HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN 3RD ADDITION BLOCK 4 LOT 14 RESUB GENERAL LEGALb,tg^^Iq e BL.JI( ,-t N Z*.1' 1**.:
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sl0 A
UppEn Encle Vtt.-,
8t6 t0Rlst RoAD . vA[ cotoRAooalfi;
(J03) 476 746f
June 6, 1986
Mr. Charles E. MacArLhur
Native Excavatlon, Inc.
Post Offlce Box 880202
Steanboat Springs, Colorado 80488
RE: coMpLETroN or.firrs RrvER EsTATE pnoF)
-"--*-'FDear Mr. MacArthur:
We were recenEly conuacted by Ehe Departmenu of Highways about the wat.er llne
proJecc in East. Vail who advised us the project musL be cornpleted imnedlately.
You advised nre vla our phone conversation Ehat approxlmaEely $4r500 worch of work
Because the Distrlct ls responslble Eo che Colorado Departnent of Hlghways for
Ehe completion of rhls project, the DlsErlct will provide the leverage you need to
receive paynent for thls work. The best leverage Ehe DlsErict can provLde would be
to lien the property wiEhln Che projecE.
If you can noL proceed wiEh uhls work funnedialely, please 1ec ne know so I can
arrange for the work Lo be completed by others. AC the latest, we require Litls
project to be completed by July 1, 1986.
The Dlstrict and t.he Town of Val1 look forward to the cornpletion of thls project.
If I may be of further assistance, please contact rne lmmedlately.
Yours truly,
fu-.-,1 //A'*/-
Davld L. Krenek, P.E.
ODeraLions Dt-rect or
DLK5 :das.B2
xc: Pete Burnett/Toern of Vall
rrrno Dt:tirct' - rnnowngoo r.lelgbwAtER a Avox rr{-r<irii,r E:a o ee.cvgn cREEx METRo wATERa B€nRv cRt:Er< METRo wArcr{. E-aGLE. valL MEtRo wAtlR a E!)WARLrS MEtno wAtER a LAr<€ <agaK M-aDows wA rER a UPPER EAGLE VALLE / coNsolro^rEo sarlr r a r roN
.----v1ql|.-! L|'aY-colrSouIr4TED-wAlEa-aJAtL LlATEIl AND sANlrAf loN
NA?lvE EX.AVATTNG, t..m,0 rllv i .!r.',"-
Upper Eagle Valley t{ater and SanitaLion 28 A1>riI 1986
Attn: Dave Krellel<
846 Forest Road
ValI, CO 81657
Dear Dave:
As per our conversat,i.on I'{onday, 2B Aprilr it is my under-
standing t,hat Lhe l,lhi te Ri.ver Esbate Pro j ect has been taken
over by thc FSLIC. They r^ri 11 nob honor any prevLous contracUs
at this Lirne. Because of the visual impacb of bhis siLe on
Vail pass, I feel Lhe llighrvay DeparLmetrL wil-1 rrant this vork
completed as soon as possible.
As the situabion stands nol{ we probably rvill not be authorized
by the FSLIC to compleLe Lhis work prior to l-aLe summer. I
ivould like to f inish LlTis project wiLhin the nexL couple of
weeks buL feel I \r i. 1l need some leverage to receive my final
contract payment.
1f bhere is anything you can do Lo irelpr ib \"ould be
appreciabed. Tharlk you for yor.tr bime.
-/.zt,/f.( 7,:.'.-t',,>,'//, /- L -..-
Cha r les il . Mar:Ar Lhu r
Ci':1/ im
oWNERS AS 0F 5/22/84
Resub of Lot 14, Block 4, Bighorn 3rd Addition (t'lhite River Estates)
Lots 'l thru 4 CDS Enterprises, Box .|842 Vai]
Lot 5, Unit B " "
Lot 5, Unit A Ralph E & Barbara J Hal], Jr, 60 Ash Street, Denver 80220
Lot 6 Jay and Kathy Ogsbury,9 Windover Rd, Greenwood Village' Littleton
Block 6 (4?), Bighorn 3rd Addition
Lot 11 Lori Russe]l, Box 2505 Vai'l
Lot t2 Bonnie O'Leary, 10235 E. Evans, #104' Denver 80231
Lot 13 Andrew and Susan Haas,6809 South Niagra Court, Englewood,80] 12
Lot I Preble G. Harres, 106l South Foothill Dr' Lakewood, Co 80228
Lot 2 rr rl
42 we3l meadow drlve
vall, colorado 81657
(303) 476-2200
Jim Sayer, Community Development
28 october 1983
Michael Mccee, Fire Marshal
White River Development
llre department
I have enclosed copies of our correspondence regarding the
White River Development at the end of Columbine Drive in East
Vai1. As you can see from the enclosed, this area has been
an issue for some time. The Fire Department has the foJ-lowing
concerns :
Our access is severly limited due to the grade and width
of the roadway.
Vehicular egress is dangerous at the entrance of the
tunnel due to the lack of visibility.
sno\,r removal is critical because the lack of it will
reduce access even more and narrow the road that is
already too narrow.
The available fire flow is insufficent to insure that a
structure fire can be extinguished. I.S.O. standards
and general fire department requirements would mandate
a minimum of around 3000 gpm. we currently have about
450 gpm avvailable, or enough to extinguish a fire of
800 sq.ft.
This is not the first time these points have been made. I
request your attention to this matter.
tOi^L.'<- g' t^U.,N|-rl
iaFr.|.ri t wrtrct"
x^L. Otro a ( 'r< r''ot'
. ooucL^t i aov '
,(rxtr t, st L^i(
wlL|.l^H <. l^cc^tt
txos^g w- sorirt
Jrrgra o. wBlr7r'Lo
l'to ILCOTt t t nr(l
DfiYlt. coLor ^DO
ttott "r''rol
(ou?L(r a (xc;rhace tNc :'(ttvrct'
tN l r.G tl'fGl^!t v tltLl,' o7
walci tu,.t!Y ^xo .,l'rttllnr,ilor'
watGR At{0 !aw^6( I ttCAle(xl
5!w^c( ( o !L G€! rorl a r'o lr' ugE
txousl*laL rva9tll;
trox '.r DF ^rxacc,!ooo conltFo! arro
oT xf.a wa tf F o' lcxr(o ?,.o,.ct3
ut.a. o.. t<a
a1'. i. c o! o- ^Dl' tr'al
,t.^r.o^t o.. rcr o|(Loi t^il o'?|c3
r. rrco. colo'^o0 ""1
Hr. Hike Carlisle, Fire Chief
Town of Va il
P.0. Box 100
Vail, Colorado 81657
Dear Hike:
We received the drawing of the proposed Borrvick Subdivision f rorn you
today and r're r'roul d I ik; to rnake some.prel iminary comments on behalf
"f ti.t. tlighorn llater Di strict'
First, it appears that adequate vJater pressure cannot now be provided
to the subdivision and that some t"un"oi-inttt"'in9 the pressure wiII
be necessary- rhis loula bd via a booster pumping station' intercon-
nection to hieher o';;;;;'";'""' ""aroi';;';i; "6::: :l'-. proposed si te'
llhatever method i ' '"ittttO' it rnust provide idequate f i re f lows as r'rel I
as adequate dornesti;';;;;;;;' \Je wouid-recomrneni to the'District that
the developer be responsible for the.Jst-of his share of any facilities
necessary to serve the site'
At this date, r'rith limited time available before the January 6th dead-
line you ment i oned,
i t
' it-""t possible to determine either the most
feas i bl e servi ce'utnia' "or-ir'!- oi': : t : : l' -i:l' :l-:: ;:'::':"1!'lllio
January 3, 1977
.,.", ao discuss possible solutions'
Yours verY trul Y'
FDB: ms
cc: Ual tcr Ki rch
Jim Col l ins
F r!nc is D. Barrett
,. J:*,. "Y:^ll':::* ^,Y* :# :,j; ",1740lYillioms Street / Denuer, Colorodo 8O2fg / phone IJOJJ 3gg-7/J[g
January S, Igll
Mr. Janes LarnontPlanning Director
Torrn of VailBox 100Vail, CO 81657
Re: BIGHORN hIATER DISTRICTPrelininary plat, n"rri.LResubdivision of 'rieh;ii"
Fi1ing 3, Approxir.i"ir"sAcres Containing O n"pi"i. Lots
Dear lrfr. Lamont :
The Bighorn.l{ater District has been requested to respond::'Ji;t;l:i:i:t1itv or';;;;-;;' ;h"-;;;';Il;il'"n.ud proposed
Bighorn h'ater District has previously indicated its abilityto serve this oroperty and doei ieafrirrn-its"Jipectation thatwater service i'iri-i"'.""ir.iil
-tg lt. Ai-ilJ-'pr"r"nt tine,the District berievei i;;-'o;;;; Rights opiior,-.ontract reithprincevill.e corporation ;r;;i;;r- ii'*itr,"r"iJ ir,"n adequatedomestic water iupplies io-;;;;" the p-rospective build_out ofthe Bighorn rrrater'bistrici. "-eiro at 'the ;;;;;;;.tine, the Big_horn hlater District-n"iti;;a lJcent_ry consummateo an lntercon_nection with thera::.: n"ii"y wI.gf District, piouiaing back_upwater storage and- raw water suppri";-i;'ir,"'"i"i. of i, ur"rgln.yneed' Final1y, the oistiiit-i!'p.o."eding, along with the olherI;;";":::tl,]iitin the co'"-v"iiuv, to resEirch and resolve remain-
:;p ge.
- ;;" ; ",ii; ; i;,.. ;: ";3:; i ilf ,'ilil: :.';:ll j: i;;"1 ;i:;;;" ;li"'facilities in the'ari"i,'-*iii"i" .orprut" "nd-it,. nrgnorn lfaterDistrict is prepar"g-:i' ";;;i""ir, ."pitar co'siiuction which rvi11serve the needs of its .onitftr"rrts.' Itie are aware of the h,ater pressure -probrens of this particularparcel . lrre bet t 111 tt,rt- ,rppi "fi"n.".y rir" iio" pumps and,/ or stor_age on the proDerty r,,iir rL!oive the- exisiin!-prourern. tr,e fur_ther believe- tt'at r;it'in-a- ;;;;" for rorving the-cbmplction of theVal I e1'- rr'i de wa ter s tudy -.r," i -;;"^
::lpl "rini" iy-ri"."r- suppty pumpsor storage will l: "ll:.."rr".y, since p.essr.Ls rn the area and,/oradditional storage rvilr be inlicased r; ;;;;-ii"-prop"rty wiIl be
OFUon, finllinn & 6r'lprrr.)
1740 Willioms Street / Denven
Colorodo 80218 / Phone [503J 3gg-?0\g
January L8, J-9l 7
Mr. Jarnes Larnont
Planning Director
Town of Vail
Box 100
Vai1, C0 816S7
Re: BIGHORN WATER DISTRICTPrelininary plat BorwickResubdivision, Filing #3,Bighorn, containing ipp.ox.3 acres proposed to siive6 duplex lots
Dear Mr. Lamont:
The Bighorn r\'ater District Board of Directors has givenfurther consideration to-the_ provision .f ;;;;;-service to theabove-referenced proposed sub&ivision. preaie-ue advised thatat their Januarv 12,- r97r Board rneeting, trr"-so"ra aiJ-"ip;;;;its intention to provide uater'service-io this developrnent uponrequest. Further, the Board expressLy forraids its iirtentioir ioprovide adequate water pressure for fire ii;;-;utposes to thisproperty not later than June I, 1990. '--
This expression of intention to'provide service along withg$eqygte pres-sure supplernents our letter of January s, L9r7.The District has 19t- yet resolved. its ionii";;;;; over easenentsto certain lr'ater District facilities with r,li. -noiri.r.. Ai;h;;;;the District expects to resolve this i;;;",-v.l-ior*ick is outof the country ind unabr"-;;-;;";ute this iesotution.inmediatery.Therefore, this expression of our intuniion-to-pro"rde water ser_vice and adequate pressures assumes resolution of the easenentcontToversy and is intended onLy_to serve for prelininary ;i;ipurposes. lrre will fornally ratify oryiir,ai""'iii, .*p.i,s'sion orintent prior to vour consiieration of ;-ii;;i-pirt on this property.0bviousiy, - if adLquate easenents are not obtaiired and held by theDistrict, it may ^affect the District'i ,uiiity'-io proviae futureservice to any of its custoners.
Mr. Janes Larnont
JanuarY S, 1977
Page 2
able to be served norrnally-and adequately'^--llo:td developnbnt
talce place prior-t"-ifit tite, of course' such suoDlenentary
u,ater flow facil-i.ties would frave^ti-ilu-iistaf feil by the develop-
ers of the ProPertY.
FinaLly, the District-has.an outstanding issue with
Mr. Borwick, utr:,Ih-;;;ia affect -ihe aUitity io provide water
service. Consequently, unless tftii iit"e is relolved within 30
days--this comrnirrnunt to serv" ,iii bl withdrawn' ltle will for-
Inaily ratify or-*liiiaraw this conmitnent to you well before your
.o"ria"tttibn of a Final Plat'
If you have any further questions' pl ease feel free to
contact us.
L-.*,ryex-Janes P. Collins
iyott, Collins 6 Co., Inc'
JPC: ah
cc: W. Kirch
A11 Other Board l'letnbers
Thonas T. Grimshaw
Frank Barrett
Kent Rose
Terrell Minger
LeroY Tobler, P'E'
INTERMoUNTAtN }oclnrEstJt czt M rLL CREEK colifRl
n. o. Box 705
vAtt- coLoRADO 8t65'
416 _ sot5
January 19, 1977
Mr. Mike CarlisleVail Fire ChiefVail, Colorado gLG5Z
Re: Resubdivision of Lot 14 in
Dear }dike:
the Bighorn Third Addition
Per our recent conversation, r am sending you this letter onbehalf of Doug Borwick.
rt is our understanding that the Bighorn l1'ater District wirlbe sending you a lettei "i-i"t""t to provide water servicewith adequate fire pressures to r-ot 14, Bighorn Third Additionby June 1, 1980. norwickrs aevelopment plan allows forbuilding to commence any time aftei^.r,,,.,.-i,-'i;i;. During thattwo-year period betrveen- 19tg-";; 19go, tr,.'a".r.ioper acceptsthe responsibiJ"ity_or ptoviJi"f-uauq,rit" ao*."Ii" pr"rsures toanv of the buildings erecred oi tr,"'i.;.,ru;i;i;i;" in rhe eventthat tbe nighorn oistrict-r,".-""t arread-y provided saidPressures.
The-d-eveloper would also agree that a1l1980 be tyJt" apprised "f if,"-"ituation-.ls agreeable to y9rr,- we would appreciaLeLamontrs office of if,is f".1. --
Thank you.
lot purchasers prior Loff this arrangementyour advising Jim
Sincerely ,
TRG : jk
IMr. Janes Lanont'January 18, 197 7
Page 2
If you havecontact us.
JPC: ahcc: A11 Board l'lernbers
Thomas T. Grimshaw
Frank Barrett
Kent Rose
Michael Carlisle
Leroy TobLer, p.E.
any further questions, please feel free to
97.-' r. Larnes P. ColLinsLyon, Collins Q Co., fnc.
20 Eagle Rc
Avon. Colorado 81(
Dcnver Toll Free 893-22
. 3 U/esl L ronshead tr4all
/ail. Colorado 81657
303/,1;6- 1600
Denver Toll Free 534-5025 \
l4e3sers. Di ck
Patten and Pet
Torvn of Vail
Dept. of Commu
75 South Front
Vail, C0 8165
September 21,
RE: Lots I , ?, 3', 4, 5, Resubdivision of Lot 14, Block 3' Bighorn
. Thi.rd Addition
Dear Dick, Peter and Peter:
I thought I'd take a few minutes to recap our discussig:t ?n September 15'
iSSf in your offices. P'lease let me tnow if anythi4g-that fol'lows is not
non-yo, -underitand things. Basically, we discu!sed the following items:
make the following
his ex oen s e:
side of the
2) I nstal l
edge of
of the
The owner of the property, Mr. Dan Gagli'ardo, will
improvements to the property as requested by you at
1) Install a rock and beam guard rail on each' stream crossing
a rock and beam guard rail 'a1ong the-downhill
the road from thi cul-de-sac to the inside radius
first curve.
3) Clean up and revegetate the stream bank and the stream bed
jn the area directly to the south of the stream crosslng
on Lot 1.
4) Revegetate the steep embankrnent on the dovrnhi'l 'l side of
the lul-de-sac. Biil Andrevrs, who was in attendance at
the meeting stated that no retainage rvou'l d .be necessary
on the cullde sac if this revegetation is carried out'
rii ,\i -1,
\i tl:\{Till ltr{ll tltllA*#'.[
-f'Ilessers. Ryan, PaTten E Jamar
September 21, 1981
Page 2
5). Peter Patten requested a cleaning of the area at the end
of the top curve as the fill falls into the creek betrveen
tots 4 & 5 as rvell as a revegetation of this disturbed'
area. I offered to talk to the o!{ner about this and get
back to you.
6) The discussion then turned to the questionable accuracy
, of thq staking of property line corners. l,le agreed that
as soon as the corners tvere abso'l utely certified by Inter-
mountain Engineering, Bill Andrevls and other interested
rnembers of ihe town-staff should walk the sites with the
owner and identify them.
Regarding the problem of the I-70 underpass:
- rl
There has been a long history of frustrating negotiations
between the'previous o\{ners of the property, the Town,and
the Highway bepartrnent. Although the questions of safety in
the tunne'l has'been addressed on many occassions, no definite
plan of action to correct the problem has ever been jnsti-
gated. It was agreed that it is now to everyone's advan-
tage to once and for al1 implement a so1 ution.
It was originally proposed that a traffic signal be installed
at the tunnel . From correspondence dated 2 years ago, Ernie
Fregarrio was to propose a signal design to the previous
owners but to day, no design has ever been proposed. One
design prepared by the previous ovlners vras rejected by
the Town but no further suggestions by the Town as to
rvhat is an acceptable design have been tendered. Bil'l
Andrevrs re] ated that he now thinks a traffic si-onal is
no longer the proper so1 ution and suggests that a restructuring
of the drainage at the uphill side of the tunne'l , a widening
of the road at the uphill side and the jnstal'l atjon of a
heated mat in the roads'ay was nol{ the best v;ay to go.
A' 2)l
fi ,'
I tt' s
Reqot<u A FeE6 AND CLEAR .ROADUTA/ bEDrcAnot-t
AcRo55 LOT 13.
WAIE(. SERV|CE pr-Ail t4u5T BE Appkc^tzD 6y,FIKE pE,Pt ANO 6t6AoRl-t LuAyuR qs-rKrcf
CALCUL A-I lO,lts troK c vL v€ er flZZ
ALTLRIIAIE Ko;re rcR JE*ER { w^re R n}e}T+lE KoAD oe ReQurRL cor4pt €re. GveqPLAU Ta IN0LUDE TR€ 85. REQUTRE prorr,-e. s./
| ,r-'
Ar\p rlacA L cRoss
lt/ of o
t'/ t
z-1- t
tu6uC DYDtcATt4-\ ro oPFf.\ JP,tCe.
€€Qurf,E RoAg' PRcr rLEs
SECfroNS. 6(Ape rAcvLDcuR.v6.
vall, colorado 81657
(303) 475-7000
March 29, 1982
John Nilsson
Bridge Streets RealEY
286 Bridge Street
Vail, Colorado 81657
RE: Borwick Subdivision
Dear John,
Dick Duran (Vail Fire Chief) and I met M-arch-24 to discuss his
concerns for firl-p;;;;"ai;t itr-irt. Bonvick subdivision- From
this discussion;.t;;;;i;;;;-;ilt;t are two Probletrrs that need
ro be addressed.--nr;;;-aie fire f10w and atcess to the site-
There appears to b;':;-;''U"i""ti"l fire flow deficiency in the
area caused by it"-a""a-end line-that serves the subdivision.
In this case' "'ilt"-iiow of 1300 gprn should-be obtained when
in fact there i"-""fy 600 gpm' I firformed Dick that this oatter
should be discuJ".d-i"iift tfrL,develgPer' o*"f' -ltd water district'
Ihe acces" ptouili-i"-tot" of a naintenance problem' As we
discussed earlier, I have qlltot'-d the asphait-paving but I
would nor accepi-if," ioaa fbi r.int"ttrttce until- items 1-6 (in
the enclosed letter) and the t"""tf problem were resolved' The
o\,')ner (Develope;i-;it";--;ait'tain itre ioaa until this time' No
certificates of occuDancy "tt to-ilI "t"ia"a until the Town of
Vail accePts maintenlnce responsibilities' i'e' the above ment-
ioned items "t"-""tffeted to our satisfaction'
If you have any questions or wish to discuss this further'
olease contact me.
bJl6.4 ttl
Bill Andrews
Town Engineer
luvtn u
cc. Dick Duran s/
Steve Patterson
Dick RYan
Jon Eberle
o ,{
colorado 81657
c. D. s.
neasure,too low
303-476-7000abox 100 vail,
avai I abl e
f'l ow is maximum 450 9pm..
75 south trontage road
vall, colorado 81657
(303) 476-7000
April 20, 1982
Robil'lard & Associates, Inc.
P.0. Box 2117
Di 11on, Colorado 80435
Attentjon: Mr. Craig F. Robil'lard, p.E.
Dear Mr.'Robillard:
I have enclosed a nemo on fire flows that were conducted atcolunrbine Drive on April 16, 1982. Given this infonration, I stronglyfeel this is inadequate for f.ire protection-
I was sad to'l earn that your firm would reconrnend acceptance of this
water nnin and hydrants to the water distric{. I know that I wouldnot accept a dead end nnin, nor would I accept an estimated flowof 450 G.P.M. for a development of thjs size.
I would'l ike to know what your ca] cu] ations of available flow are and
why you would recommend a dead end main.
.lt I i,| I L t I l
,\\--t-'.-#- lL(--.,;-..'- - -Dick Duran
Chief, Fire Departnent
cc: Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District -
Co] I i ns &. Cockre'l - J im Co]'l i nsCalkins, Kramer, Grimshaw & Harring - Jim
Bob Ruder
l,rlal ter Kirch
KKBNA - John Flatt
Richard Caplan - Torin of Vail I'ianager
Duane Davis
?C 3cx2117
)rlron 6o1.todc80435
Mr. Dick Duran
Col umbi ne Dri ve l^later'l i ne
B'ighorn lllater District
Our Project No: 80-001-10
105 Drllon Mcli
Duane Davis
Bai 1ey
; Robillord
& Associotes, lnc.
Gentl emen:
Thjs letter will confjrm our phone call to you of Monday, April 12,1ggz,in which I advised that Robillard & Associates, Inc. has recommended
acceptance of the subject water main and hydrants from the developer. we
have advjsed the upper Eagle sanitation District to place these linesinto service to provide fire protection to the structures under con-struction in the subdivision.
Please advise if you have any questions or: need additional informatjon.
Consulting Engineers . Lond Surveyors . Plonners . Construction Monooers
April 15, I982
Vail Fire Protection District
Vail , C0 81657
cc: Upper Eagle ValIey Sanitation District -Collins & Cockrel - Jim Collins
Calkins, Kramer, Grimshaw & Harring - Jim
Bob Ruder
i'lal ter Ki rch , ..KKFNA- John F'latt ("9,a . E, II
Pnone303 4r
DenverDrrecl 303-!
Very truly yours,
Craig F!bi11ard,
Pres i dent
3rd Floor. Dilion Bidg
6 (rt r'<P i4s tt-r zt.>'<''-t c-E nt tUo'< ztt 6) <tl\:"' l.zo"r-..O 'rLr/\/t'\' G- ! p/*e tuau'"1
6 a'<'r I Paf <u 4' o /'*aa6{e 'R<''15
@ (1 ,-\'x,a4r a:'>*?'/aa' . i€(J4 'e FA4"' 7R'4/<' 'JFJ '' '
6 -l ,*^' t**+-tfil< {4as+c,4!r?; 'r'/vbF+sc
@ Fu". ataH€'
6 a-,"e€ )t <'- rzz+a,lla z e s I l/'ltu e Sa' 2-5 +7
: 'u- r)^.r.- 4 -ta *44 4.1v€wa\7 rr"<Ft qG-
department ol ttansporlatlon/public-work-s -A'u**-tlL <L<'>"'r p* <tF 6'.-zt<€ 4{<€4 '
75 soulh lrontege road
vall, colorado 81657
(303) 476-7000
John Nilsson
Bridge Street RealtY
286 Bridge StreetVail, Colorado 8L657
March 29, L982
RE: Borwick Subdivision
Dear John,
Dick Duran (Vail Fire chief) and I met March ?! t" discuss his
"oil!i"I-i"l- iii"-piotection in the Bonrick Subdivision' From
this discussion we'concluded there are two problems that need
io-U"-"aaressed. These are fire flow and access to the site'
There appears to be a substantial fire florv deficitPqy in.the
"iu"-."iied by ttre-aeaa end line that serves the subdivision.
In this case, a fire flow of 1300 gpm should.b.e obtained when
in fact there is only 600 gpm. t lirformed Dick that this Eatter
should be discus""d-iriif,-tf,i develoPer, owner, -ald \^7ater district'
ii;;-;;";;s-problern is more of a maiirtenance problem' As we
discussed elrlier, I have approved the asphalt-paving P"! T.
would not accept the road fbr maintenance until iterns 1-b (in
ihe enclosea flttei) and the tunnel problern Ygre- resolved' The
;;.; aD;l'efopetl *n"t maintain the ioad until Ehis time' No
""itiri".tes br ;";;p;""t are to.be awarded until the Town of
V.ii """uPts maintenance responsibilities,,i'e' the above ment-
ioned iteirs are completed to- our satisfaction'
If you have any questions or wish to discuss this furEher'
please contact me.
4 ttl r .tL(/ a''L---=-=
Bill Andrews
Town Engineer
cc. Dick Duran
Steve Patterson
Dick RYan
Jon Eberle
|3 Wcst Lronshead t\4a ll
lit. Colorado 81657
)3/4;6- r 600
enver Toll Free 534 -5025
\, Il,:tj
our discussion on SePtember 15,
if anything that follows js not
discussed the followin9 items:
September 21,
l4essers. Dick Ryan, Peter
Patten and Peter Jamar
Tor.rn of Vail
Dept. of Comnunity DeveloPmen!
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, C0 8165i
RE: Lots l, 2,3,4, 5, Resubdivision of Lot 14, B'lock 3,8ighorn
Third Addition
Dear Dick, Peter and Peter:
,:. I thought I'd take a few minutes to recap',.-': 1981 in your offices. Please 'let me know
how you understand things. Basica'l ly, we
. The owner of the property, Mr- Dan Gagliardo, will.maket' itprouements to tire bropLrty as requested by you at his
the following
of the1) Install a rock and beam guard rail on each side
stream crossing.
2') Install a rock and beam guard rail along the.downhil'l .
edgeoftheroadfromthecul-de-sactotheins.lderadlUsof the first curve.
stream bank and the stream bed
south of the strearn crossing3) Clean up and revegetate the
in the area directlY to the
on Lot 1.
4) Reve-oetate the steeP embankment on the dovrnhill side ol
the iul-de-sac. Bill Andrevrs' who was in attendance at
the meetjng stated that no retainage rvould be necessary
on the cullde sac if this revegetation is carried out'
r\i l[:\:K.JI
20 Eagle Road
Avon. Colorado 81620
Dcnver Toll Free 893-2403
-Patten & Jamar
l'lessers. Ryan,
September 21,
Page 2
5). Peter Patten requested a
of the toP curve as the
Lots 4 & 5 as well as a
area. I offered to talk
back to You.
5) The discussion then turned' of the staking of ProPertY
owner and identifY them'
Regarding the problem of the I-70 underpass:
as soon as the corners were
ffi ';ili'" idfi.;;; ;;' -
si ii -endi'*-
31i - 9!tr9i. i:T.:: it:lH:;#;:"";"i;;';;;;';tuit'sr'o"rJ wa'rk the sites with the
There has been a long history-of. frustratjng negotiatjons
u.i-...-irtl ' f rev'ioul'otntts i'r the propertv' the- Totvn and
the Highway o.pu"trinil'-Ritnougtr t'he buesiions of safety in
the tunne'l fras ueen-addressed oi many occassions' no'definite
plan of action to.ot."ti-ihe piout"it.has ever been insti-
qated. It was ug..id'ittit it is now to everyone's advan-
il;;-i" on.u-ina'ror a'11 implement a solut'ion'
It was originally proposed that a traffic:iSn?]-b!-ltt::l]:d
;; ;;; irni.l. Frbt totrespondence dated.2 {:utl 199:..ltnt"
Freqarrio was to propose a 'signal desiqn to the prevlous
ffi#s'itt"iJ itvi'no design has ever been proposed', One
;;;t; pt.pui"a 9r tt'. preuio's.or'rners vras reiected bv
the Town but no turther suggestions by the Town as to
rvhat is an acceptuuil-a.iigi-have been tendered' Bjll
Andrer'rs related il ui-n.-noul thjnks a traffic. signal is
no longer ttre proper tof iion und suggests that a restructurlng
of the drai nage .t ir''."'iniii ;;;t oi"tnt tunne'l ' a wideni ng
of the road at tne ,pfriii tiat and.the, instaliatjon of a
;;tiA mat in tne roiairay was nor'.l the best vray to 90'
cleaning of the area at the end
fill fa]is into the creek between
r.uuq"iation of this disturbed
to it'e owner about this and get
to the questionable accuracy
1 i ne coiners. I'le agreed tha t
absolutelY certified bY Inter-
Nationwide: 1 -800-525-9293
483 West Lions head Mall
Vail, Colorado 81657
Denver Toll Free 534-5025
20 Eagle Road
Avon, Colorado 81620
Denver Toll Free 893-2403
September 21, 1981
Messers. Dick Ryan, Peter
Patten and Peter Jamar
Town of Vail
Dept. of Community Development
75 South Frontage Road
Vai1, C0 81657
RE: Lots 1, 2,3,4,5, Resubdivisjon of Lot 14, Block 3, Bighorn
Thi rd Add ition
Dear Dick, Peter and Peter:
I thought I'd take a few minutes to recap our djscussjon on September 15,
1981 in your offices. Please let me know jf anything that follows'is not
how you understand things. Basically, we discussed the following items:
. The owner of the property, Mr. Dan Gagliardo, will make the following-' irnprovements to the property as requested by you at his exoense:
1) Install a rock and beam guard rail on each side of the
stream crossing.
2) Install a rock and beam guard rail along the downhjll
edge of the road from the cul-de-sac to the inside radiusof the first curve.
3) Clean up and revegetatein the area directly to
on Lot 1.
4) Revegetate the steep embankment on the downhiIl side of
the cul-de-sac. Bill Andrews, who was in attendance at
the meeting stated that no retainage would be neiessary
on the cu1 -de sac if this revegetation is carried out.
stream bank and the stream bed
south of the stream crossinq
Ir!:drli |Jrl!flr] f,{rl [rE&kffi[&
Messers. Ryan,
September 21,
Page 2
Regardi ng
Patten & Jamar
5). Peter Patten requested a
of the top curve as the
Lots 4 & 5 as wel] as a
area. I offered to talk
back to you,
6) The discussion then turned
of the staking of propertY
as soon as the corners were
mountain Engineering' Bj ll
members of the town staff
owner and identify them.
the problem of the I-70 underPass:
There has been a long history of frustrating negotiations
between the previous owners bt tne property, the Town-and
the Highway bepartment. Although the questions of safety in
the tuinel-has'been addressed on many occassions, no definite
plan of action to correct the problem has ever been insti-
lated. It was agreed that it js now to everyone's advan-
iage to once and for all implement a solution.
It was originally proposed that a traffjc signal be installed
at the tuniel . Frbm correspondence dated 2 years ago, Ernie
Fregarrio was to propose a signa'l design to the previous
own6rs but to day, nb design has ever been proposed. One
des'ign prepared by the previous owners was reiected by
the Town but no further suggest'ions by the Town as to
what is an acceptable design have been tendered. Bjll
Andrews related that he now thinks a traffic signal is
no long". the proper solutjon and suggests that-a restructuring
of the drajnagi ai the uphill side of the tunnel, a widening
of the road al the uphili side and the installation of a
heated mat in the roadway was now the best way to go'
c'leaning of the area at the end
fill falls into the creek between
revegetation of thjs disturbed
to the owner about this and get
to the questionable accuracy
line corners. l,le agreed that
absolutely certjfied bY Inter-
Andrews and other interested
should walk the sites with the
Messers. RYan' Patten & Jamar
September 21' 1981
Paqe 3
3). I related that the owner had received $10'000 from the
sellers (which is now in escrow) for jnstallatjon of
a traffic siqnal . I don't believe we can use these
funds foj _e_!i_q1!el-I9-e!-q! but if a +glfr-sl-g-!ql^i :^^ffi can contri bute uP to 1o'ooo
toward its jnstallation. The previous owners had agreed
to contribute onlY $2,000'
4) I had jn my possession a letter from the State Highway
Department- stating that they had schedu'l gd tle necessary
improvements to the tunnel for "Surnmer of 1981". Had
these jmprovements been carrjed out as prornised, we would
in all likeljhood, have no problem now. Dick Ryan agreed
to contact I'lr. Dick Procence of the Highway Department
to set up a meet'i ng between Mr. Procence and all jnterested
parties here in Vail the week of September 21 ' 1981. The
Soal of thjs meetingis to get final committment from the
Highway Department on a schedule and program of the needed
tr 5) I proposed that the current owner of the property is ob--
viousiy a victim of these jnherited circumstances regarding
the tunnel and that he will be unfairly financially harmed
if the Town ummarjly refuses to issue hjm necessary building
permits strict'ly on the grounds that the tunnel problem has
not yet been solved. I suggested, and Dick Ryan agreed,
that if t^le can work out a definite program with the H'ighway
Department as to improvements to the tunnel the Town must
consjderissuance of the requested permits as soon as the
owner meets normal requirements for them and allow the
owner to start construction this fall before the tunnel
improvements can be completed, Safety at the tunne'l can
be provided during normal working hours by flagmen stationed
at the tunnel openings. This proposed solution to the
immedfate problem will provide needed safety whi1e pre-
cluding financial damage to the owner.
Messers. Ryan, Patten & Jamar
September 21' 1981
Page 4
Regarding the proposed p1 an for Lot 1:
1) It was agreed that the lot has significant physical restrictions
that a viriance or varjances to the Town set back requirements
abso'l utelY necessarY.
2) Dick RYan is to meet with his
next daY' discuss the matter'
design work sessjon as soon as
Regarding the proposed p'l an for Lot 5:
staff later in the daY or the
and call llill Trout in for another
1) It was stated by the Town staff that Dave Irwjn must redesign
the proposed sile plan to make the building conform to existing
set backs. It appeared to the staff that there js sufficjent
buildable area within the set back restraints that a design confor-
mi ng to them is entirely possible. For this reason set back
variances were not needed.
I'm looking foruard to further djscussion and solutions to these problems.
Si ncerely,
0F C0L0MD0, LTD.
,--t'--1 ) '.
77. / JtJlON
lres i dent
alohn F. lll I sron,
John f, !lllsson.
Jl !/ml
Nationwi de: 1 -800-525-9293
483 West Lionshead Mall
Vail, Colorado 81657
Denver Toll Free 534-5025
20 Eagle Road
Avon, Colorado 81620
Denver Toll Free 893-2403
September 21., 1981
Messers. Dick Ryan, Peter
Patten and Peter Jamar
Town of Vail
Dept. of Corrnunity Development
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, C0 81657
RE: Lots L, 2, 3, 4, 5, Resubdivision of Lot 14, Block 3, Bighorn
Third Addition
Dear D'ick, Peter and Peter:
I thought I'd take a few minutes to recap our discussion on September 15,
1981 in your offices. Please let me know if anything that follows is not
how you understand things. Basical'ly, we discussed the following items:
The owner of the property, Mr. Dan Gagliardo; will make the following
improvements to the property as requested by you at his exoense:
1) Insta1l a rock and beam guard rail on each side of the
stream crossing.
2) Install a rock and beam guard rail along the downhill
edge of the road from the cu] -de-sac to the inside radjus
of the first curve.
3) Clean up and revegetate the stream bank and the stream bed
in the area directly to the south of the stream crossing
on Lot 1.
4) Revegetate the steep embankment on the downhill side of
the cul-de-sac. Bil'l Andrews, who was in attendance at
the meeting stated that no retainage would be necessary
on the cul-de sac if this reveqetation fs carried out,
ttrl I LI rlt.'Irl {l{rl [rElilI
Messers. Ryan, Patten & Jamar
September 2i, 1981
Page 2
Regardi ng
Peter Patten requested a cleaning of the area at the end
of the top curve as the fill falls into the creek between
Lots 4 & 5 as well as a revegetation of thjs disturbedarea. I offered to talk to the owner about this and qet
back to you.
The discussjon then turned to the questionable accuracy
of the stak'ing of property line corners. We agreed that
as soon as the corners were absolutely certified by Inter-
mountain Engineeri ng, Bill Andrews and other interested
members of the town staff should walk the sites with the
owner and identify thern.
the problem of the I-70 underpass:
There has been a long history of frustrating negotiations
between the previous owners of the property, the Town and
the Hjghway Department. Although the questions of safety in
the tunnel has been addressed on many occassions, no definite
p'l an of actjon to correct the problem has ever been jnsti-
gated. It was agreed that it is now to everyone's advan-
tage to once and for al1 implement a so1ution.
It was originally proposed that a traffic signal be installed
at the tunnel . From correspondence dated 2 years ago, Ernie
Fregarrio was to propose a signal design to the previous
owners but to day, no design has ever been proposed. One
design prepared by the previous owners was rejected by
the Town but no further suggest'ions by the Town as to
what is an acceptable design have been tendered. Bill
Andrews related that he now thinks a traffic s'ignal is
no longer the proper solution and suggests that a restructuring
of the drainage at the uphil'l side of the tunnel , a wildening
of the road at the uphil'l side and the insta1lation of a
heated mat in the roadway was now the best way to go.
Messers. Ryan,
September 21,
Page 3
Patten & Jamar
3) I related that the owner had received $10,000 from thesellers (which is now in escrow) for installation of
a traffic signal . I don't believe we can use these
funds for any other reason but if a traffjc signa] isto be installed, the owner can contribute up to 10,000
toward its installation. The previous owners had agreed
to contribute only $2,000.
4) I had in my possession a letter from the State Highway
Department stating that they had scheduled the necessary
improvements to the tunnel for "Surmer of 1981". Had
these improvements been carried out as promised, we wouldin all likelihood, have no problem now. Dick Ryan agreed
to contact I'lr. Dick Procence of the Highway Department
to set up a meeting between Mr. Procence and all interestedparties here in Vail the week of September 21 , 1981. The
goal of this meetingis to get final committment from the
Highway Department on a schedule and program of the needed
5) I proposed that the current owner of the property is ob-
viously a victim of these jnherjted circunstances regarding
the tunnel and that he wjll be unfairly financially harmedif the Town summarily refuses to issue him necessary bujlding
permits strictly on the grounds that the tunne'l prob'lem has
not yet been solved. I suggested, and D'ick Ryan agreed,
that if we can work out a defjnite proEram with the Highway
Department as to improvements to the tunne'l the Town must
consider issuance of the requested perrnits as soon as the
owner meets normal requirements for them and allow the
owner to start construction this fa'l'l before the tunne'l
improvements can be completed. Safety at the tunnel can
be provided during normal working hours by fl agmen stationed
at the tunnel openings. This proposed solution to the
imnediate problem w'i 'l 1 provide needed safety whi'l e pre-
c'luding financial damage to the owner.
Messers. Ryan, Patten & Jamar
September 21, l98I
Page 4
Regarding the proposed plan for Lot l.:
1) It was agreed that the lot has significant physical restrictions
that a variance or variances to the Town set back requirements
absol utely necessary.
2) Dick Ryan is to meet with his staff later in the day or the
next day, discuss the matter, and call t,lill Trout jn for another
design work session as soon as possible.
Regard'ing the proposed p1 an for Lot 5:
1) It was stated by the Town staff that Dave Invin must redesign
the proposed site plan to make the building conform to existing
set backs. It appeared to the staff that there is sufficient
buildable area within the set back restraints that a design confor-
ming to them is entirely possible. For this reason set back
variances were not needed.
I'm looking forward to further discussion and solutions to these problems.
Nilsson, Inc.
/ q'-1/t './
tu n. /Jdaaot)
N'i l sson, Pres j dent
l.-p ".,,
€FAL PAn ltr ERtr
ioaaFr f. caFroN, JR.
')^vr o c^F roN. ,R.
\r. YX Un M KflYorr, Jr.,
oFF tct:, MtLL cragEK co('RT
F. O. BOX 705
vArL. coLoRAoo 81657
a?6 - 50t5
llay 4, l9BI
Leroy Tobler'
7456 1,.1 . 5th Avenue
Denver, Colorado 80226
JtDear Leroy,
ple.rse find enclosed a copy of the Town of Vail's letter to
John Flatt on Augqst 25, 1S80. As we discussed on the phone
today,Ibelievepointslttrr:ough5havecllreadybeentakencare of .
Poirrt 6 refers to the utility easement across Lot 2' I have
asignedcopyofthiseasementbutlha..leneverreceivedanytu.oi.iing iiriormacion. Do you know if you recorded it or if
HoIy Cross \t'ds responsible for record j ng it? Please let me
knorv and I rr,ill try to obtain the pr:oper r:ccording information
fronr t.he pcrrty res;ponsible for the recording of the document'
Point No. 7 gets Lrack to the old probrent of-wha1-to do on a
sig.al. I Sive e'closed a copy of a lown of Vail letter on
Juii, 14, Igtto which ref ers to this sirJn.rl. In this letter
Jim Rubin si:tys that Ernie Fri:ggiaro, the Town Engineer, wilI
supply us wilh sptlcifications for the signal' If I understanC
it- correctll. he n.,ver did supply these spccifications but
onll, turned down one prelimiirary plan t-h'lt KKBNA had' Keith
pomerol, has asked.rs lo holcl off on pusl.ring the signal issue
for tnl mea.time while he cloes some investigation as to the
Ieg.rlity of the t\)\'rn forcing us to clo this '
Please calL me at 476-5075 j'f you have any cluestions'
t- rqgards;,
cc John Nil-Ison
4 B5 w. Li-onshr:ad Ma11
Vaj. I, Coloradrl 8I657
Enclosures: as s:ateil
l. Regarding the Bighorn
immediatelY send to Your
stop light situation, I will
office a coPY of KKBNA's ProPosed
!,1ay I4, I98l
Mr. Dick RYan
l'1r. Ernie Fregarrio
Town of Vail
75 South Frontage Road
Vai1, Colorado 8I658
t,oea'r'Dick and Ernie:
Thank you for meeting with me this afternoon' I thought I
that there are no misunderstandings'
2. r stated that if the cost vrere $2,oo0'00 9l less that
the developer woulJ picX up the payment' P"l if that figure
was substanLially nign". I woutd come back in and discuss
f inanci.ng with You at that time'
3. Regarding Highland Meadows-Subdivision' Filing #2' YoP
mentioned, Ertrie, lttut you would be sending me a copy of a
lecter very shortfy witfr a punch list of items to be com-
4. I stated that I would get a copy of the s'rbdivision
improvements agreement for both Fllings I and 2 into your
hands as well" ""-i."pV of Tiago's contract and bond to the
remaining roadwork -
5. You stated that you would continue to attemPt to have
the county .tun"i.t tnu $63,000'00 which they are holding
for this remaining asPhalt work'
6. You stated that with the exception of the potential
conflict over the public service l ine and the subsequent
paving in I'iling :-l you did not ser-r any reason to withhold
t)RAwt n 1,J4tl \,i:L coL() 816.'lt ' ) tt 'i:t 't)i''
building permits for ei.ther of the. two subdivj'sions'
when public service would be abl,e to install their lines to
the SunTech properties but in any event we a1l agreed that
hopefully it woutd be tlris sunmer to minimize the political
r-*ifi".iions of not having Filinf 1 completed this sunmer'
I believe the above reiterates the essent.ials of our dis-
cussion. If I have left anything out or if there is a
;i;J;d;t"tincling concerning the above, please let me know' r
wiII endeavcr to expedi.te all those items for which I have
personal responsibiiity. Thanks again for :neeting with me.
Best regards,
Tinr GarLon
bcc- Keith Ponreroy
Leroy Tobler
Margaret - Higlt Country
Chuck Haynes
OqAr'vLR t040. V-\rL. COLO 8t6 ,8 t'.,0.t1 4i6 5O1t
May 21, 1981
Leroy Tobler
7456 l.Iest 5ttr Avenue
Denver, Colorado 80225
Dear Leroy,
I was reviewing your bill of May 8, 1981 on the BorwickSubdivision ;rnd had a few questions. Could you please giveus some background information on what services you actuallyperfornred on this subdivision from January 26 to April 25,1981. We arer a little uncLear as to what was done up therethis past wirrter. We had assumed most work wa,; completedbefore the end of 1980.
If you could just drop
accomplished up theredeveloper. 'fhank you
me a quick note explaining what was
I could pass this bi}l on to thein advance for your cooperation.
DfIAWEB 10.18, VAIL. COLO 8t658 {301i1 47tr.50/tr
Co..elu.g E^9r.'...1
-a55 Vt6t f.r ltd.-.
Dcn6r ar,,!61 8Oi?6
.ror 232 tosl)
T6|6r .5 a',lro [toEvCC OvA '-l.l ,9'cl
J, . r{ '' 0 rJ- ,,'
ot!,tt: i., i,
artocr.r. P.lnc':.h
- n, !-, t, ,, ,,
June 9, l98l
Town of Va f,'I
Pub I tc l.lq{'ks Deparcment
I t P.o. By' IoO
VaLl ../CO. 8t657/
Cent' lenren:
Your DepartmenE ha* requeeted the lnstallaclon of a flxed Elme
slngle-head trafflc elgnal on Columbtne Drive under I-70 to
Ehe Ltttle Blg Horn ProJect. The Purpose oE the lngEallaElon
1s to ellnlnace poeaible accidents in the one-way box culvert
under l-70. Thls road serves other Propertles than Ehe -lEtle
B1g Horn ProJecE.
The Hanual on Unlform Trafflc Control Devlces 1s the accepced
deslgn etandard for all elgnal tnstallaElon ln the st.rte of
Colorado aB per TlEle 42, Arttcle 4, Secclon 501 o' Colr)rado
t(cv{*od statute8 1973. The atgnal requesEed by the Tonn of
iral I wltrr n..r: .-r rA I s purchaeed by the developer does nof meec
Enc ., 1o4,1 I trarranta outllned ln the Hanual on Unlforu TraEf lc
ConErol U.vtces as preecrlbed by Colorado Starute. The
followlng are excerPta froo the Hanual on Unlform Trafflc Con-
EroI DevLcee:
4C-2 lJarranta for Trafflc Slgnnl Installatlon Page 235.
Trafflc concrol elgnals ehould noc be lngLalled unless
or:e or nore of the elgnal earranta ln thls Manual are
rlec. Infonnallon ehould be obtalned by nreans ot
er:glneeriog aEudlee and compared ';lth Ehe requlrernents
ee-t forEh ln the earranca. If theee requtremenEs are
not oet., a trafflc elgnal should neiEher be Put lnEo
operatlon nor contlnued ln operatlon (lf already ln-
atal led).
An lnveetlgatlon of the need for rraEflc. atgnal conErol
should luclude where appllcable, aE leasc an analyels ot
'.1: e f accore conEalned ln the f ol lovlng warranEa :
Warranc I - Mlnlnuro vehlcular volume.
Warranc 2 - InEerruPcloo of conttnuoug Crafflc.
Warranc 3 - MInlm"m pedestrlan volune'
Warranr 4 - School crt>sslngs'
WarranE 5 - ProgressLve movemenc'
WarranE (r - AcctderrE exPer lence
!{arrarrt 7 - SYstems '
Warranc 8 - Combinat ton of l'larratlEs
L'r qxceptlonal cases, signal: ::"i::?:?lly may
;;.i;";;;;. no stngle wairarrc l-s sarlsfled buu
or more of warrancs l' 2' "ttd 3 are saElsfled
of S0 percenE or more of che sEated values'
be Jusrl-
!,he re f.rto
Eo Ehe exEend
Adequace crlal o€ orher rernedtal -measures
whlch cause legs
drrtay and "t"ottiu"iu"""
ro ettrttc shoultr precede lnscalla-
ttol'of slgnarls under lhlg warranr'
The prrlposed ColuobLne Drlve Slgnal InscallarLon does noE meeE
any of Bhe llarrancs '
oo-' li3ir'l:*"" belleve that ttafrlc slgnals provlde the
solucion to ari^traiflc' problerns at incersec!1on5 ' Thls
has led to their lnstallacton ac a large nuober of
l()catlons o'tt"tl-t'o ttglt|nate facEuat etarrant exl6Es'
T:afflc slgnal tnetallaLlons ' even though warran!ed by
lneffectlvery pi..ira, lnproperly ooeraEed, or poorly
ro:rlntalned' "il"-;;iio'ri..g
i"ttlr' can resulE frorq lu-
PtoPer or unwarranted slgnal I'nstallatlons:
l. Excesslve delaY roaY be caused'
2. Dlsobedteni"'"? ittl signal t"ir"arron" ls encouraged'
3. The use of lees adequaEe rouEes oay be induced ln an
atteBPE ro avold such slgnals'
4. AccldenE ;t:;;;;';-i"*p"Ir'"riv the rear-end cvpe) can
be slgntf lcant lY lncreaseo'
The prrrposed deslgn by the Toun of V1-it does nor 6eeE t'he nlnLmum
a""o..,ana"a slgnal dealgn requl retnen[s '
Quote Page 225 Hanual on Unlforo Trafflc ConErol Devlces'
' -t. ,c. urrnrtt'; of two slgttal f aces for rhrough-Eraf f lc
shalt be pi"tii"a-rria shoultl be cootlnuously vlslble
froo a o"i;;';;-i"""t ttlu followlng dlsEances ln
advance of and to Ehe sEoP llne' ttttless-phystcal
' obacrt"tio"-oi ihelr vtstblllty exlsts:-
85 Perc'enr:l le Hinumum Vtslblllty
SPeed Dlstsnc'e (Ft')
20 r00
2. Where physlcal condlctons PrevenE drlvers froo havlng
a conclntlou" 'r"" of aE least'tl'o.slgnal.1.1i.".1:::,
as spec-lflea nti"r"' " "t'tt"blt sign ahall be erecteo
to sarn approachlng trafflc. It may be supplemenEed
by a Hazard Identlflcacion Beacon (sec, 4E-l). A
beacon uttllzed ln Ehls manner roay be lnterconnecEed
wlth Ehe trafflc slgnal controller ln such a manner
as to flaeh yellow durlng che perlod when drtverspasslng lhis beacon, at che legal speed for che road-
way, may encounter a red stgnal upon arrlval at Ehe
s lgna I tzed locatlon.
A slngle slgnal face ls permlsslble for the control
of an exc. luslve turn lane. Such a slgnal face shall
be ln adtclon co Ehe olnimum of rwo slgnal faces for
chrough-traffic. When lhe indlcatlons of a seperate
slgnal face or faces concrol. ltng an excluslve curn
lane will also be vlslbLe Eo trafflc wlch oEher al lov-
able noveoenCa, a slgn LEFT (or RIGHT) TURN SIGNAL(sec. 28-35) ehal I be locaCed adJacent. to 6uc.h slgnal
face. When Ehe face conelsts enElrelv of arror.r ln-
dlcallons, such a elgn ie noE requlrei.
ExcepC where Ehe sldEh of the lnEersecclng st--ec. or
oEher condltlons nake tc physlcal ly lnpracElc.r I, ac
leasc one and preferable boch of the slgnal faces
requlred by paragraph one above shall be locatednot less than forty feeE nor noore the one hundred
tnenty feet beyond the stop llne. Where boEh of
the slgnal faces requlred by paragraph one above
are post-mounted, chey ahall boch be on the far sldeof the lncersecclon, one on che rlght and ')ne on the
left or on the aredlan leland if practlcal. The
' ..-; r.r I r r('e rcqrrlred by paraqraph three above shal I
conf orm L() tlle earne i()(:d! rr)rr requlremente ae the
slgnal faces req,rl red by paragraph one Eo che ext.enEpractical.
The fol loulng Ls an excerpc froo rhe Colorado suppleqrent Eo the
Hanual oo Uolforo Trafflc ConErol Devlceg:
Colorado l-aw proEecta drlvers agalnsc. non6Caodard and ois-applled trafflc cont,rol devlces. Not only does Ehe lanretlulre c-onf ormance by all road auEhorlEles to che Manual
adopted by the State lllghway Coonlealon buE also guarde
agstneE poorly nalncalned stgns, slgnals and marklngs as
"No prevlslon of rhla arElcie for rchlch of f lc_lal crafflccotr!rol devlcea are required ehall be enforced agaln6E an
al leged vLolar-or lf ar the Eime and place of rhe allegedvlol:rtlon an offlclal devlce ls noE ln proper poslElonand eufflcientll legLble co bc seer Ly an ordlnarlly
obgervanC l:rgor. -
( 2-.t._:o; (..:1, .j ;: :j
( -..-
tnurrilrt vail
box lOO
vail, colorado 8'l557
(3031 475-5613
deparltrront of community dcvelopment
June 1, 1981
John Nilsson
c/o Canaclars of Colorado
483 West Lionshead l'bll
Vail, Colorado 81657
Dear Mr. Nilsson:
0n Friday, the Town of Vail Public Works Director' talked with
i" r"g""ii"g the stibdivision on Colurnbine Drive' He stated
it"i [rt"t. iere thrbe-irti"gi renaining to be conpleted-' Paving
of the street into.the subJivision, guard rails" over the creek
""a-"-pit" ana :.tpiet"niation of sifi access through the tunnel'
.t t,
r l' B/
r.1t l, ,
IE can be seen chat even thorrg,h the slgnal te tnscal. led,the legaltty of the lnscallatlon ts tn quesElon.
'[he requeated Slgnal installatlon Lloes
SCop slgn sarrants are algo not mec.aEion proposcd by the Town of Vai I mayproper slgnlng declarlng the rrnderpaes
ment wlth a -CAUTI0N' slgn.
noc meeC any warranla.
We be l leve che lnsc.rll-
be more hazardoue Ehan
a ' NARROW ROAD" supple-
Durlng re.y lnc lement r.reaLher condlclons north bound resldenEswtll lgnore the remorely located and trnenforceable slgnal.
ResidenEe knowtng the mlnimual use of the underpass wtll alsotgnore a stgnal, tf for several mornlngs they slE through a
/, -red cycle- and no vehiclee ever come through from thc opposlcedlrecLlon. Slnce Ehe prac!ical speeda wlll be less t.han Ewencynlles per hour notorlst. wlll noc asslgn the proper hazard cothe c ond 1t tons .
Cost E6 E imate for EqulpmenC:
Slgnal Head l2-B-8 (Fric 433) g223.00 eachSlgnal ConErol ler (nF 2l) Flasher unlt,slngle dlal, cablneE mount lng hardware
Pedestal for one Slgnal ttead g200.00 ea.Condult and Wlre 3.35 fE.
' a, ',,/
$ 446.00
$2 ,028 .00
$ 400.00
$3 , 544 .00
t /,,i"1 .,1
"1/ I' f ,"
The Electrlcal Servlce ConneccLon by Holy Crose ElectrLc Aseocl-aclon Eo lhe Trafflc elgnrl Wlll be an addiElonal $21000.
PerrolEa wll I aleo be requlred for inat.al latlon of aoy r.rork onColorado SraEe HiShsay Rlgh c-Of -tlay.
Please advlse ue lf you deslre any addlcional lnfornaElon.
Slncerely yours,
er 1n9)ira I
cc: Mr.
Pa lmroy
(i,,: )evclr,1r.li-'
,-/ \(-
Nationwide: 1-800-q25-9293
o 'a )
483 West Lionshead Mall
Vail, Colorado 81657
Denver Toll Free 534-5025
20 Eagle Road
Avon, Colorado 81620
Denver Toll Free 893-2403
September 2I , Lg87
The Tovn Council
P.0, Box 100Vaii, C0 81658
Dear Tourn Council:
l,le hereby request that release of utility easement located within 1ot I,
a resubd'i vision of'l ot 14, Bighorn Subdivjsion, Town of Vail, Eagle County,
Colorado, lying 16 feet north of the southerly ljne of said lot, be placed
on the agenda for the next Town meeting.
Si ncerely,
Ni I sson
l'lilsson, Inc.
rlKf,tl fl{tl fltE&bffiA
75 south frontage rd.
post office box lil)
vail, colorado 81657
Bob Milleson., Dan Gagliardo and John Nillson
Jon Eberle, Public Works Director
Colunbine Tunnel
October 28, 1981
After meeting on Tuesday, Octobet 27th, the following
resolutions to the drainage probtem at the tunnel on
Colurnbine Road have been determined:
.: L. The Department of Highways will put heat tape
through the existing culvert and provide new
cuLvert for additional drainage.
2. Gagliardo will add pull-out lane with cul-vert
underneath. Ile will also provide the ditch
for the new culvert.
3. The To\dn will cut a shallow drainage area
into asphalt on south side of existing culvert'
The Town wilL also patch the street cut'
These measures will be taken for the L98I/L982 Winter.
If there are stitl problems with drainage thro!9h the tunnel-
then another meetin| will fo119w next year to_determine future
action. one such m5asure could be the installation of heat
tape along the curb through the tunnel by the Department of
let me knoit irnmediatlly. otherwise we will proceed as
scheduled and hope thal we have solved the problem'
JE,/cmcc: Dick Ryan
October .|3, l98l
Mr. Dick Ryan
Director of Community Development
Town of VailP.0. Box .|00
Vail, C0 81657
Dear Mr.Ryan:
I am writing this letter to confirm a cormitment made at our
meeting last Friday in Vail. The Department of Highways will lay
a new asphalt mat through the Columbine Drive CBC next sunmer.
Verglimit will be an additive in the m'ix, wh'ich will ' hopefully'
solve the icing problem.
l'le would appreciate information as to the suppfier who mixed
Verglimit for your test section a year ago,
0ther suggested solutions to this continuing problem must await
having a budget provided, Hopefully, the agreed approach will pro-
vide an adequate so] ution.
Thank you for working with us on this prob'l em.
VerY truly Yours'
RAP: lmw
XC: Haase
McOl I ough
Matt Smith
P.O. Box 2107 GRAND JUNCTION.co 81502 (303\ 242-2862
Nationwide. 1 -800-525-9293
483 West Lionshead Mall
Vail, Colorado 81657
Denver Toll F ree 534-5025
20 Eagle Road
Avon, Colorado 81 620
Denver Toll Free 893-2403
September 21, 1981
Messers. Dick Ryan, Peter
Patten and Peter Jamar
Town of Vail
Dept. of Community Development
75 South Frontage RoadVail, C0 81657
RE: Lots L, 2,3,4,5, Resubdivision of Lot 14, Block 3, Bighorn
Third Addition
Dear Dick, Peter and Peter:
I thought I'd take a few minutes to recap our discussion on September 15,
1981 jn your offices. Please let me know if anything that follows is not
how you understand things. Basical ly, we discussed the following items:
. The owner of the property, Mr. Dan Gagliardo, wjll make the following" improvements to the property as requested by you at his exoense:
1) Install a rock and beam guard rail on each side of the
stream crossi ng.
2) Install a rock and beam guard rail along the downhill
edge of the road from the cul-de-sac to the inside radiusof the first curve.
3) Clean up and revegetatein the area directly to
on Lot 1.
4) Revegetate the steep embankment on the downhjll side of
the cul-de-sac. Bill Andrews, who was in attendance at
the meeting stated that no retainage would be necessary
on the cul-de sac if this.reveqetation is carried out.
stream bank and the stream bed
south of the stream crossinq
IrI:ryr\i rJrSflrl t{rl flrF#l*ffit*&
Messers. Ryan, Patten & Jamar
September 21, 1981
Page 2
5) . Peter Patten requested a cleanjng of the area at the end
of the top curve as the fjll falls into the creek between
Lots 4 & 5 as well as a revegetation of this disturbed
area. I offered to talk to the owner about this and get
back to you.
6) The djscussion then turned to the questionable accuracy
of the staking of property Iine corners- l,lle agreed that
as soon as the corners were absolutely certified by Inter-
mountajn Engineering, Bill Andrews and other interested
members of ihe town staff should walk the sites with the
ovrner and'identifY them'
Regarding the problem of the I-70 underpass:
1) There has been a long history of frustrating negotiations
between the previous ot{ners of ttre property, the Town and
the Highway bepartment. Although the questions of safety in
the tunne'l has'been addressed on many occassions, no definite
olan of actjon to correct the problem has ever been jnsti-
rr lated. It was agreed that it js now to everyone's advan-
lage to once and for a'l 1 implement a solution'
2) It was or.iginally proposed that a traffjc signal be installed
at the tuniel . Frbm correspondence dated 2 years ago, Ernie
Fregarrio was to propose a signal design to the previous
owners but to day, no design has ever been proposed' One
design prepared by the previous owners was reiected by
the Town but no further suggestions by the.Town as to
what is an acceptable design have been tendered' Bil'l
Andrews related that he now thjnks a traffic signal is
no longer the proper solut'ion and suggests that a restructurlng
of the drajnugi ui the uphill side of the tunnel , a wjdenjng
of the road ai the uphili side and the'i nstallation of a
heated mat in the roadway was now the best way to 90'
Messers. RYan, Patten & Jamar
September ?L ' l98I
Paoe 3
3). I related that the owner had recejved $10,000 from the' sellers (which is now jn escrow) for jnstallation of
a traffic s'igna1 . I don't believe we can use these.
funds for any other reason but if a traffic signal is
ffi owner can contribute uP to 10,000
toward its jnstallation. The previous owners had agreed
to contribute onlY $2,000.
4) I had in my possession a letter from the State Highway
Department stating that they had scheduled the necessary
improvements to the tunne'l for "Summer of 1981". Had
these improvements been carried out as promised, we would
in all ljkeljhood, have no problem now. Dick Ryan agreed
to contact 1"1r. Dick Procence of the Highway Department
to set up a meet'i ng between Mr. Procence and a'l I interested
parties here in Vail ttre week of September 21 ' 1981. The
goal of this meetingis to get fina'l committment from the
H'igtrway Department on a schedule and program of the needed
5) I proposed that the current owner of the property is ob-
viously a victim of these inherited circumstances regarding
the tunnel and that he will be unfairly financially harmed
ii the Town summari]y refuses to issue him necessary building
permits strictly on the grounds that the tunnel problem has
not yet been so'lved. I suggested, and Dick Ryan agreed,
that if we can work out a definjte progran with the Highway
Department as to improvements to the tunnel the Town must
consjder issuance of the requested permits as soon as the
owner meets normal requirements for them and allow the
owner to start construction this fall before the tunnel
improvements can be completed. Safety at the tunnel can
be provided during normal working hours by flagmen statjoned
at the tunne'l openings. This proposed solution to the
jmmediate problem will provide needed safety while pre-. cludinq financial damaqe to the owner.
Messers. Ryan, Patten & Jamar
September 21, 1981
Page 4
Regarding the proposed olan for Lot 1:
l) It was agreed that the lot has significant physical restrictions
that a variance or variances to the Town set back requirements
absolutelY necessarY.
2) Dick Ryan is to meet wjth his staff later in the day or the
next diy, d.iscuss the matter, and call 14ill Trout in for another
des'ign work session as soon as possible.
Regarding the proposed p1 an for Lot 5:
1) It was stated by the Town staff that Dave Inryin must redesign
the proposed site plan to make the bu'ilding conform to exist'ing
set backs. It appeared to the staff that there is sufficient
buildable area within the set back restraints that a design confor-
ming to thern is entirely possible. For this reason set back
variances were not needed.
I'm looking fonvard to further discussion and solutions to these problems.
Si ncerel y,
.t, ._J-.-1 )..
'-fl)L T. /-Zl^LrA/v
alohn F. tllIsson, y'resident
John [. Nllsson. Inc.
J,lti rnl
box 100
vail, colorado 81657
(3031 476-s613
department of community development
July 24, 1981
John Nilsson
c/o Canadats of Colorado, Ltd
483 West Lionshead MaI1
Vail, Colorado 81657
Dear John,
This i.s in reference to our discussion concerning a possible
application for a setback variance for lot I of Borwick Subdivision
in-East Vail. From our neeting when we reviewed the plat map, it
appeared that there was a physical hardshiP in constru-cting a house
on-the 1ot. The creek and normal proPerty line setbacks constrain
this lot so that it would probably be unbuildable. In these tyPes
of circunstances, the planning staff and Planning and Environnenta I
Commission usually look favorably upon setback variances. However,
until a fofmal applicati-on has been-subnitted and discussed with
our total staff, an official staff position will not be available.
If I can be of further assistance, please contact ne'
Senior Pl anner
APP: bpr
'i "',..
dc l)ar tn)etit of conlrnutrity devclopmentiut;n lii
box 100
vail, coloraJo 81657
(303) 476-5613
May 15, 1980
I'tr. B.A.'District
Box 2107
Grand Junction,
Dear Di'ck:
P roscn ce
En g in et:r
'Depirr tntent o f l{ i girrvaY s
I am enclosing a letter from-Kcnt Rosc datcd-April Sth'
Lg'17 . rn thit i";;;; '- re"t ailcussco the pr-oblenrs and
Iutur:e concer-ns t'itt' itt" c'on"tJit box culvert that r';as
cotrstructtt<l untlerneath I-70
\i'e have rec"ently received an inclication from the property
ovl]crofl;ixpi,"ti"o-iotsonti'"tx.'lr.9ide^3ftlrecolrcreteboxthatth"vi;;;.aiobc;gincon'tttttctionofutilitiesthissunurer. 'l'itese i"it-rt""" t["' pli.:"ii"r r"" lwo units each
uhictr coul<l i,.t.iu.lu'.ir-,u u.,n]rrbi ""i -"tiits bei:.rg servcd by the
- box from t'vo to fourtecn ttnits'
In r-ecent convcrsati-on rvi-t'h Pete Burnctt ' strect supervisor
f or the ro'ut' ol'' i;ii;"";;a reJ'i";";; ' io'*tt rorvn Engineer '
their fcerinss ".!-iirt thc box "= it is prcsentlv consEructect
remains unsotJ ;;; ;;;; i-t'" -t"it" is taking' a sleat liabilit5' ott
its shouloers't3"irio*-r,"u, o""iiopt"nt to-happen in that area'
Ithe Torvn's position on- this matter is that we lrant to see
improvement= iit"-io-ir'" u?I-i;"I"tiittta on tlre second page
of Kent Rose's April Sth' rsz;-r;'Ii;;'- At thc present time'
rvedonotteelttataccessto.tt,J-piul,osednertlotsisadequale.Fortlratreason,rt'e.rviII.,.ot^i!=u"^uuitdingpcrmitsfortheseilit-"titl th; box is uPgcadcd'
Anotlrer alteruative is f or the I and in qrtcsLions to be conCeriincd
by the Hl ghwa)' Departnrent ' rvhich rvould be a saf er alternative '
lite bo*: *-if1 r,:,.,cr be sicic cnough for trvo cars and could have s--vere
l jmitaLjr-,ns irt lrrovirling safe acLrrss to the l'2 new potential units'
I rrcul.cl Lj-he thi.s lr:luter resolvcd one \iay or t'l're otiler' ' I
to meet viitlr 5'o'.u-sei;-;; " r'ept'elv'utative flon l'orrr of f ice
ii"" t" discrr':s this tnrtt'cr frtr-tlrr:r'
fr::': !.-{ytarcs A. Fubin
" Zaning Adnin i:-;tr'ator
cc: Petc Brrlrlctt
Ti.rn Gar-totr
P. O. Box 705
Vail, CO 8L657
July 8, 1980
ttaL i Smi th
Box 298
Eagle CO 8163I
avernon r,ebfiarc
Assistant Distrj-cb Engineer
606 S.9rh ,/
Grarrd Juncti.on, CO 8I501
Dear Sirs:
On Monday, June 23, 1980, I met with you, Jim Rubin, Pete Burnett
and Ernie Freggario to try and resolve the problems the Town of
Vail is having wiEh t-he maintenance of the Col-umbine Drive
The owners of Iots I thru 6, a resubdivi.sion of lot 14, block 4'
Bighornr are in the process of putting in over Sl00'000.00 of
improvement-s and are most anxious to put tl're lots on the market-
llowever, the saleability of these lots has been adversly affected
by the Town of Vail's defacto condemnation resulting from your
negligence j.n correcting the problems of the Columbine underpass.
At this point the Town of Vail j.s issuing no building permits
and will not issue any until they are assured that the underpass
is safe for twelve (12) months of the vear.
We would appreciaLe hearing your solutions to the problems of
the Columbine underpass- Your response before July 30, 1980
would help avoid aclditional problems.
?. O. Box 705Vai1, CO 81557
July 8, I9B0
Matt Smith
Box 298
Eagle CO .' 81531
Vernon Leonard
Assistant District Engineer
506 s. 9rh
Grand JuncLion, CO
Dear Sirs:
On I'londayr Jun,- 23, 1980, I met with you, Jim Rubin, pete
Burnett antl Ernie Freggario to try and resolve the problemsthe Town of VaiI is having rvith the maintenance of theColumbine [trive underpass.
The owners of lots l thru 6, a resubdivision of lot 14,block 4, Bi.ghorn, are in the process of putting in overSI00,000.00 of improvements and are most anxious to put thelots on the market. However, the saleability of these lotshas been adversly affected by the Town of Vail's defactocondemnation resulting fron your negligence iir correctingthe problenrs of the Columbine underpass. At this point theTown of Vail is issuing no building permits and will notissue any until they are assured that tl-re underpass is safefor twelve (12) months of the year.
I.le would appreci.rte hearing your solutions to the problemsof the Columbine underpass. tour response before JuIy 30,1980 would help avoid additional problems.
K -:r rrFl r
lnwn u l|al
box 100
vail, colorado 81657
(303) 476-s613
department of community development
July 14, 1980
Mr. Timothy Garton
Kelton/Garton Associates
288 Bridge StreetVail , Colgrado 81657
Re: Development restrictions for the Borwick Subdivion Located onLot 14, Block 4, Bighorn 3rd Addi.tion and Lots l and 2, Block6 and Lot 13, B)-ock 4, Bighorn 3rd Addition.
This letter is an update to a letter dated May 15, 1980 to R. A. Pro-sence, and a meebing held with Vernon Leonar(- of the State Departmentof Highways on June 23, 1980.
At the meeting on June 23, the State Department of Highways presented
to me a copy of a Memorandum of Agreement between the Department of
Highways and Eagle Corrnty Development Corporation, the Owner of theland at that tirne, stipulating the size of the access struclure tobe constructed under I-70.
At the time that the Agreement was signed, it was clearly the intentof the Dep.rrtment of Highways that the access being provided was onlyfor the Bighorn Water District and the two previously constructedresidences on the North side of the fnterstate. This access was neverintended t.o serve more than the properties referred to above.
After this meeting, r discussed the access questi-on with Ernie Fref-giaro, Town Engirleer- We both totally agreed that the present accessis inadequate from a safety standpoint and that future developmenLwill increase the likelihood of a serious acci-dent happening in thetunnel .
We have therefore decided. that no bui-1di-ng permits for new constructionwill be issued until a signal system is installed that will onlypermit one car to be in the tunnel at any time. This signal systemmust be designed to the specifications set forth by Erni.e Freggiaro,
Town Engineer. It will be the responsibility of the owners of theundeveloped ground on Cotumbine Road on the North Side of I-70 to
instal-I the sign.rl system. Once it is installed, it will then bemaintained by the Town.
Borwick Snhdivision Restrictions Page Two July 14, 1980
There are a totar of g rots that are.affected by this retter. Theyare the 6lots in the Borwick subdivisior, "nd r-,lts r and 2, Brock Grand Lot 13, Block -4 9t aighorn 3ia eaaitior,. ii woura by my suggestionthat the ordners of the au6ve-iot" s9t together and share the expenses.A11 the o$rners are being s""t-Inls-rettei so thai they alr know aboutit.rJvurrqL
ff I can be of further assistance, please let me know.
"Zoning Administrator
cc: Ernie Freggiaro
Pete Burnett
Ms. Gina Kauer
P. O. BcD< 705
Vail, CO 81557
Dear Ms. Kauer:
Your letter of JuIy B, 1980, rec{uested information as to [easures r,ue
intend to take to al-leviate tlle problsn of icing inside tlre underpass ofInterstater?0 at Colunicine orive. Our proposal is as follor^rs:
Durrng the sr-rnrer of 1980, we will plaoe asphalt roofing
materj-a-l on the tcp of the existing wooden canofry at the
upper end of the underpass. Ttris tanrporarj/ reasure shouldprevent leakage through the canopy onto the roadway and e1-jminate sqne of the icilg problen.
1t.**S the sr:nrner of 19ill, we plan to remove the qnoden 4,
]canopy and extend the ocncrete underpass to t.I.e norti. Also
Iat that tirne we plan to the drainage along Colwnbine
Drive above the underpass and direct as much as possible of
the water ilto tJ.e snal-l culvert al,orgside the urderpass and
wrder I-70. we are also studying the. feasibility of r:sijlg Istored earLh heat to furtlrer alleviate icilo inside tl:e y
structure,4-- ,
We regEet the d,:lay in acccrrqrtishing the perrnanent raork, but the time it
takes to obtain funding and perfornr earttr-heat tests will not allc'v, us to doit ttr-is year.
Thj-s underpass r$/as des igned to accoilnoclate the two residences and water
punq:ins facility wtrich were prese-nt at the time the highway right of way waspurdtased. I"le feel our proposed inprovenent wirl satisfy those needs. Theright of r"tay agreerlent hra.s accepted as full paynent for land taken and d.anagesto the rsnainCer of Eagle County Develogrent Corporation land north of the high-
way which was not platied for d-evelopnrent at that time. Subsequent develolrrentwilL have to i:e onsidered as a change in rand use ard, therefore, subject tothe agreed access.
If additional- infornntion is needed, please feei free to contact ttris office.
Very tmly yours,
-l /
VttL: lrrw
XC: lbru,n of '/ail - ..Jim ttr:bin, file
July 31, 1980
co 81502 (3O",) ?4?"?86?
.,r--.' \
box 100
varl. color;rtio 81657
(.i13) ,i75 5613
August 25, 19t0
Johr{ Fl itt, P . E.
7456 l'1. Fi f th Ave.
Denvcr, Color;do 80276
rlcp;rrlrrtt:ttl crf lltr[rlir: r':'orl<:
.!,. t.
Biqhorn Subrlivision, Tltird
Ad<i ition, Arlcnded Pl at
I,l r (
tL'l \'t'l ttii',','
.t t- r\'v '
The. suhject subcjivision \((ts recordcd un Octol)cr 3, lg77 and as
sr,,ch I iri ll not connelt orr thc acLLjal loi.: btrt r'li )l rcstrict nr;'
cOncel'nS to ptrblic improvc:irients. 'Thc 1:i.lL does not indicatc tltat
InonuntcnLation r.rill bc set.ri al'l propcl'L;'(:ol'ncl's. In licu ol
tI js, I rvould rcquire ccntef lin: loriunt,.:trt.ltion in nronuntcrtt trcl is
as slior.rrr on ttre rr:tttrncd ol at.
Rcqui rc;irnt,, for' Dubl ic inrl:rovt'::lent5 aI'(: lts f ol lo:'r::
I ) t)cc.rease rlr.l(lc 0'l IJ" \'CP :'elrirt' ttt I ess t'lr'rrr 3Ui1
?) l.cclte 15" di.rt:tcLcr stol':il (ll'irirt l'roil I'li ghot'n
l{lt.ll Di stri ci si ts all(l Eirt,.'r t i e-i n i ni.ti f rt t'rtrc
Dcar l'1r Flatt:
3) l-nc.lsc $" s.ittit,rr,y Sctlct' i'ot'
e.ts.e'!:lcrlt), arrcl l)l'oviCc' dL'Lni
ri) lnclc:ase roat;tr:r1' t'rjcji.tr f r'.rrrt
5 ) l ncrcrsc l)('lved radi (l:. i ll clll
6) StrbJivisiott Pl,-rt do':s ttot. irlrlii';ttc .rn.)' uti1il-y
cilsli!:cill. tlcfoss iot 2. i:tilrr.';','1'1 ',',,9 lli'rrr st:ales
' S0' c.lser:lent fo:'tlltcr i'tl,i 1(r,,i1 l . A scpat'tr Lc
\ dtldicai ion for s,riti c.l 51':':':ttt. l'rill llc rcrlrrircd
ilottr: t'ritir thc p:'cvisi(l;t t: ;^ 'rl1;r/ FClrlo"'r'll irtto
sa i:l crse:ircnt.
I 7) Srqnrli:,'ttiorr ttilI ir:: t'tri'tl ir'i rl ;ti. c'ach t:ttt'retlt:c
to i.olttirtilitlc slt0ot utrtlr:l' I-li). A :; iIlrl 'l (j s ignal
.. bc rltisitlrrcd ill lrle l,ortll ;trrl i:rttLlt ctttt-'lllccE '
',i ll' ( f ul 1 I eng t.h <-r f
I 1ot' crrcascrr:r:rttjl:' to 20'
-.j :-rac frorn 32.5' to
ti) SPcc if i c.t'u iL\rr5 dl
Arly (iucsi.i'Jt!5 l'.;:l .ll':i irtg tll'':
Slnc':rcly','i("'',' -.-.::\- ,' ' ' . "t:' --*-,' . : 'r '' .' ./. :, .117' 1.',rt
Er'rtt5l J. tli'cr:tt ia)-0, [)'['
D i r'-': tor cf Pub i it: llcrl:s
Errc I .
-'(..it- rt(l'jrlu,r l,' 11,1' |1llr1
:'t rrtqu j rc!::''r11.:. ry l;rl
1t;r.ig ./.
i <: t ntpro"'clrrrlrti:5 '
rii rr:c t-ctl to trtr: .
-' a. '
box 100
vail. colorado 81657
(303) 476-5613
August 25, i9B0
John Flatt, P.E.
7456 l.l. Fifth Ave.
Denver, Colorado 80226
department of public works
RE: Bighorn Subdjv'isjon, Thjrd
Addition, Amended Plat
Dear Mr. F]att:
The subject subdivision was recorded on October 3,1977 and as
such I will not comment on the actual lots but wjll restrict rny
concerns to public improvements. The plat does not indicate that
monumentation w'i ll be set at all property corners. In lieu oF
this, I would require centerline Fonumentation in monument lvells
as shown on the returned plat.
Requirements for public improvements are as follows:
1) Decrease grade on B" VCP sevler to less than 30%
2) locate 1.5" diameter storn drain from Bighorn
Water District site anC show tie-in into future
d ra i nage
3) Encase B" sanjtary sewer for 40' (fu'l 'l length of
easement), and prov'ide detajl for encasement
4) Jncrease roadway width from 18' to 20'
5) Jncrease paved radius in cul-de-sac from 32.5' to
,6) Subdivisjon Plat does not indicate any utility
easement ac.ross lot 2. Improvement plan scales
30' easement for water and sewer. A separate
dedication for said easer:ent wi1I be required
along with the prov'ision for sncw removal into
sr.id easement.
7) Signalization will be required at each entrance
to Columbine shoot under I-70. A single signal
standard with lane occupency cotrtrol activator will
tbe des'i gned at the North and South entrances.
lDesign must be apDroved prior to installation.
l .e.t t
B) Specifications appear adequate
Any questions regard'ing these requirenrents
Page 2
for pubiic improvements.
may be directed to nre.
Di rector. of Punt ic tlorks.t
Encl .
l4s. Gila Kauer
P. O. BcD< 705
Vai1, @ 81557
Dear !4s. Kauer:
Ycnrr letter of July 8, 1980, reguested jnfo::nation as to [Easures \,rE
intend to take to alleviate the problen of icjlg inside the underpass of
Interstate 70 at CoLrnlrine Drive. Our proposaL is as follcrys:
Daring the sumer of 1980, we w'ill place asphal-t roofing
naterial on tlre tcp of ttie ecisti-ng r,ooden canoFv at tJre
r4per erd of the r:nderpass. This terporary lleasure should
pr:event lea}<age ttrrough the canopy onto the rroadway and el-
irninate scrle of the icilg problern.
D:ring the sunner of 1991, we plan to rslsve the lrcoden
cartopi a..rd ecEend ttre concrete r:nderpass to the north. Also
at tiEt tine we plan to jnprcnre the drai.nage almtg Cohmrbine
Five above trre r:naeryass and direct as muctr as possible of
'.tre r|ate; i;rto -.he cnal-l g.:l-'"'er-.. alc::E::de --hc ';f*pe:s and
uvler I:70. We are also studying the feasibility of using
stored earth heat to fi:rther alleviate i-cilg i-nside the
!€ regret the delay irr accorplishing the r,vark, but the tfue_it
takes to oUta:n tr-urafurg arx1 perfonn earth-heat tests vri1l not a11c8t us t9 do
it this year.
:[ris r:nderpass was dasigned to acccnnadate the tr,ro residences and !',ater
p|IrpiJlg facilit1, wLrictr were present at tlre tjme the highr^ray right of way $,eG
ir,rritr"".O. We ieel oi:r pr,cposed i:rprovarent will satisfy those needs. The-rigttt ot v,iay agre€nent was lcc-,epteA as ful-l- payr€nt f9r 13nd taken and darnages
to ..he rerainCer of Eagle Cor:nt! neweloprent Corporation land north of the h-igttt-
wal' vfr-ich was not pfatiea for d&eloprent at that tirne. Subsequent develogrent
rritt frave to be consiCered a-s a change jrr tand use ardr therefore, subject to
the agireed acc€ss.
If additional inforrratiqr is reeded, plea-se feel free to contact this office.
July 31, 1980
Verlz tnrlY f/cr'lrs,
VRL:Imw /)G: Tc[,m of vail - Jim Fltbiny fil.e
P.O. Box 2107 GRAND JUNCTION.co 81502 (303) 242-2862
"ortoDo srArE DEPART^il*, oF HT.HWAYS
I,lay 20, 1980
Ivlr. Janes A. Rrbi-r)
zcnirg Adninistrator
Box 100Vail, C,]o 81657
Dear Mr. R:lcin:
I have yqrr May 15th letter regardirg the oncrete bo>< culverE in the
Big Horn area of Vai1. Assistant Oistrict Ergineer, Vernon Leonard,will be mntactiag 1ou and arrangiag for a neeting to discuss the prob-
Silce :eceiving Kentrs 1977 letter ue rrcrked w"ith ttp Tohrn ql "h^nd-aid"tlpe solutions, and having not heard ccnplai.nts this past winter, lve
liere una\tare that those sOlutiqrs \,,lere not working.
VSe shall be happy to rr,ork wittr yor irr an attanpb to allenriate this
Verl, tl:uly lrours,
cc: Haase
P.O. Box 2107 GRAND JUNCT|ON, CO 81S02 (303) 242-2862
lt o- -^'
=t6<(n() ^ (, t-:.xEYU)l-
i. i::
--.=. i'j
H ffi ' c;";:.":# ;"0',', r'-^'^*'
Bond No.
rhar Ontario Pipeline, Inc., ll'l Marsh Road, pittsford, New yo-rk
( llcrc Insc.t lull nlrnc il^d addrcss or lcgal titlc ol ( ()ntritcr,,r I
as Principal, hcrcinalicr callcd Cr)nrracror,;,nd,'l ll[ ,4.lNA ( AStrAl..l Y \t).,r r..
oration duly organizcd undcr thc lar's ol thc stJtc ol ('.rr'cLricrrr. rrr Strr,rr l.
Little Big Horn Associates, 304 Gore Creck r,
r| .r ,. ..,,
as obligcc, hercinalter called owner. in the amounr or Ninety Eight Thousand Two Hundred Ninety Three
. l9 80 , entered into B contract with Owner forConstruction of Sewers, lJatermains and Roads, Columbine Drive, Big Horn Subdivis{on,3rd Addi tion
,n accordance wirh Drawrngs and Specificarions prcparcd by
(llcrc inscrt full namc and addrcrs or lcgal titlc of Architect)
which contracl is by rcfcrenct madc a part hcrcof, and is hereinalicr rcfc.rcd to as the Contracr.
and --------50/100 Doltars($98,293.50
thcmsclvcs, thcir hcirs. cxecutors, administrators, successors and ossigns, jointly and
WHEREAS, Contractor has by urirren agrec,ment dared_r. AUgUSt I
). for thc paymcnt rvhcrcof Contractor and
severllly. firrnly by these prcscnts.
Surety bind
Owocr, and malc avsilablc irr Work proXrcsrcr (cv.n lho!8h thcrc rhould bc r
dcfrlh or I rucccrsion ol d.frulrs undar thc cortract or .ontrNctr ol comptction
arrengcd urdcr thir psaatritph) sulfrcicnt lunds 1o p1y fhr (ost of complqlton lcar
thr biilsncl of thc contr{ct price; but not cxctcding. inr,ludrng othcr corlr lrd
demagcr for which the Surcly mily bc liablc her.undcr, thc amount s.t lbrth In rhc
fint prragraph hcrcof. Thc tcrm "billancc ol tha conirtct prrc(... u! !s!.d in thi!prrsttaph. rh&ll mcrn thc totrl anrount pt')abl! b) ()\\nur to (i)ntraclor unocr
thc Contract and any amandmcnls thcrcto. lcss thc amount propc.ly ptid by Owne,
to ('ontroc(or,
Any suit undar this bond rtlurt ba instirulcd bcfore th. cxnirarion of l*o (1, ),crrtfrom lhG drt. on which finst plymcnr undcr thc Contract lalls rtrrc
r{o aight of sction th.ll rcarua on this bond to o, for thc ulc ol rnJ, pcrurn or slr-polrtion othcr than thc Owncr nitmcd hrrcin or thc hcirs, crccutorr, adnrini.st)hlotr
or rucecrron oi thc Ownct.
, le80 .
c(f. 220412
Pr;nted in U.S,A,
NOw,-[HERE[oRE, 1t{E CONDITION OF THtS OIIL|CAT|ON is such rhar.
rl ConUrctor rhtll promprl) rnd tuithfuly pcrform rtid (.onrracr. lhcn thr\ ohlrtn-
tron thrll ba null snd void: othcarrisc it rhsll rc.nrin i tull forcc rnd c,lact.
l hc Su.cty hrrcby wrivcs noricc of rny lllar{tion oa cxtcnli,tn oa tim( mldc t v lha
Whcnclcr Contrrctor sh.tll bc, &nd dcclart,l by Owncr ro hc in dalaull uodc, lhe
Contrlcl, thc Owncr huring pcrformcd Ou,otr's oblitutr)n! thrrcundcr, thc Srrrcty
m!y promprly rcmcdy thc dclrult, or $h{ll pronlplly
ll Complcta thr Contnct i|| acfordaocr si(h its tcrm! 1|nd ao||dition!. or
2) Obtrin I bid or bidr for complcting lhc (.onrract in accordancr. *irh itt rcrnrs
.rnd (onditioor, rnd upon dctc.minet|on bli Sursl) ol lhc lo\rc!,l rcrponrihlc bidd{r.
,)r. rl lbc O\rncr clcctr. upol dctcrnlinolion by rha O$nrr snd lhc Surcty jointl), .)f,h< lo*ctl rcspolsiblr brddCr, errangc lor a cont|itct bctlrccn tuch biddcr nnd
Signcd and scalcd rhis I St dav of August
AIA DO('trM[N] A-lt I
t'l:Rt-o{ MANCI ttoN t, ANt)
r.tiSR UA R Y t970 1.t)
TllI Alll:Rl('At INS tl I lrll]
.(s-r870,€) 5.70
( W itncss)
t\l RtAt, t'AyMENl ltoNt)
()l.AR(n t(-ts
('l'irlc )
( At trtrncy-ln-l ugl;
,r* .r"Orr^rrv aNo su.sry coMpatsy
Xsrliord. Cowroctrcut 06l t5
fRntcF^t'a acrinowtf DoMCiJf --.tt a cofiPdATror{
. batda 'na
paftonally rpps!..(t
d.po..r rd atya. Thal ha/aha rorrcli n tr\. Crly ol
th. corpdrlroo d.acrbd n and wtltci }-uta(t tha wrrhrn rmtrumdrr; that hc/rh. lnowr rrro iorr ol s.rd corporlto4 rhat tha -at alirad to
taid ntlrurrtrl [ ]ratl @.pqala aaulj lhal il wrt |o all|r6d by oidr ol tha Sorrd ol Drr6clor5 ot sad corpolrltoe rnd ttrat hay'sha $eraolhratl.
nsrna lharrto bv l|la orda.
Statr ol l']aw Yqt, Cou.|ly ol
O.\ thrr d.y of
lo rna lrbwn. who, t|.|.n by nt d\rly rwo.n.
Ittrl ha/rt rr lha
. le
6l|l. of Nrw Yal. Coqrlly ol
On th|t day ol
!o ma Inown lo ba lltr r|davrdurll {or|. of n|. tirm ol
)i*19 , balo.. ma p6.io^rltt app66.cd
) drscrbcd In r.rd *lro cx-
dlllad lta wrlhtn anitrumtrl. md ha/drc ltrraopdr duly actr|owlCdgcd to m6 thrt h./eh6 otccutcd rh. r6mc (ss the 6ct snd d!!d ol slrd lrml.
S[r. ot N.r Yqtq Cqrnry ol MOn|^Oe ..l.
on rhr. I st d.y or August , rs 80. brrcl mc pcrorurry cppce.ra Janet H. Ruff
lo m. kbsrn, wlp, b.i.! by.n. duly rworn db deo.r ris uy th.r h./rh. rttad.. rn tfrc Citv ol RUShV'i 1lg, N.Y'.
trt h./r,r i! Atto.ry.rn-trcl ol Tlf /[TNA CASUALTY ANO S[.n€fY COaiPANY. thc corpor.tion d6ca'b.d h !Lr|d whEh.xElrrGd ft. wirhir
intttl'rrrr|t; t'|t ha/.h lmrvt tha c\rrpo.rla !'r1ot |rid Co.nprny; th.l th6 raat rttirod lo trrd |nsl.umsnl i3 iudr corpo.sio rc6t; th.t tt waa so
allrtad bv htnvhar and thal ha/dr rion d aaid -rttrumilt rl Alto.nay-ln-fact by lrrlhoflry ot tha Eo.rd ol Dr.ctorr ol .rd Company; .nd rflrrnt
drd lutltl., dT(|a md ..Y thal ttr SuFinl-rd6l of kru.art. ol th. Strta ol N.w Yo.l ha3, pursuanl !o Ch6pt6. 882 of ri'c Lrwr ot thc Statr
ol Ne* Yorl ld lt yolt 1939. oorttliluting Ouptar 28 ol tha Co,lolidrlld Lrw! ol lho Staia o{ Naw York known 6! th6 In3lrlncr Law !t
rmendld. i!!u.d to T!€ f,TNA CAzuALTY AND S(nETY COf\iPANY hit r.r c..riftcsto thbl rricl C.nntplny 13 qurl 6d to b.co,n lri b. |c.
c.Flad !a aritatY o. Cutr.nlo. on all ladr. undarlallrBr,..cognrrrnccr,ou!r!ntrr!. !fiJ othar oblagations requ|'6d or pernrttod by t.w; and t]ut
trafi oartiftclt! haa ltrt baan ravotad.
lu.. .lo.r. oi r|th 3.tl:|l i|.l,
S.1922 lul. or S-ltrl {Ul )
,(6.rr?]G) (xl t,7a
lJ<r':.-rr--<o \ &' o."'.
r5l.ry AdE
?ffiflfo lr us a
HARTfOnD, COtirCCtrCUt OGt r 6
Frir^fact^L stayEME T as or June 30. 1979
caPrrar. srocx r z5 rffilttoo-=-_
il 0T'1n Y ::'i. r! tl.'/. llonroe Co.
liy C!!nnr::ion flPircs llarch 30, 196
ABSC'8 LtattLrTt€s
llo.l9ag. Loara
R.al frtata
Invaatmd arrcoana doa
!.E rccrud
Pramrum balrrEia
Oth.r r6r6tt
! )
'959 1516
?'8?J 1779,6Io
41081r 288
24 ,l+O5
t 4,@3,?6,L52
Llncrr^od premrumr
L(E3 Odtoalm.nl 6rpeo363
Accruod 6rp.ns.s 8nd olh6r |lrbr||l|66
Fod€rll incomc trt6
flalorva for rornSurlnco In cornpania!
nol oulhorrred In Now Yort
Tolal Liabilili6!
t 9O7,I5Lr6t+5
2rolt1 ,'rgl ,].U+42,567;JA
I,ggg ,?4t+
'81b,rcgt 3 r6L9,63o ,n?
Surplu. Fund3
Capit!l Slock
$ 23,9r6,n5
Total Aaaala
P.d n ru4'lrrf J3? ,365 1926oth.r!umb. 79JJ322,281r__
S|rrph. to policyholdc.!
ifi lbova lltldn€nt ora clooolrtad
984,)35,945t 4rfc3,7661152
wrlh putlE dutlbriti.i, ar rcqui.ad by law.S-u'rtn c.'ri.d .t t ?0168lr jO4
x r{Ow LI MCtr ttl TH€S€ PRt';INlS. TBAT rH€ aTXA CASUALIy ANOSUi€TY COMFANy, a cor9o".tton drt orgrnt..d !n&. n|. ha d,|.st'lt ot con^Gtt'.trl .^d h.vrno ,li p.i^oprl oflrc! in tht c,tv ol Hrnio?d. Covng of Hartlo?d. Srat ot conn*rt|crn, hdh tn.da. coidtr,tad a|tdroDo'^ltd. '^" rloct bY th.!. tr'trrnl! .6.14 co.rl,l!l..rd tppoirt John R. Rlcdmen, frtnk J. Rlrdtlrn, Jr. otJ.r'et H. Rufi - -
or iiochastet, Net' York . b rnjc ..d rrwfutAtro.ncy(.,-t^.F.cr, wtfi fuI ,our.r .hd ruthorrty h.rrby co.rfc.radto tign ot.'!rc inrt .crnowredg.. ir ,ny nr."" wir ^ th6 u.ir 'd .'jrah6, or, it rhe toflorrng [,,a b. t$.d In. u/hhrn drr ...a .n.r, ar.ale.^d.d , the fo,iowin0 rndrufiAn(rj:bYhit/h?taol.lisn.lur..nd.ct..v.ndrrlbondr.r.coenirlnc-ai.contrac|roaind.rnnlay,andotharwrtrl.tg|.obtig.to.yiothan.lsr.dtbond,
racogoirlhca, or condrtion.t u^dinati^0, and any and r conaantt Incidantt tha?no
rxe rnil clr
TH€ ,crNA casuAlTy aNo surEry c:Mpaw h.r crui.d rhir i,\r.rumcnr t. b. i9n6d by lb Artlrtrot
, and it. clrportto .6.t lo ba hi,oto lffrrd |hb l7 th
tod to brn'l tHE AINA CaSUALTY AND SURETY coMtANY, lhrt.by ra fully .od to ti. .rmo dr..rt a. tt tha rrmc wr?r olgnrd by th. duly
'rthori&clolllc t ol lttE aTNA CASUAITY al{osUfi€TY coMPAt{Y, rnd alt th. rcti ol rrld Anor^of(.)-ln.Frct, punrr.hl io;;.uthority har.ho,vcF. ffc h...by rrtlfi.d.nd cont[m.d
Th'i,pDoinlmonl 13.n.d. !,ndir.nd by lu(horily olrhalollodng St.adt^e n6otrrtlonr ot Dt.t colr|p.n whtch R6.olutton. ar. nou,In tu io.ralnd .tt6ct
vorEo lhrt ..d' or i\i lorrow'n r ori'c.rr ch$irrn.^.vtc. chrirm.n, p?rald.nr, Any ExoclJiivov,c. pr.lrdont. A^y s!.ior vtca pr.rid.ni, A^yvrc.Pr'srdc^t,a6Yai!rrl.ntvrc.P'.rrdo^r,Arvsncr.lw.AhyaRiirlrntsrctrury,mcytrorntimoic'-:iappotntBortd6^tvacoprolid.nta,Boridanl
A3;rrltnl Srcr.trnag, Atto.^.yr.,n.Frct. a.rd Ao.nta lo ac.t to. rr(t o^ baltdt olli. Company snd rirygtva.'tyruch appotnto. iuci! .(rtho.w.. ht.ccnilictl. ot aurhofitv mry orllcribt ro tign wlih !c co6prny'. n.ma arrd r.rt wtth rh6 co-p.".y'r t.ir b"ai, r*ogntt.nc6, co.rr..o otmdem^rry. lnd otr.r s.tilings oorrgato.Y in th. ntiur3 ot a 5o^d, raalgnlr.rroa, gr c.hditlonrt undanrlin!, and ait o, rrld-afficrf or$r aorrd olDi'!cfo.. r'.y rt ray tima ..iovr l,'.y ruch rpgoinrii .nd .avota rha po!./.r and aurho.ry gtvch hlm:
VOTTD:Thrt roybond. r.rco?^'.rnc. ccnt-..1 ct i^dcm.tty o..v/rir,n9 obrtg.t r?yin th€ hri{r.oot, bond. rlcoonh.nc., or condtdon6l u"drtil.9-lhrll b. v.hd and brndrno !pon lht co,'rp.r!,/ wh.o le) r$^r.i by lha Cha,.man. the vlcr C\rhmrn. th6 prdidl.lr. rr €xdil:vavica pr.atd.nt, tStnrorvrcoPrtt.tlnt.!Vrc.Pr:de'!.EnAi|r'riart\'r(:c'rrrrccr{orb'aF.aidrntvicrPritadornt,purt,rarittoihcpoar.Drclcrta<tintha
c'nrrrc'i. ol !uihofliY ol tlt€h F6tidf ri vlilaProrrcl.nl, nnd du'y.licrl.d .rid r.il.d wlth th. Comprny'r r..tby a Slctct|try o, Ajrjrtrnt Srcrdrryo' hY r Rtiidcnl Attritlnl S.cr.r6rv. o|1,riuant h thc Da.wir prr.a.lbrd l^ th. c.n;fic.t. ot rirrhcritv ot auch A.rld.rt Arai.tr sia.nary; o. tD, (tuiyar6cuted lundcr io.l. il rcqufcd) bv o.rc or ln.i7. altornq/t. :r-F.ct pu'tllht to the :,qlo-r prdcrtb.d to hh or rhc|. c]'nlflcric or crni{tcrto of.ulhofltv - rlJ '|' .'
Thi! Po$6r ol Anorncy and C.iificard otAuthorttv h rtg^rd rnd acrlad W trridrlla undar.nd by authorlty of thc io0odng Sr.fi ng Raaotrrioivol.d bt !h. 8o.d <t Okcclorr ot TxE flNA CASUA|IY ailD SUFETY COMPANY wtllch Fcio'trjlton t. nor h tul to; and .{t ct:
VOIEO: Tlt.r tlE.lgntu'io of .,rch ol ri. lorlowirq oftl(,rt: Ch.i.fttn, Vtc? Chrtrmrn, prortd.nt, Any Ex.drtiva Vl.r pr dcnt Any SCalOr VlcrPr.ald6nt AnY Viat Pr'|lda.t, Ahv altbtrnt vlca Prci ld.|rt, Ad/ Sacnd{?v, Any A'rt.i r nt sicrnory, ! nd rhe acd olrho cornp.iylry uo rmrr,o ryt!c,r,mil6 to .n!, porwr ol dtornoy o. ro riy c..dto!r r.lnhg lhi.rtio .pnol^rl.! ?rlttd.nt Vk, Frr!t,J.6n, F.rldrnr A.rlnant Saciaarti orano'h.Yr'ln'Frct tot pu.po..r onty ol aracr,tlt|o.ndl .terdn0 5odt. and Jnd..'rthgr.nJ oth.r fittln$ ohligdoF, ih lha n.tur. tha.l|ol. aod D.rytucn powa. Of atlomry o? c.rtificatD bdrli|g auatt facdrrtta atgnari..a o. f|.''tmla s.rl rn.ti t-..,rtid and bl'r. ng upon fta Cornpariy and any .||<rrPo$,.r ao .r.cui.d .nd c.rrtllld Oy.r/dl bc.lrnlla rtgn||tur(' rnd t.dt.:rlt.l.!l ahr bi vr d aod tirdtne up,on tha Co|nptny In tha irtlra wnfirrrD.cl tio.ny bood or undcnrling to whlci lt ta att.ci.d.
vlcc Pr.lldGnt
dry ot June .ts 80
Arsl!trnt I
R. T. Ri ppe
Sr.r. ot Con.{r (ut }) rl H.rtlo.d
Cognrv ot xrnto.o I
On thir 17 th dry ot June , t9 gO , b.lor! F, p..!on.ly c.mc ll. T. [,IppEro -c lnown. wr|o, b.l^g by nrc duty rworn, dtd dopo..,^d rry: rhd h./.ti. t, Arrliirni iici-prcrfrlmt olTH€ /€T|tA CASUALTY ANO SURITY COMPANY, lh, ooipornton di*rf t J f ina *frr"f, cra",.rt.d tha .bovr In.trvm.nr; rhn h./_r. tnogr ttratotlol3'ld co'pomlton; th|t th....ttfllx.d to th..rld Innrun'.it lt ru.t o.oo."irLt; rno tfi.t h../rh..racut.d t}.. lrid tr.tturn.'rt or drrtto, th. corpo..ilon bt .urhortv ot hh/l'.. o{ttc. u,td.. th. Stindihg R-qd;;;;
Johrnnd M, DeSnan
{'NOW At.l. MIN ttY
ir,r, ontari o
{licrc insclt full namc and irddrrss or :cgal titlc ol ('ontractor)
a,. Prrncipal, hcreinaftcr called Principal, and. l llti lEI NA CASUAI-l'Y AND SURET-Y COMPANY, of Hartford, Connccticut, s corp-
oration duly organirrd under thc larvs of thc Slatc ol'Connccticut, as Sr rcty, hcreinafter called Surcty, ure held and firmly bound unto .'
Little Bjg Horn Assoc'iates, 304 Gore Creek DrJve' Vail ' Co'lorado
SlgtFd .nd S..l.d .i ?h. Horh. O('c. ot lh. Co6p.^v, ln 16. Clry dt X.r o|'rt_ Stdr otAugust '" B0
rAr/rAENr "rl
'l l{ t:SE lrR trSIN l S:
Pipeline, Inc., lll Marsh Road, Pittsford, New York
onnecttcu? (,61l5
or Nlnety Eight
(Hcrc In$rt fitll namc and lddrers or lcgal titlc ol Owner)
Obligc-c, hercinaftcr callcd Owncr, for the use and bcncfit of clairnants as hcrcinbelow dcfincd. in thc amount
Thousand Two Hundred Ninety Three and ---------50/100 Dollars($98'293.50 ),
(Hcrc inldrt I sum cqudl to ar lr.rsl onc-half rrf thc ctntracl pricc)
fr'r the paymcnt whcreof Principal and Surety bind themselves, thcir heirs, cxecutorsi administrators, succcssors and assigns, jointly and
tcverallv. firmly by thesc prescnls.
\\ HEREAS, l'rincrpal has by wrirten agrecmcnr dared AUgUSt I , l9 80. entercd into a contract wirh OwnJr for'
Construction of Sewers, l.latermains and Roads, Co'l umbine Drive, Big Horn Subdivislon'
3rd Addition
,n accordance wirh Drawings and Spccifications prcparcd by
. (llcrc inscrt firll namc and addrcss or lcgal lialc of Archilcct)
$ hich contract is by rcferencc madc n part hercof. and is hcreinafter referred to as the Contracl.
Nt)w. lllERIlORE, lllI CONDIIlON OF lHlS OllL.ICAT|ON ir ruch rhnt,
il lr ncrp lihrll pro|nprl) m{la p ymcnl tolll clsimsntr rs harain[hcr drfincd, lor
|1ll litbor !nd nr,rtcrdl ur.d or rcaionabl] r(quircd Ior urc in lhc Jrcrformlnce ol
rhc Contrrct. llr.n this obllgation shall bc toid; olhcrwr\c rr shall rcmain in lull
lorc( rnd cllccl. !uhjcct. ho$(vcr, to thc [ollo$inu condit|(rnii
I A chinrant is dclincd ar onc hlvrng a dircct contract rvith thc Principnl or *irh
n Srbcontr.clor of lhc I'nncifnl lor laboa, nut.rirl, or lloth, uscd or .crsodblJi
rrqurrtd lor us( rn thc pc!lbrmancc ol lhc Conratct, lrbor end nvrtcrill ttint c,rn-
{trucd to inaludc thal p!.r( oi walcr,8gs, pow€r, litht. hcat. orl. jasolinc. ttlcphont'
rrr!rcc or rcntill ofcquipmcnt drrcctll'tpplicrbla to thc ('onrruct.
:. lh. rho\r nlmcd l)nncrp:tl and Surcty hcrcby jointly a'ntl scvcrully rgrcc with
lhc (h^ncr rhat cv.r) clarnunt !! hcrcin dtlrncd, \*ho hl\ nor ||can paid ifl lull
b(lorc thc cxpr.Irion ol ! fr od ol nincry (90) ddys aircr lhc {inl. on which lhc h
ol tulh clainlantr worl or llboa uur don<,rr parlorrncd. or nutcrrals waac lur.
nrrhcd b) such clrimrnl, m8y ruc on thic bond for tl|c urr of such clarrnant.
prorccutc thc surt lo linal JudStninl for such rum or \urrr! ir{ n|&y f|( Ju!tl\ (lrr(
r.lirnrnnl. and h.rvc cxecutrort lhcrcon. l-ht ()*nct shirll n,rt hc li;rblc lor thc p,ry
mrnr ol any cost\ ()r cxpcnr,cr o[ any r,uch ruil.
-l \o su,l or !c!on sh!ll bc comnrclccd hdr(r|ndcr bt ilnl rlarnrrnrl
r) I nlcsr cl.iinir l. othcr tharr unc h&\'int J drr(cl conrrn(t wrth thc I'rincipal,
rhall hc\(' g'ycn wnrtcn nortt ro ant rIo of lha lollowirf thc I'rirrcrpt|l. thc ()unLr.
.!r ih.r surctt rhovc trnnrcd. srthrn nrncl) (9(l) dat! altrr .u!h cl.rnrirr rlrd or pr'r
l'rflr(d thr l.r5t {)l lhc wor\ or labr,r. or lurnrrh(d tht hrl ,tl lhc nrnler,i|ls l()r \rhrell
Si1:rrcd antl scaled this I St tlay ul AuguSt
AIA l)O('UM t:N I Alll
t'1.RlOltMA\(E llONIr Af{l) lAl}OR ANI) MAll },rlAl l^\\11\I lJ()\l)
t I nRUARY le70 lll).
llll .\Ml-Rl(A\ l\Stllt'll ()l AR( lllll( l\
.\.r871{r 3.7t'
rrid chinr is m!da, rtrlinS sith luh$tanlt{l accualcy tha omount clillmcd {od lh!
nrmc of rhc Fsny ro whom thc rnalcrills were lurnished. ot [()r whom lhe $orl or
hhor war donc or pcrlormcd. Such nolicc rhtll b! rctvcd by mailinS thc samc b)'
rcgiitcr.d nuil or crrtilicd mail. poslagc prcpairl. in an cnvtlopc add.erscd lo thc
l'.incip|l, O$dcr o. Surcly, rl lny phc( whcrc rn office is rcguhrl' m&inlrincd for
thc trrnsaction of burincs. or ccrved in eny nunncr in which legal prtrccrr rnly bc .:. .
|€ftcd in lh€ ctstc In which tha sfot$aid p.rtcct h l(Eatcd. tavc thll tuch rcfvicc ''r';]:
n.cd nd bc d6dc by { pubhc olfier.
hl Afrc, thc cxpirrtion of on. ( l) ycar following th. d!t. on trhrch I'rincipal ccarcd
work on s&id Contrfict. il hcinu undtr$tood. howcvct. lhat il any limitation cm'
bodicd in rhis hond ir prohrbitcd by any law conl.ollin! thc construction hcrcof
ruch lrmitatron sh,rll bc dclntcd to bc nrncnd€d o us to l,c cqual lo thc mlnrmum
ncri(xj ol lrmitation pcrmittcd hy such li|u.
!, Othcr than in r tlalc courl ol conlnl"lcnl jr'tirdiclion in ilnd lor thc lounlt t)r
orh., ooliricel ruhliririon ol thc stittc io which lhc I'roject. or nn) parl thctcol.
it ritu.rcd, or in thc l,nrlcd Sliltcr l)i\lncl (.,t,tt lor thr drstricl in which th. Projcct.
or.ny pr.t lhrrcof, is rilt|i|lcd, nnd not cl\urhcrt:
4. Thc rmount o{ thrs bond shflll b( '(duccd hy irnd 1., lho .xltnl ol any Dil}.
mrnt or p&ynrcnt\ rn.rdc in grxxl llilh hcrcllndcr. ineluvrc rtl lhc tt!ymcnt h)
Surct' ol mcehani(\' licns $hrch nrrt b! lrltd ol r('cotd a8.lanll rard l lprolcmcnl, '
*hcrhtr or nor clsrm lor tha rnto nl ol such lit'n hc prescntcrl undcr ilnd u8{inst
thrr bond
'I HE ,{i1 NA ('n sUAl..l Y ANI)
(A ttorncy-in-Fact)
*-d 6lt t ,
Strt. ol Naw Ydt, Coqnty ol
On lt||r dry ol
lo ma lrbwr\ wlb, batng b' na duty rwo.n,
O|.l l /t|. ,. ia
Srrrr'ot tt r yq|(. Cqlnry ot MOnf Oe
(Ux do... oi rtth I.tttl iUr.S lt?? lrl, a &llm l|ll I.{s.r.7}c} 0d }78
fra{AxclaL ETAT€MEitt A8 OF June 10,
rx€ rrr{^
-'];.i:,HilJ coMPAr{Y
PRt'lcrpatS act r{ofrttoc ME tfl{F a coipoR^I|oN
I, 19 bolora ma pa.aonatly appcurad
alapo.6 a.d riy!: thal ha/tla rasdla r^ rlr C,ty of
ollfl. co.pdal|on d6oibad n an<, whtch lreutad il|6 wrthin rnstrumant: ihat h6/sh6 tnows ttrc s.al ol tltd co.poralorx ttur ttr |..l rttrrro toiard rrrlrutnanl [ $d! co.pdata !arl, hat tt w.s 60 tltuad by o.di ol trc gorrd ot Drrclors ol rrd corpo.ltro^ lrd that h.y'aha rrg€d haa/t|.rn rll th...lo !'Y l . O{t r.
PA|l|CpAt',S ACIt{o\irlE iMEfat_.{f t otvtouAt oR FtnM
strll of tt r yq( cqr.rry o, I ,1.
On ttir dry ol lg , rrrt |n, po.tor|.lly eppclr.dlo .na lrE$rn lo ba l0r! irdlvidslll {()rr. ol fta tinn ol I doac.rb.d in &rd who ar.Tut'd th' wttin irt'vd''lt. '.6 h'/$a rtrr.,po.l dult rck.towl.dlod ro ma th.t h./rh. .rccurcd th. arma laa th. rct a.,d d.ad or aaid ,irnl.
on rhi. I st .r.y of August -, . rs 80. bdql mc pc-,rrv rp'o'cd Janet H. Ruffro mr k'pwn' wta' brino by m' durv twon\ db acaor am !rv: Thri h.&h. rdidor in th. citv ot Rus hvi r r g, N. y,. ,tirl h'/*r it AtlorDY'h'Ficl ol rlf xrhA cAsuALTY ANo suR€ry coi/pANy, th6 corporsrion dcdcrib.d n on J wtrch .x.cur.d rh. withnoaklmlrt; t|.f l!/dr lngfl tha co.po.lta t6rl ol tdd Comprny. tiral tt€ aaal llrirld to raid |nstrumont ir ruch corpo.rrc t.at; }ut al war E'lfir'd bY htttvh'r
oi|t h'/'tr ]en d a.id inatrumml at attdnav-ln-tact bf tuthdiry of rha aoa.d ot or.rcro.r of aad crmprny; a.a attianr
futthr d*o' 'rd "v th'l th. g0t'qht.td.rrt ot l.v.'nc. ol th. srrt. ot Ncw yo.t h.., Fr.surnt to c'rrpt.. 8g2 0f th. !|wr ot ttr strtaof N'w Yotl to lh' ylt 1939. cot[tiluli.n osptt 2! ot th. con.otidltad Lrwe ol rh6 srsrc ot N6w yorl known !r r,c l,r!uo^c! Lrw 6!rm'ndod, itt{,.d to T}t .{TNA CASUALTY AND suRETY co,ipaxy hir6.r c..riticrt6 rhsr isid comprny i. qurtdinl (o b.conr.rE t, rc.c'Pt'd l'
'ur'lY or ou-'ntd o'r all bo.tlt, unda.tlkingt. racognirsfica!, gulrmtiGa, lnd ottraa obligrtiort roqunad oa pc.mittod b, l!w; rnd hrlauch carrlliclt! hlr rrc'r taan ravol.d
mi.rlD at usa
5 frte of ty'on.oorrn^xctAL ETAT€MEitt Ag OF June 10, 19?9 lluMiv l iJl.':l! :trte 0i ll. Y. t/en.oo Co.
Aa FTLED WITH TH€ t|{aUnAfrCE OGpT. Of THE STATE oF rrEw VOF{t4y Commisjion Expkes lrlarch 30. Ig.Acaprral 8?oct r a5@rffi-
NoT nv iiliirc . Y.
lrdtc.o. Lo..t
ft.al Erura
Inv6tmd|l i.rana dsa
dS rccruad
h-nrum halaftar
OU|.r taaair
t 3.959,5L62,84t?nr6J9
221 ,l&5,U9
Unacdrad prrdiums
Lollt rdirrttmant expansct
Accruoal arp.rccs 6nd othcr lilbilitia3
Fadr.al incom. tet€a
Rat va to. r.rnsurrncc in cofllplnial
not authoriuod in New yort
Tol.l Lhbilitro.
r 907,1511645
2 ,o47 ,hgl ,i6t+?92,56'l,tI8
Itlrtl4,fr9, )1619,630,Nl
Totll A.a.tr .\'6Oi,766,;.52
Surplur Fundr
Clpitrl Stod
Plid n &rprur I37 ,365,926ofh.r r.,,plu. 79'l ,853,281r
Su,ptst to gotrcvhotd;-
$ 4,9r6,n5
9UJ35,9t 5I l+ t603 t766t152tr faqu-ad by hw.
S.crr.iirr. clri.d .t t ?Or6glrj04 io lbova ttata.nrnt lra d6poaitad with pubtrc tufhoratbr,
'r l,tttr,j'i*
Effi nre r'r'^ cl}'rna|"on
INOwALt Mtrr AyrHESt pntsINrS, TXAIIHE AtXACicSU,ltW A|{cTSUREIY COMFANy, I co,p,orrrton aury orgrnlrea und.?th. bw. oldr.sr'l' ol co^n'd'crrl
h.vr^g rll pri^cip.t otlicr in lhi cirv ot H.rrroeo, conrrry ot xrnro.o. sra,. ol c-.."n'"r""^.riliL, -..r,rr,.a ar.a.Doo'nr.cr. .^.t dd.r by th.r? o.6r.ni!.r!.1.. con..ruto r6d.r,!brni John R. Rlcdnrn, rr.ir J, -ii.ii.i,
.lr. o,Jrnct N. Ruff - -
ot ROChaster, N€lr york . tb rrlro.nd tairr/t Anorn!y(.1-th.f.d, wtrh fu( Dow...nd rurhorky hcraby con nrad
bv hit/hc'.or. ',en.ru..rr:.j.cr. .rv.nd .r bo"". ;&:ifil.::Hllij;n,;,r,."o.*.r*,'rne. obrs.ro?yi^ rh. n.tw. or. bohd,..cognrranca. or condttron.t Ll.ct"iating, and a.t and ilt C!,nrantt t.tClarinta thararo
nnd ro bind rHE ATN^ cAsuaLrY aNo:u**:ll3.l:il"'.tv I rr,-ttv -3 1o 6. tr"i. dr.nr u ,i n. .rm. wrr. drh.d Dv rh. dvry.ulhorit.d orllc.rr ot IHE €TNA CASUALIY ANDSUaely CCMPAity, rrd rtt ic rco of rriaXrornay(rl.in-F.ct, gu|!u.nt ro tha .Uflrortty h.raingivon, a.r haraby rrtlli.d and co.rirmad
::;!:ainlheni it trr(tc und.r.nd bv.utho,lty ot th. totro',trr sr.ndng n-oftnto|r. ot ..td co.np.rf r,arbh n-ofirrtoG. .,rlr* rr tu{ to.o
vorED Thtl €i'h of thc loilo\|r.]0 oflicc.t: chruGln, viccchrirmro, Praridcil. ,|ny Errcutlv,rvlcr p116idont, Anvscnlorvlc. pt.aidrnt, arry vic!P"r'dont'AnYAttrrt'^lviccP'.rraronl.anY,sacrarrv,lnvrt'torntsr,a=J.r,-"1rro-t,-",ortmrroo.ri.!Fnld.ntvic.Pr.drt.'rt,F-tdant
A3 !' sl t
^l stdttt ric!' ano r^rYt _i^ ' F'ct. tnd Ae.nb to .c. lo r !
^d on b.rr"t o{ riic cJnprny r^c mry grva a^y ru(r! apgolnt.. r{rd,'urfrodty a. hhc"t"ic.r. or rurho.iiv -rv or.rc'rbr 1., r'gr wrnr th. corprnv,. n.mc rrxt riir *rt *,r co.pi,i.r. ...rr uonoi-.-ogir.irr"-, -a.."r. orll,Tl5-T::ji1:firrn0! oblro!ro'Y in th. ^'iu'e ct, bond. r.cosnl$ncr, or coodit'onrr u,rd.ncrrne. .nd.nyorr.td o|lic.I| or th. go..d ot.,'rccron may rr a6y rima .rmov. ony roch ipr,oi,.tao ,nd ravola ra ,ow.r and ,utho.iry g,"ln hlm:
VOT€D: Thrr .nv bonO rOcoqnarrn.r. ro.trrct ot i^.jarh^ity. 6. w.ttirig +bltgdfl/In tha nrluro of i bo.rd, r..ngnt.* ca, or cohdftlond undrrt*tngrh.llb. v.iid r^d bihdirg uDon lhc Cornorhy whrn l6l .,gno.t by rh? Ch.trt',i^, il,a Vic. Chrlrrna^, th. prrridrnt, !n Erccltivc Vtco prrtdaat rSrnor Vica Prcnid.rrt, a Vic! Prr.klonl. r.r A.!l.hnt Vtjo prdtdr,rl o. bry a tridont Vi4. prDddont, pur&rht lr, th. pd.r pr-crrb.d In thac'rtr lic't' of tulh o '
itY ol
Afi idc^l vacs P r". idcnl. rnd dulv .n6ta., .nd .aabd ;h tha como.rili a.al by a s.cr{. ry or a."ld.rr siro'.(anlor bY ' F'!dt l ttittr'it sccfli'rY, Dlttu.nt to th. norot pr6c.ib.d In tha c..titlcrte or ruihorfty ol ructr Fccidcnr furtrtrm sccr*rry; or to, otrvcr.cul6d (und.' r.rl, il rrquircd) bv ooc or morr Anom.V>ln-Frct Bxtt ant to tr. poftr g.aacrlbod In hfu or thoircanifiC.ta o, ca.dicat_ o,aulnoritv
Thit Polvo? or2Anornry..rd C.ntttcr,r olAutho.ttv h.lg..d,^rt F.l.dtyt r!:t,nlte u^d6t on.t r,r nJlh.riiy ot thc,ollo*irrg gtar|dt,.O La( \rt o.rvol'd by lh' SoId ot otadort of 'rxE ,aETNA QtsuA!rv ,cHo sunEl+ ctMpaNy whtch qororlnon ir ho* tn tu forc. .nir.ttbdl
vorED) lhrl tht 'hntrutot odch olrh. foltor|lao o'ficrr rcttlrmrn.\'larchilrmrn,F.ortd.nt,AnyEra,cortavl.rpr..rrtff4anygntorvlcr'Pr.|idmt' Anvvict Prtildnl, A^? Atsr.l.n: vic. P;a.rdrnI, Any s.. ra-ry. Li. i..,i"nt s""r.l. ry, rnd rhc..ol otth{ co..prny,n!y b..tix?d b'ttc.lmil. to anY po+!r ol lnorray c.le rny cortdtcsto r.Jr,tt|re tiir.ro'rppoirrr;nO i-lA-t Vl6 pr! tal.ntr, n.rtd.nt &rt|t.nt St ltarli oranotntY'Jh'F clior pirrytctet o^rY ol orccrrllng.nd rttcrrl^g bon& aoa unlrou,ir enl ottrrr s,rltlhlr obttgrtory In $a d{ora fta.\rof,.nd arvtuch got,.' ol
'ttor^cY oi ct'li6c,r. b.,1160.uch t !:.rl.nllr r ghrturr o. rr{n fir.a;l.hrr b. vrldrni ninctio uoon or" coiinv arro a,rv ra,porw'
'ar ':r'cultd tnd 6rdtlc( by rrch {.6ltnlla renilure snd trcdmltclral rhr ba vcfid a^d dn<tin 1 upoo tto Comlrrir' t r,*r, -ior6r9.ct to any bord or uoda.t.Hng to which tt i. it|ch.d.
lN wlTNEss wH€nEoF, THE .rNA cAsuALlY Atlo SURTT' C.MPANY ir. c.urcd t,,ri Intt^r,nc ?o b. aJgr,,..t bv hr Attlttao!Vlct Prclld€nt , lnd I. oo.l|ot.t .a.t to b. h.?.lo dnx.d thjo 17 thd'Yor Jurrc .re 80
-- -
jl-,*t\ n{t arNA cr€uALtY Am a.rrrrt ofltarw'i:-* ,lJ rr -- A
st.r! of connccr,..u- , ,
r}"....:iJ t#
) sr Hr.lrrc
counv o, R.irlo,(t , - -" R. T. Rlppc
Onfi,, lTth 4'r.r nt .rvne . t9 gO , hqror.,n. rr.no^rily c.r4. l. T. RIpFflo.m. tnown. wno. h.t^g by 'l. duty i*o.n, dtd drt o.c rid.ry: r:rd h./.h6 r;rH: erNA c4su^!ry riro sintitilrieary. thc oorrorrrroa rroocii".r i".^n *,. **.*i* j..,1*j,^u"t T_II,iItjn:.,* #t'rlol r'id @'trorrtlon; thil lir .['t rtit'd to dia ttld Lrai?u naot l.r auart -aparrtra -rr, ane orrt ha.raha axacrrrad lha aald inalru,n-i on tlarraa,ol tlr. corrbr.rioh by rurhorrv or hhrrrcr crni ,,rd., d":,.;;-;oil;'';;-{ - .-. -l
.rrir- rr.rcn Jt, tt
Jghanns M. DegnrnCEFTITICATE
box 100
vail, colorado 81657
(303) 47G5613
department of community development
Resubdivision of Lot 14, Block 4' Bighorn
December 5, L977
Mr. .fohn Nilsson
Canadars of Vail
Box 908
VaiI, Colorado 81557
RE: E8rwick Subdivision,
Subdivision 3rd Addn.
Dear ilohn:
To confirm our telephone conversation, the subject Resubdivision
has been approved by the Planning Commission and the Town Council.
Zoning for-Lhe subject lots is Two Family Primary/Secondary Residential
which would allow a non-equal size two-family residence on each lot.
Individual lots may not be sold until one of the following condi-
tions has been met.
l. Road improvements and utilities insta]led in conformance
with the approved plat and Town of Vail specifications.
2. Money escrowed with the Town of VaiI in an amount suffi-
cient to cover the entire cost of the improvements.
3. A performance hand issued to the Town of Vail guaranteeing
completion of reguired improvements.
If you have any questions, please feel free to conLact me.
Sincerely '
Diana ToughilI
Zoning Administrator
* ii iii iii; :iiiii
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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT l,tr. Tirn Garton, representing Douglas
Borwick, has applied for a resubdivjsion of Lot 14, Block 4, Bighorn Sub_
division Third Adttion pursuant to Articl. ,rr, ,..rffi
subdivision Regurations. The parce'l consisting of approximately 3.5 acres
ts proposed to be divided into six residential lots.
A public Hearing will be held before the Town of Vail
commission pursuant to the subdivision Regulations on January
at 3:00 p.m. in the Vail Municipal Buildinq.
,r,i,;. {4 n ',
7tzao7.-*- r . *r,iL I tlJ (
DianaS. Touqhill (,i
Zoning Admiiistrator
Published in the Vail Trail December ll, 1976
Pl ann i ng
6, 1977
q/, INTERM.'NTATN orrot,*
P. O. Box 705
vAtL. coLoRADO 0t657
January 19, ir,977
Mr. Mike CarlisleVail Fire ChiefVail, Colorado 81657
Re: Resubdivision of Lot 14 in the Biqhorn Third Addition
Dear Mike:
Per our recent conversation, I am sending you this letter onbehalf of Doug Borwick.
ft is our understanding that the Bighorn Water District willbe sending you a letter of intent to provide vrater servicewith adequate fire pressures to Lot 14, Bighorn Third Additionby June 1, 1980. Borwick's development plan allows forbuilding to commence any time after June l, l-978. During thattwo-year period between 1978 and 1980, the developer acceptsthe responsibility of providing adequate domestic pressures toany of the buildings erected on the resubdivision in the eventthat the Bighorn District has not already provided saidpressures.
The developer would also agree that all lot purchasers prior to
1980 be fully apprised of the situation. If this arrangementis agreeable to you, we would appreciate your advising JimLamont's office of this fact.
Thank you.
TRG: j k
Timothy R.Garton
fion, fi.sllins & fio.,,rtt
1740 Williams Street / Denuer, Colorodo 80218 / Phone [303] 399-7053
January 18, L977
Mr. Jarnes Lamont
Planning Director
Town of Vail
Box 100Vail, C0 81657
Re:BIGHORN WATER DISTRICTPrelininary Plat Borwick
Resubdivision, FilinE #3,
Bighorn, containing approx.
3 acres proposed to serve
6 duplex lots
Dear Mr. Lamont:
The Bighorn Water District Board of Directors has given
further consideration to the provision of water service to the
above-referenced proposed subdivision. Please be advised thatat their January 12, L977 Board neeting, the Board did expressits intention to provide water service to this developnent uponrequest. Further, the Board expressLy forwards its intention toprovide adequate water pressure for fire flow purposes to thisproperty not later than June L, 1980.
This expression of intention to provide service along with
adequate pressure supplenents our letter of January 5, L977.
The District has not yet resolved its controversy over easementsto certain ltlater District facilities with Mr. Borwick. Althoughthe District expects to resolve this issue, Mr. Borwick is outof the country and unable to execute this resolution inmediately.
Therefore, this expression of our intention to provide water ser-vice and adequate pressures assurnes resolution of the easement
controversy and is intended only to serve for prellninary platpurposes. Itre wj-11 forrnally ratify or withdrcaw this expression ofintent prior to your consideration of a final plat on this property.
Obviously, if adequate easements are not obtained and hel-d by theDistrict, it nay affect the District's ability to provide future
service to any of its customers.
Mr. Janes Lanont
January Lg, L977
Page 2
If you have
contact us.
JPC: ahcc: ALL Board Menbers
Thonas T. Grimshaw
Frank Barrett
Kent Rose
Michael Carlisle
Leroy Tobler, P.E.
any further questions, please feeL free to
ames P. Collins
Lyon, Co1lins 6 Co., Inc.
1740 Vlilliams Strcet / Denuer,
January 5, 1977
PreLiminary Plat, Borwick
Resubdivision of BighornFiling 3, ApproxinatelY 3
Acres Containing 6 DuPlex
Ifin, CIulling & 6o., &l)
Colorado 80218 / Phone [303] 399-7053
Mr. Janes Lamont
Planning Director
Town of Vail
Box 100Vai1, C0 81657
Dear Mr. Lamont:
The Bighorn Water District has been requested to respond -to the availability of water for the above-referenced proposed
resubdivi s ion.
Bighorn water District has previously indicated its ability
to servE this property and does ieaffirn its expectation that
water service irifi Ue-available to it. At the present time'
the District believes its Water Rights option contract with
Princeville Corporation provides it with more than adequate
domestic water supplies -to serve the prospective buiLd-out of
the Bighorn l{ater bistrict. Also at the present-tine, the Big-
horn Wlter District has just recently consumrnated an intercon-
nection with the Gore Vailey Water District, providing back-up
water storage and raw watel supplies in the event of 1n energency
neetl . Finaffy, the District is-proceeding, along with the other
water entitiei in the Gore Valley, to research and resolve renain-
ing water supplies, storage and capital-facilities issues. we
"ii"it ttrat irithin the ye;r this revised naster_ plan for water
tatitities in the Va11ey will be complete and the Bighorn Water,
_District is prepared to'engage in capital construction which will
serve the needs of its constituents.
l,tle are aware of the water plessure problems of this Particularparcel. We believe that supplelnentary fire.flow pynps and-/or stor-
igu on the property will r-eiolve the existing probLen. We fur-
tf,er believe'thit with:-n a year following the conpletion of the
Va1ley-wide water study that the supplernentary water supply puTqs
or stbrage will be unn'ecessary, sint-e pre-ssures in the area and/or
additional storage will be intreased so that the property will be
Mr. Janes Lanont
January 5, 1977
Page 2
able to be served normally and adequately. Should developrnent
take place prior to this time, of course, such supplenentary
water flow facilities would have to be installed by the develop-
ers of the property.
Final1y, the District has an outstanding issue with
Mr. Borwick, which could affect the ability to provide water
service. Consequently, unless this issue is resolved within 30
days--this cornrnitment to serve will be withdrawn. We will for-
mal ly ratify or withdraw this commitrnent to you well before your
consideration of a Final Plat.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to
contact us.
JPC: ahcc: W. Kirch
A11 Other Board l4enbers
Thornas T. Grimshaw
Frank Barrett
Kent RoseTerrell Minger ,,-.LeroY Tobler, P.E.tz-
ames P. Collins
Lyon, Collins G Co., Inc.
7456 W. 5th Ave'
"^" ,,/ </, I l'"" 36 z/. c :L
/e*} APhone 232'6050
L|TY E;zGt/n;Ea'.-TO
! Shop drawings
! Copy of letter
n Under separate cover via the following items:
I Samples E Specifications
Change order
i /4lzt frez-truti nAE* €tTE P,t+,Jztz/zq/zt Eo14 re-Tl c'+tss' sEciza,J g
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! For approval
! For Your use
E As requested
( For review and comment
as checked below:
as submitted
as noted
for corrections
Resubmit-copies for approval
Submit-cooies for distribution
lf.ncrgsutat t.. not .s notad, kindly noaiti
K K B N A rrrcHUM.rO(EL.BARRETT.NrcKEL.Ausrrru fnsuttins Ensineers
.-> f I t -t1oo1'r," So-an, e l< Sob d r or=t*, ey l44o o,,." l/ 4/7? Job No._
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aataa.r coLo.aoo alall
ol|.t.oaa i'araa ot t lct
,attco, coLotloo ao'at
JanuarY 3, 1977
Dear Mike:
lle received the drawing of the proposed Borwick Subdivision from you
today and we vrould like to make some prel iminary comments on behalf
of the tlighorn Vater District'
First, it appears that adequate water pressure cannot now be provided
to the subdi'ision and that some means of increasing the. pressure will
be necessary. This could be Via a booster pumping station, intercon-
nection to higher pr.iiri.-rone, and/or storage above the proposed site'
whatever method is selected, it must prouid. idequate fire.frows as r'rel I
as aclequate domestic ,.rvice' lJe would recommend to the District that
necessary to serve the site.
line you mentioned,-it is not possible to cletermine either the most
feasible service meth;d nor the Districtrs pol icy on service to this
property. We rvoula-irtt iitt" to indicate ti'rat there is an unresol ved
problem at this timel--wt ui" available to the applicant or his engi-
neer to discuss possible solutions'
Hr. Hike Carlisle' Fire Chief
Town of Vail
P.0. Box 100
Vai l, Colorado 81657
FDB: ms
cc: l,,alter Kirch
Jim Col I ins
Yours verY trulY,
El e.rzf_By
Franc is 0. Barrett
O N-U,3t/"/
/ / 7/
Qilln, h Cq
11 /)l/''lM
?ro '17 s 7
4///^I,-"'* :
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chen and associates, inc. f''ffq .'f iF-i-a*-,i _ _ i
coNsuLrrNG ENGtNEEBS Xf,f.};:;
96 S. ZUN| . oENVER, COLORADO 80223 . 303/tf4-7105
192{ EAsr FfRsr STREET . 'crspen, wyoutNc 1260r . goTt2ra-2126 , .',,
November 26- 1976
SubJect: Englneerlng Geology Reconnaltslncel;'o
Lot 14, Bl, Blghorn Subdlvlslon,
Thlrd Addltlon, Vall, Colorado.
I Ine, as
nrounta ln
30tt r t0uilDAil0ll
Job No. lt,874
Ketchum, Konkel, Barrett, Nlckel, Austln
7455 l.Iest 5th Avenue
Denver, Colorado 80226
Attentlon: Hr. Leroy Tobler
Gen t I emen i
As requested, the underslgned made a fleld reconnalssance at the
subJect slte on 0ctober 22, 1976. The purpose of the Investlgatlon was
to make a prellmlnary assessment of the slte geology and lts expected
effect upon future development.
!:gpgsSS-O."uulogr*t-: Ue understand that Lot 14, 84 wlll be the slte of
severa I condqn i n I unr- type structures. ln additlon to bulldlng sltes, an
access road will be constructed onto the property from the exlstlng as-
phalt road which terminates near the northwestern property boundary northof tslghorn Creek. The flnal posltlon of the access road and bulldlng
sltes had not been determlned at the tlme of thls lnvestlgatlon. The
condomlnluns will be servlced by a community seurer and water system.
Slte and Geo_lcgl_c,_Conditions: Lot lA ls a 3.7 acre parcel sltuoted on the
@lghorn Creek about ! mlles east of Vall, Colo-
rado, see Flg. l. The general conflguratlon of the ground surface at theslte ls shown by the topographlc llnes on Plate l. Ground surface slopesat the slte range from very steep to gently sloplng. The steeper slopes
occur adJacent to Elghorn Creek. In thls area, the stream has lnclsed a
re I at I ve I y' na r row, stbep-wal led channe I through the adJacent valley f loor.
The hummocky topography that occurs over most of the slte ls a result ofglaclal deposltlon wlth some mlnor modlflcatlon by subsequent stream
eroslon and deoos I t lon.
Blghorn Creek f lorvs parallel to the northwestern property
shcrrn on Plate l. Blghorn Creek ls a moderate slze perennlal
str€am. The majorlty of tho lot ls at least 20 feet above theof the 3tream channel.
Ketchum, Konkol , Barrett, Nlckel , Austln
November 26, 1976. Pago 2
Thc fleld Invcstfgatlon Indlcated that three maJor soll unlts and one
bodrock unlt crop out at the slte, sec Plate l. The maJorlty of the sltc
ls underlaln by glaclal moralne deposlts, fiap Unlt Qm. These deposlts con-
slst of boulders, cobbles and gravel ln a very sendy clay matrlx. The
boulderr and cobbles are rounded, durable, lgneous rock types and comprlse
from 50 to 50 percent of the deposlts. An old abandoned stream channe I
crosses through the central part of the slte. The channel is underlaln by
glaclal outwash, Hap Unlt Qou{, whlch ls essentially stream-reworked moralnal
doposlts. The thlrd surflclal deposlt mapped on'Plate I ls l4ap Unlt Qc,
whlch conslsts of the present-day stream channe I and a low terrace whlch
flanks the stream channel. All ssrflclal deposlts, Map Unlts Qm, Qow, and
Qc, consist of boulders, cobbles and gravel In a very sandy clay matrlx.
Thlcknesses of these deposits have not been determlned.
A smal I outcrop of granlte occurs ln the extreme western port lon of
the site. Loverlng and Tweto!/ correlate thls granlte wlth the Cross Creek
Granlte. The outcrops at the slte occur along a steep escarpment adJacent
to Blghorn Creek. The rock conslsts of a nredlum gralneci granlte which ls
massive to moderately jolnted. A fault was observed ln the granlte, as
shovrn on Plate l. The shear zone assoclated wlth the fault was approxl -
mately 5 feet wlde-and was fllled wlth a clayey granlte breccia. The strlkeof the fault ls ll5fu wi!h a nearly vertlcal dlp. This fault parallels other
faults rnepped by Loverlng and Tweto ln the general area.
Geo!o9lc C-on:ideratlons Affectlng the P_roposed Constructlg: IJe do rtot
anticipate any major problems with developr,eniba the site as proposed
from an engineerlng geology polnt of view. The hummocky topography at
the slte results directly f rorn glacial deposltlon and ls not assoclatedwlth landslldlng or slope lnstabllity. l{e do not antlclpate that the faultwlll have a maJor bearlng on construct lon at the proposed slte. Surface
observat lons Indlcate that the subsol ls at the slte should be generallygranular. These sol ls, lf well dralned, should be stable ln cuts to mod-
erate depths (from l0 to 20 feet deep) and at lncllnations between l{:l
to 2:1. Shal low groundwater ls not expected to be a potential problem.€t the slte. l'loderate dlff iculty may be encountered In shallorv excavat.ions
end trenches when large boulders are encountered. 0t.herwlse, normal soi I
excavation technlques can be emp loyed. The granite bedrock, lf encountered'ln shal lor^r excavat lons, wl ll be dlfflcult to excavate. Rlpplng alone wlll
probab ly not be effect ivc ln thls material, vrhlch In most cases wl ll requl redrllllng and blastlng in order to exc€vate. The depth to bedrock below the
majorl ty of the slte has not been deternrlned. Ftoodlng should not be a
J! Loverlng, T. S.
deposlts of the
Fl lc Report.
and Tweto, 0. L., Prellmlnary
fllnturn Quadrang le, Colorado:
on geology and orc
Geol . Survey Open
. ,r,
Ketchum, Konkel , Barrctt,
November 26, 1976
Page 3
Nlckel, Austln
potentlal hazard over rtost of the
relatlvely hlgh above the present
rately assess potentla I problems
hydrologlcal lnvestlgatlon of the
slte becausc the maJorlty
stream channcl. ln ordcr
related to floodlng would
upslope dralnage bas I n.
Addltlonal Investlqatlons: Thls reoort ls of a reconnaissance nature. llo
subsurface Informat lon was gathered other than f rorn exposures along the
oxlstlng strean channel adJacent to Bighorn Creek. In our oplnion, the
report Is extens ive enough to evaluate potentlal geologlc hazards. Addl-
tlonal Investlgatlons are warranted wlth respect to road locatlons and
speclflc foundat ion condltlons at bulldlng sites. lJe recocmend that once
bulldlng sl tes and road locations have been determlned, a subsurface
Investlgatlon be conducted to determine deslgn crlterla.
lf there are any questlons, or lf we may be of furthcr servlce, please
let us know.
Rev. By: R. C.ll .
of the 3lte ls
to more accu-
requ I re a
Englneerlng Geologlst
' ,/l
t -.-.._tEE>
-fi O
chen and associates, inc.
nDN I JMtr
rrDA I JDnt-F DP I J"' N- -,., i-^;llr i L_\lt l,+1 ruri
sollstoutlDtlloll 9c s. zuNl . DENVER, COLORAOO C0223 ' 303/7.r'7105
:XGf XI:Rf t{O 192f EASTFTRSTSTREET .'ClSpER,WYOtlt{c!2601 . 3O7l2Y-212a
November 26, 1976' ; i--l' t., ::r I ,(': '
SubJcctr Englneerlng Geology neconnetEd*nlJl'tr
Lot 14, B4, Blghorn Subdlvlrlon'
Thlrd Addltlon, Vall' Colorado.
Job No. 13,87ll
Ketchum, Konkel, Barrett, Nlckel, Austln
7456 Wcst 5th Avcnuc
Denver, Colorado 80226
Attcn t I on : l{r. Leroy Tob lcr
As requestod, the underslgned made a flcld reconnalssance at the
subJect rlte on 0ctober 22, 1976, The purpose of the Investlgatlon wes
to make a prellmlnary as3cssfiEnt of thc sltc aeology end lts exPected
effect upon future dcve I oprncn t.
Propored Development: lle understand that Lot 14, 84 wlll be the slte of
€cccss roed wlll bc constructod onto the property from the exlstlng as-
phalt road which termlnates ncar the northwestern Property boundary north
of Blghorn Creek. The flnal posltlon of the access road and bulldlng
sltcs had not been determlned at the tlme of thls Investlgatlon. The
condornlnlums wlll be servlced by a cornmun I ty sewer and hrater system.
Slte and Geologic Condltlons: Lot 14 ls a 3.7 acre parcel sltuated on the
ffitghorn Creek about 5 mlles east of vall, Colo-
rado, see Flg. l. The general conflguratlon of the ground surface at the
slte ls l hovrn by the topographlc llnes on Plete l. Ground surface slopes
at the slte range from very steep to gently sloplng. The stecpcr slopcr
occur adJecGnt to Elghorn Crcek. ln thls erea, the strea.n has fnclscd a
relatlvely narrotr, stcep-walled channel through the adJacent valley floor.
The hurmocky topography that occurs over most of the slte ls a rcsult of
glaclal deposl tlon wlth s orrc mlnor rnodl f lcat lon by subsequent stream
eros lon and deposltlon.
Blghorn Creek flows parallel to the northvrestern property llne, as
ghcnn on Plato l. Elghorn Creok ls a modcrate slze perennlal nrountaln
itrcam. Thc maJorlty of thc lot ls at least 20 feet abovc thc elevatlon
of thc ttrGrm channel.
l. r : ,1.1
| ("i
il i r-l
l-: I i'r
Ketchum, Konkcl , Barrett, Nlckol , Austln
Novcmber 26, 1976. Page 2
Thc flcld Invcrtlgrtlon Indlcated thet three maJor soll unltr and onc
bedrock unlt crop out.t thc glter sec Platc l. The maJorlty of the sltcls underlaln by gloclrl moralnc deporlts, l{ap Unlt Qm. Theee doposlts con-
slst of bonldcrs, cobblcs and gravcl ln e vcry rcndy clay matrlx. The
bouldcrc rnd cobbles ars roundcd, dureble, lgneous rock types and conprlrc
frqn 50 to 60 percent of thc dcposlts. An old abandoned stream channel
crosscs through the central pert of the rlte. Thc channel ls underlaln by
glaclel outwaih, l{ap Unlt Qor, whlch ls essentially stream-reworked morafnal
dcposltr. The thlrd curflclal daposlt mappcd on'Plate I lr tlap Unlt Qc,
whlch conrlsts of thc prcrcnt-day ltre.m channel and a low tcrrace whlch
f lankr thc strcam channel. Al I surf lclal deposlts, l,lap Unlts Qn, Qovr, end
Qc, conslst of boulders, cobbler and gravcl In a very sandy cley mrtrlx.
Thlcknesses of thcse deposi ts have not b€cn detennlned.
A emall outcrop of grenltq occurs In thc 6xtr6rnc wcstorn portlon of
thc 3lte. Lwcrlng rnd Tweto!/ correlete thls granlte wlth thc Crosr Creck
Granlte. The outcropr at the slte occur along a steep escrrprcnt adJacent
to Blghorn Creek. Thc rock conslsts of a nedlum gralned granlte whlch ls
masglve to moderately Jolnted. A fault was obgervod In the granlte, as
shourn on Plate l. The shear zone ossoclated wlth the fault was approxl-
metely 5 faet wldc^and was fllled wlth a clayey granlte breccta. The strlkcof the fault ls N5'l.l wlth a nearly vertlcal dlp. Thls fault parallelr othcrfaults meppcd by Lovcrlng and Tweto In the gencral area.
Geologl c Conslderatlons Affcctlnq the Proposed Constructlon: l'/e do flot
anticipste any major problems with deve loparcnt of the slte as proposcd
from an onglneorlng geology polnt of vlew. The hunynocky topography at
the slte results dlrectly f ron glaclal deporl tlon and ls not assoclatedwlth landrlldlng or slope lnstablllty. t,le do not antlclpeto thst th6 frultwlll havc a maJor bcarlng on constructlqr ot the propored slte. Surface
obgervatlons Indlcate that the subsot ls at the slte should be general lygranular. Thesc solls, lf well dralned, should be stable ln cuts to rnod-erate depths (frorn l0 to 20 feet deep) and at Incllnations between l*:lto 2:1. Shal lor groundwater ls not expected to be a potentlal problem.at the slte. l'loderate dlfflculty may bc encountered In shal lor excavatlonl
and trenches whon large boulders are encountered. 0therwlse, normal soll
excavat lon techn lques can be employed. The granlte bedrock, lf cncountcrcdIn rhal lov cxcavatlonr, wl ll be dlfflcult to excavatc. Rtpplng alone wlllpr*9f ly not be cffectlve ln thls materlal, whlch ln rnost cascs wl | | rcqulrcdrllllng and blastlng ln order to excavete. The depth to bedrock belory thc
maJorlty of thc slte has not been determlned. Floodlng should not be a
and Twcto,0. L., Prellmlnory
f'll nturn Quadrangle, Colorado:
J! Lovcrlng, T.-S.
deporltr of thc
Fl lc Rcport.
rcport on gcology and orc
U.S. Geol. Survcy Opcn
Ketchum, Konkel , Barrett, Nlckel , Austln
Novcmber 26.- 1976
Page J
potcntlal hazard ovcr most of the slte becausc thc maJorlty of the rltc ls
relatlvoly hlgh abovo thc present stredn channol. In order to more accu-
rately ass63t potcntlal problems related to floodlng would requlre a
hydrologlcal Invcrtlgatlon of the upslope dralnage basln.
ArJdltlonsl lnvestlgatlons: Thls report ls of a reconnaissance naturc. No
ffi gathered othcr than fron exposures along the
exlstlng stream channel adJacent to Blghorn Creek. In our oplnlon, the
report lg extensive enough to ovaluate potentlal geologlc hazardr. Addl-tlonal Investlgatlons are warranted wlth respect to road locatlons and
speclflc foundatlon condltlons at bulldlng sltc:. We recrnnend that once
bulldlng sltes and road locatlons have be€n determlned, a subrurf€ce
Invostlgatlon be conducted to determlne deslgn crlt6rla.
lf there are .ny questlons, or lf vrc may be of furthcr scrvlcc, plcesclet ug know.
Rev. By: R. C .ll .
Englneerlng Geolog lst
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AGREEMENT hos been reoched this ; ' doy of A.D., l9-, belween lhe ownet c ownerg
t the obove designoted porcsl or porcels, her6in collectively collBd lh6 VENDOR, ond ths oEpaRTMENT OF HIGHWAYS,'STATE OF COI-ORAoO, hotoin
olled lhe DEPARTMENI for the purchos€ of soid porcel or potcels.
The omounls of money to be poid, ond othet considerolions fo be given in tull
sq rl
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I lo,es ono Spec,t Assessmenrc, tl ony, dehnquenl..hom fqm.el.feors-,,lorcs ond Spcciol Asslssmenls lof lh? Cuffct'l teof ond oll Lnpoid boloncCs o!'
' ipe1;oi lSs1sinints poloble tn luluri ieors, sholl ba potd bl lhe vendott
z €rcept where the to*rrq hcrc hvolyed B totqt or *here thc pgrcct ii locoted * hh lhe nco.poroted hmils-,of o ctlf' lotn or olher gove'nmenlol el'lily
prohtbtttng o , gtos, q othcf twnefol erptofottbn, onl conva)ronce .iii-iti}iiit tq tt,i {greeTant sh,o/! resd4c lo lha Vendor oll mnefots' 'ocludtog
ott ond go5, ,n onat unocr ne pr6nl,iii't6 ob ioi'cy'ed os &r lhe toi-glf,gi vlne Depordenl '5 slondord mncfol fcsefvotlot' clouse,
3 fhc venddr tcrcby a|.ees thot the eon?nsotion helcin prowded lo M potd, mclude|. lutl conwnso,latr lq'_I1ts- inlercsl - elhcr prcsenl or lulure, ond lhe
m|2r5|5o|oltn|e.tenonts''rcmiiirii6i'-,e"us)o,,i"''t,e*,'*biii'"t,ii'iik;:.h|;d';i:.i;:7;n}':1*(.,|::.,:,i:i-nb7\i oits:cna,nq, ond'the Vendor o1lees lo discholge lhe sdme '
4 fnrs ttemorond)re enoojis thi *nole agreencnt bclrreen lhe N.hes tE.cto, ond lhere ore io proaises, terms, condilions or obligolions relerring lo lhc
sutlecl motler hcleol, other lhon os h€ran cdtloheo;
r good
5 fh,s Agreemcnl sholl bc deerhcd O Cot lrocl crtendng l? olrd gindtng upon the pAllES tErel|, Ond uryo t9rr rcS7cchte h4irs ' dcvtsees' Cxeculot''' odminit
trotors. /eeot rcp.6sen,o,,"2, ",tei$i'i.""il.!;;W oyl-il7r.!!;' [i,i""ii;2:l!:if;^f"l::*gfio %!i;ti"fE:Sll";'&:it#:'ot the ocport'
iiii -'Sii,,. R;7ht ot wor Eist , Sr flg!!l!:Wii:f i#"x'fril#fiii:i:i#
Of fhe tolol omounl of .otp"nroli* hur"inobove ogreed uPon, ihe sumot $ ttt"t' sholl bepoid upon the exbculion ond delivery of
ond su f f icient,
i-l .or",o. *ARRANT' DEE' wtrH MTNERAL ResEavrrtoH- [ eotet'e"t
I l or,t-".o,r DEED wtrH MTNERAL RE sERvATtoN- l--Jl neuErse
ii ourr-claru oE€D wtrHour MTNERAL RESERvarloN-
?l omounl
bolonce of
Plcose o/der Worronl in
os lheir intcresls moy oppcor.
' ..rc . l or otir'rwi5c'
Ilr Fr.AT!_l.l rcoLoRADo (orsrRrcr No.
t.,i.'o!.4 lot r,o)n'cnl o, obove
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-or5TRlBUTloN - .' . : 'l t' t:-
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loeCb Crc.h-5$tt
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J. I. I.'ALL
L t. rlllEr.ET
tfnFrnrr aC l3r3bo liri-
Il'3b rrbrrrer 30 tb l.srud|lr of tlfllrc cf
tfcsr lyr ItoS u13b l.tl. c|'ulty Drrelrfot GotP' r -irrccfr lt,, a!. t5 l€Y.2, a5+, at rEl 5?t Gt' Ln:3 :! 3b4
tr.trrst tor 3b atruclrrr to bo car3ltr3t" rl Gctr|Dlee
Drl$, f!a. lisr l. tl|t r'3bo D3t.amt of lltbrtr utfl
Frorla. r atrrssrrr lg lerat 12 toc rlde nl l!'t lrrt bt&I'
sbleb wrl{ rllou P.tr.$'t ot lqutprnc lqtllt eltcd oo cL'
hl3hry rl3bout rPrclrl Frnll' ''
JrilIUr L. lEAtso,'
Ittf3tlct lni$r.r
l. l. HArnrljt!l.3rl3t lcll tr't|raer
ll$r 3iii.'
cc; L.C.!.C. (Deuf liott)
U lgrxr
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