HomeMy WebLinkAboutWEST DAY MARRIOTT (6)oz E =t uJo- (t UJ uJu- E =utL -< L, Ll,K u4 * q^zot # -il-- No\ F- € v z F{ rJ) z 9r E J o l!lt z ) qJ F F Fgz o =z ol!F z 4 ! @ .d zz lt gJo lt tr F() IEFz lr IJJz3 lr uJ Ezoo E UJz3o uJ F oz -a- o c i;; :r EgEEM E yEf -* :E**f !EEf,E EE gFf g";Eg€ *Eiei fEis! P6c65 EEE Eg:3i 3d6 0'-.: F.c=o(,)c sEi;: EBiEI \' o tt) \orn E =E uJo-(,zoJl @ :<o UJ C)z o- |-o uJ uJ z ao c z () uJ tutll|r-z9 F uJe,oll,e oe, o @ =g uJEzo6ulo X uJ z lu-) C) x F ll,lo q, uJ IJ.JtL E =llJL J FoF =o -J E J IEF() UJ ul z. 6 = J =-() UJ- H Flf4z H O{ NOrlVnlVA I I r'J9 =Hl>GH: ; ;H i qr .St{ = o or pl ; 3Z Z u-ao o obF ^ A Zt H ; = F-ooe.v6b ?'3(Jzxu- <(9 q iEH 6 gF-8 2ij ni -ov zI F J ltq o l UJ F € N E- uJ e. -z Eoo >.ttz.I F E uJF ;lljz It I l(t Ezlz ;: ilJkoo< =HR'!6cj<z (t, =z, 9z )ado3EOI llJ J) tl (t, ulzY i z tr 5 oz l- Ii F :I o o3 Ffo Fg, JI<li-l zl zl .. >l ul uJ uJz aF UJ o- z Eo z tr Jct iftt-lol<tStd l;.'=l>og E HH cr) cr)(o LO() c) J s rilzg gEsB =.e93f=HEdeffE(aotr!ft t.l ..iszEzOF- -r i- c) dd= u,l tsooo1zo Fo-luY IIJo oF F =sfi9 o-b{:J= ;,|o Y-{oqrq gi!bEzo F c uJ o-IIoEE E<ct€sE9!irie'EE => =rrj-E b=o dtrx >o-r 8a9 iurE XILE ;taulO.-i!i UJE 0.F ts =E lrJGzIF(J :)EFazo() ol Hl il bl zl 3t ONFI 2 =c I >l l!l 3 v) I r\c{ oz (9 ul lEJ a tlo z = Hts ts aHF z2H& tr Il ol zl FI rn 4 (t) c'\ ts U) E t4 = E< H tii =z clo-t lp<l -tlc)l \tH l-ftrl Al $o<t ItA trl | \o lEl lli I F-p4 vil -$J6I Ed r-{ | 3 FrlAIlrnlH -{lH F-l Oo lq)Edd r.4 -1s HiJ <>aeEa=o z Iu oo J = o E ir UJ+8,Fl-o2 o 2? =<>EDFd6o E -rO<FGC)uJ< =8,111 Ft4Zo t-OIu E C)E trn! I rl -rl-)l' :ll,l I oz F =t UJo- oo ooo U' llJ UJ lJ- = = UJ ? L. L /,5 ,,4 .il6 a/).\ 7C I t+ 2l , r-l <t\ F\,-t u frla!F U) z uJF o J otr z ) UJ o t E Ftttz 6 z 7 o IJJF z z ! zz6 .J uJ ='r II o tutz B IJJ F z ;-@c t;;:c EEg;fr € 9:9 .* :EEiE E E; FE !EEF! s;gri e*eeio=-o"(5: o:! € t;gTv(,.eOOiio F iio-.-FeEo H lE cE;-i;i :3E3d(sO-:-t;o(atr sfi;iE e g l=3 ;i F; i;g;Et iE$ei .{t A c> \o u.) = =Eu, z oJ5tll Y UJ z J F F- IJJ UJ z6 =f . I u,: uJ UJ z F Lrl g. o 3 uJ !r,l az.z 6 u.t6 l- a UJ 2 uJJ x F ulo a uJult!t =E UJa! J FoF oz6 l d lu ut z (o =.J 2 UJ = &BI vnH& 4.. NOTIVn'lVA I Jq =F{>cH=; :Hi ut .SFl: : :4 E =Z Z tr- ao o o:: E s a.At F 9 6 E466 &.ve, ^sr!<3 i 3F9 U -EEF o fi=j N 6u. z tr fJ {IL co e.(, uJo- F oo o @ c.l ar (L |J.1 J z Eo }rz tr E UJF =u.lz trzlzOo <Oo< >rrRc6o<z iz, Oz "iF ',,-o3dOI l = <t) z = z F 5az ; =F uJ --l ---l __-] oo ooo B l F -)<l tr z_1 zl .. >l UJo uJtuzoF lrlI zs tr o oz 6 16 I-+ I i I I I I I 9l Il(Ll F t!I E -)ot H f t.r-: . ,----' U) I';l n-r .t,t' (r ) c.)c) :UJFooo'- z'o"F uJ,:< L!,. c0'oF F =r,,ff9.o-' l.l-tol (LHogodtq HFJo=zo !tr E = uJ u- lu F F uJo. PUIE2E<cLloanne.B9lrLae'= tcitEJ EForu(r#EE+.Xg5 o=tl -,i /s/z- + E =E, lrJo-zIF()f E,Fazo C) oozd :o -'r -,@u--r- rlsl lY' 3l ll sl \sI \A-tzF": JU- CA q (n o\ F. th tsl6 u& E FH H F4c\ T u; =z. -t ,r tc4t14tqtlIXtctl{cl-l tEt IYlFltE{clt<IE I llJl>l<ll4 &(J frl !!EaHril n-l AU.l q ct{{a = .lf.t.rt .a? I\0r\-tt.Io- () {{ tr =tr z <ntu .J a = (L }-=[- I It<t\- lz, I lz.o IJJl5 rLoz 3I = tr ciz uJ = II z 3 .{ z g o ulE J a t!oz3p ltl lll F =E tr z .iz .'i ul J a II z =oF HHC' trrFo& F{AEdHh zzr<g 2 tr U' I FN .i z u, = z3 F .{.{ F Iro r..i uJF =f F UJF T E E --r O<FCO[!<ZE, (nZ <o. (JF\=O HE;iF--z aE8 = d 5 I 7 Jtv<^)<Fz() =#iz =E Go Eir b2 J<c)<, :?.foI EJu4 t4)trlFlt HTr-.ll!frl,g{!<taIHxtt u'l 4t!r-z "r ul n z o9ze coo =z o-- I t !tr o =E frr =F I.IJcta @o zo o- UJY lt @ ulF o oF E =E uJr ll.o &oo I utFoz (9z Jtr j J(o FoJ tr.t d Jdf F EIuJ h ii =zoo.) { TsI l.t rOaIJIF bIll Fl.r lsE .t F6 Eq tlJ an al, UJ J E c o I z,| gl u{ :l <I>l ruqz H xElr l lot zJ o| uJl Gl J' >lltlqz3g =E llJ q 7q u4q J g rrlqz3 CTH tll I ! I I I Jol 1l EI :l sl rrlol g g 5 N b tt JTIIv ctr ol z.l olul 5l <l>ltrlol zl Blq FI t*r\t Itr Oro ,latl dJurF o. UJz =o F C)lrt ,atr^R ;\4EI GJO<( l-EC' ,uJ <'ztr UJFo6 C) Jg, 5P E? PFat ^.o oz ao =Jo. r 2)( =).' 6F FE sE Eosb =+EFFo2 o() J<orq (t r-r I lLl JO :< Bz{o=u =2.7Ee$ iFft ., fllq =l J el=fii DND F 15tur = tiE t-lrl l- o-zo Fo EFU'zo C) /GI-!X= | ( I ltf-l a4f l> =t! E =Eu,Etto2 IIJ59E<Etf6U' =aDB9vE 'eEf => =ulEF85;g:fEY9=56eqo=e, E IIJ .DoF 3n.uJ LlJ ts =E uJq- hlsl3 ieFiEJE* ii:iiN;EEii!ENJa!gigF;{ E !EEE iBiEs iEEgg :EE g? FHEg! :iEEE *llol I :e =il I ,so ltl I;irl5fl= =isl ;a sril P ! E$l iE gf;I zl .. >lo uJoululzo- u, J z 9 tro 75 soulh trontrge rc.d vrll, colorrdo E|657 (303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 oftlce ot communlly devclopmcnl BUILDING PERI,lIT ISSUANCE TIME FMME !f th.i.s perylt fgquires a Town of Vai'l Fire Departnent Approval; Engineer ts..(Py!] tf l,lorks ) reyiew and approval,' a Pl anni n!' oepardnentreview or Health Department revi'ew, anil'a review by the Euiliing Department, the esti.rnated time for a total review may take as longas three weeks. All corrnercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits willhave to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residentialand.small projects should take a 'l esser amount of time. However, ifpesi.denti'al or sma'l'l er projects inpact the various above mentioned departments wi.th regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every.attempt wi.ll be nnde by this department to expedite thispermi.t as seon as possible. I',. the under5igned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame._ Agreed to' by'.' .-' Pfoject Name Date l,lorF Sheet wal turned into the Conmuni ty Development Departnent. o 75 3oulh fronlag! road rail, colorado 81657 l3o3l 479-21.38 ot 479-2139 offlce of communlly developmenl ALL CONIRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED }IITE TITE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COIi{MLNITY DEqELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE fn summary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anvperson to titter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterial, including trash dumpsters, portable toilets andvorkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, a1ley or publicp1?9e or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on al1 Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance will be stri-tfy enforced by the town of Vailey!]ic Works Departrnent. persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said naterial .fn the event the person so notified does not cornply with thenotice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the puLtic WorksDepartment will remove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance snift not beapplicabl-e to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ord.inance No. 6 in fu1l, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain I copy. tlank you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. Read and acknowledged by: Position/Relationship to Project (i.e. contractor, owner) I ;a TO: EROM: DAIE: SU&TECT: .l I Date JSTATE OF COLORADO DIYISION OF F/RE SAFETY PLAN REGISTRATION FORM nut"'l:39:nL Contractor Registration Numbe r OO1 Contractors Nam" 6Zt r-rrJE-Lt- Ftze fuarUleE Mailing Address 2l 16re 4rezeT zp Code A?ZA' fraEE Zzper Address of Mr Certification No.(Qualified Fire Inspector) Jurisdiction Comments (for additional comments use separate sheet) Distribution: Original copy goes to Division of Fire Safety uptrn krl.rl cornplelion of forrn. Copy to local fire departrirent. Copy to contractor and copy to building owner upon completion and sign-off. INft PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2',138 y'r'/lt:lz t /- ;2-V/sgs-DATE q 5 c7c/JOB NAME CALLER TUES )tz. I -' READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V, BOUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o uGrr.rer-tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT ril tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL l{)RP3evED SRRecttol'rs: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED lt \ /' ,/'DATE 7' ) '/'/ INSPECTOR oz ==G IIJo- (n (t uJ UJ lJ-t =Eulo- zt I //"/////so/+ ao l"$ e.l c'\ z M z F </) z 3^2YZ!l-< (,-2.\ 4> = lyr lo t!F F e, I == zz .tItlFoz o2oJldl€ ozz .rulzio uJ F z trbf\ f.\ iE, g z. l!Ju, U' = crolt F z 6ttr ( z*s(,Ia 5 t\s F z F] I dl E o =cf dqt o clo. TE '.; o .9 <t @ a; (D 1too o an .=o.o o Ec6 o! .gcoN ^1t(C.xoF q) o) E (! o 5 () o .2 I o o 6 aD '6 E .:o; r! agE E: g Egc-.= cl €rE e$; :gPE >= c96'- o. -c eE= E E-s,FOO --: = c) e;e fl;ESEio-o-E*: €6:gE EO(E: i r"s (E 0'-5Et s€E€gi9 6a i5E B'f e9Eor E5g -o(! n NN N o @ e F E uJcoz Yo UJ z EForu ul z = oz uJE ul l,uEzIF llJ IJJ oe o.0 3g u, z 6 UJ F o uJo z uJ x F uJU' U> uJ UJl! tr =E uJo- FoF z ao J F |.lJ gJ z 6 E J Iz () uJE NOTJ.VntVA 2H llr | ;.iIE=14>e, l* --ola =:lliYI 6B =.Z 2 tr- ?no oo;F^.tzilI5 =9'rE P "EErr, o E(J3 x 8.-,3= 3qoq ifg8 EfiFqaer(\t(, I l8 lslld,lul IHttrltd ,ltrt lrrlI' tz l<IEto lE z tr J t! o UJ F LIJ z E o >+xxfzo E UJ =u,z (!) FzfzOa koo< =Hxr!bo<z trz 9z do3dOI UJl E <t uJzY9rF ut F z F .J oz I Elz z I ;1 f 3 iul t! o o3 lJl<l H zl zl .. >-l uJo UJ uJzoF = uJ -J z Eoo z Fa J Lc) cr) @toOO Ial-.-l t. Its Ff zH z Fl c! Oro\ cr) 3 z zH IJJF lu tr U' @o-zo Fo. UJv IJJ @ oF F G uJ o- lto ooo I ulFoz Fl &H zQ zn )i 5 z= tt) >2il dP e .-i5 zF-tOF? =HE F UJ b = ^urEZ.E<clf6Ut6e,E9Ekb95t9'J, =ul:-E FEx >ol OtlE 909 \utEXILt x>t q-oi!tr IJJ o ts =E lrJo-zIF C)fE 6zoo NfITET' r\ 4 F FJFl FlH g lt F. t\ F-!d Iol\'ol I I dil>l bl 3l sOl LuFI F tlIII r.t I I .{l Fl I ol€n Nlc)l IHt I&tlF{l .lbl olErl zlHl ol- | r.ul.l Gl trlI JI.l {lF1l >l.l r|-ltrl I ol lzld=lqo{EH .ir.sf\t\ I\t rn "l<l 14l iEl(Azl 5l 3l "rl l-\l alrd |IJlclol CIq J = FlH FT& an trl z Hat at)H ft UJ a F1 Etrl& Fll-{ H z H & i,i =z (Do-) ( 0\ c'r I \o F- I\:Er{.N >(H tn JFl n tltltle,l Il{l Itt >' Ic/il t4 |&tz I t&11 Z IztH IHt t4 |Et C)l<t E Itr.l "lI Fitl2l ,-4tt iEaltr|E (n N t'\ I.v I F I el olull cEl JI al>l ttlol =lPI H tll <A Ft-{HFl tsH ut M oF =c):i+E Fo2 t2? E3fF d. zo C) oF EFz C) z r uJ = G,tJO<FEC) IJJ <ZEUJF(tr Z-o d.F IJJ -J uJLr t Flnn \* \\ \h br: tF(1) r:\;-) t-! u, F TE Llj0.t! Eoo I lrJFoz zo9z_e(Do =zde J ('c)z= =o= u.l Co|lJ F tculrt! UJ()z oIo t( Ea J LIJFuI Jo. ooFfoo. lttJJtl ulo (J F go Ec -93 E1t 'e I E E 8 o gog to! IIlD tJ!'rl-.- E =E,,|Il o-z9F() =EFazoo !! E =G, uJc l!o uJo- F oz E-G UJo- gEgF;{ E$E€FNE isiEE\fi PP E EOoEE'9 :88 €E6 0'-! -E:Oq)E s€;g€ i3 5';-f -.s€;Et Fi E lEEi E i$F:FF iEcEI I!ssEg; Fll, zgo 'ZZtL,o ooF ^ 6zq 5 =9'!r I o'E vroEz>oo o !;>.?= 6 zl ,. >| UJ u, UJz g, ts =ll,l J z Eo uJ tro @o?zo Fo- UJY I I JJ Co FoJ (, =\!tt -J- }{(\-\\t .9 ,\ri rX:\ ii =z o ^a st+ El r $l {l?il u trl iulqld st HtduiSeea- s), \9 * jr { t1 E() ,3 \J $ 3td E4tr J., d),t q v € Eo e! aul ddI . p$ lui:l Sa. G X ,s sto 6 c 5 q & . |\l $lalol6l :lt., Iol srl -E EI 44 7i nl\9ctl h' f,$JIral oit Nd-l 3l ',i6t dHF J $g v sl ',J1 Iqi3'{tl!q l''iit)l*l l-(l Io z.l ol url 5 sl 6l fl \ $Ff. N\n cOq $l uiJll, F .{ a\r dl- s*l>l ,{l{lI-q ltl I lct,t'r l'4-l Io 1dul 5 >l ttlqa at-l c. |- $':t $ uiJ ut - oz dllJGJ Eo zl3g l-i =IE tt d2 olutcj l!oz =oF |l ||JF, \ \\) .Q tFJ\ --\ 9.2r <r--r LlJz =o Fott, ts (J E G -rO<FEO IJJ <zturF6Z-oo Jg 6P fiE;i oz to =D 4 E)l E )) 9z C) UJ = E ) r 2) Eosb =*do2 o C) Iu =<() s8 3. ?< >. Dtr 75 .oulh Ironlrg. road r!ll, colorrdo 8165? (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2139 otllcc ot oommunlly devclopncnl BUILDING PERI'IIT ISSUANCE TIME FMIIE !f- this permi.t requt:res a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer''s (.PybIic llorks) reyiew and approval ,'a planning Department revi'ew or Health Department review, and a review by the Builiting Department, the estinated time for a total review may take as longas three weeks. All cormercial (large or sma'll) and al'l multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, .if residential or smaller projects impact the various above ment.ioned departments wi.th regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt wi'll be made by this department to expedite this permi't as spon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. Project Name Date Work Sheet was turned into the Connuni ty Development Department. lown n UflI 75 south fronlage ?oed Yeal, colorado 81657 (303, 479-2L.38 ot 479-2L39 otflc€ of communlty devclopment TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT; ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED I{ITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anvperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash duurpsters, portable toilets andworknen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicpl?ge or any portion theieof. The right-oi-way on alf Town ofVail streets and roads is approxirnateiy 5 ft. 6ff pavement.This ordinance will be strillry enforcld by the Tonn of vailPYPIi: works Department. persons found viotating this ord.inancev[rr be grven a 24 hour written notice to rernove said material .fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, the pulfic WorksDepartment will renove said nateiiat at the expense of personnotified. The provisj.ons of this ordinance snift not beapplicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail BuiLding Departrrent to obtain - copy. tlani< you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. Read and acknowledged by: (i.e. contractor, or,rner) Date | -. : Plan Reviar Baaed on tbe 1991 unifoEa Codec NAIvIE:RADISSON RESORT DATE: LL-LL_gz ADDRESS:715 W. LIONSHEAD CONTRACTOR:RDC HOSPITALITY VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT:V/N PARTNERSHIP OCCUPANCY:ArRrB ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:IIFR PLANS EXAMINER:DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS RIQUIRED Tbe itene listed belor are Dot intcnded to be a conplete listingof al.l poaaible code requiremente in tbe adopted codeg. It ia a guid6 to selected gections of tbe codeg. Tb€ folloring is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of tbe pro- vieioae of tbe adopted cod€s or aDy ordinance of tbe Town of Vail . 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL REQUIRED BEFORE Al.lY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. PESTROOMS TO MEET SEC.3]-05 FOR FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY. 3. FIELD INSPECTIONS REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. .r ''r.i. ...! '., 5g 35 PERMIT NUMBER F PROJECT DATE rNsinoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL /2JOB NAME MON CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED D tr D D tr tr E tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND FOUNDATION / STEEL ff^ouo*/ D.w.v. ;{'noucn / wArER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MEGHANICAL: O HEATING O ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR CI FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: D^rE /f '\b'Li-) rNSPEcroB <-s2<-- j PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ol; e // INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR REOUEST or@ N OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION:n5 U ILDING:PL tr D tr tr D tr E] o UMBING:BU ol ol -zY' Itri ol trl tr FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDEBGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / S FRAMING ROOF & SHEER GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: ' tr o o tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING \ ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR -'* O FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ;;;fi':7cf;",ii; ., .t. lNs PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL oo.. \=-\bSS JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: APPROVED CALL @ CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION -tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR / /,2r' -?L INSPECTOR *?Fsrop I ,*#"toN REeuEsr PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER - tREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR '/'1, FRI AM PM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND ON / STEEL - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr tr B' ROUGH CONDUIT tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED dnerr.rspecrroN REeuTRED ' )/. .- .'l \ /,ta. ., Z,l DATE INSPECTOR -\ a--.y. \ -_..-r\?'^,t rNstinoN REeuEsr MoN TUES (GD THUR FRI TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ---,\'AM 7PM,' CALLER t- BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING; tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr D UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAl.t_ tr #*o.FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER / MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS u coNDUlT "__._.-.tr SUPPLY AIR tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL EAPPROVED D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED coRREcTloN s,2 --lwl'L; ^ '" *' ' , INSPECTOR nfficroP DATE INSPECTION:MON *Eo._.@) FRI CALLER TUES PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ,TOWN OF READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER C] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING B INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr tr tr tr tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR INSPECTOR niisrcp % A*"#ro*o$,ffi1,'r'PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: / -) - '-\ 7./z 1 .<-- JOBNAME CALLER TUES AM ,PMREADY FOR LOCATION: MON ./jrn ., . WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOI / H. TUB D SHEETBOCK NAIL D D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT g/--Z-.--a-a--t -:=t-. tr FINAL e/FrNnL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED a/nerruspecrroN REeUTRED t ) jt-,..,i,_-: ..1, , .'- , ,!r, ,.,t -t' t. .. Ls u/' ,' -.'t?'j z, DATE .,'<2 ' <- ., >-INSPECTOR .,J ^CL ' * ril"r' oflf' oj'id u E'3, PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL l -t (-l'rr'' | :' ai' IJOBNAME !_ fs!. v/\\'.,-Jt'., i-\ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: (rt MON . r ':l-l- \- CALLER TUES TT{IIE| trAI i _ ; ,,-ti,r WED , r ( ::''l BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H.TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: El HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR w tr FINAL tr FINAL w{eeaoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED -i -r tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED : f' ,.'',i- . I , .' ,:rl : ,..\.r r - -.v-a \.-- "'.'.. :..,r. l' '\ q z-\. (_ I DATE 1-. INSPECTOR PEBMIT NUMBE 3( e; JOB NAME ES WED THUR// /\A! r,.r' INSPECTION REQUEST TQWN OF VAIL tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED PLUMBI TINGS / STEEL D tr tr tr ftr 0 FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK O POOL / H. TUB FINAL -ffi," ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT 1$,' tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL CORRECTIO INSPECTOR il 6q4i P DATE ..l 5 ';' I JoB NAME rN#CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138r l t'Vr95otr-t READY FOH LOCATION: CATLER INSPECTION: MON TUES 1 ,6 Lt c,itlg llco & WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL g FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATEB n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr ou FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr o tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL OVED I CORHECTIONS: tr DISAPPHOVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Plan Approved n Denred il Health Flil url NET HOTETORPORATION .1 Colorado Bnllroom Renouation and Restrooms Radisson Resort Vail cl?w fu per our earlier discussion, we have enclosed four (4) sets of drawings regarding the renovation of Colorado Ballroom and restrooms on the Radisson Resort Vail in Vail, Colorado. Please have these drawings priced and bids turned in by 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, October20,1992. Radisson Resort Vaii 715 West Lionshead Circle Vail, Colorado Attn: Charles Nehme 303/476-4444 If any questions should arise concerning the drawings, please contact: Vivian rNichois Associates, Inc. 2811 McKinneyAvenue Suite 205, LB 105 Dallas, Texas 7 5204 Attn: Reggi Nichols 214/761-9999 r,!"[,ffiqffi aFre^W h _\<_ "=s I r( Validity of Permlt i Sec. 303 (c) 19 U.B.c. i fhe hsuance 0r granting of a permit or approval 9! ffanl ana soecifrcations shatl not bc construad t0 be a pcrmit.l0r' 0r an iipro"h or any violaiion ol any ol the provisions ql[t]t-gd' oibi .nv oiher'ordinanco 0f th6 jurisdication' The isluance of i orrtii uaseo upon plans, specillcations and olher 0attshall ioi oreueni the duilding official from thsreallor r?quiring the ilirfttiin oi errors in-said ptans, specitlcations and othe' data. " r r- 11:9j-DATE. / 15851 Dallas Parkwav . Suite 925 . Dallas,TX 75248 . (214)450-5800' Fax(214)4i0-5802 I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I Page2 In general tenns, the scope and responsibilities of the follows: Items Demolition Carpet/Pad WVC/Wall Repairs Lighting/Dimming Resuooms (Total) Paint CeilingTile Doors Operable Wall Repairs Operable Wall Carpet Drapes Sound System Signage L. BruceJohnston Vice President Engineering and ConstrucLion cc: Bruce I(ollin Bruce Timson Reggi Nichols Furnish G.C. Owner Owner G.C. G.C. G.C. G.C. G.C. Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner project shall be as lnstall G.C. G.C. G.C. G.C. G.C. G.C. G.C. G.C. Owner G.C. Owner Owner Owner The contract on t}re project will be t}re A.I.A., A101 "Stipulated Sum" between Columbia Savings" and General Contractor. The present drawings show t}re ceiling grid to remain and new ceiling tile to be replaced. Please"provide an alt.tn"atE to provide both grid and tile in the Colorado Ballroom. The anticipated schedule for t}re Colorado Ballroom and restrooms is October 26 through December 5,1992. Contact person at the property is Ed Warren, the Chief Engineer of the hotel, and his phone number is 303/476-4444. Included in this work is insurance for workrnan's compensation and general liability of $2,000,000. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to cail. Sincereiy, Charles Nehme Ed Warren SECTION I-INSIRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS I I I I I I t I l I I I I I I I I Paqe I.2.1Part 1.2 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS I. INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS A. Proposals shal-I be addressed to: B. Proposal's subnitted C. Proposalsperiod if shall be encl-osed j-n a sealed envelope and by the following time: must be subrnitted within the specified tirne they are to be considered- II. QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDERS A. The competency and responsibility of the bidders will be consi'deredinnakingtheawards.Theownerreservestheright to exanine the contractorrs bids in consultation with the Consultant. B. The owner reserves the right to examine the contractorsl sub-bids, and in consultition with Consultant' select a list of subcontractors, paying tbe difference to the Contracror betlreen the sirb:bia which was used by the contractorandtheonese].eetedbytheaboveproposal. C. Quality samples or mock-ups of items- covered by thls contract rr^opos.f may be requested by vivian'/Nichols Associate", irr.., foi use in assessing the bid of any particular contractor. The supplying of such samples sfratt be at the sole exPense of the Contractor' D.TheownerdoesnotobligatehimselftoaccePtthe].owestor any other bid. The opening of bids-shall be private' The owner and,/or his aient in consultation with the consultant shall make the final choice of the contractor unless otherwise sPecified. E. Upon reguest' a bidder whose Proposal is under c-onsideration for the award of the Contract shalt submit satisfactory evidence of hj.s financial resources, his experience, and the organization and eguipment he has available for the performance of the Contract' I I t T I I I I It I I I I I T I I I SECTION I.INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Part 1.2 Paqe 1.2.2 III. SUBMISSION OF BIDSS A. Before submitting a proPosal' bidders.shall carefully exarnine -ihe driwing! lnd ipecifications' and fully inforn thenselves as to all existing conditions and lirnitations. The proposal shall include a sum to cover the eost of all itelns included in the Contract' B. one set of drawings and specifications will be available to each bidder. Should the bidder find discrepancies in, or omissions from, the drawings' .or docunents' or should he be in doubt as to their lneaning' he-should at once contact the bidders' Neither the Owner nor Consul-tant h'iIl be responsible for any oral instructions. c.TheProposalneednotcontainanyrecapitulationofthe work to be done other than that eipJ'icitly stated in. tftl conditions and specifications' Eidders w:':'t De nercr responsibie ror ih. figt t." conlained in the Proposal when the Contract is awarded. D. The Bidders shall state in the bict the nurnber of consecutive calendar days required from the date of the Contract for completion of the work' E. The base proposal shall cel] out items being submitted as specifild 'with each item priced _individually, ang- 1 ".p"r.".-i-ial price for deliv-ery and-insraLlation. AlI applicable taxei, including cit| and state taxes shall be included in the total bi,&, ani shown as seParate-line itemonthebidform.TheGrandTotalcontractPriceshall include the cost of all goods, labor' freightt instalLation, and tax required Lo provide a complete product ready for use by the Olitner' F. The Bidders must guote on the fabricated methods' materials, eguipmen€ and accessories exactly as specified and dltailed. The base bid shall not have dlviations from the Contract Docunents' I I T I t SECTION-1 - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS t t G.Each bid must be signed in longhand by the Bidder with rris usuat signatur-. - gid= by partnerships T:"t be signed by thE partnership nale 9f one of the Partners' foifowea'by the- signature and designation of the Partner "ig"ing. 'Sia" Uy-6orporations are to be fotl'owed by the name of the state of incorporatj-on and by the signature oi tfr" presidentr secretarYr or. other Person authorized to bind it in that nanner-. The name of each person signing shal1 be typed or printed below the signature' The corPorate ".ii shall be affixed beneath the signature. Request for approval of different materials or articles other than that ipecified shall be accompanied by sarnples, records of'performancer, certified copies of tests by impartiaf in^a recognized laboratories' and such additioiral inforrnation as the Consultant may request. If the Bidder wishes to submit a Proposal on. items that are not in exact accordance with the specifications, such alternate bids must be included on a tyPewritten "b""t listing the lnanufacturer's nanne, style number and a brochure cut sheet of the particular item submitted' These items shall be listed as alternates to the bid and not incorporated in the s€rme bid. AII eguiPment furnished is equal to the j-tems specified must be equSf in guality, fi;ish, operating feltures, etc'1 to the items specified by the Consultant. Bidder agrees that if he is selected as a Contractor' he will, at the Owner's request, immediately execute a Contract in accordance - i{ith the terms of these specifications. A price for surety bonds, pernits and additional insi.rrance reguired under specif J'c conditions ( if ieguested by the owner) shall be priced individu.ally on thd eroposai Forms, an& shall be incLuded in the base bid. I l I I I I Il I I I I I l I H. T I K. I t SECTION 2 Part 2.1 - GENERAI - General CONDITIONS Conditions Pace 2.1.1 I. I I I I t GENERA! CONDITIONS DEFINI?IONS AND PRINCIPLES A.owner:Sha}lmeanthePerson,firm.orcorPorationnElmedin the =p."i.il""ii;t;; "ita "i'tir-uL aeemea to include all l"f y--i"t'norized rePresentatives thereof ' B. consultant! shall rnean Vivian'/Nichols Associates' Inc' C. Interior coBtractor: shafl mean the Person' firm or corPoration submitting " ptopotil "" ^!l:::--P1i1: i:: "p"liii""tions for the purpole of constructing sane' ano shal.l be a""ignil.d-;; '"'^'Lt' itt the Agreement with the Owner. D. Approved, acceptable or satisfactory: Shall be understood to mean approved by' accePtafle tor or satisfacto.y-io the Conluftant. ig"l1 or-.aPProved equal iterns and "ou"tii"its shall be corisidered only Priol to time of bid. E. The work3 The work comprises the completed. installation required of -ine Interior Contractor- by the contract Documencs, and includes all labor necessary to produce the instal.l;tion - ana alf materials and equipment incorporated or to be incorporated in the installation' F. Changes in vlork: Authorized-:htn?::,:l:11.:" bv written change order by the Owner after iontract is let' Prior to contract being Iet, changei-snalf be by addendum only' c. Similar: Shall apPly in its general sense and not as meaning iaenti.aii'-'and all contingent details of construct:'on- irrafi' be worked out in ProPer relation to their particuiar locatio" tnd connection to other Parts of work. written Notice: wri.tten notice shall be deerned to have been duly served ii-aef:'v.red in p"i"on to the individual or member of the fiit "t entity or to an officer of the corporation from ttto.-it was intlnded' or if delivered at or sent Uy regisl"i"a- -mail to the I'ast business address known to the Party giving the notice' I t I I Ii I I I I H. I T SECTION 2 Part 2.1 - GENERAL - General CONDITIONS Conditions Paqe 2.1.2 R I I I I t I i t I I I I I t I I I II. THE A. DOCUIT{ENTS Execution' correlation and Intent of Documents: The contract Documents are complenentary and what- is- calIed for by any one -"t.ir u" is bindin-s t:-if^1"11:i fot ot all, it being tfre intent of the Coitracl to include all work required to-""ipi"l" the construction as indicated therein, excepting--;-niy that work which is explicitly mentioned or indi;ated ls omitted fron the Contract' Disagreement or Incongruity! - where observed disagreement occurs between d;;;I;;t ina specifications or within either document itself, submit notice of discrepancy and your assusmprion -;i-ah; resolution in your proposal' Thereafter' the item or arrangement of Letter gulLityr greater guantj.ty' or higher cost shall be included in the bid. Errors, Ambiguities, and Omissions: Any errors' ambiguities and -o.iss:.o"s in drawi-ngs and. specifications shall be ttpoti"a to the owne! or his agent for correction betor-e l"y--p"ii of the work involved is started. unless oihe-rwise expressly stiPulated' no additional attowances wifl be tia" in- the contrctor's favor because of errors, ambiguities' or omissions' which should reasonabfy have been discovered during the preparation of it" Uia--""littt" and directed to the attention of tne--ownei or his agent j'n a timely manner' The written decision of th" o*tt6t and/or his agent will be final . ownership and Use of Documents: AII Drawings' Specificatlons ana- cop:'es furnished by Oltner and'/or consurtant are ;;e ";"ii remain the ProPerty of ordne!' They are to be """4 ""iV with respect t6 tLis ero-ject and are not to be used on any othei project the exception of one contact let for 'ealh Party to the contract' the contract Documents are to be returned or accounted for to-Own.t "t the completj-on of the work' I t I I t I I I I I I I I t I' I I I I SECTION 2 Part 2.1 . GENERAL - Genera] CONDITIONS Conditions Paqe 2.1.3 E. Drawingsr SPecifications, and Instructions: Unfess olherwiss. -'pio":'a"a in the contlact Documents' Vivian,/Ni"i,of-r- -Risociatesl Inc. shall . furnish with reasonable PromPtness - -ant. requi,red additional' instructions, by means or draiings and'zor specifications necessary for the ProPer executioi of the work' The work shall be executed in coniornt:'ty therewith and the Contractor shall do no work witlrout Proper drawings and,/or instructions. ilr'- ;;;h arair:'ngs shall -beconsi.stent with the Contract Documents' true developments thereof, and reasonably inferable tberefrom' F. Project Record Documents! Contractor shall nraintain at theProjectsiteroltBculrentbasisroll€(1)lecordcoPyof all- oii"ing", Specifications' Addenda' Change-Orders and other rnodifications, in good order. and marked to record all ;;;;;Ei-rnaae during-consrruction, and approved ShoP Drawings. Product oal" ina Sarnples' - These shall be available 15 'orn"r. contractor shall advise owner on a current basis of a}l changes in the lJork made during :.n=tuf:.ation- UPon the -"6tpf"tion -oI the Work' alI Projectooco..nt".shallu"_.aeri"eredtoownerwiththe APPlication for Final Payment' III. PERMITS' FEES AND NOTICES A.UnlessotherwiseprovidedinthecontractDocuments, owner shall secure and p"y-iot the buil'di"S-!::T-il liicontracror shall secure aira pay for.all other Permlts ano governmenlal fees, Iicenses, Ena inspections necessary for the piop.i executj'on and cornpletion of the }lork' B. Contractor shall give all notices and complv with all laws, ordinances, rules, itilI"li"""-i"a tawiui orders of any pulric -iutnority leaiiig--on the perforrnance of the l{ork. C. Lar.rs and Ordinances: It is the responsibif itV--91 contractortomakecertainthatthecontractDocumentsare in accordance with applicable laws, statutes' building ";;;--ina reguritiorri. If contractor Performs any work knowing it to be contrary to- larts' ordinancesr rules ana --ieguiitiot'", and without such-notice to owner' Contractor sha1I assume i"fi--ieiponsiUility and shall bear all attributable costs' A. I I t I I I I I I I B. I ) I I t I SECTION 2 Part 2. L - GENERAI - General CONDITIONS Conilitions Paee 2.1'.4 D. Patent Royalties, Fees and Licenses: The Intelj-or conrracroitlilii-'p"v-"u -;;y"Ili;s ana license fees for irems irr.iti"l.lea--in n:.s -w'oii. aff Patent royalties' fees and licenses made "t""=iiiv ly trrl use of patented methods of construction, appliancisr-equipment or devices in the work shall be paid 6|-t[" 1"i"tfor- contractor' and he shall -e.;;;-; indlrnnifv' and hold harmless the onner aeainst "";--;;a' ui-i--'r'ii'". F1l::-:-l:ldi"g ": :11i*ilg to hold letters, Patents covering features ot construcsion, appliances, -"t"ipttnt or -devices so used' No Patent or Patent penaini aititl"' method or device which reguired the payne"i 5f any license fee or royafty in addition to the purchise-piit" =tt?11 be used in the workofthelnteriorContractorwithoutthepriorippio"ar of the owner and'/or his Agent' rv. sHoP DRAI.IINGS' SUBMTTTAIS, AND pPROVels shop Drawings: The Interior contlactor shall provide Consultant with i"ff "i"t-a"tuitta shop drawings-showing all point" ot con-ri;;"Ii;; ior all item! of his contract' and shall. suum:.t-iil--""pi.i- "t each drawing -to the consultants for'"oit".ti'"n and apProval' Tl:::-yawings are to show -"r"ii:.v the -'design, .construction, reinforcement, etc- ' and all features-required in naking such j.tem. pt.ritt6" "ii"rr-be inspected ind corrected to be incorporated irr'tir" drawings ind to be resubrnitted until final "ppto""i is obtaiied from the consultants' Three copies ot'iiia:---approved-shop. arlw:-111-shall be filed nith the con""ii."ti, and rnie'rior contractor shall supply all arawings-ii -r'i" oltn cost and expense' sheet "i-"! i"".ptable to consultantsz 24' x 30"' contractor shall perform no portion of the work at any time without coniract Docurnents o!e where required' approved snop oriwi;;;; Produc+- Data' or sanPles for such portion of the Work- I I I SECTION 2 Part 2.1 - GENERAL - General CONDITIONS Conditions Paqe F v.I I I I I I I t t I I t I I I I LABOR AND II{ATERIAIS A. Materials and Appliances: Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Doi:Lments' Contractor sha1l provide and pay for all labor, materiais, eqiiPTlnt' tools' - t"!111?II: liu"ip"ttation, and other -fa'ilities and servlces necessary for the ProPer execution and completion of the Work, whether temPorary or Permanent and '"tbether o! not incorPorated in the Work' B. Interior contractorts ResPonsibility: The Interior Contractor sha]I verify at the structure or site' all measurements indicated on -tht drawings and shalf establish correctness of all Lines' leveIs' and positions for aII Parts of his Work' C. Contractor shall supervise and direct the l{ork' using con'Lractot'"'u"it "Lirf and iitention' contractor shall' be solery i.tp""iiur" for arl installation means' methods' techniguesr seguences and procedures; and shalI coordinat" .ii-=poiii"tt"'ot the work under the contract' i"uj""t to tbe overall coordination of owner' D. Superintendent: contractor shall employ a comPegent superintendent and necessary issistant! who shalf be in agendance .t-til.-pt;j;;i site during the Progress of the work. rn. =.rp.ii,,ieiat"t srrari repiesent contractor and all' communications given to tttt super!-ntendent shall be as binding as if to Contractor' Imp-ortant comrnunications shalf be confirmed in writing' Contractor shalt at all times enforce strict -discipline and good order .t"Ii cotttt"ttorrs employees and-shall' not emplov on the woti- lty unfit Person ^or it'yot'e not skilled j.n'ttri task assigned to then' Contractor shall be responsibLe to Owner for the acts and omissions ot clntt""ioi; " emproyees' and :lI other persons performini"-""i-"f the work-under a contract etith Contractor. I I SECTION 2 Part 2.1 - GENERAL - General CONDITIONS Conditions Paqe 2.1.6 G. contractor shall take all teasonable safety precautions with resPect to his Work, shal1 comply,with all safety measures initiated by owner and with llf applicable. ]?Yt'ordinances, rul'es, regulations and orders of any PuDrlc autholity ior the'saf6ty of persons or ProPerty in accordanie with ttre reguirements of the Contract Documents.ContractorshaltrePortwithinthree(3)daysto Owner any injury to any of Contractorrs employees at the site. H. Inspection: The Consultant and,/or the Owner' and any parties they rePresent, shall at all tines have access Eo the Interior contractor's ihops or Plants for inspection of construction and material . IV. AVIASDS OF SUBCONTRACTORS AND OTHER CONTRACTORS FOR PORTIONS OF THE WORK A. EI c. l I t I l I I I I I I I I I Unless otherwise required by the Contract Documents or Bidding Documents' Contractorr ds soon as practical after ifre awira of the contract, shalf furnish to owner in writing for review by Owner, the name of the person or entities (including tirose who are to furnish materials or equipment faUricalid to a special design) proposed for "i"n'"t the principal porti-ons of the *ork' Owner will' promptly repfy to Lontrictor in writing stating l^thether brrr"t, irte-r -drre it*t."tigation, has objectlon to any such proposed pelson or entity. Contractor shal.l not contract with any ProPosed-person or entity to whom Owner has made objection' Contractor shall not be required to contract wi-th anyone to whom Contractor' has an objection. If owner has objeetion to any such proposed Person or entity, Contract6r shall submit a substitute to \''rhom owner'has no objection, and the Contract Sum shall be in-reasea Uy th6 substitution and an appropriate Change order shalL be issued; however, no increase .in the Contract Sum shal.t be allowed for any substitutj'ons unless Contractor has acted promptly and responsively in submitting narnes. I t I D. E. I I I I I I I I G. I I I I I I T SECTION 2 - GENERAI CONDITIONSPart 2.I - ceneral Conditions Paqe 2.L.7 Contractor shall make no substitution for any subcontractor, person or entity previously selected if Owner makes objection to such substitution. Subcontractual. Relations: By an appropriate agreement' written where legally reguired for validity' Contractor shall. reguire each subcontractor, to the extent of the Work to be performed by the subcontraclor, to be bound to Contractor by the terms of the Contract Documents, and to assume toward Contractor al.l the obli.gations and responsibilities which Contractor, by these Documentswith respect to the Work, to be performed by the subcont!actor so that the subcontracting will notprejudice such rights, and shall allow to the subcontractor, unless specifically provided otherltise in the contractor- subcontractor agreement, the benefit of all rights, remedies and redress against Contractor that Contractor, by these Documents, has against Owner. Where appropriate. Contractor shall require each subcontractorto enter into similar agreements with their sub- subcontractors. Contractor shall make available to each proposed sub-subcontractor prior to the execution of the subcontract, copies of the Contract Documents to which the subcontractor will be bound, and identify to the subcontractor any terms and conditions of the proposed subcontract which may be at variance with the ContractDocuments. Each subcontractor shall similarly make copies of the Contract Documents available to their sub- subcontractors. The owner reserves the right to employ other contractors for work in connection with this project. The Interior Contractor shall afford other contractors access to areas in which he is workj.ng and reasonable opportunity to carry out their work so that progress of constructionwj.ll not be defayed. Trade Unions: A11 work to be perforrned in connection with this contract shall be done by persons or firns whose ernployees are not objectionable in any way to the various trade unjons in the construction of the premises. The Interior Contractor shall be wholly responsible forall trade union rel.ations and the Owner shall not be Iiab1e in any way through delays or cl,aims arising through such causes. t t I t I I T t I I I I I I I I I T SECTION 2 Part 2.1 - GENERAI - General CONDITIONS Conditi.ons Paqe 2.1. 8 VII. SCHEDULING AND TIME A.schedulelcontractorrimnediatelyafterbeingawardedthe contract, shall pt"Jii" an-d -submit for ownerrs approval -in in"t"lI"ti-on--scrreaufe f or the work which shall provide for expedltious and practical execution of the work.'--iirii schldule shall bE coordinated by owner with the Project construclion Schedule' The Install-ation schedule shall be reviseJ- i" required !V tfre conditions of the work and Project, suUject €o the Ownerrs approval' B. Delays and Extensions of Time: If Contlactor is delayed at any time in the progress of the Work by any act or neglect of olvner' any oi their employees' any otber contractot "^pr"v!a 6y owner, oT by- changes ordered in the wotll - iiui't di'sputes'' f ire' .unusual delay in transPortation, adverse tt"tt'tt conditions not reasonably anticiPatable, unavoidable casual'ties' anY causes b:V:i9 the contiacior's control , delays authorized by owner pending arbitration, ot Uy -any other cause which Owner deterrnine"-..y iustity ti"e aef'ay' then the contract Tine sha1l Ue--exllna6- uy 'chinge orber . for such reasonable time as Ohtner maY determtne' l.Anyc}aimforextensionoftimeshallbemadeinwritingto olrtner no more than twenty ( 20 ) davs af ter the cornnencement of the itf"vt -Ltherwise' it shaIl be waived. In the case of i continuing delay' only one claj'rn j's necessary' Contractor shaLl provide ' an estirnate of the prolable effect of such delay on the Progress of t'lork. 2. Thi.s Paragraph does not preclude' tfrg recovery of darnages tor defay" b| eithet p"tiy under other provisions of the ^ Contract Documents. VIII. USE OF SI?E A. Contractor shall confine operations at the site to areas peimittea uy law, ordinances, permits Tq---:h" contract Documents, and shalI not unreaionably encumber the sj'te with materials or eguiPment' I I SECTION 2 Part 2.1 . GENERAI - General CONDITIONS Conditions Paqe 2.1.9 any tYPe shall of this workr or so authorized B. c. l I I t I contractor shafl coordinate all of Contractor's operationswj,thrandsecureaPProvalfrom'Ortnerbefore oi:.ttg any Portion of the site' The ConLractor for General Construction shall furnish and ;;;"i;;-il; forlowine: .remporafY e9we1 ild. +i?ht as mav be reguired to-'i.6irittti th; 'instal'lation of the eguipment; t..ron.bi" openings- and storage sPace to permit convenlenl---a"riiery 9f the equipnent' The Interior contracior shall- check conditions at the buirding, particuiiity openings and passag::'-::-that he does not build .ttv-ii6*t too tirge: .Anv ::"|^P::""s that are too bulky t.i -"ii=titg fi"itities are to be hoisted and,/or otherwise handled wii'n proter aPPalatus to be paid for by Interior contractor. D. Signs: No signs or nane Plates of aiiowea to be disPlaYed on any Part oi-iuo"t the owneirs premises unless writing by the owner and/or his agent' be onin I t IX. MUTUAI RESPONSIBILITY A. If any part of Contractor's l{ork depends uPon the ProPer executionorresultsoftheworkilfowneroranyothelcontractorl-conltittot sha11' before proceedin? ttl-:1: work, pto*ptfy rePort to owner any aPParent discrePancles or defects in the work that rendlr lt unsuitable for the ProPer execution and results' Failure of contractor to repott shall constitut" "n-i"""ptance.of owner's or other contractor's work as fit and pioper to.receive the work' except as to defects tiri.it miy subseguently become aPPalent in the work bY others' x. I I I I I I I I CUTTING AND PATCHING OF WORK A.contractorshallberesponsibleforallcutting,fittingor patching li.t ;;y-;;'reguired to complete-the work or to nake its seveiai i.rt" fft together properly. t I SECTION 2 Part 2.1 - GENERAL - General CONDITIONS Conditions Paqe 2.I.10 B.l I I I I I t B. I I T I I I I t Contractor shal.f not damage or endanger any. portion of the work or the work of ottner or any oiher contractors by ."ttitg, patching,- -oi-otherwise aliering any work' or by excavation. Conit."tor shall not cut oi otherwise alter the work of Owner-oi-.ty other contractor excePt with the written conseDt of Ownlr and of the other contracEor' coniractor shal1 not unreasonably withhold from.onner or any other contractor consent to cutting or altering work' Plaster Patching: The Interior Contractor shafl be liable and responsibi"-fot any plaster patching.reguired uv-t"it"" of hii work, and as Laused by the negligence of his eraproyees. ;;l;;"; of any kind so reguired' will be iepalila i"a cnarlea-1" r,i.. 'Th" rntttioi contractor is ca'utioned to take the necessary precautions to Protect in" pf""ter work coming in contact with his eguj'pment' D. In all cases where an Interior Contractor causes or rs alleged to have caused damages to any otber contractor' the Interior contractor shali settle aII claims against hirn. rf any contractor sues the ortner for damages alleged to irave been sustained because of the Interior Contractor's work, Interior Contractor shall defend such proceedings, satisfy utty-jttdgement. .awarded' and pay all exPenses arising because of such aetlon' XI. ACCESS AUTHORITY AND STOPPAGE Onner Access: RePresentatives of the Owner and'/or his ;;;;t "fr.ft have iccess at all times during the.Progress of the l{ork to iny- pf.ce where the Work is being periot."a, and the Interior contractor shal] provide sufficieni and p.-!.t-i.ciLities for tbeir inspection' owner's Right to StoP the work: If contractor faifs to ""iil.t deiective wori< or persistently fails to-carry ouE the t{ork in accordance with the Contract DocunenEs; O"r"ir-lV a written order, may order Contractor to stoP ;;;a-;t'all of -iire w"rx, untii the cause for such order iras been eliminated. This right on the part of owner to "i"p-tft" work shall not give rise to any duty on.the Part of owner to .*.i"i".- -tfri-" right for lhe benefit of the Contractor o! any other Pelson or entity' I I I I I I T I I I 2. I I I I I I t SECTION 2 Part 2.1 - GENERAI - General. CONDIIIONS Conditions Paqe 2.1.11 XII. PROTECTION OF WORK A. contractor shall take all reasonable Precautions to Protect his glork from damage by others' B.contractorshalltakenecessaryPrecautionstoProtectthe finished work of otbei "ontitciors from damage caused bY his oPerati'ons. c. contractor shall cooPerate with Owner and other contractors wbose worx rnilnt interfele brith contractor's work, ancl shalI particlpite in the . ?ttP1l":i::. -::coordinated drawings in arlas on congestion as regulreo by the conttact pocurnenii, specitically noting and aivising Owner of any such interference' XIII. INSURANCE AND IIABILITY A. Pub1ic Liability, Casualty and Workmeints Compensation Insurancer etc.: The Interior Contractor shall' at his cost anit exPense, Procule and maintain satisfactory p"uii. ri*iiiiv-ita L.='-t"lty insurance as well as he can adequately pr-ilct hirnseLf ina the oetner from personal injury, in.roaing- oeitn, wn:'cn may arise-::?T operations under this -"otit."t, whether slch operations be by himself or by any subcontractor or anyone directly or indirectlY emPloYed. The Interior conLractor shalI, Bt his own cost and expense, Plocure---;;e- maintain adeguate workmen's compensatj,on Insurance in an amount saiisfactory to the Owner and sufficient to Protect hirn and his subcontractor | " .na- ih" o*tn.t from any- clai'ms under the Workmen's Compensation !aw. It being expressly understood and "gi""E-ihat all Persons employed directly oi-inairectty ii- connection i'ittr said work by- -theInterior contractor-;; ;;y of his subcontractors will be considered to 'U," -ln. ' enployee of such lnterior contractors or subcontractors and not the employees of the Ovtner. Certificates of Public Liability, Casualty and.Workmen's c"rp""."tion shali--be filed with the owner if he so i.eitii.", and wiir u"-suuiect to his approval both as to amount and adeguacy of its Protection' I t SECTION 2 Part 2.1 - GENERAI - Generaf CONDITIONS Conditions Paqe 2.1.12 B. c. I I I I I I I The Interior contractor shal1 rnake al1 Pa)rments in accordance with the unemployment, old Age, 1n9 Social security provision;- ;i t'he -Federal' stale and t{unicipal governments and ."if g"""tning bodies Pursuant to-law for that purpose ..a!-lt3--lrovi6ed,,whether enacted at the tirne or prior to-the-exlcution of the contract or during the progress of tne-woik h"t""nder; and shafl assume al'I liability for the c"tpii"n"t of the reguireroents thereof' The Interior contractor shall assume aII liabilities for i;j";;;;-ao- o= i;;;- -of anv of the owner's propertYr or the proPerty oi- iny oth-er contractor which may be ..pfoy.a'by the Ownlr of said premisesr o! to any adjoining proPerty or the ProPerty "f llv-lllrd person' which may be "'."".1 -Iit"ltrv oi indirectly by the Interio! Contractor, his subcontractors' and by the emolovees of """n-oi them, and shall at his own cost and :ffi;I:=i"i"*niii" tn.-o*ir for and make eood any such damage, loss or'trreii. The Iiabirity."I^ tl:,rnterior Contractor under this covenant is absolute and-is not dependent upon trte"eueiiion- of ne91igenc"- 9f 11"' his subcon'Lractors or their employees' ine failure of the Owner to direct-the Interior- Contractor to take any particular act, will not excuse the Interi'or Contractor in any ease of such damage. Firelnsurance:ThelnteriorContractorshallbesolelyliable for all materials stored in and about the buildi.ng, and tor tfre work material installedt but not yet aPProved uy-lfte o*t"t and,/or his agent and for whi'ch Davment has not been made or approved, and shall carry 'iO6qrrut" fire insurance covering the same' D. I I I t I I I XIV. CLEAN UP A.contractorshallatalltimeskeepthe.prernisesfreefrom accumulation of naste ^-t"titr=-oi ruuUish arising out'of tbe op"t.iio.,s of tnis --Eonltttt' Unless otherwise provided, -conit".tot srrarf-noi be held responsible for unclean conditions caused by other contractors or subcontractors - B. If Contractor fails to clean up at. the completion of the work, orrtner may do so and char-ge the cost of clean uP to - the Contractor. I T SECTION 2 Part 2.1 - GENERAI - General CONDITIONS Conditions Paqe 2.1.l'3 I I I I I I C. If a dispute arises between Contractor and other contractoi"'." to their responsibility for cleaning uP' oirner ."y-"t-"r, up and charge- the cost to the contractors responsi6le as thL Owner shalf determine' D. uPon comPLetion of his work, all toolsl appliances' eguiPnent and surplrr" .tttiial shall be rliroved from the premi.ses and unrels otherwiie directedr the finished work left i'n a neat, clean and serviceable conditj'on acceptable to the owner and,/or his agent' XV. .CHANGES IN THE WORK The Owner and,/or his agent may at any time during the progress of the work, riquest tirat aLternatives' deviations' ailditions, or onissions be made to or from the work as indicated and specified. such changes shall. be made only in pursuance ot th! written instructi5ns of the owner or hj's agent and snali i. "" way eff-ct the related contract' either as to tirne for comPletion, contract price, or r"ork to be done, except--is expiessly stated in such authorization. No ;;;;"t sirall be' madel nor will bif ls f or chanses ' alterations, modificatj-ons, devi'ations' and extra orders be recognized or paid for except uPon the written order fron the owner and/ot his agent. No otteitit" shall be allowed' excePt uPon tlte *rili"n- order of the owner' No changes in construction methods from thos" ." detailed and specified hereinaft"t t.y be used, otti""" opon written consent and approval of inl owner or his agent lor such substitutes' XVI. CLAII'IS FOR DAMAGES ShouldeitherPalty.tothecontractsufferinjury.ordamageto person oi pi"p"ity because of any act or omission of the other Party or of any df the other plrty's employeg:' ag:nls or others for whose acts such-pitty- is iegally Iiable' claim shall be made in wr!.ting lo- tni othei pirty within a reasonable time after the injury or damage' XVII. PERFORMANCE OF BOND AND LABOR AND HE?ERIAI, PAYI'{ENT BOND ownershallhavetherighttoreguireContractortofurnish bonds coverinl-'tf," t"itf,i"f -peifdrmance-of the Contract and the paynent ;i aii obligations arising under the contract' I I t I I I I I I t t SECTION 2 Part 2.I - GENERAL - General CONDITIONS Conditions Paqe 2.I.14 t I I I t I I I t I I t I I t XVIII. TESTS A.Requiredcertificatesofinspection,.testingorapprovalshall be secured by contracior' and Contractor sha1l prornptly deliver then to Or"ner' B. If the contract Documents, lawsr - ordj.nances, rules' regulatiorr", ot orders oi any.public authority havinq jurisd5'ction require any porii6n of . the work to be inspected, tested or appro-ved, Contractor shaLl give the Or,,rner timlfy-"oiice of iis reaainess so Oi{ner may observe the j'nsPection, testing -r approval'. Contractor shall bear alt costs of the inspeciiottt, tests or approvals conducted by public autirorities' Unless otherwise provided, oiner' shall bear all costs of other insPections, tests or aPProvals' If owner determines that any work requires special inspection, testing, ol -approval which Subparagraph xvIII (B) does "oi' includel- owner shall instruct Contractor ro oraer ttre special inspectiont testing or .pp=o".r, and c"nlii"t"i siri:':' give notice as Provided in iLtp"t"9t-prr xvrriiii. rf th; special inspection or i-"tir,g-t"veals i'i.irntt of the lvork to comply with the i"g"i;i"t."ts of the contract Documents, Contractor shall bear all costsi otherwise Oltne! shall bear such costs' and an aPProPrlate Change order shalL be issued' XIX. PAYMENTS WITHHETD A. owner may withhold Payment, in whole or-in Part' to-the exteni necessary to reasonably Protect owner from loss because of: ]' Defective l{ork not renedied; 2. Third Party claims, files or reasonable evidence indicating probable filing of such clains; 3. Failure of Contlactor to make payments properly to 4. Reasonable evidence that the Work cannot be completed ior the unpaid balance of the contract Sumt I I SECTION 2 Part 2.1 - GENERAL - General. CONDITIONS Conditions 5. Danage to Ownet or other contractori Paqe that the work w111 not be Contract Timet or to carry out ttre Work in Contract Documents. SubparagraPh XIX(A) above are ue 'nao6 ior anounts withhefd A. I I I t I I I c. I I I I I I I I I 6. Reasonable evidence comgleted within the 7. Persistent failure accordance with the B. When the grounds in removed, Palzment shall because of then: XX. SUBSTANTIAI COMPLETION when contractor considers that the work, or a- desigl"!9d priti"" which is-i-ceptable -to oritner is substantially complete, the contractor shall PrePare for owner a list of items to be -ompleted or coirected' The failure to include any items- tn such list does not alter the iii=p"riiuiiity ot contractor to complete -1ll work ln accordaace with the Contract Documents' When Owner on the basis of inspection determines that the work or airilgr.i.a portioi-;i-i;" work is substantially comPrete' the owner wifl tiien-PrePare a Certificate of Substantial Completion of tire woif irnictt straIl establish the Date of Substantial completion of the work, shalt state the responsibilities of owner and Conlractor for security' damage to the Work, and insurdnc€r and shalI.fix-the time within which contractor shaLl complete the items. listed' The Certifi.cate of Substantiaf Clrnpletion of - the Work shall be submitted to contractbr for his written i--"pt."". ot *e-iesponsibilities assigned to contractor in the Certificate. Upon Substantial Cornpletion of the Work or designated p-oiiion ot the work' and upon apolication by contractor' owner sharr make Payment, reilectj'ng adjustment in retainage, if "nv, rbt' such l{ork as frovided in the Contract Documents. warranties required by the Contract Documents shaLl begin o1 tn" Oate 6f i"U"ii"tial Coropletion of the.Project' or designated porti-n of the YJork, unless othentise provided in tfre certificate of Substantial Conpletion' I I SECTION 2 Part 2.1 - GENERAL - General CONDITIONS Conditlons Paqe 2.1.16 I I t I I I I I I I I I I T I I I XXI. FINAI COMPIETION AND FINAI PAY}IENT A. Following ownerrs issuance of the Certificate of Substantial Conpletion of the gfork or designated. po-rtion of the Work, and contractor's completions of the l{ork' contractor shall forward-to owne! a written notice that theWorkisreadyforfinalinspectionandacceptaDce' and shaLl afso forward to owner L tinat Application for Payment. Upon receipt, Owner will make the necessary evaluations ind will promptly make the inspection' . When Owner finds the Work aiceltaUte under the Contract Documenrs and the Contraci iully perforned, Owner will apProve the final payment due Contractor' B. Neither the final Payment nor the remaining retainage shall become due untiL contractor submits to owner (1) an affidavit that all payroils, bitls for materials and equipment, and other indebtedness connected with the Wolk for which owner or owner's property rnight in any way be responsible, have been piid 'or iat:'itie8, (2) consent of sureElr ii-'.nv, to finai payment,- 11rd. !3) if reguired by the owner, .otber aatl - establishing Pa)rment satisfaction of all such obligations, such as receiptst releases and rraivers of liSns arising out of tl: contract, to the extent and in such form as may De designated bY the Owner. HI.II. GUARANTEES All furnishings and eguiprnent furnished by the Contractor shall be guaranteed against derects in workrnanship, materials and installation. R6pair" -i "ny defects during the first year after final conpletion lnd accePtance of the instaflation will be ma-de by the contractor at his-oY" :::: and expense and without charge to -the. owner' A'rr luerl repairs ata repf.""*.trt" shall be made at a time and at hours satisf actory to'tbe Ormer. XXIII. RIGHTS AND REMEDIES A. The duties and obligations imposed by and the right:- a."d renedies availabl.e from the Lontracl Documents shall be in additio" t"r-i"a- not a limitation of' aly dutiesr obligations, iigtrts and remedies othervtise itoposed or available by 1aw. I I CONDITIONS ConditionsSECTION 2 Part 2.f - GENERAI - General Paqe 2.1.17 B.Noactionorfailuretoactbyownerorcontractorshallconstitute a waiver of any rilnt or duty afforded any of then under this Contract' noi shall any such action or fail-ure to act constitute an approval of or acguiescence in any breach of this Contractt excePt as may De specificallY agreed in writing- XXIV. GOVERNING LATI The contract shall be governed by the law of the state uhere the site is located. XXV. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS owner and contractor respectively bind themselvesr their partners' successols' assi'gns and- Iegal rePresentatives to ihe other Party and to the partners, successors' assigns and legal reprelentiti*'es of such other Party with respect.to aLl covenants, agreements and obligations . contained in the Contract Docufrents. Neither party to the Contract shall assign the Contract or sublet it ls a whole without written consent of '.he other. I T I I I I I I I t I t I t I I I A. B. c. h A. B. I I I T t T I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 3-PREAII{BLES paqe 3.10.1Part 3.10-Lighting LAI\TP AND CUSTOM LIGHTING PREN.IBLE I. DEFINITIONS owner: shall mean the Personr firm or corporation named i;--th; steciticatl-";;; ltta =nJr be deemed to incrude "if -dorv' authorized representatives thereof ' Consultant: Shall mean Vivian,/Nichots Associatest Inc' Manufacturers Shatl mean the Person' 5iT or ;;$;;;aion-suumi-tt-i;;- a proposal o-n these plans and ;;;;iii;;iiott" rot in6 purposL of manufacturine same' Approved, acceptable or satisfactory: . -Shall be understood to mean approved by, acceptable -to' or satisfactory to the Coniultant. iqual or aPProved equal items and suustiiutes sball be corisidered only prior to tirne of bid. II. GENERAL Disagreement or Incongruity:, Where observed disagreement occurs betwe6n drlwings and specifications or within elther document itself, subnit notice of discrepancy and V""i-ii"umption of the resolution in your proposar. thereafterl the item or arranqement of better quarity, ;;;;a;;-;uantitv, or higher cost shall be included in the bid. Errors, Ambiguities, andl Omissions: Any errors' arnbiguities and o^i=iiott" in drawings and. specifications shall be reported to the Owner or his agent for correction beforJ -.rry-putt of the work involved is started. UnIess ot-heiwise expressly stipulatedr Do additional allowinc;; ;iii be ma-de in the Manufacturer's favor because "i-'-.itoti, ambiguities' or omissions' which should t.i"o""Ufy-i,uu. be6n discovered during the preparation of tfre Uitt' estimate and ilirected to the attlntion of the Owner or hls agent in a timely manner' The hrritten decision of the Owner and'/or his agent will be final . I SECTION 3-PREA}IBLES Part 3.1O-Liqhtin c. n E. n I t I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I Laws and ordinances: Manufacturer shal.l comply_with all appficable laws, oiditt"tt"es, regulations, and directions uy'ptop"t authorities having jurisdiction' AII items fiob""La uy the Manufacturer must meet aII state and ioca:. builiing and fire standards for the location in which it will b; used. It is the Manufacturerrs responsibifity to see that these standards are met' Inspectionl The Consultant and,/or the Owner' and any pariies they representr shall at all times have access to the l{anufacturerrs shops or plants for inspection of construction and matertals. Stanilard of Workrnanship: AIl workmanship -shall be of the highest grade and guality- Work shall be done by skilled, conp.teti ind iesponiiure workmen exernplifying the best standard of worknansbip. All materials used in the fabrication and installation shall be the best of their respective kinds and the methods of construction and instailation sball be of the highest standard' Guarantees: A11 furnishings and equipment furnished by the Manufacturer shall be luaranteed igainst defects in workmanship, materials and instatlation' RePairs.of any defects during the first year after final completion and icceptance of the installation will be made by the Manufacturer at his own cost and expense and htithout charge to the Owner. All such repairs and replacements shall be made at a time and at houis satisfactory to the Ortner . Identification: AII units shai-I be labeled, tagged' or sidemarked with their respective number and location' Unless each item is taggld, it will not be accePted at warehouse or job site. --Should items not tagged be accepted, the Manufacturer shall be back charged the additional labor costs (includ'ing overhead) involved in determining the room location of the items' I I SECTION 3-PREN,TBIES Part 3.IO-Liqhtin I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I H. Shop Drawings: The successful Manufacturer shall provia. c""".[rtant with full size detailed shop drawings lhowing all point of construction for all items of his ' contract,-ina'"tirr submit two copies of each drawing to the Consultants for correction Lnd approval . These drawingsaretoshowclearlythedesign'construction' reinforcementr etc., and all leatures required in making suchiten.Drawingsshallbeinspectedandcorrectedto be incorporated ii trre drawings and to. be resubmj.tted unti! fii:af approval is obtained from the consultants' Three copies bi fina:' approved shop drawings shall be ' f iled wittt the consultai'rts, and Manuf acture! shall supply ail drawings at his own cost and expense' Sheet size acceptable to Consul-tantsz 24"x30"' I. PrototyPe: Manufacturer shall provide a-complete Proto- type oi- any unit as directed by the Consultants' The PrototyPe si:all be provided prior to fabrication and shall be for approval by Consultants III, MATERIAIS, CONSTRUCTION' AND WORKMANSHIP A. AII lighting fixtures and lamps supplied -must be U'L' rated, bear the u.t. Iabel, and meet all local' state' and national codes for fabrication of electrical fixtures. B. All lamps must have a clear cord, minimurn 8 feet long frorn bale of lamp to connecting plug, unless otherwise specified. c. The switches for all table lamps shall be base switches unless otherwise specified. There shall be no cord switches. D. All table larnps sha1l the bottom. have felt Protecti-ve Patches on E. All floor lamps must be heavily weighted for stability' F. AII harps to be locking harPs. I SECTION 3-PREAI'IBLES Part 3.lO-Liqhtin G. I. J. I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I T The Manufacturer of the chandeliers and other custom lighting shatl inform the owner and the consultant of "t! spe6ial reguirements for hanging or installing their fiitu;es. The [ianufacturer shall carefully coordinate with the General Contractor so that all electrical , structural, and rnechanical reguirements are met and coordinated to provide for a cornplete instalLation' All chandeliers should be supplied in such a nanner that on-site assembly time is rninimized. If extraordinary on-site assembl! time is required, the l'lanufacturer shall notify tire Owner and the Consultant in writing prior to producing the fixture. The l4anufacturer of the chandeliers and other custom lighting shall supply detailed assembly -instructions'If- necessary to- - cornplete the installation' the Manufacturer will be asked to supervise the on-site assernbly of complicated custom lighting. A1I chandefiers should be damaqe i-n transit. packed and crated to Prevent I I SECTION Part 7.I FINISHES Paint A. B. D. I. t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I PAINTING provide labor and material to finish aII areas specified itt.ftraitg walls, ceilngs, trim, jambs, doors where Paint is reguiied, and called out by symbol and,/or notatlon' Materials and installation reguirements shall meet standards and specifications set forth for this project by vivian/tlichois Associates, Inc. Further' all local' Uirifaing and fire codes shal1 be adhered to j'n this work' Follow paint manufacturerts instructions for preparation of surfaces and application of paint- Remove all hardware, accessories, machined surfaces' ffit.", lighting fixtures, and simil-ar items in place and not to be finish-painted, or provide surface-applied protection prior t-o surface preparat'ion Td painting bperations. Remove if neceLsaiy, fgt the -completepiinting of the items and adjacenl surfaces' Following tornpletion of painting of eaih space or area, reinstall the removed items. Protect all surfaces not to be painted. A1I finish coats shall be flat, washable enamel unless otherwise specified. Paint selections have been made from specific color systems and paint manufacturers. where painting contrac- tor wishes to use other than specified system, he shallsubmitsarnplesL2"xL2"toVivian/Nicho]s Associates, Inc. for aPProval . Painting contractor shall submit samples, . actual paint and,/or itrips to Consultant for verification prior to final application. wood finish samples shall be subrnitted to Vivian/Nichols Associatesr Inc. for approvali 3 variations: minimum 12"x 12" for approval, piior to final application' I I SECTION Part 7.1 7-FINISHES -Paint Paqe 7.1.2 J.I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I Flameproofing all finish materials shall be treated with flame retardant Process where required by .local code' Should flarne retar-dant Process cauJe change in- color and etf""t on finish materialr Contractor shall notlfy Vivian/Nichols Associates, Inc. before proceeding' K. Unless otherwise specified, o! noted on contract drawings, aooi iiames' and trin shall match adjacent wall (stain or paint). L. Upon cotnPletion of painting work, clean Paint-sPattered surfaces. Remove spatterei paint by ProPer methods of washing and scrapin|. Leave instatlttion clean and free of defective work. t I SECTION 7-FINISHES Part 7.2-V{allcoverin A. B. D. r!- F G. I I I I I I I I I t I I T I I I I WALLCOVERING provide labor and install all wallcovering materials as "["tn-"n drawings. Alt wallcovering shall be insta]Ied per manufactureis instructions using ProPer. adhesive' Ltrippable type, for the type of suiface to be covered' rrr" iii*"r aiit sealer shall be as recommended by the walLcovering manuf acturer. wallcovering Contractor will be responsible -for all g"i"tity tafle-offs of all materials under this contract' eroposais to provide this work strall include a schedule of quantities (yardage, rolls, or square feet ) of each material specified. AIl materials, including adhesive required to install the r"if"ott.ting -wiIl be provided Uy the- -Watlcoveri-ngcontractor. The wall-covlring, itsel!, will be provided by the Ordner. Materials, and installation requirements shall meet standards and specifications set forth for this Project Uy-vi"i""/Nichois Associates' Inc. All loca1 building aia fire codes shalt be adhered to in this work' All finish materials shall 'be treated with a flame retardant process where reguired by local-code'. Should flame retardant Process catise cbange in color and effect on finish material , Interior Contractor shall notify vivian,/Nichols Associates, Inc. Prior to installing any material , vtallcoverj-ng contractor shall check material for defects. shadingt ProPer ".i..ti""r-ana iirall confirm and verify each material with Vivian,/Nichols Associates' Inc. lfallcoverj'ng con- tractor shatl send a cutting of each material received to Vivian,/Nichols Associates, Inc., before proceeding with the installation. It is the responsibility of the General' contractor to see that the work is prop-erly prepared to receive wall- covering as specified. I? the- work is not properly pr"pare6, the Wallcovering contractor shall notify vlvian,/Nichols Associates' inc., in writing prior to proceeding with the instalLation. I I SECTION 7-FINISHES Part 7.2-Wallcoverin H. I. J. K. t I I t I I I I I I I I I I t t I Hang panels in exact order as they are cut from rolls; use-rolls in consecutive order. Filt sPaces above and below doors and similar areas in sequence from the roll, not later when all full-length pieces have been installed. Installed material shall be secure' smooth, cleant without wrinkles' gaps or overlaps. Examine each seam carefully when cornpleted. Trim additional selvage where required to achieve a color and Pattern match at seams' Wrap all covering 5' beyond outside corners and 3" at inside corners. Cutting lt corners will not be accepted, nor will horizontal seams be acceptable other than where indicated or requj.red for pattern change. The Wallcovering Contractor shall be responsible for Protecting the work from damage during instaLlation' Lnd for leaving the instaflation clean and free of defective work. F. I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t Hardwood Edgings: Refer to iection 06200. Fiber Glass Backinqi 0wens-Corning Fiberglas Corp. "Series 703" semi-rigid fiber gTass boards, 1/2" thick. PNT 3.01 3-EIECUTIOII PREPARATI ON: A. Remove rough spots in substrate; fill with spackling compound. holes and depressions 0. Sand spackllng cornpound smooth lnd evcni apPly lcoler at recommended by wall coverlng manufacturer. 3.02 INSTALLATION: A. Adhered Appl i cati ons;l. Adhes i ve:a. Follow manufacturer's directions for m'i xing and appl i cat'i on.b. Mil adhesive thoroughly; app'ly to back of wall covering with bnush or roller in thin' even coats over entire panel .2. t.lal I Covering:a. Install -panels vertically without end joints. Do not locate vertical ioints within 6" of corner. Horizontal joints will not be permitted. b. Immediately smooth wal'l covering usin9 stiff bristled sweep or flexible broad knife to eliminate bubbles and insure adhesion. Remove excess adhesive from seams immediately, using damp cloth or sponge' and dry with towel .ce Use pane'l s in exact order they aie cut f rom ro'l l. Reverse every other panel of non-matching patterns. d. FilI in above and below openings with panels cut in consecutive order from roll. B. Upholstered Applications;1. Place nailer strips completely around perimeter of wall and penetrations; secure by nai'l ing,Jcrewing and 91 ueing as reoui red.2. Place batting between nailers; butt tightl y to naj'l ers and to adjacent pieces. Staple sufficiently to hold in place and prevent sagging.3. Seam fabric for each wall into one plece prior to installation. Make seams straight' tight and neat.4. Cut fabric roughly to size and secure in place temporarily. Allow to hang in place for 24 hours min. to acclimatize prior to stretching.5. Stretch fabric tight and staple to perimeter nailers; secure sufficiently to prevent sagg'i ng, wrinkles, puckers and other defects. 09950-2 t t 6. 7. I I I I t I t I I I I I t t I I I 3.03 EIID OF SECTIOTI Trim fabric around perimeter and penetrations. Apply double welt completely arouhd perimeter andpenetrations; secure with hot-melt glue. C. }lrapped panel Appllcations;1.' .Cut panels to fit and position on wall prior to applyingfabric to assure correct fit.2. l{rap fabrlc around panel edges and secure on back ofpaneli stretch tightly to remove wrinkles, sags, puckers and other defects.3. Secure panels to wall surface uslng concealed hangers. CLEANI NG: A. Clean work upon completion as recommended by manufacturer. 09950-3 I I SECTION 7 A. B. D. t I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I Part 7.4 - FINISHES- Plastic LaminaEe Pa e7 Plastic surfacing shall bebetter adhesion. rough sanded on the back for Balancing grades of the sane Plastic surfacing material. .020' thick shall be instal.led on opposite sides of cores t,o equalize puJ.1. Adhesives and Gluesl Face veneers and Plastic surfacj.ng naterials shalt be adhered and glued $rith urea- formaldehyde or phenoiressorcinol. type adhesive' applied adhesive, applied in accordance with manufacEurer's directions. PLASTIC LAMINATE Plastic Laninate surfacing shall be a high-pressure thermosetting melamine laminate, conforming as a nininun to NEIIA LD-3' GP 50, .050' thick, color and pattern as selected by the consultant from manufacturer's standards. ? t-o. .:3F \5 N Nt \ $ A ,d \$t-:tu $r N :it,(s 'i +tdq d ?i\,l+Niu EiNir lv e9ut .sP5tFii d !t-vrI-\:5rl f, {3 t til/ Ivj:\3; | trl:\;rtl -ltr!l {sr-,Fl -LJ * \l otu N,p .s:\i+ . id^ /iq 7 -\r!Frtl tra "1 ) jV ^E.Nd :f ii'r \'l +s L EF { rr. =$.o'. 56qd! f -{. I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I ffiEE' S$; 'qAq -l !-\l* NN}rL\su +*>r l tr rl $ N \--:- =.,--\c.- +U'2a \-UL)t .-..4 s -f--4. ----.-:- ,.. .-.1 $\F\- 6N l E L32t3,n; Fi oufr Rfi/l \ Fzs/ e) z $ s $ z )Jt; 9)$ \\I iFrz * I T ,4nprlnr Sldndad PURE LUXURY NEOLO-" TOILET VITREOUS CHINA I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I n 2531.011 Neolo toilet with integral seat, wall outlet, 11/z' back spud, elongated siphon jet action bowl, angle back and base, vitreous china. Fixture less bolts, caps and washers. Nominal Dimensions: 25sle'x 14'x 153/a' Water surface, seal, ballpass and operatton meets or exceeds ANSI A1 12.19.2M code requirements. Minimum working pressure-30 psi at valve while flushing. Fixture Dimensions conlorm to ANSI Standard A112.19.2M Tn Ro Qnonif iocl',v vv vuvv,"vv. n Color: F Wnite I Bone D Silver I Flush Valve: Sloan RoYal 152 n Alternative Flush Valve: fi Floor mounting kit: 601314.101 a lrl€0 l^l,r -tt -"'/ , i' Frtrrro I 'toot ult I Tbr5em€asurlmc.ns are suol€cl tocna.'gc o' ca'ta{aton No r6oo'lstrl{Y '3 atsutnr'd lo. usa ol sulat5€deo o. voded pa96 --.-.t rIrou lr^' 80tI sPS 2531 '. tg88 Amer€an Standard Inc 132 t T r4runim't Sfa,ndatd PURE LUXURY ftA.fE' -AP ITISTATTOTM TOITET VITREOUS CHINA I l I I t I I I I I I t t I I t tr 2512.01 0 (lllustrated) top spud D 2511.012 back spud Instanto toilet with blowout action, elongated bowl, wall mounted, 1r/2" inlet spud, vitreous china. Fixture only, carrier and drainage fitting by others. Nominal Dimensions: 26' x 1 4' x 1 5' Water surlace, seal, ballpass and operation meets or exceeds ANSI 41 1 2.1 9.2M code requirements. Minimum working pressure-2S psi at valve while flushing Fidure Dimensions conform to ANSI Standard A112.19.2M I I i (tl z'o . ti([l ,r w{L tol sllJlli sPs 2512 2512.010 NoTE. ro coMPLY WtrH aFEA COOE GOvERNTfiG rHE F€|GHI OF vfCY-U.I biiiiei <jirtus" u Lve. rxe ptuvseh Musl v€nrFY oM€NsroNs sxodN FOF SUPPLY NOUGHING. NOTE: SUGGEST I'16'CIEAN^NCE EETW€EN FAC€ OF WALL ANO SACK Of 80wL.i5ill t er"oo oro MEANs or suPPoFr Io 8E FlGuREo 6 FuRNtsHEo 8Y OTHEBS. 4UMAEA NOTE-Ptod. !!'la!r. tc!^ro'c?rn'd ld ail wtl !00o'r5 Thaaaaneasur€rnotls ala iuolccl to cna'E' o' catEdlal'on ilo t"oo'rguhly 't assrmed loa rJsa ol rup€.sad€<t (x vo.decl pa96 To Be Specified: ! Color: tr White fl Bone U Silver E Seat Olsonite *95 open front seat less cover. (Shown) D Alternative Seat: E Flush Valve:I Sloan Royal 1 10-3 (toP sPud) fl Sloan Royal '144 (back sPud) E Alternative Flush Valve: n Carrier Fitting: .*kt-^*o'* - -c af stAl tosr xo(Es 7'_ - lqctxrtns- I O 't988 A.nerEan Slandad Inc. 130 t I r4nprln't Sldr4dnd PURE LUXURY AIIBROOK* URINAI VITREOUS CHINA I I t I I I I I I l I I I I I I D 6540.017 Allbrook vitreous china water saver (1 .5 gallons per llush) siphon jet urinal with flushing rim' ! t./a " inlet spud, outlet connection threaded 2 " inside' wall hanger. Fixture only. Nominal Dimensions: 1 4' x 13' x 211 lz' Fixture dimensions comform to ANSI Standard 4112.19.2 F{Xtsti€o wari ,v,l t_ !?.s. ,tM^t€ ourtET CONNECTIOH c/r ot ourrtr ililiL ?'/t tNStOt rH 0l LFx.weu olrall of ountr coNN' lha6! meaiut€rnm6 are suoF<t lo c^ange ot cJnc€lr't'on No tesporitDliY r! astr''rned toa u3€ oi slrg€.s4oed or voo€o pages 21' IO FrN. FtOOI lotr|oN^ll I I II To Be Specified: D Color: fl Flush Valve: Sloan RoYal 180-1 .5 gallons ! Alternative Flush Valve: r" St.S. SUPPIY TO RUSH valYt sPs 6540IO 1988 Amerrcan Standard lrr 136 I I r4aprlzrl S{d,qdad UNDER GOUNTER LAUATORV VITHEOUS CHINA OUALYN-" PURE LUXURY T I t I t I t t I I I I I I I Vitreous china under counler lavatory with unglazed rim. shown with 2248,565 laucet. (Not included)' Front overf low. tr 0470.013 19r/a " X 1 6 r/4 ' (rllustraled) tr 0470.039 21tla" x 1711o " Bowl sizes: 19" x 16" 1 7 " wide, 1 4 " front to back. 5'/2" deep 21" x '17 " 19" wide. 15" front to back, 5'/2" deep Fixture Dimensions conlorm to ANSI Standard A112.19.2 To Be Specified: I Color: ! Faucet': D Faucet Finish: f Supplies: I1'/a"Trap: tr Nipple: E Mounting Kit 47194'07 See ,aLcet S€CiO^ ror aOO{ O6ar r'Ooe{s lrdteoe rs arrd o. I c' d,L!,,-r lar oarr( v 5ra. '"" -' '-.-' '^' -"^ '^' ^- d n::1'erar::--!Li-ar.-:-9-t r o.ro or ! toi uro€n slao o.ro o!!l For uNo€F Slla |lolt wr'(r,t B€lNo alr,\cH€o Io l,Nos!('n< .lF MARBr E On stMrtiB SLASS " "' [' f :ii,,"^,l ^Jl"i,l'* ;"" ;; I : i;.".11* t? i:5,i" Pl^:i8'^l' : INSIT)F. BASIN CON IOUF I heje r.(..rst., rlr r4.ns J'o tut)trcl locrr;F(;e NoIr5rx)r|9('tlv s'si|'ied ,.x,rsed l|,rxj'JCde{l ry tr}.x{ oiqc'. Jc:rercl r--';--fiT;],---------+--"'-'-1l,rr .,.{-l r' I r' Il----------Fl lrr.r". trt-l tr I tr ; sPS 0470.013 r'1f,# "ut I tsz o" 1988 A||tr.'tlcarr Slanrn(t trlc o o o S o-.l o o tL o 6P5 EE EEh-E";o= o l!oos;83:PiESEE;\fi:g+ *;Fito =-.Fc! 9 i/i F!3H9 >oES-co:i b-.,ti€l c_o o€ E9 $3EF ^ -+r - e"q*b3 6 0E g i:3F'6 (s =-ii ra li! - (Drf :}EQ <', =.c.XotuiilE; H S eEFii€l I I I I t t I T t I I (r,I t I I I I I I I I t I I t I I r Easy hook-and-lock installation system entirely supported from extruded aluminum, wall-mounted rail. q Three optional baffle positions, including directly under lamps, providing longitudinal shielding. 1-T@ FFd f-Io--d1E2-lampcross-sectionavailable; nf lf l dual level switching capability. I t l-qE F-L WALL/SLOT:I TH€ ORIGINAL PERIMETER SYSIEM trdcll I mraai3 trrull Sn^tlli IND l3s@t[3, nc, (l ----------------J-l 6 D- A Fixture Support Rall 8 Fixture C Rellector Shi€ld D Eaflle E Splines ,} 7 t" *€.oi6"o.n ^1.vr .L.9- ^{).S *oY..$ +$ orrrusER T I I t 8stl14RS-S/8W-G-120 is a typical calalog number for a one-lamp, 4jool iong rapid start fixture, with BW white ballles at too for lay-in ceilings. For TB lamps subslitute T8 in ptace of RS. n 85N12TS85N13RS 85N 14 RS85N26RS85N28RS 1-F2OTS 1-F3ORS 1-F4ORS 2.F3ORS 2.F4ORS [-Ioql-l 85N 22 TS 85N 23 RS 85N 24 RS85N46RS85N48RS 2-FMTS 2-F30RS 2.F4ORS 4-F30RS 4.F4ORS FI 85N13H085N14H085N16H085N18H0 r-F36H0 1-F48H0 1-F72H0 1-F96H0 LITECONTROL 4.17 Tollet StallsI T T I I I I I I I I t I I , T t I t shall be mounted on t}te wlde stde of tollct arEas no more than 44 ln (I 120 mm) above t.|c floor. 4.f6.e Dtepcnecre. To0ct paper dtspenscrs shall be lnstallcd wfthh reach. as shown ln Ft€. 29(bl. D6pensers thal cr|fId delhnry, t tlvt do not prrntl conlfiuol.s pqper Jlotu, slullnotfuu*d 4.17 Tollet gtollq. 4.L7.1 Locatlou. Accesstblc totlct stalls shall be on an accesslblc route and shall meet the rEqulrcments of 4.17, 4,17.2 Water Closcts. Water dosets tn accesstblc still< shall comply wlth 4.16. (b) Clcar Floor SPace (c) Frcc-SLanding Fountain or Coolcr (d) Built'ln Fountain or Cooler Fig.27 Drinking Fountains and Water Coolers ,,1 I 4.17 Toltet Stalls I T T I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I t llC.oa lc aroo, locat ron (a.I ) Srandard SU knd ol rou:) __:t -.---tcr I€i,' Irv,- |.e i /..-----.- -l ll or \-l-l -----eg *!e o.3 I (b) Altcmatc Stalls Fig. 30 Toilet Stalls (d) Sidc Walls -- @n?ig: (c) Rcar Wall of Slandatd Stall 42 mln latsh i .pproach onlg, !other zpprucha I48 mtn {3 I I SECTION Part 7. T.FINISHES 5 -TiIe A. D. n E. F. t I t I t I I I I T I l t t I t I Provideas Per method Paqe 7.5.1 CERAMIC AND QUARRY TILE and install floor and wal1 tile herein specified manufacturerts instructions; either thin-set or in mortar bed as reguired. Materials and installation reguirements shall meet standards and specifications set forth for this project by Vivian/Nichols Associates, Inc-, and by the Tile Council of America, Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installa- tion, current edj-tion. AII local buiLdinq andthis work. fire codes shall be adhered to in , Examine areas and conditions under which work is to be installed. Notify Vivian,/Nichols Associates, Inc. in writing of all unsatisfactory conditions. Do not proceed with work until conditions have been corrected. Use materials of each type from a single manufacturer or source to ensure matching of quality, color' Pattern and texture. Do not change source of brands during progress of work. Clean grout and setting materials from face of tiLe while materials are workablel following manufacturersinstructions. Leave finished installation clean and free of cracked, chipped, broken, or otherwise defective material I I SECTIONPart 7.7 7.FINI SHES -Mirrors Paqe 7.7.1 A. P c. D. I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I'tIRRORS Provide and install mirror as specified in Drawings. Mirror shall be installed plumb and square with polishedand seamed edges as reguired. GLass shall be fabricated of I/4" thick polished pJ.ateglass and Grade A silvering guality as mlnufacturla'UyLibby-Owens-Ford Company, or egual . It shalL be manufacltured with two coats of silver applied to properlyprocessed glass; and silver film shalI be hermeticallysealed by a heavy uniform coating of copper fused to thesilver electrolytically. This shall LE protected by anexterior coat of special hard composition paint. AIImirrors shall be guaranteed against Lilver oxibation. Materials and installation resuirements shall meetstandards and specifications sed forth for this proiectby the Architects. AIl local building and fire codes sha1l be adhered to inthis work. I Paoe 7.9.1. GUIDE SPECIFICATIONSIr sEcTtoN 09800 - sPEctAL coATtNGs ! PARTl-cENERALt 1.1 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE:rI A. Cast-ln Place Concrete. Section 03300.B. Procast Concrete, Section O34OO. I C, Concrete Unit Masonry, Section O422O. I D. Lath & Plaster, Section O910O. - E, Gypsum Wallboard, Section 09250.F. Glazed Wall Coatings, Soction 09802. I G. Painting, Section O990O. I 1.2 OUALITY ASSURANCE: f A. Job Mock-up:I 1 . Minimum 1 sample room application of specified coating systems on each type of I ,. il'otil?or"vat by Architect, mock-ups to serve as standard for the work. I 3. Mock-ups to be left in place as part of completed project' B. Fire Ratingr ' 3[*'xti::'fi.0":r8:'.J,,',,"1,,"" Test Procedure ASTM E84-61 U.L. Tested and ListeoI C. Applicator (certified by manufacturerl I 1. Applicator shall certify in writing that technicians utilized for work in this sectiont l#.".:::i}:il:i"1#H{xx"i,;;;",ftifr:Tx'""J".:ill,$"l:'iii"l':"i'"#'{;'"1,;:l this section. -. I 1.3 SUBMTTTALS: A. Color Samples: Two swatches of each color. I B. Manufacturer's Literature: Descriptive data and recommendations for mixing, application and t C. i!tTt"o"n", Manufacturer's certified test reports showing compliance to specification requirements. t 1.4 pRoDUcr DELlvERy, sroRAGE AND HANDLTNG: I A. Deliver materials in sealed containers with manufacturer's labels intact. I B. Store materials in protected area at a temperature not less than 50 oF. r 1.5 JOB CONDITIONS: Ir A. Apply coating only under the following prevailing conditions: I 1 . Air and surf ace temperatures not 6elow 50 oF. I 2. Prevent wide variation of temp€rature which might result in condensation on freshly coat€d surlaces.B. Protect surfaces not to b€ coated, t C. Aroas broom cloan free of excessive dust. I D. Adequate illumination. t 2. PRODUCTS 7 .9.2. 7. 1. z. I I I I t I I t I I I t I I t t I I PART 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS: A. Products ol Zolatone Process Incorporated are listed as a standard for quality and genetic type; equal products will not be considered unless approved prior to bidding. 2.2 MATERIALS: A. Primers, Sealers and Fillers: 1. Zo-Dri-Wall Primer 952. Zo-Crete Primer 903. Zo-Wood Primer 934. Zo-Plastic Primer 985. 7o-Ferro Primer 916. Zo-Prime Block Filler 967, Stop-Lift Barrier Coating 15-820 B. Intermediate and Finish Coats: 1. Zolatone 43-Line C. Top Coat (Only as indicates on schedule) 1. Zo-Pol Clear Epoxy Overcoat 2.3 PRODUCT REOUIREMENTS: A. Zolatone 43-Line Ter-polymer formulation. Colors as specif ied. Coverage 175 square feet per gallon. 6O Specular Gloss: Maximum of 1O (ASTM D-5231. Washability: No more than 5% change in specular gloss and not more than 15% chaDge in daylight reflectance (Fed, Std. 1418, Method 61411. Flexibility: .No cracking or checking when bent around 1/8" mandrel (Fed. Std. 1418, Method 62211. Self-Lifting: No evidence of lifting or blistering when recoated after 8 houts (Fed' std. 1418, Method 6252].. 8. Alkali Resistance: Aged film withstands 1O% sodium hydroxide {or 3 hours ldrying and aging Fed. Std. 1418, Method 6141; resistance test, ASTM D-1308). 9. Mildew and Fungus Resistance: Fed, Std, 14'l B, Method 6271, evaluation ol growth, visually no growth (organism aspergillus oryzael. 1 O. Accelerated Weathering: Excellent film integrity after 1 7 5O hours exposure over primed substrate {ASTM G-23 and ASTM D-822). 11. Fire Safety: U.L. tested and listed (ASTM E-84-61 Class Al,UL723, Flame Spread 1O; Fuel Contributed 5; Smoke Developed 0. National Fire Protective Assn. No. 255; Uniform Bldg. Code 42-1. 12. Stain: No staining from mild acids, chemical, oils, food (ASTM Method D-1308-571. 1 3. Scrubability: Only slight signs of wear af ter 7 5OO cycles (Fed. Std. 1 41 B Method 6142t. 14. Bacterial lnhibition: U.S. Government Specification UU-P-S1O, Paragraph , showing a clear zone Smm from edge of test specimen using Staphylococcus Aureus FDA f20g verifying bacteriostatic properties. Test by independent laboratory. B. Zo-Pol Clear Epoxy Overcoat C lea r- w ate r- w hite two-component. Gloss Requirement: 91 O/gloss - 91 1/semi-gloss - 91 2/eggshell. 2.4 MATERIAL PREPARATION: t. 2. ? 4. I A. Mix materials according to manufacturer's latest printed instructions. I B. Thinning - no thinning required - product ready for use. t I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I t I I Paqe 7 .9 .3. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PRE.WORK INSPECTION: A. Examine surfaces to be coated and report any conditions that would adversely attect the ap- pearance or performance of the coating systems and which cannot be put into an acceptable condition by specified surface preparation. B. Do not proceed with surface preparation and application until the surface is acceptable ol authorization to proceed is given by the Architect. 3.2 SURFACE PREPARATION: A. General 1. Prior to all surface preparation and application operations, completely mask, remove. or otherwise adequat€ly protect all hardware, accessories, plates, lighting f ixtures. and similar items in contact with coated surfaces but not scheduled to receive special coating. 2. Before applying special coating, thoroughly clean all surfaces involved. Schedule all cleaning so thit dust and other contaminants from the cleaning process do not tall on wet, nawly coated surfaces. 3. All surfaces shall be clean, dry and adequately protected from dampness. Surfaces shall be smooth, even and true to place, and freo ol any foreign material which will adversely alfect adhesion or appearance of applied coating. 4, Mildew shall be removed and neutralized. B. Preparation of Drywall, Plaster, Concrete and Masonry Surfaces 1, Before coating is applied. surfaces shall be tested with moisture-testing device. No coating shall be applied when moisture content exceeds 12o/o except as may be required by the manufacturer of ths coating materials used. Test sufficient area in each space and as often as necessary to determine the proper moisture content lor application. 2. Patching and repair of defects and damage to drywall, concrete, masonry. an other materials refer to related section. 3. Provide recommended priming for all surfaces to receive special coating. 4. Contractor-shall send and reprime all abrasions and damage spots in the surlace of the prime c<iat belore proceeding with subsequent finish coat. C. Metals 1. Shop coated, unprimed or damaged areas shall be cleaned to meet the requirements of tire Steel Structures Painting Council SP-3 Power Tool Cleaning and primed in accordance with.these soecifications. 3.3 APPLICATION: A, Follow mant facturer's recommendations and instructions carefully regarding special coating product so as to provide the best quality work. B. Apply special coating material by using two-step, pressure dilferential spray technique. with variable control to assure uniform distribution and 1OO% full coat (continuous) coverage. C. Equipment shall be kept clean and in proper condition to provide best quality work as in- tended by this Specification. D. All materials shall be applied under adequate illumination, evenly spread and smoothly ap' plied, fee of runs. sags. holidays, lap marks, air bubbles and pin holes to assltre a smooth finish. E. Suction or hot spots shall be reprimed prior to applying Zolatone. F, The number of finish coats reouired is shown on th6 sch€duls hereinafter. The coats schs' duled are field applied coats. and shall be in addition to prime coats or any special preparation. G. Should any coat of coating be deemed unsatisfactory, it shall be sanded and additional coats applied as necessary until satisfactory finish is achieved. 1. 2. 2 4. E I I t I T I I I T I I I I t I I t I I 3.4 ]NSPEGTION: A. Request acceptance of each coat before applying succeeding coats- B. Touch-up and repair all work that is not acceptable to the Archit€ct and requost final accep- tance. 3.5 CLEANING: A. Remove paint spatters from glass, plumbing fixtures 6nd adjoining surfaces. B. Repair any damage to coatings or surfaces caused by cleaning operations. C, Remove debris from job site and leave storage area clean. 3.6 PAINTING SCHEDULE: A, Interior - As Indicated On Schedules Miscellaneous and Hollow Metals Primer: Zo-Ferro Primer 91 Second Coat: Zolatone 43-Line Wood Primer: Zo-Wcod Primer 93 Second Coat: Zolatone 43-Line Gypsum Dry Wall and Plaster Primer: Zo-Dri-Wall Primer 95 Second Coat: Zolatono 43-Line. Concrete and Masonry (unf illedl Primer: Zo-Crete Primer 9O Second Coat: Zolatone 43-Line Concrete and Masonry (filledl Primer: Zo-Prime Block Filler 96 Second Coat: Zolatone 43-Line I I SECTION 7-FINISHES Part 7. 6 -l'larble Page 7.6.1 A. D. E. I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I MARBLE Provide and install marble, travertine, and/or granite per drawings. Joints and fittings shalf be per details shown. Work shall be coordinated with other trades. Where finish of work is dependent upon fitting to work done by other trades, the Installer must ascertain that the work is properly prepared to receive the material as specified. If work is not properly prepared' Insta]ler shall notify Vivian,/Nichols Associates' Inc. inwriting prior to proceeding with work. Finish on marble, travertine, cnoni f i orl or qranite shall be as Materials and installation requirements shaIl meetstandards and specifications set forth for this project, shall conform to the standards of the Marble Institute of America (MIA). All local buildinq and fire codes shall be adhered to inthis work. Leave finished work. installation clean and free of defective G. Sarnples of actual material. to be installed shall be sub-mitted to Vivian,/Nichols Associates, Inc., for approval . t w$n I --r--: VIN IIAT$RIII, nnFoRIlNcE I *,,lin,u^*^ r.d tb 1 lltal ,nrd WtlilN VAL WtNInr ?NWl u-12--t/" ls lpr"r ff2" t I I t I I T I ldHr€, axn6l Lb{tl.-f4iw ,avwhil-fittluM:}ut'rvatJ +law llzl %fi-at-vb l1L-WJTNDfl vll{IIATEBIAI, RAT'NRNNCA nnfiilff0uls0clflB rrt .rb nrt r'qd peDvr^l VeL** Qu'/+t!ilta b"wlLn\u#hr w-@qz l*,[tEuuaer<- lD6b5 AIffiP,gw{b# ?0Lol4VY. ao*Drb WLW2 V\Lffi Ul Zva.+pfcffi,h IIATIBIAI, RNFARENCA\IIN flnil ilff0l,ttsl0clllB lui lL ndrix lnld hrldh. tr& bL RElvrr;'-l YA{L PL-flw W*ry"lAnnL Arntca* SJPARANA RbE A?il'ze nArW;;ivp7***l bN?ifrfffi :vANrf{tow e,t 9 lbM VIN IIATDRIAI, RAFARANCA ilfrrr ilo|lut ls$fltm D|sk dr3!rwldo!Pror.c, pMtril\ VltU RWffi ProJcc.r No. q2L4b Fhrr6 UbgNtt\tU1U&D'" lo- Dq2 0r\-/ I ll, l-' KEY I"l ARTA: DESCRIPTION MFG/SOURCE SAMPLE wzffffi\ts lbAo 1,14tlO 8" x0" f, 6lui DM-1IIE I l0l e. allaar<Aa{ Rcr+lcoac*1,117 2r4- @o-672+ WpWuLb L Arek'. A\ER?Aawttu lcrzb b?a%tJ 0"{8" [ 6luo UffiDA'U'. twbl. Z, 100 0/88 EURAtrt rZIW+l IIUNLF%-Z-.flEu fDR ll.\foRlt'\Mlor Alr 'Wlcflw U UNU/y1f, @-WtMll w+"R1o Alw-1 'l rRdI- 1OW^;1 luo.vutruP-c4 l'wD-22h-1 I ffir1. Ltq-ffi 'fffi" #q04 M?NIY +a1 M40llr lt-thbE ACIO & ALKAL]NE RES|STANT DAlourafo/s! impowiotls gl8zes are rosistant to aci&, alkelln6., and olher caustic or conosivo SubSlencos, In accordanco with lhe slandards of ASTM C{s$gg. (EcePtion: Colors 1500 Rainor, 16fl1 Blanca, and all '1700 seri€s colors are attectod by hydrocloric acid. GLA,ZE HARDNESS Du6 lo the high temp€ratuto at rYhlch OAL-Duratloro tiles are flred (over 2000oF), an imporvious gleze is achieved, Laborabty le€ts rsted glazo hardn6s from 6% lo I on lhe MOHS scralch lost d€p€nding on color. COLOR VARIATIOI{ Variation ol shade, color and lexture is an inhorenl characledstic of all fired clay tiles. Variations may occur from on€ oroduction run to another. Thoso sampl€ chips may also vary in shade lrom actual lull size production tilgs. Tile should bo apprcvod bYcu$om8t prior to installation. P&3649q4 llfl N*. |t il I -\ | il| | -> lvi tl GLAZED TI CHARACTERISTICS: SII{GLE FIREI' All DALOurafloP glazod liles are manulaclurcd using 'St8to o| The Arl' singlo llre tochnology. This rasults in a superiorqualtty vitreous bod$ hatd unltorm glazes end a highgr degree of dimemionsl stability than twice flred (bbonura) tlles. FLAT AACK All OAL-DuraltoP lllos have a low reliel, grid pattemed 'Flet Baek'. This typ€ ol back is oasier and teslor lo inslall and Provldos a strong€r, long lasting bond. FFOST FESISTANT Du€ to extromoly dsnso body char- acterislica and the resulting low moisturo absorption, all OAL'Duranop tilgs are resistant to exlefior temoeratur€ variations whlch may occur in coldor climates (freozo / lhaw cycles). They can be installod on oxt€rior vortical surtacos as w€ll ag intgrior walls, tloors and countors. R@o,L N DAL_DURAF] NOMINAL SIZE: I otg VA'YVA' .4.' 11 q, | 12 x 12 11?A' x 11rA' .4.' 11 sq. TECHNICAL DATA: I Wblof Ahorplion <3% ASTM C373 I Acld Resislanco R€3i$arn ASru C€g lBreaklng Strongth 365 lbs. ASTM C648 lThffmd Shock R€slslanl ASTM C,184 | 'Scralch Hardn8s 61t'€ MOH'S Scal | ^l Glrr. lFro3t Flesislrnce R€slslant ASTM ClO2 I Bondlng Strengh 243 p.3.i. ASTM Ci|82 lModulus ol Rupiure 43574787 p.s.i. ASTM C-67/ lCrazing R€sistanc€ R€slslant ASTM C-12l l'Static Co€ftlclont 0.6(X).70 ASTM C-10: I of Friciion 'Thosr test rosults vary by item. D€tsilod inlormation may from OAL-TILE. Plsas€ call your local disdbutor or doal€t SIZES & SHAPES: PU /\p.,- \.-n\'1* f-.'- r N..o* ^- O - ^"',4 ,ll| -\o "z l?llI \ *( l"lll ll llil r rl I ilst |ll |ll\ il-t I ll ./\ ll "l lll ..' P,\lJ utL" (\,64 t I I I I I I t t I I I I I T obteinod I 7 I .\3,* lay D€ ( l€t PU.r08a m,il ilril il iltl [--_u P&158 V PU.r08O a P&158 | 'occo"it" Not shown I DAL-TILE FAoToRY AND GENERAL oFFIcEs: 7834 HAWN FREEWAY. 2141398.1411 O OALLAS' TEXAS 75217 TO FIND THE SALES CENTER NEAREST YOU, CALL 1.800.93+TILEI 8rB VA'YVA' .AL 11 12 x 12 11?A' x 11 11 UNIT ACTUAL SIZE THICKNESS TECHNICAL DATA: tESl BESULT ANSI/ASTM Tosl! wbtof AbsorDrion <3% AsTIr,l c37$z (82) Acld Resislanco R€3islari ASTM C65G8l] Breaklno Stronqth 365 lbs. ASTM C648-84 Thffmd Shock R€slslar ASTM C,$/f.6G (81) 'Scralch Hardn8s 61ffi MOH'S Scale ot Glaro Fro3t Flesislrnce R€slslant ASTM C1O2$84 Bondlno Str€nqth 243 D.3.i. ASTM C,|8241 Modulus ol Ruoiure 43574;€7 o.s.i. ASTM C-674 Crazino R€sistanc€ R€slslant ASTM C-12+75 'Static Co€ftlclont 0.6(X).70 ASTM C-1028 of Friclion .BcaLt.rcd tdd.m.tk3 ol OAI-ILE COnPORATION@Copydghl l99r oAL.TTLE CORPORATION \IIN nflililfi011|s|flffB ilIATIBIAL mx'fimNca I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I rrt arh tfl|ltal hid p.bdhmiv\L.FEffi ndh.qnLlD* -IAU* ACtcf*P,\wh& l0-&-qz ONRTCj/(ORAQU?,sfnroU M0lqtP 1ilW ifu*P[rxt DV2PWt-a F?t|Uler nfile Dlefttl LtteUW ?-rA),W CDM *t^l-RW Y{qut\ttzD NDPKTU vb@a-Q Uln- Rorl- 1OU Er Flct"ty E)tsfi (worvranb- H.&. brl.lL) HF-Nrr: ?Ap;rrrr'oU hD[JN1zP RDIL {DuEf -ncfirc (arnuw 1uDfiuq w *n\-PteeffiP h0t) DDAL Ro|l fl)eT {t5ry pr:ftusrP, I vtzua - *.c. 'Jrbd-D ng4JblwDMcktb 4.y6acRV MruMtD Dvzwibtf.,^-trF t OnOUr, q DxtZRaV W ilIATIRIAI, NSruRTNCAVIN nilil ilffolJ l$$ll{ltlB rd th lfi!tl l,id pnramllWUWffi n*d.. qU4D ,,ira 1wvr A{reefiple (p6z) l'r lvl6-qz | 2!nu\ haw?{v,'eFnvno@WR-, ELqWrffi=A WP^EKTCWTACW 4D" 4Z', aPw wDRb -a. q\?lnffTN-a?em-wDuwUt VD \rbrfrl? : @'{Bmvl SP[CIFICATIONVIN Yrvil! ilotouls0ctfts Rxarytx v*tcRw Qeo,lo g,uoq@rA|"Fdq r++ cDltt-Pul\\g'ttt-m,rnpg 11,+'f5-040b vi'd trNNEral DrscRrProN 4^CV lro'ELNUifBrr + W1Z DI ENSIOiYSI . {(4l" sr rrr , 6u aRn rlr Hr 21, D,A,l 6wb\ffi9 .,-.1 6f@ NFillrR.,{-urFll a t^,9-. ^ -1,,(T/7/) . 13- t m+ -%rr* 1l{Rrt l\^rRw- Dt tR t/ p+rmw mrak d.tc rrvltlon Pror..a Prrc.l t{o. Arra Datc C.lcgory Qurrttat Ilcm It.n llo I c$il Wwz- OOI bs!.d 8y to, , t'nu$$ ,*.,'n \1$ -:{rttiti \ t,-a l. 2 3. H:ji:::::'*"" lP,h*^ tt'm,i*h^o "\tg#$# ;T;,, r il., rwvu) MARR|oTT'S MARK RESORT 7 r 5 Wlst Lionrh..d Crrcb, Vr,t. CO 8t 657, gr+a7&aa44. Err tol r,tn rrD ti#,r on \l). Lbla*r*, 79l.nr(tl lnun 75 south tronlage road vall, colorado 8i657 (303) 476-7000 April 17, 1984 T0: SlcN APPLICANTS FROM: Tom Braun or Kristan Prjtz, Planners RE: Sign Application Requ'irements oltlce of communlty developmcnt when appiications for signs are submitted, the following information'is required: Site plan showing exact location where the sign is to be located. Photograph or drawing showing the building and where sign is to be located. Exact design of sign (one or more of the fol'lowing) (a) sca'le drawing or rendering (must be colored exactly as sign will be) (b) the sign itself is made (c) photograph if sign is made FEE: A $20.00 application fee will be required at time of application. ( over ) I t 'i/''a '\ ,. Fee Paid \ '" lApptication Numbera SIGN APPLICATION Date Name of Project Name of Person Submitting Location of Project Phone Description of Project The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given. Sign submittal fee is $20.00. A. Sign Materia'l B. Description of Sign C. Size of Siqn D. Length of Frontaqe (FtJ E. Comments 1 . Si te P'lan MATERIALS SUBMITTED I^IITH APPLICATION 2. Drawings sEowTn!-Fx-act location3. Photogiaphs showing proposed locatlonl4. Actual sign _5. Colored scateffiilingl_6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submittal Disaoproved for DRB SubmittaT- Sign Administrator ffi 7 I luttn 75 .outh tronllgo rord y!ll, colorado 81852 (303) 47t-700O November 30, l9B4 Ray'[,larren, Genera] l'lanager l.lamiott Mark 715 llest Lionshead CircleVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Ray, ofllcr of comnunlly rlcuclogmcnt Re: Trash Compactor Enclosure I an writing to inform you that the l,larriott l,lark must construct a trashenclosure for the trash compactor. The structure will be revievled bythe DRB at a public meeting. The DRB guidelines state: Senrice areas, outdoor storage, and garbage storage shalI be screened from adjacent properfies, structures, streets and other public areas by fences, berms, or landscaping. and Adequate trash storage areas shall be provided. There shallyear-round access to all trash storage areas which sha1l not used for any other purpose. Please contact me irmediately. Thanks for your cooperation. . Sincerely, lfitlonftfu , Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP: br be be hwn 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 September 29, 1984 offlce ol communlty devclopment Glen Ellison Land Designs by El lison & Company P.0. Box 2677Vail, Colorado 8]657 Dear GIen, Re: Marriott Mark Landscaping I want to express my appreciation for recently seeding the berm on the southernmosl pgft of the Marriott Mark project in response to my request.I think with this seeding, the landscape plan is a vei^y nice adiitidn to thearea. I was wondering if you might be able to accomplish one small finishingtouch on the project in the area of the southwest coiner of the tenniscourts. This area still has some exposed fill and some plastic culvertswhich stick out excessively from the'berm. The neighbors across the streethave contacted me regarding this, as well as the unrepaired cut through the berm on vail Associates' pioperty immediately adjacenl to the southweitcorner of the Marriott property. I_was wondering if this small completion task could be taken care of as partof your participation in that project. I will be writing to vail Associitesto.encourage them to repair the berm on their property this tatt. Again, Ithink the Marriott Mark landscaping plan that youive iesigned and initaliedis a very positive improvement to ttrb area, an-d I appreciSte your on-going us in this matter. Very si y yours. Acting Director Jr. Community Development APP: bpr 7/c /rz t luttn 75 south frontage road yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 T0: Peter Patten, Acting Director FR0M: Gary Murrain, Building Inspector RE: Marriott Mark Building Inspection DATE: July 25, 1984 ofllce of communlty developmenl This is the report regarding the inspection of the Marriott Mark phase IIIfor the purpose of the condominium conversion. 1. Romax wiring in ceiling above bar, also open J box above the ceiling. 2- Rail around main stairs are spaced at 8", this was okay in 1979, but now required to be not more than 6", also some of the upright ballistersare missing. 3. shelving obstruction access to dimler light panel , also needs backcover p1ate. 4. Wire glass needed in sales and catering office. 5. Maids closet at lobby level west end has open sewer and access panellatch is broken. 6. Battery room needs fire stops around conduit. 7. E'lectrical rooms need blank covers in breaker box. 8. Prove key for maids closet doors and other storage access to to fire department. 9. Label a'l I doors to stairs tower. .l0. Door closers are mjssing or disconnected various locations through out. ll. Replace glass at pool stations. 12. Due to propping doors, I see a need for magnetic holders at allcorridor fire doors. 13. Label roof access door on Sth floor. 14. The washer on the 5th floor laundry room has no trap. i5. Open J box on roof by elevator penthouse. 16. Sheetrqck landing at noof- access. 17. QRen-,: box in ventilati.on room and pe.netrati.ons in cei.ls, alsolabe'l door to room. 18. Boi,'l er room has major water leak and damaged sheetngck. 19. Main ventilatjon noom has major watern leak and gheetrock damage. 20. Elevator equipment room needs door closure. 21 . Remove office from audio-visual room. 2?- Install astricals on all double doors and weather strip outsj.dedoor. 23. Room directory needed at each floon W elevator. 75 south tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 T0: Peter Patten, Acting Director FROM: Gary Murrain, Bui'lding Inspector RE: Marriott Mark Building Inspection DATE: July 25, 1984 offlce of communlly development 4. q This is the report regar;ding the inspection of the Marriott Mark phase IIIfor the purpose of the condominium conversion. l. Romax wiring in ceiling above bar, a'lso open J box above the ceiling. 2- Rail around main stairs are spaced at 9", this was okay in 1979, butnow required to be not more than 6',, also some of the lpright Uillistersare missing. 3. shelv'ing obstruction access to dimmer light panel , also needs backcover p1ate. Wire glass needed in sales and catering off.ice. Maids closet at lobby level west end has open sewer and access panellatch is broken. 6. Battery room needs fire stops around conduit. 7. Electrical rooms need blank covers in breaker box. 8. Prove key for maids closet doors and other storage access to to fire department. 9. Label a'l 'l doors to stairs tower. 10. Door closers are missing or disconnected various locations through out. ll. Replace glass at pool stations. L2. Due to propping doors, I see a need for magnetic ho'lders at a'l Icorridor fire doors. 13. Label roof access door on Sth floor. 14. The washer on the 5th floor laundry room has no trap. 15. Open J box on roof by el evator penthouse. 16. Sheetrqck landing at roof access. L7. pOen_,t box in ventilati.on room and pe.netrati.ons in ceils, qlso label door to room. 18. Boiler room has major water leak and damaged sheetnock. 19. Main ventilation noom has major water leak and sheetrock danage. 20. E'l evator equipment room needs door closure. n,. Remove office from audio-visual rsom. 2?. Install astricals on all double doors and weather strip outside door. 23. Room directory needed at each floor. W elevator. /JtL lnwn 75 south fronlage road yail, colorado gl6Sz (303) 476-7000 January 24, 1984 Kai ser Morcus Marriott's Mark Resort 7l5 West Lionshead CircleVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Kaiser: olflce ol communlty developmenl Re: Request for Final Certificateof Occupancy Marriott Mark Phase II Addition I've been informed by the Building Department that you,ve requested a finalcertificate of occupancy for the Ftrasb tt Addition project. 'with regardto that request there remains a number of items to be iompieted and/6r ad-dressed before the final can be issued. Please find enclbsed correiponJ"n."and other documentation relating to these items. 'l , The revjsed landscape_plan that was submitted to and eventually approvedby DRB inadvertentty tbrt out the bicycle/pedestrian path connlctibn -- which was a condition of approval appiiea by the planhing an.d Environ-mental Commission and Town'Louncil."Your l-andscape architect may contactour staff on revising the plan to reflect this change. It appeais thatthere's an excellent-chancb of the Town construiting-tnii uiiil-pairr-lrisconstruction season, so we would expect your conneciion this season,as well. 2. The Recreation Amenities Fee has stil'l not been paid. please refer tothe enclosed letter of August 30, l9g2 for those details. 3. Another condition of approval by the pEC and council was to come to anagreement with the Town regarding_restrictions upon the Fall Line employeehousing.units. I attempted to follow up with Mr. Drager on this, bui -" have had no success. l.lb need to discusi this and comi to agreement beforea final certificate of occupancy is issued 4. Obviously' we cannot do the landscape inspection until the snow meltsand until the bicycle path is installed. 'If you wish to bond for theimprovements as outljned in .|8.54..|00 Enforcefrent (enclosed) of the OesignReview Guidelines, please contact our department for a discussion of inai. Kaiser Morcus rlanuary 24, 1984 Page Two I believe this addresses a'll outstanding issues Congratulations on a fine addition to Lionshead As always, Assi stant PATTEN, JR Director of Planning APP: bpr Encl . with regard and Vail. to the project. F" EW 0"k'u 75 south trontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 office ol the town manager May 30, L984 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: RE: Rich Caplan, Town ManagerBill Pyka, Assistant Town Manager ,h,tCThe Mark I was talking with Tom Jacobson and Rick He11er today and they expressed concern dbout the creek bank below the Mark. I talked to Steve Patterson about the problem and heindicated that they, the Mark, are supposed to do the work and have not. He also indicated to me that the Mark stil1 owes the recreation amenities fee. Since you seem to bethe person who is aware of these issues, would you please contact the appropriate people and see if we ean get these issues cleared up. Thanks. lnwn 75 south fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ofllce ol communllt development I 2. T0 WH0M IT MAY CoNCERI_., / 'i ^ z-'> FROM: Peter PattetJffi DATE: April 25, 1984 SUBJECT: Requirements for Marriot Mark Condominium Conversion Proposa'l Condo Conversion report from Building Divjsjon and Fire Department (Gary indicates no big deal due to its recent construction.) Report of Conversions A. Sunrnary of proposed ownership --timeshare? --proposed saie price? --fi nanci ng? 3. Pl ans and descri ptions showing fo1 l owi ng: A. Site work brought up to Town standards--two items here: I ) bike path construction which was condition of PEC/Council approval and then dropped off plans at DRB B. Employee housing agreement agreed to for FaIl Line but not entered into C. fayment of $.l5,069 Rec Fee which is a number of years overdue(as per letter to Kaiser from Patten 8/30/BZ). D. Agree to corrections as noted in Building Division,s andFire Department's reports. Lodge Room Conversion Requirements A. Condo Declarations showing restrjctions as per 17,26,075 (A).|,2,3B. Letter of agreement with Sect'ion 17.?6.075 restrictions Proof of 0wnership 4. 5. Requirementfr ilarriot Mark Condo Conversifroposal page 2 6. Site inventory indicating amenity locations 7- Affidavit of services provided to Lodge guests (to remain available) 8. Designation and description of employee units: i.e. Fal'l Line 9. Plan of improvements to be made to property. 10. Condo Decs, Covenants ll. Completed application form and fee (enclosed) o APPLICATION FOR CONDOMIN IUM CONVERS ION A. NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS DATE PHONE B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS C. NAME 0F PR0PERTY 0WNER (type or print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY O[.,NER ADDRESS PHONE PHONE D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS L0T__::!L0C(__ suBD r v IS IoN E. FEE $100.00 PArD FIL ING F. Inc]ude a list of the names and mailing addresses of all owners of propertyadjacent to the subject property. o 75 south fronlage road uail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ottlce of communlly development 't. z. T0 lllHoM IT MAY C0NCERI-_. / -! -.'-) FR0M: Peter Patter(-Jffi DATE: April 25, 1984 suBJECT: Requirements for Marriot Mark condominium conversion proposal Condo Conversion report from Building Division and Fjre Department(Gary indicates no big deal due to ii,s recent construction.) Report of Conversions A. Summary of proposed ownership --timeshare? --proposed sale price? --fi nanci ng? Plans and descript'ions showing following; A. Site work brought up to Town standards--two items here: l) bike path construction which was condition of PEC/Council approval and then dropped off plans at DRB B. Employee housing agreement agreed to for Fall Ljne but not entered into C. fayment 9f $lS,O0g Rec Fee which is a number of years overdue(as per'letter to Kaiser from Patten 8/30/82). - D. Agree to corrections as noted in Building Division's andFire Department's reports. Lodge Room Conversion Requirements A. Condo Dec'l arations showing restrictions as per 17.26.075 (A).|,2,3B. Letter of agreement with Section 17.26.075 restrictions Proof of Ownership J. 4. 5. RequirementsJ marrlot Mark Condo Conversiorfoposa'l page 2 6. Site inventory indicating amenity Iocations 7. Affidavit of services provided to Lodge guests (to remain available) 8. Designation and description of employee units: i.e. Fall Line 9. Plan of improvements to be made to property. 10. Condo Decs, Covenants ll. Completed application form and fee (enclosed) o I oo* APPLICATION FOR CONDOMIN IUM CONVERSION A. NAME OF APPLICANT PHONE ADDRESS B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS C. NAME 0F pR0pERTy OWttER (type or print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER ADDRESS D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS PHONE PHONE Lor ' ;blocK_ suBDrvlsroN F IL ING E. FEE $'t00.00 PArD F' Inc] ude a list of the names and mailing addresses of all owners of propertyadjacent to the subject property. 75 soulh troni.ge road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 January 24, 1984 Kaiser Morcus Marriott's Mark Resort 715 l,lest Lionshead Ci rcl eVail, Colorado 81657 offlce ol commuilty developnenl Request forof 0ccupan Phase IIDear Kaiser: I've been informed by the Building Department that you've requested a finalcertificate of occupancy for the Phase II Addition project. with regardto that request there remains a number of items to be completed and/or ad-dressed before the final can be issued. Please find enclbsed correspondenceand other documentation relating to these items. l. The revised landscape plan that was submitted to and eventually approvedby DRB inadvertently left out the bicycle/pedestrian path connLctibn which was a condition of approval applied by the Planning and Environ-mental Commission and Town'Council. 'Your lbndscape architect may contactour staff on revising the plan to reflect this change. It appears thatthere's an excellent-chancb of the Town constructin! this bikb path thisconstruction season, so we would expect your connection this season,as well. 2. The Recreation Amenities Fee has still not been paid. please refer tothe enclosed letter of August 30, lgBZ for those details. 3. Another condition of approval by the pEC and council was to come to an agreement with the Town regarding_restrictions upon the Fall Line emp'loyeehousing.units. I attempted to follow up with Mr. Drager on this, buihave had no success. We need to discusi this and comE to agreement beforea final certificate of occupancy is issued 4. 0bviously, we cannot do the 'landscape inspection until the snow melts and until the bicycle path is installed. If you wish to bond for the improvements-as outlined in 18.54. .|00 Enforcement (enclosed) of the Design Review Guidelines, please contact our department for a discussion of thai. Filat-terti fi cate Marriott Kaiser Morcus January 24, 1984 Page Two I be]ieve this addresses all outstandinq issuesCongratulations on a fine addition to Lionshead to the project.with regard and Vail. As always, Assi stant PATTEN, JR Director of Pl anning APP: bpr Enc'l. 16-oc: ,114- t"!\ 75 south tronlage road va,l, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 June 30, 1983 Gl en El'li son Land Designs P0 Box 2677Vail, C0 8't658 Re: Dear G'l en: 0n June 29, 1983, the Design Review Landscap'ing with the condition thatthe area to the west of the parkingstaff within 30 days. Marriot Mark Landscape Revisions Board'approved the Marriot Marka p'lan for the landscaping ofstructure be approved by lhe o"zJ67^,ffi 7ft re PJlbb teilam;n Town Planner 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 office ol the lown manager February 3, 1983 l,lr. Kaiser [Iorcus 41 Colgate Drive Ea"st Rancho l{ira.ge , CA 92270 Dear Ka.iser: In re-evaluating the proposed assessments for the Lionshead Special Improvement District, it has been brought to our attention that Pha.se II of the Mariott i'lark was not included in the original square foot calculation, The notice received by It{-Ii Corporation noted 24,236 square feet of residential and 16,234 square feet of commercial . The initial assessment proposed for [{-K was $11,388.97. Adding Phase II there is an additional 52,062 square feet of residential and 15,390 square feet of commercial , There- fore, the revised (new) assessment is proposed to be a total of $ 12,686.38 which includes both phases. We regret the lateness of this information but trust thatyour long-term support for the improvement district remains strong. yours, Richard Caplan Torvn ltlanager Received and Accepted: By: Date: rJSin Kalser llorcus o 303..76-7000. ert colo'ado 8165t 237 luvln n August 30, '1982 Ka i ser I'lorc us Marriott's Mark Resort 71 5l^lest Lionshead Circle Vail, Colorado 8.l657 Re: Dear Kaiser: This letter is in response to your request on the recreation amenities tax which theperm'it. Our records show the fol lowing: Peter pallen Sen,o. P,ann., Deparlrneni o, Cornmun jly Developrng6l Marriott's Mark Recreation Fee for an update on where you stand town assesses on each building llflI 75 south lronlage td. vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 l. Building permit #83 'i ssued 9/3/78 for 46,236 square feet of GRFA. At that tjme the fee per square foot was $.75, and you !{ere e1 igible for a 75% refund if you later showed receipts for constructjon of recreation amenjties jn the project of $46,236. For some reason, you were charged only $1 7,338.50 on the building permit, or half of what should have been collected. This leaves you eligible for getting back 25il of thetotal of $34,677, or $8,669.25. Please supply me with sore written proof that you constructed $46,000 worth of recreation amenities aspart of this building permit. 2, Building permit #8.|8 issued 9/25/81 for the Phase II addition project. Proposed in this permit was 47,478 square feet of GRFA. The appropriate' charge at this t'ime (due to a change'in the recreation amenities fund ordinance in June of l98l ) is $l ,00 per square foot of GRFA with apossibility of a 50% credjt if you show you have built $47,478 worth of recreational amenities wjth this perm'i t. However, no money was collected for the recreation fee with this permit, and there is a note on the permit which reads, "to be col'l ected at a later date after total fees and reimbursements are totaled." Thus, if you show receipts of $23,739 for construction of recreational amenities with this permit, you are ef igible for that amount in credit. or-' Morcus 3ff}'r, The conc'l usion is that if you produce the evjdence of constructing the. recreation facilities, the-n yoit owe us a total of $.|5,069.75 which is the $23,739 we keep from i,he mosi recent permit, minus the $8,669.25 credit you have rennining from the first permit, I hope this cl"urs tf,is up. Please contact me at my offjce if I can explain any of this further. A. PETER PATTEN, JR Sen ior P'l anner APP:bpr cc. Rich Parzonka, Control'ler o November 25, 1983 *'V"^Ni., N/t,/ d (-'' Town of vail ^12\{ "775 S. Frontage Rd. WestAW/Vai1, CO. 81657 \' / Attention: Mr. Steve PattersonBuilding Department Dear S1- o.'e : This letter will certify that Banner Sports wil-l not store any flammable fluids or open flame, in their ski storage/repair shop in Marriott's Mark Resort. / Ri n n ar-a lrr -/ ,. ! / ./I n,", 't y',-,'L-' -a .(,"' ' tY /Tom Rafir'ra1. Owner BAN]IER sFoRrlS Marriott's Mark Resort 715 West LionsHead Circle vail, colorado 81657 303/476-4666 t,+ Mike llcGee-VFD oo November 25, 1983 Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. West Vai-1, CO. 81657 Attention:Mr. Steve Patterson Building Department Dear Steve: Thj-s letter will certify that Banner Sports will not store any flammable ftuids or open flame,in their ski storage/repair shop in Marriott's Mark Resort. oo BAN]TER SFORTS Marriott's Mark Resort 7'15 West LionsHead Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 303/476-4666 Si naar-oI rr t^ " | 1, \-/\.t' -v - \, Tom Bannerr Cjrvn e r ',i'\,-e<,-. '-/r ) kf cc:Mike McGee-VFD t\r,AZ{z\ Mike Robinson Resident Manager kf ecev ra I llqsnca T}rrlr f \)rrr- '?S i, Frrr.r*r.rrf\S 0 frrw , C.'rr,crrtcr cpP.l Tt r-/4erz - /4E rf FtqL ' 715 Lionshead Circle, Vail, Colorado 81657 t (3031 426-4441. April 15, 1983 Mr. Ton Banner Banner Sports "6 7L5 W. Li,onshead Cir.Vai1, C0. 81657 Dear Mr. Banner: This is to acknowledge and approve the physical improvementsyou have proposed for the ski/sports shop you lease on theprenises of N{arriott's Mark Resort. These improvements are outlined on the attached drawing. This approval is for the sole purpose of assistins you inobtaining necessary pernits to undertake said imnrovernents. Sincerely, -- | :] I I I JJ _l ^lt-lJvl ) I I I I I It dlJ L- ts '-i : : .} q r.i TA '$ri'\ J j J F rJ c\- ; Y L-r € =el) 'sl j\5 N r.1 dcr\/l F.r.l SESTCOPY La J \fJ -JlJY --r i C i,l 4. rJ I fr t\ .Z ..2 rrJa :-- t! F4|. < -/1 ',\I ni F J t.z j Jt { !\i6fl]2-: ! L '{l J c =- r..l \v| l1 I I :il(ril|i L **j \a ----- .'. ii { -l -t .l II AYNLIBIE J - I'x 1f) C ORDINANCE NO. 36(Series of 198TF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 18.60.060 "CRITERIA-FINDINGS'' RELATING TO CONDITIONALUSES: SPECIFYING THAT TIME-SHARE PRoJECTSIN BUILDINGS I.YITH I{HOLE OWNERSHIP INTERESTS MUST BE APPROVED BY 1OOU OF THE EXISTING OWNERS PRIOR TO APPROVAL OF THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT WHEREAS, studies by the Town of Va.i1 staff indicate that significant problems occur when time-share units and whole ownership units are mixed on the same project or building; and WHEREAS, there are certain projects within the Town that have been proposed for mixing time-share and whole ownership i.nterests; and WHEREAST the Pranning and Environmental commi-ssion has reviewed this amendment to the conditional use sections of the Vail Municipat Code and recommended its approval; and IfHEREAS, the Town Council is of the opinj-on that this arnendment is necessary for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOYfI{ OF VAIL, COLORADO, TIIAT: Section 1. Section 18.60,060 "Criteria-Findings" of the vail Munlcipal code is amended by the addition of the following section i 7.) Prior to the approval of a conditional use permit for a Time-share Estate, Fractional Fee or Time-share ricense proposal , the applicant sha11 submit to the Town a list of all owners of existing units within the project or building; and written statements from 100% of the o\ryners of existing units i-ndicating their approval , without cond.ition, of the proposed Time-share, Fractional Fee or Time-share license. No written approval shall be valid if it was signed by the owner more than sixty (60) days prior to the date of filing the application for a conditlonal use. A11 buildings which presently contain Time share Units would be exempt from this provision. I t, department of community development l{ay L2n l98L lnwn r box l(Xl Yail, colorado 81657 (3031 47e5613 Bill Ruoff Ruoff Wentworth, Architects 500 Lionshead Mall Vail , Colorado 81657 Re:@ Dear Bil1, Enclosed is a copy of a bill we received fron Gage Davis includes a charge for studying the l,lark in the anount of According to the regulations, the study should be paid by cl ient. Sincerely,/,2Q.-,tUrr DICK RYAr.t /Conmunity'Development Director DR:bpr Encl. which $67. s0. your ---------r j! ..t-r'vr frr *r.T u& 2 3ra st t6, H GKFvI l*f lD,,n-l l; n At7 olol sV Ar*i,^. B"g ;^i*D U.ni*t , tr G(R+-tl Srosr Y, (60 676 D TZ+. I Roo vt I O S - Ae c ou+1 o4q*io. Ll,^i15 31t Em st (+ e&Vl lf Du-c_ | li r-. e I l,q7d 0 'I Gir+ shop - SK., 56:? _ D#;.o Sf"* l/lrdia6 Roon Disc oAe>ta-ranf -T>1o 1 C{.-.i*s tt.n.GBFA f9( / /./ I lo'l o t./ t, tts 4174 ,/Tratt- t/ .tvl 6OVfa-:=c I I -Tnt ^(t Ph*to z + TE I 7 q Ac c ob€t.r.l -{ ia.,' a1^i-15 22 0,"toll;,^1 L|',,*s86rsf?- eRqrn ^O'tt1-1-l - Co*tv-tv, Sb"€+ o "6,o fnt^!L-CR trA- 8.2s,x la 708. 4q 1. a7s oorv\ ) ca,.vY\-e- qD + 3 6'1- /a r )s X"-l = ?s7.)s at Y /a 11-asxl-s-1.9l f,.s 6.s X Y-5 : 7l-2sx lLl.f = Ll6 o.3T e8 '3-5 X '-l X.9-3.,r.T x1 =L'l ^ s1.f la-t 6 l8.l ls ?-sr\ ,-s:il 16-s A /F:2rf7s aS,eJrltY :.51y 7 _3_,1_x5. s Lu#X r.$: t g)o)A .E- c a-- {:3 b--t e co^rl fY _tc b l]--4, -- - -a----L---I_1 0-_:t____--_-t-- o--- Lf}nt ----.--.- al fhastl t.t Lb- :- --- -l-L-1- t-eeg; rY=x-:rtlla s_ _=__ _ lo-7taas___ -gx*St-'t1l=-.--1'-2r:g-X-(t9-tzs- -- x:1 v",frwv o, 1 a 2 Fa F. z Q 2Ff ()z { e t I F z e z 2 z- F il,l F- .J ! a F |:l zd F. t{ o e lr,l F F F. t{F F 2 F e EI ; \o lll !t z a aIJJIJz s IJJtr uJ ozl Fz|ll E u,l ul o F IE uJ co ul J J <t uJE J ll J F F ! Ec lrl B t9 z -oJ -l o lre -,-eF - I t I NOtMlVA YJcr = z tr d, ql J lllz ut 2o9 -@ z Fqq d.6 q0x>o: t< o- (J >(J ;{ lE -t6; \, 9c ; F 14 x IrlI Iq El 7 t.. :1. \ z F )rlJ UJ oIz Iu z s Fz ut2|ll UJ F cr l! E E llJE F J J !co lt J F a L Er ut o 0z -o -Jf o J lre -,-et- I NO[Vn'lVA l(-A-Vr \t>g(' = 9S z z tr91'E6 qo ;> :z:< o-o>(JFO ; ..,i Fo Fz z- p F z 9HlP=<F= i:TF>FF_<?.',)9 rldF?;iF?r,r 4HiHfr3x^u:.rq;<iz ;<oza =.zzA);9<;:lF!.oEe<b<Q!rz:rISU:a=:!,: :<a- < :=9:E- i .. < c Q> -t,<oi'i,lo=<d <tsi,r uJ z J zo '-u,l f!i uJ II z ul z s Fz llJ EqJ qr F qJ lll oJ J F ul ooJ J F F a t E tr uJ o o z -oJ -l 0 = ]Lo =, =€t- NOtJ.Vn'rVn t(-r >a.? \tt zt.r9 z tr:.i6Fac9o1> :zoi >oFO ;N F O Fz rj z. tr1 F z SHlHz<F1k:trFzFF_<ca)arO P < :. I z F FIr.r 4HiHfr3X^9!,'ra2"izi<ozdi 22^) ZY-F? -tFFCrq <QtJ]zi>igl:*i6:;:<o- < H:938- i .- < r O > -s)<ci3Btro!<c<'J =uJ -) tr v r z) z 29 f _r! llJ t! zl z uJ gr ui 9 UJ o Jlt F o zg G UJ F J J F F aF F , E Er uI o o z ril oJ -l 0 = lre =, =ot- I NOrtvnlvn Ill >(9ct \l!N lu 2o9 z Fqq 2AF,>xo:z:< >o -6i E 3 z tr G, uJo qJz uJ cn -{ <t \.n !+ -{--.\ f--\ $''l^ :lJ *' -s. Y \*:-> I' -.\ .J r:\ -_) i)-.\ (5.--\: I;I;:i;il!;fiigg iigFEE ;i;:;t5irlliliE; e*xs:: ;g;Ei:;=tIisi;E; i[a;:;i;r*i:i;l; ; i lcHigEi;EiiltFiis3u s() .E*,or':,1"t () lEitE::'f$ 3& $l r-.1 i i I I I ^/lrul al:l ull .LI u)t I I I I +r rl {)l I I I g g o F F E;?4tt o-EE cqtxa=*l; P r.*Y Pjro' g .Y ris;: :<,o.eol A f vl z:' lfil ii3dl€=l =sl e lDl S f:rr=l 3: E'41 , cit1.2< !lolEclr{:-? !J3;= |€: sNl H S:l*l.E*-=l .s t ssl - !: .- s.'l3 r: EOIO '= .: *.rlE'd 743E e I a tr! qr o !^{ >r q, Ev9v4J9=4qss€!€BT= : # r r l;::5 € fffii;;FE ;i-rEt i E ! 4 s:es ri;g : ":8,3s t;E: ;I aE i: E;.q i'='s:fiiEE ; x:.-e JG-;- . c i:EEEEEF€ g ;EsiF€EE€ I FE;E1Ic:E I!:ai:i F€; E +t€3ij*5i g isi:*E"nY i F!eE ElE rE I {r = z F Fl E< T Y4 OFl< o). r.t Fl-iP-@O t I Iti q) '(|') , R b(l) I Y a ' €) t Fr F "J F t PUBLIC NOTICE ',/lM;tu NOTIcE Is HEREBY GIVEN THAT Kaiser Morcus, representing the Mark, has requested rezoning of Lots 4 and 7, and a portion of Lots 5 and 6, Block 2' vail Lionshead rhird Filing from public Accommodations and High Density Multiple Family to Special Development District to allow development of the site in a more innovative manner. App'l ication has been filed pursuant to Section 21.500 of the Zoning 0rdinance,Ordinance No. B, Series of .l973. Public Hearings were held on December 9, l6 and 23, 1976 before the Town of vail Planning commission in accord with section 21.400 of the Zoning Ordinance. Planning Cormission reconrnendations have been forwarded to the Town council who will make a final decision on January 1g, lglT at 7:30 pM in the Vail Municipat Building. T0I^JN 0F VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT \/\ ; / / .4'l, \ra | 4 / //'//J / //1:t J. i/0; tq /.u,{/D'iana S. Touglii I I / Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail December 24, 1976 PUBLIC NOTICE 7,*''d' N0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Mr. Kaiser Morcus has applied for a resubdivision of Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, Block 'l , Vail Lionshead Third Filing. Application has been made pursuant to Artic1e III, Section 3' Town of Vail Subdiv'ision Regulations. A Publ'ic hearing will be he'ld before the Town of Vail Planning Commission pursuant to the Subdivision Regulations on January 6, 1977 at 3:00 p.m. in the Vail Municipal Building. TOI.,N OF VAIL DEPAFf,MEI,IT 0F COMMUNITY DEVEL0PMEIIT t." "'^ A tl '!'.' d 4 ,V**n J'r'./tt Diana S. Toughill Zoning Administrator Published in the Va'il Trail December 17, 1976 oo Rovston Hahamoto Beck & 1' a Abey December 13, 1976 Mr. James F. Lamont Director, Dept, Community Development Town of Vail P.0. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: The Mark Dear Jim: Kent Rose quickly advised me of some concerns of his on The Mark project. I'm not sure whether they have been recorded, thus, I'll 'l ist them to the best of my recollection. 1. There is s'ignificant fi 11 encroachment from the Mark tennis courts into the Gore Creek green belt. A1so, fill encroachment over the sewer ljne. The area should be regraded, perhaps retained, and landscaped. Further encroachment should be prohibited. 2. West Lionshead Circle requ'ires significant study before its use is considered for change. There should be traffic analysis, ma'intenance analysis, cost determinat'ion, and research of legal matters. 3. Snow removal on West Lionshead Circle can be a probl em. 4, The Forest Service has concerns over misuse of the public parking area. 5. One ramp entrance to the lower l''lark parking area(first phase) meets West Lionshead Circle at an unworkable anqle. Landscape Architects: hincipals: Associates: 225 Miller Avenue Land Planning Robert Royston FASLA Harold N. Kobayashi ASLA Mill Valley Urban Design Asa Hanamoto ASLA Robert T Batterlon ASLA California 94941 hrk Planning Eldon B€ck ASLA Ceorge W Girvin ASLA 415 383t900 Environmental Planning Kazuo Abey ASLA Robert S. Sena ASLA L-ouis G. Alley AIA htricia carlisle ASLA Mr. James F. Lamont -2-December 13, 1976 6. Perhaps project Any request for 'landscape of the Enzian right-of- way should not be a Town obligation. Kent can edit this letter before it officia1ly enters the fi le. l.lr. Kent Rose bh cc: ly oo Rovston Hairamoto Beck & Abev December 13, 1976 Mr. James F. Lamont Director, Dept. Corrmunity Development Town of Vail P.0. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: The Mark - Design Review Dear Jim: Following are my review comments of the EIS prepared for The Mark Special Deve'lopment D'istrict applicat'ion. This review was conducted on December 9, t976. I suggest that my corunents and any other review comments be attached to the draft EIS. Comments: 1. Page vi; Sunmary a. Further Economic Impacts should be listed' spec i fi ca-T1ll-ifrFaETTi--the shuttl e bus system. b. Further Physical Impacts shou'ld be listed; (i ) Traffic. (ii) Impact of the development on properties to the north. ('iii) Probable future impacts on The Mark of development to the north. (iv) Weather and sun/shade impacts. 2. Page 10 a. Parking statistics for each phase development should be listed. b. Last sentence stat'ing - "additional park'ing will be required", needs clarification. Landscape fuchitects: Principals: Associates: 225 Miller Avenue I-and Planning Roben Royston FASLA Harold N. Kobayashi ASLA Mill Valley Urban Design Asa Hanamoto ASLA Roberl T Battenon ASLA California 94941 hrk Planning Eldon Beck ASLA George W. Girvin ASLA 415 383t900 Environmental Planning Kazuo Abey ASLA Robert S. Sena ASLA L.ouis G. Alley AIA htricia Carlisle ASLA o Mr. James F. Lamont - 2 - December 13, 1976 3. Page 49 a. Impact on shuttle bus system must be carried to further conclusion re: need for added buses, costs, congestion problems. 4. Added information should be provided in the Physical Impact section: a. Impact on Gore Creek. b. Impact of revised public parking area. c. 0n-site bus parking. d. Street congestion. e. Frontage road impacts. t. Corrnunity traffic impacts. S. Site deve'lopnent impacts of grading, landscape, etc. 5. I suggest the preparation of an added section entitled "Mitigation of Adverse Impacts". Adverse impacts now identified or which should be identified are; a. Bui'lding mass and bulk. b. Parking, on-site and or adjacent V.A. lot. c. Sewer. d. Traffic and transportation. e. Gore Creek. f. Surmertime use conflict of V.A. parking 1ot. Mr. James F. Lamont -3-December 1.3, 1976 This last sectjon is important for it should specifically surrnarize any project problems. Future actions by the Plann'ing Board and Town Council should then address themselves to these issues as wel] as any others determi ned. If there are any questions, p1 ease fee'l free to ca1 'l . ffix'frfr. Planning Board Town Council Mr. Terrell Minger Tot-f, Mr. James Lamont Town of Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: THE MARK Dear Jim: This letter is to confirm our discussion on December 10, .|976 with Tom Briner concerning the design of The Mark. l,le were concerned that the design solution described, being primari1y plast'ic translucent panels with a wood lattice sunscreen' 'i s not the appropriate deisgn. Because of the mass and importance of the bu'ilding'it would be reasonable to request that the deve'loper provide the Town with adequate research of varjous facadeand balcony,orsunshade solutions so that we and the Design Review Board can fu1 ly understand the design choices ava'ilable and the logic of a final decision. The final ap- pearance must not be industrial-like. My recolrunendations for approval of the project have been coupled with a statement that extraordinary sensitivity is required in reaching a final design which minimizes the building bulk and which' in effect' achieves a compatibility with connunity. The developer must require significant exploration of design alternatives by his architect. Because the proper solution to the scale of the building is a mitigating measure to the bulk, design approval should be a part of the Special Development Di strict approval . box lfi) vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 John Dobson Terrel 'l l'li nger Planning Conrnission Design Review Board Tom Briner Kaiser Morcus office of the town manager December 13, .l976 Si ncerel y, ROYSTON, HANAMOTO, BECK & ABEY -./l/ ,.4 /f,,{/n-Az& Eldon Beck ^tA cc: (l ) (2) (3) (4) tal any formal action be rvithhe'ld until such time as the staff and the planning Commission have had an opportunity to review both the revised drawings and the environemtna'l impact report' lile do not feel it is fair to either the Town or the app'licant to base a decision on information that we have not had the opportunity to review. A complete report will be prepared prior to the Decerrber 16 planning Com- mission meeting which will give staff recommendations and review of the Environmental impact report. Royston Hairamoto Beck & Abey December 2, L976 Mr. James F. Lannnt Di rector of Conrnunity Development Town of Vail P. 0. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Design Review - The Mark Dear Jim: This letter is to surnmarize conclusions reached in our review of "The Mark" project. A meeting was held in my office on November 23, 1976 and was attended by Tom Briner, Kaiser Marcous' you' and me. The subiect of the meet'i ng was the proposed expansion of the project within conditions of a Special Developrent District. This was the fourth meeting held over a period of several nnnths and at each step the developer has nndified the proiect or changed design direction in accordance with our clitique. The development program is an anbitious one and does push the site to its nnx'imum capacity. I consider the high'i ntensity of the proiect acceptable for the following reasons: 1. The hotel/convention uses add economic viability to the west edge of Lionshead and reinforce restaurant use and pedestrian nnvement within Lionshead. 2. The proiect is adjacent to public parkjng and is directly served by the shuttle bus s1r51gm. 3. Proposed future private and public improvements, such as the bike trail along the creek, the highway overpass to Sandstone' and the potential underground theater nearby; alI will further reinforce bicycle and pedestrian novements to The Mark and the west side of Lionshead. A1 though I continue to have minor concerns about the significant bulk of the project, I feel that the gains to the community warrant favorable consjderation of the project. Associates: 225 Miller Avenue Harold N. Kobayashi ASLA Mill Valley Robert T. Batterton ASLA California 94941 George W. Girvin ASLA 415 383-7900 Robert S. Sena ASLA landscape Architects: I-and Planning Urban Design Park Planning Environmental Planning Principals: Robert Royston FASLA Asa Hanamoto AsLA Eldon Beck ASLA Kazuo Abey ASLA Iruis G. Alley AIA ktricia Carlisle ASLA Speci fi c 1. Mr. James F. Lamont -2-Decernber 2, 1976 project concerns are: Staff must calculate overall heights and describe those portions of the buiiding which exceed ordinance and those which are wjthin ordinance.It appears that the average height is acceptable. The overall pro- ject has been reduced by up to 20 feet with the latest design re- vi s'i ons . Project p1 anning does not yet include a comprehensive overall Iandscape p1 an. Areas of concern are a'l ong West Lionshead Circle (the north side of the project), at the southeast corner of the existing building,'and at the new entry area off West Lionshead Circle. The spaces are tight and significant groups of evergreen trees would be highly effective in easing the bulk of the project. A first phase site plan must be prepared which shows entrance design, modjfication to the existing V.A. parking area, and substantial landscape on the western edge of the project. The mass of trees indicated must be p1 anted as part of initial work to create a substantial landscape foreground to the bui'l ding as viewed from the Interstate and Frontage Road. The site plan should be completed showing pedestrian circulation within the site, connections to the creek, and landscape within the project. The Town and The Mark should discuss coordinated development of the creek side space, including bike path, land- scape, and sitting areas. The project has a zero set-back condition at the northwest corner of the building adjacent to West Lionshead Circle. This is a critical visual area for the structure will appear tallest at this Iocation. The architect will study careful 1y the stair tower detailing and degree of transparency needed to mitigate the potential impact of project bulk. It was suggested also that reconstruction of a segment of West Lionshead Circle wjthinits street right-of-way may relieve the problem and provide space for tree planting. The proposed loading dock area at the southeast corner of the existing building was not adequately solved. The architect will study the area further. Parking in the first phase is in accordance with ordjnance require- ments. The first phase should also include on-site bus parking. The question of the extent of future park'ing in Phase 2 will be addressed when that portion of the project proceeds. There is adequate space to meet current ordinance requirements, yet the actual need rnay not exist. 2 4. E 6. 7. Mr. James F. Lannnt -3-December 2, 7976 8. It was agreed that the architect mustproceed into further detaiI to properly solve the facade and overall proiect scale concerns. Project approval should be conditioned upon further design pro- gress. 9. Several concerns for interior quality were expressed. It was urged that natural light be provided into the major meet'i ng room. A1 so, that a quality stairway access be developed from the lobby to the covered tennis courts affording possible dual use of the tennis courts for convention or exhibit space. 10. The V.A. parking lot must have several substantial islands within the mass of paving. These should be approximately 30' x 50' in size for protection against snow plow equipment and to achieve scale of tree massing needed. The design must also provide for a bus shelter. 11. There was discussion concerning the appearance and function of West Lionshead Circle. Should it continue as a through street or could portions of it be changed to a pedestrian/landscape/bus mall simi'l ar to Meadow Mall at the Transportation Terminal? Can not some means be found to pmperly landscape the enbankment south of the Enzian? In conclusion, the project design is a skillful solution to the program needs of "The Mark". The massing has been lowered and the step-down of structure at the west end is very good. A further reduction in height would be a minor gain for val 1ey scale, but would significantly detract from project viability and the benefits of the concentration of servjces. A strong landscape concept is needed. Great thought must be given to exterior elevations and detail. I reconrnend approval at this stage. Si ncerely, , HANAM0To, q"EC ABEY cc: Mr. Terell J. Minger Mrs. Djana Toughill Mr. John Dobson Mr. Tom Briner Mr. Kaiser Marcous BeckET th ---____ a Aza--pt- fi-f1,.*r t -.flJ-rn tE'T€- -T ?a E "12 urac-L tJ uEft- a'AJ^E. l,/ I1_.tJ\<*7+,'n-=A+-T$Etry:*Tl-'t.. t -l I vto 4p*u drjbv-Z Ee.>t1yv^12 P^4ZV {#*yL^<-,'-b ("r) a-a/uru>.*u'nrl Z-1 .-1's *ep-3 ? /'.?C,U\T> \^rEfT€ I\ qTC,*4^e &.:+ 4tz=.-t7q{# r.1ep;f"\'T1.iz'tnzp-E- \Ta-f-D t +n rryh-ALL- W:t:l'*1rv l.t| -- a;r1att-7'\2f:*ararn*-\crypna6 tru/aryW 1'\/?ttltv't1 lrrt Ipr-\-t-2o1ff,f*"ja AIPLtCAT r0it T0tt vAr(lAl.jcE An,)/()r coNDtT|0lAL LJsE PF-til41.r Ordinance llo. tJ (Serics of 1973) Applical"iorr DaleNovenber 15. 1925 Publi ca t i on Da teNo,v-snb_er L,9 , L97 6 Hear ing Da le Hea r ing Fee Fi na I Dec i s ion datc for Town Counc i I I O{ae ) Kaiser Morcus(Applicant) Colorado Vail'_Phone 476-44A4 _(State)(C i ty ) do liereby request permission to appear before ihe Vail Planning Conrm iss ion to req uest the f ollowing: Variance f rom Article_-.**, Section Zoning Change fromHDMF &*P.A.to S.D.D.Parking Variance Conditional Use Permit to allow For the followinE described property: Zone. l,c-tt/tracJ__--, BIock ln Fi I ing fJurnber Clearly s1-ate purpose and in'fent of this apDlication The. intent of the apglication is to create a zone which is --qolnBgLiblb with the-lo helFc. the - - T,i nnshe"ad aree, whi'lc at t-ha-semg J.ima hai ng e vi ah]a trrrnjeot fcrr fhe apfrl i cant- Tfugsg-nri +cri a canr nnl- be rnaL hy tbe -ex'i sting zoni ng. 'v{h at do you feel is the basis for har-dship in fhis case? N./A _-- Vail , Colorado 81657 47 6-2427 -z--'--Z-:--':32-\-a4a!=.:--Sict tr.,lrlre ot Ac; litan av K. Peterson ttorney for ApplicantP. O. Box 1408 i;:;ii::Ii;fiExg IEt;g E i;;i::E;€sl:!Eit EFiEi;1,rji:;i;si:1!ii! 3; FF :i;ii;iiEiiii*Fi 3 E lsEiiEiiEii:gFi;slu o C' CIt?:tat CItr{EI,3i16:!alti:,& itlv -s, o::tg;t E .=:a x5:f .= (\l 9nU1 =: lor' 3 .= Fl 6;: :<,q,.Eol A =-t'-5 N/l Ir llil -3dltr -<l .=EFIgul gi2l t' <- .-)l! -)l q,:5q.9 =ty .E€$ trx.^; 93c-=oodtr.- AE.EE uv3r.e I I I I I q) ,q) <! 3 t eo IA E q, ;3;-;;3: : # e E l;::r **i [€*:;i H ; rg"at E Fg ;9=rEt i 3 ! + 5:€'e ri;3 : :I,3e #;E; ;i;E E:E; g ''= E: ai: EE ;T g.=- -1 .3;i Ef:+EEEES€ E ;EiIE{;si r Fi;EEsEgt €!:a!:i eg; e fiEF:!;;i Eigi:i3"ii ! a;aEe;; rE ! ...$l FI 1 I I I HIal d,ql\) 4 I I !) q, o o 0) ' o > z F t-l r,; tlo a^^ E< t x otr lzOo)" r-r F FrAkp-aO+ \I v F <D B o) 'J F tl t& F (t) ' E co tr E o E PUBLIC NOTICE NOTIcE Is HEREBY GIVEN THAT Kaiser Morcus, representing the Mark, has requested rezoning of Lots 4 andT and a portion of Lots 5, and 6, Block 2, vail Lionshead Third F'iling from Public Accorrnodations and High Density Multiple Family to special Development District to aliow development of the site in a more innovative manner. App'l ication has been filed pursuant to Section 2l .500 of the Zoning 0rdinance,Ordinance I'1o.8, Series of 1973. A Public Hearing will be held on December g, 1916 before the Town of Vail Planning Cormission in accord with Section 2l .400 of the Zoning 0rdinance. said Hearing will be held at 3:00 pM in the Vail l4unicipal Building. T0l^lN 0F VAIL DEPARTMENT 0F Cot44UNrTy DEVEL0PMENT\ /-/ itl ,L)tnrtnJ. r/dqh4/ Diana S. Toughi'11 Zoning Administrator Published jn the Vail Trajl, November 19, 1976 'l-1t f-y-_ MEMORANDUM o TO:1 ? 3 4 6 Stan Bernstein Diana Toughi I I Kent Rose Dennis Murphy John Riccio Allen Gerstenberger FROM: Jim Lamont DATE: 0ctober 27, 1976 RE: Environmental Impact Statenent for The Mark John Ryan has been commissioned by Kaiser Morcus to conduct an Environmental Impact Statement for the major new addition to The Mark project in Lionshead. The project as proposed to date consists of an addit'ional 250 rooms, convention faciljties, and indoor recreational facilities. We have had difficulty in the past coordinating aIl of the diverse concerns which a project like thjs creates within the Municipal Administration; therefore, before we have Ryan enbark on the EIR,we are hav'ing a joint session with all of you to determine the exact nature of your concerns and how they should be addressed in the EIR. |^le have scheduled a meeting for ljednesday, I'lovember 3 in the Administrative Conference Roorn at l0:00. Please notify Jo if you cannot attend. j- -'.: :' t :t -GEvY1ffaK: THE JOHI\r RY,(N C),MP,4i\ir'. t60t L)rcrun Strcet - Ihr"-rr'. Cohtrrlo 8tVl8 ' BtJ-il 8.ll- 9(u4 November 2, 1976 Mr. Jim Lamont, Director Department of Cormunity Development Town of Vai Vai I , Colora Dear Jim: -. Enc'lose{hn initial list of topics required the Thi s want Envi ronmentalist is based to modify the Impact Statement for the expansion on our telephone conversation oflist in the November 3rd meeting Si ncerely, to be covered in of the Mark Resort. last week. I'le wil'l with Town Staff. V-z-R-_- / John Ryan Kaiser Morcus Tom Briner Eldon Beck Economic Impact Sa]es Empl oyment Direct Costs and Revenues to the Town l,later Sewer Transportation Social Impact -Popul ati on Housing School s Recreational Anenities Visual Effects Relationship to Vail Master Plan, Vail Physica'l Impact Gore Creek Comidor Circulation and Transportation Air Qual ity Goa'ls, and Growth Management Plan (draft) Rovston Hahamoto Beck & Abey 0ctober 14, 1976 Hr. Ton Brfnsr Plerce, Erfner and Fltrhugh Scott Inc. P.0. Box 2299Vall, Colondo 81657 Re:Tha )hrk 0car Too: Thrnk you for your lettcr of October 8, 19t6 rnd the prlntc of deslgn fnprogr*t rsnt erllcr In the ueak. I've had m rord at all frcm lolser durlng thlr mck (ar of nld aftemoon, Thursday, October 14) although he ms apptrcntly golng to contact m rfille In the Bay Area. Your lcttcr sttte v€ry rccurrtely tJre lcsue rt hrnd; and that fs, rU concern for scrle and vlrnrl lrpact and lour need to solve the ctated prcblem. ily rttltude sterns dlr"ectly firur nqy understandlng of the Toryn ordlnrncec and ry lense of the deslgn concGnir of the Town Councll. To bneak our rpprrent Inpag3e, I suggcrt that xou do the follolng: l. Take r vrrlety of photographr of the prcJect area fitm dlfferent publlc vleilpofntt. Drar the pruposed bulld- lng on thcsc photogrrphr. 2. Request an opfnfon fmsr 0lrnr as to varlances needed,lf any. 3. Prcsent thlr lnfonrrtlon to the Torn Councll In a work sesslon to scs $rethcr or mt they are concerned by the slre of prcJect and Inrpact. I belleve that qy concems are adequately statcd. The Councll ls the proper bo4y to detemlnc whether or not the stated progran ls conllstent wlth Totm golls. Iandscape Architects: Principals: Associates: 225 Mller Avenue knd Planning Robert Royston FASLA Harold N' Kobayashi ASLa Mill Valley Urban Design Asa Hanamoto ASLA Rob€rt T, Batterton ASI-A Califomia 94941 hrk Planning Eldon Beck ASLA George W. Girvin ASLA 415 383-7900 Environmental Planning Kazuo Abey ASLA Rob€rt S. Sena ASLA louis G. Alley AIA htricia Carlisle ASLA :.].' ;r. Tm Brl1cr , i - e - 0ctabf l.t, :1976 : If ac r rgrult.of ttc mtfng thi Councll frcl! tlut tht prcSrrn fe correct ln* thtt tfn nrglng lr rcceptrblc, I rlll lct*ouhdgc thelr vlupolnt' rrd rcr* rfth,you lt hccor3tryt oq tle rcflnucnt of thc. proJict. -It sair tlsoly-to tc3t tb3 pollttcrt rlndr rtthcr thrn dobrtc orr plrsonrl gfnlmr. sl Plerc. Brlmr & Fllzhugh Scolt Inc. Architecture Planning P. O. Box 2299 Vail, Colorado 81657 30:r 476-3038 o October 8, 1976 Mr. Elden Beck 225 Mil'ler Avenue Mill Va]'ley, California 94941 Dear El den: I apo'logize for the quality of drawings sent off to you on October 6' at Kaiser's request. I have only recent'ly received your letter and have done litt'l e in the way of redesign. I have done some calculating' however, that has proven interesting. Based upon a 13' x 26' lodg'ing room and a 6' corridor, I have done some figuring on the extent of a bui'lding'limited to a 45' average hei ght. Kaiser's present buildjng has a lodging floor of 24 rooms. The last scheme, with both phases, had a lodging floor of 48 rooms and a cor- ridor length of 3.|2 feet. These rooms are stacked in 5% floors - with an average bui'lding he'ight of 60'. If we were to accept a 45' average, lt1Y approximation is that we would have three floors on which to loiate'lodging rooms (see enclosed sketch). Given 83 rooms per floor with a double tlg-dg4_gggf-qor., I would have coridor lengthi of about parison to our last scherne, is 200' longer! I am having, as I believe you will too, a difficult time accepting thjs in light of our shared concerns over the length of the bui'lding in the first scheme. (See your corments in letter of 8/4/76, expressing concern over spread out plan .). My own problem presently goes beyond yours. llhile I share your sen- sitivity to a building's mass, form and intrusion on the landscape' I must ilso look leyoia the siulptura'l asbbcts of a project to a design solution that accomplishes my client's requirements. I fear lhat' in light of the budget and of this particular c'lient's successful ex- peiience at operating a hotel , your concerns for form and mine for a prograrmatic solution cannot both be successfully enioined. Ltr. to E'lden Beck Page 2 0ctober I, .|976 l'le have, as your letter states, spent quite a]ot of time and enerlly on a complete redesign from what you saw in July - actua1 1y we are on our 4th schere. Neither Kaiser's schedule nor ry own operating budget can accept much more time conceptualizing. As intellectually enioyab'le as it may be, js getting expensive. I do not agree with you that our present schern cuts off the view to the east. I guess it depends upon your point of view! I don't see why Kaiser's project cannot be considered a gateway to Vai1 rather than the obstruction that you suggest it will be. t,le are anxious to work towards a successful project - one that will benefit not only Kaiser, but also the Town of Vail. In order to do so I think we are go'ing to have to reconsider.the criteria for eval- uation or at least a'l low for another "point of view." Si n cerely , &rzap e.A'*rzDtP; Thomas A. Briner TAB/Jm Encl osure cc: Kaiser l4orcus y,rJ-im Lannnt oo (Wtlcolin^, dts oil^sa{a y!1s+Mryr{svt&t - 6v'uW t14ft( w+; Rovston Hairamoto Beck & Abey September 27, L976 Mr. Terrell J. Minger Town llanager Town of Vai] P.0. Box 100Vail, Colorado B1657 Re:The Mark Deslgn Review Dear Terry: 0n September 2?, 1976, Jim Lamont and I met with Kaiser MarcousBriner to review further schematic site and architectural plans expanslon of the Mark. Following are my corments: 1. The functional layout and amangenrent of major uses works we1 l. There may be a need for larger circul-ation spaces ln corridors adjacent to the convention rooms. 2. The Vail Associates parking space to the west has adequate space for a good workable parking area. The design at this stage did not lnclude adequate landscape or bus operation facilities. It may be timely for Vail Associates to share in actual parking layout. Jim and Diana shou'ld also calcu'late actual project parking requirements and establish Town policy re: shared parking and parking count re1ated to overlappfng uses. 3. The site plan had not proceeded to the point of showing site pedestrian circulat:lon. It 1s proper that further plannlng show overal'l site circu'l- ation and recreation. 4. The design concept is one of clustering high build- ings around and over the conventlon and athleticfacilitles. The concept is good, however, thebuilding mass is higher than the present Mark and and for Tom the landscape Architects: Iand Planning Urban Design hrk Planning Environmenta! Planning Principals; Robert Royston FASLA Asa Hanamoto ASLA Eldon Beck ASLA Kazuo Abey ASLAt uis G. Alley AIA htricia Carlisl€ ASLA Associates: 225 Miller Avenue llarold N. Kobayashi ASt l Mill Valley Roben T. Batterton ASLA. Calilomia 94941 George W. Girvin ASLA 415 383-7900 Rob€rt S. Sena ASLA o MEI'IOMNDUM T0: PLANNING C0MMISSI0N FR0M: DEPARTMENT 0F CO|,II4UNITY DEVEL0PMEIIT RE: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMEI.IT OF THE MRK SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DATE: December 9,]976 COMPARISOII OF MARK SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT PROPOSAL t^JITH CURRENT ZONING Site Area Allowable GRFA Proposed GRFA Allovrable [nits Proposed Units Lot 4 6l,852 sq. ft. 37 ,111.2 Lot 5 123,562 sq, ft, 74,137,2 s.ite considered as a whole Lot 7 40,040 sq. ft. 23,032,0 225,454 sq. ft.143,280.4 Less existing bldg. 40,276.75 Less existjng units 103,003.65 94,000 max. 129 - 259 2]0 accornmoda- dwell'ing units tion units converts to 258 - 5.16 accom- 20 suites (DU) modation units (74 acc. units 14 dwelling units) Allowablg Conrnercial PrErosed Commercial Less Existing Btdg ttr:llrl'.'ri 14 306.24 --4m0--Tisco and commercial 10,000 proposed meeting room Add'itional sq. II;md sq. ft. proposedft. allowable 4,860.00 9,446.24 The Town of Vail generally feels that the project is in line with the proposed growth management plan in that it is located in a high density area, is directly adjacent to pedestrian areas' transportation, and provides a conrnunity benefit (convention center) It private expense. l.le do not feel that we have had sufficient tjme to revjew the proposal since jt is a very involved one as the Environmental impact report was sub- mitted only today. l.le would recorrnend a conceFtual approval and suggest that the Less existing meeting ro0m l'lr. Terrell J. llinger -2-September 27, 197() al'l at one leve'l . It was requested that Torn look very hard at the inrpact of the mass on the slte and consider lowerlng the cbntra'l nnss of the structure' The view from the west is particularly crltical . It was further suggested'that the Uuitcttng extend lnore to.the west and begin to step down at Jts western extrelnlry for better ielatlonship to landscape spaces' The loss of one future tennis court would perrnit '-hls' lhe gain would also be of space for an improved entrance iropoff area and for larger 'landscape spaces on the north slde. After the above described meeting, I lnspected the site from al'l sides and must express sertoui concern-is to tire mass and height of the proposed Uuitaing. it appea"i-ttai tt'i height will block slgnlflcantllr the-vien oi tf,e ialley tb'the-east. Currenlly, the center of Lionshead is ]ow enough to peirnit an extenslve vlsta.- I had hoped to call Kaiser to adviie him'of ttiy ""uition before leavlng Vai'l , but our tasks vrere tlme consuming and I fal'led to reach hlm. I suggest that Tom conslcler expanding the whole proiect to ihe west to achieve a lowered ruir, oi speltficaity, a descendlng mass. The ovcra'11 f,eights must fit within the brdlnance i'average height" precedent. The two level rjiscoteque forces helght and perhaps is not.correctly located on tne stte. At dhis time, I U6lieve that the proJect would not be piitilici'iiV acceptable for lt would appear to be the largest structure in f-ionstreid, anb is not conslstent wiitr tne obiectives on criteria con- siOerea by the councii-in-thelr approvals of the last Severa'l Special Developrnent Di strlct Projects. If either Kaiser or Tom rilsagrees with ny concern' I,suggest that an fnformal session Ue treta witfr ttre Councll, Planning Eoard and Deslgn Review Board. In any case, it may be proper to test the reaction of tfresu g.orps before iignificant d'esign'changes are nrade..,Kaiser arrtl Ton frive n6ttr irorked nara'inC witiingiy [o solvi a very complicated problem' / 1{ a.b Mr. Terrell J. t'llnger I respect thelr efforts and wlsh obstructlon Please let me knotr lf I can help Slncerely RoYST0H, }|ANAM0T0, BECK & ABEY -3- to contrlbute to further at this September 27, 7976 solutlon, not o the tlme. t,Uod {er^A F'v-&. Eldon Beck bh cc Y!lr. James Lamont Ms. Dlana Toughlll Mr. Tom Briner Mr. Kalser Marcous Mr. John Dobron Hr. rl{m Bartlett e /22 /76Jim:' Just receivf tni-s in the A.M. mail fofwing Thought you might be interested -- what a plefsant our meeting. r{RrsnilA.m.I.TtrD. \rt\oru surotiser.,4, .+. i1:. 4u r').r-t.:- / l.- ?,.t. nt ,{" /.- '; 4 c,{,n-ti 9,t1-.-4-:-1.:-*. --.:.*'-_{/, I !{.v",<- | | L.1l,f----.d.-1-' - -'' 1/)tv tr' /,4. G:'t: ) t\HJ/tt t /4 7 - l/,,,, t, ' 't t: Tft qt"/:' 61/ 2 a+u,-//3tJ/r,__"/- -.-^ ,7, 13|A1. - -.* (-/?, z 76.2?)( /oat'. o) a7O o --l','.-?4 x a6 67(. (.,,- ./, ,/,,., a.-r "-a . "t44/.'orf'; ',1- -.:*.-. 7o., r/.f,6\ EES_C0fi -!t ! Q,,: - q /. 4(* ll c,/- t=-- : .- -*A,:::: :::,:, r' r ., U i -!": '- - '/ _ -_ _--o /,- E€.2: -.- 4,:-9-_.._:--_-_- 3 7_L L11: 2.. _-...-_.._ _ J / t1.-t 1 d-:,tn--',. :!.-: /.q /o/ o 7 e / .J' ?87: c' 7o {J-,a ' -4 a ,.:,.:.-! _.._.- /.e x .R./,!i Ajl.o X td _,r",./t^---:_ -._.---L - .._. --.---_- .-_. _ | -J-x 3 /c-.0 '?.4 3S 9- " - _..- -.t-,o__a / r<-,*t'/ tlr: ar/3 -(- - s=,,,*. t - - ^ - -.- /-o- +.. - - l-,t, _tj-. _. * - -3= t L 5--x 3 -'*---'. ;r vo7 ----__./ 9.?: j 1 f,o 6, zs* {7 X e./6,lt t7^ ,16 . fzr_"" /!to/ i,t-c- t. .. --' f X 3 7/-/a,','l.t ot9.?5- "l'' ::'";" .- t-... D.--.-'-',. - -* - I 16o6,zt' 'tl A-6 | E,oo 'il .,!r. F .t, e ,' t7.rt 6o.rn /6dr.rr-x t - - -, --/ L-4.i.:2-t-- /, . .?7., x 6o t / e,o-6 ^ I / (tf,o /o L) 7 'oo iil l, o efil\/l/f?K RESORIA\D ]ENNIS CII-JB August 5, L976 Mr. Jim Lamont Town of VailVai1. Co. 81657 Dear Jim: Subsequent to our meeting of July 21st, when a conceptual design proposal for the expansion of The Mark Resort was presented by Tom Briner to yourself, George Girvin and Elden Beck, I have attempted to set forth a concrete program for the ultimate development of my property which would by necessity require the Town's designatj-ng my present 1and, and posslbly a porti.on of Vail Associates, a Special Use District. DEVEIOPMENT GOALS OF THE MARK RESORT - REDEFINED: Initially my development was to include those activities now in The Mark I building plus 84 condominium units phased in three buildings with a total addition of 92,OOO GBFA. Approval for this expansion had the Town's approval and I, in fact, have all the construction documents necessary for this expansion to proceed. The year around success I have had in marketing the lodging rooms in The Mark I, the requests I get for accommodatiug large groups in meeting situations, the interest of hotel patrons as well as 1ocal residents in the recreational activities that can be provided on site as well as a sensing that condominiums are no.1f, at this time, in great demand, all together encourages me to think of substituting 250 publie accommodation rooms for the 84 condominj-um units presently designed. REASONS FOR A SPECIAL USE DISTRICT: Present zoning allows for the 84 condominlum units - a zonj.ng change must be granted to permit me to substitute public acconmodations for multi-famity housing. Furthermore, the operational requirements of a hotel are such that I would ask that consideration be given to increasing the present height limitation, reducing parking requirements, as well as possible variances on building bulk control and setbask 8ox 340/vA t coroRADo 81657 /y)3-476-/W requirements, particularl-y buildings on the same site.the objectives of the Town Dlstrlct. BENEFITS TO THE TOWN: Page 2 J. Lamont as these pertain to distances betweenI believe that my requirements and Plan can be best met in a Special Use Public accommodations generate a greater dercand for servi-ces (thus greater revenues) than condominiums. I think that restaurants and shops in the Lionshead area would, in particular, be positively affected. At the same time, I do not believe there would be any greater demand on public services, i,€., sewer-water, than that created by 84 condominiums, Environmentally, ai-r pollution would be reduced by the eliminatios of 65-70 fireplaces that are in the present condominium design. Major site work (disruption) would be compacted into one area of the property rather than spread over three locations. At this time I would predict that there would be less driveway construction with the hotel than with three separate condominium buildings. In order to gain utili.zation of open space for tennis courts and passive recreation we would attempt to put all our parking under cover. This would, of course, be contingent upon an acceptable formula for determining the parking requirements. At present there is apparent community reaction to "convention"facilities. My own business has been enhanced by the presence of a large meeting room in The Mark I buitding. My intention is to maximize on the conventioneerrs interest in being accornmodated with meeting room facilities. I propose to include an 8-10,000 square foot meeting room complex within my expansion. I regard this as an element that would benefit at least those in the communi-ty who are proponents of conventions as furthering their business interests. PARKING REQUIREMENTS: A review of Mark I registrations shows that the actual ratio of cars to lodge rooms is never greater than 1:3 and this occurs during the summer. I am proposing to provide covered parking for 100 automobiles. This number guarantees parking for overnight guests with approximately 20 spaces left available for patrons of the discotheque. Short term parking for persons registering would be provided. Inasmuch as most of our guests come by bus I propose to designate an added parking area for buses on1y. Finally it should be said that the Vail Associates Parking Lot will be adjacent to my project and available for patronsr evening parking. Page 3 J. Lamont BUILDING PROGRAM: Followlng is a summary of areas proposed in my expansion program: Public Accommodati-ons : 250 Lodging Rooms Commercial Area: 84,500 SF - Mark Resort Offices Discotheque Pro Shop/Sundries Convention Facilities : Meeting Room w/Banquet seating for 800 Banquet Kitchen Health Club: 2,000 3,500l, ooo 9,000 1 ,500 7,500 10,5OO Locker Rooms I ,200Swimming Pool w,/Deck 2,4OO Sauna and Health Spa 600 Four Racketball Courts 3,200 Two Enclosed Tennis Courts 13,OOO Common Space: (I5%) Circulation/ Reeept ion AreasElevators, Stairs, Mechanical Equlpment Rooms and Maids Rooms Enclosed Parking: 100 Automoblles 20,4OO 19. o00. TOTAL HOTEL 141,335 SF 45.000 TOTAL BUILDING AREA 186,335 SF Page 4 J. Lamont LANDSCAPING AND SITE DEVELOPMEIfT : Site development will include the relocation to the west of a large portion of vail Associates Parking Lot. This will permit better utilization of land adjacent to the present Mark I building and locate cars at the perimeter of the development. It is anticipated that with bus service now availabte to that parking area there will be no inconvenience to those using the parking lot. "Better utilization" means that (a), the proposed building(s) need not be spread out with unusable and/or unattractive spaces between and (b), large enough outdoor areas can be saved for additional tennis courts. Service to The Mark I building would remain where it is, but most 1ikely, the present service drive would be screened by the proposed building. A new reception area in the building is expected to be related to a new automobile entrance and the entire area would be la.ndscaped in a manner that would tie, as much as possible, into the creek area. Should the Town wish to develop this area of the creek as a linear park it would be my intent to tie into this development. PIIASING: Until a sonceptual plan can be developed and analyzed it is impossible to determine in what stages this progran might be constructed. Thought has been given to completing the project in two stages. However, financing, construction costs, and Val1 Resort business in general , hDV alter my plans considerably. Stage One, at present, would include approximately 125 lodge rooms, the meeting aTea, some portion of the health club (probably not the enclosed tennis courts) and parking as required. Completion of Stage One could be during the '77-'78 season. CONTINGENCY FACTORS: My business requires that I expand my operation as soon as possible. The program that I have outlined above reflects my requirements and I think would be an attractive additlon to the Vail resort community from the economic point of view as well as the aesthetic. There are, however, planning obstacles to be overcome. One is timing. Even over a short term one can predict with only limited accuracy construction costs and, of course, market demand. It is to this project's advantage that a workable schedule be developed and held to by all parties. Enclosed is a schedule developed about a spring 1977 construction start. If such a schedule cannot be met certainly my planning would be affected. In order that my hotel operation will not be rendered inefficient by decentralLzati1on or stringing out of hotel activities, I must have access to land adjacent my present building for any new sonstruction. This, of course, requires an agreement with Vail Associates over an exchange of land for their parking Iot. Page 5 J. Lanont FJ-nally, none of thls can be accompllshed without tbe agreement of tbe Town. I believe this can best be achieved through the rezonlngof these properties into a Special Zoning Distrlct. I w111 greatly appreciate your attentlon to this request and any suggeetlons you nlght offer towards a successful expansion of The l[ark Resort. SLncerely, Kaiser E. Morcus kf PROPOSED MARK 2 ROJECT TASKSP -MaJulv 1976 L977 1. DEVEIOPMENT PROGRAM submitted to Town 2. Town Staff REVIEW w/requisite requirements for SPECIAL DISTRICT zoning 3. Schematic SITE DEVELOPMEIfT PLAN 4. Town, V.A., Mark Besort, Forest Service agreement upon land exchange and subsequent use for parking and tennis 5. Application for ZONING VABIANCE 6. PLANNING COMIIISSION recommendation 7. TOIfN COUNCIL approval to change in zoning 8. Preliminary Architectural Design 9. Contractor (C.M. ) selection 10. Design Development Drawings and GUARANTEED MAX. COST 11. DESIGN REVIEW 72. Construction Documents complete * 13. BEGIN CONSTRUCTION Aug. I Aug. 23 Sept. 24 Oct. 11 Oct. 18 Nov. 11 Nov. 16 Dec. 8 Jan. 7 Jan. 3l Feb. 3 April 29 May 2 *Phasing of the project may require that preparation of the Construction Docurnents continue beyond May with various "bid packages." Rovston Hairamoto Beck & Abey August 4, 1976 Mr. James F. Lamont, Director Department Cormuni ty Devel opment Town of Vail P.0. Box 100 Vai'1, Colorado 81657 Re: Vail, Town of Design Review - The Mark Dear Jim: 0n Ju'fy 22, L976, you, George Girvin and I met with Tom Briner, Gordon Pierce and Kaiser Marcos to discuss the potentia'l expansion of "The Mark". Tom Briner explained the concept of expansion and the probable building program by use of a nndel and schematic plans. Both Tom and Kaiser qua'lifjed planning at this date as being conceptual with significant design flexibility. The discussion involved four major topics: 1. Shape of the parcel of land 2. Functiona1 diagrarming 3. Size and mass of bui'lding 4. Landscape concept My comments: 1. Shape of the parcel of land Any expansion of "The Mark" appears to involve a land trade with Vail Associates of a portion of their large west parking area. The current proposal is to trade a relatjvely smal1 portion. The use parcel resulting is somewhat namow for a major project and has several right ang'le turns. The bui'lding I:ndscape Architecrc: Iand Planning Urban Design Rrk Planning Environmental Plannins Principals: Robert Roysion FASLA Asa Hanamoto Asl,A Eldon Beck ASLA Kazuo Abey ASLA l.ouis G. Alley AIA Patricia Carlisle ASLA Associates: 225 Miller Avenue Harold N. Kobayashi Ast A Mll Valley Robert T. Batterton ASI,A California 94941 George W. Girvin ASLA 4f 5 383-7900 Robert S. Sena ASLA Mr. James F. Lamont -2-August 4, L976 form derives from the shape of the land and consequent'ly is a very long structure. The key elements of the use program occur from one end to the other and our concern is that the spread out plan will resu'lt in both visual and operational problems. "The Mark" intends to emphasize tennis, ath'l etics and convention uses, as the focus of development, yet the shape of the land appears to preclude an exciting concen- tration of these amenities. Our reconnendation is to study the problem using a larger part of the V.A. parking lot, that is, a larger area of 'land directly west of the present "Mark" with less land adjacent to Gore Creek. Th'is would require partial reconstruction of the V.A. parking lot resulting in more parking adjacent to the frontage road. In that this parking area is served by the shuttle bus and is already remote for walking to the center of Lionshead, the added walking distance from a part of the lot seems a minor prob'lem. Vehicle access to the lot would be fmproved by the direct relationship to the frontage road. The major gain to "The Mark" would be of,s'ignificant designflexibility and the ability to deve'lop a design around the most'important amenities. Functiona'l di agrammi ng The linear p'l an proposed: a. New main entrance at the northwest corner of the site. b. New convention facilities and lobby centered in the site. c. Retention of the present pool and two tennis courts. New courts at the west end of the site. d. Separate underground parking under a part of the new deve'loprnnt. The most significant gain was development of space off the public road for visitor registrat'ion and bus loading. The prob'lems are: ? Mr. James F. Lamont -3-August 4, 1976 a. Stonn exposure at the northwest corner. This would be exposed to driving winds and receives no pro- tection from any buildings. In the distant future heavy p1 anting can create shelter yet this corner must be seen as one of the most open fn all of Li onshead. b. The present "Mark" appeared to be a'lnnst isolated from the new development. The connections to lobbies, elevators, restaurants and convention facilities were tenuous. The ability to connect these wou'ld be achieved in part by correcting the I and form. t^le suggest that consideration be given to a new entrance south of the present "Mark", she'l tered from stoms and with access directly into both old and new portions of the proiect. Access to underground parking seems possible also from this area and we suggest that the park'ing structures be connected. It may be possible to concentrate parking on the north portion of the site and minimize structure near the creek. be required which cou'ld be a positive gain. is small for an enlarged hote'l and not well or landscape quality. Tom was w'i11in9 to study a variety of site functional d'iagrams based on these corments. 3. Size and mass of building The immediate reaction to the model was that the building was very 'long and that the v'ievl, both from ground level and from on the ski slopes, would be of an enormous structure. The uniformity of he'i ght, flat roof 'l ine, prec,iseness of design,all contribute to an image of a highly structured large bui1ding. Relocation of parking and reduction of parking quantity could permit a lowering of portions of the building and perhaps create a freedom in massing which could modify building scale. Transparent connections, gaPS through the building, and other design approaches to permit a break-up in the solid linearity should also deserve thought. The model was very helpful for we could all see the size and express reactions. It seems that the current approach extends A nan pool would The cument poo'l placed for views Mr. James F. Lamont -4-August 4, 1976 the hardness of some of Lionshead and is too strong contrast to the landscape and natural elements. 4. Landscape concept Because of the stage of desjgn, a serious study of 'l andscape had not been done. There is no quest'ion but that landscape on the mode'l would have aided in reacting to the concept. The building was primarily sitting on the parking structure and separate from the ground physically and visual1y. This seems incorrect part'i cularly along Gore Creek. Most creek-side buildings in Lionshead treat the creek with disrespect and a great opportunity is lost of blending a project with this valuable natural amenity. The project shou1d consider seriously an exterior circulation system providing a summer time choice of walking outside. This particu'l ar setting is unique in Lionshead for there is adequate space to develop Iandscape areas, outdoor recreation, a new swirming pool , and a tie to the ground not present any- where else in the urban core. Shelter can be created by the building form, the views to the south and southeast can be very good, the potential exists. I suggest that furtherproject design include a study of sun angles, wind directions and views as a basis of site building massing. I will conclude at this point. I beljeve that Ton and Kaiser both understand the critique well and are willing to maintain good cormunication. I wi1'l be pleased to continue to discuss concepts and share ideas as the project deve'lops. , prtf) nerv 5,*Eldon Beckrj cc: Mr. T. Briner Mr. Kaiser Marcos Mr. T.J. Minger Mr. J.A. Dobson Si ncerel HANAMOTO OgLa /z4.-4( ./) C^*-..--;r / =-{(n. ',- , u f9 - ./ ) a-t--".-,-t-/- -. 2_-- f?^/,z6--* /.-eJB 2e,5i f6'q \ 6o-oL.. 4"-d.4/b t o'#hei1 t',f L o-oJ ',. l*e ,uo. ^/-tn, - l4 . / / I l.doq, 4,tv(- J*A-L? 3.-/"L a^o|J'f 17c"'.zt-V ats Qo lt ,a6,r1!, (Btzt4'ro7 /-4 q*qr ft#,Fi. 'ro-7o 6rjl--'ii'o- r'r-,-4*;-&--&.'- [t2-rtca A e7,6d6../- 4 o-o?,, J;2, Q -/Z;fu H 3zz . .? t . / rJ"itz-'. 2 . ,.4.nq fr-^d-.-La-.)f tr At?-ao(atcf ili 0t n,t + f b*t.s i.,. 6o,. /7i, .rz el44h. + ftQ--.-o2 = 62t xO raf u"/ /7 k2/-*-'.-.-1&/ 14Lt tJ; lzt .rJA l /37 ?qr\ t'.l _94 x satr tLt lqo - 12P \/ te/ D ,1x {X x * tn { 71- x 7o ,-lr, ii I't 2 o a.*'&o / 3' zto .EtA xza /7'ocrt /a,7to -?p x'/ = E4 1o x ,f e tD ': /t'foo,/ x (ai;vato)--73.{.' /7' oao,/ x(tq/ao) /7.o..,,, / a/.{ ldoo J V= -,2 t'742. yh< l/-ztZ 4a / J Lt.f !.12- ?.f ?, -4o J Z-1L-a<--A-a4 7a e7/ ,t ll t Rovston Hairamoto Beck & Abey September 13, 1976 Mr. Terrell J. Minger Town Manager Toum of Vail P.0. Box 100Vall, Colorado 81657 Re: The l4ark Dear Terry: 0n August L9, L976, we met with Kaiser and Jim Bartlett to dlscuss 'land use flexibilities between the Mark and Vail Assoc'lates. .lim was of the oplnlon that Vail Associates wou'ld not obJect to re'locating a part of the west Lionshead parking lot as long as the parking quantity was not reduced. He felt that in fact the parking count should increase, that pedestrian access into Lionshead should be preserved and hopefu'l1y improved, and that Vail Associates would retain the right to use the parking space for certain other nnintenance functions. These conditlons were agreeab1 e to Kalser. Kalser agreed to work wjth V.A. on the design and it was suggested that Kalser's architect would coordinate information supplied by V.A. and be responsible for overall site design, including the parking area. The Town would add design input on the creek side trai'l systems. l,lith thls understanding, Kaiser was to proceed. EI bh cc Dobson Bernstei n Y James Lamont Jim Bartlet (Vail Assoc) Iandscape Architects: [:nd Planning Urban Design Park Planning Environmental Planning Kaiser l4arcous Diana Toughill John Stan Principals: Robert Royston FASLA Asa Hanamoto ASLA Eldon Beck ASLA Kazuo Abey ASLA Lruis G. Alley AIA Ihtricia Carlisle ASLA ,Assoc iates: Harold N. Kobayashi ASLA Robert T. Batterton ASLA George W. Girvin AsLA Robert S. Sena ASLA 225 Miller ,Avenue Mill Valley California 94941 415 383-7900 Sinc f"\tu nl*,t ka Jb'*"- /,-a',4 c a,t* zp)r&_-*. ,z-l -r//nr., - 2o,48C\ -- .tZw"z/ /'-.- - Qt-*d.rA6 ?"/< ,/6, s-z/, sq /2 9-t/ .3r- .#-e-1 - €/, I oc-,/o OzraaT. .zY a.-.12 /o, r '1 ,-f r'4 61, ts 4 x ? 7/, t37.2- 32,aJz.a /l€r 2/ a. <-/ 4 ua4,.Y o t 7,, {!/.a/ -( t'at'. o) 12t,, ls'4 -- ,fi/7.*t4. -14 x a5, a/,x 6_a a8O u 6?c (va, z zC1) / o7-eor.3f ?4, ,% , /t'-^--. ,z , 4 ,t' f* ^J d.r*.,,L4-a-a4 "4 y=:/*-- !4-L.11_{ - 11r.1-, \*t{t1..-rx 3 /c-. o - - :.... 0.-e 1. 6 u---r /7: ?1''- . 6e?--,../ {,-*+/ t./-t o 5-t3 Q -s=,--t .y?7 9 qe'7 (t,r< s. r-) , f ?_9,9ct'o) fuo."oS -r/-5/ ?ob. 2-f /- !.--2,'. /a.-'1f,a6.2-c- tV x-12) toE .--J tz x ec/OrlI fr* x x,/ brE. F*t*j, ,17^ 2e- tb 2r,s-) 1a torol_2.,.2c ,TT 53 q.z'-X 276 t|. // r' I L./,, ).' 'b(t.- :, '' q, t/ I et?RESO?I,A.|\D IEI\M CIUE August 5, 1976 Mr. Jim Lamont Town of VailVail, Co. 81657 Dear Jim: Subsequent to our meeting of July 2Lst, when a conceptual design proposal for the expanslon of The Mark Resort was presented by Tom Briner to yourself, George Glrvin and Elden Beck, I have attempted to set forth a soncrete program for the ultimate development of my property which would by necessity require the Town's designating my present Land, and possibly a portion of Vail Associates, a Special Use Distri-ct. DE\IEIOPMENT GOALS OF THE [!ABK RESORT - NEDEFINED: Inltially my development was to inctude those activities now in The Mark I building plus 84 condominium unj-ts phased in three buildings with a total addition of 92,00O GRFA. Approval for this expansion had the Townts approval and I, in fact, have all the construction documents necessary for this expansion to proceed. The year around success I have had in marketing the lodging rooms in The Mark I, the requests I get for accommodating large groups in meeting situations, the interest of hotel patrons as well as local residents in the recreational activities that can be provided on slte as well as a sensing that condominiums are no]L, at this time, in great denand, all together encourages me to think of substituting 250 public acconmodation rooms for the 84 condominium units presently designed NEASONS FOB A SPECIAL USE DISTRICT: Present zoning allows for the 84 condominium units - a zoning change must be granted to permit me to substitute public ascommodations for nulti-family housing. Furthermore, the operational requirements of a hotel are such that I would ask that consideration be given to increasing the present height limitation, reducing parking requirements, as well as possible variances on building bulk control and setback requirements, particularly buildings on the same site.the objectives of the TownDistrict. BENEFITS TO THE TOWNI Page 2 J. Lamont as these pertain to distances betweenI believe tbat my requirements and Plan can be best met in a Special Use Public accommodations generate a greater dernand for services (thusgreater revenues) than condominiums. I think that restaurants and shopsin the Lionshead area would, in particular, be positively affected.At the sarne time, I do not believe there would be any greater demand on public servj-ces, i.e., sewer-water, than that created by 84 condominiums. Envj.ronmentally, ai-r pollution would be reduced by theelimination of 65-70 fireplaces that are in the present condominiumdesign. Major site work (disruption) would be compacted into one areaof the property rather than spread over three locations. At this timeI would predict that there would be less driveway construction with thehotel than with three separate condominium buildings. In order to gainutilization of open space for tennis courts and passive resreation we would attempt to put all our parking under cover. This would, of course, be contingent upon an acceptable formula for determining the parking requirements. At present there is apparent community reaction to "eonvention"facilities. My own business has been enhanced by the presence of alarge meeting room in The Mark I building. My intention is to maxi.mize on the conventioneerts interest in being accommodated with meeting room faci.lities. I propose to include an 8-10,OOO square foot meeting room complex within my expansion. I regard this as an element thatwould benefit at least those in the community who are proponents ofconventions as furthering their business interests. PABKING REQUIREMENTS: A review of Mark I registrations shorvs that the actual ratio of carsto lodge rooms is never greater than 1:3 and this occurs during thesummer. I am proposing to provide sovered parking for 100 automobiles.This number guarantees parking for overnigbt guests with approximately 2O spaces left available for patrons of the discotheque. Short termparking for persons registering would be provided. Inasmuch as mostof our guests come by bus I propose to designate an added parking areafor buses only. Finally it should be said that the Vail Assocj.atesParking Lot will be adjacent to my project and available for patr.ons' evening parking BUILDING PBOGRAM: Following is a summary of areas proposed in my Public Accommodations : 250 Lodging Rooms Commercial Area: Page 3 J. Lamont expansion program: 84,500 SF 7,5OO LO,5OO 20,4OO 141,335 SF 45.000 186,335 SF Mark Besort Offices Discotheque Pro Shop/Sundries Convention Facilities : Meeting Room w/Banquet seating for 8OO Banquet Kitchen Health Club: 2, OO0 3,5O0 1, O00 9, OO0 1,500 Locker Rooms 1,2OO Swirnning Pool w/Deck 2,4OO Sauna and Health Spa 600Four Racketball Courts 3,200 Two Enclosed Tennis Courts 13,000 Common Space: (15%) Circulation/Recept ion AreasElevators, Stairs, Mechanj-cal Equipment Rooms and Maids Rooms TOTAL HOTEL Enclosed Parking: IOO Automobiles TOTAL BUILDING ABEA Page 4J. Lamont LANDSCAPING AND SITE DEVELOPMENT: site development will include the relocation to the west of a Largeportion of vail Associates parking Lot. This will permit betterutilization of land adjacent to the present Mark r building andlocate cars at the perimeter of the development. It is anlicipated thatwith bus service now available to that parking area there will be noinconvenienee to those using the p4rking tot. "Better utilization"means that (a), the proposed building(s) need not be spread out withunusable and/or unattractive spaces beiween and (b), iarge enoughoutdoor areas can be saved for additional tennis courts. -service toThe Mark r building would remain where it is, but most likely, thepresent service drive would be screened by the proposed buililing. A new reception area in the building is expected to be related to a newautomobile entrance and the entire area would be landscaped in a mannerthat would tie, as much as possible, into the creek atea-. should. theTown wish to develop this area of the creek as a linear park it wouldbe my intent to tie into this development. PHASING: Until a eonceptual plan can be developed and analyzed it is impossibleto determine in what stages this progiarn might be constructed. Thoughthas been given to completing the projeet in two stages. However,financing, construction costs, and viil Resort business in gene"aL, m&valter rny plans consi.derably. stage one, at present, would includeapproximately 125 ,19dge rooms, the meeting area, some portion of thehealth club (probably not the'enclosed teinis courts) and parking asrequired. completion of stage one could be during the ,TT-,Tg s6ason. CONTINGENCY FACTORS: My business requires that r expand my operation as soon as possible.The program that r have outlined. above ieflects my requirenents and rthink would be an attractive addition to the Vail resort community fromthe economic point of view as well as the aesthetic. There are,however, planning obstacles to be overcome. one is timing. Even.overa short term one can predict with only limited accuracy constructioncosts and, of course, market demand.. rt is to this pr6ject'sadvantage that a workable schedule be developed and irerl to by arlparties. Enclosed is a schedule developed about a spring l9??eonstruction start. rf such a schedule cannot be mel ceitainly myplanning would be affected. -Y rn order_that rny hotel operation will not be rendered inefficient bydecentralization-or stringing out of hotel acti"vities, r must haveaccess to land adjacent my present building for any new construction.T.hi_s, of course, requires an agreement with vail Alsociates over anexchange of land for their pariing lot. Page 5J. Larnont Finally, none of thls can be accomprished without the agreement ofthe Town. r believe this can best be achieved through the rezonlngofthesepropertiesl.ntoaSpecia1ZoningDisirict.- r will.greatly appreciate your attenticin to this request and anys-uggestLons you night offer towards a successful expansion of rleMark Resort, Sincerely, Kaiser E. Ir{orcus kf PROPOSED MARK 2 PR OJECT TASKS Julv 1976 - Ma L977 1. DEVEL,OPMENT PROGRAM submitted to Town 2. Torvn Staff REVIEW w/requisite requirements for SPECIAL DISTRICI zoning 3. Schematic SITE DEVELOPMEM PLAN 4. Town, V.A., Mark Resort, Forest Service agreement "po"'land exchange and subsequent use for parking and tennis 5. Application for ZONING VARIANCE 6. PLANNING COMMISSION recommendation 7. TOWN COUNCIL approval to change in zoning 8.'Preliminary Architectural Design g. Contractor (C-M. ) selection 10. Design Development Drawings and GUARANTEED MAX' cosT 11. DESIGN REVIEW 12. Construction Documents complete * 13. BEGIN CONSTRUCTION Aug. Aug. 23 Sept. 24 Oct. 11 Oct. 18 Nov. 11 Nov. 16 Dec. I Jan. 7 Jan. 31 Feb. 3 April 29 May 2 *Phasing of the project may require that preparation of the Construction Dotgn6nts contin"e -ley"oa 1l'ty ivittr vari'ous "bid packages'" I f-x'o PLUMEIING./ MECHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL J 4ntE pnOpe fz5 t76- >ISt OF BUf LDING: (nn, n , . oF woRK: E ruew doorrrrc* E neuooel E nepnrn RIPTION OF WORK: PLUMEING: NUMBER 26-P MECHAN]CAL: NUMBER VALUATION g 3,OOO E VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: t4PERMIT FEE d"(,5-r)PERMIT FEE fro*r^ou=o \.rt^. LN I \\ \ F =uJ v oz J z F J ul u, ozl ul z ' H!Ei;:gi:-i3'3 < :- y z F.E;;.? HigfrUa::isj<oi6 8F33;O<O<aez: EdgEAFSEiHlE, <e a> -!,s3E?tr<'J tr I! oJIL ul F 9 o ul ooJrt FoF lt z!lzulvt ut I atItt L a: r=f;du-Seg $= 1, l o NOlIVn'lVn v oa IIo 2 9 c G at uto J c urz G.t I? >(9(r) z zo FYia6F(E9o =>xo:2:<IJA o.o>oFO ;ri Town of Vail T'I,NCIRICAL PER1VIIT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee L24 66s.....# oO $....8--m: 6O $. m,-. $ K*: r06 $....z.ff.: Received rr.. - -..VK.(*,,* -. THIS FORM IS TO JOB SITE DURII{G ,* HOURII ADVANCE NOTICE REQI'IRED FiOR INSPECTIONS Job Name...... .. rT. t#.q-.. fl p. e *' .. 22lrctlp+ lZao*r- Date or Appricatiorl... .J.o/.*-.t ..3....... ................rs...7.f...... Electrical contractor-..-. p**FLect A"PPNOVAI.S ..G:5 7{ Dats BE FOSTED OI{ CONSTRUCTION txa a. tr iot!*rt !o,r ta{lat t6ialt PLUMEilNG./MECHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAI L R J 4.lrE pHoNE ta+ t?e- 53ft OF BUf LDING: &^-. oF woRK: L rrrEw /ooo,no" E nemooel E nepnln PTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION S 3,OOO E VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: n4 PERMIT FEE d.4.)-L)PERMIT FEE \ ffo*r^ouro rNsPEcforu TOWN OF FlEEUEST VAIL DATE .JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orxen n pnnrrnu LocArroN MON COMMENTS: TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM PM ! eppRovED fl uporu THE FoLLowrNG conRECTToNS: E orsnppRovED fl n e rNsPEcr CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR tNSPEeGN TOWN OF FIEOIJEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED-..-...- AM PM CALLER ! orxEn MON COMMENTS: TUE I penrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM E appRovED E orseppRovED DnerNsPEcr fl uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRREcroNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOB ,-- F O Fz z. FT 2o 3H3tz<F3k: Ir-:FF -<O!r!+O l < :. y z F t'=e 4HiHEsXas!rr42<22i<czd ^zz7:Z9<;5 I F. Olo <(JlljZ=>i5l:!tsE y= ;<a- <HHeiS- f; .. < trA> -u)<o it,ll=<ts < ;r,1 F lll ) cc Y I z z 9il d o ul|! l,lr zf ut F o lrJozg z UJ E IJJ u,t F E tc Eo E F , F UJ IC o J J l t ! =tr= ollllreO =,2 =ql- t- l E NO rtvnlvA v B z F cc ul J uJz llJ ts >oet \llN o9 2 Foo FCC9af,> :z >9 ;ni PLUMEilNG!/ MEeHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL E nppnoveo TOTAL FEES: $ OF BUILDING: oF woRK: [ ruew ! eoornoru E nennooel ! nepnrn PTION OF WORK: PLUMBfNG: NUMBER /a lil MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION $VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT FEE PERMIT FEE E otseppnoveo DATE lNo I.rl LE T{'le rV\*EK- F1LEmolitor I in e. P. O. 8oX 1218 PHONE t89-223r-AREA CoDE 303 2829 souTH sAt{TA F€ DntvE . Et{cLEwooD, cotoRADo 80rr0 A subsidiary ot stainless Equipment co. Itrarch 24, 1975 Q!ty flanning & Development Department City Hal IVail, Colorado 81657 Attn: lvfr. Ben Straham RE: Moli-tron Ventilators at The Mark Dear Ben: I am glad I got a chance to meet you on the l9th, and that I could explain the Moli-tron Ventilation System to you. The System, we feel , has a lot of advantages in safety, maintenance and economy, wfrich I am sure will be impoitant to you as an Inspector. I.would appreciate it if you would give me a call when you decide tocheck out the duct system at The Maik; as I would like to be there -if at all possible. If_you have any questions concern'ing the Moli-tron System, be sure tocall on us. Very truly yours, MOLITOR, JNC. FLB: r Fred L. Bloemendaal , Sales Engineer MEMEER ", ffip spEcraLrzrnc rn tooD sERvlctttc EeutpMErtr t/n/l -/. ,/\ I | 2l tvt -/'/1/ Il l/{*'/t, f -1 ./ T l,!ltl o. s Eexor :E EIs >r- ila d { I I I t s ]l $l .! .E! Et.t.A $('r i I I I H I t EI E € tII !'t !r o E o€ t! E E t,'t o Eo aI oao It I !g I E's! o'{ I Ill ! € t s F{,att,e o ii$BliiEiii iiiiiiltulilE;Esi$s5i E { E EsE;EfitEiiE & II h! 3 I ,c H f, Rf ii c E j E F I.l U{lrl s A Et() j E t tr I 5aE3 H :(eld5k tsrv l/}.|ezIRa6 a ft bE 5 c E '1,I F t€ Ei tr? E 3 o.p I I March |, 1974 NOT.ICE OF PUBL IC HEARING NOT ICE I S HEREBY G I VEN THAT Mr. Ka I gar Moreus, t'op l'e-ssntlng tbr-!ar!, har appllcd for a tgt!,lSl'J3.c.La.olo In accordance rlth Sectlon 6.r02 end a b-ul ldlno bulk Sontrolvorlanoe ln accordanco ulfh Scctlon 6.506 of Ordlnancc No.I (Serlcr of l97l); tald varloncl har becn appt led for In aceordanco rlth Secflon 19,?OO of Ordlnanco No. I (Scrleg of 1975). Thc Mark lr locafcd on Lof 5, Block l, Valt Llonshead 3rd Fl I Ing A Fubllc Hoarlng ulll bc held In accordance rlth Sectfon 21.400 of Ordlnonce No. 8 (Serlog of. l975) on March 28, 1974ct 2:00 p.n. ln fhc Yal I Munlclpal Bul tdlng. Sold vanlancchcarlng rl ll bo bcforc the Torn of Vrl I Plannlng Comnl!8lo* and flndlngs rlll bo transmlttod to the Torn Councll for thc Torn of Vall. To$N 0F VA|L Dlano S. .Toughl | | Zon l ng Adml nl rtrctor e I t.,cAr rot.r FoR vAR tAN.E O _ And/Or COND IT IONAL USE PER14IT Ordinance i,lo.8 (Series of 1973) ,ttion 0ate ;/.t1. l4nZu Pub lication oa+e7fu. t, te'r{ Hearing Fee {/a.'n te f or Torvn Counc i I App I i Heari Final (we) For the F i I i n9 Clearly D ate ec i s i on ca ng D "t , L/a--'l ,hone t/26 - g-r.ftt- . lCity) the Vai Ido hereby request per:mission to appear bef ore Commission to request the followinS: a ,t?( P lann ing f o I low i N umbe r sta te r{variance' f rom Articl " 6,to* Zon ing Change f rom Park ing Var iance , Sect ion to Conditional Use Permit to allow Zone.ln ng described rope rty:Lot./tract PUrPose and intent of this aPP I icat i on , Block I (State) 3 What do you feel is the basis for hardship in this case? g n a t u re icanf Aprl I 12, t974 Mr. Kc I.tcr Morcus Moreur Roalty Va I l, eo lbfldo Rcr The l,lark Phssr 11 Oear Kalssr: Thls l.fforon on Aprl I Thr requert opprovrd arthe wcgt rnd lf you have Yours tru I y, TOI{N OF VA IL D lana S. Tough I I IZonlng Adnlnlstrstor cc: Enga I k. Arch I tccts ls to conflrm fhe actlon taken by the Toyn Counell.2, 1974 porialnlng to your varfancc requerts for sn offset varlancc (8f offsets ovcry 72r) rersubnlttod. The request for setback varlsnco, on-south sldor xos dlrcpproved furthrr guestlone, please foel free to c.l l. o 14EMORANDUM TOI,IN COUNCIL PLAIINING COMI4ISSION VARIANCE RIQUESTS - THE MARK - DATE:APRIL 2, 1974 In a meeting March 28, 1974, the Plannirrg Conrn'i ssion reviewed two variance requests from The Mark. One request related to the building bulk control section of the ordinance concerning 10 foot'offsets every 70 feet. The second request relates to a variance from ihe setback requirements of the ordinance. REQUEST FOR OFFSET VARIANCES The situation with The Mark is somelhat simi'lar to the situation with NorthwooCs project. Design provides for I foot offsets every 72 feet' 'instead of i0 feet every 70 feet. The problem is created because of length 6t stall requirements for the park'ing garage underneath the bu'ildi ng. Recognizing that the offset problem is going to be a continuing one because of automobile sizes, and recogniz'ing that this section should possibly be changed in the ordinance, mernbers of the Planning Commission had no objection to the nature of this variance request' REQUEST FOR SETBACK VARIANCES The Mark is requesting a 15 foot setback variance along the south and along the west properiy lines -- the buildings will be 10 feet from the lines, instead of 25 feet. This problem arose, partially because the Design Review_Board requested that more space be ci^eated bbtween and around the 3 buildings involved in this project. The Planning Conrmission agt'eed with the Des'ign Review Board about creating more space between buildings. TO: FROM: RE: Further, the south line borders on green belt and the west'l ine borders on a street right-of-wal -- thus, no conflict will be created with other projects in the area. Based on the above observations, rnembers of the Planning Comntission had no conflict with the scope of this request. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Going to the ordinance, the Commjssion found justffication for both variance requests from The I'1ark, because: -- Section 19.600 - Criteria and Findings. (2) The degree to r^rhich rel ief from the strict orliteral interpretation and enforcement of a..specified'regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the obiectives of this ordinance without grant of special privilege. Further, the Commiss'i on found that the variance could be granted based on the following findings, in accordance with Section 19.600: -- (1) That the granting of the variance does not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent vrith the limita- tions on other properties classified in the same d'istrict. (2) That the granting of'the variance is not detrimerital to the public health, safety, or welfare, o,' materially injurious to properties or improvements'i n the vicinity. (3) That the variance is warranted because the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or-unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the obiectives of this ord i nance . CONCLUS ION Based upon the above Criterja and Findings, the Plann'ing Conrnission voted to approve the variance request from The Mark, as presented, concerning the building bulk control/offset section of the ordinance' and to recommend similar approval by Council. ^4- o Based upon the above Criteria and Findings,-the..Planning Commission ;;;il ;;-;piiJue tne uuiiin.. request fr6m The Mark' as presented' c-ncerning'the setbacks along the south and west property lines' -3- rt \{pLUMEilNGt/MECHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION $VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT FEE PERMIT FEE E eppnoveo TOTAL FEES: S E orsmpnovro -:. .. DATE 'qlr t ,on {*r-INSPEC N F|EGTUESiT DATE TIME RECEIVEO- AM JOB NAME CA I ornen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE n pnnrrau LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM D orsappRovED ! uporv rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS E nppRovED fl nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR ry I L2/LOto KP from Betsy: l{arriott Parking: The l,larriott memo dated Augrust 1990 states that there are 273 parking spaces at present. Today I counted a total of 263r ! of wtrictr ire used for storage on the rrgarden leveIlr in the original building on the east. Also, a waLl has been constructed elininating 20 spaces toward the south on this same level . The rrbasement levelrr of this sarne building is being used (at leastpartially) for leased parking. The Lowest level of the parking structure has a sign that reads,rrvalet parklng only.n f counted 68 Eipaces at this leve1 . t t .l 75 roulh lrontige road Yall, colorado 81657 (3ql) 4792138 (3qt) 47$2139 December 17, 1990 Ur. Stan Engledorf General Manager - Marriott-r s Mark Resort=.-ffiT;F Lronsnead crrcieVaiL, Colorado 81657 Re: Rental Cars ollice of communlty development Dear Stan: We have reviewed your request to lease parking to a rentaf car agency with the Town of Vail attorney, Larry Eskwith. The Vail zoning code does not perrnit the leasing of your parking spaces to a renial car agency. I am enclosing the portion of the zoning code, rroff-street Farking and Loadingrr, and have marked Section L8.52.170 8.10. Roxan asked if the rental car business would be allowed if the Marriott was not charging money for the spaces, but giving the rentaL car conpany perrnission to use the spaces without a fee. Larryrs answer to that question was that whether or not a fee is being charged, the spaces hlere, in effect, still being leased and this use was still not- a legal one. Roxan asked if she could be permitted to have a business license if the cars litere not stored at the Marriott, but were stored elsewhere outside of the Town of Vail. It vras deterrnined that a rental car agency business could be interpreted as an accessory use to the hotel . A business license would be necessary. we would also want to review the location and size of the accessory office. Please feel Sincerely, .)/< 4-/%ttsetsy Ros6la free to catl if you have any guestions. ,/-,{ Planning Technician cc: Ron PhillipsLarry EskwithKristan Pritz Meeaaget4rr-tt:T FEOBO€F,drl- -4-O - '-'-'L L\,', ,\*1u \,' 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (303) 47$,2139 October 27, L989 ottice ot communily developmenl Frank Freyer Vail Ventures, Inc. L000 South Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado 8L657 Dear Frank, I wanted to follow up on our conversation of last Thursday regardingthe National Car Rental proposal . This is a reminder that I need thefollowing by noon on Friday, Novenber 3rd, to be able to a11ow theNational Car Rental proposal to be heard at the Planning Commissionmeeting of November 13th: 1. Specific proposals to irnprove the parking problem in the structure between the hours of 5:00 and 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.' Inother words, I srould like to know which of the suggestions andideas of your previous meeting with the other structure users willbe specifically inplenented and when. 2. A specific proposal for the location of the eleven addit,ionalrental cars within the structure. As we discussed, I would preferthat these cars be located in the more rrremotett areas of theparking structure and preferably valeted to reduce the number ofparking spaces that will be used. 3. I would appreciate you and Andy conrnunicating with the otherparking structure users and getting their support for this rentalcar proposal . f do not wish to be in a position of supportingthis proposal against the wj.shes of CMC, cascade Club, and the Westin HoteL. Written documentation of their support woul-d beextremely helpful . 4. It would be beneficiaL to the application to get the West,in,s commitnent to pronoting the availability of rental cars to guests before they arrj.ve. This relates to the argunent that having therental car facility on site wilL reduce the nunber of rental carsfrom Denver that remain in the structure for the week. .,t r believe if the above issues are addressed in a positive manner, thatthe staff can.support the rental car proposal . rL wilr be veryinportant to imprement specific parkiirg inanagement policies which willnitigate the additionar ereven cirs in-the si.ructure. probably thebest argurnent is the one of reducing weekly car rentals originiting a"aending fron Stapleton to the Westin by proiriaing the car rental serviceon slre for onLy the days that a guest actually needs the vehicLe. ralso feel strongly that sorne type of valet pariingr should be includedto reduce the nurnber of spaces which will bL lost-in the parkingstructure due to the addilion of the rental cars. r will rook forward to trying to work this issue out with you to thebenefit of everyone. ,/)very siryderity,j'Y /lttz"-A. Pet.er Patten, Jr.Director of Community Developrnent PP: IT cc: Andy Norris Kay Saulsberry, Cascade Village CenterAndy Rothman, Cascade Club ManagerLaurel Ames, Westin Hotel Manager l9 T//u6 ] f"-. t."^., I ar,r- r- lY rr^.,'{J(< L C 1'r )o ot'f , Pto.*n--rr 93 b\,,\ " i .\I I -'t- |(!/-r&t/ 4 tt t,it r,, ,(r\(6 J2)', ' -'='tl 't'1-) '-)i< (t rnor< ,\ ar".Lt "f f ) / 1, "tt J ., sfr".-f u* p5 "r,1,noL?,kt z1 v- r.e ) oo L2/s KP: ThlE rent-a-car businegs is planning on parking 20 cars at theMarrlott. Should I research the file to see nhether or not theMarriottrs parkLng is anple enough for this busineEs? The personI spoke to was Roxan, the enployee of the rent-a-car. .9tan _-Ercl$iEf, general .manager is out of town for a few days, but she - says he is supportive of this. Betsy SDDh) thf,-#lf e*a 7-- +, /^ * f^* n-bslr,- - ol,'-r, "!,rJ, u'* ) /w'4* ,-- J^(th /(i v [' r(/i'/ €L'u I{a[ ac^ pxt_,Ieftl(r.* ff*') b-w"i+lt*r ,,, ,/t*W, !,,(,,/^7 / oT a-<s t' I /1j- /p) \0,'n Xntw,rqu"\ ":I-*.':, ur \. F15_ .{v,* 'oa4 \ "{bry PI..AI{NING A}ID ENVIRONI'TENTAL COMMISSION Novenber 26, L99O Present Chuck Crist Diana Donovan connie lGlght ilirn Shearer Kathy Warren Dalton Willians Absent Ludwig Kurz The rneetLng ltas Chairperson. Staff Kristan Pritz Mike Mollicaillll Karnrnerer Andy Knudtsenshelly Mello Betsy Rosolack 1. 2. called to order at 2:OO p.n. by Diana Donovan, Chuck Crist moved and Jim Shearer seconded to approve the rninutes as presented. The vote was 6-0 in favor. A recruest for a conditional use permit in oTder=t9 establish a bed and biiakfast operation on l,ot zg. vail vill'acre toth Filincr. 930 B. Fain'av Drive.Applicant: Paul and Nancv Rondeau Betsy Rosolack explained the request and stated that the Rondeaus net all the requiied conditions for a bed and breakfast. Connie Knight moved and oalton l{ilIianrs seconded to approve the reguest. The vote was 5-0 in favor. 3. A request for front and side vard setbaqk variances to allow for a oaraqe on Lot 10. Block a. Lionsridqe Filincr No. ar 1464 Aspen Grove Lane.Appl.icant: Carrol P. Orrison The applicant asked to table this itern until L2/LO. Kathy Warren rnoved ind Chuck Crist seconded to table to L2/LO. Vote ritas 6-0' A recruest for two setback variances fof the Village Centef ffied at 124 willor^t Fridoe Boad.,a,part of4. Kristan Pritz explained that at the previous PEC neeting, the notion had been Lo approve the setback variance requests subject to staff reconrnended-tondition. Prior to the vote Kirk Akers' the applicantts archltect, asked that the request be tabled to allow-irin an opportunity to confer with his client regarding the staff recomrnenhEd conailion of approval. Since that tinre staff T,'6' discussed the appropriateness of the condition of approval with L,arry Eskwith, the town attorney. Larry felt the staffrs condition of approval was inappropriate, therefore staff was reconnending approval of the setback variances withoutconditions. After discussion, Kathy warren moved and Chuck Crlst seconded to approve the setback variance per the staff nemo with findlngs A, B, and C.1, C.2 and C.3 excluding the conditlon of approval related to the streamwalk and pocket park. The vote htas 6-0 in favor. 5. A recruest for a heicrht variance and a variance and a variance to the number of satellite dishes permitted in order to allow for the installation of two satellite dish stated that eince the dishes were palnted to rnatch the building, he hoped a screening fence would not be necessary, but was willing to place a fenca/laleg- if the Town felt it was necessary. He also €xplaine'd-ttraf,-a mesh fence was not belng proposed because it caught snow and because the quality of the nesh dishes was not as good as the solid dishes. Connie Knight moved and Kathy Warren seconded to approve the variances per the findings in the staff rnemo with the decision of whether or not a fence was needed to be nade by the Design Review Board. The vote was 6-0 in favor. 6. A request to establish a Special Developnent Distrlct for Mike Mollica and Andy Knudtsen explained ttre reguested SDD. Mike outlined 5 variations to the Public Acconnodation zone district that would be part of the proPosed SDD. The six were: 1. A 24 percent densitY increase 2. A height variance allowing 81 feet where 48 feet is the maxirnun height 3. Setbacks (on all four sides) A reductlon ln the nurnber of loading berths required;(1 is proposed, 3 are reguired) I I I I I I \ I ,l' ffil.til:i'.}3l,.liti:"::::"I::*:".:"?l::"":':n:. :r< 5 -'-' t[{irfo-e!-5[iTilft'9 . Lynn Johnson of Tri -county cabl ev is ion then 4', ^ v\,,. v'-'f 4. . Yoq ?.zr,*Y. PUBLTC NOTTCE NOTTCE fs IIEREBY GI\IEN that the Planning and Environuentaf '\tF coumission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in t lk \ accordance sith Section 18.56.060 of the ur:nicipal code of the Town of Vail on NoveEber 26, l99o at 2:oo P.n" in tbe Town of Vail Uunicipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A work sessl.on on a request to rezone lots 2 and 3, Vail Vil).age West Filing No. 2. . Applicant: Ebnore, Vall VillaEe West Corporation 2'. A request to establlsh a Speclal Developnent District for tbe Sonnenalp redevelopnent, Iocated at 20 VaLl Roadt A part of Lor: L, BloeF- 5-8, vllL vlllage lsr- tillng.Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. 3. A reguest to anend Chapter 18.40 of the ltunicipal Code, Special Development DistrlctE.Applicant: Iown of Vail 4. A request to anend Chapter L8.24 of the Municipal Code, Coromercial core I (Vail village).Applicant: Eown of Vail 5. A request to anend chapter 18.66 of the Municipal Code, Administration.Applicant: Tonn of Vail 6. A reguest to arnend Chapter 18.60 of the Municipal Code, Conditional Use Pemits.Applicant: Town of Vail 7. A request to anend CbaPter L8.62 of the Municipal Code, Variances.Applieant: Town of Vail 8. A request for a con<iitiorrai use pei'nit in crder to estahl.lsh. a bed and breakfast operatlon on L,ot P, vail Village 2nd Filing, 141 West Meadow Drive.Applicant: iloan !1. Norris 9. A reguest for a condltlonal use permlt in order to establish a bed and breakfast operation on Lot 78' vail Village l'Oth Filing, 93o B FairvaY Drive.APplicant: NancY and Paul Rondeau q 10. A request to rezonE tFe follodihg property conmonly J(nown as the Mountairc EeIl Site located to the north of the nain Vail I.l3,ll'ff cr: f ilt,iTt;:'$::i,!::il':::.:?o:;u:$t lI Dfountain BeII Site described as a tract of land in the South Half, of the Southeast Quarter, Section 6, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, rnore particularly described as follows: trrlallnc r: r rfr:, bj:-ir: ia:zr':f' I i ct:lce d :' ' ;ar.fo iit iio sr':crrsir* clr:rr ri trc:lca f . i.lrrrt t i.icai. r:oir to &3: ct =? 5tt ttt!8llel t.?447'6' Dt!:i =r'rni jcta: -rf Ot?t-t:;: r:|. t.itt I tclic 0! gt -lcrjtlt - - -' . il-,r:lr-rer cf iccrl':ijrr ?!: Ericr - 0g€:r'i5- t 3lctt =r.' :&i: lhr c' rrfc !.€::er I r att:.rcr af l::.to,tc.:: ltaet fijc!;;fu; r-i ari-*r or iS!.;r rer: ss 1 Totrr €_r. trrii.il.ir'i r". ir-rit tTlneii:-iiii-rtitaEi Ericr ! clstt'E' t iiace :itr Er3: tct!a:l:' lltr : l!l'.:rcr ct :ti-- trr: gt '' "';i;i ;'; E;;-nn '€";-rirn-iiios-ca tt'-=:'Fr'rt tti!?'' :'f; iI :I, ?iii 3;f li i'gi:: i l':'.i"::'il1i'iif . !lr;r' - .i;: .Jr rrt rf . tan rr =. t{F!. trl{ ct''t..ttll | =*'i:l:,::l l'* j,li,F'i'.'ii;.i"x':rdi,ii:?il.5'ii'.'!''"0,' --i'i'iit.iiifii, iil,l'l;:ijli.:-lliiiiifr i;:,:,it.?.;it:li,"!-i'l'iiiai-'i-rii.li i'iii'i:-i i::::'rr: l-l iitt":: f -i:j.il-ireii t) t r3r:t'i:' ! s a!t:$i'. tr.,t:i ':i ttr:: 'r' - s no::'r!' i I alrilrc-.{ id.ii*;;-t'.f:E-'.F'S.f. . F'r i::T:E:' ;i f: {t{#r;:,i : *i' r}ti::r F . L€3-rt !f tJS:: 3o*:t. Cotq'1':. Applicant: Corp. Town of Vail and Professional Developnent 11. A request to rezone the following property conmonly known as the Pedotto property located to the south of Kinnickinnick Road in the rntenountain subdivision fron Prinary'/Secondary to l{edium Density Multiple Fanily more specifically described as: A parcel of land in the Sw L/4 of Section 14, Tovnship 5 south, Range 81 west of the 6th Principal Meridian, more particularly described as follows: lcl.rrrlse at r golal rtstcr a bc* e9 re! lt8 a if Ecer'€oircr ?* L!. ratt .V{ ol llld t €tion tl lc:;r'r ig'3!'31' lo?:.0! tct:; c:cqer [ 7lr 05rl!' Z tc.fi icetr t*n& !t!.62 tr,c: lidr:g tltc lre ct I e--,r to tlo -steht rblC |r€ n:!'..'tdr'r *al{ br:i.rgt lltl:rlor t lit.?f !r!t alacr: s i7'i€!3i' t t:.??!t.:, L\.ic= 11?.13 trrl rlcaq ltr rt sf I ct+=r tgl:r iri! i;rcl iic-rubtr:ds r-c!cl{ trsl;E t rt':6rl?' t l.tl.lo !cc!r isc:re I tott:r5s' t 106.1! fccl: l!r:rc:!{.!! !c:L r:€:rq L\r r-': of r c::t. Bo th rlElrrh.lct.:= tclesaCr r i'.o:{ lcarlnt t a7'l{l'i?' E l{.:0 tt.l,'t!s:e S t{':5tttr lf t10.31 trclr L\cae 3 aA'ttr0l'| 3:0.00 !co!r'L:€!!cr- I Ito07'0S'x 3€.00 tc€:t t!.tcr| ??'lt'11' fl l'60.lt fr!: Llcrce .3 !0'5lr3l' l :t.lltrcl; tlcac: I l7'{(t'05' f :l?.?1 f.t!: t'}rnc: I l!'5:'l!' ! t3o.oo !.aE !o tllo P€ltt of !cg!,na!:g, ea'-r!et:g. t.t00a lc--!r, t!c:r or lcs:. !ct:!.rg trcs c.L.o. tccid tor S€q'.: V2 o! rlctlcatl;e lchrccn Scc:loar ll-13. Applicant: Juanita f. Pedotto, and Professional Developnent Corp. t L2. A reguest tq rezone the following propelty located to the north of Slway and chamonix Lane in I vail Heights subdivision; Lots 5-13 frou Prinary/Seilhdary to Mediun Density Multiple Fanily.Applicant: Konrad oberlohr, John l{. and Patricia A. Ricknanfor John Witt, Reuben B. Ihight, and Professional Developnent Corp. 13. A reguest for off-street surface parking at the rrlloly Cross parceltr described as follons: A ti.c3 of Srouad il tta ltE ll| ol Sccsion 12, -r.;.=siig 5 soulh,' Bangr tl Eesc oi s5c 6ch P::*ipel !{cridian' l7ing sirli::!:c.p:rcrl .cmvcycd to rhe Eoty c:oss Elcc::ic lssociacior, Iac. by -dc:d :r:irdcd ec Ecccpcioo tro. 115128 on Jaaua=7 12, t98:, ia tlc reeords of Ee3lc CcuoEtr Colorrco, desc--ibcC rs: Conac:ei:r3 .r lhr lfE coraar of iaiC Sec:ioo 12; l!c::cl Sourl 8E'19'29" liesc, r1oi3 lhc aor:! linc of raid f,E llA, s dis:ei:r of l3-l fr:s to lla ine,arsr:aioa o! g5c p:ciongacioa of cbc cisc li:a of reid per:cl; chcecr iou:l 0.01'33,. EasE, llong-said p:clougacioa, 313.2 fccg ro !!. lorrtsarg ccncs o! raid parccl ;hich ir tle pci:c cf beg-:i:3; tlccc! sor:c: 0.0tt33. Eas!, rlong raid Gasg lin., 2ii.31 jrcc so !!e routlcesB i.*.t oJ said pa;cil; thinc: nor:lrcslcrlt rcisrs sai,d parcel througb !!c ioticui:g foo: ioo''rci: l) Nors5 23'36'19" !ies:, 5.3.05 fecr, 2) ltorib. 3g.!:,3in gcsi, 81.46 frcr, 3) !to::! 50'48'25o Fcs:, 68.68 fcrc, aad 4) 5orJs5 79'49'04;' FesE,, l3i-i5 fles tc lhc nor.hsQs: ct!:tc: o! reid prrsl!; . thcncr tc-lreasgerly rlong rh. Eor:l liae of rii pa:ccl sbich is e ioij-n3.o. (a raCial rc said nor:tscs! cora!! !cs:s Nortl 23'39t28'9crt), 2715 foic rediss cra.rc csgcavc !cu!!.tty, 264.?3 ic:: (ceolral rnglc rguak 5'34r:E') so rhe Poi:i o! begiaaiag. Tbis Eac:, as dcsc:ilec, conc:ias 151940 rqu::r !:r3, or 0.366 rctlsr Eot-! or lrss. Applicant:Vail Associates 14. A request for a parking variance in order to constmct addi€ions to the Christiania Lodqe, 355 Hansen Ranch Road, Lot D, Block 2 Vail Village lst Filing Applicant: Paul R. Johnston 15. A request for a ninor subdivision in order to vacate a lot line between Ilots 46 and 4?, Vail Village West Filing No. 2. AppLicant: .FJ'IJ}- CarPoration 16. The applications and infornation about the proposals are available for public inspection in the Conmunity Developrnent Department office. Town of Vail Connunity Developnent Departnent Published in the Vail Trail on Noverober 9, 1990' A request for a treight variance and a variance to the nuuber of sateltite dishes pe:::nitted in order to allou for the instaltation of, two iatellite dish antennas on the roof of the Marriott Mark Resort, Lots 4 and 7' Block 1 Vail/Lionshead Third Filing' Lots C and D llorcus Sr:bdivision, located at 715 Lionshead Circle. Applicant: llarriott Uark Resort/Tri-County Cablevision (ae EI u Ir1t{a2H F] t "& uboo- o-a't* 2q \tl€t FO lar L l(J qi FS ( * ry F ro 'tarr 0 c(, !rlI* boll: lr. .a PUBIJIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the PlanninE and Environnental Connission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.65.060 of the nunicipal code of the Town of vail on Novenber 26, L99o aE 22,00 P.n. ln tbe Town of VaiI Municipal Building. Conslderation of: 1. A work session on a request to rezone Lots 2 and 3r Vail Village West Fillng No. 2. . Applicant: Elnore, Vail Vlllage West Corporation 2. A request to establish a Special Developnent District for the sonnenalp redevelopnent, located at 20 Vall Road; A partof Lot L, Block 5-8, VaJ.l Village lst Fillng.Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. 3. A request to amend Chapter 18.40 of the l{unicipal Code, Special Developnent Districts.Applicant: Town of Vail 4. A request to anend Chapter L8.24 of the ltunicipal Code, Cornnercial Core f (vail village).Applicant: Town of Vail 5. A request to anend chapter 18.56 of tlre Municipal Coder' Adninistration.Applicant: Town of Vail 6. A request to anend Chapter 18.60 of the Municipal Code, Conditional Use Perni.ts.Applicant: Town of Vall 7. A reguest to anend Chapter 18.52 of the Municipal code, Variances.Applicant: Town of Vail 8. A request for a conditional use per:nit in order to establish a bed and breaicrast operation on i,ul F, Vaj'i fillage 2ncl Filing, l4L West lteadow Drive.Applicant: Joan M. Norris 9. A request for a conditional use penit in order to establish a bed and breakfast operation on l,ot 78, Vail Village lOth Filing, 930 B FairvraY Drive.Applicant: Nancy and Paul Rondeau 10. A request to rezone the followrng property contronJ-y Known as the ltountain Bell Site located to the north of the nain VaiI I"1 3,ll'i[fr * f fii,iT::."'$:: l'?Hf ffi :"::oIEuiS Mountain BeIl Site described as a tract of land in the South Half, of the Southeast Quarter, Section 5, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 5th Prlncipal Meridian, Eagle County, colorado, more particularly described as follows: trrtarlnc r: r Fhc'i:':-ir r iFzr':s' t i clr:lcr { :' ' lae.fO irli -ir= :.re'Sorrt.s!, enrr ti t cslti ,. i.trrtlt t i. !or!.'fr"ir to &3! rt gt 5g' kt'El:'rl r."Ia'..t. h,:i =t'iiiirri:-.r D:?t-lf: r:r. l.i!t I tcli! .t =. llrirlt - ' -'.ilrn<f-rer of latrr-iitr ?!: Sdcr !i G!t!!'i'' I tlltt tr .' : 3ei: ltrr of ttfc S.€::u I r ar33r.cr rf l::l.r0 ttt:: t3"" ' IH:g'l ;": i"mn;:.tr*"1i.':,fJ.:::'i s*:#'l .iicrf ritf E 3: !€srlrt? lrtt : a:r'Jrcr of l!li-!i trr€ !t r' - '''irlei cr . c3F.. rrtc i:r.r-rirl irht ra ttt =f':tttt ttF:" :'*? il.1ff trl:; r*::: iiT.i:::'*i'iiir.lrr' - iii": .J: :- tf . trrr t' =. tt!F:. t.fa Grtr tt*3! i =*'i:*,::f l"iF iirF'i'.S;.:'x':rrii, E:?'l.1'!!-.'o'"-0,' --i'i'iirfSif !l,ii;,i1'1;1p;-ir:iii:!i i;,:.11.;.;;!:*,"i-i -i:iiiici- si fi ,p. 11i! i,ii !,*ilt:; l:.$';'J:: f .-i:3.i0 ttlr: tl : t3":!':t s ric::'s!. t r 6rr!!r.r * ioi.ii*''--t'.t: Ef.FtS.:-. . te.., rai :q. a.-:Fi, l! s.T : lT,.!i3, =:. il.: :'i.:. iiiil, iFra.tcr.'.:3r ct 'J. ' 3..tCtl:tt!fl iii: i; !i3' iiiic rr nci rr iir affrcr rr Blrt rrs Irc:-r' if !Jg:: 3ot:1. tntq44- Applicant: Corp. Town of VaiI and Professional Developnent 11. A reguest to rezone the following property conmonly known as the Pedotto property Iocated to the south of Kinnickinnick Road in the IntLrmountain Subdivision from Prinary/Secondary to Mediun oensity MuLtiple Fanily rnore specifically described as: A parcel of land in the Sw I/4 of Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th Principal l{eridian, [ore particularty described as follows: 'lq:rntac rt r lol'tt rltc cr a bcur e9 re! lss ailSgr igrtcr ?cs l\r lfcr! -Vl of lrtd t €tlon tl !c:rr'D ii;u itr.r' lot:.0t !ci:r g:c;.cr u 7r' 03rtl'i fc.:i ieetl 'trc"c.' l8l.!2 lr,ct li&g tJc rrs st t G--,1 ta tlo -tt€ht t}tel rse l:!'-.ndr -r eo:i Der:jsgf tifU.lbr I !il.t, ?1!r t!ac:1 3 ??.10t:1. t t:.?7lir:i a\cae= l{?.1! tcct rtsns Ltr rt c! I Gr-r ttlr irf: vhtci ii: rubtc:ds r-clc:{ brsl:6 I tt':a't?' t ll!.40 tcr:t Llctc: t t0tt:'5s' t 105.5t tceB; lAr;s:St.!t lceL e.lc::s g\r t--t of I c:::t! !! tlc rtgl: rl! c! r-e rcluaCr I i'.ori lcrrlnt t a7':tl'ii' I l{.10 t..t,'t!cr= 3 l{.:5l5lr r uo.tl tcttr t\r.re 3 fa'tt'El'I t:0.00 laotf !1.!€!- I 19007105' r t0-00 tcatt t!.!6rt ?i'll'11' r lt0.!,3 !..!i !':clce .. l0'5lttl' r:t.fl trcr.! Lrrenc: U l;'10'06' f :t7.?2 f.s!: U:cncr I ll'5:rll' E llo.0o tral to tto pot:rt cf lcainag:t, er'-|lelag. t.toci lci.r, !c3r or &rs. rcsl.rg trc! c.L.o. lceid tor Sot'.! V2 o! .!+JtEll;c !c hrccn Scctloar ll-13. Applicant: Juanita I. Pedotto, and Professional Developnent Corp. L2. A request tlrezone the following propegly located to the ndrth of Sfway and Chamonix Lane in I vail Heights'i subdivision, lots 5-13 fron Prirnary/Seco-ndary to Mediumr ' Density Multiple Fanily.I Applicant: Konrad OberLohr, John W. and Patricia A. Ricloanf6i ,fofrn Witt, Reuben B. Knight, and Professional Developnent Corp. L3. A reguest for off-street surface parking at the nHoly Cross parcelrr described as follows: A rrsc: o! 3;ouad it $c nE llL ol Scc:i,on 11, -r.aanhig 5 sou:h,'Bangc !l tiecc oi cbc 6ch P:iacipel Hcridian, lying virli: B!:c-P.lc.l ccnvcyed gp cha Eoly C--osr Elce:;ic lssocieg:oc, Iac. by ded lr:irdcd ec Eacrpcioo lc. ll5l2s Ln J:nua;7 t2, lggt, ia tlc rrcords of E:3ie ccuncy, ccloraco, desc:ibcC rs: Coree:ei:g 'rc Btc tE co;acr of iaiC Scc:ion !!; :!e::ct Soucb,88'19t29'l licsr, rlon3 rt. aor:5 llnc of saii f,E llL, s dis:ri:: of 43.t trac to tbr incciscccioa of t5c prciongacioa of clc cicc li:a of raid parccl; t-\aecr sou:5 0.01'33,, EasB, rlong said p:cloagacion, 3t3.3 facc to tlc lor:la:st ssr::c:ofsaidge::clghichistlapoiarofbc3i::i:3;gh'lct Socc! O.0l'33,. E:st, rloag laid aa:c li,nc, 233.3i !::r to rlc 'ogthc3stccr:t€r o! raid pareel; tbinca ao;:!gcsccr!,t rc:3s! raid p:lcc!, lirougb t5c go1i6oi,:3 fou; coul:cs: l) Norcl 29'36'19" Fcs:, 53'06 fee:' 2) llorib '' 3g.lz,3l; Bcsr, g1.46 fccr, 3) llc::5 50.48r25" ies!, 68.68 frer, end 4) Soueb 79.49'04;. licsc, l3i.i5 fecr !o Ehc nor!!Fr!3 ctrar: of rrid parcc!';. thcnc! ao-leaslc:ly e!,oag thc Ec!:! liac of ra:i gerccl shic! is a noi]*oi.o. (a raa:.a:, tc iaid lor:lecri ioracr !ca:r llortb 23'39'28" llcrt), 27L5 f,oic r:diss c!:zr clDcave !cu:!ctlt, 264.29 Jc:: (ceat;el rnglc cqua!'l 5'34ri8') ro rhc goi:: of begiaaiag' Tbis t:ac:, as dcsc:i}cc, eon!:ias 15,940 rqr:a:: il:3, or 0.366 tc'rs' !.'t.! or lcss. Applicant: vail. Associates 14. A request for a parking variance in order to construct additions to the Christiania Lodge, 355 Hansen Ranch Road, Lot D, Block 2 vail village lst Filing. Applicant: Paul R. Johnston 15. A request for a rninor subdivision in order to vacate a lot line between Lots 46 and 47, Vail Village West Filing No- 2. Applicant: ANJA Corporation 16. The applications and information about the proposals are availabl.e for public inspection in the Cornmunity Developnent Departnent office. Town of Vail Conraunity Development Departnent Pubtished in the Vail Trail on Novenber 9' 1990' A request for a height varlance and a variance to the nurober of sitellite dishes pe:::nitted in order to allow for the installation of tno satellite dish antennas on the roof of the I'larriott uarl( Resort, Lots 4 and 7' Block 1 Vail/Lionslread Third Filing' Lots C and D ![orcus Subdivision, located at 715 Llonshead Circle. Applicant: lfarriott Mark Resort/Tri-County Cablevision . !4., I i..?.-'.t,1. ,. .i .ii. q I rg '< dtst C)o(/)ZH4ZH.H14& 7 l-) *ilFl rr! -o9 :F H!() i'r4'i' MFr. trT'\{ft:.o;;tFID t-{ HHO t- \€ c !! rs .! ll a( 5o!t |l r.. ar V2 t- t-J s r*.o PUBLIC NOTICE NoTICE IS HEREBY Gf\rEN that the Planning and Environnental Commissi.cn of the Town of vail will hold a pl&lic hearing in accordance with Section 18.65.060 of the nuaicipal code of the Town of Vail on Novelober 26, L99o at 2:00 P.E. in the Town of Vail Munieipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A etork session on a reguest to rezone LaEs 2 and 3, Vaj-1 village West Filing No. 2. . Applicant: Elroore, Vail Viltage l{est Ccrporation 2. A request to establish a Special Develcpnent District for the Sonnenalp redevelopnent, located ac 20 VaiL Road; A part of Lot L, Block 5-8, Vail Village 1st Filing. Apglicant: Sonnenai.p Properties, inc. 3. A request to anend Chapter 18.40 of tre Municipal. Code, Special Developrnent Districts.Appiicant: Town of Vail 4. A request to arnend Chapter 18.24 of tle Municipal Code, Ccnnercial core I (Vai1 Village). Applicant: Town of Vail 5. A request to anend Chapter i.8.66 of *:e Municipal Code, Adninistration.AppJ.icant: Town of Vail 6. A request to amend Chapter 18.60 of tle Municipal Code, ConCitional Use Pernits. AppJ.icant: Town of Vail 7. A request to anend chapter !8.62 of the Municipal Code, Vari.ances.AppLicant: Town of Vail 8. A request for a conditional use pernit in order to establish a bed and breakfast operation on Lot P, VaiI VilLage 2nd Filing, l4L West Meadow Drive. Applicant: Joan 11. Norris 9. A reguest for a ccndltional use pe:oii in order to establish a bed and breakfast operation on Lot 7ts, vail ViLlage 10th Filing, 930 B Fai::vay Drive.Applicant: Nancy and Paul Rondeau sv 5 r3v..v -..> l'- YFv- the Mountain Bell Site located to the north of the nain Vail ill:,llT*;i: ;ill,iT:;:'$::1,?::t'il:":!o:E"ls Mountain BeIL Site described as a tract of land in the South Half, of the Southeast Quarter, Secticn 5, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, rnore particularly described as follows: t clnrfu€ r: r rofag Li-'ir r ifzr':,5' r : c:t:rrct d :' ' ie5-'!o i..c ti:e :rr-:orer.3! cal=.r lf &c:lca t. isflt lt t :. !a-.'t.r;r 80 a3: ct 9r 6!t ?tt:c't;rl t dc:rt' l"t:i 3'L-r :ola:-rf !"i:-t:ii r;r€ lritg | ,cit! os '.:t lcrittll . -.'. i!::r:.of-tu cf ia'-rr=i':tc ?!t: *ricr i 69333':5' I tlctg =t .' :!ei: ilrr c?::fd 3.c:fa! 6 | att::!G! tt 5::.rO f!r:: EE! t 46::'::; 'J I c'r r:::!ct or :S=.,'S lr"? !t I tsta: 6t-:!. !r3:r.i:jr:-iroi i't 'titttzau=z1fll itrt:;: cric: 5 sist?':' : rl::; rilC E:5: lau|t(|t? llr3 : di:3ta! of 3l!i-ll tr": gt l- ''';;a; ; J E-tt. rttc i:r'r slts lritg on g't. 'tr-rtlt 8tf:- ' .'z!-:.1 .t !5::!-::c! io; 'tttc: rlstt 3.i.:orl-':!-Y !-F:"4'iir ti !.-?Jt; a-i4 | ii:ztt z !i r-l'tr:!acr 3r z3t'!: 'trr ' rli,r1 .3t :- af I sJar !s =r dF:. taf 1-qt:" :rt1:i I - --i:":ir t-i'rll i ir c:q:i':s'. r rrel& rt:-rE0.! fce:.-uc r ==:.illiiii i'ii;::':o: ! r-+j"jn.i-qt z2!'t'1-tt*z:,"j i ii:'j'iir'!'i' iii::-"ii ir ii : -io -r..::-ii-:-'ieii''':o' i r'' ji::acs :' i!3'13 ' i.i:l' iil!-i-d:i ;ii:-r r'rri:iici or-ia:.iq rr:: :- ! I 5 il'j';' i-l-i:riri.i-ni-:li.p r:::: i; s ;:s::':s' E-r 'i!::tt': rt ::i.;i-iiti-; ;l : iii:s':r'-s-i :r::-:aie. :r.,!: i:g i=:: tt ' r r-.o;:.:s- e r a.rri:?<r -< ioi.ii*1.-+,.{; q3-;3;f..*. . Ir.ir,tri:E e-:*:.i,t tco. €.1? *:'*r =st-! tP itts: 3'r:;' --' icr...:s: .i '.-.' 'stcir:e€ t"-i!-:=:i .'a*1- q"73;1:3r ll€11' ii:ii. i; !if, iilr< rf F.:- rn tjr cl':c" aJ cie-r tre ilr:-r? cf s:si: slut? ' c.tic':a:- Applicant:Tolrn of Vail and Profess:cr.a1 Development 11. A reguest to rezone the following prcpe:'-y cornmonly known as the Fedotto property Located to the scu--h of Kinnickinnick RoaC in the Internountain SubCivision :-:cm Prinary/Secondaryto Mediurn Density Multiple Farnily mor3 specifically described as: A parcel of land in the sw L/4 of Sec:icn 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 5th Princlpal Meridian, nore pa:t:.cularJ-y described as follows: '!rsl.'-rke t: | 9o!:rt vhc::ea t br:r: c:9 rc: !!: Icll:rr isr:cr ?cs tb llc:t V{ oJ r:ld Scetlcn !l !c::r'X 2t':!'!l' lg;l.C! tci:; glc-.4 H 7't' o:ri!' 3 :,3.?i !e=t: 'tls;e-. :t:.t: t.o: r:.c{ t}c .ac ot Iff'! ta .t:o tlgli Yb:C 13€ n:ltrtCr r ci.c:r- b..*-?f t3'!:r3c' ! l3l.?! frr!; !!qc- s ?i'ldrzl' 8 $-::i!.ll !.\eac= !17.13 lset rleng L':r r- o( | e=! L--!r l:f! shlct: i:: ru!:ts;cs r-*sli bas!,;3 f, t6'r5rt?' I l,l:.50 Scelr tle:e lt t0,':'5S' E 106.55 fee!: lle::c: !i.!C lcct rlc:':g L\r r--: of r c:it! te tlc rI€13 vXs:r:: *!ts;C: I i'.oli !:ellng S 17':!'l?' E .t{::t lr.l,l:ct€ S tl':srilt lf U,o.St tar!: Llq:- s 6a'13'3:'| 3:!,00 tco:; Ll.::cl lf !9t07'0S' x !0.00 f!€:.' r:.r.r t iirJS'11' H I50,!,! (ar!; t.he!:c! .r t0'Jl'13' r:s.13fs:!i Lle::s: U ,i'10'96'l{ l3?.7: frc'-: tlcne: I lr'!"lJ' I 1:0.00 frct !: Lrrc pc!:rl, af Degin;r!:',erlrj,il:g 2.:0C6 lc:arr a€:c or !,cs:. !c!:t:g trcr 6.1.0. lccrC lor Sor'l V: of rlc'i::lI::: lstrrcca Scstloas l,l -13. Applicant: Juanita I. Pedotto, and P:cfessional Developnent L2. A reguest !g rezone the following prcgerty located to the l - nortt_l ef ilew3y and Chanonix Lane in -VaiI. Heights- subdivision] Lots 5-13 froro Prinary,/sedtrdary to Mediuur Density Multiple Family.Applicant: Konrad oberlohr, John w. and Patricia A. Ricknanfor John witt, Reuben B. Knight, and Professional Developrnent Corp. 13. A reguest for off-street surface parking at the 'rHoly Crossparcelrr described as follows: I !:ac: oi g:cu:C ir Bhe XE l/t+ os. Scc:ion 12, i:;siip 5 Scu:h,'Rang: EI Eese oi Etc 6ch P:iacipal t{eririiar:, lying ri:'li: llac.par:e1 .c3a?eycd go cl:e Soly C--oss Elec::ic Assccialico, Iic. by Ce:i :::i:3ed ac Eecepcioa lfo. 1l:::3 c:: jaauary 13, i9a:, i:: !!e recc:is of A3l: Cr-utc7, Celo:aio, desc:i5ed as: Cc::=erci:g ec r::e llE cc;::c: oi iaiC Src:ion lZ; :!e::ce Sou:! 8t'19r29'r ues:, along che aor:5 l!:re oi saii llE !/4, E iis::::: of 4j'! fa:c gc !!c iag:rse::ic:: oj cle p::ionSacloa oj g5c eesc li:c c:' said pa::el; ehe:cr Scr::h 0'Cl'33" EasE, :lo::g said p:cloug:cion, 3:3'2 lceg !c B:e tot:t!3sg c.-a: oi said par::i chjch is t!: pci:c of be3i::i:3; r!e:rc: Scc:: 0'0It33" E,ls!, alon3 raid casc lile, 2lf'3i !c:s cc tle louihcas! c.-ct oi raiC pa;c:l; lher:ca nc;:lgescerlt ec::si said pa::ri chrough !!e i^'r:-r:jra r.,'. g3u:'3ss: l) Ncr:5 23'36'19" !ies:, 5!.06 fe:'-, 2) Nor:5 .i r.r: -----. .-e- 38'i:':1; Fes:, 81.46 fe::, 3) Hc::5 50'48rli" ie::, 6E.58 f:::, anC 4) Sor::! 79'49'04n tiesi, lil.45 iec: !' 8'he !or:::'r::-: ct!:e: oj said pa;:e!'; . E,he::c! rc:--lcss!::tly along !h. Bc::! liac oi ra:i ;a::e1 shi:! is a o"r--"g.=a (a railsl sc iaid lcr:lfesi ccrne: !E::: !lor:! 22'39128" Eest), 27l.i i:Jc raCi,us c:r-rc c.lcsve scu:5ct!)t, 264.22 itt'- (celc:al ang!c cqaals 5''r:rrt") !o Ehe poi:: oi begiaci:3. Th:s g:3c:, as desc:i5ei, ccclails 15r940 sgua:: i:::, o: 0'366 ac:cst Eo!! or lcss. Applicant: Vail Associates 14. A reE:est for a parking variance in o:ier to construct adCitions to the Christiania Lodge, 356 llansen Ranch Road, Lot D, Block 2 Vail Village 1st Filing Applicant: PauL R. Johnston 15. A request for a ninor subdivision in crder to vacate a lotline between Lots 45 and 47, Vail v1llage West Filing No. 2.Apglicant: AllJA Corporation 15. A r3quest for a height variance and a variance to the nunberof satellite dishes pe!-mit-ueC in order to allow for the ins',-allation of two satellite dish antennas on the roof of the Marriott Mark Resort, Lots 4 and 7, Block 1 Vail,zlionshead Third Filing, Lots C and D Morcus Subdivision, located at 715 Lionshead Circle. Applicant: Marriott Mark Resort/Tri-County Cablevision The applications and information about, the proposals are available for pubJ.ic inspection in the Con:unity DeveJ.oprnent Departrnent office. Town of Vai-l Cornrnunity Developnent Departnent Published in the Vail Trail bn Novenber 9, 1990' ''"&. .r!q 1. .!-k-j+' *i.-/1 z,ttN roOlod c,rO|o ZtHOE{Bttl t{Zft .fr&2oFlobt{Eror{ l-.1('|or{Ol-H('|= .; ETE'*4: . !a6qI X;Fl'<Itr| 6=A ;g 'j=o &NG F]ESE -l= Bl ;ra (;' tJ f'- !rr, 9,?}. t./ .i: 'i./ /./-q \-.1. F orae () .ll I i lat Ga jal .a Ia Va +-,ff a,:{:*.PUBLIC NOTICE , NoTIcE IS HEREBY GI\rEN that the Planning and Environmental " Or$omission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in .rs\i p accordance vith Section 18.66.050 of the uuniclpal code of the ^t.'*"11"" Town of vail on Novenber 26, ]rggo at 2:oo P.D. ln tbe Town of Vail Municipal auilding. consideration of: 1. A work session on a reqluest to rezone Lots 2 and 3, VaiL Village West Filing No. 2.Applicant: Elmore, Vail Vlllage West corporation 2'. A request to establish a Special Development Dlstrlct for the Sonnenalp redevelopnent, located at 20 Vail, Roadt A pa*' \)f Lot L, tiiock 5-E, Vaii Viliage fst Fil1ng.Applicant: sonnenalp Properties, Inc. 3. A request to anend Chapter 18.40 of the t'tunicipal Code, Special Developnent Districts. AppJ.icant! Tovtn of Vail 4. A request to anend Chapter 18.24 of the Municipal Code, Connercial core I (vail village).Applicant: Town of Vail 5. A reguest to anend chapter 18.65 of the Municipal Code, Adrninistration.Applicant: Town of Vail 5. A request to anend chapter 1.8.60 of tlre Municipal Code, Conditlonal Use Pernits.Applicant: Town of Vail 7. A request to anend Chapter 18.62 of the t'tunicipal Code, Variances.Applicant: Tonn of Vail 8. A request for a conditionai use permii in order to estabiish a bed and breakfast operation on Lot P, Vail Village 2nd Fillng, 141 West Meadow Drive. APPlicant: Joan M. Norrls 9. A reguest for a condj.tional use pe:mit in order to establish a bed and breakfast operation on Lot 78, vait Vlllage 10th Filing, 930 B Sairt'aY Drive.APPIicant: Nancy and Paul Rondeau J'u. A requesE, EQ rezorte Ene loJ.lowJ'ng PrgPers,y serujll(J.rr)r tlrlewn aEi the [tountai-n Aett site located to the north of the nain VaiI . I-70 fnterlnge fron Agricultural opefpace to Mediun Density uulEiple Fanily nore specifica$ described as: Mountain Bell Site described as a tract of land in the South Half, of the Southeast Quarter, Section 6, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, nore particularly described as follows: kllarrlrs r! r rcles'i--:-ir f df:Zf 'le' I i ltt:rrce I :' . lrs.'lo irri fi:- 'sr-!orerg: catt t ti ioczlerr t. lcrroll t i.ice=.'r:"rr !g &ts .l gl 5lt trllc{;rt t.t{tttut trln ?'iiiictr:-rr Dtils:tsi: r;rr trilt t toli! rt =t lat"Jttlt . -.'. itar:.cf-le; ol iarrr':irti t!: Sdcr : oil':!'it' 3 rlst, =t.' '. !.i: ttrr o? rrfC Srclcr I r attsr€r tf ti3.l0 tt:i t:tr-t ' iljc*;i:- r-r cr:-acr cr L€:..tr t..: g . tart€ ct-9. ttt:i.ilii-ir"i ir rit:lrodi-iii6-rtilie: ericr ! csctt'u' t ..itctl ritl trr: lcur:r7 tflt : c:r.Jrcr cf t!i-!i t0"? tt r- ",'iltsi ol I c:Fr. rltl i:nr-eirc 5rte9 rr ti. =t"ldt tlSt:" :'f;':: ii.rii;.:::ig l'*$: ii':';il.:'f?'ili.r5ilr' - iii": dr !- tt a trrr r: =t ttl€3. rrld etit tt*il .t =o'i:r:i.l-i"lii a, 0:o:a'3!'. r racl& .f t!9i1.0 f.t:.-t.iii.iii i'-ii;:i'id; i r-e:i:in.i-ni-a11.r.t-rr::: 3; : $:r'r" -- i' i'lilliif il, iil,l'ltii jl.ai,:iii:!, i.:.:,ii.!.iitrli," i I iirf : :, ;l :i*ii' Ji Lfi :'iiot i*,:r+:.i Is?,.,ffiirE c-':r'.ii a loq'15.1? r:r+l st?l €";'5r; '..-tsr?:gr €t 'r.; 3.rtctr:.€ it'iiit*f- 3r+:. l":-:isr llP!!l' ii iii. E !;3' irtrc tt ?t€t-: lr '-ro sf'tg ci c:"t ri3 L<:-er af t:g:: 3*:?. ctt64-;- Applicant: Corp. Town of Vail and Professional Developnent 11 . A request to rezone the following property conmonly known as the Fedotto property located to the south of Kinnickinnick Road in the intimointain Subdivision frorn erinary/Secondary to Mediun Density Multiple Farnily more specifically descri.bed as: A parcel of land in the Sw L/4 of Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th Principal Meridian' Doreparticularly described as follows: lrsla:tlrs rt r dota! rtcece r bcur e9 t€t lt3 |y15*r-€oitor ?s *r lfcl! V{ of retd Sectloa tl bc:;r.! ii'3!'51' l0::.0t tci:; tlc;ce u 7lr 03itl' 3 :t.ta tce* 'Scecr' !tl.f2 l:o'. lio'r:g Utc rrc ct I G--,! !6 tlc-rf.eit rh!4 r€€ a:lr-rndr r C:a:3 hr:lss I t!ft:r!O' t lit.?a !rr!r !!ac:r S ?7'a0'21'8 3:.i: hrlr L\r;c= ll?.13 ?act rtanq gt. rF c! t a*r tser iri: ut:a{ ii: rubtr:d5 r-cf,c# trct:g x ll':lrt?' t lj!.f0 !G!:t Llcnc: X ?0'5:'55' t l06.tt fcel: tk::cr!{.!t tcrt rlceq g\r r--i ot . €'E:i?t Eo tte r!6lc vllAt:: lctt€aCi e i':osd lcarlng I {7':0':?' g 11.10 ttct,'L:!t€ g tt':3!ll'lf ll0.3l fcs!; L\cs- s Ct'tt'0l'L:0.00 tcolr' t!c:cr- I t9o07r0:' l, t0-00 tr€ti t!.nct 3 ?i'll'lt' fl lto.!t !!.!; ti:.nc! .. t0'5lrJ3' l:t.ll feclr Llcacr I t7'lo'05' f :l?.?2 frsa: tlcnc3 I ll'5:'t!' t l3o.oo lrcc !s Llo pol:rt of tcE!aa!:t, ea'-r!:3ag. t.5006 t€lErr acsc or lcss. !cr:!:t trcr G.g.o. lceid tor S€srJ V2 o! alc-Jsr ll::s tsh.c€n Scc:lonr l,l-13. Applicant: Juanita I. Pedotto, and Professional Developrnent Corp. A2. A reguest lrezone the fotlowing prooa-t-y located to the north of sEway and chanonix Iane in J vait Eeights" subdiviston, Ipts 5-13 fron Primary/Sec-fndary to l{ediun oensity Multiple Fanily.Applicant: Konrad oberlohr, John l{. and Patricia A. Ricloanfor John l{itt, Reuben B. Ihight, and Professional. Developnent Corl. 13. A request for off-street surface parking at the rrlloly Cross. parceli described as follons: A !:.c: of grouad ia ttc ltE llL o! scc:i,on t!' ?.ct:slip 5 Sou:h,'Bange tl tiesc oi Elc 6Eb P:i,lcip:l t{cridira, lTing uir}i: l!:c.perccl gcnvcycd qo chc Eoly c:oss Elce:-c lcsocle:l,oa, Iac. by dc:i llcildcd ac l,ceapcioa f,o. t!5128 on Jeaua:? l2r 198t, ia clc records of l.r3la Ccuacy, Cc!'oraco, de:c:i,5cd es: Cocrc:ei:r3.8 !5c lgE cor::cr ol ieiC Scc:ion l2; !.:ct:ca Sourb 88'19'29" tiesc, rlong lhc Dor!! llac o! raiC f,E't/4, a dis:ea:: of-43.! fcae to lbc incciscctioa of cbc p;cloa3acioa of s5c rirt li:c oi raid ger:c!; ahcecr sou:h 0.c1.33.. Eas!, :loag raid g:olcaSaeloc, 3lg.: i.ieB to r5e lotEle:s! cor:!€i of s:id ga:ccl rhich ir t5c poi'ar of bq-:i:3; tbclcr Sour! 0'01t33,'iasr, eloa3 raid 3t!G lirc, 23i.3i !r:s to tb. soushcas! ccr:!.r o! raid pa;ei1; thincc ao;:lsectrrlt .c::ss s:id p:lca! lbrou3b t5c io1lcui:g fon; cott:rci: l) Nor* !3'36'19" lles:, 5!'06 fe::, 2) lto'3b-' 38'!:':4. Hcst, 81.46 fcc:, 3) [o::5 50'48r!Jn ics:, 58.68 fr:l, enC 4) !ouc5 Z9'49'04i $csr, l:i.i5 fter to th. aorr,ls!!3 ct!:tct of said parcrl; . rhcncs ac-Jcaste:ly elong th. Bor:! liac of lai! pe:la! trhicS is a ;;;;;; ii raaiil tc iaid ao;:!gcr! concr !cs:r llort! 23'39'28" gcrt), 2?15 lolc r:dius crirc csncsve !cu!5.rtt, 264.22 fr:: (ccotral anglc cquals 5'34':E') to rhc Poil: o! begiaai:8. rllis t:3c:, as dcsc;ilcc, conSa!,as 151940 rque:l it:3, or 0.356 sctrs' Eof.! or lcss- Applicant: Vail Associates 14. A request for a parking variance in order to const:i.rct addi€ions to the Christiania Lodge, 356 Hansen Ranch Road, Lot D, Block 2 Vail Village 1st FiJ.ing Applicant: Paul R. Johnston 15. A request for a rninor subdivision in order to vacate a lot line between Lots 46 and 4?, Vail Village West Filing l{o. 2. Applicant: N{JA CorPoration 15. A request for a height varlance and a variance to the nurober of sitellite dishes peroitted ln order to allow for the installation of two satellite dish antennas on the roof of the l.tarriott ltark Resort, Lots 4 and 7, Block I Vail/Lionshead Third Filing, Lots C and D Morcus subdivlsion, located at 715 Lionshead Circle. Applicant: ltarriott Mark Resort/Tri-County Cablevision The applications and infornation about the proposals are available for public inspection in the connunity Developnent Department office. Town of Vail ConmunJ.ty Developnent Department Published in the Vail Trail on Novenber 9, 1990' .,*{1ti\,4 o ",,+!". yrt'*",hrq's*{rl+;'#tr?a*qS1F*f J 9" l..c''t,l t Project Application Prbject Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing , Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date APPROVAL ,f-7-O ODy,-Z-- f DISAPPROVAL E Statt Approval -\ L ).''" t. ':4,tt. Project Application /2 t i../ /' ir 1,.t.{ f,-Project Name: - Proiect Oescription: Contact Person and Phone (. ) Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL . 'a-i..t -, jI )t I /, 1; ) ,/-t t . <. e.'t ."1' '. ,,' { . Su mmary: E Statt Approval tui' ln DESIGN RSVIEW BOARD AGENDA DECEI'IBER 5, 1990 2: OO P.!!. UOEIONs SECOND: Dorset - 250 Addltlon 5053-8 Snowshone lane/L'ot 26,}!OTION: SECONDS '2 ,f REVT8AD L2/3/eO STTE VISITS 12 s 00 P.!1. frf 1. 2*3. ,J \/ N"\ lt!Itoylell- zso Additlon SOS3 Snowshoe Lane/Lot 26, Vail 2. !,1!,ysl,t ueadowa Flling *1 VOTE: MM/SMVail Meadow Filing #1 VOTE: Sundial - Nelr Dupl.ex 5o3O Prina court/Parcel 4, PhaseIi!OTION: SECOND: fL/& !,lU VOTE: 714 MoTIoN: Lpr-(t l-fCle / \. SECOND: flc'ua-'^rfai v,-/ C: U /lav'l vorEs {*0 o n I, n \Pi / \r^) Vail Aesocif,pes Reat Estate sisnv v , 248 Brld{e SLteg4---.UoTION:' L/ sEcoND3 BR VOTE: BR V-0 Lionshead Mall - / SECoND: tJeA-qrfu4 vorE: Y-0re_v _ A- 6V/"*4 funr-tsEt{r=E;-D- BF--z 292 Eaat.Meadow Drive t !rocroi?-/n'i;u" ---'ircowo &h'*J N1 vorE:'/-d Wayffieand BRLightinE. 304 E. Bridge street/Red Lion Building uoTroN: fl/A/ + ,-/ ro SECOND:VOTE: taff,approvb ( ,. lnwn 75 soulh frontag. rc.d Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (3qr) 47e213e olffcs of comrnunlty development November 27, l-990 Mr, Stan Engeldorf General ManagerMarriott Mark Resort 7L5 West Lionshead Circ1e Vail , Colorado 8L657 Re: Satellite Dishes Dear Stan: This letter is to confirm that on November 26|.}:, the Planning and Environmental commission approved the conditional use permit request which allows the Marriott Mark Resort to place two 6-foot satellite dishes on the roof on the southwest corner of the Marriott. On December 5, L99o, the Design Review Board will also look at the dishes and will detennine whether or not a fence will be required around the dishes. Sincerely, Betsy R Planning /'ff{;/ r,/z a/re A reguest for a height variance and a variance to the number of sateLlite dishes peruritted in order to allowfor the installation of two satellite dish antennas on the roof of the Marriott llark Resort, Lots 4 and 7' Block 1 vail/Lionshead Third Filing, Lots C and D Morcus Subdivision, located at zL5 Lionshead Circ1e.Applicant: Marriott Mark Resort/Tri-county Cablevision DESCRIPTION OF THE VARTANCE REOUESTED The applicant is requesting to place two satellite dishes on the southwest corner of the Marriott Mark roof. Each dish measures 6 feet in diarneter and with supporting structures, wiII be 8 feet above the roof. The purpose of thesesatellite dishes is to provide an alternate cable service to the Marriott. The total height of each dish would be approximately 8 feet with support members. Mesh dishes are not proposed. The roof is approxirnately 65 feet above grade at the dish locatlon, wittr the top of the dishes having a height of approxinately 73 feet above grade. The Marriott roof extends to 85 feet at the highest point. lhe dishes are proposed to be painted brown to match the color of the building. A fence painted the same color will be placed on the south and west sides. The fencing will be at least 6 feet high, and possible 8 feet high. Sorne relief fron the 5 foot regulation for fences should be given if needed to allow for adequate screening. Section 18.58.020, Fences, Hedges, Walls and Screenings states rrFences...shatl not exceed six feet in height on any other portion of a site, provided that higher fences, hedges, walls, or landscaping screens nay be authorized by the zoning adrninistrator where necessary to screen public utility equipnent. . . rl The requested variance for height is frorn Section L8.58.320 (D,3) which states: rrThe naxinuu height allowed for any satellite dish antenna, when neasured from the top of the satel11te dish antenna down to existing or finished grade, whichever is rnore restrictive, shall not exceed f,lfteen feet. rr TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Planning and Environrnental Commission Comrnunity Development Departnent November 26, 1990 I. The appllcantof satellite Btates: rrNo more allowedof ValL is also requesting dishes allowed. Sect than one eatellite dlsh on any lot ae delineated zoning map. rr o antenna Ehall be on the officLal Town , Although the applicant is reguesting tosatellite antennas, hft would also work. II. CRITERIA A![D FINDINGS Upon review of Criterla and Flndings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail uunicipal Code, the Department of Community Developnent recommends approval of the requested variances based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factore: )festMarriott. These disheswill extend above the roof parape The Lynn Johnson, engineer for Tri-County Cablevision, states that the 1. two 2. would extend 6 feet higher than the 5-foot dishes and would be more visible. The degree to which relief frour the strict andliteral interpretation and enforcenent of a specified regulatLon is necessarv to achieveconpatibility and unifornity of treatrnent anonqsites in the vicinity or to attain the objectivesof this title without qrant of special privifeqe. Height Variance If these dishes ltere ground mounted, they could neet the Townrs criteria for satellite dish height. However, the proposed rooftop installation rnininizes inpacts op-Beighbors by allowing for screening on the srd#h and east and because of the height and area of the proposed location. Each dish would be placed approxirnately 2O feet back from the edge of the roof. Though rooftop installations are not always desirable for satellite dishes, occasionally this approach provides the optirnum nrethod for screening of the dlshes. This option has been approved in the past if inpacts on adjacent properties are decreased. rements is DacEs onwarran adja properties. Variance to Nunber of Dishes The staff feels that in this rooftop location, two 6 foot dishes are preferable to one 12 foot dish because they will be less visible. Adding 6 nore feet of dish would require higher fencing and make the dishes more visible, especially to the neighbors livlng on Forest Road. For this reason, relief froro the linit of number of dishes is warranted. 3. The effect of the rectuested variance on liqht and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities. public facilities and utilities. and public safety. There is no inpact on this criteria. III. FINDINGS The Planning and Environrnental Cornrnission shafl make the following findinqs before qrantinq a variance: A. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a igrant of special privilege inconsistent with theli,mitations on other properties classified in the samedistrict. B. That the granting of the variance will not bedetrinental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materialLy injurious to properties or improvements inthe vicinity. c. That the variance is warranted for one or more of thefollowing reasons: L. The strict literal interpretation or enforcementof the specified regulation would result inpractical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of thistitle. 2. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the samesite of the variance that do not apply generallyto other properties in the same zone. 3. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicantof privileges enJoyed by the owners of otherproperties in the sane district. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff reconmends approval of the two reguests. Staff feels that using two dishes instead of one, thereby reducing the overall height of the dish, is desirable. Staff has examined the property and feels this is aestheticalJ-y the best location for the site. We feel that the granting of the variances will not constitute a grant of special privilege, because the Planning and Environnental Commission has granted height variances for satellites to others, including the Lodge at Vail , the Sonnenalp, and the Gasthof Grarnshanrner when impacts on adjacent properties can be decreased. The granting of the variances will- not be detrinental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. Staff feels that the variances are warranted because the strict and literal interpretation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the sane district. Tfi-Clrntg Cableuisit Inc. Eaale Summit Dear Planner, This letter is to clarj.fy the attached application for a satelli.te dish antenna installation. I think you will find that the lnstallation w111 be very sinple and that it will have almost no impact on the property or adjacent properties. This application is to lnstall two very small ( 5' ) satellite antennas on the roof of the Mariott Mark Resort. These dishes are to provide an aLternate cable service for the Mariott. As you know, competition in Cable TV ts greatly needed in the Vail Valley. The location of the dishes will be in the extreme Southwest corner of the building facing the parking garage and mountain. This location is ideal in that it 1s sheltered from view on the East and North by the building itself. The dishes are smaller than normal and wj.ll be painted to match the building. (See the color sample.) The dishes will blend in with the building and be almost unoticeable. After reviewing the Satellite ordinance fu11y r feel that $re need variances for the height (more than 15' because of the roof installation although the dishes rvill only be 8' above the roof) and a variance for more than one antenna because we need two. The installation could be done with one 15'antenna but we feel that two 6' antennas will not only be superior in aesthetics but also for engineerlng considerations. Please review this application and let me know if further information is needed. President. ; EG=l L-:r tl r==I=r E Er-- i'-J =l_J rHIE3 ; Tr=lI:=i nEIHI E ;I=l ; TEII=r F EEII- E Er=lI=l - qr., i -. .. i; I 't dl',4 ,.b; Tri-Countg Cahteuision htc. Pitkin Eagle Dear Planner, This letter is to clarify the attached application for a satellite dish antenna installation. I think you will find that the installation will be very simple and that it will have almost no impact on the property or adjacent properties. This application is to insta]l two very small (6') satellite antennas on the roof of the Mariott Mark Resort. These dishes are to provide an alternate cable service for the Mariott. As you know, competition in Cabfe TV is qreatly needed in the VaiI Val-ley. The location of the dishes will be in the extreme Southwest corner of the building facing the parking garage and mountain. This Iocation is ideal in that it is sheltered from view on the East and North by the building itself. The dishes are smaller than normal and will be painted to match the building. (See the color sample. ) The dishes witl blend in wj.th the building and be almost unoticeable. After reviewing the SatelIite Ordinance fully I feel that we need variances for the height (more than 15' because of the roof installation although the dishes will only be I' above the roof ) and a variance for more than one antenna because we need two. The installation could be done with one 15' antenna but we feel that two 6' antennas will not only be superior in aesthetics but also for engi-neering considerations. Please review this application and let me know if further information is needed. 'wrrG Sincerely, b.,r + ii)J+ )r, President.b' A4-l'r ' ot"/) ,A-'l /, tw,- /prl"n fut .lr' z l" t ( IO: AIGN IPPIJCAIITS ttben aPPltcatl,ons lor lt'grns arr rubrnltted, tbe lollowlng lnfo:ruatlon lr re5rlred: 1. I csoplctcd rlgm,/arnlnE aPPllcatlon (attacbcd)' 2. A rltc plan rtrwl'nE the lleeg locatl'on vhors t'bc rlgm l'a to be located. 3. A photogirapb lt poirlblr andl bulldlnE clrvatton rbwlng tli tocitl6n of tbe propoead riErn. t. A rcaled draw!.ng rblcb dctalls tbe drelgrn of thc r19n, as tollows: Golored cxactlY ae rlgm wllI be. l,-iirt of lateilale to be used ln ;igrn (nctaI' uood, canvas' Palnt etc.) Phot6graph oe -lgn lf avallable. Speclfic lctterlng 3tyle ancl .lze. 5. If an awnlnE la propoaed, subult drawlngl r!o11n9; ciactry hoii-ana irrreie tlri arnlng le attachsd to tbe bniiai;t ind bow ttre awnl.ng ls to bc constnrctrd. 6, Descrlptlon o! ltghtlng tbat ulll be used I'n conJunEir; ;ith-€he aiEm- or alnlne:-,I! PI9!-?:l"g-:"awninE, Ilghtlng is not allored to -hlne througn Ene intrrE'annine ufrrch callg undue attentton to tlre luslnesE.---iigfrtfng aay-ipotltght only thc actual rlgrn letterLng on the aunlng' RECOIIT|ENDATIONS OR POINTERS 1. Gbcck rigrn code - vcrltY l{er -bclght rtc' i. t-ri."fif-rl vagninli-on acitgm,-tLze, constnrctlon lay delaY tbe aPProval o-f Y?ur tlgn' 3. tleaeirc trontagc of buslnelr' tEEs I 92O.OO TPPIJCf,IION EEE lllll EE REQIIRED lT :rEE lDntE Of IPPIJCAAION. (a) (bl (c) (d) ,.J a t.. IIt (Please NAI.TE OF NN{E OF ADDRESS APPI.,ICATION DATE AIGN/IMTINO IPEIJI CITTON Print or TlPe) PRq'EqT PERSON SUBI.IITTINC NAI.TE OF OI{NER PTIONE- ADDRESS SICNITUNE OF I'CATION OF DESCRIPTION PROJECI O'NEN OF PRqTEqX THE FoLL,oI{ING INFoRUATIoN Is EEQULBED ro!-l-9!IITTAL BY TIIE APPLICN{T PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. A' DEscRrt{lroN oF TnE srGN'/AwNrNG PROJECTING, ETC}, INCIJUDE SIGN (FREE STNIDTNG, r{Ar,rJ, UESSAGE. B.SIGN OR AWNING UATERTAI, c. srzE oF O\IERAr,L SIGN, SIZE OF LETTERTNG AllD IpGO D. E. IIEIGHT OF DESCRIBE SIGN ABOVE GNADE LIGIITING (EXISTING OR PROPOSED) F. G. H. I.ENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTACE (FT) CONDO}TINIT'II ASSOCIAIION APPROVAL (ATTACII) s20.00 FEE pAID_ cHEcK*- 1. 2. 3. 4. Slte Planii."ali"iis showlng exact locatlon of slgn or awnlnq on the building iii-d[dgriphi' ehouing pioposed locatlon colored scale drawing sanple of Droposed uaterials rnolograptr ofslgn lf avallablet tJ I. This wil I A. Apprication our"O/( - / f - 7 o t/1 ' PEC MEETING DATE l2[ j I r APPLICATIO}i FOR A VARIANCE procedure is required for any project requesting a variance. The application not be accepted until all information is submitted. NAME OF APPLICANT //, ADDRESS PHONE B.NAME OF ADDRESS APPL 7 ICANT'5 REPRESENTATIVE 0 'Ct o.- 4r..^l)c ( la , FcrlZt pHoNE 6 //- fzry c. NAME oF orlNER(s) (type or pr:ntl /t/ k 6ry' arq/r'\,-- Signature(s) ADDRESS PHONE D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL Aooaess 7 / f L/ ]-,'o n, kr/ (.,'il LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK FIL I NG E. FEE $IOO PAID cK#FROM THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE YOUR PROPOSAL. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I{ILL ACCEPT F. A'list of the names of owners of al'l property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PR0PERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT I,IILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. Ii. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE WITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO.:DETERMINE iF ANY'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDEO. NO APPLICATION WILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO I',IAKE AN APPOINTI'IENT l.|ITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIRE},IENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION hlILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECEffiIm_THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAT ].,IUST BE COMPLIED I,IITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERIT{IT IS ISS.[JED. III. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOI,|ING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVEO. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: 1. The re'l ationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or'litera'l interpretation and enforcement of a-specified regulation is.necessary to achieve compatibility and unifonnity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectjves of this title without grant of specia'l privilege. 3. The effect of the variance on light and air, distribution of population' transportation, traffic faci'l 'ities, utilities, and public safety. Variance' 4, How your request complies with Vai'l 's Comprehensive plan. B. A topographic and/or i.mprovement survey at_a scale of at_least l. - 20' stamped' by a Colorado.licensed surveyor including^locations of all.existing irp"Ju.:ments, including_grades and elevations. 0ther elements which must-be strownare_parking and-loading areas, lngress and egress, landscpped aieas-inl"-""'.utility and drainage features. C. l:!!e plan at a sca'le of at least l" = 201 showing existing and proposed bui I di ngs. D. Al1 preliminary building elevations and floor plans sufficient to indicatethe dimensions' general appearance, scale and use of a'll buildings ana-ificesexisting and proposed.on the site. E. A prel'iminary title report to verify ownership and easements F. If the proposal is 'located in a mu]ti-family development which has a homeowners,associatjon, then written. approval from the association in support of theprojebt must be received by a duly authorized agent for said iisociation. -materia'l necessary for the review of the application asthe zoni ng administrator.. G. Any addit'ional determined by * For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. IV.Time Requirrnents The Planning and Environmental Commission meetsof each month. A complete application form and(as described above) must be submitted a minimum PEC public hearing. No incomplete app'lications administrator) will be accepted by the planning nated submi tta'l date. on the 2nd and 4th l.londaysall accompanying materialof 4 weeks prior to the date of(as detenn'ined by the zoningstaff before or after the desig- the \ ACTION VAIL ^-.JNIES FRNIKIJN I.,AUONT .-. IRVING J. COX, JR. FRrElgDo oi' opBN-spAcE lsox zr , tloe ERAttDoN raNE P@ 8OX 1{26 RED CLrFF CO 81649 WIT.,UINGTON, DE 19807 vArL co 81658 jIOHN & SARAII ROCKI{ELIr ifOSEr CARROL, iI. E. R. CIIII.TON 39 BEBXIIA}I PIACE A\TE PRESIDBNTE IIASARTK IDDGE TOIIER IN VAII, uADrsoN, q[ 06443 NO 101 PISO 18 2OO VAIL RON) l,lExrco D. F. 11550 VArL CO 81658 l\Aar,-;'e' illl^x-ry|' T Pi uw'^\U'lL fot wt-,-3 R.D. AND. MARIE I{ORKING s03 l4J- EVANS ROAD GOLDEN CO 80401 PAUL CALDWELL PO BOX 2722 VAIL CO 81658 CARYN DEEVY 1 LITTLERIDGE LANE ENGLEWOOD CO 80110 FRANCIS AND EI,IZABETH BOSELLI 31,95 I,AFAYETTE DRIVE BOULDER CO 8O303 JOHN F. AND MARY A. REINISCH HILL CREEK ACRES, ROUTE 4 coLItMBrA, !{rssouRr 65201- .-.H. LINDLEY GRUBBSJtzzs ExEcrrrrvE seuARE I,A"TOLI,A CA 92037 PETER JAIIIAR ASSOCIATES, PETER JAI'IAR 108 S. FRONTAGE ROAD W. vArL co 8L657 ROBERT S ENGELI.T,N{, SR ONE FINANCIAL PI,ACE SUITE 916 CHICAGO rL 60605 EDWARD .' MAYIANDc/o GAs MAGAZTNES, rNC. L202 so. PARK ST. U.ADISON WI 537L5 RON ARTINIAN 77 BLENHEIT'{ DRIVE MANHASSET, Ny 11030 RON ARTINTAN 48 PHEASANT RI'N N. HILI,S ROSLYN, NY 11575 PAUL AND JANET H. SASA 1286 SOUTH TEAL COURT BOULDER, CO 80303 NOI,A DYAL VAIL ASSOCTATES, INC. PO BOX 7 VAIL CO 8L658 ENZIAN HOTEL ALMA EQUITIES CORP. 2152 BROADWAY NY, NY 10024 UONIANEROS CONDO ASSOC. C/O WILL MILLER 641 WEST LIONHEAD CR. VAIL CO 81557 EDUARDO I'MANSKY 331-7 EXPOSITION PI,ACE I'S ANGELES CA 9OO]- l,tARK FASTLIGHT VAIL SPA BOARD OF I,TANAGERS 7].0 W. LIONSHEAD CR. vArL co 8L657 STEVE SHERIDAN OWNER PERFORMANCE SPORTS 531 LIONSHEAD MALL vArL co 81657 GIORIA B KRTS 4050 s. rvY rnNE ENGLEWOOD, CO 80111 VERNE M WILLAMAN 53 CREST DRIVE BERNARDSVILLE NJ 0792 JOSEPH D AND PATRICIA BILIOTTI 73 BUCKIIAVEN HILL UPPER SADDLE RIV8R,NJ 07454 I.ARRY CANO 2].4]- MESA DRIVE SANTA ANN HETGHTS,cA 92707 I.TARRIOTT PHASE ONE coNDo Assoc. 715 W. LIONSHEAD CR.vArL, co 8L657 ENZTAN CONDO ASSOC. 610 W. LIONSHEAD CR. vArL co 81657 vArL sPA CONDO ASSOC.c/o AL HAUSER 710 WEST LIONSHEAD CR VAIL CO 81657 H LINDLEY GRUBBSc/o coAsT sAvrNGs TwR 225 BROADWAY, STE 120 sAN DIEGO, CA 92IOt INC GARY HAVENSc/o MooRE WHITE 266 S. HARVARD IOS ANGELES, CA CLINIC 90004 ROBERT K. IDA, RONALD E. IDA, DONALD H. IDA, AND KENNETH KTIWABARA 23L S. 14tH AVENUE BRIGHTON CO 80601 ELMER W. AND IORETTA H. JOHNSON 37].3 DEERPATH ROAD MIDDLETON, Wr 53562 MARRIOTT PHASE TWO coNDo Assoc. 7].5 W. LIONSHEAD CR. vArL co 81657 ANTLERS CONDO ASSOC. C/O ROB LEVINE, }TANAGER 580 W LIONSHEAD PIACE vArL co 81657 COIORADO KIDNEY ASSOC. 4545 EAST 9TH AVENUE DENVER CO 8O22O ROGER V AND 14 HUTTON #1 AURORA, CO SALLY M CADOL 80045 PUBLIC NOTICE NoTIcE IS IIEREBY GrvEN that the Planning Conunission of the Town of Vail wiII hold accordance with Section 18.66.050 of the and Environnental a public hearing in rnunic.i.pal code of the Town of Vail on Novenber L2, L99O at 2200 p.n. in the Town of vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: L. A request for off-street surface parking at the rrHoly Cross - parcelrr described as follows: A trac! of grouad in thc ]{E l/4 of Sccrion 12, Tounship 5 South,'Rangc 8l Hesr o! rhe 6ch Principal tcridian, lying uirhio Bhac.ParceI conveyed to-- che Eoly Cross Electric Associacion, Inc. by deed reccirded aC RecePrioo llo' 115128 on January 12, 1981 , in tle rccords of Eaglc Councy' ColoraCo' describcd as: conneneing 'at Ehc NE corncr of iaid Section I2; thcnce souch 88'19'29" lJes!,alonglhenorthlineofraidHEll4tadistanceof--43'lfeertothc ii."ir"..iJtt of ehe prolongation of she eas! line of said parcel; lheocc iourtr 0.01.13,. East., elong raid prolongaCi,on, 318.2 feec Eo lhe aorGheas! "orn", of said parcel uhich is thc point of beginning; thence lourh 0.01t33,. ias!, along aaid.as! line, 222.31 feec-Eo lhe sou.heas. .orr,", of said p.t".1; thlncc norshnes3erly across-said parcel through thc follouing forrr corrrscs: l) North 28'36'l9x lJest, 53'06 fcec' 2) North ii;iZ'ln; Uest, 8t.n6-teec, :) ltortb 50'48'25" tJest, 68.68 feet, and 4)- liucrr 79.49t04i tlesr, l2l.i5 feec to the northgcs! cornet of said parccl; ih"n.. norrheasrclly along lhe north line of raid parcel shich is a ioili"rrg.o. (a radial ro iaid norlhnest cornlr bcars Norlh 22"39r28" llest), 2715 foor radius cunrc €oncavc routherly, 264.25 feet (cenlral angle eguals 5'34t38") to Bhe point of beginning' This tract, as dcscribcd, conlains 15r94O tquare tee!, or 0.366 acres' aorc or lcss. Applicant: Vail Associates 2. A request for setback and density variances in order to construct additions to the Christiania Lodge, 355 Hansen Ranch Road, Lot D, Block 2 Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant: PauL R. Johnston B. 3.A request for a front setback variance to allow for a garage on Lot 1-0, Block 4, Lions Ridge Filing No. 4, L464 Aspen Grove Lane.Applicant: carrol P. orrison A request for side setback variances, a landscape variance, and an exterior alteration for the Village Center Condoniniums, Iocated at 124 Willow Bridge Road, A part of Tract c and Lot K, Block 5-8, Vail village lst Filing. Applicant: Village center Condoniniun Association 4. A request for a height variance to allon for the installatiqa of two satellite dish ant*rras on the roof of 't' " ' che Marrioluarlc Resorc, LoES 4 and fiiock ivail/LionshEad Third FiJ.ing, Lots C and-O lttorcus Subdj.vision, located at 715 W. Lionshead CircleApplicant: l.tarrLott lllark R:sortlTrl-County Cablevision A request for a bed & breakfast conditional use pennit at 2754 s. Frontage Roadt Lot B, Stephenrs Subdivision Applicant: Darlene Schweinsberg A request for a front setback variance in order to construct a garage and a wall height variance in order to constructretaining wa11s in the front setback at 1448 vail ValleyDrive; Lot 18, Block 3, Vail Valley First FiJ.ing.Applicant: John and Barbara Schofield A request to amend section 18.04.13O--definition of Floor area, gross residentiaf (cnfA) r 18.09.080 HillsideResidential District density controlr 18.10.090 SingleFanily Disr,rict density controlt 18.L2.o9O l\lo Fanily Residential District density control and; 18.13.080 Prirnary/Secondary District density control, of the Municipal Code. Appticant: Tolln of Vail A request to aarend sections 18.04.360--definition of site coveragei 18.09.090--Hi11side Residential District site coveragei 18.10.11O--Single Fanily District site coverage; Fanily District site coveragei 18.13.090-- Prirnary Secondary District site coveragei 18.14.110-- Residential Cluster District site coverage; 18.16.l-L0--Low Density Residential District site coverage; 18.L8.110-- Mediun Density Residential site coveralJei 18.20.110--High Density Residential District site coveragei L8.22. 110-- Public Accommodation District site coverage; L8.24.150-- Cornrnercial Core f District site coveragei L8.26.L2o-- Cornnercial core II District site coveraget L8.27.090-- CornnerciaL Core IfI site coverage,' 18.28.120--Connercial Service Center District site coverage; 18.29.OgO--Arterial Business District site coverage; 18.30.110--Heavy Service District site coverage; 18.32.llO--Agricultural and Open Space District site coverage and; 18.39.190--Ski Base/Recreation District site coverage, of the Municipal Code. Applicant: Town of Vail 10. A request to amend Chapter l-8.71- of the Vail Municipal Code- -Additional cross Residentiat FLoor Area (250 Ordinance) . Appticant: Town of Vail 5. 5. 7. 8. 9. . . ;1 --' -'-11 .A request to rezone the following property cornrnonly known as the MountaiSell Site located to the nth of the nain vail I-70 Incercilge r-rom Agrrcuicurai openll$ace co Medi.un Density ltlultiple Fanily more specifically described as: Mountain Bell Site described as a tract of land in the SouthHalf, of the Southeast Quarter, Section 6, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, nore particularly described as follows: lriiarring .t . toh! :::l:-ir-r i6azg.lg' r . cltlrrcr !t :' it6.'i0 fcrt f"€|! !tr. loual.rst cc".r rt trc:loa l. tcrrrft t i. !auc!. l Ea E0 &3t of $a tlt ?r:t*lael tr;lctra' lt!t? ::r'gr!. tolr! of D:3i=:!:;; a:|c !.i!9 1 9ola9 ar !t. lorj.tlt . - .' . llqht-of-'Jrt.of ircrr':irtr 70: :islcr 8 g0=23'i5' 'a rlttg !l..' :Eeit ll!. !t rtlc Sa€:ta! 6, clrt.rct cf 5:3.40 frt:: ttct€i f ft.2t'?t' 'J I dtt::n.r ol 2E33.76 t..? !! r golrt oa-*e trt! lo,ladrtt-itor cr ri iilroti::-iriar rttret: tgricr 5 00sgt'u'E.iioiirilrEirtbcurrcir7iiiria:s..:"ca-of!ti.3lf.":E|.'folli on r iarrr. :rld iu;rt rt:o lrtrg cn ltt .-€:'::t"lt itdr!' ''il-:jtt oI &r!!"::rgr 70: illrct rloFg sric iot'l-."|t ?-tF?'a! 'rrt oi tfu follor{,5 ! €ijr3.t: ti r-clt::ns? t? Z3'-!: ttrt rtir: !!r st€ of iuar ts ttr t'lql!' l'fc a:tt' trt{ti Ici'-iri intii or oeo:;'ir'. j rralir .f :990-0 l.t:. rtc-r r!ot'i;;;iil i"fta!i;lo: i-r-c:i:inci-ci tor.60 r!":; :: : i;t::'il.' --'i-i-rli:r"ii ii ii:.go-ririi-i:-r-.rr'r:'so' E r d:r:r',ct 9r tl9't0'Li.i'ii s-isdie;ii:-i i-iii:iici or^lzr-ro irrt: 5l 3 t;j''r':!' E r clrirncg cr 3€r.33 lri:: cl 5 i:s:!'3!' E | ,ll:!n:t !f io:.id-ii.ii 7l i-ii'i0;ta;'!-i it::eno. ot !:i.:! /"::,'rl,' s ri03i.rs. E . dtsr$ce.cf 106.lot:ii tr.'th:--{iir53,F.i. |illiSi^t,T;'lliff*lI"'il::,"T' l!.ll'i.:ei'i;- ir+ro.ii i:i. is i:9. iiiic oi tco'r fr i'i c crtlcr or clc-r rrc Iac3"ca" cl Slgi: CsuG:!. C'tle'!4:. Applicant: Corp. Torn of VaiL and Professional Development L2. A request to rezone the following property conmonly known as the Pedotto property located to the south of Kinnickinnick Road in the fnteraountain Subdivision from Pritnary/Secondaryto Medium Density Multiple Farnj.ly more sPecifically described as: A parcel of land in the SW L/4 of Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, moreparticularly described as follows: '!.qlnnlas lt r 9o!nl ric;ce a b?trr c!9 ret !o! 'iiliiil--ioi:tci ?os thr trorl .V{ o( retd sretloa ll b.t;t1 iaiti.11. lo?J.0! lctrr ttcrlcc H. 7rt 83rlt' f-io,:i icelr 'urcn& ltl.62 feq|- I io;og tlrc arc ot I cssri to-ttro rtght vhtch rle tubt.lrdr r ctq4 F11tqi i!.1:,30. t lif ,?6 !1!r ttraac: S 7?.{0':l' 8 a2.?? lorlt theace l{?.11 lect rtang trr rr= of r c!!". to -ufr-ici: etrtci iic rubtrndc r-clrcrd brrrlng U 18'16rl?' t lll.t0 !ct!r t}cncr U ?Ot5:'5S' E l06.tt tacl, lh.ncr !{.10 lcet rlonE !\r rrc of I cu!?e lo L!:. tlgiB r'hlch r:: rcbqcndr e ilord bcarlng 5 {?'e0'3?' E 11.20 flet, Llcnes S l{':5ltlr I 110.51 t!.!i thcrc! s 68't8'01' t t20.00 laotr'-thcnc!. N 19'0?r03' lf t0.00 teati tt.nc. | ??'al'lt' f l'60.!s !.r!; th.nc! .c l0't3'33'f ta.l8 trclr thcncr I 17',10'06' lf l3?.?2 feeBl thcncc I ll'5lrl!' I t30,O(t f.ct !o tho point of tcaianlngr cortrlntng 2.5005 tclrrr aoa! or tcss. . : rcrll,ag trca G.E.O. lccsid tor Soull l./2 o! roctlolllnc bctrrccn Scctlont I {- 13. Applicant: Juanita I. Pedotto, and Professional Development Corp. -'''- " ; ';---)|':--13.--A request-to rezone the-followlng property located to-tbe"-- -;..,.. north of Sfeway and Chanonix Iane in le vail EeightsSubdivisi{-Icts 5-13 froD Priuary/Sfhdary to Mediun Density ltultiple Fanily.Applicant: Konrad Oberlohr, John I{. and Patricl.a A. Ricloanfor ilobn llitt, Reuben B. Knlght, and Professional Developnent Corp. Tbe applicatlons and Lnformation about the proposals are available for publlc inspectlon ln the Comunity Developuent Departnent office. Town of Vail Coununity DeveloE nent Departnent Published in the Vail Trail on Octobet 26, 1990. t TEST REPOTS DOI EAIRI' SATELLITE SUPPOSTIXG SISTEIS ocTorER l. l9E7 tfllltro L. DcPolIo' P.E. Strg. of llorldr ,20067 Page I TEST D^TE: August 29, L987 SUTIJ UCT: Ealrd Sarelllte llsled oloungs. Supportlng Systems ylnd load Euwlval testtng for RI.:QU I RE},ILNT: A1,p I lcd loaJs ruust lrr'c! of exceurl Itu i I rl i rtg Cr.rrlr, , Sce t irrn .l JOtr (ll irrrl Itrri Irlirrg Liurlr., Sect itrrr ll05 (LJirrrl spcc 1f lc,itl tong of Rcrlu I reorerr Es ) and l.uads). the South Flortda Ehe Southern CR I'I'UR IA: loads arc based on a fr.c ! abovt grade lnd squure foo !. ulnd sp€ed of 120 tlph, sc a height up to 75a correspondlng preeeure of 46 pounds per ASSTJHPTIONS: The asserrbled antenna mounte (excepc for the foot pada) react aartdgtd frames and Che overGurnlng, lDment due Co ulnd loadtng lecounccred entlr€ly by realac lng momen Be of the an Eenna Douncs dueto thelr ovn uelgh! and conflgurstlon, totseLher stth the uelght ofrdtled ballast. Load acls on a parabolotd dtsh ulG,h an area of l lIty square feeE. G IVEN : tlaLrd s.rrclllre supporclng systema oountlr, rnodel nuDbers vs-t-3.5-4g,l'1.-.'I-J.5-46 .rrrrl VL-2-J. 5-48. SUM}4ARY: Tlr* purpose of these cestg uas to determlne uhether the referencedb.rirrl nruurr!s could bc subjected t.o forces equlvalenc ro those imposedlrv.r lryPutlretlcar l.!o ur|lr wlnd, :lnd survlve r.rl!houE descrucclon of,.r ..Iry l)crnrilllenc def ornra!. 10n co thc mounts or thelr components.'l lrt'sc c,urprrnr:rrts lrrclu,!c tlru mount i'g pole, square rubuiar legs,r'd suIll.rts, aIl arrgles, plates u^d ueIds, and the connectlng, boltB.rld ll.r rdrr rc . Page 2 CERITIFICATION WIND LOAD TESTING FOR I}AIR.D S,\T;iLLITE SUPPORTING SYSTA{S TESTS: BaLrd Model Numhers: VS'I-3'5-48 (Test /i1) vL-2 -3,5 -48 (Test /12) 4.-2 -3.5 -/+8 (Teec /13) l.lincl sPeed encered: 120 mPh Itetghc encered: 75 feet (above Srade) Anclnna area enEered: 50 sq. fE. (approx. 8 fE. dla.) Wind load ac 75 feec for 120 mph: 46 pounda Area of ancenoa (50 sq. ft.) Elmes loadlng 46 lbs.: 2300 pounds Tlrnes cesc Al{5I facEor of I.752 4A25 pounde base cesc load Shape faccor mulclPller: 0.862 APPLIED TEST LON) 4OOO POI'NDS Tesc lll Tesc lll Tesc ll2 Tesc ll2 Tes c /13 Tesc ll3 at 4:15 ac 4225 8c 6:05rr 6: 15 ac 7:30 ac 7:35 orclock p.m. o rclock p.m. o ictock p.m. o tclock p.o. otclock p.m. o'clock p.tu. loaded ended loaded ended loaded ended Thls certlfled chese srCenna mounts for wlndsln excess of 120 mph ard 40 feet helghc, ln accordance ulch Secrlcr 2306 of tre SouchFlorida ttui.ldlng Code by Eest, cosrputat,longmd tornul.le. NOT VAI.ID UILESS SEALID:/L '/illian L. DepolLo?.'i. il2OO67 Flortda Dgce: l- /{-ge llininnrm required load : Dace of cGscs 8'29-87 Page 4 o The rlrree separale nounta rerc aggenbledr Potttloned and loa$edt urre by onc, ulth uP to 1540 pounds of ballrst each, and then subJected !o a steady pull, lncreaslnt 3o a naxfulut of 4OOO pounde' Tlre loads vcrc matntalned for l0 mtnutec on each lount tnd then relcascr.l. Tte oouncs uere thcn vlauelly lnspected ec a rholc end by t.ndlvldrral conponcnts. No physlcal darege rat obgcrvld. A scl).rr.rte te$t rcporc dravlrrg, d:rccd 9-12-87 te lncluded herelo .rs pdrr of thls rcport. [t chovs the leEt conflguratlon, Ioade and ba I l.rsr uscd durlrrg lh€ tcsta. Phorogr:rplrs r .rr: tokcn durtng I.trt$ of thc cet-ui end actual tcatlnS. 'l'lre y .rrc rrut irrtt,rrdr.d Lrr cotnpl,'tl ly l:utuloB 3hc tecG even!9r but r.rIlrt'r to r,lr,rvr cl]c ]icour.tt !i'r'rlrrr'llt: u t l svB3rta. A feprraC'e ltat rlc:',. r I br's l^ lrr':,c llur|lbcf crl plfologf lrlrs. Page 3 I l9vd tiiliil;ii*llftl Irill ii :i;;:iiilli ifiiiirl lliil rt lr'r.F' trj i,/,5bJt!()a=rrFg eE fla i f A ? ;I EI( u iffid iFrF *'o (Eooo; l- ll1., 2 lld "3 r,-/11..1 L€ o' o lll.df 3 t IscF * / 13".t50@ro r. I l.!oo.o I lpf!€i 3 t tEg&E& a{ 3 I ii'. ^o. o .ol o I I F fU O.\O F. rn Cl O. I ^- l- 'IsIrSll B m;E:.*iasL;l g | \iiL::::qssl ? | \l5u.6..0 (,.N .Ft . I O I I ; v| <q.O ulH.r-r. O..l Ff I I I GE-.'"*:..E| H I \ i "SRt'€.i"b.9| E | \ti F;:EtrJ€idF I E \i fqlrrr t{ q,n to ..{ i.l B IiilIds,rifl5 ll li aa ,u..c.'.-Hrol q. lC I E l'f Yu! ll?\ tr(^ g ol6fl.-E?,.,1 -+ ld d- -' I qr O Or, O EITl.l! Srr-Jl lt e36"T"3H.51 lr : IO. oorqurgCl I Io,cio .=l | ,: i."t"o8o.E8.tr I f i5t;.5fl5.8 | ; i3E<3<F.tn I I i / rr I I !?Fcr .)d $:ir i? ? lr ll- al ,ti B.:ge l F t {o Iogla6 oooovo|trrT a2 Jtot ;??ii;:rit,hij>>o. t toJ i t's ? a { E 3:, !s9 F atr6 0 d !ii a Ft^ H -(A o ctgoF BI I No ttoI { tqt I I fi 5t E9g F E F :it rd t tii 3r i e-i i! ra N - - --t l19:'. ra ^r-- -a: ttg uo I ls I F,: cD <t I an ;rrl I (,o 6I it il q F EErirrHils E i;i t I r .a|,rlara-JEIJ:I qo Io n F I \l rO U'o; 'i;6rrd Birtg; E$ I i! l:u s I itisI IE r5l 5 git tu !q Ho q tEi 5I iH s I ttg II AH F ffit E F r:FPiF-Dli.all - -!a!u a: i;rtE z,o -ltn,9I Jr.P - fi58Ffi#rlYld.Et, \J a.t _ f?lg n 6 +sr_ [!q ?iE HHF::; afiF iFtHeEltlxe?9rFrn :t -r O(,eHe =:e B I i:;^ 2 frx6r rFlp FbEE l-s e= c' =C)Hgz(,I6 6a e; F.FFP iFa'c a { - tr ry E !:l rb iF ;8rt iB lffiIT F !il ii aq F {nI E I5U BE H sl fI I l tEH ti E {lC' I ntu a 3dt ea # r:FI ;FI Oa{,}|' F. qr i !ii E0 iF u dtt ::tu rffi!T t : ete:E iq F ! tEq E$rq $o E t35lr EH s iEJsir E t !E I Page 6 o oaj o u 6 !a P 5 J ol- <lrl<l FIUIuJlol- s9l $ri: 6-r JaU E oo s4 Bi gfi HiS0-<: 3hk I ! ! ! uo\, Jo in FIJ J 3tr ul kI ulo .uftrE' t=o oO -i Toa rO J t ot r$ .J u =otr Irl ulz 6ztll Yso r,l J /i.F offi \{/l uJ /-%R c19 -r-5b :e8 $it $di; HiiE d!f| zlr-Q.rvioQ<l,Ud -1 oN'i ot.crVl o.,tu,N.o crr3 ,D=ll- "ooq-C +rD3tt-\o @'J Ec\l ct=3e G'E ,t; rt;= +' F- (-t<)<ca6= B =rN; =gi-uls, = =i. -rorcro= !r-''.n-r;EE: &(,'ur= =9 ,r, .r, = <r,tctot=E.t.= = a qt3.-v g k PF.3 q'. F.=.= (') -c =9E= 'JY\-L-o o,) dt ql:;;{ o 9.oB BXEE E.;OFF6 EUi.p==E c,grbcto- :-r- o== = cti;=ooE.5 L: ll tl -l- .J E a ea; e bSuttr-bSSs,I Jss'EE ;O -t<)<iO.cr. a 6,vr=Etni3o*69:AE5=EgE:ijE?FE$€; EEE#E;E#;;Fss=eEgdr -== r EE o.-EaEts-oR=a =@=6@=s-P=ErES€eEEgcttltt @ aD -l-_ q, $EgEF*E;i* E 3;;;3:E : r || -^. !l - F @i.> .'.ts'EF Fe Rra $- (+. ({- (-+ (t a,t t- {je.iri.rfrt,rr F: .flit H:a otJJ (tza - lLlPer-Fc) (,(J $ u?o o 14o (\ 0qa @q @ rO r.o o Q Q tr,t l-lr-tml (5l =lolzl u.l Itrrl N tt oi.o \to(\t Oo 3(\ ootl3 <\ o <>c! to(\ (-)orI) (\ (> rO \.to c{ tl) N f-o\ir u,r-t, o oi C.lto(\I o oo @ o u- ot.o... to C\ oo€ (\I o <>rO' sl <)(O[\ io(\I oorg ol (>oF- t/)o{ f a vrtr- to @ u:l Ittoo rotor\ t- @to cl\ ({ iO !c rc, N @ o l- LJ J )< to-oIL C)v C\(\ o\r (\ c.,l o.o (\ ov(\(\ o.oiO (\ ,o\r (\(\ ro .c o cho o @otrl to Or st) ao o ro <> a @tgu,F(n u ET Q (\| lr- oorif .q- oo.sr rir (>o\' lir aolir rif oov lil oarT rq c{ ({- aooo rlf ${ro o a4s(\ ttt to !T lo(O(\ cc'lt,t-(\ o F ttlEIlrl ut vc\ (o -!ir CY totos{ rt(o CY @to(\ rl) tr)s{ t{tl'-s{ t U'Z cDc)cl-gF(JLJ lJ,lo to c.{ \rs{C'I S-{ tn c.{I.r r.t(\rO(\ zo Fg uc,(n t&lo U' at,c,u.L' u.H=(Loa =< I trl;@ =9(F XE:;? clJ&lr, 5E, U, c:lz. F rrrZ, t-?<l-, _JE(L (tt u,ouc, Ivau}Eti U,f< F z. o-o,r- aL<o{tLi'r tLJ=ut u, u,lr,Fg, z. LJ Fe.oa-(L =tn AUI;; !o rr- l-ue, LU Cr, cct oEErr, =E:E (\trl '$an rO It TL Chuta.n utuF Lq I =r lrl a-{ut& Fuo o- o- @ J x, F(J uF .Jl u, tEt{F FIGURE 1 FI|{ITE ELEllEt{T l,loDEL 0F 1.8t1 Al{TEl{l{A oz. lllv, c, o o FoJ CL =oF=oL' t/, ar,trt&Fall F =.lrlJ glrl v,lLtv,F' =az.o =EF'x -L ,iiiiFi$is5ii fftlrrttr3rtalJ <aco6t^, lL(t -ts<.)>aJ N u.,d a9 l! <\J o t&tqt c) oJ FoJA oFz,o(J tnv,tr,d,F(/, Fz,tr,J =alrl t/',!,a/l I =o B xs (F) u.le =g !r- ::?999clal{rrclc)c) qfi€!fiH5$gg€* 3 :r:tr??j???? frrfrrrrrttt.,J <6(raLJrL<t-,{-)r<J o o ILLUSTRATIOIT OF STRUCTURAL SUPPORT I,IEMBERS .'S$1.'..:r FIGURE 4 -rcrrrr}{ crF f*-ul I l- f'liscel I aneous Cash 1.r:.1-r5-?t1 i, __ _ _.lt:l-:j'lr. _ - --- *- -- '*:- F:e',:"i: c, t. +t fii::;::ll'; Fl':,:nr-r i; ,i* l.":i'i +i I l.it:i:." 1!:lil:: r_'r,f.l fr, _Tr-tHt.lLr;ttl.] 1.ttr8(: t:iF F FEE5 nm,:rr-rri f. t.,trl,Ji: r*,:j :'' 1:;lrl, l:lljl i i,] I I len Paid Bt rjr.tl3E..] I SiStltjrt-iE rr 1r:1Brll;l{i i :]::i:t:[Jli i:h.ifrgil r'911-r rrr{j,:J i 1-HFlf.{}{ tklar-rn t paid it111. -ki , .,it.j,llti g. firi \Jt- LI 'ir,:-,r.r l- ::i:rh ii'f iT 'o DEFHRTMtrNT @F .E@MMUNNTV DtrVtrL@FMENT XXXXXXX sALEs AcnoN FoRM COM. DEV. APPUCATION FEES ZONING AI.ID ADDRESS UAPS 1 0000 4241s 1988 UNIFORIJ EUII.DINC CODE 10000 42+13 1988 UNIFOR}.I PLUTITBINO CODE I 0000 42415 198E UNIFOR,,| I.TECHANICAL CODE I 0000 42413 1988 UNTFORIT RRE CODA I 0000 42173 1987 NAIIONAL EIICTRICAL CODE | 0000 42115 OT}IER CODE BOOKS | 0000 41548 PRTNTS (ururns) 01.0000 12412 0x coPtEs ./ sruoEs I oooo lztzt ENALTY FEES ,, RE-tNsPEcIIoN OFF HOURS TNSPECIION FEE CON1nASTORS UCENSES'EES 0l 0000 41413 .star rlPllcltlolr DtrtrMtsTMtrNT @F .E@MMUNITV DtrVtrL@FMENT XXXXXXX sALEs AcTroN FoRM AccouNT t t 0000 4,t330 COM. DEV. APPUCATION FEES | 0000 41540 ZONING AI.ID ADDRESS UAPS t 0000 42413 1988 UNIFORII BUILDINC CODE 1 0000 42415 1988 UNtFoR!.t PLUHBTNC CODE I 0000 42413 1988 UNIFORI' UECHANICAL CODE I 0000 42473 1988 UNIFORIT FIRE CODE | 0000 42115 1987 NATIONAL EISCTRICAL CODE | 0000 42115 OTI{ER CODE BOOKS | 0000 41548 PRINTS (unrnsl 01.0000 42+12 0x coPtES ,/ sruDES I oooo lzszt FEES / RE-INSPECTION OFF HoURS ttSpeCnOX fe UCENSES fEES | 0000 41330 orrlER FEEs ?e C 0t 0000 6t4r3 .stqr APPLTCATION o 'o PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the Planning and Environnental conmission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 18.66.060 of ttre nunicipal code of the Town of Vail on Novernber 26, 1990 at 2:00 p.n. in the Town of vail Municipal Buil-ding. Consideration of: 1. A work session on a request to rezone Lots 2 and 3, Vail Village West Filing No. 2. . Appli-ant: Ehnore, VaiI Village West Corporation 2. A request to establish a Special Developnent District for the Sonnenal.p redeveloprnent, located at 20 Vail Road; A part of Lot L, Block 5-8, Vail Villaqe l-st Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. 3. A request to arnend Chapter 18.40 of the Municipal Code, Special Developrnent Districts.Appticant: Town of Vail 4. A request to anend Chapter L8.24 of the ltunicipal Code, Cornmercial core I (vail Village). Applicant: Town of Vail 5. A request to anend Chapter 18.66 of the Municipal Code, Adninistration.Applicant: Town of Vail 6. A request to amend chapter 18.60 of the Municipal Code, Conditional Use Pernits.Applicant: Town of Vail 7. A request to amend Chapter 1.8.62 of the MunicipaL Code, Variances. Applicant: Tor'rn of Vail 8. A request for a conditional use per:mit in order to establish a bed and breakfast operation on Lot P' Vail Village 2nd Filing, 141 West Meadow Drive. Applicant: Joan M. Norris g. A request for a conditional use permit in order to establish a bed and breakfast operation on Lot 78, Vaif Village 10th Filing, 930 B FairwaY Drive.appliiint: Nancy and Paul Rondeau tlLE CIPY \/ -\ | ,\/ \-,1 /,,1 |{ }ii u[wc{,/r. \t +r, \ 8\ 1u U,l)w,J f,*yr:tt\r| '",wvh" f )'')..,r.,--, 10.BroPertY cornmonlY known as the Mountain-Be1l Site located to the no-rth of the nain VaiI f-70 InEererge frorn Agricuiturai operlace to Me<iium Density MulFrple Farnily rnore specificald described as: Mountain Bell Site descri.bed as a tract of land in the South Half, of the Southeast Quarter, Section 6, Township 5 South, Range 80 west of the 6th Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, more particularly described as follows: lrqln;{nc r: r hfac bl-ir r dFz!.tg' t i ctr::rce { :' ' ;a5.30 irii ifu $r'!o!?-'t..3i cat=rr ci 3rc:lor ,. ic:*t{t t i. J.sC. l:r9. EO :i.3! ct !!r 6!t t"l!€1t.1 t tlCt.r.,D?t:? =t'cir jeio:-"f D"i1::i:i: r!4. !ri!t t tolnt cs '.:!.-loFjrtlt. - -'. it i:r:-of-ur of lntrr-iit: ?lt: :rricr : c8t:s'i5' 'a tl3t9 =r.' : Eri: llrr ol r:lc t.e:.! i r {!t3.rt€! of li3.t0 lrt:: ti'!'l f-6gc3;;i1; l-i 6r:::"cr ot iS--lt f.r? 83 | toli! an .J. !rt!loi:ia-irt. sr rililrarj::-iraii iltra;: glicr 5 !3s€t':z' 3 rtce; rilc Erl: lottltcrq tlr!: C:s:sic! of 3:li-ll tt": lt '' "';;ia: al i ii.t.. lrtl irnr rlts !.ttg cn !'t. ''€r'-:r"lt it3?t" 'if.ief ot tnts-:rge 7lr: '-?.tct slettt tric:o"'l-t:l-: '.1f'4'iir-il ii.-?ii;-ir1 r i-:':*: ti .-cl:-tst f z!t'!: trtc rlor:'3: :- cl I izar t: =t tiE::. trtC aF" tt*13 lO*'e:n:it l-io.ri i ir oeo:i'U'. r nctus cf :930.c tt?:.-r! .iiil ji i'ii;:i ; :o; i r-i: j:inci-oi ztr' ja-rr::: ." j - : ii:::"r-i' - -;';';i;;t:i,s'1, iil,il':;:ij,i;; r:iii5 i.:,!..ii.i.!;sl:li," i-i'i:riii.i-'7-:c-.;: ir::: i: -a t:3:l':!: i-l iirfn:' d isi.;i-iicii r) j i;':o':s;'!-i at:::nte.or,!3i'li rr::: rt' I i:cr"'s' t r €ir!!.?:r -< ioi.:-i;'.-r.-t".l: qt:=f;tr.---. . lr.ir;ti r! e-:r;i a tng €. 17? rs;*r Est: !r i":: ':::: - --- i€r,.::r oi ' !-. 3.rrci!:-.c 'r-i!-r==1- :.*:. i.'?!:::.t ll€lt' ii iii. ir !i3, irlr< al rrc': la iic cfric" ot c:''r r'€ L<:-tt if S:Ei: SJca:?- Ct'le':'.:. Applicant: Corp. Town of VaiI and Professional Developnent 11 . A request to rezone the foLLowing property conmonly known as the Fedotto property located to the south of Kinnickinnick Road in the Interrnountain Subdivision from Prinary/Secondary to Medium Density Multipte Family nore specifically described as: A parcel of land in the SW L/4 of Section 14, Township 5 South, Rangie 81 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, more particularly described as follows: !rsi.'!ilas rt r toh! rlic::ce r bc$s e9 tet tc3 |rlt:ri iort:cr ic: Llr ttcr I V{ of reiil JrctJoa ll bc:;r'S 19'3ll'31' l07l,0t !ct:; glc::.cr U 7a' 05rlt' 3 l!,?6 leqtr '!.':cnct ill.62 f?,o: lioca tltc rrc cl I G--i! t .tlo rtEht rhld rre rr:lteadr r C:oli b..:::9 f lE'l:'30' ! lal.?f !rr!r Llcc:: s 77'10':1' 8 fi.??lirlr t\easr 11?.13 ?ret rlans ti:r rr= of I ar*:r totls lef! sLlch ir: rubte::d: r-C.cl{ tarstag U lt't6tl?' t 11t.60 g!.:r tlc!:c= I ?o'5:'5S'B 105.t5 (ccl: th::c: t{. !0 lce L rJ,cng L\r r--r o! r e::lc Bo !.:. tlghB vhl cIr:c rslqecCr l i..o:d learlng S a?':o'ii' E .l{.:0 ft.l,'tlct€ 3l{':S!tl'H ll0.Sl tcrii t}e:rcs S 6a'lt'01'I t:8.00 !aot; Llc!:c!. I t9'07'0S'r 90.00 !cet.'*.nclt 7i'43'lt' x 160.19 tlr!; t!:eecl .3 10'51 'J3'r:6.18tser-t Llencr I ti'{0'06' f 13?.72 frcB: thenc: I ll'5:'tJ' E 130.00 frec to tho poltt of bca!,nni:g,c.ri:djtt!!g.:.t006 lc:rr, !ci. or tcrs. rclrl.1g frcr G.1.6. Rcerid tor Sou'.! l,/2 o( racLlcql.llc bs trrcen Scctlons ll-13. Applicant: Juanita I. Pedotto, and Professional Developrnent Corp. L2. A request larezone the following propegly located to the north of sfway and chamonix Lane in I vail lleighLs Subdivisionf tots 5-13 fron Prirnary/sec6dary to Mediun Density Multiple Family.Applicant: Konrad oberlohr, John W. and Patricia A. Riclqanfor John l{itt, Reuben B. Ihight, and ProfessionaL Development Corp. 13. A request for off-street surface parking at the rrHoly Cross parcelrr described as follows: A !:ac! of grouad in lhc ilE LIA of Sec:ion l!, ?r'=ship 5 Souch,'Range 6l IJesc of slc 6ch Priacipal Hc:idian, lying vicSie *ac.parcel .conveyed to che Eoly c:oss E]cc:ric asscciacion, Ilc. by Ce:i ;:circed ac Eecepcion f,o. 115128 oa Janua? 12' 1981, ia cbe records of ia3i: Ccuncy, Coloraco, desc:ibed as: Con=crei:rg 'ac lhe llE cor:rcr of iaid Sec:ion l2; ilance South 88'19'29'l Fesi, along lhc norlh li:rc oi raid IIE l/At 8 dis::i:: of 43'l faer Eo !h incciseccioa of che prciongarion of rhc aisc 1i:c oi raid parce!; cheecr sou:5 0.01.33" EasE, along said g:oloagacion, :1,3.! fecg go ghe aori5eas! ccr::.: of said parcel chich is tlc poiac of begi::i:3; theecc Sou:: 0'01t33" Eas!, along said ca3t line, 232'31 j::g Eo Eb' souchcast €or:er o! said pa;cel; Chince nor:bscsgc:lt ac::ss said parce! Chrcugb tlc folicui::g fo.tr caurscs: l) Norl! 23'36'19" !ies:, 5i'06 fee:, 2) Nor;b-' 38'l:'34; Eest, 81.46 fa:r, 3) !lor:5 50'48r25" Lts:, 6E'68 feec, anc 4) loqci 79'49'04;' $esc, l3i.a5 fecE !o Ehc norchgcs: cstict of said parcel; the::c: aor:heascr:Iy al,ong lhe Eolrh li'le of sai3 pa::el nbich is a i"i-*ng..a (a raclal to said oor:hr;esi cornc: bcs:s llorgb 22'39'28" lJest), 2715 fooc radius c:r.rr ccncave loulhctlt, 264.29 ::.: (ceot:a1 angle cquals <..i/, r.iFrrl "^ |'he poi:C o:' begianiag.JJ--vt---"- This c:aci, as dcsc:ibeC, conlai'ns 1,51940 squa:: !le:, or 0'366 ac:as' !"!! or lcss. Applicant: VaiI Associates L4. A request for a parking variance in order to construct additions to the Christiania Lbdge, 356 Hansen Ranch Road, Lot D, Block 2 Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant: Paul R. Johnston 15. A request for a ninor subdivision in order to vacate a lot line between Lots 46 and 47, Vail Village l{est Filing No. 2.Applicant: ANJA Corporation 15.A request for a height variance and a variance to the nurnber of satellite dishes perrnitted in order to allow for the installation of two satellite dish antennas on the roof of the Marriott Mark Resort, Lots 4 and 7' Block 1r/ai\llionshead Third Filing, Lots c and D Morcus subdivision, located at 715 Lionshead Circle. Applicant: Marriott Mark Resort/Tri-County Cablevision The applicatj.ons and inforrnation about the proposals are available for public inspection in the Comrounity Development Departrnent office. Town of vail Community Development Departrnent Published in the Vail Trail on Novernber 9, 1990' Application ile /0 - /t- 7 O DRB METTTNG oerr lD- 3 | ,40 Procedures for applying for a satellite dish antenna are outlined.inOrd'inance #9 of 1985. Detai is of these procedures are available fromthe Department of conmunity Development. Applicants are encouraged tocontact the Department of Conrnunity Development for. additjonal iiformationconcerning submitted requests, review crjteria, and the approval process. A. NA!18 0F APPLICANT Marriott Mark Resort APPLICATION FOR A SATELLITE DISH ANTENNA ADDRESS 715 W.Lionshead Circle Vai1,C0 81657 PHONE (303) 476-4444 LEGAL DESCRIPTION REPRESENTATIVES Tri-County Cablevision Pecos St.Denver,C0 80223 p6gxE (303)6s8-e283 NME 0F Or,rNER(S) S I GNATU RE D. Li:;t of names and addresses of a'l I property adjacent to the subject property including property behind and accross streets and their rnailing addresses. The applicant is responsible for correct nai'l ing a dd res ses . *Vail Associates . (vacant lot)*Antlers at Lionshead-680 W.Lionshead Circle *Montaneros Condos-710 W.Lionhead CirclexVail Soa Condos-7l0 W.Lionhead Circle*Loestello-705 W.Lionhead Circle NAI4E OF APPLICANTS ADDRESS 240 South M K Corooration AS OUTLINED IN ORDINANCE #9, 1985, I,IOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY 9!I!TIS I5 REQUIRED PR]OR TO'REVi'H OF ATIV APPLICATIONs BY THE DESIGNREVIEI.I BOARD. FOR THIS REASON, CONPI.EiT APPLICATIONS MUST BE SUEMITTEDT0 THE DEPARTT{ENT 0F cOMiquNITv'oEvsL0FMENT zI DAys pRI0R T0 THE scHEDULEDDESIGII REVIEI,I BOARD MEETING. Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Project Application 14 , rn'i l, Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design'Review Board Motion by: Date Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL : Town Plannertl-'t ,', z 7 0 /' ..,| ( statt Approval I,Ilr- .1.at ) \., \ '. \6"t Project Application tt/4 orrtaProject Name: Projecl Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Commenls: Design Review Board Date Molion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary:I 1" j-, 'r, I Town Planner r , /',. / rt itoarc: / | //'1/ '/ U/' ( srutt Approval {r 'oo \r, ! / 'l r//t^ru,0T L')L" /76-/rrr r r /t ,lGu'i, n/' llt o , ,-,Eo"-.u- t, , ' / /t { u.' / t, ru .,,tr.Ln u )- n,.p{c,.= ./1 UL x /(, t 7"a/l I ,J L{ ,// fr - /J r n ./-1'< y'L-' TJru . A,.:, f"-i- / 4 .,'t'< ->" / ('"'-- 'r-':-: ':: I t. i::. lrJl(I' EtlA-ELg" --RSB-E lTti .:: : i !+tt*' -Et+A-iDile..;JF6-9. 1*rtq.;psg;..:flrEs€ ; i ; i, , : ; trr4(.r<g.1 fe{.bi .grt-rgs. ig+r+eu-vi .kf ..,-.i i i : i: .I ., : : lF tts'b : rl+rlg A${, icil*str-ollls I }it-dEAF€ I ; i i I, i.i .ca,\AL,:r+g g. :rrrrr-ft4rli+ibdr*tt-i : i I , ,.:_e$;-+ i i i Il-s r!eq$Al^d.- -t..*1. - i .rrrt-rr.ln; .; i i.+..i t ._L_r_ ----+-;. i I . ; IIQ -t*r*---,--f -DrS.i.. i., i i -l- +- -::-i.-i- TOTfl- P.A? MIre1-1996 T5:56 FROH I'IffiRIOTT ]'FRK RESORT r.diruwapu Lryrrung O 0udoor Postlights wrth llhatherpnof Finerc and fiadrets E Ott|?.. t.l/|t'd.. {F t(rt P CF|F2|, ,!*. Srrdry qG.Ne. Irt6L;.141-6*rfi9i$Ilt,r Utrt r tr H. Str6lft, c.i. trro. onrt*. l4l3.6. trqtrtrltFOf ttt. Ion. tD.drrcrt, nb! tltoatl fir I - dCGo Brtrll,F rrrFt !t Grttr,lb on ,*u6.Alq q tlb|'lA Frmreg-TYnFt3 6lass opal ryhms TO 4n?L5r7 P.A6 co{oofoFll3Chrai 58ro, ssroi.s8r0F. r3l0c . !O-.f.. +ast 6cr||| tittRaDb||nrd*ronty I a!( C04ootOlrl lDlrar!Br2, 5Ef2E, 63teF, 50luE .!f dr, rlfrr, gEnailt FtCro.rE rf fhr pr$f G 1r+ SGtOtwoEll'rr*- !ota. gBt.E, s$rr, Fdtld l.t dtr. tphrc. Glrr {a ftlrtLtrG|ltrt Ca oily r0wl I c!r!afwOfd SDtrlr!8t8. sgtaE, srr*, rrlto .1t'dr.c!|t'G,qr.dfiir FrFLo!|'lcrttFo|*y Polytarbonata opat sphens I .i Eglot 6grogp. 5ttoFF. 58f@ _lg:dr.:ph.rB,$hhrdiff |ttlrt tilr!.OtIy if 5TI4EP,ABUFP, EIrcP - la- d|, .pl$ri, *t .. rd ttfir,aLtqlrr! d y o ' l!''il ii a' !i hltaIt ft I t.aa !ffrrrr.oPrt ath||tr I I E 3lt Ztw mrr.stal t lct EBl.lp. ttleP. EglzE4 33tZFp, Slecp ,t?.dh.trh.,r,Siffltrfitrr Olraolt sft.rt ortv z- $gl'i5tr* sf3P, t0t6EP, t|.|0F1, llttcP rt5rfa.irr pne*olrn el .r r^-_F_'i.+FrGt_d #,-PAGF 7 Ng.J-19-1994 e/814L FROI1 I1RRRIOTT I1RRK RESORT FhaEh ElaFk z-PAR 38, tSGw Max. Aluminum I-PAH 90 15GW. Max" Numinum z-PAR 98, 15GW. Mar- 4?9?L57 thadc Dra. d! HSl. lrf Shrde Dh. e: Hglt. Ul' shatle Da.61 HE. lf, flg[, fism caniotdfiall P.A2 lLt3ri:... Nurtg_ RIG2I t(.oorl K,60az K-iorl t(.805t K-e051K'tott Antque Braeg Atddteotural Brcnae Bhck ItYhite l -R.40 or PAR s8, 15o-W. (M) 1-R*40 orEAH 3$ rSo-W.(M) 1.R.40 orPAR 3q 1504tt (M)os l-F-40 or EAB 98, 180-W.Shacte Dk.6tl Hgt. t? 2-R-zl0 or PAR lt& 15O-W. X-0153 Architsctural Bronz€ Cloartenpered 1-500.W Max. T€ quanz hdogpn lamp (inchdad) l(.ttlll Bl#k White lGl,ll I Sftin Aluminum White X.tala Black Whhrl(-D2lil Selin Atuminum Whito 1-100-W. Mrx, 1-r0GW.Ms. Hd,7&!Width€'i Hgtt. TVr1 Wldth 6'l l{gt.4 Wldth 4tA': Hgt.7,iwdth4%'l !Vz" 3vl' $t/t'l-t00.W. Mo( (M) 1-100-W. Mo<. (M) g fuchlteclwal Bronz€ Smokg 7]r:wldrhsi (O ft:ffii 8fffnu.,nu, WIH l(.922it Black Whtt0 r-00{V. Mar, (M)fi-etil Satin Alurnlnum l,yhile 1-60.W. Mrx. iMi l-80.W. M$r. 1-80.11V. Mex. Dia.61 Hgl. 716" Dia. dY Hot. 7/l' Dh,4$,r: figt.0q{" Dla.4:lt! FEt.et6" X.9226 &$ibctrralBro||le Smoke 1-Bo{V.Mex.(frt} Die.6[Hgt.7%" X.e555 ArchibcuralBronze CanopyiorwewilhKgtS6 Dia.4iA' TOTAI- P.A2 MLH1-19E8 15:54 FRO'I (carrintOl'- i ;E1.g:i;j? ti 9crls fi surlac€s (by other8). tjl {'.}'if'.. ja tr'GASKI FutL$rir* B Lu't Sulabt6 ]SFK RESMT TDMf;RRIOTTo '"t"*t OOIrDE-.g.,.t A* 4792L5?P.U €.17 ,r:r:rr. r>.r,;:t,lr t:.' ModFutr''Elalq i, ''l $ ;s:Ltlffit*ii$Sffiiffi .;'*1,!+$]jitrr ;.'i.,frfi;lr iii#dirib':i:.";; 1: :',' ri -.{':.'r' {/:r,t!, t lfill E l7.util.,. . :l.rrr.Fo$fltl .r' 1. ' ll/hdtum BAle v . rh ftocalfs Sodlun .i'!r"fi1':r.'' !l:'"' :. r" !.a " .!!'r ' E17 r...,.. Xr;r, ,.BCtCCn,..: pi, .trtedlum, Brao .!. trsto Sodlum,r' ,rrr..r,,' r,. ,, ,. .Hr E 17 ": n';'.',i,,:? r" r"'r""'' v r' l ; :ir: iSolard . .: '., 'Medlum Bare . lZ lrrir .l: h,_.,.::Beqcron , r;: ;; rcury VEqt .i : 1.t!.r. ,:,ir"r.'.'. '.' : ,r ',"!: \{dl E l7.1.1.,r,r,:,:,:; :..,BoN&d rir.r. . Nl€dut|t Ba3O 'lt1 ..'" ,7O ..'..,. '.,..m .-.at-. lEa ar;i:.b FtxTuEE rlI$/nE 3' P.O. 6c!( q,r' arN t|.rco6.]E,rAs r!fio Fta 3se.sdtr IELF( 77tH79 -Ira$€Brrufm{tr*fft f\hbd h r tA OoptdgH l$t IUHOU-Er-rsgE 15:S FR0l4 HFRRII]TT ]'IFR< RESMT 479.?L57 P.E ilro.'*, Cmpaa and erchitecturatv styted. the lmprf lal EronrclRa SL€OoO' Sailo3 bcrcorts ond bdlsrds are idcal lor I wlde vficty of lancbcsp€ snd rite lbhting epplicelione . The Inleoral louvers si{eld the lighr sourco. ctitecling fighl dgwrt lnd gubvard in a 36f naitarh lor gtar+tro€ illuminstion Ol ryallarry8, drlvcti€yg. gard?ng. eflfances{rd @ acao. Color renditlon and hmp Ferformtnce may be tetlored lo the epdbe- lion y'dth E chgice of incandescenl. llUOreS. cenl. and lJlO litrt sources, The Sl-.8000 $erles lumhalres ar€ con- gtrucled lor hoSvy-drty Cornrnqrclal use. Tho lixlure haads ale dle.caBl eluminvrn, ancl lealuro lhcrmat shoct(-resistsnt tgnsca alrd lull gsskollng to sest orrl kl$ects, dirt and inolslure. ThB malching bdlard b €p(: Itudod durninum wth a dle.casl aluminum bass lor rigid, f,f,curate mountlng. Eolh beaoons and bollsrdt arc flnlshBd with a u/€ttr€r4e$lslanl dark bronz€ DolveE[61 pgvrdgr cost pdnt. Beacons mry 'bo re- ce3$ed in lhc gtourld. and gurlace or re- cessed mouhled or{o DoslB o? Burfac€s (by ofisrsl. wtth approprhte accessory kil. lhe bothrds may be nFuntcd ln concrdle or direct- buriod in the ground, SPBHTGAITC{S tr FI}iTURE HOUSING (B€aoon e$ Bonaftt) Diecagl olumlnum linlstred wlth a coffosbn. rcsblanl lortulcd da* bronze polyester po,ydef coel paint lor msximurn drrraulhy. tr COLUMNAND8 SE (Bollrnd Orry) E druded allminum column with corrosio,n.rdslrnt tBxtuEd dart bronz€ polyester pourder ooet pdnt. Di6,cad alurnlrrurn momting ba8e. [f SOCKET FltfiOt@nt fixture8 harre G-?3 Bi.Pln lampholdor $cket9. lrrand€cent. HpS. Metal Helide and M€rdxy Vspor fixfur,t$ have medlum base porcdaln soclcrg. oulre rated lo 4kv. tr IIMP 75 r,Eit A-'19 inc€nd$cmt, 1B vratt oool- Drct flu6e8aent. 35. 60. and 70 uratt Hps, 70 and lfi) $att lvlorcury Vapor and 10O u€n Motel Helide, (1{n rEtl Macury vapor and rO0 walt M€td Hetde avaitabbin bollards only.) tr rcNs C\frnddcal. t*rock rcistcnt th€rmal frasnetglsslem. (oontinuod) FtKTUEE TYPS Ft SLffOSeftsTEllHt trcade*e|ltlSkllFlnacaentSStofmHrHD .FAqF z I"il Flcfle Bemurrd Bo[*b u,IJ'tut! Eq t,,A Yll EgE$ E$$i i$sl f$ffr 'i- .t.. . I 'rlr.r, It.r t. . lilj ilflil'.Jt sl} l$lsqF : a I I I i : ;l f,t \- \DS z sE@O87,:tf d8 goo ic eE9*, E?a1 F ilJr(rt! =qts6At trtru EIGlu o_ t|-olllla.l FI rts IEt E,ulr.uIJoo P,ciO Ettr, E dto(J Bor,JJ|r lrJo., .t 4B'd "(/af bs=s-6te-----==____--l gAg EI:EI HOl.l g6-6 Z-IJ I r ;I ! I r t Ii I I $ I' II i ' '|.||LH1-19S 15:52 FRtt'r I'IFRRI0TT !4Fm< FE$nT J Project Application D^tf 22.90 Project Name:7ir',/)rz,Ll Z . I tlzt51, n'or,' (i ,r7' 'AJ ,9 ?, /5 Proiect Description:45o Act(t",4atu contact person and ,non" Fnlr,t fr'lgrr=.;/ar,0 J. ,hrnryu fri4 /l/ sl / tuar/' l/ta /. (a ?tr,s ,P/,rrr, -/'/t. /,ri JL' Owner, Address and Phone:.T Arhttn4 frt^t:h / Dr.ztry'rzr;,/t,t;s c,* 71rPa1 /.r+ Archilect, Address and Legal Descriplion: Lot Com ments: 2,/re '//rt j! </try Block zon" 4C E / a/ .r.,;,Y lZt.t / ""l rPl{ /erl tctttl,/ ,t,ziy'ratl' tt/t// /z ,tc/rL,;( ai' ,.,.-,/r't'frrna/ 2y'186'E/:A ta=ifu. he t4t*a>n/ &,QF,4 at// 1., n,' ht-J,r,n ,L ,z ,/!tl : arra. Design Review Board 4-O APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL (ortsti( ,af//o/r7/ 248 Summary: f"4/L /""/ c?t/drfra, "d /urr r, 't,4/)i/t/tt,t, // )/'7j kI' fr,, n',t r?. aqra/ I ',/ : /l .r')a,/ /'A P arzt/rho;, t.s ,t9.1 ,,Ltzf ,/:. (4 /7a;_,t ,& (a/t) 4. ntt/r/t al 4.-t,t 4. nuc.t,4 rz.,s:4za E Statt Approval At7lrcRrroH FoR ADD-Lr$NAL €RrA O - FOR PR0PERTTTS rH16XCiS6 Or AIIOIABLE GRFA PRE.APPLICATTON CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a member of the p'lanning staff is strongly encouraged to discuss the provisions under which additional GRFA can be added to a site. It should be understood that this ordinance does not assure each property an additional 250 square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance allows for gg to 250 square feet if certain conditions are met. Applications for additions under this section will not be accepted unless they are complete. This includes al'l information required on this form as we1l as Deslgn Review Board submittal requirsnents. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: qD/a ui,; , /hft"lr'/ lee'' a n/9 nc o, B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 7t* h)- LtrnshJ Ct,rL Legal Description: Lot_pl ock_Fi I ing lt Zone District CLZ NME OF O""* Address SBc tuG- f-lft,ilttA5FAa N -/ ohone D.NAI4E OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: {P4III<- +TI aaarers looa So. n-.lzr- U dt* + 6 n*{nf{frutpz6tL* E. NAl.tE 0F OI'|NER(S): * Signature(s) Address F. Fi I ing Fee of $100.00 is required at The fo]lowing information, ln addition to DRB submittal requirements, shall be required with this submittal: l. Verification that the unit has received a final certificate of occupancy. 2. l{ames and mailing addresses of adjacent property owners and of owners of units on the same lot. This information is availab'le from the Eagle County Assessor's office. 3. Condominium association approval (if applicable). 4. Ex'lsting floor plan of structure. tfi';'- Dtte of Application_ Date of DRB ileeting Sl"j\ /t t"\ c. G. Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with Vail's Comprehensive Plan. PUBI,IC NOTICE NoTICE IS HEREBy GMN ttrat the Design Review Board of the Town ofVaiI will hold a publlc hearing on AgstrUsglg-jry at 3:OO p.n. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for an additional 250 sqluare feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Aziz resLdence located at 7408 Sandy Lane. I€t 4, Block 2, VaJ.l Potato Patch 2nd. Applicant: oscar Aziz 2. A request for an additLonal 250 sguare feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for conbined condomnimiun units 583, 585, 583 and 685 at the Marriott Mark Resort (Phase f). App1J,cants ttr. t lltrs. Ronald iI. Artinian The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning adninistratorrs office during regular office hoursfor public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMTJNITY DEVEI'PITIENT *NOTE: The meeting date on the previous notice you received wasrtrong. The new neeting date is August 29, 1990. Sorry for this lnconvenience, lf you have any questions please call the Town of Vail Conmunity Developnent DePartment at (303) 479-2138. tt-:Vlt'\ \- t *\ a' O ,T- h,s ,*utas *t}tu ad7- ptopedld?"zp /-*y,:+fl )17 - '" puBlrc NorrcE "flrat /dry"t/2l:'u-. ,1,\ '/7az'r /ot€le z4t7lt'u'z-t' /' NqIICE IS IIEREBY GMN that the Desisn Revler Board of the Town of Vall w111 hold a puuiic-rrea"i"g ""-A;;;;Ji';{; iggo6i-lioo p.to. rn 'Jttc'1the Town of Vail Munlclpal Buildlng. Consideration of: 1. A request for an additlonal 250 Equare feet of Grosa nesldential Floor Area for the Azlz resldence losated at 74oB sandy lane. I.ot 4, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch 2nd. Applicant: oEcar Aziz A requeet for an additiona L 3fr aquare feet of GrosB nesidentlal Floor Area for a roft to 'E#@ at the MarrLott ltark Resort (Phase I). L'*,ni.r,rd"n#ZrteS, Opa./ &gS Applicant: The apptlcations and information aboutln the zonlng adnlnlEtratorrs offisefor publlc Lnspection. IOWN OF VAIIr COUUT,NITY DEVEI,PIiIENT hrblished ln the Vall Trall on Augtust the proposals during regular are availableoffice hourE 29, L99O. :R\.\ \5 qN \rss.q-\= s\ /Uok! \\ta$ \to\qNlf\-ls,c) t \Et Frertltt Prdt-dp Valley C onstructio n Manage I*9*t'",1T.?;*,0 8,658 (30it) 9491t146 ,"(;..#ren *7--i': 4 -"/ &^'---* t.)t/;/ Sf C*& Ao--.'-,t,7lo c2'lfoasS r7€AO Q444 c€ e<+ee ,q r o|JS tt€*4 f <*eC 7c> 5 LO. <t o'tt5HEr*O ? r?C c'6 6tro -cro r'.e5 n2o P-aP, H€ *A A35 ^J. 3. 4 2.F 62H'-' A' /(orls€4 rte€ Y €Nzt ftn z5o/ Ke4, 'fn nU-5s?/ffi/5Ss CaAJ Oc) - n-s; PmbtM us/6rs , ott August 20, 1990 Morrlott" Mark Rtsorl frlT'l rr'^11jqqO 715 W. Lionehcdd girclt' Vrril, Colorrdo 816ii7 llu;l) 476'dd44 Eo Whon it nay Concernr Bhie letter giveg authorization by trhe Marh Lodge/Condorniniurt Association and M.K. Corporatiqn dor George Shaeffer Constructlon conpany to remodel unite-#583/585 f oeVee{, o$rned by qon Artinian' at -Mairiott's Marlc Resort,' 71d wedt Lionshead circle, VaiI' Colorado. The remodeling will include a loft addltion, not to exceed 250 Bquare feet. Sincerely, q-N\*\-rc- q \\A$A-}-\J Sheila R. HoslerSecretary - M.K. Corporation cc: Kaiser E. Morcus, Onner Stan EnEe1dorf,, General Manager TnTnL p.a? o 'qDtrFMBTMtrNT @F .E@MMUNITV DEVtrL@FMENT xxxxxxx COM. DEV. APPUCAIION FEES I 0000 41s40 ZONINO AI.ID ADDRESS UAPS 1 0000 42413 1988 UNIFORI,I BUILDTNC CODE I 0000 42415 1988 UNtFoRil PLUME|NO CODE 1 0000 42115 1988 UNtFoRlt t ECI{ANTCAL CODE 0f 0000 42413 1988 UNTFORU FIRE CODE I 0000 4211s 1987 NATIONAL EIFCTRICAL CODE r 0000 42115 OTHER CODE BOOKS PRTNTS (M\1JRS) 01,0000 42412 0X CoPIES ,/ SfUOreS ALTY FEES ./ ne-NspECnoN OFF HOURS INSPECTION FE= ucEl.rsEs fEEs 0r 0000 41413 .SICIT APPLICATION COMMENIS: _Et-d a L Er.r r, y leh a tfrn,4a GlZF4 zsZ,A, I I I I I l I i : I I TEI'-IH C.lF UFIIt- tliscel laneoug Cash AB-El?-:rrJ 1I:5t-1! l:14 EecFit't * ';J5lirti[l Ficc,fr-rn ! + ll'' +| l "f FEHf.lt,; B. FFIE,iEF, i11 't-iFP tttt,,,,.r,r.,,* t?m*r-rrr t t*r:'iiil'E'l i --.' , I ter. oaid flmount Paid 1 El:1 . t-tti.l 11l EuS84 t .1:i[!trt:tt1 t3" i:l[r il:htn4,i' r'* i r-r l I IE 'lr .|-HFFlFr- lrJtfLJ r,rc,u r c.:rgh ie r IT Project Application o"t" d /5'9o Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone 'ar(, b. 8/65747A-a/22 Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot ,u,ne ,t/orzar/ rtbr,( Rl T , zone - Comments: APPROVAL Design Review Board oa" 8' /{'90 DISAPPROVAL Summary: D statt Approval