HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 3 BLOCK 1 LOT 4 MARRIOTTS PERMITS THRU 1991 PART 1 LEGAL[l\-'"t\;* A\t' -1t*^,i,Wt 6r,;I; F\3 Rt*.k\rfir{ box lfil vail, colorado 81657 (3031 47&s613 , l'|ay $, 1982 Ru off -l,Ientworth Archi tects 500 l.l. Lionshead Mal'l Vail, Colorado 81657 Comments and corrections are noted P'lease return two sets of comected set upon completion of corrections. Upon approval of plans 2 sets wi'l'l department of community development RE: Mamiott Mark Phase II be picked up for South Frontage Rd.' Gent'lemen: P'lans for above project have been checked and may correction at the Building Department office, 75 Vai'l . in red on the p1ans. plans along with the checked be stamped approved' 1 for the job and l for our fi]es. If there are any questions regarding this plan check, please contact the undersigned between I and 9 a.m. or 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. lbnday thru Frlday. Si ncerely,frf,.4#; Chet Hor,ton Bu'ilding Inspector. CH:df 3 June 1982 hftne'5 CarlA. W&hington Thom6 Vt Thorye Ross P Cooney Sen or Assooiates James E. Utbonas Max P. Ruryck Gaty D. fov'/€ll Carcl E. SnFal ftank B. Gray Assooat€5 Alvin L Mode K. Davidcason Douglas E. Schmitt hm6 B. Dauer Lonnie L Grein 11o o' f,- (a il 3o t' rD Fo Io ds N AA \\ > o o # f, r- Ar c!o f,sd Or o (o o ot f, .D o t ,4k Mr. Chet Horton Building Department Town of VaiI Vai l , Col orado 81657 RE: Marriott Mark - Phase II Dear Chet: }Je have been in contact with Mr. Ben Zirrner of the UNDERWRITERS LAB0RAT0RIES IN CHICAG0 concerning the perimeter walls of the Hotel . l,le proposed the L hour wall systenr assembly as follows: 5/8" type X - Gyp board on 6" MTL. STUDS with 1/2" exterior sheathing He stated that although thene is nothing precisely l'ikeit, the Gypsum Assoc. Fire Resistance Manuals assembly No. }{P 6010 is similar. He said that this proposed assembly would qualify as a t hour wall. Further' with the 6" fiber glass batt insulation between the metal studs, as we will be providing, the t hour assembly is exceeded. In approximately 80% of the perimeter wall system, we also have 1." stucco on self-furring metal lathe over the L/2" Wp. sheathing. This assembly wi1l approach a 2 hour wall assembly. If there are any further questions, please give either Ken Wentworth or me a call. Si ncerely, PARTNERSH I P Archi tect LG/bbxc: Ben Zimmer Ken tlentworth nnie Greim 7 5-4 Rwtr/Vl/entworth AfChiteCtS ?:i *i;:::::#ii AA June 23, 1982 Mr. Chet Horton Building Inspector 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: lllarriottrs Mark Resort Phase ll Addition Dear Chet: This letter is to confirm a conversation with you this morning in your office in which I was told that Ordinance No. 22 Series of 1979 modifies Section 1705d of the 1979 Uniform Building Code such that fire retardent wood siding is not required as detailed on the above referenced proiect. Sincerely, RUOFF/WENTWORTH ARCHlTECTS rc Ni,*\""r1-- Kenneth S. Wentworth aim Copy to: Mr. Phil Harris Mr. Lonny Greim Wrllram J Ruotl Kenneth S. Wentworth ,42 lA.; ftosid.r. Orlor! I 3O3 a{}8d77.' o A>// o firff 'fi,,u'' , A *1.-,;rri Veill|jr,r [titq*':i:',."AIA -.. July Mr., Phil Harris G.'E, Johnson P.O. Box 2139 . Colorado Springs, CO Sincerely, 1982 i Phase ll . I t_ I t- rii{+'' /a/--*b/*", %_-o o 5-' .. , LS,ri.i.,r, . g ..r '.t' 1',: r.v. c, .",' f. i"li"."", l. *'.:1: : : .r' l! Dear Phil: further saving may be gained by revising the sliding doors ' a7<)U12<r toVontinentn JuLy 22, L982 Building Department 75 South Frontage StreetVail, CO. 8L657 Attn: Mr. Gary Murrain Re: Fire Protection Svsteml,Iarriott MarkVail, CO. Dear Mr. Murrain, Continental would like to confirm our telephone conversations regardingthe above referenced project. First, as indicated in our conversation, please forward to Continentala copy of the subcontractorts license forn for Continental to execute and return to your office with the $75.00 license fee. We understandthere is no permit required as the general contractorrs permit coversthe project. Second1y, aLtached please find copies of submittal data on the Herseydouble check valve assembly which is recognized as preventing backflowing.This is a double check valve assembly which is U/L listed. Additionalcuts of a Viking double check backflow preventor are also enclosed. Please note that these have been listed by the University of SouthernCalifornia for cross connection purposes. Continental would appreciateyour review of the attached brochures and advise us of which valveis preferable to the City of Vail . If equal , Continental prefers the use of the Hersey lfI-6" double check valve as it is a more standardvalve with repair parts more accessible. Thank you for your attentionto this matter. An additional item discussed by Continental that was brought to our attenEion previously by Mr. McGee of the Fire Inspection Department wasthat of the possible \^rater harmner problems experienced in Vail due to high pressures. Attached please find copy of-NFPA /113, Chapter 3, whichlists the acceptable piping for fire protection systems. Continental proposes the use of the Schedule 10 pipe as listed in Paragraph 3-1.1.2which is rated for pressures up to 300 psi. This piping is approvedfor use when used with welded outlets and connected by grooved couplings. Please keep in mind that when ScheduLe 40 pipe is used and threaded, thewall thickness at thread points is often as thin or thinner than Schedule 10 piping. Additionally,'Continental proposes that the installationfor Marriott include the installation of a 4" pressure relief valve which oo I Flre Spr tnkler Compony 4518 South lllllrd Street o P.O. Box 375164 r Omaha, Nebraska 6813i/ . (402) 3:XF5170 3210 Eaet Roeser Road, Suite I r Phoenix, Arizona 85040 . 1ffi21243-3211 ' Building Department Page (2) JuLy 22, L982 would relieve all pressures on the sprinkler system which exceed 175 psi, This type pressure relief valve is used in most fire pump installationsto retrieve any excess pressures that might be built up. This would assure that. there are no high pressures on the schedule 10 piping. In sr:nunary, Continental trusts that you will be forwarding us a formfor the subcontractors license, advising of the approval- on double check valves backflow preventor, and confirming Ehe approval for use of schedule l0 piping when incorporaEing the relief valve installation. Continental is looking forward to receiving your answers in the nearfuture. Yours very Eruly, SPRINKLER COMPANY Af,A ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80223 (303) 696-1050 I n/* UaeW?ad AKA 2L96-782 JuLy ,26, L982 Ruoff/Wentworth 500 W. Lionshead Ma1lVail, Colorado 81651 Attention: Mr. Janes Wentworth RE: Marriott Mark Gentlenen: Enclosed is the inspection report for work perforned on July 20, L982. Very truly yours, RMR:mc cc Carl ltlorthington John Ferguson Chet Horton Denny Finger Partnership f,"r- az-- STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL TESTING AKA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO OENVER, COLORADO 80223 (303) 698-1050 DAILY REPORT OF: ONSITE LOCATION: Marriott Resort INSPECTOR: Ray M. Reed coNTRAcTED SER'I.ES: A( ,*,*T JOB NO: REGULAR SERVICES: ZL96 DATE:7-20-82 HRS: 6.0 OT HRS: PAGE 1 OF 2 The initial onsite inspection visit was conducted on 7-20-82. A walk-through and visual examination of the erected steel was perforrned with Mr. Finger, jobsite superintendent of G.E. Johnson. The following iterns were noted. Ieerrlfi North wall pockets for the bar joists which frame over the grand ballroon are undersized to fit the bar joist seats. Therefore, the bar joists were cut down to fit these pockets. (See Figure 1). J*.*-.*:-ta Modifications to connections along the east wa11 to the existing structure. Beans were cut to fit overall and no enbed plates in the existing structure forced the use of clip angles and quik bolts. Mr. Finger stated that the engineer fron Richard lVeingardt's office had reviewed and accepted these modifications. We will detail each nodification for record purposes. These rnodifications are at points F4 south, G4 north (lobby 1evel), and F5 first 1eve1. Tfern-#l'. 0n the plaza level at H.8 and 5.6 line, the eight bolt holes in the girder rvere relocated with a cutting torch. Since this connection is reportedLy a STFUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL TESTING AKA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVER, COLORADO 80223 {303) 698-1050 DAILY REPORT OF: ONSITE LOCATION: Marriott Resort OB N0z 2L96 DATE: 7-20-82 INSPECTOR: Ray M. Reed REGULAR HRS: 6.0 OT HRS: CONTRACTED SERVICES, MEXTRA SERVICES: PAGE 2 OF 2 ---\- bearing connection, it will necessitate welding a full vertical to the girder web along the outstanding leg of the angle. (See Figure 2). The engineer will be contacted concerning Mr. Finger's statement that all connections are bearing bolts and will not need bolt tension verification inspection. One half of the bar joist seat at 5.6 line along F line on the 8X10 WF side was cut off to clear the colunn base platq at that point (see figure 5). The cut leg should be welded to the column base plate to provide support. The iron worker foreman and l4r. Finger were inforned. -il]l[bgp+he apparently approved deck field drawings in current use by the iron workers differ in weldment size and quantity requirements as shown on the structural drawings sheet S-8. The engineer will be informed. STFUCTURAL ANO MECHANICAL TESTING \DB&H orr blor-* o O Oo L.*rw- tt&;q l"- ,^ril L" Lry ry AIG ALBERT KNorr & AssocrArEs, rNc. 84m S. l-2s ENGLE,ylOo, CO 80112 (303) 77&8s85 DATE JOB NO.BY 7-2bfz zr?5 ture%o3 frce / or o Frott7-€ E, \ \f, { s ,6tt wsT KEraseA v) / nr a*za)ffi VZ vh(4zuL '&zt)t'-z'a AKA ALBERT KNorr & AssocrArEs, rNc. 84m s. r-25 El,,r6\EwooD, co 8or12 (3q]) 773-8585 . DATE JOB NO.,aBY \ 7- zutL z-/ ?(Zzr< oEsc"'p'onr yA # *PAGE / OF o tue€ _1 ft"- arr* lt* vD/.p AKA ALBERT K*orr & AssocrArEs, rNc. 8400 s. r-25 ENGLEWOOO, CO 80112 (3O3) 773-85Ss a1 O coLoRADoTEsrcENrER,INc. 155 SourH N^v.Jo SnEET DENvEn. CoLoR^Do 80223 (303) 698. IO50 loaY s. N:lsoN. P.e RAY I{. REED mNA! i. RGCII Ruof f /Wentworth Architects 500 West Lionshead Mal1Vai1, Colorado 81651 Attention: Mr. Janes Wentworth RE: Marriott Mark Resort Gentlemen: Enclosed is the inspection report for work performed on July 29, L982. Very truly yours, COLORADO TEST CENTER, INC. RMR:nc cc Carl Worthington John Ferguson Chet Horton Denny Finger Partnership STRUCTURAL [,IECHANICAL AND MATERIALS TESTING COLORADO TEST CENTER, INC. 155 SOI'TH NAVAJO DETWEF, COLORADO 80223 (303) 698-10s0 DAILy REpORT OF: ONSITE LOCATI0N; Marriott Dave Sturgeon INSPECTOR; Ray Reed A{ CONTRACTED SERVICES: //\ EXTRA - ?,L96 DATE: 7 -29-82 HRS:14.0 OT HRS: PAGE 1 OF Z JOB NO: REGUTAR SERVICES: The second onsite visual examination was conducted on 7-29-82. Itens #3 and #4, previously enumerated by Ray Reed on his report dated 7-20-82 have, at this time' not been corrected. With regard to Iten #3 (bearing connections), Mr. Reed ca1led John Ferguson of Richard weingardt and Associates from the jobsite for confirmation and was inforned that all bolted connections are designed in bearing. I'ty observations of noteable conditions are as follows: \fEnt-rf-tobbv level at 5.75 and E.1, there is a column (T55x5x1/4) that was modified to bridge a gap. See attached drawing #1' In addition to the supporting plates added to the baseplate, shims were also emploved to hold elevation while the baiepiate underside was' grouted. This condition is noted only because of its deviation from specifications, as it appears adequate. ffirr*'Lobby level , 2 feet east of 5 line between E and F, a bar joist, 18H3, is nissing. Mr. Finger was contacted, and he informed ne that he was shorted one unit bY the fabricator. It will be Placed after it arrives. STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL AND MATERIAI-S TESTING COLORADO TEST CENTER, INC. r55 SOUTH NAVA'O DEIWER, COLOBADO 80223 (303) 698-10s0 DAITY REPORT 0F: ONSITE LoCATI0N: Marriott Dave Sturgeon INSPECTOR: RaY Reed /* CONTRACTED SERVICES: in EXTMT- JOB N0: 2196 DATE: 7-29-82 REGULAR HRS: 14.0 OT HRS: SERVICES: PAGE 2 OF z I.ts**.1&At the nezzanine 1evel along the west side of the existing structure, modifications were rnade to accept the W18x55 girder. Aclip angLe was added to the top of the lower colunn and plates were added across the flanges of the W21x68, running north and south. Extensions were brought outto weld the web of the W18x55 to the W21x68. The top and botton flanges were also welded fu11 length. See Drawing #2. Iif;.Fnr It was also noted that many bolts on the' lobby 1eve1 have not been tightened. This condition was discussed with Don Finger and he assured rne that he would contact CTC.so that a walk-through could be conducted to verify tightening of the bolted connections prior to pouring concrete. E#-*t the mezzanine 1eve1 along H.2 line' some of the bolted connections have been nodified, requiring larger and longer bolts. CTC needs a copy of this revision and would like to get on the mailing list for this and all future revisions. In conclusion, this inspector would like to say that the general workmanship and quality of the erected steel is good for that erected to date. The next onsite inspection is scheduled for 8-5-82. STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL ANO MATERIALS TESTING o / /r'0/ rtl / r:'t i.i'ti,'!/ 6,{truT F7 -t'7 o / tr/r"V Ll-,vr/ 19s ty 'o/@5'7r,iE / 1r/,/,rl/22 D,L!,, oo 7VEZ7/IWE taEa 4 / t Lt7/E PaG FZ A/gY)-3-tua/Y6At -*--,-J /-d--- t .- Y fo6a s Ng-sol{. P.E n^Y M, NEEO mNALD R. ROSCII CoLoBADOTEST CENTER, INC. 155 SourH N^v Jo Sritrr DENVEi. CoLoMoo 80223 l3dll69&1060 o?4 cTc 2196-782 August 9, 1982 Ruoff/Wentworth Architects 500 West Lionshead Mall Vai1, Colorado 81651 Attention: Mr. Kenneth Wentworth RE: Marriott Mark Resort Gentlemen: Enclosed is the inspection report for work perforned on August 5, 1982. Very truly yours, C0L0MD0 TEST CENTER, INC. RMR: mc cc Carl Worthington John Ferguson Chet Horton Denny Finger Kaiser Morcus Partnership r. i r c o I I c COLORADO TEST CENTER, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVA'O DENVER, COLORADO 80223 (3O3) 698-1050 DAILY REPORT OF:ONSITE #3:Has been cornplied with in accordance with Figure 2 on Mr. Reed's report datdd 7/20/82. Has been compl.ied with in accordance with Mr. Reed's report dated 7 /20/82. ITEM #4; LOCATION: l"larriott Mark Resort JOB N0. zL96 DATE: 8/5/82 INsPEcroR: David L' sturgeon REGULAR HRS: 7'0 0T HRS: 2'0 CoNTRACTED SERVTCES: x EXTRA SERVTCES: PAGE 1 OF 5 The first part of the third visit to the job site consisted review of the previously noted conditions on both prior re- , dated 7/20/82 and 7/29/82, and are as follows:ofaports ITEM ITEM #5: A random measurenent was nade of the welds attaching the decking on the lobby level arid was noted to be L/2't typicaL1-y, and spaced according to the specifications on Sheet S-8. The decking appears to be securely anchored to the supporting members. In review of the numerated conditions on my report dated 7/29/82, ny observations are as follows: ITEivl #7: Reinspection of the area in question reveals decking in place and no bar joist. Contacted Richard Weingardt and discussed this condition with Bill Newell. It nas determinedthat since only a 30" area was unsupported by a joist, but bear-ing on an agnle at the fire wal1 and the fact that spacing of thebar joist was on 24" centers, no support will be needed in this area. ITEM #10: This condition was being corrected Longer and larger bolts were being The second part of my visit consisted ofspection of the steel frane erected after the and rny observations are as follows: duri.ng my vi.sit.installed. a walk throughprevious vis it , ].n- ITEM #11: On Sheet S-2 at the junction of 1l anding shows that the T.S. 8x8x1/2 column LZxlZ Inasonry pilaster, and it appears as though anchored to the adjoining waI1. f', is if , the draw-to sit on ais not STRUCTURAI, MECHANICAL ANO MATERIALSi TESTING COLORADO TEST CENTER, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO DEWER. GOLORADO 80223 (303) 698-1050 DAILY REPORT 0F: ONSITE LOCATIoN: Marriott Mark Resort INSPECToR: David L. Sturgeon CONTRACTED SERVICES, K EXTM SERVICES: cross on drawing S-5, there is a IV14x2Z that framescut out section of the core. A stack of shims approxi-3" high have been added to correct elevation. Theseare not welded together or to the framing member at this PAGE 2 OF 3 ITEM # 12: At J and 5lines, Sheet S-2, at the east side of the core where a W16x26 frames into it, the base plate is cocked on the botton flange, resulting in insufficient bearing.This condition also occurs at the east side of the core where 5 and J.l lines cross on the mezzanine 1evel. ITEM #15: Detail 5/S9 shorvs field welding of the 3/8" connec-tion plates on the Wl 6x26 side of the connectionalong the botton. This has not been accomplished at this time. ITEM f14: Where 1l and J.l lines cross on S-5, there is atube steel colunn 8x8x1/2 that has a bearing pad ontop for the W21x50 north/south member to rest on and bolt to. However, the holes in the botton flange do not rnatch those inthe bearing plate. Two bolts have been i.nstalled on the eastside of the web, resulting in a nisalignrnent of the holes onthe west side of the web. Visua11y, the W21x50 appears to bealigned correctly and bearing sufficiently. ITElvl #15: At 10r7" south of H.3, where 10 line 8'11,'west JOB NO: 2L96 DATE: 8/S/82 REGUIAR HRS: 7.0 OT HRS:2.0 of 11 line 6x6 columnresults in overhang - top of the into a mate 1y s hims time. ITEM #16: At the junction of H-3 and 7219-If2,1 west on drawing S-3, the supporti.ng tube steellras been shifted to the south approxirnateLy 7,,. Thisa misaligruent of the stiffeners in the lrrl4x54 and aning condition for the tube steel column that sits on W- 14 . See attached drawing # 2. ITEM f17: l4any bearing and base Itave been torched atbolting, however, some bolts are nonexi s tent . plates on the tube steel columnsthe bolt holes to facilitatesti11 nissing and sone holes are STRUCTURAI- MECHANICAL ANO MATERIALS} TESTING COLORADO TEST CENTER, ING. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO oErwER COLORADO 80223 (3031 698-1050 DAILY REPORT OF: ONSITE TOCATION: Marriott Mark Resort JOB NO:zL96 DATE: B/S/82 INSPECTOR: David L. Sturgeon REGULAR HRS: 7.0 OT HRS: 2.9 CoNTMCTED SERVICES, x nxrM SERVICES:PAGE 3 0F S ITEM #18: At the junction of H.3 and 11 lines on drawing S-2, the base plate has been rnodified to correct the vert- ical alignment of the tube steel 8x8x1/2 colunn. This resultsin a reduction of bearing on the pilaster. Two of the original holes and anchor bolts were used, and two new holes were drilledwith 10" Quik bolts installed as anchors. The base plate was also notched out on the northeast corner to clear the east/west wal1 at the plus elevation change. See attached drawing #1. ITEM #19: building. It was also noted that sone of the stiffeners were not wetded in the shop on various beans throughout the ITEM #20: On the second 1eve1 frarning at the junction of 6 and 8' south of H.3 1ine, the W14-22 that frames into the east side of the W24x62 is 1" south of its proper location. ITEM #21: Also noted that many of the bolted connections were assembled with the threaded portion of the bolts in the shear p1ane. Contacted Bill Newel1 with Richard ltteingardt in reference to this condition, and he inforned ne that allow- ances had been rnade for this condition, and they were acceptable as constructed, In conclusion I would like to add that the numerated condi- tions on the reports dated 7/20/82 and 7/29/87' have been compli.ed with, with one srna11 exception, that being the tightening of bolted connections. This will be handled on a segmented basis prior to the pouring of concrete. I woutd also like to add that a meeting will be scheduled with Richard lVeingardt on 8/9/82 to discuss repairs and correc- tions to be implenented ot B/I0/82. STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL ANO MATERTALS TESTING COLORADO TEST CENTEF, II.IC. 156SOUTH NAVA,O DEIWER, OOLORADO 8@23 (sq 8s-105rt DAILY REPORT OFz ////CE ,1,#CiorT LOCATION: VI} i L INSPECToR z D l.Srul,..oFaN JoB No :2tQ 6 REGUTAR HRS: DArE: 8--S-ta_, OT HRS: 0tCONTRACTED SERVICES: y' BXTRA SERVICES:PAGB .^ lat*--"D-+eiz-.---J-j'/r;A-u t.€-fLe :v,;;-;i,r;v_ qu.i.'(.:'- ^ L Best copy Available STRUCTURAL MECHAIIICAL A}IO MATERIATS TESTING o coLoRADO TEST CENTEB rNC. 155 SOUm NAVAJO DETWER @T.ORAOO eXAg (30o 698-1050 DAILY REPoRT oF: DaxE)-l4ltiol, LoCATIoN: VA|L" INSPECTOR t D t I 7q/ftt{c4,r CONTRACTED SERVICES:BXTRA SERVICES: JoB No:2lqa DArE: g-f-rL REGUTAR HRS: OT HRS: PAGE OF D w,1' -l 2, t.e-g!, -i.y.y:,\tz. 2!., !,42i., :, i. LL.'-/!/y?.J '' i,,'i! ll ','1'-.'-, .r, _ -_ _*r,i.'.{* rrr'"-- -trI--' N rrt' Ia tt t': rl.'Jtl-'" STRUCTURAI. MECHANICAL AND MATERIAIS TESTINO loaY $ N€rlol{. tL i Y !t SElrr DO{AIO T, RGCH CoLoRADo TEST CENTER. INC. 155 Sc|.rrH N^v^.p SrF€Er DtNvEi. CotoR^oo 8flZl (18,69&1(E0 1F-Z-_ cTc 2L96-782 August 16, 1982 Ruof f/Wentworth Architects 500 West Lionshead Ma11Vail, Colorado 81651 Attention: Mr. Kenneth Wentworth RE: Marriott Mark Resort Gentlemen: Enclosed are the inspection reports for work perfornedfrom August 9 to L3, 1982. Very truly yours, COLORADO TEST CENTER, INC. RMR:nc cc Carl Worthington John Ferguson Chet Horton Denny Finger Kaiser Morcus Partnership r. ^ i c D r ^ | c CONTRACTED SERVICES' X EXTRA SERVICES:---.r COLORAOO TEST CENTER, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVA'O oErwEa coLoRADo 80223 {3031 69t-ro5O DAILY REPORT OF: MEETING LoCATION: Ri.chard Weingardt OfficesJOB NO:DATE: 8/9/82 .0 Ot HRS: 1.5INSPECTOR: David L. Sturgeon REGULAR 9Fz This meeting consisted of a review by Dhanvin Mehta and nyself, Dave Sturgeon, of conditions noted by ne at the lr{ark l"tarriott job site in Vai1, Colorado on my report dated 8/5/87,. The following is a list of suggested corrections in sequence with the above mentioned rePort. Iten # 12: These 2 cocked bearing plates will be repositioned to allow for fulL bearing, then shirnned and grouted. Iten # 13: This connection plate must be welded on both sides of the web typically alonC J.1 line. Item # 14: To correct the nisalignnent of bolt ho1es, a full length of L/4" fillet weld will be added to the west side of the point where the botton flange contacts the bearing plate. Iten # 15: To correct this elevation change, the shims will be renoved and a supporting angle 3 x L/2, the sane width as the flange on the ltr-1-4 x 26, wiLL be quick bolted at elevation with two 3/4" x 6" bolts, and in addition, a L2" length of angle of the sane dirnensions will be welded to the web and anchored to the core with 3 evenly spaced quick bolts. zLg6 HRS: 1 PAGE 5 lar.,jc ru R.a!. i,i €ct{Af lrcAL Af lo \lAIEgtALS I= S,r'fic COLORAOO TEST CENTER, INc. r55 SOUTH NAVA,O oENVEB. COLORADO ll{t223 (3031 698- loso DAILY REPORT OF: MEETING L0GATION: Richard weingardt 0fficestroB No: ?,196 DATE: 8/9/82 INSPECTOR: David L. sturgeon REGULAR HRS: 1.0 oT HRS: 1.5 CONTRACTED SERVICES: EXTRA SERVICES: PAGE Z OF 1 The welding of the web angle will consist of a fuLL 1'/4t' vertical and a 2" return top and bottom. Item # 17: Where bolt holes have been onitted at these var- ious locations, welding will be employed as to con- pensate for missing bolts. Item # 19: Onitted welds on fabricated conponents will be field welded with the appropriate size and length of weld. Iten # 20: The W-L4 x 22 wi-1l be moved north to its proper ' location, new connection angles will be added' and welded with a I/4" fLllet to the web of the 1'l'74 x 62, in lieu of bolting. Itens lt 'Lt, 16 and 18: will require additional work on the part of Richard Weingardt in the form of calcu- lations. I an to contact their office on 8/10/82 for results and reconnendations to correct these items. SIAUCTUAAL i,IECHTI'iICAL ATiO IdAIERIALS IESI]:..O COLORADO TEST CENTER, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO DEitvER, COLORADO 80223 (3O3) 698-105O DAILY REPORT OF: ONSITE LOCATION: , Marriott I'lark Resort JOB NO 2 2196 DATE: 8 -10 -8 2 INSPECTOR; David L. sturgeon REGULAR HRS: 8.0 OT HRSz 2-0 CONTRACTED SERVICES: X EXTRA SERVICES: PAGE 1 OT 2 Upon arrival at the jobsite, Phil W. with G.E. Johnson, and nyself, David Sturgeon, reviewed the proposed fixes suggested by Richard Weingardt and Associates, concerning the report dated 8-5-82. This inspector feels that G.E. Johnson is aware of and understands just what needs to be done on each iten. Reinspection of these items will be accomplished as they are completed. This inspector aLso inforned Don of the additional work required by Richard Weingardt on itens 11, 16, and 1"8 and that answers wilL be relayed to hin as soon as they are available. During ny visual inspection of the erected steel frane, it was brought to ny attention that the 18H5 bar joist that bears on the W24x62 along 6 line, and south of J.3 does not have sufficient length to rest ful1y on the top flange of the north/south Wl6x26, as they do on the north/south N24x62 north of J.3 line. The reduction in width of the flanges create this short condition. Phil l{. with G.E. Johnson informed me that he will provide support for the joist by adding a piece of channel 4x5.4 to the top flange of the north/south ltt16x26 in an east/west dj.rection, resulting in an extension of the bearing STRUCTURAI- MECHANICAL AND MATERIALS TESTING COLORADO TEST CENTER, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVA'O oENVER. COLORADO 8(n23 (3031 698-105O DAILY REPORT 0F: ONSITE LOCATION: jMarriott Mark Resort JOB NO: 2L96 DATE:8-10-82 INSPECTOR: David L. Sturgeon REGULAR HRS: &0 OT HRSz 2'A CONTRACTED SERVICES: EXTRA SERVICES: PAGE 2 OF 2 area of the flange. The channel will be welded with a 1/4" fillet across the back and a full return on each side. The bar joist will be welded to the channel as it is typically on the building. This inspector feels that this condition should be reviewed by Richard Weingardt for adequacy. Please refer to drawing #L for details. STBUCTURAI. MECHANICAL ANO MATERIALS TESNNG o COLORADO TEST CENTER, INC. 156SOt rlr MvAro' DEtirvER OOLOR OO 8ozllt l30sl 6s-1050 DAITY REPORT OF: I,IARRIOTT MARK RESORT LOCATION: Level 2 to 5 Typ. JOB NO: INSPbcToR: David L. Sturgeon REGULAR CONTRACTED SERVICBS: EXTRA SERVICES: - 2t96 HRS: PAGE DATE: OT 10F HRS: 1 D ccrh Ft EsF, eid.v a ' ^' ,v € b;*F ,rut\t, tFt, ,8t'" t,,t-/b /Lb1 I 'J''t I STRUCTURAL M€CHANICAL AND MATERIALS TESTING COLORADO TEST CENTER, INC. 155 SOUTH MVA'O DETWER, COLORAOO 80223 (303) 698-1050 DAILY REPORT OF: ONSITE LOCATION: Mark Marriott INSPECTOR: David Sturgeon CONTMCTED SERVICES ' DC EXTRA ZL96 DATE: HRS: 9. O OT PA6E 1 OF 8-15:82 HRS: ? Upon arrival at the jobsite, it was requested by G.E Johnson that CTC conduct a walk-through of the lobby area bound by 5 6 4, E € W and J to F, N 6 S for final acceptance prior to pouring of concrete. The following conditions were noted: JOB NO: REGULAR SERVICES: This condition on the report dated 8-9-82 has not been corrected at this time. The bean framing at the junction of G and 4 lines north side on the lobby level has not been welded to its shinmedclip angle seat. The beam to existing wall connection at the junction of H and 4 lines needs welding. As in item #22, there is also a quik bolt nissing at the web to wal1 connection on east side of web. There is a north-south bolted connectionin a beam that frames into an east-westgirder, just ast of H and 4 lines where a nut has been installed over 4 washers. The bolt is too long for this connection. The bar joist has not been anchored to the wa11s as detailed in 1L/S-7. 0n the top side of this area at the lobby 1eve1, the 2 existing column to base plate connections do not have the nuts tightened down. These nuts will be covered over with the pouring of the deck. STRUCTURAL MECHANTCAL AND MATERIALS TESTING Iten #12 Iten #22 Item #23 Ltem #24 Item #25 Iten #26 o COLORAOO TEST CENTER, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO oElWEB. COI.oRAOO 80223 (303) 898n050 DAILY REPORT OF! ONSITE LOCATION: Mark trtarriott JOB NO7 2196 DATE: 8-13-82 INSPECTOR: David L. sturgeon REGULAR HRS: 9.0 OT HRS: lt- CoNTRACTED SERVICES: K- rXTRA SERVTCES: PAGE 2 0F 2 These conditions were reviewed wi.th both G.E. Johnson and Mountain Stee1. These noted conditions will be reinspected prior to pouring that is tentativeLy scheduled for the 17th or LSth of August. Itens 13, 15, L7, L9, and 20 have not been corrected at this tine. During ny visual inspection of- erected stee1, this inspector noted two beams being too long when conpared to the shop drawings. One 8-159 was L-L/8" too 1ong, and the other 8-156 was 5/8" too long. The holes will be slotted in the clips to correct this too long condition. STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL AND MATEFIAUI TESTING CoLoRADo TEST CENTER, INC. 155 Sourx Nrvro Srnlrr DENVER CoLoR oo qIA3 (3G}1 5te 1(E0 ro6Ys mlsoN{la R/rY M. ilED DONATD L i6cll cTc 2L96-782 August 23, L982 Ruoff /Wentworth Architect s 500 West Lionshead Ma11Vail, Colorado 81651 Attention: Mr. Kenneth Wentworth RE: Marriott Mark Resort Gentlenen: Enclosed are the inspection reports for work perforned on August 17 and 20, 1982. Very truly yours, C0L0RAD0 TEST CENTER, INC. RMR:nc cc Carl Worthington John Ferguson Chet Horton Denny Finger Kaiser Morcus Partnership COLOFADO TEST CENTEH. INC. I55 SOTJTH NAVAJO oEr.rvER, CoLOFAOO 80223 (3fit) 698-105O DAILY REPORT OF: ONSITE I IOCATI0N; Marly'MarriottI INSPECTOR: David L. Sturgeon ;.) CONTRACTED SERVICES: LX= EXTM JOB NO: REGULAR SERVICES: The first part of this visi.t consisted of a reinspection of the nunerated outstanding conditions listed on the CTC reports dated 8-16-8? and 8-9-82, by request of Denny Finger of G.E. Johnson. The following itens, referred to by their itern nurnber, were not corrected prior to ny arrival: iterns 24, 25, and 26. This was brought to the attention of De1 Hegginson with N{ountain Steel, and Denny Finger with G.E. Johnson. l{ork to correct these conditions was started just after the noon hour. Subsequently, G.E. Johnson asked this inspector to stay until such tirne as I could sign of the area bound by 5 and 4lines, north and south, and J to F lines, east to west. Reinspection was cond.ucted at 3:00 P.l'1 . and the above conditj-ons were found to be acceptable and the area bound by 5 and 4 and J to F is cleared for the pouring of concrete. Concernj,ng the previousJ.y mentioned (iten 19 on report 8-5-82), stiffener plates in girders that were detai-1ed not to be welded in the fie1d. This inspector compiled a list according to piece numbers and correlated it to the 2796 DATE: 8-I7 -82 HRS: 9.0 OT HRS: 2.5 PAGE 1 OF 3 STFUCTURAI- MECHANICAL ANO MATEHIAUi TESTING COLORADO TEST CENTER, INC, 155 SOUTH NAVNO DETWER, COLORAOO 80t2 3 (3031 698-1oso DAILY RIPORT,OF: ONSITE LOCATION: MArK IVIATTiOtt JOB NO: 2196 DATE: 8-L7 -82 INSPECTOR: David L. Sturgeon REGULAR HRS: 9.0 OT HRSz ?.5 CoNTRACTED SERVICES: 2(= EXTRA SERVICES:-PAGE 2 OF 3 structural drawings for use by lvlountain Steel. Thi-s inspector feels that this will expedite and assure the completi.on of this requirement. During my visual inspection, the following itens were noted: Item 27: 0n the lobby level at 6tLL-I/8" south of J-3 li.ne and 5r1" west of 11 1ine, the ledge angle has been rnisplaced 7/8" south and 3/4" south.respectively. This condition was brought to the attention of lvlountain Steel ' and I was inforned that it would be corrected prior to my next vi,s it . Iten 28: Grid 1j-ne and elevation changes will be required at the west side of the west core on levels 4 and 5 where the l{8x10 and the W14x24 frame i.nto the blocked out areas, at these locations on the 5th 1eve1 8'11-5/8" west of l0 line at H.5 and 8'11-3/8" west of 10 line at I'3'3/4" north of J.1 line. This condition was visually reviewed by Denny Finger with G.E. Johnson and myself, Dave Sturgeon, and the following corrections were decided on. The elevation changes required are +Z-I/?" typ. The STRUCTUML MECHANICAL AND MATEFIALS TESTING COLORADO TEST CENTER INC. 155 SOUTH I.IAVA,O oEwER. COLORADO q}z2ll (303) 69E-1O5O DAILY REPORT, OF: ONSITE LOCATION: Mark Marriott JOB NO: 2196 DATE: 8-17-82 INSPECTOR: David L. Sturgeon REGULAR HRS: 9.0 OT HRS: 7.5 l\/. CONTMCTED SERVICES: k\ EXTM SERVICES: PAGE 3 OF 3 \ wj"de flange on the sth 1eve1 at the junction of 8'II-3/8" west of 10 line and H.3 will need to be moved north approx- imately 3" to H.3 1ine. A11 elevation changes on the wide flanges will be shinned as to provide sufficient bearing and welded to stabilize. Correction of these conditions is scheduled for a later date, as they are not inrnediately required and wi-11 not. interfere with continued erection. The next i,nspection is tentatively scheduled for Friday the 1gth of August, unless changed by Denny Fi-nger. STRUCTURAL M€CHANICAL ANO MATEFIALS TESTING COLORADO TEST CENTER INC. .I55 SOUTH NAVNO DElwER. COLOFADO 80223 (3o3) 898-1050 DAILY REPORT ,OF: ONSITE LOCATION: Mark Marriott JOB NO: Zt96 DATE: 8-20-82 INSPECTOR: David L. Sturgeon REGULAR HRS: 8.0 0T HRS: CONTMCTED SERVICES: * EXTRA SERVICES: PAGE T OF TT- The area bound by 6 through 10 east to west' and K'2 to E line north and south has been cleared of aLl outstanding conditions regarding structural steel and is cleared for the pouring of concrete. Thefieldweldingofthestiffenerpl.atesdetailedso has begun on the nezzanine level. A check against the list previously prepared shows that we are about 50% conplete at this time on this level ' Elevation corrections on the west side of the west core where the wide flanges frane have started' The first one at the mezzanine Level was inspected and was found to be acceptable. Inspection of these corrections will progress with the rework. It rvas also noted t,hat the structural steel was topped out this date, 8-20-82. The next visit is scheduled for 8-25-82' STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL AND MATEBIALS T€STING DAILY REPORT OF: ONSITE LOCATION: Mark MarrioEE COLORADO TEST CENTER, INC. lss sourH NAvAJo oENvER COLORAOO 8022:l (3031 698-l0so JOB NO:2L96 DATE: 8-25.82 INSPECTOR: David L. Sturgeon REGULAR HRS:8'0 OT HRS: CoNTRACTED SERVICES: K EXTRA SERVTCES: PAGE 1 oF 1 On the lobby level Ehe area t{est of 10 line has been cleared of all outstanding conditions regarding structural steel and is now released for the pouring of concreEe' Field welding of the sciffeners detailed so is continuing on che mezzanine level. At this tine, Mountain SEeel has not compleEed this level. Bar joist and decking is being placed on the levels above Ehe neezanine. As decking is provided, inspecEion of the sEeel frame will Progress- The nexE visit is scheduled for llonday, August 30ch' STFUCTURAL. MECHANICAL ANO MATERIALS TESTING COLORAOO TEST CENTER INC. 155 SOUTI| NAVAJO oerwER. COLORADO {t0223 (3031 698-t 05O DAILY REPORT OF: ONSITE LOCATION: Mark Marriot INSPECTOR: D. Sturgeon JOB NO:2196 DATE: 8127182 REGULAR HRS: 8 OT HRS: CoNTRACTED SERVICEST D( rxrRA SERVICES: PAGE 1 OF I Thefir.stpartofthisvisittothejobsiEewassPent reinspecting previously noted conditiong on Ehe mezzanine level to clear Erdo areas that are bound by No. 1: 4 to 5 east to west and K.2 to H.2, north and souEtyNo. 2z 5 to 7 east to west,and K,2 Co H.2 north and south, for the pouring of coocrete. During my visual inspecEion of the bar joist welding on Ehe 3rd level it was noEed Ehat deficiencies existed randoutly, in Iength, and quantity.. A11 areas rejected weEe clearly marked with insErucEions as to rework required. This condition was broughE to Ehe aEEenEion of llounEain Sceel and G.E. Johnson. ReinspecEion of the relvork should Eake place during my next visit' The nexE inspecEion is scheduled for Monday, AugusE 30Eh' STRUCIURAL MECHANICAL AND MATERIALS TESTING O ,+/_ cTc 2L96-782 August 51, 1982 Ruo f f/Wentworth Architects 500 l{est Lionshead Mal1Vail, Colorado 8f6Sf Attention: Mr. Kenneth Wentworth RE: Marriott Mark Resort Gentlenen: Enclosed are the inspection reports for work perforrned on August 25 and 27, L982. Very truly yours, COLORADO TEST CENTER, INC. tu\lR: mc cc Carl Worthington John Ferguson Chet Horton Denny Finger Kaiser Morcus Partnership COLORADO TEST CENTER. INC. l5S SoJnr N^v^Jo S rFar D€NvEn CoLoR^oo E02zl (3tl 69S l6a! ?oor I Ng.90({. Pe iAY I{ SEED oor{ LD i i6cr| IOAI 5 N€LSON. PE 8AY M REED DONALO R. ROSCH COLORADO TEST CENTER, INC. t55 SourF NAvAJo STREET DErwER. CoLoMDo E0223 (3031 596.105O o44 cTC 2L96-782 Septenber 7, L98Z Ruof f/Wentworth Architects 500 West Lionshead NlallVai1, Colorado 81651 Attention: Mr. Kenneth Wentworth RE: rYarriott }lark Resort Gentlenen: Enclosed are the inspection reports for work performed on August 30 and Septenber 5, 1982. Very truly yours, COLORADO TEST CENTER, INC. tuVR:nc Carl Worthington John Ferguson Chet Horton Denny Finger Kaiser Morcus Partnership COLORADO TEST CENTER, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVNO DENVER, COLOBADO 60223 (3O3) 698-ro5O DAILY REPORT OF: OIISTTT LOCATION: Mark Marriorr JoB N0: 2196 DATE:8/30/82 INSPECTOR: David Sturgeon REGULAR HRS: 7 OT HRS: CoNTRACTED SERVICES: N EXTM SERVICES: -PAGE--I-OF Z.--rr ReinspecEion of the deficiencies previously noted on the 3rd level bar joist welds have been accomplished and found Eo be accepEable. The following is a sunmary of the remaining outstanding conditions on the 3rd leve1 Chat musg be correcfed before approval and release can be granted for the pouring of concrete. Item 1) Beam Eo embed connecEions are not welded on Ehe r.rest core 3rd 1eve1. Item 2) Additonal weld will be needed to strengthen the ledge exEension on the east side of the wesE core norEh end, 3rd I orra'l Item 3) PlaEe washers combined with fillet welds will be required to correct the long sloted holes on both north and south side of the roof connection at the junction of 5 and H.2 Lines. Icem 4) Mosr of the field welded stiffeners on rhe 3rd level have not been welded at this Eime. Item 5) Many bolts are missing in various conneccions, and others have not been tighfened. The above numbered conditions were previewed wiEh Mountain Steel, and aE thaE E ime I ivas inf ormed that Eire! rvouid be ready SIRUCTURAL. MECHANICAL ANO MATERIALS TESTING COLORADO TEST CENTER, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVNO DENVER, COLORADO 80223 (303) 698-105O DAILY REPORT OF: ONSTTE tocATIoN; t[ark Marriort JoB N01. 2196 DATE:8130182 INSPECTOR; David Sturgeon REGUTAR HRS:7 0T HRS: CoNTRACTED SERVICEST(. ZXTRA SERVICES: PAGE 2 OF 2 for reinspection during my next visit. The next inspection is scheduled for Friday September 3rd, L982' STRUCTURAI,- MECHANTCAL ANO MATERIALS TESTING o COLORADO TEST CENTER, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO oEM/ER. COLORAOO 80223 (303) 698-105{' DAILY REPORT OF: ONSITE LOCATION: Mark Marriott JOB NO:2196 DATE: 913182 INSPECTOR: David Sturgeon REGULAR HRS: 8 0T HRS: A'/ CoNTMCTED SERVTCES: { exTRA SERVICES: PAGE I OF I The area wesE of 7line on level 2 has been cleared of all outstanding conditions regarding structural steel and has been cleared for the pouring of concrete' A review of the outstanding conditions lePorEed on level 3 8t30 182, shows thaEnone are complete aE this time' However work is progressing in this area' The next visit to reinspect these ouEsEanding conditions on level 3 is scheduled for Friday, SepEember 10' L982' STRUCTUFAT- MECHANICAL ANO MATERTALS TESTING ,42 GOTEINSNTAL FIRE sPR|Nr(5r C(t. -/rr& 4518 So. 133 'P. O. Box 37564 ' ON'AHA, NEBRASKA 68137 (40e) $05170 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road VaL1, CO. 8t657 oarrg'f()-92 : D,RaENT F,LE No. O =":J::::::fArrENnoN Chet Horton, Bldg. Inspector suBJEcr Fire Protectlon System MarrLott l{ark llotel Vail , Co.ftrr Flle e-L272 NEs,sAAE REPLY Dear Mr. Horton, Dnclosed please find copies of the Research Report AssoclatLon of Phmblng & MechanLcal Offtclal.s on by the Interaatlonal the llersey #2 backflow> preventor. Contlnental trusts with thls report that we ma.rr receLve your approval for use of the backflolr preverrtor lir the fl.re llne gerlfce for the above referencetproJect. Your early 8tt{htlon to thls rewler{ ao that Contlnental may place the order w111 be greatly appreciated. Yours very xxtaly,,7 "i / ./ | / --.-,' ,/- .tstortff).i L. ut{.b6fit: ft u.'*? ..--/et64o P4F->t* F REC|PIEN|: WRTTE REPLY, RETURN WHITE TO SENDER. KEEP THIS P|NK COPY. PRODUCT: APPLICANT: MODEL: IDENTIFICATION: CHARACTERISTICS: I Check Valves (Double) (u.c) Seonao. ol Unllotm Plumblne Cod., Unlfari Manufacturer's*harqe and modeit numbei on unlts' IxTtRxATIOllAl, ASSOCIATIOil 0t P[UItlBl]lG AND il ECHA]llCAt OttlGlAlS A r€t+ rottf C'Oa'IAlg TECOMMENDATION OF THE PLU'UTil }|O NE3EANCH COMXTITTEE fhe oroduct dcrcribed hcrcin hos bern rrrviowod, lcrtad ond rocommlndcd lor g5crptoncc by.tho Rr' ;;r;he;;-tir." ii itt.lni.rnotionol Asrociotion ol Plumbing ond Mochonicol ol{iciols os m.'flng th' roouirements ol thc UNIFOIM -pf.UfrfCfxO CODE. Thir rocomrirndorlon ir tubi.ct fo fhr conditionr rl ;;;'i;'ffi';i;.iJ.[ii.rLro* ond ir not fo b. const.ucd oi otturonc. or guoronfor by the l*ocio.llon ii piJr.ioi."proi.. uiro.oiiutirJi.lion oi iurhoriries uring the uNtFoRM PLUMEING CODE or othrr- iise olf ilioted wilh thc Asgociotion. Acceplcd Tanuarr I9S2 available ln slzei 3/4" tlrroughil0'r , cor0plete wtth shut- off valvesand test cockg tor tn-llne tesllng. Dcsigned for the control of cross-conngctlons between a;rotable water systein and substanced that may freate a degree of hazard to the iystem. Tlc valv6s in $erseY #2 are UL classified for body streribth and frlctlbn loss for flre llne servlces. i;'r- ",-.* f !'" "t [';' J Thi3 ..comm.ndotton tr lor rh. pcrlod Indlcotrd hrrcln ond lr vold olLr dot. thourn obovr. Any chong. In C.tign . tt"rl Gvlng lint obto'inod rhr opprorol.ol lhr--broorch Conunilt . or-rvidrncr.! t1l{1-YlX f"tto'- o. .CritoblJ t-rrri". p-ticy -oy briirmed or relflcianl corrla loa r.yocollon ol lhir rc<ornmr rcbrrtrcr io'ittir to.m lor ojvertirino'ouipou .ov br modr only by lprcific wtitt.n Parmtrrion ol Plvmbing ond Mrchonicol Ofliciolt,. Th-ii ouihorird tlio ut ot th. UPC r9td on Produclt cov.r.d-by lhlt'ry /[a '/o.t'* Voidotcr -lgnuEIlgg3.- FILE NO. 253 T1,r', 3ttt" r'' Pol Cod.. Unlfqrn Solrr Enargt da and Unllan Hachaolcal Coda c|lanrall. COLORADO TEST CENTER, INC. t55 Soun N^v JO srRltt D€Nt/tr. CotoRAoo iP2z! {IIl} 59&lt)S trg. cTc 2L96-782 Septernber 13, 1982lOtY 3 lrASOrt tL R^Y ra 16 oorrlD i lo€cr Ruoff/Wentworth Architects 500 West Lionshead ltall Vai1, Colorado 81651 Attention: i.tr. Kenneth ltlentworth RE: Marriott' Itark Resort Gentlemen: Enclosedistheinspectionreportforworkperforned on Septenber 10' 1982 Very truly Yours, coLoR,\Do rEsT CENTER, INC. ii.UR: nc cc Car I lt'ort,hington John Ferguson Chet Horton Denny Finger Kaiser }lorcus Partne rshiP r.trr'-?' \l i COLORADO TEST CENTER, INC. 155 SOUIH NAVAJO oEt\tvEF, COLOFAOO {t0223 (303) 698n05o DAILY REPORT OF: ONSITE LOCATION: Mark Marrlott INSPECTOR: David Sturgeon JOB NO: 2196 DATE: 9/10/82 REGULAR HRS:6 OT HRS: CoNTRACTED SERVTCES: P\ exrRA SERVTCES:-PAGE 1 OF 1 0n the 3rd leveI the area west of 7 line has been cleared of all outstanating conditions structural steel' It is cleared for the Pouring of concrete. On the 4th level the bar ioist bridging is not anchored tothecore'andsorneboltshavenoLbeenLightened.Conrec|ive action ls in progress and this floor should be ready fon pour- ing Wednesday the 15th. The next visit is scheduled for the 15th of September' STRUCTUBAL MECHANICAL AND MATERIATS TESTING .,Ez- COLORADO TEST CENTER INC. 155 SOUIH NAVAJO oEwER, COLORADO 80223 (oill 69E-1050 DAILY REPORT OF: ONSITE LOCATION: I{ark Marriott JOB NOz 2196 DATE:9/15/82 INSPECTOR: D. SIUTgEON REGULAR HRS:8 OT HRS: CONTRACTED SERVICES: EXTRA SERVICES, O( PAGE 1 OF 1 \ Reinspection of the previousLy rejected conditions on Ievel 4 indicates completion and acceptance. The 4th level is now cleared for the pouring of concrete. Work is progressing on previously noted conditions at leve1 5 and the roof. Reinspection of the 5th Level has not been set at this time. Denny Finger with G.E. Johnson will schedule this trip by telephone as soon as he see the need, ii' STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL AND MATERIALS TESTING o f,e COLORADO TEST CENTER, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO OENVEF, COLORADO 80223 (303) 698-1050 DAILY REPORT OF: ONSITE LOCATION: Mark Marriott JoB NOl. 2196 DATE: 9/28/82 INSPECTOR: D. Sturgeon REGULAR HRS: 8 0T HRS:n/ CONTRACTED SERVICES: EXTRA SERVICES, IA PrcN 1 OF 1 \ The 5th floor has been cleared of all outstanding conditions regardingthe structural steel and is cleared for the pouring of concrete. Work is progressing on the roof with only a few things renaining. The final- inspection prior to Mountain Steels depafture on'10/1/82, is scheduled for 9/30/82, in the AM. This inspection should cornplete the project regarding the steel structure. STRUCIURAI. MECHANICAL ANO MATERIATI' TESNNo o E4-- COLORADO TEST CENTER, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVER. COLOFADO 80223 (303) 698-1050 DAILY REPORT OF: ONSITE REINSPECTION LOCATION: Mark Marriott JOB NO:2196 DATE:9/30/82 INSPECTOR; D. StUTgEON REGULAR.HRS: 8 OT HRS:M CONTRACTED SERVICES: EXTRA SERVICES: (A P.6CN_1-OT I \ The final inspection had been scheduled for today\ visitl however, after a review of previously noted outstanding conditions it was decided by Denny Finger that one nore trip would be re- quired to conduct the final inspection' A list of the outstanding conditions was prepared by this inspector, and review with Jerry Love, of Mountain Steel' so as to expedite the conpletion prior to Mountain steels departure. The list consisted of only a few conditions previously reported. The finaL inspection has been rescheduled for Monday, October 3, I982. STFUCTURA MECHAI'IICAL Al'lD MATEFIAUI TESTINS COLORADO TEST CENTER. INC. 155 SOUTH NAVA'O DENVER. COLORADO 80223 (303) 698-1050 DAILY REPORT OF: REINSPECTION IOCATION: Mark Marriott INSPECTOR: D. Sturgeon CONTRACTED SERVICES: EXTM OUL JOB N0: 2196 DATE: 10/4/Bz REGULAR HRS: Z.S OT HRS: ^/SERVTCES: /A p.nCs_1_oF r The final reinspection was conducted today, however, the renaining work at this tlne has not been conpleted. Mountain Steel was not on the jobsite this Monday the 4th' so Denny Finger anil nyself, reviewed the outstanding conditions and then tried to contact Phil Webber wi.th Mountain Stee1. We were unable to speak to him directly, but left a rnessage with his secretary explaning that final acceptance of the structure can not be granted until such tirne that he fulfills his contractual requirements reqarding the outstanding conditions. Upon completion of these conditions G.E. Johnson will re- schedule the final inspection. STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL ANO MATERIALS TESTINO ( rld 's October 8, 1982 Test Report No. 82-1699 CLIENT: G.E. Johnson Construction Co. P.O. Box 2406 Voil, CO 81658 Attn: Don Finger a,,-.I MATERIAL: TESTS: RESULTS: Nole: Btu content - |'4,908 Btv/e)1 (8,282 col/g). = 931.8 Btv/f( Tests Witnersed/Supervised |: /,L Eight ponels of styrofoom beod boord, meosuring 48 X24 X3/4", receined from the c lient . Surfoce Burning Chorocteristics, os described in ASTM E84-81o. Heot of Combustion, os described in ASTM D2382-76 (80). Surfoce Burn ing Chorocieristics Flome spreod = 12.8 Smoke developed = 174.8 Six ponels were loid end to end in the tunnel; no odditionol support wos necessory . After initiol ignition, the specimen shronk ropidly oheod of fhe flome. Molten moferiol dripped to the floor of the tunnel ond continued to burn ofter terminotion of the test. This test wos performed ot Monville Corporotion Reseorch & Development Center, ond witnessed by L.J. Morvin . Heot of Combustion 5680 CentralAvenue, PO. Box G, Boulder, Colorado 80306 (303) 443-4662 A Member of American Council of Independent Laboratories, Inc oo MANVILLE E-84 TEST RESULTS DATE- lg/7/82 SAMPLE NAME: G. E. JoHNS0N TEST DURATION=Tg MIN. Ftlrlc,z FU' Hcl FLAME SPREAD= 12.83 SMOKE DEVELOPE0= 174.81 MoUNTING METH0D- SELF-SUPP0RTING UNSLIT TEST SAMPLE FLA}IESPREAD VS. TIME RED OAK 2g t5 16 5 g 75 5g 25 0 z,ctHt'-F -az, E z,IrlctEltlG PERCENT TRANSMISSION VS. TIME Mc.x-0630 (7/s2l oi6o o r* :fr T-{8,- s B F ? n I I 39 $?{.t { fr eL7 COLORADO TEST CENTEB. INC. 155 SOUTH NAVA'O DENVER, COLORADO 80223 (303) 698-1050 DAILY REPORT OF: FINAL REINSPECTION IOCATION: Mark Marriot INSPECTOR; D. Sturgeon CONTMCTED SERVICES: JOB N0: 2196 REGULAR HRS: 8 EXTM SERVICES, U\- NO" DATE:10/20/82 OT HRS: l orl By request fron 'G.8. Johnson, the final inspection was conducted on the remaining outstanding conditions on the structural steel frane. Based on this inspector's observations, and a review of all past reports, the structure is in accordance with-aI1 applicable specifications. Shop drawings were obtained from G.E. Johnson for the parking structure. A review to familiarLze nyself with the welded connections, will be accomplished prior to the starting date. During a review of the welding specifications, it was noted that all welders are to be qualified in accordance with AWS - Dl.1. Since Stresscon is to provide their own welders, a request through G.E. Johnson was nade for current proof of qualifications. Tentative date for inspection to start is the first week of Novenber 1982. STRUCTURAI. MECHANTCAL AND MATERIAIS IES1ING I.\o t/,.i i"' luun n uill 75 south lronlage road Yail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 November 15, 1982 Mr. Bob Farmery General Manager Marriolt's Mark Resort 715 Lionshead Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 Re : Letter from Canadjan Superior Oi'l ( Nov. 4, 1982 ) Dear Si r : As I am sure you have recieved and read the'l etter sent to you b1 Dixje McCar'ley of Canadian Superior 0il, and as I am,sure you not'i ced that the vail-Fire Department also recieved a copy of the letter' I wish to advise you thit I have conducted an investigation as to the a'lleged conditions described therein. I met with your bu.i 'l d.i ng engineer, Bob King,on the 9th of November. '|rl|e toured the stairwells,-examined the exits and the signing, and came .to the following conclusjons. a. Premised that Mr. Tillman went down the center stairwell in Phase II to the athlet.ic club, he wou'l d have found the south stairwell and' exit blocked by the ionstructjon of Phase III. I have talked wjth the constructibn superintendent , Danny Fingers, and the architect' Ken llentworth, and have asked them to pay attention to the need for adaquate egreis itrey have promised to-keep the ex1 t clear of the construction now that the concrete work is completed. b. The exit sign above the bojler room doors in Phase II could be mis- leading. C6nuning frorn the center stairwe'l l, the exit si9n could be underslood to iniicate that the boiler room door is an exit' as the indicating arrows are not easily seen. Perhaps a relocation of the sign to a more advantageous spot would be appropriate' c. Mr. Kjng and I did not find any blocked exits at the time of the inspection. We d.id however, find that a person unfamilian with the ho*l cornplex would be quite distressed if directed to exit a partic- ular staii^well or cljrected not to use a specific stajr due to smoke or fire. There are not currently present in the hotel , enough signs either withjn or adiacent to the iix stairways to indicate the floor level , the access capacity, or the level of egress. frli ln'tn u uftr 75 south fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 Page 2 I am enclosing a copy from the Uniform Fire Code which deta'i ls the proper graphics to be used for the existing stairwel Is. .The new iaAition now under construction wil'l have the required signing. If you wish, you may consult with Ken Wentworth . to coordinate the graphics into one system. The locking system currently in use needs to be addressed also. In nnst hote'l s I ain familiar with, including other Marriott properties' a guest room key wil'l enable the guest to re-enter a f'l oor from a stJirwell. I understand that such is not the case here. I therefore strongly suggest that either the stairwell doors be re-keyed to facil- itate. this oi ttrat the locks be replaced with pass through hardware. I have discussed this proposal with Officer Bli an Terrett' the Crime Prevention 0fficer with the Vail Police Department and changing the the 'locks poses no problem with him. He djd suggest that.the exterior doors at the base of the sta'i rs remain locked. I have advised Mr. King that this recommendation would be forth comming. It is the opin.ion of the Fire chief and I that such changes should be and could be completed before the Christmas hojldays. If you find that this will be impossible to complete by that time, please contact us here at the Vail Fire Department and we will be happy to discuss the issues in more depth. Even though the aforementjoned itens can be cited and enforced ai code vjolations , I would rather continue to work together to solve these problems as we have in the past. Si ncerely, ,/ ;a-a. ,--2. =.__<:7--/,/./'r1 /.'<--<-+ Michael 14cGee Fi re Marshal Vai 'l F i re Department cc : Steve Patterson, Town of Va'il Building Official Dixie McCarley , Canadian Superior 0i'l l -int'h x %-irtch 5-iurh-r %-irrch I'irtr'h .r 7r-itrch | .'t:t i.,)r'f l,J; I IJEST ti'r,qJn lic llc0t: /r.ccr:ss . {.r.:. :;,:.;iii 1..i3 il'; ri l.;.1.:.',.'l : :,:i. I ii ::i C.iiit tl.;J t. I lJi';i03';i '-'l'ltcritt;r'::':rrfl;ri"rii)Pcttrli)i i:'t'';"' :'i': i'riir'trt::ii;';l lttt:)':.'r'tl!l''lliii;lll"l lifc ,i.'.,irlii trrt 1,,.'r'l,trt.,:t | 1:r 6r."t tc tl::ti ti;.'1 rlt !lt,l li':t(tl:t cr:riiil ':tl ti :t itir" ctitr:l- ij";tii"i. rti lt ,,iii' iir:'- llr:.t .';t in,l:'r, !ir.r! :.:l rri '*: !t'rl;rll:' l iri 5;;'i1;"r1 r' lo inlbrru i;"r',,":, ".i tii',,,,,ii i,,,riir,g l.c is rr;r :,r.1 iir: r:p1:.:r litttl ltrvii ltir: iir.;.ti(rll (rf lltc slir irri'.t Y. 2. :icat'E 'l'lc pt u"ri:;k:,;ts oi lhis scr.riott tilrll t'l)ii ly to lti:"v Jd(l cxi:;tini l-r:liklilrg:; four or In r'c :rl('iics in i;':i;l!,t. 3. $i.}ll k.-- t? i;rlrls ---- t'.? Ti;!:j'01:(i! l 24 . s-l}l;is ' . l?coi: /roci'l{is , rn' i"-'r' \-.,,r . 1Tt":ll'..r"ic!: 12 ' (r)'l irc si1:n shall t".: e trtittitrttttrt l2 ii:ci':"ri I'y | ? il;chc:;' (tr)'thc sirirl:,y ln';:rtir;lt :;liall i'': ;rl';;-11 :t( lli': t''[' af lh'-:;i;ir iir l -irtcb'ltigh l,kiek l,:tterinl wiiir li-inchstrcri.u ("iti'ir i'lo' l" trr "l't:l st;r!r")' (c) 'J h,: rt;rirri;a),'s $;.'1tr lr':rt:ri:t:ls :'i';i li t'c liacctl tr I'r'l'"r ti:r: :lair ''i'ty illr"tt! il ica- ,i,iii" i-i,i"r,_r,i*i i;ltii lcricri'3 r., irir lzr-i,rilr rrrokr: ("*r'i r:;ee :"s" ('f " 'o lcof acct'ss"). 1tl)'|.irefloor|i:vclcl.urt|tctslrirl|[:c1ll.:cc..|illll..crn:tk|!crrfthcriqirinS.i:rfi. hichiett,:rirr.r rrllh l4-irlt'lr :,trnllc. 'l'li': ,ii'-:rz:'niltc l':vcls sli:ili !rlrc tl''; lcttcr " i\l " ;;;Ji;; ii; flir'r'rtr'nhrr: llitrctr'tcttt ie'cls shirll lrtvs tl:c lrtl'rr "l'" prucc<ling tlt (klor trtttttir::r, (c) 1tr: lo;r'cr:, n.! trpl'!*t tcl'lllillus of tiri: rt:rirr'"ri shatl-bt: pli'tcd hi lhc bottont of the sigrr in l-irrch-lii5ir block lcti+ring r';i:h h-iudr slrok<'' (f)'llrcsc sigrrs slr.rll bc nraintalr:rr! iir iin itpilro"cd tn:tniicr' . ' _ F,r:r'rrrplt: f I I l? ir'cl*s I I T .l]ilil l'l o CANADIAN SUPERIOR OIL LTD. Th,ec Culyu9' flnce ,355 FcnatA Avo,-n Sl(-CaQat' AlIc* 7'eP OJI Telcpltone,HO e6i'41t0 82 lt 04 l-lr. Bob Fanncry General lrhncger l*larriott 1s ltla rk Resort 715 Lionshcad Circle Vail, Colorado, U.S.A. 81657 Dear Mr. Farmery: 'Enclosed, for your information, is a corpbrate business travellers, llr. L. A reply at-)'our eaxliest convenience Yours very truly, CA},IADIAN SUPERIOR OIL LTD, O/ALA/%/ Dixie L. l.lcCnrley Travel ler Co-Ordinator d lrn CC - Itlr. l.tiLc l'lcGee w,/enclosures Fire [hrshall VaiI Fitc Departnent 42 West ltleadow Drive Vair SlbS7 - l.lr, R. 1.. Tillnan Canadilu Superior lettcr received fron one of our R. Tillman. would be sincerely aPPreciated. -FORM 5- r o ER CANAO|AN SUlt llr)l .oll lr0, .oFFtcE coRnEsPotlINT DENCE ro 'ROM SUEJ€gT Dixie l'lcCarley Bob Tillman LOCATION toc^TtoN Ca lgary Calgary DATE Qctober 27, FItE T982 Petroleum Exnloration School - AccomnrodatJons As per ny short note, I woul.d 1lke to elaborate on the flre safety provisions at the MarrioEtrs Mark Resort Hocel in Vail, Colorado where I atEended the subjecc course. The company precautionary brochure enclosed with my alrline ticket was helpfuJ- and should help make empJ-oyees avrare of pocentlal flre hazards. At the ltarriott in Vail I checked on the suggested Precautlons and found: 1. The stairway doors vrere locked to get back into the hotel , except for the lower ground floor where the recePtion area was. There were signs indicating not to use the elevators in case of fire, but if a fire had originated on the L.G. floor, anyone trying to use the stairwell would have been trapped. 2. The hotel had underground parking but the doors to the hotel floors were locked and the door to the ground floor was blocked by a mocorcycl-e propped against lt. The only exits Ltere to the elevator or the ramp. As I was once involved in a hotel fire - and found the fire escape exit chained and locked - 1 realize that even smoke carl cause a person to panic. This is compounded by inadequate fire escaPe routes. . This potential problem should be brought to the attention of the hotel, the Vail Fire Department and MPG. LRT: gcw - - i il-l'i:] l- l'-' "q-1 ,,^,, ",3.l:3. 0,.1"3i";ll-:li'ot... ". CANADA TzP OJ1 Is[,G i- -qlq ARV DBL I2 Bq Caaadrian-Supcrior OiL/ $34---_- Cardp/kb/e/L6/ 3735 994L16e1017 2/83seL f / kb/ 9/ 16 ttlADt RY No.45399 WELCOME, AND THANK YOU FOR SELECTING THE t'rARRloT.n CONDITIONS OF RESEFVATIONS ThiS reservalion confirms a specitic type ot room, but dOeS not guaranlee a Specific room by numb€r. CHECK lN TIME 4:OO P M' CHECK OUT TIME 12:OO NOON FOH RESERVATIONS CALL 303.47 6-4444 TOLL FREE 800'228-9290 WE LOOK FORWARD, W|TH PLEASURE, TO SERVING YOU. WELCOME TO THE MANRIOTTI When ltlarrlott does it, they do it right'tur 403 267 4235 PHON€ CONFIRMATION COPY A\erreott5' Mark Resort 715 Lionshead Circle, Vail, Colorado 8 7657 , 1303!. 47 t-1444 PLEASE NOTE: IF THE TYPE OF ROOM OR RATE REOUESTED IS NOT AVAILABLE, THE NEXT AVAILABLE ROOM OR RATE WILL BE ASSIGNED. COLORADO TEST CENTER, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVNO DEi.|vEF, COLOFAOO 80223 (3o3) 698-1050 DAILY REPORT OF: ONSITE INSPECTION LOCATION:Marriott Mark Parking JOB N0: INSPECT0R: David Sturgeon REGULAR 231'.| HRS: 7 PAGE DATE: 1 OT 10F 1/24/82 HRS: 1CONTMCTED SERVICES, 4 EXTRA SERVICES: A11 conpleted welded connections were inspected and the results are as followsl Some connections on the roof at the south wa11 have not been conpleted at this tine. I discussed this condition with Jin Elliott me that these connections will be compteted prior Certification papers for Stresscon's welders parking structure are now on file at CTC. The next inspection visit is set tentatively December 1, 1982. and he informed to the next visit. working on the for Wednesday STRI'CTURAL MECHANICAL AIO TATEFIAIS TESNNO OF-uL COLORADO TEST CENTER, INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO OENVER. @LORADO 80223 (303) 698-1050 EXTRA SERVICES: 2311 HRS: 8 PAGE Welded connections previously omitted on the roof have now been completed and accepted. Work on the diagonal braces beneath the roof leve1 at the north and south end has not resuned at this tine. However, after discussing this condition with G.E. Johnson, this inspector was assured that these conponents would be ready for inspection at the next visit. The final inspection is scheduled for Decenber the 8th. SrnucruRAL MECH NEATAI{O H TEF! lsrEgT|ilO \ DAILY REPORT OF: LOCATION: Marriott INSPECTOR: David L. CONTMCTED SERVICES: ONSITE INSPECTION Mark Parking JOB NO: Sturgeon REGULAR DATE:12/3/82 OT HRS: roF 1 COLORADO TEST CENTER' INC. 155 SOUTH NAVruO OEJWEF. COLORADO 8O!N3 (1n3) 698-1050 DAILY REPORT OF: ONSITE LOCATIoN: Marriott Mark INSPECTOR: David Sturgeon CONTMCTED SERVICES: INS PECT ION Parking JOB NOz 2311 REGULAR HRS: 6 DATE:12/15/82 OT HRS: loF 1ExrM sERVrcEs,JKno.t The final inspection was conducted today clearing the Parking structure of all outstanding conditions regarding welded connections ' This conpletes the inspection requirements as per the job specifications. srnilrcruRAL UECH^NIo L At{o M TEFI ls TESflNO CoLoRADo TEST CENTER, INC. 155 sourB Na!AF STREET DEtwER. CoLoRAoo 8O22:l {3dl) 69& 1050 IOAY S NELSON. PE- RAY M. REED DO|{^!D i. iCrSCtl cTc 2311-1082 December 20, L982 MK Corporation 715 W. Lionshead CircleVail, Colorado 81657 Attention: Mr. Kaiser Morcus RE: Marriott's Mark Garage Gentlenen: Enclosed is the inspection report for work perforned on December 15, 1982. Very truly yours, COTORADO TEST CENTER, INC. RMR:nc cc Carl Worthington Partnership John Ferguson Chet Horton Denny Finger Kenneth Wentworth .t jr i TOWN OF VAIL OATE /-.'J= ?3 JOB NAME t INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES --4WED THUR (- FRI J\-.--'6oo @ 'i{Al"d fttllE E ,: ',; READY FOR LOCATION: 7nr 2 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNOERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATERtr FHAMING O GAS PIPING tr POOL /.H. TL tr FINAL Best c'..--*f Copyes Available tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK . t -'.- ..t Ft I -' ,: - E}.FINAL ' 'I tr HEATING tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR .tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: :'r,- - INSPECTOR r o \J ryyE /- rq -13 I <-t-il -> ,cJJ'voN, $fiSUESr DATE JOB NAME .*r/,a. READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON LCc CALLER TUES nrun aFal.,,{,2aWED I \ 1I tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. .tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATTON / STEEL tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB EL€CTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr FINAL tr.APPROVEDa--...'c-tr DISAPPROVED g REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: t-. DATE - Lt - a-.),.'_ INSPECTOR DATE /-tu-r:JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON TOWN OF VAIL .,..,,r11rf/ A;T' I .,...{ /}ft '' .'74A€ J-,:' l.t ;- ,') CALLER TUES '24THUR .g/WED 6,Ac o*PV|JREAOY FOR LOCATION://7H a EUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND -tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL I] FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPTNG O SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB o/tr ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr u tr FINAL tr FINAL -F APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 75 soulh frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 December 29, 1982 Mr. Kadser Morcus The l4arriott's Mark Resort 715 l,lest Lionshead Ci rcle Vaj I , Col orado 81657 Re: T.C.0. Phase II Addition Dear Sir : Persuant to our conversation of 12-28-82, I am furnishing you a list of items to be addressed prior to the issuance of a T.C.0. You must realize however, that thjs ljst is not complete and js jntended as a guideline on1y. A final ljst will be generated at the tjme of inspection. ELECTRI CAL 1. A final electrical inspection by the Town of Vajl shall have been made and passed for the main electrica'l room, floors 3,4 and 5' the boiler room and al'l areas where the pubi'i c w j I I be al I owed. fire detection and alarm system shall be operable for floors 3' 4 5. The elevator'l obby at floor 2 shall be active and working. operable portions of the fire alarm system shall have been tested approved.' A1 1 operable detection devices shall have been cleaned' 4. The fire alarm panel shall be substantially complete, tested, supervised, and monitored.'The fire alarm room shall be readily accessable by fire department personnel , lighted, heated and clean. An operable house phone shall be installed within the room. 5. The annunciator for the existing buildings shall be installed, operable' tested and properly labeled. 6. Cejling fixtures shall be in p1 ace and penetrations sealed in the ceiling of the second floor. 7. A manaul fire alarm pull station shall be installed, tested and zoned 2. The and 3. The and lnwn I l|flI 75 soulh frontage road vail. colorado 8't657 (303) 476-7000 l4arriott Mark TCO PAGE 2 per f1 oor, at each stajr tower at each level . These pu1 I stations may be temporary and are intended for the notification of-guests and thl fire dlpartment of a fire in the construction area(s). 8. The fire sprinkler system's flow switches and tamper swjtches shall be installed and monitored at the fire alarm panel . 9. Al 1 electrical mains and brehkers shal'l be labeled. l0.Emergency l'i ghting and exit signs shall be operable in guest corridors, both stairtowers and at the building exits. DRYt,lAL L 1. The ceilings sha'l I be completely installed and taped on floors 2,3,4 and 5 2. It is the fire department's understanding that the ceiling on the-mezzanine level will be subitantially complete by TCO and completed within 4 days thereafter. 3. A'l I penetrations shall be sealed in fjre rated ceilings between floors 2,3,4and5 4. 5. All fire rated walls shall be jnsta'l led and taped on level 2, 3' 4 and 5. The wal'l s and ceiling shall be complete and taped in the_boiler room and the main electlical ioom, as well as the stairwells and fire alarm room. The barrier wall in the corridor at the elevator tobby on leve'l 2 shall be fire rated and sealed, with and approved passage way ( door ) for fire department access. 6. 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 8'1657 (303) 476-7000 Marriott's Mark TCO Fire Sprinkler System PAGE 3 1. The fire sprinkler system shall be completely operable and tested. Ai1 sprinkier heads ire to be jnstalled and drops cut in occupied areas, stairs, corridors, elevator 'l obbies, and mechanical rooms as per approved p1 ans. 2. 4. 5. Mechan i cal 1. All mechanical systems 2. Doors to all mechanical for the occup'i ed areas are to be operable. rooms are to be installed and labeled' All isolations valves and hatches are to be installed and labeled. All hose valves are to be jnstalled and operable. Fire department connection is to be installed and operable. l,lain fire riseri s to be complete and is to be maintained accessable. by fire department. 2. GENERAL 1. Floors p1 ans are to be furnished to the fire departrnnt, for jdent'i fi- cation bf sprjnkler control valves, fire alarm zones, and mechan'i cal control s. Exhaust fans in the stajrtowers are to be installed as per fire depart- ment directives. Current installation method w'i1l prohibit TCO from being granted. The intent was to presurize the stairtower upon fire- deteition, not to exhaust smoke out of the corridor and into the stair. Each guest room on levels 3, 4 and 5 shall have an operable telephone. Keys to all locked areas of the building sha'l I be furnished for the Knox Box. J. 4. 75 south tronlage road yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 Mam'iott' s l4ark TCO PAGE 4 5. All scafolding shal'l be removed from the sides of the building. 6..A'11 compressed flamrnble gas and f'lammab'le liquids shal'l be renroved from the building. 7. Al I storage shal'l be mai nta'ined Si ncerely, Michael McGee Fire Marshal Va j'l F j re Departnnnt at 'least 18 inches below the sprinkler 8. o heads. All stair and elevator signgge shall be installed. Egress from the stairtowers shall be safe and reasonably secure from constructiOn hazards, changes in grade, or any other hazardous sjtuations so deamed by the fire department. L0.Exterior lighting shall be operable to il'lumin the exits 11.A fire watch ( guard ) shall maintain observation of the construction areas and the Parking structure durring the late afternoon and night- tirm hours. This peison shall be qualified and approved by the fire department. The conditiona'l occupancy of the 4th and 5th floors may be granted.il th9 event that the second flbor requjrements are not met. Such a conditional occupancy will be determined at the time of inspection- PIease contact our office if you desire more information. iiai;rii= * -- .,-,^.e,j^: Date ct cnginal insp€ction: 47e-::: I Date le r', :.:. Build in,; aCdress: Buildin;c-"r*r: :'- '-, :it" ''; ' "' : ' Time senred: ' ): '" " - /"' THIS SU!T?L=I.l'CI.]TAL REPORT COVERS THE FOLLOWING: E UNI;'.-;:\,I FIRE CODE (U,F.C.) ViOUTIOTS tr SAFETY VTOLATIONS o NATtCi{AL ELECTRTC CODE (N.E.C.)VtOLAT|ONS tr UNSAFE PRACTICES B NATICI.]AL FIRE CODES (NFPA) VIOLATIONS tr OTHER OESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION: Best Copycs Available ACTION REOUIRED TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS: CITEO CORRECTIONS SHALL BE COMPLETED BY: ' J ' A.M./PJTI. DAIA: -i '" 'i' - ' ll{ accon9ANCE wlTH c.R.s.32-s-337 THROUGH 32-5-343 (1973) tF YOU FA|L TO COMPLY W|TH TH|S CORnECTTON NOTTCE ON OR, SEFORE TiiE ASOVE STATED COf,IPLETION OATE YOUR FAILUSE WILL RESULT IN fURTHER ACTION AEI G TAKEN U::D!R THE PROvlil.i:.15 cF THE U.F.C. 1979 EDITION, WHICH LlAY INCLUOE YOUn EEING ISSUEO A SUll:,-tOlts TO APPEAR tN tui.i;,rc:pAL oR COUN]'iY ]:J''JCT FOR THE VIOLATIOITS ABOVE SPECiFIED. UPON A FtI'IDING OF GUTLTY OF SAID VIOLATIOI{S YOU T.. ILL 6E 5U3. JECT TO 1 iiE PENALTIES PROVIOED SY LAIV. BUlLDlilil O!'; N ER/t\,,lANAG EFt: FIRE DEPAi]TI\lENT OFFICER: lS,tn.lLldl o Date served: Vail Fire Department CORRECTION NOTICE D6te of original insP€ction: Bullding addrBss: . 2>Timeservod: -2! '.;7 ,.-H/-..<..(6ullding narne: Eullding owner: ' ji tt/ .) lul {2 W. Meadow Dr. Ytll, Colorado 81657 .', - z7'i 3 THIS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT COVERS THE FOLLOWING: o UNTFORM FIRE CODE (U.F.C.) VIOLATIONS tr NATTONAL ELECTRIC CODE (N.E.C.) VIOLATIONS NATIONAL FIRE CODES (NFPA) VIOLATIONS tr o tr tr SAFETY VIOLATIONS UNSAFE PRACTTCES OTHER DESCFIPTION OF VIOLATION: 1-'.'::<.z c. 3o,' ACTION REQUIRED TO CORBECT VIOLATIONS: .. ) .//. -..' ;-'.'--- =n4,---o--/ .E -'''.. _ -....,.,._./..,.1 .-.4,/ .2-..:a."-7 '4-/ 2,.' ./,-. /4=>? / L *Z-t ,' I --:-..-.r-.!./ l"- .zl'-t: . >':. -l? :: e 2=-<._(> ctrED coRBEcrfoNs SHALL BE CoMPLETE O rr' J- --. ':'o ;'i,l*lBtl..' o"t", -- 11t -./r __. ._ |lt AcconoaNcE wtTH c.Rs-3,1-rgtrTHRouGF32-5-3€ {+et}} rF YOU FAIL TO COIPLY WITH THIS CORRECTIOX NOTICE 01{ OR EEFORE THE AEOVE STATEO COUPLETION DATE YOUR TIIIUNI WILL FESULT II{ FURTHER ACTIOI{ EEI G TAKEN UNDER THE pnOUStOtS OF THE U.F.C. 1979 EDITION, WHICH MAV lilCLUDE YOUR BElt'lG ISSUED A SUllMOl{S TO APPEAR lll lluNlclPAl OR couilTy counT FoR THE vloLATtors lbove spEcrFrED. upor A FINDTNG oF GulLw oF sAlD YloLATlo s You wlll aE sua- JlgTTOTHE PEI{ALTIES PROVIOEO 8Y LAW. BU]LDING OWNER/MANAGER: FIRE OEPARTMENT OFFICER:,,. - - -<; ./z/-',-,-t/. - a- atfrt 4- :ii aSignalurt, t..' lm 72-/e-t7> Vail Fire Department CORRECTION NOTICE Date of original inspection: Time servsd: 42 lY. lleadow Dr. Vall, Colorado 81657 476-2200 Dateserved: Building name:r,/-- *.'-t .-.' r2Va 'ez1 ,rl'-'e Builcllng or*ncr:4o a ,/:1:'a'.-,'."4 THIS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT COVERS THE FOLLOWING: tr uNrFoRM FIRE COOE (U.F.C.) VTOLATTONS tr tr NATTONAL ELECTRTC CODE (N.E.C.) VTOLATTONS tr tr NATTONAL'F|RE CODES (NFPA) VTOLATTONS tr SAFETY.VIOLATIONS UNSAFE PBACTICES OTHER OESCRIPTION 2F< OF VIOLATION: ./z;. e c,j7 ./O.3,/{ /-/reo- 4-( r.'.a2..- a. t,1 l-n 47<zar-.<., p 2l a>.>zr-. -tz <..': <* /2. --Z---z/ e _.7,---. -/c, tU _9 ACT]ON REOUIRED TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS: .:)r.Z/ ..-'- ?../ -t ,?--Jz a..,zr:Ar^, /vr" 4,-n:- /e.,.-41:J -r-a-/21// <.) -/-, -,- o-o-i--/ 2 /rn) .,..,- .z-4 -_=-/a..-,, :.*'r.,.'S/d.2rz->-/ 7-/a.-e/ .. e.ro rq 1,t-<-.r'/ J-.;-t2.' 2 fZ..:----2.<..4 r'/-t zzo. 6nt a/--.,/o )'zs-D.,2,.-,t,z.y< 4 7 .Z?. ,.2.7'.22 21- : 41-t. -,.42)'-*- .z-.^-.. ( 1--.s-..-u .'/ ,/(, :'z.z- .>.,/'/,-24 L.-o' zr:,'A Z *.* crrEo c o R R Ect' o l:.i) i:.F..": yrl*..o j t, :*, >_A grr p. M. Date : EurtDtNG owNER/MANAGER: FIRE DEPARTMENT oFFIGER: - -a?/'' --'<--'-- ./Z-ZA-81- ./:1 z?..z..r7atz '-. .,-. ..1 q- lll accoRDAilcE mrH c.R-s.32'5'-3:|?_THROUGH 3'l-s-343 (1973) tF yOU FA|L TO COltpLy wrrH rHts connEcrlo NoTtcE oN oRSEFORE rHE aBovE srATEo co?rPLETloN olii voun iarLURE wrLL REsuLT r{ rt RTHER AcnoN aEt G TAKEN uNDEF T}rE:i?,X*ol;t PJltjllu;l'-c:.11913?.lll9T'^Il'!lcllg{.r11irruoe ioun eErNGlidir-eb-i sumr,roirs ro App€aR r{ uulrcrpal oRc-o-ur{w counr FoR rHE vrolArror{s aaove spidiiiio-.'ir-frN'iFi;dilAtiHdit? A;Uiffi;LT'5i3iH".U'ii-"ff!,ff.IECT TO THE PEJ{ATTIES PROVIOED AY !AW. -1 (Sod.tur.,lfwt ZzSA ./?-t&t'/ r.rrtrr^.'l ,il,"s-.,-'t -i,.t bm 42 W. Meadow Dr. Yrll, Colorado 81657 a76-22N t-z 7- ?3 Dato 3owed: .,t^-/..222-zt<Bulldlng name: Bulldlngowner: .-"5 ? r .- VailFire Department CORRECTION NOTICE Tlme s€rv€d: THIS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT COVERS THE FOLLOWING: tr uNrFoRM FIRE CODE (U.F.C.) VIOLATIONS tr NATTONAL ELECTRTC CODE (N.E.C.) VIOLATIONS O UNSAFE PRACTICES tr NATIONAL F|RE COOES (NFPA) VIOLATIONS tr OTHER O SAFEW VIOLATIONS DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION: .rco ,"j;1),,,.; ,Z al....z" < i'.'--.t,:1;t/? .' z-c/,1 12,., Z l/r2-r:r'"' .'1) ,-.y',.':'.-z t-? >-t z1 .-i l- -f ,.'v,.;.. ....: r ' -1 '4a- . ( a? ;t '. ^ .r---'u/'./;..*.2= '-/<':-z-nt tk-/e_.-y' E ,r?. ;: -'''-,-1 ,1 7 <!'t': '< .,-':f ' .-.'? '-z n-.: ;'-: L-- 4:/'' -"ACTION REOUIRED TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS: a . -- t C _ .'- :: '.;r y'' ., ' .'---'--. .- .-./: ,-? .z',,.7.-- \) . c;-z-+, -+ t-t //n t.- 'aZ-..t 1?--*. .l'- -. .- \ -./ ...42 -i '-.-. - -1-...a-z-/ - / -- .7. CITED CORRECTIONS SHALL BE COMPLETEO 8Y: -f -*.M'/P.M. Oat€: .'-.-.8-1'... . - :-,. nr AGqoRDAT{cE wrrH c.B.s. 3i-i.igrixnoucx s2-s-04:r (1923} lF you FAIL ro colrply wrrx THrs coRnEcrtoN rroncE or{ oR IEFORE THE AEOVE STATED COUPLETION OATE YOUR FAILURE WTLL RESULT IN FURTHER ACTIOT{ EEII{G TAKEII UNDER THE 'ROYISIO S OF THE U.F.C. 1979 EDITION. WHIC}I flAY INCLUDE YOUR EEI G ISSUED A SU UOI{S TO APPEAR IN 'TUNICIPAL OR COUI{TY COUNT FOR TXE VIOLATIONS AEOVE SPECIFIED. UPOI{ A FII{DIIIIG OF GUILTY OF SAIO VIOLATIOIIS YOU WILL 8E SUO. JECf TO THE PE ALTIESPROYIDEO BY LAW. (S/indrr,l, 715 Lionshead Circle, Vail, Colorado 87657 . l3l3l 476-4444 .January 1/, fyoJ Mr. Gary Murrlan Offi.ce of Building fnspections Town of Vail Box 100 Vai1, Co . 81558 Dear Gary: This witl conflrm our conversation of January 14, 1!83 whereby Marriottrs Mark Resort understands that the Temporary Certlficate of Occupancy for the rooms in Phaie III is valid onty untll Apr11 17, 1983. Thank you for your time and conslderatlon. Sincerely, 64.€ Bob Farmery Aanor.,a'l Ma nt crA l. kfcc: K. MorcusK. WentworthD. Flnger P,1 offlce of communlly development 75 south fronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 January 24, 1984 Kaiser Morcus Marriott's Mark Resort 7.l5 West Lionshead CircleVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Request for Final Certificateof 0ccupancy Marriott Mark Dear Kaiser, ohase II Addition I've been informed by the Buj iding Department that you've requested a finalcertificate of occupancy for the Phase II Add'ition project. With regardto that request there remains a number of items to be completed and/or ad- dressed before the final can be issued, Please find enclbsed correspondence and other documentation relating to these items. l. The revised landscape plan that was submitted to and eventually approved by DRB inadvertently left out the bicycle/pedestrian path conn-ection which was a condition of approval applied by the Planning and Environ- mental Commission and Town Council."Your landscape architect may contactour staff on revising the plan to ref'lect this change. It appears thatthere's an excel'lent-chancb of the Town constructing this bikb path thisconstruction season, so we wou'ld expect your connection this season,as well. 2. The Recreation Amenitjes Fee has still not been paid. Please refer tothe enclosed letter of August 30, l9B2 for those details. 3. Another condition of approval by the PEC and council was to come to an agreement with the Town regarding_restrictions upon the Fall Line employeehousing.units. i attempted to fol'low up with Mr. Drager on this, but have had no success. We need to discuss this and come to agreement beforea final certificate of occupancy is issued. 4. Obviously, we cannot do the landscape inspection until the snow melts and until the bicycle path is installed. If you wish to bond for the improvements as outlined in .|8.54.100 Enforcement (enclosed) of the Design Review Guidelines, please contact our department for a discussion of thai. Kalser Morcus ,lanuary 24, 1984 Page Two I believe this addresses a'll..outstanding issues with regard to the project.Congratulations on a fine addition to Lionshead and VaiT. As always, Assi stant APP:bpr Encl. PATTEN, JR Director of Pl ann ing ,( ro llal 75 soulh fronlage road yail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-70q' T0: Peter Patten, Acting Director FR0M: Gary Murrain, Building Inspector RE: Mamiott Mark Building Inspection DATE: July 25, 1984 olllcc of communlty developmcnl lnwn I 4. 5. This is the report regar;ding the inspection of the Marriott Mark phase IIIfor the purpose of the condominium conversion. I. Romax wiring in ceiling above bar, also open J box above the ceiling. 2. Rail around main stairs are spaced at 8", this was okay in 1979, butnow required to be not more than 6',, also some of the irpright billistersare missing. 3. shelving obstruction access to dimner light panel , also needs backcover plate. l.lire g'lass needed in sales and catering office. Maids c'loset at lobby level west end has open sewer and access panel latch is broken. 6. Battery room needs fire stops around conduit. 7. E'l ectrical rooms need blank covers in breaker box. 8. Prove key for maids c'loset doors and other storage access to to fire department. 9. Label all doors to stairs tower. '10. Door closers are missing or disconnected various locations through out. ll. Replace g'lass at pool stations. 12. Due to propping doors, I see a need for magnetic holders at allcorridor fire doors. 13. Labe'l roof access door on Sth floor. L4. The washer on the 5th floor laundry room has no trap. 15. Open J box on roof by elevator penthouse. 16. Sheetrqck landing at roof access. L7. QRen_,1 box in venttlati.on room and penetrati.ons i.n ceils, alsolabel door to room. 18. Boiler roon has major water leak and damaged sheetrock. 19. Main ventilation room has major water Ieak and sheetrock damage. 20. Elevator equipment room needs door closure. 21 . Remove office from audio-visua'l room, 22. Install astricals on all double doors and weathel strip outside door. 23. Room directory. needed at each floon W elevator. q TRANSMITTAL I.ETTER AtA DOCU. PROJE (name,resr) Ii),: ATTN: --:!..L i"r. WE TRANSlv'!lT; o ARCHITE T'S PROJECT NO: ,|,:'"'" lii14j3t lf er,-:io:;,-:;'r;;i:r Jlci rr9 ii:i.-'r;n tr'' in:n:'lia.:l;. lf checked below, pleese: ( t Acknowtedge receipt ofenclosures. ( ) Return enclosures to us. ,1-:'r,/i J ( 11 herewith (' i in accordance FOR YOUR: ( ) approval ( ) review & comment { use THE FQLLOWINC: (X Drawings ( ) SPecifications( ) Change Order ( ) under sepante with your request cover ua ( ) distribution ( ) record to parties ( ) information () () () () Shop Drawing Shop Drawing Prints Reproducibles ( ) Samples ( ) Product litcratute L- ACTION A. Action indicated on item transmitted COOE 8. No action required C, Fot signature and return to this office D. For E. See siEnature and lorrrerding RIMARKS betow es noted balow under REMARKS coPlEs DATE REV. NO,DESCRIPTION ACTION cooE 4 illAlo3 t{oJrol?i',1 coPlEs (with enclosures) 0n D D k^ r"l,*Ji AIA DOCUMENT G81() . THE ATIERICAN INSTITUTT TRANSMTTTAL IfTTIR . APRTI 1970 IDITION ' AIAO ' COPYRICTTT O 1970 or ARCHIIEC rS, 1785 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE. N.W., lVA5ftlN6lON. D.C. rc0l6 ON€ PAGT rYd'bnrea$v (-\i. /a.ffizn>t-'' \hitAst"qtrc. ''(Creators and Operaton of Vail and Beaver Creek frlrcz,,arT /flao1 Flt#-E This letter is to inform the Town of Vail of Vail Associatescommittment to landscape the south and south west berm of the areaknown as the west Day skier Parking Lot, Tract B Morcus subdivision.rt is our intention along with the upper Eagle valley l{ater andsanitation Dj.strict to mulch and seed the berms and to plant treesor shrubery where appropriate. vail Associates will be responsibrefor the maintenance of the area. Landscaping construction will start at the earliest timepossible in the spring of 1984. Sincerely, .#R^'L cc: Bob Parker Upper Eagle Va.lley Water & Sanitation District TB/ao November 25, 1983 Pete Burnett Towu of ValI 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81658 Dear Pete: Post Office Box 7 . Vail, Colorado 81658. (10l)476-5601 oo ftR89 -C, "",,,\o,,)3 "*4,-*rr-\, F" ff u'wr., {-* 0- Qr".r, Ar^,M,Q&-b,ou,n, dfttouftr,L tt{t C*\^^t,-.\ a",r,;&;l_* /u^,S tpc#e-\^^,\01frd il-* n ^ ;d- g,,tu N-,L^*- g-"#H ?-t' cLAtlr,r'rtr:*"tE*r, !r*" {ro/^r/Jx- t{<L t qtL [*L *Lk H"4 Q.a^,_,rl ,rl,*yt"t t^**' u-'t tuDJ-#qi'n'D\,q-t^^.dq^&stdL l^.*_-, .st ?J 5 F"w{t-\tQ_ q^,.[';tr"#:tr"Yww" -:1tr cSeP* vut b;!-t .L rc dtr, t* Ta*^..$\t obu,*,aw6 -rd., ft,f,r1 oo 6il,t,Iu,#0@u,^aL. Wn, $,"\nn^,J3ft. v L,a,!-,q\*,-,r--\e.\*\M J8 gc ) \r, r .r \i o lnwn 42 west merdow ddv. yall, colorado 91657 (303) 476-2200 tlr€ department April 18, 1989 Randy Wepking VAIL1989 Re: Flre Code Vlolations Dear Sir: On April 14, I received your response to the letter I sentyou 9fI months ago listing the fire code violations clted duringour October 18, 1989 inspection. It appears that the three or four most hazardous areas werenot addressed. We did the inspection a couple of months prlor tothe christrnas holiday, arlowing a llttle over three nrcnthl r:ntilthe World Championshlps, with the expressed intent of allowingtime to get these items corrected. The shop area, wood-working and welding rooms, the phase 1boiler room, the laurulry and the fire separations between thephases all pose significant levels of concern. The issue ofmaeter keys and key control is crltical if we are to gain accessto suspected fire areas and properly investigate t}te causes offalse alarms. The practlce of blocking fire rated doors required by code isnot conducive to proper fire safety. The Sales and Cateringoffice, ttre bellman's closet in phase 3, the accounting offlce andthe doors to the grand ballroqn all need to be maintained. - Finally, I recall discussing the cedar in the phase 1 1obby when we were dlscussing the lack of ratlngs on the "fLreretardant" used in the dining room remodel . f ;nrsonally dontt see how the hair salon can be held liable for a condition thatexisted prior to the haj.r salon noving in, was supposedly taken VaiI, Colorado 81 657 Marriott Mark ai;+:eg" vi"r"t].April 89 Page 2 care of bry the hotel, and clearly presents a major problem for thehotel. It was my understanding that the pnoblems were being resolved on a continual basls. The copies of the memos you sent to the other departrnents are dated March of 1989. You told np on the phone in November that most of the itens rlrere completed. In December, you totd me only the "big tlcket itemsrr remained, yet ffind on the basis of your response, that many smaller items arestill pending. It is my opinion that the nature of the problems, the scopeof the issues, the apparent lack of courpliance and the amount oftlme between the issuance of the list of violations and the response, reguire a follow up inspection. I feel this inspeetion may require the attention of the Fire Chief and the Chief BuildingOfflciaI. I did agree to work with you regarding the systematic scbeduled replacement of the plywood walls in the garages but we cannot put off ttre repairs deemed to present an unreasonable riskto the occupants of the hotel. The hotel is not equipped withflre sprlnklers irt itrs entirety, (in fact only 1/3 of theproperty is properly protected with fire sprinklers), there are numerous penetrations in the flre rated constructlon, the hotel Isnot equipped wlth a smoke control system and size of the structure exceeds our capa.bility to control any rapidly developlng flre. Your attentlon to these matters ls inperative. I suggest, are-directlon in prlorlties and steps be taken as necessary to havethe fire and llfe safety issues resolved. Annual budgets are afact of life and we strould plan for ttbig tlcket Ltems" but withoutattentlon to maintenance of the small items, the aggregate effect can grcn to present a major hazard. I wlll be contactlng you by phone within the next week to seta date for the re-inspection. Sincerely, Michael McceeFlre l,larshal cc: I"Ilke Robinson, General Manager cary Uurral.n, Chlef Buldtng Officlal John Scarff, Marriott Corp., Flre PnotectionDlck Duran, Flre Chief luwn 42 wect meadow ddycy.ll, colorado 81657 (303) 476-2:100 October 19, 1988 flre departmenl Randy Wepking Chief Building Engineer MARRIOIT MARK RESORT 714 West Lionshead CircleVail, Colorado 81 657 re: FIRE INSPECTIoN DEAR RANDY: The following items are the results of t}te fire inspection weconducted on october 19, 1988. r have listed the items in theor{er t}rey were found r arrd added some explanatory remarks and odereferences. All code references are from the l gas eai.ttons of theUniforrn Fire Code (UFC), Uniform Building Code (UBC), on theuniform Mechanical code (uMC ), as adopted ly the Town of vailunder Section 15 of the Town of Valt ilunlcilal Code. PHASE 3 1. Repair the door knob to allow accessthe 5th floor elevator lobby. (UFC '2. l4aintaln minimum of E lnches clearance between radiantheaters and combustibles. (UMC Table 5A) 3- Re-install escutcheon on fire sprinkler head in elevatorlobby 5th floor. (urc jO.3Ot ) 4' K9y to roof access door does rpt work. Repair or replace toallow access. (UFC 10.209) ,, 5. Check heat tapes on roof and insure they are electrically' protected by in-Iine fuses, breakers or GFI circuits. Noopen splices are allowed. (UFC g5.l04) to the storage closet in 1 0.209 ) I,IARRIOTT }IARK Page 2 17 . l,taids closet on west end ofin floor. These need to be lobby level has ope4 se\,rer linessealed. battery bank are in need ofbelow mininum. (UFC 10.301 ) need to be sealed and draft RESORo 5. Repair duprex electrical outret at door to erevator eguipnentroom. (UFC 85.104) -, 7 - feplace. gri1l in outside warr of erevator equiprnent room withlisted I hour grill and darnper. (UFC 10.401 ) 8- Remove electrical po\der cord frorn hole in warr in elevatoreguipnent room (por.rer drop to heat tape). (UFC g5.104) 9. lecor,nTend- labeling AHU's on roof . Repair open electricaljunction box on west unit. (UFC 85.1b4) :1 0- Dry chemicar fire extinguishers are due for service inNovember 1988. (UrC 10.301 ) 11. A11 rinen closets on west end of phase 3 are in need ofattenti.on. Dccessive amounts of storage frohibit access toelectrical paners, exceed reasonabre fuer-roads, and somestorage is within 19 inches of the fire sprinkrer heads.Provide a minimum pathway 36 inches wide ina remove alrstorage within 42 inches of the front of the electricalpaners. Remove al1 storage within 1g inches of the ceiringso as to not obstruct fire sprinklers. (UFC 1O.3Ol , UFC2.204, u!€ 85.104) 12- East end naid's crosets have storage within.rg inches of theceiling. Remove storage impinging on ig inch clearancereguirement. (UFC 10.301 ) '-1 3. corridor door on lever 2 between phase 2 and phase 3 does notclose properly. !9nair door and return to operablecondition. (UFc 12.1041 14- Key system is in severe need of attention. Master keys,. provided to pire Department failed to operate numeroui doors,doors were.not labered, labeled doors aia-not natch masterkeys identification, and too many keys were provided to al1owfor rapid access within reasonabie time. iuFc ro.2og) ". 15. sales and catering office door to corridor needs to be on aself-closure. (UFc .l 2.1041 '15. Manual fire ararrn pull station west of sares and cateringoffice on lobby level needs to be draft "i"pp"a. (UFC10.301) 18. Lead acid batteries in emergencyattention. The water levels are 19. AIl onduits in the battery roomstopped. (UFC 2.2041 I'IARRIOTT I{ARK Page 3 20. AHU appears toprovisions of inoperable. l{ake up air is requj.red under UBC and UttC. 21 - Repair fire doors between phase 3 pre-function J-obby andservice corrj.dor, service corridor and phase 2, and on theberrman's storage roon beneath the grand stalr. (uFc 1z.1o4l 22. Repair ceilj.ng in the valve room. (UFC 10.401 ) 23- Maintain crearance to erectrical service and panels in dishupkitchen and dish wash roorn. (UFC g5.104) 24- Remove combustibre constructi.on from li.guor storeroon. (uFc10.402) 25. Repair smoke detector in corridor outside bakery. (UFC10.301 ) 26- Doors to service orridor shall remain self-crosing. Do notobstruct self-closing doors. (UFC 1Z.1O4l 27 - Remove temporary lighting beneath stairs in baker's storageroom and replace with permanent fixtures. (UFC 95.104) 28 - Replace painted thermal fire detector in Aud.io-visuar roomand reinstall missing sprinkler escutcheon. (UFC 3.101 ) 29 - self-crosing fire doors to grand balrroom are obstructed.- This violation has been previousry cited numerous times.rnstarr electromagnetic door magnet.s crcnnected to fire alarmcenter. (UFC 12.1041 30 - Reinstall fire door in four hour wall between phase 2 andPhase 3 in the accounting office. (UFC 10.401 ) 31 . Install door nag's or remove kick stop from door toaccounting in lobby. (Ur'C j2.1O4l PHASE 2 32. Remove heat tape power cord from door to elevator penthouseon roof of Phase 1. (UFC 85.104) 33 - Replace cover on kitchen exhaust shaft on roof of phase 1 .(uFc 10.401) 34- Reinstall fire rated ceiling in maids crosets in phase 2.(uFc 1 0. 401 ) 35- Replace damaged heat d.etector in 5th floor maids closet.(urc 10.301 ) RESORo be the ..lAttRIO rT i,lAt{K Page 4 43. .45. 36. 37. secure compressed gas cyrinders for windows in 5th froormaids closet. (UFC B1 . a 01 ) Label electrical breakers in laundry room erectricar paners.(uFc 85. 1 04 ) 38. l'laintain self-closures on laundry roorn doors. (UFC 12.1041 39- 5."p-laundry out of serf-closi.ng automatic flre door tolqundry chute. Self-closing do6r cannot be obstructed. (UFC12.104) Raise fire sprinkler heads in front of sheet pressing/ironingrnachine to within listed distance frorn ceili"i.--tunc 3.101 ) Replace paryS9a smoke detector above foJ.ding table andqamaged heat detector in front of dryer. (UfC:.tOtl Secure compressed gas cylinders in welding shop andmaintenance shop. (UFC 81 .101 ) cover open erectligur wlring i-n werding shop and wood workingshop. (UFc 85. 1 04 ) EAUTION: WOODWORKING SHoP IS cLAssIFID As GRoUP H occUPANcY.LTMTTED USE FOR ROUTINE MAINTENANCE AND REPATR ONIYIS ALLOWED. EXCESSIVE USE, FAILURE TO MAINTAIN ACLEAN AND SAIE CONDTTTON WTI,L RESULT TN fiIE ISSUANCEAN ORDER OF CI-,OSTNG UNTTL $'CH TTME AS FULL COMPLIANCE WITII APPLICABLE CODE SECTIONS IS MET. WARNTNG: PROPANE GAs CYLTNDERS WITH A CAPACITY IN ExGss oFTWO AND ONE HALF POTJNDS ARE STRTCTLY PROHIBITED FRO}IBETNG STORED INSIDE ANY BUTLDTNG. FAILURE TO 6MPLYI1'ITTI THIS RESTRICTIoN I{ILL RESULT IN TfIE II{MEDIATEISSUANCE OF A SUM}IONS. Record storage roon has storage within 1g inches of theceiling. Remove storage within this 1g inch "p."". (UF,C3.101) Repair exit sign and replace missing door in corridoroutside Engineering office. (UpC 3:101 ) rnstall panic hardware at grade level exit doors in stairwaysas reguired in the Uniform Building Code. (UFC 12.104) ' rnstall a barrier in stairways at the grade exid revel toprohibit casual passage into the basement. (UFC 12.1Ogl !4aintain clearance from pool boiler of 36 inches. (UFC 11 .404 ) 40. 41 . 42. 44. 46. 47. .. 48. _ 49. ,. 50. I'IARRIOTT I,IAR,K RESORTpase 5 Oa i.51 . Remove electrical extension cord from right switch in pool . eguipment room. (UFC 85.104) "52. Repair exit sign at pool exit. (UFC 3.101 ) '53. Remove electrical extension cord from tanning bed. (UFC 85.104 ) '54. Repair open erectricaL wiring in men's steam room boiler.(uFc 85. 1 04 ) \- 55. Reinstarr sprinkrer escutcheon in men's massage roon. (uFc3.101) 56- Do not obstruct self-cLosing door to jacuzzi or corrid.or.(uFc 't 2 .1041 57 - Repair door to saLes and catering storage and remove stringholding door open. (UFC 12.104) - 58. rnstarr tanper swrtch on fire water main in boirer room.(uFc 3.101 , ord. 3, serj_es g3) PHASE 1 r,, 59. Replace cover to electricar raceway above door to electricarroom adjacent to boiler room. (UFC g5.104) 60. Replace wa1l removed in boiler room and maintain fire ratinqof room. (UFC 10.401 ) 61 . NOIE: @MBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTIoN IN GARAGE LEVELS oF PHASE 1 TSNOT IN COMPLIANG WITII UNTFORM BUILDING CODE OR UNIFORM FTRE CODE. SUBMIT PLAN WITIIIN 180 DAYS OF TTIIS NOTICETO ADDRESS DE ICIENCTES IN TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION. COMPLTANG I4AY BE ACHTEVED BY ENGINEERED EQUIVALENCY OR ABATEI.{ENT. ' 62. Replace cover on electrical contractors in boiler room. (uFc85.104) 63. NOTE: FIREPLACES IN PHASE 'l CONDOMINIUMS AppEAR TO BE DUPTCIENT DUE TO I}tpROpER CLEARANCES, DAMAGED FIREBOXES ' MISSING OR DAMAGED FIRE BRICK AND IMPROPER vENTILATION. IN ACCORDANCE WTTH ARTIGE 2, SECTION 2.204 OF TT{E UMFORM FrRE coDE' TowN oF vArL MUNrcrPAr coDE sEcrroN15.02, TIIE FIRE PLACES ARE HEREBY DECLARED UNSAFE. FIREPLACES IN PHASE ,I CONMS SHALL NOT BE USED UNTIL SUCH TIME AS ITIEY HAVE BEEN INSPECTED BY A LICENSED cHrMNEy coNTRAcroR' A REPORT rs rssuED AND TDENTTFTED DEF'ICIENCIES HA\E BEEN CORRECTED AND TIIE REPAIRS HA\EBEEN TNSPECTED BY TOWN OF VATL BUTLDING DEPART!4ENT. 64 - The cedar siding in the lobby of phase .l is not in cornpriancewi-th minimum flarne spread requirements. Make provisions toaddress this problem.and provide proof of compiiance prior toNovember 23, 1988. (UFc 2.204) Please review the foregoing rist of items identified asviolations and respond within 16 business days with a reguesteddate.for conpriance inspection. we are willinq to discuss anyspecific issue, item or violatj.on in more detail if you wi.sh.' r feer some of these items are certainry more of a prioritythan others, but each iten does need to be c-orrected. eie"=" giv.due regard to the issues presented herein. S incerely, 4-.2-/z/4--- I"lichael l,lcGeeFire Marshal ab cc: Gary Murrain Chlef Building Official MARRTOT.T'S MARK RESORT #753 MEMORANDUM To : All Managers FROM : Joe Uhl DATE : 3-3-89 SUBJECT: Uniforms As sone of you may arready be aware, Marriottrs Mark Resort ispranning to go with a more runiformr look for our Managers duringthe summer rnonths. The plan is as follows: Pantsr Each manager will get two pairs of pants, one grey andone beige. (Skirts optional. toi women and nandywepking. ) shirts: Each nanager wir-r receive three sport shirts (Gorfshirts), colors to be decided at a laler time coat: Each manager will receive one brue brazer t.o be wornafter 6:00pM (Managers working pM shifts regularly willreceive 2 blazers. ) * Managers already in uniforrns will receive one of each towear during M.o.D. shifts. Please send ne your rneasurenents on the attached forn byWednesday, March 8th, 1989 so we can get them ordered. My guessis the effective date for the dress change to be rnid-Apri.1. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. JU/jse DRESS ,r\at UNIFORM SIZES r^t rLL Pa'l. Dare 3_ 6-€J Pants: -Waist size 3L---LengEn Skirts: (If applicable) S ize(3/4, 5/6, 7/8 etc.) Shirt:(Circle one) Jacket Size Signature je<te.s I zsN M6)Z 5^tPA5 Par P- / c+uE1 MEM()RANDT'IM 'Pn . FROI{: IJ|III!; D L,DTJ trL, I: Bart Good Randy Wepkirrg March 9, 1989 (A\^) z. 't. EIRE CODE VIOII.ATIONS During our resenr, annlral fire depart,merrt inspect,iorr severaLviolertiona were noted that fall into your area of reeponsibi_lity. A11 of wLri-clr reqr.rire yorrr invc.llverrent. 1. We need trl remc:ve the plywooci wal1 in your liqrror storeroom and consiruct one thai meets code. Yorr and I need to planthis $oorr, As yorr l<now the rloors to the ballroom .are not to be proppedopen. Until the fur:ds bec:ome availabl-e, this practice needsto be stopped. 3. The doors to the table room were found tied open, thispract,ice must stop. The center poste on t.he double door.e in the baiiroom areaare designer-l to be removeri. They have been removed but havenot been repJ-aced. These shotrld onl-y be l'emoved when you need t.o move the farge items through thr: r-loorway and thenreplaced immediately. Be aware t.hat since ti:ese items have been noted by the firedepartment further violat j.ons can resuLt iu citation. summons rfine, and even ,jai1 time. These are yortr area$, they are your respons ibi. 1ity. If you have any queotions, please feel free to contact me Rw/kdb . MEI'IORANDUI{ TO: .I.eck 1lrst.ect FROI{: Randy lrlepking (a.W DATI : Marci'r l-i. 1989 SUFJECT: itIRE CODE VIOLATIOi{S During r-!t-lr recent ':tnnt.iaI f irc-: rlgp4l.trnent irrs-iection, i+. wa6 noied.that i,here ls a problem irr ycur record storage rcom. The code tLr,1t rs being vioLated r-eqr.rires :!.8" of cle,:tr.lnce betereenthe level of the sprinl<rer hearfe ancl the lrerns i,n r,rre room. Prease correct thie eitu,-rtr"on ancl rror,iflz flre, aFi c.-rntinuedviolati-ons cirn resuii.. in citatir:n, sr.lmmong, fine and even .iailtime. This is your area. therefore this j.s your responsibili.ty. If you have any qtresti.cns or if r can be of eome assistance. feelfree to c.e11. RW/kdb cc: Mike Robinson /Fire Departnentn/ MEMC)RANDI.lM I r-, : $t 1no+w s FFCII'! : Farrai' tl'eE,k inE. A0J^t nAT!?' Y.er,'r.i. ') ? csn $IIB,TEC?: Coi{PLYINc ?{ITH FIRII CODES fr +.he fif+.h fi+or' :-lr.crag€ .1r€.a where :rorl bave :.rour soda tanks',..here are ::ii:: c-t cc;Z t,t:llrg. 5y f lre coqe ;rnci for s.1f e t.:/ reasonsthe coZ tani:Fi ilf,j.S- i'e r:r:cr.l::erj :.n sr.rch a 'r,?y ih.3t ihey .rann;t tipover. Tbete ,':1 re c::Eri:ts -.recr:red to the waLl irr r,hie rr:on for rhiepr-rrpoge. 'Ihis ig yr.rur ei'ea, +,,Lrere!'r_)r..j it is l.-rrir responsibility, You irave beetr !n '.rl-oi.1i.ion <-''f t,hig ccrle j-n !/cr:r artf.? irefore .lnd beear::;e of thls yo'r c,:rn iie ei-"eC, eur,rrnc)ned, jinerj. and poesibly even -iaile'"i fr.:r frrr.t,her iifr.:c*-ic'r:s by +-kre iire depart,nerrt. Please l,ra:-:: l-crrr ileopLg ,and re-inforce this polrcv r.rj-th yorrrpeople to in.gure we comply. If I may be of any,rseir:xanee, E)leaere'ieel free to cali. Thanli you for ycur cocrperatir:rn. Rt{/kdb cc: Milre Robinson Hassan El llelrj..ewyRestaurant ManagerrsFire Departr:ent r./ I'IEil(;RANDl.li{ Tn. [.DAM. UA1tr: J L'IIiJ I],iJ I : Dcug Davis Randv Wephing LA^J Marcn il . i989 FIRE CODE VIOLATIONS Durirrg Lrr-lt' .annr.l.r. i fire r-jepartmenr, wef e rlall*ci l!i yot_11- eaei.. irsitrg ,:,fo;hers riiIl" reqr.r.i::e norrev and ;t,i.rers:A11 .,rri1 r-eo.uiie -\,/(:)ur :::)oper.1r.i,:)ri .:1:i.1.are as f ,r ll_,:'wi; : :.n€oect,ir-rn, many ',r io1at, ioneri)ese .:1re e.as i i',' renedieci , .jrtL19?:Yig icn anci ::lepection . il'i','o-iverreril. lir; probiem:-: 1. l'!ainla j_:r dj ar clearance ber,ween b.aeeboaro heaters andconbur. -raL.ies ( i . e . storr+rcons and mai,is r:iosels ) Z . Fir.tse I lI s tc,!.erocios . lie have to mainlain access to ther,rlectri':aL graneis a.tr c'i. bacx ro(-)ns, anci .,'qannot st.:,ck anythingeLoser th.r' l-5" frcm t5e ceii:'g. (i.e. ri..-ie-a-becisl,5;1pp1ie!, e!,1 . i 3. Tire ci otrl-r l- e, cico:';: gc:i.rrg +.() r-,rre l:-irir:cirlr arga J b:z cocie, aresrrg>poseci tc be clc:sed :-rt aii -_ines. Tliir: is not happeningbecarr;e they ai'e irej-cl r)p€n wi-uil ;.rc-;od b1o,:lio. In the i.rrtgrE I*. wil1 ila'e to spe'd t.ie noiey to pr.lt er.ect:.oric doornorders orr trrem. In t,he me.en time we neeci to fi:rd a way toninin j_ce t,he time t.lley .1re blockeci open. 4, The sarne situatrio:r exists wrth the !_.:utrdr;r chute ,:lcol.s . 5. rn t,he pool e,luiprment rooms we ,lannot if tore anything cr_oserthan 36 " to i,]re s teram l'ocm gener.ator qr r:ooi- ireaters ancl weneed to m.eintain clear"ence i;o el_ectricaJ. e,luipneltr. Please c:.rnta.t nre if ]'ou hav,l ilny quesr-ions or r.'eetl l:e]p. Be at+are thet since theee items ]rave been *otetl by the f i.redep.lrtmetrt, .1ny further violati-ons can resrrL+. in citation,summlrlls, f i.ne and eveti ,jail f j-net, Thrrr:e : r.!.i \r.1trr. feSp.,rf SibiIity. f=velr 'laIl l1ftql ..:s vu(tr afeas and yOUr' R'rllkdb Mihe R,:birrson uoe tjlrlliary Fl:lnn ./Fire Deplrrtment y' l'lllMORANIJUl.l T(.t: L.i i.i., e ;j,::rl.:,.: FRf;li: i-t..-.rrr,,-.,' i.i.ir:riir:!r. DATE: l'I:-rr'c't: .-?. irl89 SUBJ: 1988 ttIRH iNSFECTION !1 ike. iire f oi,lr-,win€-: i:-: tf i*".-:.rj:ir r.'r-:i sit:::') l, r:i.1 -.':r ..-:l'., ,-aln(l5jt'l1s i,-rr.llicl ,-'tlrf i:fF. l;il:f i:'I:::!.,;r-:1* i,.-:;i ii-:/'!l)./P\. Tjte .- *ie::I: :i ij :t:rI' l'iiFj".at at t,-, r.l'l(-)l-je -, r-l !rir!,1 ja f '.1!r(rf.'-. , 'i . L,;<-:l{ }{,1,::it.-:i'tiijl"; 1.,,:r l:r :trE.rtf,-r.| . 2. i l_t 'f lfl Fj Lra.i i.e i_'rr3 iL_r.1.? t;:i in,-j 'i l,j+:fi.; l:,-i$ : I r i-: I r :; l le.-j ii i:iV,f .l-';.:Ci ilep.: f.l-rir,,,!ri i-j , :j *e .-.:1- +.,.:c hr:rr ) . 3. E:-; cor:1, i r-;ri ri a:,,r .l ri s-; t .:r. I 1 c d . 4. L..,:ck nr:cl:.lrri::rn r"a; i'er..aitecl . 5. Thi,.i w,-.;s (:areciied .-1ld ,.,. ir^. r-i. We -,.;iiL tlst,aLl prtrrranenr por.Ter f or' heat i,ape 'i,fiig g:lmmel'. 6. OutLet, was; repiacer-I ;,rrd clrcr:j-t che:rc:.i<eri. 7 . Thir: q j-l1 irave t.n r'* clon* -,hie *rrrrr.:er. I . EXterrs 1:-'11 '.:,1: i'r-l lJBFj :lefJi(:rver,l i ::ee i. j-l ) , 9, In pr:op-:resr:i, iiti:eli:-rp.: :eirrg ti c)iLr: irr :-:r-'n.i tln':-; t io rr ..aith p re';r: r: t.li. iv e nra ilit enan.-: e F| ro gr,?.nl . 10. Ex+,iirgrrietrerr witLr t1-/88 E,.ipirat,i1ln ninori+,.-,/ ir1.rr iieve i-'een repiaced or i,eE;iec-i. i1. Items :'emoved,/re l-ocated and memos pubf isired and di-str:bui:eci ( see attacired ) . 12. Iterts t'emovet-i,,/r'el-o,:ar:ed ,?nC nemcE irubli;s.ited anci dlstriLruted ( see atta,-:irerl ) . 13. Cl-oe r:r Me,:iranisri: r'et:aired. !4. This rs (-,r)e ':,f our l-riggesr ,rhal-l-enges. i.-. s verl' +-ix1,3 cot:sr.tming. ile i-rre rrsns hani,].v worki:tg t.'rwarr-1 rhe Poai ,:;f ge l;1,ilr* -lte :-rystett) ,,)n i.. t.l'r,re ]'ior.i se ma-qtet'. 15. :,jo:tp, irer.n pr:.,:.iect ,-lr1g i-. L--; t:t,.rrle'J ii'lvolvr_rri. '.r t a r Pase 2 I98B FIRF] TIISPECTION I'IARCH 27. 'r38g '-a. .:,":;tted waLi ';irh f::e I f,(:,p ;a;rm ;if)d r-:ijrve!'Fd. L7 . Sewer l-ine ee.eled r.r it.ii foam . i3 . Eatt*,-'r res ir,:rvr: i:erln | *1pL'\e{1 :-if . i3. A1i. l:ave i:erei'r st:ai*ci. :0 . T}e r.rnit lias iree4 restored !o 6per',al j ng co!1d j.t,ion .lnci ts running. :1. Hardware ]:ae il":rJu. :'estc)reLi. New (ie:)ter post$ ,-rrdereri. [l*tr';er' !)L!s+. i.i) be iirst,a].L,..d iJrl?8,/i'19 . ',1.2 . irrst,al leci ecr-:esl-r p,1nei- . ?.3. items r'enover-i arrd !.)t l:elocat.*rl 'and memo pltbiieheri and r-li.r.: tribr"tt',ed ( ,.:e* a btar:heci ) . 24. PLywrrod wall ir.as b*en removed alorrg wiih extension cord. 2$. tlomple-t-.ed ilurilg Fire '.9ystenr Certi.f i,:.ation (New Eleet,ric) . 26. llemo ptrblished .and dir:tributed (eee at,t,acired). 27 . This has lreen r:emoved. 7,8 . Detecr.or replacec{ . Escont,ior} r--o he i nstalle,-l when rer:eived. i b is r-rn ordrll'. 29. This is lr long ternr problem :nci will. have to be budgeted for. Will try ft,r: 1990. 30. Cr-rrrpleted '.iuring rrale renoclel. 31. CompLeted cluring sales remodel-. Door 6top removed. 32 . Removeci ( see SI-r ) . 33. Cover has been :'e-installed. 34. This :le a long term sro,iect, wil] h;rve to ticheciule in withexisting wcrrjs :oad. 55 . fiompletetl riuring !i.re System (lert j-f i.cati,rrr ( New Electric ) . i6 . Cylinder ::ecrlre,l . Memr> published ar)d distributed { eee ltttacit,--d ) . rl i. PAGE 3 i9BB I]IRE ;NSPECTTON r,!ARCt{ 27 , i9Bg '-)7 . !,,,irg term wrll iri.v.r ',c) , t''a'.,ri,- ,.:j.l'r.:t.tt i i-, c r': r-'r g ;:it:;!, --;191,' .,,.1'4. "i'_ ir_'i-:l.lr.1 ....t ":.:isi..:::: :: r'i.::t.;: . :llj. i^l i.l -i ltrve :..,: i'.r,-1ge r i.:,r i::st,elf etl,-,1 ,,f :i,:+:' :i:e.€i'.:: . ,lennos !,rttlrl i::!:erl ::er-i r-ltlr:tl:Ll-,..r1 f.,'. i..*e.u t-. r:eti ir 1.-)t1:l'1 ili '.ite :iean 'ts i *^I,iil.l ;i9. 3ee S38. 'i() . L.-.ng iern. .;il-1 !:ave i.--- Lrr:.,-1ge t- :nci ,:,:h+t-ir.r ie . .ii. i':,ll)lettlri rjrii'inif it ri'i i-r\,'f i-! /.: m ilr:r*"if :c.:it,-;-rtl'r i ilr:r.r Jier:-,r'lr: ) , :.'a . :-'5yig' 1.i1r-:r.:ri ':aS :.,?.'l,i .r jt1i t.r ie'--+r-i g.1i.t i:- - -, 4;.. . I:r -r'1',--* """r. 44. i)11q !r]'yt7116rl w.ail l'enoved .:,itri re..i,,rtif +. ri tiL r-11'r'wa.j-1./netal r::t.l:tl r:r:rrotruciion, ,:,thers t,r f c.l 1'rw. ile-l:ttil.ciing wood shop t.r1 4q,39p6giate (1!.lst. cc-l 1ect.r-on svste!0 ti'rat i.'as ;:ur'chas(ld 3nd is r-; n proilerty. 41,, . Pr,:par:e tarrk !rns rernc.reci imrnt:dia.tely. 46 . !lemo irutrl j-aheci anci clist.rihr.rted ( -ree .at-,t.ached ) . 47. Don-t remennber' l,rcation of th is itern. 48. Iri:.:cr.rssetl .".ilis ir::-:r.rr i:ef,:re '::rtyine i;-,-w .,::iBti]lg 1.,:r:k harr:warr: end .i." was ceritie'cl I:anic h.:rclr^rar.e wartn f. rrecessary'? 49. Long term, ai11 irave t,-r r:rchetiule. ,--r0. i betns r:emoved (,jr l'el-,:,clatei-1 ind 'llemr:) ur.tl'rli e irerl and ,-ii.s-,,r'lL-.ute,-i ( see .att.aclred ) . J=i1. Extels j.otr il'rr r,,1 I'.:movetl ..rnd prjrm"?t'Ient polrer' '::r.rppl:ed. 52. Exi-t *ign retraireci. 5;l E:<-i,i-rllF-r i()n ,.-r{ird .emoveti atrd tlermatleilt p..wet' rir-trp i j eri. i:4 . (iover';: r'e- installe(i. :5. tar-.:ir1ng ,-,n or:der, will i-nsta]1 wiren part i.'; r+cei-ved. 5,6. l^r'i11 lrave 1,o ii'.rdget for rioc.r mag. i7 . lierr,:iware 1'epall'e1i. :r1-,ri.:g t'emov-^,',1 . |t aI ]]AGE 4 1988 FIRE I i'tSPEC',f 1C)N l'lARCH ?7, ig8g liJ. ;r-:1ig 1.;.v'11'. it,:rn : ar"aij./ rlt:Lial'r'.:rjl-. l'-, 1.: -r::.i:its_; t:::c,-i a -,- i:1 ::I ..=r_-r.1 r..:i! . -.-. . a:r. l-;,-.,ver r-'11 1,r1'1i--;'. r.iill- ..rr;t,-l.l-- tiireli I r:, i11'!'i7ei::. 5i:J . -,,-;t1p- 1'er;1 I irart r- - i:-r:j() l-t'L-:.i:rt-', :.-, '.'ill(ly': i--:!'r;,r,-rr1 ;1r_r 111; 1. 1.111: I j -,;1. d1. oie -ir.'e ._1:j1{ j-ll{ i:_rt' i1i, ,.ii) iJ . i.i i) .-.;i j.:i!J il r., ' ,t.rrre,rt 1.his p-, 1. (t L) i etn . ..i?. i-].-)I'It,ar:|-,(1 t' '::] -r ij e_.ri anLt t.,_:m(_-,vt'. 53. liril ;ra.: i-',LlFt:j l '-r.-lf t',-ici:/::i1 , .:r f l" :ii'+ t.'-.:t?'! l'=l-ltl t*i, :rrlii :i 4;'11;,-r-l . :'4. N,it-.irreil ira.i-r ca.l-cr1 1-,g,11r11 ,-).r: tnii:. ih+y .1r'e t',1 ititttrils. i'liire, ii i'9sl have ,:r.iesti-rrns ,ir cDn,:erls, i+ei f l'ee 1:.,: ,ralI. ,l)l .Jl)l 3l I oz ==e.tu(L @ \a (n UJ H tr =E UJ /,b/=Rl€ts' hob/e -tc I I I -lO\ro\l tuJIF co lo zla<lF:itltorI1rtrbr ll!'to vto '1 l= v,f F E F EFcz =o 4z U) uJF z z 6) l €(,z zo z Ht-{ >1 u tsz E til :Ir{EH HIA v) vzH v) x D{|(txE| EI IL 6(t =I (r IL (roF F (r uJz3 UJ F z 6 uJz3 lrJ.l- F oz F-lFl !"{ FNONEOt4@p(H xaog)zo Ff<Ats.I B& F4(')>ts\o Z EF-trl ts z Fl =6;1?ctsbE; s =en€!*r E e: Efc:o e Sp ia =; o.: ff =it;:-.= nF; OE FP-- o-c _-i xE E';".: >. F 9?! E-si P atdi* € qeP 5 g.; gg C :t3es*EEF9 EisEori=tP EfEg= :3€ g; -c= (D (/, E cl o: !.9 €gg€;s EH:Eac-=->i:Fe3.;g;Es€.:3-(5, ,s 5 gg; o\N F\roN tr = IU z o l t I(J z -f- ulJ LIJ z6 f zr = L!z tr LIJ E =!J tz -tt o F6oo- uJoc?z uJ (J >< F uJo u', LIJ u.lu-t = Lll J F F oz oJ l ID J aF(_) tlJJ UJ z =f, = uJ = NOTIVn'rVA 2 ctrfz 2 zH :<go =Zzu- i o. 6z: f, zYF g oE aoEz>-(JoozQzXu-<oq i -uJnE*6 s L.\ iNO =>E FlFHH H Hz z tr l t! [r o @ \t E z Eoo Nt< z F g. ulF tulz .z:lzO(/,tr LIJ<Qo< =ft>rrRrdo<z Lz Azz- -Fio36OI o I tl.lz 3 F I q tr :) ct lrlz () tr : z F - z rnOao(5l : - I I I I I ,-lrl ;l Jl .-l z o UJ UJ lrJz i- cc uJ o- z E o X z tr @ I -lI-l I I .] 5 o I_l I I I "lzl;lEI<lGI .E o H*l-o9 ()IH h t-lH I a'\ c\lu)(f u) Cfz Fl z: uJta -)z FIutY UJ co oF FF< =O\>o\E.r uJo' c{'II \., x>F(I-Ozoo uJF o lv ITJF z z ze dlo>z JOo- I.L J..i6 =='s;d= F =lu o- ruoz loa o Ito, u.t :h>dil>(LOtL9o \ llJxo-:>|-Jt-t!J tr LIJ lI1 F tro E EI -9qt o .=tr E Eo C, o -- ts =E, lrJ o-zIF()fEFozoo trt]r I I I "l=.1olr!l 1l al>l rLlol pl i Iol =.1(rl utlil <l>l rLlol zl 3l 9l sl ccl JI ;al g olr-l ol =.1 uJl TI <l>l u-l :l 3l 9l Io E I I I cilzl cil=uJlcn 5t? 3lRL.l{ol zl 3l 9lFl '-l E X F: tl H E =E tr 4q d z Fi ts PM rJ) \o\o(rl o = Fl E z E]P ui z z =tr E i\ =-E \JZ F Fz z. -r O LU >Y =#]F)zrJ-oo z O Et- LUJ LU <FEOur<zE I.IJ Fa\z F L!F I c)Etrtrr uJF o cots GIz Eo I I I I I I I I I ffEse l3 EEE€E# iiitG E:t!g:-oi 36oO'-.!a3; O |a tr 6riti E;i:E EEg;E o uJ UJl! E =e UJo- oF zl .. >l !J UJ uJz .J' tr2 IJJ ) z Eoo Cu, J z Fo s{0 Autttsl o':/ < z 5* EY atoz> azr!<oqrc);o;o d a\j z EgJ 3 UJz 3!Jl 5t <t>l bl ;lg I I 9l cilulGl 3 al fle l d H x g 3 o{H I ozl cll urlEI fl zl pt s6 =+cFFOz UJ =z @o E -rO<Fc()uJ<ZEurF cr, 2-o() ta il \n 7 z o= =ecDo =z dP z - uJ = !!! (Jc)zaoh =uJ@lu L: utc !uJ59E=a6Ee39Ee 5gci =uJEF8HE:^EUEi ttrFJid uJ oF E!D I It(^u .ul "F I oz b FJEAHoo1 zo Fo-ulv UJ E,I Frli * l.-1 |nt-rlt I:..:fl ll enl l' ?'=l I ;HI F 16tl! = liE l-Lu l- o-zoFO :) E,Fazoo rm %>!e/+ Lt^ -'/, 4-,D\ n.4,.2,-,..//,'-,/.N t t J a 75 south fronl.ge .o!d v.ll, colotado 81657 (3031 479-2L38 or 479-2\39 otflcc of communlly devoloPmcllt BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approva'l' Engineel''s (Public l.lotks) reyiew and approval , a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as 'l ong as three weeRs. All conmercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential oi smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also taRe the three week period. Every attempt wil'l be made by this departnent to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame " \+*^,**-. R--^-":L'L N.. *.+lv\N.. -k o Project Name Date Work Sheet was turned lnto Ene Conmuni ty Development Department. I t, 75 3oulh lronlaE€ toad Yail. colofado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATEs SUB.TECTs offlce ol communlty develoPment ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH IHE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE In sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil' rock, sandr debris or naterial , including trash dunpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approxinrately 5 ft. off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to renove said naterial.In the event the person so notified does not cornply with the notice within the 24 hour tine specified, the Public works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Town ofvail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: Position/Relationship to Project \7 -z- {tr Date a .1 I I @Posit ion /Relationship (i.e. contractor, owner) t \\a- ()J]).,)3 e INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAILIT NUM \l PERM DATE BER \ CT JOB OJEPRoF_ INSPECTION:, NAME CALLER ON TUESREADY FOR LOCATION:r\\'.\\\\\ BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEET PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND T] ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEERu pLYWooD NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL Jr,ro. tr tr FINAL dLECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL ffifi€oveo tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE lNSpEcroR {-/r'?40 * t,**i 'i7s3 * INSPECTIONTOWN OF t .-.i1 f', -rtREQUEST'' VAIL D^rE /z-A-?/ JoB NAME fu44 ,@ae-Z_ PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED '€- BUILDING:PL tr tr tr tr o tr tr UMBING: D tr FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W,V, ROUGH i WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n*ROQF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB ffneernocK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING D tr D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR D rtruRt l$O FINAL }FLAPPROVED D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED coBHECTIONS: INSPECTOR ;t r r.r 3FE-c;l-o lt ggg u ffi 1TOWN OF "^r. \-\-\ JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INS CTION:UES WED PM ---------\- CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMB!NG: i uNorncRouNo tr ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEU O FRAMING n.ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL LECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: D TEMP. POWEF O HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS o co}rDUrr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL D APPROVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONSiiI{ 747722-q/S ,l l lr oore lJlro/?l lNSPEcroR e,[P"],J*-t t **"* \ rFl -EE -, {o @mlg LOi-t--{ H qt<: f m: i;9s I'oi gmPoiq I-:m="'1 t- J X=.o< dEr9-60ct,>t3gmalo-rt !m! -{ ooz Q{7co =oz 1Jmn = -n! Or- z= ocDz2 o6,z 0ztq mlr lrr Olzo l9<l-oI\J 'TIEr--m tJtr *frO _19o ID mx m1'-{ z rn @ Im =Iq tn= = /'\ .\ (, )tDt-f- nD4r!4ltl xl b<l Ltt]u mc)- z o o z--t -t -n I2 (- z =r U) U)F z z € F oE =><F l> =k,r- K, rnl4l"l a)l .olrl I I I I I I o=ui#o>'t- z.;--r c3< -1 ZOC)n mt-m ^r mzm ri c) =m -t lrmlO Fl= lo llt> lF H la I I I I l-l l€ lzlo lII> IF ln 'tl Pr PriFrrl zwH l-rlo l€ lzlo l-'lt<t> IFlrlmlo l= tlo n r \o5\o I F's'o\ oB =l>-<F t>p t! B l- =l I I llto l€lz lo l-nt<t> lFl! lm Plz z FPz O(tl N) CNt-\ / ?<o o "-r6a30- o9o i 6'Rqs^ X ^.6gIi :.-R{o{iit ==P*'a =\u '- (, (D::' q1:i 5:3{ ", i. q, o5o?^- df,or = *o l@9+@delg -D ootd=F- _f +i; ;'a 1.3€ol-rJ-o o *(,3l= !ei8i'r 9I@3tlqr^.:f x =< j , ^-a = F= 3F <o-f0aRd l6=Ja:{3 F3;3.,33Q *ot:)l(,o=. o ot q' ot =o 3 : - o lo- (D C)F Pz rd Ho lFd<'OF{H X<)>)NFr! czJa7 \ F-! E zr-l oz ic z oio 'n -I amr-n zn m om -E llxz @ Izo o'ol z t-_! ma -razmmomol< lz t? It -l oc-t X z z I IAtx l' I.F l+- I I I t- I I I I z(.t)cr { oz -E fo z m :0 c I I I l I I9q€otr z = z>e8IoT<+< >oolln:@o zc = lltltltl 2m€ im --l z EX : z \ m_9 E --t c .n c Pxz o\\o Fz o\\o\rl c)NF;o<; a; F toaDt =zcti7,Qoo<zn 92Io 6 =F? c: 2tto6 o'n2z € x n< t7 + ! I z-tJ I A. ! HI r-{ |zl ,+l drflz-l 2 =t o i!, I F--l o EI Fatzf;l o3l zEl eHl 3 t(F FItl HF z z z =z6 i --lm - 2z^o;_n !>PTzz lNH im l{tr! c) d t{ F{ F tPzz c) \o --t r 1)m = =nmma c m -t o tn z e! m! 2 mI z ft5tn{ q) m m _--l z rn 3m - z t- |.c = m m -i o z Im x qtg z m = m ; TImm(.r, VALUATION !m7 =zo lcl( ln lc l* H HFr{ lrl z t- _o t- 3 @za mt-rto t- (Dc =o s. \.| 5' rJl l'.)\o\o N) 5l'.) \o ilStel'fu''n\ l7 -q-a4l I I !oItIO I I I I I, IEc l'szrilo lll F oz ltJluo: to GoFo tlF2ooco o 3 UJ ll o.., -il E Eb$il e Zzuo ootr ^ -u, zg 5 :ea 9. 6f, vtog6d fr. L<oq aET E-5 3, Ifil cbl wt\l z 'n9 =F=< =z-rOO- l! JJ<ro69 ==36d= ! = UJo,ltoEE2Zi{B6ie,t9tt ir E5:9i =uIEF8 o.5E= !=EXi3EJetr UJct F I =- uJF ul Eooo z Fo UJv uto BPg,p e5 LrJ@ >'3 |{J I llJF z E =E, UJo-zIFo :) E,F anzo() a'. )) c) U-lc-i a:' ! aa D!D E-e LL' o- o UJo- I I JJ )/llrlwlt\l $l f.' ItJ f\i \\n { 11 tri =z -l q!E k\\ o \l \\ = alJ : tlI nl til sl- 2 A 6 I I I I )trltrl CICI J - lfq \ta c;z cjgJ ) t!oz3o F $\-$ $($ g l,l F 1/) {\ I s l'*l.t'tul alrl :l Yl dl\rl 1llo{I urlIEl qd i3lcoi0H oi 7culE J tloz3oF olz) o UJ =3 oz Bo g ! bz 'I luJ UJF, E UJz 3o F(J uJ E oE E_rO<FsouJ<zg -oz,a6 Jg'<oOF =oiE::{ F\zr!O -o (, =@ =JA EoF O Fzo() i5 33 gE r,5 =+tFt-o2 o C) J<()(, U'tir lll .-,r<:a DND I 75 3outh ttonltg. to.d Y!ll, colorldo 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2\39 olllcc ol oommunltY devtloPmQllt BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FMI'IE If thi.s permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval 'Engineer''s (Public Works) reYiew and approval , a Planning Department review or Health Department revjew, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weeks. A'l't commerci al (l arge or sma'l'l ) and al I mul ti -fami I y permi ts wi I 'l have to follow ihe ibove mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and smal'l projects should take a'l esser amount of time. However, if residential oi sma'l 1er projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these proiects may also take the three week period. Every attempt wil'l be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as Possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. was turneo ln Deve'lopment DePartment. 75 3outh fronlage road vail, color.do 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE! SURTECT: olllce ol communlly develoPment ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYI, REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE In summary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debris or material, including trash dumpsters, portable toil-ets and worknen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavenent. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of vailPublic Works Departnent. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material .In the event the person so notified does not comP1y with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, the Public l{orks Department will remove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. 5 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on this natter. : 2,,/ 9 ,/- Date / ,/ / and acknow P.O. BOX 2201 VA|L, COLORADO 81658 (303) 949-1/146 Vail Valley Construction Management, Inc. GENERAL CONTRACNNG 12/2 /91 Sasa Remodel Marriott ' s Mark Resort Units 693 & 595 Scope of Work: Cosmetic upgrades to unit:1. New Carpet 2. New WaIlPaPer 3. New floor tile 4. New glass fire-Place door with marble surround. 5. New draPes 6. New paint '| . Partition waf 1 in 695 between vanity and sleePing area. 2. New 5/8 " drYwall droP ceiling on UBC aPProved metal frame support sYstem. Structural Upgrades: e:2,-€? .thOA SHa&€ pffi--T-oe u.srA.aS t P v.)a/L. p---*".< -ta. ;-- oi..r .*4 P.O. BOX 2201 VA|L, CoIoRADO 81658 (303) 949-1446 12/2/91 Sasa Remodef Marriott ' s Mark Resort Units 693 & 695 Scope of Work: Cosmetic upgrades to unit: Structural Upgradcs: fut --Z.o /-t/----4-a --r-,r'{ z- Vail Valley Construction Management, Inc. GENERAL CONTRACTING €L€-E f+-;4 s'.,--4< O"#; .4 .// ./a+( /-.'4*-Z|) r-,H* .AZ .4---rh-r'/./ 1 lrlaw f- a rrro f 2. New WallPaPer 3. New floor tile 4. New glass fire-Place door with marble surround. 5. New draPes 6. New paint 1 . Partition wall in 695 between vanity and sleePing area. 2. Nerv 5/B " drYwall droP ceiling on UBC approved metal f ::ame support system. INSPEC o ONNOF REQUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: CTION:MON FRI BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNgATTON / SrEEL E ROUGH i WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL -tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL )r<Arr*ou.o CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED .. - ./, ,, // (r)D^rE .,/-+/'/ q/ y/ rNSpECroR PERMIT ''i,.'{ tr |.\. REeuESr*.'VAIL l AM@ \\ \\ C.onrp \,J.- rU -\ JoB NAME INSPECTION:READY FOR LOCATION: NUMBER OF PROJECT CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- O FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr trEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DTSAPPROVED r tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR I tl INSPECTION t. .lr. REeuEsT"' CT JOB NAME TOWN OF VAIL CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WLD THUR FR' - AM PM LocArloN: fruZ * .4 623 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL i1- tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL rlt'eppaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED onre ,/# er/ril rNSPEcroR ,4i" I - INSPECTION:MON INSPECTIONTOWN OF VAIL rl ' .\. REQUEBT' ;I3-z r+ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE /2-/az-/7?t JoB NAME =.2 AM@ CALLER TUES WED THUFREADY FOR LOCATION:). ,//{r BUILDING: tr FOOJINGS / STEEL PL tr tr o tr o D tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr o D tr ROOF & SHEEF GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NATLTNG -- -- INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL -O FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: D tr tr D TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH - tr tr n EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR MrrNnr tr FINAL APPROVED z U DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR t INSPECTION " """ a REQUEST PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME <_\ --) CALLER TUES WED+661 ?t' PECTION:MON ,'o 11 rHUR_ .@ AM ,{Y €-ki NUMBER OF TOWN OF BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOOTINGS / STEEL O FOUNDATION / STEEL f] FRAMING ! tr tr o ROOF & SHEEF PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr trFINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS o tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr tr FINAL )K6PPRovED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR The ltens belos need to glvingapernltaflnal Please check off Ln the FINAI PLU}TBING Oo* recr,o''s couPLErED O be couplete before Cof0. box provlded. DATE: ll n FINAL MECHANICAI DATE: I}TPROVF'ENT SURVEY RESID. NA}IE: DATE: EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE:FINAL BUILDINC n [riL_+V T DATE: TEMPOMRY C OF O CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAI.ICY DATE: lilr LANDSCAPING DUE DATE: \s5$FILE NAUE fur-"u -CQL/'n//f oz E =c, uJo- @ c/) UJ UJl! F = UJ4 /bfz121> '-sAq€{J, o\ o\ v z Ha z yr o _,x<2 9.2F< 2OoZ) ;Hz 14E zrdE l14IA si q) llJ zil 9^ =z..'i< lOid)€V oS?za za) uJ E F Et-a =o =z c tqo) I;ie* l3L l"/-oq .l- Ei IIE E.g tIT i-\qlE.P '\F o)* lZ.co |= Ig il3s iE$|;! nO -!PF t E€ .,1ort -<- sH; - \a 5! E--\4 5; S+::F .*ri:. E \,"p=-.i\:;E*S'e3 illEo- -lIF; sl+ €fi 3l+ dt+ d:go;6 H5 Eio(6 coao:qEX9 F.E hFfc c-o d)oc5p i =it:E >= cY'" 363 !? (g=(|)Cs soo 3e9F: c.Y- 6o-(! o 6-E Eo' o-'= ^\(gC'rJ ; 6 EE Eq) (u:>:X:F= -,c.c=o+ _-c o.9 l€'s =0pi';6>,I ca !=Ex- H--xv :^t e9E oEEE-r- o ct) -o(u J.J ralN @ tal t\ aa e = =L!' z =l @ x uJ- z o F lrJ z6 E o- 2 -(J = z F Ll.lE o 3g UJcz n) !Jo F (L u.to .L?z uJJ C) x F lllof HA H '-t (n UJ UJ LL = uJ J F F z J =ql ) a ouJJ|.ll z6 = d J z I = Fl H NO|lVn]VA Fl E & HH =.J)z H M tJ]HzH ;E 3ZZvoooF o- 6zx r =YFP of, aoGz>-(Joo9.ozX!L<9q iq:.:o_\J;-R Z dNO =>0a -I z tr -i cc UJ F. @ E z Eoo XX t'4z tr F ; lJ..lz I I =zlzQo <c)o< =g9rdo<z Lz >= ;6 =6OI I I I I I L-- I I i I IF- I I l i IL- I Ilr.lotcItr UJ:) .E a z O IF uJo- F z F 5 z i r-l--l I frlz zi J:---l l I I ;,---]'_, )<:3 ,. 1rO u.t cc oluo uJ uJz = (r uJ(L J z Eoo I 69 ()<u1 i IHH ,\ /l(l \l AKI CO ry c\ril lJ),,', OilO nj,na2d! Afri IJJ iFi @ldlo-zo F'(L UJY lljo Ea l E; I ttrl ?=ll E sla) 'zl BH Zao?8 =e. acoo - =zE cL LL .-l F\fl ft ftt-i t lL J .J."i5\J\J=zEftol-- d;=-x__tx I F tu o- utoz laIo .EI (L ul:h= a'E>(LOl!9oF ,., :>UFull uJ o ce' E o o o1t .:c5 E Eo() iJ. O::l +, la! ol>trfr- E'- !!-:t=t E =Eltl o-zIt-(JfEFozo() .ir.ir .q x I\o i Fl H Hz rt)F v u; =z --) c'z =lJ- &H trl :Ez H FJ .s.ir $\T I r\\' .l =.1 OI url cEl !l<l>l 6l zl;l OIFl zt-l rrl\lFV =tr zl olrul 1l <l>lIrlol zl 3lolFI 1l fl 3lolFI ol =.1ol sl <l>l bl zl 3lolFI sl o INp4 | r.lt4t I>l 01<l -f r'1 I 6mt + Ftl I@l\alolol I flect >8<nJ =lo z Fl.J)z M E €-{ H =E I I I I ol =l HI -,l <l>l rr-lol EI :ol uJFI F <F u.l <ZEurFo6 oFo dF J (.) F tljJ IJJ t >Y =f)zu-o F Fz 9z r C) LU F LU ET(J E. tUIF J< (-)an:o oz E-Gutc ; f .5 l) f, at UJ UJt! E =E uJo- I I N d.i l"., \E I I I I !\ti\)ta\tn n| $E rE uJts o lst *lE EI:t2 l J =teot a!ls uJo =I .Eolt GoFo EF2 t8 o o oE g ItG .9 o. C!6 cioF oE o c'oocE.E' E o o o !tC6 oEoo s ,@ iE rO ,] !o o clct6 'g o -:- O c a;t:i EEE; iIUE'ajc-o>l :EEE J c I6 i. E;Es' E EE: EEiI SE; e !Eig E:t!,o':o;;g E.c= o 0' ^ o3.9 FE s: a e;: ;ili sEg: e \ { oa \ n\ d \ tt'o F. t \ \ E =E UJa (9z6 =Do I(,gJ C)z d IEF C) u, (9zo- d Iz C)u,E Iu 2I llJEIulc F art q- c z o x F UJo:) {\, ( dt $t ah UJ UJlt E =g, |lJr <(FoF (,zo tD o GFo UJ gJ (,z6:l r J Iz () UJt NOIIVNlYA ;-co 'lt z\ -, r! ) aqulzl UJ'(, -tl')!u fie,O: zzoo ho-9Xr.E9 0 oOX,razr!<oq Eg;-o t>c I I I "il ol,l tl9l fl l z J g- c F :l :l IJJ I "^l -l<lz):l tz9F lllFJ : 3 luJz .. >lo uJoulluz tr !J J z Eoo u, .J avlu,2x i F g, a F oz tltttlo 2 zO.,) ?oo< =F!.4 'rUo<z lltltlll v)FI'2z 60EF uJ o =v z o J @ 6 : n UJ = oz tt I I I I J tD Ilr V IFoJ I I -al)l Jl I 'lrl el -:l<l ft \II\r u; =z @o sl\ln'ir-l \)s jc qn'( cs ..> : I lalcl nl.il ..1 {lil El 5l .JlJ 4l 7ulE 2 v Y , <-\) 7 o F6 -e -! \' a Lc4J S 5 I I It.- l+ di JI3lf bl H Eli Iltl Jdl;i31fl lJf,r Il;l =ffl IJt3ltq ldHi ol (' ultr! lroz eF t dil 3r= Eulz =o F() UJ E o E -rO<FEC) u.J <ZErllF ttt z-oo <oC)F F?ti oaYr-;6rl.a e, 2? s3 =Fd6 O dE =3-9,, =E EoF*o =+G t-o2-'< 6ft3=o ^:a r:_-:(J faa.- .;) iil uJ o UJ EQglo?zo r UJv IJJ @ oF E = IIJo l!o coo I lIJFoz z__o -F=<rDo =z?=dts J O(Jzd co u.r tr :EEu,Ll!o UJ o- F ! E ur l! 59E<BAi'239.lra gE EiiEEot:=Z9EY?=E; ttr-r- jetr IJJ F -=- ts =E, UJ o-zIF()f E,Fazo() !Dl DD! 75 soulh honteg. load vail, colotado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2\39 otflc. of communllY devtlopmtnt BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval 'Engineel''s (Public wot"ks) review and approval , a Plannjng Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Buiiding Department, the estjmated tjme for a total review may take as 'long as three weel(s. A'll commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits wjll have to follow [he ibove mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller proiects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these proiects may also take the three week period. Every attempt wil'l be made by this department to expedite thjs permit as soon as Possible. I, the undersigned' understand the plan check procedure and time frame. ffid intothe Communi ty Devel opment Department. 75 south tronlagc road Yril. colorado 81657 (303t 479-2r.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ofllce ol communlly develoPmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE fn sunmary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debris or naterial, including trash dunpsters, portable toilets and worknen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on a1l Town ofVail streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavenent. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public works Departrnent. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to renove said naterial .In the event ttre person so notified does not comply with the notice within tbe 24 hour tine specified, the Public works Department will remove said rnaterial at the expense of Personnotified. the provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utiLities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Departrnent to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: Date L2/55197 8824t 13439494454 FIUF|I<UB/ I\E.I/I|CL-I- L. \9. . 11 Monroe teweli- ft'' Egrnecrs'tnc' 1/$ lo t^ t ?*f=e-t- -,-*.-- oF cl"ur'ro"r-IF5'- o' J66;'i-t*flfll+t Fttl lpi fsltEop*nhrrct'16[ic[!Fl0'l'|| t2/95/91$itI!.'- Monroe &*ewell OF Englrrccra. lnc.oart DAIE iriit:l fBnllr{lr5tlsl ftruE .F, hr.h fl ncr*lulfilfllfi$ PERMIT NUMBER OT PNO.IECT r*..l-\,,,-\ :IF INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL D^rE /z- -z 3 . 7/ JoB NAME CALLER TUESREADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: WED THUR FRI c7 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB D FINAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor, //-zs'7r rNSpEcroR 53tp 3 ', PERMTT r'rurraeen oF Pno.recr oarc /2-249/ JoB NAME Kr/ !5- INSPECTIONTOWN OF L .a REQUEST. VAIL ,l ,a READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: cALLER 6-zt.rN ,' - MoN @ *ro rHUR ffil @ Pr/ BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr FouNDATroNT srEEL tr RoucH / D.w.v. tr FRAMING- tr ROUGH / WATER nl99.l3ji.iFl .^ trcAS PTPTNG" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr flOUGH tr CONDU ,,*oa n - tr O FINAL Vf.qlsnppnoveo FcerNspecroN REeuTREDtr APPROVED COFIRECTIONS: i INSPECTOR tv>-a 4 I 1 a g) CALLER INSPECTION REQUEST TOW VAIL READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr D tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr rEMP. B9tryER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING E tr o ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT -N SUPPLY AIR [rrr.rnr-tr FINAL {*eaorety'fr D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor= /t'-/7-7/ rNSPEcroR \ .feaq PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE NAME CALLER MON TUES INSPECTION 3a>at lr REQUEST',.\/atl A4;- READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:wED @ FRI AM TOWN OF VAIL'|M''27 to" BUILDINGT PLUMBING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n 199.1^&ilqFl.^ ^ o GAS PTPTNG" PLYWOODNAILING ffi nINSULATIoN v - ( oPooL/H.TUB 7L'tr SHEETROOK NAIL :-' - tr E /,i '*i ,\ (-t B -.rJ E/ FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR g ,,=,- --L-) n tr FINAL "FINAL ts6t*gt* @or* CORRECTIONS: tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR -$nu-. e PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT -\,r1-\1, ii } \ \\ JOB NAME IN e SPE r_ '-- CTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL DATE CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES THUR FRI PMAM BUILDING: EI FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ?r-E EINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ffiaoveo O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS:\ \, t..\ INSPECTOR I il I oz F =g uIo- oo N an UJU ll- F =ul.L et ulhet ll,9EBtd) KvtFl Olo\ c{ F] FlN ts.J)z J**Y |r'I!-z*.2;< =d2Z lyr lo uJF E F f- anz = zzc) o lrJFoz oz o dt .6 o =zo Gruz3o uJ.f F z l! llJ 2 =(roIL Eo tr uJz3 l! LlJ lF o) ot ott(lt =oq C' 3o E2 o :' (g fP6+oo o)cc(u E€ 3o(!cD o.9 ,i5:dlie utO SE o:) -rto9 e9 c6t3 ,iot'ts9 '6 o !6 E o .9 .=Do at> E .v dt'- \ -vl vor E ; ()() o @ .9 = c u6; o:i ct'=o(a*Io i'o(6cooo; 9l.EXY E=E6gEc-o CT:-60 =pF; >=c96 EEE o Cl=:EF eoe;q: c.=- 6 o-(5 0-FEI .DrO- **: P6t!E: So oE EEF - o.; eeC(E 0'-<; o)! --c.$ (Dr SE:oi=36>o(!= -v=E3ii s ,3"te9Eor eEg rn + E = uJ z = to Y UJI z -) F UJ UJ z6 d J C)z o u.l = q z tr tu u.J 3 l,lJ Lt/ z uJ F6 o. IJJ o- z x uJ at, aJ)ull,!u- E = UJ J l-oF z o () F tlJ uJ z =) z Iout NOUVn'rvA F] HdHC) 14 F] I FJF] E r-t :<e.o3zzv- l. o- 7=Xf>YF9 of, 6a9d.z>-ooir9?(JzXr!<oq d+nE!L X Llt-Xz dNO GI N =>E z l IL o o ul(L o N o- UJt z E t$x>+z tr g. llJF ; UJz FzlzOaE u,)<()o< =Fxrr6o<z I =z 9z d6 =trOI ? tr Jfaz cr I I I I Il-- I Its]zo L3trll- \F* 2a:I (I o 3 X l i Jl<ltrl zl zl .. >l UJo llJ UJza tr uJ(L J z E F; o z tr <1) @H H c! c\l|r)O C) tnz FfA z IJJ Fooo.: z Fo-ulY lltdl oF Fch =3cculo-(.),. N,6J - rltl6alo ,-l ^ i<l--ll=lP.;bkzo rr1 Z.n,"9 7ze \oo ->23 Jo rn CL LL F{ F\T-l-nL.J L-I L -l "dE =r3- 7\ ! -1 "i uJ6il>_^}<_L]IIJU F uJ LL fUJ 2ZE<cfo9]E '!!B9stE EE =>FJI-:tr,-E h=o o-- EE >.L .- \J t!E ooI \urE XO-r x>I q-oitl* al,l d)oF --- ts =E,lrl o-zIF C)-tEFazo() ol =.1oluIl ccl JIil>l rLlol zl 3lolFI c,l IJJIEl JI <l>l rr-Iol zl 3lolFI I I I I .lol 7^l rul 1l <l>l ll-lolzl ..t it E ot uJl TI <l>l l!lol zl3l el \o .if, I Or o\ I Irl;l =l ol =.1 uJl :l <l>l tLl zl 3lolFI H F]Flrd tsz td Go .+ \T\f.d. I i H F H Ff ln F ts rJ) v E HtsoHH =lrl =2 F rJ H (9Hz rJ) F FTM ui =z E(,ozl =f)zrLoo oFo t Fz O z r(J I.IJ = (JZ JE<o(JF t<i, E,;F)- E -rO<F(rC)uJ<ZE lJ.l F-(rzoo uJ ErJ<c)a9. -rt E I 'l 'ltl oz E =E UJI aoo N (n UJ LUt! F =E UJc tL?eBril) &',, It;lh: [:' cl\ ('l N frf NF F{rltl1&j :41tr,2\al;{l z d.,lol )Zl P uJ g.oF Fu) ==o z z o IJJFo2 oz = .! =zo tr lrJz3 uJ F z Be!E rltq €! 83 Eg(,'o.';o Ec-o c.;a o |.:. FAot:.cocqtOo)N{. -.,Ect etEFO6!5 -oo)cc$ E€oo 3oo cl) o.E -=3digqro Ef =dn9 s9'o- EC!c(!t' e';0)at.!E -.: - oox6 '=9t(|)*iop8F coah.9; IEQc F]E ;o:c-o''3s st 6 =nF-; >=c9c EE: 8Ea =:EFOO saeJqi c.Y- (5 cL (6 0- sEEat-o-E*e :6(5eeEooiifE!: = 'PC(6 0'-c;o o9l 8E=o?= 'u>.o(!; t(o:.R 5hie9E o eEg -o(o rJ1 u1 * F =gJ z J I UJ I z -F ttt oz6 =l.J = () TIJ = UJ UJu-z tr IUEO UJ E o =UJ ut z 6 UJ UJ fz 4/J x |- IJJo (n uJ UJtt = = IIJ ) F ozoJ l.o 9EF IIJ UJ 2 6 = Jo- J 2 qJ = NOrtvn]v^ F I td E & Y =lt z tr e uJ6 E u.lzlu >E 3tr,S =(Dsl zzo9 xf=a9oao =>6Zl!<o* i-o;()FO .ioi = z tr J LL ci (L l E uJe F N E !! G ) z E o XXHz 9F !!FJ 3 uJz trzlz !: L! o< >fi>(l R!Lbo<z I i Lz. 91-r+ilo3 u.Jof aJJ 3 F UJ lqtd L]Jl = (! UJz o IF z F -Jl U)z IE o 3 l :I I .lil5l -Jl<ltrl zl zl .. >l UJ l! Iuza = l! o-) z Eoo -l _: I I .l =lu.r Iol z f- |D l I I I "lzl EI<l(lIHts r'.1(i {\lti) C,J C): z luJ tsis,'dl o zlo iF IL.uJ ,Y'uJo o ba FE IJJo- c,,),i r.r- "'tod.i Hro d'oq :ld!cl'bkqz o T &(J z.ts?3ze \ =z*-'i X ,ni-Y -r-- t\!tr! J..i6z_iz A;Erdn F E uJ o- IL a. ulEO2ZE<ctf6 attEaB9Eirbe 5tF --L t- =uJ-E h=., # i'iiE FFE 66I 5tuE X'Lf x>g q-o-!ttr lr.tIo F 'f--'- E =E UJo-zoF()fEFazoo .?. =.1ol uJl 5l <l>l t!lol zl3olFI ol =.1ol LUI :lil>lttlol zl 3lolFI I I I I cil =.1ol uJl 5lIlr.lol 3l g Ol urFIF ,lrltOl c.t I I cil =.1ol uJl 5l al>lttlol zl 3l FI (.) F{ -!.{u Fr.a =tr F] C)ts Hz M i,i =z tD I I I Ilil" I I IUI LIJI dct{J =o >l lLlol zl 3l el r(L f-{ ts O ,.l&l (,1t 14l*l MI4t<l5l t{lt-{l HI&l&l #l uJl >l 4 Eh tLl+t Oz E2? =#]F!zrl'oo tFz O z -r uJ J F|- ulJ FO UJF I <F LU<Z.EtjJ F(tZ,:Y dl * E =E lrJ o-zo F(J -E,Fazo() o =E =gj4 CC UJz3OG rgJ62:3 c(vfuJFI<FZr:YZttt < N Orrvn]v^ f,u<log zl .. >l ltt uJgJz ! 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'L ?5 roulh tronlrgc rord v|ll, colorrdo 0't65t (303, 479-2r.38 or 479-2139 80: rROM: DATE: SU&TECT: fn sunnary, Ordinance No. 6 states that lt is unlawful for anyperson to lltter, tracl< or deposit any soll, rock, sand, debrisor naterlal, J.ncluding trash dunpsters, portable toilets and rtorkmen vehlcles upon any street, sidewalk, a1ley or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-lray on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement.this ordinance wlll be strlctly enforced by the Town of VallPublic t{orks Departnent. Persons found vlolating this ordlnancewlll be given a 24 hour written notice to renove said naterlal . Xn the event the person so notified does not conply with thenotice withln the- 24 hour tLrne speclfied, the pubti.c WorksDepartnent w111 remove sald naterial at the oc1lensE of personnotifled. The provlslons of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to constructlon, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities ln the right-a-way. To review Ordlnance No. 6 ln !u11,vall Buildlng Depart!0ent to obtal.ncooperatlon on thls natter, Read and aclcnowledged by: 'i' a8ra" oftlca of communlly devaloPmtnl AI,L CONTRAqIORS CI'RREMILYI, REGISTERED WITTi THE TOWN OP VAIIJ towN oF vArIJ puBl,rc woRKs/coMMUNTTY DE\TELOPMENT }|ARCR 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE please stop by the Town ofa copy. Thank you f,or your ?Aztplt-vc FtZ,e Pn Tszret - fuitaf(i.e. el-LL-7o &<r4NLrz Date contractor, owner) 4l oFn PENDENT AND UPRIGHT SPRINKLERS MODEL FR.1, FAST RESPONSE SOLDER TYPE, 1/2'' ORIFICE GENERAL DESCRIPTION The 1/2 inch orif ice Model F R-l Pendent and Upright Sprinklers (Ref. Figure A) are automatic sprinklers of the fast response, fusible solder type. They are "standard sprinklers" and produce a hemispherical water dis- charge pattern below the deflector. These sprinklers utilize the same type of fusible link that is used with the Models F954 Pendent and F958 Horizontal Sidewall Fast Response Residential Fire Sprinklers. APPROVALS AND STANDARDS The 1/2 inch orifice Model FF-1 Pendent and Upright Sprinklers are listed by Underwriters Laboratories lnc. and Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada. They are approved by the Bureau Voor Sprinklebeveiliging, the Fire Offices' Committee, and Verband der Sachversicherer. The laboratory listings and approvals only apply to the temperature ratjng and finishes stated in the Technical Data section. The '165F/74C. 1/2 inch orifice Model FR"1 Pendent and Upright Sprinklers are listed by Underwriters Labora- tories Inc. as Ouick Response Sprink- le rs. fhe 1/2 inch orif ice Model F R- 1 Pendent and Upright Sprinklers are approved by the New York City Board of Standards and Appeals under Calendar Number 334-79-SA. '4ARNINGThe Model FR-i Pendent and Upright Spinklers described lrcrein nlust be installed and nmintained in compliance rvith this document, as well w teith the applicable standd.rds of the National Fire hotection Associatiott, itt addi- iiort to tlr standards oJ' arq, otlrcr authoities lravirg iuisdiction. Failure to do so nruy intpair tlrc integri\' of tlrcse tlevices. Tlrc owtrcr is rcsponsible lit naintairt- Printed in U.S.A. 9-48 ssu-3 oEFLEcroR x ?16'(|l.Inn) MAKE-IN UPRIGHT PENDENT 'Ternperature rating is indicated on deflector ComponBntS: 1-Frame 2-Strut 3 - Deflector 1/2 INCH ORtF|CE FR.1 CEILING PLATE SEATING SURFACE diir-Ecron x CROSS SECTION 4-Hook 6-Ejection 8-Gasker 5- Lin k SpringAssembly 7- Button FIGURE A PENDENT AND UPRIGHT SPRINKLER ASSEMELIES ing his fire protection systen and devices in proper operating condition. The installing contructor or nunuJac- fltrer slnuld be contacted relative to any questiotts. TECHNICAL DATA The 112 inch orif ice Model F R-1 Pendent and Upright Sprinklers are available in a 165F/74C temperature rating and they are rated for use at a maximum service pressure of '175 psi. Thev are available with either a natural brass or chrome plated finish. The nominal discharge curve plotted in Figure B represents the flow "O" in U.S. gallons per minute (GPIV) as determined by the formula: O = KVF where the nominal sprinkler discharge coefficient "K" = 5.55, and "p" = pressure in pounds per square inch(psi). Listing standards permit the actual value of "K" to vary from 5.3 to 5.8. The sprinkler Frame is bronze per ASTM 8176 (C87800) or ASTM 8584 (C83600 or C84400). The Strutis silicone bronze per ASTM 897 FIGURE C OFFSET SPRINK LER WRENCH 2 o a o|aqS^ao! || ur. c^tloxt ptt ||rutt ((|'I) TD516 o PENDENT & UPRIGHT SPRTNKLERS, MODEL FR-1, 1/2'' ORIFICE (C65500) and the Deflectors are brass per ASTM 836 (C24000 for SSP and C22000 for SSU). The Hook is phosphor bronze per ASTM 8159 (C51000), the two halves of the Link Assembly are nickel, the Eiection Spring is lnconel 600 wire per ASTM 8166, the Button is brass per ASTM836 (C220001 and the Gasket is Teflon/. The Link Assembly has a thin, black, resin type coating which will protect the Link Assembly from deterioration which could otherwise be caused by normal atmospheres. The coating isnot intended to provide protection against attack by corrosive media. INSTALLATION The Model F R-'l Sprinklers must only the pendent position. Sprinklers must only the upright position. Pendent (SSP) be installed in Uprisht (SSU) be installed in Only use the Model F799 Offset Sprinkler Wrench shown in Figure C for installation of the sprinklers. CARE AND MAINTENANCE Automatic sprinklers must never oe shipped or stored where their temper- atures will exceed 100F/38C and they must never be painted, plated, coated or otherwise altered after leaving thefactory. Modified or over-heated sprinklers must be replaced. Care must be exercised to avoid dam. age to the sprinklers - both before and after instailation. Sprinklers dam. aged by dropping, striking, wrench twist/slippage, or the like, must be replaced. WARRANTY Seller warrants for a period of one year from the date of shipment (war- ranty period) .that the products fur- nished hereunder will be free from defects in material and workmanship. For further details on llananty, see hice List. ORDERING PROCEDURE Sprinkler Assemblies: Specify: 112 inch orifice, 165F. Model FR-1 (specifv Pendent or Upright) Sprinkler with {specify type of fin ish ), PSN (specify). 112" Model FR-l Pendent Sprinklers Natural Brass Finishi65Fl74C PSN 58-972-1-r 65 Ch.ome Plated Finish 165Fl74C PSN 58-972-9- 165 112" Model FR-l Upright Sprinklers Natural Brass Finish165F/74C PSN 5a-974-1-165 Chrome Plated Finish165F1'I4C PSN 58-974-9-165 Separately Ordered Parts: Specify: Model F799 Offset Sprinkler Wrench, PSN 56-452- 1 -001 . PATENTS There are patents pending concerning the new link mechanism design of the 1/2 inch orifice Model FR-1 Sprink- le rs. CONVERSION FACTORS Parenthetical metric conversions cited h€re- in are approximaie. inch Jootpsi = tb. U-S. gallon = 25.400 mm 0.3O48 m 6.895 kPa 0.0689 bar' 0.0703 ks/cm2t 0.4536 kq 3.7a5 dm3 3.785 litresr NOTE Before closing a fire protection system main contrcl valve for tlaintenance work on the fire prctection system which it controls, permission to shut down the affected fire protection sys- tetry must be obtained from the proper authoities and all personnel who may be affectdd by this action must be notified. It is recommended that automatic sprinkler systems be inspected quarter- ly by a qualified Inspection Service. @ Ftesistered rrademark of GRTNNELL CORpOpATtON,3 TYCO pAFK, EXETER. NH 03833 'Not recognized International System units. WEIGHT The nominal weight of the 1/2 inch orifice FR-1 Pendent and Upright Sprinklers is 0.16 pounds. I Dupont Registered Trademark HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL SPRINKLERS MODEL FR.1/Q.46. FAST RESPONSE SOLDER TYPE. 1/2" ORIFICE GENERAL DESCRIPTION The 1/2 inch orifice Model FR-1/0-46 Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers (Ref. Figure A), are automatic sprinklers of the fast response, fusible solder lype. They are designed for installation along a wall or the side of a beam andjust beneath a smooth ceiling. Horiz ontal sidewall sorinklers are generally used in lieu of pendent or upright sprinklers because oi aes- thetic, building construction, or instal- lation economy consideralions. These sprinklers utilize the same lype of fusible link that is used with the Models F954 Pendent and F958 Horizontal Sidewall Fast Resoonse Residential Fire Sprinklers. APPFOVALS AND STANDARDS The 1/2 inch orifice Model FR-1iQ-46 Horizo ntal Sidewall Sorinklers are listed by Underwriters Laboratories lnc. and Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada for use in Ordinary Hazard Oc- cupancies. The laboratory listings only apply 10 lhe lemperature rating and finishes stated in the Technical Data section. The 165Fi74C, 1/2 inch orifice Model FR-1iQ-46 H o rizo ntal Sidewall Sprinklers are listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. as Quick Response Sprinklers. IT4ISIV/NG The FR-1lQ-46 Horizontal Sidewall Sprinhlers described herein rnust be installed and mointained in com. pliance with this docurnent, as ueII as with the applicable stand.ards of the National Fire Protection Association, in ad.dition to the standards of any other au tho rit ie s hau ing j urisd.ic t ioi. Failure to do so may impair the in- tegrity of these d,euices. The owner is responsible for main- taining his fire protection system and deuices in proper operating cond,ition. The installing contractor or manufac- turer should be contacted relatiue to any questions. TECHNICAL DATA The 1 /2 inch orifice Model FR-1iQ-46 Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers are available in a 165F/74C temperature rating and they are rated for use at a maxrmum service pressure of 175 psi. Printed in U.S.A. 1 -89 1-Frame 2-Strut 3-Deflector 4-Hook 5.Link Assembly 6-Ejection Spring 7-Bunon 8-Gasket FIGUFE A. MODEL FR.1/0.46 SPRINKLEH ASSEMBLY FROM DEFLECTOR BOSS, FEET 7A9tO t213 (0.) RESIoUAL PRESSURE - 7.5 PSI (0.52 SARS) (b,) RESIOUAL PRESSURE - I 5 PSI ( I.O3 BARS) (c.) RESIoUAL PRESSURE - 3o PSI (?.07 aARs) ANo GREATEF FIGURE B, UPPER LIMIT OF WATEF SPRAY FOR THE FR.1/Q-467 .SEE TECHINICAL OATA AND WARRANTY SECTIONS HORIZONTAL DISTANCE o123456 ]il9-- s3 trl G9P 33 6b != eE They are available with eilher a natural brass or chrome plated tinish. The FR-1/Q-46 must be instailed with a deflector to ceiling distance o{ be- tween 4 and 6 inches. To meet this re- quirement, the centerline oi the sprinkler waterway (Ref. Figure A), must be between 4-5116 and 6-5i 1 6 inches below the ceiling. Figure B ii- lustrates the uooer limit o{ the water spray, as a function of residual pres- sure. The sprinkler must be spaced away from beams and other ceiling obslructions such that they wiil not in- terfere with the proper distribution ot water by the sprinkler. NOTE Ceiling obstructions must be spaced Uf,Jf, t- 5/8- ( 41,3 mm)6+ *gh E I og 2 dboue the "(Jpper Limit "f nn Spray" which is associated with th.e maximum residual pressure for single sprinhler operation. Soffits used for the installation ol Model F950/Q-46 Sprinklers are to be a maximum of 8 inches wide (distance irom wall). NOTE Soffits wider than 8 inches are per- mitted if additional sprinhler protec- tion is prouided for the area below the soffit. The maximum lefl or right distance be- lween the centerline of the FR-1/Q-46 and an adjacent wall must be no more lhan one half the maximum multiple sprinkler spacing permitted for the par- ticu lar occupancy classiiication and type of ceiling conslruclion. The nominal discharge curve plotted in DTSCHAFCE tX UIERS PEi I iUTE FIGURE C NOMINAL DISCHARGE CURVE SPRIII K L ER Figure C represent the flow "Q" in U.S. qallons oer minute (GPM) as deter- irineO Uy tire formula: Q= (fp; where the nominal sprinkler discharge coeffi- cient "K" = 5.55 and "p" = pressure in pounds per square inch (psi). Listing standards permit the actual value of "K" to vary from 5.3 to 5.8. The sprinkler Frame is bronze per ASTM 8176 (C87800) or ASTM 8584 (C83600 or C84400). The Strut is silicone bronze per ASTM 897 (C65500) and the Deflector is brass per ASTM 836 (C24000). The Hook is phosphor bronze per ASTM 8159 (C51000), the two halves of the Link Assembly are nickel, the Ejection Spring is Inconel 600 wire per ASTM 8 166, the Button is brass per ASTM 836 (C22000) and the Gaskel is Tefloni. The Link Assembly has a thin, black, resin type coating which will protect the Link Assembly from deterioration which couid otheruise be caused by normal atmospheres. The coating is not intenCed to provide prolection against allack by corrosive media. INSTALLATION The Model FR-1/Q-46 Sprinklers must be installed with the centerline of the walerway h o rizontal and perpen- dicular to the back wall surface. The word "TOP" on the def lector must face upwards toward the ceiling. It is recommended that a light weight spirit level (less lhan 1 pound), be used to level the sprinkler fitting and the sprinkler Deflector Hat. as shown in Figure D. NOTE The Deflector Hat is angled forward- downu.tard at a nominal angle of 3.5' degrees. Consequently, the spirit leuel must be carefully positioned, left-to- right, when using it to leuel the Deflec- tor Hdt. Only use the Model F799 Ofiset Wrench shown in Figure E for installa- tion of natural brass and chrome plated sprinklers. CARE AND MAINTENANCE Automatic sprinklers must never be shipped or stored where their tempera- tures will exceed 100F/38C and lhey must never be painted, plated, coated, or otherwise altered after leaving the factory. Modif ied or over-heated sprinklers must be replaced. Care must be exercised to avoid damage to lhe sprinklers - bothbefore and after in stallatio n. Sprinklers damaged by dropping, strik- rng, wrench lwist/slippage, or the like, must be replaced. NOTE Before closing a fire protection system main control ualue for maintenance worh on the fire protection system which it controls, permission to shut down the affected, fire protection sys- ten must be obtdined, from. the proper authorities and all personnel who rnay be affected by this action must be notified.. It is recommended that automatic s p rin kler systems be inspected quarterly by a qualitied Inspection Ser- vice. WARBANTY The data provided in Figure B is nol in- lended for use as a minimum water spray profile specification. Seller warrants for a period of one year from the date of shipmenl (warranty period) that the products will be free from deiects in material and workman- -. shro. For further details on Warrantlt, see Price List. ORDERING PROCEDURE Sprinkler Assemblies: Specify: 112" orilice, 1 65F, Model FR-1/Q-46 Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler with (specify type of finish), PSN (specify). Natural Brass Finish165Fn4c. . .....PSN 58-946-1-165 Chrome Plated Finish165F/74C.. .....PSN58-946-9^165 Separately Ordered Parls: Specify: Model F799 Oflset Sprinkler Wrench, PSN 56-452-1-001 . CONVERSION FACTORS Parenthelical metric conversions cited herein are approximate. FI SPIRIT LEVE L(I LB- MAX.) CENTERLIN€ OF 6,, OR LONGER NIPPL€ FR-l /0-46 1 inch '1 foot 1 psi 1tb. 1 U.S. gallon = 25.400mm = 0.3048m = 6.895kPa = 0.0689 bar' = 0.0703 kg/cm2' = 0.4536 kg = 3.785 dm3 - 3.785 litres' OEFLECTCP FIGURE D LEVELING OF SPFiINKLER FITTTNG AND DEFLECTOR H.AT 'Not recognized Inlernational System units. WEIGHT The nominal weight for the 1/2 inch orif ice Model FR- 1iQ-46. Horizontal Sidewall Sorinkler is 0.17 pounds. Dlsct|liGE rx u.!, o^t-tofts pEB f,tt{uTE (Gpra) FIGURE E OFFSET SPRINKLER WRENCH /OReqislered trademark of GR|NNELL COBPOFAT|ON, 3 ryCO PARK, EXETER. NH 03933 fDuoont Registered Trademarr HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL SPRINKLERS 140'F RES/QR.EC & 165'F RES/QR-EC/EC MODEL FR-l, FAST RESPONSE SOLDER TYPE, 17I32" ORIFICE GENERAL DESCFIPTIONfhe 17132 inch orifice, Model FR-1 140'F RES/QR.EC & 165'F RESiOR. EC/EC Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers(Ref. Figure A) are automalic spnnklers of the Jusible solder type. They are intended to be used in . wet pipe residential sprinkler sys- tems for one- and twojamily dwell- ings and mobile homes pei NFen 130, . wet pipe residential sprinkler sys- tems for resrdential occupancies up lo four slories in hejght per NFPA 13R, . wet pipe sprinkler syslems for the residential portions ol any occupan- cy per NFPA 13, .light hazard, quick response - ex- tended coverage (AR-EC) sprinkler system applications per NFPA 13, and r light hazard, extended coverage (EC) sprinkler syslem applications per NFPA 13. They are designed for installation along a wall or lintel and jusl beneath a smooth ceiling. Horizontal sidewall sprinklers are generally used in lieu of pendent or uprighl sprinklers because of aeslhetic, building construction, or installation economy considerations. The FR- 1 Sprin klers have been designed to operale with a particular fusible element temperature raling and heat sensitivity characteristic, as well as to discharge water in a specilic pal- tern and quantily per square foot relalionship. The combination of the performance characteristics which are associaled with the FB-1 Sorinklers have been proven to help in the con- trol of residential type fires and, there- fore, to rmprove lhe chance for oc- cupants to escape or be evacuated. Fire sprinkler systems are not a sub- stilute for inlelligent fire safety aware- ness or construction materials and practices required by building codes. APPROVALS AND STANDARDS The 17132 inch orifice, Model FR-l Horizonlal Sidewall Sorinklers are listed by Underwriters Laboratories Printed in u.s.A. 9-89 Inc. and Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada. The listings only apply to the service conditions indicated in the General Technical Data and lnstalla- lion/Usage sections. fhe 17132 inch orifice, Model FR-1 Componenls: 1 - Frame 2 - Slrut 3 - Delleclor 4 - Hook 5 - Link Assembly 6 - Ejection Spring 7 - Button 8 - Gasketed Spring Plate t -t /z' { 38. lmm) 7 /t6" ( l l.l t'm) NOMINAL T EM PERATURE RAT IN G | /2" (l2.7mrnl llAX€ - ttl 3/4" NpT (7 1.4 mh) FIGURE A 17132 INCH ORIFICE MODEL FF-1 140'F RES/OR-EC & 165'F RES/OR-EC/EC HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL SPRINKLERS CENTE RLIN E OF WATERWAY Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers are ap- proved by the New York City Board of Standards and Appeals under Calen- dar Number 334-79-SA. Any questions concerning an inter- pretation of NFPA 13, 1 3D, or 1 3R TO589 o P<:= >..= o sprin kler system des ign/installation standards, as well as requests ior sys- tem desig n/in stallalio n standards not presently covered by NFPA 13, 13D, or 13R, should be addressed to the: Secrelary, Standards Council Nalional Fire Protection Association Batterymarch Park Quincy, MA 02269 I+'A.RN/NGSThe Model FR-I Horizontal Sideuall Sprinhlers described herein must be installed and tna,int ained in compliance with this document, os well as uith the altplicable stand.ards of the Na-tional Fire Protection Associa- tion, in addition to the standardsof any other authorities haaingjurisdiction. Failure to do so maj'impair the integrity of these <Ieaices. Because of tlze aboue cited stipulations and the uaried, na-ture of residential type architec- ture, there usill be some comport- rnent designs wltich cannot be fully sprinklered in accord.ance rcit h the recornmendations of NFPA 13, 13D, or 13R. In the eoentof this condition, consult theauthorities haaing jurisdiction for guidance. It is the responsibility of an in-stalling contractor to provide a copy ofthis d.ocumcnt to the outner or his representatiue and, in turn,it is the obligation of the ou:ner to prouide a copy of this docutnent to a succeeding ousner. The ozuner is responsible fortnaintaining th.eir fire protection systetn and. deuices in proper operoting condition. The install-ing contractor or sprinklertnanufacturer should. be con- tocted relatiae to any questions. GENERAL TECHNICAL DATA Sprinkler Assemblies: fhe 17/32 inch orifice, Model FR-1 Horizonlal Sidewall Sorinklers are available in 140F/57C (RES/OR-EC)and 165Ft74C (RES/OR-EC/EC) temperalure ratings with nalural brass or chrome plated linishes. The Link As- sembly {or both linishes is provided with a black coating, for minimum oolrusrveness. The nominal discharge curve for lhe 17132 inch orifice FR- 1 is olotted in Figure B and it represents the flow "Q" in U.S. gallons per minute (GPM) as delermined by the formula: Q = Klp where the nominal sprinkler discharge coefficient "K" = 8.1, and "p" = pres- sure in pounds per square inch (psi). Listing standards permil the actual value ot K lo vary lrcm 7.4 Io 8.2. The Frame of the FR-1 is a die cast bronze per ASTM B 176 (C87800). The Strut is silicone bronze per ASTM 897 (C65500), and the Deflector is brass per ASTM 836 (C22000). The Hook isphosphor bronze per ASTM 8159 (C51000), the two halves oi the Link Assembly are nickel, the Ejection Spring is Inconel 600 wire per ASTM 8166, and the Button is brass per ASTM 836 (C22000). The Gasket material is Tefloni, and the Spring Plate is an Inconel disc spring. The Link Assembly has a thin, black, resin type coating which will protect the Link Assembly from deterioration which could otherwise be caused bv normal atmospheres. The coating ,; not intended to provide Drotection against attack by corrosive media. Esculcheon Plates: Figure C illustrates a typical iistalla- tion of an FR-1 Sprinkler usjng a stand- ard one-piece escutcheon plate like thal described in Technical Data Sheet TD805, The FR-1 Sprinklers may be installed wilh a split type escutcheon plate like that described in TD815. The split type plate is suitable lor use with plastic pipe fire protection systems when it is installed in accordance with the in- structions given in TD81 5. NOTES The stand.ard type escutcheonplate lihe that shown in TechnicalData Sheet TDSOS can NOT be used to hold the FR-7 in positiott. The FR-I must be secvred in posi-tion by firmly fastening the sprinhler systern piping to the d.welling structure. If the FR-1 is not properly secured in position, reaction forces resulting fromsprinhler operation could alterits orientation and usater dis- tribution pattern. Only use escutcheon plates that tt:ill p rovide a deflec tor-to-mount - ing surface d.istance of2 to 6 inch- es, except that the distance is to be 2 to 3 inches for soffit mounting inresid,ential applicotions (Ref. Figure C). Only use escutcheon plates which consist of metollic materiols thatwill not deform or dislodge at aternperature of less than 120OF/649C ondlor which hauebeen listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. for fire protec- tion seruice. 20 15 30 35 a0 4,50i-..r-,-ffi 100 125 cEt!tNG DTSTAf,TCE: REFER TO TABLE A FIGURE B NOMINAL DISCHAHGE CUFVE CEILING 445; !oo 2ru o =20 B ts 2,0 = o .' :SCUTCHEON PLATE SPRINX LE R FITTING )-ttru MOJ I.] T ING Sl-r F FAC E 2lo 6lfiCFlES EXCEoT T HAi D]STANC€ lS TO AE 2 to 3 INCHES FOR SOFF T I\4OUNTING lN RESIOENTIAL APP'.ICAT ONS FIGURE C TYPICAL FR-1 SPRINKLER INSTALLATION USING A STANOARD ESCUTCHEON PLATE QR-EC & EC INSTALLATION/USAGE CRITERIA When used in QR-EC (quick response - extended coverage) or EC (ex- tended coverage) applications, the 17132 inch oriJice, Model FR-1 Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers must only be inslalled and utilized in Light Hazard Occupancies, under smooth ceilings and in accordance with the criterra given in Table A. The nominal wetting palterns are illustraled in Figure D for the minimum flows re- quired for typical coverage areas. NOTE For couerage areo dinzensions OISCHANG€ IN U.S GAILONS P€F IVIINUTE (GPM) -2-f DuPont Registered Trademarr '.:;.*:t:;,!"|,-,f i: j!'"z:',;l use the ninimum required fl-iu: for the ne:;t higlrest rcidth (W) andlength (L) for which installation criteria are stated. Ceiling mounted obstructions such as heatang or air conditioning diilusers, overhangs, and light fixtures must be located above an elevalion, as snown in Figure F, where they will not inter-tere wtth the proper distribution of water by the sprinkler. NOTE The FR.I Sprinhlers must NOT be used usith beams, joists, or d.uctslocated within the sprinkler coaerage area. They may be lo-cated along the boundoriesseparoting ad.jacent sprinkler coDerage areas. Soffits used for the installation ofModel FR-1 Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers in QR-EC and EC aoolica- tions are to be a maximum of 8 jnches wide (distance from wall). NOTE Soffits wider than 8 inches arepermitted if additional sprinklerprotection is prouided for the area below the soffit. RESIDENTIAL INSTALLATION/USAGE CRITERIA When used in residential appjications, tne 17132 inch orifice. Model FR-1 Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers must only be installed and utilized in accord- ance with the followina described criteria which are prov-ided by the manulaclurer. These restrictions relate to o the general service conditions necessary to sprinkler pertormance and integrity, . the minimum amount ol water which must be drscharged from an operal- Ing spnnKter, .lhe maximum area which can oe covered by the spray from an operat- rng spnnKter, . installation requlrements necessary to the proper operatjonal sensitivity of the sprinklers. o preventing the wetting (i.e., cold soldering) ot the tusible Link Assem-bly of a non-operaled sprinkler, which is adjacent to one which has operated, and . preventing the weakening followedby the possible release of a sp rin kler's lusible Link Assemotv. due to exposure to heal sources other than abnormal fire. WxL APPLICATION FT x FT RES(") 16x20 QR-ECb) 16 x 16 QF-Ec(b) 16 x 18 QR-Ec(b) 16 x 18 QR-ECb) 16 x 20 QR-Ec(b) 16 x 20 QR-Edb) 16 x22 QR-ECb) 16 x 24 QB-ECb) 18 x t6 QB-ECb) 20 x 16 Eclc) 16 x 20Ec(") i6xzzEc(c) 16 x 24 1 40,165 5o/45(e) 38.1/30.9 140,165 26 10.3 140,165 29 12.8 140,1 65 38 22.0 140,165 34 17.5 '1 40 45 30.9 140 37 20.9 1 40 44 29.5 140,165 31 14.6 140,1 65 35 18.7 165 45 30.9 165 37 20.9 165 44 29.5 "tTEMP FLOW(d).F GPM MIN. PRES.(d) PSI MAX. CEILING. sLoPE(h) IN./FT, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AB INCHES FEET 4lo B(f) I 4 to 8(r) I 4 to B(r) I 416 16(s) I 4 to 8(l) I 4 to 18(s) 8 4lo 8(f) I 4 to 8(r) I 4lo 8(r) 9 4 to 8(r) 10 41e 16t9) 8 4 to 8(t) 8 4 to 8(r) I D- I7 FEE T [4 IN IIV UM NOTES 1. Residentiol Fire Sprinhler Sys- tems should. only be designedand insta,lled by those com- petent and. completely lamiliaruith automatic sprinhler sys-tern design, installation pnxedures, and techniques. B --)i M IN IMUM xDEFLEcroR-To- CEILING D IS TA NCE t I I NO LIM IT l L IMITS OF S ING LE SPRINKLER COVE RAG E AFEA (a) Wet pipe fire sprinkler systems in the residential porlions oJ any occupancy per NFpA 13, in one- and two- family dwellings and mobile homes per NFpA 130, or ri)sidential oc. cupancies per NFPA 1 3R. (b) For use in QF-EC and EC Light Hazard Occupancy automatic sprinkler system apptica- tions per NFPA 13. (c) For use in EC Light Hazard Occupancy automatic sprinkler syslem applications per NFpA (d) Requirement is based on minimum flow in GPM f rom each sprinkler. The indicated residual pressures are based on the nomjnal K-factor. (e) Single sprinkler flow of 5O GPM and muttipte sprinkter f tow of 45 GpM per sprinkler. Referto Hydraulic Design Criteria under Flesidenlial Installation/Usaqe Criteria Section for details. (f) To meet thls requjrement, the centerline of the waterway (Ref. Fig. A) must be installed between 4-7l 1 6 and 8-711 6 inches below the ceiling. (g) To meet this requirement, the centerline ol the waterway (Fef. Fig. A) must be instailed between 4-7l16 and 1 8-711 6 inches below the ceiling (h) Ceiling is to slope downwards lrom the wall on which the sprinkler is localed. TABLE A INSTALLATION CRITERIA FOR 17 132 INCH ORIFICE MODEL FR-1 HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL SPRINKLERS 2. Seoeral criteria may apply to the installation and usage of each sprinhlen Consequently, itis recontmended that thesprinhler systern designer reuieu and, deuelop a utorhing understanding of the compkte list of criterio" prior to initiat- -3- (J N )< l!o lrJ =E tJJ z UJ(-) i ib =E L! =trJoa =\:O + a lr.lI z L!(Jz F o (9z) oF EoF ulJ no (o< E. L!(t Et!:. > o ;-(\ >< ib @L- t!z. E.LJ-<a (-) =Qtn b =IY = =:< C) (D f< >; .F;@x6 :-z N) I! llJ LrJ IzH&.:+g 5z.FiJo(.) lrJ ta lrJ = tn =E =}Z CD (n u.l =) UJ I F I J lI- lrJo a =o,at-zo9tll Fcc< =o3 0J.9 uJ:P *< d =,.,E =:c! "==.!l u r-OgE cE<14g! EEg ;;q * frEF:-C.\ FF d F', Sg sE zfro.jy F I!:E sft'Eo d; =: =P6tr O9&z,. ir! fl? g; -(!0)i,.\o-@ Zrcv e. UJo E. Lrl O + c^{ >< b IJJz E. z trJ C\ = =LrJo tn b = UJ UJ E Oa()uJ ;^I =9 z><_ u.r jzu = (,) EllrJ O l!) ;(J6 F J lrJo N =tdo UI LJ -t!N(9?<91 aY. LtJLlI>(Jozo-@Ib-?--; -t!L!o otrJ FZlodF |- C)z\uJi o = =LrJo tn b = = L! = =:zo (D a LrJI z .;z L,J I F t! o -4- ';:r!# design of the "P"tg 3. Questions concerning sprinlt-ler installation oid usage criteria, uthich are not couerid by the follouing instructions, should be mailed to the atten-tion of the Technical DotaDepartment. Include shetches and. technical d.etails, as ap-propriote. 4. In sonte instances, the require- ments of this d,ocument mav concerrl speeifications whichare more stringent ond whichtoke precedence ouer thosespecified. in NFPA IB, NFPA132, NFPA 73R, or by theauthority h auing jurisdiition. General Service Conditions When_used in residential applications, the FR-l Sprinklers must only be in- stalled and utilized f . in wet pipe aulomatic sprinkler sys- Iems, 2. within residential portions of any oc- cu pa ncy pe r N FPA I 3, with in re_sidential "Dwelling Units" per NFPA l3D, or within Esrdential oc. cupancies per NFPA 13R. 3. at a maximum service pressure of 175 psi, 4. at a maximum ambienl lemperarure of 100F/38C, 5, with all jnterconnecting system piping, as well as sprinkjers matn- tained at a minimum temperature of 40Fl4C. and 6. with water supplies which are sub- stantially free oi contaminants and parlicles of a size greater than 1/g tncn. Hydraulic Design Criteria NOTESIn order to be treated, as in-diai_dual c ornpartrnents, spaces such as h_alluays, roonus, diiettes,stairutells, and landings must be separated. by soffits, beams, or lin- tels hauing a height of 8 or more inches. TIze number of sprinklers uithin each compartmen t must be as fewas possible. Do NOT use nloresprinhlers than necessory to couer a particular space, Model FR-1 Sprinklers utilizeo rn werpipe automatic sprinkler systems that FAR WALL CENTERLINE OF 16 x 20 CoVERAGE AREA 1. Pattern shown with no ceiling mounted obstructions. 2. See Residential Installation/Usage Criteria and Warranty Sections. 3. Data shown for centerline of sprinkler waterway to ceiling distance of 4-7i 16'. FIGUFE E NOMINAL WETTING PATTERN AT MINIMUM REOUIRED MULTIPLE SPRINKLER FLOW FOR RESIDENTIAL APPLICATIONS S IDTIY A I! = CEI..TEF: \E OF COr'E"AGE ;RE! PLAN V EW 1. For.a given position within the coverage area, ceiling mounled obstructions must not hang below lhe elevation dimension given in lhe graph. 2. Elevation dimensions are perpendicular to the plane of the Deflector Hat (ref. Fig. A), wherepositive (+) dimensions are above the plane ofthe Deflector Hat and negativ6 (.i dimen- sions are below. (Reference: the Dellector Hat is 7/16" above the spriniier ceit'erline of warerway.) FIGURE F ALLOWABLE ELEVATION FOR CEILING MOUNTED OBSTFUCTIONS SUCH AS HEATING OR AIR CONDITIONING DIFFUSERS, OVERHANGS. AND LIGHT FIXTURES are Installed in dwellinos or mobilehomes per NFPA 13-D. must be hydraulically designed to discharge '1. a minimum of 50 GPM from anv single sprinkler, and 2. a minimum of 45 GPM lrom each of any two sprinklers covering aojacent areas which are wilhin the same companment. Model FR-1 Sprinklers utilizeo In wet prpe automatic sprinkler systems that are installed in residential occuDan- 9j99 up to four stories in height per NFPA 13R, must be hydra,lically designed to discharge 1. a minimum of 50 GPM from anv single sprinkler, and 2. a minimum of 45 GPM from each of any four sprinklers covering ad-jacent areas which are within the same companment. Model FR-1 Sprinklers utilized in wet pipe automalic sprinkler systems that are installed within dwelling units o{ 45 GPM FLOW .- SPR NK LER -5- any occupancy per NFPA 13, must be hydraulically designed lo discharge 1 . a minimum of 50 GPM lrom the most hydra ulically demandrng single sDran kler. and 2. a minrmum of 45 GPM irom each of any four sprinklers covering ad- lacent areas that are within the same compartment. When a compartment contains less than four sDrinklers. the hydraulic design area musl in- clude all sprinklers within that com- partment plus the sprinklers in ad- joining compartments, hallways, or slairwells. uD lo a maximum of four sprinklers. In ali cases, the design area musl include the four mosl hydraulically demanding sprinklers. Spray Coverage Criteria With reference to Table A and Figure E, each FR- 1 Sprinkler must only be used wilh 1. a maximum coverage width "W" ol 1 6 t1.. 2. a maximum coverage rengil "L' of 20 it.. 3. a maximum lateral ciistance "8" of 8 tl. beMeen a sprinkler and an ad- jacent wall or between a sprinkler and an adjacent coverage area, and 4. a maximum lateral distance "C" of 16 ft. between adjacent sprinklers. Ceiling rnounted obstructions such as heating or air conditioning diffusers, overhangs, and light Jixtures must be localed above an elevation. as shown in Figure F, where they will not inter- fere with the oroDer distribution of water by lhe sprinkler. FR-1 Sprinklers may be inslalled along overhangs or soffits that are a maxi- mum of 6 inches wide (distance from wall) and, with a maximum distance of 6 inches from the centerline of the sprinkler waterway to the bottom of the overhang/sofiit. NOTES When installed along overhangs or s offits, the def'Iector-to-mount-ing surfa,ce distance must be o minimutn of 2 inches and a maxi- mum of 3 inches (Ref. Figure C). Use of ouerhongs and soffits wider than 6 inches is permitted if ad diti onal sprinh le r protection is prouided for the area belout the ouerhanglsoffit. The FR-1 Sprinklers must NOT be lo- cated a. along a wall/partilion having a recessed range oven, counterlop. or alcove. b. along a wall/partilion having an ad- joining wood or coal burning stove, or c. along a wall/partition containing a fireplace or wall oven. NOTE The spray from the FR-7 is d.is- tributed rodially outusard fiomthe sprinhler d.eflector. Sprinh-lers must be located such that there usill NOT be any blind spaces shield.ed from spray bypartitions or o portion of the d.welling structure. Operational Sensitivity Criteria The FR-1 Sprinklers must only be in- stalled 1 . beneath level ceilings, 2. beneath solid ceilings having a smooth or textured surtace, 3. with a defleclor-to-mou ntrng surface distance of 2 to 6 inches ior wall mountino and 2 to 3 inches for soffil moun ng (Her. Frgure u), 4. with a centerline of sprinkler water- way to ceiling distance of between 4- 7/16 and 8-7116 inches (Ref. Table A), and 5. at least 4 inches away from an inside or outside corner. The FR-1 Sprinklers must NOT be a. beneath soffits, b. above or below open-gridded type suspended ceilings, or c. with beams, joists, or ducts located within the sprinkler coverage areas. NOTE Beams, joists, or ducts may be lo- cated uith their centerlines alongthe boundaries seporating ad-jacent sprinhler coverage areas. ll is recommended that as part of the sprinkler system design, the designer review lhe dwelling plans and, where appropriate, advise the owner or his representative as to the following. Linlels ol at least 5 inches in heioht and preferably 8 inches should-be used over all passageways lrom one space to another, in order to reduce the possibility of sprinkler operations outside the fire area. Beams of at least 5 inches in heioht should be used to border each of 3 or more adjoining areas of FR-1 sprinkler coverage (within the same comoartment), in order to decrease the time to first sprinkler operation as well as 10 reduce lhe possibilily of multiple sprinkler operations. Cold Soldering Crileria With reference lo Table A, the FR-1 Sprinklers must be located such that 1.the minimum lateral drslance "C" be- tween adjacent sprinklers is 14 ft., ano the minimum distance "D" between sprinklers located opposite or with their waterway centerlines at 90 degrees to each other is 17 ft., ex- cept where a portion ol the dwelling struclure or a partition will shield the spray of one sprinkler from the other. Heat Source Criteria The FR-1 Sprinklers must NOT be lo- cated 1.where the ambient temperature will exceed a temperature of 1 00F/38C, where they will be exposed to the rays of the sun passing through glass or plastic skylights, 3. in an unventilated compartment con- laining a furnace or water healer, 4. whhin 2 feet of the outside edge ol a ceiling mo unted, downward dis- charging heating diffuser, or 5. above or within 2 feet of the left or right edges of a wall mounled, horizontal discharging diffuser. The sprinkler system piping must NOT a. run lhrough heating ducts, or b. connected lo the domestic hotwater sysrem. INSTALLATION NOTE Residentiol Fire Sprinkler Sys- tems should only be designed and. installed by those competent and completely familiar zoith au- tomatic sprinhler system design,instollation proced.ures, and, techniques, The Model FR-1 Horizonlal Sidewall Sprinklers must be installed in accord- ance with lhe lollowing instructions. 1. Prior to installing each sprinkler, verifv that the outer face oi the o -6- ffi ';:' Jl- 5,:,i"^ #' ?[ # ?',' Uiwhich can be accommodaled by--lhe particular type of escutcheon plate being used. In additron, verify lhat the deflector-lo-mounting surface dislance will be lrom 2 to 6 inches, except that the distance is to be 2 to3 inches for soffit mountino in residential appljcations (Rei. Fi!ure Refer to Technical Data Sheet TD815 ior installation information on the Split Type Escutcheon Plate which is suitable for securinq lheFR-l to its mounting surface in'plas- tic pipe lire protection systems. NOTE The stand.a.nl escutcheon platelihe that shown in Technical Data. Sheet TD805 can NOT be used, to hold the FR-7 in posi-tian The FR-7 must be securedin position b firmb fasteningthe sprinkler system piping tothe dwelling strwcture. If the FR-1 is not proper$t secured inposition, reattion forces result-ing from sprinhler operation could. alter its orientation and u ater dis tribution p attern. 2. The FR-1 must be instalted with the centerline of the waterwav oarallel to the ceiling (as observed from the side) and perpendicular to the back- wall surface (as observed from the lop or bottom). NOTESIt is reeommcnd.ed that a com- bination protractor spirit leael be used to prcperly position the sprinkLer fitting as shown in Figure G and that a souare be used to chech perpendicularity of the uatet wiy ceiterline to thb maunting surface. !s.9 o1t.y a non-hardening type of teflonr oased pipe joinl sealant or leflonf rape and appty it sparjngly to lhe male threads onlv. Hand tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Use only the Model F799 Ofiset Sprinkler Wrench shown in Fiqure H to tighten t[e s]]rinkler into theiitting. The word "TOP" on the Deilecior Hit must face upwards towards the cert- ing. ll is recommended that a torque of 10 to 20 ft. lbs. be used lo oblain a leak light 3/4 inch NPT sprinkler joint. A radial force of | 4 to 28 lbs. applied to lhe F799 wrench will exert a lerque of 10 to 20 ft. lbs. NO?ESA maximum of 30 ft. tbs. of torque is to be used to installsprinhlen Higher leuels torque moy distort the sprinkler orifice seat uith consequent Icahage. It is recotntwnd.ed that o snirit leuel be used to leuel the D6fl"ec- tor Hat, as sho,on in Figure G. The Deflector Hat hos a raised.portion at the front. Conse- quently, the spirit lzuel must be carefully positioned, on the rzar- flat portion of the Deflector HaL Do not attempt to ma.he-up forinsufficient adrjustmcnt in an Escutcheon Plate by under- or oaer-tightening the Sprinhlen Readjust the position of the sprinhler filting to suit, CENTERLINE OF FIGURE G LEVELING OF SPRINKLER FITTING AND DEFLECTOR FIGURE H OFFSET SPRINKLER WRENCH SPR Nl<:E R sPtRti F TTINC 5' OR LONGER N PPLE 5. CARE AND MAINTENANCE The FR-1 Sorinklers musl never be shipped, stored, or used where their temperature will exceed 100Fi38C and they must never be painted, plated, coated, or otherwise altered after leav- ing the {actory. Modified or over- heated sprinklers must be replaced. NOTE Particular cdre to prevent ouer. heating must be exercised. uhen storing sprinhlers in cars, truchs, troins, or other aehicles on uarm, bright sunny days. Care must be exercised to avoid damage to the FFI-1 Sprinklers - both before and after installation. Sorinklers damaged by dropping, strikin g, wrench twisl/slippage, or the like, must be reolaced. ^IOrESAbsence of a,n Escutcheon Plote, uhich is used to couer o clearancehole, may delay the tine tosprinkler operotion in a firesituation. Before closing a fire protection slstem rnain control aalue formointenonce worh on the fireprotection system u:hich it con- trols, pernission to shut down the offected fire protection systems must be obtoined, from the proper authorities and. all personnel ihomay be affected. by this action must be notified,. It is recommended that automaticsprinhler systems be inspectedand maintained. in accordancewith the ad.aice and suggestionsgiuen in NFPA 134 NFPA 13D,ond NFPA I?R, as applicable. It is recommended that aulomatic sprinkler systems be inspected by a qualified Inspection Service. ln residential appiications, the FB-1 Sprinklers must only be replaced wilh horizontal sidewall sprinklers which are listed for residential fire Drotection service and which have the same nominal K{actor, the same coveraqe area, lhe same or lower flow ratin6s (as indicated under "Hydraulic Desi{n Criteria"), and the same or higher temperature rating. All residential sprinklers inslalled within a compartment as defined in the Hydraulic Design Criteria section must be made by the same manufacturer and have the same type o{ heat responsive element and temperature ralng. NOTES Wet pipe sprinhler systems mustbe maintoined at a minimutn ternperature of 4OF/4C. Exposureto freezing ternperatures canresult in bursting of the pipe andlor sprinhler. Do NOT enclose sprinhlers within drapes, curtoins, or tsalances- r DuPont Registered Trademark-7- LIMITI WAHBANTY The manufacturer warrants for a [d ot one year from the date of sale (wanan- ty period) that the product(s) sold hereunder are free from defects in material and workmanship. Our obligation under this warranly is limited to repair or replace- ment, or, al our option, we will repay the price paid lor the product(s), plus any transportation charge paid by the purchaser. In the case of ieplacerieni, we wiil pay the transportation charges to the location of the defective product. We must be given the opportunity to inspect any product you believe to be detective. To make a claim under this limited warranty, you should contact our Sales Services Manager at (401) 781-21 60. THEHE ARE NO OTHER WRITTEN OR OFAL WARRANTIES. ALL TMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE DURATION OF THE LTMITED WARRANTY SET FORTH ABOVE. The manufacturer does not assume any other obligation in connection with the sale of lhe product(s) by purchaser. This warranty shall not apply to any product(s) which have been installed in viola- tion of written instructions furnished by the manulacturer, repaired or altered, misused or damaged, or not properly mhintained. The manufacturer is not liable ior indirect, incidental or consequential damaqes in connection with the use of the product(s). Some stales do not allow limitatjons on how long an implied warranly lasts, or ex- clusion or limitation oi incidenlal or consequent-nl damages, so theabove limita- tions or exclusion may not apply to you. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL FIGHTS, AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHEF RIGHTS WHICH VARY FROM STATE TO STATE. erplosiae materiols. The ropidrate of fire deaelopment ond, spread uhich can be coused futsuch materiols con reduce the obility of the sprinkler system toaid in the control of a. fire in tahich they ore intsolued,. REMODELING When remodeling such as by adding false beams or light lixtures or chang- ing the location of compartment walls, first verify that the new construction will not violate the installation require- ments stated under WARNINGS. Alter the new conslruction and/or the sprinkler system to suit the require- menls of this documenl. WARRANTY The data provided in Figure D and E are not intended for use as a minimum wetting pattern specification. Refer to Lirnited Warronty. -RDERING PROCEoURE -1 40'F Sprinkler Assemblies: Specify: 17/32 inch orifice, 140'F, Model FR-l RES/QR-EC Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler with (specify type) f inish, PSN (specify). Naturalbrassfinish .........PSN 58-170-1-140 chrome plared finish .... . ...PsN 58.170-9-140 1 65'F Sprinkler Assemblies: Specify: 17132 inch orifice, 165'F, Model FR-1 RES/OR-EC/EC Horizon- tal Sidewall Sprinkler with (specify type) finish, PSN (specify). Naturalbrass linish .. . . ... . .PSN 58-170-1-165 chrome plated finish . . . ... . .PSN 58-170-9-165 Sprinkler Wrench: Specify: Model F799 Sprinkler Wrench, PSN 56-452-1-001 . Orderfor NFPA publications should be addressed to the: Publication Sales DeDartment N FPA Batlerymarch Park Ouincy, L4A 02269 PATENTS The following patents are applicable to the Model FR-1 Horizontal Sidewall Sorinklers: COUNTRY ..... PATENTNO. u.s.A. .. . . . . . . . 4,296.815 u.s.A. .. 4.296.816 canada .. ...1.170.691 Canada . . . . . . . 1.170,692 Unit€dKingdom ....2,103,480 UnitedKingdom ....2,103,481 There are patents pending concerning the new link design, as well as the novel orifice seal, of the 17132 inch o rif ice, Model FR-1 Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers. CONVERSION FACTORS Parenthetical metric conversions cited herein are aooroximate. Do NOT hang anything from the sprinklerc. Automatic sprinhlers are NOT to be tested with o heat source.'Weokening or operation of the fusible Link Assembly can result. Do NOT cleanse the sprinhlers with soap and tnaler, d.etergents,ammonia, cleaning fluids, orother chemicals. Remooe dust,lint, cobwebs, cocoons, insecti,and loruae by gently brushingwith a feather duster or gently aacuuming with a soft bristle (i.e., dusting) brush ottachment, In resid,ential opplications, the minimum uertical clearance be-tueen the tops of free standingpartitions, roon dit:iders, cobinets, storage racks, stockpiles, etc., and the centerline of the sprinkler ua,tenay is NOT to6e Jess thon the cleoronce asgiaen belorl . HorizontolDistance Vertical from Sprinkler Clearance to ltem, ft. In, More than 9 . . . . . , , 32From6to9........26 Less than 6 . .. . , ., .18 inch loot pound fr.tb. 1 U.S- gallon - 25.400mm = 0.3048 m = 0.4536 kg = 1.356 Nm = 6.895kPa = C.0689 bar' = 0.0703 kg/cm?' = 3.785 dm3 = 3.785 lilres' 'Not recognized lnternational System unils. WEIGHT The nominal weight of the 17/32 incn orif ice, Model FR- 1 Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler is 0.22 pounds. Erercise suitable safety precou-tions in the use and storage of highly flammable and. poteniially @ Fegistered trademark of cFINNELL CORPOBATTON, 3 TYCO pARK. EXETEB, NH 03833 '{ r HYDRAULIC DESTGN INFORMATIOru SHTTT NAME LocATtoN -1 | BUILDING CONSTRUCTTON:DcoMBUSTIBLE OCCUPANCY APPH.'ING AUTHoRtrles 4 t NFPA. 13:{r-r. nnz. LINFPA 231 E Nrpn 2stc: florHen (specity) XNoN-corureusrBLE ORD. HAZ. GP.[]t FIGURE UAI tr SYSTEM No.-EI- 4rtl CONTRACT N O.4V -A116 t 7-,A- A DRAWTNG ruo. trP- . cElLtNG uercut 9- o rt. Es fl EX. HAz. CURVE l-l o .fH F Vtz 4 CONTRACTOR CALCULATED BY Dz z 6t! =IUF U) nspectnc RULTNG cPM REouIRED 2t4,d "C"FACTORUSED: OVEFHEAD DATE D'I WtrT vexe 4 -rillE qu . MoDEL r:.+o i 446 "rr, ,t' - tt/+e- ' *-ro"ro^ b.rrA - o,1o TEMPEBATURE RATING I4A SYSTEM TYPE D ony Eoeluca Dpne.ecrrou SPRINKLER OR NOZZLE MADE BY CALCULATIO N SUMMASY PSTREoUTRED llLzE lZa uNDEBcFouN o Jlp TANK OR RESERVOIR ) (L uJF 3 CAPACITY LocATroN 1z,tt a SOUBCE OF INFORMATTON l)" l!o Fo = =E O NAL PALLET fleNcepsur-.creo Er.tott- ENCAPSULATED GFINN ELL G.r322.F.v- ..77 pFINtFn rN ,r s r AREA oF SpRINKLER opERATtoN Lasaut f*loENStry ,la AREA PER SPRINKLER HOSE ALLOWANCE GPM: HOSE ALLOWANCE GPM: INSIOE _ outsrce tleo RACK SPRINKLEH ALLoWANcE T.J/+ WATER FLOW TEST OATE & TIM E STATIC PSI lo- lt, -61 FESIDUAL et ?4 GpM FLowtNG 4/ao ELEVATToN b+fia MP OAT.A FATED CAPACITY AT PSI ELEVATTON STORAGE H STORAGE VETNOO: fI srNcr-e now flcofl oouele Row Esunve pnI r"rulltpte now FLUE SPACING IN INCHES LONGITUOINAL - TFANSVERSE HORIZONTAL BARFIERS PROVIDED TOP O F STORAGE TO CETLING FI(tl SHEET SYSTEM NO._OF_ NO GRINNELL ,'-7eNs.44-ffi47h2*. i--::: ii CONTRAGT NAME: ADORESS:DATE:4te.L MULTIPLY ts BY IEs$ I r.) SCALE PStorro lt\s F ln d\ ol o l$ ogi- ao LI\ tt os($o N I rl (D lrjJ oa r(L 5lE \ Qfs \oOr) a r9* $ r.D -mo K-FACT SPK / B RANC H c qq t ?q E Eq c ?a 8.10 7. 9E ri ?? 12, b6 q q6 .i ?E 5. 3s5.34 I?. bh 17. 54 s ?ri t7,75 15. tr4 14. tJ 13. 6A 13.54 12. 00 11.98 10. 90 LTTH I 17.0 q 2{.7n Lt ', q 1&,I G 16.9 q 26.1g 2h.1 q 26.8 8114.6 q 61.7 A B7.B !tr,s- flrrq.s elt4.6 flr rq. e [, r+., flrrq.a fl,,n., flr r.r. a PIPE TYPES: t= T- BRINNELL FIRE FROTECTION HYDRAULICS CALCULATIOII =========================-=====-=====a======--============)==============================lpEl!frilE rl4arriott I"t - Lionhead Circle - Vail, cl ic0t{ T u0. r043-.199362I-AtSYSTEI'I/AREA :4th Flr - PKase I - Typical Gtrest Unit fr Coriidori]}ATE : 14-5ep-90 PIFE iFITT i EOUIV. I LOSE I ELEVq: add I SIZE iE TEETLTEI PiPE lFf/Ft. i {eet iP.S.I. IREFE= T0TAiNBH/I0iGV:CV:T/Ci LETH i (P{) i (Pe! i (Ft) tPNT 14.7 !r.109 I I lT 14.60 ! 0.54 i i 0.54 i i150 i q i i : : lL i i 17.54i47t EiE i I : : lT i i i '-'i " itsrr i q i i : : lL i I I I i h i ..i0 I i : I lT i I I i il5r't i !i------l---------i---------i-------i------l-------i----t----i---------------qt4.7i ti2: : iL 2,67i 0.037! i 7.00ir02i 6iFoverHead01{.7 i1.109 i I I I lT l&.27 i (1 .60 I i 0,611 i il50 I !l IT rl t I . I UY 2 ; : iL 1.00 i 0.04S i: : I lT 14.60 i 0.70 | I --------- I ------- i ------r r lL 2.00 i0.0lS ii ! iT ?.00 I 0,04 i I --------- i ------- i ------! i iL 7.50 I O,lhS i! i iT 7.50 i 1.27 i r --------- i ------- i ------: : iL 4e.00 i 0.277 |: : I lT 60.09 i 16.6? ! 1. ?Sr.{ I t. t0? ! i lT 'Er. haz t( 1.602 1.5l.6t)2 1.5I r. |.1n :-------- l--------- i------- i------ l------- i ----iL t9, 00 iiI 51.09 | i n'r 1 14. 1J tq I LAN ?. 003 2?,157 r 0.098 ii 1,30 I 4q,26 i--------- i---------t ------- l------il: : iL 44.50 i0.004 144,50il : : lT 5e.50 i 0.20 t19.27i--------- i--------- i-------!------ t 4 ,26 i3; I lL 27.0A i 0.004 i15.75i : : iT 57.00 i 0.20 i €.8?r--------- I --------- : ------- i ------4!4.02b " : : iL2552. 00 I 0. 005 ii i iT2551,00 112.00 | ==================================================:========================l'fALL; 2= STD-IIALL; r= c-L D.I.; {= Pvc UNDGD; s = c0ppER-}11 &=cpvc-plAgTIc ll tl ']E | . . I r7 r? 'lE Tt]TAL iHYD -------i---- 20.90 i 1010.62 i-------i----21.52 I 482.2b i-------i----23,78 i 46 -------i---- ------- | ----9.?7 i 1040.70 i-------t----9.97 i 45 I -------i---- 2,1,7 4 i 470,04 |-------i---23.7P i 4&1.27 i-------i----25.04 r 4st6.h2 i 41 ,hb i 44 r4, t3 I-------i----s5.80 r 439.?8 I-------i----65.78 i 424.54 !-------i----70.31 i 4t1..:0 i-------t----7t.62 i 4019,47 i-------i----91.09 ! 60,35 |-------i---- 91.44 r 57.42 i------*l----9P.46 i 4 -------i----110,45 i 3 i TYPE i i &-c- I iFACT I Ht]TES 6 !EC Sidewall 150 I l6'x?2' cvr150 lt6'----i---Lb 'tt cvg LI i2" Eontrol VlvI 12020 iRiser---i--------- i ------1 lEGarden Lvl1?0 lFarking---t-------I lBBsrnt Lvl120 iFarking---i i---------------l!qv fts_i" ledlPrs 8k -Fl w Prev---- I ------2 iECity Side Bck120 lFl ow Pr ev I L?$ 2 1?0 ! SY5TEI.l /AfiEA tI II i iqi !8 I i------ I I I itloB',NAHE Illarrio:4th Fl GRINNELL FIRE PRBTEITION HYDRAULICS.C.ALCULATION i i-i ;i = := i; ;; i ;;; = ; i ; ; i ;= := -v;; i ; il = = = = = i ;-o Ni= =N 0 .r --PhaEe I - Typical 6uest Unit & Corridor IOATE ===========i== ==========================:======i:=== | -----------iK-FACTI EP}I iPIPEI SFK / iq= add i SIZE IBRANCH i0= T0TALiN0l,l/I0| ------- | -------- | ---___| 10,90 iq 114,6 i 4i rs.87 tG t 14. a i 4.026 i ------- i -------- i ------ i ------- ! -------- i ------I r^qrI tn Ia tu I i ------- I -------- I ------i iq it f ll II ttt i ------- I -------- ! ------ ^tI rr{ |i rG I I ------- i-------- l------ i ------- i -------- i ------atql nlrrl i ------- i -------- i ------ i ------- i -------- i ----- LlInl i iq ii i0 | ! ------- I -------- ! ------ i ------- i -------- i ------ a{lr,|rrl i ------- i -------- i ------i lq i i ------- i -------- | ------ q 0 i ------- i -------- ! ----- a i ------- I -------- r ------ | ------- i -------- t------ ! i ------- I -------- ! ------ i !0 ! |i------- i-------- t------ i i ------- i -------- i ------ iI lq i ii i0 | I | ===========:============iPIPE TYFEST t= T-WALL: 2 ========================: !FITT I EOUIV, I LOSS I ELEV I TOTAL IHYDITYPElE :EE:LTEi PIPE iP{/Ft. | {eet lP.S.I. !REFI&-C- iGV: CV: T/C i LGTH| ---------i4 : : iL 9S.00! : r iT 138.00 i --------- l--------- (P{) !(Pe} i(Ptl IPNT 0.0046 i illr).45 i 3 i 2 98. 00 1 60, 51 I 9.49 lq 100.0i20.33 ig 2t4,6 0.0046 i0.65 I i 6 ll : ! iL! 6.02 11 : : I iT 0.0015 I itl1.t0 I 2a.zbi r 0.26r ttt, tt rlrl ! ------- ! --- tttlrtta rl il iL ir? | i------ Irltl ILIT rttltttl ! ------ ! ------- ! --- | ----rl tt iT iLra i---------i--------- ==:==================-==========:===============:==:= 9TD-[dALLi 3= C-L D.I.; 4= PVC UNDBD; 5 =C0PPEB-I4; F ACT : 140 :043-399362](-Al: l4-Sep-90 NOTES €Citv Side EckFlon'Prev --------------i SFlange/$pigot Bl?'' Citv llain.(+ 100 EPI'l Hosel I 6=EPVC-FLAET I C I HYDRAULIC DESIGN IN FORMATION SHEET NAME LOCATION EUILDING CONTRACTOR CALCULATED BY CONSTBUCTION:OcoMEUSTIBLE OCCUPANCY APPRovtNG AUTHoRtles d r NFPA. 13:LT. HAZ. IC Lwr-- lV HNoN-covarstr.,-E SYSTEM NO, co N TRA6T y1 s.4??1Jg t" ?-X- A DRAwTNG lro. FP- cEtLtNG HetoHr 'l- Z. p1. Es CURVE n EX. HAZ. Vlo Vr ./\ ORD. HAZ. GP. FIGURE l.1tEtDNrpn zcr Iornra (specify) fJ Nrpl esrc: ASEA OF SPFINKLER OPERATION DENSITY AHEA PER SPRINKLEN HOSE ALLOWANCE GPM: HOSE ALLOWANCE GPM: INSIDE outgce tlOO RACK SPRINKLER ALLOWANC WATER DATE & TIME FLOW TEST STATIC PSI REsIDUALpst q4 ot"tao*,"n@ ELEVATIoN b+nr P DATA RATED CAPACITY AT PSI ELEVATION STORAGE H STORAGE METHOO: flsrNer-e Row flcoE ooueue Row EslqvE p [] uur-trpue now FLUE SPACING IN INCHES LONGITUOINAL _ TRANSVEBSE HORiZONTAL BARRIERS PROVIDED zool! =FU' .t Especirrc RULTNG MADE BY GPM REeuf REo Zl4.O pstREeurRED pZE q) F 3 ul (5 Fo F =o locnlroru 1Z " souRcE oF TNFoRMATIoN lJ? N laurouRtrc sroFAGE Esor-to sHELVING Ooperu fleNcaesumreo Dttott. ENCAPSULATED GBINN ELL G{]22.F-v .77 PFTNTFO rN || s,r DATE . SYSTEM TYPE Xwer fJony noEluce EpRe.ecrroru SPRINKLER OR NOZZLE vexe 4zrr-.tilsLr-MODELsze h 4 t1/zz K-FAcroa r".$E - A.1o TEMPERATURE RATING I42 TANK OR RESERVOIR CAPACITY EVATION LOCATION AISLE WIDTH - % RACK OM TOP OF STORAGETO CETLING GRINNELL aooAESS: -ltb L taA+vlE se Z4 ez ue- - Up.l MULTIPLY SCALE o 0-!9 PSI coNTRAcr. no.46-zqlzuzx Nr'85 GRAPH - *O*e,SHEET SYSTEM NO._OF_ NO DATE: r$o F oul$ t{\ osr BY IEs+iro $qao L$ tt =lrrlctl s$.t N If\l.il"l (D ul I () an ] Ef, = I($o N \qas \ drot..' a rg* ss; Fa3a3 rrrrrao rr u.s.rr lsd EI :'-rj:'E = = =JOB NAII SYSTEtt/ E--------- AREA h:-FACTctrl,.. BRANI H q (c EPIIn= add B= T0TAL 14.7t4,7 5. 55 5. 3S q 14.76 14.7 E. 10 7. 9e 37. 0 5. lB1?,7I q 24.?0 62.0 q ?5.9B 25.9 5, IiE ?' q 62.0fr 87. E t2,79I O n? 19.4? q zh,l0 114,0 IE. EI 114,0 13,72 114.0 1T, ;E 114.0 ! t oE 1 14. r) I I Oa 114,0 I I 'rr 114.0 E t oc T1./o q 100. 0I 214.0 L84 21 .04 S: 1= TH- q R = E =======ri'larrio : trrd Fl NnM / t n :===== II AO II I no !l. 109 I tq 1^ I .6(12 tq 1,502 IR tq 1.5 2 ?. 1167 4.0?6 4.0?6 E tt.r-r1l Ig. 11 ERINNELL FiFE FfiATE iJ!iil^;liiFFi; FITTINES i EE!IV E. : LT. ILILi TIFL 6U: EV: T/C I LETH iL 2.h7r iT 1r. 25 iL iT I : : lL 1.BI. r I ta 1n ,l I. 0i'l 3, 0r')---------i a --------iL 11.50 tt ll nq !T tt tc i--------rl I Er1 rT I qn !-------- i L ?7, 0r-rrT TO nO :4 :tL I4.00iT 46.09 2 z : iL .14,001: : iT56,00 tl LO /Afr : : I iT 80,$9 i------- t--------I r : lL400.0rlI : : 1 iT475.81 I : I I iT 3'l.0rl 1; : lL4?,00!T Et ni.! q . . rl 'rj-4c., r i lT 76144 CTION HY d Circlep 6ueat L0 95P{/Ft. {P{ } 0,0i7 - - 9:11- 0,46 r'). &? fl r7t I a'7 0. 16? 0, ?5 4.27 4 10.7t .t L b.j t-t,ilt+ 2t,95 Q,019 0. t20i, 59 0.24 0. 005t),?b 0. 000t.! nt 0.000h ro ELEV { ep!(Pel to ro DfiAULII CALCULATIOIIS - vailJB icnNT N0.:41--l99JA2X-A1unit & CE-rridorlOATE : 14-5eo-90 =========:========:=====:==========!==== TOTAL IHYOiTYPEP.S.t.iREFi&-C-(Ft ) IPNT iFACT 7. r10 l lill l h0,49 it0,ll150-------i---l i 341 150t---l---- l---i----7.00 il0ri ht].46 i il5rl 7,46 i i7i hI I I EA 2r.48 r i5i h ' r l.ir-, 2r1, 90 i 1r]2 i h0.4'2 i i15r'll---l----21,52 r 17i L1.97 | 115'1 L | | I qll ?3. ?B I l,A l .1 'l r'l t I l---l----21.4P i t5i &n,lq I ttqn i---i---- i---i----.:4.44 i 13i L 1?,r-,1 I i15i1l---i----47,t)7 i ,1?i h21.95 r il50i---i----to n? | Tt | '1 3,59 i i1?0l---i---- 7?, gl I I0l 218.4.: I r1?0 l---i----Ol Tr1 r4lrl | '1 12,()? i it20 i---l----101,50 i u2l 5 i 140 ti---i---i---- Et q r'l rl I 14r') 73,11 i J4i &10,71 i l1E{) ?1.04 i?02i 24,26 | i1t0 |? i 140 i --- ! ---- i ---------------10I.32 i200i 3 i€Flanoe/Srioot0,18 i l14D iin Bsilt ! 140 ||nTEe =:============= CL.lr r i dor Heads ----- i --- I ---- I --------------7,49 I .16i 6 i€llain€llain --------------:,1I ','r F^^lFAl trl,, SExist 4" Eiser EBx4 Tae in Barnt l'lerh Rrn Eqvo--Ftn P'l EK r I ll fted Frev €1?" City l'lain --- I ---- I --------------- --- i ---- i ---------------trl| | tn r--- I ---- I --------------- --- i ---- i --------------- oz E =culo- .it e.l rn (\ ttl at) UJ UJlJ- L =t! /b/€|zt9B F,rJlg-*-to o\ c'r N |.t'lz F U) z !! o J (J r! z = tIJ E FIz o zz c) &olq IE lF.l tc/;ttlad 6z oii =i.iOHIA"!CA62 €F z-7 =r'l z H Fr = |ll z F Fzoo o uJz;o qt(r fF z 6 oH A{ 13 4 tsl Ffc) o ii (!.Y =6;llcigEE;E Fe*3t EgE;I € gE€ F :$F?tI i; Fe E :5 E'; iEale :€ s!g €qe85 '";ce€cl= - o "(!:o'E f E ="gI9;(!65 :EEHB EdEg=-a€E;(60'-.:-c= o (/) c gf;is€ -qPlEJ 6 H:=a ;TF;g;*;Eg es$;i rn @\o N.rl .$(n(rl .ir .it+ oo \' CO CO+ F tu, o- z !l(D xo UJ (J z J E olu oz6 =J Iz I() UJtu zo tu () gJ o 3I uJEz 9. UJo F6 f z UJ) x F uJo at) UJullt- F tulc J F F z o EF uJ UJ z =J . C) UJ = Fl ts F{ NOrlVnlVA Fu2F I p lz -Fq ltlo>= =iE F ^ ah z-9: toEd F 6FA*aA aSZrO!-o ir 9.-(JzXH tl-<3i 3flEE 22<NO N N >E -I B >.!M zHHtt)Hx rrl Fl B >1 .if zH FH,4() Ao&A trlF J{ HE FlFl ts anzH zo tr f g c. l UJL F N ta a t!,c z Eo Rxz tr UJF =UJz tltltll1 trzlzOoFUJ<oo< =..[8o<z Fz Ozz- - l'-d6-trOI lilI:lil -_-] l"I arl9 i 5t: I i---i--- --.t llriilrlr i !Ei; or<uJ,: ll"_ll ll3ii .'-k9ll :o -u X lo Fa trz z: o UJo llJ uJzoL UJ J z Eo X oz F @ o z; F ti r-- LO' C\Jiu)IO ,Ort).z F.l z UJ Eoo -)z Fo IJJY llJo o FFI t- or:- 6rr =-i|'I dN r! C.)loHl>-ltzlool 'zll*l lrJ l- ll,bEzo & =Bar= Zzk I(DO Ff 33 =i9 s :4, _ -_Et|.-,at I I -)..i5zezoi:r dd= F:(r uJo- ILo UJoz oIo 9 CEo- Jl-ul:h= o- uJ>rrOr!9o -uJxo-x>Ir- J-) LL uJ F co E CIo o oE' .E t E EoIJ o E =E,lrl o-z9F(Jf E,Fozo() -.lrlF-l vl Fll .lz) EI Jl <I>l LIol zl 3lolFI rnr:l trr H&rdut F (n g. *l "tlFrl >l bl zl BlolFI iq !A FIE >'. Ff Fl Etr ol =.1olrul 1l <l>l r|.lol zl fl I I I I I .l =ul ullql <l>lql ot il sOl uJFI F Fll>lHI zltrt I r.1 | cit z@t o(nl E-rrnl H dE qHo<lJ> =o d E 14& TA = ui =z (D EIol Hl vl sl HI&'& s =_ €l aJ @ .l sl HIpl 5 .il c!.c Ir\N @ ,"l "ilF\l*l I Iol =.1ol uJl 1l <l>l r!lol FI t2? E?>d]Fd6 F E z z -_ uJ oa i\ =b= O t <F(r() LrJ <zE tJJ F(nZ J EF UJJ F t! I E )<O<t? --..,- 3 Xrrrrr!4JLIL-J ,f,Q '(nIIn. '>., 7l-! donis'trE EERaYO =i-6gn=etiE!io<!-6tUE;ifiiI!n =i ntrR EfiE I;ii; te gP" IE l=!!R .t n!: 9E \ :=. o@- 12i 6c)'z ooza -{aco{ 6z !trtF3 -.1 9Zlo;-{ rrll-'-l l'\ ol.t.\ot-!L..\<N'Otfl !m! -{ Io @mxm! oz oo 2,-{m oo10-t{P-2m:jEo! 8=zu'ei f;=q! o 9p{C EE de 9E F1o={()o>v7 o ta-muz>mot-t>or-F Eo =m() o€zmF IF F |_ilnaF t c\ o @- 1't z :s F 3*F liF IF rI F'Ic l=lol1tl<t> lFt! .,t I|llIrl ) &1Ill .'4, a-../ d El- El iNFR FN ffi trtoE F R lf I I I ^)*ld {! ! so P { lJ D\ EEr E l Q{ ! Na$ elih I- IRP I ltrl zzo[ 99\ od!.o 6 ?63 S b2.4 -:oo oi2 z Ni!o l 2 -!m ={ozmmomol<" lz tz l-a i m i Izmv,v, ! -- Ilt \ot(v>ril6 ll 't !m! = ilq 75 loulh trontlg. roed Y.ll, colotldo 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2\39 olllc. of communltY dcvclopmcttl EUILDING PERI'iIT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If this permi.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval 'Engineer''s (.Pub1ic Wopks) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weelts. All comrnercial ('large or sma'l'l) and a'l'l multi-family permits will have to follow the iUove mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential oi smal'l er proiects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three week period. Every attempt will be nnde by this department to expedite this permit as sgon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. A/"-"- Project Name Date Work Sheet was turned lnto lne Comnuni ty Devel opment Department. 75 south lronlagr tord Yail, cotorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ofllcc of communltY dev.lopment ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH gHE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE In sunnary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to-litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debris or naterial, including trash dunpsters, portable toilets and workruen vebicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Pub1ic Works Departnent. Persons found vlolating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material .In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour tine specified, the Public l{orks Department wilt remove said naterial at the expense of person notified. The provisLons of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVaiI Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on this natter. Irr,".) t/t ) /) / q / I Date e. contractor, TOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME ON CALLER TUES BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION fl POOL / H. TUB HEETROCK tr FINAL D FINAL MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED, CORB€CTIONS: oarc /z-6-7/ rNSPEcroR INS CTION REQUEST \ TOWN OF VAIL i ' - F)'t - [1onre I READY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF ECTION: S a-tr hf 4-. BU DI j Ql Itrl IEl trl o1 tr ILDING:PL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND BOUGH i D,W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION POOL i H, TUB SHEETROCK NAIL ( r,*or .,1--tr FINAL ELECTRlCAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH L'tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: .noo-= / ,/F/fu rNSpEcroR,// oz L =E uJ oo (,n uJ uJu- F =Etlt €bq/8 )r 01 FI o\ oz NH F at)zfr rJEf =aoztr<lrJoii zo6Z ll! ql F linluJIFxl: El= @l -) =lrool.allo>t=zlA -; o o6 =CI CL C' 3oV d. o o .= 0)c o Ec(g o o c =f m E o =c:); '.g o '=O./';i*!oiT8F; F.e :? €..;EE8 EiEs9 UE:Oc-o> e:5E* 6.o;EE!ec9cE -*io)33;: E EiRE!Eo cEUi €qeE Elsect 6 0--o:- o(E P o-oiE-olt*e€ P;(!6gPEH s:Ei:=t--r (!o'-!c; o (, sf;: E6l'io 'E>.=96E.oi;F9,Eq 6-;f e EPEo -c5g: rn 1r|G E =uJo z J f CI :o uJ () z J J c LIJ ul z o- oz o UJ = UJ u,lt!z tr uJ () UJ 6;l,u uJ z 6 uJo E UJ f z x F uJat (n uJ IJJr! ts = uJ ) Fot- z 6 = J F UJJ UJ z =J ) - Io uJ = NOrlVntVA Fl tr.{ 14fr t.n lF,l"FlYH gB 5gz&OH o.r{ ()F1 .E-1<3ElluJoZJuli-i (Y) (\ OJ zz io- A)< -1=)==EY 60Z* QZt!<oc a-QiE .itri G UJ I lm lF{ IEJ lq, t<lF-r laalz l" IH z tr cc o- oe.(, uJo- ao- TJJt z Eo X,(z tr u.lF =UJz Lz:l 2Oa o< =HPil6o<z Fz 9z d63trOI uJl UJz =F z F) oz X x X X Flot z tr l! z o luo rl<l :l zl .. >lo IIJ uJ IJJzoF (r ut o- J z E o 1 4 Ir1 H uJFa @ -z Fo UJY UI c0 F F ol =3EulIoi t! -lo>l>91\zlxol,zltHl uJ i^FL,zo H Zv),"o 7;3; =zB-'i i -t.E Ifl Tt ftL.J L-J LI F =lll(L o tu z oI oF I o- JF h= =Eo- uJ>(!Ou-Iro5 ttt :>9F Ji uJ F co EClo at o .Ec =E o(, f\o =-j :, aEo>F =ErP =d-! F =Etrl o-z9F(J :)EFazoo Ef;=dd= tsgov, Ir1d blH E H t-{4& E z J l! I.lolol J J *l @l.tl 9lFIHIzl+- J EH 4 t4 (aI n i'.i =z anE r(.)z z uJ z o& CN IJ1 luco = YO- z Hfrf HHHrl F (J E_ ,sql|rl q ctaJ E =o Az F F zfrl OJ =tr I6r\ oz rri uJ J ll-o z3 9lF1 .ir\o6l\f IF\N @ u lr F u) 14 H &trlvt H& tlt =tr rl1 IF\ .iz .; ut J z 3 (') Ic'\.<r =tr z o u.l E. j ll. z =F =t oz uJ J ttoz 3lI =tr o z. ogJ 5 <l>l t!ol zl 3lolFI ulJulF Eulz3 F() UJt'r -rO<F ur<ZELUF(42 )E<o(JF F3 YF',25 (9ozt-;o =EfF)zr!o i5:IF =2=tJ YZ =g E E i\ =o2 J<Qa?lrt trJ:o rErl ctz E =E IIJo I oo .J) IJJ uJu- F =E uJ(L 1{. ,/71 ,7 Ic]-'€l 4/,5):, o\o\ 0\ oF r4,tNtsI(, tstaz& tsl t&iHoZtr< *F:rJ Fi(J =25 uJF o F F an =o =z at uJF z oz 6J € ozz UJ't- F z ll-J u,lo i lt Q' o) IIo = (! 'Fl (D' at (Do (5c o o) ooc oE o) ==f E = l -;o '.; o) o; (! .Y', 1s: g ESEa F9R€.;EE3 E=E:p6P.0 .g : o.: Pi 5E:€F:; >=:c96F -*-o)3 5;.5 EEAFE!Eo* O O-cdEo=€eef$!teo- (5 o--o=-o(E: o-oiEor = €:€E6:nEEEH o(5=-' EalS (oo-ic; o (/) n., oi.9 8EE5gEiE o (!=; *EFe(uE 6- efieH9Eo -e5g: 4> F = UJ z o! lo Y luI z J -F u,J Lu z l (L - IollJ = ul|r, z 9 tl,l O E cl- UJttt,ez 6 au F6 o- uJ (L l z LIJ-) x F uJ .t)IuIu lJ- F =E nJ ) |- z 6 !l ao .J llJ ul z6 = d J = uJ = NOtl'Vn'tV 3 ctr/ uF'* JFx= 5 6bHtr^-azuq 5 >eit9oE;66 Er-.:Z ! ()l&89 Fn'rs :FY5 <Jg8 Ei:3 EE ol N =>d U) t{lr.(9 Ff Fl H u5zr..l F tiA zI E {t! o f UJ F o E-(L t!E J z E o NXz tr F ; tlJz hzlzOa <oo< >E>taRtr5o<z =z, 9z urO][OI iI tl I t-] toltolltt f cc U) ulz o IF z F Jlaz I z z-r- !r, =3 i 6o o =o -Jl 2l zl .. >lo UJot! UJzoF tr uJ(L J z Eoo o z tr J @ I lql: l;:l>og I& & tr{ H ch t E ut Eo @o-zo Fo-ulY ulo ot- Fo\ =9Eulocbl 6A?AtFlgur :^FL.lzo .. ' : i '.t i etr: z.a,rP 5 =E 5 =zu-'i x .ciY -r*_ |-\Dnn J..*5\.,, \J = ==3foi dd= F (r ul o- fulEO E<clfo ./)E2a9EL Ed =-En{ o rJ.io# rF=o^PXEh 6-'e-o-lri tu dl o E =E lrJ o-zIF(Jf E,Fazo(J ! I fl T E E uJ(L u- uJ FE =-{,1 .*tl I tttttttltlIIttlolt1ltolI ullI CEItJtl<ll>lI tr-llollzla;lE9l dl z.l sl IJJI(EI il>l bl zl 3lolFI I I :lYI 1l al>l t!l ;l i \o Io\.t o\ ItrIlttllc\l (a '< |14 I(,i IHID.l I Helttl .lIol HHI H3lr4 rr-ltollzlt3lqol L! FI z ts HHt{ ts lFllklIHlo I('l ril €l -Qt €<l ('l ltnxlol 9)elE21 2 ..,1 1==4= d d Eu u, e € ui =z -) F,. Ir!l t/)lErl&l Ivldl<lxl HIHI vlHIgl t z =u- rnl @I*l :<Jtrl .tl 6lol t/)l E-.1l-l I3lBo "+\0 e-'l..1 F. c.l @ tlt-ltT IIco IAl r\ |21,1 |gI-tl0,..1 .l :t ?l€t ott l llJlkl crl rit I Jl st 3l3l al t2l =l 3lGl ol-t Fl z z -r UJ = tir o2 (J Eoozt- ;# 1Zrro J E TJJ -r TFU-]LJ L+r!L_J I I l_ t3 I I I I I,,ot<Et6z r=lo lE9 { z = 2l .. >l u,ol!luz U' ts ut z E J UJz uJ *+ _l\)-l fl oz E =E |lJo. ul tr @oo z o9zeroo =zD:) dP OO =d3b53lo IJJ E = uJo. t!o UJL F L EEuto. t!oE9E3€frB9rtk EE;a =t!EF85:=;9gv9EEX tq €; uJ ID o I-- 29; Eg ltJ =-l 3BF- EEL l! \.1 3S sst"1 HuJ 2-6 E =g, lrl o.zIFo :) E,Fazo() ntr el a uJ g =u- o FoJ t $j u, =z @ -'\ l rl $j ol rq- a {l PoJ\l$ rt( lvls 14 q, UJE 4 . E e t -d-l\\ ! :() tg tl u ll I E Fo I\l $ft\ I l =GE lv N J liq z3oH \ \a.l> I 4s ul l!F d!t I{\-t t { Ec ql|\ s oz 0ul TE J lroz3oF I a a Ig : lt oz ,.i g.l J ltoz3oF E E cjlzl ollrlI rl<l>l ttlol z1 31otF ui l|lF' t EJz =o F() uJ =oE E -tO<FG() r.u <zeIIJ FtqZ C) JI<((JI E:|irUI uJla ?)( )) sp =E d6a i5 =3EE Eo.-Fl:o =+tFl-Oz.o(J € J<oftfrJO I DEI 75 iouth lront.gc rotd vsll, colorudo 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-,2\39 ottlcc ot oommunlty devcloPmcnt BUILDING PERFIIT ISSUANCE TIME FMNE If thi.s permrlt requires a Town of Vail Fire Deparfinent Approva'|, Engineel''s (.Public Works) reyiew and approval , a Planning Department review.or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weel(s. A'l'l commercjal ('large or sma'll) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects inpact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary rev'iew, these projects may also take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as. seon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. qZ"--*-. ProjecE Name Communi ty Development Departrnent. 75 3oulh fronlage road Yail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUB.TECT: offlce ol communlly devclopmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE fn sunrnary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor rnaterial , including trash dunpsters, portable toilets and, workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, atley or publicplace or any portion thereof. Ehe right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads i.s approxirnately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be stri-Lly enforcld by the town of VaiIPublic Works Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material .In the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, the puUtic worksDepartment will remove said rnaterial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shal1 not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. 5 in fuII, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. rhank you for yourcooperation on this natter. PositionrzRelationship to eroj ect Date (i. e o$rner) 527 INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBE FPR JOB NAME Ir '!l: DATE .,: j,CALLER TUESREADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oarc /2 - 4 -?r rNSPEcroR INSPECTIONTOWN OF REOUEST VAIL -l I DATE JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES .]ff.' THUR @READY FOR INST LOCATION: S t. AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL o tr tr n tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W,V. ROUGH / WATER T tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING r-.r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANlCAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH D D tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR Pn- 6rPrlnr-tr FINAL k D REINSPECTION REQUIREDtr DTSAPPROVED iw ^PPHoveD a idnnecrtorus' , INSPECTOR ]r* rasPEcrrou's cstPlErm O Tbe ltcns belor ueed to be couplete before gtvlog a pernit a flnal C of 0. Pleaee check off lu the box provlded. t-- | rINAL }IECEANICAL DATE! I}IPROVEMENT SURVEY RESID. NN.!B: DAIE:nL-l ,rr* ,rrrr*r.* t \s , \\ S, \qtlo\\S\?$ DATB: w I FINAL BUILDING EASI SIDE: WEST SIDE: D*rs,t /-efL TEI.{PORART C OF O DATE: CERTII'ICATE OP OCCT'PANCY DArE: t - ?8"I I.A}IDSCAPING DI'E DATEs FILE NAI{E: I il oz E =tqJ o- o 00 '+ U' IJJ UJu- tr =t u.l lbftlzt gz -s/d)@-+-1" o\ Or C) Y z FIA z I I I tFl "l I I Ii ff,ozltz 5 3lo F{'ZloolJZ 3 v a =z E zz ts{ r'1& H E] 7o HH Au)z .6^ zdztOFr ';qJ z z J CD .6 =z z H Fl E Fr fi)f')oa]I1N>o:<@ c/)Fd oi.i 6Zeri) t1 ZooI rq F.tzFlorEF-r O<(o FA{ .+ ts H z Ff() o i'i o .Y' '=tD(o;io [8E; S F.es?€! EEH:E EIEg-F iiE;5f,.=-pF :EEFP E:EE,; iEale :€Bi:€ce85 EiHeEaEaEisE;si f E ='gI:(/)'voodo E !'loi€i6p EfEg=-a€E; c=(D('c r or i.9.99F55 E : Ei;ic-=-> E: E: i afieFF9oo -leEg:x u.lz =Oc Iul ?,= cEv <F2 r'lLZ(t, < o\c\\c rnr\N(rl CN a tr = uJ z = ! UJ- z E oa F IIJ L! (Jz6 =l o- 2 llJ = ttl LLz tr UJE(J IIJ oe @; _llJ z 6 UJo F oc uJo z LU x F ulo (J H|l tll HP U' h U' UJ UJ l.L L uJ o- J F F z dJ f cFotuJ IIJ z = o- J z Lu NO|lVn'lVA I r IHt< IFQ It.;olz('.) lH * lt+r lI{*l() YA ad =bZu-O O"6zA =I<" o-Ba az 'jH <-F1 UJF{z&:i3 >E -= z tr^ cvao1>(Jc)<)zrL<oc qY jj1 z tr cr r.i IIJ(L F @ .n o- u,lc j z troo X >< z tr uJF t LIJz bzlzOoFur<(Jo< =pdo<z Lz Oz _F do3trOI IIrlol -,1ijli<li? t-il lro | (.')tulItzl ,;t -i I .l 9l 3l q)2) I I I I __L I -t I ,al o !!i I I I I I -T-- I 2olzl_r- 1 I ___+_ql:l =1,, urllt o o 3 I I I--+ X --+_l I I i I I *l 3 G,i )l<ltrl z zt .. >lot!o uJ UJz aF E UJd J z E X z tr J d) X I f_l "l-t I I EI o z 0- HH z .rP =4coO =z (I rJ- DTT =l sl :f i st ;sEtrntr UJ l! :)!EZE<Elf60toB9at ir =tr=>.E#trFoq.Jf\rF=A: Flsg 5f=i : -* : =i d llJ F -l _l coIOI €l -t d o f\os vtHHzp JAolqttt HHx s z Jtr Fllrl E 14& 2 E F{ttE!4xFIXXFIxE ui z d) I JHcAzo HIXd flu45 4 EI It{lelr-{ |iEl(/ll Ffl HIr{lBI-l-{Inl IqN n)l uJl J E F]Fl z tn Fl =(J =E tr I ts Fl i.4 d &(A zF FfP =tr I I I trl YIil -.1 olzl .il sl <I>l rl-lol zl 3l PI F..+ <C\ I N @ llJ EF =c oz gJ J t!oz3o tr tt lL 3 F E tr oz o UJ cr =ILo zl 3lolFI =g z outi <i>l oz 3l PI ujJ uJ uJz = IuF E <F(l(J[!<ZE, IJJ F.nZ )8,<o()F;s ut, 2ff 2? =#fFd6o *6:<F =3gE =b2t c-:a?. ".1 X-1 r @(o C\J|r)Oc) U)z tJA 2 LIJFodto-z Fo IJJY ut @p6 l- O\ FF{ c(oUJ .-rc..+Etoallzl*ol\JIovlrl Her \Jzo E =Elrl o-zIF C)f E,Fazo() .\ $ uJ tsooo zo c UJY uJo oF E Eul o- t!o coo I IJJFoz n!tr z,n9 =z.Do =zd8 :E? =89dd=brr E =E UJo oluo- F =e uJAtto EgE5EEie YC 5:EiiEbod:aCYE: E5€i !J @ uJ o ts =g, lrl o-zoFOl E, azoorR vr=-- E.c, uJr I I l_ rE I I I I EiiiN E;€66 EE5 g3 iEffi EiEiE$ !EEEg il*i Jl<l FI =l zl .. >lo UJo LIJ UJz .D ts =e uJ J zo F 6 z 5s CE.tt O1>9C)92r!<o*ur-AH>x -a (\i F-i co AI'1 I \ ; a E ui =z loo dW $Es q$: J q j t3 3 E -G F c N \ $ u g F I I I 1o{ uJlclj 3l f,3:gt ciz (, uJG J tto 23oF lEl 3l bl fli: c uJz =o C)lu =I() E E -.r O<FEOr!<zEUJFo5 C) Jg<oC)F E?7\ d.;iF;6 -o E9? E3 =Fd.6o i5 =3EE o E irgE Lg,Fl-ozJ<c) sga :rt 0|Il| 0 75 roulh fton|!g. rold Y.ll, colondo 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-l\39 offlca ol communlty devflopmc|ll BUILDING PERI'IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval 'Engineel''s (.Public Works) review and approval , a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weel{s. A'll commercial ('large or smal'l) and al't mu]ti-family permits will have to follow ihe iUove mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of t'ime. However, if residentiai oi smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review' these projects may also take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this deparUnent to expedite this permi.t as seon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. Date llork Sheet was turned lnto lne Corrnuni ty Deve'lopment Departrnent. 75 3outh |ronlaEe totd rail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: otllce of communllY develoPmcnt ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE IOWN OT VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT ttARcH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & !,IATERIAL SIORAGE In sunaary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock' sand, debris or material, including trash duurpsters, portable toilets and workrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, altey or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to reroove said rnaterial .In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour tiroe specified, the Public works Department will remove said naterial at the expense of person notified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6 in full, pl-ease stop by the Town ofVail Building Departnent to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Read and acknowledged by: Position/Relationship to Project a Date (i.e. contractor, owner) TEL NO.Rpr 05,00 15:40 P.01 N40[-XCA *,08mITA REc? OEc 06tgs Dcoenbor 6, l99l Gary Murraln FAX f{79-2157 Re: lfarrLott ltark Unl.te t18? e il199.Interlor Conatruction. 1. InstallatLon of new eelllng throughout. lrlebalhat ohaanel tyatem vlth non-oornbuittlte ptudle and 5/8t flrcrook. 2. fnstallatlon of partttion full hetght uelng eamearaterLals as above ln unlt {89r 3. Instcllatlon of stub wall ZZ'rh ln untt 4BT uelnEthe sans matcrlale !e tbove. 4. Electrical to be brought to code. Nev ElectrlcLe sontractor and nlll permlt reparately wlthdascrlptlon of work. Thank you. *Plaaeo eee attachod drawl.nga. Dcnr,sr. @ 80206 . 0r,r{ P?7 f .4|h Ploce (303) 333 6420 TEL Nt].Apr 05,00 L5t4t P.02 fti?Osc 06r.?,rrffi Docflrb€r 5t 1gg1 Gary lrturraln EAX. #419_2157 $ o\ ilo ! 6 llarrlott Mark Uni.t d $ $ Lhrub Na^J Wp (p'v,tJb $l ll u* $ 1927 E,4th Phco l)em'er. (]O 80206 TEL NO.Apr 05 ,00 16:41 P ,05 I MONICA *JMm;e^. 4q)7 F.4lh Plocx: Deceuber 61 1991 Gary MuffBln FA:r #4?9-2r 57 l{arrlott !{ark Unit rt8? on*u*' *4;* (,tn IJail Wo? ,etutlU l)eru,er, co 80206 (303) 333 6420 ctz ==E uJo- c{ (.f, rJl llJu- =E UJ / t" l-z-r )zt _/1,,s eg o\cl\ 14FlNH J(9 H.t7zMtrl tfroznzb3OAzdorZ5 lu o F F Fa = o =z o uJFoz z =to .6 zz tuz3 UJ F LLJ UJa =I {! F z ,. 0) 0) (l) o C' F- (D Ul .E q) (! o o o) ='5 E cl ! ; ID q) o x (! .:a'=O(/);i gFE: =.e sl €*t e sF]E: FSpEc-o> ET:E:ge d :;-PcY"6 -*io)3 3'i'='_E >.X:iEaxiEe,:€3:.e;9e E!aeo.(! 0-- SE; s o!E-ors*:€ :(/,'"oE:EH o(!='- E6E5 -*== .c:o|, ar lD ! .:l 3E55gElE 9,!E.6.l(FF9 6o d- rfieH96.o - eEg,: rl I tr =e. uJo- z J E} x uJI(J z)(L IEF UJJu, z =f, d 9z a)tu u.l z ut UJ E (D 3lu uJ E.zo6 uJo F UJ z x uJal U) ulu- E =ul F F z J f EFottJ IJJ z =3 9z tu NO[Vn']VA lo\lcol'{tr..4 -1E< 3r-tr-€O.$# i:ulirt{ 62 sD f;EzzuJfr]od <\ 2Z Fo- 4 ;fE9.o v>a7>.<JzrJ- <og 6-() '()FO.;^i =>E -I z tr =J 1 cc o- o o- F N LuE j z Eoo *icz tr E IJJF =llJz tl I I I izfz F _r!o< =F8o<z F 2 Oz -Fd63EOI ur:) ci z i F F z F Jlaz I a I I I I l i I I 3o I -.1 xll ri 3l6l Jl<l zl zl .. >loulo llJ UJz v)L E uJ(I J z E o I I X1 I I l lxl-l l I "l;luJlol o )+X z tr ID "lzlil <to-l ogu] xu cr) H*k>og;HH o\o\ In z zH IJJ ts U) @ z F(L IJJY IJJ oFt IIJ o- ll.o oo I IJJF z uJF &ts .n9 fr =E A =Z Fl 1= r^iY ifi.r! a 1 = =E-=-;\ !:X(J dd= }<DEtr tr!f F uJ o- ruoz loI FtrI o- .JFL!-L=lc(L I.IJ>oO rJ-9o5 r.r.rxa!x>IF J) uJ F to Ecto!tt0,.o .=c3 E EoC' l'o l- lD>E =E =*-=i E =E, lrJ o-zo l-(J -t E.Fazoo :l <l>l aLlol zl 3lolFI olzl oluJltrl il>l 6l zl 3lq FI I I I I ol =.1 ql =l>l xl 5l sOl urFI F -l olrul :l <l>l ol zl;l9lFl r')\o.n I c-to\ I ,.lttolFrI .-{ I J =.1olu!l 5l al>l u-lol zl 3lolFI H F{ Fl FIr]z tr c{ \o I (f,t d5 trr ts\' Ne{o\ UJE o J h Ha E UJ =z Or .f, r\ @\' th E{Hv x E HF H4H E ui =z (D t.l&lolutl &l z = I I I L lo I I Iu'ltt{clq q I<l=E() E 9P g3 )F dzo (J 9z tlJ = o F E z I b, (J -rO<FE()l!<zE IJ.J FraZ J 9EF uJJ LUz = Folu =I<o(4 Al;uJrO I)lll oz t =G, UJo- o o o{ (n UJ UJII =E u.J /t,rlz,:,\J:t-q :. '/ ,.,ey-r r":l I Hlr siJIQ 2I<tttr 2 *ib llgalo A{ frtZ "llrlrJ lZ I oilo\l ,nlH I u,F o FIz o zz a IJJF z oz J .a ozz E uJz3 uJ'r Foz o) [r .9Eo) di o) .E!6qr|r, -oc!! '6E'to f=.v)o sFco)a! -EorIco'eo oc)NO -of; epFoqbEE oo o)cC(E;o) 3otE ct) or .9 e'=gd -tr eO Ef =p-o9 *i o .9. i6E : o;:'=c)U'*ioa--oc-o(6c<ho.q; I FgEFfco x! '-oe:5:se;j'5=c9o 3Et E E-seoo:?ogrerr c.Y- 6o-o o- *Eg oe o.E*e E;(!(!-'- E E.Eq)(5: EE E e +'C(! 0'-.c; or-E .t OrP SEEoi3 '6>.o (u: *o:Er 3 .3't e9Eq)c5g -o6 o!n = = z @ x lJl z J F uJ z6 =Jo- ) 2 I UJ = UJ LU LLz tr u-l UJE 'g l1l zoa IJJ F -lr> L uJ c z x ltlo at, uJultL E =E UJ o- J FoF z o (J F() UJJ u,i z =Jo- z ! uJ = NOrM'rVA I I I I I I It.lorl@l'rtF I YZ0a< 3r.. rrCD O-C* Eaf)atts EEor ;a zzt !!!l1\r&, N zzo9 5: =EYqro6b<)2rL<og 9UFOr<ri =>G z tr :l { ccri oE(, UJ(L F oo<) 6t E (L UJE zo Foo Xx2 tr llJ F 3 z il aLzlzOa <oo< =FRtr5d<z Lz, 9z --i F -- (, = rrJOI !J| |:l I:l I<l?l Icl Illr-Tat Iot I!.J | |zt IYt I()I I-tl I H- l I Izl-1o;i-l I <l li o(/,i ozld I tslz 2 T- J =F UJ o 7o I -l r<l-l --1 I .l -l ^l:l6l tr z z . >l uto UJ uJzaF llJ(L z Eoo z tr -)c) )+ '{ l l l >_lYI <l(!l n- Ir u IlH*ilro9 & HH c\ l"i,)(ru tr) C)c)IJ':Ei<'LI ie. E , lllrFt-:o .o i') ,.2o F iuJ-Y uldl-i o'F 1 F'-,1! =E!c uJ,t"i . Oq:,iH " Ozoo &H 4trl IAz H z .r9zQ =z O- t! .-i5 =F=dd= rEn ts ll,l L!oI lrlE2E<of6 lt)EeB9vcc 5E F-J!- =uJ:-E h=E :frE =dE U59 \urE X'Lt x>o=FtL .to-i!i uJ F 2lHI t.l.JF o E =&,lrl o-zoF()3E 6zoo uJF,' z ( t Fr q t'l ,s I F!TT 3 -EirI tl t *lglol cnIrdlril vl&l<tEl Fil F..l 3l4lx t z Jtr (tl lo\l€l\? F\ aO.i? IA F<H7 x F4f HHoH& Irt.' UJl=l<z (D !9. €o t{zox UJ z tf() H A. E..c rrr t\ a.l c Qv) u,tt!oo = trl \o I.fi(6 ctt ,4Fz, Lo =tr ul co tr .l =.1ot u.llI <l>l L|-l 3l 3l 9lFI (JH&H irl frl 3rl :(l tr bl I Az o uJ J a tt z3oF rn\o.c I Otso\ u E F trtr oz .; uJtr) IL z 3 F G (! oz uJ T t! z3 o1F =tz IL o2 o tJl .E J <l t!oz BoF llt)ul F t.lJz = F ul F T E E --.r O<F(E(JuJ<z.EUIF art z o <oOF E3 ;F',2t tOOzt- _t?ZEfFd3 <x :IF><)z< i,z =g t-(X irr = Oz J< c,)QN1E i. .t I .4 art rr,tt E :sEu,rL ii i_ ryH IE Et ilI 2.. il tl E 3I E$ .i. H{g|l6Er gE 'E(tI ilil tl Eltt, a||,7g at.{ E Eo' ra Iulr,I z .rP.=1 oO =z:t)de qDo 'e1 sgH Sbrq =ulE6tr=nrc Eulo. b|.,'(,: ac!. P $E'5Lr :r =lEi al ESItrrlO tr.l E rrll6trt: >tg*l Et! IDg C g ooT 6! io c Ct ao.,! o :g}4A'A t ...ir6-s -cdft' sqJ<j{ I lf) lFlo.- 9E N'H I -o B. \+ ifi.t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DAIE /J:/2-?/ JoB NAME -& ,.t'r, l ___ r I tit READY FOR INSPECTION:,*MON CALLER TUES f,/".*' LOCATION:"sr I BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr E D u tr tr UMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEE_ UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING D n o tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION ,POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL D FINAL ELE ol dr trc tr CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr tr tr tr HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL APPROVED z/r tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIBED t t {l i CORRECTIONS: r,I INSPECTOR gbr I INSPECTION REQUEST ,TOWN OF VAIL D^rEle:/6 -7 JoEa PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION:MON JOB NAME cALLER ?.euL / '{ G .wED^ - rHUR FRr - AM 6READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr o D tr tr tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING O INSULATION POOL / H. TUB ( D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr D ROUGH tr tr D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT - SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL a PERMIT DATE JOB NAME CALLER NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: SPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL O APPROVED D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED COREECTIONS: oor. /Z'dy'?/ rNSPEcroR 52 57 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oete ,/2 '- Z6-/22AoB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST ; TOWN OF VAIL ,rfta r,ta # qtrZ ./ 4.fg READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI.ON: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR -1 ,'n n,, I "an/ AM PM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL O FOUNDATION / STEEu -tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING E] INSULATION - tr SHEETROCK NAIL r_1 _ D FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATEH tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr ! tr FINAL MECHANICAL: D HEATING U n tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL l l /rceaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED /2 -J7'?/INSPECTOR l ao- rNspEcrroN's coMPLETED t The lteue belor need to be couplete before glvlng a penit a flnal C of O. Pleaee check off 1o the box provlded. FINAL PLUEINC DATE! * .\ro\I \r\YT-r*lni 'f \nI L,t--t- IUPROVEI.TEM SURVST RESID. NAI.IE: TEMPOMRY C OF O DATE: FINAT BUILDING EAST SIDE: WEST SIDE: \._ \\\ \,n,rnr. \-\ \,\r ^lY -\\ ( CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: I i LANDSCAPTIIG pIIE DATE: FILE NAME:\S\\\ \ti.osiq\ \-\j*..\ s\\"oc oz F =t UJo rJl c{ o ..s e.l to \o scf) (.f) Iu uJII E =tljo- lcee<ry#{ A c'\o\ r\ P t4 tsH 3 tll EI HE Oto\ F I rrlliEo<trvtLoF-]o}l2H 6F) =atl UJF e Iz = =z v)Ft(JFlz()l H ;IFI'lICt zlor{l I2l-tdl \o 6t .IH..1 (n v)t A&t ><Ol r.:8lr,in9. ut F1F<OEz >?dc, 65o 9 r't =2z{oP4NF{ Fu) HX z 14 F z F(a H H U)H Fq ET .t) tslrlM l-{ H Hu)Hx fr H H F.t & |lo H t q rJ) ET v H lrJ UJo =I (r II F() Fzoo o Gl!z3 rllUdz:3arv PH<F 7,oYZo< corn\o @ F\ Xo. Ho<A> F <t)z EIrlF.h a A z Ff EoE o)d 3 q. $tr\0r, o, c (1' .c\o\ 61 o) (! q) D g) ! d) E o =c:) dq) o o.o.6; .9 : c '6 E ooEoo '.4 qo\ at, (! oN -o ; F- o) o C, o .9 =o o o (! g;](5 :E6Eq)ut Oco(tt OU,;3og.:(!lcgP-oU'(6c..'36.o!tF'l= o(('o.! 5t'E >,O=tEooEo'-oo- =i!oo Ex -o.9o(!C -.o6€_(gcE ;o ;o o€Ei a=o>6E FF95teE-oE9oo)o((t coP :1n) tr1. V-a EEiDb xc*o zEtd_ t{i e=-: FIO*rt,l: = \Jc 4elrJ (! H(J s1o,?o.Fl6 A.o E: t CA;(!!d-C (! c) T'() 'o J() (s .oo o H @*. ts H .ir F\ f; E @ .s $ .if .it tr @.if(! Ax'itE xx F tf / e \o o\j F UJ z J 6 x uJ z J 9E oltlJ TIJ z 6 = c 2 = !r,lt!u-z tr tll () UJ o B u,i gJ z 6 uJo F6 ll,l c z uJ >< F uJo * t/, nJ LlJtLt =t uJ o F z F UJJ tLr oz co = aIz tut s F{ NO[Vn']VA rrc€ c\c 2 rr cc ra uF 2 ; =/ ! =u-oz tr E u.l qJz uJ(J : >E -I.' =C011l z.zoo X3E9 0 at, o =>.QZr!< v= CY FO z tr t!(r o UJc -it a(L t!E J z E o Ax:oz E ul 3llJz !ltl I trzlz9s? <oo< >arxu6ci<z =z (52Z--: F tro3AOI -l N X X X F F U' oz U' oz YE UIo Jl -l zl zl .. >l llJ ut uJzo tr =lll(L J z E o ull E a UJzY O IF zo F J z I& t-lH I F-l)-(/ co ..1 o' o\rd --r ;OH (nz Fl o\o\ .if(\ Ff lrJFoooazo F(L IJJY IJJo oFt =E uJ(L l,!o (Loo lrJFoz UJF z o9 =ecoo =zf= dP dfi(9o= =E'=dd= Hnn F Gut E :!{E2E<ctl606sB9tt irae.Etr :> =ul-E h=E :HE :FE 659 iurc xo-f x>t q-oiT'i uJ F I -- ts =E lrJo-zIF C) EF(nzo(J =.1olul 1t al>l EIol zl 3lolt-l I I I ?l(rl uJlElJI <lil alr z.l uJl rEl 3lolFI F- F Io\ i z = tltltl -lo IHl \ol(Jt lnl trll tn IHt IHI D< I C.)I FE I&tl<lR I&tt Ht flEI Ht< El Itrt E rn Ilr|.ir co l,lttllo\llNll-r I 'llr/|.lzt .lqel HEIf.{ Jl Ht sl 4al J=lcl 9lrl-l Fl * Httl Ez: tr Fi H TAH& ln oo =l<lHIzl t-{ IErl&lol zl "lruE 4 H frl.1, A v =H H&4 E z HzHH a rii =z c] -"1 t*G. i.U+tb2 F G,Fzo J 9 F tlJ) uJ G, 9P =<(acfFd6 o Fo EFz z T tu = E -.r O<F(r(Jr!<zELUFt,l zo Fil F{t t{l D4r }<r }<r GulIod le ?EteZ an< ts ,i\ HI ;* E$ fo{ e 3z9n6tOrtIEREue lltt:l tl ?<F9= d6}Eol l ?a naul2xI P F a 9F zl .. >l u,ol!u,z at E =(E UJG J z 9 Eoo Z Z.Lo ootr - 6a E E =EF! HFe i =H E -'(3 Ii9.|r, cfct)C', .$l z gE @o =F HEE E =E UJo' o u,o E: .Eujo.Ito ulaz fttIo G 9 E UJFul dII looul Jlr w @o E o T FcI E E o E =E lrJo,z9F() =E 6zo(J cnn I rl I ,21rq 'il.t: t{lnit=l<lz lq dffi Eg€ Nsl N E 5 {. E IA Htzl dgal -rlsl ill-5l >tq bI tz tgE "l\0 S\n \ A \p 3IuF I I Iolzl ('llrl.tl JI rllro ,oItr uiJ l,uF e UJz3o () UJE-()e c -rO<FE()uJ<zc.rllF.qZ-o() JE<o()F f3 HE -a 2F 3E d.6 C) 3E =3gE EE+e,5=o() (9 ur tf uJ2 l<xr<x trtrnI tt\ I tS .outh iront g. toad Y|al. color.do E1657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBTECT: otflcr ol communlly drYrlopmrnl ALL CONTRACIORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED IIIITI IITE TOWN OF VAIIJ TOWN OF VArL PUBLTC WORKS/CO!,!!!['NrTY DSVEIOPUENT ITARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STOR.AGE In sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that Lt is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterial, including trash dunpsters, portable toilets and workmen velricles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on aII Town ofVail streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavenent. This ordinance rill be strictly enforced by the Town of VailPublic llorks Department. Persons found violatlng ttrls ordinancevlll be given a 24 hour written notice to renove said naterial .In the event the person so notified does not conply with thenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the Public l{orks Departnent will reloove said naterial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction, rnaintenance or repair proJects of any street or alley or any utitlties in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Town ofVaiI Buildlng Departnent to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: Date o =E =E UJo- o o @ tn UJ uJt! F = IJJ o- \NS$s"=*c'r \oN o\ [r1u HH E FlFI c)HE o\ rnc!l\ch l$, & 14 -rJ4<= PEtrv o'lZF.l =H =Fl5tn u, e. F q. Iz o (9zzo <tzFlll{HIFHlsazl}{rdtx>lf{ I OIF'. Frlzt& Elotc)hlot:Eotogrts -,l{iiEl-b92e. !ta J2 d:! Ofrl =a6p.Nrr IE IE lr'.IFtEi ll-{lr'l t*lz t:lolc/r t,^ lfrl l14 IX lr'lla Itr rh le lfr lF.lt< ll-r [.-rItstz lfrft> l* loIAto lH lHlhlo lezo A rl Jlrjo =I ct E Eo o)s o Ec6 o)E o o) d) E o =f E c) o =.g o .9 Qo aio o c .9o €.o o o $ ot oN ^o 'o F c, o ct) E oo (, E o o E I .o o Ec .E ar; 'G rr:9E6g'=Qo g8E coa--c).-! ()6pc Ff,C .E fpc-o'63s :EEd5=c96 3Et EEE:€8 eEetq: f.=- (6 o-(g 0_FEI o- tL =€pE6:EE EO (': EEE - c\; --C.B O'--c; @ $€;oi'36>.9,Ea E*E .i6e9EoreEg -oG o(\,l N 4 ==G UJo z Yo uJ- z J F uJJtu (.,z6 =l d () z olu ululu-z9 IJJ uJE .D 3g u,ez 6 UJ E o. uJ z ll, () x F uJol o uJ uJu- E = LUc J FoF z 6: ao J uJJ UJ 0zo = J 9z -(, uJ- NOrM'tVA 2 u.z 4 Ex F i at2 ; 3 l! z F IIJo J Eujz.lu >e. 3tnfi =coN zz ho. A5R =FYU'O7>(, (_)oz(L<oqiT ;Gi rlE 'lF.{ilH ilB zIF l I l! E, uJo- F o @ E o- UJ ) z E XFl E3z tr uJ =u,z I I Lzlzo F o a Izl z J 3o llJ J UJ tr oz F =FI dI uJlJJ a(t,r!zv =F z tr 5az E 2 3t ul X X X X Fl() F a2 trll, 2 Y o. ui JI<l trl zl zl .. >lo uJ uJ uJz F UJ -) z E irE I& Oo- LO -$a CAz F]A IJJto @oazo FILlltY uJ c0 oFt !c ,-,H5 tJ. '{lol > F\l(L -rlR*lv frllt'lgurbkz6 !!tr z .n9zt60 =z dP dfi 2?a =r+u6il= trnffi =(n ff Yq, a-e) U F---=tL ^l*{j3 E5EYO 5E9-J, =uJ:-E FEE :EE U5 9 \utE XCL E HT €= UJ o . ,,(},n ' Y-,, Y,p Rr-dut -l - E =E,tll o-zIF()fEFazo() I I I I ql il>l ;l- t\ GIF!n IN(\l @ \o\o @ Io\ "ilOl I TI\"1Gll-l I "l=.1ol r.ul 5l <l>l t!lol 2l 3lolH Fl () Hz F!lqc) =frlaoH.J) I .l('l lUlEl il>l u-lol EI <l>I u-lol zl =lolFI I I It- l" I )(dutEIcld J><trEo rn co HH7 !<E E ts H E ni =z -) (Jzftr O 0'irlu J-E !., z z I uJ (v. 2? 33)F d"6() E, -.r O<FEQr!<zE!!F(52oo oz E G UJo- o<lo @ at uJul lJ- tr =Eut \N-**\NS*{)Cr €(\ o\ &Irl F4 F{ H B {!E l-{ >E 6'l rn(\\. cyr o trl -Jts;<EoEtr.Err!l zA -F)5dt lrJF o F F <nz =o zz Hr<i r-t I F. Izl t'r I>l ^lIrt Itslal ol'lf!. Iolol&l oul z oz =f @ oo o =z N z-l 'tt )< hc tc 'l :.)3 t rl3 {( rl 3 ls t4 lktc l(,IHlIsI t*IZ l: l; trl'c()X t: t:IFloo. kood Itst< IH It< lfi loIF loIAto lHlo t; Itrlz t-IAtoIts J Ltlo =I LL oF tr l!z3vcE |rUJ6Z.,.3 cr \r f IJJ <F AoYZ(/j< 'i o) i'! \o' v,ltr.o (!' € q) o!o o) I dt E :); o o. o ! 0) '=O(/';i*toiE8F; F e n€ EEH9cfc: € 6E:0c-o> ef ;E:Ef:; >=:c96E f, c'; coo>=.r?>6 s E g;* o otiEo;gqe€ Eide cL (5 o--cL= - o(5)yo* oiE-orsfie€ P665i'i r c () ;E€3 EalS -- c P(6 0'-.:r: o (a ar o i.9 8EE5 sg:EO(!== ;6:9 iE;:9E-o - eEgg (\(\I g> = Eut(L oz o = :< t! Ioz o_ =F()lu lu oz co = Iz o uJ t!t!z tr Lu;(L E o 8. ='IIJtqJ 2o t!o F o-gJ z J x F lua tn uJulu- E = UJ J FoF z J qt ) F UJ uJ z )a ) 9z o uJ = NOtrvn'lvA 2 It v It( E |.: -uz Y =Zzu-o ooF o- 9=Xf>YFP oE t, o e.Z>-Ooo9?.QzXrL <(oq CU EFoft aNO =>E = r,r -.t xdoF Fc) A F.ll-aF .Ad FI EHA T!tiq z tr l { q uJ F ooo g. ) z oo I Itltl Lzlz E: t!<oo< 2(r 8o<z trz 9z do3trOI I !-l I I r-1 toltoltdl UJl ac zY iF o_ z F Jlaz 3 F U oo(r o ;a 1-l F :5 il -l 2_l z . >lol! t!t!za F tr lrJ(L z Eoo F (D F uJI IE z tr E UJ - LIJz ,CJ'Qr Lr-) () .lIt ,J I I Its Fllt) z l.{ vt.a4 ulFa c0 -)z F(L UJ :< ul d) ot-t [r UJ.(L ILo oo I uJ oz oo\o\ 1]f 1 A{tsl "1 t.ttF o z."oz2c00 =z t! r.! J.^i6\., \-./ = ==3.- /r -r- dd= TtrTt =qJ t!o uJ F I I I ol uJl ccl Jl sl u-lol zl 3l 9tFI F6lF!n IF6t cD .o\o !o Or\'o\ ,l+lc. I-l I ol =.1ol IJJI 1l <t>l {r-lol zl 3lq FI HnFEIJtrlE lrl2 Fta =g I I I "l=.1(rl utl 5l <l>l u-lol Pl E 3| ql al>ltrlol zl 3l PI =.1ol uJl :l al>l u-lol 2l BlolFI ro @\at Fl{z vx E F Hfiq # u; z (D '-1 Il* l" I d H 3 Eo E i, =o2 F() zo (J uJ tr 9? =ffF)zrLo O Fo z. o z. 'T' Olu F uJ EI e <Ft<)[!<zEUJFt, zTtr&I o \ \p-+ '"1 E z :Eoo =FtrDD =l J il;sE trtr4 EIGult. bEgE5€8IPD9 Eg =lr|E!:E EEtqiEi UJtoo E =E lrJL z,I b =E 6zoo oz =Gu,o, I I t, ol3 hr Il Gltztod lE PH<F g? 8 lrl; EEIg lllt E 'leg ;lI E EIE -zl!o ootr - 6z E e =EF! E EHE ==41 :9; (,- t! D 0 u) a {:ft. J{q E L o $l<Itt..lu,t=t<lzIrotq E E(t E EC' q (,ulq <l>l ll.lq E si ujF 3d HH dE $ 6 ot o\ 6ttvl trFln l0cq IuIF EE I (9 IJGI ltoz F li gJ E UJ = =o (tlrlEE(,e e -rO<FG('uJ<zg 6Z-oo Jg39 E?T.EqE u,o -c) zF 3Ed6 C' 3g =3E6 et!E o<()[?E-3 x)<xx -'1 I t5 rouih ltlnt ga rord u.ll, colo?rdo 81657 (3031 479-21.38 or 479-2139 ottlc. of communlty drvclopmcnl Bo! FROM: DATE: SU&IECI: AI.L CONTRAqTORS CT'RRENILYI. REGISTERED WITIT IIITE TOWN OF VAIIJ TOI|N OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/CO!,IMI NITY DEVEIOPMENT I.IARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCIION PARKING & UATERIAT STORAGE fn sunnary, Ordlnance No. 6 etates that it ls unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposlt any soil , rock, sand, debrisor material , J.ncludlng trash dunpsters, portable tollets and worknen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public Place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads ls approxfuoately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VallPubllc lforks Departuent. Persons found violatl.ng thls ordinancewill be glven a 24 hour written notice to renove said naterlal.In the event the person so notifled does not conply with thenotice ulthin the 24 hour tfune speclfied, the Publlc WorksDepartnent rill renove said naterial at the expense of personnotifled. The provlsions of tlris ordLnance shall not beappllcable to constructl.on, naintenance or repalr proJects of,any street or alley or any utillties ln the rJ.9ht-a-way. To revl.ew Ordl.nance No. 6 ln fulI , please etop by the town ofVail BuildJ.ng Departnent to obtaln a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on thLs natter. o-t7-?o Date (1.e. contractor, ouner) a- 75 south lrontage road Yail. colorado 8161i7 (303) 479.2138 (303) 479-2139 ofllce of communlly deYelopment Plan Review Based on the l-988 Uniform Codes PROJECT NTUBER: 7/24/90 NAME: ARTINTAN ADDRESS: UNITS 583,585,683,685 DATE: 8/7/90 MARRIOTT MARK PHASE I CONTRACTOR: SHAEFFER CONST. OCCUPANCY: R-]. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTIONS II-FR ARCHITECT: PTPER ARCH. ENGINEER: MONROE PI,ANS EXAMINER: MICHAEL WHITAKER 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. CORRECTIONS REQUIRED Engineer designed shop drawings for fire alarm and fire spiinkler systems to be subrnitted to Town of Vail Bldg. Department for review and approval . A11 plumbing tests to be as per 1985 Uniform Plunbing Code. A1I entry doors from corridor to be rated 2o nin. with closer and smokeseal . Fireplace in downstair (level 5) unit to be blocked off and inseitTtirebox to be removed' Replacement fireplace for level 6 to be installed as per manufacturets listing installation. AII construction materials (including all electrical conduit and all plurnbing rnaterials) to be noncombustible. All stairs to be constructed and installed as per uBc 3306. A11 reguired handrails shall be returned to the wall or a neerel post. All bathrooms without operable windows shall be nechanically ventilated as per UBC l-2O5. Donestic clothes dryer shalt be supplied with a rnoisture ex- haust instaLled as per IIMC 1104 and l-9o3. 8. i 9. clearance over cooking surface of range to combustibles shall be a nininun of 3O'r. Sec. tlllC 1901. 10. Domestic dishwasher drain shall be supplied with an air gap fitting. Sec. IrltC 608. 11. All water closets shall tocated in a space not less than 30rl in width and have a clear space in front of not less than 24tr. Sec. UBC 511(c). L2. A11 electrical work to be done as per 1987 National ELectrical Code. 13. Exterior guardrail to be retrofitted to conply to l-985 UBC sec. L7LL. 42rr min. height with no opening greater than 6rr. L4. AIl glazing in hazardous locations to be safety glazing as per Sec. UBC 5406. ,4(/ z/'-Y.t"e4l )-:1 . L .d-r TO: FROM: DATEs RE: Town Council Courmunity Development Departrnent Septenber 11, 1990 Follow-up gn Question Raised by Council 4th Work Session on the Nunber of RentalMarriott Mark is Required to Provide. at SeptenherUnits the The issue regarding the nurnber of Marriott Mark units which must rernain in the rental pool was raised at the Septenber 4th Town Council meeting in response to the DRB report on the Artinian 250addition. The Artinianrs are cornbining two existing condoniniumunits, each with a lock-off unit, into one condominium with onelock-off unit and adding a 250 sq. ft. loftlsauna area. The Marriott Mark Special Developnent District No. 7 was approved by ordinance No. 3, Series of L977, on February 1' L977. The Artj.nian unit is located in the eastern rnost building of theMarriott Mark complex (Phase I). The building in which the Artinian property is Located was constnrcted under Public Accommodation Zoning District developnent requirements and theunits condorainiumized and sold prior to the adoption of SDD No. 7. The agreenent which addresses the nunber of keys (roons) which must be available for rent is the franchise agreement between l'[-K Corporation and the Marriott corporation. This agreement was entered into to ensure the Marriott Corporation that a certain number of roorns will be affiliated/available for hotel use. The Town is not a party to this agreement. I a f\\\rr\\ Bfds. Permi, Lg33 SFECIAL CONSTRUCTION REQUEST otflcr of conmunlty drvclopnonl il0 ?5 roulh trcnlrg. ro.d nll, color.do 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 O.J -1 nqnG, I t -t I a;lcrsclc f lolLc\c:T( qLL, - 358s f4.t-un |n/'-/tr,t Specific Request and Rationale: Requested Date(s) /Times: lD -1 qO lC:3a a^'ll'oc +rv /s,r^"-,'"' lil'-n form to the Building Department. Applicant Company: Applicant Phone: Company Representative : Applicant Signature: *Please return completed Town of Vail Approvals:+ Community Development : -x Police Department: Fire Department: Public Works:P.*. &;:t 15"^;" t't^u-e,t Date: -?9) -P-::-3: zo '7-7o + o. L.o,S.^.{ L,{ , f {t-lfs rolqlqo I\\N, PERMI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: NAME R OF PROJECT -\N\W JOB CALLER PECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL Soro" / D.w.v. poucH / wArER tr GAS PIPING - C FRAMING _ BOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION D.SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr nE tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTBICAL: tr T€MP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL fl)eenoveoCORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION BEQUIRED oo* Q' zS-? o INSPECTOR 4/ls o PEINS CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ome /0 READY FO INSPECTION: LOCATION: n^)JOB NAME MON CALLER S WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB s*ee-*bc* NA'L - O FINAL TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR ylneeaoveo Y CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR il INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JoB NAME 0 t*'n ld*-'r\cALLER l)lr']nl\ ES 'f-r WEP THUR FRI /'c>-r'. G?",, t L( t5-AM PM PERMIT NUMBER OF.PROJECT DArE lo | (2 ''''BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - .,.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL q,.RoUGH / D.W.v.,/ D FRAMING U4OUCIi / WATER _ ROOF & SHEERtr 'diyii/do;'r\r-iii_rNc tr GAS PTPTNG tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr r-r T'l tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:. MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED | -it oor, /o*15 - ?d rNSPEcroR oor='"\t( JoBNAME READY FOR LOCATION: NSPECTION: rc)-f CALLER TUES WED THUR{ s8r t INSPECTIONTOWN OF E ./ /, / /lj'f REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER O PROJECT MON $ FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEERo ilyiido;'n'iilrr.ri_ry n GAs PTPTNG {;il;;;;i"'-'':'' F"* '' tr PooL / H ru/\ SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL KAPPRoVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR nriFsnop L-tl in zt, It-\ "t ) PERMIT N,UMBER OF PROJECT t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THURREAqY FOR LOCATION:rb- 5 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL o tr tr o tr tr tr UMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NA|LtNG ----------------GAS PIPING O INSULATION POOL / H. TUB ffHeernocK NAIL tr E FINAL tr FINAT ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr tr o tr HEATING *So* . "t*or,t EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR FINAL O FINAL dneenoveo D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED COBRECTIONS: /aome /(l- /e-/ An rNSPEcroR rJL-lcl R, ll\--J ^U PERMIT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE NUMBFR OF PROJECTl. L'-r --tL, I ---) .'\ | (. JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES ED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: PMAM t.,., t,+ b8 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDEBGROUND O FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. RAMING UGH / WATER PLYWOOD NAILING tr D GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR T] FINAL D FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROV O REINSPECTION REQUIRED oo-r, /o- z y'- .Fa rNSPEcroR ' llr qr\r{ '5 I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT IN D: SPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER READY FoR INSPECTIoN: .MoN ru.ES,6- wED ilrn (D -------@ PM LocAtoN: fv',..* . ..s-tJr- Jr b(5 'THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERtr u tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING E GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING dnoucH -tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL O FINAL YAPPROVED T) coRRECTTONS/ _ tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER JECT c-/\ -JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION:t Ll I S(? Sb tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: t tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION,BEOUIRED WED u$T- o" 'l"I L r-,1._ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH i D.W,V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr r)suLAloN EL/SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB D FINAL tr FINAL tr HEATING O ROUGH ' ."O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL I ! D^rE //- ca - 7a rNsPEcroR niitsgop I\\N) PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oo-- \--- tN- JoB NAM aEnov ron-'SPECTION:\\ LOCATION: ., T.- INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTR]CAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED -&4 EI REINSPECTION REQUIRED Qtae,-. INSPECTOR ii,f i:::i,.7 :' q+3r/LJ I PERMIT B DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME tr DISAPPROVED WED THUR FRI O REINSPECTION REQUIRED NUM I t' -'fr.af ht)^- REQUESVAIL ! ,/. t 1- -LU/1""-tzc CALLER AM PM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING D ROUGH / WATER -- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL FQeenoveo CORRECTIONS: niiisnop PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL B REINSPECTION REOUIRED JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: ECTION: O DISAPPROVED BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION, / STEEL D FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING E1 INSULATION POOL / H. TUB D MECHANICAL: o tr tr tr TEMP. POWER ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR CORRECTI INSPECTOFI Tbe ltens bel.ow gtvlng a pernit Please check off AL INSPECTIONIS need to be conplete a flnal C of 0. Ln the box provlded. COI{PLETED before FINAL PLIJMBING I'INAL I-IECHANICAL DATE: IMPROYE}TEI(I SURVEY RESID. NAUE: DATE: EAST SIDE:FINAL BUILDING DATE: TEUPORARY C OF O l F--+-tvi lvzt)!Y l rl otrrEz l^159 LANDSCAPING DUE DATE: o t I I I DIVISIOII 15 IIECHAIIICAL SECTIOII l5OlO-_GENERAL PROVISIONS : THE DRA}JINGS AND SPECTFICATIONS F'OR THIS PROJECT ARE PROTECTED UNDER THE COMMON LAT' COPYRIGHT. COPYRIGHT E 1990 YODER ENGINEER- ING CONSULTANTS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. EIBI 1.00--CEilBRAL l.o1 SCOPB OF I{()RK T{ORK SHALL CONSIST OF FURNISHING ALL LABOR AND HATERIAI-,S NECESSARY FOR THE INSTALLATION OF COMPLETE AND OPERATING MECHANI- CAL SYSTEMS.. l.02 PROVTSIONS: A. T{ORK PERFORHED UNDER THIS DIVISION OF THE SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONFORH TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF DIVISION 1, THE MECHANICAL DRAIfINGS AND ALL OTHER ITEMS HEREINAFTER SPECIFIED: 1, DETAIT,fi: t'tINOR DETAII,E NOT UEUAI,I.,Y EHOWN OR SPECI-FIED BUT NECESSARY FOR THE FROFER IHETALLATION AND OPERATION AI.IDIOR CONFORMANCE I.'ITH CODES OR STANDARDS LISTED HEREIN, SHALLBE INCLUDED IN THE SJORK. 2. DRA$'INGS: DRAWINGS ARE DIAGRAMHATIC AND INDICATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF SYSTEilS AND WORK. DO NOT SCALE DRAT{INGS. EXAMINE ALL DRAWINGS TO VERIFY AND COORDINATE SPACE CONDITIONS AND REOUIREMENTS, CLEARANCES, FINISHES, ETC. A. DRASIINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE INTENDED TO BE COI{PLEHENTARY AND h'HAT TS CAI.LED FOR BY ONE SHALL BE AS CALLED FOR BY BOTH. BRING DISCREPANCIES, CONFLICTS OR DIFFERENCES IN JOB CONDITIONS AND DRA9JINGS TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT FOR CLARIFICATION BEFORE BIDDING AND PROCEEDING. 3. EOUIPMENT AND HATERIAL: EOUIPHENT AND HATERIAL SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER'S NA}IE IS TO ESTABI.,ISH A OUALITY STN{D-ARD. EQUIVALENCY OF SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BE DETERMTNED BY THE ARCHITECT WHOSE DECISION IS FINAL. 4. MODIEICATTONS: I{AKE REASONABLE MODIFICATIONS IN LAYOUT, ARRANGEMENTS, ATTACHMENTS, ETC. TO: A. HAINTAIN MAXIMUH CLEARANCE FOR HEADROOM TO EXPOSED WORK. I I ARTTNTAI. RE'TDEN.E JULy, 1990 15010 - 1 I I Ir B. ESTABLISH ADEOUATE CLEARANCES FOR THE INSTAL-,- LATION OF SUSPENDED CEILINGS AND SIMILAR WORK. I c. vERrry SHAFT, cHAsE AND DouBLE pARTrrroN I CLEARANCES. SPACE TO BE ADEOUATE FOR TNSTALLATION, BUT MINIilAL. I D. NOTIFY ARCHITECT TMMEDIATELY OF ANY CONFLICTS I TIITH WORK OF oTHER TRADES. I 1.03 suBHrrrAls: wrrHrN 21 DAys AFTER Ar.rARD oF THE coNTRAcr, - SUBHIT 5 COPIES OF THE FOLLOI.TING TO THE ARCHITECT FOR REVIEIil: I A. A col,{pLETE, BouND r,rANUAr oF ALt MAJoR rrEus oFI EOUIPMENT Al{D HATERIALS TO BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED ON THIS PROJECT. MANUALS MAY BE SUBMITTED BY GENERAT CATEGORY SUCH AS I HVAC, CONTROLS AND PLUHBING. I B. IDENTIFY EACH ITEI{ BY MANUFACTURER, BRAND AND - TRADE NAME, NUHBER, SIZE, RATING AIID WHATEVER OTHER DATA IS S NEcESSARY To pRopERLy TDENTTFy ar{D cHEcK MATERTALs AND EoUIPMENT.t THE woRDs ttAs spEcIFIED't I.trLL Nor BE coNsTDERED suFFrcrENT rDEN- TIFICATION. I C. SHOP DRAWINGS: CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT SHOP DRAWING SUBHITTALS PROCESSED BY THE ENGINEER ARE NOT CHANGE I ORDERS, THAT THE PURPoSE OF SHOP DRA$TING SUBMITTALS BY THE CON- I TRACToR rS To DEHONSTRATE TO THE ENGINEER THAT THE CONTRACTOR UNDERSTANDS THE DESIGN CONCEPT, THAT HE DEMONSTRATES HIS UNDER- I STANDING BI INDICATING h'HICH EQUIPHENT AND MATERIAL HE INTENDS TO I F'URNISH AND INSTALL AND BY DETAILING THE FABRICATION AND INSTAT-I LATTON HETHODS HE INTENDS TO USE. CONTRACTOR FURTHER AGREES THATIF DEVIATIONS, DISCREPANCII:S, OR CONFLICTS BETI.IEEN SHOP DRAIIING I SUBMITTALS AND THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS IN THE FORM OF DESTGN I DRAI{INGS At{D SPECIFICATIONS ARE DISCOVERED EITHER PRIOR TO OR AFTER SHOP DRAT{ING SUBHITTALS ARE PROCESSED BY THE ENGINEER, THE - DESIGN DRAIIINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALT CONTROL AND SHALL BEI FOLtOWED.I I 1.04 FLUsHrNc, cLEAt{rNc lttD srrRrlrzrrca A. AFTER FLUSHING, STERILIZE THE DOMESTIC ttATER SYSTEM. I B. BEFORE FINAL CONNECTIONS ARE MADE IN THE PIPING SYSTEMS, ALL PIPING SHATL BE BLO$'N OUT WITH AIR AND THEN T.'ASHED OUT 9'ITH APPROPRIATE CLEANING COMPOUNDS.rI I -I. I ARTTNTAI, RE'TDEN.E JULY, 1990 15010 - 2 t I.05 TESTING A. TEST ALL DRAIN AND WASTE LINES I{ITH STANDING T{ATER TEST OF TT'ELVE FEET OF HEAD MINIHUIt/2o FEET HAXIMUM, HELD LONG ENOUGH TO INSPECT EACH JOINT OR 24 HOURS TIITH NO DROP IJHEN ALt JOINTS ARE NOT EXPOSED. B. TEST ALL WATER pIpING, BEFORE CONNECTING TO UNITS, AT 150 PSIG HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE. C. ALL TEST REOUIRED BY CODE MUST BE DONE TO THE SATISFAC- TION OF THE LOCAL AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION BEFORE COVER- ING. D. ALL HYDROSTATIC TESTS TO BE HELD TOR A HINII.IUM OF SIXHOURS. AIR TESTS TO BE HELD FOR A MINIMUM OF TT{O HOURS. 1.05 BILAIICIITG A. THE BALANCING OF THE SYSTEM SHALL BE PART OF THIS CON- TRACT, INCLUDE IN BID THE COST OF BALANCING AND ADJUSTING. B. AT THE COMPLETToN oF THE TNSTALLATION, THE HECHANICAT SYSTEMS SHALL BE ADJUSTED A}ID BALAI.ICED BY AN INDEPENDENT BAIJANC- ING FIRM SPECIALIZING IN THIS TIORK, APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER BEFORE BIDDING. C. FURNISH AND INSTALT SUCH ITEI{S AS THERMOHETER WELLS, PRESSURE TEST COCKS, ACCESS DOORS, ETC., AS REQUIRED TO ALLOW TESTS AND ADJUSTHENTS TO BE MADE. D. ADJUST AND BALANCE ALL AIR AND WATER SYSTEMS. CHECK, ADJUST AND BALANCE ALL SYSTEHS TO MEET THE DESIGN CONDITIONS AND TABULATE ALL INFORHATION ON ACCEPTABLE FORMS. ALL SYSTEMS SHALL BE CHECKED FOR PROPER PERFORMN.ICE DURING DESIGN CONDITIONS, BOTH HEATING AND COOLING. 1.07 OPBRATING AIID I{AITITEIIAIICE INSTRUCTIONS DELIVER OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS TO THE OWNER UPON COHPLETION OF THE }IORK A}ID INSTRUCT OWNER IN PROPER OPERA- TION. 1.08 naRRrltTY A. ALL MATERIALS AND EOUIP}IENT SHATL BE NEI{ UNLESS OTHER- S'ISE SPECIFIED. GUARANTEE ALL T{ORKMANSHIP, HATERIAI. AND EOUIP- I{ENT AT{D REPLACE ANY FOUND DEFECTIVE T{ITHOUT COST TO THE OWNER, FOR ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL ACCEPTANCE, AS DEFINED IN GENERAL CONDI- TIONS ARTINIAII RESIDENCE JULY, 1990 15010 - 3 EDHD I I I t I I I I I I I I I t t t I B. EACH I{ARRANTY FOR LONGER THAN THE ONE YEAR DESCRIBED ABOVE (THAT COMES WITH EQUIPI{ENT USED ON THE JOB) SHALL BE PASSED ON TO THE O}JNER WITH DATES OF START AND END OF WARRN{TY. 1.09 ELECTRICTL CONNECTIONS: UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, ALL MOTORS At{D CONTROLS SHALL BE FURNISHED, SET IN PLACE AND WIRED rN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE. (MD IS HECHA!{ICAL DIVI- SION--ED IS ELECTRICAI. DIVISION) . ITEH FURNISHED SET IN PTACE WIREDUNDER OR MTD. AND UNDER CON- NECTED UNDER EQUIPHENT MOTORS AND THERMAL OVERLOADS, RESISTA}ICE HEATERS (3) MD HAGNETIC STARTERS AND OVERLOAD RELAYS (3) MD ED( 1. ) ED DISCONNECT S9'ITCHES, FUSED OR UNFUSED, H.P. RATED SWITCHES, THERHAI, OVERLOAD SWITCHES AND FUSES, HAI{UAL OPERATING strlTcHEs ( 3 ) THERHOSTATS, CONTROL I RELAys, coNTRoL TRANs-r FoRl'tERs, SoLENOID VALVES (3) MD (1) IF FURNISHED AS PART OF FACTORY I'IRED EQUIP- MENT, THEN WIRING AND CONNECTIONS ONLY By ED. (2) IF LINE THERMOSTATS, P.E. SWITCHES, TIME ST{ITCHES, ETC., CARRY THE FULL LOAD CURRENT TO ANY MOTOR, THEY SHALL BE FURNISHED BY THE HECHANTCAL DIVISION, BUT SHALL BE SETIN PLACE AND CONNECTED UNDER THE ETECTRICAL DIVISION, EXCEPT THAT IIHERE SUCH ITEMS ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE HECHANICAL EQUIP- HENT, OR DIRECTLY ATTACHED TO DUCTS, prpING, ETC., THEY SHALL BE SET IN PLACE UNDER THE MECHANTCAL DIVISION AND CONNECTED BY THE ELECTRICAL DIVISION. IF THEY DO NOT CARRY THE FUI.L IOAD CURRENT TO At{Y HOTOR, THEY SHALL BE FURNTSHED, SET rN PLACE AND I'TRED UNDER THE I.TECHANICAL DIVISION. (3} THE ABOVE IIST DOES NOT ATTEHPT TO INCLUDE ALL COHPONENTS. ALL ITEMS NECESSARY FOR A COMPLETE SYSTEM SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE BASE CONTRACT. ED( 1)ED( 1) ED MD(2)t{D(2) I ARTINIAN RE'IDEN.E JULY, 1990 15010 - 4 I T r PROVIDE MOTORS AND EQUrpl.{ENT FOR ONLY THOSE CURRENT CHARAC- I TERIsrIcs INDIcATED oN THE DRAwINGs. ir Is rHE TNTENT oF THrs! DIVISION TO REOUIRE COMPLETE SYSTEMS PER THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. COORDINATE ALL EQUIPHENT REQUIRING ELECTRICAL POh'ER, REGARDLESS I oF voLTAcE, wrrH orHER TRADEs, so rHAT ALL sysrEMs ARE col{pLETE I Alf D OPERABLE. I 1.10 accBss DooRsI FURNISH ACCESS DOORS OF TYPE SUITABLE TO ARCHITECT AND PRO- I vrDE To cENERAL coNTRAcroR FoR TNsTALLATIoN. AccEss DooRs ARE To! BE PROVIDED IN ALL LOCATIONS WHERE SERVICE ACCESS IS REQUIRED.rF INSTALLED rN A FIRE RATED SURFACE, THE ACCESS DOOR IS TO CARRYI THE PROPER U.L. LTSTED RATING. I r 1.11 coDEs Al|D STANDARDS II coMpty wITH ALL AenLTcABIJE coDEs, LAws, rNDUsrRy sTANDARDS AND UTILITY COHPANY REGULATIONS. I 1.12 II|STALLATIOII AIID ANRAIIGBI{ENT I TNSTALL AIJL [{ORK TO PERMIT REHOVAL OF COItS, SHAF.TS| hTHEELS, FILTERS, AND ALL OTHER PARTS WHICH HIGHT REOUIRE PARIODIC RE. - PLACEMENT OR I.IAINTENANCE. I 1.13 PBRIIITS, FBES, AlfD NOTTCES I PAY FOR ALL PERMITS, FEES, LICENSES, AND INSPECTIONS FOR THIS DIVISION. DO NOT INCLUDE THE COST OF PLANT INVESTI.IENT FEE''I FOR SET.'ER AIID T.'ATER OR GAS APPLICATION FEE CHARGED BY THE UTILITY I COMPANY. I 1.1t EXAI{INATION OF PREI{rSESI VISIT THE PRET.IISES BEFORE SUBMITTING BID AS NO EXTRAS I{ILL I BE Ar.LottED FoR r.,AcK oF KNowT.EDGE oF ExrsrING coNDrrroNs. I r 1.15 FOUNDATIONS AllD SIJPPORTSI FURNISH AND INSTALL, ALL FOUNDATIONS, BASES, HANGERS, AN- I CHORS, GUIDES AND SUPPORTS FOR MECHANICAT EqUIPMENT, PIPING AITDI DUCTS. I I I ARrrNrNr RE'TDEN.E JULy, 1990 15010 - 5 I I 1.16 PRoTECTION OF t{ORK ArtD pROpERTy t BE REspoNsrBLE FoR THE pRorEcrroN oF ExrsrrNc FAcrt,rrrEs TIHETHER OR NOT SUCH FACILTTY TS TO BE REMOVED OR RELOCATED. HOVE I oR REMovE ANy FAcrtrry so As Nor ro cAUsE rNTERRUprroN oF THEt hIoRK oR OIINER]S OPERATION. I 1.17 aLTTTUDE RATrtrcS I EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE NOTED' ALL EQUIPMENT CAPACITIES' AIR I QUALITIES, ETC. ARE ADJUSTED RATINGS FOR THE ELEVATION ON THISr PROJECT AS RATED ON THE DRAWINGS. MANUFACTURER'S RATINGS SHALT BE ADJUSTED TO PROVIDE NET RATINGS SHOWN. I 1.18 HOTORS: I COHPLY WITH NEMA STANDARDS AND CONFORH TO ASA C-50 FOR INSULATION AND DIELECTRIC STRENGTH. CAPACITY TO BE SUFFICIENT TO r oPERATE ASSOCIATED DRTVEN EQUTPMENT AND DEVICES, UNDER ALL CONDr- I TrONS OF OPERATTON, ALTTTUDE At{D LOADS 9TTTHOUT OVERLOAD. MTNIMUHI ACCEPTABLE HORSEPOWER (HP} IS THAT INDICATED ON THE DRAIIINGS. SELECT AIID INSTALL MOTORS FOR OUIET OPERATION. ALL MOTORS RATED I 1000 WATTS OR GREATER SHALL HAVE CERTTFTED POI{ERFACTORS UNDER I FUIL LOAD OF 85t UNCORRECTED AND 90t CORRECTED. I 1.19 FIRE DNIPERSt INSTALL FIRE DAHPERS WHERE INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS, AS I REouTRED By NFeA eAMeHLET No. 9oA, oR REquTRED By LocAL coDEs.I PROVIDE A DUCT ACCESS DOOR TO EACH FIRE DAMPER AND SERVICE ACCESS [{HEN ARCHITECTURE rS RESTRICTM, FURNTSH UL LABELED TypE B OR CT FIRE DAUPERS. I END OF SECTION I ARrrNrNr RB'TDEN.E JULY, 1990 15010 - 6 sEcTrolt 15180--INSI T.IATION : PIRT I.OO--GEITERAL RBOUIREI{ENTS NOTE:K FACTORS SHOWN IN THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATION EXPRESSED IN 8TU-IN.,/HRr SF,F. 1.01 GENBR,AT,: A. INSULATION SHALL BE CERTAINTEED CORP., OR EOUMLENT PRODUCTS BY OWENS CORNING, KNAUF OR MANVILLE REVIEWED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. B. INSULATION SHALL NOT tsE APPLIED UNTIL ALL SURFACES ARE CLEAN AND DRY AND UNTIL INSPECTED AND RELEASED FOR INSULATION APPLICATION. C. A COMPLETE I{OISTURE AND VAPOR SEAL SHALT BE PROVIDED ON COLD SURFACES T{HERE VAPOR BARRIER JACKETS OR COATINGS ARE RE- QUIRED. AtfcHoRs, HN{GERS, A}tD OTHER PROJECTIONS SHALL BE rNSU- LATED AND VAPOR SEALED TO PREVENT CONDENSATION. D. PIPE OR DUCT INSULATION SHALL BE CONTINUOUS THROUGH T{ALLS AND FLOOR OPENINGS EXCEPT 9THERE ITALLS OR FLOORS ARE RE- OUIRED TO BA FIRESTOPPED OR REQUIRED TO HAVE A FIRE RESISTANCERATING. DUCT LININGS SHALL BE INTERRUPTED AT F'IRE DAMPERS ANDFIRE DOORS SO AS NOT TO INTERFERE WITH THEIR OPERATION. DUCT COVERTNGS AND LININGS SHALL AI'SO BE INTERRUPTED AT THE IMMEDIATE AREA OF OPERATION OF HEAT SOURCES IN A DUCT SYSTEM INVOLVING ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE OR FUEL BURNING HEATERS. E. LO}' TEMPERATURE INSULATED PIPING SHALL BE SUPPORTED BY HANGERS AND METAL SHIELDS TO BE INSTALLED WITH THE PIPING. INSERTS SHALL BE PROVIDED AND INSTAIIED BETT.'EEN THE PIPE AND THESHIELDS. TNSERTS SHALL CONSIST OF RIGID PIPE INSULATION EQUAI IN THICKNESS TO THE ADJOINING INSULATION AND SHALL BE VAPOR SEALED TNTO THE ADJOINING INSUTATION. WHERE HANGERS ARE IN DIRECT CON- TACT I{ITH LOW TEI.TPERATURE PIPING THE HANGER AND SUPPORTING ROD SHALL BE STRAPPED T{ITH FOIL-FACED BLANKET INSULATION AND VAPORSEAI.ED. HANGER ROD INSULATION AND VAPOR BARRIER SHAI,L EXTEND UP THE ROD A HINIMUI,I DISTANCE EQUAL TO THE DIN.IETER OF THE PIPE. ARTININI RESIDENCE ALL AREI t I I t I I t I JULY, 1990 15180 - 1 I I I 1.02 FIRE HAZTRD CLA.SSTFTCATION: I A. AtL INSULATION SHALL HAVE A COMPOSITE (INSULATION, JACKET, OR FACING, AND ADHESIVE TO SECURE JACKET OR FACING) FIRE I HAZARD RATTNc As rEsrED By AsrH E-84, NFeA 255, oR uL ?23 Nor roI EXCEED 25 FLA},TE SPREAD AND 50 SI'IOKE DEVELOPED. AI.L INSULATION I{ATERIALS OR THEIR CONTAINERS SHALL HAVE A LABET INDICATING THATI THET DO NOT EXCEED THE ABovE FIRE HAZARD CLASSIFICATIoN. I r &aRf 2.00--PrPE TNSULATTON I 2.01 COLD PIPING (DO$N TO O FI: I ( DOMESTIC T.'ATER ) I A. PRODUCT: I TNS'LATE 'trrH .ERTATNTEED 500 'sNAp oN,r M.LDED oNE r PIECE FIBER cLAss pIpE INSULATIoN WITH A K VALUE oF o.z3 AT ?soFT MEAN TEHPERATURE. I B. FACTORY APPLIED JACKET: ALL SERVICE JACKET (ASJ) (SELF-SEAL OPTIONAL).t C. INSULATIoN THICKNESSI I REFER TO TABLES AT END OF THIS SECTTON. D. APPLICATION: I 1. PIPING: I A. BUTT ALL JOINTS FIRMLY TOGETHER AND SMOOTHLY I sEcuRE ALL JACKET LAeS AND JOINT STRIeS trITH LAp ADHESM. r b. SELF'-SEAL LAP-APPLY ACCORDING TO MANUFACTUR- I ERrS PUBLTSHED RECOMMENDATIONS. C. ENDS OF PIPE 1NSULATION SHALL BE SEALED OFF I T.,ITH A VAPOR BARRIER coATING AT ALL FITTINGs AND VALvEs AND AT I INTERVALS OF 21 FEET ON CONT]NUOUS RUNS OF PIPE. 2, FITTINGS AND VALVES I a. TN''LATE wrrH H.LDED FrBER cLAss FrrrrNcsi r SEGMENTS OF PIPE COVERINGi OR IIITH FIRMLY COMPRESSED FOIL-FACED I FIBER GLASS BLANKET. SECURE IN PIJACE WITH 20 GAGE CORROSION-t RESIsTANT wrRE AND AppLy A sMoorHING coAT oF INsuLATTNG cEllENT. I I ARTINIAN RE'IDEN.E JULY, 1990 15180 - 2 I I b. VAPOR SEAL BY APPLYING A LAYER OF OPEN-WEAVE I GLASS CLOTH FABRIC EMBEDDED BETWEEN TWO FLOoD COATS OF vApORI BARRIER I.IASTIC. LAP GLASS FABRIC 2I' ONTO ADJACENT PIPE. I c. IN L,IEU oF GTJASS CTOTH EMBEDDED BETITEEN TVJO I COATS OF MASTIC OR ADHESM, CERTAINTEDD ilSNAp FORM'| INSULATION AND PREI{OLDED FITTING COVER SYSTEM MAY BE USED. COVERS SHALL I O\IERLAP THE ADJOINING PIPE INSULATION AND JACKETS AND SHALL BE I SEALED AT ALL EDGES T{ITH VAPOR BARRIER ADHESIVE. THE ENDS OF ALTJT CO\IERS SHALL BE SECURED WITH PRESSURE-SENSITIVE VINYL TAPE. THE TAPE SHALL OVERLAP THE JACKET AND THE COVER AT LEAST ONE INCH. I 2.O2 HOT PIPrilc (uP TO 5O0oF): I (DOMESTIC HOT ITATER/HEATING WATER). . A. PRODUCT: t TNSuLATE nrrH cERTATNTEED 500 *sNAp oN,, HoLDED oNE PIECE FIBERGLASS PIPE INSULATIoN I.IITH A K VALUE OF 0.23 aT ?5oFI HEAN TEMPERATURE.I B. FACTORY APPLIED JACKET: I ALL SERVICE JACKET (AsJ) (sELr.-sEAL oPTIONAL). _ c. INSULATTON THICKNESS: I REFER To rABI-,Es AT THE END oF THrs sEcrroN. I D. APPLICATION: 1. PIPING: r a. BUTT ALL JorNTs FTRML' T..ETHER AND sr.roorH,.y I sEcuRE ALt JACKET LAPS ANDJOINT STRIPS ITITH LAp ADHESM. FLARE-I TYPE STAPLES AT 4'' SPACINGS MAY BE USED FOR CONCEALED }TORK.I b. SET,F-SEAL LAP - APPI.Y ACCORDING TO HANUFAC-I TURER'S PUBLISHED RECOMMENDATIONS. !2, FITTINGS AND VALVES: I a. INSULATE WITH MOLDED FIBER GLASS FITTINGS, SEGHENTS oF PIPE covERINc; oR WITH FIRttLy coMpREssED FrBER GLAss r BLANKET. SECURE IN PLACE I.IITH 20 cAcE WIRE AI.ID FINISH WITH A I SMOOTHING COAT OF INSULATING CEHENT. pIpE SIZES UNDER 4n MAy BET INSULATED WITH HYDRAULIC SETTING INSULATING CEMENT. ALL THICK- NESSES TO BE EQUAT TO THAT OF ADJOINING PIPE COVERING. I ARrrNrAr{ RE'TDEN.E JULY, 1990 15180 - 3 I I r b. EXPOSED FITTINGS AND VALVES SHALL BE ADDI- I TToNALLY FINTSHED WITH OPEN-WEAVE GTJASS CLOTH FABRTC ADHEREDI BETITEEN TI{O FLOOD COATS OF LAGGING ADHESIVE. LAP GLASS FABRIC 2II ONTO ADJACENT PIPE. I c. IN LIEU oF GLAss cLoTH EHBEDDED BETWEEN T}IocoATs oF MASTIC OR ADHESTVE, CERTAINTEED "SNAP FORMil ONE-PIECE I TNSULATED FTTTTNG SYSTEMS UAy BE USED. COVERS SHALL OVERLAP THE I ADJOINING pIpE INSULATION AND JACKETS. THE COVERS SHALL BE MECHANICALLY SECURED BY SERRATED-SHAFT STAINLESS STEEL TACKS PUSHED INTO THE OVERLAPPING THROAT JOINT. t INSULATION THICKNESS T HINIMUH THICKNESSPIPING SYSTEM NOHINAL PIPE SIZE (INCHES) II ONE AND l-t/4 2-L/2HEATING TEMP. F. BELOI{ TO 2 TO 4 ABOVE 4 I LOW TEMPERATURET HEATING WATER 120 TO 2OO I/2 1 L-I/z I-L/z I PLI'I{BIIIG THICKNESS TO PREVENT CONDENSATION (IN. ) I coLD WATER 55 TO {i5 r/2 1 1. 1 I Hor IIATER roo ro 150 L/2 l. 1 L-t/z I END OF SECTION I I I I I T I ARTTNTAT RE'TDEN.E JULY, 1990 15180 - 4 I I SECTION 154oo--PLUHBTNG: I P,l&f 1.00--PRODUCTSI I 1.01 PTPING: I A. SOIL, ltAsTE, & VENT PTPING: 1. MATERIAL: r A. z rNcH srzr .lt.tD sMALLER, scItEDULE 40 GALVAN-IZED STEEL PIPE WITH SCREI.IED ENDS, CAST IRON DRAINAGE PATTERN I FITTINGS. ALTERNATE: COPPER DRAINAGE TUBE TYPE Dl.tv ITITH CAST I BRASS SOLDER JOINT DRAINAGE FITTINGS. USE ADAPTORS AT GRADE CONNECTIONS TO CAST IRoN PIPE. ALTERNATE: ''No-HUBI' sERvIcEr }JEIGHT CAST IRON pIpE AND FITTINGS, 4 INCH HAXIMUM SIZE.II B. z L/zu srzE AND LARGERi 'TANDARD r{ErcHT cAsr IRON SOIL PIPE AND FITTTNGS, oR I|NO-HUBI| SERVICS WEIGHT CAST IRONI prpn AND FrrrrNcs, 4 rNcH MAxTMUM srzE.I C. ATTERNATE FOR VENT PIPE ONLI: ABS,/DWV PER UPCI 1988. I 2. JOINTS: r A. HECHANICAL! SLIP FIT WITH LUBRICANT AND COM-- PRESSION TOOL, FLEX RING TO CONFORM TO ASTM C_564. I B. soLDERz 95/5 (TrN-ANTrHoNy) oR gs.s/4/.5 I (TIN-COPPER-SILVER) OVER FLUXED PIPE AND FITTINGS. I C. NO-HUB: CORROSION RESISTANT CLAHP ASSEMBLY I OVER FLEX SEALING SLEEVE CONFORMING TO ASTM C_5b4. I B. Hor AND coLD r.rATER:I 1. MATERIAL: TYPE I'LX HARD-DRAWN COPPER TUBING. TYPE I rrHrr HARD-DRAIIN coppER TUBTNG HAy BE usED hIrrHrN RESTDENTTAL uNrrsI DOWNSTREAM OF MAIN SUPPLY SERVICE VALVE AT UNIT. I 2. JOINTS: REAM TO FULL DIAI{ETER, APPLY FLUX TO pIpE I ON PIPE SI{ALLER THN{ 11./2I'AND TO PIPE Ar{D FITTINGS ON SIZESovER 1 L/zn. USE 95/5 (TrN-ANTrr{ONy) OR 95.5/4/.5 (TrN-COppER- SILVER) NO LEAD SOLDER AIID APPROPRIATE HEAT. r 3. FrrrrNcs! r25 psr soLDER JorNT coppER oR BRAss FITTINGS OR ADAPTORS. USE INSULATING UNIONS AT ALL CONNECTIONSI BETWEEN STEEL, BRASg, BRONZE, rRON, AND COppER prpE.I I ARTINIAN RESIDENCE JULY, 1990 15{OO - 1r I I I r c. HYDRONIC HEATING: r 1. IiATERTAL: TypE rrMn HARD-DRAWN coppER TUBTNG. cAL- VAIIIZED PIPE PROHIBITED. IRON PIPE REQUIRES PRIOR APPROVAL.I I 2. JOINTS: REAM TO FULL DIAHETER, APPLY FLUX TO PIPE ON PIPE SMAI.ILER THAI{ 11,/2'I AND TO PIPE AND FITTINGS ON SIZESI OVER 1 t/2tt. USE 50/50 SOLDER AND AppRopRrATE HEAT. I 3. FITTIN.': rz5 psl soLDER JorNT coppER oR BRAss r FTTTTNGS OR ADAPTORS. USE TNSULATTNG UNTONS AT ALL CONNECTIONS I BET9TEEN STEEL OR IRON AND COppER prpE. . D. EQUIP}'TENT DRAINS ! I 1. MATERIAL: TYPE IIHN HARD-DRA}'N COPPER WITH TEE AND REMOVABLE PLUG AT EVERY CHANGE IN DIRECTION. I r 1.o2 vaL\rBs AND prprlfc spBcrar-rTrBs! I A. VALVES: SHALL BE WAIWORTH, CRANE, STOCKHAI'i, KENNEDY,! RED e 9JHITE' HAI'{MOND OR .]ENKINS, IN ACCORDANCE l.tITH THE FOLLOVIING SCHEDULE, EXCEPT AS OTHER$TTSE NOTED: I 1. coppER pIpE: I A. GATE VATVE: BRONZE, I{EDGE DISC, TAPERED SEAT,I RISING STEH, SCRESTED BONNET, 125 LB. S.W.p., 200 LB. W.O.c., HAMMOND NO. 18-635. I B. cLoBE vALvE: BRoNzE, w.o.c. Drsc, RrsrNcr sTEl'!, scREwED BONNET, t'25 LB. s.lt.P., 200 LB. w.o.c., HAI{I{OND No.18-440. I C. CHECK VALVE: BRONZE, w.O.c. RENEWABTE DISC,15 DEGREE SlIrNc cHEcK, y PATTERN, HAMMOND NO. 18-941. I D. BALL VALVE: ALL BRoNzE INCLUDING BALL, TEFLONr SEAT, I{INII{UH ?2t poRT, HAMMOND NO. 805. E. SILENT CHECK VALVE: WILTIAMS-HAGER.I 2. FERROUS PIPE: I A. GATE VALVE 2r' AND SilAttER: IRON BODY BRONZE HOUNTED, SOLID WEDGE, RISINc STEM, SCREWED, 150 LB. S.W.p., 225_ LB. $t.O.c., wAL[roRTH S?11. r B. cATE vALvE 2 r/2n AND LARcER! rRoN BoDy BRONZE MOUNTED, SOLID T{EDGE, RISING STEM, FLANGED (SCRET{ED OP-I TToNAL To 3. srzE), :-2s LB. s.t{.p., 2oo LB. w.o.c., t{ALttoRTHI f719F. I ARTTNTAN RESTDEIfCE Jrrly, 1990 15400 _ 2 I r C. GLOBE vAtVE 2'r AND SHALLER: IRON BODY BRONZE - HOUNTED, SEMI-PLUG DISC AND SEAT, RISING STEI'I, UNION BONNET, I{AI,WORTH *235, s.ht.p., 250 LB. w.o.c.I I D. GLOBE VALVE 2 L/ZN AND LARGER: IRON BODY BRONZE MOUNTED, YOKE TOp, RTSING STEI!, 125 LB. S.W.p., 200 LB. I $t.O.c., I{AL}|ORTH *906. r E. cHEcK vAtv' 2' AND 'MALLER: A'JL rRoN, 'I{ING- CHECK, 250 LB. }I.O.G., ITAITWORTH l+904. II F. cHEcK vALvE 2 L/2x AND LARGER: rRoN BoDy BRONZE MOUNTED, SI.tINc CHECK (SCREWED OPTIONAL TO 3n SIZE) , L25I LB. s.w.p., 200 LB. w.o.c., wAL$roRTH l92BF.t 3. REFER TO SYMBOL LEGENDS ON DRAWINGS FOR TYPE. r 8. pIprNG SPECIALTTES AND ACCESSORTES: 1. AUTOHATIC AIR VENT: ARMSTRONG lt2lAR OR 21c WITH I 1./4'r coppER TUBING TO NEAREST DRAIN POINT.I r 2. I{ANUAL AIR VENT: CRANE No. 702 COCK. I 3. DRAIN VALVES: CRANE NO. 451 (1'r FOR LINES TO 5r',2II FOR LINES 5It AND UP). Ir 4. STRAINER: CAST BRONZE, WYE PATTERN, I,,IALWORTH *3599L/2 oR rRoN BODY r{YE PATTERN, CRANE NO. 989 t,/2. PROVIDE BLOI{- OFF FOR EACH STRAINER PIPED TO NEAREST FLOOR DRAIN.I I 5. TEsr wELL: TEMeERATURE AND pREssuRE TEsr pr,uci PETERSON BRAND, Z VALVE CORE. PROVIDE ONE BIHETAI., DIAL THERMOHE- I TER 0 TO 22O DEGREE RANGE AND ONE L/4x N.p.T., erITH PRESSURE T GAUGE ADAPTER (DAVIS AND DAVIS OF DENVER, }IANUFACTURERIS REPRE_SENTATM). PROVIDE ONE PRESSURE GAUGE PER PARAGRAPH 6 BELOTI (0- I 100 psrc). THERMOMETER PROBE TO FIT TEST pLUc. I 6. pREssuRE cAucE: MAR'HALLT.I'N ,,pERMAcAcE'r oR TRER-ICE NO. 500x, 4 t/zt DIAL, STITH CRNTE NO. 8g NEEDLE VALVE FOR I EAcH GAUce, iuus srpHoN FoR EAcH srEAH GAUGE. DrAr. RANGE Asr NoTED ON DRAIIINGS. WEKSLER, O.A.E. PERHANENTLY MOUNT GAUGES AS INDICATED ON DRAttINcS. I 7 . THERUoMETERS: 9 INCH scALE, RED MERCURY-FILLED COLUHN, EXPANSION HEADS TO PROTECT AGAINST EXTREHE HEAT, SEPARA- r BtE SOCKET WELL, STEMS AS REQUIRED FOR EASE IN READTNG FROM I FLOOR . MARSHALLTOWN, TRERICE, ttEKStJER, DURO, O. A. E. 8. UNIONSz 2 t/2tt A}ID SMALLER, GROUND JOINT TYPE; 3rl I alfD LARGER, FLANcE uNroNs.I I ARTTNTAN RESIDENCE JULy, 1990 15400 - 3 I I I I I I T I I I t I I I I I t I I 9. EXPANSION JOINTS:SLIP GUIDES AND ANCHORS AS SHOWNFIED ON DRA}'INGS. C 6 H IIFLEXONICS'' O.A.E. 9IITH ON DRAWINGS. ALTERNATE: sPEcI- 1.03 PLI.'}iBII{G FIXTI'RES AIID TRIH: A. GENERAL: EACH FIXTURE SHALL HAVE A SHUT-oFF vALvE ATTHE FIXTURE AD.'USTED TO PREVENT EXCESSIVE FLOWS. SUPPTIES SHALLBE BROUGHT FROM THE WALL WHEREVER POSSIBLE. INSTALL ALL FIXTURESCOHPLETE hrrrH ALIJ REQUIRED WATER, IdAsrE AND VENT coNNEctroNs, IIITIIGS' TRrN' suPPoRTs' FAUCETb, vAtvEs AND rRAps. ALL ExposEDFAUCETS, FITTINGS, PIPE, TRIH, ESCUTCHEONS, ETC. AT FTXTURESSHALL BE CHRoHE-PLATED BRAss, uNtEss orHERgfrsE NorED oR spEcr-FIED. ALL FAUCETS SHALL HAVE RENET{ABLE UNITS, SEAT AND BARREL. B. FIXTURE LIST: PLUMBING FIXTURES ARE SPECIFIED ON THEDRAWINGS. SEE SECTION 15010 FOR SUBSTITUTIONS AND EQUIPMENT LISTSUBHITTALS. EQUIVALENT FIXTURES BY AHERICAN STANDARD, KOHLER,AND ELJER DO NOT REQUIRE APPROVAL TO BID. C. PIPE SIZES! INSTALL HAINS OF THE SIZES SHOWN ON THEDRAb'INGS. PIPING CONNECTIONS TO FIXTURES (BRANCHES) SHALL BE ASFOLLOI{S, UNLESS OTHERTdISE NOTED: FI XTURE I{ATER CLOSET, F.V. SIATER CLOSET, F.T. LAVS URINAIJS, F.V. BATHTUBS & SHO}IERS KITCHEN SINKS WtTH DISHI.TASHER SOIL,/I.TASTE VENT TRAP HOT qOtD 4rl 4n L 1/21' 2tl 2tl 1rt L/2n l/2( t/211 3/ 4n L/2n !/2n 3/ 4tt L/2n 2rt 2ut L/2x t 1,/2nI L/ztt ztlL L/zn ztl ztt L L/ 2x 2tl D. PLUMBTNG ACcEsSoRIEg: (EQUIVALENT ACCESsoRIEs By JOSAM,ZURN AND SMITH DO NOT REQUIRE APPROVAL TO BID. ) 1. CLEANOUTS: A. PROVIDE SCREWED BRASS CLEANOUTS IN ALL HORI-ZONTAL PIPING BELOW FLOORS AT INTERVALS NOT TO EXCEED lOO FBET,AS INDICATED ON DRAWINcsi AS REOUIRED By CODE. B. PROVIDE CLEANOUT AT BASE OF EACH VERTICAIJsorl' llAsrE, VENT on RATNWATER srAcK. cLEANour wrrH poLIsHED BRASS COVER FLUSH TO SURFACE. USE ZURN NO. Z-LA5O-} COVER FORTIALLS Al{D ZURN NO. Z-L455-7 COVER FOR FLOORS. 2. Sl{oCK ABSORBERS: ZURN SHOKTROL SERIES t?00, SIZEAND LOCATION AS INDICATED ON THE PLUMBING PLANS. ARTINIATI RESIDENCE JULY, 1990 r.5400 - 4 I 3. FLOOR DRAIN': UNLES' OTHERITISE NOTED, ZURN NO. 415coATED cAsT IRON _IlggR DRATN, rwo precn BoDy, BOTToM ouTLET rN_SIDE CAULK CONNECTION, NO.TUSiMiU UTCTEL-BRONZE ROUND SUPER-FLOSTRAINER, EXCEPT TILE FLOORS USE SQUARE STRAINER. 4. AREA DRAIN: As NoTED oN DRA$TINGS. 1-0{ AocBss PLATES: AccEss pLATEs sHALL BE pRrME_coATED srEELFOR PAINTED }IALLS.-AND SHALL Ai-iOi'TPPED ITITH ALLEN KEY TOCKINGDEVICE. ALL OTHER ACCESS PIAIPi-ATTD PANELS SHALL BE APPROVED BYARCHITECT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 1.O5 OTHBR }IATBR,IALS: ALL oTHER MATERIALS, NoTDESCRIBED, BUT REOUIRED FOR A COT,IPIPTP AND PROPER!!AIL BE NEW, FIRST QUALITY FOR THEIR RESPECTIVETO THE APPROVAL OF THE ARCHITECT, AND INCLUDED INTRACT. PART 2.OO--EXECUTION I 2.ol sEE sncrroN r5oro. t I ARTINIAI{ RESIDENCE SPECIFICAI.,LY I NSTALLATION, KINDS, SUBJECT THE BASE CON- I 2.O2 PLUI{BING SISTEH I.AYOUT: A. GENERAL: 1. LAYOUT THE PLUMBING SYSTE}I IN CAREFUL COORDINATIONI{rrH THE DRAt'rrNcs' DETERMTNTNG pRopER ELEvATToNs FoR ALL coMpo-NENTS OF THB SYSTEM N{D USING ONLY THE MINIMUM NUI.,BER OF FITTINGSTo pRoDucE A sATrsFAcroRrLy punciroNrNc sysrnM. 2. FOLLOW THE GENERAL LAYOUT SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS INALL CASES EXCEPT AS REOUIRED TO COORDINATE AVAILABLE SPACE WITHOTHER TRADES. B' ENcLosuRE oF prpEs: ExcEpr WHERE spEcrFrcALrJy pERMrrrEDBY THE ARCHITECT, I.AYOUT ET,T, PTPPS TO FAI.L *'ITHIN PARTITION,CEILING, OR ROOF CAVITIES. -EUiNiNC OTHER THAN THAT SHOI{N ON THEDRAT{INGS IS NOT PERMITTED WTTTTOUT PRIOR ARCHITECTURAL APPROVAL. C. FREEZE PROTECTION! DRAWINGS ARE DIAGRAMI.TATIC. ROUTEPIPING TO AVOID FREEZE UP. I JULY, 1990 15400 - 5 I I 2.O3 IilSTAI.LATION OF PIPING ATID EOUIPT{ENT: A. GENERAT: 1. INSTALL ALL PIPING TO CONSTANT SLOPE OR GENERALLYLEVEL AND PLUMB AS REQUIRED BY USAGE AND HEREIN, FREE FROM TRAPS,A}ID IN A MANNER TO CONSERVE SPACE FOR OTHER },ORK. 2. PROVIDE UNIFORM PITCH OF AT LEAST 1/4 INCH PER FOOTFOR 3n AND SI{ALLER, 1,/8rt pER FOOT FOR 4tl AND LARGER FOR ALLHoRrzoNTAt ltAsrE, sort, AND RooF DRAINAGE PrprNG [IrrHIN THEBUILDING; PITCH ALL vENTs FoR PRoPER DRAINAGE; INSTALL VENTPIPING }'ITH EACH BEND 45 DEGREES MINIMUM TROH THE HORIZONTALT{HERE\1ER STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS WILL PERMIT. 3. CUSHION ALL TRAPS AND BEARING POTNTS TO HINIMIZETRANSFER OF SOUNDi PROVIDE COHPTETE ISOLATION OF DISSIMILARHETALS $IrrH DrELEcrRrc uNIoNsi ANcHoR pIpING AND rNsrALL ExpAN-SION GUIDES TO PROVIDE FOR UNIFORM THERMEL MOVEHENT OF PIPEWITHOUT EXCESSIVE STRESS OR NOISE AND TO PROTECT SYSTEH INTEGRITYFROH EXCESSIVE PRESSURE AND WATER HN,IHER. 4. INSPECT EACH PIECE OF PIPE, TUBING, FITTINGS ANDEOUTPHENT FoR DEFEcrs AND oBsrRucrloNsi pRoltprLr REHovE ALLDEFECTIVE MATERIAL FROM THE JOB SITE. 5' rNsrALL PrPEs ro ctJEAR ALL, BEAlrs AND oBsrRucrroNsiDO NOT CUT INTO OR REDUCE THE SIZE OF IOAD CARRYING MEMBERSWITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE ARCHITECT. B. JOINTS AIID CONNECTIONS: 1. SMOoTHLY REAH ALL cUT prpE; cUT ALL THREADSSTRAIGHT AND TRUEj APPTJY BEST QUALITY TEFLoN TAPE To MALE PIPETHREADS; USE GRAPHITE oN ALL CLEANoUT PLUGS. 2. COMPRESSION-TYPE NEOPRENE JOINTS FOR WASTE PIPINGARE PREFERRED AS SPECIFIED HEREIN. 3. MAKE AI.L JorNTs IN coppER TUBE nrrH soLDER AppLrEDIN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE HANUFACTURER'S RECOI.{MENDATIONS.USE 95l5 (TIN-ANTIMONY) OR 95.5/4/.5 (TIN-COPPER-SILVER) NON-LEADOR SIMILAR ON ALL ABOVE GRADE COPPER PIPING. SILVER SOLDER(BRAZED) JOTNTS ON ALL BELOW GRADE COPPER PIPING. END OF SECTION ARTINIAN RESIDENCE I t I I I I I JULY, 1990 15400 - 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I SECTION 15500--PIRE PROTECTIOil SYSTEil PTRT 1.OO--GBNERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION: A.GENERAL: THE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM SHALL BE INSTALLED UNDER ADESTGN/BUTLD coNcEPT AllD sHALL coNsrsr oF THE spRINKLER sygrEH,ADIY AND AI.,L ASSOCIATSD APPURTENN{CES FULLY COORDINATED }TITHIN AI.LOTHER SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURE IN THIS PROJECT. INCLUDE FULL DESIGNcALcuLATroNs $rrrH sHoP DRAIJTNGS PREPARED, REvrEt{ED, AND SEALED ByA REGISTERED ENGTNEER FULLY QUALIFIED UNDER STATE REGULATIONS. B. SECURE ALL NECESSARY APPROVALS FOR A COHPLETE FIRE PRO-TECTION AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEH ACCEPTABLE TO THE FIRE RATINGBUREAU AND FIRE MARSHALL,/DISTRICT HAVING JURISDICTION, AND INAccoRDANcE ttrrH THE STANDARDS sET FoRTH rN THESE spEcrFrcATroNs. I.O2 OUALITY ASSI'RNICE: ouAlrFrcATroNs oF TNSTALLERS: THE ENTTRE FrRE pRorEcrroNAUTOHATIC SPRINKLER STSTEH SHALL BE FABRICATED, INSTAIJIJED ANDTESTED BY A CONTRACTOR SPECIALIZING IN SUCH SYSTEHS. IF REQUIREDwrrHrN JURIsDrcrroN oF PRoJEcr' coNTRAcroR sHALt BE A LTCENSEDSPECIALI ST. 1.03 DESIGN/BUILD RBSPOilSTBILITI: REGARDLESS OF ANYTHING SPECIFIED HEREIN, NOTED ON THE ARCHI-TECrS,/ENGINEER REvrEtt, oR $TATED VERBALLY oR IN hrRrrrNG DURTNGCONSTRUCTION, THE DESIGN/BUILD CONTRACTOR IS TOTALLY RESPONSIBLET{ITHOUT RESERVATION FOR HIS DESIGN AND FOR COOPERATION AND COOR-DINATION I'ITIT THE DESIGN DIRECTION ESTABLISHED BY THE CONTRACTDOCUMENTS. At{Y AREAS OF DISAGREEI,TENT HUST BE RESOLVED PRIOR TO COHMENC-rNG ANY t{oRK oR ORDERING oF HATERTAL,S. THE sysrEM HUsr BE RE-vrEI.tED sATrsFAcroRrLy By ALL AGENcrEs,/DrsrRrcrs,/BrDDrNc oFFr-CIALS,/INSURAIiICE RATING AND OWNER' S,/LESSEES INSURANCE CO}IPANIESAND/OR REPRESENTATIVES. ANT CONTRACTOR SUBMITTING A PROPOSAL FOR THE FIRE PROTECTIONSTSTEMS ACCEPTS TOTAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR HIS SYSTEMS BOTH INTHEIR PERFORMANCE AS STATED ABOVE A}ID HEREIN AND FOR THEIR ADE-QUATE PROTECTION FROM ANY DA}.{AGE AND FOR THE RESULTING DAHAGEFROM ANY FAILURE, OF THEIR SYSTEM DUE TO FREEZING. ARTINIAN RESIDENCE JULY, 1990 15500 - 1 I I t 1.0{ ouTsrDE ALART{ I PROVIDE FIRE PIPE STUB CONSISTING OF U.L. APPROVED FLOW I SI'ITCH AND ZONE VALVE FOR EACH FLOOR. I t.o5 DRAmFFs AND DRATNsI INSTALL SPRINKTER BRANCHES AND PIPING TO DRAIN TO THE MAINI RISER OR TO DRAINS IN THE EUILDING. PROVIDE A 2't DRAIN AND TESTI LINE ON SUPPLY RISER T{ITH 2II VALVED DISCHARGE PIPE RUNNING TOFLOOR DRAIN. f 1.06 pIpE, FITTItfcs AltD I{ANGERS I PrPE AND FITTTNG' 'HALL BE trsrED rN NF'A pAr{pHLET nr3 ANDI DESIGNED TO I{ITHSTAND A I'ORKING PRESSURE OF NOT LESS THAN 175PSI. AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION TO HAVE FINAI. APPROVAL OFI PIPING AIID F'ITTING MATERIAL. HANGERS U.L. APPROVED.I I 1. O? vAL\rBS I A. .ATE vALvEs: u.L. AppRovED. up ro 2,,; scREwED, BRoNzEBODY' soLrD stEDcE, o.s. & y. t?5 psr NoN-sHocK c.w. snnvrcs-t-- :r 1,/2'r AND LARGER; ilaHeno, rRoN BoDy, BRoNzE MouNTED, DouBLE Drsc,t o.s. e Y. 175 PSI NON_SHOCK C.$J. I B' BUTTERFtY vALvEs: u.L. AppRovED. rRoN BoDy, L?5 psr I RATED' LUG TYPE, t{tTH POSITIoN INDICATOR AND PADLOCKING DEyICE. c' cHEcK vALvEs: u.L. AppRovED. rRoN BoDy, BRoNzE TRrM,r HoRTzoNTAL SI{ING CHECK [{ITH RENEWABTTE BRONZE SEAT AND RrNcs, L75r psr NoN-sHocK c.w. sERvrcE up ro 2x scREwED, z_L72n AND LARGERFLANGED. I D. cLoBE vALvEs: u.L. AppRo\lED. BRoNzE scREwED, cLAssL25,200 LB. lt.o.c. I 1.08 SPRINKLBR HEADS I A- To BE FrRE uNDERwRrrERs AppRovED 'TANDARD spRAy spRrN-. KLER HEADS, NOMINAL TEUPERATURE RATINGS EXCEPT 9IHERE HIGH TEHPER-ATURE HEADS ARE REQUIRED. HEADS TO BE CHROME PTATED IN AI-,L AREAI EXCEPT: t B. FURNTSH EXTRA HEADS ENCTOSED rN srEEL CABTNET, NUMBER rN- ACCORDANCE I'trrH NFPA NO. 13 RECOMHENDATION, rN ADDrrroN To HEADSI FURNISH Tt{o spEcrAL spRtNKLER HEAD WRENCHES.r I ARTININT RESIDENCE JUIJI, l99O 15500 _ 2 I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I t I I C. DESIGN. CRITERIA! THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM IS BASED ON THE FOLLOT'ING THE SYSTEM SHALL BE HYDRAULICALLY CALCULATED BY THECONTRACTOR TO I.IEET NFPA LIGHT HAZARD T{ITH A DENSITY OF 0.1 GPI,{OVER THE REHOTE 15OO SOUARE FEET. MAXII{UH COVERAGE PER SPRINKLERTO BE 225 SQUARE FEET. PROVIDE SHOP DRAI{INGS SUB}IITTALS INCLUDING CALCULATIONSAIID DRAITINGS SHOT.TING AREAS CALCULATED ALoNG NoDAL PoINTs USED INCALCULATIONS. r.09 TESTING UPON COilPLETION OF THE FIRE SPRINKTER SYSTEH INSTALLATION,FURNTSH ALL PERSONNEL AND EQUIP}TENT REOUIRED AND TEST AND RETESTTHE COMPLETE sYsrEu' l'tAKrNG ALL ADJUSTMENTS NEcEssARy ro sEcuREAPPROVALS. PROVIDE COPIES OF TEST FORMS FOR SYSTEM HANUAL. I.10 ACCEPTATCE AFTER THE FIRE SPRINKLER STSTEU HAS BEEN COI{PLETELY AP-PROVED, SECURE A LETTER OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE FROM THE FIRE MAR-SHALL/DISTRICT HAVING JURISDICTION AND DELIVER THREE COPIES OFTHE LE"TER TO THE ARCHITECT. END OF SECTION ARTINIAN RESIDENCE JULY, 1990 15s00 - 3 I I SECTION 15600--HEAT GENERATION: I I prRT 1.OO__GEilBRAL I 1.OI RBLATED T{ORI( DESCRIBED ELSET'HERE: I 1 . PLUI,IBING: sEcTIoN 15400 2. INSULATION: SECTION 15180I I.O2 TNSTALLATION OF EQUIPHENT AIID ASSOCIATED PIPING: I A. GENERAL: I RrsE uNr'eiprll ;#'il:.ii,l3$'i$",#';fr; i#l"l,"g#X;'lilf8,*"IN ELEVATION PROVIDE ACCESSIBLE MANUAL ATN VNXTS AT THE HIGHr POINTS. r z. REFER ALso ro sEcrIoN l5rtoo. I 1.03 FLUSHING oP HEATING sYsTEI{s: I A. GENERAL: Ir srAlLArro{fu li!:8"+ilR,$E'il^'Tlilf.";fiBil l;E,jls,;-l?*"I$,iH;"-r rroN SEQUEN.E, PoRTroNs oF sysrE's MAy BE sEpARATELy rEsrED.r WRITTEN vpnrpicatrolr-dF rEsrrNG To BE srcNED By pRoJEcr sup'Rvr-SOR AND SUBUITTED TO ARCHITECT. r B. FLUSHIN.T THoRoucHLy .LEAN AND FLU'H HEATTNG sysrE'T{ITH HEATED TRI-SODIUM PHOSPHATE SOr,UrrOX. I END OF SECTION I I I 15600 - 1 I ARTINIAN RE'IDEN.E JULY, 1990 I t SECTION 15800--AIR DI8TRIBUTION : PART 1.OO--GENERAL 1.01 RELATBD TIORK DBSCRIBED BLSET{HERE INSULATION: SECTIoN 151801. 1.02 FANS: A. FURNISH AND INSTALL FAI{S AS SHO9JN AND SPECIFIED ON THEDRAWINGS. EACH FAI{ SHALL BE FURNISHED T{ITH FACTORY VIBRATIONrsoLAToRs' STARTERS AND DrscoNNEcr sltrrcHEs, AND coNTRoLLED AsSHOWN ON THE DRA}'INGS OR DESCRIBED HEREIN. 1.03 DUCTTFRK: A. HATERIAL: 1. LOI' VELOCITY DUCTWORK: A. RIGID DUCT MATERIAL: zINc-coATED SHEET STEELOF THICKNESSES LISTED IN ASHRAE GUIDE AND DATA BOOK, EQUIPMENT,LATEST EDITION. B. FLEX DUCT UATERIAI: owENs,/coRNING UL clAss IAIR DUCT RATED FLEX, O.A.E. (MAXIMUH LENGTH 8r-0r' uNLESS RE-STRICTED BY LOCAL CODE. ) C. WoRKMANSHIP: IN ADDITIoN To THE REQUIREHENTSSPECIFIED IN SECTION 15010: (1) JoINTS: METAL TO METAL sLIp JOINTS (ROUNDDUcr) SHALL Nor BE usED wITHour pRtoR AppRovAt, oF THE ENGTNEER.}IHEN APPROVED, JoINTs SHALL HAVE MINIMUH oF oNE METAT scRElJ pER1OII OF CIRCUMFERENCE AND SHATL BE TAPED. ALL OTHER }IETAL JOINTS SHALL BE PER SHACNA STANDARDS. JOINTS ONExPosED DUcrwoRK SHALIT HAVE No sHARp coRNERs oR EDcEs. 'rDucrHATEII JOINTS ARE AN APPROVED JOINING HETHOD. (21 DUCT LAYOUT: METAL DUCT SHALL 8E USED FoRALL FITTINGS AND DUCTWORK. (3) STANDARDS: ASHRAE AND SMACNA. UANUALS ANDASSOCIATED LITERATURE AVAILABTJE FOR REFERENCE AT ENGINEER.sOFFICE. NOTE PARTICULARLY 1988 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE SPECIFI-CATIONS FOR RANGE HOOD DUCTWORK BASED ON CLASS OF HOOD. t ARTTNTAN RE'TDEN.E JULy, 1990 15800 - 1 t ( 4 ) FLEX DUCT SHALL BE SUPPORTED FROI,I STRUCTUREI ADEOUATELY TO AVOID UNNECESSARY BENDS OR SAGS. MINIHU}I 3,/4''BNTDS SHAI-,L BE USED (IIIRE SUPPORT NOT APPROVED). I 1.OI DUCT ACCESSORIES: I A. FURNT'H AND rNsrALL THE FoLLowrNG Acc'ssoRrEs *HERE ' SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS: 1. AI.L NON-OUTSIDE AIR DA}IPERS NOTED AS oPPosED BLADEI :H4! -BE tOI.T LEAKAGE TYPE WITH CERTTFIED LEAKAGE RATES LESS THAII5 SCFM PER SOUARE FOOT O 1'' W.G. PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAT. 2. BACK DRAFT DAMPERS SHALL BE RUSKIN TYPE BD2,/A1 ,I O.A.E. 3. TURNING VANES SHALL BE PREASSEHBLED OR CONTRACTORI FASRICATED IN ACCORDANCE S'ITH SMACNA MANUAL STANDARDS AND TOENGINEERIS APPROVAL. r 'ARALLEL 'lio'Tl 3iil:f5'"ll3rnl3'Srl$rgll?:'D BLADE 'HALL BE I 1.05 GRILLES, REGISTERS AlfD DIFFUSBRS: I A' FURNT'H AND IN'TALL GRILLE', REcrsrERs AND DrFFusERs AsI SPECIFIED oN DRAI.IINGS. I 1.06 DUCT SYSTEH LAYouT: A. GENERAL: I 1. LAY'UT THE AIR DI'TRIBUTI.N sYsTEM IN .AREFULCOORDINATION T.'ITH THE DRAWINGS, DETERI{INING PROPER ELEVATIONS FORI ALL coMPoNENTs oF THE sysrgx AND usrNc oNLy rHE HTNTHUM NUuBER oFI ELLS AND TRANSITIONS TO PRODUCE A SATISFACTORILY FUNCTIONTNGSYSTEM. 2. FOLLOW THE GENERAI. LAYOUT SHOI{N ON THE DRASIINGS.r cooRDTNATE ltrrH ALL TRADES suFFrcrENTLy rN ADVANCE oF TNsTALLA-TION TO AVOID RET{ORK. BRING CONFLICTS TO ARCHITECTIS ATTENTIONI IN SUFFICIENT TIHE TO AVOID DELAY IN T{ORK PROGRESS.I END OF SECTION! I END OF DMSION I ARTINIAN RESIDENCE JULY, 1990 15EOO _ 2 I SECTION 16 ELECTRIC.AL THE DRAI{INGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THIS PROJECT ARE PROTECTED UNDER THE COHMON LAW COPYRIGHT. COPYRTGHT Q 1990 YODER ENGINEER-ING CONSULTANTS,INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SECTION 15010--GENERAL PROVISIONS : PTRT 1. OO--GBIIER,IL 1. 01 PROVISIOT{S: A. }TORK PERFORMED UNDER THIS DIVISION OF THE SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONFORH TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF'DIVISION 1, AND THE ELECTRI- CAL DRAI{INGS At{D ALL ITEHS HEREINAFTER SPECITIED. 1. DRAS'TNGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE ELECTRICAL WORK ARE INTENDED TO DESCRIBE A CoHPLETE ELECTRICAL sYsTEHi oI,IIssIoN OT' MINOR ITEMS OBVTOUSLY NECESSARY TO ACCOMPLISH THE ABOVE INTENT SHALL NOT RELIEVE THE CONTRACTOR FROM FURNISHING AND INSTALLING SN{E. 2. PRIOR TO ANY WORK BEING PERFORHED UNDER THIS DIVI-sIoN EXAMINE ostNER's REPRESENTATIVE' STRUCTURAL, INTERIOR DESIGN,AND I'IECHANICAIJ DRAWTNGS AND SPECIFICATIONS At{D rF ANY DISCREPAN-CIES OCCUR BETT'EEN THEM AND THE ELECTRTCAL DRAI'INGS AND SPECIFI-cATIoNs, REPoRT sAltE To THE owNER's REPRESENTATIVE IN WRITING AND OBTAIN WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE WORK. 3. ELECTRICAL DRA}'INGS ARE DIAGRAHHATIC BUT SHAI,,L BE FOLLOI{ED AS CLOSELY AS ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUILDING I{ILLPERHIT. AI.L CHANGES FROH DRAI{INGS NECESSARY TO MAKE THE ELEC-TRICAL IIORK CONFORU TO THE BUILDING AS CONSTRUCTED SHALL BE I.IADE WITHOUT COST TO THE OWNER. 4. COORDINATE THE ELECTRICAL T.'ORK }IITH THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BE RESPONSIBLE TO HI}'T FOR SATISFACTORY PROGRESS OF SAME. COORDINATE ELECTRICAL WORK WITH ALL OTHER TRADES ON THE PROJECT }'ITHOUT COST TO THE O9'NER. 5. ALL WORK AND }.IATERIALS COVERED BY DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATTONS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO REVIEI{ AT ANY TIME BY REPRE- SENTATIVES OF THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. II' THE OWNER'S REPRE-SENTATIVE OR OU'NERIS AGENT FINDS ANY MATERIAL OR INSTALLATIONTHAT DoEs NoT coNFoRH To THESE DRAWTNGs AND sPEcrFrCATIoNs' CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE THE HATERIAL FRO}I THE PREMISES AND COR- RECT THE INSTAI.LATION TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE AGENT. ARTINIAN RESIDENCE I I I JULY, 1990 16010 - 1 I I 6. IN ACCEPTANCE OR REJECTION OF INSTALLED ELECTRICAL I SYSTEHS, NO ALI,O9TANCE WILL BE HADE FOR LACK OF SKILL ON THE PARTr OF THE INSTALLERS. I I I I t I I I I I I T t I I I ARTTNTAN RE'TDEN.E END OF SECTION JUL!, 1990 16010 - 2 I T I sEcTIOil 16020--rsoRK INCLUDED: I r PABA 1.OO--G:ENBRAL I 1.01 DESCRIPTION: I A. WORK INCLUDED: I THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM REQUIRED FoR THIS woRK IS To BE ASI INDICATED ON THE DRAT{INGS AND INCLUDES, BUT IS NOT NECESSARILY TIMITED TO: I l. coHpLETE BRANcH crRcurr lrrRrNG FoR LTGHTTNG, Mo-I TORS, RECEPTACLES, JUNCTION BOXES AND SIUILAR USES. I 2. TIGHTING FIXTURES, WALL SWITCHES, RECEPTACLES AI{D I STMTLAR TTEMS. r 3. SERVICE ENTRANCE, IIIRING AND OUTLETS FOR TELEPHONEI SYSTEM.r r sysTEM. 4. DESIGN,/BUILD 9TIRING AND OUTLETS FOR CABLE T.V. I 5. FIRE ALARH SYSTEM TO BE COI,IPATIBLE IIITH EXISTING I BUILDING SYSTEM AltD AS REOUIRED By NATIONATT, STATE, FIRE MAR- r SHALL, AND LOCAL CODES. I I I I I I I I ARrrNrAr{ RE'TDEN.E END OF SECTION JULy, 1990 15020 - 1 I r sEcTroN 15025--coDE8 AilD FE'88: I P,lBf 1- OO-_GEIERAL t 1.01 coDBs: I A. IN ADDITION TO COMPLYING }TITH ALL PERTINENT CODES AND REGULATIONS, COMPLY b'ITH: . COHPANY ALL PERTINENT REOUIREMENTS OF THE SERVING UTILITY I z. NATToNAL ELEcTRTcAL coDE (N.E.c. ) LATEsT EDrrroNI ADOPTED BY AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION, 3. LOCAL CODES SUPPLEMENTING OR SUPERSEDING NATIONAL I CODES. I 4. REOUIREMENTS OF UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES FOR Att I ITEHS INSTALLED FOR I{HICH U.L. STANDARDS HAVE BEEN ESTABLTSHED. I 1.02 FEtss Al|D pERHITss I A. OBTAIN AlfD PAY FOR ALL NECESSARY PERHTTS, TNSPECTIONSI At{D CERTIFICATES THAT HAY BE NECESSARY FOR THE FULL COMPLETION OF t THE WORK. I 1.03 IN9PECTIONS:I A. NOTIFY PROPER AUTHORITIES }IHEN TIORK IS READY FOR INSPEC- I rroNs RE0UTRED By AppLTcABLE coDes, RULEs AND REcuLATroNs,T ALLO}'ING SUFFICIENT TIME FOR INSPECTIONS TO BE HADE WITHOUT HIN- DERING PROGRESS OF THE WORK. FURNISH TO THE O}'NER COPIES OF IN.I SPECTIoN CERTIFICATES oF ACCEPTANCE. I I END oF sEcrroN I I I t T ARTINIAN RESIDENCE JUI,T, 1990 16025 - 1 I r sEcTroN 15O30--TBSTS: I PART 1.OO--GBNERII, r 1.Ol TESTS! I A. UPON COHPLETION OF ALL IIORK AND ADJUSTMENT OF ALL EQUIP-I{ENTr PROVIDE COMPTETE OPERATIONAL TESTS OF ALL ELECTRICAL EOUIP-r ilENT pRovIDaD UNDER THIS DMSION. T 1. 02 IIARRNITI: T A. GUARANTEE THAT Att I{ORK GOVERNED BY THIS DIVISION SHALL BE FREE OF DEFECTS IN WORKMANSHIP, MATERIALS AND PARTS FOR A I PERIOD oF oNE (1) YEAR AFTER WRITTEN AccEpTANcE. REPAIR, REVTSE t AND REPLACE DEFECTS AS DTRECTED WrTH NO ADDTTTONAL COST TO THEOT{NER. (LN{PS AND FUSES ARE EXE}{PT. ) END OF SECTION I t I I I I I I t I t ARTTNTNT RE'TDEN.E ituLr, 1990 16030 - 1 I SBCTIOH 160'O--I DENTIFICATIOil : I P.IRT 1.OO-.GETBRAI, I I .01 DBSCR,IPTION: I A. IN ADDITION TO PROVTDTNG COLOR CODING FOR ALL WIRING INSTALLED UNDER THIS DIVISION, PROVIDE THE FOT,LOWING ELECTRICAL EOUIPUENT IDENTIFICATION : t 1. HouNT A TypEwRrrrEN DrREcroRy rNsrDE THE DooR oF EACH PANELBOARD TO TNCLUDE THE FOLLOT{ING INFORT{ATION: PA}IELBOARD I DESIGNATION, LOCATION OF },TAIN CIRCUIT BREN(ER OR DISCONNECT, I INDIVIDUAL CIRCUIT BREN(ER NUHBER AND CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION. END OF SECTION T I I T I I I I I I I I ARrrNrNr RE'TDEN.E JULY, 1.990 16040 - 1 I SECTION 16100--BAstc IATERTALS AltD HSTHODS: I EABI' 1.OO--GBITERALI I 1.o1 HATERTAL: I A. ALL ELECTRICAL MATERIAIJ SHALL BE NE9' AND OF THE QUALITY I AIID TYPE SPECIFIED. B. }IANUFACTURER AND CATATOG NUMBER SHOWN IN THESE SPECIFI- - CATIONS OR ON DRA9JINGS ARE INTENDED AS A GUIDE TO QUALITY. I EOUTVALENT I{ATERTALS AND EQUTPilENT OF OTHER MN{UFACTURERS WrLL BEr CONSIDERED PROVIDTNG SUCH SUBSTITUTIONS ARE REQUESTED IN T{RITING5 IIORKING DAYS PRIOR TO BID DATE. REQUESTS FOR SUBSTITUTION I APPRovAL sHALL BE sUBHITTED To rHE ori,NER,s REeREsENTATIvE rNI ACCORDANCE IIITH PROVISIONS OF DIVISION 1 OF THESE SPECIFICATIONS, AND SHALL INCLUDE ALL INFoRMATION NECESSARY To SUPPORT THE CLAIHI OF EOUMLENCY. It c. No ExrENsroN oF coMpLETroN DATE sHALL BE ALLoIIED FoR r TIME LOST IN CONSIDERATION, SHIPPING, OR INSTALLATION OF APPROVED I SUBSTTTUTIONS. REVTEI{ OF SUBSTITUTIONS SIGNTFTES GENERAT, E0UALITYI OF HATERIALS AIID EQUTPMENT ONI..Y. THIS REVIEI' DOES NOT RELIEVE THE CONTRACTOR OF RESPONSIBILITY FOR PROPER OPERATION OF THE SYSTEM, I COMPLIANCE }'ITH SPECIFICATIONS AND NECESSARY CHANGES DUE TO I DIMENSIONAL DIFFERENCES OR SPACE REQUIREMENTS. I L.Oz sHoP DRAr{rNcs:I A. SHOP DRAIIINGS REQUIRED I'OR THIS PROJECT ARE AS FOLLOWS: I 1. FIRE ALARM AND DETECTION SYSTEM I B. PLACE ORDERS FOR ALL EQUIPMENT IN TIME TO PREVENT ANY t DELAY IN coNsrRucrrou scHEDULE oR coMpLETroN oF pRoJEcr. IF ANy MATERIALS OR EOUIPHENT ARE NOT ORDERED IN TIME, ADDITIONAL I CHARGES HADE BY EQUIPHENT MANUFACTURERS TO COI{PLETE THETR EQUIP- I HENT IN TIME TO MEET CONSTRUCTTON SCHEDULE, TOGETHER WITH ANy- SPECIAL HANDLING CHARGES, SHALL BE BORNE By THE CONTRACTOR. I I I I t ARTTNTN{ RE'TDEN.E JULY, 1990 16100 - 1 I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t C. SHOP DRAWINGS: CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT SHOP DRAWING SUBHITTALS PROCESSED BY THE ENGINEER ARE NoT CHANGE oRDERS; THAT THE PURPOSE OF SHOP DRA}TING SUBHITTALS BY THE CONTRACTOR IS TO DEMONSTRATE TO THE ENGINEER THAT THE CONTRACTOR UNDERSTANDS THE DESIGN CONCEPT, THE HE DEMONSTRATES HIS UNDERSTANDING By IN- DICATING }'HICH EOUIPilENT AND HATERIAL HE INTENDS TO FURNTSH ANDINSTALL AND BY DETAILING THE FABRICATION AND INSTALLATION METHODS HE TNTENDS TO USE. CONTRACTOR FURTHER AGREES THAT IF DEVIATIONS, DISCREPANCIES, oR CONFLICTS BETIIEEN sHoP DRAIIING SUBHITTALS AllD CONTRACT DOCUHENTS IN THE FORH OF DESIGN DRAWINGS AND SPECIFI- CATIONS ARE DISCOVERED EITHER PRIoR To oR AFTER sHoP DRAT.TING SUBMITTALS ARE PROCESSED BY THE ENGINEER, THE DESIGN DRAWINGS ANDSPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONTROL AND SHALL BE FOLLO}TED. 1.03 As-BUILTS: A. DURING THE PROGRESS OF THE WORK, MAINTAIN AN ACCURATE RECORD OF THE INSTALLA"ION OF THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM. UPON COHPLE-TION OF THE ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION' TRANSFER ALL RECORD DATA TOBLUE-LIiIE PRINTS OF THE ORIGINAL DRAI.TINGS. AS A CONDITION OF ACCEPTANCE OF THE PROJECT, DELIVER TO THE OW}IER'S REPRESENTATIVE ONE COPY OF THE AS-BUTLT DRAT{INGS. 1.OI PRODUCT TTAIDLIilG: A. USE ALt MEANS NECESSARY TO PROTECT ELECTRICAL SYSTEH HATERIAI..S BEFORE' DURING AND AFTER INSTALLATION AND TO PROTECTTHE INSTAI,LED g'ORK AND MATERIAT,S OF AI.,L OTHER TRADES. B. IN THE EVENT OF DAMAGE, TI.TI.{EDIATELY MAKE ALL REPAIRS AND REPLACEI{ENTS NECESSARY TO THE APPROVAL OF THE OWNERIS REPRESENTA- TTVE AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. C. UPON COHPLETION OF ALL INSTALLATIONS, LAMPING AND TESTING, THOROUGHLY INSPECT ALL EXPOSED PORTIONS OF THE ELEC.TRICAL INSTALLATION AND COMPLETELY REMOVE ALL EXPOSED LABELS,SOIL, MARKINGS AND F'OREIGN MATERIALS. PTRT 2.OO--PRODUCTS 2.01 RACENAIS AlfD FITrINGS: A. CONDUIT: 1. CONDUITS SUBJECT TO MECHANICAL OTI{ER9'ISE REOUIRED BY CODE SHALL BE GALVANIZED OR INTERHEDIA?E HETAL CONDUIT; ALL oTHER CONDUIT HETALLIC TUBING. I 2. FLExIBLE METALLTc coNDUrr sHAr,LI VIBRATION OR OTHER REASONS DO NOT ALLOT{ SOLTD DA}.IAGE OR T{HERE RIGI D HEAVY I{ALL HAY BE ELECTRIC BE USED WHERE CONNECTIONS TO I ARTINIAN RE'IDEN.E JULy, 1990 15100 - 2 r l'toroRs' EQUTPMENT' ETc. THE usE oF FLEX SHALL BE HELD To At'ltNrMUM. I|HERE FiexrBLe METALLTc coNDUrr Is usED rN AREAs suB-I JEcr ro l'torsruRE' Pvc-coATED FLEX (sEAL-TrrE) SHALL BE usED.I I B. FITTINGS: t 1. usE sET-scREt{ oR coMpREssIoN FrrrrNcs FoR Ar.,L EMTCONDUIT. I 2. usE THREADED FrrrrNcs FoR ALL RrcrD coNDUrr. I C. OTHER RACE}IAYS :a 1. OTHER RACEWAYS AND FITTINGS SHALL BE AS SHOWN ONr THE DRAWTNGS. t 2.O2 I'IRE AiID C.ABLE: f A' VOLTAGE RANGE 24 TO 600: HIGH CONDUCTMTv coppeR,MOTSTURE-RESISTANT THERHO-PLASTIC TNSULATTON, 500 VOLT RATTNG. 2.O3 WIRB CONIIBCTIONS AND DEVICES: I A. ALL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS SHALI, BE EIJECTRICALTY ANDt MECHANTCALLY sEcuRE, usrNc THE FoLLonING HETHODS: 1. WIRE SIZE tt8 AND SHALLER--PRESSURE TYPE CONNECTOR8t (scoTcH-LOK) oR EOUTVALENT. 2, WIRE SIZE *6 AND TARGER--MECHANICAL OR COHPRESSIONI LUGS, BURNDY, T & B, Il.,sco oR EQuIVALENT. I 2.O1 ouTtBT BOXES:I A' ourLET BoxEs SHALL BE: oNE pIEcE srEEL, GALVANTZED,I srEEL crrY ELEcrRrc, APPtETON EIJEcrRrc, RAco oR AppRovEDI EourvALENT. ttHERE NMc CABLE oR ENT Is usED, pLAsrIc BoxEs AREACCEPTABLE. rr 2.O5 DBVrcEs: I A. DEvrcEs sHALL BE tEvrroN ',DEcoRA sERrEs,,.I I I I ARTTNTNT RE'TDEN.E 16100 - 3JULy, 1990 I I I I 2.06 DISCONNECTS: A. SAFETY SWITCHES SHALL BE HEAVY-DUTY, QUICK-MAKE, QUICK-BREAK I'IITH covER INTERtocK, FUSTBLE oR NoN-FUSIBLE, IN ENcLosuRETO SUIT TOCATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS. G.8., ITE, CHALLENGER, SQUARE D, CUTLER HAMMER OR APPROVED EOUIVALENT. PAR,T 3.OO--EXECUTIOT 3.01 COIIDUIT INSTALLATIOT|: A. MAKE CONDUIT BENDS $'ITH STANDARD CONDUIT ELBOWS OR CON-DUIT BENT TO NOT LESS THAN THE SAilE RADIUS. ALL BENDS SHATL BEFREE FROH DENTS OR FLATTENING. B. ALL FITTINGS IN }'ET PLACES, LOCATIONS EXPOSED TOVIEATHER, oR BURIED rN MAsoNRv, coNcRETE oR FILL, sHAtL BE WATER-TIGHT. C. CAP CONDUIT ENDS TO PREVENT ENTRANCE OF FOREIGNMATERIALS DURING CONSTRUCTION. D. RUN CONCEALED CONDUITS IN A DIRECT LINE. RUN EXPOSEDCONDUITS PARALLEL To, oR AT RtcHT ANGLES IIITH, LINES oF THEBUTLDTNG. rNsrALL Att coNDurrs AT LEAsr Grr AI.tAy FROM Hor I.IATERPIPES. E. SEAL ALL CONDUIT PENETRATIONS OF FIRE RATED ITALLS,FLooR, oR CEILINGS WITH "Doht coRNINc'r *2000 oR fl2o0L FIRE sTopSEALANT. 3.02 T{IRE I}ISTALLATION: A. BRANCH CIRCUIT CONDUCTORS SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: 1. FOR GENERAL APPLICATIoNS THRoUGH sIzE *8: TYPE NMcI{ITH THHN 90 DEGREE c WIRE AHD FULL sIzE cRoUND, oR TYPE THHN 90DEGREE C. 2. BRANCH CIRCUIT CONDUCTORS THROUGH SIZE TlO TO BEsoLID, ll8 AND LARGER STRANDED. 3. UNLESS TNDICATED ON THE DRAWTNGS, WrRE USED FORBRANCH CIRCUITS SHALL BE I+I2THHN-NMC PROTECTED BY 20 AMPERE CIR-CUIT BREAKERS. NUMBER OF WIRES IN A RUN ARE INDICATED BY SYMBOLSIN THE SYHBOL LEGEND. ARTINIAN RESIDENCEt JULY, 1990 16100 - 4 I I I I 4. THE DRAT{INGS INDICATE THE GENERAL DIRECTION OFROUTES OF BRANCH CIRCUIT HOME RUNS. CONTTNUE ALL SUCH HOME RUNSTO PA}IELS AS THOUGI{ THE ROUIES WERE COMPLETELY INDICATED. 5. CONDUCTORS SHALL BE CONTINUOUS FROM OUTLET BOX TOourLET Box, oR JUNcrroN Box' tJrrH No spl,rcBs ExcEpT rN sucHBOXES. I TERIN. o* 3*,-itil"l"l3;3""1,91*i*;-f:"l3i5i,HI'il,Tfr5$ iiiS;"r FROH CONDUITS. 3.03 OUTLET IilSTALLATION: A. CHECK ARCHITECTURAL AND HECHANICAL DRAT{INGS BEFORErNsrAlr.,tNc ourLETs. CHANGTNG oF ourLETs ro coNFoRr.r ro rHEsEDRAI'INGS AND ANY OTHER SLIGH? CHANGE IN I{OUNTING HEIGI{T OR LOCA-TION OF OUTLETS REQUIRED SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS A PART OF THISCONTRACT. USE OUTLET BOXES OF SUFFICIENT SIZE AND SHAPE TO BESTSUIT THE PARTICULAR LOCATION AND TO CONTAIN THE ENCLOSED I{IRE ANDCONNEC?IONS TIITHOUT CROIJDING. SIZE ALL BOXES pER N.E.C. B. SS'ITCH AND RECEPTACLE OUTLET BOXES SHALL BE STN{DARDBOXES T{ITH COVER PLATES. 9THERE MORE THAN ONE S}'ITCH OR DEVICE ISLOCATED AT oNE PorNT, usE cANc BoxEs AND cANc covER pLATEs. c. FLUSH I'touNT LrcHTrNc sl.trrcHEs 4 | o" CENTERLTNE ABovEFINISHED FLOOR UNLESS OTHERV{ISE INDICATED. F'LUSH MOUNT WALL TYPERECEPTACLES AND orHER I.IALL MOUNTED TIRING DEvrcEs AND ourLETs oNEFOOT CENTERLINE ABOVE F'INISHED FLOOR UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. ARTINIAN RESIDENCE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I JULY, 1990 15100 - 5 ED!tDMD MD I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t 3.Ol ltoToRS, ]toToR STARTERS, EOUIPIIENT CONTROLS: stFETr DrscoNNEcTs, ltEcHAltIqaL A. UNLESS OTHERWISE TNDICATED, ALL HOTORS AND CONTROTSSHALL BE FURNISHED' sET IN PLACE AND WIRED rN AccoRDAllcE tlrTH THE FOLLO}TING SCHEDULE. (UD IS UECHN{ICAL DIVISION--ED IS ELECTRICALDrvrsIoN). ITEM FURNISHED SET IN PLACE WIREDUNDER OR HTD. ANDUNDER CON- NECTED UNDER EQUIPMENT HOTORS AND THERHAL oVERLOAD, RESISTANCE HEATERS (3) MAGNETIC STARTERS AND OVERLOAD RELAYS (3) DISCONNECT ST{ITCHES, FUSED OR UNFUSED, H.P. RATED ST{ITCHES, THERHAL OI/ERLOAD SI{ITCHES AND FUSES, MANUAL OPERATING swrTcHEs (3) THERHOSTATS, CONTROL RELAYS, CONTROL TRANS- FORMERS, CONTROL PANELS, MOTOR VALVES, DAIPER HOTORS, SOLENOTD VALVES (3} MD ED( 1) ED ED( 1) ED( 1 ) ED MD( 2 )MD(2) (1) IF FURNISHED AS PART OF FACTORY T,'IRED EQUIP-HENT, THEN I.IIRING AttD CONNECTIONS ONLY By ED. ( 2 ) IF LINE THERMOSTA'TS, P.E. SIJITCHES, TIMEst{rrcHEs' ETc., CARRY THE FULL LOAD CURRENT To ANY MoroR' THEY9HALL BE FURNISHED BY THE HECHANICAL DIvIsroN' BUT sHALt BE sETIN PLACE AND coNNEcTED UNDER THE EILECTRICAL DIvIsIoN' ExcEPT THAT T{HERE SUCH ITEUS ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE HECHANICAL EOUIP-HENT, OR DIRECTLY ATTACHED TO DUCTS, PIPING, ETC., THEI SHALL BESET IN, PLACE UNDER THE MECHANICAL DIVISION AND CONNECTED BY THEELECTRICAL DIVISION. IF THEI DO NOT CARRY THE FULL LOAD CURRENTTo ANY l{oToR, THEI SHALL BE FURNTSHED' sET rN PLACE AND WIRED UNDER THE T{ECHANICAL DIVISION. (3) THE ABOVE LIST DOES NOT ATTEMPT TO INCLUDEALIr cot{PoNENTs. ALL rTEMs NEcEssARy FoR A coHpLETE sysrEM SHALLBE INCLUDED IN THE BASE CONTRACT. 3.05 ELECTRICIL SUPPORTING DEVICES: I ARrrNrA* RE'TDEN.E JULY, 1990 16100 - 6 I r a. suPPoRT ALL pANEts, JUNcrroN BoxEs AND orHER ELEcTRTCALDEVICES IN A HAIINER AS REOUIRED BY THE N.E.C. USE EXTRA BRACING, I suPPoRTs, ETc. As NEcEssARy ro pRovrDE A pRopER AND suBsrANTrALI BASE TO TIHICH ALL ELECTRTCAL EOUIPMENT IS ATTACHED. END OF SECTION I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I T ARTINIAN RE'IDEN.E JULY, 1990 16100 - 7 I SBCTION 1550o--LIGHTING: PIR,T 1. OO--GEIIERAL A. PROVIDE AND INSTALL ALt INTERIOR LIGHTING TIXTURES WHERE SHOWN ON THE PLANS AND SPECIFIED ON THE INTERIOR DESIGN DRAS'INGS.ALL ITEHS SHATL BE PROVIDED TO HAI(E A COHPLETE AND OPERABLELTGHTING sYsrEH' TNCLUDING LAMPS, BALLAsrs, PoLEs, HANGERS,PAINTING, PLASTER FRAMES, ETC. B. FIXTURES SHALL BE AS SHOWN IN THE INTERIOR DESIGN DRAW-ING FIXTURE SCHEDULE. PIRT 2-00--PRODUCTS 2. 01 ITICANDBSCBIIT FIXTURES : A' rNcAt{DEScENT FlxruRss ro BE col'tPLETE t{rrH LAMPS, AND ALLNECESSARY ACCESSORIES TO PROVIDE FOR THEIR INSTALLATION. PROVIDENECESSARY BLOCKING OR OTHER PROTECTION TO MAINTAIN SEPARATION OFRECESSED FIXTURES FROH coMBUsTIBLE HATERIAT, AND BUTLDTNc INsuLA-TION SYSTEH. ALL RECESSED FIXTURES TO HAVE THERHAL PROTECTIONDEVICE. 2.O2 TLUORESCEI{T FIXTURES: A' FLUORESCENT FrxruREs ro BE CoMPLETE wrrH LAMPS, AND ALLNECESSARY ACCESSORIES TO PROVIDE FOR THEIR COHPLETE INSTALLATION.BALLASTS TO BE HPF, CBM./ETL, AND U.L. LISTED, CLASS P. SURFACEFLUORESCENT FIXTURES TO BE MOUNTED ON LOW DENSITY COT.IBUSTIBLECEILINGS TO HAVE A U.L. LISTING FOR SUCH HOUNTING. ALL LENSES TOBE ACRYLIC PRISHATIC PTASTIC TYPES. 2.03 LNlps: A. LAMPS SHALL BE AS SHOWN IN THE F'IXTURE SCHEDUTE AS MANU-FACTURED BY SYLVANIA, G.E., PHILLIPS OR APPROVED EOUIVALENT. ARTININI RESIDENCE JULI, 1990 1.5500 - 1 I I o I pART 3.OO--EXECUTTOilI I 3.01 IttSTALLATIotf : I A' II{STALL LIGHTING FIXTURES STRAIGHT A}lD TRUE l.tITH REFER- I ENCE TO AD.'ACENT [{ALLS, AND SECURELY FASTEN TO AND SUPPORT BT I STRUCTURAL MEIIBERS OF THE BUrtDINc. REFER TO ARCHTTECTURAT, oR. INTERIOR REFLECTED CEILTNG AND ETEVATIONS FOR EXACT LOCATION OFFIXTURES. t I I I t I I I I I I I T T ARTINIAN RE'IDEN.E END OF SECTION JULY, 1990 16500 - 2 I I I SBCTION 15700--colil{rrNrcATroN SySTEilS:I I PART 1.OO__GBNBRAL I 1. OI TELEPHOIfE SISTEII: r A. INsTALL TELEeHoNE sERvrcE RAcEwAys, ourLETs AND orHERDEVICES IN ACCORDANCE T{ITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE TELEPHONEI coMpANy AND/OR AS SHOIJN oN THE DRAWINGS.t B. PROVIDE AT{D INSTALL ELEVATION I}{2530 5 COND CABLE TO ALLI OUTLETS. EACH OUTLET TO BE A SINGLE RUN. PROVIDE MODULAR DEVICEI AT EACH OUTLET.I C. CONTRACTOR TO CONNECT BRANCH CABLE TO DEVICE.II D. CONTRACTOR TO LEAVE SUFFICIENT CABLE AT TERMINAL BOARDSFOR CONNECTION BY TELEPHONE COHPANY. I 1.02 CABLE TELEVISION: r A. INSTALL TELEVISION RACE}'AYS AND OTHER DEVICES IN ACCORD-I AI{CE T{ITH THE REQUIREHENTS OF THE CABLE TELEVISION COHPANY AND ASSHO}JN ON THE DRAWINGS. I B' PRovrDE AND TNSTALL ?5 oHM coAx cABLE To EAcH Tv ouTLET.EACH OUTLET SHALL BE A SINGLE RUN. PROVIDE DEVICE APPROVED BYI CABLE TV COMPANY AT EACH OUTLET. I C. CONTRACTOR TO CONNECT BRANCH CABLE TO DEVICE. I D. CONTRACTOR TO LEAVE SUFFICIENT CABLE AT TERMINAL BOARDSI FOR CONNECTION BY OTHERS. I END OF SECTION I END OF DIVISION I I I I ARTINIAN RESIDENCE .tuly, 1990 15?00 - 1 o CA c-l .ir v Fl C" tsrJ)ts rq \--.N\s-$*{t l!J uJvt =I to1! GoF() crF2oo o tEulz3o o EoE o oo()c6 .sR o-c o Ec |g oItoo otC !t =5o E o =cf do eo CLo '.9 E c cD atoE 6oIto() co at .:.Etl:o Eco E' .EcoN o F oE o C'Ic !t oooG 5 (,f o .2G I:4l o oc6 4; '6 d:Eo?ic'=oo gEE EEE ETE.s;o =ge c9c'- o.c e5t_'E >, EE-c,FOO i'.;;F!ii;3SE; CO +, CLE*: E6: e e.Eg o-6 EFE_a9 teC6 0'-5 -o€ gEE '6>.P Ilo sf; E aEeg, c\oEEEsoctt -o6 an uJult! E =t uJo-J FoF a c/) H z z !Err]HH M Flfrl E E Y G,o3ltoz.9 F Etluro E uJzt!o E >c -fr,3ur,S =lD11l zzoo F-taq5 =EP O'o01>E9l!<ogH6F8;nj {It G o G oE E2.. 2= EO3trOI |-\t\r\ IOi.ir Or I @ ct2 ciult ltoz]o F a tstrltJFl FlH :E ciz ouIG J ttoz3oF ct2 o l|J !E J lroz =oF E F 5J Ff tr1 E a HHts Fl FlH F: a. G Fl a an Fti \o\'.it IOl.v Or I\o ci2 o uJ .E J ttoz3oF FTvtz u Ffr: FfFl FlH Iq tt J (J EF C) UJJut F.b =+t t-Oz. c,z ts.tul4 EEi aHg 686 tr Gulo.lto EgF;EoIP 'e.EE => = Lll i- E FE! 6tE ooE irT HTsi ulooF z o9 =e60 =z=rf o-- I Enl r- -* cr) OO O'lo\ $N H&A ulF o LU Eooo zo Fo- lrJY r.r.lo oF F tulo. llo o-oo I lrJFoz ts =Elrl o-z9F C)3EFanzo(J ffiY/E:- oz =E H o vl\ a x 0ln * { M x Usa 0^ o UJ uJ E =e IJJo tlrlfl I ldlnlt IIl" I I Iliiffi 7F Jl vF 0,-.! v Ufi UJ o EIE G UJz e u,I oz ilEEg iffi? dl M& c( 8l o -1 I -l Yliil "l 8l $ 0, .FllO ilil 8r. 0d a Ec EIBur (,-o! =o 3(, UJIoz JA Ia o c'-ot d {() a (, : )a lr o ; -o EuuJll oc 8!ul, Ea(' u,o 6Iluo4?2 () I uiU'D .rt uJu, E =g u,c o o2o .o {cc (,ul (9-6tf c t()taa uJI NO[VnlYA tl$/ ,l I i c -*ld '6: Wl_ .Ftl3 ^ g3S t! e 3El tv) o Bc l6 ! E\ IEiE! lF lv I zlol <l <l>l { G(, c o (t o. :lsl<lgl rI +{ J] 'Jl zo F II g : It LU',tz <l FI2l zl .. >lo IIJol! UJzo tr:GIu zI Eoo uJibF e7 i t-xc| g ou, ||J2Ioi d 2o f.oz tltltl P z29o6tcdIHRqP9lttltl ?itg3 gg ot E 2 IEf 0z F ahIo ( Cl slt, A \(\ z sP =eaoo ==iE FS ooz= 3A E =E lrJg o IJJC F =EgJ B l!o EHE5€aIP '97g=u,Fho*E=EUEFEE€-i UJoo I -- ts =Elrlo.zI bq -E 6zo(J (J cF o(J tr oI N ci2 (, UJG J lro z]c U t,}| NF\(\ Ft'\ o .-lt Rt i l9o=Jl! *lt9\o\N \o tr -'. .\: luwn n l|al tS 3oulh trbnllgc road nil, colondo t1657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: EROM: DATE: SU&TEST: oftlco ol communlly dcvelopmrnl ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII TIIE TO!{N OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLTC I{ORKS/CO}IMUNITY DEVEIpPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUESION PARKING & IIATERIAL STOR,.AGE In sunnary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful f,or any person to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash dunpsters, portable toilets and uorkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavenent. This ordlnance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VailPublic works Departnent. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be Eiven a 24 hour written notice to renove said naterial .In the event the person so notified does not cornply vlth the notice within the 24 hour tine speclfied, the Public t{orks Departnent will renove said naterial at the expense of personnotified. The provi.sions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to constructl.on, maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 ln ful.1, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Departroent to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on thls natter. Read and acknowledged by: uu t-t^ f 6 -8" /^1.-- oJ:b o DI BAdarF 145" z-*zaA? t/."-aa: z2ArZ''/r . tlT-:?,-4L _\ APPROVED A,S T: ;qO 7\ t__lvl I e \ \ \N Oo N \ x )\, o \ -\) ,n)ot) oV ,tl b u//tr,-6f7 APPROVED TOWN i{tl tr-*l.t .&, Avc*lty WpvlA69 WWI*IW4 ttlQ/ ,NL l)AElWA*f tdHu-et'VA.4t fu*d*nWst46N-WW ,l)wlaer *aW,,tp{. tlf@u lt )%,,fltuvv€Afr(AL Aue$tgal1, PROPOSED LOFT wsl;ye d nr*Wi%AV. o,Lffibx-ffilw 4,'tac, _-;---------.-.-- ,tbw 4+"*)Vt@,4aY2ag o .' t@W,,w#pe&veqwqn r#t%il4 aa.D@,bg?b/ olJs' A4qeilful ia ca-V.'( hl lrav, ffi, FRAMT{G PI-.ANI Wglw #\Br( ap ft;qatr,l It*x?(aw-%?lex qV) 6a:iv o, .qoaa t"+x+)+xat49QeAwq V2" 4lF++!fu coxh.Z F** +*ryebi>td<ra axo.L fz'vyb{iDAAhtotAt& &QQa.o, SECTION A PzaxY4.h.ilu$ ' tueen ?-bi+fr+\Nq?a#-rtffiVl tflwhAn CTION B I'DP PROPOSED LOFTrsrfT #6a7 THE MARRIOTT I{OTEL vAtL, coLoRADO 5.l.go the mi nrueller co.,inc. tro. box 2vn cl$.i;nvallcdoraclo 4|658 n ^^.-AL INSPBSTIOII8 OOIPLBIEDv Tbe ltens belov aocd to be corplctr bcfore glvlDg a perult e f1na1 C of 0. Pleaee check off to the box provldrd. rINAI PLUOING DATE:tl FINAL UECEAIIICAL DATE: II.TPROVEMENT SI'RVST RESID. NATE! DATE: tl w (,I :............-- I I tr F FITIAL BUILDINC EASI SIDES WEST SU'83 DATE: TEMPORARY C OF O CERTIFICATE OP OCCI'PANCT o,nl, /Z- 7 -2) I.AIIDSCAIING DI'E FILE NN{E: PERMI DATE {/q JOB NAME T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOW OF VAIL O,a-.'a. \ 'qr r .. \ /r\ x__I_ \ \\CrNt_\ \, \ I \"c,,^ wED rHUR FRr - AM 6n) )Cl^ \--lREADY FOR LOCATION: clox 5INS BUILD!NG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMEING: tr UNDERGROUND D( ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ -h. tl.WYXnoucH / wATER OOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATINGr *l tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oo',, 5- '7'?o \ rNSPEcroR Pn!ffisr,op PERMIT-NUMBER OW OF VAIL oor, 'jl \ JoB NAME I., READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR +t FRI \ I -U rv' INSPECTION REQUEST ]i. OF PROJECT BUILDING: fI FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr D tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERqi{RAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr.FINAL O FINAL MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL /-./ {neenoveo -/ coRREcrroNS: t tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION BEQUIRED INSPECTOR -\ *;,iir ; t r,' ST 'r PERMIT NUMB ROFPR ) DATE READY FOF LOCATION: .,,jiKor. TUFP T-+-.. INSPECTION REQUE OF VAIL WED THURt CALLER BUILDING: o Foorrrucs / srEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDENGqOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEu tr ROUGH / WATER E GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB ELEGTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED j-4'ta INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER,OF PROJECTthl !( nDATE ' L,/ | I \t' JOB NAME n ^ +1 TOWN OF VAIL r/\i \ / i ^ 1 .1 .l@ Lt,LJ' )-.(,qJ \\ . \,.t\uq*r, *ril"r oN R Eeu Esr' : CALLER THUR FRIL'r-r>t Ut4 /ld r c-)'\I t{ 1'l t READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: ::_.-.-- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBlNG: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEEFI PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR *fiFs"o" l ?t ,',,nv , .t 44q' ' l"11 l()JEcr lnu'' Io ,o" *or= | CALLER TUESMON o /,t 14, 1q1\,ffi;ffi*rouEsr': . TOWN OF TVAIL 'l-l t' Kr,-PERMIT NUMBE DATE READY FOR INSPECTI LOCATION: \( WED THUR AM PM:14 */(' v2 7'I BIJILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL (neenoveo 'coRRecrforus: tr'rt;i. tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oorrfu rNSPEcroR oz E-t uJo- ooo o\o\ (n ]JJ UJll. F =EIu o- s*\$ s\o\ @o\ o\ >.1 E & an E xU)ts I I orl6ql .l 9rp xlo EI I I I EI4&lztt HIE.,1<r t= t= uJ c,oF eF.1, =:o (Jz 2 FT 2B fq .J)z h z H L4<FlHtsz z iiHuJts 'oAz> =z=<5r. c0 i/D€FoS =frzta 1..ErtaIHt< |aff* t.. IH r,lull-( l! l! l!l't(t-t!t- lzIH tF.IH t: lc)IHl< lE tt ulo:I tsFl H Alu) fEl F.O{ (/Jrn = co140lnvi F{ ,-. frl<N()EoZHA9ZoooL)(JF{ ts z ttf (.) o EoE q)a o oE otco oEoo (rt .sI o E o =c do eocl6; .9 E j- ll, cE*6.9 EH€: EEHE € gE:5 I;:HFE!pc96EIo5o 3 5 t.: E E-s; EE gE $; sesEis f Eig EEEE -o,!9--cP6 0.- EE;Oo) gE:: sfis;9Eo - gE$E &F z coo\CAc{!n l-. oo N rn <* E =Eqlc(, =oJ f ao -() uJ-oz o- J I Fog,J u,l (9z ao =f o. J Iz -() lll = uJ uJttz tr uJE C)IUE, e o.o =ut UJczI att uJo F attoo-ulo o. z u, () x F IIJq l fr H Fl u)&oHc) &Hzo o IJJ IJJlrt =G IJJ4J FoF 0z o J o c) UJ qJ 0z t d J 9 = o u.lt H H NO|lVn'lVA tEl l:lt()l- t<ll:"ldl_ _ l' lodlEUJ Sll = !o o.r l.l Itdl 5013tr{E A2A H a EF.3! fiHrJ-<oq iP.iF Efr E h tsl-{B ooBF Ff lF't4z lt-{ t<IEtl.sN lc') zI F = l!(r a. o.E 2 iuJ)d:>.lF xNx- o- UJ J 2 Eoo 2oF uJ =luz o tsz z E = o o Ezf z u,3 al!Jo l! cr oz Ez - d- u,l f at, u,lz !9I uJa! F 2 tr oz oo 3 u, o Fo o uJ ll,l IIJzo tr E uJ z Eoo oz tro 2 Y Lr) --t- @ OO E I Xtr zI F oz ot! tr oz co = d n tr l!o- t! EUE<crfa(/'Ee,E9!a 5tE ;=E FEE =*E 6bI \urE XO-E ;-5, u.l €= ul cooF E - IJJ Eooo?zo Fo- lrJY u.lo oF E G, UJ4u.9o; c o Hlil u,F ct E =0clrlo-zoF C)fE 6zo(J I uJFoz ifi 287 AHE F-:9d tt{ H FlooA t<M E E-{H HFq : u; =zo \-t f H&ov, rrt& v& E tsts x UJ =z ,l&H C) atll at)z H rA ,8a,rocl J = .d" .d' $F} I\o Eo- FlH E E tr an an UJc ) = o. F & =Ir-1v Irl()zDo() Tg tt, It\ ct uJ J tl-o 23oF \o \or') Ic{(n N u 1I F tc Il. oz outE J l! 23oF E t'r- g u- oz d UJ IE a ttoz3oF tr oz C'|ltG J ttoz3 F IJJJulF. G UJz =o F() uJ E-C) t -rO<FcouJ<ZEr.! Fti2-o O JG<oC)F f;3trE.s 2F 33 =Fd6 C) 3E =3Y,z =g cEoF!+ c) =+8,t-Oz<offlfr=lF!tr @lltERClAL . r Polnrrdnrr Formlrad.lbn. PlolEflr. Cdtltrga REElOEl'lTl,lL o lNDtlgtRtAL r llooslrld Wrtl Drdc. F.rnod.lhar Shglr.Ply 3frtom 1g/,NcE'p.T|rNITII rcESRAIGI'PER hfr ffi u, tl, ltJl{ { ul T_ lElSl=lJlLrrl.| ' | = i; )trYdrvA ffi "lg q; g{3i i#l l* gxlHx ffi zL,.o( ifr2z'- >l: :1 o> ntlr-l -* =tFl ..<r Hl ::= rl 3;En-. -i ' r'r Cr-F -j.Fl I. ==;fx)cE(.) cl Ix=:l I.,& 9f I =*'sl I U ; '51^l n Ellld F;;s ; =;;iI E e I.:lil s5-|E.: IEl=-.o--_ | > Gc :nl lii i ?nll-' H,il ;a s l8IFl.5;luJ 5E l: gE f - 'rlrt, n fi --. ==Z, =€o 3"5 E:? = €==di- irr o:= F(n ;'- 52 .: trJ =r' == FO ;=!cr s=; /R:=c\\-//i=:=5\ZrE-;;3 '+r,' =:=3li'i' i Hfi.rfr. i - 'a c0 tu, l-{l<>l:l I-i!,I:lxlsl.l I i I lrl l:l gi <lJI t4 lI I u =2:z ; z ()(J I t .. >l LI uJ ll,q,z lt, =ul J zI o u,A tr.>o zl <l!1,. xlo|rrt E u, (J: 3E lV)cv th J =s LlJ5 IJ I W ti."l E.fl 9"f 5$]3rl €tl tl .J't IJJt! =u, J F x ulo o o (J o i a ;ll I lil 'llltE,E[ffl il llil;il ; rs ! I Fl st;t3 - | 'tr- v qaq E r!?l- b 9aeq Ej El<lzl J l! c) t,/', UJ I I :- J lJ Ivlvl 'irdct 5 = N (f,v),{l EI uJl :1<lifI3lol z uJlEl il>l 3l B=l tlfl- Ut li " tl o (J Fzoc) (J z = I I :FFc) =siz o tl -t LrJ lr. ll cfts ll :9lr- ll col= I ur< I E il s:rf,5 X t I 75 soulh lrontege road Yail. colorado 81557 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 otllce of communlty developmenl TO: FROii: DATE: CIir TFr^41 . ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGTSTERED WTTH THE TOhIN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC r{ORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, l_988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn surnmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to ritter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand., debriscr material, including trash durnpster-, porlable ioilets and.;orkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewaik, alley or public -q119e or any portion thereof. The ri.ght-cri-way in all Town ofvail streets and roads is .rpproxirnate-iy 5 ft" 3ff pavement.This ordinance will be strictry enforcEd. by the Tolrrr of vairPyPlis works Departnent. persons found vi6ratinq this ordinancewrrr be glven a 24 hour written notice to remove-said rnaterial .rn the event the perso. so notified d.oes not comply with th-notice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the puiiic worksDepartment wilr renove said mateiiat at ihe expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance snift not beappricable to construction, rnaintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or- any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6 in full , please stop by the Town ofvail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on ttris natter. Read and acknowledged by: contractor, owner) Jq hq, e q ru o sg (L S(., vl vuo Ib\9!(?sAF+\, u, <r2sl .A s:l*-U lU trl-oooqq a- ( YI-otF v=5 U,dll:3F(kq,^(l >3Pe= € o 3o*& fU<l-> :€w =.]vo\I:E'iuaxi f ..,! :'- ( ruq.q-S tn uu rD <rl ql ot el o EggJ S:r vg l-gAir:eFqi J,rx-F {t.,l- \, o.3arSt __Eji_ dt € vl Fo;l \o Fs 5 v1 = a o!F d tl/ :qq E \\\>\ * i*p:l l*i* Atq @ v, oooq Euvi!r- N;aa-< 51,otr-vqtfq{v rz-{ >l 8Tql- u;€ u, FUE!5Ow r/lu,Qi4 {vY Eg€g J JpFyrFuto3 e,Elfc- \D?tr*<rd DESCRIPTIONAND USE c) LJMTHANE 203 is a.two-component. 3 lcf density- fl uomcarbon blown, spray polyuiethaneroof insulation. LJMTIIANE 203 is classified and labeled by Underwriters D) !.aboratories Inc. per UL-723 (ASTM E-84). and UL-290(ASTM E-108), PROPOSED USES LTNITHANE 203 is recommended as field sprav aonlied E) thermal insulation for roofs..UMTHA"I\IE zijs ii Cia'ss I' insulation and forms an integral component'of several '' UL ClassifiedAuilding code apprcved roofing assemblies. F) CREDENTIALS AND CI^I\S SIFICATIONS A) Underwriters Laboratories File * 11888 classified Class I'insulation at thicknesses through 4". G) BJ Underwriters Laboratories File #11888, classifiedfor use in rcof decks constructions #196,181,206 {direct-to-steel roof deck assemblies: UL 12561. Underwriters Laboratories File #R13117 classified Class A per UL-790, as the insulation component of numerrus rcof deck assemblies. UNITHANE 203 conforms to Section 1712 of the Building Code: Recommended for use as Class I insu- lation, when prctected by a lS-minute finish rate thermal barrier or other construction assembly speci- fically permitted by model building codes. UMTHANE 203 is rated Class I' per Section 876.5 of the Basic Building Code as governed by the Building Officials and Code Administration tBOCAl. UNITHANE 203 conforms to Section 718 [Foam PlasticsJ and is a comporent of a Type A Roof Covering per Section 706.2 of the Standard Building Code Congress (SBCC). UNITHANE 203 has tbe following R values when tested in accordance with the California Adminis- trative Code, Title 20, Chapter 2, Subchapter 4, Article 3, "Standards for Insulation Material," polyurethane, field applied.( -Polymer Underwritera Laboratories Inc - Glase Fire Hazard Claseified -VLZ2S ASTM E.B4 Finished foamed plastic not more than thicknesses lndicated, formed from Components Z0gA and 20BB spray applied to asbestos-cement board: ltt . 2t' Flame Spread ---..- ,i25rt... zs Fuel Contributed S 0 Smoke Developed 2OO 300-400 ASTM C-518/ASTM C-177 THICKNESS 1" (2.54 cm) 2" (5.08 cmJ 3" [7.62 cm] 3.5" (8.89 cm) R VALUES 6.8 13.6 20.4 23.83tt 25 5 450 Aged R Values will vary as a function of application variables; consult Polymer Industries In sulation expert for R Value guidelines. Color Specific Gravity Vicosity Mixing Ratio N/A ASTM D.1638 Broofield LVF Spindle #2@30RPM By Volume Industries, Inc. 1-2 sec, 3-5 sec, 6-8 sec, 1-Z sec. 2-4 sec, 8-6 sec, 4-6 sec. 10-14 sec. 16-20 sec. 2-B sec. Z-10 sec. 12-16 sec. On Rise On Rise On Rise On Rise On Rise On Rise 4 Hours 4 Hours 4 Hours 4 Hours 4 Hours 4 Hours Reaction times are influenced by mix the efficiency ofthe sprsygun, tempereture of rhe components, ambient conditjons andthickness of the foamed mass. 'Nominaf l"thickness sprayed through GusmerModel H -Il ptoportioner with AR Gun; preheat set at 1J0"F, hose heat set at zoarnp reading, 74"F ambient ar'r and substrate lemDeralurcs. CURED PI{YSI CAL PROPERTIES : PROPERTY Sprayed-in-Place Density K-factor, Initial - K-factor, Aged' Compressive Strength (sprayed-in-place: parallel to rise) :; Tensile Strength Shear Strength Water Vapor Transmission Water Absorption Cure Time Prior To Coating Sewice Temperature TEST METHOD ASTM D.1622 ASTM C-177 ASTM C-177 ASTM D.1621 ASTM D.1623 ASTM C 273 ASTM C-355 ASTM D-2842 VALUE 2.8 - 3.2 ocf " ti. -' .11 .74 ' 50-60 psi 75 psi min €0 psi min 2.0 perms-in .03 max. 2 hours -100'F to 250"F 'Unfaced test samples aged in accordance wrlh the r€guirements of the Californja Administratjv e Code. Title 20. chapter 2, subchapter 4, Article 3. "standard for insu.lation Material" Polyurethane, field applied. SHELF LIFE Shelf life of UMTHANE 20BA and B Components is 6 Monthr from the date of manufacture when stored in original unopened containers at temperatures between 50'F and 74"F (10'C - 24'C'| Liquid Plastic Material - NOIBN. CAUTION Tho uso of foamed plactic in interior applicationa on walls or ceilingr Eay plesent an urr€aronable fire hazard unless the foanr ie protected by an approved,l' flre-resiotive thermal barrier which haa a flnish ratlng\ - DIMENSIONAL STABILITY PROPERTIES ASTM D 2126 DAYS OF oc % R.H. AV 28 28 28 28 28 28 'values relate to the core density and tests are run parallelthe direction of rise unless othdrwise noted. -28.s DRY N/C.6.7 DRY N/C70 100 +8%70 DRY +1%82 DRY +3%e9 DRY +5% 20 +20 158 158 180 zto of not less than 15 minutec. (,PROCESSING GUIDE Ileccription and General Uge UMTHANE 203 is a 3 pcf density spray polyurethane roof insulation designed to be fluid applied to construction surfaces to effect a permanent, monolithic, dimensionally stable thermal insulation. As is the case with all urethane spray insulation, UNITHANE 203 is a sophisticated plural component building product which should be applied only by trained and manufacturer-approved insulation experts familiar with the properties and limitations of the material, UNITHANE 203 is specifically designed as Class I insulation for construction applications where the end use ambient temperatuie range wiII be maintained between -80"F [-62'C] and 225'F {107"C). When considering any other use for this product, consult Polymer Industriis for specific application recommendations. Subgtrate Preparation For best results, all ferrometallic substrates shall be sandblasted in accordance with SSPC-SP6 or NACE #3. Sandblasted surface should be immediatelv coated with Polyprime VP orPolyprime EP primers. Minufacturer's instructions shall be followed at all times regarding sandblasting, priming methods and coverage rates. Porous substrates such as wood and concreie may not require priming if surfaces are clean and dry (less than 109b moisture content). FOR EEST RESULTS ON SURFACES WHERE MOISTURE COItrENT CANNOT BE DETERMINED OR CONTROLLED. PRTMING IS RECOMMENDED. Substrate Tenrperature LTMTHANE 203 is designed to be applied to surfaces between 50'F and 100'F (10"C 38'C). POLYMER IN. DUSTRIES TECHNICAL SERVICE PERSONNEL SHOULD BE CONSULTED IN ALL CASES WHERE APPLICATION C ONDITIONS ARE MARGINAL. Equipment Proportioning equipment shall be manufactured by Gusmer, Graco, or Glas-Craft. Mixing ratio by volume is 50 parts "A" to 50 parts "B" (1:1). Equipment shall be heated airless type, capable of maintaining 100"F to 120'F (3s'C to 49"C) mixed material at the the spray gun, Optimum spraying temperature will vary as a function of substrate and ambient conditions. Spraying LTNITHANE 203 should be deposited in uniform passes from %" to 7" (7.27-2.54 cm]. Pass thicknesses will vary as a fuction of subsirate temDerature, ambient air tempe- rature and machine outpuf. UNITIIANE 203/3 bonds best to itself when the previous pass is still warm (above 70'F [21'C). Protective Coating IJNTIIIANE 203, applied to exterior weathering surfaces, must be topcoated with Polyflex, Dow Corning 3-5000, G.E. SCM 3300, United Coating's Diathon or Elastuff 27oo/2oo, or other approved elastomeric coating. All coatings shall be applied in accordance with Polymer lndustries or other manufacturer's instructions, Fire and Thermal Barrier UNITHANE 203 Class I polyurethane insulation, is combustible under many fire conditions. A fire and thermal protection having a UL FM rated ls-minute finish rating should be used to cover all UNITHANE 2og used on interior wall or ceiling applications. Special Note Particular attention must be paid to coating selection in applications where a vapor drive may be present. Consult Polymer Industries Technical Service personnel for specific recommendalions. Storage Both liquid components of UNITHANE 203 should be stored in original unopened containers at temperatures between 50oF and 74'F (10"C-24'C). (r Climatic Conditiong Ambient Air Temperature Moisture: Wind: Winter Regular Summer 3F50"F 50-70eF 70-720'F(1-10'cl [10-21'c) [27-2s"c) There shall be no moisture present in the form of rain,dew or relative humidity greater than 80%. 15 m.o,h. rnaximum MEMO TO: FROM: SUBJECT: August 1985 District Managers Sales Representatives Foam Distributorc Applicatorc Richard Oglesbee, Field Service Manager Current UL T90Systems Gaco western has a continuing test program to develop approvals for the use of our products. A significant part of this program is uL Tg0firetestson roof cover- ing systems using urethane foam and Gacoflex coatings. We have numerous UL 790 rated rystems using U864, UA€6, U-66, A-S4 over various spray applied urethane foam products. The foam products used included nationally recognized, as well as several regional products. The rystems include SI-4O-UB, S|-3OUB, SI-3SUA, S|-3SU, S|-3GAL and SI-2O-AL specifications at various slopes and foam thicknest. , The following list reflects all of the current uL 7go rated systems. These systems can be found in the 1985 underwriters Laboratories "Building Materials Directory,' under built-up roof covering materials. lVe also have copies of the U.L. listing cards which you can obtain as needed. mtu RO:ew FOAMTHICKNESS MAXSLOPEMANUFACTURER PRODUCT (Minimum-Maximuml (tnch6/Foetl ,(, st40-uB st-30-uB Class A - Class B - st-30-u Class A - sr-30-uA Class A - st.20-u Class A - Oass I - sr-2o.AL Class A . Class B . st-30-AL Class A - 1" to 4" 1" to 4" 1" to 4" 1" to 4" 1" to 4" 1" to 4" 1" to 4" 1" to 2" 2" Nominal 1" to 2" 1" to 2" 1" to 2l' 2" Nominal 1" to 2" 7" to 2" 7" to 4" 2" Nominal 1" to 4" 1" lo 4" 1" to 2" l" to 4" 1" to 4" 1" to 4" 1" to 2" 1" to 2" 1" to 2" 1" to 2" 7" to 2" 1" to 2" 2" Nominal 1" to 2" 1" to 2" 1" to 2" 1" to 2" 7" to 2" 1" to 2" 1" to 2" 1" to 2" 114"' 114"'v4" 114"' 114,,r u4"' 114"' 1Y2" 1" 1" 1" lYa* 2E zYr" 1%" 3Y,:-" 3ta,,.' Y2" lY"" 1Yz" 1Y2" s{z-" glAntr ttA.'r. v," American Western Mfg. Co. Carpenter Insulation Co, Foam Enterprises lsocyanate Products lnc. Nonh Carolina Foam lnd. Upjohn Company Polythane Systems, Inc. North Carolina Foam Ind. Stepan Company Upjohn Company Upjohn Company lsocyanate Products, Inc. Polythane Systems, Inc. Upjohn Company Upjohn Company lsocyanate Produsts, Inc. Amarican Western Mfg. Co, Polymer Developmant Lab. Upjohn Company Upiohn Company hocyanate Products, Inc, Upjohn Company Upiohn Company Chemetics Systems, lnc. Reichold Chemical Co. Reichold Chemical Co, American Western Mfg. Co. American Western Mfg. Co. Polymer' Chemical Corp, Polymer Chemical Corp. Polymer Development Lab. Reichold Chemical Co. Upjohn Company Upirhn Company lsocyanate ft oducts, Inc. Upiohn Company Upjohn Company lsocyanate Products, Inc. Reiclrold Chemical Co, AW-l15 c-375 FE 8OOA, FE 3O2B s$1070 NCFI 584 CPR.TB2 PSr-R52@ NCF| 774 Stepanfoam RS 9300 cPR-480 2.0,2.5 cPR-€82 2.O,2.5,3.O lsofoam SS-0545 PSt.5200-25l30 cPR.480 cPR-832 2.0,2.5.3.O lsofoam SS{545 AW.250 2.5.30 PDL r06 cPR480 2.0,2.5 cPR-832 2.0, 2.5,3.0 lsofoam SS{5l[5 cPR480 2.0,2.5 cPR-&t2 2JJ,2.5,3.0 csf 9f 55 2s,2.5,3.O Polylits 98-120/3+846 Polylite 98-16384-846 AW 515 2.5 AW 513 3.0 Poly lso 502 Poly lso 503 POL 106 !.5,3.0 Polylite 9&12064&46 CPR480 2.0,2:5 cPR.€82 2.0,2.5,3.O lsofoam 5$0545 cPR480 ' cPR-832 2.0,2.5,3.0 lsofoam SS.0545 98-163/34-8{6 Nonh Carolina Foam Ind. NCFI 774 'Two inches per. toot with No. l l ceramic roof granules embedded in ropcoat. "With No, 1 1 ceramic roof granules embedded in topcoat. o APPLICATION SPECIFICATION GACOFLEX ACRYLIC ELASTOMER ROOFING SYSTEM WITH SEAMLESS FOAMED.IN.PLACE POLYURETHANE INSULATION sr-3GAC December 1986 Consult Gaco Western for low-permeance coating systems for use on refrigerated structures. This specification is intended only as a guide for the dwelopment of project specification and the zuit- ability of this specification for a particular project must be determined by a qualified individual repre senting the owner. 1. GENERAL 1.1 Work Included: Install primer where required, polyurethane foam insulation and liquid acrylic roof covering including flashing. Apply the insrlation in accordance with these specifications, Polyfoam Systems 251 and 303 Application Guide and General lnstructions GW-1, including GW-1-DA Installation Details published by Gaco Western, lnc. Work shall be performed by an applicator approved by Gaco Western, Inc. 1.2 Work Excluded: 1.21 Substrate installation and finish. 1.22 Drains, vents, ducts and other penetra- tions. 1.23 Gutters, metal cap and counterflashing. 1.3 Condition of Dec* Surfaces: 1.31 Surfaces shall be free from projections, depressions, loose scale, sand, curing com- pounds, grease, oil and dirt. Construction work on the deck shall be completed and drains, ducts and other penetrations installed. 1.32 The deck surface shall be dry. Concrete decks shall be allowed to dry for two to four weeks after the curing period. lf rain ocgurs after the drying period and prior to application of primer or insulation, allow at least two days of good drying weather. L NOTE TO ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS: This specification provides for a fire resistant roof cover- ing rystem which meets the Class A non-combustible deck requirements under ASTM E-108/UL 790.Suitable zubstrates include concrete, poured gypsum, metal, and certain heavy wood decks. For reroofing over BUR or other roof covering mate rials, rystems applied according to ttris specificationwill not alter the existing fire resistance rating. Surfaces to receive the roof covering rystem must meet requirements of applicable building codes and structural design. Gacoflex A-55 Series single component elastomeric coatings are fire retardant and provide necessary flexibility and weather resistance for long term protection of polyurethane incrlation. The coating system, applied properly in three coats, will provide a minimum dry film thickness of 28 mils. Gacoflex A-55 acrylic elastomeric roof membrane provides protection from absorption of water and performs well in areas of minor ponding. Good design, however, will avoid ponding. Preferably, the deck itseff should slope a minimum ol %" to thefoot to drain. As an alternative, the thicknes ofthe polyurethane insulation can be varied to a limited degree to provide slope. Shaving the surface to provide drainage or smoothness is not acceptable since zurface strength will be reduced and an addi- tional base coat will be required. The final appear- ance of the system depends upon the finished surface of the insulation which is normally smooth with slight indulations in thickness" lt sfrould be noted that the polyurethane foam usrally follows the contour of the $rface covered and will reflect projections and depressions. Gacoflex A-55 has a relatively high rate of water vapor transmission 2.0 perms for a 3O mil dry film and is not recommended for use on cold storage or cryogenic structures. Such structures can have constant high water vapor drive, pafticularly in humid climates, which may allow long term accumu- lation of moisture in the insulation. cAC0 WESTEflN P.o. 8or 88!e / Smnr.. wA 98r88'o!e!, rz0rr 6rr{l.50 / G^coFLEx wEsrERN. LrD. \rf ir{txoq.rrtr,f rorrr.Dfrr P.0. 8or Grlt / Werk.dr|. Wl StlSt{aaa I lalal g?:Un2 ,/ mt:l 128t|t SL / gl''ty. 8.C VSWlWl / loal 59G7ltl (-' trintrd in U. 3. A. st-3GAC PdeTwo 1.3i1 The surface shall be acceptd by the arch- itect and the applicator. Stan of work consti- futes acceptance. 2. MATERIALS 2.1 Polyurs$ap Sprryed-ln-Placo Foam Insula tion: 2.11 Polyurethane foam insulation shall be designed for spray application resulting in high quality. rigid urethane under the prwailing application conditions. Polyurethane foam $all be of the proper formutation (winter grade, summer grade, or regular grade) to meet climatic conditions at the time of application. 2.12 Polyurethane foam insJlation shall be Pofyfoam 251 or 303 manufactured by Gaco Westem, Inc. meeting the minimum physical and performance properties listed below. Other polyurethane foam in$Jlation must be sb mitted for approval prior to bidding. VALUE Nominal Density Closed Cell Content Compressive Strength Paral lel Shear Strength Parallel Bond Strength K-Fctor Flammability 2.4 lbs./cu. ft. min. 90% by volume min. 43 psi minimum 47 psi minimum 25 psi minimum .11 to .14 BTU/hr./sq.ft./ inldeg. F. (max.) Flame Spread 75 or less ASTM D.1622 ASTM D.2856 ASTM D-1621 ASTM C.273 ASTM C.297 ASTM C-177 ASTM E-84' ( rThis test measures the relative flame spread over tested materials surface as well as the relative fuel contribution and smoke density. lt is not intended to be fully descriptive of burning characteristics in actual fire conditions. 2.2 Expansion Joint Cowrr: Where called for on drawings, expansion joint covers will be Gacoflex Neoprene Sheet, l/16" thick. applied with Gaco-flex N-1207R, Neoprene Adhesive, in a widthof (To be stated in the pubfiiF-ed:-FEific7fi6fil lf none stated, bids will be based on 12".1 2.3 Elrtomsric Roof C,oating Mat€rials: These products shall meet the published propertielr as c.rpplied by Gaco Western, Inc. 2.31 Roof Coating: Gacoflex A-55 Series Acrylic Elastomer including 4-5511 Gray basecoat and A-550O White topcoat. 2.32 Primen: Prime BUR, concrete and wood with Gacoflex P-4910. Additional primers may be required for surfaces not listed. Refer to General Instructions GW-l, or contact Gaco Western, lnc. for additional information. 2.33 Flashing: Gacoflex N-10O4 Neoprene Flashing Compound and Gacomat. Alt€rnat€: Gacoflex Field Sheet 1/16" and Gacoflex Adhesive. Curing Neoprene N-l207R Neoprene .rl C ( SI.3GAC Page Three & APPLICATION 3.1 Prirpr 3.11 Apply P4910 primer at 200 sq. ft./gal. by roller or airless spray. Allow to dry four hours minimum prior to application of foam. 3.12 Apply other primers, if required, according to published application instructions. 3.2 Sprayed-ln-Place Polyurethane Foam ln$tl+tion: Install in a thickness of+ %", -O", (l" minimum requiEfJ--'lffiIfiEtd neatly at designated places, feathering edges. Tum up at all vertical surfaces a minimum ol 3" or V/" times the average foam thickness and feather edges. Coating over foam should stan as soon as possible after insulation is applied (four hours minimuml. By applying the first coat the same day, the necessary clean, and dry srrface is assured. No more than two days should elapse prior to coating, so as to avoid degradation of the surface of the foam. lf application of subsequent coats is delayed for more than sercral days, it may be necess.rry to thoroughly clean the slrface in order to remove din prior to application of additional coating. 3.3 Apply two coats of 4-5511 Gray basecoat at the rate of 11lr gallons per 100 quare feet per coat (20 mils wet). Double coat flashinq and edge terminations. Refer to SG-A-54 for application instructions. NOTE: Base coat strould cover all surfaces completely extending at least 2" beyond foam on vertical termina- tions. An extra pass of base coat material is required at all edges and penetrations if Neoprene Sheet Flash- ing is not used. 3.4 Apply one coat of A-5500 White topcoat at the rate bf 1'll. gallons per 100 square feet (20 mils wet). Extra coits at flashing and edge terminations are required. Coat all surfaces including expansion joint coven and flashing. 3.5 The dry mil thickness of the coating shall measrre a minimum of 25 dry mils with an arrerage 28 mils This specification allows two mils for slrav loss and normal unerrenners of foam surfaces, iO brv mils theoretical' Rough foam which increasis zurface area will require proportionate increases in coating to maintain average dry film thickness. 3.6 No traffic shall be permitted on the coatd roof $rface for a minimum of three days. Damage to the srrface by other trades thereafter shall not be the responsibility of the roofing contractor. 3.7 Walkways: To be used around equipment reouirinq maintenance and to define safe rvenues of access aind exit. Refer to GW-I-DF lnstallation Details. 4. GUARANTEE The contractor shall guarantee that all work performed under this section will be free from defects in material and workmanship. Upon notice of defect in writing to the contractor within one year after completion of the work, the contractor shall, at his own.expense, make necessary repairs or replacements of the defec' tive work in question. An extended ioint guarantee by Gaco Westem Approved Contractor and Gaco Western, lnc. is availabte. The contractor ryg!13Pgljglior1io-cacJ Western in accordaffi guarantee policy prior to staft of work to qualify the project for this guarantee. t. I I ."'- l. | ..,2 I PErNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPEHMIT NUMBE OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER MON TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNOATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr NAL I O()C] FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL '.?--,- tr},fPPROVED t-" CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED 4 /- INSPECTOB J,.'a, ,/ DATE oz E =c,|r|q.N o o dt oo ro {l anIu IIJll. ts =e UJ o- tN\RS I I I aolor. '-{ | ;rH 'lo!-< EiSr l I t,I )'l vl 2l- 4 3rE Ht 5!5 e1 liE lr<t= rdo'? El UJ o E I ==o =z .o uJF z z 6 =ldt ag ozzo ll f-lE FrFrr F vt-l E EElf'l 7 t:: a t r il,lzft r:, 1y ,/v /, -t l 'I2 v 0, ' 6,r/r . ,a4t /)tq4,(,/ ot o.YoE si a, 60oE a tlt5.9'64';o €6.ocr;gro jF FE or- .COCttooNOpFcc EEFO CF.,Eoo gF E€oo 8o6cD o.E tr5-oig(''O Eg ,eg'cLoo.Ec*; c, .9t>6E o- Eoo o 6 -9 Ec|lt co 6 E ;t E =3 Eoo o o EoG -0, riErD4!croco(rto alt;8!)c =6 8E 6c;;6.oOF5=96 CLG 5';E>,(U= trEooEo'-oo- =c=-E6o. Zv:o+.o9o6C6r0 PEc_6 FEo.g o'--o.f oP E€ a3o>$Ecc6: TEfsEoEEooOG tiErD4 Eeo(rt .2Ro6!)c.=6 8E 6c;;6.oEF'5= 96 CLG 5';E>(U= EEooEo'-oo- =c=-E6c|Zv +.oo- 6C6r0 riC E.9(E! EE6'=o E8 F.e EEF'5 FEcL.- tnoo€o-o =pE>cP'-o -rCo.9 PGq,E 'FO cC €eg= o.E sE or Ef; EgLC ONi;-c6-E6c arg!r, (.E:}EOcEc6aGtt>g-oo9? PE -c ulz 'v0c|rt!atz .-- 3 c-olulFI<F Ao =z@< NF\ir ln o IJ1 o cf ll E =G uJo.oz J =lo E u, ()z J 9EFo uJJ uJ oz =Jo- J =Eo UJ = UJul zI Eujeo uJ o !o 'g UJtzoa uJ Fo o- UJo o- z UJ () x F ul.tt oH|l CAE F xH2 (F Iut-tt lJ- ts =ElllcJ FoF oz6 -J @ J Ic,F() uJ qr (,z ao =fJo- =Iz o uJ. Fl F'ro F{ NOTMlVA IHIH t:=lF> 0c lx =;:16ruSl''l=o*l? Er(O. r =aF 6,24 E E =EHF? 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( PERMIT NUMFER OF PROJECT oor, !'/'t t JoB NAME a,,.c Itl' INSPECTION REQUEST JOWN OF VA|L ,-'T' r /1! lJ, n(lic,')/.t_ { i-l Gv)AMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED rHUR i19 PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEF- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION T] POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED-7' ..1.2'tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR t', t-S- \ r. \__-)\ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE :-\_-\ JoB NAME INSPECTION TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL READY FoR lNSPEcrlpN:,_ VoN .trt....,(ryT--) .IHUR FRI AM PM '\\ \ ',CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSUTATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CQRRECTIONS: INSPECT -'>.- .! /1)\/ -) --r I INSPECTION TOWN OF t l. REQUEST,. PEBMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT oor, ( /3/,i ,i--( rrr -, f I i./ JOB NAME VAIL f2 ,lLrt / /; t,,") lr1 READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR(11,''FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMTNG n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr rE tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr_ FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ../,) i /-_,, (, -' / PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION , , .IOWN, OF ;I i r/t lii (,,) ,t l; INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON TUES , 'WED . THUR FRI AM PMREADY FOH LOCATION: CALLER 1,. l' . -' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr Vrrrw tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAT: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr q FrNAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 2 -; ,--1) l-; I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT E (. Uo L RE VAIz ON*2t \ /*-o ECTI TOW(v tNs '\(t ,r, o,r ! --lar*-> t D oa!4 READY FOR LOOATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER r@ AM PMWED THUR FRI L " tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. E] ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB OCK NAIL gK g ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ECTIONS: / .r -/ r^- ( DATE t/ 6 - lSX tNspEcroR '-t PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT DATE ; j ' "'-t'! JoB NAME INSPECTION REQUESI TOWN OF VAIL t.' CALLER TUES PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: EI UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING D tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The be] ow items giving a perm'it Please check off need to be compl ete before a final C of 0. in the box provided. . DATE: . FINAL BUILDING CERTI FICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMP0MRY C of 0 DATE: FINAL LUMBING DATE: FI NAL ECHAN I CAL FINAL ELECTRICAL DATE: