HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 3 BLOCK 1 LOT 4 AND 7 SIGNS LEGALProject Name: Category Number L Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Building Name: Proiect Description: Owner, Address and Phone: Architecvcontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot - Block- Subdivision Zone Dislrict Project Slreet Motion by: Seconded by: I Approval ! Disapproval A$aff Approval Conditions: Town Planner o^r"' y'8fq< DRBFee ere-vaia 40.oe la/al /,JAH- 1A-95 I'l E r)l6:59 26.296464 - 32453 I '\l 3++ TEL -?El 534-1E94 P. el F. .t TO; Ge"ucr4 {ra*t ( ,(nni< ?^ t" c' l\ Or O u\ I o$ )" I +o$ Prafl \,1',- F \U\ t) \J .=$ B(n-t 4w- \{ (.ly 1) \,, *-l) ....Iz Wh v0 \;(4 U) Extended ,, fee Srrt.cJe.r , qrntor ,,[ ltilnedn,] i | ; ll es.t_l iltlsltsql 611Jt. . I n;t r..tr I o I t 1 ; e 6 e _ o 1,i, r,,,,1 i,;,, ri, iily,; !;; 1 r r s t g*:',:: :i:3:i' rw"B fi n n ErLt E eon'6ryAniqff/'stv, DEffi tovi*d 1219193 NAI{E OF PROJECT NAI'IE OF ADDRESS PERSON rrrNc L/{ sn />EL 7,1, Lan'ftgtu ctacz{ NAME OF O*'* ADDRESS SIGNATURE OF OWNER LOCATION OF PROJECT Lot Block Filinq DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT ilu{ To RgPUcC LL THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBMITTAL BY THE APPLICANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. 3H33friris) hlE 6 &as sF CfirlUnS - SIGN OR AWNING MATERIAL A. Phgr' aT 6u7Vn6 Cft, IN 6NLL c.SIZE OF OVERALL SIGN,srzn oF LErrERrNc ^o "o"o4{ A-ft{ 14 ?0'(zo G. DES.RTBE LT.HTTNG (ExrsrrNc oR pRoposrrl /:7f,il ----=- LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (FT) CONDOMIN]UM ASSOCIATION APPROVAL E {_ T Site Plan Elevations showing exact location of sign or awning on the building Photographs showing proposed Iocation Colored scale drawing Sample of proposed materials Photograph of sign if available Cf/A/t HEIGHT OF SIGN ABOVE GRADE REOUIRED MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION LD't D. H.FEE: 520.0^0 PLUS 51.00 PE& SQUARE EqoT oF sIgN AB'EA.;;;; &-4& ---crici-Ho.-/rL-of 4l ome tf t.z/45 //Totpl.a rE 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. \o,t* '(Lt/fT/c,a YPTLI' Sign Administrator b1p 6btF I TO: SIGN APPLICANTS When applications for signs are submitted, the followinginformation is required: 1. A completed sign/awning application (attached). 2. A site plan showi-ng the exact location where the sign is to be located. A photograph if possible and building elevation showingthe Location of the proposed sign. A scaLed drawing which details the design of the sign, as foLLows: (a) CoLored exactly as sign wiLl be.(b) A list of nateriaLs to be used in sign (rnetal-, wood, canvas, paint, etc. )(c) Photograph of sign if available.(d) Specific Iettering style and size. If an awning is proposed, submit drawings showingexactly how and where the awning is attached to the building and how the awning is to be constructed. 6. Description of lighting that will be used in conjunction with the sign or awning. If proposing an awning, lighting is not aflowed to shine through theentire awning which calls undue attention to thebusiness. Lighting may spotlight only the actual signlettering on the awning. RECOMMENDATIONS OR POINTERS 1. Check sign code - verify site, height etc.2. Be specific. Vagiueness on design, Eize, construction may delay the approval of your sign.3. Measure frontage of business. APPLICATION FEE WILL BE REOUIRED AT THE TTME OF APPLICATION SUBMITTAL. If this application reguires a separate review by any local ,State or Federal agency other than the Town of VaiI, theapplication fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of suchreview, may include, but are not linited to: CoLorado Departmentof Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant. shall be responsible for paying any publishing feeswhich are in excess of 50t of the application fee. If, at theapplicant's request,r dny matter is postponed for hearing, causingthe matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shaLl be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by Uhe Community Developnent Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may havea significant inpact on the community nay reguire review byconsultants other that town staff. ShouLd a determination be nade by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, Community Development may hire an outsideconsultant, it shaLL estimate the amount of money necessary topay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town bythe applicant at the tirne he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the reviewof the application by the consultantr dDy of the funds forwardedby the appJ.icant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwardedby the applicant sha11 be paid to the Town by the applicantwithin 30 days of notification by the Torr/n. 3. 4. 5. t--*''---\3 /"-' -TO|||N OF rJF|IT- ]liscellmcqrs Cdt al-17-95 68:66111 Receipt * 164625 Rceounr.* CK*2ffi74 ffiRRIOTT HOTEL\sIGN ffIPF ;i;;i tendered > 4B'ao lt€a paid firorrri P€id 0160@41413648 aB'ag 8l@@4l4l3sss zg'sB Change returned > 6'69 -rFrF|h|t< vor-l PcrmitNumb.n '" ;;4A, qr/ n HOw PAID-Cr$ Q4td6v'q'! 'W- Vour ceshier RECTHA *"tgn Revrew Acuon tt- TOWN OF VAIL Category Number / Project Name: Building Name: Proiect Description: Owner, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot _ Block_ SubdiMsion Zone District ProjectStreetAddrw: -7t< \t l. 1 ,c"-'^J-rA+t"- (' ,,2-o le. Comments: -/-__-\'Board /8taff Action\---..-.'--" Motion by:Vote: ,<-a\ Seconded by: /no'*^! Disappro\ral I Staff Approval Conditions: fi:',r'rc--- /"€'-' I r'--- "-,,/-,'t,*-' 'Zr/Ztt/'C . /*htt Town Planner T0trjN 0F VRlL CDI4- |tYlal ll,9 9l (Please Print or lrype ) ID t3o3-479-2452 . slctr/tEfiilc rPPl.rctrrror| NOV 17'95, 17".03 N0.005 P.01DEVo 2 d hi3: NA!.TB OF PROi'ECI NA!'E OF PERSON SUBrltrrrtNG Diana German-vP pnouh\303-_2db-9j IDDRESS 1300 E- 64th Ave. / Denver. co 80229 NAME oF srfNss llarrigtt in Vaif -pnour 970-176-a44a ADDR;st 715 "I. Lio'nqlead ciwl_e1 l!ail-,, cl] SIGNAIUNEOF OWNER LocATroN oF PRoJECT taddraaet"715 W. Lionshea{ Circle'/Vai1, C0 Lot - Block Fllino, DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Tnstn'1 I nti on of one set of 24rr&15ttnon- 'l etters on hrri I di nrr and 2 renl acement panels on existlne ITIIB FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS RBOUIRDD FOR SUBMIATAL BY THE APPLICANT PRIOR TO lHE REOUEST BEING SCIIEDULDD EEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. (TREE STANDING, IIAIL, MESSAGE . read MARRIOTT sreN oR AwNtNG MATERIAr,Build-lng Letters-non-i11um red alum Exlsting monument face repfacement -white plex iglas s A. DESCRTPTION OF THB SIGN/A|{NING PROJECTING, CTC), INCLUDE SICN see attached- siEn to B. c.SIZE OF OVERAI.IJ sIGN, ^^^ ^++^^L^,1Dgg ctu ucturlgtt- SIZE OF IJBTTERING AND I.'OGO Building letters- 10. E, F. G. H, I en fJ- monument faces- !. Usq. ft. HEIGHT oF SIGN ABovE GR"ADE 20I DESCRIEB LIGHTING (EXISTING OR PROPOSED ) nnn_i f I rrm wa'l 't signs monument signage-exlsCing-face change only LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGB (TT) 1. _ Site Plon2, - Elevations showing exac! loc.ition of eign or awning on the building3. - Photographe shouing proposed location4. _ Colored scale drawing5, _ Sanpls of propoead tnat€rials6. - Photograph of elEn il available ".$ ufr; Slgn Adminiatrator 11um onument. i crn num 1trs. w /red etc ers . SEP_2E'-99 HEtr gc:rg PFI o RODERsOF'G) l aTatz rr\r. 9 9 ',8 oz lnz iwz JJo(J o1l1to Eot €L)u =, I z : GtaoEo x E 3F.2 jj HE sE ;F 3!n,ul eEIdi!;tjfila6d 629 EIIHE IEE I t eD.Jc A'lFL.JX Rr r-POJo )1€rl * r5 I sp Itr P n'iOl fi 8(5o 'S !{ l 6z tl d. l--T'F' r-r-lrF' -o -t hNUdNq-I I ..1qs't $ \- xts$ AcPg3e saa** Itilr.o -..^Ic .S3;H<w m(-'2zA 15'r. 3pE.EtrUI'AAo 902 t9:9r 96/C0/TlIg8IS9 C86SN9IS SNI'IIoCroo E ea'oa// ^,<rr()oQVlr/ - -0 f .. , .( 6o9)t v o Y.J () '/- 3lr/-o (f) |f,z ,J oocl.lat ruo ta o t) (,1 o d o {,EU(t rlJld h tl { $ { -\ F p e +s r) 4rr -* 7 I s* A ?eERBe sHss!!Hoo rs .SS szw' z"ini r:|: G.l #if rr t9:9T 96/tO/llTct8T99 C86sN9IS SNI'IIoC800 @ J t n5 Ullilii l^ lsEr8l EuE=orzct i')6 7.2 ij Tg HE ;H i;n ,3r 3i5 filH I. g Ed6llis:tE ru( I'ld cl Nt OG !r 0 ,-\ l-/ ^,+\ i \\' FtY+)Q/ oa'-9- \*n s $... ; fto(\o 902 N dl ic) I I ! I I NBU-1?-1995 t. IF Air-f PART 0F ltIS FAlt l,tacH,INE TRAllsl{IttAL - COUER SHEET Nunber of pegec Eransnlr,t.d J-("rt ircludirg coveE 13:29 GERI4AN SIGNrywrna MESSACE :S NOT RECEIVED OR iS FOOBLY RECEIUSD, TIIA!{K YOU. 3@3 286 9682 P.AL/6 shesr ) PTEASE CO!{TAC! THE PERSON BELOW. COUIGNTS: PLEASE DELIVER IO: FBOU: ahd NAI{E: COHP.III{Y: FIJ(#: NAE: FAX#: DATE: George Ruther Vail Communlty DeveloPment 97C-479-2452 Diana German (303) 286-968? 1 1 /l ,L ^/Q6 * //-/t/ +s //- /7- 7f 0(slut ry-tu1'?7*"haVr,tit \-rtl // 4/]-80 | Frbrlcetictl r rg9o Er't 64th Av.oua . Oravrr, CO Nou-1?-1995 L3t?9 3A3 286 9582 P.A2/45 TO r3t0e.aflflArrBuEiltE oomtl9 t0!{t6,r93tl. Frt( t0l.tf64cal o DA4E . .!\/.L!./.9.5...--....- . suBrECr ..,., Marnlor.i. .lsignage ..-" - -llt..,-...."Q ee"rg? . B-qth"e r". . Communlty Development llalI r 9.o-l-o-r:g_d_e.".,_ _". ...."-.f.l.por.r9-Y-i"".e"lt"..!.l9---.T"6-P"-1'g-q''e.-41"en.t-,,,"9f..',.i-o- :99d"-t---b-a?n"""g"pp{"sv,eg..p-r"g"v-r"p."u.s-lv-.--.]v{e.. a"r"9.."--t-r"LliF--.!:-'o-...e,e.:tthgseapPr.9y-q.q'r..".?n.s--.r-ns-!.-? Thank yoir. on tlre exlstlng monument si We are not sur.e if these have stGNED .Diana.-Cennan,.. EPL€ASE REPLY 1NO REPLY NECESSARY ftflrf fi /ltl lE,co.EE !!5r TlorN'c$rGr*lE{fl NOU-1?-1995 13:29 GERMRN SIGN 383 286 9682 P.8'3/A5 o E ta',e Ew -,1oo EoEooa o{ta6a!alId fratli.o ll|r;o- E7.2 jdgil 'jF ;H E;ilrSr grI *lgH" f 8d ElrEs iEli vi'&ct g ol.'l C'N lit 0c ')t cl Ntod BEl*i t, t$UA E ro tl6r EEl1fttttt |'l ftft et o E eB E$ E.e!'ie C/4 Bfi r, taC{ ,ri E5 r$ iEEr$, I "3' |,)a.l g (l ItFt f BE:!T g66T-4T-nONNCrS t{Ut^1u39g@/F@'d Z896 982 EAE I I dz zi'z 7w JoU T3Ez jj :F t!*,EI sEl EISEa5EE 2rlri * $$ I (*, tr g Fn,il Ori [8* rrl I r:$ ry rf >9 dJ ) x $. 0' ,$ ti- ld {f IJ L -l o'C \-s!o\i ng 8E ** i .to eoE f$ $t .'d HEtrE:ET g66I-/.T-nON o NgiS NUI^IU:I59A/'94'd e896 98E EAE EE'd -]ul01 Corrrxs SrcNs November 27, l-995 George RutherCity of Vail- Community Development 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, cO RE: MarriottVail, CO Dear Mr. Ruther, Per our conversation this morning, I am sending a color sample of the Marriott Red painted on aluminum. The letterswill be Like the eample. I have not been able to get in Louch with the building engineer at the Marriotst Hotel . He has the building elevation showing exact location of the sign. I will have him forward a copy to you. Thank you for your Eime and effort in helping Collins Signswith this project. I will call you when f get the elevationinformation. If you need to call me, please do. card. Sincerely, ya^ffi-4r"/-L U.feanette NackerProject Manager I will send my business Collins Signs, Inc. 4255 Napier Field Road Dothan, Alabama 36303 334.983-8000 Telephone 334.983-1379 Fax oo TOWN OF VAIL /-z "^*-1-L-b-r]4 CEECRS M DT PAYABLE TO TOWN OF VAIL ffi :. . . ntM -. -,i -: trq. :r: Ut TNt- :i:.- C(X r'.llml&:.:, 0l 0000 41540 MS s5.00 0l oo00 42415 W $54.00 0l 000042415 W s39.00 0l 000042415 UNIFORM MECHAMCAL CODE s37.00 0l oo00 424t5 -UNIFORNIFIRETOI'T $16.00 01 0000 42415 _NATI-NALEI]EETRIEALCODE $t7.00 0l oo00 424t5 _-TIIERCODEBOOKS 01 0000 41548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)$7.00 0r oo00 42412 EROXEOPiES s0.25 I 0l 0000 424r2 STUDIES ol u)00 42412 W $5.00 0l oo00 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 0l 000041332 PLAN REVIEW RE-CHECK FEE [S4O PER HR.] 0t oo00 42332 _OF-I{OURSINSPECTNNFEES 0l 00004++b-ffi 0l o00g4r4l3 ISIGN APPLICATION FEE 520.00 , 0l o00G$4I3-.ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE [SI.OO PER SQ.FT.]zb.z)2b,?l 0l 0000 {2440 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION 0l 0000 41331 PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE 0l oo00 42371 II.N/ESTIGATION FEE (BUILDING) 3l oooo 451 l0 ffi 0l oo00 22027 TOV NEWSPAPER DIS.PENSER FUND* 0l 0000 21n2 Tffi,ABLE @ 4'l. (STAT-E) * 0I 0000 41010 TAXABLE @4% OOWN) 0r (}o(rc 42371 m OTHER 0l oo0041330 ADDITIONALGRFA '250 $200.00 0l oo0041330 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT s200.00 or ooo0 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION ILESS THAN IOO SQ.FT.]$200.00 0r 0000 41330 EXTERIORALTERATION TMORE THAN lOO SQ.fT.J s500.00 0l (}000 41330 SPEC]N L DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT [NEW]s1.500.00 0l 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT MAJOR AMEND $1.000.00 0t oo0041330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TMINOR AMEND s200.00 0t 000041330 SUBDIVISION 0l 000041330 VARIANCE s250.00 0l oo00 41330 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS s250.00 0l m00 41330 RE - ZONING $200.00 OTHER OTHER ITOT^L: TA,(9 )"*44 *""."\ZcAsE I *,,-ffi|-r-ou -rah-t]-l EF Ltff r 1- Hiscel larreous Cash i i* jrir--:r5 l. I: 4ir : 44 Fl*c*ipt * 1Ei514 Flf,:ir-rrt. # l:l'l {+ 'l?31 ':egt'tf'tl 5 I 6tl''5I r-jtl HFF. ''FDt] I T Irll lgt- 5i6t igEE ".FEE Flrir-,rurrt. lerllli'Eil ,: 4t3' !t:t Iten P=id Atoount Paid E11EgFJU4141:[18rfi lf itr:1 r31t3[rtj84141?fiEt:1 fF'r'Jl'J rl:h*rrg* r* f u rri*,J I ft' ul't THFIFI}< ./GLI Tnur cashier 50ll"rFt /- TO: Town Council FROIi: Connunity Developrnent Departmen DATE: May 3, L988 SURTECT: Marriott's Mark Sign Variance Request The Marriott's Mark Resort is reguesting a sign variance forthe number of signs and total sign square footage. Theapplicant is proposing one additional sign and 22 square feetof signage above what is allowed under the sign code. on April 20, 1988, the Design Review Board reconmended approvalof this reguest unanimously. The Board's opinion was that the reguest $tas very reasonable considering the size of theMarriott's Mark building. They also felt that each sign issituated on the buildinq so that you can only see one sign at atirne. Please see the attached nremo for the staff review ofthis reguest. TO: FROM: DATE: suBJ€4-rF Design Review Board Cornrnunity Development April 20, 1988 Sign Variance RequestApplicant: Marriott,s Robinson Department I. for the Marriott's Mark Resort Mark Resort: Mr. Uichael THE REQUEST The Marriott's Mark Resort is requesting a sign variancefor the number of signs and total sign square footage. The sections of the code which relate to the variancereguest are listed below: L6.20.050 Signs, Single Business Use B. Size. One square foot for each five front linealfeet of building with a maximum area of 20 squarefeet, with a horizontal diurension no greater than 10feet....combined maximum area for more than one signshall not exceed 20 square feet. D. Number. One sign per vehicular street or majorpedestrian way which the business abuts as determinedby the adrninistrator, with a maximum of two signs,subject to review by the Design Review Board.\- --=-' 'According to the sign code, the Marriott,s Mark is alloweda maximum of two signs having a conbined total squarefootge of 20 square feet. The developnent,s existingsignage includes: , One 19 square foot watt sign on the east elevation One 12 square foot free standing slgn at the entry Total square footage existing: 31 square feet. * A variance was granted in 1987 to allow for theadditional II square feet above the allowed totalsquare footage of 20 square feet. The applicant is recruestinq one additional siqn and 22sguare feet of siqnaqe above what is allowed under thEstqn code. The proposal includes: One new 20 square foot wall sign on the west elevation. One new three square foot freestanding sign at the entry I.I.( that is built into the existing freestanding sign. Theexisting sign square footage is merely decreased from l-2square feet to 3 square feet. !t Please note that the existing 12 square foot sign atthe entrance to the Mark would be removed and thatthe existing 1.9 square foot sign on the eastelevation remains. Total square footage, 42 square feet. Please see the attached drawings for descriptions andspecific locations of the signage, as well as theapplicant's rationale for the variance. FINDINGS AND STAFF RESPONSES Before the Board acts on a variance application, theapplicant rnust prove physical hardship and the Board mustfind that, A.There are s ial circumstances or conditionsto the Iand, buildin topoqraphveqetation. siqn structures or other natters onadiacent lots or within the adiacent riqht-of-wa which would substantially restrict the effectivenessof the s estiont provided, however, that suchcial circumstances or conditions are unigue to therticular business or enterprise to which theapplicant desires to draw attention and do not aqenerally to all businesses or enterprises. Staff Response The Marriott,s Mark does have an identificationproblem due to the largeness of the building and thefact that for the entire project, they are allowedonly two signs having a conbined area of 20 squarefeet. Similar large hotel pr$jects such as theRaintree fnn, Holiday Inn, anfl Doubletree have alsoreceived sign variances due tg the size of theirprojects. Staff feels that the Marriott has siurilarspecial circurnstances that wafrant an increase in thecornbined square footage and nrlmber of signs. The existing sign at the entry way (t-2 square feet)will be renoved and a three foot sign added. Staffbelieves that the three square foot sign isreasonable and necessary to indicate that this is theentry for the project. B. That special circumstances were not created bv theapplicant or anyone in privy to the applicant. Staff Re Special circumstances were not created by theapplicant. antin of the variance will be in creneral with the se of this title and will notto the persons residtto adiacent rtv, to the the ublic welfare eneral . Staff feels that the proposed signage is in harmonywith the purposes of the sign code which states thatthe [sign location, configuration, design, materials and colors should be harmonious with the najestic rnountain setting and the alpine village scale of thetown.'r Section 16.16.010. The proposed sign will beback lit so that the silhouette of the letters isvisible on the west elevation. The lighting effectwill be sirnilar to the Holiday Inn wall sign in tiratlight will not shine through the letters. The srnallsign at the entrlrway is subtle in its design and isalso compatible with the sign code's general purpose. The scale of both signs is appropriate for theirpurpose and location within the project. i'D. The variance applied for does not depart from the , provisions of this title l( identify the applicant,s business or use. \- \Staf f__ReEponse: The applicant is requesting an additional 22 squarefeet beyond the al]owable 20 square feet. The TownCouncil approved a variance for the Marriott Mark which created an additional 11 square feet beyond theallowable square footage. Staff believes that one 19square foot sign and one 20 square foot sign are not unreasonable square footages to request for abuilding of this size. In addition, the three squarefoot sj.gn at the entry is necessary to identify theentry point for guests. The applicant is notrequesting a departure from the provisions of thesign code any more than is truly reguired to identifythe business. ITT. STAFF RECOMMENDATTON: The staff supports the variance request for one 20 squarefoot sign and one three square foot sign. Staff believesthat_the sign is harmonious with the sign codersreguirenent that signage not call undue attention toitself. The square footage request also does not departdrastically fron the allowed signage. We recornmendapproval and feel that the applicant has made a strongattenpt to work with the staff to develop an acceptabJ.esign variance request. Due to the recent increased number of submittals for signvariance requests for large lodges, the staff feels it - will be appropriate to adjust the sign code to allow for some additional signage for these types of projects. Inreviewing these variance requests, staff has tried tomaintain continuity in our decision rnaking and recornmendations to the Design Review Board and Council.However, in the long term, we feel that the best solutionis to adjust the sign code so that it is in tune with theneeds of these types of developments. This approach willavoid a series of individual reviews of sign varianceswhich are tine consuming for the applicant, Design ReviewBoard and Town Council. Monrrn March 2, 1988 Kristen Pritze c/o Town of Vail Department of conununitY Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, colorado 8l-657 RE: Sign Variance Request: Marriott's Mark Resort 755 Lionshead Circle Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Kristen, pLease accept this submittal for review during the March 30th Design Revj-ew Board Session. our client is requestj-ng a variance to allow him the rights to install an additionaf 20 square foot back-1it sign to be located on the west face of the Phase II addition directly across from the Marriott parking structure- (See enclosed documentatlon. ) This request for variance stems from our clientrs desire to gain viJibility from both the east-bound frontage road and the proposed Lionshead off-ramP. The Mark is a large property stretching along west Lions- head Circle. Its frontage road visibility is largely obsc- ured by the Vail Spa condominiums. Existing signage lends identification from Lionshead P1ace onIy. As illustrated with the enclosed photographs, the proposed si-gn wouId. be the only one visible from the west, imposing no more than the Townl s prescribed 20 square foot sign lim- itation from any one vantage point. It is expected that the proposed interchange will be a major access point into VaiI and this new signage would timit confusion to visj-tors' seeing the hotel and hopefully Iimit. traffic congestion at peak period Since Yt MH/lmh Enclosures MORTER CH z JA. tTF i ,,2 l)"ftt € ll :, tstr-\ IlSrl'-- l,{. .,{i,' ,t '.,') t .i- : q sr' \9?,FIFE al_ \s i I I 7_ \ \.- \ \ -\\ ! i I I I I I I .l!l fq F \ / \\\ - ...- r l\t. o $' il't .t" s 7rt d_ $ 7. F s il 7 $ \t \: $ s 1rt( _--= r\- z $ \1$ $\_ 1{la. : T + bo \z \- -N- 'lT+ t|J U zUEw. v,wo.oc6 tu V)o A.oNE A. tr .= .E =r!t E.g!E E=E'9ra =€)cl!tL 6) Frr = ll,(Ja 3g IJJtt\ a €i bo E 3 at, (u 6' trT tr \ cY! \(a zIF IrT -Jlr,l o I_Tl{ ez . ..'; .., . . i.:I... ;,.';!: .' j''ii l':i.' ,. :;,'l i1.:i. .., ,?.r r'i '' 't :'', ' j ':' . . 1:.r nlo -illo'r I { z'd E Joo =.r\o -D -"-llt/ t:z_t, r-'rl'- =lF-l| ,/'l\l..' I Lrll ll ul I FI(Dl UI\lll I i I ${ z .L q u cli 6 l't) -1. tr p o $l tt >{/. , 2.fir.*rq:)sra?.6tj H?,?ft F-r o'.4 uJ(J z C, \.,r(a L.r) llJ4tt7oo. 0. t-- -": li : i,i hffi'6 ,tiljrt fi_qd,Y: It'. i\i i l_l Lr ll '1. M I NUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MAY 3, 1988 7:30 P.M. A regu'l ar meeting of the Vail Town Councjl was held on Tuesday, MaV 3, 1988, at 7:30 p.m.-in the Couniil Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building' MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: TOl,lN OFFICIALS PRESENT: Kent Rose, Mayor John Slevin, MaYor Pro Tem Eric Affeldt Gail l.lahrlich-Lowenthal Gordon Pierce Merv LaPin Thomas Steinberg Ron Phi l l i ps, Town Manager Pam BrandmeYer, Town CIerk The first order of business was the approval of the minutes from the Apri'l 5 and nprif 19, 1988 meetings. Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal noted that at the April 5 meeting' ji was Pepi Gramsh"rm6r, not Pepi Langegger, who entered.the discussion on 0rdinance N;. g. Si.re also questioned whether mirv-tapin opposed the ordinance. Gordon Pierce made a motjon to approve the minutes as presented, with those corrections, wh'i ch jJhn Sfevin seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 5-0. councjl dec.i ded at this point to change the order of the agenda to place.0rdinance No. 13 first to accommodate the large crowd which had gathered for that item of bus iness. J, alternatjves in the past have not been effective. He said because of surveys by know'l edgeable sources the problem is a very real one that will have to be dealt with in the near future. He voted in favor of the project. Several citizens then made statements to Counci l. Their cornments and solutions included: buy the parcel for open space; construct new interchange by the tennis courts on already Vail-owned property; address parking prob'l ems first; create traffic circles at busy interchinges; and final1y, VaiI is becoming internationally known and the problem of traffic congestion is a minor one at this time. A pet'i tion with 300 local signatures opposing the new interchange was presented to Council. Ron PhiIlips aniwered a question pertaining to the Real Estate Transfer Tax. Eric Affeldt then nade a motion to approve the ordinance with the exception of the $75,000 allowances for the purchase of the Holy Cross parcel: $75,000 from the Capital Projects Fund and $75,000 from the General Fund, making the total sum for appropriations $2,149,770. John Slevin seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-1. Mayor Rose cast the opposing vote. The third order of business was 0rdinance No. 11, Series of 1988, second reading, regarding no smoking po1 icies for Town of Vail buildings and vehicles. Ron Phillips briefly described the ordinance, jncludjng some additjons suggested by Tom Steinberg. Joann Mattio of Youth Services requested that a designated smoking section be made at the Teen Center. She stated that she had some control over the teenagers when they were inside, but that they were likely to use alcohol or drugs when they went outside. In her opin'ion, approximately 50 percent of the teens smoked, and the no smoking ordinance would only cause her to lose some control over the teens and force them outside to get into possible trouble. l.lhile Council sympathized wjth her plight, they strongly felt that the ordinance could not be changed to allow teenagers to smoke, when adults could not. Mayor Rose-asked Ron to fjnd a solutjon to this particular problem, possibly by sending a sociai worker to help with the transit'i on. He also explained that the words "designated smok'i ng areasrr do not exist at this point for the Town, but are for future expansion of the ordinance to prjvate uses. He added that a recent survey of local citizens showed that 89 percent do not smoke. Ron concluded the discussion stating that the Vail Golf Course Clubhouse was not included in restricted areas at this time. Eric Affeldt made a notion to approve the ordinance. John Slevin seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-1. Gail Wahr'l ich-Lowenthal opposed the ordinance because of the ramifications at the Teen Center. The fourth jtem was 0rdinance No. 12, Series of 1988, first reading, to clarify design guideljnes for duplex and primary,/secondary developments. Mayor Rose read the iult titte. Ton Braun explained the background, purpose, and specifics of the ordinance. There was a lengthy discussion on the definition of common walls and roofs, the presence of physical constraints, and detached garages caused by those constiaints. There was further discussion by the council and Tom about the role of the Des.ign Review Board. Kathy Warren asked questions relating !9 thg Design-Review Board and terminology in the ordinance. Diana Donovan said the Planning Comm'i ssion had reviewed the ordinance and that the language was as concise as poss'i b'l e. It was decided that the Design Review Board should study the ordinance, when convenient, and give their recommindations and/or approval to Counci'l when completed. Erjc made a moiion to table the approval of the ordinance until the De$ign Review Board's input.i s received. Gordon Pierce seconded the motjon. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimouslY 5-0. The fifth order of business was Resolution No. 9, Series of 1988' adopting a recreatjonal trails p1an. Rick Pylman explained the changes made to the plan since it was first presented 3/22. He presented CounciI with the "Recreat'ional Trails Master plan" report, dated May 1988, compiIed by hlinston Assocjates. Paul Kuehn of Winston Associates briefly explained the report. He stated that one of the main trails runs from the covered bridge to Ford Park, and that any improvements are cost effective. Gordon said he would like to see the plan approved and supported its .implementation. He felt it would be a good marketing too1. A citizen asked if the trliii woufd be wide enough for pedestrian and skjers. Rick stated that specifics for usage will be addressed after further study, but that stairs are planned to discouriged bikers from using some paths. John Slevin commented on a possible light.i ng system for pedestrian use at night- _The issue of_maintenance during the winter months was also brought up. Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal made a motion to approve the resolution as presented. Gordon Pierce seconded the motion. A vote was taken, and the motion passed unan'imously 5-0. The s.ixth order of busjness was a request for a sign variance by the Marriott Mark to allow one additional sign and 22 sq. ft. of signage above what is allowed under -2- ..r ..lr Under the Town ilanager's Report, Ron commented that $180,000 collected during April for the Real Estate Transfer Tax was "phenomena'l .u There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:20 p.m. Respectfu'l'lY submitted, the sign code. Kristan Pritz, Senior Planner, showed Council pictures of the proposed sign. She stated that the sign code will probably have to be changed in the near future to accomnodate larger buildings, and that the present guidelines need to be better defined. Gordon Pierce made a motion to approve the request. John seconded the motion. The request was approved unanimous'ly 5-0. There was no Citizen Participation. ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk Itlinutes taken by S. A. Schiffmacher for Brenda Chesman -3- TOV{N COT'NCIL AGENDA REQUEST Reguest form must be given to the Secretary to the Tonn ltanager by 8:OO A.Irt. Thursdays. Date:Dept.Com Dev Meeting Date: 5l Work Session Evening I. Iten/Topic: fl'\on-ir*l'r [\orL 5,fl^ 0orr'arnt!- II. Action Requested of Council r..( \1o o{p<rp, *\u ligi^ rlorio,qq qM/tUU v.(_Legal , Engineering, Professional) Enployee Signature IV. Staff Recornmendation I{" apPag 1\0- "q,soTlt - t) Assurances: outside _Finance, Project Application ""," A,?, ,\ lc, [l8K Project Description: Contact Person and Phone r rc;tf'r l'1 Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Adcress and Phone: Legal Desc,fifiion: Lol Filing Com menls: Design Review Board ,^,"'lpDfff DISAPPROVAL E statt Approval \o ,rr,-) \'i\r l Project Application Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot B lock Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPBOVALAPPROVAL i-., Summary: Town Plan ner D statt Approval TO: Design Review Board FROM: Cornmunity Development DATE: April 20, l_989 SU&]ECT: Sign Variance RequestApplicant: Marriottrs Robinson Department for the Marriott,s Mark Resort Mark Resort: Mr. ilichael r. THE REQUEST The Marriott,s Mark Resort is requesting a sign variancefor the nunber of signs and total sign square footage.The sections of the code which relate to the variancerequest are listed below: Signs, Sing1e Business Use B. Size. One square foot for each five front linealfeet of building with a maximum area of 20 squarefeet, with a horizontal dimension no greater than l_Ofeet....conbined maximum area for more than one signshall not exceed 20 square feet. D. Nunber. One sign per vehicular street or majorpedestrian way which the business abuts as determinedby the administrator, with a rnaximum of two signs,subject to review by the Design Review Board. According to the sign code, the Marriottrs Mark is alloweda rnaximuro of two signs having a combined total squarefootge of 2o square feet. The developrnentrs exiJtingsignage includes: -d't One L9 square foot wa11 sj.gn on the east elevation One 12 square foot free standing sign at the entry Total square footage existing: 31 square feet. * A variance was granted. in 1987 to allow for the e^d'6' additional 11 square feet above the allowed totalsCluare footage of 20 square feet. T!! applicant =is, d Zz Eguare feet g.f siqnaqe abgve what ii alTowEd-undEr-thEslqn code. The proposal includes: One new 20 square foot wall sign on the west elevation. One new three square foot freestanding sign at the entry $q , ) tr"{, Lo tpot( T, U^Z that is built into the existing freestanding sign. Theexisting sign square footage is merely decreased from L2square feet to 3 square feet. 'r Please note that the existing 12 square foot sign atthe entrance to the Mark would be rernoved and thatthe existing 19 square foot sign on the eastelevation remains. Total square footage, 42 square feet. Please see the attached drawings for descriptions andspecific locations of the signage, as well as theapplicant's rationale for th6 viriance. rT. FINDTNGS AND STAFF RESPONSES 'o^*P fia Before the Board actsapplicant must provefind that, on a variance application, thephysical hardship and the Board must A. There are s ircumstances or conditions veqetat structures or other matters onacent riqht-of-wach would substantiallv restrict the effectiveness estion vided, however, that suchaI circumstances or conditions are unicrue to thecular business or enterprise to which theapplicant desires to draw attention and doqenerally to aII businesses or enterpri-ses. Staff Response The Marriott's Mark does have an identificationproblen due to the largeness of the building and thefact that for the entire project, they are allowedonly two signs having a combined area of 20 sqluarefeet. Similar larqe hotel proiects such as Raintre ve also Ved sign variances due to the size of theirprojects. Staff feels that the Marriott has similarspecial circumstances that warrant an increase in the combined square footage and number of signs. The existing sign at the entry way (L2 square feet)will be removed and a three foot sign added. Staffbelieves that the three square foot sign is reasonable and necessary to indicate that this is theentry for the project. to the land. build acent lots or within the ad ecial circunstancesB. c. ere not createdto the applicant. Staff Response: Special- circurnstances were not created by theapplicant. of the va iance wil-l- be in harmon to theneiqhborhood, or to the public welfare in qeneral. Staff Response: Staff feels that the proposed signage is in harrnonywith the purposes of the sign code which states thatthe ttsign location, configuration, design, materialsand colors should be harmonious with the rnajestic mountain setting and the alpine village scale of thetown.I' Section 16.L5.OLO. The proposed sign will beback ]it so that the silhouette of the letters isvisible on the west elevation. The lighting effectwill be sirnilar to the Holiday Inn wall sign in thatlight will not shine through the letters. The snallsign at the ent4ruay is subtle in its design and isalso compatible with the sign coders general purpose. The scale of both signs is appropriate for theirpurpose and location within the project. D.The va cea lied for does not from theofs title anv more than -rs recruired toeaIicant's business or use. Staff Response: The applicant is requesting an additional 22 squarefeet beyond the allowable 20 square feet. The TownCouncil approved a variance for the Marriott Markwhich created an additional 11 square feet beyond theallowable square footage. Staff believes that one 1.9square foot sign and one 20 square foot sign are notunreasonable sguare footages to request for abuilding of this size. fn addition, the three squarefoot sign at the entry is necessary to identify theentry point for gruests. The applicant is notrequesting a departure frorn the provisions of thesi.gn code any more than is truly required to identifythe business. etrirnental to the pe ITI. STAFF RECOMMENDATTON: The staff supports the variance reqluest for one 20 sq1rarefoot sign and one three square foot sign. Staff believesthat the sign is harrnonious with the sign codersrequirement that signage not call undue attention toitself. The square footage request also does not departdrastically from the allowed signage. We recornmendapproval and feel that the applicant has rnade a strongattempt to work with the staff to develop an acceptablesign variance request. Due to the recent increased nunber of subnittals for signvariance requests for large lodges, the staff feels itwill be appropriate to adjust the sign code to allow for sone additional signage for these types of projects. Inreviewing these variance reqrras+€--€r+€€e-+ras tried tdi-- on naking and Council. --$ortever, in the long tern, we feel that the best solutionis to adjust the sign code so that it is in needs of these types of developments. Thisavoid a series of individual reviews of sign which are time consuming for the applicant, Board and Town Council. tune with the approach will variances Design Review Monrcn - March 2, L988 Kristen Pritze c/o Town of Vail Department of CommunitY DeveloPment 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8L657 RE: Sign Variance Reguest: Marriottrs Mark Resort 755 Lionshead Circle Vaj-1, Colorado 8L657 Dear Kristen, Please accept this submittal for review during the March 30th Design Review Board Session. Our client is reguesting a variance to allow him the rights to instatl an additionai. 20 square foot back-lit sign to be Iocated on the west face of ttie Phase 1I addition directly across from the Marriott parking structure. (See enclosed documentation. ) This request for variance stems from our client's desire to gain viJibility from both the east-bound frontage road and the proposed Lionshead off-ramP. The Mark is a large property stretching along west Lions- head Circ1e. fts fr-ontige ioad visibility is largely obsc- ured by the Vail Spa Condominiums. Existing signage lends identification from Lionshead Place on1y. As illustrated with the encLosed photographs, the proposed sign would be the only one visible from the west, imposing no more than the Townis prescribed 20 square foot slgn lim- itation from any one vantage point. It is expected that the proposed interchange will be a major access point into Vlit and this new slgnage would fimit confusion to visitors' seeing the hotel and hopefully limit traffic congestion at peak periods. qi nr.a Yt MH/1mh Enclosures MORTER q (r- l.gt2 I \tt:s7 ''"./.)"\l .\, lti :,t! I €ii 'i.t i i)t,ij I t. i. l,r :jilr m :! :l ,i :41 : . : #E:lr \1." u{ 9".<\z\,9\ atto+ Ho Oc6'o.:ea :1111 ,l'.11, h ' :t '!t't i;! t:;: ;.;l'rs. I 1, ft z JL IIJF -l a __:_ \ _s ;,\ '--':':, s\ \ a_ \ \: \ \ x\ A ei I I I I s't-. $' ill tr $ 7 h( d_ $ 7. F s ;N I i$ iiF ir+ II \ ( \ l\\_ (3 r\\ c:_) > AE:-JUJeJEt - \='2 trr () z (]._W. V)wo.o C6 tJJ V,o O.o ^JtI-L tr =,! i; E3tr U(, =q, E.,19 Er ;E5.!9€E-j =H |rI,.\ 6 J,I t q, o= E}.= bo zo t- IltJlrJ o v7/ii,i/::,'ii, E\ Ll Ll tl o 1.'t a\|\, :- ll (D I d, FI r.ih '#,p, t'.4 tr,l(, z \..f (, hr,rlll a'6 .t)o9.odq. I u@ ,i't).r l- ti0j {| 3l rL 'trl I !l ; I vl (I i! ti{ + .t' a. tr Fo iii o March 8, 1988 TOI^JN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Co]orado 81657 Dear Gentlemen: Mark Ventures, LTD. is the sole owner of all the condominium units in the Phase II addit'i on to Marriott's Mark Resort. As such, we hereby approve the installation of the "Mariott" sign proposed for the 6utiiae of Unit 289 facing west, as shown on the enclosed drawi ngs . Si ncerely,lr/ Yrt ^'tt/- /nnr4Kaiser Morcus Presi dent MARK VENTURES, LTD. 715 West Lionshead Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 KM/srm )f,orriottS MarkResort 715 Lfonsheed Circl, ,l veif' col.redo 'r/o* /6r6s7 ,Jrrl r*' ''** ^u p llp - {//t& /. TOI.JN OF VAIL' F^.,+h Fl"nn ta C n\,i_ \ _s Z, \,/-' <j\.n. .-<:', )-1_---'1 Ja) <-, \ ' --- - !-'t Iciv ,--\:,:-.-v'1. '-->-2..!-5- 7_ \t- {. > \t[ zoI-1 F----rU_; MH@ l.Z L,\VElIM tp7 N rrl s $ 7 F- LIil \ s ( T $ \t \: q;s s a \rl ( ': '--= il_I $ RL$\t S. 1 s -I _( +o \' \7 s s ;l o I ,^I.\v $ 7. F ,K il I Ilst\ t -^'l r')1. larr t\ ls"vl ..\ | I -*- |rtl\tNlLl $l N:I tri\t rl i Iliri Fl- tti/i{\l\l l\r I I I ,-l\ltt-;'- c if TO: FROM: DATE: Town Council Comnunity Developrnent Departmen May 3, 1988 SUBJECT: Marriott,s Mark Sign Variance Request The Marrj-ott's Mark Resort is requesting a sign variance forthe nurnber of signs and total sign square footage. Theapplicant is proposing one additionaf sign ana iz sguare feetof signage above what is allowed under the sign code. On April 2O, l-988, the Design Review Board reconunended approvalof this request unanimously. The Boardrs opinion was thil thereguest was very reasonable considering the size of theMarriott's Mark building. They also felt that each sign issituated on the building so that you can only see one iign at atine. Please see the attached nemo for the staff review-ofthis reguest. Notron:?rerrl sezffd; l2qvt\ FD NqqrvJ' f\i,I*[ Ur']^t ht,\^'[ Pr&; \Lr; s*+a VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, MAY 3, 1988 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Approval of Minutes from ApriI 5 and 19, 1988 Meetings. 2. 0rdjnance No. 1L, Series of 1988, second reading, an ordjnance amending the Munjcipal Code of the Town of Vail by the addition of Chapter 8.32 Smoking in Public Places to Title 8; and providing definitions, setting out regulations, designating certain required signs and informatjonal devices, defining and describing unlawful acts, provjding for enforcement of the regulatjons hereunder and providing for penalties upon conviction of a violation of those regulations; and setting forth details in regard thereto. 3 0rdinance No. 12, Serjes of 1989, first reading, an ordinance repealing Section 18.12.090 and Section, and enacting Sectjon 18.54.050 H of the Municjpal Code jn order to clarify design guidelines for duplex and prjmary,/secondary developments and setting forth detajls in regard hereto. 4. Ordinance No. 13, Serjes of 1988, first readjng, an ordinance making supplemental appropni ations from the Town of Vai'l General Fund, Capital Projects Fund, Real Estate Transfer Tax Fund. and the Debt Service Fund of the 1988 Budget and Financial Plan for the Town of Vail, Colorado; and authorizing the expenditures of said appropriations as set forth herein. 5. Resolution N0.9, Seri es of 1988, a resojution adopting the recreational trails master p1an. 6. Marriott's Mark S'i gn Variance Request. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Town Manager's Report Adj ournment 7. 8. z J A. ETFE II I ! ,l I!lj I'u t.bt,l.; 'i", (.t ,) t:1 ".i"t,r;?1. I \f ri 1',: ' . . iaf,t.,t ii. , tny'' j Yt. l{?I tl, t,t, | ,, litz ,'\:|. . :lt .',i,ii:., ,.r/ , ,//'I ./ -. -:- - ,r' i,i!, l, u;Jl'li:ii' :ili i:ii,j;iirrii il!i trr\ (,\ z (, Itt, oEI TAoe.o4 ! ! I ,I I 0' io /: ) ilii I I ;,:j i lri! t;l ii'" /1,'/iri i ,ti tlililirrltliiil!;'!/ | ,,1i)l' .l i) I I I I i! \ ;l\ rlrl\, ;l\ rf\ ,t ! :l : :i ' ii i'i I lt, i:'i t' 'vL), O o LJ LI o I R t-t:*ZBB O 7.o ul (J) Ql'.f!=l I-r'l:_ t-.lt-x t__ l LI YI\ i) t lltu J- t-,F 3I I rl, , ill-' rlo I I lr,lll.)ll) :(ll"l,,l rtu, b6 6dj f., Y^ u ., it ar tri:? f {i{| o 6 I ii rt tYv ]' k ,i{ 10 I s ;1 5N t; ul IIJ F. t- ,;l! I l, .-1-+-I I-t-' l|' l. I, r-*- : tl ll llr' n ,ii r t,, 't, .: rl r'ill () v EI (, z(J Irh o EI TAo O.o4 O. vVtx I R bffi' {t '#$; 8l 6{9) ( .t I ,tr8: lrJ(J z (, I(t) o IIJ(t o CLo4 A. I I i I I I - l v' I E I-.E !!a Er- "f,-ar9tr at_t a-:TF9Eg!E E=rll t|\l9ta.-L -Egfi! EY -ars*I.A Y =(EO.a o = tuI EIoIrt rtL OF#o=rr GtE=I.= b0F'-a-.EE -II'IJI -- \ CYI \(a J ,,8/g 87' ',l a o zoIIF TIJJ HJ ag/g 8Z ,o -\,l_ \ (\S+* I.:= | _$l\-i -+ i I i I I I -i- \lrl_\l -l\l AI I I I I I I I I+-'- - I1-l,sis-l I I-\ "- I !lil(uQF Tl +o v \z F s tvltl s _-! t .\- 1 $ r-]5#if ..l,; ' .*+rll_. f t.- i\l I $' $l "t $ 7 hl 'l:$_ s 7. F ,K ':$ tr_ ft-7U=\t $\r1$s N-a a lS + : ii ).. I n \ -e\ o a \F ,\ \i[ i ti ill $ $ 7 t-Lt :d_ N ( T $ $ \r qis s 1 \rl + I --= rI- 7 $ \L$ $,_ f $ .-I -\ illt .q- V \7 -F -.lt I o Illt\l-:-_/ \l\ ttr l-r). llt- FJlr.\, I \l I--t I \-1Nl LI $l N:I Ei i I I I I I I--k )i airf {..i (i \litl I nn \ C\S t I t '-1 l I i l i i I.j ; _+,_\ --t I _\l I I I I j o 7_ \t- ( > \r[ a ,".-i _str--i I --t\ N rtl l. $ 7rtil il t i$=\t $NT -1 d\..t \f,a 1atl \$v+ o llllilI t--)f-- ; ;r ,f *. ttnullY llu/ i I I I I I\k F-{Ek @G-{6 (9 Hll& O ,[PPlicaLion oaufarch 2' 1988 APi'LICATION FOR A SICN VARIAI'ICE .proceclure is rcguired for any project rcquo:lting a Variancc' application will not be acceptid until all information ir submili NN{E OF AppLICAItT I'lichqel Robin ADDRE9S pHONE 476-4444 ,(." I.This The A. ADDRESS C. .NAME OF OWNER aqer 8., NAME OF APPLICA,NT,S REpRESEi.lTATMMichael A..Hazard 143 E.Meadow Dr (print or 'tvpe)Mjchae-l Robinson', General ,-PHONE_JJE5-105- SIGNATURE ADDRESS D. .LOCATION OF ADDRESS I.,EGAL DESCRIPTION E. FEE. $20.00. , ' 'i.ci lot br;ak Filing v"t t t i"n"tt""a a"a lvt,h hI*son (over) T(flr|l..l AF L'Fl I l- lliEcel laneous Cash E6-86-88 1614715? ReceiFt * 684€.42 Rc,:ount* CK+24lag I"IORTER flRCHITECT5 "5I6H FPPLICPTION Rmount lendered ) 2E.SB Iren Paid grount Paid 61EBE6424996BE ?s.66 Change re tu rned ) E:l ' 6B -rHF|hll< volJ ' Vour cashier 5T '1.+u - ..r ''...- j! ..ri.'.ii' t.i-,t ? Fee Paid Appl icati on itnber - SIGN APPLICATIOII 0ate 3/2/88 Name of Project Marriotrs Mirk Resort Name of Person Subrnitting Michael A. Hazard__AtA Location of Project Vail Lionshead 3rd Fjlinq Oescription of-.Prgject Hotel,/Condominium/Conference Facitity Phone j76=51q5- The.fol'lorving lnformation is required for submittal by the applicantto the [)es'ign-Reviel Board before a final approval cair be giveo- Sign submittal fee is $20.00. A. Sign Material ilh{tn-.Atuftrin{irm Back-lit Letters Mounted Djfectly to Bui'l dinq I'Jall:Lsee photograph of e..,istinq sign. ) B. Description of Sign l,Jhite Marriot letters w+thcendhlaqted gre C. Size of Sign 28 5/8" x 102" = 20 sq. ft. Length'of Comments D. E. I'IATERIALS SUEi.IITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. Site Plan2. Drar'rings sHioffilEact location3. Photographs shor,,ring proposed locffi4. Actual sisn5. Coioreci siaiE-i?a-ivii'd"-6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for t)RB Subnittal - I o i 'i t r h co\I^'LQ &'\)e+ t]l'affi.na1 Dd- h 0b : -il! < RD6 t't^' '\*'J* t I il\bt dU drtq V'tl6t Srte , \, { , f.< ii r/, ry { tt. uia^^q/de u,igM> ,altt' ZaLfiq.( " 0at4€sfu2, @ 0{2b *99*d + ,4 ,1,/rfrh+. :; I I {\ }0s\. litr,- (S, \.i*\i;*00-r''),/1 .rl1l q{ 4 +r+tlr,}ra4L nol ;no!nd1 tlfrg fig-r,on{*ifii q{4 +r+^L,,:""otu nol;n.!o\ 4 ry.,onrdry ll il,"k- Rap$q) g{, funu61 nffAwM**d4,. - ii f4!r+gt rd( /v"Ab ltiP4 o-{