HomeMy WebLinkAboutF12-0081 Stamped approved AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM EQUIPMENT SUBMITTALS FOR SOLARIS – ICE BREAKERS 141 E. MEADOWS DR. VAIL, CO. 1. PRO DUCT NAMEVi king Ho ri zon® Mi rageTM Model B-2 Stan -dard and Quick Re sponse Con cealedPen dent Sprin klersA. Sprin kler VK404 (Sprin kler Base Part No. 09783A) with Cover Plate Part Nos.09804, 11225, or 11697 B. HP Sprin kler VK405 (Sprin kler BasePart No. 09782A) with Cover Plate PartNos. 09804 or 11225C. HP Sprin kler VK454 (Sprin kler BasePart No. 12292) with Cover Plate PartNos. 09804, 11225, or 11697 Avail able since 1996. 2. MAN U FAC TURERThe Vi king Cor po ra tion 210 N. In dus trial Park RoadHastings, Mich i gan 49058 U.S.A.Tele phone: (269) 945-9501 (877) 384-5464Fax: (269) 945-9599e-mail: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com3. PRO DUCT DE SCRIP TIONVi king Ho ri zon® Mi rageTM Stan dard andQuick Re sponse Con cealed Pen dentSprin klers are small sol der link and le verspray sprin klers de signed for in stal la tionon con cealed pipe sys tems where the ap -pear ance of a smooth ceil ing is de sired.Ho ri zon® Mi rageTM Stan dard and QuickRe sponse Con cealed Sprin klers are hid -den from view by low-profile cover platesin stalled flush to the ceil ing. The coverplates are avail able in sev eral dec o ra tivefin ishes to meet de sign re quire ments. The two-piece de sign al lows in stal la tionand test ing of the sprin klers prior to in stal -la tion of the cover plates. Af ter the sys temhas been tested and the ceil ing fin ish ap -plied, the “push-on”, “thread-off” de signof the cover plate as sem blies al lows easyin stal la tion of the cover plates with up to½" (12,7 mm) ad just ment avail able. The“thread-off” fea ture is de signed to pre ventun wanted dis en gage ment of the cover as -sem blies. This fea ture also per mits tem -po rary re moval of ceil ing pan els with outtak ing the sprin kler sys tem out of ser viceor re mov ing the sprin kler.In side the body of the Ho ri zon® Mi rageTM Stan dard and Quick Re sponse Con cealedSprin kler, the de flec tor and seal ing as sem -bly are held in po si tion by the heat-sen si -tive fus ible link. Dur ing fire con di tions,when the tem per a ture around the sprin klerap proaches its op er at ing tem per a ture, thecover plate de taches. Con tinued heat ing of the sprin kler causes the heat- sen si tive fus -ible link to dis en gage, re leas ing the de flec -tor and seal ing as sem bly. Wa ter flow ingthrough the sprin kler or i fice strikes the de -flec tor, form ing a uni form spray pat tern toex tin guish or con trol the fire.4. TECH NI CAL DATALIST INGS AND AP PROVALS Re fer to the Ap proval Chart on page 57 b.Spring: U.S.A. Pat ent No. 4,570,720Thread Size: ½" (15 mm) NPT Nom i nal K-Factor: 5.6 U.S. (8,1 met ric*, for use when pres sure is mea sured in kPa). * Met ric K-Factor shown is for use when pres sure is mea sured in kPa. When pres sure is mea sured in BAR, mul ti ply the met ric K-Factor shown by 10.0.Min. Op er ating Pres sure: 7 psi (48,3 kPa)RATED WA TER WORKING PRES SURE Sprin klers VK405 and VK454 are ratedfor use with wa ter work ing pres suresrang ing from the min i mum 7 psi (48,3 kPa) up to 250 psi (1 724 kPa) forhigh-pressure sys tems. High-pres - sure (HP) sprin klers can be iden ti fied by lo cat ing the num ber “250" on the sprin kler body.Sprin kler VK404 is rated to a max i mum175 psi (1 207 kPa) wwp. Avail able Cover Plate Ad just ment: ½"(12,7 mm) +/- 1/4" (6,35 mm) Cover Plate As sem bly Temp. Rat ings:Base Part Number 11225: 135 °F (57 °C)Base Part Number 09804: 165 °F (74 °C) Base Part Number 11697: 135 °F or 165 °F(57 °C or 74 °C) SPRIN KLER MA TE RIALSSprin kler Body: Brass UNS-C84400Body Cap: Brass UNS-C26000De flec tor: Cop per UNS-C19500De flec tor Pins: Stain less Steel UNS-S30300 But ton: UNS-C23000 H55-H80 Screw: Brass UNS-C36000 Fus ible Link As sem bly**: Nickel Al loy and Eutectic Sol der**The fus ible link of the Quick Re sponse Con -cealed Sprin kler is marked with a pur ple stripe ordot for iden ti fi ca tion pur poses only. Fus ible Link Le vers: Stain less SteelUNS-S31600 Le ver Bar: Cop per Al loy UNS-C72500Belleville Spring Sealing As sem bly: Nickel Al -loy, coated on both sides with Tef lon Tape COVER AS SEM BLY MA TE RIALSCover Plate As sem bly: Brass UNS-C26000 or UNS-C26800Spring: Nickel Al loySol der: Eutectic AVAIL ABLE COVER FIN ISHESPart No. 11225: Pol ished ChromePart Nos. 09804 and 11697: Bright Brass,Brushed Brass, An tique Brass, Pol - ished Chrome, Brushed Chrome,Brushed Cop per, Painted1 White (No. 1004)2, Painted1 Ivory (No. 1634)2, andPainted1 Black (No. 1007)2 1 Painted fin ish consists of Poly es ter Baked Enamel.2 Sherwin-Williams® Color An swers™ In te rior ColorNum ber. Other col ors are avail able on re quest.See Sherwin-Williams® Color An swers™ In te rior Color Se lec tion color num bers.OR DERING IN STRUC TIONS1. To or der Vi king Ho ri zon® Mi rageTM Stan dard and Quick Re sponse Con -cealed Pen dent Sprin klers, re fer to: A. Base Part Number 09782A or B. Base Part Number 09783A or C. Base Part Num ber 12292 2. To or der Cover As sem blies, re fer to:A. Base Part Num ber 11225 (2-3/4” di -am e ter) or 11697 (3-5/16” di am e -ter), rated 135 °F orB. Base Part Number 09804 (2-3/4” di -am e ter) or 11697 (3-5/16” di am e ter), rated 165 °F Oc to ber 10, 2003 Sprin kler 57 a TECH NI CAL DATA HO RI ZON® MI RAGETM STAN DARD AND QUICK RESPONSE CON CEALED PEN DENT SPRIN KLERS Vi king Ho ri zon® Mi rageTM Con cealed Sprin kler In stalled in Acous ti cal Ceil ing NOTE: Quick re sponse con cealed sprin klers must be in stalled in neu tralor neg a tive pres sure ple nums only. Sprin kler VK405 Sprin kler VK404or VK454 Con cealedSprin kler Body Con cealed Sprin kler Wrench† (Part No.08336W/B shown.) Pro tec tive Shell † A ½" ratchet is re quired (not avail able through Vi king.) Re places page 57 a-b, dated May 2, 2003. Re fer to tech ni cal data page SR1-2 or QR1-2for gen eral care, in stal la tion, and main te nance in for ma tion. Form No. F_012993 Fig ure 1 Note: Units of mea sure in pa ren the sesmay be ap prox i ma tions. Spec ify sprin kler tem per a ture rat ing andtem per a ture rat ing and fin ish of coverplate as sem bly. AC CES SORIESSprin kler Cab i net: Part Number 01731ACa pac ity: six (6) sprin klers Avail able since 1971.Flush/Con cealed Sprin kler Wrenches**A. Heavy Duty Part Number 08336W/B Avail able since 1983, or B. Light Duty Part Number10366W/B*** Avail able since 1998. **Re quires a ½" ratchet (not avail able from Vi -king).***Ideal for sprin kler cab i nets. NOTE: Cover Plate As sem bly Part Num -ber 09804 or 11697 must be used for allFac tory Mu tual Ap proved in stal la tions.Pre vi ous Model B-1 Cover Plate As sem bly Part Num ber 08310 may still be used forcULus in stal la tions. The cor rect Ho ri zon® Mi rageTM Con -cealed Sprin kler can be ver i fied by check -ing the fus ible link for the fol low ing iden ti fi -ca tion scheme:Stan dard Re sponse: No stripe or dot. Quick Re sponse: Pur ple stripe or dot. QREC: Yel low stripe or dot (re fer to tech ni - cal data page 87 a-c for ad di tional in for -ma tion). Oc to ber 10, 2003Sprin kler 57 b TECH NI CAL DATA Form No. F_012993 HO RI ZON® MI RAGETM STAN DARD AND QUICK RESPONSE CON CEALED PEN DENT SPRIN KLERS Ap proval Chart Ho ri zon® Mi rageTM Stan dard and Quick Re sponse Con cealed Pen dent Sprin klers Sprin kler TemperatureClas si fi ca tion Sprin kler Nom i nal Temp. Rat ing1 Max i mum Am bi ent Ceil ing Tem per a ture2 Temp. Rat ing of the Re quired Cover As sem bly Cover Plate As sem bly Base Part No.5 Or di nary 165 °F (74 °C)100 °F (38 °C)135 °F (57 °C)11225 or 11697 165 °F (74 °C)09804 or 11697 In ter me di ate 220 °F (104 °C)150 °F (65 °C)135 °F (57 °C)11697165 °F (74 °C)09804 or 11697 Stan dard Re sponse Applications Sprin kler Base Part No.5 SIN NPT Thread Size K-Factor Maximum Wa ter Working Pres sure List ings and Ap provals4 Inches mm U.S.met ric cULus6 FM NYC7 09782A VK405 ½15 5.6 8,1 250 psi3 AW2, AY1, BY1 –AY1, BY109783AVK404½15 5.6 8,1 175 psi –AX1, AY1, AZ1 –Quick Re sponse Applications 09783A VK404 ½15 5.6 8,1 175 psi AW2, AX1, AY1, BX1, BY1 –AY1, BY1 12292 VK454 ½15 5.6 8,1 250 psi3 AW2, AX1, AY1, BX1, BY1 –AY1, BY1 Sprin kler Tem per a ture Rat ings A - 165 °F (74 °C) B - 220 °F (104 °C) Cover Plate As sem bly Temp. Rat ingsW - 135 °F (57 °C) Cover Base P/N 11225X - 135 °F (57 °C) Cover Base P/N 11697Y - 165 °F (74 °C) Cover Base P/N 09804Z - 165 °F (74 °C) Cover Base P/N 11697 Fin ishes of the Cover Plate As sem bly 1 - Bright Brass, Brushed Brass, An tique Brass, Pol ishedChrome, Brushed Chrome, Brushed Cop per, PaintedWhite, Painted Ivory, and Painted Black8 2 - Pol ished Chrome Foot notes1 The tem per a ture rat ing is stamped on the sprin kler body.2 Based on NFPA-13. Other lim its may ap ply, de pend ing on fire load ing, sprin kler lo ca tion, and other re quire ments of the Au thor ity Hav -ing Ju ris dic tion. Re fer to spe cific in stal la tion stan dards.3 The Wa ter Working Pres sure rat ing is stamped on the sprin kler body.4 This chart shows the list ings and ap prov als avail able at the time of print ing. Other ap prov als may be in pro cess.5 Base part num ber is shown. For com plete part num ber, re fer to Vi king's cur rent price list sched ule.6 Listed by Un der writers Lab o ra tories, Inc. for use in the U.S. and Can ada.7 Ac cepted for use, City of New York De part ment of Build ings, MEA No. 89-92-E, Vol. 16.8 Other paint col ors are avail able on re quest with the same List ings and Ap provals as the stan d ard paint fin ishes. 2-1/2" (63,5 mm) ½" (15 mm) NPT 2-7/8" (73 mm) max i mum 2-3/4" (69,8 mm) or 3-5/16” (84,1 mm)for Cover 11697 2" (50,8 mm)di am e ter hole re quired, or2-5/8” (66,7 mm) when us ingCover 11697 2-3/8" (60,3 mm)min i mum Fig ure 2 NOTE: Upon sprin kler ac ti va tion,the de flec tor de scends toap prox i mately 13/16" (20,6 mm)be low the sprin kler body. Tem per a ture KEY Fin ish A1X Es cutch eon (if ap pli ca ble) Re places page 57 a-b, dated May 2, 2003. Re fer to tech ni cal data page SR1-2 or QR1-2for gen eral care, in stal la tion, and main te nance in for ma tion. Wheatland’s Schedule 40 Sprinkler Pipe is a high quality sprinkler pipe offering you the full range of assurances you require. Schedule 40 Sprinkler Pipe has passed some of the toughest lab tests ever created for sprinkler pipe. Wheatland’s schedule 40 Sprinkler Pipe is made from the highest quality steel in one of the nation’s most modern and most complete pipe manufacturing plants. Our proprietary mill coating offers you a clean, corrosion and heat resistant surface that outlasts and outperforms standard lacquer coatings. Plus, this coating can be quickly and easily painted without special preparation. Or it may be hot-dipped galvanized to meet FM requirements for dry systems in accordance with the zinc coating specifi cation of ASTM A795. Schedule 40 is also available as ASTM A 53 in NPS 1 - 6 and is UL & C-UL Listed and FM Approved. Wheatland’s Schedule 40 Standard Wall Sprinkler Pipe meets or exceeds the following: UL & C-UL Listed• FM Approved• ASTM A795, Type E, Grade A• Sprinkler Pipe Specifi cations NPS Nominal O.DNominal I.DNominal WallNominal Weight UL CRR*Pieces Lift in.mmin.mmin.mmlbs./ft.kg/m 1”1.31533.41.04926.6.1333.381.682.501.0070 1 1/4”1.66042.21.38035.1.1403.562.273.391.0051 1 1/2”1.90048.31.61040.9.1453.682.724.051.0044 2”2.37560.32.06752.5.1543.913.665.451.0030 * Calculated using Standard UL CRR formula, UL Fire Protection Directory, Category VIZY * The CRR is a ratio value used to measure the ability of a pipe to withstand corrosion. Threaded Schedule 40 steel pipe is used as the benchmark (value of 1.0). Please refer to appropriate documentation for up-to-date listing and approval information. Specifi cations and descriptions are accurate as known at time of publication and are subject to change without notice. Wheatland’s Made in the U.S.A. by Wheatland Tube Company means made to the highest standards for consistant quality. Specifi cations and Approvals 700 South Dock Street, Sharon, PA 16146 Ph 800.257.8182 Fax 724.346.7260 www.wheatland.com Wheatland Tube Company 0309 1.0Mrev02 Effective February 23, 2009 Coated Black Sprinkler Pipe Page 40 D.I. THREADED FITTINGS For fire protection services request submittal GRS 1.3 DUCTILE IRON 90 DEG. ELBOW NOMINALITEMMAX.WEIGHT SIZECODEWORKING EACH (INCH)#P.S.I.ABPIECE 1DB900335001.501.500.62 1 1/4DB900445001.751.750.90 1 1/2DB900555001.941.941.20 2DB900665002.252.251.85 DIMENSIONS DUCTILE IRON STRAIGHT TEE NOMINALITEMMAX.WEIGHT SIZECODEWORKING EACH (INCH)#P.S.I.ABPIECE 1DT3335001.501.500.85 1 1/4DT4445001.751.751.22 1 1/2DT5555001.941.941.55 2DT6665002.252.252.45 DIMENSIONS DUCTILE IRON RED.90 DEG. ELBOW NOMINALITEMMAX.WEIGHT SIZECODEWORKING EACH (INCH)#P.S.I.ABPIECE 1X1/2DB900315001.261.360.44 1X3/4DB900325001.371.450.52 1 1/4X1/2DB900415001.341.530.64 1 1/4X3/4DB900425001.451.620.72 1 1/4X1DB900435001.581.670.75 1 1/2X1DB900535001.651.800.92 1 1/2X1 1/4DB900545001.821.881.08 2X1/2DB900615001.491.881.08 2X3/4DB900625001.601.971.24 2X1DB900635001.732.021.40 2X1 1/4DB900645001.902.101.52 2X1 1/2DB900655002.022.161.65 DIMENSIONS DUCTILE IRON COUPLING NOMINALITEMMAX.DIMENSIONWEIGHT SIZECODEWORKINGEACH (INCH)#P.S.I.APIECE 1DCL0335001.670.40 1 1/4DCL0445001.930.57 1 1/2DCL0555002.150.75 2DCL0665002.531.15 DUCTILE IRON RED. COUPLING NOMINALITEMMAX.DIMENSIONWEIGHT SIZECODEWORKINGEACH (INCH)#P.S.I.APIECE 1X1/2DRC0315001.690.39 1X3/4DRC0325001.690.53 DUCTILE IRON 45 DEG. ELBOW NOMINALITEMMAX.WEIGHT SIZECODEWORKING EACH (INCH)#P.S.I.ABPIECE 1DB450335001.121.120.46 1 1/4DB450445001.291.290.73 1 1/2DB450555001.431.430.92 2DB450665001.681.681.50 DIMENSIONS DUCTILE IRON THREADED FITTINGS ARE UL, ULC LISTED AND FACTORY MUTUAL APPROVED FOR 500 PSI SERVICE. DUCTILE IRON PER ASTM A 536 GRADE 65-45- 12. DIMENSIONS CONFORM TO ANSI B16.3 CLASS 150. THREADS ARE NPT PER ANSI/ASME B1.20.1 NOTICE: DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS HAVE HIGHER TENSILE STRENGTH THEN THAT OF STEEL PIPE. THEREFORE, OVER TIGHTENING CAN CAUSE DAMAGE TO PIPE THREADS WHICH MAY CAUSE LEAKAGE. DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS SHOULD BE TIGHTENED THREE TURNS BEYOND HAND TIGHT, BUT NO MORE THAN FOUR TURNS. A Page 41 DUCTILE IRON REDUCING TEE NOMINALITEMMAX.WEIGHT SIZECODEWORKINGEACH (INCH)#P.S.I.ABCPIECE 1X1X1/2DT3315001.261.261.360.64 1X1X3/4DT3325001.371.371.450.73 1X1/2X1DT3135001.501.361.500.71 1X3/4X1DT3235001.501.451.500.76 1X1X1 1/4DT3345001.671.671.580.98 1X1X1 1/2DT3355001.801.801.651.16 1 1/4X1X1/2DT4315001.341.261.530.82 1 1/4X1X3/4DT4325001.451.371.620.90 1 1/4X1X1DT4335001.581.501.671.00 1 1/4X1X1 1/4DT4345001.751.671.751.08 1 1/4X1X1 1/2DT4355001.881.801.821.42 1 1/4X1 1/4X1/2DT4415001.341.341.530.86 1 1/4X1 1/4X3/4DT4425001.451.451.620.92 1 1/4X1 1/4X1DT4435001.581.581.670.95 1 1/4X1 1/4X1 1/2DT4455001.881.881.821.45 1 1/4X1 1/4X2DT4465002.102.101.901.75 1 1/2X1X1/2DT5315001.411.341.660.95 1 1/2X1X3/4DT5325001.521.371.751.14 1 1/2X1X1DT5335001.651.501.801.17 1 1/2X1X1 1/4DT5345001.821.671.881.34 1 1/2X1X1 1/2DT5355001.941.801.941.45 1 1/2X1 1/4X1/2DT5415001.411.341.661.05 1 1/2X1 1/4X3/4DT5425001.521.451.751.15 1 1/2X1 1/4X1DT5435001.651.581.801.25 1 1/2X1 1/4X2DT5465002. 1 1/2X1 1/2X1/2DT5515001.411.411.161.15 1 1/2X1 1/2X3/4DT5525001.521.521.751.24 1 1/2X1 1/2X1DT5535001.651.651.801.30 1 1/2X1 1/2X1 1/4DT5545001.821.821.881.48 1 1/2X1 1/2X2DT5565002. 2X1X2DT6365002. 2X1 1/4X2DT6465002. 2X1 1/2X1/2DT6515001.491.411.881.50 2X1 1/2X3/4DT6525001.601.521.971.62 2X1 1/2X1DT6535001.731.652.021.64 2X1 1/2X1 1/4DT6545001.901.822.101.80 2X1 1/2X1 1/2DT6555002.021.942.162.00 2X1 1/2X2DT6565002. 2X2X1/2DT6615001.491.491.881.60 2X2X3/4DT6625001.601.601.971.68 2X2X1DT6635001.731.732.021.85 2X2X1 1/4DT6645001.901.902.102.04 2X2X1 1/2DT6655002. 2X2X2 1/2DT5565002.602.602.393.61 2 1/2X2X3/4DT7625001.741.602.322.28 DIMENSIONS DUCTILE IRON CAP NOMINALITEMMAX.DIMENSIONWEIGHT SIZECODEWORKINGEACH (INCH)#P.S.I.APIECE 1DCP0035001.160.32 1 1/4DCP0045001.280.43 1 1/2DCP0055001.330.60 2DCP0065001.450.91 DUCTILE IRON CROSS NOMINALITEMMAX.WEIGHT SIZECODEWORKING EACH (INCH)#P.S.IABPIECE 1DX0335001.501.500.98 1 1/4DX0445001.751.751.50 1 1/2DX0555001.941.941.90 2DX0665002.252.252.95 1 1/4X1DX0435001.581.671.27 1 1/2X1DX0535001.651.801.48 2X1DX0635001.732.022.10 DIMENSIONS DT667 DUCTILE IRON BUSHINGS NOMINALITEM SIZECODE (INCH)# DIMENSIONS 1x1/2DBUSH310.750.251.42OUT 1x3/4DBUSH320.750.251.42OUT 1 1/4x1DBUSH430.800.281.76OUT 1 1/2x1DBUSH530.830.312.00OUT 1 1/2x1 1/4DBUSH540.830.312.00OUT 2x1DBUSH630.880.411.95IN 2x1 1/4DBUSH640.880.342.48OUT 2x1 1/2DBUSH650.880.342.48OUT 0.22 0.17 0.28 0.44 0.30 0.66 0.72 0.61 DIMENSIONS ABCSTYLE WT. EACH D.I. THREADED FITTINGS For fire protection services request submittal GRS 1.3 OUTSIDE HEADINSIDE HEAD Main Office/Manufacturing Facility•1375 Sampson Ave. •Corona, CA 92879 •Ph: 909.737.5599 •Fax: 909.737.0330 Customer Service•800.786.5266 www.tolco.com 86 wwwwww..ttoollccoo..ccoomm Revision 5/24/2001 ™ ®a brand of Fig.200 - “Trimline”Adjustable Band Hanger Size Range — 1/2" thru 8" pipe Material — Carbon Steel, Mil.Galvanized to G90 specifications Function — For fire sprinkler and other general piping purposes.Knurled swivel nut design permits hanger adjustment after installation. Features — •(1/2" thru 2") Flared edges ease installation for all pipe types and protect CPVC plastic pipe from abrasion.Captured design keeps adjusting nut from separating with hanger.Hanger is easily installed around pipe. •(21/2" thru 8" Spring tension on nut holds it securely in hanger before installation.Adjusting nut is easily removed. Approvals — Underwriters’Laboratories listed (1/2" thru 8") in the USA (UL)and Canada (cUL) for steel and CPVC plastic pipe and Factory Mutual Engineering Approved (3/4" thru 8").Conforms to Federal Specifications WW-H-171E, Type 10 and Manufacturers Standardization Society SP-69, Type 10. Maximum Temperature — 650°F Finish — Mil.Galvanized.For Stainless Steel materi- als, order TOLCO™ Fig.200WON. Order By — Figure number and pipe size Dimensions • Weights Pipe Rod SizeMax.Rec.Approx. SizeInchMetric ABLoad Lbs.Length 1/23/88mm or 10mm31/8 25/8 40011 3/43/88mm or 10mm31/8 21/2 40011 13/88mm or 10mm33/8 25/8 40012 11/4 3/88mm or 10mm33/4 27/8 40013 11/2 3/88mm or 10mm37/8 27/8 40014 23/88mm or 10mm41/2 340015 21/2 3/810mm55/8 41/8 60027 33/810mm57/8 460029 31/2 3/810mm73/8 51/4 60034 43/810mm73/8 5100035 51/212mm91/8 61/4 125066 61/212mm101/8 63/4 125073 81/212mm131/8 83/4 1250136 OFFICE/MANUFACTURING FACILITY•1375 SAMPSON AVE. •CORONA, CA 92879 •PH: 951.737.5599 •FAX: 951.737.0330 CUSTOMER SERVICE•800.786.5266 www.tolco.com 66 wwwwww..ttoollccoo..ccoomm™ ®a brand of Revision 9/22/2001 Fig.65 andFig.66 ReversibleC-TypeBeamClamps 3/4" and11/4" ThroatOpenings Size Range — (Fig.65 and Fig.66) 3/8", 1/2" and 5/8" rod Material — Carbon Steel with hardened cup point set screw and jam nut Function — Recommended for hanging from steel beam where flange thickness does not exceed 3/4" (Fig.65) or 11/4" (Fig.66). Features — All steel construction eliminates structural deficiencies associated with casting type beam clamps.May be used on top or bot- tom flange of the beam.(Beveled lip allows hanging from top flange where clearance is limited.) May be installed with set screw in up or down position.Offset design permits unlimited rod adjustment by allowing the rod to be threaded completely through the clamp.Open design permits inspection of thread engagement. Approvals — Underwriters’Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL)and Canada (cUL).Factory Mutual Engineering approved.Conforms to Federal Specification WW-H-171E, Type 23 and Manufacturers Standardization Society SP-69, Type 19.Exceeds requirements of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Pamphlet 13, 3/8" rod will support 1/2" thru 4" pipe, 1/2" rod will support 1/2" thru 8" pipe. Included in our Seismic Restraints Catalog approved by the State of California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD).For additional load, spacing and placement relating to OSHPD projects, please refer to the TOLCO Seismic Restraint Systems Guidelines. Finish — Plain Note — Available in Electro-Galvanized and HDG finish. Order By — Figure number, rod size and finish Fig.65 Patent #4,570,885 Dimensions • Weights Rod Size Max.Rec.Approx.A B CDEFLoad Lbs.*Wt./100 3/813/16 3/417/16161028 1/211/2 3/419/1611/4 113055 5/811/2 3/419/1611/4 113055 * Max.loads for clamp with set screw in up or down position. Fig.65 Dimensions • Weights Rod Size Max.Rec.Approx.A B CDEFLoad Lbs.*Wt./100 3/813/16 11/4 17/16161028 1/211/2 11/4 19/1611/4 113055 5/811/2 11/4 19/1611/4 113055 * Max.loads for clamp with set screw in up or down position. Fig.66 Component of State of California OSHPD Approved Seismic Restraints System Approvals Rod Size Part Number Model Screw Descriptions Ultimate Pullout (lbs)UL Test Load (lbs) FM Test Load (lbs) Min Thick Max Thick Box Qty Case Qty 1/4"8024957 DSTR 100 *1/4-20 x 1" TEKS 3 1510 (20 ga.).036"-20 ga 3/16"25 125 1/4"8025957 DST 100 1/4-14 x 1" TEKS 3 446 (20 ga.).036"-20 ga 3/16"25 125 1/4"8026957 DST 150 1/4-14 x 1-1/2" TEKS 3 970 (16 ga.).036"-20 ga 3/16"25 125 1/4"8027957 DST 200 1/4-14 x 2" TEKS 3 446 (20 ga.).036”-20 ga 3/16”25 125 1/4"8030957 TEK 500 12-24 x 1-1/2" TEKS 5 3125 (3/16").187”-3/16”1/2"25 125 3/8"8038957 DSTR 1 *1/4-20 x 1" TEKS 3 1510 (20 ga.)1500 1475 .036"-20 ga 3/16"25 125 3/8"8037957 DSTR 1-1/2 *12-24 x 1-1/2" TEKS 5 1510 (3/16")1500 1475 .060”-16 ga.1/2"25 125 3/8"8039957 DSTR 516 *5/16-18 x 1-1/4" TEKS 3 2200 (20 ga.)1500 1475 .036"-20 ga 1/8"25 125 3/8"8040957 DST 10 1/4-14 x 1" TEKS 3 446 (20 ga.)970 (16 ga.).036"-20 ga 3/16"25 125 3/8"8077925 DST 10-SS 1/4-14 x 1" TEKS 3 446 (20 ga.)970 (16 ga.).036"-20 ga 3/16"25 125 3/8"8041957 DST 15 1/4-14 x 1-1/2" TEKS 3 446 (20 ga.)970 (16 ga.).036"-20 ga 3/16"25 125 3/8"8078925 DST 15-SS 1/4-14 x 1-1/2" TEKS 3 446 (20 ga.)970 (16 ga.).036"-20 ga 3/16"25 125 3/8"8042957 DST 20 1/4-14 x 2 TEKS" 3 446 (20 ga.)970 (16 ga.).036"-20 ga 3/16"25 125 3/8"8043957 DST 25 1/4-14 x 2-1/2" TEKS 3 446 (20 ga.)970 (16 ga.).036"-20 ga 3/16"25 125 3/8"8044957 DST 30 1/4-14 x 3" TEKS 3 446 (20 ga.)970 (16 ga.).036"-20 ga 3/16"25 125 3/8"8045957 DST 516 5/16-18 x 1-1/4" TEKS 3 1500 (3/16")1500 1475 .125"-1/8"1/8"25 125 3/8"8046957 TEK 50 12-24 x 1-1/2" TEKS 5 3125 (3/16")1500 1475 .187”-3/16”1/2"25 125 1/2"8031925 DST 2.0 1/4-14 x 2" TEKS 3 446 (20 ga.)970 (16 ga.).188"-3/16"1/4"25 125 1/2"8033925 DSTR 1.0 *1/4-20 x 1" TEKS 3 1510 (20 ga.).036"-20 ga 3/16"25 125 1/2"8034925 DSTR 5.16 *5/16-18 x 1-1/4" TEKS 3 2220 (20 ga.).036"-20 ga 1/8"25 125 1/2"8035925 DST 5.16 5/16-18 x 1-1/4" TEKS 3 1500 (3/16").125"-1/8"1/8”25 125 1/2"8036925 TEK 5.0 12-24 x 1-1/2" TEKS 5 3125 (3/16").187"-3/16"1/2"25 125 #14 BlackNut DriverPart # 8113910 #14 SW Red Nut Driver Part # 8114910*Includes retaining nut Approvals Rod Size Part Number Model Screw Descriptions Ultimate Pullout (lbs)UL Test Load (lbs)FM Test Load (lbs)Min Thick MaxThick Box Qty Case Qty 3/8"8137957 SH-DSTR 1 *1/4-20 x 1"3220 (3/16")1500 1475 .035"3/16”25 125 #14 Black Nut DriverPart # 8113910 SAMMY Swivel Head® for Steel 6 For the most up to date information, visit www.sammysuperscrew.com SAMMYS® for Steel Installs VERTICALLY into the bottom of steel structures easily and quickly! VERTICAL MOUNT ST E E L S T E E L S T E E L S T E E L S T E E L SPECIAL NUT DRIVER SYSTEM: The nut drivers were designed with a unique spin-off feature which provides a fast and safe installation each time. When the face of the driver comes into contact with the material you are installing into, continue drilling until nut driver spins free. Installation is then complete. Warranty requires the use of the appropriate nut driver for installations. pre -drillingno required Product Features • Made with Teks® self-drilling fasteners - no pre-drilling required. • Install into steel range from 22 gauge – 1/2” thicknesses. • Saves time from traditional methods. • Reduces installation cost. • Quick to install using the Sammy Nut Driver with an 18V cordless drill/driver. Product Features • Eliminates distortion of threaded rod in sloped roof applications. • Accommodates 3-1/2 x 12 pitch. • Installs into angled Z-Purlin; Allows threaded rod to hang plumb. • Allows 17° deflection from vertical. (Does not comply with ROHS requirements) Installs VERTICALLY and swivels up to 17° in steel structure *Includes retaining nut 7 To find a distributor near you, call 800-BUILDEX Installs VERTICALLY into the bottom of steel structures easily and quickly! HORIZONTAL MOUNT ST E E L S T E E L S T E E L S T E E L S T E E L SIDEWINDERS® for Steel Installs HORIZONTALLY into the side of steel structures easily and quickly! Approvals Rod Size Part Number Model Screw Descriptions Ultimate Pullout (lbs)UL TestLoad (lbs)FM TestLoad (lbs)MinThickness Max Thickness Box Qty Case Qty 1/4"8047957 SWD 100 1/4-14 x 1" TEKS 3 1477 (16 ga.).060"-16 ga 3/16"25 125 1/4"8049957 SWDR 100 *1/4-20 x 1" TEKS 3 1900 (20 ga.).036"-20 ga 3/16"25 125 3/8"8050957 SWD 10 1/4-14 x 1" TEKS 3 1477 (16 ga.).060"-16 ga 3/16"25 125 3/8"8080925 SWD 10-SS 1/4-14 x 1" TEKS 3 1477 (16 ga.).060"-16 ga 3/16"25 125 3/8"8051957 SWD 15 1/4-14 x 1-1/2" TEKS 3 1477 (16 ga.).060"-16 ga 3/16”25 125 3/8"8081925 SWD 15-SS 1/4-14 x 1-1/2" TEKS 3 1477 (16 ga.).060"-16 ga 3/16”25 125 3/8"8052957 SWD 20 1/4-14 x 2" TEKS 3 1477 (16 ga.).060"-16 ga 3/16”25 125 3/8"8053957 SWD 516 5/16-18 x 1-1/4" TEKS 3 2480 (20 ga.).036”-20 ga 1/8”25 125 3/8"8055957 SWDR 1 *1/4-20 x 1" TEKS 3 1900 (20 ga.)1500 1475 .036"-20 ga 3/16"25 125 3/8"8054957 SWDR 1-1/2 *12-24 x 1-1/2" TEKS 5 2375 (3/16")1500 1475 .187"-3/16"1/2"25 125 3/8"8056957 SWDR 516 *5/16-18 x 1-1/4" TEKS 3 2480 (20 ga.)1500 1475 .036"-20 ga 1/8"25 125 3/8"8057957 SWT 15 12-24 x 1-1/2" TEKS 5 237 (3/16").187"-3/16"1/2"25 125 SPECIAL NUT DRIVER SYSTEM: The nut drivers were designed with a unique spin-off feature which provides a fast and safe installation each time. When the face of the driver comes into contact with the material you are installing into, continue drilling until nut driver spins free. Installation is then complete. Warranty requires the use of the appropriate nut driver for installations. #14 SW Red Nut Driver Part # 8114910 pre -drillingno required Ultimate Pullout Values (avg. lbs. ultimate) - SAMMYS Fastener Steel Gauge (lbs.) Model Dia.Pt.20 18 16 14 12 3/16 1/4 DST 1/4 #3 446 613 970 1145 1544 3190 DST 516 5/16 #3 457 568 1209 1712 2422 TEK 50 #12 #5 487 699 913 1527 3270 3593 DSTR 1-1/2”#12 #5 3270 3593 DSTR 1”1/4 #3 1510 DSTR 516 5/16 #3 2200 Ultimate Pullout Values (avg. lbs. ultimate) - SIDEWINDERS Fastener Steel Gauge (lbs.) Model Dia.Pt.20 18 16 14 12 3/16 1/4 SWD 1/4 #3 1477 SWDR 1-1/2”#12 #5 2375 SWDR 1”1/4 #3 1900 1900 SWDR 516 5/16 #3 2480 2480 Performance Data - Steel Sheet Steel Gauges Gauge No.26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 3/16”1/4” Nominal Decimal Equivalent .018 .024 .030 .036 .048 .060 .075 .105 .188 .250 *Includes retaining nut Product Features • Made with Teks® self-drilling fasteners - no pre-drilling required. • Install into steel range from 22 gauge – 1/2” thicknesses. • Saves time from traditional methods. • Reduces installation cost. • Quick to install using the Sammy Nut Driver with an 18V cordless drill/driver. Aluminum Curtain Wall ExtrusionUltimate Pullout Values(average lbs. ultimate) Fastener Thickness Model Dia.Pt..114 .092 .365 .132 DST 10 1/4 #3 1265 2750 SWD 10 1/4 #3 1120 1420 Installs VERTICALLY and swivels up to 17° in steel structure OFFICE/MANUFACTURING FACILITY•1375 SAMPSON AVE. •CORONA, CA 92879 •PH: 951.737.5599 •FAX: 951.737.0330 CUSTOMER SERVICE•800.786.5266 www.tolco.com 70 wwwwww..ttoollccoo..ccoomm™ ®a brand of Revision 8/15/2005 Size Range — Secures 3/8" thru 7/8" hanger rod Material — Carbon Steel Function — Secures channel to hanger rod for vertical seismic bracing. Approvals — Underwriters Laboratories Listed in the USA(UL) and Canada (cUL).Included in our Seismic Restraints Catalog approved by the State of California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). For additional load, spacing and placement information relating to OSHPD projects, please refer to the TOLCO Seismic Restraint Systems Guidelines Finish — Electro Galvanized Note — Available in HDG finish or Stainless Steel materials. Order By — Figure number Fig.98 - Rod Stiffener Fig.99 - All ThreadRodCut to Length Size Range — Secures 3/8" thru 7/8" rod in 1" increments Material — Carbon Steel Maximum Temperature — 750°F Finish — Plain Note — Available in Electro-Galvanized and HDG finish or Stainless Steel materials. Order By — Figure number, rod diameter, rod length and finish Fig.100 - All ThreadRodFullLengths Size Range — Secures 3/8" thru 7/8" rod in 10’lengths Material — Carbon Steel Maximum Temperature — 750°F Finish — Plain Note — Available in Electro-Galvanized and HDG finish or Stainless Steel materials. Order By — Figure number, rod diameter and finish Dimensions • Weights RodMax.Rec.Load Lbs. SizeFor Service Temps 650°F750°F 3/8610540 1/211301010 5/818101610 3/427102420 7/837703360 Dimensions • Weights Max Rec.Load Lbs. RodFor Service TempsApprox. Size650°F750°FWt./100 1/424021512 3/861054029 1/21130101053 5/81810161084 3/427102420123 7/837703360169 149604420222 11/4 80007140360 11/2 1163010370510 Component of State of California OSHPD Approved Seismic Restraints System