�nceptua� review o�propc�s�d new hotsi 28 S. Frantage Fid. and 13 V��f RoadfLc�t�9A8�9C, Vail Vill�ge 2'� Fi�ing. Applicant: �facaile#Island �e�re9opment Company inc. co�c���ur��- r�o vv�r� "12. Mic�dle Cr�k a6�E�02-C�{3B� Aflisvn Final review af prvpos�d emplvyee hausi�g �fe�elapm�nt& pr@vate�d�ucatio�al institutian '�60 h�. Frantag� Rd.ILot 1, Middie Creak Subdivisicr�r Applicant: VaiN Lacal Hausi�g A�a#hority MC3TIC7N: Bil! Pie�ce SECC}N[�: Margar�#R�gers VOT�: 4-1 �Viele apposed} 3 � � , APPR{)VED 11�11fiH THE FINDING THAT TH@ PR�P�SAL MEET3 THE DESI�N �UIQELtNES AS Pi��ViC1Ep IN 7i7LE 14�DF TNE VAIL 70WN COrDE ANO W�TH THE �0��.�WlNG 8 C�NDITiUNS: '. �"hat privr tt�su�mit�al of a buifding p�ermif, the app�i�aant shall returrt to the Des�gn Review Bt�ard for fina! �eview and �pproval of tFi� prc�prser! landscaping ar�d grad�ng pia�. 2. That prior t+o �i�bmittal af a builr€ing permit, the a,�plicant s�rall return #o#he Design Review Bvard€or�nal reWiew and ap�rrov�! af the Early Leaning Gent�r, with specific mcadifications to the nartheast comer of the prop�sed bui�d�r�g. 3. That prior to �ubm�ttal o�a buil�fi�g permft, the a�plicant shall retum tQ the �esign Review�vard fc�r fnal re�iew�nd appraaa! af the stuc.�cs ar�d ra�f colvrs. In additFOn, th�a�plican# shall prv►ride mack-ups of 6 diff�rent s�mples caiors af#1��tan and 4 differ�nt�vlor s�rnples af th�t�rra cot#a. The�e sha�! �e Ia�ated vn site pric�r to th� Des�gn Rerriew Bvard site�isit. 4_ That p�it�r t�s��mi�k�l o�a building permit, the ap�licant shall return tc�tF�e Design Review Board far final r��iew at�d apprc�val of the prv�ose�d windaw frame, specificaily providing #he c�oCar sam}�le� af"almond" and `�uhite". 5. Th�t pr�or to submittal �f a b�ilding p�:nmit, the applicant shall revise#he pfans ta eiiminate the�ruo�d siding a� 8�ilding A. �6. That pr@flr to submfttal c�f a building permit, the a�p�i�ar�t sF�all r�vise the plans tv ce�ntinue the stone v� the A 6uilding tawe���ement to the fa�cia. 7. TFrat prior to submittai of a building p�,rmi#, the a�pficant shall return to#he Design Reu1�w Bc�ard f�a�final reWiew a�d approval of th� r�ar#h #arad� of�u�lding Ei. 5pec�frcaily, the Design Review Bva�rd wauld like to see�d�f�tivn�l relief tQ this far�de. 8. That privr to submit#ar of� bu'tlding p�rmit, the a�pplicsnt shall add a shu#ter#�the wiradcaw an Building C adjacer�t tc�the �I�za. ataff Aq�rvvals Inmar In#� Corp DR�Q3-D[l59 A�lisc�n Enclose�wo decks and add vne deck 6[3i� Vail V�II�y Drive, Un�t P-�lhl�rt�wo�ds Applicant: I�rmar fnx. Ca�p. Dikeau residence DF�E3(�2-afla6 Allis�n 1 year extension vf appravaf far 25� addition, interiar conversiQns a�� new garage 352 B�a�er Dam Circ�elLot 5, Blvck 3r V't�'I� VIII'ai�P., r3°� FfIIf1C� Applicant: Pan�ye� J. D�keou HiFlside Corp [7RBD3-0(]�F$ Alfisvn �ormer additior� and 61 sq. f�, addition and t#ec� 600 Vaal Vailey D�`iwe, Unit A-15INQrth�raods AppPicant: Hil[side Ca�p. Madero resider+� C7RBD3-0033 �4liisc�n lnterior c�anver�i+�n Liftside Cc�r�das, 1234 Westhaven Dr�ve, Unit B521Ca�cade Ui�la�e A,pp�icant: Miguef Madero 4 i � � �W+�@��831� [���(��°°��5� �c31'fBll f�B��3{;9 WIf1C�4WS 193 Gore Cre�k �r�vefB�c��k 5B, Vaii Viflag� '��Filing Applicant: Charles Rasenquist �Eazov residence aRB�3-0075 M�t� Interivr conu�rsic�n 45� Beavee L�arn Ft€�adlLot 5, B�vck 2, Vail Village 3`� Fi�9ng Applicant: �urton & Adrienne +Glazra� - Va�l �olfc�urse Tauvn�r�mes �RBfl3-OOfiT Matt Stvne var�++eeer, �arage lighi fixtures and br4nze sn#ry numbers 162� Sunburst C1ri�elSunb�rst 3r° Fili�g Applica�t: Vail Galfcourse Towr�home Association Kl�in residenc� C+RB03-D488 Warren 250�ddi#ion Goi�stream CondQS, 1478 Westhaven Drive, Urrit 2fifLo#53, G4en Lyan S�cbd�rrisi�n Applicant: Dnn�id Childress Hybi r�esider�ce �R803-�D�6� Matt �nte�ivr conaers�an 2055 S Frorrtage Rd VllestlCasa de! Sol �Cvndorni�iu�s Ap�locan#; William .!. Hybl B41in residence L7F�BQ3-fl1�1 .�udy Re-ro�� 10'C7 p#armigan Roac!lLc�t 1, Bleck�, Va91 Villag� 7�' Filing A�piic,�r�t. Rob�rt L. Bc�lirr Mill� r+�sid�nce �RBU3-408+6 Alli�on Addit�on of two w�nd�ws and interior GRFA Lvdge at Lionshead, 38�1 E. LEOnshead Cir�le, Unit 3401Lot 7, B9QCk 1, Vail Lionshead 18S FiRing Rppficant: Stewark�. Mi��s Tvpp resid�nce DR!�03-0{�97 Allison I nterir�r Cvnversic�n 1350 5andstvn� Dr�ve, #31Ei�er CF�alets Applican#: Karl � I�a#a�ia�o�� WO CvndominiUms ��B03-OD9� BEII N�w wir�dow 152i Vai� Vall�y f�riwelLvt �0, Block 3, V�il Vill�ge 8�' �iiing Applicarrt: Geo A. Hc�rm�l $ C�. J. Phillips DR�B�3-�t3�T Allisan New s��n 333 �ridge S�ree�'L�t C, B{ock�, Vaii Vii�age 1Br Filing Applican#; David Philfps 5 � � . Sp�r Ra��h DR803-0(180� Matt New srgn 286 Bridge Stre�tl�at A&B, �Iock 5A, Vail Vi11�ge 1s1 Fifing Applir�nf: Dave Kidd �m�ad resid�nce GR8�3-0144 Matt La�dscape impro�ements 3�5 Mill Cree#c CirclefL�t �9, Block 1, V�1I ViI�3�@ 'I�t FI�If14� A�plicar�t: H.J Smead Winfield re�ider�ce DR8tl3-��82 Warr+en R��la�w�ndaw wit�t dvar 2�35 Larksp�r Lar�elLot Z, Bfack 2, Vaii Intermountain App�icant: Craig � Kathleen 1Ninfieid Hr#�ace�C residence C7RB�3wOD9� VVar��:n I nte�ior cor�Wersiarr Antlers 68!� W. Lic�nshead PPac�e, �1nfit 4U9CLvt 3, V�if LEOnshead �ifing 3 Applicant. Michael 8� Kar�rt Hr�ac�k �wartwQUt resid�nce DRB(}3(}�D6 Al���vn Re-rr�af 2�76 �avos TraiffLat 1, Blocic E, Vail das Schor�e ��Filinc� a�ppficae�t: Art 5wartwout Williams residence DRg03�1�7 Warren Re-ro�rf 3f12 Mili Cresk Circlef�vt 7, Blc�ck 1, 11ai1 V�Ilag� 1� Filing Applican#: 1111. Grant W�iliams t '�he applir,�tior�s ar�d infvrmatian about t�e �rQpv�als ar�a�aiEable far public inspectivn during reguEar off'ice haurs in the project piann�r's a�ce, lv�ated at the Tvwn of Vail Cor�nmunity L3e�rela�rrnent �epart��n#, l5 S�u#h Frt�ntage �toad. Pfease cakl 47'9-2138 far inform�tion. Sign la�ngu�g�e interpretatian available upc�n request with 2�4 ho�r natific�ation. F'lease r�lf 479- 235�,Teiephc�n�for th�: Hearirrg Impa�r�d, for ir�f�rmativn. 6 s-- _�1 '`_' °.;f � �;S_ �` i � . �_ - t` ti� _ - ���e j�•i� �� �� - ��' . �' i"; i� a i � . �. _ �° � �4� � ` \� I�a L�,��4��� ;6` �{t �{1 n.�i- f. rr-�- � ' V � 1M i f� R�:1'^a . �,`. _ ' LlU` �y • ' �'� _ �.. - ! � -}�,_, � �'1'"�,�j '��3i �'T' f- . - _" ' 'S1 y' y: -4' � � 1 �� �"'�� '� ' � ' � 4.� "�f. ^ � `� ,ILJ ?, ,�x -n �� x F 4 ' � ' _' � `. �� ''1 , •c- - `I`'�� � . . , �' t , -� � • , , � �1 • ,� � - , ii1� . n 1 � � � i . ♦ r� .,�e � t , ��j ,4r �r` `J p �' � y �� � +t.' 1�71.;!%.�G1 A ,. `• � �j • ' �ir � ��.l,�i!��4.r� ���' �A 1 +,� �i 't �t� yf���� "� •'� 1 1 �l �' �7',.�-� ' . f. A,'� � `� f . . i„J„ K,,,rn�a,r+`;.' . 'r' �,J` ' � 1� . '> "' .r�� � `.+ � � +� � ��, �c�� � '� � 1 y I . � . � " �a ��� s"�p �� C. , � �-�r.� 1. -.• 2 4~ �. fi \,�\ 1} . . 1.\1 � y� � i� ♦ { y.� {I � l ny N'� �_ ,�.` ' � '.h � ' ' \n7 � af� .. •�' � , ~ :� � ,� �� �}- � �"a— �� . ._ 4 �7 � ' ` ,�Z � i" �r.f- �ti`� ., "� i` �- � ' r• t L ` +� o� i � `♦ :. ��P3 � ~,b� � y � , � T . _ } '�,'� .4•}� t _. _ 'i- .�n h, � }, z+; '� � ;\ B i� '4 1 ' 4 t ,�_., i r. R ,� a t. . �� i ���y � r+-', v f� _ ���j� '1+h;. ` . °' i � � � °�' � .. -� ,�'"a ���°/,�'+ l�{c-!^.L " ��� ``t�� f�, �f {`+ �' �Iw� '���t�=. T� l4 `1 1 � (' � � � � '�i � w r .�? _ E•s ��Y �� ��- _ _ � � . - '_ -- {y �%P ,� � J{, �9 � y ~'�"4� ,� l � - � � i �y � Y.S_ �- R� �., • 1� ����' ,_C'- _ . , u L � _ � 5'.��—�- - � ---- -. . f+ �. � 3. - \ . � � ;1.. �q . :'"lau.�rryt r � sa�`, ..ly � -y,. { r`° . •" } '` i, CJ_ ,l r _ `: c. 4� -_� ,� . � - � • � � ,,,1. . ' t , y i•�� �� � f�. �� �� � � �+ ] , 1��r`��,�' ��s'I� ' `��'I�c ' ' � 4n --• Y�� � r r� 11 s.,_- t� ��ti.i =� � }�F�+' � ��:-�1= � �I � 1��..�r-�n. a1 � � 1'�_ c �1 � � w ::. � �^,, • �+',^�''''. ^+ � �y_ t� . �'�"�` 1 � � �'� �. " t`�n s � 5 ' .fj � �YR � � �`- � �R '� .,,'•. +�,�, �-•? � �" � ti �,� ,,, �� � ..�a:�� � �•� L �� if `� 4441lS+d' _ { �'[ . �. � ����* �,�.e. ,�nV� y ' A I _ � , _ � - . ��� ��� '� j �� + � � � � 1 � o��"'�,� at �:.°;� `� �,� �� , ; k •.�l -u� 1 i 1 ' �_ 1 � � � �/` l � . ,� `; • - ..1 }=,i`�l � .< '� i�� ��{ � 'l � � ,A* �'� � �h .�� y'�� `�,� • �"'r! � 'r �� ,I� , . ,� _ . -� .. � �� ��; ,��'��., ti ' �, � +^��, � �i�;� �,, . . ;r'r i 1 .�- �--'g, ���' y� �' �� �� �� „�, r , t # rf .x� .�,�q I'�� rn 1 �u., f � a's ��� � '�"�!'` �i C,�-�5"°v,o � ,',k.� ,�-- u �Z _ ,,e �+ . l �� � .� � - .�� , � � ~�, � ��- ��� . ., ;��.� , `�� . � _� ;;�" ,� � I kr�' _���� ^N. � . 7�-'c�`(VJ � �}� �} .� 1 � � `�V,'.O _ 4�. �. �� .. J� ]3'7 'f� ._-�� ��. . � ��r 4 ..' 'i + .' � . . i �' � �•�~•� `+ Y � �1 i�r-Zy{�� � � �� .7 C l� �� - '�^ .'\.�4� \ 7 }+ � ✓] � � 4' 7t it �t K � - �� 3 .f << d . `�,,� � � . �,� . `f ���� S�{r n�� y� �� �° E �'�^�- �, ? - - ` _ c°' �""�F .\ � �'. ti. �i-, ., � �L t f .r. Ln¢ ' �y J,� � ��y1`t3._ ���''4" � �� � ..!..���S ��1 - l �l F �A M1 9y � •� � y � lT '-'� � y,.• r� ',�.�• z �. � � ���� it� ,�� y 41 �.'--.�Rr��• s•� ._ �4� �, _ SawYi � f'�"�.•: '�t 1 � '� .i47e".i�54::°.�.::3c"-c�9::s3 �'i���� i hr� .�'~,�y ��u � ,� . , xrR3,�7+'a�i � . �� ,. . ..,..� � ��� Lan� Titl� Guarantee Company Cl1STOMER DISTRIB�ITI�N Date: OS-1b-2DQ1 Uur()rder P►Tu�ber: VC272578 Pro�►erty A�idr�s,s: TTNrNIS&PO(]L AR1EA5, MARRI(}TT M{7LTN'T",�.II�'ItESORT AND SPA vAIL MARFtic3TT MoUNTA�N RESVR�' 715'W.LIC]rISH�CIRCLE VAIL,C[3 �165'� tAftn: MATI`VINSANI] Phane: 971]-479-G� Fbz: 97U-474-6996 Scnt Via CTS Postal 5ervicc Fatm p€LNERY � � L�and Title Cuarant�� Cc�mpany rouR ccrNZ�c�r� n�t�: os-��-�rwi v��c��a��rr��n�: rrc��2s�s Property Address: 'I'EI�INIS �P�3(}L AREAS, MARRICIT'T MUUNTATN RESfJRT AND SPA St�yerl��arrower: TQ�BE DETERMIP+T�D 5e�lerl(?►�mer: MARK RF..�C�RT AND'TEI+�1�iI5 CLUB ASSfJC3ATIC}N, II"��., A COI.Q3�Ai'�f)NON-P�tOFTT CORPQRAT'IQN Al'�TD THE M`ARK LC3DGE CaNDQiVIINICFM AS50CIATIQI'�I, II�kC., A+COL+�JRAI30 NQN�PROFTT CdRFflRATIQN ON BE�IALF�}F ALL'THE CQNDO�MR`�TTICJM UNIT flWN�RS IN T�E MA,RKILCI�GE AND T`HE 1vIARK R�5l7RT A,I+II7 TE1tiTNIS CLU`B If y�u have any inquiries ar require further a.s5ista�ce, ,�lease contact one a�fhe ne,�rnb��relaw: Far Cl�sing Assistance: F�r fiitle Assistanre: Vail 1"itle Dept. Roger Avita 108 S. FRQNTAGE RL3. W. �2f13 P.C). BQX 357 v,vL, co sics7 Phvne: 974-�?6-2�51 l�az: 974-476�534 EMail: r�vila c�Itgc.ccsm N�:d a�ap nr dire�t�ons far yaur upco�ng c�crsing". Check ouf Lss�d Ti�Ie`s weta sife at wn�w.ltg�.cnrn £or direckions to any of our 40 office lacafi�rns. Esr��kY�aF rrf�� ���s Tnfornaation Binder $T 7S.�#D ��TA! ,��.�s.ao Farm CONTACT TNMiK Y�LI FC]Ii Y(3UIt[?RI}�R? � � Chicagc�Tide Iasur��ce C�ampany ALTt� COMMITiME�+IT Our Order Nd. VC272578 5chedvle A C�ast. Re#'.: Property Addre�s: T�I'�1'3IS&P0�7,i.A.FZEAS, MAT�RIUTT M[]UNTAIN �S�RT AND SPA l.. Effeetive D�te: May Q3, 2GMOl at S:OC7 P.M. 2. Paliey tv be Issved, ax�d Prapased Ir�sured: Informatian F3inder Prc��as� Trzsured: TC�SE DE'I'ERMINED 3. T'he e�tate or interest fn the j�nd described ar referred to in tl�is �aanmitment and co�er��erein is: A'�ee Sirr�ple 4, Tit#e tti the esfat�ar iBter�t cavered herein is at fhe ef�"ec#ive da#.e hereof've�ed in: MA�K RES�RT°AI'�TD TEN'tP�TTTS CLUB AS�[]CIA�`I{7]'3, ItwiC., A�C3L�RAD� NQN-F'RDF9�`C(]RP�RATIC]N AND TH�MAItK LODGE CQNDC)�'lil�ii[]M A55bCIATiUl�1, INC., A Ci�LC�RAU�NQN-PRC3FIT COR.PC7RATiD�i t?N BEHAL.F�DF ALL THE CC3NDt7MiNTUM UhiIT�WNER� I1�T TH�MARKILf?DGE AND THE MRRK RESQRT AND TENNIS CLC}'B S. 'i'he land r�ef�rrerl t�in th�s�om�rnitment �s+�ee5crihed as follows: SE�ATT�CHED PAGB(S} �OR LEGAL 1]ESCRi�'I'I(lN � � �ur�3rder No. VC272578 ���a� o�sc�i�ri��u ��c�� i GENER,AL COMMQI�1 ELEMENTS (INCLUDING PO4I..AREA},THE MARTC�'�.C}DGE IN AC+CC}RDAr3CE WITH THE AMENDED �3ECLARATIaN QF CO�ID�MINICJM �Q1Z THE MAItKILQDGE REC()�tAE➢ OCT(3BER l?', 1�7$ IN B(}C3�f 276 AT PAGE b(l6 AIVD MAR�H 22, 1'�79 [N BUOK 2$3 AT YAG�344 AI'+�I] THE C�NDDMINTUM MAP FfJR THE MARKILODGE,�tECC}RDER MARCH Z7, 1 J741N �OC}K�33 AT I'AC`i�930 AND THE AMEii'�II)ED PI.AT(]F THE STT"E P�..AN FOR THE MARKILOL)GE REC+rJRDED C)+CTOBER 17, 1978 II�I B(30K 27b A'I' FAGE 6{]7, �CC3UNTY DF EA�'rLE, STA`TE C7F C�L(]RAI]O. FARCEL 2 LIMITED Cf)MMON ELENIENTS (IlVCLUDTI�T�G TEtrTNI3 COURTS), THE MARK RES�RT AND TEl'�AFIS CLUB(A CONDQMINIUM)IP'�T ACCDRDANCE WITN THE C{3NDQMFNIUM DECLARATIO�T RECCDRDEi? MA�CH 14, 1980 Tt++1 80QI�30[}AT PAGE 1$3, AND THE CONDaMII�FIUM MAP'RECORDED MARCH 14, 1980 IN BQOK 3f]0 A"�PAGE 184, CCILTNTY ClF EAGLE, STATE OF COLDRADCI. � � ALTA C (7MMI.TMENT Schedule B-Section 1 {Rei�uu�rements) []ur i]rder Na. V�272578 Tlae follnwirag are fhe requirerr�cer+#s to be rom�lie�with: Itern(a)Paytnent t�r�r fc�r the ac�ou�lt af tlte grantc�rs nr rnartgagars of th�full cansideration for the esta#e�r interes�t ta b�insured. Item(,h)Fraper instrument(s)creatin� the estate or interest to be in5ured mit5t be executed�d duly filed F�sr rectsrd, to-wit: Item(c)Pay�ent of al!�azes, chasges ar assessments ievi�+;i ancl assesseti a�ainst the subjec�pzemises which are due and payable. Itern (d}Additiona� reqnir�men,ts, if any disclose�6e�ow: 'i'�i5 CdMMiTIvIENT IS F(7R INF�FtMATII7N d?�TLY, ANL7 NQ P+(7LICY WILL BE 15SLJED PURSUAiVT�IERET�. � � AL.TA COMMITMENT Sched�e B-Sectic�n 2 (Exceptians) �[?ur�rder 1�Tss. VC2?257$ The palicy or paiicies ta be iss�ed wil�conta►in eacceptinns to the following unless tF�e same are+�Isp�sed nf to th�sattisfat�tion of the+C�rr�pany: I. Rights or claians of parties in pvssession not shc�wn by�e public re�ards. 2. Eas�snents, ar c�aims of easements,not shown by the public re�vrds, 3. D`ascrepancies, confliccs in bo�dary lines, shartage in area, �nctvach�ents, and any facts whict�a correct survey and inspecti�rn n�the premises wauld ttisC�ose and �+Puch are not shown by tite public recorc�s. �4. ,A�y lien, ar right to a lien, for scr+rices, labax�r mat��al theretofore or�ereafter fuznishecl, impos�ed by law and not s�orvn f�y the public recards. 5. F�efecrs, liens encumbrances, advezse clai�ns or ather matters, if�y, created, first agpearing in the publie recvr�is or attaching subsequenE ta the effectiv�date�erec�f but priQr tcr the date the pr�npa�ed in,surecl�acquires of record�or ►raiue tt�e estate or xnt�rest ar martga�e thez�Qn c�vvered l�y this Comnti�nent. 6. T�ces or special a5se�s�ents wh�c�are t�ok s�own�s e�tiSti�t,� YienS by the public recorcis.��e Treasurer's office. 7. Liens for unp�id water and sew�r charges, if�ny.- 8. I�additi�n, the nwvner'�pnircy will�e su&rject ev the mnrtga�e. if a�y, n�atect ia 5ectian [ of 5chedsa�e B heretTf. 9. RIGH`I'LlF PRf�pRIETC1lt C)F/-�V"EIN �7R LODB TD EXTRACT AND REMC}VE HIS ORE THEREFR�OM SF-�QULD TI�E SAME BE F[�L11wiD TO P6�1�TRATE(]R II�TTER�ECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN C3NT"T�D STAT'�S PATENT RE�CORC]E� MAY'24, 19�1, IN Bf3pK 48 AT PAG�5�3 ANi7 SEPT�1viBER 4, 19Z3 IhI B�OK 93 AT PAGE 9$ 1(1. RIGI-F'F't3F WAY FQF.DITCH�S QR C�4.NALS CONSTFtLFCTED B'Y THE,AUTHQRiTY QF THE U�IITEID STA'3'ES AS RESERVEI� IN UNI'FEL7 STATES PATEN7'REC�}RDED MAY 24, 19{}�, IN SOC3K 48 AT FAGE 5{]3 A$'�10 SEPTEMBER 4, 1923 IN B(��K 93 AT FA�C'rE 9S 11. RESTRICTI'+11�GQVENAI'+ITS, WHICH i)O N►JT���TAIN A�OR�IT�7RE 4]� REVERT�R CLAUS�, BUT ClMITITNC'ar R.ESTRI+C+CTIUNS, IF ANY, BAS�I�O1V RA�E, +COL(7R, R�L.IGIQN, aR NATiI�I'�AL ORIGIN,AS CONTAIN'�D I1V tNSTRUM�NT RECC]RDEI] C?CT[}BER i5, �971, �N BC7E?�ZZ1 AT f'ACiE 991 AND AS AMEIVDED IN INSTRUIVIENT RECORI7ED AUGi]5T 12, 1977, IN BQ�K 258 AT PAGE 453. I2. I�TIC.IT"Y EASEM81V7'2L��EET IN'V4�II3TH, 30 FE�T IN WIDTH ,qIVD 4(J �EC'�Ih1 WIDTH I3V THE t+IO�tTHWEST�C)RTIQN DF LOT S, B�.00K 1, 5 F�E'I'II�I WIDTH ALONG THE�C7�UTH LO`I"LIi�iE �3F�,�T 4 ANQ L+�T 5, BL�CK �, 10 FEET IN WIDTH ALdNG THE EAST LC�T LINE D� LOT 4, BLOCK 1 ANI]A PQR'i�QN� C�F Tf-iE SQUTHERLY Iv[DST CC]RNER l'�F LC7T 7, F3LUCk: 1 AS S�HOWN QN THE RECdRI�FD PLAT OF VAILlLIf�IwlSt-�EAL�, TH[It[7 FILING. � � AI..TA COMMITMEIWT 5chec�ule B-Sect�on 2 {E�cfie�tiat�s) Qur Ordes�I�'o. VC�72S78 The pn�icy or poli�ies ta be iissu�+d r,vill contain�:cep�aoas#a khe follaw�ing wnless the same are dispas�d of to the sa#issfa+dion of the Cnmpany: 13. PEDESTRIAN EA,SEMENT 15 �E�T IN WII?TH ALOI'+1G THE SQUTH L+�T LIIUE OF LOT 7, $LC}CK P VAILILIQNSHEAD, THIRD FiI.ING AS SH(}WN �N TF-i�REC+DRI]ED PLAT. 14. UTII.ITY EASENfENT AS GRAI'�TTEb TQ I-�OLY CRQSS ELECTRIC ASS�CIATIQN, INC. IN INSTR[]MENT RECCIRRED A�'RCL I9, 197�, IA1 BCI�K 25� AT PAGE 242 AN� AUGUST 30, 19'$2 IN B(7C3K 34�t AT PAG�922 1S. L]TILITY�ASEMENT A5 GRANTED TQ�AB�.EVI5I()hI �4SS4CIATES VI, DIBIA HERITf1�G� CASLEVTSFf}N LNC. IN Ii�15TRLTMENI'RECORDED MA�''2Q, I�$3, IN Bf}OI�36D A7'PAC� 42. ib. �ASEivIE1�iT5, RESERVATIONS, AF�IU R�S'€RI�CTIDNS AS ST-1C3W'Iwi QR R�SERVED DN TH� RECORDED PLAT[]F VAILtLICINSHEAP FIFTH FILING. 17. i1TI�YTY EASENIENT AFFECTII�++6G THE SfJUTHW�STERLY POR7'I�]N QF�...�QT D, MORCUS SUBT�IVIS3QN, AS 5H�[}WhI C3R RESERVED QN THE PtAT OF MORCUS SIIBDIVISIQN_ 1$. °Y'ERMS, CCIN�JTIC}NS 1�NI) FR4VISIC]NS 4F Et�SEM�NT AND RIGIFiTT �F►,�VVAY AS GRANTED T4 �3QLY iC`RC)SS �LECTRIC ASSOCIATI�N, INC. RECf�RDED APRIL 14, 1978 IN BddK 2d9 AT FEI,GE 2Q2. 19. TERMS„ CC}NI]ITI(3NS AI�tD PR�VISiCrNS C}�'PARTY WE1L:L A�'iREEM�NT BY AND BETWEEN THE MARK-�,C)DG�CaNDO��lw1`I[3M ASS�CIATI�Y�i iNC., A�T+TDT-F�R-Pl�+UF1T C�7L�3RAD0 �(JPC3RATI�N Al�'D M-!{CC3RFf1RATIQI'�i, A C[JLDRATIO CORPt3RATI0�+1 RECORDEI) �]CT�C3BER 17, 19�"f$ FT+i BCIQK 27d AT PA.�`iE 6C�8. 2�. 'TE1�M5, CAND�'i'IO?�S AND P�OVI5IQN5 CONTAFNED i�'f AGREEMENT BY ANF7$ETWEEN M-K ��RP(�RA'TI�ON, A GOLOftAUC7 CQRf'ORATI[}T� ANLS THE MAFtI�-I.ODGE CUN�ClMINIUM ASSQ�CIATTC}N INC. RECORDED OCTOBER l7, l97$IN $C]�(�I�27b AT' PI�CE 6�Q9. (TT-IE AF3�VE AF�ECTS ALL PARCELS) 2I. `I`ERMS, CC?NT�I"i`IaNS AIVL} PR�VlSFOiwTS L1F GRANT C)F PARKING�ASEMEI'�FT kECdl2DEf] OCTDBER 17, 1'978 IN BOCIK 276 AT �'AGE 61Q AI�iI7 AMEi"�IDMEI'�'T'fHE]2E7'�7 R�C�R�7�D ItTLY�7, 1982�i�1 B[YOK 343 �'C PAGE 467 � � ALTA C4)MMITMENT Sch�dule B-5ec:tis�n 2 �Exceptior�s) Uur Urder No. VC272578 The pc�li�or p[�iicies#a 6e i�ssued will�nk�e�ccepfiians#o the fallowing unless the s�rne sr�dispos�ed �f to the saEisfac�ivn of�he Cnmpany; 22. '1'HD5E PR43VXSI�I�dS, C�VENANTS ANU C4NDI�DI�iS, BASEMENTS AND R�STR1CTiONS„ WHICH.4RE A BURDEN T(?THE C[)P1I](]MINIUM UNIT DESCRIBED Il�i SC�EUUL�A, A5 CUNTAIhTED IN INSTRLIMENT R�C(3RDEI)MARCH 1�, i980, IN BC?OK 30D AT PAGE 183. 23. T'ERMS, CONDITIt�NS ,�4NT]PROVISIC71'�IS rDF PARTY'WALL AND EI"�CRQA,CHMENT"AGFtEEM�NT BY AND BETWE�N T'HE MARK RESt7RT AN�TEI+INIS CLUB AS50CIATION, I1�I+C., f1 Ct�L(]�RAd7t�N(]T FC1R PRCIFTT C�RPORATION AN33 M-K CaRF€7RATION, A C�LO�.AD� CORP{3RATIi31�T RECURDED Ji,TI..Y 27, i982 IN BOOK 3�3 A'F�AGE 463. 24. TEl�M5, CC]hIDITIf�I�TS ANt� PRC}VISIC)NS OF]tE�R�ATIONAL AGR.EEMENT BY A�I'�� BETWEEI`r1 '1"k�E M-K CORPQRATIC}N, A COLUAADQ C�ORP�D�A"i'ION AND THE MA.R�RESa�T AI�iD'TENNI C�.UB ASS[]CIATTtJN, I�C., A CC}L(]RAD�CC3Rl�ORATI()I�1 I�ECORDE£D JLTLY 27, 1982 IN BC}OK 343 Afi PAGE 464. {TH�ABC?VE AF�E�CTS PARCEI..,2) 25. THQSE PItOVISTt�NS, CC?VENANTS AND CQNL7I'TI�DNS, EASEMENTS, AI�TD ItESTI�CTT{7N5, WHICH AI�E A BURDEI�I TO TI�E COI�IDOMiNIUM UI�IIT i7ES�RIBEIl IN S�CHEQULE A, AS CQNTAIN�p I�i INSTRUNiENT RECC]RL3EQ +dCTdBEIt i7, 197�, II+�i BOQK 276 AT PA�GE fi�6 AND AS AMIENI'�EL? IN II'�ISTR[]IviEt�lT REC�RDED MARCH 22, 1�7�, IN BO+OK 283 AT PAGE 344. (TH�ABOVE AFFE�CTS PAR�EL �) 26. THl'}SE i�I�OVISI�3NS, C(?VEI'dANTS ANT� CC�NDITI�NS, �AS�M�NTS ANT7� 1tESTR1CTTQNS, WH�+��� AR�� �3tIR1]EN TfJ T"HE C�NDQMd1�TUM UNiT DESC�IBEA 1N S+CHEDLiLE A, AS CC3NTAIN�I3 IN INST1tL�MENT RECU�DEQ MAI�C�-1 14, 1980, I�I BC?I�K 30D AT PA(:�E 1$3. (THE A�30VE ,�4FFEC'd'S PARCEL 2) �7_ EXISTING LEASES AND TENANCIE�, 2$. EAS�MEiWTS, R.�S�RVATIQI�iS ANI] RESTRIC.TIU�lS AS SHOWN O���SERV�D ON TFiE RE�+C7R.D�D GCIIVDOMINIL�M MAP�F TWF MARK RE50RT ANL TEIVNIS CLU� COItiIi]C}h�IINIUMS. � i ALTA COMMI`TMEI�IT Schedule B -Sectic�n 2 (Except�oras) Qur Qrder No, VC272578 The poticy Qr p�lici�es to be issu�d wi�conta+ri�xception.s to the followii�g euiless the same,are�spnsed nf tv#�►e satis#'actiQ�a�the Company: �9. EASEMENTS, RESERVATT{3N5 AND RESTRIC'I'�(�N5 A5 SH{)WN Oii�ESERVEI} CIN THE CONDQMIATIUM MAF FdR.TI�E MARK LQDGE ANll AMEi�TDMENTS�RET[?. 30_ 'i"EItMS, CONDI'TIUNS AND PRQVISTQNS (7F M�MORAND[]M (]F M�LNAGEMEI+�T AGREEMENT RE+�DFtDEF3 SEPT�h'�BER 1G, 1941 TN BOClK 562 AT PAGE 255. 3l. ENCRf7ACHMENT bF CL3NCRETE ANI) PQ{]I.ONTO UTIi.ITY EASEMEI�t°1'A5 SHOWN ON IMPRCIVEMENT L[}CA'�'IGN CERTI�ICATE PREPARED TUI+�TE 19, 1992 BY INTER-MOLINTAIN ��J�'iINE�RINC�LTp., PRDJECT NO. 92255 S. 32. ,ASPHALT PAVTi�IG At�TiD C�NCRET�.SiL7�WALK CR.05SING A,I�7�II�IING FROP�RTY AS SHfI�VN bN TMFR(}VEMEI'�T L[7CATI()1�3�ERTIFICATE PREPARED 1UT�TE 19, 1992 BY IN1`ER-MCJ�UN`I"ATN ENGIt�TEERING L.Tfl,, �'RO7�CT NO. 92255 S, 33. TERMS, CONDITT�N'S A1�3 PRD'VTS1p3`,iS CJF iv1EMf3FtANUUNi OF MANA�GEMEI�}"T A,GREEMENT RECC?RbEb MAY I8, 1999 AT�C�PTION N(). 69b3fi3. 34. LINE GR�DIT TRUST I3EEI], F�E ANU LE�SEH.OI.B MORTGAGE, I]EEI3 OF TRUST, SECURI'I``f AGiLEEMEN'I`, FIXTCTRE FILING STATEMENT, A55IGNIv4ENT OF LEASE� AND RENTS AND �INaNGIIr3G STATEMENT DATEf7 N�VEM��R 2'9, 1994 FR{lM MARK RE5�CIRT AI�D TENNi� CL[3B A�SSpCIATIO�i, INC., A �C(3LpRAi?�NQN-PROFIT'CQRPOI�AT3dN ANl?THE MARK L(3L7GrE CONDOMINIUM ASS+[}CIATIQN, INC., A C{]LORAU�NQN-PRQFIT COFtPOF.�.TIQN QN BEHALF OF ALL THE CUI�IDOMINI[]M U'NTT OWNERS IT�THE MARKILOF}GE AND TH�MARK RESORT AND T�NNiS CI.I.IB TQ THE FTJBI,IC T�tUSTE� �DF�AGLE CC}[.TNTY FDR THE U5E OF BANK.�RS TRUST CC}MPAI�€Y, A NEL�1�Yf}FtK STA'T1E BANKING G{?�P{7RATIf31'+1, AS CC]LLATEAAL AGENT T(7 SECURE THE SLTdvI C�F$23D,Ot}Q,{�[].QU, �I3 ANY �TNER AMOUNT� FAYABLE U1�IDElt THE T'�RMS TY�E�O�, R�CORDEb J�ECEM'BETt(1�i, 1994, IN B�dK 6S6 AT PAGE 655. SAID DEE� C1F TRUST WAS F[�TH��.S�CURED II�I ASSIGNMENT{)�REI�"T5 REC�RDED T�EC�MgER 0�, 1994, IN ��OK 656,AT�A+�E b5�6. � � LAND TITLE GUAR:ANTEE CQMPAIVV DI51CLQ5[1RE STATEMEI�IT Ru�quirea by �.�.5. 10-11-1�2 A) The subject teal pr€�}�rry may be located in a special tax:inig district. B) A Certificate of T�xes Due ifstir+�eac�ta�ing jurisci�ction may be obta�ed from the Coax�ty 'Treasurer's a►�thorized agent. C) Tlxe informa�an regarding special districts and tiie bouadasies of such ciistricts may �c�t��ain�f from the Baard crf Caunty C�mmission�rs, the County Cterk and Recorde�, or t3te Cnunty Assesssvr. Effec:ti�e Se�rtember 1, 1}97, CRS 30-IO-4U6 requires that all d€�cumenfis receir�ed Eor recarding ar filing in the cierk and recr�rder's affi�e shall�ontain a top margin vf at ieast c�n�iach anc�a le�t, right and t�ottoan zuar�in of at lease ane half of an inch, The�terk ati�recdrder may refuss t�a rec�rc�or�il�any d�ument that doe5 t�ot c�nfc�rm, except that, the re,quirement fr�r the top mar�in shall n�t appIy to r3ocuments�sing forms oa which spac�is pro�ided far rec�srtiing or fiting infarmation at the top margiu af t��dacurnent. Note: Colorada LUi�ision of Insuranee Regulat�ons 3-5-1, Paragraph C vf Articl�VIi reyuires that "�Very �rle�ntity shall be respc��sible for atl matters whi�h appear af re��rd prior t�a Ithe ti.me af re�cordin� whenever the�itle ent�ty canducts the closing anci is respc�nsible far recording crr fi�ing c�f legal dacugnents re:��it�ng from the transactian which was closer�". Pro+�ideci that Land Title Guarantee Cvm�any conducts the closing Qf the insured uansactinn and is respansible for rec�rding the le,�a1 c�txuzalents fron�the transaction, exeeptian numt�er 5 will not appear c�n the Qwner's Title Policy anci the L.�nders P41icy when issued. Note: Affirrnatirre mechaaic's lien pratecti�n f�r the+Dwner may be a�ailable(typically by rleledan af E�ceptic�n n�. 4 a�'Schedule B, �ection 2 of the Cammitment ham the(}wner's Policy tp be issueEl)�upnn compli�ce wit�the follawing cortdititins: A. The land de,sc�-iE�ed in Schedule A of this eommitment rnusc be�single faznily residence which incl��es a conc�ominit�[�r tQwnho�use uait. B. No I�hor Qr materials have'�een fi�rnished by mechanics or ma.cerial-�nen far�urpases of c�r�strr.tction o�tf�e land described in Sc�edule A af tfiis Commitment svvif�in the past 6 mnnths. �. fihe Conlpany must rer�eive an appropriate affidavit tndemnifying the Company agai�t un-fitied mechanic`s and niat�rial-n�en's liens. D. The�ompany uze�st receiv�pay�a�ent vf tlie appropriate premium. E. jf the�e ttas been canstructi4n, ituproveu�ent�or majc�r re�airs un�ertaken on the graperty io be gurcttas�c�wi�lun six mc�nt)is pricrr to tiie Date c�g[he Cor�unitment, the requiremner��s�o vhtain �c�vea�ge fnr unrec�nrded lieau w�i�l inGl��le: di�:lc�sure c�f certairt construction iiaEnnx�ativu: finan�ial informatian as tc�the seller, the t�uilrler and or the CoxitraCtor;payr�eut��f tt�e ap�rc��r'sate�ren7iurn fuify ex�uted�nd�c�nnity A�reen��nts satisfa�tory tc� the c�am��ny, ancl, any atir�itiot�&1 require�e�tts�,5�nay be r�ece�s�ry�ft�r astt�xaminatinn nf ihe afnresai�i in�orniau�au by the�Compaxry. Na cQV��ra};e will he given und�r any circ�nstdnce� fnr lah[�r or material for which [he i�ure�l has ci�r�uacte�i fc7r or agreed tn pay. Ncythin� herein��ant•►ined wilf be deeme[f ta c�bli�;ate che com�any tr�pr+pwic[e any e�f the er��er<<�es ref�err�tl to herein un�ess th�abo�e cc�nc�itic�ns are fully satisfied. Form p�SCLOSUR� M�k-�l-0� F�l Q4�3� �� � u! i � • � ��1J�� 1 8 ���� �I ��. ��._ _ � �o.��� i ��IJE 1IIEW 3�'MIB 30' �Q�r�CX� �aa 2��LG� '.+GF�y� rVL'LJ ��W� �4rN{1L' ��, �$-7 r "��'�DE P��7 � . 2$ STAK�S ANC+ RflP� _�� - �`°—`� r''� 8Q'x9�` �' �,�� c�nra�� �o�s �- stD� �v�s �� � �wa �oPES � � �oft��� 8Q'x��Q' �6—��' C��JTER PQLES 40-7' StflE �QLES 40 S�I�ES APJ� R(�PES 3�'EhlD ��`X���� $—�8' CEI�i"CER P��S 4fi-7' S1D� P�LL.�S 6`—� � 46 S'�C►4�K�5 ANCI RJP6 y TYP�CAL PLAN �s• �� � c �0 20 �� �'-� EN� PLA�1 . • ��,� e �'�r�,� ��r��c��s .Ir�c. D��� �.�c _ • � � ��*��r*��*�***+�*�*�rt**�#*��t*r**+**�*����*a**+*«�*�***s�v*�*�****�*w�*t�***��h�st*s*�*s**�Pt#**** TDWN OF VAIL, �dI.pRAI'3Q *�a�*�****s�rrt+�#*��**�***���r****�t�****��r**��***�st*#*�***�**�***�w��***�+t**�►**�**��w��w**v�+�`* Stat+�ment Nu��ber: R(130003734 Amoutlt: $30d.ap �3/'Z4/2[3(}303:38 PM Payment Me�hvd: Cl�ecl� Tnit: JAR Resarts Ncs�aLion: 495928 Vaa.l _.._______________________�__ Per�it Nv: DRB03[7�7A Type.' i�l� - Additian of GRFA ____---- Parcel Na: 2���o7ao7af�i 5ite Addr�es: 715 Tr� LaQIVSHEAb C'Ft VAIL Lr�eat�vn: 71S W �,ianshead Circ3.s,�k�nt c�n tenna.� ct Total F�es: $3�JO.QO Tt�is Pa]rr�en�z $3Ot}.Od fiOta� �1LL P[nt8: �"304.0(� r#*****��r�,t��t*�r*�***��**a*,rw*�****�*�***���***�w�r��*�**t**�s��****�******�rra**�+*����***�r A+�CQUNT I7'�.M LIST: Aceount Code �escriptir�n C��rr�nt Pmts - --------------.__------- ------ --_- __----- !?R �4��UpU3I12CU� aESIGM �REU1E1� F�ES 3�Q.�,� ,. � � f,� .-- P�anr�ing and Enw�rvnmental �Commis,�ian �`�����; �:� AC7It)N �r�RM a : "� ��' ^ �, y� �� C7epart7nent of Cammunity tr]e�e6opment �V������I �L �P7���L�'� t � 75 S�uth Frontacc�e�oad,Vail, Goloradca 81657 te#: 970A79.2134 fax: 970.�79.��€�2 vsreb: verww.�i.Wail.cv.us �rnject Name: Marrio�t CUP PEC Mumber: �E�0�0�43 Project Descriptiar�; 6,OQ[} sc�. ft. tern{3nrar-y terrt Particip�r�ts: �W�I�R E�MC ACQU�SFT3Qh1 PRc]FERTI�S I08�a1J2(l�� Phone: CJO MARRIC7�T INTERNATlO�lAl. �NE MARRIQTf�R D�PT 938.D1 WRSHIfVGTON DC 20458 Lieense; APPLICANT HMC ACQLIISITIC]1V PROPEFtTIES I�78f01/2[}02 Phorie; 47�-b990 �,1� Matt Vinsand, Dir Sale�s/Marketing 715 W Ltonshead Circle Vail, CQ h�latk.v�nsand@marri�tt.com 8i657 License: Proje�ct AddrQSS. 715 W I.I�IAISHEAD C�VAIL Locativn, an top af t�nnis courts L+�af [3es�cription: Lat: C&D Bl�k; Subdir+isivn: M�}RCUS S€JB, P�r�� Numh�er: 2fQ147207001 Camm�nts: See Cond€ti�ns BDARD,ISTAFF ACTIi�1N Motivn By: boug Cahlll Act�+�n: APPRC]VED �c+��ad By: Gary k�artman 1/ote: 7-0 [3at��+f Approvat; 4812fi/24D2 Gonc�itians� Cand. S (PLA6V}� No changes tv t�es� plans m�y be made without the written �consent ofTown af Vail s�fi��ndJc�r the appropriate reaiew cornmitt�e(s}. �ntry: 08f�8J�0(l2 By: Warrer� Actian: CON❑ �nd: CdNQQ055Z7 Th�t the applicant s�rall not erect t'he tent priar te�5epterr�be� �� ��OZ and that the applica�t shal9 remoWe the tent r�o l�ter tFtan Septer�b�r 30, 2i���. Entry; D8/�8J2Q02 By, I�'arren Actian: C�ND Cond: CON��4C1�52� That the hours af csperation be from 7:a@ am to 8:4U pm, seven days a week, Entry: 08/�S�ZOflZ By: Vlfarren Actio�_ CONI] C.ond: CaN4b(]5529 That ali Town ordinanees �egarding ncaise leve�s t� met. ` Entry: U8/28/�aQ� By:: W�rre� Action: Cd4�D � �or�d: CC]Ni�Qi1553[� Th�t the applicant recieves a 7�own of Vai� building permit pr�crr to err�eting the t�ent. '�ntry: 08/�8�2[}0� 8y; W�rren� Rction: CONU Planner: + �' . , , � � PE�C F�e Paid: $65(7.{�Il 'V�'��l'�'L"� "�l� , � � � PLANNING ANE] EhiV�RC]NN�IENTAL CQ�VIMtSSi�7hl PUBLIC MEEfifNG R�5l1LTS � �`" + Manc�ay, Au�us�26, �OQ2 PR(3J�CT ORIENT'ATIC3� 1- Ccrmmunity Deve�opment Dept PUBLi�C WELCc7ME a2:ao ��, MEMBERS PRES�NT MEMBERS ABSENT J�hn S�chofield �ri�kson 5hirley Cha� gerr�hard# �ou� ���il1 Getrrge Lamb Rvllie Kjesba �ary Hartman S;te Visits : '1.U0 pm a. Middle Creek� �6Q �J. Frontage Rd. 2. Gold�n P�ak�-�58 4'ai�V�II�y Drive 3, Frc�nt �csor-- sc�uth af the �odgs Tower 4. Marri�tt—715 West Lions'�ead G�rcle 5, Tot�r vf PA properties ar�wer: Gecrrge �� NC,�TE: If##�e PEC hearing extends until 6:�0 p.m., the baard rnay br�ak fnr dinner frarr� 6:pC1 � 6:3(J Public Hearinp -Tav�rn Council Chamt�ers �;�}0 pm 7. A request f�r a�nal rc�view af a final plat�r�r a ma�or subdivision;�request far a�nal reuiew ofia canditic�na! use perrnit ta all�w f�r a pr'€vate edt�catiorrai institutao�t ancd dev�lo{�m�r�t plar� apprvvaf to cor��tr�ct employee h�using; and setting forth details in r��ards thereto, loca#ed at the site kr�vwn a� "Mou�tain Bell"Ian unpiatted piec� of praperty, located at '�6�7 N. �rantage Rt3.lto be platted as Middfe Creek �t��di�is�on. Applicant: Vail Lr�cal �lvus€ng A�th�ority, rep�esented �y C�del1 Architects Plann�r� Alfis�n �}chs MCJTIC�N: Ericksan Shirley S�CON�: �has Bernhaedt VC�TE: 7-p TABLED UNITL SEPTEMBER 9, �4D2 �. A request�or a ���diti�nal use �ermi#, ta �Ilow fQr a t�m��rary seasvnal �tructure at the Vail Marriott M�untai� �es�rt, I�ca#ed at 715 Wes# Lian�€�e�d CirclelL�ats 4 & 7, B�ack 1, Vail Livnst�e�a� 3`d Filin� and L�ts C 8� E], Mcarcus Ss�bdivision. Ap�licant: 1a'aif M�rrie�t#�lllaunta3n �esort Planner: Warren �ampbeli MC7TIUl�: Do�ug Cahill SECC}NL�: Gary Hartm�n VQ�E: 7-0 ��j`�- �� ��► � raw,��o�u�rL r � � . AFPRCfVED WITH 4 C�NDlTiQNS: 1, That the ap�licant s�all not �r��t the #ent prror tv Se�t�mber 1, 20Q2 and that the ap�ficant shall remove the tent by r�o later than Sepfiember 3a, �00�. 2. That thr€� haurs �f t�perativn b�frorra 7.00 am tv 8:0� pm, seven days a week. 3. 7ha# all Town ardin�nces regarding naise ievels b� meef. 4. That!he applicanf rec�Q�es � T�awn vf Vaii bs�ilding permit pri�rr tQ erecting #h�tent. 3, A request for a recc�mmendatiQrr to the Vail Tow�Cvuncil�f an amendmer�t to Sectia�12-7A-7 (H�ight), Vail T�own Cc�de, tr� inerease� the rrsaximum allowable �r�iftfi�� height in the Pubi�c Acc�mmodatian Zflne Distric#and setting forth details ir� regards the�e#o. Applic�nt: Bcab Lazier, represented by Jay Pe#erson Planner: George f�utherlW�rren C�mp�ela MC�TICIhJ: E]oug Cahilf SEG(�NC�: G�prg� Larng VOTE: 7-0 TABLED UNTfL SEPTEMBER 9, 200� 4. A �equest fe�r a recommendation ta the Vail Tawn Gvur�cil f�r an amer�dment#o th� Town of Vail Land Use Plan and the Vail 1lillage �+fa�ter Pfan, t�facil�t�te the construction of"Vail's Frant a�vr" prv�ect arrd assaciateci improvernents anti setting farth details in regards theretc�, located on ar� unplatted parce�, generally locat�d s�uth of the Lodge 1`ow�r ar�d west vf the'V'�st� Bat�n 5ki Y�rd_ A more cc�rnplete rrzet�s ar�d bounds descripti�n is a�ai�able at the ae�ar#men#vf Cc�mmunity Develvprnent. Applicant: V�il Ftesorts Develvpment Company Planner: George Ruther MC�TIC]I�:Daug Cahill SECC)ND: Gearge Lam� VDT�: 7-{7 TABLEC� U�J�IL �UCTC?�ER 14�, 2002 5. A reque�f for an interpret�tion of the maximum h�igh# and calcula#ion af average maximum h�ight requirements in th� Lior�shesd Redeve�Qprr�ent Master Plan. Applicant: Tawn of 1J�ii Community Development Department Pianner: George Ruth�r MC?TIt�N: �o�g Cahill S�CG��1D. Ge�rge Lamb VOTE: 7-0 TABLEQ UNTiL SEPTEMBER 9, 200�2 fi. � rec�uest for a con�itie�nal �tse permi# and an amendment to th� approved devefopment p3�n, t�a allr�w�or a temporary priWate educataona� institution, I�cated at the Lic�ns�ead RV Lot, �95 �, �rc�ntage RoadlLo# 1, Blc�ck Z, Vaif Lic�nshe�d 1�� Filin�, Applicant: Cl�iidren's Garden of Learning Pl�nner: A(iison Qehs TABLEa l��+ITIk. S�P�T�MBER 9, 2£10� 7. A reques#for a re�ammendatian t�the Vail T�awn Cou�cil fvr an amendment to th� Town Qf Vaif Stre�tscape Master Plan, ta allc�w for modi#ications to#he �aropos�d streetsc�pe p�an and to propas�: improverr�ents, loc�tect at Me�dow Drive frr�rn �o�son Ice Areraa to Will�w Bridge Rc�ad. A�rp�icar�t: �`own of'Vail, repre$ented by Cltak, Inc. Pfa�n��r: �ill Gib�on � � � W[THDRAWN 8. A requ�st fvr a maj�� amendm�ent�o an ap�rov�d developmer�� plan, in acc�rdanc� with Se�tion '12-8D-6 0#the Vail Tow� Code, ta all�w for impr�verne�ts ta th+� Golden Peak Ski S�se, located at 458 Va"rI Valiey drir�elTract F,V'ai�Viffage 5�' �iking and �9$Vail Valiey Driv�ITract B, V�ii Vi�la�e 7�' Fi1�ng. Applicant: Vai1 ResartS, knc. Plann�r: Bill Gif�sran WfTHDRAWN 9. Apprc��ual of arrrer�ded .�uly�2. 2442 minutes MC]Ti�N: Er�cksort 5hirley �ECC?NG: []oug Gahilf VJTE: 7-fl ApprovaL �f am�nd�d August 1�, ��?Q2 minut�s MG+71C�N: G�o�ge L.amb SECt71�C]: daug Cahill VDTE: 7-C� �Q. lnf�arma#ion lJ�idate Yhe applications and in�ormation abvut th� prop�safs are ���ilable fpr pul�lic i�spectivn d�rung r�gular aff�e h4urs irr the prc�ject�lan�er's vffice �vca#�d at�h� Tawn vf Vaif Gvmrr�un�ty aevelopmen� De�artment, 7� South Frontage Road. Ple��e call 4�9-213� f�r€nformatio�r Si�n ia�guage i�t�:rpreta#ian available upnn requesl with 24 hour notificatian. Please call 4?9-235F,Tefephane for the Fiearing fmpa�red,fe�r infarmat�an. Commur�ity Developme�nt Depa�ra�ent 9 � � � MEMORANdUM T+�: Pl�nning �nd E�vir€�nmental G�mmi�sFvn F�OM: flepartment oi Camm�an�ty Develapme�nt QATE: August 2�6, 2t302 SUBJECT: A requ�at for a cv�d�tivna� use �ermit, to allow #mr a temp�rary seasan�l stru�t�rre ►rvithin Lionshead Mixecf Use 1, located at 7i5 West Licrnshead Cir�lelLots 4 � T, Blmc�C 1, V�i! Lianshead 3'� Filing and Lats G & D, Marcus Subdivisian. Applicant: Vail Marriatt Mc�untaEn Ft�s�rt; re�resented by Mati Vi�sand, Directar af Sales and Marke�ing Pl�nner: 1Narr�n �ampbell I. SUMMARY � � The applicant, V'ail Nlarriott Nlountain Res�rE, is reque�ting a canditionaC us� permit as ou�lined �n 5ectic�n �2-1 s-2 �Conditional Use �'er�it}, Vail Town C��ie, t+a be Ic�cat�d at ?15 West Liarr�head C�rc1elC.ats � & 7, F31ock 1, Vail L.iartshead 3"d Filing and Lots C 8� ❑, Mar�us Subdivisian. The cc�nditional use is �ec�uested ta allovu the app�icar�t 1a er�ct a 60 fvot by 9� fQat temporary seasc�n�i structure on the teranis �aurt fr�m September 3-25, 200�,�, Based upon 5taff's review af 1�� c�iteria o�tlined �n Se�tion Vfll o� this memorand�art and the e�idence and testimany prese�led, th� Community D�evelopment Department recommends app�rvval Qf this req�est s�byect��r the findings and con�itions n�ted �n Section IX af khis m�rnoran�u�n. 1L �?ESCR�PTfU[� �?F THE REt,�1JEST T�re Vai1 Marr�olt Mo�rntain Resvr# is requesting a conditi�n�l use permit ta allow for �,temporary seasanal structure ta ��e erected fr�m Septeanber 3—�5, 2002, Qrr #he �xistinc� tennis caurt site �n the sauth side of th� h�tel. Ti�e structure is prap�secf tr� be a white f� foc�t by �� faot "���e�is Pa�+ilion" wiih a marquis walkway I�ading fram the build'ang ta #he structur�. Th� structure wi�! h�ve a pvrtable ar�pli#Eed sp�aking system, lig�ting> tuv� prDpane heaiers. The propose hours of ope�atiar� are from �:�1� am tv 6:0� pm, �eve� days a week. Tl�e applicant's Cetters of request �A#tachmer�t G}, specif��ation� fvr the structure �Attac�tment �], and a reduced site pla� have been atta�che� for referersce �Attach�nent a�. The propvsed structure is tv be us�d k�y c��e�# staying at tl�e hotel while the c�nference ra�ms are Qut �f�ervice d�ae to constructi�n. �Jo t�utside visitors will be a�rriving at dhe Marriott t� utili�� the structure. W hil� const�uction is aec�rrr�ng an Phas� � and the poMe-cachere of the Marriatt trafFic and pedestr-ian circulation in the ar�a wil4 be altered. For sev�ral months West Lions'�ead Circ�e will b�c�me vne-way h�aded e�s� across ihe M�rrintt frr�ntage. T#�e temporary entrance f�r gu��t af thae Marri�� wil9 be on th� wesi s�d� c�� the F�hase III building across from the par�ing structure. Guest wv�rld p�ll inia��re �ar�ing s�ructure were#hey c��rld �nloa� �agg�ge and give th�i� c�r to the valet. During eor�s#ruct�on al! guest cars wiEl be val�i par�ed in ti�e structure. There is a hamme���e�d turn-around pr�v'rded at t�� end of the driue between #he parkin� structure ar�d the west end of t'�e n�tel. F�edestrians wili have �ccess an the s�uth side �# the hvtel via a tempor�rily installed flagstpne six-faot wide path leading fr�m the t�nnis cour�s �o lhe west er�d of th� h�t�l. A site �lan depicting aulomc��ile at�d pedestrian f�ow is inc��ded in the attachrr��nts 4�ttachmerat E}. � � � III. BACKGRfJUMD • �n June 2{], �041 the Planning and En�ironm��rtaf Commission apprt�v�d a conditional use permit ft�r a vne year p�ric�d for a temparary tent an the tennis caurts. IV. RE1II�WI�JC BDAR�3 RDLES c]rder of Review: Ger�erally, �ppPr"cafivr�s wiJf b� r'evi�wed fir'st 6y�he F�EG�ar�ccept�bi[rty c�f us�ar�d then hy t,he F3�B fr�r complrance ot propo�ed bui}dings and sr�e pfannir��. Planninq �rtd Envirvn�nenta! Cvmmission. _ Rc�i�n. The F'EC is respor+sible far final appravalldenia!Qf CLJP. The PEC is r�sp�nsible for evaluatirtg a�ropr�saf f�r: 1. Relati�nship and im�act of the �tse on�iev+�lopm�nt nbjectives Qf the �own. 2. E#fect of the us� on Eig�tt and air, clistrit�ut�an� of papulation, transp�rtation facilities, utiEities, schavls, p�rics��d recreation faciGiti�s, and vther�ublic facifities ar�d public facil�ties needs. 3. E�fect up�an traf�FC, with �arEicular reference t�congestian, autom�t�ve and pedestrian sa#ety and c�rrvenie�ce, traftic flow and contral, access, m�neuverabili#y, and removal of s�rr�w frnm the streeis a�rd parking are�s. 4. Eff��t upvn the character+o#the area in which the prc�po��d use is#Q be f�cate�, includir�g ihe s�cale an�d bulk of th� �rapased use irt relatiQn ta surra�rndir�g uses. �. Su�f� c�the�faetors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the pro��sed use. �. The enUironmenta� impact repor� coneerninc� 4t�e pro�ased use, if an envirnnmental impact r��ort is required by Cha,�ter 12 af this T�tle. Co�ft�rmanc�with deerelt�pment standards of zan� district Lot area 5etback� Buildin� Height Den�ity �RFA Site �puer�ge L,�ndscape area Parkinc� and 1o�ding Mitigation of dev�lo�m�nt impacts aesic�n Rev�ew 6aard: action:7he �R�has N�review ar�thorify nn a CUP, but rr�us#review�r�y �ceampanyrng DRB appli�a�it�n. T+�wn Gvuncil: Actions r�f �RB vr PEC maybe appeafed ta the 7own Co�rrcil ar by tF��e Tawn Cauncil. Town C�uncil evalu�tes whether ar nat the PEC or l7RB erred with appro�a6s or deniais and ca,r� uphold, �aphald with mod�fica#aons, �r vvert:urn th� baarci's de�is�on. 2 � � '�taff: �he staff i� responsibl�for ensuring that al� ��t�mittal res��irements are �ro�rided and plans con#vrrn tc� th� techni�al requirements of the Zonir�g R�gulat�ons. The �tafi#alsa advises t�e �ppiicant as to campfiance with #h� design +�uidelines. �taff pr�vides a sta�f inemv c+�ratai�ing backgrour�d c�rr the prap�rty a�d prc�vid�s a staff evaluatic�n af the prQ�eci with respect ta the required criteria anc! findings, ar�d a recc�mmendatian Dn approval, approval with conditions, o� denia[. St�#f afs� facilitat�s the r��ri�w process. V. APP�.IGABC�� RL�NIVING [][IGUINE�JTS A. Town t�f Vaii �aning Re�uEatic�ns I�r the past, t'h� tent has b�e�n approve� ir� cvn�unctian wi#h a specia! event �ander th� d�finition c�f a "seasonal �se or structure."' However, this t�r�t is prop�sed to �e in senrice fc�r I�ss than a mc�nth uvhieh is much mcare temp�rary. The Tc�wn Ge�de defines a "'seasonaf us� c�r structure" as: A Pemporary cov�rrng erected av�r a recreatic�nal amenity, suc�r as a swir�ming poo! vr tennis cQUrt, for the p�rrpose �f expandir►g fheir use info the cvld we�th�r monfh�. �uch seasarral�QVers may nQt b� rn place far more than seuen (7J �onsecutive months of any ttiveJve (12) man�h periad. FQr th�purps���� of fhi� Trtle, a seasonal use or sfrucfure shal! not �orrsfitute sfte ��v�rage and shall not be subject to bc�ilding bulk �t�r�frof stand�rds. Any seasanaf �se nr structur� �hal� requrre a condiir`onaf use permit ir� accord w�th Ghapter �6 of this �itle and rs subj�cf tv design review, Fr�r the P"lanning and Enviranmental Com�iss€on's ref�r�r�ce, Sec#ion 1�-��-1, Vail Tvwn Code, sdentifies th�purpose#or a c�nditianal use permit as follc�w�: ln ord��'fc�provide the flexr�arfity nec�ssary to achieve the c�bjectives of this titl�, specified u��s ar�,p�rrr�rtt�d rra cerlarn districts sul�ject to fhe�rranfr�g of a conditr'onal use p�rrnit. Because ��'therr unusuaf or special characteristics, c�ndi�iona!us�s require revrew so �hat the�+may be focated properJy with respect[o rhe purpns�s of this title and wltFr respec� fo their effects on surraundir�g prop�rtr"�s. Tfae r�vrew prac�ss prescribed in this chapt�r i�iniended to assure com,�atibrlity and harmanrvus developmenf betweer� condrfiar�a!u�es arrd sur�ounding praperties in fhe 7own a�I�rge. Us�s fisted'a� cona'ifianal uses rn the varr`or�s districts may be permltted sul�ject to such cc�r�drtinns�nd limrfa�i�rrs as the Town mayprescribe f� insure tha�rhe Ic�cafie�n and o,�erafivn r�f#he cc�nditianal us�s wi{I b� rn�ecQrdance with the d�velopmenf abjecfJves of the �vwn a,�d wil�nr�t be detrrmental to afher uses or properti�s. Where cond'r'�ians cannot be dev�i�ed, fa achieve fhese r�bj�c�r'�es, app�i�ations f�r cor�ditic�rraf us�perrrrit� shal!be denied. Th� Marr�ott is �vcated wit�ir+the Lianshe�d Mixed Use 1 zane�istric� The pur�os� of LI�U� is : 7`he �.ra,�shead�?ixed�lse � �Jr`sfrrct rs inrended�o provPde s�tes f�or a mixt�re c+f rrr�ltr`p�e- family d�reNr"ngs, lodges, f��teFs, fracfror��l fe� clubs, tirrxe shares, {o�dge dwelling �rni�s, r�staurants, �ffice�, skier services, arrd comm�rcial e�tablis,hmerafs in a �lusf�red, uraified devefapment. Lrorrshead Mixed Use f Di�fric�, in accardance with the Lion�heed F�edevelaprnenf Masfer PJar�, rs intertd"e�f ta ensure adequate figh�. ar'r, open ��ac� and ath�r amenitres approprrate ta the,permit��d types vf buildings and uses and fo marnfar►a the desrrable qu�lities of the f�rs�rict by esfablrshing apprapriate �si�e develo,pmenf �t�ndards. �`hrs I�is�rict is mean[f� e,ncar�r�g� and pr�vi�le incer�fives f�r r��evelr�pm�nt in accordance wit�h the LiQnshead R�development Master Plan. 3 � � This Zc�ne [7istrrcf was specifrcaJly d�veloped fo provide Jrrcentives fQr properti�s fo redevelop. �',�e c,frirnar� gva� of rt�ese inc�nrr'ves is ro creare ar� �co�ao�fca�{y ���rant ladging, hvusin,�, �nd commercial core area. The r'ncentives irr ihls Z�ne Disrrrcr r�ciude rncreases r"n allQwabfe grc�ss r�si�'ential flaor area, burldrng herghf, and �+ensr�y over the pr�viou��y es�ablish�d zoning in �he Lir��sh��d Red�v�lr�,�mer�t Master I°larr s�udy area. Th�prr'mary goaJ af ttre irrcentives is ra create eeonomic cvndi�iQns fa�v�ra�le fo Pr�dueing private red�velnpment cc�nsister�t wr[h the Lianshead Redevedopm�nt M��f�r Plan. Additrnna!!y, f�re i,�centive� are crea�ed fo �r��p fn�nce public aff-site irnpravemertfs adjac�nt fa redevel�pment prajects. Wifh any develvpmenflred�velv�r,��nt p�oposal takir�g advant�ge �f th� inccntr`v�s created hererr�, the following amenJtres wilf b� evaC�rated: stree�scape irnprovern�nts, ped�sfrran/bicycde aec�ss, public plaza re�evelapme�[, p�blic arf, rcradway rmprov�rr�erats, and simrl�r rm,prnvemenfs. B. Lianshea�i Redeveic�pr�ent Master Plan The Alfarriatt is alsa governec� by the develflpment s�bje�tives as stated in #he �iQr�shead Rec��velc�pmer�t Mast�r PGan. Of the six P�1icy G�j�ctives �utlined ir� the �.ionshead Rede�velopment Mast�;r Plan, sta�f has �dentified the follawir�g objectives as appCica�le to thEs prv�vsal: 2.3.� Ren�wa!ant�Redevefoprrr�rrt Lian�he�d �an artd s,hoc�Id�re rer�ew�d and redevelvpme,�� to bect�m� a �varmer, m�re vrbrant envr'rorrrnent for gue�ts and resid�nis. Lionshead needs an appealr`ng and ct�h�rerrf id�rrfity, a sense vf pl�c�, a�aersonality, a purp�se, �nd an improved aesthe�rc characfer. 2.3.2 Vr'�alitv and Ameni�ies We mus�seize the �ppart�rnrty ta enhan�e guesf experr'ence and communi#y rnferacti�n throvgh expand�d and additior�a! activiti�s �nd amenities su�h as perFc�rrnirr� arts venc+�s, corrfEr�nee �acrlrfi�s, !ce rr'nks, str�etscape, parks and oth�r recreatrorral imprc�vemen�s. The L'ra�shead Redevelvpment Mast�r P'Ian specifically identi€ies the tennis courks as a� infill oppQrtunity: Thcr� are sever�l fenrris Gcr�rrts on fhe south side af[he Marriott. Thrs area presents arrd c�p,�ortuni�y fvr low-rise inflf! �eveJapm�n� fha� eas�s fhe visua! and physica! transrfron frvm the exrstr`ng strue�ure to the Gore �reek r�cre�trora parh. C. Vail Lanc� Use P1an In addatian, staff has id�ntified th� fallc�wing goals and a�je�ti�es fram the Town af Vail La�d Use Plan, which sta€f belie►res ap�ly to this pr�pasal: �.4 Th� crmrrrt�nrry shauEd rmprove surr�m�r recreati�nal an�f�uftur�l oppc�rtu,�ities to encc�ura�e sumrr�er Pnurism. 3.5 �nf�rtait�m�rr� c�rient��+ busin�ss artd �uEfur�! actrvr�ies shvufd�e er►couraged in rhe core are�s t� create di�ersr`fy. +Mr�re �ighttrme (a��rnesses, on-gvrr�g events and sar�ctr'aned"street happenings"should'be encouraged. 4 � � Vl. SURR4UNDING LAND I�SES AhID ZONINC Land �1s� Zonina �o�i�: Mixed ��e Liansh�ad Mixe�i lJse-1 Dis#ric� Sc�uth: C3�e� Space Natural Area Pre�ervation District E�st: Mix� Use Lit�nshead M�xed Use-1 Disiri�t West: Mixeri Us� Livnshead Mixed Use-7�istrict VII. +CRITERI►�1 AMD FIN�lNGS The review crite�ia for a request of this nature are established by the Town Code. The p�o��sed temporary seasc�n�l structure is {ocated withi�n the Livnshead Mixed Us� 1 Zor�e District. Therefore, this prap�sa� �s su�ject t� th� 'rssuance of a c�nditi�nai use perm�t �n accc�rdance wrth the provis�ons af Chapter 1�-16, Vail T�wn Cvde. A. �vr�sideration o� Factors Re ardir� Goncfitional Use Permits: �. Relationship a�tcf impact ot the use on the develvpment abje+c#iues of the Town, Stafif b�li��es �hat the �ropased se�svnal structure is consistent with the purpose of �he Lic�r�shead Mixet� Us� I zone distri�t. The tent prouides addition�l fa�iiities fc�r the hcttea, while ensuring acfequate lighi and air. Staff befieves fha� becau�e the use is tem�orary, tl�ere will be no ef�ects �n future development patential of tl�e t�nnis court site. fn additian, the tent allows the Marriott #a retain t#�e scheduled cc�nference during the r�or�th ot September while cc�nsfructivn on t�e hatel contin�es. Therefore, staffi t�efieves #hat t'�e proposal Es cans�stent w'sth tl�e Lionshead Redevel�pment Master Plan. Staff believes that ��cause the conditiQnal use permit w�u3d all�w con#ere�tce �CtIVI�fES t� accur at the Marriatt during the co�ttir�uing cc�nstructio�r, the prflpoSal as consi5ter,t with the Tvwn of Vail Land U'se Plan. 2. The effect o# the use an iight and air, distribu#ian vf po}�ulati�n, #ranspartation fiacilities, uti�iti�s, schoofs, parks and r�creation facilities, and other public facilit'tes needs. Staf# befieues that �he prc�posed use will have n�gftgible e�f�cts ar� t€�e akaove- m�ntior�ec� criteria. The f�catic�n vf the str�tctur� �n the tennis c�aurCs has rro impact or� tf�e use af those facilities �s they are defur��t, and theref�re, no r��reati�nal us�s are being displ�ced. B�ca�s� of the tempo�-ary �at�re a� #he strt�cture and the manner i� which it is to be operat�d, staff beli�v�s tha# there is no effec#�n thc �s�of ligh� ar�d air. �. Effect up+�n traffie with partic�lar referertc� to co�gestivn, aut�motive and ped�strian safety a�d �or�veni�nce, #raffic fl€�uv and ��ntrol, access, maneuver�bility, and rern�val of �naw 3rom th�e str�et ana� parking areas. S�aff believes that the �rt�pased siructt�r� wil� I�ave negligi�le ef#ects c�n th� abc��re-menti�ned criteria. A�tomotiv� �nd �redestr�an tra#fic irt the are� wil� be af#ectecf by the cont+nu�ng co�n�t�uc#ic�n on Phase I. INhid� c�nstru�ti�� is 5 � � c�ccurrir�g on Pt�ase I and the porte-cac�ere vf the Marric�tt traff'rc and pedestria�r circulation in th� area will be alt+ered, For �eve�ai rr�anths W�st L.ionshead Circle w�ll beGa�me vr��-way heat�ed east acras� the Marriatt frc�ntac�e. The temparary entrance for g�esis af the Marri�tt will be on th� �+vest side of the P#�ase !I1 building acrc�ss fr+�m the packing structure. G�ests would pull into the par�ci�g structur� were they c�ufd un4c�aci bag�age arad give theRr car t� the valet. �uring constructian all guest cars will be valet parked ir� the stru�ture, There is a hammerh�ac� t�urn-ara�nc� pr�v�ded at the er�d of 1he drirre faetween tY�e parking struct�re and thc wes# �nd vf t'�e hoteL P�destrians wi11 have acc�ss an the sQUth side of the hatel via a temporariiy install�d fla�stone six-faot w�d� �ath le�ding iram the t��nis courts to the wes� �nd at �he hateP. The Public Wvrks ��part�raent has rev€ewed a�d appraved tt�e autom4t'rwe circvlatic�n prvpasaG. �ecause �he tent will onfy remain �p during th� month c�f September, i�er�is n�r �f�ect�n sno�+r r�mc�v�aP fram ihe stree# and pa�king ar�as. 4. Effect upon the character v�the�area in which the prtrpvsed us� is to t�e IvCated, �ncludir�g the s�al� �nd bulk of the proposed use in relativn #o s�arround�ng uses. As a seasor�al structure, the p�oposed te�t is nc�t subj�ct to buPk ar�d mass sfandard� af the Livnshead A�lixed Use 1 zo�e district_ �ec�us� it is temp�orary in nature {or�iy #he rnonth +�f Septernber� sfa#f believes that there will be no ef#ect an ti�� char�cter vf t�e neighk�onc��od. Tt�e�� are n� exterior lights propvsed in c�n�u�ctian with th�tent. B. The P6anninc� and Environmental Cvmmission s�all make the followinq findin�s �efc�re c�rar�tin� a conditional use permit:, 1. That �he �rc�pased lacatian �f the use is in a�corc�ance with the purpc�ses of the conditional use pe�mit s�ctio� of the zc�ning cvde an�i the pu�poses of the Lianshead Mixe�d Use�1 Zone District. �. That the �rt�pas�ed lacation vf the �se and the ce�ditions und�r wh€ch rt wifl be aperatec� or matr�tained wiif ravt be dedrimenYal to the pubiic health, safety, or w�lf�re �r materially in�r��it�us to pro�er�ies or improvements in 4he vicir�ity. 3. That the p���osed use will comply with each ni th� �pplicable prouisions of t�e condition�l use ,�ermit section of th� zonin� cncfe. '�lll. STAFF R�GUMMEN�ATI+[)N 7he Cqmmu�it}r De�elopmerzt De�artmenf recamm�nds that the P(annir�g and Environm��tal Commission apprnve the appli�ani's reque�t for a c�nditivnal us� permit to affow for a temp�rary seasan�l st�r�cture Ivcated at Ivcatet� at 715 West Lianshead Circ3elLots �4 & 7, Bl�ck 1, Vail Li�nshead 3�d Flllfl� F�C1C� I_QtS C Sc �, M�rcu�s SuEadivisia�, Staff"s reco�mer�ciation r�f appraval is k�a�ec� upara 1h� r�view of the criteria c�escribed in See�ic�n llll of this memv� Shaufd the Planning and Envirc�r�me�rtal CommissiQn chvase t� a�,�rr�ve 1he applicartt's r�uest, staff recomm+�nds th2�#the€o�iowang find��gs be rre�de as part�f a rnot�an: 6 � � 1. 7�at the prr�pased la�ativ� of t�e �rs+� is Fn acc�rdance with the p�rposes o� t�e cond�ti�n�l �se p�rmit section of the zoni�tg cvde and th� purp�ses a� the district in which the site is I�cated. 2. That the prapased loeaiian of the use anci t�� conditivn� �r�der which it wvuld be r�peratecf �r rn�intair��e� wo�ld not �e detrirnental to #�� public t�eakt�, safety, ar w�lfar��r m�#eri�lly in�urious tQ pro�erties ar impro�remen#� in the vicinity. 3. That ihe proposed use w�uld cor�pfy with e�ch af tlae applicable prcavisrons of tF�e c�nditi�nal use p�rmit s�tivn o�tt�e zc�ning cvde. If the Pfar��ning and f�nviror�mental Cammis�io� chooses ta apprc�ve ihi� reuquest, sta�f recnmmends t�e fvifvwir�g cor�tiiti�pr�s of ap�rt��+al: 1. That the applicant shal� nc�t �rect the Cent priar tv September 1, �UO,� and tt�at th� ap�licanl shali remave the tent �y c�a later than Septem�er 30, 2D�2. �. That the h€�urs of operatior� be from 7:0� am to 8:D0 pm, seven days a week. 3. �'hat all To^w� v�dir�ances r�g�rding ncrise fevels b� m��t, 4. That the appficant receives � Towrr r�f Vaif �uilding p�rmit prir�r #a erecting t�e tent. IX. ATTACH'�IENTS A. Vi�inity M�� B. Publication Not'sce C. Affi�avit of Pubiicatio� D. Site Plan Shawir�g Structure Locatian E_ �ite F'lan Showing Autc�mob�le a�rd f�edestrian Cir��Eati�n F. Tent 5pecifications and Photograph G, �em�r�ndur�s fram Applican� H. �ebr�aary ��, ���1 Marriott CUP Staff Report I. Minutes J. �oard Action Fa�'ms 7 �! f�1 •�-� � � � � W � #+ . � � � V7 L � � .S � � � � �. `� � � � � � mcncn � a. . � p� - I � � � � � , , � � � �� ■... � � � � — � � � �� _� � i ■� _ �� �r � � � � � �� � � � N � � �] ti � � � �� �� �ti � ���� � '�"' - `` � �J I �.�� , � �� �� � � I ��� ��� � � � �� � �'� �� � � �5 � � �� �� � ���- ������� ��� � � � � '� o .- � �i ''° � '`� � � � � R� �\ � �-' � �' d � � -- � ;��_ m � �� .r. � � � �� .�- � � ' �, ' Q � � � ` f R � � � � � f � � �. � � �� � .� 'A-. 7- {� � , � � � � � � ,� ± �� ` �--- �,..� ' �� � � ��`s-. _- �- � � � � ��� �, ' � � �1 �— a �`;4 r � attachm��t: A �vivurv ir��dV � RESOF�7&SPA 715 West Lin�3d Circle � _ Wail,Cc�lnrac3c�81657 MILL�RS L1fJi*ISHEAD LLC A77N: I�It���F�QWNERS ASSDCTATIC}N ��770 I�iERIT L7FtIV� SUIT�400 � I7AI..LAS,TX 75.�.51 - � � , ; .. ... ... - . F 71$West Lionshsad Cirete ' • � Vail.Cr�lc�rado�31 b57 ADAM&NAhiCY SHAFIRt7 A"CI'N: Ht�lvlE QWNERS ASSOCIATkpN 4'�7S ,E Pi2ESERV� GREENWC?OD V£L�,AGE,CQ 801�4 775 West Lianshea�i Circle Vail,Coie�rade�81 G57 PAItSC+NS FAMIIoY LLC A1T1�: 3�[�ME OWN�,RS ASSQCIATIC?N P.a.sox�s� EDWA�i7S,CC3 8is532 J ��C C7 e�c�50poa �•5.��5TA+�c 4. '�i�L� � a �►,r��"Cl��� MOEJNT,�Ii`d RESORT&SPA 715 West L�unshead Circle V�il,Calvrad�83 657 THEA I RUMFQAL]L3VI�tG TRU57° ��T�I: �DME(]WNERS ASSC}CIAfiIC311vi fi7S F{3RES7"ftQAL) VAfL,CC?81657 �IttaCFlfT1�:�'It: � - - --�t�,.a� � �V� [a . M!�UNTAlN RE5C7�T&Sf� � i15 West Lionsl7e�d Cirtle V�il,Colvratit�$7 657 VA[L 5PA CC)NI]OMINI�M ASSOCIATIC?N AT°C`N:HONdE(7WN�R5 AS5t7CiATI(7t�1� . 71(}WEST Ltl"JNSHEAD CIFtCLE VAIL,CO $1657 . ' ' 715 VVest[,ionshead Cir��e Vaid,C�forado$1657 ANTLE,RS CC?NDOMINI�IM ASSUCIATICDN A.TTN: HC�ME C7WNERS ASSc7CIATIl7N �r8Cw WE�T LI[7NSHEAD CIRCLE VAIL,CQ$1 b57 ' � �1{7UrV'T'AtN RE50RT&SPA 715 Wesr LinnshearJ Cir�le Vail, Cadc�rad�$3657 LYdN.I1NI V�RSAL+Lf�Rp�RATd(3N A'I�CT*1: HQME C3WrNEAS AS5{7CIA'TIdN ClCl ARMSTRONG tdOVQSAD stc ASSOG ,�,c�. sQ;����a � AVC3N, �Q 81624 s ' � : �• . � • . . . . ` • � . . ' , . � ' : • • . • . . . , . ��,:�[�i�C��� l. �NTA�N tT&SPA � � 715 West�innshead Cir�fe Vail,Colarado 8l G57 JER.4 ftD&30AN MAHER ATTN: HQME C7WI�IERS A5SC1C1ATIt7P1 . . 25 f F�WLEFt R��1J� ' FAR HII�LS,NJ 07431 . . . �~MC}U�*ETAIhi ItESC}R.T&S�A 735 West Lionshead Circle Vaii,Colorado$155�' CpLMAR LLC A'fTi�: HdME C7WNER�ASSt3GIA`f`IQN 2S i Ffi WLER RDAD � FAR 1-�ILLS,NJ 47931 T15 West L'sonshead Circle Vail, Colc�radn 81657 RQG��& SALI�Y CADt7L A`i"R�:I-[UME L7WNERS ASSdCIATI�I� 985U PRQC;f�SS�iEiCLE GREENWQC?]]VTLLAGE,CC]8011� A • � WM• / �. ILJ..7.Y _t.a � C 0,F }�35flC1.:�t�� v������'�`l()��. ������� ��a������ �1S 1h'est Lionshe�d�irCl� Vail,�'alr�radc�Ei i 6�7 �XAS TELEVISIOFti1 I1�lC AT'TTI: H{DME 4W'NEF.� ASS�CIATIOl�1 �.c�. sa� i�aso H�C,J�T�QN,TX 77222 . VHI� ��Q1 � �,���. �,. .�Pr g:.xc�- / �►■ � MC�L�NT �2E50R7� A 7�5 West Lionshead Circle Uaii,Cc�{nrac�t�81657 L1C3NSHEAD INN LLC AT['N: 1r1C�ME OWNERS ASS�t}CIA'nOt�1 . 6l6 N LI{}AiSHEAD�IRCLE SLJITE 3Q2 . . VAiL,Ca$1657 , �,... . . . . , . _ . ,.-,-.T`��� r �� �. �r �a h�t�U f�TAPN ° RES�R��e SYA 7�5 VIlest Lir,nshead�ireie Vaif, C�It�rado Sl G57 vA��.ca�o�,�nar� ' ATFN: HC7ME C]WN��S ASS(�CIATiQN � P.d.$C?�C 7 VAIL,�4� &1�55$ "" �� 1�C]UNTAIhf R�.SC�RT&SPA 71 S'�+'est Liorrshead Cir��e Vail,Coloradv 81 b57 EN�IAN AT VAPL 1NC ATm1: F-�C7ME bWNERS ASSDCIATIC?N 7721 t�! K(75TNER AV�NU� . SFCOI�LTE, IL 60476 . . � -� . . . . �rsvvi��n��• RFSakT&SPA 7�5 West Licanst��ac(Cirele Vail,Caic�rada 81657 lC?HT3 ENGLEiviAN STEPHLN HA"CHCJEtN! AT'IT1: f�{3M�t7WNERS ASS�CIATIC?N 541 ��.Y R.DAD EL"�,VT 45U45 �!S 1TEM MAY AFFE�CT YC1lJR PR(�F��TY � PUBLIC NC7TpCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GiV�N that the Planr�ing an�d Errvirfl�ornental Cammission vf th� T�wn of Vail wiii hold a public hearing i� accarc�ance with Sectic�r� 12-3-6 af the Muni�ipal Code of�d�e Town s�f llail on Augus#26, 20D�, �t 2:Q(} P.M. in the Tc�wr� af A/ai� Mu�ricipa! Building. !n cvnsiderat�an a#: A requ€��t for a recamm�ndatio� tc� #he V�il Towr� Councx� '�or ar� ament�€�ent to the Tawr� of lfail �#reetscape Master Piara, tv allaw for madifcatians ta tt�e prapased streetscape �I�n and to pre�,�ose i�rrprovements, facated at Meadav�r Driv� frc�rr� ���san ice Ar�r�a to V^Jillow 6ridge Rc�ad. Ap�licar�t: 7own ofi Vai�, r�pr�s�nted �y (3tak, Inc, Planner: Siil Gibsan A reques#far a rnajvr arnendmen#fin an appraved develapm�ent {�lan, in accvrdar�ce with Sec#ian '12-8�-C� o�#he Vail Tawn Cvda, ta allow for impre�verr�er�ts t� #hE Golder� Peak Ski Base, lacat�d �t 458 Vail V��ley DriWelTract �,Vail Viliag� 5�"` Fiiing an�d 49�Vail Vafley DrivelTract B, Vail Village 7�' �iling. Appli�an�: Vail f�esorts, Inc. �€anr�er: Biil G�bson A req�esi for a cc�nd�tiona4 use �ermit e�d ar� a�en`drnent tt� th� approved ��veloprrtent pdan, to alfc�w#or a tsmporary private edu�atit�nal institt�iivn, located at t�e �.ic�ns�oead RV Lot, 39S S. . Frontage RoadlLot 1, Bic�ck �, Vaii �.ionshea� �g` �ifinc�. Applic�nt: Children's Garden a�Learning Plann�r: Allison �c�s 1� request far an interpretati�r� of th� rn�ximum height anc� calculation of av�rag� �a-�aximum height requiremen#s 'sn fhe ��or�shead R�dev�e(oprr�ent Master Plan. A{�p�icant: Tov►+n af Vail Gornrr3�nity aevelopment Department Pl�nner: Allisvn C}chs A r�qu�st for a conditi+onal use permit, ta all�w far a temparary seasanal structur� at#he Vail Maunt�in Marriatt Resea�t, iocated �t 7�5 West Lit�nshead CirclefLots 4 & 7, Biock 1, Vai1 L�anst�ead 3`d �iling ar�� Lots C & D, Morc�rs Subdivisian. � Applicar�t: U�i1 Marriatt Mountain Resort Plar�ner: George Rufrier A request for a recommendation to t�e Uail Town Ce�u�cil for an am�n�m�nt ta th� Town of Vail Land Llse �'ian and �he V�il Vill�ge Master Plan, ta faeilitate the construction of"Vail's �ront a�or" p�oject and assaciat�d impravem�n�s, 4ocat�d an an unp9attetf parc�f, gen�erally ic��ated scr�th �f the Lodge Tcaw�r and west af th� Vista Bahn Ski Y�rd. Applicar�t: Vai! R�sorts a�velvpm�nt �Cs�mp�ny � Planner: George ftuther �. +� T[)�4'N(�F YAT� �� �' �M1�� Att�chment: C " '��`�f���._ , ���"I���� � �� ::'- � �— _ s `�. ` r� ,�*'� -��-' � •G� ✓a5• �I��"�c" ��`-tc�°a;�F�`;�n� �t`f�'.8� .. _ ar t••,, ' ` . . I � - * r y' S: y 'F � . ( S IR O �4 4. -�� 4 M�. �4� '$�' -, �- _"- � �s . �'�'�,�� r�_��`�,1 _ ��,' ,`• r �� "�. .�.�;+�� •., y� 3n � � � � , ,�r , ,. ;3 ��,'� ° `�� �� �� '�.`.�� /� . ; � �� y� [' ti4� � .+a 4�. 1' r-ti�' } �' 4 ¢� 7 '� ''� . ��'fir. � ` „ . �4 rti _ � ?�.� '���t' `�$S "±�i � .,�' 1 r: �''�.� � � �'��„i�;�c Y ,,, . ,�F�� � '`', °� `�ti= ' c +� 1� ;1 ) � � �` �J �7 . �� � y •.4 '� �'r.y'.��, ��J • • P � : by P a; �J� f� � � ' � ,� �,i�_� ��� � �[ I' f � 4 �� � :: � ^���\. ` : .�f•.-�---� � � i . i, � l ` `�'�''__ --_ r se�:�r e� ar` � �r:, `�;,. 0. { � �` [e�� , a}d � „ �yli},;vr"P,� 4 t`R r -• -- �} .� I. 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Attachr�ent: F � � ,,� i r I� ,� ,�: �.�, �� F�' :� ,,r r-,, , d' ':: r,. x s� ��u E }s.� rh � w Y' d "� . � �X�� �.�° � . � � � � �� ����; � . � � �t^w ° �i'� V � ce -' ... �^}+ .J Y F ^ � Y�In ��� r} ��� � A �Yl#�e:°t� 'sF -�:a rp � J.�'r�,f•.°.. . .� I � "�����fd j��; � f''�,-^'��� � I .� l' 1 � Z ';� P � y. � : kY���� ��. ,�� � � �' � � � �F - I £ � }N�» . :�i° � � . �" �� - Y ' ' .: � ��� ��i'-� 'b � � . ��it �� 9 F•, �- � ..'�. } ��s +...� �-f I � i �• � �'�t�hr.�d � � � � ,t.r ��'_!�=:!� �:. , r; i �w��' Y •sh YO �,i �":. ��� � A� t,. '���„�_' � � � -����� � � . � . . . ,��R'. . i ,y ��v�.�`Y. � . . I �+' W :' Y ''���...• � . . . � ,� � �Y� � P�� 4 .�y� .y�+y� � �-S .y k'y �'l& 1 5 � R s . `� �y�►"�'�� �y.� � ! e � +�� � � $ '{ ��� �� ' �C � ��� , �. � � s ; ° ���,� �; 1 f � � � ,.-rt'+�a: r �'n; s x�,.. .,4'k i. .,.��. . � ti '� � -. t .:S �.Vj�. .'+V_i .�. �-�.. . . . - . '� �,. :; ' � , R , �"���'°.�-�._ .�„ � � � . �� e1�� .�i, x � I . i , , 1`�,'� •� y ,. I , �Y� i •� - »J.:.14'ai�:..- . Y � . � � ,/���� �•�� �`� {'1 �l� r . v����l"1'�[)�'. ,�ou�-r,�ir� r��sc��t��sra �NTERC)FFI�� MEM(3 1]at�: At�bust ],2002 . Ta: Geor�e Ru�her(47�-2145) Commundty Dewelopment �zam: Matt Vinsand b'srector of Sates&Marketing Sul�jeot: Emergency Tent Nee�ied Septcmber 4 -25,2QD2 Cc�pies: �a�e E�ease,�eneral Mana�er; Jack Hunn, Vail Resorts At our weekly constrt�ctictn meeting vn Wednesday,July 3l,2(102,we�+rere i�formed hy Hyder Cc�nstruc4ion Company that Phase [ wau�d nt�t bz able to he com�l�ted�nless we closed the C�lt�rada Ballxvom(ioeat�;d with-u� Bu"slding 1) from Augttst 24 throu�h I3ecember 6,20C�2. This r��ill have the Vail Marriatt�vlounzain�esart&Spa w€€h three+aptians: 1. We wauld ke�g�the�rotaps,ar�d be unable�v cvmp�ete the Yt�ase 1 buiidin� 2. Relocate tl�e�roups outside of VaiE, as the Vail�Iotels are booked�p. 3. ,�rect a tent(in i�te same 4acation as we have in pre�ious y�ars}��r ttte dates of September 3—27,to keep tlie Graups in Vail. This effe�ts tw� iarge�,rvups in particu�ar. Colurado Pasks c� Re�reatian(400pp1)$1 DO,OQ{7 Ro�ms&C�tering R�Venue Cnaoradv He�lth&Hos�ital{4(lOppl)$48,04D R�ams& +Ca[erin�;EZevenue �recting a tent would accvmplish the fvllowin�: 1. Cvmplete the cvnstruction c�n the F'hase 1 builcfing. 2. Enable the Mareiatt ta lceep it's space comn�itment to Qur S�eptember Grvugs. 3. Keep waluable re�enues and tax dn{�ars in Vail, €nstead t�f them relocatin�to ather cities. 1 wauld agpreciace any f�elp in sec�srin�as� emerg�r��cy permit to crect ara a�prvximate b,UbO square faat tent on t'�e south side cafti�e Marriatt crn tlte tettnis e�urt.{5arne locatian as prevsous years). TlZanks far your cnnsideratipn. Mait Vinsand Directar of Sales�: Marketing Vail Marriott�viountain Resort& Spa 97f1-479-G990{phone) 970-331-35�2(mabite} Attachment: G � � ,/`�i�� � `t�1 ! �ral��C�IC)�. ,���ur�-�arN . E�ESC1i2'f&5€�A II�iTERC1FFI+CE MEM(� Date: Augusc P,�a{D2 Ta: Cammunity I7e�+elaprneni From: Ma,tt Vinsand Directar af l�Sarketi�g Subje�i: Temporary Tent Structure Copies: A Written St�►tem�ni addressin� the fvllowing: a. A �,�OC10 square f4ot tent to be used froni 5egtera�ber 3 —25, 2�02. Tl�e Tent ��sil1 hold meetin�s aa�ci �an�uets. b. Will prvwide �-evenue for H�tel, and tax retiFen�ae for tnwn. e. Nc� n���tive effc:ct o�a any c�ft�ae listed facilities. � d, 1vn e�'fect upon traFfic(�.11 are gtiests in the hot�l). e. Will cc�v�r an unused tennis court area. � � MEM�RANdUM T�3; Rlanning anci Envirc�nment�l Commission F�{UM: Department of Community Uevelo�mer�t QA'f E: F�bruary 12, 2�t�� SUBJEGT; A rcec�ue�t far a c�nditional �rs�; permit, to allow for a seasonas structur�e within Lianshea�i Mixeci Use �, located at 715 W�st Lic�nshead �irclelLots 4 & �, gloc� �, Vail �.i���head 3°`� �iling and Lots G � a, Marc�s Subdivi5ior�. Ap�licant: Vail Marriatt � Planner: Allis�n Uchs I. DE�CRIPTIOh1 U� 7HE REC�U�ST The Vai6 Marriott €s requesting a cr�nditional use permit to aliaw for a seasonal structur� located on t�e existing te��nis c�urt site. [n t�e past, the ten� has been appraved ir�. co�jur�cti�n witl� � s�eciaR event. However, maint�ining the st�ucture throu��out the entire summer, a� the Marriott i�as �equested to cio, req�ires a conditi�nal use permit. The Tvwn Cade defin�s a "sea�ona� use vr struciur�" as A Cem,parary cavering erec#ed �ver a recreatinrra! amenrfy, such as a swimmrr�g pao!or t�r�r+rs cc�urt, fc�r�he pr�rpc�s� �af expanding thefr use inta th� cold weather mon�hs. Such seasQnal cowers rrray nnf be r� ,place far mvre than sev�n (7} consecu�iv� mnnths af arry tvwelve (�2) rnor�th peric�d. For ih� purpose� r�f #l�is Trt1e, a seasoraa! use c�r sCruct�rr� �hafl nvf c+anstifute sife cv�erage and 5ha}I n�t be subjec�tn br�ildr'ng bc�lk cc�ntrr�f standards. Ar�y s�a�onal us� or strc�cture shall reqUr're a �cor�ditianal us� permit in accord v�ith Ch�p[er �6 of thrs Tit1� �nd r'� su6ject to desrgn review. Th� ap�licant's lefiker c�f r�quest, specifications far�he ter�t, and a redueed s�t� �lan have be�n attach�d �or reference. �1. REVIEWIT�G B�QARD RC7LES---��NDI�'1C?NAL USE PERM17 Planning and �nVironmentat Commissian: T�te Planning and Envirvnmental Commissian i� res,��nsi�a4e for appro�a�lder�ial �f a �C�nditionaf Use Permit. The Planning a�d Environmerttaf Commission is responsEble f�or evaluati�g a prapa�sa� far: 1. Relatiorrship �nd impact a( fhe us� an de�elcapment objectiv�s of the Town_ 2_ Effect of the us� or� light and air, distributio� af �opulation, transpaR�i�on facilities, utilities, schoa�s, p�rks and recrea�ion facilities, and oi3�er public faciliti�es and pu�lic � facilities n��ds. ,r ro��v a���rr, �'! Attaehment: H . � � 3. Effect �pon traffic, with part�cular referen�e ta cc�ngestion, automo#ive ar�d ;��destriar� safety and cQnvenienc�, tr�ffic f�ow and ccantrvl, ac�ess, m�ne�uver�bility, arrd remova� of snow frc�rr� t�� str��ts and ��rkir�g ar�as. �. Effect upQn th� cl�aracter of the area in whici� the propnsed use is to be IQeated, including the scaie and �ulk �f the pr�a�as�d use in relat�vn to surroundir�g u��s. 5. Such vth�er factor� a�� cr'steria�s the Comm�ssian de�r�s appli�cabl� to t�e prv�ase� use. 6, The �nuironrnental impact repo�t concerni�g i�e propc��sed us�, if an �nvironm�ntal t�pact re�a�# is r�quired by Ch��Oter 1� of this l`itl�. 7. �onformance wi#n dev�la,�ment stantta�'ds �f zc�n�district �esign R�view Board: The Qesign R�view Baarci has n� review autharity on a Cr�n�#itional Use Permi#, but mtast review any �ccc�mpa�ying C?esign R��iew Board app#icat�on. lIL STAF� REC{�MMEhl�ATIC}N ' The Co�munity De�elopment aepa�mer�t recommends that t�� Planning anc� �n�ironmerstal Ct�mmission �pprove the appli�an#'s request �ar �, �anditianal use permit ta aflow f�r a seasonal stru�ture f�cated at ioc�ted at 7'f 5 1Nes� Li�nsf�ead �irclelLats � & 7, �31c�ck 1, Vail Lic�nshead 3`� Filing ar�d Lots C & Q, Marcus Suk�division, subje�t tv �he criteria a� descri'��d in �ectipn 1V c��this mema and the fallarving findings: 1. That th� pr��t�sed locatior� af the use is in acccirdar�ce wit� the purposes afi t�e c�n�itianal us� ;�ermit se�tion o# the zoning cade and the purp�ses of th� district in wi�ich i�� site is locat�d. �. Thai ihe propased lacatiar� c�f t�� use and the cc�ndi�inns und�r which it wvuld be operated Qr mair�tair�et� wauld r�at be �etrim�ental t� th�e public health, safety, r�r welfare or m�terialfy injurir�us ta pr�pertie� vr impr�v�ment� in tf�e vicinity. 3. That th� prapased t�se wr�uld comply with each af tk�e applicabie provisivns c�f t�e conditiQnal use perm`st sectio� af th� z�ning coc�e. If the Planning and Envirvnm�ntal Commissior� chooses to approve this request, sta## �ecammends the fc�llowing can�iitic�n of ap;�r�vaf; 1. lV. REQLlIRED �RITERIA A�3D F�NDINGS - Gf3�1DITtt�NA� US� PERMIT A. �C7NSI�E'�AT}ON �� FAC�"�RS: 1. Relacr'�nsf�ip arrd impact nf the use on ��he develc�,pment o�b��cfives vf fhe Towr�. The Marriait is located within t�e Li�nshead Mixed Use f zane district The purpas� of LMl.11 is : The Liar+shead Mix�d �'se � District rs in�e�ded ta pravide sltes f�r a mixtur� af multrple-f,�mily dw�flir�gs, ladges, hat�Js, fr��tiQna�fee 2 � � clubs, time shar�s, l�dge dweJlrng units, resfaurarrts, �tfices. ski�r senrices, arr�1 c�rnmer�raC es�abJishm��rts rn a cl�rstered, vnified develapmenf. Lic�nsh�ad Mrx�d +Use 1 f7is�ric�, r'r� accnrdance uvi[h tne Lranshe�d Red�v�fv�rrrent ,Master �'l�n, is i�tended fv ensur� ao'equate Irgh�, ar"r, ape�r space and o�her amer�ities ap�rv�rr'a�e �r� the perm�tfed typ�s c�f �r�ifdrngs ar+d uses and fc� marntain the de�rrable qualitr'�s v� the f7isirict by �stablishi,�g ap�prapriare srfe de�e�apmen� s�andards. Thrs Drstrict rs me�nfi �c� encoUrag� and provide rncenfiv�s frr redevelopmenf r'r+ �ccr�rdance wi�h fhe L.r"onsh�ad Redev�lopmer�t Mas�er Plarr. Thrs Z'on� Disfr�ct was specifr`calfy c�ev�lc�ped�o provid� rncentrves far pr�p�r�r�s tc� red�velop. Th� ultimate gc�al of the�e inc�ntrves r`s to create arr �canom�cally vrbrarrf fodging, hausi,�g, �nd commercial core area. Th� ir�cen�iu�s in thrs Zane Qrsfricf r`nclude increases in �llawab�e gross r�srdenfia! floor area, fiur'fding hea�rht, and derrstry o�er the previously establr's�hed zQrrir�g in th� Liar��h�ad F1ea!�velr�pment Ma�ter Plan study are�. The primary goa!of the incenfives is to crea�e ecc�namic conditions fava�rable �o inducing private r�deuelapment cansist�rrf witJ'�r fhe Lior�shead Red�v�fcrprrxent Nlaster Plarr. Addrtiranal�y, fhe irrcen�rves are erea�ed t� h�l,p finarrce public off si�e impr�+vements �djac�n� to redeWelc�pmer�t projec�s. INr�h �r�y deveJ�pmer�G'redeve�opment pr�pvs�! t�kfrrg advar�fa�e af #t�e inc�rrtives cre�ted herern, the fQllo+�irag amerrr'ties will fie evaf�at�d: sfreetscape �rnpravem�nt�, pedestrranlbicycle access, ,oublrc plaza red��elopment, pu�lic ari, roao'way improvemerrts, ar�d simil�r improve�rrer�ts, Sta�f ��lieves #�at the propos�ci seasorr �tructure i� consist�nt with the purpose of the Ls�nshe�ad M�xed Use I zone district. T�e Marriott is alsa gc�verrred by the deWelopmertt objectives as stated ir� the �iansh�ad R�develvpment Master Plar�. bf the six Poli�y C►bje�tives outlined in the Li�ns�ead �edevek��m�nt fVla�ter Plan, sta�f has identi#ied the f�llc�wing nbjectives as applicable to tt�is �rc�posar: �.3.� Renewa!and F�ed�evelr�pmen[ Lra�rshead can and shauld be rene�rer�' and redeve�apmenf f� bece�me a warmer, mare vibrarrt er�vrrorrmerti fc�r guests and r�side��s_ Lr'vnsh�ad n��ds a+� appeafrng and cc�herent r`dentr'ty, a ser�se vf p1ac�, a persvnalriy, a Aurpose, and an imprQVea' aesfhetrc character. 2,3.2 Vifalitv�ar�d.4rrreni�ies We rnust se�ze the c�ppartunity tv �nhar�ce �r�rest experience and cammu,nity ir�ter�ctr'on thr�ugl� expanded and addlri�naJ activities and arra�ni�res sucfa as J7��t7fl7]lRc7 arts v�r�ues, co,�ferenc� facllities, ice rinks, ��ree�scape, parks artd o�her recreairanal imprr�vemen�s. T�e LiQnshead Re�tevelopmen# Master Pl�n s�a��'tfically identifies ft�� tenni� courts as an infiVl appQrtunity: 3 � � There are s�veral terrnr`s cc�ur�s vn fh� sr�uth sJde of �he Marrfv#f. This area presen[s and c�pRortuniiy for lcrw-rise infily develop,r�ent t�rat ��ses th� vis�a! artd physicai �ransrfxon fram fhe �xrstfng structr�re ta the Cr�re �reek recreatiorr path. Staff b�liev�s that beca�rse the use is s�asonal, there will be no effects c�n fu��re devel+�pment pote��ial t�t the tennis court site. Therefar�, staff beli�v�� that #he propr�sal i� cQnsistent with the L.ionshead Redeve(opmer�t Mast�er P�an, In addition, staf� has i�ler�ti#i�d ihe foii�wi�g gaals aa�d abjectives �ram the 'Town o�Vail Land lJse Pl�n, which staff b�lieves a�p�y to this propasal: ,�.4 The cammurrrfy shQr�Jd imprave surnmer recrea�iorr�! arrd cultura!oppvr�unities [a errcvurage summ�r tQC�rism. 3.� �nrerra�nmenr orrented ,�usiness and cultur�! actrvi�ies should b� err�vuraged In the ��re�reas tn crea[e div�rsity. M�r� rrighftime busin�sses, on-goir�g events a,�d sanctfoned"str�e[ha,pper�ings"shouJd b� ertcnurage�: Staff believes t'�at b�cause the cor�ditional use �ermit would allvw additionaf activities to acc�ar at the Marriatt, including sp�cia! eve�ts� and pu�lic and �ri�rate ever�ts, the prnpc�saF is con�ist�nt with t�e Town of Vail LancJ 1.Jse Plan. 2. The �ffec� c�f �h� use vn ligh� ar�d arr, dtstrrbcrfran of populafivrr, fr�nsp�rtatian facrlr'�res, r��ilitres, sc�rvr�ls, parks and recreatrran facilitres, and c�ther publrc faelfitie� needs. ��aff believes that the �ropc�see� us� will ha�e neg6agi�Ee �ffects �n the abc�ve-menti�n�d crit�ri�. �. Eff�ct upc�n fraflic wr'th parti�ular referenc� �r�ca,�gesfion, au�omari�e and pedes�ri�n safety arrd cor�veni�nce, traffic flo�w and c�rrrtrnf, access, maneuverabiJrty, and rem�avad of snaw frvm the sfreet ar�d parkr'ng areas. Staff believ�s that the prflposed use +�sll have r�egligwble effects an t1�e abvve-men#ic�ned criteria. 4. �ffe�t upor� fhe characP�r crf the area i,n �vhrch th� prvposed �rse r's fc� be lQCated, rnctudrng the scale and bulk af the prvpe�sed use ir� relatian t�a surroundrrrg uses. As a s�easrsnal structure, tt�e prQpc�sed tent is raot subject t+� bulk and mass stand�xds �af the Licrn�h�ad Mixe�i Us� '� zane district. Because it is te�p�rary irt n�tur� (oniy ��e su�nmer months) sta�f t�e[ieves that th�re will t�s no e#fect on #f�e charact�r �f the neighborhaod. �. FINDINGS The Planning and �nvir�nmental Cc�rnmi�sian shall �aa'�e t�e �ol[owing findings '�ef�re granting a�andiki:anal us� permit: 4 � � . �, That the prap�sed loc�tian 4f the use is in ac�ordance with the purposes af #he conditivna! �se permit sectic�n c�f the zaning code and the purp�ses c�f the district in which the ��te is located. �. That the grapvsec� locaticsn vf the use and the cvnd'otic�ns urrder rrvhich it wa�ld be c�per�ted c�r mainta:ined wc�uld not �e detrimenta� to tf�e putalic health, safety, or w�f#�re �r mat�riaqy iRjurious tc� properties flr imprav�ments in the rr��cir�ity. 3. �"k�at th�e prQposetf use wouid cam�ly �+ith eacF� vf the applic�ble pra�visions �f tf�e car�ditional us� {�ermit section of the zani�g cade. 5 � � , , � �'. .ane Galden agre with Jo�rn. ,,,, � Diek I�v�land ag�re�d i�h his f�lfow Cam issi�ners and st d sma!! lats wer �n chara�t�r with the ne hbnrho�vd. Dic�C r que�ted a cor�d�ti that tt�e extst��g urface parkir�g era nachment be eemave frc�m the �igl�t-of y. Chas B�mh rd# st�ted he sup rl�d #he reque�t. Galer� Aasla�c� ated #he pre+rious isun�ierstanding vr�stituted a harr! ip for the applica anc� that the v�riance �s warranted. �a n requested addi nal rewiew frvm t e Tawr� Attom�y, iven � e issue af fpr�elo re on t�e ,�ro�ert Pat a�p�inais spoke out the parkir►g i ue. Pat stated fh arkir�g was no ! g�r�e�ded sinc the � e busin�ss �,ras fonger in aperati .�'ohn ��h f�eld mov�d to gr t both requests, i cce�rdance ►nrith t e staff inemo fn �s and cvndi#ior�, -th the addit�ons th t the Tcawn Attvr� apprQVe the plat rior to ffing, ar�s� at the ,�arkiRg ir� th �ght��f-way be re nv�d or brought i a cvde comp[4anc prior ta canstrue n of a new building. �tas Bemhar�t s ond�d tt�e mo#ian. � Th atian ea�ried 6- 6. request for a cc� itional use permi , �o allaw for the co s�lidativr� c�f� un ►,vit�ir� #he CC2 Z e C7istrict, laGate at 126 Willovw Bri � RoadlLot K, BI �t 5E, Vail l�illage g' Filing. App#i r�t: H�r�ry An ony ittlesor�, repr ented by K.H. W b Ar�h�tects. Plann� . Alf�so� C�ch �lis�n Ochs brief�e the PEC on the li�ati�n, th�e crite �a ar�d �Sndings fa conditiar�a� �se rmit a the staff r�com nciati�n. Kyle ebb spoke �n be I€vf th� owners. e stated the �nits ad n�aer been re ted in the past. There wa no public comm� . Dick Clevelan stated h� agree ith the staf� me Ghas ��rnhart�t o agr�ed. C3o g Cahill st�ted h greed wit�r the st ff memo, J�ahn hc�fiel�€ had �o c rnents. �iane Gol n stat�ed the app' afior� brs�ught the rv}ect closer into ornplianc�. �afen Aaslan sta�ed he �ho�gh �t could be bad for h� tawn. oug Ca�rill r�nove �o grar�t approva f the request, in ��rdanee with #h staff mer�na. �Ch B�rnh�ardt s�co ed. The m ian carned 6-D, 7. A requ�st f�r a can�i3tiana! us� permit, ;o allc�w for a seasanal strvcture within the Lians��ad Mix�d Use 1 Zone Distric�, lacated at 715 West Lionshead CirclelLots 4 � T, �ivck 1, Vail Lic�nsh�ead 3`d �iling arrd Lats C � �, �Ilorcu� Subdi�isiort. Attachm+�nt: I [ � � � . r Applicanf: Vai! Marriatt . Planner. Allistsn C.7chs � A�iison C�chs gave �n crv�rview Qf the staf€memo, including #t�e criteria �nd �ndings ass�ciated with candi#iona! use permits. Ma�t V�nsant, #he Ofrect�r�f 5ales and Marketing fc�r the Marriatt, made �imself a�ai6abie for aue5t;ar�s. - Qick C�ev�l��rd sta#�d t��t he was in agreement with the staf# mem�randum. He raised a concem regarding existing site conditions. He �#atcd fi�at the candi#ioraal use perrni# s3�auld be rer�ewed anrruafiy ta ens��e that�h� s�te is maintair�ed. Chas �3emhardf agreed wi#f� the camments mad�e �y Qi�k. Chas m�r�tir�ned sec#ivr�s �f f�nee ta th� east of the exrsting cc�nstruction site and no3ed t�a3 there is a safety hazard. doug Cahill s#ated that he was cQa�cemed witF� th� �quality ar�d appearance of the tent and tnat the quality of#he Qv@rall produ�t shfluld be impr�ved in the fiuture. Matt 1lansat�t stated th�f tF�e Mamott has future.pl�ns to creats a highe�quafity pr€�du�t. John Schofi�e€d sf�ted fhat t�he site is�u�s would have tc� i�e addressed prior to renev,ral ❑f ihe canditionai �rse perm�t. Galen Aasiand stated that he was in agreement wi4h the other C�rnmission�rs and that a cc�nditivr�a� use perr�if, whic}� wvuld hav� to b� renewed annualfy, was appr�priate. H� �uggested th�t r nce eor�structiQ�n is carripleted at the Marrir�tt, thai fhe transpar�ncy fact�sr assaciat�t� wiih otner sites in Liar�shead be appEi�d to this site, ,]a�rn 5chvfefd made � motion for approval, i� accordanc� wit� #h� stafF memo, with #he canditian that equipme�t be screened at ai6 times, that the cu� he vaisd for one year, and �h�t appro�riate fa€�dscape s�c�eening be appl�ed. Ti�� motir�n was sec�nded hy Dc�ug �aF�all, Chas Bemt�ar�t asked rf the mo#ian cauld be am�r�de� f�a include repair�f ihe con�tn.�ctio� f�r�ces. Dick �G4eveEand asiced ihat the ap�ficaiian �or a Gond�tiorzal use permit be sup�lied prior to t�re tenf bei�g erected ir� the future_ G�len Aasland asked if#he�re w�s any furth�r cr�mrr�ent. There �nras n�r fu�her comrr��nt. Yh� matian carried 6-C7. 8. A request a va�iarrce fram S tion 12-6D-9 (Site o�erage), 1Jaia Ta Code, to allow€�r the cans#ructi c�f an additinn ta singfe-family resid ce, located a� '[11 Harnsilver�Circle ! Lot 8, Block '[, ail Village 8th Fidin plieant: Cara ollins, rep�r�s�nte y Arris 1Nest Arch ets, PC F� ner: 6fll Gib r� 8ill Gi�aso�t �a an overuiew c�€th #aff m�►�to, st�tir� hat the staff r�cv �errttatian was for denial. 5 . � � Pl�nn'rng and �nvirvnmental Commission �����'. � AC�IC)�I FOhRM' . ;� . ��.. � �(}T,{�',�� {� �3�,/ Department nf Cammunity�3evelopment V VYEV �1f ����� 75 Souih Frontage Road, Vail, Colvr�dca 8i657 tel:97�,479.2139 f�x: 97U,479.245� web.www.ci.y�il.co.us Proj��t Narne: Ma�-riat CUP i�EC Number: PEC01403fi Prnject QescriptioR: Tempar�ry tent Participar�#s� QWNE� FfMC AC�QUISITI�JN PRflPERT�E� IQ5/14J2�Q1 Phane: °!o MARFi�OTT INT�RfVATI��JAL C}N� MARF:::ICrT"f DR l7EPT 938.a3� WASHINGTON QC 20Q58 �iCense. � APPLiG4NT HMC ACQUISITIGN PRQP�RT��S IQ5J14�2i301 Fhvne. 476-44�4 °/a MAf�ftI�}TT INTERNATIL7NAL C7ME MARRIOTT C�R QEPT 938,fl1 WASHINGTt]N �C Z�1458 LiCense�: Proj�ck Addres�; Lac�a#io�n: lega� Des,cription: Lvt: Block; Subdivision: MA�:K �.ES�R7&T�CVNIS CL�1 Parcel Number� 21��.07,�12U�3 Cornment�: MLJST EE �tENE1NEQ Y�ARLY BUAR�JSTAFF AC'fxbF� Matian 8y: Jc�hn Scho�Field Action: APPRt�V�'� 5econd By: �oug Cahiil V�te: 6-4 �ate af Apprn�al: C16,1�5/20U1 Canditiar�s: �Cond: $ (PLAI�): h��ch�nges t�these plans rnay he made withflut the wr�kk�n ccrrasen�af Towr� of Vail staff and/or the apprvpriate rer�iew�ommittee(s}, {:ond: CON�(}04819 A�i equipment must be screened Cand: CONflOi}4824 The Cl]P is valid fcsr X year and must be renewe�i annually Planner; Alfisan C]chs PEC F� �Pai�t: $�Qfl.O{} ,Att�cY�r�ent; J . * � � �����.�1. APpticativn fvr R�view by the t�� � � �;� P[ann�n�g and EnVirvnmental Commis�ion �V Y►'!!� V� �','���' Qe�rtrtient taf G�rr7munity �eve#apment 75 South Frantage �taad,Vail, �s�fc�radta $I657 t�el: 97a.�79.�139 fax: 97[}.479.24�� W��: YVW'W.C3.V�I�.CfJ.11S Genera! Fnforrrratifln: Alf pr�3e�#5 requ�r�ng Pi�nning and �raviron�raertta� �ommissian revi�tv r�ust rQCeive dpprt���l prit�r �o Submitiing a building permit appfication. Pde�se reFer ta the su�m�ttaf requirements for the particular approval that i5 requested. An appl#�atic�r� fo[r Planr�ing and E�vironrnerttal Commisslon r�vi�w Cc'�nnpt b� ac�:epte� uritil �li re�uired inf�rr�ation is receivecf hy the Community D�ve�c�pmer�t L��partrr�ent. The proj�ct rr�ay aists ne�d L� be reviewed by the Town Caun�il�ndiar the DeSign Review Board. Type s�f ApplicatiQ�and Fee: D Rezoning ��34{� �Conditional iJse Pprmit $�65D ❑ M�jor 5ubdivision $15U[� f� Fiaodpla�n Nlc3e�ifcation $4Q0 � Nli�or Subdivisia�� $65Q ❑ Min�r Exterior Alteratior� �654 CI Exemptio�r FI�C ��5� C7 Major��eriar AiC�ratiAn �8�10 0 Minor Amer�dment to an SD�} $1�1{]0 ❑ Qevelopmer�t Plan $15D�D C7 New Sp�c�al f�ve�n{�ment l]istrict $bfl�� Q Amendment tn a L�velc��a�nent Pfan $250 � NEajor Am�ndme�t ta an SQD �60D� 0 Zpnan}Ct�de Amet�dment $130C1 D N�ajor Amendment to a�S�E7 �125[� � Varbance �50p (no�xterior modifc�?lians,l � Sit�n Varia�tre $20C1 Descr�p#ion �di the Reqr�esx: ., W � . � .� ��,���z�s�. ta�. �"+,� �-, � � � i� r �.ocation of fih�Pr�posal: Lc�t; ��'� B1ock: Subdsvisior�: , � �� �[ ' ` ; i'�, Phy�ica!a+ddress: �1 s �I �.f t��.1�-�� �'_�,���_,� . ��4 r� , C`_b �'!Io 5 '? � ,�(D��^�,�C.l,'�. �L<�,�ikfrSTC7�rJ Parcef �la.. r.������i�� �.. (Cc��tac� Eag��e�o. Assessar at 970-��8-854p for p�rc�l na.) Zc�rti�tc�: �:��L.��� � Ma�e(s) �f Dwner(s}; �,�'L M�►2�c��7T .MG�,�rsk�.] �'���r�"�'" -�y�1�'f� Mailing Address: �'�':� '��1, LI�roJ���t-f� C_���'_l�,� 1,�!'`11-iL �c� � ;�Il� _ Ph�ne, __���� - -�''�� - �x��? �wner�s} Signature(s}: Mame of Applicar�t: �'��/,��.'.�1� ����,-�s�c c�����r� -r I�""�'��j.�l�- h+�aifing Address: �I_� '1r11! �'�'b�� � � +C�`_� _ ilr.��-ic� L� �Il�S�i Phn�e: `�7c� — �'�'1— (v`�-v'1� E-rnail Address; t"����+'l,.,�.��!Q��l�r r�'".!'�Fax__ �!'I�L� - �+'` 7�1 - ["a`1�l�v _ _ Far dffice Use Qnly: �—� Fee Paid:�p Check No :��..���` By: c�. �. y � Application�ate: PEC Na.. ' Pfanner: Praject No.: . "`� � _ , -a - "`� �a�� r a�s-�r;��s,��? c,� � � , ° � � ae ��Y _ .n�-.� •�� '��� ]OINT PR�PERTY�DWNEit ��T ;�� �} -. t1� I�'11� V� �`i���' IMRITTEN A�PPRVVAL LETTER I, (Prir�t name} ��",',tJ_�� , a jtaint c�wner of p�op�erty facated at(ad�r�ssl�egaC des�riptia�n} �,1�4�� �1►�,�••2_��:7i�" �'1�Cth1�`;+�.+J k'�513►�.�''-�r..S}� �1�" �' �.LsG,�+�.��,�r���,C , prav9de this letter as w�itten appr�va� of the plans date���f,�� which have been '� I submitted ta the Town v�V�il �ommun�ty Develc�pment Depar'tm�n�fQr the pr�pos�d imprvvernenCs�o be completed at the address nated abave. I understand that the prcapo5ed impravements incl�de: � .� -.�S,�c�,z-- I furt�er understand that minor madificat�ans rnay be made to the plans over the course of the rewiew prcacess to er�sure compl�ance with the Tawn's a�pli�ble c�e�and regu�atians. �s���,�z�,r�� c����a �� �� #'a�e 2 c�f5-o{��8�U? ��.� '� � �� � � ,r t ' -- � ��r�� -- �� � � � �;, �!.����� � �`-'`'�j '�;��} � "4 i ;� - � I. , �� {,�H � ��j., ° Z � ��_ __'t �-- � � � (" � ) � o � J � -.� � b 1 �J f�qi�.q�p �� � � � I� ` - •- -- � � r'� � ��+' �8k1rQ � �� �� �• -. - �` b �-� —� /���° f L1 � �/ C E �'� _- _ tn �.�. ��� , �- –`�" --- -_ -�� - - - � �� � �� , �� f _- � � , � L� -�— � ' _ ,r � ���a�£ -�� _� � y � � � .�� f ��]�' ,.. .,.,�....,� �_r� ��`���Gl�['�ITe� ���E{�..�7 , ��, . ~�_ � %,�_ � = 3. �. 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' �� �_ � �� /� -, ^ ��tt�'�� � r�,. / ' , �, �'`' i I � . .�' `` r . � � � i',, � UA�L �,,,E�.�C���, '� _' P,+tOuNTArhI RESQRT�5PA Il"vTEROFFTCE MEMQ ❑ate: nug�sc t,24�02 1'0: George�€�t�er(479-2145) Cvmmt�r�Ety Deuelagrnent Frorn: N�att Vinsand Directvr af Sates c^�Mazketin� Subj�ct: Emergency Tent Needed Septernber 4-25,2UO2 Copies: Dave Pease.Gtnerxl M�neg�;r; J�c�Hun��, Vazl l�esorts At t�ur weekly�vns�ructi�n tnccking on W�dncsdsy,Ju[y 3�,2fJq�,we tive�e infonned by Hyder Cnnstructinn �vmpany that f�hase t woulr�nc�t be abie tn bc conipleted uniess wve c[osed the Cfllar�da E3allrar�m (located with-in Buildin� 1)from Au�ust�4 thraug4� I7cccna�cr{�,�(l0?. This will�avc il�c Vail M�trrivtt Mai�ntain Resc�rt&Spa with three optir�ns: 1, We wou�c�kcep the grnups,arrd be unahPe tc�Cnrnpiete the Phase E �iuilding ?. F��lcacat4 tf���rt�t�ps c�i�tsi�ie oP Vail,�s the V�il Hatels are boc�ked up. 3. Ereef a tcnt{in thc s�r��c ��catron�we have in�rr�vi�us years}fvr the dates of S+��tember 3—27,tv keep tl�c Graups in V�i€. 7Ttxis cffe:uts twt�lar�e�;rat:ps in particzillr: Col+�r��l�Parks�c.R�;crc.atio:i(4UfJ�pl}�I D0,(��lf}Rc,orr�s&Catering Revenve C�lor��ic�He�ltli� Haspital(�f1Op�ij�f��,�l[l[1 Ronms&.c;aterm���Revenue Ereciin�a tent wa�ilc�a��omplish tl7e€nliowing: 1. Carr�pl�te t}�e ca�istructiern+nn the Phase 1 huilding. 2, E���t�le tlie Marriott ta keep it's space en�nmirinent ia our Septen�ber Groups. 3. Keep v�lualsle reveiYUes and ta�c dnllars in Vasl, i�tstead+nf them relacatin�ta other cities. E waulc�ap�rr�ciate any help in securing an eniergency�aern�it te erect ast apprmxirnate Ei,�CiD sc�uar�fuat ten[t�n the soutli side of the f1+larr`sntt nn ihe tennis cau�t. �SamQ lac�tinn as previgus years}. "I"itanks fnr your consideration. M�tt Vins�nd Directcar�f Sales&Masketin� Vail 11�arrivit d�vuntain Resrarl&5pa 97�7-479-6�?9(7(pli�ne) 97p-�31-350�(rr�gbile) � � �.rj,' .� ���. �, , VR�L�[�r�����, n.�ouN-r,���v ��sc��zr�s�a IP�'TERQFFICE ME�'I:U Datc: Au�ust ],2�42 Tv; Comar�unity f7e�elcs�ment i�rt+m: M�tt Vinsand 17ireccnr of Marketing Sui�ject: �'em}�arary Tent 5tructure C'n�ies: A Writter� ,5����IT1CIlL�{�C�i'�S51f�g tFl� f[l��C}Wltl�: �. A fi,[}i�(� squa.re f€��t t�;nt ta l�� nsed froa�� Septenl�er 3 —25, 2€]02. The Tent wi11 hold meetings and k�ariqu�t�. i�. Will pr�vide rewenue far I-Intel, and Eaa revenue for t€�wn. c. Nr� n�gative effect on aa�y af t]�e listed facilities. ci. N[� ef�e�:t upar� traffic[a!i are guests En thc: t�otcl). e. Wiil cE�ver an unus�d t��it�is court area. Au�O�-0� a0:43a� fr�-YAI� W1RR60TT S►ILES gT04��69�6 � T-81Q P,Q�210�2 F-��3 � VA.ri.SF,+��NnC�MII�I'IUA�[A�St�IAT1aN �Oi-IN ENGLEMAN A'I'T'1�:HOl►�f)W1�tF.ItS ASSUCx�°TTf]N S�PHEt�i HATHt]RN ATITI:HOME OV�NERS,+�►SSC]CIATTDN 7!a WEST 1�ION�I�AD CiACL£ 54 t ELY RQA1'7 VA.II..,CC?81657 ELY,YT USp�45 ° L4�I�FSHEA'�]DVN LLC ANTLERS+CC1N!]t�MiN1U21+F ASSC�CIATICDN f��"t'�T:�#C»ME C�WNIItS ASSOGIe4TiQN A�TN:H{liV1E�WNER�AS�C7GIA�'I+C7N 616�t Li(]�5H6AD CERG1� fi84 VM'�5T LICITFS�IEAI�CTRCI.E SU1T�3�}2 vAII.,CO 81fr57 VAIL,C(3 81657 T�I�AA 71�UMF'(�itD LNI�+i�'i TRUSS'�" �fil�tnN AT"VAII.INC A"ITN:HC)M£QWNERS�1S8C7CIATIQl� ' ATI"N:HOME C?W1�iER5 ASSOCIATdC►rI 673��]R�S'�R{}AD �1 N K[]5'CN�R AVEN[JE VAIL.CC7 81�57 SFCOKIE,T[.[5t1U76 Fr1RS()I+15 E1�13NLLY I.RLLC VAIY.�C)A�1tATION �A`I':�"N:H{3ME C7WN�tS AS�C3ATlDh1 A�'�'N:H()ME 4WNF�,S ASS�CU#TIL3N P.O.BC7�497 P.�Q.Bbx 7 E�W�lRI7;,Cd 8143� VAI�.,�O 81658 LYON UMVERSAL COR�RATit�N ADl�M�c i�IAN��HA�IRO q'j`�'rT-HQME flW'NERS ASSaC.IATiaN A�TFN:1�lC}M£Qo�VN�.RS ASSQC�iATtON CIC1 ARMSTROI+�G Id�YQSAD&J�SSt)C 4975 E PRESERVE P.C�.BQX 591U GREENW[7t3D VII.LAG�.CC3 8D12� AVC1N,CA$lb�U �rrr.t!��t�LI(�NSEiGAII�LLC A'I T N:HC1i1�E CSWI+iEAS AS.S�CIA,TY�7N 1�77'0 Ni��IT I)RNE SiJTI�4�3� L�A,I.LAS,TK 7S751 `f`EXA'�T�LEViSIG1N I�3C AT�'I+I:HDM�f3WNERS ASSClCIATIL7N P.ti,S�X 1 b2'�U Nous'rc�t�,z�c�r,z�2 ROGEIt&.SALLY CAL7C�L ATi'N:H�OME OWIVER a A5�4CUlTti�N �BSfi�R�GRESS CCftCL� (�iR�NWCI�L�VILT.A�E,Ct?8�11 i C01..iv1�►It L.I.G �TT1'�-HOME(?�ASSC3C�ATIDN �S� FtDWLERR+QAD F�It f-iII.i.S,N,!07931 JER�RU&70AN MAHER �►TT'N:H(�?+�4WNERS ASSC)+CIA,'I'IUh� 25� F�W'L.6RRQA� FAA�i5,NS 07431 � � • . . . � � � To: War�en Campbelf From: Chip�elson n�; si��r�oa� Re: Marriatt Tent Enclosed�re a photo of the praposed tent in a 60'x120"size, dimensEan ehart, and s�te plan, �ur proposed t�nt will k3e a 6{}'x9a'sturcture, The tent wiil be afl white in calor and include a�cavered m�rquis walkway ta the south �ntran�e ta Phase II by#he Grand Ballroom. This arrangement is identical tv th�seasanal tents w� have dane in�reviaus years. Pl�ase P�t tme know i#you need any other dvcumentaticrn. •Page� , MUU(V iA11�i R€SQRT&5i'A 715 WesE LianS �irc�IN � , • Uail,Cu!'c�rac���,1�,5i MILL�I�.S LIQ�ISI-��A�D LL.0 � AT�: H�ME�OWNERS ASSdC�ATI�C3N 1277Q iV1ER1"F�RI'VE SUITE��}0 QA�,�.a�s.�rx�s�s i 715 Wes#Liunshe�d�irele Vail, C'oie�rado H1 F,Si A�.7AM&I�IANGY SHAPIiAaC3 ATI'N: [�QIvIE C�W�+J�1�5 A�5C7CIATI�N 4975 E�'��S�RV� �r1tE�NW�f]D ViLLAGE,C4 8012A 715 West L'sc�r�sh�ad�ia�le V�il, Colc�rado fl16�7 PARSONS FAMIE.Y LL+C AT�TI: E-t�C��.C7WNE�tS ASS�GIA'�°tON P.C�.F3C�X 497 EDWARDS,Ct�$1632 � � �PUM�S'E�A u,J.�v.�71,��.i�l+�' VA��������t. � C�3 f 8t]4�OG� �- hitIUPJTAIN RE aOItT�SPA 71; YVest Licroshead C:ircle V�il,Crslc�rada 81657 TH�A J AUMFE]!2D C.iVING TRUS`T A.TTi�; H�N[�'C]WN�RS AS��?CIA7T4hI �75 �'{7RE5T ROAD VAtL,C�81t557 . . ,�`u■ ■ �V! IR M[JI�JVTA �ESQFt7� � • � 715 West LE�an5li�ac!Circle � Vail,C`o�prado 81 Es57 VAIL SP�4 CDNbdNtIF+lfUM ASSQCIATiOdV A7`f'N: HOM�(JWNERS ASSDCIATTC3N 74Q WEST LI4�NSHEA.D GIRCLE VAIL,CQ�1657 .. . .. _ � 7]5 W�st Lic�nshead Cir�le Vail,Coloracl�L�1 h57 �NTLERS C+�NDaMI1+dIt1M ASSaCIATTf3N ATITf: HC]ME�44'hTERS ASS(]GIAT�t�Isf �i�41 WEST LI{JNSH�AC�CI�CLE VAIL,C+Q 81657 '~ MQUNTA�N RESiJRT&.�',PA 715 West L'sunsl�eac��ireie Vaif,Culoradv$1 Fi�7 T.Y�TV UNI�'ERSAL�tJttA"GRATIt7I+1 AT°I'N: d-iiDiNE.OV+�E��ASSQCIAfiIQN C/�ARMS`fFZC3N.�-i 1'�TO"VC�SA�&ASS�� A.d. �3�X 591� AV�tV,CO 8 i+�20 . �'�'��fflUl i. � ���� R�&Si'A � . 73 5 West Lis�nsh�ari Cirt.l� Vail,Ct�1a�r�dU 81657 J�dtARfl&J�3A�^w1 MAH�R ATTN: HOM�(}WNERS A5SC7GIATI(]N 25l F{7WLER R(]AL FAR HCLL,S,NI(}?93 i . ,� •,� M�[]UiVTAl�+6 � R�]R7&5P1� 715 VW�est Li4nsh�ad Circle Vail,Cafor�dc�81657 �C}LMl�li LLC AT"T"E�I:�f�ME t"�WNERS�4S50ClATIQfiI 25l FOW�.�R RC�AD - � FAR�IiLi�S,NJ{i7931 7 4 5 West Lic���shea�i Cirt4e V�il,Cvlc�r�t[�t�83f�57 It(}GER&SALLY CAb�L AT�I:HQME OWNEF�S ASS4CL4TtC}N 985Q �'ROGRESS CIRCLE GREENW(JC3D VILLr��E,C4 8(}11 i � � �t C Q/{$064"ti+u•1""r,,�,r v�...-._,.. y, v��,l���i'�0�1�. �o����� RESCIRT&5PA 715 West LiesnsFe�ac�C:krcle Vail,C�9�ra[3�$i 657 TE7CAS'T`ELEVISION INC ATTT�: E�ia�E OWfid�RS AS�OCFATI+3I+! P.C7. �3C�X 1 b290 Ht7UST�N,7X 7?222 w����arr��� �_�������� �����s� RES(lRT&SPA 715 West Lic+�sh��t�C'irc�e Vail,Ct�iora�4ca RI Er5? Ll(?i*ISHEAD Ih�i LLC ATT�: �°�+C�ME OWNERS ASi+(�C1A"['iON b I b N LIC7NSHEAD CLRCL� SUiTE 30? V�IIL,�Cj 8 l GS? � -,.r.���-� ��� �. M�1JF�ETr'�1 ftil RE'SC?RT&SPA 71 y West L�Ur�shead Circie V�il,Cc�Ic�radU�1 ba7 VAI�,CdRPflItATiClN AT"fN: HOME C?WNERS AS�50CIA`I'lQ�i P.�. BC]�C 7 VATL,C[}81658 � _'. MOURffAfhJ RE5�ii7 c�c SFA 715 VWest Lipnsh�dd Cirele Vail�Cral�rac�c��,1657 ENZ�4N AT VAfI. �NC ��:�o�s��wtrr��assoc�.a�rotv 772� N KCISTMER AVENUE SI�{7k1E, II,d007�6 r�w,�.v�v Fnu� 1�SOR1°+ac Si'A 715 lllf�st Livn�he�d Cirele 'y�il,Coloradc�81�57 JOHN EiVCiL�I�+IAIV STE�'H�N HATHC)RN ATTI�i: HC?ME C�WNERS AS�C}CIATIt�;*D 54 C ELY RC�AD ELY,VT Q5�145 ' � � � 1TEh+'[ MAY AFF�CT YQUI� PRC+PE�Y ' Pu��ic r�c��ic� NOTICE �S HEREBY �GIVEN it�at the P�anning and Err�riranmental Gc�mmissiar� af the Town of Vai�will haic� a publrc hearing in accordance with Section 1�-3-6 of the Muni�ipa4 Code af th� To^wrt a#Va3f �n August x�, 2�02, a#2:�Q P.M. in it�e Town of lfail Municipal Building. In car�sideration o�: A request fc�r � recvmmendation to the'�r'ail Touvn Counci�far an ameradmen#to t�e Town of Vail Stree#scape Master Plan, to allow for modifica#ions t�the propased streetscape plan and tc� pr�pvs� improvemen#s, located at Meadaw �rive fram Dc�bson lc�Ar�na tt� Wiflvw Bridge Rc�ad. Appficant: Tawn �f Vail, represent�;d by dtak, Inc. Planner: Bil! �ib�an A request for a majc�r amendrr�ent to an approvecf deuelapm�ent plart, i�t accardar�ce with Sectic�� �2-8D-6 �r#th+e V�il Tc�w� C�d�, tv allc�w for irnprvv�me�ts to tl�e Golden Pea�c Ski 8ase, I�ocated at�58 Vail Valley [�rivelTract F,V�"rl Vi�lage 5t" Fi#ing and 498 Vail VaHey Drivel7�act 8, Vail 1Jilfage 7�' Fiiing. AppCicant: lA�ail Resvrts, Inc. Planner: Bili Gibsan A request for� cQnditiana! use permit and an arr�endra�errt tc� the approvec3 d�velapment pfan, to allaw€or� temporary ,private edt�c�tian�l instiiurior�, [acate� at t�e Lions�ead RV Lot, 39� �. �ro�t�ge RoadlLnt 1, 86ock �, Vail Lionshead 1S' Filin9- fi�pplicant: Children's Garden o� Learning Planner: ,�Ilison Uchs A requ�s�for an interp�etatic�n of the maximum h�ight and calculativn �f average m�ximum h�ight requirernents in the Liorrshea�l R�development Master Plan. Applic�nt: Town af Vail Community Develvpment D�partment P9�nner: Allispr� C3chs A rer�uest for a cand�tianai use permit, to allc�w fo�-a temparary se�s�r�al �tructure at the Vai1 Mauntain Marriott ResQrt, loc�ted a# 715 We�t L.ionshead CirclelLots 4 & 7, �lnck 1, Vaif Lic+nshead 3`d Filing ar�d L.vts �C & CJ, M�r�us SuhdiUisiQn. :,�� �� Applicar�t: Vai! Ma�ri4tt Mvuntain Reso� Planner: Gearge Ru�her A request for a recamrme�dati�n t�the Vail Towr� Council for an am�ndment to t�e Town af Vaii Land Use Plan and #h�Vail Villag� M�ster Plan, ta facilitate the construct�an a'�"Vail°s �rant Doo�" p�c3j��t�Fld ��S�Ciated irnpfavern�nts, lc�cated c�n an ur�plat#ed par�el, gerserally Icacated s�t�th of the Lc�dge Tower and west�f the Vista Bahn Ski Yard. Applicant: Vail Resvrts �e^velvprnent Company � Plar�s�e�: George Ruther i4 �����l1� � .,-// �j �;J v 'r i i,.��rr.f��� ���'� �_� �,��' � � ���� r�� f'f� � The applic�tic�r�s and ir�form'd�Tan abaut th�: prvpasals are available fa�"p�blic inspectian during , regu�ar affice ho�urs m the proa�ct ��anner's affice, laca#ed at th� Town of V�il Gor�munity Development C�e�a�tment, 75 5auth Frontage Ro�d. The public is invited to attend pr�jeci or�entatiora and the site v�sits that precede tf�e public he�ring in th� Tawn af Vail Com€r�ur�ity aevelopment Clepar�men#. Please call 479-2138 for inform�tr�n_ Sign la�guage in#erpretation available upQn request with 24-h���'notificatican. PIe��� call 479- �356, Tel�phvne €or the Heari�g �rn�aired, tar infc�rmation. G�mmunity D�velopm�€�t Department PuE�lishec!Aug�st 9„ 2Q0� in the Vail aai�y. � � � ���*+**+���*�*�*#*������*�*�***�**�*«#�**a�**��***�***�*��***��v������*��*��r�r�*�*+��*+�+****** T{7WN CaF VAIL. C'f]Ll7F.AD[� 5tateft�ent ����********�******�*«*t*r*�x�w*�*��*a�«***��*�x****�*���*�*****+���w***t*+*�*�**�+*a�*�*�+��+*�� SG���ment I�tumber: Rp000fl2828 Arnount: $C5d.4� 08,IQ3,120a204:53 PM Paym�nt Meth�d: Check Tnit: JAR �vtation: 5257 William Packl�r Permit No: PFCQ2i�043 `I"ype: FEC - Crnditional Use Parcel No. �141072070�1 Site Address. 715 W LIONSHEAI� CR VAIL Locations r�n tap af tennis cauxts To�.al Fees: $650_l�(} Thzs Payrn�nt. $650.OQ Tata� ALL Pmts: �6�t].40 Balan�e; �Q.00 #*****##*�*##*****#*********##****�k*#�4#d�4*��k***�#**+##�k�k#t*#*****#*+k#i**#M+F*�N�*+k*�M#*#**#*�!# 11,CC:{:)UN'I�I'I�GM I.I�a'T: Ac�ount Caci� C�escript�on Current f'mts PV O(}1t7aflQ311�5[3i1 PEC A�'f'I.IC�TIC�N FEE� b5D.�0 N ,� 'I � I � � � � J i � I ,� !y# I � � �� J� ��-r-�,,��� _ 4 �r � q � � �� r� . �^���► ��'����� � � ��.��� �.r"� � '� � . 1� � � � � ' ^1 � , � �_ . ti�.� �. ri►�.,,,,� � i - � -�`-_..%�w�. �' '�� ���� 1 a1�'� ryr �; ��di�"^' '�V ��� � � ���� � ��� � '� �`J � �,. �. a .. , ��3 � � � t � � I � �.�� �: � � � � Pianning and En�uiron�ental Commissian ►�� ACTIUN Ft��,M � Q�partment of Community C�evelapment �U#'Y l l� V� V 1'��� 7�Svuth Frantag�:Raad, Vail, Colaradc� 81657 Ce1:970.479.213J fax:974A79.2452 wef�: www.ci.rra�l.ca.us Rroject NVame: Marri€�t GU�' P�C�Vur�at�er. PEGCJ1Q03� Praject Descript�on: Temp4r�ry tenfi Participants: 4WNER HMC RCQUISITI{]N PR�P�RTIES I�5/2�#/�DO1 PhOrae: °/o MARF�iC7TT INTERf�,4TI01VAL ON� MARRItIlT Di� DEPI`�3�.fll WASHINGTON DC �0058 Li�er�se: APPLiCAI�T HMC RC(�UISITIDN PR�3PERTIES I05/14J2001 Phvne: 47fi-4444 �/rs �AI�F�I�T�INTERNATI�NRL �7NE MA�RR.��TT DR DEPT 938.Q1 1NASMIf�GTC1N QG 2Q058 L1C£CfS�': Rrojec�A�ddress: Lcrcat�on. Leqal Des+c�iption: Lr�t: Black: SuhNdivisian: MARK R'�SORT&T�hiNIS��U i�arce! Number: 2101Q7�1Z013 Comrnents: MUST 6E RENEWE�YERFdLY E30ARI�j5TAFf ACTI[1N Motion By: �c�hn Schv�Field Action: AFPROVED Second By. Dvug Cahii! yvte: fi-{� Clate nf dppravals Q6JZ5�Z001 C+�ntl�t�ans; Cond: 8 (PLA�}: No changes to these plarrs rnay be made without the vrrri�ten consent c�f T�ruvn of Vail staff a€�d,Jor the appropriat�reView committee[s). (:ond: CaN�3004819 All equipme�k must b� screened ��nd: CONQ{1a482€1 The CU� is va�id for � year and must he renew�d annually Planrter: ANGsor� Ochs PEC �ee Paid. $�Od.O�I � � aesigr� Re�riew �o�ard �� ACTI�N F(]RM ►� f?epartrnent of Comrr�unity Develaprnent ���� �� �f°�,��� 75 South Frontage Ra�d,Va�l, Cc�larada 81�57 tel:970,479,2139 fax, 970.479�2452 wEb: WWW".ci.VBiI.CQ.U5 Praject Name: MaRi4tt Temp. 'tent [�RB Ne�mber: �R6QibiCsS p�ject Qesc�ip#ian: Temparary tent Parti�ipants: {]1NNER MMC ACQ�fISTTIDN PR(7PERTTES I06J'Z5JZ�{]1 Phone: % MARRI�Tf INT�RNATI�NAE. DN� MARRIt�1T QR C7�RT 938.q3. WASHINGT�N [3C 20Q58 l.ic�nse: APPLICANT f-iMC A�QUISTTION PRCIPERTIES I(76f 25 j2Q01 ��torte: 476-4444 °!o N1ARR.I47TT IM�RIVI�TI�fiIAL ONE MARRTQTT DR DEPT 938.Q1 INASHING7DN DC 2a1758 �ieense: Project Address: Location: Legal I�escrip#aon: Lot: B�ack; Subdi�risivnr MAR� RESC}RT&TEN1��5 CLU PareeC Numbec� zlc�ia�2�2o�� Camments: mu�t be renewed yearly BO�AR�JSTAFF AC"fYUN Matia�n Byr: Bill Pier�e Ar.tion. APPR�SVEb Seccincl By. Charl�� Aeeved� 'Vote: 5-0 Da�e of Appr��al: a6�'2�J2(]�1 Cvndit�ons; Crmd: 8 �PLAN}: No char�ges kr�these pfar�s may be�nade without t{�e wr�tken canserrt of T�awn o� Vail staff andJar t#�e ap�ropriate revi�w committ�ee(s). Con�i: El (PLAN). DRB apprc�val�fae� not const9tute a perrnit for building. Pleas�consult with Town c�f Vail Building personne� prior to canstruction activitie�. Co�d: CflNOdl04821 That the tent be rernoved no lat�r t�ran Oct� 3�, 2{301 Gor�tl: �ONOi]4482� Thiat the tent must be reapp1ied for pn a yearly basi5 Cond: C�EV00[}�F823 �Fiat a differenC su�a�ing m�terial and tent be explored prior ta next year's applit�tion Plann�r: Allisc�n C1c�s DR� Fe� Paid: �20.OD � � � . �.� []ES�GN REVIEW �+aARa RG�N[]A �� i 1Nednesday, June 20, 2�0't 3:00 P.M. _ � s � � PUBLIC IWf�ETfNG RESULTS PUBL1C W�LC�OME RR�JECT �RIENTATIC3N 1 LIJNCH -Communiiy E}e�einpment flepartment '��:Q�1 pm MEM�ERS PRESENT 11�E1VI�ERS ABSEfVT C1�rk Brittain Bill Pierce Hans Woldri�h Andy 81�urnefti Charles R�e�edo Sl7E VISITS 2:�� pm 1. Anderssc�n residence—4995 Juniper Lane 2, Lavu residence—4460 Glen �`alls Lane 3. Vail H�ight� —2(]59 Chamon�x Lar�e 4. Vaa[ Marriatt—'T'i5 W. ��orrshead Gir�cle 5. L�dge at Vail— 174 Gvre Cr�ek Driv� Driver: AI{ison PUC3LIC HEAFtIN+G -TO'WN CQUh1�IL CHAMBERS �:'�4 P� 1. Andersson r+esid�nce —A �nap review af a prcrposed addition. A11isQn 4995 Junip�r Lar�elLal�, Blv�fc 5, Bighorr� Subdivision. Appiicant: Mats & Andr�a Ander�son, repr�sented by Eri�Johnscrn GIIIQTION: Char�e�AG�wedo SEC�Na: Andy Blume#t� 11C77E: 5-� APPR+�VED WITH 1 CONI]IT30N: 'k. That the deck rails an the s�e��►ndary unit be �nished t� mat�h th� dsck rail� an the p�im�ry unit. �. Weiss residence— Final re�iew c�i prop4sed atiditivr�. ��� 3838 B�idge Ra�dlLots 'E 1 �& 12, Bighorn 2"d Additkv�t. Appfi�ant: Gary Weiss, represented by Steve REd�n M�Tlahl: Bill Pieree SECOND: N�rts Vlloldrich VC?TE; 5-0 APPRC}V�D VIfITH 3 CONOITIONS: 1. That the add#tion be approaed by st�ff vnce fhere is PEC appr�val, ap�rave� �az�rd mitigation, and Pubiic Works issue� are r+�salr►ed. 2. �hat th� Piving room windaws be rnore Gonsistent rrvith athers on the fouiiding. 3. That tfi�� #ower design be reviewed by st�ff. 1�1. �a .+ � row,�r��var� I � � 3, Law Residence — Conceptua[ review of� nev+r single-family residenc�. AiEison 44�0 Glen F��ls Lane 1 Lot 9, For�st Glen 5ubdiv�ision. Appl�canf: �an a�d Susan Law, represented by S.H. Cole Gc�nstructitrn CONCEPTUAL— 11MC1 V[3TE �, Marrivtt Hvtef —A frnal revkew c�f a prnposed se�sonal ter�t fr�r s�ecial events Allisvn 715 W. Lionshead CirclelLots 4 8� 7, Sl�ck '4, 1lail Lionshead 3` Filing $� �.ats C & C7, Morcus 5ubdivisia�. Applicant: Vail M�r�att P+1laTIC}N: Bill Pierc� SECdIVa: Charle�s A��veda VC]TE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH � C(]hID&Tlf?NS� 'i. That the tent �e rerrooved no 4ater than C)ct, 3{�, 2401 and must �e reappli�d €vr on � yearfy basis. 2. That differ�nt surf�cing material 8 t�nt be explc�re�l priot to �e� yea�s a�pp1�cation. 5. Beaver ��m residen�e— Propased char�ges #o approved p#ans. �ill 383 Beawer Dara� RoadlLot 3, Blo�k 3, Vail Village 3"d Ff�ing. App#icar�#: A2� Halding, LLC, represe�►ted by Fritzlen Pierce Arc�ritects. Ma71t�N: Andy Blumetti SECOND� Hans Wafdric� VOTE: 4-0 �Pierce recus��J APPRDVEt7 WITH�C4NDITIC]NS: 1, That the �re requirements be met using non-combustible corrugated, roo# mater�al � wit� appr�ved non-wavy fasci� dEtails. 2. Tha# pre-patina capper be use�. 3. That#he srmil�rity and rigidness of windows be chang�:�d. 4. That the d�or 8� gar�ge dovr d�#ails be charsged ta remv�e the "x's " fi. Ladge at V�i1 — Fin�l review af a new planter w��l and ped�strian walk. Brent 174 Gor� Creek Drive f L.�t A. Bivck 5C, VaE! Viila�e �iling #1 pPp4acant: The �odge at Va4l, represent�d by Charlie Viola TABL�� 7. Vail Height� Phase 113 — Replace retaining wa6f. Ann 20�59 Chamanix �.ar�elLat 15, Vail Heights. �lppiicant: Vail Heig�t� Phase 111 C�ndomini�m Association MUT1CrN: Claric Brittairr SECL N�: �ill Pier�e VOTE: �-0 ARPFtC}VED WITH 3 CCINdITI�NS: �. That the adja�en# property owner's approva! be re��ired. 2, That a b�ilding permi� be re�uired. 3. That i# be troweled ta I�ak like stucco with no ston�s ta be a�ded ta tE�e fnish. Staff ApprovaEs Pa�`ker r�siden�e—Change b�y wind�w to 2 dfluble hun�windows. A1lison 4�3 G�re Cre�k DriwelLv3 7, Vail Village 4'h Filing. Applicant: Foxha�i ar�d Helen Par4cer � � � � John �Galt—Wall and hanging signs. Ann 193 Gore Gre�k DrivelGore Creek Plaza. Applicant: Charles H. Rosenqui�t Logan resid�nce— M��ar chang�s tv approved plans. Afiison 814 Potato �atch DrivelLot 3, 8ic�ck 1, V�if Rotata Patch. Applicant: Logan Fami9y Trust Knight residence —V'Vindowldaar repkacement. Judy 385 �are Creek C►r�ve, #��111Lot 1A-1, Vor�aufer�andas. App�icant: Ccrnstan�e 8. Knigh# Tow�+n c�f Vail entrance sign � Host vf the 2�}�1 Mauntain B�ke Wor�d Cham�ivnshi�as. Ann llffain V�i1 R�undabaut}Lot 9A, Vail Village Filing 2. Appficant: Tawn of Vai1 aorotta residen�e— Qeck remo�ai, �enlarge 2 windaw5, rv+af extensiar�, relacate dvvrs. �+Il 1�93 M�tterhom Circlel�ot 28, Matterharrt Vill�g�. Applicant: 5an�y 5orat#a Jo�nson �'esiden��—74 sq. ft. lnterior conv+�rsion, windsaw& door replacement. 8�il1 174 E. Gor� Greek arivelLat A, The Lc�dge A�pt. Cont�a. Ap�licant: Judith Jahnson Lucas re�idence � Reroaf, Ju�y 43�7 Strearnside CirclelLot 7, Bighorn 4'�'Additic�n. A�plic�nt: James and 5ari Lucas C�Ilins resid�ence—Addition of 151 sq. ft. Bil1 'f 115 Har�rsil�er Circ4efLot 8, Black 1, U�i! Village 8�h Fifing- App6ic�nt: Carnl G Callins Zopf resid��ce — Baicony additian. �r��� 894 Spruce CovrtlLv# J, 8iock 3, VaEI '�Jil�age 9'h �iling. Applicant_ 894 Spruce LLC The applications and informatian abauf the proposals ar� availa�l� far pubtic inspec#ior� tluring regular r�ffice he�urs in the project planner's c�€�FFice, laca#ed at the T�wn c�f Vaif Gommunity aevelopment DEpa�tment, 75 Sou#h Fron#�ge Rs��d. Ple�se cali 479-2138 for infc�rmation. Sign lsnguage snterp�etaGon aWadlable upon request with 24 hot�r natification. Please call 479-2356,Telephone for tha� Hearing Impaired,far'snformation. 3 t � � � « PLANN1111G ANL1 E1�1/IRONMENTAL C�M�MISSICIIV '`= �� �'�" PUBLlC MEETING R�SULT51M1NUTES _.-�:.�' � ,.� Monday, ,�une 't�1, 2UD1 ��' '� .��� PR[]JECT dRIENTAT��N ! -Cc�rnmuni#y Develapment [�ept. P�lH�1C WEL��ME 12:t}D pm MEM6ERS Pi��SENT MEMBERS ABSENT S�te Ilisits : 1:1� pm 1. Vail Marriott—715 1Nest �ionshead Circfe 2. C�sllins reside�ce�- 9115 Ha��il�r�r Circle Qriver; Georg� �� f�C]�E. If the pEG hearing extends until 6.�0 p.m., tC�� board rnay break fcrr dinner from 6:Q�D -fi:3i� '�ublic Hearinq - Town Counci! Ghambers 2:00 pm 'i. A report o€a staff decision, approving a minor amendment t� the appro�r+�d developm�nt plan f�r the Golden Peak S�Ci Base, allowing for the expansi�n of the Vilreck Ro�m Restaurarat and Pass�vrt Club, lcrcat�d a# 498 Vail Valley DriveJTract F, Vai� Village 5'� Filing. AppEicant: G�lden Peak Ski Base Piar�ner: Ann Kj�ruff Ann Kjerulf pres�nted an aven�iew�f the s#aff decision, the conditions imposed and the fscto�s considered. Galen Aasland asked if fhere was any pu#�lic cvrnment. There was nta public cflr�ment. The P�,� did not wish tr� call t�te item up, sa t�te staff dscis�c�n stands. 2. A reqU�st for a conditiona! use permit, ia a�lo�nr for the corastruc#ian of an athletic field, IocatecE at �1{3 N_ Frrantage Rd. Westl A portion of Tract C, Vail Potato Patch. l�full rnetes & baur�ds legal description is avaiiable at th� Departm�nt of Community ❑evel�pmenf. A�pl�cant: Towr� of Ila�l P�anner; Aflisvr� �chs .lohn 5chofe�e[ mr��ved �o table the item ta ,June 25`"". Doug Cah311 seconded. T�e mation care-ied 6-0. ��- �. ii .� l V[i!T��IAL.t� � r � � �. A r�quest for th� review of a prc�posed text amendmeni to Chapt�r 11, pesign R�view, oF tMe Zt�ning Regulations ia allow for prac�dural changes ta the perFormance bc�rtd pracess a� prescribed in the Vaif 7awn Cpde. Applicant: Tawn c�f Vai� Planner: Gearge RutherlRusseU Ft�rrest Bren# Vlfilsvn t�esc�ibed tYr� current situatit�n with res�ect to �aerfarmance bt�nds and t�m�arary certificat�s of o�cu�ancy, incl�dins� sr�me af th� pro�lems with the existing sysiem. Brent a�sed the Southwest Build�r�l�ortina case as an �x�mple af how the currerrt sysf�err� is inad�quate. Brent gave an overvi�w Qf the praposed cha�ges ta the p�rforrnance bond prc�ce�s as described in tf�e s#aff memo, Diane G�Iden ask��f if businesses w�uld mind getting estimat�s, ,�ahn 5chofreld s#ated that it wa�ld be diff'reult #o get landscaping cvr�tractors #c� commit to doing work �i a later date. �has Bernhardt stated th�# he did nc�t agrEe witfi� having pre-e�fabkished dates, due t�a �xt�nuating �ircumstances which rr�ay arise. Dick Clevela�d stated that he was in agreement uvith Ghas. He st�#ed that i# would be difficu�t to �bt�in mor� ihan or�� bid. He agreed t�at 25�°l� i� a reasonable am�nunt to obtain as a band. He stat�d that Pt is not the Town's rc�l� tv pr�t�Gt the owner or con#ractor. �1oug ��hiil stated that h� feit that 25fl4/o was #oo high. Brer�t INilson describ�d how#he current bond pr�c�ss warks with respect #o obtai�ing bi+�s. Jvhn Sehofield stated thaf the praposed ch�rage put� #he Towr� back 6nto the �asitic►n �f General �ContraGtor. He suggest�d that staf#shvuld create a set af g�aicielines which have to be r�et prior to issu�r��e Qf a TCG1. Jahn stated that the propased ch�nges r�ee� tQ hawe more t�eth —ta ch�ng�the wording fr�m shall to must. J�hn stated thaf the 25�QIfl propc�sal is nat aut af line and th�t the ietter af credrt format is much simp�er#o use t�an the escrov++fcsrmat. Brent Wilson stated tY�at u�d�r the UBC, there �s n� requir�ci CC)for�3 pro��rki�s and tha# a �O pro�ess has b��r� �amething tha€ th� rea� es�ate community has demanded. Brent referr�d tr� the Ack�rman resider�ce as an exampEe, wh�r�the amount of rnoney held in escr�w wauld be insu��ier�t to caver the casts �f Gompletir�g the Iandscaping on this pr�perty. Johr� S�hafield SUgg�Sted th�t 25D% is apprvpriate ir� �ddition to a nan-refundable �dministrative fe�. Chas Sernhardt stafed ff�at Town wo�ald not want te� be a General Contractor, but #ttere ar� situatians where it rnigh# be nec�ssary. John Schof�elsi stat�d that a structure which av�oid$ tF�e Tt�wn b�ing a General Contractcrr is more desirable. C?i�k Cl�veland stated that staff sho�fd no3 have to seek �ids ar�d that the burden shoulci be ar� t�ne �ontractar to abtain bids. �foh� Schofield s#ated that it is difficul# tc� abtain bids late ir� the year. Diane Galden a�reed thaf #�e 25t}°f� is re�sanaafe. 5he s#ated that it m�ght be �ifficult fo ge# mvre than one �id, John Sch�fie�� asked if it wou4d b� possi��e for the Tawr� to �et a lien against the praperty until the work �s compfetet�, �3rertt WFlson stated that this ability does exis�t accQrding to t�e cu�rren# Towr� cQde. �a � � Jvhn 5chofield st�ted that th�s cancept sht�uld be inve�tigat�d�urther, Galen Aasfanc! a5ked fa�further clariffcation Qr� t�e Southwest Builders situation and whc� is paying #or it. Brent W�1son st�t�d that the Town is cosla�vrating w�t�r the t�arzk to take c�re af the situatian. GaPen Aasland stated that �e is �onc�med tt�at Qt will be di�cult getting bids in the faf{ and t�at the 7own shvuld do wha# euer it can to avoid becaming a cantr�ctor for� projec#. He said that t�is draft dves not address the issue af homeav,rners dving tl�eir c�wrr wark rrvithout a cQntractor. �4cahn Schofeld and []i�k �C�eveland suggested usinc� a li�n an the praper�y as a m�chanisrta for enf�rcement. John cornrner�ted that this will nat ��iect cash trans#ers #or real estate ��d cammented t�at enfarc�ement �s the key tc� res4f►�ing #hese situations. CMas B�mhard# �sk�d if cflr�tract4rs could b� pre�rented frarn being issued ather buildir�g permits ur�til a 7+CQ #�as �een campPeted. �ick Ckevel�nti a�nd Johr� Schc��ek� commented th�t this may preven# a cvntrac�ar from utirorkEng if they a�+� involved ir� a Ie�i#ima#� awnerfcontractar di�pute #hat may be irr court #c�r� Ivng period �f tim+�. Jc�hn 5ch�fieid recammended that the Tauvn e�tahlish star��ard criteria for T�C)'s. Galen Aasland stated that the Bu�ildirtg Dfficial's �iscr�tian shauld be pres�rved on mat#ers of TCa's. Brent 1Nils�n stated that the Town has r�at issued 1`CO's wherr there ar� €�utstanding UB� issu�s; �nly for outstanding C3RB issues like I�ndscaping. Gafer�Aasland stated that tFrere is aften a punch fi�t cr�ated rtt�r T�t7's. ,]ohn Schofield sta#ed that mir�or DRB issues da nat appear on #hos� punch fists. Br�n� Wilsan stated that P{anning and Public Vllq�ks nc�w id�ntify tfi�eir issues on �'G� requ�sts, Gha� B�rrrhard# moved to table this item. Dick Cle�veland s�canded the motion. The mation passed by a�ote af�-0. 4. A �request fior a minor subdi�risio� and a r�ar�ance from Section 9�-fi[J-5 of the Terwn �G�de, to al6ow for the resubdivis�on af Lat 1, �trauss Subdivisivn� a resubdivision �f Lats �6 &47, Vail Villa�e West Filing Nv. 2, re-creatirrg Lots 45 � 47„ lacated at 'i9'�F & 19�6 West Gare Cr�:ek Drive. Appli�ant: Pat flauphinais, r�pr�senting Rich�ard Str�auss Planner; Allisan C7�c�s Allisan �c�� r�ave an overview of th� staff report, findings �r�d recammendatior�. Pat Dauphiraais spoke an behalf of l�ichard Strauss, the owner r�f re�c�rd vn #he �rop�rky. Pat stated his clier�t i�ad the �uthority as own�r to pro�eed Thrvugh the PEC process. There was no public cammen# a� this item. Dvug Cahill stated h�tY�QUght the pr�vious misinfarmation leading ta the I�t vacation created a hardshrp. John 5chafield agreed with Doug and noted the majanty c�f the �ots in th� neighbarhaod wer� n€�n- �anfvr�nin�. 3 � � aiane Galden agre+�t�wi#h Jcahn. QiCk CIev�Ia�cl �greed with hi� fellaw �vmmissior�ers and stated small lats were in �haracter with the neighborhoad. Dick requester� � conc�ition that the exisiing surface parkir�g encroachment i�� remQVed from the r�ght-�pf-way. +Chas Bem�ardt stated h� suppartec� th�e request. ��len Aaslanti sta#ed fhe previv�s misund�rst�nding c�nsti#uted a hardship for the appficant ar�d that tfie variance was warranted. Galen requested addit�on�aC review from the Tc�wn P,�ttamey, given th� issue of�oreclosur� on the property. Pat Qauphinais spak� �bout the parking issue. pat s#at�d tl�e parking wa� n� Ivnger needed sin�� the horne busir�ess was no ianger in operatian. John Schvfreld mov�d to gr�nt both requests, in accnrdanc� with fhe staff mer�o finding� and conditivn, wit� the �dditiar�s that the Town Attomey �pprc�v� the plat prior to filing, and #hat the parking in the right-af-w�y be rerr�c�ved �ar brought into code camplia�ce pr�€�r tv cvnst�uction af a new k�uifding. Chas B�rnhardt s�ec�nded t�re motion. Th� m+ation �arried fi-�. 6. A request �or a conditionai use permit, tr� allow for#�� consaiidativn vf 2 units withir� the C�2 Zone Distr�ct, la�at�d at '[2fi Willo�w Bri�ge R�adlLvt K, Bl�ck 5E, Vail Village 1S` Filing. Applacarrt: Henry Anthvny Ittlesan, repr�sent+ed �y K.H. We�b Architects. Pl�r�rter: Allisar� +D�hs Allison pchs �riefed the PEC an the applicatian, th� criteria and fndings f�r a condit�an�l us� permit �nct the �ta�f recammendation. Kyle Wehb sp�ke an �ehalf Qf the owners. He s#ated th� units had never been rented in the past. There was na puE�lic cornment. Dick Cle�+eland stat�d he agreed �ritf� the staff memca. Ghas Bemhardt also agreed. Doug C�hill stated h� agreed with #h� staff rnerrro. John �chof�eld had no comments. [3iane Gt�fden sfated fh� appfication br�u�ht the prvj�ct �la�er inta complian�e. Gal�n Aasland stated he thaught it could t�e b�d for tt�e town. Doug Cahill mov�d to grant approval of the re��uest, in accordance with the staff inerna. Cha� Bernhardt �econded. The moti+�n carried 6-0. 7. A reque�t for� cond�ti�n�f use perr�it, to albvw for a season�l structure wifhir� the Li�rn�head Mixed llse '� Zc�r,e �}is#ric4, focated at 715 West Lionst�ead CirclelLats 4 8� �, Block 1, Vail Li4r�shead 3`d Faling and Lots C �& Q„ Morcus S�bdivisian. 4 � � Applican#: Ilai� MarR-ivtt . Planne�: Allison 4chs Allison C�chs �ave ar� avervieuv c�f the staff memo, including the crii�r�a ancE findings as�vciated with cana�ti4nal use perrnits. Mat# V�nsant, the airectcrr af Sales and Marketing for the Marriott, made hrimseif a�aila�le far qu�estions. Oick G1�veland stafed that he was in a�ree�me�t with the sta#f inerr�arandum. He raised a cancem re�arding existing site conditian5. H� �tated that the csandit�anal use permit should b� renewed ar�nually ta ensure that fhe site is maintained. �Ct�as �Bernhard# agre�d with the comments made by Dick. �has mentic�ned �ections o�fence f� the e�st of fh� exi�ting constrcaction site �an�i noted that there is a safety hazar�l. �aug Cahill stated that he was cancerraed with th� �u�lity and appearan�� a�the t�e�t and that the quafity of the overall product shaufd be impr�rve�d ir� the future. Mat#Varrsant stat�d tl�at the Marr�ott has future �lans to creaie � higher qualily product. Jot�n Schc�field stated that the sit� isscaes wa�ld hau�to be address�d pri�r to renewaf vf th� cvndition�l �se �Sermi�. Gaien A�s[and stat�d that f�e was in a�reem�nt w'rth #h� at�er Commiss�on�rs ar�d that a COF1C�ItI0f181 LlS� �Bffl'311, whi�ch would have to be rer��ewed annu�ally, was appropriate. He sugg�ested that once cor�s�ruc#ion is Gomplet�d at ti�e I'�arric,tt, fhat the transparency factar associated with �th�r�ites in Lions�ead be app3red to thi� �ite. J�hrr Schofield mad� a mv#io� fvr approval, in accQrdance with the staff inemv, v►+ith the cv�df#ivn that eqvipment �e screened at all times, th�t the cup �e valid fvr one year, and that appropriate landseape screenir�g be ap�lied. The motion was seconded by �}oug Cahill. Chas BemF�ardt asked if the mQ#ion could be amended tQ �ne�ude repair o#`#he cc�nstruction f�nces. bick Gleve�and asked that the applicafion fvr a can�itianal �se permit be suppiie�i pr�ar fo th�te�tt being erected in the future. Galen Aasl�nd aske�d if there was any furkh�r Gom�ent. Ther�w�s� rao further comment. Tt�e mation �arried 6-�. �. A reque�t fvr a varsar�ce from ��ctian 12-�a-� 45ite Coverage}, Vail Towrr Cade, #o allaw for the constrx�ction of ar� addition ta a single-family residence, located a# 1195 N�msilv�r Circ�Ee I Lot 8, �I�ck �, Uaii Village 8�n Filir�g. �pplicanf: Carvl Colfins, r�presented by Arris West Ar+�hite�s, PG Pl�nner: Biil Gibs�n Bill Gib�c+n gave an overview o#the s#aff m�mo, stating that#h� staff rec�mmerrd�tivr�wa�fc�r deni�l. 5 � � paug Cahill stat�d that he was in agreem�nt with the sta�f inema and that a�pror�al of#he �ariance w�uld be a grant af speGial privilege. John Schofi�ld stated lhat the sfope of the lat �hould be � ��nsi�eration beca�a�e a portion vf the fat bs qui#e �teep. He also recogrrized that the size vf th� Eot, being non-canformin�, couid be ct�nsidered � fact4r in granting the var�anc�. pick CEer+�efarad stat�d that he v+ras disturbec� by tt�e lacfc of the appfican#'s or�rchit�ct's presence at the hear�ng because �e was un�ble #o svlicit any feedbacEc or informatian fre�m the app4icant. Cha� Bemh�rdt stated that he was not rn �greement with the staff rn+ema and that the granting af the variance wauld nc�t be a special privi�ege. Galen Aas4�nd stated that this would nat b� a special privilege, +d�e ta th� ��cf t�at tF�e kat is nQn- cc�nfc�r�ir�g uvith respect tQ size. He al�o noted that the item shou(d b� tabEe�i due to the archite�t ar�d ap�licant not being presen#. Arris West Arehitects, representing fhe owner, stated that the vwn�r wish�d tr� update the house, which was constructed in the fa#e 7�'s. �3ick Cl�velarrd �sketf the applican# whaf at#empts were made to �esign t�a� addition without the ne�d for a variance. The applican# stated that i#was nQt possible. Ghas �+�rnhardt siated tha� he felt fhe slopes and the size of the Int and th�e existing structure were factc�rs in the var�ance, and that he did not see it as special pr��ilege. Doug Cahill sta��d that he believe�d the �xtent crf the v�riance was exc�ss�ve, espec3ally cansidenng it was far � �aathrQQm. J�hn Schofield stated thaE!he r�asons the ap�licant �tated in hES lett�r do nut warrant � �+arian�e, but tt�e s#eep s�ape� and the srn�ll I�t size wQUld ouercc�me specia! prsvileg� Galen Aasland �tated that the sm�ll iot size is uncommon in this neig�borhovd and he daes no# see this as a grant of s�ecial pri�iieg�. Jahn Sch�fi�ld rn�de a matir�n for appraval. Chas Bernh�rdt secanded t�e motion. The matian passed by a uate o€4-2, wsth ac�ug Cahill and pick Cleuei�nd apposed. 9. A request far a minar subdiWision, to allow far th� cc�rrectivn of errars in 3�h� platting of Tr`act J, Vaif Vilkage First Filing, Itrcated at Vafl Int�rfaitl� Chapel, 19 Vail Rcaad 1 Tract J, Black 7, Vaif Village First �iiing. Applicant� Town of Vail Plann�r: �3rer�t V"�'i6s�n Bren� 'Vllifsvn stated that he had nathing tv add tv th� staff m�mo, whi�h ha�l been re►rievved during the pr�-m�eting. Diane Golden had �� �comments �alen Aas��nd stated that tY�� it�m shvuld be approved. fi . � � flc�ug Cahill made a mn#ion tv apprv�e #�he minor subdivision, in a�cordan�� with the staff merr�o and fndings on page 1 af the merr�a. Galen Aas�ar�d ask�d if there wa� an�f�rther�amm�nt. Ther�was no fur#her comrnent. The motion was s�c�anded by Dick. The motian c�rried 6-fl. 10. �1 request f�ar a work ses�iaro to di�cuss amend;ng certain residential zo�� distric#s ir� the Town vf Vail tv allaw hom� d�y c�r� taciliti�s su�ject ta the issuance +�f a conditivr�al us� permit and � hame occupati�n permit. A�Spli�ant: Town af Vazf F'lanner: G�org� Ruther TABLED LINTIL JUNE 25, 2�QU'! 31. A rec{ues# fc�r a variance fram Section 12-�Q-� (Setbacks), Vail Tawn �ade, to allow fc�r the ct�nstru�tio�n c�f a garat�� withirr t�re requir�d frant setback, loeated at 1956 Gore +Creek Drive 1 Lvt 45, Vail Village West �iling #2, Applicanfi: Qavid Irwin Planner: Ann Kjeruif TABLED UNTiL JUIVE 2�, �00'I 91. Approval vf May 14, 2�Q�1 minutes Mation: Chas �3ernhart Second: Dick Cle��land Mat�on carried 6-fl 12. Informatia�n LJpd�te • JuRB ��th fOO�tl� fT17�Ef4�IS (�95CUS'�IOfI Witll tIlE3 PEC, Tawn Cvur�cif S �RE3. The applica#ior�s and infarmation �baut the �roposals �re auailabfe fc�r pu�iic ir€spectian �urinc� regu1ar crffice hours in th� project planner's aff'ECe iocated at the Tawn af 1lail Community Deveiopm�nt D�partment, 75 Sou#h Frr�ntage �aad. Please caCl 479-�138 far informafior�. 5ign language int�rpretatiara availaiale upon r�c�s�est with �4-hour notificatran. Please cal! 479-235�a, Telept�Qr�e for the He�ring Impaired, for infvrmation. Communi#y �evelspment [3epartment 7 � � i��� � ��,� ��: � �-o � �g � MEMflRAN[3LlNf +- ��� �G��� ���� � ��LG� TGf: PIanning and �t�virt�nmental Cvmmission � ��� ���� �G��� FR+DhII: Department vf C�mmunity Der�eE�pment �j. ����� I�,I�1[� � �� �AT�: June �1, ��Q� �� � ���„�,{f�l.(� ��� ���e� �i SUBJE�7: A r�quest fior a cr�nditional �se permii, tc� all�� f�� a se sonal structure within I�ic�nshead Mixed Use i, lacated at 715 W'�st Lionshead �ir�l�l�vts 4 & 7, Bfc�c� 1, Vail Lionsh�ad 3"�d Fi{ing and Lvts � & D, Mar�us S�hd�v�sion. Applicant: Vail Marricatt Planr�er: A�fisan C7chs I. LlES�RIPTi IQN 0� THE REQUEST The Va�l Marrio3t is requestirr� a conditional use p�rmit ta a�1aw fbr � �eas�naf structure €c�cat�d an th� existing tennis �aurt �ite. in the past, th� �ent has been approved in ca�junct�vn with a spe�cial ev�ent. However, rnain#�ining the structure throughaut th� entire summe�, as t�e N�arriQtt has requ�st�d ta do, r�quires a eanditianal use �ermit. The Town Code�iefines a"seasanal use or structure'" as; A femporary �c�vering erected vver a recreatiQnal arrreni[y, such as a swirnming p�ol ar tenr�i� caurt, for the purpose o�expano"ing their use into the cc�ld weather mon�hs, �uch seasar��! cvvers may not be rn place fc�r m�re than seven (7j consecutrve mc�r�fl�s o� any �vvelv� (�2J mvn[h }aerr"c�d. For fhe purpos�s of this Tri1e, a seasc�na! use +�r st��cture shalf nc�� constifute srte c[average and sha11 ,�pt be sub}ect t�s buildrng 6u1k confrc�l standards. Any s�as�nal use or struct�rre shalf require � �ondifior�a! use permr� rr� accard wi�h Ghap�er 16 of this Tir1e and is subje�t�o desrgn r�view. The applicant's letier �i request, sp�ci#icatians fQr fih� t�nt, and a redueed si#e p�an har�e been attaehed fnr reference. II. REVIEW'INC; �C�ARp RC?L'ES—CC3NDITIQhfAL USE PERI�AIT Pl�nning and Environment�l Commissi�t�: The Planninc� and Enuiranrr�ental Gc�mmiss�on is responsible far appro�+alldenia! �f a Ccsnditivr�al Use Permit. Th� Planr�ing and �nvirc�nment�l Commissian is responsible fc�r evaluating a pr�p�sal f�r: 1. Relatianship arad impact of the �r5e on clevel�pmer�t obj��t�ves o# 1he Town. 2. '�#�ct of the use on light and air, distributiv�n taf popu[atian, �rar��pc�rtation facilities, utilitie�, sch�oals, parks and recreation facaliii�s, and oth�r public facifsties and puhli� facilities needs. 3. �ff�ct upan traffic, with particular reference ta can�estio�€, autvmotiv� and ped�strian �A�- �r��r�d � �. �r�� � .�, �,r�. �rr�►� ��.� �rn�,�� �� �._ u�i�� . ��. � � ��� c� }m� �d � ? 1 � � m�� � � ���. �w������� � +� a��. �'u�c� �� � ��� m� ��c� �� �u� 1 '�ca��' `� +�� ��' a,� � u� � � . safety and cor�venience, traffic flc�w a�d cc�ntrgf, access, m�neuv�ra�iliry, and remova�' a# snnw from the streets �nd parking areas. 4. Eff�ct upan ihe c��racter vf kh� area in which the propc�s�d use is ta be Ivcated, inciudi�c� the scale and �ulk o# the propos�d use €n relatian to ss�rrc�unding uses. 5. 5uc� other factvrs and criteria as f�re Commission deems �p�licabl� to the pro�osed use. 6. T�e envirar�rn�ntal impact repnrt cc�ncerning th� prop�sed use, if an �nuironmenial ir�pact report is required by G�apter �2 af thi� Title. 7. Confo�mar�c� v�rith develapm�ni standards vf zc�ne district Desig� �ReWiew Soard: The D�es�gn Re�iew Board has no reWi�ew authority on a Cvn€�itional U�se Pe�'m�t, b�at must revi�w any a��vmpanying a�sign fteview Baard appli�ation. Ilt. STAFF R�+CC}MM�I�DRTIQM The C�mmunity Deu�{o�m�n� pepartrn�nt r�comm�nds t�at the Planning an� Envir�anmental Gommissir�n apprvv� th� �pplicant's req�e�t far a cort�iitt�anal use pertt�it to allaw for a seasor�al stru�ture lacated at k��at�d at �1� Wesi Lie�nsh�e�d CirclslLots 4 & 7, BIOG�C 1, Vail Lianshead 3'� Filing ancf Lets C & D, Marcus Subdi�ision, subject t� the criteria a� descrik��ed in Sec#ior� �V of#�is memc� and the follawin� fir�ciings: 1. That the prQposed �ocation af the use i� in accardance with the p�rpases of the canditic�na4 �se permit s�ctian o€ the zoning code an� #he purp�ses vf the d�strict in wJ�ieh the sit� is I�cat�d. 2. That t�e prop�sed iocation of the use ar�d the conditie�ns under whieh it wc�uld be op�rate� or m�intained wauld not t�e d�frimental to the public he�fth�, safe�y, c�► welfare ear materia�dy injurious ta prc�pe�fies or imprQVements in th��icinity. 3. That t�e prop�sed use would campi}r with each c�# the applicable pravisior�s af the �a�ditienal �se permit sectic�r� of t�e zon'sng ccsde. If ti�e P�anrroing a�d E��+iranmental G4mmissic�n chooses to approve tl�is r�quest, sta#f rec�mm�n�s t�e follawing condr'#ian 4f ap,�roval: �. That the applicant shall not �rect the tent prior to April 3�`" and th� applicar�t shall remvve the t�nt na lat�r than Oc��ber 375t of each sum€�er of operation. 1V. REClUIRE� CRITERIA ANU �lh�DINGS - CvNDITI{}N►4L U5E PERMIT A. CON�l0ERA71C}N C}F FACTClF�S; �. Relati�nship arrd impacr of rhe use nn fhe d�v��c�pmerr[ c�b}ectrves of the 7o wn. Th� Marri�tt is IQCated within the Lionshead Mixed L�se 1 zon� district The purpt�se +�f LML31 i� : The Lronshead Nfr'xe�+ Us� 1 �]istric� is rr��e�ded ta provrde sites for a mixture of mc1ltiple-famiiy dw�llir�gs, lodges, haf�ls, fraefronal fee clubs, fime sh�res, Ic�d�e dwelling u�aits, resia�rran[s, �tfrces, ski�r services, and commercraf e�tabfishmerrts rn a cfus�ered, unifi�d � � � derrelr�pment. Lionshead M'rx�d Use � �istrict, in accvrdance with tl�e L�onshead R�devefopment Nfaster Plan, is intend�r��o er�sure adequate light, air, open spac�and oth�r amenitres a,pprc�priat� �o the perrr�ift�d ty��es of bur'fdings arrd t�s�s and to marniairr fh� desirable qualrties o# ihe G+rsfrict by es�ablishirrg appr�pria�e sit� d�v�lapmen� standards. This D�strict Is meant tc� er�caurage and prc��ide irrcer+trves for red��edvpment in a�cardance wr'th the Lr'anshe�d F3edevelt�pm�nt Master Plan. This Zc�ne flrs�ric� wvas specr�ically dev�lraped io pra+ride in�enfives for �raperties ta redev�lc�p. 7"he Ul�im��e goa! c�f th�se incentiues is fo creaf� an ecvnamrcally vibr�nt lodging, har�sing, ancl eommerciaf c�re �rea. Th� incentiv�s in this �or�e L�r"s�rJ�t i,�clude ir�creas�s ir, affawable grc�ss residentia{flor�r area. bu�Idrng heighi, and d�nsity �av�r the prev;nusly esta�lrshed z€aning in the Ll�nshe�d RecfeveJr�pment Mas�er Plan stud}� �rea. The primary ga�1 of fhe rr�ce��lives is to cre�[e economic candifrons f�avorable tQ inducir�g priva�e redevelvpmerrt cr��sisten� wrtfa �he Liorrshead R�de+�eJopment Nfaster P#an. Additr'onally, the in��rr�ives �r� cr�ea��d f� help finarrce public aff-sife rmpro+✓ements adjacer�i �a redevelc�pment prc�jects. tNr'th arry deuel�pment/redeuelopment proposal takinc� advant�ge of the rn�enfi�v�s cre�fed herein, fhe follawing �menities w#11 b� evalcrated: streetscape im�r�v��m�nis, ,pe�estrian/bicycle acce�s, ,public plaza redevelo�am�nt, public �rt, roadway improvemen�s. and simiJar improvemen��. 5�af� be�ie�es that the pro�ose� seasonal structure is consister�t wiih the p�rpQSe of the Li�rrshe�d Mix�d Us� f zt�n� distr�ct. Th� tent prov�des additi�nal �acii�ties far the hotei, wl�ife ensuring adequat� lic�ht and air. 7he Mar�iati is alsa go�erned by �he developr�ent o��ectives as staied �r� the Lic�n�head Re��v��apment Mast�r Piar�. Jf the six P�licy Ohjectives autlined in the L,i�nshead Redev�lopment M�ster Plan, staff has �t�eniifier� #�e follaw€ng objectaves as applicabl� ta this pr�pasal: �.,�.� Renew�l and Redevelca menf Li�r�shead c�r� and shoufd be rer+ewed and redevel�prnent to become a warmer, mar� vibrant er�virQnmen� #c�r guests and residents. Lt'ans,head rr�eds an appealing and coherenf identrfy, a sense of place, a personalifiy, a purpc�se, �nd ar� imprnu�d ae�thetic character. �.3.2 Vitalitv ara�f Amerrr�res We mus� seize th� apporturrity tn �nhar�ce gu�st experience and cammur�rfy rnteractrnr� throu�i� expanded and addrti�na! actr'vrtres and �rr�enities such as perfarming ar�s venues, cc�nferen�e facilitr'es, ic� rinks, s�reetscape, parks arrd vther recrea[ional rmprd venr►ents. Th� Lianshead Redevel�pment Master Plan sp�ci�ically identifies the tennis cc�urts as ar� ir�fill app�rt�rnity: There ar� severa! terrnr`s co�rfs or� the south si�e c�f the 1`�arrioit. This area presents and app�rtc��riry f�r row-rrse rr�filf d�vel�prrrer�t 3 � � th�t �ases the visva! and physrcal frarrsifian from the �xisfing strr�crure to the Gore �re�k reereat�arr path. Staff believes thal �ecaruse the �se is seasar�al, t�ere wsll be no e�fects c�n �uture develvpme�t potentia� of the terrni� �our� site, in adcfitit�n, t�te tent al€c�ws the Mar�iott to schr�dule additigrral �v��ts, er�hancirag t�e guest experience, Therefore, staff believes that the prapvsa[ is consist�nt with the Li�ns�ead Redevelopment Master Pla�. ]r� ad�fiticrn„ staff has identifi�c# the foll�wing gaals a�d o�j�ctives frcrm the Tawn af Vail Lanc� Use P�an, which siaff bel�e�es apply ta th'rs pro�asal: 2.4 The cvmmunity shvuld i,mprave summer recr�atronal ar�d c�ftr�ral rpportur�i�r'es tv er+cc�urage sr�mmer�ourism. 3.5 E'r�fertai�men� ori�nted busrness and cr�lfural activrfies shr�t�ld b� �ncauraged rn the core areas to create diversity. Mare nigf�ftrrne businesse�, Qn-gorng events and sanc�ra�ned"s�re��i�a,p,�enings"shvt�ld!�e er�cour�ged. Staff believes that b�cause #he conditianal us� permit would allow additional activities ta oc�ur at the M�rriott, in�luding special +�v�nts and p�r'�li�c �nd private ��enis, the prc�pasal is c�onsistent with tY�� Towr� af Vail La�d Us� Plan. Acct�rding to the appl�eant, approxim�t�ly ,�0 events, ranging frc�m weddir�gs ta br�a�fasts ar� sched�ied t� oeeur withRn the tent. 2. The efi'�cf af the us� on lighr �nd arr, dis�rrbution Qf ,papulatiQrr, �ranspQ+�atrc�r+ facrli�ies, utilitie�, schoc�ls, parks and recreatrarr faci�ifr�s, and r�r�rer public facr'frties r�e�ds. Staff believ�s that #he prop+�sed use will haue rregl�gib�e eff��ts a� the ab�ve-mentione� �riter�a. Horve►rer, �he tent dc�es render 2 0# the ter�nis c4ur#s �nusabl�. Tf�e re�aining � tennis e�urts are being used €or cansiructian staging. Ther�fc�re, none af the tennis �ourts are us�ble this season. Because of th�e tempar�ry nature of th� teni, staff belie�es that th�re is n� eff�ct an t}�� use c�f li�ht and air. 3. �ffeet upvn fraffi� wrth parti�cufar refer�nce f�c��?gesfron, autr�rr�atrv� and pedestriara �af�ty ar�d con�enience, tr�ffr'c f{ow arrd cor�trvl, ac��ss, mar�euv�erabilily, and rerrrc�vaJ af srrow frvm the sfreef andparking are�s. Staff believes that t�e �rop�sed us� wili ha�ve r�e�l�gi��e effects on th� abov�-menti���d criteria. Becaus� the tent will vnly r�main up durirrg the surr3mer months, t�er� is no e�ff�ct 4n sn�w �-emov,�l frcrm the street and parking areas. 4. Effect �rpon the �harac�er of the a�ea rrr whrch fhe prnpras�d use is ta be �ocafed, incl�din� the scale and bulk �f the prc�posed t�se in relatr"on t� surroundrng uS�S. As a seasanal �tr�ct�re, �h� prcrposed tent i� not subject tc� bulk �r�d mass standards af the �ir�r��h�ad Mixed Use 1 �ane district. 8eca��� it fs ��mporary in n�t�are (c�r��y the srammer monChs) staff believes tf�ai there 4 � � will he n❑ effeci vn the character n€ th� neighbor�ood. Th� capac3ty of the tent is approximately 650 peopl�. Tl�er� arc no ext�ri�r li�hts pr�p�,sed in conjunc#ion with the tent. B. FINdlNGS The Pl�nning and Enwira�r�en#al Commissiar� shall make the f�llowing findir�gs bef�re gran�ing a cor�ditiQna� use �ermit: 1. That the prc�p�sed location af th� use is in accardance with t�e pur,poses of the canditic�nal use permit seciic�r� of the zar�ing cod� ant� the purpose� of the dist�ict in whic� the site is �ocated. 2. That the prc�posed It��ation vf #he use an�i the conditit��s ur�d�r which it would be op�rated �r mainta'tr�ed wc�uld r�c�t be detrim��tal to the public health, safety, c�r weifare or rr�aterially injurious ta prap��ties Qr impra�rement� i� the �ri�inity. 3. 7hat the praposed use w�au�d cvmp�y with ea�h of th� applicabie pravisions af i�e ��ndition�l Use permit sectivr� �f the z�ni�g code, 5 � � �� �. ��'� .� V�[��CCI��. ���,�-��,«► �t�SC)F�T&SPA I1'r[T�RQFFICE MEM� p���: r��y�r r zoo i r�: �����ar� a�r,� From: Matt V�nsand �7irec�or of M�rketing Subjec.l: A�plicatirrn for Planrti«g�nd En�rironniental C;osninissir�n Approv�l Gapies: Allisan, Descri�tic�ns fron� application are b�low: ]. hI� in�paet 4n develvpment ol�jecfives of tl�e�own. �. Na ii�ipact�ifect af li�ht and air, distrihution of papul�tion, trans�o�ation ia�ilities, utilities, sehools, �arks and recreati�n facilities. Fublic i'acilities are utiliz�d i1i t]�e Marrintt. 3. Nc� eff��t c��� trafflc, as grc�u�is arc alrea�d�� �t the Marric�tt. 4. Im�raa�emer�t nn arca, as t�nt is�n attractive sun�r��er adc�ition, placcd over 2 ur�u:�ed Ler�niS Gc7urts. � � ,__� � r {5 *1�� _ ��, x , -� p v� Yk 1 5 �'4. =t � � 4F,ti.'�r5_'i�.'F.'' � _.r � . � _ � ''ti n- ..• '�� nn �F� µ:SR`s _ - �;-s� ''`'rw d '--• �+��-� _ � ti 1 � b �:� � a'� �°' � � � . -� � x � .�., r �rG:�a� I ��' { �,.n � w' 4�� 4> � r 1 + _; ` ��yy; � , r 'F � �p��.{.� a �f � m��� �' ;-9 F },��3 �, I i J�'' � f V C �� � � �S s � ,! 4� I i � �,rt��f i 1 � V ,o- ���T} � s � �1'. _� "° ' rt '1 �}� '1 � ti _ � _ 4;�� � �ti�:� , �, - � , .^,�'� - � ��`, ; �. '�,,� } + . 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F i�� . r''��'FYr�:t- �f.: .. .r��- 's��.,�''�;�-+'�: ,�`' ` - � � _ �.� tw��rr v - ��� _ + , � '°• n�.= • � , � , : r - - . � �F s , t f � ' , . -- _ �� , _ ! . .- 1 ��;. -- - - — - - � . -�t �k �� � ;i ' � � � '�.(J . . �;� _ _ x.... Y�[:' � .^� ws.,$.t;l� ��. . 'Y{�.. ,'-..e:� � �F '.�M 9•� ] ] �+ . ` . , ..�� �.�' �1�'C�G2��'J �GZG1�+�'� J��'"?.�Z+��" . . . ;�: x _�., ., , ��`��; � 4 -���, ` _ ; �Illade in �►meri�a, th� acadaSp�n � ;. ` �' : � �-�.� :: fi�as b�eer� fi�ld tested and �carefully �� :. : , � � {��:: e ' j . ,.y � �:`� engineered to with�t�nd winds of 3 ` _ � 7Q m�h to 12t1 mph �nd �an b� � ` x ,<, . �'� � purch�s�d with snowloa�d capabili- � �: , � � - : ti�s. Spec��lly designed far r�in •r�- ` � ;.. ..r�;, ��� �� .:: _��, -.. , and sr�vw to sfide vff, you can 4 �;- . ��,r; � safefy f�old ev��ts in all ��� ��H --�-�-��---;�-�#�--�� -�fi � � . � �,�y � , weather cc�nditions. �'f` +�� Y .r�e� L hf� . '�'�`� � -= ��:.. � -- '� "' :�'` : ._ ,� ATS�C A�adaSpans' profiies allaw ��s � � � - '- yo� to maximize the si�e with the �,,._ ; :`.' - .�. .r ; - minirr�um �f costs, � � � . � l �tr� �.� ����` � � � r� � ����;� _ _ r 7 � ' .,�..^��A� . . .+�.. �t's easy ta add style �n any �r�ent with liners, lighti�g, an�d . .� _�,",��,� .� � waad flc�vr systems, to nam� just :��� � :p..;.� � �` ,' '.' �- a: a few of the accessories avail- `���� ` able� with AT�C's Ac�daSpan. � _ . F .,;� ' �� �'See back p�ge for ' ��� mare acee�ssories.} � - _ ,. ;: . � ��������� � �Q' beam spacEnc� equafes to lvwer �onstruc�tic�n and �hip- ping easts � req�aires less m�npawer � �..�r. .. � .� a��._ �;.��..�� , �. �� ■ pr�-en�ineered ta mee� fih+� _ �.k ����wt����� .,"�'�'� demands c�f any pr�aject . ' � �- ,,;;, ��- ■ na rQp�s or stake fin�s required � ' ���- � �`" ,-� ■ light weight, yet ab�e to with- __ l:. - _ .� .`�- � � � � stand up t� 44 psf snow loads �,__ - � ��- - � - ��. _`` -- "�� - wit� apprapri�te �naw foa�d kit I —�-"'- �- "�r�rw�,u�cx . .,�� ' I�� Yf �� � --- -- - . p�ti+��, partifiians and modular � k � s ' � . l , - � _ 1 � _,� e�. ��� designs �an be created eca- 4, .1 �,` ;. _ C.IR1F��,�,.:r ;� '.�' '-�°=." . --._' nomically with a� ext�nded ';•-� �`�� ---�^Y°� track syS�en1 er��voF'' . �mx�s' `-_�� ' � � i �c� ���� � r_ , �a� � �o� � �o� � sa' , �a� � �ca� � ,QO� j ,2�� i r� 'r-�� ■'�-�--�� •- 3 A�adaSpan cornes in widths up to 20a', fe�lures three �asic e�ctrus�vns, ar�d has a 2D' beam spacing, whereas most athers ha�e an�y a 1�' spaeing. VlJith f�w�r beams, tk�e structu�-e be�ome� light�r weight, which equates into redu+ced c��ts. Yet, just bec�us� it's light weight dflesn't mear� Ac�daSpan isn't dura�le. This structure is �ngin�:ered to withstand winds �f 70 rnph to 120 r��h. =���`,._\: � �--- . _--�- -; �: ,���d��ss ��yaut Pr�ssi�ili��es i ' �' �`' � i, �. �= r � �- ' �: V�+ith �r�ter+�h�ngeable b��ms and ,, _ '�.°��, i '� `�.. �, , - � `��" r j'''�.� � ��--�-- .��, top parrel expandability, AcadaSpan .�:� ' ,��' � l, '�,: '''� �;� �� is tr�ly a madular system allc�wing ' � } l � 1 M1, ��l�. `� � �—`� : : ,�" end}�ss layaut possibilities. Yau f _-_ �j+ -'� i, T j;' ..�-' � f�--. ��- ,----��� �;� ���Y dream it and �T&C wi11 mak+e it '�` � �.'� __-, �`� � 1 �• �`` a reafity. �_ �`,' � � _ � . �' �° =-�+�-�',-',�-- `---.R__-.. _-�� _ �^; .,-� ��..- .14 f ,'.`� �1 t19. I�I T� �.. .... - � _ rr ,rf�:` :�: � ..,,�-. 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" T'HkS ITEM MAY AFFECT �(C�UR PR�7P�RTY � • F'UBLIC NC)TICE � ' . � �J�TECE IS HEF�EBY GIVEf� that th� Planrring anc� Enwirvnrn�r�tal Commission �►f#he Town of �� `"� Vail will hold � pu�lic hearing in ac�ordance with 5ec�ivn 12-3-� of#he Municipal Cade af the �. `��'� 7'awn of Vail on J�ne 1't, 2��]1, at 2:�}� P,M. in #he 7own af Vail Municipal 8uilding. In � + � �+, consider�tir�n af: A request for a variaa�c� from ���cti�n 12-BQ-6 �S�t��cks), Vaii T�wn Code, to allow for the constructian pf a �arage wi#hir� the required front s�tba�k, lacated at 1956 �ore Creek arive! Lot 45, Vai1 Vill�g� W�st Filing #2. Applicant: [7avsd Irwin P(�raner: Ann Kj�rukf A reques! ft�r a minor subdivision ar�d a va�iance from Se�&ivn 12-6D-5 of kMe Tow� �ode, to �Ilow f�r the r�s�bdi�risian c�f Lat 1, Strauss S�bdi�rision, a res�ak�divisian of Lats 4� � �7, Vail Villag� We�st Filing No. 2, re-creating Lots 46 &47, IcscaE�d a# 'E 916 � 1936 W�st G�are Greek Dri�e. Applicant: �Pat Dauphir�ais, representing Richard 5trauss Pianner: �13isan Clchs A request for#h� r����w of a prop4sed tex# amendmer�# to �hapter 11, C3��ign Review, r�f th� Zgning f��gulatians tv a1Saw far pracedural changes t� the perfarrn�r�c� band �racess as prescri�ed in the Vail 7awn Code, Applic�nt: Town �f Vail Planner. G�arge F2uther A request fvr a conditi�nal use p�r�it, to allaw for the conslructiAr� af arr athlet��fi�ld, lo�ated at f 1�] N. Frontage Rd. VIlestl A portion af Tract C, Vail Potat�a Patch. A full metes � bounds l�gal des�ripti�n is avaifah#� at the Depar#mert# Qf Cammunity �eveloprnent. Applicant: T�wn of Vail Planner: Allsson C�chs A request f�r a �onditiona[ use perrnit, #a �Ilow for the cansolidation vf 2 �nits within th� CC2 Zor�e �istrict, located a4 126 Willo�,+ �ridge F�aa�ilLa# K, Block 5E, Vatl Village 15' Filing. A,pplicant: Henry Anthony Ittleson, r�preser�ted by tC.H. W�el�b Architects. Planner: Aflisan �chs � request for a conditional use permit, to aflow for a seasanal str�,oc#ure within the Lionshead M17CE� USE 1 ZC7f�� D15tFl��, loca#ed at 715 West Lionsh�ad Circlel�.ot$ 4 � 7, Bl�cfc 1, Vail Lionshead 3`d Filing and Lots C � D, M�rcus Suhdi�+i��on. Applican#: Vail Marriv#t P€ar�ner: A!€ison C)ct�s A r�q�,est far� varian�ce ��nrn Sectian �2-�C]-�9 (Site Gaverage}, Vaif T`awr� Code, tn allow f�r the c�nstr�ction of an addition ta � sir�gle-farnily residence, located at i 11� Harnsil�er Circle 1 L.cs# 8, Bla�it 1, Vail Vi1lage 8��' Filing. �pplican#: Carol �a�llir�s, r�pres�:nted by Ar�is Wes# Archi#ecf�, PG Plann�r: �3ill Gibsar� ^� � ���, �. .� row��o�Y�r� � � � � , A €equ�st d`ar a minar subdivision, to allow f�r t�e carrec#ic�n of�rrors in the pfafting �#Tract J, Uail Viifage Firs# Filing, IQCated at Vail InterFaith �hapel, 19 V�il Road 1 Tract J, Blocl� 7, Vail Villag�e First �iling. Applicant: �'c�wn af Vail Plar�n�r: Brent Wilsoro A t�quest �or a w�rk session tc� discuss am�rrding certain ��sid�r�tial zo�ne districts in the Town of Vail fo alfow home day care facilities suhject tQ the issuance of a condrti4nal use permit ar�d a hame accupation per�nit. Applican#: T�van of Vail P�anner: George Ruther A revi�w vf a staff decisian regarding a request fvr a minor am�ndment ta the �pproved d�v�l�pment plan for the G�Iclen Peak 5ki 8ase, tc� allow for the expansia�n c�f the V1lreck Ro€�rn Res#aurant �nd Pas�part C��ab, locat�d at 4J8 Ilail Vall@y DrivelTra�# F, Vail Village 5'" Filing. Applicar�t: Gniden P�ak Ski Base Planner: Ar�n �tjerulF The appiicatians and kt�formati�n a�aut th� pr�aposats are available fc�r public ir�spectior� during regu[ar offi�e hnurs in the prc�ject plar�n�r"s vffice, located a# t�e Tt�wn of Vaif Community Development Qepartment, 75 Sar�#h �rontage Road. The p�hlic is invited to attend project �ri�r�tation and the sife visits that precede the pu�siic hearir�g in the Town c�t Vail �a�-nmunity Deueiapmer�t Qepartm�ni. Please call 479-2�38 �or infQrmation. Sign language ir�terpretation available upor� request wi#h 24-hour ndtifica#f�n. Please call 479- 2356, T�lephc�n�e far the He�ring Impaired, far informatian. Community �evelapm�nt �e�artment Pub#ished May 25, 2Q�1 in #he Vail Trail. 2 � RECEIP'T�- '1't�e Tuwn af Yai1 , I� .. • � DATE 20 ti �� � �3 x,,�:� � , � 'I �E�EIVED FRUM ` �G; --- -- ; ADDRE55 — - — . � � � . . 6 � G , , ,�. � , , � �. -� � �a , , ., . , � , 9 — -- , - — – — -- - - [ � �� � TH]I.L.A�S $ � I I I I � _..� _—�_. . � � Permit Numbers Poii�e Receigt Numbers I � HdW PAIT�Cash ;� �heck 13y � I I �f s W Y����Y d�!♦�� � �,�� � f��; ��i � � � � � ; « � ; � � . ,, � �4 � , ; ��`��_�'' .���1� „�� �����, � ^�;��..�..r�; �: � :� j ,I� �. ��,.<. . �.-? 1'�. ? �^e� �f.�'",�� I�'i'� _ � � r J � ,�y'� . �:. ., � 'C� rz {�. . e � '7 � +.. � ���� �l - } � N Q �J@ 0 � � � � � J .:-: � � r� ;� f � w �� � � � � � � y•"', Y � y ��� � q 6 Q C �- C1 � � � � 'R-. K � ; � � � � � � � � V i.1-1 � 4.:.3 � •C� �:-.. S � '.� �{ %4 � � � 'ti 91 � ' �y �j i '~ '� q � a t�.. � O � � C t..�. �� �� C ` `ti fi c] C �,' p 'tS w � �1 y �Z b �. . �' � � q � � � � �� ` �� � � �`�- ='�" � r � _ �¢� _ — ---- ._. ._ - Q��ion�?�C th� PEannirtg St�ff at 479-�f38 --� � , � � � �T���,� � �: 1 4 �',; �Q� � .: ` ARP�CAT�flN FOR PLANNING AN�7 ENVI�tONMEI11TAl� ���''�r� ��� �'����� I�,;``� COiMMISSION APPRt�VA�L �E�vE��. � � �r.S ►� This appli��atian is ic��° any ;�ra�e[t r�quiring apprnva! ay t�e F'lanning and �nvironmer�tal C�mmi�sian. For speci�c infa�tatit,n,see th� submi ta� require�nenLs fmr tti� particul�r appro�val that is re�quested. The applicativrs C�n nat t�e ac�cep#ed untik c�l� requi�ed infarrr�at�vn �s S�bmitteci. The project rrtay a� need to be �vievared by the Town Caunci� artdlo�'th� [.�ign �eview 6t�ard. A. 7YP�Of AF'I?LICA�ZDIV� C3 Becl and E•eaf�ast CI Employee Hvusing lJn�t{TYPe: } f33� CcrN��itit�n; ! Us�: Perm�t C} Majar or ❑ M9nor �xtet'ior AI[erat�€�n , G� Mt�.;s�r+�r 7 Minor Sub�fir�isi�n (Vai! Vilk�ge} �� R��:r;sning Cl M�jor ar Mint7r F�rCeri�r A�t�ra�ian ('�ans#t�ad) �� Sic�- V����Ce Cl V�riance C] 5����°ial ��velapm�nt D�rict C] Zar�ing Co��Am�ndment C] M�si�7r or [ l Minar Amendrrter�t to SD� C] Amendm��t t�an Approveci f�vel�prr��er�t P�n ► f 8. �'�ESCI�I�'Tl:[,:iN l7f �iE FtEQ4.fEST; �� x ',� �t�,��.,,r,�_.,'"%¢�-� �':� �,.��a.n�r rr�e���s.f►�-�s,�.� – '��!=�---f� / � ,�� — � C. f_�CA7I�N [)F E�R(��OSAL: LUT: BLO�l�: �l�[�G: PFiYSICAI�lll)C)RR�'�S; '��` {.� � ' ����„_., C�i.fC�.�L _ a. '��ARCEL�l�:.�� n�ct Eagl�Ca.I�ess��s affice at 97�-328-864�fl far par�l #) E. �41�TNG:__�,'-����j � �� �►s� F. I�IAM��F+::��fNNER S}: �0.0 c iao � i C _ M�`4]I1NG �0[}RESS: '�GL — _ — P�E{] • �o� _ �,D G. C>°VY"NER[S) SIGI►iAT#� � � - H. i►IIIME QF�°�f�PLIC�NT: " CiD . IW.�7:�If3DRES5•., �ll'S �.,�.]._..� . ` � ( �� ��c� �-� �Ha�a�. �c I. F E�: .Se��.sutrm,°tdl r�quirsment�fvr appropriat��e� F}�.�ASE �U�3MX7`TFIIiS AP'�LICATI(�N, AL�S��MITTAL R.EQIIIREMLNTS ll ND T #� FEE Td THE E]�M*ARTMENT t3F�L}MMUNITY I]EV�LOPMENT, 75 St7UTH �RONTAGE RUAl�, VAIL„COL{DRAdO 81fi57. - --._ _.,, �_� '�;�r.�� �, . ��� � ��e PaEd: �,�#f;�� � �CK#•� d�4� By: , Ap�rl�cat3c�n �1.��+v.� �"� I�� F��C M�ting '��te: � Pre-APpiicati[�ri iwl+�et �� at�: ..�,,. ' � t __. ,f�_ ���/_�FrG�� �_�1��t� �**�**��**�*�*��*�+*��*� *****�************�***��***��******�*�*�********�*******#*�* T(�1WN('1F VAIL. CCDLf]R.AU� 5t�►tem�►t �*********�*�*�r*�***�*****«***�*��*��****��*���*****���*��****�*�*+****��**�a���**+��*�***�**� Staternent Number: ROQfl�U[?754 74mount: $20D.D� b5/14/2aq1p4.53 PMI Fayrtent Method: Caah Inat: JAR t�Utatic�n.: Permit No: P�CO1Q036 ���e: PF3� - Cariditicsraal []se Parcel Nv: 21410'7212013 Site A�idresa: Lvcati.on: Tatal FeeB: $�00.00 This Payment: $�On.OQ Tp�a3 ALL Pmt�: $2pU.Q(7 �i�lanLe: $0.C�4 **�*�**************�tr�*****�*+k�k*�k�*****�*�k********�*�***#************************��*�**�**��� A�C�7U1�T ITFM f..IST: Acca�nt Code Descriptian Current Pmts PV �OIQL�D0311�5aD PEC APPLICATION FEES �00.00 ,� ��:��� � � uA�L�„aPI7�: �r.,�,,. . �� ML1LR+�TAW RFSi)1[f tNAtt Vin��nd-Direci�ar nf,5rtles&Mar�etrrtg 715 Wcss Lians�ead Cirsic•Vail C'vlorsdo 8ifi57 (5�7a�479-b49p*Fa�s{47fl?�79-d�96 Enaail: matt.�insantt(r�meu�iat�.r�m i •,� i . � ��� . V/IIL�' ,��"1"��'�. rr►�•* n�six rt�ineN R�ES�tT R 5�9'4 bta�ry6rlh fiin� - 5erii�r Corrverrriari 5'ervices b?'ernager �i15 West Lionsltead �Circlt• Vail Lo@ara�v $]657 (970) �7�J�6947 Fax (5�70) �19•4946 Ernail: marybrth.king(r�arrarriott.cam ��- � � n��y � y,� � I � � . , � � � ; ' � � � ,, � 5�flt By; VAIL MA��T�TT MTN RES�RT; 970479B4�7r May-9-01 �:34PM; Page 111 � � . �3w� � � � � � Luif's or�f• 'Cc�a�4r N�rsfr Tir��7rn `y������3 C:r�tr�l�ic �ittir�it��t Sl�i!r.scnfs'f'f�vard'��ia�rrrr 1kiC3�JNTAIh! R�SC�'��A 11+'iS,�I.�jtSUti �C�13 Towr�vf V�1 T5 S��th Fran�.ge R� �d Vait,+wolcrradc� 81�;7 D�ar]vls. C7�i��� As ret�u�sfed, vre ar� �ubm�i�u�khis le�lt�°W exp�edite yoeu'buildiag permit pr�tsecss with aur tempc��r �ur��r��er te�t lvcat�ed ar�thc soutti sid�oft�HaL�I. 1�w'e r�ec�gni2e t�at shvuld vwr Cc�s�ditional �Js:.P�rn.i#of th�iemporrary t�t�t na�t�appr�v�`, w�a�to Eh�r�nn�a� v�"aur fic°ni. 'R+'e�re hopin� that th��mnditional Us�P rrnit pro�;cess�+i11 rec�i�e approva],as thc t�nt has been r� a used fo�r the paJk s�e�i.l summ�s w�th n �h�c�cticsns from neighboriszg properties flr the T�wm�f Ysil. lf y�ou haire any questivns,feel free to ccrnlact m�at 97�-479-6��0. Sinc���! , �� .� - � ! rR , .�C;�:�•��''�--� vi�i '�r� Gen�ral Mana;��r � � i'[3 1"1c3i 11t�i5Siltael t_iriJr-L:iil.i nlnruki ii�tii�•S77F11'TN.r7�•I�•Fd:{l9J'(1��iYlrlfril•n�xcw.v�i�P.rwrC,m.vrinkf F F-m�ail:��jp1#i�yl'�j].i3Ct � � ` � � � ���Q��,� L,and'TitIe Gvar�ntee Gompany lOg S. Fromtage Rd. W. #2�13 �C1� 1��f: Vail, Ct�81657 UUA1f.A.li1 EE(:OMVANT �ro-a��-z�s 1 r�in: �a�s��o�� �,�r�n���ia�rr�t�t��ra�� �soxr lN�IOiCE N�, Z7�'57B Attn: MATT VINSAND 715 W. LiQNSHEAD CIRCLE �teference VA,IL, CO $1657 Your Reference Nfo. V272�78 � C1ur()r�er Nv. '�l'C272578 Our Customer No. 1'1�99 C}rdere€1 By: Matt Vinsand lnvoiee Dat�: 11�ay 16,2Q(ll in�giced By; I�ager A,vila I'rvperty Address: Tennis&Pool �eas, Marriatt Mnunt Phone Number: 97p 47G-2251 Duyer/�oriowex: To Be Deteriu�ineci -CHARGES- Paevious Aivaunt Due: �Q.�D Information Bintier $17�.00 Tocal Invoice Am�uns: S�.a 5.a o Cuzaen,s Balance I]ue: $�,7 5.i3 D Payment due upbn receigt Please Referene�Invoice Nn. on Puyment Piease rnake c�e�k�ayabl��n�i send to: LAND TITL.E G[IARA�+FTE�C(?3viPANY P.b. Bi7X ��7 VAIL, CD K1658 PrinCed DS-Sur-20U2, form SNV6TCE v999 P8�4' � s r l,and Titl� Guarantee C�mp�n�► �u�Yot�€R oisT�i$urtaru Date: DS-1b-2�U1 Uttr�7rder Number: VC272578 Pr+aperty Addre�: TEN�S&�OOL AR:�AS,MARRlC3TT M+I�L]NT�►IN 1ZES�R"I'ArTI]5PA VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RES�IA'1' 715 W.LiJN5TiF,AI)CIRCi:E `VAIL,CO 81857 Attn: MATT VINSAND Pt�one: 970-4 79�C+990 Faz: 970�-479�996 Sent Via US Pc+slal Scavice f orm E9ELIV€RY � � - l.and Title Guar�nte� Company Y�UR C�NTAGTS Date: �5-i6-2QU1 (�ur�rderNe�mber: V�27257$ F�'+�p��'ty Address:. TEN�FIS&PODL AREAS, M�RRi�'f'T`MO'[77NTA�N RESORT AND SPA BuyerlBarrower: T�BE DETERMIN�i7 Se1ZerlClwrier: MA�tK RFSDRT AND TENNIS CL,UB A55f]C1ATI(7I'+T, INC., A Ct3LC7RAD�3 NOI'�1-PRC3FfT CC3RP[7FZAT10�N AI�Tl�TNE N1AR�LOD�E C(7NDOMII�TIUM AS5�lA7`IQN, INC., A C+JL�}R,ADU�iQN-PRC3FI'I' CC7RPCJRATdC)N QN BEHALF AF ALL T�iE�CONDOMIATI[.TM UNIT C3W,�IERS Il� THE MARKILQDGE AND THE�A.RK RESO�T AND 7'�NN�S CL[]B If�ou har�e any inguiries or segc�ire furthee assistance,pleasse contact vne nf the numbe.�rs be�nw: �ar�losing Assisfanee: For Titl�,d#,ss�Stanc,+�: Vail Title Dep[, Roger Avila 108 S. FR.�NTAGE RD. W. �2Q3 P.O. BQX 35T V AIL, C(3 81657 Ph�ne: 97�-4�6-2251 Fax: 970-476�534 �Mail: ra�iia�ltgc.com Need a map ar dirertions for our upcorrung closing?Cher3c otst Land Title's we�sfte s#wwwltgc.c�nm n fc�r dire�clions#a an�of our of'f`ice locations. ESTiMA��0��"ITLE FEES Infc�rmation Band�r $175.�lo T�TAL ���s.�v� Farm CON7AC7 THANK Y�U FOR YOUR(7}iDER'. - Chiea�v 7"itle ln�urance Cor�pasiy ALTA C �MMITM �I�1T �►ur Urdex Na. YC27257$ Sr�h�dWe A CErst. Rr.�.: Property A,ddress: TEN1�i3S 8c Pl"3CyL AREAS, MARRIUT]'M(3LTN7'AlN F�SCIRT AI�TD SPA l. �Ff�c�teve Uate: May U3,�OI31 �t 5:Cw0 P.M. �. Policy ta�be Lssued, and�'rrnpnsed Insured. Iufvrmaiacr�Bimder P�opgsed Insr�red: Td F3B I7ETEFtMI1�� 3. The e�ate or interest in the land des�ri�red arr reFerred to ir�this Cor►unitment ared cover�d herein�s: ,�4 �'ee Sixuple 4, Title lo the�state or i�terest cosered herein is at the eE"fective da#e het'�nf vested in: 3VIA,RK RES�QItT AND TE1�i1rTI�CLCIB ASS+DCIA'I'�ON, Il�iC., A �C}LORADO NCJ�N-PR�FIT CdRPORATI{31� AI�II}TH�iViAR�.L�DGE C�1'�TF?fJ1ViII11LTM A,55d3CIATiC3Itii, INC., A Ci7LdRAD[]N�DN-FRQ�IT C�]RP�RATI�N C]N BEHALF i]F ALL TN�CONUUMINTLTM '[.JNI7'[7WNER5 I1V T�-IE MARKf1.ODGE ANi� THE MARK RE5t3RT AND'�'�NI��S �LUB 5. The land reFerret3 to in Ehis Corr�nitm�nt is descrihed as foilows: SEE ATT�"A�CHED pA+GE(�}FC]R LE�AL DESCRIPTIU�rT - O�wr Order Na. VC272578 �ECAL a�SCR�PrI�N PARCEL 1 GENE1tAL COMMf�N ELE1VfENTS (II�CLLFDiNG POOL�REA),THE MARKILpI]G�TN ACCCIRDA:h1�E WiTH`I'HE AMENDED DECLARAT3C7�N OF CdNDC]I�+1T�lI1J�M �OR TNE MARKILGDGE RE�QRDE�()CTO�ER 17, �978 TN BQ�K 276 AT PAGE 5(}fi A1�iD MA�tCH 22, 197'4 IN�3(�t3K 2$3 AT PAG�344 AF+1D THE��NDCJI'►+iINI[]M �1+�AP FOR THE MARKII.��G�REC4RI3EU MAfiCH 27, X97� IN B�OK 2�3 �+,T PAGE 93[3 Ai�iI7'THE AMEl"+iDED PI.�1,T()F THE 5i°I'E PI.AN FO�TNE MARKIL+QI?GE RECORDED OCTOBER 17, 1978 IN BC}(}K 276 AT PAGE f�[J7, CC7CTNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF C+DLC1FtADf}. PARCEL 2 LiM�T�D��?M1VI�I+d �LEMENTS (INCLUL7IN�TENNIS C(7URTS}. '�'H�MARK RES#JR'I'AI�iU'l'�NNiS �CLiJB (A CiDN�?C?MINIUM)IN ACC�}F�DANCE WITH TI-IE��NDOdviINIUM DE�LARATIUN REC4RI)EDi MARCH 14, 198fl I1N B(}UI�3flU ,4`1'PAGE 183, ANll'I`HE Cf3ND�}MII�JllM MAP I�CCIRID�D.Mt�,RCH 14, l 484 IN �(?UK 3G�Ll AT PA,('i� 184, COLT,�i'I'Y OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLCIRAT)�. � � - AL.TA +CQMMITMENT Schedule B-Sectian 1 (R�yuir�ments) C3ur+Dcd�-Na. VC27�5?8 The fv�lpweng are t�e reqnirernents ta be camplied witi�: Item�a}Paymenc tc�Qr far t�e aecaunt of t�e�rantors ar mnrtgagc�rs of Che full c�a�sideration far the�sstate or inter�st to be i,ns�ared. Itean�[b}�rvp�r ir�uvment(s}ereating rthe estate or interest t�a be insur�ri inust tse executed and duly fided#"pr record, ta-wit: Item{e)Fayment of aSI�axes, char�es or assessmencs ler�ied axud assessed against the subject premises which arc due arid payable. �tem (d}A�iciitic�na] requiremen�s, if any disclosed belaw: THIS CQMMTTMENT I5 F(7R INF�3t�dATiClfi�i �NLY, AND 1V{�PCILICY WILL�3�IS5[TED FURSUA.NT HER:ETO. � � - ALTA C�MMITNI� ENT �eheduZe B-Secraon 2 (Exceptions} U�r Order Nfl. 'VCZ7257$ 7'he paliey or{»oliries ta be issued will contain exceptsflns fo the fnllorving unless the same are dtsposed nf to the satisfacfion af the C�nmpas�y;. l, Rights ar claims gf parties in possession nat shvwn hy the public r�rds. 2. �asements, ar claims of eas�men�, not sbown by the public recards. 3. Discrepancies, ccariflicts in b��undaey lines, sharta�e i�t area, �nezoachmea�ts, and aaay faets which a c[amect surv�Cy tt�d �nspection vf the premis�es wt�uld disclose aud which are nat shnwn by ihe public�recc�rds. �_ Any Iiem, ar right#o a lien, far serviees, labvr crr material tLeret��ore ar her�afr�r furnishecl, imposed by law and aot shown by the�blic recards. 5. Defe�ts,Iie�en�mbrances, adverse�claiaaas or othea matters, if any, created, first appearing in the pu6�ic re�ords ar attachiA� subs�que�t to tbe effecu�e date hereof but prior to the clate the paopased i�sured acquires of record for value t�e�state vr interest ar n}c�rt�a,�e therevn cvverefl by this�ommimnent. b. Tazes or sp�ecia] assessments w�ich are r�ot shown as existing liens hy tfie pU6lic recr�rds.o thc Treasur�r's office. 7_ Li�ns for uu�paid water ancl sewer char��.s, zf a.nY•• 8. In addiCion, th�e t7wwnes's pr�licy will be subject tp t�ie mortgag�e, if �ny, noted in Section 1 of Sehedule B hereof. 9_ RIGH'F Q�'PR(}FRT�ETOR UF A VEIN C7R LQDE TO E�TRACT AND REM�VE I-IlS CIRE THEREFROM SH(]ULD THE SAME BE FOUND TD PENETRAT'E C1R Il�']`�RSE�CT TIiE PREMISES AS JtESERVED 11V UNITED ST�A'TES PATENT RECt�RD�D 1VIAY Z4, 1904, T3'rl $fIQK 48 AT �AGE Sd3 AND SEP�'EMBER 4, 1923 IN B[)�K 93 AT PAG� �8 1{?. RIC;HT QF WAY F�R.DT"1'CHES CtR CANA�CdNSTRUC'I'ED BY TI�E AUTHQRI'I'Y dF TH� UNITEI] STATES AS RESERVEI7 I1�1 U3wiiTED STATES PATENT REC��ED MAY 2�, 1904, IN Ba+C]K 48 A�T PAGE SL�3 AND SEP7'EMBER 4, 1923 IN Bt]flK 93 A1"PA�C`i�98 t 1. RESTRICT`IVE COV�NAN'i'S, Wi�3CH DQ NO�'C(?NTAFN 1�Ft]RFEiTUItE t�R REVERTER CLAUS�, BUT CtM�'I'I'ING REST`RI�TIONS, IF ANY, BA5E�3 (lN RACE, COLC}R, RELIGI�N, €�R NAT`IONAL OWGIN, A5 CUNFAINED IN II'35TRUM�NT�ECCIRDEI)�CZ'OBER 15, 1971, IP� BQ�C3K 221 AT PAGE 99l AN� AS AMENI]Ed IN INSTRUMEI'�1T RECDRDED Ai�GUST 1�;, 1977, IN�3p[)K 258 A+T�AG�453. �2. UTiLTTY EA�EMEttdT 2(}FEET 1�N WIDTH, 30 FEET It+1 WII3TH AND 40 FEET TN WID"T�I Ih1 T4-1�E NORTHWEST PQRTTON QF LO"l"5, BLOC'K I, 5 FEET IN WIDTH AL(?PdG fiH�5C}l�'TH �d'1'LINE��LOT 4�ND Lt3T 5, BLC��K 1, 1� FEET 1I�T WIa;77T1°i A�.ONG THE EAST LQT LINE+�F LOT 4, BL[3CK l ANU A PQRTTDN [lF THE SQLJTHERLY M(aS'C CORrtER �F L�3T 7, BLOCK 1 p,S SHOMW3'� �3N THE RECOR£]EI] Pl-.A'I'DF VI�ILILI�NSHEAT7,THTRD F[LTi�TG. - ALTA +C�DMMI'�'MET17' Sc�et3ute�-Seccio�►2 (Eaceptions) Ou�•Clyder i'+�o. V�2T2578 T"he go�i�,y vr polities Eo b�e issuet�will eon#ain exceptinns#o the Fnllowing unless fhe same are disposed af fa the satisfaction af fhe Cfln�apany: 13. PEL7E5"1`""RIAN EASEIvIEN"'�" 15 FEET IN V1+'IDTH AL�NG THE S�DUTH LEIT L�N� �F LOT 7, BLOCK 3 VA�LLI'LIQNSHEAD, THIRD FIT..ING AS SHfJJWN �QN 77�E RECQRDED �'I.,AT. 14. UTTLITY EASEM�NT AS GRA�TED T4 HC3LY CROSS ELEGTRIC AS�L?CIATIUN, I1VC. Il�' I1VST'R.UMEN'�'RECQRDEI3 AFRIL 19, 1978, II3 I�[)[3K 259 AT PAGE 2(�"2 ANl]A�.]GUST 3D, 19$2 IN B40K 344 A'F PAGE 9�22 15. ��ASEM�NN'F'AS GRANT�D'F°E}CABL�VISTQN ASSC?CL4T�5 VT, DJBdA HERITAGE CA�L.EVI�IDN I]�IC. IN INSTRUMEi'�T REC�RDELl MAY��, 1'�83,JN B[JUK 3fi[}.AT PAC'iE 42. 16. EASEMENTS, R�S�RVATIO?tiiS, A�iD F�ESTR1CTfC?1�15 �S SHOWN{JR�tESERVED(3N"T�IE ItEC�RB�D PLAT C}F VAILJL.IICINSHEAD l�T� FILING. 37. UTI[.ITY EA5E�+1'EhIT AFFE�CTitdG TH�SOC7T�IWESTERLY PORTIOIrI UF LOT �l, M(JR.CUS SLIBDIV�SION, AS S��WN OR RESEI2VEL OI�I`THE PLAT C1F MORCUS SU'gI�IVISION. l$. TERMS, �CONUTTIOT�TS ANT3 PR9VI510NS OF EASHMEP�T AND RIGH1'�F WAY AS +�i�:ANTED'I'O HdLY CRdSS ELECTRIC A,SSpCIATIClN, INC_ RECCIRDEI]APR.IL 19, 1978 II�I B(}pK�69 AT PAGE 202. 19. TE�S, CfJI�DITi�DNS AN�PRC7VTSIOI�iS �F PAR'FY WA�.L AGREEMEhi'C gY ,4N3�BETWEEN THE MARK-LODGE COI�III]�MI�TLT�h+I A�aSU3CIA1'fQN R*iG., A N�T�FOI�-PRfJFI7'COLCD�ADO C[7PORATICII+� AN�M-K CC?RPDRATI(]N, A�C(]LDRAD�CORP+C3ItA`i'I{]N REC�RI]ED C3CTOBER I?, 19�8 �N �(}OK 27f 1�T PAGE 6(�8. 2D. T',�R.iNIS, CON37TTTOMS AND PROVISIQNS Ck�NTP�INEU IJ'+I A�REEMENT BY AND BE'I'"W�EI�1 M-K CDRP+6RATIOdN, A COI�{)RADO CORPORATION AND'T'HE M�2K-�.QI)�GE CE7NI]t7Mil'�l'IUM ASSQC��4TIQN INC, RECOR�ED C}CTQB�R l?, 197$IN Bf}DK 27fi AT PAG� b(}'�. (THE ABQVE ,P►FFECTS ALL PARCELS) 21. 'I`ERtv�S, CQNI�iTI(3NS A]�kT] PR�V�Si(?IwiS C3,�GRAN'T C1F�ARKING EASEh�fEI�iT�tE�C�ItI]E� (]C7'+DBEIt 17, 1978 II+� $C?OK 276 AT PAGE 61f1 AND APv1EP+Ii)MEI�lT THERETU RECfJRDED ][ILY 27, 1982 IN�ODK 343 AT PAGE 4b7 Y � � � ALTA COMMITMEI�IT Scbedule B-Sec�c�n 2 {Exeep#iarLS) �t�r CYrder Np. V'C272S78 Tfie policy or,�olicies to he issued w7�1 cantain�ceeptians#v lhe follQwing zu�less fhe same a�e dispased of io the s�tisfacti[�n vf the�ornpany: �2, THC?SE PR(]VISI��IS, CO�IVANTS ANI)C4N17ITIC}N'S, �AS�MENTS AND RESTRIC"f�[)NS, WH7CH ARE A B[JRDEd+I T�THE CflNDC?MINiUM i]�I1T DESC�IBED lt'+I SCHE�llLE A, AS CCINTAINEU ITfi INSTRUI�+T�1�TT FtECORD�D�ARCH i4, ]9$(1, II�1 B()DK 3W A'F PAGE �83. 23, fi�IZMS, CONI3ITIONS AND PR�VISION�{�F PARTY WALL AND ENCRC}.ACHMENT ACrREEMEI'�T BY AND BETWEEI�T THE MARK RESORT AND�TENNIS CLUB ASSOCIATICIT+�, INC., A CC3LQRADO Nf�T FOR PR4FIT Ct3RFQRA"i"iQN AND M-K C�RF'()RATIQN, A COLORADO CC)R'P[)RATl(}N RECQ�?ED I[7LY 27, ]982 IN B�DflK 343 AT PAGE 453. 24. T'�RMS, CONDITi0I�I5 ANL7 PR4VISIQNS (�P RE�REATI{3NA�..�4,GREEMENT BY A�+ID HETWEEN T�-lE M-K C�RFOR.ATIOI�, A Cf�L{]RAF��3+C�RPORAT'iQN AND T'�IE 1M�4RI�RE50RT AI'�iiD TENN! CLi.TS ASS�CFA"I'ION, INC., A CC3LQRAI?0 CQRPURATIrD�T�tEC�RDED NLY Z7, 1982 IN BfJ4K 34�AT PAG�464. �'I'HE ABUVE A�FECTS PARCEL 2} Z5. TH05�PR�?VISI�N�. COVENANTS .AND C�ONDITTC}NS, �ASElvIFhi'�`S, ,AND RESTRiC'TTQNS,. WHICH ARE A BURD�N TQ'I'�IE COND�MI�TI�IM UNIT DFSCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A, AS C�NTAINEI] II�1 I�STRLTMENT RECOW]ED QCTC}BER l7, �978, IN B�EII�27fs AT FA,GE �6 ANI) A� AM�NDED IN INSTRLIMEIrTT REC�RbED�ARCH 22, I979, IN BQOK 283 AT PAGE 344. (THE ABDVE AFFECTS PARCBL 1) 2fr. TH�SE PRt�ViSIC]NS, C�V�NANTS AND CC}NQTTIO�iS, EA,S�MENTS AN�7 R�STRI�Ti(7NS, WHICH AI2E A BURDEN TC�THE CQNDiQMIP�TTJM t�NT�i'DESC�BED IN SCHED�}LE A, AS Gf�NT,�3VED�N IN�TRUM�NT R�C�RDED MAR�H 14, I98�, IN BObK 300 AT PAGE 1$3. �rx� ��vE a��c�s�aRe��.�3 27. EXISTTNG LEASES AND TENAAICILS. 28. Et4SEMEIrTTS, RESERVATIpNS AND RESTRICTIDNS AS SHaWN(3R RESERVE� C9N TH� R.EC(31�ED C{}I�iI?C}MINIUNI M1�.P�F THE MA�RESE�RT Al�TI]'TE�i�iTS C�,iJ�CC3P+iDOMiNP[�MS. . � � • ,ALTA C +D1viMI7'ME1�iT S��edule B-Sectian 2 (Exce�tinr�s) �wr Urder Na. V�272578 7'h+e pQiicy ar policies to be issued wi11 car�tain exceptians ta the following unless ihe sam�are disposed of to th+e safisfAdlan of t�e Company: 29. EASEME�JTS, RES��VATi[]NS AND It�STRICTI�NS AS SH�tIWN QR R�SER'WEi7F CiN THE COI'��OMItrTIUM MAP FCjlt THE MARK LOI�GE A1��7 AMENDMENTS THERETC}. 3U. T"ERMS, CdI�iDI'TIi�NS ANU PROVIS�dAiS flF T�fEM(7RANI7UM OF MA�"+1AGEME�'�T'T AGRE�IN�N'f RECORDED SEPTEMBER lb, 1�9I IPd BOC?K 562 AT PA��256. 31_ ENCRdACHMENT flF C€JNCRETE AND PD�7L C1I'1T(}CJ'TIL.ITY EASEMEiHT A5 SHOWN ON IMPROVEMENI"LO�A,TIQl� CERTIFICA'I"E PR�PARED 3UI�E 19, 19�2 BY il'�'I`ER-MO�TTAIN ENGINEERING LTU., PI�(7JE�T NC). '9�255 S. 32. ASP�ALfi FAVTNG AND CONCF�T'E SIDEWALK CiZ�SSIitiI�G ADIGIINING PRQPERTY A5 SH�i�I C1N IMPR[]VEM�NT I..(7CATI01`�1�ERTIFJCATE PREPARED IF,]NE 19, 1�92 BY INT�R-MOT..FNTAIN�NGINEE.RI�TG LTI�., P��]ECT NG. �2255 5. 33. T�Rh+�iS, {CONDITIC33�5 AI�D PRDViSIC3�1S �F MEMC7RAl�iIaUM QF MANAGEMENT AGREBMEN'T° R�COI�DED MAY 18, 1999 AT RECEPTI!'JN NU, 59�363. 34. LIN�CREDI'T TRU�"I"t�E�D, FEE AND LEASEF�C]LD MORTGAGE, DEED OF TR[1ST, SECEIR�TY AGREEM�NT, FiXTURE FILING STATEMENT,ASSIC�I+IMENT(3F I.EAS�S AItiiD R.�NTS ANT, FINAI��iNG STA'�EMENT DATEI]N(}VEMBER Z9, �944�R(7M MARI�RESD�T AN17 T�NNIS CLUB ASS{�lATION, INC., A CQL�RADt7 N�N-�'RCIFIT CORP{?RATIOIV AND'T'HE MARK�.ODGE CQNDdMIhi1UM ASSC3CIATIQN, INC., A COL[?RADQ N�DN-PA�FiT CORPC)�RA?TON l'�;hT �#�f�A1.F(�F ALL THE C�NDOMIRTIUM U�JIT f3WNERS IN TH�M.AR.KILQDGE A�D'Ti HE MAItK RES(�RT AI��.7"�N��S �LUB T[?THE�'UBLIC TRUST�E OF EAGLE CQUW'I`Y FfJlt TH�U5E OF BANKERS'�°RUST�CIMPA,�1Y, A I+IEW YORK STA7`E BAI�iK,iNG Cf)RPORATION, A5 COLLATERA�.,AGENT TC3 SECUFtE'T'HE SUI�+1 OF$23�1.�4.(H?0.0�, AND ANY OiTHER Aiv�OU�T'S €'AYABL.E L3NI}ER TH�3'ERMS THER.EOF, RECC3RDE�IJEC£MBER OG, 19$4, II� BOO�IC b5G AT PAGE 655. SAID D�ED OF TRUST WAS FUATHER SECURED IN ASSIGNMENT C}F RENT5 AECORDED DECEMBER f?�, t4�4, I�i B+pQK 656 AT PA+GE 65G. y ! � ' LAND TIT�...E GUARAIVTEE COMPANY DISCLUSCIRE STATEMENT R.eguired hy C.R.S. i0-1i-122 A) The subject real�raperty may be located in a special taxing district. �) A Certi�ir.�te afTazes I3ue listing each taximg juris�iction may be obtai�ed frc�m the CQUnty '�'ma�,rer's swt�iol7zeti 8gerit. C} The information re;�arding spe�ial ciistricts an�i the houndariess of such ciisiricts may be ohtair�ed from Ehe�oard of County C�mmis.�ioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, ox the Cat�ary Assesso�. �fffe�cti�e Sept�em�er D, 7997, �RS 34-1i�-406 require.s that all d�ct�ments re�eive�d for recar�tti�g oX filing in the clerk and re�order's of6ce shali contain a top m�rgin pf at leasc�ne inc�a�d a left,rig�t and bflttQm margi�a o€ at lea.se one half vf an inCh. The clexk and re�:order may refuse to record dr ftl��ny dc�cumemt that dn�not confQrm, �except tY�2ft, the requirement fQr the top margin sha�l not a�pply co cl�cuments usi�g fom�.s an wl�icl] space is pra�vided for reevr�ding ar filing infor,matian at the tag mar�in of the r�o�cumesu. Nate: Ct�lorada Aiuision vf lnsuranee Reguladons�-5-1, Paragraph C o�A�rticle VII req�,ires tt�at "Every t�tle entity shall be responsible f+or all matters which appear of recard grit�r ta the time of rec��rdis� whenever ihe qtle enuty cer�ducts the cl�tsin�amc� is respansible for recc�rd'sng vr�iling of ie�al cicx.-umenL� resulting from t'�e transacti�n wliich was clnseri". Pr�vide�i that Land Title Gtu7i'ant� Cnmpany��ndue€s the closing caf the insured tr�nsactidn and is responsible for recording the legal dncr�ments favm the uansaction, ezcepti�n n�nttlaer 5 wi�l nat appear on the Gwner's Titl� Po�icy anc3 t�e T�nders Pvliey when issued. Note: A�isrn�tive mechanic's li��protectinn far the Owner may be availa6le(typic�lly by del�ti�u vf�xcepkion no. 4 of Schedui�B, SectioA 2 vf the Commitment f�om[�e C)wner's Policy to t�c issued}upcin carri�iauce with t�e following cvncl�tions: A.. The land describ�ia Schedule A of this c�mrnitrnerit must bc a single family residence which itsclucles a condamituum or tavvnbvuse unit. B, No iabor flr matenais ha�e been fiurnislaed by mech�n�c�or tn�terial-men for Puspos+es nf cUnstructivn on the land+��scribe�l in Sc��edule A af this Commi�ent within the past b mt�nths. C. The�ompany must receive an apprrapriace aff�dawit inde�nf�"ying !he Comp�ny a�a�mst uTr-filed mechanic's agd nsaterial-men's li�ns. D. The C€�cnpany musc recei�re�ayment of tl��appropriate gre�nium. E. If there 1�been ccanstructian, imprt�Ven�ents or n�a,jvr r�;pairs undertaken c�n the prflperty to h�e purcha.sed within six rnonths prior ta the Date of the CQmmitsnent, the r�quirements tQ obrain cvverage f�r unrecorded Iiens will snclude: c�iscl�s�re of�ertain construction infarar�ativn; financiai i�far�aCit�n as tv tt�e sekle�r, the�ui�cicr and ar the contra�tQr;�ayment of the apprUprsace premiu�e fuI2y ex�cuted lnclemntty A�reen�ents satis��ce�ry tn the cc�mpany,anci, any additional requiremen�s as may be neeessary after an examinativn t�f the af�resaid i�f�r�ation by the Co��any. N�c�vera�e wi11 be�ir�en uzider dny circurnstances for tabar ar materia] fnr which the i��srued t�s cc�nuacted for ar agree�t t�gaY- l'�othin� herein cnntainec] will t�e deeme� rn obli�ace tt�e��m}�any ta provicle�uyy �rf the coverages referrecl tcs herei�unless the at�ue cc�it�litions are fully satisfieci. �arm pZSCLOSURE , � _-- t�uestian�? �he Plann'rng St�fF at 47'�-2138 'L. ;k " � �: .. ` APPLICATI[}N �(3R P�..A►NNING A't�la Ei�iV�R�NMEMTAL , f��'� � � ��'---� '���.��.>' +�t3MMI'���C}N APPRQVQL G�N�AL INFUFtN1ATIQN TFris applica��on �s for any project requiring ap�rov�al by tii� Planninc� and �n�iro�m�ntal�omm�ssfa�. For speci�c infC�rrr�dtion, se�the submittal requir�te��.s Far khe��rticul�r 8pprov�l �hat is r�equ�ted. The �p�tic�tic�n ca€� not k�� ac��p�ed unt"rl all r�uired inf�rmatian is s�bmitt�d. The praject rnay alsa n�ed ta a� r�vi�wved �y tl�e T�wn C�ur�ci! �nd/or the t]es�ga �e�iew E�o�rd. a. TYPE C)F�1PPLIG4TI�1�: C1 8ed and Breakfast � �mplayee �#ausing Unit(Type. ) C�'° Cond'itir�nai 4Jse Pem�it Q Ma}c�r�r 0 Mirsc�r Ext�ri[�r RlCeratis�n ❑ Majar pr �7 Min�ar S�bcfivi5i�rr (Vail Village} � Re�€�r�ir�g ❑ Majs�r or Nlit�car Ex�erior Aft�ratian (�ianshead) C7 5ign 4'�r��nce � Varian�e ❑ S�e�ial [�eWel�o�am�nt f�i�nct � Zorsiny Code Arnendment ❑ M�jar ar 0 Minar Arrs�e�dment tv S[�i� C7 Arnendmer�t to �n Appravec� f�evelc�prnent Pl�n B. 1?ESCRT�UfW {7F�� RE 11�ST: � � �� �J,�r��,� �r+ � � �Y '�� � re,�.rr�t7t�t� 7ZY �L �. �d�1�'�� Q� �R.'��Q�p4�.,: �,.aT: ��.��}�: ����; PHYSICAL ADt]F�ESS: � t.� � '� s 4�. ' �,1� D. PARCEL#: ��ontack Eagle Co.l�se55o�s C�fiC�at��1�328-8f,�far p�rC�3 #} E. ZQNII�tG: .�f�h1S F. fVAME C]F flW�kER��}: �"��.0 C�r�9�+ � I'�'E' MP�ILIN�;Ai]��SS: � � -, - r�`� '� PMC��� �"�J �� _�C,���;r, G. [�WNER(S� SiGNA�'U _ �� �=,�4 ' Fi. iVAME(�F APPLIGANT: C i0 . , MASL:IIV ADaf�SS: , " ., �Cu.._ __�.�� �'� PH��i�; '7 G I. FEE: 5ee sul�met�al r�q�+rr�ements'f�r a,ppropria�`�f� Rl,EASE SIIBMI7 THIS AP'PLICA7If3N, ALL SUBMIT�Al�REQI�IR�P+lEN7S AND THE FE�70 THE DEPIARTMENI'�C?F C[3MNIUNITY DEVELOFMEN'1'", 7 a SULJTF# FRt3lIETAGE F7{]AD, VAIL, C�LDRAQC)81657. �Far t��ce Use l�n�v; __. �F� Raid: CK#: ..._ ._ r— �Y� AppSicatior� �ate: REC M�et�ng �ate: F Pre-Appi¢catian M�tis�g �te: _ 051fi11[l7 � Eagl�C�unty Assess+�r � Pag�: 1 b9:12AM Prvperty Record Card fgr Accovnt Rfl25251 as of Q5}i]812a[11 �ersi�n 2�1fJ1[1508d�}0 F�tEEOMAN, PHILI��.&ANhJE Ac��aunt: R�25251 Parcel:2467U8309006 Company: Situs Addeess: 15Q PT,�F2MkGA�I CT 7ax Area: (1D3 �76015t] LAME LaW BASALT Acres: BASALT CC7,81fi2i $1fi21 VA�UE 5�1MMAI�Y LEGAL I]�SCRIPTIO�1{May not be complete) Va1ue ey: MICA �7ve€rlde SUB:BRSALT SUUTh PUD BLK:2 Lf7T:6 LANO 88,800 f7 9K-p432 PG-409J dEE�1'i-21-�5 SFf2 269,950 0 X�dB 1.55i1 0 Total Vatue: 38�,30q 0 SAL�S DATR Recept# Sale�ate Deed VII QIU Sale Adj Sale Time Adj Safe Type Price Rati� Price Ra1io Price Ratio R887635 17•�E6-�999 W[J I q 289,0�0 124.67i 289,O�Q 12k.67'f 3A4,4$8 iflA.59 2d-MA,Y-199G WI} I Q 225,0�0 �47.3Z2 225,{3(]0 1�7.822 225,�]Ofl 1 a7.822 LAND DATA i1..AND Qccurrenca 1 ABSTRACF C+ODE 111��INGLE FAM.Fi�S.-LAIVD LANDSIZE 5000 L+4�fd5ftE LAN€3 CQmE 6C�fl ELK F2UN NEIGFi8f�92F1OOD 1Q83 k�iVERSEDGE PAF2K PEJf] 'UNIT TYPE 4 UN9T TYPE U'Sf GOdE 1(�DO RE5IDENTfAL �ONIN� 10 Pi�1D Sl3PE€t NBHD 90a B�15ALT 1 EL JESEL AREA LAND IN❑ 2 5 � SIJBCfJQE ACTUA� EFFECTIVE HEATED FdDTPft1NT LAND L 1.Q00 TOTAL AREA: 1.4Dp IIALLIE RATE 8$,804 88.SC�0,(]4 Ex7�tA��ATIVFt� DATA XFOB accurtrence 1 ABSFRACT C�DE 1212 SIRE�'aLE FAM.�ES-iMPR4VEhAT BUiLDING N4 Q BU1LDIhIL^, NC� DEP(}� 19�35 Y�AF2-1985 EFF YEAR E3L7 1�85�FF YEAR BLT l�EIGHBt)RHQp� 1063 RIVERSEDGE�'ARK PUa UNIT PRICE 1528.4 UNIT PRICE U5E COD€ it]OQ RESIDEFJTIAL XF4B GQDE 2fl0 WOCI[7 S7�,+A SUPER IVBMD 9�a BASAL`f f EL.�EBEL AFtEA T 5UBCfl0E ACTWAL fF'FECTiVE HEATED FQQTPRINT XFf7B LJN9TS 1.04a TO7AL AREA: 1.DCfa VALUE RATE l.55� i.55fl.00 �ui��in�� uA�-a 5FR bccur�ence 1 ABSTRACT GODE 1212 SIEJGLE FAM.RES-ICv1RRC}VENiT ACT YEAit BLT 49$5 ACT YE�IR �LT AIRCOND � 1 1V[Jf+�E ARCFE STYLE 2 1 112 STY BAl'H5 �.7 BATHS BEDE�C3{)MS 3 BEDRC3C}]V4S �UILUINC;_TYPE 1212Qp SFfi CC)MS'�_CEU,�tL 3 FAIR DEP01 1985 YEAR-19$5 EFF YEAR 8�T 1985 EFF YEAR BLT �XT�RCOR WALLi id W�SIL}AVG FIKTURES� 6 FIXTURES FLOfJR2 ^ 2U 8 SFET VIh�GYL FLOORI 8D 14 CARPET 1N1/ FRAME 2 WC?O�FRANfE �EEATIhIG_FUEL 4 ELECTRIC MEA71N.f',_TYPE 13 ELE.BfB {N7ERIfJR_WALL1 5�7RYWALL NEEGHBC}REi()p@ ip63 RIVERSEi3GE PA�K PU� R�7C1F CDVER �METAL RflDF STRtJCTU�E 3 GABL�It-il1' RDi]MS 6 ROC}M5 SHAP�O 1 NfA STORlES 2 ST�]R4ES 2.0 UHfTS 1 L�NITS U3E C{JI7E 10b(}RESI��N�'IAL WALL Fi�9 [7 hl1A S13RE1i NBHd 9flQ BASA�.T f EL JEBEL AREA SUB�CCDdE ACTUAL EFFEGTIV� �{ERTEd FflOTPRIhI'f a�crc ��a.naa z�.ao� a�o.o��o MAW FLClC]!�AREA &40.60L1 844.000 84C?.ppp 840.0�0 a5111lQi � Eagle County A�sessar � �'age: 2 09:72AlN PraperEy R��ord Card fvr Account RUT5251 as af 4�51U812Q01 versinn 2UU105a8QQ� FIN GAFtAGE 426.000 9d7.fl(l�J 426.000 FIN QPE�3 PpRCH 2fi8.DpD ${}.4�p 7fi8.Ofl0 FIN UPPER ST{7RY 480.Oaa 48i}.�JQ4 d$�.4fJQ 4$[}.QOi7 TC)TAL AFtEA: 2,118.00� 1,5G�.4fTD i,324.40� 2.118.1140 VA�UE RATE RATE RATE RATE 269,954 127.48 172.01 244.5'� 127.46 ABSTRACT SEJMMAF�Y Uverride E7�$rride Cade Class�ficatirsn Actual Va6ue Assessad Vafue Aetual Value As�essed Value 1112 SINGLE FAM.RES.-LA[�D 88,84D 8,130 88,80fl 8,13C} 1212 SINGLE FAM.l�ES-fMPF2QV 271,Sb4 24,84fl 271,50f� 24,840 Tot�l 360,3Q0 32,91If 360,3�d 32,97Q � � nn�nnaR�Nnu� T�: Planning ar�d Envir�nmental C�r�rnissian FRQM: pepartment of Community Develaprnent DAT�: Fe�iruary 12, 2D(31 SUBJEGT: A r�qu�s# for a c�nditional us� permit, fo aflow f�or a se�sonal str�t�f�tre within Lionshead Mi�ed Us�e 1, Ioc�ted af 715 W�st Lion�he�d Circlell��its 4 8� 7, Block 1, Va�l Lic�nshead 3�d Filing ar�d L�ts C & �, Marcus Sutadivis€on. Applicant: Vai9 Marriatt Planner: Allison +Dchs �, l]E'�GRiRT14N [)F THE R�{�UEST The Vail Marriatt is rec}uesting a cQndi�i�r�al use permit tca allc�w for a �easanal strt�ctt�re located vn the existing �ennis cs�urt site, In the past, the tent has b�en appra��d i� ct�n�junction with a special event. H�aw�ve�, maintaining the structure thraughvut th� enti�� summer, as the N�arriott has �-equested tQ da, requires a +eonditiar�a! use perrnit. The Town God� d�fines a"seasonal use c�r�tructure" as A remporary cov�erirrg erecfed over a recr�atr'anaf ameni�y, such as a swr�mmi�ng poc�1 or�en�+rs co�rr#, far#he purpas� of exparr�lir�g ther'r use r"nto the c�ld weafher mr�nths. Such seasc�r+al covers may� r�of be in place for more than s�ven (7,i �vnsecutrve months of any twelve (?2) mar�Ch ,perir�d. �or the purposes of �hr� 7it�e, a seasona! use or struc�ur� sha�f rtoi c�r+s�itute sit€ coverage ar�d s�hafl noi be subfect to builc�tn� bu{k �r�rrtrol�far�dards. ,4r�y s�asor�af use or structure shalt require a condi[iQnal use p�rmit irr aceord wifh Ghap�er i6 c�f rhas TifJe and is strbjeci tv desi�n re�i�w. The applicanYs letter of r+�quest, spe�if€cati�ns fc�r tf�e tent, and a red�ceti �ite pkan have b�en a�tached far referen�e. 11. REVIEWING BUARD RQLES—CU�'IQIT10NAL USE PERMIT Plan�ing ar�d Environ�enta� Gommission: TF�e P4annir�� and Envirc�nmer�tal C�mmission is res�onsi�V� fc�r �Ap��valf�enial �f a Cond�tianal L�se Pe�mit. Th� Planning and Enwironmer�tal Commiss�on is respvnsible€ar evalualing a proposal for: 1. R�fatianshi� and im��ct of the us�mn dev�lo�ment ohjectives o€the Town. �. Efif�ct of the use an fight and air, distr��utian of papulatic�n, transpar�ati��� facil€ties, ut�lities, schoois, parks and recreatic�n faciliti�s, ar�d ather puh'i� F��iliti�s and public facilities needs. .��L �, .. �.� TfIN�N 0�VAfL � 1 � � 3. Eff�ct upar� traf#�c, with particular referer�ce to cor�gestic�n, a.utc�motiue and �edestrian safety and convenienc�, traff�c flow a�c� co�tral, access, m�n�uv�rabili#y, and re�oval o� snow#rom the �treets �nd parking areas. 4. Effect �rpon #he character crf the ar�� i� wnieh the proposed �se is ta be lvcated, inc�uding the sca1� a�d bulk of t�e propc���d �as� in relativn ta surrour�ding uses. a. 5uc� other factors and criteria as the Commissian deems appkica�le to the prop�sed use. £. The er�vir�nrnental im�act report car�c�rr�ing the proposed us�, ifi an �nviranmentai irrvpact rep�rt is r�quired by Chap#�r 12 of this Titl�e. 7. Conformar�ce with dev�lapment standards of zone district Qesign FReview F3cr�rd: The aesign Revi�w 8mard has n€� reuiew authcrrity on a Gonditi�nal Use Permit, �ut m�st review ar�y accarnpanying D�sign Review Bc�ard application. 11L STAFF �iEC�MMENDATIVN The C�mmunity Develnpment Depar�menf recommends that the Planr�ing and En�ir�nment�l Gommission approv�� the applicant's r�c�u�st far a conditional use permit �v allaw for � s�asorral structur� la�ated a# Er�cated at 71� INest Lionshe�d CirclelLvis 4 & 7, Bl�ck 1, Vail Lionshead 3�d Filing �nd Lt�ts C & D, Marcus Su�division, subject t+� the criter�a as described in Sectian iV of this msma and the folfawing findings. 1. That th� pr�pased ��cati�n of the use is in accordance with the purposes of t#�e conditia�al use permit sectian vf the zoning cade and t�e purpose� vf the district ir� whic� the site is lacat�ed. 2. T1nat the prcaposed Ioc�tiDn �f the use ar�d #he c�nditior�s t�nder which it wc�ukd be operat��d vr maintained would �ot t�e detrimental ta the public health, safety, �r weltare or materially injurrou�s to prvperties or improVements in t�e vi�inity. �. That the pr`opflsed use would c4mply with each of fhe applicabl� provfsions at th� canditional use permit sectic�n c�t the zaning cad�. 1f fhe Planning and Enviranmental G�mmissiori c'��os�� to a�pra�e this r�quest, staff recommends �he fallowing condition c�f appr�val: 1. IV. RE��lIREd GRiTERIA ANb �INI]fN�S - �ONDtTtC7�NAL USE PERMI� A. Ct7N51�3ERA�id�J dF FACT�RS: �. Relationship and impact c�f the use on the d��uefc�pm�r�� objectrves �f the TQwn. T�e Marriatt is lQCatect wifhin t}�� Lianshead Mix�d Use � zc�n� dastrict The purpase o� LMU1 i� : The LiQnshead Mix�d Use ] �Jislrict is in�ended to provid�srt�s fQr a rr�ix�ure c�f mr�itfp�e-famrly dwe1G'ngs, Ir�dges, ho#els, fracrfonal fee 2 � � c�+�bs, trme shares, lodge dwelling �rnits, re�t�ura�ts, �#fiees, skier servrces, and c+�mmercial esrablishme,��s rr� � clus��rec�+, uRified d�velapmenr. Lrar�shead �?ixed Use � Distric�, fn accerdanc� with fhe Li�nshead Redev�fapmen� Mas�er Plan, is r'nt�nd�d fo ensure adequate lighf, arr, �pen spac� and ofher amenr'tr'es appro,�ria�e to #he permitted ,ty,pes of b�rildings and r�ses and �o main��rrr �1�� desirable quallfr'es aF �h� F�is�rrc� by establr'shirr� apprc�priate stte developmer�� sf�ndard�. Thr's flrs#rict is rrrean[ [c+ encourag� arrd provr`de rrrcer�t�v�s For redevefvpmenf r'n accardar+ce with the Lr'ans+he�d Red�v�lapment Mast�r Plan. This�ane �rstricx v�+as specifrcaf{y develap�ci ta pravr'de inc�en�ives for�roperties ta redev�Jag. The ultr`mate goaf oF these incentrves is �v cr�ate an econnmicafly �r'br�anr lv�fgr`r��, hr�usirrg, arrd �ammercia�care ar�a. The incentives irr thrs Zc�r�e {�istri�i i�elude r'r�creases rn a11Qwa,ble grvss residerr�r'af floor area, buildrrar.,� heigh�, and de�siry over �h� prevrc�usfy esfablished zc�ning in the Lronshead Redevelopment Master Pdar� $tr�dy area. The primary goa!�f the incentives is �o create econamic conditrarrs f�vvrable to rnduciRg privat� redevelaprnent cvnsisterr� with fhe Lionshead �tedevelapm�nt Masrer P1an. Addr'rivnal�y, the inc�ntrv�s are crea�ed ta help financ� p�rb�ic �ff-�ife impr�avemerr�s adjacerrfi fo redevele�prnent prQjecfs. With any dev�lopmer��/redevelopment prvposa! taking �dv�ntage of the rncer��ives crea�ed herern, ihe fallpwing amenri�`es wif! be evalr�ated: sfreetscape improvernent�, pedesrrr'an/br'cycle access, public plaaa redevelopment, pub�rc arf, roadway irrr,proveme�rts, ar�r�sr'mr`lar improvemenfs. 5t�ff beiie�es that th� prc�pc�sed s�ason structure is consistent with the purpose �f th� Li�onshead Mixed Use I zone dist�ict. Th� Marriott �s alsa gav�r��d by the dewelapment cabjecti�+e� as �lated in the Lianshead Red�v�lopment Master Plan, C�f th� six PoC�cy abjectives �utliraed in the Li�nshead Redev�lapm�nt Master f'lan, staff ha�s id�entified the f�fiawi�g objectiaes as applica�le to this prop�sal. 2.3.� F�enewaf and Redev�lop,mer?t Lrr�r�shead can and sho�l�` be renewed and' redev�lc�pment fa bec�me a war,�er, more v�ibranf envr`rc�nment for g,uests ar+d resi�"er�ts. Lrvnshead n�eds an appealing ar�d coh�rent�denti�y, a sense af pfac�. a persanalify, a purpas�, ar�d an im,prr�ved aesrhe�r'c charac[er. 2.3.2 Vr'falitv and Am�nifr'es We rnus� seize fhe t�ppartuni�y t�a �nhance gues# exp�ri�rrc� �nd community interac�ion through �xpanded ar�d add�tlonal ac�ivrties and amerritr�s such �s perfc�rming �rts ven,�es, cor�f�r`ence f�cllifies, rce rinf�s, stree��cap�, park� and ofh�r recreatfcanal r"m,�rc��emerrts. Th� Liansh�ad Recievel�pmend Nlas4er Plan specifically identifies the tennis ccrurts as a� inf�ll oppartunity: 3 � � T,�ere are several tennrs �nurts on the snuth side of the NJarrivtt. This area pr�sen�s and c�ppc��t�rni�y for low-rr"se r"n�rl! develnprr�ent ihat eases tfae �rr�ua� and physical trar�sitron from �he existir�g sfrr�cture te�the Gr�re Cr�ek recreatiarr�a�th. Staff believes that �ecause i#�e use is se���nal, th�r� wifl k�e na effects o� f�tur� deve6opment potential vf th� tennis cQUr€ site. Th�refare, �taff F]�IC�V�S that the proposal is cansistent with the Lic�nshead Redev�lopment {1Aa�fer Pfan. In addition, st�ff has Ed+�ntif's�d tt�e fo�lowing gaa6s a�� a6jectives �rQm the �aavr� of Vail Land Use Plan, which staf# believes a�apky to this pra�c�sal: �.4 The eornrxrurrriy shor��d rmprove summer recreafional and cul�ura!o,pperrt+�nifiies rc�encnurag�sumn�er tourrsrr�_ 3.5 Entertarnmerrf arier��ed bt�s�ness and cultural activfties should be encouraged in the cc�r�areas fo create diversrty. M+�re rrigh#�ime busirtesses, r�n-gorng eve,nfs and sancfJc�ned"stre�t,happenings"shr�uld 1�� �ncvurag�d. St�ff b�lie�ue� that �ecau�e the cvr+ditivna! use permit would allc�w additior�al �ctivities to occur at the Marr�ott, inc�uding sp�cial events and public ar�d private even#s, th� peap�sal is car�sistent with the Tvwn vf Vail Land Use Plan. 2. Th� etf�ct of �he use nn lighi and air, distrib�atior� of papula�rc�n, transpartafiorr facifr'ties, utiJities, schaols, parks a�d �ecreativn tacilrties, and�ther publlc facilif�es n�eds. Staf� heli�v�s that the prop�s�d use will have rieegligible effe�ts vn the a�vve-men#ianed criteria. 3. Effect upc�n �raffrc wi�f�particu�ar referenee to �ong�strarr, at��arnoti�r�and pedesfrian safe�y and co�v�r�i�n�e, tr�ffic flvw and con�ral, access, rrraneuverabilr�y, and remaval of snc�w from rl�e s�r��t arrd parkir�g areas. Staff �elieves that the propos�d use will have negligible eff�cts �n the a�a�e-mention�d criteria. �4, Eff�ct upan fhe �haracter vf fhe area rn which th� prc�posed use rs fv b� located, irrcludirrg t�re scale arrd bulk of the propersed use irr relafion fo surrour�ding uses, As a �ea��onal structure, the pra�c�sed tenk is nv# ��b�ec# to h�lk and mass st�ndard� of the Lionshe�d N�ixed Use 1 zane dis#rici. Secaus� it is temporary i� nat�re (�nly th� su�r�►er r�Qnths} staff �efi�ves tha� the�� will k�� no effect on tfi�e c�taract�r af tf�� n�ighbonc��c�d. B. FlNDCNGS Th� Planning anc� Envirc�nmental C€�mmission shall mak� the falfawir�g findings be�ore�ranling a cc�nditiar�a.1 �se permit: �1 � � 1, That the propnsed lacatio� of the use is ir� accardance uvith th� purpc�ses c�f the co€�ditional use permit se�ti�n c�# th� zor�ing code arrd th� purpo�es af th� district irr whieh the site is ��ca#ed. �. Thai the prvpvs�eci [ocafivn c�fi t�e t�se �nd the conditions under whi�h it wc�uld be a�erated ar maintained wauld r�at �� detrimental to tF�e pui�lic health, safety, +or we[fare or maierially 'rnjuriaus ta pr�per�ies �r impravem�nts in the vicinity. 3. That the �raposed use wvufd c�mply uwith eac� of the a�apficable �rovisions vf the eondition�l use�a��mit s�ctian of the zoning c�de. 5 . � � � .Ii�1+IC Acyuisitinn Prnperti�s lf�c. �=ruzfi���t�''ail ?1��'nr�. �':��fian ut VaiI lnc CIo�vl�ott Tnt�.�n�at':�nad C,la�Il��ti:a�lirni Resorts (:�o Clal:etcsn-I�vsls��r Carp One Marr�vtt L3r Dcpt 938_[11 ti 1 t��U.I.inztshti:fsd Circic 7721 N Kostner Ave Was�unat�n,DG 2�45$ Vail.C�SI�57 5knkie.lL C,i]{#76 Coln��s I.1:C Rc�gcr V_�and S�li�r 1Vf.Caslv3 Miticrs Lianshe�d LLC 251 Fau�ler Road 9f3��}�.#'[o�ess C�rcle 12T7t1 Merit Ihive,5uite 4U[1 Far HilEs,NJ f17�131 Cirec�t�vnad Village,Cf�S(Yl 11 1.}a{l�s`IX 75�53 Jcahsr:�.,�C Steghen F3.En�lernan Texas Tel�.��isic�n Inc Marv�N€. 7�chnrn J�ra�•d�-'.�c.3man S.Maher Y()I3ox 9�S?�C� +Gli�Ms�r!r M l-lathflm 2S I F❑���ler Rd. �laustc�n,TX 77222 S�3 L;i��Etci. ��sr i�ills.hI1{�7931 El}�,VI`[}Sf}4a 3ht;a J Tttunf'ord Licis��Trust V�il A��n�iat�s Nan�:y Shts�src�Ad�an� 677 T'c�sv�t�td W cst Day l.tat d975 E Prc.�c Pt7 13nx�]59 (irc��nwc�c��3 Villa �. �('1�i{l]24 Va�l,C(�Rllx57 Vt�il.C+��1(�5�3 �} 4� �.� d � �flT':�(7I1.5 T''i9It]1�V�.�..� ~ �'�'�07i��� ?��� Ed�w�aeds C{)81632 `�� �$�> �� , � ., '',b I�9 i 8 vp�e��Y�� `���� 8S9[� op��o�a�, °��EA � �S9 i 8 op�.�c�1�� `I?��, ���'� ��!�d �S t L ��g Cf�3 Sz�I �og Dd u�urpa��,� auu��ur d�it��I ' d.i�,� �r�C, a�x�� �u�:iQ F� ����'21 8S9 i� ope.�oi�'� `i�`A 98�xan�.�.����t�p �sod LS9 i$ �►p�1oXv� `i!�11 L�9I 8 crp����o� `�r�,� 1s�nbr��so�s��a�u� aj� a��.i�� ��^a�suc�r'I 1s�tiA i#9 ��� ����5 IIgNi P�a��suai�gi9 [��c�ag a�;sm�ttascr� r TlOij�'i3+�S5�p+ t3�}FI[7� SC73�LIE�i�(�� �•j� ut�� p�a�suot� 8S9i8 ap�xc�[a� `t��f� LS�j� c�p�.�a�o� `���A LS'�i� �}?��?ia� `iT��rl, 6g 1 zanta�.�❑ ����p �s�,� �a�:t�� a��*�'�n����n�� �� ar�.z�,� p�a�suoi'� '�Yt �l I 9 � ���sniy.�a�se3z�a�-� •�°� �daQ a����3 �1:7 �u� sj�c�s�� �ot�ea�A C3/� � .��s�;���v� 9t�� '�W II��n,3v un�o,L €�vt��e��r�ss� opuo� �r�,�-�.reurpu°�-� � ;r LS9 i 8 '�P���i�� `I��t1� LS9I 8 �p�'i�in� `ir�11 ' �.cg l$ �p�.�o�o� `�r�� , a�e�d P���SUOE'1 '141 099 ai�x?� p�ays�oa'� 'M QiL ',: aa�e[d P�e�ysua�r� 'A1, 0$9 iIDI��'I;1+C155� C}�i7LID��.I�tlE)� 5II{}T"I uor��taos�� umxuttttrrpuo�ec�� jr��, .-; . �tar��e��assa �unr��u.zc�pu�� s.za1yu�,' . � . . . ��c. � . � � G_ Pravide the nan�es and addresses (bath person's i�Yail�ng address and pr�perty ��ysicai ac�dress in Vail}Qfa11�wn.ers�of prvperty which ar�the subj�ct ofCh�app+�al�nd a�l ad��ce��►t property vwners (inciudin� pzapertfes separated hy a right of way, stre�m, or c�th�er intervening barri�r�). Alsa pro�vide a�dressed �nd stamped envelope� far each property owner on th�e list. 1. HMC AC[UISITI�P11'RGP�I�TIES IT�I�" 71 S W. Lionshead �Gircle Vail, Calo�ado �1057 maiiing,�address °�'a MARR.I(�TT INTER��iATi�l'�AL C]NE MARR.IOT'T D�.L7�PT 938.L11 VVASHINGTUN, D�G,2(]�158 2. Enzia�a�Vaii Inc. b20 W. Linnshead +Circle �nailing address cl� C7aketan-K+�stne� Cc�rp. 7721 N. Kc��tner Ave Skokie, TL �6f7fl7� 3. Enzian at Vail 215 Cvrp. 62D W. Lic�ilshead Circie Vail, Col�radv $1657 mailin�ac�dress clo Destinatic�n �tes�rts �i 10 W. Lionsl�ead �ircl� '41ai1, ��larado 81 b57 �.��v , 4. Antlers Condotni ' ssocia�i�n 68� V+J. ' ead Pl. ' , C+� 81�57 �� � 5. Lion�quare Ca� �r�um�►s�ociati�n 1.;�� - 66� W es � r�shead Pla�e �' ' , olorada S 16�7 . � {�� 6. 'I'own af Vaifl Gore Creek,Tract � V�.iULianshead Thir�i F'iling �tailin�ac�dr�ess 75 S. Frantage Rpad Vail, C+C3 81+657 ,M1.�l,� '1. �v'fontanecos amizuurns a 64� innshead Circle i , Cc�lorado S 1 dS7 S, 'Jail Assac�a�es '�lest D�y I_�t mailin a�dres� P_C}. B�crx�59 Vaii, Cnlarad� 8�658 ,L 9. �Tail Carparati �,� � Gare Creek raGt L� mt�ili address �' �x 7 ail, C�Ioradc� 816�8 10�. l�ancy Si��piro Adam 755 �'orest Road Vail, Cc�ior�do 8�GS7 rnailin,�address 4975 E. Pres�rve Greenwo�rd Vi11��e, Golarado 80124 11. Parsons Famiiy LLC 745 Farest Road Vail, Colorado $165'1 m�ilin at dre� P[3 Box 497 Edwards,Cc�larado 81632 . � � 12. Cc�lrnar LLC '�25 Forest Road Vail, Col�rado 8t{57 tnailin addres� 251 F�wler�2.oad Far Hiils,N3 07'431 13. Rager V. an�l Sally Ni. �adal 72� Fore�t T�c�a� mailin� addxess 985f} E. I'ra�ress Cir. �reenw+ood Vi1Pa�e,C(J 8f?i 11 14. Millers Li4nsk�ead LI,C b95 Forest Rc�ad Vail, C�l�rad� 81657 mailin adcires 1277U Merat I3rit�e, Suite 4{�0 Dailas, TX 75251 15. T�XA� '�"ELEVISION IN� fiy5 Fc�rest Rc�ad V�il, Co�arado SI657 mailin address P[3 B�X 1b29U H�7USTON,TX, 77222 16. JOH� S. 8c S�'EPHE1�6 B. �NGLEMAN AND MAR'Y M. H1�TH+DI�i �SS Forest I�oad Vayl, Cc�lc�rada $1557 maili.n address C/�7 MAFtY N1 I-I,ATHURI�I 54l ELY RL) EL"S'', VT, 05�45 :3 f . �� � I 17, lerard F. and Joan S. Malier G25 Farest Rc�ad '�T�il, Calarat�a 8 t 557 i'iYY3Yl1I1,� c3L'�[�IBSS �51 �'owl�r Raad Far Hills,NJ 07931 1$. Thea J. Rurnford Lar�ing Trust 675 Fc�resi I�oad Vail, Col�rado SYbS? 4 • �i I7E�!JI MAY AFFEC�Y�3UR Pf�OP�RiY � PUBL.I�C NL�TICE N(]TICE E� FiERE8Y GiVEN that the planr�ing and Er�vironmental CommissiQn of the fiown Qf Vail wii9 hald a public hearing in acc�r�ian�e with �ection �2-3-6 of the Municipal Cod� of the Town Qf Vail an Jur�e t1, 2001, at 2:OD P.M. in the Town of VaiJ Municipal Building. In consi�er�tian of: A request for a variance from Sectia�r 12-6D-� (�etk�acks}, Vail Town �Cc�c#e, t� allaw for the ec�nstru�ti4n €�f a garage within the required front �etbacl�, lo�ated a# 1956 Gore Cre�ek �]rive 1 Lot 45, Vail Vill��e We�t Filing#Z. Appli�ar�t: t�avid lewin Pl�nner: Ann Kjerukf A reque5t for� minor subdivisi�n and a v�riance frorn Se�#ion '!�-�!]-5 of the Tnwn Code, to allow fvr the r�subdivision of Lc�t 1, Strau�� Subdivi�ion, a resubdivision af Lats 4� 8� 47, 'Va31 Village West FiEing No. 2, re-creatir�g Lats 4� � 47, lc�cated at 191� & 1�3� West G�or� Creek Dri�e. Applican#: Pat �auphinais, repre�enting Richard 5tra�uss Plar�ner: Ailis�n Ochs A reque�f fiar the review c�f a proposed #ext arr►endment to Chapter 11, Design Review, af the Zaning Regulations to �1low for prac�d�ral changes #o the performanee �ond process as prescribed in the Va'rE Town Cad�. A�aplicant: Town vf Vail �lanner� George Rufher A request �or a c+o�ditionai use permit, to affow for th� construction of art athletic fi�id, Ivcated at 6�C� N. Frarrtage Rd. W�st! A portion of Tract C, Vail Pc�tata Pateh. A full metes 8� bour�ds legal descripti�n is available at the Dep�rkment c�f Community Develo�ment. Appli�a�t: Town of Vail Planner: Alli�on [.�CFr� A requesf f4r a condt#ional use permit, to a11�w for#h� cvnsviidativn c�f 2 units with'rn tn� �CC� Zone district, Iocated at 126 Will�►n� Bri�lge RoadlLo# K, Block �E, Vail Village 1&° Filing. Appl�cant: Her�ry Anthc�rry lftle�on, represente�d by K.H. Wet►h Architeets. Planner: Allison �1c�s A request foe� ca�rrditiaanal use perm+t, tcr allow for a seasonal structure within the L.ianshead � IUkixed Use 1 Zone �istrict, locat�� at 715 West Li�nshead CircfelLots 4 & 7, Bloc'k 1, Vail , � �ionsh�ad 3rd FIIII'lg ��'1d �Qt� C & �, Mcarcus Subdiuision. � �, Applican#: Vail Marriat# Planner: Allisan �chs A request f4r a v�riance fram Section 1�-�6[3-9 (Site Cnver�ge}, Vail Tawn Gad�;, tc� a!!ow for the c�nstructEOn of an additiar� tt� a single-famidy residence, lacate� at 91�5 H�omsilver Gir�le 1 Lot 8, +�f` ' BIQCk 1, Vaif Village 8t�' Fifir�g. ,t G�'�`�'t��f "P `. f�g'�� ���'c� l�"I� Ap�lican#. Garol Collins, re�ares�n#ed by Arris V�+est ArchMfects, �C - � Planner: �ill Gibsan ;�`��_ �''� .. �w � rawt�o�u�r� � � ^ ' hrAY`Ffl.�f � A request far a mir��r s�bdevision, to allvw f�r tine c�rrectiorr of errors in the piatting of Tract J, Vail Villag� �irst Filing, Ic�cated at Vail Interfaith Chap�l, '�9 Vail F�oad 1 Tract J, Blvck 7, Vail Vill�g� First Filing. � Applicant: Town of Vail Planr�er: Brent Wilson A request f€�r a wark ses�ion to discuss amending ce�tairr resident�al zone districts in the Town I v�Vail ta allaw horne day care facilities subjsct tc�t�t� issuance of a car�ditianal use permit anc! a hame �ccupatian permit. Ap�licant: Town vf Vail Planner: �e�rg� Ruth�r A rev�ew af a staff decision regac�ding a rec�uest for a mir�or amendment to the appr�ved developr�ren# p�an for#he Gafden Peak 5ki �ase, to allaw fvr th� expan�i4n of t#�e Wreck Raom Restaurant and Passport �lub, Ipcat�d at 498 Vail L+all�y C]rivelTract F, V�i1 Village 5`�' Filing. Applicar�t: Ga�den Peak 5ki Ba�� Pianner: Anr� Kjeruif The applications and infc�rmation abaut the proposa�s are available fr,r public ins��c#ion during regular of#ice harars in the project pla�ne�'s vffc�, �ocat�d a# the Towrn �f Vail Cor°nmunity ❑eve�vpment Q�partment, 75 �vu�h �rnn#age Rt�ad. T�e pu�lic�s invited ta �tte�nd p�ojec# c�rientation ar�d the sike visits thai precede the pulalic F�earing i� the Town af Vail Cammur�ity D�velc�pm�nt Oepartment. Ple�se call 479-2138 fQr informatian. Sigr� language interpretati�n av�iiable upan request with �4-hour notifica#ion. Pfease cafl 4?9- 235�, Tede�hane for th� Hearing Impair�d, fc�r informatinn. Community Deveiopment Qepartme�t Published May 25, 2Q(�1 in ti�e Vail Trail. � . ! i .� �� `� � � �� , � a� � ,� T���V aF YAIL l,3'3ep�rrtme�st a�f Cnm�nunity I)evel�pmenl T5 South Frv�ta�e Rnad Yail, �'olorada 81 b57 971J-�7y-213$ �.4X 5�70-9T9-�4S.� www ci.vail,ca.us Decemher fi, 2(]Q2 .��ff�a�b PC} Bnx � Vail, CO 81658 Fax: 97(1-479-403a RE: Ski starage for#h��Illatr�ott to be Ivcated a#the�Id GondQla Building Dear Jeff, ! a�rr wr�tin�g yvu thfs letter to summarize c�ur canversatia� today r�garding the passibility �f �ocati�g ski starage for t�e Masric�tt autside of the �Id Gondala �uiidi�g. Unfartunately, the Town of Vail Zaning Reg�latia�s tfo n�t �Ilr�w t�is ta occur'. Section 12-2-2 of t�e Town �Cade de��es `ca�m�rcial �ki stcrrag�:" as foflows: Ct�MMERCIAL �fCl STORAGE: SfQrag� fcrr equipmen# (skis, snovvb�ards, baa�s and poles} and/c�r clothrr�g us�d in skir'r�g relafed sp4rts, whieh ►s avaidable fn fhe �rubFic or ,members, operafec! by a bcrsrness, club or go►�err�men# c�r�aniza�ic�n, and where a fee is charger� for hvurly, dar'ly, monthly, seaso,�a!or annual usage. Skr star�ge fl�at is part�f a 1ad�e, r�,r dwelJing unit, in which a fee is r+pf �harg�d, is nc�t c�nsr`dered camrnercial ski sf�rrag�. However, as w� agr�� that#his wv�1d not qualify as commercial ski stara��, then it m�st �� ��nsidered anc�t�rer us�. The LiQnshead Mixed Use '� zone district lists the fo[��wir�g uses to be a�lc�wed outsid� of a structur�: 12-7H-5: CC�ND1Tl�JJ'VAL USES; GENEF2ALLY (C31V ALL L�EVELS C?� A BC1I�DING �,�4 �UTSfL� UF�l 6lJfLDfNGj: The f�llc�rnring� cr�nditranal uses sha1� be pern�r°tt�c�, suhjec� ta �ssuan�e af a con�r#fonal crse pem�ri� irr accardanc� with the provr�ivns af �napter 7"fi of fhrs T��Ie: Bed and bre�kfa�t�s further regulaf�d b�Section 92-��-18 of tfris Tifle, Brew pubs. Coin-c�perated laundrr'es. Cc�mm�rc��!storage. F'riv�te o�,r�dc�or recr�a�ior� f�cr'llties, as a prr'mary use. PubJr'c b�rildings, grvu�nds, and facilifi�s. Public or pr-rvafe,�arking la�s. ��y FLF.('YC.LF.DPAPF.R � � � Pu6lrc park and r�ereation f�cilrties. Pc�blic u#ifrty and pubfic servrce uses. Skr lrfts and fpws. T�feursiorr �fations. Addi[ior�al uses de��rrrai►aed tv be srmrlar to corrdrtronal uses de��rrb�d in Phrs subs�c�ic�,�, 1n accc�rdance vvrt� the provrsiQ,�s af Sec�ian 72-3-� Q� �hrs Ti�le. Ski ��orage fQr hotel guests c�f the Marriott Hvtel daes na# fall un+der any of t�ese uses. T�e anly use that is similar woulc� be "skier services". However, as S�ctian �2-7H-3: P�rmitted and Conditianai �Jses, First Floar �r Street Level, states: A. De�rrifrQrr; The "first ffQOr"c�r °'sfreef 1ev�el"shall ,�e defined as �haf flonr c�t�he bur'�drr�g fhaf is locaf�d at gr�de or streef Jevel advrag a pedesfrlanway. B. P�rmrtted U�es: The fol�c�wirrg uses shalt �e permitred on f�ie �rsf �loar or sfreet le►�eI wrthin a structur�: 6anks, with vvalk-up�e11er facilrtres. ,�ating and dri,�king esfablrshments. Recreafion facrFitt�s. l�e�ai!sfares and estal�Jtshmenfs. Skier ticket�ng, ski schc�al, skier services, and daycare. Travel ager�cies, Addr`ti�na! uses deterrnr`rred �v be simifar tc�permrt�ed uses �te�crr`bed r'r� �his subs�c��c�n, in accordance with th� provision� of Section 9,�-3-4 of this Trfle. Therefor�, °skier serv�ices" rrtust be lacated within a buiiding, i€we agr�e that sfci • s#c�rag� fcrr th� Marriott dae� r�vt quaIify as "cvmmercial ski storage". At this time, I am unable to apprc�ve any ap��icatian to �acate ski stora�� �ur the Marr�att at the 0(d Gc�ndola Building. i would be g4ad tv discuss any alt�rnativ� I�cati��ts for ski stora�e with you. 5houir� yc�u haVe any quest€ons, piease da rrat 9�esitate tv cvntact rn� at 97�-47�- 23��. l wauld be hapPY t� discuss this further. Sincerely, ���� Allisan Uchs, AICP Planner II Tawn of VaiC � ��C�T�-�. � ' � � � � _ � � , ° ������ w -�� r, � . . , . h QRDI1'1ANCE NC7. �� (�ERIES G1F 1.99C�) Aid pRDYNANCE AMENb�I�TG SPECIAL I3IEVELC]PMENT DISTRICT �Td. 7 r�:yn++��'3;+�+ � "'•��'r A1VD THE bEVELC3PMENT PLAN IN ACCt3RDA1VCE 'WTTH CHAPTE�t 18. 4�? ' +�` � I C�F `I'HE VAIL MUNICIPAL Ct3C7E, P.ND SE'I'TING FQRTH L)ETAYL� ��`r�c,t���'�� IN REGARD THERETC3 �,�1t�"'}� WHEREAS, Chapt�r 18 . 44 af the �Jail Mun.icipal Coz3e aut�vrizes Speci�l D�v�lvpment Districts w��hin t�e Tc�wn; and WHEREAS, Special dev�lopm�rtt Dis�ra,ct Nc�. '� fr�r dev�lapment af Lnts 4 , 7 , C and a, BTock 1., Vai� LiQnshead Th�.rd Fil�ng was ariginaJ.�y appraved by Ord�nance No. 3 , Series o� 1977, and s �a i_�,;� r'�I�����' /J�+ , �� ��`�,�F� � subsequent�y amer�ded b� �rdinanc� No. 25, Series vf 1981,� and J�+.'v� �;'-�" f�'� ?'r�'��; �-,t���;� f'''r'$` ��� !C�.~l�f_'T�"��. , / WHEREAS, the Applicant �nc� Ownerf d�s�re to make amen�me�ts tc� Special Dev�loprnent ��stricfi. Nr�. 7 ; and WHEREAS, tk�e Amendrnent to Sp�cial Lev�la�pment �istrict N�a. 7 wi11 insure unifie�3 and coardi,r�ated d�veiopm�n� within the Tc�wn of Vail 111 � mar�ner suitable for the area in which it is situated; anc� WHEREAS, the Pl�nning Commissivn has rec+�mt�ended apprc�val of t'h� modifi�a�ion ta Specia�. Qevelopment ��.str�ct No. 7 , and WHEF��AS, the Tc�wn Cauncil cQnsi�ders tha� �t is re�so3�able, approp�°iate and be�neficial to th� Tawn and �.ts citizens, inhaba�.�nts and visitars tc� amend Sp�ci�l Developmen� Dis�krict Na. 7 . N�3W, THEREFDRE, gE IT DRUA�I�E� BY THE T�4�N CC3UNCIL �F THE TOWN a�' VA�L� CC?Ll7FADCJr THAT: 1 SE�TIt3�I1�S': Amenc��n�nt rrcaCedures ful�il�ed, Pl�nninq Commissic�n rep�,�-t. Th� approval proc�dures parescril�ed in Chapter 18.4(� of �he Va�l Municipal C+�de have be�n fulfi?led� and the T+�Wh Cvuncil has r�+ceived the repvrt of the Planninq ar�d Enviror�mental C�mmissir�n ��cc�mmending apprawaT c�f th� prc�p�sed develnp�r��nt p�an far Sp�cial Development Dist�ict No. 7. .�a ��,�,��.� � ��-�^� �'����2 $ECTI�I+� �.xG: .% Arn�n- 1n t-r.�'x'rt�n'�G�o. , S��'ies af 1977f c� +�rdinance NQ. �5, Ser�+�s of 198�,�re hereby amended by the �dditic�n of ��f: r `��•{��f�"�Ar�,A;. �.J7"�,r ;,�^ � /� ; ,I �` ��l1 Y.�. ��- ��; ���� � .._ �� � . . � � � � �'�� _� as set forth be2c�w. �' f, �G�'� � al evelo ntertt � s ict Nv. 7. T s to Sp�cial-b�v.e�.r�pmw , 7 f"5��7'") and the develr�pment plan a� her�in af�.er d��ined and set forth is h�rel�y a,pgroved fc�r tk�� cc�ntinuing dev�lcr�amen� o� L�ts 4, 7, C and D, Black 1, Vail Lir�nshead Third Filing 1QCateal within tk�$ Town af Vail �vnsistin�g 4f 5, 17 acr€�s �2z5, 205 squar��e feet) . �,, � �a � .��DT 3�8': P�rpv�e. SDI�7 is her+eby esta3�li�hed tr� ensu�e comprshensive de�relapment in use af an ar�a that wil� be h�rmr�ni�us wi�h the ge�eral char�cter of the Tc�wn of V�il and the exasting SDD7 anr� to pram�te the upgrading a�nr� redev�elc�gment c�f a key praperty in the Tvw�n of Vail. The amendmerst to SDD7 is reg�rd+�d as comp�ftn�n�ary to �h� T+�wn by the Town Coe�ncil and m��ts �11 de�ign standards as set forth in 5ection 18.44 of �he l�unicipal Code. The�e ar+e significant aspeets o� the Amendment tv Specia.� Deve].apmen�. District No. 7 which aannot be sa�isfi�ci thra+�gh the imposition of th+e sfi.andards in th� �xistir�g 5171�7 ar under ex�.sting zsaninq. The amendment �.4 SDD7 is compatible with t3�e upc�rad�.ng and redeve�apment af the commu�y wh.�l.e maintaining its uniqu� et�aracter. � � �3; 1]efin�.tic�r�s. A. �'ime-Sk�are Estat� shal� be def�ned as set farth in ��ction �18. D4.42(l�'af thQ Town Municipal C�de. ■ - _ �- , -- , - B. m lo ee ous' 't sha�l be defined �s fc�llaws: �► dwelling unit a� s�xcawn r�n the Redev��apment P�.ans, marked as Emplvyee �ql�y }� r�}�� , +��•..�-, :� ,�',,- - �-�'.-��-.�'!j. r f/ _ - a ,f}-- - �%11 H'V4�lil�i L1i■Z�y� L.v • •'I�� / C.� . ` " • _ � . � r r S`A Y ,�e,�►e l+�p�m�nt_�,a n. - a��-�,/ � A. A development plan far SaU7 �s apprQVed ar�d shall canstitu�e the p].an far the r�deve3�spment of a �ortinn c�f SDD7. The redevelvpment plan is campr�sed of thc�se pl�ns submitted by Arr�ald, Gwathmey^ & Pratt Araha.teet� and D�nnis And+ersr�n Assacia�es, In�c. �s set fortM belawr �.. Lands�ape Flan by L7ennis �dersen Associates, Inc. dated �;,�?��' '~_ i L ;C'g}�+ �, "��,-� r, 1 ! �i�i�.. _ � . i i ._ . . ._._ _�_��_ _ _._ . . _e _ . --al . � � 2. Sit� P1�n, Floor Plans and Park�ng Pl�ns by Arno�d, Gwathmey & Pratt Architects rt�ated May 14, �990. 3 . Elev�t�.ons a.nd Sectic�ns by Arna�.d, Gwathmey & Pratt Architects �at+�d May 14, 19�U� 4 . En�rironmenta� Impact Re��rt by Peter Jama�e As�aciates, Ir�c, dated May 10, 19gfl. The p1�ns �isted in � through 4 al�o�e sha�l for the purp�ses of �his �]rdinarnce be �eferred tv as "The D�ve].apment P�an�'� . $. T�e dev�le�pment plan shall adhe�e t+� the followang: l. 5e�hacks, S�tbacks sha1T be as nated vn 'the Site Plar� listed above. � . Height. Heights of ��x-ucture shall lae as indi�ated on�.�th�� � elevations lis�ed abo�r+��cd-� I�'�'��; r,��� 11�'C��� '��, .�.��'�`Ir�?�.'�'�`�" �{+-�,�.A_1 -! 1'f,�J J5'�,„'Y"r. �'��',�{j-A`�[�'��uW �,. 3 . �_�,te Cov�raae, 5�.te caverage shall be as i�adi.��t�:d rri th€� �� f7r -r,-t� site plan listed above. �+ .���s� �'� f��_ �4 . Land�ca in . The area of �the si�e tv �ae land�caped shal� k�e �',�� ;� ���� �s iridi�ated rsn the landscape plan list�d ak�a�r�, A detailed '"�. . ,►�,.ra,:~,� �W� landsc�pe plan shal� b� submitted to the Desigri Review Bflar�d u-� �$��;;� far thei� approva�. t,�;�. , E���.cr� 5. P�r�Cin and Load�ncr. Park�.ng an�i Loadir�g shall be �rc�v�d�d T� ,� as indacated an �h� site lan �nd flao � F r pl�ns as 1�.ste� abv�*e. In nQ case shal� the parking prcavided on th� total 5ite as covered by SI3D7 �e �ess than 4i3Q spaces, � �.2'f. I�en�itv. '�'tre existing d�velopment �nd �c�nda,tions fpr SDa7 s�ta11 be as def�t�ed under Drdinance No. 3, Series of 1977 and �,,tr��� uw+'�/ �r(yd:�+':�.sa�i��} ���".c�'s.'{,'�",��, u��r qr�ance Na. 2�, Series r�F 198�,Y The appro�val vf th�.s •�`� I � SDD7 shal� perm�t an additiana]. �6 dwellzng units which s�all be used as txme�share e�t,ates and 1f} dwelling uni�s which sha11 be us�d as �mployee hausing units. The 56 dwe�].zng units used far f"�C�� �'x LA� r�. fe-�.a�?r�. �F��� �<<1�,�1� ✓'�.-�'��.-I,r�y"tk,Y�f'�"�'C�!{ tirn�-share estates shall b�—�*��� -�#��, 12D�1 �quare--���t.-�3�r-s-�e for /"";� _-a._a- _^..,.......... j �r � a: tvtal �57,20b sg�are: f�eet o� GRFA. The 10 dwel],i11g unzts used �s employee hc�using shall -a�►�ag`e�Pp7�"aa��,,m }��y�= �4�square �!J feet, �nd sha12 have a tra�al c�f a = �� 4f�p�p squa�r� feet c�f GRFA. 3 • • � � . � c� S� .22'. Permztt�d A�ccesso�y and Conditivn�l _ Uses. Time-share Estates and Emp].�y+ee Hoexsing Unzts sha�l be the or�ly per�nitted �ses for the ��6 dw��ling exnits as set fvrth in The D�velopment P�ans. Acee�svey and Candit��nal Use� shal.l be as set farth in t}�� High , Density, Multi�le Family Ze�ne l3istrict. ��!!� ����'���'�� �`'��r`"`��r �'f:�^�'��'�'�k� `'f�?'�" ,yr�r� �}:_�!I ,��.�J� t �+-r-�n .{ � nn " >G� "� �_" ` 'a`n i'f•[ C�I•AN' .2�3-: Restrictions vn Em lo ee Housi C]nits. �' ¢^ ! ' �f„� �:,� �,�" � .�.�°�,�-���, � , :.,-,:. . ; �,/� '-�- Na Emplvyee Houszng Unit �hal]. he so�d, tr�nsferr�d Qr . r ` . �_�- �"� ,}� conveyeds nXess s�ch sale, tr�ns�er or canveyanc� is to a non°prrafit CQndominium Associatian �c�rmed to m�n�ge the 56 time-sh�re esta�es. B. Nc� Emplc+yee Hvusing Uni�ts shaTl be le�sed or rented for any p+�riad c�f Z�ss than thirty cans�cutive days and it sha�l be r�nted 4 only to tenants whc� are full-time employees in the Upper Eagl� Valley. ���t� 'I'he Up,per Eagle Valley �hall be deemed ta incl.ucie �he Grare Valley, �A M'inturn, Red Cl�,ff, Gilman, Eagle� Vai1, Avvn and their surrounding areas. A �u11 tz�te empl�yee is a persrn wh� wc�rks an average af th�,rty hours pe� week. C. An �mplvyee Haus�.ng Unit shall nat 3ae t�i�ided intc� an� fc�rm ca� ti:�e-share estate, int�rv�l ownersh�p or �ract�onal fee. d. The restrietions cantained in this �ec'��c�n ,�3 sfi�a1l b� pZacec� in t�,e Gandomi�tium A��laratir�n far the benefit of the Town of Vail an�dr shall nr�t bc� chang�d without the cc�nsent ,of 1he Town� rof Va�i� . �", Cl��J�, �fi',¢a,'� �c7�e[�,{!f Gr�� rJ u0 -{ .1 ' � �� ��:.9.�. ": '� Itll�r;f� Qr'A !�C �(���)•�� � ! � ry �t'' �Ir! � t,Lr J�' 11 t' ..,e -� t � 1 / SECTIC�N .� . Amenc�men�s. Amendments�` t�a the approved development �� plan shall follow the �rocedures outl ir�+�d ir� Section 18.4(7. 10(7 of the -� Vai� Municipal�vd+e. SEC:TIC�N `. �'�y,+,��m,G �f�f?1'� �`� ,- Ctand��ions c�� A r�o�val. fvr SD�7. ��,��,� h�l.�^^� � ,�' A. -�, co�enatit nmrri-r�g-�-i�h--the�ax.�d�-�it� -t�ie use �, �"�'� � �� � ��t,t,-r 1 e�nplc�ye��uni�� �v lat�g ,term-�aglo-yee_ret�tal-�- ��-�°rpet,�ai�y�h��ibe � ' ---- � - - , C�w'JG�,S". �r.1���'�� recc�rded prior to t�.e -i���an�e r��'�Ta bualding �e�m�t. �'he �units shall i meet the �cvnditi�ns far emplr�yee housing nut].in�d in Section 1� Y �-T�--�".� ,, � s�-- �� �rr i,, f f�,.,.,��.,�-� �,, � of �th� -�'o�n of �tTai1�c�ri�g-�de �xcept that suGh em�loyee units �� �ha11 b� restr.�cted permanen°tly, t"v,�,G�,� ,*�-,.�,.:;,t r �c� ) .i� � :y�"`�'.S`Si3�:.�4 �b`���itir^F" -�5�i���+LY, �5.t-�'1'f.�� - ,. �j `r�'"!� '�1C�� r � �i•�_ �1�r"_,:� r�� ^�) t,v1 f"�f �' d.-t`� `Yf.'/•�'�'- �'''�' +t,4?�. �'`�:�n'��.v F, �`k7f,I��!+��, /�r;{� ��� . - ^�.R J��z�� �-��I�rJ�![�1�' �" �r j �' � !4 �^I !f �� � �� ':��,� �' � �7 A �� J. � t ��� � -� �r ►-�.�.,t.1-� A �� ;�.- � t � y , � � ,. �l'�-r n��,! y i� c� �r�.',.� ,� r. � ('..._,, '�� ` ,�'` d� ,� + ,�y�7�� �I-� �� !'� y -��v 7 � � ! ��4' �tf �C� (} "'�1_I"' [�i���-� �f."� i 4� �I'—�'1f2�..C� ��{r%�iJ�C./l� ��.- � f�1,(`e :t_ �^. ��� � } � /i 'r. J n�I� r> �' �� ��+$ �-�-}r-,'r�,��,^�, �'�;!��� r�h;` I.��r-�� —f�t� frth�� - Ir-.�?. ;, � ;c�- . �� �r r �,: ��..� p ',,, � � ,/ �_ �4��1���l�'i �� '�r�'�t'�f �,.� �/t? ��',r," ..�..,,f 7� ,_1'%f .c� ;�'C�f'�,,',f,�t��-#_- #iI �'� ��"' �1�s_.+,'�r�[J.�f i�-�C_ � "�_ rr*"+� �(/. ����., � '�A Ir�"ry V! l.+"!r���uT+� �� ��"�' �'3',.��{'"�� r"+r ,t /��� � µ /} ,,. , _. , e . . [�7�s'-f'C�`�s-7�'- ,.� _ 4�!s"���+ . � � �� �: A de'�aYied drainaqe �l�n an�i othe� design issues relevant �c� -'�u}ti.,r K l�f��� pulal�c wr�rks sha�l he suhm�,�ted and appr��ved by the � prior ta the issuance of a buildinc� permit. PQ�lutiQn contro� devises shal� be incc�rporated �.nto the parking garage per the submitted environmental impact r�port. �creek sh�ll be protected frcar� �ny cvnstruction impacts kay the u�e c�f an ervsiort contrbl plan. �� �orkir�g in coordination with the Tawn St,aff t�e applxcant sl�all func� and canduct a cQm�arehensive tr�ffi.c study o�' the West Li.vnshead Circle area suitable for d�termining the applicant's con�ri.bution to the cost of construc�ing any �aecessary �urn ].an�s an tt�e South �"ran�age Rc�ad to West Lionshead �a.rcl�. Prelimina�y design and cc�st �stimat�s �or �1_► - �es�e tc�rn lanes shall be prnvided by the applicant. At a minimum r�:.• rrr�,�r^�s.r C�'s^.�r, f.:t°�F,�,� `� �-- . , . ct.�._c, -�- ,! Y;�r�.-,�, !: r:l:t�� -�.n c?�.'�"�'�:w� the applicant sha11 �� �-�spernsible fv��cant�i.bu i-rrg�hi--�-��e�ee3-�ra ,�i ��`'r r4 � -��.t�- a : ,:,;��' ,��r/„'la'�i �mntt�^rt- cc�st of t-�se impravem�nts.�:� ����:`,;�c •� ��r �r.Q. lr�;��'�J`t �,,�(,������� ��r�'� �� � ` ,�Ic'�'�°�� „�- A pre�.iminary d�sign artd furading strategy fc�r constructing � aray turn ��nes sh�ll be established priar to th� issuance of any building permit and the turn �anes shall be completed pr�,c�� tv �he �,. rr� � �.Ft��rr. } �:�:1!- iss�anc� af a temp�rary certificate v� vccupancy unless 4therwi�e,j r�r�I;r r.1 f-,/ ,�a:,.j �Li�I�"f.�,d.�t'�""� ' agr�eed-t� the Tawr� of Vai�, Cvmmunit� De�elo�ment D�partmen�. The funding and canstructi�n �lan must be approved by the T�wn of Vai1 engineer, Cc��nmunity �evelopm�nt Degartment, Tvwn �ouncil and Calc�radc� �ivis�.nn c��' Highways before the building p�ermi� is r�leased far the expansican� unl�!s� _ -c��h�x�ra°���re-er�---to---by�lr�-- ����et't. The Applic�nt �ha�.� be required to s�bmit a CoZc�rad�► �D�paztmer�t af Iiighways Access Permit Applicatic�n vn behalf of the Tvwn fc�r tt�� West Lionsh�ad C�.��1eJSouth Frontage Road Imprc�vement� tr�������� aece��rm' � ' ec�ary as can _ �r� �Vail-C�mmun�:ty ��7evelapment'�De:���tm�nt. A signeci CaZorado Qepartment af Highway permi� mus� be obta�ned b�r t�te applicant before a bu�Idi,ne} perma.t is r�Ieased r�nless such per�tit is n�t nece�ssary as c€�nfirmed by the Tvwn af V�il Cammunity Develvpmen�. De�rartm+�ntR�sr+ q� �?��tr l'��?��S � 5 . � � . D. ��.�, aspects related tc� the time-sha�x�e estates c�f this .�aeiJ.�ty shall comply with a13 applica�l� TQwn Drdinances that � � ''�F J �� �e�GL/T^_ �0.[��f�y,�`}�� 4%, reg�late time--share acti.vit �'���f��''�' �,�"�" ��``'� �,� r^�' �n�y p ��','.�^�`� �� 7 F�t� ����Y � �J ��` �''t°'�_�',' l,�`; S'!i'f`" � +�;� �c���.�c� 1�.M,�.�t�« �°�,t,.f�.�,+�: ��.�ke���..���7l i�.,�.r�, +-. � �f �'�' r:� _. �. � � �rt f-,.{r-� ,�..- �t r�, _,, ._ ,�.��:��.��, E• �' �. prapc�sed on '�c�wn�� a� Vail �z�g�"rty sY�ail, �e submi.t�ed by the applicant trr the Tawn of V�il Lanc�scape Archite�t and �rsgi ne�r for �:ppre�val befv�e such prcapvsal is stzbmitt�d ta the De�ign Review B�ard. A�ll landscaging prc�posec� t�n Town of Vail land shal�. be maintai,ned by the applicant, ��The applicant agrees tv �egrad�, revegetate and repa.�r thr� drainag� on the taank ad�aeent tv the bike path along the south�r� praperty line af the Marriat� Mark Hc�tel b}� August 1,, Z99(3. A l�tt�x af cr�dit in the amount of $ sha:�3 be subrnitted to the �c��rn vf 'Vai.� before second read�.ng �f this c�rdsraance. T`he Tandscape and drain�ge wc�r}� shall be s�tbmittec� to th� Tr�wn En�ineer, Landscape Architect and Commun%ty Devel.c�pment D�partment �c�r approval��r-��_ �# a:^ � V (x,rx�ar �;;�.--..�°�1�+� �a .f�-����-t. �1� .,���.�'��r-..�. „ ;, , �'. A tem arar� c�rtificat� nf occupancy sha11 k�e not rele�sed ;fc�:i;� r.: ���.1^L� � ' . for �he un�.i1 all si,�e improvem+e�t� ha�+e b�en c�rmpl.eted such a� as sidewalks, lanciscaping and drain�ge as set forth c�r� the develvpmen� plans. If th� weather prahibits the completian of any�i'mp�c�vemen� the apglicant shal�, be r�quired to provide a let�.er of credit ta caver 125� crf the const��xction cvsts for these imprc��ements. The constructivn restimate shall b� reviewed and approv�d 1ay the Town �,�,,�r,,,�ii�.�� �ngineer an� Lands�ape Architect. The a�gre�m�nt stipulating hc�w th� i�nprovements wi11 b� �c�mple�ed and the dvllar amount and farm of l�tter of credi�. shal�, b� sub�itted lay the agplicant �a the Tc�wn A�torney �`or approval l�efore a temparary c�rtific�te +�f occupancy may 3ae r��eased. �. Be�are a te�n�aarary eertYficate o� occ�zpancy is released �h� ap�licant shall plat and recvrd a pu��ic easement ta ensure puk�Iic access through S�D7 on the propvsed sa.d�wal3c imprvvements on the deuel�apm�nt pl�n. Th� applzca�t shall s�bm�.t th� prapvsec3 easement agr�ement ta the Town Attc�rney and Tawn Caunci.l fo� appr�val pria� to recc��ding. S , ;} k�l� '�� . . � . '� �� �,,�,,� � �-�. ; �, . . . � . f n�,r�t�, �J � �t��,� �5�,�j.t.';� ' �1� -� � �,�1������ t,�-'� � �'```- �`� 5���''�'^,.,.9� � The applicant here�y agr+�es that the fo�.lowing marketing strategies wil�. nat be us�d riy the applicant an selling the tim�-share e s ta t e s. ,�,�;'�''C`�-� � �� �L�.r✓� UJ�r'� �� C�i��I�,1",+'�,; , �� SECT��1� 2G . L�m�itata.c�n on Fireplaces. Woc�� burning fir�places sha1,1 nvt be p�rmitte�d i.n any dwelling unitf wh�ther a time-share estate ar an empldyee housin unit nc�x in �n ����°- �` '� y public ��se. �y� gas fir�ep�,�c�j sha�l m�et the criteri� set fc�rth in Tc�wn of Vail c7rdzr�ance ' �'�,►��f�� ���• �� and as amen�ied fram ti��e tv tim�e. L�r�+'��'� 3�,�c�".�d�'� �``�e�'� �ECTION 27. �ecrea�ianal �+�men�ties �ax. The r�creatianal ameni�ies tax �ue far �he d�velopment within SaD7 shall k�e assess�d at 7� a rate �f���per square foot of flr�or area and sha�l be paid prior ��-� to �he issuanc,� vf a .building pe�mit � .�-;-•�������- �).�.�.!.� `��,��.�t•��_�t�� SE�TIdI�1 ,,�'' Tf an�r_�par't, s�c�iQn, subse+�tio�, se��ence, clsuse Q�` P���� �f thzs ardinance is for any reasvn he�.d to h� in�ralid, su�h decisio�n shal� t�r�t affect the vali,dity af t�e remaining pQrtions �rf this cardznance: and the Ta�wn Coun+cil hereby dec�ares it would �Zave passed this ardinancef and each part, section, subsec�imn, �entence, cl�use or phrase there��, �egardless of th+e fact that any one vr mvr€� parts, sections, subs�cti�ns, sentences, cYauses or phrases �,e dec�.ared �i.nva�.id, � SE�TI+�N _ C�nflict with Drdinance No. 3 S�ries af 197� and bxdinaance No. 2� Se�i�s of 1961. �f �1�y p�r't� SeC�ir,��-lr subs�ctia�n, senten�e, c�ae�s� or phrase af fhis ordinanc� cr�nflicts with any p�rt, section� s�bsect,ian, sentence, clau�e ar pk�rase �f drdinance Nc�. 3 , Sera.�s af 1,977 or Ordi.nance No. 25, S�ri�� vf ��81� the l�nguage contain�d in th.�s Ordxnar� e shall ontra . ��'"+�.',.�, �' � ..����: �/�`v.�..�.,��� ��c�'�ot� `-�-e:- �j�'k�e��'own.—������, {r �� . .��I,, � �,�, �� Cauncz� her�by �inds, de�ermir�es and :� ��� de���res that �his vrdinance �.s necessary and praper fcs� �he hea��h� safety aa�d w�].fare c�f thg Town of V'ail �nd th� inhabit�nts ther�evf, � �c�,c��.�� __e ,- .� �1.� °- sz.� �ti�'�„�.� ., - SECT�aN � The. ��pea� cir �the repeal and re-enactment af �ny para�risiQn c�f the �'a�l, Munici.pai CQde �s �rrayzc�ed in thYS Drda�nanc� �h�Il nat �f��ct any right which as accrued, any duty �mpased� any violatzc�n that accurred priar to the effe�t�v� r�at� here�f, any 7 i � x _ , � , prase�ut�on �ammenced, nor any other action vr prace�ding as commenced under r�r by virtue of the provisai.on repeale�d ant� reenaeted. Th� repeal of a�sy prnv�.sion hereby sha�.l nat aeeviue any pravision rar a�ny rrdinance previous�y repealed or s�p�rsed�d unZess �xpress�y ��ated herein, INT`RODUC�D, REA.D �,IdD PASS�D t31�T FIRS"I" �EAI?II+dG TH�S T7AY dF , �990 at p,m. in the Cvunc�l �Ch�m�ers of the , Vail Municipal Buildirtg in Vai1, Calorada. �rclered pukalished �.n ful�, this day o€ , 1990. KENT R. ROSE� MAYC]R ATTEST: P,A�M�LA A. BfiANDMEY£R, T+DW� CLE�dK INTRODUCED, R�AD AN� AP�R�V�D C?N SECdND .�2EADII+IG �N❑ {3RDER�D P[1BLISHEQ 'I'HIS �AY pF , }.990, KEN'I' R. Rf.7SE, MAYC7R ATTEST: PAMELA A, $RANDMEYER, TC3WN CLERI�: � , . � � 9. Befc�re a tempoxary c�rtific�te af Qccupancy i.s r��e�sed, the , . apPlicant shall �I�t a public easement tv insure public � access th�ouqh the site on the propvsed sidewalk i�tprovet�ents. TY�+� applicant sha11 su�mit the eas�ment �greement to �he T�wn Attorrae�r and Town Cc�uncil far apprc�va� beft�re recc�rding the e�sement. lo. 3�arketing laaquaqe far th� sa�e o� th� timeshare units shall be submitted ]�y �he Town I�,ttorney b� th� applioamt �vr appr�val. Thi� xcsrding gaverniaq the m�rketiaq o�' the timesharinq shal� be addsd to the SD� ardinanca. �i. a amplifica�i.oa vf saund on the greenspace cre�►tad by the remcval af th� txo tennis courts shall b� a��owed �cr cc�nventions or other sp�r��al e�vents. The following items were staff r�cammendations ta the Desigr� ReWiew Board ,if th+� prflject proceeded ts� that review level. The Flanning Com�i.ssion changed �hese rec�mrnr�ndatiQns to condit��ns of apprt��al. i2. Laadsc�ping beyand sod aball be prc�rided an the laa►dsc�p� terraces over t�e park:�nq. l3. Adc����vnaY Tandscaging shall be provid�d al�nq the west elevativa af the parking structure. A m�� of deciduc�us, e�ergreen9, and shrubs shall be pravided �f a size ade�uate to screen the structure as much aa gossibi�. Tb+� applic�nt is dir�c�ed to work �ri�h Yail �s�ociates vm tb+� ]�andscaping buffez. 14. �11 ioadinq area.s s�a�l hav� ad�3tianal lan�3scapiag �nd _ s�reea �encinq. �'15. The ,amendments tc� 8pecial De�velo�meat District No. �' are �. �PF���'�d conditionai upc�r� Planning a�x�d Envir��meatal Cammis�ic�n and �c�wn Gcur�ci� givinq apprava3 to the uuderlyinq zane ci3strict request. 15. Th� ballast on the e�ist3ng buildiag aball be chaaqed to match the color of the me��l rvof of tbe gr+�pvsed �dditic�n. 3n additian, the staff and PEC recc��end that t�-ie Desi+�n R+�vgew �vard address the follawing design issu�es �.f the praject prflceeds ta DRB: '" Pedestrian acGess sh�uld be provided fram the West Day° Lot thr�ugh �h� Zs�west level c�f th�e garking s�ruc�ure. ` The entry s�air an th� north elev�tion should k�e c�ecreased in width to allaw mQ�e landscaping. ' The north �l�vativn adjacent �o the garl�ing structure stair should have n�are Windaws. Land�caping shvu�d be plante+d alang �he stairway and building. These �onditie�ns c�f apgro�al have been �.nc�rpar�ted intv the Special aeve�.apment F3istri�t Ordinance. The recomrnendations to the Design Review Board will �ie passed onto t�e DRB by the Cnn�munity D�velc�pment I�egartment. 3 .�_ _._ � � # � � � o���r�n��scE �a. � (s��-;�� a� ����) AN O�adNA[dCE AM�h1DING CHAPTER i8.�4 4F THE 11AIL MtJNIC�PA�L CD�E QY AUDING SCC7I�NS CQNCL�NIhlG [7�FiNI�IQNS �3F M,4J[�R RRCADE, �1I�VQR �RCA�E A��D Ai�IUSENi�IVT aEVI�E; A�ENaIh�G 1'HE C�W[�TTIC�iVAL A�1D �C�ESSOf�Y U5E SE�TIO�'� OF Cf3APTEFtS i8.��, 18.24, 18.�7, 1�3.��3, lFi.34, i8.36, 1�.4�., �8,42, 1t3.4�, 18.q�, �[�al�AraC� t��. �3, SERI�S 1978, �RGIfiaANCE CJ(�. 7, SE�2I�S 197�, �k�IC3 (7RDIN{�NCE P�D. 2fi, SERIES 1981 OF THE VI�IL M111�ICIf'l11. CUL�E TO PERP1IT N��1�04� 1�NU MI�ICIR ARGFIDES; A�IEh�DING CHAPT�RS �8.26 AND 15.44 QF TNE VAIL MI�NICi�AL C�DE T�} ALT�C��J MINa�t ARCAI]�5 AS ACCESS�If�Y USES; ,ANQ QTHER MATTERS PEP.TAIfVING T�l SAIa AMEP#D�ENTS. 4fHEREAS, the i�own Cc�un�cil is t�f the o�anion that arcades should be sub,�ect ta a zQning regul�tiony and kJHER�AS, t#�e PZ anr�i ng and Envi��nmer�ta T Cammi ss i an of t�e 7awn of Va i 1 has du�y re�vrr�n�nded appraval of zaning �ravisior�s fc�r ar°cades as ca�nt��ned h��rein ; �nd 4JHEREAS, the 7�wn �ounci� i� of �F�e op�nivn that said a�n�ndrri�nts ��r� neeessary to protect the h�alt}a, safety and welfare a� the �nhabi�a:�ts of �he Tvwn af Va�l , �VC1�G, THER��(�RE� BE IT E}RDAIi�CQ BY THE �`O�JN C�OU��I�, OF THE TQWfa QF VRI�, CO�ORA�OR fiHA�': 5e��i�n � : Chapter 18,�J4 a� the zan�r�g cad�, �n�itled '"Def�nition,�� is ar�ended �to ar�clude t�re fc�l7c�v�7ang se�t�on�; a. 18.�}4,�05 Amus�ment D�vace �"R�riusement dev��e" �h�ll m�an any ��vice wF�ich up�n insert�or� �f a �oir�, slug, taken, plate nr �disc, Qr payment of c�nsideration may be u�ed by the �ublic fpr us�2 as a gam�, entertaininent, a�nuserr�ent, a test of sic�ll , either mental or qhys�cal , whether or n�t registerzng a �care, which sha1T include, l�ut sh�Tl r�at i�� li�riit�d t�: Poal tabies, sr�ook�r tabl�s, ���st�ai� tat�les� �?in�al� �raeh�nes, electronic �am�s, �ixed stan� co�n-op�rated kid�iie rides, and m�ech�nica7 l�uils , t�ut shall nr�t include radios, devices tf��t qrt�vide iriu�ic r�n�y, ar tele�iastt�n carrying con�mercial braad��asts, b. IE.�R.252 Niajcar Ar�ade '�Majar arcad�" �ha� l mean � �la�e of busin�ss wher� an y�divi�ival , as�c��i���on, partnersh�p or corp�rati�n ��taintair�s f�iv� �r irear'� an�usen�ent devices. � � .� x ' Sec�.ian 9 Cha�ter 18.42, 5p�cia] 'O�w��o{�ment aistrict � {Narthwoads) , of the V�i1 MuniciF�a3 Cac�e is her�by amend�d to read �5 foilaw5: a, Sect7�n ��.42.a�0, Cnn�iti�rnai �Jses, is am�nde� wath the �ddi�iQn uf �aragra��� E to r�ad as ��13vws: �. Majnr arcade , sa lan� �s it do�s r��t have a�y ex�eripr fr�ontage oat any pub� ic way, str��t , ►valkway, ar ma11 area. b, Sect7on �8.42.070, ,�cc�ssory Uses, is amended v�ith th� additian �af para- graph E to read as f�llaws: � E, M-inor arcade � 5+ectian 10 Chapter 78.44, Specia1 peveloprnen� �istrict 3 �P�tkin �reek Park}, nf the yai7 (�un�c i pal Cv�d�, i s hereby �n�ended to read as fol�ows: �. Secti�n 1�3.44.070, Aecessvey l�ses, is ar�ended wit� the additiur� �f p�ra- graph D ta read �s �c��laws: D. Minar� arcade . Section � 1 �Chapter 1$.4�, 5pecial Dev�l�prn�n� �istrict 4 �Cascaci� V�lla�e} Qf the Va�l Municipal Code is herehy ame�ded tr� read as fol ��ws: a, 5ection �8.46.05D, �Conditiarra� U�es, is amended wi�.�r the addi��on of para- grap� A ta read �� follows: A. Ma�flr a���ad�e r so �ong as it does na� �r�ve any ext�rior �Frar�tagQ c�n any pubi i� waY, street, walicway , ar niall arEa, b. Section 18.46.07Q, Ac�essory Uscs, is amer�ded with the aciditi�n af para- graph D to read as foil�ws: D. The ft�l 1 owi ng acc�ss�ry use shai 1 be p�rmi tted iry D�vel o�n�ent I�rea A: Min�r arcade Section 12 Chapter 18.48,f5qecial Development pi�trict 5 �5imba Run and Vaii Runj of the Vail Munic�pal Code is '�ereby amended to read as foll�ws: a. 5ecti�n 1�.48.07{�, C�nditiflnal �I5�5, �s ai�er��ed ���th th� additic�n of paragraph F ta read as fcal l aws: F, Majvr arcade, so lvng as i� does no� ��ave a��y �xterior� frontage on any pub� ie wa,y, st��e�, •walku�ray� �r r�all ar�a. b. S�ct�t�n �8,48.08p, �Acc�s�ory Uses, is a�nended with th� addition vf paragraph � to read as fo]l�ws: f�. Minar arcade � _ � , • �� _�_ . � 4S�ction 13 Ordinance No. 8, Series 197�, Speci�] Dt�v+�lop��r�nt District 1 �The �ric} af the Va i 1 Nfun i ci pal Car�e i� �er�eby a�Fxeradcd as f��1 ows: a� Sectiar� 8, �onditional Uses in �he S�ecil District, is amended with �h� add�tion of �ara�raph I t� read as foll�ws : I. Major arcade, so lorag as i� daes not have at�y exterior frantage on �ny public way, stre�t, walkway, or rr�ll �rea. b. Section 9, Accessory t1s�s ir� the Special District, is ��►7ended witf� �he add��i c�r� af par�grapl� !3 to reac� as fo�l�aws: S. Minnr areade Seet�on 14 Chapter ]8.41 , Sp�cial D�velopment Dis�rict � (Fai7r��ge� �f the Va3� Mun�cipai cQd� i s hereby ar�er�ded to read �s �'a1 T ows: a, Sectian 18.41 .U40, Canditional i.Jses, is amended with the additi�r� of paragr��h F tn read as follaws: F. �iajor arcade, so l�ng as �t d�es not have �ny ext�riar frontage on any p�blic away, street, walk«ay, ar r�all area . b. Sectior� T 8.4� .�4�, Accessory Uses, i s a�nended wi th the add�ti or� �f para- graph D ta read as fvl��ws. D. M�nt�r~ arcade . Sectaon 15 L3rdir�ance Na. 7,-'Series 197'�, 5pecial Develc��ment, District N�. TQ (Val l i Hi } , �s h�rehy amended ta read as fv�Taws: a. 5ec�ior� F, paragr�ph v, is ar��ended hy dei�tin� "'ar� irtside rsereati�n r^�rorr� with ping por�g and foo�bal] tab7es" �nd add�ng in its ��ac� "a maj�r or m7nor arcade." 5ect:i on 1� Ordinan�ce 26, Series 1987 �..�Sp��1�7 �evel�pmer�t Dis�ric� Na. ll (Nigh�ar�d Pa�^k) of tf�� Vail Mun7cipal code is h�reby amend�d ta read �s �al7aws ; a, S�et�vn 5,.-paragr��i� f3, subparagraph vi is a�nend�d to r�ad as fnliows: YI. Major a�rc�de, �o lc�ng as it da�s nat have aray exterior frontage on ar�y publ ic v�ay, stree�, wa1 kway, ar mal 1 are�, b. Sectian 5, paragraph c, 5ubparagraph iv is a��ended ta r�a� as fo�lati�s: iv• M�n�r arcade � � � .�' � � � T � � V . ., ;�1 Df��INANCE �a . z� �. �. �f {�eries vf 1981 } ����� �`������4 �.,-„�� RN �RDINA�fCE �IMEiV[�ING SPECIAL DEVE'�OPM��lT 7� s. frc�nt��•.�� rr�acl DISTRIC7' fV{� . 7 OF TFlE SERICS Q� 1977 C(�N�E�I� ING v�il, colar�t�c� �skv:�7�`FI� NUb4�ER flF FIREPL�C£S FOR TFlE MARI4T7 M1�#�K. officevftc�;�r� c9.±r•�c IN AD�] ITIOhd , REVI �W 0� PHASE II p� THE S�'ECIAL D�VELp�'i�ENT Q I STR I CT . '�HEf�ERS , Specia� Developnient District 7 was �pprvved by the T'r�wn of Vai 7 te� i rtsure a un�f i ed ar�d cQord i nated devel vpm�nt and use of a crit7cal s � te as a whole �nd in a manner suita�le for th� area in which it is s � tua-�ed . . WY-�ER�AS , the Town Cc�unc� � appr�oved special "SU7 '" an�l �ons �dered it as reasorsable , appropriate and ber��f� cial to the Tawn and its cit� zer�s , inhabtit�nts and uisi �ars . �JaW , T�IER�Ft}RE , RE TT ���AINE�7 �Y TfiE 7DWN C�UI�CIL C1F THE T{]WN �� VAIL , COL�}1�1�D0, AS F(]LLQWS : Secti €an 1 . Sec�ion 11 of ardinance �lo, 7 , Series ofi 1917 , is r�p€�] ed ane� re�er�act�d as fo'� � vws : Section 11 . Lin�itation o� Fi ��g�laces . Firep7ace� shall n�t b� permitted in ind� vidual accomm�datior� �nits . FirepTace� shall be permitt�d �n eic�ht dwe7lir�g un� ts ��r� th na m�re thar� twc� add�ti �na� fire�lacES shal � �i� ir� the Spec�al Devel �apment �7 strict , ta �e 1 ocated in a pu�i� ic area . S�c�ian 2 . If any {�art , sect� ar� , sub-sect� on , ser�t�nce , c7ause ar phrase af this ordinance is �c�r any reason held ta l�e inva� id , such d�cision s�ra11 rra� af�ect t�e v�� idlty of the rem�ining por�tions af this vrdana�nce ; and the Tawn Cauncil hereby dec7are� it ti��aulcd have pas�ed �his ardinanc� , ar�d each part , secti�n , subsec�3 �n , sent�n�� , c7 �us� vr phrase thereof, regardTess of the fac� �ha � ��ny one �r �nare par�s , sect� ons , sub-sections , sentences , claus�s 4r phras�� b� dec] ared � nva7id . Section 3 . The Tawn C�uncil herehy fin�s , c�e�err,�ines , and deeiares �hat this ordinance is r�ecessary and pro�aer fflr th� k�ea� �h , safcty and welfare of t�te Town af Wail ancJ t�he inhabi �.a�nts th�reof, � � ., � - � f � . 5�ctian 4 . �h� repeai ar the repeal �nd reen�c�ment o� �-�ny provisian vf the Vail t�luni�� pa] Code as pravid�� in th� s ardir�an�e shaii r��t affec�. any right arhieh � s accrued , any duty imposecl , any vinla�i�r� �hat nccurred pr7or �a the effe��ive date hereaf , any prasecution commenced , nar any other acti �n ar prvice�dirrg that has cvm�ner3ced und�r c�r by vi rtu� af the �rov 7 si�n� r�Rea7 �^d ar r�pea1 ed �nd reenacted . The repea ] o� ariy provis �on h�r�by s�a� l nv� revive any pravisivn �f any c�rdinance previously repeal �d or superce�leci unless expressiy stateci herein . TN7RO�lJCED , f��,�D 4N FIRST REI��If�G , APPftOVE� AI�Q Uf�aERE� Pl1�LTSNEt� QNCE �N FIJLL TFIIS 2ND DAY QF JUNE , 1981 , A1�� A PUBLIC H�1�RING ON THIS (JRDINI�NCE 51�ALL BE F�ELD AT Tf�E RE�ULAf� NfE�Ti ING OF 7H� T���N COUNCI� OF �'li� T�W�! 0� VA� L , COLOf�RD(� , �}N Ti�E 16th (7�Y f�F .�un� , 1981 .. __, �f� r; � .r'��"�� <� � � +�� •f� M R R �� . �; r ATT�ST : � . - � , �Cown er k IN�fi�DllCEQ , R�1�� Aida PA55EQ 0�! SECOt�J� f�EADING this Y6th day of �lur�e , 1.981 , and �order�ci publ � shed by title only - -� �� ` � i .� ,,, .�r� 1�1a or �;1 ATTE5T: Town Cl e�'k _� _ � . � � � . � � � � k . • ��ar�v�r�c� r�a. � s��r�s v� »7� A�C �}R[�INAh#CE EST1��iLISHIIVG SPE�IAL �ISTRICT 7 AND AM�NL]INC TN� �UNIN�G CiRi]INANC� A�i� TH� a���ct�� �or�r�� c�aa. WHEft�AS, Art�cle i , 5ection l .2(ll , c�f t'he Zvning flrdinance, brdit�ance hto. 8 S�ries af 1'973, of tlne Tow� r�f Vai 1 , Calorado, as ar�ended, �sta�alis�ed Twelve zonang districts for the m�nicipaiity, one Qf wf�ich is the Sp�c�ai Dev�iopment District; 'WF�EREAS, fCai�er Marc�s submitted an �ppl�cation requestin� that the �"own establish Specia� Deveiopment C3istric� 7, h�reinafter referre� �cr as "SD7", �ar th� devel c�pmen� on i ts p�rceT vf 1�r�d compri s i ng �.17 acr�es an the Vail �ionsFiead area, County af Eagle, 5tat� of CoZorado, mpre com�le�tely d��cribed on attach�d Exhibit "A". WHEREAS, the establishment vf the requested 5�7, wi7� �nsur� unif�ed anci covrdinat�d �evelopme�t and use vf �riticaT s�te a5 a whale_ and in a manner su�ta�le °�vr the area in wt��ch it is situ��ed. WHEREAS, tf�� �'own Council ccansid�rs that it is reas�nable, a�propriate, ar�d benefic�a7 to the Town and its citizens, i�rhab�tar�ts, and visitors t❑ estab�ish said 5�7. r�fll�, ZH�RE�ORE, SE IT dRCJAINEa �3Y TNE T04lN COUNCIL (lF TNE TD�fN O�F VAIL, C[ILORADO, AS FflLL01�S: Secti�n 1 . Title Th�s ordinance s�ra�1 be knvwn as t��� "'�rdi nance Es�abl i sh�ng 'Special ��v+elnpment �i�trict l". ' Section 2. Amendme�t '�rocedures Fulf���ed, Pianning Cam�iss�on Repvrt. The amendm�nt procedures prescribed in 5ec�ion 21 .�0� of th� �oning 4rdinance hav� been fuZfil�ed, and the Tvwn Ca�nc�i has received th� repart of t'�e P1 anr�i ng Cornrni�sion recvmm�ndzng th� enactr�ent of t�i s ord�nanc�. SectZO� 3. 5pecial �evelapm�nt �istr�ct 7 Establish�d; Amendn7ents to 2t�rain� �r^dinanc� and Official �oning I�a�. Pursuant tn the provi si or�s af Articl es l , �3, and 21 �f the ��rting Ord�nance, f}rd�nance Na. 8, 5�ries of 1973, af th� Town af W�il , Cnlorado, as amended, Specia� UeveTvpment �istr^ict 7 4SD7} , a special � � � . � � p � � devel��ment zoni�g distrY�t, is herehy e�tab�ished fQr the develapm�n� �n a� certa�n parc�T Qf land campris7ng 5.17 acres ir� th�e Vail Li4nsHead area af the Tawn of Vaii } and the Zaning Ordinar�ce and the flffici�l l�r�ing Map are h�reby amer�ded by th� addi i�ion �f the fv71 owi r�g nrvua s�ons which sha11 becam� th� E�ght� Chapter c��' Artiele 13, the ea�t�an flf which sha�l be "5p�ciai aeve�opment ai�trict 7" and a map which sF�a7T bec�rne a� addition to the Official Zon��ag Map. Sect��r� 4. �urr��se of 5p�cial d�VE�Qpf��C1� Di5'�T`t'C'�. A special devcic�p�rent dz5trict is establis�e� �a assu�e comprehen�ive develvpm�nt and us,e af an area in a maraner that w��l be harmon�ous with th� ger��rai character of the Town of Vail , C�lorado, provide adec�uate op+en space �nd recr�ational amenit�es, and promate �.he o�jectives af the �vning Ordinance vf �he �'own; and there are significant asp�ects af �he sp�cia� d�velQprnent wh�ch cannvt be satisfied under tlie +exi�tir�g zanirtg. 5ectic�r� �. Aqprvvai of Develo�►�en� Plan, A. The Ueve7�pmen� P7an for the M�r��C Resort and Tennis Cl�,b which i� pa€rt vf #ts said application sha11 be incorporated by reference, anr� made a part +�f SD7 antf consti�utes a genera7 pi an and gui de for development wit'�itt �h� Special Dis�rict. B. Amendmen�s to the A�prav�d Developr�ent �'lan w'�ich da� nat c�ar�ge its substance �nd whic�t ar� fu11y recarr�end�d in � repart c�f the l°lanning C�mrnis�ion may be approved by t'he T�wn Gvuncil by resQl�t�an. C. Th� Enuironment�l Impact Rep�rt sh�il be submitted to the �t�ning Adm�nistra�or in accordance witlh Art�e]e lb of the Zoning Ordinance prior ta th� cvmrnenc�m�nt of tne review artd approval �rcrcess. Supp3emental l^��]at"'�5 priar to the carnr�enc�m�nt o� canstructian 4#' �ach phase shal � be pravi ded as f1@C�5Sd1';�, {1 ) Each p'�ase of the deve�opment shall require review and recomm�ndatipns af the F1ann�ng Commissian and a�pr�val by the �own Counci� . D. Eacf� ,phase +of the deve��pment sl�all requ�re �h� privr approval a�' the ��s�gn R�view Baard in ac�ordanc� with �he a�plicab�e �rovisia�s of Ar�ticle �5 of the �oning �rdinance. Each phase ��all be rev�ewed by a� au�side eonsultant at t!�� ex�+�nse of the deve7aper, wha shall. -�� � � . y � � � . � 1 give their recommendations to the Design R�view B�aard. �1 } The Devel+a�rent Plara �haTl be amended ta r�fTect �Irchitectural des�ign of each ph�se. {2� Each pha�e af th�e devel�pment shall requ�r� review and recornmendat�ons af the Plann�ng Com�nissitar� ar�d approval hy �he T�wn C�ur�cal . Secti tan 6. Conter�t caf Proposed aeve�opr�ent P1 an. 3he prt�posed deveTapir�erat pl�n shal l �nc]ude bu� i s not limited ta the foTlowing data: A. Exist�ng and pro�osed contours after gradir�g ar�d szt� development havi�g contvur intervals of r��t mor� than 2 fee^t and prel�mir�ary drainage plan. 5��plem���a] documentation nf propvs�d cor�taurs �nd drair�age sha�� be sub�nitted ta the Zaning Administrator with the plans f�r each phas�e vf �he developmen�. B. A site plan, at a scaTe of 1 inch equals 40 feet or° larg�r, showzng the 7acations an� dimen$i�r�s �f �T1 bu��dir�gs and structures , uses �h�rein, and all principal site d�velopment features such as lanciscap�d areas, r�creation�7 fac��ities, �r+�destrian pla�as and waikways , service areas, driveways, ar�d o�f-street parking and ioading areas. C. A pre�i�ninary lar�dscape pZan, at a sca1 e c�f 1 inG'� equaZ s 4D feet ar 1 arg�er, shaw�ng @7f"!5�'iTl�q l�nd�ca,�e fea�ure5 t� �e re�ai ned ar rer�owed, and shawing prapased landscapir�g and �and�caped site dev�lop_ ment fea��res such as vutd�or recre�tional facilitie�, �icycle pat�is, trai7s, pe�es�riar� piaxa� and waikways, wat�r feature�, and oth�r e7er�en�s. �. Schematic building elevat�ons, sectinn� and f�c�or plans, a�t apprvpriate sca7es, �n �uf-�icient deta�Z tv determine flnvr ar�a, genera� c�rcula�ic�n a�d us� �ocatic�r�, and g�neral scale a�d bulk o�' t'he propvsed develc�pm�r�t. 5p�cific d�tail fa� �hese items and �he appea�rance sha11 �i� suhmitted on a phase basis. E. A V�alum�trac m�od�1 of th� site and �he proposed devel�p- �nent da��,men�ed by phatograpt�s, at a scale af 1 ir�ch equ�l s 4� feet vr Z arger, partr�ayj ng t�e sca�e arrd re1 ati or�sh�ps af tne deve��opme�t ta �he si�e, and iilustrating the torm and ma�ss of str�c�ures in th� development. -3- . ;,, . � � � . � � � � � F. An architectural r�adel shaT� be subm�tted pr�ar t� cvnstruction of each phase at a sc�]e of 1 inch equa]s 2� �eet �r larger. G. A phasing plan ot th� propased deveioprnent indi�atir�g order and g�nera1 t�ming of ccanstruc�ion ph�ses, arnenit�es, and propased inter�m deveT�pment. Sectian 7. Permitted lJses in the Spe�iai Distr�ct. A, Mu�t�ple fami�y residential dwe�lings, incZuding attach�ed ar r�wr dwe17�ngs and candar�i n��m �i��re11�ngs. 8. Lodges, including ac�ess�ry eat9ng, dr�nk�nc�, recreatian�l or retail �stablishments. �. Pra��ssional and business offices. D, Me�ti�g r�ams ar�d conventian facilities. �. �ccessory eati n�, drinl�ing, c�r r�tai 1 �s�tabl i sh�ren�s sha71 not occupy mvre than �D per cent of the tata] gr�ss resident�al �l+oo�r area vf the developmen�. Sectiort 8. Cvnd��ic�nal iJses i n th� Speci al f�i str7 ct. A. Frivate clubs and civic, cultura] , and fraternai vrganiza��aons. B. Public ar cvm€nercial parking facili�i+�s ar struc��r�es. C. PUb�ic �ransportatiar� termfnals. D. publ�c utility and public servzce us�es. E. Pub�ic �uildings, graunds ar�d fa�ilities. F. Publ i c or pri vate sc'��c�l s. G. Puhlic parCc and recreation faci7i�ies. H. CC�ur�ches. � Secti�n 9. Accessc�ry L#ses ir� the Sp�cial District. A. Swim�ning pa�Zs, tenn�s caurts, har�dball caur�s, sguash caurts, and patias, or o�h�r recr�atiorra� facilitzes customar?�y ineiden�al to pernl3 t�ed iodg� uses. B. (}ther us�es cus�omar�ly i�roci�ental and access�ory tn permitted or conditianal uses, and necessary for th� �vp�ratior� therevf. Sec�ion 10. �evelt�p�nent 5tanc�ards. The fa�llowing dev�l4pr�ent standards are minimum develapm,ent standar�ls in the S�aecial Di�trict: . -4- � � � . . � � � � t A. Lot are� anci si�E L�1F�l�C1S1d115. �'he Spe�ial �istrict s�hall �c�nsist vf �r� area tata�7ing �.77 acres ,�s �pecified in Sect��on 3 �ereof. B, 5�tba�ks. Th� required setbacks sl��.11 vary as indi�cate� in the ��eve��pr�errt F]a�, providing �pace far p�anting arrd an acc�p�able r�elation- ship to ad�acent �raperties, C. Dis�ances he�weer� buildings. 7he m�n�mum d�stance between �uildings on adjacent si�Ces shal� be as indicatQd in the I�evelopment Plan. D. He�gh�. (5t�ry shal� be defined by th� UnifQrm Building Cvde. } The height of the bui�dings shall b� 5ub,�ect �a t'�e recarr��rendations of th� Plannir�g Conur�issian ar�d the appr�val vf the Town Co�ar�ci� when the arcfi�itectura7 design i� approved. �. �en�ity Control , The gross residential floar ar�a (GRFA) af ail buildings (including, existing bu�lding} can��r�cted in the Specia7 Dis�ri�t s�all nat exce�d ��4,000 sq�aare feet. The to�al number �f dwell�ng units shai7 na� exceed 34 and the total �umber of accommadati�n urrits shal7 not exceed 304. �'. Building �ulk G�ntrol , �uiid�ng Bu�k, m�ximum wa�l lengt�s, �nax�murr� dimensians f�r building elemer�ts, r�qu�rements for wal� offsets �nd vert�ca� s�epping c�f raof ��nes sha�l be and�c�ted on �h� Bu�k fli�qrar� o� th�e approved aevel�p- ment P�an. �G. 5a te �vverag+e. The site area ta be covered by buildinqs� sha71 be �s generally indicat�ecf vn th� Deveio�ment Plan, bu� in no �ase shaZl exceed 55� a� the tvtal site area. H. Us�able Open Space. � Useable apen space shall �e provided as req�ired in the Public � Accommodati�n District, S�ectivn 7.508 of the �aning �rdinat�ce, i. Landscaping and Site Developmer�t. At least 2l�� of th� total s�te area sha1� b� �artdscape a�d plaza ar�a. L�r�dscaptng ar�d other site dev�7�pmer�t shall observe the ��ndscapir�g cvncept as indficated in the a�prqved �evelopr�ent Plan. -5- � ^ � � ,� � ! � � ti � � ,3. Parking and Load7ng. (lJ Parking a�d laading shall be pr�vided a�s required in the Public Accommndativn Distr�ct, S�ction 7. 51� ar�d cvnsist�nt with t�re provisions vf Article 14 �f �.he �arFie�g �brd�nance, All req�ired park�ng shall �e within ��� main bui�rJing vr bui]dings or ben+�ath accessary deck$, pla�z� and patios except �fie rsiinirr�urr� ta�cessary tvr registratian and t�mpt�rary loa�#ir�g and univading. ��} Parki r�g sha17 b� prnv��ed far G�rarter Buse�. (3� I�oad7ng, delivery, and garbage facalities shal� �e Off--stre�t and withi� the s�ruc�urc as indicaCed on the Dev�7o�ment P7an. Sect9on 11 . Limitat�on a� Fireplaces. Fircplaces shal� nat b� permitted in indivicfuai accom�nc�datian �r dwel1�ng units, however, no mare than tw� addi�ional fir��lac�s sha11 be all�wed in the 5pe�ial Dev+�7opment Di�trict, to �� lacated in a publac area, as indicated on th� Development P�an. S�cti�n 1Z. Canservatian C�ntrols. A. oeve7�per shall inc7ude in th� bu��ding �vn�tr�ction �n�rgY and water conservat�vn contra7s as �eneral techr�ology exists at the t�me af c�r�struction.. Section 13. Recreational Am�r��ifi.�es Tax. Th� recreatinnal a€nenities tax due far the developr�ent withi� 5Dl unde� Ordin�nc� Nv. 2, 5eries of �974, af the T�wn c�f Va#l , Colorado, sh�ll be ass�ssed at a rate not ta exceed $0.75 per square foot o� �l�oor area and shali be paid 1r� canjurrct7on with canstr�ctian phases and prior ta t�re issuar�ce of a bui 1 ding permi t. . A. Tennas c�urts in adequat� numbers to reasona�1y serve �he ne�ds of th�e [�ev�l�pment. B. Swir�m�ng Pool of adequate �ize to reasgnahly serve the neec�s of the @evelo�ament. . �. Such other am�nities a5 indScat�d in the Deve�ap�n�nt Pla�n. 5ection 14. Ef�ect�v� aa�e. Tfiris ord��ance shalfi take eff�c�. five days after pub�icativn f�lZowing the final passage hereaf, . _f_ �' +, ���. �f,n�1 •�� � � f ..^. '� Y �rs� �!°�',. �- � �,� �.� .�. � � ��"- , �. �,� ��.. _✓ `_ y`-, � ±.V +��� � .�'� � 5ec�ior� 1 . Ti t]E �1� L� �,/'�f j � `� r--• � inis or�in�ncc sha71 �e 1:no►�:n �s the "Ordin�nce �stat�TiS�ira�J S�eci�l �]e�,��o��:ar_ E�istric� 7", 5���;on ?. A��r�d��.�n� �roce�urvs Fud �a 11 e�, P�anni ng CoF�.:ni�;i cn P.e��ar�. Th? _„�er�����ent pr����ures arescri�e� ira Sec���n Z1 .5��J gf tre �a;�irR Grc`;�an�e . ���� �e�;� :ul `i ] 1 e:', a��C t��e To�.:n Ca:rnci t ha� recei ve� t'r:y repor_ of �ne �larnin� C�r�riss�on rece�r-�ondina �he ena�tr:2nt of tl�is ar�i:;an�4. Ser:ion 3. S��cial Q�velv�^qnt �istric� 7 �s���lis�ed, A��en�--.�nts �� ��n�z� �rciin���e and ��'�icia� Zoning tS�p. PursV�nt to t�h� provi�7t�ns �f ►'�rticles 1 , 13, and 23 �f t�t� �or�ir.? Or��nance, �rdinanc� �;o. �, �eries af 1973, or' the T�:•rr� oF llail , Cv3ar���, ?s a�^,eR���, 5a��1a� p����l�p,T�r�4 Distr7c� 7 (SD7} , a sppciaT o�veIt�p��,ant zarking r!»trict, is here�y e�La��;�►�p� �'nri t�,� ,��vP1�nm�n� w , o� a �ertuiri p�rcel r�f 1 and c�,��3ri s�ng 5,17 acres i n the :'ai 1 Li ansE-le�d ar�a af the To���n af. Vail , and t'�2 ��n�ng �r•�inar�c� and the (7�`�c;�l �onin� f�ap at°� here�y �ar�er�d�d by ��e add�tion of the fali�ti•ring ar�visivns wh�ch sha17 �e�am� the Ei�hth Chapt�r af Arti c�e l3, t'h� ca,�ti o� c�f �v�hz c�r sha]1 be "5p��ia� ��velcp�ent aistr-ict 7" and a r�ap which sI�a71 beco�n� an addatzan ta th� Offzcial Zoning Ftap. �ecti�n 4, �Posr�ose of Spacial [�evel�p�ent District. A specia� ae���lopment distr;ct is esta�lis�h�e� to assz�re c�mprehen�ive deueTepmen� and use o� an area in a mann�r that ��rii� be - harr�a�iaus �•ri th t�e g�neral c�nra�fier� af t��e Ta�•�n o� '!a�Z , Cnl oracl�a prav�de adequ�te ca,pen s�ace �nd recrcatgon�i amenities, and pr4mote �h� ' objectiv�s af �he Zor�ing �rdti��r�ce o�' the Tot�rn; and there are sl,nificant � aspects af t�e s�ae�ial develop^�cnt ���hieh c�nn�t be satisfied ur,der the �x�sting �onin�. „ . . .. , .-� �, ? .�Y...1 , � ' . � � �� rS � Sec�Lior, 5. ��prnval c�f pevedo�r�ent Flan. ' r � T � A. �hc L�evel��mer�t P1an far thc r�+ark Re�ort ar�d �'�nr�is �4 . Cl�rb t•rhich is �ar-t �f its said �ppl �c�yinn s�j�I� b� �nco�-�or�ted hy reference, �r,d m,��e a p�rt of S�7 a�ci c�nstitutes a general plan and guide for develo��ner�� ��,�iti�i� th� S�eci�l ���tric�. B, ��menu,�aents t� the F��aprav�d �pvn�o�a�:pnt P�an ti•rhi�h da no� �har�c�e its �ubstance �nd ���rh�ch are fu7Ty recQ�en��d �n a r�part of thA F�ann3ng �Cc�r��r�ssion ma;� ae a�aproved by the To�•m �ounci� by resalutian. C. 7i�e Enviranz�ental imoact �eport shall be s�t�r��tted �p � the ��nir,c ;�dmir�7s�x•�tar° in accordanc� �,�ith A,rt�cie 1� �f the Zonir�g �Ordir�ance priar to th� c�r,�pnce�nen� �r the revie,r an� aparoval prac�ss. 5up��er�.er,tal re�o�°ts pri�r to ti�e c�m�aer�c�.:��nt af canstr�uction o�' each phas� s'�ail b!� � provided a5 ne�°5sarv. • _. �1 � Eac� �i�a�� o� �he d�°relaar��n4 ��a� 3 requir� �° rev?eti•� �r�c� re�am��pn�:ui�n5 vf t�he P]annir,� CS..'!+i�11551t]fl �n;� �pc�rav�� by th� TQ;�rn Caunc i 1 . Q. � Each p#���� vf t�� �evel op,Tent s�a1] r�qu 5 re tf�e pri o:� ` aP�rova7 of t'�e Des f gn Re�ri es•� 8oard i n acc�rdance wi th the a�pl i cabl� ,.,.. . . _ . ,provisic�ns of Article i5 of th� Zoning �lr�inar�ce, Each �has�_sh.�Ll�e -.��revie�•red�by an autsi�e cc��sultarat at _t�rerexpens� of the ��v�laper, who shall -___� - - ---- . " � give their a°ecarrm�radztions tv the �esign Revieti•r Qoard. ._ �- {l � The �ev�1���rQnt PTan s�ai ; be amend�d to r��'Tect Ar�hit�cturaT d�si�n vf each �i�as�. (2� E�ch ph�se of the d�vedopment shali requir� revicia and r-ecor�r�er�d�t3ans ❑f the ���nning ..�. Cvrrmi ssi Cn �nd �ppra�ral �y t�e T�ti�rn Counci 1 . S�ction fi. Cantcnt of Pra��sed �ev��o�}mcnt Plan. 7�� propas�d de+ae�ap;�ient p�an shal T i nc]�,de but i s nc�t 7�mited tv the f�llawvinc� riat�: _ ' � . � � � '� A. E:isting and �ra;�osed �ant�ur� af'ter gr�clin� and �i�n � �e��el�prr���rt h�vir�e� �t�nto�r�- 1 nt�rv��5 or n�t more th�n 2 ��et ar�d prel i;�i n�r�! dra�nage p1an. Sappl�m�nt�l docu„�entation o� prop��ed �ontaurs and �f-ain�r�� sha7] he su�:�i�4;d to the Zaning .�.do,iinistra�Qr� rrizh the plars for e?ch phase a� ��� d��relo�ment- 8. A site p7an, at a scal� of 1 �r�ch equals �d fe�t or 1ar�er, sho,��i ng ��e 1 ecati c,ns and dimen.s i�ar�s of a�7 �ui�d�n�s a�d �trucwu��es , u5es ther�i��, �nd all principal site devol�pmen� �'e�tur�s such as �andsc�aed are�s, recre��i on�1 faci 1 �.7 es , pedestri an p�azas �nd kra1�.����ays , ser:���� are��, dr•�ve�•��y;, ai�� a�`r-��rcet parl:ing and ]a4d�ng area5. .. . . C. A pr�7 �minary landsc�pe p��n, aw a seale �f � ir�c�r eq�als 4� fe�t �r i�r�°r, sho,•ring e:�7sting Ianr�:>;,�pe t��tures �o �e re�kain�C or remov��, ar�d s�c:•r7ng �rapase� lancscaping ana �a�d�eaped �i�� c�eve�c��- � _ ment fe��ures such �s outdoQ� re�re�tiana; �,;;.;;;�;-� , �;YJ.�7 s �,r�� � traias, pec��tri�n �1�wa� �nd �•:a11„r�ys , �,rat�r zeat�res, and otnpr ei��er,v� , �. 5c'he��ti; ��ildina elevatiQns , sectior�s and s7�or pians , . at app!-crr�ate scaics , in s��'fic�en� �etail ta determine floor area, , ,..92nerai cir�ul��ian and ��e lac�ticn, and general scale and '�uik os the ,,,�r�posed develo��n��t. Spec�f�c rie�Lil far these i�e�s and ti�e appe�ranc� sF�a� i h� subr�i t�ed �n a pha.�e basi s. E. A Vo]umetric nodel of the �ite ar�d th� proposed d�velop_ r�ent dacumented �y phataar���hs, at a �c�le of 1 inch e�uals 40 �Feet �r � ]arg�r, port�raying tt�e sca3� and rel�tionships af the developmerit to the � site, �nd �llustr�tinc� tt�e {arrn and r.�ass �f �tr�d��tures in the develop:nent� � _3_ - - . � � . . . . � � F. Ftn archi te�tura] rn�dc�l shal l be sub��i tted pri a�^ to co�str�ctian �r ��ch pt�a�� at a scale of ] ir+ch eq�,��� �U feet vr larger. G. A phas�r.9 plan of the propasec� deveiop�ent indicating ord�r a,�d �ene�al '�inan� o�' c�nstructi�n pf�a�es� anier�ities, and prc�posed i nterim d�ve�o�,,��nf. ����i�n 7. Permi tt�c� Uses a n t�,e 5peci al �]i s Lr�i ct. � �. I1ui�z p1� �a,��7y r�si�enti a7 d���r��l 7 ng�, inc�ud;ng atta�he� t�r raVr cJti4e�� �ngs and conda�irr�ur� �+t�n�1 i ngs. 8. Lod�es, inc]�d7rg a��.e��or� eqt�n�, drink�ng, r��reati�nal 4r reLa�l e��a�1 �ish��nts. �,, C. Prore�sior��l ar�d �us�ness or�ices. �. - G. r�2eting roor�s �nd conventia�r facilit�es: E. Accesscr�y eating, drinScir�g, or ret�il estal�lish,n���, slra77 n�t taccupy :�aare than 2� per c�nt of the tataG grvss �-�s��dentia7 .f f�ac�r ar�a of th� devela�ment. . . � ' . Sectzon 8, �r�n�it�anal lP�es in ti�e 5pee�aT D�str�ct, ' _ ".. . . . : A. grzvatp c2 ubs and c�i vi c, cul t�ra� , and �'raternal � argan�zatiar�s. S. Public or �c�mmereial �arking fac�litie� ar structure�. C. Publ i� transpart��i an tera:ri r�a7 s, ' � 0. Aublic uti�ity a�d public ser`�ic� us�s. . - E. �ublic bu#ldi��s , �rvunds and fa4i�ities. F. p�b] ic �r ;�ri va te s�"rtoc�l�, � - �. .P:�bl ac ��ri: and recreatiar� faci 1 i}ies. ` '=°�--.�._, H. Ch+.�rches. �'� I. «ajor arcacie, sn lc�n� a� it daes rtat have any exterior �`rantag� _ .' 1� ar� an y, y� � Y ���sl ic ti��a �tre�t, walkwa vr m�ll area �(?rd G �982 .. _ 1 y _ , �.. . I1r" � .�t ---• - � � �r � - � S'�C`��n `� Acc�ssor�r 11ses in thp Sr�c�ia� Oi�,tr�ic'�. • _ ..��,• ` �. �,lir�i,�� po�ls , tennis c�urts, �ar�r�ball cr��rts, sq�lash ro�,Fr�= , ar,� ���ic� , o�• ct�.�r recr��tiona] �aciTities cust���arily ircTder��al t� pE'Y°::it�F� �pG��� US�w; . �. r�l7nor �rcade (Ord � ] 9�Z) G. ��her uses �ustor�ari y cident�l and acce�so?-y t� per;�itte� �r can��4;ona� v��s, �nd neWessary f�r th� op��ati�n t��reof. Se��;or� 1�. [level�pr��r�t St�n�ard�. _ T1�� �9T�Q9�3t1� t��V��0y7�tf:i�t starrc��rds ere r��r�i�um devels�oa7i�:nt standards i� th� 5����i�] Distric�: A• �o� ar�a an� s7te dimen3zc�ns. � '" The S�ecia� �is�r�ict shall c�nsist or an area tr�t�ll �ng ,.. � 5. i7 acres as spncifi�d in S�ctior� 3 h�r�of, .�� 8. 5et�acg:s. �he r�quired s�tbacks shal ] vary a� indi�ated ir� the DeveioY�ent PZ�n, providing spa�p far pZantia�g and an acc�p�abie re�ation- sh�7p- to adjacent proper-��e�. C. Distances betti•re��t b�riZdangs. The minti�um distan�e bet,yeen buildings on a�djacer�t sites sf�aZT be as indit���d in t�� D�veiap�;��t ,p�an. � �. Heig�t. �S�ory �'ha�T �e defineci tay t�e Elniforr� Build�n� Cvde. ) - i'h� lheight o� tne t�u�Zdin�s st�aT7 be subject to the r�c�rr��ndati�ns of ��� P1�r�ning �c�r�missior� �nd the appr-aval af the T4;vn Cauncii r�hen th� �rclhi tec�.ura2 desi�n �s appraved. � �• • - . • , .. . _ . ,�.., '"� _ ' � � r , � �. �. Q�n�l�� C0���47 . _� 3 � � � � T�� '�ro=�� �°es�dr �ti41 floar are� {G�F��) of a11 �uildirgs {incluc7ng, EX1��'lt�f� �lGlldlfl�� cvnstrucy�� in the Specaal �is4ric� sh�]� nt�� ex��ed 134,C�0 sq�,�are feaE. 7he total nu�n��r �f drre��in �nTts sh��Z �� not exc�ed 34 and the to�a� raur��er �i ac,:o��,.�:adat��n r��its sh`31 not exc�ed 3�4. F. Building �ul�; GontrQT . Buildir� �u�k, r��ximum }�ra� i 7engths, ma;;�r��rn di�r�r��aons `nr buildir� ele�er�ts , req�rirQ:�er�ts �or �ra�I offseis and vertical s�ep�ing of !'UD� � 1.^.�5 shal� be i r�di��ted an the Eu1 k D�agr�a� of the approved �evel�p_ ment �'1�n. . �C. Sit� C��r�r�Q�. � The s�it� area to b� ca�rered bv buiZdinas shall b8 as a�npr�ll,� �ridic`:�� vn the Q�^�ei��;.^;ent Plan � but in r�c� e�s� sh�]1 excepd y�,", or ��� -------�_� +� t�ot�l s`�� are:.. � i ' N. �S@�'�'��' �}7ECk �pc��. Useabi� apen spac� sha� � b� ar�av7de� �s reyuir�ci in th� ru�l �c Acct�m.mc::ati on Di 5�r1 C�, SeCt�On 7.5�� o�' tf�e C�ni ng drdi nance. - . _ .._.. . _ I. L�ndsc4�inq ar�d Site �ev�3�ament, At lea�t 2�`a vf the total site area shat� be �an�sca�e and p3aza area. Landscaping and other szte ��velo��ent sh�li Qbserve tI�e , ']andsca�ing concept as in�ic�ted ir� th� a��rpv�d DevelopmeR� P�an. J. Par�ti nr ar�d l��ading. ' - ,� �l } Parking and laading s�a1] be pr�ovided as � require� in the P��i1ic Accommod�atlpn �istriet, 5ection 7.51� ' � and cQnsi�L�n� wit� the provisiorss ar Artic�� Z� vf t�;e ��ning � , �rdin�r�e�. All required park�nq ��a�] be t����hin the maan ..� bui�din� ar bui�dings ar bcncath acccssory decks . pZara anci patios exce�rt the mir�imum neces,ary for r�r�is�rati�n and tempt�r-ary lo�ding and uriTa�dinq. I� • - � � � �� � � . - ��� Par�.ir�g s�t�iZ be provided for C�art�r� Bu�zs, - . ��� Laadang , deTivery, a�rd garbag� facilit�es si�al ; �� �ff-street and ���ti��in thc structure as indicated on the �e4•eiopr�ent ATan. Sectic�i� � � . Limi �at� o�7 af Fir��+] µ�e� . . .. Fi �^e�2zces shall iiot b� p�rmittcd in ir�dividual �ccc�ir;ad��.inr� units . • Fire�] nc�s slpa2 � b� perrsz tted ir� ei nht dti�rel i i ny �ni �s ara th n� r�ar� tft�n t�ra aciclit�ana � rire��ac�; sk�a11 a� ir. t};� 5p����;1 �e��cTop,r�r�fi pisLrict , tn b� Z �c� �;�d in a pu� ] ic �t•ea . �ElCt70f1 C� . � � E1�lj' �7d1"t � S(,'+'.ti7 (71'! s $U� �•5CC'�;iC}IZT SCfi�:CFiCVi C� cZL:Sc�. �, o�• pfzrrse ar th7s arc� ir�anc� � s for �ny r�c�sc� hel�i i:o t�� int�ali� , ;�rcla _ - �'ncisio�l sh�l l n�t af`��:cL C�a� vai idt ��� of �E�� rMc;��� ni,�; �,artiicr,s �� �>>; ; c�r�fina,ice ; �nd t[�� 7���rn �o��ci1 #ier��3� �dec � � res it t�,�oula ha°rn ,�a� s�� t"is vs•c�:!7tlPlC�' , and ��Cfl 7dt�� , secLzan , sd�bsc�cfi? �ati , se;� �eizc�� , c] �au,� ot� �[��i��e tf�ereaf, rcc��rdies� o� �:��� i'ac1; that� ���gf on� Qr mor�e p�,xa�� , �ecti;�i�s , su;3-ses:ti�ris , Sef� ��r�c�s , c� �us�s or� �i���a� es bc� decl arecl ir�v,� ] id . . Scc �ion�3 . 71�e_ �vi�+i� Go�,rsci � li�rc��y fietd;� , d� �:����,!7nLs , ����.i ,��,�� .�r•��s tf7c1� �'� "i S 01'(�1 �'IS�GC 7 � !!L'GC'S�c:l'� c�^ii r�l'ia�C1° �O1' "��IC }1ti:� �;�1 y �;c'11'r� �,'�'' clil� ' rrc� fat-c of t�e Tc��:ri c� �' `,l�zi1 ��zd t���i z �tl�;� k3itants tllnr,�a��. ���� � � ����� ' : 4 Y . n��.. . .�.. 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Pc�I,�.utinn con�r41 devises shali be —� incc�rpor�ted intr� the parkin� qarage per the E�Fd, "�h creek shall be protected from any constructian impac��. �•. �r ! _ J � ���..,���—`�� �,� ,�'t `��.' � 1..�C.� �- �.� i `e v'c t; .i£-�� �"'t, `j� 47r..• � °'�.`�.+-»"'�'''_' 3 . Working in~coordinati n with the���aff� the applicant � shall fund and candtact a ce�mprehensive traffi� study �af '�'° �.h� West Lionshead Circle area suit�ble �ar detern�ining � the Marric�tt Mark�"s '� �e ca�tributic�� to the cost ;,�,�. o� con�trt�cting �'� �i.irn���.�nes c�n th� �. Fror�tag� �. Road ta West Lionshead Circle. Frelima.n�ry design �.nd � cost estimates for the l�turn lane5 shall �ae prc�vzd�d. Th� app3icant sha11 be respon�ible far coni"ributing this ac�reed upon amc�unt �award the ca�t �f this .impr+avem�n�, C't.�-.� .: 4. A prel.i�inary design!,fand fundinc� strategy fo�' �k constructing t� turn lane5 �ha11 be esta3�lish�d � pri�r to the issuanc� af any build.iang perrnit, and the � turn �an�ss�all be completed prior to th� i�suaa�ce � of a Temp�r��y Ce�tz,ficate vf �ccupancy, T�i� �unding � and cc�nstrtttc�ion plan mu�� 1ae approved by �.he T�w� o� - Vail engin�er and Community L�ev�laprnent Department as �' w�ll as Tawn Council. before th�r� permit is �relea��d. � c' _ �;�•��� t i)�� � *� 5. �11 aspeets related to the times�aring c�f this facility shall ca�p�.y with all appl�.cabl� town ordinances that ,� r�gulat� ta.r�es�iare a�t�vity. 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R.. �11I1� �lA � ��d ,Ms. Kristen Pritz, direc�or of �ommunity Development Town of Vail 75 South Frantage Road West + V�il, �O 81fi57 s RE; Madzfica�ians to S.D.D. �or Marria�t PrQpos�d Bui�ding Height tiea� Kristen: E�elased �a�nd a copy of A-2 af �he �onstxtaction documents prepar�d k�y Runff Wentworthl'Carl Wa�r��ing�ora far th.e garage. The fia� c�f the :; ���age is 9� � �Q" (which GQrres�ands �o �ur 1eve1 30) . T�� existing grad�s shown on the above drawing range from $7 to 85 down the wes� t,�a�l. � The dzf�erence �etween th� gara�e top floar and the existinc� �rade; tt��rt�€ore, is 94 - 86 R $ '-0°'. I meas�zred �his �oday and found i� �Q �� 8r,�rr� W� ar� prrposing tc� add the three flc�vrs at a [l ` ---�1" pl�s 1 i7 ' _fJ" tc� th� rc�of �-idqe fa�' a tc�t�1. �� 4C� ` . This b�'ings tt�e total �rQm exis�ing gr�cl� not ta exceed 4$ " -4". Le� �ne know if yQU need additional inft�rr�atian c�n th�s subject. Sincer�l.y. A�RIVC7�LD/GWATHMEY�FRATT x4RCHTTECTS, P.�. � N� Gw�'th.mey NGIad ; <:� Encic�sur� � r; capy ta. Peter Jamar ,., , �� � �`��z , � ���� ��,,g�� �, ���� x �` ��gs ..... _. . .,... „ �:.. ,.<. . ,.. Y.. � .� ,.,. _ , - zS � ; :; �° ; � yz r� 37���.�" r.: � y � � �s ��, , � � � • '_. T�: P��nning and En�ir�nmental Co�mission F�OM: Cvmtnunity �evel�pm�nt Department �ATE: Febr�ary 22� 1988 SU�'EC�: R�qu�st to rez�ne � part fl� Lot N, and a pvrtivn of Lo� Q, �l�c� 5D� Vail Vil�age ��t Filing fr�m Hea�y Serv�ce Distri�t to special �e��lopm�nt Di�tr��t wi�h �nderlyin� CQm�erc�a� Core � zone district. Applicant: P�lm�r Deve��pment Company �. DESCRIPTIQN �F REQUES� This r�aaning request has been prapased in order to facilitate the ��deveZapment ❑f the existing A�nac❑ S�rvice Statian vn tha southea�t c�rner of the 4-way intersecti�n in Vaz1 Vil�age. At the present time the Amae� Stati�n is z�ned Heavy S��-�+ice Qi�trict. �he Heavy Service District uses consist af i�dust��al and se�rvice businesses. The �xisting AmQC� station c�nsists �f 8 gasali�e pumps and a small on�-story building contai�ing 4 s�rvie� r�p�ir �ays and a car wash. fihe si�e 'af this site is �ppraximately 24r154 square �eet. Th� p�vpas�d Va�x Gateway prvject is a mixed use d�velapment containing r�tail, vffice, comanerciai and r�s�den�ial us�s, with a majority �� the garking being provid�d in a� u�dergrvu�d structure. Section 18.40. Q1a of the Vail Municipal Cod� �escri�es �he purpo�� af Spec�al ❑evelapm�nt Dis�ricts. Tt r�ads a� _ � fol�vws: "The purpase �f sp�cial d�v�lapm�nt districts is to encourage flexi�ility in �he d�v�Zopment af �and in arder to pra�ate it� �ost appropri�te us�, ta impr�ve the d�si�n, character and quality af new dev�lvprne�t; to faci�itate t�e adequate and ecanornic �rovisi�n �f str�ets and �ti�ities: and to p�eserve t�e natural and �c�nic f�atures of open �r�as, " ��e Special Developmen� Distri�t �hapter `� th� M�ni�ipal Go�e �oes �n t� state that: ,�Th� uses xn a Special Development district mu�t be uses 'permitted by righ�' conditi�nal uses, or �ccess�ry uses in the aone dist��ct in wh�ch the 5pecz�I D�ve�opment District i� lacate�. " . In Qrd�r to meet the�e requir�ments of the Spe�ial deve�ap�ent District chapter, the �pplicant has app�zed to r�zone this prap�rty frn� Heavy Servic� dist��ct ta Commercia� Co�e � and simul�ane�us�y apply far �pecial � � R f • y a�v�l�pm�nt Distri�t No, 21. �his m�rnarandum wi11 address th� rez�ning vf the prop�rty fro� Hea�y Servic� to Commercial Cvre I, as well �s the appli�ativn of S�ecial Develogm�nt District ta this parcel w�th Cotnmerci�l Core � as the underlying zane district. A summary vf th� prop�sed dev�lopment is as f�ll�ws: A. Flo4r Area• Retailr 11,2aD sf .d7 l�` r Retail/Comm�rciai: 3,90Q sf �f�'�ce: �4,9t�E� sf � Resi�ent.idl: 1�,0(JO sf, 1� du B. Buildinq Heic�hts: Building h�ights of th� east ar�d west r�.dg�s as calculated by th��, standard Town af Vai� method are app�caximat�ly �- and .�t14}�et res��ctively. �'he peak ridge heights are �T nd �.. ��et �abave the e�.�vat�on af the 4-way in�tersee�ion.��-� � . �=` C. Site Cov�raq�: �.�r 3�'s7 sf, i6(?� D. Pa.rkinq '75 cc�v�red spa�e� � �t���.,��_ ��:�����,ti� i,.�r..�tia�,� 3 surface spac�s � ����� 4� � �� ���� E. Propased Uses -� `�"�"� � C'�+� ��4� ' Us�es as prapc�sed are to be those us�s specified within th� Commercia� Co�e Z zcsne distr��t. F. Access: V�ehicular a�ccess tc� the un�,er�grQUnd parking would ta�� pZace off of Vail Raad vn the sc�uthwest ccrrner of the si��. A comgrehensi,v� tr�ffic �►na�ys�.s is in�luded wx�hin the dev��.opment plan. In a�°der to e�*alua�e this proposal, !we r�tust first evaluate the reque�t tc� a�end the zoning fr�m Heavy Service �� - Commercial Core I. The He�vy 5ervice District as it is defined in its pu�-pc�s� sec�ic�n in the zoning cod� is intended to pravide sites for au�c�mr�tive ori�nted uses and far commercial service uses which are no� �;pprapriate in r�ther cr�m�►ercial ciistr�cts. Because af the nature of the Y . . � � u�e� p�rmitted and th�ir ap��ating Characterxsti�s, appearance �nd p�tentiaZ for �enerating ��affic, all v� the us�s in t�is district are su�ject to c�nditional us� permit pr�cedure. S�me of the uses all�wed as con�itional uses within the Heavy Service z�ne distr�ct incZud� animal ho�pitals and �ennels, auto�oti�e s�rvi�e stativns, buil�ing mat�ri�l supply stor��, b�siness ��fices, ca�pvration yards� rn�c�ine shops, repa�r garages, tire sales and service, and trucking tex-minals. The Heavy �erv�ice D�.strict dc�es r�quire 20 fovt setbacks fraa�n al1 praperty l.ines, alZows a 38 fo�t building �ieight, 75� si�e. ��trejCag�r �nd requires a minimum of 10� landscape cvverage, Density standards are n+�t appli+�a�le to the Heavy Servi.ce District, as nc� xesidentia�. typ� use is � ].isted as a germitted or �c�nditional use in th� H��vy Service District. The Commerci.�I Cc�re I zon� dis�rict allcaws a variety �f retail, comm�rcial and residerrti.al uses, a1� of which are can�rcallec� as pe�nitted or �onditional uses on a hori�o�tal zani.n� k�asis. The pr�pc�sed �change from HS to C�i entails a maj or change ir� the allawable uses �+�r tha.� par�el of land. A compl�te anaTysis o� t�� mez�.ts of this zon� amendment is address�d in ano�.her s�cti�n vf thi� m�morandum. II. CRITERTA Tf7 BE U�EI� IN EVP�LUATIt+7G THTS PROk��DSAL There are a number of criteria to be e�aluated w�en - rev�.ewing a request o� this nature. Th� first set n� cri.tezia to be utili�ed w5.11 be the three crit�ri� invo�.�red in an ��al.uat�c�n Qf a rec�zest for zvne change. The second set o� c�°iteria �o k�e �sed in arevi�w af th�.s prc�pasal will b� the 9 development 5tandards a� set for�h in the 5p�ci�1 ❑+��el+�pm�nt aistrict chapter of the �or�ing C€�de. The third �et r�f cri�eria wiTl b� a general . cvmparisan of the pr��c�sed prcr�ect ta th� [Irban pesign Gu�.de P1�n, as stipralated in the CC� zane di�triet. A].sa, the Lan�. Use Plan should be utilized as a gua.deliz�e in any request to change zaning. Hc�wever, k��cau.se this site is part of the area ccavere�i by the Vail Village Master P��r�/Ur}aan Design Guide Plan, the Land Use Plan made r�a recommendatic�ns f�+r ��is site. Th� Vail Vi,llage Master Plan, as yet unapprvv�d, recc�m�a�n�s no chanc�es in th� larrd use o�� this sa.te. Staff cammer�ts in�lude �Y�o�e af J�f� Wa.nston, our ur�aan design/landscape consultant. � � � . III. EVALUATI�� DF Z��E CHANGE RE UEST FRaM HEAVY SERVTCE TO CUMMERCI�L CDRE � � A. Suitala�lity oi� �xistinc� �vninq 'I"he st�ff fe�7.s th�t the �Xl��l1'1CJ c�' �S�'�c'�3 Qn_...—?.—.�-.�� acceptab�„e us��_s exi�ting c�n the cor�aer af the 4-way stop. We do recoqniz�, however, that it is a�� of the few use� allawed i,n._ th� Hea� Service �is�rict th�t woulcl_ be an acc��table use in this _hiahly '� . -- - _ �-,.�,___ --�--- s�ns�tive Ioca�.ic�n. T�e cvndxtional us� review prr�cess wauld z�quire Tcrwn of V�il approval for any cha�ge in use �n this site. W� l�ave also recoqni�ed fcs�r�f x�ite�Qm�._ti�e .t.�iat r�deve_Za��.�t�of t�is site cou3.d allr�w th� _oPFartunity to presen� �_m+�.e � P�--P _ ___.— � �n�_ tc� �he �easant �and a rv riate en�rarxce- � �tQ� Tc�wn-o�'�`ail.Y„ We generally sup�ort_--�h� uses_-PrQpased a.t this laca�:ian. - B. �s �h� am�r�dmer�t pres�ntinq a con�+enient, w�rkabl+e relat�onsl�ip wi�h�n Zand uses consi.stent with � Municipal csb�ect�ves. ' ' ` The Amaco s�,te has b+��n c�lled �ut on th� CTr�aan �7esign Guicie Plan a�s a spe�cial �tudy ar�a and has been r�vi�wed previc�usly as a pot�ntial gartion af �,.?�°�' � �he Va�l Village Inn d�vel��ament�ro�e_�.� Wi,th cc�ncern �aver the pa en, ia congestion a bank could � ��'", cause �t this lacati.on, we feel that the uses � ���;),: prapased for this pi�ce of grc�und are _ erally +consi,stent wi.th _th��.urxoundinas use�. � '� --`-�----_-�---�-�. y�i��°''�"�,,��,,��' C. '�aes the �ezc�nz.n rc�v�.de fnr th� rvwth af an �� ��,, `vrderly� viable cor,tmu�:�ty. �,' c���'� We fe�3. tha�t develaparaen� vf a gateway pra�eet in,tc� �x� � -''�`{��ail is a scrund cc�nc�pt. Thi� concegt can pr�v�de ��p� �,r,�,,��'' �� f�r orderly �nd viabl� growth wi�thin th� communi�y if �,,� � revis�.ans ts the pl�n, such as a.n�lu�ion o� a le�t �-� �urn �ane anci elimxnatir�n caf parki.ng alt�ng Va�il Rc��d „�� ar� inc€�rporated. f, I�i'. I7ESIGId STANI?ARI3S It+T EVALUA°FING Sbi.7 �RtJPdSALS The follawiang are s�aff carn�ents con�errxing hvw th�s prapc�sal relates �a the design standards as ou'tlined in �he �c�ninq cvde:. � • , � � A. A�f_ er z �� shall be provided in a Spe�ial o�ve3a �ent D�stzict that i5 ad `acent t� a low densit resid�n�zal zone dist��ct. The �u�fer z�ne must b� ke t free of buildin s �r structures and must landsca ed �cree�ed or rotect�d b natural features s� that aa��rse eff�cts an �he surroundi� areas are �i�im��ed. This rna re ire a buffer zone of sufficient size ta �de ate� s� arate �h� ro �s�d �se from the surro�ndin r❑ erties in �erms of visual ri�ac n�ise ade at� li ht an� air air Q1lutian si na � and Qther c�m arabTe otenti�ll incom atible fa�tors. ���� The prapa�ed develop�ent zs surraunded by commercial `�I d�velopm�nt �n the sauth �nd east sides, b� Vail Raad on the west side and hy the Frontag� Ro�� �n the �r��� �C� � north side. There is no residentiaZ �rea that this pr�ject should pravide � buf��r fr�m. The st�f� does �,��'= ��.�� �� f�el strongly f h�w�ver j tha� the north side of the bui.lding� sh��ald maintain a �Q �oc�t setb�.ck frorn the �,,�,�'t��c�""` 5�`�'� f prapc��ty line. We f�el that the praposed I0 ��ot l � s�tback is inadequa�e from the Frvnta�ge Road, There �.s an exi�ting landscape buffer between the ��r�r�,ce �tati4n �nd the raadway, This piaz�ter, hc�we�er is ---�.._.�_� -►. r entir�ely �ocated on State Haghway �raght-of-way anri �G�"� .� neither the a�ap].icant nor the Tawn o� Vail c�ntrs�J. " � �.�....�✓ � future develapment an tha� prc�pert�. We feel t�,at �-' this building shg�ld have the ahility to provide a �,�uffici�en� buffe�c from �he rnadway should tt�is �� ���''�y�,v�� planter be elimina�ed. � � �� B. A irculatiQrt s ste i ned �or the t � of tzaffic� ,�� -`` � �z��ra �c��ta in inta cvnsidera�ion sa£�l.______, � � �G"� s� arat' �c�n fr�m lxv�n areas can��n�.�nc� access nvise and exhaust cc�ntrral. P�rivate in�erna�� streets ma be ermit�ed if th� can be user� b Police and Fire De artment vehicl�es fa� e�ner enc ur ases. Bac cle t�af f ic should b� ccrns id�re_ci and ro�rided , when th�e site is to be used for residentiaT purposes� A� is� ma�ay nf these cr�teria+ this cons�,�deratzon is inten�ied primara.ly fvr large scale de�e�.opmen�. ,As ��--`� -���' `�`�. it relates ta this proprasal, the ��hicular access ta the undergrc�und parking occu.rs in the sc�uthwes�ern � ;r��.="�-- corne� of the site. Th�re is a cr�mprehensive traffi� � ana3ysis th�t has l�een submittec3 as pa�t o� th� d.e�+elopment plan. This t�af��.c ana�yszs sta�es that . th�re is a 4Q� fr�vt stackinc� dis�ance fc�r cars wa�.ting tv 'turn left �.nta the Gatewa�r prQj ect �ram Vail Rvad. The C�mmun�.�y I7eve�ppment �taff an�d Public Wvrl�s feel that circ�ulativn related ta this prvj ect wesu�.d b+enefit greatxy by the desi�gn and imp].emet�tatian af a � � � � Ieft �urn lan� an Vail Road tQ sexve the Vaii ���eway pro�ect, This irnprovement m�kes s�nse �ue to the predicted daily traffic fl�w �f 8Ia cars/day inta and out af this drivewa�. The ap��oved Va�l Vil�age Inn project does c�ntain a left turn Iane f�r the�r access poi�t a s�ort d�s�ance d�wn �ail Road from this projec�. We �eel �t �s �mp�r�ant t� circ��ataan at the 4-way intersection that �his ��ft turn lane be m�de a part �f the proj�ct. The agplicant has alsv designed �ntv the p����ct approximately �hree surface p�rking �paces that fa11 parti�Zly �n the appli�ant's prop�rty and p�rti�l�y on the raad right-�f-way vn V�il Raad. The staff ���� ,�� feels that these surface pa�king spaces are not �[,`'� � � ' aP��QPria�e as th�y are des�gned an� that surfa�� � r � parking �ay nat he appropriate at a31 �an this s�te. �cr'� The sp�ces are �ac� cic�se tv the inter�ectinn and would �mpede f�ture rvad improvements if need�d. '4�e i ,�✓�' feel that if �h� appTicant wishes to pursue surface �� park%ng, i�. sh�uld be redesi�ned to be complete�.y an ,x' th� �pplicant's property and in an area where it daes � n�t conflict wi�h circulation patterns. C. Func�ional op+�� space in terms Qfe c�ptimum reser�ratian Qf natuxal, features a,t�c��din trees and drainaqe ar�as} , �ecreation� views, convenienc�, and .��==� �'ur��ta.on. _._..—...� v'���`'�� _ Trie Community L�eveToprnent Degartment f�els stresngl� � that this bui�ding sha+�ld present nv encx-oachment inta the view carridr�r '�hat is established b the '��� � ���i���-��, � .�"�ti�' , � agpraved �Tail Village Snaa develop�ent. During the Vail Village Inn Phase IV approval process, much time �� ��� ,�-,�, a�d ��fa�rt was �ut intca maint�in�.ng a view corrida�r � ,�;-. fror� the 4-way stop. fihe eventual and approved _�r'�--.����r building design af the Va�1 ViT].age Inn Fhase IV ..���"` ref.lects this ef�v�t and presents a wide view fr�m t�e 4-way stap, Although the ap�alic�r�t has nvt subrn.�tted tv the sta�'f a c�amplete view az�alysis, i� is apparent fror� the inf�rmatian that we da ha�e that the existing �auilding will �equir� substantial r�vision tr� maintain the �iew parameters that are established hy th+� V'VI. D, V�r�ety in ter�s vf housi.nc� �ype, de�asities� fac�lities and Qpen space. ,„��� ,� 1 This Special Deve�apmerat I�istric� propa�al inc.�udes '� ��.C�_- 13 dw�llir�g uni.ts with GRFA af apprcaximately �2, 0�(] ��" � square feet. Wzth C+�I a� the underl�ing zoning, the �,`.� ;� ' allvwable der�sity' Qn this parc�l would be 13 unzts � � ��� � �� .. . , � � and appro��mately 19, 3pp square feet �f GRFA. The use o� the units {i.e, renta� ar cand�minxum) has nat been d�t�rmine�. It is difficu�t� an a szte of �4, �Q0 square feet that contains anly I3 dwell�ng units ta apply �he cr��eria of variety of housing type �n� quality and am�unt a� open space. These twa crit�ria are n�t really applica�le �Q � �evelapm�nt af this scale, Th� appl�cant has attempted to pr�v�d� svme ope� space by czea�ing � �arge s�tback from th� 4-wa� inters���i�n in the far�t �f a landscape ar sc��gtu�e plaza. Sta£f fee�s that this desi�n faz�m is very appropriate to this dev�lvpment. E. Privac in t�rms of the heeds �f ind�viduals� fa�il�es and neighbors. ' ��—,� �--;1�'�- As with vther �rateri�, these conside�ations are felt �� �� mare r�leva�t to large sca�e SpD's. F. Pedestrian traffic in terms a� safetv. $eparation� e�nven��nce access t� a�nts vf dest�nat�on a�d attractiveness, ��� ��`�'-----_ The applicant has providc�d pedestrian en�rance ta this build.�ng �n the na�thwest cc�rner �s wel], as a C�����.- --- Pedestrian entrance c�ntral ly lt��at�d on the s�uth elevatian. The pedestrian ezz�rance an th� �r�tath �? � e�+,��,'��W.��.�- elevativn is lo�ated �n the cent�z� a� th� building to allow pedest�i�n traffic to azrive a� the building by � ,�� coming thr�ugh both the existing and appr�ved Vai� Ct�,+""v��v'_ �- Village Inn dev�l�pm+ents. The appraved Vai�. Vi�lage Inn Phase IV dev�l�pment was designed in a mann�r tQ sc�een view an�3 pe��strian �ccess from the existzng �� �`"�-- gas station. We fe�1 that i.t will be impc�rtant the �,,,�,� ��� eventual develaper of th,� Vai1 Vi�lage Phase IV prvject arnend certain eirculatian and design aspects 1,._ :`���r.� -- of his p�Qj�ct tQ laetter relate �.a the Vai.l �atew�y �rc��ect. '� �,����.1�' �`�`�� T�ie staff does feel �ha� �destrian saf�t wc��tld he �`;j P Y greatl�r laene�it�d by providing a pede�t_r�.an walkway fra� Vail R�ad to �the buil.ding entrance ❑n the svutl� side af the buildzn+g. The gedest�ian access as desic�n�d c�an�licts with t�e vehicula� acc�ss tv the park�ng structur�. G. Building type 'in t�rms c��: ApP��pri�teness ta de�sit site relati�nshi and bullc. � �'�1�,�5 � �� The �ornmunity De�elapmen� Department st�.�f has � � serious �or��erns with �he si�� relati.�anship a� �he �-'���'"'`� � pr�aposed dev�lcrpment, w�.th the height, and with the -� � � . massing of the buildinq. Tta�r� was much discussion d�xring th� approval process of Pha�e IV c�f th� Vail Vil�age Inn pra�ect �eegarding st�epping thc�se buildings down towa�d '�he 4-way �top. That cancep� was rein�arced in the original SDD docum+�nts and in pl�nning studie� ccample�ed by El�don Beck that show prapased building heigh� allc�wances f+ar tl�e Vai1 Vil].ag�e Inn ar�a. T�ie arcfiitects hav� recognized this cane�pt and, to a certain extent, resp�nded. We da� howev�r, have serioc�s �e�ne�rn with the height af ��th the east and west ridges. We f�eY that th� he�ght caf tY�ese ridg�s presents an �nacceptab�e encraachment b� nar�owing t�ie wide view corrid4r ta a smaller "tunne�,. �� Lowering af th+� ridge h�ights will accomplish twv objeetives xn the d�v�Zopm�nt of thi�s sit�. It would reduce or r�ern�ve any impact of this buz�l�ii�g csn the view ca�-ridor and it wc�uld further reinforce �he „r�� cene�pt vf stepping dow� taward the c4rner. In the 1�`�"� pr�sen� propQSal, ther� is apprc�xima��ely 5 fee� � � dif�erence frQZ� th� ridge heights of th� Vail Villag� Inn and the �ateway prc�je�ts, We ��e�, '�here shauld be a substarttial step �iawn fr�m �he Vail V�lZage inn r�,dge height tQ the ila�.l. Gaiteway r�dg�s. This waul,d reinfc�rce previous design cansic�erations �s well as the agp�.icantrs awn architectura�. concept. �'h� staff als�n has a cancern, as ha� been pr�vious�.y stated i.n this memo� with the relationship of th�,s k�uiZdinq to th� Fronta�g� Roacl. T�is d�velogment plan proposes a ].� foo� setbac3c fr�m the frc�nt groperty line. Whil� th�re 3s an exi.sting pZan�er that buffers this site fra� t�,e F"ronta�e Road� that pla�nter is lo�at�d �ntireZ�r c�n State Highway right-- o�-way. There are �o assuran��s that can �e made by the Town flf Vail car th� app�.icant that further Fr�ontage Road imprc�veme�tts will not am�act this pl�nt�r. We fiee1. that a �Q �c�ot setl�ack �rc�m the , rnain raad in Vail is the r�i�amum buffer that shauld be allr�w�ed. H. Buildinq design in tQrms of vr�entatirn� s �ci�q� �naterials �r�l�ar and tex�ure, storaqe, siqnsr Ziqhtinc� and s�ola�- hlr�ck�qe "` s,, - """� With rer�a�d tv this pro�osal, a majflrity af th�se issaxes relate �o the Design R�vieur Ievel of approval.. ` - � • I. Landscapinq csf 'the t+�tal sit� in term� of ,p�rpose�� t es maintenance suitabilit and efPect �n the nei hl�c�rhoc�ci. �F 4)�� � � � Staff f�els that the design c�f the pla�a entrance �on th� �orthw�st cc�rner of this deweia�ment �,s �pprc�p�iat� and pr�sen�s a great c�pportunity for developm�nt af a landscap�d pla�a, pc�ss�.b�,y with s�m� sculpt�re. This plaza area can �ontribute rnuch tr�ward �he �aosi�ive image of Va�.l. The pl.aza a� it i.s designed is ve�-y conceptual and further w4rk w�,ll need ta take place at the Design Review level, VI. ZC�NING �CaNSIDERATIG�IS -- F�=� 11{) �=w."`, �f,,� �, A. Uses The agplicant is praprasir�g this Specia3 De�elopment I3ist�ict wit�i �.he undearlying zQne district of CCT. As req�ired in �he S�ecial D�velop�nent D15t�'].C't . section of '�he Vail Mr�nxcipal Code, the uses in an S�� �ust match that c�� the underlyi�g zane district. In the CC� zcsne �.istrict, permitted and cc�nditional ����(�� uses are defined ZiQrizQntally b�r buildir�g l�vel. We fe�l that u�ili,zing CCI as an und�rlying zone district xequires the appl�cant t� str�actez�e his uses �c:�a'''-� in accordance to the harizon�aZ zc�ning vf CCI. T�is wi�I req�i�re s�r�m%�tal and approval o� a conditic�nal us� permi� fc�r the office uses. For the purpase c�f re�riew af this �roj�ct, t1�e staff ha� assumed that a�ffic� will be an e�ren�ual use on the 3rd and 4th levels, and s�e na negative i�rpact t� these uses. The tc�tal size af �his parc�l i.s 24, 154 sq�are £eet. �Jnder CCI z�ning, this wc�ul�i a21�w a 19, 323 square feet a� GR.FA and 13 �iwe�.lzng units. The applic�nt has �araposed apprc�ximat�ly I� , a4� st�ua�e fe�t c+f �GRFA and �3 dwelli�c� unzts. The d�nsity prop�s�d i� within �l�.awab3e density of the zane district. The staff dnes feel, howeve�, that the a�tera�l bulk and mass nf this bui�ding results in sev�r�I majc�r concerns c�f this dev�lc�pm�ant p�opQSal. The level af densi�y being requested by th� applicant contributes tr� the massing a� the buil.di�g, and is th�refore r�lat�d ta those concer�s. H. Par�cinq Ac�ording tc� standards c�utlined in the aff-St�eet �'�� Park�ng section Qf th� zvning cc�de, the uses in�volved �� ���.�, '-��.' in this prc�pasaZ will require frvm 89 tr lt]4 par�ing - spaces� depending �pt�n whether �r not a ban�s is �.nvolved aa�d what the size �f �ha� fac�lity waul.d be. � ��e��„v�_ `��_ _— The �pplicant k�as propc�s�d '7� structures spaces and 3 surf�ce spaces. �ta�f f�el� that the surface parkinc� ����,� �,-�--_ as located an� designed is ina�grapriate. That �eav�s 7� parkin� spac�s tr� ser-sre this de�elopment. ���� ����� s�.--� �� ��r�� .. � � • � . St�f� feels that this is inad�quate and sees no rea��n vn thi� szte t� e�tertain a paxking varianc� to any dagr��. The applzcants have submi�ted a parking manage�ent pian they feel addresses the abil�ty o� the�r develapment ta se�ve the�r parking n�eds. The par_king managem�nt pl�n has been included as a part of y�ur pack�t on this praject. VIT. URBA� DESIGN GUIDE �LAN The Urban ❑esign Guide P�an addr�sses this parcel of �and as � �pecia� study are� and d�es identify two sub-area con�epts that re�a�e to t��s pragosaZ. Suh-ar�a concepts � and 2 on East �eadow Driv� involve bath shor� �nd long term suggested impro�e�ents as an entry inta the c�mmunity and tQ Vai� R�ad. I�p�ovements incl�de planting bed expansi�ns, an island tv narr�w Vail R�ad� and �re� planting ta further res�ric� ��ews down Vail R��d. These sub-ar�a �onceg�s aZso reinfflrc� the fact that this parc�l shau�� be a ��tur� study a�ea. ������ Other than same xnitial �ork don� by Eld�n Seck, that +�l1t��� _) �_. suggest �ui�ding heights f�x this parcel �s well as the �_ � `� _ Villae�e Inr� parcel and s�rne study dane tv in�e�rporate this `�,, �,�`' sit� �nto the WI, no specia� st�xdy o� th�is �arce� of land ��'�, �'� has been cc�nducted tc� date. The E�dcan Beck study do�s '��\ � �.s�`'� show that bui.�.d�rag h�ig�,�s for dev�lopm�nt af �h�s parce� � � �f land should reach one tv two stvrie�. fihe Beck plan '� a�l.sca shows that tYae �'ail V.illage �nn development behind tnis parcel should bE a maximum r�f 3 to 4 str�ries. The � sta�� supparts �he Beck concept of steppir�g down to the inter�ecti�n, but gi�en the heights c�f th� appraved Vai1 �� Village Inn �rvject, we certai,nly fee�, that � to 3 stories � G�� c�� deve�opment on this s�.t� �re apprc�priat�. � .,�- Wh�le thi� pr�posed development �s withzn the general ar�a fk�,��'; a� the Urb�n Desigrt Guid� Plan, we �eel that m�ny o� the ¢� r,, �]�ban Desic�n Ccsnsiderations ma� not be apprvp�iate , � ` criteria with which to zeview this prvject. We do� "�; however, have concexn� o�' se�re�al aspects e�� thi� �+rcipca�al , t� i.n � general relatiar� ta the Urba� bes�gn Gansir�eratians. "� �'he buildin hei ht and v�.ews in � C; { '� 9 , particular are cvncerns vf t�is prvposal and issu�s �.hat da nat adeq�a�ely cor�espond to �h� Urban ❑�sign Con�idera'�ions. The CTrban Design Guid� Plan �uilding height cansideratiot� provid�� �or a m:�ximum �.eight �n the CC� zvne district. . Thas l�t��lding h�ight requirer�ent is a mix�d heaght vi� 33 and 43 f+��t, with 40s �f the hu�,Iding allowed up tQ 43 feet in heigh�. We feeY that these h��.ght guidel�.nes, cvupled wi.th the concept r�f stepping this buildi�g down toward the in�e�sectic�n, su�gg�st apprvpri�,te d�sign quidelines �or this deve�.c�pm�nt proposal. : � � + . . r The Desigr� �cansider�tian regarding vi�ws an�. f�cal pain�s states that: "Vail's mountain/�all�y �etting is a �undamental pazt c�f �ts iden�.ity. �T�ews r�f the T�IIC7tEi'3�d1T7S r ski slopes, gec�I,ogic �ea�ures, �tc. ar� canstant rem�.nder� �f the mrsunta�n enviranm�nt� and by repeated vi�ik�ility, orientation r�ference pc��nts. " While �he view corri.dc�r thr�ugh the appraved Vail, Villar�e �zrn praject �rrt�m the 4-way st�p is nat a de�ignated view corridar �ay ardinanc�, w� feel it is a very impartan'� v�iew upon �nter�.ng the e�rnr�unity. The Vail Villaqe Inrs project respc�nd�d to sta�f cc�ncerr�s and at�empted tr� rna�,ntain an ac�epta�Ie �rew corridor fro�n the 4�wa� stc�g. W� feel st�rongly that th� Vai� Gateway project m�ust respect th� vi�ra cvrrido� as d���n�d by the Vail Vi�.lage Inn Building, - The applicant has responded w�l.� with his k�uild�,ng design to several of the ath�r d�sign considerations �r�cludinc� streetscape �ramework, street edge, vehicle penetr�tion � and service an�i deZi�rery. Howevez, we hav� major conc�rn� with the amQUnt af flat rc�of propos�d. Flat raafs are �iscouraged in th� Urban Desa.gn �uid� Plan. � �.._.�.__.._�__ -- _._.__�.. .—._ _.�. --t�-_�---- - . VI�T STAAFF REC�MMENbATION �---- Staff generaily supp�arts the mixed use concept prc�pased �.n thi.s red�velc�pm�nt plan and th� con�ep� of �h� rezoninq to CCI. A�.though it may be cans�dereri spvt zr�ning, we fe��. th�t the uses are compatibl� with th� adjacent Vai1 Va.3.lage Inn Sp�cial Development �istr�.ct and are apprvpriate �Qr this loca�ian within the cv�nmunity. Hr�w�ver, we are nc�t support�ve af the us�s p�vposed wit�c�u,t the left turn lan+e and e�.�minatian of the sur£ace parking as wel� as �id�quate parkirtg gro�isions. We feel , that th� genera� c�ancept of development propc��ed by the apg�icant is appropriat� and beli�ve that there is an appor�unity here to �arovide an e�citing and aesthetically pleasing entranc� �nta Vail. Th� C�arnmunity D�velc�pment Depart�ent staff has, hr�weVer� �n�j or �canc�rns with the pra�ect as pr�vposed. �Je �eel the issues o� bulk and mass� heiqh�, s�tbacks, �iew cc�rrid�r encraachment and parkin� ar� all important issues that rnust be addressed, ` T�e staff recc�mmendation for this project wauls3 be for the Planning Commission to t�ble �hi� and allow th� st�ff �ind �h� ap��icant to work together tcr try �o resc�lve sr�m� c�f �hese issues. We fsel that wi.th adeq�xate resol�atian o� the af�rementionsd iss�xes, we co�.�d sup}�art this proj�ct. H4WEV��'r as gr��ented, we fee�. � � � ` ' there are majar issues that need to b� �ddressed and cannat sugp�rt �his proj��t as pres�nted. A�thaugh rnany �f th� use� �f the Heavy Service District wa�ld certainly n�t �e acceptab�e in thi� l�cation, we feel �hat th� �xistin� s��-vice station is app�opr�ate to this locatiQn. We believe that` SDn ��1 as proposed, pres�nts impacts that are �at acceptable. If the applicant wishes to mave fa�*�rard with this proj�ct as pr�po$ed, st�ff recomm�ndatian is for denial, - -. . . . - � 1 � � � TC3: Flanning and Environmental Cammissian FRt�M. Cvmmunity Development Department aAT�: ,7an�ary Sr ��90 SUBJ��T: Wark Sessian an propased r�a j mr amendment to Spec.za]. Development Dist�ict �7 - fihe Marriot� Ma�k R�so�� I . BAC�GRC3UND QF THE P�iDP�SAL The MarriQtt �arporation is prc�posing to constru 67 vacatiora ownership conc�omini.ums adj acent to the s ing hate� . The Ntarriatt Corpvration beli.e�es th�t this conce�t will have significant b�n€�fi�s �.a �,he e;xisting hot�l and tfl the Town af Vail and they intend tc� complete the project utilizing �he same high quality standa�cds �h�t h��ve b�en est�blish�d in t�aeir oth�r va�atic�n o�anersh��a prc�p�rtaes. The prape�sed building is located svtxth and east c�� th�. exasting Marriott Mark parking s�ruc���e. ProPasecl zs an additicsnal 1C71 p�rking s�aces which equals 1 1f 2 spaces p�r dwelling unit. Th� condor�inium unzts woul� �ach be 12Ua sq. ft, r�pres�nting 80, 4�0 sq. ft. c�f additioraal GRFA. Builr��.�g height propos�d �s in the �icinity af 65 tee� with �r�.ilding s�tkaacks orx th� west and svuth si�es c�f 5 feet. A maj a�c element �f t�se propc�sal is to cc�n�truc� signifi�cant int�rior and e�cterior imprflvements to thc� existing Marrio�.'t. Hotel� . �rc�posed sit� impravel�e.n�s includ� gr�atl� inereasec� landscap�.ng and ptt�lic wa�k�aays throughau� the si�e. A3.54 proposed is to canstru�t sid�walks from th� praject west ta Sauth Frantage Road. Inf�armation that has been submitted �o �he staff includes pre�imina�y floor plans, ele�*ati+�ns, vicini.ty map, existing cc�nditians, pedestrian anc� v�hicular circu�ation a�d access� si�e plan and �ypical uni� pl�ns as we1.1 as a visual analysis fram six differ�nt lvcata.c�ns around th� prc�j ect s�te. ��. EXIST��'�I� ZQNING FCJR 5Dp #7 In researching the develapmant of Special O��el�pment Dastric� �7 �nd �he Marriatt Ho�tel h�s�.ory, we hav� �ound a lack of c1�ar� cvncise and cc�mprehensi�te i.nf�rmation. Thas is due in part to thc� fact that th� ho�el, ha� }�een deve�.ap�d in a var�.ety o� phas�s arsd uses wi'�hin e�ch de��lc�pment stage. Nioreo��r, �here ha�e been a s�xie� of ardinances and am�ndments to SG[7 #7 which appears have never res�l��d in a c�mprehensive set of develapmc�n� pl�ns or zc�nz,n� ordinances. We do, howe�rer, knaw that the si�e �,s built t� its maximum density as allowed �a SDp �7. Ta the best c�f our knc�wl�edge, �,� the site contai accommodati.on units and ` e 3ng -----urr��wr h a tc�tal of about 134 , f}OD a� GRFA. WitY� the site � 3�' area of apprc�ximately 5. 17 acres, �his repr�sents � density af a li�t�� m�re than 34 dwelling u�its/acre. of cc�urse th� � � tr � � si�� �r�ntains a suY�stantial amc�unt nf �quare footag� �.e�ated �.a conference and �eet�ng facilities, res�aurants, nig�.t cl�ubs, �ecreatiaraal amenities and hc�tel ancilla�y �aci�i�a.es. Th� ho�el began ccarrstructi.an zn 1973 and appl�ed for SDD s�a�t�s in 3.977 undear twc� dif£ez�nt o�dinanc�s. After canstruction of the first phase anoth�r addition was applied fQr in 1981 under a� amendment ta SDD �7. Thi.s phase included �he conference center with ladge rocrms arsc� condominiums abave. A1.thr�ugh ��e c10 nat have all o�" the acc�rate in�ormation reg�rding the e�isting z�sning on this proper�ty, suf�ice it ta say �,hat the prvger�ty has nc� developaner�t rzghts remaining �tnd�r ex,�.sting zani.ng and that �th� focus vf th� work sessian shruld be c�n the p��spc,sed n�w prnj ect. II� . PR�LIMINARY TSSUES AND �ONCERI+IS Planning staff ha� cc�nducted a re���w of �he project as we11 as the Public Wc��]�s/Trara��ar�atian I]epartment. ir�hile acknoti��ledging that the M�ster Land Us� Pl�r� .encourac�es additional taurist accommaeiations to b� sited in the c�ntr�l or core areas af Vail, i.t c�rta�nly dc�es not do so if �t is to the de�r�ment v� sdunc� land us� �nd �i�e plaz�ning princi�les, The staf�'s primary concern is that the grolect is terc� rnuch �or this existing high density mix�d-use s���. We have 1']Cl_�j�'C7blEIl15 _.�1�k1_t�'1�3 _VdC1tl0]1 awn�rship apprc�ach and —_�- - -__ _ _ _ _ ac} n�wledge tha�.__�he.�t�'r.%ott Corporatian has i d..ev'�loped several very �igh qual�ty vaca�i.on own�rship prc�jec�s thrs�uc�hout the cox�ntry. '�i�►e sha�e p�c�jects genexa�ly retain � higher year round occupancy than an}� c�ther touri�t accc�manoda��.on use and thi.� �its well within Vai1 's polacies ta lev�l-c�ff seass�naliti�s c�f gu�st visits. An attractive elern�nt 4f this prap�sa� is the substantial upgrad�ng a� th� existing hotel, especiall� the pu}a�,�.c p�c�estrian w�y tha�augh the �raperty �rom east to �aes'�, �'his pedes�rian �ray �,aould prc�vide a much ne�ded improv�ment tv the conrsection c�f the Lic�nshead Ma].]. tc� the Wes� aay �,ot and Arte�aal. Bus�n��s District. Th� ]building and associate�l parking structure �re propc+sed on the vnly remaining ap�� spac� c�n �he enta.re site. While areas t� the east on the praperty do not ha�e huildings c�n them, they are usc��i for th� loc�tic�n of rec�eat�.onal amen�ties su�h as tennis caurts and a sw�mminr� pool/de�k ar�a. we feel that th� scale of develapment is too large and that th� mass and bulk is gushed ta� far to th� so�,�h ana west sic�es flf the site. If �here wer� t�s be �dditir�nal deuel�pment on this prop�r�y �t wauld seem to be be�te� 1QCated to the narth over the existing parl�ing structure and it shnuld st�g dawn frc�m east tr� w�st ta h�lp a�.leviat� �he � ,� • � � massi�e west e�.�vatian �f the �xis��ng ��t�l. ���elrpm�nt in this a�-e� wa►zld maintain the existing �'gre�n'" open space 4n the sit� �nd preserve the int�c�rity of th� �aubli� bicyc��/pedestrian path ad�acent tv �ore Cree]t. As propQSed, the building wau�d impase upon the �icy�le/pedestr�.az� path and c�mpromise that �+�creationa� experi�r�ce, The Publie ��,F�rks I3epartm�nt has the fallawing carnmen�.�: --lmprovements �o the SautY� Front�ge Rr�ad a� t�s� intersect�an o� west Lic�nshead Circle would 3ae requ�red to �a�ilitat� the a�id�tional traffic generated by the propc�s�l . --Drair�age p�.ans ne�d �o be pravided. __Starm s�wer adequacy? ---The hatel would be responsi�le fc�r the maintenance of ti�+� public p�d�sltri�►n wa�.k tY�rc�ugh the site. -�-IIrainage impravements c�n Livnshead Circle wou�d }�e ��quired. __Emergency a�cess wauld ne�d to be 24 ��et Wi.de. --Sn�aw st�r�ge capalailities? --Bike/p�d�strian path is nat main�ained xn the winter ar�d FJ.A. 's snc�wmahiles u�� this ta ac�es� the tnount�in. A vari�ty of additic�nal submit�al materials will be r�quir�d �`o� this project incl�ding a �ull environmental imp�ct repar�, an evaluatican a� �.h� SDD des�gn �riteria, informatiQn p�rtaining tcr thc� propase� fracti�n�l fee r�wn�rship, a title re�art an� o�.h+�r requirements tha� are necessary ta rewiew t�� p�capasa� . A n�mb�r o� letters apPasing th� project have kaeen received frc�m r�eighbors on Forest r�ad. A general letter fr�m the n�ighk�c�rhr�+�d has been received �Sut sigr�ec3 only by the Jaco�rson°s and Alace P�rsnns. Also a letter has 3a�en receiv�d from Clin�an Ames. 'These are en+���s�d. _ _ _ � � � . -, � Dec�mber 29, 1989 r1r . f��ter f'ati:en Toti�•n of Vail Planr��.ng Dixectar 75 . Soutfi Frnr�taqe R�ad Vail , Color�do 81{57 ❑e�r hir , Patt�n, The resid�nts ae�ci homea►vners on ��e wes� part of Forest Raad h�ve �ae�ame awar� of th� h#ark I�larric�Lt ' s and �� is�r f�larcous " s intcntiar� ta c��t tFre �p�r4v�1 of the To►vn r�f Vail ' s �Iar�ning staff 'to build an en��-mous SIX S��RY TIh9�s5H��RE 8�lILD�N� , with 67 units , and to b� huili: right ma3 Gore Creek. 7l�is b��i ].ding wou].d vio��te all zor-�.inq cc�des f�r �he area . The P�1�rrifli:t is c���e�dy built out ta �f�eir maxXn�um, and thf.s d�p-rsi.ty ►r�s e�•en aw�er the origaor�al al] e�€:ment fr�r the area . �fhey ►vere ���le ta get it �hro��gh b}� getting a special di.str�ct appraval , af �v�ich r7s�rle of Lhe 1}c�rn�Q�vrrers an For�st R�ad ►vere g�Ven natification . iY� can not bel�eve they are at the Ta�vn ' s ria��- agafn as#cing f Qr marc� special f�VC�rs . Their traek rec�rd frcam the las� add3tian , fur�i�er dc:rr�c�ns�Lrates their record of p�or perfcrrmence and l�ck of cc�nc�rn fvr our rieigll�c�r�a�sd . We ►vere prc�mi.sed by yaU and yau o1'face th�t the �re� I�elo►v the tennis c�rurts tivould '�e I�nciscaped , �nd sa �ti�a�ald tl�� h�c�e uc�].y bfrrn. �at only were they nev�er landscape� but ugly� }��pes and tf�e like still pro�.rude, �n faet just l�s't summer they du�np�� more dirL and ref�ge aver the edg�e t�ward �h� , cre�.k ar�c] in s�ur rriew wl�en t�ey duc� aut tf�eir voll+�yball ca�urt , Tl�e ti��est Forest Rc�ad f� Ixr�g and neighbs�rhs�od wer� part of the ariqional filings oP �h� Town af V�i � . Thes� �rapert��s �er�e p�irch�sed �y origicrnal ir���stsars for the�r pri,vacy and seclusion , lang befor� Lior�shead had a�ty� bui �dir�ys . Sirace that time we l�aue been vi,ctimized o�er and aver again , 11'e ha�e l�ad s�wage plants , snoGV cats , sno�vv mvbiles and �excessa�e cor-�structi�n vehicle� shaved up our Y°h�ck .yarris " . Nat tea rnention t#�ie f��ct that the w�st end af aur road �vas origionally to b� a culdesac . tiVe ne�er asked for the �ridr�e or w�re consultect wvhen it �vas put in , causir�g further cipwngrading of our +�nce qui�t nei:ght�orhaod. For the past fiF #:e�n pT�s years we have b��n c�rstirruvusly encrr�a�ihed an by the Lionshead s#cy scrap�rs. Th�.s addition tv the ?�larriott pro{�er�y ►vill cre�t� a "PJ�ew Yark City " effect alonc� GQre Creek . ar�d in aur ��eighborhood , C1ur nei.gl�borl�aod dosen ' t cven have peace in the summer. As the P�3arriott maves vutsi.de with their tents , meetings , ��rt�.es and l�ands �ve su�'�fer �he arnpk7i�Y}eatcr effect � As c�ne nei�t�bor puti it "F�e knvws the words to every Umpah 6aa�d :,election ��d is a par�� tc� every meeting ". Tf�e hei�ht c�f the existing Marriott buildings reflect ev�ry naise �nto our bedroam windo�vs any additional, buildings would wvrs�en th� the problem, Cven now th� saur�ds hroadcast acro�s Gore Cre@k are of '�igh�r �al.t�me than thase of the Ford Amphithea�er . �.� . � � The densi. ty �nd ,��ning la+vs ��ere �u� in place fc�r very gaod reas�nns. To evc�n cansicier ct�ang� ng them in any ss���y to aZl�a►v ane eni.ty �0 1 %ne their pacSte�s at the expense o� everyane els� is a travesty . Tf �:h�.s is allo►v�d �Q i�appen , �very zoning cacfe in t3�e Ta�r�n af Vai � Is r�nd�z�ed wor�hl�ss . You m�yht as well tac�; a "'f•Se Tr�o" c1.�usc: anto every pi�ce of praperty within sight of the �a��nned �larrio�t P4anstrosity , �nd tnen ►ve wi. .11 really liave FJew Yvrk1'Lior�she�d . G�re Cre�k , � lorrg this �tretch , �nGe ►vas a t�eautifu�. pris�� n� meadaw, and er��:n thaugh naw ba�terdized t�y the u�gly exis�ing berm it is still one of Lhe few places that ane can enJay� �:h� b�auty of th�: csp�n cr+�ekb�d , �nd enjoy a l� tt�.� vpen spac� . Ta a� lo�v tF�xs bu3.Id�.ng to be bui�t � long the creek ►��ould c�+angc the area i.ntv a tr,�shed party zo�ne, Please kr�r�w that we t#�� hom��wr�ers c�n Fc�rest fioad do n�t �ntend �a let �his tra�r�sty to be built. Please da yo�rr duty as aur affFCia�.s �nt� s�ri'�e dv�ur� this c�r�c�ra�ss praject and preserv� tivhat little diynity �f apcness and �pace that �.s left in Li.or�sheac� and Vai� on Gar� �Creek. Fh�r� is no need f�r thi,s build `zng �ar �ra,�ect . Sinc�rely, The Harneaw�n�rs on W�st Fc�rest Road � 765 Forest �oad �d� � 1 COIOiT'�(�b $�.��� r'' ✓P�ir , dc h1rs. 7homas �a�obson �r. �'�i a r r�s Dr . & t�lrs Roger Cadv.� ��1r . & Pirs. Clintort AtneS Galmar AssGCiates �1r . & hirs . F�red Rumfcard Mr . & t�lrs Raber� �ngleman hirs . ��stin� 5mi #;h NEr , & Mrs. Robert Wc�rking �Ir . & Mrs . Emmett Stevenson Mr . & Mars Liri�n D�euy Dr. ftobert Contfg�glia 63r . Me1Win Klein Qr . 3�ffery Mishell h�r . Charles AcScerman. I�r . hli,ch�ael Hersnan ��1r . & h1rs. �Jeil Austrian P��r . $c Mrs. P, A. lVovelly P��r . & Nfrs. Lindl�y Crubbs t�1x . & ��1rs. George �aran�n Mr . William �h�ppard h1r . Gemrge Prussian � � �-- M�r. Peter �'at��n: .�anuary Z,194a Town of Va�I Plannin� Director 75 Sc�uth Frontage Raad Vail, Cfl. 81657 Dear hir. Pattan: Mr. & Mrs. Tom Jacabsan have sent a ].et�er to you and members a� Vai�.'s Planning and Env�ronmentai Commission in whi�h they �iv� reasons far o�j��cting to the eonstr�ctivn, by �the 1�arricatt, of a Six Stary Time 5hare $uildzng which will be directly aerass Gore Cre�k frtam my residence. I certain�y endorse and sup�ort the Jacobsc�ns �nd c�th�r o�aners in aur �eighbort�r�ac� in objectiz�g t� tYte constru���c�n of [his high �rise buzldin� in an already cancentrateci and crawd�d core area af Lionshead, Tn add�tir�n to all th� objectionable f�ctors such as �view blo�k�g�:y 2onirtgy vivlat%on, noise, fax��re ta fulfill past c�mmitm�n�s, grid Iock traffic which strain aI1 the ca[tt�nunity servic+es and infrastru�ture, the fundamental questivn m�st be asked-- hraw big and haw crvwded do �ou want Vail tv be? A short distance frvm the propvsed projgct �ite pr�perty is seZ�.ing fflr multi mi�.]�i�an doll.ars, In addition to ex�ePlen� skii.ng, the reasan far tl�is hzgh value is that Vail is speci.al and unique in r�taining �illage chax-sn, eulture, b�auty, status, and a contirvlled balance between exgansion and �i,llage style living objectives. E�rxden�ly Marriott recognizes this value and war�ts to cash in on the past control, risk taking, and investment af athers by jammirag a high c�ensity t�pe structuz� inta this �tigh �alu� care �r�a. The construction of t�is high r�.se praject wi11 be a giant steg in tY�e directi:on of toa big and too crc�wded. It wil� hurt Vail and all p�vperty owners �ay cancelling sorne of the charm, status, past hard wvrk, and va�.ue vf Vail. �p�nions, judgement, and fee]�irlgs �.re form�d by di�fere�t exposures. �JnfQrtunately, my resid�nce in lo�ated next t� a h�.�h dens i�:y roomi:ng hfl�.se wh�r� �iarrivt� hc�uses a number o� inen and w�amen emplayees during the sutrtmer. � und�rstand they are part �of a management trai.ning pragrarn. Th�:y also raise a lot of }�ell wi�h �reqr�ent v�ry lvud pa�tie� lastir�g we11 inta the m�arn3ng and indi�iduais getting so tti��t on something they scream into the night darkrtess. Phan� ca�ls �xskin� f�s noise �eduction after normal sle�ping hours resulted in def�,ant irtcreases in a.ntensity, I finalTy �ad to c�ll the palice to get a reduction i.n a canti.nuaus mir�c! rltz�nbing sound system�. I d4n't know what �iappene� tt� t�e famed �clean cu�, consideratian for c�thers, work ethic, phzlosvphy of �he r y. . _ � � Fage 2 Marriott CQrpo�atic�n but �ased on pers�nal �xpvsure, my �e+eli�t� is I�arriott daesnit give a da�nn ataout it's neighb�rs, the neighbcarhbod, or preservi�xg the long ter,ffi value o� Vai�, I am a property s�wner and a taxpayer intensely �.nterested in maintaining V�il as a unique and special p�ace. I ask fvr yaur actian and sra�part by defeatiri� �urther consideration of this praject. Very truly yours, � � _� � �,lJ' �- P .;�J� � L G> �.(.,:"7� ��%� L�L'Y'��'L,�^� cxA�,t�� c, a��� 7258 Forest Road Vail, Cc�, $1657 �w � � . f .� ��� � //�,��� The se�r�nd Wark Sessian was presented by Peter Patten wh�.ch covered th� pr�pc�sal o� constr�ctian af 67 �racation awnership cot�domin�ums adjacent tc� the exist�.ng hatel. The general �v'i�ew o�° this proposal was negative considering the �ollcswing factars: 1. The n�w addition would b� tao� cicsse to thr� bik� pa�h 2 . The add�.tion is goi�g tc� be bu�lt on the �ast a�railable greenspace 3 . The 5 ft, setback is nc�t gac�d lang-•term planning The flac�r w�s r�pen for qs2est�.c�n� and cramm�nts with Pet�r Ja�nar, a land planning consul�ant fc�r Vail, beginning. av�rall.. Pe�e� stated the advantages �he �ew addition wc�u�d have such as hc�w i.t would streng�her� �he area hetween the Marriott and the GandQ�a, the connectian ta the current West Day Lat �or parking purp�s�s� th� increase in popularity of �i�e sh�re pr�aper�y of whi�h the new a�ditiaa� would he�p pr�mate, a�d finally the ex'�ensit�e landscapix�g and sid�w�lks which would take p�ace n�t c�nly to add ta the beauty af the su�rc�unding �rea but ta all�w a conne�tion for skiers to a�her p�d�strian �+ralkways up to t�ie Gondola, 1�Sr. Jahn Sweeny Qf the Marric�tt b�sacally reaterated an Peter's cvmments cc�nc�rn�.ng th� time share advantage and th� fac� that preser�tly t�� Marriatt has an 850 oc�upancy level year raund. At this pc�int, Tom an�i Gynd� Jacabsoti, r�sidents 1.iving on Fox'es� Raad ri�hind the Marriott expresse�i their c�ppositian ta the prapasa� with the following �vints: 1. They feeT ,�t a violata.on of why z�ning was establish�d. 2 , A G-t- stary site is toca aarge far that lvt. 3 . Past prvmises by Marriott w�re not kept when t�e firs� structure was ����ted, such as berming, iandsc�p�.n�. att�ntivn to naise levels. 4. Daes not se� purpase of the new additian. Q�reral�, th� �Ta�c�bsons �elt that th� new ��idit�on wr�uld xt��erf�r� tQa m�ch w�,th the niegh��rhood o� Fores� R€�ac� and the whal� area ar�und the�x house is beccrming taQ comm�rcialized. Sh� present�d phatc�s ta�en fram th��.r bac�yard shc�wing the a�feet tfae Marriatt has had ta the�r a�eigt�kaorhood. A1ice Parsons, ano�her resident of Fr�r�st Rcad exp�essed h�r c�pinia� in t�ia� Vt� shc�uld trade the yard fvr parking s�ructure �.nd m��re the macha.nery ta �he Wes� C�ay Lot, thus alle�iating traf�ic thraugh Forest Rc��d. . ' � � � " � T�e �u�stions wer� then �pen t� the PEC members with Diana cancern�d with t�e setbacks, walkways �ro�nd the p�Ql, and overal� large number �f �nits being proposed. Canni� Knight as�ed if the n�mb�r �f units cau�d be d�c��ased and th� affect �his would have amd also w�nderad why the rush for completi�n, Chuck Cris� �nquired as �� whether the bu3ldin� could be �hoved ta �he nor�h. �eter �amar resp�nd�d that moving the �uildang could be �xplared �ut nat as easy as �t se�ms. Ka�hy Wa��en £e1t �he project was t�a big f�r the si��, while Diana add�d that the arch of t�e ar�a sh�uld �e �vf�ened by a dz�feren� type �f �uilding, nat a duplicat� of what is there now. J�m She�rer stated tha� he ha�ed �� see s� m�ch green�pac� t��en away. Dalt�n inquired ab�u�. emp�oy�� hvusin� and Peter Jamar c�mmented th�t the Qnl� hvusing they wau�d be concerned with wa� the increa�ed hausekeeping staff. ��e�a�l, th� atmcssphere was c�ne r�f indecis�.c�n a�nd '�he�� wc�uld �se additir�nal need far researah and d�s�ussion c�f the project in the futuz�. The rest o� the meetzx�g co�r�r�d the Pu�lic Hearing and b�g�t� �t 3 .35 p.m. �tem Nr�, � Appa�oval �f minutes �or Lecemkaer 18;� 1989 m�etinq. Matic�n for �pproval. caf the mi�zutes w�s mad� by with carr�cti�rt af �huck Crist's nam�. secon��d the matic�n. V�T�: 7 - � in favor. Item lwic�. 2 A ��quest fvr r`�'20ri111q frc�rn R�siden�ial Cluster �v Hiqh ❑�nsit� l�u�.ti.ple �`amiZ_y with a Sp_ec��l Devel�pm�nt �is�rict for Par�el �, St�ven� Subd3v�sian. Appl�.can�t: Faessler Rea1.�y Mike MQllica r��iewed the prapc�sal. r�c�arding th� d�v�lc�pm�nt of a 48 unit Mult�.-F�.m�.�.y Employe� Housing praject. �Sike r�iterated on the fact af the propersed ❑ay Care Cente� being nc�w d�l�ted from the proj�ect. Mike proceeded through the prc�posal nc�ting that th� mos� critiGal part af the prnposal was par� II�, Zaning CQmparisons. Mike then int�oduced Greg I�all af the �ub�ic Wc�rks I3egartment to �x�lain the impact th�s pra�ect wa�ld ha�re c�n adaac�nt roads. 2he finc�ings w�re based on a TD.� �Qloradc� repart s�nt ta Sidney Schultz of Sidney Schultz Architect, Inc. whic� Mike stated th� �ir� D�pt. had appr��'ed taa.th the 1Q conditi,�ns included. S�aff �tated t�at '�hey cou�d meet these condi�.ir�ns. Bas�.eal�y, �reg res�onded that na cur�+ent i�pact would occu� wi�.tt� � � � �_._ �...._� � --�.�.. �--�_- ____.___..� _ �-.`�"_.�. - �: ,,�� -�j` ,�'�"',�'��.r�'�i��r''�✓ �+'��� r� � f� � _ R � , �� -� ���.� �-r.�+:��--�. ; �- �--�.�.- ��.�� � ,� � �'�- � . � ���- ,�����..� �; �- �,ti,r ,�, � ��� - _ , �� �� � ��� y� . '' �►��� � � �� �� . �� � , ,...... ._ , r . �. y - ir ; � . � �;,� - �;�' .���;.�- � � f ,/� �: C� � ��.� , j�' � ��-� l� ��� � � ��� ,d - �. ... f � � .. '' � /�� �.�. � �-f� r w - ! � C��� � � ���� . ., G''', ,� �� ; � � ���--�-�,�-- .�- � �„� � ;� '� `� � ,�-..� G°�� , .��'/`✓' ; I �� �� F • �- � �' � ���� . .,� ��� ' - �� �� f � ; ,s�, `"� � , � -� ., � �:��. � ;. -_-r ,,,� � ��.' � � �� " � � �� �-- , .� �:�� � , �j { 1 � � � _. . ,-, � �- ,-_ �.- __ ... , :�_.. , .: - - .. . ,_:. _.��..� . .�,.o,. ._ . ,, , _ , . __ :.: .. ..,.:_. _ �� . � . -. . :;. �.. .,:. . . _:.� � . �;� - .. , ,. , a ,� �...� < . . - _. ,. ,. , .. x. . .,,, . Po .. ��#, � _. .� � , ,-�,.- - . , ����'��i�- `�` � �_ ��;�,� O`Y't�..�t�-r�_ L;r����•�.,� �'" /! • -�- � � f �,�''� �. ���..��� � � .�..� ,,���c �,,, ��'_ . �i�� - � � � ` � � � � �� � � , � ' �,� �� � �� � ��� .�_ �. �� �- ��' _ . .� �, ,� :��,�� � � ��� f � � �� � � �- � � �. , � ��� . � � � � : ,�. �� �,-� f� r ;j: . � �� - ' � �,,k...r..�t�_ .�s.r�a�� � � - �. � �� ��� v�/ ���Crj� -t�'� --� � � � . ��- �- ,��''���� � �� , � �� � � �'� s�t �- ,��� ±� - � � ,� ,,� - y�.r�.� '"��"��'°� ,�� �������� i ����� ki s. ,� .. , ...,, . . '�_::�. .-::.--.-, . � .m ....'. - ' ... ' . �,., -'� .'.._ ..�. --��.,�... _ ..:.,..:., i y. _ .,:.�' � � � J� � � � � ! � TO: Planninq and Envir�nmental Commi�sivn � � FROM: I}epart�nent of Caminuni�y I�evelopm�nt � LL?ATE: Mc`�tY'Gh 12� 199{) 5U�7�CT: A wa�k session to discuss presposed amendm�nts tv Sp�cial Ue�el�pment �istri�t No. 7 (The M�arriatt Mark Resort� . App�icant: The MarriQtt Mark �Corpvrati4n T, ❑ESCRIPTI4t+T C�F TI�� REC}UEST As prc�pc�sed, �his a�nendm�nt tc� SDD #7 would allaw far the de�relopm�nt af 57 timeshare una.ts (at 1200 ��ta�� fe�t each� , and �ive emplay�e h�u�ing units. 119 parl�ing �paGes are al.sca prop�sed as a part a� this develcxprnent. The add�itior� is le�cat�d at the west end c�f the Marriott gra�aerty predomin�nt�.y o�er the exis�:in9 Pa�rka.ng stru�ture. The �evel of devel�pmenl� permitted �an �he Marric+tt site is gov��'ned k�y the existin�g Special �e��lapment �}istrict. A13� devel�apment perrnit�ec� by the �xisting SD� h�s been constructed. As �uch, this a�endm�nt �.s required in order tn aT��w fc�r this atida.�a.vn. The r�ine desiegn cr�teria �u�13.ned in the S1]l� secticrn caf the zQn�ng cvde es�ablish the basis from w�ich t�is progc�sal is eva].uated. As witt� a11 SDDs, �he Planning Ca�nmission actic�n i� advisory to the Tc�wn Council. II. �SSUES RELE'�TANT TO,_THYS RESJUES� This proposal was first �res�nted ta the Planning Commis�ion c�n January 8. The foll�swing is a summary af comm�en�s made by the Cor�miss�icrn during tY�at meeti�g, a�ong with a �rief statement as what eh�nges have crccx�rr�d rel�vant to these issues. 1. T1�� size vf th� addition and density propQSed is tav gr�at. -The u�ait count has ciecreased by 10 units (from C? tQ 57) and the �oot print and masa rf the propc�sed ad�dition ha� been changed significantly. � . The proposed adda.tion �hvuld maintain a mirtimuu� vf 20 foot �etl�a�cks. �-�`he residential additiort drses maa.ntain a minimum vf a 2� foc�t setback along the sc�uth anci west gr�per'�y line�, the praposed expansion of �he parkin� structur� does continue th€� ex�.sting 5 �aot s�tback aivng the wes�kerr� proper�y �ine. � � � . Building heights are tpo great. -'�'he height of ttae p�apased has been rr�duced thr�uqhraut the prvject. 4, Tk�e location �of the addit�.on shc�uld m�ve to the nort.h. -fihe additian has been shif�ed tc� the n�rth to lae built almast �ntirely on the existing park�ng structure. Th%s �as d�creased �he kauil�,ing mass a�ong the Gore Creek bike path. 5. �edestrian circulatian (particu�arly th�auqh the pool area] neec�s impro�vem�nt. -A camprehensi�e pedestrian circulat�on s�stem is propvsed w�ich provides al,ternatives fram the ex�sting path thrvugh the hotels pcao� are�a, 5. TI�e propased krui�ding %s "c�owding" the G�re Creek hike pa�k�. -Tmp�cts vra the path ha�re beer� dram�atica�ly r�duc�d. T�ae add�tion is smaller (a �hree stc�ry el.ev�ti4z� ad�a��nt t❑ the path) anc� has b�en pealled bac3� frcam �he path a dist�nc� af 5Cl f�et. 7. Ca�ord�.nation/relat�.onship wzth development c�n �he West Day LQt. -The appli�ants Y��ir�e �een wo�°ki.ng with TJai�. Assv�iates regarding their develapment plans f�r t�e West �ay Lot. Fedest��:an c�.rculatican is pr�avided �.hrc�u�h the project to conr�e�t th� W�st Day Lot w�th th� rest of Lion�head. 8. Employ�ee hvusing. -Five eanp�oy°e� unit� have been propc���d as a part af this prQject, The staff �as encauraged the applicant ta increa�e this num}aer tv 7 on-�ite emp�oyee unifis. 9. Concern r�ver th� los� af �green space. -�hiftBng the strvcture tn the t�arth (atc�p the �xisting parl�ing structure) ha� gre�.tly red�c�d the lass of green s�ace. Ta� ac�d.�tic�n, two tennis courts are �v be removed and thi.s ar�a will be canver�ed to green space. 10, View Impa�ts -�liew a�a].ysis from both public and private c�ant�ge points ha�re be�n completed. 11. Traffic Irnpact� -�ssues re�,evan� to �he traffic report will be �ddressed. � � TII. STA,�'F CDI�MENTS 43N' THT� PROP'{)SAL The first fundam�ntal, c�aestion th� s�aff dealt with when r�spc�nding tv this applicatioa� was whEther �.t was agpropria�e ta even �or�sider ac�di�ic�nal d�nsity on this si�e, Th� Vail Land Use ��.an prow�.�l�s the staff with clear di�ection a� this questic�xn. A nu�ber of gaals in the Land Use �lan are releV�nt �o t�is p�oposa�, They fn�lude t�ie follaw�.ng: l. G�a�. Nc�. �. 1: Vail should continue tc� grc�w in a cc�ntrc�lled envir�anm�er��, maintai�a.ng a balance between r�si�3ential, cornm�rcial and recreativraal L15�5 tt� serve br�th �the �isitc�r and the gerrnanent resident. 2. Go�1 No. �. 1.2: Va�l shaulr� accc�mmcxdate mc�st of the addi�.ional grawth in existing develope�. a�eas (infill ar�as� . � . Gaa3. No. �.2: Tncre�seci densa.ty �n the Cr�re are�s is �cceptakale sQ long as the existing character is pr�served through innplementation vf th� Urban Design Guide P].ans and the Vail. V'illaqe Master Plan, 4 . Goal No. 5.�; Quality time�hare units �hou�.c� be accommadated t� k�ep occupancy rat�s up. 5. �oal Nt�. 5.5: Th� existing e�plc�ye� haatsing ba�e sY�auld be preser�ed an�1 upgraded. Adr3iti€�nal �mplvyee housing needs should b� ac�ommod�ted at various sites �hrc�ughout the eommunity. These gaals pravide a fur�damental framewark tv be used in det�r�nining wt�ethe� �r not ads�itianal density is appragriat�. Based on �h�se c�oals, the staff has taken the pvsiti.on �hat gi�en praper site plar�ning, �design, compliance w�.th 2oninc� standa�d� and o�vera�.l sensit��rity ta su�crvundi�zg uses and activity that additional develvpment is app�apriate at this site. The focus t�f this r�vi�w process are the sp�cific des�.�gn and planninc� issues relevant ta this site. The eva�uativn vf �hese issues is to be based c�n �omp�iance with the nine de�ign criteria autlined i.n th�e S�D sectian af tfle �r�n�.ng code. Based an the comtnerrts of the January 8th meet�ng� and �taff input c�n the gropasa�, the a.pplicants have made � number of m�sdificatians tr� the original plans. This wark sessa�an is an vpportunity ��r the Comm�ssian to evaluate and comment t�n the�e changes p�ior to �+Iarch 19th's �o�mal review vf th.i� request. ' � � . �b: Planain�g and Env�.ranm�:ntal C�sm�ission FROM. Cs�mmunit�_._ e�opment I�epartment :;�._ �� DATE: �Pip�'il 9, �99G� RE. equest for a maj or amendment ta� Special �7eveic�pment I7istr.ict #7 (The Marriatt Mar}� Resort) in vx-der tc� add 57 timeshare units and 8 emplay�e k�ausing ur�it�. Appl�cant: Marr�ott Corporation I. I�ESCRIPTI+�1�+� c�F fiH� REJUES�' A� pragosed, this annenda�ent would allaw �vr the deV+elapment c�f 57 timeshar� units an�i 8 employee units, This additian wc�u�d �e locate+ci on the west end nf the prvperty and built primarily a�rer the existing parkinc� structure. N�w GRk'A pragas�d in thi� d�vel€�pment t�rtal� 74,2�5 sq. ft. Ot�er �lements of this proposal incluc�e 122 n�w pa�king spaces, landscape and si�e im�ravements throug�out the SDD and a pe�iestrian connection to the existing �are Creel� bike path. The first pt�a�e af the �arri�att Mark Resort was cQnstructed in 1�73 a�nd SDQ �vning w�s �irst adopted in 197'�. There is no of�icial dcseumentatirn of the sites und�rlying zoning. Subsequent amendments wer€� apprvved to �Da Na. 7 durin�g the �.98� 's. This application wt�uld a�rnend th� exis�in�i SDD tc� allow for adc3i�ional d��relr�pment c�n th� site. The nine design cr�.teria outlined in the �oninr� coc�� providc� the parim�a�_y bas�.s �ax evaluat�.nc�' tYris rec�uest. I3e�e].00m�nt, �tatistics Sit+e Area. 5. 17 Acr�s 225�2�5 sq. ft. Exist�.ng Propc�sed I�evelopmen� Deve�a�sment Total �,ccommC�d�t3.ori Ut31ts �48 � ��$ Dwelling L7nfts 53 �7 11� Emplayee Units il � 8 GRFA 134, �6[� 74, 205 � 2Ci�,2(35 M��ting Roa�n (sq. ft. ) 1.2 ,C1�00 (3 1� , �Of� Anc�.11ary Retail (sq. ft- } 3,5Q+D t] �,�04 Restaurant/Bar (�eats} 426 0 426 Parki.ng Sp�c�s �73 122 3�� � � ' . The eight e�np�.cayee urtits range �n size form �75-575 sq. f�. and � total 4�OL�5 sq. ft. The 57 r�welling units are al.I 1,200 s�. ft. and total 68,4�fl sg�. ft. As out�ined in the SDI� se�ti.on of the zoning CDder the ft�llc�wing nane c�iteria are to be us�d in evaluating the mer�'ts of a Speciai Development D�strict. It is the burden of the applicant ta d���nstrate tha� submittal mater�al and tl�e prc�pa�sed deve�agmen�. plan corn�lY with each af the fvllowing standards car d�monstrate that one or �vre a� �hem is nat applicable, or that a prac�ical solutio�t consi�t�nt with the pu�blic �n�ere$t has b�en achieved. TT , PECIAI,_ �VELOPMENT'�' DIS'I'R2CT CR ERZ A. D�siczn ccrmpatibi�itv and ensiti�rity ta the immediate environment, neic�hbc�rhoad and ad'iacent �rc�perties reT�tive to arct�itectural �iesi n scale bulk buildin �ei ht buffer 01'1@S 1L'�El']�:lt c ara te� �' sual 1.11'�E �1'� �ri� c�rientat ic�n. The �ite glannir�g', heigk�t and m�ssing of th� propase� additi4n ha�ve in many ways beer� deteratin�d bY the existing hQt�l and parking structure. The mass and height of the proposed addition have be�n d�si�necl to "step �lown" frc�m t�@ existir�g seven sto�y hvte7. tv a three story elernent alc�ng Gore Cree�. Th� timesriar+e c�evelopment maintains a minimum o� 2a fovt setbacks on the se�uth and west prvFe�rty lines. The existing parkinc� �tructure is built within 5 �ee� of the c�esterly p�aperty line. The expansion of the parking structure would continue this 5 fr�c+t setback. A� it� highest point, the praposed building height is 58 ' . The highest b�ilding height perinitted in any establish�d zone district is 48 ' , HQwe�rer, the staff's review has fvcused on th� transitian between trie ex�st�ng b�xi�.c�i�n9 an� t'he prvpnsed additian. The staff fe�ls it is impo�°tant that the addition respand to th� se�en story mass rf the exi�ting bui�.ding, and t�Cat the he�ght gradually deerease�s tow�rd Gare Creek. The proposed additio�n accompli.shes this �bjectiv�. View �tud�.es have been done fram a iv'arie�y of �vantage gQints. W'hile the addition of any n�ew structure wil7. ha�e sa�n� degree of impact on �riews, ther� are no negative impacts an �►�.ews from public spa�es. Th�re is potenti�l for impacts on private �iews fc�ran the Arr�l�r� (taward Red San�str�ne Mountain) an�i th�e Vail. Spa {tc+ward Vail Mauntain} . However, any �m��cts af this additian dc� nc�t agpear t� be appreciabl�. ' � � _ Wtril� ther� are some comman d��ign features, th� architectur�: af the praposed additian dcaes nat mimic the existinc� hr�t�el. A dep�rture from the �esign features of �h� existing hatel is prohably warranted. If apprcaved, it will be the �rs�le c�f the Uesign Re�riew E3r�ard to �valuat+e colo�s, mater�.als, fen�stration, decks and csther desic�n fea�ur�s in order t�a ma�.ntain cantinuity betwe�n th� additian and t�se existing hote�. f3, Uses. a�ti�►ity and dens�i'�y t�hich t�ravide a cQmpatible� +ef�icient and wor}cable relationshin with su��'c�una�,,�cr u�e� and acti�rity. The resic�ential u��s proposed fvr �his facility are cansis�ent and campa��.ble w�th surround�.ng de�el+�gment, �cated in t�e lC,ionshead ar�a, overnight lc�dging ac�commada�ians are apprc�pr�ate far this site. One of Vail 's ma�or m�.x�d - use activity centers, Lionshe�d i� centrally located �nd we�I s�nred by �he Tvwn''s trar���t system. At th� pr�sent time, the site is c3evel�ped to a�proximately' 32 units per acre. The development p�apvsed with this amendr�ent wauld increase tha site's d+�nsi'�y tc� apgroxima�ely 4� ut�i.ts per a�re (this include� �he 8 emplo�ee unit�) . Th�s level, r�f deve�.c�pm�nt �xceeds that perm�tted by the town's hic�hest density residential �district {P�r and �DMF� 25 I�.U. ��/AC) . Hvwe�er, 46 units per acre is �to� unprecedented. The Liansq�are I,vdge is d�velQped at 49 units gex acrer the Landmark Condom�niums is at 38 units �er acre, th� Dou3�letree is 5i3 units ger acre and �he Vai1 V�llac�e In� wi�.l. �e 43 units per aare �,t build-c�ut. The d�nsity pr�pr�sed far this site is mu�h greater t�an the low der+s�.ity develc�pment �n �he sauth side a� Gc�r� �Creek. G�re Cre�k pr�avid�s a; na�ural la�ffer between the l.ow dens�ty r�sident�al develflpment along Farest Road and th� ent�,r� Lionshead are�, Tha�s �pen space pro�i.des an adec;u�te buffer �etween thes�: twc� resider�tial ar�as. G�re Creek als� serves as a natural barrier defining the physical limits vf Lion�head cQre a�ea development. C. Cotn l.�ance w�th arkin and c� r� irem+� ts as vutlined in �hapter I8,52. Assumin� 1 pa�rking space for each of t�e eight empiaye+� units, and t�ra parking spac�s �c�r each of th� 57 timeshare units (as per zani.�g rec�uirements) , the new parking requir�men°� fe�s the graposed additivn is 1�2 spaces. The exgan�ion af th� exist.ing structure will satisfy this r�quir�ment. � , r f . r��. � � �� ``F .. _.�' � � . As required by existing 5DD �'v. �1, there are tv be 273 - parking s�aaces Qn the �+iarrivtt praper�ty. As with any pr�perty, the management �nd control af parDcing spac�s is �riticaZ �+o their �efficient use. At the present time, the wester�y parking structure pr�vides a ve�y i.nviting �en�ironm�ent for ilZeg�l pa�rking. Irocating a Jaui�.ding over the structure should pro�vide q�eat+�r contral and i.ncr�as� efficiency in how these sgaces ase utilixed. D, CQnfa�mztv with �a�p�.i�abl� el�emerats af the Vail �amtnrehensive Fl�n. cat+� p�i icies and Urb�� Desiqn plarts. The Vail Land Use Plan is the mos� re�evar�t docvment to be used in evaluating this de�xelopment �aroposal. The proj�ct i� consistent with a num.ber of goa�s outlined in t�is da�umentt 1. 1 Vail shou3d continu� tr� grow in a con:tralled �nviranment, maintaining an balan�ce b�tw�*en residential, camme�cial and recreat�onal us�s to �erve bath the visitc�r and the pe�man�nt resident. 1.3 The q'aality csf c�evelvpment shauld be maint�inec� and upgraded whenever passible. 1. 12 Vail shvu�d acccsmmodate most c�f the additional grvwth in exi�ting deveic�ped are�s (infil� areas} . 2 .� Th� caa►muni�y should e�pl�asize its rol� as a de�tinati�n rescsrt while accQrnunodating the visitvrs. 4.2 Increased density in the Core are�s is ac��ptak�le so long as the exi.s�ing ch�ra�ter is preserv�d t�rough implem�nta��.o� o� the Urban I�esign Guide Plarr and t�e Vail Village Master Pl�n. 5. 1 Additic+nal r�sider�tia�. +gr€�wth shc�uld cc�ntir�ue to aecu� primarily in existing, pl�t�ed areas and is appropriate in new a�eas wh�ere hic�h hazard� dn n�t exa.st, 5.2 �uality timeshare units s�iouZd be accommodated to keep accuga�acy rates up. 5.4 Re�idential growth sho�xld keep pace with �he mark�t pla.c� dem�nds for a fwl�. rar�g� c�f hot�sing types. 5.5 The existing �mploye� hcsusing base shcau]�.d b� preserved and upgraded. Ac�c�itiona� ernploye� housir�g needs shQUld be acG�mmadated at va�ious sites throughout the ccrmmunity. , � � Thes+� ga�� state�nents pr�vide the fundamental �'ra►mew�ork ta bg used in d�tern�ir►ing whethe� Qr not addit�csnal density is a�prapria�e on tYris site. As re�lected in �h� ab�av� goals, this grogc��al �s very c4nsistent with the directic�n provided in the Land Use Plan. E. ident' ficatior� and miti atifln f na�u �1 �n or �olr i� azards that ect t e o er on w ich e � eeia develotament dis�rict is pro,�as+ed. This praperty i� nat �►ffected by any natu�ral andfvr geol�gic h�zards tnat ha�re b�en id�ntified witZ'ain the Tc�wn o� Vail. F. �i'�e s�lan. buildina cl�si n ac ticr and +apgn sP��, urc�visia�s desi9ne�d to raraduc� a fr�nctiar►al de�►e�c�pment res onsi�► and ens�ti�ve o natur l fe t�res ve Qtat�vn an�d vve7ra�.1 aesthetiG aual�ty of the_ c�immu �.tv. The site planning vf this additi.an has changed dramatically since the PEC reviewed thi� prapo�a3 at a work s�ssian in Janraary. The majar pc�rtiQ� +�f this addi�3.�sn is �c�cat�d over �he �xisting parking structure. This 1.ocatic�n nat anly screen� the p��king st�uc�urer xt �a� aTsa helped tc� lredu�e the k��ildittg rnass that was prc�pas�d along Gore Creek. �tesiden�ial dev�lc�pm�nt is now located within 2E�� setback 1 ines +an the west and s+�uth. A parta.on vf the new develvpment is pr4pased an w�iat is naw und+eve.l�ped vpen space direct�.y �outh of the exi,sting par�Ci.ng struCture. H�wever, this open space is generally n�t �ccessible �nd �ot an aesthetica�Iy pleasing area. A major element v� th� prvpc�salTs Tandscape plan i� the �limir�ati.o� vf twp tennis eourts. Canverting this �►�e 'tQ functi.ana� green spa�e wiil mcsre t�an affset the lass of open space sauth of th� park�.r�g structur�. A ma�or cancern r�f th�e staff is the phy�ical r�lationship of �he bu�.lding addi�ian and� the Gare Cr�ek Recre�tion ��ai�. orig�nall�r pxopv�ed at 5 stories �and wi.�hi.n 5 feet at �he prs�p�r�y line, thYS addi�ion would have seri�usly impacted the enjoyment of this �rail, The build�.ng is �ow 3.�ca'��d 50-5�7 ' fram the tzai3 and has a 3 aa�d 4 s�ory �acade �dj��ent the trail. The locat�an and ma�s �f the buil�.�ng no�t pravides far a camfort�ble relationshig w��h the trail . ! _J � � , G. circu�.atimn s stem si ned �or bc�th vehicles and pe�iestri�ns �ddressin� an anr3 o��-site traffic circula'�i�n._ Tmp�avements to th� pedestrian ci�culation syst�m includ� a path connecting ta the Gc�re Creek bike path, a walkway through the pr�a�c�sed de�elo�ment connectang the West I3ay Lat with ather parts Qf Lionsheasi, and the d+�velQp��nt of a sidewalk alang �'+est Lionshead Circle connecting to an existing sidewalk on the S�uth Frontac�e Road. Th�s improve�n�.nt a.s located off the applicants property. Thes� imgrovem�nts are des�qned �a serve nat aniy th� prc�p�osed de�elvpment� mut a�sc� to imprfl�e p�destrian circula�ipn thraughou� this �rea af Livnsh�ad. Internal� v+�hicula�r circulatic�n wi�I aiso be impro��d by redesign�.ng the exi�ting parkir�g structu��. Currently each l�vel is accessed indzvidually, resulting in diff�cult circulatian patterns. �'he propased mvdifi�ativns �v the structur� will intrc�duce internal cireul�tivn betra�een the three levels of the struettire. A,n ass�ssment of the patentia� traffic impacts a� �hi� d�velopment �as been in�luded as a part of th� en�vironmental i�tpac�. rep�rt, A l�iarch 9 addendum to th�,s repmrt indicates th�� a westbc�und Ieft turn lane aff af the S. Frc�n�age Road Dnta West Li.onshead Circle is ne�d�d today t�ased an exist�ng traffic v�l�ume. Current�.y� 35 vehie�es m�3ce this l�ft turn during the p.m. peak hour. T�is d�velo�ment w�u�.d ia��r�ase this situati�n I�y 20�, to 42 veha,cl�s dur�ng the p.m. �eak hour. Based on the State �f Gc�laradn Access Code, a left turn 3ane is warranted with mvre than 3t] turns per h�ur. Giv�n the �c�� increase in this left turn a�tivity, there i� no q�estion that th�.s imp�avem�nt m�st he cc�mpleted befvre the propersed +�xpansion rec�ive�s � Temparary Cer�if�cate �f Crccu�aney. Hvwe�er, the �Iarriot� additian is nv� the sc�le cvntributr�r tc� �he n+�ed for the left �urn �ane. Tc�wn buses, th� West Day �ot �nd a numh�r of ather properties are cr�atirtg th� n�+�d for this 1La�e. Because the M�rri�tt is tt�e "last guy in the dar�r" ci��:s nat just�.fy �equiring thern tr� funcZ a�d construct 10�0� c�f t.his imprv�remen'�. The Marriott �.s responsi�le fc�rr and is willing to contri�ute tc�, their fa�.r sha�e �f the expense in constructing this improvement. There are a numher af alternatives �ar haw thYS imprvvement can be �.mpl�emented. The main issue with each of these alternatives is with rer�ard to the tim�ng of th� imprvvern�nt. Th�e Town wi11 be completing a ccampr�hen�ive transpprt�ti�n plan for �.t�e F'xt�ntage Rc�ad th�s fall. �t i� very lik�ly that this impro�vement will b� id�r�tified b� th.�s plan. H�wever, the Town is �.n nv pasiti+�n tv commit t�a funding �ar a specific schedule wou�d assure this impravement is in �+lace prior t�r camgleta.an af the Marriatt faci�.�.ty, " � � This essentialiy guts the burden on the agplic2�nt to de�velop some mechanis�n for assuring that the tu�n Iane i� cQmpleted w�aen t�e add�.tion is fini�hed. The simplest way ta accamplish this is fvr the Marricatt ta fun� la0# of this improv�ment. Haw�:v�r, �.his is nc�t an equitabl+� sa�.uta.�n. othcr alt�rnat�ves inval�ing �he participativn o� th+� �+iarriot�, surrounding prc�perty owner�, and �he Tawn are possible, and shc�uld be explc��ed to arrive at an equit�ble solutivn. H. Fu�ctiana3. �nd aesi�hetic �andsca�i�3q, and n��n s�aace in orde� to �st�tizn�e and gr�serve natural featu�es rec�`eatian. view� and funct�ons. There ar� a number v� signif�cant impravements pxapasec� t� land.scaping anr� op�n space th�+�ughout this site. Fa7��m�st among �.�ese �s the canversion of two �.ennis court to green space areas, a p�ck�t p�rkJgull off area tc� k�e developed alonq th� Gc�re Creek trail, land�ca�e impraveaaents ta the bea� aroun�l the proposed addition, and landscape imprav+�ments alang Lic�nshead �iarcle thrQUghaut the �ength of the property. �'hese ehang'es wi�.l prt�vi�de not only fun�t�.o�al apen space, but alsa a+�sthetic imprc�vements tcs the site. I . �?hasinq._�lan or subdivisia�pla� that will maintd�.n a worka�l�, funct'ona� and efficient r�lationshi throu hq out t�he dev�elo ment of the s �c 'al develn me t dis ict. As prr��osed, the additian and all x�elated �ite imprvvements ar� t� b+� comp�eted in Qne construction �ha.se. I I I, S'�AFF REC(3MMENI}►�,,'�'ION d�"3:' .; In �valuati�g this proposal, ane must f�rst c4nsider the �f �� " y, func3ament�l �questian of whether esr not additianal d�velopm�ent should be consic�ered in Lic�nshead. Based c�n the goals of the Vail Land Use P11rir it is apprr�priate ta ec�nsider a �eque�t of this nature. �, numkyer of gval statements suppvrt �he concept of timeshare units an� infill develr�pment in the �.ore areas. The t�.sk. at hand theri, �.s tv ���lua�e wh�t�ter the de�ign af this praject i.� sensiti�e to a].I applicaY�le �c�i�eria c�utlia�ed �n th� SaD section of the zonin� cvde. A r�view af the 5DD criteria ind�.cates �.hat this pr�ject �is consi�tent with the �SUrpose and intent r� thi� z�ne di.stric�. � number �sf issue� have been �aised by the PEC and �taff during the review of this project. In each case these c+ancerns have been addr�s�ed by �he applic�nt in a manner that is cc�r�sistent with the f�esiqn Cri�eria. Park�ng� circu3.a�.ion, height �nd massing, view impacts, �mpl�yee k�ous�rrg, and landsc�ping/open space have a��. been a�dr�ss�c� k�y triis develapme�nt plan. � � ' The staff reeommends apgroval of this grap�s�d amendment with the stipu�atican that th� develapers/c�wne� meet the fc�llawing cc�nd iti+ons: 1, peed restri�tions ].�.miting the us� af the e�.ght emplvyee units to lcsn� term emp�ayee rentals� x�a perpe�ui.ty shall be recc�rd�ci priar tv t�e issuanc� of a Tempor�ry Cert�ficate af {?ccupanc�. �. A detail�d drainag�e p�an and vther desigrt issu+es reievant tc� public warks concerns shall be �uhmitted anrl approved pri�or ta the iss�ance �f a l�uilding permit. 3, ir�vrking �.n caordinatican with the staff, the appl�.c�nt shall fund and ct�nduct a comprehensive traffic study of the west Lionshead Circl� area suitab�.e fc�r determining �h� M�rriatt Mark's fair sha�e ccsntrik�ut�r�n to th� cc���. af cc�nstructing a �.�ft turn lane on the �. Frontage Road tn West Livn�head �irc3.e. P`reliminary des�,gn and c�a�t estimate� f�or the left-turn lane �hall be pr�vided. The applicant shall be responsible for �ontributing this ag�eed ugon amvunt tawarci the cast of this improWem�nt. 4 . A preli.minary desi�n and �unding strat�gy for cvnstructing the left �t�rn lan� shall be �stak�iished prior to the �ssuance of any building per��t, and the �eft turn l�ne shall be completed prior t� the issuanc� e�f z► Ter�p+arary Certificate �f Oecupancy. 5. All aspects reiated to the t�mesharin�' �f this faci3�ty shall comply with all a�plicable town ardinances that regulate timeshare activity. ' � � PET�R JA�AR ASSC}CIATES, lN�C. PIA�tNING,OEvEIOPNENT AP�&LYSlS, RESEARCH J3riUc3r`�` 5� 1�J(} Dear �orest Rc�ad Progerty ownEr: As yc�u may be aware, Marricrtt .�s prr�gcasing to add 67 units to their exist�ng Hote�. I.s�ca�ed in Lionshe�d. Th� add�tiQn is �r�pn�ed �o o�cur on the svuthwest portion of tY�eir property west of the exist�ng tennis cvurt� and ac3jacent to thei�r exist�ng parking garage. Along with the addition apprc�ximat�ly $4 millian wor�h o�' improv�ments, renc��ating and upgrading is propased for the existing bt��ldings, lanc�scap�ng, and amenities, These img�rovements' are badly needed and important for Ma�riott to ke�eg the Mark R�sort functivning an the same qu�lit� lev+el as th� other first class Hotels in va�l and Heaver Cr�ek. we believe th�� the additic�n and renc�vativn daes not in any way n�gatively �ffeet �ou� prs�p�:rty but rather wi�.l he an enhancement tQ the neighbarhaod and s�rrrauz�ding area. The purpa�e of this �.etter is to invite yo�s to contact me regarding arry quest�.ans �hat yeau �tigh� ha�re regarding the propasai. You can a��sc� cantact Ja]r F'eterso�n at 476-0092 . We represen� the Ma�riatt and would k�e haPPY to prc�vide yau wit� a�ditional infQ�►a�ion ar meet with �*au to di.scuss t�e addi�.ic�n ar�d ren�va�.icn a� your ccaa�ve��en�e. t3nce again, pleas� feel free tv contact su� regarding any questions that ya� might have. Sin�cere�y, . Peter Jama�r, AICP PJ:n� cc: Jay K. �'eters c�n Su�te 308,Va�f Nat�ona�Ba�k du�odrng tf�8 Sou�h Fronfage Raa�West • va�I,Caiorado Bt�51 . �3a31 a76-7i�4 � � • r " � - 1JA I L S PA 7'!�3 w�st Li�nshEaa Circ�e V�il. �olc�r��fo 81�57 t3�}31 4?6-I38$� l�7arcl�s 5, 199d Planning and �virc�nmental C�arrnnission The Town �f Vai�. Vail Municipa7. Bu�].ding Vail, Col4rado RE: Ma jvr Arnendrr��cent to Speci�l development District No, ? (the Marriot Mark} Filed 1ay l�rri�t Corparatic�n. Dear Members of the Cc�mm�ssic�n� The Vail Spa Baard of Mar�ag�rs, r�n beha�f of its 55 me�nbers, hereby c�b jects '�a th� pr�pc��ed amenciment t� the sp�ciaT dev�lopm�a�t district fc�r the I�a.rr�.att Mark Proposed by t�e Marrivtt Corpc�ration ta add sixty �60) tim�-share units and fzv� {5) �mplayee hc�u�i,n� un�.ts on the wes� side of the Marrir�tt Mark. T�»e Vai� Spa lies �ediateZy north vf the prop�sed 1vc�tion vf the addi�ian �.a t3�e Nfarriott Mark. The loeatit�n, hei�ht and Y�ulk 6f the prapc�sed addition w�ll substantially and adver��ly affect the Vaii �pa. Tt�e ad�ition will obliterate th� mc�untain view from virtt�ally a�l o�` the :�aoms at Vai� Spa. Mareover, the in�reas�d triaffie that will be generated by the �tid�tion u�ill averload the existing internal ro�dway syst�m adjaeent tv the Vail Spa. Traffic is already a probl�rn in and ar�ound Vail Spa an� this a�di�ivn w�ll makce that problem e�v�n wvrse. �ie hh�ve reviewed the staff report on �he prop�sec� adriitie�n and cs�rre- sgcsndence f'ram �ther praper�y owners �r, th� ar�a, and we c�neur wi�h their` obje��ians ta the pr��sed amend�:ent. This propc3sed additic�n, if :. approved by the Town of iiail, woul�i res��t a,n a signz#'icant de�eri�rataon in the c�uality of the v�acatian experience af the owsaers of Vai3 �pa and their gu�s�s, as well as ather visitQrs to Vail, with a ne�at�.tre impa�c� on the rep�#,a�.ian of Vail. The Tocan of Vail alust be sens�ti�e tra pr�e- servin� the �xee�len� vacativn exp�rience available at Va31 a� t��s time. Vai�. rnust na� apprc�vs requests far substantial �.n�reases in density c�f pra�ects wh�ch �i1.1 �han,�e the pleasant experienee ta c�n� which is �uch tor� simil�aa^ ta �he urban exp�ri�:nce of pec�p.�e w3�a come ta Vail fvr a chan�e of pace. . � � ' ^ �2 � Planning and �-ivirorsm�ntal Carrzm�.ss xan We will. have r�presen�atives of Wai3 Spa present at the hearing on March �� , I990, to pravide adda.tional irrput to the Corrunission's decisic�n. Sinc�re}.Y, VATL S ARD Q�' MANAG � 1 � N�ark �tlioht President MF 1�.h C�C: James Kur�.z-Phelan � � . ��,A 1 �� �� f1 �J�/Y } 73b F�reSt Rvad Vai�, CO 8Tf57 1 Littleridge �.a.ne �Q����a�, ca so i 1 a �����y �, is�o Mr. P�ter Jamar Associaies, In�c. Planning I?e�reta�ment A.naly�is Researeh Va�t NationaI Bank �uiiding, Suite 3�8 TOS Sa. Fr�ntage Rc�ae� West �ai�, C+C) 81b�7 Mr. J�mar: Tn response t� y�ur recent carrespandence, � musc confess it has been my l�+�pe far �ome �S years t�at something wo�ald happen tr� the Marriott, allc�wing for a dec�nt Iaaking buitdin� ta take its place. Sinee I have becc�me a West Fvrest Road resident, I feel even m�re strongly about this, the singulasly least attractiwe and ili maiu�tained (landseape�) s#n�cture in tc�wn. 'I'he new5 that t�ere were plans ta an rather than 11 z came as a shc�ci� to say the least. '�"he fa�t that the T€�wn of Va�l would canside� changing zor�ing laws to allow ar� unattractive tirne share structu:r� vrr its natura� resources in st�ch a visible are� m�kes me v��c�n�er. Is no one rnin�ing the store? �lI1CG�'C��"r �'�,�"�- �, � '�aT�tI2 ���'V�f rc: Vail Associates: Georg�e Gi1l�tte . VJ�st Forest R�ad Nomeawners Assoriation Vail Tnw�n �ouncit: �iondall Phillips, T�wn ]v'Ianager . � � � � �R(]�EAT S. ENGELMAN,SK. pNE FINAIVCIAL PLACE �j SUITE 918 g��! r� CH�CAG�.IL.sDS[75 � �,�,�� T��... [��a)sss-�oss ��� �C3 � dara�ue►ry �, 199() '�� �� ti � 99 �� � [� � . i.. • `* v � ,� �: � Mr. P+eter Pa�tem, � � ; 'tbw aP �a�i.l P3.e�naiag Dircctc�x � � 7� �rant.�ge Hc� Yail, C�olc�z�d;o 81b5'� Ikar Nr. P�tten; ���y-five years uga �e built our res�dcaae at �55 �st Fr�re et Ac�d. e�d, +�s la�g te.rm re�ident s t�Y Vail„ � rx�at tc� register a etrang c�b�ectiaa� to tb� prapr�s��3 zo�g �sis��3.ans req�ae�ated by the l�rriQt Ha�tel. I �upport i'�zl],� +e�7.1 the ab�ections ralsed it� the letter yau �ave r+ce�i�ed �rc�¢n Cix�� Jacobson. �i�c�rel,ys �f. S. � S�. RS�,��sh � � c.!e� MS. �#.�ue► Do�v�n - P`,O. Et�c l�OI� YBi� C414T'�C�Ci S�.IS�� , Q I Mr. C'�►.rle� �ris�t - P.o, Sc�c 1�82, ve�3i �oloxa�,c 81658 G � ,�, p � C � 0 + �.� � .� C� + � � - ���������� • ����� ' 531 LiansHea� Mall Vaf1, Gotoradr� �1f57 (303) 4TCr17'�� `'����t�' � ��'7?�� , '�r���7c�►C. �4� C,� �+ ►� r�� ��-t ������n��� -��t� � p�= V?�� � '�� `��-�� � ��,��r� �..v:,:,��, t� �� P�,��"� '��-� � r"-c€� f I� ,�'�►'�!'�.�� �� }��I'P�N�� �'� 1 N L�r 6,..�s�►�� �N� r�iMM�. Gr�.��7 i�f� i��t s �k--r-���, 7(� �.�`I�2,��5 r►� y �,u S v��'��-T t�� �i�1�5 ��C�J��� , � �� � ��1 r� ,g i7 D �� �o-�J o 1� i,r.�� J°R a�nn:�s-,� � � ����'S r ,���r f�R�a���� ,�i L� ��Z ,4� dpa S�7 ���. 1� �Dc.? �r2 i.t b r��,�+��� g�- �av � �G w�►' e� v� �c� n-� r���t t, . f�+� ���3�� � e,� o� �r�� S�� r��-- v r� c-r s 15 C'�U��s�f�+�i ���� 'r�� ���� ��. �►4+a t��7ro,�r�-� �+�2.� '���C"'1 L.�47�� ^� � ����r+��r�i���,� r� '7� Gi o+a5� l�E A • Sr�G t���--1 . ��`��S a��� , . � � . � �q2'�� �rr�u�i.vc �qwz�.c .�E.� So� c� �'irt+��ay �tu��� � �C►' �o��g �u. �2��T BERViGES.�. Jaauarp 19, 1990 Kr. Peter �atten Taxn af Yail Pl�,an�.nq D�.recttrr 75 5outh �'ron�taqe Raad Va��l. C�l+�radc� 81557 D�ear Mr. P�►tteri: I have a residence at fi35 f�est Fore�t Road an�3 it has came ta my attentian that it is Marriott's intentican t�a qet the spproval of the tor,rn of Va�l 'a plar�inq st�.ff ta build e�n enormous �i�c r�tory time share �►uildinQ �rith sixty-e�ven un:�ts r�rhich xc�uld be bui�t ri�ht vt� �ore Cresk, It is alsc� my uAd+��$tandiaQ �that this ]�Uildin� wcruld v�.o�ate all �e�ai�Q cc���s for the �rea. The l�arriott is e�lready bua.l� �ut to their maxi�um �nd this density r�as e�ren vver t�i� original allotment for the �rea. They xere a�s1e ta Qet �t through by �ettinQ a special district appra�al . of which none the homeotrr�ers on Fozest �aad wsr� +�iven aatificatic�n. �e can not believe that they are +�t the Tt��"s dc�or ■�a�n askinQ �or mare special f svora. � bau�ht thi� propert�► for it� privacy and eeclusian �nd I do not wsnt tc �ri�h fc�r the fur�.her encraachmen� that this build�n� repreaents. I belie�re thi� additian to the Ma�riott xill create a "New Yv�k Cit�►" effect eYoaQ G�ra Greek and in Qur A�iqhbc�rhaad. i+Te e�sv bel3.eve th�t i� thi� emcxvachmertt tr�re to b�e a1lo�ed it �rould create e�n obviaus "me �ta�" oppertunity for all ��►.�or develap�ent in Y�al, �Yem�se +dv �vt allvv� thi� pro�eet. Very tru��► pv�rs, F a. L�ndle� r bbs SLG:�rer ,� (�,�I�-YQ�a �, ('aa�J�a•v�r� �� (��qJ" a��-=�� '� f��)�ss•r�s�P �T,� Y � � - PLANNING AND ENVIRnN�ENTAL C(3MMIS5ION APRIL 9, 1990 es�nt Sta�f Chuck Crist Krist�,n Pr�tz Diana Danowan Tom Braun Cc�nnne Knig�it Shelly A�e�.,�� Lu�wig Kurz I�+Iike Mo�.��ca sim Shearer �enny Perry Kathy warren Dalta�n Williams Th+� Plann�.ng and �nv�rc�nmen�kal Commissifln meeting wa� called to c�rder at 3:15 g.m. by !Diana Dcsr�ovan, Cha►i�p�erson. Item Nr�. l; Anpr� a� of �ainut s far March 26. 1990 meetiha. ot�.an c�r a raval of nu e as wri�te was made h J m s�����r ��� ����na�a b� Chuek Cr3.st. VO�TE• '�, - 0 �iV' FAi7�JJR. �tem Na. 2 : re est for an exterivr t�ratic�n and a setback � �rariance for the I�ifthcsus+� I�odex�. lcscated at Hlo�k l. Tract G. Site C (555 East_L�onshead C�re�� A�al icant• �i fth�use C+andoaninium P�ss�c i��ion 5hel�y Mello presented the proposal explaina.ng that ther� were twQ ret�u�sts involved. an ex�erie�r alteratiQn �nd a r�ar set�ac}� �rariar�ce. The applicant was requesting the approval �.n arder to cc�nstruct �n additian tcs the Lifthouse th�t wauld add appraximat�ly Z17 �q. ft. of �common space for a Tobby and �45 sq. ft. foa� a coma�ron o�fice additian. The additic�n wou�d enaroach 1C� ft. into the �.r3 f�. setback csver an existing storag� shed. The vari�n�e �was necessary becau�e the ea�pansian wvuld in�cs�ase the �ionec�n�c�rmity af trie buildinc�. �'he staff �ecorn�mended approval of bot� the variance and the exter�or alteratian. The exgaansicsn wauld nat be a grant af s�aeeial �arivi�ege and there were na negative impacts that w�uld result from the a�ddit�.vn. The pr�apose�3 alterations woul� �.mprove the appearan�e af th� general �r�a and the l�uildi�g. Jc�hn Rost�lack, architect regresent�.nq th+� applicant, st�ted that he �elt he cr�uld nvt present �au�h mor� than what Sh+elly al�eady naa ����i��a. i � � . Shell� explained that there was no r�ddi�fonal parkirtg requi�ement - due ta th� fact the applicant was increasing � camm�n space, Ita�hy asked �ohn Rosa�.ack i� the spa�ce below the �resent dec�C, where it was curr�nt�.y wavc�, w+vuld be stuccv as sh�wn an the plans and John resp�nded that it would be stuc�o. They would rebuilti th+� fcundatic�n ar�a as �rell, aaltvn Wi�lfams asked if the ar�a underneath the stairway cc�uld be closed off in same �anner and �ohn $nswered that �t wvuld be �w�tward to d+� sa. Chuck �rist cc�mm�nted that he felt the proposal wauld be a great improvem�nt. Motior� f�r�_pnrr�val +�€ � SETBAGK V',�iRIANCE taer the staff �ema was mad� by Conni� Rni�c�ht and s�cvnded hv Ludwi� Kurz, VrJT°E; 7 �- � TN FAV+C�R. Mcstian far a�prc�val o�' an Eh'.'�"EF�IC�R A�T�RATION r�+�r the staff �emo w� h the fallawincz candi�ians was made by Dalton Willi�ms and s�canded by Jam Sh�arer. 1. Sta.irs to �awer l�evel opening be .�mprc�vet�. Z. T"he appl icant ��huilr� the__�aundatifln and stuc+�s� the �� _ � VQTE': 7 - 0 IN FAVflR, Item Na. 3 ; A request for a final p�at for a �a�vr suk�divisian arra �or SDD Na. 2�. a resubdivisian of Lots �.-19 � �loc� 2. Lionsridge �'i �r�a No. 3. ���li�ar�t: P�t Dauph,in�is. D�uph�.n�is-Mvseley C[ans�ructic�n. xri�tan P�i.tz exp3ained that the apglfcant asked to ha�e the �tem tabled ta th� next meetin�. Motian ta t�b�e item ts� �Me r�ext meetincr s,�a� mas�e by Kathv Wa��en an� seconded by 3�a�.�Qr�_W��,lfi,am�, VOTE: 7 - [3 IN FAVC]R_. � � � � Item No. 4; est v s° e se back v 'a � t �e�-���� Unit ��-'7� 4242 East Columbine Wav. AAVlicant: Kathrvn_B�nv�h Shel�y Mello presented the prapvsal exglaining that tt�e appli�ant was req�e�ting � varianc� frc�ra th� lD� side and rear s�tback requir�ment to allaw f�r the canstruction af � �28 sq. ft. additiQn csn the narth side of t��: ]b�xilding. The �xisti�g duplex unit er�nsisted of app�aximat�ly 92� sq. f't. af GRFA ar�d had an a1�Qwed GRFA of 7C��.94 sq. ft. under MDMF �t�ning. The variance requested �aars for � 15' encroachm�nt intv the 2(�' rear seth�ck and a 13 ' encrQachment into the 20' side yard �etback. Hi�gh�rn Terra�e was �► ananconforming �uhdiVisivn. Th� app�i�ant h�ad also �pp�.i�d for �ddit�.+�nal +GR�A ua�der 5e�ctien 38,71.(330, �"hs graposed �dda.'�ian wc�uld imga�� Lc�t f: to the west �nd wouZd increase the a�r�uz�t of shade t2�at wvuld b� ca�t. The st�ff ree�mmendati�n was for d+enial. The staff f��t that the varia�ce would be � �ran� ef special privile�ge ar�d t�hat there w�r� na exceptic�n� ar extravrdinary c�ondit�on� applicable to L�t "1 which did not general�y apply to vther properti�� in the same zane district. Era�c�i Hi�l. archi.tect repre�entir�g �h� applicant, p�e�ented a draw�.ng which s3�aw�ed easernents �nd parking. He felt tk��s addr�ss�d the �gecial privilege issue. Erich exp�ained that t�� d�stanc� �Setween structures �n the side c��" '�h� prvgQSa�, r�a� 31 ' . The�r haci a letter f�a�n Li�da Moore, Lv� 5 cswn�r, stating she had nc� prablem w�.th the a�ditivr�. Kath�r W�rren a�keci what the zon�ng was on fi�he praperty and Er�c respcanded I�aMF. Regar�ing �he �P�ade probl�em� Erich exglained that the shade �d�d nvt affect �he adjac�ent home� and only aff+�ct�d the lawn area in the dead of win�er. Cvncerning the special pr�.vilege issue, Eri�h re$texated She11�'s statement regard�ng th� fact that there had been 8 previous �etlaack �equests and o� these, � wea�e appr��ed. 2h�re h�d been �ansiderations fnr the setbac3€s. �h�e gropasal was a mc►d�:st impr�vement tca a mc�dest h�ome, K�t�y �enysh �elt that. Erich had stated �he prvpasal r�ell and had. nothing further to say, 3 � � Connie �night asked to �ee the �.etter from Linda Mavre, the - �eighbor oa� Lot � and Ual.�on ask�a h�w the rest of �he n��ghbors �'elt. �athy Beny�h ��cp�.ained that she txad a few other lett�rs and ver3��1 approval frvm the rest vf the neighbvrs, Na neig�ors were in op�osit�.+an. Rathy Warren asked Erieh to review the square fos�tag+e and Erich reporte� t�at the lot was 2025 sq. ft. ilnder 1�!iDM�" zoning 7�D8 sq. ft, a� GR�'�, wo�Id be allvwed. Presently, tt�ere wars 92� sq. ft, Th� edr�it�ona2 �28 s�q. ft. wou�.d be a tvtal propvsec� �f 1157 sq. ft, �athy Warren commented �hat the property was zvn�d MDMF and tk�at c�e�eral�y the setb2�ck applied ta th� whole property* n�� each build�ng. She fe�.t thi� was a h�rdship. The zoning did not r+�late to tlae reality of de�relopment within the �uladi�visi+an. Jim Sh�a�er asked �aw �ypical the request was and 5he1Ty an�wered that mc�st b�ilding� encroach inta the setback and few lats ha�re areas that th�y co'uld build upon w�thaezt �+varian�ces, ifathy Henysh �labarated explain�.ng th�t of 26 tctal hames, 19 had been added nnta and 8 +granted variances. Eric felt t�at it was g�ssible tha� mare var�.anc�� had been grant+�d p�iaz to annex�ti�a� in 1975. Da�tc�n cammented �hat the ent�.re area was C�amped but that this was t�ow it w�s laid out. H� f�lt that, since na neic�hkaar� r�pp�sed �he proj�ct and tl�e�e were hardships with s+�tbacks. th� praject wc�uid not be a grant �f s��ciai priv3.ie�e. �i�►r�a �agreed there was a hardship. � mvtian t� ant�rave the rec�uest �ar � sic3e and �ear setback per find�.nq C-2 of the st�ff inema and the �act that MDMF zon�nQ had be�n a��lied tcs what is in reality a P,� .�esidence �reatin a� �hysical 1�ardshi�a and unusual circum�tan,ce� was made by Kath�r Warr�n and secc�r�ded bv �,udwig_ �urz. Jim Staearer fe3,t that the prQpasal would be an impr�sv�ment tv the neighborhvo�i and would l�ke to see Kath� Benysh set a preced�nt by �dding la��sh lands�caping and Diana exp�ained �o Jim that Mrs. Benysh would be requireti by the aesign Re�iew Board t�o la�tds�ape. V�TE• 7 - 0 IN FAV4R 4 - � � - Item No. 5: A request f or a mai c�r subd ivision �nd ��r a maj c�r am�n�ment to �E�E� Nv 1� �n a porti���� P�rce� A, �,�on's Ridc�e 5ubc�iv�sivn. Filing d��. 2 [fihe V�l�ev �hase �IT� Ax�nT icant: Brad and susan Ti Qss+�m 1�ike Moilica �xplained �hat the applicant had requ�ested to table th�e �tem. A motivn to tab3e th� item was made b� Chu�k C�ist anr3 s�conded bv Kathy Warren. VdTE: 7,,,- 0 �,�i FAVC}R �,t�em No. f: e est o ma s� ent ta c a Develapme�t aistr�ct Nc� 7 [Th� Marriott Mark} in t��'c���' tv add 57 tim�share units and 8 � plcryee ha�tsina units. "can : at o r� t a T�rm Braun grese�t�d the praposaZ far �he staff descrzbing a bri�:f backgraund vf the praject and the justificatic�n far u��ng the �,and Use Plan for dir�ctian. Tam revaewed the 9 design eri�eria used xn evaluating a Special i3evelvpment Di�trict. Hased an the goals c�� the 'vail Land L]se Plan, it was app�apriate tc consider a request of this nature. A numk�er o� go�1 statements supp�rt the cQncegt o� tiraeshar� unit� �nc� infill develapment �n the Care areas. Th� task was to e�aluate w#��ther the desi.gn was s�nsi.�ive t� al�. �pplicable criteria autlined in the SaD sectian af the zc�ning cr�de. Tt�e staff �ecommended approval +�f the prc�p�sal amendment with the stip�Zativn that the deve3.ogers/vwnea� m�et t�e canditians fo�nd w�.thin the m�mo. Feter �amar, representing the �,p�slic2�nt, explain�d the changes made sinc.e the January work sess�.on. ��e FECi du�ra.ng the wark sessic�n, had asked them ts� decrease the ma�s and to pull the bulk back frc�m the creek. In respanse, the applicant pu�led back 2� ' from the creek �nd s��gped dawn t�.e height. They liad rec��ced �h� mass, incre�sed the green area on site and created a ravf garden area. They had al�m addr+essed the emplayee hou��n� issue. Ttae nriqinal applicatian had propas�d 3 em�l�yee units and they wer� nvw prapasing 8. He felt this was a good percentage. Peter felt that th� pro�ect was based +�n the Land Us+� Plan. They wer� fvl�o`aing the P1an Caxef�zlly as a guide. Severa:l c�f the Plan's gaals and p�licies suppar'ted a praject o£ this type in this location. �,n additi�an next ta a bui�d��g t�at already offers restaura�t�, transpvrtatiQn, and �hops as well �as it prc�ximity ta the Gandcsla was soun�l gra�wth. 5 � � - A v�.ew ana3ysi� demcnstr�t$ng �rie raass caf the �+�w ads3itien was presented. Regr�rding the d+ensity ir�creas�, the prr�ject wauld nD� be � preGedent. other hi.�h density bui�d�ngs include the cl�r3stiar�ia at 47 t�nits/�cre, Tivo�i at 48 uni.ts/acre, and the Var2aufe� at 8f3 unitsfacre. In �esponse to thase who felt frustraticrt� th�t V�,il was getting tv4 busy, Peter asked them if they wau�d pr�f�r the "I]ay-skier". He fel� tMat the "Day-skier" impac��:d the Cvmmunity grea�er than the "destir��t�vn-ski+�r" ansi �^ie Marric�tt prvj�ct wa�zld heip t� decrease �.he "aay-skier" and increase the "Destin�tian-s}�ier." They expect 9C1$ �ccupancy �n the tim�share gro�ect. Bill Burding, attorney representing the Vail Spa Building, stated he b+el��ved there �as a document in t3�eir �►rehiv+�s �rom th� Mark that demvnstrated that there was no intention ta build the third wing. The r�wners vf the vail 5ga purchas+ec� their units wit� that unders'��nding. He felt th+e add�tion would �reate +a large b�.cac3c�zge of �view. In evaluating the 9 review criteria, Mr. Burdit�q felt therr� were many discrepancies. eriteria "B" inclu�i�d a density �ontral and Mr. Burding fel� the incr�as�d density wa� nvt �ustified due td tt�e increase �n traffic, traffie study, and the l�f� turn lane that wou�ld �ae needed. Cri�eria "G" ea�ered a �c�rculatian system addressing ean and aff-site traffie �i��ulation, �e felt that between th� t�a��ciatt addition and the rumar�d highway flff-ramp, the Vail �pa Huilding will rgo from Fi 'fg7C�5t�.i]e" kauiiding tc� a �'city build�.ng." Finally, cvnsidering the p�re econamic�, the V�il Sp�a unita waul� be very cii�ficult tcr rent wh�n in comp�titian with a building such as th� Marriott which wc�uld th�n hav� a superior view. �alton eommen�ec� that the Coaamissivn had visite�i th� site earlier in the day and did ncat s�e �an� unit� t�at he felt w�oul�. k�e impact+�d and Mr. Burding responded that he �ould �ra�ride the Comma�,ssion with �t l�east �� uni.ts that waul� be impacteci and irrvited the C�mmissian to revisit the sxte. Lu�dwig Gon�curr�d with I�alt�on rega�c�ing the views. Manuel Marcus, a Vail 5pa uni�G vwn�r, ���,ted that he was in�vo�ved in the const�ucti�an ar�d sales of the units in the �ail Spa Bui�.ding. He s�ld 4tl of the 55 tata�. units. �en th+ey s�ld the units in Mexico, theY '�'�re sold under the premise tha� the zvn�r�g wauTd npit change. T�e buy+�r'� view was not to be aff�cte�. He xnstituted the rent�� psogram and unti� this �ime it had been great �v the extent that it h�� k�een makinc� th� mcart�age paym�nts for the cswner� sinG� the r��ession in Mexicv. He wa� afraid that �,he black�d view wuuld d+��r�ase rental rev�nues and therefor+� cau�� many vf �he awners tv default on the�r payments. Wh�n �h�y 5 � � � � built th� �vail Spa, they were f�rc��t to make sgecial des�gns ta � leave 28� �ccamm�n area. Th�y fr�ll�wed tt�e PEC ruling ar�d left the green�pace an+d fe�t that th+� Marri�att should not be given �xcegtians. If the t�arriott vas r�llcawed the grvpased ehanges, the V�il �pa sho�ld �sk far a density increase as w�e13. The I�arriott �resent�:d a lot a� prc�blems in�luding n�ise fram drunk peQpl.�. yelling and t�ra�fic ta m�ntio� a few. An additian wc�u�d enl�ar��� thes�: prc�bl�ms. Realisti+call.y, 57 un$ts waul� be 3(��0 awner�� Pedrv Marcus, a R1ai]. Spa owner, f.n�vited the C�vmmkssion to his unit. He felt his view wpuld be destroyed co�apletely. A3 �Tauser, General 3�a�n�ger of the Vail Sp�, felt that most of wnat needed ta Y�e �ai� h�d heen. He siso wante�d tv i��r�t� the Cammi.ssion tv �isit the VaYI Spa and fel� they wQUld receive a different f�el�ng of �he '�iew impact. Peter Jamar st�ted, in �esponse to the Vail Spa r�presentatives sta�€ment, that the Marriott had offer�d tv do a view impaGt study and they had declined stating they were commissis�n.�a�g svme�ne an their +�wn. The resu�.t of the V�il Spa"s study was nc�t �ubmi�ted by the Vail Spa a�►d �ie had vbtaineci the results z�nc3 handed at�t cogies of the r�pvrt �r� the Commissian. Thea F�umford, owner uf 675 Fr�rest Ra�dr read a l�tter from the her n�i.ghl�cs� �ppasing the cflnst�etian. &he had �.i�r�d in her ham� f�r o�r�r 25 years. In that time, the Antlers and the bulk of Licrnsh+��d had laec�me a ma�or im�act. She stat�d �he noise was terr�.ble �n the summer when they had their windows open. She alsa c�id not like the timeshar� concept. The �iarriott had already as�ed far 1 variar�ce, she �e7.t th�y shQ�ald no� be �iven anc�ther. Ed Mine, cwner of unit 5A Crossroads, exp�ained that he �did ncat have a dire�t can+�e�n k�ut rather a para�.le� cvncern. When he purchased his unit at Crc�s�roads, he had a view. Since. the time t�i� �iountain Haus was �aui3.t and blocked his view. He f��t this set � pr��edent. He had compa�sian fflr the: adjacent cawn�rs� �oa�plaint coneerning the Growds and noise� He wanted tv know if the dev+�lopment truly ser�aed the r�eeds of Vail. What were �eally the Tawn's needs and haw far shvuld the Toy�r► gv '�t� fulfill them? If the Camm�ssian �pgrave�d this pra�ect, when wculd they stop? H� al�c► quest�c�ned whether the number �f ea�p�ayee units prc�p�sec� was adequ�t� and I�ow tt�� transpc�rtation overlQad woulc� be hand�.ed. He f�It that the degr�€� s�f fl�xi�ility shc�uld npt be gi�ren preferenee to Iarger projects. When a singl+� family h�a�e wanted �.a e�cgand, the flexibility was not given. WW�iiy shvuld a �.arge project suct� as the Marziott be given the flexi�il�ty? 7 � � - Cin�y ��cobsvn, a Fc�rest �aad cswner, passed srvund a �oster with _ pictures frvm h�r �erap bvak d€�pictinq �he changes made to the - ar�� �ir�ce 1967 . She stated that she felt �he Wast Day Lot was currently z�ned �i�MF' and that there was still deve�apment potential �.n that �r�:�. She feYt there were prohably ma�y areas w�th the permitted zoning with de�+elopment pa��ntial. W�ay a11aw e�,ansion in areas that requ$�e var�an�es. To �uc�t�e the cxa�teria� she felt that if this was na"� a Special Privil�ge, what was? As far as trie noise impact, s�ae had co�ies of man� +�itations issued to t�e Marriott, She stated that the cre�k w�s nct � buff+�r, it a�mplified the noise. Cindy qEtoted the La�nd Use Flan as stating th�t the G�are C�eek shc�uld �ie maintained as open spac�. The �urr�nt r�pen space was �crt acce�sible because th� Marriott made it that way. Sh� st�,ted that the Marri�tt did nat off�r a Y�al�►nce as referenc�d �n page 31�. As the ap�endix �tated, �he felt that the apen �pace alr�ng Gore Creek shvuld be g�reser�ed and �eft undavelop�d. She felt the �and Use P1$n was l�ke statistic�, it could be intergreted �to �ne�t an individu�is ne�ds. Her prvper�y w�is "down zc�a�ed" in 1977 and nvw they are �'up zoning" the Marriott land. Tam JacobsQn� c�wner af 755 Forest Rr�ad, eaa�:�pla�.ned that he built his home 23 years aga. The �ar�kcs�t prvpasal saic� that the 2au��.ding was 3 stories by the Creek, �e caunted 5 and wante� to know how the number 3 was deri�ved. He agreed with trie other pub�,ic cvmments that the noise l�vel wa� w�t�ea�able. The noise wvuld be wvrse due �c� �he architectural design v� the builr�ing. �f th� Cornmissic�n is not gning tc► faYlawing the zoniang rec�ulations then why n+�t throw them out, The l�arr�ra�t was bu�1t to �ap�city and they had not dvne the ].andscaping pro�$sed wi�th th� last additivn. I� was ncrt fair tcs peop�e acr�ss the �reek, Vail Spa Q� �eswn r�f Vail, Greta Parks, owner a� 303 G�are Greek D�iv�, first wanted to thank the neighborin9 prc�Ferties fQ�r being present ta e�ress the�r opgosition. 5h� fe�t �hat the expansian ��s �.oa l�rc�e f'vr the the 'U'�1 l ey. � A1 W��ss, a West Va�l own�r, stated that he waulc3 nat be directly affected, but felt that attenti�n should be pa��i tv what �s neces�ary a�nd what i� not n�:cessary, Wh��re wculd the 13�ne be �rawn setting the pr�cedent�. H+e f+�lt that a pref�r�n�e had be�n giv�t� t�v �h� la�ge �,rc�j+�c�s. 'W'3Yen h� wanted to �expand his hrame in West Vail� he �cc�uldn't get an additional fc�at vver the allpw�d 25Q additional GR�'A, yet �ere the Marriott prvpas�d ta ga averboard and he found it ha�rd tc� beli+eve ttae Cammiss�.�n wa� ev�n ��,n��dering the gr�posal. He �elt � �mplayee u��ts for the expansir�n was negligible, He wDUI� r�ther ��+e 57 emplvyee u�its arid 8 timeshar� units. 8 - � � _ D.�ana Donovan, ir� r+espanse ta the �ublic �omment�, stated that �he Marriott prvgerty had n�a underlying z�ning. It was ar� S�D and w�tl� an SDb, f�exibility was al�o�ed. As fa� as t�e Maunt�in Haus was +�oncerned, �� w�a� b�ui�t un�der FAR zoning which was a �egal alternati�+� at the time, Tlae canstruc�ivn +�f the Moun�ain Haus w�s What +�ncaurac�er� �h� Comaai.�s�an t4 +change the xc�ning re�la�ion�. �iana war►ted the pubi�c ta know �that it was great t� h$ve them �►t th� meeting. However, the Iand u�e pv�icies were es�kablished during a Town wid� public prvicess, �nd were nc�w ��et. �he Co�i��ivn must follow the policies a� they were currently ��t. Jay Pet�rs�an want+ed ta r�spvnd �o the zc�ning issue w.�th a little hi sto�y. He state�l th�t in 19 T 7 th� Town c�f V�i l be+�an *down- z�ning" property, The �iDMF dist�ict was rQduc�d from 5D ta 25 uri�,ts per acre. �he "down�zrning" made maniy build�ng �c�n- �conforming. The concern was mare fvr vther a�ress, nat th� core ar�a�, He c+�uld understand the pu�biic's concerns� hawever� �ie �oulci fi�l the rac�� full o� peogle whr� agreed with �.he project. When the large density grvjects bega�n tc� b� built, the staff was con+cerned. Thrvugh a year�long �rQCess, th+� pub�$c �ev�Io�aed the Land U�� Plan. The grawth shauld be in area�s with transpQrtatian, and suppr�rt f°un�tiarrs already in pla�c+�. �efar� the Marri�tt k�egan th� prvpc�s�d pres�e�ct they Iooked �oward tt�+� Land Use Plan for direct:�an. H� understoad �'eelings c�f thvse a�fected. HaWever, the project da.d cc�mply with the �.�anc3 Use Fl�n and the 3��ard shc+uld make their +�ec�s�fln based csn the Land Use Flar► nvt publi�c disagreement r��v�r priva�� �riews ar Y�ecause �t wr�uld set � pr+eced�nt. Un].ess we were wi3iing to say. no to grawth, the�e wcsul� be cYzan�ges. The directii�an should be ccantro2led grawth. Kathy Warse� asked Jay Fet�rsan what th� basis was far the argum�nt that an increase of destination skiess wvuld decreaae d�y ski�rs and J�y expl�aa.ned that t�a� mc�re des�kina�ien sk,f�rs there were in the Valley� the �.�ss �Taf�l Associates w�uld mark�t to attra�t day skiers and Peter Ja�ar �cflncurred. Peter felt that Vail �ssociates mark�ting wQUld adjust ac�vrdingl�r. A1 Weiss ��ked what �ustified th� rush f'c�r th� Mar]Ciott prv�ect. R�ga�ciing the infarma�tian presented� he asked how much was fact, haw mu�h was fantasy, and hflw much was �ginicn as w�ll �s what was the affset tr� the Tawn? Ludw�g �vmmented that he agre�d with Tom in his gresentat3.vn th�t tt�e additic�nal d�vel�opm�nt was ne�ded and apprap�iate» He f+�lt 3.t was desirab�.e to su�tain gr�wth and rejuvena�.e what the Tew�n presently ha�i. He hvped the public ur�derstoo+d that �he b�ard did 9 � � , not have caneern for the t�arriot�'s p�rofitabi��ty. �r� terms of � qrc�wth, h+e alse agreed that c�ntrvlled growth w�s needed. fihese areas were �esignated and a�lr+e�dy deve�oped� why st�rt elsewher�. Conaernir�g th� promised lanciscaping r�at c+�mpletes�, �h� b�ard can rec,puire that tne imp�cvernents be completedi �rinr tv the issuance of a �certificate vf occupancy. I]alton e�I+a�ned that when he r3n far �'awn Cauncil, he talked with ma�y people and asked them %f they fel� the T�wn needezi grawth. Th�e cansen�us was, nat in my k��,ck yard, not in West €�r �ast Yai�. r�nd that it �ras ne+edec�. �iven �his, he f��.t that the graw-th w+auld b�. appr+�grfat� and that the b�aard shou�.d loak �.t t�he Land Use Plan fvr di�eectic�n and ths grvwth should be �onc�ntr�ted in infill areas. Cvnc+�rning the Gritieism regar�ing the landscaping, he wanted �� ensur� thr�se canc�rn�d that the prapas�d landscapinc� �would be completec� by requiring a Ya�nd (if t�ie project was can�mpleted during the winter} or be in �l�►�e pria� tQ an issuance of a temgc�rary certifi�ate of occugancy. Chuck Crist �sked hc�w many new em��.oyees t�ie project would require, Jay resgonded that the i�tfra-stru�tur� ba�ically was in p7l�ce �aith the excep�ivn €xf add��ional maie�s �nc� 1/'2 mainte�ance person. The prvjeCt wauld not generate as many emp�ayees as was percei�►ed. The €ront desk persc�nne�. would rex�ain the same. Chuck alsr� c�uestioned hvw em�playee gar�€�.ng was being addressed and Ttam answered that the �mplayee garking was factared into the re�i.red parking for the gro��ct, Chuck �e�tionQd Fe�.er's figures quoting e�e�te�3 accupancy s�f the timeshare praject $t 9(�� and Peter ea€plained that the figures were hased on off season "ban�s" time �ffered to timeshare �w�ters. Jay cantinued the e�planat�on statirag that the �umb�rs catae frvm the Marri:ott and were based c�n th� t�arriott's expe�ience w�th timeshar� prc�jects elsewhere. The Marriott used the times�iare prajects to increase the use af their restaurants, health c�ub fa�cYlities and other amenities during the off �seasvns. Chuc]� expressed his c�pinic�n �hat the current �arr�.att k�uilding was unattractive. H� asked if the Marriott had any pla�s to mak� the gropertX mor+� �,e�thetically pleasinq. �et�r �esgpncl�d that tk�e Marriott har� a 4 mi��ion dallar budget €Qr exterior imp�ovements. Unfartunately, the M�►rrirstt rec�nt.�y painted tri� �r�ild�ng and had not planned an �epain�ing in the near �uture. The mor�ey wa� ta kre used ta upgrade landscaping and vther such i�provements. ,7�� expanded by s�.atir�g th� Marriatt had a chance ta �ell the progerty h�t had d�Gid�d not t� s�ll and mac�e a cvmxaitment to tta� gr�p�e�t�r. 1 t� • � � Ra�hy Warr�n quatec� t�e SDD purgQSe �nd sta�.ed that in this case, th�re wa� n� underlyinq zoning. �he was ta�ally unpr�pareci to zaake a d�cision. She was not er�mfortak��e wit�h the density r,�ith the GRFA pr�agosed at s�� of the sit+� area. She di�in'� feel that additional GR�`A was the most apgrogriate use Qf the land ar�d f�lt that th� Marri�tt was �askin� fvr a lo'�. Kathy didn't feel that �hi� was contr��led grvw�h and was disappointed that t�iere was not mt�re csf a decr�as� 3.n d�nsi�y frc�m the work �essic�n 3n Jar�uary. �iat�y f+elt th� appli�ant cc�u3d dear�ase the heic�ht mor� as they moved away from the building. Her twa main �vnc�rns w�re that �here had tc� h� som� typ+e a� und�rlying zoning ar�d that th� praject needed tc� �� reduced t,� � m�re �reasonab�e de�si�y. .�i�n She�rer ssked Mr. I,�h�gh, one af the �arrivtt represerata�.i�es, if the Ma�rric�tt was pr�gared to wark wi�h the �own an t�he left turn lane �nd Mr. Lehigh stated tha�t ttze applic,�nts h�d agreed to g�rtieipate �nce th� tr�ftic �ounts h��d meen verified �nd a peraentaqe agplied. A forarula r��eded ta be c�etermined. Jim a�ked if th� prop�sed pathways w�re to be 1$g�ted �nd Ned Grrr�.thmey answered "yes". Jim alsc� questian�d wha'� th� calors �af the wa�.kways wau�d be and �ed �xp�.ained that the wa�.kways wc�uld be gavers and calor�d cancr�te and the streamwa�.k/bi1�e path w�uld �ie asphalt. Asphalt was the appropriate m�terial for a �i}�� path. Jim i.nquired what type materi�ls taauld be used en th� r�r�f ga�d�n and N+�d respc�nd�d snd. and shrubs, no l�rge �ree�. Jim also a�k�d what imp�ct wou�d the Marriott's gurchase af ��e Strearnsid� at Vail �imeshar� prc+jec� wauld have on the Marr�ott. Wouls� �hey �hare transp�srtatic�n. Mr. I�high exp�.ained that tt�e infrastru�ture was in g�ace. Jim alsa asked Mr. Lehiq� �f they ha+� planned to off,�r Marr�ott �meniti�s tc� Strea��nside guests ar�d Mr Lehfgh resp€�nded "no". �im exp�ained that per�c�nally rie had nat �decided whether tv approv� or deny the praject, He would d� the bESt he could in �h� interes� of the Town o� V'ail ta de�relc�p a reasgnable positic+n based on zc�n3.ng and Town policies. Tn ganeral, he �+ished th:e S�D process �ad a�c�re bvundaries. The quated a�rer height lim�t �rf ��' dic�n't reall� exist since the underly�nc� �aning �r�s an SL]D. He felt the additic�n wc�uld look better than a parking �tructure. He regretted t�e �mgact on the Vail Spa bui�d�.ng and West �`are�t Rcsad owners. He wa� rict 11 � � - impresse�. w�th the look c�f the existing Marriatt build�.ng. He - �aid that it wa� part of the Town's overall go��. t€� increase - a�cvmmvdatian units �nd he did nvt k,now, nvr want t4 knvw, how much an i�screa�e in T+�wn revenue it wauld create v� what the increas�ed prof.its wauld be far the 1�arri�tt. It did give the Tcswn 8 eaeplr�yee units and d�si ��em to k�e com�atilb�e w�.th the Tawn I.and tJse Plan. Ccrnnie �night commented that she fe�.t the prc�posed builciin� lr�c�ked great but that she didn't �ee any architectura�I relativnship �,r�d therefQre why relate h�ight and mass t� the �xisting Marriatt? Dia�a D+�nvvan stat�d that she dfdt't't h��e a prob�e� adt�ing density but not quite ,�s muah and the lvcmtivr� m�de �ense. 5he did ,na�t 1i�Ce t�� f�at �+aof garden le�►eI and felt t3�at archit�ctura� changes �ould k�e made tr� make the �c�iid�ng �eem l�ss dens�, She fe��.t tha� �aore density could be added t4 the landscage g�rden. She exp�ained ta the Vail Sp�'s �ttarney that if he f�und the documen�ati�n h� had sp�ke of earli+e� res�rict�.ng the additian, the issu� wr�uld be between the Marric�tt and the Vail Sga. The Tawn was p�c�bably nat partty to the agreem�nt. Uiana felt that tlxe Cc�mmission had fvcused tac� a�uch an �he ph�losophy rather �han the fact of the project and felt the board needed tc� study anc�re vf �he neighbaring prc�p�rties, �h� woul.d rather see the Garden leve�, k�e omitted and the buil�iing spread out and do^wr�. ,�he wauld like ta see the grojec� tabled until �he Commis��.on had more time tc� st�dy th� facts of th� groject rather than the philosophy af �vera�]. growth withir� �he Town. I�alt�on Wi�.x�ar�s agre�d with Diana that the d�.s�ussicn �tad become t�a philQSC�g�ical . H� also wanted to see the item ta�led. Peter Jamar req�est�d to tabl�: the matter to Ap�il �3 and Tom st�ted that the 23rd was feasible, b�xt that data wvu�d nvt be ccanfirmed until the applicant's pres�nted revisivn� tv the�.� plans. � � motian �o�_ tab�e the it+�m wa� mad� by �'im S�earer �►n�i s��onded �Y_ at W �Cen. �]'C?TE: 7 - 0 _I�T FA�J'QR c�F TAELING 1� " � � j �m '1• A rearuest far a ccanditio�al use for a �,ear�}ng e t r�w ve e s garkirag structure and t+� ac�d two new half levels c�f �arkina to the pa�kins� _��ru��►�re at th��il Va�.l�ev �Sedial C�nter an Lots # and F. Vy��l V�.11a�t� �na ��,na C 191 west_ �ead�w-- ��} B��+P�cant: Vai�. Vallev Medical C��ter. Krist�n Prit� briefly prese�xted the proposai explaining that t�e Vai� Valley Medieal Car�ter was propc�s�.n� tc� add twc� �j2 levels tc� the pr��ic+usly apgrvved parking structure on the nvrtheast cc�rne� of t1�e groperty. �n additicrn, a �a�rtivn of the facility �would be u��d fvr a L��rning Center Lab that wpuld focus +�n k�iorae��anic�l studies vf athletes as a �eans vf �voiding injury. She explained tha� �he t��c� letters fr�m the appli�cant s�ating th�►� n�, �.ive animal �es�earch w4uld b�: �conducted irc t�e faciiity. T�ae staff recomm�ndation was fo� �ppro�al of �h+� �and�.��onal use r�qu�st. The praposal wa� very complimentary to the vv�rall. master plan for the hospital �ite. Ther� would be nc� negatY�re impacts. If fac�� the concept c�� providing ad�itional p�rk�.n� beneath the approved parking r�truct�re was an eff�.eient use of the haspital site. Jay P�ter$�n, r+�presenting the applicant, explained tha� they were exploring the break-aut panel su�ggest�d �y the staff. Hawever� the� wr�u�d prefer not ta make it a canditic�n af approval. Chuck Crist c€�mmented that he had calculated a 17 spaC� re+quir�ment f�or the Learning Lab and therefor� a 9 sp�ce net increas� and Kristan explained t�iat the apglicant hac3 also ac�ded surface spa�ces mak�.ng a total o� 58 surplus spa�es a�ter the lak� was resnc�ved. C+�nni+� Knight s�.ated that the �c�nc� range plan was ta c�vnvert the space to parking and a,sked wh�re the Learning Lab w�uld �o in the future and Jay e�al�►ined that nothing �as s�t "at the present time. The �pplicant was in the prvicess vf completit�g � camprek��n�ive long rang€� plan. �he Learning T.�b cr�uld he rnoved ta a future addition +�r in a pr�sent building area. T�iana aske�d if t�� br�ak-c�ut panel tv existing sur�ace parking was sti�.� propr�s�d and Mr. Feeney answered that nathing frnm th� crigin�l prop��al ha� changed. �7iana �ti31 had � cvncern with Lc�t i0 �r�i.ng use�d in the pa�king spac�e aalculatfons and 3ay resp�nd�d that �.t had always �reen used in the +cal�ulatians. Dian�► stated that �he �ust didn't f�el comfartab�e sinee the 3ease c+�uld �a�e r�vc�ked with 3U day� nc�tice, 13 � � at' n fv �sva � � a rn w� ondi ' s as . �ollows was made by �udwig Kurz and sec�nded b� ��m S earer 1. No li�re ar�imal_ �.��'kina be allowed in the , a�m r�q �enter L,a�+ F�cility. p�ana commented that �h� wvuld vote f�r the it�m but she fe�.t that Lot 1U s2xc�v�It� n�t he in�l�ded �.n the tt�tal parking �igure. V�TE: 7 � 0 It� FAVpR Ite�► No. • A re�ruest �o� an e�. or alteration stream setk�acl� va�.�ance. _view ccarr�dor �rnendment. site v�e a v 'a ce _ a o ' ' a us c� deck enclosur� �nd new out�3or�r patia for th� R�d Lion ,�uildinct. ,�u�l '�ant• �'�ankie Tanrr anc3 Landm�rk pr�gerties Tam Bra�r� presen�ed the �changes as outline�d �n the staff inema. The vast ma�or�ty af the p�c��cs�ed changes were go�itive. Jim Mor�er eoncurred w�.th thase items presr�nted by Tvm Braun, The ]�asic �ch�anges �ncluded the elimination of anather raof l�ne, the deck acldition on thr� back si+de� and the resof Change to accom.modate the Rucksack pri�r�te v%ew as sugqested at �he 3�st me�ting. i�al�an wil�iams cvmmended Jirn Morter and the appli�ant fc�r respect�ng the grivate r+iew pf the Rucksa�}� +Cando owner. Jim Mcrter showed the new �anfiguration c�f the restaurant fans an the madel ar�d biana statee� th�t it 1.oQked like a gvvd svlutivn tr a necessary e�il. Jim Morter crmmentec� that he ci�d not �.ike th� prapcsai ta k�e called a "deck enelvsure". The area wvulci t�� �evered and canditicns a�pli�d tv the current windvws wauld be cr��tinued w�th the Rekord daors. As far �s the curze�t eandition� i�posed �n t�e windaws, the applicant wr���d iike the �pgar'�unity tv �close the doars dur�ng �ncl�za�nt weather. C€�ncerning the packet park, he felt i� they t�ak the plar�ter (by �he Sc��C�iwan re�taurant� out a�nd put th� t�ees at gra�3e� it w+�uld apen the ar�a up. The appli.ca�t's plans we�e to r�pair and point, nat re�ria�e+e the hric3c w��.l. They wvuld li}�e tv kee� the character of the ol� hrick w�ll. Jim Shearer pc��nted out tha� ta fix the wal� v�u3.d �e expensiv� �nd �7im Morter stated that they wera aware of �he cost �nvv�ved. 14 - � � .' Jim �Qrt�r, regarding the prxvate condo entrance, fel�t it �ras inagaprapriate to have the entrar�ee to � �aulti-million da�.lar c�nc�o ec�me unde� the entranee to � eh�nese �est�urant. Reg2�rding the 9 ' enclvsure. if it was nvt apprvv�+d, it was possible that th+� re��. Qf �.he re�taurant im�rovements waula nvt be completed. Jay etat��d that he understo�d the staff's po�itivn to not consider the economics e�f a �raject. Hawever, from a gractica3. standpc�int R th+e �],r413z3B'�Gtr must maxa.mize �he reventxe gossibilities. He felt th�t the �pplicant haci given a ltst and was r�ot �s]cing for muc� as p�cesently pro�osed. Jim Marter then ��lain�d th� rear de�k ,�rea and the extensive land�caping that was pr�pvsed. Yve�nn� Mu�la3y, 1��ucksaGk Condc� owner, q�estioned the v�l�dity of Mr. Slifer's statement ef the Mi�3 Creek Condomia�ium c�wmer� agreement w�th the prc�ject. She s�oke w�th ar� Qwner within the �.ast week wh€� �i�d no knowiedge af the pr�ject. 5he stat�d that sh+� anc3 h�r ht�sband h�►d dinner with the Tangs and that durinq the cc�urs+e af the dinner, Mrs. Tang made the �tat�men� that they were �exgandi�zg because she didn't like thg view f�om her li�inc� rvaffi. Yv�inne fei� tt�e �a�c�j ect w��ld reduce her progerty valu�e. Yvonne �lso questi�neci how th� trash wvuld be rema�►ed �nd Dian� �xplai�ne� tc� Yvonne that the trash wv�ld be handled in th.e �ame manner that ft was current3.y being handle�3. �°om Braun exglained the vther it�ms requested in addition to th� exterior a3teratir�n and �iew cr�rridor amendment. The str�am set�a�k vari.ance was far �n area tha� alr�ady w�s in the s�tback. The Canditiana� Use Fermit was fv� the rear ciining deck and the site ccaerage variance was fc�r a �� Qv�ra+ge raf what was a1lvw�d. T�ie pe�rmittes3 �overage was 84� and the requested caverage was 82�k. '�"he agplicant was prvposing a 23 sq. ft. net gain which was a .2�� i�creas�. �ene�al co�cerfls weze ��pressed r�garding construction durinq the sumr��r �and Diana expla�ned that the Tawn had strict guidelines for tra�fic c+antrr�l arnd managing cvnstructi�n impacts. Yvanne exgressed concerns that �ven th�ugh the �ppii�ant redu�ed the bui�ding �ass to grc�vide some view, there was still a deck in the area. She was a�so co�cern�d aba�at the nois� lev�l that would increase ftam the rear dining d�ck. Y�anne questicned whethe�r th� applicant was using vau3ted c+ei3.ings. She f�lt that if there were �raulted ceiling prap+as�d, the applicant cauld �aw�r '�ta� cei�.ings in vrder t4 provide h�r a view, 35 � � Jay, in response ta Yvonne, s�atecl that Rc�d 51i�'�r had �- rapres�nted that tl�e prapvsai was accept�d by th� eandomin�w7a associa�i4n. That when asked at the Iast m�eting �f the cvx�dominium baard os all awr►�rs had r��c�:pted �k�� propc�sal. Jay had stated that he did nvt knvw. Appar�ntly, sv�e csf the owner� wi�hin the Mil� +Creel� Condvminiums were n�a�. notified by the represer,tative af th+e As�a�iatian. Jay did not vant th+� PEC baard ta feei that he h�d misl�ed them. Sici Sehultz. representing Bob +�al�rin the owner of ? ur��ts on the 2nd floar af the �ii3.� Creek build�ng, st�ted that Mr. Galvin had nv knawledge of the praje�t until. the last week. Sid r�ad a letter fram Mr. Gal�vin. �`he paint Sid wished ��o �nake was �hat r�gardless of what Rc�d S3�ffer had represented as president of the e�ndomir�ium associati�n, there were a num�er esf owners whv were r�c�t aware o f the prc��ect. Greta� Parks, representing P�pi Gram�hamer, sta.�edl th�x� Pepi was unable to stay far the meeting and had r�eque�ted her ta read a �e�ter fram him in op�o�ition. (L�:t�er attache�y D�ana Danovan acided ta the r�corc� a letter from Margret S. Burdick in supgart o� the g�v�ec�. (L�:tter attach+�d} Connie Knight felt that arch�.te�tural3y the 9 ' d��k encl�osure along Bridge St, was pleasing. However, sk�e was nct fc�r the en�l�sure an the East sir3e vf the �uildinq. 5�i� was adamantly oppcssed to encroaching a.nto the View Corridvr, She was �gainst th� �ariance an site �overag�, Basically she was against all c�� the request with the exceptian �f the 9 � deck e�closure. Jim S�iearer asked the lea�e�s of the cammercial �pa�e what impacts the �' deck are� hae� anr� Ja� Ray r�esponded. She explained that they had been owners af the restaurant for a little aver 1 1/2 years. Sh�: had been in the �restaurant business for approximatel�+ 2� years. She exglained that the 9' area simply did nc�t work. It was like dining in a �h�llway. 3�ost peopie �3o not like s�ining alone and cansequ�nt�y, her sta�f did n�t pay as much attenti�n to the area due tc the lack ef customers wha wi.shed to s,�t the�e. �f cav�red and enclo�e�1, the space could be ut.�li�ed in the winter a�nd summer. �Cathy W�rr�n asksd �f th� maximttm ridge height was unc�er �he allvw�d 43 feet and Tvm �espanded that it was 42 .f' , xathy wished t� thank th+e applicants fc�= t�eir d�Aigent �ffort it� workin+g with the PEC. In g�neral she wa� in favv:� af the exteriar �lteratian except t�e 9' deck enclasuxe. 5he felt the deck area did get used contrary tc� l�rs. Ray'� statement. As far a� the Rekcrrd daars were cancerned, she feZt that the ap�licant �hvuld b� a}�lc►wed ta clvse the daors durir�g inclement weather. She f��t it was a�cceptab7,� ta a13ow the applic�nts t+o �epair lb ' � � � rath+�r t�an rebuild the brick wall that the hrick wal� was defxn�.teZy a par� cf t�e �tota� 'project. The bri�k wa11 should he address�d even ,�f the Rays' did nat fc�llvw thraugh wxth the co�ner�i�l pvrtion of th� prt�gosa3.. Kathy h�d na pr�blem with the stream setback variance re�uest an�i the �anr�it�c�n�l use far deck dYning (on tl�e east �idey was acceptable. SY�� �ppre�iated the r�gp�fcants k�eeping th� r�ar deck an their own praperty. Regarding the site �overage, �iathy felt it was the "nature a�' the beast". �tesgonding ta Fepi'� latter regardine� the numb+�r vf varian�c�s �sked fr�r, she felt that what was being askQd fvr was sma11 in pragart�on and the T�wn wtiu�.d �ae �aining prc�tectiQr� from future expansion,. Chuck Crist fe�t that the mcsdifi�ativns t�s the r�ar dining deck were good. He was in favr�r af the canditional use p�rmit far the d�ck. He was supportive of the site +cove�age var�.ance �nd the stream setback variance. Regarding the exterior alteratfon, he f��t the applicants had done � gvvd �ob. �huck liked the �tekc�d do�rs and �+elt the applicants sh�uYd b� allowed to clo�e t9-s� dc►ars �iuring inciemen�: weather a� �re3.1 as at late night hours in arder tv reduce the nvise to the neighbors. Chuck alsQ had no prablem wi.th the 9 ' deck enclvsure. Dalt�n Williams was in fa�rc�r af th� stream setback, sit+� Ceverage variancew condi��vnal use pezzn�t, and th� outdoor gatio. He �elt that the R+ed L�r�n building would nc�t in r�a�.�ty �ncsoach into the view carridor and �herefc�re was nat i.n oppa�itic�n to the am�nd�ent. He greatl;� appreciat�d the time t�i� applicants h�d 3�nve�ted in wgrking with the neighb�rs. 'Unfortun�teTy, not all pevple �an be p].�ased with a project of �his si.ze. Daltan felt the v�nt�ng wa� a great �mgrovement, He �uggested in�es'�igat�.ng an acoustic material to be used if th� ve�ts �were n�aisy. Ne suggested that th� restrictian on the dvors be e�tpanded �a t�at th�� w�re required ta stay apen� wea�ther permittir�g, Year'round sv as tQ �offs�t the closing of them du�i�ng in���ement w�eather during the sumrner. As far a� cicssing t,he doors at nighti fvr security reasons, he recalled that i� r�any ca�es �d�ring the summ�r the Red Livn h�d typ%cally clasec3 �s early as 8:Ofi7 vr �:flo p.m. a�.ltc�n did nat wish tc� see the +doQr� closed any earl.ier th�n 10.3D vr 1].:DU p.m. and would like ta see �hem openeci during the morning. ]7a��ton was� not in favQr c�f th� 9 ' deck +�nc�.rsure. H� �'elt that with th� R�kc�rd do�rs in pla+�� with the cur�ent structure, th� � ' ar�a would be c�pened up. Ludwig Kurz felt th��t mns�t �f his fe+�l.ings had been ref�ecte� by �he rest of '�he board. In general, som� incanvenienc� �aas gc�in9 to ha�p�:n �nd h� ��ngathized wit.h th+� Mul�.alys. However� t�e feit that the develo�rers/owners had shflwn sensitivity �nd r�st�aint. 17 � � . H� agreed with Kathy Warren �hat the brick wa�.l needed tv be repaired by at l�ast Qne vf the applicants, I� the Rays' did nat - fcsllow up with ��e coaur�ercial improv�ments the Tang� �hould be respons�b3.�. Le�dwig did not feel there was any appre�ciable ;�nfringement in�� the View Carridor. He �`eIt t:he appli�ants neede�i tc be cvmplimented. Dian� pon�v,an al�� yri�hec� tc� �ompliment the appl.�cants �nd felt the imgact cn ttae Rucksa�k build�ng was unfQrtunate, Stae ���.t that m�st af the req�a�sts r�rere simple technical�.t�,e�. How�ver, the View Carridor amendment �did cc�nc�rn t�er. She �wvt�ld leave th� decision to the sta�ff �s tv ho�r to h�andle the amendment, whether ta mvve the line c�r change th� picture under the line. She �csuld prefer not ta see tt�e line redrawr►. fiechnically �he agreed with the restaurant owners regardir�g th� 5�' d�ck enclosure. Sh� asked �n r�t�urn the TQw� r�ecei�e same benef�ts to g�blicly us�d a�esas. She �ugg��ted that th+e applicant �hange the apgroach tc� the stream tra�t c�n th� east in arder tc make it more invi�ing t� the publi�, As �.t presently looked, she felt it c�ee�e+cl tr�o pri,vate. 5he w�ulti a�so �.i.k� to s�e the agg]:i�ant �spruce up �he �plaz� area by the private candami�ium �nt�ance and th� Sczeet�wan r�staurant by adding a bench, more landscaging and reconf�i�uring the newspager baxes. Ja�y responded that he felt the applicants w�uYd b� willing tQ wvrk in that area. pi�na liked the old brick wall �as long as it was �cepaire�d. She felt the restric�ians on th� wind�w� neec�ed to he cantinu�d t� th� Rekord doars. 5he fe�.t a sta�emen�. of inclement we,at�er was tov much a mattes cf interpr�taticn and felt that the staff was r+�asonab�e and weuld nct cite the �pplic�nt i� tri.ey clr�s�c� the ds�ti�rs during a thunderstorrn. All wir,dnw� Iv�at+�d in st�cco areas shvuld be re��ssed 3"s. �'he v+��ts shoulci be �tate of the art. She app�e�iated the consideration g�v�n ta the Rucksack views and i�el�t trie rvcf forms were much better. She f�lt it was imperative that the public area in the rea� vf the huil+ding look gublic. She sug�gested stepp�ng stvnes be used to affset the hard straight walk pr�sently there. 5he also liked tt�e restrictic�n the Tangs were willing to imgvs� vn the GRFA. rn general Diana was f.� favor of the r+equests with the foll�awing cv�aditians: 1. tiRH require rec�ssed windows 2. Red Lion Loga reapplied tta the new bui3ding. 3. The applic€�z�ts wa�k w�th the Town tc� he3p find a solution to traffic prabl�m �,n the �arkfng �nd Transpertatican study. 4 . Any trees kil�.ed be replaced. 5, The applicants wQrk with Winstan �nd Ass�ciates with �mprovement� in the plaza �rea by the Ru�ksack including a cur�r�d wall, hc�nch on pl.a�t+er wall, newspaper bvx imprnvements, condo entrance, �and landscaping. 18 � � � = 5. The s�tream tract 3.mprQVe�e�ts be re�esigned tn en�cour�q� public �ccess and s�ream bank st��ilizatfvn on both �ides c,f Mill Creek. 7. The entry ta the Bridge St. Condo should nat be vf�s��l+� fram Bsidge Street. Jay w�:mted �he board tc Ienow that trie �'angs wou1�3 make all exter�.ar alter�tivns exc�pt the twa �deck�,�en��osures. The �arick wal� dnd plaza would be redane. The only item that wauld nat b� c+�mpleted hased on the approval of the 9 ' deck en��.osure would 3ae the Rekc�r�i dQOrs on th� f�ont anc� rear af t�ie builc�ing. A mation,�or apn�ava�. v� the ���'E COVERAG'E V,AR�ANCE per th� taff em� w de b ath Wa e cc�nde b t Wil��ams. Vo Fos A� ot�on c�� approv�l r�f �he STR£AM SEfiBA�K V�AR�ANCE t�er �the staf� emo w s ade b Kath Warren � seconde b t William�s. VD E• +5 - W H OPPOS mc�tian or � rov�l t e CC� I� N USE � � e staff inem€� was made k�v Kathy Warren and seconded bv_�Tim Shearer. VOT C 7 - �J TN FAVO�R A motion fo� a�p.rav�l of the EXTERIt3R AL2��Per e staff inema �.nc�udina the staf� recommended ct��ditic�ns of An r�val with the �Qllowinq� additic�na� condition� c�f �va was made Jim Sh��,re nd se+�onded C uc �ris�., -- 1. As a ,�,art r�f th i s �devel n�ment. t�e ���3�i a� ts �3�e� c�i paint and rep�ir the br�ck wrall �long Bridq,�t.reet �z� in the area af th� sma�l n�_�i_��a at the northwest cvrner af the site. Improveme�ts t� tttis plaza shall so 'nc ude a�adin exist�n be e es lant�rs ews a � nd tras tac.�e flG��' az�d l�nd�cag'�n,.c� . �. T�e stre��sca'�� imt�rouements �hc�wn a�on� Hanso� RancM �taad are cvnsidereci conce.,�;atu 1 , a�d ��:e_appl��s_ �hall ac�ree tv wQr with the st�ff and Winston �ssc�c�.a�.es in re %nina th�s desian rela�ive tc� th�v�il Village Stree�.sca�e Plar� '�his conditivn �sk�al�. al �pply tc� the pTaza �rea referenced in ccandi�ioan Na 19 � � . €�nd t�se 1an�s�ap�e imnrovemer►ts prcapo�ed ad�,z�c�nt ta � Mill Creek. � 3. A�� win ows Iocated an stu�co w�l�. ��ane� ��a��l be r�cess � a minimu� af 3"r •.�. 4. St��.� r�f the art ��ntinc� _shal� be used tv �,duce Pegative impacts [srnell�. sa�ake. ete. l emanat�,ng from �he site. 5. �r erldevelaue�s of t�a� r s�,d+�ntial develo�ment on �his s�.te �sha�1 acxree t� t�ermanentZv r+��trict �ros� R���d�r�tia� F2oar Ar�� �GRF� . k�ui�.din _eir�ht a�d dens�ty on this si�e to what is r���mitted '�v thi� �,pproval. The fivwn af Va31 sha�l be � par�v tc� this restri�t�on and the �es rictic,n shall Dbe re�arded with the C�erk �nd �tecordes's Dffic� at E�g],�: ��Untv* f. Any tre�s datalar�ec3 or,�ki� ed wi�hin twt� yea�s vf the c�m eti�n r�f this rv'e� s a � ka� e �.�ced w't �'mi�lar size and t�r�e tr�e 7, 't°he Red ion lc�cao shall be r�tained as a pa�t +�f this �edev�lcrpment �.r� �pprox�mately the same size and a ivn. 8. The develc��e� /�owners are _strc�nal�r efi�ouraged t�s �a��ici��at� �.n devel�rn�n� �olution�_ tQ traff�c. I�a�din,3 and delive _probl,ems in V'ai1 Villac�e_ 9. 'R'he �ekard �ioors (ar �ther ty.pe of windc�w system ,�nsta],IedD to the Rec� �iran �tes��urant �long Bridcte Street �ha�l rem�in totallv a�err during busi�ess ho__u__rs between June 15 and Sep��rnber 15 af �ach ye��, Th�se win�vws mav be open�d at anv cs�h�r tiane drarin4 t�e _year ,�t the disc�etiozi of the rest�►urat�t manaaeme�t. 14. The a�anlicant sriall cc�m�alete �tr+� �-bank ��abi���ativn r�av�k an both sid�s of Mi�l ��°eek over the entire lenath o� khe Red Lion nrc�perty, _Th� fina� �esiQ� and mPlern�ntat�o� of these i�nprovements shall �� sub e�� tc� review bv �.he staff ar�d t � 1�esic�n Review Baard. �.1. e owners sha11 a �`e� to artic�. ate 'n and nv reznonstrate aaai.nst a �peci�.l imgrav�ment distr'ct in tr,p VillaQe if and when Qne is fnrmed. vn��• 5 - 2 W�TH �(3NN E K�t HT AND FJ�TH�' W N OP SED 20 � � � A matic�n f��r �h recommendatian at aunrvva to tt}e Tawr� u o t�� V EW CD R a END T e t e �taff �a w�th the follawi�nc� cor�ditions �ras mad� 3�y Chu�k Cr�:st and sec�nded �v_ ��th�_War��n. 1. �"hat t�ie__photo depi�ting View �orrido�. 1. �e m_odif�ed ta re�lect the new Reci Livn Buildincr at � �ime +�n e e ans'o. et�d e amrn� ss'o e�erred tt�is a1t rna ' s o osed to ❑d' 1 `neates e v' .d �. '�hat the s�e�if�,c r�ascans jra t�ifvYng th�� re ec u�,�t b�e e t reamb d' anc thi am�ndment. _ - W� NN'� GHT SED �tem_No. 9: ;�WCG�]G Mt� - W.��dern�ss Lea�,slat�Qt�t a�ril 12 . 1990 �'orm 9 t?a � m, 3;�(� p m (Silver �r���s1 Kristan explained that the F'ederal Wilderr�ess Legislation me�ting �rvu�d b� h�1d at the abawe menti�n�c� time and pl�c�. Th� me�t�.ng was �nteresting thaugh attendees wh�ere nat allowed ta garti��.�ate. D�ana exp�ained that tY�ere was a �harge �nd �he Town was ex�rected to cav�er th� cost. Ite Na, lUt Reschedule E� me�tinq�,��Y 28 �M�maria� � Yl to �ur�e 4th.__ i]iar�a �tated that th:�s change was apparent and asked the members to nate the change. � The �neeti.ng was ad�vurned at lo:a[� p.m. 21 � � �a.stt��� - " , �CdR1S��f111TI�C, �f1C. Telephone:3031476-5S2fi Pepi Gramshammer 231 East Gar�C�s�ek C?rive 5hsika Gramshammer Veil, Golarado 81657 April 9, 199(] Planning Comm�ssf.on Town o€ Vail 75 S. Frantage Rc�ad Vail, Co],orado S1fi57 �e�r Me�bers af th�e I'lanning Gv�nission: Vai� has became a very �uc�essful �ki resc�rt. We're �onstantly working to improve our town and u►vnntais�, and it is ,� war��ierful place. Now is a �ritica� time far us, and we must take the right steps t+� �a,air��ai� rhe unique qua��ties c�f vs�r tawn and cant��l the grawth �f t'�e Village that ��erycane loves. As many older build�ngs in Vail Village are remodeled, we musC "be caref�l to ma�ntain the scale on w�ich th� Village was vriginally desigr�ed. The issue we're tal,king abput today coace�ns th� Red 3',ian's request for var�ances ta add twa stories to their existing besildfng, wthich wc�uld almost doub�e the�.r s�,uare fa�tage. If this is al�c�wed tt� take p�.sce, the precedent wi�� ]�e seC for the expans�.an of other bu�.ldiags, which wc�uld add many, many square feet ta the Vil2sge core. Where does 3.t stag when so many vaxian�es �re granted upc�rs request? With increased density wi�l come many negati�a� iutpacts, in t+�rms 4f deliveries, garki.ng and trash removal. These wil� be Iong t�rm, nc�t temparary, prab�.ems, Far so many years, tfie Vil].age,has been a canstructian zane in th� sum�er. Just when we thought �11 of the cvnstruct�.vn was ctrmp�etesl, we`re starting again? And, Zet us not forget that enormvus increases in gzaperty tasces far al.l Vail Villag� business cawners will result from such expansion. - If the Red Lion construetio�s pra�sct � wffi3a 4 storfes — is appr�ved, c�ther �huildings wi11 fo�,low suit, and Bridge 5treet saill be like a shaft of �Sigh rises, wi�h as�ly e narrow �,ralkway for foot tr�ffic, With �ncreased delivert�s, etc. , if there's one car gasked an $r�dge Street and anath�r atte�pts to pass, ther� will �e no roa�m far pedestrians. � urge �*o�s tca eansid�ar sl� of �he imp3.�,catians af the Red Lion's reguest �arefull�, sa t�iat our taw� ea�a grow grac�fulTy and functiQn gr�per�y. Sincerely, � � �� � � Papi Gramshamme� • � � . �+Ftp��*.�t a'. �3.tadr� �. �. �r��v � fYp,r[!, [�O,�ufo �163s Apri3 9, 199p To: The Pl�a�iag Cp�anissian ?vwn o� 'Vail Vai2, CQ Fratot fiarge 8ardick P.�. Eox 1268 f�+ll, Ci7 81b5$ T am s+ri[ing �on�ernfr�g the propoecd �ddltlon Cv: �he Red Lioa Iua Aparim�t 3U� 8rtdge SCreet, Ya1Y, CO B1b37 Mrs. 0s��r Tang, ozrsser Harter Archtte�ts, aschitect The lalueprints and aade2 rere �u$t sharm La r�e aad I raa tol� the CRFA c� tbe prap�ard additica ie 9,82i S.F., �e�ll uader ths a1laKed 11,164.32 S,F. The oassin,g lr attrac- ti�elq dcaae a�nd hae a grate.€ul €Eow Co it, There at! three uaite propased iti lieu af �sight uaita al�taved, Frankie Taag has �hrnm her usual good taete in deafga� vhich pTeased me. !ty decp incereet in ttris pre�ett stane fruu the fact Chet I.arry Burdicic �nd I built the Red Li�n Inn in 1962� and t'tsat apartmeni r►a� my hame. Thfa plan br�S�s a ptoud Iegend of r buiidl,ng back ta 13fe. The present a�er af the apartbent and [he Iessees of the reetae�rant aeem Lo be working vell s�+ith anc anvthe�r fn the eprpareee plsfl et tlre frant af the restaurant and che nev expansipn of the apsrtmemt. It vaa brought ta u�y atteaotion that a �sa31 imount at apace an Che front, northvest side vf the huilding is c�r�auJns�k cS. �u+�la+� J�. t�. L�ax i2�7{3 �1�t1, L'al��'n 576�8. needed [o �e it+cLuded i�n tht covered yatin. i umderrtu�d that need �d hope you teill bC able to allav it. T�e iessce� ;rill tsRVC a �hvrt tfine tn rstvup the Iosi of fuads �pmd+ed fox the �mpswments, d�se to tht r��in#„ng Lfine iLn their ieaae. It is ca�endable to se tk�s[ they are srillizsg to �ake so great a contributis�n [a this p�szt. �iridge Street rae Yail'e first atreet, our first bPeck• The Red Lion Iun wee Ctse f 3rat pri�atel� aaned restaur�nt and skitra £rom Vail �ad t�e �enrld ekec ihex+e. Yt i� i+art of V,a1I's historq �ad did ant dsserve tbe sl�abbp trut- ■ent it hte recttved aince being wld. Nvcr, this psopaaed plan ahwld bti.ag Sridge Stscet il�e atq9ls it n�ed To haWe aud if it ie �cceptebls ta gou, I, foa os�e, v311 5e f 1llasl with grstitude. Si�c�rely, � ������ lL�rgst'et 5. 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This i�em w�as tabled at the app�icant's request after lengthy ciiscussian at �he PE�"s April 9th meetin�. A num�ie� af design ch�ng�s ha�r+� b��n m�de in respQnse ta ca�nments made by t�ie P1a�ning Ct�mmis�ivn. Privr ta finalizing tt�is rec3esign, the agplicant'� have ��quest�d a work se�s�on �iscussicsn wf�ri �he Cammi�sion. It is the �nten�ian af this meetit�g tc� cantinue the April 9 d�alogue and allow the Cvmm�ssfon an appc�rtu�ity t+� c�mm�nt on the revis�d �des�.gn. �he following paints h�.ghlight some of the �tssues that wa_rrant d�scussivn at this work sessivn. y� Heiqh� and Mass �f th� Prop�see� Adc�itic�n The pr�rposed r�d�sign +�lim�.nates mass on the north, sau�th and �east sides of �.he adciitia�n. '�'hese un�.ts h2�v� been r�lvcated to the cour�yard area, The build�ng height i.s generally within �s � , �riis rede�ic�n r�sul�� in a n�:t gain of c�ne tim�share uni� (58 units) whi�.e maintaining eight empls�y'ee unit�. .�' esiqn Gcam,,,patibi�.itv �rith Ex�st�ncz �tiil_dina The apglicants have agreed �o regaint the �iarriat� Hvtel �.n ccanjunction with this eacpan�ion. Whi.�.e nv ghysiGal �chaa�ges ar� pr�po�ed to th� exi�tin� structure, it is th� applicant'€� intentic�n to lighten the cvlor af the exi�ting ?auildi.ng in vrd�r '�. tc� relate to the prvgvsed addit.iany � View_��np�acts on Ad�acen o�erties �.rrangements hav� been mac�� wi.th the Vail spa tv vi�.w the prapos+�d expansican from a var��ty of different units, The app�.icant� are ev�.�uating alternze�ives for demons�rating tY�e ridge lir�e of the building'� narth ��.evation ir� the f�.eld in c�rder ta evaluate i�pact� on tY�e V�il Spa. � � �f Exis�i�q Farkinq Structure �'here was canc�rn amon�g some Commiss�,oner€ that exist�.ng p�rarkinq wa�s partia��y exposed on the west aard narth side ❑f the project. The a�plicar�ts have modified this design tv minimiz+� exposed parking area an the ncrth, and t�t�lly cvver the parking along trie �€+�st side of' the �truc�ure. Whi�e this dves sereen the parking, i.t rai.ses the questi.on �af the buiiding setback alr�ng th� w�sterly property 13ne. PreviQUS direction frvm �h�e G€�mmi.ss�an encouraged t�e applicants to ke�g all new building mass 2e� back of this prc�perty line. With �he groposed r�design, a b�ilding addi���n �a�ul+� be within 5' of the west proper�y line. i�nderlyinq Z�nincr Adc�itianal research has revealed na n�w infs��rma�it�n relative to this sites under�ya.ng zaning. The c�ri�inal ordinance tt�at cre�ted the SDD in 3977 made nc� reference ta �nderY�ing zoninq. There is no question that there was zvning on the site, however, the staff has been unabZe to determ�ne with any degree �f certainty what this zaning was. It is La�ry E�kwith's feeling that the SiIQ could ]be amended withou�, urnd�rlying zoning, but i.f the Gcss�snissicsa� was desiraus �sf applyxnc� an underlying zvnin�g that cau3d alsa be done. If that is the desire af the C+�mmis�ivn, it would require repub�.icatic�n of this application. , ` Develvpmet�t C��tparis�n c�f Ad-i�cent I.�ots °�.f' The a�ccvmpanying chart in�Iicates the exist�ng deve�agment an adj ac�nt praperties. Thi� was dnr�e tc� �rc�v.ide a cc+mgarison of these properties re3.ati�te ta the d�velvpment prvposed an the Marriott site. As indicated by this t2►ble, tt�+ere are a num'�e�r af properties devels�pec� beyaa�d wMat 3.s prc�posed on �he Marric�tt si�e. 5taff Recammenda�.i.an The staff is nat g�resenting a recammenda��or► at thi� time. It is the inten�ion af thi� �aeet�ng ta �continue the dial�rgue that taok plac� on April 9t�i. It is the int�ntion �f th� apglicant to hav� a far�nal review with the Planning Cvmmi�sivn on �iay 14th, and th� st�ff wi.].7. present a complete recvmmendation a� that time. 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S�-,rT� a— ��� 6 —� a, �-t �� �2,, ,� � -�,, �:k� �.,� �.,. ., r.,,� � a � , —� � ' . ° � • i>i . , . _ ��: - -- --- �� --r I —� - .. _ — � --- - --- -- —� � ' � � �� M y a �� PLANNI�G AN� ENVIRt]NMEN'I"AL +Ct3I�MIS5IC3N �,P��L 23� 3990 Prer�nt taf Chuck Crist Kris�an Pritz D�ana Donvvarn T�3a Braun CQnni+e Krtight l�Iike Mollic� Ludwic� Kurz Penny P�ry �'�.m Shear�r Betsy Raso�a�c� �Cathp Warren 5ta�f Abset�t �emb�rs Absent She�.1y Mel�o E7altan Williams The Planning and Envir�aLmental Cauunission me�ting was ca�led to order at 3:�0 �.m. �y Diana Dt7I10V�3I]r Ch�irperson. It+em Nv.___�: . r�val +�f m�r�ute� c�m A r� 99�D eet' . �iana aonovan felt there were s�me char�g�s she needed to dis�cuss w.�th Tom before agproving the minutes. A motion tc� table the minutes fr�am the Ap�il 9. 19�{� �as ade b S earer and se�c�nded b Kat T�a�ren V{7TE: � - C) IN FAV4R It�ia Nr�. _�:_ A requ�st far a final plat fo� a ma ` r ssubdir�isiQn and far SDLr No. � a resuhdi�r' sio ts 14�k 2 ians id e ' in �c� 3 . A,��1 ' �nt• Pat Dau�hin�is aau�inais-Moselev s uctic�n. K'��stan Pritz �xplai�ned that the agp�ic�nt ��quested tQ ta�le the �tem until th� next meeting. otion tcr b e th�e item unti a 14 9 �} was �ath� Warren �nd s�conc3ed bv Ji�n She�arer. VOTE: fi - tl_IN FAV(�R �tem Nv. _3; A recxuest for a maj vr �ubdi��s i�n z�nd�Qa��3�r �nenci�en to S'Dd �I� If on a ga;�tior� af Pa�ce3. A, .�;P�on'S Ridae ubdivis'an F�.linr� l�o. � Cth� Vali ev - Ph a s e �,�.�, �p "� ��ant: Br��l and usan T°iossem �ike Mo��.ica pre�ented the project e�lainir�g that the applic�r�t w�as r�que�ting twa Beparate ftems: a pz�lim�.nary plan �or a majvr � � � •�_ sulat�ivisivn and a m�jor amendment tc� SI�'D Nt�. 1f. �Sike r�viewed ;; tk�� �ppropriate critEria r�eia�ing ta the ree�uests foa�nd w�.thin th� memo. '�he st�ff recommended appraval af the prelimin�ry glan for the Elk Meadow� subd�.vision and the amendment t� SDD Na. 1+5 w�.th conditions. The progosa� basically fallowed t�ae underlying Residen�ia]. Cluster zc�ning �nd Planned Unit I}evelopment xon�ng original3y approverl �iy Eagle County, �athy �arren askad tv see �he grevi.c�us plat th�t had heen appr�ved ar�d inq�ired wt�ether the small sethacks and rQOf averhangs hac� �een addres�ed and Mik� expla�.n�d that �11 af �he bu3,ld�.ngt includ�ng the overhangs, was requir�� to be within the �onfines af the building er��*elope. Kathy a�ked if the GRF'A vf tt�� emglc�yee dwelling units was in sdditivn tt� the allow�d GRFA anc� Mike an�wered that ther� wauld �e no additi�nal GRFA, the emplc�yee units w�uld be included in the 16, (3U0 s�. ft. af GRFA all�wed. Ludwig Kurz fe3t �here were many pc�si�tive p+�ints segarding the prc�pa���, He �iked the r�ductian in density. He alsa �ik�d the al ignrnent af the road i�he way it w�s pr�spQSed, in vrder t�+ gr�eserve the �eadc�w area as much �s pc�ssible. Chu�]� Crist asked if there woulti be an additiana�. tap fee fo�r the emp�.ayee unit and Mike exp].��ned that the tap fees would be up to the discretir�n of the Upger E�,gle Val.ley �Water & sanit�tiaaa District. Chuek alscr asked if a h�m� �.hat in�cluded an emp�vy�:e unit wo�tld require covered parking and Mike expXained that under current regu3�at�ons cavered parking would indeed be required fvr a hame with an +emp�oyee unit. �;a#.hy Warren ask�d wria� the setbacks were on th� previc�usly approved plat and Mike explainec� �hat they were approximately the same. Kathy stated th�t sinee the setba�lc� rMter� the same �he could appresue the �ar�rje�t. I�t �dditior�, she wished to knvw how addit�ional parking wcruld be ha�dled �nd Kristan explained that there wer� no �Sr�visions fvr additional parkir�g. Each home had a num.k,�r of parkinc� spaces required relati.ng to GRF'A. All required parking must be on s�te. Kathy c�mmented that she tn�ught the prvj��'� "1�7ok�d +goOd't. Jim She�rer had n� ma�vr conc�rns with �Re prc�ject. H� wa� alsa concerned about the parking �ut was mare camfartabl� due ta the pre�a.ous ea�planativn k�y Krastan. Cnnnie Knight wi�hed ta clarify whether t�Ze i�auphinai� �ubdivision emplr�yee units were in a�kdition to th� a�law+ed GRFA ger the SaD. Kris�an e�cg�.ainer] that the�* wea�e in r�dda�tion �� th� alT�wed GRFA of �.he new SDL� 3�ut did ncat exceed th� GRFA �hat wau�d have been applied with the underrlying zoning. � • � � �•. . Di��� comm�nted that the 3�ui3ding envelvpes where �at all the �ame size� yet the a�lawed GRFA per envelvpe was the same thraughaut. Sh� questic�ned hc�w this r�vork�d �nd K�istan +explained tha�. i�he variation in the siz� r�f �.he bui�.ding envelop�s �a4��� present na prr�blems build.ing. Chuck Cri�t asked ra�hat the site cc�verag�: was aa�d Kristan exp�air►ed thz�t they were allow�d tv b�ild �n essentially t�ae wha2� �a�te with the �x��ptivn of the s�tb�cks. �otio fa �cs�a e r imin a w"th and'tivr+s er he taf ine a as ol wa� de Warren and secanded by Chu k Crist. 1. he develo ment v e� b i din e vela e w � com with the rock �11 mitiaati�n �epar�s tar�pared by Nicholas Lampiris Pra�ie�t Ge�loc�is� and I]anald �� P+ettvqrat�e P.�.,� Pro�ect Man�a�r with Bar�ne�' Associates Inc SucY� re�aorts e da�.ed Feb a 23 . 1387 eb ua 25 987 June 987 �un 987 July �2 1987 and �Sarch �,2 , 1990. �nd wi�1�ae keppt vn fil� in the Tt�wn's Cornmunity 1�evelonment Offices. E��h individual l�t t�wner will be respansil�le for �ompl�ting he ha�ard miti atifln fr�r their lot e he abt�ve na�red reports Thi� �estr�ctian shall b� no�ed _�?n th� �inal Plat. v s - 4 �N ��vo� mc�tican far a r�c+�mmendat'vn t e T� a�zn ` a rc�wal c�f th� ma 'or amen�men� e SDD o. � w`t .f+�llowinq canditit�n$ p�r the staff �emo was ma��l� b`5� K�thv Warr�n and ��cc�nded bv Ludwirt Kurz, 1. �'hat apprca�ai Q�' th� maiar amendm�ent tv 5D� No. 6 be �c�ntingent ut�o�i PEC �tt�tart�val af the �`�nal P�a�or tk�e ubdi�ris�nn. �. �'hat the deveZa�a�r canst�u�t a min'rnum vf �ane emnlovee dwe��l,ir�g unit and tha� said employee dw�llina unit be �part af either the first Qr �ecand buildi a oer�ni�. �`or the. pra�ect, F��� e�p�.oyse dwelling units shall �ee� �he crit�ria list�d in 5ectinn V B.� s�_�f #��t�ff e . 3. �'hat no p�rt c�ns of any building sha11 �xten c���r tk�e btaild�nq env�lca�e boundari�s 3 � � . •; VC�TE: , +6 - 4 IN FAVOR , Item N�. _4: An a�pp�ea� e a decis�,on of the. zc�n�na �dminist�ator. pursuant to Sectian 18. 65.�p�p �� the zonina cc+d�, rega�d�nq ��ie Town's_defir�iticn of +�site cc��ae�age" [SeCti�n 18.Q4 .360� �pec�.fic�lly as �,t r!�lat�s to Lvt 31 f �3vck ?, Vail Village Fi�st Filincr. A,�niicantz �im �or er. for H.__Rc��s P�r�t, Mike Mvllica expl�ined that J3.m Morter was r�presenting Mr. H. Ross I�ervt. �im was appealing tt�e decisi.csn �f the staff �oncerning the definiti.vn of �'s�.te cc�v�rag�." Th� requ�st befo�re the PEC centered �rc�und the Tnwtl af Vail Zoninc� C�de definitic�ns of "sit� coverage" anc� "Building." The applic�nt's pflsi�tion was that "b�ecause the garage wculd be tata�ly c�avered by existing gr��3es (the s�te c�ver the garage wi3.l be t�tken back ta �.ts orig�.nal grades and Iandscaped ce�nditians} , �h� gar�ge �ras not cavering the s�te. " TY►e st��f b�lieved that th� garagc was indeed a building as defir�ed in the Cd{�B.r the garage r�qu.zred new grading �nd did n�t meet ��€isting c�rades� and da�d not supprart the app�icant's pasit ic�n t�iat the garage should ka� consid�r�d as a landscap� feature. Tfi�e staff cvu�,d nc�t support the applicant's request and felt �he c�arage shouid be �ncluded a� �ite coverage as d��ined in the Town's zani.ng code. Jim Mvrter explained that he w�s ncst disagreeing with the definitir�n vf "building«" He feit tne g�raqe was �defin3tel� a building. He was disagr�e�.ng with tne definitian c� "si�+e co�aerage." H� felt th� bui�.dir�g did not ceve� the �ite, the &i�te was cc�vera.ng the bu,ild�ng. He alsv wished tn poirit �ut that current3.y th�re w�s nc� parking an the site. �f the �,ppeal were nat gr�nt�d, the Qn2y o�ti+on wc�uld be c►n-gsade parking �rnd t�+a carve inta the si�e. He showed an e�.evatian Qf haw �h+e �ut wvuld 3.or��c; The retaining wall would increase 1� tv i9 �e+et, Jim stated that re�ardYe�s af the on-grade parking imp�ica�ivns, the prpp�s�ed garage wc�uld nat caver the site. The site wvuld cvver the garage. Jim explained that Mr. Pervt wa�s c��f�ering t+v landscape the area acrass the street where he pr+eser�tly parked on the Town's prvperty. �'he disagreem�nt wa� the d�fi.n�tic�n of "sate cov�erage, " Chuck Crist askec� Mike if, in fact, accca��ii.t�g ta Mike'� �cal�ula�ions, the prap�sed grades wauld not be exa�tly �s existing, rather it ���aa b�e 2 ' l�igher and Mik� cQncurr�+d, Jim e�lained tY�at they wauld b� mt�re than happy tv br.in� the gLrade ba�k tc� the vrigina� height but he fe}.t that i� they were gcing 4 . � � r� , . , ta complete the pr+�ject, they sh�ul� do it �arr�ct�y by mak�ng it more a�:sthetically pleasing, i�athy Warr�n fel�t she had to agree w�ith the staff. She vf�we�3 the pra�ect as an earth she�ter. Simg�.y be�ause the �u��aing wr�,s buried �ras not justifieatian fcr det�rmir�ing it nat to be �ite coverage. She �elt tha� �f �t was cc�mpletely heiow grade ra�her tha�rt on grad+�� with an entry, it was site �overaqe. J.�m Shear�r felt it was site c�verage. He did ncs� �r�rant to �et a pr��edent and felt it would b� very dan�gervus and could he c�stly €�veral.,1. D� the othe� side, h� felt the Co�mis�i�on had an abligation tv the '�crwr� of Vail ta �nsur� t�at projects "Iaak+ed gavd"' and fel� that the grop+��al wvu�,d Iook better than what was �resently there. He i�e�t the proj�ct ne�eded a solutiort }�ut that an exception tc� th� ciefiniti�n of site �eaver�ge was not the apgrapriat� means. Ccsnnie Knight ask�d wt�at the sq�xare footage �� the garage was and 3�+Iike ar�swered I10a sq. ft. Cc�nnie stated that the propasal brc�ught back t� mind the Hriner pet�tion to da new construetivt� unc�ergrroun�d with a garage �ay. This was a s�t�sack r�quest, but, she fe3.t i� was r��evant. 8�r�ner fi s re�ue�st was denied and s�he f�].t she n��ded ta k�e consistent and deny the Ferat a�rpeal. Ludwig K�r2 stated that in g�neral he a�greec3 with Jim Shearer. The Bri�er request was fc�r n�w constructic�n and the P�rot prn�as�l was far an add.�ta.c�n t� �n existing buil+ding. He did hop� to see the �r��ect accomplished in a way to psovide vr�-�ite p�rki,ng but did nat �e�l the s�te coverage appeal was the cc�r�ect av�nue. Dia�a �onovan agreed with I{athy Warren that the ga�age was �efini'�ely a bui�ding an� mu��. �aunt as site caverac�e. She suggested that Jim Morter look for anatner ayenue and Jim asked if I}iar�a was referencing a prvicedure or desfgn and Diana answered "�sot�"i." I?iscussian �cen��red �araund clarifying "g�rc�un+� level" and gen�ral ag^�reement was reached �hat "gresu�nd le��l" was tha�t area wh�re � person could drive in�o th� garage. A=motion to deny the a�peal and upt�ald the s�aff �de�i�ion e e sta f f inemo �as ma�de at Wa en and �c�n: Chuck Crist. '�]'QT^E: fi - D IN FA,V4R ��' 17E�1`�A�, [�F fiI�E P,FPEAL �Thi3.e the a�pli.cants fc�r �tem No. 5 were setting up visual �ides, the Commissic�n skipped ta Item Na. 6. 5 � � � . .. . t�m o 6: ���aintmen� of F£C memhe o � a � � Trans �rtat' a o c . Chuck Crist Vo�unte�re� for trie Task Force. Item N�. 5: A e est or or s s�ion a a me ent t�S�e�ial D�v�l�pment Dis� itt Nv, 7 [��e �arr��tt Markl in o�der �� �dd 57 time�har� uni�� and 8 em �v �e �us' ts. A �lic�n�• Marriatt Cart�orati�n. �om B�aun exglained that the item wa� tabled at the �pplicant's requ�st after ��ngthy discussion at the PE�'s Apr�1 9th meeting. A nwnber �f d�sign changes �ad ��en ma�e in �espanse to ��mments m�de by th� �lanning CDmmission and the applicants had reque�te� � �or� s�ssion priar to f�nalizing the redesign. TQm highlighted d�siqn �hanges as �aund in the staff inem�. Peter Jamar wished ta ��arify t�at t�e Marri�tt did intend tv c�ntinue w�rk�ng with �he staff and the �ommissi�n. They aished �v wflrk within what was �eas�nab�e a�d meet the gaals and �bjecti�es �f the �own. They had t�k�n �uggestians from the ��st meeting and �ade changes, He bel�e�ed that th�y had sincerel� ��i�d �� r�sponde t� all the �ssues. Ned Gwathmey explaine� that he had reduced the m�ss by maving th� raof ga�den �� the edg� ta ca�er the garage and removed 1 fla�r level. Ned pointed out �he chang�s an the e�evation p�ans and eompare� �he chang�s on the b�fvr� and �f�er m4delg. Regardin9 th� rec�loring of th� existing Marrxatt� the appli�ant had �gree� t� cammit to t�e tie-�n �etween the tw� �uildi�g� and tv e�iminate th� d�rk wv�d coior. The initial th�u�ht wss t� flip th� color t� be light with d�rk trim. They h�d not com�mi�ted to the calar and were �pen tv suggestions. �athy Warren felt th�re �as sti�l tva muc� GR�'A and too many unit�. 5he did like what th�y di� with the mass, h�wever �rehitect�rally, she Iiked the ather building bett�r. SMe was still not camf�rtable with 93� s��� cv�erage and 47 unit/acre. The �uildings �epresente� on the comp�rison cha�t pre�en�ed in the staff inemo were �uilt prior ta zoning enactment. There we�e re�sons the zaning wa� c��nged to av�id hi�h density projects. �undamenta�ly, sh� was not 4pposed t� add�tivn�l de�si�y, but �vt s� much. 6 � . � � : In response to Kathy�s cappc�sitxvn te► high density, Jay felt that th� dawn-zc�ning wa� a�imed more at the Qutlying areas, n�t the cr�re areas. get�r Jamar stated that one Town af Vail Goa1 $� to try tfl acquire �his �ype af unit, and tha� th� groject fit e�rerything else �xce�t density and GI�'A, �a�ar alsc� felt that this proj�ct wauld �ump vitality inta L�onshead. Kathy said that they had fnpu� from pe���.e aga3.ns� the pra�rect �ecause �hey we�e ca�cerned ab�ut the increa�� in density. She wanted to know if there wa� any supp+�rt for the grvject. Jay responded that a hugra num3�er vf pevp�e in Liansh�ad suppart �he concept, Jay added tha� he d,idn'�t lake tcs �ring them in durinc� thas part vf the �racess. Peter �amar pa��nted au� that the Land Use P1an alsv �ugport�d tlne prvje�t, Discussian c�f u�dating th� L�.r�d Use Plan fvllvwed and T�m said t�at the dacum�nt was designed t� 3�e lonc�-ten�n and revis�d e�re�y three to five years. Tcm al�❑ added tha� regarding t�e goals and �olicies �f the �anc� Use P�.an, ,�t did sugpart this type of gr�pr��al. Rathy said �hat st�e wou�d feel mc�r+e �Qmfprtable a.f �eople we�e brought in who sai�3 ��ey wer� in s�tgport of the proj�ct. Peter Jar�ar said th�� they �ad actuall� tc�ld pec��le to stay away. Kathy repl ied that the gec�ple could w�ri�e �etters or sigz� �► pe�itYC�n, Re�b Levin� said that he presented the idea to his bvard and that tt�ey �u�a�aarted t�e idea and that they r]id f�el it wauld add vital.ity ta Lionshead. K�thy �aid that k.nowing th�t c�id make a differen�� tv her. Kristan said that �he was v�ry +�l�d that the app3i�cants were nat �aringinc� in lats Qf people to push fvr th� proj�ct. It was impcartant t+� lc�c�k �t the Z,and [,�se Flan �i�d Sp���.a� Deve]l�pment District criteria and �ase ths decisic�n an that. When the staff makes a decisic�n, they must bas� ths deeision on goais and pcsl�,cies that are i� p1aCe. �h� felt i� was imp�r�tant t�at th� Planning Camrnissir�rs use existing reguTatia�s �nd pvli+cies. Jay sa�d that you have responsib�lity ta the neighbars, He added that rie did have �c3�acent grope�ty �wmer� g�.ve input �nd have �ame laac}s with revisians. He felt the project did r�fl�ct man� view points. Connie asked if there was �nythir�g tv e�aluate the SDD vn and 7 � � - , �ristan responded that ther� wer+e nine design criter�a. Krist�n . ac�ded that the staff re�nmmend�ti�on wa� b�sed on the f�ret t�iat � the plan was in cnmpli�nce with all nine criteria. Peter Jamar point�d aut tv Connie that the chart on p�qe � of the memr� was a Gamparis�n anci that triQy were trying to fa�l within thase garameters. Connie replied that she felt there wa� sti�I too much GRFA ��d she also felt that th� �ie�ign �aas no� as gvod. Cannie felt th�t the lancilord was be�.ng too gre�dy and blo��Ciflg some of their +�wn views. �ed respc�nded triat pec�ple did nat buy �ra assigned unit, they purcria�sed a floating unit. Jim said that tte had forgotten to a��n��on that he wauld li.ke ta see a maa�sive plantins� �n the w�st �levation tv hide part of the p,�rking struct+ure. Diana sa�d she w�u�d l�ke ta h�ve underlying �oning tc� utf.lize wt�en an applicant, at a �,ater date, asks for other approVals. She felt that it was esserati.al. She di�d feel also th�t the new design was a �reat imprc�vement. I]iana felt that there was nc� gsok�lem with the density, th�►t th� Lar�d U5e Fl�n states� t�a,� yt�u should add density where same alread� exis�s. �7iana wandered w�iat the �'awn of vail was getting. She was hoping the Tc�wn woulci gait� mor� landscapin� and mare �mplayee �tnits and she wauld like tQ see more landscaping on the end taward the bYke path. K�sthy was hnping that part vf the tap �loor cvuld l�e moved back to increase the view �rc�m �ai3. Spa. Ned r�p�ied that he c�uld cttange the proportion c+f rt�ams and cvuld push it ha�k T5' . Dian� felt that it was a neg�tive impact on t.he hik� path at present. Peter Jamar said th�� th�re would be a better moc�el at th� next meeting. Bil� Burding, attorne�r repr�senting V'ail Spa, fe�� this was a step in the right �iirectic�� that the �?uiTding waa xieing push�c� ksa�k. He still felt a 58 unit in�rease wc,uld increase traff�c drama�i�ally. �ie adde�i that with the off-ramp �dded plus the added traffic to th� Marriott, there wot�ld be � definite chang� in th� neighbo�hoQd. Jay �'etersca� a�ked Bill B�ard�ng if there were �ny other concerns an� �ir. Burding responded that there were not �ny mcre �o�ncerns and that �hey appreciatec3 the applicant'� interest. Jay a�dded that �he Tvwn w�s chanqing, that what w,� see now i.s nat what we were gQing t� see vWer t�� n�ex� l� tc� 15 years. i3iana stated that sh� �ot�ld rather cee the e�.�ri+�r unit be empl.o�r�e units and �� yQU neesl m�sre �Iensity �he wvuld rath�r see it in Lionshead than xn the Villaqe and would rath�r see ft n�ar tk�e Frantage Rnad i� in Lianshead. She felt that 3.f ma�r€� dens��y � � � � r_ 7 • was gvi�g ta be add�c� that this ].c�cation had m+�rit. She statec3 that she felt �.hat Fvrest raad was re�ider�tial, this was co�.mercial and that the added �ensity �ere had les�s impa�t tl�an if density w�re added to a�y ather building along G+are Cree3�. Kathy f�lt the sa�theas� carne�e lot�ked �vre like � mc�tel. Sh� was ccanc�erned abc�ut the �pp�arance on the west elevation. She did nat want it t� 1QOk like a parking structur�. Kristan stated that if this was gvir�g tv gv to th� Plannin�g Cc�mmission pn M�y �4 � she needed all drawings and apglicatican rnaterials in her c���'ice by April 3c�th in th� marning ta allow tim� tc� review, �ri�tan ques�:i:oned the use caf an �xnc�erlying zoa�e district. �'ay sug�ested Hir�h Den�ity Multiple �'amily. piana sta�:ed that i� under3.y�ing zvni�g was �sed sh� did nvt want the ffiema to say that this pra�ect. did not f it the zc�ne di.stri�ct. P+eter Jamar �tated tha�t an SDD daes becc�ne very� sp�c���c, and �herefc�re it mi.ght �e simpler to ha�ve mere3.y an SD�, that his p�r�ana]. preference was nat ta do an untie�J.ying zoning. Tom reminc3ed them that if th�y did n�t dv �he bu�lc��ng they would have to came b�ick �nd reapply. Kris�an stated th�t was ta�hy she woulc� like to see some un�eslying xoning. Diana Felt that anyane cc�uld ad�,pt an SaI�. She added that it would ncat b� smart and that it wou].d k�e complicatec� t� �dd underlying zaning naw. 5he wou,ld like �a do the s�D and then add underlying zaning. �'am reminded the bc�ard that the unde�lying zon�n� would n�ed ta be part of the ardinance. �7ay s�ated that 80� vf tl�e site wa� HDMF. T�m ��lain�d that �,ar�y Eskwith's apinivn was that existi.ng SDD wa� nvt necessary c�r r�quir+�cl to adopt an und�rlying zoning. Kristan felt tha� the list gf us�� was tY�e most impartant gart c�f hauing und�rlyirsg zaning. Tam said that the rest was alJ. determin�ed thr�ugh reui�w groeess c�f an SI7D. Diana felt that u�ua�.ly the uses an the underlying guide�ines were the main is�ues. '�iana said that a.n this particular praject it dc�esn't, but that if they came back for other requests, it ���r�t r��i�. A rnotion to tab�e until I�ay 14. 1990 �aas ,made b� Rat�Y Warre and secandeci b are VDT£• 5 - (] Th�e mee�ting adj c�urned at aPproxim�tely 6 z�c� g.m. 9 . ti't. �, � �� " _ �' �� � ' " �*� • M , ` \ � � ",� '�1� "� � � � � � � '� � `� . ` -� • .� fi, � � . ., , t � `�.� � �• � 4 � ! i � . +°� � `.,� � . � ,� � �,;� �, � � ti � � � � � � � � � � � � � l� � �4 � � �I 1J 'y � 1 • e +"�7 � � � � � � C'J � �., S A�, !�, �`' S'�, � � � � - � • '�' �.� �, -• ,� � � , �- `� �� � q � : . � '�;..,� t,� ,�� � � �,`•- ��` ' � L ' v`� ��'� �. 4., `� � �. � .. � � .. �-�. �, � `=`� � � �� � .. �; �``' `� � � .,� -�.,, , �. ti, �, � � . � , , ` -: '� `� �. t��' ', � � �' � ��,, � � 7 �� `� �4 � "' � � �,1 ..�`� � °�. �� +�� i �. �..�� � � � � � � r � � � � � � �.. n� � � '�. � � � '`-:., � � � �,,� � � u � ti `�h � '":. � "�,� h, ti - �./ �„ •� � � � � � �• '�`` , � ti '`r ,..� � " � , � L . � -� � tl � � � =� , .. � ,� � .� �� � � ..a .� � ,� . � � �. . � m A � -.�,�„ . � . , '� �' � � ,. �, � �, . . � �� 'yx��t�, � � " � � `� � �'�', , ��-*`• � � J �i Q ziJ � �a �r ; � �+� (( � 4 � 1� _ �. � '� V � � �'�! .�' � � �E ' �' `'` �`ti,, �`�, �.' � °��y � � *..: � � � �� `.' � ,� �..:. � ,�' '� v � � � — . � �, • s� :,,, �' �' � `� , , �.. � �� { �,,, � �� h � '� � � �, ° ' �. -�r � � `�' � -.�,. `� � � �. ..a , � .� °� �.�' � � :�., � `'�. � �, '� � �.,�' � �' . .� , � '��.' - ,^� . � . ` � i., � t�. ...., ,,j . � ` � '� ' � '� � �' � ,� � '" �' t � � �� `� '� � �. �^ � �' �`�' � � � � � � � 11fVfTED STATES �A}C COURT wa.s�+���roN,a. c.zozi7 CFtAM'6ER5 CPF WILLIAM M.FAY ruac� ,��iy � � , ���a Mr, & Mrs. Tham�as Jacobsc�n, Jr. 7f� Forest Rmad Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear T�r� � Cindy: Thanks so muct� �ar �rour nic+e i�tter of June 8, 1990 . We a�e in �r�ur corner when i� comes t� "�.r�ne �us��r.�„ �.rd whe:� Gc�d�n Brit�aia wrat� us aboe�t the Tannenbaurn att�mpt to a�quire natic�nal forest land, Jean �n� I sent Gardon a check to he�p resist �h� attemp� hy the Tannenbaums.. Mike Fay a].�v sen� Gc�rdon a check. ,�cc'--�-`� ��^ �-�-�-�-�-1 ��..--� . W� �r�re in Vail aver the 4th c�f July but missec� seeing you �wa, Ho�e w�e have better luck on our nex�t v��it . � �.__�_��--� � � FREDERI�CK M. �AYNES i3 �[I�i1R3l3E I?RIVE • Et+C.I.EWQOI}, DDI.t)TYAI3q Btl12+f9 July 12, 199� Mayar �ent Rase Town of Vail, Colnradr� }'.�, B�x 2I(ll Vei�, Colarado '�1558 Sub�ject: �te-zoning Appli�atiQn' �Serrivtt Time Share Prv�ect Dear Mayat Rose and Tc�wn Caxsn�il: As a px`aperty awrrer of a ccrndtamintum iri Vail, T �am ccsncerned tt�at the zar�ir��, th�t has allowr�cl au arderly dev+elapm�nt of Vsil, is abaut ta be �ampramised. It ie tay und�rstan��.ng that th� owrr�rs o£ the Marri�stt prc��ect �re applping for e ch�nge in zor�i.ng ta eccamc�date the expansiar�. The existi,ng zaning was �stablished over time and shauld r�msin uneompresmised. T €eaac that ance Ch� zaning in the +city i� eompramised for ane pro�ect� many mvre applicsti�sr�s would foll�rna sh�rtly. I u�ge that the city leader� turn down Chis requesC for re�zaning. Ve� truly yc�ur$, �� � �'� �/� `��F t �'red Aaynes cc: Ire�e Wes�b�+e, M�nager T�alism�n Cr�ndaminiums 'Fom and Gi.ndy .I�ca�+eon 10/I1 � � ��F � . � . � � �,o�� � ` �`? ��g � �µ������ � ��=���1. � +�� , � ,� �,,a�. ��������&� �� JUI.Y 16, 1�90 � Mayor Kent Ras� �,�a Towz► Cauncil �femb�rs �ai�,. Co, $1fi57 • D��r M�yor ROSe and Council �S�mb�r�, As pr�perty rarmerB in ❑ail (184 Bea�ar Data Aoad'� ►�rr� waat you ta know hvw cc�ncsmed �nd upseC ws ars ab�ut the recen� u��urge in d�velo�n�ent th�e fe �,pin� 4n in Vail Villag�. If over�d�vel�pm�n�k �f certain erees is ullnwed �y c�tanging thefr curr�ent zon�ng. th+� a�+tire schama of V�i� w�ill. be alt�red. ead nat for tha �acd. �'�er� aX� still m�ny undav�l+�p�d ar��s chat will. serve th�► fu�ure A�+ad+s �r�l�.. and wi�.l be ��yelogsd a■ �eed di.ctate�. Ta sanctioa a r�-�zd��.ng of the Ma�k- Marriozt prap��rty �o allew tJ.me-sh�rir�g, and the nrs dauht evenCua]. iva� of � c�nv�r�t�.�n f�eility �ri11 not be gnod for busiues�s. APio, th� �rzr��ir�g of such a, h�s$� incrsa�e in th�ix density a�d squ�r�-fc�ntage wil�. aervQ as an npen invitaion f�sr ather� t� copp ca�t. This mu�t not b: allowaa. Iio nar npen tk�a daar to ov�erdeyelopm�eat in Vail �nd caica th� cisa�ce s�f Iasing Cha qu�tli.tp as�r� preatfge taarege Vail 3�aa. . �iacer+r 3�. ° • • ' - • ,�`� ' . i. �' �3.ck aa�3 K�thyf'Lilie�lrtt 1'�`•� •,• � lraduatc�al�Ch+ra�n�Pi+�tlny Sp�iat�irp 1n G►mkah�lts Univ►n �iational Bank �&Ti�u�t C�v. ' 727 Royntx Awnua,p.4.Sox 1087 !�l�fnl�attsn,Krnaa+665�`3� . 7llr,plephi�4�1537-123� � t 1..W�.StQlur chairman 6�chiet exacutiv�nfficer Jul.y �Er 199p 'Town Caunci�. Vail, cti�o���o a�.a�� U�ar CouncS,l Memb�rst This let�ter is tfl vppose tha exp�nsivn of th� Marrictt- Mark Resort. The ori�q3rt�1 �rdinance preserves cert�in de�tf.rab2e da��fty. �t would be a crima tv vary t�is simply 3�ecr�use o! pawer�ul �inan�ia3 pre�sure. Further, ta ailow this ncW w�uld ha�e a dQmino ��Pec� and Vr�1I�s �pen sgace, w�ich provides such �great charm �nd has mad� the rescrt �v unfr�ue, will bQ lost. Flease don't 1�a� this happen. V�te N(} on the r�ezs�ninq. Sinc rely� L ' t . . Stol�+�r � dbt � t � , � . - . ., . _ , lI ArcY��r Rvad �3errisc�n, New York ka528 3uly 7, 199f3 Tawn Counci� Va11, Col�rado D+��r Sirs: My wife �nd I and ou� fa�tily h3+re be�n long-tiffie y�sf�r�rs to Va�,], as h�ve many of aur Eastern frienda. We r�ow awci pxaperty ac 093�. Sisigletree Road, �dwarcls, Cvlo�ardo and are deepl.y disturbed �y the cant�u�d ovar-develc��am�nt i� the V�il V�allep, You hawe se3ch a woader�c�l, �P�� aad �loxioua ye��-rou�ad h��uQ th�t � hope the lure cf th� giant h�tal cha��s, etc. will �tnt �po3s ��is b�auziful va�.ley. We tru�� y�au �r�11 use ycsur laest �udgement �ra ��is rnatter'. � � Sfnce�C��y yvur�, Ma�y A�ns 6 Don Sc��o� � � ' � ��+� �'�.►�r���, �—� , ' � � , Cc��� �-!� � �- '3"'��� � � t�9 � � � 4"Y �� �G��1�i �+5'�.1�t 1 � �� '� c��.�... 1Ce� �` 1� ��c � —� � ►'�TI �i ,� �! Q � � Ur,l �t.Y� 1�/� �Vrl�7 �.iI � �"�+� �G L i � fiJ M � ► � �� �,,J1.�C,.1,i �G�'t� v�� �:n•, �, 1'� e ,r r�r*� T.r �� '� �-�a .r c,��� {,�r fi, - 0' �� b4 cl��rn 4 �+ 'i`f�f 1� �� t�.�!'r� � � � �M r ar q C��►.� +!� I l �� 1 r''1� C �►�+T/t�'+ ��y � wC VI C k f � '+I� �! +� °'�'f'7 4 3� .x �!` R��I+ci.f f �►r c� � L� � �o S e.� � '�, �h a+�•r�aa d.C�s�c��s,�� 4,r� ��^+ "�� 'Q �'1� {�. �i� � �w�/V 5/�V I i wti/ 'R 1 �'4v Y f�\i�1 P�' '°7� 'b�Y R ` • � � � � � s r 1�'f"'1 �1i. ��1 � � � ��7 t M 5 �`Y'r7�� ��' ef�� • � � � / � ��M y/ �R.�1 � ��� t'�LI �+c+' V G t`� ���1�+� ��/+ti { � � � K'"i 1 � � � � �# � � � � l t 1.+� �� �� � � +`.1+,C� � � � �.ac.s rt "�1,.�'T '"t'�i � � � a...r cR �. � a T v r � 1 a.�� `� `� '�,�� .�,�� .�s� a 't�! � ,�r,�.a, t�, � f---, ` � � �' � � � - �� r��,� �+:� � �!�� - - --- � - .._.. .. -- - - -- -� . .. . ... � � T�: Planrrin+g and Envi�onmental C�mmission FKDM z Ccz�munity Develap�ent 1�►egartment DATE: June 11, 195Q RE: Letters ze�eivec� r�q�arding th� Marrivtt P�oje�t At�a�ct�ied are all o� the letters rec�iv�d by the +community i�evelapment E�epartmen�t concernin�' the Marriett propvsal. .,� . � �� � 14 Huttan # � Aur�ra, CC� 8�045 Apr�l �9� 3990 Hc��orab3e ,Kent R. F�ose Maycsr, Tflwn af Vail . P, O. �+�x 2�Oi Vail� GQ 81658 . D�ar l�a�rnr Rc�se: 7�'his letter is �.n resgox�s� tr� Mr. Peter 3ama�' s le�ter to �he Wes� Fc�a-est R�ad hameeawners, i�a whi.ch }�e str�ted tha.t ]ae did no� beifeve �ha�t the €�ddi�tion o� t�e I�arriott' � si�tt�r pkus t�.m�-�har� higb rise wc�u�d "AQ� h�.ve. . . a aegative effect �n y�ur prr�gerty" , Mrs. Deev}r" s letter very clearly expre��es he� fee�ings that ther�e will be a negative imp�ct, akot ax�.ly an th� Far�st Raad neig3ibarhnod, T�ut ea�ll af Lio�shead rxs we�1. Frar th� Commuaity De����pment D�partment ta lead tbe M�.rrir�t� Gr�rpcsr�tio�n into be3ieving t]�at their mas�ive buildi�.g will be a.pprr�ved in sam� fQarm, is giv�.n,g the cl,�ar �essage to ai], �h�t the Town af Yail xaning rules �.re for sale ts� large cc�rgorr�tio�s, a�nd err�ly apply to �ha�e wb� ca�.n�t aff�rd their price. l�i�ny cases can �e dacn�aented af sma�.� pr�pexty ownez�� beix�$ �mphatical.ly talt� that the x�niag rules c��n�t be chang�d nor circu�vented e�xen Por v�ry �mall pro,�eGtsf, and yet, this rnsssive trarasgre�sion af zo�fng x��guletion� by a �arge cnrpc�ratian doe� t�ot seem t❑ batY��r same o� 'the xoezr�bers af th� �a�missi�n in the leastt YQUr supp�r'� ftar th�� unsig�tly pro,�ect which goes ag��n�� a�.l the sspirat i�xis of the re�idet�ts Q� Yai 1. tQ keep Qur beauti�ul Va�ley from �ie�+�min� �nother Manha�tan car Cancun, with man��r making higb � rise ��.ructuz-�� �s the ax�ly Jxallnwed mausol�um�� wi11 cex�t�.inly n�'� gc unnatic�d by yaur caast�tuen.ts, mo�t c�f wh�s� are not i�. ths Zine �f fire ncaw, but are smart �nough tt� ]tnaw �.r��r+� y�ur �.11egiaace mi,�h� lie when theiz� turn come�. Pler��e cr��� Grettc� F�rks and h��.r ber concerns; sbe �.� a],so mast ' a.axie�us to have your �.ngv�. H�r a�xmber 1� Aetsv�r is f3C13} 97�- 3a79� A�d in Vr�i]., C�{��) 476-3671. C9ur pUone num�rers ,are 4�U�� 367-43b7 a� ��me, a�.rl f34}3) 351-85?5 during the day. � Siacerely, � � Rog�r V. and �all . Cad�1 Y,��1 ndc3.re��: ?2`5 Forest Road , __ , � � .a .. ❑ � ��I � ��!`l 71� West LiDn�he�d Circ1E V��I, C�i�r�do 81f�7 (3Ci31 476-d887 l�arch 5, 199� I�].annin,� an� E�viz�rnmentaY Cammiss iQn. T�e Town vf �ai1 � Vail ��nicipal Building Yail, �Toradra R�: Ma�ar Awend�ent t�p Special de�+elap�nt District Na. 7 �the Marriot Mark) �'.�led �y Marrio� Corg�rat�.an, D�ar Memb�rs of the Ccrm¢r�.ssi.an: �' r The Vaa.� Spa Board vf t�ager�, c�n behalf of its �5 rnembers, h�reby ab jects tc� the prapt�sed �ndm�r�t tc� �he sp�cial dev�lapment di�trict fflr� the Marriv'�t Mark Progos�d by �he MarrioG� C.orpc,ration to add si�cty (5Q) time-share uz�its and five �5) emplayee housing units c�n t�e west side af the Marriott Ndark. Z'h� Vail Sga lies 3.�ed�.ately ncrrth ❑f the propcased 3.ocatio� of the add�tion tc� �he Marri�t'� Mark, �'ie lacation, height and bul�t of the prvposed addition wi11 substan��..a.11y and adversely aff�ct the Vail Spa. T1ie add��ican �aill obli.ter��e the mat�ta�.rx view fr�m virt�aally al1 vf �he raams �t Va�l Spa. t�reo�e�, the increa.sed traffic that wi�l be genera�ed by �he �dditictn will over��d the �ea�c�s�ing internal r�radway system ad,jacen� to �he Vai� Sp�. Tr�ffic is already a �r4blem in a�sid araund Vail Spa and 'this a�dition wa�ll . m�ke that prable�a even werrse. � We hav�e reviewed t�e �taf.f report �n the prvposed �add�.tior� a�d c�arre- spondence �'rom vther property owne�s in the area, and ^�e caneur wi�h �heir ob,�ectic�ns !�o the propc�sed ataenc�anent. This propc��ed adait�.on, if - - - �pproved by the Town �f Vail, wvul� resu�.t irY a s�.,g��.ficant deteriara,tivn �n �he quaI.ity vf the va�cation experience vf �he awners ��' Vail 5pa and the�r ,gts�sts, as w�ll as dther �isi�nrs t� Vai.�, with a negat�.ve j.mpac� on th� repu�atian �f Vail. T'�e To� of iTail must be sensitive to pre- �ervirag the e�cellent v�c:ation eacperienee av�.i�.ab�.e at Vai1. a;t this ��.me. Vail must not app�^crve request.s fr�r substantial ixycrea�es in dens�.ty of paro,ject,s which ra°�.1� �ehange tYie pleasan� experience �a ane which �s mu�h tvo similar tr� the urban experience a� pe�pl�: whv �come to Va�.� far a change af �a�e. --� _ � � . � ° ' {2) P�ann�.n� arrd F��rir�anment.�l Comm_issaon We wi�.l have regresenf.ati^ves of Vail 5pa present at ttt� hearing vn MarctZ 'i 2, Z9�4, trr� pro�ide additional input �o th� Coumiss�vrr's decasivn. Sincerely, �AIL S A�D ��° MAAiAG 1 1-� l�ark st3ich'� - Presaden� MFI'Ih � CC: J�s Kurtz-Phelan � � .�.c�i�r� ��� �r��. �r�����s c�� ����-s���� P t�. Bc�x 1�t2� 1�at,. ca�vro�io 8�c55� Tt►wn of Vai� Plann�t�g an�d Environmental Ca�anmis�ipn 75 Sauth Frantag+� Road Vail, Colorada 87�.557 June I1. 19�[� �ear ,�ad�m Chairman nnc3 Commi.ssivn �+lembers: Actic�n V�il , Friends of +Dpen Spac� �ou�c7 like �Q expre�s the cenc�rns �sf its members with regards tQ the unr���l��a i��ue� a�soc�.ated with the am€�nc3�ents being pra�oser� t� �pecia� Deve�opment i��strict Sev�e�. The Marriott Mark. �te�vr�, Because of the need far gr�a�.er c�etailec3 res�ar+�h several vf aur concerns, w�iich haae been left urrresol�+�eci 1�y The �+larrivtt Mark Resort �pplication a�d staff revaew, are stii� unr�er study. Amang our cancerns are the following: 1 . �t apge�xs tc� us that there are nv unique and " spe�ific candit�.ons whi�h sets the propo$ea expansiar, af Th� . . Marriott Mark Resart apart fram vth�r pr�perties having similar �onditians in the cammunity. 2. It is our opira�.on that th+ere are several ath�r pro�aerti�s in the ��rmmunity that would he eligi�l�e far rezc�ning anc� density increases, �through t�e varxan�e or . 5pecial Develo�me�at I�istrict apgr�val grocedures, 3�ased upon the Cor�ditions identif i+ed �y �he �taff as fg�arab3e r�asons for grantinr� '�he Marriott Mark �tesort applica�tion. �, U�daubt�dly the speci€ic c�sne�itic�ns that exist far The Marriat� I�azk applicat�.�n c3emanstrates, i� ap�raver�, that the meth�od Qf apprc�val and the �legre� of �ensity increase grant�e3 will establish a Qre�ecl�n� th�t c�ul� be emulatecl by other prop+�rties thar�ughs�u� the �am�unity. 4. Tt is apparent that r►+� extraordina�y cantri�iut�€�r�s t� the conmaunity, ather than �hvse �hat would be exp�cte� c�f any simil�nr d�velapment appiicati+an �.n the cammunity ar which w+�ul�l nat be canside�r+e�l as ncrm�l and exp�+�ted maintenanc�, has been �nad� in the Marriott l�a,rk appl�cati�n. 5. We believ� th�t 3nsuffici�ent acti.ans �ave been take� to preserve, grot�ct, an�3 earrect the �nair�tenance r�efici�n�i�:s af th�e publ�c and private o�n space which occurs �n asscrciatian w�.th The Marri�a�t Mark F�e�ort. � � Tvwn v� Vail Planning �nd Envi�eonmental Commissic�n The M�rrivtt ,Mark Resort Amendm�ent Agplicativn - �'une �.1 � 19 9 D Page TwQ It is th� pasitican af vur v�gar�i�ation that u�til �uf f icient indegenc�ez�t in�vestiga�ion �ncl information is avai i able f ram the. T+�wn t�€ Vai 1 with xegarc3s tcr the foregaing unresa�ved conc�rns� at is inapprap��.ate anr� impossibl� to adequately �va���ted the merits c�f The Marr�.�tt Mark Rescrrt application. �ni� f�.n� that no �xcegt�ianal cs�nditivn� exist vr that extra+�rdinary �cammunity b�nefits are acquared within the scvpe of �he gresen� ap�lication. Apprcrval c�f The Marriott �lark Resort applications is prematurs and unw�rra�t�d at this time. San+�erely. Actic�n Vail , Inc. �r�ends of Dpen=Space 3 � -- --� . ;. �. jj . . . . _ ., - _ - - -- ii ; - �T . ir l�s, ;,�,� d i! � �, -� %�- O 7L ' � `�-'- _ ✓- '/ � - '� -t/ � i Y' / «;.� 1 " Lo�.�lo.c� I' - .�_ ./ ..! � B ..l -. l �_ ��� /_.7`B / �J ��..,yi� 6,L� a., _f�o��/ .�.! • /1 �-�_ 1 ' �t.L, - T.+�< -�CL /�F=--_. .o,l .�l� — . ' �_..f�.a �� 6 L:_ Jl w....L �.f L J� _ s J � � ..�a v .. . i✓ ��r.r�!r- --� ... zy. . ,/,be �/ �.,� . (•.G .:. i wi s..r.. � . e a_- T,.✓.f.. � ✓/�i t.r.. /� � �d E-/ 1.L-! .....sf /�i ��J � �e.v �i✓i/ ecl � .b �. �.e� �rcf JLe �G.�,..;s it.,�„ci :: �i� f� 1' � n -.�ir....ni; ��a.L� � csl 1.:.. � i� t-L/� .. Jnie�.. ����� b � Bn� 'f`�l 7 � I �4. ,� o! fi �_s ..G..;� �.� ../de .�iva. r `r a.�� "f/ �.f � ,F �' �! .fL /��.. d.vas T ..Jl..i ..s,.-.Cs , .. ��ll�m���o�n +/ �.,iis,�:. 1s�/ �r .l.s �. �. .�cs dY��..��, � � �1/ �/,.S ' / . �/r e�......s _r�.c% es -�J �!.� ' /i_� / �af�s.c —t/../.(�. ei ��ei u.�� ' r s�i' �e�/ - ��ci� /��.-_.� .�L.L c i.ri.� /� .�•,.rw.iUid snd �i. �u [.�j -/� .. T ., / , .!,/c. _ � _ �---- . ._ _ _ - � --- �- - - - • / A y�a_� — 7L � SL...LJ Lm �. i y/2� ��_� 'L � / �,1e.����/ ....,.. /� ., �r �.� _ 5 ,� ._rs. /•Le �.,� _ -sLe �„s,;�.. .� „t ,�o ,-,pJf2L!�l�se ,,..�o; .1/, .L�.,.,a m..�)_ ,� -� JL .s� � : �au�r�w.c L, _ ..lLo _ �� �.7ci��i o . .✓�e �.�in., _-;.ao-ta � w d�,! . ./,f L,•L. �-..:.l� I ✓L�. �id, : ��. __�.� . �� „r .l�e. � � � —� ;: . ;. '� l✓L Fl.�/ /�.b/.E . �l'L� Gi�ifi/ � �i- .� ��L6 n s/ � i � .fb ' -,G .�l / �/ .(/l, -r6 J � � ' -//,isc � ��r ��� I ' 7/r E � /I� ✓, tT. �6�a., � r'�.3 A/�� /�ui .lA�.,.. �cy.a... -$� � � / / J �i� f � �r�J �i '� � �� ��i -,G .1n �-« .lLi L..E �7...//, i:. ./1 �l�,Li �' . � .� d �,�.,6 �,, rr .,� be „�d ,� t4, l,= • 1.G L,.. L J.� To✓e_••1 �o�A `�.� i, I i � . � -1� � � �c�J � �'�r�� ' �� � �,��.f� - �'� ��� s" ,����� . � , ' !e►.�.c�� . �� �� � ��� . �„�� ,,� .�r.�; 73 t� ��+,�- t� � �� � �f��� � �-,�..�c� i� �1"��`�''�'1 '- j�•�.- � � �� ��' � �� ,� � � � � l��C �! • � .��� Gc��� � ,�f���-r� . � �7 - /� /� .L�--�'L- .•effh � �-"�'� ��/L�' `� -�'+— IC�'�'"`s'''C.�� . ��� ���� . ,� � �� /�� �4^� '�'7'� � 'i�''A'C�-�' ���-r-.� / � �� ,�.r�,t�� � •t,�.-n�-�'-t�-�G 7� � � ' - �� �� � ���� � �� ��� �� � �,�t . . � � � �� � �- � ��� � ���� �. �� � � � � � -�.-�. � � �.� .�' � �� � �� �. � . � � � � � � �� � � , � � �-� � a-�. � � ,�_ �� � � � � �Q � � �� � �� � � t � � � � �� �� �� �' �`�.� � � '�(;�� F�� � � ��� - � 73� FQr+eSt R.oad Vai.l, � g1�5"7 1 Littleridge I.�ne � Englewood, GC) 80110 February 5, 1990 Mr. Peter Jamar Associatcs, Inc. Placua.�ng I]evelc�pm�nt AA�€€a]ysi5 I�esearch � _ Vaii Natic�nal Bank �uilding, Suite 3i�$ Ia8 S€�, Frantage Road V�'est Vail, CQ 81�57 Mr. Jamar: In respvz�se tv ya�r re��nt co�-respon�ence, i m�st conf��s it has beea my h�pe for 5ome 15 years that samething vwauld happen to the Maz7riott, �ll�►�i.ng for a decent �aok�ng buil�ing to take its plac�e. Since I h�ve became a Pv'est Forest Rvad reside�t� I feel e�ven mare strangty about this, the �in�Zarly i�east attra�iv� an�d ill mai�ata�ined �landscaped} structur� in tvwn. The n�r� that there were plan� to�,pan ra#�er than �ul�d� came as � shock tc� say the Ieast The fa�ct that t�.7e Town of Vail wou�d c�nsider c�amgi.n,� �oning laws ta allow an unattracti�e time shar+� struc�ure an its na�ral r�sources ia such a �visib�e area makes me wt�nder. ts na o.�e mindin� the stt�re? Si.ncer�I}r, ��--� C�rn I)eevy . cc: Vail As�s�ci�tes: Gevrge GilIette . West Forest �t vad Hc�me�wner� Asso�iativn '`►TaiT Tv►ar� Coe�ncil: Rondall �hillips, Tor�vn Manager � � RfTER �At+�tAR AS��JCIAT�S, INC. PI,AN�+IItJG.C7EYELDPH9�FI7 AM1E0.LYS�5. RESEARGH a�C�.n�c�Y`�7 �� ,����Q De�r F�rest Road P�cape�ty Own�r: � A� you may �e aw�re, Marriot� .i� proposing to �r3d 6� units tfl the�r ex.isting Hotel lr�c�ated in Li€�nshead. The addi��.cn is pscposed ta occur on tt�e s�uthwest part�on af the�r ��c�p�rty west �f the e�isting tenn�.s c�ourts and ad�a�ent to �.��ir e��.st�nq parking c��rag�. Alanr� with the addition appr�ximately $4 mallioz� worth of improvem�nt�. renn�ating and upgrading is �ropased far the exis�ing building�, landscaping, and amenit�,es, These �.mprflvement�' are badly �+eeded �nd impartant far Ma�ri�tt ta keep trie Mark Resart funct�.Qning on th� sarn� �uality 1e�e1 �� the +�ther first class Hotels �n Vai.�. anc� Beaver� Creek. We bel�e�re that the addition �nd renc�vatic�n �o�s nat in any �ray negati�reYy affect yaur �re�perty but rathea� wz�l be an enhanc��ent tv the neighbarhr�s�d a�d st�rrounding area. The purpase o�' �hi� l�tter is to in�ite ycu tc� cc�ntac�. me regarding any questi�ns that ycsu might have r+�garding the pr_oposal. Ys�u can alsn cvnt��t Ja]r Peterson at 476-Q092. We represent �he M�rr�ott �nd r�+culd be ha�PY to pruvide y�� with addi�.ional inf+arsna��an ar meet with you ta discuss �he addition and renovatzan at your cvnvenience. Gnce r�gain, please feel fXee tc� cQntact us regarding �ny qu�stions t�at you might hav�. 5inc�re7.y, . Pete�r a'emar� 2�,�C� FJsne c�: .Tay R� peterscan S�trite 3fl$.Vail h18l�on21 Bank f3uiltlin� 108 Soutt�F�on�age Fi�ao wes� • Va�i,Colorada 8t657 • 53031 d7fi•7t54 � � 14 Hutton # � Aurc�ra, G4 $4��45 April 29, 1990 �r. Randall �T. Phillig� Manag�r� 7owrr3 a� Yai 1 F. Q. B�� �3�2 Yail, CO 81658 Aear Mr. Phi113ps: This Ietter is in r��po�.se to l�ir. Peter aakmar' s �.etter ta the 4test Farest Road heameowner�, in whieh he s't�t�d '��a�t he did xt�t beli�ve that t�e additi�n nf the l�i�rrfott' s sixty plus t�me-s3�zare 2�f�;h rise w�aul�i "not hav�. , . � aega��Eve ef�'ect an ye�ur groper'ty" . Mt`�. I7ee�r�*' � letter very clet►rly expresses �er fe�ling� �hat t��re wi13 �S� a n.egative i�ap�ct. no°t anly o�. t�,e �'�r�est R�ad ne�g3�barh���i. but a12 of �1 crn�head ns we 11, � Fcsr the Gc�mmunity I?evelc�pment Uepartm��t to lead th+� 3�la�rriott Cc�rpc�rat�.c�a intc� helieving t}�at their �assive b�ui�.c�ing �will be �ppraved im sam,e �carm, is giving the clea� mes��ge ta all that t�e Tawn af �ail zanfng rules ar� �or saT� to �arg� �orporatioas, aad onZy apply to those w3�a canr�a� affard their price. I+lany cases can be doeumented. �f smal� prc�per'ty t�w�a�rs �e1Ag emghaticaliy tald that the �aniag rules c�nnr�t be �hanged m�r cfrcumven�ed even �ar very smal� prc��e�t�f, a�n�i yet, thi� massfve trr�nsgressi+�n v#� z�z�ing regul�+tion� hy r� large c�rpar�tic�n dc��s n�t seem ta batbex' same c�f ��e m�mt,ers csf tbe Ccs�nissi+�n ia the least: Your suppart f�r this un�ightly prc�,ject whi�h goe� against all the aspira�fans flf t�ie resid�nts a� Vail �a lceep aur "beautifu7. Va],�.ey from becoming aaother Manh�.ttan ar Cr�acun, witb �ney �ki�g hi�h rise structures a� the cs3y }�+�13.�sw�d mausal�czm�, wil� certair�ly uot ga unnc�t iced by yQUr ��nst ituents, mast r f whe�m ar� �c�t in t�,� �in� of fir� ncaw, bvt are sm�rt enough tc� k�ow wher� pour alZegiance ffiig2�t lie xhen tbeir turn cames. P]L�ase ca11 Gretta Parks a�d he�r her ecsncerns; she is alsc� �st mia�i�us to �ia�e yaur input. Her numrrer isa Denver is C3C�3) 773s 3079, r�nd in Yai1, {3D3} 4?5-3�a71. �u� phc�ne �;umbers a�re C3t}3) 367-4�87 at h�m�� e.�d t�C�3) 3�1-8575 d�a�°iz�g tbt.e r�ay, CI�I'L'�.3T� . � � � RE7�'t'I' V. 8n,i'� .��3��.�' �. '�.84�Ci� V��.� address: 725 Ftar�st R�ad s.ast�er� c�u�ir�,r�.�. � A�lelvyn�i n, M.D. , Jaftrry L�shell, I41,p. - carorado Kidney . �."�:J'rV"�!° . Ai•4�EN.'iltitli� I?G. "y'��i : J i� �,pz��. 2s� issv n��r ���8: We taaula �ike tv �trcngly protest any p�.ans �or the �evelapment �� a new M�arri+�tt high-rfae, tfineshare property �acro�s from �iea� Fare�� �tca?'. We �a�ve kseea Yr�il Frc�p�rty a�rnere �or over 10 years an�d our praperty at 73fi Fvr��t Av�d la�ks ou� directly vver the pr�pose� aite.� There i� nv question fr� c�u�r minds t�hat, bt�ilding eu�h an edifice �ould nvt Qr�ly obstruct our� viev o� the Yai3 �alley but a].so aff�ct �he �ra�.ue of` aur prope�t�. We have be+en grea� supporters af the Tvw�n C�uracil a�d it� �c�vement tcwar+d inc�reasing apen apace ana re��eati�inal faciXiti.es i,n �he Vai� valley. Approval �f this prv�e�t w�ould be cor�tradic�vey to that movem�n�. W� would a�Preciate ft if you vvu�d con�it�er a$king the Marrigtt to moc3��y 'khe s'�ru�ture of its building � p�rhaps making it fever �str�ries in elevaLivr�, an� attempt ts� make the f�►cade attra�ctiv�e tv us homec►v�aer,�. Than}� you far yaur cor���deratiQn. Sinc+er�3.y. ��� ��� s. Rok�ert cantigugliar M.D. �. �`�.c�-� J+6� r � L� M�1Dh�ll r M.D. �� �"� � ��xQ� . x���. . r�,n. s��/c�mi cc: Yail Towrr Cr�uncil �nembera Pianr�in� an� Er�vfronme�t Commissic�n m�mbers . Desigr� and Revi��a Board mem�ers , <5�15 E�so 9tA Arenue-S�+ile 750 D�3n+rar.CdaraOo 80220 ��aa��o-��� _- _ � � _ __ _- - ��� ����� �'�,�� �'�. �� �f .��''�y ���6� ' �'a�c�+�a. �a. r�zo3�' � - SERYlCES+�. . �anuary 19, 199t� I�r. Pet�r P��ten Tovm �f Vail Plann�n�7 I]ire�tor 75 Sauth Frvnta9e Road . V�f3. �o3vrado 81fi�7 � Dear Mr. Patten: I beve n residence at 636 �Te�t Farest Raad a�d it bas come tc� mp attention t�a�t it is M�rria�t's int�ntion tc� get t3�e �ppraval of �he ta�rn af Vail's plannia� st�ff to �ui�� an �n�rmaus �ix ste�rp time ahare buildiaq xith sixty-sev�n uriats w�ic� �r�u1d b� built riQht vn Gore Creek� ' It is alsv my ux�ders�Caz��in� that thas bu�.ldin� �auTd viclats al�. zo�i�+� cade� #vr the area. �'he Maz�ri�tt �s slread� built �aut ta their �a�simum and this densitp �ras even a�ver the criqina� allotment for the area. The�* �rere nble tc qet it th�vuQh by getti�g a special di�tric� nppr�rnalr af �hich aane the home�waers an Fc�rest Rc�ad were Qiven n+o�i�i�a�ion, FTe can aat �ae�ieve tha� thep are a�. �he Tawn's doc�� aQain askinq �ar more specia3 favors. I bauQht th�s prapertg far its pria�cy �nd secJ.us�.on nnd � dv nct want ta N�sh for �he further encr�achzaent th�t tbis bua.lr��ng xepreseg�s. � believe th�s addition to the Marri�tt wiil, cre�ate a "New Ycrk Ci�y" effect a�c�nq �ore Creek and �.n cur neighbarhacd. We alsc beli�ve �3�at i� th�s encroachre��� tqrere to �e s�l�owed it �auld create an ebviau�s "me tve" appnrtunity far all mee�ar � d�velop�n�nt i,n Vail. Please do not m�.lv�r this project. Ye�y trulg gours. -.. . _ _ r H. Lindlep r b�s � gL�G:xer �� ��r9I?4�f�•2p�6 !_yaz �`ba9�9��'97°� �'o� (�r�I ��•rt�9 � (��s�J'a��•�,: � � � . r . 2�� �� � � [,��P � � �o�' l,� �,� f'�, !_�� - �'o � . �v� G�r� I',,�:� �, ,�i.� E� �, . . �� �. ,���� � ,��I'/u 9 �� � ����� � - e� 7n,�• �'�-, � � t�.- � � �� � �� . . � � ���� . � � . _ . � . � �,.�� ,�,� ,�.�� ��� � � �� � � � � � r',c�,,�-�5r�� �'�� ,�`� �� � � �; . �. � '�`' ,`�/J �,�� ,�- �� , f /f Le��' -�� /�?? lj�e ��������/ . - ,� l�� ,�' �'���# ��, •� � �� �� � � ��� � � ��� � � � � � � �� ��`` � . - � ,� . �' ,��,,,� ,��- �` - �,dd � 1� �- `� � . � � ��� , � � �' � , �'� ��' . . . ,�� � �" . . . ��� ��� . � . �, � � �"�`° J"�" . ��� . �� � � ��� � �� �� � ;�„�, s�� ,,�'� _ ��'' � � .f , � ,� ,r�i� � �- ,��t�'� , . ��'� �J �`� �� � � � '�'`;�� „�' � rr� � �- le sta y'�t ��������� - s����� _ 53� Li�ns�iead Ma��l V�il, �v�vrad'o B1fi57 {30�) 47fr1118 ����� ����7�� ���e����c a�- ca � �►���-r-� ��u��,o�n�,��T -��w �v p� U�-r� �"� t��-�7� � I�{',��'� �ur�+�.� �e � f'�+a��� `i�`�-►3N � ,1�� � i 1� r���..cz,o�-r �,wrfz�s��� r 1�,r `�r��s��7 r9-;�t� �i4r� ���a��G�- �1�-t 5 L.'I���i+�.�, �U �z.,�`'�'K-�.s� �n +/ �Cu� �vr�►P��-7 c3r� �l��s P�?o��c.�' , +� �� � �'r�r� �g-o � ��t a� c� � �� �'�a n�� (� � �I�v�'�r� , ��`z PI�a�+�.c.� ���,c� �f. �y ��d S�7 r U� �►���7 �-ta� L�+�r�s;rt��-� �'�- �u �a �a t��! a� ���L r.�-s W�.t� . t r�'� ��471-r�a� a� ��r�� ��t�� i.�C! �r�t�S �s C�'�+s��+7 �1"T c� �Tl�'��. +��,�.0 ��.. +���7r 7�a,.►� �+f�o+t� T�,�C►+�1 Gv A i'r+ ^� �^' ��Cc��+�,�T��'�� �t� "7� U'+�5� l���, St�rG��.L--,( , ������ �� � .. __.._ � � R,OMBERT 5.ENI�EI.�ViAN,SH.. � CI�iE FINATJCIAL PI�ACE � SU��18 � �1 � 4��1�Al7lfr��VSl6Y.5 I TEL:(31Z]6S3-7o8B R '� ki � Jsa k 1 �,I� � �"Y � � ��� • , � � � `�� b�r. Fe#.�r Patt�en, � Tat�rn o� Oaei1 Flaanin� �rcctor - '�j l�hro�tage � 1laiT, C�D]�r�r�an $3�6�7 l�c�r Nr. Patt+�a: R�atg-five �s ago v�e �uil.t our ���dea�e a� �� �1e st F+�]r�st � aad, as lvag �:rm 7�e sidei�ts ot` �ail, r�e �nat� ta register a sts�g ob�escticm �o th� g�sppsed zc�aa3ng �tiaras rrc�e�ted 'b3r 3�he lf�rrio� Hot�l. Z sup�rt f`u�.1�r all t�e +ab�eeti+aaa ra�sed 3� the l���er �ou Yua,ve re�eiv+ed frrm► Cirlc�y Jacabscaau. Sfncer��Y, � ; ��� , . , sr. R,��mah � . � _ . c.�. �ls. Di�� D�sm - F.Q. 8c+� �Ol, Y�il Ccl�ar�do 816�$ . M�c. Cbe.rl�e Crist - P.Q. �k�oc 1�$y2, Va31 Go�orado B1G�8 .. . . - - &��E�U�lf�l,M.�. � ' #►�{elwyr�H. In, M.L}, .�nr.y ��iar��s�,�.o. Col�sda Kld�y AssoGatss� P.C. April �S, 1990 t3ear Sira: We wvuld like tv etr�v�gly pratest any plar�s for �he deaelo�ment �cf a new �larrfott high-riae, ti�e�hare graperty acroae from �est Forest �tvad. We have b�en Yaf.l prcperty awner� f�� over 1�7 years �nd aur preperty �t 7�6 Forest Road lcoks �au� . s�f rectly Q�res the gropcaBed aite. There i�s nc� ques�ion in our mind� tha� buildir�g auch �n edif�ce vould not at�lx c�atrvc� our viev af the Yail vall�y but alav affect the �alue o�' o�r prvperty. We have beer� gr�at euppvrtera 4f the Town Counci3. an�i ita m�rvem�ent toward �nereasing open �pa�ce anc� recreati�nal facilfti�es in the Yail rralley, �PPrc��ral c�f t�ais p�r��ect voul�i be contrac3�.ctory tc� th�t mavement, We Wvr�ld bppreci�ete it f f yo� vvuld consider a�king the Mar�io�t tc� moc�ify th+� s�rc�ct�re of i�s builc3ir�g� p�rhape making it fewer st�r�.ea in eZeva�iQr�► and u�te�np� t� �nak�e th+e f���de attrr�ctive tc u� homevr�nere. Tha�nk yc�u far yvur c�nsiderati€rr�. Sincer+�3y► ��� �t�� S. RG�s�@x't CGrltigugli�r M.D. �P' I�.�,c.��� Jef y L. ti3.ehe�ll.r 1�1.D. ,�' �� � �'IEZ+G►Yi1 • �C�.@$ f M+D. sR+�/am� . cc: Y�i 3 Tvwn Cs�un c i 1 m�embe�s Planning and Ea�,�ranmer�t +�ammisa�vn �n�emb�rs Deeign and Review Baard me�bera �s4s Eas�stn Ar�en�,e•s�una�5a Oertvar�Gdurat7o B0220 {3p3)3^a4-e'`911 � � � r r �une 8, 199�1 Planning ar�d Enwirar�me�ttal Commissfon Towr� oP Vai1 75 .South Franta�ge Road Vail , Cvl�rada 61657 6ear �ommissivn I�embers , G� behalf af aurselwes and mar�y hom� awners in Vai� we strangly oppose the granting c��f additiona]. znnir�g priwileg�s 'to the �larriatt Resort irn the�r request to be able tv add approximately 7�, 0[1L1 square feet af additia�al lauildir�g on their praper�y. 7he �Pallowing are goQd basic reasans why thf.s pra�ect shauld be flatly turned down. 1 . The Mark-Flarriott pr+ogerty is curre�tly built tQ .it"s maximum alJ.owable d�nsi.ty and square footag�. They haae twice pre►riausly reciewed increased tiensity allocat�.ans, a�d alreac3y exceed ths density oric�i�nally plann�d for Che �area when it wa� platt�d. 'ihis a�plicatian pro�+es ner �enef�t for the ge�eral puhlic good, as wau1�3 � haspita�. or schoc�].. �here is nv �r�ide�t and purpo�eful reasor� �'or them tcs be �gran�ed specfal priwi.l�eges far i�creased r�ensitiy car sq�arefe,ota��;, � �. The encroachment Q� this huge �ui]dinc� pro��ct an Gore Creek artd the surrv�nding area is a 'Ghreat to the �ne main �lemer�t �f pr#stine natura3 beauty in the i'�owrt of Vail. 7he Tc�wn has spen� $i4 million ,doliars tr� pr�vide ope� space, and this �r�pasal will under�- r�in� the finwn ' s and the citf�zera+ s e#'�art� in tt�i� endeavor. 3. The "Vail Camprehensive €�lar�" ar Vai� �laster F�an, which the Marrigtt is using �a �ustify this additionaZ '�ui�ding is both grnssly c�ut dated and quite opposite csf the c�rrent att.ite�des of many n� Vail� praperty rawners regardir�g �assiwe bt�ildings in the +core areas , af t�e Town af Vafi. Many families who ha�e be�n lvng time property crwners in Vail and wh� ha�re wark�d ha�°d and sa�rificed mcach tr� make this a quality place are against ituge developments sucl� as that p�rap�sec� b�+ the �tar�ivtt. It is these pra�aerty nwners that will bear �he b�ight €�f thfs m�.s�ake long after the temporary a�d the transient folks are long gone. 4�. Mr. 1'om Braun' � �e�iew and apparen� fa�roring c�f th� Marrlott Resort ' � pra�ec �� h3.s April 9, 39�� �memfl to the P�an�i��g Cammisstc�n shouid t�e re�ected� A prc��ect this larg+� a�d with as r�any far reaet�fng effects as �his one should nat be anal�zed by � "t�mparary staff member". He f.s netth�r a p�roperty owr�er in V�ai1 ar a per�n�nent full- time citizen, and h� certainly will ��t �ive with the �c��ssequences af not addressing the current needs and wants a�f the cc�mmunity, and the lang tern� effects ta th+e Tawn in this memo wh�n he is b�c�C in ��St��r 5. 7here has been n� statistical pr+�r�f (usirrg profe�sisanal�y �cCUm- ulate�d, �snbiased f�gures ) presented that t�is amaunt rof dw�lling sp�ce is needed. In fae� th�: Town curr�ntly has �ne ma� ar hotel prfl�ect ir� Chapter �1 ,�ue �.o inade+quate occup�ncy, the WESTIh1, an�d another , The Yail Athletic Cluta, wi�� �t' s donr� lvcked. Nnt �en�ug'h resear��r has 6een cfone ta prove the need f or }��rg� amaunts c�� add�tional "�ed space" �.n Yail. Greed is �ertainly r�o ind3.cation of n�ed. � � Pag� 2 � . b. This �assiwe tr�nsgression of znn�ng fs but the tip af the ice- �erg. Tv gr�nt this increased �ensfty and massiveness wiil ge�er�te , a "`m� tv" effect tha� wi�l rippie throug�o�t the commerc�al h�t�Is �nd th� yet t� be develo�ed properti�s. T�is town and Vail mauntain �an na� hold t�e extra bodies yenerated by another ��ve �r sik hund�ed units , which wiil �e the effect of this increased zoning. T�e city ser��ces , es���ially t�� sewa�e pla�t which sti�ks now when the town �s vn�y maderately ful� , certainly can nvt handle anather big bui�di�g . 7. The numbers of sk�ers o� Vai� mounta�n are at their �aximum most of the year naw, to allow mor� massi�e develapments will deteriorate the quality af the "Vail Experien�e" and �eapardize skiing safety. 7aurists and o�hers that spend a great deal vf ti.me on the ski mvuntain wil� cvnfir� t�is. if ti�e �ammissian memher� are like most vther res�.dents they d� nvt ski on LF�e peak days and really aren't exp4�ed ta th� enc�rmc�us crawds we have nn the hil�.. 8. fiirrte-share vnits are nat de�freabl+e f r�r Vail. "�hey are nvt�+�riously s�een as � rip-vff. Wt�en t�ae idea is �e�tioe�ed ta a cammuni�y r�inded Qers�,n t��y �re very n�posed tv the idea . The county tax roles are �f I.led by alaandoned "shaares", which �hen become a nar�r@venue prodvcing �lement and a b�rden on �11 groperty �axpayers. �n mar�y cammunities time-share is referr+ed to as the sc�up can a�d eracicer bax crc�wtf. To thfiir�k tfiey are gvirag tc� flock tv the fine resturants in Vail nfghtly is a p�e�r assur�ption. As far a t�usiness treing ger�erated for the rest�rants , hatel rvvm� and f�ed and breakfast esta�lishm�ents wauld �e more p��ductive. � 9. As stated by the "Marric�tt CQrporatian represe�tative�" at ane PEC meeting '�they can pu11 aut any tim�'". They are hut � cantrac� organization an this project. �f they �ar� paek their ba+�s ar�d leave anytime, whn will be respansika�.e ft�r the pramises they made'? Th� I�arri[�tt ' s already established pc�vr track rec�rd of ke�ping prt�mises to the Tvwn , the ct�mmunity and the n�ig�+borhnod t�as already �een c�+�cumented. Th� la�dscaping they were �o do tc� the berm tt�eYi�re�te� on Gare Cre�k the last ti�ne t6�ey bu#�lt , abaut ten years ago, still a thistl+ed, +�eeciy �e�s with huge h3�e plas�tic pipes and me�al c�al�erts stick�ng nu�. Thefr use af ampliffed sv�and sys'tems a�.l summer long �.s very irritating aRd disrupti�ve to the ne�ghbors acr�ss tt�e creek, Er+en wi�� citati+ans and camplaints they continue to biast tF�ese unwant�d ncrises. Nvw with t�e propas�d remaval of the te�nis court in th�s pra�ect, an even �arger area , c3os�er to �he creelc and the homes on the �reek ca�id be us�d for parties, meetings and sucf�! creating an acvustica7, n3c�htmare. W�, and at'�er homeowners on +�est Fvrest Rvad are na�t s�Ifish, as some oth�rs that yvu may hear �rasn are. W+� have not tried to malce any ba�i� daor deals �ust tv bene'�it a few, and the rest Df the �o�nmur�ity �e �Eammed. We have al� sa+�rificed m�ch for t�e gc�a� +of our cornr�unity, and feel that �hi� is an iss€�� t��t effects us all. We har�e spen� ma�y a �leepless nig�tt as the sr�ow cats r�ar �y aur houses, which results in a perfect.�y gr�ror�ed sk� �c�untain fvr al� to en� n�r. '�e p��.d t�he b�Il to spray the �ai� pines alc�ng Gare�reek vn t�se Town property whe� they wou�d no�. Many af us we�re origional vwners in Vail, long bef�rre a b�ilding was ever �uilt � � Page 3 . . in Livnshead, We ha�e shown yau pictvres of th� �nc� gras�y and . b��utifu� banks of Gnre Creek. And a5 the massive concrete buildings ��ve sprung up nn its b��ks, cut�ing away at it 's apeness and �eauty p�rhaps w� hav� hee� tao cnmplaisa�t. 8ut complaisant we are nQ �ong�r. We realize n�w the time has com� to preser�e what 1#tt�e is left fv� ��1 wh� own prvperty fn Ya�l , thei� famil�es and the next generat3ans wha will vwn home� he�e. Let u� alI fie�d the Iessans taught by th� ���r de�el�pment of p�a�es like Aspen, Can�u� and Waik�ki Bea�h, Hawati, and ��t let a�er deve�op�ent and greed ruin what so many ���e worked so har� to create fn Va��. Mast of the twenty-��r�e west Farest R��d �omev�ners haW� writte� or called mem��rs vf Lhe Planning C�mmissio� and the �own Ca�ncil, attached are b�t a few v� thei� letters. All express �hat this pro�ect m�s� a�t be approwed. The far reachin� effects of t�is vne znnin� change wi31 �pen the f�4ad gates to an vv�rde�eiopment vf V�iZrthat will t�i� it. Sincer�ely �.� , T a�n & in y 3�acc�bsan llai3 _ � , - r � � ,��4 . °�*- "; ' "�, CUAST SAV3NG5 7"OWER 'r"� a` � �2S 8roadway. 5te, 120 * 5an Dieg�. CA 92101 • (619) 69b-fi29Q FA}C [fil9) 69Fr-7$7$ d rv.;r�. � :y� �2ll�T ��r l��d �r��" ��,ty,. � Rond�ll Ph�.l4igs, T+awn Manager P.O. Bax 1.322 Vail, Cc7 8�657 Dea� Mr. Phillips: A5 a c�ncerned owner af a resitience at�, �636 West Farest Rc�ad, I am writing ta t�e P�anning Ca�missir�n tt� protest the prog�sed six stCry time share bui�dinq tY��t the Marriatt is trying to build on Gare Creek. Not anly wi.11 it b� an unsight�.y additio� �v t�s� area� inCrea�e an alseady vver de�relaped space, but m�re impcartantly it violates all ��ning codes for th.�s area. I can not believe that the planning c�mmissian �ril.l allow this to happen. I, ai�ng with all my neic�hhors, purchased th�.s pro�erty fc�r its grivacy a�d seclusion and I da not wi�h the further encrvachment that t�is builc�ing regres�nts. ICt is al.sa af great cQn�ern ta me that i� y+�u �11�w t�ais rezoninq res�uest that yau are o�ening the daoss for further bi� devel�p�rs tQ QnGro�ch ar� this beaut�ful land. glease dc� nvt al.�ow th�.s proj ect. SincereYy, . �1. Lindl�y G �}as �i�m�awner HI�G:wer � �` . . 14 Huttnn # 1 A�r�re, Ca 8na45 Apr�l �9, 199� T�m �nd Cindy Ja�obs�� 17?� A�s M�a�a Blvd, Ilikai #1134 Hpnolulu, �I �6815 Dear �o� an� Gin�y: T'hi� ��tt�r� 3� 3n r���z�apr,�� t❑ ?�.r�. Pet�r� Ja:m�r'e le'�t+�r� ta �he W��t Fc�rest Rc�r�d bomeow�er�t in which �e stated th�t �e did not belfeve �hat the additic�n af the Mr�rriott' s s�xty plu� ti�-share hig�. r�s� wvuld „Ar�t have. . . z� ne��tive e�fect on y�ur pr�perty,� . Mrs. I}eev�r' s letter verq c�early expre�ses her �ee�ia�gs tha� there w�ll he � n�gative imgr�ct, nat anly �n t�e F�o�est Rwad netghb�nc��rsd, brat all of Lianshead �� we11, Fcrr the Cc�mmurai�y* Develr�pment Dep�ertm�nt t� lead the Marriott �vrpc�ratinn in�� b�],i�ving th�t their mz�5�iv+e bu��.ding �i�l be appro�ed in so,me farm, is givfng t3he cl��r �essa��;� �c� all that the Tas�rn �f Vai3 zaning rules are for sa�e .tr� large corparation�, and o�3y apply tt� tho�e whc+ �annrt a#fc�rd their pri�+e. , Many �ases �an l�e tiocuu��rtted vf �sm�11 pragerty owxters being esnphatica�ly t�id that the z�ning rules cc►nsstat be changed nc�r cire�tuveated even �'or v�ry small pro,�ects� and yet, thi� mass�ve transgression of zflning regsala,tie�n� by e� large cQrgaration de,es not ���m to b�tY�i�er same of th�► member� o#' the Ca�'fsslon ib �2a� le�est! Y�ur �uppcar� �'�sr tY�is tansi,ghtly �rcx,�ect wY►icb gt��s �galn�t a�� the a�pira�lanW �f the resid�nts of Vafl tc� keep �ur beauti�'ul Va]ley fr��u becor��ng aaather Ma�3�att�.n �r ��ncun, with mt�tsey m�king; high rise �truct�ure� r�s the az�1y h€�llowed mausol�'r.�m�, will cert$inly not go unnat iced by yo�r c�nstitu����, a:n�st of whom er� not in tbe 1 ine of f ire nr�w, but �re smart +��ough to kn�aw where your allegi�.z�ce might ].ie whe� the�.r turn cQmes, P�.ease c�ll Gretta Par�s a�xr,.d h��r her cancerns; sbe is alsc� �e�st rxnxiflvs �o hav� your input. H�r �aum'ber �n I3�nver is {3[}3) 773- ,3079, and in V�xii, C303? 47fi-3671. Our phc�ne numbers are C303) 36?-435? e�t �oa�e, mnd C3f}3) 361-8575 during th� day. S� cer�ly, � � Rager V, and Sa11y 1�. Gadal Vr�il r�ddre�s: 7�5 F'orest Rr�ad - S. Rpbert Car�T'iQu�ll�, M.D. � • MeEvyrt F#.Kiein,lsA.D. .ieifrey L Mistoell, M.F}, Coforado Kidrsey +•'�4��"•� hBSO�i8te5� �C. '�� . . 1��` � Ap�j.l ��► ���Q Dear S$rs: We w�oulr� like to �trvngTY protest any p�.ans far the deveTopmen� �f a new Marriott h�c�h--rise, time�hare pro�erty acros� fro� West F�rrest Ro�d. we have been Yaxl property ovner� fvr ow�r 1�3 y�ars and cur property at 73+5 Farea� Raad looks c,uC directly o��er the prapa�ed sft�. �'here is� n� �qu+es�ivr� fr� aur �ainds that bu��dinc� suc� ar� edifice t�ould nat onZy obs�ruct c�ur view af the Y�i3. v�oll�y but als� aff�ct th� valu� ca� our pr�perty. We hawe beerr grea� supportera of the� Tcwr� CQUnc�.i and �.ts a�oye�ent tc�w�rd increasing open �pace and recreationa�. �acilitie� in the Yail valley. Apgrav�al of this pro�ect vould b� cvntradictor� to th�t �ovement. We wa�ld aPPrec�ate it if you w�s�ld cenaic3er ask�.ng the Marriot� to mod�fy +�he structure of irs building � perhaps making it fewer a�ari�s in � e�.evation, anc3 attempt ta a�+ake the facade attract�.ve to �s8 ha�e�avrters. Thank you fv� yvur cc�nsid�ratian. Sincerely, -�+� I�� t.1..� I�ri..s�'+'��w, S. R+�bert Co�"tigug].ia. M.D. �'. f�,�..c.�� J�f r y L. Mishell� M.Y�. � ��� �� , Melvyn . Klei , M.D. SRCf dml cc; Yai]. To�rn. +Ccur�cil me�bers Planning and En��r�r�mer�t Cammiasi�on members �e�i�n anc3 Revieu Bc�rd members �5�5 Easi 9ih Averwa-SuiCe 15Q ° f]enver,Cciorada Et}22f1 �3D3y 3?[}•29t 1 � � . ��� �O�°�St Ro�d Vail., Cfl 81657 1 Litt�eridge Lane Englew�ad, L'C3 8[3�10 February 5, 1990 Mr. Peter ]amar A�svciates, Inc. Flann�€ng Dewe�opment Analysis Res+�arch Va�l Natianal Bank Bualding,, Suite 3�8 148 Sc�. FrQntage R�aad West Vail, �C� 81dS7 Mr. J�mar: r In respanse ta your recent cc�rrespa�dence, � must c�nfess it bas been my hape €vr some IS years that svrnething wc�uld hap�aen ta th� Marrit�ti, allc�rving for a decent 1�Dking building to take it� plac�. Since I have b�ecame a West Farest Road resid�ent, � f�eel e�ven mare strvngly abvut t�iis, the sin�ularly l�ast attractr've and ill mainta�aaed �lan+�scaped) struct�sre in towrn. The news tk�at there were plans to � r�ther than �u11 �ze can�� as � shc�ck to sa}r the l�asi. The facc that the Town of Vai� would c�nsider cha�ging zoning laws t+� allaw an unattra�ti�e time share struct�ue c�n iis naiural resourc�s in such a visible area m�kes me wander. Is nv c�ne minding th� store? Sincerely, � ��� � �ryn I?eevy c�: Vail A�ss�ciates: George Gill+ecte West Fare�t Road Hnm�cru�ners A�ssonatian Vai1 Tawn Councii. �vndatl Phillip5, T�own Man�ge� � � . ' �2J�' +GC#�Q1a�RTi�WZl.[G� �lUiD �T. �� �LitL��i ��cG�, �. ���s� iERY�CES.� �aauarq 19. 1990 - Mr. Peter Pa���ken �'o�a o� Vai7. P�annia� D�r�etc�r 75 5vuth �roata�e Road Y�eil. �olor�dv S1b57 � Deax �ir. Pattea. I bsva a �cesidence �t 63fs �est 1�orsst Rvad �ad �t 3�aa cc,me to my attez�tiaa tha�t it fs liarriatt's inteatioa ta �et the apprav�l vf the toxn o� Vail's plan�im� ��a�f tv �auild� aa •at�rmaus �ix storX , ti�e shara �SuildinQ Mit;� s3xty-reven ux�its xhicb x+�u��l be bui3t riqht on Gore �rr�ek. �t is a�so my uad�rstnndiny th�t this bviidipq xc�u3�d v�olat� a�l x�nin� evd+es fc�r tt�e a�rea. The Kmrrictt �s aTr�ady �uilt vut ta th�ir maximum and �hi.s d�as�tp rras •v�n vver tbe vri��aal �lloteent fc�r the +�rea. Th�� riere �bZa ta +�at ii thrsuQh by q�ett�.�g a spe�cia�, d�strict a�pprvval, o� whic2� oone tme bome�rxnet� on Forest Road were Qiven ao��ficatian. f�e ca� t�t�t bel�.ave tha�t they are at the Tox�'� doax •�aie askio� for mvre �pccial ��q�rs. I bought thi�a property tc�r �.z� Driv�cy end ■e�lusion and I dc aot �aat ta xish �ar the further ■ncra�chm�nt tbat this buf�dinQ r�preseats. I be�ievs this •dditica to the liar�i.att Kill cr�at� a "New Yark City" ��t�ct ■�,Q�Q Gvre Cr�ek and ia vur aei�hbo�haod. iie ■lio �eli�v� that i� tbis �acraa�hmet�t were to be allv►red it would era�ate aa cb+�ivus Mpe tav" +�pparttia3ty far a1i as�oz d+��eivpme�t in Vail. Pl�asa� do aQt a�1�M th�.s Prvjeet. Yerg' trulp yol�s, r ' 8. Liadi�� r bs HL+G:+�er � ��p,3#�'.�+s�i C�+. (c�q�P�8`+�� �. le�sQ,?y+�es_raBn � ��4�1�'J~�+�g � _ � . . I�UBERT 5.ENGELII+IAN,Si�. C?NE FINANCIAL PLACE . SUI�'E 9�6 'k CHICAG{a,IL.BOSa5 �� � TEL..;(312]fi63-9�8� 3a�vax7 �, 199�� ]�r. P�t�rr Patt.en� '�vnr cf '�� P�a�niag 'Dir�ec�tor T� lpra�tage Bod� Ya3.�, +Colora.do 8�6�7 Ilear lLr. Pa�ten: 'lti+�ntjr-f��c 3►ear� s,gt� 1re bv11t �ur res�deace st �"35 i�kst �arest �d sac�r a� l�g t� x+�siden�s of �a�i].i �e r�ar�t ta register a stra�g ob�ectiva to the prapoat�d zo�ixag �a�rimtiane requea�ed �y the �ta�rariot EoteZ. I s�rt tu1,3� a�Lz. the o�3�'C�ia�s ra�.asd in th� lett.er �rou h++��E �eeired 2rom Ci��Y J�cob�acua. � 8incer��Y, � • S. ' ,� $r. �6 f�ah C.C. ![�. I?ie�ue� 'Apa�a - P.4* � �Ql, Y+�i�. C�at'acio 8�.�56 �Ix'. Ch�e�le� Crist � P.�. �iax 1�$�, V+�il Cs�lars�ra 816�8 � � f l^ a i Jur�e ��, 199d Susan & NeaT Erickson ?36 Forest R�ad {East} Vail, C{� 81557 Town af Vail Plannirag & Zaning 75 South Frontage Road Wes� V�il, Cf7 $1757 Re : Prcapo�ed A�idit�.on to Marrivt�'s i�'iark Resort P],anrr�:�.,g & Zorcing: The pL�rpa�e v� this letter is to suppvrt �he progvsed addition tv Marriott's Mark R�sart at 715 I�ianshead Circl�. As a se�ren year vacatifln resi�ent of W��C Farest Ra�d I believe that thi.s additian will upgrade the view from my home w�thout imp�ctin� the character of the neighbvrhor�d. .�4t the present ti�e we are l�vking at �wa parking lots . The proposed strr�cture w��ld cover �he e��sting ga�age resulting i�n a perc�ptible imprc�vement ta the entir� area. SincereZp, �--� �- 7�[.t�° � Neal I7. Ericksan � - � _ '� - ` - -�� January 2,1490 Mr. .Tim 5he�rer 51(�9 Black Gare Drive Vaily Co. 8�557 I1ear Mr. Shea�er: s Mr. & Mr�. Tom Ja�t�hson have sen� a lett�r to P�ter Patton and me.�abers of Vail's P�.ann�ng and �nvirc�r�mental Cra�is�ion in whi�h they gi►te reasons for ob�ectang tss the c4r►str-uctian, by the I�larrfott. of a Six Story Ti.rae Share Suilding which w�i�.l be dir�ctl� serass +G��� Cr�ek frvm my residence. I certain�.y endnrse and suppart the ,7acobson� and ather awners in our neighborhoad in t�bjectfng to the construc�issn of thfs high �ise b�uildin� in ar� aTready cancentrated ar�d � crawc�ed evr� area of Liazsshead, �n ad�ition tc+ all the o�j�ctfanarble factcsrs such as eiew bl�ckag�, ze►ning niolatir�n, no�,se, failure to fulfill past COIl�11�1�'�E�S� grid lock traffic whz�h stzain all th� community services and in�rastructur�, th� funciamental question must �S� ask�d-- hcsw big and �io� crawded do �+ou want VaiZ to be? A sh4�t distance from the progvsed praje�t site praparty is selling for multai m�l�ior� dollars# �rt addit�c�n t� exce3lent skii�g, the rea�a�n for this high walue is th�zt Vail is �pecial anr3 unique in retaining vil�age charm, culture, be�uty,, status, and a controlTed taalasce betWeen expansian and villag� style liv�r�g cabj�ctives. �Videastly Marriott recagnizes �his value and wants ta ea�h in c�n the past ccsntroT, risk taking, and �.r�vestment c�f nthers by �amming a high der��fty �type s�Cructure it�to this high value care sr�a. �.'Fi+a canst�ctian Qf this high sise pra�ect wfl� be a giant step i� the direction c�� toa b�tg and tov erawded. �t will hurt Vail and all prap�srty owners by can�e�lfng same of the charm, status, past ha�d wvrk. snd value c�f Vail, Opinions, �udgement, arid feelings ar� formed by d�fferent exp4sures. IJnf�artunately, my residence i�n Io+�ateti �ext to a high d�nsity roc�ing hesuse tirhere �isrrAVtt hot�.ses a msmb�r of men a.tid w�men empinyees during the as�er. I und�rst�nd they are part of a managr�m�nt traiaing pragram. �'hey als� raise � Io� of heZi with f��equen� very loud parties lastin� r�ell into the mornin,g snd inc�ividuals geLting �o high on something they scream int� the night darkness. Ph+�rte cal�ls asking fr�r nvise reduction after normsl sleeping hours resulted in defiant i�,creases in intensity. I f i��lly had ta cal�. the paiice to � get s reduct3ran in a continuaus mind naumbin� s�und system. I don't kno� what h,apperred ta the fame� clean cuC, cr�nsidesati�rn fc�r others, work ethic, p�hilosophy of th+� # � . . �$�� 2 Marriatt Carpor�ti�ari but based oa persnnal exposur+e, my �ee�.ing is Msrriatt daesn't gi.�re a damn abont it's r�eighhars, t1�e nei�hbarh�oo�l, �r preserving the lnng t�rm �ralue af 'Vail. I am a prtap�rty ow°ner and a taxpayer intensely 3nterested .�n maintaining Vail �s a uniquQ an+d special pl�ce. T ask fr�r your acticn and supgr�st by defeati�g furthe�r considerat3.o� of this praject. Very Lru�.y yours, Clinton G. l4�es 725�C Fc��est Rcsad Vail, Co. $ib57 � '� � � . �C? i �c,.�. �,,�.� � '"�+�+.�4►1�7V��v�..�€�,� �.�w��S[G�►�'L ` � - f I . . . . � . . — F + i • � I a ` 1 �� � . .___. .. . 1 � �� i, � , ' _ _ �� �. � , , : ---z»-� _ . -�-.�--�r- -�r- - ,�-,-�.-,,,.---.----,_, _ . _ . a ..¢s, � '~-'� r � i -:�,,."g' ,"°" }�� � � � � � � V � � � � � � --J � . . � � � � � � � tn � � � --, � W '�"' � � � . � �-. � � � � . � � � `� \ C�.. . � � .- � � � E- � . . � � ..J .r � � � � � � � � � � �:� �� �� �, �� �� � �' '�� ,.,,�' ��i� ::,�k� '�►� � w � � ,� � c� � � � � F- _ � c� � � � � � [� � �, - � � � _ � � � � � � �� � �� � �� ` � .� � � � ro �� � �r � � �+� � � r i CC '� r— � � � .� �[ U '5... W � � �� -� LU 41 C] �� � ('j C �2` CY C� r k'-' � '.^ � � (�1 �r d� �{�. (� }� {,t,J � �U �"�"' u" QG qs � � � � � � � ((� f-. @1 � Q1 Q a o � [2 � �' , � .r sfY .� � r6 U � a-' � � CiL f,I'7 � W U c � ac � � � •r S- � � � O �" •� C�3 O c17 �V 4J "C'i [7 ["s i.. � V7 t/� .a� C7 S- � r` V� 4•� � � +� an +[} e,� �--= J� SA � �"- �'L7 � �7 � �+ S^ •r Q1 rtL � v1 e/7 O �.O rd QJ fl1 � �, C r� OJ E � r'° � � •--t C7 1t3 fL5 � �N� (13 � � (Fl � �X �CJ `r. � +G S.. C-7.. �, V1 t� i� F CL' f._7 C.. m �- a � � •r^ � Q`} � � � � Q1 fn O � r" a m } L ^cY � tn 3�. � � � Li_ �a1 di1 [.a �n rC u'i � l- C � �C �G] 3[5 � �L' � � C� U"D d}�� r`� T3 � t/! OJ uj � •� a ,� ,F, r4 �,jJ TJ'--. O .� ri3 Q U � aa �.n �— c� z � � ,� • w � �mr� � �c� � �,� � � I— s. �s � Q "', '� '� 4 ru cv a c�-•r �f3 � � � � � � � [� tn '-" ca v" W W � [� Q � � �- �' � � � �. . �..� _ ���r�� F -� � � � � �., "' f, a�, � c ��-+ � � ° �n vr � � +' �,. +'�-' '° r3 w rts �n i •�-- c a ' ^ v+ � ,� ra m 'ca �- � �a � s� c � � � u, �►.� � � n� � s� � w c .1.-+ �-s Q aJ 'tJ ;.J r � � i. +R3 LJ CS L. � QS �s L n6 S` rr3 Q s �R r "'� C5 � � a.�s C �J C7 � � c O U C� Vi Q Q +a �+ c�a P�17 � r� C1] � U.. CJ � N C� OJ N r� S._ �r � S_ in� a-->�t- 'LJ � � � .1-� G r:F C7'r 7 fli .� d-3 � � Cr3 6/k �4? d6 fC C� 3 f1? fb 3� CI} QJ r � �.I � t.l� '�..7" ^ #J'1 if! L � •r '� � - 3 C7 •r-'r . Q} en -s7 , .0 � c�s�s•� u � i.. �n �31 �l'o L�1 L �7 � �r OJ li d1 �!.7 � .�' r�5 S.. `�+t VS `C7 �' '� +� Zi1 � C Cll tl.F Q] V1 ^�-' C '�1� r tIS QJ 'r r CU � �C rt� �P-y +� � � � fii �1 iIl U C7 V1 +!7 ? r- •r +� d YT3 C .:� L N7 � i-a �1 � +"[3 LU U �J N •� �-' .�C C �'G re1 C3 C� in G U en v7 {J S,. �+ rE�r3 c� tn t!7 W i-. � fi+3 U � 'CY •r rt3 U 'L� � C '�y � E � C7 t11 �-' � T3 C� C �'r +S3 A1 "L� � 7a 9� t17 ' O r .�.� b7 I� QJ +-� d r' c � 'r' � L 'L t!5 [? 4] s� tn � ro m sa� �v .�c � � � .� � � C � � C� C� dJ � a--+--' 77 'B � C •r p�'- OJ C7 � +� �G r� C'! � O t/1 U C O '� �" U3 « CJ �1-� t3 r "C3 �} t13 lA U O C71r Ql •r f,� d1 �- � 3 vT-s- •r +� rE3 � � 1J tl'f C;�. C 4J S- 7 C .�-J � f[S u�'I � -� r`- � tu +.�' c 7,.0 � L, p � s. �7 � � c� v en c3 ra •r- ^ �n � rtS �ti- � J � (U'CJ aJ � C? D `� '�"' •� C' .� +D lU C r�9 .{�� � T, •.-. t3.+ U rC3 � C �,n 23 � C.1 �-i--' + [7� .1-7 � "y�. C tt3 �t' C. � • W3 [77 *r 4-- 'CS OJ t� •r � T� .�- V1 � �— G.1 �i .� rCS rc CTr .i--� t6 ll7� �Z7 O � � '� V7 •C �C7 M17 •r RS CJ � i-y F� � �r' � �-1 .X �YV1 Q � [p 47 4J � � � 1G CL �3 4aJ � C7 � •� � �J� Rf Ci� � •r- Ri f1J �!} •r- L1 O 'S- � Vt L +.y rL1 tn LJ tU •r +--� UJ � � C3 cn � C11 � ill rC � L I.. 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' = � : ,.,,� .�z�.: < ':; ,.m ' . r 4 . , �x� �. .. . w a,.: ,. ��k `A .� . � � �,� �,�„ . ..e.,� � ��,' u :`. z s s�'�:: � �� � � ���i �� ,�� Y 5�.� ���"� a �r,��' � :� �' ,J $ �:�� t �,p F E � � 4 � �; �� �'� � « � su,s � � `� ���� � � �� � ���i ,�. �, .n: `e `� . r�.-..si� �.��.H �� � d'.a , ...+r wiF�.,,�..�wn: � ` i. �-,�� ",." � '�t. :2 �fs ` .q � � .# �� ':...�x's��' � .� {� �" 1 �� � ��� 3�� .s�a."�r ` , ° °< .u �'�� ik y'�'� �� ��3'�r � � rtl`'� `5° ,.�� � }�.���.:�+��I�,.,;� �. g,�� s� .:� �'3'"��'��'{ �r`Y � ' i� r�'. {�-�;� ��� ., ���.• �� . .�,3 � ����w � z � .. �' t -� ��% �-�� • -. � 1 } ��� :�. .�r+s � .,�� �. . �.�� _ . ,�,.,. � . ,.., ..: a r�� r ",. d`� ��� �� � �� -1, . � t � � ��, 3 .���a :� ' _� . . . ; ,� ; ,. <. .�.y.,. ,,...; , ,.-,;a.,> ... ,..,.= .�. . �.�,,.�, ..�...� r ,. , _ �.. . �_ . .. .�. .x r _. . ., , _ _. . . . � 1 � J . . . . .. .. . , '.. ,�Ywv:).;_,_... � � TD: Tc�wn Cvunci 1 FRC]M: Corcimunity Developmer�t ❑epa�tment DAT�: September 11, 199� RE: Follaw-up on 4u�stion Rai��d by CaunciT a� S+�ptember �th Work Sessian an th� Numdoer af Rent�l �[Jnits the Marriott Marlc is Reaquired ta Prc�vide. The issue regarding the nu�nber of Marric�tt Mar}t unxts tahich must re�nain in the rental pvvl was raised at the September 4t�i Tc�wn Cc��ancil meeting in respernse to the �RS re�ror� an the Art�.n�an 250 addition. The Artinian's are combining two existing c�ndomi�,ium units, each with a lr�c�-off uni�, inte� vne cmndominiu�a with one �.QCk-off ur�it and adding a 25[� sq. ft. lof�/saun� area. Th:e Marriott Mark Sgecia� Development I�istri�t No. 7 was approved by C7rdinance l�a. 3 , Serie� of 1977, on F�bruary �, 1977. The Ar�inian unit i� located in th� ea;s�ern mc�st l�uilding of the Marrio�t Mark c�mpaex (Phase �) . The buil,ding in which �he Artinian graperty i� lvcatc�d was cc�nstrtxcted unc�er P�ablic Acco�n,tnodation �oning District develc�pment rec�u�rem�nts and the �anits condominiumized �nd s�J.d pri.c�r ta the adoptiot� of S'DD No. 7 . r. , The agreement which address�s the r�umbe� of keys (ra�ms} whach must be a�*a�.�,ab1� far r�nt is the franchise agreemertt b�tween M-K Corporation and the Marriott Cc�rporation. Tha.s agreement was entered into to ensur� the Ma��intt Corporativn that � certaYt� num�aer s�� rc�oms will be affi�.i�ted/available taar ho�el u�e. Th� Tc�wn is nnt a party to this agreemcnt.. tr . ._.Y. f.°_ ' , {/i, '�,ir. C a_.. ._. 4 GFr,_�..i�•,; � . , _ .,. . . , .. f:^'� 4. .. � �,� �T�N �G;�/c �,•;�� f.'"e��'/'�;+r�ar�,�,���.y�'t""�^' � � ���iY �. �I'EItSCIl'� ��I�€�U'�E��<�,T t.�1R TELEPI-f014E SUITE.3�C77'riAIL fVATEQtVAI.9ANK 4llIL[,IIN�G i3031 476-Q092 lOB SOiJ7H FROWTpGE RRAQ WEST FA% LIINE JAY!(.. P£TI�R509V 1'iIIL..4YJLOI{sLUf1$If251 �3D3�479-0467 June 27, 199f? Ms. Kristan Pritz Tc�wn of Vail, Plannine� Departm�nt 7 5 S auth Frantage Ftoacl West Vail, CD 81657 R�: �arri�tt-Mark Resoart i�ear Karistan: Pursuant tc� our v�rbal request wauld yc�u please take th� �pprapr`iat� aGt��n tc� table th� Ordinane� regarding the underlying z�ne distri�t fvr SDD�24 and als� the ordirrance for 5DD#24 itse��. The purpase ca� this r�c�ra€�st i�s t� insure that we hav� envugh t�me to finaliz� the language and make su�e �he �Drdinance is correct. Wauld you �Sl�as� table this matte7r unti.l Ju�y 17, 399�. If yau have any questions please contact me at my o�fice. Sincer�ly, a •,ti � � �.�� �c�� . E? @=5C]l1 V 't7KF�,;ne � � � � `�Y3 ���N� D� V�1 � 75 sa�fronk�ge road oMve vf communKy�ie�re{c�pm�er�# ►ra�6,coYarado 61€�57 [303)479-2136 (303)4T9-2139 April 25, 199v Peter Jamar Pet�r Jamar Associates lf}S S. F�Qntag� Road West Vai�, +CU �155'7 �ear Feter: We have sch�duled the Marri�tt Mark SaD amendanent far the May 14th Pla�aning Commission meeting. In Drd+�r ta facilitate staff review of this prapQSal , yaur revis�d submittal must be in our office no la�er than Apri�. 3C�, 1990. The�e rev3.sic+ns shc�uld 3nclud�. 1. Amendrnents tr� yQUr writt�:n rept�rt deta i].inc� groposed chang�s that have be�n discussed durinc� the �eview c�f this prv�ec�.. At a minimut�� thes� changes should include: *�"he c�evelap�r's �comrnitm�nt to r�paint the exi�ting Marr�.ott Hr�tel a� a part e�f th�s rede��l�pme�it pr�sgvsal. *The d�v��.agez'� cvrnmitment tQ pc�st a band fvr any ane� aI1 sit� and lanc�scape imprvvements nr�t compl�ted at the time of T.C.O. *Any �•�urnber" ch��3es pertaining to unit cc�unts �nd square fac�tag�, *A revise�d vi�w/phota an�lysis r�f th� proposed structure. � � � 2, Revi.sed site plan, ��ndscape plan (w�ich may include increased lands�c2�ping on the west elevation) � bualding e�.evations and f�.oar plans. Twv e4pie� of this m�terial wi 11 �re needed. �'he sta�� has not had an opportunity ta tharaughly re�sri�w your amended prapasal, H�we�ver� I a� uncomf�rtable with mcsdifica�ivns tra the sr�uth elevation a� they r�3.ate ta the b�ke pa��. As yc�u knvw, vvr previ.ous ef�o�ts k�ave �c�cusec� on estab�ishing a sensitive relationship kaetween �his builc�ing and th+e bxk� path. Your �hanges nc�w includ� a fnur star�r �nass alflng the south �levatian. I wauYd �ncaurage yQU ta cvnsider mat�xf.i�ations ta yaur design that wc�uid pra�ride more relief �nd less bu�].dir�g height Qn th�s pr�rta�,on af the huildinc�. It hars �ae�n a pleasure working wit�i ycau, yo�r architect. and ycs�ar "'p�.anning consultant" on this project. As yvu know, Kristan will b� assurning the lead rr�le in th�e Town's r�e�raew of this p�apasal. Al.l future co�respondenc� can be directed to �er. $7:I1C@�'�l�r ��� Tvm �raur� Tawn Pl�nner TB/PP . � � � . , ,r � 1 +"Y�� � � �w� �f ���� 75 south froniage raad aftice of community develQprnent vail,colarado 8�657 {30'JJ 479-2138 �303)4"79-�139 March 22, Z990 Mr. Peter .Tamar Peter Jamar Assaciat�s, Tnc. 7.a8 S. Frontage Road We�t Suite 3 cl8 Va�.1, Cp 816�7 Dear Peter: T3�e fa��owinq sumrnax�ize� how the �ta�f is �ou�tta,ng units at the Marari�tt Mark R�s�rt. Brvken down int� th� thre� phases, existing develapment consists of ttte fo�l�wing: ,f;;. . j , A.U. 's TI.U. ' s Phase I '�4 14 Phase I:C 107 12 Phase �II 67 27 T�t�l �4$ 53 As we discussec�, dw�elling uraits ar� thase units which contain ki�chen and food pre�aaratic�n facili,ties. By definition, each dweil�nq' unit is permit�ed one �.Qek-off uni�. Any lvck-off in �xces� of one is caunted as an accamrnodati4n �nit. Tt is ,im�avrtant to understand that thi� methQdt�lagy is used in determining tvtal unit counts regardless of hcw this prvperty may have been con�ic�miniumi��d. A flc�ax- }ay �lc�or bre�kdowm of each of th� three phases� is as �ollaws: . � � � r . A»[I. '� 3].CJ. 's } Phase I� 2nd Le�el 21 3 3 rd L,eve1 Z 1 3 4th Level 2�. 3 5th Level 11 5 T�tal 74 1� Phase II: Lobby Leve3 6 1 �lezz . Leue3 �.d Z 2nd Lev�l 23 3 3 rcl L�ve 1 2 3 3 4th LeveJ, 23 2 5th Lev�1 17 2 6th L+�vel 5 � Tatal 1�'7 12 Phase z�x: Conf+�rence Le�el 4 4 Lobby Leve� 6 3 Mezz. Leve1 13 5 2 nc� L�v'�1 14 5 3rd Level 14 4 4th Lev�l 12 4 5th Level 4 2 '�ot�� 67 27 Th� unit types fr�und �n Phas� I�� provides a gv�d example �� h�aw these unit cc�unts were de�a�ve�. Fo�- exampl�, unit typ�s ��C„ and "� �eluxe'� �acri includ� a care dwelYing unit with 2 lock-c�ff ber�raoms. Each af these 2 lock-af� bedrooms cc�uld lae accessed �ndepender�t vf the core unit. The zonir�g code al3.aws each dwelling unit one Tack-df�, wi.th any additianal lock-offs �ounting as an accc��nodatian un�t. As a result +�ach Qf these types s�f unx�.s cQUnt as Qne dw�lling unit �nd �ne accomm�dation uni�.. T hope thi� helps clarify riow we have detertained the existing unit count for the Mar�ic�tt. Pl�:ase do na'� he�itate ta �ail m� with any qt�estians that yau may have. 5incerely� f 1, �w�-� '�vrn Braun Town PZana�er TBf pp � � �� , �� `� �,�a► �� l4J�ll �� ��� 75 sauth frnnWge road ofifce a#�ammuni#y de+r�opmeni va�N,coForado 8t657 [3Q3)479�2138 �34�)479-2139 February 13 , 1.990 M�. P'eter Ja1n3.r Jamar Assc�cia�e�, Inc. 108 S. �ron�age Rd. West Suite 308, Vail Natianal Bar�k BTdg- V�il, CQlorado 8�657 Dear Pe�er: We ha�ve �eviewed your �pplication for amendments to Specia� Development District #7. Foxiowing the submi�tal af a starnped tc�pagr�phic survey, �+'our appli�ativn wi].1 be complete and we rail� pub�ish fcar fc�rnzal review wYtt� the Planning Com�issivn on �Iar�h 12, 1990. At this paint, tzm� is nat allvwed for a d�tailed review vf yaur compl�te su�mittal. Hr�we�aer, the st��f wi11 b� re+q�e�'��,ng further infvrm�:ti,on �nd c�ari��ca��,on a� material that has b�en submitted. Th� following is a �a�tial� list of materia�. that we will be requ�sting: 1. Indica�e fini�hed grades on a site c,r landscap� plan. 2 . A preliminary drainaqe p�,an and �z�rther elarificatian vn h�w drainag� �a�d runoff wiZl be addressed. 3 . As�uming 6� time-share uni,ts a�e cr�nstru�t�d, wha� is the anticipated ��cupancy ra�e and the antici,pated numla�r af peopl� per �nit? '�his infoz�natian wil� he].p gauge t�i� impact c�n the Tcawn of Vai1 sh��tle bu� �ystem. We hav� �cheduled � me��:ing with you anc� your associates on Wednesday, February 2�, ���p at 9:00 a,m, At th�s poir�� w'e shrauld have rec�i��d inpu� from oth�r t�wn departments atxd will be ab1� tca give yau a b�tter indicatian of qu�stians ur� ha�re regarding this �rcapc�sa�. Sincerely, L \ c]��` Thc�mas A. Braurt Tawn Planner �A�r'PP ����'��' P roject: Page:: � �r' , LoCation: [3at�: 343-r9�-160Q Produci; ��': 83�1 West Garder Cour# FAX 343-791-1730 Cli�nt: Checketi: Lit4Eeton.CC7 80125 1-8b0-3!65-3D9fi --.__. .� r1 ' a r �Y!`�!�T � ��Ci��C� �I L!� ���� � ---7 � { ..._.,..J� • �C-�P��S �� �j��YL'f?C.:� _, .�wLC�l1 (R.7w�I�'� .�[_--1-f'.a�� .�_f,J fl L T-��---+'�� .. �v�/P.��+��.'aT�. 4"�U-�"c S i � _ �,��. Z"T��s �Gs� � ��{�-1� a°�c 1,����'� �i��,�s �U�i 7� - � _v� � _ -----m� k, __"�� T�'��'�`��. _ �r�nc�..rns ��v 1� �- - -�� —� 5 - - . _ 9� + ,, l !, � � � �i -� ��,d , /V��`4l�- c���!Y.,�z,,'`� '�^ p I o n �,:� ;� � �.'��' c.`n � G�{�.-tv '�j�' SG-��G • �����- '� ��`� ;—� ' ______..�-�.. _�� —� _1 _ _.��, _ ,����,�'�� drn 5 "_�.::,-�.���� �'��� ; - ;_ . 1.r.n�� I�-a.c.. _ ---t �� 4 �.f[1"`�fG!rl` �►�{��'��'.---�_s 'i��' y'T . �.I��v��[� � +�� i//7 f '�•1 �h'"� , r / � , ,� ,� _ . C.�r4�G✓ ,�i'�df/{� �la�.'^4'� �{_. fi'%.yc/! r,�.�cl�'-� C7T � ._ s __._,. . - -- __.. F, I!.c o/L. C lr��.�� �� /%� � � '� '� �,��`��3' , � i� �� ,� � �,�.�tft- �nc�r��� s SLirv�� ��r�� �.�r�`��� . -�7��/ _. e� / ---------_o._-- //,{- __ --- -_ _ / , � _.. �j/',(�{�rC� .L.. '� �£�Tt��;. f i� G�'� . J � '^ (�rf��.lG i �- � C�SG�F+�L+L../F� .. � � �r � . �,__. _ , � �� �� � .�� !"rv'�,� �S , f`.L 3 cr• Gv� � L��dc�5 �'n v �� � . ._�� �r �— _ .�__� �_.._.. - a t._ ., _ _��.._ .,_.. _ ,... ....� . . ..._ ' , • . R ��.-�T i __�_. ..-.--.. . . ._ .__. _.. ..•�" _ ..._. - —•�_._ ' . ..._ . ..." a. _.�_ ' . . .. .... -�--`�-� - —'- � � ._� . .._.� . r�_. _. .. .". . . .. - _. _ .. "'�. '_" _ '_. . . . . ___. _ .,__..� — I 1 �..._,_ . __. .. __' __�_. �..�.--_-. ._ . .�.._..` _ ...�. _. .. , -�__ �.'....� ..-._-.- T-. .._. .. . . .. . � � � ! , . � _:..�.-r .�_.�. , _ ..' .__ ' i _.-....,...---'-- .�_...�..- »-�,....��.�. . . �,�...�...�—.,,,,,.,.-�...�_.�._,..- - . . t . --��_- -'--"�_—_ _�__..�_------- � _s_.. ... . '_..._' _.__ ..___ "'_. .. ...._ .. . t�__R.�-._. . . _..,_ —..... . _ . _ . . � � ..� _�., .__-� ._. .. __.. --- , � � .,_,. _._y ._.r�_'_: , _ . __... __... . � °,. ... ._... � .._ . __ . _..._.._I..� �.. _ . .. , . . � { .._..__°_ _. � _�... .. . .._. . _..r.,-_ . -. - � .._�... __...__... . . ..... . ...._._.__.--�'_.__,-. . , r._._.... _ ._ ___.,.. . _ _ i � _._ _.. -- .------.--�a , + � __ , --. .__. __, I-- , ' � ,. . _._ f __ _—__��»{r.�i -•_- " - . � � � 1 .� Nonreinforced Concrete Sewer.Culvert&Irrigatian P;pe{12"thr�u 24"1 PrecasR Concreie Manholea Reinfor�ed Cancr�te Sewer,Culvert 3 Irrigation P�pe(Z�"thru 144"} Precast 3nlets and Vaults Re+nforced Cancrete E11�ptical Fip�{18"theu 1A4"ti PrecasS Retaming Wali Frecast Concrete Box CuEvens Precast Sound 8arrier • Frecast Three Sidesl Box Br�dges CpNCF{�E FC}R PEl�IIAANENCE 5pecialty�'recas#i4erns � � +�a� r� �aw� � Vai 75 :outh fronlapr�rasd rafl, Golc�rado$1857 �303) 47fi-7tfaD oftice v� cammun[ty tlevalapmenl, ME3wi(7RANI7UM �'o: P�ter Patt�en Fi�[7M; Mike Ma113.�a DATE: M2trCh 17, 1989 SU�ECT: SL�D� �7 - Marriott Mark �tesort Acreage = 5.17 acres 25 DU,/acr� x 5. 17 acres = 1�9. �5 DU A�+C. UNITS T3WELLING UNT'�S 1. �riginal = 74 14 �na�� z � io� iz Phase II = 67 27 T(3TALS �4 7 5 3 A11QWable = 3�A 3�4 � . GRFA Exi�ting � 86,513 Phase II = 45,996 �33, 509 Allawable = 13�,�O+D ����, �' �.c� � � � � QTTC), �ETf;�LSC]l�F �'c P[7ST ATT��;tiF:YS A'I` Lh+Y VAIL NATIOhfAL BArifE BWILAIFF{3 FREOEFtICfS s.4TT0 S30'Jl�76-0092 JAY 3(.PETEi2SC7tJ POST UFFIC.E �QX 3i4!7 WdLLIAM J. POST VhIL.'C�L�JE$21�� $l�i."'jl}^:31��L4! FA% LISJ� W�EFFD�LL B.PORTERFIEL6,JR, l3f)3)d79�-Q�4B7 ��r�a�rr�uM TO. I�RTSTAN F'RITZ, T�?Y7N C7F VAIL FRaM: JAY �C. PETERS(7N DATE: JT.]TN E 8, 19�9 0 RE: MARRI�TT MARK RESQRT Dear Kristan: Pursuan� tv yo�� r�quest the ��llow�ng is a c�uick summary of the ownership af Lots 4, 7, C & D, Slack �, Vai.l Lianshead Third Filing: l. The Mark I,adge Cc�ndc�miniums takes up a portian �f Lc�t 7 and � s�nall p�rtian of Ltat 4 and a conc�ominiurn map �as been recc�rded on s�uch prc�perty. y ' is the pres�dent of th� Assaciation and ow���pproxit�ate 74 .{72� of the g�n�ral com��n �1 emen't�. � �,�;�e,�,,-r.��,� M - k, (` 2 . The Mark Resort anci Tenn�.s��a�b ccupi�s a porta.an af Lat 7 and Lcat 4 and a con�ominium m�p has b��n zecorded on such property. �'his pr�F�rty, however� is 1fl0� �saned by the M-K Corpc�ra�.ian. 3 . Th� r�maining Lats C & D e�campasses th� final phase Qf the Marriatt"s Mark �tesc�rt. �hile a cvndoma.ni.um m�p has been prepared far this propert� nc� map has been recorded and the M-K Corporation own� that p�zase in its entirety. Kaiser Mdreus as the presa.�dent af the M-K Corporati�n alsa. I� ycsu hav� any c�ther que�tiQns regardin�g the cawn�:arship of th� p�operty pl�e�.se cvntact me at my c�ffice. _. - -- - - - � _.._ __ _ . . - - _ _. .• � _ � . �"' ,,� " . . _ � . _. �.:� i i i', I � --± _ . ' i � � �.i;'������I..��_�' ;=� �,:_�;� 1 , _ _ �-' : , � '.� ��i r'rl�Y i. t _:�+'� ,_"�`j � i' ... I..•i��3.f �._ _ " �=,1_TH !=���r;�s� ;���i i.�.��� ��__ . c;ts 1 a:>•{ '`:�r•t i i=. ��, r.,r�;r ,._ _. '���{'r`�^�� � � ��.__ . �1C! �r1� �f� 'r`�:�t.l f' f'�'17i I t�d i`a+»4 f�'� y 3�C f:-•{-t:"' �+:� l��1 �1 1�� . 1 . �i=�<t+��iv` r�at.. ,_la�rs� 1���, 1':f;�;;1 �� � : c�a� F�. 11. r.� �' Y�I I �.�-, �Id �f 1 �1 i�' A ��:r�^=�� / '�1���� F�1� �.I�f�l�4��j I r����r��F� • "r�LTA'" s���s�n�r-�� K ���� ���..r. �r�r�� �-1'��7c�� 4�wm�r's,��-� 1E�-17—i{�) ���.,.��Y:��w��# Fr�s��r :��j: T£��e _ . ��t�d:� _. �t�t:_ .�f r ���l�.:r,��s t i.rz t��� 1 �.r�,� ;��.. w r i����� �:�r �-� _ �:�r r .�� c-�� i r'� t�`t 1 S �_�s�ffi}T!1 �'?i v�I � 3 i��� C��`v'c['�=+� tY;T i± i Fi 1 = • �1 ,�"�:`., _�1:T'.F� L �. 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EA�.EI"lEN�''3� �E�ERVAT I���`i°� �I�iL7 F�E:�T�t I��T i i=+i'�`= r^i��: '�;y+=�L�1PJ i=�i� �:E�:;E'€';V��� ���'�! "�HE � ��:r1I�L��MIN�LsM h1t�F �`+=�� TH� Ma�� L��C��+E fi�NL: F��1E�•J��MEi�I�'=, T�l��ETu. �AGE 1I � � . ._- � .� �... � �_.. � _ ... ,�� �.��;�: � 7 PET�1� JAMAR ASSC7ClP�TES, II��. � w�nr�r�it��t�.���:E�+i���a^.�r�Ys�,T.a�.r�i� Fa�.Sk:AC,e_:rs I�`IE�+IORANDUM TU t KF2I�TAN F'RITZ Fi�QM: PET�R JAMAR. dATE: MAY 11„ 1990 k` RE: I�+�Ak7RTf}�"I' MARK RESORT �rDD]�TTC1N , Attachec3 is thc� informat�on that yr�u reque�ted be r�submitted r�garda.ng the groposed Marriatt �dditivnt �. Revised written reperrt oe�tlining changes th�t h�ve been made tc� the praject and a revise� Environmental Impact R�part. 2 . Revisec� site plan, landscape g�ans� flaor plans� and el�vati�ns. n 3. Revis+�d p�c�to/view analysis. a Please let me knc�w if you hav� que�tivns c�r comm�ents. W+� will have capi�s of all af this mat�:riaY reduced int4 nate�mok fc�rm as we have greviously and wi11 deliver cc�pies for distri�u�ion to ; PE� tQ yvu shortly, al.lawing ample t�me for review prior to �he June 11 ,h�aring. �, _ .. .. - ..:. . � _ „�. .,x ` -���� ��'�,"'��;���� . '�. ;�, , „ : ,,� ,,�..; , x � ��� � ���� ' ���� �� .� - _ � 1 ," `°�`�� .,�, � ,;._• _r_ n�'. .:. � � y � � � . ���,�����,-� ,���.�,�' ��` �r� '��,` "��d��" ��� ��� { _ � �� � �� �'�,� �� �' . � � ' - ... ' �'� �� `� ��.�,� k�;��,r�, � E � >. ,., .r �§ �7rY�T�a ���� e��sr u�k�. - - _ � "�` �'r�,."�' ����,��� ,��'� a5�i� - �k�'�; � .,} �r b+ re'Y'7�,v�� �i�i.E Mk�'��i�. ' � ,��-=s � ��' � -��Gt�"�r-�.�.v.� � - � `�a„��� �' �',"��,�,• : � ?' $�_,. � � �j ., . � - . . .r .9 i �� �M"... 4_ l�4H�'}''.'v- ,�°9*`9y .._ . .�9 . ',N...w �am. . � 5ustc 308.VaMi N�tic�n��Bank i3u�l�dn� i0B Scrut�franla�e Rc�ad VW'esC • �laiL t�lcara�o 81551 • (3d31�T6-71�4 b ., �,�-. _ .. , _ ,: , . _ : �„y,: . .. � �,. �� .z ,.. . . ,;w e ,..;: , :`°�„� �+�,�'^u"a x. t` � � � ;.. . .>.... ,. . . „- .,, _ - ..� ,.. .. ,a.... ,..:,� ,,.-: � .... �_±,rL�'�,.�,a b•,�„ , ,�;.�.,;� �°,�,u��..:a�--� `�"'�'r?'� ��N.:. ��r�R ��,r�a� �,ssaci���s, ��v+�. Pl.AI`iNiF9C:F.U�'dkLC7'`'h4EN1�AI4.'�t.YS�S. Rk`wEA!?{.H i �.��'�..7I5.!'11V D U 1'1 T�1: KRISTAN PRITZ FRC3M: FETER JAMAR/N�D f;WATH�'�lEY I]AT�: MAY 8, 7.99C3 RE: MAI;RI{dTT MARK FtESf}RT - SpE�IAL OEVEF�PMENT i}ISfiRIGT MQDIFICATXQN FtEVISI�}Id�� A� yau'v� requested th� f�allawing autlines �he �evisic�ns tea the plat�s that have been mad�. s�nce the Staf� Memo�andum dated April 9, 199�. '�'hese changes have been made in respanse tv the pukslic heari.ngs held w,�th the F.E.C. an April 9 and 23 . , Pr�viaus fApril _ 9Q�, Revised Units - Employee 8 S - Time Share 57 56 GRFA 74,2C�5 ?0, $OQ �ark�.nq Spaces 395 Tatal 395 Tc�tal Site c€�verage, setbacks, and landscapeci ��ea aTsc� remains the same. Building height has be�n generally reduced by or� fl�c�r and in sflm� a�.nstances }ay two f�Q�ars in respons� ta PEC directimn ta reduce the mass r�f th� huilcl�ng. A camparisan o� �.he attach�d �lans will rev�al the areas af change an each elevation. Please ncat� that th�e bui�da.nq now stays within � maximum of 48 ' in height. , „ , .. . . _�,.�;:t�� �:,�-�,��..� �:��;��-� Sumt�.�08,v�d?�l;at�c�n�i E3ank t3u�loing � k(15 St�ulh Fro�?laqe NQad W�st • 4'ail.Cta4aratla 8165T • l.:i�39�J6•7154 � ,�. . ,� ���� � - �.«"�' �, �u. s�iv�,e..��?"r'��rAa�-�tmt�,�F:s�a i�.P",'7,;'e `����`��'�°'-:�. .,.xc, ,:�1�i „e� . ..,'x+d zM��, . � 9F' :� . . ., �^� .: . ` , _ .,� -. , . , ...._�.. . ,.. � ' � � � Memvrancium 3�r�y 8, I99i3 _ ..._.... , ,� . .....�,. . ..:.,.. .. _ ,__ ,, � . .: .. .... : .. ,�_ -:.: � �,,,� ' ��, „r .. .-.. _.. _ . _... .. _ ... � - .: ... , ,. . _. ._: � P[1BIsIC IMPRflVEMENTS,/SE�EFITS. Many puhlie benefits anci imp�a�►ements are asso�iated with the prr�ject and, in c�eneacal r have not changed at all sinc� th� s�.aff re�c�xnmer�da�ion and memorandum dated April 9, 1990. Th� �roposal helps to implement severai c�f the goals c�f the Vail Land Us� Plan, The nine qoals wh�.ch are most re].evant are �ontained in �he staff m�mc�ranc�u� flf April 9 under i.t�� A. Sp�cific improvements being mac�e are.. a. The su�stantia�, u�grarle t�a the ex�.sting I�a�r3att sit� and �.andscaging, and a��v��ic�n Qf buildinq cvlors. b. Presvis�.an vf pub7'�ie walkway� al.onc� inlest Lionshe�.d Circle anc3 through the center af the MarriQtt sitt� fr�1n the west day 1ot, c. The prv�ision crf suk�stan�iai 1�ndscaping along the bike path �nd th� creation of a "pncket park"' alc�ng the bike path. d. �nclosur� of t�e existing surface parking and the areation of additi�nal landscaped and c�pen area abo�re parking and by the eliminatifln af twa ��nnis caur�s. e. Pravisicsn of 8 +�mplvyee hc�us�.ng units. 3 f. Provisx�n af additianal higt� qua�ity t�m�-shar� units which = di�tc��rsify the existing unit type and mix �nd provid� V�i7. with additianal destinatian r�esort �ue�ts year round. � 4R 14 �a�;_ �'w.l .. � � .�::��� ��.m�.� , .. _. . .. ������.�. , ..: __ ���� � ��, � �� �,Y . ,�a. ,.. - � �� � ,�� � � �� � � `��'� � ,� � y � �..:� dS� �b� �::::: az t �a�r� - - .,w,a �"Ax' '�; �.�FY•ma °'ah < ,, �� � � a: ��� s�� � , `�' ��..�'�r`�„ ""&.'�- .. . . ' _ � .:� .. �,AY''��. �.�%.KaM. 3+�,„�rye h�; � . . ,' �_, .-�, k aw. � !' { bq � �� S�...�'F''�'���' dsm. � `��,.�t ..�.�� � ,� �.y�d....{ . 4+'�^.����S�iA��i,!�. aM�'. . .K ��. , ��• ' MT';� 1 ��, � . ��� ��71�` f � nA. '��b"�,. �� r � � � Q:. �Rn�.�.o—. �-��,°ic'���� _ �-�' S�,II��.' �.... �t . P . � H�1 S����w � � �eL'fM+�. � r.:,�,� �� - ��� . w .0 � � r . • s . 3 � � ,;° + # � � .,,, ,�� ati k.� Apri� 3f}f 1 99Q Ms. Rr�.sten Pritz, L�irectc�r c�� Camm�nity 1]evel��ment �, Town of Vail ,; 7� 5outk� Frontage Rc�ad West r Vail, Ca 8i657 RE. MarraQtt Mark � l�cad,�facata.ons to S.D.�. H� ;�' bear T�risten: 5in�� the P.E.C. wqrk sess�c�n April 23 � 199� , we have ��rth�� r�vis�d �he �lans submi��ed at that m��ting. These revis�.�n� are; 1 � Reducing the uni�s fr�z�t 5$ to 56 rnaintaining eight �rnpl.oye� units. 2. R�mc�v�d �he ak�a,re '�wc� units from the �duth �l�vatian top fl�or east ar�d w�s� ends er�ating a mor� �nte��sting, Iess <: �nassive creeksi.de pre��n�e. See �nclosed e].ev�,�ac�ns dat�d Apr�l Z9, 199(7 . 3. Reduced the uni� dimension allowing us tv main�ain th� 35 foc��. setback f�-om Wes'� Lioc�sheacl Circle [see en�lc�sed site plan) . Ev�rythinc� else stays the sa�ne �.s pre�ented i.n the work session. W�.thin th�e vaeek, we will presen� you with �11 r�f th� reduced " graph�.cs �a araend th� pr�s�ntation ngteb�4ks. � Two �ather mat�er� we are �till work�ng crn and sh.�ul� be ready' for ; the May 14 P.E.C. hearing ar�: 1 . The revi�ec� archi�ectural r�r�d�el. � 2 . Coldr alterna�ives fQr r�painting af existing Marriatt ;; Mark as well �s col.ars a�d mate�ials fQr the addi�ion. ,,. ,-. .. , , : ::. ,.,.:.,, .� ,. :_. , s.: . _ ,- .s�, �������� �� �u� � ' �; ����������f �' , �� �� ��� � � . ....;.. , 4 , .z,--: � �.•�����, ��� �Y�'���,� , ��� ' -. a+k' N �`�'����; �}�{���s d.. � '. f'-�1��r . ... . . .. . :; ....v .:.:. - . . .. � , i. . . i `+ x �f � �£ S x � �i�i'�F .��� RY:�"t � r.� �i . _.. ,.-... .,_ �.,,_ , .-s ., , -._ .._ ',_.r-° >�. . � _- . s :. - ...,. �.. . .. - � '� ".., �,b • . . . . _. . _� . . . .. . ... , . . . . '� � .. . . ,.-„�: ,..� '.<� '"�. . �..x;�� ��r: as � � r�� . �x����� ���.t� -z- �►���i �o, i ��o €�on ' t hesitate �t� call if y€�u ha�e que�tic�ns, �uggestaons t�r n�ed ac�ditiona� infarmation. Sin��r�1Y. ARNOL�/GWATH�'�'iEY/F�A�'T ARCHTTECTS, P.�. , 4 I �£'C� t'aW��.�'1I17��T y �S NG/ad En��.asures cv�ies to: Kaise� Morcus Jay Petersc�n - Pet�r Jamar ..__._.: . , ..., ,. _ ,. � v ...::.. � .: : , � � � � ?� �� - �� y�i, �,.., _ ;, ::[+ y� t.' '�' Y .��'�.� � i ' � ���� y 34-�y -�� ,�4 �y E;_ { �!+" a �'' '� }k����, ,�� � .. '��z ? �+`'� �t :r! 7 ! s ; ,�-- y � _ ,„� x dwf�t �; � t� ;� 7- �"T' �y � y� X a_} � .1.� '�� ��C� 1��.i. ���j ` �� �#`� � ���� `.�a a��`?� .ef� �� p��� �� 'y� � q� _ �,• l,,�,y-r�y�` ..A � ���"tr,f . '; � ;. a��,��'�. '.��� . + .��i .. � ...:f s� k Y� � y3t, . �'��� lS j :! ".N a�%x`�� �.d � .F �� II �I ��,'�Gy� u�{ ��� g f. �.5� �k'� , I . �,.� � 3 � . . , �4 ��. � F �� � F .. �' �' i� . '�.r . : ..^ ��� i ��� 2 ����t � � �� �����p�'�S��'u�I '- t l � . ��' � �':� � .': �2�'i"�-�{���� ' � .!. .£ :.�.a�r 2 , ._ :� �� _�:.,�. a+ ,� . �� �� � ,�t"i ���,- � ' � �� � �:#� � #4 f "�j �'� �d' �.+� FS° P�. F1S:. �I�S S� .:'. � .'f .D � ��, -� � ���� !� t : � �� x :�. j� �, � �� ��.�.� � �� § �:E i�..k� ��,'� �� � C' � ; �� k1- L.�S.� .. : �' �. £��� . '.� !� �¢.��� �r T� �_'S g � F JY l".'I� ,�F . �� �i� •: �F �, ( Sap� �1.��a'� y' � '� �T .� � � ��$J. �'��� .,�� ky' ", <. '� �'` � �'� . { .3y �� .w�, j ��, . � ��. ; � ��',.� � y�c �r . � ��� �f ����� f � � � � a� �� •`i � ' �. ; .� a-�'_, ' t X � � �. p �� �< i.� d� w � r ; � ��^ i . � � �" = s� �s � F �, � a* . 3 f � �'� S . � � . �������, . � ����� � �� � ���.�� �st�� a��� � "� .i � �:�x k �� �� pq i����' �, '° �` 3,� �.. �«�i 1 � . �` .: $��.��'r� r' � �-� � r 't c �'��-�'� >1-�` . y�v, . .� M' .Y!'tk t-Ypg . -�� - 3 _, ¢ �'� � , .� �� ...& -� F � S ���� �.� .e f' �£ o :4e q . � . nS.�,.�'...s..'�r� �i d .,4.w._:�...i3Y.�. .�7�tifi � � � � � k , �_ � PET�I� �AN�AR ASSDCI,�T�S, li��C. wL.;;r^aPaira�:;.aevtLUY��A�r�r ;,r�A�.YS�:;. HESE:;,fir��i N6EMC)RANI7FJM TO: FE'i'ER FATTEN FRDM: PETER JANlAR DATE: .7AN'UAR�.' 4 , 1.�9 fi �tE; MARRICJTT �.'�IARK AGDITI�N AN'� RENaVA"I'�tJ�1 �. B�l�sw is an update a� st�tistic� regarding the existing and prapmsed development af th� Marr�c�tt. EXISTING aE'�IELC7PMEN D�nsity: �` �RFA: 13 3, 5 Cl 9 TC3TA,L D.U. 'S: 5 3 Tt]TAL A.i]. "S: 2{78 Sit� Cr��e�aQe: 83,3�7 S,k'. = 37� �'a �.r+ t 210 (West Park�.ng Stru�turej 63 (East Buildi,n9') 273 PR{3Pf}SED i7EVEL��MENT �' I��ns ity. GRFA: 8t1,440 � '�'f3TAL UNITS: G7 � 5 ite Co�veraae: Ne�a P��pcased = 2�, 3 52 5.F. Ex3.s�i]r�g = 83, 997 S.F'. t�'eW Tc�tal = 1U9, 849 S.F. = 48� F�rkina: New Propc�s�d = I.01. �paces �1.. 5 X 67) �u�Pe 3i��, Va�l Nc,tit,r�ai ��r�h:��u�l�.fa�tiy 1t}$5c�uih �rr�ntag�Fitr��]Wc;sC ■ Vail.CQEt�rarlt7 t116�? + f3()3��376 7154 E �. . ;. i ..� �. N� 4 - � _ � .,�- ,� , . , .„ ., � ,..,n-��w,:�, „ , ,,: ,_ �__, � , -- . ^� n; �., ,.� ,�.� , . _, � ,. .. �,, _ ..: , t . > , .,.�� .. .... , . .�., ... . ... . �.3�:� ! � w � r • � a � � � � � i ` � : ! ! � I r . _ � • � •� a� •�� � • � •�. i - i � �� •�. ;• • ► f =z:, . . :._. .._ .._ , _ ',%�: e �,.', ! 4 [ '-� %� M ,�� ��"�.' � ,��n r�W . ����LL � �,'p. �� ��N 1 #� m�r�Sy�`.�t` u . �}i "���1� ��A .-.��+,^xcsg= J`Nqd�& ' .Nn�w�F ra� �'�'{I ✓�. � �� 'qs!/i�h£(� �,5,.`r h xy � _ � � mv> hYUVnW ^7m '/"�'.� t��i�, �f`s 1�.1/F.11��uA.�i .�. � i .�. `r � 'wf^ ! °.i�� + �.aa -:� & �'tt� �M.i..�w��`�fl^°�^�T'�.-�A�: � � :p. '�' � -_ ��p i� Ff °i �, �' {�. R W k�Ym '�eR.. ;rm'.. + �T xi� �G .�.. x .�.�il_� �4efi. �'p �^ -�`i� 'S 1 } ��0: � ,mp4 ;�. � h ,.a�` �F '� � � i�.. � � ����+ ,q��� q: ,� � ' ; ��, : ; ��` �d "'. � b ��"�"' -�! ,� : �� g s � �" "t��,i ,,v '� ,.r�iw,�3� Di: �`�', a �' : � : .s .�., r '$w^ e .F' l�vw..� �b� ,� : � &.£ � .s.�.rnl we� k -, ' - � � �. 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J - __ ' _ _. _ " ' "'"_ " " . __" " ' _'" a '__.."-tz.. . 4 .. . '_..._"' '__"" __. .�� �.__._ " . �..__a.�.._�__'_�'"....._.'«'" .._ .._. __ . _�_,_._ .. ._...... ....._ ..-. , . ,. . - -._�.. . .. - . . �. � " e � . . ._�. _ . .. . ,�y ........�_ _-�.�.�� q ., �—___. ._ .. _. . . .__ ._ . _ .__" "'_,- . . . . . ... .. __. _. -, _.._.:`___�.._...v�-=-� . . ._ . _ I � ,..-�..r�__ �_ _._.._... _ . ".� . ' '_. . "' _ . .. . .. __ .. . . _ _ �..<�..�...�.- . , ` . ' . � � � B�ff Arn�ld Ne� �wathmey Ar+�hi#e�t�, P.C. 1{�00 Svu#h Frnrsfagg Road West Vail,G�loradv 89G�7 3�476-t147 TAAhISN1�TT1�►L To: ��' � ����' Date: +�� f r _�t�.��t�-�I ��P� 1f��''�l �� ��; � �� Enclasures: __ ;„ � � �"l� A� _ C� �� �►'�-k�►-� ti►�tt� -- _ - � � � � ; � `�'�� � � �"'��' ��- - i Rerr�arics: �a i _ __ __ ; [ . _ �' SIgnECi: f � � tr►�r��-�����rr��NT�.� ��vi�w , �P�0,3��CT• ��'" , - ,� ,� ',��'"�, D,�►T� S'J���I�TEU: • �AT� OF PUS�.IC HEA�It�� CCt����lTS t�'E�Q�� gY: ' 8RI EF �ESC�IPTI(lI� �F T1i� PR0��5AL: PlJBtYC i�'QRKS . P,�ev�e�,�ed" by: � �. Date �� S - Cc:�.�aents: _ . ���r • • . �`.�--` 1�t c,��s bt�2��� �c� �e 2�r �.�': r��- , � f �s e �`c�. ,� r<_�� �- � 1 t� �.k..a� �.� ,,� ,,,��,.l v�1� .�-� '�.� �� � � -1��.t. r� '���. `;`���� . � �r��� �, �.� �. � . � � L s�,�•sis'n c�!,r�.s".,�, j�,f�`�� �,.,f � 1 ,I� ) I LJ � f f `� 7+1✓�t �'c..rC.r g csn �f� �+i�C �1Crrr . 'r`..+'V�o�.+.� �bc.� -��- ��f�o,� ,t��1 L�-�r r�+r CY��••��e r.,�.- ►'f ,�t9� ���� i .� � ` �� � �-�r� ��.,,.�,e�r� , �1! �`r�.�'►��. /''��,,t. �`� ���� �� �'� ��t �r,�,,.-�G� ,,,� G� �5fi�r� �''� ��s�� � ,���' ��''L.' r �`�i`�' �,:-�vr'f+�e. Sc'w�r,� ++�.e.v�-� � � ►�C.�c.� �r �t'� �� �•°.LI I P(,s .3 '°j y^� r:��e..p �..� � �' " ` � � - FY�E [�����TC�E�tr � vf�. ,n,,.� r-_ c�.� �.r h_� � � � �"': � �v`��,�v,.� �s . Review�d by: �a�,� � • �C�ru-�e�ts: ° �� ,,�'t�� � c�,, �'�„ �,,�,� . =-c ��J -�-�' : �,n . ��-{��..f �_.�+ f�1 �,� �...� t�r �Gt�'t� I�G� �n, �1"h� -�'u �t.+.� , 1 /'AU,-� . ,( �'` �'f� ,����r � -�.> ��r.�� '7 k�«.� C+��+� �dr.-�`��-�s r,�.v� " "' ����� _ --�-� .. ,,�-°f��� �' �p��t�:�.�,,� ����, � �.��� ��. � 4�.��� �� ��F•� ..�, ,� �. � � ,J�v +�l� r�c��s s �� � � � � ' ` � "�� �',.�.e�- 1tti: r.. „� r� V �+ �f FQ�LICE�QrPAR�I�E�l�,. � , � `�c�..�n .�� . .. W c i�.�-;�. Rev��rred 5Y' [�ate Cc��;u-�er,ts: + � �C?�: l�-�-- `i�r.-�L` + U-tr�'�,,{- t" `�� =c"_ �^'��. r,� �G.-� �� �t r� ��rL J1�,G,,.�r� �'�s•'/L C- � . • ��"' " ^ ��f` '�-:� �� �. �e� . �� �1.,,,'� I b � - `� , �� � � ,��:.•�,-�:-. t � � -ll . . �� ,� �1,���� �l� � s �'tc�r.�.an�.�r� /� � � � � ��'''�: - c s u s� .;���s `t-� a.cr�5s `� ��,�,.:.-f�- •�.;.; �-3 � rM ' ��Z �1�- ,�G��e�^�,��,�� C�� �� �''c�zt.n , - � 1� � � • '•�`� � ��..�.�' ��`/� ►'��2,�' � . ���',�� ��^� J.�,�1�r^k..,. �-.• , f.' _ ,"�' .. • .. � .. I ��G �4�1 i�!� CGP;��cTt`L1�T �t�. -�;.; ,=, .r <<,' �{,,�,.� �, � i y � f .:,. ,� .f. ,.`.y .�./C•, �. 3�.... 3 .. � - �tevi�w�tf .�Y� Date �"'� �l��P..�' �r.'et�'-�`, � Co--�=nt� . -I �',�`r�� �-J f;�� f� ���' , C�f/c�-� r�� , �� � r � �' �Gt C , ,��'�'�� �� �'�i• L..�r��{��, '_ ... ��� � � ���I�� ���� yr �f-� �,l�fa w s`.�. �r� v+�-�cen..�x "'�.� x� r S�F`v�.r�,� � p�t/'`C + � � . ���� �� �����d��" ` ,� � � � r��� � �''�f � , � '�'�" f '��Ct��� �., r� �'?�'� C�. Ca�-7"� !"�i �-rd �7D ��, ���l`�.!�,�R�,� � , ,�'� _ a';f`!',!�+;'�� �" �,R..�, �� �+�"� . �� �- �_� h � l _ _ � \l�-� l� � �� �. � � �'�`�.f���. �� � �- �--- ''� ,C�s ��j'� (�—�. � � � �� `�4 1 � � � �ti��.�'��� '� �� �,.;��``�. t� �c� � 1 �� � � � E �� ������ � . � �.i.�: 4 .�`l,d'.:'.... .:. : :: . . . � i. i � ,:i — � I' I: .. . . . . . _.,�� � r�-�• �� ,��� ,�-� ,��' �.-�'` : .� I i; t, -s ' _' ' ' __ _ � � . ,�...:, _ ; :. , ������, , : �.,,:.,�. PET'�R �Ad�AR ASSO�IA��S, 1N+C. Nli,CvtJINu.�,7€`JEI.t?#=CvS�NT n`J?�l`r51S. f�L-SE:,fiC:H ;� Navern��r 14, 3.989 A. Peter Patten, J�. ` I]irectvr of Cornmunity D�velopment Ta�rn c�f V�il '` 75 S. F�'antag� RQad `� VaiX, Ca 8165'7 � D�ar Peter: Attached are the pre3.iminary plans which �rc�u r�qu�sted ta be submitted in relati�nsh�,p t4 t�Ce upcaaning D�cernber �1 PTannir�g and Enva.ronmenta�. Cc�mmissi€�n wor�sess�,�n re���dinr� the prQp�s��3 � amendment tQ Special Distr�.ct #7, The Marriat� Mark Resort. As we t�a�� diseusseci� Marx'i�tt i� seeking approv�l to cflmstruct 67 vacation �wner�hip units ad�ac�nt to th� existing Ha���, Marrintt believes that t�,�.s cc�n�ept w9.�.1 have �igr�ifieant ber�efits tca the �ex�sting Hote� and tt� the Tc�wrt o� Vail anc� they intend to compl,ete the proje�t uti�.izing the same high quality - standards th�t hav� been establ.ished in th�ir other vacat�on vwnershi� properti�s which have be�n recognized as le�;d�rs in the resort industry. T�i� plans attac�ed in��.ude: 1) Flac�r P]�ans 2� Elevatians 3) V'�,cinity Map ' �#) Exist%ng �onditions - We�t Day Lc�t 5) Pedestr�an �nr3 Vehicular Circul,atian and Access 'i7 6� Existi.n�i Site Canditions - �larriott - 7} Site Flan g} TYPi.ca� unit plans �:,� �; � „ ,; .. . ., . .. _::. , W � ��"` �rn�`���.�p ' .;� � , '� �E,�k.`.'a��x"' m� �n� �< �..,..��t', � � � �r ;�"�; ,� � e? v �,� �'' �4�',t'�`,� � � ' `''�x - »m k� �:�. ���i'��' �a�`;�� � , �� .�� � e��� � ������ �� a�#�,��. . � � .-. ' - v a 4 . � r;.;xa�+ � �� ` "v+�n '��e�3� �-°'h'�n aw � sq ' 4.ss.� .. % .�� aia '. .r . .-...:°" ..,... . , ,.�. ." ,. .. .. �5..:.� . ...:�. ... . . . . ...,.+.+.; "r.....�'..k ., �. S�iE��3(38 VaRI f��lac�nai 13ank L�u�kd�ng t[JF4;e�i.�lh Frc�nEage I�naci 4V��se • 'Jad C��Qrar:lo 8965f . ;3f)3�47'6-7154 � � � - A. P�ter Patten, Jr. Dir�ctor �f Community Qevelvpment Tawn �f Vai� Novernber 14, 1989 P�g� 2 -. „ �;• . ,;: w� � �. �� �.�^�,�� •a If-, N ' `"` � <.�.��. : . � , �,���, g .. , ._ , � X . y ��'A� � �„ �4;ry�.�y 1� _ w � a V . ��:m ' .Fnll r� <"t� rvi�-',.,� r� .'_m'ti�-..Y�`i,9,' �1'b ' I I . . . . , e.. ' r ' .. '..-�.,-..' ..: . . .... .. ..�.. _ . : .. ... . _ '. .. . ..'.- ... .... ':' I.:....��.....° ':.,.,.w 2�ext we�k T will pravid� yc►u with a st�tistica� breakdc�wn af the propasal inc�uc�ing prap�sed units and GRFA� parking calculations, and all c�th�r site develc�pment stand�rds. � also antica.�ate that appre�xima��ly �ne raeek �ricar ta tl�e w�ar�C��s�a.an � will p�r�va�de ya� and �h+� FEC w�tn ccrpies c�f a fu.11 repar� cc�vering all asp��ts vf the groj�c� a.ncludir�g an Et�viron�nen�al Ia�pact Re�c�rt, Speci�l �c:velc�panent District L�esign Criteria, and infvrmatirn pertainin� to th� p�apo�ed fracticsnal fee ownership. Ned Gwathmey, Jay Feter�Qn, �'oh� Sweeney a�nd � are a�.�, vea�y excited abou� the px-oject and laoking forwa�d to wc�rking w�.�h yau and yc�ur staff. We would lik� �.o meet with ya� early n�xt week ta dis�uss tl�e prvpvsaB. SinC�lyj, / �;�, r`}-� .�` �..- ti Feter�ar, AI+CP PJ:ne : _.:,..;..,: , . .: �� � � , �.� . � � 9 ��F�. 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T�: �'���- �'��� o���. l� �1�5�8`�' ' �air� v� c.�.�n�,� ��l�°r�n�.-� . ��.►�. �� �&ic..� R�: r�`r��' ����I�. 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J'ob 1rTame: r'�',I� r��� r{� 17`f�I�./_� � Jab Addr�ss: ,���~ G�; ,�,�G�.,�" ,l�j""�e a� � C�'� Legal I3escripti.c�n: Lc�t Block Filir�g ., � -. , �wners �Tam�: 4 f��--�' -':��--_ Addre�s; � ��, A .' ;>� < Fh. �� Architect: Add�ess: Ph. ;',� _ General �escra.ptivn: '�-�.�L,� �-', ?-�' ,.r :��,.,�'� t F__ ,�'' ��'� ,���� ��,��°_._.. a wcsrk Clas�: � �-Ne�r ��Alteraticn C �--Addi�ianal ��Repair [ �-�ther Number c�f T�well ing LJnits; �vumb�r of Accommodatir�n Units: N mber and Type �f FirepZaces; Gas Applian��s Gas L�g� Wood/Fe11,�t ��������**��*���*�r�r���r������*�**a� �7�►LUATS+t3NS ****��r�t��r�*���*�*��t**�****�*���** BU7CLD�NG: ELECTF22CAL: �THER: /'��� o U �LUMB�N�: MECH.A�NICAL: T�"I'AL: -, ;..,.::,�- �r�t*�r�r�����r��t**�r��t��e*��***��t CDNTRACTUR INFC7RMATY(3N ***��*���t�t�***�r�r�**��r*�r�r�e�r,� �neraJ. Cont�ac�art Tawn af Vail Reg. 1tiT . � Address: . Phone Number: �s" 3 ��� Ele�tri�al �Cc�ntrac�vr. Town a� V�il R��. �i+�. Add�ess: _ �hon� Number: Plum�aing Contractor: T��rn of Va�.l Reg. N�7. Address: � c�" Phone htumk�er: ''-:`/C'L_.. . � - ��-;�°-� M�char�ic�I Cs�nt�ractor: f_l ��5. �, .�, t�_. : '�vwn +�f Va�.]. Regf. 1�4. �" �-� Address: / ?..� � �` ���'t'./ z �,7`���.� Phc�ne Numk�er: F'.., �`-'�'; - �,� =� ,�`� ����x�*�***�*���*���**�*�r�,������ F�31� 0�`I��CE USE �**���**��*�*�****a�*��*�*�*���* BUI LDIN'G PERMIT FEE: ! ; ; , �-. BU3 LdING PL�Al� CH�CK FEE: P�UMSING PERM�T FEE: PLLFMBING PT.,AN C�ECI: FEE. MECf3A1�T�CAL PERMIT FEE: MECFIANICAL PLA�F CHECFC FEEs E�ECTRYCAL FEE t RECREAZ'IC�N FEE: O"�'HER TYP� p� F�E; CLEAN�CIP �3E�+�7S IT; r:;�� k�RB FEE: T�1TAL PERMIT FEES: �,�;�� 4°- t , TXPE �RC7UP SQ�.FT. V"ALL��,T,�ON SUILI)TNG: � r::=.: '`, -' ' __._. , ;f ,: ��„V,..,,�� f. .. ' r7��17�'7.,A.V^•••i ZQNTNG: SIGNATUREt _ _ _ �vmments: .+"I.EAN �JP �1EF.QSIT__REF�ND To: �._„� � y+ � � r s � � � . t — - _�11 �� ���il �� ��i T5 soutFr frontage road Yaii.c�laradv 8�657 (3fl3) 479�21r38 or 47�-�139 aliic�e�f eornm�n#ty develaprt�en! �Q: ALL C�NTFA,CTORS CLJ�dR�N'I`LYL �t�GTSTERED W'ITH THE �e�r�iv Q� vAa� FR�I�i: 'T�?W�11 4F VAIL �JBL�C WORKS/CDMMUNT�`Y bEVELOFMENT � DATE: 1+4ARCH 16, 1981� SUS�TECT: CONSTRU�TIQN PARKING S� MATERIAL STLIRAGE �n srxrn�ary, 4rdinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for �ny person ts� l�.tter, track or deposit any soiZ, r+�ck, sand, debris or m,ateri��, including trash dumgst��s, partabZe toilets and workmen vehic�es up�n �ny str�et, sidewa�k, a1�ey ar pub].ic pl�ce �r any portir�n �.hereof. The right-vf-way on al� Tawn af Vai� s�reets and roads is apprcaximate3y 5 ft. off pavement. � This a�dinance will b� stri.ctly �r�fvr�ed by �he �'c�wn c+f Vail �'ul�lic �nlr�rks D�partm�nt. Persons founci vialating this rrdinance will be given a 24 hour written n�tic� ta �en�o�re said mat�rial. Tn the event the persan sv notified dca�s nvt comply wit� the no�tice wa.th�.n the 24 �iQUr �i�ne speci�ied, the Public Works Qepartment wil� z�e�ove said rnat+�r�al �.t the expense of person nc�t�.fied. The pravisi�ns a� this arda.nance shall not be applicaY�le to cor�structic+n, ma�.ntenance vr rep�ir �roject� af any street ar alley or any util.i�.ies in the right-a-way. 'I'o revi�ew �rdinance No� 6 in fui�., gl�ase stop by th� Tawn of Va.�l Bui,ldir�g Departmer�t ta abtain a capy. �'hank you fc�r ynur coc�peratian on thi� matt�r, Read and acl�nowledged by: � �--' �._� , � o�iti�n/RelatiQnsh�.p tsa Proj ect (i.e. �contractor, owner) ���_ r� %�,� �Date . ' � � � - . � . . d }� �0�� � ��I 75 soukh ir�snt�ge rvad vafl, c[�forada�'1fi57 (303) 479-213$ or 479,213� M#Ice�f e�r�me�nity d�v+Noprt�si►t BUILDTNG PER�9IT FSSLJANC'� TIME FRAh1E I f �thi s permi.t requ�res a 3'c�wn c�f Va�l Fi re U�partment Appraval , Engi neer'�s �Pub7 i c Wat��CS) rev�ew and appr�val , a Pla�ni ng �e�artment review or Hea�th Depax�tment review, and a r^evi�w by the 6ui7d3ng Depart.rnen�, the estimated time fc�r a t�ta7 r�view rna,y take as iang as three we�ks. R11 commercial {large or sma11 � and ali multi-family permi�s will have �o fal]ow the above rnent7oned maximum requirements. �esidential and small praJectS shou7d taice a ]esser amount af time. How�ver, if res�derrtial �r sma]l�r pro�ects impaet the var�ous above me�ti�ned department5 with regard to n�cessary r�view, these praje�ts may aTsc� take t�ie thr�ee week �eriad. Every attempt will be ma�e by this d�partment to exped��e this per�rn%t d5: 54€}'� dS possibl e. F, the undersign�d, und�rstand th� plan checic procedure and time f r�me, � � r ,— re - y. :�.f — �-��� ��� — Pr+aject I�ame �� � � � Da�e Work S�eet was �urnec� intn t�re C�mmu��ty []eveiapr�ent bepar�ent. � �._3__..�..�._.�.�.__.�..... .�.._ � � � �,�r�v�� ■ �tavsx�r��aa ��rrr-- h � R���cr�n . �f ���"+ssK r;s ca�Recr� � � � ` �� Ceirect�nn� or tdmms�i a� �a�+ hc `- � ' ^+.'�47� � • dvr�n� fhla ot a� dt�re i�;���f''C�i�t.?��.�r���.��,y.7 1 fa;� �I,��•l.�F'C�"I��.��-��� .���".�� .. c.>R �,�c. . . . s .... . . ..... . .. B�F�'�€�....�I`'�a ,l';{`Gl.�±,��u���l S'�a{..-'' l,Y�,'� 4id..�:�. ......11 I ............ ......Qh~IT�....�.��...�.r . 1�`lti�J......................,...... ' ....s. ......... ............. ........ .......... ._ ..... . . .. i.,_C)(!r1�'T h� �V`. �l�; •;.., ����.[:7� �t t�C:? ,.,, 1 . ,. .. ................. . ....... ... .... _ .. .. 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I Carrer.ians br cammFnta rro-�c o�r th+ rhan rt-awrn�s E deerin�i lhlt rev6rwww r�o nvl �p,�!fe.vp earrt�..oc!nr {rcrfl tvr.i�,lln�r:. y�i:;7 rcr,nirnmr.nls af �hn drnw�nos rsnd �prr�t�r-t�.�r.s. 7::Is cF�,ck im Ars�•� f:.,. ,�-+^�.+. .�f rran- ernl v.:�nd:arr'�'^rrto wrifi I.��± �lati,r,on rrncc:t<,f^�ha erb�- ert nr Cosri c7 . n���f � � �vtfh aF Ii�'a��n t4 n�ftimri y In ih x��e��tn t �IC un�e T�'.� x-arr. 4 :•�']a 1r c lrarr�y-+s! �.;-� � nr���sati j t�n i d.rnnei n srl�„�ir nl � nn�+ ! iscMn , y•:�;� g . _ : . _ lhar n' ,- � .: :... : ' a�a1�^ �. _. * ' ' � .. . . .. ... .. �. •� vL'�'�+6"��-• iX1�_�..��_.. � ' 1L��.=l t'i'i(i.5:4�'i_",'F.w,FI� F'��rtiSil�7dira'T�y, a�r!" .. '. � � - _�.._.. IIV� ECTI+C��J REQUEST PERMiT NUMBER C�F FRQJ��T TC�WI''�J C,)F VA[L � ° � Z �' i ,� .�aa r�an�� � /�'J.�:��� �' l�'�rr, � 's ;: DATE � - _ � _ _ - f�J �'���"��2��' ✓f'�f"� �,/�G�� F' C,+aLL�R , �iEAQY F�R f�SPEG7EQhl: M�fV TL.iES W��7 THUR F�il . • ` AM PM : �� � � �cacaT�a�: ..r�,�� _. � i BIJILGIhJG.' PLUMBIMG; � � ❑ �QC�TINGS I STE�L �1 U�J�ERCaROUNfi� ' 0 �Jl.1NCiATIU#�! ! ST�EL � F��7L1CH / �7.W.V. _ � 0 FRAMIN� .,�.._.�.._ .....`......_ C7 RC7UGH I �fVA7�R .._..�. � � Ft�JO� & SH�EC� Cl GAS �'IP6NG - P�YWQ{]D NAILI�JG = �7 dNSULATIC�N � PC]OL i H. TUB �; � SI°IEETROCK t�JAiL ❑ _a_ _ a o __ ; � Flf�lAL r.�.�.T �] FINAL ELECTRI�i4L: 1VIECHANiGAL: ❑ TEMP. PC34N�R 0 HEATf�IG —._�.�.. ��_ ❑ RQIJGH � E}�HAUST HQOL3� O C�?�JDO..iIT � S �PLY AIR ; f /j ,f / f f . � .M'1` A��.� .�'��4r,L`� " .�J�" ����Y �,�..yy ��:; � . O FiNAL � FI'�lRL __.__. .{ APPROI/��] 0 blSAPP�it`�V�D ❑ i�ElNS�'ECTIC7N RE�UIRED CURREGTIUNS: - � 's i 'z � '� k � ) . b � i _ �� DATE ---_t�_-- . INSPECTOR _.- ' r�i���. �: � � � . �� , _ �y.�° �-'' � ` INSPE�TI+DN RE��J�EST PERM17 fVU11AQEFi {7F P#�DJEGT TUINhJ C)F VAIL i, _ ` �, ',., ._; ?, aATE '' � f � : f � JOE� NAME � - ' ��: ,' r " C • � CALLER 7�;� �! �; , �,�Ca�=d�t` ry��� _ I,f�:.� t ��: � �tE,4QY F�?R INSPEC7iON: MOh� TLJES WEp THUR -•"FRI' .' !:AM � F�[vl ^ Y . - - , LC]CAfiIdN: �l� � �� ,��l_J , `' ,s'.i, i iJ-�l l.c��.:�`� '',_._ '_..... '�. _ _ _ ` . �-�- . ` BUIL�ING: PLIiMBING: ID F�OTItVGS I STEEL .�. ❑ UhJDERGRC}UN� , �;< Q FQUNbAT1[�f� 1 S��EL � C] ROUGH i �,IN.V. _.���__.__. , ` i` ' � FRRMING �__T_ _ CI R�UG}-1 I WATER ; RQC7F u SHEER � PLYWQt]a NAILIhJG O GA5 PIPING Il �� ❑ fNSULATICIN O Pf�[�L i '�f. T�J� �i� ;� ' I"� SHEETR�GK NAEL _ CJ m-� .-- ,,: / ` � C7 . '� d FfNAL _ p FIRIA�. _ ,' ELEC1'RIC,�1L: i'VtE�HANICA�: � C] TEMP. POWER ❑ �iEATIN�G '- �'' 0 R+C�UGH _ _ ❑ EXHAUS`f' H�ODS ` Q CiQfVDU1T _ C� SUPPLY AIR ( ❑ O _ _ a , ❑ FINAL . -- O �IIVAL � t _ _ � ��' APPRC)V�b ❑ dESAPPR(�V�C] ❑ REIN�PECTIC)N �EQUlR�€� 1 f --•, � CflRREC7lC.�"iI�JS: I s� � � { ��: � _ _ ,. � _ _ � ,, ,-_ - � �t - � - l y� ,'� f, 1,1'� � DAT� .�� �' ��_ �-�' � �NSPECTt7R '� ' '� '�� �: - _ r.� ci�is�::� ',,� ^.. — _ � x � � " s .; � � IIV��"E�TI��I REQU�€S�` , � -- � ���n��� Ivuw���� a� ��o.l��r T�1NN UF VA�IL • o�afi� . : � z� sae Nar�� �:���.��.�:� � -. _ �r._; �. �� .�..��.��� •"" r�.J�i GiC.A.—��,:;� �i,t—G. ,��r,� a�/`� F — t REA,t]Y F(�R INS�ECTl�O1�J; �vlOf� TI�ES WE�3 TF#UR �RI •' ." ` AM^ PM E � � LQCATIC��•I: .��e� 3 _1��' i - • ; BUILOIi'VG: P�.11M8lNG» ;I: ? � �c������s r sr��� _ _ _ a urv��R��aur�a K fl F�Uh1D,�Tl(7N I �TEEL ❑ RC]UGH I D.'uV.V. _ _w._. i ; ' � FRAMING C] RC3UGH / WAT�� ____.-- �_� ❑ RC�C7F & SHE�F� _ _ ❑ GAS PIPIie1C'a E F'LY'u'VC1C)['� NACLiN'� i J� INSULl�T1C3N C7 P�IC�L i H. 't`UE3 s " ❑ SH�E�RC}CK hJ,+�l� 0 ..._....—__. -.._ ':, a [.�i � �._.�_ .' C} FRtUAL _ ❑ FiNAL ; E��C7FtlC/4L: M£CHANICA'�L. � TEMP. PUW�R C� HEATING —..�_ � O Ft(�UGH � EXHAU�T HC3t'�C]S `: l� CC3NC}UI� ___ ❑ 5�1PPLY AIR _ _ ` � O�'`f���,�.r� - ,,•� -.rt;;�y . 4 - _ �. x�: '': , ii - •��� .m } ❑ FINAL _ —_� l� FINAL � PiPPRC�VED ❑ DISAPPR{aVED � REENSPECTIC3N FiEQUI�CE[3 CC3Fti�ECTICI�lS: ,_ _� - � � �, � ,,�',' _ _ � < , _ r � �fi � . r"� a/rf «y' / .� /! r� +p � � .s •: . ... '' �� � .-.�-. �.'� � J -�r' �^�le��-. . �: C7ATE -- � 1NSP�CTC?R -' .. �_,._c- _- ',-''�:�;'._ f � _ _ f7 . a?' ��� �- ._..._.... ......._. .. ,� �:'-�'�y� � � e ♦ ��" � � � - � �`� ih�SPECTI�C71R1 RE{QUEST PERMIT NuMB�R C1F PPE�JEG7 T(�WN (�F V,aIL . r` �," �, � �,� �� ;� , _ , : . DATE �`� - JC}8 N�4h,9� ' ` , ----_...---------- - -�J , `y +; /I r I [ � ,d�"ft i, - CALLER _ f` --�-- �;�,. � - - - � - �--� � ., .4, ; READY F�R iNSPECTI J�l: MON TU�S W�C� THUR "` FRI AM PM L�CATRCIN: � ;' ; � ��_� � t _.... , ' ,: -_ � -r` �� BLlIL[71hIG: Pi.UMBPI�G: � FC)QT�NGS 1 STEEL C] UNCJERGR�UND � FC7UNDATIdi4 / �T�I�L _.� ❑ R�UGH / C7.W.V. ..____.-- _..__. —___.. � FRAMCNG ❑ R�?UGH f WAl'ER � R�]�� � �HEER p GAS P{PIhJ�; F'LYINCt(3a NAkLING a INSULATIC?N ❑ PC70L r H. TUB SFiEETR�CK fwiAlL ❑ ----.._..._....__.._._.._..._.._. m�_ , ❑ _ C� _...,..�.-- __ L'7 F�NAL ❑ FffVAL ELEC'F�I+CAL: M�GHA1+ItCAL; ❑ 1'�MP. POWER ❑ HEATiNG D 3�G►UGH ❑ E7CHAl�ST HQ�US CO CC7N€�UIT ___ �1 S1.1Pf�LY AI�E ',� o �.� _ _ � _ _ --- 'i i ❑ �1hSAL C� �IiVA�L ; ,. � '�APF�RQVE❑ Cl DwSAPPROVE❑ E� R�It+1SPECTIC�N REC�IfIFCE[7 ` 3 Ct?RREC�f'IC)NS: fi R ; :�: i, �� i � ii; ��� � _E . � _ � �� �;- �� ° IN5PECTC7R _�..,/���t- ' � , '"� ` DA,T� �'-` _-�:-�r i , � ��.�_,_�..��_.� _ f,. s�'�as+�p �:. �;�: �� � � � � ���� b , Y � � �+ Va i I F�r� Dep��tme�t t��� � ��� �� ,�. ��a�a►� o�. GC3RRECTICai� NC]TIC� Vail, �Gr�inra�lo �1657 478-22p0 ;� _ �8��8 S�fV�d: � L78�$bf DCi{�lfl8�1�15�7EGtE0�1; Bui(ding narne: _._ ` Building�ddress: _ . , . . . Building nwner: . Time s�tved: THfS SUPRL�MENTAL REP�C7RT C(JVERS THE Ff�LLf7WiNG: � IJNI!FC7RM FfRE CDQE [U,F,C.) VlQLATiOlefS � SI#FETY�IIOLATI{3NS ❑ NATI�IV�4�. E�ECTRI� CC?DE (hJ,E.C.}VIQLATt�?N5 � U6VSAFE RRACTICES � NATiGIM1lA,L FiRE GC)O�S {N�F'A) ViC]�.ATIC3N8 � {?TWER � �ESCR1�71QN C7F V1�7LATIQAl: , , , _ , .._ .- , . � , � . � y.,.�., �•�� a ��,• ,:. _ � , � - � C1TED CC3RR�C71f3hiS SHA�.I. BE G�MP�.�TED BV: _ A.I�wf.l�.M. Date: IN ACCQR�AMCE W�TFI TflWW OF VAII MUNICIPAL CFidE t3.iZ IF YpU FAI�TO CQMPLY WI°�Ft T1fi8 C�RAE�CTfQM�tOTtCE DN t?A BEFQFtE TIiE AdGVE $TATED CO#�IPLETIQIV DATE YQI;JR FAILl1RE W1�.L pEBt!!T IN FU�i�FIE!R ACTIt}N BEIH� TAKE!!�HDER TF#'E P�L7Y18EibN5 Q�Tl�iE tI.F.C. EpITIS7N,WHICH MJIY'iWCLUDE YOUR BEIHd E881�E[7 A SUMMOHS 70 APPEAR 1h!1iAUNICIPAL�R C4UNfTY Ct�URT Ft]R�lMIE V!L?LATIf?N8 ABCIY�E SPECIF#ED. I�P�M A FINDfT1�3�F DUiLTY OF BAIQ Ylt]l.1�1TlQ�IS YOIi MfILl BE BkJ�- JEC�TO TFfE PENALTIES PROYIEf�p 11�f LA'W. BUIL[��IUG �W[�ER/MA�iAGER: lSrpnafur�� FIRE I�EPARTMEN7 iQF�'IC�R: - . �$rgnalurAJ (7�flaJ , � � � • , � . ti� 1 ,� . f �� Vail Fire Depar�rr�er�t . �I�"11 ��I' 42 "�W. Meadaw Dr. CCIRR�C�IC3� NC�TICE Vaii, Caforado 81657 476-22�a Date served: C?at�a of ariginal ins�a�ectian. Building nams: Builc�ing address' �` t Bu ildir�g owr��r: 7ime se rved: .,_ i THiS St��PL�M�hJTAL �tEPQRT GOV�AS THE FC3LLCYWIMIG; f ❑ UNIFQRM FI�E CC1UE (l..I.F.C.y 1/FC�LATIC7NS ❑ SAFET`! 1fIOLATIDNB � ; ❑ NAl'I�iV,�L EL�CI'#ifC CI]QE (N.�.C.)VIC]LATIdNS � UNSAFE PF#ACTICES � ❑ hJAT1C?IUAL FIRE GC1C]ES (C�IFPA) VIGLA7IONS ❑ CaTt-#'ER DESCRfPT1DN C7F VI�l.ATlC)N: � i , r � ; .: . : a ClTED C�RR�CTIONS SHALL BE ��71MkPLETE� BY: A.M.I F'.M. Date: � ,�� IN AC�OR�7ANGE Wf�H Ti�VYN f,�F VA44 MLlNFCIPAL G!�l��1l�.i�l�YOU FAIL TG C�MlPtY WITH 7HI8 C!)fiRECTION NQTICE C}H{)FI �;,� �EFC}RE T11E ALfOVE BTATEQ COfMPLETIQN �ATE YO{JR FAlLIJRE WILI RE811LT I�F! FURTFIER ACTI�N BEIN4 TAKEH 11hi�ER T1fE fi�, PRC3VISION�C�F TNE U.F.C. €pIT10N,WFIICFI MAr IM�LUD�Yt?UR 6EIN[3 IS8UED A 81,lMlNQNS TO ARP�a►R IN AAW�FiGIPAL�R �� ` COU'FITV COURT Ft,1R Tl�+IE VIC�L�TIQN'S ABt}YE SPECII�l�p. UPCiN A FFl+FAIHtQ CF GLfltTli 4F$Alp YIQI�,A7tflM$Y(}U W1LL BE SkJ�- JECT TO TH�REHALTIES Rp�iVlt]Ei?BY LAYN. �LllL[?iN� f�WINEFIfMAM1II`�fa�R: (SrgnalurrF � FfFR� G3�PARTMENI° C7F�`6C�R; {S1grrN rursl f 7i#P�1 - �,r. _ ' ;;::. � � � , �� _ I�"�ISPECT�I�N RE[�UEST PEFihAl�' INUhABER Of PRC�JECT TQWB`J C]F '1,J'AI L ' DAT� JC7B hJAIVIE ,__� :1- � � CALLEFi READY FUR IfVSPECTI(�N: M!O�l TU�S WED �`Hl�f� FRI AM PM a LU CAT I d N: '" �°`� �'�''r�:, � r� f-y'"�;,I :, BIJILDING: PLUMeWG: ❑ FQOTIfw1�S J STEEI. � .—..—.�.�-x.=_._.�.�Y____._,. L7 UI�O�RG�(7UNC7 ::. , � FC7lJ�iaATI�N I S�'EEL I� �QUt�H l D.W.V. ; ❑ F€�AMI�lG �. C� ROU�H 1 INATER s___�— ❑ ROdF & SHEEFi p �;AS PI�'IfVG _ PLYWOJD NAILING G7 INSU�ATIQN � PC�a� i H. TI�B - ❑ SFi��TRCJCK f4EA�L f� ❑ � ❑ _ ' C] FIiVAL ❑ FI�lA� ELEGTFiICAL: MECHANICAL: '' C� T�M'�. POINER ❑ HEATl�JG ` ❑ f�OUGH _ ❑ E�HAUST H(7C]L7S � �C7hJDUIT � S�J��'LY AIR s ❑ � �.__.. � � �INA� ❑ FIt�JAL � APPRJVED l7 QISAPF'Rp11EL ❑ REihJSPECTIC)N Fi�QUI�t�D �:,. �c]RREC7��NS: r°': s..�'-r:�d' ;'!�' ��, . ' � -- - �� �- � '; _ _ ___ z — si "� .. -- - -- - - '�.s 2 ��,r� �_ ; ' Gr�����ro� _ �. � � �s�� � � � ��,�'.� �_ � , ,��� t fi i � 4��� �1 ��1 75 sQUth fra�tta�e raad o�Fice r�i`ce�mmur�ity dewelopment ►►ail,cr�loracfn 61857 (803)479-2�38 [3{t3}479-2139 i4lEMC3RAN DUM TC3: AI� parti�s i.nterested in th� Mar�iatt Additian �R�M. Town of Vail Cammunity De�relr�gment De�artment, K�ristan Pritz. I3ATE: Ma�r ?, 1�30 1�E. May 3.4, 199U Planning and Env�r�nm�ntal Camrnissian meeting. Pl�ase he adv�sed that the Nl�rriott proj�ect wi11 no� be heard �,t the May 7.4 , �39D Planning and �nviron�ental Commiss�an rn�eti�g. '�h� i�em ha� b�en �abled tentatively un�il the June 11, 1990 meeta.ng. P�.e�se ca�.l our office to �onfirm the final d�te after June 5th. If yvu have ariy questic�ns p��as� f�el free ta ca�.l 479-2138. y� '.„ , '� �:C�� ��'"� , � J��, �..�c��,� ����', / � � C,�"�"�'-a --��;�.���� �.���"�.t�C.� � I�,-L�'� t��`1-r 5% �i��'i � . � C� t �C�'�► � � � ,.� -, ���. �. � � a�'�'iL i 1� ��I�f� �� ll�l 'y` . 7S sauih frontage road OtfiCe of GcimR'�unity dev�pptllent vail,cnlorado 81557 �3p3y479-2�38 ���s�a��-21ss �'IEM(]RANDUN! T0: All parties interested in the Marriatt ,Addit�on FRQMz Tc�wn of Vai]. C�mmunity ��v�ldpment I7epartrnent DATE: A�.gust 3�, 199Q F�E: S�pt�rnber 4 , 199t7 Town Caunc i 1 �t��ting. Please be ad�rised that �khe Marriott prc�ject will be he�rd at the S egtember 4 , 1.9 9 t� Tawn Counc i 1 mee�ing a�t appr€�x imately 7, 3 D �.m. , ~�f'�G f```�' ��:��� , � , ' � �. • � . � ��,,;� � � f UW1�IERS c3F PR��E'I�TY WITHIN SDD 7 �THER THAI� x1P�LICA2�YT Ldrlit �D Eduarda ar�d Est�l�.a Umansky 33�.7 Expc�sition P1��� Los t�ngel�s, CA 9�Q01� C7nit �E �"rancis A, and E�.a�zabeth H. Boselli 3195 Lafayette Drive Bc�uld�r, Cn 803�3 Unit 2F` I�dwars� J, Mayland c/o �Gas Magazine�, In�. �.2�� So. Park St. M�C�i5011r TA�`� ��7��3 �� Unit 3D — � �'� � Lf4ST Gloria B. �ris t�� �"�� ���- 4 0 5 0 S. �vy La n e `��q.�' �',i� �n aZC t� Englewo�d� CD 801�1 �`-,�,,�j St�t� � ' ,�i � ��"�.-� r''�''+� Unit 3E John F. and ASary A, Re�.nisch HiI1 Creek Acres, f�oute 4 C�lumbia, Missc��ri, 65ZOI Unit� 4�? �2on Artinian 77 �lenhea.m �ri�e. M�I1�1�SSet, �iY 11(}3l7 iln it 4E Verr�� M. Willaman 53 Cr��t Drive BB�'FIB�'C�S'�J1.�.��� �� d7`�'�i� . ` � � . , . , . - Unit 4F Gary Hav��� c/o Mo�re Wt�ite Cl�nic 266 S. Harvard �os Angeles, �A ��70�4 U�it 5D Ron Artinian �"� 48 l�heasan� Run �T. Hi].ls Rosl�n, NY 1157s Ur�it �� J'oseph D. and Patra.cia B�1Tc�tti '73 Buckha��'er� Hi�.1 Upper Saddle River, NJ` �a7458 Un�t 5F Rabe�t K, Id�, R4nald E, Ida, Dc�nald H. Ida an� K�nneth Kuwabara 23� South 14th Avenue Brighton, C� 8fl5p�. Unit 5F P�ul and �anet H, Sas� �.285 South Tea�l Cc��rt �otllder, CQ 8Q303 Un�t 5G � L�rry Cano 2341 Mesa Drive Santa A�in Hea,gh�s, CA 927Q7 Unit 5H �lmer E. anc3 Laretta H. J'ahnsara 3T7�3 De�rpa�h Raad M�dd1��Qn, WI �3562 . � � • . . . . . . � � � � • . � . 4 '� -.����v� -`��'�9'�'� � ���° ,� ����.��� - - � � _ �., �-� � ,�,_ �' ;. �Q�a r� � r � � G���� �s�� I�� . � � �f ��� � �{` �'�, �� �`�'�.� � � f � � �' a � �'�J� pPU� _ �nJt�1�-���'1��+�-y�..Ri R� II �����a� I �I�' ,� v�u^�/'"�+�� S �r-� ��3Y7�' � f ��5� C� , �.��.�►s�� �C't�� �e� V����► � � � , C ,��'',� � ,r� � � !h� ��� � � �� ��� ���r���� �a���� k�f '�� �f�i��f s �� �cs�-� I`j �/ � �r (�j��_!� �(� � ��I �,�'� �c� '�/�'��i �� ./ ; � 1 j ������ ���� � � � j .�� , � v �I I '�L���- ,�v� �~r� �'r.-�r�,�'. ;,. �� !���2��'� ��.��y � ;f . � �, "i �r.�'� �,�,r�'` ���� � '; 9 I, �_ _ ' �li I; � � . ` �I . . , _�, , � / '�,' '� '� -��r�,I��=/•��r�.�'j[�'Y�_ ���'��U'� r �" ; V ' I �/1/Z•t�J' ��'"!�v�-�'1 /!V/t,� �7� �tl �5 ��o �`I� C,�. !,rr,r�5� � �,�.�2��� � � �� ��IJ�G{��;5' �vn✓''JC���rW t�-t ./'gSSo�i�''+`T7C.�� ;� ,�j/� G,�v',�N� �, ��rt/��'�. !�t�J��6� � �� C.�. Ur�s�� ���- � ��-�-���, � ���� � �'�lQ�'�'—�v�� ,���rr�v�c�r�, ,�}ss������cJ �� C+�'i�. ,G�•A ►c��,� � , l'2�'��'7`��'D'���S ��'��r.'�/UG�., �S�., � I C.�`�;S 7~ �-1'r��5�f�4� G��� ��l � V�t'�- f Cc� �I�S � , � �� V�'�'c._- Sl�'�#- �t.9C.� G+�r,�v c �1�.-, .�'S.�+o�/�'77��►�J' i� ��� �� ��� ��� t ; ��� ��� C��.,��.� /'r��� C/� {i',, C� �1��� � I �� ` � � � � � . ���� , � PU�LIC NQTICE NaTICE IS HER�BY GIVEN th�t th� P�.anning and En�rirc�nmental Cr��mission bf thc� Tow� c�� Vail wi1.3 h�ld a public hearing in accardance wi�th Section 18. 66. OG0 of the municipal code af �he Tcawn of Va.iT vr� Jarauary 8, 199Q at 3: 40 PM in th� Town of Vaa.l Mc�nicipa] B�iZdit�g. Consider�t�c��y of: 1. A r�c�ues� fc�r a rezoning fram Resid�n�ial C�.uste� �o High �]e�tsity Multiple Fami,Iy ��rith a Spe�cial Dev�lapment ai�trict far Farc�:� D, Ste�ens subdivisian. � App�.icant: Faessl�r Rea�.�y 2 . A requ�st fpr an amendmen� to sp�cial �e�rela�m�nt Distric�. I�ca. 4, Cascad� Villag� tr� arnend Area D. Ap�licant; Vail `Ve�tures, Ltd. , Glen LyQ�n C]ffic� Building, Cr�lorado Partnership, 3 . R requ�st �or a maj�r amendment tv the Doubletree Hntel, Spec�a� D�ve�apment I�istrict �Ia. 14 , �50 Scruth Frontage Rp�d, ta change u�es; reduce the n�mber of accommodatian uni.ts and tc� add a spa facility. App1�.ca�t: ��rry Kxatze�f f �`4. A wcsrk sessivn vn a request for an amendment tv Special D�v��.�pment Distri�� 19 � �Ga�den af th� �c��is, 3�5 Gorc� Cx�e}� '�rivea Lat K, Block 5A, Vail Village 5th Fi�ing. App�ic�nt. Mrs, A. G. Hi7.1 �" 5. A w�rk sessi+an vn a reque�t tv amend SpeciaL De�elc�,pment � District 7, Marriatt Mark, 714 W�st Lianshead Circ�.e�, Lot 2 , Bla�k � , Vai7L L�anshead 3rd �i�.ing. Applicat�t: Marriott Mark � � � 6. A wn�k sessian an a requ�st for a minar s��div�.si,c�n �or lot 4 and �, Block 2, Bighorn J.st 1�d�i�ic�n. Applicant: Sab1e-Lupine P�rtn�rs, LTD 7. A req��st for a condi.tianal use permit in c�rde� ta cons�rtz�t an a�dditian to the Vai� Villag� parking stz�.c�u�c� ].acated on BZack 5D, Vail Vi�l�ge First Filing. App�ic�nt. Town of Vail. The appli�at�.oi1 �nd informa�t�on about the pr�posals are avail�ble for public a.nspection in the Co�nmunity Developmea�t vffice. Town vf Vai� Cammunity Developm�nt aepar�m+�nt Fub3i�hed in the Va�l Trail on Decemb�er �2. 1589 � . � /� - �� ' � . ��� . - • � " �c.��:_�--�r�.r��`.� ���t � � � PLl'B�I� NC�TI CE � Nt�TxCE �S HEREBY GTVEN that the Planning and En�ri.ranmentai Cvmmi�sion af �he Tvwn of rJ'ai� wi11 hold a p�xbli� �ea��.ng in accordance with �ection 18. G6.060 csf the municipal cvd� of '�h� T�swn �f Vail c�n March 12 , 1990 at 3 :�]�D p.�n. in the Town ❑f Vail Mu�icipal Buzl.da.z�g. Can�iderati.an r�f: T . A re�uest for a minor subdi�ision ort Lo'�s T. and 2 , Block 1, Lionsridge Fa.�ing #4 , Ap�licant; T�d�ger Andersa� 2 . A requ�st for a major amendment tv Special L�e�r�lap�atent ❑istr�ct �"7 [The �[a�riatt Mark) .�n ord�r ta add 64 timeshare � un�ts and 5 emp�.�yee housir�� units. Applicant: Marriatt Corgr�ration � . A request fa� a Special �7evelapment Dzstr�ct in order �o construct three pximaryJs�condary structur�s c�n �,a'�s �,4 and 5, Vaa.� `Vall�y Third Filing. Appl icant: l�eb�arah W. and Re�bert Warner 4 . A �equ�st �or �.n exteric�r alteration, stream setback variarsGe, site coverage v�ri.anc�., �nd conditiona]. use for a deck encl�saare and new outdoor patiQ far the Red Lion Build�n�g. .�pplicant: Frankie mang and Landmark Prape�ties 5. A request far a fr�rnt �etb�ck variance f�r Lot 7, Block 6, Vail Village 1st Filing. A�aplicant: Riva Ridge Saut�h Canc�c�minium Assc��ia�ic�n 6. A re�guest �c�ar a sid� yard setY�a�k variance �ar Lot 9, Bl+��k 3 , Vail Rawhauses (Un3t #9J Appli�cant. W��.t�r Gramm 7 . A �Tork Sessi�n ta reuiew the 199�i Recreation & Trails praject schedule. 8, A r�quest far an exteric�r alterataon tc� the Vailgl.v Ladge an a porti�n of Lat l, Blc�ck 2, V�i� Li�anshead Third F�Izng. Apglicant: Crai+g Holzfaster . . � _ . � � The applicati�ns and infc�rmation about the prap4sals are av�ilab�� fo� p�Iblic insp�ctian �.n th� Community Develcapment Depart�ent affice. T�wn c�f Vail Community Det�elapment i]epar�tment Published in the Vail Trail c�n F�bruary 23, 1990. `��"1��=�'�..�!` � �. � - � r�--�.�,� c.� �j � - "� r AL�BLI�C Nt}TICE NOTICE IS HET�EBY GIV�N that th�e Planninq and Environmenta� �amm+issivn caf the Tos,�n af Vail wi�l hald a pub3ic h��ring it� ac�vrdance with Sectian 18 .6�.05D af the municipa.l cvde o� the Town c�f `VaiY c�n Apr�l 9, 399D at 3 :(lf� p.m. in the �own r�f Vail Mun�.eipal Building. C�nsideration �f: 1. A request f�a� a� exterior alteration and � ��:tb�ck varianGe for the Liftha�se Lr�dqe, lacated at �l.ock l, Tract C, Site C (5�� Ea�t Lionshead Circie� Appl�.cant: Lifthouse Cc�ndominium A�saciativn 2. �, request fr�r a final pl�t for a maj4r subdivisir�n and f�r SDD No. 22, a resubdivisivn a� Lc�ts 1-19� Block 2, Lic�nsridge Filing No. 3. ApplYCant: P�t Dauph�nais, Dauphinai.s-M��e�,ey Ccsnstructian. 3. � request f�r a side setback var�ance at Bighorn Terrace i�ni.t #D-7, 4292 East C4lurnbine Way. Applicant: �athr�n Benysh 4, A r+�quest for a maj�r subdivi�ian and fo� a major amendment to SDD No. 16 on a portian c�f Parcel A, Lion's Ridg� SL1bi�l.V151flII� Fi�ing �to. 2 (�'he Va11�y - P3�ase IIIj Appl�cant: Brad and Susan Tjvssem 5. A request for a ccsndit�.onal use fcrr a I�arning �entea� Lab in �he lower Ie�r�l vf the prr�posed parking structure at �he Vail Va].1�y l�edical C�:nter vn Lvt� E and Fr Vail Village 2nd Filing (181 �te�t Meadow I7rive) . Apg].�cant: �'ai.7. Vall�y Medical �Gent�r. G. A r��uest f�r a maj or amendment tc� �pecia�. D��*e�.c�pment `�,` , I7istrict Nv. 7 (The Ma�ri�tt Mar�.} ir� c+rder to add 57 '` :�� timeshare un�t� and � employee housing units. � ''`� Appl iean�; Marric�tt Corporati€�n. , , 7. A rec;uest fvr an exteriar al�.era�ian. stream set�ack variance, view ccrrridor amendm�:nt, site cove�-age varian�e, and c�nditiana� i,xse for a deck enclvsure and n+�w cautdoor pativ for the Red Lian Building. Applicant. Frar�k�.e Tan� and Landmark Praperties The app�icat�.ons and information abvut the proposals are availah3.e for public inspection in the Camrnunity �eVelogment Departme�t o��a.ce. Town of Vail �vmmunity Dev��apment Depart�n��t Published in the �ail Trail fln �arch 23, 1�90. . � � � PUBLIC NO�`TCE NaTICE IS HERESY G�vEN that the Planning �nd Envi�onm�n�al +Comm3asiesn vf the �own c�f Vail wf 11 hc�ld a publ ic hear�:ng in accardance with Section 18.65.t?f0 of the muni�ipal code Qf the Tc�wn of Vail �n Apr.�l 9, 1994 at �:OU p.m, in the fiown af 'Va31 Munic�,pal Bui,l�d�ng. Can�iderati,�n t�f z 1. � request #c�r an exterio� a�lteration and a set�a+ck uariance fo� the Lifthause Lodc}e, iocated a� Slack 1, Tract �C, 5ite C �555 East Li�nshead Circle) Agp3icant: Lifthause Cc�r�dvminzum Association 2. A reque�t for a final p�at f€�r a majo�r �ubdivi�ic�n and fvr SDI3 Nfl. 2�, a I`@�libd�,V,iS].Gfl Gf Lc�tS 1�19, Bl£>Ck 2, Lic�nsridg� Filing No. 3. Applicant: Pat �auphinais, Dauphinais-Mo��eley Cr�nstructi�n, 3, A request for a side s�tbaek vari�nce at Bighvrn �'e�rac� U�xit #D-7, 4242 East ��lutnbine Way. Applicant; Kathryn Senys�h 4. A �equest �or a m�ajor subdivision a�d f�r a major amendment tv SDD No, 16 on a �+ortic�n af Parce3. A� Li�n's Ri�l�'e �ubdivisian, FiYinc� NQ. 2 tThe Valley - Fhase IIIy A�SgI icar�t. Srad and Su�a�n Tj c�s�sem 5. A request fcar a c�ndi�tional use fc�r a Learninc� Center Iab in the 1Qwer ].evel �f the prc�p�ased parking �tructure at th� Vai.l Valley Medical Center +an Lc�ts E and F, �Tail Villag� 2�d Fili�g (18� West Meadow T�rive) . Appl�.can�. Vail Va�Iey Medical �enter, 6. A reque�t €ar a majar smen+3�ent tv �p�ciaT Develo�ment Uist�ci�t Na. 7 �The Marriott Mark) in vrder ta �dci 57 timesha�-e uni!�s and 8 emplayee hc�usirtg �nits. .� � Applicant: Mar�icstt Ccsrp��atxon. 7. �A request for an exterir�r alteration, stream se�l�a�k variance, vi�w �orridor amendment, site cc�verage uariance, and condi'�ivnal use fr�r a +�ec� enclosure and new outdv�r gatic� £ar the Rea Lian Builc�inq. A��alican�: Frankie T�ng and Landmark Prcperties The apglicat�ons and infaratat�on �haut the prr�pc�sals are availahle for �ubl�c �nspection in the Community Dev�elapment Depa�tment caffice. �vwn of Vail Community Develapmen�t Departm+�rat Fublished in t�ie Vail �ra�.l on March 23, 199�. . � /� - �� ' � . ��� . - • � " �c.��:_�--�r�.r��`.� ���t � � � PLl'B�I� NC�TI CE � Nt�TxCE �S HEREBY GTVEN that the Planning and En�ri.ranmentai Cvmmi�sion af �he Tvwn of rJ'ai� wi11 hold a p�xbli� �ea��.ng in accordance with �ection 18. G6.060 csf the municipal cvd� of '�h� T�swn �f Vail c�n March 12 , 1990 at 3 :�]�D p.�n. in the Town ❑f Vail Mu�icipal Buzl.da.z�g. Can�iderati.an r�f: T . A re�uest for a minor subdi�ision ort Lo'�s T. and 2 , Block 1, Lionsridge Fa.�ing #4 , Ap�licant; T�d�ger Andersa� 2 . A requ�st for a major amendment tv Special L�e�r�lap�atent ❑istr�ct �"7 [The �[a�riatt Mark) .�n ord�r ta add 64 timeshare � un�ts and 5 emp�.�yee housir�� units. Applicant: Marriatt Corgr�ration � . A request fa� a Special �7evelapment Dzstr�ct in order �o construct three pximaryJs�condary structur�s c�n �,a'�s �,4 and 5, Vaa.� `Vall�y Third Filing. Appl icant: l�eb�arah W. and Re�bert Warner 4 . A �equ�st �or �.n exteric�r alteration, stream setback variarsGe, site coverage v�ri.anc�., �nd conditiona]. use for a deck encl�saare and new outdoor patiQ far the Red Lion Build�n�g. .�pplicant: Frankie mang and Landmark Prape�ties 5. A request far a fr�rnt �etb�ck variance f�r Lot 7, Block 6, Vail Village 1st Filing. A�aplicant: Riva Ridge Saut�h Canc�c�minium Assc��ia�ic�n 6. A re�guest �c�ar a sid� yard setY�a�k variance �ar Lot 9, Bl+��k 3 , Vail Rawhauses (Un3t #9J Appli�cant. W��.t�r Gramm 7 . A �Tork Sessi�n ta reuiew the 199�i Recreation & Trails praject schedule. 8, A r�quest far an exteric�r alterataon tc� the Vailgl.v Ladge an a porti�n of Lat l, Blc�ck 2, V�i� Li�anshead Third F�Izng. Apglicant: Crai+g Holzfaster . . � _ . � � The applicati�ns and infc�rmation about the prap4sals are av�ilab�� fo� p�Iblic insp�ctian �.n th� Community Develcapment Depart�ent affice. T�wn c�f Vail Community Det�elapment i]epar�tment Published in the Vail Trail c�n F�bruary 23, 1990. `��"1��=�'�..�!` � �. � - � r�--�.�,� c.� �j � - "� r AL�BLI�C Nt}TICE NOTICE IS HET�EBY GIV�N that th�e Planninq and Environmenta� �amm+issivn caf the Tos,�n af Vail wi�l hald a pub3ic h��ring it� ac�vrdance with Sectian 18 .6�.05D af the municipa.l cvde o� the Town c�f `VaiY c�n Apr�l 9, 399D at 3 :(lf� p.m. in the �own r�f Vail Mun�.eipal Building. C�nsideration �f: 1. A request f�a� a� exterior alteration and � ��:tb�ck varianGe for the Liftha�se Lr�dqe, lacated at �l.ock l, Tract C, Site C (5�� Ea�t Lionshead Circie� Appl�.cant: Lifthouse Cc�ndominium A�saciativn 2. �, request fr�r a final pl�t for a maj4r subdivisir�n and f�r SDD No. 22, a resubdivisivn a� Lc�ts 1-19� Block 2, Lic�nsridge Filing No. 3. ApplYCant: P�t Dauph�nais, Dauphinai.s-M��e�,ey Ccsnstructian. 3. � request f�r a side setback var�ance at Bighorn Terrace i�ni.t #D-7, 4292 East C4lurnbine Way. Applicant: �athr�n Benysh 4, A r+�quest for a maj�r subdivi�ian and fo� a major amendment to SDD No. 16 on a portian c�f Parcel A, Lion's Ridg� SL1bi�l.V151flII� Fi�ing �to. 2 (�'he Va11�y - P3�ase IIIj Appl�cant: Brad and Susan Tjvssem 5. A request for a ccsndit�.onal use fcrr a I�arning �entea� Lab in �he lower Ie�r�l vf the prr�posed parking structure at �he Vail Va].1�y l�edical C�:nter vn Lvt� E and Fr Vail Village 2nd Filing (181 �te�t Meadow I7rive) . Apg].�cant: �'ai.7. Vall�y Medical �Gent�r. G. A r��uest f�r a maj or amendment tc� �pecia�. D��*e�.c�pment `�,` , I7istrict Nv. 7 (The Ma�ri�tt Mar�.} ir� c+rder to add 57 '` :�� timeshare un�t� and � employee housing units. � ''`� Appl iean�; Marric�tt Corporati€�n. , , 7. A rec;uest fvr an exteriar al�.era�ian. stream set�ack variance, view ccrrridor amendm�:nt, site cove�-age varian�e, and c�nditiana� i,xse for a deck enclvsure and n+�w cautdoor pativ for the Red Lian Building. Applicant. Frar�k�.e Tan� and Landmark Praperties The app�icat�.ons and information abvut the proposals are availah3.e for public inspection in the Camrnunity �eVelogment Departme�t o��a.ce. Town of Vail �vmmunity Dev��apment Depart�n��t Published in the �ail Trail fln �arch 23, 1�90. . � � � PUBLIC NO�`TCE NaTICE IS HERESY G�vEN that the Planning �nd Envi�onm�n�al +Comm3asiesn vf the �own c�f Vail wf 11 hc�ld a publ ic hear�:ng in accardance with Section 18.65.t?f0 of the muni�ipal code Qf the Tc�wn of Vail �n Apr.�l 9, 1994 at �:OU p.m, in the fiown af 'Va31 Munic�,pal Bui,l�d�ng. Can�iderati,�n t�f z 1. � request #c�r an exterio� a�lteration and a set�a+ck uariance fo� the Lifthause Lodc}e, iocated a� Slack 1, Tract �C, 5ite C �555 East Li�nshead Circle) Agp3icant: Lifthause Cc�r�dvminzum Association 2. A reque�t for a final p�at f€�r a majo�r �ubdivi�ic�n and fvr SDI3 Nfl. 2�, a I`@�libd�,V,iS].Gfl Gf Lc�tS 1�19, Bl£>Ck 2, Lic�nsridg� Filing No. 3. Applicant: Pat �auphinais, Dauphinais-Mo��eley Cr�nstructi�n, 3, A request for a side s�tbaek vari�nce at Bighvrn �'e�rac� U�xit #D-7, 4242 East ��lutnbine Way. Applicant; Kathryn Senys�h 4. A �equest �or a m�ajor subdivision a�d f�r a major amendment tv SDD No, 16 on a �+ortic�n af Parce3. A� Li�n's Ri�l�'e �ubdivisian, FiYinc� NQ. 2 tThe Valley - Fhase IIIy A�SgI icar�t. Srad and Su�a�n Tj c�s�sem 5. A request fcar a c�ndi�tional use fc�r a Learninc� Center Iab in the 1Qwer ].evel �f the prc�p�ased parking �tructure at th� Vai.l Valley Medical Center +an Lc�ts E and F, �Tail Villag� 2�d Fili�g (18� West Meadow T�rive) . Appl�.can�. Vail Va�Iey Medical �enter, 6. A reque�t €ar a majar smen+3�ent tv �p�ciaT Develo�ment Uist�ci�t Na. 7 �The Marriott Mark) in vrder ta �dci 57 timesha�-e uni!�s and 8 emplayee hc�usirtg �nits. .� � Applicant: Mar�icstt Ccsrp��atxon. 7. �A request for an exterir�r alteration, stream se�l�a�k variance, vi�w �orridor amendment, site cc�verage uariance, and condi'�ivnal use fr�r a +�ec� enclosure and new outdv�r gatic� £ar the Rea Lian Builc�inq. A��alican�: Frankie T�ng and Landmark Prcperties The apglicat�ons and infaratat�on �haut the prr�pc�sals are availahle for �ubl�c �nspection in the Community Dev�elapment Depa�tment caffice. �vwn of Vail Community Develapmen�t Departm+�rat Fublished in t�ie Vail �ra�.l on March 23, 199�. , . _ .� _ -„�� � . ,. .ti ,.;, . . . � .. � �,tuA�f �[U'3'g9 �wr ��+;� � ,.i}i�;.� '4 Ti � � +�� n °. � - _ . .��- . f1M#EI� �f� �� . !^J'�R�!!'LE AS AD�►�E��lg `-� � ,+��� � ft�1tV�+FC�3lNG C►Rprc,ll�R� ���� a ��� � 75 south frontege road >} �/ vaik,colarado 81657 q,�rr�e M. �+Jilla an Qfifice af cam�rrunfky deve��aprnent 53 Crest I�r�.ve Berr�ards�i�.le, N.� 07924 ��: I9f11111l1��l��ElIIE11�1i11l11f� �+� `'�k`'�'-� �- ��'j� � _.._ A�• � �a�'''���' � � 3, - ---, ` -' �..�*�`� �. . .. [il_:C r r �Ae�ae'>'aki��'+ar . Y ��^'�_ ��,�" .. . ,� �:�;9 `J Z ,,..+.,.,,.,.,.,.,,.�„�*�".,.. ,, ;.� °-, I ! � Frv s^."r ,. ., .a.e.rR��..... .� ���.� 4?(.� _ , 4� '� ��'�` �y..�,n���`'��."c� .._! �,'� ,....�- �.. ,. ; � �. •. ' ;:;, ;�, - ... , , � r�n�t.�, �� _�� _ : ^ • �, 1 - '='�}+ ._ , t_ , � ~ �x \�+ �r� 11f�;AlIED ---�4 f �,k•-1F� k�, � ''7� l��Y�1ZED T}I�'� ���� Q� ��I ,�R f-Clfi1h+11�tDING 7S south iresntage rpad � ��4' '�� aail,co�o►ad�St657 ditice of�ommunity dev�elQpm�ni LARRY CAN4 2141 M�SA DRIVE St1:NTA .4AiN H�IGH'7'S, CA 927{?7 �' � � � ... .. r � 4�N�` +C'4 -- ��""`�--;r.�.�� ,_� LPM � � � �, :� r:�,�c� —�.._.r�.,...-� � %9 5+� -r--�•�•�....z�.:.�----+�-�:.._�_... • ��.�� �-�.�� _-_--� ,, t��llf� � Y�I � T5 sauth lrontage rasd rsll,colorada 81657 ����y ��n� offlce ctf community deveiopment 2141 Mesa DriVe Santa Ann Heights, CA �27�7 `_... ..... � Y .. ..��... � : w i' '�'��` .. w �-�,"i.�_ . -_ - ._ w , � (N�I'k ���"�. 1 � .'L #� y _ .f��U 4S. lj+y I'...1�4 �f�i���! 4� ' .� ,�(1, � �°y{5(r� �t+. • r+' J r^'�� � � - a. � �� 5 '�°t-.3 Vip,�.� » n � i ��' j V � ���� y�i� r ,� �n��ry O� �Q� ' "'+I� kxwardln� O r+ier E��I fl ��52� 75 sauth trantage raad va�l,caloredo 81fi57 ,3ai�n F. anci Mary A. Rei.ni�hch affi�:�of cornmunity d�evelopr�ent iibll Creek Acres, Route 4 �olumbi.a, �tissauri 65ZOI ����sis�tMs:j�r��l�R�1Er�}t�lre� j,; ., � +�,:r; ,�,� Y �aSIJ�� -_ -� : , ��G r=,.r,�+ �n ��,: , �4 . : � �� ;�.: 5E1iDEtfi .i�a� , !a �, � < , ''-.� . _ ����� _,�`' ���;�`���''"� --,-��" ,, y1 iDWll f� Y�I '' t,����- 75 south frvntage raad araif,colarasdu S'4857 ���� �. �� ��, � �������� c,ffice o} Gammunity devela�rmenC R[�UTE 4 C[]�.UM�IA MYSSOUR� 65241 �EII���I�I�����fll�e4�►����Il�e1 FUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Flanning and Environmenta� Commission of the �awn of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Sectio� 18 . 66.460 vf the municipal cod� of the Town af Vail on March 12, 1990 at 3 : �0 p.m. in the Town of Vail MunicipaZ Building. Consideration af; 1. A request far a m�nor subdivision on Lots 1 and 2 , Block 1, Lionsridge Filing #4 . Applicant; Todger Anderson 2 . A request for a major amendment to Special Development Dist�ict #7 (The Marr�ott Mark} in order to add 60 tirneshare units and 5 employee hausing units. Agplicant: Marriott Corporation 3 . A request for a Sgecial Dev�lopment District in order to construct three primary/secondary struetures on Lots 3 , 4 and 5, Vail Valley Third Filing. Appl�cant: Deborah W. and Robert Warner 4 . A request for an exterior alteration, stream s�t�ack variance, site coverage variance, and conditional use for a deck enclosure and new outdoor patio for the Red Lion Bui�airig. Applicant: Frankie Tang and Landmark Properties 5. A request for a front setback variance for Lot 7 , Bloek 6, Vail Village lst Fi�ing. Applicant: Riva R�dge South Cvndomini�m Associatian 6. A request for a �ide yard setback variance for Lot 9 , Block 3 , Vail Rowhouses (Unit #�) Applicant: Walter Gramm 7 . A Work Session to review the 1990 R@creation & Trails pro�ect schedule. 8 . A request for an exterio� alteration to the Vailglo Lodge on a portion of Lot 1, Block 2, Vail Lionshead Third Filing. Applicant: Craig Holzfaster �he applications and information about the proposals are available far public inspectian in the Cammunity Development Department office. Town of Vail Community Deve�opment Department rublished in the Vail Trail on February 23 , 1990. f' � , . , � PUBLIC NOTICE � .. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Plt�nning and �nviranmental Commission of the Town of Vail wfll hold a� public hearinq in accordance �ith Seatfon 18.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of Vail on August �7, 1990, at 3:00 p.m. in the Town of Vai3, Municipal Building. Gonsideration af: ' 1. A request to apply an undezlying zone district of Public Accommodation all of Lot 4 and Lot 7, Block i, Vail�ionshead Third Filing, a aubdivision recorded in Boak 22:2-, , Paqe 992 of the Eagle County, Colorado, C1erk and �R�c�rder's recards, part of Lot c, Morcus Subdivision, a � �aivision recordec� in Booic i5� aL raqe �70 or the Eaq1e L°ounty, Color�do, Clerk and Recorder�s records, befnq more ��, particularly deevribed as follows: � Beginn�.n� at the 6outheast cornar of Lot D, Moreue Subdiviaion, thence N 22°�6'41" W n diatance a# 1�v8.02 feet; thence S 83°25'45" W a distance of 63.29 fe�t; thence ' N 1fi°].7'21" W to �he Southeray right-of-way line cf Weet L�onehead Circle a d3atance of 1B5.59 feet; thance along eaid eoutherly right-of--wgy an arc distance of 200.51 feet' alon� a curve to the_ �eft, eaid curve having a centraZ �ngie of 29•Ol'D7", a rediue of 39�.00 feet and whoee lon� chord beare N �7°a8`28" E a distance of 19$.33 feeL ta a point of reverae curv,�ture; safd curve having a central nngle of 48•26''52", �n redi�as of 239.d0 feet and whnee long chord baara �1 68°35'32" E a diatance �f 19fi.11 feet to a point of reveree curvature; thence � continuing along eaid right-of-way en arc dietan�e of 46.4? feet. a central ang�e af 13•1B'S1", n radius of 200_QQ feet and whoae long chord beara N 86°09'26" E a diat�ence of 46.3? feet to a po�.nt of reveree curvature; thence con�inuirig an arc di�tance of ?1.32 feet, a central angie of 47•4?"02", a rndiva of �i25.00 feet and whoee long chord beere N 75'36'29" � a distanca of 71.27 feet to a point of reverae curvature; thence 22:5� feet alon� the arc of � cu:�� to �he :ig?-.: �;i��: � �e��;a� �:.$+a �� L►�'1?'�2", 4 radius of 15.OD feet and whoee long chord beara S B�S•08'3i" E a dfatarice of 20.fil feet; thence continuin� alon,� the r�eeterly riaht-of-way �fne of Lionehead Place 83.5? feet aion� the arc of a curve to the r��t with a central angle af 28•00'00", a radiue of 171.00 feet and whoee lvng chord bearo S 08•00'QO" $ a � diatance of 82.74 f�et to a point of reveree curvature; thenca • eQntinuinQ alon,� said r3Qht-of�way line alQn� a curve rvith an arc dietance of 71.SQ �eet. a central angle of S7•08'17", a radiue of 1�0.00 feet and tivhoaQ lorsg cherd benre S 12•34'08" 8 a dietence af- ?0.06 fa�t, to tha s�orith�rly oorrr�r �*T�+* �. �1 LLLionshead - Third Filin�; thencs � 40•QO'00" W a dietance of 185.88 feet; thencs S 02•5f>'S1" $ to the aouthenet corner of eaid Lot 4 a dietance of 130.76 feet; thence S 83•2g'OQ" W�-�tetance oi �0.04 f4et; thence S 76•14'0�" W n diatnnce of 195.B4 feet; theace S 66•24'0�" W to the Souttiweat corner of aaid Lot 4 a dietance af ?2.29 feet tio the Pc�.nt of Beainning. Containina iS2,BB6 square feet or 3.b acr�a mere� or leee. .� and a reque��a apply an u�derlying zar�district o� High Density Mult� e Family to all af Lot D and a part of Lat µ C, Morcus Subdivision, a sub�ivision recorded in Book 255, at Page 70 of �he Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and �ecorder's records beinq more particular�y described as follows: - � Beginning at the eouthweSterly corner of aaid Lot D thence N • " �athe �. ri ht-of� 1fi 17'21 E a distance of 399.64 feet to the So r y g way af hTast Lianaheed Ci,rale; thence a�ong �aid Southerly right- of-was► an arc distance of 160. 10 along a curve to tha lef'�, aai.d curve having a radiva af 392.00 feet, a centrai ange�. of I 81•42'30" and whose chard beara N 86°34`4?" E a dietanao of 158.99 feet; thenca S lfi•1?'21" � s distanca of 185.59 fedt; th�nce N 83°�5'45" E a dietance of . fi3,29 feet; thence S 22°38'41"fi a diatance of 159.02 feet to the South�a�terly oorner af eaid Lot D, thence S 6fi°24'04" W along Southerl� lo� line a diatance of 210.�0 �eet; th�nce S 16°1?'00" E a dietance of 3-15- foet; thenee S 73°A2`37" W to Southwoet corner cf a�id Lot D a dietance of 2B.fi9 feet tv tha point of beginning containing 68,861. 19 aquare feet ar 1.58 acreB more or �.�es. Both properties know as 715 West Lionshead Circle (The Marriott Mark Resort) . Applicant: M-K Corporation 2. A request for a major subaivision, to approve the preliminary plan, a request for a variance ta the maximum height for retaining wa11s, and a request for a variance to the maximum percent grade for a road, on a parce� commor�ly �ef�rred to as Spradd�.e Creek, an approximate 40 acre parcel Zocated north and east of the Main Vail I-`74 interchange and east of the Spraddle Creek livery. Co�mencing a� �he Northeast Corner of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 5, Town�hip 5 South, Range 80 West of the sth Principal Meridian, being an Eagle County Brass Cap p�operly markec� and set, with all bearings contain�d herein being relative to a b�aring of S 00 11' 00" E between the Northeas� Corner of said Southeast 1/4 af the Southwest I/4, and the Southeast Corner of said Sautheast 1/4 of the Southwe�t 1/4 being an �:agle County Brass cap praperly marked ar�d set; safd Northeast Corner of the Southeast if4 of the Southw�est 1/4 being the Point of beginning; thence S 04 11' 00" E alonq the east line of said Southeast ij4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Seetion 5 a dista�ce of 1320.14 feet to the Southeast Corner the said Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Se�tio� 5; thence S 69 47' 48r� W aiong the south line of said Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Sectfon 5 a dfstance of 901.00 feet; thence N 73 48' 32" W alonq Interstate 70 Riqht of Way iine a distance of 214.12 feet; thence N 65 52' 12" W along said Right of Way line a distance of 241.10 feet to a point on the west line of said Sautheast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of 5ection 5; thence N 00 20' 31" W along the west line of said Southeast � 1/4 of the Southwest 1/� of Section 5 a distance of 1I51.65 � f�eet to the irthwest Corner of the Sou �ast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 5 b�ing an Eag�County brass cap � properly marked and set; thence N 89 41' 12" E along the north line of Baid Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 af Section 5 a distance of 1331.07 feet to the Point of Beqinning. Said real property containing 39.55 acres, more ar less. Applicant: George Gil�ett� Jr. 3. A request for an exterior alterativn on Lot C and Lot D, and the eouthwesterly 4 teet of Lot 8, all in Block 5-B, vai� Villaqe lst Ffling, 227 Bridge Street (Cover�d Hridge Building) . Applicant: HilXis of Snowmasa, Znc. and Bruce Amm � ABSOCiates. 4. A request for a major amendment to SDD No. � 3�, ��z�+r ef t_rcel A; L��rsri�ge Suladivision, Filinq 2. (The Val�ey Phase III) Applicant: Brad � Susan Tjossem The applications and information abaut the proposa�s are available for public inspection in the Communfty Development Department office. Town of vail � Community Development Department Published in the Vail Trail on August 10, 1990. � i �`''L' �J ----J...-_-,-_�"'"�•_.,�'._.�_..__"`� _----`—...__,...._,_,,-- --.._.,?----"` --,. ��., �.,.�,�� ,� .�-,...,.,-�.,...�.-�.�•--�^""--` .,' � —.-�'--� " -w,. ,..-..°—' _. � � �J 7�v �w�°' „�...�..��. --- ..r+..rr+"'. �.. � '� ..�.. r � '-e...�...�„ . � O v _ �,. � . � .� tow� o� �ai � � _�_.-�t,�,A. � LA1�RY CANO _� � ; 75 south irontage road 2141 MESA DRYV� �--'�sE •"j _ vai�,colorado 81657 SANTA Al'1IJ I�EIGHT�� �;�,s _',:�f � office o1 community development CA 9�'70� • ; ,^, .. �� _ ,,,� - � -, ;: - ��i=a�� f � l.� ,�- �. . ... .�-_._ _-� -___..�-.._:_.�t__,---. a'_._.�.--- - ---- �t• ��� y.�.�:.��_....:..;�-�-������._� _ , , �,� -a..� `�,..,,r-,,,,,.,.,.-..,..,,._.- - --�— _:.) �----�-�...� ----- `��>,,.... ,. ,_ �_ . �s-� • ���� �� lO fl II �I �01 � H. LINDLEY GRUBBS 75 south tronta e road �275 EXECUTI�TE SQU�E 9 �7OLLA CA 92E}37 , vail,colorado 61657 office of��pmmunity development ���iCt�NT , ass� �ntr bl �'s ;.5� -- cn V R ;s� F N�d ,�' ���:rto s�r��ER �F-�`-�;;� �. _ J���\0 IIlII}}f111�#}!1lll�i'Iil�ill:il I#I�ItIlIII1lfIIl�)91�IIE�1'I�Itl�l3' ��.jf.�� CQ� ...�-.,.,.��.��, .. �, r ��'�� �� � .�i iti! rfs" - , -• ►�' - .K .. � r,.�a... ��i"�,1� . t f q U Cs � ..� ,. F . ��%�CJ��'' '"� ._ ° ° • _� �� �� Gi, � I ��`°� ----- �a' ` ���4 —'--'--�-.�.,�,..�r,.-r-,.._.w.,'_,...��� ' r; ,.� —,—._.._---,.:.��....-�--�--�� --- ---- � �_�-.--�...,,,..._...�--��-�---y-.y..:,..,._.�,----_ _i�� ��______ ---------...._ .�..,.�—.�........w.�. s?;J — _.�—.�,__�_�,_�_,,....—__--___,.,+-�"..� ;�� ,,�.._.._ � f'I..,, a.. �. ,�..--...._-�.s...�_—"-._..,�.�,� °- - � � �y�� l# tow� ufi �ai � V, , . J�HN REINISC�RY A. 75 sauth frontage road �,�`ItNdiv, � � � , �ai�,colorado 8i657 �'�„rv?- �OLUMBI,A MT�rs � ROUTE 4 aftice of community developmeni y���� ��a� �,�.. � OURI 6���2 �.�,.,.,... .:�A,16;.� .. _ ' � �:4i„��,i�„i}n��g,,,�i�,ii,�� � ,� � y� r.s:;, Tr �- ���, ��, � � .�� - � ��. .: ��.� . _ �.,�. _�� pUBLIC NQ'T�CE NaT3CE IS HEREBY �IVEN that the P1�nning and Enviranmen��� Cr�mmissian of the Town c�f Vail will hald a puhlzc hearing in accordance with Sectiart 18. 66.C}6� of th� mc�nicipal code r�f the Tc�wn ef V�il vn May 14, Z9�9{3 at 3 :04 p.zn. in tl�e Town of Vail M�nicipal Buai�ding. Consideration a�: 1. � req�est for a final pl�at �ar a majvr subdi�isivn �or SI7D N�a. 1�. on a pvrtion vf �ar��I AE Lic�n's Ridge 5uk�division, Filinq' N�. 2 (The �alZey - Fhase IIT} Apglicante Brad and Susan Tjossen� 2. A request for an exteriar a3.teration in arder to canstru�t an additian tc� the Bell Tower Bu�.�.ding at Z�]1 Go�°e �reek Drive. Ap�licant; Cl�rk Willi�rgham / B�l�. Tow�� Assc�ciat,es, Ltd. 3 . A request fc�r a site cav�erage variance for an additian �n L�Jt 31 r $lOCk 7� V311 Vlllclg� 1S� Filing. Applicant: H. Ross Perot �:�;� � 4. A ���rz�st to~apply Ha.gh I�e�ssity Multi Fami�y zoning t� �° ,.---'l�a�iott Mark Res�r� �nd fc�r a ������err�� pe�ial r�'y,.� `---I3e�te ' ' . rrio ar �.n vr�e�ta-adci (�, 58 tixneshare units and S employee housing units. Applicant: Marrir�t� Corparati�an. 5_ A �equest far a c�n�itic�nal us� pex-mi� tc� allow fa�c a Bed and B�eakfa�t at Lc�t �1B, Matterk��rn Village SuY�divisi�vn. Applican�: William Clem 6. A req��st fa�r a majaz sub�di�ision, a �equest far a variance to the maximum height far retaining wal�s, and a request far a variance ta the m�ximum p�r�ent grade fc�r a re�ad, an a p�rcel crmm�nly ref�rred tcr as Sp���dle Creek, an apgr�ximate 40 acre parce7� �o�ated north and. east a� th� Main Vail I-7[1 in�erchange and e�st of the �pradd�e Creek li�rery. C�mmenci�ng at the Northeast Cc��^n�� vf the Sc��atheast �/4 of the Southwes� 1/�4 vf S�ctian 5f TawnsMzp 5 Sauth, �tang� 80 West o� tl�e 6th Prxncip�l Merid�an, �a+�inq an Eagl� C4unty Srass �ap praperly marked and set, w�th a�I bea��.ngs contained herein being re�ativ� tc� a hearinc� nf S Oa ��' �Q" E between the �i�rth�as'� Corn�� of said S�ut�ieas� Z/4 vf the Southwes� 1/4, and �he Sr�uth�ast C�rner af sa�d SQUtheast ]./4 of the Sc�uthwest 1/4 being an Eagl�e ��unty Bra�s cap �� -� � ����'��.� � ,, .� � , _ ,� , �,.�;,�,�;�,�' �,,��� . ,, �/�r�-;/r�� �- fI J PUE�LIC N(]TICE I�QTIC� IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planninq and Enviranmerttal ��mmission af the Tawn af Vail will hold a public hearing in accvrdan�e with Sectian 18. 6�,D60 �� the municfpal cvde of the Tawn of Vail c�n M�y 14 . 1990 �t 3:DO p.m. in� the Towz� of Vai.l Mun�cipa2 Huilding. Cansideration of: 1. A request for a final plat fc�r a ma�or subdivis$r�n f�r SDD Na. 16, c�n a por�ion o� P�rcel A, L�.esn's Ri.dge 5ubd�visic�n, F'3.�.ing Na, 2 (The Vall�y - Phas� III� Applicant: Brad and Susan �'j s�ssem 2 . A request for an exterior alteration in orde�r tv canstru�t an additivn tv th+e Sell 'I"c�wer Suilding at 2�1 Gvre Cr��}� ❑rive, Appli�cartt. Cl�rk WiZl�.nq�iam / Sell '�'ower Assc�ciates, Ltd. 3 . A rec�uest fc�r a si.te caverag� var.�ance far an addition on �€�t 31. Blr�ck 7, Vail Villag� �st Filing. Appli�ant: H, R�ss P�rot 4 . A request to apply High Density Multi-Fami�X zoning ta th� f��- Maricrtt Mark Resort and far a maj e�r am�ndzn�nt tv Sp+�cial � � Devel4pment �istrict No. 7 (Marriott Mark) in order tv add �� ' 58 �imeshare units anc� 8 emp�Qyee housing units. App�icant: Marrivtt Corparatic�n. 5. A request for a cv�tditir�nal use pernait tv a�,lc�r fc�r a Bed and �reakfast �� Lc�t �1B, M�t't�rharn Vil�age S��rdiv�sion. Applicant. Will�am Clem 6. A re�uest €�� a maj rsr subdi,v�.siar�, a request for a variance to the �n��imum height fvr X�taining walls, and a re�uest ��r a var�ance ta �he maximum percent c�rade for a rvad, on a parcel cvmmor��y referre�i ta �s S�raddle Greek, an apprc�ximate 4� acre parcel lacated nvr�.h and east of the M�in Vail �-7fl interehange and ea�t vf the 5pradc�l� Creek livery. CvmmenC�.ng a�. tt�� Northeast Gvrner vf the Sauth�ast 1/4 of th� 'Southwest lf4 of Secti�on 5, Townsh�p 5 5vuth, Range 8{� West of th� +6th Principal 1�Ieridian, b�ing �en Eagle Cau�ty �rass Cap properly marked and set, with al� hearings cvn���.ner� herein being reZati�e to a bearing �f S QO �i ' QC1" E between the Nflrtheast Corner of saic� Sautheas� 1/4 of the 5outhwest 1,f4, and the �Qe�theast Cvrner Qf said Sautheast 1/4 af the Svuthwest l�/4 br�ing an Eagle Caunty Brass cap � � prflperly marked and �et; said Nvrtheast Corner nf the Svuthea�t 1j4 of the Sauthwest 1/4 k�eing the F�int of b+�ginning: thence S UO 11' ��" E a�vng the east lin� af said Sautheast 1/4 of the Svuthwest �/"4 af &ectic�n 5 a distan�e of 1324. 14 feet tc� the 5a��h�ast Co�rner the said 5autheast 3/4 af th+e 5outhwest 1/4 of Seetio� 5; th�nc� S 89 47 � 48T" W alang the �auth lin� vf said 5outhea�t 1/4 0�' the southw��t 1/4 af 5ectivn 5 a d�st�nce v� 9�1.�� f�et. thence N 73 4� ' 32'" W alvt�g Iriter�tate 7� Ri.ght of Way line a distance of 214.12 feet: then�e N G5 52 ' 12" W along sa�d Right of Way line � 3istance af 2A�1. 10 fe+et tQ a point +on �.he west line of said Svutheast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 vf Sectian �, �hence N Ot� 20' 31" W alflng the west line of said S�utheast 1/4 af the Southwest 1/� af Se�tion 5 �► distance r�f 1151.65 feet to the Northwest Cvrner af the Southeast 1�I4 r�f t�Ze Sc�uthwest 1/4 vf Section � being an Eagl�: Caunty �rass cap proper�y marked and set; thence K 89 41' 1�" E alc�nc� the north line of said Sauth�ast 1J4 0� the ��uthwe�t 1,/4 of �ecti�n 5 a distance Qf I331, (]7 �'eet trt� the P�int t�f Beginxting. Said real prvper�y containing 39.55 acr�s, mare c�r less. The �►ppli�ations and informa��.on about th� prvpasals ar� availalale for publi� inspec�ivn in the Community Qevelc�pment �epart�nen�. vffice. `�'awn of Vail Ccrmmu�ity Developme�t �epartm�nt Published in th� Vai1 Trail �n April 27, 19�0. I � � Tv: Plar�ning �nd Env�,ron��a�tal Cv�unission FRVM: Gom�+�r��.ty aevelapm�ent Depar�ment I?RTE: June 11, 199f} RE: Le�ters received regarc�inq the Marriott Project Attached ar� al� af the Iett�rs rece��ed b�r the Crmmunity P]ev�ele�pment �3epa�tment conc�rning the Marriott prc+pasal. � � � �4 Huttc�n t� 1 Aurar�, C�] 80�46 April ��, 19�0 Hc3z�orable Kent F2. Rcase Maycar, Tocwn Q� V�i 1 P, C). �3ox 21c7� Vai7. , GD ���58 Dear Me�ynr Rose: Thi.� 1�tt�r is in r�spon�e t� Mr. I�eter ,Jamar' s �.e�t�r '�p the West �'orest Rgad ham�awners, in whieh he state� �hat h� did n�t b�].�eve �hat th� ad�liti�ra. �f �h� M�rrio-tt' � sixty plus ti�ne-s�are high rise would "not have. . . a negativ� e��'ect an yca�r prt�perty,' . Mr�s. D�e�y' � l���er very clearly* expres�es her feelin,�� that t�ier� will be � negativ� impact, not csnly �n th� �arest R�a�d ra�ighba���nd, but a�1 0�` L i a�nshead �s we 11. Fcar the Coar�m�r�ity �evr�lopment I�ep�rtment to ].�a�. the M�.rric,t� Garpor��tion fnto believing that tl��ir m�ssiv� buildfng wi1� be ap�rovec�. in saat� form, i� givin� the ��l�ar message to �.11 �hat the Tawn raf Vail zc�n3ng rules a�-� �`oz sal� �a �arge c�rpor�t�rans, and only aFPly ta tY�o�e wha �.�r�nr�t a�'�'ard '�h�ir pric�. i�ray cases c�n be dsacu�uented af �raa.il prcap�rt�r ❑wners bein� emphatica7.ly tc�ld that the �oning rul�� cann��t be changed nc�r ciz`cu�r►vented ever� fc�r v�z-y ��uall pra,�ects£, �nd yet� this 7na.s�ive tr�nsgr����caz� rat �cariing x-egulation� by a Iarge �nrpora�fon dc�es n.nt ���m t� both�r �nm� c�� th� zra�arnb�rs o�' �h� �ammi�s�on in 't�xe ��as�! Yaur supp�rt far this unsightly prv,��:ct wh�ch gr�es aga#.n�t a13. t�he aspirc'�t�.�rTa;� €�� '�lZe r�sid�t�.tS �,f V��.]. t� keep s�ur i�eau�if�l Ve�Il��r from be�coming ano�her Manhattan. ur Cancun, with man�y m�king higk� .�ise str�ucture� a� th� anly 27.allnwed mau�o��ur�, wili eertainly not g+� unzxaticed by �aur cc�ns�ituents, �nost af �vhvm ar'� n�� in °�he line nf f ir� now, but are s�rt en�ugh ta ��aw wh�re yaur allegianee mi�rht 1�� wh�n �heir turn co�es. P3ease c�ll (;r�t�t� Fark� and hear her ca�.c�rn�; s3�e fs also mv�� anxi�st�� tr� hav� yo�r �npu°�. Her �a.umhea- in T}enver is C3b3) 7'73- 307'�, and in "Vai3, �303a 4'��a-�6?1 . �ur p]aane ntazuber� �re C3(73) 3fi?-4367 at hom�, and C3D3) 3fi1-8575 duri.ng th� d�y. �incerely, � � �� Ro$er v. and Sa11_ , c�r�.c�l Vail addr��s: 725 F�srest Road i�'G' �'�' r�7��. � � U"� � �',�/�� � � .� /�,�v � , ,I/�� ,/ 'j � �-�.ac��,.�..�.-� ���-r..,.r���:�.�..�,: i/LUI.0 f �-'�f"yt �.�I�t,'7L�°� 'fC fi�' � �`3'L ��� �--���-�..c �.�- � `'`�� ��������~ (��� . C��,<.�L �'�/ gr� �� - �� f � r�(� � 4G _-�,�..,-�.�C.C--�ia-�r$ � - / f;1 �� 1`?�-s- '°�`-C--�'��-�z-��.�%�°�'°t�'�r..�'" '?`-�" � ��'� -'"�a" � ,/''� ' f,�� ��?' �,����.� �` �"� i.f.t--�L�1! ���,��^e' ��' ��`� �' ' r�- t�.l�r??/L�r IG�'�" / � ��'2-"Lt e�t _ � ,.� �� . ,/ }� �,L�. ��-'/`� �G� �v�d�-#-�G� ��.' r�#'17�' ,�''t.t`-G9r!_ ..,`t;-� �[-�"�-'J,�C�r.Lc� . f�-.�� ��"�``� � ,r � / � / �� t'fl''!'✓�,.,��' ^`�'1 ��*.�'�� •'��r�'�--�"`-- ,�ln-a-�C:�"�'�` � f A �� �,1'�, / � � �ry �,� �a'i,d',i'�L�G'���.• f�U,'/!'l �[..4�-�C�C1.` � f L4•�.�y !'�����'�-�C'- � , r,. ; � ,� �. _���.. ,�, �`�-� � � �-�� �� ,� �-�,�' ,-���;;� ,� � ,�,� ��� �- �� �-�� . . 1�� r�l��r�/� � 'yI �� ,i-� _ �!' G �.�t _L�`-,�,i�2�' tr,� {LI �� � f} �{L� �? ? �.r�-11 +' � J/� ' /f f � �ff �f/' �},�y y7 �/[ ,� y� 4/j- /�j,� �,� /�f �`F�} .'`�.�,,,1 s'6 f''�r.,j� f�� L..�V��i�' W� +�r f` / � � �f-'��+ �P`^"� �" � �}L.�`'}'/y',� 1' r�-C !��-' � / F � {/ / 4 �3 V '�#'-,f/� �'l,C,�'1.�. �.G,.,f� -�t�� .� !i• �, �---Jt�`,a '7��',�!=-� �,../1-���`� ,/ � c .� .�. � �' . �f. �.��. f � G`� �`ti�-_ ,�-�C� � re�- --CC. .� � _�rLrr.I"G�- — (�i'?�r�t�� f.s,.�.�'.��..� � � � � � �� ; � . �� �..�� ,..��..����_�� �� �����.� ������� .����_� � � ,,��� ��_���� � � ����- ,��� �,���.���� � � �'�TEF� JAI�AR ASSC�CiRTFS, fNC. 3'1..1iVNtN�3,C}Fvr::�CSF?r„sFsdT At�9ai vSE,. �ir;���F;t;tl �anuary 5, T99D bear F`o��st Rcsad P�raperty �wn�rr As you may be aware, Mar�-ic�tt is proposing to add �67 t�nits to the�r �xistzng F-iot�l lo�ated in Lianshead. '�'h� addition zs propose� tc� occur on th� s�uthwest p�rtic�n Qf tYaeir pr�perty west of the exist�nc� ��nnis �aurts and adj�cen� to th�ir existang parking garage. Along �it� the add3ti.on appraximate�y $4 mi3li�n worth o� improvements� r�nc�vating and upgrading is propased for the existinq bui�dings, landsca�ing, and amenities. These impravem�nts ' ar� bac�l�r n��ded and impc�rtant �or Marri.c�tt �.a k�ep th� Mar}c Resort functioning ❑n the sam� quality �evel as the vtk�er first c�.as� H4tels in Vai�. and Se�,ver Creek, We bela.ev� �hat the additian and re�ovati�n does ne�� in any way r�egati�el� affect your �aroperty but rather will be an enhancement to the �neighborhaod and surr�unding area. The purpr�s� of this letter zs to invite you to cantact me r�gardir�r� any questi�ns th�t you r�.ight have regarding the prapa�al.. You car� also contac� Jay Peterso� at 476-(][392 . We repres�n� the Mar�iatt anc� w�'u�,d be h.appy t4 provide you with additicana�, infcarmatir�n or zneet �rith ygu t� discuss the additi.o�n and renc��ation at yc�ur con�*�ni�n�e. Once �gain, please fee� free t� contact us re+garding az�y questic�ns that yau m�c�h� have. SzncereZy, . - l�et�r Jamar, AI�P F�:ne g cc: Jay K. Petersc�n Suite 308.Vai!4Va4ian�l Bank h3udciir�y ;. 1 D8 Sn�[h Frantage Ftoa�Wes! • Vail.Colarada E31�G�l . {3{}3�a 76•/15� h � t � � � � ��� � ��� 710 WeSt Lionshead C#rcl� V�il. Calorahc� ��657 {�(73� 47�-C}88� �farch 5, l�gQ Planni�g an�d EnuirQnmen'�al Commissio�, T�ie Tawn vf Vai� Va�l Nlun��ipal Buildin� Uail, Co�orado RE: N#ajar Amendment ta Speeial d�vel.vpmen't Distriet N�a. � (the Marriot I�rk) �`iled by M�rrir�t Cor�ra'�ic+n. Dear Members c�f �he Commissic�n: 'The Vail Spa Board of N1ana�;ers, on I��h�lf' of` its 55 rr�em�er:s, her�by o�,jeets �o the propo�ed �mer�c��r�ent tfl the speeial c�euel.c��m�n� �is�rict far the Marriott M�rk Frc��osed by the �7arric�tt Garpo�at.�c�n �o add sixty (6fl) time-shar� units and five C57 emplay€�e hau�in� uriits on tk�e west side of the Marriratt Mark. The 1�ai1 S�ra lies immediately nor�h of�he prc�pased ��cation af the addition tc� the t�rri�tt Mark_ Th� location, h�a.ght �nd bulk of' the pro�sed a�ditic�n will substanti�.11y and advers�Iy affect the Vail Spa. T�te addi�ti�in wi11 obliteraL� �he mauntain Wiew f'rram virtua�ly all af ��e roor�s at Vail Spa, More�ve�^, the increased traf#'ie that w�ll be generat�d by �Y�� addition wi,�.� crverloa�3 the existing internal raadway sy�tem ad,jacent tc� th� �tail Sp�. Tra�'fic i� alreac�y � �r�Qbl�m zn and around Vai�. S�a and this �cidi�ion will make that probl�r� �ven wars�. W� h�v� reviewed the staff rept�rt on the pz�o�ose�€ additi4n and corre- s�r�der�ce fram ntlzer� pro�erty ot�m�rs in �he area, and w� cc�ncu� with their ob�eetions to �he prop�s�d amendm�n�. This propc�s�d additian, if apprcav�d by the Tawn c�f Vail, w�uld result in a si�m ificant deter��ratror� i� the qu�lity of th� vaeation exper�.ence of '�he owners c��' Vail. Spa and �heir guests, a� well as other vi�itars �r V�.il, with a ne�ati�e irnpact on '�.}�e r�putat�c�n of Vai�. 'T`t'ie Town af Vai1 must be sensit�ve ico pr�-- serving the ex�ellent vac.�tion exper�.e��sce av�.ilable at Vazl at �his time. Vai.� r�u�t nvt appro�re request� f"�r s�bs��n�ial iner�ases in �iensity of pra jec�.s wha�ch wi�l chan,�e the ple�.san� expe�ienee to on� which is much. tcac� similar to the urban e�c�erience af peo�le whc� com� to Va�l for a ch�ng� raf �acr�. � � �� ) Pl�nn�ng a.nd En�rirflnmental Corarr�issian We wiJ.� have r�preyen�a�i.ves of V�il Spa pr�sent at the hearin� on March �� , 199D, �.a �rbvide addi�ional input to �he C4mmis�ion's decision. SineerelY, ��-�— VAIL � ARD QF NfANAG � S � �:, � � Mark st].icht President r�r�.n CC: James Kut-�t�-Ph��.an � � ��� f: �99� ��� x ?36 F+�rest Roac� Vail, CC� �IG57 1 Littleridge Lane Englewvc��i, CC� 8�110 February 5, 199(} Mr. Pecer Jamar ASSOCiateS, In�. Pianning Development Analy�is R�search Vafl Nativnal Bank �iuil��ng, 5uite 3(38 lU� Sa. Frontage Raad Wcst Vaii, �U �1.65? Mr. Jamar: In respc�nse tt�yr�ur recent �orrespc�nr�ence, I n-�ust confess �t ha� b�en rriy he�pe For some ]� years that sc�rnething wc�ul�i hap�en tc� th� Marriatt, allawin� for a [�ec�nt lac�kin�; builciin� to take its pi�.�e. 5in�e I h���e hec�me a Wes� �'orest Road resir�ent, I feei even mare strr�n�ly abo��t tliis, t1�e singlil�rly least attract�ve and ill maintainec� (1ar�d�cape�i) structure in town. The �ew:� th�t there were plans tc� �x� rather than b�ill�c�z� canr�� as a shc�ck tn �ay the least. "T`he faet that t�e Town of Vail wr��ld consider chan�,ing zanir�� laws tc� allcfw an unattracti�e time sh�re sEr�cture on its natural r�sources i� si�ch a visit�I� area �r�akes mc wc�n�er, is na� +�rae minc�ing tY�e st�r�? Sinc�rely, �--�+�"�,�-. � , ��G� ���II ���� GC: Vatl ASS�Ci�.t�S. �ieC}r�� l�i��f�t�8 West Forest Roac� �ir�meawners Associ�tinn Vail Tt�wn Cc��ncil: ��on+�all Fhillips, Town Martager � � � � 1 RUBERT S. E�G�LIHAI'�',5R. � � []NE FIIVA�NCIA�L PLACE t�" SLJITE 91G � ,1��� CHICAG�D, 1L.�GOBC15 � f � �'��..: ��iz�ss�-�raas l '� � ,Faaztx�,ry� �, 1'q�€i �,y� '� ,, � �� �, � �� Mr. �eter Fatt��, � �'o�a c+� V�.13 Pl,�nrii�pg Dir�c�vr '�5 Frant.e�g�e Hc�lal Vail, Colors►dv $�.�j7 I3esr ly[r. Pat�en: Tv��ty-Pi�re years e�o v� buil� aur res�c3�en�e at �55 Ke�t Fares� Rae.d e.n�,, €�s �o�ng term re�iden�s af' Ye.i,.�.� we ��t to x�gi6ter a ��rvng ob,�ec�3� to tt�e pragvse�. x�n�,ng vs�r�.at�n,� requ,ested by the l�rr�crt Hc�t�l.. I SuPP�rt i'�ully al�.. t�e ab,��c�ions x�ised ix► t�e lett�x' yc�u l�ve x•ecei�re�. frr�t Cindy Jacc�bson. SiACere�.ys ! �. � � �r. RSP��m,sh c.e. Ms, Aia�a raoacav� - �'.o. Bcuc �ol, vail co�.ora.a�a 81�f�8 Mr. Char].e� Crist - P.D. &� l�+$�, "�ail �vlor�.do 81.�i�$ ��������� ������ 531 LionsHead Ma!! VaiC, Colarado 81657 �3i33) 47+6-17�8 ��.-��.,� ,,r` ,��}-��,�,�r� �!I���?c�� �6 I� C:� � r�► � ��°7�� ��U'��}�'m�"::���` ���' � C�1= Ul�� �. ��� ����� � ,��,�V?�i d�U���.1��.� —�j� ���,�'��+] '��Y#�,�,C �' �',� k I� i`�r'►3�f��t�-f �..,I'P,�-N 5� +�►v 1 i�-�' L t �+�.�5�#r`-'�� �!�t'`3 �/ki (�►�'�??,�r�t� 7�t 5 t-l��i �r��. �L.� ��(�'I��,�� !i'� y' �vU. �tl�'f'c��.7' C7� �t1 C� ��C 7 i���l # � 1`� �:� '�'t�r� ,� � � � ��o,� � � i r;�►s P��Po�`�-,� � � ��s�—�� � �t� �'6�a-��c.� �,��.� ,�{ � �,��p���� �� pD�c,� ��YL �.�(3�5�� r�+7 A� ,+��U n �l� G+h,! �� t���L t�-'� +�1�C.�, � ��� ����J t�r e-�.� a � 7�r'�� ��� ►�G— u e���5 �s �D�a��s 7�.��7 G�1��1 Z�+� �+r��t� fQ'�, �'i�t7��7rc��r�-t., ��3a+�.� T6,�� L.��3�� � �r jV).���n�,�7►��+� �t� `7+� C.a ��S H�E.� , �£�i , �r t�.r G�.�.c.-! _ �-�."���`� . ����� 5 ��� �f � �� � � ��� .�� �,r,� P�, �Y�� � �� �r �� c��.:�' �.,�:� �, � � 1� �. ,����� �� ��/�►� ��' �� � si��7 �� �- �� ,��-, . �� � � � ,.�, � ,�� ��': �" `�� � . � . . � �� � - � �' ``�`�"' � ��� � �� � �� �� � r�-���..�. �'�-- � /�i�� _ ,� � ��� � � �� � � � � � � �-��',����' _ �� �� . � � -,� � �� � ��'��,� ��, � �� � � ��� �� � ��� � � � � � � �� � �� � � �� `� . - � ,�� �� . .� � ,� � �� � � � � � . , � � ���• . _ �� �� � �,� � r �,,�,'�:. ,�,�-�' "� �°-`� ���� �� � � . � ���' ��.�,�...r�... �``�� � _ I"� . . �� ��� �� �,,,,�� .� ,� , ��� r �� � � �� � � �� �� � � �,� ��. �. ,�����'J ��� ��� ,�. � ,,�-� � , � ��� � � � � � f��- !� ��n� � � ��75 �fe�.Eiv� �c��azc c�+E�. c�c��� c� �'ir�{�et� �xu��s �' .�ol��u, �cs ��c.a3 i� •7�1'7 Y�Rr��13MG aanuary 19 , 199Q Mr. P�eter Pat'ten Tn�rn of V��.1 Planning D�.recttar 75 Sou��h Frontage i�oad Vail. Color�d+� 81657 ,De�� Mr. Patten: I have a resi,d�nc� a� 636 West Fvrest 1�Qad anc� it ha� cc�me tr mp attent�.on tlaat it is Marric�tt " s i.ntentian to g�� t�i� apprc�val af the town af Yail '� �lanning staff ta build an en�sr�o�s six stary t�.me share l�uilda.ng with sixty-seven un.its which wou3.d be buil.t right �n Gore Cre�k. It is als� my uncierstanrliz�g �hat this �iuilding c�r���.d violate alI zcsning cad�s for the area. The Marrim�t is alrea�dy built out ta thei� m�ximum and this density was �ven over the ariqinal a€l�.satmrent for the area, They were abl.e �a g�t it thr�ugh by gettang a special d�strict approval, of which nane �he t�omeown��rs on Farest Roa� were given not�.fica�ian. We cat� nat l�eli�ve that th�ey are at the Town' s dav� a�ain askinq f+�r mc�r� spec�al favr�rs . I �ought tMis property fo� �.ts p�iwaey and seclusion ancl T do nc�t want to wish f'�r the �u�ther encraachment �hat �his buil.�iin+g repre�ents . T believe this additic�n �o the Marriott w�.11, cr�ate a "N�w York City" �ffect along Gcsx� �r�ek and in our neighb+�rh�od. W� al�o beli�ve that if this enc�oa�hm�nt wer� tc� be a7.low�ed i�. would create ar� cabviata� "me tc��"" rspgc�rtunity for a1I major d�v�lc�prnent in Vail. Fleas� do not allaw this p�-c��ect. Very truly your;�, � �I. I��.ncile� r bbs i�LG:w��r �l,{�°a (�rS�.��4�-z�ab C��ai {6rq�1 95�+-97q� �{or,.e {'15rQ1� 7'�9`��3�f� "�.�r (b14� +i53-�5'�H S. Ro�ert Co�glia, M.D. � �vlelvyn H. 1{6ein, NI.C). ,Jeifrey L MIShQtlI, M.D. Colorado Kidney ��'�i�"' AssoGiates, P.C. �,t �,' April 25. 194Q Dear Sirs: We wvuld �.ike to strangly prote�t any p1an� fo� the develapment af a n�w l�arr�ott hic��t--rise. timeshar� , �rc�p�,:�y ac,:aas f r�m 5�es� F�+�e�t �c�,�. We ha�re been Ya31. property awners for c���r 1� years and at�r preperty at 736 Forest Raad look� out directZy nver th+e pro�os�ec7 site. There �.s no question in our m�.nds that building such an �difice wc�ulc� not c�nly obstruc!� our vi.er� c�f th� Vail va�.ley but alsa affec�, the nal�xe of our praperty. W� l�ave been great �uppvrters o€ the Town Cour�cil ar�d its mac�e�nen� toward i.rzcreasing open space and recreativna� £aciiities in the Va�l vall.�y. App�onal of �his projec� wou�d be eontradictnry �o that anQV�ement. We would app�eciate it if you wduld c�onsider asking the �iarriott �p mac�ify the struc�ure eaf it� bui�din�g ► pe�haps making it fewer �etorxes in eie�atian► and attempt to rnake �he facac3� attr�ctive tv us ha�eowner�. TYaank you for yc�ur ccrnsideration. Sin�erelyr ��� ���z S. Rabert Contiguglia, M.D. :�'� '�f , �l,�-����-�' .�ef r y��.. Mishell r M.D. -��� �'-�!` -- ���� M+�lvy'n�Klei . M.D. SRC/t��ml cc: Vail Tcrwn Cc�un�il t�embers Planning and En�ironment Cammission m+�mk�ers Desigs� an� Review Bflard members 45a5 Easi 9ih Avenue - Suite 75(Y Denver, Cdorado 8b22D (�l13)320-2941 � � 14 Huttt�n # � A�a�-aara, C� 8s�(}4� Ap�il �'�, 1990 Mr. Randal l V. Ph�11 ips Mana�+er r Town �f Vai 1 P. L7. Box 132c Va i�.� GC7 8 J�i5� Dea.r Mr. f'h311 igs: Tksis l�tt�r is in re�pon�e ta Mr. �ete� 3a�na�' s le�t�r to t�xe West F�r�at Road ho�awner`s, �.n wh��h he state� th�t h� did n,r�t believe �bat tb� additi�n �f the Marriott' � sixty p�.us ti.me--�ha�r�* h�gii rise wc�uld "nat h�ve. . . a negstive eff�ct r�n your grrsp�erty" . Mrs. L��evy' � let�er very cler�rly expres�e� ��r f��ling� �h�'t there will bc� � neg�.tive impa�t, n�t anly an the Farest �oad neig3�bo�Jaood, h�t all ❑f Lic�nshead as well. F�r the Cgmmunity A�v�lopment IJ�partrr�n� tc� 1.ead �he Marriatt Carparatian ini�ca I�eli�ving tY�at their m�s�i�r� buildin� w�3.�. kae approved in �,�me formx i� giving the clea�r' m+essage to all t�at fihe 'Tawn of Vail zoning rules are �or sale t�r l�r�� c�srpora�tit�ns, and cyrily apply t� ths�se who eannot afford th�ir priee. Man�r c��e� can b� elr�curnented of �ma�.l prap�rt� ,�swn:�r� being emphatically tald th�.t th� zc�ning rul.es cannnt �� chan�ed r�qr circ_.u�uvented even far v�ry �xaall pres�ec�s�, �s�d ye't, this massive tran�gre��ion ❑f �oning re,gu��tior�s �y a large c�rrparaticsn r3aes nc�� seem t� bath+er �ame r�f th� nnembers r�f th� Cor�uis���n in the l�ast ! l'aur sup�ar� for this unsi�htly pra,�e�� wh�.�h gaes against a13. th� aspiraticsns of the re��.d.ent� csf VaiJ. ta keep aur beautifui Valzey fraxn becoming anc�'�her �Ianh�ttan Qr Gancun, with z�t�n�y m�king high ris€� structur�s as the �n�.�► ha]��awed �u�aleurns, will cer�ainly nr�� E;� uz�na�iCed by yot�r canstitu�nt�, mcrs� c�f whc�m are no-t in the line af �'i�r� n�w, b�at are �m�..r� enaugh to knaw wher� yr�ur �llegiance ��.,�;ht �.ie when their turn. cames. Ple�se ca13 Gr�tta Parks �nd �ieer her� cc�x�cer-ns; she i� al�o mcs�t anxious ta hav� �resur inp�t. Her number in U�nver �.s C3C33) ?`7�- 3679, anc3 in Vail, C3(}33 47+�-3�i?1 . Q�r phon� number� �z-� C�[?37 3�i7-43�'� at hc�rnE, and t:3D33 �6�.-E35�� during th� d.ay. ��r�].�M � { � �.'Og�r V, ��n� ;��1�y 1+�. C:a dt�I Va�l addr��s: ?25 Far��t Road . � � } ���.� � � � � ,� � ,C[J��S7` ���,Vli�GS �'OWEIt r ??� Bru��t�wa;y. Ste. 12C1 • �.in r)iego. CA �21f}I • If�l�l �i5��i-fa?�() FAX ��,191 ��1�?-7878 . -�`'� {��7"'� +`�f J ^���� May 1D, �99{� Rcanda 11 Phi 1l�ps, TQwn I�an�g�r F.(]. Box 1322 Vail, C� 81657 l�ear Mr. Philligs: As a cc�ncern�d awner of a residence at �36 Wes� Fnrest R��d, I a� writirtg to the i�1�x�ni�g Com�nissian tQ protest the propr�s�d six story time share building that the Niarriatt is trying tc� build can Gor� Creek. Not only will it be an unsightly additi+�n to the area, in�cr�as� an aiready over de�eloped �pace, but �ore impar�ant�y it vic�lat�s al� z�aning ccad�s £c�r this ar�a. I can not bel�.eve that t�.e plannirag �ommissian wil� allc�w this tv happera. I, aZong with all my neigh]bors, purchased ��ais �arc�p�r�y fvr its p��v�c� and sc�clusian and I dc� n4t wish the furither encro�.ehm�r�t that this 3auilc�ing r�pres�nts, �� is alsv of great �or�cern tv me that if you allow this reza��ing requ��t that you �re opening the dflors fvr fu�`ther big d�vela�aers to encroach an this b�autiful l�nd. Please dc� nat all4w th�.s proje�t. Sincerely, ��`. r,: H. �indl+�y G uhbs Homeawne�r HLG.wer S. Avber#�igugNia, M•D, � MElvyn F1. n, M.L7. J€sffrey L IV9ishe1l, M.D. Colara�do K�dney A�caciate�t, RC. April �5, 1�30 �e�r Sirsc We would �,ike �c� stronqZy pratest any plz►ns fc�r the de�velopment 4f a new �arriat� high-rise, t�m�sYa��re property across fsq�n West �'ores� T�csad. We have been Yail propert� awner� �e�r av�� 10 ye�►rs ��d caur groperty �� 73+5 Fnrest Road l+ooks out directly +over ��re prc�po+sed sit�. The�e� is no c�ue��ian in our mind� that ksuilding such an edifi�� wvu�.d not only vbatruct vt�r vie� �f the vail valley but alsa affec� the valu+a of our prc�perty. We haa+� been great �upporte�-s c�f �he Tcawn Council at�d it� mo�e�er�� taward inc�easi.ng op�n space and recrea�i�nal facilities in the vaiy v�l.ley. Apprc►vaS. of �.his project woulc3 be cr�ntradi�tory to tha� mc��ement. We wau�d apprecia�e it if yc�u woU3.d cc�n$ider asking the Marriatt tr� mc�di�y khe stru�c�rare af i.ts Y��f lding, per�aps making at fewe�r stvries ir� �l��ation, ar�c� atte�pt �o �ake the f�cade attractive td u� homeawner�. Thank yau €or your �c�nsi�3eration. Sinc�r�:1y, ��� ���� s. R�abe�� cvnCrguglia. �.D. ' �. ��-..�� Je� r y�L. Mishe�� , M.n. /'� � - �/L�`� /'�� MelVyn . Rl�i ► M.D. SRC/dmI cc: Vail Town CounciT m��nbers Planning ��ad Ennironment Commi$sion members Desa.gr� and R�view ��ard members 4545�ast 9th J�venue • 5a�ite i5p Qen�er, Gaoradca 86224 (3d31 32f1-2�11 � � � , .._, . ... .-. .._ _ � .. ...,. .,q ,�- ,, .... ,. . , _ ,, _ . ., _. , 4'F. ,, ..,.��_. - ,....�.....�. . l 1 , ..,�;. . i p ': . � . . . .. , . . . . .... :. ... . . ... x � ^ i� ,_ _ _.. .:::. ._ .,_. ,. u _ ., ,__._.. . � "�'"±�`,."� s _�.�. , . _ i � � � �� ff ' � .�.._��___� _�.�,�..n...u_.___ _. ..,_____ ____ _ . � . �/ � .�__ ���`�[tv '� �-�c�r-.�.? f ���Y u�.��e GC� , � a� .: . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. .. --�i � � � � . , � . . . �'�-�'-. ..__... .- .-- ._.. ' �-. , ' . � � ` � .. . . �. - `� �L.�C � �-��L� � �a.lr..G�7�:r �t�-� ..'�� .. . . . . .. ..__..._..._.. _. . ... <iS.14.e,L,f ��� ..C,�,�!�t'�� ,�.�° ,�'. . ..��-.tYT.��Ic�. . �__ . _ _., _ ���� � ���-� � � �. � ` �-� �� �= ��'�'�--�-+�� �� �,,��.rc�.��____ _--__ __ __ : S�I�Q _ .�+i7��_�r`r`.�c�� �►.C��%�°�� '. : .v'� ���`.� �� �'�.� �..�� �� __�,�� � �,�'e � � _ ,�,s-��e e.� .,�,�:.�-:�e �r��- �/���� �'"•�c �r�e.� _ _ _ ____ :;. 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W� are in your cprner when it �omes t❑ ,��o:ze �ustir.g„ ar.d ;rah��� ��re��� Br�ttor► wrc��� us aboui� �he T�nnen�aum attempt tv ae�quire natic�nal f+�rest land, Jean and I sent GardQn a cheek �o help xesist the atternpt by the Ta�nner�b�ums. Mike F�y a1 o Sen� GQXat]n a Ch�ck. �� ���" �-�� ��"�� � V�e were irt �Jai1 ov�er 'th� 4�h c�f July bnt missed se�in� you tw�. Hope we have het�er lu�k t�r� our next visit. d� � ',�1 � � FREDEAICK M. HA3.'T'+TES - �S SU�TRISE DRIVE + EhG'LEV4'04A. +CC)IARaYDQ S{?130 �1I�.y 1�f ���Q M&}��Y' 1{@At �D6� Town vf Vail, Cvlc�radv �.0. Ba� 21.(ll VaiI.� Calora�do 81658 Subj�ct: l�e-�oning Applicatiozr, Marriat� ��� Share Project Dear Mayor Rnse ax�d �trwn Coureci].; As a property awner ef a carnaarx�ir�ium in VaiZ, I am �ancerned that t'he zaning, that has sllawed an arderl� c�evel�pment �rf Vail, is ebout to be compror�ised. It f� mq understanding that tl�e owner� �f the Marriatt pro��ct are applyi.ng far a ch�r�ge in zorting to acc�amodate the �xp�nsi�n. The e�ti.sting zoning wss estab�ist�ed vver time and should remain �nct�cnprcrmised. I fear that ance the z�n�.ng �.n the c3ty is c�rmpramiaed far one paro,ject� ms�y mare app].i�atians wouZd foi].aw ehort�y. I urge that the city leaders turn dow� this �e�tsest fcsr re-zoni�eg. V��' truly yours� f n A � -1�.��. ti✓� Fred Hsynes �c: Iserre Westbye, Maxaager Ta13.sman Cond�rmi�aiums Tc�m �nd Cindy Jacobson T17II1 � ,. , n ��. � � � " r � � ���, � + , ���?�,��5 `�������� '� � . � �,�r°5��'���� , � � ��,ti ��� �`�'��y����� �� JUI�Y l�i, 199�G1 Mayar iC��t Ra�t ar�d Tawst Gouncil Mcmb�rs Yail, Co. 81557 - DQ�r ht�yor Roae and Gvuncil Member�� As psop+�r�p c►wners in �ai1 L�8� Beav�r Dans S�ed} w� waa� yau to ]cr�aw haw cvncsrned and eap��t wa are e�ouz th� rcc�r�t upau�ge ia dav�lopmer�t that 1� $ving Q� gn V�il Villa};e. Tf onar-de�r�lc�pment c�f certai�n area� ia al1.�w+�d '�� �hanging t3�ei� ctirrant zoniag, che Rntire �chema of Vail will �e ait�red. and not �or tha �a�d, T�ere arc �ti�l �n�ny undavelop�d araaa �hat wii�, aerv�a Ch� futu�e �eads �e11. and will b4 d�velog�d a■ �eed dic�a�es. T`ts sa�nct�,an a r+�-��t�1�g �Df th+� Mark- Marriot� prop�rty to ailow� tlme-�haring, and th� x�o dou�rt eventual lcsa ai a cvn�rr�tinn fe�cility �il� �oC b� gaod fa� business. �lso� t�e gte�►nt��g af �e�ch a �uge ir�cr�a�e i� thair d�naity �r�d as��arv-foptagn wil.l serva ae aa apen invitai+�n far otherp ta e+opy cat. This mu�►[ �ot '�e allaw+�d. �a r�ot ep+�n ehe de�c�r to overderrelQpmsnt i� Vai� s�d tak+� t�e cheaca af ia.ir�g the qu�ality �nd preatiga imege V�i7. her�. . 5iacerv3y, �. .� _� . � , . � - , �. ,.. Dick end K#th�1"Li�is�nth 1`"'�+ �`` Industriai Ha�Chr+�rtrr�lallnq Sp+���i+rW�n GrankshNtt t�nivn Na�tZan�Bank &Trust �0.0 �" ]�7 Ppynti Av4rtu*,�.C1,1f4%1087 wanh�tt�n,lCerysss 6650� � Te�nphvrn D131637-1�34 � L.W.Stvlxsa chairman�e ctaief eucacutive officer July I�, 1�99� Tawn Gvun�ci]. vail, Cc�lQradc� 81b3'7 Dear Cvuncil M�mb�r�: Thi� letter �e� to vgpa�e the exp�n�si�n of the M�rriott- Mark Resort. The vrigina� �r�inance preser�v�s certain d�s�rable dens,ity. It would ba a crime t�a �rary this �irngly because at powerful finan�ial pressure. Further, �v a�1ow this now wauld hau� a damin� ���+�ct �nc� vaiZ 'a apen �pace, which provldes such great ch�.rm and �as mac�e tha resvac� so un�que, wi11 be last. Ple�se dcn'� l�t this happer�. V�t� NC► ,�n th� rezaning. Sir��c re�.y� . � . s i7�a�.�i�r � ��� e , , . , . . __ _._ �r � 1�. Arct�er Raad Harri�on, New �tork 10528 3u]�y 7, �99[} x�� council Vai�., Ccic�xadn �e�r Sirs: My w�.fe and I anr� aur fa�i,].y h3�re be�n Tong-time visito�s �tv Vafl as ha�e man3+ of ou� East�rrt frienda. We now awn prc�pRrty �.t �93� Si.ngletrce Acac�� Edw�arcls, Ca].vc�rdo and c�rG de�gly da,sturbed by °the cont�►ued over-d�v�lap�ent �.n tha Vaii Val�ey. You I�aVe �ucf� a w�raderful, FP�n and gZr�ri.r�us y�mraraun.d �c�ms� �hat � hcg� the Tur� of the giant hate� chains, �tc. �3.11 not spoil thi� ��s�tiful. valley. We trust qa�a tiri.�l. us� yaur b�st .�radgamant irs this �tatter'. . � Si�t�r+a�.y ycur�, �Ma�ry Asx�� � I7GCt SC�I.on .w� � � , � �i �O�p �`�afsr f+Ert. La,ne , �1.� a�S�, , C.u ,� &-2(Q L� &- "���� � s; �9 � � � ,n � E r.v �� ��c..�� L..+.����,; � �1 w� 1� ' !a �►ar.. 1 C c w �' 1. a�c i � � �'T'p► .,1 � I+ � �+i �] �+�+1 ��}� a 1..1 y7 �' +r � +L+iw �G ► � ` CJ L. � 1 � �,jl,�,�,x ��.��.� u'esr o�'�7 ,�rw�� c�k �\C .r 1�e� l� ,� J, �p `4+J�,��+ ti'"'r"� . t� �. t'k c�a.r+n 4 -, 'C'�J � 1� �`.tt.�1. � 'C�t � ti1 M r+.► � C L�...�. t.�J �l? f+�� ��4.f r��a..�. �� L.�',� aP H C+� � � U +f � �'+�y �►s�'T 3 Q r 4 t�a R s.�I� 1 v �► ��e� "�`a -t��l, fi.h a�r�,t.e a..a�o c t�►�� c�+s r ��. —�� � � p,nt c�5 ea.� � a.r1.�t� ] �' w �� r.�, 4 ►t�H� +�� �c� . �f� i �C � � `I.rrf� 1-ti � � C�H�+,r g �� �r � /� �C� vaE� � � �' � �" � .--.- �'r�.�`"' '���,�, �v � r�.e�; �+, � �� i� �o�r•,l ��.�,� � � a+r�'� 4 � 1 .x � � h � j � 1 r � �� �� 4� � 43�l+C 4 � « � +0..i7�o�+.s 4�t ���.� �'c 1 � � �r..•t CR t,� ti C� '�A 1 � 1�e.�� � � �Q„��•i 1�T -�i� b► �►"! ,�� #'r'� .��" rr'` . � .�� . �� � � � �c�� . �'., _ � � r � ���� ��� � � ���� 7he attact��d letters have recenCly �een recieued and it has be�r� requested t�eat they be forwarded to the Mayor of Vail and aXl Tawn C��ncil membex�s. TF�a�k Yau � � ��c�� ►�u� � � ���� .. ► �'ohn � S�ra�t I�t�cl��e11 39 Beekman Place ��d�svn, CT U�443 r��,��, ���� Mayor ICent Ros� & The Vail Town CoUn�il 'Vail, CQ 81557 I�ear Honarable�s: Please t�a N�JT approve the re-�onin� af �arrint�-?vYar�C �.es�rt. �rV� have heen parti�ipating in the wvnders c�f Vail fvr decades nowf and w� ar� an the pracess of bringing the thizd generation of aur famlily into th� Vail experience via our fami�y's hc�me at 42S Fares� Road, resid�ence vf Dr. & Mrs. Alfred U'ihlein. We ar� extrerne�y cc�ncerne�d about the aggress�ve efforts af the M�z�rio�t-Mark Resvrt and c�ther� tn �hange the zQning f�r their groper�y, �vh�ch we understand is alr�ady at mau�imum der�ity. We feel tha� �ny incr�ase t� �urrent znning �arameters wouid be no�vnly against the wishes af at.�r fa�mi�y, kaut alsv a travestt�r to the qu�ity vf Vail which has been �aromated and prc�tected �c�r almost 30 years. Whzle increasing th� squ�re footage o€ on� hotel'� holding� in tQwn m�y provide a shnrt term tax ben��'it, �ae feel that �he gr�ecedent set would be a�n inappragriate signa.i tQ a�taer absentee commercial land own�rs that, '":Che sky is the limit!" W+e the �ec�pl� are t,�e li.mit, �.nd it i� c�ur feeling that Marriott-Mark Resort �d �thers curren�iy en�ay a znor+� than adequa�e r�turn t�n �heir istves��tent because we ha�� already dc�ne suc� a gtiod jc�b c�f maintaining zero def���s in khe qualit� af auz �cammunity. Please help us n�aintain tkus trend by halding fast to eurr+�nnt zoz�.n� in the 1'vl�rric��t- 1►ri�k Resort precedent setting �as�. Uur fami.ly �ertainly agpreciate� your maintaining the q�ality +oE Vai1 in this �ctivn. Sinc�rely, john & Sarah Kvc�cw��1 T.)r. & Mrs. Alfred Uihlein Pam & �T' Be�ed�ucci Bi�l �1'ihlein �3en & Judith St+�ck '�4� � �, , � ���''►��- . � �.�.��.�.�.,... � �.;��-�- s � � ' +��C'�i �IL��G 2 1 19�0 . �'�v'�'� c�, ���Y:tr��'wa t� ��°�d?a�.�5o ►4ugust 8. 199{} MAY�R k�EN R�OS� Tvwn ��ouncil _ . . . Vai�. �Calorado Dear Sir: My �amify and I have k�e�n part of the i�ternati�n�� �Qmmunity of n�ighbours who have sele�cted V�iI as their sec��rd h�m�, fgr the iast t5 y�ars. We are cc�ntinuous travsllers to �urr�pe, the Far Ea�t, the Ur�ited St�tes, and �ther parts af t�e world, and we have ne+�e�r seen a resort t�fiat equais "VA I L" in any aspect. The naturai beauty af �,he va#ley and mauntains, thraugh the whole year, the c�u�l�ty of tFse �r�aw. c9ear skies ar�ci pure �ir, as we�l as sho�a�. restaurants, et�., mak�s it the perf�ct spat far skiing and meeting fri�ends in a c}uiet, �ap�isticatred atm+�sphere. Aside fre�m this, t�e munecipal services, haspitai, and in gen+era� the exc�lient administrataan of the town �uthnr'rties. Thrvugh som� of aur neighbnurs and friends r�re receiW�d tfi�e Rnvst distressistg news t�at Marr�c�tt-M�rk Resorts is c�nrtemp�atir�g tF��e exp�nsion vf tFe�ir proper�iy, building a gi�antic �otel on ti�e banks af Gore Cr�ek in L�onshead. which rs cfes�kine� t� higher qua[4ty and reside�r �tiaf zaning. �4Ve believe this wou�d create a �recedent,open ing the doors fcrr mare b�il�l��g in ar�y of the vpen sp�ces whic� ar� so incJispen�able, thus loasing it� exciusir�e flav�ur and per�on�lity. D�r family, as well as o�rr Mexican ancl Venezue-� ian fr�ends and n�sghbours fe�l that if �laii suffers sucFr a dram�t'sC change, we wa�l� be obitged ts� loo�c for ather ski� �reas eit#�er in Cvlvraclo or in Uiah. ln �ri�w di the forego�ng, wc w�auld Ei�Ce to req�aest ye��er reeonsidering yo�+r� decission a,nd turn down Marr�ott's prvjects fnr exp�n ar�. Best regar�ls, e�ur , � � ���� : ��v a � tss� � , . J. E R CHt�TGx it1 . P O. 9D�4 26a9• 6AL'IAS. TEXAS T5�21 �Tuly 17, 19�0 Mayor Kent Rvse and The Vai,�. Tc�wrr. Cvuncil Vai�, Cfl . . IIear Mayc�r and T'own Council: T would like ta e�cpsess my deep c�n�errt c�ver the prc�blems rae ar� facing due ta "ave:�bnAld�ng" and the €:ff�ct ther�+�f vn �the future of oux inv�ly eity c�f Vail. A� an owner �t Lodge Taw�rs, my fam.i..3.y and I lacr�C forward tv '"gettin� araay�" from the big city, big traffic and the camm�rcia.lism �f Dalla� . T�iat is rahy we chose V�il for caur second hvme; th� mvuntaans, the skiznc�, �r�s� air and t�uietness, and, the per�gle! I would hate t€� s�e all that b� annihi�a�ed by �uto exh�ust, r�r��se pvllutzon, a�ir gvllu�ants and �he loss of trees and wide-apen-spaces that �gQ with ""expansi�ri �a�d so-called deve�vgment" . �lea�+�, �. Mayar �nd Town Counci�., dca whatever yau �an tt� k��g aur city th� sanetion we ha�re alway� kn�wn it to be. BIG�ER, for the future of 'Vail, TS A1QT H�T�'ER1 �incere�.y yaurs, E. R. Chilton. Lvdg� Tv�a��'� i�C1. V�il 2��D Vail Road Va�il, Co. 81558 JERCI�ah � � .�.�tivn ��i� Ir�c. ��a���v�s c�F c►��r�-s���� P.C�. �+�x 1426 V�pil, �Cv�[�r�do 87b58 Town c�f v'�i 1 Planni.ng and Enviranmental C€�mrnis�ion 75 South Frontage Rc�ad Vail , Cc�l�rado �1657 June 11 , 19 9(l Dear ;�adam Chairman and Cammission M�rnbers: Action Vail , Fr�.�nds 4f {?pen Space would like tc� express tY�� concerns af its mem�iers with reg�rds t� t�e unresvl�v�d issues associated with the am�ndm�nts bezng prt��p��c� t�a Spe�ial De�elo�ment District Se�en, The Marriott I+�ark Resc�r�. B�cause c�f �he ne�d �or greate� deta%led research se�eral af our cc�nc�rns, wha,ch h�ve been left un�cesc�l�ved by The Marriott tdark Resort application and sta�f revi€�w, are still under s�udy. Amc�ng aur concerns are the fal�owing: 1 . It a��ears to us that there are no una.qu� and s�e�ific e�ndi�ir�ns which sets the propos�d �x�aansivn af The Marric�tt Mar� Reso�t apart fram other properties h��ing �imilar conditic�ns in the cammunity. � . �t is our �xpinion that there are severa3. +�ther properti�s in the cc�r�.mur�ity �.hat would be eligible f�� rezaning anc� c�ensity inc�eases, thrc�ugh �he �a.r�ance ar Speci�al t7evelc�pment pa,strict appraval procedures , b�sed upan th� cvnda.tions iden�ified by the staf� a� favarable reasons for granting The Marriott i��rk R�sort application. 3 . C�ndoubte�d�.y �he specifi� �c?nciit�c�ns that exist far The Mar�'i�a�t Ma�k applicati�sn d+�m�rns�rates, if ap�rooed, that the method c�f apprc�val and th� degree af density inCrea�e granted �rill. establa.sh a precedent that eouid be emulated by other Froperti.es thrc�ughc�ut �he comrnunit�. 4 . �t is apparent that na extraordinary contributions to the c�mmu�ity, otl�er than thos� th�.t w�uld b� expect�d af any similar d�v�IopFtr�nt ap��icati4n in the community mr which wauld nc�t be cansidered a� z�ar�tal. and expectec3 ma�ntenanc�, has been made in th� Marri4tt Mark appliea�iQn. 5 . We beli�v� that insufficient actians ha�e �een t�ken to preserve, gr�tect, and c��rect the maintenance �efi.ciencies af the pu�alic and priWa�e c��en space which accurs in association with T�t� Marriatt Mark Resc�rt. � � Tawn of Vail P�.anz�ing and En�iranmental Com�tissian The Mar�ciQt� Mark l2esart Amend�tent Agpl�ca�ior� ,�une 11 , 1990 Page '�wQ It is the position a� �rur o�ganiz�tic�r� that until su�ficient indegenden� investigation and infarma�ian is a�ra.ilable f�om the Tawn of Vail with regaxds t�a the fcaregaing unre�c�lved cs�ncerns, it is inappr�priat� and im�v�sibl� ta a�equately evaluated the merits of The Marriott Mark Re�ca�'t app�.a.cation� We find that no �xceptional cc�nditions exist c�r that extraordinary community benefits are acquired within the scr�p� c�f �he gresent applica�ican. Apprc��r�l r�f The Marriott M�rk R�sor� a�ap�.icatians �s prematur� �nd unwarranted at this t�me. Sincerely, Actic�n V�il . �nc. Fa��.ends +�f apen-S�ace � ��� � v • FIf�A�J�IA►L PLAfVfVIhJ�, t�rl�. P��3, Bax 19�� Vail,Colorado 8�656 3D3-47�-(�aflB h� Q � n.� � �'� '�--�. ` � � '��-,,� C'�o� n c � � , � � . � � �' �a r- I�e-�, � �� S� �- � � �1 �'� ; �'I,� �-r'� o ��t- �e����- �y� .�—� nn � 1 � '�..�3 e l 1 ►� � `� � � ���� � � � � t� � � � � � �'I,n � n ► �$�S t�l�--�1^,J�' , � �n � � � � � '��v�,� � % t c� ,, � � �, ,� � s� I �'' "`� �� �n +�s w ���°--��-- M.�S� c+�'. �'�.`�"7�- � '�" �*� �11'�k�.r� ,v -�-� ��..� r � �y � �1 � � .�--�,�,��. ,I`�,�. � �, � . [ �;� �o v o -� � .5~ a�v ca S = ,..��- ,�,�� S ' � � ��- �' � '� ^ � �- � � � y.. c S ��' � '�- �``�'' � n y+���.s S-�.,� �,d��c.P �s . � .�,� �..� � S � �� � -�--�r�, ,��n � � ►� , � � ,�- �.� ���-�' � �� �..� ..�s.,��, L ��,�.�� � r �-- �, ,A � +(�-.� �'� ��, � ��� � �, � t,,,�.�- �n� ��e..� � �s� ��.� u n � �, ,��. � � � x�- � .� n���-� ca n �,�,�� t�,� � ,�� c�c.ti ►'� �"�-� `� c� n� �a � `�' �Q�,�►,. .� � � �''� e S v'�. � � �1�C��, �--.S � � � � �'1�J c.�. [�� r� ��- �: n�� �'� h �n.� �� n c� ��. c�c� �� � � J r �r-�� ,a� � �'� c. � � f 7 �_�,�-�!`4 e��e--. "�' �� fl a �- �(� C� t.�.4.. ?;`+ �^-�— �L� e.►�. l .i � � `—� t [ ��'�-� �`�- {-�.� '� � � �� � � ,S � � �e.. r .� f��-t��� �, �--� � �1,`�—j''Ct a�`�l�eJ G`�-�^� LA '`1�K ��"`�`t+�U ► 1' � G7 {�` ���. t !� r1��,,w � � � � �,�,�„ � e � G �p � [�' rn "�S . �-�I. '� S�. � '� � �4 , � � C� y[ �, ,�' L�° v� C, /1 1 C�. �� t� . '�'�'t� �� � � r R ,f��G�i���Z ��� .�7��. FT�IE�[�� �F C.�PE�I-SPA�E �.c�. ��� �a�� �rr���, co�4�ado �T��s Town af Vail Tawn Council 75 Sr�uth Frontage Ro�d Vail , Golc�radc� 81557 June 19, 199a Dear Mavv�' Rose anc� Town Caunci�. Memb�rs ; Action V�il , Inc. Friends Qf Open Space wvvl� like tc+ e!��ress the cancern� c�f its r���:Mbers witn rec�ards ta th� unr�solv�d i�staes as�vciated w�tn the amendr�ents ��ing p�c�posed to Spe�ia� Development ��strict S�ve�► The Marriatt ,Mark R��vrt. Hecause of the n�ed �c�r greater detail.ed r�search, s��re�al of our concerns which have been 1�ft unres�l�u�d by �'he Marriott i�ark Resort ap�lica�ian, �taiEf re�riew, and �EC recam.�endations, are sti.11 under stLdy. Amang c�ur cax�cerns are the f�llowing: 1 . It appear� to us that ther� are nv uniq�ae and s�ecific cond�.tions which s�ts the �rc�posed ex�aansian of The Marriatt Mark R�svrfi apart from other grop�rties havang similar candi�ie�ns in th� community. � . �� is clear that t�ere ar� severa� oth�r p�r�per�i+�s i� the cas�munity that would be eligik�l� far rezaning and densit� i�Creases, �hrc�uc�h the variance or 5pecial De�elopment I7istrict approval g�ocedures, �ased upon the cvnditions identi.f��� by fi.he staff as fa�orab].� r�asons f�or granting The M�.rricrtt Mark Resr�rt appliea�ian. 3 . C3nd�ubt�dly the spe�cific canditians that ex�.st for TI�e Marriatt Mark app�icata.oza demonstrat�, if approved. th�t the �ethod of apprQ�al anc3 the degre� of �ensi�y inerease granter� will establish � precec��nt +�hat cc+uld be emulated b� ath�r prc�perties th:�c�ughau� tt�e �ammunity. � . The un�re�ed�nted amr�unt rf �he s�quar� £c�otage being requ�sted, beyon+� the l�rnita�ion t�f density and unit restrictic�ns fe�r st�nclard zon� district, is unacceptable under any circum��ances �nd in aur apinion is a grant of s��cia� privile�� tha� waula k�e d�nied c�ther progerty o�ar�ers wi�h si�ilar c�ndit�orrs and circumst�nces. 5 . Nv �xtravrdinary cont�ibutivns t� the cc�rnmunity� �ther �han thr�se that wauld b� ex�ected a� any simi�.ar d�velapm�nt applicatzrn in the community or which would n�'t 3�e cansidere�i as nc�r_ma1 and expected mair�tenanee, have been made in the Marrio�t Mark app�i�atior�. , � � � � �'awn c�f Vai�. Tawn Council The Marr�ot�, Ma:�k Resvrt Amendment Application June z9, �990 Pac�e Tw�v 6. We belie�re th�t in�ufficient aet�nns have been �aken to preserve, protect, and corr�ct the main�enanc� defi�ieneies of �khe puk�l�c and private apen space whi�h accur� %n assaciativn with The �iarriott Mark R�sart, 7 . Th� mast�r planning dc�cuments which haVe been used to evalua�.e �he rne�its �f the �rop�sed Marriott Mark H�sort inf iI3 s a�� are ru�t of ce�mparabl.e �nd suff icien� detai l to t�te master planning c"tocuments usecl �a ma�e similar evalu�ti�n for Vail Villac�� anez the Go1�en P�ak �.nfill sites . 8 . mher� are na c�rcums�ances or extrac��dinary conditions th�� we can see i�hat would nvt alXc�w �he changina of underlying z�ne dis�ricts in other �imilar 5g�cxal Develvpment Distric�s ar stan�ard zQne distri�ts. � . We be�ieve that the changing Q� the unc�erlying z9ne distri�t tc� HDMF wau�d al�osa �ar the timesharing of bcs�h proposed and �*xisting units which wi7.1 mare than 3ik�ly res�lt in th�e aband�anment of can-site ecrnVerition f�cilities which are critical ta �he I,it�nshead short te�rn rental �ed ba�e and the com�uraity-a�-�.arge. Pric�r t❑ makinc� an in�or�ed evaYuati�an with r�gards tv the scoPe and ir�plicatipr�s �f The Nlarriott Mazk Resort applicataon we believe tha� i�t is essential tc� have th� follawing planning informatiQn availa�le . 1 . The numb�r af adda.tion�.� ta.mesha�ing and hot�l raams that could be constructed in the cammunity, assuming a camparab�.e increase i� density beinc� requested �y The Marriatt Mark Resvrt applicatian were g�anted tv properties w�th simiJ.ax ca�rcum�tances. �. Identi.�y the specif�c amvunts of increased gublic �unds that woul.d be �equired ta finance i7�GL'S5��'„� smpro�emen�s ta �he cornmunity fs in�rastru�iture. �.ncluda.ng' rvadway �.nd t��nspc�rtation improvements, th�� w�ould res�lt fram comme�nity w�.de increases in short terzn �im�sharing and Y�ate� units . 3 . Prvvide speci�ic �lanning r��s�rts based ugvn credital� statistacai and demc�graphac c�a�a that substantiat�� c�r refutes th� assertian that ti�esharing' uni�s I�a�^e sa�gni,f�cantly better �nnual occupancy rat�� than ha��l rooms. . � � � Town af Vail Tvwn C4uncil The Maxx�ivtt Mark Resort Am:endment �Ap�al�.catian ,3une �9, 194� Page Three 4. Pravic3e sp�:�ific planning r�poxts k�ased upon credibl� statistaca�. and demographic data �hat substant�.ates ar r�futes tY�at �he occupants of tim�shar�ng unit� ha�re an . equal or si�ni�icantl� higher expenditure l�:vel while visiting the communi�y as compared wi�h the occupants of hc�te 1 raoms. 5. Provide specific planning repc�rts whi.ch substant�ate or refute the conseguences that tiFnesharing will ha�e upan the availability and aperatic�ns of The Marrie�'�t . Mark R�esc�rt c�n--site conventic�n facil� ities. 5 . Tne 1986 Land i��e Plarr �haula be updated acc�r�3ing; to the review prc�visic�ns c�f these glanning dc+cuments, prior �a m�k�.ng a determinati4n w:�th regar�s to The Marriott M�rk Resc�rt applicati�n. 7 . A Lionshead Mas�.er Plan ant� �lrban pesign Gu�.de Plan should be completed to � similar level of detail as the Vail Villaqe �iaster Plan k�efc��e a r�ete�m�nation af intill sit�s is ma�3e far the Lionshe�d a�cea. �t is the pasition �of caur organizatic�n that until sufficient inc�ependent in�restigation and infor�aatic�n is av�.ilable from �he T�awn of Vail with re��rd� �Q th� foregving' unresQl�ed concerns, it i� i�nappropriate and imp��sible tv adequatcly �valuated tYse mezits af The Marriatt Mark Resort application. We firmly beli�ve na exc�gtional conditions exa.st c�r �ha� extr�ard.inary cvmmuni�y benefits are acquired witi�in the scr�p� of �he pres�nt applieation. Approv�l of The M�rriott Mark Resvrt agplicatic�ns is premature and unwar�an��d at th�is time. Sinceare�y. Execu�iv� Committee Actic�n Vaii , Tnc. Friends of Qpen-Sp�ee P � � 1 � � I ��'r"�t���hl � [l RQp�3 �.lc?�nr�r �. C;��t�lki��4 ��� Wc�LtiL-txzri I�rtve ��i•,��:�r, C�nls�rtzr�n �E3`�(�(i ���t?.�) :3�'�.3-��.3 �o �; ��..��.�..Q. � �s`�► �c �.r, � � � : �G'� �.�.�I�'� s �,e : �-�v'�.t��t� �'�,.. ���w�� ��,� �,,*c��.�, w^ �� �� � .�. 'f.�, "� _ �l�'�' ►� +� ��s� ��e.►�7� r�' �•`�, � c�..�• � � +o� +�c��• � �� �.�.�'�T`r��,� C��, ���►� �� � t , ,,•.��pr � „� � C+-$ c:�V'-� C.c�`�.5�, � � Vc�►..."� '�► �' O +�,r�+ � � �r� „� ��� • .1 � �th �J' 0'� � '� � t,�. �f�� ►� ��� � � � �C�''� �+ , `�-�. r�co�.�,r�` �+,� ��'° �.r ► C�l � �- � � dG�►' �,.�,�.�.� � � ,�,�o �. �� �', +�ti�.r,���� � ���� � �� � . I�r �` s �r�+� ���.. �.r�v�►.l�.d� � � s�� `#�a � �.c� .l , +�a � o� +�3r�, 4�t �� '� ► , � �� ; � � �� 1� �' �-'�+1�'L,�, ���r'4 �`� � � � .�Gr�' � � '�7r2' ' i � �t. I�.� �.. �C.+�/''r ��^t� ���..��I�r'1 , � � tn ��� ^ ��..�'y ,4,,i�' . � . �� � �� � � �.�.� ���� . V�.: __��i_.__ -� L. . .« . . � � MRS . �fpri�AL� �, R4SS , JR_ �Lr.; .1�� � p +��� I2�7 VAI�, �lACl. EY '��tIVE VAi�. , C4L{�RAp� 81657 �une 1� . 199� Action Vail �/a Gre�.� ,�a►rks . P � Box 1284 V�il , CQlorada 81657 � ► Actian Va�i�. C�mmit�ee : My husband �.nd � have been v��y concerned w1Lh the quality �f �if� in V�sil an�. it 's fut►�re . 3t sesm� to m,e that �khe present zoning la�ws �n�d bui�d- xne� cod�s e�re a�at being uphe3.d, so hQw cnn �e gvssihl� c�nsider future plar�s . We t2�ink �he a�r�hiteets and the builder� should be 1 iable when they da nct stay wi#.hin th� bui l�ir�g cod�s . We came tc Vaa�7. in �.9�9 and rented differ�r�t pleces ur�- ti.� we �oul�f, �fford oztr o�w�t p�+�ce . i+�1e lc�v�d t�� i1�il V�,lley for it, '� op�ett s�ace , 1t 's charm �nd Lfie qual�ty o� i i�e it l�ad ta of- fet� . It is not s�ppos�d to be � er�orrnQUS city with high rises . Th� people whcs fe�l th�t w�y shvu3.d ga scmeplace else . �Ivw c�n you �ring in yvung , fnexperienc�d pec�ple to decide t�e futur+� of V�zl wh�n they do nc�t h��r� any c�nceivab�,e idea a f what the pe c�ple who ht��re cvm� h�r+� a. l�ng t ime aga �.esir� , Ima��ne truying t� railc�aad t'L^�rcur��t a� b�k€� p�.�h e��ori� the Gvre Cree�C . Th�t wauld �a�ke away fram the r�a�.ura�i �ea�uty of V�.i] . �le pay tax�s and support � great me�ny busir��sses �.�s Va11 , Ta m�nLi�n e� �ew;��est���ufaber sf��� 1 e ctr cl�aros� �wi,ndow 7.�ndsca.pi�c� F snaw rerna 1 , P we45h��`� . I�'�i'��ers , c�nstruetfon pev�le , etc , I thii�k we ne+ed �`epresente�t itan as we 11 as pratect ican . �ire�erel� yc�u�s , ��''r�'� 'C..��,•�'.�, . Suse�n W. Ross S�IR/1 c s ��., _ n���,-�r�r _ c�u��G _ C�li��' � � +�tNtifYll� �SCI��'lt 385 eas,t gar� cr+�k drive ■ bax 1�Q7 • vaEl, colarada 81658 * 3CI3147�i-3b1.� �i' ,�U�+I � $ �I���1 J'une �.5, 199a The Honorable Ken� Rc�se Town o�' Vai� Council Members T5 Frontaqe Rvac3 Vai�, �Ca $1657 Dea� Cc��ncil MemUers : Regretful�.y, � wi11 be c,ut-of-town for yaur meeting on June 19t� when yaur votes will be place�3 rer�ard�.nr� the Ndark-Marriatt Time 5hare majv� ar�endm�nt to Special. Deve- lvpment District No. '7, When this iss�se cata�e be�are the Plannin+� +Gamzn�ssion ,3une llth, I vvted against it. I think it is importan� that you knvw why. [3sing the High Densi�ky Multi--Family zvning guidelines, . thc� pr�rpvsed p�aject exc+��ds th� densit al�ow�d �.n three ways; 1, Th� GRFA i.s av�r by 70, �7T sq. ft. 2. �h� DwelZing Units ar� o��er by 115. 3. The uni.ts per acre ar� av'er by 22 units. I hav� cc�mmended Ner3 Gwathmey, the arcY�itec�, san the c�ver�7,1 des��n of the p�aposed time ��are huilc�ing, but I �ctat�ld not in gc�ad conscien�e rec�mmend appro�a� b�sed vn th� abo�e zoning �ode violations. I hope you a�s �he Couzzci 1 wi.11 con cur. Re�g�ctfully�, � � � �-. �� t���. ��- Cannie �;night � � ���� �� �u������ �a s�tt� a ��'� �� aAL�.YY[3f7U riOAf] �LC? CJFREENWIC#i, GDNNECTICLJT [7Fa�7�f June 1S, 1�90 M�mbers of Vail Tawn Council Town vf Vail 75 South Fronta�ge Road Vail, Coic�r�d� Re: Prapa�sed F�arp�nsioa� [�t"#.�e�4+Iarr'tatt Hvtel Y]e,ar Town Council Memt�er�: As a Ic�ng time pr+��riy t�wner in Vail I �eet �vmpelled tv writ�con�rning the progose�d �rarianc� that has be�n �request�d by t�e Marrivtt I�4te1. Five years agc► after h�vmg c�w�ted se�uea�a� cvnd+amir�iurns fc�r ter� y�ars pri�r, � b�u�,ht r�y first horne vn We�t Fc�rest Road. In D�ember 1386 we p�rcha� our curre�t si�gle famity home, again on West Fr�rest Road. At the �ime of my original purchase, �nd again in 1986, it was my �rnderstanding, confirmed by the real estat�agent�, that the then exis�ing zvning pr�luderi any mare�uildir�g by the 1"vi�rarri�tt ar any of the n�arby hot��slc�ndo�ttiniums. It wa.s a seriar�s �ndertaking, moving from a cand� to a hame, and or�e �f sufFicient economic irt�pac# that I paid lawy�r� � understv�d whaC cvuld pvssibly hap�n t� decrease �Yie value 4f mY pr'oFert}�'• Ir� the 19 years we �ave been coming to Vail (15 years a�pr4perty tawners) � h�ve r�aticed with incre�sing fi•equency t�e r�umber �rf za�ning c�ang�:s that se�m tv be vccurri�g. I be�ieve that a fust class town, which Vail is, must maintain th+� integrity c�f it� zc�ning, ar seriously run the risk vf alienating tl�e current homeown�rs �d reside�►ts, Alien�;�iva� t�a� o�'botE� decr�sed property values and ��ss o�t�te reasc�n� they bciught property in Vai1 in t�e first place. I applaud the stance the tnwr� has taken with r��ard tt� the pmp�ased Tannenb:�um prap�rty s�w�p. Zor�ing iaws should not t� changed ar�itrarily ar capriciously. There are certain �.hings that maney should r�o� be allfl�r cca auy. It seems inconsistent ta me n+ot i+� take the same view with the Marrintt �ariar�ce, T'he noise lew+els in the summer �vm �e nutd�r events ai the Marriott are curr�ntly just to�erable; rvith expansion, yo� wi11 hawe changed the natur�af�te ambiance to one which had I known would happ�en, would nat ha�+e hought a hc�me on ihis street. T'he vistas from aur waindows will nat t�e c�uite the same. Tv eliminate all the existing "�reen sga�e" seems very shvrt sig�ter�.. c�nce gone it can never �e replaced. 'I'�is is th� first lett�r I have e�er writte� the T�wn C�uncil. I di�n't write#o yau, as others have done, cor►cerning the snow �ats or� West For�sE Raa�d b�ause I lcnew that this exis#.e�i when I bc��ght rny I�vme. The niles were d�fin�! and i r,�nuld make a chc�ice base�i or� �own facts. � � I urge yau ta pass this l+etter alang t�v all the m�emb�rs of Town Council and I in�v�i�Ge th�ir �}uestivns directiy to �ne if necessary, What assura�ces will �e Town be able tv �ive any current or futur� hom+�vwner �f onc.�again yau modify the rutes in th� middIe of Etie game? W�e have a wvnderful Town w�ch I am pre�ud to ca11 my s+e�rr�d harne, ar�d where our famnly spends a c�nsiderable p�r�t af err�ry year. L,et's make the zvning laws, whic� were most likely �ery carefully cansidered wh�n p�sseci, staa�d for someth�g. Sincerely ynurs, � ��-�: � � � E. F. MAYN� JR., 11�]C. t00 WEST LpNCi LA10E ii.OAD, 5�4JITE 320 BLOf7MFtELb HILLS. MICHIGAN 4E4719 ��� r�� � � �� 3f3-248-U3D0 Sr 7�I]e T3, 149'0 I'�ayor K�nt RQSe and T'own +C�un�il Town vf Vail 75 Svuth Fron3ag� Rvad Vail, Colorada $1fi57 Suhj�ct: Mark-A�rriott P'r�p`erty Building E�sian Frogram. Uear Mayvr Ras�e and Gvuncil N�embers: My name is Edward May�e and I '�a�e vwned Cvndaminium A-5 in the Cross Rc�a+�s Suildir�g, Vtil, since 196$. A�an c�wner vf a +��ndaminiurn in the core c�f Vail wha sp�nds ap�raximaiely SO days per year du�ir�g the winter month5 in Vail, I wish tv �xgress �ny cancern ,ap�d ot�jecuor� to zhe M�rk- 11�arri�tt prcapasal ta� �+�d a� addit�ana17�4,040 square feet�n their pz�perty in L�onshe�� fc�r the fvllowing reasvns, based upc�n my persnnal ��wledge, feelings, and informa.t�oa provided by athers whn are in �greemeni with my opini�sn. . '�"he Marrivtt properti�s will be built b�yvnd rna}:ir,num density and�uare foacage. . The l�arrivtt has at l�ast twice previously �een giwen the p��rf�ege tc� excee� the building; c.+�e permits vriginalty designed for the present MarriQtt huilding w'hich not c�r�ly cre�tes an abusee in nrrer-tau�ing the inttE:nt, but cc�mpounds the problern when combin�d with additivn�i exceptions ta the b�ild�n� cvde. . The high rise Qf hvtels and co�dominiums along (�vre�Creek ir� Livnshead a�ready presents a farmidable wall vf unbrok�n mass an�, in amy opinion, runs contrary tc� the ori,�ina1 plan af rna�tainir�g an openness and a g��n beTt between c�ncen��ed building sii�s. . It�tas been re�vgni�ced m�stak�s�na�e been made in maintaining a ba�ance betwe�n building and nature. Why c�ompaund it with another potential rnista}:e vf ihis magn�tud�e, . t}ver the ye�rs, th�art c�f negvtiating and aehie►rin� khe objectiwe�of c��er-�ous land deVeivpers arrd c�wners has pretty much w�shed away the early c.�r�cepts of VaiI's glanr�ing and �nr�iranrnentai objectives. � � June 13, 1990 Fage � af 2 Mayor Kent �t+�se and �'own Couricil V�il, ��larad� 81��7 5�6ject: lkZark-Ma�ott Prvperty Building E�rp�ansion Progra�m . I understand the pevpte repr�sen�ing th� Niar�-Maxria�t prc�perty int�rests, presenting s�atistics, documentatian and pramatianal �sis#:ai�ce, ha�ve no inwested int�rest in the town, with questivr�abl�resp�vnsibili�y u� the tQwn's h�st interests. . I believe Mark-Marriatt is a franchis�d ma�,agement hc�tel chain which i� profi� driv�n an�, hold� littie own�rs' pe�sonat cvncern fc�r the impact�f its uxcesses on the cc�mmunity. Historically, if investment does nvt ju�tify the means, the reaI estate is ca�t +�ff tv the highest bi�ider with little feelin� ta th� impact af the cnmrnunity. T`rie present facil�ties and propos�d expansian presents substar��ial po#.�nt�a,l future prvbl�ms. . It is obvivus in many c�s�s promises made for cc>ncessian� gi�en by previvus plar�ning envi�r�nmemt�] commissions have nc�t been fulfifted, lear�uig a cvmpromi�ci cons^tr�ction arxd landscapirfg rness. , In my vpini€�n, Yai1 does not ne�i a third-t�er, time sharing, ho�tsing pr���t �nd the econamic �ccammunity attracted. '�'tie maintenar�ce �nd repair af t��,is type of housing vnly adds to an already av�rlc�ad�d se�vice community. The econo�nic troubles affecting credible hausut� �rc�jects su�h as #h� Athle�ic Club and the Wes�ir�, and th� pv��ibi�ity c�f vthers in a very shakey pas�tion, anly adds t� reasons against �Yhis prc�pasal. . The m�un#ain is a�ready c�v�ercr�wded and until this ccmdition is c�rrec�d, why cc�mpaund the problem with mare skiers w�c� cvntribute little to the mountain or cc�mmercia.l envirc�nm�nt vf the town. . What is financial stslv�en�y of the grc�up groposing this add'rtion. I w+�uid resgectfulty cast my vate against ��uc�i a grQje�ct. Sincer�ly, � �'�l '�f £ ayne, Jr. EFIvI:ms-90-104� � � �� ��� � � ���� VA�I.r 'I'f�4�T �I�., The LiOnshe�3d N]�zch�.ri� Assve�.ati[rn �t�vr: Jur.e 5tn. APg:�y,.una�eTy 35 �ers a�tenc'�d, The �s�ue en tY?e Marr�,o�t e�pax�sion was di��t�.ssed and th� �er�hi.� o�r�aizeliiu.ngly sup�orted the �?{�7�1]SI•C7I3' I.V, Dani..e�. Mu�.roo y Vice Pr�si��nt Li.c�n.sh�d l�r�hant �ssaciatic�n F � � ]ames Franklin Lamont _ �.� �U� � '� ���Q Town of V�il. Tawn C�un�i1. 75 Sauth Frvntage Rr�ad � �lail , Cal�radc� 81G57 July 17, 1990 T7ear Mayor Rose and Town CounCil Me:nberse Sub�equent ta a query from Kr�stan Fri.tz , Di�ectar of Community De�elopment, I have mad� �he £oll+�razng re���w of the histarical rec�xd cQncerning my recall of zoz�incr matt�r� assaciated with the �reation vf Special �e�telcpment District 7 . �Iease b� advised I h�ve been ret��r��d by Actian V�i3 , Inc. Friends of Qpen Space to review and repart upon the pending zt�r.ing actian co�.ce�ning ehang�s and madif�.c�tic�n to S�ecial Dec��lopmen� A�sl�rict 7 . I . Sunamary: T3�� zonin� standarc�s pr�scribed fcar Special Develcapment L�istrict 7 are ineonsistent and �c+nflict with the r��uest� in the p�nding applicativn. The chan�es permitten by the ap�ali�atian are inconsistent and cc�nflict with existing _. cc�t�ditians on the site of S�pecial Deuel�gment Di�trict 7 . 1 . Allrwing HDMF as the so�e under�y�.ng �one C�IS�r3Ctr based upvn the alleged lack fl� sufficient do�urnentatian, will cause the a�prov�a�, s�f timeshari�g as a conditiar�al us� ta be technically defective in Special Devel�opment Dist��ct 7 . a. Su�fi.cient in�armation exists to det�rmi�e the underlying �ane districts are High �+�ns�ty Multiple Family and Pub�ic accammvr�atians. b. There �r�: adequate reasons anr] acc�e�talale practi�es tC� demvnstrate the purpose ar�d intent for the Iack af boundary line lvcation for the zone districts that p�edated � t�re creata�on af �ny �pecial De�elo�ment ❑is�ric�. 2 . ,Al lrwin�g a c�ang� af existinc� under]ying �vne districts and cie�ignat�.ng HDM� as t�e sc�l� underl�ring zs�ne . ciistric� for Sp�cial D�velc�pment F]istrict 7 � based up�n provision of �ec�ion 18. 4t3.Q7� USES. will �ause �he subsequent appra�ral of timesharing as a� �conditianal us� ta be te�hnieall� �ef�c�it�e. a. �ecta.�n 18.4(1.ft?0 �.n part states, "Unless further r�stricted thrc�ugh th� reUiew +�f t�ie proposed special � � . Town of Vail Town Coun�i� Marriott Mark Resoxt Applieatic�n ' July 17 . 1990 Pag� Two de�relo�rnent c�istrict, p�rmitt+�c�� conditian�l and a�Gessory u�es sha�l be �imited to thos� permitt�ed, condit�onal �nd acc�sscsry �ses in a propert� "s underlying �one dis�ri.�t. " The request to allQw timesh�►ring. nr�w prc�hibited, wouid be � Iessening not� an additi+onal r�striction. b. Sp�:�ci�l D�velopm�nt Qistri�t 7 was e�eate� frc�m two �ane districts usin� �,F�e princi?�le �f "the mast restricti�� dev�elopment standazd"' to det+ermine GFtFA and cvnfli�tincx uses. Timesharinr� ws��ald nflt be p�rmitt�d using the foregc�ir�g jJ�lI1CI}J�Gr sirac� it i� prohibit�d �n Publi� Accamc�datioa�s, one of '��ie under�.yzng zc�ne districts . c . The �r�ation af a Speci�l *�eve].�pmen� District 7 removed all rights and nrivileges granted by preexis�inq �one c3istr�.cts, c� . Th� applicant has exercised }aene�i.ts and pri�vzleqes granted by �h� cre�tivn of Special De�relopment District 7 . EGC�nor�ic advaz�tages ha�ve been exercised and taken. 3 . The Town Cauncil may further zestrict permitted, cvnd��ivnal �ryd ac��ssary uses in sgecial develop�+ent districts a�ccsrding to �eGtivn 1�, 4a .07pr gra�iding their acti�ns cannvt be canstru�d ta �imit, r+�place ar dzm�.nish th� requirement, respansibilit�es , and sp�cificat�ons of special develc��r�ent districts 2 thr�ugh 2}. . The changing af the underlying zo�� d�starict ta HDMF so that timesharing wi11 be allc�wer� as a cvndition�+� use will caus� the appr�val to �ae �echnically defecti�e. a. AllQwing timesharing as a conditional use can be +construed tr� limit, repla�e or ciiminis� the require�ents, respr�nsi�ilities , and specificativns of Sp�cial Dev�lapm�nt - �7istrsct 7. b, Allowing time�haring a� a cc�nditivnal use c�n �e cans�rued tc� limit, rep���e or di�ninisY� th� re�quirements, . res�vnsib�lities, an�I sFecificatians ��ar sp+�cial denei�pr�ent district� 2 through 21.. A . At±�ending Special �evelanment nist�ict 7 tv provid�d for increases in GRFA �and dwe�ling e�nits, �xceeds the li�nitativns impased upan S�eci�,� De�elvpment I}isfirict '7. �nending for purpvses c�f incr+easinc� d+�velopt��nt density specifically fvr Spe�ia3 Develapment District 7 w.�ll cause the a�pr�val to t�e techni.cally defective. � � Tawn of Vail mvwn Cot�ncsl Marriatt Mark Resort Applica���n ' July �7, 1990 P�ge Three a. Gr�nting density incre�ses can b� cvnstrued to �imit, replace or dirni.nish the req�irements , respc�ns�.�i 1 ities, and snecif i�atican of Spe�cial I�eveloptnent District 7 . 5 . Ir� section 18 .4�. 14�, "The Tvwn G�uncil finds that sai� s�ecial devel�gment clistric�s 2 through 21 sh�ll remain in full force and ef�ect. and the te�ns , conditivns, and agre�men�s cantai��d therein sh�l� ct�ntinue to be b�.ndin� upon ��e applieants there�af and t�ie Town of Vail . Am�ndinc� to a3,3oca density in�reases vr changing und�r�yi�g zaning �a ��1ow timesharing a� a cvnditianal use wi31 cause the a�gr�val tc� be te�hnica�ly �efectiv�e . �, The amendme:xt tc� allaw densit� xncreases or chan+ge underlying zoning tc� alTow t�rnesharing will �verturn a bindinc� agreernent. II , Review of Hi.starica]. Record: The �allawing re�iew �f the hi.storica� r��ord is �ased upon razy prev.�o�s employmen�. with the Town of Vail , a� the I]ir��tar of Cvmmuni�y Dev�lopm�nt, c�uring the peric�d of discussior�s which resulted in the autharization by the Tawn Cauncil af Specia� Det�el�pr�ent F�istrict 7 . Further, I have r�viewed the Cammuflity �]evelagme�t Dep�art�ent recvrd� concernin� sulasequent act�,viti�s �ssaciated with this zoninc; �nat�e�. 1 , 1�69 �r�qins of Zone I3istricts artd Re�elopmer�t St�andaxds: � ' � - In I959 � zcane districts were e�tablishe8 fox all p�rcels af I and within the Tc�wn �af Vai l in cr�n junc�ic�n w�,th �he a�3e�ptic►n of tne carnmuni��'s first zoning ordinance. Zone � districts w�re app�.ied to a�Zl newiy subdiv�de�3 ar annexed land. An ❑fficial aaning �aap was prep�r�t� and at3agted. All parcels of land �ubd�vid�d k�y Vaa1 As�ociate� �NC. � that comprise the LionsHeac� area were xonec� under th� provi�is�ns of thi� vrdinaz�ce. �nc�uding the parcels whi+�h ��� now inc�rpvrated in Specza�. ���e�.opment District 7 . The z�an� district f�r eacl� p�rcel was indicated csn the c�fficia�, zoning map. � � Town vf Vail fiown Cc�e�n�a�l Marriott Mark Resr�rt Appli�ation ` Je�iy 17 , 199f7 Par�e Four 2. 1973 Rev�sion and Expans%an vf Zo_ ning Powersr In 197� , the ariginal zanincr ordina�nce and its ensuing arnendments were zepeale�. A new zoning ordin�nce was ad�pted that c�m�in�d the essential e�.er�ez�t� of th� aric�inal z�ni.ncr ordir�ance with expand+�d pa��aers of re�*iew as k�ell as re�isior�s to preexisting �d�velvpm�nt standards. The preexisting zc�ning ma� was readc�pted with nc� changes in zane d�strict hour�dar�.es . �`3ze I973 zoning vrdinance allowec� for tne fzr�t time t�i� �re�tir�r� a� Snecia� Develc��ment Uistric�s. A Speeia�. pevelo�ment Distri�t cc�uld be im�osed over a �ree�i�ting zr,n� dastrict. Furth�r, a Special De�elaonent I7istriet could be imposer� upon newly annexed territory withc�ut having � s�andard zc�r�e district as zts g�nesis . Howeverr at the tzme of annexatian, �eve�.c�pment s�andards w�re imoc�sed that were �ansistent wi�.h requirements fc��nd in cc�mparable zc�ne districts . 3. 3.975 Special �evel�nment District 7; In 1976 , 5pecial De�relogment bistrict �7 wa� created fram �wv separate �c�ne distric�sr Public Accommpd�tit�r� ar�d Hig3� I�ensity Multiple Family. f�ee ca�v Qf rezoning Fv�Y�lic �3atic� attach�d. } Lengthy cc�a�siderat�c�n wa� g�ven to the most eq�itabl� mearas of incr�rporatinc� the can��ictznQ developmen� standards reqe�ired by each zone di.stri�t into a set of unifying develc�pment standard� for the Special Develapment D�stri.ct. Particular emphas�.s was placed u�Qn the �a]�culaLi+�n c�f density, numkrer v� units. and the inter�retatic�n of permitted, c�nditianal , and ac��ssory uses. As a result of this canflict. a principl� w�s acc�:pted which �anclud�� that the d�velopment standards for Spec�al � Dev�l�rp�aent Distric� "7 raauld b� determined. ursless c�th�rwi�e prov�ded �c�r in the ado��.:�ng aa�dinance. by applying the �most restzictive development standard from either zone distr�ct ta th� eratire Special Deve3c�pment F�istrict. . By ��ample, GRF� .c��culations w�re based �.pan H1�MF density standards ; HDMF GPtFA multiple being . 50 as r�p�aosed �a PA which is , $f�. Speeial i7�velopment Distra.ct '7� all�wable GRFA for a 5.1? acre site is 134 ,��0 �quaxe feet. �Se� m�morandum dated De�en�aber 5�, 157� eancernina P�eliminar Assess�ent vf the Mark S���cial Dev�elc��mertt District. ) � � �c�wn of Vail T"own �oun�al Marric�tt M�rk Resort Ag�lica�ion t July 1T , 19'947 Page Five The nec�ssity tc� �dentify ar app7y the de�*elr�pment standards af each zc�ne dis�trict �HDMF �r PAl to each sep�rate lot th�t cc�r�pascd the vrigina� s�te was not consider�d, at the time, a matter af �m�Zortance. During pul�lic taea�rings �ssociated with �he creatican c�f Special De�elvpment Distri�t 7 ► it was su£ficient �hat th�: determ�nation had b�en rn�d�e that the "m�c+st restrictive d��eiopment standard" wv�zld ap�ly, �.n matters that reqs�iret� inter�rretation such as permitt+�d, concli�iona�. , and accessv�y uses. Far exam�ale � in the pre�ent ci.rcumstance, timesharing is allo�aed as � cc+nditional use in the HDMF zar�e district but �Srot�ibited in PA tl�erefQre, du� ta th� mo5t restzict�Ve use princinle, timesh�ring could not be allowed as a conditionar3. us� in Spec,�al Devel�pment Di�tric'� 7 . It w�s acc�p�ec3 that wi�h the ap�li,catian af the `"rnost restrict�u�e d�velqpment standEard" �remise there was �v need t� continue dc�curnentativr� of zane c�istrict baundari�s . Crr�sequently� there was nc� need tsa retaiz� o���cial records that illustrated preexisCsng zone dzs�ri�t baundaries. All subsequent zQnin� ma�s were amended ta .r�flect the appropriate r3es�gnatior� o£ eac� 'S�secial Dev�lopment Dxstrict ar��i any reference to the arigin�l �on� da�s�rict or distric�s wer� .�etnoved. It was deterr�ined that vnce a �r��e�rty received and exer�ised advantage� granted in a Speci�l �ev�l,apment District, all rights �nd grivileges of the t�riginal zon� �istric� were gi�v�n up. Zt was also r�solve:d tl�at specific li�it�tion on dens.ity� a�nd nr��rs v£ units wc�uld b� impased sa that subsequent amendments could �n].y be allawed fvr a�sthetic and functional consi�derations such as parkinc, and ci�cul�tion. 4 . 197? i�e�ubdi�is�.on of ��ecial i7e�elopment Distri�t 7: � �n e�rly 1977 a resu�idivisian of the Sgecial Develcapment � Dis�rict 7 wa� coinp�et�d. Lo� 4, 5 . 6 , �. and 8 ► . Block 1, Vail LiansHead Third Filing w�re suhdivided. (:e+e publ�.c notice dated: DeG�mkaer 17 , 197fi. } The purpose vf the resul�di�aisivn was tv created revisecl 3.ot bQUn�aries between land owned by Vai� Associa�e� Inc. zoned for parking aa�� ,�pecial deVel€�pment District 7 sv that more efficien� parking lots and s�ru�tur�s cou�.d he l.aid out fvr each d�evelopmer�t site. � � �'awn c�f Vail Town Council Marrivtt Mark Resort Applica�icsn ' Ju�y 17, 1990 Page Si,x The bou�d��ies af �c�n� district� which prc�dated the creatian af Special De�re��pmen� ❑istra.�t 7 we�e n�t redrawra to cvnform with the new 1Qt la.ne boundaries. Zt was determined that �hanging vriginal zone di�trict boundaries with.�n Specia3 Develo�ment l�i�tr�.ct 7 was not necessary. It wa� cor�cluded tY�at the original bounda��es of the zone districts were dissolved with the crea�ion o� the S��cial De�ele�pz�t�nt �istri�t 7 . ance unifc�rm zoning �tandards had been i:n�,ased ov�r the entire 5�ecial Develc��men� l�istrict 7 � lot I�.n�� e€�u1c� �e r�a�ed within the s�aec�a7. c�e�elopmen� �i�trict without consir3eration of preexis�i.ncz zon� district br�und�ri�s . The de�eldoment standards f�om each �one c�istrict were incvr�c�ratec3, using the �rinci�rle c�f �he mos� restrictive develo�ment standare� , into the deVelopmerrt standards for Speci�l Developr�ent District 7 . Can�equerttly. tl�ere was z�� nee�d to maizatain �nn� distarict boundaries in vrc��r tn determine t�e specific lo�ati�en o£ uses or ttze primacy of development s'�and�r�ds . I� shou3d 3�e notec� that partions of the site identified in th� pending applicatian. as the lacati�n af a�c3ditional timesharing units. has an unclerly�ng zone ciistrict of Parking. T�ies� areas are the fvrmer locatian of th�e Vazl Associates site zc�ned fcrr Parking that existed grior to the 197? resubdi�isivr� r�f Blr�ck 1 , Vail LiansHead Third Fi.linc�. 5. 198�-87. T�mesharing Related �rdinances : In mi,d-�9 8 0 the Taw�a Caunci I appr�ved �rdiz�ance Nca. �6, Series of 1980. Thi� o�dinan�e �ppraved timesharing �s a conditionai use in the H�MF, PA, CCIR �nd C�II �o�e districts. This ardinance was accc�mpani+ed H�y a seri�s af other or�in��ces w�ich imposed regu].atca�y c�antrol auer � ticnesharing activities. �Within si:� months of aggrava�. the Tawn �oun�il r�versed it apprc��al, repeaie+d (�r�iinance �tv. 2�, r�placing it with Drdxnance t��. 8 , Seri�s af 198i whic� pe�rmitt�ci ti�esharing only in the HF�MF zvne district. S�tch a signific�nt and rapid �urnabou� in Town Council attitudes is warthv of note. _ The Town Caezneil acte� tv esta�lish intent and r�egulate the ic�clus�.on of timeshariflg as a cvnc�it�.ona� u�e wi�ljin an exis'ting p�ajeet ar buildinc�. According tt� �3rdinance Nc�, 35 , SerieS c�f 19$p, � � T�rwn c�f Vai� �'rwn Coun�il Marri�tt M�r)� Re�o�t P,pplic�tion ' Juiy 17 , }.99� page Se�et� "T. l Priar to the approVal af a conditivnai rase permit for a Time-Share Estate, Fractivnal Fee or Time-Share �i�cense pro�osal , the agglicant shall suks�it to the Town a list v� a�.1 awn��s af ex�sting units within the pr�jeet or buildinq; and writt�n statements frorn 1(3D� of the owz�ers of existing uraits indica.��ng their appraval , withvut conditivn, af the pr�pc�s�d Tame-Share, r`ractiQna}. Fee or Time�Share license. '� 6 . 1984 Request far Con��rsi�� from Accoimnad�tion t3nits to Crndcrm,inium Units: In 1984 a request �y the MK Cvr�oratic�n (Kaise� rlvrcus] was rr�a�e fvr the �on�r�rsic�n o� 67 a��e�mm�d�t�.Qn units and 27' dwelling units tv candominiurn units. Th� CDD s�.aff r��ommended that �wner occup�ncy wau�d be restricted to two weeks in the surn.mer and two weeks ira the w�.nter. The prapasal was tabled by the P�C at the req�sest �f th� �.�plicant. 7 . 1985 �tet�ues� fc�r Conue�si�n �rc�m Acc�mmodatican Uni�s �o Timesharin�r Units . A requ�st by the MK Carpr�ratian (Kaiser Maxcus] a.n 1985 sc�ug�t tv cc�nvert I�1 res�ms � 27 exis�ing ki�.ehens � ta a time sharia�g use. The �Cornmunity Develapment �epartm�e�t reevmm�nded denial . Thc� PEC, after lengthy de�iate. tabled the applicati�n �t the request af the ar�plicant. (5ee CDD Staff Memarand�m Dated Apra.l 22r 1985; PEC riinute� �3ay 28 , 1985 . 1 Four c�f the s�me peaple who ser�e�3 on the PEC wh�.ch drafted the 19&6 Land Us� P3an, (adopted Novernber 18 . �986� r��ect�d th� Nlarriott Mark Re�ort a�plic�tioan (May 28, �985� tv �vnve�t ac�vmmvdati�n units ta tirnesharing unit�. The Crammur�ity �3eve3.opment De�artment recomm�nded against an � ame�d�ent �o the can�3i'�ivnal u�e s�ctidn of Special I3�velopment E�istrict 7 {A�ar�io�t Mark Hotel) t� add time sharing �n a fra��ion�l fee ownership basis. As Quated from sta�f inemorandum to the PEC and Town Cs�uncil date 14pri1 22 ,. A985 , "AIIQwir�g this conversian wou��i he a pxe�edent setting decisivn toward a general direction af dilution c�f the shazt �er�n k�otel hed base .�n the Town of Vail . ��mc�va7, of accvmmac�at�on units, es�ecially frcam an �rganiz�.���n such as th� Marrivtt can tan�y be v�ewed as � signif�cant ne�ative impact upon th� Town t�f il'a�.l . " � � Tvwn af �7ai1 Tnwn Cauncil Marrio�t .Mark Re�art Ag�licatic�n ' �uly 1T . 199� Page Eight "N��ativ� effect u�on grc�uP bus�ness, It is nated in the a�plicant `s rnemarandurn that a�prc�ximately a one ye�r lead time will be required ta incluc�e an ind��ridual week �nta the Marriott rental ��c�I . It is unl�kely tlYat an owner will ha�v� ��de the c3ecisivn of whether or n€�t he wili utilize �he unit hims�lf one year in advance, Th.is could resral� in the �nit being �a�ant fvr �hat week because �he owner decided wi�hin a sh�rt+er time frame nat ta use th� unit aa�d the Marriot� was subse��ent�y unable ��r r€�nt it. The impact upon the M�rriott 's ability to canc�uc� the larger gr�u�� hu�iness �neetings wau�d be very negative with this uneertainty aver unit a�ail.ab��ity. '" 8. 198fi Lanc� tJse Plan: The 198£ Land Us�e Plan is an palicy advisory dncument and dv�s nQt circum�ent zQning and other reg�lator� da�ur.ients . �t was prepared with �he assistance of ar� ad�isozy task ft�rc� w�rrking in �onjunctian with the 'Town of Vai.� staff and PEC. fihe �Ianninc� dacur�ent set farth goal� and ��je�tives to use� as a general po�icy gu�.deliries to evaluate the merits c�f gro�osed de��lQpment. The fxar�ers of the 1985 Land iJse Plan tvok pxecau�ic�nary steps ta c�early distinr�uis�t bet,+�e+en qualaty' ti�� share pr��ects as be�nc7 apgragria�te far residential de�velo�sment rather than comrnerc�.al . fit�is pers�ecti�r� r�irrQrs the 198� deci,sign c�f the T�wn Counc�l ta lim.it timesharing ta HDMF zone districts. It is app�rent from the goa�.s stat�m+�nts for Vail VillageJLionsHeac� and Commercia� , the re�ention and deveZoPr�ent a� hotel rva�ns and faci�ities is of gar�maunt importance. The following a�e Goal Statements extracted fram th� 1985 Land Us+� Pl�n which hac*e rele�ance to the �pplicatian pending be�o�e the Tc�wn Couneil : 1_ �eneral Growth/De�elc�pment 1.2 Vai� s�haulc� accomunvdate most of the addi�ic�na�. growt� in exi.sting develr�ped areas (infi2l areasf . 2. Ski�rlT�urist Cancerr�s 2.1 The commu�ii.ty sh+ould emp3�asize its role as a destis�ation res�rt while accc�►�saac3ating day Wisitars. � � �Qwn af Vail Town Cauncil Marric�tt Mark Resort Appl�cation � July 17, 199� Pag� Nine 3 . Commercia�. 3 . 1 '�he hote�, bed base shc�uld b� preserved an�3 used mc�re efficiently. 3 ,� 'T�3e 'village and LionsH�ad areas are the best locativn fvr hotels tr� serve the future needs vf the destin�tivn skier� . 3.�3 Heste�s ar� important tv the �antinued success t�� the T�wn c�f Vail , there�vre conversivn tv can�c�rniniums shaul� be disc��ara��d. 3 .4 C��unereial grawth shrauid be ccrncentrated .�n e�ti��.in� cc�mmercial axeas t❑ accommo�ate k�oth lflca�. and vis�.taar r,eeds. 4 . Village Cc�re/Lic�n�Head 4. � Inc�eased density in the �ore are�s is accept�ble so long as the existing characte� o� ea�ch area is prese��red thro�aqh �m�l�rnenta�ian t�� the Urksan Design Gu,�de Plan and the Vail Village Master Plan. 9, 1988 C1nd�zYyi,ng Zoninr�: R more recent appraach £or the determinat�on af aeeeptable u,ses in Specia�. De�elapment Dist�ic�s was amended tca 'the xraning v�d�,nan�e ir� 1988. The amendment grvvides a. mare sp�cific guide tv ali S�ecial Dev�elopm�nt Dxstricts conc�rning the d�termination c�f acceptak��e uses. The amendm�nt in part states, "Unless further restrict�d through the re�iew caf the pr��osed speczal development _ district. permitted. cvnd�tirsnal and accessary �xses shall be limit�d to tha�s� �ermitted, ct�ndit�vna�. and accessary u�es in a prvperty "s underlying zone district. '� It is important �c nate that the amemdment pr��ide� ` spe�ific direction fo� de��erminati�n af us�s, tv dev�lapmen� districts which are Qr. have been created from anly nne xc�ne dis�rict. mhe �988 SDD amendment, d4�s not resal�re the issue t�f determining "primacy af uses" when twa c�r more aone districts �r� mera�e into vne 5pec�al Develr�pment District.. F`�urther, the existing amendment. as q�ot€�d abo�e, only p�ov�.�es far a greater �est�icti+�n or limitatinn up�an us�s �han is otherwise pravzded fr�r in the arigin�tinv underlya.ng zone district. � � Tawn af Vail 'Town Cauncil Maar�ivtt Mark Fteso.�t �ppYicatia� ` July 17. 199� Page 'Ten Any changes in the underlying zvne districts does nvt affect pricrr decisic,n made f�r �p�c�al �ev+�lopment Distriets 2 through 21 . Accardinc� ta sec�ian 18, 40. 1�Q► Existinc� S�e�ial D�vela��ent Districts, "Not�3ing in this chapter sha1T be cc�nstru�d to limit. replace. or diminish the reguirements , �espnrtsibilit�e�, an�3 specifications af special develo�imen� districts 2 through 21 . fihe Tvwn �ounciZ s�aecifica3.ly fin�ls that said speci�l development dis�rict� 2 through 21 sha13 remain in f;�li for�e and effect, and the terms � cc�nc�itions, and agreemenCs contained there�n sha�.�. con�inu� tr b� bind�ng upvz� the applicants thereof �nd the TQwn af Vai3� . "' A�cQrding to thi� se��ivn attemp�s ta change, the underlyi.ng �one distriet o� a preexisting SI3D c�r a��end ame:�dm�nts because changes have occurr�d in tk7e unc�erlyinc� zone c3istricts since the pass�c�� af the 5�aecial Devel4pr�ent Di�trict 7 , w�iulr3 not b� acce�ta�l�. '�;hen a spe�ial de�aelopm�nt c�istrict is �reated. �ecause vf the ben�fits and �ri�ileges grant�cl a�d exercised ► alI �rights and privileges cc�nferrec� �y th� oric?inal �vr�e distric� are given up. In the fe�regc�.�ng citation► � distinctive class of 5pe�ial aewelapment Districts has b�en er��t�d. Amen�ment, b� i� fvr addit,ic�nal uses vr �RFr� and ur�it incr��ses, ir� any cane c+f the Special i�en�lapm�nt L�istri�t 2-21 wauld confer the same c�r sir�i�.ar a�ivileges tr� all . �II . Pfllicy Consideratio.ns. �. 19�fl nesignating An Under�.�ing �one District: The prc�pvsal to chana� or a�t�r �n underlying zvne district f�rr a Special Develapment Distriet has no ar�erit or • �aurp+�se. Nv uniqu� or unknawn circumstance has been demanst�ated that any c�f the pr�vileges and benefit �►lready canferred and exercise�i hav�e been cienied the �pglic�nt. The ch�ngirag of the underlying zane district wautd grant a special p��vileqe that can b� shc�wn tv be incvnsistent with priar apprflvals and in�e�tic�n �f the Town o� Va€i�, . Section 16. 40 .140 provides that un.ic�ue limit�tians �a��e b�en i.mposed upan ehar�yes tfl SpeciaT Develvpment Qistric� 2- 21 . The alteratiQn vf these li.mitation for one speciai develc�pment district wot�ld be applicab3e ta the regulation r�f Special Development District 2-21 . � � Town Qf Vail Town Cauncil Marr�ntt Mark Resort Ap�3.i.cation July 17, 139Q Page Eleven 2 . Btzrden of P���f : It has been repre�en�ted th�t the Tawn �f V`ail cannat �roduce documen�ary evidence of �he preexisting z�n� d�str�.ct de�ignatic�n far th� sp+�cific parce�.s of land which a�e included in Sp�cia� develv�rnent I}istrict ? . Arc�ive requir�men�s by the Stat� of �olarado pravide for the preser�atiars of officia� do�uments suc�i as amendrnent� �n th� off�,c�al zcaning ma� by a nunici�al gc�wernment. (Se� CDD Staff ta PEC memoranda l�ated January 8, 1994 and Apr�l 23 , 199� . i Adaninistra�ive Procedures and Ieg�l r�mec3ies a7Ce available fbr the authenticatic�n and locatic�n �f the original zone districts �ar each �arcel incorporated ,into Speci�l i]ev�lap�e:�� Distrxet ? . �iQwever . failure to determine the spec�.fic loca�ion 4� a �c�ne d:istrict does nc�t cvnfl�ct with a �imitation of Che nnost restrictive use being allc�wed when two different zane distriets (HDNF and PA� �xist within a specia� d�velopment district, The burd�en af proof is ugon tht� nrapanent to prave their position. Th� lack c�� evidence prov�� nathing. 3 . �Iaster P_lanning Qacurnents: 1�resently, urban design and master p].anning docur�en�� ha$ nat beer� �rer�are� to the same level of �3�ta�1 that is required fvr revzew an�i �c�ns�.derati�n of develc�prn�nt in the Golde� Pea�c rte��'hharhord and Vail Villac�e. Gi�en the scope aa�d significance c�f the �ending agpla,ca��.on, �he same le�e1 af urban �esign and master planning dacumentation �hould be availa�le before the ap�li�ation �can be adequately ee�nsidered. 4. Timesk�aring: � A majvx'i�y vf quality t�me share units that occur at pr�sent ar� us�d as sh�r�. t�rm residenti�l vacativn housis�c�. �ccu�an�y r�tes have cc+ntinue at a flat rate of grawth dur�ng ttae l�w vccupancy seasons du�ing t�e �.ast se��ra1 ecnnr�mi� cycles . L�ow c7+�cupancy_ �easans are common t�► all resort community ec�nomie�. The rat+� ❑f f�areclr�sures a.� si.gnifi�ant. {See cr�py r�f pu�lic n�a�tices fram Auan Beaver Creek Times. � � � T�wn o� Vail Tmwn C�uncil Marri�tt Mark Res�rt Applieativn � JuXy �7 , 199� Page Twelwe T�e sales �ax b�se will be eroded because, unlike hvtel� and cond�min�um h�tels, timesharing hotels dv not c�llect sal�s ��x fr�m t�e use Qf short t�rm a�cv�nodativn rooms . �n r�cent yea�sr the relinquzs�ment v£ acconun�datian and dwelling units fr�m the candominium hatel �hort term ren��l p��1 has been sign�ficant. Yt has been sta�ed durin� the first public hearing on the pendi�g appli�atio�r �y an a�tharity a� Iacal �atel�timesh�ring de�elopm�nt, that the conversion of an �xisting hote� ta �imesharing, ta sa�� it fr�m e�nn�mic caila�se. has n�t been shown tv be a proven remedy to sustain an ecan�mic t�rnab�u� of a ho�e3 �rvp�rty. 5 , G�ant pf Spec�al Privilege: The �enef�ts that �r�at�d Speeial �e�elapment District 7 were achi��ed t�r�ugh com�ining the p��f�r�n�ial advantages fra� two und�rlying zvne districts (PA and �D�IF) . Tne a��empt t� r�mave ane o� t�e underlying zane district in a�der to aver�orne the limitations upon use w�thin the Special �evel��ment Dis�rxCt is gain by special privilege . Ec�namic advantages ha�e alre�dy be�n exercised and taken under b�th under�ying zone distr��ts. It wvuld �� inap�ra�riate �v allaw a windfall gain ta vccur, t�ro�gh the amend�ent pra�ess, unless substan�iai �in�ncial r��tituti�n were made for the econ�m�c ��ins conf�rred by the original u�d�rly�ng zone �istricts . Th� a�plicant has alzeady �x�rcised all benefits �nd pri�ileges arant�d by the cre�tiom �f S.pecial �e�elo�ment D�striet ?. Trie apgr�oal af �DMF as an u�derlyin� zon� distriGt seeks t� gain a g�an� vf special p�ivilege �hat wauld more than likely �e denied to �pe�ial De�ela�ment ' �z�tricts 2-21 acca�ding t� the pro�isi�ns of se�t�an 18.�0. 140. 6. Res�d�ntial vs Camm�rc�al Uses • The benefit� and �riv�leg�s �onferred and exer��sed in 5pe�ial �evel�prnen� aistri�t 7, �llowed the pr�perty ta �ecome averwhe�mingly d�minated by cor�ner�ial uses. It would be im��ssib�e t� consi�er the existing de�elogment as predomi�antly residential in nature. The Marriatt iiark can nv lvnger be cansi�ered resident�al . � � Town of Vail T�wn Cquncil Marriatt Mark ResQ�t App].icatiQn ' July 17, I��Q Fag� Thirteen It can �e demanstz��ted fram �he historical reccard, existing ordinances . and mastsr planni.ng guidelines that the Trawn vt Vai� intends and defines t.imesharang as � residential use, tv b�: locat�d within buildings and pro�ects that are eo�posed is� th�re entir�ty of time share unsts. laeated in Hi,gh i�ensity �iultiple family zfln�s and dQ n�t c�r�tain cammerci�Z u�e actiVities. It s�c�uld not b� an acce�tak�].e practice tc� allaw a d�velopment ta d�ri�e benefits by c�.aiming c��rnercial. status , then when a11 b�enefit have be�n �xtracted, recant and ignt�re these privileges in c�rd�r to gain benefits reserved for resid�nt�al develc�gmen�. 7 . Er�pl ovee iious inq: 'There is no �xisting �m�le�yee hausing in �he Special Development k].istrict 7 . �� is atzestianabLe that quality emp],oype hausi.ng uni�s can Y�e lvca�ed i.n such c�c�se �.rQxir�ity tr� h�.gh int�nsity c�mmercia3 uses . IV. Cvnclus�vn; The I�i�rriott ,�iark pr�posal �s defective b�cause it fai15 �o r�eet the canditions af lang es�tablished criteria and standards imposed by the Town of Vail c�ver limitatic�n im�osed upvn dsnsity increases and the locat,ic�n and d�f�.n.�t.�vn af timesharing a� a r�:sidentia�. use. It is evid�ent fram the fc�regaing review af ewents and c�ffici.al recr�rds t�a�t the Town af Vai1 has, c���r the years , exer�ise cvnsis�t+�nt and diligent conce�n c�ver the crea�ic�n a�nd amer�dment c�f Special Development Ristricts. S 'ncerel�, � # —"`` rr;,,�1� -_-� �a'w•�'t'%� � �r�'' _- ��S eS F. m0 �t � f ,.� . L�� - . �, � � P�9LIC NaTiCE �O�I�� IS HEREBY GiY�� THRT Kaiser Morcus: represe�tin� the �ark, has requested r��on�ng af L�ts 4 and 7, and a portion af �vts 5 a�d 5, Bloc� �, Yai7 Lianshead Third Fi7�ng �r�m Rublic Acecnmodat�ons and High Qe�sity �u�t3��e Family ta 5�ecial �ev��opment Distrfct to allow �evelo�rne�t a� t�e s��e 1� a m�re in�ovative man�er. Appiica�i�n has been f�ie� �ursua�t tn Sectio� 21 .500 of .the Zon��g ardinance, Ord�na�ce Ho. 8, Ser7es of ]973. PubTic Near��gs w�re �e�� o� De�ember 9, 1� and ��. i976 befor� the Town of Vail Pianni�q Co�issian in accord w�th Se�tzon 21 .4�4 of the Ioning Ordinance. P]anning .Cvmnissi�n recormrerodat��ns hav� be�n forwarded to the �own Counc�7 who wiil make a fi�ai decfsivn o� January ]S, 1917 at 7:3� F� in the Vai� Mun�c��a] Bu�ld��g. �+a�r�r n� v�a z` ���ARTMEI+lT' �F �QM�fl1NI7Y QEIIELORM�NT /r���..� ` ,�"� �;��,a s. rQ���,��"�� Zon�ng Admini str^atar Ptrt�� i s hed i r� �the V�i� Tra i a Dec�nb�r 24, d 976 _ � . • � ,,-_ c:� . -�_� � _ ` � ��w � �� � . .� � � . . . . •.r ■-'l�.�r 4 ` � � /� �� l��� �������! ���"i[� # • + �/ • ����'�'�v�� „ ur �.r�n . . � k.�«A�;, �+�+�°b��' �r��: � � �r ��+��£:ott��` ��,� bt�'ow� � , . �►, "� � Zr.�� �..�7+�q`���? ��a+� '1�. i.. . '� Wt ��wi� ���• #yl�g �_♦ � `� YI-" e v�^�= � r0.p�r � V .�� � ��;r ad��; L � �`�������C��yF�� �� �r . , �� �� �a r�g"� F = � M . __ _ +�+ �,c���,,n�a�°«�x�-.c€ ,a = � - . �� ai����C e� "'��.�..'_w`�$ � �'" � �0.�OM0;�p e�V+,���w � � , ^`�J���Ot���' +! ' p�'?°�T�` W° �'^i. � '�-'��S �+�'dg���'�s. » E �� � *�����'��'�������� A . �t�:��� �or�3 -� - . t � a c �o �'�a a+a� -c w -� b ►• r� (1 � � C+��� .+?� .�,. i i�i � �" O � "`" p, 11�-'�n+ �' � «� w `� V � �` � °� �9 .a n F a.r � � �� ,?��,� a a+ � � � � � � � tly � '� Cr '�' 7 a'�i a, t p C" '� � a-� R,r'G.��,+ro � �+ C r ¢ �3 7� g O rym �' ty p' 'r' � �i" F. .� O � .�i R *.� � Z C C G Q+ r JS � R s..o C a+ ° .� 4 � � � � �' �=� � � r�-' a '� � � � � � � fl a, ; `p 3 �C.�,4' �" °�,' � y ci'r � � e, jCG ■ G iti1 -• w�= 3 ' 'IJ Li r � � !sf . F � � L � 4 ~ � � � � �p ��'y'�� w Tr V� Ir F�. � r q '�` � 7 � �+ r� � d a �w� � � � N � ' !'� /�. yQp � �'i��. `�' 6 �^ '� � ,��. '�C � � � R�', I Lw � �1 � �� � C �'� � � a ip.� ir � � M � ' f�l'7 L 'O V 6�U " '� 6 n �p d � � d '� � �.. �' .^. ,� ,.'�i �.. � `„ °''T] � a w C � C � � rL � �-�'�Y 5=•+ � +A w .� F�. _ � - . ..7 � .� �� a"� � e '� c v u � yu a � � � � ;3 "� a,� a e��� � �. a � :�: E �' = � � • �'7? C .�+ ,� A. €� q ,j,S d � 6a y ++ •K� � tiy( 35,+ .G C.: a u�,�tac`p �y �, �, r � .r � D w � , � a� � �' � u�; �� � � � � � ` � �r � s . p ...�...,� a � y °'^��'Y� . -is „ c zs r S7 � ti �`+ �,•� IG--4r � �. `� � �Qy 9 �' 4 �• � �— � a � = °'�, o ,R '� .. � 3 .. � � v � � � "s,r� �� �a.�°' V F � 'o � .� � � .r. �� � � a �i �� „r ��j ++ � � 4 r.�. , . � � � ("' � C � .��e�E � i 4 4r T. _C r. � .f� . 8 � a V � �A G G•y �"'4.an+ � "� � �t w y ... � � '� � 1'�G� O � �° �+ y � � . ,� � a o � � W ,, = _ .� .. � '' a U Lt, c� ' �,� � � °'a � � '��' ` � �j a`�� � ''� v �a, � „r �� � ��c r�n'��� � � � a � ` G '�° � . � � .. u, r Q � � ,. � # c�,.r C— a�,� � � � � � � '� ��y V �" � � +���'C'I�i'�9 �1r� 4 ,y� "'' �„ w P +�.. b �� � a � � � � � o G) '��' � �' � �� � ___ �C '��` � � � u � i � � � � � � v�j U .: � aL� �ac ��.cc � � � � � �, � t�i�'� u c if rc�� ;�� , �� . * _ � e -- _ �_ -- � . . � � I�E!•iURAP�DUt�t � . 7�: ���xra��r�r� cG,����tssza�v �R�r�: aE?ARS6�ENT �F �C�i u�U+�ITY DEYELDPI•�Er�r t RE: PREP�TI•iIi:ARY ASSESSr�SE;�T QF THE t�UQIRK SPECIRL aEVE�OP��iEi�� [�ISTRICF QATE: C��em�rer 9, �9T� C�i�P,'�RTS{}": f3F' r�;ARK SF'ECIA� D�1fELOP�v�i�T BISi�RdCT' �PRfJP051�L 4�I7'N �CG4R�2Ei�T ZOI�PIi�'G ��te Area AT 1ar.�ab�e GRFA Pr�pvsed GRFA AI Io}���b�e lJni ts Pra �osed Clr�i t� �1� Lot 4 f1 ,85� sq. ft. 37,i1� ,� c.a !ot 5 �23,562 sq. �t. 74,i37.2 5ite cans�d�red as a tiahoTe �� �.ot 7 4C1,�4a �q. ft. 23,�32.E} 225,4�4 sq. ft, ,43,2817.4 � : Less ex�sting bld�, 4D,27b.7S ' �t]3,��3.�� 94,UQ{� max. 1Z9 - 258 �I(� �eca,z�:��a- c��•.ei�ing �nits tion units c�nverts tp 258 - 5�6 accor�- �Q su�tes (�U� mc�dation �n�ts Less existing unit� . �l4 acc. units ]4 d��elTing units) . A�"l�vra�le Corrmerc�ai Fr�pvsed Corr�ercial �7t��j .�� �.855 �JC15��TI[J �7f��. � ���C}(J ]4 3��i.24 4.5{�0� �i sco and c�rr�nercia l l.e�s ex�sti ng r�eeting rv4m 4,8GO.Q�O 1�,�D� �rapo�ed mee�i�g ronm 9,446.Z4 Ad�itianal sq. 4�f' ,50�? s�. 'Ft. pr^c�posetf ft. a�lowabTe T�e T�wn of Yail gen�ral�y fee�s th�t the prr�ject is in �ir�e with th� propo��ed growth � manag�ment p7an ir� that �t �� lo�ated in a h���� density area, is direct�y adja�ent �o ,�e�estrian are�s, �ran�portation, ar�d prov�des � ct>r�nunity hen�efit (CDnvention center} 3t priva�= exp�nse. �e do nat fee] that we have had suff�cier�t time to review the propos�'t since it is a very invalved one as the Envir�or�nenta� zmpact repart wa� sub- �aitted €�nly today. k'e w�uid retvrarr�end a eorrc�p�uai apprr�val ar�d suagest Lha� the �___. . _ �,: . :T:�;:� _ - � '�' . ��y forn�al action be �+ithhe�d unti� suc'� tim� as ti�e staff and the PZan�ing Comntiss�orr have had an vppartuni�y ta review bmt'h t1�e r�vised drawings and the enviroa�e�#.nal i�pa�ct repar'�. ti�e dv r�at �+�e} it is fair to either t1�e To��rr� ❑r tl�e appli�a�rt ta base a de�ision vn in'F�rmatian that w� have na� had the opp�rtur�ity to review. A cor.,pl et� re�Qrt wi 11 be pre�ared pri or tc� the �ecember �6 Pl anni ng Ca�t- m�ssiori r^���Ling +•�trich +xili give st�ff re��m,�e�dat�c�ns arrd revlew of th� Environm�ntal }mpact report, . �-;�f'�'�t_� _� �age Three -- ----- - - . . . _ � � � Alanning Co_�:nis�ion��nts: . aan Corcaran felt that this site ti��as n�� ��al��necessar��to�rak��dt��tiarkP�ent k�ecause� of the Ree�����y cuts & r�ta�n g The on�y deve�trpment that he thaugh� rlou�d r�ar�k ��rere tfie 3 �ing�e-�a�n�Iy dti•rell�r.�s can the o�en area. H�� vote for th� praposed project ti��� H� Ed Draaer had prt�bl��rs wi th the proj e�t be�a�use �af Lhe vi sabi 1�ty o� it. 1�e vote �as fa0 5a n�y t�i 13 s vated �s� beca use af ti�e v i sa bi I a ty af the prv.7 ect, Qudl e' A�bat� vote� t��] becau se o� the +�nv�ranr�ental impact an tlte h�7�s i�e G�r�^ 4•,h3 te votec3 f�0 5�ca�se af the env�ronmen�al an� vi sual impatt t�e �roject �:ovld ha�ve an the val ley. He fel t i.hat thi s prnject ��r�uld be a de�rim�nt to t�� w����.Y• Bi�l h�nlon vated NO Pa�m Gar�on vuted NO because �r t��ts�&1 f�ili s��and no� it$�vou3dmhe�revegetated. had p�obl��s with tl�e necess y' As req�est�d by t�r� ap�� �cant a pre�iminary vot�e ��as t,aken. �`he P�anning Corrmission unanimausly felt that the project �ras not a desira�le one for the 1�ai1 Va�ley & Co,.�unity. THE i'�RK Jir� Lamant gav� � s+�rnmary o� the discussion held a� las'� week's meet�ny. Attached �re some flgures of the prvQosed prc�ject that were prepared by �iana Tc�ughiil . After a lengt�y di�ct�ssian b�tween the Deve3o�er, Kaiser t�or�c��. ��d �he _ P1 anning �Cor�i ssia�, i� wasi l�next�we�k�wherr�t�ey�w�uld have �ad�morel ti�enai d,e��sion vn tl�i� matter unt � to t#1�rt1Ugh7�+ d1��5t al� the infa�rmation. . f� � �. � �� . � °� PUBLiC �IOTIC'� �C�'��C� IS NER��Y GIVE�i Tl�IT i�r. Kaiser Ms�rcus has appl ied for a resubdiv�si��a �of L�ts 4: �, 6, 7, and 8, Black � , Yail Lianshead xhird Fi��ng. Appli�at�on has been rnade pursuan� to Art�c]e III, Sect�or� 3, Tar�n �f Yail Su�d�v�sfara R+��latians.. A Pu��ic h�aring wi�� �� 1�eld befvre the T�wn of Vai2 P�annir�g Cor�ur�i�sion prarsua�t to the S�abdivi��an �equ�atior�s an .�anu�ry fi, �'�7� at 3:a4 p.r�� in th� Yail Mur�icipal B�i�d�rtg. �'OWfi� D'F VAI1� DEPA�Tt�El�T �7F COM1�Uf�iTY �]E�"E��PMEP�T ►'�:� �'��,.�''��-s- �� � . ���� � �iana 5. To�ghill �oning Adm��istrator Pt�bT f s h+� i n the Wa i 1 Tra i i De�+ember l 7. ]9lfi - � . . � ' . " � 3e� ���y �4��� � Z ,r�=,� sa. S4 - r �"a'! s "�y '?`,iii�� ► y�}� 6—L�' • � - � ���ga� �,��� Q�o�f � � ��'P ���a � a � S �E • �� � 6 �1� ����5� �E�} ����€ � � - . Y ' 8±� CiY � ! � tCr'�J �V 7 � 4'1 � � �R ��o•`� ���� * `�' � ���� � � rs W�S��� '�°�ti � � ���_� x�;� � �" � ���;�;; � � y���c�ov,�' . � - . � ���a y������ #x.3�ria r�=� �!: � � p �s"'� �,r.� 7.n 4s 'C 6� �+ .p �,,, a P r, �, `'�t� _ � � � q t� � '�r � �6�,, �... �.�`� i' a G F. ^ p� � 7a �� a �r +rs � v.i., ` _-.C y � � ,y � � � � � y i�' 6i �l.. L`.. : �� G �C`�' � � � y r� '„"'i � � . _ � '��.."G� on � C t� Q w� L !}� � � F� '�' {�6w � \"n �' � �✓1 O '� .LC �S R i� L' � � � � � � � � �V L" Z � a L-7 � a v c. � .a 'v g 'a ..� � ,s w K v e r� c R � o � �- �v o �: 'f-M ; " y, C� � o. 't '{4 �+ � � Q . ?'+ G t b� w; f�� ' � � � �Ls: �+ e�€�= 3 .'7 "O S�. �� � � L ± � *^ ,v'.� V � ` ^ � O �, •� : a+ �;� _ � � � c ! � � �i � � � ��a.+' C ��` �1 r � r-� � +� � v�w w '� � r_ G r .� � Q � (>w � 'r C��� a � a � � �M1 tr 4 r � � '� a �� �y ,>„ �, � a oi p -' u 4� ,u, � �. ,'��, � e'a '' 4 � ° r � eu � c �7 p ��'�.=� 'C�- c. C � (1 � .. � K � � C� �• � � ,5,,,,, � g «� ..� � � � �� � � � � � � � �"��a_����.� � � � � � � � � � �' � t � _� � � �= � -. � a. � � e� � "`�.� .. &„ '4 p ��„ a� �ae^ �� �o � � � �y c Cr "' p o A •p �,....,-•,. J � � � e,: ,�,; ��,,,�•� �j w � � ? ['"� � ''� w � is. C � �� � �� 4�`. .. � r i:! � ..�., � � r 'Q � ? ar'� ��� � c a � ... +.rf � � �9 � e� �� � ,�� °',v ,s,�� ° ,� �!3 �, G � � .. � -+ o . ��„ E � F �'�c b�K a �W� � �K �o o � �„ � _ � � "� ti � � `' '° c . .� �r � � _ ; • � C� p . F '"a.� c.� ��,� `� a , 'v t-- �, r:� w c ;; � � .� � .7 • � �/ o v � � �� o � _ � ' .� ry � N � �, � M.+ � ..1 V � Y �a'�^ �� Q 61 0 1�/�p �C ti y,W nr 4 � � x . ' � � � M � �1 ' � F � .�y��,�.•t R� 71�v 1� �' ii r.r. ^ rE � i4 �' � � # � ;yc��m �� = p � `� � � ` � � 'v � '�" �► � �y ° ' �3 y. � v ��".�.. �,. „ V o i"` � � � � ;� . � � � � �+p��19��;'9 �tip � �. � G .'�'.a � _ � �r � I � � r. 0,^, � 4�.� �.� �. �" � � � �' � a ' � U •� ��� o = r,� � �` +� "" � M $ � � � a, .� .. a.5� a� r,,.� ,� �E � � � a a ,� � L7 � � � - ' �-� -��: . -.J° _:°���. � �� . .�rr:�s_�yr. _.�_,f. '�, . ._ *' . . � �1�k' .r� � _ M�IURA�C�UM � �;,�� � ^ Tt�: Piannir�g Co�ua�ssion " f�OM: ��partment r�f Cammuni ty Uevelo#�snen� IIATE: Jar,uary 6, �1�77 �E: Re�ubd�visinn v� �ats 4, 5, 5, 7. �. ��ock 1 . V�il �.ionshea�l Tnircf Filing. The applicar�t, K7aser M�rcus, �s r-equ�sting a resubdivi�ian �f Lots +�, 5, 6, 7, & 8, Biock � , Vail Lions�aead Third Filing. This parce� of pro�erty presen'�ly consists of a partivn of th�e 1�ark Property and Vai:l AssQCiates Narth aay Ski�r Lat. . . '�he �,pp�icant wnuld 1�ke to tr�de �arcel s of progerty witf� Vai 1 Associ�tes 1r� ar�pr to move the present park7�ng lat further +��est so 'Ghat hi s new prapased pr�oj�c� woul d f�t better wi thi n the si te. Wi th the tt-ade, �� additiona� park',ng s�ac�s wauld b� ad�,ed, ��at the $quare f+oatage of the new �at wauld remain ti�e sar�e as the al� bu� �aving a dif�erent config�r�tic�n. Th� Depar�men� �f Co�nuni ty ��ve�opment foresees rtv d�'Ff i�u�ti es wi th the praposed resubcilvisi�n and recamsnends appraval of the re�uest. 'p �� �' � .... � " � t+ � ' �„ Tt}. P1arin�ng and Environmet�tal �ammis5ion and T�wn Cvuncil � FR�}i�: +Cor�m�tni�y Dev�elopmen� �epartr�ent �A7E: ,4pri1 22, 1�385 ` SUB�]�CT; Req��st f�r an a�endment ta t�e conditianal �se sectian o� Special �3evelopment District 7 �l��rriatt M�ric Ha�e] � �o add time sharir�g on a fractivn��ixed �ee t�wnership basis. Ap�i�c�nt: iCaiser Morcus I. TH� R�'�UEST `�lv-�:��� -�rr����r.��.t�;��-� �7�C•�ncnsf 1�i wfo�"�✓�urc ,�.cr�u..�,r�� Basical�y, th� request �s tQ cfl�vert �h�se IIi af the Ma�rio�t Mar'k Flote� f ram ��1 rooms {,�7 existang kitchens} tfl a time sharing use. Tne t�rminolo9Y "fractivnalized fee awr�ers��p� refers ta the propasal af seTling five-wee�C , packages to each awner, thus representing ten awners, p�r ur��t. A�though q�i�e ��eng�l�y, we've enclased Jay Peters�n' s mern�rand�rm (��5C1"7�ZTig �Fi� pr�posaa in de�a�� and d�s��+s��ing its �erits, A thvrough understar�ding af t�e req�rest �an be obtair�+�f by reading Jay's �rernQrandur�. ra. Ba�e�cGRau�r� A. Prev�ous Apprava� �n Apri1 2C�, �98� tl�� P�C he�� a puh]ic �e�ring on the request for appravals � � ��r Phase II additian {re�erred t+� as �hase �II ar� the applic�r�t's documents� ai�ng wi�h a num��er r�f amendments to th�e Special �evelapment Distri�� t� dGCflmC�Oddt� revzsians ta this prfljec�k. We`v� enc�osed the �taf�' rnemorancf� and tl�e m�nutes f�am that Apri 1 2fl. ��8� meeti ng �c�r yv�r • - reference. �te've also highiigf�ted sev�raT are�s witf�zr� tt�e m�morandum aa�d mfir�Ltes wi�ich are ap�lacabae ta the request nc�w befnre the PEC. �h�e fv�7�wing are aspects �f ti�e preayo�s apprv�aZ wh�ch are impvrtar�t ' to iceep in mznd when c�ra�idering the cur,rent req�test to a�rend a number a�' characterist�ss and elements af tha� prev�aus approval . ° Addition�� ��r��ity irr Lerms of mor� kit�hens �n the rooms wag grar�te� to the appl icant �por� the argurnertt that r�are haspitai ity r�ams were needed to suppar� t�e conven�ian facil�ty ��ee min�rtes}. ° The applacant represented as p�ar�� of th� proposal that there w�u�d be 32a hote� room �eys availabie to th� Marr�vtt �5 the mana�gemer�t f�rni far a perio+d of 2'� years. �'h7s wa� represented sa that tt�e conc�rn aver add�tioRal k�tcher�s with regard tv fut�re �oncfaminium- �zation wa� r�nt a pro6�em. We have been irofqrm,�d t�,y tt�e app7 icar�t°s �re�re�errtatave that th�� agrc�ent between Mor�uS a�td the Marriatt ' has already been amend�d. ° Ther� were r�any �on�essior�s made to th� appli��nt in t�e 198� a�pr�va] witi� regard to �xtra firep�aces in accort�oda°tion �nits, reduction � , �arriott �� 4/2�/$5 � � . of a�men�ties wh�ch were a part af the mas�er dev�Zopment pTan, ' a��vwing parking to� be provided as agreed upon in �917 with the �- priginaT apprava] of t€�e deveiopment ��a►� and th� re�ocat��or� of unc#ergound park7 ng frc�m urrd�er-nea�h the conven�z an faci 7�ty t� an ahave-�round structure wesfi �f the Phase III bui7dang. B. Time Sharing in Yai� Attached plea�e fir�d Appe�dix B of o�r m�st r�cent Dev+elopment Statistics r�port regarding existing and pot�ntial ��t�ld-aut of al� tir�eshare proje�ts in Yai�. The ta�le represents a substant�al amo�nt �f timeshare u�e in Vai� . �lpvn bu1ld-vut of all mult7-family dw�lTang units in t'he T�wr� vf Ya�i , timeshare wi T 1 represer�t approx�mate�y 8� of aT 1 thes� �tnits. ��he num�er af owners (21 ,�'S�) �s very 5agnifi�ant i� re3attonship �� t�e t�t�� number �af units in the fi�al build-�ut sceflario a� the �ntire Tnwn, Ereing 8>896 units �sir��:e f�mily, du�lex, accarnmadat�an anc� mu�t3-family�. The timeshar� ind�stry h�s fo��vwe:d the rest of the real estate industry in the �as� sew�ral y�ars. T�rere has h�en a 5uhstaritial slowdnw� in develapr�ent Qf tzmeshare units arrd sorne r�ajor �rr�b�ems with�a� tne �ndustry. In the pe�k �af the n�tional re�ession many timesl�are owners si�+�]y ignored th�ir rnor�gage5 and/or week]y maintenance fees fvr tneir �,r�its � and this re�u�tec� ir� � high lev�l af fore��a�ure� for many pro�ects. Furthermor�, the time��are Zndustry has �een una�ie 'to get a handle � c�n the tacky and shoddy �ar�ceting pra�tic�s wt�i�h have plagued this type ��F development since �t� incept7an. Lit�Ie to no regulattan vver these mark�ting practice5 by e�fiher state a�eal e�tate cc�rrrur�issions nr rn��si�ipa] ities has occurred and the prabierns ct�rrtinue. These po�r • mark�tirrg practt�ces prvj��ct a negative image [apan the entire cormaunity in wh3ct� these prajects ar�e 7ocated. C." E�ar+omic _Imva�t Upor� the T�wn 7he '�v�7c�wir�g excer�rt is from the rec�nt�y released rep�rt of th� Econorn�c �evelopmerrt Car�nis5�on �f �he Tawn af Vai� . We �ee7 tha� these c�rrQr�ents � are ap�ropriate �Lc� this appticat�on and sf��u7d be a serious cvr�si�erati�n in the �EC'S dec�s�on an tk��� prvposa] : "Rec�rr��ndations �n Lodc�i n� 'time Sharin . �is��ur��g� �anversivn vf ha�tei-type units tc� timeshare own�rshi p. Rl tho�gh th� real estat� trans�Fer �ax geraerates mmre revenue than th� sales �ax on h�tel roarn r�ven��s, wlLhin three ar fQUr y�ears the tax an rvam �c�upancy w�l� exceed t'�e one-�fine re�� estat� transfer tax. Hc�w�ver, conver�sit�n o� cvr�dominium� to timeshare � owners��p has th+e p�tentiai nf inereasfng u�i] �zation of the units__ and h�gher t�til��ati�n m�eans mor� visitvr spendi�g, �rore jahs, m�re tax rever��es. Ic�` �ew time share prajeC'�s, units without k�tchen� shauid be er�cr�uraged. -�,��...�-��;�� .��T�.C4.,�.�' ':',-..,�.��� .�-�G�`" � � y � f ,�.._.... .�.��-,�..��. [�i�7 !GJ -^�..�^�r..-�' . , Mar. .tt -3- 4/��/85 � � � � ' ��A co�tin�ing cancern regardirrg ��r�e sharing, hawever, �s the �ong` � t�rm manag+�r�ent ca�itm�nt af�er th� sal�s prvgrar� 7s �ubsLantia]iy . car�plete. Appraximate�y 4{� percent of the pr�,ject's sa]es revenu�s are comnitted to sartes carr�nis�i�ns and/s�r ar�e-time promot�ans. (}f�,en, the dev�loper is cvmpTetely out of the pieture: and ty�ica3ly tvv many af the time �har�e owners have relattvely Zi£��e a� �take to mak� a strc�ng c�r�atment duri r�g same type �f +ecanor��c setback." i I I. .IMPACTS �F T1�E P���OSAL Fc�l3owing are pras and cons of the proposa7 as evaluated aga�n�t t�e �xisting situat�on �af 12� accanvnoda�ian un7t� run as a part of th� avera�� hQte] and tontazning Z7 kitchenettes w��hin sc�€ne of the units, A. PRD ° Increase �ff-sea5c�n �+�cupa�cy. Ge�eralTy, time shar�ng has high�r year ra�and oc�r�pancy tha� hatels betause tlae owner feei s an obI i�a- ti�n to utilize or rent the wee�CS that he �wns. ° P�rt a�' the propo�al is ta put �apital inta zmproving t�ie Phase III bu�7ding. ° Retainir�g the Nlarr�ott as the managem�Rt firm wauTd �ncrease the � com�at�bilaty af th� �ime sh�red par�i�n v�rsus the ��ccx�na�atian � unit portion of �h� comp�ex. Be aware, however�, t�aL these management agr�ements obviausly are change� w�th��� Town �f Vail icnowZedge vr contro] . � The f�ve-week pacicage redu�es the numher �f patentia] owners to 46�3 wath�in PhaSe III , whereas, �t co��d have beert five ti�es that a�ount by s�lling individual weeks to ir�dividuai purchasers. ° The Marrivtt MarK fac�lity coz�tai�s st��fi�iet�t amenities and fs i r+ a good ]Qcati vr� for the time �har°i ng use, B. Ci�lV ° A�3awing t�is conversrton would be a precedent setting dec�sion tca+ward a generai dir��tion af dilution of the shart terrn h�atel �ed ba�e in the Town of Yai l . iRemoval a�F accc�r�vnodat�on uni ts, �specia ly from an orgar�iza�tion suct� as the Marriott�cari vnly be viewed as a s�gnffic��t negative �mpact r�pon the Town vf Yail, High quality a�ca�odatior� �nits �n good locatia�s (with�n tt�e Village and i.i�nshead � area�) s�pported by majar canf�rer�ce facili��es are a land �se tha� this co�rununity cann�ot af�ord to be reduced. � � h. ,o:tt Mark -4- �r��JB� . � ° Ne�at�ve effect u�Qn gra�� busin�ss. It is noted tn the app7icant` 5 � �semarandr;�m thaL appr4x�mately a ane ye�r� lead t��n�e wi 1� be r�equ�r€d to ir��lude an indiv�dua� wee6c intv the Marriott rerttai p�al . $� is un�ikely tha� an c�wner w��� have made the �ec�si�n of whether . �r nat he wi17 �tilize th� �anit n�rnse�� vne year ir� advance. This ca�ttd re�uT� in th� un�� being vacant for that weelc b�cause the awner decided with�n a shorter t��e fr�me nat ta use the unit and tl�e �larriott was Subs�quent]y ur�ab7e t❑ �ent it. The impa��t up4n tt�e Marriot�'� abi� ity to Canduct t�e larger gra�zp buszn�ss meet�ng� wau�d be very �egative wit� t�is uncertainty a►rer �tnit ava�labiTity. ° T�wn of Veil cantains a sufficient numb�r �f time sf�are units. s �revaous�y nated, the TOWT1 CflR'�31n5 seven ��me s are projects re�res�nt�ng 435 total vraits t�pon auiTd-au�. With4ut a great deal vf statistiea� da�a we, neverth�7ess, feel that in cansider�ng th� time share �ndustry's �urr�n�C prnb�ems that we may' Tf1C�E��, �have envugh of this type o� �and use. ° I�� ative zmnacts af marke°��n ro ram. The inter+t��n ot the pra�asa7 is ta "se " the guests �f ��ae �ote the time s�are we�ks as well as bringing people ta tne site fro�n thrr�ug9�c�ut the fr�ant ra�g� ar�d the cauntry fQr s�hort term visit�. �Ie feel t�at thes� may �e negative rssarketing �nfiuences upon Vaii rather t�an �ositiv� vnes wzth the knowZ�dc�e of �'he pv�r track record of` t�r�e sh�are �a�e� peaple �ar�d genera7 marketing practi�ses. � '� Decrease in mark�tirt do]lars for the h��el . The application fr���y adm�ts a or�g �er� decrease �n r�arlceting dollars for the hotel ir� regard ta th� reductian of the number of acca�'modat�an unit�. ° "�he viala�ic�n vf t�e fvur ear ald aare�rrent �n atcvmmodativn unit res�riction�. 7he a�p �cant req�ested ex�ra kitchens four years ago with the assurance tha� tf��s� uni�s wouTd re�main accom�t�dation �n�ts and b� r�anaged by th� �I�rrivtt and' would he �n i�tegral part of th�e canference �ac i T i t�es. The apprc�va7 was g�ven based arr these �rop�sa7s �nd we f�el strangTy that they shauid �e respect�d as was pror�ised. � Ne ative econ�mic imoact of the Tc�wn af Va97. The ��G �oir�ts �ut tf�� �vss �� ]�ng term sale5 tax revenues fram acco�ranodation unit rer�tals as �Q�osecf to the s�ort term rea] estaLe tr�nsfer t�x gain�. Canvers�an to t�m� shar�rag of Phase III of the Marr��tt is a very nega�ive econ�mTC impact �pon the Town ar+d a p�or use of tax payers' do��ar°s. ° Ne at�iv� arkin im a�ts. Especiall� during th� marke�ing stages approximately 4 year� the irnpacts of parking on the sit� will be trerr►end8�r� wi��t t�e large num�ers of �rQ��r�tia7 purct�a�sers driw�n� t� the 5it� for Sa��s pitches. M�reaver, t�r�e s��r�ng req��res mvre parking as• a use than acc�mmodatic�n units h�ca�tse fr�nt range purchasers will ch��se to drive tc� the �ite, ar�d studies sh�w th�t � ' � � arriatt-�- 4122/8� � at �east tw� parkang �paces per untt are need�d. ,� Trend i� Va�l vf condam�ni�m conv�rsion of ac�o�madatio� u�its. W� a�e �eceiving a signif�c�nt numbe� af appl�cativn5 to canvert exist�ng accommvdati�� unit� to eond�miniu�s= Althoug�, aur re�uTations 5ti�uiat� owners' �5� restr�ctlons ta twa week� winter and tw� weeks su�mer, overali , t�e whvl�sa�e �o�v�rs�an Qf AU's ta c��dom�nium� has a negativ� �ffect upan over�]i raQm avai�ab�lity in the c��munity. One th�ng t�e Town �f Vai] can ill afford ta lose �s the availabi7�ty vf �ur 7vdge roo�s t� the pubZic in ge�eral �n a flexib�e arrangement. ° �egativ� effee� �pon re�ta�rant �u�in�ss. The canv�r$ion ta t�rne sh�re condominiums o� Phas� IiI wiil� r�duce restaurant business and have a negative effecfi upon t�� sales tax �ue to the incr�ased number vf ineaTS t� be �aten i� the �vndominiu�s w�th kitc�ens, �V. REC��ME��ATI�N The C�m�unity Devela�ment Department feels strong�y th�t t�at thi� applicati�n shauld �e denied. �e f��l that altha�gh time shari�g g�n�rally tncreases accupan�y �� a year round basi5 that the ne ative� far v��j�ei � th o itives with t�is raoos�l . �e ��e� that on� �f ��e mas� important �hings we can � at tjis �ai�� in the TDwn's his4ory is ta,�r�tect to the areate�t extent � �`� possible �ur aecommoda�i�n unit� which are cencrall �vca�ed �nd are re�ated I�" , a__ qr�un bus�n�ss aci i zes._ The G��an�nity Action � an ��nt�i�� �a�y ��,r.�'"'� " pa7icies related t� this fee�ing. �n fact, we encaura e the additi�n of �,. ,iod e roams �n th� U�l�aqe and �iQns�ead area� wit � ese C �rdC 5�1CS �� v'�" ra�her n,,..f.lheir elirn�_n_ation. ' ' �,rJ I �� _ - We a1 so f�eT tha��he ecor�€�mi� impa�ct as noted b ti�e EDC_wi 1� be_a ne�at i ve ane for the Tawn and snare- t�ie s �oncern ov�er the icarsg term managem�n� coiim�tment, �1e fee 1 stror�g�y tt�at the a,gp�,i cant s ho�l d ����gct ��� �rnm�s es a�ad�u�.atee�-.-�hxt�.�e�r� iven t�_�Snwn four�ears aqo �n that many cor�cessiar�s were r�ade t� a7l+ow additic�raal k�tchens ar�d for� �ther a�pects of the Pt�ase III approval . Furthermare, shar�in �ndustry's inahilit c�m of �heir roblem5 in 'n ar�a are vf ma ❑r ��ncer-r� to th� Cormnurri ty Deve vpmer�t D��ar�ent i n that ai T�wi r�g the convers�an may �nd�ed res�It 7n a riegative �mag� 4f Va�ii rather than a pvsitive or�e. 7he p+�terrtia1 n iv� irnpactS u on th M�rr�ott' abil i nd ,.ht�si�e�is a v�ry rea� one as we � as the ioss of sales tax fram reduced resta�rar�t r�venu��. In genera� , w� fe�l th�t the Marriot� Mark hotel �s a posZtfve con�ribu��r t� th� Towr� nf Yail #n its exi�tin� cnnfigurat�an ar�d �p�rdt'in�g prp�pdU�^�5 and rre f�ei that th� conversaon t4 Lir�e sharing . of a ma,jor port�on of thi� �iote� is no� ict the �est interests of the Tav�n i n ei�her a �hart or 1 or�g t�rm nut]et. � `� '�_ � _ 1 _. _ I. � _ .. � _ ' . � . ._ � _ � :__- # .� � . . � - - - - . 'i� � . . � � , � � � �� � ��� � �'� � � � � '� , � � � � �c � - �. � �,: '� � `~�• � � : �� � � C � � �� � �� � � �i � � �i � �I �, , � � _ � .� � _� � �1 �� � � � �, � �, �I �� � � . ,..,, !� _ �' ,��,�-�^�Q�- o � � � �, � � � �4 � ��� �. .� �� �� ���i�j'� � � �� � � ����[�� ���' � � ,,,_ .�, �, c�, o m c ���,�i �� �. � �, �� �I � � � � , � � ��'�r�' ° � �. � � �� �• _ � `� w c..� �.�, t�.� w �a u � c � � L � ��- i� � w , �s � " a �j � -� ec.�- � � ...� J -,-J �r � c�.� C� � � � � � � � � � � p s�- . �j � � � � v, ci. 0 � C3 � Q � � `� �- _ ° � D , la � L � � � � � � � � � � � � . � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � .� . � � � � . � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �- � -..� ,� � � ��, � � � ° ° � � � � U ]'C C � � �,'m. � � � � ll� �.'` � ,w �'� O tI7 � L'J C� � C Cd] C "'` Q F-- � � �! C d �' - '�„�n` �J v7 � � � � C .. * U=P LtJ a . � G", [.�J �J " :� 1—" L: �d � � Ci C F°—� � � � l.<9 9— C� CL� �. � ci t— +��� c � cn � I— � �, � » � � P�ar�raing and Er�v�ronmenta� CcNnmfss��n M�y C$, 1985 PR'�SENT S7AFF PRESEi�T Diar�� ��novar� P�ter P�tten �}uane Ptper Ffi�k Py1m�r� Howard Rapson �trista�n Pritz 5id Sehultz T�m Braun Jina Vi e�e B�et�y �Rosc�i acic ABS��VT Er��e Affiel dt Jere Waiters The meeting was called tc� orde r �y �}�an� Piper, chairman, at 3:1a pm. �. AD�7rOVd� 4f ��nutes �f ineatina �f Mav �3. Danavan moved ta aopror�e m�nut�s, Seconde� by V�e �. Votg �a5 �-U in favQr. 2. �eauest t� ar�e^�d SQecial Develo�ment Ui�tr�c. =7 4Nlarraott Mark ir, rder tv ailaw tTme share estat� units , rractiona �ee unit5 and t � ar� ] ic��se units as � cond�tiana] �ase in Phase III. anz: MK Corpara�lon Feter Patten gaae � brief history of the S�� stating that it was arigin�� ly developed and approved with the intenti�n that 7odgir�g op�n tc� t�e pub] ic �ie prov�ded. Phase III was c�rigir�aliy cal�ed the Phase IIA a�lditian. Patten sh�wed a s�te p�an �f the SDD. He ex,p]a�ne� that fraetiona� fees wau�d Tim�t the r�umb�r af Qwners of eaCh unit t� ]�, each owner would hav� fiv� weeks of t�m�e, 2 weeks wint�r, 2 week� summer, and 1 �ff,seasan. 46 un�ts w�uld be invalved, 27 with kitci�ens, and the others w�th micro-wave avens. P�tt�n went on to explair� that �n I9�1 the SOD was an�er+dec� and addit�on�l - der�s�ty grant�d ir� t�rms of mare k�tchens in the ro�ms upan tt�e argument t�at more hospitaTity rr���ns �rer� needed to �u�port the corrventian fac��ity. As par� c�f the proposal , there were ta be 320 hc��e� rovm k�,ys avai i ab�� to the Marr�att as the management firm fr�r a perivd of 25 years�, Tihis w�5 repre5ented So tha� the COncern vv�r �dd�tional kitchen� with regard ta f�tur� c�nd�m�niumizatior� wrauld not t�e a prvhlem. Patten stated that the Tvwn has since beer� inf�rmed that ttae a�reanent betweerr M+�rc�s Kaiser� and the Marriatt �fiad al r�ady been �mended. i`here were a1SO cvn�essf�ns made t� �he applicant in 1981 w�th regard to extra fireplaces ir� accorr�nvdatia� units, re�ducti�n of amenities �indpa� � tennis courts) � and �arkin� cancessions. Patten referred ta an A�pendix 6 reg�rding exist�rig �nd pGt�nt7a1 buald- ot�t �f a I] timeshare pro j ects i r� V�i� , pa i nt i ng �ut that times ha.re wi T� rep re�errt � PEC -2- �185 , 8� o� ai1 �ulti-f�miTy units, and the numher �f vwners wou7d be 2� ,750. Aatten aiso p�inted o�t that th@re has �een a s�bstant��l s�vwdow� i� devel�pment �f t7mes�are units and th�re �aue been a �ig� 1�veT of forec�vsu�es for many prpj�cts, alang with shaddy ma�keting practices. T�e marketing prac�iees hav� had ] itt3e ta nv regu]ativn by e�t�er state reai estat� c�rr�Z�sia�s �r munieip��zti�s, and the imag� pra�e�ted upon ��ranu�ities with the5e m�rketing prae�ices i� a �e�ative v�e. Pa�t�n then �isted pras and cons which were in t�e m���, �Tasin� with the stat�nent t�at th�s was a precedent setting decision �nd deniaT was reco�nended by staff. ��y Pet�rs�n, repre�ent7ng the applicant, stated th�t th� T�wn af Vai1 was going t�r��gh a transitian w�th r�gard to hvte]s. �eter�o� st�ted t�at Phases I and II �f the Marri�tt are ��ndamini�nized an� Pha�� I3I cauTd a�sa be c�ndo��niumized whi�h w��1d not be gan� fo� the Tawn of �aiT. A�fier�o� fe7t th�t 7�ng term condo- mi��umiza�io� was nvt the best s�iution. Ray Warren, manag�r �f the Marr�ott state� th�t the �arri�tt name was important a�d the �ark�tt�g wauld n�t be shoddy. Pe�er$on feTt t�at the land transfer tax woutd not be trade� for sa�es tax �o�lars because the petiple buyang t�ese fracti�na� fee i�t�re�t� w�u]d nat be �s�ng t�eir kit�hens very much. Further, he said tha� sinc� the �'a�g�ng w�s a]ready paid fvr, these per�vns w�ul� �e spending more maney an Town. He adde� that a�] am�n�tie� of the h�tel wou�d re�ain intact �nd the hotel could stz]1 cat�r to groups of S� tv ]0� p�Q�le, Ray Warre� �aant�� Qut t�at in ]984 �4 qroups h�� 20� rooms per n�t�, and that the Marr�ott co�1d use �ther lodges for overf�aw gues�s. Peterson stat�d that the �arri�tt �vu]d nat go on under the pre�ent c�nditi4ns and a s�Tut2v� ne�ded to b� fa�snd. Schu�tz was concerned that t�� r�entaTs wou�d be taken off af t�te market durir�g peak time�. �et�r�c�n re�]�ed that there were many va�ar�c�es except dur�ng Chr^istmas week and that th� cc�ndos wou�d be fu�l dur�ng perT�ds wh�ch wauld oth�rwise b� �.-. sTow. Warren ��ated th�t i�e was on the VRA k�oard to study a�c�rpan�cy rates ar�d that in January the �ccupancy rat� was 1��, in F�bruary T2n and that there we�e mar�y r�ooms avaiTa�ble at a1i �eve]�. Dancavar� d�d nat se� the di�€fer�nce betWeer� : �ondos and time shar-�. Patten pointed +aut a difference �of opini�n wath regar�d '" ;.'.,':..: t� Pha�e III �eing changed ta c�ndvm�niurns, and sta�ed t�ra� Rhase iII eou�d nr�t . ..�t ,.. �e ch�n�ed ta tirne shar� withaut r-estrict��r�s. Peterson ans��er�d that Phase III .:�:,��,: ; . co�l d go through a condn cc�r�vers�or+ and the dwei 1 i rig �ni ts �au�d a�sa �av� �oc�C.. . offs res��tir�g �r� two �nits each, or 54 rooms withaut re�trictians. Tl�ey w�uld . ���,;,�, . , alsv put restrict�a�as on Rhases I and II so that the Tt�V wou�d have prvtection �`�.a:: �. �or 229 roams. ,. : - �an�v�n felt that this was a bail-aut tor the owr�ers, and that th� Ti�V would ncat ha�ve mu�h �e�ntral Dv�r t�� new pwr�ers. Petersort answere� tt�at us�ng fract��raa1 fees �r� Pfiase IdI would get the cost of tne rem�ining faciT�ty dawn sc� that Morcu�s cvvld Stil] remain. Rapson's major concern was vf the ma�rketfng pragrant and f�el� that the quality af �h� overall experience wauld �e diluted. P�et�r�r�n staLe� that th�re ha� been a st�dy dane ta Tc�vk at the al� avaa�able un�ts �� th� TOU and this 5�udy was avai]able �`gr any�ne tn read i�. Viele wondered if there were a�y stvdies sha4�ing the ecc�nomic impa�t of ti�ne share �nd h� w�ndered haw much the restaurants would '�e ir�pacted. �!o �ne knew of a study, .� . "� � ��c -�- 5r��is� . bGt Peter�vn stated �hat d3�pite th� fa�� that t�e �larr�att t�ad �T kitch�ns, a � great d�aT of rev�nue fvr t�e 7'vwn wa� real ized by tF�e o�c�pants vf the��e ur��ts. Ray Warr��r� stated that �he k�tchens were mair�ly used fnr snacks �he cou�d te17 hy the charts used by th� clearaing persons). V�eie was a�sa c�ncerned a�vut the marketing procedures. PeterSan stated that the Marriott �rauld go thrc�ugh �he strict- est g�fdei��es and the Marriott would aiso be concerr�ed that they wo�i� nat a�tagnnzze their owr� guests. Vi�ie wonder�d abaut canfl�ct betweer� time share an�d re�uTar guests and a�sv wand�red what the T�V cau]d do if the time slhare pra,�ect doesn't wc�r�C. P�t�r�an s�ated tha�t �f t��s were n�t �uc��ss�ful , it c���d be cor�verted tn a hotel. Vie�� stated that �eaver �reek cia�m�d ti�at tihey naw �need � traditior�aZ h�tel and �his cnnvers�or� wtarr^ied �ir�. Peterson repiiea tha� �he had been 5tudyirtg thts f�r 9 montl�s. Piper wonder�d how awn�rs af fractiana� fee units wrou2d have Tnput, and Pet�rson state� zt w+auld be the same a� a condo a5soci�tion. Piper wondered about the Con- fZict bet��reer� time� share vwn�rs and hote] g�ests when th� ttr�e share ur�ats wo�s}d be m�re niceTy d�cvrated, W�rren stated that hotei guests wou7d not see the at�er �an�ts. P�tten stated that the discussion po�nt�d out that fracti�pnai fe� ownership r�ay b� d�fferent in �xperience fror� tir�e share. He added that conditiarrs of appr�val were diffic��t to enforee, that S of 7 �r� 7�81 w�ren`t c�mp�ied wi�l�, �n� did mat rrant to have Cfli1d�'�li��f5 t�a� were une�farceab�e, Rapson maved to den the re ues'� er �h� �taff inemo and panbva� seconded. After more discussian, Pet�rson re�uested �o table to th� next meetYng i� he were rea�y}. Viele �oved and �ac�s�n seconde� to table this �t�m. Vc�te was 5-4} �n favor vt �C��l �n . 3. Re uest far a �ond#tiQnal use permit in arder tv cc�nstruct an am �hitheatr-e at F�rd Paric. pp icant: Ya�] Va ey ouncfatton Patten presented tt�e proposa� �nd �x,�lained the ma��er pla� ar�d the ir�t�rin� piar�, aiso. Jim �I�rter, architect for th�e praject, a�so ex�lained th� p�-opt�sal. Dc�novan read her comrnent5 (attached) w�t�ch stat�d in part that cultura] activtt��3 and 5�ort5 did r�t�� r�ix, that the p�] it�ca3 $ituati�on �Far�e� the p�an. 5�c��rltz said th�t �n some ways k�e agree� ar�d that he was rrot sur� if this was the i�est piace far �n amph�theatr�e, but that a major�ty crf peopie wanted at i� For� Park. �apson agre�d �rzth D�n�awan, Vie7e stated that he shared same 4f the �aane eoncerr�s but felt that the arch i tect h�d done a gaa� j�ab. Pi per was cvncerr�ed abo�st the �i nar�ci ng. 7he num�er of �pe�tators was diseussed at �,0�0 wa�h the additivna] berm 5eat�ng. Yie7e mav�d and Schu�t� sec�raded tQ a rvve the re uest �r the sta�f inem�. The vote was 3 i� favar, aga�nst Rapsan and vnvvar� , 4. Re uest fvr a varian�e ta canver� an em 1�0 �� �untt, Unit � fn �u�ldin 15 o'F the V�ii �tac uet C]�b ta affic� svac� fc�r the V'aii Rac uet C1�b Owner�' . Association ocated at 469� Vaa Racauet C r�b C�r�v�. Aq 1 �cant: Va� Rac uet C]ub Condam�nium5 �i�k Py�man sh�wed the f�o�r plans af the prr���sed canver5ian and stated that b�cause af �r�ar r-estri�tion5. that e�nplayee un�ts be r�stric�er� �o lnng term renta� to ]oca�I employees for �0 y�ars, �Ir. Kirch wa� reques�.ed ta fo�]aw variance procedure� � �4- �J�$/85 , . M for this r�quest. �alte� Karch s�ake and said that �� �as not t�e �wner of t�e Racq�et Cl�b, but was the �w�er �f th� �nployee unit i�voZv�d and owner of the space used f�r an affice fvr th� ren�a] g�ovp. He stated t�at growt� vf avernight rental ha� grown fr�m 9,��0 per year ta 25r00� so far i� �985 and that �n �ncre�se in personnel resu]t�� �� a very erowded v��i�e. He stated ��at fn t�� event the em�lo�e� �nit wa� not ne�ded in t�e future f�r Qf�ic� spaee, �hat he wo�ld agre� t� retu�n it t� �pioyee rentaZ . Jennze CuZp, r��re�enting the board �f dfr�ctors af the Vai1 Racquet Cand�mtnums �wn�rs (who awned the rentai o��rativn�� added ��re �nformatt�n abaut lncreas�d nee� for mvre �ffice space. ��n�van asked if there were an� chance ta ��t a�ather emp�vyee renta� un�t somewhere el�e. Kirch replied that t�ere wa� a Z be�raom �nit �urrentty vccupi�d by �n err�gl�yee whic� h� he�aev�d migh� be pv5s�b1� t� commit to a� �mplvye� uni� i� the r�quest were granted tv el�minate the emo�avee unit next t� the ofTice, a�n�va� then stat�� that �f that w�ere the ca�e, she had no prohTem with t�� �onv�rsi�n, an� vt�er m+e��ers agreed. 5c�ultz v��nder�d if an addition c�uZd be b�i1t anto the office eith�r abvve or to the �eft. ��rch stated that h� vwned the graUnd fiao�, but the upper fl�or was owne� �y eond� ��vners. �f he were ta add tQ �he iert �e wauld be e��raa�ning �� M�adow arive rig�t-of- W d�I. VieTe m�ved and aanavan secand�� to a rove the reau�st ta eonv�r�t th� em�lo e? uni� t�o r�ffiCe s ac� ur�on t�e cr�r�diti�r� tt�at anothe�^ unit be restric�ed to em iov�e renta to kee� the nu;noer at e� � ee unit5 at the same amounz. The vc�te +�as 5-0 i n fav�r. 5, Rea�test f�r a cond�tzanal trse ermit in arder ��_ construct a rn7naat�sre qolf cours�e an ar�ts of Traets C and �, Vai] Lzans ead �i� in �fo, ] . � pp i�ant: �ud Benedict ' 7t�e app�icant i�ad requested that this item be �a�i�d. . � •.- G. U�date an t'he deve Topment a�f V�71 Va�l ey M�di ca l Center' s 14ng ranc�� pT an. . ,f�•. - �. , �—..� ,_ �...-.. :"`, . DeSra ,�ost, ddm�n�5tl�dt�r c�f the �tospita� , to�d the bvar¢ af the plans for the Medf�a� C+�nter ir� the coming years. S�ZS Jo�e Alv�re�, st� ai. vs. Kaim� �`�� E. H�r�ve , 2Q. l�iaw�nn. Jwgen Braad S�erd�. et. al. P'faasm�ff�rd defcxrdsnts � - �, cl�ttgES oF de�iting D�`ee r r� ��imin�misrhief. waste matcriat r.�eating a public � forsnc�!a v�rbal parmershi� f�� � �r. • �i p af a Hc�lida y H�c candn. �fZ4 Willi�m T. Sts��il, ?.2. Yul�uis�anc�- cla,inns defendant hat failed tv m�alcc T h+e F t J a m e s W. I 3�r i�, c�t s r g r�e o f d e p o s i t�,g � ca pi�al conuxbutio�.s to t3ie conda. He '�4 GeraJd AreU�mo� ��0., pypsum. wasca matesiai, �si�g� d�ardcriy ��;s xrJcs com�t ad�udic�tian of� ri�ghts of Rvt�v�c�dy. c�duct.cri�miaat in�ry:o praper�y. p.,�. the prvpaty ownr�. � C�ilkrmo �'eraaadez, �,4. Yaii. Julia�x G. Ru��zf, c3�arg�cs af�ult s:�► 4+� Stream.sir3e At Vw� ►�s. 'Da■id C. �v�u�. and bacteay �uad crimina� injury ta � Ste�r, et aL ScrJ�s paymeat of 56,5�3 +�115 I�;nk.�: PYesqrse�24.Edw�ards. �'°�'• Vrr �� �,,,���� . Cra�ig G,Sruc�„fi.tra not prad. �os {�i �tramside a:t Vail�s.H�rn�'I!. Ws�.f Kell� R. i7'Neil. 33, Gyrp�una. Raip�h.P Rabvts�,5�e�ot p�aid. � aad Karea A. Haasoa. 5�ae�s ps�t Sper�ing, ctrvvc s�+atar�cycle wvithont a R�chard,T,Thielcmaan�fiae rtcNt p�id Of�5,134}ptn�tyotc. lir�r�e.DC]�„f�iinm LQ'p�y Ct�wrf caan�f�}. '�u�D.Caaw�a,6�,e npt paid. � Gl"�6 S�sid�tt Vail+r�.Mtlsonf]. �iR7 Ke�via 5.Carrai�r'aAt,21.Da�ve� � ant� J��nita Kirk�atri�k. aeeks F�iti�cfroatJ� �°I��� �Q�� gr�Yrneat vf defaulted promi�svr3+ Aoce �R7 Mar�C 1. Ftr�d'n, 20�. Denra. �+ arrd S1.?�64 in c�naun acp�snses. Fugidv��ju�tica T�� fo�owi�g aai+oa� wtre t�n Junc � _ 6!'�G '�treamside at Yait rs. R�adtt�l ��"� J�mcs fi Nadel'l. 31. Basalt, �7 ia Avan M�pal�Cocux with Judge ,� �!I$ �A� ,�. �wl�300. $t��CS �]RT1G11C ��11ld-{�C�,i�l.'Stt9tifL Y3tltk AI�C�i p�i��. Ms o#'SZ,41+6 prramissoey r�pa Ps� 6�?b 5trsam.side a�t Yv1 Fs.. P'�il��p 1� C�Ic�rado Stafi� PafirQl �`i�ars a�d s�nunc�: aa�d Dnrthe� J. Richmaod. Sc�3cs �i�li�m A,.Wo�vdm�a,,�(1(?�disord�y � P�Ym�nt of 58,74]4 p�miss�aay nc�us. fi�2 Pairicx K. Gr�oois, ?3, Dcrs� conducz.assault and�saurs�: a�o�t �(�IS Sb��idc �t V�ii ws. Alber# L. �'�� �ott�r�ycle w�thQUt a �ctnse. R�aada Clax#on,3'35,s�lcedinS• 1. aot� Kathieen Etiisoo. Sx� payiment hiI�,ue ta re�ort,careless dri�ir�g. ,�n S.Cttaas3ee,534,frdud by checlr, L4t a af 5�,5[1$pramissvey n�ttt. 6f�4 Ricky Milam. 25� Gltnwvoad �arothp C.Paui.S�.fr�ud by ct�xir. 1�e �6 St�ms�dt aut Yaii va�..A�bert aad �P�F�. D�}ri. drivc�s li�ase violautxs, ��ci�il�a�.Gurt�.564.fi�aud bY check- �. Rut� Th�man. Ste�CS p�ym�at of i�ce yavl�mvn. Ct�s�rlrs M.his�cr,S2[b.lsrc7eriy= � 54,494 prom�ss�ory nate. 61�4 ��arle� W: yCsefanwer, 2$. Shirk�A.Bower,56�.frau�by ch�.yc, I.�oc� 61T� Stre�mside at Vail vs. �e�derick Newta�n.h+I�s�t.Fugiti�e frdua�usrice. K�E.Dorsc�,535,lsaud by ehcc�r. b� A. 5trnclr. Seelc.s ��,yment of 54,373 �7 DQnna M.Sandrar�,23,F�iws�ri�. Sfrphen J.Niatk,517,dog cc�nt�l. sls a. I3CTt tane usa e. ,)�ep�h�.Heltera�an,3�5.spac�in�• �;u, promissory nQtc. • S 6�Z6 St�rc�m�de at Yail vs. Vtvi�a B. ,lerezny 'T. Marntr, 5250, und�eraga � Gatdat�e.+a. Scelcs payment of SG.46!] �VC?I'1 �1J�3��C '�L7"�f3�" . F���n af�iiqu�r. � � Dawa S. Me[radss, 535, fraud by s-,�, d�iR6 S�tre�msi�le at Vail v�,. ,�oh� H. 6r1�3 Cia�,dio G. Gaseis, ?3, 1vCntaan.. �� � ind L��a J.D►�ws's. 5ar,ics pay�neat uf ��Y�� Arfef R, Smitlt, 52�8. rubble sst�ra6'�• w.�. SS,5I5 proaiissory su�te. 6,12.3 Wilfiam A. W�o�lm�a, 32,Grand Ltiluae tp appr.�r.l s�r'L �6 Strta�at Ya� vs. C$arks D. Iur�ctian. Disardcrfy �Caod�ci� ttiir4- �esua�rdo V. G�llc�o�. 535. ca�+tless � aad Barbsra A. Zeisy et al. S�k.s ���� driving. s�re, Patriei� 4. Prswittr Sr45fl, Eraud tar l�i� p�tyra�nt of 5�,7'9(}p�rr�misscar�►na�t+�. ' �j611'llrf'E P�r�C�3 clu�cjc{3 c�unrs}. � �S St�ea�e at Y�vs.M�#clsaei A. a�d I�T Q. s�mp�n, seeirs p�� � wttt[e A. �Pez, 37, 1+�+Iint+�ra. Bir�hs ��,a. df 57�9�4�D P�cais.�ar�'no�e• �vin�wroag �YI'�+'t+�� f�1'�fs S� at Y�u7 vx.Jamew M. �����'s 'lr,crose viala�oa„�ms�ea� +5117 Kairlpn CLrisiiae PVrth w L�ra � atid '�ria l�, ��n�,as�. S+aei�s pa��reac �yiolati�n, d�vv� nevcras�cycic wir,hc�� s and David of Arr�n, � af 57.188 p�amissa�r acue. y�d ticenae. posaession of drug +�I�1 11%c�da Noei S�� m Fr� s�A _ �4 Str+ara�side st Yail ra. 3� G �•e• lea�ieWn. S►aeJcs p�a�eat of 5�6,434 �' and�I?aavid of Edwards. �„�,s 6f24 Giibirt P. 14Lrtie�e�c, 30, ViiI. f ar.d � �at Vsill �Jackir L . Laa��g�„UU�' ��I Y V f �I T►V �`� b��. ..�s��� r" �� �`�`°� Vaii� Pvii�a . � �+�►a�w � �t �- ,��n, �' �- f+�1�6 strrsm�+r ar vaoil .,. .Ta�e� �, � � � F��,►ns l�a.aa Ma�. . w �ard.�x Q � s�d �i L F�aet. S�er3rs p�ay�eat of f�l'I! ]�mes L Ca�i� ZQ C�a�� �,�a.s.w,g. �'Ru w�;s.r�eir�.s� �i� �,;:_. 3�30 in com�on�+�ca. 'p�m �. �ac�r. �2. Clar`k, �"�" '� �' t�'° ��a, �2. .� �` , b�/2� S#r+r�de at'Va�rs.�ac�� �.t.��++�a,s«ta.er�t,� -' etaL SQCi�s pr� Cqicx-F�tiv+a trn�a j�. �,y�i�Z��.e��••�F�' �i '�' �i�f 51,487 in wr�m�t.xpaoses. +Si��Mkhael,�:��tsow,�7.F�.'�l�o.ne�s�dt�a.a m sa�s Y�;.,�sllt4 R.1�. ��`�- fi�5 Str+auw�s+�de a�'friW rs.Mari� A. P'�''Tbc� . �.,w.r�.L�ot r�r�s�.�dt��+i••+.m. � .y� Rsrtmaea. Seeb �at af Sl,$SZ � / ' : �L.�m �.M�r�.c.�.r�, � p��p�p �Y� V'[��� ����" Il,7�D a•W.D. LaR 1!. Rrrili SY� Fil. Z. 6!'"1 f r Str��r st V�i l T:. "�se follaw�g acri�a w�ee o l c e� J�ame ��"a°g,s:w.���10 s���a� ��: Ciriatap�er Str�er. Se��Jrs psym�eui t�f 2$ in Ysil M� Coe�rt w►ith 3ndqF D.�. �,. G�w '�b.sc� Fk�� i!. Ta�: �•�a�r.�a.�.�,�c,�n a.ra�. . +x�anma�e���cs. Buc]t A1�en p�idin�, ��!��.'�,�r A�r�s�, � C�i�R�nC]I ACtit7� �a�es a��t�aa�: ,�.«n.�c�a�a•�►��R t s��.�••, a�.� ��,w.n.r�e n,a�.�,c��.ak,s��,ovo. r�� Rc�az�rio Humc�iI10. S3'$S. �Y. �,�,.� �[.ra�,�r � wod...,a�is. �ve� bi�26 Peaprc rs. Eawara J. wa�sb. f�u7�c r�c��p�r. w.n. �,�c z�. ��r+n �.� �•� �•+: �, aras., Notiee oF �rppeal vf co�ney courz ,�oa�t�aa L. Haat, 53�. careieu �� jp� �`"`�" 70�►���,(�iC Hanwi�w L Se�dll�, �� GC1�fY1CL10e1. d�'i�$• �,�.�, Lot '1r +�I�et 7„ Yal 1r111afa P'4L ls ("'•are� . 4R7 P�pk rs Jaciat�A L Swcati. ",t'�moth��.�l+�Q.l ds�']R�. Sl�a�o. ;�;.� _ Notice o[ appeal Qf county caurt public disp�sy �ar cvn:amptia� of t�iM� IAw.tmsni w vc�r�►. ���••�• t++t. � Sw�a6csh.,b111�.'R.D.iJ�k31��'���. � ��" � de�san- _ �an�bit . ,� i[ . ... . • .,..�. , . . -�- ` .. . szmAoo. � �,:� l�i'� '�._ _ ..- F1� � .'__"'_ r � � � i � • T47: P�anning and Enw.irc+nmental Cotnmission FR�M: Caaununity D�uelapm+ent l�epartment l�AT�: �January 8, 399(3 ' S'tT&7EGT: W��k Sessivn an �ropased m�jar amen�lment t� Speci$1 �evelopn�ent �istrict �7 � The Marric�tt Maxk R�sart I. BACI{GROUND C3F T:�I£ PFtDPUSAL The Marria�t Ccrgr�ra�ir�n i� prop�sing tc construct 67 vacati.oa� ownership cvndominauns ad;acent to the existing hot�l. Th� �Iarrivtt Ccrperation be�ieves that th�s evnc�pt will. have signzficant benefits t� the existing hcte� and �� th�e ^_'o��rn of Ua;? �nd th�y inten� ta comAlet� th� prDject util�z i ng '�he same ;�ic�h c�:a�ity s wandards that have be�n established in their other vac�'ti�n awner�hip pro�erties. The praposed b�a�l,ding �s loea�ed sou�h and east of the . existzng �Iarriott Mark parking structure. Progr�s�ed is an additional 1�31 par�ing spaces which ,equals �, 1/2 spaces per dwel?ir�g unit. The condrsminium �anits wcs�ld eaeh la� �2Qt3 s�. f�. re�resentinr� 8�, 4(}4� sq.ft. ,+�f addition�l GRF�,. builcing hei�ht prcpased is in the vicinity of 55 feet with building setba�ks oa� the �rest �.nd s+�uth sides flf � fe�t. A maj or element c�f the propos�.l is tc� const�uct significant interior �n�i ��€terior impro�vements tv ��e ex�sti ng Niarriott Hote�� F�rvpvse�l site impravements include great�!� i�cr�asea 1and�capin�g and �u3�liC w�7.kways t:�raughcsut the s�te. A��v proFcsed is to cc�nstruGt si�3ewalk� from the prajec� �r�st tca Srauth Frontage Rvad. Infarmatio� that has k�een �ubmitted to the staff include� pre�iminary flavr p�.�ns, elevations, vicir.ity map� �xisting cQnclitivns, g�destrian a�nd v�hicular circu3ation anc3 aceess, site pla�n "and typical. unit p3.ans as welZ as a visual analysis frosa six different locations arc�und the p�o j�.ct site. � II. EXIST�N� ZUNING FCDR_ SDF] �7_ In �'�s�ar�h�ng �he c�eve�.opmerat af Sgae�.ial Developmer�t Di�tract n 7 an� t�:e �4arriott H�t�l hi��v�r, we h�ve �'aund a lack of c3.ear, cvncis� anc� ccmpre��nsiv'e ].I1f4I�ld�].C:1. �'l�is �.s du� �n part tc� the faat that the ha�e]. has b�en d�veloped �.n a �r��f�e�y r��" �ahas�s ansi uses writhin each dev�l.ogment stage. Mvrec�ver, t�ere have been a se�ies of c�rdinances �nd amendm�nts t� S�� ;7 which �ppears �ave n�ver resuZt�d in a comprehensive set°of d�ve�,aQment plans or zvning vrdinance�. We da, �cwe��r! ]cr�caw that th� site is k�uilt to a»ts ma�timum d+�ns.ity as al�.ow�d b� SaD �7. T+a the k�es� of e�ur knowledge, the site contains 247 acc�ammcadativn units and 53 dwelling u.nits with a tat�l vf abau� �34, ��(} of GRF�A. W�t�i thQ site area af apprraxi�at�ly 5.�.7' acres, th�s re�resent� a �ensity of a little mora th�n 34 dwell.ing uniCs/acre. C�f co�srs� th� � � + site can�.ains a su�stantial amvunt caf squar� footage devate�3 � ta canference and meeting faci�ities, restaurants, night clubs, recreatianal amenities and ho�,el ancil.lary fac�lities. The hatel began cvnstru�tia�n in 1973 and agglied �or SDD st�tus in x977 under twv diffesent crdinances, Afte� canstruc��on af' the first ghase another add�.tion was �pglfed far in 3981 ur�der �n amene'.men� ta SDD �7. This phase , 1T�Gluded the ccn�'erence center with Ic�dge roam� �nd cando�i.ni�ms ab�ve. Althoug� we dv not hav� all of the accu�ate i,nfcsra�aatian regard�n�g the existing zon�.ng an this prar�ert�r, suff�ce �t t� sa�* that the prc�perty has ncr de�elopment rights r+emaining under existing �aning and t'zat the focus of the work session should �e r�n tYze �ropased new �role�t. III. FR:."'.TT'Ir�Y I55[JES A��D CC]NC�'FtNS . Planning staPf h�rs c�n�iucted a r�view af the project as well as th� Public Warks/Trans��rtatior� aepar�ment, while acknawledg�.ng that the M�aste� Land Use Flar� enc�urages �:�.��ic:�:� tcurist a�com�noda�ic:.s ta be sited in th� c�ntral or c�r� areas o� Vai�, iw cY��a�nly dve� not do so if it is to the detria�ent of svund land use ar�d site pl�nning princip�.e�. The staff's primary concern is tha� the prajec�t is too much f�r this existi.ng high density mix�a-use sit�. We have nn prc�bl.ems with the �racation o�anership app�a�ach and acknowledge that the Ma,rric�tt Ca�po�atian has d�vela��� sev��r� very high qua3ity vaca�ior� ownership praj�c�s thr�ughr�ut the ceuntry. Time shar� prc���cts g�n€:rally retain a h�gher �re�r �ound r�cc�pancy than any at?��� t�aurist acc:.�odation use �nd this �i�� r�ell� wi4hin �a31's palicies �o leve�.-aff seasonalities of gu�st v�.s�.ts. An attraG�ive e�.e:nent of �this prvpvs�l is the sei3�stanti�l up��adinq vf th� �xast�.ng hotel, espec�ally th� �u�li� gadestriaa� way �hr�ugh the praperty frc�m east to west, T;�is g�destrian way would pravide a mu�h. needed imprvvement to the connection af the Li�nshead Ma11 tv the West I3ay Lot and �,r'terial Business �istrict. T�:� �ui?ding and associate�d parking struc�ure are propose�t en the canly r:.w��:^'_�:; agen space an the entire site. While areas tv t�e east vn the proper�;� do nat �iave }auil�df.ngs vn th�m, they are u�ed fvr th� iacation af recreational am�niti+es suc� �s tennis court� and a sw�.mm�ng pool/deck ar�a, we �eel that the ��a.l� of develo��aent is t�o Iarge and t3aat the mass and bu�.k .�s pushed tao f�� to th€� south and w�.st sia�es o� the- si�e. I�` there wer+e ta be additic�n�.]. deve��pment an this prc�g�rty �.t w�oul.d se�m tv be b�tter located to the n�rth vver the existing parking structure �nd it should s�ep down �rcam east ta west t� help alle�iate the .! � � � � T�. �lanning and Envitonme�ta3, Cammi.s�ion FRDM: Commun3ty Qevel�pmar�t Department DATE; �!►pril �3, 1990 ' RE: 74 vork sess�vn to discuss psoposed am�ndment� tv S�I3D No. 7 (The I�arzi�tt M�rk Resart) . #�gplic�nt: l�arrictt Corporation, Th�s f,t�:m vas t�bZed at the mpplicant's request after IengthY discu�si�n at th� PEC'� Apri�. 9th mQetinq. ]1 num�er vf c�esign changes hav+� been made in respva�se ta ce�mmet�t� �ade by the Planning Go�amission. Pri�xr tc finalizir�q th.�s redesiqn. fi�e ap�licant'� have raquested a Wvrk �aessi.on disc:us�ion vith the Cc�nissivn, �t �.s the intention o� th�s me�ting t�o cvntinue the April 9 dial4g�e and �llcw the Cr�mr�ission an opportunity ta camment on the zev.�sed desiqn. The folZvwing points highlight some vf the issu�s that wnrrant discu�sian at t�is �rork aession, �'eight anc� Mass of the Pro�ased Ad�,it�� The proposed redesi.gn elim�nat�s mass �on the narthr south and east sides Qf the add#,tion. Thes� �ani�s hav� baen relacated tv the courtya,r+d ar��. The bu�.adin� he�ght �s �generally within 1�8 ' . fihis redesign resu3ts in a net gain vf on� t�me�hare urait (58 ursits) while mair�tainiang eight emplcyee units. nesiQr► C�m�atibili�v_with__E����Lg $uildinq The applica�ats have agre�d �o repaint the M�rric�tt Hotel �n �or�j�nctivn w�#:h t.his exgansivn. While ne pk�ysf.�a� c�ianqes are P=r�posed to the exis�ing struc�ure, i.t �is the apgli���t's intent�an t� lighten the color c�f the existing buildinq �n order �c relate to the p��posed asisiition, �'�±ew I2a�aacts on Adi ac��t Fro�ertie� Rrr�nqement� have be+en made �ith �khe Vail 5pa tQ vi�w the grc�pased e�ansian fram a variety ot different ut�its. T�ie spp3fcants a�e eva�.uating alt�rr�at�ves for demons�rating the ridqe line af t:he building'� nvrt.�i t�.avation in the fiald in order to �evaluate impacts an tha Vaia Sga• � � . Existin+� Fark�nq �tru�tt�re There �ara�c e�ncem smonq ac�me Ccmmisait�ners that axisting parking �ras �rartially sxp�aed vn t.�ie west a�nd aar�.h aide at t�e pro���ct. 'The �pplicants h�v�e �sac�lifi�d xhis deeiqn ta m�.rnimi�� exposed parking araa as� th�e nartri, a�d tot�►I1y cvver the p�rking nlong �hs We�t ��de �a� the struetura. Wliile� this doe� ccre�en the parkinq, it r�►is�s �� q�aestiQr� crf the building �etb�,ck aiong the w�esterly praperty li�te. Frevf,ou� di�ection from �:he �ammission encaurac�ecl the agplicants tv ka+�p all new building mass �4' ba�k oP thi� grvgert� l�ne. With �3�e prapased radesiqnr a k�uilding a+dditivn wr�u�d be v�th�n �' af the �west psvperty line. � Addit�onal res+earch has ����aiea no n�w infarmation relative to this si�tes unde�Iying zaning. The vriginal ordinance that +�reate�i the SDI� in 1977 made n� r�ference to underlying zoning. Th�re is r�o ques�ion th�t there wb� zon�ng c�n the sit�, hfl�r�ver, the staff has b�en unable to determine �ri�.h any degree af certai.nty �hat this zonin+g was. �t is �.arry E�3c�writh's feeling that the SDD ccu3�3 be amended wfthout underlying zoning, but if the Cc�mmission �as aesiraus o! �pply�nq �� u�derZy�.nq zvning �hat could a�.sa be dane. If that is the desire �f the Com��ssian� it would require regublfcat�on af this app�ic�tion. , Y T�e a�camp�nyinq chart indicates the exfsting development Qr� ad�acent prvg�rties. Thi� was r3�he to g�vvids a compari��� af thes� properties r�lative t� the develvpment proposed vn the i�arriott site. ]�� indicated by this tab�e, there are � number of propert�es deveiaped beycnd what is propas�d an the Marrictt Hltk. Th.e staff i� nvt presen'tinc� a �a�ommendation at th�s time. It is th+� #.ntentian ef this me$ting ta cvntinue the diai�gue that t�ok p�ace on April 9'�. It is th+� in�+�ntiQn af the applicant to haVe a torma7, re�riew �rith t�ie P�.anninq Cammission vn May� 14't3�i, and the staff rai31 ;�resent a compl�ate recamm�ndativn at that tim�. R � � �] �t�l Nt f�'I • t�i � � �4 m Cy �7 �f -0!4d' iR �. m '� '�. � m +4 � �*� Y C C C C +�� n �[� r• - .... �� G zr Y1 �! � 4 •�•+ � e .a r�+ 1�f � i3 +t C'3 C�1!�`o C+� 4"�t \ \ 4 W p� �H- GG.....+ ..wp� � E •• C1 G �� ¢ , ri 1'* � � •�.� OA"��, G �' '� 1� ��i � i+ � � �04 *C� c�rF'� O 4 0� a� �w . . .� � .,r 1� Thl+fw � �' « � G m 1�1 u� !7 m�3 m Y7a p^ +G N +� � sr as ...i .y (� ,y Q� � aJ G ��� � NY7 dm G4 fv a� a f:!Lil �D I`�1 ��4 .iF 1+ G �0 �• � 1[7 � 0` T Ys�.+ F? M7 �+ C 4 rr � .� w .r .� � �+�� Y7 F'Y f°i � � iT O' ja ..C. �� � � u� cv r��rs� r r� �r w� �e -+ r• �. ■ � �a �w v t� �t* +s�p -�o -:r'i �.+4 � �• r- [ � e tTs tC !t •• � r, n .f Nl I� �7 ty v � .., f-[�1 7� ]. ►+c� , # .+ .+ � m � p�t .�• n ry t� �� � � n �° nu�i ".o � � � `� � r`��, s� �v' �o � � , � .. ., .. r� � � � � -� u •.+ n x y � W Y� � � � � � � Y-Ft .. y • � �*W G �� � r` � '1d] i-i�7 Y� r^� �.:+ CA C -� ;f. , , . , 4r 3 1� r �� � r. ra 1,� :` v y: ,�j r�, D: � r i cy r �r+ M, �+ rar� � r� w *r c n _ � �C'1 � C r a �:. 9 rr ?i y 4Lt .� Ct � -+ � C N :� 0d 0 �L F� L� •� 3 m � C L� ► A. kl � C! lL " «. rr ..ry � O C i� fl CJ ,a+ > L� .w �'j � .. .� .. ,�. �a' _ '� c:.. .. O C +� � [9! � L3 U f.J I.1 i�3 U L G ` Ci US +� +� D GI G 2LlL.1LSUL] [1 iG Gt] � LI.+ � � � [�i'� � v u++ � u Ga •.+ [S {iP 4� iCY �Q �' �• .• @C� � C� h Cl L� -�i*� � R GQ� fi •� � hi �: P GtT f� p • • C7 v � � • CM wY G1 0' JJ e h fY� Gt^ N.� -+ iV ['V .L L G C LtY I:Y f- • � • � . . . � r.os. u'i n� -��o� +r ni n a a� v � �rj a N,a �s C.1 �+ C�I Y� Y7 � F+ � Y3 I'+ �- M -+ Ifl i�l ? • ++*+ ; {l]� CV +� ..r .. � ,r fV a L] "CY� f�A W l� �PO� *+ N -+ ? a� [V C# Y`1 �. E � E C1 .UYW ��''v t4• �iC� r. .G � .Qrr �+ G � U � 2 4 C� Y7►7+r .� y�,, « .. .r [V iV MS L'] *� r U �� �d � a+ � C F'Q I�i Z � �I � �+ u � � � a' C O ++ O+r�� � �U�" ai+ O � LC �+ � L T r- 2� W � w J O C� d �d tp� I� wz .�. � o w r � r � 4 �c,� � v �� t� � p r� cn a y �r'� i � � � � � a c+ .� a �+ �z r�c LL '"�* i� � � t � �16 3 44 = ,i.+ ... LJ �+ {7 C 4�+' ❑ J C fli L R O� C L ? C L!7 IL � C!'1 [�, iS �e+ L�+ � J .. f� P'c +ri 6 IQ N C] Z �fA Ir ar •.� �1- .. 4. .. .. � *+ J,+ Y, C .a ,�] .� SL t�i 0 Y,�+ E � !Tl L L ++ ++ C C � ra 0 iA CC � •, � ti !p- w ..+�n L �y�, a� Q r34J� LIdJ � ? � ? � 4J Z� 4l�d 3 � � �� �� �E,:� ♦ . _- � " �f r � � prajects fund, Commun�ties �or �r�ug-Fre� Ea�]e Ua71�y fun�i, speci�l p����n9 asses�m�nt furrd, 11ai1 marketing fund and the real est�te transf+�r �ax fund, of tF�e 1g9�D budget and the financiai p�an for t�te Tawn of Vail , C�lora�o; a�rd au�l�ori,�ing the exp�ndi�ures af said appro�riativns as set fortf� herein. D. Urdinance �o. �8, Seri�s af 1990, secand reading, an or�t�n�r�ce amending tlae pa a�n dc�cu�rent af the Town of Ua�1 �mployees` pensi c�n p1 an; ar�d se�ti ng . fort� detaiis in rec�ard t�tereta. �E. 4rdi nance Na. �4, SerT�s a�' 199{?, second readi ng, an �r+�i narac� ar�endi ng the Tc�wr�'� Pa7 ic� and �i re pens�an pl an documer�t su�ject to apprQVal by s�xty-�ive percent (�5%� of th� Tc�wn's Pa�ice an� Fireme�; and setting fort� detaiTs in regard theretv. F. Drdinan�e Na. 30, 5erie� o� �.9'�0, secund reading, an ordinance amending the �r�rs� agreer�ent purs�a�t tv tha 'Cowr� af Vail �mployees` per�sion p�an; and se'tting fart�t d�tails in regard thereta. G. �es�lut�an �iv. 18, Series of 199�, a resalutian authori�ing cert�ia� Towr� emplaye�s and afficers t4 sign checks drawi�g on an vp�rating a�caunt tv be opened hy th� 7own a� the FirstBank of Vail and further autharizing certain empivyees o� the Tawn to roake depostits in saic� accaunt. H. Resc�l u���an No. 19, S�ri es of I99{�, a resol uti vr� at+thor3 z i ng ��e Tvwn o� Vail t+� ren� a safe d�posit vault at the Firs�Bank nf Vaii and authorizing cer�a�n offiic+�r� to s��n a lease �herefor, to teem���ate the ie�s�, to surrend�er the box, r�eturn the keys� and release the Bank fram any Tiabi�ity in eonne�tion therer�ith. M�rv �apin made �, mati�n to approve the Consen� Agerrda as presented. 7om Ste�nberg secanded the motiarr. There wa� no discuss�c�n by Counc�l ar t�e p�blic. A v��e was taken and tF�e mat�on passed unanimau�ly 6-�. Lynr� Fritzien was out �f the room at th+� mament. ��x� was Ordi r�ance �la. �a, Seri es vf �994, ;sec�nd�readfi ng;'• an flrdi nanc� amending Spec�a� Reve�oprner�t €}istrict Nv, 23, the Vai1 Na�tionai 6ank� �u�lding,�' and �etting forth the details in regard thereto. '�ayor Rase read the ful � ��tle of the ordinance. M�ke M�r11�ca stated the vnly ck�ange made since firs� re�ding was unde�,:.� Section 4.E. A new paragr�ph had beer� add�d. �arry Eskwit�a then d�scu�sed Vai1 r�.�+ A550CldtpS� waiver of righ� of reverter clause wh�ch Ji� Gibson had questi�ned at ';,�` �he first read�r�g. Jay Peterscrn, repr�sent�r�g the ap�l�ca�t, gave bac�Cgrot�nd �.t'1 inft�rmativn regarding th�e �arking s�tuat3�n, and did nat feel the ordinance's new paragraph 4.E, was fair. After some discussion by Cvuncii and Jay, a rnatior� ta � apprc�ve the ard�nance ar� secvnd reading wit#� the addatianal language was mad� by +,� I��ru Lap i r�, A �eco�d came f r�m Rak� LeVi ne. A vc�te was taken and t�+e mot�on pa�sed ��� 5-2, with Totn Steirrberg arrd Ly�n Fritzlen oppo�ed. �� fifth on the agenda was {�r�inance N�, ��, 5eries of I990, fi_r�t,.reading� an �rdinance ame�rding '"5DD �o. `7,�'`commonly re�erre� to as the� Marrl�att t�ark Resort,�and the development plan in a�ccardan�e with Chapter Z8.4(7 of the Vail Muni�cipal Co�e; and s�t�ing forth detai�s in regard t,h�re'tc� �114 West Lia�shead Circle, �vt� 4, 7, C, D. Biock �, lfaa]-Lionshead 3rd �i�ing} {APPli�cant: G�-K Carparation - Ka�ser Marcus and Marr�att Carparat�on). Tf�� full �itl� was read �y f�ayor Rase. ��m Gfbsa� made a mvtion �o ta��e this i�e� untii the 5eptember 4 evening m�eting, #�er 'A �he appliear�t's request. Rab LeVine s�cond�d the matian, Kristan Pritz explaineds what rez+��ir�g t}te app� icant was trying ta change to and why. A vote was �aken and the mmt�on qa55ed unanimc�usl'y 7-U, Next was Ord�nance No. �7, 5er�es of 199Q,=� fir�t reading, an nrdinance amending Chapt+�r 28.�l4 a� the Vai 1 �lun i c 7 pai C�de by the addi ti�n of Secti vn 18.�Q4.035 Brew'�` �ub,° �na� amending 5ect�vn 18.2�.03� of �he M�nitipa� Cad+e tcr add Brew Rub as a permitted u�e in �the �c�mmercia� Service Cent+er za�,e �istrict; amending Chapter 18.28.a4a of the 11ai1 Municipal Code by the addition of Brew Pubs that sel� beer whvlesale and Brew Pubs which s�li fifteen p�r�ent of the rnanufactured beer vr aie far� aff-s�te consurnption as conditaon�al uses t� th� Co�ercaal Servic� Center� zane dystrfic�; amending Chapter 18.�8 Qf t!�e Vail Nlunicipal Cod� ta provide certa�n re�trictians 9n th� a�erat�on af a Brew P's�b, and se�ting farth de�ails in regard thereto. T�e full titie was r�ad by Mayv�^ ��s�. Rndy Knwdtsen gav� bri�f backgrnund �nformati�n an the req�e�t. He stat�d three changes t�o t�te Code which had tc� happen regard�ng this request for � brew pub: 1) �t had tQ he �efined; �) Cauncil had ta make a brew pub a use by right; and 3) they had t� state specifi� _�_ . `_ � � n � � � . � R'��'� e�� � � ��:,'� ,, � �~� � t • �tTNUT�S � _'�� UAI� 7QWN COUNCI�L MEETING ��� A�1GiJ5T 7, 1990 ;�. 7.3p P.M. A r+�gu]ar° m�eti ng c�f th� Va71 Town Cour�ci 1 was hei d �n Tuesd�y, August 7, 1994, at ' 7.3� p.�. , in the Counci� Char�bers of the VaiY I�unicipal 8uilding. MEMBERS PRESENT: Kent Rose, Mayor Tom Steinb�rg, Mayor Pro �`em Lynn FriitzlQn Jim Gibsan M�rv l.api n Raber� LeVir�e Pe9gY t}sterfass f�EMBERS ABSE�]T, f�o�e 1 TOWN t7€FiCIALS PR�S€HT: Rnn P�il�ips, '�own Manager Larry Eskwi�h, �own I�t��rney Pam 8rar��meyer, T'own �1 erk There was na Ci'�i,�en �articipat�on, the �irst item on the agenda. Next was a publ�e hearing on the 1�90-91 ¢arking policies. S�an BErryrt►art g�v� an irr�raduction tv the hearing stat�rrg the Parking ar�d Transporta�ion Advisory Cor�mittee had met s�v�ral times ta �asc�ss recammen�fatians far tl�ese policies. Arnold kJll�v�g then gave an in-depth presentation re�ar�ing the proposed pt�licies and the r�asor�i ng for ti�e changes fr�r� the +current �racti c+�s. i�e then he�d a ques�i�n and answer sessian with C4uncil and the publac. Treuar Bradwa�y felt ti�e pali�ies wer� da�criminatory�aga�nst Village workers an� t�ose wha had paid into t�he parking fund fvr �ark�ng spaces in the �Village Tran�pvrtation Center. J+�sef Staufer comrnented that mak�ng employees (wha get aff wc�rk at 2:(�D a.m. � park in Ford Park was un�air. "fhere was �ome discu�sian regard�ng employees �etting aff a� late haurs, and why �aupans war�ed w�ll �efore and s4m� peapl� hated tv ��t rid a�F thern, Muc�r di�cussion by t�e public and Cvunc%� ensued regarding pras and Gon�. Rab LeVine made a motaon to tahle the i�em and send it bac�t �o the Rdvi�ory C�mrni�tee for further review. Tom 5teinberg seconded the rnotion. .]irn Gi�sQn sta�ed he wa�ted ta pass the �ragram with the foi�owing canditivns: ] aft restricti�ns Qn the Villag+� parki�g structure p�,r�king; p�e�icing free at Ford Park; and �ther r�a�ifications to be made as the pragram wer�t along. Fte felt t�is a�as a step in the right direct�on. Mayor Rose explained why he fie�t it shauld go b��k tv the cor��nittee, A vot� wvas ta�en anc� ��►e mvti an passe� 5-2, wi th Lynn �r i tzl en and Jim G i bs�n c�pposed. f�or� P�1"��� 1 p5 ask�d Counc i 1 t+o s�eci f i cal l�r name the i ter�s they fel'� the Adv�sary Cammittee shou�c! review, Lyt�n �ritzlen �elt the added stress nn employ�es b�cause of the parking and ihousing �ituatians was bad, and the plan could iae�p by prvviding a pass specifica�ly �argeted tt� Vi�lag� emplQyees. Rob LeUine thaugf�t the Vi,lage Tra�spartatiar� Center cou��i be shared by a first eome, first serive� bas�s hy access vr pric�; include the coupans at a reas�na6le rate; ar�d there be on� pas� with no r�stric+���ns far �7��, that the p�r�on could �c�r�e and go a� he p�eased. Mayar Rose remarked since the audience felt t�e blue parking pass�es would promate mc�re ears in th� Viilage thar� the cvupon�, he fe7t a comhined wlndow sticker ar�+d coupvn program was goad and would work. He added he did not think there should be any sumr���r �harges for t�e Uillage parking structure, and was nat sure cf�f�eren�ial rates s�n everything in the Viilage structure was prvper. Jim Gibsar� th�ught a blue ��s� should lhave "a number of times r�sed" and no� "number of days.'' �eg9Y �sterfass cvmmented th� audier�c� wanted to have the abiiity ta do what they wanted and parking where they wanted, an� ��ying more was nat an �ssue. The thir� item wa� a ��n�ent Agenda of the foil�wing i�em�: A. Apprava� nf Ntinutes of July 3 anci 17, 199D Meetings B. Qrdinance �fo, i9, Series v�F 199D, second=reading, an -ordittance mvdifytng ��e[tion 18.13'.0�8d�A� of the Municipal ° Ca�de o� the TO'U regard#rtg 9�t�sity '� �antrol for the pri�naryl�ecandary zane di stri�t (Rppl ic�r�t: 1`orr+� of Vai 1 } C. 4rdinance Nv, �4, 5�ries ��F 199[�, sec�nd reading, an ardiriance making sup�l�mental a�prapr#atinns fram the Town of V�il gen�eral fund, capital . � � MIN�TES VAI� T�WN CO�NCIL �EET��G r � �, SEPTEMB�R 4, l��p .� 7:30 P.�. A regul�r meeting �f th� Vail Town C�u�cii was hel� �n Tuesday, September 4, 1990, . at 7:30 p.m. , in th� Cauncil C�arn�ers of the Va�l Municipal Build�ng. MEMBERS PR�SENT: �ent Rase, Mayor TQm Steinberg, Mayor Pr�-Tem Lynn �ritzlen Ji� Gibson �erv Lapin Robert LeWi�e Pe9gY �sterfoss ��MBERS ABSEHT: None TOW� 4FFICIALS PRESENT: R�n Phillips, �awn Ma�ag�r - Larry Eskwith, To�n AttQrney , �am 8randmeyer, Tow� Cierk , Under Citiz�n �articipa�ion, Jasef 5�aufer stated �he Farest Service was d�7ir�g r�ore clear cutting mow than in the past ten year�, �nd felt th� T�wn �ha��d clv �something �f possible. Mayor Rose responded t}�e Council had �aken a s�te visit a cauple of weeks ago and had noted thelr concern ta the Forest Service repres+�ntatives then. Vte�t added Council h�d asked the Forest Service to ha��d a meeting ta discuss the issue. He cammented th� Coun+�il was r�vt ready to state a pvsitiarr, b�t wvul�i encourage the Fores�t Service ta hvl� a meeting fvr the publ �c. Iter� �wo� am tE�e agenda was a�tian an the proposed 199Q�9�, parking po1i�ies. Stan Berryman distributed capies af the revised praposed parkir�g palicie�, which had been char�ged at tha� afternaan's Work Sess�on. F�e then remark+ed they were ready to take �uhlic cvrn�ent and answ�r any qu�st�ans af the pu�lic, After a lengthy que��ivnl a�swer periad, Ron Phillips explained wfiat the chan+�es w�re and how th� Advisory G+�mr�ittee had arrived at these d�cisions. Th�r� was much mvre discussion by the audience. James Johr�son aslced if the blue parking passes could be f�nanced, which �Couttcil agr�ed could b� for l�cals only. James then gave other suggestions s�ch a� local lodge owners settin� up a 1aca1 van paol and re�ervationists sh�uld urge gu�sts whv rent c�rs in Denver and drive up �o just tak� the van pvvls. After much mc�re discus�avn, Ro� LeUir�e stated �e would like tv see the restrictions on the hlue pass drapp�d, h�t was in favvr ar raising prices. Merv Lapin made a motion ta aRpr�ve the Palicy Sta�em�nt 90-�,, in�luding blue passe� �e a�railable �ar finan�c%ng fvr locals l./3-1/3-�/3, with furt��r instructlans ta �ta�f tv strang7y encaurage lodge owners tv begin earpva�}�ng/vanpoolang prvgram�, and tv improve t�e parking status sign� a� the fa�ur�-way inters��tian. Jim Gibsvn s�conded the motian. A wote was taken and the �otion p�ssed t�nanimously 7-0. Stan Berryman �s#��d if anyone was int�eres�ed in s+erving +�n �he Rarking and Transpartatian Ad�isory Caarrm�t�ee to please give him a eall . Ran Phillips then asked Cauncil a�aut the financir�g tost of the �¢ �lue pass; Cvu�c71 agreed the c�s't would be $140 for each third for a tvta3 of $4�0, � inste�.d of th� $40D price for paying 3n fu17 . �. Next was �?rdinan�e �lo. 32, Series of 1990, firs� readin5::.a ord�n�r�ce :designa��f.�g �" an underlying zane �istrict far the Mar�i4tt's Mark Resot�t��Nt�yvr ��se=read the � title in f�ll . h�ayvr Rose rer�arked Ordinance NQ. �Z was put an t�e agenda -�,°� �rematurely and wauld not be �iscussed tc�r�ight. M�rv Lap�n asked when wauld �t be t� heard, whic� Jay �+e�ers�n repl�ed nat until some'thin� �ad been d�cided regard�ng underlying zvn�ng, at �east 30 days which would be t�ne first evening meet�rrg �n �ctc�ber. Kristan Prita reviewed a chart �omparing �he exist�ng special develo�ment dis'�rict (S[�Q� and �ropflsed 5C�D zon�ng changes. 5he then reviewed t�e three crit�ria used in the evaluatia�r� af the u�tder�ying higkt de�sity multi-family (HDMF} zone district for 5DD Na. 7: A. Suitabiii�y €�f the proposed zon�ng. B. Was 'th� amen+dment presenting a e4nvenient, warkable relationship within lar�d uses camsastent w��h rnunici�ra� ab�ect�ves? C. �7id the rezoning pravide far the grawt� of �tn ard�erly viab�e �ommunity? She added the staff reconnmendati�n was fnr appr�val for three �easons; � � 1� They believe� the request r�et a�l the three eriteria fvr a zaning review. �. It was their opinion, from staff research, that t#�e underly�ng xoning on Trat�. 1 app�ared tm have been HQMF and Tract � appeared to ha►r� been zonec� public accornmadatian �PA) and passibly HDMF. 3. By approving the request, the underly�rrg zoning was c�arified for th� exlsting SD� a,nd any possitale futur� SDD arr�endr�ents. Kristan nfl�ed th� Rlanning and E�vironmen�a� Ca�r�ission had passed the r�quest by a �-1-]. vo�e. 5he then answere� questians of the Cauncil . Jay P�terson gave fur�h�r �rrfor�n�tion regarding the request. Rob L�V�ne made a motion to apprave the ordinance, witF� 'Fam 5teinberg s�cvnding. Jim Gibsan comm�nte� he cDUld nnt s�p�ort the ordinane� be�ause he felt the mast appropria�.e zoning far twr�-th�rds of the par��l was PA, and he did no� like th+� pat�hwork �or+�ng prs�p�sed, PA was a mare car�s�s�ent use. Jay respanded t� .�im's can�err�s. After some discus�i�n, a vote was taken and '�he mdtyan passed 5-2, wi�.� Jim Git�san and Lynn Frit�1en �p�ased. The four�h item was 6rdinane� No. 22� S�ries af 1990, f�rs� read�ng, an ordinance am�nding Special Devel�pmen�C Dis�riet Nn. 7, comm�nly referred to as the Marriott , Mark Resort, and the deve�opment p�an in �+ceordance with Ci�apter 18,40 of tfie Vail " ' ': Municipa� Code; a�d set�.ing fartF� deta�ls in a^egard thereto. Mayor Rose read the full �.itle af t�e ordinance. There w�s no discussian by Couneil or� the public. Merv Lapi� made a rnotia� t+o table this ate�n for an indefinite peric�d af time, hut far nat less �han 3� days. Peggy �sterfoss seconded the snotion. A vote was taken and �h� rnction passed unani�nQUSIy 7-�, Kristan Prit� rec�u�sted th�t Jay Petersan r�otify staf� at lea�t 1.4 days prior �o �he hearing sQ they could s�nd aut notices �a pr�perty owners. Fifth on the a�enda wa� a rehearing by Counci� of Design Revi�w Bvard approva� o� the propase�# residence at 3�1� Soath Crtek Drive (Lc�� 4, Block 3, Vail Village llth Filing} (APplie�nt: Ge+�rge P. ,Caulkins� ,�r:, ) , Shelly Mel�o gave brief backgraund information regarding the �}RB �ie`casian. She then distributed new prvp4sed p�ans s�hmitted by Mr. Caulkins, but which the Df�B had not y�t seen. Rfter so�ne discussian 6y Cnun�il , Lynr� Fritzl�n made a moti�n to uphold the DRB decision to ap�rQVe th� Caulkins residence, wh�c� Rab Lelline seconded. P�ggY �sterfoss felt they sh�ulef r�q��re more evQrgreen screening around the parking are�, and Rab !�eV�ne a�reed. L.ynn �r�tzlen stated she was uncamfartable with Council taking aver �uties �f the DRB, and sh� did not want t� add any additivnal req�irements 'to the DRB appr�val . Kent Rose f�elt �h� rnation shou�d b� denied and the item sent �rack to DR8 �vi th di rectians to have appropri ate scre�t��ng addeck. Ned Gw,athrney, Ch�i rman c�f the �esign Review Boarid, felt it wauld b�e ga�d ta hav� it gn t�aek t�o the DRB. A �c�te was takera and the mo�ion failed Z-5, wi�h� Peg9Y Dsterfoss, Jim Gi��on, Merv l.apin, �layor R�se, ar�d Tom 5teinherg oppos�ed. Rob LeUine then mac�e a m�tion ta have t�e �tem #.aken back tc� t�e �R8 because there was not et�c�ugh scr�ening af the park�ng area. Jim Gihsan seca►�ded '�he motion. A vate was tak�n and the motion passed 6�-1, with Lynr� Fritz�en ep�c�sed. �V�xt was an appair�tmen� of a Uesign Revi�w Board m�mber. Fitzhugh Scatt ar�d Sf�erry Qorward were t�e twa applicants for the vacarrcy. A secret ballat vote was taicen and Sherry I}orward had the majority vote. Rob l,eVine made a mo�i�n to appoint Sh�rry C7orward tti the E]R8 to c�mplete the term �nding Fe�r�ary i991. Tom Stein�erg setonded the �rati�n. A vv�e was itaken ar�d the mfl�iar� passed unanimously 7-Q. At this time, '�ayor Rose requested Cauncil reconvene t� camplete the �xe�u�ive S�SS14t� they began this afternoan at t�e Wvrk Sessian ta discuss clarification a� a iegal decision. There �eing no �urth�r business, the mee'�ing was ad,jdurne�f at 9:4Q p.m. Respectfully su�mitted, � �-��C�, iCent . Ros�, M�yar ATTEST: �`----�w�f. �,�. �' Pam�la A. Bran meyer, Town Clerk Minutes taken by Brenda Ch�sman _�_ " r s � � , �� �.. ��11Clt£5 �.���i �� PEC 8/z�/�o ;:� . �, diana recr�mmended that the aRH carefully review the �ocatians o� the t��es, lig�.ts and Y�enches in thi� area and Mike r�spc�nded that this was part o� the street�eap� plan. Diana als� thank.ed N�d far warking with th� BQard. A mcrt�.an tc� amnro�e '�he request for an exterivg aZteratian per the s�aff inemb with the fvl�.vw�.ng candit�.r�ns was made b� ISaTton and se��nd�d �iy Ji3n Shearer ��nditions- Z. Prior tc� �he issuance of a bui].dzng permit �ar the r�d�vel�pment. t�ie appiicant s�al� �ao�t__a bo�d or let�er af credit in a sufficient arnount tc+ co�er the �eplacem�nt c�f ��.e twc� everc�reen trees wha.ch are �ro�c�sed tc� kae r�lacated. TY�e relvcatet� tre+�s shall �e auaranteed tc� live fc�r a period c�f nc�t Tess than twc� �ears �rc�m the oriqinal date ❑f r�lvcation. �r thev w].l�, be renlaced with tw� 25-faat tall ev'ergreens. 2. T�ie a�3�licant t�o� remons�rat� �gainst the stream wa�k Yf and when ane was canstructed a.n �he area, va��; �—o rx ��vc�u ��+�m Nrt�. 4: A requ�st to a�ply an underl�ine� zc�ne district oi Publi� Accs�mmcadata,c�r� a�� a� L�t 4 �nd Lat 7 . Black 1 , Vai�.JLionshead Thzrd Fx�ing, a subdivisie�n �ecard�d in BQOk 22� at Paqe 992 of the Eacxle Caunty, Colesradrs. Cle�r� and Rec�rder's reccards� part af Lo� C� Mcarc�as Subdivisit�t�, a subdivision recc�rded in Bocak 255 at Paqe 7U af the Eaale - �� �aunty, Col+�radc�. Cl+�rk and Recorc�er" s_re�ords and . _ �`;` , w '� a reques� to at�tal�► an �nd�rlyinc� z�n� district_crf �' �'I4, � .. � High density Mu�,tinle Fam�ly �o all of Lot n_and a art af Lot C Mqrcus ���adivisi�n � sub ivisio recorded i�t 8aok 25� at Pa � 7Q a the Ea le Ccruntv, Calo�acio. Cl�rk and R�cQrc3er's recc�rc�s, Bath�ranerties kr��w as 71� West Livnsheael Circl.� �he Marri�t� Mark R�sor�� A�. �lican'�: I�-K Carp�ra�inn Chuck Crist absta�ned from t�is �iiscussian. Kristan gave a br.�ef pr+�senta�ic�n and reminded the board that they had vated far th� underly�ng z+�ne district prev�.ous�.y az�d recammended thi� to the Tc�wn Council . '�he Town Council re�iew�ed the original reque5t to apply �he under�yir►g zon�ng and at thc�ir ,7uly 3�7, 19�9 meeting 5 • � � Minutes PEC 8/27f�0 they denied t1�e prvpc�sal ta apply HDMF uraderlying �or�inc� to th� �ntire SD�. Nc�w the applieant was propasing to app�y HDMF to Tract �� th�e western partior► where the parl�ing strr�cture was 1.ocatec�, and Public A�crmmr�datian ta Tr�ct 2, the r�mainder of �k�e SD�, Staff r�cozniu�nded apgrov��. fgr t�r�e reasrns. 1. Tca clarify the underlying zvning 2 . To apply HDMF tv a�iow fr�r a tim�shar� use, The HDMF zr�ne district �.s th� an�y zane da,�trict that allcaws time�hare as a conditir�nal use. 3. Staff research had shawn that HaM�' had be�n �he vrigina�. zoning on the western par�ior�, Tract 1. J'im referred �v page 4 �.n the memo anc3 wandered hr�w the Marric�tt cauld a�ready be aver th� allowable sc�ua�e fo��age artd �7'ay explained that those numb�rs were �he result fram request� dc�ne in �.9'l7 tYrrQUgh 1982 . A neighbc�r wha lived on Forest Raad, Sally Cadol, express�d her cr�ncern �baut the �ezoning paving the way far �im�share. Kristan said the zr�ninr� a1l.awed far the applicant to app�y for timeshar� and Sally C,�d�l asked wl�y the st�£f wanted this zoning. Kristan e:�;p�ain�d that �he staf�' recc�mmended th� HDMF �c�ning in th3s area to clear up the �taderly'ing zaning. Mrs. �ada� was c�an��rneci about the fact that the �iarric�tt had nat landscaped tl�e areas alang the cre�ek wh�re they had pre�i�ously stated that they wauTd. D�lto�n s�id that this tix�e they were requiring a band suf�icient to landscape i�' the applicant did nat do it. He �lso remindr�d the neighboar that they were e�awn �an�,ng t3�e tra�ct and add�ti that the rest af the prc�p�rty would be Public Acc�mmodatian which eould not �e tim�shar�. ICristan said that it appeared tha�t many c�f �Irs. Cado� '� concern� �e3.ated more to the SDD approva.� thari th� und�er�ying zcaning r�quest. Cannie Knight quoted fr�m the ,7�ane 11, 199U meeting when they voted to char�ge the z�ning and r�ad that the secand �eason to zone HD�F was ta aTlaw far tir�eshare. Kri�tan repe�.t�d that the file shawed that th� far e�st portic�n �a'as Publi� Aeca�mc�dati�n and that it had been P�r.b].�.c Accommorlatian in the pas� �nd th� rest had l��en HDMF. Cor�nie said she would vote �gaa,nst tt�� HDM� and wanted tra keep Public A�cr�ma�odation. Diana aske�d Connie i� sh� xea�ized th�t Public A�ctamm�datifln w�uld allow more d�nsity= J�.m She�r�r said he would ��te fc�r Pu�rlic Ac�c�ammodatic�n an Tract f r • � � M�nu��s PEC $f�7J90 � because he felt it was best �or that area an� he would alsv vot� for HDMF vn the rest of the area. Kathy Warren agreed with Jim and regeated that HaMF on Trac� 1 was daw� znning and was also the di�ectivn given by the Council. Da�tvn wvndered if this action was real�y n�cessary �nd Kr�sta� explaine� that it wa�xd b� very h�Ipful t� the sta�f and the F�ann�ng Commissian. The ori�inal applicati�n �id not h�ve und�rlying zo�i�� in �h� request and it was mad� in the new request �o ��arify th� underl�ing z�ning ger PEC reques�. Ludwig agreed with Jim. niana s�id at first she quest�oned the zoning, then when the staff d�d ths research �� the oriqinal zoning, she �as 1oa� f4r it. Jay re�inded �he �oa�d tha� th� existing SDD a11�ws for a r�ques� €or ti�eshare. A motion to a r�ve the re es� ta a 1 underl in zanin .per the staff ���o was mad� b� Kathy Warren and secon��d bv �a��on Will�ams V��E 5-1-1 WITH CQ�N�� KNIGHT AGAINST ,AND CHCICK CRZST AHSTAINING Item No. 5: A request far a w�r�_ session �n the S�nnenal� remodel a�d p�o��sed 5,,,�ecial ��v�l�pment Di�tr��t �t 2a Va�� Raad. Part o� Lv� L. Bl�ck 5-E. Va�� V��la�� �st Fil�»�. A��Zicant: Sonnenal� �r��aerties. Inc, Kxistan Pr�t� rernind�d t�e ��ar� that they had a war� sessian �n Ju�e 25, 199� and sinc� that time, the applicant had made many changes, The most siqnifi�an� was �kiat they had gulled m�st o� the building vu� �f the 2� ft. setback along Meadow �rive and t�at the �eight nf the �ower alanq V�il �oad had been d��r�ased. Th� �ing �udw�g deck had also �een built into the ��ll�ide faci�� Gore Creek. Kristan �elt that the applicant had wdrked in the direction that the staff had as�ed t�em, thoug� staff still felt �are wv�k needed to be dvn�. Part�cula_rly, the height needed t� be decreas�d. The mema listed th� v�ri�us eon�erns �f the staff. Besi�es the height, �oordinati�� betwe�n th� ��1Stl�� �onnenalp and the Tal�sman was necessary. Jay Peterson� J�hannes Faessler, Gordo� pi�r�e, and Ray Story 7 , � � �.�,,��, �—. ��� o , ���� �f ��f �" 75 south lrontage road ��� ,._ al�ic�of cammunity d�relo�anent vail,coioreda E1657 (3U3)479-�y38 "'� ,%� (303y 47�-�139 ,-: ,� � � � MEMflRAN�UM Tp: AI,1 parties interest�ed in the Marriott Addi�ion FROM: Ta�rn of Vail Community Dev�lapm�nt Department DATE; August 30, 1990 RE; Segtembe� 4, 1,�90 Town Caur�ciY meeting. Pleas� �e ad�s�'ised that the Marricatt proj ect will kae heard at the September 4, 199Q Town Council �eetir�r� at approxima�ely 7:3� p.�. .. �4`��`�� �.:.__�'"-*��,,s l��l� �1 1�I 3,lER�]'E .M--�TIL N � `� 75 sc�uth fr�ontage road � 53 CR�S,T �7R"TVE •'r 1 vail, co[carada 81G57 B - �TAR,,�S�1I�LE :J 079� _-� � - , .�� �`��� � �. ��sl � ���{ ��� w~ � ,.,,._ , .. _ _ _ _ . ,� �,,. � ,,� ,r - - �,. �ow� a �ai ', 75 south frvntage raad H. L�Na�EY GRUB�iS vail. colvr�ado 8f657 4275 E�ECUTIVE S4UARE LAJ C?LLA �A 9 2 Cf 3 7 ���i r�'����Y ���� ��- ��s zx r3��'E,��';� � .� . � �''`� �,' �U�N TO S�NDE� ,� .,��,�� •� !�1!!l13t+k�1�f[I!FlIII!}117F1l8� � �;�U�i� .s.... --.�, �`_-•- -..,.� �, � ' °"_ � ,.� .r r� #�� �� �, �� ..V..- .F - .,� � J �c'4 �.� i3 �E� �� .� <-_ _ �� s.i�.�. , . _ ,,A4� a'� 1•�r���.` �� 9 � � . � � � , . ;,,' EXf�ISIT A . ,' �` ,y' Ta�ap� ]. - L�gai De�c�i�ti.�n . � > A11 0� Lc�� I�, �nc� p�x•� c�:t T,,c�t C, t�ox�ck�s ��,�l�d�.vi�i�n, a su�divi.�ic�n r��.r��dec� i� k��c�k �?S."� �t ��.�� 7C3 c�f t�� �'.��,l.e Gounty., C�l��a��a, �;larlc r�nd ��cc*-tl���'� x•e�.uri�� �Pin� �sc�ra p�i��ictz���:l�r . d�scri��c{ �� ��1.7.r�ws; 8��innxn� a� ��g� �����hwa�t:ar�y carner n� s�ir� Lc�t I7 ther��e At i�°17 "21" E �i distaa�ce o#; ���J_[�f} f��L t:o tk�� �,���thc�rly r�.�;ht-e��-� way C7� �r4rr�;�� I�ir,nr�h��d C.%r����ry irh�nc� a�lcrr�� r��aic� �o�.i�h�r3y ri�llt- o�'-t�ra�� r3n ;�r� c�.i.�t�ar�c� o� 1i30» �..(l ���.ax�� � �:ur,•rc� tv t��: I,e.�t, aa��.ci . ��trv� havin� ;� ��cii�� af :3�?.(}C3 �ec�t., a cen�•ral €��i��,1. o� fl°42'��3" �,nd whU�� chorr� bcar� N 8fi°34'�37`° E a di�t�nce a� ' 3.5�3.�9 feet; �,h�r�ce � �.F�° �.7 `�1" � � r��.r��ancQ o� 165.59 f��t; �}�ence N 83°��"�t6" � � cii.4L-�,nc�� a� 63.�� i���;; t;henc� S � 22�3$'41"E � d�.�t:�nc� of 1,5�. 02 feei: tc� tii� Sota�he��t�r�.y cnrn�r r�f s�#.d Lat D, th�r�c� � GF�ry?�'�}(7" G+1 �].ar�,� S�a�,�t}i�r�,Y �c,t �.ine a dist�nc� vf 2.�[7.OU �?r�L; �}�er3r� S 16° 1.7 `D�J" E a dze#:,�r�c� af �:��5' �'e+��. th�nc� S 7�°��';�7" [+1 to S�utn�v�at corne�r c�� ��3.� Lpi; U � t�is��,nc� of �6. G� fe�L to t?�� �uin�, c��' ver�innlr��g contai.nin$ � 6��88.].. 1,9 �qua;re �a�� or 1. �B �.cr�� mcar� or l��s. � • EX�[I�3IT $ Tract ? -- Le{�al 1.����ri�,�ian Fill �:� �a� �� ���3. L,�i� 7 , ��.r}�k. 1 , 11�.i.3.il��rrl�l�i��ri T}iir.d � I}j.�.1.i7�r c'i �t1�.,?C]?V]_�:C�]'� Y'f:��?I'l',c': '� � � `y'� a. �d�t? r� T a � �.:'3 �JC! �. c"+.t, '��.:. O_ t•�']f. �'��1�� ��'�,�ti�Y,�, C`:al���a��, 4;1�z�}� =,�3:-3 i?���:or•el�r•"� �•c�:�rd;�� F�.�°Y, n�' Lct {�'� T"�C11'Cll..�.o ��'`,L1�3C�;aV 7+�ti7I7 F t`i 6l1CiC.'.�V X.'�.�C�T] I"'E?C:C�L'Gl�C� 1 fY ��175� A�Jr`J �� F�r.��' 7(� o£ t�ie E�.�le �ourty � CaJ,n�-���o, (;:7,�r�]t �x�d �;c.�+csrdGr"� r�corcis, bei.n� more par��.cul�r�;y dr�r�cril��r� �� .fn�l�tae�: ����nna.r�� at ���� �ou�Y���s� r����r o� Lot Tl, Mc�r;;�aa 5ub�.i�ri�son, f,hsr�c� I•� �'2°�3' �i1"' 'vt �, c.]x�L��:c� c£ 1��.�2 faat; - �k��t�c� 5 83`�:i" 45" ��a � c��,�a��,a-�c� vf f�3.�'� �"r�a�; �.hen�� N 1�`1.7 "w��.°' W to �hc �au-�h�a�°?.� z�i�]at-c�.f-waY 1 it�c� ox '�]est I�ic�n�h��c� Circle a c���t�r�c� o�' 7.�5. �=`� �e�t; t.}�er��� alang er�?d �c�u�heriy ri�t�,t-o�'--way ��� ��r� �i�s�,ar�c€� �� �O�J . 51 fe�t s��sn� �t � curve �.n #:ha �.�:£i , s�ici curv� �ad.+v�t'x� � c�r�tr�l �n�le �� 2�`{?1 '07" , a radiu� v� �52.t��3 ���i: �,nei •�r'��cs�e 1csn� ch�+rr� b���^s i� :�7°4;�`��" F a c�i�t���� c?�" 1��. �� �c��t t�e� � �aznt o� r�sver��: �urv�t�are; �air� cur�e 7�:xviris a cen�:r�r�J: at��l� of �iB°��`�,`Z" , a rad�.S.,:� t�� 2;�'�.€�U d�•�t; �ra� �yho�� �.on� ��na�c� �»ar� i�d �f3°�5`3?" E a di.�t:�nce af X�C. J.�. f�et i:c� a l�oir�t sa£ xt+���z'�� c:L:rvatuz��; t�Y�enee cc�x�ta.nuir�,� alan� �«id ri,�ht-of.-u��;� sn c�rc c�i�ta��ce o� 4f�. ��7 f�e�. ; � �c�n�r�tl angle t�i� 13° 18" ��" , � rradi�a:� �af �UU.�Cl f��� ar�d ►,��zose long �hpr�d las�rs r1 8�°��J":?a„ i � cii��,�ncc Qf d+�.3'7 feet t� a �oznt r�f r��er�e curv�t;;.arr; ; ���cr=.r_e �::��tirduin� an arc di�i�ance o� 'l1 . �? f�s�, e cen4.r�J. �n�?I� az U`1°1�7 'C�Z", a ra�ius of �25.OD �ae�. and wha�e 3,�rn� chur�? b�ax�� �d 75"3�.���. � a cii�t�ane;� of 71 .�7 f���, to a pnint c� rev�r�� cur�*�i;�at��;; t;]`:�:rz�e 2�. 59 �eet �3,�an� �h� �.rc vf � curv� to the rig?3t �ri�l� a cent�ral ar��le of 86°17"02" > a radius ci£ 15.Q€� ��et anci whase ZDr��r chc��e� bears S C5°+�8'31" � a dist�nc� a£ 20.51 fee�; �}���r,ce contanuin� �Ioz-,g �he wa�t�r�.5' r��ht-of--2vay line af Lic�n�kiead Pla�e 83. 57 fe�t aiong tt3e �.rc �f a +�urve tn the right wi�h a c�nta�al� an�le af 28°C�a'+DC�" , a radius a� 171 . (}C} fea� an�. wt7ose lc�r�g c�YOr� be�rs S f}8°Cl4'4C�'" � � � di�tance o� 82,"7�1 feet +�o a �oini: �af. revera� curvatt�r�, '�h�nce � co�ti.nu�ng alvn� sai.d righ�-vf-way line c�long a �urvs wit;h an arc � dis�anca af 71.3b �e�t, a c�ntr�.l �n,�le �f �7°C+Ei` 1�"` , a radius �£ �� 11.(�.aC� f�et and wrhr�se 1.on,� chord t�ar� S 12�34'4�9" E � distan�� � a�'- '�l'�.{)G £ca�., �p t��a r►art'ta�rlvr aarner +���I1n�. �, Vai 7.l�,ion€�h��d � Th�rd Filin�; t���ence S ��J°a�"C7C�'� '�1 a distan�.� �f 18�,�8 �aat; � thex�ce � �lG°5�"�1" � 1-fo t;l�� sout�-�eas�. carner af �said Lot 4 a � ci��tgnce rf 13CJ.76 �e�t; �.t�ence S �3•��'40" W��i�tr�nc� a� 3�.at7 �QC�'t; thence� S '78814 'Oa" W a cii.�t�ncc. o'� 1:3�. fi4 fee�.� th�nce � S 66°'�9 'C10" W #.a t}ae Sou�.};w��t c�rn�r• of �aSd I�r��. � � di�tanee of � 72.�9 f�et �c� i.he Pc�i.r�t af F��gir,nin�, cantain�.n� 152, �6fi �g,uare f� ��et �rr 3.6 acr�a� �vra �r l��a, �. � !� !� •� � � . ," f" El{HIBI'� A . <'` .3' T��rt �. _ �,�,�al Le�cri�tir,n � A�7. c�f Lc�� �, and p�rt a:�= �;c�u �, i�c�rc��� ��7����vf,�o��, a subdivy�ion recr�re��s� Sn �c�c�k 2.,�5 �� �;��e 7J af �`�,� �a�1e Cut�.i�ty-, ����r�s��, C��rk nnd ��ce*-c��r'� x��v��•�� ��i;�,� �nox�,� psi��icula�lrr . d�scrib�d �s �o;�laws: ' ���innin� at t�}�e so�tr�saav�:ar�� ca?rn�r of s�ir� �,rst U �ner�ce rr i6°17 '21"' � a dist��7ce of �99. �(7 �ar�t tr� �h� �at�±:h€���y ri.g}-�t-vf- *.��y �� �d+��i Lir_�nshe�c� Cir�cl�; �!�Qnc� ala�.� a�.id �o�zth�r].y r��h�- of-vraa�' a;� �rc d:it��,anc� of 1.G4. 14 a�c�n;� a cur�Je to t�a 3e��t, sai,d . cttr�re havan� r� rrzc�ii.�.t� af 3:�2.4� �ec�t, a cent;�al �r���l c�� 6�°��'�Q" �nd whc��� char� '���r� �l 88°3�'�7" E a d.i�t�nca af � 1��8.'�9 fest? th�►�c�: S ].fi° 17 '2l.�� E � d��ta��� c�f 1.65.59 f�€�t; th�nca N 83°�5'4�" E „�.. �iQt�.nr.� o� �3.2� ���t; t.�enc� S ' 22°38"�l"E a dl.�#;anc� c��E �S�.C�2 fFs�, tc� t���c� Sou�th��.ateri3y cr�rner af s��.d Lot D, �r�era�e� a �i�"?�"�Q" i�v� �.lc�r�,� ��uth��ly la� line a dz�tar�c� af ��U.{}+� ��c:t�; t���nc� S 3.6°�.7 "(3Q" E � d��t��r,c:a c�f 3�15� �'e�� ; th€�nc� 5 '7�°�2 'a7'' L,fi to Svutneac:st c�rn�r �f ��,�d Lc��. T� 8 dist�nce of ��. G9 �e�t ta �.�xq �c�in�L- of �ae�r�nnin� cnnta�.nin� I f8,88.1, 19 square �'�at r�r �..5�3 �.�r�� ��x`e or 28�ss. i I • EX�iIBIT � Trt�cr 2 _ Le��.i ?�t s^r�iL�V�.an F11 o�f Lot � a�d. Lat; "l, �1�r�r�: 1 . V�.�.1,�`l�i�n�?-��ara r'���,r. d i����i1�;� S ��UC�..',V?f��11 [`�.C:C�I'i�c'� 1._`? ��JC�l: .���.� c�.i; �'2.��? '��.��..� �T: �:�"1E: �'�.�1� {'oan�t,�•, C':�Xo.��.c?oF C'.�c����.• v�-i�i i��-c.t�r�ci�r' � :."r_�r3l�d�� P��'t �f Lc�� C, Maz�cu:� �uk�divi���rr, � ���r;ciiv�.�i�>n z^��.c����.� i:� �c��s� "55 �t Fu�� 70 a� the E��l.c Cour.ty , �:o3,r.�sd�, Cl�x,ls �:au' ��cc�id�:r"� re�c�rds, l�einB �are g�artzcu?�i�ly dr��cri�a�d a� �a�lc���rs. �egir�n�.n; at� �.he �QU�the�st cu���r of Lc�t Tl, Mor�,u� �u��.�.�fis�an, t,henca I} '��u�'�'�1" 'v7 � e�istarc� c;� 15g.t7� feet; - thpnc� S �.�`�5" 4�" S�1 � �5.��taa�ce c��' C��.�'� fe�'�; ��enc� N 1fi''�.7 '��1" W to t.h� �cau�h�'r?y �i��:t-o�'--w�Y 1 in� r i 4Js�t Licn�h�ad C�rcla a ci�s�an�� o� IE�TM�;.9 feeL' ; �-�'ianc� a].c�n,g �s�id sc�u�Y�ar1y ra�ht-ai--way nn �rw dis�ance a� r��ia. 51 fe�t �lang � cur�a ta the 1F�t , �N:;d curv� h�vi�g a c�aztra� �n�ls ��f 2'�`fll "�'l" , a radi�s o� �52.0(� feei: �ncz �ahc��� �ong �ehc�rd bg��� �3 ,7'�9`2S"' E a da�t��i�e o� 19r3. �3 �e�� �� a �ainic af r�ver�� curva�ure; s�,ir� curve hs�uin� a centr�l an�le of 48°2�'S2" , a, radi;.t� o� �.�9.t7U °��L• and ayh�ae ].Gn� chorc� ��ar� N ES°;3�`3�" E a di�t;�nce of 19�i. �1 ���t ta a �ai��t of r��rr�z�se 4L:?"Ve3tL1I`L�; �3-��rxce ca}�f��.n�ain� a1an� �aid ri,�h�:-�£-w�y �n r�r� distance r�f �4�6. ;17 �est, ; � centr�l angle a� 1�° 18":�1'" , a r��i.u� �f �C1U. t�C� tE�t a�d wYaase Irng c���rd ht�ar� �v B6°0�':?i�„ � a di�t,�nc� r�f ��_37 fe�t to a poi��t o�' r�ver�° carv�.t�rr� ; i:h�:fl�� �:��L-i7�uir�� an �rc �1i�tance of ?1 . �� �'ee�, a �rent:�,J, an�?� �z C�7°47 "b2" , a radzu� �� �2�_C�0 �ea� e�r�ci wh�r�s l�ng ch�rci 1r��ar� I3 7a`3fi.'�9�� � a cia�i:�,�zc� a�' �i . '?? ���� ta a 7�oint af x•�ver:�� cur�•a�;t.�re; L�enc� 2�. 5�3 £�et alon�; Lh� �rc a� a c�rv� tcx the ra.�}�t wit�� a cer�tr�l an�le o� f�E°1.7 "Q�" > a r¢di.ua o�� J.S.OU fe€�t and w����e �c�n� ch�r�d �h�ars S 6�°{�8'31" E a di9tanc� +�f 20. 5� ie�t; t3-,�nc� ca:�t�x�u�.ng �lan� the westerly ri�;ht--of-wFay line af i�iansh�ad P�ac� 83. �7 �eet alrng th� a�c of a curve �a the ri�h� with a �entra� an,��.e Q£ �8°00`fl0", a� radxus ❑f 171 .C}{7 feet �,nd wh�se �ong cta�rd l��ars S �l$°OC�"�?D" E a i dagtance o� 8�."l4 fes� t� � pca�.n�; a� rev�r�e curvat���; �h�nce ' i continuin,� �lon� said ri�ht-t�f-way �zne �la�.,� a Gurv� wi�.h at� ar� di��sno� of 71 .3Q fdet , a c�n�ral a�gle of 37°d8' �'l" , a radl,ue af �I 114.D(� f�e� anc� whose l.esn,g chord b�ars S 1�°34'C79" E a c�istance k er�- 74.0C3 �cct, tw t}xra r►ortherl�r �c>ri�c�'r r��i_,n� :�, tl�i 1...�T,�on�sh�ad I Third Filing; thence S 9b°��`�d" '�1 a dist�nce ❑f �85.Bfi feet; � thence S +�2°5�i`51" E to th� sauth�:as'� carrter a� aa�.d L,�t A a � d].Stan�� o� 1��.?fi ie�t� t�zenc� S ��°''�'OU`" W-a�i�t�rac� of 3£].O4 i feet; th�rt�s S 76°19 °OD'" W a c3i�tance a� 135.�4 fee�.; �hsnca � S ��°?4 'OU" W tn �M� Sau�.�,we�t c�rn�r �f �aid Lot �4 a d�.�tance c�f ' 7�.�9 �eet tcs �.h+� �r a.nt of��,�innin�,, contsinin�g 152, C66 s�,�.ta�re #� �eet or �.5 acre� more v� �es:�. ': . , �� �I ,{ .; � � ��IHIl3ZT A � - Tr�.rt �. - �,���I ����r•�.�ti�an fill c�f Lc�� �, an� p��� �:� L�t �, a9oa�c�� ��t't�r�ivfs�.4rk, � sua�iv3.���n r�cr�rde�i in �c��k �55 z�t P�:.�� 7f� c�f t,h�= i?���e �c�anwy, C�1ora��, Cl.�rl� �nd ��c�rcl�r'� r��or�3� �;�i�►� mr�x�� ��zwu�ct�I�ll�: ci�scr�bed �s fc��.1�w�: ' '���innin� a; th� �au�;;w�a#;�r�.�� cv,rn�r o� saic� Lat D t��r,�e *I 1fi°1? `21" E a di�����.�:e o� ��g. �C1 f��t �r th� ��u�h�r�.y r�.�hW-c�f- tuay t�f i�d+��'� Lir�rz��ae,�d �i?clU; {;hc�nc� alr��� �aa.d �a�.��h�r3.y rx,�h�- c�f--��a�� �n �rc di�t�nc� of �.�0. �.0 �lc+x�g � curve to tn�: ler�, saa.�. ctiirve l��v�n� � r�c�i�:� c£ w��.c�� �set�, a �en�ral �n��:� c�� fi�°�f� "3�l'° �nd whv�s ch�r�. b��rs N 86°3�."�7" E a di���nce Q� �5�.99 �eet; th�nc� S 1�E° 1'7 '21" E s d���ance �f �6�.5'? f`��t, thenc� � 83°�;� '4�5" E a di�tanc:a c�f 63.�� ���t; �henc� S ' 22°33'�1"E � d%�tanc� of 15;�.C�� ���� �o th� �c�uth��et�rl� c�rner af s�.ic� La� D, tiienc� � �c�°��}"�}�" L� �I�n� Sou�h�r.�Y �01� �sn� a distancc� c�f �1.�}.i�� ��zt,; thanc� S lc° I.7 'f��" �` a d�.�st�nc� c� 3�1� f��t; th$ncc� W 73�'A2 ":�7"' 4,� �t.� Scautn�u�st cc�rn�:r o�' ��i� r ot D � , �ie�gnce of �5.6� fe�L tv �.�r �c;�.n�� �f ��a�nn�n�r cor�tainin$ � 68,867.. 3,� squars fea� or � .5�i �cr�� �o�°� or ],���, � � � EKE�IIBIT B �'Z'�tC� `� -- �+�'}�'E31 �c°r�'�.3.�'i�]-Uri �,ll �� Lest �� s�d L�� / , ��.���k 1 , `J�.�.3�'��i,�r�°:a�ar.i '';A.r. d :tl��i7�� c'}. �11�.7Ci?1�18i''ZY"1 1f,SCC)T`l`lc?"� �i? ��.r�Gi}+. �,+?f, �.y }�otil �`.'�.r.� �'+?� t•ilf; ��.�l.�u �:;���xy, C'ol��•=�.�?,, [;.1�x�:� c.��r� :���or�t_r _ �^•����d�� ��.�:�. c�f T1cL' �'.� �''�.�Y'CLlu .�3�!'3C�1V?;:•.'.:?Tl� � �'.Ii:�G�'1113.N1C?:r1 I'`E?GGi.'"..'j7� 3'.^� .�t'a047f� �?�� 5�: ��:E'::' 70 0� ttie E��1.� C���.ty, Co7.c�:�clo , Gl�r•lr �.:�c' ;�-cc.•d���4':� ��vars��, b�in� �or� �ar���u�az•ly d�y€�crib�:d a� �oll�rc,r�: B�ginn3.n� a+.; vh� �outrie�:t cr�?^*_°i�� c�� Lo� U, Mc�rc�x� �ubdiz►isic�n, �.h�n�a t�i �?�°��"A1" °va a d.a.:��ar:c� c.� 1.5a.J2 fe��; . th�nc� � ��s`2a` ��" :�7 � c.i�t�.�c� a� F��.u:� f��.t ; thence � 1�` 1'7 "�.��" W �a th� Sou�h�a•r?y r�g��t-�o��-w�y lxr.e c�� W��t �,iGrsh�ad �irc1� �. di��anc� �f 1�E5.�� �eet,; th�nc� al.ong �aid ��iutherl� ri�ht-fli-way an a.rc c�is�.anc� o� �[3J . 51 f�:et ai an� � c�rve �.r� thv le:��c, s�;�d c�arv� !n��in� a �en�ral �n�le �� ?�`O1 "�77'" , r� radi�s of ��%.C�� ����. �,na ��rhe��e lon� chc�xd. b�ars N �,�°�9'2B"" fi a distanc� o� ��3. 33 f°�t tc� a �a�.nt c�f r�verse curv�-tu�r�; s�.id c���� h��r�n� a e���.ral an�le rf 4�i`�.f�`��" , a rad��.:s n� 2��.�J ���t� and w3ha��� �.Gn� chc�z�ca 'ncar� N 68°3��.3'�,, E a dis�.;n�e a£ �.�6. 11 f�e� t�a e ��i��t c+� z���ez'se curt��.t.ur�; tY�er,ce contS.nua.ng �lon� s�ic3 right-o�-way �n �?�c distance c�f 4��. A7 �e��. � a c�ntral angle af 13° ��"J�" , � r��i�:� o� �U�3_Q� f�e� and wh��e lon� chord b��r� i� 85°09"?��. � � ��ivt.�n�� a�' �-^-_�.37 �'�et ta a ppint of r�vers� cu�v�tarr ; �:h�r•a� ���:�ti*suin� �n aa�� �i�tanc$ of 71 . 3: �ee�, a cent.�1 an��c� :�� d�°47 '�2" , a raciAu� of �25.(�C� �e�� �.�d whas� 1.�r�g chc��� 3��ar� �3 7�°:��"?�" � a. dw��:at�ce c�f 7�. . �7 ��e�, �o � pain� c£ z�ev�rse curv�,tt.�re; thencr 22. J� £eet �l�n,� th� arc Qf a curve tv the rigl�� �ri�l� a centra� an��.e a� �6°17 `�J2" , a ��diu� of 15.4C� �eet and �shc�se lan� .^hc�rd b�ar� S 65°��'31" '� �. dist�ance of 2�.�1 fe�t; t�-��nc� �c�nti:�uing along the westerly r�,�h�-c�f-�ra� line o£ Lion�head Plsce 83. 57 feet a1c�n6 the arc t��` a. �u�rve tc� th� right with �. centz•al. �n��e of �8°a0'OC�" , a radius t�� ].71, .DC} �eet and whase lor�g �chord t�ear� S 0�3°C3i�'C�0" E a ' dastarac� a� 82.�'4 �'ee�. tQ a pain�. o�' x�ev�rg� cu�vat�a.�.r�; t�7ence ' ', cc�n�inuing �l�ng said right-o�'-saaY line �.1ong a curve w�.th an arc d�s�an�e of 71 .3p ��et, a centr�l an�l� of 37°+�8'17" , a r�d�.us �f �� 11�.0�} fset a.nd whose 1.an� chmrc� t�er� 5 12°34'[79" � � distar�ce i vf- ?L3.bG �csc�, tQ �ho rsc+r�h�rly ccsrn�r �.£��. `3, Vrm i 1.�I,i or��h�ad I Third Fi�ing, thence S 4C�°aQ'�U" W a di�tance of 185.88 £eet; : �h�nce S d�°56'S1" E ta th� so�theaat c+�rner of �aad Lat A a � distanc� Qf 130.?6 f���; tk�ence S ��° ?�"�C�"' ��.�i���,rxc� af 3fl.(�� j fe�t; th�nce S 7f�°19"�{}°' W a c�a.�t�nce o�' 13�a. �4 feet; therac� , S 66°24 "O(7" W to the �out3�,w��t c�rner ai said Lc�t 4 a di��an�� �f i: 72.29 f�et tc� the �oint c�f BEgir.nin�, c�nt�xin�ng YS�, 6�56 sgusre �� �eet or �,5 acres mare u� le�s. , �; �i „ �, ,� �1� , ,.. _.�_ - _, _— �T , -`' , , - �-R �r � , , _ � _ , . � �,: - � � . , � _ . +,.,> � . :,� _. .___._ __ , �" . _ .......�_..�.,,�w�� � �o»c; do. �..,... - � � �.�tT�x �'.�.. ��#��"-�����+�.;�� J3i� !t�177Id+Lt��w ���,�C � ��ITE xs�! petd f Sy: ►,r�r+,�z��o. s1�x� � . ..a�� ��:.�a:� sT��� t�e:��.��-�o�� �����+�'�'"���L4ti. ��,r±�N�u.cac.�. s���� f�c�aa2���ox�a ss+��r; �so. T�I�.E,C�����" . Sh��TI'�4�L '�'�; �,.�t1.� �'<'=�� _ _', `_ � � -�ct� � �.�� �� �--- �':'(1f�': ��''�-',�'r° µ�``�—�.{ ._,�s__.._. ._ �.. '�� ar� set�aing � , �� ,:; . ' , �'' i 1 :!'G `.L.,i 3. �, �� you �o n�t r�c�i�e aI� �f � I .. ,_, .,_ : . _ 4•_ . .�- , � ;�;.;� � l'�ClILS�J.�`?11'�� ��R�.�f-_� f3�� liS ct� .. � ;i. r,6 . l . ��E.�ti.�]� �i:�'1��A:: T�%�-r..:?(_�' � ""' 4��°_� ���� S �� � � �t�.�...�- �; � �_.� _ ._---- � -z; . ; , � � f f wn�.��-.� .e s�.y.a.. 'i ._ . •__..a..'__�.__�. i��r �� _ . . .. .. ._w.._�..�� .... ... _ �. j ' � � �. � � � E�HIBIT B `�`r�.c u '� - T.;�s�?�� l �:�-3� ��:°i}::,.i.r�x:. ALl o� Lo� � •�nd L�� l , ��ca:�� 1 , W�.�.�r'���.n��h��F� '��:�a^d �'z:la.n�;� a �u��r��va.�:i.o�3 ���c�r�.-��d ir� �=��a�; vr'�l a� T���� ��^ o� ���h�, is��l� Cc�un�.y, C"��.�7:k�.c�a, C1�z�� �,.x�� ::���ar��r' � ���r�rd�, �c�a�� ��' L•���� ��, M��,cu� Su�di�r���.�n, 4-� vu��,�.v9,�i�c}n ��crn��c��,� in �c��k v55 �t �=�.t_;y' '7� o� �t�Ye ��.�;�.� �ous:'�y, Cc��.��a�o, Cl�rl� �n� I��cc�rd�:r�`� r�cr�rd�, ��i�� tr,ore �+��et��.cu3.ar�y d��+-rr�.b��. �� ���l�iws: B�ginni.Yx� at �he Sau-�h�a��: cc��*��r vf Le�t �? Mrarc�a� SuY�d�visi�n, �henc� i� L2�3C�'�l`" `v7 a d��tan�a c�f �.�9 ,C�� £eet ; th�nce S 83°�:� ' �5" W :� a�,�t�.r��� of �3. �� ����; ther�cr N �.b` 1.7 '�3 " W to fi•h� a�uth�r�.y ri�ht-o��°w�y �a.nr� �� We�� i�inr.r�h�ad Carcl� a di�s��nc� a�f �E�5��3 �'eet; �.h�nce al.rx�� ��%d sc��.uhsriy �a.�ht--nf--way ari �rc r�i�tance o�' �fl�J.5�. fe�t� �Icng a curv� �c3 f,h� l��t, ��Ad curv�e }��ving a c�n�r�l �rY��.� �� ��°O1"07" , � radius c�� ��2.�� ��e� an�: w?�t��e 1on� c���rd b�a:^� N �i'7°�F�'��" F a d:.�t�xr,u� o�= 19�. 33 fe�t t� a noint o�` irev�r�� i�l�i'Vc�1�'LkI"�� �t�,,lt�i Ct1x'VG' �7.�17 '1T]� 3 �S:T7�.�'c:t�. e�I'���.G Dr '�gb��7����� f 2!, rac�z•.�� cs� �:��.�C� ��et, and who�� �ur�� ch�a�c� 'r��ar� N �8°���'32" E � di.st.�nc� of 196. �.1 feet t.a � �t�irYt rrf rc�v�r�� c�.:rva�ur�; �:her�c� con�.�n�aing $Ion; �aic3 �i�h�c-c�f�way an a?^c di�st�nce of 4�.�7 �eet. � c�n�ra]. an�Ia o�' 13° ��`53" , a rr�d:.u� Qf ��0 . OC� �ee�c �n� wh��e lcang chard �a�ar� N �3�°��'��"' �. a dx���n�� o�' ��.37 fa�t to a g�ir��, �f r�v�rs� curv��:xrc: , 3�h�r:�e �wcntir�uing �,n �r� d.��t�nc� �f 71. . 3: fe��, a �entz��3. a.ng�� ai t�`7°�i `�3Z" , a rddzu� o� ���.t�4 �eet and wt�r��e I��ng c�.��d �r�ar� hx �,`5°�6.��,� �: a c���tanc� c?� 71.�;7 f�et L�s a gc�int cf rev�rs� curt•�ttzre; th�n:c� 2�_�9 fee� ai�n� the arc of � cur�xe La �h� right �ait�� a centr�l an�I� o�` ��°1"7'�2" > a radius af 15.(7tJ fe�t and wht�se 3.+�n�z chprd b���� 5 65°48"31" E � di�tance a£ 2U.5� fee�; thenc�; canti:�uzng al�ng the� weat�rl�. ri�,�ht-a£-way line of Lir�nshead Plac� 8�_57 fee'� a�.ong th� arc of a curvt� ta �ha ri,�ht with � cent�•�.�. angle �f 28°�}0'Q{7" , a �eadiu� of I?1 .Ofl feet and whose lc�r,g chord '�ears � 4�°�(�"4�J" E a di��snce af �32.74 feet to a pai,n'� of re�'erge� CU�'V�.�L]T'E'; th�nce ` cnntinuing along said right-�f-way lir�� a�vng a curtre wi�h an arc dir�ta.nce of 71.3f3 feet, a central an��.e of �7°�08 , �7" , a rada.us c�f 110.I�0 feet and whose ].ang chord ��+a�s � 12°34'09" E a c��.s-tance t;rf- 7(}.OG Fcct, tc� thv nQr�herly vornar r��—Lrr� �, Va i ]�I,z.rsn�he�d �'hxrd Fi�ing: ther�ce 5 �0°Clf�'00" W a d��t�nc� e�f 185,8'� fe�t; thence S �7�°5�'S1" E �c� tr.e $outheast cc�rner of s��� L�t 4 � di�t�.nc� of 1�+� .7Ea ���t; thenc� S 83°�5"�0�7" W-a—d1��,c�rxc� c�f 3{3.t3� f��t; �h�nce S 7�° 1�`C�C}" W � di��an�e ��' 135.�^� feet; �her�ce S �6°�4'O(?" W to th� Sotkthwest c�rner �� sai� Lot 4 a �,i�tari�� vf 7�.2� fe�t ta t�he Poa.nt� �� He�innirz�;. c�r�tair�ing I52,66fi s�.�aare fe�t vr �.5 acre� m�r� �r le��, , . . ' � � E�HI��.T A �.�.���',�.:� �. — i.�F�;�r i.! ��•�5�-�?.'�.�.�i.,a,�..:L L �1� o� LcF� �, s.rd p�rt .��: lcat C> i�r�rc�.Y4� ;�,!����i.t►�.�a�c�r�� Fs. s���ivi.��.an t��c�rd�d �.r� �u�k ?�;:� �.� F�;�� �C� i��` t?�� �,w}�;1� t�c���7ss�,=, {�i'4:3�G2'e�lt�[?� �1��L'�: cc1:C,� ���:qr'i�4;,�-•L. Z`�C.i,l"'i��i �J°].t`�� I:?�Z'� ��.T'`G�CY1�..�I',�3•' �r��cribed .�� �a.].�.aw�: $��,iaznin� a� th� ��a�t�.w����r�,y c�ra��,� o� aair.l Lr�t A �l��r,�r� hl 3�°�.'7 "�1" v a disicar�c:e c��' ���. �0 f���, t;o �h� Sc�r��h�:�}.y rz�h*--��i:_ wa� r�f G��r�st Lzr�n�he��? �ircl�; i,�.-,c�r�c� ���z:� a�,id �o,�thYrly rz�;h��- ��-way �n �rc d:i�t;an�� c�f 1G�. �i� a1r�n� �, curyr�r t� t��� ��ft , �ai.�. �urv� h�vin� a radiu� c�f��2 _�l� ����:, a cr.�x�tr�l �����J. cr� 6�.°-#� 'U�" �nd whr��s eh�r� b��r� �1 �fi°3�'�7" E a �.i�t�n�� o� �.a�.�� feet; t�i��c�; S lfi°1.? `�1" E �. ��.s��r�r� c�f �.��. 5:� f�+�t; �h�nce N 8�°�5'�.'�.� �' �. di�t�±�cr� ca� ��.�;� ��et; t�,hence S �2°��'�E�''E �. d�a�t�nc� r�f 15�.C�� :���i; tr� �37� ��ut'r.�at�t�:rl� cc�rner vf ��.�� L�t D, *'rienc� � 8�"��.�U�� �� �.l�.�n� Sc�uvhe�:ly ��t� IinQ � dis�anc� c�f 21(l.�t� ;����., *}��n�� S 1.�"3."1 '�Dq" � � ��.���r:ce af .�.—�5 �e��; �h�nc� S '��'42 '�7" �+? �,� So�thw�st c�xn�r esf ��s.f.� i at D � �i�a'��r��e a£ �6. �9 ���f� i:o t.h� �c�ir-�t af w���.nn�n� �ontainln� fi8,85�. . 29 �qt��r� ���t or 1 .��i �.cr��� ��r� ar ��+��. �: � � ORDINA�CE NO. 32 � S�riss vf 199D AN Q�DINANCE �ESIGNATING AN UN�ERLYI�� Za�E DISTRIGT �F F�BLIC ACCQMMO❑ATIQN TO ALL QF L�T 4 A�TD L�T 7, BLaCK 1, VAT�/LI�NSHEAD THTR� FILI�G, A SUSDIVI�I�� REC��D�� I� B��K �21 AT PAGE 992 �� T�E EAGLE C�UNTY, C�LC3RAD�, CLERK AN� RECaRDER'S REC�RDS, PART OF L�T C, M�RCUS SUBDIVISI�N, A SUBDIVISI�N RECaRDED I� �flflK �55, AT PAGE 70 �F THE EAGLE C�UNTY, CO�QRAQ�� �LERK AN� RECORDER'� REC�R�S A�D AN UNDERLYING ��NE DI��RICT �� HIGH �ENSITX M�LTIPLE �AMILY T� ALL D� IAT D AND � PART fl� LaT �, MpRCUS SUIIdI��SIQH, A SU�DIVYSTO� RECOR��� IN ��4K 255 �T �AGE 7� OF THE �AGLE �OU�TY, �O�QFtAaQ, CLE�K AND REC�RDER'S R��QRUS TD SPECIA� �EV�LOPM�NT DzSTRTCT MQ. 7 , C�MM�NLY �EFE�RED TD A� THE MARRY�T� MARK RES�R�; A�D S�TTT�G F�RTH DETAILS I� REGA�D Tf�ERET�. WHEREAS, �he ex1stiriq Sp�cza� �ev�lvpment District No. 7� Marri�tt Mark �o�ated an LOts 4 , 7 � �, Q, Slnck 1, V�il-Lions�ead 3rd Filing does n�t indicate a specific u�derlying zane district for the purp�se� Qf establishing uses and activities for the Specia� �evelopment Distx�ct: and WHER�AS, �he application has been made by th� MK Carp�ration, Ma�k �odg� Cond�miniums, and Mark Resart and Tennis C�ub to agp�y �nderly�ng zone districts tv Spe��a� ���elapment District No. 7 ; and WHEREAS, the Planning �nd Enviranm�ntal C�mmi�siv� has exgressed th�ir desi�e to clarify the u�de�ly�n� z�ne distri�t tor Spe�ial ae��l��ment �istrict Na. 7; and WHEREAS, the applicatifln of the Hi�h Dens�ty �ulti-family zo�e dist��ct as und�rlying ��ning �a the Speeial Qev�lopm�nt District Na. 7 will allow the applicant ta req�est the timeshar� use fo� Tract � a� de��ribed �� Exh�bit A; and WHER�AS, the applica�ivn of Hig� De�s�t� Multi-Family as underlying zoning correspands with the Qriginal zoning far Tract 1 as described in Exhibit A; a�d WH�REAS, in accardance with SeCtiv� 18. ��. �40, the Planning and En�i��nmen�a� ��x�missi�n on Augu�t 2�, 1��Q, held a public �earing on the proposed zoning amendment and has submitted its r�cammendation vf apprvval tv the Town Cfluncil : and WHE�EAS, the �awn C�un�il has hQ1d a public hearing as ��quAre� by Chapte� 15.�� of the Municipal Code �f th� T�wn �f Vail. NOW, THEREFORE', BE IT �R�AIN�� BY THE TOWN CaUNGIL �F THE TQWN dF VAIL� COL�RADO� AS ��LLdWS: Sectivn i. The Town �aunc�� finds th�t the procedur�� �o� a zoning amendment as se� f�rth in Chapt�r 18. �� vf th� Municipal C��e �f the Town of Vail ha�e been satrsfied, and all of the requirements of the �unicipal C�de of the Tawn of Vail relatinq to zoning am�nd�ents hav� ���n fully satisfied. � � Section �. � � The T�wn Coun�il �ere�y designates an underly�nq 2one district o� Public ACC�m�nddati�n to all of Lot � and L�t �, $�ack 1, Vai1- Li�nshead Third Filing, a subdivi�i�n r�carde� in Bvok 221 at Fage 992 af t�e Eagle Gounty, Colorad�� Clerk and Recorder�s recvrds, part �f Lat C, Morcus 5��division� a subdivis�on recarded �n an�k 255 �t Page 70 af the Eagle County, Cvlvrad�, C1��k �nd Record�r's records refer��d ta as Tract 2 as described in the attached Exh�bit B �nd an unde�lying zon� district ❑f High �ensity Mu�t�pl� Family t� all of Lo� D an� a par� vf Lvt C, Ma�cus Subd�vis�on, a subdivision re�vrded i� B��k 255� at Pa�� 7� af the Ea�le County, C�lorado, �lerk arid Recorder's r�c�rds r��er�ed t� as Trac� 1 as described �n the at�ached Exhibit A far Special Develapment �istrict Ho. 7, (Marriatt Mar� R��ort) . Sec�ion � . �f �ny gart, sect��n, subsectivn, sentence, �lause or phrase of this ordin�nce is far any reason held �a be i�valid, such d�ci�ion s�aii n�� a�f�ct �he validity �f �he r�m�ining portions af this �rdi�ance: and the Town Caun�il he��by declares �� wa��d hav� pass�d this ord�nanc�, a�d each pa�t, sectianr subsect�on, sentence, clause ar phrase thereaf, regardles� �f th� fact that any one er more parts, sections, subsecti�ris, sen�ences, clauses or phrases by declared in�a�id, Sectaon , T�e T�wn Cou�cil h�rehy f�nds, det�rnnines and deel�re� that this ard�nan�� is necessary and praper for t�� he�lth, safety and �elfare �f the Town af Va�l and inhabitants there�f. Sectian �. The r�peal or th� repeal an� reenactm�nt of any pr�visions of V�il Municipal Code as prav�ded in th�s ardinance shall not affect any right which has acc�u�d, a�y duty �mpose�, �ny �ia�ati�n �hat oc�urred �riQr ta the effective d�te her��f, any prosecuti�n cammenced� nar any a�her actian �r pro�e�ding as c�mmenced under ar by virtue o� the pr�vision r�pe�led or repealed and reenacte�. Th� repea� of any pravision he�eb� shali not revive an� provisi�n flr any ordinance pre��ously repealed �r superseded �nless expres�ly stat�d herein. S�ct�on 6. A1I bylaws, vrders, r�soluti�n� and �rdinances, or garts thereof, inconsistent herewith �re n�reby repealed t� the ext�nt �n�y af such incons�steney. This r�p�aler shall nat be cvnstru�d tQ re�is� any bylaw, arder, res�luti�n or �rdinance, or �art thereaf� heret�fare repealed. 2 � � �NTROaUC�Dr R�Ad AN� PASSED QN FIRST R�ADING TH�S d�� Of , 199�, and a pu�lic h�arinq shall be held �n this v�dinanc� on the day vf , 1990 at 7s30 p,m. in the C�uncil Cham�ers vf the Vail Municipal Sui�din�, Vail, Colorado. ordered pub�is�ed in fuil this �ay of � I994. Kent R. Rose, Mayor ATTEST; Pamela A, �randmeyer, Tvwn ���rk �NTROpU�ED, REAfl AN� APPR4VED �N S�C��� RE�DING AND DRd�RED PUBLT�H�� �his da� �f , 199�. Kent R. RQSe, Mayor ATTESTt Pa�ela A. 8randmeyer, Town C1erk 3 � � _ .. �`v, E34�IIB�T A . ,` f,'{ ' , xraczt 1 - L��a� ���crinti��n � � A1�. �af Lc�� D, and p�rt �_f' T.,c�� C, t'forcu� ��.i1��ivi�sic�n, �. aubc3ivi;�ion r��r�rd�d in �?crr,k 25�� �t ��,�+� '�0 c�f t'�a �a��r� C�ea��ty., Luiora��o, [:larls �nd ��cor�9��-'� ��4�r�lr� Upire,� mox•� ��2'��,CLIJ.EL�'�wr . drscrilae+� �a� �o:l�.aws: Be�inrtin�; at t�z� scax�L-hcu�wi:arly c�rn�� a£ ���c� �o� D th�nre I�� I6°17 '21" E s d3.s�;ai�c:�: c�� �39:� . [�0 feet t:t� th� �uuth��J.y right-of- sway a£ '►d�+:�� �i�-�n�h�ad C:irr_:1.�; t;'n�nc� �lca�� ��f.c� �ptiit�x�x-�y rig}��- c�f�wa�► ��,n �rc di�f:artc� of 1G�. 1.i� ��,on� a e:urue t�o th� TefL- , �ai,ci . c�,irvr� l-s�vin� a rad�ue cf. ;��2.ClC� t�at � � c�n�ral �n,��:�. �r� 6!°4�'�C7" �,nd who�� �:l�or�' l���r� N 86°�4 ' �17" E a ��ist�nce c�f � I5�.99 feet� thc�nc� � 1B° 1?`�1°' � � distan�o of 165.53 fac�t; , ther.c� r� 83°�5'��" E �. d�9.t�nc� n� C3. �9 f���.; �hance S ' ��°38'�1'"� a d4.�tar�c� o.� �S�.C�� f��t; 1�,c� t�z+� Southear�t$r1y ��rner af aaid Lat D, �gaeraca � G�^'?.�•�t�.� i� ��,c�rz,� Soutlz�rly lc�t line r� di��Ancr� �f 21[�.C��7 ��R.i�; �}������ S 1�° 3�7 't��" � a diat�nce o�' 3:1.5 f��t; �hen�� S 73°�� ".57'' �J �c� :�ou�n�uc��t; r,�rn�:r ra� ��ic� Lc�1� U a � �i��ance af 26.C�� feeL to '���e �a�nL af l�erxa.�ar�in�r conta�.nin,� � 68,8$1 . 1'� �qu�re £e�� or 1 .5�3 xcr�s �nu�°a or 1¢�s, EX�iIBIT 8 Tr��t ? -- �,e�;�l I�r��ri.���.an All a� ��at� �� s�cl. Ln�, '7 , �1r����r 1 y L�EL3.11'Lir�n�?'ae�c� T�r�r. d �� �.�Il r} r3 :3L}�.7 C��`V 1�:i rt S`1 1'E.'C:C??'C�c�� ].}`! ��E�Cr 1! .����. ct'�; }7 3��, ��r'.' C7?� ��"1£' . �,�.��i. ��Dil!7Ly� �'J�t�Y'�.��C�/ �:��C'�; c:.�7.� ,l:�^�"C}x'L��;7`� � .�r.::�i'C��3� �t,Y'� �?� �rt3ri C, '��;�i�cu�;, :ursdiv�.�{�ri , a. s��t��.:ivi.��.-1c�n r•F�c:c�x°c?i�c3 i.:-i �,o�3t '�'S5 s'� P��� 7(7 c�f ���e Eag3.$ Go�nt�' > Ga��r�.dr�, t�l.�r�l� ��nr� r��:oi^�tc�r`� r�cords, be ini� rnore g�ar�i.cu?a��]y c��r�cr xlk��t� a� :f a l�.�xt•se: ���inn�.n� �t th� Sr�u�,hea�i� r�o�n�r of Lot I3, Marcza� Su'bdi�ri sioz-� . �.kienc� l�a �?2°�D`�1" 'v] a cl i�a�.aracr� cf 15'9.02 £aet; , th�rsc� S �3��5� �la" l�J �. �a,�tat3ce �f �:�.�!� :f��t ; t,henc� N 1�`�.7 '��1" W �� �h� �;cau�,h�°rly r����t�-d�-�r�y �.in� c�� We�t I�i�ar.�h�ar� C�.r�le a t�i��.an�� �af. 1F��. �:;� i'e�t; th�:nce along �a�c3 ; �auuherly r�g�l�,-a�--�;ay an ra.r� di�tanc� +��' �00. 51 �eet .�?ong a curve �,o th� l�:it, ��ir� curv� �-saving a c:entr�� �n��e �f 23`fll"07"' , r� redi�s r�f 3�Z.�10 f�e t� �.nci ��v?�o�e 1.ang cYaorc� h�aara 1� �7° 4f3 "2i3`. F a d�.�t�nc� o� �93.�� �e�t t;a �, pr�int n� ��svera� cu�u�ture ; sai�. curv� h.�vir�g a c�r,#�r-�.1 a��gl.e pf �113°��"52.' , a ra�iz.�� c�£ 2:��.s�C� ���1: �nc3 wh��+� �.�,n� ehc�t•c� br�ar� �1 ��°�v�'32" E a di.�t�.nce of �96. 1i ���t i:o a �air}� v:C r�v�r�� �ur�ra�ur�; t�,er��� F ca:�ta.nuin� ��.an� saici ri�h�t--a�'-w�y �n c�rc c�i,�tance o£ ��.�£7 �e�t. � a cen#�raX �ng�,a ca£ 1�° 1�"�1" , a r��e�i.u� o� 2�U_OU fr��� ar�d wlio�e lang c1�Qrc� bear� td E36°�7y"'�e+" � a ciia�,�nc� �a� �?E.37 feet ta a �aint of reverse curw�.t�:rr� ; t�t�r�nrr� c.c�nl;ir��ir1�3 an ar� distance of 71 . 32 fe��'�, a cer�t.ral �n�;�s �a� Cl'7°47 `U2" , a rar�a.u� o� ��5.C�fl ��et and �ataa�� ].�n;g c4��rc? �r�ar� t3 75°��"'?��. � a �ii�f,a�n�e +�� 7� . �7 �'ep� t� a prai.nt �f t•evers� cur��afi�ut�e; �}�enc� 22_ 5'� �set al�an,� the are o� a� curVe �r� �.he rig�z� witl� � centrsl. an�J.e of 8B°�."7 "(��" > a rscl�u$ cif 15.40 �e�t; �nd whc�a� Ion�z c�ic�rd Ylears S f�5°DS'31., E a ciistanc�e v£ 20,5�, feet; then�� cQntinu�ng �I�ng �ha aae�t�rlY , right���-way line of Li�n�head Pla�e E33. 57 ���t along the arc �f a cur�re ta the rzgt�� wi#;h a �entt�a�. an�le af 28°UU'DQ," , a. radi.us o� 171 .C7U fse� ar�d whpa� 3.�+�-�g c�lo�c! Ibear� S ��°fJD'0(}" E a � d�stanc� 4f �2. '74 7Ee�t �.a a point a£ x�everae curva�ur�; �hence • cr�ntinuing a�an� �a�d rig}3�-of--way line �lc�ng a curve wi�h an arc � d�.�tanc� af 71 .3�} fest, a cem�.ra� an�l� of 37°f3�'17"" , � radiu� of IlU.[�{3 £eet anci wh��e l.csng chr�rd �ear� S 12°3�."09" E a distance � c:,-�- 7(3.C7� �'nct R tcx t}�c� nc5ri:'herlw� ec�rtzar +��L,nt. :�1, Sl�i l..f_I,ianehesd� � TYaird �"i.ling; �hence S 9�°Gt�`�G" W a di€ste�ca o� �.$5.8� fa�t; the�nce S a`�°�6"51" E t;a t;he svu�hea�t cr�rr�er c�£ aa�.d Lot, 4 � � tii.e�.ance o� 13�.7Ca t�et; tt�ence S ��':?9"CJQ'" ��J a�i.i�stanc� v� 3U.i�� f��t; �.he�nce S 7B°1A "O�J" 3+l a c�istanee v� 13�. 64 feet; ther�ce � S fiB°'�4 'C�4�" W ta th� Sc�u�.hwe��. c+arner of ��irl La� �! � �,f.�tance of � 72.29 feet tc� t�h� �'vi,r��. v�' �3���nni.n,�, con�ainan,� ].5�, 66+� sguar$ �� f�et or 3. 5 acr�� more c��r ��s� , , �; f� . . ' � • � � T�: Flanning and Enviranmenta� Co�issi�n FR�M: Car;►munity D�velopment �epartment DATE: Aug��t 27. 1990 �E; A request t� apply an �nd�rlying zvne distric� �f P�bli� Ac�o�m�d�tion all af Lot 4 and L�t 7, B�vck 1, Vail/Lionshea� Third Filing# a subdivisivn rec�rded in Bovk 221 at Page 992 of the Eagle C�unty, ColQrado, �lerk and R�cord�r's rec�r�s, par� Qf Lot C, Morcus Subdivision, a subdiuisian recorded in Bovk �55 �t Paqe 7� of �h� Eagle Cauntyr Col���dor Clerk and �ecarder's reCOrds and a request to apply an under�ying �one district of High Density Mul�ipl� Family to all of Lat � and a part of Lflt C, Morcus Subdivis��nw a su��ivision recorded an Boak 25�, at Pa�e 70 of the Eagle Cou�ty, Colorado� Glerk and R�carder's records. Both gr�perties k�ow as 7I� �est Lio�shead �ircl� (�he Marri�tt Mark Res�rt} . Applacant: M-K G�rpor�tion I. qESCRIPTI�N �F �HE RE�UEST At the April 2�, 199a Planni�g and Environm�nta� Camm�ssio� wo�k session on pr�posed amendm�nts ta SDD No, 7, the PEC reco�nmended t�a� an und��I�ing z�ne district be clearly ide�tifie� for �his Speci�l Devel�pment �istrict. The Pla�ning and En�ironm�ntal Cammissi�n made this request �f the applicant in arder ta clarif� the under�ying ��n� �is�rict. The ��uncil has �1s� �eviewed the original request t� aPP�Y un�erXying zaning. At the Jul� 17, 1990 Cvuncil m�et�ng, C�uncil �eni�d the propasal to apply HDMF underlying z�ning to the en�ire S�D. The m�tivn �� appra�e D�dinance 21 was made by Mexv Lapin and Sec�nded by Kent Rase. The motion �a�led �-5. �ob Levin� and Kent Rose vated in favar of the mo��on and th� remain�n� five m�mbers voted aga�nst the �otian {please see attached minut�s3 . The a�plicant is now pr�p�sing to apply HDMF underlying z�ning to Tract 1 (the western gortivn af th� S�� where th� parkin� struc�u�e is l�ca�ed� �nd P�blic Acc�mm�dati�n �PA} underlying zon�ng t� Tract 2, �he remainder of the SDD. P��ase s�e Jay F�te�s�n's �ttached letter stating the rationa�e �or the request. 1 . • . � � An underlying zvne distr�ct is defined in SectiQn 18.44.Q20, De��natians D as: '��n�erlying �one Distr�ct" shall mean the zane district existing an the prap�rtY, or imp�sed �n the property at t�e �ime that the Sp�cial Develapment �istrict is apprv�ed. As stated in previous memos, �here is sam� qu��tion as �o wha� the underlying zoning was when this Special �evelapmen� district was appr�ved in 1977 . (Pl��se see Sect�an II far backgraund and staff research an the underlying zon�) . A second rea��n for apply�ng HaMF zaning t� Tr�c� 1 is to a11�w for the tim�share use. The HDMF zone district is the �nly ��ne district within t�e Town �f V�xl that all�ws tim�share as a c��ditional use. In Sectian �8 .4�.fl7a ��es ❑f the 5pecia� D�velflpment Dist_ric� it sta��s: �etermination �f gerrnitt�d, conditi�nal an� accessory uses sha11 b� made �y the �1�nnin� and �nvironmental C�mmission an� T�wn CounciZ �s a par� �f th� fQrmal review af th� prapvsed development plan. Unless further restricted by the review o� t�� pr��ased Special �e����pment District, permitted, c�nditi�n�1 and aceessory uses shall be limited to �hose per-mitte�, con�itianal an� acc�ssary us�s �n a pr�perties underl i� zo � �istrict. . . In summary, the purpos� �f applyinq HDMF and FA zaning to the praperty is to clarify �he underl�ing zone district for th� �ntir� SaD� allaw f�r the �im�share use, specifically £or the 56 unit time�hare ex�ansi�� on Tract 1, and t� alsa pravide a quide for �ny future praposa�s th�t ma� be su�mitt�d to the Tawn. II. BACKGR��ND RESEARCH ON THE UNQERLYING ONE �ISTRi�T FQR SdD 1�'+G. 7 The st�ff has piec�d tvg�ther a sequ�nc� of events relating to the Marr�att Marlt Resa�t progerty. W� m�.st em�hasaze that thi� infvrmatifln was taken from the Cammunity Develvgment Department fi1e� and is not conc�usi�re. Belaw i� a summary of this r�search. 1�73 The M�rk Resor� cc�nstruct�d 74 h+�tel r�oms and �.4 cvnzioxninium apartments. This arigina� deve3.opment (east bu�.ldinq) is referenced as having HDMF z�ning i,�t an En�ironm�nt�l Im�act R�p�rt prepare� by �7+��n Ryan dated January, 1977 (Pg 36� . A bui�ding pe;rmit dated May 31, 1973 also references HDMF z+eani,ng. � . • . � � 1977 Qrdinance 3 of 1977 rezcsnes Lv�s 4 and 7 anc� � partic�n c�f Lots 5 and �, Bla�ck 2 uail Lian��ead 3rd Fi�ing fr�m P�t�lic Accammcadation and HDMF to Specia.I. I}evelopa�ent �istrict to �1lvw th� devel�pment o� th� site "in � mo�e innovative manner". How�ver, in xev�,�wing planner sta�f zon� checks in �he file. L�ot 4 �s referenced as �aving HLIMF, Lot 5 - HI]MF, az�d .L,�t 7 - Puhli� Accammvdation zvning, I.ats 4 and 5 relate ta th� w�:stern portian o� the Mark praperty wh�.7� Lvt 7 app�ars to be the Qriginal la� for the v�r� first buil.dinq on �he �astern portian esf the site. 137? A res�xb�l�vi�ion v� Lot 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Sl.ock 1, Li�nsl�ead 3rd Filing was apprvued by the Plan�ing and Environm�n�al Commis�ion. Ple�se nate that the b:tock r�ferenc�s are different for the SDb Qrdinanc+� and fr�r the resu.l�divisi�on 1978 A huiYding pe�it was releas�d fvr the Mark Resart ancl T��nis clu�r which ha� ]ae�n r�ferr�d to as Phase I (secc+nd bui.ld�.ng tca the westy . gJ81 (?r�iinance N�. 25 vf 1981 approved a specific develop�nent g�ar� fc�r Phase 3I which allowed for the cans�ructic�n of t�� con�r�ni�ion center, parking structure, twa additional tennis cc��arts an�d all+�wed 8 fi�replaces in 8 dwel�ing units. 1.981 The bui,lding perm�t far the r�ev�laprnent app�coved t�rdinan�e I�To. 25, comm�anly called Phas� IT wa� released. 1985 Tt�e request fa�7r timeslharing fc�r Fhase II was deni�� 3ay �he Planning Staff. Thi.s request prviceeded to Pla�n�.ng Gommissian and the applicant tabTed indefini�ely. Frr�m this res�arch� it appears that the Special D����.opm+ent Distri�t actua.�ly had twa underlying zone districts. The �astern �at 7 ha� been Fubl ic Accc�tnnrvdatian Zoning. �owev�r, th�is conflicts with �3vhn Ryan's reference ta Lat `� as being zaned HT�MF in his �IR. L�ts 4 and 5 which are to the west of L�rt ? appear ta have b�er► �oned HDMF. Sta�f a1.so c�ntacted Jahn Ryan, who pr�pare�i the arigi.nal ��R in i377, Jim Lamr�nt wha was afl the �'lannins� Staff when the Marriott i++I�rk was re��ewed in 1�77, Danny Cc�r�aran, surv�yar of Ea�le Valle�r Engin���i.ng and Tam Briner, A�chitect f�r the Marrir�tt Resort and Tennis Club in vrder to find out any additi�nal zoninc� in�r��ma�ion. 3 . • • � � In c�.iscussinc� the is�ue r,�ith ,Jim L�mont� he stated t��t �11 lats in the Towr� bef�re �974 had z�nainr�. H� al�o agreed that the s�t�e gro�ably had eith�r f�.ib�ic Ac�omr�odati�n vr HDMF zc�rting vrigina].�y c�r a casnbination thereo�. �'ahn Ryan had no �ecollection crf the pre�r�.+�us zaning. The o�hez parties cc�ntacted we�e unable to provide the staff with any definiti�e underlying zc�ning infe�rmatic�n. �uffic� it tc� sayf that �he �estern property appears tv have been z�ned HDMF. �n th� zvning analysis sectis�n of th� ��rao, staf� has cc�mp�red the prapas�d SDD tcr HDMF ar►d Public Accamnnodatian �c�ning as °t�re11 as the cambin�d HI3MFf FA zonin�. '�he ma�ar differ�nce is th�t Pub�ic Ac�ommadativn zvning al�.ows �sar more GR�'A per site area ( .8�� while HDMF a11�ws for a . 6C� �RFA per si,�.� area. In respect to park�ng, HDMF states °�hat 75� of �the parking mt�st b� in a building ar sc�eened while FA zQning states �.hat 7.5� nf the required park.�ng shal.l be located within the rnain buil.dinc� and hidden fram pub�ic vzew. HDMF als�o allow� for th� tim�share use. Yn all other r�s�ae�ts, the �wc� zone distr�cts have basically th� sa�.te requir+�mertts. III. ZQIVING �{?MPARISflN Th� existing and proposed S�aecia� pevel.opm�nt Districts have been compared to the development all�swed with underly��g zar�ing an Tract 1 crf HD1�F and Public Accc�mmr�d�tion underlying �oning vn Tra�t 2 on �.he attached chart, (Please nnt�e �11 calculations a�n�iude the 10 empl�,ye� housing unit�) . The exa.sting Sp��ial Develc�pment District an� thc p��pc�sed Saa both exc�eed the HD�F and P� �naximum allowance c�f 25 uni�.s per acr�. The existin� SAD t�as 34 uni�.s and �he prc�pQS+�d SI}D wpuld have 47 un�.ts per acre. �I1 �`+espeCt ta GRFA� HDMF 311�WS 41 r 317 sq, $t. f or' Tract 1, With Tract 2, FA z�sning a110ws }.22, 133 sq. ft. for a total c�� 3.G3,4.�0 sq. ft. The existing SaD has �34, (][lq sq. ft. c�f GRFA and the p�oposed 5DD ha� 196,800 sq. ft. ❑f GFtFA. '�he HDMF/FA zon� district allows 127 dwell�.r�g unit� for the s�t�. The ex�s�ing SI7p has 177 dwelling units ane� th� prop+�sed SD�} would have 243 dwe�ling units. The he�ght max�.mt�m far �-IDMF Qr PA is 48 fe�t. The �xi��ing SQd has a height of apprr�a�imate�.y 85 feet at the hic�hest paint whil� the new SDi� �xpansi.vn area will nvt exceed 48 ��et. 4 • � . � � In respect to �;it� �ov+�rage anr� �andscapir�g, both the +existing SaD and th�. propased SDD exceed the requirements fr�� H]�M�/PA. The si.t� csaverage maximurn �s 55� for HDMF or PA. The pragosed SDD has 45� sit� co�rer�ge. The lan�scaping mi.nimum is 3(3� Qf the sit�. With �th� gropased 5DD 56�� rem�ins as �a�dscaping. �n r�spect to setl�acks, 2� �eet is required �on all sides of the prc�perty. Th� 1oui�t SDa �ncroache� in�o the s�tbaCks �n many areas. The new proposal �n the west side af the pr�perty encra�x��es into the 2fl foot se�ba�k on t�e western property line where the r�xa,sting parking structure (�etback o� 5' } is ext�nd�d to the sauth. R1� parking requirements are met per the Tvwn �f Vail parking �ode wi�h �he al�.owanc�: c+f 5 valet p�rking spa�es. Each timesh��re unit has 2 spac€:s anc� each �mpl�yee unit has 1. 5 spaces. IV, EVAL[.TAT�a�T (7F UNOERLYTNG IiD�'+IF ZONE �ISTRICT F�� S�'E�IAL DEVEIAPMEI�'a` I?35TRICT_ t�l'C3. 7 A. Suitab.�lity af the praposed zaninq. '�h� exis�inc� zoriinq is Spe�ial I3eve14prnent District far this sit+�. A specific underlying zane dist�rict is not zd�n�ified in the SDD ardinance. Fr�r the p�acpas� �at clarity, it x� apgrapriate �v �pply underiyinc� HD�IF/'�A zoning ta th� entire SD�. Th� intent �.s to nat tamper �.n any way with tYae existing de�eiapmen� an the sit� but tv pravide an underlyinr� zone district that can be used as a guid� f�r the review of any f�ture proposals. In add:�t�.an, a.t is appr�apriate tr apply HoMF' due to the re+quest� for timeshar�ng for Tract 1. 'Fimesharing wQUld ntat be appr�v�d fa� any ather parti�n of th� SDD un�e�s the app�i�ant requested ta am�nt� �he SDQ in the future. B. Is the am�ndm�nt �res�ntinct a ccsnveni�nt, workable re�.ationship wi�thin land uses �onsis��nt with mun�.cx'�a1. tabj ectives. Staff prepared a char� �itled "Developmen� Analysis" in +�rder �a cvmpare the prapased SDD with �urr4unt�ing prap�rties. As indicated by this ehart, �.here are �. number of properties develvped b�yc�nd what is pr�apvsed on the Marriott €ite suc� as �he Antlers, Lar�dmark, Vantag� Pvint, Mon�an�eros, Lians�quare I,ctd�� and the Doubletree Hotel. Staff b�3.i�ves that the progosal �� i� cs�ncert with many c�f �.he pbli�Cl�S autlined in the Laa�d Use P�an. �he site is identified as being in th� Resc�rt Accom�nvdation and Servi�e C�t�QOr� defin�ed b�l�aw; � • . � � r'This are� Ynclud�� �ctiva.t�es �imed at aecommod�ting the owernight an+� shor� term �isitor to the area. Primary uses inclu�e hat€�ls, ladges, s�rv'ice sta�ions� and parking structur�s �with densf.ti�s up t4 25 dwella.ng units o� �� acc�mmc�datiara uni'�s per buildable ac�e) . The�e areas are �ori�ented ts�ward �ehicular access fro�a I�- 70, wi�h c�ther sup�rart camm��cial �nd �usiness �ervices ir►ckuded. Also all�wed in this categ�ry, would be institutional uses and various municipal uses. " �P�ease see Spec.�al Dev�].opm�nt District Memo con�ern�.ng this project and its rela�ion to the Land Use Plan and surrounding �eighborhoad} . In the Land Use Plan analys�.s, a develc�pment scenarira was seleeted based on mar}�et demands and the desires of the citizenry. Th� P�an s�ates (page 30) : '�The public in�ut h�c� shawn a gene�al satisfactic�� with th� ].oc�tian c�f existinq land uses, wrhich was used �s the faunciatian fa� the preferred dev�lapment alternativ�. . . " The m�s�. i�npc�rtan� gc�als cuil�d from t�e publ.ic meetings we�e �used tc� fc�rmulate the Trends Alterr�atiue. These key gc�als are �s �'aJ.lc�ws: A. Commeacaial i7ses 2) Cc�manercial growth shauld be canc�ntrated pri�arily in exis�ing cvmmercial areas �o accc�mmodate both local and visitar need�. 3) �I�w hotels should con�inue to be lr�cated primarily in the Villag� and Lic�n�h�ad areas. C. Vi��c'lC��IL1flI1St1�3{� Core Areas 1} Increased density fc�r commercia�., residential and lcrdging uses in the �pre areas would k�e acceptab�e sc� lang as the existins� chara�ter �f �ach area is being preserved. This propasal st�pports the Land Use Plan "k�y goals" in that the e�gansic�n oc�urs in an alr�ady developed area of Lianshead, the �ses prop�sed suppc�rt th� des�re for �imeshare, and the design of th� prc�posal is respectful �� surrounding properties and �he charact�r of the West Lir�nshe�d Circle area. � � ' . � � C. D�es the rez�ninq pr�vid� for the �rowth of a� orderlv, v�ah1� camrnunitv? The staff beli�ves that th� Sp�c�al Develmpment Dis�rict expansian do�s prov�de for the arderly develvg�ent af the c�mmunity, W� believe that the praject enhances many �f the community's goals outlined �n the Land Use Plan, The tim� shar� us� is alsv specifi�a��y given supp�rt i� the Land Use Plan. The su�tability f�r thi� pr��erty far infill develapmen� is discussed in de�ail in the SDD m�m� in resp�ct ta tra�fic, density, design etc. wh�c� a11 relate to "arderly de�relc�pm�nt, " IV. STAFF REC�MMEId[�ATIQN The staff recommends apprava� r�f the application of the High aensity Multi FamiJ,y z�ne district to Tract 1 �nd Publi� A�c��mvdativn tv Tract 2 as und�rlying zane d�.stricts tv the Sp�c�al Develc��ment �istrict No. 7 . We he�ieve the request meets all of the three criteria fo� a zanin� review. It is vur vpinion from sta£f research �hat �he underlyirag zQning on Tract 1 a�pears tcr have been HL]MF �nd Tract 2 apgears to have been zoned PA and possibly H]�MF. B� appr�ving the requ�st, the underlyin+� z�ning is clarif�ed fc�r the exi�ting 5�7� an�d any pc�ssa.bI,e fu�ure �DD amen�ttt;ents. 7 � � � � �n �a � � � � � ❑ m � �' � ,� � a � � � � '.' L1. � , � � � � cv� � � ,� ,� � � ` ;� `r' rt- � �- � �r ,�- �rs cn � � � � � � b ao �r ry � � ra € � � .� ` _ _ � a N � � � � � � � � �; � � o � � � � � � o � � � � C!] � ►r� '�" c'� � �°, � m rn� � � � � 'm v, En ,� o � � � c� C] Q � �( � '"' � � �, ea � � . �{„� d � � #� T CL CL. � � �J � Q.. ` E� � G � � .e�+� �a � �.n +-� � (� fff +.! L �.! 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PETER5C3N L�ATE: Ai�G�3ST 2 4, 19 9 a R�: REZON�NG C7F THE MARRI��`T MARI€ HOTEL Dear Kr�stan: Th� fc�llawing is a quick syn�psis vf wh� we are current].y a�sl��ng for a rezaning o� S�D�7 �o Public Accr�rnmadati�n, and High Density Multi-Fam.i�y. During the �ourse af working with the Town Staff and the P�.anning CQm�znission it became evir�er�t that the underl.ying xc��e district for SDD�7 was �v�newhat contused due to past dacumentatian Qf SDD�7 . Fairly late in th� grocess and during presentatian ta t�e Planning C�r�n�.ssio� it was suggested by the Planning Co�smissic�n that in ord+�r tc� clear u� any past con�usion reg�rding uatderlying z�ning and in order tn hav� a base line frQm which to compare the progosed changes in the Sgec�al De�rel.apmeazt District w� shou�.d request a rez�ning c�f the� property �tr� an underlying zon� district. We therefnre cr�mpli�d with that reguest. We th�n �ubmittsc� an appli�atic�n to zan� th� property "HL3MF'' as �.hat wauld all,ow the use for time-�harang. D�v�,aus�.y the standar�is set farth in the original SDD �rdznance, as amended from ta.me ta tiine, wo�ld c�a�trol the entire project, Aft�r being passed on first x�ading by the Tawn c�f Cc�unci�., th� Town Cve�nci� decided nat to r�zc�ne the prc�perty anc� turned dQwn the �rdinanc� on ��cc�nd readang. The reasons r,�ere sc�mewhat c+�nfusing, h�wever, based upon review af the videv tapes af the IIiE.'��'111C�Sr 3t w�uZd appear that the major c�ncern w�s that t�.me-sharing cc�uld then �� used a!n �he exis�ing hatel. W� therefQre revised our reques� fQr re�vt��ng to plac� a portivn of the prc�perty upvr� whz�h the e�istint� hvtel is situatec� in the Puk�lic Accommvdativn zvne wh�.ch would rtat allaw time-sharing and whi�h best confvrms the existia�� uses and density an the �i�e, At the sam� time the portion �pon which th� �ime-sharing proj�ct wauld be situat�d wc�u�d be placed inta the High Density Multi-�Fami]�y zane wh�ch wo�z�.d a11aw the time-shar� use and which wc�uld also best cvn�a� ta the ttses and density which we gr�gQSe. � I '4 � _ � � - �emnrandum Aug�at�t 2 4, 19�0 Page 2 Whi,l.e there is no Iega� �equirements far the sezcrning of th� prvperty we felt .�t was impc�rtant to address the cr�ncerrts of the fiown Staff and the Planr�i�g Cammission �c� nat vnly clarify p,ast zoning on the pr�perty, but a�.�o t� have an underlying zane distric� �or co�parisvn purpases only. �uring the �ast Tvwn Council meeti.ngs the rezcsning issue was ccsmpletely blc�wn out of shape by Jim Lams�nt, gi�en the f�ct that the Sgecial t��We�.apment I?i�trict t]rdznanc� eontrvls a�I facets vf the prvject and the �nd�r3.ying ze�ning farms na ba�i� far c�n�rvl ex�ept as stated in th� S�eGial. Develapment i�istrict Ordin�nc�. If ya�t have any questic�ns ple�►se cc�n�act me a� my affice. . ° � � �IN�T�S VAIL T4WN C�UN�IL ME�TING JU�Y 17, 199� 7:3� P.�. A regu�ar meeting �f the Vail Town �auneil was held on Tuesday, July 1l, 1��0, at 7:30 p.m. , in the Councij Chambers of the Vail Mu��icipal Buil�i�g- ME�BERS PR�SENT: Kent Rose, �ay�r T�m S�einberg, May�r Pra-Tem Lynn Fritzlen Jim Gibson M�rv Lapin Rabert LeVZne Peggy �sterfass MEMB�RS A6SE�T: �one TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: RQn Phillip�, Town �a��g�r Larry Eskwith, Town Att�rn�y Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk T�� fir�t ite� was a te� year �mployment anniversary awar� ta Linda Barea. Rvn Phillips gave brief backgrou�d information �n �inda who is a B�s Draver with the Pub�ic W�rks/Transportatio� �epartment. Skip Gerdan made s4me additianal c�mments, and Mayor Rvse thanked �inda for her hard wvrk and her years �f �ervice, �he next order vf bu�ine�s was Ci�iz�n Par�icipation. There b�ing non�, Counci� moved an to the third it�m �f business, Item three 4� the agenda was a Cansent Agenda, Ba�ed an C�uneil reque�t, Mayor Rose stated all �terns would be han�l�d separately. Item A was 4rdSnan�e No. �4, Series vf 1990, second reading, an ordinance amending �r°dinance PJ�, �0, Series of 1990, Speei�l Qevela�ment �istrict No, 4, Se��ian I8.4fi.100 C, aensity Floor Area, Area C Glen Lyo� duplex lats tv provide fnr grvss residential floar area to be c�lculated p�r the requirement �f th� �rimary/se�ondary zan� dts�r�ct Section 18.13.a8Q de�sity Control ; a�d setting far�� details in regard thereta (Appl �c�n�; 75°Ja ❑f Glen Lyon su�division pr�per�y vwners) . The title was read in fu11 by ��ay�r Rose. Kristan Pritz and Sh�lly M�11� made a brief pr�sen�atian. J7nm Gib�on stated cancerns regarding add�ti�nal GRFA requests, with 5helly respan�ing that this change was in �otal ca�formity with current zoning and lat size, Shelly �e110 stated th�re had been no specific reasan for �he 4,�p0 5quare foot restri�tivn on GRFA 7n regards to �ega�ia�io� issue, and that the develop�r had �a�untar71y agree� �o this pravision in �rder �� ensure the quality of the s��divisio�. Tom Steinberg movQd to a�prove this ordinance on se��nd reading, with a secand cam�n� fram Meru Lapin. A v��e was taken and the mo��on pass�d unanimausly 7-�. Item B under the Consent Agend� was �rd�nance No. 23, �eries af 1990, se�and reading, an ordinance amend7ng S�ction 18.26.440 �f �he Mun���pal C�de tq in�l�d� as a conditi�nal use "Tel�vis�on 5��tia�s" in t�e Commerc�al Care II zon� distric� �Applicant: Ua�l/Beaver Cr��k Teleuisiv� N�twvrk} . Th� full title was rea� by May4r Rose. �ike Mollica stated �here h�d been an� chang� only, and tha� was ta "Sectian I . D��initi4� of TU 5�ations." Bill Perkins, represent�ng the �p�licant sta�ed he did have a question in regard tQ t�e term "s�telli�e dish," and further questions an �he two faot d�ameter requirement and exemptions. �urther discussiv� pra�pted deieting the verbiage for �atelli�Q �ishes from the end of S�ction I . Peggy Osterfass aisv r�quested clarification of the productio� studio and what view� would �e available �o the public. 8��1 Perkins stat�d the public wo�ld b� able to view insade the prmduction eq�ipment �ith seating provided wi��in �he studio, and ariot�er studio for taping interviews wa�1d �� an the walkway �mmediately �o the exteriar a� that �tudia space. R�b LeVine maved to pass �rdinance �d. 23 a� �eGOnd reading, �ith a secvnd coming frflrn Tom 5t�inberg. A vot� was taken a�d the m�tiQ� passed unanimously 7-0. �ike Caciappa spake aga��st t�e app�av�l o� thi5 ordi�ance indic�ting that he had a seriaus problem with t�e lvcativn af ���2V1Sid� studios on the first �loor level , in that this has previausly beeri reserved for re�taurant or retail spaee and shvuld �e the continu�d use in Commercial C�re I and II , and that if �he C�uncil wer� to apprave this ardinan�e, it wauld '"smack af sp��ial priviiege a�d el�ction payoffs." . ' � � Item C under the Consent Agenda was �rdina�ce Na. 25, 5eries of 199�, seeo�d readi�g, an ordinance amendir�g 5�D �o. 23, Vail Natio�a� Bank, Part af L�t a, Biock 2, Vail U311age Znd Filing, 1�8 Sauth Frontage �oad Wes� �Applicant. Vai� National Bank 8uilding Corp. } . �ay�r Rose r�ad the title �f the ordi�a�ce in fu�l . ��ke �o�lica i�dicat�d numerous changes to the "Whereas" s�ction at the beg�nnin� of the ordinanee had been �ncluded based a� a req�es� by Merv Lap�n. These ch�nges w�r� to ac�nawledge the singular and uniq�e situation in which the Bank finds }tself. Jim Gihson h�d questiq�s �n regard t� future use af this parking fac�� ity and the riqht-vf-reverter clause. �pecifically, he asked whether the reverter clause had been liftQd, stating the reverter �lause was af same issue 6ecause �f i� the fut�re the medical facility were nat aocated on this site or if the s�ructur� were destr�yed and not to be re6uilt, Vail A55aC���85 cauld once again �btain exclusa�e use of this portian �f land which w�uld then �egate any parking arrangement the Vail National Bank Suilding had with th� �edical �enter. Larry Lichlit�r with Vai� A�s�ciates �cknawledged the reverter c�ause �it�ation and s�at�d t�e claus� had not been lift�d. Ho�ever, the si�uati�n was on� with w�ich they had dea1t. Fo] lowing discu�sion, �a'b LeUine moved t4 approve Ordinance �o. 25, with a �ecvnd �oming frvm Kent Rose. At this �a�nt, Jay �eterson asked ta tab�� this vrdinance in order t� c�arify the reverter clause question. �ob L�Vi�e wlth�rew h�s motion, and Ke�t R�se his secvnd. Peggy Osterfvss then move� �o ta61e this Ordinance No. Z5 to th� August 7 meeti�g, w��h a second ��mi�g fra� Jim Gibs��, A vo�e was taken and the motion passed �-�, with 7om 5teinberg and �erv �api� apposing. The fourth it�m of business was �rdinanee N�. �1, 5eri�s of 1990, second reading, an ardinanc� design��ing an ��derlying z�ne district a� h�gfi de�sity multi-fa�ily ta Special DeveTo�m�nt �istric� No. 7, eommonly referred �o as the Marrio�t Mark Resort? and setti�g f�rth details in regard thereta (714 West Li�nshead �ircle, Lots 4, 7, C, a, �7�ck 2, Vail-L�onshead 3r� F��ing) (ApPlicant: M-K Corpora�ion, �ark L�dge Cond�min�u�s, ar}d �ark Resort & Te�nis Club� . �ayor R�se �e�d �he full tlt�2. K�15t�� Pritz presented a br�ef �i�tory re�at�ng to the applie��ion of HD�� zoning to the Special Qevelopmen� �istri�t. Because this item �ad be�n presented in its ent�rety at the �u�e 19 evening meeting, Kristan fatused vn cha�ges that had vc��rr�d s�nce that m�eting. The GRF� had bee� reduced to 58,8a0 square feet, whi�h was � refle�tian af �� timesharin� �nits at ap�raxi�a�ely 1,D50 square �eet per uni�. Ned Gwa�h�ey, arch�tect f�r t�e project, explai�e� tha� a c�mputer analys�s prese�ted a refinement o� the pla� and had alt�red the original fig�res and reduced the t�ta� �RFA by appraxi�at�7y 8,400 squar� �eet. Kristan explain�d the cvns�derativn �f both the flrdinan�e No. 21, as pr�vio���� stated, as well as Ordinance Nv. �2, rela�ing t� a�en�ing the S�D No. l to a11aw timeshare, cauld be di�c�sse� in the same arena, bu� she asked specific�lly t�a� ind�vidual votes �e taken on each of those �r�inances. From resQar�h staff had put tvgether, it appeared the 5�� actually had two underly��g zone distric�s. T�e eastern LQt 7 h�d publiG a�cQmmoda�i�n �an�ng. �vwever, that was in cvnf���ct with Jahn Ry�n, who had pre�ared the ❑rigina1 EIR in I977 and referenced Lvt l as be�ng �on�d HDMF in his EIR. Lots 4 and 5, w�ich are tv the west ofi Lot 7, app�ared t� �av� be�n zone� H�MF. S�aff reco�rnen�at�nn for using th� NaMF zone district as an und�rlying zane district tv the SDQ Nv. 7 was t�en presented. Krist�� nated several areas r�gar�i�g HDMF zoning that made this zonin� app�ar ap�rvpr�at� an� appiTCable �o the Marr�att site. �erv Lapin then rai�ed the issue abo�t th� appropriaten�ss af the HDMF underlying zon�ng far all three lats at t�e Marr�ot� site. A discussian ensued and it was pointed out by the Town Attorney t�at the �n�erlying �oning w�uld af�ec� the uses �pecifi�ally fvr the 5D� a�d that the Cauncil �hould consider the �riteria fr�m the Va�l Land Use Plan and wh�t�er this was a furth�ranc� �f that Land �se Rlan. At this point, Peter �amar, Jay Peterson, Kaiser �orcus, Ned Gwa�hmey, Jeff Jacquar�, and John 5ween�y were in�ro�uce�, all as representativ�s af the Marr7ott Mark applicatio�. Pe�er Jamar responded �� suggestaons made by members of t�e Counci� at t�e Jun� 1� �ee�ing �nd indicat�d tha� four revisions, cQmrnitments, and clarificatians wer� being propos�d in a memo from t�e appl �cant dated July 10, 1990. �> GR�A The previvus GRFA tatal pra�osed was 71,2�0 square fe�t, exc�uding 4,0�0 far the �en employee uni�s. After further study and analysi� af the flvar plan, the appli�a�t proposed ta r�duc� the t��al to 6�,80� square feet. Both figur�� anclude the 4,OQ� square f�et for ernployee un�ts. 2. Ar�hitect�ral features of existin� hotel exteriar P�ter said at had h�en s�ggest�d that in addition to the�r pr�vious cnmmitmen� ta repaint the �xterior a� the e�isting hntel' , they wo�ld study alter�tiflns of the balconies i� �rder �� impra�e the building' s appearance. Feeling this was an ex�ellent suggestion vn t�e Council ' s part, the applicant was inv�sti�ating variaus design soluti��s and �gr�ed to include a new balcony des�gn in the project. _�_ � � � 3. Time shari�g �ue t� s��eral qu�stion� regarding the timeshare n�ture of the expansion� the app�icant had pr�pared an informat�onal m�morandum addre�sing specifi� questia�s and this was includ�d in t�e Cauncil packet. 4. Left turn lane As a point �f clarification, the app�ic�nt fully understaod that �f far svrne reasvn t�e overall fund�ng stra��gy fvr Frontage Raad �mpr�vements is n�t estahlished pr�ar to issuance af the applicant'� c�r��ficate of accupancy, the applicant may be r�span�ib1e far 1�0� �f t�e cvst o� the l�ft t�r�� la�e off the Fro�tag� �oad t� West Lio�s�ead Circle with a right af re�mbursem�nt f�r e�sts exc��ding their fai� share at �ame fut�re date should an overal� fundin� mechanis� be �ut into place. Kaiser Morcus stated that a $4.5 m�llian upgrade had �e�� plann�d for the Marrivtt faci�ity, an� tfiis wo��d incl�d� a total r�f�rbishme�t of �he interior as �well as t�e exter�or. Rs far as mainten��c� of the new building, Karts�r �x�lained th�re was a reserve fund �hat �ad bee� �stablishe� whi�h represent�d ten percen� of the �otal operating fund to upgrade a�d �aintain the r7�w faeility. At this pv§�t, Jay Petersnn re�inded Cou�Gil t��t the app� 3cant was establis��ng und�r1ying zon�ng and nat changing it; that the original zoning had been placed back in I973. �indy Jacabs�n pr�s��ted ca�ments n�gative to the granting ta th� appraval af this ordinan�e. �i� �am�nt also spak� about the SDn special laws a�d whe�her this was being handl�d in a pracedura�ly correGt manner, he nated that with �h� two xvni�g distriets involved in this proper�y and the mast restrictive use should apply. He stated his cnncern about fra��io�ala�ativn �� accpmmo�ation u��ts and prote�ting the bed bas� and �anventia� business for �he L��nshea� ar�a, as well as the Town of Vai� . Kaiser Morcus reTter�ted his desire t� eater to canventian bu�iness. Eric Affeld� sp�k� in rega�� tv clari�icataon o� th� underlying zoning bei�g �DMF, a�d restat�d the actual iocations af the parcels in question. Jim Gibsan expressed his �vncern with Ordinance No. 22, the ordina�c� allowing tim�share de�elopmen� at the M�rria��, and stat�d the �e��rt rec�ived �r�m �he �pplica�t seemed very subjective. He felt that maintenance o� pri�ately owned praperties was certainly more desirable �han �he tim�share scenario. Merv �apin then made a rna�i�n t� approve �r�i�ance No. 21, bas�d on his scrutiny af tne surra�nding ��i�hbnr��od a�d no�ing t�at the Vail Sp� acrvss �he �treet currently is zaned HDMF, Ant��rs CCII , and the Enzian CCII. Tom Steinb�rg se�onded thi� motion. Tam 5teinherg then withdrew his se�mnd �xpl�ining �� beli�ved th� eastern lot, i .e. , the actua� MarriQtt physical facili�Y, was ta r��ain ��blic accammodati��, and when he und�rsto�d this was nat sa, withdrew his secand af that mat�on. Kent Ras� the� sec�nded �erv Lapin"s mo�ian to approve Ordinance �o. 21. Rob LeU��e stat�d t�at �v�n if �he Cvunci� a�praved both Ordinan�e �as. �1 and 22 on this evening, if the a�plicant wante� ta do s4mething outside the current SD�, he would haue to came in again for a major am�ndmen� to the SDD. Mer� Lapin called the moti�n. A v��e w�s �ak�n a�d the m�tian failed �-5, with Rob LeVin� ar7d Kent R��e vDting fv� ap�roval vf �rdinance No. �1, and the remaining �i�e members of Counci� voting against. Based on this v�te, Jay Pet�rsa� requ�sted �rd��ance No. ZZ, 5er��s �f 199�, be tabled to the n�x� regular me�ting of the Va�l Tow� Cauncil , August 7, 1990. PeggY Osterfass rnoved ta table Ordinance Na. �� ta th� R�gust 7 mee�i�g, w�th a se�ond cam�ng from Ro� LeVin�. A vote was tak�n and the motion passed unanimausly 7-0. Eric Affeldt then requested a syn�psis of �he v�te, ��th reasvns frflm each af the Councilme�bers t� explain t�eir vot�s. Rob LeVi�e st�ted in order to protect the T4wn of Uai� z�ning, the ent�re �arcel , i .e. , a1� lats, HaMF seemed �v make ��e �ost sense and was a cleaner SDa. There was a process alr�a�y s�t �p for further review and change and he felt th�t the Town had exp1icit protectivn. Lynn Fritzlen fe�t it was important ta estahlish underlying zoning, but felt that any increase an �ulk and mas� �hauld ��t be ad�ressed o» a s�ngular ba�7s. Tom Steinberg felt t�at hav�ng split zo�ing on the property was i�apprnpriat�. Kent �ose �e1� much the same as R�� LeUine� stating that the H��F already existed on this �areel , a�d he felt that �D�F f4r t�e western parcel was m�re apprapriate and s� sh��ld b� ackn�w�e�ged as the vverall ��ning. Merv Lap3n stated that �e was again�t timeshar�, a�t�ough h� di� �ee� that HDMF was �he appropriate zoning for this particular parcel . H� stated he was aga�nst timesharing �ecau�e of the numer4us foreclflsure nati�es he sees f�� tirneshare own�rs in Eagle County. Pe9gY osterfoss sta�ed she vated against t�is ordinance �eca�se sh� a�jected to changing density independent of t�� appr�val of the ard�nance am�nding the SDD. Jim Gibsan stated he was against the ardinance because of th� un��r�ain quality of times�are prajects, a�d that HD�F wa�ld allow �he ti�eshare use. The �ime being I0:30 p.m. , May�r Rose call�d fvr a �ive min�te br�ak. _�_ ' � � Th� next item af business was flrdi��nce �o. 19, 5eries of 1�90, f9rst readin�, an or�inance mndifying Sectian 18.�3.080�A} �f �he �unic�pa� Code �f �he T�U regarding density can�roi �ar t�� primary/secandary zane �is�ri�t (Appli�a�t: Town of Vail ) . �ayar Rvse read the fuli ti�le �f the ordin�nce. A��y Knu�tsen st�t�d this amending ordinance was ta corr��� a typographical errar. Make CaciQp�a asked qu�stians in regard to t�e af�eet this ordinance w�uld have on his persona� property and was satisfie� w��h the inp�t fro� staff. 70� 5teinberg made a rnotion to appr�ve Ordinance No. 19 on �ir�t reading. Lynr� Fritzlen secon�ed that motian. A vote was taken and the moti�n passe� unanimaus�y 7-0. Next was �rdinance �fl. �4, Series of 199a, ��rst reading, an ord�nance making supplemental a��ropriatio�s fram the Town of Wail genera� f�nd, capita� prQjects fund, Co�rnuniti�� fvr �rug-Free Eagle Valley �und, special �arking assessme�t fund, Vail marketing fund and the re�l est�te �ransfer tax fund, af th� �99a budget a�d the f�na�cial plan for the Tawn �f Va� l , Cvlarado; and a�th�rizing the expe�dit�res af said appropriat7ans as set f�rth herein. �ayor Rose rea� the fu11 title. �erv Lapin suggested he ordinarily was nat in favvr �f supplemental ap�ropriatian ordi�ances, but in this �ase, the majarity of items were rgl�a�ers fram 1989 and passage was appropriat�. J7m Gi�snn n7o�ed tQ appro�e Ordinance No. 24, with a secand cvming fram Tam Steinberg. A vote was taken and the mot7on pass�d ur�animvusly 7-�. The next ite� of busjness was Ordinan�e �a. Z8, 5eri�s of i99�, fir�� reading, an ordinance am��ding the plan dgcument of the Town af Vail emplayees' pen�ion plan; and s�tting f�rth deta�ls �n regard �hereto. The full �itle was r�ad �y May�r Rose. C�a�°lie Wick stated tha� the ne�� �hree items, �rdina�ce �a. �8, �rdinance N�. 29„ and 4rdinance No. 3� w�re n�ar�y identi�al dacuments, that state law r�quires separat� dacume�ts far police and fire as �pposed to Towri of Uail emplayees' pension plan, and they �us� �e reuiewed independently of each. Merv tapin mav�d �o apprave Ord�nance No. �8 on first readin�. Lynn Fritzl�n secvnded �hat mot�vn. A vote was taken ar�d �he moti�n passed unanimousl� 7-�, �rdinance Nv. 29, Series af 399Q, fir�t reading, a� ord7�ance amendi�g the ��wn"s Pvlice and Fire pensivn plan document s�bje�� �o a�praual by sixty-five per�ent (55%) of th� Town'� F�1ice an� Firemen; and setti�g farth detai1s in regard �h�r�t�, was n�xt on �he ag�nda. Mayor Rase read the titl� in fu11 , Charlie �ick stated that an electi�n had be�n held an �u1y � and 3, 199� at t�e �ail Munic�pal Bui �ding f�r the Tawn o� Vail and th� results were as follows. 7he Tvwn of Vail has 15 swarn fire per�annel with 13 vates cast far �mendment six; one v�te against amendment six; and ane fire per$an�el nat vating; ther@far�, 93 perc�nt vated tor ame�dment six. Tn regard to the police elec�i�n, the T�wn o€ Vail has 2l swvrn pa�3ce persannel ; 22 vates cast �ere far amendment s�x„ none voted against am�ndmen� six; and five police p�rsQnne� did nat �ate, therefare, 8� percent af the sw�rn palice pers4n�e1 voted for amendment six. In arder to pass, �5 percen� sworn p�rsannel �ust vote an �n issue. Merv Lapin mmv�d to apprave �r��nance Na. 29 4n first reading, a�d Lynn Frit�len seconded that mati�n. A wote was taken and �he matian pas�ed unanimQUSly �-a. Item ten on the agenda was flrdinance NQ. 3a, 5eries �f 19�0, first reading, an or�inance amendi�g the trust agreement pur�ua�t to the �own of �ai7 e�pl�yee�' p�nsio� p1�n; and �e�ti�g forth d�tails in r��ard ther�to. The f�ll titl� was read by �ayor Rose. This a�endment allo�ed V��D to have a voting member on the �aard of Trustees far the Tawn of Uail Emp�oy�es' P�nsion Plan. Merv Lapin moved ta approve this ardinance, a�d Lynn Fritzlen se�onded the motian. A vote was �ak�n and the moti�n passed unanimously 7-0. Item e��ven was an appeal af a Planning and Environ�enta� GQmmissi�n decision regarding �he PEC's denial of a requ�st fvr a height varian�e �or an a�ditian tv Condvmini�m Unit E-6, Lot P, 610�� 5�, �ail Village ls� Fi� ing {14� East M:ea�aw �rive - �rossroads Condarniniums) (ApQlicant: Sid Schul�z far H. Wi117am Smit�) . Mike Molli�a request�d that Caunci7 uphvld o� averturn the decision of the PEC. The PEC at the�r June 25, ��90, p�b�ic �earin� had unani�a�sly denied the requested he�ght varia�ce, t�at vote b�ing 6-0. Merv Lapi� stated th�t he Qwn�d 50 percent �nterest in Unit C-1 of Crassroads, which disqual�fied �im fram votin� on this issue, sa he stepped down fram th� hearing. To� 5tei�berg d�vu1ged that he had a 3 p�rcent in�erest in a martgage �� a �nit at Crossroa�s, but did not feel �hat was a signi�icant co�filict, �o he apted �o vote Qn the 7t�m. Jay �eter�on stated he was a� �ttorney repr�sen�ing �h� a�p�icant, and Sid Schultz was the architect an hehalf af �h� app�3cant. S�me di�cu��ivn ensued in regard to whether vther condominium owners had been notifi�d of this req�est f�r the use of their �o�lective �R�R, and Merle 5achnoff, w�� is secretary of the ass4c7atio�, stated lett�rs had been sent ou� �v 22 con�vmini�m owners with 20 respanding they wer� in fav�r �f thi� additian -4- � � � � and �wo uo�ing agair�st. R�d 5lifer spoke on behaTf of th� applicant, statir�� it was importan� to encaurage upgrad�ng of old+�r facilities within the Town of Uail . Lyt�n Fritzlen v�iced her dis�vrrtent w�th the pracedures stating that she wauld pref�r having a p�licy s�atement rather than treating this as a singuTar i�erri. Mike Mallica stated na adc�it��nal parking req!uirement woulc# be n�cessar� since the tatal square feet af th� unit, irrcluding the addition, wa�ld nvw eome tv J.,695 sq�are feet. Peg�y �ster�ass noted that this wa� r�at l �ke other in-fil1 in the Village, and was mc�re an ext�nsian �f an existing areinitectural el�ment. PeggY a��erfoss moved tQ uphold �'he Planr�ing C��miss�on"s decision for denial af this r€quest, with a second com�ng �rom Kent R�se. Her findings included that this would be a gran� of spe�ia� pr�ivi�ege beeause the buildin� itself is not a physical hards�T�. A vote was ta[cen and the motion pa�ss�d unanimausly 6-p. At th�s ps�int, 5usie �ruce, wh� was not represented by counsel , requested an audiente with the Towr� Counc�l ta discuss the Tease for space currently held by �he Tawn of Vail in `��he Village Inn p�roject. H�r questions related �o the term of the lease as we11 as the CPI �r adjustment over time. St�we Barwick's recr�rnmendatian was ta cnmpr�rnise, with the rnarket value adj+�stment af��r �Five years. He suggested tFrat arr appraiser shpuld evaluate the praperty, �`his wvuld guarantee after a five year peri�d of time, the Town of Vail would be getting its equitabl� �easehvld space amo�int. The Council unanimausly agr�ed and gave directivn to staff �v proceed with signing of the �ease with Ms. Bruce. There be�ng no fur�h�er business, th� meet�ng wa�s adjvurn�d a� 13.:45 p.m. Respect�Ful �y submitt�d, ,7 � Kent R. �vs�, Mayor AT�ESl'; �`J��,�° �.,�-d,��'�.�.�r�.�.--�' Ram�la A. Brandmey�er, Town' Clerk Minut�s taken by Pam Brar�dm�yer �r�_ , � � QRDIAiA,�iCE Nf}. 22 �ERI�S {�F 1.�9t3 AI3 QR�INAriCE AM�AdDIN� SPECIAL LIEVELL3PM�NT D�STRTC�' NQ. 7 CC3MM�7P1'LY REF'ERRED '�0 AS THE MAi�RIOTT MARI� RESORT �A317� THE DEV'ELOPMENT PLAN IIkT ACCC3RDAN�E WITH CHAPTER 1$ . 40 flF 'T'HE VAIL A�'N�C�FAL CQ�E AN�7 SETTING FtJR'�'H DETA�La IN REGAR� THE�2:ET� WHEREI�.S, Chapt��c 18. 417 of th� �a�.l. A'Iunic%pal Code author�,zes Speczal I]eve3.op�ent Dis�ricts within the Tawn; and �THEREAS, �gec�al D€ve�,opment District No. 7 far de�elapm�nt of Lvts 4, 7 , C and D, B1ock 1, Vail, Lianshead Third �'iling was ori�inally app�oved by C�rdinance No, 3, Series af 1977, and su}asequentl� amend�d by ardinar�c� No. �5, 5eries of 1981 and drdinance No, 6, 5eries of 1982 ; and WkiER�P,S, �.he Applicant and Owner {M-K Cr�rparativn and Marri€�tt Cvrpvration) desire t� mak€ amen�dments to �pecial Dev�el�pment District N'o. 7; an� WHEREAS, the Aruen�iment t❑ Special Dev�lopment 1�is�rict N�. 7 will insur� uni�`a.�d and coordinated develc�pm�n� within the Town of Vai3 in a mann�r �uitable for th� area in which it is situate�d; and WHE�EAS, the Flanning Carnmission has r�cammended apprava�. a� the mvdYficati4n tv Special Developrnent �istric� fi7o. 7 ; and WHER�AS, �he Town Council cansiders that �t is reasonable�, apprap�i,�te and beneficial t�o the Tawn and its citizens, inhabitants and �isitors ta amend Special Development Di.stric� Nc�. 7 . N[3�nT� THEREFdRE, BE IT C1F2DAINED BY THE TC�TnT�I' C{]U�C�L C?F THE T�fnTN` OF �,�'A�L, CC}�4RAD0, THA'I`: SECTI�N 1. Amendrrtent ,prQCedures fulfilled. PJ.anninr� Gommiss�on rapart. The approval prflaedures prescribed in Cha�t�r 18 . 40 c�f the Vail Municipal Cc�de have been fulfilled, az�d the Town Council has ree�eived the report of #�he Planning and Enviranmental Commission recammending approval of the proposed de�relog�rent plan for Sgecial Develcrpment �istrict No. 7. S�CTIC3N 2 . A�nenc�ment ta Prior ord�.nances. �,mendrnent prda.nar�ce 1�0. � , Seri�s of 1977, Grdi�anc� Na, 25, Seri�s nf 19F�1 at7d �rdinance No. 5+ Se�ies af 1982 ar� her�by amended by �he additi+�n of Part II to r�ad as fa�laws: A. St�ecia�l Develop�nent District �T�, 7 . Part �I af Special I�evelapment District No. 7 ("SD�7"� and The Dev�lc�pm�nt �Ian as herein a�'t�r d�fin�d anc3 se� f�r�h is �i�r�by apprc�v�ed for the �.ontinuing develvp�n�nt vf Lats 4, 7, C and D, Blo�k 1, Vail Livnshead Third Filing l�vcated within the Tc�wn af Vail c�nsistin,g af 5,E�8 �cres (221, 527 sqt�ar� feet) . � J . � � B. Purpos�. Part II of SDD7 is hereby �stablish�ed �o ensure. ��rnprehensiv� de�relopment in the use af an ar�a th�� will k��: �aranonic�us with th� g�n�ral charaeter o�E the Town of Vail and the existing SDD7 and tv pramote the uggrading and redevel.opm�r�� o� � key �rap�rty �.n the fic�wn �f Vail. The amendment tn S�I?7 is reg�rded as complimentary ta the Tourn by th� Tcawn Counci,l and rneets all design stanciards as se� forth in Section 18.4a c�f the �unicipal Code. There are significant aspects of th� A�endment tr� Special De�elopment T3istrict No. 7 which cannot �� sa�isfied thrvugh th� impc�s�tic�n a� the standards in the existing SDD7 or under existing zoning. The �mendment tu St]D7 is camp���.�al� with t�e upgrading �nd redeve�opment of the cDmmunity while maintaining it� unique ch�racter. C. Defini�ians. 1. Time-Share �s�c��e sha].1 �e def zned as set f��eth in Sec�ion 18.�D4 .42� af the Tawn Mun�cipal Cc�de, 2. Emp�.oyee Hcsusincx Unit shall be defined as foil�ws: A dwell�ng uni.t as shcaran c�n the Rede�relogmen�. Plans, marked as �m�plo�ee Housir�g i�nit. D. Development ��,an. 1. A deveJ�opm�nt plan fcar Fart II vf SUD7 is �ppra��d and shall ccsnstitute the plan for the redev�l.�pment of a portion o� S�U7 . The redev�el�pment plan is cv�nprised nf those plans submit�+ed by Arnald, Graathmey S� Prat't Archi���ts and, Uenni� Arrdersan Associa�es, Inc. as ��t fc�rth belaw: a. �andscape Plan b� I�ennis �inderson Ass�ciat�s, Inc. CiateCi �ut7+e 4 , 199[3. b. Site Flan, FloQr Plans �nd Parking Plans by Arn�ld, Gwathmey & Pratt Archit�cts dated May �.4, 1990. c, E�.e^vations and Sectirns by Arnald, Gwathmey & Prat't ArC�i.tects dated May 14, 199�3. d. Enviranmental �mpac� Report �y Peter �arnar As�ociates, Inc. dated May 1U, 199�. The p3ans Iisted in 1 thrc�ugh 4 �bove shall for �he purpo�es c�f this Ordin�nc�e b� referred to �s "The '�evelvpment Plar�" , 2 , � � 2 . The development plan shall adYrere to the fall.owi.nc�: a. Sethacks, SetY�a�ks shall k�e a� n�ted an the Site Fl2ti1 ].i5te+d ak][,�ve. h. H�iaht. He�.gh�� o� �truct�re shall be as indicateci ort th� �levatian� listed above k�ut shall nc�t exceed Q8 �eet measure ver�ically f�am ex�st�.ng or �inishad grade at any qiven point to the top of the flat raof, man�ard rao�, rr tv th.e highest ridg� lin� of a slaping rr�af. c. Site Co�+erag�. Site coverage sha�,l be as indica�ed c�n tt�e site plan listed abrve. d, �,�.ndscapir�g. The area af t�i� site tc� be lan�3scaped s�a11 be as indicated c�n th� �.andscap� plan ].a.s��d abvve. A detailed landscape p�an shall be submYtted ta the Design Review B�ard fvr the�r approva�., e. Parkinc� and Lo�dinq. �arkang and Loading shal� be provided as i.nd�cat�d c�n the site plan and floor plans as listed abave. I� no ��se shall the parking �provided �vn th� total �ite as cavered �y 5�1D7 be less than 4C1f3 spaces. E, D€�nsitv. The exis�ir�� dev�lopment and cvnditions fcar SD�7 shall. be as def'i�ned und�r O�dinance Nv. 3, S�ri�s of 1977 and �nder ardinance l�a. �b, Sera.es of 1981 and un�.er Ordinan+�e Na, 5, Seri�s c�f 1982 . The appraval of this Part IT af 5i7D7 �hall perrnit an additianal 5� dwelling units wh�ch sk�all be used as ��tne-share estates and 1{3 dwe3.lang units which shall be used as �mplvyee housa,ng units, fihe 56 dwelling �nits used �or time-share estat�s sh���. t�c�t �xce�d 1tlsD square f�+e� c�f grass residential flvor ���� per unit for a tQtal ca� 5�,80D �quare ��eet of GRFA. The 10 dwel].ing units used as employee housing shall h�ve a gross res,��lential flrsor area per unit vf agpr�ximately 4{�(} square feet, and shall hav� a maximum �ota�l of 4Q�U squar� fe�t of GRFA. F. P�rmitted ccessor and Condi�ional Uses. Tirne-share Estates �nd Empla��e Housing Units shall b� the �nly permitted uses f�r the 66 c�welling units as set fcrrth in The De�elapm�nt P1�ns. A�cessory ar�d Gonditicrnal ilses shall be as s�:t farth in th� H��h. Density, Multiple Farni].y Z�ane I]istri.ct. Arr�y adciitiona� requests for tim�e-s�.ar� un�ts shall r�quire a majar amendrr�aent to SDD7. 3 � � �. R�stric�ions��rnpaoyee Hvusinc� uni�:s. �. Nc� Emplay�� Housing Unit shall be sold, transfer��� r�r cr�nveyed unless sucl� saler transfer or cc�nveyan�e i� tv a non-profit Cc�ndominium Assoc�ation for-�ned td m�n�ge the 55 tim�-share esta�es. 2, N� Emplr�yee Herusing Units sh�ll be leased a� ��nted for any period af �,ess tt�an thirty �onsecutive days a�ncl it shall be rented on�.y tQ t�nants wh� ax�e fu1�=time employees in the Upper Eagle `,t'all�y. The Upper Eagle Valley sha11 be deerned ta inclu�e th�e Gt�re �lalley, Minturn, Red ��iff, G�.�man, E�gl�+� Vai�., Av�n a�ad t�eir s�rr�unding areas. A �ull t.�m� empirsyee �s a persvn who works an average of thirty hc�urs per week. 3. An Empl�ay�e Hvusing CTnit shall ria� be divided intv any farm of �ime-share �state, interval awnership car fractianal fea. 4. The restr�ctions contained in this Sect�+an 23 shall be pla�ed in th� Cr�nda�minium Decl�ratic�n for the benefit of the �o�rn of V�xl and shall nat lae changed w�.thout the consent of the Town af Vail, 5. E��h empls�ye� dwelling unit sh�ll have a t��al grass residentia�. flvor area af �pproximately 4c1� �q�are feet, 6. The owxaer/ap�licant sha�,l st�bmit ta th� Tawn Attorney a c�venant permaatently limiting the use 4f the ten emp�oyee dw�lling units t�o Zong term emp�oyee re�ntals in perpetuity. Once the cavenant is approved by the Teawn Attarney, th� agreement shall be fil.ed vf r�cvrd in the office of the Eag1e �ounty Clerk and l�ecc�rd�r to insure that the re�tri�tions sfiaall r-fan with the Tand. mhe covenant shall be rec�rded prior to the iss�tance csf a building permit �car The DeveZopment Plan. The cvvenant �ha�I include the �onc�itions as set forth in Sectic�n 2� Farag�aphs G 1-5 abov�:. H. p�iendmen�s, Amendments �a �he approved develvpmen� �lan shall fol.l�w the proeedures outlined in S�ctic�n 1�.�4(�. �Ofl of �h� Vaii Municigal Code. 4 . � � I. C+��tditions �af Ap�aroVa� fo�r SDD7. �, A c3�tailed drainage plan and �th�r des�gn issue� relevar�t tc� gulalic works shall be subrnitte+d and approved by th� Tawn of VaiY prior to the issuance o�' a b�i�.ding p+�rmit. Pollutic�n cantr�� dewises �hal1 be incorpvrated in.to the parking garage per the �ubm�t�ed enviranment�l impact repart. Gare Cre�k shall be p�ate�ted fram any eanstructiQn impacts by the use of an �rr�si�M control glan. 2 . Warking in corsrdinati�n with the Tawn Staff, the applicant sha�l fund and cor�duct a cc�mprehensive traffic �tudy o� the West Lionshead �Gircle area sui�a�ale fQr tletermining the a�plica�nt's cc�ntributi.on to the c�st af cQnstructing any necess�ry turn l�n�s s�n the Sfluth Frontage Rcaacl to West L�.onsh�ad Circle. Fre�iminary d+esign and cost estimates fr�r t�e turn l.anes shall b� pravid�d by the applicant. At a mia�%mum the applicant s�all. be respansab�e fc�r cvntribut�.ng an arnaunt �f mr�ney` to caver th� app�icant�s stiare caf the cos� cf the road imprQV��e�nts sa deterntin�d by the compreh�:nsive traf�ic stud� fc�� West Lionshead CirC1�e, 3 . A preliminary ci�sign and �'unding strateg� for cranstructing any turn lanes ��all be establishe� privr to the issuance vf �ny building permit and �he turn lane� shall k�e camplet�d pri�sr ta the issuance of a ternpe�rary certificat� 4� accupa�cy for the develapment plan unles� atherwis� deferred by the Town af Va�l Cam�nunity D�evelc�pment Dep�rtment and Public W�r�ts. The funding and cc�r�structitin plan must k�e appro�r�d }ay the Town o� Vail �ngineeac, Community De�elapment D�gartm�n�, Town Counci�, and Cc�lc�rado Di�ision c�f Highways befare t�ie buildin�g permit i� releas�d for the �xpansion. �'he A�+plicant sha11 be x�quired to submit a Cd��r�dfl Departmen�t of Highways Access P"�rmit Applicati�n can behalf flf the Tt�wn fc�r the West Lic�n�head Circle/South Fronta�ge Road Improvernent. A sigrted Colarado �epartment af Highway perrnit mus� 3ae ok�tained by �the appli�cant befare a build�ng p�rmi� is released un�es� such permit i� not n.ecessary as cc�nfi�med by the Town of Vail +�omamu�it�r i]evelapmen� Department and Pu€bl i c wc�rks. 5 . � � 4 . Ail aspects related to the time-share estates a� thi.s facility sha11 comply with all agp�icable Town �rdinances that r+�gulate time-share actiuity. Time- share estates are only apprc�ved f�r the �f '�S.me-shar+� units. The iC� empl+dyee dwelling units sha�1 not he a].].awed to convea�t to time-�h�re estates. Tim�e-share units that are not s�old far certain w�eks shali be made avai�lal�Ze tv the publ5.c as short term rentals, 5. Detail.ed landscaping similar to th� �+�'estin HQ��I landscaping a:�c�ng the recreation path proposed an fiown af Vail groperty shall b� suk�mitt�d by the applicant to �he Tawn a�f �'ail Landscape Archi�ect an�. Er�gineer fc�r appr�val bef�r� such pr�pa�al is submit�ed tQ th� �esign Review Board. A1.1 landscaping prop�sec3 on Town af Vail land shal}. be maintain�d by t�e agplicant. 6. The applie�nt agrees t� regrade, re�reget�t� and a�epair th� drainag� an the bank ad�acent tca t,�� b�ike path along �he �outhearn prc�perty line c�f the Marriott Mark Hot�i hy Augu�t 1, 199v. A le�ter af credit in i�he amaunt �f � shal�. be submitted tra the "Town af Vail k�efcsre second reading of this C�rdinance. The landsc�pe and drainage wrt�rk shal.l be submitted t� the Town Engime�r, �a�dscape Architect and Commun�.ty Develrapr�ent aepartment fa� apprcrval befare th� prc�ga�a1 is pres�nted to Design �eview Saard. 7. A tempc�rary certificate c�f occupancy shall not be r�el�ased �ar The Qevelopment Plan until a11 site improvements have been comgleted such �s sidewalks, 1.andscaping and �dra�nage as s�t farth �n th� deve�ogment pZaa�s. if the weather prahibits tt�e camplet�on of ax�y improvement, the applicant shall be re+quired to pra�ide a letter af credit to caver 125� of �.he �onstruction costs fQr these improvem�nts. The canstruction estimate shall he revi�wed and approve� by the TQwn �ng�.neer and L�andscape Architect. Th� agreement stipulatinc� F�aw and when th� imprr�vements wi.l� be campleted and the da3.lar a�nount and form gf le�te�r vf credit shal� �ae �uk�mitt�d by the �pplicant to tfie Tawn Attarney f�r appraval befare a t�mporary c�rtificate af vecupancy may be released �or th� d�v�l.opment plan. 6 . � � 8, Hefore a t�mporary cer�.ificate of oc�upanc� is rel�ased the appl,i�ant shall plat and r�card a pukalic �asem�n�. ta �ns�re public access thr�ough SDD7 e�n �he prc�pnser� sidewalk improvement on The f3evel�rpment Plan. �he applican� sha11 subm�� the proposed easement agreement �a the Tawn Attvrn�y �nd Towr� Council for apprc�val prior tc� �ecording. 9. The applica�t shall not market Time-�Share Esta�es on the streets, pulalic �aays ar gublic plaoes within the 3'own of Vai�. 10. No amplificatian of sound on the greensp�ce created by the remvv�al �f th� twv tennis courts shall be allaw�d for conventions c�r other spec.��l events. �.�, Signi�icant landscaping including ev�rgre€a�s, d�cidt�aus tre�s, and shrubs shall be pravided e�n th� �andscape tarraces c�ver the pa�kin�g area. If additional structural supp�rt must be add�d t� the �erraces '�o support significant lands�a�ing {as de�c�ibed �n the pr�evious se�tenc�) , the app�icant/owner s�iall be reqti�r�d t+o st�'eng�hen the structure af the t�rrace tra al�c�w for the iandscaping. 12 , Additianal landsc�pi�g shall be grovided along the west elevation vf the parking structur�. A mi.x of deciduous, eu�xgr�ens, and shrubs shali be prvvided vf � siz� adequate to screen the structure as much �s gossible. The applicant is directed to work with vail Assaciates an �he �andscaping buf�'er. 13 . Ali laading areas shall hawe adc�itional landscaping and scr�en fencing. 14 . The �m�endr�ents to 5pecial �evelvpment I��.stri.�t N�. 7 ar+e apprvt��d cvnditYOna1 upon �lann�nr� and Environmental Comrniss�.on and Town Crauncil giVing a�prova� to the r�nderlyinc� �one district requ�s�. I5. The ballast can the existing hui�ding sY�all be chang�d ta match the c�slvr of the m+��al roof Qf the propvsed addi�i�n. 7 � . � � 16. The app�.icant �ha11 rep�i�t '�he �xisting Marriatt �iar3c in a manner that is compa�ikale with the ner� development plan. The appli�ant sh�l]. al�� mc�dify the ex�.stinc� b�lcony railin�gs c�n the Marric�tt Mark. These two imprflvements tQ the existing 1"+�a�rri.ott Mark �ha11 be incarpor�ted int❑ the� T]esign Re�iew Baard and building ge�nit submi�tals for tt�e �evelc�pment Plan. A tempar�ry Certificate of dc+cupancy shall ravt be reZeased for the i]evelop�ea�t P1an �ntil the regainting and balcony railing wark is catupleted. If the w�ather prohibits the compl�t,ivn vf any of the above imprc�vements, the appiicant shall be requir�d to prc�vid� a lstter c�f credit to ccsver 125� af the constructiora ��sts fc�r these imprc�vem�nts. �'he agre�ment stipulating how and when trie im�rov�ments wil,l be completed an�d th� doliar amaunt and �orm of lette� of cr�dit sha11 be sx�k�mitt�d Yay th� applicant t� the Tawn Attarney for appra�ral before a tempc�rary certificate of csccupan�cy may be released fvr the develc�pm�nt pl�n. J. Limitatian or� �'ireplaces. Waod kaurning f�.replaces sha�l nc�t �e per�itted in any dra�lXing unit, whether a tim�-share est�t� r�r ar� em�alayee �c�using unit nvr in any publi.c areas. Any ga� fir�plac�s shall me�t the criterxa set for�h in T�wn of Vail Clydinance Nc�. 24, 5eries af 1983 and Qrdinance l�v. 28, 5�ric�s of 198?, as a�nended �ram time tn time. K. Recre�tional Am�ni�ies Tax. Tt�e re��eatzonal �menities t�x due �ar the dev�el�pm�nt wi�thi� SDD7 shaTl be assessed at a rate af $1. a[� p�r squ�re foot of flcaor ar�a and shaJ.l be paid priar tQ the issuance a� a building permit. SECTIDN 3 . Sectia�s E7�clared Invalyd. If any part, section, sul�sectian, s�ntence, claus� vr gha�e af this ardinance is far any r�a�on held ta be in�aalid, sucY� d�ec�.sion shall ns�t ��f�c� the vali�iity af the remaininc� portions vf this Qrdinance; and the Town Counc�.�. her�by declares it wc��xld have �asse�d this c�rdinance, and each part, section, sub�ectian, s�nte�ce� clause or phrase thereof, rega�dless o� the f�ct tl�at any one or mcare parts, sectians, subsectivns, sentenees, clauses c+r ghras�s b� declared i nva 1 ic�. 8 � �F SE�T�oN 4 . +Cvn�lict with P°ar� I� and Part I af SDi7 No.7 . If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause o� phrase af Fa�t II cc�nflicts with any p�ir�, se�tirn, subsecti.c�n, s�ntenc�, clause ar phrase of Fart � rt�f SDD t�c�. 7, the �anguag�e cantained in this ordin�nce shal], c�ntre�l, SECTI�N S. --H�*althl_ Safety and Welfar�. The Town Council hereby finds, determines ans3 decla�re� that th%s c�acd%nan�ce is necess�ry an�3 prap�r for th� health, safety a�d welfare of tMe T�wn of Vail and the inhabitants thereaf. SE�T��N 6, Rep�al �nd Re�Enactm�nt. The r�peal or the repeal and re-enactment vf any pra�visi,or of the Vail Mur�icipal +C�de as prov�,ded in this �rdinar�c� sha�1 ncat a�'f�ct any riqht whi�ch as �GCZ`t]E'.t�� any duty �mp�ased, any �violativn that occurred priar to the effective da�e hereof, any prosect�tivn c�immenced, nor any oth:er ac�iorr �r proceeding as cammenced under esr kay �virtue o� th� pr�v�sion r�pealec� �nd reena�ted. T�� r�pe�1 of any provi.sian hereby shall nat revi�re any pra�isic�n ar an� or�inance preva��usly repeal�d ar superseded unless expressly state�l her�in. TIMiTRtJaUCED, READ AND PASSED C7�T FIRST REAI�II�G THTS �P►Y QF , 195[� a� p.m. in the Ccauncil Chamk�ers of the Vail Municipal Building in V�il, Coi�rado, �rd�red pub],ished in full this da}� of , �99�. KEI+TT R. �20SE, MAYC]R ATTEST; PAMELA A, BRANDMEYER, T�WN CLERK INTR(]Q'{.TCE�, F2EAD AND APPR�VED �1�T SECt}NI7 READII^dG AND +C?RDE��I7 PUFILISHEI� THIS �AY OF , 199�. KENT R. �aSE, MAYOR A�'TEST: PAI�fELA A. BRANI?MEYER, TC]WN CLEFtK 9 __.y _ - - - - - - _ ,, ,_ � ' � � T�: �lanning anc� Environmen�al Cammi,ssi+�n FRaM: Cc�mmunity Developm�n� D�par'�ment DA�`E: Se�tel[lber 4, 199{1, REVI�ED RE: A requ€�st for a ma�or amendmettt to 5gecial DeVelopment Qistrict tdc�. 7 [Th� Marri�tt Mar}� Resort} in arder to add 5b timeshare un.�ts and lb ernployee hQUSing units �t 714 West Lionshead �Circle, Lat 4, 7 , C, D, Blc�ck 1, Vail-Lianshead 3rd Filing. Appl.ieant: Mf� C�rp�rationr Kaiser Marcus, and the Marriatt Corpora�.ian I. I1�FTR(]DiJ C'I'I O�N A. Pr'�apr�sal Selow is a summary of the prcaposal: ` 56 tirae�ha�°e units +��cY� unit not to exceed lfl5t� sr�. ft. �c�r a tatal o£ 58,8�0 sq. ft. af GR�'A. One week ti.m�share in��rvals are pr�pflsed for each unit �5� intervals/unit/year� , A].1 �.imeshar� t�nits shall meet Tow� flf Vail Ordinances gaverning timeshare. - Tfl +emp�.oy�e units at 40t� sq. £t, eaeh for a tvta� af 40G4 sq. ft. c�f �1�FA. Units �re p�rn�anently restricted as emp�oyee hc�using. � R,eplace two o� th� w+�s�ern mast tennis courts with landscaping to ereate an open gr�en spae� area. " Landscape improvements ar�aund trie poafi ar�a. _ Pec�estrian path �annecti�ns for general public use throughaut the �rc�ject. ` P�ck�t Park for public seating adjac�nt to the Lionshead Recr�atic�nal Fath l�cated �an Town of Vail �ar�perty. ` 127 �dditic�nal garking spaces which pro`�id�s 2 spaces ger dwelling unit an+� 1. 5 spa��s per emp�ayee unat per T€�wn af Va�.l cade. 5 spaces are �valet. Landscaped terrace� are gropased �o �ove� th� parking. ` Re�rarling and revegetatic�n of Mi.1�.s ide adj�cent ta Tc�wn af Vai.l Recreatic�n Path alonq Gore Creek. 1 , • � � � �� wood-burn�ng ��r���aces are pro�ase� fvr any vf the uni��. ` Repaint existing �arrivtt and ��teratisn t� design of �xistin� Marriatt ba�c�nies. This additian w�u�d be Iocated an the west e�d af the prvp�r�y and built prima�ily v�er the existing p��king structure. A� OLl�lIIY�C� in �he SDD secti+�n of ithe zvning code, the follpw�ng nine criteria are tv �be used in e�aluating th� merit of the Speeial Deu�elQpment District. �t is the b��°der► �of the applicant ta c�emvnstrate that submittal mat�erial and �he propased deveiog��nt �lan c�mply with ea�h af the follc�wing standards or demonstrate that �ne or m�re of them is not applical�le, ar that a practieal solutian cansisten�. with the puk�lic interest has been achieved. DeveZ+�pa�ent Statistics S i�e Area: 5. f�8 Acres 221, 527 sq. ft. Existinc� Fropos�d �3ev�loprnent ❑evelogment Total Acccammc�dation T�Tnits 248 a 248 I�well ing iln�t� 53 56 1�09 Employee Units 0 1� lfl GRFA 134,�{l0 62, 8Q[3 �96,BCIQ Meet�.ng Roam (sq. ft. � 12, U(}0 D 1�, 4f�D Ancillary Retail (sq. ft. � 1, 50Q 0 1, 54Q R�sta�trant/Bar (sea�s� 42+� t� 426 Parking Spaces 273 127 4�f} � • � � II, SPEC�AL �EVELUPM�NT� DISTRICT CRTTERTA A. as�iqn campati�ility and sensitivity t� the im��d��t� environrne �i hbarhvod and ad'acent ra ertie� �lat've tv � chit��tural desi scale bulk buildin heiaht. buffer zones, i�entity� charact�r. ���u�l int�grity and �rientat�an, The Planning and E�virvnmental C�mmissxon, staff, and �dja�ent praperty own�rs had �on�erns about the heig�t �n� mass �f the �uilding. in rQSp�nse to these comment�, th� �pplicant ha� decreased the heaght fram 5� to 48 feet. The mass vf th� prcject has been centere� �n tMe existing pa�king structure foo�prin�. �� with the �riginal g�vpvsa�, th� mass and h�igh� af the proposed ex�ans�an have b�en �e�ign�d to "�tep� dvwn" from the �x�sting 7-st�ry ��tel t� a �hr�e ta fnu� �t�ry element along Gar� Cre�k. In respe�t ta setbacks, �n the so�th side "GQre Creek side", �he new building maintains a 20 �t. t� 43 ft. setback. �� th� sid� af �he pr�ject adja��nt tv th� Vail Associa��s park�ng iot, the expansion vf the park�ng s�ru�ture wou�d can�inue an �xi�ting 5 foot setback. �he actua3 �imeshare bu�lding on t�e southwest carrier a£ the property maintains a minimum 2� fa�t s�tback. The nvrth side or west �ionshea� Cirale si�e af the proje�� maint�ins a 35 ' setback. View studies ha�e be�n compl�ted fram a variety of vantage p�ints. The additian cvnceal� the e�ist��g p�rk�ng �tru�ture and �liminates any open parking on the sit� �x��pt for a ��w spaces �n the narth elevati�n. The add�tion af any new stru��ure wi11 ��v� some degree o� �mp�ct an �iews. There axe n� �ajor neq�tive i�pact� on vi�ws fram p�blic spac�s. When walking alang w�st L�onshead C�rc�e in frflnt of �he pr�ject, �nstead Qf seeing exposed e�rs, �ne wi11 v�ew a three st�ry building. �he view analy�is i�dicates that the vant�ge points f��m the �nterstate an� the Frontage Road are n�t affected great�y� The view of th� M�u�tain and sk� s�ap�s is substantially maintained. There are some impact� �n v�ews from the Antlers ����king �awards Red sandstflne M�untain) , the residential area along Forest RQad (laaking toward Fotata Patch} , and the Vail Spa {�ooking t�ward Vail M�un�ain) . From these v�ntage �oints, the proposed bu��ding is bl�cking �ither � view of the existing parki�g structure �r ather ��mmercial �r �esidential development. Obstructian of �iews of undevel�p�d mountain sides d�es accur in sorne areas. � � • � � Hy terracing th� building dawn to Gore Creek to rel�te ta the Zower dens�ty development dn Fores� Raad and als� the pu�lic r�creati�nal path and stre�m ca�ridor, �he applzcant has respa�ded ta �iew cancer�s ra�sed by t�e pu�lic �t previous revi�ws �y 14we�ing th� �e�gh� af the buildzng by 1v feet. Th� ar�hitectur� vf th� prvposed addition daes �ot mimic the �xisting �atei . Instead, the applicant pr�poses �o rel��e the twv b�ildings by the us� af c��plimentary colar�. The applicant �as ag�eed tQ repaint the entire �xisting M�rr�ott prajec� i� a manner which wil� campli�ent �h� �r�pvsed expansi�n, B. U��s_,,, ac�ivitv and d�nsitv which provide a cvm�atible� efficient and workable relationsh�p with surroundin� uses and ac�ivity. ❑ensitv The r�siden�ial uses prvpos�d f�r this facility are consistent and �ampatible �ith surrv�nding develQp�ent. Lacated in the Lionshead area, �v�rnight lodging accammodations ar� apprvpr��t� for this site. 4ne �f Vai� '� major rnix�d us� activity ��nters, Limns�ead is centrally lacat�d a�d we�l serv�d by the T�wns trans�t system. At the present t�me� the site �s d�weloped t� �p�r�x�mately 34.5 units per acre. The �eve�apment prvp�sed with this amendment wauld increase the site density t� appr�ximately 47 .8 unit� per �cre {this includes the 1� �mplayee units} , This level of d�velvp�ent exceeds that permitted by th� Town's hiqh��t density reside�tial district (PA vr HaMF, 25 dwelling un�ts per a�re} . However, 47. 8 u�its per a�xe is n�t unprecedented. The Liansquare Lodge is developed at 5� units per ac�e, the ��tlers is at 5�.� �nits per acre, the Doub�etre� is 51 units per acre, and Vantage Foint is at 71 units per acre, �he Vail Spa di�e�tly t� the �orth is at 17.2 units per acre and the �nzian is at 33.4 units per acre. Hvw��er■ iaoking �nlv at units/acre misses other planning i�sue�. �he relatianship �f th� building to the site and su�Yaunding neighb�rho�d is r�levant. Sta�f beli�v�� this proj�ct relates pasitiUely ta the sp�cific site and surr�und�ng n�ighb�rs. The �ensity pr�ga�ed �or this szte is much greater than the �ow density de���opment �n the south side �f Gore Creek. G�r� Creek pr�vides a natu�a� buffer betwe�n the 1�w density �esidential deve�opment al�ng ��rest Road and the entire Lionshead area. Th�s �gen �pace provides an adequat� ��ffer b�tween these tw� residentiai ar�as. G�r� Creek al�a se�ves as a natural 4 � � � barrier defining th� physi.cal limits of the Lionsl�ead �o�ee area. Please see �he atta�hed chart indicating the existing deu�lvpm�nt on adja�ent gre�gerties attacheci ta �he zon�.ng m�anc�, �'�m�sha��e The graposed time�hare use is a�eeptabl.e to staff. '�imeshare wc�uld only be a�lc�wed in the new w�st hu�Iding �.hraugh t�is amen�im�nt. An� add�.t�c�nal �imeshare would requi.re that the agglicant amend the S�i�. Thiv �se is ertcouraged l�y the L�nd L7se Pl�n. Th� applicant has a�greed t� camply with all cvnditians af Town pf Vail C3rdinances governing tYmeshare. Ti�eshare pr�j ects generally retain a higher year rcaund e�ccupancy than any other taurist accomms�dation use and this use fits wel� within Vail 's �olicies ta 1e�el se�sonalities of �uest vzsits. Emplc�yee Hc�u�inc� ori�ginall�rF the staff reguested seven empl�yee housing units. The applicant is proposing 1D unxts r�r 17 .��. The Hau�ing Task Force is discussinr� a possibility vf a 2�`� ar greater housinq requirement far SQDs. Th� Marri�tt propc�sal ha� been �vo��ing at the same t�.me t�at the Housir�g '��,sk Force has been ref�.ning its policy reco�narrendations. 'The staff opin�.an is that thc� applicant is �rovidi.ng �0 high quali.ty employee uni�s, pex-inanent�.y r�stricted. We beli�v� th� applicant h�s t�ken the staff's original request c�f seven units (March 199Q} and increase� �h� amaunt to 10 units which is approgriate for t�iis SDD. T�� 5+6 timeshare t�ni�s raill generate �n employ�� demand af 5 te� 7 additional employee�. Th�.s �s due in part �� th� fact that the exist�ng Marr�rrtt w�11 provi�e mast vf the serviees for the timesh�re prQject. fihe employ�e d�mand generat�ed by the expansian is met �y the 10 units. C. Compliance with �ar➢cir��g an�d laading requirem�nts�,s out�ine�i �n �Cha�ter 18.52. Assu�ning 1.5 parking �p�ce far eac� af the 10 emplvyee units, and two parking sgaces for each of the �� t�.�eshare uni�s �as per zoning requatrements} , th� new park�,ng rer�uiremen� fc�r the prc�posed addition is 1�7 sp�ees. The �xpansic�n o� th� existing structure wi3.� sat�.sfy this requirement. Tc� the b�st �.f sta�f's kr��w�edge, the parking require�d thraugh ,�r�'v�ic��rs apprr�val� has all been co�structed �273 spaces) - 5 . • � � As ��qu�red by �xisting 5DD No. 7 �h�re �re to be 273 parking spaces �n th� Marriot� property. Rs with any p�v�erty, the �anagement and c�ntral of paxking spaces is critieal ta their effici�nt use. At the pre�ent tzm�r the weste�ly parkinq structure pravides a very in�iting ��viron�ent for illeqal parkin�. Locating a bui3ding over the struc�u�e sh�uld provide gr�at�� cvntr�I and �ncrease efficiency in h�w these spa�es ar� utiliz�d. Two laad�n� areas pres�ntly e�ist. Staff will alsv require that the screeriing of loa�ing areas be addressed by the applicant �t �RH. In particular, th� l�ading �rea �n West Lionshead Circ�e t� th� east �f t�e main hotel ' s entry m�st be landscaped and f�nced. Q. Cvn.�armity with a�plicable elements vf th� Va�� Com�rehens�ve Plan Town ��licies and U�ba� �esign ans. The Vail Lan� �se P�an is the mast r���vant d�cu�ent to b� used in evaluating this deve�ogment progasal. The project is cv�sistent with a nurnber af gval� �utlin�d in thi� d�cument. 1. � Va�1 �hould cantinue tv gr�w �n a c�ntr�2led enVironm�nt, maintaining a balance between residential, c�mmercial and recreati�nal uses to se�^+ae b�th the vxsit�r and the permanent r�saden�. 1.3 Th� qual�ty af de��lflprnent shauld be maintained and up�raded when�v�r g��sible. 1. 12 Vail should accomm�da�e m�st �f the a�dit�onal grawt� in existing d�veloped areas (infill ar�asy . 2. � The camrnunity should emphasi�e �ts r�le as a d�stination resQrt while accommodating the v�sitors. 4.2 Incr�ased den�ity �n the Core areas is acceptabl� �� long as th� existing c�aract�r �s g�eserv�ad thr�ugh implementati4n �£ t�e Urban �esign Guide P�an and the Vaii Vil�age Master �la�. 5. 1 Additional residential �raw�h shauld c�ntinue t� �ccur primarily in exist�ng, plat��d areas and �s appropriate in n�w areas wh�re hYgh hazards d� not exist, 6 � � 5.2 (�uality� timeshare unz'�s should be accca�nmc�dated tr� ke�p a�ccup�ncy rate� up. 5.4 Residential gro�r�h shau�ld keep pace wi�h th� market pla�e de�ands for a full r�nge af hcrus ing types. 5.5 The existing emp�.oye+� YYC�using bas� shauld be gre�erv�d and upgraded. Additional emplayee housirrg ne�ds sh�uld b� accvanmadated at �ariaus sites throughout the communitr�. These gval statements grov�de the fundamental framewark to be us�d in deterznining whether ar not additional c3�nsity is appre�priat� on this �i�e. As ref�.+ected in th+� abave goal�, tk�.�s proposal is very cvnsi.stent with the directi�n proVided in the Land Use Plan. *P].ease note that th� Lic�nsh�ad Urban Desi�n Guide Plan da�s ncat apply to thi� prc�p�rty. E. Id�nt�f�catian and mitigatican of natural andf or gec�log�.c �az�r�ds that affect the pra�er�v 4n wl��ch the �taecial devel�pment dist�ict is pro�c��ed, This property is nc�t affect�c� iay any natural and/or geolflgi�c �aaards that have been identified wit�in the Town of Vail. F. Site plan. building desiqn and lacativn a�d c��en �pace prc�visivns designed to �raduc� a fut�ctianal develogment respc�nsive and sensitive tc+ natural f�atures, veqetat�on a�d overaTl aesthetic qtxali_tv o� the commun�.�v. Thre site plannir�g fvr the addition has changeci in that a m��ar p�artio� of the addition has been centered vv+�r the existing parking structure, The loca�i�n �f t�e ma�s �nd �ulk af the buiYdir�g in this area has �l.laweci the c�esigner tcs reduce th+� height by ten �e�t. rt has alsa helped ta r�duce the_ building mass alvrtg Gare Cr�ek. A portion of the new develvpm�nt is prap�sed on what is nflw uncieveloped open sp�ce directly south af t�e exist�ng parking st�-ucture. Severa�. aspens wi11 be reza�nvec� to a13.ow �crr the build�tag. Hrawever, kh�.s c�p�n space is gen�ra�.�.y nc�t a��essible and nat an aesthetically ple�sinr� area. 7 � � � A ma�ar �Iement of the pro�vs�l 's l�ndscape plan is the elim�nativn vf twv tea�nis courts. C�nverting this area t� functio�al gr�en sgace will mare than off-set the lcsss of opr�n s�aace south c�f the parking s�.ructu��. A major cancern of the �taff is th� phys�cal rel�,tionship o� the buildi.ng additian te� Gr�re C��ek and the recreatianal trail. �rig�nal�y prapased at 5 stories and within 5 feet of t�he prng�rty lin�, the adciition rrrauld have seriflusly impacted th� enj cryment of th�.s t�ail. The building is npw �(�-40 feet from the rear property la.ne. �'h� build�ng i� approximately 5(�- 50 feet from �1�e recreation�Z trai�.. The sauth �acad� is three and four staries. The locatian and mass vf the building nc�w provides for a comfartalale reiatic�nship with the r�c�ea�i�nal traal, G. A cir�ulat.ion sys�e�n d�si�rned for bath vehicle� and Uedestri�ns addr�s�ing an and off-sxte traffi� circulation. Impr�vernent5 tc� the pedestrian circulation system �nc�.ude a �a�h cannecting to t�e Gore Cr�ek b�.k� pat�, a walkway throuc�h the prvpc�sed d�velapmen,� C�r�necting the West Day Lat with vther pa�ts a� L7�!C3i1Sh��dr and the development c�� a sidewalk alc�ng W�s�t Lianshead Circ�e cann+ecting to an �x�.�tinq sic�ewalk on the Sc�uth Frc�ntag+� R�ac�. This impre�vemen�. �.s 14�ated off the app�icants pr�p�rty. Th+��e i.�prc�v�t��nts are designed tc� serve not only the pr8gr�sed d�v�lQ�ment. but al�sc� tc� .imprgv� ged��trian circuiatian thr�ughout this area Qf I�i�nshead. Staf� wr�uld suggest that �he applican� include a pedestrxan Gvnnectic�n k�etween t�e west day lat and the ��wer l�v�l rf the pa�kinc� s�r�cture to allow for easier ped�strian access. W� woeald also ask th�t the owner provide a pu}alic pedestrian easemertt through the prape��y. Tnt�rna3, v�hicular circu�a�is�n will alsc� �e itnprvv�c� by redesigninc� �he existing parking structure. Curr�nt7.y each le�el is accessed i.ndividual�.y, resulting in difficu�,t circulation patterns. The prc�posed rnodific�t�.c��is to the �tructure wi�l introduce ia�ternal cireulation between thc� three levels of th� structure. An assessment o� the pat�ntial tr���ic impacts c�f this developmen�. has been included as a part of the envirvnmet�tal imgact report. A March 9 addendum to �l�is report indica�es that a westboun,� left turn lane vff af th� 5. Frantage Road onta Wes�k Livrt�head Circ�e �.s n��ded tvday based �n existing tra f f ic vc�],ume. Currently, 35 vehicle� �ake thi� left tu�n during th� 8 ' � � � p.m. peak haur, This development wauld increase th�s situat��ri by 20�, to 42 vehicles during the p,�. peak ��ur. Based �n th� State of Calorada Access Code, a 1e�t tur� lane is warrant�d with m�re than 30 �urns p�r h�ur. �ive� �he 20� incr�ase in �h�s �eft tur� acti�ity, th�re is n� questi�n that this improvement �ust be c�mpleted be�vre the proposed expansi�n rece��es � Temp�rary Certificate o� Occ�pancy. Hawev�r, the �arriott additivn is not the sol� contributar to the need for the left turn Iane. Town b�ses, the West �ay L�t and a numb�r of ather properties are creatin� the need for th�s lane. Because �he �arriott is t�e '�last 9�Y in the door" d�e� nvt just�fy requiring th�m t� fund and construct 100� pf �his improvement. The Marriott is �esponsible for, and is willing t� Gvn�ri�ute t�, their f�ir share of the expense i� constructing this impr���ment. There are a �u�m�er vf alternati��s f�r haw th�s impr�vement c�n be implemented. The main �ssue with each af th�s� alternatives is with rega�� ta �he timing of the imprQV��e�t. �he T�wn will b� c�mgletinq a comprehensive tr�nspflrtat��n pl�n f�r the Fronts�e Road this fa�l. It is vary l�kely tha� this impravement will be identified by this pian, Hawever, �he Tow� is in na position to c�m�nit to funding or a specifie �ahed�le wauld ass��e �his impr�vement is in place p�ior to comgletion of the MarriQtt fac�lity. This ess�ntially p�ts the burden an th� app��cant �� develap svm� mechanism for ass�ring that the turn lane is completed whe� the addition is fini�hed. The simplest way to accomplish this is far the Marr���� t� fund 10�� �f �his impro�ern�nt. Ha�ev�r� �his is n�t an �quita�le salut�on. Other a�ternatives invol�ing the participation Qf the Marriott, surrQ�n��ng property owners, an� the Tawn a�� �assible, and shou�d be exp�vred t� arrive at an equita�le s�lutian. H. fiunctional and aest�etic l�ndsca��ng and open s�ace in �rdPr to �ptimize and pr�s�rve n�tural feature�. recreatian vi�ws a�d fu�ctio�s. -- There are a number �f �ignYfic�nt impr�vements pro�o�ed t� landscaping and apen space throughout thi� sit�. Foremast among these �s the can�ersion of tw� tennis courts �o green space areas, a gacket park/p�ll vf� area ta be developed alon� �h� Gore Creek trail, Iandscap� impro�em�nts tv th� berm arnund the p�oposed additi�n, and Ia�dscape impr��em�nts along Lion�head s . � � �ircie throughc��t the l�ngth of the prv�er��. TMes� chanr�es will p�r�ov�de not �nly t'un�taonal apen spac�, but alsa aesthetic imprv�vements tv the site. The pe�cket p�rk is a pvsiti�� �ddition, Staf�' war�ld 1 ike ta se� a gicnic �.r�a added to th� pv�ke�. parl� and me�re landscaping. "�he develo�er ha� also a�reed with the staff's requirem+�nt tha�. the str�am banl� be regraded and re�regeta�ed thi� summ�r. The d�ai.na�e wall� and pipes will �lso be cl�aned and integrated into tl�e slop�. In add�.tic�n, more landscaping is required alc�ng th� west eleVation of the �tructur�. A mix of a�pens� shruhs and evergreens is apgropriat�. Staff ac�Cnowledqes that �h+� sgace fnr pl.anting is vnly 5 feet. Hawever, n�oze landscapin�g and a wariety of materials are r�ecessary. �. Phasianc� g�an or su�rdi�ris%vn plan tha� will mairttain a� warlcabie, functianal and �fficient r�lations3ai� �hrouc�hau�t the dev�lapr��n� csf �he spe�i�l d�v�lcspmer�t district. As prvgased, the addi.tian and all relat�d site im�ravements are to be completed in vr�e c�nstructi�an phase. V. ENV1RflN1'�ENTAL IM�P�C�' �2EPClRT The Environment�l Impaet Repnrt pre�aared by Peter Jamar �,ssa�iates (Revi�ed �iay 1.�, 199�Dy summarizes any �mpaets and g�opc�s�d mitigation �z� p. 32 c�f the report. The primary i�npact ar�:a� rela�e to views� traffi�, an� the question af addit�cana3� density. Th�se a.ssues are review�d by staff in Sectic�ns II�-Vieras, �I� & G-Traffi�, and I�B�D�nsity. All �niti+�ati.an measures prr�posed in the �IR shaZl be incaar�e�rated into the SDD. VI. STAFF RECC7MMENdATIDN In evaluating this pr�pasal, �ne m�tst first consider the funda�►�nta1 ques�i�sn vf wheth�r or not ac�ditional deve�opm+�nt sh+�u�.d be considerec� in L�ionshead on �h�s site. Based c�n the g+��ls af th� Vai� Land L1se Plan� it i� appropriate t� c�nsider a xeques� rf this nature. A numb�r r�f gr�ai �tatements suppc�rt the con�e�t a� timeshaare units and infill dev�lopr��nt in the Coxe areas. mhe task at hand t3�en, is to evaluat� wheth�r th� design vf this pr�oject is sensiti�r� t�a all apg�icahle criteria outlined in the SGI3 sec�ian �f the zc�ning cnde. 10 ' � � � A review o� the SDD eriteria indicate� t�at this �r��ect is consistent with the purpose and �nt�nt of th�s zone district. A nu�laer af issues ha�e �e�n raised hy th� PEC and staf� during th� r�view �f th�s pr�ject. I� each case these concerns hav� be�n addressed by the applicant in a manner that is c�nsisten� with the Des�gn �riteria. Parking. circul�ti�n, height and massing, view impaats, �mployee hvus�ng, and landscapingfapen space hav� all been addressed hy this de�el�pment �lan. Staff must emphas�s the uniqueness of t�e Marriatt M�rk situatian. There are very f�w sites within the fiawn of Vail that hav� th� capabil�ty tv add th�s type of density. Staff believes that th�re are unic�.e characteristics related t� thi� site that make it pQSSible ta add a propasa� of �hi� s�ale. Uni�ue fact�rs incl�de. �. The existing p�rkin� structure is in a laeati�n that would actually b� improv�d in appearance w�th th�s expansion. The si�e is very wel� suited for infili develvpment. 2 . The Li�nshead area (ex�luding the Forest Rvad n�igh�arhaod) has simiiar �vdg�ng use�, mass, bulk and units p�r acre which are campati�le with this �ype of �ddition. 3 . The applicant has maintained a 48 foat height which doe� n�t exceed the limits di the Town's highest d�nsity zone district (HDMF ar P�blic Accommada�i�n z�ningy . 4 . The praposed use is in keeping with �he Land Use pla� gvals calling fer additional timeshar� units and oth�r L�nd Use palici�s as listed in �ect�an �IQ af the �ema. 5. The �n�ironmen�al T�pact Repor� an� sta�f review have not i�ent�fied any major negative impacts with t�e pr�jec�. Any impacts t�at have been �et�rn�ined by the enviranmen�al impact repo�t have b�en mitigated in a reasonabl� fashian. 6. The �r�ject meets parking, setb�cks {except �n the east side b� the parkinq �tructurej , site co�e�ag� �n� l�n�scaping requirements. In �act, �he mini��m requireme�ts £or site coverage and landscaping are �ub�tanti�l�y �xcee�ed by �h� g�aject. �. The �ate has go�� vehi�ular and p�destrian acc�ss. Vehicu��r traffi� will use the Frantage R�ad. It is not n�cessary to acc�ss the site through a law density r�sidential neighbarhvod. Z1 , � � �. �'ha site is Iocated n�ar al� c�f the se�-viG�s and a primary s}ci bas� are�� Li�nsh�ad. �t is �ery appr�pri�te tc� allaw far infilX deveZo�ment in an area that already has a wide vari��y of �uest services. Staff feels it is critical tra identify the uniqueness of this speciai aevelQpz��n�. Distric� to ensur� that ciensity increa�ses are not deem�d automa�i.cally a�cep�able by using th� Specia3 Develop�ent di�trict prs�c�ss. It i� also imgo�t�nt t� identify th� "gubli� beneFit" which resu�ts �rom thi� proje�t. Belaw is a li.st of the benefits which are der�ved frc�m this prr�pr�sal: �' The sub�tantia� upgra�ie c�� landscaping on the Marriatt p�operty as well as area adjac�nt to the recreationa]. pa�.h along Gore Creek vwned �ay th�e toTan �f Vail. ` The pro�isiQn D� pttk?�. '1C walkways alang west Lionshead Cir�l� throuc�h the cen�er of the Marrie�tt site frc�m the West I�ay Lc�t. � "The entir+� repa�nti.nc� of trie existing MarriQtt Proj�ct to cc�mplirnent th� propo�ed expansir�n, ' Encl�sure �� the exis�ing surface parking and �he additian ot iandscaped and c�pen ax�ea above the paa�ki.ng. '�his i� �chie�r�d by �he Iandscaped terrac�s aver the gark�.ng �rea as wel� a� tt►e eliminati�n of twra tennis cflurts. � °Y`he pravisivn of 10 e�npl�y�e hausa�ng units which ha�re been fully �ounted in the density and GR�'A for the praj�:ct. ` The prc�visian a� additivnal high quality timeshare units which diversif� the exi��ing unit type and mix an�l provi�de '�lail with additianal d�stina�ivn gue�t� ye�r-rc�und per the L�nd Use plan goal 5.2. Staff recar�ends appr�ual af this prc�pased arnendment with the stip�tlation that the developersfo�an�r �e�t the following conditions: �. De�d r�strictions limiting the use vf the ten emp7.ayee units ta long term employee rentals in perp�tui�.y sha11 be �recarded prior to the issuance af a kiuild�,ng g�e�`m�.t. Tl�� unit� shall meet the canditi�ns f+�r emplcayee hvusing r�ut�ined i.n Seetion 18. 1� . U8� �10 a-d of the �oninc� C�de excegt that the un��s are restrict�d p�rmanently. 12 � � 2 . A ciet�iled draxnag� �lan and o�her design issu+�s relevant ta pub].ic wvrks cvnc�rns shail be �ubrnitt�d and appr�ved pr�or to �he i.ssuanee af a building permit. Pollutian C�nt�°al devise� shall. be incorporated into the parking gara�e per �he EIR. The creek shall be prote�ted from any ��nstructie�n impaets by the use vf an ervsion cvntrol p�an. 3. W�rking fr� eoc�rdir�atic�n wi�h �he Town staff, the applicant sh�ll �'und and c�nduct a c�amprehensi�e tr�ffic study af the West Lianshead Cixcle area suitable far �etern��ning the Marric�tt �iark's cc�ntrib�ttion to the cost c�f �anstructing any necessary turn lanes on tne S. F`rontage R�ad to West L�onsh�ad +�ircle. Preliminary de�iqn and cost �stimates �Qr the tu�-n lanes shall be prQVided. A� a minimurn, the applicant sha�� be responsibl� far contrilaut�ng this agr�ed upan a�aaunt taward the cc�st �� this improvement. 4. A prelim�.nary desic�n and funding strat�gy for �onstructinc� any t��n lanes shall be �stah��.shec3 prior ta the a,ssu�ince of any buildin�g perm�t, and the turn lanes �hal�. b� ca�mpletec� p�ior ta the issuance caf a Te�para�y Certificate af �ccupancy. The ft�nding and c�nstruction plan must be approved by th� Town af Vail engineer, Community ��v��oFment Depar'�ment, Tc�wn Council, and Colorado Divisian vf Highwa�s befvre the buildiz�g perYnit is released �ar the expansi�n. The appl�cant shall be requir�d ta subtnit a CDOH access permit a�plicati�n an behalf of the Tc�wn f€�� the West ��€�nshead �ircle/South �'rontage Road i.mprc��'ement. A signed Ca[}H permit mus� be vbtained k�y t�� appl�eant be��re a build3ng p�rmi� is releas�d. �. All a�pects re�.at�d ta th� timesharing ca�' this facili�y shall +��mply with a�l applicab�e tQSan r�rdinances �hat regulate �im�sh�r� activity. Timeshare is canly apprc�ved far tk�e prapc�sed 55 utni.t buil.ding. The T� �mp�oyee ur►its sha17. nr�t b� allawed tv convert tr� t�.�n�share. 6. Any land�caping prc�pc�sed vn T�wn r�f Vail land shall he submitted by the applicant �o the Tawn of Vail larrd�cape architect and engineer fa�e apprrva� b�fore the p�ap�sal is subm�tt�d t� the L7esign �eview As�ard. A�I 1an�scaping gropased c�n Tr�wn flf Vail land shrall be �aintained by the ap�li�ant. 3.3 " � � � 7. T�e applicant shall agre� �a r�gra�e� reveg��ate, and repaa� the drainage an the b��k adjacent ta the bike �ath a�o�� the s�uthern proper�y lin� af the M�rriott Mark by August 1, 199�. A letter vf credit shal� h� submit�ed �� t�� Tvwn of �ail befvre seGand r�ading o� the SD� ardinance. Th� Iandscape and dra�nage work sh�l� be submi�ted to the Town Engin�er �nd Lan��cape �rchitect �vr approval b�f�re the propa�al is presented ta �esign Re�iew Board. �. A temp�rary c�rtif�cate af ocGUpancy shall n�t be releas�d f�r th� expan�i�n unti� all site impr�V�ments have been c��pl�t�d such �s sidewalks, landscaping, dra�nage etc. If �he weather prohib�ts th� comp�etion of the site imprQVements, th� applicant shall �e required to pravide a le���r �f credit t� cover 125� �f the cons�ruction c�sts �or these improve�ent�. �he constructi�n estimate shall b� reviewed by th� Town Engineer �nd Landscape Ar�hitect. �h� ag��ement �tip�lating haw the site impravements w�11 be ��mplet�d and letter of credit shall be su�mitted by the applicant to �he Tvwn Attorn�y far approval befa�e a t��parar� c�r�ificat� a� accupancy may be released, 9. Before a tempo��ry certificate of occupancy is re��ased, �h� app�icant shall plat a ��blic easement to �nsure pu�iic access �h��ugh the site an the pr�pQS�d �idewalk �m�rQVement�. Th� applic�nt shall �ubmit the easemen� agreement to the ��wn Attarney and Town Cauncil fvr appr�v�� bef�re recvrding the �asemen�. 10. In additi�nr the staf� recammends that the �Esign Review B�ar� �ddze�s the follQw��q �esign issues if the project proeeeds to DRB: ` Additional �a�dsca�ing shal� be addr�ss�d al�ng the west elevat�an af the parking st�ucture, A �ix af deciduv�s, e�ergr�ens� and shrubs sh�uld b� pr�v��ed vf a �ize adequ�t� t� screen the struct��e as much as possible. � Landscapin� ��yvnd sad should �e prQV�ded on the landscape ��rraces aver th� parking if p�ssible st�u�turally. _ A�1 �aadinq areas shauld have �dd�tianal landscaping and screen fen�ing if nece�sary. The laading area to the south of th� Enzian �r �"4stella shQUld be fenced. " Pe�e�trian �c�ess should be g�avided fr�m the West Day Lvt thr�ug� the �aw�st leve� of the park�ng structur�. 14 r � � ' T�� entry stair on the �t�rth e��:v�tian shou�d be dec�eased in width to allar+a mc�re landscaping. " mhe n�rth elevation adjacent ta the parking �tructure st�i� �ho�ld have more wind4ws. Landscaping shc�uld be planted alonq th� st�i�ray and k�ui].ciing. 15 " r � � P'ETER JAMAR A55+(7CiATES, I�IC PtANrrihoG.DEvEL���+Er�T A�va�YS�S. �SEnpCN ; �E`l�[�3�AT+T��UM Tp: RRIST� P�TZ ' FF�C?k�: P£TER JAM�R DATE: �'tTLY 1�, 13�U g�: MARRI4TT MARK F�S[]R"�' ��AI�SIC}N ANI7 RENOVATION - SPECIAL DEV�LAP'ME� f?ISTRI+�'3' �7 As a result of the Tvwri Council's re�iew cf the prv�ect a�d in resp�nse '�o several suggestions �ade by members of the Town �ouncil we would like ta prapese the follewing fc�ur r�visions, �ommitmen�s, an� clarificativns. 1. �GRF . Tt�� pr�.�aiaus GRFA ��ta2 prcpa�ed �was +67.�0� �quare feet, excluding the 4, Dat� squa�e fe�t for the ten e,mplayea units. After further study and �naly�is af the �1�or plans we propose to �educe thi� tc�ta� �v 58,8�00 square feet. 2. �►'�CHT C'TUR�L FEATURES UF E G HOT � . �t has been suggest�d that, in adc�itica�n t� vuac previous commit�ent ta �epaint t�e exterior af the existing hcte3, we �tudy pc��s%ble alteratian c�f the bal.�anies �n s��cier to i�prove th� building's ap�pearance. we feel that this is an excel��nt suggestian �nd we are investig���ng' variaus design sclutic�ns. We wilZ have a specific design to prvgase in the nea:t few days. �. ' MES� . i�ue to sev�ral 4� es�i�ns reg�rding the tim�share nat��e of the expansi+on we have preg�red an inf�rm�tional memc�randum addressinr� specific questiorts. This memorandum is attached and can b� included in this week's Town Counc�I, packet. Suite 3�8.Va��h�a��nnal�ank 13ul�deng 1Q8 Soulh Fron�age Rvad W�st • va�i.Cnioraav�t�657 • �3U31 476�7ti5a Memorandum to�istan Pritz � Jul� 9, I990 . F�ge. � �. I:E T'uRN _ L�N�. �is a point af c1a�r3 ficat�ort, we fu�lly under�tand that �.f for ac�me reasan an vverall tunding � strategy f�r Frvntag� Road imgrvvements is n�t established pricr to issua�nce af our C.O. � we �ay �e ��e��ansib�e fc�r 100� af the �cost �f the Ie�`t tu:erx �.ane aff of Fron�age Roa�. to West Licns�ead Circ1� ��.th a ri�ght of re�.�mbursement �or c4sts ex�eeding *v�r lair shara" �tt same �uture date shc�uld an overal� fun�ding mech�n�s� �r� pu� intv pl.�ce. �lease let m� know i� you ha�*e any questfcns r+agarding these fiv� item$ or any r�ther a�speet af the p�a j+��t. � � � PtNU'S R��L NQRTE CC1Npl7A�lIN[UM ASSCICIATIU[�[ GQ�O Ya��Yaiiey Qriv� P.C?.Bax 69 / Vail,Coinradn 81b57 �303}47f'rZ747 � August 15, 199a N�ayar Ker�t Rose a�d Th� Vail Town Cvuncil 75 Sauth Frontag� Ro�r� 1�est Vail, Col�rada 81657 De�r N�ay�r R��e: It has come tr� aur att�ntian �hat the Marria�t"s Mar'� Resgrt Hotel would like zonin� c��ng�� in order ta increase t�re�r 1�ate1 density by anc�th�er 53�. W� ar� all ��' t'�e apinion that Vaa.I is �Iready becoming tao large ar�d ins��ad of the q�aint vi.11age it once was, it as fas� b�com�.ng a c�ty of high rise bu3.l�ings. �lhen we all car�� to res�de here mar�y years ago, Vai� was like a smail ��ropean tawn and that was or�e c�f the thTngs that attracted us to it. It has certair�ly changed. Therefore, it is aur opiniora tQ Tet well enough a�o�e. If you chang� �he z�ning }.aw� far c�ne, Y�u are sei.�ing a precedent f�r r�thers to follaw. �he Ma�rio�t �s already a high rise and Vail i� be�oming tat� ov�rde�elr�p�d, r�sulting in a major la�s of oUr o�en spa�c�s. C]�� vo�� �.s defini��].y again�t ch��ging the zaning laws, Sinc�rely, �` ' �� ar1 s�dent f�z� Pinos DeI hJQrte C��domin�.um Association CG/vk !"� � • � � � �.. Tl1'".�. � . _-r- T^, . [:" _.--. '': .�.., �%i:..L_�.._+:"!o_ _ —� :,._.y�?.� .._r. �`��_..�:a�J�',_ ,µ '.. . '�Ire1I� `�.'���,`?7 t-'+3`v��1.� ��14iJi'3 . W Q1�M i' . .,�r�Vi���4������� . V.10E: FX�S�d�Tlt i f��'V[?10�i�itI7t �1 S�[.JL-?.T�'C`1' . I'�urr'lc3t� i�S��'?�: ReSC]rt �Jr?TE : Jul'�r 5, J.�9D FILE:WFSi}/OWi�E.T•�EM A�; a fa�.lvw-up to �rur recent hearin�r I wanted ta prr�vide additional �.nfo�ation to the Council ��ncerning th�: timesharirtg industry �,n r��a�era3 �nd Marriatt ti�tesharir�g specifi�ally. U�r �r�ceeding c�n June 19 caver�d many issues a;�d a relatively n�w c�+nc�pt fc�r mc�st csf the Gc�unc�� members. Accordingly, the arnount af i-ime we had did nnt �fford an appvrtunit�,�' fcrr me tc� fu�,1,y explain ar dca�ument the �rograms anci facts that we �e�l mak�s aur tim�shari�g operations bat3-� unique an�. sup�r�atzve. I wauld '�'�erefare �.ike ta prc��rid� �c�me salient facts abc�ut aur c�rganiza�ion a:�d ia�dustry ta mar� �u1�y �.nfQrm you about thi.r�gs we fee3 m�k�� . . e Maz}; Marri.ott ti�a�haring pro�ect a gcsad �i� fr�r Va il. �;�_y is Niarriatt in the times�aring busa,�ess? This is generally the fi�st qu�stion w� are asked a.n munic�pal pres�ntatians. Th� answer is quite simple, fiiz��sharing under the lead�rship af Marr�.ott and cather ma�ar campanies such as Hi�ton, ITT-Sheraton, L]isney �nd Radisson has shed ���t c�� its previc�u� poar image. �t has +em�rc��d ta c�nsumers and r�evelopers i.n recent years as a respecta➢�le }ausiness appc�rtuna.ty �sp�cially �c�r ho�el anr� resort ap�ratcrrs, 7t �as many posztiue advantages that ha�e �apt�red the attenta.�n ❑� �.ar�g� dev�lopment c�rganizativns, as weiT �s hateliers: _ � It is a ,�o�ie��, ext�:nsivn af the �iaspitality busines�s. o The skill� an�3 �grvic�s needed tv prr��ide custc+mer �at�sfacfi.ion are pa�en�ly similar to hotels. o Time��iaring sells seasons and peria�3s through the entire y�ear bolsterine� per�iods a� �.r�w a�cupancy. o The timesharing �usta�ter c3.vsely matches the resart ho�+e], gue�t profile. .upsc�le, and vacativn �ninded. c� °The timeshare experience is repeti�i.�*e yet cyc�ic. . . it creates brand �oyal�y. �i �'he exct�ang� and renta� �un�tians l��ring tourists �o t�� resort area that might nat c�m,e oth��rwi��. . + 4 � � i � N �" e�..�'.. ...y. S'r..1 1?r- 4..,.. ��� �� - . ..! �y� . .__ �il L :��.". ��:,`a o ;:'�.� is:�ius��-y has z�ac�ed wa?-Id-wic�.e �rcaport?an� �:ti�?-; 2 G�J r�:�.rt� Lhrc�uc�h�ut the wflr?d in o�,rer �0 cauntri��. �l''�]E�'� arc� �r��en'�zy c�v�r 1, 6C+a ti.mesl�a�ing r�sorts �.n �'-a� Lrni�ed St�t�� ��,on4, c� T�eT-� ar� �rr�s�ntl�r aver 2 . � mi�lion .�m�rican �ama.lies tha�. fl4vn '��r�sh�ring int�res�s. This r�pre��:�ts a signific�nt ��rtion o� the ups���� cnnsume� mark�t, and stands as testimony tc� the �ccepiance of the produc�. a The industry has �m�rged from uncertainty and lar�ely overca�e the marketi�g abuses that tainted ear�y years. o The i.ndustry a.s now contrc�lled with mear�ing�ul �ta�� and Fed�ral legislat�on. F'orty seven States in the U.S. have specz��c timeshare statutes. �o With n�ar�erous succ�essf�J. SEC c�f�'erings �nd wide-sgread ��-�cei.vab3o� fina*��ing through majar �i:�ancia7 ins�itutians, �he in�ustry has k�een accepted by the investment cvmmunity as a �iable financaal veh�cle. a Press in recen�. years has a�knowledg�d b� the tencar c�� recent a�rta.cl�s that tim�sharing is a sect�nd home alternati�re far the ��9Q4s and b�yvnd. v Th� ext�nsi�ve advertising used in promot�.ng th� timesharinc� pr�duct c�eates impact that }�enefits the �a�rk�t �rea �t a�l eer�nomi.c le��ls. a It presents a business t�pporturii.t�r far �evenue and prc�f�.ts at ac��ptabXe risk levels . A11 a� th� above xeasa�xs be�r on the Marri.ott decisic,n to �nter the � timesharing field. They are fur�her r�e-enfa�ced by Marriott's 3.eadership pasitiran in ��tel and resor� manag�ment. We c7.early are in the dc�minarit rale in �he timesharing inr�ustry today, �ay virtu� of our entry iri�� the busin�ss fi�e years ago, 5ome speci�i.c facts t�aat enhance Marriott's part�.cigat�on in the times�Zaring industry are: a our hflte�s that operat� with anc�l.xary time�har�,ng �acila.ties have fvund that the M�rriott timesh�►ring owner i� a �congruent fit w�th th� hotel guest prafil�, , • ' ' � � '�r •.v a.«� �'� .;Te �'���'I"��:�,� _ °'1� •`* � � "i � _e"..' ._'a:l'�:" ����I�"�..v o �r;e have n��•� ���n th�.�. �he tii�te�•��ze oT�aner d��s in fact aue�m�:nt �ur fvc�d ar�� be�er�ye bu�ii�e�� a� �rell �s pos�.tively influence occupuncy. o ��e h���� esta�lish�d viabZ�. rent�7. and resale �rvg���.s in r�ur tira�s�a�ing s��-at�gic �ausa.n�ss plan. o We are ai�1.+e tc� tak� adv�.nta+ge of the posztioning af� Marrintt op�ra��ans �.n pr�f�rr�d marl�et ar�as. o The us� o� hotel, fac�.lities and tie-ins such �s frant desk se:rviees g�.��s us a cc�mpetit�.ve edr�`e and sets the ct�nsumer" � p�rceived valu�s at higher �e�els. a C�u� highly succc��sful �ianc�red Guest Award Fragram a€�veta�.ls with bo�h hat�l ax�d timesharing operatians. L�v}�ing tc� the r�cord of what w� have accompli�hed, I have a 1 isted �. ?oh �r �sar�s tha� we have svld o�z�, hav� a.n s�.J,es, vr ha;�� �_n v�.rious stag�s of active devel�pment at �.h�.s tame: i�esort/Lcacatic�rx Comm�nt� MQnareh at �eapines 122 two 8R vilias. �25a sf. Hilton Head, SC SQld out in �387. Winner ot na��neraus d�si�n awards. Une awara� preset�ted at a W�i�.te Hvuse ee�emc�ny. sahal Falzns 8�4 twa BR vi3�l.as {13�o s�) Dr�.ando, FL Gvlf course location adjacent ta Marriott � �T�rl d Center Resort. Sold a�ut in 1987 Roy�l Pa1a►s 123 villas (125� sfJ A11 Urlando, FL 2BR/2B units. Golf cou�se lac�►tivn a�ij acent ta M�rrio'�t Wa�rld C�r Resort. �old vut Spring 199D Heritage Club ��D Twca $R vi�las, Svld c�ut Hilten Sead, SC in nine manth� in 198'7 . 143d sf ulrii.tS Harbaur Club 4D villas-twv BR. �urrentl� � Hiltvn Head, SC in s�,les with sell out in 1990. 1.525 s� �nits. . � � � • � � . : _�'. �'�.: -�; �._ ..:�..'� .1 -�.'1 ._ r �.C�='E� :. .� r _ A�'��.1�. !.?:'�3�-ar� �;�7 T::�I7 C 3 �,r I 1�ti:� ��� �W d �rrk V 1].�3 S , �� 'r,�"{} c x. ��:?r�; i.�c.�_�:r��., C?� Sal�s start�:a in 19f39. �a��.1. �.he�d a� p�o�ections. �,�_�. ' un�.t.s on gc�].� cours� r�::_� to �350 �oc�r�r I�.otGl . S�r�a?��id� at Vail 39 twa ER vi1�.a�. 12�� sf. �^��e�t �ail, CO I]evel.opm�nt xn, progr�ss. Ex�sting 131 units �r� place ?�araciise Eeach Club 1.�5 two �Ft vi�las. 12C4 sf. Pdassau, Bahamas Beach�rc�nt �ac�tic�n. Sales start in 199p. �ypres� Harbau.r 5DD twca HR villas. 1345 sf. C3rlande�, FL Under develapment. Sales in �rogress, Sunset Pointe 111 two BR vil.las. 17.65 sf. Hiltan Head, SC Current�y in s�les. Palmeras Villas 2Q0 two BR villas. �275 sf. Puerta V�llarta, MX Currently in fina� stag�s of p�.anninq, Adj�cent ta new Marriott resort hate�. H�.ltan ki�ad Inn Pl.anning in grc�gress for Hilton Head, SC 2fl0 beachf�ont �n�ts. ��]. two b�dr�vm units. 125� �f. 'T'he above �zsted reso�ts d4 not include others in greliminary . sta�ges vf deve�.c�pment and neg�it�atinns in Eurc�ge, Hawa�i, Mexico, the Cari�k��an, A�izona Califvrnia, Virginia and South Carvlina that wiYl nr�t ccame on s�ream until 1991 in our syst��n, Th� prvpert�.es �.isted r�fl�ct timesharing sales in exee�s �f $�75, 40{�, OaD millivn dvllars since MarriQtt en�er�d timesharing in 1984 . This r�presents 4a0 uni�ts complet�d and the sale vf 2t7, DbU interval weeks. The resart� we ha�re und+�r development and in plann�.ng stages shc�wn vt� the abQwe list total �an additionai 1d Io�+ units with a, r+etail sal.es pot�n�i�l vf vver ��no, aa��QOO. . , � " � � _ -, r- - .� _. .. _ ., r:c����, . a t. ',. � d.� , ��'�3 4.� �—•.'!':'' S 1`v'�;:. `�� pz`�v�c:c � yrin{�lQ�a on tr� d�moe�ra�p.i�� �nr? sG�is��:ctiQ�� l��r�3� n:� �u�� ��a_�rri.att +�+�Tz3�rs k�a:�, nota �r��rnherin� 4�, OC�(} fGr�;ilies, T h�:w� �r�vide3 �.�;�� �x��rp�s fcarrrd an i.n�.ep�r�d�nt s��xv�y cQnciuct�:c� i.n 19a9 Gri.�h �hA fo�l��i�� �1ata r��ultin�: o Satis�actian levcl; 89% �o Resp�nses: 52� own�rs responding �rom Qrlandc� rest�r�s 38� owners �espondzng frc�m Hi�tQn Head resDrts cr Mc��t zmpcsrtant �easons �vr purcha��nc� Marra.ott tin�sharing: Reputativn Q� Marrimtt 4�� M�rraQtt Exchange Syst�m 3�� Liked th� Urrit/resort 2�� Guaranteec� accc�ma�iati�ns 32 0 Save money c�n �raGatians �Z°� c� �rr:.c�tt t�.mes�iaxing own�.r dem�igraphies: Marr�.ed couple� 9�� an� or m�are chi�,dr�n at hvme 48� A�� 35-54 63% Age �5+ 3U$ College �egree nr h�.gher 79� Cc�llege -- non degree 86� Graduate S�hoo�. c��gree 44�� Prv�essianal,rnanager or se1� emp�c�yed 75� Retired 8� 5ale�/technical trad+�s 1D� GD�rernrnen� workers 4� . v Income Data: Under $40,aD�O �� $4Q-5Q, Q�i3 �"$ $�C}-60, �DO 13$ $5C1�7�5, ��f� 18� � $75-1QQ, flf�(? �3� $1(]��125, tlOD 13$ $l��� flt?0 vr high�r �0� . � � � ` � • -. .. `; - -. . ):i:.':�..� :1 :'�� :.i t .._�'_:f:l _ - ti"''.: 4_i:, Gs !.'.�:•�CZZcZIaC�� ,.�`,„�„�?�ic�.Ci:1Cri► 3i: i°i:.ri.1J�..�. �:t7:il� �'E;�O�'i:: 'GTery satisf�U�c�y E�.�� • s�t��f:c�c�?-y �5� U::sa uisfactorv 1."s o Lew�el of interes� zn r4�art lc�ca�ions foz �iaar�iott tir�esh�ring resorts. Hawaii -� 87� �G�r�k�bean - �r% 5an Francis�Q - 76a Haltcn Head -- 76•°s O��anda - 69� Pa�rn Springs - G8o Colox�.dc� -- 64� California Bch -- 53% Canc�.r� - +5�-°s Cape Cad - 61� LAfSan Diegr� - 6D% Puerta Va�larta - 59� �Tew �rleans - 58� �I�:ShiI�gtoT►r D. C - 5(?% N��.+�Il�l -- 2 3 a * Se3�ction nf west�rn areas de�med at h�gh level �onsidering that ��1 cawners �ampled we�e �rc�� east cc��st. �alm Deser�. crwners nc�t included in survey since not v�ficially can MoRI awner roles in 1983. Far yc�ur review I ha�re attach�d arti�les frvrn maj or newspapers and national magazin�s reg�rd�.ng t,i�.m�sharing and �ts g��iearal posture in the +��+es c�f i�he press. These articles represent independe�,t positions. T hawe hr�wever alsc� attached s�rme zecent trad� � publica�ivn articl�s c�n Marriatt �rhich refl,ect� �ome of the reso�t act�va.�.y mentian�d in this mema. Y�u will also nr�te that I hav� at�.ached t�aa letter� from ke� busbness peaple on Hiltan Head I�land. �'hese letters r�flect th� sentxment� abaut Marriott Own�rship Resc�rts xn the Iocal cammunity. these indi�icivals ce�uld b� �ontacted far r�feren�es if deemed ne�essary oa� appr�priate by G+�uncil memY��rs. � � • � � v .:..�'. . . .-cl .�C''..T...:.. .L.%. ,Izr � t: A1^� _ 1 ., � . �:i��, :.. I�iry �ir�.� y�°�"���'1.'��.�:35...�T �^',�''i.�+ai�iZ�-i��.'�,.�'[.� L�.�.�� ���'�' 14�-::: r'1� Y��� �..u.�. �'.�J LC�L�� �'.?`, �':wr;�c+n ��iati, C':�ar�^a�a +�f ��:e C�=a��.un�±wy P�.�nn?ng �J�f���t:���nt fra� F�t�_,� I?€:sr�rt u .=�i ,��Ani,-�. �,,�, Di;z ��ra� c�ratacte�l in th� PE:: pr�c�ss, 1 �elia;�r�. �. h�+n� th�.t the ctocur„�:�t��.�ic�n o� th� grec�c:a,ng g��e� h�.s help�d yoa �:.o evalu�te nu?� prmj�ct'� ag�prc�pri��ene�s te� Vail " s exee��ivnal �nviarc�n.:.�n�. W� �e��cted Va�l fo� c�ur hotel --- and �or vur '�ime�h�ring resart --- becau�e it meets Qur exactin� �s�and�rds, just �s we ar� dedicate� to 'meet yours. . � ° • � � 1 i .._r.� _��fa ..w�....._��__._.�___.—�.._.�. .,.»�...... __._...�_ .._�._.� .___---- �_ r F; i Ln r��= 4 � ..... � _�.. � C�� w� � � G7. . �.� F Gti »� + r .� � - -- �� �;= c, � n � e� 6'9 u �n • � � N �'r 1`Y'� �� �"�ry � � •--1 � T{ . . .. .. . _ 1 :f} i`+ r� O qp L� 4,y J C.� i /� \ i � � � +.,�. ^t °• � � G r`+' ^, L -r r�.�.- `. ' � � y •- � � 'h ] o o ��; C .� .� = G^' : � 'C M� r .G � �1 "� V� ... ^:� � ��� l�.J� •� r (r � r S�, c�7 ,� � �� N� � � � v1.0 � Y VI= {� [ _ t � O � ; N— U� � x . C : � 8 8 � 8 � � $ � S � 8 8 o a ca � r� � � 17 . r � � , ' .,.� � 1 ; �_ f �.��'`'�4 � �� ��}, �,,�� �t�3 ,f�'' - ; ►%' ' /�\Y� �` r' '�ir . ,. , ,�,;L,� � .,S� I � .,,�+F�, � , �,�; r,��' � �j � ,,�� ' � � za�( "� �. � � ,, t . 3., f � j 5 �. f � � � � I{� '� , / � , f 5 f Q F N GJ r ^[j S-. U �� � � � � G, Q c� � � � ° � v� _ p` � �s i^ /� Gliffs Club � Neiehboring � Condo e�`� [I�auai) C3r��rner$ Island 'Visitors Visi�ors Timeshare Visitor Party E.�penciitur�s Campaned To O#her Vis�tor Party F�penc3.�tures, Ac�vmmvdat�t�n� �e�uded* �Per Party �er Day Fdatio, Average Visa�sar 7imeshare Visitors Ta: � Year of TimesEiare A.� Cvndo RSi Condo Dara Owners Visi�ors �ccommadatians Visitors Acr�rmmodatir�ns Has��ii 1979 I15.$3 76.�i3 9$.74 �.51 1.17 V74'estern 197� 68.8� 53.2� t*!/A 1.29 I+�/A U.S 5a2�utac3/ 1979 77.3(1 S$�22 NIA L.33 N/A Ft. ;�iyers, FZarida 5�uth 19$4 9f7.57 I�l/A N/A 1.0 N/A Carolina , �lorida 1��4 14�.Oa 11L(10 N/A l:0 �3fA " *Tirneshare maintenance and use fees excluded CiiCfs Club in ka�a�, Hawaii ��selerc�€i as a�omparisan due t�o its many sinrWarities to Marriott O.vnership Resort's Pa�rr� D�esen project. 'Bar graph and table are from "The�conam.ic�ffezcs f)f Tirneshare I)e,rel�Qrnent •--lune 1987" sponsored by che lntemati�na] �'caundati�r� For TimeSharing(IF'T), '�'��ashin�ton, DC arsci conciucc�3 by Raeatz Assnci�a�e$and Dean RunyFan Assaciates, �ueene, dre�an. , � � . ` 4 '., I_ -. : �, i_ r', �� �." .: c. 't . „ ! " .:, SEC i i (:� i� . , _ � ' � ✓� 4... + �' t i C � �•.,� ` �a ••"� ` k � .,� ,�'• .a�., *� �;, r 9 _f ,- '•`r �° �'`F'`�: �,1, ,r'✓� � . �`� f � :�• �� . '• -�:� �1 �r j! -' } .} f'+ .�. ry a% � ;� ��- i � J- , � i. � '� ] , i ' � i � i �i � �" , � . �c. ., .'i +±�}� r 1 � ' ���i � � � t # L' j 1 I . � 9 � � .,� "-., ` a � , �',� ` � � ; , � ���t +� k � +°� �'�.. i S . . ��' �; i ' � t�� 7 �� `„ • � � + � � �._..ii .I� i` ; � �1 ' r.�1 � � i � d , y/ A ...��:L� �R� � � 1: ��' . � i . �.. wsae'w _...a �� ��s..r� �,,.l., � / �,�.:r �,.�Y� wc°'-.'?�'J. �#rr�_,.�.�r ..�4:. ��.�...�.,�.-� r"'k �`�c,.�,� � �..c. .� , � t � . t` � • �;i �"�'°' �F .,..�-.,�.��-.�,�.-.• -.. �;i . -y�.s�aT,-� . j' w A.• '- r r.. v4 " . Y �� s` :•S �r k ., .,, � � . �.. 1 , . ,� ,� 1 .�it ��', .-." ' ._••r L" . .' `r'� �--�p• � � '.�Ri l �'i ��` rv'�� • �•� .�E�4� 2 i.�., YilL:a.-�r-�aae.w,ssr Yrti�. h 1 ' " ' ".,.-r�i..�wi:4..:..« t - `.�.a.w..YYiae�c�ii.LiiYi1�Y ' '�.. T h . �� � i�-�•.,� r��,�a. . '�et�er accc�mmod:siiat�s. The Qu�li[}� neariy 3D�,CtC70 indi��i�lual rnezrber fami- �. �.���,����,U,�.►vR '�iat�r�� Syscem was c�e�>el��ed b�� Inzer- lies, �x�ho h���e acquired proprie�ar�� i �al Is�cernational irt conjvnction ti+�i�h inreres�s Gn�iones��are ar�ac.-��ior�p��.•nc:r- � �� �������"[l �arnell Llniversity Schocrl a{ i-lote! sh�p resarts, and 6[� mem't�er r�rts 'rn ; �� Adrninisrra�'san and is rh�v�?u of as che 45 ec��+ntries arc�ur�� che worl€�. r � �-�^y �+ �f�, tr�u�nes�in che vacation ir�dsssnry�. �ne rc�ucaUle Cal'sfomia cimes?-�are � ��A-��s3 ��-1 �.�� Tl1is c�m�uteri:ed worldwi�le eermpank is Glen lv��, a pri��ate1)' heid - i e:�chanae rrezwork is the mos�im�or�ant �o�ara�ian based in C.c�rona,C.aiifamia. 1 ne tirneshare ynd�scr�°, v+�hieh Is �i,znensian af the Wortidex Corporacion, The par�nz cvmpan��,Glen lv}=F'snarrcial �ase�on th� `saea of making resor�prerp- �iyin� resorc de��elC�}�ers [�e 3bili[y �o Grpup,has�en cansidered by 1r�c. T+�tag- e-ties accessi�ile in sr�trre pec�pke, has o�ier ozF�er resvrts tr� eimeshare o►vn�r�, a-�in� as one af the f�scesr bsQu�in� pri- graw-n �nco a "�Z l�illion worldwic�e busi- To�a��, lnrerval 1n�erna*.ia��al �oastc crm�nue�f on,pc��r )34 ; i1�55 4)�'Ct��6e�7s15C C1i�4][7�C".2tj@5.�il�LC3- ,d.. x �°;i r �-'y;�,�c �''�µ, Ga�-, �s.�.�'�+v��N,, �x "`g �� � ry�: r�'�� �5. �7G"�+�Ulks.'a� J�C..F�' ,'"}�,G'��,,,*�*.r��'ra..'��'"+ti.r �� t t� � SOf1 {l7r this st�GCess has �aeen �he es:ab- x -' � x ��„� �''' .w t -�+�r� .�C ���,, C� ,,,, ; 'f1 5 +SA S.+te� a .-M✓N� �'RW �` � � . � 'S ro -T�,�t r �F w°.r�•-+� �,. �-� ��.�k`��"'�"`'� f;�F',� ��s •� . lis�-sment �af lau'S SIlC� gEil;�@lifl�5 WiLRli1 -�., �:.( �s�� •a....r�6 r -'�'�'.-r' �rwt �°�r-•� s' t .,r ; ,r�.^ec`��-c y�c ,�c,���LY'�i N �i�'t t� `rAa;�-.» � .�ktir^�.wrwa°�',y�.r. .�-_.lti��°�' �' � thc cimes�are indust�y� rhat gr�aranree �,���.,��;� ��',�,, ,�,,�-��.,�;,.��_ � -� _ ' re�ain standscc�s ta the bu�'{!"s�+pLl�]11G, f ��y�-:��'-�;,c,:tW''�'a°-��''����� " � � £����� � � 1 �eueral key 'tnstituticans have ��°=��'u=��'�'�;:�:��--��,- -Y� i • --�"*�.� ,�.�- �--. �' �i .. emerged w�ith�n tne �imeshare indusrr7�, �..N:�� � `�'-~�.��--:��:,,,�.'�-ws �'�„ri= .�•arkinQ co legieimia�e and s�abilixe the ��i� �y � business. (7r�e such 1fl5LSLt1CIOCl is the �` "�'`. ? ��� ..� , � `� s4����• "• P.rr�eric.�n Resor€and R,csidencial I�evel- .� ,. }�� � ,�fi;�nx,�:..� �! �':���:. ,- flj�Cl'S A.SSOC3�ilOi7 �ARFt.GAJ, t�lC tCa�C `��'i �. r."-'-r•._, K3 �� � i .G "^�` b.". vr�'ani�tion F�sr th�e industry.Their job is ?� '�"^ ��, k= �'`` �� � ��+� �"''�"�� �r � +.. ,-�. ,�,- ��t�� d�-,,. �—,. � to make sure the rnembers inttresrs, as ;,�� ;:� r�, � � ''=�-�.�-. �:--.� . r c �,. - ��- a ;3.���,__- _ wel!as rhe inccr�srs of thc�onsumer,are ���- w,�� `� -- - �,,:;�.: F being me�.They are al.ua respc�nsi'�tie Far '�. � e�3ucaein�thc ind�ss�r}�abaut newv legisla- .=`�-=��-���'''�� tian and de�reicrgmenrsw � Anoxhtr stakailizirtg ftarce in tht 1 in�ustrv r's lnten�al Int�mational (1I), a ; divisrcan af the 1xlarldex Csorparatian. ; �ncerwal In�emaeivrsaY •�ras f�u�ded b�,� , _ � i Maria Rodrique_,+�'hosc�aay w�as ro offer the w�rl�d ro�ime�hare par�iGipants.This r ide� creaLed �he exchange psagr�ms,. allaµ�ing t€meshare oa�rae�the abi�it}� co ' uade time wsch ochers chro��hQuG zhe �. ' � ., ^ � � +��orld.To da xF�is effeecive�}�, II has se� - *,.» f ; high sr�ndards far resares��anting co be a ' : pan of rhe exchange nctw�ork, ass�arirrg ,. . . - ' } m�rs�bess rh,ac chey're gerzing r.he same or uana I'ai,u Harvrn-,Ic�ea�i�of r��e rrew 5-5rar i�ivi�a�each�•'Sp�a resc�rr.. ; k sa� hucusr �s�ea . � � � • ' . • � - - ..._ . , t-;}. l;.'�i•. • ,. . . � . . � � .. �_ , .. '1' :. I l � � � :w . C ._ � � 1 �1 ., � ' _ _ : ,. . . c:�We i1)'.�Y ._ _ . . . . . . . - - __. . . ... . . , t`.�1" ti . . . _... . ,.. . ._ _ �_ .. . . . _ . . ___- . . . .. . ._ '.._ " _ ..�.- - . . , t J 4C:'j�. C�:i:'i� C':��T{ 7l� :�?: �l U l `� l�:il" :'��C�.�'� Ii�FU CClill�.iil4:5 {'.'�'tT lil� S�`:i:�� P�till' fC:�:.}C� il�'�il:lEl{11`+':� SLF�'iCL`�I47 tilT�C' fi�41'.Cl�' Ci7lllt il}1311�,' 1��N�,try�GIC'j� �il �.114:1• \4�ii S L�1f:t }l':lfti. ��t"�}' :11C iul.0 11.ISf 1-'i�:SI�:'f} 40i.'�"l` j'fl1�CC[:. �'�:11��c; �l�' ill:*Ta 1�1�i41 �� f�}-il' [�V 11 C.71.11(°+lkiil'Ltii:. �.I'itl.'i'�':l� . � ��fC e7�,�k��r,.-�i�++.i«t1.��`��r 'sIi j�ii . SUIiSi: [:,til rc�c�rz �r��,;�rri�{, r.� �y�n�in?� G2,C��r� I;� r•���ti;si�;1 i-+�����:�'i:��;ti�7 , ti;,r �ti•���� . i�:.`ioti: [IIfCYilf;�i I��C S�1�C L1� 5�"C.N.Si1Li�5� [1.i�i��l:Y�L` Yi�4,�,�ft3�5.� �41�:1 1�- ;i l�:?:�r.'� !I: L'i:. Li',L' il111F1�'�' Ctl llf:�'.�:'� ��3ti[ l.f3S111�.0 t_'!'�� � f ri:lt � 511T i.i�"ai l;in.,w.�l f IClf�ti�.31�. T �i];C 11`..ttl:}�!i'1314:i�f. � 3l1' !'�-�.t'� �f�1'�� ;. �t��.':ii;�., LITS�IIIi�:C:L'� SCirSS L[1 F�CSt1ia �f1.7�r1" ��.i Yy i =I. ��lSl �V} Ftli;illClill �1�.;1L'�l IS iY�Sc3 EYL:�:d�'.3Ci,�1111<l}ii SIi4° C[4�1�t L]i ..c.'+��lli �li.`�)a I]�S� o�� H'd:�l 2lS �T'r1�4�c'l �1t1(��r:lil�.; w..T,lr{".5 ��1lk': �n.��i� u;r �rf a s;�l��s ��r�+3 �.��3rl;czi�zd �ii��i� C�r.i;��;r��lxnta�.nnJ '�Fer7etsr.��sur.c}�. in fr�e �r,avelrrs �hec�,:s ;�n�3 �:or r��-�r,�l �iix• � �ic���� re�c�re c�e.�rlc,���ner�c,�:ca�rr}� sn�3r��- 1',�1i�7 S�rin�;s, h��is�zrre��,S.:n Fr.�r�ci�c��, c�iunrs. Ti1�sr s�ies�7��rslii� "ss eurrrsrtl� �i �et ar�.:n�nt� tr�vcl ce�m�.rna• stn�i �c�snsrruc- L:�1;r T��h«t. Ari:i,»:�. CaPr Cs„� �r��i �t�ti�rer,3chi��n� 1�,�:�°. ';� n:ar c^��zi re�m}�,�n��. �r h.i:� €escrrt� in C��f�f�}r- Mesic��. A rece��t e��mii�irm�nt in���ie ��� t}7� � adu ni,r,Ttxas,Ut<�h�ir.� H.i+ti��11t, i1111C5�1,►re ir��$r�,�ry h'� tlir ` sce .,�iti7 �,l,in� fc�r 1�eeL� rtsc3ns ir� � !� h4,arri�7« Ct)F�tlFelill�ll i, ;� ; tips �',il��A Urs�rt. �i� £�.�r. h•�.z�i ������ 111JJ ��� Y�� �j, si�;ii rl�a� ei7r iiti�.?�4str�� h.,, �n � :sozJ .�lc�n�; Ca��t`c�mia's tdsa�l- c«m� csf�i;���. 1'��i}�ti as1:��1 i( me linc�. ,�nc�riier ass�ect �7f G1cn ��� �'�'� � ���.. �iinesh��re ��c�ulel crn�k»te we Il�}' resr�res is that }�c�u're ��i�l� tl�cin c��t�l cii��iwicrn, E�.i ��I�+�vy�s 17uyin�in�erest in re,,l �}� j(� (�'� �,T i��fcA4ul{�s�,Vicr I'ress�iei�t iz^� "���` esc.rc� an�i, czE�cc G� �crcenr ������ ��IVtiJ��V'�� i ch,tirb� c�F ti•,�ca�iun c�«�ner- Cnt c,( ;� rrscxt is sc�l+.? cxu;. ti�,�c � shi��, �.�iii, ",L n zh� cc�nr�r�'. ta�rs re���re hectit�iea zi�e �+rc��•�<<rty� ���T������ ��� � �� ].'s � c��m4�l�ir��nt:ary scr- ful c���he c»,���4r's�ta�c3;i;ati�.x-�,t�� • irznt cif<��r �ycasPiz��lic}' hLSi- ni� 2 �°r�, T 7�� ,(�, I1L'S5, �I�'lll�' US z1T1 li'�tTC:I��CI� �y� k7e a�ima��isrer�c.��cc��rtii���,ti� �l'�+�, � ��-{ 9i�,, � ) � r T�irif c�i�,11 �j)�.��11��5. �wticf5 �1-'�LJJ.J� �� �a—+��A '��� �`-'� [��"++('K�riursit)� frlr CXj��lt�5ir�t1 itl ��C are free Tcr C}asx�sr cl��ir rna�si '(�� "[]��`_J�r � Y '..1�Y i.�L1 � z��i5 i�as�-�rayti�in� 5��;�'�rnt c�f �v� i�t�n.a�;ernerst cr}�ny��n�•, huz } �� tlt� k��cari��n ia��ustr'°." �id isi �ll e��rs Gi�rr f���'s �'f.�n- / Therr as n�, l�rtrer ex�tie�1�71� ������� LJ�A'�L..J� � f}}� C�ltS 5�r171}1ii1sIS� C�1�31"4 �'��1�' S\�4 S<�C'CfkC11L �14'1SFi7�l �lii5 �1C^Cfl chc�sei� rn nianabe �he ciaily rt��rc��l�ns fc5r inal;isl� �'f�r- c� busiF�ess nf che rex�r�. �f ��r�� �7G,� 1� �y r'c�rt `�I�icri �i�d '�'ill;ts a��:iil. if ��fliFnmi� ftiviesh V,►ca- �..� L�L1. ;�h1e �ca thGir�lif��mia ciiitie- �+� tipns 1rr[. i� a timesh;�re sh:�rr c�+;=r�rrs. Marric�rt t�w•n- co�n�ar+�� lcxated nrar C3ar�a er� A��� l7rec7mr s�ies�}her5 c�i� ; �e�ini, an ar�a knnu�n as the CaliFurni� A rel;iriarly ne�v�+rcx3uct in the tistte- R+�a��r� CESr���'ininiutz�s lntrmatic�nal, :� F r Ria�'sera. Tileir first rimeshare �reajecr in sharr srtdustr�� is [�-�r ur�`s�n tirneshare, a re�tsrihlr cxcY��n�;l netwnrk�+rtT��r.ma. th� are:� ��as iiae Cx�+is�r�nc, S�srfsi�e rrac�rt�in�esl�are�fq,un� in the ci�,�.Urlran The �+!fsirr's��cr Q►e��ershi� Fi�st�rt"s lns�, a 32-unit cn�sral l�nc� Tcx7�r ��P�ich �isnrsh�res arr ffyr �ei��+ke wh�a iike �c� �lan� fttir Califnsni;� ��•ill ineludr a � sc�ld c�ur ira zhr�c ye�rs far 521 �nil�ian. vac�i'se�n�z�t�ke tiine a�f{in �h�ci�}�.C}nr si�tann�l �nd intrrrla�ic7nal net►+�r7rkin� � �heir n�eeuesr �+rc7jrc� in th� area ix �he c7f t}ie hrsc r��m�les c3{this is'S�n '�raiti- s��stem.Thry�rr acciwrly nL��i�i.�tin�{c�r � �A R':viera Beach and S� '��escasz,offenin�� ciscca Sui�es t�n �'+lc�h Hiil, whrrr yc�u're severa4 sic�s�ra�3 are }tG��e(ul ��f hcin�; in ; �rue vacaric�rs feas� w'sth €+�nls and 3un cln�e ir�rvrr��thin� rh�r ci�y has rc���ter� �hc Califnrni� marke��lace in eart�� � s deeks, s�+as and game rooms, ainn�with wa�rh eahi� �r� ri,�hT c�ursid� y��ur win- 1989. �rirstarily, che5� arG Fc7�cus'sr�g r�n � � diser.aunss on �reen fces ae arca �nif d�yK�. Ow�in� x w�ek or rwo here �ives clzset areas:the�l"sF��min d'es�er�,heach- � 1' ccaurses and mem�ershi}'�s az L?ana Hills ycau ace�ss s�� an elegant 19t'�-erntury frcmt}�rc'�r€�'rrs,�ns��s�:i lc�caci�m. a Tc�nis �enter. Va�atic�n suicts in �+hase ' sryle suiee.�'f'hr�y nffer a h�c�nus prrr�r�rn Ths rimes�►are�+meiutr is cane il�at fi�s � i: onc ►��ill ha.+e ?1 nnc bcdre��m nc�an El��t ma�es �hr su��K aw°�ii:�hlr ts�ycau fi�r the srylr an3 fira�nci,�� rca3iri�s c7F rnc»t � J vie�v yuires wrirh 5�C7 'r' '� 1' f'�P { � SL�G�kzC{L'Et�f1[�T11f9C ar��irionak da s ��rh six da s nncice. � ie'S liwes. '�1i[h �h� firsi��c3� ryf sias�e- r�•n i�edrnoin ncean ��irts�s wiCh $]0 C7�4ners are rilsr+a�ile f� �de ►+�iTh aGker sl�arc �r�tc�a urell•re�ui�rr�i, tt`us«+�csrth�° � syuarr fee�, P�-ices be�in a� ui�c�er �ur�ari time;h�res taund in Ne��Yr�rk 1�s� ir�duscr��, ����r� excellcnC �rc�}�er[i�5 nn� � r 5�1�.C�0(}for a wcr�:. Lon�c�n� 71crn�, �•�ic�a t�e �escsr�s �}ffrrrd sen�ices xr��iVahlr, therc's n��dc�uh� �h;rr } }Lnu�her cninpan}� res emer�r in rine h�� Id. Url��i� L15TSC5�7�YG �1;�� c�uicl:la� rnill'snns mare 1�'}I1 �1CCLlT13C 1T14'ol��� i» uacatian rescarc an�iuszr}� is Vacation hecnme a �rnduet w�ith the hi�hes� va�atic�n.�����rshi�in�he d4c:�d�,+i�ca�- Rcsores Imtral�cin��►al {VRI), a s�cia�ry demand razin in che�'ssr�eshlr�induscr�•. ,�1cMuller�sli� ix hest:"Tim�sharin�;h:: manaaemenz carr�pan}� that nff�ers cnm• Ann�her sn�so4aciwe com�fir�y [o nnwhere t<���}bu�up:' 19K AUGU5'f i9ltl� � , � � :"';5'�4�. C*�.::r in�•�wioa, [- �r�r �u.rs� u[i✓[4.a+.r �U': S I�.l:tiy �:-:.•.�� -rsx ��`'- -= rr �Ii',`..�-.—��1c^,3'ES ��'.�.�E�1^� J.��C! �mc°�.�{.' ttis I�i;�.��.�t,i�ti�zs '�nter ivla�-ket �•o�.t� ,n�v�','=';.� ...�,�, „�U�4s�n,. 9 ..�,,,.,, ���,,,��,>���k. nm(':a.r:b�i��rvc�.onc�m���n.i�re't 1v'u,. rn�i k4a m�n��"a...�u�r�y eo 1r�Ae anFSl�and other 1:.sa:y m�er1.'a•�, rn�mEiq unsella6k roalp pr��i��nrq +� .hrd4�.--t �u nc;zz�re i.�,a�x �nd i�ras•�Ium re+or���,.,1 R�Ea�r m...lcr ;.�n�n�:�sa�r�yh�k�i7 a.m.�ur cvrpan- +ro1ro nc�. rn��� I.t.�nr P'c�rcu rs l�.Orsinenln9DlM1tly�:'�ii+['�.lf�c:. �{,IOfirdt4�yne.faeKlruim�irP��Ca:i4J.re Swch hN.+wc,;hit�r f.f�rnoii Corp., ks COA�4�[f ccrnp4�ntt in0vnird. Y(�ycan Cerp, G.ncr�� [3c.riaprr�n� kary�i tnn.i�d..ed b+n.�nR„mr.�l.arc. Corp,aryc SherAian Cary.ha.r rrcenur ai�aXnnrr,�rve�n�y�p,�b•�aa`�aiia.�. Ilnlcd l3rly daimi in lhe i�a�e-Gharr ncF 1c�rsl �IUV�cJ nnrrrcxty ryi�z in�5urxry.p�nn�an�fin�nt�.f�uL�ii�r�n a �e.trnrnXirmf•Mlu�t u1e.a. �vs.ne^ui onse pl���w�E}�h,[n-p�r�uwrE In lil l,�Mr Fior:s_,ki�a3aiurr y..�d ucyr�cr a�; 6o�a irt.�samcnii. u�uair�l Pn�a��hx wt�an"i finf�r.a+qu�Mii a.Trr�a�r r+X I.+�ta rr�utadr ti1c I4m�r•�Arrr�eW�wiry. "T�r mirR�inat y3ir.�,ry hAri �yn S�inne �Ren, m4�C ��N�d �.�pNt��CJ flushrd oui:Wd Dar+C B��n�.n,eh.�r. Irs��l.it�aa�ha.i aii4ra Wd•f�nlh pre- msn nf M�v�m�-pa,u7 Genrral p4.��. mano+u.xs�w�rr:�prp�ect mtujsn ia aPmmo Co�7.. ihe �b�Y�es� areu•�k�et 6e I�r3n�ed,pra�m[Lµr+nr depni�i.amd carnG.nyoa inr rt�i�a�n m�nc�.�o 'eaa7,nrolr- csnoa� in 7trnd ba�sn Is Fn:k�ly� �rA�cAb�W�cnanby.[t nu!o�cc�iriCli Time•shxnn�, .hKh lr�xr. in Ihc f{of5dsxlailirsuvneamplamuabau� Fr�ncw AIp4�n ihr fFGC.n ana w�i is�ee '���h.p+�•�a�rr uks =+n+ra. !wf �hx saporeed�n ine U 5.�FIvW��rsraio9nuf n'�mhn#u�dcc4aeA shary6y m aa tati ra Evy bifitl/af i�me,ig�preall�in onR• 1n��.Lnham uW. +rRI�jR'l1CJf.96�lsT�n eanYVm�neWme Lured �by irn�prD.Gd lwaioeu �un• cr eewri vn��ir�.sr3�err fo+wP to yp �a�A �^Q Wofi ovw+�umK.n.mxiar ]e�n c4-'.G��+e��.re aq..Inann; �neta I�mf- In WrnR caxs.buySrt Gn�lesde�he�r �`''ei �'�F�°�]n�oµp enEa s LaeYe �tt�1�n ens Ioe.L:epn lor yqmtoAr rllC 1 ����q�r m�d��-���caurn.rn+.ho �i ■nenn�r +aUi�aro tjrol A �rp..�nj +et frnd�ne tl�mnn aoF6eru lo�affwd t.ti'Der p1' �n�rrnalivnil '•r.c�.nRt 4hc�rv�n rkreiiun he.tirq C�ns�"atlar pGOp�t 10��.�F�far�uhr�[ M M,T.Gsra�.l Lk.rbf���l5�r�, eerari.i Inrou�A.av�.xhr�rerltl a�*[+��+hmrJ ru pnr�4n Iry c�w+�in�nE � C]rff CAe'je�14 ps�.��e.lh[nfEufl�j�,i MR�ha 1e.i.i4e��aeyW�yi�ti+�Of�Irlur- v�Mndsa a�.{�,r....�rn..P mie —�in n1i•h�sc� Gkn [+�r f��.u�r-ul P.wr 4 • falef�a1u�M�,���..����lrum S:YI YF�IY�vO��� ''w.••�••w��•1 11�Inic-Ju�,:���.��.iu m 1971�q 52 6�lLan��the c+��l uP I�ol ~'rr�ernylyie�. rr�r. aerVrO�nL 6e l�+e 3M17eRiHkian3S �fw�u•.31,e�c y,YFcs �R Ry�tt�i�J ��� Forn6+��e.n lo+ T���ne•¢h.nn� 7}� �vux� !er ans.lArrd e!e'�r ►5um�. nvm6cr of U 3 4irne-.han praiaEi Aix �"°�d CO�'a'"t' d1°a""` s�"` K��- mcrt�xd frarxi�;S in IF7}ie.�o�n e.Aan &o�n uwman�nie-.Rr 1.W::�aT. Ho�cl ��xna l.san�e'`i� Ca�ro, .hrcR �v� 1+�<•tlls/e'{ �M1�ia�l xr�fe�� r�g eeRrrW in:vmr-�hars d...:res„n.14�+. �s�n��d b)3hydy antl�Itencsmr�dlt�sf �����apn�n�apxnrashu�n�r ssk.+ pncuoel. in �u r�rly d�r�, iAS 6�rry Cpn�n.eearke�y d�ncru for br��na�1 �Hreel�d r�ms of �hr yamr iu Mama�i O�.neru��p Rmaru Irs. e�.a�nn .na uscf�ee ��.�ericn rnoo unir,raid ihe wnwnr c,�„�si�e.�n 9e�77�n�woithkas Flondi s,.rin,piar�in P.e 4mC•IAlR �e�rti, k�e aaWl�rr �,� IAs!9Nk u�ndre o0+a�rrcuoa�od pi.nti uo Il�.e a � "laCl in aAe 147i0�and s�riy f418r. �eG�InF7{prarculry6h�exr�.e7L0i7 ��ms•�h�rr�a�i��rd�ftn ziuf�,'N.q ydl �ni°i�'°R�pr �d';I 6S#IR.}IJIp� SsnDO.n, telmrcti+nans eh.cd� Pe� ihr Nns6�Ine..r.Rn�7ynie.r.l.xn��r..ni - t�1a+Ma 9unay a� Tme SRare T�Ae •cn�ur� eu J[.r.kryi s.e•yl unc.,l,.�t .�.nrr K�wu[n �A[ R�Ilpn"1 i��t1i ��rts�npA��K9 LOM1Cf11111iWn Ot 1�31b[•F�MK mart�. �+�+'I R�,.��E.�nn9 ai1W��ntinR�O Z:"6�eI lM 194�1.CJI��M•. A1/ME m�wlu1���Ckaµ�Hs im.i;e. u���nNY IKOndrtA I I''/. M'�I! [innfr �9 M1�JI Yl m ipra� So�ne uleuncn �ransifed Cspewv+r '"�aru���.�f iBe yrwpecsi for OwW�n� �,fis�a lu�r po�rns�rl Wl'�n fa i�htrf lamr.l,l�.�e p�eyectii�sar Thsrw7 Warkd - ol1�n� Wi xn� b�m s�sY emMY• en OrtsMo. �e. tera llul u a�rcllr i�naea �[7ro.�oN�ar iwe��e.s■'a�nn� ac+�r+v�an;..w��rw�uretap.aa„r �v prr arrq � �,aneana�r a S.J04 fYe IJ..S. uunneW'S+wsrr.m uia 7kr ix�rw I�x M.nnrJa.n..rn.rw,,. On�e i��nMe-tAan se�er��w.n�ni Pnortw �w•dJ+r Ane+w. fi��rww�w��nwxwi M.0 �a uaae IkH��t� ri.i� Iha+ rere ��r �� 11e ��'wn.wF Me+.n ►ml .nrr bw.M rnm�l u�e g�e�nl Tr.de l4n+Jt+�.wl L4rtd.e^e.i Awwwwin. tslR�IfllutWn qp'�I vp tifA hu� �� fAflfilw"a1YY}erMlFiMkd.M}eaneMl Ch+RaFd Mlfll rnh d�sptirr ►wssecn ■�d h�l l /►aAiu �is irl a6ew7 P�MIKU. L I.SCYf �IwM��eey�a�y Fw�s! T�mr,aan�p�+n.�r fnw f2.bn0 r4 535906�ni�rar/[abr�n ff.7CO. f� Fk+�d�. IRS�.oplrw wt Cwn- ik�nira�iFiwhsas X. � •` . ' . . . m ' _ "_ �. . f� ��r. �.�..r_ .� . � 4 . �.. + � ��• ` .. . 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W' �., 1. ��".+�K.Y. wq�y '�_'yf':.I..�-• u. r.t���iL+�b�'r' •a .. ... , w k'. yr�f !.Y's+��'hw7 r� ..r�. �. .,� ""�fi.-, �'��+, . � L � �+ y �e14 C�k:,QR ;ka41 ;lt,.-f�'•�i�� I f ."k' y `°T.l rk-4`y"� J , l,.. ..'.- 1`.:}`�+ '��:.. ;S r+`-+•. •.�y��} F���~ �=L.rTt=-�,��F � �'r.t�L?�L � '��+.�Yr� w� � i��y�k.,,;.�.�a�..Y�='�`�"°'` i-..,�,.'rk „� �.a� -r�x�T� �,1 �y�'.' �,.•, `�`-�'---^'°� St ,a��1 i fl� 3v[.fi Clc. (7'iwi:0� CS��`v•L'G'4, t )�cili ���i11� �'sSiB�'ld r425D�1. �L., > �. �'`"�.•-S�,yy�r ,l;k�K,a t1"n, l,��: �JaS`1d.'1''�"'4+tlr if,L'dr,t G;��'flia �1�S1�. �ii: 41 b'y" 4Ou G vi1�u 1�+�: ��'`-�;v;r-�' Saca:�z e�:l[tl-8n� ir7u uSe 0� �� l�nnEb CUV�Iv 2n3 ltlt$� R30f5 sr�:�, �t��}: :�:�. �1�. S�ckc�1 ::itid clubitcaus� su�ccst iliai ��oi; r.�,:�i:r ��r:::' reque4!t ar ��i��ticr ::�,rxwns�cit, 1.�tr�,- c�n. l�u�w• �r�t�c1� .�,.i�^, �id�•.1t�'i llu::, :#ii :::SOT13C1' .1RCI r]Iv�- ILJ9� S���t, t.iottlll� b:f�tlrr ��t�u 4t•ttiit �c• n�ti� ^n�aa�ii,��s�t�ti ��� �s b�is1F se� :siCic iil�'ill C3r l:c,car� !',-��cti� G4+»cr� �.stiaWi- Gr:����1 ;:�i�" tla:it ynu hr fir�.iblr i�� Iss4snc ss5 b�}ilcf � �uaicf fnr n3:s,�n' re�a�r>':` fti itt�:t. ��iti.i� �:��4�sif�5 t �te�s�lc<<Cr znCl f:�:ir .�8tc ��;:itv4 ln�::lioti� r- c:tse�. ��n:9 rtil�:af il�uritil�. s�••, nc��•�leq<<r ����h- � . .�.,,,s5,,',,�nn rs��7� :�h;na�r ..,�.��3• bu�- • '�4'hat ��C tlic �«spc�t:. o� TLSCII",n�7 lisiic� llcerr, i> +l.:it YU �ycrc�;�� nr �, a �t' �x:;�:��c tixe� cz�a•r tfa: c:.� �rtyc�^ :1.• "l�rir; sls iii�� ali��ui�. ls r� •:,:.ac ::. :: o�z::�ix�e�r;�e,�� 9�c�: �I�csts0.`. t�� z�rrg..rL�.r !;',.^i:y. .�i'�C^.' S::�Cti v�t� {i}�1}7���lZu, 111��� �ti�:!t 10 y..S�i l;i0&i�.5 A9 ,�:tC;AlltS, C(1$!`,- �11�.' Il .�lli]f i'���Clt�+s�,.. .�1;�1: F[� �ct lfa': f�• }��::.'C: ::4:51 i�t: 6^�'CEC-yC." 5;1�� O'��'t7ti I!]C�P ➢"!i]i 'w:� :� �t��-CSIS�IC 113�:c�fn�eiri. Aetord• cnrt�� ti�.f1C�t7�� IC7T CtjSti:lC1l.tit 3ll'ETtiF SLi::�� Cr�ili��e� a��� n�ti� �ti��r,ts tc se;i lh�^' to in^_ rn Ci�njolinl:. �n Gma}�a firr�� ih:s: ;� ranCs ;s��ti i:ises�er: dr�nr:�sic�i�s tn �et :: ;i�t c+ti��r�er�' assac,Wtinn." r�t W frce s�rr�- l�wrz�;�es r�s:ies and a���;iJis o;tin�e-sha�e feci far ti��he�lr�- suffiiciei�i f�nds ar. bc- rri: cc�,^ti Ctf ,lfe ne•;•s�esier. cont�c: ihc unrts. 2 time-s�sr i���err•wl ��•ail be a�w sii.� int alfacatcc 1�ti sh: r�sLrve fur.c. r�P�.'. .; ?'.Cf. Fio�, ?,a`, t�3rt�bro��;, »ya;r.�� fa�an ;�.er._�. n.`"-"• s���u�th,,as�� � 1h'liat aee yos�r tec�al rtghts and a�11g2- la.'. C�af�?. c- �; (�?'_'i �:�-SbG-`. o�•'�s�r� selJc�m ee� i�ae4: ntiorc tl�:;:; �C�ta tfons? 1�3ess :,�.:tr la��,�� r�yu�r� ft�! cfo•- • �io� much keewa} ►�•tll ya� have Ir� p[an� GO ��rccnl o��l;t orir�in::� �urclaas� �;icr ti4nsure'v}� dr�•ti��nr��>aorc ��rG�cct ti�nu h,: �:IIc����ira= � "eoai�n� t��`� perio� csl s::r:.• roting vavaUa�s? 4 tt•picz'. :ir:tie-sh�re �n- ii? tire resaie marl.c; . • :�r•.�! i�one t•°ew'��sth=: tn�same.�ee�: Ls�; 1„a: �l�n nac:^ns b�-avins fc�r hup- t�+ tCl ea.�s in�4•hi:l5 sn c:y::r��c yaur njin.^ car�: vea� o� 2 fioriin^ �•�ce}:. �+•h:�ts crs. FCcsale and rentaf accnts «�ii] �rvt af�cr ��tr�� ciys: un. 1�"los� staic� sisc� sc- mern� ,o�:'li i-o:,�e re rerr4:se z u°ee9; e::�l; t�au in �ou�l; w�°i;1�sellzra. 11's:: good id:a quirr�h:�! ara es�rau �c�c��:n� k�T sc� t�n Ec �•e�: !f ti�u cna�s- "i�aczional oi••�r�:r- tc� ci�e::�, au� :: res�r; b+� r�nte�� � ►�°c�}: tske c;:re o� u9irinsshc:c ,+�arl: s�:[a�sl� a s:^i,." +�ou'i`: �c� F numbrr oi ..�ec�:s fron� an a�+•ner �rho s �r�°i�ke so aeif. dC��clofi:r rieiauls befc�r;; c:rn��s�e►ine corr- s-�t�c� a�•cr ch� }��:r eorresnry��cin� io ■ GQUId your annua6 r,3f�te�ance iees s+rr�ci�o��. £SU� iA's �+��se �n asl: �boL� sne- tl�� sazr o� �•ou- snxre. .4 ❑u��te: si:�rc, r�nl�l,• es�alate? d'rarects �hac {�ar� of` cii"s szi�iatia�ys. Ar= �•rsv iizble if :szc�th�- r.?: ex�mpie, ^��puic r.�•e +��ou } � �ECel,s- t`ar�in= ��er°, Ics�ti i�c� o1�en h�ve tinan- c+k��ter ;1: ti�'� �+:�•° sl�e siiainirrian�e tc�_' n.rh��c ,i:*•• ❑r fou-�ueck:s cuc�: se�aon. c,::! �s�cs�lenes d< <n:: t:�char�.nv sli�rpl�� !si n�os; C25C.*.. �°�U ShC�UI[]Sl�t bc li �•nu '�9�� '� a �`•a�� �a kee:� frort� �aai_ :srr bu••is�� a r i�a r� �l;� rrai es�.,�_. ;+°�u la�i:e,. :�a�Q ahc samc � �:�a� s..:�: c:w --..tr r. �_-'%'�",�,.�.. si�nui4 b � rx�sn �Ot f�CCCl1�� �iilr- ,�'H'1,'��� r .T a,�'�° r���> >:�sur�n:r �ali °, �.hi•�;. w rs��:> stz.:; ��c+� 3,,,� .�,�..��,s��.,. n : ..� ��.- - ::nxc si�, cacr .�ewr� �nac� r:. r•,ar: f411• ! • � ^� Y •-�,. ha��e siti� c�eer� sc� thag �}ro�s..titi. i::;e[1 w'ish c�at o.` lh[ ��nrt-exrh �nr�c ,.r.�' ,,�..�' "� "�'+,S'-�dr -?i� *"j.�� � �'flL' Rti. �Ct r��,i%.:`"x� ���'�' ,� •'� �'rcr'�`:� ^ �hrGeurr r�u.� rn�KCS � r a�tt�t•vr�:+. Resori Gonaon:iaiium� lntcx. ; �, `� #" '� ~ -^�-��- ��''�`,.__ nc�n: tai ��,*ltine Tzri;-5�+urc inlerrtita •rre i;:11f7113� ��ib inten•al 1 nrr;i::�ti�nsl. fc�r . _„�,=-�.� ,-� -.�,�:;:"��_�- -�'-�,��s � i.i��• t!�r�rr�l_, [;a;i h�i� 1^f : lr�tle ��•re�:c r�illa }'�'� �-�'r-�"'� `"' --.�-�- -r Su�ilec. lr� 3ht S�atul� o{ �rsutla, ti�avtisnds c' t�rtit•sn.;r: rn;•ncrs ��nrls- 4�-�-'"'����"�` }�`:��r �,��� ; rtc�uisiai�• tirs� coittrac�s r� •��!�•fi�3e rc:�i t�•iee. �1:]u'i1 �+.tE' .,rOUCI� ��; .w, r�3' ln ��;'�`+�_ c����'y��„�'�°c�'µ,� e�;:slt �z ►� ilm�t�. A114 nf r.•.:tlr: �ta��' r•. .�.."-'�'� Y � t�{ > 'l?' �?`•T,. I`::�S��C)fll7■ . ti.:Ik}F11:Yt1 SL'r, 1: i 1 �jo��}_ ���CIfl^_ :i',^.:i C` a"::'f1C .l+ t'fQ [7.' S6 1C' �..k't�r�.iz:,' �}3L:�.-�T'�`.��.�.S.e�r�%.''r ' ^.:rl lC �� ��ti•;sti'�:: t1� 1`aslC� �lll:.�` 5ri�;, a�cst;r "e_a. ([�' ��4c:. El, COY11�3»��- s '+�!�, �,�.�...}.�"".�r ��* �. "a`. ' ` L� �M. r-'' "�,� � rr�,.`s``��'`""��,.'� � ;�i.i1c ��t7t r;7 � tinst T:i:s , u n::t `.].� '� i.3�: �i S7E7S1Yt'f ttiCl:�`. ��cir: .7' �"� ^ '�L � �t°"�.w�r �,t, � ,..� �� �:: 1 ` �y �---.4"'��"".,.,-�: �'''�-^�,,;. ���,,.� ��c�ti �t 17iuti �:. rbl� In �rCSSZtioct� n. a�.: �,cr� cu i�� e} s�; ti6 ti r. foo � �y- . �:t11"� . . C.::: D.. I'f..Ot.r. f9, � �3,.5'r. ti�:.15C71➢ ��,�,�c'`'� I'a .�L.�'a-r°}.ti,f g,+�c••_,�wvnK�{*^. I:1C� -i'� [)r i!I�. 1� ���� 'iYll(7+S . �JI.0 1�9: ` r �^ �`�r��,,�,'��:a '1,"'�d�.��,�"�' '�`�'"�y7� tLl1S �i��4, AaIIC: GL�fU�: f1� lsau:� t3tllSlt luf� L4'C�}. :. �CI C�C3:1 PCSI'��:. �. \�C}l; d7�`:E: C1]a- .t--: -"'"'t-"'ti • �'.�`� -±:y2��`�-,.. � .,c�sOS^� iime, �'o��i' uaual!;� i�a��� 4c� i'r.t7 la,+�+ s�:t tlr;�t ;tirc�nb»- c��'• 5�. � � F.ttorney�Cliniv•- 6u�'taxes netes s3n e :: ���S��SoT1 S"�_�ISUT I3C� i;7.:1:;' M5`I7e,-� 1'.`�se�n5�"� l�mr-st3arC develoP�`n: !or ��._ ��,. :'D; �r5: rC°�LI'.:.. i�1:: ��.C��::11s�4 h:L GOr�SUrnE+v-waC:ndOC rsex�sleS4er G.' 1�f4:i�l+S+�1:'5���9F1 ItiGY. Y�'>. . _ 7� .:.S.h:�'�'r5 L Y.'�=:��fi_�,:rn-.h'�y�c.tQE� , � � r• ry "� r, ' " C, ' � �'' • s'-�c, x , ., „� s $.�r M �-• � n.Y.''�� a.. ,vr} .n..f F�: � n*.. F�/1+P;r►.� y •,� t . .. . .. , n��'.� �`.# �t. +nw+�i 4��JL�� � '� j �'G�,�� f� �,��� t1 � r C��Y�� . Y���� �!!����y ■4 ■�� ��M W���j �� � Y4i '#-•• !`�'�:+ 4[y �s1�r.. ..9� ��,_�.;-ri�,�t ;��vf�ers��i1� I?c�s��-t.s�r�l�c�c�l�r w:ll ,r��rt sc�les ca�z c2t I��st si_� n�1vV� �r�ajecrs tl�r'.,r v�ar° - -;��.'.ic�1� ��=i�l I�r�v� c� tc�tc�r c��'c+��er� �i��:� �Q�7 urri't.�. �"f�e�r-rn is stc�rtirx� sales ir� se��eral r���� ::���a-,�cts. 7'I�a�'s �he �bi���st I�t�r,tt c►f�r-awth e�er by an� vc�cc��or� ��vnersj�ip e�rrr�rafzy. � � a�es began recer��y �n three rre;�� �righest profit t�►�rgins, t3f 2+ny rr�ajar � �E'�rY �fi'CC?J�G�S �'y", 4 NfDRI p�ajec;ts,m�rle�ting prc�ba}� ta�neshax�develpper. � '�r m r I �e'j CiC�'lQ�' � ly��ili'��in later this ye�r on thre� 3�10RI is gaing to this fa,s�er m�rketing ,,;�_ +�'�r'I'iE�Sl�ld� R�'SC�1"�S '�-' more, and this nu�� 'rr3ver��ry -- pace wich a pra�uet pacl�a�e that is both t��ether wich VO p�aj�is already refined and pro��n: �:C��press Harbour,�rland�.Cypress isi sales__is expccted to morc thara double the lt High-qt�ality unit. 'i�e �'i�mi's �ias�aard NasYacrur, ars a 5t�-acre sit� �viti�tin wvalk- company`s 1989 sal:s walurszc�s in cxcess of two-bedxoozn unit �VOlved fram arr�und ing�is�nc�af Sea Wc�rZd,began sales in S1t}(3 rnillion t)tis year,�CCpiC�P7S�IC!E7C2�L1�TV� 1�pQ sq, �.a€Monarch at S�a Pines in the �+iarch wi�h Q�ening prices af 59,500 tc� vp and general manager Bab Miller. mid-84s ta 1,b50 sq.ft.far the newesi vil2as S 11,SOJ per �+eEk, The pI�.� �alls far Why so many�ew prr�jects all at o�ce?It's at Palm I}esert�there are same smaller and �OQ-plus units. Constsuction is well �nown that M{]RI �exec �p Ed Mc- Iarg�re�cisung�unitSalSmeamSide).Tnterior schedulc�to begin in May with�ccu��- Mullen, who heads th� f rm's praperty design,furnishings,and e�uiprs�en[have al- cy t�.ra�ied far�ariy `91. `�he project is search and deveZoprnent acuvities,has been ways been lavish. hIORI's[hirti in C)rl�ndo and iu'�iggest scvvring the destinati�n resart areas af �Flex ume.M4RI swil,ched st��r�l y�2ars there sc� far. The first twca, Rt�yal Palms Nos�th .'�merica for lc3ca[ians for seweral ago&om fixed r�umbereti wee�s to open use and 5aba] Palms, are part of Marriott"� years, Marriott's a�qui�i�i�n Urlando hc�tel cqmplex, whiCh wa5 6,he ' prQCedure and �lan- "�"� ;r --�-�--�r �,; °� '�� �`�° �' �` � a�.��, foeus oFzhe marketin�pr�pgrarn.Cypress ninglbudgeting pro�ess f�r � �;,.;¢� > :�,�,,ti.��,`�� � � � �� � �;,�,� ��t`�t Harbour is a4vay from che hocel and will new prqperties is �ery �=�7 �r �'�`: � �: �' ���" `�" ; �?,� �, �..... - ,1�' . t �' ga cc�e-ta-t�e with EurvactiVSdade"s new tharos��h and umt-c�nsuming. �' A,� �, �� � �, �;�,�.�"'"�`;a L�aiphin`s �Court VO praje�t in Sea Ft�r the mosz parz�th�b�lg��f � a � ,� . :� � ;;,� ��}��� . W'orld. ncw inven�ory is simply the ;�3:. � _,s� — � 5treamSide at Vaii. V3i1. �+f�RI's rest�t ofconcluding this exact- _, . ���`w#� �. ;�„- - �irst sIu resort and the fust property it t�as ing prta�ss vn a nurnber of new "' � � , � not built fror�a seratch.Lac�ted two miles Zocati�ns azo�d�t�same[ime `�� �� �`°��"� �� ��' * ..^�'�Y east oF Vail.StreamSide began irt�he lace Miller sa3d. -�'"`;, ' = .�_ ;; '*�Z� � �t� 7f�s and c�nsists af 111 units --rangsng dvfarketing c4rr5�tiCratit�n5 � � r : __ � frc�m studic�s to 3-}aedraam apartsrsents-- hGlpe.� bring on Cypress Hat- - . - irr fcaur buildings. M(�RI cakes c+ver 17 ' bcaur itY Chlando whcre Raya� 'i:�.,. � :. �'�t,-- ';,� _ existing unsatd�nit�and gtans[v buiid a Palms, the s�nnd af M�I�i's � `' .r.�..�-°= a� 39-unit bu3lding featuring the kinci aF first two C+rlan�v proje�xs, :'�'r. iuxury 2-t�cdronm, 2-bath apartment5 r�cently Soid ou�, And main- �fGH-�UALRY UNITS, Ilke ttils ane at The Caund at its att►cr res+JrtS. Also,Ntarriott [air�ing saies conaneuty�guner� i�eritage CI'u�v#�arlac�ur Town on Hlltars Heod ls- plan� to cxpand its hotel at Vail, whi�h irr ttae purchas� af Has�ur ��.°re o hallmorlt af MO'�3's VO pro��ra+n. � wiFl add i�M()RI's marke�ing capabiliry Paainte pn Hil�on Head Islar�� th�re. wi�eie thc company is loo�Ci,ng at s gap'be- within se�sfl�al pKSic�ds--a sysatem chai af- a� L1r�na�tned project. Puertt� VaiL�rta, cween thc imminent seilout o�'Hazt�aur Clu� fards greater vacation flexibiPiry far its Mexi�co. Lac�r this spruig MC7RI will snd the stari c�f s�.9es ft�r� big new prpject t�wncrs. 9�egin sal�s ac its fus�deweErapment cruc- p�anr��f�or rhe Hi1t�n Head Inn site. t i�crnvrc�d Gucst tie-in.'Ihe M�rri�tt VC3 side�e U.S.,a V(7 resart planned for�.17 ' Marriott doesn't disclase many dezaiIs on +�wner has thc opuon aach y�ar afa�ading his units ar� the graunds vf the new sales,pr�fiCS�as�d�cs1uisiEiarts.butthef�ctit wcek f�ar Ho�s�rcd t`.ruest Award poirtts .. b�eaachfront Marr�ioLt 4�S-room hateF in is n�w iraVesung E�eavily and maving aggres- goo�d fcrr accaxnmcxiatiar�.s at h�rriott hote3s PV. N[(�RI has a SD-S4 Mexican gartner StVely L{7 ex�?�Sd MC�FZF C�C3IIy i�1diC3iGS t�la[ as'rywhere,air 7avci,and c�'rentat.This can in the deal; Mosstcrrey-based S�MEX, the cr�rporad�n is keen ass vacadon ow�rer- rn�an ttwntrs have t��apaori+af,say,a waca- the wor6d sccond Iarges� cGmenc com- shig, tion in Europe, paYis�B an1Y incidental per- . �any. 'me proje�t wifI be maxketed an- Marriott's iner+eased ittvt�trstcntin zha field s�naI c�pensec(MdRI is�affilisu.�with Site assd ia thc U.S. alsa ltnds crrdence ta iti�widely hetd befi�f RCi],The HCmox�ri Guest tie-i�has b�een a that M{�RI has maintait��d thc flowest powerful'+r4 salcs tro41. �onrinued raex�t page mar�ccting cost. and th�rcfvre one of thc C"anti►�saed r,ex.tt pogc Aacnrf^1'fcav�lnnr�nnnt-.+6nrilrQ�} t� .. r � � i tCJI"L11'�r��Si1f� :::�- .. . .. ° Cc��rwn ta v;�/���ark��i�c,r - �`� • �;, ly incr��:s;,d s��::�- �� '- t�sc�f lc}e-�k�rsns at a 8arry Coh:z�vas recc:�41y pr�airra�cd ta - t °, ' ` �. �: � _ „� ��' �. high levek af c�C�t:- v;,�mar�:etir�b, a nw�,� �3st cr;;�?cci bv- r r.�, , ~- , 1.,. � �;'� �"� �"=� liuen�s�. causc �f ll�c "in�rcasin,n,l?� imp4rzant � , ( � . � ,.���, - x., . =�`'� ��'� 'r�� ;��; �,_ x� �r r'", �' �i� ]��ilier admi�s�lzat rc�9e rn��rkc,�in��� pla}�cd in�h^�rc��ih ;_ � � � L " Y �--�-W .[`'_r�.+:d� � �� C FJ y't'` tl'IC G4lflj)�I7�' 1S Pj l}1C C�1"�'ISlDI] ' -r-r-fir�r �;��i .�h" ' Gfi 4. � + � �' � y , •�� .j';,,,,�-.;` st,n'�,, StT:.iChui� u bit [hitl S3l� RQ�}Gr[ A ,t•ka:.� ` „� P s F,.,, v, e- �.;�. � , a I ,� . 7 ��.,. � �-� . "a �.—,. ..�3..�i ���7-�'Y �.{� ° . f o- 1t'�11�'i-'T�. ��V�t� r � w ���� - in thks ti,.partment. � , �, -� � � � �� � � 6 �j+ :. -�r3����,�..k.�:� ;��,` 1� �` v < F ����1 � �} � f ^I 9� Stepped-ug re- cxeC ��g and ,�-�� �v,�a- x gr* � ��;�1 ������ �� � � ,���'T�'�wlu��"C.` �;,�� CFl31LiFl� �nd £T31�Y- ,��:TlCF3� 171311��ES �. �. �t .�u+,�f�` � :� - �4}�� �� ` ,5�-^' -�:>'.~,-,`�.�.� °�~- ;'''��-,.... in +o rams f�ar "}3arry has �tayed °'����'� # � � � � � � �� ,-4= ,.� -, �^ i �. '' � . r"4��s.� _�:�.T,:�€:�`•� x- ..r��;�.�;i�;<-.r k•�_���, fTEr.��:�tzn�SG1���Tit� $fi 1�SCTUiT1�Fl lal � �J� �, - ,s�V - X�L s�lespeaple are un- ralc in helping us °, - ...�'; CYPRESS HA�9C?C�R.planned fo�4flD unlfs-plus.wifl F� derway. achicve the�2tifying succcss we'havc ta°3O^k's thira c�nd I��ges,V�prr�Jectr In Q�lar��4o, The latesc batch experi:enced in the la5t five ye.�s's." , c�f new projec�s �c�hen will hold aWer�lf z�s�onsit�ility �Resai�pr4gram.ivIORT is vne af ihe very wan'�b��he last,MiiSer said ne�;4tiations for for all M�rriat� Own�rship FLesorts fe«.� 1d(J developers c� Offer a meanin�fuP addiravnal prQjects are in process, and �e mar4�evng effarts natsor�ally and new resa'le prc5gram.It is exp:.cted t�a genera:e 55 compas�y� cantinues to s�ek new pro�?ertics business deveiaprRents interr�az`s4n�l�y. to �IU rnillit�n in resa�es this yea�r�in adc�i- thrc�ugho�t NvNa �tmerica. I�e repc�rts direetly tq Miller. uen tv mare than S l IXl miI�i�n in ner��sales), Al�hau�h h�did not 5�y so,it�ould seem Cohen has"�een invalved in reaS esr�te accordin�ta lviiller. that cenain pnrz`e des�natians wk�ere �he market�ng far aver 20 v�ears,He joined �V'ith a11 these basic elernent5 in irs pa:.�:et, campany has not yet announced locatsvns �merican Resorts in 19$3 as direccar of I��1C�RI appears well pasi�iorted ta rc�ll aut bu� is kno��n to be los�4�ing far propenies telemarke�ng.'4�'h�n I�.R was acquired new�rca,�ects. �d/vr sites--Ha��aii,�c�r example--wauld hy h4asi-ioct in i9$4,he cnntinued ira�is It now has a tot-�1 staff of abvu[ 50f1. up have very hi�h gria�ib}r. telemarketingpvsit�an unui l9$5,��hen Gom 3►� a year a�o. Mill�r says the ran4:s P17 estimates tha�only[wo vthcr vacation he w�as named directar �f marice�sng of M�RI's a�raiinisvatz��e, suppon, and ou�nership cosnpanies,Fais�ield and Genera] servi�es, and later nauonal directar a� prqduct de�eloprnent ssaffs are nou� precty I7evelogrr��n�.probab=y v,rill be in the 514J markeung. He eantinues�o he based a� well fiiled out. rni�lit�n-plus cl3ss ihis year, and chat would h�SC)RI headquarters irt I.akeland, Ye�some people in th�indus�}��,rpnder'sf place NIC?�among the andusa-y's t�g three Florida. MORZ has the marketing and sa�es re�auaces opera�ors in 199(}. �GW ��}�� �a �r�)�+E'•C'�S ■ Paradise Island Beach Club, clasec�salesinCalifomiais�lie�+edzabs Ba�amas.M�RI is negotiating to acq�sire on Qr ahead of projecuvns. Caxrinued}"rom previous page thererrsaining inventory c�f about40 exist- 5old aut h�DRI prt�penies inclu�e: �il- ■ 'Linnasmed project, Hiltar� He�d Ts- at�g units c�F tl°ris dev�l4pEnent as well as ccrn Head lslas�d -- I22-unit Mt�nar�� at lanci.MC}RT plans to develop a major Vfl adja�er�t lastd where an additional 13fl Sea Pines>36-sanit The Heri�ge Club,ar�d pr�rjec[ an a 25-aGre oceanfrr�nt prap�rsy� ur�i�could be built.It wa�l�i be the fsrm's (nearly sald 4�t��0-unit Harb�ur Club at thaz is r�ow�he site vf Hilcan Head Inn.The secand VQ lacatio�o�atside�he U.S. Hasbour Town. Orland� -- 8�-unit Sabal d�eveloprnenz wi�eithez be a hotel plus I'�{} M�7R1 also as�nouneed f.h�recent grand P:�lms and 12a-unit Royal Palrrss. VG ca�das ar 29C}V�d condvs--in cither apening of s3�e first 28 - caso,ic wi11 be the iar¢est Of fc�ur umeshase vi13�s of ils planncd23fr �olecu MClRI has dcVeloped tc� date�sn villa resart next cc� Hi1�an Head Island. Sales prvbably will Marriotc"s Desexc ; *�-_--_--°'—�°r-^°-�I ,�r .�, bcgin late this year. Springs Resc�rt c�. Spa. ; � . .� � r ,.�,,,, rw�. � � Harhour Fointe,Hi.iton Head�s3and, 'IlYe praj�t opencd far �� , .a.,. �. , �.`' '' � MdAI has purchased ttre land for the�inal reserwauor, sales eaxiy 25-unitphasec�fHarbourPoin[.ad�welap- iasc s�mmer and ment s€arte� l�y The Byme Corporatian. neceived an C)K in C�c- �� '•� � � � ; �.•. ,. which now has 86 vniu in three bui3cfin�s, tober frorn Califtarnia's ' � �� j For MC1RI,Harbouc Pain�e's 25 new units DRE to begin tipsing ,�;',�� :'� will bsidge the�ap hecween rh�appmach- sales. Althau�;: eam- ,� - ��� is��sellaut�f its 4�-Unit Harrbaur Ctuh at pan�� sources 3cknaw- . = �.� ��`�.,_ '��,`�---� "� �._ �h.�, - .r. 1, , :;`,'�•:^ �a1�1[7UT TOWTY 2rid I,LS�}I�1'4ftC.�TlGw1�}Id�CCi led�e some [allau� in � _ '. - �,,,-�,� �,n,. Y .,,�'�`� on the Hil�on Htad Inn presperty {see Sa3es reserr+a�ions, the FlRST 28 UNITS of�v'�C��`s U�s�r; :'�rngs f�;.ility abcs�e}, o�+erall volume vf in Caliiornio were�arrrpG�tec�reeent�y. �� FiesaR Deuela�ment-Aprdl/g -r = f � ���'1 i � �,�-� ��f,;•�4� �f ' �E.A PI��S �,F�ALTY A S�a F�'r�.s Corrt�ialr,�� August 29, �98$ Mrr. Ben "L��;as - President - P�lm �esert—Rancho Mirage--Indian We].�.s B�ard o£ R�al�v�s, �nc. 44--475 Montereg Avenue Pa�m D�sert, CA 9�2fi�0 bear E�9rr. �,agos; When Ma�r�,ott Ownership Pesor�s� Inc. aslc�e+d me to ��mtnent on L1�e inter—re].st�a�sh�.p vf Mar�iott's ownership resorts� tlne real � �s�ate cammur�i'ky, and the community at l�rge, it �as an assignment I accepted wi�h pl.easur�. Sea Pines Plarrta�.�on on Hi1t�r� Head �s�.�nd is the Isl.and's original plantativn �ommuni�y, and set the ��.srsdar� far gated cdmnunitaes all av�r t�e co�ntr}r. As a ssnall �nd sel�cti.v� car�munity, Sea Fines P3.�an'tati.can �s garticu�.ar�p s�ns�.tive ta the ba].�nce v� ��.s resa.dential., resort and crammercia� camponents. 1`3�rriat�'s initia�. vacata��n ca�ae�'ship r�esar'�, Mvn�r�h st Sea. P�.n�s, prov�d to be not anly a campleroent tv our u�bst prestigious o�eanfrant neighb€�rhood af priv�te hc�mes an� vil.las, bu� s�.sv� the saur�e o� business for The Sea Pines R+eal Estate Com�anies, nf �► whic'� I am president. f3ur campanies speci��ize f.n Pl�nt�tzan properties, �ith particular emphasis on �e� ]'i.nes Plan�ation. �n �987 �++� w�re resp�sns�.ble for epproxamately ��75 a�i.113,an in e�ales: one hal� o� a�l ML5 sales recorded on �i�.tan Head �sland. A p�artion of that busines� derives £rom Monarch aumers wl�o were � Gqntinued �� Sr�Pines Grde,FW�on#iexd is]and,SC 29}�8,(8(13)7�i-3��� . . � � � � � Mr. $en �ag�s Au�;us� 29, 19$� attracted '�� Fi�.1.Lon Head �sland as shorC-term re�ides�ts, �ell in �o�� �rrith �the Zsl�nd, and ele�ted Co m�3ce �'t � longer-term hase: ea�her as g,�raaner�t ar secor�d-3��ne residents. Thei.r demo�raghics sre in �eeping �aith our typical Sea P�nes P1.antaticsn prapert�r o�+�er, khos� profa,le is upsGale Yn incvme, educata.�an, and . - sc�phistication. The trans�txr�n from �aeatic�n owner L� p�rman�:nt . resxdent has '�een a pleasank vne far ev�eryone �concerned. Monarch g�nerates ot'�er sources of real estat� busines�. ' Approximately 75% of the p�ogle who cnme tv t�e Xslant� t4 �.c�ok at Mc�narch �lect �.nstead tc� look at lor�ger-range pr�gerty vwners'�ig. And guests o� �ias�arch's ormers of�ers take tt�e vccasa.on to �nves��gate the purchase of Island property. T}�e constant maintenance and updata.r�g of ?�ax-r�.ott axaership properties zs a kep point �.n �he�r €�ttra��iveness to neighbosing property awners, ta the vaJ.ue af t��ir proper'ty, and to the comtaun�.ty as � wha�e. �arra.ott's �naintenance ar�d �nagement st�ndards are exem:plar9. ?�rr�.att's n��est ownershi.p resort, �ieritage C].ub at Har��ur Tawn ja��so in Sea Pines P7.antatic�n] is verg much in keeping with its ueighl�ars at c�ne of the most prestigieus yarht bas�n developr�en°ts an the East Caast. The demograghics o� its aw�ners are, to th+� best o� ID� �rCI1DW�.L'���� �he hig��st o� anp vwnership resart �.n the countrg. We Iook farward tca serving the cvnt�.nu�.n� nu�ber pf per�ple �who tiriJ.l be ettrected to the �s�4and bp Marrivtt, and �+ho will. - eventual3.y elect t� make it th�ir hame. r , Sa.ncerelp, �f���'-'{�'� Paul T. Fr�n3cs Presid�nt PTF.pc }f � �` ' .. . . . . ^ „'� 1+ i ; � yr � 1 ' _ ��"3 ,�+T�+ ""'�"-' � . � �� � � ' `� } K� d '�+' ��;aL t r ' �.� �'l �. .,�,''-,.._�'°�.�'.1.�'...�s'.�'::,...� .. 'Y� .... .�. ' . ° CY�E.��►`�;F��C�l��T I1� SL-,!� �'���5 ' � August �9, 1988 C�I. 1�ussell E. Sweetmars c/c► �1id—Ameri�an Buildin� Gcarpnration 5$ �a,�t F�eank].ia� 5�r�et � C�r�t�rvi].�e, 4hio 45G59 Tca the Members a� th� Palm I�esei�t C�Cy CounciJ.: I understand that Marriott Ownersh%p Resarts, Inc. has sele�t�d Palm Aeser� far 'Ghe J.v�a!�i.on o� � new rswners'hip resor�. Having serWed as an el�cte� muni.�ipal offacial for s�xt�en �tears, I understand gour concern and apg�.aud q�aur �ffort to k�ep yaur �ammun�.tp in high esteem. Ix has been �ng experience, b�th as a �c�ng—time owner and as �� Aast cYaair�an of the hameowne�s' assc�ea.at�s�n at A�arrzv'tt's Manarch iz� Sea P�nes planta'�ion, that l�arriott pr�vides exempl.ary �anagement and maintenance at �.ts vacation vwnership pr�opert�es. In�eriors are �continu�us�p r�furbished, ex'�eriors are k�pt in exce�.l�nt repa�.r, and 1anr�scaging a�s we].1 attended ta. In �dditian, Marrio'Gt's st�ff is courteous and bus�.nesslike. Mp fam:ily has enjoyed this beautiful oceanfr�nt resart ' �lmost since its inceptxon, s�td I'm sure I speak far all vf Mcrnarch's awners when I say, that we lon�c �orwar� tn manp p�ears vf g�cad ���.8'k1QF15�13p wYth l�rrivtt. ..� S n�� ly, Y .,. �� `�1 ,, � �. \ f C . Russell. E. Sw�eetman .� .. 22 T f � � � �v�s$m a►Js.�,I�o T'�3 t Vail Tawn Ccauncil FRC7M: C�mmtrnity Develapment Depart3n�nt Da�,�."F'.,: �TLIT'lB 19� 199'0 RE: Sum�nary of Planning Cammission action �n a request �c�r a ma jc�r amend�n�nt to Special �evelopment I�istrict No. 7 iTh� Marriott Mark F2esart) �.n order tc� ac�d 55 tim�s�-ia�e units and 1Q employee housing �nits at 714 W�st Lic�nsri�ad Circl.e, L�t 4, 7, C, �, Blflck I, �7ai1- L�.�nshead 3rd Fi�ing. On June �.1, 199D, the Planning and Enviran�nental Commissivn recommended approval af this r�quest with c�nditions. The mvtion was z�ade b� Kathy Warren and S�?CQt'ld�d �y Jim Shearer. The vvte was 4-1 fvr approvai c�� the rnaatian. C+�nn�.e Knight vated against the motian, Chuck �rist akastainec� and F�udwig Rur� was absent. Cannie Kr�ig�t Vated aqainst the request du� to her cancern about the overages in GRFA (7i], L777 sq. ft, a�►�r HaMfi allawed GRFA} , txnits per acr� (2� units above al�owak�le �xnd�r HD3�F} , and thc� number c�f uni�s (115 unit� aver HD�lF allr�wabl�) . B�Ic�s+a �.s a 1i�t af the Planning and Environmental Commissic�n's chaa�ges �� the staff conditions for the Si7D, The PEC's changes hav� been indicated i.n bold type. �.. Deed res�rictions limiting the use af the �en e�nplayee units to long terrn employee rer�ta�.s �.n perpet�ity shall be record�ci priar t� the issuarace �sf a building permi.t. The units shall meet the conriit�r�ns f�r employe� hausing �utlined in 5ectian 18 . 13. 08t3 B1C1 a-d of the Zaning CQd� +�xcep� that the unit� are �es�ricted permanently, 2. A d�tail�d dra�i�nag� plan and ather design is�ues relevant ta p�zblic warks �ancerns shall. b� su�rrnit�ed and app�raved griar to th� issuanc� of a k�uilding permit. Pollutaon cantro� devises shail be incorgorated intQ the par�CinQ g�ragc� ger th� E�R. The creek sha11 be prc��ected from any c+onstruction impa�ts by the use af an erasion contrc�l plan. 3. wor�cing in cc�ardinatian with the Tawn sta�f, th� applzcant shall funci and candu�t a campreh�ns�.v� �raf�ic s�uay of the West Li�sn�head Cir�l� area suitable ��or d�termining the M�rr�ott Mark's �ont�ibution �to the c�st �� constructing any necess�xry turn lanes on the S. Fra�ntage Road tca West I,i�ax�h�ad Gircle. Preliminary design and cc��t estimates �c�r th� �.urn lan�s shall �ae pro�rided. At a minimum� tne agplicant s�al3� be respvnsible fcar cantributing this agreed upon arnount taward the cos� o� trii.s irn�rcavem�nt. 1 r - , , ' � � � . � prelimina�r des�gn a�d funding strate�y for c�nstruc�ing any ��rn lanes �hal� �e established priar t� the issua�c� �f any bui�din� ger�tit, and the tu�n lanes shall b� �omplete� pri�r to the issuance of � Temporar�r Certificate of occupancy uui�as def�rred bp the Community ��velop�ent D��art�e�t and Public Warks. The funding and constructian pl�n must b� approved by the Tow� af Vai� engineer, Community Development ��partment, T�wn Cauncil, and Col�rado Division of Hig��ays �efare t�e building per�mit is released for the expansian. Th� ap�l�c�nt sha�l be required to submit a CODH access permit applicat�on �n behalf vf the Town f�r the West Liansh�ad Circle/5outh Frvntage Road irnprovem�n�. � szgned CDQH permit �ust b� o�tain�d �y t�e applicant befare a bui�ding permit is released unless defer��� �y the CommunYty �evelopm��t depmrtm�nt an� ��lic Work$. 5. A11 aspects related to the ti�esh�ring o� t�is facility shall c��ply with �11 applicable tawn ordinances that regulate �im�share activity. Timesha�e is an�y appr�ved f�r �he proposed 56 unxt buildi�g. Th� �o employee units shall no� be allowed t� c��vert �� timesha�e. 6. {Any lan�sc�p�ng} D�ta��ed l��dscaping sim��ar to �be �est�n Hotel Isadscag��q a�ong the �ecreatioa pa�� ��opos�d �n T�wn �f Vai1 1a�d shal� be submitted by the applicant to the Tawn of Vail land�cape architect and engineer far appr��al befQre the progosal is su�mi�ted to the Design Rewiew 8oard, All �andscaping pr�p�sed �n TQwn af Va�� �and shall be maintained hy the applica�t. 7. The applicant shall agree to regrade, r�veg�tate, and repair the drainage an th� �ank a�jacen� t� the bike g�th alang the southern prvperty line af the Marri�tt Mark b� August 1, 199�. � letter �f cred�t shall he submitted to the Town vf �a31 bef�re second reading af the S�� ordinan�e. The �ands�ape and drainag� wark shall �e sub�itted to th� Town EngYne�r an� Landscape Architect �ar appr�val befare th� groposal is presented �� Qes�gn Re�iew Board. 8. A ternporary certificate of occugancy shall �v� b� rel�ased for the e�pan�ian until a11 site impra�emen�� h��e been c�rnple�e� such as sidewalk�, lan�s�apin�, drainage etc. If the weath�r pr�hi�its the cvmpletian af the �ite impr�v�ments� th� appl�ca�t sh��l be requ�red t� provi�e a letter vf credit tv c�ver 125� �f the canstructi�n ��sts f�r these imprvvements. The c�n�truction estimate sha�l be reviewed by th� �own Engineer and Landsc�p� Architect. The agree�ent stipulat�ng haw the s�te impr�v�ments w��l be �amgle�ed and letter vf credit sha�l be su�mitted by th� apgiicant tv th� Town Attorney fQr appro�al before a temporary c�rtific�te �f aGCUpanCy may be released. 9. B�fare a te�ptirary certificate o� occupancy is release�, the applicant shall pla� a publ�c easement t� insure pub��� access thr��gh the site on the pr4pased �idewa�k improvements. Th� agpli�an� shall submit th� �as�ment � � _ _ � �,. _ � � � 10. Marketiaq la aqe �t�r the sale vf �he t ssh�r� �nit� shall b+� submitted� the To�►rn A�toraey b� th plica�t for apprvval. Th�'s wording r�avera�.n+g th� m�a, X���ng af th� timesharing ahall be added �v ttte SDD (3rdinane+�. 11. No amplification of sc�uad aa t�e greea�pa�e �r��.ted by the remvval cf the tva�+a te�nis court� s�a�l me aZlcwed for coa�var�ti�x�� �r vtber �special av�nts. The �c�llowing items were staff recommendatian� to th� Desi,gn Review Baars� if the praj�ct p�4Ce�dLd t4 that review level. The P3.anr�ing Commis�ivn changed these recvmmendatic�ns tr� conditions nf approval. 12. siqr�ificaat lan�3scapinq 3ncludinq �ve�qr�e��. deciduaus tr�es, aud shrubs shall �e provide� c� the 1�3�d�c�pe terraces vver tbe park�nq area. If adtl�itional stru��.ural �wppart must b+� x►�de�1 �a the ter�a�e� to support significant landsaapiay {as� �lesaribed ia tbe pr+�vious sentence} . t�e appli�s�nt/vwaer �ha3� be requirec� ta strenqthen the structur� of th�a terraee tv �llaw for the 3��dscap�nq. 13. Additiaaal l�adsc�apiaq sha�.3 be provicled alvag the w+�st elevation of �:be pa�rkinq s�aructure. A mix of dec3.dur�us, ���rqree�ns, and shrubs sh�li �e pr+�vid�d �# a� �ize adequate �a scre�n t"h+� structure as much as passible. The agplicant is direCte+d t� wc�rk� aith V'ai�, Ass4aia�tes on tbe lanc�sc�rping buffer. 14. All Zoadiaq areaa shall hav�e aaaiti�A�i landscaping a�x�d scre+en fenc�ing. 15. Tha emeadments to gpeci�l Dev�lapmeat �istric� No. 7 are apprc�v�sd conditional upvn Planana.r�g n�d ��tv�roamental Comm�s�r�ivn a�,d Tc�wn Cvuncil givin�g approval tc the �nderlyinq sone district raque�t, i�. �he ballast raa the e�cist�,nq Iauilding sh�l� be �hanqed ta� �atch the� cvlo� o� the meta� rvaf of the prc�ga�ed a+�s�itian. Tn addition, the staff at�d P�C recommend th�� the Design Review E�aard acid�ess ttte �al�awin� de�sign issues if the praject pro�eeds �+� aR8 s " Pedest�r�.an access shc�u�.d be pr�avided �rom the West i?ay Lot th�ouq� the lowest l+�ve� �� the parking structure. " Th� entry stair on the north ele�ration shau�d be decreased in �wi��h to allaw r�ore landscaging. � Th� nc�rth elevation adj acea�t tcr the p,�rking stru�tu�`e stair shvuld hav� mc�re wxndQws. Lan�scapi.ax�} shoulc� b� pianted along the stairway and Y�uilding. Ttaese cond�,��ans of approva� hav� been inc�rpvra��d int� th� Spec�al Development District t7rdinance. The reca�t�endations ta th� m�sic�n Review Baard wi�.� be passed �nta the DRB by the Cammuni.ty L?eve�t�pm�nt d+�partment. 3 . ';'�'�,��..`��.�-� `W�STERN S'FATEa��RE PRUTE+�'�IC�N 7a�+6 SD�JTH TUCSO�f WAY �,,. El'�GI.EEVV'04i7, CA 8+D1�2 (303)792-0f�22 (343�)792-90�49 FAX TRAIiiSM1TT'AL FURM T�: Vail Valtty Fire Q�pt. I�ATE: 4181�Z �UBJE��': Fire spr��klers-Marriot� A'f'T��'I'�+QN: Mike JOB NU�i�ER:1277Q ❑�xa� n���s �F�vTS Qc� � r� r,�vu� �F4R A�FRO'VAL '�[]APPRQVEI� []�PROVED A� N(3TED ❑NOT AFPRC)'VED �E-SUBIv[I'T ❑FC}R Y(�ZJR USE �FUR DISTR�BU'tif�l"� NUN��3ER QF C�pIES SHEET I�+TUII�BER I�ESCRIPTI[)N 3 FP - 1 tv FP - 5 S rinkler head lacement far level 1-5 � Hea� s I Perrnit lication WE WILL REQUI��.E l APFR+�VED COPIES FflR(3LTR USE. T`b�nks f�r tl�e r�ick curn arau,nd. BY � � � � P'�Nt3E�IT, RECESSEa R'E1�a'�N�, AND UPRI+CI�T SF�RINKLER� UI��VERSAL M4D�L A QUICK RE5PCINSE,3mm SUL� Tl�'PE, 112" �5mmj ORf�ICE, 112" NP"T** S�11 �1EFLfCTQEi�` 6� �SCLITCINEON PIATE SEATIMG SURFACE S ' w�€wcw FLAT 2-31l6�` (5'�.fi mm 1 � � , 3 �3Et F74{?tx F7'a6 612' .' � s F-3JIfi" REGESS�D NPT ,' �, Rss,s+�►a i-�rx' €scurcr��c��r '�* . . � tae���m� �, SS� DEFLECTOA� �-7/d�[�3,4mm]OIA. 7Ik6"F13,Irnmy IYfAFCE-9�1 PEND�Nfi ftEC�EO P€HO�NT lJ�ii�GF1T CRDSS S�CTIi�1 `Te�nperatur�ratin�is�ndicated or�deflectar car�d�cent to orifiee seat on ir�me. �•Frarrme 3•Qaskeied a•Bue, "`P�Se thread c�nne�cklor�s per!S0 7f1 can be prov�dad on spec4a�r��equest. �'�°" ��rr� 5•Compreasi�ra Pteta Screw B-i]eflecFOa FIC'aL1Rf A 1121NGH OhRiF10E M�C?'�QEL A�UICK R£SPaHSE P�NQ��1T,RE�C�S5EQ PE�I[�EP[T,AND UPRI[3F�T SPRENICLEF�S havi�g tn first shut d�wn khe fire pro- of any ot�er autharities l�nrr�ing juris- • � i • r tection system �nd remave the sprkr�- dic�iar� Fo.ilure to do s�a nzay impair klers. �,iae i�tegr-ity af#heae device� 'The 112 inCh {�5mmp ar�fbc�l�nivessai . Made� A Cluick Respanse Pendsnl, The vertica! ad�ustmeni ,pravidad by Th.e ou,+r+�r is respn�.szble �'or m:ain- Rece�sed Pendent,ar�d Upright Sp�in- the Rec�sse� Escutchsons subst��- tu�ning their fire pTVteccavn system klers �Ref. F4gure A) �re autamatic HaAy reduces th� a�c�uracy ta which and devec�s an pro�r opera#in.g carc- &pri�klers o1 the irar�gihle bulb type. the �ength �sf fixed pipe d�ops to the ditror�.. Th� fnstaliing evntrr�ctor or They are `qu9ck responsa - stanclard s�rink�ers muat�e�ut. Also, th6 Clo- mar�ufacturer shc�uld be contacted arifice spray sprinkf�rs' inten�d�d 6t�r star� h�s � 112 inch (12,7'�'nrrt) wida relatiue to any questions. use in fire sp�ink�er sys#ems das��n+sd �lange wFrich provides ampla clear- in a+ccvrdsrtce with the star�dar�i irrska!- ar�ce for ctaaering the mc►unt4ng hole. Instu!larian �#' h�od�el A Penden�t I�tion rufes reecagnized by the appli�ea- Sprinklers irc reressed escutche�n.� bl� Listing or Approyal agancy {e.g., other thare�th�F7Q0 or F7��iva1��vid LiL Listing +s hased on NFPA i3 re- a.2� sprink2er w�rranteea, as welt �rs quirements}. The Pendent� Recessed � po�sibly uoid the sprin.kder's.r4pprov- Pend�nt, �rrd LJpright Sprinklers all • ° • � � e � � '� � - o rxls artd f ar Listin,�� produce a hemispherical water distr�- hutior�p�tte�rw below fhe deflectar. L��oratary lisiings and appravals fiar 4he 112 inch {15rnm) ori�ice Mlodel J� I The recessed versions vt the M�de!A Quick F{esponse Pend�nt, Reeessed + . a Sprinkler ars +obt�Fn�d by utillxing the Pendent, and Upright Sprinitlers ara MotleP A Pendent Sprin�cler in cpmbl- given en Table A. The i12 inch (#5mm) onfice Modet A nation with ai.ther the �Aodsl F7#?0 ar G�uick Re��or�se Pendent, �iecessed F705 Recesse+d�scu#cheon{Ref.Fig- WA�dVrNC� Per�dent, and Upright 5prinklers are ures A and C�.'llte Fie�essed�scuteh- Tt�e 112 i,nc� orif ca Mnrlet A Q�ick raied far use at a rr�a�cirnurn service enns hawe � separable two-piece de- Reapnnse�nd�nE,Recesaed P�ndent, pressure of 1l5 psi(12,1 �rar)�nd they sign vwhicFa allows instaffalion oi ihe arid �pright Sprinklers descrtb�d are avgilable in the temperat�rre r�t- sprinkMers and pressure t�stin�of ihe herein must b� installed ar�d ,rrrai�• ings end fir�ishes i�dicated in Table A. tlre p!"btBClltf�l 3y8t�3f11, �Ff9[�"0 C61II�I� t�Fned i,rt campliance w¢fh ft:i�s docu- c+anstruction andlar appfieatian t�f a fin- ment,as we�I as applicuble standards Reeessed wersions af #�a Madel A ish c�at tv th�caiiing.'fhey a�sa permit v�'the Na,#�crnal Fire ProEee��on Asso- Sprirrkler are obtair�ed by utdlizing tha relRnis#aing v#a o�iling&urf�ce withou� ciatavn. �n.addiiion to the standard� Mcsde! A Pendent Sprink�er in combi- Printed�n U.S.�4.14-95 TD515M � $PRINKLER FlNISH TYPE T�IWIPERATURE BULB WATURAL CHRQ�46� P"QLYEST�f� RpTiNQ R.1t�UlD gRASS RLAT�� GO�ATED CO�OR All Calor� 135°F157°C O�'al�ge � PEl�DE�IT 155°f188•C Red and 1i5°F179°C YeNow t,�,3,4�5�6 11PRICiH'f 200°EIS3"C C3ree�n 288°fI1 di°C BMua RECES�En 135°F157°C Orenge F'ENCIEMT y,,�� 155°Flfi8°�C Red F7[ad 1.2,5.�,7 a�,C�r��,�� 175°F(79°C Yi911ow ESCUTCHEbN 2�OQ°FI'B3°C Cileen RECESSE!] 1�5°F/57°C fkange RENLIENT with 155°F/88°C Red 1,2,3�5,8,7 t,2,5.6,7` R����� 175°FR9°C Yellow El�UT�HEON 20A°F19,3°C C�aen NQTES: 1.L'[Stei!6y i�ffdetwt�t9f9 LaGOfatGrles,lnc.as Qulcic Respvnse;prin�ler�. 2.Llsted 4y iJnderwri�ars'Laboratories ot Canad�as QuFck Re�se Sp�nklsrs. 3.App�awwed h�jr Factory Nlutuel Research CorparaHnn aa th�idc Rssponse 9prinklers Ivr usa In Llght or ardinary Wazard(Qroups 1 arad 2} C1s�upandes.The FM APPrrswala ar� fc�r wet a�rinider syslems aniy and exclude oacupanci�s lanroiving low f#ash pt�nt �less than 100°FI38°C)ftammable fiquids ar fiammabl�hydeaulic Ilt�ulds. �.Appru►red by tha Loss Rrav�ntfars Cnuncll(Unktad Kingdom�as Qu�ck Respons�Sprinklars. S.App�ve[i by the Scienkific Services Laboratory�,Australia)as 4uick Respc�nse 5priniclers. fi.ACG�epE�d t�y IfifQ City 4f Maw YGrk un�er M�Y4 241-9d-E. . 7.Approved hy the Loss Prewe�rat�n Courtdl(L�nited KingdDmy.The LPC daas not rate the�ensit3vky af recessed sprin�eiers. TA�LE A LABQRATO�IY LISTINGS Aht[?A�'f�R�DVA�.S nation with eithar the IklfQdel F?QO ar cates the bukb Iiquid c�nlor as a functi�� o��u�o■w ua.�,�uo«.�Er�.■r�ur��o►� , F705 Recess�d �scutcheon.The Fie- vf ternperature rating. �ro ,s n � �. a. � � ce�s�ci Esc�lcheons• ere available wifh a chrorr�e plated fin}sh or a caate�f '�h�e F7fH3 and F7D5 �3ecessed Es- �� finish in any cnlar. cutcF�eons prorr�ded far use with !he � •■an.�cu,�ve o«�r �.o Model A Pe��ent Sprinkler �Aef. Fig- �„ ""•x..�e.�w.s7...� ¢ � 7he nominal discharg+�curve plotted in ure G� ha�e a C6osure and Maunting � .,� Figure B reprasents the ilaw "`Q' in Plate fsbr�Gated inorn!ow carbon s#e�rG. " � GPM (LPM} a�s det�rmined by the fa#- The Maunt;�g P��t�prangs,which are �„ �� �' ,�� iowing formula: cc�rnpr�dssed back int� the Maunting � „ � , � Plata as th��l�sure is pushed over bt, �g► Q=K+lp m�ir�tair��tight fricfion fit baTwe+efl the , �� �.�� two pieces. The Mownting Place and �r'° wt�sre 4hB naminal discharge c�8ffi- Clasure �an also swJvel relative to „ ,A cient "i�° equals 5.5 (6A,7}; and, `p' aach ather and cc�mpens$te for minnr e uals the residual ifowir� ressure in non-�rerpendicularity bah+veen the �f0 FAffT1Ai CLICIff OMLT psi (bar}. Listing s#andard permit the Model A Sprinkler and the Gei6ing. - °"".�""�'''"`"�'�`"" � act�al va#u8 ot"K"#o vary fram 5.3 ta ° 60 7/ 109 E!1 1M �.8 {76,4 t� 83,6)� however, far hy- _ ���oE r�ur��r�..�,�e draulic calculatioos, a K-factar e�f 5..6 F1RUFtE B (84,7)is to be appli�d. ' NDMINAL Di�CHARGE CLfRVE. Tt�e Frarrae caf the Modef A Sprinkler •'�`�'�'�� {Rei. Fig1i�'e A�, Is t7rp�nze per AS�M Do rxnt inatsd!uny bulb type sprr:r�kler athe^r thun tt�.e,�'1'4@ or F7�15 wald�vit1 �17� (�878U0) �r, a prrspriatary al�oy if the buib is cracJ�ed or Chere is a doss a2d agrink�er urarranti¢s, as r.�¢12 ccs designatad QM. The ButtQr� �b�1b re- af 2iquid frarre the bu1b.Wi.th tTce spr��• passcbly vaid t�.e sprinkter's Approu- #ainer) is phospher bror�xe per ASTM kler held horizontcsd,a smadl aar bub• ala andlnr Zistanga, , 8103 (C514f3{J or C5�lOf��. Tha G8t8- blesl€nudd bepresent.7'1�.edaamEterof iceted Spring P"4ats �onslsts of a the rxir bubb�e �s appraxE�rux�ly ,1 f X8 The NEadel A S�rinklers mus# ba in- Berylit�m NiCk�! {IVfl336t}) disc spr�ng inch �`1,6mm.1�a+r �he 135°F157°G to sta0led i� accardanea witlh the fvllow- that 3s sealed on bath its ie�side and 3 f 32 anch (2,4mm.1 fvr the ing instructians. ar�tsitie faces +avith a Tetion�' 9�Sitet. 28G°�F1141°G ratrng.(.At hig�r ambi- �he+Gompression 5crew is f�ro��e per e�.t temperature� the bubbde naay be 7. Prior ta ir�sCalling{�endent sprinklers ASTM B14D{C3i dOQ) and the beflec- buredy perceptabl�fvr the dawer t�m- arrd if a�rpEicsbie,verify that the�^ace ! � tor is brass per ASTM Bi 5��C�t[}fl4y. Aerature rari�gs.) �f the s�rinklsr fittin� is wrkhin the Ths MQd�I A Sprinkiers utilize a 3mm proper range of distan�e which c£�n diameter frar�gible k�uib. 7ahle A indi- Ireataddatina� v#` Mndel A Per�dent be accvmmadated by the type, ai SprinkIers in rece$sed escutc,�e�n.s escutch$an baing used. t[�u�ant RegKS#ered Trademark � MQD�L F700 IUI�QE�. FTO� wner�i�ta��i,�,g a iu�c�de�A�er��nt Sprinkier with the elther d�e F►'t)0 or F705 Rscessed Eseutcheon� far FULLY REG�SSED F'i��LY RECESSED best nvera!! appearance, use f7i» ot11A�N5l�NS# �f1N�NSIONSfi mensinn `A" incficated �nder tha '�'uJfyr Reteeserd Rimensi�s"head- ic�oF �i+,�re C.i]�the�'wise� �use DI- 1!p ta if�I�tch ad�ustrnent irvm Up to 11d Ineh e�djuatmer�t frarA . . minimurr�114 fnch Ro rna�clmum minlmum 114 Inch t�o rneucimum mer►sfon`A un�3er ihe Hi�A+�ust- �,14 Inah receaa�d caltion. 11�Inch rece�aad poaltlan. �t i3�ms�ns[ans hea�i�n�.1n erthar P cese,tlie rernaining a�djustme�t can Wrn. Inc�es MA1 OIm. lnchas M� be usad to a:ornp�3n�te#ar#ha p�rs. sibfe manufac3uring va�iatians in t�ke-out Qf tt�e frttting, as wall,as in A- 5181/8tt 15,s 3.2 A, 1�tt i��7 iha make-in o}tha sprinklsrs(as p� &Mkr�. 3V4 19,1 B-Mka. � 25,4 Imitted try ANSI Ei1.2U,1), &hiom. 1 �5,4 8-Narn. 1-118 2'��B &Ntax. 1-1f4 31,8 �-Max. �•il4 31,8 2. With pi�e thread eealant applied to GM�n. 114 6,4 C-Mln. dld 8,4 the I�il79 thrB�ds�7d�}ter installing . C-l�ax. 31a 19,1 C-Max. �I2 ��.7 the F7CiU vr�705 M+�unkng Plate(ar oth�r escu#chean, as etpplicable) aver 33�e sprinkler threads, hand �iICiH,ADJUSTMENT HIGH AaJ'USTM�M3 - tlghtan tF�e sprink�er intn tha s�rin- bIMENSIONS DIMENSIaNS kler flttir►g. l!p to 31'4 l�h adjustmant from tJp#v 412 lnch adJustmenf from 3. Refer tn Figure �7 an�d select the ihe flush ce�ling posltion to 3f4 the ffush rLailffig pt�s��ion to il� ,aPprtrpriste Spr#nkler Wren�h ior Inch re�s�aed poai#tart. Inch re�assed positlon, tighfening the �prink�er inta the spr�nkler fitting. Gdm. Inchas �1�! �Qlrn. Mchss AAM The F850 Sprin�der Wranch must be �uss�9tf iC►r Instalfng�+ester cnated A- � �12114'�'i' 12,7$,4 !1• 31'8 il8tt �,5 S,2 sprinklers, in oCder to reverm dam- B-M�. 3J4 i9,1 B-MAin. 1 2�,4 �gq t0 the&pr+nkl�r�i�sh. &Nom. 1-1J8 28,6 &I�arn. 1-t1�4 31,8 B-Ma�c. i-12 38,t &Max. 1-fl'2 38,1 NfJ"TES C•l�In. F�USti — GMfn. FLk1SW -- A leak tsght I12 irech NI'7"sprin- C-Mtt�c. 314 19,t � GMax. 1!2 12,� kler joiref$hould b�p2�tai►ced with ac tarqu� af 7 to 1� fi.lb� f9,b do I9,D NmJ.A m�a.xem.tem of�1 ft.d�s. � 4�28,6Nr�t,�a�torque is ta�1�ie us�d fo instuli Sl�aprinkler� Higlcer�Geu- eIs af torque may d[start th.e spra�e- kler i�.Cet w�th conseqcc�nt deak.age 2-7�e�" Uy�_ or imprsirtnent caf tlze aprinkler. (P3,O+nml I]c�ncrt attem,pt ta ma.ke-uP�'or in- su 'jficie�.t at�jacsi�en! in_th� �es- FACE 2-fr4"��a. cutchean plute by u�r� or vr�er� �� (57,2 mm3 ti,qhterei:rzg t�spri�akler:Readjuat FlTrlk6 thepvsitavn ofBh+e sprz�kl'er,l'�tt�ng #p�uit. AlIOUNFfNG su��aC� 4. !n��ecessed penclenl s�rinkler instsl- lations, after the ce�ilin+g has br�en install+Qd a�th��rni�h coat has been applied, s6ide an th� FTC10 or �705 C�osure ower the M«ief►�Spr�n�fer an� push the Clasure over the � Mv�unting Plata until'rks flange cames c z6 �fe" in�nnta�t with tfie ceiMing. q Pa {3,7mmi � I � r . Aut�matic sprink�ers mus# never be t For hest�var�ll appaarsnce. shipped orstot�d where their#smpera- tures wil!exc�e�l 14E3°F1�8°C and they t�R�m�lning 1{4 Inch[B.4r�nr1�of 1• MDdel A Pendenl5p�int�ler 1711iSt I�dV9C b+9(Sa`tnted, plat9d,C08t9d ad]�stmani can be used 4a comp�ensale 2- N9ade!F7D0 ar F7t15 Rece�sed Es�CUtchaon or olherwise aftered af#er �e��ing th� br variations ie�sprir�klgr mak�-in and �p-Mount#!i�?IB�Ce f�ctt��'y, Modifi�d sprin'k�e�s must be flttingtake-trut. b-C�asure rspi8�C9d. Spfir�klers that hsve �een FIGURE G �xposed to corrosiw�products of cam- MQ�i��L A RECES�Ea PENDENT SPRIFII�LER ASS�MBI.Y ' b�atican,bwt h�we rrat ap$rated,shaufd VViTH TWO-FI�GE MCf[}EL.FlQO OR FTDa�iECE�S�I�T�5GfJ�FGHE�M ' be replaced i� t�rey c��not t�e cvm- � CTION: � r�nd a12 reanne��vhv r�za txe ected s��� ,� r �`' Select the appropriat�wrenrh bas�ed on the by this acti�rn me6st be nvtifce�. follovning r�quirern�nts; �� It is racommanded khat automatic . Modsl A Spriniclers with a natural bra�s or �'� -- - -`� sprinkler syst�rns be inspect+ad quar- chrome plated flnish ar�d where the � -' _ __; ���y by�qu�liFied Inspection S�rvi�e. Wrench Ftats shovrrt in F�gure A�are a�- ___ ' c,�ssif�e�� mgy he ba ln�tallad u�ng arr 8 � ; o� 10 inch adjustab�e Crescent type � wrench ar the Model FbS�� 5�rinkler ��'"� + _ . , Wrer�ch. �, + Mode� A Sprknklers witt+ a polyester '`---�_�____�_�_ _1�! S�II�r v�ar�rar�rts fnr a psr�od of ane y�ar caated flr�ish must��y b� Installad wlt� •.�___i� - fC4r�'i the �iate of shi�mer�t 4rvarranty the F�lodel F85d Sprinkler WVrerrch. �Briotf) th8t #h6 ptod�ICts turn'tshed • Model A �lecessed �endsnt Sprl�kiers VfHEHC�i LU65 hereunder wlEl be Free fror� defects in whir.h�re tn be lnstalled after campletion ' m�terial and warkmenship. af a t�ceol ce9Wng must an�y be fnstalled Made! FB�+D Nyian Coated with t�re Modei F850�rin�Eer Wrenck�s. Sprinkler Y�Ironch Fvr iurth�r �lelaiJs on (Narranty, se+s Price Lisx USE: 'When using en 8 or 10 inc#y ad�uatabfe Cr�scent type wrenc�,i�e wrench ls ta be ap�l�d tp I thra sprink�er wranch�als or�ly{Ref�Fig+urer A). � ' � ° � � To tr&e the F850 Sp�n'�ler 1Nrench, slip the YUrench opening avar the Akodel 11 5prink��r ,re i=ru�iu�:i ay�a�b�i Cdur�iE�er {P'�hl) �s me�ectnr 1ry pass3n�tlie'�prink�er W�ench around the slde vf the 5prinkler as shown in the not specified wl�en rar[iering polyester above iilustcation. co�ted Mod�1 A Sprirtkl+�rs with other Using�rtIP Inch ratch�t drVve or by epplytng en 9 nr 1�Ir�ch adjusf�6e wrench ta the hex ��an a rvhite colRr,whsn ortiering co�or end of the SprinkJer Wr�nch,tlghtan the sp�inld�r Into tha flttinq.The two Fugs ioca#ed on �oatad Recessed Escutcheons with qppuslte sY+�es of the Wrench ind�cate the or4enfat8an of C�e spr4nkfer ireme arms. piF66r th8n �wh'tte GC�I01`; Or, WhB�IP1 Or- NO�"& deri�g s�r�r�klers wiZt� thremd canr►ec- Push ug vn the Spv°inkler Wrenth,wAilt it is bei,r�*teu�ned,to cnaure�haf the Wrencfe receaa �ons per 4S0 711. It is 8ugg�98tHd lhe�t a�ya j�ily e.r,g�d��th t1�aPT�n�t�r�,re�h(�� a caiflrch€�be pr4wided wh�n ardering s�ecia! colvr fi�'rs�es. Otherwise, re- Car�f�lly rerrwve the Sprinkler Wrenc�by dlsengaglrag ft fr�am the sprinkler wFerrocl►flats�and sponsibility f�tr duplication cannot �e . Ihera passing it skisways orrer t�e sprfr�kler de�ector. acce�ted. FIQIIRE D Contact your lacaf distributpr Fs�►avail- SPRiHKLER WREiVCH SELEGTI4]M A�1D USE ability, Sprinkler As�embllea: � � � �7 — ��� — � — ��� Spec+fy: 1I2"arific+�,(sp�city tempera- � ture rating�, Nlflde!fl G}uick Respanse TEMPERATUR� �specifjr Fendent�r llpr�ght)5prinkle► AA'irNG with (speciry type o# finishj, PSN i�5 135°F157°C �$Pec�fy frorr�"Table B). +�d�����{�.�.{� . u�+��+•�8i V�$PH flNIS+� tss 155°FI68°C Sprlr�kler Assembl{ee wkth 1S0 7'!1 TYPE 1 NA�'t1FGk�BFt�45s 175 175°Ft79°C Th�read Ganne�tlona: Spe�ify: �12'arifia�,{specify tennpera- 371 QF�.PEND�NT d WFlfT�PQLYEST�R 200 �QQ°F�93°G` #�•�C9 FBtIFl�}i Model A(]Uick Respvr�se (spvcofy Per�den!o�r llpright�Sprinklsr 37a C3R UPi�IQFfT 8 CWRONME PiATEfi� �&B 288°FJ141°C wilh (specifY tY'pe o# finish) and rn�th thread connection p�r 150 717. TIABLE B Receased �scutc�eon. PFi�7l�UG�'SYMIBdL NUII+EBER S�L�+GTlUN FDR 112 fNCFI ORfFICE 3pecii}r: 11'2" (i5mrn) Model (s�ecffy) � MQ�E�A�.lkflGlC RESPCIHSE PENDE�IT AND�iRF11Gl�T SPRINICL�RB R�ces�ed �scu�ch�ean with {s�cify WITH if2 INCM Ni�T�C+(?NFlECTIWDNS finishJ, PSN(speciEy).. 1I2'FT4a Chmm$......... PSN 58-701-9-0tQ pleiely cReaned by wiping the sprir�kler NUT�S �+�'�'roo w��e ....,..... �s��s-�ot-a�tu w�th a cloth ar by brushing i!with�saft Absence a f c�n escutche�+n, which as ti�'��Gh�mo.,....... PSN b8-7D5-9-01Q b�stl9 brush. usect ln caver a eLea�a�.ce haCe, may 112'YF7a5 While....,...... PSN 68-7nb-4•610 cieluy fhe time to sprink2er a,perativn Care must b+�exercised to av�dd dam- in a Fr,e aituativ�e, Sp►Ink��r Wrench: age to ths sprinklers — bath before Spacify: Model F85Li Sprinkler ar�d �fRer installation. Sp�irtklers d+�m- B�efare ctaeing a f�re pratection systern Wreneh� PSN �fi-$5�-4-001. �ged by dropping, str�king, wrench control vala�e far maar�teraance work on twistJsl�pp��e� or the like, must be re- t�e{ireprvtectivn.system wh.a�h it con- pl�cad.Also,replace any aprinkle�that trols,permission to ahut dawra the a� has a cracked bulb ar that has lost /'ectea►,�er�e psot�eeion systen� must be liquid from iEs bukb (ref, Instal4atian �bta�ned from tke pro,per authoritces 5ection N�te). t�Reg.hademarlt nt 4R1NNE1.1{�3RPO�FiAT1�N,31YfX?PARK�FJ(ET�R�NH 0�33 A'�'�LC'i 1111TFRIWA7TOF1+�4L LTCt. CC7II+IPANY � � � 1 ■ � a �r e Mod+el FR-1lC�-46 F�st R�spanse, K=S.G Harizontal Sid�wail Sprinkler ♦ Desig�red for car�pact�n�tallation ala�ng a wa4i Urr�c�Srre:'l� (15 mm} Qr on the side c�f a beam just be�eath a smooth Temp�era�rre Ftatrrrgs. celling 14D°F1�0°C, 1 fi5°F174°C, 2'�2°Fll f}4°C ♦ Gene�ally used in 1ieu of pendent�r u�right Thi re�d Sire(NPT�:�fz�" sprinklers b�cause af aesfhetics, building Ma�xim�rm 5ervice Pr�ssure. 1l5 psi �12.1 �rar) cvnstru�ction a�ec�nflmie c�nsiderati�n�s tistr"nys and Appravals: � Can �e rece�sed�rith GEM'�star�dard Madek �L1 and LiLC (light and ar��n�ry haz�rd�; FM F7[35 twa�pie�e'Escu�chenn �light ha�ard), a�d SSL Fi�ishes: Na�ural bras�an�i c�rrvme plated Technical f�ata Sh�e[:TD535 � � � GC�NCEALED SPRINI�LER �GlU1�K RESPC�NSE _ M�]QEL F�75 D�SIGNER, BULB TYPE, 112" t�R�FICE I°'x 1/2'� TEMPERATURE RA'�ItJCiS: RE�UCER 155`F 16B'C (7YPICAL lNSTALL11T1pN} 2U(]'F!93'iG IC-�AC:7'�R(NS9MIIVfE1L): 5.$ (C3PM��F} 1/2"412.7mn1j C (fJ�A.1 8q.6(tPM+a) ADJUSTH4EN'C 110JU8T�kAENT. /1/�"'��� 112 1NCH{12.7mm) �COVER PLA'�FlNISHES: CNI�OM��LATEb WHITE PAINTED SPECIAL CUL4R PAlNTE� Q - �S3�RINKL.ER/ Mf}U!J T!R!G CIJP A55�1vf@LY Cllm. Inches MM � A- 3-5116 84.1 8- 3J16 b.S G 2-518 66.8 �I�p C011ER PLATE ASSEMSLY � D-�+lin. 9-15/Tfi 49.2 ° A alA.l 3/32"GAP D-h�nrrs_ �-3/1� 55.6 C (2.4 mm3 m-Max� 2-7116 61.9 FI�URE A MQD�k F975 QR{QE1lCK R'�SPQMSEy�QMC�ALEO SPRI�tKLER NOAIIiI+�AL INSTALLa71UN C3!!U�£N a10�15 ��� Tha s�parable twt�-piece desi�n ofi the p ` ' � . � Cs�ve�r Plate anc� Maunting Cup As- . , • - s = � e , � r • - � semblies allows installatian of t�se _ ' Tx�� 112 inch c�eifice h�9oc�el F975 Quick s�rir�klers and pressu�re testing vf�s Th� 712 inc�� grifice c���u�cl F�75 Gan- Resp�anse []esigner Concealed tire proteetian system prior to instal1a- cealed Sprinkiers are listed �y Under- S�rinklers(Ref. �igure Ay are penderrt #ian a#a s�spended cailing ar ap�lica- writers Labor�taries Inc. and Un_ autamatic sprir�klers ot the irangible tion of the finish coal+ng to a fixed derwriter5'l..aboratoriss of Car�ada as. bulb typ�. They are "stanc�ard ceiling. 'ffi�y �Isa �ermit t'emQVal af C�ui�k Response 5p�inklers. s�rinklers"and prociuce a hernispher's- suspen�ed ceiiir�g pasnels ior access tfl cal waterdis#�ib�rtiors pattern below the buildirsg service equipment, without Ths fabaaratory I�slint�s apply tfl the deflsctor. �a�l� unit incfudes a Maunt- haWin+� ta first shut dow�r ihe #ire temp�rature rat�ngs and finishe& indi- ir�g Cu� and Cover Plate Asse�bly protectipn system a�d remave sprink- cated in Figure A. which conceal tt�e sprinkler aperating lers. c�mpnnents abave the�e�lirrg. A�Sa, the sa�arabCe tw�-piecs design �'`��'� The small C�y�r Piate is f3at, ta t�lend Qf the the F975 QR Concealed �"��p�+��`�T5'Quaek Pesgonse Con- in with th� �ceil+ng fvr an a�st��tryeally Sprinicler provides for 112 inct�of verti- ceuled SPrinkters described hersin pleasing and relatively unnoYs�ea�ale cal adj�siment,to reduc�the accuracy must be insfa2Ie+d an�muintairaed an aP�+earance. Stansiard fini5h�3s far the to w�tich the Ee�tgth of fixed pip�drvps cnmpl��nce with this ctn�c�emenc, as CaUer Pla#e are satin ��rome pfated #a th�Sprinkfers must be cut. ����as w�t�th,e ap,plicable standards ar�d �ainted white. �ther faetorJ+ ap- of tite 1Vats�a+aal Fir�Protee[ior�Asso- plied painted finisl�es �or th� Cor�er ciution, in addition tr� the star�dards Plate are a►+ailablB on specia!order. v�'any vther c�utlxvriEies laauing juris- Printed in U.S.A.9•92 T�578M - � - 61SCdHAFr6E 911 U.S.RALi.4N5 PER IIFMWTE`4M!' SPRlNI{l.�R +C[7V�R PLl�TE MxIXIMUM �+a +s � �s au �s T�MP€RA'TUFf� TEMFEflATURE CEILI�iG FtA71FJG RATING TE�1+tP�RATUFiE � +� p��ri��cunve orr�.r YA%.PRE3$l(R{1J5 P$I � ���p —. 1�5'F!68'C i35'�157'C t04'F J 38'C = .� " �[3f�'F!93'C 165'F!74'G j54'�168'C 7 � ' . 6 a.s� . � *"° � . � �' _ TABLE A � �o ,- ,��" k z.o� SIFMMARY OF MA%I1ulUM P�RMI"IT�D G�ILING TEMPERA7UR� RATI�IGS � '6 . _�'� -�'�� � r a.e m s m ' ,� � SPRf�JKLER!M�U�+ITf�IG CUP' ASS£M�LY � is -;�-- ,.o w PAAFiAL CIIR.VE�i1NLY MOUNTING PLA7E , RETAfNI�',1G RING � �� — HA3i,AME$$t1RP13.fl74Ap9 0,5 � 30 7S 106 � ...195 150 Mdl1NTl1+lG CUP 919ClGM1RE EM LI7ERS P£R f11HVTE GASKETED FIGL�RE C 5PRlNG FI[]M{NAL pISCFlARGE CURYE EJ�GTIi]N FLATE a SPRFiJG BUTTUN missib�e cailing temperat�r�� for use ARM FRAME with the�975. " � I Star��iard finishes far tF�e CovBr Plate Y�KE � � BULB are satin chr�me and painted white, how�ver,ather factory paintec�finishes for the Cover Pfa�e are ava�la�l'e mn CLI�'� specia!order. � , , � ' � CDMPR�55COni SCR�W The nomina3 discharge curve #or the L1��LECTOR � " � � F975 is p�lotted�n Figure C and it�°e}�- ` y�-�,—�„--t�; ' reserrts the tiow"Q"in�.S.ga[IpnS per � �=��'�s= `'�-��.�� minute (GPI'�} as detarrnir,ed by the €r�rmu la: * TH� CLIA REMAINS If+i PLACE UNTlL THE GOVER PLA�"E ASSEMBLY 15 �=�� �HSTl1LL�L�.T4 N4ELP PREYENN'1" DAMAG� TC7 TkiE QEFLECTOR AHR ARMS. �FIE GI.IP tS D�5IGNED SUCH TNAT TiiE DEFLEGTOR WIl.L DRQP iF�HE F375 �yh�re the naminal sprinkler dascharge SPR�NKLER Qf�FRATEB PRiQR Tfl kN57Al.LA'fi1?N C3F 7Fi�CaY�R plAYE. ca�#ficE�n# `K" = 5.6, ars�# `p" - �res- .�..°"". s�r� 'sn pour�ds per squar� inct� �Psi�. ENGLO��lRE '� O Listing standards perr�dt th� aetual SPRChFG v�ue Qf"K"to Wary from 5.3 ta 5.8. C�VER PLATE The F9T5 Sprinicler eonsists a4 tvuo as- sernb@ies, as shown in Figure �: the Sps°inklerlMaunting Cup Asse�nbly�nd the Cc�ver P4ate Assambly. GOwER PLATE ASS�M BL"f ;�r€r�kterlMaunting Cap Ass�ewnhly FIGLfRE B 7he 5pri�akler/Mvunting Cup Assers�bly utiti2es a 3mrn S�Ib ancl has a#�rortze MO[7�L F975�.1R(G1CIlCK RESPCINSE}CDNGEAL�� Frama per ASTRA B17fs SC87SQ�).Th�e SPRINKLER ASSEMBi.Y Button �hul6 retai�er} is �ah�sphc�r _ bronze per ASTM 6103 �C51 DflQ, C520f1U, or C544fl0), tt�e Ej�c#ion dictirrn, Faelure ta do sa may impa�r rn�xr�ufracturer shau[aC be contaeted rel- Spring�s stain€ess steel,and the Com- the integrzty of�hese deuie�s. c�tive to a�y questivns. press€on Scr��r is a plated bronze per ASTM B 140 (C3140D). The Gaske4ed The ,�`�75 �R Concealed Sprfnklers Spring Pla�te cansists Qf an In�anel mus# not be used �n appIica#ians �per ASTM 8768) disc spring that is wh.ere tJ:e air pressure aboue the cead- Se�led on both its inside aa�d o�atsid�e ang is greater than�Gh�t belaw.Dvwn- + � � �dges wiih a TeC6on�'gasket. 7ha be- drufts t�araugh the Maaunting C�rp flec#4� is brass per ASTM B36 corcLddel�xy the tirrae ta sprinklervper- !!�� ���ir+ct�c�rific� Model F�75 Quick �C2�'(]DO�, the Arms ar� p�osphor aticrn in a�re situatinn. Respans� Gos�cealed Sprinklers are hroraze per CI3A Allay 51 t1, and tha- '� rat�d for use� at a maximurn servic� Yoke is high sTre�gth brass. The auaner is respansibb'e jor muin- pressure c�i f7�a psi.i`t�e available kern- tainin� t�eir �re prvtectivn system perature ratings and nomirral insdal�a� The Frarne is sec�red t�1he Mounti�ag a,rad rLeruices �n praper oper�ting con- tion dir�ensit�ns are giv�rs in Figure A. Cup and Mda►ntin� Plate with a pfated ditiore. The ansta22ing contractdr ar Table A summa�riaes the maximum per- steel Retaining Rir�c�. The Mounlirtg � � Cup,wF�ich is chrame plated standard �:�_ '��E�ucH 7ae � e(.fl2t")low car�bon sheet st�el, IS —� I4lOE}NT114G CUP st�9d i0 � S�aI�lIQ55 StB6P MOUfltif�� �� 5L[]t Plate,and tF�e Mounts'ng Plato provides for rigid gn�ag�mer�t of th� Sprinkler Wrench �F�ef. Figure D) with xhe Frame. The SprinklerlMos�ntin�Cup Ass+emhly �a u Fs prnvided with a Clip fo securs the Qefle�tar in a reEracted {non-ex- t�ndedJ posit�on,to h�lp prevsnx dam- age 10 the 17eflectar andl Arms be#ore t�'i9�+t3V9f�r8�@.p1,rrS9f�1��}r 1S if15�3��8�. The Clip is degigrted such thai the De- w�e�rcH fleCtor wiil drap if t�he. F975 Sprinkler operates prior ta ins#allation of the Cover P9ate. The C4ip �s d€scarded when the Gover Plate Assembly is in- � ��i�" H�� stali�d. ��i�� If2" RACHET pftIVS C.�ver Piate Assecr�bly The Cav�r Pi2�#� Assem�fy, avhich * Tk�E CLIP REI�IAINS IN P�ACE UNTIL T�iE CClVER PU4T� ASSE�41pLY IS SCr'�ws �nlo 1he Spr�raklerl�+Ac�linting INS'fAl.LEp,7a HELP RR�VE�17"�A��AAAAGE 7'C�THE DEFLECTOR AND ARMS. Cup Assem�[y, C�t�sists [7� a C�ve�' TNE�CLIP 15 QESIGNED SUCFF Ti�AT 7FiE DEFLEC70R W'ILL DRflR�F�'i1E F975 Plate whic�h is svR�ereci tn ara Er�clo- SPRIiVKL�R OP��AI`�S P�ICi�'T�IFISTALLATf�DN C>F'THE C�VEfi PIATE. sure at three aquid'as#ant loea#ions ����R�Q -� around their peri,ph8ries, l he Cpvev MDD�L F874 SPRfNKL�R WRE�lCM Plate and �nclosure are brass per ASTM B36 (C26044 or C26800y. A 7y�e 3�2 stainless stsel cr�mpress�on Spring is lacated between the ffange taf Sprir�klerCMounting Cup Assembty 4. After installing the Sprin�ler/Maunt- ti�e �nclosure an+d the �Ca�er P6at�,fo nther than us shvwn in Figure D. ing Cup A�semb�y� ver�fy �hat the ensure sep�raEion of th� twt� pieaes peflector is retained in the retractsd Vv�ten the s�IdQr melts. �Jo nod attempf tca make-up fvr irtsuf- tnon-eactended)p�c�sititin by the��ip. ficien� ac�justment ire the ,Sprdnkler If ront, gent4y push ihe f7eflec3or up , 581der having a te�npera#ure ra#ing af r�ssembly 7ay under- �r over-tiglaten- sv t�at the G�ip is ert�aged.The Cfip '��"Ff57`C is used with Cover Plate ing the SprinkterlMauntin��u�As• is intend�sd lo help p�r'ewent damags Assemblies for use wi�h 155'FJ68'C sem�Iy. Rsadjust th.e positiarc a,�th.e to the Re�lector and Arms dunng spr�nklers, and sofder with a t�mp�era- sprinkt�r fitcing tr�suet. G�iling installation an�'ar dur�ng ap- t�re ratirsg of 1fi5'Fl74'C @s us��i w1tf� plicatiQn of lhe �nish cc�aiing af the Co�er Pfate Assemblies fc�r use with A leak �ight 1,12 incie NFT sprinkler c�iling. �i]0'F193'� Sprinklel'S {Ref. T�ble Ay. jaant�l�ould$e mbtaireed wiEh a tnrque Wt4�er�ti�e CvVer Plate Assembly is ex• of T tv 1#jt. lbs. Avfvre th�n 21 ft,l�rs. �. After the ceibing has b�en ecsmp1eted p+DSed t0 2 lemperature suffiaent #o o,f tvrque muy distv+�� tl�.e spr+*�nkfer with the 2-518 inch diameter dear- fuse the solder,the�oVer Plate wilk fall ori�ce seat u,ith corcaequent deakage. ar��ce hale and�n preparatiar�fvr in- �way#rom dhe Enclosure wf�ich�Ibws sta(ling the Cr�ver PiaE� AsseTnbly, the Defleetor to drop ar►d to expose the Praceed with the instaliatic�n as tol- r�emove and discard t�e Cfip(Fg,D}, Sprinkler far oparation. lows: anti rrerify that the [?eflects�r falls fre�eEy. A labef Ic�c�t�d vn the outsid�a cr4 ihe 1. The�ipe connect+eci tn the sprinkfer Cov�r Plate Assem�ly indicates the fittir�g shoukd be cut sa thai the bat- ff the�975 S,�rinkler h�s been dam- temper�tttre rat�ng o#the Co�rer Plate tc�rr3 #are of the f�tting is betuveen agad and th�Lleflectnr doas not fall RssernFa4y and #he temperature rating 2-i116 and 2-S/i� inch abawe the freely, replace the ent'sre F975 of the F975 apri�kler with�+trhicFr it is ta c,aifing line.By using a�f4 irach rarrga Sprinkler assembly. b$sa�ed� far ttie"Cr"dimensi�n,the rem�ining 114 inch af adjustment can he used 6. Sc�ew-nn the Caver P(ate Assernbly _ __ ta cx�rnp+ensate#c�r the possible rnart- untii its ftange c�mes in cantact vuith ufacturing variatiorss in the mak�-in the ceiling. � of the sp�ankfers and the take-ou#of tittir�gs (as parmit4ed by A�ISI Cro r�vt screw-an t#�e Caver Plate tvUTES B1.Za.t}. Assembly suoh tf�2�t it wi�l li�t a ceiling �o r�ot ira.st�ll�.ny t�acLb ty,p�spri�akler panel out ot�ts normal pasitic�n. af the bul�i Es cracked or there is a dvss 2. ARP9Y Pipe thread sealant sparingty o�' Ifguad �'rarra th.e 5ulb. With the ta t�ae sprinkler threads only. Use of ff 4Fie Cover P1�te Assembly eannat spriMkler Ite2d horixontal,a small air a T9flo�t b�sed pipe joini s��i�nf i5 be eng2ged rvit�r fhg Mcs�rtting Cup $u$ble slaauld be present. The dircrrr.�- recommended. s�r the Cover f�late Elssernbly cannat ter af dhe �ar 6rtbbde r�artes fram �cp- be engaged suiftcier�tly tc� contact praximateiy I f I6 aMeh �vr the 3. Using the Model F874 Wrench,po- #he c�iling, the 5prinkBr has be+en 155FI���rutdr��to 3J32 anrh fnr the �itionec�as shown fn Figure�,insta6l positioned �rscc�r�ectfy a�d must be 20'0 Ff 93C rutin�. and tig�hten the �975 5prwnk- repositianed�c�ording ta Si�p No.1. fierlMauntirsg Cup A�sembly inta t#�e Only use the Matdel F87� Sprankler fitting.7he F874 will ex�ept�1-if1� Wrnrzch for anstallataon o,(the �7� inch hex soeket er a 1/2 i�ch rachet Spri�kler po nvG urrench an the d�ive. t�}��'ont Regisrered Trademark � � ' .3. Fuctory pudrzted Couer Plat�s C+ontact yaur 14ca1 disfri�utnv for • � t�us�' �a�' � �ep����r�. �'��y availabifty. � � slwuld be replaced,ef riecessa►y,Ir�' Auls�rnatic sprinkler� must r��ver be �actury p�inted tc�its. Prflduct Symbt�l dJumbers are not shi�ped�ar stored where their temper- s�aecidted when ardering F9T5 Sprir�k- ature will �exceed 1(}QFI38C arrd they 4. Dtz�aot pul�Zice Ca�erPlate relutaue lers with a sp�cial painted finish for the must neuer be painted, plated,�atad to tice ,�nclosur�. Separrxtu�n may �oaer Plate. It is suggested that a or oth�rw+se altered a#ter leaving !he result. colar cfiip E�e prav�ded when ordering f�ctvey. Modified spr�nklers mu�st be sp$ciai pa�nted firiishes. C)i�rer�+ise, repia�ecf. Sprinklers ti�at have �een 5. Befo�c&ising a�re protectian sys- respansibilbty iar dupficafivn a(the de- expassd to corrosive products of corrs- tem Praaen�oratr�nt�va�lr,�fnr mainte- sireci fir�ish canna#be accepted. • bustion��ut ha�re not vperatec�,should na�xce work can t�.e�re protection be re�faced if tt��y canncst be cam- system which it contro2s, permis- 5apsra�efy Qrdered Parts. pletely c[�aned by wipin�the s,prinkier sia�a �ri shat daurn tlxe a�`ected fire Specify: Mod�l F874 5qrinkler wi��s a cloth ar by brushing it wi#h a soft prntecti�n syslem must bP ablai�c! 1Nrer�ch, PSN 5�-$7'�-1-(l�(33i. brisile brush. ,�i�m the pr�operc�utlzorities and a�1 persanr�,el wiao may b�e a�`ected by Rep�acement Parts: Care must ba ex�rcised to avaid dam- thas a.ctinr�must be n.otifud. Specify: (d�scriptiQn) for use with age ta the sprinklers-bc�th befare and F9T5 Spnnklers, PSN (specify)_ aftsr inst�ll�,lion. 5prin�Clers dama+ged It is recammended that automatic by droppin+�, striking, wrench sprinkier systerns be inspected quar- SprinklerlMaunting Cup Asserr�bfie5 twis�lslippage, or the like, rr�ust la�re- terly by a quaiifieri Irtspe�ti�n Service. are r�ot availabEe as replacernent ps�rts. placed.Ats�s,replace any sprinkler that has a cracked bulb or that has l+ast P�naed Wtaite ll uid #ram its bt��la. Fief. lrtsta[latia� i��'��'C Crnier Ptate�assem�y 4 . � Icx 165'FI68`e Sprinklers �8C�10�1�- ...................... P5N 56-97.5-0-155 If a s �'inkter mt�st be remoVed for SeGiee warrants fc�r 3 ��ri�d�f�n����;�r P��:ed wn'te P E r ir�•�rra•c co„er Pta�e,nasemay same reasc�n, do r�ot reiRSta�l it c�r a frorn t�ae date �f shipment (warranty io�rzoo•Fra�•cs�rr�ers rs�lac�rsment with�ut reins#alling th� peri�d) that the products furnished .... .............. �s�ass-e�'s-a-2� Cover Plate Assemb�y.!f a C�ver Plate t�ereunder will t�e free frQm t�efects in Ghro�rFe Platad Assembly becomes cSislodged durin� material a�d wcarkmanship. i�s`FJ57'C��nrarP�a�ensse�nt�y service, replace it immediatelp, �or��s'��sa'c Spr�r�c�srs �'or fitrfh�r d�tQals on Warrttn�y, sEe ...................••• PSN'56-97S9-t55 N4T,�S l°rice List. Chrorrse Piatadi 1. Absence a tlte Cotr�r Plate Assem- 165'FlT4°C Ctsvvr Plate Assemi�ly f far 2tb'F143'C Sprinklers b!y may cteIcxy the time to sprirchler ..... .......... p5t�ss-�75-�-2uah . . , ...... . operatton+�n a,I cre sttuaLian. � ^ r ° r • - � � - 2. W1cen properPy inst�lderi, there is a Produ�t Symboi Numbers a�re no4 nominal�i32inch air�go�p betr.�een S�ri�7kler,Assec�jt�iies: specified fo�replacssnent C�ver Piate the li,� of the Cover Plate a�ad C,��e 4rders for F975 Quick�iespanse Gon- Ass�mblies with special painted #in- ceilireg,as shown ira Figu�e A.This ceaEed�prinklers must include the ds- �s�'��• R�cvrds are nat mair�tainet! of �ir�;dp is necessary�'ar pTVper ap- scriptia�►and Pradu�t Symbvl Number PFe+r�°�sly ordered speGia�painted fin- er�tavn vf Ch.e spri�zk+�r. If Gfee ceal- (PSN),where a�plicable. ishes.Thterefore,it is suggest�d t�ra#a ing is to �e repainted a�er#he in- color cf�ip k�e prarrided when ordering sGcrl��tivn of the F976,�re�u�C be S,pecify: 112 inch oriiice, (s{�e�ify tem- replacem$nt par#s wit�speci�l painted ex�ncised #o er�sur�e that Che �ew peralur�rating)„ Model F975�R CQn- finisF�es. CJth�rwise, responsi�ility to� ,�aint dves NOI"$eal o,f�`'any of'the Gealed Sprinkler with(s�ecifiy#yrpe fin- ��Plic�tion of the desire��nish cannot air,gup ish� Cou�r Plate, PSN �specify fro�n �'�`�'�$�t�. Taale B). P 5 N 5 1 - 9 7 5 � 7t - x x x The #allowing patetrt is a�pliGable ta the M€rdel F975�Cor�cealed Sprinklar: EJ.S.A.5,i 52,344 C�VER PLAT� FfNISH 9 Chrvme F'lated TEMPEFlA7L1F{E RATING ► . • ' � - a Painled Wh�te 155 �55Ff68C parenthetical rraetr'tc car7v�rsioras ci�ed herein are appro�imate. 2Uf7 2Q{]F�3C �inch = P5.400 mm 3 h_Ib. . 1.356 Nm §Ib. - 0.453fi kg TABLE B FRODUCT SYMB4L.NUMB�R S�LECTII7� The norn3nal uveight Qf the Model F975 CaneeaBed SRrinkEer is�.45 pc�ursds, C�Regist�r�eri#rademark caf GR4NNELL GQRPORATIQhi,S TYC9 F'ARK,�XE7ER,NH 03833 � � � H��r ������ � ���i���� ���■ ������� �������1� UNIYER�AL M{QD�L A QR-E� and EC, 3 & ,5 mm BU�� TYP'E, 1713�" �U mm tJRIFICE, 3J�4" NPT** �@� 1 � _ , p 2 3 i f 17e �7d`32 in�t���Q n�r7ti1�ari�ic�Ur�iver- sal Modsl A�ctendat�Ccaverage�[ari- zanka� Sidew�ll Spr€nklers ar+d Re- cess�d Extended Coaerage H�rizontal -� Sidervali Sprinld�rs�Re[.�g�re A�are — autvmatic sprinklers af !ha firangilsle .' bulb type. They ars availe�bl'e in the � follc�wing ternperature ra7Engs and mflde6 deslg�ations. �� a �sr„m� 135'F/57�C MClL�9I AQR-�C C�NTERtfN�E G1F WATERWAY 1�"F157'C Mod�l A EC i��"{�z�7��,�,1 M+ut�-eN 155`F/BB`G Mc�del AC��-�C/�C �-sfz' 3.+'4'�PT�'�t 155'F168"C Mgcfel A EC t�e,i mm1 i75'F179'C M4del A+C�R-ECIEC 1MRE�NCt� �I.�►� Afl QR-E�and QR-ECI�C madels uti- _ _ � - _ lize a 3 mm diameter�aulb, and�CI EC -- — rnodels uttilize a 5 mm disme4er bulka. � � � _ The model designati�n suNix (i.s., � QR-E� or EC) indicates the int�nded � appftcatfan, as given in Tabte A-1 c�r A-2�for use in . - 7��s" i-ir2" wAt� Slf,imm! [3B.1mmY P�ATE � I�ght hazardr �UlG#C r@5�]CkRS$ - 9X- $IJR'FACf tentled �overage iQF�-EC} sprinld�r systam a¢�plic�tifln&per NFPA 13 or sr�s" z�i�4" FM instalf�tic3n Standards,or 1i4,�nn�nti «7�2 rnm� � Ii ht haz&rd, e%tended aowBfage � (�C) sprinkler system applicatians par hI�PA 9 3 0�FM installativn stan- t-Frame WR�NC� Ftb7 dards. �-Button 9•Ga�kateG They are designed for installation - s�na alo�ng a wall and jus#beneath�smnath P�Ee anti tev�i ceilir�g as defined in the�p- 4 -auib plica�le instalEation standard_Narixon- s-�r�s�ac� , #sl swdewall sprinklers are �en�rally e-�er�e�or x-i�e"���. useti in Pieu oi pende�t sprinklers be- eause o1 aest�tatic, buliding c�onstnac- �����'"'"'"� tlan,nr instatlatlon�onomy consider- atlqna, The re�essed vereions Qf the MadQl?� 4 (�mm? . E�ended Cvverage Horizvntal Side- NFppEL F7tY�i ar F7D5 wa�f Sprinklers are abtained by utiliz- RECE55E� Irag either the ModeE FTUO ar�fl5 Re- �sCU'r�M�a� csssed Escutchevn {Ref, Figura B). The Recessed Escutche�vna have a sepavable two-plece design which a1- law8 ir�St&Il�t[otl o� th9 Sprinf(l9r8 �nd ` Tem�eratur�reUng Is indicaRed�orrda�e�t4r or adjacent Iv vriflce seat on frame. prassure te�sting o} th� fir� pratectiar� "" Pipe tTtraac�connactivns per fS4 71t r�n be provid�tE an�peCial req�est. � syste�n, pr�crr to wall canstructi�r� FI�IJR�A ' a�r�dtor applka�tion af a fin�sh ccaat to Ehs w�ff. "�hep also permit refi�ishinrg 17132 IMCH�3RIFlCE MDaEI.A�'�NDELi COVERAGE �awall surface without hauing ta�iirs# HC►RIZQNi'AL SID�WALL.SP'RINKE,�RS AND AEGESSED H4RIZ<}1VTAL SlC3�WALL SPRIHKL£RS Printe��n U.S.A.i2-SB °t`�7547 M nE�u�cr�-ro- � ►�w�u�k�� �'v��c��►+��a �aw`��} RRES.�� C dl�lCi T�M�RA�Q , MQ�L StZE FT.x F{:(m x m) f,i�IMA tLPM} PSI(�A�M] i1V�CH�S(mmy 'F (Rel,} 1$x 16(4�$x 4,8) 28($8) fi0,3(0.7i} 4 tQ 12�164!O 3G0} 135 A QR-�C ( r , i 6 x 1 B(4,9 x 4�8) 28(96y 1 D,3{fl,71} 4 tv 12�1�0 to 3f�{1) '#55,175 A[�id-EG�C 18 x 18�4,s x s,�) aa�f�ay �2,e(o,ae� a�o t�(iao m�oa? �3s �ao�-Ec 1 B x i B{4.9 x 5�5) �(11 Q) 1�.6�D,�B� 4�12(100 Uo 3UA� 155,175 A QR-EG/E� @R-EC��� 1E x 2{�{4,f�x B,�) 3l2(121� i5.6{1,4�) 4 b]1fl(1fl0�250} 3 mm f6 x 2€}(4,5 x 8.1) 33{126} 15,6(1,14) 4 to f�(1Q4 ta 3U0] is x 22 f�,s�s,�} a�{ta�} ie.�{f,�s) a w s(�oa tm 200) �a� Ao�t-�C �a x 2�{a,s x e,73 �t��s) , �s:s���37'� d ta 12(1Ml'�3tlfl) �s x�a ta,�x y,�) �s(iaua) �.2(�,sa� a a�e��ao tv�c�o) 16 x�4(4,9 x 7,3y 4fl(151] Z4A{1,88) 41012(f00�0 3pS�) ' 16 x 16(4,8 x 4.9) �B[9&j 10.3(0,7iy 4 fio i2(10t3 ta 300� 1B x 18�4.9 x 5,S) 29�11t�y #�.8(U,88) d ta 92{1Q�kn 3L►4} �35,i55 A EC 5 rrun 18 x 2U[4�9 x B,1) 3�(121 j 15.8[1.OB} 4 Eo 10(f00�to 254} 1B x 2e(4�9 x 5,�y 33�125] 16.6(1,14} 4'6012(1DO tv 30f?} �35 t�x 2s�(a.s x�,�} a���2y) is.s{�,oa} a w�o(it�v m 2�0) ie x��t{a.�x s.i) a�t��s' is.${i,�a� a�012{�oo ro�oa) �� �'v�-�� a rm, EC'ro} �6 x 22{4,9 x 6,7J 35(1�i) 1 B:7(i.�8) 4 kr 8(i 0(�ta 2C1Q) 16x22{4,9X6,7J 38{13$� 19.8{1,3T} 4t�12(100tO340} i� ��� ��� 1B x�2(4,9 x 8,7} 35{13�} f8.7(�.29) 4 t+o�(100 to 2ifQ} t8 x 22(4.9 x fi,7} 38(138} 19.8(1,37'j d to 12{t00 to 3UD) f 55,17� A�R-EClEC �mrn �s x 2a(a,s x�.s� ss{�ae} 2�.2��,s�y ��a�i�c►ao zno) 18 x 24(4,s x�,s3 ao(��ty aa.a t�.ss) 4 to T2{104 to 300) 4a� �a�c s,� ta x 2a�a,s x�,�� �s�ias� 2�.�{�,s4� a�o�(ia��o ao4? li 18 x�4(4,9 x 7,�� 4D(1 S1] ,24.4(1.B8} 4 Ea 12(1�0�D 38p} �55.175 A�(}�i�EC;+'�C 3 fn►n CEfVTEiRLINE OF �SPRfNK1.ER WAT�RWAY - ;-�__ L ___� '� _f�___-___- -� - � --°r.__"�,.'�_p'�i � i � � r � � hi0 � D-1T FE£fi � C- 1D FEET LIINifi � MINIIVIlJM _�i��_p_ i MfNIlNUM �.-_ °L-.,� � f ~ - + __ ' ��'�_B-^B fEET �J � '�•� H4AX1iw1UAA �����''�-� # � . L.IAAk7$ L]F 81�{[iL� a .'�+ *���i�crv�-rv- t-�r��o s��ao to t�a�m> SPl�1MhfL�� CQVEFlAGE Y ' � '� CEILING DIS'�RNCE F�{CEP�WHEN US��G TH� A�t�A l:'�-` M�7DEL F704 vr F�'i15 F�G�SSEI?ESCUTCFfEOM IV+DT�S: (ay For use in QR-EC and EC Li�ht Fiazard Occup�cy sutvmatic sprinkter sysEem appli�ti[u�s�er hJFPA�3. �b)�ar t�e in EC U�ytot Hazs,td�pancy aut�.+rnatic 5prirolder syst�m appli�Vlions par NFPA 13. (c}R�c{uirament Is based an minlmum ftaw I�C�P�I fram eact�sprinkler.Tha irKl�Cated resfduel press�res ar�based on the nami�al K-factor. {d)The csn�erl�e o}the�pninkler wat+erwra�y i�bcsta�f 7116 ineh{11�1 mm)b�fvw the de�iecmr(Ref.Flgure A). (e)F4r use under smooth ievel ce€bings per N1=1'R tS. TABL�A-t � UL AN�]ULC LISTI�Id GR�T�RfA FOR �NSfiALl.AT[UN[}� 17,f32 INCH�RIFlCE MCIQ'�L A�](TEN�EL�CC]VER�4GE HORIZ+L�t+l"fAL$lDEWA�L 5��3INKl.�FlS ANL1��CESSE{}HORl�C?NTA�,51DEVYALL SPR'lNKLERS -2- • D�FLECfi(3R-T+� cav�ac��w��n �ir�i�� �r�iM�� c��r�c� s��n���R Mo�� � �u�e APFLlCAT1l� W x L FLtI PRES. A 7E�kR RA"f'iH[i $iZE FT.x FT,(m x m) (�PM�I.PA!] FS'1{�AR) I IFiCH�S{man� 'F (RN.) `� ) ys x�+a(a,s x a,e� �z��2�y �6��.�o} a to�2�aao ar�ao} ia� �c��-�c 16x16(4,�xa,9} 3��121f �s��,�o) aro�2t�avro�w) �ss �fl�-�c.�c ifi x 18(4�9 x S,5) 36(�36) 2Q(Z,3B] 4�01�(1fld do 300} 13� A G4F!-EC ifi x��(a,s x�,s� ��{t�e) zo(i,�sy a t��a{�n�ta�[ro) �� �r�A-EC.�c �R-��`y t fi x�[3{4,9 x 6,t) 40{1��) 2b{1,72) 4 to 12{1i�4 to 304} 135 A QR-E� 3 m�n 18 x 2U{4,S x 8,1) 4U(151} 25{1,T�} 4 to 12(1{��to�U4� 155 A CiR-�GIEC 1 B x 22(4,8 x 6,7) 44(167} 30(2,q8} 4 to 12(1�60�300) t 35 A QR-�C �s x 22(a,s x e,7) a�t�sr} 30(z,c�) a t�tz(i aa t�a�aa) �s� �c��-�ca�c 16 x�4(4,9 x 7,3] 48�182) 38;2,4Bj 4 ta#2(1O0�30ii1] 135 A�QR-EO t s x a4{a,a x 7,a) as(��2y �s{2,as) a�a�a(�oQ m aon) 1�s �[a�-�c�c 1B x 18{4�6 x 4�9J 32�i21] 16�t,1�� 4 ta i2[iD8 to 3Q4) 135 A�� 5 tr�T 1B x t8(4,9 x 4�8} 32�i21) i�6{i,14) 4 to i2{fUQ to 3Q0) 1T5 A QR-ECIEC 3 mm t8 x t8{4,9 x 5,5) 3B(1�fiJ �(1(1,38) 4 to i2 t140 tv 3+�(1) 1� A EC 5 mm �s x 1 e{a,e x s,�) as#tas� �a�1,�a} a tn 12{�+xr to�aj ��s na€�-��c a�m f6 x�a(4,9 x 8,1) 40(15�) 25.(1,72y A ta 12{1U0 h�340) 't35 A E� F,mm e��� is�z��a,a x�,1� ao�t��� z�(i.�z} a m�2(�oo to�oo) i r� a t��-�c�c �mr� iS x 22�4,5 x 8�7� 44(187} 30(2,d6y 4 to 12(10Q ta 30a) ' 135 A EC 5 rnm 16 x 22 t4,9 x 6�7) 44(167) 3D(2,46) �4 to 12(14�tia 3t1�} 175 A dR-�C/�C 3 rnrre 1 s x 2a�a,e x�`s� a�ti e�} ,as 4�,4s} a ao t2�i oa to�ot�� �as ��c s rnr� ��x 2a ta,�x�,�) ae�7�zy �s��.as� a�o t2�tov�o�oa} �r� A Q�►-��r�c �� � C�hTERL1NE 4F �SPR�NKL�R WATERWAY � L � �r,.�_� � � � "'�— ; _� � � � _�_�_—��_--°_-- � —^_,r___—'�_.� �� � + ►L � s � � i t 90 FEET � U—17 F�ET � C— iQ FEET MAXlMUMi MIh41k1UtA -,�"-----�_ � MINIT+iU�i �_ "�� � p � y —"yB— B FEfT� � i ��� MADCkAlU4A �,'��';'--`�__� ' `� 1-1�ZEa2-714" 4Uta��lmm �1!l�IT^s OF 5lHGLE � '��~ �OEFLECTOR-7�- �C�EP�f WHEI� [3SING � SP�INtS�'ER CflW£RAGf ``�l�� CfILING E]15TANCE AREA + r M'4��}��.�70fl CN'F7Q5 R�C�SSED�SCUTGti�QN�� t�iOTES: �a�Far�se�n Q�i-EC ar�d E�Light Hezerei C�cuq�an�cy autnmafic s�rirrkier systetn app6�ations per FM instalistlan standards.(M�rnum roam size:1fi0p ft�{15o m )�xce�t for�protected by[rne rvw vf spr€r�l[larrs.Minl�num fl�e-resistance ra4ir►g of rc�carr+wal18:34 minut�aS.) {bj Far use in EC L3gM Naz�rd f7acupancy��etic sp�inkHar systenn app�ations per FM instaJ�tlon star�dar�ds.(Ma�cim�xn rovm slze:i BU(3 iC� �1bQ m�}except fnr ca�rs prcatacted by vne rvw af spainkfars.M�nfmum�r�resislance rating af room wapls:30 ml�t�s.) (c}FM raquirerr�ent is�ss+ed on mahfaini�g Gtrth mirilmtrm lfow arid rtrinimum prassure. {d}The eenterllne of the sprir►kfer wa'C��ray is foc�tad 7f1fi k�[i1,1 mrny balow t�re de��ctor(Ret.Fi�ure A}. (e}For use ur7der smpplh tavel c�il�tgs per FM ir�tallati,pn standards. {�}Speci0l�approvals f�5r the Model FTOQ an�d F7�D5 Re�e�ssed Esc�tcheorls&ta.gi�++en in Fiqure B � TA�L�A-2 FM APPRt]YA�CFiITERk�i�► F�R IHS�'ALLA'�1C1N OF I7I32 INGH OhRI�ICE MDi��L A�IiTENQEd CQYERAGE H�RI�(]NTA[�51AEWAL�,SPRINICILEAS Ie1N[�RECESSE�HI3FtIZDNTAL SInEWAL�.�uRFiIhKLERS -3- . sh�c down the fire rotecton s � maximum Benrice resaure of i T5 �i�sre must only be installed sutd t�tiiized and n�mave the sprink�ers. � ti2,i bar). The auail�ble tem�eratu�e� in Ught Fiaz�rd Cl�cwpan�cies, under rating:s ar�d finisheB are gi�en+n Tables smaolh ar�d isve!cailings as deflned tn 7he adJ�stmaM pravidecf by the Re- B and C, a�espec#ir�eEy. th� appliaable instsllatlan atandard � c�ssed Escutchaons sub�tarot�a9ly re- (e.g.�l�F'A 13),and in accardance�rrith duces the accur�cy to which fE�e length Fiecess�d�ers3ons vf t�e Model A�x- the crilaria giwen k��'able A-� or A-2, ot fixed pipe nipples to #he sprink�er� tended �Cavera+�e HQrizontal Sicl�w$I� as appticabl�e. TF�e nQminal we3ting must b�e cut. Also, the Closure has a Sprink�er are cabtained by utilizing th� patt�ms ar�s�liustrated in Figure D for 1,+'2 inch {12,7 mm)wide flange w�rich Mo�el A Spnnkl�r In c�rnbmation wi#h ths mdnimum flows re+quirerl for typica! prev�des amp�e clearance#ar coverir�g either tt�e Mad�l Flp4 nr F745 R�- co�rerage areas. the rnouMir�g h�le. cessed Escutc�eon as shown in Fg- ura �. Avai�able ii�ish�s fnr th� F;t00 NQTi�3 -- - and F-145 �scutch8ans are �itrert In Fvr caraer�age csrea dimensians l+e�e �able C]. than ar be��een Cl�ose indi.cuted in • . � � , ' � � A = r ThbLe A-1 ar A-2, as appttcable, if ie _ �t��nominal d�seharge curve ptptt�d in recceasary tn �� tT� rninimum r€- a he 171�2 �nci� (2[] mmJ �rific� �9oc�ei F��ure +� rapresents the flow "Q" in r�ui�d�u+forthe next higlaest wut#h A Extendecl C�rverage Fkor�zontal Si�- GPM �LPMy a,s t�etermir�ed by t1�e fal- ('9�1 a�d teragth{YJ 1"�r whicle i�aetal�a- wall Sprinklar� end Recessed �x- fow'rng formu�a: ti�n eriteraa are stated. tended Cavera�e Horizontal Sici�swal� Spr�nklsrs are listed by Undervvriters GI=K�I p The Mottel A t�xtereded Co�errEge Har- Labt�rat4ri�s �nc. artd �lnderwrit�rs' ixontad ,�ideu�a�i Sprer�k2ers arnd Re- Labmratvries of Ganads.They are ap- whera the nominal discital`ge c�effi- cessed Ext.�r�ded�uverage Hariz�r�tuI prc���d by the Factory Mutual Re- cient 'K" equala B,1 (116,8}; snd, "p" SirLeurall Sp,r��eklers muai N(]T' be search Corporation and the Sci�ntific equats Che resfri��!itowr'n9 pressure in u�ed wzth r�3s#ructio�.s to heat ;�fou+ Sen��ces Labvratvry {Austrafia) and p$i(��r�. k�isting standards peamit the su�h�r.s beams,lviats,ar du,cta lacated accgpted by the City c�f New York actual valus c�f'K'to►►ary fr�m 7.4 to witTun tl�e sprinkler cauersage aTea, ttnder M£A 241-94-E. 8.2 �fi(18,7 #v 116�2}; h�aws�er, frsr hy- Ti�e�+rnay tse 2oca#�d alv�g tlae bnund- drs,ufie calcutations, s K-factor af 8.1 aries separnting a�iccrent �prirekter Specific ap�rrovals for the Mvdvl F7�0 (116,6�is Qo be applied. cauerr�ge areus. and f7D5 Recss$ed Es�cuteh$on�ar+� g�ven in F�guee B. The Frarne of the Model A Sprinkler, (ReP. Figure A), is brgas per AST1U! The lata�ratary fistings and approvsls �f'�S (�g78i1Q),ot a prdp�ietary alloy anly spply t� the senrice conditior�s designated as �M. The Bulton �bvlb � indicat�d in the T�chnic�f Data ar�d refainer)is�ahaspher bronze per ASTM _ DesEgn �riteria sect3ans. 610� �CS�DOU ar C52��{�), The �as- NQ�'�� � ketBtE$pring�'late cqt�sists of�8eryl- I?a no#instocLl rsny bulb ty,pe spraraktet- 'i�"'ARNIIYG i�rm Nickel(�li?3350)disc spring that is if tfee bulb es crr�ked or�here ia a toss �'he 1i 1$� irich ari,�ce Model,4 Ex- sealed vn bolh its inside �nd outside of ligr�id from ti�.e �5u18, T'Vith the teruied Cau�r�xge Harixvrtial Siclewc�l2 faces vvith a Teflon�'gaskel.The Com- sprinkl�r he�d hari.�vntal, a sma11 asr Spri�.kle�s a�ad Recessed Extended p�ession 5crew is �ir�nza per ASTM buirble ahautcl be p�a�nt. T'he diarrne- coverage Nurezo�ctQiSidewal�'Sprink- B1�1f} (C314�i(�,1 ant! the �etle�tar is t�r vf tlae atr buSble�txpproximately �f.era de,�critred h�erein mu�t 5e in- b�ass per AS7M 936 (C22DOQ). The l 11�6 cneh for tlte 13�"F157'C, stalleda�d mrsintaia�r,ed in compIiance QR-EC and Q�i-EC1EC Sp�inkfers uti- I�5'F"iG8'C,ar�d 176 Ff 79'C te�n.per- cr�ith this dacumea�.t.css cc�ed�as appli- lize a 3 mon diarneter frangible bul�a� c��ure ra�irags.CAt h`�,vherambre�et t�ern- cabte staradcirr[s of the Natinnce�,d�'��rYe and th� �C 5prinklers utiiize a 5 mm per�tur�s, th� Gu�b1e r�ay be buraely Protectivn Asc�ciuktcrn, i�.a.dditian ta diameter freuegihfe bulb. Table B indi- perceptabte for the do�ver te+nperatrsre the st�ndurds af uny aEher a�tthorities cates t�e bulb iiquid CaI�D�as a funetion ratirags.) fenuir►�jurisdiction. Far:dure L�a dv sa vi temperature ratint�- m�xy impair the �nte,grftj+af thdeae c�e- - In.staldatian+afll�'nrielALxte�d�oa- urcc�es. Th� Reces;sed Escutcheans provid�d erage Horizontal Sidewal2 8pren.klers foC use with the Made! A Ext�r��d in receased�scutcleeores other than the Tl;e owie�er i� respvr�sible �'or rn.aire- CaverBge Hor�zontsl 5idewaEl Sp1111k- F�QU or,�+'7'Q�r,raill vaid aI� apa�i��kler taini� #laear �ire protec�� systern {er(Ref.Figure B} h��a a Gl4sure and ulurran#ie�s, �S WELI f&8 PU88i�lIy1 UrC�l[� � crud devices in proper operatir�con- Mv�nting Ptate fabnc�a#ed fram Ipw th� spri�akder a Apprnaale andlor diti,a�. T'he instc�ileng cnntract�r ar ca►bon steel. The Mounting Plate �istinga. �anufixceurer sfanu�d be cnnt�ct�d r�l- prongs, which are compressed bacE� atiue to any qaeesti.nns. �nto#he Mounting P1ate as the Cfosur� Madel A�Ejctendgd Ccrverage Horiznn- i�p�shed ovar it, mai�t$in a tigF�3 fric- tal S�dewaFl 5pr�r�fdera a�c� Recessed Ir�.stallatr.an nf ModeaAExtenc�ed Cou- tion f�t batween #he two pieces. 7h� Ext�nded Caverage FiarizantaM Sid�- ert�ge Hora.zc�ntu!u�i.�€ei+vatd Sprink�rs M�unting Plate and Clasure can alsa wall 5prir�kler5�ust be installeti in ac- in recessecl e�cut�Jaeons other�han the sw�v�ef relative to each ather�nd com- cvrdanc�$ with the foilowing �nstruc- F7�1f? vr F?�1� wil2 void aIf sprfmkler pensate tar minor nan-per,pendicu�ar- t6ot�s. warranties, us ure�l rxs possibdy uoicf ity between the MndeM A Sprinkiar and th� sprirckler's Appra�als and Jor the walf. 1. Pr��r to instaliing the sprinkiers and Liatings. if applic�t��, werify that tfie outer -__ #aca nf the spnnkter fitting i� v+n�hin tlte proper range of distance w�i7ir.h - � - • y can�e a�ammo�dated by ihe ty� �� , � � ° nf escute�h�csn t,�ing used. The 17f32 inch ar�fii�e tu9odei A F�c- �f ha fi 71'32 i�rch (20 mmi} €�rifice Ma�del tsnded Caverage HQrixontal 5idewal1 Wher�ir�stalling a Model AHarizantei A ExR�ndBd Goverage Horiaantal Sid�- 5prin�clers artd R�cessed Exten�ied Sicle+�ra11 Sprinkler witt� e�t��r !he wvall �prinklers are rated for use st a Gav�rage Narizonte�l Sic�e►wall Sp�ink- F7Q0 or FT�65 Re�ss� Escutch- -4r _ � �uih M�D�L F7Qt� MC�pEL F7�5 Te,,,p�.e�. . u��,� R.t���• caor� ,..� FULLY RECESS�D FU4LY R�CESSEL! 135'F157'C C�r�ge D�IhAENSIONSt aIMEN81flNSt �55'F�`C Rss! Llp to yl�In�h sdJuatmsnt 1r+vm Up ta i14 Inch adJustrnant trom 175'F179'C YaAaw minlmum 11�inch to meximum rnlnlmum 114 inch ta m�xlmum .��,���T���� 3J41nah n�ssed pcaftlan. i12 inch recessed poaltlon. —tABI�E B— Dim. trx�tes mm Dim. Inchas rnm T�MPEI�ATUR�RA�if+IQ3 Ft3R MQD�L A A- 618f1I8#t 15,9t3,2 A- 11"2tt a2,7 E3(TENQED CQV�ifAGE a-��,. �a ��,� �-n�n. , �s,� �c�a�zor�a�.siQErfirAt�. &Nom. 1 2��4 &Nom. 7-118 28�� SPFII�iFCL�RS �-M�. �-�►�a ��,g ��r�c. �-��4 �i,a GMIn, 114 #3,4 C-NI�r. 4{4 8,4 C-M6�x_ 3/4 19.1 G�+lax. ��2 i�,7 HIt�H ADJUSTMENT 1iiCik{AL}JU5'FMENT SPrinkFer Fkda�aa D1ME�+ISJUNS DIII�ENSI[lNS Nahua�Br�sse Up to 3J4 Inc1�ad]ust�t►�t tram Up#v 112 fnch adjuatmant frorr� pa�yaste,r,��o�ars tha ifush aldewe�l pc►aitlan ta tt�e fl��h aidawel!paaitivn ta --TABLE C--- 3f41rrch rec�+s�►sd poaiticsn. 1,��nch recsased poattian, AVAlLABLE FlNl5HE5 Fi]R TTt�ll� 6ilm. lnchea rt�rri I�im. inches mm Mi7dEL A �XTENDEf}COVEF#A+tiE � A- if�t114i"t' 1�;�t�,4 A- 3f8tilSt'F 6,5t3,2 H�DRIZCIM'fAL SfDFWALL &Mln. 3fa 19,1 �-Mira. 9 2.5,a �F*RINFCLERS 9-IVo�m. 1-118 28,8 Ei-Natn. 1-11d 37,$ �Mex. 1-712 3$.fi B-�Aax. 1-1l� 39.1 �Gh+�ln. �FL41SH — C•Mfn. FLUSH -- GMax. 314 19,1 C-Mauc. 1/2 12,7 ��utchaan Flnish�s � � CF�mma Piated 1- Model A ExEerrded Cdar C�nnsted,Ail Cokors � I F+�cf+�firrr�v Hor�zbn�el Sidewe# spr�nkler —TABE�D— z- Mvr.t��F7t�o or AYA{l�AABI,.E FIPIISH�S FCiR Tl'!� Fr+o�Recaasect M#]�Ef.F70�ANE]Fl{}5 x� a-Moundng Plate �ECE�SEO ESG'UT+CIiEC►NS ta b-Clr,�re � � For�e€t avarall x-ir+w a�rrs• appearance. �S�.2rnk 6T3.O�rn! 0lA. Di►. dtaau�ot w u.s.aAUOw�slll�NWU7!{�y ���61'h9�1'1�17�1,�� N a� �4 ]/ M 4� �{ �6 �T1C�1��,4 n'IITI'� A}8dJu8tfTFeF1T ��y e c8n bs usesf to ���rr,u,euMr�a o�r �a CO�i1'IpAfIS&�6 fOf �� r,�a res�awu r�r rN- VHM'IBfti01'i8 k1 r ;,e� sprinkter �" malce-!n arrd � � fltting take-out. �" �: � �a� ira' �—�wu�rriNa surtF►cf �� �; MW [3,Tisw1 � p� � x,M T . i� - �.L�ted hy Underwritsrs Laboratar��. � APPROVALS FOA inc. " ,.• APP1.fCATlaN RECE'$5Ed��Ct1TCHE�H 2.Listed Gy Underwt�kets`L.�sbarahPri�s �18 ►MTIAL Ctl11Vl6NLY O'�['i�.fi1H�'L. YAIt.lMqUlll 17.1�1111 @.6 F70�D FfOS �. Appraved by Facta�ry Mutusl Re- � �eSrch�qrpql'&lbn. �eo ��s r�e rrs mo _ �Fi-EC 1�2�a�5� ��2,3,a,s 4.�,pproveci�y the scientlfic servlcas aaau���r ur�rs.�� r y� EC 1,2,3,4,5, i,2,3,4,5 Lsboratvey(Austr�tla�y Fi�3URE C 5. Acceptad by t�re City af New Yorts NC}MINAL DESCHA�tC3E CURYE under 1NEA 241-�4-E. FI�iURE� lNflaEL F7�fl ANa F7�S RECESSE[] E�CUTCHEa�IS -5- �[�uP�nt Regtstered Tr�demark , [7EFLECTQR�T(?—CEIl.IWG�CH�S DEFLECT�7F��C�ILING: 4 ��ICNES �' BACK WALIL FAR WALL 0' Q' 4� BA�;K WALL fdR WAtt �, 0' 4� g� 5�D€WALE $' 4� g' SDfWAII 8" Z° __� ! 2 2 i f i 2 � 4' 26 GPM �� 4' 29 GPM �� B' �� �� �� �� 4� 8� �7' 16' 0' 4' 8' 12' 1Cs" 1$' CENT�RIINE �7F t6' X 16" CQVERAGE AR�A CF�+ITERIINE OF 46' 7f 18' COVE�2AGE AREA DEfLECTOR—TO—CEII,IAIG: 4 INCHES o° �, a►�c� wa��� FAFt WALL �, o� �� s�nrn�� �� z� 2� '�' �2 +C;PM 4' 5' g� 0' 4' 8' 12' 16' 2Q' CENTERL� �}F' 16" x 2Ct" COVERAGE ARE:A DEFLECTOR-70-CEIf�ING: 4 IIdCFiE S p� , BkCK WAII FAR WALL 4 ,�� 0' g� �I[7EWACL g� 1^'� - - �r � 4' 35 �a PM 4' g� �, �' �' g' 12' i�' �' 2�l° 22' CEAJT�!`iZ�E L}F Ifi" � Z2' C4VE�tAGE AREA ❑Ef LEGTDFi-Tf}-CEIl.![�G: 4 INCH�S �p� �, BApC WAI,I, �AR WALL �, p� g� SDEWALL ,g� 2' 2' a� 3� �PM 4' 6' �' 0' +4° $' 12' 1�' 2{1" 24" CE3�lIERLAJE QF f6" X 24' CQVERAI+E l�t�A N�TE8; 1.Pattern shovm wEth rao cellln��rravnt�d nb�lru�'tions. 2.5ee Qe�fgn Gtte�fis a�d Wenanty Secifans. � FlGURE[� iVQMiNAL YVEiTFNG FATT�ft1V3 A�'11L AFiD C1E.0 LI&TED M{NIINU�A F�,£�W RATE CfINdITC�ONS -+B- � � ' S��.EC11QN: R�S�': S�Iect tt�e ap�r�r�as#a wrench When using$n B or'E4 ina�sdjustabEe Crescent bas�eii on tf�� fai�owing re- �ype wrerrch,the wr�nch Is to b�spplied to tha � �quirements: sprir►kler wrench i�ats only{R�f. Figure A). . t'�}N.► - •-�r .�-- , A. INrs�e! A �prir�klers vvith a Ta 'usa the F�5L1 S�rink�rar Wrench, slip tl� � "t '--. natural brass or chrame . Yllrench openirtg�v�r the Mode�A Sprittkler De- �- ; , + � ptat�d i'irrsh arid wfiera the ffeclnr by pass�ng the Sprin3cler Wh°encf�u�r from �--; `� � Wrench Rats{�s�h�€�tiarr+in b��ath ths s�rinklar a��hh�wn#ri Eli�e a�djacerrt �.-� ' ` � �gu� Ay �re ac�ssib�+�, if�ustratio�. � �.__t � may t�a install�d with ar� 8 � ; _.__% ar f Q ir�ch�dj�sC�ab4e Gres- Using� 1I��nch ratcfaet drive vrby�pp�ying an k=- .�.�° aent rype weench or thg �ar 1 t?inNCh adjustabl�wren�h to t�hex errd af M+�del F85i� Sprinkl�r the Sprinlder Wrencn, tightera the sprin}cle�into � Wr�nch. #he fiSting. �'he 3wn luqs iacated or� opposit� srcies ot'#�� Wre��ch imdicate the crvienratic�ol C� B. Model A Spr�nlder� w�th a lt�e sprinlrJa�frs�cwa arr�as. polyesier cpa�ted #inish . rnust c�riy be�Il+�tl w�itla �,rp� wa,�+x�ivaa ttre i�Aode� �854 5prankler . Pu�h on t�ee SprBn�laler'f�enah,whi�e it is�er�r�g YYrench. tECrr�rec� ta ensure if.�rst.the �rerec�a recess st�ys 1�.Y����xueth t�te�pi°isakler wr�nch.�cits. C. Mod�A fiec�ass�Sp�rink- iers whict� are ta be in- �arefulty rernbve Ehe Spr�nicl�r 1lxfren�h by�iis- IIA�ode��850 Nylon Coated sta�ed a�Ter cor+npl�#�an of �►ngagin��fmrra t#�e sprrnkler wr�nch flats, a�d Sprinkf�Wrser�ch t�se� �nrali rrx�st b� insia�ed fhe�a#nwsr€r�g�t dvw�over!he spr�r��d�r tl�l�ec- wilh ti�e Mode9 F$50 tar. 5prinKler'�IVr�n�h. FF�GUR€E 5F'HlhlKL��3'IA�R��H S�LEGfiQN AialD,USE SP�3IHNLEF# SPIRtT be used to.checic p�rpendicul�trity trf t#,�pc�sitio�a�'�t�e apran�ler fct�ing FirTn�e ��y�� the watarway centerline tr� sihe to suit. maursting surl�e. + " It is recomrr�endesl Chat a li�tweigh� 3, A�ter instal�ing the Fl04 ar F745 s�tirit level {fe� thar� i p��urrcf} tre F-� � �a [[:�NYERI.INE �,•crsa�„ma oe 11#ounting Plate (ar vther escuteh- used ta level ttae�pr�nkler De�acror„ QF WAT��WAY �a�ur�a r��P��e �on,.as ap,p4��s�utcb��)v.xer as shown:in.Fi�ure� n�l�cro� the sprinkler thr�a�lr, .,�,A� Ai�►e thread sealant �paringly to 1he ,�1„TpT*,� sgr�nitler threads only.�Jss o�a'F�f- The I7e,fiectar i's angied fArur�rrd, � p "— �' — fon�'ba�d p�pe joint�saia�t is-reC- consequentLy,tfee spiazt leuel rnust ,.s�++�.�� ammended. be .ca.refully positianed �eft-to- right rx�Iten useng af tv leve[ t1� �F#Gl���� 4. H�nd.tight�n !h� sprinkler irrto�ttrs Deftectvr, L�YEi.N+1.G{}F sptl�nkler Tit4�ng- SPR1hIKLff�Fi7TiNG fi.�n recessed h�arizantal sidewall ANl7 EJ�FI.EC�C�R 5. �e4er �a Figura ,E ar�cf sel6ct the 5prin�le►irastal�ation�, aFt�9r t�s� wa� . _ aPprapriate .Sprinkfer Wrench ta has bee�t instal�ed s�r the�inish coaf ' �c,�taten tt3e spr�nkle.r inta the f�tting. h�s been appfied,sl�de on the F7++@U e�n, for .best averall apEaear��ca, The w�ord "TQF'" �n the Cleffectar or F7il�.Clvsuce oyer the Malel A use�►rnensicsn A�rld�ca#,�r�underthe �nust face u�twards,tawards.ihe csil- Sprinkfer�nd�push tfi�Clasure ovsr °�uiiy Rec�essad;dimensfons"heari- fng. tfie fl�our�ting �I�te ur�til �ets flange ing vf wigure B. Oth.erw�se, �ss []F comes in cont�ci Vvith tha wall. mar�siort A un�er the "Hi� Adjust- Th��850 Sprjnkl�r Wrera�h rr�ust t� �ment�i�►��ions"h�ad4n�.ln eitt�er used for instalfira9 ppEyester coat€�ci case, �he rem��ning escutchson sprinkiers, in'cardar tv prevent da�r- pfata adjusR�ent can then t�e used sge to the sprink�er�r�ish. w _ , t , to cvmper�sa#e tar the possibie nn�r�- u#aatu�ing variations in th�t�k�-aut NL��'.�S Autarr�at're sprink9ers must never be of the fittings,as well as in the maice- A leak tight 3J�ircch NF'7"`sprink- shi�pad vr stvred where their tempvr- ir�of the s�rinklers(as permik#ed by ler j�cnt shvuld i�e vbt�ined utith a a#uras wi!! exceed f�{�'�f3$'C ��d A�SI 61.�{].1}- torque of 14 ta �Q,ft,1€�s, f13,�i ta they rr�ust never b�a peinted, platsd, 27,1 Nm1, A mur�mum 30/�, lbs. eoated ear otherwise aitered�Fker leaw 2. Th8 Model A Nor�aontai Sidewalt f�I�fJ�J;7N�rr�of'tvrque is te be used t� ing the #ac#�ry, Mcsdified Sprinkiers SprinklQrs must b�irrstalled with the iri.stall sprireklers.hfigher ieuels vf must be repfaced.Spriniclers that have c�nterline of the wa�erway parallel to tarque naay riiat�rt the sprir�k�r been ex�os�ed to earrosive products v# the cQilinq ar�d '�rarPendicular to a inle# wath ebnse�ue�.t leaknge or comYaustfon, but hava nat ap�rated, backwall surface. impairment n�'�,�aprink�er. shauld be rspfacad ii they can�at be �4rr�plelePy clea�ed by wi�ing the - Rt is recommended thada�iightweight Do nc�t�tte»�.�u�Gv make-u}a for in- s,�ri�nkfer wk[h a clQth Qr hy brushi�lg it spirit l�vel dless than 1 {�ound�,.b�s su�cr:ent cxdjustrnent in the es- with a soft brislle brush. used to ievel the sprinkler fitting, as c�rtcheor�pdnte by under- pr aver- show�tr1 Figt�re F Snd tFt�tt�squ�re tightening the sprinkdeT Rea�Ljust CarQ must be exarcised t�svoid dam- .7. R S N 5? � 7�)C -- � — X)C]C �p r���°�s�a�,ai��wwr��, rso�n rhread conne�t�on:c Mcsdel A CIFi-EC(�mm bulb) - 3pr�nklars: TEMP�Ra44�Tl1RE Specify: #7J32" orifioe, 136'F, MC>pEL R�TVNa ModeV A{�R-�+C Ho�i�ontal 5idawatf � Aa�-�c SFR1h�KLEFt ��s ��'��•� Sprink#er wid'r (spacify type� finish (3 m�n eulbl FtNISH (A Q�-EC� and with thre�d eonnact�an�ser tS0 A'EC O�lL 711. �as ,�ra�-�rr�c � c�t,�r�uw�e�a,ss i� ���'��a�c M�ef�►�iR-EC1E+C�3�nm bulb� (�mn,Bul4� {A c�R-EC1EG 8 4 Wl�if�'��'C1LY�S�R', A EC OrNI.Y �p�!'It1F[lOi'S: 586 A EC 976 �ITV�F���.ri a�]PBCI�: 17�a��� D���r�r �t@��ef�" 45 rnm&r�� g CHROME PLATEI] (QR-ECfEC kufe Csting: 155'�ar 175'F), Mod�l �t+1L A C�R-ECfEC Ha�izvMal Sidewall Spr�nl�er wu�th (specify typa} finlsh TdBL�� �rad wrth threasi conr�ection p�rlS(3 i�RC1E)UCT SYM@C)!�MUMBER SE�ECTIOl+t 7J1, F�►R 17132 INCH ORIFfCE M�?dEL A EXTENDED GOII�#�AGE W4RF�UHFAL SIUIEWALL SP�INKI.ERS M�adef A EC{5 mm bulb) MVRH 3!4 fNCH NP`�'C+DIVNECTbdN Sprink�srs: 5pecify: 17132' ari#€�ee, (tempara- ture rat+n�g: 135'F vr 155'Fy, Mode! s►ge t�a #he sprinklae� — both before A �C Har�zont�k Sidewall Sp�ink�er a�d �fter installa�vn. Spnr�klers dam, �- r • � with {specifY tY€►e� tini&h arfd w#th aged by dropping, striking, wrer�ch __ thread cannectiQn per ISO 7f#. irwis�'slippage, or#he like, must be re- A Product Symk�ol �fumber (PSN) is pfaced.A'fso,replac�any sprink�erth�t not�pecf�ed wher� Qrder�ng palyester Recessad Escutr.��v�: has a cracked F�ukb or that has Most caafed Model A 5prfnkfers with other Specity: 314' [19 mm] Moc�el�apecifY) liquid from its bulb. (ref. Installadipn khan�whfte c41ar,when vrde�ing aolor Recess�d Escutchean w3th tsFeci€�r Sect�s�n CJnte.) caated Recessed Es�utcheofis �vitt� finish), PSN (specify}_ othertt�an a white caler;or when order- NU'T7�S ing sprinklers with tfiread connesctivns �a•�on crvo� ........ �sr��-Tno-�-nio Abserace of a� escutchecrn, r�hich is par iSt3 7l1. It is suggested that a calor �*•�'rao wnne........,..�sr�5s--��o�o used to cQUer ac clersrr,..race ho�e, rnay chip be provided wh�n ordering spe- �I�•��ns�rne ......... �s��aa�s-oti detay the tirrse ta sprer�kler nFeratinn ciai colar Finish�s. Otherwiae, rsspon- 3I4'F7o5 whRe.,.....--•.F5�5s-'ra5-tMut1 in a,�Cre sztualYon. sib�iity for duplication c8nn�t be ac- , . _ ceptsd. Sprin�Cler Wrenc�: &efnre c�ostn.g a fire prote�tiun system SpeCfty: MDdef F850 5prinkler +co�.troZ�ra�ue formni�.tenance wark an Cont�ct yvur local d'istribut�r far avail- VWranch, PS�1 56-85G-4-�D01. tJSe�r°e prote�tion system which ft con- ability. trods,permissian to eh.ut douan the af- fected,�are p�tectian 8y�tem mu�t Ue `5tan�Ea�d OCder" vbtained fnprn �he pro,per a�uthnriti.es Sprinkl�r Assemblles with IVPT and a[1 peTSO�nel w�n rriuy 6e c�5ected Thre�d Connectlons; by thi,s�ctia�must tr+e n4ti,�ed. �'he na�nina#weig�hts are as follaws. Madel A#�R-EC�3 mrn#ulb� ft is r�eammended t'�at automatic Sprir�klers: 17�'t7rlfice Model A sprin�lee systems b� inspected quar- Specify: �7132" oritice, 13,'F, ��°11a"�`� #erly by�qualfie�d Insp�ection Servic�. Modal A QR=£C Ho�iz�rrtal�isiewall Sprinkler witfi� (s�ecify #l+Pe� fin�sh, sas+�aprw►wer----..... a.a ozs.{ae�l P5N(specif�r frorrs T$ble �j. �'a�K�odei� Re�cassed EsGt+ich6on ..... 1.3 dza.t38 s�l Wndel Il G1R-E:GIE�{3 mm bulh) �'a•n�aeea�os SprinkNers. ���saa��,�, ----- �.x oZS.43a�} Sellerrwar�ant��or a perivt�of one yesr S,p�cify; 1 T132" orifiee, �terrr�era- ►�odet�� �rom the daCe of shfpment (warranty turs rating: 165'F ar 475'Fl, Mode1 snr�nk�rWrend, ......... t5.5ozs.(a4o9� peniad� tttat the produc�s turr��shed A QR-ECIiEC Horizant€�E Sidewall hereunder wfll be free frvrfi defects ira Sprinkler wi�h [specifl+ �Y4�'f'��, ma#+a�ia!and warkrnanship, PSN {spsci(y iram Table E}. , The da4a peovided in Fi�ure D �S raat Yade! A EC[5 mm buib] intended far use a�a mimmum wetting Sp�inklers. paltern s�r�ecit"�cation. Sp�city: ]713�' orifice, (tempera- iure ratir��; t95'F or 155'FJ�, Model F�r lu,ril�er details on Warraniy, ses A EC Ffnrizont�l Sidew$II Sp�inkler Price�,isL with �specify kype) f+nish, f'SN {specify trtsm TabEe E). � �►Re�.hiademark of GRlNNEII C4RPC►RATlO�I,9 TYC�FARK,E}f£TER.NH {�6�3 A'�f4�'lNT+ERNATT(7NAL LTR �C`QAAPANY � V�°�� � �✓� � T(7WN�F VAIL DEPA�tTMENT ClF C�MMU1ViTY DEVELOPMEI�T' 7� S. ��C7I�1'TAGE IiC7r'�D �A�L,�CC� f31657 97L1-�79-2138 N+C]TE: TH1S PEI�MIT N�LTST 8E PC7S TEI3 C7P�1 JCJ$SITE AT ALL TIMF.S A�D/ALT C�JMM B�JILD PE�MT Peranit #: B97-C��S Jc�b Address: 7Z5 W LI�1V5H'EAD CI�VATL Sta�� . . . : FINAL i.ncatinn........ IWIt�RI�IC7T MCyLR�1T�IN IZ�S��T A}�plied . . : 133/1�]/1997 Par�el No....; 2T41[�72fl7{?[)1 3ssued . . . : D3/19�19^97 Prc�ject N� . : ?? Expires . , �� U7/05 f 20�12. APPLICANT MAR.RIQT MQT]'NTAIN RESC7RT AT V03/10f1997 Phone: �7C►-476-4444 71� W LIQNSHEAD CR VAIL C� 81657 Lic�nse: 364-.� Also is Cl7NTRACTC�R 4wrJSR �c �cgUZS�m�anr ��za�E�zxz�s �a311a1i��� �r��aE: ATTN: HARRIET BUCI� 1 Q�0 Q FER�+7WOQI1 RTl ]�EPT 7.2/9 2 BETHF'SDA MD 2pB17�1109 License: CC7N"�R.��TOR MARRIDT MQUNTAIN RESORT AT V[13�10/1997 Pho�e: 970-476-44�4 715 [�T LIQ1tiT5HFAI7 �R VAIL CO $�.557 License: 3F�4-B Aisc is Applic,ant T�V1Cvmm. ��V. Cl�an-up Depasit R+efur�d �����Fhofl: ��prov�ed '��. BALLROi7M RENQVAT`I�NS amvunt �c�a .� Oeeupancy: A1/I�1 �a�� (� ��, 3 Tyge Canst�uction: II FI� Type II Fire Ftesistive Ty�e C)ccupan�y: ?? v��������,: ����,�c�o.a� Add Sc�Pt: f} Firegtacre Infr�rraiation: Restncted: #c�f Gas.4ppliarrces: 0 �i nf�Gas Logs: il �I[�f 1R'+ao�i Pell�t� �....,�......�„a«......,�-,...,�,F.,�,.,,...,.....�...,.,�,.....,...:........ FEE SUi�1h4ARY .,-�,,.:.,t.+f.+,.......�........,�..,..,�.,,.��........_.....,.. Rui�siutg-7 $i,2�.2.�4 Rsstuaraa�t F'lan Rev'iew—� $v.afl �Catal�lculated Fees—> $2.502.S� ['lan Check—y $787.8i5 I3IiSFee—� $t].�� P�dc�i�liona]Fecs-------� $O.o0 Investi�ation-> $Q.OD Recaea#ic�n��e } �0.00 T'ota]Permit�ee------� S�.548.89 1h°ill C`all—� $3.DS7 CEean-uP De�sik 3 $SQO.O(] Payn'�et�G� y $2,50�.86 TC�TAL�E�, 7 $2,502.SQ BAL,r�.I'+1�E[3UE > S�.�� x�WrRx�l,ri R M�xw�.t,M,rt,r+,rR+4+-+t,S,rMCrtss+t++'Ft-A,r�++kt+arar++i,tirtt+s+ntnr,H#++n1+/,t,tt�t,tt,FF,e+.i,HfifrtR+�t,ti,e��xrw++re�aa aa�rf r.v�»w/rw��ixfMw�l�irlrk+.HiwwL+rt++ra ,��7�.1�'C'�Va�S; Ite�i; [}5�00 SUILDING DEPA,RTMENT 03/1Q/1997 CHARLIE Acti+�n: NOTE PLANS TQ CHUCK 43��9�1997 CHIICK ACtic�n: APPR ��.em: {}54��l PLANNING i2EPART'NIEi+7T {�3,��.Qf 199'7 CFiARLIE Actic�n: NC3TE PLANNFR????? a�/i�/i��� c�-z�rcx ,�c��c��: �F�R . �tem: a5��c� �'�xE D�PARTM�'r 43f1a/1997 CHAR�,TE Actic�n: P,PPR r+T/Ps o�/��/i��� ��� � �ct�on; A�^�� Fire aept app�o�res Item: {3550(} PLTBLIC WC}RKS as/7.{}/�.997 cH.�,R�,IE Actzon: APPR N/A k►x�-r.rrex�,rrrr�ws�*axwrxeansrr�senr�e�ryryr.r�rae.er�W+f ree+<�xf�e*+rfe�,rtx axreks ra�y ax�a��raait+rra�a�++aa.rsr++++ara�aa�+kit��ew�er�r,��a+,�texwwrww+inex* 5ee �age 2 of this Do�curnent F�r any conditions that rrria� aPP1Y tQ this perrnit. I�ECLARATIQNS I hereb��acknowledge that i have read this�ppliGatic�n, �iPle� �ut in full the inf�rmatic�n required,co�pleted an ac�zrate plc�t plan,and state tltat aII the inforr�tation as rec�uire� is eorrect. I agree to ce�mply with th+e itz.formation and �lot plar�, to comply with alI Tawra c�rc�in�n�ces a.nd stake laws,and�o buil+� th�s str�ckur�a�cc�rdi�g to the towns zonin� �It�.SU�7L�IV15I4X1:CCYC�£Sr �esign review approved, Unif�rm Building CQde anc��ther ordia^�ar�ce�c�f the T4t�s�n,ap�lic��le thereto. REQiTESI�Ft7R INSPEC?tON SHALL BE MACI�'�WENTY-F�LER iHfJiJRS[N rlL7VA1VCE BY`E�I.EPH�NE AT 47�2144 OR AT F]LIR�lFFiCE FR(3M 8:Qb Ahf-� PM. SIG'.'�IA,TL]RE C7F C�:�WN�3�C�R CC7IVTRACT�R PC7R HIMSELF AND�WNEF PAG�2 ��*,��*�*���������������x�:���*��������,�#�*���:���,�-��*���,� CUl'�I)IT�OI'�5 OF APPRf�V��. Permit#: 897-�0�5 as of�l�-I8-2QQ3 Status: FINAL ��**,�������:����,r���*�***��*���**��*,��*��;���*�*����r�;��������� Perr�it Ty�ae� ADD/,ALT C�I�!IM BUILD P�I�14�T Applied: �t3/1�0/T997 AppLicant: 1�JIARRIC+T MOCTNTAIN nESORT AT�TAIL Issued: �03/19/1997 97Q-�76-4�4 T�a Expire; 07/I]5/�4Q2 Job A�dre�s: 715 W I.IC►NSHEAI�+�R VAIL �,acatic�n. MAP�RI�]'I'M�UNTAII�i RF.�7I�T Parcel No. 21t�1072�70DY D�script�crn: BALLRC�D1Vt P�EI'�OVATIQT�TS r�nc�i'tioa�: �Cflnci: 1 �'IPrE}: FIRE DEPA.I�ttTMEI�IT APPRO�AL IS REQUIREI}SEFflRE ANY WOR�CAN BE STAR.TED. C�nti; I2 (BLL7G.): �IELD INSI'ECfiIC]NS ARE REQ�UIREI]T�CHE+CK FOR CQDE CC�MPLIANCE. C�s�1d: CC�N�7�?01b1.9 Sub-pannel closet.A sm�+lce detector is re�uired. , . .. *�**�*�****�**�r**�*�*���*�**«�+*��*�**+*.*#*�**�*�**�*���***�*���***«*�***�***�*��**+**�**�* TC3WN OF VAIL, CoL{}RAI��Cop'�R�cPr�uted on 06-18-T.IfU3 a#TS:54;�4 {�6'1�I2[l�33 Siatement *****�t*��**�*�*�****�*�*�*s*�**�*��*******���*�**�*�*+**s**�**��**���r****�*��**�***�******� Statement Number: I�EC-OZ53 Amo�tnt: $�,502.80 03/26/199741:07 PP� Paymen�t Method: CH�CK Init: CD �3otati.on. #22214612 Pe�trit No: B97-bOZS T�pe: AI7DfALT Gi�MM �IIZI.D F�RMT �arce� No. zla1f572�17�ia2 Site Add�ess: 'T15 W LIC713SHEAD CR V"AI'L E�ocatic�n: MARRI07C Mf]€]N'£AIN RESORT Total Fees: $2,502.80 T�a.s Payment. $�,5�12.8a Total AI,L Fmts: $2,502.80 �alance: $D.00 **��****��*a*m*�*�*��o**��**�**�s*�*r**�*�***********�*a�***,x**r*********�r**�*�***�*+�*�****��** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Accaunt Cade �escri�tian Current P�its AG D2-�EP�$ CLEANIf� D�PO�ITS S��.Q� BP �Q1(1DQ03].111�DU B�ILDING PERMIT FEES 1.212.(l0 P'F {�Q1�pQ(131123Q4 PLAN CHECK FEES 787.8D WC 401da0�311280(l WILL CALL IhfSPECTION FE� 3.00 � � � , ; ' 4 Qq � � 6 � � � • 0 o� i o u� � �� i i i i i � o o + � o i o i o i � ca i i � � � i i � � i i i i e i i i i � e i r i � p9 t i i r i t � a � f i � r 1 i r i i � i i ;� i [� i � t i i i pa e 'y °o � o � ; ° � i �`�(Z � .. � � � i � Cgj. � �� � o � o � ao q 4f1 � V1 � 1 N 1 I 1 I � 1 d 1 1 1 O d 1 Y I � 1 I .� 1 Y I �h ! ❑$ Y i7 1 GI I O 1 �r,C] a � � � � o I 1 ��" I 1 Ni¢ i O 1 57 � Q' � W u'� i VI .i y} 1 � 1 I ! 1 (4 1 1 1 G1 I 1 ! ! Q 1 �� ! I I H � � � � i 41 W F F F { i ❑ I^d o � C i p V UJ� O � O ! 0 � F i O❑ � • i - w •. � i �� � 6 � G r � g U � I� R 1/} 1 V1 1 N W CC t i � , i i � � � � x � � d � [�-� o �" � q � �+ o �+ w� � i � .a (� � O i i �O � W i !a7 � 1�4 � � �I � 1 � E ct 1 � M �, 1 y rl � `� � � � � �..r N FY � �i I {1� N � � F p � � i i � '1p 1 p 1 L I ka O P i pp g � a rv � a � R r+ s� e + � � 7f p. m � CS � � r'� n � � � ta C R o � � � Q �a�i o + � r• i p7 �p� � l'�i!J •- F• �'+1^ y 'i F1 � � C�. P�i � � � i x L1 � �C1 F A {r Y N � �7 N PC f�1 i y',� iy7 � o bo a � C'� Q � �i FM � � � p .a v�f i � U r 4hr C} Np f+ �ra.i i i � C! .a � � w vr��-.� � i qz7 � N � v e] � �i W w i i �a tr. pE� Q � F i � E v-i d �1 Y�C� � vp] qz rJ! 1fE tt O� � i V i H r� W �7 iL W�f+ + F 47 F�] t.�'} � \ � ���� � " V�LL r.� � T{7WN C7�VAIL L7EF'ARTMEN'I'�F Ct7tviMCJI'�ITY DEVELC7�'MENT �5 S. FRt71`�`T,AGE T�CC�AD VAIL,CC7 81657 97U-�79-2138 I'ti1CJTE: THIS PERMIT MUST SE T'QST`ED�3N jOB�ITE A.T.f�.I,L TIMES A1JD/ALT CL1MM BUIGD PERMT Permit #: '�3[}1-QCkk�3 Je�b Address: �15 W L�f.�NSHEAD CR VAIL Statu� . . . : �SSUEIJ T�ocatian.......: Marriat�hc�tel back by hot tubs A�plied . . : 03/21/2�101 ParceI t�la....: 2��107�(170D1 Isstxed . . . : �6,/1Q/2t?f?3 Praje�t No . : �xpires. . .: 12/07/24�03 OWNER HI�IC ACQU�SITIQN PRaPERTIES If�3f21/2aQ1 Phone: CI{a MARRIC}'I"I' TNTERI�iATIONAL C3NE M�IC3�.'T' L7Ft DEF''I'' 938 .471 WASHI3�iGT�N DC 20�58 License: APPLI�AN'I' DIS�'INCT�VE TENT R.�N'I'ALS 0�/21/2{}01 Phone; 303-593-16�30 �5 4 D W. FOUR A�NUE, UN�'T ]� T7EP]VEl�, CD 8 C1219 L�.cense: 454�5 CONTRACT�4R DIST�NCT:CVE 'I'ENT AENTALS L13/21/20Q1 �hc�n�; 303-693-18{}0 25{34 W. FUFJR AVENU�, UNIT 1 DENV�R, CO 80239 Li��nse: �54-S Deseiption: tem��ent of Tast��f'Vael accu�±ancy: T�pe Ct�nstruction: Type Occupancy: a? Valuati�n: $5.2f�5.BQ Add'Sq Fr: 0 Fireplace lnfnr�aationr: Restaicted: #af Gas Appliar�ces: f] #of Gas Ltsgs: Q #raE W(lGl(�F'llaPt: ()"raere..�eerr*+r.+srr•e�erw.+.+.rsrevr�rr+trw+a*+er�t+r.rs.w.,r.nr�.ew.v�.•.. ��.�$�fl'V'�M.f�IRY "x++r+„++re++,ra.r�ee�e►.,rx.rwww,r�wrxe�r.►s.rtx�rw.s.�xn,rt�ew,r. $tiulding---� $105.Dp Res!tuaranl Plan Review—� $o.oa Tutal Calculaied Fees—> S�T€�.25 Plan Check—� S6a.z5 �3Tt�F�e � s m,C7 a Aciairic+r�a�Fee�-p> $o_�o Tnvasti�;atiun-> $0.0� Rcrreatinn F��� � $p.t�4� Total I'ermii Fee a $176.25 Will Catl---] �3.oo Clean-up De��sit > $n.c�o 1'ayments � 57.�6.25 Ti7"�ALf�E�� > $176.25 �ALANCEDUE > Sp.�b ................K.....,..•,....:.:.�.�........-..,..,,.,.�.M.....,..........,,�........�.....+.+.+.+f..+.....H::.,�..�.�.,.,...............�....,�.,t+.w.w,�,. Ap�7T'OV��5: Item: �51(}a �UTL]7ING 17EPAR'3'MEI�iT 03/23�/2C101 lc Action: N�3 rauted tv JRNf 03/22/2(}01 JRND Actionz N�} Rt�UTEI7 Tp FIR� FfJR AFF12C7VAL D3/�6/2001 cdav�.s Aetic�n: AF See fire Dept apprrval �,tetti:V t}54 0�Q PI,ANNIDTG X7EPARTMLNT Item; 0560U FIR� I3EPAR�NT �3/22/zaal mvaughan Actian: AP Item; �355C7(} P[TBLIC WORKS #!+�*4'f#e'd'kfl11�1FNFM04lkM4li'f*AliYr1YAY'MfdY�!'�!42�iiiiYMlMa-k#}M tkil'FM'i'xtvA fiY RbRh$w R5#T'RR�1xA'�Rf�Rf�^fM�xf�IFt1t�Y11'1rYh[twlfi�Rl�fRYlRRRN�1wHH1 VNT`�lfliYRw See page 2 af�his Document far any car��itions that may apply tc�this permit, I]ECLAI�ATIU]�TS �herek�y a�ckrtowledge that I have read this a��sli�atia�, fil.led o�t in full khe infQrr�abi�on rec�uired.completed an aecurate plot plan,and sf�ake #hat all the infc�rmation as r�qu�red is corre�ck. I agre�tc�corngiy avi�h�he inforrna4a�n anr� plc�t plan,to Comply with all Tawn ordi�ances and state laws,and to�ui1d this structure accarding tQ the tawns znnit�� �tCI.SL1�C�I�v LS1(lil C4C�E5, c�e�i�n r�r�iew appravea,[�rrif�rm Buil�iing C�de and Qther ordinaslc�s of the Town applicable thereto. REC�UES�S FCYR II'�SPECT1flN arH�4LL SE h+iADE TWENTY-F4U1�NQkJRS II�ALIVANCE BY TELEPHQNE flT 479-2149�R AT OUR C7FFI�F120A^i 8:[lU AM-4 Ptvd. SIGIVATL]IiE[]F t�WItiER QR Ci71�ITRACTC]R FC)R HI11r�SE�ANi�C�tih+'�+I�� PAGE 2 ��-:������r���,����,�����,�,�*�������r,���,��,���������,� CONQIT7C�NS C7�'APFI2UVAL Pemnit #: Ba1-{�a43 as vf+�6-10-2003 Status: ISSUEG �,�,�**�,���*,�**,��**,����;��,�������*����*,���,���**:���*�����,����,��,�*�*,�**� Permit Type: AIJ�/ALT CC33h�hM BUIL�PE�M'T Ap�+Iied: [}3/21/2�1Q1 Ap�lieant: DTSTINCTTVE TENT R�NT?1�S Issueci: 06/��/�003 3(]3-�93-1 f3C}(T To Expiure: Z 2/€}7/2003 jc�b A�iciress: 715 W LIC71"�TSHEAI�CR V�'�IL Lt�atic�n: h�f�rraott hatel back by hot tubs Pareel Nr�: Z1(71(}7?�]7i10I Descrip�ion, teznp ten�vf Taste p#Va�. �onditions: �and: 1 (FIRE): FIRE I�EPARTMEI'�T APPR4VAL IS RE(�UIR�I� BE�C)RE A1'�Y WORK�AN BE STARTED. Cand: 1� �BLi�G.}. FI�LD INSPEC'T'IC�NS ARE I�EQUIREU T(]CHECK FQR CUD� CC3I+viI'LIA£`iCE. ���*#��#i*#**#**#**##*i##t##�*�*######*#�#****#�#�*��#*4*#**���*��*#i�**��#�#*�*��*�*�*�**�* `�''D'WN'DF V,�LIL, 'CC}I.QR.AI�C� St$seREeTlE ��+���*������***�•*:*�r*�*�******�**�*�*�**s�***���*�*����*******s*****���****�**�s***s�***«* s�atement Nuznber: Ra3DO�14135 �#Zne�unt: $Z76.as flsllo/200310:3� x1M Payrnetx� l�ethod: Check �nit: T,C Notation: #�3{151 Distinctiv+e Tents Perm%t �+iv: B01-4 Q 4�3 �ype: ADI7/Ai,fi COMNI B1U`IL� PERM'T Farcel No: ,21Q1(}7207Q01 Sitie Addrese; 715 W LIONSH�Ai3 �R VAIL Lacat�.or�: �farriott hc�te7. back by hvt tuf�s 'rotal �'ees_ $176.a5 This Payment: $176.25 Tatal ALT, Pmt�: $176.�5 Balance: $4.40 #t**�*�*�*�**t�*���*�*t*****#�******�r+�*�a*,r+�**��*�+►�**�***f**�+�**w*�*�*����►�*********��*�*** ACCt)UNT I7'�h�i LIST: Account Ca�e d���ription Current Pmts 8P f1Ql�DOC}3I111.aU BUILDING PERMIT FEES 105.00 PF {�q].f�0�[}311230Q PLA�V CHECiC FEES 6$.25 k�C �OTQD{�03112840 WILL CAI�I. [NSPECTi[�N FEE 3.fl� � � x, �� TO�WN"OF U'A�L D�partmerrl �af C'o�mmun3ty I.�ewel�prnent 75 South Frnntage Road �'a�1, Colorada 81657 �70-479-�138 FAX 97d-�79-.2452 ww�v ci.v�ri1.cc�.us �lay 16, 2�03 �EN'7111A CERT6Fl�D MA[L C�istinctive T�nt Rentals 15335 E�st Fr�ema�nt �ngl�wood, Cf� 8011'2 Re: B�i�ding P�rmits nat picked up: B�l�-{lf?42 Lodge �ia V'ail, Taste vf Vail 2Q�1� Bfl1-UQ43 Marri�tt, T�ste vf Vail 2p�1 g��-�Q1� Lodge a�,7 Vail, '�aste af Vail 20�2 To Whc�m It May Conc�rn: A� r�view af t�e Town a#Vail 8�ilding C}ivi�i�n fiie� indicates that the above mentiortet! permits f�ave n�t been picked up or paid for. Th� 19�7 Unif�rm Bui9ding Code, Secti�n 106.4.�, requires evid+�n�� af car�stru�cti�n pragr�ss each 18� days t�av❑id expir�tion of a �ermit. As per Uniform Bui[ding Code Sectianlq�.�}.4, yvur permi#s b�ave �xpired. if the w�rk has �een com!pCeted yvu musk c�me in ta pay far�hese permits. If na re�panse ha� kaeer� re�e�v�d wit�in �4 days of the abov�;date, �his '�le wi11 be voided, ar�d the�le will be placed tn t�e p�rm�ne�t fi4e, with na fur#h�r ir�s�ectic�ns a�utho�ized Qr dep�$its retr�rn�d. Y�u will also �e 'rn�vo€�ed for the plan reuiew f�e on these permits, A locic has been ptaced �on ynur ce�r�tractor ficens� until thes+� issues �ave been resc��ved. F��I free to cvr�tact me �t'97'�3-479-2�42 or Lyrane Carnpbell at 97[]�T�-215{� wvith any questions. Sin rely _ � � _ harles E. Davis Ghief Builcfing CSfficial cQnc �*�+�REG7CL617PAFER M � , � . . . ■ Cramp9ete ita�ms 1„2,an�3.Afso cornplate a. Siqn u�� itern 4 if Restrictptl C�elivery is desired. ,/'f � Print your narn�and address or�ihe revers� x t� ,•-r`�f-� Q��g`�r�� sp ihai we ca�r retum the�ard to you. ���`s�' ■ Rttach thrs card to the back crf th9 maiPpi�e, S ��i ed by(Prrhted a) C. �Daze�r[7veilvery or on the hnnt if space p�rmits. 4�___ �, �,,�_ {t t ,� y. ArtocBe Aaidresseci!o: D. Is del' addrre�diH�t from item 1? ❑Ygs I#YES,enter de!#v$ry add�ss be3ow: ❑No DISTINC'�IV� TEI�T RE�1TAi.5 15335 EASZ FR�lI�NT` ENGL�I[lU�, C�l 80112 s. service ry�se �C�eRifiecl Maif C7 Exprss5 Mail CJ Reg�ste+'e�d �Return Rsceipt for Merehandisa �i Insursd FAai! [7 C.[3.D. d. Restrlcted pel�very7(�xtra F'eeJ O Yes 2. Articee Nu+nC�r — �.�.��� 7oaz znoo ��n� ���o ���o F'S Fcmn 3�1�,/4u�us1 2UD1 Damasric I�eturn Race,pc �s�6-E�i•�w-2S� . . .. . .. -. . . - . ,..,. ..l'� . .i, . :f..n ,,'k�'�. ., . . .. . ..- . . '�`. r . . . � . . .. .. . ... . . ..,... . . .. . i . . I ��w1�rY8{�11Yra . �� rs.� f r 1 ' . ,:;��� � . � _ . � ��'�:� � -�r ' :� .. � � t . �''�a�� trr J ,�,ti'�S�',,� ; � . 1��Yfar`�J�� r,- .y1�t,i:- � L . ' . ► )q,.•. ;;` q,'�► ti� ,� � .������� ��: �`'r� �"� �r _�.x a ti. "* , ��f��� ? i� ti '�, �` ,,�C �,' i . , . � � . • . .. i,,,7 � �j/� . �''"�\�,. � . . . `•�� I .. : { !_ T � 6 -� , �� � u� � ��. � � ,� �� � � � ` _ , �� � � ' .,.�� � ---�—� ,� c� �� Q- o0 � -� � � �.. �,�:! ��-� � �,/ '�' �'" U ..s:� .� _ _ a ` .,.� . � � � � :,�, . o � o � 4 f.� . �..� ;9 } �, � � � ° � � `� ,n c�u ,;t.c � � ••�aQ q o . C� N l� ,;;? � �3rC � i �.w� � �" '-' } . Q � f f o j , E . .. . � � '� € � � . � � + t _ . . M � �� i � . . . . ! � �� �, '= _" �. � �E f � 4 � R� . . ,� ♦� � ' . . r ;1 S L�+. 7 �. , � : , r <-`'� � �.� .. � ; S� ' . .. � '� �. {' -• . ;_: ,�� + . . .. .. � � . '� 1. .$� �.' . ' '• �`' '�� _ 4 .. ,... - _, V�:? ' ��� •� � ^-.:.�_. ., `;I:J, C`�L'7 �yl . , .. . � � � w , � � � �, q � j � �`^� � � �" � V, ,; � � � `� . .� � � � � U �I � � `� o a � o � �•� . . . �� � .� o Q � � �� ',�';. ii �i ��1������� ►�eprrrt»renl of Communiry 17�velr��menr 7� South Frant�ge Road �'€��1. Col�orado 81657 97f]-479-2138 FAX 970-d79-�45� www ci,vail.ca.us A�ril 'f 8, ��Q3 SEN7'VIA CERTIFIE� MAIL Dis#in�tive Te�t R�r�tals _ �5{l�}W. Fau��venue, Unit � 7��� ���� ��f]4 698� 66�5 a�nver, �O 8�21� Re: B�ilding Permits n�t picked up. B(}'i-DLI42 Lodge a[,7 Va+l, Taste o#Vail ��7�1 BD1-0043 Marrifl�t, Taste of Va�120[31 8Q2-0�'i2 L�dge a[,'? Vail, Taste �f V�il 20�02 fi� Whorn It May�Qncem: A rsview af the Touvn of Vail Buildir�g Qivisinn files in�icates that t�e above m�ntioned �ermits have not been �icked up or paid fvr. Th� 1997 Uniform �uilding Cade, S�:ctian �06.4.4, re�uires e�ride��c�f cvnstruction pr�g�ess each 18�days to av�oi� expiratic�n caf a permit. As p�r Un�forrn �uilding Co�e Se�tion 1�OB.4.4, your�erm�ts hawe�xpire�i. Ef the work has b�en completed yau mu�t came �n to pay for thes� permits. ff n� response has �een recei+�ed wikhi� ��days mf the abo�ve date, this file wi11 be vaicled, and the fi4�wiil �e�laced in the perrnanen#fiie, with nu further inspec�tions authorazed or dcpasits re#umed. Yvu will also be invaiced f�r t�e p9art r�view f�e+�n t�ese permits. A lock h�s been placeci an your contract�r license untii th�se ���ues hav� been resolved. Fee! free t�r c�ntact me at 9�7'0-47�-2142 or Lynne �ampbell a�97�-479-2�5Q with �ny 4�es#ions. 'n �4y � � � C arles E. Davis Chief Buildit�g CC7t���af CDllc ���l�6L'}'G7.8FPA�'ER ,� � � . _ . . I i� .. . ,.. � . � � � _ � � Ii � � m � � I a a o r� z° `� � � h Op � ❑p � ❑ � O n � U a � � '� c> � � � � E � v� c �j � w � � � w � �U � � � � � �� � � m �- = � � _ ; � m � � � � ,� m � � � � � � ' � � � m r�� � � � �, � �y a � c7� ' °— � � � � � � � � � G a in� [C � - c°� ❑ f� � � � d YC cri ci ra � � i � � G d p GC C �' m u�°r m O E a� m °p_ � G �o s .�a [1 y — U7 . � • �U� +u p, � � � �`1 : �'di r �'as D . . ' . O m �U� N �• � 0 . ' . �� � � � '� � q.��y O- n i�3 �'N {,}"Y � � � � � � f � � �'��-� a � � � c°� I � � � C L U(p� �.,� � � � f� � CV�T! {]� _ ,r� �� O {� p � 4�a IIA ' � . N U � a` �y3 � � Q � Q. � Y � 1�54 � � y 1"� F�+ C� v+ ^ '. - � .� :: u� x3 e� q °o � 'r � , � � � . .. . . ...� � y � A d. f . `��- Q.y� Y �V" �I..+E �s � � ,L � � ,:'~ . �.L 43 � � . . • � CL R 7"� CT C m C'° C� m N Cp� . ' � �C y O i� CI] Q �. u � p . � . . G:7�� c�r�Q O C � � Q � LL � - �1 N � �r} � . ■ i ■ «i d. ! . i , I � . . � .r I� i . - . f . , i , , y .. _�._... , . , � e i : _ � � a '�J I. - r � _ _ � � C� cLB � � `� Ppsfilge S F3'�� � GM�lie9 Fte � /4 �� �`�� st rk � , � � � HEr R¢9um ReceiPl Fes � tEndpr9�mare4 Requirnd) �� � fic+strictetl Qeilvixy Fee C7 iEns�crreement Ret�uirW1 � y � '�S'tf�`,. Tatal PvsEagn!E Faas � �"�{� C� . . � �enf T�, ° r {�l��.r�-�`�,�--�� - � ��- ---�...............................-•--- - {� --- �-�-y-�-�-- ---�--------------- � Sf�8{1Af+�'JU4 f F'���� l3�-^Y '��� ' " " � + ""'"„'".�.....................�.�.....�..........,......�..""""""'..e'"��"'""������,.����«� CI�.a��.� � c �-l--U+,.+.,'�L.r�C� ���� I y � r � � D�SI��'1 R.+�.'V1QW B�O�PC� __ ACTION F(��ttM _`� '�k� Qep�artrr'�ent of Gvmmunity f7euelap�nt t V 1'�r�'' V� �'.�11� 75 So�#h Frontage Rpa�,Vai l, Cnlorado 81657 t�l; 974.479.2139 f�x; 97f},479.2452 w��: www.e�.va'sl,co.us Rrc�ject Name: Marria�t signag�e and sh�rtkers L7FtB Numher. DRBQ��371 Praject Description: Submittaf far � monumer�t sign�, a su�ergraphic on the turret, and shut�ers. PartECipants: QW�l�R HMC ACQUISITTC�A1 PR�PERT[ES IfUJ15j200�2 Phorae: Cf O MAY�RIOT�'IT'dTTERNATiC}�1AL ONE MARF7.IC}T� DR �EPT 938A1 WASHINGTON QC 20058 �.icense: AP�LIG4i'�{T Gv�rath�ney f�ratt Schu�ti �.Of 15J2Q�D2 Phon�: 475-1f47 �enry Rratt 1�DD S Fr�a��ge Rd We�t Suitel�� �'ail, C{) G�a�rail@aol.cam 81657 License; Pr��ect Address: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL E.ocat�on; �eg�l Description. Lot: C&D 61ock: Subdi�visinn: MORCUS SUB, Parcel Numtfer: 2101[i72070a1 C€�r�ments: Varianc�e ��evi�usly granted for 3 sign BQ!14RQ/STAFF ACTII}N Mntion By: Bill Pierce A�itsn: APPRC3VED Sec�nd 6y: Hans Woldrsch Vote: 3�1 (R�agers oppos�d} Date nf Approval: il/flfi/ZD{�� Conditit�ns: �ond: 8 (PLA�I}: No ehanges ta thes,e plans may be made without the written c�nser�t of Tawn �rf V�il stafl`�rnd,lar khe appropriate�eview comr�nitte��s). Cond: COi�O[}D56S4 �hat the�pplicant NOTp�i�t the su�ergraphic or� the turret as pra��tasecf as it violates the defi�ition c�f� mural �r sup�er�raphic as de�ned in 5ectian 11-1-1, Se�tion 11-1-1 defines� ms�ral Dr su�rgraphic a�, "A painted scene, figure, or dect�ratiye c�esign sv as to enhance the buiiding archit�cture, aot including writC�n trade or pface names ar adve�ising m�essages." ca�d: c��uaaos�ss Th�t the appl�cant nrierrt the three morsument signs sv that at n� �int�m m�re �han �ne(1} sign �ace be seen frorn any 3c�catian in vrder ta ra�eet the car�ditians raf�he approved uar�ance Far th�site. �_. '�� � ., � � � � Planner; � , QRB Fee Paid: $68.flD � ����� � � aesign F�eview Bvar�i _����':����9, _ ACTIt]I� F�RM -��:. � - �g G�partm�nt of Ccamr�unity Development '�'�'�'�i��� �� �,,'��� � 75 Scruth Fr�ntage Road, Vail, Colarado 8f657 t�l:970.479.2139 fax; 974,479.2452 w�b: wwuw.ci.vail,ea,us �r+aject I�arnec �farriott Arci� Chranges B�dg. III @RB �lumbe�; bR�02C1218 Prmject Descriptian: Ch�ng�s to approvecf plans -�xterior build�ng 3�rches c�n ne�rth and west e��ev�tic�ns fr�am chamfer�i ta arcfiaed Participants: �WNER HMC ACQLJISITIDN PROPERTIES I07/C�3J'ZOQ� Phone: Cf O MAF�F�I{3TT INTER[VATIDNAL C�I�E MARRF�TT DR DEPT 938.0� WASFIIfVGTf7N DC 204158 Licea�s�� APP�CJ�IVT Gwat�m�y Pratt Scnul�Z Archi�l7/�3/�002 Pt�one: 476-i147 Henry Pratt �.{l0� �rontage �d West Vai�, C�} 81657 Licen�e: Project Address: 715 W L�QN5HEAD �R VAIL Locatian: Legal �escription: Lot: C&D Bl�ck: Subdivision: MC3RCUS SUB. RarceE �Eurnber; 210107Z07a�1 Comments; See�n�iti4�s �OAR!]JSTA��ACTiON �►7�tion By: Actit�re: Sf'A�FAPR Second By: Vate: aate af ApprorraF 07/1d/�0(?� Con�#i'ti�ns: C'A11d: $ {PLAN): �fo chang�5 t�these plam�s may be r�ade with€�ut the writt�n cons�r�t aF T�wn of Vail �Gaff andlor che appropriate review comrn'rttee{s). �ntry: f]7�1D/Z[l[l2 �y. Warren �I�on: C(�ND Cond: � �PLAN}: DRB�pprpval do�s nvt constitute a permit for��ifding. PIeaS�c�nsult+n�ith Town c�f Vail Builcfing persannel privr tv Cot��trttt`�lon dCt�vitie�. Ptanr��r: � �' DRB Fe� Paid: $20.00 ������ � � � � 5ent 8�,��. ��. ��'�� � : ���il�chult;d'�� ru`V`f�.W4T_�1� �]°�_��'�_LJJ4 .iun-2� 1?:i91�U. 'z'1�r' '" � L�I� � T ~ �'�� App�ica�tic�n fv r Desi�n �eview � _�- Dq�ar�n�t d Cam�x�iry�oprr�ent �!V�r� 4�'��Ir11.I., 75 Sa�1�h Frnn�c�e Rc�ad,Ya�l, �Salora�dc� 8a557 t�:97£k.4?9.2139 �ax;97'0,479.�452 w�b� wrwwr,d.va�.ca.us Ge�ral Irrf brnl�ttiKirl: 1U1 prrsj�cts res�urnng deslgra rariew �nust re�aawe a�!prior��a�ubrr�ttlrtig a huilt�irsg R����'►.• PI��Se ref'�r't�!he SuC�rn�Ct�i ��lG'P�ft�r[l7�p�'dt7u�3r�pprora(ihait 4�c�q�e5t�d. A�rE appllmtlorr!pr Desi��+ Re�vi�+v �nnoe be ac+�E�d unt�l all requ�ed i�mada+ � redeere4 by flk�e �Cnrnmu�ity D�ewel�pnea�t t�Cpsrtrr�er�t. �he project m�y aW n�ed ir� be rev�ewe�'t�+ t�Tn�wR� ar�d�'ar tt�r Pta�nrorg �� Enwq� �Carnmi�un. �[:1gn r�vi�rwr a�l Fi�p�Yi�a W�idlag p�rrnit is i�oied and �an aa�rrano�s vri�irr �rn�y�ssr af the appr+n+riL �r;�;o�,��tt�,� �cr� 5���.� 3 {�t�.� �.t Na2�1 � WaE�C" 'E1��t�fiONS � Clri*+MFE�� �,'D Ai2�� L�catl�n a�f the Rro�: t�t:� :�3 e#o�c: sub�livL�an: R£�S� ';�V wi:. � ���� �!5 �!'+,t, L1C�N _ _ �'���' �arcal No,: �10l c�� "�0� ov� (C�r}taa Ea�Cv. A�r ak grt�-3�-�fcx pmrce��o.) Z�ni�g: _L�h�'W- I ._���,�,��---- � �la�{s) af v�n�r(s�e �fA ��1"��,�1'_ � �.��F •,�C►C�t'#�� Mailing A�dr+ess; �• �� �V'Cr �` �4l.fiv�t3 = Phate: $ . _ Dw��+ar(��Sig x): Name of Appii� � �'4�V L w+��ling l�ddr�: �W a �• ' T L, PheM�rr: �1+r+ • 1lf� F-r�r�►m�: r�� . +�c: ��io - �br� - _ 7YP+e�f Re+uiew��td�e; Q S�gns � ��ES 3�.D[}pe#'9t#t��ne foak af bufal sagn a►esa. C� COttC�Ptual R�wh�+ A4a� C7 JVe+�+CcxtStruCti0e7 S��o �ar s�orutnsc�on e�a rr�n+tlUlld3ng ar demdl��.►�d. CI Addnition $304 �c�r�n �Eidktirxa vr#�r+e squa�Fa�otage is added to arry �t�l or COrrxr�ddf buNd#�4 Lir�[�75�addiii�ns&¢ttgic�canveFS�ar�s}. C7 Mintx'W�be�`e� S��Q C�or rr�k�r'dta�ges kt�bLdldin¢5 anQ s�iin�ner�Gs, such as, (rrtuRi-iarnily�'canrrrercjal} rrroofiny, F�alrflftlg. window dtlQ�ti0n5. �dnds+��i�tg, fenr� and r�eng,rraHs,� � h+fitl0r�I'it[Oil �2t1 �f R11ftOiF CtklIK�C5 bJ�dYn�8�St�im�Tf4V�17�k5, 911C�'t a5, {single-��miiYfdupEex} �er�fin9, O�i�tbng, windauv adelirq�'ss, landsra�in9. �nee� arrd �it�Ffig w�4tS,EUC. � Chdnges to Apprerved P�ar�s $��1 Far rew+�nns tn Pl�ns alreacty approved �Y Pt�nn�� Staff e� t#�e C?e;s6gr+ Rerr�w 8narid. J S�p�rati�n i�equest Na Fee �nr t?�ce 11!�e,+Dnly: 1��c�ad: <-��� cne�k r��.: �.;,���: i�y_ _ �A� — o� �,4- ., , - 1 Dp4iC8tI0n I3�3t��.__.. .__ _ � �Ianner. _t„- � _Pnc)�tt Na. .� `J'�:l r�:�� `''-a � .. � . , _--. .��. U '� � �,� ��Q�� ;� ����,. �� ar ' +{� r�r�„#�►�n �o�` c�n���-t�a� _�.}� � � �'��� ��- ,�� � � ����*�«*�w*+*+*�*********#*�*****��r****�r**�►�*#�++�+*�����*a����****�*�****:***s**�*:*��*:�*�*�r TC?W'N UF VAIL. CClLUP�.DC) 5tatemenE **�+***��*�*�*�**��*�***�+��*�r**�*��r�**�r*��*w**v�*�***a��*�*��*�**�*+**�*�**��*��*�**�****«*� Stdtemc.nt Nu7nbe�': 12QOD002673 A�rtoun�: $�0.DO 0'7,�03/20Q2U3;21 �M Paym�nt M�thoc3: Check Ini t: �rAFZ N�tation: 5185 Gwathmey PratG SchuAtx Permit I+lt3: DRB020218 Type: f3RB-�hg tc] AppY' Plans Pareel Nc]: 2Y.0107207(}�1 Site Address: 715 'W LIdNSHEAD CF2 VAIL Location: Total Fees: $20.aCJ This Payment: $24.t�0 Tc�tal Ai�L Pmts: $2b,00 Balance: $Ca.pd ��*�r******�*�*��*�***�**�******a****t�*****��a�*�****�s*s*t*s*#******r*�*****�*****�**�***** ACCC)UNI`ITEM LIST: Accc�unL Ct�cic3 i�escr7ption Current F���s DR �(11p0003112?00 DESIGN REVIEW F�FS 20.00 i y � � . �'�,j�;+� �� � � QESiGN REVEE'W BC�A�IJ AGEI��A � ���'.� Wednesday, Na�ember fi, 2�02 ., 3:Ofl� P.M. F'UBL�C M�ETING RESULTS PIJBE.I� INE�.COIV�E PRpJECT C3RlENT►ATION ! LUhJCH - Comrt��r�ity De�el�pment Departme�t �i2:Q� pm MEMBERS PRESENfi NlEMBERS ABSEACT �lark Brit#ain Charl�s Ac�vetia E3ill Pierce H�rrs Waldrich Margaret ftog�rs SITE VISITS 1:3a prr� 1. Mc�ue residence—4289 Nugget Lane 2. Baothfalis Tavvn�acames—3094 Bc�othfalls Raad 3. Garsuch resid+�rrce— 1193 C�bin Circ�e 4. Gor�zalez residence—2339 Ch�monix �.ane 5. M�rriott—715 1N Li�nshead Circle 6. Mezzafuna R�staurant�66�1 'West Li�r�shead Plaee 7. Ski Base—610 West Lior�shead �irc�e 8. Vail �Jil�age c� I�ivr��head ticket kios#cs 9. ��arm Schoo! Boutique— 183 Gvre �Creek '�rive 1�0. G�teway Building — 12 Vail Road f�riv�r: Warren PL�BLIC HEAR�NG -TOW�I +C�iJNCIL CH�#MBEFtS �:00 pm 1. Gateway LLC DRB02-0256 Matt Finaf review of pra�ased new signag� 12 Vail RvadlLat N, Bia�k 5D, Vail Vifla�� 1$` Filir�g Applicant: Vail Gate�ray LLC MC3T1Q�1: �ill Pierce SECC]ND: IVlarg�ret Rogers V�.77E: 4-�} APPRC]11Ea WITH '! GC)NDITI�Qhl: 1. That th�existing etche� sigr� �e bc�ilt-c�uf wvith efface ar edged to cor�cea!tYt� g�ps �nd cc�ntinue d�r�vn the fac� ur�cie�t�e saf#it and that the col�r be beige te� rna:tch the buitding Im sign. �. Vail Viffag� and Lic�nsh�ad lif�ticket ks�asks t7R'802-0313 Warren Final review vf pr�posed iift ticket kiosks 60C} �.�anshead MalllL�t 4�, Vail �ior�sheacl 1 st Filing a�d 1 Vail Place CandaslBlc�c�c 5C, Vail Village 1 S' Filin� �4pplicant: Vai} R�sarts, r�pr�senteci t�y Cynthia Steitz MC7TIC�T�: �iil Pier�e SECOI�D: Marg�r�t R���rs VCJTE. 4-0 �. �. a� � TO�PIk'4F VAdI, � r � � r APPR�DVE� AS SUBIUIITTED Ihl BRt)Whl & �'AN 3. Bac�thfalls Tc�wnhomes ❑RB02-(?287 Allison Final review of propr�se� parking Icat ��d exterior imprauements 3f19�4 Boothfalfs �oad/Lot 1, �4ock 2, Vaif Village Filing 12 � A�plicant: Baot�rf�lls H4meowr�ers Assoc., repr�sented by Steve Prav++dzik MQTI�M: Ha�s Wafdrich SECQNQ: Margaret Rogers VOTE: 4-Q APPF�QVE� WfTH 3 GC3NpITIQNS. 1. That an additiona! 12 tr��s he planted alQng �h�e�ast sid� of th� prop�r�y, subje�t t� �#aff review with t�he neighbc�r and appficant, prior ta the iss�aanc� of a buildir►g permat. 2. That the existing trees from the toe af tt�e lot wiff be r�placed if��moved. 3. That th�re be no parking pQl� lights on th� sa!ufih���t sic€e 4f the parking lots. 4. Marriott �RE302-�37'� Warren Final review of propos�d sign 715 W LiQns�head CirclefLots C&D, M�rcus Su�didisaan Appli�ant: Vail f�esarts �evelopnnent Company, represented by�wathmey Pratt Schultz Arch�tects EI11C:+TlUN: �3iff P�erce SEC{7ND: Hans Woidrich VUTE: 3-1 {Ragers oppc�sr�d} APPROVEb Wt�H 1 C+GJNDITI�N: 1. Ti��t prior to su�ergraphic�rectic�n, #h� staff shall cieterrnir�e th� legality of the image as a logo for the hQt��. 5. Mezzaluna Res�a�r'ant DRB�2-0373 Matt Fir�al review o€ proposed sigt�s ��0 V'Vest I�ions�ead PlacefLot 5, Blcrck 1, Vail l�ionshead 151 �'iling Applica�rt: M�ezzaluna Restaurarrt Mt�7kC3N: Bilf Piarc� SEGUNf�; Gl�rk Brittasn 1/OTE: �4-Q AP'PRC]VEl] W#TM 'I C(]NC?ITEDh�: '1. That the awning sic�n i� ok, but the north elevatic+n will have twc� possihle locati�rr�s with fhe frst beir�g the par�p�t aver the m�in dQar and the secand being over the resta�arant doorw�y, 6. Meualuna Restaurani DR802-Q374 Matt Final revEew af prvpQSed exteri�r alt�rations, tree remau�� �nd Iandscaping change ���] West Liransheaci PlacelLot 5, Bback 1, Vail Lions�r�ad 1 St Fil�ng A�pliGant: M�z.za�una R�staurant 8� Liansquar� Lodge MC?TIUN: Bill Pierce SECd3VD: Marg�ret Ragers VC�7E: 4-0 APPR�VE[] DECK VIfiTH 1 CC}�1DITI�}iV: 1. T�at all beams square off and the soffit and materRa#s mat�h existing. M4TItJ�I: Ckark BriYtasn ��GQND: Bs11 Pierce lIC3��: �4-0 TABLED UN�'IL NaVEMBER �0, 2402 -TF��E REMOV'AL 2 ' ! � � 7. Mc+Cue Residence DRB�2-�293 1Narren Final review o�propased dovr and �nrie�dt�w additivns �2fi9 Nug��# �aneJE�ot 3, B�gh�rn �sta#es Res�t�d�vis�an Lot 10 and 11 Applicant: Rober� and Harriet McCue, repres�nted by Rich B��wn af Brawn-V"Volin Canstructiar� Inc. MOl`l�N: �3iii Pierce S�CDND: Margaret Rogers VUTE: �-0 GON�ENT APPRI�VED VLfITH a �C]NDITIaNS: 1. �`hat the building be repainted in its entir�ty. 2. That the trim anci d�taias r�€th� �r�spc�sed windc�ws and da�rs match the existing. �. That�o dirt be depas'r#�d on#he hill at the rear�f the structure leading tt� Gcar� Creek. 4. That the tr�e an the northwes#c�rr�er remain, ��d to he prat�ected from the regrading v�+hich is prt�posed, a retaining wall shc�s�ld b� utiliz�d to hokd soil agair�st th� r�ats, if nece�sary. 5. 1'hat th� re#aining w�ll ut�ii�ed at the re�r of t�r�; structure #o prauide a larger patio ��rface, must campfy with afl CQde requirements fvr setbacks, enginee�ing and fla�dpl�ir� and ik must be apprav�d by staff. 8. Charm Scha�ol B�utique �F�S02-(�37'� Warrer� �ir�al r��ri�w Qf propased sign relocafinn �83 Gore Greek Driv�JL�ot A„ Block 5B, Vai3 Villag� 1�` Fil�r�g Applicant: Car[a Lewis, Sign �n E3e5ign MOTI J�I: Bil4 Pierce SEGC7ND: Margaret Rr�gers VC7TE. 4-0 TABLE�] UN71L M�VEMBER 2il, 204� —with the s�g�es#ion tha#the Art Gallery and �harm Schoc�6 sign de�telc�p a s�gnage prograrr�t� be simil�,r ar�d th�t the li�htjng be recessed.. 9. Ski 6ase QRB�}2-038Q $� DRB{�2-Q381 VIlar�ers Final r�:vi�w of propased window trim & sigr� reloGati4n fi10 VIlest Lianshead CirclelLot 1, Bloc�C 1, Uail Liar�sh�ad 3`d Fi�i�g Applicant: Ski Base, Inc. M�TI�hJ: Bill €'ierc� SECC7NCJ: Margaret �t�gers VOTE: 4-0 APPF�UVEC}W�TH i CC1hED1Tf(]N: 1. �"hat the tr�m be on the entire str�re frant artd the sign b� reduced to me�et Code require�rre�ts for the sign ,ssze. 1 Q. Gonzalez residen�e DRB(}2-0383 Aflis�rn Final �eview vf prop�s�d re-paint 2339 Ghamonix LanefLat 11, �iockA, Vail d�S Schor�e Filing 1 App�icar�t: ��rl�s Granzalez MOTfC?�: Hans Wc�ldrich SECCIND: Bil� Pierce VC3TE: 4-{J APP�iC7VE17 WITH 2 G4�N�ITIC7NS: 1. That th� repain�ed calQr� �e °S�nd Dune" orr the b�ody with "Bush �reer�"tr��, as propc�sed �Sy the ap�licant. 2. Th�t the applicant r�ta�t do a mt�c3�-up for�taff apprava{, �rior t� painting the �f�uct�tce. 3 � � . 1 11. Gc�r�t�ch resi�enc� DRBfl2-0370 BiIlfAliisan Conceptua! re�iew of prc+�osed add�tion ar�d remadel 1193 Cabin GirclelLot 4, Block 2, V�iE Valley 8t�' Filing Appficant: [7avi�i and Renie �Gorsuch, repres�nfed hy Resort pesign Ass�ciates �dhI�EF'TIJAL— NC1 VC]►T� Staff Apprv�als �apelWigtvnlHalm res�dence DRBfl2-t3339 Bill Re-r�caf �932 Beilflower drivelLot 7, B�ock S, Vail lnterrnount�ir� Applicant: Peter Ca�e � Ken WigtQn Kaufman res+dence C�RB02-Q345 Warren F�e-paint and replace exterior light fi�ctures 1�18 Spring Hill LanelLot 16, Sl�ck 3, Vail Valley 'f�t �iling Ap�iicant: Andrew r� Lynn Kaufman Sra�wstorm LLC aRB�I�-03fi8 RNatt Stai�a�dition to d�ck �ClD9 Sur�burst QrivelLot 15, V�II V�IIB�f �rd Fflll�� Appaicant: Sn�owstorm LLC Zucke�man resider��e QR�Q�-�J377 Warren Enclr�se deck 2943 Be1lfCower Driv�lLot 4, Bl�c�c 6, Vail Intermauntain Appli��nt: 8udd Zuc�Cerman �ore Ran�e Mauntain V'�'orks DRg02-0376 Allisan Windcaw ��dition Bell Tawer Building, 2fJ1 G�re Creek Driv�f8lcrck 58, Vail Village 1S' FilEng Applica�4: Vllilhelmsen LLG fni�rle�chen Candos DRBD�-C3382 Matt f�e�uilti decks 2958 S. Fro�tage R�adlLot 4, Black 5, lAail Intermnunta6n A��licant: Interlc�chen Horne C7w�ers A��oct�ti�n ��t�way Building DFtB02-Q389 Rlfis�n Winc�ov�v additivn 'i� Vail RaadlLot �I, B#ock 5D, Vail l/i�lage 1�t Filing App�sc�nt: Uail Gafeway Ll.�C Arriga�i residence DR�a2-0384 Matt �afcony and deck aciditian 2�75 G�rrnisi� �rivel�.ats 5&f, Sloek H, 5unligk�t Nc�rth Appli�ar�t: Balz Arrigoni The 2{�pli�ations�nd inform�iivrs shput the pr❑�as�ks are a�ailahle f�r puhlic inspeetivn durin�regular o�ce haurs in the pr�ojecl pl�nner's affGce,9o�aied at the Town ot Va�l Community De�elopment�epartment,75 S�sulh Fron3age Road. P�eas�call 479-2138 far informatifln. 5ign languags interpretat�vn avaikabls upon requesS wiih 24 hour notifir,atton. Piease�all 479-2356,7elephbnp fr�r the Hearing Im�aired,far information. 4 � � App�ic�t�vn €vr []�sign ReView !UeP�'�rneht oT Com�ra�nfty[?�+ela�r+lGnk T������ l5 Saut�Frontage Roed,ual1,Ca[arada 816'57 tel:9?4.479.2139 4axs 97b.479��452 we�,www.ti�v�il.��us GO�era4 infortrn�tlan: All prajects requlrl�g design revlew must re�ce�++�aP��ai priar+� su'#snft�lnq a bu1[d�ng pemt�t app�i�tion. �ease re{er to�ltie submitt►71 'requi��em�n�tor the�particuEer 8GP4rovd! '�hat is r�q�+ested. An app��atlan fur pesigs� �evi�wyr cart+�slk be ac�ed until ell re4u�red inforrnadan I� recxtwed by t�+e Ccmmunity I]evekaRmerrt Otpart�nent. The Ikwl�pn rovl�iw ■pprow�NlaPs�s u�ie�s s bulfd np eretilt ls�I��ued an[i I�onstrr�rrtt��n �4;nm��ats wltfrin ant yraas s�f tha aPp►�vs1. v�ucaipt�on o�t�a Requestr ��PRoV�►. �� 3 �'�1[��V�"+�1T� �� NS r�T' 7'E�L �''f�.A�►JC� Aa�1D N��- 2f D� �Lt���— �1,1 �r�.37�I�J 2. '�T'1�1�'�T L,a+rat]ttr�af H;�+Pra�pos�• Lt�#:,'���81a�k; Suhdtvislpn:, �`''�4�2G3� �'V Physieal Addres�e � l� V+1. LCD N S F�'+E�'+C� ��M2 CL� paroel No,: �Gi'�(t��2A'�[�Q (Gor�t�c�Eag1C Co,Asse�or at 97�-3�$•S�G Fvr parcel nc�.j rron�n�: L 1��'''1 U- 1 wame a)eM vwner(�): ��►.tL. ��1� 1�+��"�1'C� G'O�a''�J�� �+4C�� �ttNt�l ( - ����n�xddrcas: � � � � 51��� phonc: �'r• �:�55 Qvvner(s}SlQnat� � :— __ � Nama oT ApQ11� t � +p �A� ��T��. T�`�'S Mall��g Addrr�ss: D+DO . �� �b !,�}�JT' �VIT� !(7'L Al�. ![� � �hvne: ��• �' � �=m�ir Adarea�• � h'1 Fax� - !b Z ' TYP+�a�ReVl�w�nd Fee: `�Si�nS . $5'� F.�i�.Qp per squ�rc fook�I"tQEal si9n area. O Cants�tudl Re�rlew Na'Fee iQ New Gtinn�ut#ien �b5o F�r ao€�5tructlan ol��ew bu3lding�r Gemvl��Ulid. c �] Ad�iltivn �3�� �mr��I�bilil�En�(1�iClud s Z5CI dd�on �,irrterivr odt�tids o s),n� i� �Inor Alberatia�� �25D �vr minar changes�a builtlirgs and site imprvveme�ts,sucfi as, {nnu�ti-famt�Y�tommerdat) r�aflng, Wln��q, wirrciaw ad�ltlans, landscapl�q, fences and tctarning Wel�s,ttC. r Allt�rer�tion $�Q Fcr mlf►o�+C1�anges tv buM��iing5�nd SMOe 1mprCr��e�7�,sad'��S, and # °� ences O M r�a (si�gl�l�mliyJduplex) rerv��tig, p3lritjnQ, arindow additlt�s, landscaping, f retsln'sng�+a1Cs, eb�. � p +C�xnges tv�PP�ved P1ans $2a Fvr r�srfslans t4 pYans alre.�dy approa�ed by Ptannl��5��.f1'����. � Deslgn Revlrw b�ard. C1 Separativn itequ�st Nn�ee � � ���4.'; . „ ,,� �° Uii1� � ' ' , �J ' � .:' . � e ,�' ' a�t�t�''��+r. � �9 ���� � . . .r�i �^IO ��� ��. i'1i � f�. '1�:�. �`"�. . . `��� .! i r��.�1i 7 �� � ��W f^� � L � � ��� '�-�;. ,,y� �`� �.'..) ���'�',�.���'.`���� SIGN APPLICAI��?iN SUBMFTT`AL RE�'UIREMEMTS General I�nfarmatinn This applscatic�n is fflr any si�� that is located within the Town of Vaol. S�cifi�requirem�nts are available from the Departrrtent of Corr�muc�ity Develc�pmEnt. I. SUB��TQL REQUTREM�NT� A. N�me �rf Business: �"�►�f���,t D Z' '�' . B. Buiiciing name and p�ys`scal address_ C. Written approVaf fror� cvndominiurn �ssc�ciation, 9andic�rd, and jc�int awner, iF applicahl�. D. Type of��gn (c�eck a11 t#�at a�piy}: �reestanc4ing Sign O Builciing Idenkifcati�n OWall Sbgrr Cl Mural ClHanc�ing J Pr�jecting Sign ❑ Window 5ign �pisplay �ox � S+gn Program f�Dai4y Spe�ial Board ❑ Gas Fill�d��€ber Uptic C9]aint Dire�tor'y 5ign C] T�mpor�ry Sign �5ut�divisic�n Entrance Sign C] �ther �. N�amber of signs propos�d: Number of signs existir�g:, � F. Sigrr rr��ssage: M ��rz��; � t,�la . ����{� ,� ,a�. i � �-avc� �� '�'U G. Sign and letteri�g dirr�ensi�ns for�ach proposed �ign (attach a ca�ored s�aied s�hematic ���Y���� �W te4�{ ^ A�3. ! G �+q 4�w[i� JTLt� Lr�.OaAw�eCC7 �� �+-l4 '�"�wiL. H, Length of business frontage; I oan �k �'� I. He�ght of sign(s} frvrs7 �rade: S�,�,- E.�� w S S � 13'�d 4 �'4. �$f �. Sign Locati�n �aCCach a site plan and a� �elevati�an draw4ng or a photagrap� clearly indic�ting the prapvsed �ocakian aF sign(s}�: '�3�k. �' w ,. �. x�•k G�`a� «�� �e e 4,i-4v�4..d 6 r�"t �11rM"�, �C. Materials a�d colcars of sigrr (a�ach samples): � .,,.,�,,,� ss,�.l ra�� '�' �t9ud L. Sign lightireg plan: S� L+..4��4 r,r�Indicate type, locaxian and numl�er af���,res. � Inciude #�eig�t a�ov� grade, lumens vutput, luminous are�. �' Atta�h a cut she�t f�r eaCh propased �xture. M. [?r�wings showing h�a+rv and where the sign qr awnin� wil! attach ta the building and how the awning wi1� be canstrt�cted. ��� Pa�e 3 vf 4f0 i 11 flIQ2 � � � -� � �l \ � �i��► r i�f ��I � �r �v'IO��J NTAt I�I RESC��T & SPA► �- .,____� --- ---.� h O . N b.� . � . . . . . ...__. . .. .. _. ..._ . . . . . u � � H � . . . _S xf V_..._.. p ,__. ..,. ........ � . .._._ . . . . a ,� ,� � .� � ,� Q . �, _, , } Z � (�1 arcl Q � . `9 ___ ... .. . . y J � /� /7� a � � . . o . . .. . . ii �V Z .� . . . . � F . � . . i � Q U . . - . .�'� . . _ � u y '. . . W W , Z C F' tl rn �.� . . . O .�i. . C�.1. �i 4 2'�... � _ ... . . v • . . . .. . . .. .. .. ..._... . __ ... . . . . 4, y � .. i. ....1. i;. .j. ;.__... � � .j.. . . � �. . . . . -......... ......_.:. N n p . . _ � -0 . . p . . . . w N � ^, .9 . . . . . . . .. . .. _ . . . . �ti. O' � . , . � � ........ . . �, . . . .. A' N , � 11 � � u . , .. K , _.. .... .. . . . . . . . � n n � . _ . . .. ., . � . ._H... ;_.._... . . . . . . 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Wi�}Q FaCatie and Welf Lagh[ing � � H �35 .� ,. _ � - -� i--5---a � -YY"- , ❑is[riGu[ion pattern strvwn is lhe 3'!v t vr fi to t snaacimum to minimum fdcstr.arsdle flrna. (Nate hottbm o#pattern is at gr�de) (� S-Sstbackfrona waU '�1,�� �tiG�{- ,3�r r"� �'�- H-hieughi ot dlstr{6utdon pattem ti'� 't W=Width vf distribukian Alrrsing angle of luminaira is�°(up trom horizontal) � MAf�ITAIN�fI FU�ITCANDLES hAe#a!Hallde: LLF= 72.±amp Tilt Factor-.95 Hlgh Fressijre Sfldi€�m: I f F ._ �� � ;;TCD1 6 �[3� h�AYf.T[3 h+11lV. 11Nli=�lRNfi7Y Cr'lFiX_"f�l PAIfJ. 11NE�(3Rf�11TY �t'� �y u t{6. O�•. ��'j�.t Yv1 b.n.r`�w.�••'� 17�w"r;";�TF�L Hta�li7�= i";,'s"i h.4�'cAi..E:�.;Lqp��'c 1S,�1D4 CfkMP LLINIE�FS ta,6�D LktAf'LUAIEHS � r S AVG MA1[ H W S AVG i�AAX H W � F.C. F.C. F.C. FG. 6 22.5 '38.8 , 8 16 fi 16.2 38.8 t 0 22 ��.r� ,,,r�,�K L.�"n"'� - ^� r 8 t2,8 2ti.9 10 22 8 9.2 21,9 14 36 c.� __. _. . - _..._.._ _ . _ �o a.� ia.s fia aa s� �.9 �s.s ,s ss i� s.s s.� is 32 . 1� 4A a.T ai aa p .�..� �(,,�t� t e*.,�.�,�c.f C r� � 20 2.� 3.5 ` 27 54 2U 1.5 3.5 3fr 72 �E� Far ap�praxima�e�u�mmation Ie�ne�s. For upprmmaie dlumma6on ler�. .. fhe kqvmreg�r5 may t�B�6tl. the bAc�virrg mWdpl�e�s rtay be wmrf. �rn•••n C{•7�Y {.�P � �O✓` �� 15qAtii-.9 rV?M}I-.3T 159MFf-.9 7pA'IH•.3l 14UMN-.57 54NkH•.23 4W�.9H�.57 SOM1M-.23 � �„ti.•�4e�- 1•e q�"'`� . 1501V F€P5 15a W HPS � � iB,i100 LAMP LUNfE#VS 16,000 iAMP LUhIEHS , S AVG MA7C H W S AVG MAIC H W � F.C. �C. F.C. F.C. � , 6 ,24.7 42.fi 7 ' 'EB 6 i7.7 42.� � 10 20 8 i3,6 24.1 10 � 8 fO.D 24.1 14 34 � f0 $.9 15.3 13 26 l�l fi.� 15.3 ' 17 36 .- - -. __..-. _.. . �. 12 6.2 ti1.& 35 30 12 d.d 1U:8 20 44 2U ?.2 3.8 � 25 54 20 1.8 S.8 95 7U Fvr eyp�mnmwlo i�ummal�le�, Fa�prm�olc Ylurt�a�un f�. Ihs h76�nrg muA�linrs nvay ha useC. 1hE!loM1Ur+m�rm�sAiplinus may he usad. 1[�HPS-aA 70HP5•.4Q SOhEFS•25 10aHPS-.5l1 7P�iPS•AQ 5[7NP5-.'25 C] � � �` . � � �"a,^��7e�����1 �-'A' � I �ii _. ` ��r.���+� t�f''t{. • � ,�' �� � °' ` • i ��, r r '`;; .. �k � i� . _ r• � � � r`f � .�.. �. °'�al. �� ��R,•'��,•�f� ��: � " t � � � �� h �a � /� E L-� �� R .. 1: � vYa���f�.;� y Y lr�� y�+ � f T i'�; ��'.y' w �e;�� +i..�rr: � � .�� � z . �� . ' �. �, . � � � _ �.� . .� � n � t . , w , . _. � �" y���. - _ - f � +�'� � �,_-_`'�' ' . ��". ,.<�.r �� .� � '� �f , �, �: p,�;. � �-� �+ �J " ! r �+r . ;'� ��� �.. , �.�hv if,' _ ` �'�.. �,•�.��.�i t � .� : • . _ y. �:,M �,1 r,.,� � a+ '„�,� . � ��� r�a ` . . -�� �►: •� , �.' a »� �� ..��n � �_ , , '� �--, ti -� � . , ,.1.-- } * '"''� . � '�: ,.� � r = �• ,.� _ . € � r r '���'�. ��„ �!� '- � �r ��, . w` .�r� � �':�F � . J �M� q .. �J�a..-«+M �f � s+ e. � r J�T� � � -%�:;��,.-: r ; �, . _ - `� �� � -,+ �' �< ., �'�'-� � _ �y� . 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' 1 4 r� �I.Cr��ly��' .:� � �- . IiW�'�. t 1 � i ���- ` _ _ _. . :�l p!.;r�'�.>•. , ` ',,,�.�,f i ' � � that is bui�t int� �he exist�n� �reestanding sign. fihe existing sign square foatage is merely decreas�d �r�m 12 square fee� to 3 square f��t. * Please nr�te �hat the exzsting I� sc�uare fant s�gn at the �ntrance �a the Mark wc�uld be removed and that the existing 19 squa�e foat szgn c�n the ea�t elev�tion remains. Tatal �qe�are foot�ge, 42 square feet. Please s�e the attached drawinqs for descr�.ptions and specific I�cat�.vn� af the signage, as w��.�, as th� applicant's rationale far the variance. ��-F FII�1'DI1kTGS AI4Ti7 STAFF RESP�NSES ; Befor� the Board acts on a v��ianc� app�.ica�ivn, �.l�e ' appli.cant mus� pro�re physicaZ hardship �nd the �oazd must ' find that, , � A. There are s ecia� circums�ances or canditir�ns a l in to �he land �uildin s tc� a ra h ve etation si z� stru��ures o� a�her ma�t�rs c�n ; ad 'aeent l�ats ar wz�hi.n the ad "aGent ri h't--�f-wa whic�t waul,d sub�tantiaZl restriG� the effectiveness � �� the si n in es�ian: ravided, hc�we�ex-, t�at such � s �cial circums�an�ces ar condit�vns ax�e uni � tc� �he �, ar�icu�.ar �usiness or enter ris� tfl which �h� �! a licant c3�sires �o draw attention �nd cio not a I ;j `'�_ eneral� tc� all, busin��ses or en�.e� rises. ;f Sfic�ff Response '� L-. , �he Marriot�'� Mark does have an identifie�tzan I` probl,em due tr� the Iargeness af the hu�I.ding and th� fact that fo� t�a� entire prr�ject, they are allawed only two sigr�s having a co�nk�ined area af 20 square , feet. S%mi�.ar lar e hot�l �, g prvjects such as the Raa.ntre� �nn, HoJ.,iday In�, and Dc�ubletr�e have als❑ �� re�ei�ed sign �ra�-iane�� due tv �he szze of their � prajects. Staff f�els that the Marxiatt has simi,lar i� s��cxa� circumstanc�s �hat war�an� an in��;eas� in th� �` cc�mbinec� square f'�otag� and nutr�ber of signs. '� � The exis�ing sign �t the en�x-y way (12 squa�e feet� ��� wil� he remavec� and a three �c�Qt si.gn added. S�aff be3,ieves �hat the �hree square faot si�n is I�; reas4nab�e and n��essar� tc� i�tdzi.�ate that this is the i; ent�y fc�r the project. �i ,� � � � � i� � * Y P �� � � � • Ti7: Tc�wn Cauncil FRaM: �crmmunity Develapment I�epartment� DATE: May 3 , I98$ SUHJE�T: Marri.ott's Mark Sigi3 Variar�tce R�qtlest The Marric�tt's Mark R�sort is rec�z�sting a sign v�rianee �Qr �h� nttmber a� signs and total sign square faotage. The applican� is �rop�sing e�ne additi�anal sign and 22 square feet of sic�nage above what is ��1,awed unde� the sig� code. t�n April 24, 1988, �he Design Reuxew Bc�ard recc�mmend�d approval �f t�.is request unanir�ausl,y. The Board's �pYnion was that the requ��t wa� ve�y �easanab�e considerir�q the size of the l�arri.ott's �Iark bui�.ding, They alsc� fe�.t th�t each sign is sit�ated an the building so that you can anly see c�ne s�gn at a time. Flease see the attacheci mem� �'o� the statf revi�w of this �°equest. . � � ������� � ���� ���� r / VAIL, �OLaQRADC� Sp��ia� Dev��c�prn�n� �i�tr�ct Am�ndment An� E�vir�nm�nfial Im�ac� �ep�ort � F�bruary �99� ��1�1���lf�t�`S �i �P�C �'E�'S��t v���.ccx�wrx� Special Dev�l�pme�nt Qistrict Amer�dment and �nWi�onm�:nta1 Impacf l�epor� Prepare�d by Pet�r.�amar Assaclates.ln�. 3f)8 South Fton#age Rvad W�st.#3Q8 Vall,Calarado 81G57 MARRTaTT MARK RE�ORT �XPA�SIaN AN� RENOVATYQN PR�JECT �EAM Marri�tt awners�ip R�sarts 3ohn F. Sweeney - Western Region Marrio�t own�rship Resorts 56a4 Sprinq Mau��ai� �aad Suite ��5 Las ��g�s, NV 891�2 Architec� Ned Gwathmey Arnold Gwath��y Pratt Architects, P.C, 100� S. Fr�ritage Road Wes� Vaz� , Cvlora�a 8��5� L�ga� C�unsel Jay K, Peters4n Otto, Peters�n & P�st 1�8 S. Fron�age Road West Suite 307 Vail , Co�arada 81657 Landscape Architect dennis An�er�on, ASLP, denni� Anders�n Associ�tes� In�. �a8 S. �rontage Road West �uite 31� Vail, CQloradv 81557 P�anninq C�n�ultant Peter ������ AICP P�ter Jamar A�soc��tes, �nc. 108 S . �rvntage Road West ��ite 308 vail, Col�rado 81557 TABLE aF C�NTENTS PAGE I. INTRO�UCTI�N Z T T, SCll'�Il'ZARY 2 III . '�'HE DEVELC3PMENT PLAN 3 IV. IMPA�"I"S/MITIGAT���1 $ Hydr�logic C�nditivns Atmo�ph�ri� Candit�vns Geolc�gic Conditians Noise and Ctic�or 57isual Conditions Transpc�rtatia� and Parking Land Use Cr�nditions Sp�cial T3�velrspment District i�esign Criteria V. APPEI��IX 17 . ' T, INTR��UCT2�N The purpos� of this r�p�rt is to pr�sent inf�rmati�n regard�ng prop�sed amend�ents tQ Spec�al Deve�opment �istr��t 7 , the Marriott Ma�k Resort, ��cated within the Town of Vail + Cal�rado. The Marrzatt Mar� Re�ort is 1QCated at �h� western end af the �a�1 Li�nshe�d �r�a �s indicated in �igure 1, Vicinity Mag. This regart is intended tv convey inform�tion regarding th� �pecific am�ndme�ts prop�sed t� th� 5peci�l D�vel�pm�nt District as we11 as address th� requir�rn�n�s a� 5ect�on �8 .4�, Sp�c��1 �ev�lopment �istricts, and Section Z8 . 56, En�ir�nm�nta� I�pact Reports,, �f the Tawn of Vail Mu�icipa� ��de. The r�port is divided into the f�ll�wing sect�ans. - Su�nmaxv - Presents a summarx of the f�nd�ngs and ��nclusions �� the repdrt. - Part �ne - The peve��pment Plan - D�scribes the dev�lapment prQp�sa1 and . the e�isting conditians upon the site. - Fart Tw��Im�actsJMit�Q�tion - Cont�ins an evaluation af impact� wh��h wi11 r�sult fr�m the proposa� and sets �arth actians th�t can and sho�ld be taken t� minimize a�y adverse ��fects result�ng fr�m the propos�d dev��op�ent. � part_ Three - Ap��ndices � Fravi�es suppl�mentary in�ar�a�ion, II. SUMM�RY The Marriott Mark Resor� pr�poses tv amend SpeGial ��velopment �i�tri�t �7 in o�de� �a c�nstruct 6� time-share u�its and 5 employee units. Th� �uilding addition is �ropased For the west�rn po�ti4� �f the site� cQVer�ng and conc�aling the exist�ng three level park�n:g s�ructure. Findin s and Conclusi�ns - The p�aposa� is i� �ire�t compliance with many af the state� goa�s of the Vai� Land U�e Plan inc�uding (�� the provisi�n �f quality �ime share �nits tfl he�p keep �c��pancy r��es high a.nd {2) con�truction of employee housing u�its. - Th� site is capable of accammadating add�ti�n�l density. The intended massing �� the e�pansion h�lps t� reduce t�e overall scale o� exis�ang �uil�ings and �mpro�es th� �v�rall visua� quality �f the site an� surrvundings by c�nce�ling th� existzng par�in� structure and add�ng significant landscaping ta the site, - �he p�o�QS�d amendment wil� no� �ave a negative impact upon �he physica� c�n�i�ions �f the site and Tawn �n term� of ge�logic conditions, hydxQl�gic canditions, na��e impacts, a�m�spher�� condit�ons vr biatic conditi�ns. - The increased demands for water and sewer service can ac�amm�date� by the �pper �a�1e Valley Water �nd Sanitati�n District. - Distant vaews from adjace�t �r�perti�s wi11 be impacted as a result af the propa��l . Clase-in �iews of the ��te and sur��undings will b� enh�nced. - Increas�d traffic generat�d by �he addition wiZl be negligible and internal circulation will be enhanced �y internal ramp�ng of the parking stru�ture. - The praposai provid�s far the eonstru�ti�n of s�veral img�rtant ped�strian connections �djac�nt to and th��ugh the �i�e. - The propasal str�n�thens Vail 's rol� �s a quality destinati�n ��svrt �y p�aviding a variety o� housing and accommodati�n types in an a�prv�riate locat�an adj�c�nt t� a com�nercial care and p�rt�l t� Vail Mountain, th�reby enhancing trie guest �xperience, 2 ZTI THE bEVEL�PMENT �LAN In r�spon�e t� the T�wn of Va�1 �s g�al t� incr�ase t�e bed base for dcstinati�n guests in apprQp�iate �ocatians th� Marrio�t Mark Res�rt proposes t� add 6� timeshare (fra�tzona�ized fee �wnersh�p) units, 5 employee u�its a�d assaciated parking ta ��e ��istin� hotel and ` c�nd�miniu��. The addit�onal de�elopment is pr�p�sed to ❑ccur on the w�st�rn portian af the e��sting site ab��� and adjacent to �h� �xisting thre� le�el parking struct�re (see Figu�� #1, Vicinity Map} . The pr�posed structure covers the ma�orit� a� the exi��ing apen park�ng garage. Existing_Co�diti�ns The existing Marr�ott cvmplex has be�n bu�l� in phases and today is camprised a� the f��Zowing el�ments: Accar�mvdati�n Un�ts. �34 awe�ling �nits; 48 Meeting 5pace; 83Q� square fe�t Ancillary �vm�ercia�/ Retail Space: I50D square feet Res�aurant/Bars: Main Dining: 12� �eats �uigi Restaurant: �� �eats Wind�ws R�staurant and Bar: 121 s��ts �ogey's; 120 seats Tri add�t�on t� the exis�i�g accammodation and dwel�ing units a�d c�mmercial �pa�e th� h�tel contains sev�r�l �igh qual�ty r�creatianal a��nities incT�ding �nda�r and outdo�r �wimm�ng poaTs, a �p�, and �utdo�r tennis c�urts. A�� park��g f�r t�� h�tel, cvndamin�um�, and cam�raerc��l space is ���ated within the hoteT a�d adjac�nt to the hot�l in the p��king structur�. Existing �i�e canditi�ns ar� ind�cated upan F�g�re �2 . A st�tistica� breakdown af existing de�elopment st�ndards is �ndicat�d in Table #1. 3 , ' TA�LE #1 - ���S��NG DEVELflPME�T T�tal Site Area: 5. �7 �cres �r 225, 205 Sq. ft, Existing GR�A: 133 , 549 �q. ft. Total Dwe�li�g Units: 48 Tata� Acc�mmodati�n Units: 234 Site ��verdg�. $3,997 a� 37� af site Landscaped Area; 63% af site Parkin�: 210 - West Parking S�ructure �3 � East �uilding 273 Tota1 Prapose� DeveTopm�nt As ment�oned pr�vivusly, the prop��ed new dev�lapment vn the site consist� �f 6� t�me-share units� 5 employe� dw�lling units and assaciated c4�ered parking situated ugon the west�rn p��tiQn of the �r�perty in a manner which coneeals the existin� p�rking garage bot� with the b�ilding and with a new la�dscaped c�ver in the �entral portivn af th� g�rage �see �igure #4 , Site Fl�n� . Also associated with t�e graposal is the ��grade an� re����ti�n �f the exi�ting f�ciliti�s �nd graunds inc�uding the r�placement of the two western�ast tennis cou�ts with additi�nal landscaped �nd lawn arga �nd a ma�ar land�cape impr�vem�nt - to the �xisting p��l ar�a. Th� replacement of the t�nni� courts wi13 �dd mare "gre�nspace" ta the s�te and als� �rovid� an area which can be uti�iz�d f�r many dzv�rse recrea�i�na� acti�ities su�h as �a�leyball, croquet, lawn hvwl�ng, and oth�r ou�dv�r games. Use p�tterns �� the tennis c�urt� in the past ��dic�te that two courts are adequate t� se�-ve the demands of �he Marriatt gu�sts e�en wit� the a�ditianal un�ts and that other types of vutdoQr act�v�ties �re be�ter suited for th� sit� and will �esult in � m�re eff��ient use �� the sp�ce, The interiar o� �he Hot�l rovms and c�mm�n areas wil� als� be su�stantially upgraded. The pr�p�sed �uilding addition is designed i� a �anne� which ste�s dawn in height from the �xis�ing structu�e helping �� reduce th� scal� of the e�isting �ui�ding. � summary �� t�� prQpvsed d�velopment and ��t� deve��pm�nt s�atistics are cQntained within Tab�� #2 . Propos�d site, plans, landscape glans, e�evations and flov� glans ar� presented �n Figures 4-24 . 4 TABLE 2 - ���P�SE� A�DITIONAL �EVELOPM��T Prap��ed Add�tional �4f Units: 64 Time 5hare 5 Employee Praposed Addit��nal GRFA: 74, �Qd sq_ ft. Fropos�d Add�tivnal Site coverage: �6,773 sq. f�, Propo�ed Farking. 98 additi�nal spac�s Pr�posed Buildin� He��ht: 65 ' maximum at highest rang� Pr�posed �e�backs: Front: Varies from 45' to 5�' Side: 5 ' f�r pa��ing �tru�ture, �� ' ��r building R�ar. Varies �rom �D ' t� 4�' �am arisan af Pr� �sed De�elo ment t� SD� 7 �evel� �ent Standards The f�I��wing devel�pment standards gavern the dev�l�pment currently within SDD�7 . A comparisan �f the prvpvsal in relati�nship t� these standards is �s f��lows: A. Lot A��a - The lot areas is stated as 5. �? acr�s. Th��e is na change rec�aes�ed fo� lvt a�ea. B. Setbacks - The �DD stat�s that "the re�u�red s�tbacks sha�l wary as indicated fn �he �evelopment Plan, p��viding space for planting and an �GC�ptable rel�tianship t� ad�acent pr�perties. " Th� prQposal has provided a variety �f s�thack are�s as ind��at�d �n T�b�e 2 and the d�si�n �f the add�ti�n has incl��ed sig�if�cant �lanting areas, including the upgrad� �nd irnprovement of �x�sting setback areas upo� the sAt�. �, D.�stance� Betwee� Buildin�s - The rninzmum dista�ce b�tween buildinqs is t� be as indi�ated �n the Dev�lopment Plan. a. Hezaht - The S�D states th�t the height �f the build��g� sha31 be subject to the re�arnznendations of the F�anning and �n�iranmenta� Com�ission and the apprQVal of the Tawn �ouncil. The pr�posed building height of th� addition �s �e�aw that o� the exist�ng �uilding and has be�n established by �reatin� a building massing that steps d�wn £rom the hei�ht af �he exis�in� structure in o�d�r t� �isually reduce the sGale of th� existin� structur�. 5 The highest �Qint vf the propo��d addi��on is approxi�ately 20 ' lower than �h� highest goint o� th� existing Marriott. This paint �nly occurs at the r�dge point o� a s�oping r��f and the �ajarity of tne addition falls �etween 4D ' to 6�"' below the �igh�st point of th� �oaf �f th� ex�sting �ui�dings. E. D�nsit Control - The current ��� �rovides for a tota� GRFA af 13� , �0� a�d � to��l o� 34 dwelling un�ts and 3�4 a�com�nodati�n units. The proposa� wou�d a�cre�se �h�se numbers as �nd�cated within Tabl� 2 ab�ve. F. Bui�din B�lk Co��rol - The S�D states that bu�ld�ng buik, wa�� length�, di�ensions, of�sets and stepping vf rvaf lines are indicated upan the hul� diag�am vf the appro��d bev�lvpmen� Plan. When approved, the new p�ans would superse�e this diagram. G. Sit� Coverage - The 5D� allaws a tota� site c�verage �f 55�. Th� prop�sed addition would add appraximat�ly 7 . 4m to t�e existing site co��rage �f 37� making the total 44.40, still well beTow the allowed �5�. �. U�e��l� a en � ac� - The SD� states that usabie apen space s�ali b� provided as required �n the Public Ac��mmoda���n {�A) ��ne Distr�ct. Whil� �he current PA �istrict does nat c�ntain a sp�czfic requirem�nt t�e prop��al recognizes �he need far open spac� �pQn t�e site and, i� �act� pr�vides �dditianal usea�le open space �y eonv�rting tw� of the existing �ennis e�urts t� �n �pen lawn area whi�h can be used f�� a variety of autd�or games a�d activities. I. Landsca in and Site Qe��l� m�nt - The S�D requires that 2�% �f the tot�l site ar�a be landscaped and p�a�a ��ea, With the buildi�g addition appraximately �5� Qf the si�e will be lan�scap�d and plaza area. Additi�na� Zandscaped area is �ls� proposed to c�ver a porti�n of the existing parking struGtu�e which is �at n�w landscaged �nd i� �urrently exp�sed parking. J. �ark�nq and Laadin� - parking and laading w�thin the Sb� i� r�qu�red to be c�nsistent with t�e PA Zane �istrict and the Z�n��g Qrd�n�n��. Currently �73 p�rki�g spaees exist upa� th� site to gravide the needs for th� ex�sting d�vel�pment within th� S�a. An addit�onal 98 �arking spaces wi11 be pro�ided a� a result af th� �uilding aaaition. s Current ��wn af Vail park�ng regulations wouZd r�quire � parking spaces p�r time share un�t if class��ied as residential units and l, � spaces p�r u�it if classified as accomrn�dat��n �n��s. The Marrzott fe�l� th�t since th�se units w�11 be us�d a� ac���modation �ni�s on � wee�Iy basis t�at i� w�uld �� appr�priate tv prQVide �. 6 spaces p�r unit or 95 ��ta� �pace� f�r the additional 6� uni�s pr�pased. In a�dition 2 �paces would be �, pravided for empl�y�e use. C�rrent Tawn of Vail p����ng surveys and a M�rr�ott survey clear�y indicate that p�iva�e parking areas o� lodging and r��id�ntial pr�per�i�s ar� general�y no� fu��, ev�n �n the m�st c�owded da�s �f the ski s�as�n, and theref�r� Marriott b�li�ves that 1. 6 spac�s p�r unit t� be a suitab�e �rovision of parking. 7 �V. IMPACTSfMITIGA�TO� Tn a�c�rdance with Ta�n vf V�il ��qu�rements ��gard�ng p�tential env�ranmental impac�s of proposed praject�, the fol�owi�g section d�scribes impact� which may occur a� a result �f t�e proposed incrementa� revisions ta the averall development plan f�r Special aevelapmen� District 7 . Al�� discussed withzn th�s S�cti�n are the Specia� De��laprn�nt Dist�ict design �riteria �f the Town af Vail and the relatianship �f th� pr��osa� t� v�r�ous Tawn of Vail plans, gaals, and p��icies. Hydro�.or�5�c C�nditior�s C The gropased incremental chartges to� SDD7 as praposed will n�t hav� any .� significant �mpa�t upon the hydrolac�ic canditions of the site. The � overa]�I su�'face drainage systezn wiil be designed ta coli�ct starm � watez- and snawmelt runcaff at var�o�s roof anc� sur�ac� lacatians and � wiil �e des�gnec� to ac�equat�ly con�ain the ru��ff, Due to the removal af the twc� tennis courts and the cove�ing of a large pc�z-tic�n of t,he � existing parl�ing struc'ture with lar�dscap�d area th� amr�un� af ;, impervious are� rf ��e site i� th�se two locations will actuall� b€� `C' reduced. Drai,nag� vf the park�.ng garage wiYi I�e desiqned iz� r�anne� � whieh wi�,l cc�llect silt an,d oi� discharges that migh� occur within the �1 garage. � � , �,i L1�� �+y D�3� �h°k�:� �sa.r��. �r� �s�s�t� '���.� L�` � C s�c�— h u+�G+�� � �`�'�', i�tv � � Gare �reel�� the majvr natural water f�a�.ure ad�ac�nt to the Marri�tt, will contin�� to remaan in its natural st�te bc�th during ar�d after constructic+n of the expansic�n. While nc� activi,ty is expe�tEd to ai�er in any way the Creek ar land directly adjac�n� t� �he C�ce�k, �xtra px�cautivns should be taken during constxuc�ion in order tc� p����nt any potentia� for sc�il �rasian �n�o the Creek. Wat�x anci �ewer The additional devel�pment upan the site wil� re�ult in increased demands up�n th� wat�r supply and for sewage treatment cap�.city. The Upper Eagle Vall,ey Water an� Sani.tation District i� �wa�e c�f the exp�nsican prs�p�sa1 and has inda.cat�d its capab�.lity tc� pravid�e wat�r and sew�r service subjeCt tv payment of the apprvpria�e tap fees (s�e Ietter in Appendix7 . Atmas�h�ric Canditions A maj csr ne��ta�ve impact upan atmasphe�-�c ean�ditir�ns w�thin Vail h�s been tY�e �.ncreasing n�mber vf woad-hurning firep]�aces in the 'Town. Recogni.2ing this fact there are no wvod--burnirtg fi�ep].a�es prvpcased as a pa�t caf �.he �xpansiran pTans fvr the Marriott. Th�r�fore the�re are n�t expect�d to by any negative impacts up�n air quality as a resu3t of the ps�posed additic,n. , , y �` w� Lr'W�l� '�����•.I i?r�:. �� �`�t,�,e r�� ,�l+Lil r-£� �#M+.°:�e�t ��1 5 r �"{1,M`"s (?� 'J o�� �� �u ti '# �r s rr. ��`- �' °� $ ' � f-;yr�;�-�'�,�s G���o ic Cd�dit�ons The sit� is nat lo��ted wit�in any identified g�a�agic hazard area �nd na impacts are ex�ecte� t� o�c�r as a resu�t af the proposal which will alt�r or affect any geal�gi� co�ditions. �iotic C�n�itio�s N� impacts are expected to ��sult from t�e propased �xpansion whic� w�Zl distu�b wiid�ife habitat or �ni�ue vegetativ� ar�as. N�is�_ Impact No unusual �r sxgnifieant im�acts r�garding �ois� will result �ue �a the prop�s�l. Visual Candit�o�s The vzsual condzti�ns of the s�te will be alter�d due tv th� increment�� deve��pment praposed upvn the property. In ardez to assess �he �isual impacts af the development� a view analy�is was p��pared ut�lizing phatograp�s of existing conditions take� fra� vari�us vantage p�ints su��oundang the Mar�ivtt site. A key tv t�ese view locat�pns is presented in Figure 25. Zn �ach vf the �xews �na�yz�d the �r�p�sed building �utline has b�en sup�ri�posed up�n a phQtograph of the existing vxew from ea�h v�n�age poa.n�. As one can see fram the rev��w of �a�h "bef�+�'e" and "after"' vi�w, som� distant views wil.l b� negativeZy aff�eteci �� �.he pxcspv��d exp�nsic�n. Glvse-in v�.ews o� the site will be pasitiv�ly affect�d due tr� th� enclosure of the �xisting s�arface p�rk�ng and the provisic�n af signi£icar�t aaditional landscaping Qn the p�ri�net�x and wa.thin the inte�ivr a� the Marriott �raperty. In addi�ion, the averal� massa,ng of the prrposed structure srioulc� help te, r�d�ace th� scale of the exist�.ng structure upon the si�� and this, cambined wi�h tne encl,c�sure of the existing surface park�.ng and the m�jar �pgrading anci addition af a la�-ge amount af landscapirag u��n the pr�p�rty shcauld result in an enhanced �verall appearance and visua� qual it�► af the Marriott. 9 Tz�nsp�rt�tion and Parkang Conditi�ns The additional incremental parking required for the ad�itsan wilZ be acc�mmQdated an site t�r�ugh the expansian of th� ex�sta�g pa�king �arage. Analysis of the adjace�t roa�wa� syst�� and aGCess ind�Ga�es �h�t the additional traffi� generated to and fr�m the s�t� will be insignificant in �elatiansh�p t� overall �raffic flow and c�n be e�sily a�commod�te� by the �xisti�g r���w�y �yste�. Interna� circu�ation upon the sxt� wi11 �� impr�v�d by th� intraducti�n o£ a� inter�al ��mping system �or the garage. �See transpartati�n rep�rt in �ppendix} . Land Us� Candxt��ns Th� propvsal is in dzrect conf�rmance with se��ral of the st�ted gvals �f Va�l '� L�nd Use P�an which �� an �l���nt �f th� Town af Va�� �amprehensive Flan an� was adQpted on Nove�ber 1�, 1985. The sp�eific goals which direc�ly �elate ta and support the proposal ar� as fa��ows: G�neral Growthf dev����m�nt 1. 1 Vai� shau�d con�inue t� gr�w in a contro���d envir�nment, maintaining a balance b�tween re�idential, commercial and recreati�nal uses �v serve both the visit�r and �he permanent �esident. 1. 2 Th� quality �f dev�lopm�nt shQUld be ma�ntain�d and upgrad�d w��n��er pa�sible. 1.3 Vail sh�u�d acc4mm4date m�st af the add�tional growth zn existing developed areas {infill areas) . 1.4 Vai� r�GO�n1ZE5 its str�am tract as being a desirable land � feat�r� as wel� as �ts p�ten�ial �or pub�ic use. �kier T�uris� ��n�erns 2 . 1 The community shou�d emphasiz� its ra�� as a d�stina�i�n ��s�rt while aecornmadating day visit�rs. 2 ,2 The skz �rea awner� the business com�nunity and the T�wn l�a��rs sh�u3d w�rk t�gether c1os�Iy to make �xist�ng facilities and the �own funct�an mare eff�ciently. 14 �i�l� e C�re Li�nshead 3 . 1 Increased ��nsity in the Core area �s a�cepta��e so long �s the existing ch�racter af each a�ea is pr�served through imp��mentat�on �f the Urban Design G�ide P�an and th� Vail Vx��age Maste� Plan. Res�denti�l 4 . 1 Addit��nal res�dential g�vwth sh�uld continue tfl occur pr���rily in existin9, P1at�ed area� and a� apprapriate �n new ar�as wher� hi�� hazards da n�t e�is�. 4 .2 Q�ali�y t�m� share units sh�uld �e accammoflat�d ta he�p keep Q�c�pancy rates up. 4.3 Afford�ble employ�e housing shQ�1d b� made availabl� thr�ugh priva�e eff�rts, assi�t�d by lim�ted ince�tiw�s, prvvi�ed by the Town of Vai�, wz�h �pgr�priate restrictians. 4 .4 R�sidential gr�wth sh�uld keep pace with the m�rket place demands f�r a f��� ran�e of h�using types. 4 . 5 Th� ex�st�ng �mployee h�u���g base should be preserved and upgrad�d. Additi�nal emp�vyee h�using needs sh�u�d be a�cvmmadated at waried sites thr�ughaut t�e camm�nity. The Marriott' � proposal does a� excellent jflb af ineeting the Town's land use goals in thes� v�ri�us areas and �ategori�s. The pro�isian of quality time-shar� units and ass�ciated �mp�oye� housing is pr�posed t� be �ocate� u�an a sit� wh�ch zs within one �f th� �ain commercial core a�eas and within short walk�ng d�stance t� a rnajor part�l far Vai1 Moun�ain, the Li�nshead Gandola. The building design wi1� help i�pr�ve the �haracter and �u�l�ty of the sit� and wi�l ser-�re �o reduce the sca�e af the existing Marri�tt and e�i�inate th� �xistin� surface �arking. It will enhance the strea� t�act ar�a by p�ovidin� Ian�scape �mprov�ments and additianal park area. The M�rriatt site tr�ly affords an vppv���ity to enc�u�ag� infil� de�elopmen� in a �ogical locati�n and p�ovide a variety af n�using types whach �tr�n�thens Vail 's positivn amang d�stin�t��n r�sorts. The pr��ect h�s been des�q��d zn a m�nner which improves land use conditi��s with minim�l impacts upo� surrounding land uses. S ecial Develo men� Distri�t Desi n Criteria � The Specia� De�elopment ��istri�t �ecti4n �f t�e �ail Mun�cipal Code contai�s � number af design criteria �hi�h, when a�plica���, are ta be used in e�a�uating the merits �f �ny propased sp��i�� devel�pment 12 district �r amendment �f a spe�ial deve�opm�nt district. The f�ll�wing sectian of this rep�rt r�sponds ta each o� these design criteria. A. Desi n com atibilit and sensitivit to th� immediate ��vir�n�ent neiahborhoad ar�d adjacent p���erties r�l�tiv� ta ___,.archa.tec�ural des�gn. sca��. bulk� buildinq height '�uffe� zanes�_ icien�ity, cha�ac��er visual �,€�t� �it and mrientation. Th� expansic�n proposal fi�as b��r� �i�s�gn�d in a mann�r wha.ch has taken into account the following c�oa�.s; 1. To red�zce th€� scale and visual app�arance a� the existing building k�y prc��viding an addit�.on which steps dc�wn in heigh� from th�: west s�de Qf the buiiding an�d r�sults in a �cale t�xa�. is mare ca�patible with its surrc�undings and provirles a su�tak�le transiti�n to adjacent praper�.ies; 2 . Tc� re�c�gniz� �he rt�gative vis�xal irnag� af the exi.sti.ng parking ga�rage and tv s�mpro�e upc,n the qua�ity, character and func�ian o� the parki�g fa�ility, 3 . '�c� 1�e sensitive to t$�e di�tant views frr�m ad�acent pr�perties through the site; 4. To prcavide an "edger' on �ach si.de of the praject th�t would be comgatible with each adjac�nt property and enhanee the vi�ual quality ancl fun�tic�nal relationship of the site w�th each neighb�ring propexty. 5. T�a p�rQVid� an addition �,� the Hc�tel wh�ch would be ar�hitecturally compatible �and complimentary wath the ex�sting bui�.d�.ng' s mat�rials, cc�lors, and archite�tural. style but nc�t nec�ssar�.�.y exactly sirnilar to the �xis��ng bu�.lding, Yt is t�� cambination and kalenda�ng tc�g'ether of these �aver�iding desi�n gma7.� which has pxc�duc�:d the prr�posed b�ild�n� de�ign for the sit�. Carefu� cansideratian �as been given to al�. aspects Qf the architect�ral design, scale, mass,ing, �unctirn, visual charact�r, and qu�lity c�f the b�xil.d�.ng in addition in order tv mee� th€�s� gc�als. TI�e }�st�pping down"' or reauctic�n of �he existing �ui.lding mass has been a��tieved by lc�c��ing the highest point c�f �he progcased addit�on near the existing e�re litae �n the wes�ern edg� of the Marri�tt �ac�f and then rec�uci.a�q building hei�ght in e�ch �d�,rection fram that paint. This resuZts in a pleasing reductaan in the scale vf the building �nd a pleasing relationshi.p wz�h adjacent pr�perti�s. Z2 Th� ad�ition h�s �lso be�n desi�ned in a manner which cQnc�al� the ex�stxng p�rking garag� and �Iiminates th� open p�rking nn th� sit�.. This a1s� improves the visual appearan�� and quality from �djac�nt proper�ies. Th� mass and bulk of �h� buildi�g h�ve been �rr��ged in a manner that n�t flnly h�lps t� reduce the scale of the exi�ting Marria�t but al�o �inimizes the imp�cts on the �istant �iew� through the site from adjac�nt p��perties. By keeping the build�ng �el�w view� af horizon ��nes and ski �lo�e� irnportant asp�c�s of the �i�ws hav� been �arg�ly preserved. �. Uses, activit�anc� d�t�sity w�ich ,.provide a comp�tib.le. �ff3ci�nt. and warkabl� u�e with surraundinq us�s �nd act3vitY. The praposed additioz� is cc�mpatib�e wY�h s�rrvun�.ing uses and activity and the s�.te is c�ne c�� the few locat�ons within the care areas of V�iI �hat can accammodat� addi�ic�na� +density without r�egativ� a.mpacts upon its surrc�undings. Vehicular ac��ss tc� �he site �.s nat throuqh a 1ow density re��dential are� and is close to t�ie Int��st�te frontage r�ad. Th� existing Hr�tel �as the s�ervi�e lev��s, amenities, and facilities to a�cec�mmQda�e t�e additian�� deve�.�pment and the increas�d €�c�upar�cy of �.he pr4ject will enhance the us� of the ex�sting infrastructure t�a�� is �.n place bat� at th� Hrtel and in th� surrounding com�n�rcial ar�a. The site is within ane af the Town' s main cvmmercia� �ores r,rith acc�ss tc� shc��s, resta�xrants, and skiing, The project will have a very p�sitive �conam�.c impact upon Lianshea�d and help� to acc�mmoda�� additifln�l des�inat�c�n g��sts in a suitabZe lc�cation. Th� pra�aerty is well bctffered from adjaeent 1c�wer density r+�sidentia� ar�as and th� use of the prr�p�rty as r�sidential use shau�d not �nterfer� with surraunding uses c�r act�vi.�y. C. Gom �.iance with arkin� and loadin re ir�m�nts. Th� adait�anal pa�k�ng requir�d is propos�d t� �e pravided encls�sed upon the site. Lvading and delivery wiil take place within tin� existing laaci�.ng area upr�n the �iarric�tt property �dj acant to th� proposed addition. D. Cc�n�armit wi�.h a Xa:cable elements of th+� Vail Cc�m rehensive �an Tawrt al�.�ies and urk�an des� n lans. A pc�i�ted aut previcsusly w�thin this rep+art� t1-te p��aposal is zn ccaraformance wit�a the Vai1 L�nd L�se Plan anc� helps to �,znple�nent s��rex�al gaals st�ted by t3�e �'vwn and its cit�,zen�:y during th� far�►ation af �he Land Use Plan. The property falls au�tsid� of th� area cvvered by ttse L�onsh��d Urban aesign Guide P�an. Z3 E. ���ntz�ic�t��n and mitigation o� natural an�or qe�logic .,.ha�ar�� that affect the ro ert vn which the s ecial dev�lv ment distr�ct ,is pro�ased. Th� site is not I�cated within any i��nt�fied hazard area.. F. Site lan buildzn desi n and �ocatian a�d o e� s ace ro�isi�ns d�si�nated �o_ ���du�e a , f��ct.ional d�v�lQpment ._ responsi�e and sensit�v� to _n�t�ral featur�s . �egetati�n a�d.:overalT _aesthetic c�ua�itv r�f the cr�mrnunit�� ----- Th� pr�pc�sed additic�n ha� be�n designed in a ananner that is respansive to natural features, vegetation artd overall aesthetic quali�y of the �c�mmunity. The propos�ci improv+�ments tc� the szt� t�em�ndc�usly upgra�e th� c�xality c�f th� �.�ndscape within and surraunding the prcrperty and the architectural design +of the building helps impr�v� the visual quality ❑f the area by reducing �he s�aie of t�ie e�czsting buildings and c�vering the sur���e parking or� the park�.ng structu�e ' s upper level. Functir�n�lly, th� averaZ�. circulati�n c�f the parking structure is zmproved by the add�.t�vn �f �n int�rnal rampinc� syst�m anci the qua�.ity of the opsn spac� and recreaticsnal amenities is i.mproved by cr�ating the open Iawn area which can be �talized �or a variety o� vutd�ar games �nd a].so rep�.aces the existing Paveci surface with �andscaged area. G, A circulatic�n svs�em desicx�e.d far bvth vehi;cles and pedestrians addressinq fln and aff-site .tra��ic circ��atic�n. Figure #5 a.ndi�ates th� prvpased p�des�ri�n and vehicular circulation and acc�ss adjacent to at�d upon the s�.te. Pedestrian, bicy�I� and a�ztc��o�ile routes artd access pain�s are indicated and have b�en a primary cc�nsiderati�rt in the design and p�anning r�f th� additzon. Connections both te� �Che site fram surrounding p�aperties and through the s,ite hav� been cflnsidered and enhanced. Rec�gniza.ng th�t the three main pedest�ian ror�tes both tv �nd through the site are alon� West Lianshead Circle, the �ike and pe�.estrian path �lang Gore Cre�k, and thrs�ugh the center c�f the pr�aperty from the West Da� I�at ta Li�onshead P�ace thes� areas h�ve been planned �o be upgraded �nd str�ngthe�ed as c�nnecta,r�ns, These �edes�.rian cannectic�n� can b� seen in deta�,l up�an th� landscape p�an indicatec� in Figures � - 11 which depict 1ootY� the existing and proposeci landsca�e cvnditions within thre�e study �r�a� upan the pro��rty. As can be seen in Fi�g�re �fi the existinc� bike/ped�strian path runs adjace�t to the Marriot�. groperty an the south and with n+� conn�ction 14 int� th� site. �raposed �anditians shown in Figure #7 indicate � cg�n�ction t❑ th� Marriott property as w�ll as a �mall pull-v�f ar�a with benches and �andscaping. This c�nnectian pr�v�des �nhance� access t�r �h�s� wishing t� ��sit th� �arriatt, th� West aay Lat �r t� West L�onshead Circle. The pull aff/re�t a��a is antended as a public am�nity and as an enhancement ta �he public p�thway. Figu�e �8 indicates �he area a3ong the s�uth side �f the �xisting Marr�ott which connec�s the �est �ay L�t on the w�st t4 Lionshead P�ace on east, Sinc� �his zs the mast direct route fr�m t�e West Day Lvt to the cammercia� center of Lionshea� and the Li�nshead Gonda�a it is very hea�ily �sed both in winter and summer months. A key f�ature of the Marriatt's prvpased expan�ivn plans is ta substantially eMnance this ���te as � �t�u��1C�� pass���way. The imprav��ents wh�ch include new p�ving an� la�dscaping az� indicated on Figure �9 and will serv� to defin� this as a pedestr�an rau�e thr�u�h the site. Stair� az� p�op�sed tv b� added on the west side vf the �arri�tt par�ing st��cture and a �a�dscaped wa�kway prvvided thr��gh the structure in order to �trengthen th� connection to the w�st �ay Lat, C�rrently, th�se who park i� the W�s� Day Lot �r�ss th� property dawn a steep bank often under diffieult snow an� icQ conditions. The additi�nal pedestrian impro���ent prop�s�d as a part qf the Marri�tt addi�ion i� the pr�vision o� a sidewalk alon� West L�ons��ad Circle connecting th� �xist�ng sidewalk �n the sastern end vf th� Marriott property to t�e �xisti�g pathway whi�h starts at West Lianshead Circle and the South Frantage R��d, This conn��tion would �e along the so�th side of th� West Lianshead Cire�e and �i11 complete the pe�estr�an sidewa�k system thr�ugh the w�stern end of the Liansh�ad a��a. The existing and �ro�ased cond�tivns within this area of �he si�� �re indzcated up�n Figures ��0 and ���. Vehic��ar circulatz�n upan the s3te wi31 also �� improved as a res�lt of the exgans�on prapasal. Curr�ntly eac� level �f the three le�el parking struct�r� is accessed ind��idua�ly r�sulting in a dif�icu�t and con�us��g c�rculat�an patt��n. As a part af the propas�d building addition, the garking �tructure wi�1 be �odi��ed to a11�w int�rn�l circulation betwe�n �e��ls to imgr�ve vehicular access. H. Fu�ctional �n� aesthetic landsca�zn� and apen spa�e �n a�d�� t� aptimize an� �reserv� n�tural,_ featu�es. rec�eati�n views and functi�n. As c�n �e seen in th� comparisan of the existing 1a�dscaping up�n the sxt� and the pr�pase� lan�s�aping (Figures 6 - 11� signi�icant impr�ve�ent� are prop�sed f�� the property. The ad�itional landscape 15 improvements �l�ng West L��nshead Circle �nd adjacent to the bike/pedestrian path �l�ng Gor� Creek will be signxfic�nt imprvvements to the �isual charac�er and �ual�ty o� the site. The rep�acem�nt o� �wo �f the exist�ng �ennis ���r�s with a lawn s�rface will c�ntri�ute a1s� to a m�re op�n fee�ing to th� �ite and wi11 pr�vi�e additi�n�1 l�ndseaped area. I. Phasin �an �r s�bdivision l�n tha� wil� mai�tain a wark���� f�nctianal and ��ficient r�lat�onshi thro� hau� th� dev�lo ment of the s ecial d��ela ment dis�rict. The add��ion and all r��ated site impr�v�ments are �ntende� tv �� constructed in �n� phase. �� , � L1PPE�1 EAGLE VALl�E'1°''CQN�1a1�1DAT�C] WATER Ahfp SA�diTAT1f1N !]iS7�PCTS 8d6 FpREST ROkp. VRiL.CQL[fR.3n�81657 f3q31 a76•748D Februar}l 9, 399Ct Peter .1am�r ,7aIR3r ASSCaczdte� 108 Soiith Fro�t.�Qe Rt�ad. �Su�te 30� Yai� . Colorada 81�57 Re: Marr�ott Eiark RPsori` �xnansian 60 Time 5hare 3Jni ts ane} 5 Emplc�yee Units Ltear kir. .Iaraar: The Vail V�],la,y Can�cs�.idated 4�ater District and tipper Eaql� Vailev C�nsal�daCe� �an�tativn Distrzct �iil}. provi�e dr�mestic v��er ser�riee and seuer serviC� �o �he above r�ferencEd c3e�relQpmenC. The Dzvtricts haue �xcess canacity tn prncess dom�stie �et�r tc� its cons[ztuen�W at the pres�nt time. According�y, ri�on camplianc� �ith the Ruies and Reaul�t;�ans and the p�Yment at approprfate tan fees , the Distric[s �il�. gr�axde dcsm�stac ti�aker s�rvi.ee and s�=�er serrrice: Carasta�uctic�n of all malr� line ext�nsz�r.s is the responsib�l�iCy ❑f �he deveZnper. At�y adda.tiona�. fire s�r�ice, { i.e. , fire �vdrantsl , that need to be added ta 'thase alread� exfstinq vi31 be a� the exp�nse of thase r�questing the service. The addltivn af 8a�kfla�a PrevenCiora �evices an the �ire Service and on the Uomesti� t�tater Ser�z��. �here requ�red. are r�ecessary, Simcereiy. []r�PE� �:,GL�, VhLLEY C(};ISQLIDA�'ED SAt�I"PRTI{}s� �ISTRICT ��� �� �� Fred �. l�as]es �lstr�ct Re�ou2atiac�s :�d�inistratnr FS�:Jam � PARTICiPAFlNG L714TF11GT5--ARrip�WME�AD METR�WA��R • AVd]#d M�'1'RC1 WAT�R� • HEAYER CR,�E€H METRO WAT�R • 6�pq�y CR£�}i M.ETRO CL£AN WR3E'R • EM.GLE-Vl,l�L 7.�£TRC)WATER • EC3WAH(}S WAFEi3 • LqiSE CflEe7S 1rPEA60W5 WxT�R • VP��R EAGLE VAL�EX SoMiTATrpH ♦ VJ11t, � VALLEY CONS.OLIf7a�iFn War,r�a � ��a�� iurre�.-. ......-...,___._.. � �. - � � ;s;!t r � �k f d I _ k'k I �L t'•i�� . :�_ _ -�°F�_� � — F�e C� t r , �=f�:� 1�1 :�� P .i_y 1 r � ^ � � °; F�k.7Z`L12iT�' 8 j �.J�O s�~���� �c����c� ����c. ����r �nma� P�t�r Ja�nar �,ssacia�t�s, In�� �08 S . �'ront�ge �t��,d W�a��C, �348 r+;;,so�rtatEor, V��1 , Cc�1 c��a d o $��3� C,�nsui�t�n�t Re: �IarriQt� Mark Re�ort Expan�3un 17��r P€t��, As r�questec., ws haw� prepar�d this ass���m�nt of po�enti�i traf�ic ��su�� �el,a:i�g ta �h� proposed �xpans�on of the exi�ting M�rk MarrioCt Resc�r� in th+� wr�st L�rai�s��ad Will,�ge �r�a �� Va�.l , �e� Figure 1. T:ae �rap4s�Z �cc�nsist� t�f � nef�a �outh west w�ng that will have ��o ti��: share �we�ling� (124� square fs�t} ar�d five emp3.ay�e uni�s �500�-60o squar� �e�t �aah� . Th� new a�c�itic�n will e� c�n�tre���e� a3�QVe th� M�r�iv�t 's exist�.ng th��e-l�ve� pri�r�te parxing �tnt�tura. Each ��v�� oP pnrk.i.nc� is a�cess�:d �nc�ivic�u�].1�• wit;� t�1e t+�p lev��. ,��v�,rtg a. di.rect driveway cc�nr��tic�n �� W�st Lic�n,shead Circl� abau� I.�O �eet ��st of Sauth F�onta�� Ra�d. As par� c�� t;�e p�c�pas�d adc��,�ian, the garkin� structure w�,].�, ?ae r��;uilt �a��h f].vor-�ta-flvvr ramp� �c� that c�rc;�lat�.on T�etw�er� 1ev�1s c�n be �one intern�.3.ly. �xis'�ing C�x�Qitivn� A�1. �uture acce:�s tc� �,ha p�opo�ad �ita v�til� b� v�,a �.he one a�cess to th� tr�p ].�s�el c�� th� existing p�r�i:�g strueture. A �raf�.�c �vunt t�k�r� c�n th� a���rnoc,n c�t T�:���i�y, J�nuary 2� � 1,990 showe� a tvta� o� 2�] y��.ic?�� �x�ing tfiiis dr.iveway -_ 13 �n and 7 out. �l��u� 7�� o� �he veh�.�les wer� o�tent�d �c� th� west (sout�i Fro�tage Raad) and t�e rernaYnin� �g� ta the �z►st (Marri��t Pc�rte-CaChere �nd L�a�sh�ad vil�.age) . Th� �cc�s� dr�.�e �.s a3�aut a0 �eet� east of t�� ac ��ss �v Va�l As�a��aC�S " west [�ay L�t, �'his Man��d sur�a�e p�4k�.�,g lot ,�s used L�y v�i�, Rasac�at�s emg�,oyee� �nd ka�► th� pu�I:.� �or a �e�. Trie clnse proxi:nitiy of the two driv�s did nc�t appea� tn b� a s�.t�:tY prob�e� an the d3y �� the cr�ut�t due tt� 1� lvw �urn�nc3 �av���r�� vvlum�� �.n�� �) t�e pa�ths of �x��?rig ��rs rar.�ly �+oss s�nce mos� vehicl�s prr�����A ir� th,e s�me di�ecticar� {to �nu�h Fr�nt��g� R�ad} upan l�.aving the re►�pectiwa parking area5. By �h�e �arn� tc�}t2n there is nr� le�t-tLrr� �tc�ra�e lane over�ap pr❑bl�m since most vehicl�s en��x� e��h parKl.nc� arc�a Wia �ezc�Yzt ��rns ��a� ws�t Li4nsh��d �ircl�. Th� pa���.ng stru��u�� i� int�nd�d far exc�.usiv� u�e by Marri c��� gue��s, w�.sitors and emp�.oy�e�. vn �he d�y a� th� cc�unt s��r�ral. -�-��L������sr �r�up� o� aki�rs, with ��Ci�, �r�re observed leaving th� �ot. s"',°�", �. aiscount�.ng thi� d�.y skse� una,uth�rized us�, the 7��spa�e top �,ev�� r.��,u6��.���.�: ,�=,��-��,�� accvun�ed �cr �bQUC. �6 ��.t+� c��nerate� venicle trig� �urinc� tl�e 4 : �� ta 5: �a p.�. hc�ur. _ �. `i � �I I ii�I r�- . T i J�i_F r.��. �t_l_ �l.�� . . ;�i� _ 3 v r_,_,c' �e b � _ , :+i_� 1 . � �'i.� �'' - i,°- � , . � _-- � � �"�� • � � � � j� R'� i A � +'; � S• � ��� � 4* A' � l � � • i:�� `L,�' � r-i ik •. 4� �F�1 � � ..� �s .,.� �� � i� r--� tY6 � ', `�C��' Gry .� i�: � .��r F � •.{ � � j � � f.; � � ►'} . 'Q i`, `^^ �, � F—� CL.. k� a� � �. Oy T�r/F ' � � �'f �! 1 LJ..� 1, w:� � 4 :§ #� L�,r � �` � t� � t'• C� 4' �t" � .� 4� . •••�� � � r ., �. 411 l � �, j °] t r. :x �� �' O JJ �-.:• . � � .��, .,.� rt3 GU �.. r" ►�.� ti . `.-:) r: � . C� Ca �� ,, ` �� �� tY � � 4�.y �: , _ � '��'+ r~y � %�, r�7c+,�. ! ��. �a �f^.ri '`. �� �xa .��.,.r � �,.'' I'..� � � �y; �1 Q I'-. yY q 4' � �L" t Z }� �'s �r`-' � i Si � E 0. t� � . r+, e � ` j Y. `�S. �'1 �+ �" f �'1 �,. ,,.�.,•, - . "'"":,.".�;, .�rv �.,•. �f _ . . #`� � s�s r ;.� �� _ �: F, : � , �� r. i���a ;'k ;R . -r+ }i �yy •r�e :�] � $ � � �" .`, {,i t• � .. �f 4 a i•. � � f� � 4 �J� * � 4 E. � w � �1 T" � t i ��� r. � � �. k� �., �:J r k' � � � a. �. � �, � � � �^ � a �u ,evu�sa �:r,r °t^��;;:, �,-.�,fr, �r�r,,�,�,cx i�.�J.�r.:v k�� r � � '�' . ' ��' •>r UDI��y��'� �,. ..���.r�r�.� /lr° ipN : 1. '+�- . di� �"'r f,7 '.�p4 z 1 . p fOA� _'{�^ ;.i I �i s �`a �r��� � 7i . :. � � � � �'� RS' }A . �g1Qrif. �ga^ .R�...,.��;:��. +�. �•�, � ,.i .,} �. � �� �� � c/ �` � '�, � tt� � r ,, � . r■■■;''' ��' �£ � . �� +4��dse.rw�w,�..4 +vr�....�.... � -a. .3��4`�i�i'.���� �w.E:arLS�a u � ,� • ,� �' �r �: �� � �� ,� . ['; �, �^y � ' 0 '"�1 ►{'4„ � � ��' � �' k• ��[+�^ ��o� ,�+� � 4 �': C'° x'+�i ' � I e 1 f�rx7rs f, f! LJ d.�:.1�"r::�v�w`:.".'.:'..".i`��:':t�iFL �y . �. � v �', � .... �.� !.t... ..Y�. �,_. .�.��...,,�--ar� �. .. � � .�. -.--� �� .�.., ..T.. + ,.r�. �e.. �.— � �. r [ s Z ��H�'s��.f�`�' Tl�la,!EF'= w'�iJT�ff�!� TEL I•Ju . '�=�;��'=�`3f=,��y ' Fel� 1 `s" ,��!� 1 ;� • �i1 F` . �_e- , + hSY. �?���!� �7d11'4�� �f�b�'Ll2F�'Y �� �.'���1 P�g� 3 Th� In-�'c�wr� �r�� �hut�l� bu� tr�i��l� ea�� an w�st ��onshead Gircl� with a ��op in �rr�mt v�' the Ma��ic��t► Thi.� ���Ce prov�de� frequei�t �cr�nne�tiat�� t�/from the re�t �� Li.vnshead V�.�1�g�, v��i Village ancT the Go1c��n Pe�k ar��. Ct�r�nactie�n Go th� Tc�wn '� �vur �ut�x route� �an be maci� vi� tran��er at the V�il Trans���t��i.vn ��nter �t the C�v�red Bridge st�p in V��.� Vil�a�e. ane c+f th��e rr�utes* t�te West Va�.l �auth rnute, alsr� �c�l��sr�s ths west L�.c�nshead Circle route anr� pass�s th� Marriv�.� stvp an lts iribound trip ta the v�.i� `i'ransportatiian C�n�er via �Conc�,rt H�1� Pla��. tws�� Lior�sh�ad Mal.l� . Proposad Tr+�tiic Ci�r�era�ion �l�t�e �ecc�n�Lruc�ed 30����ac� ��rking structur�, a�.c�ng r�ith an ex�,�tinq �3--sp�c� structure at ths e�st �nd ot t�� proje��, w�.�.1 prvvide the Off s�r��t parkin�g �upply for �he expand�d r��rra.c��t c]ev�l.apm�nt. New access drive ���hi�l� trips w�.�.l be qeneratecl ka� �he added �uests and em�lc�yee tri�s attri�auted to �he �ddi�irna� dw��.ling units . c�ues� Trips �ue�t vehic�.es wi.11 use eh� ��ce�s dri�e �vr crie�k-in/out, loca� day �rips, and for fr��d �ho�ping and errands pr�m�rily. Peak �ac�up�n�y wilZ �.#�kel�r o�cux� r��ver �.t�e winter manths. Many skiin9, d�a�ing an�i �'e�a�l s�topp�.h� Crfps saould likely 3aa mad�e ott Che In- Town �hutt�� �ather than drivin� in�o �ail Vi].�age and parxing for a fe�� at �h� pa��l�;�nc� ��'ru�'�ur�. Taking thes� t��s�el m�de criaiaes into a��rsunt, th� u�ual 6 daS1y veh�.�l� trips that woul.d be r�en2rat�?d tC�]r ea�� new a�cupi�zd tir�e-share unit cr�uld b� reducs� by �5 ta 30� �ecause c�t the cc�nv�n��nt alterna�ive vffer�d by th�e `Fown' s free shuttla �or svme trip purpc��es. Her���, w� would �xpc:ct t�e winterc�ay tri� generatian ��t� �csr new guest accammodation� to be about � , 2 vehi��.e-��ip��'�ay (6,t3 x Q.7) . �mplaye�s resi.din� at on� a� the sz��ll one-��r�on/on�-c��p1� emp�.c�y�� ur�its would a�sc� r��� lik�ly e�ive up a parkinq sgz�ce �'or t�avel to�from destit�ati��s in Vai� �ar Lit�nshea� viliac�es. �'urth�ermcrr� most emp�ayees a�� a��are af the time otten cvnsum�d in finding a pa�king space fr� tha Vi�lage parking str�ctur� �durin+� the p�ak wir�ter months. Thi� wc►u�.d l�z�d a� tca deriwe a simila�^ trip c�en��-�tic�n rat� f�� �mp3t�y��= uni�s� 4 .� vek�icle trips per c�ay. `_���`�=�+�'+` rr.������=_�_ '�1Et�TE..EF�E , . . , T�L d�d��� . ���' e a��;��.. :. - - . - - .� F�ka I_ ��+�+ I _ . a I €-' . ��;� t+'�r. Pet�r �r�m�r F'eb�u�r�r �, 7990 F��e 4 T�� r�s�Zt�.ng addit�an�l wiht�rd�� dafly vehic�� tz�ps a�tr�but�d t� "�h� proposed �U t,i�� �,n��e erad 5 empl�y�e a�,,���ing ur7it� c�uid k�� �73 vehi���� (r� �n�.ts X 4 . 2 t�ip�/urs�t} , ouring thc: p.m. p�ak taour we wald �xp��t ,� maximum �f ,���; crf th� �ai�.y tx'�-ps to cccur, vr 28 v�t�.�cl� tri�a�. Give:� th� pzeve�ling dir�utierna�. di�;tri�utir�n a�d a G�/4o �nbound/c��tbound $p�,�,� �n pr�j�ct tr�t��,��, �Z�w, we w���-� �xp�ct '�he Fcal3oWiflr� p.m, pe�k haur �add,iticrr�al turning mv�em�nts� �igzrre � �t�i�1l�Ci' 1'.M. ��AK Hr� 'IRIPS (�8� Nr.��2X 4 13 '� ,� I5� �S� W�57 LIG�i5Ni�4i� CIRCL� *��w .�, Fr�n tc�c�a R;�. � � $' 3 .�a� xr�� �r���U��t I���+kzrt� Aor��e� Frr�m a� tlela� standpvir��, �he mc�st s�gni�icar�t chan�� wf11 b� the addi�a�►nal eigh� pro�e�t veh.�c�,e� add�d �v th� West Lionshead circl� apprr��ch to tY1e Squ�h Frot��age R�a� ir�te�s�ct,lon. o� the�e � �igt�t v�h�.��,es p�rha�ps on� k�a�f turn Z�f� an�i vne }�alf turn r1 h� at scuth Fronta�e Rc�ac�. c�nly r�;� �our le�t t�rr�s wi�1 con�r�bu�.� �o I��t turn r��lay �ar vehi��es t�rni�g vr��c� th� w��tt�oun� �rorrtag� roa�d. I� th� queue pf vet�ic�.es l�ee�zne� �oe� I�pn . 9 [��ur or fiue � V�h�c�es) , m�tdrfsts le�v�,r�g t�� pa�kin� strUCt�re whc wau�d n�rma� ly turn le�� to qe� dir�ctly t�a �he �rQntagre road and th�n t��'n rigtzt at th� �r�n��ge road, �,ave the �sp�,ann insteac3 o ea 1 . an L�.on�head �i�cle to �void th� cl��.�iy. 5 s� I =�yr— =!� ' ;�=�+�r- _ �:.��i�ard��� rC�. �i, . _ — - . . � : . � �- '���'=r_.t;;,L�� �e�` 1 .. w 9 C� f � • �!'k F' . C�� I�Cr. P���r Jdn3ar February $r ].990 P�C�2 5 ��rrreslusit��n T��' p�'op�s��3 55-uni� $xpansic,n c�� th� r�arric�tt M���: �z��or,t w,�ll ac�d �n estimat�d z8 ad�itic�r�al v�et����� tr�p� tc� th� �x����n� par}cing struct�tr� �icce�s dt�rinc� �.h� e�Ltr�rnoc�r� gaeak h�ur. 4f t;.hia vvl.um�, abvut � v�t�ic�.as would ba ���� turr�s add�d �� ti�e �.e�t t�arn� a�.ready e���urring or� th� W��� L�.c�#�shea�d C�,rcle appro�ch to th� sauth F�or�t�ge R��,d ir��.�rs�ct$�n. �W�r th� or�� h�ur �ef�m� per. �od� �h�� �c�cii�iona2 vc�lume wauld h�,v� � n�g�ig�b�e �f���� r�n tn�a�c�rist ��'�a�. �'he e��imat�c3 gais� in left �u::ns vncv Sc�u�� Fronta�� Rr�ad may aetually �e o���et b�r �limir����.»g ur�a�thori���. use o� the parking stru�tu�e by c�ay skiar�, No ].or�qer r�mote �rom th� main N��rr�.Qt� fun:�ion, the pr�posed pa�kir,c� ����sr� wil.i b� monitrar�d as it w�.l.� �� th� check-S,r� a�ea for th� time�-share cc�Uarters, This sh�c�ic� effect�v��,�r er�d t�n�►�thcar��ed c3�y-skier park�.r�g an�, e�`�t�ct a cc�rr+�s�a�rad�.ng redu�t�,c�n ir� exi�tin�r p�ak p.m. pe:ri�c� �raf�ac valumes $t the south �'ran�ag,e �o�� �,ntersectiQn a��roach. � trus�. thi� a��quately ad�re�ses tra�fic ma�te�s r�lated tc, Che �rapvsed G5-unit expans�vn o� th� rtarr�.ott Mark Re��r�. P�.�ass c�1�. me if �o� ha�ra que�tions. S�ncerelY► mr�r� ca�,v�a►no �rrc, �,.�-� � ����l �� ��v�.✓� ,r`-�+/�'` , ,� �� � i D�vie1 I�. L��}�yr P.E. - F�incip�ai � � / ,;i, i 4 � .� � __. � + F � I � � � j � � •� � � � ���{�.'�l t C7� � c_. �-t ) "FaWN E]F VAI L D�;PARTMENT �F CDMM(.IN ZTY L7EVEL4PNi�NT 7 5 S . FRC��'3'AG� RDAD VAIL� CQ �31657 s�o-4�s--�i�� � ! {� 1'3ClTE: THIS P�RMTT MUST BE PC?STEI] �N �7t]BSITE 11T I�LI, TIMES �/"� �� � � ADb AL'I' C(.7MM BUILD P�F,MT A - � '�./ � � ' eraa�lt # : B97 �025 �� � (�� .J �' J�7b Addres� : 715 W LI��ISHEAL� CR S�atu� . . . : ISSU�D � � �,� �� L�cati4n, . . : Mr�RRT�'I' M£7UN�'AIN RESCJFtT Rp�li�d. . : �3,1"�0�'1997 �I /_ Parcel No . . : 2YC11-�72-07-�(ll Issued. . . : 03�/19,/1997 � �"� Pr'oject �o. : �'RJ97-0�}13 Expires . . : Q9,f15�7997 � I AFFLICAhI�' MARRg�T M�UNTI�rN RES(lR`I' AT VAIL Phone: 97�--476�-�444 715 W LI(7h�S�iEAb CR, VAII., C[) $1b57 GQNTRACTOFt MARRIOT M[�LTNTAIN RESOR'T AT VAIL �hone: 97�-47b-44�4 715 W �,YCIF�ISfi�AD Ck, VAIL CO 81657 C7WN�R HMC AC�UISITZD�f PR�PL�FtTI�S INC AT`�`N: HARR�ET HllCK, I04d0 FERNW�7C�D FtLI I]EP'I' 72 f 92 , BETHESgP. MD 20 L�scr�.pt�on : BALLRi7(7M RENC3VA�T{J�5 Qccupancy: A1/R1 Not ir� �abl�± Ty�e Cc�ns�ruc�ion� TI FR T�pe II Fi�-e Resistive Type C]ccupancy; '�aluatic��: �17 ,40(} Add 5q Ft: FSrepLace Information: Restricteci: S1C}f Gas A�pliaflces: ilOf Gas Logs: IlOf �lovd�Pallet; �4#ir*�*#ir**#�*ir�t****at*ir�C*******�rsk�k*�*ir#ir�kk*#**#�k�k**inkir#9r&'k** FEE SUHMARY *'�***ir*ir�r*rt*�k**#**ir***ir**rk***#*****ic#kic*#***irk�C*�*1k*1r*�r*ir* 8uilding-----> 1,�12.t][l i�estuarant Plan Revieu--� .� 'fotal Catculated Fe�s---> 2,Sp2.8p Pt�n Check�--7 787.80 €}RB Fee--------_�..___---> _4?D Additionai Fees---------? .Of! Inve;tigation> ,Q(] Recreatian Fee___-_-----> ,pQ �otal Pe�mit Fee-------j �,5£12.80 4►ill Ca[1----7 3.�0 Ctean-Up peposit---------> 560.00 Payments----------------? 2,542.80 T47AL F�ES----°'--__�___? 2,5€a2,80 sALANCE OilE-------°-__-_y .pA ****rk rt�*********ir*ir**!e*�t��r*�*�*,t****,r*,t***�*#dr**ir*,t**��k sr*******�t ir*ir***k***�t,t,t***,r*�*ir***�ir*�****at**��t**ir*ir#it**ir***�,t�°***�*�*��k it*�* Ttem: f�5100 BU�LT�Ii�G �3EPAF��'M�h7T pP t: HUTLD�I�� Dzvisivn: C13,/I{}�/i 9 9 7 CHARLI� Act ion: N'QTE PLAhTS TO GHU�K �l 3/'�9,/�9 9 7 CFiUCK Actiot�: x1�FR I�em: 054di� PLANI�ING DE�AR�'MENT Dept ; PLAI�1VTtdG Di�ision : 4 3�''l d�,/'19'9 7 CHARLI� �CtiC�I1 : I�T�'PE PLANI�1ERa�a�a� C13�'19 f 1 9�7 CHi��K Act.ic�n' APPR Item: b5[00 F�RE �EPA�TMENT T�ept: FTRE 1]ivisic�n : G 3�10/'}��9 7 CHARLT E Acti�n: APPR t��A It�m: {�55�4 PUBL��: wC�RKS Dcpt: �U� W�RK Di�risian: (13�'lE},IY997 CHA�.LI� Actian: APPR N,/A �r*�*,�*,�**��**��,�*�r*****�r*���*x*���****�*�******,�**,t����******�#****�r*�r�*****ar�t�*��**,�*�**��**�*����**�**��*�r**�x�r#�t*�**��* S�e Pag� 2 of this Document fQr any cond.��ians that may apply to this perma.t. D�CLARATIDNS I harrby acknouledge that I heve rcad this appCicatian, #illed out in #ull the information required, compteted an eccurate ptat �l�n, and state that ait the in#ormat�on prvvided aa reqwired is correct. I egree ta campLy uith the informati�n and plot plan, tv �om�Ly u�stlh a'�l Tvwn o�dinances �rad state laus, anci tca buitd #his struct�are accord+�g to the 7oura's zaning and suhdi�ision �odes, design re�iew approved, l�r�iform Building Gnde and other ardinancas oi the Toun appLicable thereto, RE4UESTS FOR INSP�CTI4N5 SliALL g£ NfADE 7WENTY-F�]UR li0llR5 IH Ai1VAFfCE BY TELEPHpNE A 474-213$ OR AT 4UR OFFiCE FROM 5:00 AM 5:04 ?M �� �I • . � � Send Clean-Up Deposit TO: IfikRRI01' HOkJNTAt?� R�SDRd SIGNATIJRE {]F 4UN�R t1R CQPITRAL7C7R F(JR HlMS�LF ANtD 0',JFiER �Y*rY k�r�Ir$r�!r�k�k*ir�k**dr�4�t st�r�r*�le�l'�k�lt�lr•Ir�IF�k�k*�k*rt**�!M Ir�k ir�lr^k�r�Jr tk k tk sk�k a"c*rk ir�Ir�ir*�c*tk*1r sF�k�k�k k s��k^sk ak k'Ir*k�r yF k s4�k canrD��zarrs Permit # r B97-0425 as af a��'�b�97 Status : ISSUED �������*���*���*x��**��*��***�**����**���*�*�*�****���**�r�********�*�*�**��*�r**� Permit Typ�: ADD�'ALT �CdMM B�T ILD PERMT App1 ied: Q 3�110�19 9 7 Applicallt: MARRIOT MaUNTAIN RESO�T AT VA�L Issued: C�3�'19,/1497 97f1-4?F-444� T� Expire: Q9�''15/'1997 ,�ab Adclr_�ss; Lr���tibn t MF,.RRI�T MQUNTAIN RES�R'I` Paz�ce� No: �101-Q72-07-00�. T}escriptzon; BALLhOOM REN'C�VP.TIO[�PS Cc�nditians : 1 . FIRE �7�PARTME�+IT APPRQVAL IS �EQUIRED B�F'4RE ANY WQRK �AI� BE STAR'TED. 2 . �'IEL� TNSP�CTI�NS ARE REQUTREI] �'O CHECK F�Gf�. COC}E CpM�'LIAIJCE . .Y � � *x�*�*�*****�.*,��,�***�*�r**��r,�**�*��x�*x*�*;�**��*��*�*,�*�,��*****��* 'i'�WN OF VAII.=� CCl�ORADQ Statemn� �**�a��r**�*�*�;�*,��*��***�r*�x�r�*�,�*�***���*�*���*�**�*�*�**��r,�**��* Statemnt Number: R�C-(1253 P,mcaun�.: 2, 502 . F3fl 43,/26/'97 13� : f}7 P�ymen�: Methad: CHECK Nr�ta�ion : #?_22�.4612 Init. CD Permit Nr�: B97-[]U�5 Type: A-Cf�MM A�7F}�ALT CQMM BUILD P Parcel Nc� : 21�1-°07Z-D7-(3{�1 �ite �P,ddre�s . 715 W LIa�SHEAD Cft Lt�catior� : MARRIt7T MC7UN'�'AIN RESQF�T Tota�. F�es : 2, 5p2 . 8D This Paymer�t 2,��� . BU Tota.L ALL Pmt� : 2, 502 . 8� Balance: . Dfl ***��**��,x�***��,����u�**�*��r�r*���r***�**�*x�*��r�*��**�r�***�r**�r*.�*� Acc�a.tnt C�de Deserip�i,a� Amount bl ClC3C�� 413].0 BU��DING PERi�IT �'EES �.. 212 . 4Q QI [}[�QD 41332 PI�At�1 CHECK F'E�S 787 . St7 C?J fl(}{��? 2 2 0 Q� CLEAI��IP DEPO S I TS 5{l 0 , 0 p (�� (}Q�Q 4133( 'WILL CALL I�ISP�CTI(3�fi �'EE � . 00 q w � � � � s +� �a.xc��, ��: :�f�+� - ��,�-c��t3d� ��wrrrr c�F v���, carrsT�ucTZarr ��x��i�T �_ PERMZT APPL� A'3' flN FQRM �— I3ATE:,� ? � AP�'LICATION i�iJST $E FILS,E� pUT CpM�LETELY C3R IT MAY Nc7T HE ACCEPTED *�*����*�t*#*�**��#�*�����r����� PERMZT INFO�TI�N *�t��k**��t***�**�a��*�*��*��**��e �]-B�zl�ing � 7-P.�umbing I 7-E3ectri.ca� [ ]-Me�hanical [ ]-other �s�rryv'TT' ��►i��r, ,�'�` Job Name: ��, �� Jc�� Address: :��5 �"� �Lt�:a,..��PF�'-� C�"� L�gal Descrzgtia�: Lc�t 'r B�ocl� / �'il.ing SUBDI��I I4N. - i�wner� N�me:,��7J�'��Tz'�`/`'�` �``�'�'�`''�� ��'►7��►��,� ��i/ - �T _ �_.� Addr�ss: c2 '�� ,�, Ph. �'!� �c Archztect: ,� ,�'�C'_+rs. Address: `�rr� TT���°�,;;'r� � �,�� �bJ� ,�`�j � ,� � �h I Gen�:ra�. D�script�c�nl��� "?��C�3aG�v,�� � G' � .�'+�`�z��ffi�"� Work Cl� ass: [ ]-N�w [ ]-Alt�ration [ �-Add�.tianal ��Repaar � ]��D�h�r Numbez of d7welZ�ng Uni�s: ��� Number of A�commQda�ioM Uni�s: hi mber ar�d Type of F�.repla�es: Gas Applia�ees Gas Logs Woad/P�l�et �r*��*��*�*���r*�r���*����*,�***�*�*� � ��`,� �� ' �-'.���� � VALUATIQ 5 **��t * �t**�*��,�**��*���*���**�t*** �� BUILDIN�: # � �} ���� ELECTR�CA�; � C�'�`HER: � PL�TMBIt;TG: 3 3�fECHANIC�I,: # 'T[]TAL: � � '�*�*'�'����*'�*'�'�'�'�'��'***'�*,r'�** DNTRACT�IZ ]CN C33RMA'I'�C7N �**�*����*��*�r,�,���,�***�.�,��,� C eneral Cant�a�ctor• t�97�'�'i' �=,?�- ,�� '�t�wn of Vail Reg. ND�l�'i'�-� �iddzess: /,3` s �.'id�3 �. -',�:• - ;._�� ,�.� P�ane �+I�ml�er: �'''�- ' � Elec�rical. Contracta]r. Towr� of Vai� R�g. ND, AdcTress: ' Phone Nta�ber; Plumbing Contract�r: Town c�� Vail Reg. No. Addr�ss: _ �_...____�� pha�e Number: Ni�chanical Co�tr�,+ctor: Town a� V��.1 Re�g. Nt7. Add�ess; T . aPht7ne Nur�c�: ���**�t�****�r��x���t*�����**����:�*� Fn�c C]FF�C£ TJSE *��r�*�,�**�r�**�*�,��*#��*,�*�r**��r� 3UILDI�VG FERM�T �EE: HUZLDING PLA�+T CHECK FEE: ?Li.TM�TN'G P�RMIT FEE: ��~� PLUM]�TI�T� PLAN CHECK FEE: 4EC�iA.N�C�1L FE]RMIT FE]E: ~ I�'IECHANICAL PLAN CHECiK �'EE: �LEC�'R�CAL FEE; __� RECREATSQTI FEE: �THER 'I'�PE C�F FEE: CLEAN-�,Tp L�EPQS TT: )RB F�E: TOTAL P'E�,MIT �'E£ ': TYPE GRoUP SQ.FT. VALUATTDN BUILL}II�G• � � %�J. �,-,, � ,'�r' ` s r�x�mr��: - � ! ; � zo��xc: S�G hTATIJR�; �mments: :L�,N UP dJEP.C}�IT RE� Ti}: . � � � M�MQR�N��M TQ: AL� CC�NTRAGTaRS FftfllVi: TOWN C}F '�A[L RUBLlC YiJ�7RKS UEPA�TMEN7 DATE: N�aY 9, 7994 flE: WH�N A "PUBLCC WAY PERMiT'" �S R�Q�JIRE� JQ� Name: �r-'�'�r�°��iT� ��'���� ,,r�Gt��� /�.�'lc��.�'t'.•�, �a�e: � �' Piease sw r#he f�l�owir�g q�est�flr�r�air� regardi�g t�� need f�r� "P�t�1ic Way Permit": YE5 Np �� !s tF+is a new residence? l� 2} Is demoli#ion wark being �erfarmed fh�t requires the us� o# the ri�ht � of way, easerr�er�ts or �ubiic prc�perty? 3} ls a�y �rfili#y wo�fc n�ecied? � 4) ls ihe driv�wa bein re at�ed? � Y 9 P 5} �s di;�eren# a�cess neec�ed t�p site � �ther t�an exist+ng drav�w�y? 6} �s ar�y drainage w�rit beir�� d�r�e �'� affiec�i�g the right of way, eas�ments, . �r �ubfic pr�p�ri-y? 7} ls a "Reuoca�fe Ri ht U� Wa Permzt" . � 9 Y r�c�uired? E� A. Is tt�e right of way, easements or � public praperty ta �e us��f t�or sta�ing, parkir�g c�r i+�n�ing? , 8. ft n❑ tc� 8A, i� � arfcir� , s�a ir, � � '� 9 � �r fencir�g p1ar� reqvir�d �y Corr�mur�ity Dev�fopment? lf yo�r answ�r�d yes t� any af t�es� ques#fo�s, a "P�ublic Way P�rmit" m�st be abta�r�ed. "Public Way Permit" a�plrca��ons may be abtair�ed �t t�h� Pub�ic Wt�rk"s o�frce �r at �ammunity �ev�f�pmen3. �f yc�u �rave ar�y questic�ns p�ease ca(i Chariie t]avi�,tt�e Town � �f Vai� Canstruc;tion Insgectc�r, at 479-21�8. d have �e�d an� �nswer�d air the ab�ve que ' ns. a��'"r`�',�•%��`c�� �C1E�� ,.e�_ �.�-- � y�`7i �1ob hlam� Cor�tract�r"s S� u�e �ate � � � � PUBLi� WORKS PEF�MIT PRDC�SS How it relates to Building Permit�: �} Filf c�ut our checic fist prc�vided wit� a bui�din �rmit a iicati�n.. !fi y�s vvas answered to any �f tk�e �bov� qu�stions then a "Public Way'° is required. You c�n pie�t �p �n a�pliGatic�n at eithe� Cc�mmunity �errelop�ent, locate�f a� 7� 5. Frar�tage �i��c� a� PubAic W�rks, �ocated at 13C�9 Vail llalfey Drive. 2} Notice sigr� taf�s far utiiity campanies. F�lI �tiiities m�st field verify �lacate) respecti�ve uti�ities prirar t� signing a��ficatic�n. Svme ut6li�y c�mpanies req�ire up t�+ a 48 h�ur notice ta sch�d�fe a lc�cate. 3} A canstructic+r� tra�fic c�r�trerllstagsng p#an mus� Y�e �rre�ared on a separ�te sf�eet c�f p�per.An a��r�ved site plan may als� be lised. This �1�� will shc�w lo�atic�ns of a!� traffic cantr�l devi�es�signs, �cone�, et��.} �nd the work zQne, (ar�a af Gonstr�ction, 5fagir�g, etc„}. 3his plan wili �xpire c�r� Uct. 15th. and wiDl ne�t� t� be resubmitted €or a��rovai through the winter. 4} Sk�tch �f wor� b�ing }�erformed must be submitt+�d indic�tin� dira�ensions �I�ngt�t, +�ridth & c#epth �af w�rk). This rr7ay be drawn orr the traffir'c c�ntro! p€an �r a site plan far rh� j�ib. �} 5ubrnit c�mplet�� �pplicatic�n ta the P�rblic V1�Iorks's �ffice for re�riew. If r�qui��d, ia�ates witl be scheduleci ��r tt�e Town of Vail Elect�iciarrs and �rri�atian crew, Th� Iacates i�ke p}ace in the marni�� but, may require up ia 48 h�urs #a ��rft�rm. 6} T��e Publi� Woric's �c�nstructian In�pector wiltl reuiew 1he �pplicaii�n and apprvv� or t�is�pprove t�e �ermit. You wFll �e contacted as �v the status �nc� �ny tt�at may �reeded. Mc�st permits �re r+�leased wit#�in 48 ��urs of be�r�g rec�ived, but pfease allr�w u{� t❑ ane week t� prc�c�ss. 7� As s�on as th� permit is pr�c�ssed, a copy w��l �e �a�ced ta CQmrr�unfty Qevei�prnent a1lc�wing the "Buil�ing Permit" tn he rele�sed. Pi��se dc� n�t confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Bui{ding P�rrnit" ta d� w�ar#� �n a prr�ject €tself. NQTE: '` The aba►re pr�cess i� fvr w�ri� �n a publ�c way only. � Pc�t�fic Way Permits are v�alid an�y t�nfiV Norrembe� 15t�. ' A new Pubiic Vlfay P�rrnit is r+equirecf each y�ar i# work i� not complete. ca�V�BY � . � � �.� , ' �,� +i TOt�'�F�'�9!IL 75 Soulh Frryrrtage Rnad _ L�epc�rt��lerit c�f Cra�ir�r�llrtit��!]cuelp��rrerat Vr�il. Col,�rrarit� �I�557 3�3-�i79-2138/474-�139 • FAY'3D3-�T9-���2 INFR]�tMAT�QN I+iEEi}EY} WIiEN APP�Y�NG FOR A I�iECHAIrTTCA�, PE�IT 1 . HEAT LC�S S CA�CULATT�NS. 2 , TD S'�ALE FL�t�R PLAN OF MECHA��I�CAL R�CIM WITH EQUIPNf�N''F I7FtAWN IN TQ S�AL�, WITH P:?YSICA�, DIME1�iSI�NS A�b BTU RATINGS QF ALL EQUIPME�IT IN MECHAidICP,L R(��1�, 3 . 5�it�W SI2E AND L�dCATION l��' CC]NIBU'��"'I(7N ATR DUCTS, FLi]ES, VENT CQNNECTQRS A1�TT7 GA� L��TES . 4 . NOT� WH��'H�R �'I.,EVAT�R EQLT�pN1Eb7T WILL ALSD BE ZNSTALLED zN MECi�ANICAL RC7�M. FAILURE TO PRO�VSD'� fiHIS INFL}Ri�+�ATIUN FtII�L Il£LAy Y(3UR PE�IT. � . � � �"i�_ �. ` �+��� lURli �! 1�� � T5 s�uth frnnlage raad +office of c�ammunily de��a�rtteni rail,evlarado 81657 (803)4T9-2i38 {303}479-2�94 d�FC?T2CE TU CC3�++II'T'RACTORS/UWNER BUILD�RS Eff�ctive �une �20, 19�1, �.he Tawn nf V�iI Buildin� �en�rtment has developad the fcill�wing pracedures tc� ensure that n�w canstruction sites ha�e a�equatel� Qstablished proger dra�nage �'ram building sites �.1c��g and adj�cen� �o Town o�` Vai 1 rc�ac�5 0� str�ets . The Tc�wn af Vai� I�u��.ic Works Degartment will be required t� inspec�. and app�rzre cirainag� ad�acent to Towxa of Vail roads ar stre�ts and �I^le ins�allation o� tempe�rary ar permanent �u].verts ,at acc�ss points frcam ��� road or stare�t vn to the ceanstruction site . Suc�i �c�prc�v�l mus�. k�e o�tainea �ric�z �.ca any requ�st far ins�2�tir�n �y the Town caf Vail Bu?ldinc� [�e�artm�nt ic�r �c�oti.nr�s c�r tempc��--aYy el�c�r.�c�I c�r �ny oth�r inspec�ic�n . L�lease call 479�2�60 t� r.ecrraes� an ansr»c�.zon ��r�m the Public Wc�rk� Depar�mertt , Allow a mininurr� of 2� hca�� no�ic� . f . Alsc�� �:he Tc�wn of V�i1 ?ublic Works Department wi].1 be approving a�l final d.raina�e and cu�vert insta�la�.ion wi�h re�ulting roac� ;�a�c?�ing as nec�ssary, � Such appr��al� m�st be �ratain�d pric�� trr� �� nzl C�rtifica�e �� Clccupaz-�cy i$su�nc� .` i . Y , , � � ���� �Q�'� �� Y�� �` 75 s4uth tranfag� road vail, colorado 87fi57 (3�3) 479-2138 or 479--2i39 otfice csf ctsrx�munity deve�opmen; 'T�: ALL CC}NTRACT`ORS CLTRRENTLY� �£GISTERE�7 WI'�'H THE TDWN �F VAIL FRdi'I: T�WN c7F 'VAIL PUBLIC WC3RKS/CDMMTJNITY DEVELOPM�NT D,�,TE: MARCH 36, 1�88 ��'���T: CDNSTRL3CTI(1N PARKIIV'G & MATERIAL STORAGE �� s�mmary. prdinance No. 6 states th�t zt is un.�awful �`c�� any person tra �it�er, track or depasit an�r sQ�l, rc�ckr sr�3ldr debris c�r ma�er���, inc�,�ding trash dumpsters, pc�rtable �ailets and workmen vehicles r�pan any stre�t, si�ewal�, al].ey ar �ub�ic pTac� �,r any porti�n therea�E. The right°�af-way r�n all T�wn of vaiZ stzeets and roads is apprpxzmately 5 f�. aff pavement. Thi� ordinance wi7,�. b� strl.ctZy enfcrrce.d by �he Tc�wrt of V�il Publ�.c Wozks Depar�ment. F'��-sons tound vic�l�ting this prdinanc� wi�l �� giv�n a 24 hou�- writ��n r�vtic� to ��m�dve said ma�erial . xn the event the persr�n sn notifi�d c�t�ev nat camply with �he nati,ce withzn the 24 haur tirne speci�i.�d, �he Publ�ic Warks Depa�-t�c��r7t w�il zemave �aic3 mater�.al at the exp+�nse a� persQn nvtified. The p�vvisic�ns �f this ca�d�nance shall not be applica}�1� ta cr�r�stx-�aGtir�n, �aintena,nce c�r repair projec�s of any st�eeet c�r �lley ar any utzl�.ties �n th� right-a�way. Ta �eview a�dinance Nc�. 6 in fuZ�,, .pZease stop by the T�wn �+f V�iI Buils�ing D�part�ent to c�btain a� copy. Thank yc�u fo� yvur caaperatinn ran this matter, Ftead a ac w� dged by: I"' -��- -��--- � ��C�"� � ��� ����� os.��i�n/Re�at onshz 'tc� �r ' P o�ect (�..e. �c�n'�ractar, oc�n�r} � `� '�� �pa t . < . � � � � � � — �i► � ,� t f� � � l��li � ��� - 75 sat�tt� #rontage r$ed Y'all. Cf3�f3f��Q $'�{'„rjs] .. (3Q3} 475�2138 or 479-2139 offace ai cs�m�runiiy de�ef+s{�meM�t aUr���r�� ���r���- �s�uaNC� rr�r� ��ar�� I f t�r�,� permi t r+equ�r�s a Ta�an �f Va 11 F�re Depa rtment Approva 1 , �ngir���r'•s (.�'ubi ie Work�� revi2w �nd appr4va� , a Fiannirrg Department r�v��w ar �lea� th Departrr�ent revi ew, arrd a revi ew by the Bu�1 di ng Department, the estimat�d t�m� fQr a tntal review r�ay t�ke as 14ng as three w�eits. A]l cornm�rcia7 �]arge or �ma1� } and a1� mult�-�amiiy permits �ri71 h�ve ta ft�]2flw the abQ�� ment�oned max7mc�m �`Q��T1'2R1�n�5 . R�STt��►lt7dl a�nd smal� proj�cts shaul�i �ake a lesser a�ount of time. f-{awever, 7f resirier�tfal Qr �malier proj�cts �mpaet t#�e various abave men�ioned de�artments w�th regard to r�ecessary review, the�e pr�ject� r�ay a]sa tak� the t�ree w��k per�ad, Euery attem�t wi�l1 b� mac�e by thas d�partrnenfi to exp�dite �his ,���-��� as sooc, as pc�ssib]e. T, t�� un�ersigned, understand the pl�ar�} check procedure ar�d time frame.. � . �� � � A r,, � , 9 -ed to �} . r „�f���'-t'��� .�G�d c7�^�' � �"�r�'�``_ �C°c.�J"��"�, �c��'��+ Prv�e�t Name �,/'�� � Dat� 4�ork She�t w�s t�rned into the Co�munity aevelapr�ertt De�artsn�nt. • { � � �!'C}wI� ClF' V�1�L DEPAR"T'M�IdT fJF �Cf7MMUNI`�Y DEVELOPMENT 75 S . �'RaNTPiGE ROAD VA�L, C{3 �1657 � 970�479-2�.38 � � 'ND"I'E : THIS FE�NlIT MUST BE PC7STED ON ,3'OBS T"I'� AT ALL TIMES � f ELEGTF�ICAL PER.MIT Permit # : E97�-Qa76 � �,� � � ,7vb Add��SS : 7I5 W LI�NSI-�EAD CR St�t�as . . . : ISSU�D � � Loca�ion. , . : M1IRRIQ`� RESQRT BALLRt�[�M Applied. . : 05/`07�1997 � � �^f Pazcel Nca. , : �1[31-a7�-C17-4171 Issued. . . : Q5rQ7,/19g7 � �J 1, Froject Na. : PR,�97-4013 Expires . . : lI�'43,/1.997 APPLICAI�IT �IVTERA ELE�TRIC CDNST, , Cd P°hcr�'1e: 949--6095 p .C]. Bf]3� X$193, AVDN,�CO 8(�1I0 C(7I�'TRACT(?R RISIII�RA ��ECTF�IC ��NST, , Ca Fh�n�; 949-609� P.O. I�C1� 18I93, AVON, C+C� 8�}�],i3 dWI�I�R �iMC ACQUISITIQN PR£�PERTIES II�C $ MARRI�TT INTERNATI(31�IAL� ON� MAI�RIOTT �]R �]EPT 93$ 0]. , WASHING�.'O D�scriptian : �C��LING I�EMQY�EL �FLECTft�CAL WORK} Valuatinn : 3 , 40� . 00 *rk*�r�***ir�ririr�Eir*ik�*�trtdr�iririr****rtR��Y���t*sFir��ic�ri�*�***ic�F�k#***�** FEE SUMHAkY **�**ir�r�°k��*�k#***�kk��*,k,k�,t����icrkrt*��***ie#�t**#***iric�irrt**�4� Electrical----? 72.F}0 7ntal Ca�culated Fees---? 75.4(} RRB Fee __--> .(H7 Additis�nal Fees-_...._____� .[3D Inuesttg�tian> .fl� Total Permit Fee--..-_---� 75.OD 1Jill CalE----> 3.4Q Payments--°--------------> 75.fS4 TC]TAL fEES--> 75.00 BALANC� DUE---°�°--°------} _4Q *Jc*#***k*#*#*�t*R�F*#***#*******�k*�4****�ak***1r�r9r*ir*'k'ktt'k*#**�k**is*ii*itic**ik*#******t�1s'k'k'kirak�iF*****kir�t**°k**�t****�4*�F�k*****#�6*�k***#�k�drk*#*#�ik* I�.em: QbCl(3i] �LECTRICAL DE�A£dTM�;t�T �ept: BU�LIJII�TG L�iVlS�(�i1. D5�'�d7,/"1997 CHARLIE Ac�a.Qnt APPR F�R EftNST Item: fl55UCl F"�RE DEPARTM�;NT ]]ept: F�RE Divi��,on; *�t�Fie*iF*�Irat*�irir*it*irir**�*ir****iaat**ie*�k**irie*�tir#ik�kie�iririr*t�*ir�k�lr��**�k*#��rF irirak**�t****irir rtsl-�irir�irfr#ir*irir*irir�F*�t�e-�E#�*#*#a6 is�k***ir sF i�***#�t^kis*ie�kir*�Y k�ir CO£3bIT�O�i �CIF �-1PPR�iVAL 1 . FIELD I�iSPECTI4NS ARE ftEf)UIRE� 'I`a CHECR FC)R COI]E C(]MPLIA�IC�. 2 . AL�, WO�RK MUST C�MPLY WITH 1'�95 NEC *��*******��*�***�**���***�*�**�****�**��*********�*�*�**���r******�*��*��,���*�r*�**��r����,�*�x�****��*****��****�����***�r��r�*��� DECLARATIONS I heretay acknowledge that I have read fhis �ppiication, tilEed �ut in 'Full the informatian required, cvmpleted an ac�urate �lpt p4an, anc! state that aLl the informatio� provided as rec}uired is correct. F agree ta co�nply uith the information and piqt plan, to comply vith eit Taun urdinances and state taus, and to 6u9Ld this structure aeccsrding to the TQUn's znrs5ng and subdi�ision codes, design revieu approved, llnifarm �uiLc�i�g Cade and other o�dinances of the Tokn applicahte thereta. REQUES7S FoR I�JSPECTIONS SHALL 8E MApE �fWEHT'Y-FOUR k1011RS IhE ApVANG� BY T�LEPFiONE AT 474-2'l:�S QR A� OUR 4FFICE FROM 8° .ao r�r, s:aa Pr� SIGN LIRE 0 p41NER OR CfJNTRACTOR FGSF� HIMS�LF AHp 0�lNER � . � � � **�������*�**�����***�*�*�*�***��****����**��**���*�**���*���*�* TOWN OF VAT�, C�L�RAD� Statem�t �**�**�*****��*�*�**���*������*�����**��*******�*�*����������**# Statem�t Num�er: R�C-�27� Amoun�: 75 .�0 �5��7�97 1� : 3b P�y���t �eth�d: CA�H Notati�n: $8� .�0 R�C'D Init: Cd P�rmit N�: E97°�a75 TYpe: B-ELEC ELECTRI�AL PERMIT Parcel �o: 21D��0?�T07-D�� Site Addre�s: 715 W LIbNSHEAp CR ��C�t��t7: MAR�IDT RESQRT BALLRaaM T�tal Fe�s : 75 . 4� This Payme�t 75 . �a Total ALL Pmts : 75 . QQ Bal�n�e: , 04 �t**************�*��***�****����**w�*�*������*�*�*�******�**��** �ec��nt Cade �esc���tion Amount �1 Ofl�� 41313 ELECTRICAL P�RMIT F�E� 72 . Q4 41 ���0 41335 WILL CAL� S�S�ECT�ON FEE 3 . Q0 r y� r r,-�u�u� � � '� � ` TUWN aF VAIL C�71�STRUCTIC3N PERrt�� �f �� �a�e�z� �: �l�1 - �� `(��-�U ���rT Ag��.zcP,Txer�t Foz�t ,;��r_. �,,�;��:�;. � ����: � _���_�._. APP�IC.PiT�f7N �+SCIST BE FILLEIA QPJT C+CIMPLETELY �R IT MAY N'OT SE ACCEPTED �*�*�**��**�*��*���***�r**����r PERMIT IN�QRMATI�]N �r���*�*��*�*�*�������**���*** [ �-Bui�t3ing [ ]-Plumbing '�-El�etri+cal [ ]-Mechanicaa [ ]-Qther �T . _.., _p - Jc�b Name: ����, �,'�!'Y� �� J�b Ad�d=ess: �`;�,- 1y�. �.�.f[7YM��"�# 4�t:r1 . Legal. l�e�crip�it�nt Lot B].o�k Fi3ing_ SUB�3IV�5r�7N: � V+I�S��n � Owners Nam�: ���-{�, �k C.4.�1.}���(,�.��,.�:_ Address: �G�{".f� �,�r'v'�v4�t�cX'� �?ct �t�2�s z Ph. Architect: �iddress: Ph. General Ae�criptivn: w� . � __- „ � Wark Classz [ �-New [�]-A3teratian j �-Additi�nal [ ]-R�pair [ ]-dther t�uxober of Dwell.ing Units: Nwa�ber Qf Accommodatio� Llnits: N r�Lb�r and Tyge caf F�.rep�,aces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs Woc�d/Pe11et ***�*��***�r**��*****�r***�*���r�*** �iIALU"ATIONS *��*�******�r�r����*�**�t*�x�*�c*,�*��* �_,�������� �jF�J';��; HUTLDING: $ ELECTRICAL: � ■ p'�°HE�t: $ . Pr�vvr���rrc: � r�cx�rrTC�L: $ T�TAL: � �t����*���**�**�t�*���t�r�t��r�r��t C�NTR�,�CTQR INFtyRMATIQN *�**���**��****�**�****,��r*�t eneral Contractor: _ � - . Tawn c�f Vail Reg. NC7. Address: , � - . `_ �� Phane Number: ��j(}'�=7�`�f-! 2��1 Elect�rl.ca� Contra��ar: Tawn r�f Vai). Reg. NU. k'�l,� � Addre�s. -�. �h�ne Number: y _ - Plumbing Cantractc�rr Tvwn of Vail Reg. Nt7. Address; Pkaane Number� ��chanical Cantr�ctor: T�wn of Vai2 Reg. Nc7.,,,� Address; Phone Numb�r: �*�*�****�t�*�r��r��***�t��t��t��r****� FC3R UFFI�E �,TS� *�r�**��**�r��r�***,���**�*���a���*� 3UILD�NG PEFtMIT FEE; �UTLDIN� P�AN CHECK k"EE; ?LUMBII�G P�I�MIT FEE: PLCTMBI�TG PI�N CHECK ,�'EE: '�ECHANSCA� PERMIT FEE: 1�iECHAN2CA,� PLAI�F CH�CK FEE: �LECTRICAL FEE: RECR£A'�IUI� FEE; 3THER 'i"YPE +�F F�£; CLE}�,.N-UP I�EP�SIT: ]R13 FEE: TOTAIy PERMIT �'EES: TYFE GRC}UP SQ.F�`. VAL�dATIDN BCTI�DI1rTG: S�'GN'ATURE: �t3NING: S IG�1AT[TRE: :Qmments: � - "�EA��' TIP DEP.£�SIT REF�TNI} "TQ- . � � � • y�11 �� �D�Y� fl� V�l - 75 sac�lh ir�nlag�raad vail.cs�iarada �3i657` (3A3) 479-21.38 or 479=2I39 vf�ke af cvrr+�mun�y der�lnpimer�t T�: A�L CC]NTRAC"i`t3R5 CLI�tRENTZ.YL REGIS'r'E1�EL W�TT�33 THE �C3WN UF V�,,zL FR�?M: fiC1WN (7F VArL PU�LTC W{3RKS/CQMMUNI°TY DEVELC]PM�NT DATE: MARCH �.6, �g,g g SU&TECT: CON'STY�UCTI+L}N PARKING & MAT�RIAL STaRAGE In surnmary, �rc�inance No. s states �.hat i.t i� un].awfu� for any person tv �itter, tr�ck or clepvsit any 5t7i1 r r'tSCk# sand, d�l�ris cr material, including trash dumpster�, perrt�ble tvilets a�nd w�r�+en vehieZes upan any street, sidewalk, �,1].ey or pu�3ic place ar a�n�r pvrtxon therecaf. The right-vf-way o� a�l Tawn a�' `Vaa� strests and rr�ad� i� �pgroximately 5 �t. vff pavement. This vrdi,nanc� wi3.I be striet�y enforc+�d by the Town �af Va�,l PuhZic Wc�rlcs D�partment. Persons faund vialating this ordin�nce w��� be qi''T�n a 24 hori� Wri�ten nati�c� to remav� said m�te�ial. In the �vent t,.he persan sv natified does nc�t �v�ply with the notiGe within the 2� h.�ur time s�eczfied� the Public W�rks ��p�rtment wil3 reinc�ve said ma�erial at the �xpense of person not�f ied. The provzsivns vf this ordinance sha1.I nat ba a�plicab�.e to c�anstructifln, maintenance or regazr prajects of �ny stree� ar alley ar any u�iZities in the r�.ght-a-way. �o �evi�w t�rdinance NQ. fi ira fu;�7., please stap by the Tcawn af Vail Su�lding i3epar-tment ta obtain a �opy. "Th�nk yau ��ar your cc�flp��ation an this mat��r, R�ad anci 3+�knowledged`� by' . � ��, �'� � � ��'. � r ; ,P� f=�.- �--�" �---` _. � ��*�t��..�- �f,.-�'�-�-�-� �ositiQn/Relationship tcs �ro ' ect a.e. �ontr � �i 21G�C3�'r QWTl�r} �; �' `�' ? Date . � ` � . � s ��1 a l� ���� � ��31 ' _ 75 soutt� frontage raed +rail.cvivrado 61657 • {303) 479—�138 or 479-2139 oHlc� �1 �amrnur�#ty dev*lopme�tt 9UILDIN� PER�;I� ISSUANC� TIME FRAAtE I�f thi� perm�.t requTres a '�own af Va7� �ire De�artr�en� A��roval , Er�g�n�er'� {Pubi ic Works} r�vi�w and approva� s a P1ar�ni ng Department reuiew ar f�ea7tl� �epar'tment revi�w, ar�d a revaew by the Bu�Idirog De�ar'�m�nt, th� estimated ��m� fvr a t.�ta] review may take as long as tt�ree weetc�. � A]7 c�mm�rc��al �`i ar�e �r smaZ 1 } and a�� mu1 ti-fami�y perma�s wi 11 have ta fo71�w the ab�ve ment�aned max�r�um requirement5 . �esidentiai an� sma1� pro�ject� sho�Td take a iesser amount of tame. Howev�er, �f � residential ar smailer praject� impact the var�QU� a��ve mer�tior�ed d�partments with r�egard t� r�ece��ary r�view, tttese prajects �na,y aI so t�„�e t�ie tf�ree w�ek peri od. Every attempt w�7Z be maae hy this �epartmen� to expedite th�s permi:� a5 s�an as possibie. � T, the ur�d�rsigne�, understand the pZ�n check prvicedure and �im� frame. � ,�''� ✓� �; ,�r � �°.._--�� . Arc�r�ed to y. �° �,, �� � .l�so.�'h'�?} � ��Y'fl j��t ��Rf@ . � - <� Rate War� 5h t wa tt�r�nec� i nto t e Ct�rr�nur��ty De ��vpmer�t Departm�rit. • � � � M���RA�UM . � .. � TC�: ALL C�NTRd�70R5 FRpM: 7C3WN �3� V'A!L PU@LIC WOftKS DEPAR7Nl�MT �ATE: MAY 9, 7�94 RE: WHEN A "PU��I� WA'Y PE�it�ET' I,� F�EQ�IF��D � /� ,10�] N�me: l�`c.�-.f � ��`�-+�''�r cr�` . L.J��E�.. � f . Pl�ase ansv�er# e fi ilawing qu�stivnna�re regarding f#�e need for a"Public Vl�ay IPermit": YE5 Na �) fs #h'r� �r new re�idence? � "� 2} ls demolitian work be�ng per€�rmed that requires the �se o# the rigC�i ,,.-r"f��� �f way, ea��mer�ts or p�blic pra��rt�+? 3� Is ar�y utilify wvrfc r�eeded? '�� � 4� �s the driveway beir�g r�paved? � �} Is diff�rent acce5s �needed tv site �, �ther than exi5ting driveway? 6} is any dr�nage r��rk be3r�g done ,�,--�� afifectEng the right af way, easements, . �r public property? 7} Is a "Revocab�e R�ght �7f �Nay P��m€t" �-= req�rired? . 8y A. !s the �ig�t ot ►n+ay, �asements vr " �ublic pro��rty to be used f�r stac�ing, ''� paricing of fencing? • B. �f no t� 8A, �s a �arking, stagin�g ,�, or Tencing plar� requir�d by Camm�s�,�#y Qevefvpm�nt? �f y�� answ�red yes to any vf#h�s� q�resti�r�s, a "Pu�l�c Way Permit" mr�st be ��tain�d. "Pubfic Way Permit" applic.�tians may be atatair�ed at #he Public V11o�c's vfti�e ar ai Cc�mmuni�r aevelopme�f. !f y��a have an}�ques�ians pl�ase c�i! C�harlie Davis,the Tvwn ' c�f Vail Constnactian insp�ctor, at 479-2�58. � f have r�ad and answered �!! the above qu�s�' ns. � ` ,�' �..��f ��,-�-�� :��c,.��- � �" ,� 7 Job t�ame Co�ttra�i��'s, gr�atur� Date . , ' � � ��t-�IJ�-C��t TQi+VN Cl� VAIL DSPAR'TMENT C3F C��NIl'�IUNI'I'7� D�SVEL(�PMENT � �.�'-� 7 5 S . FRC)NFAGE RC?AX} VAI�, CC} 81657 970-479-2138 NQTE� THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED QN J�BSIT'E AT ALL T�M�S ELECTI�ICAI, FERMI'�' Per[�it # : E9$--dQ86 Job Addre�s: 715 W LIC�NSHEAD CR Status . . . : TSSTJED Loc�tian, . . : '715 W LIQNSHEAI} CIFtCLE {M�ppla,�d. . : Q4/�9/199� Par�e]. �TO. . : 2101-C172-D7-001 Issued. . . : Q5/15/199� Praject Na. : Expires, . : 11/1ij199� AFPL��ANT RIVIF3RA EL�C."I'RIC C�1VST. , C� Phane: �49-6095 P.t7, BOX I8�.93, AV(�N,CO 8D110 C!ONTRA+�.'I`(]Ft RIVIERA ELECTi2IC �C7�TST. , Cd P'horxe: 949-�D95 P.C7. BOX T$193, AT1+'C3N,C0 $�11.0 OWNER HMC ACQ[7TSI'�`�ON PR��ERTIES �NC � MARRIOTT �NTEF2I�IA�'IQNAL, C}NE MARR�C}'�"I' DR D�PT 938 Q�, WASHI:�GT�3 DeSCriptivn: AUI] CEILIN�G FANS '�U 1�0 RUC}MS Val.uation: 19, �25 . 40 tr��rr►aarrrrrrrtrrrar��rrrir�:�err����r�����e�*�rr�tF+k�rfrw gEg �[�p�}p;{�]( r►.+r�e..rr.sa.a��r��.r.��rarr�rrr..r•.rtwt�tt+rr�wa�rrr.ra EYectrical---� ]BU.t3U Total �CalcUlated Feaa---3 363.Da DR$ l�ce =--s .DO AddS.tfonal L�eee----^°---7 .�'� Investigi�tion> .04 Tatal PcrvniL Pae--------� 363.40 wfll eali----� �.00 PaymeriGa----------------a 36�,bD T�.`AL FEE3---� 3d3.0[7 BALANCE DIlB.""_-______} .40 arir►��rrr.rt+aarrer•rer.rraarr.•.rrr•r.x�•.ttr+*++�.+�+a•a•e.rrt�rtirrrr..�►�t��+r�►�+rrr�r.•s►.rr+.+rrrrrrrrrit��iri+f�r�wr+rrrrrre�e Item• 06(}(l0 ELECI'RICAL DEPARTMEI�T'I' T7€�p� : SUILDING Da.vi.Sior�: (�4/2�/1998 JRM A��iQn: APPR A�'PRd'�TED JRNr Ite�at; 45E0� F'IR� DEPARTMENT DepG: FIRE I7XVi�ian: �}4/2911.998 ,TRM Act�an. APPR N,IA �....••ea�s�.r�.r•►ara.rr••ss�rwr+rr..r....r••ee.rrr.r�rra+r+w•..rrra..•..a.:...«w..e�.••rrr.....w.w+r..r...e.wR....e.raa►r..r.sr.rr+ CONDX`�'IC)N {7F APPROVA.L 1. FIELI? �IoISPEC"PIC�TJS ARE R�f�Cl"I�t.ED TQ CHECK FQR CODE CQMPLIANC�S. � . F7�RE DEPARTMEN''�' AFPROVAL I� REQC7IRED B�FQRE AN�C W012K CAN BB �°r�z��n. aa+r.a..r.rarrr.++e...rr....rw+*r.�rr+�a+a.r..ry.�++..rrrr.+.a+r+rr...r.r•�.r�.r..r...r.r.ee�r•wrtr++rrerar+r.�arra..+rr��+•.r.•.rr. n�cz��zar�s I hereby ecknax]edge th�G Y have read thia app2ication, fflled ouC �.n ftall the informatian requirad, comple!tad ars accurate p1oC plan, and atwte thxt �11 th� information p�avided ws required ia c4x�act, I agree to csrmply +rf�h the infcrrmatiors and plat plan, to eomgly xith all Tcvn ardinanceg �n[3 staCb lawe, and to buiid t�ir atructure according to Che Toan"a zoning and eia,hdiwiaion cvdee, d�aign ravi�r+ approvad, Unifarm Suilding Cada and other ardinancea oC th� Tawn a plicable th REQULSTS C�'C7IL IMSPECi'IL1S�F� 3HALL B8 FfAUE TWENTY-P'C1'Uli Fi4URS IFE AI)VSkS'iCE HY TELEPtIDNE T 474 �139 OR T OETR O� .CE FROM B_60 71l�1 5:00 PA3 Sf 'FURE 6t' C3W'N []R C CTdtt �OR HYMSELE' ANU OWtTER � � rtew.*r►rrra•.arsse.r.r.rr*+►.a►+rr+�e...rrr*tx�r,�iar++ar�trrrw*ret �tl4vi�l DP V11IL, CDLORADd 3tatemnt Yr*er��trr*�R#tif�►ri'Il�rritirtirAa�r!t*eYrtfisfliliiir�ttaxrxa��r�rf Statetnnt dScimber� REC-CY442 71mc+unt: 363.00 OS/15/4B i3�41� pa�}rtoent Methads CK Notsti4n: 1593 Init: MAW ParmiL Nos E9�e-499d Typa: $-ELEC EL&CTRICAL P6RMIT ParCY7: Na: a1Q1.-072-C17-4L11 site Add�e.aea: 715 4d LFON3HSAD CR LocaCion: 715 W LdaN5HEAD CIRCLE(MARRZI�TF? Tocal Feea: 363.00 Tkxis Paylner�t 363.D0 Total Ai,.L Pmte: 363�.fl0 Btl.ance: .00 rfrere**r�++�rr.+f+rr�r�t+•+�+txYrr:taiwe►r.sr*�eraar.��.+r�.+*�rxs Account Code Doecription ]A�nounL EP p01 600 03 1114fl0 8L�4TItIC1�L PERhSST F��S 367.00 WC �OLS1ti4063�1139�Q W,LLL C.ALi. INS�Pk;C��,'IC]N '�EE 3.OQ ' � � TQWN L�` VAIL DEPAR'1'[++'IFNT Q�' C�OMMUNITY DEV�LOPME�]T 7 5 S . FR{�NTAGE F�OAD �iTAIL, CU 81£57 9'�f1-479-�138 I�T4TE. THIS PERMIT M�.7ST BE FDSTED ON J�B�ITS AT ALL TIM�S ELEC'i'RICAL PE�d�+'lIT Permi� �# : E98-008� JCZb Add�'�ss ; 715 Ytil L,TdNSHEAD CR S��tus _ . , : FiFFRC7VED Lncatican . . . : 7�5 W LIONSHEAD CIRCLE {MAAppli�d. . ; Q4/29/1998 ��r��� r�� . . : ��o�-o��-o�-oa� rss�.ed. . . : ��/z�/���s F'r�j�ct No. : ExpireS . . : 10I�6/19'�8 APPLI�,N'�' RTVTFRA E�,FCTRIC C�}NST. , CQ Phc�ne� 94�-64�95 P.C7. BDX 1$193, AVC}N,Cd 8Q"110 CONTRAC'I'OR RIVIERA ELECTR�C ��NST. , C� Phone: 949-5Q95 P.C�. S�X �.$193 , F�V�1�T, CQ 8fl11U lJWNER HN1C ACQUISITTC)N ]PROP�RTIES INC % P�ARRIOTfi 7LN'"�"ER�ATIDIVAL, �3I"+TE MeARRI(7TT L3R DEPT 93$ Q1, WASHIIV�TQ Desc�`iptian: ADD C�ILIN'G FANS TC} I.3(} R4C7M5 Valu��ia�n: 19, �25 . C1Q .E�..�a..��.t�K�r�rsarr����s.r.rrrw.ree.a��rr�y..e.r�rrr+ry F'�;F; SIFMMRkY raiwrs�rrtrw�r�rrrrrwar�r�r�r,rWrrrr��*��r�ar+aa��a�a�taa�aaaa Girc•[.ii+-nl---. 35r1.nu Ta�tal calculated Fees°--5 7�63.00 'URS Fee ---:• .04 Ad�.a.tionaJ Fee�---�------� .�tdl FrsYCfpE3.�aLibf3�� ..0� fiOLdi FC+YillYt FAtS----• � � � 163.QU Will Call----., S.QO Pa}•mer�ts---___ ----> .V� TnTA[� FF:F:S---a 363.00 6ALAI'iCE DUE"""'-""'� ]63.{YO aaaaasaaaa��ara.wrk,rrrraraair�r�raerrerera�r�:rr�errre�i�trrs�r.errreerrWa�rraaaaaaciiaa:aaaaa.aaaaaii.�aa+..+raaaa��iiraar+++a�rr+wwfa Item. [l��l{lfl ELECTRI�"AL L�EFA�TMENT Dept: BUILI�I�TG Divisic�n: 04/Z�/1�9� J1�i ActiQn : APPR AAF�I�O�T�D 3RM Itc��n: (35+�[}(] FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept ; FIRE Div�sian: o4/2�J1�'�8 JRM Ac�ir�n: APFR N/A nrt��r��ir�4�ittaYikdi+}���Vk#F}R1��Liii�ii{Y;f�#k�,ttriil'�1��wTttYYYYw't�r�tRtVt�f�W��t�Yiw�w+If��Y.itt��extl���tffer��������rk��i��t���Y��• COND�TI�N OF" A�PRUVAL 1_ FI�LU INSi�ECTY�N'S AF2E REQt3']C1�ET] TC� CH�Ck: FL}R CC�DE COMPLYANCE. 2 _ �TR� DEPAI�3`MENT APPROVAL IS FZEQUIRED BEFCIRE A�3'Y W�7RK �'Ald SE :�`3'A,P'TFI7, .,....,,,«....................................«.......,...,.,................,....�..,,..«.,...............,..,,....,.,..,...,...... I7E�LARATI0�5 1 h�reby ackt�owledge that ? have read this agpiicativn, till�d out zn fuli c}7e infr*znsaT.ioit rerai,i�Fr3, r_rrmpletec3 wrry sc:c-uirrte pl�>e plan, anci etal.e r}a;�i: �s11 i.hr• inCntm�r.ic�� F�errvidea�l ae requiied ie cDYZact. i aglee tp Comply �ith the 3nfarmati�an can+.� pint. �l:�rt, ta comply wiCh all Tco+n vi:dirae�ncea an3 st�te laws, and to build thi� oCruetuxe aecarding to the '1'awn'n xoning and nuk�di�iaion codeo, deofgn reviPw ap�praved, Unifvi�tF3uilding C�de �nd �thes o�-d'inancee of the Town appli,cahle thereto_ �EtE[�EJESTS i�OR IHSPEC'Y'IOHS 813fiLL C3E b4RL'�$ TWES3TY-F4i1R }f.C��H7ItS I�7 A➢URNL"E FiY 'I'EL�:PHON� A'f" 4-39-2138 [7H 11T flUR C]PPICL F'RaM e:a0 AhE 5:04 FM 4TGNATI7RF. OF pWTIER OR CONTRACTpR FDR 11IMSL�L�' Al�fIl 4WNER � .. � . � � � }� ���e�u�d �Cont.��t i:agl� Ca�ur.�yr rlssc�sars flffice ��,L �� �-�-a-�z�-�� o - � _ t Tawrr o� v��rr� cot�sl�vcTxorr p,�R 29 19'g$ �rR.��T f'�- 7t�uc�� �+: ��.�.�s�T ���z,zc �z rr �a� � I � r(�►�� �/ � �� ;�ATE:_,���. - � � c� � �� A?�PLTCATI�N MUST �E I"�T�L�D OUT C(]MPLET�LY �I� �T MAY T70T � T� ' � � k��r*�*��t��*�r�;�*�*����*������** PERMi.T It3FC}RM.�,T�QtJ ������t���*����r*�*�*�*���x�r�� [ l-Buzl.ding { � -P].umbing [�j -EZec�rica]. [ )-M�ch�nic,�� [ � -Qth�r �- , � p Job Na�<<n: ��r�1 _ �c��t^►.S Job ,�c:dr�ss: ���. l�.,`�±�s��c��� C:r ll�'' � C�� � Legal D�scripti�n: Lot B1o�}:� Fil.zng ;�q'r����.'f 41 f�';: ������ r����: ����e�-�--� �ry���,�,��.� �d����� : 7��-�. �,-.�..� �ti� �-d4i ��. t -���� Archi�ect: Addres�: Ph. �---� �en€:ra1. �escription: _ i�����, � ,�,�. � 1 �,�j � L. ��taz3�: ��ass: � ]'-New `�� -�lte�atia�� [ ] --•Fddit�.an��. [ ] -IZepair [ ]-��her tdumber v� pw�"��.inc� Uni.ts: N�srtber r�f �ccom�r�datiaTz Units: � i�`�amber anc3 Ty�c� 07� Fireplac�.s : Ga� AppZ�.�nces Gas Lags Wood,/P��.1.ct � ��*��x���*��*��*��r�*����*�***��*�� V�.LLTnTS�7'�35 ����x�������;x���*��R*�����x�*��,r�� � :3LF�LI7ING: $ L�`�EC�`R2C�:L: ��_f � �THEF�; � �__,�_ �LU�i:�.ii�G: � MECIiP.NZCAL: � ToTAL: $ ����*����.�*�*�r��**����•��r��:�x� CC]NTRACT'C�Ft IN�'�t)F�M.A�'IE�t3 ���;::�*�*��xa�*�*�t����t***�x*� 1�diGLCi� l.-���.S�irLVA • ��� -..L__. 1' ��ti� V� V��� itL�. l�ill.� :�c3dress: P:�ane Nur�bex': ��.ec�rical Contractor: � �C�� Town c��' Vaz? �Fg. i�l�. /'� +�p `-� �ci�lrc�� . �� rS @ F1 �s'1�:�,1 P:�c�ne Nu:-:ner• - � f�'e.+ � Cnn�.ra��.or: ' �� � l.um�ir� � � w � ,��.,.� T c� n a� V a�� R�e�, N C9. '.�dr�ss: PhQne Numbe�-: �i�ctl�n�ca� C�rn�rac�or; r�� . Tawn af V�i]. F�eg. N(7. ;d,dress: Phone Num��z: �-�:�n�x�*�;�*�*����*��:*����������� F(�R OFFIC� US�, ���x����*���*�������*�x*���*��-n� �sUILDI?�G PE��iTT FEE; BUIL[]ING PLAI�T CKECK F�,E: 'Lili�f3?';dG P�Rt�ll'�` FEE: PLTJ?�S�Ih#G PLAh1 CHECK ,k`�E: �ECHi�T+iT_CAL PERMT°1' FFE: MECHr'11'�TCAL PL,�I'F CHEC�, FEE: ' 1L�CT?RICAL FEE: �,,r� '' F�k CR�.�T�ON F�E: �TI-iER Tti PE OF F�E: ` CL�'AT1-UP DEPQS�T; ��nF3 FEE: �.. . . � " TQTAL P�R3�Z'I' F.�;ES: ,.; _ ,�°� �,; . TYPE GR�UP SQ.FT. VALUAT��3N BUILD�,r,TG; S�GI�I�,TUR�: �__ Z�7N�ilG: ------_ SIG�iATliRE: :�:R7REi`�LS: � :;I.F_.lk,H L�F' I7�'C]SI7'L REk`T7NI] �Q: f ` � � ` \ ���{I� _ ��Y ����'l� �� ��l - 75 south lronlage rosd aail, �cralarad� ST557 {303} 4i�+-?1.38 or 47'9-�L39 oiflce af comrrsunity developmerrt TC�: AL�, CaNTF2.P:CTORS CL3RRE�I'TLYL FtEG�ST�.�E�7 WZ'I'H TH� '�"O:�TP3 L�F' �7A.�I, FF'�4i�T: TOLv�I!7 C3�' V�YL FU$LIC '4dC?RKS/COi°�•rTJidITY" I.?�'V�,LC]FA�E�'dT I3A"TE: I'�,RCH 3.G, 1�3$ SUBJECT: COA7�'Z'��UCTIc7N Pi�.F�'ril��;G & S�Lr'�.TERZ�L STDF�G:. Zn summ���. Ordinan�e Na. G sta�es that it is tznlaw��1 for an�,i perton to 1.itl�er, tr�ck car d�posi� a::y soz�, , x'ocR., sand, d�b�is oz mat�ri�l, �;;�ludirig tza�h dur.;ps�e;�s, pr�rLal�]_e tr�i�ets and w�rk.men v�r�i.c:Les upo�7 any s�����, s�,c3��aa�.k, all,��r Q� pu}��.ic �lace o� any ��r��.orz �t�e�caf. '7'h� �:.gh�-oi-w�y on a�1 Town ai Va;.� street,s anc� roads is ap��o}:ir:at��,y � ft. Off pa�rer��nt. Tha.s �r.d�nance w:�Zl b� st�ic�:ly �riarc�d by the Tc;�n ❑t V�il PubZz� War}:s Dep���ment. Pezsc�ns foLnd viol��ing tixis cardinanc� will bc given a 24 houar written notic� �o z��ove sai.c3 ma�eri�l . In �he ��ent th� per.�c�n so na�ifie� dae� nat car:�ply w�.ttz the notxce within 'the 24 haur t1.me specifz.ed, th� Public Wcar'ks I]�par�men�. wa.1.Z rer�r�v� said materi�� at the exp�nse o� person noLi.��.�3. Th� p�o�,F.is�.an� of th�s c�*-r�inance shal�. 1�ot ka� a��lic�hl� ta cor��tructian, rraintenari�� or �epa�z p�ajec�� of at�y s�reet or all�y or �ny u�a_li�.a�� �n the r�ght-�-wwa�r. Ta revi��a C7r+��.nance t���. � in ful7. � pl+�as� stap �y '�he Tr�wn �� Vai�, B ' ing Departr,l�nt '�ca c�k�'�ain a �c�py. That�k you far yc�ur cc�ape ati an matter. ��e�d an ack wle �d by: � ��` ,r'E` ��s��ic�n/R�J.���an�-ha.p to �'rajec� (a.. e. cc�ntza�tar � j� � � , owFlt?r} �� L7atl � ' . � � � . -�� +�l� ���'� �� Y�l �` - 75 soulh 3ront�g� raad Vai(, C��Ora�6 81G57 {3�3) 479--213� or 479-21�4 oftl�e ot commesnity deuelopme�ii BElILI�I�JG P�R��I i ISSlJANC� i IP�',t FR,4�9� If th7s {�erma,t r�equires � 7awn o� �'ai� �`-ir�e D�partm�n� Flpprova� , �ng�neer'•� �{�ub7ic Wor�ks} review and approval , a P�anr�ing �ep�rtrr�en� revi�w or H�alth Dep�rtmen� r�v��ti•�, �nr� � rev�e�,�,r t�y ��� Buiiding Departm�r�t, the estimated time �ot# a total rev7ew may ta�.e a� ��r�g as thr�� weeks, . A17 cor�:n�r°cial {�l�r•ge or sma� � } and a1i m�1ti-family perr�its will h�ve ta fol�aw th� �b�ve rE7en�ioned rriaxinum requ7r�m�nts , Resider�tia� and sr�a� i pr�rjects s�ould t��;e a iesser ar�c�U�;, or" tir�e. Na�rever�, i� res��er�t�al or sria� �er praj�cts �m�act the variau; �b�ve �?n4i�n�d de��rtmt nts witn r-eg�rd to necessary revi�w, �.hese ��r�j�cts may ai sa t��;e t�te thre� ��e�c per�ad . �very at�er�Qt wi'f� be made by this �e�:rtrj�r,� t� ex��d� t� tf�is p��•rn�t as �aar� as ;�ossible. I, tPie s�r�der5igned, i�nderst�nd t�� p14n cf7e:h: �,r-�ce�.{��r� �•:r7..r tin.� f r•ari�. � � ~ ' Ac�r° ed to b,�f. ``' �'� �: .� �Prc� Act ���n1a �� � D��te i�lc�rk 5t�eet was turrted i nto t�e Cammuni�y UEV�Ic��m�nt pe�artme�t. � � � � M�M�RAN��M 7�7: ALL COMTRACT�R� FR�M: TOWh! 7� VAIL PUB�IC W(7RKS DEPARTME�T �ATE: MAY 9, �99� . RE; W'�iE�f A '°P�lBL�C 4VAY PER�1!!T'" 1S �EaLJ[RED J�b Name: �`��'�r'�� �` ��.,,� Dafe: PleGse �ns�Ater the faf�owi�� questiar�n�ir� r�g�rdir�g the ne�d for a "Pubfiic Way P�rmit": Y�� �Pt� 1� Is tf�is a n�w r�esiu�nc�'? � 2} ts �femc�lition �+�ark k�eing p�ric�rme� � t��t rc�uires t�� use of tl�e right o� �v�y, easements c�r public pr�,�erty? 3� !; an}° u;ility wori� neeci�ti? � 4} Is t�� c��v�tivay �a�ing re��veci? � �} fs di��r�r�t acces5 n��ded tc� si#e other th�� existing drive�v�y'? � �} 1s �ny ar��naae �vor'rc �aeing dane � �ff��tin�� ihe rig�ri of w�y, �asemer�ts, ar pubfi� praper#y? 7) Is a °'R�voc�ble Right Of 11wJJay Permit" � req�irer�? 8) A, 1s the rigk�t of way, e�sem�nts ar pubiic property t� be �sed for si�ging, � p�r'��n� or #er�cinc�? B, 1f nv tn 8A, �s a par�ing, staging or fencir�g p1�r� r'�quired �y Cc�mrn��ity � aev�l�pme�t? lf you �nswer�� yes ta any �f these r�Ues#ians, a "P�t�lic VI�'ay Fermif" m�►st be obtained. "Pubfic 1�^f�y P�rmit" applic�ti�r�s �m�y be �bt�.ined �:t tt3e Public 1Nc�rk's nific� or at Gommur�ity ❑eveiopment. if yv� � �r�y �fc�r�s }�E�ase �1! Ci��riie I��vis> the Town c�f Vail �onstn:^�i�n fn�pecior, a 479- � . P h�ve re�d and answ��ed aii e ov qu� ions. � Jc�� Nar�e or�tr�ct 's ign�t�re Date . + � TOW11+� OF VAIL � DEPARTMEIVT t�F`COMM�1'+tITY D�VEL�PNIENT 75 5. �°R[3NTAGE R�AD VAIL. C� S�GS7 �7�1-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PER��iTT MU5?BE POSTE�ON J(3B�IT�AT ALL�'�MES ADI�IALT C(?MM �3U1l.,D PERh{IT permic #: BQ1-+D118 Ja6 Address: 7'IS VV LI[?I�ISH�AE�C;R VAIL Status . . . : �SSUEI} �ation.......: Marriot Mountain Resort i�n tennis Court Applicd . . : 0514�12(}[li Farce� Nra....: �1(11�J72070U 1 [ssued. . . : d1:5�l'0l20f�� Fraject N�: : ___ _ _ _ _._.�. ���ires . . .: i I J[16l2�(l 1 - �- ��" -�- "' L7WNER � H�C AC(,�UISITIDN PR�PERTI�S Z05jC18�2{}O1 PhOne. C/D MARRTOTT INTERNATIC�NAL �''� ONE MARRIQTT DR DEPT 938 . OI. - `,. W�LSHIN�GTON DC 20D58 __ �ic�nse: _ —.._ - C(?3�TTFtACTaR MOCR3TATN TFN`T'S & �V�N`�S 05/�l8/24�1. Fhan�: 97a-3�8-1708 P.O. Sc�X 612 EAGLE, CO 81fs37: Lic�n��. 2�3-5 AP�L��N'I' M��AIN TIIJ"�S & EVEN"�'S 051a�/2�J(l7� Phane: 974�32�3-1708 P.b, BC]X 53,.2 r'�aV�iCY f 1..V $1E31 Lic�n6�; 203-5 I3c��ipti�rn: tc�z�p. tenl From 511(}Il7 i-1(lI�l lD 1 �ccupanc��: A 2.1 T}�e Construc�iQn: V N Ty}�e V Nan-Ratcd Type C)ccupanc��: `�7 Valuatian: $1,{l�(3.C1[l Add Sq Ft: 0 rereplace Inforrnavon:Rcs[rielcd: #oFGas:�liauicas. G +�af Gaa P..ogs: 0 €+of Wond P�llct: t1 srssiasassta:sssssst�at��t�f�+�sqsMtsst�is�ssfssrsyRtf�it�tta*ssatss�s �:�,�:,g�y��,K��' ffifstYi!\lRtitrtil4fi�i►iR���oLYittt#kt##�ilfiiit�itt9�S�4M1'�1� I3u"slding.--> $35.00 R+alusrar�eP3anitevicw—> $Q.ao 'fc�[alCalculsttedPe�s—° $6a.75 Plan Check�= �22.75 I7RF3 Fee-�-----�-�-----= S�.4o Afld°stianal Fves � So.o0 isrvestigst9cm-= SQ.00 R�crcalion Fet»-- - $p.00 �'otal Fc�mit Fc� - $b0.75 wil1 Ca11—= S�.0 4 Cfean-up f�pasit-— —% S a,v o Paymrnt.,— -- 3 $6 ti.7s T4T�SL F1i1;S - $6t1.75 R,"v.l..�L'�TCE I]LtE------=� SD.o0 4{##�#Y#�is�!l��tf�ii�F�►��tRRk#t!##lt�t��YiM►t4i4#�*ii�Ti9fsi#eylf�qasiel��F�lisi�ssstRit►ttk3skFAtebt#itF�t�#ftt#4�#k4�s�iWli�f#Rf�lrkR#�Ytli#iiti► 1`��f�}fC1V�.�5: xtem: �51a0 �U�LDING DEFA.RTMEN'�' D5/{�8/2001 CDAV�S A�tian: AP Item: 45400 PLu�NInTG DEPARTMENT It�m: 0560Q FIRE I7EPARTMENT Item: 4]550{} PUBLIC WC3� ����tikiiiititYfi�R�����i►M#*4i1Y'�454lakst�it!#st#ttflY��Yl��slrsi�ai�#►is=s�stt�i�[kLl�ltif:Rili#it�#!*y14�lf1{#**#�iitllt�lt!!i*#tittiid�###k►il�If! Se�e pa�;e 2 afthis Dac�ment for any conditic,ns t�at may apply to this per�nit_ . � � D�c��Ttar�s I hercbti°acknc�«�ledr�e that I have rcad this application,�11ed out in fu1! the tnformattvt�r�quir�d,ec�mplcted an accc�rate�r4vt p�an,and statc that all Ihe inf4rma�ion as required is r„arrcct. 1 agrce#o coFnpl}'��ilh the infnrmAtit�n and plof plan,!o cotn�ly wi#h all T`c��s�� ordin�nces and�t�te fav�°s, and to taui�d this sut�chue according to ihe tow-ns zanir��;and subc�ivisiar�c�arles,desi�n review ap�ro��ecci, Unifc�rm 13uilding Ct�ef�and other ordinances af the To��m applicable thcreto. R.C€�L1EST5�[}R INSPFC'fI�N SI-Is"�LL B£NiAI3E"CVJE'a'TTY-Ft?C1R IIC)L�KS 1N t�f]4',1N�F.8Y TFI.F�NL�-2k38 dR rA,T QL�C]FF7Cti PR[.)�41 8;i10.�M-5 Y�i. S��nd C[ean-u�Ilcpvsit To: I'dfrl. ���; k SIGNATUI�FF _ � (1 iiIt{7It�C;(()�!'1'f�CT()f�F'�R E-IIMSELF A1�II�UWNF. , #�*�##*##*�###*�***##�#�*��****#�*�#*��*##���#*�#*�#**#��*#*#��#******###rt############ TOWN t��'VAa.. C`C7L(lRr�llf}Capv Rearinted�n I}5-lU-2001 at 11;5U:3"1 05110f24Q 1 4tatenient • *�**�*��*�**�*��******�*�+�***�*******�*�►*�**��w�***�**���*��*}+*#��*«*�*�*�*�**�a*�r***�*****� Statement Nurnber� R��D�3Q0728 Amvunt: $60.75 05/1�/2UQ1,�.1;5a �,M Payment Methc�d: �heck Init: DF Notation: CK#13 0 9 M'I'i�I 'FE13TS 1��X'm3t NO; E3p�-�FS1B Z�ge: ADf7/ALT CC]MM E3UILD PF3FtMT PdaCe�. NC}: 21{i107247401 5ite Addrese: 715 W LIONSH� CR VAIL Lac�tion: Marrivt Mous�tain Resvrt in tennis �vurt Tptal Feea: 560.75 This Fayrnent: $�i7.75 Tvtal Ai,x., Ffiite: $6U.75 �3a�,ance: $p.00 **�*****�********�*+��**�+t**��****�******�***************�x***�*�***�k��h*��r�*��t����*�****+*** Ac��u��r�a`��,��.is`r: Accaur�t Code D�scriptian Curr�nt Pmts BP 401[1f���33111G� BUTLf}ING PERI�IT FEE� 35.DQ FF Q0100�0311Z3�0 PLAN CHECK FEES 22.15 4+fC �al[�40�311�8Q� �lILL CALL INS�fCTIL1iV F�� 3.(}U � � ��� ��� L��� � �� • APPLI�A7`T��`�LL NfJT �E A�C��1"�D IF INCOMPL�{)R tlN�IGNED • " Prajec�t #. _ .__._.� Building Perrrt�t #.� ��j�'�— ',I 4 97{3-4751-�149 (Inspertian�} +�� ?"�WN�F Y�4�, � TQWN CT� VAiL BUIL�fING RERMI�' ApPLTC�►TIflN �+c�ar�[t I'ernaits are requir�tf fUr t�i�ctric:�i. �afu����in�. ns�cl�artic�.l, etc." ���� �i. ���rr>aal:z�e �F�,d_ Vail, ColQrai�o 81�:�7 Crr�n�t�eef�Ea Je C`crun As��sspr.s C.1�ee at 9?l]-.'�'�`t3-8���c�r �+isit w�rwv.e�nle-c�carr .c�m for P�r��!�` �----- �__...... ._._ _ _ _�_. � P�rC�i # ^. ! �0 ' 2. � C� � Jc�#� fVarne: .�-, Jca�a Address: "r`(1 l � k�.�`. �,�' `�L'7 i2.-� '� �v"�' I..C..���:.f ��^ � � �� �. � __�, .__—_.__. � Leg�l []es�ripti�sa Lot: [iloc6c; �ifing; �� Subc#iv�si�ra: �7wrr�rs ��m�: � �I Ad�iress; � Phnn�: �� , _ _---_ _--� --,-,..: �rchit�ct/[�esagn�r: Addres�: Phane: � a�__ �ngin�er: Ac#r�ress; phone: i � �-- - �. -.�. _ ___ _ _ _.,� Det�ile� de5�ription erf+�vc�r�C: ���1'��-� �Ji `_�tr� � � � �_� !w►'kc,r'��t-1�.� �-�� �' ' .��!�-�'f ' � �`` .� _ Worlc Cd�ss: N�w ( } Adr�itic�n ( ) Rernade! ( } Repair � } I�emo ( ) Other � ' �-r W�rlc l"ype; Irsterior ( } �xtexic�r( ) �t�th ( } 1 Dc��s an E�lU exis�at this Ir�ratic�r�: Yes ( ) Na ( ) . ---_--- -- - "l Ype a#�Idg.: Sins�fe-Far`ni�Y { ) fwn f�mMIY{ ) �IuE��f�mily{ } Corrimer�ia! ( ) Rt�urant{ ) Othcr'�j �lo, af ExisC+ng #]weffing �t7its in this buildirtg: _ EVa. a�Accornmadat�an Units in �is burldinc�: 1 6Vo/T e a�F�re f�ces �xis�in : Gas A I��n�ces G�� Lacys W�ad Pefl�t W�od Surnin No/Type a�Firepiaces Prop�sc�rl: Gas Ap�liances { ) G�s Logs � ] WanrllPe€let ( } Waod.Burnina (NC�T ALLC��NEi3�- . .-.. ____ _-- � - Dn�s a �Ire l�larm Eac�st: Yes ( ) Na ( ) Does a Fire Sprinkler 5ystc�rra �xist: Y�3 � } �lo ( ; � c�i+►�PL��VALUAT.�UNS Ft7R BuIL17ING PERMrr (L.�ix�r & Materials} _ _ �_.__�,_ __ _ �UILDIi��: � �L�CTRIC:AL: $ C?TH�E�; � ---- PL1JI�BING: $ �M�CHA�#ICAL: $ T[��"�1.� � L�C��' --.. —._._ ���. � kihF�l,�ll��'L�:'INL;F' �EPC�SIT'7'f�l: - C�NTRACT(3R IN�DRf�ATIDN __ s�._______ _._____.�_ , General Co�tra��or. T�wn �fi Vaii Re�. �ta.: C�ntaet and Phar�e �'s: f"�'�c��t��r�. � � -�!'�i ct��'�c^�r i T :� -` [ �i C,� '� G�ntractor�agr�ate�re: .. ........ �.�rx«.�:::i-?::::°:x?cxz�at:'f:4:Ex�::§:.::si:;H..::'s-.i.�:ri.��ri V��R..� U�� �1■���:����ir�f.t*;ric::-s �. '.���fr*ts .�tt:"s�-f;x_...o�.. �tfitz�r�ees. � T e c3f Cc�nstruchnrf� ' a� �'C -- � . -.; �,._ - ` YP -- .•_�_�� I � � . � .� � ;W�{Oiic VYay Permit Fee: -------�--; �Re+c v��� _���_ _� ..; Pl���eer 5�9�� � $ � �i� � � _ . ���" •����� ���`�� ���. F.f ev�e.ryaneJfarmsJbldgpertn . � � � �� Questions7 Call the 8uildir�g Te�m at 479-�3�5 I �.[���r�� �� �_'t���--�'� #3uildin Perrr�it Suhmittal��"h�cklist Department nf Cannmuni#�y U�v►elvprnertt Project Na�ne: �re��ect Addr�ss• ✓ This_�'►t�k/i�t rnust 6'e�o!mpfeted hefare a Buildin4 Permii�appJicati�n rs a�crepted a Alf p�,ges r�f appficatior� �s complete � Has DI�B approval r�btained [�f requ�red) Rrovid�� �apy oF approval form u Condominium Assoc�atian let��r a�approval attacYted if project is a Multi-Family complex ❑ CampEete site plan s�bmitted � Pubi#c Way �'erm�t applic�tipn inc�ude�d if applic��le (reFer to PubfiC Works ch�cklist) ❑ 5t�ging p�an incluc�ed �refer to Pubfic W��ks ch�cklist) No de�m�ster,t�arkina ar materiaf st�r�ge allav�ued on roadwa s artd sfi�ulders withc�ut written a rn�ral u Asbestr�s t�st and �esul�s submitted iF dernalikion is occ�rrin� u Archftect sta�;p and signa�ure (All Commeresal ar�d Muiti#arnily} o Full floor plans irlCluding building sections and �levatians{4 sets of plans far Multi-�amily and Carnmerciaf} u Wsndaw and�ivar sch�duie ❑ Ful1 structural plan�, inclu�ding d�sign �riteria (ie.loads� �s Structural Enginee� starnp an� signature on struckural plans {Ail C�mm�rcaal ar�d Multi �atryiiy) u Soils Ftepcsrt must b� s�bmitted priar to faoting inspectir�n o Fire resistiv�ass�mblie� specifed and penetrati€�ns i�dicateci � Sr�ak� dete�#ars shnwn on plans � Types a�d quantity of fireplaces �hown Ap�iicant's 5ign�tur�; aate vf�u�mittal: Recei►��d s�: F:��very�ne/�o�s�b�d perm 2 � � , 4� � �II�LF1' lLl3L BUILa�NG PERMTT ISSUANC� TIME FRAME If this permit re�uires a T�wn of Vaii Fire �]epartment Appr�v�ai, Engineer's {Pu�lic 'Wor�C�) reVi�w and apprvWal, a Pla�ning D�partment review or Healt� aepartrnent review, and a re��ew by the Building Departm�nt, the estir�ated t�me fr�r a tota! reuiew wilf take as Ior�g �s ti�ree (3) weeks, A�I �amrnerci�l �large Qr smaFl) and al� muiti-famify permits will have to fol��w th� abow� me�+ti�r�ed maximum req�irements. Residential and small prajects shauld take a lesser �mount of t�me, Hov,re�er, if residen�ial or smailer prc�j�c�.s impact the �arious abc�we r�-�entioned departments w�th regard to necessary+ review, th�se proje+�t� may alsa taice t�r�e (3} weeks to review and approve. �very att�mpt will be made by t�is departrnent to expedite this permit as s�on as {�assit�le. I, the ��dersign�d, unders��nd th� p�an �heck pr�eedure and time frame. � aiso understand tha� if th� perm�t is n�t �ic�ed �p by the expir�tion dat�, that I must s�ill pay t�e plan ct�ec€� fee �nd that if I fail t� do �o it may af��ct futur� permit� that i apply for. Agreed �a bY� __.__ Print nam� Signature Fraj��t Name: pate: F:everyone/fnrmsJhldperm3 . • � � 11 � ������� WHEN A"PUBLIC WAY P�t�MI7" IS REQUIRED PL�AS� READ AND CHEC�C C3FF �ACH C3F fiHE FD#�LC�N+JIfVG QUESf�ONS f�EGA��ING THE I���fl Ft3F2 A ,•PUBLIC WAY P�RMTT"; ❑ I5 this a new residence? YE5 Nc� ❑ [7aes dema�ition work �ein� p�rfarrned r�quire th� u�e of the Right-of-Way, ea$ements vr publi[ prape�y? YES NO :� Ts any �tility wc�rk ne�ded? YES.---- N�3 :� Is t�te ciriveway being repavecl? YES NQ ❑ Is a diFferent ac��ss r�eecfed tca the site ather�h�n �3�e existing tfrir�eway? Y�S �fC� ❑ Is any draina��war�s being done that aff�ccts the Rig�t-c�f-Way, ease�nents, a�r pub9ic �r�perty? YES 4V(7 � Is a "�e�oc�ble Rig€�t-af-Way Permit"r�equir�d? Y�S I�O ❑ I�the Right-of�Way, easements �r public property to be used for st�ging, parking ar f�r��ing? YES hl� I�answer is PVo, is a �ar!king, s�agin� or Fencing plan required by Fu�tlic Wor�ks? YE5 NQ If you �nsv�rered YES t� any af these questions, a"Public Way Permit" must be abtained. "public W'ay P�rm�t"a�plir�tions m�y be ohtained �t the Pu�afic 1Nor�C`s office ar at Cornmunity C]eVelaprnent (a sarnp�e �s attached}. If yau have as�y e}�estions please call Le[artard Sando��l in Put�iic 'u^slork5 ��479-219$. I HAVE f�.EAb ASJQ AfVSV�JER'�i� ALL��iE A8t)VE QUESfI�3N5. Cv�rtractflr Srgnature Com�aany Name 3vb s�r PrajecC Name: aate Signed: F:,+eve ryonerfn rm sJbi dpe m�4 � � . � , . � u t1 ���P ��� PUB�IC WC3RK5 AND THE PUBL,IC UVkY PERMIT PR�DC�SS Ho►wP it rclatx:s to f3ui�din� �'ermEts:. � Fill out th�e attach�d check list vvith the B�rild�n Permit A licatoor�. If yes was a�nsw�rec� to ar�y c�f the �u�stio�s then a "Publ�c Way„ permit is required. `�ou can pick up �rt application at either CQmmunity �evelopm�nt, Pocated �t 75 South Frontag� R�aad or Pubd�c Works, lacated a� 13{l9 Elkhorn Dri�e. : Notic� �ign-c�fFs for utiliry �ompanies. ALL �rtilities must field �erify (lacate) res�ective utilities prior tc� si�ning a�plicatio�. 5ame uti�ity companie�s requfire up to 48 hvurs n�atice to �ch�dui� � ivca�e. � A co�struct�on traffic ca�t�olJstaging plan mus� be prepared or� a separ�te sheet af p�p�r. An appro�ed si�� plan may also be use�. This pfan will show lacation� of all traffc car�trol devi�es ���gr�s, c�nes, etc.} and t�� wc�rk znne, (area of c�nstruction, staginc�, etc.}. This .pfan wiil expire o� November 1st and will r�eed tv be resubmit�ed €ar co�sideration f�r appraval khrt�ug� th� winter. Be awar�e th�t yos�r resuk�missian ft�r wir�ter m�y be dens€�� depend�ng on the locatiar� c�f canstructian. r Sketc� of war�c being perform�d must be su6m�tted inc�icating dimensio�rs (length, width an� dep�h �f wark}. This may �e drawn 4n the tra�c eor�trol pl�r� or � site pl�n fc�r th� job, :• 5ukarnit cornpleted appii�cation to tf�� Rublic Work's affice �or re�iew. If requir�d, I�c�tes wi�l b� sc�eduled for the Tr�wn �f llai! electricians �nd irrig�tion crew. �� lacat�s take piace in th� rr�orrrirrg, but r�ay requ�re up tc� 48 hours to perfarrn, ;� The Pub�ic Wo�k's Cons�ruc.�tion Inspectr�r will review the �p�licati�n and �#�prvve or deny the perm�t. Yo� wili b� cc�n�acted as to �he status and any requirements that m�y b� needed. Most pe�'mi�s are re�eased within 48 �+vurs af being recerwe�, bs�t please al}ow up to one (1) w�ek to prac�s5. �- As s�on as th� permit is a�praved, the 8uildi�� aepartmerat vuill be nc�tified, �11c�wing the "B�ilding Permitir 'ta be re4eased. Please �#o not �t�nfi�zse the "Public Way permit" with � "B�ilding Perrr�it". • hIQTE: The a�ov�e pro�e�s is far wo�rk in a pubiic way ONLY. Pubfic Way Permits �re valid an�y until NoWern[aet' 15t�t. A �ew �"uhlic Way Permi� is required ea+�h year if wQric is not c�mplete. Re-ap�lieation ea�h Nav�emb�r 1Sth d�es nut m�an an automatic renewai. I h�rre r�ead and underst�nd th��bar►e. S�gn�ture 'ilate �igned F:/Eweryon e/Forrr�s�bld Pe�'r'n5 . . � � i� � !V�[� V� I�� DRAINAGE AN[3 CULVERT INSP�CTI�NS AR,E RE UIR�D BY P�J�LTC WORKS� �'lease re�x�i �tn�i r�eec�: nff each c�f kk��e itcros helo�v: u T�e Tawn af Va�l guil�ing De��artment has developed the folfawing procedures to ensure tha� n�w constru�tir�n sit�s h�ve a�equately establist��d proper drainage fram building sites afong and adjacent to Town af V�il r�ads or stre�ts. ❑ T�e l°o►rrn af Vail Public UV�rks Department wifl be �equired to in�pect �n� �pprave drainac�e adjacent ta Tc�wn of Va�! rc�ads or streets and the inst�ll�t�on of temporary or perma�er�t culverts at access pc�+nt� fro�m the road c�r street ont� the c�nstruction site. S�+eh appro�val mus� be obt�ined prior t� any requests far inspectican �y the Tnwn of VaEf Building Uepa��'nent Fof footir�gs, tempc�rary electric�l or any otF�er insperti��. �Iease call Leor�ar� Sandar�a! at 47�-21�� to req�aest an inspectian fram the Pubfic Works Depar�m�nt. Allc�w a minirnum of �4 h�ur not�ce. a A�so, the Town s�f V�il Pubkic Works Departm�nt wilf be apprc�ving all final drainage and c�ul�er� installation with resu(ting r�ad �atchir�g as necessary. Such apprc�va� rnust be o�ta4�e� �raor to �ny Firaal Certific�te of Qccu�pa� is�uance. Agreed ta by; Pr�nt h�ame Sign�ture Proje�ct Name: Da�e 53gned: F:1e�+�rypn�l��rrns�btdPerm6 � � . , �� d ������� i►AATERIAL 5TORAG� AND �DNSTRUCTi�N PARKiNG Please read and �heck aff each +of tt�e items ta+elow. {Copi�s Qf complete fext a�e a�aiRable upan r�.�}ues�� CQDE 5-2-1a: �EAQ�FTS OM �'Uf�LI�1NAY5 PRUHIBITED u l�nlawful depasits: Setbject to sut�sectian C thereQf, it is u�lav�rf�l for any pesson tn I"rkter, trac�C ar d�posit, or cause to be litter�cl, tra�ked or rJepasited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dir�, snvw, ice, or any ather debris or�naterial upon any �treet, si+dew�lk, all�y�r public place, or any portion thereQf. u I��tice; At7aterrrent: The [�ir�ctor c�f Public INor�CS may r�c�tFfy and reqraure any persan wt�c� v��rlates ar eauses anoth�r ta vicr�ate the pr�aisiar� �€su��ectior� A hereof, or whc� has in the [7irectt�r'� em{�ioyment a persan wh� aiolates r�r c�uses another tv �ivlate �lae same� t4p remove su�h sand, c�ra�el, racks, mud, dirt, sn�w, i�e c�r any ather debris v� material within tw�enty faur �24} haurs aFtef re�€:ipt nf said natice �Sy Che []ireCtc]r ❑f Pc�blie VVI+"vrk�. In thE event �he person sa natifie� does n�ok cr�m�ply with the natice within the perfod e�f tisne t�erern speci�ed, the f�ir�ct�r c�f Pub�ie Warks, ar rsthe� authorized ag�r�t, may cause any su�h sand� g�a��f, rca�ks, rrtud, dir�, sr�ow, ice, det�ris �r any other mat�ria� k4 be remo�ued from a�y str�et vr alley at the ex�ense af khe natif�ed. � Summ��s and �enalty: As an alternative to the noti�e fvr remav�C prc�r�ided in subsectic�n B above, any p�rson wh� violates ar c�uses ar�other tc� violat� the sarne, may t� issueci a summans ta appear befoc� the Municipal �erurt of t�e Tawr� for saed vialations, arsd upon �reing Found gu�lty af a violatic�n h�r�under be punished as pravide�d in Secti�n 1-4-1 �sf t�is cad�. J N[3�iG� clR[� Penalty: It is un#�wful �`or any persa� to �ail ar refuse �o c�mpiy with th� notice c�F the [3irect�r of f�ublic '�lorks as provided in svbsecticsr� B her��, and ar�y such persan shall, �n �dd"€tian to pay�nent vf t�s�expense af remc�val ineurred by the Dir�tar of Public Warlcs, ,�s prcrvid�d in subs�ctkan B her�eaf, upfln being #a�nd guilty of a v€olat#on here�nder, be pur�isha�le as pr�vided in S�ction 1°4-1 of this �ode. {1997 Code: Ur�dinar�cQ 6 (1979). �CbL3�S 7-3A-1 AND i-3A-3; �ARKTIYG pBSTRUCTINC,TRAF��C&IMPC}l]NUM�MT AUTHORIZE[l �� �ft� persr�n sha�l park any vehi�le �s�on a street or at any oth�r plac� within this Munici�ality in suc#� a rnanrser or s�ncfer suCh conciiti�ns as to interfere with the Fr�e rnr�r�ement of vehi�ular traffic ar proper str�et or highway rrraintenar�ce. (C3r�. Z(1958} � i) :� V�Ih�n��+er a�y pDlice nffi�er �inds a vehicle atkended or unattended, standing up�n any p�rtion oF a sCre�t or up�on any place with9n this Municipality %n such a manner 2�� Ce� cc�nsCitu[e � vialation 4f any secCic�n of�l�i�Artic�e, c�r I�f� unattended f4r a peri�d of twenty four (24) haurs of mor� and presurraed ka be abandoned under the conditians preseribed by Colorado Revis� Statutes sertior� 42-4-1102, as �rr�end�1, the flfficer s�all re�uire the �rEhicle tv be rernaved ar cause i[ to be remoWed and placed in storage gn the nearest garage vr other pl�t� of safety designatec� a� m�intained by this MunFCi�aa�ity, ar�d the c�targes for towing a�d �tarage of such vehicle ��ai! be charged to tk�e owner af th� vehiele �n addiCivn tv a t�n dr�flar($�OJ impoundrr�er�t cttarge. (Qrd, �(19�8} � 3: �rd. 28(�981} � 1} C have read and will ccrtt�ply with t�e a£�owe cade pr€�visians: __ � �Prinr N�sn� - -Si�na[ur� Pasitian a�r Relaciansllip t4 E'roject: ._ F_,. [.)ate 5i�ned: ._ _ �. �.__.. F�lcve ryflnel!'armsl6l ci�crm 7 � � r �+ �,Y �� � . � �,� l� ��u�r o� v�r� I�eparrmerrt r�f P��blic Warks �c Tra�tsparta�rc�►r . 13US�Elkhr�rn lJrive T�ai1, Cr�lor�rda SI657 970-�#?9-Z I S$/Fax: 9�fJ-�79-�1�5t5 Vai� ?QOU Sta�ing 1 �arking Plan �nfnrrn�tion T�e :���r�Y,l Park�z�� Ptan �hil�sc�n�v- Is a uc.-�ry i�rtp�rt�nt step in the building prn�.c�s. Strikir�� �. t�al�nc.e ��nveen �afe publie access �d �i��in� canstruc�lic�n pr�jje�:ts ras�m to build is becamin� in�easi��ly challen�ng, fcr us ko me�t aIi the needs c�f thnse wh� wilI ��e im}�acted hy cczs�struciia3n �roJc:cts. T}ic, fact is, there is �ess roum ta builc� in th�T�wn c�f 1lail. I�eve��pin� a creakir�e St��in� P�an i�a must. 5ta�in� in the Town �f V�i� Pul�lic Ri�t ot "��sy is a Privilc;,�e, n�at a giv�n riaht. We take intc� ac���ur�t wh�:n w�: review ��d ap�rav� stagin� / parkin� plzns, irnpact;s on nei�hborhoc�d�, to�rism, busir�ess �d the travelin� �uhlic 31ong with yn�r�i�fit tn Y�uid�i. Th� G�n�ra1' �Cn�:tr�rct�r is rc}cpc�n5ihle f€�r all SIi�7�fJf?Il'Q'C!"OPS arr�' ull �:vnsrrucrinrr uctivitv relatir��; tr� t1�e 6uilditt�,�rr�j�tt. �I�he 5ta�r�g plan will h� ernfi�rce�i accc3rtlin�; tc� tlie ?.p��rowed Set �t�Buildirzg and Sta�ic�� P�an�. Ynu ar� rer�u�red tc� kee� � cn�y r�t'the A��r�vcc� Si��in�; �'!�n on �i[�. Twc� st��in�w ,f'parl;.iny� pl4trz� arc required, a sum3ne;r and �.�vin#er. Summer s#a�iii� �lans expire c�n i'��venil�er l, and winter sxa�ir�� pfar�s �xpire �n ��ril t 5. �(�c�tc; T�t�re is nc� �n s�r�et parkin� €n the wintei• seascan and a�l rnatcri�ls, cqui�m�rtt, ecc musi lae 1(�' c��f the ec��e r�Ca�pf�alt). �n�c?rc�ment �fall sta�in� r'par�in� pian is as fc�Ilarvs. A,) �tagan�,'' Par�Cin�Pla.r�5 tn scalc;requircc�. L} C7nce th.� plan i� apgrc�Wee�, they w:ll be held to cc�rr�piet�campliance. �C') W e will use a � step and }�t��'re out, process. t� Ste� t7n�e- Vc;rl�a� and written r�rarnings as to the st��ing plan vir�latiart, ther► have ct�ntra�tc}r �z�,'n �znc� date field mema w�rnin�. Step_Twv- Pola�;e Departn�ent i�sue tickets a�id t��ws c�r pu�ol?c wc�rrks w�ites sec�nd ��rr�tten cvamin� ro all vioiat�rs w�i� have b�en ncatiti�d unuer stcp o��e a�d. ��hc� �re stil� �� .+i�3lati�?n �}f th�. approved Sta�in� 1 Pa�king 1'lan. The Tcawn of Vail Chizf Building �7t�ici�l w°iIl �all the ccsn�ractor and nvtify them, the ne�ct time ar�y vio�ati�n happens, #h,e building de�rart�nent will rec� ta� the�:onstructican sitc: �'c�r�� hours. S�fA T}lx"�'£�- I� �i��� lIl VlCl�cl�3fli1 �1�C�T StC� [WC1, a �S �t�ur Red Ta� wil� be i��ued �o the prnje�l:site. If yc�u have any Questior�s, Ple,se c.orrtact th� 'I"c��vn �f Vai1 Cc�nstrtectio�n Inspectar �t 970-�"�9-�t�� �r�1tF.f'YC.L.FnPAYER' r � � . Requirements far an Acceptable St�gin�Pi�n It gs prefera`ed tk�ai and Appra��ed Site f'lan is useci t� c�ra�r � sta�in� plan, but a hand c�r�wn plan rndy he �sec� as lc�n� as it is c�awT� tc� scal�ar�c� is neat and �egi�le. 1.} The �taging Plan must show th� f�llc�wing: (a) Show all par�ing �hat is r�c�uir�ci for th� jc�b site. ��n�luding tsanstruction equi�rnent}. �b} Shaw t�te locati+�n �f all materi�l that will b�:sta�eci c}n site. (c) Shn�v the l�catican of a�� dum�,sters and }�c�r�-c��jc�hn tliat ar�ta b�on sate. (d} If a �cncc is required. then shc�w thc: l�catic�n �f the �ence and describe t�e m€�tirial useci Fc�r the l:ence. (e) If tr�es �YC� 1 c�r ve�etatic�n is requir�d ta bc: prc�tc;ct�:e3, [t�en shc�w how thi� wil� be �c�ne. (t} If this sta�in� plan is �'c�r a Demo Permit, then sha�w sta�,rin� fc�r dum� tn.�cks and al1 relat�.d e.q��iprr�ent. If Ehc 'Town r�f Vai] Ri�3�t ❑t Way area is n�ede� for stagi«g, ttien a T�•ati-ic Contrc�� P"�an is required in �:c�njunctican ►vilh the st��`sng p8an. (�) Please�rn�ridc and si�ow an Erosion Cc�ntrc�l Pl�n, (h} I�c� equipm�nt, vehicles, materials are �ll��wed c�n Tor�rn e�f Vail Right of V4Fay in l��e. Vv'int�er Sia�ing Plai�. 2,} [�' wcsrk n�eds t�� �ceur in thc ri��at c�f way, th�n add a Traffi� Control P�an to the sta�in�plarf si�owin�th� fo�lUwin�: (a) The work z�ne (area that is to be performed) (b� Traffic Cantrol I�c�ices (warrlin�, si�;ns, canes, tla��ers, etc;.) (�c) Drstances that ail cie�iccs will be set up frc�sm the work zone. Atso shc�w a�� dimensic�ns c�t w��rk hesn� �ertorrneci in t:he ri�ht +�f w�y. All traffi� cc�citrol }�lans musi confarm tt� the M4�'I'CD manual.(Manual of Uniform Tra�'tic Cc�ntrc�l 'D�vices} ?_j This plan will be reviewed hy Publis� Wnr�:; and if T'�ecessary t��e Poiace, Fire, and Cc�mmunity Development Depar�anent. i3nce thc sta�nn� pla3n is approved, it will be rc�isicred with t�ie rle�artirtents listec� abo�c ar�d e�fcarccef. 3.) 7h� '�illa�e an� I+ic�nshead are�� have c�utside cc�nstructicrn restrictians, Ple�se bec�me f�urriliar with the Vai� ?(]OG�, Vail V�I�a�e anci Lianshe�d Canstructian IIours hartd�ut. . . �� � � � �p�rv�. � � - � �" "� �: , �� � � APPL�CATIOMN ������ #: � � � i.�� - �� I.� u � :� � � � �� !_� � w� I �+DF�TAWN C)F VA�L ;--r r� � ;� "'-= �� PUBLIC WAY PERI�lT 19 ��dg. P�rmif#.�B� ❑ �J �11 � �' � ; � "` T(11W�1(1F�� i. Jo�Neme� Strs�t Address �, I � � (If unknown call -� � E--� �--• 479-2138 ext.6j� �. Excavating Co�tractar Name Maa�ing Adciress �� 7pv Cor�tractcsr's Lac�r+se Num�er RE4lilRED � � Gity Stats �p Phor�e# �' St�rt�ete �ompletion date ` (Perrrait Ex�iratfart bate} 4. Wr�rk is fvr(ctrc�e on�� Wa#�r Sewer Gas '�i�Ctr�� T�lephone CAN La�dscapir�g l`emp. Sit�Access +ather �. 7r�nc�-width.�� Length €���th (min.4'} Totaf SF $ Tatal L� $ B�r�d Arr�out�t $ Permi� Fee TataE Pern•tit �ee �i B. AL'L MAT�RIAL, �ClUlPM�I�� AND TRAF�IC CC3 5T 8E DM TH�JD�51TE BEFC�R�TH� JOB IS STARTE�. 7. Rubber out-riggers are requir�ed on excau g t �r�w�rking an asphaft. Asp'�al#surfaces underneath ti�e buc a g 1 ot�ted at�il times. S. ?�signatur� �el�w ind':c�tes a revi �� uti1€ty locati��s a�od appror��ls. C7nce alf util�ty carrsp8�r�y signatures are obtained, permit�ee t tir��application#hrQUgh the Pubiic Works office t�s o�tain t�e neC�essary��wn af V�i1 signatures. ow u�to ons weel�tn pracess. Public Service Company {1-S(30-9�2 J Public 5ervic8 Natural Gas Gr�up (1-8£}(l-9?�-198T7 u.s. w�s���-8oa-s��-�s��) - TCI Cablevisian of th� Raekias(1-8�f}-3�2-1987} E�gl� Aiver Wat�r &Sanitatit�n [7istrict {9�0-47F-7480, �xk. 114y Haly Gros� �lectric Cc�rnpany (1-80U-922-1987) Town af Vail Eiectricians (gT0-d79-2�58) Town pf llail lrrigaTian (970-479-�358y Towvn a�Vail Public W�or�s Canstruct�an Inspector(970-479-2�98) � 9. T�iEFRE WI�L B� NC]TOTAL STRE�T CL�SI�RE51 A constructian traf�ic cantrol�lan must be appraVed by the Public Vllark� '�epartment p�io�t�issvance of the p�rmit. � 1 t3. AH exca�ation mus#b�a done by hae�d withi� 18°o#u#ilities-(S�nate Bill 172). 11. Permi�t�e must c�ntact �u��lc Works Gs�artmeM at 4?9 ���8�4 haurs n�ric�r t8 co�nmer�cir���f worCc. Failur�to n�#ify the �own wifl res�ft in forfeiture o€band m�ney. 5cheduied inspe�tians which are nc�t ready rv�ay resui4 in the Town charging the con#�'actQr a rein�pe�ti�n�ae. 12. ! ce�ti�y that 1 have read all �chapters of Trtle 8-�'+�blsc Ways arrc� Praperry, of the Vai! Mun€cipal Cac#e and aiP utility company agreements, signeci by me, �nd wi�l abide by the sarne, and that ail utilities harre b�en natified as req�air�d, Cc�r�tractar's Signatu�e af Agreement Print name elearly E�ate o#Slgn�kura Ai7°I'ACH PL..AN �O�W{]RK, l�'+ICI_UDIN�Gi CaN5T�3UC3`ifJN 7'RAFFiC C[3NTfiCfL PLAN White-Pu�a}ic VWcsrlcs �h�ow strests with nam�s, b�ildirsgs, and laca#i�r�af cuts. LIS� DASh� LIh1E5 FDR GUT. Yeitow-Con�racrar � � . r,, t �� ``�`-;. �']I�N4F�'AfL'� H�V�' �iD WE RATE WiTH YOU? fiawn o#Vai I�urvey . Cornmun�tyr �ev��apmen#De��rtrrten# l�usse�l fnr�st, Oir�ector, [970 j 47�-2'i 39 Checic a{I tha#appiies. �, Whieh De��rtmer�f(sj did y4u contact'? Building_�nvironmentar Housi�g Admin Plan�ir�g �RB PEC 2. 'Was your initial contact wi#h�ur st�€�immediafe slc�w ar nc�or�e avai��bie ? 3. If you wer��equired�c�w�t, how lang w2���t t�e�re yau were heiped? 4. �lU�your pra�ect rev��red o� a timefy basis? Yes J f�a If na, why�o#? 5. 1N'as thi�y�ur first time t��ie a �RB app PEC app �Itfg P�rmi# NIA fi. Fi�as�rat�the performanc�:af�t�staff persvn wd�u assisted yc�u: 5 4 3 2 � Name: {knowfedge, resp�nsiveness, av�il�bility� 7. Qveraf�efi��c#iveness a�tt�e Ffa�rt Serv�c�Cr��r�ter. 5 4 3 � 1 8. Wh�E is fi�e best time of�ay f+�r ygu to �r�e#��Fr�nt S�rvi�c� C�unter'? 9. Any��mmen�s yau haue which wauid �lfvw �s i� b���r�e�r�y��s neac#time? �3[ik�f0�f�1f�(iF1C��l��T4'1E�'3 CI}I'�'1������'31S S�1f1J��'. �II��� committed�n im�ro��g o�r s�rvic�. ` y1 *��,x .:" � t��vzn�r� �. :.�� � ���'��`�' L�� 1V����L �� Vail 2U�UD Vail �IillagelLic�nsh�ad Construc#ion iiaurs Prc�b�ern Sta#ement The Vail Village and Li�nshead �r� invalua�i� assets tc� the community. Thou�an�s of �eopl� c�m� ta #own e�cta year t� sf�h6see, reer��te, shap and enjoy V�il. The community �n� merchan#s refy upc�n t�� s�srnmerlwir�t�r tourisrr� ta gen�r�te r�u�enu�. Ciur summerlvuir�ter guests expecf a pieas�nt �xp�ri�nCe wf�ii� in Vai�. To ir�sure that all af the proposed cnnstruction �as as liitl� neg�tive irn�act on th� community �r�d r�n aur guest as �ossi�le, the Touvn of 11�i1 finds ii imperative #a �reat� and im�plement the Vas'I llillagelL�nnsh�ad Cc��struc#ion Ma�ter Plar�. Map� r�f the Viilage ar�d L.idnsh�ad are in�luc�ed #o sha►� are�s bf cor�struction b�ing ��fect�d by thGS plan it uvould be irresponsible �c�r th� T�wn af Vail, t�� constructian c�r�tractars and the merch�nt�, to r�c�t act�vely participa#� to mir�irr�iz� the impact �f ct�r�struct��n an the Viilag� �n�i Lit�nshead areas. Gi�rens . 7he f�ilc�win� giuens are ir�tend�+d ta provide tF�e basrc foundati�n by which ccrnstnactian +�il! be cam�al�t�d in the Vi�lage: • The pubfi�'s healt�, satety �nd welfare sl�all �e� �onc���d at all times. • Adequ�t� pedestrian, {oadingldel�very, v��icl�, and err�er�er�cy vehic��e access and circulatiQn shall be maint�inec�. • Raadways ant� ped�strian waikways shalE be ke�t c#�an ar�d fre� af dirt and d�bri�. � All construcFic�n delive�ies, epuiqm�nt, toois, mat�rial�, etc.to th� Vilfa�� rr+�,st �o tltrouctYt Cneck P��nt !Ct�a�lie. AiR �ior�s�ead Consiruction �c#i�ity must �ta the Vail Paiice �e�artmer�i f�T � park��� �ermkt. Do_no# use delive+"v zones fo��onstr�ctic�n t�arkinp refer #a a�proved sta4sr�q qlar� or m�ke c�if�er arranperner�ts fc�r parking.--- • The hocsrs c�f Dutside Canstru�#ion Acti�+ity shall be a� follavvs: - April 15 — �dune 22 i� Septem�er 8 - Nnverr�ber 15, 7 �.m. unti� 7 p.m., seven days a week. Between June 2� —Se t�mber 8 wor�C rnust end b 4:+�D .m,, Dn Fridav�, Nr�v�er�ber �5 — A{�ri� 15 wc�ric allowe� within d�yli��t hc�urs only. - aeli��ries shall be restricted a�t� the Village from � a.m. �sr�til 1�:30 a.m. an Gore Creek Dri�+e and 7 am to 8:3� am on Bridge 5treet. - 'Special delivery p�rmit� must t�e rec�uested in a�Wance, frc�m Put�lic Warks in cc�n��nctdc�n with Cc�de Enforc�ment at Checicpoint Charlie. - �la construction acti�ity shali occur c�n '�a4urr�ay or Sur�day betw�en June �4 � Sept�mt�er 4 � � • . , . - No outside co�tstruction act`r�ity sf�al[ ��ccur an th� �aflowing dates: �riday, February #8, �aturday, Februaryl9, 5�nday, Fe�ruary 2�, �nr� Monday, �ebruary 21. (P��sidents Weekenr#] Saturday> May 27, Sunday, May 28 and Monday, May 29 fMemoriai f7aY Saturday, �f�iy �. Sunday, Juiy 2, MQnday, ,1uly 3, �nd �ue�d�y, Juiy 4 [Independe�ce Qav) Friday, ,�uiy 7, �aturday, .�uiy 8 and ��unday, July 9 {yatl A�ts Festi�ai) �ionshead. Saturday, Se�tem�er 2„ Sunday. Septem�er 3. an� Mnnday, Sept�mi�er 4 (La�or�av} Frtc#ay, Septemb�er 15, S�t�rd�y, S�p��mber 1fi and Sund:�y, 5eptember �7 {October F�st) Lionsh�ad. Th�,fsday, �Jr�v�mber z3, (7hanksqiv9�� �av� �riday, �Jovember 24, Sat�rrday, IVo�er�ber 25 and Sund�y, �Voverraber�6 Friday, ❑ecem��r 22, 5aturday, Q�c�rnb�r �3. �unday. December 24, and �vlc�nday, C7�cember 25 {Christmas D�v3 7hursday, Deeerrrber�8, �reday, O�cember 29u, Satur�ay, Decem�er 3U, Sunday, �ecernber 31, and Mand�y�}anu�fy 1. 20�1 (New Ye�r 24(}1] � Th� Taw� ofi Vaii NQise Drdinance has been wa�ved by �he T'own Manac�er fram 7a.rn. — 7p.m. '�c�r cans�ructic�n activities frc�rn April 15 through J��e 2�, arid fram S�ptember 8 through f�avember 15_ T��� N[�is� flrdinanCe Sh�II b� ir� effect �nd strictly regufated frc�m .}u�e 22 thr�ugh S�ptember 5 and �oU�mber �5 to April 15, �{�Q1 • Alf cc�nsiruction sites will be required #o obtain ar� Ap�r�u�ed Cons#ruclivn-Staqinq �'4a�� frnrn t�e Town c�� Vaii Pu�iic Works Deparkment in conjunctian with Cc�de Enfar�ement. • 1"he Town of V�il reserrres t�e right #a amend the Vaii Villa�el�i�nshead �on�tructic�n Pian regulatic�ns at ar�ytime shoufd ab�ses c�r prc�bl�ms arise. �xpe�#ations Th�: fallowi�rg exp�ctatiax�s ar� es#ablis��d to ins�re the s�access af tf�e Vai3 Villagel Lionshead Constr�c�ian Master Plan: • Full and cor�np��te cc�operatian an� und�rst�nding frc�m �II p�r#�es i�u�c�l�red in the �onstruct�vr+ activ�ty in regards t� this plar�. � Strict adh�renG� and cor�rpliance vuith the requirements aut6ir�ed in the cc�nstcucti�n pl�.r�. ■ Res�ect and cQnside�ation fc�r th� affect�c� in#erests �nd pa�ies. 3f yrau ii�u� any c�ue�tion, P�ease canta�t the Taw� of Vai� Pubii� Warks C7epartmer�t �Cc�r�structior� lnspeGtvr� a�Vail Polic� Departmer�t tCode �nforc�men# Offie�r} �7(�-479�-2y 9�B 9?t3-4��-7��3 , , � � � � � ` t _. ���, �� � � f �.. �',��� � � '� ' 1-�_ [ :;' '��' � ,- ++ �, r __ _ I` .i' ,�, i^� � `,' {`'� _ — . f f '. _ � �i �' � i � �- � r 7 --R-' _ , r ,� � ''� _ -��� �}��::�.�� � �"` - � ' � # f � ;.�. ,.j� � � •� _ � __ i � , + �t i ':� �' i � . .� ;� � �a t k + � � j+ ; t � � -- I �l . � dF i' t .. } � ,k � �J � ,'�� � ` � ., �� .-�� �_•- � � � � I. r� ��� � ..� �,,; i �'-- . � +� � $ � F .`a ? ° �! j _� _ ' i T z ��y� :r I � � ,j� ... `� �' � �� � . .� ' � '- ��� F ' a � i !>�. � � �R'� r '�1 � � � ; � � � ' 'fti � _ ��� �� ��..� �� s�; � � � � _� �4� . f ,1 � � �;r.f . $ r:;�' � 'j �y CL -.� J j' �t`j' : ' � '�= � ; � ' � _ - � !+�,'. , „� z� � �i +_ � t�r . .. . � ., r.� + ��{ ` ' �' k.., � � tF --� _T ���I � ' ,r � � ; �� . � � �� �.'�� 7 F 1{' � 1 � � •: � 1_ ' ' (.;� � 'i ry � , : � s.i�i � ? i .��.f �t �� � � /..1, Y .�� � °k�.�� si1.: 4 �1---��/-- � � , _. � . f �,;.5 y � 1 - .; � t � f � f � � �{f � � . { {f I s �- '� ""�� . 4�� ( �' ,t=� �' 1 f 1� ;�i �� � x .�i � 1 ��� .—. —�_-y _ S �,.� '�s � '�..k � � ---� � �1 rr1 ��^-r .. °� � ::t � � � � ' !J �' E t. i ' � 't S.. � � �� ,� �; � : r i� 4 � �+ � ?:i t 'S . p l [ :. � � � �,f' � 't � I '. t ! • I � tf �° . 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'_ _ .- ..,. . . . .._ �. , _ -—_ _ .._ '___.. _—__-•--_�` _ — a� -��-°-q°yJ�-. � May n7 0� 12: SSp Rc�demy TanL �nd Can�as fl32312?7- �3@Q p. 3 � � � ���� af ��i��.� T � �°s ►uuo�`� {�U���i f� �aS�CO 9Y C)rta lr�ctrd ar ` ��r �� i�PLl��I� flC8t7ER1}+�E!'tt i`� �c��IVc�S rroanulsatured � w*���,�; fiQl�CFAH Nc, I�4130124t1� 5(�35 �i#fQ'ti Ave. 41 ",y� E���,4�� t*-�L19.C11 '�o�Ange��s, CA �OQ5$ �323� 277-83f� Thls fs t€�certify tfiat tl�e rrrat�rfals descr�bed ts�lnw frereal ha��t�er••ffarrre retardant tre8tecf(or are Inh�rently rronffamrrtableJ. DO!i�FULFC7RD CBURT FOR MOUM`AiN�'E1VT& EY�N1' Al7t]R�SS �'.Q.BQ7C B1Z GI7'Y EA�GLE STATE G[3 �i'IB33 .__—.—�_____ Ger�ific�rtlan Is heteby m�rde thet:�(Check ��a,�vr..b,"} �{ay '�Tre&fitICiBS tfesCrlbed belnw i{�1s certif�cate�ave�een tr�atea with a 11a�ne-ret�rd�rrt ctseml�ak L�� aPP��Bd 8�d r�glstered by t�e Stake Ffrs Marsh�rE and t��t the�ppiicatdor� of�aid ah�mlc�l was cio�e 4r�e+�ni�rrsrance wktt�the laws af the 5saie Qf C$ll�o�rtila and f�re Rules an,� R�gula- tl4ns�f t�e State��re Marshal. Hame of chemlcal us�d......................... ............,..,......... ......... C�e�i1,Rag.�10...,.............,....... MAth4�i 01�i��►�1C�ti0f"f.................................................�....,...,...........,....,...............,.�..,....,............,.. �4b) The a�Cl��es descr�t�ed beic�w hereof ace mafie fro��flaC�ie-reSfsS��st t8brfc et rnaterl8f�'8glS- � � tered arxi appraved by the St�te Flre Marsh�i for such usc;Febr4C has t�ea�testad an�i�a�sQs NF��47�1•95. '�INYL �4'19.09 Tra�ciQ n�me nf ilanne-resistars#iabrFc or rrr�aterl�l us�d ................ ...........�...... R��. �.......,,...� T�e �I�rne Ret�rdant Prvicess l�sed ..�'��'�.r���...Be Remo�r�d byVl�'�shing {win ar�r+u nas} D�vid Bradley �y Tcrn 5����ra - President� _ ---._...'�1c`1611P.f�A�11;��[Of 0��1Ch,`SI:cIICXr SL�:L:ifliEar�GC's7[�f. • _.�_� T•`@ T�lis FAa�ic was us�c�iw THE Marvu�ac������a��r��Fo��ou�in�� 7�A�ZbMK30M S�I�UCTURE Wf51DEWALL CL3f�TF�CL NO. __._ � , .r. CUST[J�►IfEr� f�RhER �JC3 . - CUSTUMER IfVVC1kGE 1N0. --f 'r'ARQS `?R f��AE'+1i17Y _ �Q��� --- STYLE __: �7AT� f'��OC�SSED _ . __-� ALL MATERIALS ARE GERTIFIE[1 BY 7�kE CALfF�RN#A S�'AT�FIRE iIAARSHAL��NQ MC��T 1`HE REC�k11R�MEN`f� +DF THE I�FPA►01 Ahl[5 UL2'i4'"" ., . ..'�"v� =y�� '�y "J},��1��'� +�.} ,� . � � -- - - -- ___ —_.._ _ _ , --. _,.`� .__..�.._.��.., --�� - �,� �a r � M -...� �._.— --��,,,,,ra ��� " . ��� - ��.����= �-��. j � �` s �� �,c� � ,-,�� � � c��. �v,�'y� �— ��� �`�� � .:'' �,�� { � , ��� -' } , � 1 � ' '� e a° � � t s` � `� � � �Y' V C N ��'' �� � � , � � C.�,��D'�+t�� L � � +4� .��� ����� J� _ .r �-�� l/ �'� � � s�,, —.� �w,c"�'`�r �` ` � [4, �.���}�.����1 ��fy� + � �� 4�kf�'��1 � C.: • �,. !1. . °� !7 ` `1 3rr � _ 4 � , , � 4 �,� ��' (��� #�, �k'�-` .•...1 ''$�� .�� �,�t�t7f �;r . �l 'h^ � � � a."�t'+',' � � '''� E� C� '� -r' r �+ Z"i 7 � � ��• ,i � ,11�J `r�N�.� l- '1 �h ... ,4�,� � �;���i,��+�� ` _ � �__..._ . �;�, ,--� � �� � � � � ��� r � �;; , Y F-�i �] �! I �4.�.1 f'" 1 � � � +� � i � ,� i 11 ? C7 �' � � �-- % • ?� �1 _ � ; � ,} � cn I� ' � 1 � � A i � r1 _� � �� � � � �� � ' �. -� � '! i `' � � �p '�4 �. t�t � � � � ��� �� ,�, j � � c�.� � � ' I �, 1_.._ � l. , � f ,� � , f� .� f�1 ���11 i � J� � �... ,. � � ---- �� .�+Y � y� � �1,� ,�� + 4 � tif 3 E 1-�� � t ' ' 'z u� f . ] �� r� � � � � �� � � ° '� � � � k �� � r� � n 9 � .�1� h.. ..'� �+ � ' 1.i . ____ ��'� -� ���j °� %N�`�� d �} . � --�----_ � ��� �d� :'� ���,��;� Q'H °�� ����;���' �� k/ . . . k�� `�.� � �.u�+�c�= ,� ,�• � � ., . � � � �`� .. �.w� w �� ��� �"3�,� � �-� ,. � � � f'�'I t�►. F,� c�'S � � �� �� � � t{�H �'� ,���, �� Q A/ � F � � � i Z � �.� �, �,� ` � '" �" ,� �. 3d� � �.�a � 1 �, ; �h� � � `�'�` �7l�'�" c� � � � � � � - � � -�-, � ,� ��:� � �o .� � - .� � _- - _ �_ �_ _ � . � � ____-__�-_-- �__ , � � � i d7 r:'s 1 �y ��4 . � � � � ! ' ,� r� , C] �' r� {"' �' "p� [7 �� � �� �� � � �} �_� �',� P� � ,�' � �� I�� � ;� + � '�� � � G� A�'�` � '�ti +r�, � y � _� . � � �� ��, � � ' � � � � ' �, '4� � � ��r� �� � , '�.� �� -. � � _ , , ��} � '��� � � `� � `��' - -�' � � � 1 � i�•., ��� �''�'� — --- _ _ ' � � _�� r q i l -�--��_ � --r �' -_ __ , ' � � Y • ` 1 �� �� �Q�V� 121�L I7eperrcn�enl nf�'ammunity 1�evel�,pmenl 7S Sauth Frc�ntage R�rad �c�il, Cnlorado 81 G57 97�-479-�138 �'.4X 474-479-2�52 wvww cr.vcriLco.us May 9, �2��1 Gary Barker Nlaunt��n T��t� and Euents aE: Marrir�tt Moun�ain Resor� 1715 West Lionshead Gr. a�ar Gary, I have reviewed your request for a� build�ng permit to install a temparary ient #or the summer m�nth� �from 511 QIQ1 tv �0101I01 y. Unfortunately, I am una�le ta �ppr�u� the req�est at this time. According to Title 1� �f#h�Town C�de: SEAS�7IVA+� USE �71�S�RUCTURE:R �emparary cav�ring�recte�d ov�r�a recrea�ionaJ amenity, s�rch as a swimmir�g,�vo!c�r t�r+nis crurt, fnr fhe�purpase of expar+d�ng their use into �he cvld r�veather monf�rs. S�rch seasonal eavers rraay r+of be r,n plac� €or mare tharr severr (7}conse�e�rive m�+nfhs c�f any twelve�'�2) marrfh period. For�he,purposes c�f this TiCle, a seasonaf us� c3r strr�cfUre shall,�ot canstitU�e site ca�verage arrd shalf nc�t 6e suh�ect[c�buiPdrrrg bulk cantrol standarr�s. Any seasanal use or stru�fure shafJ require a corrdi�ivrraf trse permif irr ac�vrd wi[h Chap��r 16 af thrs Trtle. Therefo��, the installatifln c�f a t��t for 5 manths requires a corrdit�onal use permit, ir� accordane�wit� 5�ction t 2-16 of the Town Code. 7h� next �ianning and �nviranment�f Cr�mmiss�on meeting is scheduied for June 11, �OU1. To be on this ag�enda, the a�p�ic�tian for the canditior�al use permit must k�e received by the Department of Community De�elopment n� I�ter tFcar� noon on �vvlay 14, 20�Q1. I have enclvsed the appli��tia�n and subrr�ittaf requirements. Shor�id you h�v� any quesii�ns, pEease eia not hesitate ta cont�ct me at 97(�-479-2369. Sinc�rely, <, � �'� �� �". � ,�liison Q�chs P�ann�r EI Town �f Vail �� It�'t:'Yf:L,E�PJfAYLs'H _ _ _. ._.., .a;�„�,�;�,,..; ,.,�r.� + -.. � , � s � � , � �evis�� 9 � 9�. f / DRB 1�:PP'L�CATJCL7N — TflWti �F VAII,, CC}L�I�.L7,Q ,; , � �� ,� . ,. i ,� �'�'�l'� . D,�.�"E APPLICATxaN REC�IVEI�: DA'�E �F �RI3 M��T'�NG: . ��r�****�*� TI3IS APPLTCATI+QN WILL NC3T SE �CCEPTED [3NTII. ALL R��U�I�D IN��FtM11TI{7�i IS SL]BM�TTED . ��t*�t�r�r***� Z. PROJ��CT IN�'C}Ri�i��.'IC1IV: . �. � a�sG�z���a�: �-���'_�`_�c,�rt,.� ��`'��"��'-"CP- +�T �4 _ B. m��� ar z��r��w: `z��,�r New Cans'�rucLian 4$200 . 0�) °� M�nor 1�l�cz�ta�n {$�� . 00� Additz�n ��5� . 44) Cc�ncep�ual Rc�riew 4��) C. ADDRE,S�: � �4.� � � , ��� 'al�''� '�! � D . LEGAL DES�R�PTZC7I�: �cat B1.ock �uk�division I� prop�rty as �lescribed by a me�'�s and bc�unds ].�g�� des�cri��.�an, p1��s� provide on �: s���arate s ae�t an� at�.ach to thi� ��plic�txan. • E. ��NING: F. LO'T ��A; �� requir�d, �p�licant mua� p:c�v%de a curr�nt starnp�d su�v�y sh�winc� 1�ot �,rea. G. N�M E �}� �P P L T C�N T:_4�.���1�='�=-��`� ' ` 'L��•1;;`�-��.���i IJ,� � Mailin� ,�,ddre.�s : T-� �' �' -, -� .`.. _� �.►�� C..�� �-,�,-� �non� .�� - `� � H, NAME (7L` APPLTC,A�N�`r S �EP:�5��ITA.TIV'E: �::�r�=�L d L.'�, Mail�nc� Addr�ss :�~��� . y 1 . #"' " °� r��-�-' '-+�L:� - :'.!iL���, P hC>.Ch� r T. NAt�lE� C7F OWI�IERS : `J��� C_.�'-� _f . _ -��''�%�' �a a v�,.,_. , *S T Gl'��TURE �(S) ;�- ,;r.!-� � l��ti3�.ng Address . ���, '��- " � "� . �f���- �r�� �hone J. Cvndomi.nium App�rval if a�plicabTe, .. � i�. �RH FE�. DR� f�ES, �s shQ�n above, a:.e to be paid G.� the �ime �s�' submi��al o�' aKB ap�lic�tian, Lat�r, �1��,��, applying fc�� a buildi.nc� ��rmit, �le�s� identify the 2�ccurat� valuatir�n nf' the prvposal . Tk�� Town vf V��1 w�.3.�. adjus� th� fc� �,�caxr�ing ta �he 'tabl� b�lvw� �� ensur� th� car'rec� �ee �s pa5.d. °.• '��1 ' C� �' PE� P.��D; � ��E scx�DVr,r: ��]]y� I1'�1Trt7'�� �'[.Y C����� � �� �� ;■!`M'�U���4,7..�,JLY �LL �� ' s o � � �.a, �o o � z o . a a �-�-- $ 7.�� �07� — $ S0, 0{�D $ .5� . �a . $ 50, (3�1 — $ 15�, C1�0 $1dQ . �0 � �""���� $15�, D�I -- $ 5f}U, DQO $2QQ . 00 � $50�, �(�1 — $3., �fJ�Q� f�(}D $4[3(7 .00 � �3vex $1, ��U� CJQ4 $,�C3a . 40 ' * .�]ESS�GN RE'3TS�W k3C3� �'PRf7V'.�,L EXPIRES (�rl� YE,� AF�'EIt FZt�I1�L APP�OVA,�. L3T�LESS A ,B[3ILD�NG PERMIT TS TS�SUED ,AN� C{3�TST�UCTTC}N Z5 ST.i�TEp, **NC7 APPL�CATTDN YTII.L B� �'�.Q���SEI3 W.T.TH{7UT CJWl�l'�R` 5 S7CGNAT[I�E 1 � - ST OF MATERIALS � ` �y . � �' � . .�� � NAME 47F FRC}JECm: �-�11�?1,���:;t� ��M.�-��-`l LEGAL QESCRTPTIaN: LC3T HLC}CK SL]BDIVISIQ�i STREET AtJDEtESS: ��1`� '1�� __l�'.���J.`�4 ���Es�_> ��1���.'-k=-.�' n�sc�z�x�orr vF ��v�cT: ���.�.�" -���r���T��' 1�' t-�.�' Er� ��C� i t��� � k-�-" �� '�� >� '`'' _ i� �- �_ — _i-'�h.il L&7� The fc�l�awing a.nformatian is r�qv�.r�d fo�° submittal t� th+e Desiqn Review Saard before a final approva�. car� be gi�'en: A. BU�LDING MA�'�RIALS: TYPE �F 1�TERIAL COLC}f� Roo� Sidir�g �3th�r Wall Materials Fas�ia Sc�ff its Windaws W"ii�d�w Trim Doars Daor Trirn Hand vr D�ck Rails Flues F3a�h�ngs Chim�eys Trash Enclosua�es Gx-eenhv�uses Other B. �ANDSCAPZNG: Nam� c�f besigner: �=���k.-tit� f � ��`• � ° �� "�;���s�Lt;,� Phone: -- -��`I � i� PLF�,24I`T MATERIAL�: Bptanica� Nam� Comm�n �T�me Quantit�r 5�., '� FFt{�PDSE�I TREES � ��� �` ��a€-�'� EX�STIING TREES TO �` ��!'��� -��� �'��� � �`3E Ft�MOVED �' '. , ��`i,�.�;1;�3 i�L:�- .�] � �'�:.� *Indica�e ca�iper f€�r dec.�duc�us tr�ees . Min�.mum cali�er far deciduc�us trees is 2 inches . Indicate height for caniferv�s trees. Minimum hei �at for CflP77.f8��US trees is 6 i�eet . f� � � ,� ���s � � `,r��, r° �- � -�� � . „ a. La111.1 -.a.i• r+�..� . uv�ra��i+..u.�. i�ta��i4 4� � lx lti�yk141-L' '7�i[i13L.LL �71GR�'”' PFtOPOS�D SHR� � ' . �}��STITdG �I�RUBS TD BE REM04'ED *Tndicate siz� vf proposed shrubs. Minimum �ize c�f shrubs is ,�5 cr a 11+q n . Tv�� SQuare Fc�a�aqe G€�OUND Ct7VERS SDI7 SEED TYPE �F IRRI�ATIDN TYPE QR METHb� OF �RC?5�4�� C�NTRQL , C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTTNG: 2f ext�rivr Iightirtg is prcapos2d, ple�s� shc�w the number vf fixtures an�i lvcatacsns �r� a se�arate light�.ng plan. Identi�y each fixture �rom the lighting plan on �he list below and provide the wat�ag�, height abvve gra�le and type of �ight prrp�sed. D. OTHER 7..►�NDSCAPE FE,�TLIk�ES 4retai�iz�g walls, tenees, swimming p��aJ.s f etc . k Please sp�cify. Inr3i�ate heights of retaining w�31s . Maxim�m heigh� vt wa�ls with�.n th� frant setback �.s 3 feet . Maximt�m he�.ght c�� wall� el5ewhere on �h� prc�perty is 6 �eet . 8 . . - � � � , . LITY LdCATIflN Z7ERIFI�ATI ' svs�i��s�or� �-�.���;��='� �-t:��--F� �:� ��1� . _ _ J48 NAME �� LC3T BL�CK FI�ING I�DRESS �� � �. ` ��°a - - The lacation and a�ailability c�f utilities, wheth�r th�y be mair, trunk lines or propc�sed lir�es, must }�e approved and verified by the �allowing �tilitzes for thc accor�ganying site plan. Au�harized 5i nature Date U. S. V�est Commsni�atians i—sao—�2z��.�a-� ���—�e�o o� ���—���o Pu�lic 5erv�.ce �c�mpany 94�-578�1 Gary Hall Hp�y Crc»s Electric Assoc . 949-5892 Ted Husky/�Ii�ha�l Lave�ty Heritage Cablevision T,V. 99�-553tJ Stev� Hiatt � Upper E�gle Val?e� Wat�ar & San�.'tation District * 476-748C} • Fred Has�.�ee IVaTE: 1 . This form is to verify service a�railability and lc�catz�n . This should be used in conjunction with preparing a uta�lity plan an�3 s�l�eduling a.nstallatiens , � . For �ny new �anstxuctian proposal, the applica�t must prc�vide a cam:gl�ted util�ty �erification farm. 3 . If a u�ility cdmpany has �ancerns with the propased constructirr�, the utility rega�esentative should not� tiirectly r�n the utilit� verifi.cati�n fo�m that �her� is a problem whi�h n�eds to �� r�s4lved. If the is�ue is re�a�.�.vely complicated, %t should b� �pel�ed aut in detail in an attached J�etter tc� the Tawn o� Vail . However, pl.ease k�ep in mfnd that �t is th� respc�r►sib.i�.�.ty af the utility comp�ny an� own�r tv r��calve id�ntified prabl�ms . rv 9 . T� the utility ue�ific�tio� frsrm has signatures fr�m each of �h� utility cvmpaz�ies, and na cc��nments are made directly c�n the for�, the Town wil�. pres�tme th�t there are no prohlems and tha� th� development can proceed. 5 . The�e veri�ications d� not reli�ve the con�ract�r of his resp�nsi}�ility to ol�tain a street cut permit frc�m �.he Town of �Tail, Department of Public Wc�rks and tr� obtain utilitv �o�ations befQre dicrc�in� in any public ric�ht-af-way or ea.sem�nt in the Town c�f Vail . A buildin ermit i� nrt a �tre�et ��:� r�ermit . A stz-ee�. �ut permit must be nbtain�d s�parately , * P��ase bring a sit� p] anF floor plan, and ele`vatit�ns when obta�ning Upper Eagle Valley Wat�r & Sanitation s�gnatures . Fire flow needs must �e addressed. � � � � . . , •. � � f993 DESlGN RJEYfFW BQAI4D � submlttar�eadNnes and Meerrny pates S�brnit#af aeadline Meetinq Date - �ecember 7' ��992} . , ,�an�rary 6 D�cember 2� ��9��} � January �� � January 11 � Fe�ruary� 3 � �lanuary 25 , Fe�ruary #7 February 8 . March � F��iruary 22 M��'c'� 17 March 1� AprEl 7 Marcn 29 April 23 April �2 May �5 April 2� May 1� May �{} June 2 May 24 J�ne �6 June �4 Js�ly 7 June 28 J�rly 2i Jufy i2 Aur�us# 4 �uly 2� August 18 Acrgust 9 Se�tember 1 Auc�ust �3 September 15 _ Sepfember i 3 act�t�er � September 27 C)cto�er 20 �7ctober i 9 Na�ember 3 �ctober �� No�rember 17 November 8� f�ecember 1 f��avemb�r 2� December 15 Dec�mber i3 ��994� January 5 , D�cember �7 Janua�r �9 , Canceptraaf R�vi�ws wi[l be sched�aled if th+e re�uest is submst�ed at least i0 days prior to the ra�eeting dat�. . ' Al! a��iications must �� �vmplete, Ar�y fncannp[ete applicatian wi11 �e returned tv #he, a�piicarz� and wiN nv� be sc�edvCed !or review. •• ��[�Square Foot ('aR�A additi�an a�plications and sign var�ance request5 vrill be t�eard�.t the 2�rd meetir�g dat� a�t�r the submitt�! d�adl,ne. As afi Jan 1�91, th�re wiit na iong�r be a�Ra meeting held c�n the fifth Wedr�esday of th� m�nth. � _ _ . , , � � . ��4 � �'� �►� `'i 7"4iI�J 4�`Y�4IL �' 7S So�tt�r iFrt�ntage $oud Depart�ncnt o�Canc�ttunity Develapment �nil, Calorado 81bS7 3�3-479-2i381�T9-��39 « �� �M� � �� � a�� �°�� 4�r.���1� - �I'�,�' ,��1�'�+d� . ,�'i�r ��''�'-- �/�✓� � ,�.r� �►rr . �'�� �+�+r��: CQMMUNITY DEVEL[�PM�MT FAX PFi�'3NE TRA SMITTAL SFiEET ��� �� � d�'�"� �,,�,�„'r ��r��►,,,,f� . rca: r�"`�r�'` �` C�MP►�NY NAME: FAX PH+dNE NLI�'IBER: F�o�: � t�►'�' [��4TE: � � � TfM�: # C�� RACES IN DJCllMENT(Sj �NC)T` INCL#JDIN� CC1V�R SHEET}: I�ESPC7NS� REQUIR��7? � S�NT BY: T(�WN C�F VAIL FAX PHONE I�UfV16ER; 3a3 479-2452 T�WN C?F VAfL COMMU'��TY [7EVEL�P�Vi�NT 'PHJNE �JUMBE ' �63 479-2�38 SP'�C1A� �1C77ES: '�� ,,�'��s� 4� ��`+���`�� /�` �,�M/,�' t� . �/iv�i /ri�s�` � �,� �,��►�s.w , ,�s. ��� �r7',y ��►��"�. ��'��` /�-�` � � � } � 1 �I! r � 1 � �� � , � 1� ��' ♦ ♦ ' �/, �`� � # � � �� . � ���. . � � I I� s � � ► . # �' � , �i �� ;�� � 4 � � " ��, �. � , � - �.:.,l1w�w; 'k. „ 'i � � ! �� �► ; � � ► �, i �: � t+ � ',�� ,� `� , � � ► 5 + � � ' � ;, - - ' � ! � � ;��+ t '�, �. i ;�:��. . , �� � � � i�; ;� ' � �r~ ' � � � I► -- �► . �-- � � � sj . 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" � � �"O � � West 22. 92 feet : thBnce South 22 ° DO ' f0 " Eost f09. 9B feet: thence :�' _- , G�� � R /� / . . � � . _ . .� .. . . . � „ � � , ' . � . ..:: . - ' �� , ` � �` . � � I W ' �� . - - � � . . > . . , . , � , . - T ` , �i m `" , . - .o - � O � North, E7° 59 'S0 `� Eost 22 . 92 feet : thence South 22 ° GO ' 70 ' Eost 20. 54 ,. � . . � . _ . - ' ,. . :- ' . . . . � . . . � � . . .- . : t ' - ' , ' ` _r _ . �: :�` .' .. � . . . - -, 1 �71 - � ' . . . . � , . . � . � , . G � , �� , a ____ . - _ , _ - � �� feet; thence S�uth 2 °56 'S7 ° East i3G 76 feet � to the Southeost . . . - , _ . . . . --: , .. : . . - - . : -, '. . . . � . . .� . � .. � . . :.". . , , �.;.. . . � - . . , , � � : Q � � . x `5'.��, , `` � y � `� � - ' a _ . .. �. .�` �� � � corner of sc�:d Lot 4 , Block 7 : thence olo�g the` South Boundory . � ._ - .. - .� . � . - _ � � �:: � - . , . . . . , . -. � :. , . . - . . . - . . ' -:- � , � .. � :i� " ` , . ; . . : . :: ,.. ' ., ' . - _ . owing 3 co�rses: � ` - � � rl . .. _ � � � U_ _-_ 3 . ,. � -. ' . ., .: � �-L � cc'-, � � L ine of soid �L�ot 4� � tne fo / l . � . . .. ' :: � � . ... ._ �.. �' , . . , , ; �... . : , - _ �� � . . � � _ . . - ,_ .. -� . . ,. .� r '- ' .Q � 6 U �i � , � - � - � � � -� , - . - .- , �,' . - , -_ ' ' .: . . . - � Q % p, ' . . . . � . . - . . - . . :.. . . . '. - .: ' :� . . . ;: �: . . . . :' ' . , : . . � : . :� ,. . ..- -� . . . ' �...� ti � S�i_.. _ , . ' � Q � �� `o . � 1� . � (21 South �6 °�4 �00 " West � 135064{teet ; - . - � . : .. . . -�'�. : � � . - � . . . , . �'.: � .. . � . . , . , ( 0��� , , � � . . � -. : . -, , < • . . - -�-� . : . ��.. . - . 1 �= � _ �'� � � �� � � � 31 South - 66 ° 24 '�00 " West 72. 29 feet to the � Point - of Beginning. , . . . . . _ . .- ; . . . _ , . .( � . - - . . � .} � . . . : . . .' . � � , _ ` . .. . � � \ � . _- Q �" � - . � �. � � � . . . . � . .... � � • � ,- : ' . � ' . . -. .. . , - ..,, . . 'i , ., � . ; . , ., , ' . ,, . . ` _ v _ r Q� �, �. Z . . � � n � �. . � � � ' � � . � �O �t � � - � $- 2 � � ' `: ` �� m � � �'� I l f � � n,sork�C odae Condomm �um � � , . , . - . - , „ , qc ' ' ` / � � . 6 � � - � 1 � t� t 1� I � n _ � - -�� � n - �� T e � � - _ . .�.,. z, . . � -. _ . -� - -. . . . . �,.. . ' '� . .. . �. • . -;�. . ,,:: ; . .. . ,. . � .. . . �p 1 , . � � � � --.- � r� �: < `. �.. . v � C,n1 � Z A po�t of Lots 4 � ond ; . Block 1 . Voi //L .ionshead� 7hird Fi✓ ing , ; ' . �,. . � . � � : . � � . - �� . � : - . � .. . � . , ::. ' , ..: , . .� s . - ,. �.. . . . . .- - - . P�AS.E II � ,-, .�1 � -� Town of Vo / l , Eogle County . Colorado, mo�e porticule� ly described - . ; ., . . . . ., � . , :r ; . . : .: . '.. . . .-. �, . . � �- _ _ � - ° o � O5 fo1 / owS: - . ' _ � � � I� cQV2f . . . , - - . `. . .. � . , . - . . ��. . , �.. , . . ,:. . . � _ - -- . _ - ' _ . _ - - � 5 �< p Z ' ' P� � ° Z� L � � � ,` � , o O ' � ��� - - � � . . . - � - � � � � - ' � . C � i\, ?� O� i , / � � . � � (v � - ,� ' � 0 9eginning or the No� thwesi con�er of soid Lot 7 . thence . . . . . . . ---.� � , � . . " • .. - .:� . . . ', __ ,; . •' > . . - � . .�. . . . : , . ' . .�.� . . �� . �: � �. .. . ., . , : : . �;,� � � � . - G� � � � �� . • � ! -- R VE � . , � : P . � Q •� �,d � 22 ° CO ' 70 " c 47 . 6�7 feet : thence a 83 ° 25 ' 45 ' E 75. 50 feet : thence � RESOR T COMPL EX � � 1 , .- �� � � � . . . . - '� . .. �`... � . . . , �.. .: � . �.. . . :: . ' '-. ��� . . ��. -�. . . � � pSPHALr � � .. _ , � � \� � 5 6° 34 ' 75 " E 79. 3 fe° t : thence N 83 ° 25 ' 45 " E 9. 7 �feet: thence � ; ; , _ _ . � � , 9 " b -�-� , , . : , ., _ - , � ° �t- �s'3 2 2 � , � __ _ _ - - � . . . , t � . � ., �'� , � S "6�° 39 ' 15 E 27 9 feet ; thence /d 83 ° 25 ' 45 ` c 29. 1 feet : thence - _ �.. . . . - � . . . . , .., .. . '• -:.. , ° � ' . . , � . � � • - $�z26- � - - � , . - � . 8 . �' � 9 . 4 �F' O 5 c" '34 ' >5 ° � E 79 40 feet ' � -thence S 83 ° 25 ., 45 ` W 15 96 feet • to o� Poin , -• �r . . . � � .. . . � ' _. � i . - . . : � / � , � , . . �.,, . :O :::R � `. � . � . . �/��� �i i � � s. 4 ,.ond 7: thence 5 67° 59 ' S0�„ - w � , . - .._ , . , - � . .. - . . . ' �. ..r. ' . - . _ _ ot ne co�no o so d L t . :--. . � .. - - . . . . .. _. . . - E . . . � m . , -� on the L � I ! n t i o- �� . . , ;: � . . . � � � ' " . . � �.: • � '.. � . . � L . .� . � `'. � ... `�': ;"ON£ . PAUeD :. � . 55 � y . , , � � " ` ,4 . feet • � thence S 22 ° 00 ' 70 E t:09. 9B feet : thence N 67 °09 " 50 " - . �< � . .: . . � . . - .. , � . ; _ __.- . , ., S � p . , ., . .: . .. .:�. � � �� •.� , . - � , � ! . � __'' . � � . , Errr4r -- ya . a �' _ - ,; „ � _ _ - �� , : g � �, . ._„!--' ' � ., . ._.. 23 • Z � �La � , �`�' � � � 22 92 feet to o. point � en the Lot line comnon to 'said Lots 4 ond �� � . Rnr� ANV ���" r �� . � � �,� � CG�CR� rE �aLK . . . . . .. _ . \' °' '-- .. . ` � . ". "' � k0��Y5 / .. .. ' ? : thence 5 22 ° 00 ' lG ' E 20. 59 feef along rhe Lot ! ;ne com�n to . . � . � EN'nxYTO � � �� � . �� _�.. . ; . . .,. . . _ � " �. � _��. -- NO PLAN�7ER . � a�, �o - '� :: �ANO WAL '� �AY - sold Lots 4 ond 7. to th= Soutn Corner � of said� Lot ..i, 8 / ock 1 : ,- • . � - � . NEW BUI�-� f o , - � i ' ' AL L A . .. ' �- � r ' n E .T.y�.-. 'n� : _'�_ . . . _ . "-- , f . .� - � i.. � - '� 7 ? 8 - �.i_ E ,_. , , _ R� rar,ti-iNC w , - - _ , _ _ _ t . , e . . .. . C� � 4 . i - i . . � �...�� . .: ; - � . '� � � � ROCK ... 756 . 0 � , .^ "' �> � .. , �'� "^� 41 . 2 � � . 6 i-. C77NCR -. . � '. . ,,. . - MENT o - E . / Qj� thence /d 40 ° OC '0�. :, E 985 88 feef � along the Southeos ei ly Lot /n .. �� _ .. . .- �`. . ,; . . �_..\ �� .�., .. ., . _. � " .' . TO.. .- - .: : , , . ,,. ' . . _ . . ' ��_ ,- . ,`; . � -. . .. . __. , ,: --- - _.. � - _. - CrRICAL EAS£ y, p � � of ,, oid Lot 7, to o Da,'nt on fhe Westeriy Right of woy line of � , /�/-� _ � � � 9 , . .0� � i . ..�- , ... � - .. - , . ;. ... . . . � - � . , \, __ _."_. _ _, , NJLY �aC55 cLE „ _ - � . ., � . , /, � ° Lior.s,7eod Ploce : thenc� olong .sr7id Riyht -of-way ond� olong the mest _ � . . �{ � � 7 . � . (�- i . �- , ..' . . - � 'G_ ; , , , � - �,. -� �: _ � � y � ��-`�� �, `. . �, �n � Eoster /y Lof line of sold Lat 7 the follaw� ng 3 cou�sesr ri / - / � . . � - � � l" . `- �� . . ;v._ 1 . 4 ,. . . � . _ `%' . , . � g f . �( y _-- ---�� � - v , � J � . -� "� i ✓ `� ' 9 30 feet along ths aro of o 1J0. 00 fcot Radius curve to the Fi h . - � , �-- - � �` � / � , � _ 3�wr2 . 00 . � , - - � . a � � � �� / ��� � ���-�� _ , _ . r ``� �� � � whose centi'a ; pngle is 3 % ° 05 � 17 " Ond wnooe / ong chOrd bea�s � � , �� � � - , 'r- _., �o ��NC �� �� . "�� 4,��"0/ ��' � .. . N 72 ° 34 ' 09 " Y/ i'0. 06 feet t� o po ;nt of Reve�se cur' ✓e : ! 2J 83 . 5 ? 929 • � ' � � . . � -._.. � �-•: L - .�•�' w . � �. 8 • 5 m r. .o\\ ��` a = � � . c d -1, Z�' . �1 . p� • �� - fee along the orc of a 7 ; 1 . 00 foct Radius cu ve to t�be left n � � - - -, \ ' m 6 . 6 ` � � �, - " _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CO�%F�R�i'✓C� �'E TER , � �. - � o . � �� ^ � � � ' � . �' � � i'� ^ vih�se Ce� tr ei ongie ! s ?B ° �JO ' 00 " and wros2 / ong �hord Ceors . . . . . _ � . .....: . � _-..-. � � ' _ ' ''--�$��:3 � 1�'� � c� � . � -��- �--.__._ o . I� .z,., � . . R M . . �'�� L �P� �� . /J 8 ° 00 ' 00 '" W 82 . 74 feet to � Point of�co��und�c�rvehe Left whose _-- � A � . ..•., ��z � , > _.- � �". � -.- _.� a n � �. � �1- l�� � -_ � - ��-. _� _ `', �� . -� �,' /'� � Csntrol �o�g�e� l��B'�77 C2� a0df�hose� / on� �horC beors N 65 ` OB �3 > " �' � P . ' gA � 3 " ` � � 2s • 2 I�. . \'tmn ,. �.` n' - _.;_ , y° � .. , `J-� � � .. 2 � - _ , . , - . - , . _ . . . g ,_ , , ., � � .s � .;p / <�� \c� 20 57 feA + to o poMt ^f Reve�se curve olso be / ng a p�lnt on tne , � �.o i - ! B � � o Q �/ / ' + i r; F , . � �'� �_ , . �, a.,v, �, � � ., ' � f 4`1"-� Sou her , y R ; g, t o woy � ne oF West Lio� sheod C % �c / e ' thence olvn � 2 �p �. i . � , --- - v„r" c� � = . - -b ,h � � , rhe Souther' ly Right-of- way l ;ne ef West L lonshead Circle and fhe , , � � � � - ., �� � , Q` +� , � a , = ��� . .' � � .. N `�"'i� � �� n . :. '� �� �, : _` �� : .'� . a:� / _ . most PJO,� the� !y Lot / ine or" soid Lot i t,he fcilcwing . 3 courses; � 7i � - � `�v �"� Q � . ' Q ;' - �" �� � .• � ?�, �� ,(� � � 7 � . 32 feet oiong tna orc of o 525 . OL� foot Rodius cur ve to the � ight � � 4��' ' � � � . � Q - � a _ . . i � .. � �,, <" r� �' � . ' whose Cer, tr-al ongle is 7° 47 '0= " ond .whose Long cho�d beor's � A � � � _ ' � • � _ __ _ ��� -_ � o � = 5 75 " 36 �29 �� W 71 . 27 feet fo a point cf Compound cu� ve : (? 1 46. 47 � �'' �� O !'� � - . �.'" -o � � � feet along the o�c of o 200. 00 foat Roa�us curve to the � c %ght wrcee F -��-� o � � _ . °' � � � o� '� � " � � � �, � ��O- �� � - � - � � Q � �/��� ' � Centrc� l angle is 13 ° 78 �51 " ono whose Long chord beors 5 80 09 �26 ' , -- " � � � ° -- _- -, � �'�c -: _,�, � � � � � W 46. 37 feet to a point of Reve�se cur' ve : r3l 70 . 00 feef a / n� � � �` t^ � `^'"' � � \ ' - �� �''�/ �� the or�c of o 239. 00 foot Radlus cu� ve to the left �ihose Cer, rroi � ���� � � � . . . - � ' �, � , '� ,� �� 4 • � " � � �O,� � _ � ong ! e is 16 ° 46 �52 �� and whose Long cho�d beo�s 5 89 °25 �26 "� w c9 . 75 � � . � ��, . ' � � � e • � - , f`J feet t� the point of Beginning contu /ning 4p , 039 . 6a square teet or , - � , � _ '.. � . . ��. ; , , p1 . 8 ' .� � � _ � - / 0. 9792 ac�es more or � �ss . . � � •, �, O . � r � � _ � - , � - � � � P,4 RK I �lG S TNC� ! TU�-r'E � � � . 6 � �, � �, w � � � -, 1 � >; � „ , - , _ _ . ,� ' � , ;� ;. . _ . - - , � - : \ . � \ . ` \ N � . .,, Q � " �. �� . .. �� �° % ---- . , . . � .. , � _ ` f . . U LEGAL DESCR(PTION O O � .,. � . -- - � , i . . _ , . T �. '� - � - \ -1 . � � � . . . . . . . . � � � . Ci�e � , _ . A _ �� � _ Por`Ce f > \ ' s , � m � ___ 38 . 3 � - �i L �; � ;. ^ � - . . ���� ( � � • 5 PHASC I1 ,�-IGDI TIO �.-- ;� ' - ' ---- :-' �� �-� - , �� � � - CONGOM/ro/(!M LODGE UNII , iHE MARK/LOOGE. . ? accGrdOnCe w� th � � Y � � � { � � . . o J " � " � I . b . .. - ,, , ,- Q __-oa-S.��...��_ .'.�' . . . _ t,. \- � . . Oec / c�ailon o . Condomi� ;�ms far ;he Mork2odge �ecorded Mor�h 27, �^ , � - � - � \ ,. � � � _ _ � i . � � r � � 7974 in Bcok 233 ot Pa e 870 ond the �A�nded Declo�-otion of . . N V � - � � ������ � � �� . . � � T � . � � , }� - � ��,F2�,�..�� . _� � . , �` 'o , CondOmin 'um fo� the hlor'k/Lodge recorded October 77 . 7978 in Bo�k � �'� � � ' � Q " � " ' . �. � L,� � . 276 ot Poge 606 as Reception No. 173076 . and Amendafents recerded � \ -7 -� IJ p; RE . 3 ' �� _ � ' / qo • - ,-C � � \ Januory 2° . 7975 ;n Book 239 at Po�e 467. Morch 6 . 7975 In BooR 236 - � � D ° ` -r Fl { �i � � ' � %' Ai • , - � - � - -, --t � � -� , �� �°� �. . � �_�� � �r Foge 876, anv Mar �I: 2?, 19i57 f�� Booit 19�- _' t Po92 394 ��� � �, `s � :� 4 � �� � � � � � " � o, � � �ONGRETE WA` �' ' ,; � _ . � � � � _ �V� • � ���lQ I lV T� R ✓Q L = � F�� � Recep t i on Nc. 7 79750• �nd the Condomi n - um Mop foi the Ma�k/L odge I ' i i _ _ � 2 8 A � � �� , ' . � �--L1 ' I .� � � rsco�ded Morcn� 27. 7979 /n Book 233 ot Page 930 � os Recepti �n Nc . _ _.. ' �:. �`,..� , . . . � � ,�,• "'' � � ° - � - . - � � 39. 6 � 8 ' � � _ � , �� ��`, � , \ � � 729B30 ond the Amended Plat of the Slte Rion for the Mork/LOdge � � � ' � � � � / - 'S 607 Re t o No � -� � � (jNCPETc . SYALK j. - __ - _ ' I . _ , . . . _ . . P . . . . II . ( \ � . _ _ }..__-. " � ��-` - , � � � �. . . �NDSCA? /NG :����; � � .. � . ( . . I `. I r es 7 � 3077, Cou y of 9 e . - Stote of . lorodo. . - - . -�. ' SURV YOR S CEfl71F CA i c 7 � p 75 ; n � � � �_ record d E ' ! - � _ .. \ ` </ _ � ` C I . W \^ � o �', NMC Aceuislt � ons . Inc- . HMC A�cpulsit on Propert ' . Inc• . Nost Parce�le2 a ctoher 7978 in Book cit Paoe as ce � , ` nt Ea l Co �v . . . . . \�� � .. .` . , � - -- .. -- -- -- J � ,� i . �--U .. � i ` Marrlott CorPOrotion . C % tibank . N. A . . C�edit Lyonnals . Nationol � � � � � , : . ; ,. . j � -•, .� � � � � Westminster Bank Plc . 7he Bonk of Novo Scotio, The ` %�st Notionol THE MARX kE50R7 ANO � TENH'! 5 CLUB (A CO.NDOMINIUM: , in accvrdonce wi `� � . _ _ � � . . e ,� . � :-:�r - �-; . � ;� �� , . Q� U . I � �, �.. � �'�� Bonk or Ch /cago. Bonkers Trust Compony , ond Com�nonwealth Land Title the Condom%nium Dec <o�ati�on �eco�ded Ma�ch 14 . 1980 in Book 300 ot � - . - � . �;� . • .� -. . , � ., . . '-�--� . � � � �� , -I � . .. 5 G� .. � n\ � y '•,,- Msu�once Compony togetne� with th,eir respect � ve successors ond/o� po9e 783 os Recept %�or, No. f96572 ond nhe Condominium Mop recordec+ - - . . - � ' � -, - t�. -- - , � ��1 :n � �c osslg�s . Mo�ch 14 . 1380 ;n Book 300 � ct Poge 734 �_s RaceF ' - �� ''». i9o` i= ' � '� . � � . . � _ � `i � - -- _ . � . � � `^ � _ t � � County of Eogle . Stote of Cclorode. (� . . �'� _ � Z , � ' 7he undersr �ned ce�tifies that he is a regisiered lond su� veyo,� of � � j : � -_ � � � � � � �.� M � ��� ihe Stote o{ Colorodo : thot this plot lthis °Plo�t " J ond 'rhe surv6y porcel 3 . � "�" � � , . _...__ � ; �� � � '�� � � � � �. � 's �. � the "Sui- vey "'J on wh i ch , t i s bosed wos made on ihe dcte shcw^ i9 _ q � � '�' . � �'� � ; � be ! ow ot the prem; ses / 'h,e "P�emises ��l spscif %colly� desc� i6ed in A port of Lot l . Voil /Lionshaod Fifth Fiiino • oein_q :o rep / ot or` oll � � � �� � . . , - __ W , ` � ^+ . ��2� � � I� . [�J � Cocmnunweo ! th Lc�d 71 + ; e insu�once Car�ony Comn% tment lJO. ; ? 1490G �r port o{ Voil/Lronsheod Third Fil � ng . cnd ! ot C. Morcus Subdiv :s %a� . � � � � ! - �� � �0 � � � �/ � � Q._ � C-& doted Det�ber 73 . 7994 ! 'he 'Title Comni >r�nt "�l : thot tha Town of Vail . Eog1e CoUnty. Colorodo. .mo�e pci' t / cu / orly ,descrlbed os �. .. . � . � `\� : . � � � . ' .. �m 2� ' 6 `:�. �� � ...' . .\ ''... � � � :-...� � �; I �' � � ' ��. .�,... � Survey was actuo ; ly mode uoon the 9round and wos mode in ecco��once fol lows : � � � - - . . . . . . _ . . . . . 1 �1, �'.� �� � _ . � - , `, � ' , . 1 ��1� � � � C . . witl; Minlm,�mStanda�d0etoi� l Frequirement5 fa' l+LTA/.4CSMLandTitle . - �. . � � ` : � � .. - � � . - � � ' �� ' � . �6 � � - � ���� � � � � ° 'I '� � � � � MEiV7 Su!✓eys `, ,% eintly estobiished ond odoFtea by ALIA ond AC - i�� 199Z Heginning ot the Southwest corne� of� soid Lo' G-: thence N ? 6 ` 77 '�2 � '� Iv � ^ .� - . .. � � � � �. � . . - .. . ' � �,� �'`,. 82 " ;' �` .\ ' � � : ;��� ', . . _�r. �� � 5 � � T'- IL � ! . '. . `-_"'E that the Survey or,d this Plot �et the occurocy. slendo�c �f c , o point on the Souther !y r % ght -of-woy line oF West � .. . :� . . . . , � .,,. ; � . , � ' . ._ . 19B 64 feet to � �' � � � . � � , � � _,�.) , , �, ��„ ! � � l � �, �_.'; / •' ; ; �-g .�. �g - , • �� � - - -�- � , �_ _ I � � � � ��. _ EqSEME.Nl Cioss .� Survey fos estaG / %shed ond odopt�d by ALTA cnd ACSM in Lionsheod Circ / e a/ so being the Northwest corne� af sOid Lot C : � cop r�gne . �::., . . . . � . . �. . � . , �, . / � . � , .. . . . �, �, - 1 -. � - _ . _ _ .. . „ . _ . . . . . . � , . . ., .. . . , , , _ schultz . , . , . . , , , ,- . :: �. (� - . - � - � '_ � T % L 17Y 79921 ano In� lude I +em� 2 3 4 5 70 9 9 10 > ' 7 � and � 4 of � r . . s +-,-, � 7 , ; � ,� , �, `�. ;. .�- r �� hence 729 E eet oJong the arc o , a 392. 00 foot rodrus curve bwa�hme iP�Qet, : \ . , , .. ,:� j �. _ t . Architeccs, P.G. � -- � , , � ; , , . ,' ��, :,, . �' ;' , :� . i '•, '� ��. �-� C. •�. �r.�-- �� - - i - �- Tobl ° A thereof: thot the Survey ond the !n{ormotion . coor'ses ond �fhe left whose cent�ol ang { e � s YB °57 ' ? 0 " c+nd whose long chor� .au rz:ghts rza�a�vaa �-� � � , . � � - ! ,- � �; - - . � �. ��' � , � `� ;' ; �� ; /� ! • `, ��, _ � •�. �. ���� `�. #F .- -,-_ _ � 3�� �_ _, _._ ._._ . ' �- distcnces showr� in tnls Piot are cor�ect : thot the title lines ond eors N 87° 1B '35 " E 729. OB feet : thence leaving said right -of- wov . . . �� ;� i . , , ��.. ,, �.. �:_. � . . '.., . . - '- , . ; . � , � • . ._ - , , �, -`. .. _.:__-- --G�� - ' - - - --- - � _ . . . -- linec of octuol Dossession ore the same : thot the slze . posi tion � Th�s e+oc�mer.c. c� cne iaeas � � " � b .. , � � z �`� � �ME �C� � � line N 83 °25 `4., ° E 778 . �A3 �feetr thence S 06 ° 39 � 75 " E J73. f0 feet; . . � , 15 ; \� �,, '� �� . ����.,, . . i i . -! � � __ --" ,� ;' :-- � � ;� � �, I`'��, �. _ -_ _ =�s` - 7 � � �7Y � ' � � . -C!-� _ � _ , . - -- - -�� - - ��� - and type cf bu /� / dings . structures ond other r�rovemenrs o�e os . thence S 74 ° 2�7 ' 19 �� W 52. 69 � feet to o pcint cn ihe weste.� /y / ine o` � ' � dos�g�s ircorpo�atea - � ., ,..� , . ��,, �'�.. \ `. �... - -.- _. � ��� . , Ls � � 5 � _ � - �"�, . _.. ,.�{-�-� �- - -.. : _. . __...._ __ . .. _. 7 n t ' / ` n / l e� within the boundor. . lines o.� �tha � � 7 � �rr Fi ! i� : then �e ��ossor,Qi se v e��s he . �. . �, , , � , , , � � ;.� ; , -- ... .._ i� . .�- � ' \ , _,_ .. � .. � _ - s, ow on his P o � o d c e y soi-� � ot 4 . B / ock 9 . Vai ! /Lionshead � . J 9 c . P . .\ .., ; ,,., ,\ .. . ` . , -" _ ,..-_ =" -. - .. ._. ., . . . '. ,_. ,, :...:. . /, _ . � ' , � _ - - _ . _ _ : . � _:- - � - - & � CO P�AmI thct . exc � t os shown on !h ;s ? rot . there a�e no v ! <uo/ � + 7 t ropc�t � or �ratnoe i��ac� ..�, . �., � _,_ � .- ' . ... - . � - � . :. ,. . .., �- - / � - -� . � - � . i��- .-- � -- ' �-. .. _ _. __ _ _ _ . _ _ _. .- , eP N 22 ° 3R '91 °. W a /ong soid wes , erly 1 ir,e 74. 9 feet o �o Point on the �cnu�tz ,�rcniteccs, � y. a.,a �_ , � �, �., . , ,, �, ��__.% � .- � - � � "� -. -- . I _ ._ _ � - �" c � �� - , - - -� _. = 1�� -. - - �.. �.. semeets , encroach,-,�nts , uses or ; ights of woY offect /ng the her / v / !ne of soi�� Lot C: �thence 2 ; 9. 83 feet olong s.� id notcobe �9ed, in �noieor ��n , , , - , -- - - - - ` � 7ti _ _ __ _ _ _ . __ ,- �- - r� �� � _ _ , , �` < - �- '"-�� " .%- , -�_�� / `• . '� � '' I, -� '"-- - ` -"-- - - - - . °/'e�isBS : thot t;7ere are ne otnP.r sOSemEnt or r % ghts et` woy of Sou'herl / ine ond .the arc or p �80. 00 toot "'adius curve ' t0 #h6 p, 4 4or any o r a o �ect �� . . �� . ..__ ___. :` . _ . _ . . . _ ... __ . . . ' '`, �. '. . \ . .'._._. . . . ,- . " . 1 � _ . �Q' � -_ - -" � � _ _ -� ' - ...... _ . . Y . wthouF. tne wrltte� au'tho'riza±lo . �` ,. . . \ __,.- .___.. - ... _. .. , , . _ , .. . _ _ _ _ . . . �. . . � _-' = � . �� - ....- �. . '. � . , . . .-. , � . - . . . . . _ . _ �. _ . - , � - � . , \ ��,._._ . . _ _ _ � . - ,,;- ,_ _ - � � '. . , . �� . - _�' , --_ ,- _, _�---� . - _ . - _ .____ _ _ _ �"; - � - -- �-- . . . . w7ich the unde�slgned hos been odvised o� whlch o�e indiroteO in ri ht whose cent�ol ongLe is 29�° 42 �57 ' and whcse long chord beoi-s vr edwar� r�. �weenme ��., Y , , �.��. , � : , " � . - _ Y . ,.- __f . . _.`. - � ;, . . � ` ..--' - ... ---._ ._! _ . .--� . - . ,-' ..._- -- --' � . ' - . _ .___._ _. . . y9, . . . . . . _ . _ - - - ' ' - - - ' - --' - -- - - - - - - - - - - Henr ' P�aE[ o� sidne ' Sckoitz. . . . ��� , � - ��_-�� , � �- . - .-� � � ' . %� - /- - -- - - - -� --�� / f1095 1'ne ? it ! e Co,vrnitment : thot the Premrses do noi lie within any . vVV vv .. ' .. . �. � � y y b � � . � - . � �,. t ` � 't � -- --- . -__- - -__.,._ ;:' ;_' ,. _. , . \ '.,. ' � . . /i -.. _ . . - .__-- - - ._ __ . __- _ -�- ._. S 78 ° i2 � 47 ' N - 218 . 57 feet . � to th� Point vf Beginning .�County of� - I � .. . ' . . . � „ \, \ � . . � / C,� �, . ..� .. 1 ., ��, . � , .� , , ... , _ . . , . _ - ___ . - . . _ - _ __ ._. __ .. . -__. .. . _ , � _ . � g e . Stc . e of Celor�odo. � I, . . .-� . . .. . , , , . _-.__--- ,- X� .-., .: . : �., � i ' �,� . . = . , -' - � _ -= - - f- - _____ . _ _ _ .. ___. __. . . - ! . . . . . , ` . . �, - _ �. � � : �i .� �. �. . , � . ; � , - , , - ii: .. - - . . , _.. _- _ _ . FioaO I�s�r��ePRoteG�WoP CoirmvnitydPOneiEN�mbe�cOd005490002tCAnopcy i. _ . . . . , � , \ •.� ._____..__ .. , . / ., - , :, � _ - - ._ . . _ .__ _ _. . i. , . - . _ --.- ' %� = .�`, . _ _ ' - . ��, � , � ^� ,/� � . ' - , � � �- _ . -�- -_-_ - - _ _- � .-_-__.._ �evised Moy i , 1q85 �; that excePt os shown on this Plct pr ! �cads , Po�cei 4� . .. _ . � ,,_ _ .. -� . ,�� ��. . . . . _ _ _ � . ` ' . . . � � � . ... . . .. .� . . . � `-- -"--- .:.- -- - ���"� i � . � �� :�� �. , _ '�- / ; , ', - � - � / � -- �- - - , � - ' - " - -'- - - - - "_ str'eets and h, ! hwa s shawn t!;2rein ore cc� leted ond dedicateo � - , . . . . . _ , . _ . . : . l�j -_ _. . _. ' - / _ ' . _ _, \ �� . . _ , . . �_ � . . . --�-- ____. __ ...�`- \- � �/� � � � �..� .. ".. .-' � . ;. � ..'' , , .�.� � - - ��� " -� ; � ,. ' , ���. EOGE OF B /K PATH �-B�y�. pubi % c woYS : and r.�hot rhe Pr-enr,'ses hos occess ta o dedicoted _ _ . . ,, �,-_,..._ -- � � . �- �v �� . \ -, � . , - : - -- �� ;, � , ,y � _ , . - _ . A pOrt OT' Lor 1 . VOiI/Lion5h2od, Firth ,= iling , being �9 , epiot D{ � - - - -� � �i � � _ -' � . -'; ' _ - 6 / !c street. � � �-'��°� � % -- =�; - � �, - - � � p� p / l or port of - %or //Lionsheod. Third Fil ;ng ond Lot C, Morcus � � ;��_. _ - , --��j _ � �`� \V --� ; � i�:a, - / "- - _ - i Date: 6 MARGH O . . . - _ -_ -- � U-- . _-. ., ..,. _ � ,.., __.:-. , . .. .-, ��'. " � _ . , , , � � r,, . � . , . _ , _ Subdi vJS % on . 7own ot Voi l . Eqgle Coun�ty. Colo�vda . more i T � � � � � �1 �- � � �� �� � �""--- ` � _ � � - : .�-� - � � � , - - � s cer , � f , cote does not const % rute a t ; tie ssa. cn by , nter f P�RMiT SE � -_ � � . . - �. � � � O �O .. � .._ �� �---- ._. .. i�� � � ���.. .: � � �� ... , - - � - - � ;� �.. � � . • � .� � �" � ,NOU� +o '� En� ingei- Ing � dete,-m;�e owne�snlp or eosemants of �ecorC. porticu / o� ly descr� ibed os . ollows : � : �= � ,i - � - ._,__ ;' - � , : . �� � � /� :, ��� c r + . RP..VISP.GI: : -- � . � --_ .. � . . ..._� , .. ,-. . ,". �', � .�_. -. L , o� 0 / 1 , n � o�mo , ion re9a;oing eacemer, ts , r- igrits -of-woy or tit / e ot . . . . 1... _�... . - � � � . �. . � - . _ � . . . �� , �� . � � o _. _ _--�--. � ,"- � ,� ., :" � .�. � - _ =' i:, .,.. .- _ =.-,�EN - - � . �eco�d. Inter -MO::ntain Eng ;neering reliec upo� tne Plats of - , . , � , - � � � C mme�cirg ot the Southwest corne� of se ' d Lot 7 thence N . . . . . . _ . C�" . � i� � ,��, �� .. � _ . _ _ ---..-.__.;- ,.-_- . . � �, i ,- " �gE � _ _ _ � � N 22 ° 38 � 41 " W 14G. 10 feet : tnence N 74 ° 21 ' 19 ` E 52 . 64 feet to the , �- � . � - . - _ � - . .� , . . ,, . - . � � , .-� - , -� , , :�� . - i , �� . , _ � ��� Voii /� ionsheod Fi / ing No. 3 . the Me�cus Subdiv ; sion ond _ � ' -- -� � - - . ; , -� �i... - '. " i _ _ ,; � � " -� , - Poii;t of Beginning: thence contin� ;ng � N 74 ° 2J ' 79 ' E 83. 04 feet:� �. _ � _ : . - . .- . _ �. ,. � - _ -- - . - � , , , � � . . � .� - � � . . .. - . . . � � � , �� � � . - �„�_ -� �-= � --� -�. � - - , - - , � � . �o�r✓nor, wealt,� Lord Title , n5uronce Co�ony. T� tle Coarnitment Nc . � � � - � -. . � . � . _. __.�_; _-- � - :-� � �.�;� ,.: � � �" � �, � �' � � � � ' � ! 1 > 49i% C-L� . doted October + 3 , 7yy4 . thence N 6 ° 34 ' 15 ° W > '0. 00 feet ; thence � 83 ° 25 ' 95 �� W 82. 00 feet,; . \ - - - - - _ :- , - - � _ - �� - s ' c�roua . . ; . _� � - .� . . = - . '- . � , � , , .--' , - � �� the.nce 5 6 ° 34 ' 75 ° E 973 . 70 feet to �the Point of Beg �naing. Caunfy . , ,_: _ . . .. i :/ y - . . , " ` . :. �-J• ' . . . . . . . , . . .�.. _ _ : . . - � . .. �. .r�, . : �/ � ., i :..-.,- .,_ �'....- i �,.._�� . � ; //. �.i '.:�i ' ' w . l St f . f OIOF d .. . . . . � . . L � , ,. . . . � � - - : _:,- - , , ' NOTES ot Eo9 e . o � o c o 0 \ , _ � = I- '_ r j � ��r�i : ° � ' coNrouR . , ,_ " , � � � - , _ �- � , ` . . . .. - , - � - �_ , , � , g5,�k .- < -_ � -- _ �. , � ��� j� ��;=- . . PPT�' ' � . . . _ � .. � . � � . . , ,-. J! . ,, ,_ _, _ � ;-i, - �-,. � � �- ; ' . SE7 SUR �EY PIN 15/8 " REBAR ArVD - � BASIS 0% BEARlNG : , ." . . . - ::` �-: .; . . .• • � -;' . .. . 8 . �i -- . . .., �, .-!�' � _-- , -; --�'-- �; �--.�� � ,--.� .. - �E � S�uCORNERAROA/dO , AMORCUSMSJBDIVISIONBAND FOUNO �otCO / Mo�cus Subdi visiom Fown of �Vo�i l , Eagle County�. .State of - . . . , . _ . . . . .: . . .. , ., -� -. , y , , - �_ .._ - , _ � . .�.-- . . � � , � gJ . PLA57IC CAP PE P� 5 266261 Ouone D . Fehringe� Co / orodo P. E. & P. L . S. ho. 26626 .. . . . . . . . =. . -��� - . � - + .. � ' � � � � /r - ! i�_-. ;.- � � � � -�� , - '�E�� - . REBAR ANC ALLUM/NUM CAP (LS ILCEGlBLEI AT ANGLE ColOrOdO. . � � � , . �- - . . -� -- . - . . . . . - � - ' �`- `� � � 20�� � � ' ' -' " f-_: �/ - - E�G � RE� POlN7 ON SOU7H SJDE L07 B • MOHCUS SUBON!SION - � ; '., . � � . . . . .' � . . $ � . � -; -�- . O � . � SET NAIL AND BRASS W�'SHER � . . . . . � � . . � . ;. . - . . } � � -' -Ff >� � ��` ;�' . (PE PLS 266261 IN70 NCRE7E BEARS 573 ° 42 '3i "W, 253. 31 , . . . - . CO � � r i,.� ' ��,=� ; �-, % =%' " � � � . � � FOUND 5/8 " RtBAR ANO � � - � ! %� � �� �- -�� -`-- '� � OO FOUNC� SURVEY FIN (ND7EOl Regulor' Porking Spocas 256 � � � . � : i� � . � , :: , - - � � ' �` . ' � � ALUMlNUM CAP L3# /LLEG/BLE 11 � � � " � �: � � ' l - . .- � Nandicap ,°orking Spaces 7 . � � .� . - . . . � . > jNG a �-� � �� = _-= o , . ;� . , . : . . �. . - . � .- . � . � � . � �.EAR . / ,:,.� � �a . �'� . .. - - � � . PHONE PHONE PEDESTAL . rotol Parki,�g SPOCes - 263 � . � - . . . - . . . 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