HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIRST WESTWIND 2 OF 4 LEGAL\o,J t-^Jd Tfnt W*:*,'.-^a e'6t{ J Area of Sprlnkler Operatlon:1500Denslty: .15 Area Per Sprlnkler:13@ MAX. Hose Allowance GPM: Inslde:@ Hose Allowance GPM: Outs1de325@ Rack Sprlnkler AllowdnC€ : @ Stat 1c PSI : 132 Resldual PSI:128 * WATER FLOW TEST * * PUMP DATA * Date & Tlme:9-l--93 Rated CapacttyrN/A 1p exVt o.^f 1-,t,.'. : HYDRAULIC DESIGN INFORMATION SHEET At PSI:N/A Elevat lon: O * System Type * lxl-I^IET []-DRy I l-DELUGE [ ]-pRE-ACTTON * SPRINKLER OR NOZZLE * MAKC:CENTRAL MOdEI:UPRIGHTS1zes1\2 K-Factor:5.5 Temperature Rat lng : 1"55 * TANK OR RESERVOIR r. /r^6^^{.Fr'\-cl|Jcrl.J.uy i Elevat ion: * WELL "Proof Flow: 4z.z-l 7/ J"' s tf ,r' ':zx- CALCULATTON SUMMARY ---- GPM Requlred:595 pSI Requlred:102.35"C" Factor Used: Overhead:120 Underqround:140 - WATER SUPPLY GPM Flowlnet9@.9 E levat 1on : O LOCAIION:548 S. FRONTAGE RD. VArL ,COLORADO SOUTCE TNfOTMAtION:EXISTING CITY WATER MAIN W-o-.rf.-o'\ /\cU Name : WESTWIND CONDOMINIUMS Date: 4-25-94LOCAIlON!548 SOUTH FRONTAGE RD. VAIL COLORADOBulldlng:GARAGE AREA SPRINKLERS system No. #1 tltET CONITACIOT:VALLEY WIDE MECHANICAL & ELETRICAL INC. CONtTACt NO. 72A3Calculated By:RUSTY CLINE Drawlng No. F.p.-L,2constructlon: [ ]-combustlble IX]-Non-combustlbre ce111ng Helght:10,-4,, Ft.Occupancy:NFPA #13 lggL EDfTION 7\--------;-------\ sYsrEM DESTGN X]-NFPA 13: I 1-LT. HAZI t 1_qhOrNERY HAZARD GROUP: I J-EX.HAZARD.]-NFPA 231 [ ]-NFPA 231C: FIGURE: CURVE: I-OTHER (Speclfy) r .' ]-SPECIFTC RULING MADE BY:DATE: 'lB' Sprtnller Prograr Pealtng 0utput RODB ccl Eerote lreN(spnl lpsll {51.18 5t.60 At8 m9 ilelll Al2 Al3 lt{ Eu tf2 Bf3 Dl{ Bts 8ilft ft(gprl lp8tl 399.81 35.20 onl ley to contlnue... thlft t2{sprl lprll 596.2t 1t2.35 8.25 8.25 8.25 7.2' 8.25 8.25 8.15 8.25 7.25 8.21 8.25 8.25 loc' I ll-lurctlon ll0m ?ll - Calc. lequlred trll8fillD.lil lsc-lrtt llle: I{881lflllD.IIB "1$" P[8SSUR8 nolflr0D8 tPsrl (cPltl Sprlnkler rron?rl, FP! $oftnare, 8ilyllIoll [-rActo8 IREAttB[T] (sQ.rr,l Inc. Page: DE|[SiIT {GPr{/S0.rT. ) t01 [02 Ae3 [0{ t05 t06 A0i AC8 te9 ilt All u2 lt3 il{ 801 Bt2 8e3 B!{ 805 8C6 80? ctl cc2 cc3 cl{ ce5 c06 c0? ce8 t 5 1 I 9 10 1l t2 l3 1{ t5 15 t? l8 l9 29 2L 71 t5 2l l5 tDl ?5,?6 ?1 .00 68.9? 56, {0 53 ..l{ 51 .83 5 5.87 54.66 53 ,28 52. 88 53 ,19 52,51 52.44 52,t2 13 .12 l{.t? 1{.63 10.,1 tt,Jl 2t,92 28.e5 6? ,5{ 65.5{ 55 ,85 53 .93 58,21 52.05 2t.11 2l .14 10.91 11.10 11.?i 13 .55 1{,{8 16,38 18. 28 20.19 12 .9t t{.58 15 .3{ t?,c8 20.45 2t,tl l{.?5 t5, t{ IO.'J 11 ,21 18.8{ 22.t| I].JU 23,?t 26.C3 3t.19 t8.51 0.00 0.00 e .00 c, c0 0.00 0.0c 0.e0 c. te c.0e c. te e,ee 0.t0 c.0c LCt e,e0 f.tl c.t0 Lt0 0. 0e c,tc e,e0 ! ,0c c.00 c,0c 0.e0 LCC 0.e0 c.0! 0 .00 18.5e 18.66 19.21 24,62 21,31 c ,0e e,et e ,00 2t,t2 2e .31 21.{5 2l .93 23,1{ 0.0c LCC 2t .51 21,71 22.94 23.25 2{ .10 0.0t e .00 21 ,21 e .0e t.tl t. el I ?( 8,25 8.25 8,25 8.25 1.25 8. 25 0,25 8.25 8,25 1.25 8 ,25 8.25 8,25 8.25 1.25 8.2 5 8.25 u.ll r tl 8.2 5 8 ,25 8,25 I ?q 8,25 u.ll 8,25 8.2 5 8.25 8,25 8.25 8. 25 8.25 d.ll !,zl 8,25 8,25 8,25 8.25 8,25 6, t7 8,25 I .25 8.25 8,25 u.ll 8,25 s.25 8.25 5,5 t( t.b 99.?5 99.?5 99,i5 99.i5 99,.l5 0,185 e.187 0.193 e,207 t,ztE 5.6 5.6 5,6 5.5 5,6 5,6 5.5 5,5 5.6 5,6 00 ?q 99.15 99..l5 99 ,15 99,75 99.r5 99,75 99.?5 99,75 99.?5 99,r5 r.202 0.29{ J ,ILJ c,229 0,212 e,216 0 ,210 e .230 t,233 e .244 0.z1t lller tBSlflIlD.l[t 'ltl' SDrlntler ltfW lPt Softrare, Inc. Peger 2 O pn$sn8 il,0r $wlllox n-tlcmB mn Dil8IlIroDr lpsrl loPill lt8lll l$0.fr.l tcpll,80.tl.1 tpt f8.?l l.fl 8,15LPz 5f.12 t.lf 8.25tPz tf.zl l,lf 8.25tP3 51.?t f.fc 8.25tP3 5f.85 l,ll Llt ccl 112.35 595.21 1.33 mumt 881 lll.?3 l.fl 3.ltBt2 9f.51 l.ll 3.1?ml 8t,7{ f.fl 8.2!It2 82.92 l.ll 8.25r{t3 81,59 l,t| 8.25 tr1le: llEsTl{l|{D.lw BEGIII llODE ILOT DIII{ETtsR (GPil (IllCElSl o lYPI TITlIllCS "IBX' sprlnkler Progrsn by flB softf Inc. r8llclfi EQ|/ l,EilGl8 I01 L,Bllctff IRIC1I0N C-lIALt]8 trBET) {rBBIl {Fr8Tl (PSr/F1. ) Page: Pf t'Etocltv tPsrl (rT/s8cl 8il0 ITODB Pe {PSrl A0l 402 [03 404 [05 t06 A0i 408 [09 Al0 All il2 413 802 Be3 B0{ Be5 sc5 8ei ccl caz c03 ce4 cc5 c06 c0? 2 3 801 ce8 1e 803 ll 1,)!L -tJ l{ c0? IJ l7 BC1 18 19 z0 22 Ae8 24 t09 402 403 [0{ 405 A06 [07 le8 409 [10 il1 412 At 3 ll4 801 BC2 Be3 B0{ Br5 806 c02 c03 c04 c05 c06 cc? c08 9.5 6 i,1C 3,125 4,t7 {,21 ll,21 11, ?l 4.Zl { .11 5.t8 5, C{ 4.2r L25 9 8,5 5.e4 lc 3 4.1? 5,17 21.5 14 d I L42 5.58 I I I 6 1 9 9. 08 q? i0,5 10.5 10,5 5,5 I 9 9 .08 ,92 10.5 lc.5 i0.5 10,5 82 21 ,92 10.5 12 ,83 0? t 0.0e 0,00 0.00 0,00 5.01 15,00 0,00 0 ,00 0.e0 5.00 15 .00 0 ,00 0.00 3.e0 9,ee 0,00 e,e0 3 ,00 9.eg 0,00 e .00 0,00 e.e0 0,00 5 .0e 0,c0 0.00 0,00 5 .00 5.00 0.00 0,00 0. 00 0,00 3.e0 0,00 6.00 5 ,00 0.ee c.0 0 0.e0 5 .00 5.e0 0. c0 5 .00 6, tc 0. ce c,e0 e.ec 0.00 12. 00 5,00 s.ae 5.00 12.00 9.50 4,00 6.00 ?.10 Ll3 I9,17 4,21 11.21 ll.21 0 ?l 19.1? 5,08 6.50 9, 0{ q 7q 9, 00 11,5, l5.g{ 10,t0 3.e0 {, Il 9.e0 6,ll 2? .50 14,00 8,00 8,00 1 ,42 12.58 8 .00 8,00 8.00 8,00 4 .00 9,0c 15 .08 6,92 10.5e 10.5C 10.50 12,50 i.00 9.e0 15,08 6,92 1e,50 10,5c 10.50 10,50 94. ee 21 ,92 10,50 18,83 l0{ , 50 0.00 $.00 0 ,00 0.00 -0.43 0 ,43 0. 00 0. 00 0.00 -0,43 e .43 0 ,0s 0 .00 0,{3 -0.{3 0,00 0,e0 0, {3 -0.43 0,00 0 .0e 0 .00 0.00 0,00 0.00 c,00 0,00 0,00 0 ,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 ,00 0,00 0.e0 0,00 e ,00 0,00 0.00 I ,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 888 I EEE E EBE ! tE8 T ! T t I T B0i : 8 9 10 8t3 11 TZ 13 ll c07 l6 l1 B0{ 18 l9 25 2l 22 805 23,,, t7 305.52 2.15{ 211,05 2.154 253.05 2.r54 215.5? 2,15{ 2s4.21 2,154 2C8.21 2,t5{ 2e4.21 2,15{ 128,83 2,15{ 66.18 2.15{ 38 ,35 2, 15{ 38.36 2.15{ 38,36 2.154 1l .81 2,154 33,10 1.{52 33.10 1,452 63,32 1,452 101.55 1,{52 56,18 1.{52 66,18 I .452{0.59 I .452 59.15 1,{5293.r6 l,{52 110.54 1.452 1{1,93 l, {52 l{1.93 i.452 65,21 1,452 18,50 1.452 3?.15 1.{52 56.3? 1,452 23,21 L{52 43 .90 1 .452 65,20 t,452 55.20 1,452 65,20 r.452 65.20 1.452 20.t2 l,{52 40,42 1,{52 r0,2e 1.{52 31.56 1.452 53,59 l.{52 16,?3 1.{52 ?6, 13 1.452e.00 1.452 21,51 l,{52 43,23 1.4524,98 1,452 21.88 1. {52 51,14 1.452?5.{{ 1.{52 15,44 1.{52 15.44 1.45? 35,39 l,{52 52.65 1.452 52,55 1,452 62.55 I .452 10 l0 10 10 l0 l0 i0 l0 10 l0 l0 t0 10 10 l0 t0 10 l0 10 10 ie t0 10 l0 10 t0 10 l0 t0 10 l0 l0 10 l0 t0 10 IU te 10 10 t0 l0 Lu t0 10 10 10 l0 10 i0 l0 t0 10 l0 l0 8t 0 .601 1 20 0 ,5e6 120 0.428 120 0.3?5 120 0.208 120 0.288 120 0.288 120 e,123 lze c.035 120 e.013 120 e.013 120 0.ell I20 0.003 120 0,068 120 0.e58 r20 0,225 120 0.5{e t201.2t4 t20 a.244 r20 e,099 120 0.255 lzs 0,{60 120 0.533 t2A 1,00t 120 1. e03 120 0.238 IZ0 0.023 120 0.08{ lzi 0,182 120 0.c35 l2t 0 . 11{ 120 0,218 120 0 . 238 120 0,238 tzs 0.238 120 i,021 120 e . 098 120 0.008 120 0.062 r20 0,155 t20 0.321 |zi 0,321 t20 0.0e0 120 0,031 1200.il1 12r 0,002 120 0.e49 120 0,152 120 e.311 120 0.111 120 0.311 120 0.07? 120 0,221 120 t.22t 120 a,221 120 5.1i 25.9e 2,03 21.39 ?..51 22,28 2 ,65 Zi ,14 2.34 17.99 q q? It qq 1.21 1l.99 1,38 11.14 c ,40 5 .83e.12 3,38 0 .25 3,38 0,0? 3,38 0 .02 1 .5?0,61 6.{l0.90 5. {1 2,08 12.27 4.86 19.582,81 1?,82 3 ,58 12 .82 0,99 ? ,880.8e 13.{0 r ,92 18, C55.69 21.44 6,19 21.502t.58 21 .5e 1,tJ Il,oJ 0,19 3,58 0 ,67 1 ,20 l.l5 i0,92 0,{4 {,510.92 8.51 1,90 12,531,90 12.53 1.90 12,63e.95 12,53 0 .2+ 3 ,90 1 .48 ? .830,e5 1,98 0.66 5.13 1.r{ lc.l8 3.31 14.81 4,02 l{,8?s.00 0.000.28 4,1?l,68 8.38 0. cl 0,96 0.52 5.{0 l,59 9,913.21 14.62 3,27 i{.62 29.28 l{.62 2. 14 5 ,862,32 12.14 4.15 12,14 23 , 09 12,r4 T I T88 t EE TBE Nller 18$Illl[0,188 FTOII DIII{BTIR TYPB FITTINC8 WflGTI tcPr{l (ilcfiE$l lrltll '1fl8' Sprlnkler Progrdr by FPI Sof], Inc, BQl' LTI|GTS T0T tB[018 FnICTIoll c-ultuB Pe lF881l lrB8ll lPSr/rT.l IPSI I Page r Pf I|E],OCIIT lPsrl lrI/s8cl EECII MD lr0Dt il008 [Pl BC? 55,18 t,452 lC B8lIl 59.6? 24.0e 83.5? 0.24t tll 0,00 29,45 t2.82 TPI lpl 21.82 1,152 l0 E 1.33 3,00 {.33 0,e{9 120 e.00 e.u 5,39 tpz LP1 38,15 1,452 le t 12 5,0i l8.ie 0,089 121 0,00 1,60 1'43 TPz l,p2 2e.55 1.452 ie [ 1.33 ].0c {.33 0.028 120 e,e0 0.12 3,98 tP3 l,p2 l?,8! l.{52 ll 1IE8 8,83 18.0C 25,83 t,t22 120 0,C0 0,58 3,{5 IP3 rP3 l?.81 1.{52 10 T 1.33 6,0e i.33 Lt22 120 0.00 0.15 3.{5 ll0 lPt 27,82 1,452 te $B n,5 12,C0 0{.50 0,949 120 0,80 {.16 5,39 ll3 TP2 20.55 1.452 10 T 12.5 6,e0 18.5e 0.028 12e 0.e0 2.21 3.98 A1{ tPt 1r,81 l,{52 l0 f 55,83 6.00 .12,83 C,t22 120 0,0C 1.57 3,{5 lcs ct5 31.3t l.{52 l0 llff 72 18.C0 9C.e0 0,e51 lze e,e0 5,51 6.05 tc{ ct4 l?.t8 1,452 ll fl1t88 88,92 3C.Cl 118.92 t,021 12C C.l0 2,{8 3.39 Ae3 C03 2{.Ce 1.452 le TI ?1.5 12.Ce 83.5e 0.03? lze C.e0 3.13 {.65 ltz ccz 28,41 1.t52 lC 11 72,83 12,00 8{.83 l,C5l lz0 0.00 {.35 5,52 tcl c01 40,69 t.+52 l0 TTIE ?3.83 18.Ce 91.83 e.e99 rzs e,e0 9,13 7.88 ccl ERI 3{6,21 6,165 {C GITC 95,5 125,39 221,89 C.0l{ l{e C.8l C,82 3.8{ BRl 8R2 3{5.21 3.260 le 5 0.00 5,0e e.102 120 e.0e ' 1e,22 13.31 t ll0l8r lhe tl0r Dependelt lresgure [0ss Deylse t[ the preceedlng plpe accounts for 9,?l psl of the total frlctlon loss 'Pf' BR2 r{01 3{6.21 3.260 iC $LGt { {l.Ce {5.0C C.le2 rlt 2.2C {.5? 13.31 l{01 lttz 3{6.21 3,251 ll t 3 5.cl 8,00 0,102 tzg c,l0 0,81 13,31 [e2 [03 346,21 3,260 lC t 18 5.C0 23.00 0.1e2 120 0.ee 2.34 13.31 lft3 lll 3{6,21 2,15{ lt t 2 3,00 5,f0 1,765 llt c,cc 3,82 3e'48 ErDRrurlcO[[ARY fl[188 SUPPIy IW0R[[II0I| stailc: 132.00 p81. lesldualr 128,00 ps1, t 909.0C gpn, Sose: 25e.0e gpn. Syster requlre8! 102.35 p81,0 596,21 gpn. Supply svallabler 130,1? psl, (lncludlng [o8e il locsnce I $afety l{arglnr 21,82 psl, l{ollnur velocltl ln the Eysten ls 3e.{8 ft/sec, Cortlnrlty at sll nodes satlsfled t0 C.ll gpr, tITtIIC tBCElrD I = {5 Dl0BBl BL80T E = 9e DIGREE ElB0tl t = 9t DECBTE [01t0 TuRil tlBof I = tBl 0B CH08S B = BUttlBll,I ttAtVt 0 = OMt lil,trg c = c[tcK vttvB il0I8$: PIPB 1YPI I,SOBI|D tc = scs8olJt8 40 le = 8CIEDUH t0 3e = sc[8Dut8 3e rD = tcTult DIil{BIBR C( = COPP88 TIPB I Ct = COPPIS TTPB L Cl{ = C0FPIR IIPE ll PB' POI,YBUTTLENE - IROII PIPI SIUE CP = CPTC t-du l3la ==t_l f_'l E:F =J{E O-EtrLu=Et'? Ell-r:t tJ -Ft_r -1 =.!l-r Fa F.= g. l-l u_ L{ JJ,;E {:r I =t= Jt! $e: {tl ]- Lf Ll -n f fII E trlE Lrl F :I n- LL _--] LI-J l- r'i r tTl--r i_-1 EtTJ rL1 i'TL:,{ 1 ?Hfir-:q?H.{ L,.fl $ N q. e) N I N b lt / r-t- (16',21c s a'/z 'uoi/- -r:n z2r: y' HYDRAULIC DESIGN INFORMATION SHEET NAME:WESTWIND CONDOMINIUMS DAIE:4-25-94 LOCAtlON:548 SOUTH FRONTAGE RD. VAIL COLORADO Bulldlng:GARAGE AREA SPRINKLERS System No. #1 WET CONTTACTOT:VALLEY W]DE MECHANICAL & ELETRICAL INC. CONtTACt NO. I2A3 Calculeted By:RUSTY cLfNE Drawlng No. F.P.-1,2 Constructlon: [ ]-Combustlble IX]-Non-CombustlbIe CelIlng Helght t7@'-4" Ft. occupancyrNFPA *13 1991 EDITION l____r_-*\ SYSTEM DESIGN [x]-NFpA 13: t l-LT. Haz. \ t t-oJorNnnv HAZARD GRouP: t l-EX.HAZARD. t I-NFPA 231 I I-NFPA 231C\ FISURE: CURVE: I l-OTHER (Speclfy): v I I-SPECIFIC RULING: MADE BY: DATE: Area of SprlnkLer Operat1on31500 Densltys .15 Area Per Sprlnkler:13@ MAX. Hose Allowance GPMr Inslde:@ Hose Allowance GPM: Outslde:25@ Rack Sprlnkler Allowance:@ * WATER FLOW TEST * Date & Tlne:9-1-93 Statlc PSf:132 Resldual PSI:128 GPM Flowlng:909 Elevat lon:0 * System Type "txl-wET [ ]-DRY [ ]-DELUGE [ ]-PRE-ACTION * SPRINKLER OR NOZZLE * MAKE:CENTRAL MOdEI:UPRIGHT Slze: 1\2 K-Factor: 5 .5 Temperature Rat lng B 155 CALCULATION SUMMARY -------- GPM Requlredr595 PSf Requlredr102.35 "C" Factor Used: Overhead:l2@ Underground:L4@ .-- WATER SUPPLY * PUMP DATA * Rated CapacltysN/A At PSf:N/A Elevat 1on: O " TANK OR RESERVOIR * Capaclty: EIevat 1on: * WELL * Proof Flowr LOCAI1ONI548 S. FRONTAGE RD. VAIL ,COLORADO SOUTCE INfOTMAIION:EXISTING CITY WATER MAIN Benote Area lspnl (ps 1) 451.48 50.60 "I[8" Sprlnhler Progran Pea[1ng Output shlft n {spnl (psl) 399,81 35 . 20 re88 any hey to conthue.., thlft t2(Sprl (pgl) 596. 20 102, 35 408 409 il0 [11 nt4 ItrJ ll4 801 Bg2 803 B0{ 805 1 lt 0 tq 1.25 8.25 L25 Ror: I Pl-truoct10n l{enu tl0 - Calc, Requlred Frl{8SIlfIllD,l[8 8s c- E[1t TAlTR SUPPIY IllIORI.IAf IOII $tatlcr 132.00 Resldual r 128.00Eoge: 250,00 Syeten requlres: Supply avallable: Safety l{arglnr l{srlnun Yeloclty Conthulty at ali ByDRAUT,rc fxuenr p81. psl. B 909.00 gpn, gpt, 1e2.35 ps1.0 596.21 130,17 ps1, gpn. llncludlng flose illoroncel il'f 2?,82 psl, ln the Bysten ls 30,{8 ft/Bec, nodes satlsfied to 0,01 gpn, IITTIllc IIGEND F = 45 DB0IBB BLBOtl 8 . 90 DEGNEE ELBOI{ [ = 90 DEGR88 t0tl0 TURII 8t80r T = TEB OR CROSS B = BUIIERFrv VAI'/E c = GAm ltltvB C = C[EC( IATVE il0tB$: PIPB TYPB IEGEND {e = $cH8outE 40 10 = $cfi8Dutt 10 30 = sc[EDutE 30 [D = ACTUAT DIII{EIER Cfi = COPPER IYPE Ifl = COPPER TYPE I ct{ = C0PPER TyPE t{ PB = POIYEUTYI,ENE - IROII PIPE SI'E cP = cPl'c llle! flE$flIilD,lgt 'I[t' Sprlnkler Prograr by FPt Sof], Inc, LEIICII l0[ tmeTB T0l LBNolE FnIC1I0N C-[AtUl Pe trrrll lFEEll lrE8rl tP$I/ff,1 tPstl B[0I]l t]tD F[ot{ lroD8 iloDE lcPltl o TTPB IITTINCS tPl 8C? 65,t8 1,452 t0 8ttlT 59,51 24,NN 83,6? 0,241 120 0,00 20,{5 12.8?TPI lPl 21,82 1.452 lC E 1,33 3,e0 {,33 0.049 120 e.0e e,21 5.39tPz tPl 30,36 l,{52 10 r t2 5,0C 18,0e 0,c89 120 0,00 1,60 ?.{3TPz tP2 2C.55 t.152 le B 1,33 3,00 {.33 0,028 t20 e,e0 0.12 3.98tP3 tPz 17,81 1,452 tC fIEt 8,83 18,00 26,83 t.022 lZ0 !,eC 0,58 3,45tP3 [P3 r?.8r t.452 l0 r 1,33 5,eC ?,33 0.t.22 120 e,e0 e,15 3,{5410 lPl 21,81 1,452 ll l8t 12,5 12.0C 8{,5C e,0{9 lz0 0,C0 4,15 5,39ll3 rPz 20.55 1.{52 10 I 12,5 6,C0 78,50 0,028 120 0,0e 2,21 3,98il{ lP3 1?,81 1,452 lC I 55.83 5,00 72.83 0,t22 121 0,00 1,5? 3,{5A05 Ce5 11.30 1.452 l0 tI[B 72 18.00 90,Ce 0.061 120 e,e0 5,51 6,e5lc4 ce{ 1,l,48 I,{52 10 ttll8B 88,92 30.00 118,92 ',021 120 0.0C 2,{8 3,19[03 c03 z4.ge 1.{52 10 TI il.5 12.00 83.5e 0.03? 120 0,0e 3.13 {,55[02 ce? n,41 1,{52 te It ?2,83 12,C0 8{,83 0,t51 120 l.C0 4.36 5.52A0l c01 40.59 1.452 10 1r[B 73.83 18.00 91.83 0.e99 120 0.00 9,13 ?.88ccl BRI 345,21 5,065 {r 01IC 95,5 126,39 221,89 0,004 140 0.80 0,82 3,84BRl 8R2 346.21 3.250 10 5 0.00 5.00 0.102 120 0.e0 | n.22 13.31 'l{0f8r lhe ll0r D€pendent lressure LoBB Devlce ln the preceedlng plpe accounts for 9,?l pBt 0f the to[a] frlctlon I08B'Pf'BRz l{01 3{6.21 3.25C l0 TTLCI 4 41.00 {5.00 0.1e2 n0 2.2t {.5? 13.31lfil ltc2 346,21 3,260 I0 l, 3 5,00 8,C0 0,102 l?e 0,00 0,81 13,31tez il03 3{5,21 3,250 le I 18 5,00 23,00 e.102 126 e.00 2.3t 13.31t{c3 t01 3{6,21 2,154 It t 2 3,C0 5,00 0,?55 r?0 0,00 3,82 30.{8 DIII{ITIR lilrc8r$l Page r Pf l,Btoclly lP$rl ln/srcl F11E: I{B$TIIND.TfiI "TEI' Sprinkler Progran by FPE S0f?, Inc. 80lI LttlCIfl l0I ttNGIS PRICII0II C-IIALI]E Pe IIEET) (PEBI} {PSI1FT.I {PSI} BESIll NODE El|D IIODE rtol DIAIIBTER IYPE trITII[lGS L8tlGI8 (GPr,r) {rllcE86) (FE8T} Page: Pf !/ttoclly {P$r ) trr/8Ec) 401 402 A03 lc4 405 405 A0i [08 [09 At0 [11 fit I [13 B0z 803 804 805 806 ge? cel c02 c03 c04 c05 c06 c07 2 3 801 t I 9 10 803 11 T2 13 I{ c0? 15 tl B0{ 18 l9 20 1l 21 805 23 z4 25 9,5 5 ?,10 3.125 {,11 4.21 11,21 11.21 {.11 5,08 5,5 5,04 I.tr 9,25 9 6,e4 l0 3 4,t? J D.II 2l ,5 l4 I t.4z 5,58 I d II t 9.0 8 ,92 10,5 10,5 10.5 5,5 1 , 9.08 ,92 r0,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 82 21192 10 ,5 12,83 tt.7 0.00 0,00 a.a0 e,e0 5 ,01 15,00 0 .00 0,00 0.00 5,00 t5,00 0,00 0.00 3.0e 9 .00 0.00 0,00 3.00 9,00 0.0e 0. 00 0,00 0,00 0,00 5 ,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 6 .00 6.e0 0.00 0,00 0 ,00 0,0e 3 ,00 0.00 6 .00 5.00 0.00 0 ,00 0.00 6.00 6.00 0, e 0 6.00 5,00 0 ,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 12 ,00 6,00 0.00 5 ,00 12,00 9 ,50 4.00 6.00 ?.lt 8,13 19,17 t11 11,21 11,21 9,2r 19. 1l 5,08 5.50 9,e{ 13.21 9,25 9,00 11,5' 15,0{ 10,9! 3 .00 4.1? 9,00 0.t/ 21.50 14,00 8. 00 8.e0 1.42 12,58 8 ,00 8,00 8.00 8,00 4.00 9, 00 15 .08 6,92 10.50 10,50 10,50 12,50 1.00 9,50 15,08 6.92 10,50 10,50 10,50 10,50 94 .90 LI,1L 10.50 18,83 10{,50 0.60.i 0,505 0 ,428 !,Jt) 0.288 0,288 0.288 0,123 0,036 0,013 0.013 0,013 0,003 0,068 0 .068 0.225 0 ,540 0,241 0.244 0.099 0,255 0 ,460 0.633 1,003 1 .003 0,238 0,421 0 ,08{ 0,182 0,035 0,114 0,238 0.238 0,238 0.238 0,021 0.098 0 ,008 0.962 0,165 0.321 0,321 0,000 0,031 0,111 g.0gz 0 ,049 e,t52 0 .311 0,311 0 .311 0,911 0.221 0,22r g.221 t02 403 A0{ [05 t06 AO? t08 n09 410 AlI tl2 ll3 nIt BOI 802 803 804 805 Be6 c02 c03 c04 c05 c05 c0l c08 801 ! l0 l0 10 l0 10 10 10 t0 10 10 l0 l0 10 10 le l0 10 l0 l0 t0 1e l0 10 10 taIU l0 1e l0 l0 t0 10 l0 l0 10 10 l0 10 10 10 l0 10 10 10 l0 10 l0 10 10 10 l0 10 10 10 t0 10 I EE8 T I T T T I 305 ,52 2,15{ 211,95 2,t54 253.05 2 ,154 235,57 2.15{ 2e4,21 2,154 20t,21 2,15{ 244.21 2.15{ 128 ,83 2, 15{ 66.18 2,r54 38,35 2,15{ 38,36 2.154 38,35 2.t54 1.l.81 2.15433,t0 1,452 33.10 1.452 53,32 1,452 101,56 1,{52 65,18 r,452 65,18 1,452 40,59 1,452 69,16 1.452 93,15 r.452 110.54 1,452 t4r,93 1,452 141.93 1,452 65 ,20 1 ,452 18.50 1,452 3?.15 1.{52 55.3? 1,452 23,27 1.452 43.90 1,452 65,20 1,{52 55 .20 I ,452 55.20 L452 55 .20 1 .45220.t2 1.452 40,42 1,452t0,20 l,{52 31.56 1.452 53,59 1,{52 76.?3 1.452 16,?3 1,4520,00 1 . {5221.5t |,452 43.23 1,452 4,98 1.452 2'l,88 1.452 51,14 t,452 15,44 1,45215,U 1,{52 15 .44 1 .452 35,39 L452 62.55 1 , {52 62,56 l,{52 52,66 1.452 124 0,00tzg 0,00 120 0.00I2r 0,c0 129 -0,43 I2g 0,43t20 0.00 120 0,00 120 0.00r20 -0,43 120 0.43 12fi 0,00 120 0.00 120 9,43r20 -0.43 t?.0 0.00 120 0.00I2g e, {3 120 -0.{3 t20 0,00I2g 0.00 120 0,00 120 0.00t20 0,00 120 0.00t20 0,00 120 0,00 120 0,00r20 0,00tzl 0,00 120 0.00 t?0 0,00 120 0.00tzs 0,00 120 0,00 120 0,e0 120 0.00tzs 0,00 120 0,04IZ0 0,00 120 0,00t20 0,00 120 0,00 120 0 ,00 120 0.00 t20 0,00 120 0,00t20 0,00 120 0.00tzn 0,00 120 e,00t20 0,08 120 0.00t20 0,00 120 0.00 5,?7 25.90 2.03 24,39 2.51 22,282.55 2n,112.14 t'r ,99 5,52 17.991,21 17.99 1,t8 11,34 0.{e 5,83 0,17, 3,380,25 3.38 0,07 3,380.02 1,510,51 6, {10.90 6.412,08 12,214.85 19,682,81 t2.823.58 12.820.99 ? ,880.80 r3.4eL92 18,055.69 21.415,19 n,54 2?.58 21,50 J.JJ II.OJ0.19 3.580.6? 1.201.35 10.92 0 , {4 {.5t0.92 8,51 L90 12,5l1.90 12.63 1,90 12,630.95 12.530,24 3 ,90 1.48 ?.83 0,05 1,98 0,55 5 .13ll14 10,38 3 .3'l 14 .8?+,02 1{.8? 0 ,00 0,000,28 4,1'i1.58 8.38 EE B EEE B EEE E 8[8 T T TBE I I c08 10 803 t1 T2 ,IJ 1{ c0? l7 804 18 19 20 2t 22 408 ?3 25 [09 ET TB8 0.01 0,96 0.52 5.40 1.59 9,913.21 14,52 3,21 l{,62 29.28 14.622,t4 6 ,85 2 .32 12.t4 4,16 12,1{ 23.09 12,1{ tr1le! flEg!t{l[lD,IgE PNBS$URE!l0DE lPSr l 'l[8' $prlnkler lr{l lf FPE Softrare, Inc. Page: 2 BI',BVAIIOII X- FAC1OR IREA DEIISITY { r88r l l s0 , rr. 1 {GPr{/so , Fr, l Ftolf (EPr{) TPI I,P2 TPZ !rl tP3 cc1 BR1 BR2 t{0 t l{0 2 t{03 8,25 8,25 8, 25 8.25 8,25 1 ,33 3,1? 3.11 u.l) 8.25 0.25 {8,73 0,00 50.12 0.00 50. 24 0, 00 50.?0 0.00 50,85 0,00 102.35 596,21 100,73 0.00 90.51 0.00 83,?4 0,00 82.9?. 0.00 80,59 0,00 Flle' flSTfIl{D.l[t PRE$SURENoDr (P8rl "l[8" $prlnlrler proiloy trPE 8oftrare, Inc. Pager Itof BtE[AtI0ll [-t[ctoB [R8A Dt|{sIlI {cPr{l {rurrl {80.FT.I {GPr{/$o.rT.) [01 A02 [03 t0{ Ae5 tc5 [0? [08 Ae9 Arc u1 ll2 413 ll{ Bel BC2 803 Be{ Be5 8C5 BE? c0l ce2 ccl c0{ ct5 cc5 c0? ce8 l8 19 2e 2l 22 23 24 25 tPl .l5.?5 7t,ec f,e 0? 65 ,40 63 .74 OI.dJ 55.87 5{,65 53,28 52, t8 53.19 5?,51 52.44 52,t| 13.12 t4,l? 1{,63 15,?1 21 .51 2t.s2 28. e6 67 ,6{ 66,6{ 55 ,85 63 .93 58,23 52. e5 24,t1 2r.t4 tc,91 11 .10 1t.?? 13 ,56 l{. {8 IO. JO 18,28 20. 19 12,90 13 .15 14 ,68 15.34 l?,t8 20.{5 za,al l{.?6 15 ,0{ 16,?3 11,24 18.8{ 22,Ll 25 .38 23,11 25 .03 30,19 {8.51 0.00 0, c0 0,e0 0 ,0c e.ee 0,r0 e.ee c, ce 0.00 0,t0 e .00 0 ,0e 0. c0 t. tt 0.ce e ,00 0,ee [,tc 0.ee t, t0 0. 0e 0 .0c 0.ee 0 ,00 0.e0 0.il 0,0e 0.0e 0.00 18,5' 18.55 19,21 2i.62 2t ,31 0 .00 0.cc 0.00 z0,12 20.31 21.{6 21 .93 23,1{ 0. ce t,cc 2l ,51 2l.1t 22.90 24,t0 c,0c 0 .00 11 11 0 .00 c,00 0,00 I ,25 8,25 n tq 8.25 1,25 8,25 8.2 5 8 ,25 1,25 E,IJ 8.2s 8.25 8.25 1 .25 8. 25 8. 25 7.25 8. 25 u.ll L25 e 7q 0.25 8,25 o tB 8,25 8 ,25 8,25 8.2 5 n ?q 8. 25 8,25 8.25 8,25 8. 25 8,25 I .25 8.25 8,25 8.25 8,?5 8. 25 8,25 I .25 8.25 8.25 8,25 8,25 5,5 t.D 5,6qI l.D 99,i5 99.75 99,75 99. ?5 99.?5 c,185 e,18? c,193 0.211 | ,214 I 9 10 lt T2 l{ t5 15 t? 5,5 5,6 ).0 5,6 5.6 5,5qf ,,h 99,?5 99.?5 99.?5 99.15 99,75 99..l5 99,75 99. 15 99,75 99.?5 99.?5 e,20?. e. 20{ 0,215 9.229 0.232 0.216 0.218 e,230 0 ,233 0.244 5.213 -==talf ==f_l Lr {E O_Erl-Ll=Elr.t {U il-l t- ; trl tl- ..-.-j Ldl-na. 'f=rf; t3trltL tn = JJ.:l- I =rfJL S-n rl- - -'1 i r-r IL- fil t tJl s N q. a) N I N h II / r1 {I5d} Sull:_;!f,:d '@*@sun Swi tch PIBV2 System Sensor's PIBV2 Supervisory Switch fits to the open position of fire sprinkler control valves of the post indicator, butterfly, or other valves. lt contains two SPDT (Form C) contacts. The PIBV2 is designed to operate when the valve position is altered from an open state. ONE SWITCH COVERS MANY APPLICATIONS Can be used for butterfly valves, post indicator valves, wall post*, recessed wall post valves, and many types of pressure reducing valves. SINGTE SIDE ENTRANCE FOR CONDUIT Makes installation faster and easier and helos eliminate unwanted call backs. Durable metal enclosure gives the switch protection from adverse environmental conditions. ADJUSTABLE LENGTH ACTUATOR Eliminates need for cutting shaft. Extends up to 2" from nipple. Has coned tip for easier installation. Removable 1/2" NPT nipple simplifies installation. UNIQUE BI.DIRECTIONAL DESIGN Easily installed switch operates with rising or falling flags. DURABLE SWITCH ASSEMBLY Two 10 Amp 125/250 VAC, 2.5 Amp 24 VDC switches provided as standard are locked in a synchronized position and enclosed in a rugged terminal block for added strength and durability. Accommodates up to 12 AWG wire. SEMS CLAMPING PLATE BRACKET Enables wiring to conform with UL 753 Paragraph 17A.2. OPTIONAL TAMPER SWITCH KIT Mechanically activated by cover removal. *For wall post mounting, certain restrictions apply. ---SYSTEIWSENSOR..A DlVlSlON OF PlTTWAY - 3825 Ohio Avenue . Sl. Charles, lllinois 60174 . ?0&377.6363 . FAX: 708.377.6495 ln Canada:4t6-675.1695 . FAX: 416.675.7078 An lS0 9000 Certified Company appmved GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Agency Listings: UL, FM, ULC, CSFM, MEA Contact Ratings: Conduit Entrances; Enclosure, Cover and Base: Mounting: Actuating Lever Extension Length (max.): Operating Temperature Ranges: Overall Switch Dimensions: Shipping Weight: Servi(e Use: 10A@125/250VAC 2.5A@24VDC 2 openings for 1/2" conduit Die-cast zinc, corrosion resistant finish 1/2" NPT 2" from nipple 32'F - 120'F (0'C - 49"C) 4-\l4"H x 3-112"W x3-114"D (10.8cm H x 8.9(m W x 8.2cm D) 2lbs. Centralstation NFPAT'l Local NFPA 72A Auxiliary NFPA 728 Remote station NFPA 72C Proprietary NFPA 72D 3 years r-- r^-- MAOE IN THE U.S.A. Warranty: THE FOLLOWING ABE EXAMPIIDF THE FOLLOWING MOUNTING ACCEPTABLE MOUNTING POSITIONS: POSTT|oN lS NOT ACCEPTABLE:-+ rm\------' \JIl \-'-----2--.\/ ) l t-.r-_---1 /tt \1,/ 1l t|\/\ ACTUATOR ACTUATOR ACTUATOR VERTICAL VERTICAL(DOWN) HORIZONTAL (POINTING UP) Tamper sclerYs 11/4" D (,"_* ill iffirnt"", o4-1t4" H (Assembled) $1/2'W NoTE: comnon r|rt B c.nn crron. rrr clol.*n v.h.DE 16ol**'-# :l l; i \ n to!.r r'rEt rlrrtrc.. | ,1 il l, .\. l | &' l"i id I I co.{r^cr nAnxos I lAllA A Al.-srtrch2 | avoc 125^r.Ps IUIIIIUUU Stlp Gn J lo nodlknc..U. lnu.tltg ro|l. ol l|3bd FICPAclurllng Reialnlng nut ryd..l F CP Co.r.c'!or B|t.rwha. Aroin tor.rF l.tcn ol coor.ctlofl OO fK)T a[or a0bpadrl|| laadt |o.nand bayond awlFh ho.rd|lg. OO l|OT lo.? rlr-. 5{) g lev6r %n Engineer/Architect Specifications: PIBV2 Supervisory Switch Post Indicator/8utterfly Valve Supervisory switch (PlBV2) shall be installed on each valve as designated on the drawings and/or as specified herein. Switches shall be mounted so as not to interfere with the normal operation of the valve and shall be adjusted to operate within two revolutions of thevalvecontrolorwhen thevalveflag has moved no more than one-{ifth ofthe distance from its normal position. The mechanism shall be contained in a weatherproof die cast metal housing, which shall provide a side entrance for 1/2" conduit and incorporate a 1/2" NPT nipple for attachment to the valve body. A grounding provision is provided. The switch assemblyshall include two switches each with a rated capacity of l0Amp @ 125/250 VAC and 2.5 Amp @ 24 VDC. The cover shall contain tamper-resistant screws for which a security wrench will be supplied with each switch. PIBV2 shall be Underwriters Laboratories listed for indoor or outdoor use. The PIBV2 shall be Factory Mutual approved. 0dering Information Waterflow Switches Alarm BellsWFD20 Waterflow Detedor, Schedule 10/10, 2' KMS-6-24 Bell. 6",24 VDC, Polarized, 97 dBAWFD25 Waterflow Detector, Schedule 'lU4O,2-112" KMS-8-24 Belt, 8". 24 VDC. Polarized, 102 dBAWFD30 Waterflow Detector, Schedule 10/40,3" KM5-10-24 Bell, 10",24 VDC, Polarized, 104 dBAWFD35 Waterflow Detedor. schedule 10140,3-1n" KB5-6-120 8ell, 6", 120 VAC, Polarized, 95 dBAWFD40 Waterflow Detector, Schedule 10/40, 4' K85-8-120 8ell, 8", 120 VAC. Polarized. 98 dBAWFD50 Waterflow Detector. S(hedule 10/40, 5' KB5-10-120 Bell, 10", 120 VAC, Polarized, 102 dBAWFD6O Waterflow Oetector, Schedule t0/40.6"wFD80 waterflow Detector, Schedule lc/40, 8' Sprinkler Product ReplacementsWFDT Waterflow Detector, Fits 1", 1-114",1-l/2" ferrous and brass A3010-00 Replacement Arsembly Kit for PIBV2 (Wrenches, Screw threaded tees; 1', l-ll{, 1-112", 2' copper sweat tees; 1" Pack) CPVC tees; and l-1/2" polybutylene tees A3011{0 Replacement A5sembly Kit for OSY2 (Wrenches, screw WFDTNR Waterflow Detector. non-retard. fits same tees as Model Pack, J hooks)WFDT 43008{0 Replac€ment Delay Mechanirm lor wFD 2"-8" rizes Master Packed: 6 units (Black) A77-01-o2 Reolacement Terminal Block for WFD and WFOT Supervisory Switches A77-01-08 Replacement Terminal Elock for wFoTNROSY2 Ostside Screw and Yoke Valve SupGrvirory Switch - PRKg Replacement Paddle Kit - 9 paddles for WFDT and Two SPD' Swltches WFOTNR (ree WFDT for sizes in(luded)PIBV2 Pott IndicatorrEutterfly V.lve Supervasory Switch - 546-7000 Tamper Switch Kit for WFD, WFDT, P|BV2, and O5Y2 Two SPDT Switches 507-66-02 Reola(ement Tamper screw5 tor Cove6 of WFD, WFDT, WFDTNR. OSY2, Pl8V2. and EPs PfeSSUre Switches W88 Weatheroroof Sack 8ox {or KMs and KBSEP510-t Alarm Waterflow Pressure Switch, One SPDI 4-20 Psl WFOW Replacement Tamper Proof Wrench for Cover of WFD.EP510-2 Alarm Waterflow Pressure Swit(h. Two sPDT,4-20 Psl WFDT, WFDTNR, OSY2, P|BV2, and EPsEPS40-1 Supervisory Low Pressure Switch, One SPDT, 10-100 Psl HEXW Replacement Hex Wren(h for OSY2, Pl8V2EP540-2 Supervisory High/Low Prersure Switch, Two sPDT, 10-100 Psl @ Copyright 8/93 System Sensor This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes.A05-197-00 FPV-19 Effective eugust2C, tl 'lndoor Uso Only. WAFER AND LUG BUTTERFLY VALVES BUTTERFLY VALVE POSI NDrcATOR - uL Listed for watl or Urderground tnstallation. (Post not FM approved.) Factory a$emued only. P6l ass€mbly indrdes wealh€rprool gsar operator wilh brg€t indklab(. Intsmd tarper switd€s aEilable on sizes fS. Li$ PricjrE - Add posl prhe to gmoved or waf€r butterlly vahe p.ice above. {Not avaihbb -2 or 6.) 'Minimum d€arancs needed outsits ol wal is detemined by the handvrheel dianstsr i.e.6'. Height of g6ar operalor with targel is 6'. Undergrornd p6t lo be minimum 36' gound [rc to top. For refer€nce, NIP-2 g6le valve wallposl 9'wallto targel, 20' wall t0 top. l{OlE: Tamper Srvitch R€pair Kits ars avaihbb ff$l dngle switch lor 1990 dalod and oldff UL-FM wafer BFV, all 10'8td 12' BFV, a 'UL ont' *aler BFV and ouer gmoved BFV; TS-2 double switch lor bal yalyes and 'UL only' gooved BFV; T$3 dodle switdr lor mod 19$ dal€d and mtrr UL-FU groor€d BFV and 1991 f-8' UL-FM waler BFV). Provido dats trom l.D. plals wt|€n orderirE kit. BALL VALVES* FIG, NO.DESCR, & RATING 1'l;'1'l;'2'ili T5054 Ball ULrFM Bronze Ball Valve 300 P.S.l. WWP Threaded Ends $e4 $106 $137 $173 $243 T5OH Ball Wth 2 S.P.S.T. Internal Tamper Switches Inslalled at Faclory $124 $136 $167 $203 $273 G505-4 Ball UUFM Bronze Ball Valve 300 P.S.l. WWP Grooved Ends $148 $187 $252 G50H Ball Wtth 2 S.P.S.T. lnternal Tamper Switches Installed at Factory $178 $217 $282 GROOVED B LfrSLVES FIG. NO,DESCR. & RANNG 2,1"'3'4"6"8" GD1765-2' Butterffy UL Listed Groor/ed End Butlerflv 175 P.S.l. WWP $291 .$?20l $336 N.A.N.A. GD1765-6 Bunerfly Above with 2 S.P.S.T. Inlemal Tamper Switches Inslalled at Faclory $321 s50 $366 N.A.N,A. G0176$,4 UUFM Grooved End erileo 175 P.s.l. wwP $331 e"I$sz'$546 $760 G01765-8 Butterfly Above with 2 S.P.S.T. Intsmal Tamper Swilches Installed at Fac{ory $361 B6-$406 $576 $790 FIG. NO.DESCR. & RATING 2"/l;'3"4"5"6"8"10"12', wD35104 Wafer Wafer UUFM 250 P.S.l. WWP Butterlly Valve $227 $231 $256 $261 $363 $377 $s80 $732 $1043 wD3510-8 Wafer Above wilh 2 S.P.S.T. Inlemal Tamper Switches lnslalled at Factory $257 $261 $286 $291 $393 $407 $610 $762 $1073 1D3510-4 Lug Lug UUFM 250 P.S.l. WWP Bunerfly Valve $260 $265 $29it $299 $415 $432 $664 $838 $1199 103510-8 Lug Above with 2 S.P.S.T. Intemal Tamper Switches Installed al Factorv $290 $295 $323 $329 $445 $462 $694 $868 $1229 Posl Asse $ly Fg. No.Standard Post Leqfts List Price Special Pct Lengltr Wall post - Specify by adding 'WP to valv€ lig. no. i.e. WD351G8WP. lrcbdes one nrafi covs, plat€ (sxtra phts S23) 2't498 Add $50 for solrp phts $5 per andl il lo0gsr $an skrdad.Underground posl - Specily by adding GP to vake fig. no. i.e. W0351G4cP oo $562 of Posl: Measup lrom lo9 of vatve ooerator flanoe t0 bo ol futtedy Valve Sze 2.5'r 4'o 8'12' Centsrline to top ol vah/e operator flange - wafer/fug Centerline to top ol vafue op€rator flange - groov€d Handvihe€l Clearance Needed Ottside Wall' 'j' o 5.9' 6" o.l 4.4t' 6.9' 5.3' 6' 8.0' 7.9' 6' 9.3', 8.0' 9' 10.5. I' 12.0' 14' I{IBCO INC. ELKHART, IN 46516 --t-l/I tpFGrinnell o ERW steelpipe A-135 oschedule 40 schsrtuh 40 dle arailable i0lrade sircs1' ru 2' in lengtE ol 21'-2{'.25,lootage weighvbundle l|ad€ sire irL 0.I l.o nomiml uall :ltclness irL nominal mist IL budlr s|lts Fs. cer tdh. 2t' htal loofioe 24',ml loobse 25' lohl foolage 21' hdle. weiqht 21' bdl€. 25', bdle. 1.315 1.049 .IJJ 1.68 70 1470 1680 1750 2470 2822 2940 lVt 1.660 1.380 .140 z.a l 51 1071 1224 1275 2431 2778 2894 11/z 1 900 1.610 .1 45 a.t a 44 924 1056 1100 zJtS 2872 2992 2.375 2 067 .154 3.65 30 630 720 7s0 2300 2628 2738 weight of pipe with water 1'0rpe weight ol pipe/fool weight of water/foot weight of pipe t!,ith water/foot xt 1221 0.414 1 635 s60 1.404 0.409 1.813 s/10 1.68 0.37 2.05 17f pipc weight of pipe/foot weight ol water/foot weiqht of pipe wilh water/foot 1.57 0.72 2.29 1.81 0.71 2.52 2.27 0.6s 2.92 1V{ pipe weight of pipe/foot weight of water/toot weight ol pipe with rrater/foot 1.88 0.9i 285 2.08 0.96 3.04 2.72 0.88 3.60 2'jipe weight of pipe/foot $/eight ol water/foot weight of pipe with water/foot 2.52 1.58 4.10 2.64 1.58 4.22 J.DJ 1.46 5.11 zth,qipe weight ol pipe/foot weight of water/foot wsight of pipe with water/foot 4.08 2.26 6.34 2.36 5.89 5.79 2.08 7.87 3'pipo weighl ol pipeiloot weight of water/foot weight of pjpe with vrater/foot 5.01 3.48 849 7,f 3.61 7.94 7.58 3.20 10.78 3%" pipe weight of pipe/loot weight of water/foot weight of pipe with water/loot 4.97 4.81 9.78 9.11 4.28 13.39 4'pipe $/eight of pipe/foot weight ol water/loot weight of pipe with water/fool 5.61 6.1i 1t.78 10.79 5.51 16.30 5'pipe weight of pipe/foot $,eight of rvater/foot weight of pipe with water/foot 7.77 9.53 17.30 14.62 d-bb 23.28 6'pipc r{ei0ht ol pipe/foot 'iveighl of water/toot weight of pipe with water/loot 9.29 13.7 4 23 03 18.97 12.51 31.48 8'pipe weiqht of pipe/foot wei0ht of water/foot weighl ol prpe with water/foot 13.40 23.59 36.99 28.55 21.69 50.24 10'pipe we,ght ol pipe/foot neight of water/foot Y{eight ol pipe v{ith water/foot 18.70 36.90 55.60 40.48 34.10 7 4.58 12'pipe weight of pipe/foot weight ol water/loot weaght of pipe with water/foot 49,56 49.00 98.56 XL allird Xl. lhead.blr light ratt piDe 1'. 3' in lenllhs ol 21'.24'.25,loolage welghl/bundlc trad6 tizg in.oD.t.0. iominal*ill" but|dle srr08 pcs. pct bdh. 21', lotal loota!e 21' lolal loolag! 25', l0lal loola0! 21' bdle. roig 2t' idle. reighl 25' !dl!. reight 1 1.290 1.104 1.2210 91 1911 2184 2275 ZJJJ 2667 2777 lVt 1.638 1.452 1.5763 61 1281 1464 1525 2019 2307 2403 1\k 1.883 1.687 1.8807 61 1281 1464 1525 2409 2753 2868 2 2 360 2.154 2.5214 J/888 92s 1959 Z'JJ 2332 2k 2.857 2.581 4.0813 30 630 720 750 2571 2939 3060 3.476 3.200 5.010s 19 399 456 475 1999 2285 2380 schedule lb S( 10 allied sciefih 101'-f in lergtis ol 21'.24'.25'lootage wGighUtundlE trade sE! in.0.0.t.0. n0minal wall hickress tn. [0minal w?igil lt. bundlc sires pcs. ell bdle. 21' lolal loolagc 21' tolal loola0e 25', lotal lootage 21', bdle. ueioht 21' !dlr. xeighl 25' rdh. weioht I 1.315 1.097 .109 1.40 91 1911 2184 227s 2675 30s3 3185 11/t 1.660 1.442 .109 1.81 6l 1281 1464 1525 231S 2650 2760 11h 1.900 1.682 .109 2,08 61 | 281 1464 1525 2664 3045 3172 2 2.375 2.157 .109 2.64 JI 888 925 2051 2344 2442 2V,2.875 2.635 .120 JDJ 30 630 720 750 2542 2648 3 3.500 3.260 .120 4.33 19 399 456 475 1727 197 4 2057 3h 4.000 3.760 .120 4.97 1A 100 456 475 1983 2266 2361 4 4.500 4.260 .120 5.61 19 399 456 475 2238 2558 zDoS 14 oSprinkler GB Decorative/Glass Bulb Type Upright or Pendent Automatic Sprinkler Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Corporation 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsvlvania 1g446 R Blo.ll'$,,on n rechnical The Central Model GB-1, upright and pendent automatic sprinklers embrace the ultimate in advanced design features. They incorporate the latest in heat-responsive, glass bulb technology, which results in a much smaller more attractive sprinkler than those manutactured with a more traditional design approach. The operating mEchanism consists of a liquid-filled 5 mm diameter frangible capsule that is only 1.5 cm in length. The N.P.T. lhreads on the Model GB sprinklers are "pre-sealed" at the lactory thereby eliminating lhe need lor field-applied pipe compound or tape. This feature reduces installation time thereby increasing proiect productivity. The Model GB-1 automatic sprinklers are intended for installation in accordance with current NFPA 13. They are available in %" orif ice size and a variety of temperature ratings, finishes and decorative coatings. Additional finishes and coatings are available. Operation:The glass bulb caPsule operating mechanism contaans a heat- sensitive liquid that expands upon application of heat. At the rated temperature, the frangible capsule ruptures thereby releasing the orif ice seal. The sprinkler then discharges water in a predesigned spray pattern to control or extinguish the fire. For speci{ic liding requlremenls see the appropriate informalion conlained in lhis brochure. Model Number: GB-1 Style: Upright or Pendent Orilice size 1/2" K Factor: 5.6 nominal Thread Size: %" N.P.T. (pre-sealed) Temperature Rating & Glass Bulb Color: 135'F/ 57"C Orange '155'F/ 68'C Red 175"F/ 79'C Yellow 2O0'Fl 93"C Green 286"F/141'C Blue 3ffi"F/182"C Purple Approvals: UL Meets: MIL-STD-g1GC MIL-STD.167-l MIL-ST}.81GC shock, vibration and salt fog tests for mantime applications. Maximum Working Pressure: 175 p.s.i. Factory Hydro Test: 100o/o at 500 p.s.i. Standard Finishes: Brass, chrome Standard Coatings: White, Blackt Length: 1%" (plus thread) Width: .1" (frame arms) Weight: 1.95 oz. (55.3 g) 'Available 2nd quarter 1988 O*,n*"*OoO Model GB Updghl SpdnHer Quarlor Sec- on Model GB Pendenl Spdnkler Itod€l GB %" Updght Coated Bladt' Model G8 %" Pendenl CoaGd fvhlle' 'Half indistaa orE hltf of a rymn|6t.i('|| sFay p|ttern. Cird€d numbars indcrto or€.su'! in rr3i, t{omlnal Spny Paltem ll" Mo&l GB Updghl Spdnldar 'Ha|f indicatat 0.|. halt ol t ryfin€fical !p.ay pamrn. Cir€l€d numbaG hdcd. p.€!sur! h Fi. Nomlill Sprsy Patlenr Yr" llodel GB Fcn&nt Spr{n}der 'Avsihbla 2nd qualtor 1$8 UnIErlC Wrtnatl o An recrinical fllnstallation All Central Model GB sprinklers must be installed according to current NFPA 13. Deviations from these requirements and standards or any alleration to the sprinkler itself will void any warranty made by Cenlral Sprinkler Corporation. In addition, installation must also meet local government provisions, codes and standards as applicable. The system piping must be properly sized to insure the minimum required flow rate at the sprinkler. Check for the proper model, style, orilice size and temperature rating prior to installation. Inslall sprinklers after the piping is in place to avoid mechanical damage; replace any damaged units. Wet pipe systems must be protected from freezing. Refer to the Central Bulletins on the Model A-1 Dry Pendent Sprinklers for use in dry pipe sprinkler installation. Upon completion of lhe installation, the system must be tested per recognized standards. In the event of a thread leak, remove the unii, apply new pipe joint compound or tape, and reinstall. Installation Sequence Step 1. The unit must be installed in the upright position for upright style sprinklers, and in the pendent position for pendent style sprinklers. Step 2. Slnce the spdnlder threads are "prc-sealed" at the factory, plpe ioint compound or tape is not rcgulred. Step 3. Hand tighten the sprinkler into the titting. For upright sprinklers use a Central Sprinkler Combination Wrench, and for Pendent sprinklers use a Central SPrinkler Universal Wrench, to tighten the unit into the fitting. A leak-tight ioint requires only 7 to 14 ft.-lbs. ol torque; a tangential Design Requirements - Standard Applications The Model GB-1 upright and pendent sprinklers are intended for standard area co\erages and standard flow and pressure requirements as specified in current NFPA 13. force of 14 to 28 lbs. delivered through a 6" handle will deliver adequate torque. Torque levels over 21 ft.lbs. may distort the orif ice seal, resulting in leakage. For exposed piping systerns, the sprinkler should be oriented so the frame arms are parallel with the branch line pipe. Step 4: Special care should be taken when installing pendent sprinklers with a CPVC system. Sprinklers should be installed after the system has been tested and drained, to insure that no primer or cement accumulates within the sprinkler. Sprinklers must be handled care- fully. They should not be transported or stored where ambient temperature may exceed 'l00" F/38'C. For best results, store them in a dry, cool location in the original shipping package. Do not install sorinklers that have been dropped or visibly damaged. Sprinklers should never be painted, coated, plated or altered in any other way from manufactured condition or they may not function properly. Any sorinklers altered in such manner must be replaced. The owner is responsible for the proper operating condition of all fire protection devices and accessories. The NFPA standard 13A entitled "Care and Maintenance of Sprinkler Systems" contains guidelines and minimum maintenance requirements. Furthermore, the local Authority Having Jurisdiction may have addi- tional regulations and requirements for maintenance, testing, and inspection that must be obeyed. It is recommended that sprinkler Carc Main & ten ance J'"::ffi i:,*Tf5T,:[il **"" systems be inspected regularly by a qualif ied inspection service. Length of time between such inspections can vary due to accessibility, ambient atmosphere, water suPPlY, and site activitY. Do not attempt to reassemble or otherwise reuse a sprinkler that has operated. RePlace anY sPrinkler exhibiting corrosion or damage; always use new sprinklers of the same type and temperature rating as reolacements. Because the discharge Pattern is critical to protection ol life and property, nothing should be hung or attached to the sprinkler unit that would disrupt the Pattern. Such obstructions must be removed. In the event that construction has altered the ori gi nal conf iguration, additional sorinklers must be installed to maintain the protection level. Do not attempl to replace sprinklers without tirst removing the fire protection system from service. Be certain to secure permission from all authorities having jurisdiction, and notify all personnel who may be attected during system shutdown. A fire watch during mainlenance periods is a recommended precautlon. operating guide and valve instruction. Drain water and relieve pressure in the pipes. Remove the existing unit and install the replacement, using only the special sprinkler wrench. Be certain to match model, style, orifice, and temperature rating. A fire protection system that has been shut otl after an activation should be returned to service immediately. Inspect the entire system for damage and replace or repair as necessary. Sprinklers that did not operale but were subjected to corrosive elements of combustion or excessive temperatures should be inspected, an{ replaced if need be. The Authority Having Jurisdictbn will detail minimum replacement requi rements and regulations. Guaranlee: Central Sprlnkler Corp' will reoair and/o( rcPlace any products found to be defective in material or workmanshiP within a period of one Year from the date of shioment. Please refer to the current Price List for f urther details ol the warranty. lees, conl'd size, in. x in. Y in. z in. a each, black galvanized reducing lee, fig. 1105R LT/-l - [t-I\' -[iIE -r- X, Y, Z: center lo end u .t/t/t/r'..tJ 14 t/^ti 1/3/al l/.12 .14 % 3/tl lri ,\,.22 :/a '4 ,xo % Blo tv ,XO .21 .19 20 %)l 3/'10 %.19 .20 tl ,4 % 'l'4t 1 1\t 1 1 \a 1 .30 .27 .29 7//a % 3/ 1% 1Xt 1 ,40 1 1l/ 1Xt .33 .28 .33 .29 %/7 t/a 1 th .29 1/,/a %'/t 1Xt 1t4t 1Xo .29 a/ h 3/ % lXo 1% 1Xt 14t 1% 1% 1% .46 .42 .38 .49 .46 .40 h .t/ '4 1Xt lX.. 1% | :/t 'lXe 1y .51 .43 .51 .47 % 31 3/ 1Xc 1% 1% ,xo 1X, 1% .46 .36 .48 .34 ' l/3l 1Xt 1%1Xt .45 .46 h t4 x1 1%1%1Xe .43 .45 1 1 ,,1 7a % 1% 1Y 1Xe 1% t7a 1% 1Xe 1% 1'4t 1% 1% 1% .82 .70 .60 .84 . o.t .f,J 7/ ,l t/ 1% 'l% 1% 1t/c 1Xa 1% 1Xt 1% .78 40 .81 .75 /2 ,l 1Y 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% |A 'tx, 't% .lo .co .73 t/1V lXt 1%.69 a/%1Xa 1% 1Xe 1% 1% 1% .oz .bb .57/2 1l 1V. 1% x/ ),1 % 1'4t t7a 1l/ '1,4t 1Xo 1% 1y. ltXc 1% 1%c.r/ 1 .18 1.06 .98 .86 1 .22 1.10 .98 .89 1 .t t/ 3/ ,/, 1% 114" 1% 1|Xc | :/2 | -/a 1% 1% 1rx, 1% 1Xt 1.13 'I .1 1 .87 1.19 1 .13 .9? .79 x/ 1% 1 J1 1% 1%c 1Xt 1% 17,1t 1X, a7/ ltXt 1% 1 .09 .YO .86 '1 .10 .88 .86 ,l 'I 1% 1%t 1% a1/ 11r/" '1 .04 .87 1 .07 .94 1 1%. ltXc 1% ltXt 1% 1"4c 1Xt .92 .90 .97 .93 th 1"1 1 ,l ltXt 1% 1% 1'4" 1% 1u 14' 1t/s 1tX^ 1% 1.\" 1 .45 1 .44 1.29 1.19 1.47 1 .49 '1.40 1.25 1l/ 1rt 1 31 % 1tX" ltXe 1% 1% 1x, 1% 1Xe 1% ltXt t'/a 1lXt 1% ltXe 1.50 1.52 |.zo 1.08 1.03 1 .42 1 .27 1.10 1 .10 malteable iron, (class 150){ saturated steam: 150pressure ratlngs' ptt i tiqrid & gas at 15oo F: 300 0 o pl-4 PRICE LIST Grinnell fig. no. description size prlce each -nL"(."#;;'., rie. no. 258 258pipe saddle supporl cast iron pipe saddle only Stanchion lype supports for pipe sizes 4" thru 1Z' inclusive. Saddle base must be slipped Into riser pipe. Complies with Federal Speciiication WW-H-171E Types 36 and 37. Order by pipe size. ligure number, name. o 8 10 12 black $ 38.00 42.00 56.00 67.00 89.00 104.00 9.1 10.8 1 1.8 14.3 19.3 23.1 259 259pipe stanchion saddle cast iron stanchion saddle with rcund ircn yoke and nuts Stanchion type support for pipe sizes 4" thru 12" inclusive. Saddle base must be slipped into riser pipe; yoke is attached to saddle atler pipe is in place. Complies with Federal Specification WW-H-171E Type 38. Order by pipe siz6, ligure number, name. ll riser and flange are required, they musl be ordered separately. o I 10 14-36 black $126.00 131.00 136.00 174.OO 236.00 289.00 POA 10.8 12.1 21 .3 25.7 31 .2 260 adlustablo clevlg catbon steel For suspensiqn of non-insulated, stationary pipe lines. Hanger load nut above clevis must be tightened sec- urely lo assure proper hanger per- formance. lf an oversized clevis is used i.e. with soil pipe, it is recom- mended lhal a spacer be placed over the clevis boll. Underwrilers' Laboratories Listed and Factory Mutual Approved. Complies with Federal Specification WW-H-171E Type 1. Order by pipe size, ligure number, name, finish if other than black. galv. pnmgd $ 2.85 $ 2.352.95 2.403.25 2.603.55 2.904.00 3.254.70 3.858.50 6.4s10.15 7.7010.80 8.3012.85 9.8s16.50 12.7521.20 16.0032.15 24.9057.60 44.8071.00 53.95104.00 83.00144.00 117.(x)182.00 143.00354.00 289.005€.(n 471.00 722.OO 620.00 blackt 1.85 1.85 1.95 2.25 2.45 2.95 4.45 s.50 5.85 6.75 9.25 10.75 17.65 32.00 37.35 61.00 87.00 108.(l 227.00 401.00 5r9.00 stainless sls€l POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA '"1 - Vz' I 'l Yt 172 2 21h 3 3V2 4 c o I 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 0 260 .34 .39 .44 .45 .55 .61 1.4 1.5 1.7 2.1 2.4 J.O 5.0 8.8 11.4 14.8 21.0 24.4 42.6 48.4 69.s 261 extenslon plpe or rlser clamp carbon steel For support and steadying of steel pipe risers either insulated or bare, cast iron pipe or conduil. Clamp is fitted and boltsd preferably below a coupling on steel pipe or a hub on cast iron soil pipe. Also for supporl of pipe covering or insulation. Underwriters' Laboratories Listed Complies wilh Federal Specitication WW-H-171E Type 8. Order by pipe size, figure number, name, specify if other than black. 261 1 1Yt 11/z 2 2Y2 o .t /2 4 5 o 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 black $ s.80 5.85 7.35 7.90 8.05 8.45 9.00 11.15 I 1.35 't6.50 19.05 30.80 42.50 51.45 98.65 227.55 250.55 290.05 9alv. $ 9.8s 9.90 13.15 14.00 14.45 15.15 16.25 20.75 21.55 31.05 34.45 59.55 77.45 100.90 180.90 357.50 384.40 427.90 pnflloo $ 7.8s 7.90 10.25 10.80 1 1.25 11.80 12.65 15.95 16.30 23.65 26.75 45.15 58.60 75.55 124.60 265.90 289.20 327.35 3.3 3.4qe 5.3 v.9 1 t,1 16.6 19.3 32.5 33.8 35.0 1.4 1.4 2.0 1.V 2.2 2.3 a.c 29 PRICE LIST Grinnell tig. no. description stze -n'lJ:33:fl') 'is' no' 137C coated standatd u-bolt carbon steel U-bolts and tinished hex nuts with non'thrcaded Portion ot U-boft PVC coated For support, anchor or guide ol glass, aluminum, brass, tin and PVC piping. Order by rod size, pipe sizB, ligure numoer. name. Furnished wilh lour hex nuts unless olherwise soecified. 3A coated wilh 4 hex nuls $ 12.05 12.30 12.90 1 5.10 15.80 16.90 24.15 25.30 27.65 29.55 33.10 51.85 60.90 wilh 4 nex nuls .l1 .29 QI .34 .74 .80 ,t'0 ,92 1.0 2.0 2.4 137C 1 1Va 1Vz 2Vz J 31/z 6I 138 138R ext€nalon apllt plpe clamP malleable ircn Furnished tapped for an iron PiPe threaded nipple (tig. 138) ot for rod (lig. 138R). When used wilh nipple, resultanl rigidity permits support ol pip€ lrom wall or lloor. Complies with Federal Specification WW-H-I71E Type 25. Order by pipe size, figure number, name. finish if other than black. (138) black 5.20 5.60 5.85 6.05 8.30 10.00tr.t {r 38Bl black $ 4.90 4.95 5.35 5.70 7.00 10.15 13.60 27.20 32.30 (r 381 plsted $ 5.70 6.50 6.70 6.70 9.10 11.65 t t.t, (138R) plated $ s.70 5.80 8.25 6.65 8.20 11.85 1s.90 31.80 37.75 138 138R .10 .13 .15 .17.n .24 .29 1.33 1 .46 %"$ Yz sa I 1Yt 1Va 2 2V2 3 140 hanger rod, machine threaded both ends, right hand threadg carbon steel note: for lett hand threads - see lig. 253 140 prlco lenglh Incnas oach rod slze - Inchos $ 9.3s 10.70 12.00 r 3.35 16.25 20.25 24.15 25.85 32.40 36.50 40.60 44.60 48.70 52.85 8', 10 12 14 18 24 30 JO 42 48 54 60 bb 72 t 4.00 4.65 5.30 5.90 7.05 8.80 10.50 12.30 14.05 15.75 17.55 19.30 21.00 22.75 $ 6.s0 7.40 8.40 9.35 1 1.30 14.18 17.15 20.25 22.90 25.85 28.70 31.20 34.60 34.60 $13.20 15,30 17.50 19.60 24.95 30.25 36.65 43.0s 49.40 55.80 31.50 68.80 75.05 81.45 $ 16.75 19.40 22.16 24.85 30.25 38.45 46.60 54.80 52.90 71.05 79.05 87.20 95.25 103.50 $ 24.5s 27.95 31.40 35.05 41.50 52.35 62.90 73.35 83,65 94.20 68.25 115.25 125.65 135.95 add to above prlcrs tor 72 Inch langths - tor each addltlon.l foot of rcd or tractlon thorcot t 3.s5 i 6.os $ 9.80 $14.15 I 19.75 $ 23'45 15 PRlCE LIST Grinnell tig. no. description size prlce each -tij:!ff''' ris. no' 66 66welded beam attachmenl carbon stsel Upper attachment for welding to struclural steel. Used as illustrated with bolt and nut or used in the invened position with rod and nul. Complies with Federal Specilicalion WW-H-1718 TyW22. Order by rod size, figure number, name. Specily if bolt and nul are required. '1% and larger will be furnished with Pin & Coner. $ 15.50 $ 18.7515.50 20.0016.25 21.2517.75 29.5025.75 37.0036.75 56.0073.00 118.00126.d) 227.00 154.00 294.00 177.00 574.00 215.00 640.00 222.00 687.00 343.00 722.OO 460.00 744,00 686.00 1003.00 940.00 1277.00 wilh bolt & nut' withoul withbolt boll & nul & nut' withorrt boll & nut .:ro t.1.96 1.3 .96 1.61.9 2.82.5 3.94.3 6.3 8.1 10.2 1 5.6 19.018,7 24.222.8 30.626.4 36.826.7 39.726.8 40.832.6 46.745.1 62.153.4 72.4 Vs' t1e 'fa 3/4 7/a 1 11/e 1Yz 13/e zf2 23A 3 31h aI/^ 67 plp€ or condult hang€r catbon steel For suspension by hanger rod or attached to wall. "T" slot in hanger permils side boll to be inslalled atter inslallation and setling ol pipe. Con- sists ol slrap, bolt, nul - assembled. Order by pipe size, ligure number, name. plated $ 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.20 3.70' 4.45 8.65 9.15 12.95 21.50 21.50 .21 .22 .25 .27 .tJ .31 .71 .78 1.39 1.66 2.26 670 3/e 1 1V. 11/z 2th 3 4 5 6 69 70 adlustable owlvd tlng, tappod l,lFPA atandard adlustable swlvel ring, standard tap cafuon steel: zinc plated For suspension ot non-insulated, stationary pipe line. Underwriters' Laboratories Listed and Faclory Mutual approved. Complies with Federal Specif ication WW-H-'171E Type 10. 69 70 fig.69 tig.70 .08 .09 .10 .11 .12 .12.25 .33.30 .36.48 .56.53 .621.0 1.21.0 1.2 1' 1Vl 11h ,2 21h 3 4 6I ptated fig. 69 $ 2.00 2.00 2.10 2.10 2.45 2.60 4.30 4.30 5.70 8.40 12,55 15.33 lig. 70 7.40 8.15 13.25 14.70 23.65 35.50 otr bctors The Model 10/40 System Sensor vane-type waterflow detector, with a computer designed paddle, now fits Schedule 10 through Schedule 40 steel pipe sizes 2" through 8'l The design of this unit makes it easy to install and simple to maintain. lt can be mounted in a vertical or horizontal position and is suitable for indoor and outdoor installation. Switch assembly and delay mechanism assembly are field replaceable. UL listed and FM approved. Other advanced features include: SEATED RETARD Assures that the retard is not contaminated by dust and dirt when the cover is removed. VISUAL SWITCH ACTIVATION Permits installer to accurately set the retard even under extremely noisy conditions. RUGGED SWITCH ASSEMBLY Switches are enclosed in a durable terminal block fcir added strength. Accommodates up to 12 AWG wire. 1 00o/o SYNCHRON IZATION Fires both alarm panel and local bell at the same time. DURABLE METAL ENCLOSURE Long lasting cast zinc cover completely encloses the electrical components to keep out dust and dirt. TAMPER RESISTANT lmproved self-guiding security screws and removal tools make detector resistant to tampering and simplifies field maintenance. rrr-rr\.-r-,il MADE IN THE U.S.A. ntlt SCHEDULE 10 OR SCHEDULE 40, ONE SYSTEM SENSOR WATERFLOW DETECTOR NOW FITS BOTH! BSA =sYsTEtwsENsoR_-A DlVlSlON OF PITTWAY 3825 Ohio Avenuc .5t. Chrrleg, lHnolr 60174 . 70t€77.6:163 . FAI: 70t-377€495 ln Ganrda: 416.675.1695 o FAX: 416.675.7O78eE General Specifications O Engineering Specifications Vane-type waterflow detectors shall be installed on system piping as designated on the drawings and/or as specified herein. Detectors shallmount on any clear pipe span of the appropriatehominal size, eitherl vertical or horizontalrun, at least 6" from any f ittings_which may change water direction, flow rate, or pipe diameter or no closer than 24' from a valve or drain. Detectors shall have a sensitivaty in the range-of A to 10 gallons per minute and a static pressure rating of 250 psi for 2"-8' pipes. The detector shall respond to waterflow in the sfecified direction after a presettime delay which is field adjustable. The delay mechanism shall be a sealed mechanical pneumatic unit wiih visual indication oI actuation. The actJation mechanisni shall include a polyethylene vane inserted through a hole in the pipe and connected by a mechanical linkage to the delay mechanism. Outputs shall consiit of'10 Amp (dual SPDT switcheJform C contacts). A conduit entranie for standard fittin{s of commonlf used electrica lcohduit shall be provided on the detectors. Alldetectors shall be listed bv Underwriters Laboratories for indoor or outdoor use. Approved: Ut, CSFM, ULC, BSA. FM Contact Ratings: Triggering Threshold Bandwidth (Flow Rate): Static Pressure Rating: Overall Dimensions. Installed: Operating Temperature Ranges: Compatible Pipe: Shipping Weight: IrilnV wfD 2' - 8' \l;,frfr:Btri'*"1)[-iil0A@ 125/250VAC 2.5A@24VDC +10 GPM 250 PSI (Max) 2" - 8' 3.5"Hx3.0"Wx6.7'D 32"F - 120"F (0"C - 49'C) Steel water pipe, schedule 10 through 40. Varies, 4 lbs. - 7 lbs., according to size. CJ.ourd .ct r o.oekhd CONTACT RATINGS 125t2fiyAC IO AMPS 24 VOC 2.5 AitPS F/N A!d8e) lo nonallancaabla InlllallnC tona ol llrtcd FACP Typlcrl FACP Conn ctlon TyDlcd Locrl Blll Connacllon E|tak wl|t ar ahofln loi lup€fvltlon ol con|lclloo. OO NOT.llow strlpp.d wlrl Lada to attard bayond rrvllch hourln0. DO NOT loop wlpr. / il WFO .wllch ara€mbly Odering Information Waterflow SwitchesWFD20 waterflow Detector, Schedule 10/40, 2' WFD25 Waterflow Detector, Schedule 1U&,2-1n'WFD30 Waterflow Detector, Schedule 10/O, 3'WFD35 WaterflowDetector,Schedule1U40,3-1n'WFD40 Waterflow Detector, fthedule 10/10, 4' WFD50 Waterf low Detector, khedule 10rt0, 5'WFD60 Waterflow Detector, Schedule 10/10, 6'WFD80 Waterflow Detector. Schedule 10/40. 8'WFDT Waterflow Detector fits |', 1-114' , 1-1n' *eel and brass threaded tees Master Packed: 6 units Sup€rvisory SwitchesOSY2 Outside Screw and Yoke Supervisory Switch -Two SPOT SwitchesPIBV2 Post Indicator8utterf ly Valve Supervisory Switch -Two SPDT switches F?essure Switches WP51Gl Alarm Waterflow Pressure s$/itch, One SPDT, 10 PSI WPS10-2 Alarm Waterf low Pressure Switch, Two sPDT, 10 Psl WP9l0-1 supervisory Pressure Low Switch, One sPDT, 10-100 PSI . ),, C.IJ),1 WPs40-2 Supervisory Pressure High/Low Switch, Two SPDT, 10-100 Psl Alarm Bells KM5-6-24 Bell,6', 24 VDC, Polarized,9TdBA KMS-8-24 Bell,8',24VDC, Polarized, 102 dBA KMS-10-24 Bell, l0',24VDC, Polarized, 104dBA KBS-6-120 Bell, 6", 120 VAC, Polarized, 95 dBA KBS-8-120 Bell, 8', 120 VAC, Polarized, 98 dBA KB5-10-120 Bell, 10', 12Q VAC, Polarized, 102 dBA Accessories546-7000 Tamper Switch Kit for WFD Detectors, PIBV2 and OSY2 A301G00 Accessorv Kit for PIBV2 (Wrenches, Screw Pack) 43011-00 Accessory Kit for OSYz (Wrenchet, Screw Pack, J-hooks) 43008-00 Timer Asiemblv for Waterf low Detectors, 2-8' sizes (black) A77-01-02 Terminal Blo€kReplacement A4027-0O Paddle Kit for WFDT only - 3 Paddles 507-66-01 Tamoer Screws for WFD Metal CoverWFDW Tamber Proof Wrench for Metal Cover WFD Detectors, WFDT, O5Y2, PIBV2)HEXW Hex Wrench {or Supervisory Switches All sprinkler iterns otrher than waterflow switche3 are single packed. CWFDt, Copyhghr 7/1991 by Syslerr Sen$r. A D,vrs|on ol Prttway PHNK-LINE FI R E P ROTECTION P R O D U CTS 720 1722 ..MEK-LET'' Mechanical Outlet Tees l@itsTEplffi Approved (0D \--ry' SPRtiv^-LINE "MEK-LET" may be used for any tee connections where a threaded or grooved oulet is needed. MEK-LET's can be converted into a cross when necessary. IJL and IJLC Listed and FM Approved at 300 pounds working pressure. r Size Hole Dia.Dimensions App.or. Nel Wl. (Lbs) Box oty o6lN oL =E) lJ. Threaded Outlet Run r Branch Hole Max A B 2xrh 11h 15,h 25rb J-/A J 2.4 24 2x3/q 11h 15rh zsk 53rb 3 2.4 24 2x1 1Y2 '15/b 25rh 5"/a 3 2.6 2x l1/a 13/t 17/a 23/q c-/a 35rh 2.7 24 2 x 11,b 13/a 17rb 23a 5"/a g5h 3.0 21hx th 1th 1stb 23a Jn 3 3.3 24 21h x3/4 11h 15k 23h c ,/a J.J 24 zlhxj 11h 13k 23A 5'h !)3.5 24 21h x 11/4 2 21h J'A 35h 3.5 24 21hx'11,4 21/a f, ,/a 35rh 24 3x1 1lh.15/s 3 63A 3.5 24 3x1tA 21rh 33k 6tk 33/c J.5 20 3x1lz 21/b 33/b 61/b 33/4 4.2 20 -3*2 2th 2sk 31h 61/b 4t/b 4.8 15 4x1 11/2 15/b 31h It2 4.0 20 4x1ta 21h 73h 33/c 12 4xl1h 21h 4 t'n 33/4 5.0 ,/ i-_.,./, ' | 4 xzth 21/z 25/h 73/b 43/h 6.0 12 23a 27/b 73h 4s/b 8.5 '10 ,/o.Z ///A/N Dz'qrrr/aN(/ 6x2 21h 2s/b 5A 91A 43/h 8.0 6 23/t 27/h 51k 9%45k 8.5 6 6x3 3V2 35,h 9V4 5 i,€13,0 6x4 41,h 4s/b 5'/1 91A 63,6 14.1 8x21h 23/q 27k 61h 123A 4Vq 11 .4 6 8x3 31h 3'n on 123/4 13.2 8x4 4rh 45k 61h 123/4 o/4 15_0 4 (\lolN o =E) lr Grooved Outlet 3x11h 21k 37ha 61/a 313Aa 4.O 20 3 x2 21h 25/h 37/ts 6'/q 4tAa 15 4x1lh 21/B 37/b 7th 313he 4.6 12 4 x2 21h zsrb 37/s 71h 43/B 5.0 10 4x21h z"/1 27k J 716 71/2 45/b 5.8 10 4x3 31h 3s/b 315Aa 71,k J/4 6.6 8 6x2 21h zsk 5 716 91h 4rb 7.7 6 6 x 2]h 23/4 2?/h Ji€91h 43/q 8.5 6 6x3 J/2 J-/A Jn 91,h 51/a 9.6 3 6x4 41h 45,h 5 /a 91h on 11.0 8 x 21h 23/c 27,h o/2 123/4 41/c 11 .4 o 8x3 31h 3 5,b 61,b.123/1 51/q 1'l .7 5 8x4 41zt 4sh 123/4 61/t 12.5 4 I SPRINK, INC. 1340 So. Manhattan Avenue Fullerton, CA. 92631 A Jam€s Hardie Compan ,@ Telephone: (714) 999-0323 FAX: (714) 999-0631 Sp€cilications subiect to change withod nori{:€. O Novernber,tgg2 Spnnk. t* pr,r,r"C ir, u S. e. Ductile I ,A\.I KDL]stEoI W ApprovedScrewed FittingsINK-INE PROTECT,ON PRODUCTS ,... S?R!NK-L|NE Ductile lron Screwed Fittings are 100% air-tested in a water soluble oil solution. T1ONS......Oinensionsconlorm foANS/ 816.3; Material istoASTMA536:ThreadingistoANS| 82.1 iia utc Listed and FM Approved at 300 pounds working pressure. Ductile lron Elbow-90"Ductile lron Te*Reducing Figure 815 Size A B c Wt Lbs Box OW .46 Yf, 1't,13la 1t t,.7Q 55 1 1t l,e .bat .77 A( 55 'I 131" '|,1, 13/a ltla .66 .73 oc 60 111 1 1 1't, 13/a 17I'a 131, 13lt 't, tz 1 ' '/,e 1sl'a lsle .81 .90 1.03 1.t0 50 50 45 40 1't, 1 1xh 'l t/'e 13lt 1'l'e 1e/ro 'le/ra 1sh 1' V,5 .87 1 .10 45 45 40 1t t, 1 1 11lz 171's 11/z 1r5/,c 1't, 1'l'a '|,|, 'I l3/ra lr lUl 11V!. 1151'" .97 1.14 1 .14 1.52 40 40 30 30 1,1 I 1 17 t,3 ltlz 1 1rA 1'y15 1.1, 1 r'l," 1.03 '| .10 1.31 40 40 30 'l'lz 1 1tt, 1'h 'l 13/'e '17l'" 1'h 1r'/,e 11V'o 1r1/'s 131,. 113/'" 'lr lt 1.'14 1.23 1.38 1 .50 eq EF 30 30 2 1 2 211,2.18 15 11t,2tt,2,h 2.31 15 1t lz 1 'l1lz 1'h 15lc lth 2't* 171'c 11h 11rl,. 1 '5/o 231'a lrla 2 2 2tt. 1 .50 1.61 1 .65 2.03 2.37 30 25 20 20 15 2 i,lrlt 11t, 1'tz 15lt 1 15/'t 15lt 131, 1 1 5/'c 11le 2'h 2tht 1.50 1 .67 1.91 2.05 2.11 20 20 20 20 15 21lz 2 131,1'le 2t l,e 2.22 15 Bullhead Tee 1 13lt .oat oc 1sl'e .97 45 ltla 1131 1131 .'t4 35 1tl,1tt1 1t3l 1"1 1 .43 30 11lz 17lt 1tl"1r 3/1.52 30 1t t,2't.2't.2 2.00 24 1'lz 11t.23l,z',t"2 1 .94 20 1t t,2 231'e 231.2 2.00 20 2 2 2'tz 25lc 25lt 23lz J.O /10i SPRINK, INC. Ductile lron Elbow-90" Figure 812 Slze A B wt. Lb3. Box olv 13/,0 13/,6 .33 160 1 x 'la 1tt 131 .44 10 1 xxl,131 .53 90 1t l, x I lz 11t,.64 75 I l-/a 60 ltx 1'/,e 111/'o .7i 5 1t lz x 3lt 1.h .95 45 11lz x 1 11r/'c 'I I 3/'".99 40 1' t,x 1' t,'l | 3ln 1.14 35 2 xtl,151 r9 30 2x1 2t tn 1.58 ZJ 2 x 1'lz 2tl'c t.o/20 2tle x 2 2't,a 25lt 3.01 15 Ductile hon Elbow-4s" Flgure 813 Slzo A wt. Lb3. 8ox oly .22 250 ??150 1'h .48 90 11t,15/'6 .73 CU .93 J3 rEq 18 1r3/,"z,tv 12 Duclile lron Tee Figure 814 Slze A wt. Lbs. Box otv 11t..33 150 1 90 1 111 .85 60 7t l,13/,1 .30 1tt,1 | 5/"1 .63 24 2 2't,z.o.t 21t,2'1t'a 4.55 I A Jamgs Hardia Company 1340 So. Manhaftan Avenue Fullerton, CA.92631 Sp€cifrcatio.l6 3uti€ct to chengE wthod notic€. o Novemb€r, 1992 Sprink, Inc. Print6d in U.S.A. Telephone: (714) 999-0323 FAX: (71a) 999-0631 SPRINK- LINE FIRE PROTECTION PRODUCTS Ductile lron Grooved Couplings @i l@trreol W AlDroved T Fig. 705 Light Weight Coupling Ductile iron housings with EPDM all weather gasket, max. working temp. 250"F. With grade 5 heat-lreated bolts and hcavy duly nuts. Fig. 706 Reducing Coupling Reductions in piping systems with SPRINK-LINE's reducing coupling withoul lhe expense ol a concentric reducer. Available with special metal insert gasket for verttcal installalions 1o prevenl smaller piping from slipping into the larger pipe. Fig. 707 Standard Coupling Heavier than the SPRINK-LINE lightweight coupling, the standard coupling provides greater strength for lhe tougher alignment. SPRINK, INC.1 c_r-lf-- lreAeu [@H+Hin'vLg Pipe Pipe End Gap Max. Working Pressure psi Dimensions Delieclion Bolt Size Dia. x Lg. Net wt. Lbs.Size OD B c ' Per Coupling in. Per 20 Feel 2't,'8 3'lz 4 5 o I 1.660 1.900 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.000 4.500 f,. StrJ 6.625 8.625 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 21t, 23/, 3'.t, 3',/" 55/' 71h 10'i. 4r /" 4151'a 5'gl'o 7't,E 71x/'s 95/" 107 /a 135i! 13/. 1r /, 1t l, 23/o 2 10', 1'46' 2'55' 2'55', 2 01' 1" 44' 3. 10' 2" 36' '1. 40', 1" 38' 7'/z 12' t, 't0'/| 8't, 13'/s 10v. Y 'lax23lax2 3la x2 3lax2 r/,x3 '/rx3 '/,x3th x 3'1, tlsx 3'/, xl, x 431. '1.6 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.7 3.1 3.7 5.3 6.6 13.0 Pipe Size Pipe End Gap Max. Working Pressure psi Oimensions Dellection Boll Size Dia. x Lg. Nsl wr. Lbs.A B " Ye( Coupling in. Per ?0 Feet 2 x 11lz 2'hx2gxz 3 x 2'1" 4x2 4 x 21lz 4x3 5x4 6x4 6x5 8x6 400 400 400 400 300 300 300 300 175 175 175 35/'" 3'V," 5V. 531, 531, II 10t t, 5 5'3/'" 6't, 7'3/,o 7'3ln '1131," 93/. 1O'ia 10th 13r/. 17/a 17lc 2 2 1'V,6 2 23le ?" 01' 1' 38' 1" 18' 1" 18' 2' 36', 2' 36' 2" 36' 2'00' 1" 46', 1. 46' 1" 20' 8t/" o ,r. 53/. 53h 103/. 103/. '1031, Stla 7tt, 7tt, 5't, ,hx2 tlex2 'Lx3tlzx3 tl,x3 tlz x3 r/zx3 tlc x3\1. 'h x 311, th x3tl, tl, x 43lt 2.1 3.8 5.8 5.55t o.Y 10.8 8.3 17.2 Pipe Pipe End Gap Max. Working Pressure psl Dimensions Oellection Boll Size Dia. x Lg. Net wt. Lbs.Size OD A B ' Per Coupling in. Per 20 Feet 1'/2 21lz 4 o I 10 12 1.900 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.500 5.563 6.625 8.625 10.750 12.750 1000 1000 1000 1000 1 000 800 800 800 600 600 3e/'" 41h 63/'6 751'e 871'a 10,h 13s/'e '153/. 83la g't.. 111/a 14 16'/. 183/. 13/, 't 'v,6 17lc 2'ts 2't" 2th 3' 40', 3" 00' 2.30', 2 10' 2' 30' 2. 10' 1' 40' 1. 20' 1" 10' 1 53/! 12t t, 1Q't. 87lt 13.t, 10'/. 6'l. 7 5't, '/ax3 '/?x3t/?x3 't,\3 51. x 3t/, 'hx 3tl, rl,x 4tlt I lc x 61lz 7lc x 61/z 2.4 2.9 3.3 4.0 6.6 8.0 1 1.9 19.0 28.0 33.0 1340 So. Manhattan Avenue Fullerton, CA.92631 A James Hatdie Co.n'.n ,@ Telephone: (714) 999-0323 FAX: (714) 999-0631 Spocmcstions lubjocl lo chengo withoul notice- O No\€rnb€.. 1992 Sprink, lrr. Printed in U.SA. SPRINK.LINE FI R E P ROTECTION PRO D U CTS ldentification Signs & FD Connections ldentification Signs Fire Dept. Round Aluminum 9 5h" dia. White Characters on red background and white border. Fire Dept. Rectangular Alumlnum 3 t/r' x 7 7/e'with two 3ii dia. holss. While characters on red background and white border. Fire Department Connections Fig. A95 lmTEl W Appro/cd Fig. A96 Two-way single clapper auxiliary inlet connection. Provides 500 GPM minimum through an unre- stricted waterway to supplement tire prolection wa- ter supplies. Furnished in cast brass with swing clapper and pin lug swivel with bearings. Size: 4" x21/2" x2112". ity: 6 per box. SPRINK, INC. 112" 4 314" 1340 So. Manhattan Avenue Fullerton, CA. 92631 A Jarnos Ha.dio Co.npsn ,@ Telephone: (714) 999-0323 FAX: (714) 999-0631 Specitic€tions sutj€ct lo chanqe wilhod noiice. @ No\rornb€r, 1992 Sprink. Inc. ftinted in U.Sl. Vl/I IZ I 1 il ;1ilil1 f ffiffii tffi#titH;I a- -w,& Dimensions /lnches stzE A B c o E F Nrl Wt w[h Gal6 el lryl Ur/oGd6 2tE 38"10"10%"18"8th"148{60fzt10"10%"20th"av?"n&62t 40"10"10!a'2jlvz"235f 65t 6"27ri 4fth"15"111h"11"3fl)r 110f 291/r"521h"17Vi','| 5"37"13th"6AX ax)r 10"xt,-55%'17th"1fl 48"16"881*z$t I Ames 4000ss I Specificafions fln rcduced prerrlun bckllow Wwttsl sfiall consicl ol two lderylderily oper- aW epnry I orded wn +lpck vafuer tilr a hydnu,W ogated dltM ptwun rellel rahe located lprlweryn ad Mow he cattt+.trr;ttt, tasdtd recf coch andWtbnal ,nleaaind ouilel 'ar'ilhntwtdulolt valy* Wlren nomal llow axirlr, Doffr cftecl nlnce arc oryt aad lhe pl€seur! ln lte rruo be tween ttlo cltsr.la,, @iled lfu zor, b al leasf 2 Nl lowq illan ilp lnlat prrrriue Tlre dll. lerenfd prwure rsllel va,w ls Md dut ng rcnmlf,ow. It cessatlon ol nonnal llow ocwrs,the dlller-, enllal prwwe rdiel vdve wil autonnfmlly {" opn and dlsclwga lo malnbln lhe zone al lessl 2 PSI lower tlnn tln htet ptl,''u'f'. This actlon witl prcyent a lE'cffilow or bactsi- plwage condltlon. Atter tln rqfufd illler- enfial is esbblished, tln dllleruilhl praure rcliel nlw again closes. The an+hecks lnclu& a sblntees sleol sprtng aN crtn-atm, rutlDrr hd db nd a qphceaDle seal, Ttn body srnflM nnnu- hcturd tron 300 sedes ghlaleer sleel, lanl lreq wlh a drgls twollll.ll gtwyd dyh aoaass coror. tlo sryld loolc srtafl De requlrd lor satHng Tlr nlld laltn s/m/l b conryt vtltr a rclilq ti/aphqn ad m sldlngsoals. Iho rdr€f r*t M.t&rlrlrpfrraff radlw I Phystal Characferistics 5l2ec - 2h", 3', 1", 6", g, ltr Radwoffipwun-175ml Hydroshffc prucrun - 350pel TenpeatunRarye-3?F.|trF Flange dlnenslon ln accordance wllh Am{A Ch$sD Body mM - 90 sorios shrn oss srod lscembly sfiall De ASSE 1013 ao4/rouotl lor vsrticailnsfblbfions, AWW A Cil | & 'Conhct the taclory fo spedflc appovals AME-S t4 3'rzs .o l0 o-,t g I ;6 ^Pcq- 2 t 150 250 How Rate (GPM) '12 S6 10 .:1 a8o-Jo Pt, $z 0 '1200 1500 18m Flow Rale (GPM) a 2k" &3" Documentd Flow Chanctedslla ftauongtut<rfivlltnl 7.',n \- 4" & 6" Documented How Characlensfics I 8" & 10" Documented flow Chaaacterlstics (,tf'.rdo s'xttdt v*yf'J) 916'666.249:! 1485 Tanforan Avenue p.o. Box1387 woodrand, cA 95776 Fax 916.666.3914 \Awt5I 8A(XROV ASSI fltS Form * RP/SS 6/92 GLOBE MODELCV-I GROOVED END - 4" (f Oi.6 mmf FOR WATER SUPPLY OR FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION SWING CHECK VALVE * UL Listed/FM Approved . Standard Grooved Connections '' 175 psi Rated Working Pressure Clapper is hinged to the handhole cover and is easily removed for in- spection or replacement of the rubber clapper facing. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS : * BODY AND COVER - CAST IRON ASTM A126 CLASS B " CLAPPER ASSEMBLY -STAINLESS STEEL "" SEAT- STAINLESS STEEL CLAPPER FACING - NEOPRENE RUBBER HINGE PIN BUSHINGS - BRONZE ITEM NO. OUANTITY DESCRIPTION PART NO. 't- SEAT RING COVER COVER BOLT COVER GASKET 323407 CLAPPER WEIGHT 16 LBS. (7.3 KG.) HINGE PIN 323411 RETAINING RING 323412 HINGE PIN BUSHING 323413 10 LOCKNUT 323514 1t OISC RETAINER 323512 12 RUBBER CLAPPER FACING 323410 13 FIBER SEALING WASHER 323515 '14 DISC RETAINER BOLT 323513 'tE 1/2" PIPE PLUG 31 1028 ' NOT FIELD BEPLACEABLE ORDERING INFORMATION: 4" ilODEL C1r-l C}GCK VALVE PART NO. 323400 4077 Air Park Drive o P.O. Box 796 Standish, Michigan 48658 U.S.A. Phone: (517) 846-4583 FAX (517) 84G9231 90 o FEWA R CHECK o \A LVES UL .LISTED FM APPROVED Wafer Check Valves are designed to be compact, easy to handle and take minimum space In your installation between two standard flanges. An "O" Ring Seal provides leak lree seal between two flanges as well as insuring a resilient seat surface seal which is enhanced by a stainless steel torsron spring. They are FM Approved as anli- water hammer Check Valves for fire pump service only. Commonly used in fire service applications, these valves can also be used any place a positive closure check valve is needed. They are designed for low friction loss. Slzes: 4". 6" and 8" UL Lisied/FU Approved 250 lbs. WOG (Specity Service if other than cold water) 100% Hydrostatic Tested Ductile lron Eody Eronze Clapper and S€at Ring 'O' Rlng Seals Slainless Steel Sprlng Closing Approved by the N€w Yo,* Clty Board ot Slandards and Appoale Undel Crlendar No. 157-84-SA. 'The 4" size is provided wrlh 112" pipe plug in drarn port as standard conliguration. (See below) gOWBD 4" only with street elbow and 112' ball drip valve. the seat angl€d to ptovide 't12 ball drip valve allowing valve to to polential lreezing such as in o 4" Watet Check has been designed with NPT tapping below seat to accommodate a drain water hom a 4" pipe that is exposed a fire departmenl connection. 6" and 8" Straight S€al No Tapping. szE A B c o SHIP wT. {Lt ou l{. PER CTI{. 1.6 4.ql 8.86 3 15 1 {,''| c}:3.75 €.06 8.50 4.5 10 I 3.75 7.8 10.dt 6.0 n t 16 oSprinkler GB Decorative/Glass Bulb Type Upright or Pendent Automatic Sprinkler Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Corporation 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 R Blo$l'o1,,on n rech n ical The Central Model GB-1, upright and pendent automatic sprinklers embrace the ulttmate in advanced design leatures. They incorporate the latest in heat-responsive, glass bulb technology, which results in a much smaller more attractive sorinkler than those manufactured with a more traditional design approach. The operating mechanism consists of a liquid{illed 5 mm diameter frangible capsule that is only 1.5 cm in lenglh. The N.P.T. lhreads on the Model GB sprinklerc are "pre-sealed" at lhe lactory thereby eliminating the need for lield-applied pipe compound or tape. This feature reduces installation time thereby increasing project productivity. The Model G&1 automatic sprinklers are intended for installation in accordance with current NFPA 13. They are available in %" orif ice size and a variety of temperature ratings, finishes and decorative coatings. Additional finishes and coatings are available. Operaiion:The glass bulb caPSUle operating mechanism contaans a heat- sensitive liquid that expands upon application of heat. At the rated temperature, the f rangible capsule ruptures thereby releasing the orifice seal. The sprinkler then discharges water in a predesigned spray pattern to conlrol or extinguish the f ire. For soecitic listing requirements. see lhe appropriale intormation conlained an this brochure "j i: ':.r:::l Model Number: GB-'l Style: Upright or Pendent Orilice size'. '/2" K Factor: 5.6 nominal Thread Size: yr" N.P.T. (pre-sealed) Temperature Rating & Glass Bulb Color: 135'F/ 57"C 155"F/ 68.C 175"F/ 79"C 200'Fl 93'C 2ffi"F/141"C 360" F/182. C Approvals: UL Meets: MIL-STD-g1GC MIL-STD167-I MIL.STD-8lGC shock, vibration and salt fog tests for maritime applicalions. Maximum Working Pressure: 175 p.s.i. Factory Hydro Test: 100% at 500 p.s.i. Standard Finishes: Brass, chrome Standard Coatings: White, Black' Length: I%" (plus thread) i Width: 1" (frame arms) Weight: .1.95 oz. (55.3 g) 'Available 2nd quarter 1988 Orange Red Yellow Green Blue Purple Ou"rle.SeAl Model GB ourrersecrioJ lrodel GB Pendent Sprlnkler model GB %" Updght Coalred Blad(' Model GB %" Pendent @sted Whlte. ''Half- indbsres one hafl ot a sym.n€trbat spray psttern. Orcl€d numbers Indrcete ore3sur€ in 06l Nomlnd Spnt P.ilarn %" ilodC GB Updgftt Spdnkbr 'Helf indicab6 on6 hdf ol a symm€tncat sprry p6n6m Orcled numb€rs indbste oes$re in osi. CornHnroon Sprlnld.r Wlrncfi F %" llodel GB Pendent Sprlnkhr 2'4'6'8'1 'Availablo 2nd ouaner 1S8 Unlva||d Wrunctl GLOEE MODEL CV.ISWING CHECK VALVEGROOVEI END - 4" (lO1 .6 mml FOR WATER SIPPLY OR FIRE a l,L Listed/FM Afyoved $andard Groowl Connections 175 psi Rated \tVrfing pressure Cl+per is hinged trthe handhole cover and is easily emoved for in- spection or replacersnt of the rubber cfapper tacing. MATERIAL SPECnCRnONS: * BODY AND COVBI -CAST ;RONASIM A126 CLASte ' CIAPPER ASSEtELy -STAINLESS STEE.-- ,- SEAT- STATNLE$STEEL , CLAPPEB FACINC- NEOpRENERUBBER , HINGE ptN BUSHltrcS _ BRONZE WEIGHT 16 LBS. (7.3 KG.) ORDERING INFORMATION: 4'MoDEL CV-l CHECK VALVE PART NO. 323400 DEPARTMENT CONNECTION ITEM NO. OUANTITY DESCRIPTION PART NO. SEAT RING COVER BOLT COVER GASKET CLAPPER HINGE PIN 3234'11 RETAINING RING 3234't2 HINGE PIN BUSHING 323413 LOCKNUT 323514 DISC RETAINER 323512 RUBBEB CLAPPER FACING 323410 FIBER SEALING WASHER 323515 DISC RETAINER BOLT 323513 1/2' PIPE PLUG 311028 . NOT FIELD REPLACEABLE 4077 Air Park Drive e P.O, Box 796 Standish, Michigan 48658 U.S.A. Phone: (517) 846-4583 FAX (s17) 846-9231 1' 10 11 12 't3 14 15 CORPORATTON Vl/tf il f llll ftl ilr llr ##il,H.TIi :I 4000ss -& Dimensrbns stzE A I c D E F Nrl Wl. wilh Grle! etwl. I'/o Gttc! 2tE 38'1(r 10%"18"8tE l48f 00f 3"zr 38"1|r 1oia"mti'atE z26r 62r zT g 10'10,a"4l'h'23ttf 65# 6"27th"*tti 15"11th'3t"11"380r,110*r 29rt"52y2"17Vi 15"37"13W 62|J*m0*tr ElE 55%"17v,"t5"t6"881,w Erzs at, 70 oiJ8 e ;6 q.E4 2 I Ames a 2/{ & 3" Docunented How Chanclerlstics rlnanngstutottvl 6l 'r50 ?50 Frow Bate (GPM) Flovy Ba,e (cPM) a 8" & 10" Documented Flow Clnncterlsfrcs ft*irnnssxnlol,vdyu) tan lgD Flow Eate (GPM) I Specificafions The reduced prwsure 0rr*llow provenla sfiall conslrl ol lwo lndapetdcnily oper- atng, qdng lordld cantciect nfya nlilr a ,rydnilcaA o4nlrahd dlllcranrthl prcsure relbt ntrc bcatd bef*uen ad lclor tlre carrnrlrr;trs, rr41,thrd lert coclr and qpdona, hM aN ou'if/t rf6,/if,nl so'f siut ofl ralyec. Wlnn nonml llow crlelg boli cfect nlrce arc open aad tie presure ln llre am b twntlra crlpl?.h,M fiezoag b alleacl 2 PSI lowerffian fue hilot prrlltn.Ttu dtl- lerentbl ptrmrure rdcfuarrc ts doood drnt tg nomdllow, ll cewfionol nornalflow occutglhedller ,.o elntblqurr.l.tnrslhlnlnvliltutwtlnffrr/lly |, open and dls&arge lo tmlnb,ln lha zone aa lnst 2 PSI lower tnnthelnldprusc.rru. Thle action wlll Nerent a trr;Hhw or bcksl- f,tonage condtlon. After [n rqubd dlller- enlhlls eobll&hed, ttu dttlemthl prrm;ttrc relhlvdveagalndws. The cam+heclo lnc/r'tde a sbinleer sleel eptng un ce'n.'/r\ nM ladf,d dfu aN a @,cecttle wt Tln body slal b mw hcfurcd ftotn &0 rorlet slalnleec efeel, lad hq,nth a &rySfuebotlgoorcdrll/o acceoo cover. No Wer;lal lbob srtrfl be t@ted lot n neq. no tM valvc ffi b conqd vfrt a rffie d/apllngn ai no dld@ trnb. Tho tild ra/ro M d&dargo ha36f radfc I Physlal Cfiariaclertsflcs Sh86 - 2k", 3", 1', 6', 8", 1 tr Ra/advotflr4gNurriuto-175N Hydroshtc prussuro . 350 p6, tmperatunRmge-3f"F -lffF Flange dlnenelon ln accodance vlth AVI$IACh[fD Bcdy mWH - 300 seib ohhtesa efeel Assemdy shall De ASSE 1013 aryovd lor }l l&a, rnsfbl&fors, AWttlA ?Sl t I 'Conlac{ lhe hdory lor specific appovds N{86 t .1, ,7 ',7 - -- - --- --- -- --- - - - --7 - - - - - - -?___:___ - 4" & 6" Documenbd now Cftanctedstics 916.666-2493 1485 Tanforan Avenue p.o. Box 1387 woodrand, cA 95776 Fax g16,866.3914 \Aw[S t O,tnOV AS$mtS Form # RP/SS 6/92 ,SPRINK.LINE FIBE PROTECTION PRODUCTS ldentification Signs & FD Connections ldentification Signs Fire Dept. Round Aluminum 9 5/.' dia. White Characters on red background and white border. Fire Dept. Rectangular Aluminum 3 %" x 7 7^" with lwo r/,"" dia. holss. White characters on rsd background and white border. Fire Department Gonnections Fig. A95 I(EL]STEDI ffi Approved Fig. A96 Iwo-way single clapper auxiliary inl€l connection. Provides 500 GPM minimum through an unre- stricted waleMay to supplement lire proteclion wa- ter supplies. Furnished in cast brass with swing clapper and pin lug swivel with bearings. Size: 4" x21/2" x21t2". .ty: 6 per box. sPRtNK, INC. 4 3t4" 1340 So. Manhattan Avenue Fullerton, CA.92631 A Janc H8.di€ Conpan ,@ Telephone: (714) 999-0323 FAX: (714) 999-0631 Spocilicsfioils srfi€C{ lo d|{|ngo rvilhoqi nollc6. O tlo'6.nbq. 1992 Sprink, lr|c. Rinled in U.S.A. iPRINK-LINE FIRE PROTECTION PRODUCTS t@LtsTEDl720 1722 ..MEK-LET'' Mechanical Outlet Tees SpF:ttir-LINE "MEK-LET" may be used for any tee connections where is needed. MEK-LET's can be converTed into a cross when necessary. Approved at 300 pounds working pressure. a threaded or grooved outlet UL and ULC Listed and FM r o(\l o :' .9lr Threaded Outlet Size Hole Oia.Dimensions APpror. Net Wt. (Lbs) Box otvRun r Branch Hole Max A B 2x1h 1'/2 15/8 25a 53/8 2.4 24 2x3h 'l "h 1srb 25,b 5-/a 2.4 24 2x1 11,b 15/b z'n 53rh J 2.6 24 2 x 1l/a 13/q 1'/b z3A 53rb 3s/6 2.7 24 2x11h 13A 17k 23A 5-lB 35a 24 zth x th 1t,b 15/h 23h s7h 3 3.3 24 zth x3/1 .lr,k 1'rb 23/J ./a 3 3.3 24 21h x 'l 1th 'lsrh z3A 57rb 3.5 24 21h x 11/1 21'b J/A 35rb 3.5 24 zlhx1l,b 21,h 57/b 35h 3.8 24 3x l 1th 15th 3 63A J 3.5 24 3 x 11/q 21h 33'h o/a 33/4 3.5 20 3x11h 2 21k 33,h 61rb 33/.4.2 3x2 2th 25h '71t 6tk 4rb 4.8 15 4x 1 'l1h 1sh 31h 7th 3 4.0 20 11/qx 21/b 4 t'/a 33/t 5.0 12 4x1lh ?1h l'/A 33/a 5.0 1? 4x2 21r'Z'/A 4 t-n 43rb 12 4x21h 23A 27/b 73k 45/b 10 6x2 2th 25/h 5tk 9t/t 43/b 8.0 o 6x2th 23/4 27lh 5,€9'A 45/b 8.5 6x3 31h 35,t 5'D 9'/c 5,/a 13.0 5 6x4 4th 45/h J',/1 9t/c 636 '| 4.1 5 8xzth 23/4 27h o't2 123/4 41/4 'I I.4 o 8x3 31h 35k 6,h 123/1 5h 13.2 8x4 41h 4 s/b 6t12 123/4 o/4 15.0 olol o =Et lr. Grooved Outlet 11h3x 21/h 37A6 6Ya 313/rs 4.0 20 3x2 2t,k 25k 37Aa 6Vc 4tAa 4.5 15 4x1ih 2t/g 37k 7t,k 313/rs 4.6 4 x2 21,b 25/6 374 I/2 41k 5.0 10 4x21h 23/q 27/b J '716 71h 4%5.8 't0 4x3 31h 35/b 315Aa 7l,k 51/t 6.6 8 6x2 21h 25,h ) t/16 91h 43k 7.7 6 6x21h 23A 27k 5,t 91h 43/4 8.5 6x3 31,4 35/b 5/€91h 51/a 5 6x4 4th 4s/b 91h 61,4 11.0 5 8x21h 8/q 27k 6,h 123/4 4t/4 '| 1.4 6 8x3 31h 3 5/6 6th 123/4 5/4 11.7 8x4 41h 4 5,1 61h 123/4 d/1 12.5 I SPRINK, INC. 1340 So. Manhattan Avenue Fullerton, CA. 92631 A Jam€s Hadie compan "@Telephone: (714) 999-0323 FAX: Q1g 999-0631 Sp€citicitbns subt€ct to changs wilhout notic€. O Novombor, t992 Sp nt, i.*. p.i f.C tn tf S e. SPRINK- LINE Ductile lron Grooved Couplings W Approved T Fig. 705 Light Weight Coupling Ductile iron housings with EPDM all weather gasket, max. working temp. 250'F. With grade 5 heat-treated bolts and h.avy duty nuis. Fig. 706 Reducing Coupling Reductions in piping systems wilh SPRINK-LINE's reducing coupling wilhout the expense ot a concenlric reducer. Available with special metal insert gasket for vertical installations to prevent smaller piping from slipping into the larger pipe. Fig. 707 Standard Coupling Heavier than lhe SPRINK-LINE lightweight coupling, the standard coupling provides greater strenglh for the tougher alignment. SPRINK, INC. A Janos Hardio Company 1340 So. Manhattan Avenue Fullerton, CA. 92631 l c-rlt-- I'e^dt-@H+H + e'VLM P rpe Pipe End Gap Max. Working Pressure psi Drmensions Detleclion Bolt Size Dia. x Lg. Net wl. Lbs.Size OD A B ' Per Coupling in. Per 20 Feet 111, ?'t. 3 5 6 8 1 .660 1 .900 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.000 4.500 5.563 6.625 8.625 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 21lz 231. 3't, 5s/, 6,h 771" 10'n 43 /t 5e/'" 95/o 10t h 'l3s ls 13 /, 13/, 13/, 2 2 2. 1o', 1" 46' 2" 55' 2" 55', 2. O'1', 1" 44' 3" 10', 2' 36', 1" 40', 1" 38', 9 7't, 10'/' 8'i. 13'A 103L 9 3lex2 3lax2 3lex2 thx? 11, x3 'lz x3 '/zx3 slc x 311. 5ls x 3'1, t.o 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.7 3.1 a'f 5.3 tr.b 13.0 Pipe Size Pipe End Gap Max. Working Pressure psi Dimensions Deflection Bolt Size Dia. x Lg. Net wt. Lbs.A B " Per Coupling in. Per 20 F6€t 2 x ltlz 2tlz x 2 3x2 3 x 2'lz 4x2 4 x 2'la 4x3 5x4 6x4 6x5 ttxb 400 400 400 400 300 300 300 300 175 175 175 35/'e 315/'e 4eln 5.1. 6'|leII 10't, 5 5'3/," 6',tz 7t3l'" 7t!,s 713/'e vt. 101/" 107 h '133/. 11/" ltle 111" 2 2 1'V,5 2 2th 2' 01', 1"38' 'I " 18' 1. 18' 2. 36' 2" 36' 2. 36' 2' 00' 1" 46' 1.46' 1'20' 811" (r'l. 53lc 53/r 103t, 10v. 1Vt, 8'I 71lt 7'tz 3la\2 3icx2 11,x3 llzx3 llzx3 'lzx3tl,xg 5lc x 3t l, 'ls x 3t l, 3lc x 3'1, 31. x 431, 2.1 3.7 3.8 5.8 f,.5 5.1 6.9 10.8 8.3 Pipe Pipe End Gap Max. Working Pressure psi Dimensions Dellection Eolt Size Dia. x Lg. N€t wr. Lbs.Size OD A B ' Per Coupling in. Per 20 Feet 1. t, 21t, 3 5 bI 10 12 1 .900 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.500 5.563 o.ozJ 8.625 1 0.750 12.750 1000 1 000 1 000 1000 1000 800 800 800 600 600 3 3'/', 4tlt 63/'o 73/'t 8'/.5 107|a 13s/,0 153/r 41h 511, 6 83/a I't, 113/a 14 '| 6'/. 18t/c '| r3/'e z',h 2'h 2'lt 271'a 3" 40' 3" 00' 2" 30' 2. 10' 3" 10' 2" 30' 2. 10' 1" 40' 1.20' 1. 10' 153/. 10'/. B',tc 13'/. 10,/. 8t lt 7 5'h 41P 'lzxgtl,x3 '/?x3t/,x3 5h x 3'L 5l.x 3'l, tla x 6t/z 2.4 z.J 3.3 4.0 6.6 8.0 11.9 1 9.0 28.0 33.0 Spociticslioos s{.rbj€ct lo chango without ndic!. O tlo€mb€r, 1992 Sprink, Inc. ftinted in U.S"q. Telephone: (714) 999-0323 FAX: (714) 999-0631 Ductile lEn /4, (OLD\-/ I@L]TTE0I W ApprovedScrewed FittingsINK-INE pNOTECTION PRODUCTS .... S?R|NK-LINE Ductite lron Screwed Fittings are 100% air-tested in a water soluble oil solution' T1ONS......Oimensions conform to ANSI 816.3; Materiat is to ASTM A536: Threading is to ANSI 82.1 ind ULC Listed and FM Approved at 300 pounds working pressure' Ductile lron Elbow-90'Ductile lron Tee-Reducing Figure 815 Size A B c Wt Lb3 Box Oty .46 95 1 1 1,1,.70 lxla 151,e .oat .77 65 55 1 13/s 1,|,13la .66 .73 65 bU 11lt 'I 1 'ltl, 13/a 1e/'e 131, 11h 1e/," 15h '1 I '/'e 131, .81 .90 1.03 1 .10 (n 50 45 40 11h 1 1e/'r 1e/'r 1r/rr 151, 1r'/,r .87 1.10 45 45 40 11lz 1 1'lz 171,t 11h 1rr/'r 1!5/'r 1tl, 11lz 1 13/,0 1r'Ao 131, 1131r" 1r5/'c .97 1 .14 1.14 1 .52 40 40 30 30 1 1't.,t ltlz 1"1'e 1'g/'" 1'r/'e 1rh 113/,s 1.03 1.10 1_31 40 40 30 1th 1 1t t, 171'c 1'tz 1 "/u 1r3/rc 171,e ltlz 1"t,c 1t3/ro 1rr/,0 131, 1"1,e 17lt 1 .14 1 .23 1 .38 1 .50 J5 35 30 30 2 I 2 2,1,2 2t l,2.18 15 1't.2't,2.h 2.31 15 11h 1 11t, ? 't'h 1'lt 131, 2t t$ 2't, 'l1l,t 11h 1r5/,6 231," 1rh 23ha 211, 1.50 1 .61 1.65 2.03 2.37 30 25 20 20 15 2 1 1't, 't,tz 'l5lt ltlt 1151'" 2 15/r 131, 1 ' 5/'o 171" 2 2t lc 2tln 1.50 1 .57 1 .91 2.05 2.11 20 20 20 20 't5 2 13/.15lc 2.22 15 Bullhead Tee lxlt .68 65 1 1 1t 1t$.97 45 1'.1 1t3l 14 35 11lt 1r3/'r 'I .43 30 11h lrh 1t l"lttl 1 .52 30 2 2'h 2th 2 2.00 24 1'lz 111.231,2 1 .94 20 1t t,11t,2 231'"2t/.c 2.00 20 ?2'1,25lc 21h 3.67 10 I SPRINK, INC. Ductile lron Elbow-9Oo Flgure 812 Slze A I wt. Lbs. Box olv tl, X 1lz 13/'"1tl'a .33 160 1x'11t 13lt .44 1 xtl 13lt 'lrl.e .JJ qn 1tl. X tlz 15/rr 1t lz .64 7q 1.h -7q 60r/.x1 111rc .71 ltlz x3l,1e/'c 131 .95 45 lr/a x 1 1rri.1 rV,s .99 40 11lz x 11L 1'31't ltlt 1 .',14 35 2x 1 .39 30 2x1 3 2't.,e 1.58 z 2 x 1'1,-2 2tl,c 1.67 20 2tlz x 2 21t,a 25lt 3.01 15 Ductlle lron Elbow-45' Flgure 813 Slzo A wt. Lbs. Box oty 250 tl .33 'I 50 1'lc .4E 90 1,|,15/'s .tJ 3U .93 35 1 .55 18 1'5/'e 2.70 12 Ductile lron Tee Flgure 814 Slze A wt. Lbs. 8ox otv 1,I .33 150 .50 90 1,h .85 60 1,1 1th 1 .30 JC 1,?"1 .63 24 2 2,|,2.63 12 2"t.t 4.55 I A Jamos Hardie cotrDany 1340 So. Manhattan Avenue Fullerton. CA. 92631 S{rcificetbns 3utiocl lo chango wilhod norico. O No/smb€r. lS92 Sp.ink. lrrc. Prirnod in U.SJq. Telephone: (714) 999-0323 FAX: (714) 999-0631 I Grinnell ERW steel pipe A-135 schedule 40 rclHlulr {0 pipe eyaihDle h hade rires 1'llru f in |mgt$ 0121121'.25'loobgo wcighvbundle lra& sirg in-00 l.u |udml eall hicln6s in. nomiml u€ic ft t|ndb $er pcs. Fr uh. 21',htl loolag€ 24', btal hda!e n' lolal lootage 21', bdlc. weilli 2C Me. rei0l 25' bdla wrilhl 1 1.315 1.049 . r33 168 70 1470 1680 1750 2470 2822 2940 lVq 1.660 1.380 .'140 2.27 51 1071 1224 1275 2431 2778 2894 1v,1.900 1.610 .145 44 924 1056 1100 2513 2872 2992 2.375 2.067 .154 3.65 30 630 720 750 2300 2628 2738 weiqht ol pipe with waler 1'pipe weight of plp€/foot '.reight ol water/foot weight of pipe with water/lool xt 1221 0 414 I.DJJ sn0 1.404 0.409 1.813 s/10 1.68 0.37 2.05 tY.'piDe weight o{ pipe/foot weight of $/ater/lool vveight ol pipe Y{ith water/foot 1.57 0.72 2.29 1.81 0.71 2.52 2.27 0.65 2.92 1%'pipe rreiohl of pipeifoot weight ot water/foot weight of pipe wilh water/loot 1.88 0.97 2.85 2,08 0.96 3.04 2.72 0.88 3.60 2'pipe weight of pipe/foot weighl of water/foot weight ol pipe with v/aler/foot 2.52 1.58 4.10 2.64 1.58 4.22 J.03 1.46 5.1'1 2V{ pipe w€ight of pipe/lool wEight of water/foot vileight of pipe with water/foot 408 2.26 6.34 3.53 2.36 5.89 5.79 2.08 7.87 3'pipe weight ol pipe/foot weight ol Mter/foot weight ol pipe with water/lool 5.01 3.48 849 4.33 J.O I 7.94 7.58 3.20 10.i8 3'/,'pipe w€ight of pipe/foot weight of vrater/lool YYeight ot pipe udth water/toot 4.97 4.81 9.78 9.11 4.28 13.39 4'pipc wei0hl of pipe/foot weight of water/foot w€ight of pipe with water/loot 5.61 6.17 11.78 10.79 q (t 16.30 5'pipe r/eioht of pipe/foot weight of water/foot weighl ol pipe wjth water/foot 9.53 17.30 14.62 d-oo 23.28 6'pipe weight of pipe/tool weight ot rvater/loot weight of pipe with water/foot 9.29 13.74 23.03 18.97 '12.51 31.48 8' pipe weight ol pipe/loot weight of water/foot weighl ol pipe with rvater/foot 13.40 23.59 36.99 28.55 21.69 50.24 10'pipe weight of pipe/loot weight of water/foot weight ol pipe Trith v{ater/foot 18.70 36.90 5J.bU 40.18 34.10 74.58 12'sne weight of pipe/toot vi,eight of water/foot weight ol pipe with water/foot 49.56 49.00 98.56 XL allied X! thrtadable light uall pipe 1'- 3'in lrn ts ol21'-2{'.25'lootage weighubundle lrado 6hc in.0.0.t.0. nonlnal "'ilt bundlc slzcs pc3. ler bdle. 21' total loola!? 21' tolal loola0! 25', blal lmta0! 21', bdh. wei0N 21', bdh. u!ioil 25' Mh. rel0N 1 1.290 1.104 1.2210 91 1911 2184 2275 2333 tooI 2777 1Vt L638 t.452 1.5763 61 12 81 1464 1525 2019 2307 2403 1k 1.883 1.687 1.8807 61 1281 1464 1525 2409 2753 2868 a 2.360 2.151 2.5214 JI 777 888 otq 1959 2239 2332 ZVz 2.857 2.581 4.0813 30 630 720 750 2571 2939 3060 3 3.476 3.200 5.0109 19 399 456 475 1999 2285 2380 schedule 10 SX 10 allisd sciedule 10 1' -4' in lengtis ol21'-24'-25'loota0s weighl/bundle lradr stze tn.0.0.t.0. flominal well hirlrcsl in. n0minal 1l' tundle sirrE pcr. pol bdle. 21' tolal foota0e 24' tolal loola0e 25' lotel hoh!. ?1', tdle. w€lgil 24', ldlr. xeight 25' tdlc. relgit 1.315 1.097 .109 1.40 91 1911 2184 2275 2675 3053 3185 11/t 1.660 1.442 .109 1.81 61 1281 1464 1525 2319 2650 2760 1lh 1.900 1.682 .109 2.08 61 1281 1464 1525 2664 3045 3172 z 2.375 Ltat .109 2.64 37 777 888 925 2051 2344 2442 2k 2.875 2.635 . 120 3.53 30 630 720 750 2224 2542 2648 3 3.500 3.260 .120 1.33 19 399 456 475 1727 1974 2057 JN 4.000 3.760 .120 4.97 19 399 456 475 1983 2266 2361 4.500 4.260 .120 5.61 19 399 456 475 2238 2558 2665 14 otY 6ctors The Model 10/10 System Sensor vane-type waterflow detector, with a computer designed paddle, now fits Schedule 10 through Schedule rO steel pipe sizes 2" through 8'l The design of this unit makes it easy to install and simple to maintain. lt can be mounted in a vertical or horizontal position and is suitable for indoor and outdoor installation. Switch assembly and delay mechanism assembly are field replaceable. UL listed and FM approved. Other advanced features include: SEALED RETARD Assures that the retard is not contaminated by dust and dirt when the cover is removed. VISUAL SWITCH ACTIVATION Permits installer to accurately set the retard even under extremely noisy conditions. RUGGED SWITCH ASSEMBLY Switches are enclosed in a durable terminal block fcir added strength. Accommodates up to 12 AWG wire. lo0o/o SYNCHRON IZATIO N Fires both alarm panel and local bell at the same time. DURABTE METAL ENCTOSURE Long lasting cast zinc cover completely encloses the electrical components to keep out dust and dirt. TAMPER RESISTANT lmproved self-guiding security screws and removal tools make detector resistant to tampering and simplifies field maintenance. -\,^- XADE IN THE U.S.A. SCHEDULE 10 OR SCHEDULE 40, ONE SYSTEM SENSOR WATERFLOW DETECTOR NOW FITS BOTH! 8SA ---sYsTElwsEMson=A DlVlSlON OF PITTWAY 3825 Ohio Ayeouc . St. Charlcsr ffirnb 80174 . 708.97€3G3 . FAXr 70E€77'6495 In Grnrda: 416.675.1695 . FAX: fl6.G75.7OE il.-@aaPPForEo (Ut General Specificationdl Engineering Specifications Vane-type waterflow detectors shall be installed on system piping as designated on the drawings and/or as specified herein. Detectors shall mbunt on any clear pipe span ofthe appropriate nominal size, either a verticalor horizontal run, at least 6' frorn any fittings which may change watei direction, flow rate, or pipe diameter or no closer than 24' from a valve or drain. Detectors shall have a sensitivity in the range-of 4 to 10 gallons per minute and a static pressure rating of 250 psi for 2"-8" pipes. The detector shall respond to waterflow in the sfiecif ied directlon aftdr a preset time delay which is f ield adjustable. The delay mechanism shall be a sealed mechanical pneumatic unit wiih visual indication of actuation. The actuation mechanism shall include a polyethylene vane inserted through a hole in the pipe and connected by a mechanical linkage to the delay mechanism. Outputs shall consiit of 10 Amp (dual SPDT switcheVform C contacts). A condu it entranie for standard fittinqsof commonlvused electrical conduit shall be provided on the detectors. Alldetectors shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories for indoor or outdoor use. Approved: UL, CSFM, ULC, BSA, FM Contact Ratings: Triggering Threshold Bandwidth (Flow Rate): Static Pressure Rating: Overall Dimensions. Installed: Operating Temperature Ranges: Compatible Pipe: Shipping Weight: (it u bor nut CONTACT RATINGS 125/2sO VAC 10 At P!; 24 VDC 2.5 AMPS lo nonrll.nco.blc Inltl.tlng zoie ol llrt d FACP Typlc|l FACP Connoc{lon llrIIIn\J wFD 2' - 8' 10A@125/250VAC 2.5 A@ 24VDC zt-l0 GPM 250 PSI (Max) 2' - 8" 3.5"Hx3.0"Wx6.7"D 32"F - 120'F (0"C - 49'C) Steel water pipe. schedule 10 through 40. Varies, 4 lbs. - 7 lbs., according to size. (R.rl.c.rn.ni P/ At7.ol{2} Pfi 43006{0) G.@ft|Bd p.orld.d Brsak wl.! at Shofn tor rup€rYlllon ol connacllon. OO t{OT .llow 3lrlpp.d wlil lalda to axiand bayond .rvltch hou3lng. DO NOT looD *ll!!. WFO awltch rtlo|trbly Typlc.l Locll E ll Co.rn.cllor Odering Information Waterflow SwitchesWFD20 Waterflow Deteqtor, Schedule t0/40.2' WFD25 Waterflow Detector, khedule lu4n,2-1n" WFD30 Waterflow Detector, Schedule 10/40, 3'WFD35 WaterflowDetector,Schedule'lol4n,3-1n'wFDilo Waterflow Detector, Schedule 10/110, 4" WFD50 Waterflow Dete<tor, khedule 10/40, 5"WFD60 Waterflow Detector, Schedule 10/40, 6'WFD80 Waterflow Detector, Schedule 10/40.8'WFDT Waterflow Oetector fits 1",1-114',1-l/2" steel and brass threaded tees Master Packed: 6 units Supervisory SwitdresO5Y2 Outside Screw and Yoke Supervisory Switch -Two SPDT SwitchesPIBV2 Post Indicator/Butterfly Valve Supervisory Switch -Two SPDT Switches Pressure Switdres WPsl0-1 Alarm Waterflow Pressure Switch, One sPDT, 10 PSI WPS10-2 Alarm Waterflow Pressure Switch, Two sPDT, 10 PslWPylo-l Supervisory Pressure Low swhch, One sPDT, 10-100 Ps wP540-2 Supervisory Pressure High/Low Switch, Two sPDT, 10-100 Psl Alarm Bells KM5-5-24 Bell, 6", 24 VDC, Polarized, 97 dBA KMS-8-24 Bell,8',24VDC, Polarized, 102 dBA KMS-10-24 Bell, 10'.24VDC, Polarized, 104dBA KB5-6-120 Bell, 6', 120 VAC, Polarized,95 dBA KB5-8-120 Bell,8', 120 VAC, Polarized,93 dBA KBS-I0-120 8ell, 10", lZQ VAC, Polarized, 102 dBA Accessories545-7000 Tamper Switch Kit for WFD Oetectors, PIBV2 and OSY2 43010-00 Accessory Kit for PIBV2 (Wrenches, Screw Pack) 43011-oo Accessorl Kit for o5Y2 (Wrenches, Screw Pack, J-hooks) A3O0&OO Timer Aslembly for Waterflow Detectors, 2-8" sizes (black) A77 -01-02 Terminal Block Replacement 44027-00 Paddle Kit tor WFDT only - 3 Paddles 507-6G01 Tamper screws for WFD Metal CoverWFDW Tamoer Proof Wrench for Metal Cover (wFD Detectors, WFDT, O5Y2, PIBV2)HEXW Hex Wrench for Supervisory 5witches All sprinkler ltemi otter than waterflow switches are single pad<ed. O Copyrighl 7/1991 by System Senror, A Drvliron ol Pitlway CWFD PRICE LIST Grinnell tig. no. descriptaon stze prlce €ach *n,;j:l:#'.) ris. no. 66 66welded beam atlachmenl carbon steel Upper attachment lor welding to structural steel. Used as illustrated with bolt and nul or used in the inverled position with rod and nut. Complies with Federal Specif ication WvY-H-171E Type 22. Order by rod size, figure number, name. Specity it bolt and nut are required. '1yr and larger will be furnished with Pin & Cotter. $ 15.50 $ 18.7515.50 20.0016.25 21.2517-75 29.5025.75 37.0036.75 56.0073.00 1 18.00 126.00 227.OO 154.00 294.00 177.00 574.00 215.00 640.00 222.00 687.00 343.00 722.@ 460.00 744.OO 686.00 1003.00 940.00 1277.OO without with withoul wlth'b"lt- bofi boll boll a nut & nut' & nut & nul' !a" Yz fi 7/a _vo | .a.96 1.3 .96 1.61.9 2.82.5 3,9 4_J O.J 8.1 10.215.6 19.018.7 24.2 22.8 30.626.4 39.726.8 40.832.6 46.745.1 62j53.4 72.4 1 1V. 1Vz | -ta 21/t zth 23/t .t 3Vq 67 plpo or condult hangel cabon steel For suspension by hanger rod or attached to wall. "T" slol in hanger permits side bolt to b€ installed alter installation and setting of pipe. Con- sistrs of sirap, bolt, nut - assembled. Order by pip€ size, figure number, name. plated $ 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.20 3.70 4.45 8.65 9.15 12.95 21.50 21.50 670 3A 1 1Vt 11h 2 2Yz 4 5 6 .21 .25 .27 .29 .31 .71 .16 1.39 1.66 2.26 69 70 adlustablo swlvel rlng, tapP€d ItlFPA.lrndrd adjustable swlvel rlng, standad tap cabon steel; zinc plated For suspension ol non-insulated, slationary pipe line. Underwriters' Laboratories Listed and Factory Mutual approved. Complies with Federal Specif ication WW-H-i7'!E Type 10. 69 70 lig.69 fig.70 .08 .09 .10 .11 .12 .12.25 .33.30 .36 .{o .5tt.53 .621.0 1.21.0 1.2 I 11L. 1V2 2 21/2 3 4 5 o 8 lig. 69 $ 2.00 2.00 2.10 2.10 2.45 2.60 4.30 4.30 5.70 8./t0 12.55 15.33 lig. 70 7.40 8.15 13.25 14.70 23.65 35.50 PRICE LIST Grinnell tig. no. descriplion srte prlc6 e!ch *n'lj:!|:f,*) fis' no' 137C coated standard U-bolt cahon steel U-bolts and tinished hex nuts with non-threaded portion of U-bolt PVC coated For support, anchor or guide ol glass, aluminum, brass, tin and PVC piping. Order by rod size, pipe size, ligure number, name. Furnished with tour hex nuts unless otherwise specilied, 3/4 coated with 4 hex nuls $ 12.05 12.30 12.90 15.10 15.80 16.90 24.15 26.30 27.65 29.55 33.10 51.85 60.90 wirhd I rlll^ t'ei nris lO/\., .11 .ta .12 .29 .31 .34 .80 .t'b .92 1.0 2.O 2.4 1 1Ya 1Yz 21/z 4 5 o 8 138 138R ' Gxtcnslon .pllt PlP. cltmp malleabte hon Furnished tapp€d for an iron PiPe threaded nipple (fig, 138) or for rod (fig. 138R). When used with nipple, resultant rigidily p€rmits supporl of pipe from wall or floor. Complies with Federal Sp€cilicalion WW.H.171E Type 25. Order by pipe size, figure number, name, tinish it other than black. 138 138R %"$ Vz 3/t 1 1Yt 1th 2 21h 3 (1381 black 5.20 5.60 5.85 6.05 8.30 10.00*'1 (138F) black $ 4.90 4.95 s.35 5.70 7.(x) 10.15 13.60 27.20 32.30 (1381 plat€d $ s.70 6.50 8.70 6.70 9.10 11.65tt.r, (1388) platsd $ s.70 5.80 6.25 6.65 820 11.85 15.90 31.80 97.73 .10 .13 .15 .17 .20 .24' .29 1.33 1.46 140 hanger rod, machlne lhroaded both ends, rlght hand threads cafion steal note: lor letl hand lhreads - see tig. 253 140 eschPrice .len9thIncnes rod size - Incheg % $ 9.35 10.70 12.00 13.35 16.25 20.25 24.15 25.85 32.40 36.50 40.60 44.60 48.70 52.85 8' 10 12 14 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 $ 4.00 f.6s 5.30 5.90 7.05 8.80 10.50 12.30 14.05 15.75 17.55 19.30 21.00 22.75 $ 6.50 7.40 8.40 9.35 11.30 14.18 17.15 20.25 22.90 25.85 28.70 31.20 34.60 34.60 $13.20 15.30 17.50 19.60 24.95 30.25 36.65 43.05 49.40 55.80 31.50 68.80 75.05 81.45 $ 16.75 19.40 22.16 24.85 30.25 38.45 46.60 54.80 62.90 71.05 79.05 87.20 95.25 103.50 $ 24.ss 27.95 31.40 35.05 41.50 52.35 62.90 73.35 83.65 94.m 68.25 115.25 125.65 135.95 add to abovo prlces for 72 lnch length3 - lor each addltlonal foot of rod or fractlon thot€ol $ 3.s5 t 6.0s $ Lso $14.1s $ 1e.75 $ 23.4s 15 PRICE LIST Grinnell tig. no. description size prlce each -''ij::3:;''' ris' no 258 258pipe saddle supporl cast iron pipe saddle only Stanchion type supports for pipe sizes 4" thru '12" inclusive. Saddle base must be slipped into riser pipe. Comolies with Federal Soecitication WW-H-I71 E Types 36 and 37. Order by pipe size. ligure number. name. 4" 5 6I 10 12 black $ 38.00 42.OO 56.00 67.00 89.00 104.00 9.1 10.8 1 1.8 14.3 19.3 a,t, I 259 2s9pipe slanchion saddle cast iron stanchion saddle with tound iron yoke and nuts Stanchion type support lor pipe sizes 4" lh(u 12" inclusive. Saddle base musl be slipped into riser pipe; yoke is attached lo saddle atter pipe is in place. Complies with Federal Specification WW-H-171E Type 38. Order by pipe size, tigure number, name. lf riser and flange are required, they must be ordered separately. 6 at 10 12 14-36 black $126.00 131.00 136.00 174.00 236.00 289.00 POA 10.8 12.1 12.7 2t..7 25.7 31.2 260 3A 1 1Vt 1Yz 2 21h a 31/z 4 5 o 8 10 pnmso $ 2.35 2.40 2.60 2.90 3.25 3.85 6.45 7.70 8.30 9.85 12.75 r6.00 2t1.90 44.80 s3.95 83.00 117.00 1t8.00 289.00 471.00 620.00 stainl€ss sl6ol POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA FOA POA POA POA POA "oo _ adlustable clevls carbon steel For suspension of non-insulated, stationary pipe lines. Hanger load nut above clevis must be tighlened sec- urely to assure proper hanger per- formance. lf an oversized clevis is used i.e. with soil pipe, il is recom- mended that a spacer be placed over the clevis boll. Underwrilers' Laboratories Listed and Factory Mutual Approved. Complies with Federal Specilication WW-H-171E Type 1. Order by pipe size, tigure number, name. finish il olher lhan black black galv. 3 1.85 S 2.851.85 2.951.95 3.252.25 3.552.45 4.002.95 4.704.45 8.505.s0 10.155,8s 10.806.75 12.859.2s 16.5010.75 21.2017.65 32.1532.00 57.6037.35 71.0061.00 104.0087.00 144.00108.00 182.00227.00 354.d)401.00 543.00519.@ 722.00 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 260 .34 1q .44 .45 .55 .61 1.4 1.5 1.7 2.1 2.4 3.6 5.0 8.8 1 1.4 14.8 21.O 24.4 42.6 46.4 oJ.c 261 extonslon pipe or rlser clamp aabon steel For support and sleadying of steel pipe risers either insulated or bare, cast iron pipe or conduil. Clamp is litted and bolted preferably below a coupling on sleel pipe or a hub on cast iron soil pipe. Also lor support of pipe covering or insulation. Underwriters' Laboratories Listed Complies wilh Federal Specification WW-H-171E Type 8. Order by pipe size, ligure number, name, specity if olher lhan black. 261 3h I 1Vt 1Yz 2 2Vz 3 Jf2 4 6 8 10 12 black $ 5.80 5.85 7.35 7.90 8.05 8.45 9.00 11.15 11.35 16.50 19.05 30.80 42.50 51.45 98.65 227.55 250,55 290.05 galv. $ 9.85 9.90 13.15 14.00 14.45 15.15 16.25 20.7s 2't.55 31.05 34.45 59.55 77.45 r00.90 180.90 357.50 384.40 427.rn p.imsd $ 7.85 7.90 10.25 10.80 1 1.25 11.80 12.65 15.95 16.30 23.65 26.75 45.15 58.60 75.55 124.60 265.9{t 289.20 327.35 3.3 3.4 5.3 5.3 9.9 11.1 16.6 19.3 32.5 33.8 35.0 1.4 2.O 2.O 2.2 2.3 z-J 16 18 20 29 lees, conl'd size, in, x in. Y in. z in. | (a tb black galvani2ed reducing lee, fig. 1105R t|ln -rtr UI. ItrsI tza ,l '_frI| |ril ifxL\ II l------+----Jr---.' I ' X, Y, Z: center lo end %I.8 t/13 .14 /a :.4 JI i'a %.12 .14 7/ %/8 %.21 % 3/ '/; 1S/ ,V,'X,tXt .21 .19 .22 .20 %./t 3./tXo %.19 .20 1//7 ,l /6 % 1Xe 1Xt 1 1\t 1 .30 .27 32 29 3/,/a h 7A 1% lXt 1r,10 .t a1/ 1X, .33 .28 .33 %,l t/B 1 1l/.29 .29 %7/%1Xt 1Xt 1Xt .26 .29 3/ '/2 3/ 1l 'lXt 1% 1x, 1Xc 1% 114c 1% 114 1% .46 .42 .38 .49 .46 .40 %'l 1X, 1X.. 1% 1k 1Xc 1% .51 .43 .t I .47 % 3/ 3/,/e lXo 1% 't% ,X, 1X., 1% .46 .36 .48 .34' %x/'1Xo 1%'lX".45 .46 %V tu 1%1%1Xe ..tJ .45 1 I %,l % l/ 1'/c 1% 1Xc 1% 1% 111 1Xt .rl/ 1Kt t7a 1% 1% .82 .60 .55 .84 .74 .63 6q % Y, th 1% 1Y 1Xt 1X" 1k 1Xt t7. .78 .59 .81 .75 .62 % 1 % 1y? 1% 1tl. 1% 1% 1% 1% 1Xo 1% .ro .56 -cc .73 .55 h 1 1%1Xt 1% %'I 1Xt t7a 1X, 1% 1% 1v .62 .5C .66 .c/1/4 1% 1% t/ l//2 % 1Xc t7a 1% t/la 1X" 't% 11/ 1'n 1% 1Xt lXc 1.18 1.06 .98 .60 1.22 1 .10 .Y.' .89 ,l 'I % % 1 1% 1Xo 1r,1c 1% lrXt 1Y r7t 1% 1% 1t\e 1% t.t.t 1.11 .87 .76 1.19 1 .13 .92 1 xl 1t./ 1\c 1Xt 1% the 1Xt 1% 11\" 1% 1.09 .96 .86 1.10 .88 .86 h 1%1% 1Xe 't14o 1% 1% ltXo '1.04 .87 1.07 .94 'I 1 1t/1'Xo 1% ltXt 1% 1\t .90 .97 .93tl 1V 1% 1t/l 1 h l tXe 't% 1% 'txt 1% 'tk 1Xt 1% 1'xt 1% 1tx, 1.45 1 .44 1.29 1 .19 1 .47 1.49 1 .40 t.zJ 1%1% 'I '/. % 'l'Xc 'l1Xe 1% 1% 1Xt 1la 1% 1%t 1Xo 1% 1'Xt 1% ltXo 't% 1rx.. 1.50 1.52 'r.26 1.08 1.03 1 .42 1 .10 1 .10 malleable iron, (class 150)1 saturated sleam: 150pressure rallngs' psr I tiquid & gas al 15oo F: 3oo C. o pt-4 o, '.t file: [tlfilH.Tltt nTllt' Sprinkler Progran by fP[ Softuare, Inc. Page: PRISSUTI ru0lr EttvATI0n x-flcl0R ARfl 0tt{sl]Yfi00r (psr) (6Pr) (rEfl) (sa.FI.) (6Pt/sa.n.) 9., 6 t.11 59.39 Dr.tl 53.15 52.8t 51.11 t9.99 18. t2 r0.3? t8.81 t8.21 18.1{ t0.1? 9.t5 1c.88 It.l9 13.79 18.5r 21.29 22.24 5t.18 56,1t 55.90 51.55 5t.81 39.33 21.9r 9,88 Lt6 E.31 8.81 8.99 9.tl 9. ?9o(t 9,8{ 1t.24 1!.ll 11.23 12.50 t5,fl 19.31 21.97 12.51 11.89 13.81 lt,5f 15.29 19.72 ?3.15 2t.tt 22.t3 25. E3il.u m1 m2 m3 m1 t05 406 tc) mE m9 t1l ttl 412 t13 t1{ 8r1 8t? Bt3 8tl Bt5 Et6 Eu c!1 ct2 cf3 ctl cf5 ct6 ctt ct8 0,ei e.0l 0.0f 0.ec 0.00 c.cl c.rt t.0l t.el t.0f 0,clt.ft t,ce!.tt f.t9 c. tl t.cct.il a.c0t,!lt.!lt,tl 0,0cf.tl a.cet.tlt.ll t. ff i.0c 16,0e 16.1t 15.65la l0 16.81 0. e, |,01 |,c0 lt.92 1E,1! 1E.D 19,8C 21,69 c.tl c.00 19.91 2!.11 2t.81 21.32 22.51t.fl c.tl 25.t8t.tl t.m t. tl 8,58 8.58 6. )D 8.58 8,58 |.25 L58 8.5E 8.58 8.58?t( 8.58 u,to 8.50 8.58 8.58 8.58 U.5U 1.25 0.50 !.)D 0,58 8.5E 8.58 8.58 8.58 8.58 E.5E 8.58 8.58 8,58 8.5E 8.58 8.58 E.5E 8.58 8,58 E.5E E.5E u.t! E.5E 8.58 6.fd 8.58 8.58 !. tu E.5E 8.58 E.58 E.58 , 8.58 E.58 8.58 E.58 99. t5 99.75 aa l( 99.75 tt, ta 99.t5 99.t5 99.I5 99,75 99.75 99.75 99.t5 99.t5 99. 15 99. t5 99.t5 e,16C t.162 0.157 t.168 0.169 c.181 t,181 t.18E t.198 t.211 i.20c t.2t2 t.2t9 0.?14 c.227 c.251 7" fil,AE r4. E ll 1l t2 13ll t5 16 1t 18 l9 2l .L ?2 23 2l 25 tPl 5.6 ).0 t.0 5.5(( $.6 5.6 J.! t.D t.0 5.6 l.D t.D 5.6 5.6 fi Ie :.lJtSTtJIli0. Tltt 'Tllt* Sprintler Pr0gran by fPt S0ftuar€' inc. Page: PRESSIJRT tt0l,l tttv^Il0lt K-flcT0R ARtl Dtllslit||00r (PsI) (6Pn) (rItT) (sa.rT.) (aP[/sQ'fr') TPl tP2 TP2 tP3 TP3[il 8R1 8R2 it1 Iti 2 m3 44.48 45.71 45.98 46.38 4 6,54 81.24 8N,lt i1.55 61.88 57.23 55,31 e.00 8.58e.00 8.580,00 8.580,00 8.580.c0 8.58s58.48 20.ge 20.0t 20.te 8.580.te 8.58c.t0 8,58 filer |ltSTlllli0. Tl|t 8tclll t|iorlioot ri00t Pags: 3 Pe Pf Vit0ilTY(Psr) (Psr) (tTistt)r[oil 0initTiR TYPI tiTTI1165 tilitTll (0Pil) (il]c|lrs) (rttl) "Itlt" Sprinkler Prograrl by [P[ Softuare, inc. iQv Li|l0llt Toi Lilitl|| tRIcTI0|l i-vfittJt(Frrr) (tttT) (Psl/rI.) A0l A02 403 404 r05 i05 A07 Ae8 409 Al0 Itll t12 t13 8r2 803 B0q 805 806 8lt cel ce2 c03 ce4 cc5 ce6 c0i 2 B0l 811 cc8 1l 803 111t IJ 14 c0i 15 t? 8t{ 1E i9 2t 2l At8 24 1\ t!9 AO? 403 t64 n05 t06 A0i A08 t09 t10 All 412 t13 A1l 8el 802 8e3 804 805 806 c02 c03 t04 c05 c06 c0l c08 1 7 J I 4 5 6 I 8 9 8$3il t1 IJ l{ cti 16 17 B0l 18 19 2l 71 tt 8e5 77 2l 25 215.21 2.1s/ 251.79 2.151 232.75 2.t57 221.8? 2.t51 199 .9 4 ?.157 199.94 ?,157 199, 94 2,157 123.86 2.15/66,12 2.t5138.34 2.15738,34 2,15738.34 ?.15i17,95 2.15159.1? 1,11? 59. 72 1.4{270.12 1.(4?98,78 i.44?66.12 1.4t266.12 1.4{?33.21 1.44256.59 1.1t215,12 1.il285.66 1.t12 108.54 1.412 1e8.54 1.44222,61 1.442i6,0t 1.44232.1t 1.44248.79 1.4421e.93 1.il25.86 1.il222.61 1.4{222.61 1.44222.67 1.q4222.61 1.4{?1r,92 1,44236.02 1.{{22s.62 1.4{244.39 1.{r264.18 i.r4285.88 i,r4285.88 1.4420.00 1.44219,91 1,r42{0,01 1.44211.35 1,t4232.15 1. {4253.{7 1.il2i6.07 1.il275,07 1.442i6.07 l.t{z32,66 1,4{25?.i{ 1,1r257.74 1.14257.it 1.4t2 c.60 9,500,tt 4.000.00 6.90 0. 00 /.1e0.01 3.i30.0$ 4.i/0.00 {,210,00 11.210,00 11.210.e0 t.21 0, 0e 4. 1l0,ec 5.e80.0e 6.50e.e0 6,0{c.00 t.210,00 9.25t.ce 9.0ee.eo 8.500.cc 6.04e.00 10.e00.00 3,000.00 4.170,0c 9.ll 12,0C 18.li5,e0 27.50 333.0e 3tI.0N!.00 E.009.0e 8.0c0.00 1.4?0.et 6.580.00 8.lc0.0N 8,000.0e 8.e!0.00 8.0et,eo 1.000,00 9.0e0.00 9.08c,0c e.929.00 1e.500.0e 10.500.0e 10.50i.0r 5.500.00 1.00t.el 9.r00.00 9.080.00 0.9?s.0e re.50e.00 10.50c,0t 1i.5tl.e0 1e.5er,tt E2.00t.00 21.92t.00 10.5e6.t0 18.8324.0e I15.50 0.49i i1t 0 ,421 12fi 0.364 1200.333 1200.275 i?00.275 izg0.2i5 1200.113 r2g 0 ,036 120 0. N13 120 0,013 r209.e13 i200.003 1200.?09 1200.209 1200.281 1200.53e 124e.?52 12et.252 120 0. e71 t?60.t9t 12e0,324 120 0 ,416 l?Ci.531 l?N 0.631 12e0.035 120 0, e18 120 e .e66 nl0.14t 1200.009 t?0e.003 1200,035 120c.035 lze0.035 120e.t35 t?ac.023 1200.082 r200.04{ 1200.12i r20c.239 120 0.409 1200.{09 1200,c00 1200.e2t 1240.1ee 12e0,010 1?0 0. e65 1290.176 l?ea.321 r200.321 r2lc.32i t?l e.068 12e0.195 r20 0.195 1290.196 Lzi 0.0e 4.t2 0 ,00 i.690.e0 2.190.0$ 2,3t-0.i8 0.860.58 1 .150.00 L160.00 t,2t0,00 0 ,40-0.58 0.050,58 0.050.9$ 0.07$.00 0.020.58 1,?6-0.58 0.880.00 2.6ei.fe t.Jl0.58 2. 15 -0. 58 1.52e.00 0.IL0.00 0,570.00 1.350.0e 3,750.00 11.47t.0e 17.370.00 12.e9 e. ee 0. 150.t0 0.53e.e0 0.2eo.te 0.e60.00 e.gz0.00 e,28t.00 0,280.0t 0.280.00 i.03 0 .00 e. 200.00 e .74 0. e0 0.040.00 1.210.00 2.510.00 {,30g.c8 2.66c.c0 0.000.0e 0.?50.0e e.90 0, 00 0.01$.90 0.7ee.00 1.790.0e 3.44t.00 3.{{t.00 26.830.ee 1.5et.!r ?.050.00 3.le0.00 22,89 24.16 22.11 20.44 19.48 i7.55 l/.)l 17.55 10. 8E 5 ,81 3.37 3.37 1.58 It.i3 11.i3 13.7 t 19.41 !2.99 12,99 6.54 11.14 14.88 17,03 21,3? 21.32 r.t5 3.1{ O. JI 9.s9 l. lJ t.l l 4 .45 {,45 4 ,45 4 .45 3.52 7.08 5.C3 8,72 12.61 16.8i 16.8 7 0.00 3,9i 7.86 t,tJ b. Jz 10. 51 u.9{ l4.94 14.94 6.42 11.34 11.31 11.3l 9.5 { 6 J.II) 4. 17 {.21 11 .21 l1 .21 4 .21 4 ,17 5.08 0.1 6.04 4.?1 9.25 I 8.5 5.81 10 3 4.ll 9 5.17 2t.5 1{ 8 I 1.4? 6.58 I 8 8 8 1 9 9.08 .92 10, 5 1e .5 10.5 6.5 1 9 9 .08 .9? 10.5 10. 5 t 0.5 10,5 E2t1 a') 1!.5 12,83 92.5 tttt tt 1?1c ttrrtttt f i le ;.ll[SISIl{0. Tllt E[GI|{ iliot0l)t ti00t 'Tl|t' Sprinkler Progran by FPt S0ftuare, Inc. fl.0u 0IiltTtR Typt ilTTIr{65 fflGlfi tQV L${Gl}r T01 r.iliGl}l (6Pr) (rficlrrs) (frri) (rttT) (ftrT) Page: q tRICII0li C-vAtUt Pe Pf vtt0[IlY(Psr/fT.) (Psr) (PsI) (rllsfc) tPi TPl LP2 TP? rP3 IP3 f1! t13 i1l m5 t04 801 lPt tPt IP? tP2 tp3 c0l It3 c02 c01 8m 8R2 59.57 I. JJ 8.83 L33 12,5 11 q 66.83 t2 88.92 It,5 66.12 1.14? 27 .t8 1.44238.31 1.il220.39 1.{12 li .95 1.4{? 17 .95 1.4{ 22t,t8 l,t(220.39 1,442lt,95 1,4{?21,88 1.il2lf,91 1.4{219.C3 t.t{223,42 1.t4233,27 1.t42 3t8.18 6.t65 3e8.48 3.261 ?t.at 85.6i s.2525.00 7.33 0.0516.0t 18.t0 0.t926.00 7,33 0,023t8.s0 26.83 e.i236.e0 7.33 0.0233.0! t5.5e 0.0513.t0 75.50 e.0293.00 69.83 0.0?3Lee 72.C0 0.c3318.0c 1c6.9? c.109t.00 71.5c c.0256.0s 18.83 e.e3724.00 9t.83 t.e7162.53 158.e3 0,e03f.0N s.ee 0,08? l2t 0.00lzf' 0.00lzt 0.00 12C 0.0012i 0.t0r2l 0.00 12e 0.0012e 0.00t?e 0.N012t 0.e0 12C e.00120 t.tll?t l.le120 t.tcl1t f.l0120 0.f0 psi of the total12C 2.85 120 t.tl120 l. erl?f 0.00 21.88 12.990.37 5.{61.66 7.53e.zl 4.tl0,61 3.53c,1i 3.533.83 5.462.16 l.l11.58 3.532.35 t.30e,gr 2.151,8t 3.712,92 4.506.93 6.51r.tt 3.r3| 9.21 11 .86 friction loss'Pf"e,82 11.86t.65 11.861.89 11.861.23 ?1.r8 ItfTttt T T Tt tt TP1 IP2 TP3 AC3 At2 m1 ft1 8R1 ' i0I[: The FIou 0eoendent Pressurs lossBRz iltl '308.48 3.26t 1lttl fiz 3t8.4E 3.26t 1 ii 72.83TTItf 13.836If 95.5 5 ,oevice in thr r*eedingreig,,rrolllirfo, t.8l,r, I 3 5,it 8.ti 0.182t8 5.00 23.0e e.e822 i.0t 2.m c.611 tt tc 1l fl02 1il3 3C8.48 3.?6C t0t(c3 t01 3c8.t8 2.t57 ll t .l . I o Itt0ttutII s|,ililnl $rtn s0PPtr ltf0lrilloll Stiticl 13?,il lsi, lesidurl: 12t.ll irsi. t 919'0f gpr.llose: 25t.ll gpr. Srster reouires: S0pply avr'ihbler Salety ltrrgin: trriur velocity in t[e systa is 21.f8 ftlsec. tontinuitt at all nodes sltisfied to l,tt gpr. rll:3il|i: ! s5s'{8 spr' (includine llose rllurance} 19.13 psi. rlnlm ttoEilo f . 15 0ftttt tt801lt . 91 0t6[tt tt$0ll t ' 91 Ot6ltt toft r|Jm tt8fll T . Itt 0R CI0SS E . iUllfltLl vitVt t . 0tft vtlVE C ' Clltct VltVt a t0lfl: n?t ilPt ttGHt0 ||. sciltoutt tl 1l = S0llt0Utt 1l 3l . S0llt0Utt 3l l0 . lCTUll OIlIfItt ct - C0PPti lffi t Ct . C0PEI Ift L$. C0lPtl ilPt I ?8 ' P0tliUllttlf - In0i PIPI Snt ct . 0lVC Remo te Area (spm) (psi) 425,it 39.75 Sprinller Program Peaking 0utput shift t1 (gpm) (psi) 383,8i 29,66 ress any key to continue... shift t2 (Spm) (psi) 558,48 81.41 f,08 409 410 All AL2 t13 414 Bet 802 803 804 Be5 8.58 8, 58 8.58 1,25 L58 8,58 8,58 8.58 711 8.58 8,58 8.58 I or,r: 1f1-tunction ienu F10 - Calc. Recuired F:tlESItlIll0,T||E Esc-Erit 90 o WAF ER CHECK a \A LVES UL LISTED FM APPROVED Wafer Check Valves are designed to be compact, easy to handle and take minimum space In your installation between two standard flanges. An "O" Ring Seal provides leak kee seal between two flanges as well as insuring a resilient seat surface seal which is enhanced by a stainless steel torsion spring. They are FM Approved as anti- water hammer Check Valves for fire pump service only. Commonly used in lire service applications, lhese valves can also be used any place a positive closure check valve is needed. They are designed for low jriction loss. Slzes: 4", 6" and 8" UL Listed/FM Approved 250 lbs. WOG (Specify Service if oth€r lhan cold water) 100% Hydroslatic Tosted Ductlle lron Body Bronze Clapper and Seat Ring 'O' Ring Seals Stainle$ Steel Sprlng Closing Approved by the New York Clty Board of Stendard3 and Appeals Under Calendar No. 157-84-SA. 'The 4" size is provided wrth 112" pipe plug in drarn port as slandard configuration. (See below) gOWBD 4" only with street elbow and 112' ball drio valve. the seat angled to provide 1/2 ball drip valve allowing valve to to potential freezing such as in 4" Walet Check has been designed with NPT tappang below seat to accommodate a drain water trcm a 4" pipe that is exposed a lire department connection. 6" and 8" Straight Seat No Tapping. 'f ,7 srzE A B c o SHIP wT. (u OUAN. PER CTN, 4.%4.(B 6.88 3 15 1 8.06 8.50 4.5 19 I 3.75 7.8 10.6t1 6.0 n .1 16 /I i .1-. ., ). .,1 ,,.,;r#iffiSiffilt "' flt0trt|trc 0tsr6r Itt0nrtTI0r silttI llare: lltSIllI ll0 C0I00lItIUIS TocltionrslE SOUIlt fR0lllitt. R0, \llIt C0L0Rt00 Sulldinq r Glllet lnil $PIIIItEnS Contrrctor:Vl[[[t llI0t IECIIAIICAt t tLtInICll, IlC. Crlculrtsd SyrtUSTY Cl.Itlt Conrtruction: I l-Corbustibh II] -lon-Corbus ti bl r 0cculrncy:lFPl lt3 1991 E0III0l --- sYsTil 0ESI6I --------- 0ate:l-25-91 Stster io. tl ltET "--':" Contrrct lo. 1283 0rruing Io. LP,-7t2 Ceiling llrightrll'-l' ft. It]-lrPl 13: I l-tL llAt. t |-rrPr 23r [ ]-rfPr 231c: I l-0lllER (spccify): [ ]-SPECItIC tUtII6r lrol of Sprinller 0psration:1511 0tnsittr,lI lre! Por Sprinkl!|:l3f llI. llose lllosrnce 6Pl: Insidorl llose lllourncl 6Plr 0utside:251 lr ck Sprinkler I I lournce: I 'Slster Ttpo I ul-llrT il-0nr []-0rr|J6r [ ]-Pnr-AcTror t sPlIfl([il 0t t0zlIt r Irks:CtIIllL lodel:UPlI6lll Sizr:1\? X-frctor:5.6 Terperrturo lrting I 155 l-0t0lrtRY utlffi0 G[0||P:tl6tlflt: CtlRVT: ilOE 8t: ll-rr.Mzilo. 0rlt: cilcl,urI0t sl,ilttnt ----- tPI lequired:596 PSI f,equired:102.35 'C'tactor Used r 0verhead:120 l,ndergroundtl{l i ililft 0n [tstRv0IR Crpacity: Ilevation: i l[[[ r Proof Floe: lcc.tlri:518 S. tt0lIt0t nD, vrI[ ,c0L0Rt00 lrrrer lrfrrmtion:tII$IItt CIII TlTft Itlf ;It'- . UtIil ruo|| IESI . 0atc t lire r 9-t-93 st!tic PSIr132 Rasidual PSI:128 0PI FI o$ing:919 IIrvrtiolrl Htltt s|JPPt t r PUIP OIII I lated ClprcitJ:t/l It PSIrI/l rvrtionr0 ^. I: flh: lltSl|lllD.Ilt 'll[' Strhllrr lrc;mr l; Il[ toftcue, Irs. lr;r: 2 ?rrssurr nil ntytrlu l+icrol mn rusrrrrDr (?sr) (e[) (rrrrl (s{.rr.} (6ilrsl.fl.) I?I u2 102 t?! TP3 c0t 3lt n2 ilt m2 tft rt.rt t.0f$.lr t.ll5t.2r t.ll5l.rf f.rl$.tr f .fltft.3t 5t6.rllr.rr t.ll9r.il t.rOtt.il t.tl 12.9? t.tl il.eg f .fl t.25 t.2t E.25 r.lt t.?5 l.t3 t. rt t.lt t.?5 E.25 t. ti \ file: lltSTllll0.Illt 'Ilti' Sprinkler Progrm ly Fpf S0fturre, Inc. It6tt I00t tt0 r00t ttotJ 0IiltItn ItPt tITIII6S ttx6Il| (6Pr) (rrc[rs) (frrr) t0V ttI0Ilt I0T tttGlll TtICTI0I c-Vll.Utir(frrr) (frrrl (Psr/fl,) 1 rfl rf2 m3 ill il5 m6 m7 il8 m9 ill t11 t12 113 m2 0t3 8tl 8t5 8f6 8t7 cn ft2 ct3 ctl il5 ct5 cft 2 3 ml tf2 tf3 ml m5 tf5 tf7 m8 il9 ill t11 t12 t13 ill Eft 8t2 Et3 ilt il5 8t6 ct? ct3 ctl ct5 ct6 ct7 ct8 I a 1 8t1 I D 5 E 9 1f !t3 11 t2 13 1l ct7 l5 17 Btl IE 19 2| 2t Et5 t5 2l 25 3t5 .52 2.151 2n,45 ?.151 ?53, t5 2.151 235.5t 2.151 2ll,2I ?.151 21,,21 2.151 2il,?l 2.tsl 1?8.E3 2.151 56.lE 2.151 38.36 2.151 38.36 2.151 3E.36 2.151 r7,81 2.151 33.It 1.{5? 33.1t I . t52 63 ,32 t. r52 1t!.55 1.t52 66.18 1,t$2 66.1E 1.t52 il.59 t.t$z 69.16 1.t52 93.15 1.t52 t1l.5t t.t52 il1.93 1.r5? 111.9t 1.t52 55.2t 1. t52 1E.5t 1.t52 3r.16 1.t52 56.3t 1.t52 23.21 1.t52 t3.9t 1 . t52 65.2t t.15? 65.2f t.t52 65.21 1.t5? 55.2t 1.t52 ?t.1? l.t5? {t.12 1.r52 lt. ?t 1. t52 31.66 t. t52 53.59 l. r52 t6.73 1.{52 t6.73 1.t52 t.ft 1.152 21.5t 1.t52 {3.23 1.t52r.98 1. r52 27.88 I . r52 51,lt 1.t52 75.il 1.t52 75.il 1,t52 t5.il 1.152 35,39 t.t52 6?.56 t. r52 52.65 1.t52 52.66 l.t52 1l ll ll ll l|til ttt 1l lf 1l t|t lt ttt 1f ll lt tlt frt 1l 1l t|t lf tfr 1l 1l 1l 1l 1l lt tt il 1l 1l l|I ilI 1l 1l tl tl lf t 10 l|T lt T 1l 1l ll ilT lf T 1l ilT lf T 1l 1C tl 1l 1r rtt l|i tl lt tt 1I TTT 9.5 I D r.ll 3.125 |,17 11.21 11.21 t,?t t, 1l 5.t8 6.5 6.tl t. 21 9.25 9 u.l 6.tl 1l ? t.It 9 6. 1I 2l .5 ll E 8 l.l? 6 .58 E 8 8 E t I 9.t8 .92 1t.5 1f .5 1r .5 6.5 I I 9, t8 .92 il,5 1t.5 1t. 5 1r.5 82 ?L.92 1t.5 12. E3 92 .5 r. tf t.tf r, tl f.tl 5.f1 15.fl t.tl r.fl t.tf 5.tl 15.t1 t,fl t,tf 3,tl 9.fl t.tl t.tf 3.tf 9.tl t.tl t.tf t.tl f.tl t. tl 6.ll t. tl t.tl t. tl 6. ll 6,tl t. tf f.fl t.fl t. tl 3. tl t.fl 6. tl 5.tf f.tlt.fl t.tf 6.tf 6.tl t.fl 6.tl 6. rl t.fl t.fl t.tl t. tl 12. ll 6.rl t.tl 6.tl t2.tl 9. 5l t,tl 6.tl 7.tl 8. 13 19.17 t.21 t1.21 11 .21 9.21 t9 .1t 5.t8 6.51 9,ll 13 .21 9.25 9. tf 11 .51 t5.tl il,tf 3. rl t,17 9.tl 6.1t 2t,51 1r.fl 8. tf 8. tl 1,,2 12.5E 0.tl 8. tl 8.fl 8.tf t.fl 9. tl 15. tE 5 .92 lt .5l 1t.5f 1f.5l 12.51 7.fl 9. tl 15. t8 6,92 1t. 5l lt.5l 1f .51 1t .51 9t. tl 21 .92 1f.5l 18.83 1il.50 t.617 f.5t6 t. t28 t.375 t.28E f.288 I.2EE t, 123 t. f36 t.113 t, tt3 t.|l3 t.il3 f.t58 t.t68 t.225 t.5t I f.2tl t.2rl t. t99 t.?65 t.16f t. 533 1.il3 1.||3 t.2 38 t. t?3 t.t8l t.182 t. t35 t.l1l t.238 1.238 f. 238 t. 238 Lt2l l .l9E t.ftE t.t62 t.165 t. 321 t.321 t.ill t,t31 t.111 t.ilz f,ll9 r.152 t.311 t.311 t. 311 l.lt7 t.2? 1 | .221 t,??t ?.13 2.51 z. b0 2.31 t. il I .21 1.38 t. tl t.12 t.25 t.tI t,t2 t.6t t.9l 2.t8 1.05 2 .81 3.6I t.99 t.8l 1.92 5.69 6. l9 2t ,58 ? ?t t. 19 t.6? 1.35 t,tl 1.9? t.9l 1 .91 1.90 t.95 t.2 | l.t0 t. t5 f.56 l .7l 3. 3l t.t2 t. tl | .2E 1.68 !.|l t.52 t .59 3.2i 3.21 29. 2E 2.ll 2,32 t,16 ?3. C9 26.91 2r .39 22.28 2t.tl 17.99 1t.99 1I.99 11.31 5.83 3. 38 3.3E 3.38 1 .57 6. t1 5.t1 t2,2t 19.6I 12.8? 12.E2 r.80 13.11 1E. t5 21.ll 27 .51 2t.51 12.63 3.58 t.2a 1t. 9? t,5t 8.51 12.63 12.63 12.63 t2.6t 3.91 t.83 t .98 6.13 1t.3E lI.ET 1t .87 t.fl t.17 8.38 r.96 5. rl 9.91 1t .52 1t.52 1a.62 5. E5 1?. 11 12.t1 12.11 12t t.tl l?t t. ff 12t t,t0 t2a t.tl tzl -r.t3 l?t t.t3 12t t. tl 12t t.tl t2r l .ll 12f -0.13 12t t. 13 l?t f. fl 121 f. ll t?l l.l3 12C -t.t3 l2l l.ll 12t t.ll 12t t. t3 12t -1.13 12t f.tl tzf l.fl l2t l. lf 12r l.lf l?t l.lf 12t l.ll12t t.rl lzt l,ll l?t l.ll 12t l.fltzt r.fl t2l l.ll t2a t ,ll t?t t.tl 12t l.ll tzt l.ll 12t l.ft 1?r l. ll tzt l.fl 12t r.rl 12t f.ff 12r l.ll lzt l.tl t?l l,lf l?t l.lf 121 l.lltzt t, tl 12f l.lf l?t t. tl t2t l. ll 12t r.ll 12t l.ll 121 r.lf t2t f. fl r2t t. tl 1?r t.ll ct8 1l Bf3 11 L2 t3 1l cfr 15 tl 8fa 1E ta 2l 2L 2? ilE 23 2, ,( m9 \ filc: lltSITItD.Illt 8r6lt rr0I00t t00t ftoll 0tiltIfi TtPt tIITItes (6Pr) (rrc||ts) 'Tilt' Sprinkler Progrrr by tPI S0ftu!r!' Inc. ttIeII tQv til6Til I0l r.El6lll fnIcII0t c-l,rt|,t(fur) (rrrr) (fErr) (Psr/fi.) Prqr: Pe Pf Vtt0CITl(Psr) (Psrl (fr/stc) tPl 8t7 lPl LP1tPz tPlrPz IP?tP3 u2 TP3 I,P3 rlt IPI il3 lP2 ilr lP3 il$ ct5mt cta il3 Ct3m? crzmt ctlccl 8n1Nnl Etz ' I0Tt: Ihe flou Bt2 illm1 m2m2 ll3 if3 ill 66.18 1.152 1l 2t.82 1.152 tl 38.36 1.t52 ll 2f.55 1.r5? ll 1r.81 1.152 1l t7 ,8t 1. 15? ll 2t,E2 1.t52 ll 2f.55 1.152 ll tt.8t 1.t52 1f 31.31 t.t52 1l 1t.r8 1.152 tl 2t.il 1,t52 ll 28.tt 1.t52 1l il.69 1.t52 1l 3t6.?1 6.t65 tl 3r6.2t 3.26t tl Delendsnt P rsssure I oss 316.21 3.?5t tl 3t5.21 3.26t tl 3t6.21 3.26t lf 3t6.21 2.15t 1l 59.61 2t.tf 1.33 3.tl 1? 6,tl 1.33 3.rl 8.83 t8,tl 1.33 6. tl 72 .5 12. fl 12,5 6.fl 65,83 6.fl 12 lE.fl 88. 92 3t. rl 71.5 12.t1 12.03 12.ll t3,83 tE. tl 95.5 1?6.39 5 t.tl thc Arucerding pipc | il.fl3 s.tl 18 5. tl 2 3.tl t.2r{ 121 f.ilg t?lr,r89 t2l | . t28 121 4,422 1?l | , f?? 12f t.ilg 121 f.t28 lzf a,122 121 f. t61 L2a t.t2t tzl t.t37 t2l t.t51 121 t. f99 t?l f.ilt ltf f .il2 120 9.tl pri of t.1f2 t?l f .t|2 t?l t.1t2 1?l t.r65 L2a 0.ft 2t.t5 t.il l.zt t.|| 1.61 t.|| t.12 |.r 1.58 t. | | l.16 t.il 4.16 f.il ?,21 0.|| t.5lr.il 5.51 t,il 2.{0 f. ft 3,13 l.ll 1.36 t.il 9.13 t.8f t.E2 f,ft . 11,22 the totrl f ri ction 2,2t t.5t t.|| 1.81 f. ft 2 .31 |.|| 3.82 EIIII I t TTI I T Ttt I r Irtt tTTttt TT TT IItT 6rTC u?vlca ln rTtGI 83.67 { .33 18.fl t ,33 25.83 I .33 8r.$l 78. 5l 12.83 9t. t0 118 . 92 83.51 8t .83 91.83 221.89 5.tf rccounts for t5.tl E. tl 23. fl 5.tt t 2.82 $. 39 t.r3 3. 9C 3.r5 3. r5 5.39 3.98 3. r5 6 .16 3. 39 t.65 5.52 t.88 3. El t3 .31 loss'Pf' 13.31 13 .31 t 3.31 3t. rE ttttl{l i-0I lrJ lrjrr =f(J L}(]>Z,J <E O-EA-uJ=EM o-c] td E\e= E g. IJg- m =oJJ <E tD I =tfJL ul $ tsLfIJ E tr rE E {UE :I tr_ o-ftn L IU flt = G* c] 1O (ISd) SUnSSSUd fftrt ffi"gr,r"'i*$'t'f,,f;"tpj:Sl. \ lerot! lrrr(spr) (lei l r51.t8 5f.61 Sgrinkler Progrm Porking 0utput shift t1(spl) (psi) 399.81 35 . 2l rcss rnt ley to continue,.. shifr (!pr) / 596. 2l 12 (lsi ) 1t2.35 mt lt8 m9 tll ttt It2 t13 8|l 8t2 Et3 8tl 005 | .21 u.2t 11. 21 .,?L t.17 5. t8 5.5 6.tl t.2L 9.25 9 0.5 t ttf t ttt -m8 - tf9-ml - ttl- ttz - t13 - tll -il2 - 8t3 - 8ll- 8t5 -m6 q a 0 0 0 tl ll 1l 1l 1f tl tl 1l tl 1l ll tl 121 121 L2l t2f l2l t2l 1?l 121 121 t2l l2l 121 loe: I t1-frnctioo l.ro f:lltSIllIt0,Illt trc-trit $s: o"'\s;i3.,r ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Pernit #: P96-0048 Phone z 471-0957 Phone z 47L-0957 Phone: 9704797115 APPLICANT CANWEST VENTURES INC. PO BOX t329 ' AVON, CO 81620 CONTRACTOR CANWEST VENTURES INC. PO BOX 1329, AVON, CO 81620 OWNER CANWEST VENTURES 9 VArL ROAD, VArL CO. 8165? Description: UPGRADES oN CABINETS REMOVAL oF FlVaLuation:1r 500.00 ** FEE SUltllARY *************** pturbing----) 59,00 Restusrant Ptan Reviev--> .oo Total' caLcutated tr's---> 40'50 Ptan check--> f.5o ToTAL FEES----*------1 40'50 Additional' fees---> 'm lnvestigatio'D-.ooTotatPernitFee.--->rc.50 9i l'l' catt----> 5'm Payments-----------: 40'50 elLAHce oue---- rrem: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT - __pept: BUILDING Division: 6E7dr/1et6-DEN----- -AAEiona AppR cHRRl,rE DAvrs CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIoNS ARE: REQID.TQ.cHEcK FoR coDE coMPLIANcE- - Lr-,I-wonx-uust ABrDE BY THE 1994 UPC DECLARATIONS I hcreby lcknoul.edgc that t hlvr rcad this rpptication, fitl,cd out in futl, thc inforFtion required, corptetcd.an accuratQ ptot ptan, and state that att thc information provided as nequi red is corrcct. I agree to conpty riith th! infonnation and plot ptan, to conpty yith att tor,n orJinanc." and state !a!,s/ and io buitd this structure according iqthe Tovn's zoning and subdivision codes,'disign revier approvcd, uniforn EuiLding codc and othcn ordinances of the Toun appticabte thereto' TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERM]T MUST BE POSTED Job Address Locat,ion. . . Parcel No.. Project No. PLIJMBING PERMIT 548 S FRONTAGE }IESTWIND CONDOS 2101-063-12-022 RD WEST Status... : ISSUED uNii *104AppIied. . I 05/.02/.t226 IEiued. ..2 05/02/L996 ExPires..: I0/29/L996 REOUESTS TOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE T}IENW-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4 **************************************************************** TOWN oF vArt, goLoRADo statemnt **************************************************************** statemnt Number: REc-0130 Anount: 40'50 05/02/9.6 L2-227 Payment Method: aK- Notation: #1080 rnit: cD Permit No: P96-0048 TYPe: B-PLMB Parce1 No: 2101-063-L2-022 Site Address: 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST Location: WESTWIND CONDOS UNIT #104 PLUI,IBING PERMIT This Palanent Tota1 FeeE: 40.50 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: **************************************************************** 40.50 40.50 .00 Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 4t332 01 0000 41336 Deecription PLT'MBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 30.00 7 .50 3 .00 TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81557 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLIIMBING PERMIT 548 S FRONTAGE WESTWIND CONDOS 2101-0 63-12-022 REOUESTS TOR IilSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI'EI{W-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4 ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PerniL #: P96-0048 Job Address Location. . . Parcel No.. Project No. APPLICANT CANWEST VENTURES INC. PO BOX 1329' AVON, CO 81620 CONTRACTOR CANWEST VENTURES INC. PO BOX 1329, AVON, CO 81620 OWNER CANWEST VENTURES 9 VArL ROAD, VArL co. 8L657 Description: UPGRADES ON CABINETS REMOVAL OF Flvaluation:1r 500.00 FEE SUltilARY t*********t**** ptumbing---> JO.OO Rcstuarlnt ptan ncvierl> .OO Totat Catcutatcd Fc'3--> 40'50 ptan Chcck_-> ?.50 TOTAL FEES-------------1 40.50 Additionat Fees-----> '@ Invrstigation> .OO Totat Pernit Fce--> 40'50 Ui tt cat(--> 3.m Psynents----*------: 40'50 grllrce oue---- Ite.rn: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT --Pept: BUTLDING Division: 6E7 ifi t16 g a- DIi- -- --' -AEEibri : -AFFn cHRRr,re DAvrs COND]TION OF APPROVAL t' fllf,"ftoiHtfiEtfitRHio$*8"*rsiorBgnt$Ft* FoR coDE coMPLTANcE DECLARATIONS I hcr.by acknoHtedgc that I h.vc read this appl,ication, fitl,ed out in futl' ths information rcquircd., comptet?d.!n accurrt! ptot ptan, and state that att the inforn tion pro;i dcd as required.is corncct. t agrlc to conpl'y Uith the inforration and ptot Ptan' to conpty vith att ro* o.Jinin"""- "no- lt!t. [avi, and io bui l,d this structure according tqthe Torm's zoning and suMivision codes,'disign ..ui"v "pp.ouJ, uniforn Building code and other ordinrnces of thc Tovn appticabte thercto' RD WEST Status.. UNIT #lO4APPlied.Iseued.. ExPiree. ISSUED 05/02/Lee6 os/02fiee6 L0 /2e /Lee6 Phone t 47L-0957 Phone z 471-0957 Phone | 9704797LL6 **************************************************************** TOWN oF vArL, goLoRADo statemnt **************************************************************** statennt Number: REc-0130 Amount: 40'50 a5/o2/9.6 12227 Palrment t"tethoa: Ci Notation: *10S0 Init: CD Permit No: P96-0048 TlPe: B-PLMB Parcel No: 2101-063-L2-022 SitE AddTCSS: 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST Location: WESTWIND CONDOS ITNIT #104 PLUMBING PERMIT Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 Total !'ees: 40.50 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description PtT'MBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 40.50 40.50 .00Thie Payment ****************************************************************Amount 30 .00 7 .50 3.00 d"ii"jiqi:ry:iq.S"!Il,f:ff"t"'!U, or. vArL "o""r*u.-,rF pERnrr #- fAKUtL ft 7t6t - ob3 - tL - oz2'- pERMfT AppLfCATfON FORI,t,a o*t, h "./16 , APPLfCATION UUST BE FfLLED OIII COMPL,EIELY OR IT IttAY NoT BE AccEpTED $***************************** pERr,trr rNFoRllATroN **************!r**************ttl t l-Building D<l-plutubing I i-Etectrical [ ]-uecbanibal [ ]-other _ Job Nane: U,/- - + , -, . Legal Description: Lot Oldners Nane: Block_ filirS suBprvrsloN, 7e Cit'.-'q -0J-.-,i6ai"E=l-' 9 U-, | (-( p1n. t/?r-oqc Ph. ceneral Descriptionz PL.^-,-,l n^-p t. :o.t -//L._ e.l Co t;^. -/, llork class: [ ]-New f4J-Alteration [ ]-Additionat [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units z 3e Number of Acconnrodation Units: f*"t and Tlpe of Fireplaces: cas Appriances- Gas Logs_ wood,/pelret_ lf********************************* VALUATTONS ********************************* BUILDTNG: $EI,ECTRTCAL: S OTHER: $FIIMBfNG: W ' Address: PLIIMBfNG: $ ,/eo.' ^ UECHANfCAT,: $] fOfai: ---- Y Wqg r\rr.r.,J. r*************************** coNTRAcaoR rNFoRIrrATroN ******* ** ******************t Eeneral contractorz 4s zJr'*- Town of vail Recr. No-'ls ,2 ta,*-Town of Vail Reg. NO. Architect : rt/,/l Address: Phone Number: Electrical Contractor: Address:/t: 4/,- Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUTLDTNG PERMTT FEE: PLUI'fBING PERMTT FEE: }fECINNTCAL PERMTT FEE: ELEqIRTCAI.I FEE: OTHER TYPE OF 888: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI'}fBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:UECEANICAI, PIAN CHECK FEES RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: Plunbing Address: Contractor: FOR BUILDTNG: STGNATT'RE: ZONING: STGNATTIRE: CLEAI{ IIP DEPOSIT REFTII|D TO: [Ht| 0 75 routh trcnt g! rold eril, colo.rdo 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 TO: EROM: DATE: su&rEqt: 'offlcc ol communlty deuclopmcnt ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RREMTLYL REGISTERED TITH TIIETO!{N OF VAIL TOefN oF VArL pttBL,IC WORICS/COMMUNITY DEITELOPMENT I'IARCH 16, 19Bg CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to ritter, track or deposit ."i-"oir,-rJ.i, sand, debrisor nateriar, incruding trasrr h"rnp=ters, portabre toirets andworkmen vehicles-upon-any street, -;ie;;.il;-;ii;y or publicPll:" or any portion theieof. rhe right-of-way on all Town ofvail streets and_.Ig"g, is alproiinately 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance w1t] be.;a"i;ir.;-lnforced by the Tosrn of vairPublic lirorks DeDartment. perslni found vi;raiin; this ordi.nancewilt' be siven a 24 hour r'"iii."-'noti..-ti-;;;;;"=.id nareriar.rn the event the person so notified.aoes noi-'"orprv with thenotice within the-24 nour tine-=e""riiJ,"G"-;;tric r{orksDepartment wi1-r remor/e said nateiiar it ir," -"r.i""se of personnotiried- rhe provisions-or--tnil-.iai;"#; ;frfii not beapplicable to c-onst"""ii"",-rJiil"t.nce or repair projects ofany street or attey or any uaitiTi;;-'il G.-;i;fii_"_r".y. To review ordinance No. 6 in furl , please stop by the Tohrn ofvail Buirding Department to obtain a copy. rirani you for youreooperation on this rnatter. c-knowledged &u n --- (i.e. contractor, olrner) lnttn 75 soulh tronLge .ord u!ll, colorldo 81657 (3os) 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 otflco ot communlty dcvclopmqrt BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permi.t requires a Town of Vai.t Fire Department Approval,Engineer's..(.pub]ic Horks) review .nJ-rpp"ouri,'i iiiii,iini'b.p."t "ntreview or Health Departm6nt review, ani a-review by the BuitdingDepartment, the estirnated time tor'u-totar "euiii"-foy"L[!'as tongas three weeks. All commerciar (rarge or smailr) and ail mu]ti-famiry permits wirlhave to fo'llow ttre irove menti6ned rixirum requirements. Residentiarand.sma]l projects should take a teiitr amound of time.' However, ifresidenti'al or smailer,projects impiit the various above mentioneddepartments with reqard' to-necessary-revte*, these projects mayalso take the three*weef peii:oA.- Every.attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermi't as soon as poss i bl e . - !Y L^reu ' r'E: ..' l:-Jl" undersigned' understand the plan check procedure and t.imeTrame - x u_1Ct- Shqet wasE ned-T;EoTFADate l,rlork- Devel ooment Department. MEMORANDUM O TO: ALLCONTRACTORSFROM: TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTDATE: MAY 9, 1994RE: WHEN A..PUBLIC WAY PERMTT'IS REOUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a 'Public Way Permit.: YES 1) ls lhis a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right ol way, easements or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls ditferent access needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or public property? 7l ls a'Bevocable Right CI Way Permit' required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. It no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? !!f9y. a19wer9d ye9 to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit" rnust be obtained.'Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the public Work's ofiice or at C9.r,nqu1ity Development. lf you have-any questions please call Chartie Davis, the Town' of Vail Construc-tion Inspector, at 479-2159. I have read and answered allthe above questions. NO Job Name Contraclods Signature Date PUBLIC WORKS PERM]T PROCESS How it relates to Building permits: 1) Fill out our check list provided with a buildino permit aoolication. lf yes was answered to any of the above questions. then a "public Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either community Development, located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valtey Drive. 2') Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. 3) A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc..). This plan will expire on oct. 1Sth. and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. 4l Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a lite plan for the job. 5) Submit completed application to the Public Works's otfice for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 4g hows to perform. 6) The Public Work's Construction Inspector will revievrr the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any that may needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, 6ut pleas6 allow up to one week to process. 7) As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to community Development allowing the "Building Permit'to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: * The above prooess ls for work In a publlc way only.* Public Way Permits are valid only until NovemOer iStfr.* A new Public way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. oaupn ay TOWI,IOFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 1. 2. Department of Comnuniry Development rIfFORIIAIIOf, f,8EDED IIHEf, APPLIIT|G FOR T UECHAITCAL PERUIT HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCAIJE FLOOR PLAN OF MECITANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPIdENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS A}ID BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIP!4ENT IN MECIIAT{ICAL ROOM. sHoI{ SIZE AND LOCATION Op COMBUSTTON ArR DUCTS, FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR ECIUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANICAL ROOM. T.AILURE TO PROVIDE TIIIS IIIFORTiATTOT WII.L DELAI IOUR PERUII . 3. 4. lnttn 75 loulh frontlge rord Yr[, coldr.do 81657 (3Gl) 47$2138 €ql).7}a39 offlce of communlty development NOTTCE TO CONTRACTORS/OWNER BUTLDERS Effective June 20, 199t, the Town of Vail Buirding Department hasdeveloped the folLowing procedures to ensure that nevr constructionsites h-ave adequatery estabrished proper drainage fron buildingsites along and adjacent to Town of VaiL roads or streets. The Tonn of vail public ttorks Departeent wirt be required toinspect and atrlprove drainage adjacent to Towrr of vail roads orstreets and the installation of tenporary or permanent culverts ataccess points from tbe road or gtreet on to tle construction site.such approvar must be obtained prior to any reguest for inspectionby the Town of vail Building Department for to-otings or temporaryelectrical or any ot.her inspection. prease call 4-79-2iio t-orequest an inspection from the pubLic works Depart.ment. AlLow aminimum of 24 hour notice. Al9o, the Town of vail publ-ic works Depart,ment will be approvingall fina-I drai-nage and curvert instarlation with resulting roaipacching as necessary. such approvar must be obtained prior toFj.nal Certificate of Occupancy issuance - q70 ,.t11 l?7 r uilrT iltJrSEn: -azl--y-z-e-c.tf 2 Fn* IiIIL DAIF SUBI{ITTED: I{lllE OP APPLICIIIT! Ho|{E PtO'|l !lutr88Rrfllrrl! ot llrDlovEuEtrTs ! ffE lrf$tD t? vAt!r9Pttcf,stoi roR ttiloDlLllSo(rtlrovED rPRtr, l, 1995) oR Frx rHlt f,PPr,Ielttorf To; L.c,-.t(atJ //..I ntgL !I BFFE TED /.J trttf Aml I t ,i .: t i .!. .i ':. I ,1 :t i ; !' *fil il'l li 1r t1 , i Srtctttclr,,t?ltcttD: (ATTACH A llECOtfD gNtsET tF rtECEgSARr. A Sf,Erctr Or f,tt tHPnOVET{EtfrS I{UsT BE ATIACEED IO THE APPLTCf,TION TO SHOII LOCITIONS AND Dlr|8fElot|8. ) coilirctoR; pLnxBrtrc, \?l:::, strt$t E!e. ) lilD Hon rHlc xrr,L ruxBER : Jl:d_.llz4 . o, C 2 Dtft: ilAr|E Ol lDDffir!: RECEIVED BYT PROJEEI IilAPECfED II: IOREII{EIT: I UHDERSTEND TNAI TII i8I''ODEL PROJECTS HUSI II IPPiOVID BY THD BOTRD OF DIRECTORS. PTOJESIS }tII XOt STTRI UTIIL AIIDTN THE lcltEDullD clogE oF sf,r sEelrot{ AflD r('gr tE cotrpl.EtED AT l,tAtf l0DtlS tltoR ?o rEr,ilKacrvrnc. t loiEl to oBrrtil luY l|tct!3lnIaulLDtlro PERr4Irg Fno,r !ilE ?olfrf or vltL IID tqtDLr r ooPr ot tocr tolltE PROPIRTT lrll{AoEn . r tuifxEn rcREE mlt f,o coxtroil ELEr.tEtr?s 0F TXE IT'ILDIIG FII,L BE SFFICIID OINM tI|Ar| DIrrEz- 4: f /te srciltfltnEs - -/S-q LL|. ttr tt *** rrrt t l:l ttt lt rt tt a t t!t t t rt t t* i '* al r r fi tt ai trta a a tt t Dllt: $lrrrovro _DTSAPPROVBD lD},AnXt/Colol8tlg t C(I{PLEIED PRoJECT tlllPlCllED Bt: . . Dltl:__ '96-04-05 09:33 PAGE r 02 o^rz, g?t>ti'? ?2 nlL l0d e00 .3NI 'II.]VfU IU3dHY-I NNY t6'l 880 808 et!el l0-50-96. {t, s l=7il | a o ,/Footal / ErItt,M .( tr,tc.+ --Z-p.rtd -- Ct. llo. Alrx *- n*rln 4L ...-. -...r,-.11 /*/" Wrt&,H:J 888.25 .00 88E.25 888.25 I, ,'r' Occupancy: R1Type Construction: V 1-HRType Occupancy: Valuation: Fi fep[ace Inforoation: Restri cted: 34,250 MuIti-FamiJ-y Type V 1-Hour fof Gas App I i ances: Add Sq Fr: ,,/Of cas Logs: .00 .00 250.00 ********************t************f***************t******** F EE SUl,ll4ARyBuitding----> 385.00 Restuarant pl.an Revieu__>P(an Check---> 250.25 DRB Fee---_--_Invest'igation> .00 Recreation Fee-_________>gil,t Cal,t----> j.OO Ctean-up Depos i t________> /Of tlood/pa l, Let: ****l*****#**********ff fr ******ff *******************ar-O0 Total Catcutated Fees---> Addi t iona L Fees---------> Totat Perni t Fee-------> Paynents------ CHECK REQUEST PREPARIID By: ----\ ln LAz-^l,-., DATE: VENDORNAME: VENDOR NUMBER: DESCRIPTION OFEXPENSE: CLEAN UPDEPOSITREFUND FOR BP * HOO NAME OF JOB: ACCOLJNT NUMBER: OI.bOOO 22002 AMOUNT OFREFUND:p DATEAPPROVED; / APPROVAL SICNATURE: TOTAL FEES----- Item:05100 09 /05 /r9e5o9'/ 0s'/ 79 9 6Item:'05400 09 /os /l-996o9'/o5'/ L99 6Ti-bm.'nqKnn 09 /0s /L996It'e.m:'05500 09 /05/79e6 .BUILDING DEPARTMENTq!'J}RLIE Action: NoTECHABLIE Action: APFR ef;tttii*438i3*T'fi8T;L!A5L.rE Act lon : AppRFIRE DEPARTMENT 'FfiEll8 w8fifri"": APPR CHARLIE Action: AppR PLANS ro cRiRlirBUrLDrNG Division: CHARLIE DAVIS pLANs ro LRERFT' PLANNTNG Division: PER LAUREN N/A N/A Dept: Ff RE Divis j-on: Dept: PUB WORK Division: see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that nay apply to this perrnit. OECLARATIONS ;,:::':[":i:::t:i:i:lit.i"n:::-l::^d.lhi. apptication, ri!Led out in rur.r. the inrororation.required, conpreted an accurate prot to comprv ,,,ith ar*o,n o"oinlllSl:iiiT.![:uil,"1,.5"li'iif ,]",iii'iil;",J.:ni::"::.,ff'a:rJ:,1;i:Jifii*;::l :lilli::.,iF,codes, design reviev approved, uniform sriiaing i6d"""ni'other ordinances of the ToHn appticabLe thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL 8E }IADE TIIENTY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY 2138 0R TOWN OF VAII 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT eoo/u-,r ur MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 896-0263 NOTE: THIS PERMIT Job AddressLocation... Parcel No..Project No. APPLICANT RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES, vArL, co 81659 CONTRACTOR RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST w srwrxDsJBurg._{ 105 zI01-063-12-006 PRJ9 6 -0 15 4 Status. . . App1ied..Issued... Expires. . Totat Permit Fee--------> Phone , 3034'7 6437 4 Phone| 3034764374 ISSUED oe /os/Lee6 os /os / ree 6 03 /04 /tes? 888.25 .00 888.25 888.25 OWNER , vArt, co 81658 HOY ROBERT H JR 1107 RIM RD, EL PASO TX 79902 Description: RELOCATE BATHROOM AND CHANGE DOOR OPENINGS Occupancy: Rl- Multi-Fanily Type Construction: V l,-HR Type V l-Hour Type Occupancy: VaLuation: 34,250 Add Sq Ft: F i feotace Information: Restricted:fof Gas App I iances:fof 6as Logs:,0f Hood/Pa L l,et: **************t*t*******fr*************fft******fi******** FEE SUI'll'tARy ******t****t**********t***********ff******ff***ff**t**ff* Bui ldi ng-----> PLan Check---> lnvest i gation> lJi l. L Ca l.l,----) Restuarant Ptan Revi eH--> DRB Fee-------- 385.00 250.25 .0O Totat Catcutated Fees--->.00 AdditionaI tees--------->.00 Recreation Fee----------> 3.00 C Iean-Up Deposit-------->250.00 **********************rrr***************lllLt*ffii;;;;;;;;;;;;;i**********lff;ii--**-:illlii-lll;;;;;;;;;l**i***********i**** Item: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:09/,05/.1996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO CHARLIEO9'/Os'/L996 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISI!9{ti',q54q0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept! PLANNING Divisj_on:09/.05/.1996 CHARLIE Actj_on: NOTE PLANS TO LAURENO9'/O5'/L996 CHARLIE Action: AppR pER LAURENIFe{':',9tqg0,EIBE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:g?/o5/\220^cuAIrrs--ii-ciioii; AppR N/A :--:' _ __- __ _lItem:-osso0_PqBLIC WORKS Dept: pUB WORK Division:09/os/7996 CHARLIE acLion: AppR N/A *****ff*******ffi*lr*******ff***ff***Jr****ffr*****ff***Jri**********ff*****************************#***ff***********ff***ff******ff* See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I.hereby.acknovledge that I have read.this appl,ication, f iLl.ed out in ful,t the information requi red, conpleted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty riith tire information and pl,ot pl,an,to compty lrith aLl' Town ordinances _and state [avs, and to buiLd this structure according to the Torrnrs zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, Uniform SuiLd'in9 Code and other ordinances of the Toun afpticabl.e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ADE TI'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Send Ctean-Up oFposit To: RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES SIGNATURE OF OIJNER OR CONTRACTOR FOi III}ISELF ANO OTINER * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CONDTTIONS Permit #: 896-0263 as of 09/06/96 Status: ISSUED- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * o ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES 30347 643"t 4 Applied, 09/05/t996Issued: 09/05/L996 To Expire . 03 /04 /199'l Permit Type Applicant Job Address Location ParceI No WESTWINDS UNIT # 106 2101-063-12-006 Description: REL,OCATE BATHROOM AND CHANGE DOOR OPENINGS Conditions: 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALTS,CEIIJINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL, 3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC . 1210 OF THE 19 9 ]. UBC.4. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 5. VENTILATION IN BATHROOM MUST COMPLY WITH 1991 UBC SEC 1205 TOWN OF VA]L 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: P Lumbing----> P Lan check--> Invest igat ion> ui tL caL t---> Job AddressLocation... Parcel No..Project No. JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING P O BOX 340, MTNTURN CO 81645 JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING P O BOX 340, MTNTURN CO 81645 HOY ROBERT H JR 1L07 RrM RD, Et PASO TX 79902 RELOCATE BATHROOM MOVE FIXTURES 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST Status. . . WESTWINDS UNIT #106 Applied..2101-063-12-006 rssued...PRJ96-0154 Expires. . o o DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PLUMBING PERMIT PETMiL AT +. ALL TIMES P96-0142 I SSUED os/0s/Lee6 oe /os /Lee 6 03/04/t9e7 ***ffi**r#ffff ****ffi **H*******#****i***H****t**ffi *** FEE SUII ARY Phone : 303827 57 36 Phone: 3038275'1 36 Valuation:4 ,250 .00 Totat Catcutated Fees---> 96.75 Additionat Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee-------> .00 96.75 Payments------- 75.00 '14.75 .m 3.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi elr--> TOTAL FEES-----96.75 ************ir}**ffi*rrtrr*****ffi********ffi***************''r******,r******'(**r(************iilllli-lli;;;;;;iiiiii************i&** Item: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:09/O5/1996 CHARIJIE Acti-on: APPR CHARLIE DAVIS ****************************************************************#**********************i****t*ff***********ff************t*ff***t COND]TION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REO'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE2. ALL WORK MUST COMPLY WITF THE 1994 UPC ****i.t*t****ff************t******ff***ff****************ff*****ff*****rd*******H***ff****t***ff**ff*ffi**tffi*ff***fi*******#* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoHtedge that I have read this apptication, fiLted out in ful,l, the information required, compteted an accurate plot Ptan, and state that atl the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compl,y Hith the information and pl,ot pl,an/to conpty uith att Tolrn ordinances and state tavs, and to buitd this structure according to thc Tourn's zoning and suMivision codes, design revie!, approved, unifofm Buitding Code and other ord'inances of the Town appticabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVA]ICE BY TELEPHONE TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: Etectri cat---> DRB Fee Invest igation> ItiLt Cal,L----> TOTAL FEES_--> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL Permit #: TIMES 896-021s Job AddressLocation... Parcel- No. .Project No. RESORT ELECTRIC P O BOX t079, AVON CO 81620 RESORT ELECTRIC P O BOX 7079, AVON CO 81620 HOY ROBERT H JR 1107 RrM RD, EL PASO TX 79902 ' 90.00 .00 3.OO 95.00 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST Status... WESTWINDS UNIT #106 App]ied..2101-063-1.2-006 Issued...PRJ96-0154 Expi-res. . Phone: 30394 ISSUED 0e /05/ree60e/os/Lee6 03 /04 / LeeT 9 6013 ADD CAN LIGHTS AND REMODEL BATHROOM VaIUAIiON: Phone: 3039496013 5, 000 . 00 FEE SUI 'lARy ************************t****#*****ff *ff ****t#t***t*ff * Totat catcutated Fees---) 95.00 Addit'ionat Fees---------> Totat Permi t Fee-------->95.00 93. OO .00BALANCE DUE-.-- ***||,t***tr*ffi*r**************ff***|Hr*ffff***ffff*tt**ir**********************trt***ff***ff********ff***********tr*************ffi*i I!eB!,gqqao ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:09/05/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR FOR ERNST ******r*ffi*t tffirt|t*#<lhtrl**li*****ldrr**ff********Jrffi***Jd****************ff***#***ff***fi*****ffiftft*ff**ff*ff**ff CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQ'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ********************t********t**************i***fi*******************************************ff***********lii***************ft****** DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknow ledge that t have read this appl,ication, fiLted out in futt the information required, compteted an accurate ptot Ptan, and state that atl the information provided as requi red is correct. I agree to comp[y with the information and pLot pLan,to comply with att Tovn ordinances and state larrs, and to buitd this structure according to the Toynrs zoning and subdivisioncodes, design rev'iew approved, Uniforn BuiLding Code and other ordinances of the Town appLicabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TT ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVAT{CE BY TELEPHONE Af 479-213A OR AT oUR oFFIcE FRorl 8:m aH 5:oo pTELEPHONE Af 479-213A OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII E:m A 5:00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArlr co 81657 970-479-2138 o DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON Job Address Location. . . ParceL No.,Project No. RESORT ELECTRIC P O BOX 1079, AVON RESORT ELECTRIC P O BOX 1079, AVON HOY ROBERT H JR 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST WESTWINDS UNIT #106 210l--0 63-12-OO6 PRJ9 6-0154 JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E96-0215ELECTRICAL PERMIT co 81620 co 81620 Status. . .Applied.. Issued... Expires. . I S SUED oe /05 / tes 6 oe/05/tee6 03 /o4 /tee7 96013APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: 1107 RIM RD, EL PASO TX 79902 ADD CAN LIGHTS AND REMODEL BATHROOM Phone:30394 Phone: 3039496013 Valuation:5,000.00 FEE SUI,I}IARY Etect ri cat---> DRB Fee Invest igat ion> t,i tl, CaLt----> TOTAL FEES---> 90.00 .00 3.00 93.00 TotaI catcutated Fees---) AdditionaL Fees---------> Totat Pernit Fee--------> Payments------- BALANCE DUE---- 93.00 .00 95.00 95. OO .00 *|ti***ffi******Jrt***#***ff******************************************ff*i****i***********i********ff**************t*****t********** I!e4!,gqqqo_ELECTRICAL ?EPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:09/05/L996 CHARIJIE Acti-onr APPR FOR ERNST tr**ff*ftffi***f**tlrff**rr*ffit****t*****************************************************ff***************ff***********ff******t* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQ'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE **********tr*****t***tr*i**tfr*ff**t*****ffff***|H*t*********************t******'i********tri*******************#*************ff DECLARATIONS l.hereby -acknov(edge that I have read this apptication, fitl,ed out in fuLt the information required, coDpleted an accurate plotpLan, and state that at[ the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compl.y uith the 'information and ptot ptan,to compty tlith al'L Tol,n ordinances and state taws, and to buil,d this structure according io the Tovn's zoning and suMivisibncodes, design review apProved, lJniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Town appl,icabte thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIAOE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS tN ADVANCE BY T€LEPHoNE AI 179-2138 OR AT ouR oFFICE fRott 8:00 A 5:0O o **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt * * * * * * *'rt * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * statemnt Number: REc-0196 Amount: 93.0O 09/06/96 14:23 Payment Method: CK Notation: #18883 Init: DS 896-O2LS Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2101-063-12-006 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST WESTWINDS UNIT #106Total Fees:93.00 Total ALL Pmts: BaLance:**************************************************************** Permit No: ParceL No:Site Address: tocat,i-on: This Payrnent Account Code01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 93.00 93.00 .00 Amount 90.00 3 .00 **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt *************************************************************rr** Statemnt Number: REc-0196 Amountz 96.'15 09/06/96 L4224 Payment Method: CK Notation: #18883 Init: DS P96-0142 Type: B-PLMB PLUMBING PERMIT 210 t-0 6 3-l_2 -0 0 6 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST WESTWINDS UNIT +106Total Fees:96.75 Total ALL Pmt.s: Balance: ******************J.********************************************* Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 41332 01 0000 4),336 Description PLUMBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 96.75 96.75 .00 Amount 75.00 18.75 3.00 **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statennt**************************************************************** SUatemnt Number: REC-0196 Amount:888.2s 09/06/96 L4222Init: DSPalrment MeLhod: CK Notation: #18883 888.25 **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 896-0263 Type: A-MF 2101-0 6 3-12 -0 0 6 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST WESTWINDS UNIT # 106 ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER 888.25 888.2s .00 Amount 385.00 250.25 250. 00 3.00 TotaL Fees: Tot.al ALI-, Pmts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS ViIIJIJ CALL INSPECTION FEE TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL. co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT f\/orFrEo 9 -s-q cNG\\_. tr7 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES aoo/ar,t MF BUrLD PERMTT Permit ttz 896-o263 Job Address Location. . . Parcel No..Project No. 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST WESTWINDS UNIT # 106 2101-063-12-006 PRJ9 6-0154 Status...: APPROVED Applied..: 09/05/1996 Issued...: 09/05/t996 Expires. . : 03/04/:-99'1 Phone z 3034764374 Phone t 3034764374 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: RELOCATE BATHROOM AND Occupancy: R1 Type Construction: V Type Occupancy: Valuation: Fi reDtace Infofmation: Rest ri cted: RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES , vArL, CO 8l_658 RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES , VAIL, CO 81658 HOY ROBERT H JR 1107 RrM RD, EL PASO TX 79902 CHANGE DOOR OPENINGS Multi-FamiIy 1-HR Type V l-Hour 34,250 Add Sq Ft: #0f Gas Apptiances: #0f Gas Logs:#0f Uood/Pa I let: TotaI catcutated Fe!s--->8E8.25 Additional, Fees--------> .m Total Permit Fee-------> EE6.25 PaYments------- 888.25 *Jr,ttH*rr!ffirffirrffi.ffi*ffiffi*ffi** FEE SUt',lllARY ff***lcffi***ffirffi*ffi**'r**ffi**l|"/tffi***f Bui Ldi ng----> Ptan check---> Investigation> t,i LL ca L t----> 385.00 ?50.25 .00 3.m Restuarant Ptan Review--> DRB Fee-------- Recreat ion Fee----------> C lean-Up Depos it--------> .00 .00 .00 250. m TOTAL TEES-----BALANCE DUE---- Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:09/05/L996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO CHARLIE09'/05'/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISItbN:,O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT DeDI: PLANNING Division:09/05/L996 CHARLIE AcLion: NOTE PLANS TO LAUREN09'/05'/1996 CHARLIE AcLion: APPR PER LAUREN I!'e.4i'.956Q0 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:09/05/1.996 CHARLIE Action: APPR N./AIte.m:'.05500 PUBLIC WORKS DeDt: PUB WORK Division:09/05/I996 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A ffiffiffi*ffi **ffrl*tffi ffi**k***ffitiffi ****ffi ff rt*rHnffi *,trffi *lnffirtnH*ffi **ff ffi *ffi ** See Page 2 of this Docurnent for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknowledge that I have fcad this appl,ication, f itl.ed out in ful.t the infornation required, compteted an accurate ptot Ptan, and statc that atl the information provided as requined is correct. I agree to comp Ly ltith the information and pl,ot pLan,to conPty tith aLl Town ordinances and state [aws, and to bui l.d this structure according to the To]rn's zoning and subdivision codes, design revieH approved, l,rnifonm Buil.ding code and other ordinances of the Town appLicabl.e thereto- REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI,IEI{TY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVAIICE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII 8:OO Ail 5:OO P o SIGNATURE OF O1INER OR COI{TRACTOR FOR HII{SELF AilD OI.'NER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: B96-0263 as of 09/05/96 Status: APPROVED ******************************************************************************** permir rype: ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMTT Applied: 02/,92/,1:9?9 eppficl-nt: RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES Issued: O9/.05/.L996 3034764374 To ExPire. 03/04/1997 Job Address: Location: WESTWINDS UNIT # 106 Parcel No: 2101--063-12-006 Description: RELOCATE BATHROOM AND CHANGE DOOR OPENINGS Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. ALL PENETRAT]ONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAI-,. 3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 0F THE 199L UBC.4. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED,5. VENTILATION IN BATHROOM MUST COMPLY WITH 1991 UBC SEC 1205 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8165? 97 0-47 9-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E96-0215 Job Address: 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST STaTus...: APPROVEDLocation...: WESTVITNDS UNIT #106 Applied..: 09/05/7996Parcel No..: 2101-063-12-006 Issued...: 09/05/L996Project No. : PRJ96-0154 Expires. . : 03/04/L997 APPLICANT RESORT ELECTRIC Phone: 3039496013 P O BOX 1079, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR RESORT ELECTRIC Phone: 3039496013 P O BOX L079, AVON CO 81620OWNER HOY ROBERT H JR 1107 RIM RD, EL PASO TX 79902 Description: ADD CAN LIGHTS AND REMODEL BATHROOM Valuation: 5,000.00 *|t*ffii*ffiffi*ffi*f,****fk***f,*ffeH*ff,*t***Hrffi FEE SUl,lt'IARY ffiffiffi*ft*******trt*hkrtrtrlrrrt**rttr*****iriri**i******ffi Etectricat---> 90.00 Total Catcutated Fees---> 95,00 DRB TeeInvestigation> .00 Total pernit Fee--------> 93.00 l,i l,l, Cal,l,----> 3.00 payments------- TOTAL FEES---> 93.00 BALANCE DUE---- *****ffi ffi *ffi ffi *H*ffi ***tr#rrH*trffiffi *****Jr**ffirrHrffi ffi r**ffi**ffi*ffitr Ileqi ,g0qq0 EIJECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:09/05/L996 CHARLTE Action: APPR FOR ERNST *||'(***ffi *****ffi **ff *tffi ffi*rr*ffi rtffi*ffitffii****rrrtffiffirrffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQ'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE 'r't*ffi ffi ffi ffi ***ffi ***r|*ffi ffi ***ffi ffi ffi ****ffiffi t$Hrrffi rffirffi rt#riffi DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknoHledge that I have read this appl,ication, f il,l.ed out in ful,l. the infornation required, compl.eted an accurate ptot PLan, and state that atl the infornation provided as requi red is correct. I agree to conpl.y riith the iniormation and pl,ot il,an,to comPty with al'l' Torrn ordinances and state tarrs, and to buil,d this structure according to the To|rn's zoning and subdjvisioncodes' design reviev approved, Lrniforn BuiLding Code and other ordinances of the Town appticabl,e thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-FoUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE Ar 479-2EA OR AT oUR OFFICE FRot'l 8:00 At't 5:OO p SIGNATURE OF OI.INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HI}ISELF AND OIINER o TOIIIN OF VAII DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 97 0-47 9-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PLUMBING PERMIT Permit Job Address: 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST Status...Location...: WESTWINDS UNIT #106 Applied..Parcel No..: 2101-063-12-006 Issued...Project No.: PRJ96-0154 Expires.. Description: RELOCATE BATHROOM MOVE FIXTURES Valuation:4 ,250 . O0 *ffiffir't,r'tFEEsUll1.|ARY***ffiffi*ffffi*ff*****ffi*ffi**ffi*ffi*sffi** APPROVED oe /05/Lee6 0e /os/Lee6 03 /04 /tee7 AT ALL TIMES P9 6-0142 APPLICANT JERRY SIBLEY PLI'MBING P O BOX 340, MTNTURN CO 81645 CONTRACTOR JERRY SIBLEY PLIIMBING P O BOX 340, MTNTURN CO 81645OWNER HOY ROBERT H JR 1107 RIM RD, EL PASO TX 79902 Phone:. 3Q38275736 Phone: 30382"15736 Pturbi ng----> Ptan Check---) Investigat ion> tli l.l, cat l.----) Restuarant Ptan Reviey--> TOTAL FEES----- 75.00 1A 7\ .00 5.m .00 Total Catcutated Fees---) 96.75 Additional, Fees--------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Payments------- MLANCE DUE---- 96.75 .m 96.75 .00 96.75**ffi ffi ,ffi *ffirff *##ffi *lrHff rtffi rtffir*Hffi tM*ffinffi ffi * Item: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:09/05/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVIS ffi **ffi *tttnt*ffi****ffi.i*ffi *****H**#**trrHrrtffi *ff ffi *ffi tr#rffi*ffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQ'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE2. ALL WORK MUST COMPLY WITff THE 1994 UPC ,nlt**ft*!t *1a*ffiffi DECLARATIONS I_hereby acknovtedge that I have read this application, fitted out in fuLL the infornation required, compl,eted an accurate ptot PLan, and state that att the infornation provided as requi red is correct. I agree to compl,y uith the iniormation and pl,ot pLan,to co[ply vith atL Torrn ordinances and state [avs, and to buiLd this structure according io-the Tovnr s zoning and subdjvisibn codes, design review approved/ Uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town appLicabl.e thereto. REOUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE tilADE TUENTY-FoUR HOURS tN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AI 479-213E OR AT OUR OFFICE FROtt 8:m Ail 5:00 ptl |*Contact Eagl-e County oParcel /f . TOl,fN OF VAfL CONSTRUCTTON PERI'IIT # , APPLrcArroN uusr BE FTLLED ourWn!",t "L?tZt^* "or BE AccEprED I********* ** *:l***************** PERMIT TNFORMATTON ************ *f ************** *,l -p{-nuirains gi-nrunring fi-nr""tricat 1 j-uechanibal [ ].-other Job Name: 22 ,J ': ', Job Addre"r, .FBE<< sf,t'rlnt".- <W , Legal Description: Lot iltHt? "I,k'ii ff:il..*;Ii:!,"F#{93 Filing '4/11 OFFfCE USE *::i1**t jr****r" ?"i ' .*,: ?l{i:+ ilr,t t'. -::,: t ., .s.,.j r:,1e, BUITDJ;N€ FiAl3 -liF.:K l'iir.i;l BIock ceneral Description: tsiJ f LDx;.' (; l!,=r1::.{f ,I- FltE : PLUI'IBII\rG PERI'fIT FEE: MAEHAN-II':AT PERMIT FEE: IjIjiC:1,'[{-tti.1.f, i'EE : oTli.Ein iiypE ,r)F FEE: DRB F'Di:; work class: t l-N^-- N1 I r t-Additioiar a/ew/t2s-Arteratj.on [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other g*:: ::: ]"'" :: :::""'"""''PaFaz'jff?='-- Gas Logs- Wood,/Pe}1et- (*******W:yA1"2*********i*lJ"* #EgZ{rgts********************************* I.".t_*l*: l42"JP E Ecrnrcer,ii_Sm. "- orHER: I Number of Dwelling Units:Nurnber of Acgommodation Units: t3{- P Mech.a;..ical .rNs7_rb"__ Mecll.a ical Cont-ractor: ,-__ __- _ _ lrlrr,wn of xl:aj-:i- i1:.r" lrl,r.Addre&rs;Phone ld'cii'?"i:i^: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rt it *.--! * * * * i i -.i i * :! * * ; ; *t'9R edaresi: A1l:f;Si il:;""id;:I:Wjffi Electrical cogtract2rz fupt . , --€F)- Town of vail Res. No.l7?-EAddress: ph;;"-N"rb;;r"3i;'-d.-m- VALUATION BUILDINI;:, SIal;l$AfiiF;,.=: ZON.IING: SfGrtAfiIRlis \r-jtil{S{ -'-1'- rjEPOSrr xEFIIilD nO: tt "{r*// s/,re 75 3outh trontage roed Y.il, color.do 81657 (303, 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 TO: EROM: DATE: SU&TECr3 ottlce of communlty deyclopmonl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII THETOWN OF VAIL TOI{N OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMITNITY DSVELOPMENT IIARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUETTON PARKING & }fATERTAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit ""V-"oifr-"J"f, sand, debrisor nateriar, including trash bunpsters, portable toirets andworkmen vehicres.upon any streetl =iaE*airl-;ii;y or pubticprace or any portiLn tneieoil--Tt," right-of-way on a[ Town ofvail. streets and.:?"9= is allroiinateiy 5 fr. -iri p.*r.r.nt.This ordinance w1r| be.;i"_i;iit"enforced bv the To$n or vailPublic works DeDartment. pers6ns found .riirriling this ordinancenirr be given a 24 hour rrit[""- ""ii""-t"-;;;;:"=.i.d nareriar.rn the event the person so notified.aoes noi-cilnp:.v with thenotice wirhin trr3_ za hour. ril;-;;;;i;i;;, "ii"'i,l'tric worksDepartment wirr remor/e said uate;iai-;a-irr.'""i#"e of personnotified- The provisions-or-trri]-".ai".;; :t5ii not beapplicable to c6nstruction, ,.irrt"rr.nge or repair projects ofany street or alley or any "tifiii"= in the righi_"_way. To review ordinance No- e in fuII, please stop by the Tolrn of:::i"::i*i"3"Tf;ifmll"::-'"rIii" a copv. rirani< you ror y-ur O!,tner) 75 routh ,ronlrg€ rold u.ll, colorrdo 81657 (3031 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 ottlce ot oommunlty dcuclopmaltl BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FMI,IE If this perylt regui,res a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval,Ensineerrs (pubri" r:l$l review .no ipp"orri,'i iiiiitiini'b.pu.t .ntreview or Health Departm6nt review, anl'a-review by the BuildingDepartment, the estirnated tine ror'a-totat ".ui"" irv"iui!'i, rongas three weeks. Al'l conmercia'l fraroe or sma'il) and arr mu]ti-fami'ry pennits willhave to folrow itre Smve mentt,ineJ-mi*.irr* requirements. Residentia.land.small projects shou'rd take a teiier'amount of time. However, ifresidential or smalrer.projects impiii the various above mentioneddepartments with reoard to-necessi"v-""ui"*,-i[;; ;;;j;"ii"*va'l so take the three-weet< perioO. Every.attempt wi'il be made by this department to expedite thispermi't as soon as possibl e. - 'v s^!'re ' es r"' I' the frame. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time -,r zz /7. 5neer was turned into Communi ty Devel ooment Departmenr. t MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTOFS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Job Name: Date: Please ansuAr the following {uestionnaire regarding lhe need lor a 'Public Way permit.:-'-.- YEs Gl\z1) ls this a new residence? / ./2) ls demolition work being performed ,r/that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public prope(y? ,/3) ls any uiility work needed? V ,/'4l ls the driveway being repaved? / ,/5) ls ditferent access needed to site -/ other than existing driveway? t/ ,/6) ls any drainage work being done L/ afieaing the right of way, easements, l'/ or pubfic property? ,/7) ls a'Revocabte Right Of Way Permit' l./ required? ,/8) A. ls the right of way, easements or ,_/public property to be used for staging, parking or lencing? -./ B. ll no to 8A, is a parking, staging / or fencing plan required by Community Development? !!V9u_ algwered yes to any of lhese questions, a "Public Way permit" rnust be obtained.'Public Way_ Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or atC.o.TTq,ty Development. lf you have-any questions ptease calt Charlie Davis, the Townof Vaif Construction Inspector, at 429-215f..' I have read and answered alllhe above ./a Job Name w) Contraaor's Sig PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: 1) Fitl out our check list provided with a buildinq oermit aoolication. lf yes was answered to any of the above questions then a "public Way" is. required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valtey Drive. 2) Notice sign otfs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. 3) A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Staging, etc..). This plan will expire on Oct. 1Sth. and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. 4) Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the tratfic controt ptan oi a iite plan for the job. 5) Submit completed application to the Public Works's otfice for review. tf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 4g hours to perform. 6) The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any thai may needed. Most permits are released within 49 hours of being received, but pleasi allow up to one week to process. 7) As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to community Development allowing the "Building Permif'to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: ] Jh9 gbove.process is for work in a pubtic way onty.* Public Way Permits are valid only until ttovember isttr.* A new Public way permit is required each year if work is not complete. cotqttsy TOWN OFVAIL o D e pa nme nt of C omm uni r y- D e ve lo pm e nt75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303479-2452 t. 2. IIFORUAEIOIf IIEEDED l{ltEtr APPLIIIfG FOR A UECIINITCAL PERIT|II HEA? LOSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PLAl.l OF MECHAI{ICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSICAL DIUENSIONS A}ID BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOU. sHow srzE AND L,OCATION OF COUBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE V|HETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILL AI-,SO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANICAL ROOM. FATLURE $o PRovlDE THrs rxroru,IArrot lfrrrl DETJaY roUR PERllrr. 3. 4. 75 louth frcntlga rold v!ll, cdor.do E1657 €qD 47$2138 (308) 4?$2139 ofllce ol communlly dwelopment NOTICE TO COMTRACTORS/OIINER BUILDERS Effective June 20, rggLt the Town of v"ir Building Department hasdeveloped the forrowing procedures to ensure that new constructionsites h-ave adequatety established proper drainage from build.ingsites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. Tbe Town of Vair Pubric glorks Departnent will be required toinspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of vail roads orstreets and tbe instatlation of tenporary or permanent culverts ataccess points from the road or street on to the construction site-Such approval must be obtaineci prior to any request for inspectionby the Town of Vail Building Department ror tobtings or temporaryel-ectrical or any other inspection. please catt 4'79-2lGo t;reguest an inspecti-on from the public works Department. Allow ami.nimum of 24 hour notice. Al:o,_ the Town of Vail public Works Department will be approvingall fina-l drainage and cu]-vert instal_lation with resulting roadpacching as necessary. such approval must be obtained prlor toFj.nal Certificate of Occupancy iisuance. Jl 1.. t.\, r\!.r r, I rl. -v ,tl! | ,Lru o r-. i-' t{E6Ttrrr{0 rr '|tDltoArt0N FoR VTIL REr,tontl, llfo Hrl_g!_!tx trts-AplLf cArtoil rer la-.-00 2 2 2 Dt!!'rul{ttrtD t*.,8-/bfi6 ,_ urrr rfu,{r, sr.../oA _.: nrxt oy rprr,tcmrt fidF1Ff.H. Hqyrrlfrr. ,_-, , _._._-ilrsunr 0t tHtiovEH!fltt! .,.t .lt,.il t.'f. cor{HoIULtglnt0ll,, PEtrlGflD r t{t0{p op ADDlld0 r Pnt .E+.td_caltll$_I-.[l$I U.6.t; I ). -Ar'{p ".I,r,o&[.&-h-i (,'jtrii f$.#$Til*l SlolllrrND-?rm Arr, rf,MoD$, rno-rEc?8 Hulr !E Apl,ri{}vEDro*lbrrlra clar,' .llE.c,TlRl;,.ll,or.{.c*rq..1ajr yli.!rii'r'.r.rxiri,'rilii..ii.rfii ttlllllMiyryr___ rsONE I'IUHEER r{$rrrr*rrrrlTTii-fril ' . lb{-rrft rifrt r..*ltt19rtD rrrl I *r-'r --r nr,, L.. .r *F--a-.-- - -. -l$b'$-E!-! 5 l[ti cnHD? rl|ltRh FCt.t!"f"7 allOintrt* 1 F ptd..t* rh ltiiiliitt'r't':h#F,{"'ffiJ",ii$i'tit;"#iEi':ili:Cm;lg ff ! tfilBi Il Hfllti i r;1.1'J!' tf, iiur,1,#im# g i;t il f l ; r Rtcrrvro'rr,- l '-,* : v)'{.24".._-.__ [o^# lL.2j ,.-Lpnssrer rilrrlorlD or r.-_*,Fug[l.rr-rn ffi, ,, g i,'!-"*.,Lnrrrtor"o .-DrlAppRovED *n*r*,ffiffi0,.-a-.i!rl1ev.E._DllAppRovED' ttrt{mxt/coufiilTtr----_ _ i-T[C-]_nF Fi v r. rit_ii rTfiihr?BrrarteorEo T,,#"^Amllln'^?'0"" ell*^ rccrt t oN;"-;N; 'cNl CIHry paatg F.O. 80x l5l7 August 20, Sfnh, €ntetpzkea vArL coLoRADO 81658 1996 Wcn t-wi nd at VaiLAssociation Board Member 548 S. Frontage RoadVi\i1, Coloiado 81657 This is an:updated letter reqarding the worl being done in unit #106at l/|lestwlnd at ValI. After the concern aborU the nebr Asbestos Ruling,myself andrMr. & Mrs. Robert Hoy decided thee it would be in in everyone,sbest interest to have the asbestos removed r,f,ther than covering it over.on the ceiling. we have contracted with Am€rican Abatement, rnc. ofDenver, Colorado to do the removal of asbestos frorn the ceil-inq and thevwiLl be reo3ronsible to get the State :)ermits " The details of the work is to relocate the s,)uth bathroom in the sameroom nlus vanity according to the drawings 1::leviously submitted to you.Alr other work 1s minor i.e. moving a coupl,,: door ollenings andadd'i-ng canilights, dhanging of doors, addinq hardwood floor in livingroorn/kitchgn area etc. T!_lg" have any questions, please feel free .Lo contact me at my office ( e70) 47 6-43'7 4 - : Thank you for your time, sincerely, D. lKrohn p.o. Box t5l7 vAtL. coLoRADo 81658 t)H. (303) 476.4374 tr Flan Approved il Denied tr,4, or70-# adAJ- - noo>aec oA\I ,/)tpb /l//a+a//ilb Valie itr' oi Pennil Sec. 3o3ic) l{, U.B'c. Burtd 7'^ireartfl&M= rrrc tr En of a permrt or aPPiovai ol PlanS afld nol be construed to be a permlt tor, or an olation of any of tile il:ov)srons ol this code inance oi th: 1ui;s;i;.,-'n. l'he issuance of a piarrs, spcc,ilc:ilo,i; :,rii rther data shall ildinq official f rom thclenftel requiring the s rn saici plans, specilicatigns and -1e oo olgo-+-lsd rJr,;Lt lDt l'.J€rp "f3a t{ U)':s{ Lrl r.)N Laqa,,rL $ grJt-4 i),:,:Xr, k.J -jr ^{\3A{J r',.1 .I l il$..N *1 S "u rI\ @ I !'l -ilIttl filr---! Iii--ii--'tit..---.-l i**----i:::.:::.-N, l\.iij\ | \2 \.-. ...; (-tl-,,:'-\,'.--J I i \_,,./ POWN OE VAI-L 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD '/AIL, co 81657 )7 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M96-0175 Job Address...: 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST Location : WESTWINDS UNIT #106 Parcef No..... : 2101-063-12-006 Pro-iect Number : PRJ96-0154 Status. . applied. Issued.. Expires. Valuation: #of Gas Logs: ISSUED lo /23/Lee6 1.0 /25 /ree6 o4 /23 /1e97 APPLICANT JERRY SIBLEY P O BOX 340, CONTRACTOR JERRY SIBLEY P O BOX 340, OWNER HOY ROBERT H 1107 RIM RD, PLUMBING MINTURN CO PLUMBING MINTURN CO JR EL PASO TX 8164s 81645 79902 Phonez 3038275736 Phone z 3038275736 Description: MECH FOR BATH ADDIT]ON ONLY Fireptace tnformation: Restricted: #0f Gas Appl''iances: 500 .00 #of [ood/Pal. Let: i***************************t*******ffi**ff******ff******** FEE sulftARy *******#**t*******************ffffi*#****#ffr*ffi***'( l,techrn i ca [---> 2O.OO Restuarant Plan Review--> .OO Tota! Cal'cul'ated fees---> 28'00 Ptan Check---> 5.OO DRB Fec-------- lnvestigation> .OO TOTAL FEES-----;iii-a"ir----> 3.oo lillil:";;;:_::_:_::__:_i ":33 r*********tr******ff*tr****ff*t**********Jr****i************t*t****ff(**********lr*****ffi*J(t**l***i**t***ff*nt*********S*****S**** Item: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT - -- --pgPt: BUILDING Dj-vj-sion: i672i/i996-CHARLIE- EbLiON: APPR CHARLIE DAVIWi[6fr;,ds6oo-FTiin-DepARTMeNT Depr: FrRE Dlvfsron: IO/23/1996 CHARLIE Actionr APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI, L. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. * !k * * * * * * * * * ** * * **** * * * * * * * * * * ************** *** * * * t * * * * **** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoHtedge that I have read this apptication, fitted out in futt the information required, conPteted an accurate ptot ptin, "'na state thit atI the infonmation provided as required is correct. I agfee to compty Hith the infofmation and.ptot.ptan, io cornpfy vith att Toyn ordinances and state [avs, and io buitd this structure according iothe Toun's zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, tniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town appticable thereto. REAUESTS fOR INSPECTIONS SHALL 8E I'IADE TIJENTY-FOUR HOURS IN I 179-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR TOR HI}iSELF AND F ROt{ 8 : 00 Al{ 5 : 00 Pl.l l*************************************************************** TOWN OF.VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt ******.t********************************************************* Statemnt Number: REC-0235 Amount 28.O0 LI/Z5/SA tO:Ot Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #19079 Init: MAC Permit No: M96-01?5 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-063-12-006 SiTe AddTESSI 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST I-,ocation: WESTWINDS UNIT #106Total Fees: 28.00 This Payment 28.00 Total ALL Pmts: 28'00 Balance: .00 **************************************************************** Account Code DescriPtion Amount O]" OOOO 4L3I2 MECHANICAL PERMIT IIEES 2O.OO 01 OOOO 4L332 PLAN CHECK FEES 5.OO OI OOOO 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO o TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8165'1 97 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PermitPLUMBING PERMIT AT ALL TIMES P96-0r42 Job Address Locabion... Parcel No.. Project No. 548 S FRONTAGE WESTWINDS UNIT 2101-063-12-OO6 PRJg 6-0154 RD WEST Status. . . #106 Applied..Issued... Expires. . I S SUED oe /05 /7ee6 oe /05/res6 03 /04 /ree7 APPLICANT JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING P O BOX 340, MTNTURN CO 81645 CONTRACTOR JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING P O BOX 340, MTNTURN CO 81645 OWNER HOY ROBERT H JR 110? RtM RD, EL PASO TX 79902 Descriplion: RELOCATE BATHROOM MOVE FIXTURES Valuation: *rt*rHntfrr**ffr*ffit*ffffi****t**fft*ffi**ff**f******ffi FEE SUllllARY Phone: 3038275736 Phonel. 3038275736 4, 250 . 00 P tumbing-----> P [an Check---> Investigation> Uitl. cal, t---> Restuarant Ptan RevieH--> TOTAL FEES----- 75.00 18.75 .00 3.00 .0O Totat Catcutated Fees--> 96.75 96.75 .00 .75 Addi t ional, tees---------> Totat Pernit Fee--------> Paynents------- ******ffi*****rr.*,t**ffiffi*********r*******************nn**********rr*********ilfllli#i;;;;;;;;;iii************if*** ITem: O51OO BU]LDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILD]NG Division:09/05/7996 CHARLIE Action: AppR CHARLIE DAVTS ***********************ff***tr*************ff***t******ff**********t******i*******************************ff******t************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REO'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPTIANCE2. ALL WORK MUST COMPLY WITfl THE 1994 UPC *t***lrt*ftff*********ffi'httt***tr*ff***Jr***ffi'H**********ir****ff**************ff***************t****************ff******ff*ff*** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fitted out in fuLt the information required, compteted an accurate plot ptan, and state that al[ the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compLy uith the infornation and pl,ot pl,an,to compty lrith att Tolrn opdinances and state taus, and to buil,d this structure according to the Totn's zoning and subdivision codes, design reviev approved, unifor[ Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town appticabl.e thereto, REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS ShALL 8E }IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY 2138 - o !Jestwlnd mal-ching Rusty Spike Enterprises has perrnission from the Condominium Association to r:epJ.ace <,-.xist.i ng slider wi t.h updated unit which mee l-s Town of Vai.l_ buildinq codes. t\lil 1, Jcff J;:cobs Wll])ropc rl-y Mana<;e, I y WcsLw j rrd Corrdornirriurrrs I f' AT VAIL Ot: [-obc r' 22, .l 99fi TO: Town of VaiL - Building Dept. FROM: Westwind Condominium Association RFj: Unit 106 Patio Slider replacenrent. 548 S. FRONTAGE RD. VAIL, CO 81657 / (303) 476.UVEST o E,LDON T. GHE,NT O 1425 Longs Peak Drivc Fort Collins, Colo. 80524 (3'$) 482-6832 ?70 tol19196 Michacl Kroth Rusty Spike Ent. Inc Box 1517 Vail CO 81657 h{ihc: As per our plrone conversation yestcrday, ltcre is the rvritten O.I( to go ahead with installing the sliding glass rloor, rvith the nerv clad type door. As lye discussed on the phone you stated that the door would not have a noticeable difference in color or style from the outside of the building and the color will be close to the color now on the door. I shoultl mention tlrat alt work must bc complcted at least l0 days prior to Thanksgiving. I am sure that you can make tlris goal. Iildon Ghcnt 'VH./'.J- -/ / REFT131 TOt^lN OF VAIL, COLORADO tr/Ae/96 o6:58 REOUESTS FOR INStrECTION t'fDRK SHEETS FORTIL/E?/96 Activityr 896-tDP63 tl/ee/96 Type: A-ltlF flddress: 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST Location: WESTWINDS UNIT * 146 PA6E 6 AREAI CD Stat ug : ISSUED Constr" I AIv'lF User V 1-HRFaree I : 81O1-063-le-BO6Description: RELOCATE BATHRUOM AND CHANGE Applicantr RUBTY SF'IKE ENTERFRiSES Ownet': HOY RUBERT H JRContractor: RUSTV SFIRE ENTERFRIgES Occ: DOOR BPENINGS Fhone z 3th34764374 Fhone: Fhone z 3Vr34764374 Locks, Holds, ACTIVITY Not iee: afld Not iees. . . . FIREF'LNtrE NT]T APPROVED UNTIL REGRT]UTED F'ER FIRE FIARSHALL Inspeet i on Request Infonmation..... Requestor': MIKE - RUSTY phone: 476-6599 Req Time: tZtl:OQ Comnentsr 845*4307FAGER Items r^equested to be Inspected... OA337 trLAN-FINAL C/O Act ion Com nent s Time Exp Inspection History.....Itenr StOSlO driveway grade final Itemr OA01A BLDG-FootinBs/5teel . Itenr OOttE0 BLDG-Foundation/5teel t- ' Iten: OerS?O PLAN-ILC Site trLan Iten : ArtZrOSO BLDG-Fnaming Itenl o'4446 * * Not 0n File * * Item : laBBSO BLDG-Insnlat ion Item: @6460 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail Iten: gtOrZrSO * * Not On File * * Itemr (t6670 BLDG-Misc. Item r 6rara9CI FLDG-Final Item: 0€t530 BLDG-Temp. tr/tr Iternr 00531 FIRE-TEMP. C/O Iteml @0538 F'IJ-TEMP, C,/OIteml AtA533 trLRN-TElYlF,. C/0Itemr 00537 PLAN-FINAL C/0Item: gt'453B FIRE-FINAL C/O It en r rAra539 trW-FINAL C,/OItem: OA54A BLDG-FinaL C/0 REpTlsrrr/ee/96 66 TOWN CIF UAIL, COLORADtr F'AGE 5 r58 REtrUESTS FOR INSFECTION I'JORK SHEETS FORzII/E?./96 AREAI CD .t tr96-C'14e Il/e?/i6 Type: B-FLNB Status; ISSUED Constr: AAtrT 548 S FRONTAGE RD WFST WESTWINDS UNIT *Tg16 a 101-463- t e-oct6 RELOCATE BRTHROOM MOVE FIXTURES JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING HOY ROBERT H JR JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING fletivity: Addness r Locat i on; Far*ee I : Descri pt i on; Hppl icant r Own er: Gont raet or^ : Oec: UEe: F,hone: 3O38t75736 Fhone: Phone : 3OJ8875736 Inspect i on Request Requestor: MIKE -Req.Tine: Ol rOO Itens requested to OOZ9O trLMB-Final Information..... RUSTY SF.IKE Eonnent g t 843-4E07trRGER Fhone: 476-6599 be Inspected.Act ion Connent s Tire Exp Insp-e,etion History. . . ..'Item : o;Aeto FLMB*Underqround Item : q@E?a trLMB-Rough/D; Ll. v. L7/L1196 Inspeeton: CF Item: It em: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: AOEE5 FIRE-SPRINKLER RDUGH AOaSlA PLMB-Rough/Wat et' ll/LLl96 Inspector: CF @q"44 PLFIB-Gas triping 0OaEA trLMB-Pool/Hot Tt-tb 'aEte60 trLMB-Misc. 00e9O PLf{B-Final OA53A FIRE-FINAL C/O Act i on: AFtrR AtrFROVED Act i on : AFPR AF.trROVED Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov,com October 14,2005 Westwind Condominiums c/o Duane Gonzales 548 S. Frontage Road Vail, GO 81657 Re: Westwind Condominiums GRFA AnalysisMestwind Subdivision Mr. Gonzales, This letter is being sent to inform you of Staff's findings regarding the addition of a powder room to Unit 105 within the Wbstwind condominium project. Staff has found through performing research of the Westwind Condominium files that there is cunently constructed 36,253 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) on the property. Under the Lionshead Mixed Use-1 zone district the property is entitfed to SiZ,qO square f6et of enfn. Therefore, there is more than enough GRFA remaining to submit a Design Review application for an addition measuring approximately 36.7 square feet per the attached plan you provideb. In addition to submifting a Design Review application you will need to amend th'e Cohdominium Plat for the Westwind Condominiums to incorporate the common element under the stairs into your unit. This is done by filing a new condominium plat for the Westwind property. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 970-479-2148. Wi{resards, n A ntt| | tr U lilt'WaMLA WM"',, wJnenCampoett-- | -l Senior Planner Cc: File f19 "t"*""o t t"" Page I of .t ^-...,t t:\t |IFtlI| (IUUI t v. t %..l"j -rcrr I IFIIr Frr-f,tl t-ttF r -- http : //www.vailmanagement. com/photo s/unit/WESTWIND 3. gif ltlun*Z /("'] /or /ry* n%Arl,v auru't) fu,rfrae/ol, - lu* fl*r,,u/u/ 0 l7a '37h -Pvzs- Bo5- O${l tYPeFA ^rl-- 'u p/ 'ur.N,i n /' ^'o* tA)w vr\ tt st \$* ,ars R-t Jxz =t!G ttE c, o |E E3o(, -c "glE E -9.c 3 (og 6co E Eo{)o.E+,E iI6 Et; 5E 3 Ee; HEE i:; EE3 *s.E' ss €=Ei E'*€ !bEfi! €;rl H€;E i;83 EEHE E 8€ i +gEE F 968 g E-=Eee$e EE*€sgiA PgES f;;E$ oq) :- FqEU6g Lll J *t IU J :tl \t o- N IIJ J :rt rf,o rD- 6l IIJ J *t (Y) @c! <0(o <c;(o * C\.t- IUlJ + llJlJ *f coco <rt [!lJ :lt UJ 1t (r) lrt uJ *t u.t :+l LIJlJ {* (0 co-t LIJlJ It ullJ :tt I.JJ *! uJl :tF g $Ebo a Pq *f;s uJf -J t+ ull -t :tt beNs uJlJ *F. uJl l* s @F. + bec) uJ :tt uJ + ;r(r) IU J l+ uJ J *F.ro uJfJ *+ IU J t+ uJ * ;lF. Iuf :tt IJJ :lt uJ J :r} uJlJ tt uJ J +t I $Ebo39=o5g #f;d =oc.Y =o -:< (\I c 3 j NrJ) F-_ @ 3o 5c F- O)t rD () |r) c; -v.E ; .:< (0 rn d C\I =o -! 5 c3 l<c c;o ct =o !c = l< oN(D- ol =oc! C = j 3 i< :t \{ c;oc.Yc f 3 ci< oo eo 3E!ge o6AS f F. foF. ;e F- f F. be F. sc)t\ *oF. ;e F."tgF. *oF. be F. * F. be r.r)rt) fNs ;ero rJ) s F. IoF* ;Q F- * F- frf)u) sro rJ) foF- bSoF. s\ g Eo dEe #:s |\- @- @ci, o co. F. @ cr, F.(('o- s F.() C\l coc\l ro n- LOrt + (\t- s O) *|l, r.rl Nrn ir t od(\I F- $l(r) o)o dC\ @ao c) + (.). (Y) ro C')co Fj $tt\o- <f(\l t c) @. (f) @ s@ro ot s t- N o- C! oo Ee =s o @N ot r..lo co!f co- F.+ c.)@ @. (D (\I (f, F. Ca- F- C\I o i.-o @ F- N s(0 Ai(\l F.Nt @ \t_ (o N lr) F. rf loF. o)_ rf) r+ ro- rD (Y){ c., CO @_ CO o =oio9^<'! s[o. EEg s o,s t(o @- CO s c.)(o- CO ra) os @- F. @(o. F. 1r)oro ot({t ao .Ds otN sco F:lr) (9s d(\I ooo-t(9 o N. rcrt F. Fi +o)\(o (rJ cv)g) c) ad (0 (fr- o)rJ) o lr)- ro coo)F. N <0 otg) |r)ol sEa E:!i N d)- $ (o ot o, c)o,(\Io colit @ri{ o C\,!. N(Y' cooo- olro F.(o(\l (") F.ni(o (\t (e)(') O)roo- @ lo(0 <ri(o F.F.\ro F.F.o-(I) (Y) F- @_ r|.(D C\I(\l (\l- (\I Nro o-(q' (o C\Iv_ N t F.s F.€- (\,1 co(')- (\Iol co- rf,C\I S- (,''F !d (\l rt) (9 @ (\,t-d) N 6 |r) F.(0 o-ot otot d !t (o- C! s 6 F.- lf) \t rift\o.o AI ti (\J @- (Drn if)co\oIs rJ)o(\l_ r.()ol C\I { t$ t\ C! ro. (o(\l oc')(l}- CO(') (\, |r)- rt) @ rt_ @F. oa0rq C\lrt) F.t\ o_ F C\l N r.f)- @(l, CD tt .scoN (\too (\loo oto AIoo (\Ioo oloo N N Noo olo oloo lJ- _t_ ^3bsEo\?S'E E=Iod Nl+ (t oo C\Ioo (\l OO u- o? q- oI N o (\I o, oj |o o E(!z oitrtt=to og E o -gc (!E !oC'Eoo oo!co() E "Et lr,l o|s P5 @ -goItco c, oEtto cs E UJ -eo !,I L G EEEll|I o C'ItoJ oo o3 op r !,t -s ct € N- ooooEo ouEoJ o G =oo -dE -9J rt ooo.g o- !oz Eo Eo -oc -9J ott6g E attoEtt, C "9 o Eo C' 1t6ost,c .9 N.a o at,oa& doos1'E .9 6 ooioo n, oo6Eo- doo3oc "9 6 otr!o .Y o =osF "9 o = oo oE6 to = oo|Eo E oEfo ooo5o N (t 6co 6 C oc 6 6eo o ou!o o C' l6I E o4 ou6 t6 aEEI Et IDo a ooEaJ;g3ooE tltEEooE: erCr- Y |Dab ciD& PE> TTBc lt '= s 6,g olign Review Action Ffn TOWN OF VAIL Category Numbet Projec't Name: Building Name: Prcjed tleeciption: Omer, Address and Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: L€gal Dsscriplion: Lot _ Blod<_Zone District 1- PrQact Street Address: Motion by: Scconded by: D Approval ! Disapproval !:sarnpprwat Gonditons: !_-..-t-- l .-14, l)\| , \_/ tau|,$ ?nans V -r,1 a^)-6q174 3lJ'to< APPLTCATTON FOR ADDTTTONAL GRFA (250) _ Type ll EHU 2S0 Type V EHU 2S0 II. PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre'application conference with a member of the planning staff is strongty encouraged to discuss the provisions under which additionat GRFA can be added to a sit6. lt should be underslood that this ordinance does nol assure each property an additional 250 square feet ofGRFA. Rather, the ordinance allows for uo to 250 souare fe-et it the conditions sei forth in Chapter 18.57 or Chapter 18.71 of the Town-f Vait codAFmet. Applications for additions under this section will not be accepted unless they are complete. This includes all information required on this form as well as Design Review Board submittal requirements. III. APPLICATION INFORMATION LocATtoN oF pRoposAL: Por" # a, lo I' o Q 3' I Ac a { nooress 5/R SFv^..,,uafr,gg. R& Legal Description:Lot Block ' Filino Zone District C. NAME OF APPLICANT: B. Address f,O Lun€ ?S Gn./d D.NAME OF APPLf CANT'S REpRESE NTAT:yE M i k . //o , e //n rs t E.NAME OF OWNER(S); t' Slgnature(s v Obt,-nq'a s (:n / Address 53ilrvt apL ,.,.",.r on6Zot-gaq-Fbra F' Filing Fee of $200.00 is required at time of submittal ot a standard 250. For a request involving an EHU, the fee is waived. Address A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 7.oo e& uq36 4w*l,V,pO ro sIBp oe urrr!,r^ luwlrdd' eql Iq u,r or or' or ppd aq rpqs u':ffd{allriiX?#filXtilunou' orfl t0 ssacxo u! umor eql rq per.rncu3 sasuedx3' ruiqrooe aql ot pauinror0q lpqs ruqlnsuoc aql ot plBd uooq lou s^Erl qclq^ tuettnsuoi eq1 10 lueur{ed rolluec;1dde ettl Iq pepremJof spunl eq1go fue 'luqlnsuoc aq rq uopeqtdde aqt lo ^ o!^areqg 1o uoge@uoc uod61 luauyedeg luaudo;eneg,rrrunru'rojaqi qrr^ uopec;pdes!t{ solll eq oulll eq1 1e luec;1dd-e eq1 Iq u^ oI atn ot papre^loi'oq ller.{s lunourpsrrfi pue roq ,o urrr.r ^ed ol ,0essoceu ,{euou fo.unotue b$ 5te'u,nse tirzqs il .ruBunsuos oplslno uB aJlq r{eu: tuetupedag lueudopaeO lUunullob eqi luoRecndde,(ue l^ar^s, ol p'poou sl lupunsuoc oprslno up lBqr gels unnol aqt ,(q epeur'aq uolleuluJ,olapB prnoqs 'rBls ur ol uE-r{l Jaqlo srueunsuoc ,(q a,rene.r ej;nber reu irruir,rruioS eq1 uo lcedu:1 1ueq1u61s B oneq Ietu-qclqnn senss; .raqlo.ro asn puel .uesep luecgluop o^Eq ot lueuuedeo luau:doleneg Oruiriruoc.,tilq prilmp suo[ecilddv ar qcns ror oar,ar0.y9 or* uer* ,o,u.lii?Jlx1"dT,i:,iJ"J;fi [iY:.::'Bijitr"1; rc1 pauodpod s!Jslletu lue-lsanbar s.luec11dde sql lB ,li .aag uogecllddE aql lo %09 lossocxs u! srB qc!q^ seel 6u;qqgnd r(ue 6u;red rol elq;suodse.r sq ilBqs ruedlrail-etir 1o sueurpedes op'.roroc ;l'rJ,,tJ,,'f;:*?11;jii,?,til;1il:1'd;31:t jfJffi,l! - '00'002$ Iq pasee:cu; aq ilprts eag uo;pc;pde oqt .t!pn ;b um61 eql ueql raqloIcueoe prspsJ ro olBls'pcq rue rq malner 6predei i d64nuer rineJrrooi'srqllr .H 'uEld e^lsuor.lerduog s,llB^ tll!,r acuellduroc Jof po,$aneJ eq l1prr lesodord.rno,l .0 .eJnpnJls 1o sueld roop pesodord .ro 0u11s;x3 ., , '(elqec;1dde 1;) pno.rdde uollepossv ulnluluropuo! .g'" 'aclgo s,rossassy fiunog e16e3 eql ur04 olclBllp^B s!-uonpujJoful s!r{I 'lol ourPs aql uo sllun lo sjou^ o Jo pu? sJou/r^o luedod luecefpe 1o lqgep:edas e pue sedo;eirue pasielppe ,pedrrtbts .z .IcuBdncco Jo olecglyoc lEuU p psnlscsJ s€l.l ilun oql let{l uollecltps1 .l q1n per;nbe.r oq ilerrs 'slueure:1nbe: r'luuqns gHo ol uonrppp u! ,uoll'urroru"f",lilHi3i;,lT t-rFl< tl*- :fc Ii. +l:Tt t ELLLr L L @t DATE RECEIVED DATE OF DNB HITETINGitrttttttir aatltt n l. A. U1'l pPt E.IIIYPE OF REVIEW; -*l.16r{ Cons eructl*n { $200 , 001 , ----Addltton (S$0.00)*&lrnor alteraelon ($20. 00) -qoncepr,ual nevlew ($0) D.IEGAIT DBTCRIPTIONT , LOi -gubdtvlslqn',r{-*it -U$jP1'q.B+,\'t' 2-l'-.'IE.-[eS;]iuo{ [y- a moile -and bounds aoecrlptaoecrlpt{.on, Plerso[o thls fpplicatlon. s Eeparale Bhoe[ :Par^ c e\)*.1'_i i ?.,.' -1-: /.,]il ;lrf FropeFuy ls 6o,scrtbed bY a mocLE aoecrlpt*on, pleleo Frovldc on I Eel Lsgal a$d aLtach E. $. EONINO: NI\ME OF Ntil,tE OF t!elllng Addresg: G. AFFi.rIChNt:ll tng l9::"'1: aPPLICANt:5 H, NAME oF Os[-lER(S] ! la pald. 50 offilrsf f $l : sr6ttA{P.48 I |'talIIng AddrFsE 2X \),'; r-,. u.' p r -L-:Il-,1'.-:;*-r.l'5 t5 Apnr!rcAr1gilg ffiLL lfgdri pfOCsg,tg ilIfltOm 6n'$ER'f gl$nfi I! CondoninLun Approval if appllceble. DRE FEE: DRB feeg, es thovrn ebove, afe Bo be paid at lhe t,ime of FubniiEai of Ehe DIiB sppLtcatlon' I'iater.' !'nen iiBivllgiioi-i-6uti4tnq perrr'rt," ]lease ldenLitv the accurase vE!,UAUtoh Ol thetpiJpoiai, Th€,ior*n of Vatl t'fi11 adiueE-the ;;;;;;;Iaiig-;i !ne'ialre below, to ensuto lhe 6orrocc fea FEEJF..cJ!FFu!Ei VIILUATXON$ 0'$ l0,o0og 10r oo1, + 50, ooo: f 50'001 ' $ 150'009 +150,001 's 500,000' *500,001 '$1,000,000 S -€ver $1, 000, 000 FEA + e0,00 i 50,00 f100.00 0200 .00 f{00.00 0500. oo .!r. DEgrgN RFVTEH EO4nD APPROVATT EXFTRE$ ONE. YEAR AFTEF FTNAIT trFioihlrwrrisg-d suflDil{a Frnilx* Ii IttUlD rm Ctrtttuouotf Ig g[ARE!D. Best copy Available IJEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT_ BIJOCK A. BT'II.DII|G TTIATERI.IIIS: Roof Sidinq Other WalI MateriaLs Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or oeck Rails FLues Fl.ashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaininq WaLLs Exterior Lighting Other I-AI{DSCAPING: Ili vn t nicl*- I,IST OF IIATBRIAI,S 1YPE OF ltAfERfAIr ST,BDIVISION STREET ADDRESS 6Cf P S_-}-,1p-U+.AtrE 2E The folLowing information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board befrore a final approval can be given: COITOR \l(- p.Aa ltr Sr -rcr l€. S (\e.t Rr:at & a_ae4 (?r,, A\n 6s,^ ' , ly , 'r',r. J llA her nal {\ aine s /1ftt,lllPai'\t<-E brieK tau l6 I h" d.;o,r S tlrn.etal vr^*,fa/ ***o I I in pc,r k ; nX 3a na.cnz A/ a- bX 0 )a ^/A Name of Designer: Phone: /t/,+ lo r" ex-le B. v\^^Y p)a i l^r s *o l'€ do co h ple-/ s PIJANT UETSNT: PROPOSED TREES AI{D SHRI'BS Botanical Name /yA *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Mininnrm ealigerfor.deciduous trees is 2 inclres. Indicate height forconiferous trees. Minirnun heicht for coniieroustrees is 6 feet. c. **Indicate size of proposed shrubs.5 qall-on.Mininn:m size of shrubs is T\,/De /7/4 Square Footacre GROI'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF TRRIGATION TYPE OR METIIOD OF EROSION CONTROI, IJAIiIDSCAPE LTIGHTTNG: If exterior light,ing is proposed, please show the nurnber of fixtures and locations on a separatelighting plan. Identify each fixture from the J.ight,ing planin the space beLow and provide the height above grade, ttpe oflight.proposed, lumen outpuE, luminous area and a cut sheet ofthe light fixture. (Section 18.54.050 J) oTttER IJAlitDscApE FEATI'RES (retaining waLlg, fences, swinningpoo1s, etc.) Please specify. fndicate heights of retainingwalls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback ig3' . Maximun height of walls el.sevrhere on the property is 6' . /t/ 4 D. t/ 3 OS!4f reF elaRK*@ '*"'i*nh ITOR7JAN Wg- COKKIX]?F. EFN fti65+ OEDF@Mw4s2, It,-6r sec.t.roN'A KITCHEN@ 'ICATES LINE OF rl-CONY ADoVB T LIVINO KM''wa @., O.r4: t /-. ' *' Mike llazelhorst Contractor for Jim Beedie tlestwind Condominiums *305 Renovation APProvals owners of surroundins urrit-s l.^v-*t.L ;lif. 304- rin Beedie 6t?4olT.; t*]Ja,s 306- John Fugelstad 820 Heatherton NaPerville, Ill 50540 404- Jim Beedie 405- Oakah Jones 1435 Wagontrain Drive S.E' Albuquerque, NM 87I23 Surrounding ProPerties- Vantage Point 5Og E. Lionshead CircIevail, Co 81657 Landmark Condominiums 610 l{. Lionshead Circle Vail, Co 81557 Lifthouse Lodge 555 E. Lionshead CircleVail, Co 81557 lf rer'r "irrti;ffiEYoun PRoPt*l NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on June 24, 1996, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for an interior remodel, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 2943 Bellfloweil Lot 4, Block 6, Vail Intermountain. Applicant:Frank Bannister Lauren WatertonPlanner: A request for a conditional use permit to allow for the alteration of the VailTransportation Center, focated at242S. Frontage Road. Applicant: Town of Vail Public WorksPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request to construct a trailhead parking area, located at Red Sandstone Road/Parcel A, Lions Ridge lstliling Applicant:1Oth Mtn. Division Russ ForrestPlanner: A request for a conditional use permit, a density and front setback variance to allow for a Type ll EHU above the existing garage, located at227 Rockledge Road/Lot 13A, Block 7, VailVilldje 1st Filing. Applicant: Steve KirbyPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request lor an interior remodel utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 427 Forest Road/Lot 4, Block 2 Vail Village 3rd filing. Applicant: Planner: Please call 479-21 14 voice or 479-2356 TDD Henry Kravis Lauren Waterton -- I 4 request for.an interior remodel utilizing lhe 250 Ordinance, located at 548 S. FrontageIIloadA /estwind Condominiums, Unit #3-0S.A- npplicant: Jim Beedie, represented by Mike HaselhorstPlanner: Lauren Waterton 4I_e_qu^qst lor a minor suMivision of Lots 2 and 7/Block B, Vail Das Schone #'t, located at 2446 and 2450 Chamonix Lane. Applicant: Karin ScheideggerPlanner: George Ruthei A request for a worksession to discuss a parking and retaining wall height variance to allow for the construction of a new parking area al the Lodge at Lionsheadl bcated et 380 East Lionshead Circle/Lot 6, Block 2, Vail Lionshead, 2nd Fiting. Applicant: Lodge at Lionshead, represented by Ric FieldsPlanner: Dominic Mauriello ililililil Sign language intepretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. for information. Communhy Development Department Published June 7, 1996 in the Vail Trail.rrfffr, o WESTWIND AT VAIL APPLICATION FOR REMODETING (APPROVED APRIL 1,1996) MAIL OR FAX THIS APPLICATION TO: ED LAIPERT 420 S. FOREST STREET DENVER, CO 80222 PHONE: (303) 388-2437 FAx: (303):38J:1494 DATE- suBMrrrED: 4 *:9b UNIT NUMBER:3o.( NAME OF APPLICANTs HOME PHONE NUMBER NATURE OF I},TPROVEMENTS: \,,i|L gwrr ll t,,i"'\o- , l, l-l e^L in uJ itA exi sli nb {r., '^^. l. g + i '^f<., s",,*h Sfa;ll LIST ON ELEMENTS THAT WILL BE EFFECTED (COMMON WALLS, ELECTRICAL,PLUI,IBING, HEAIIN STEM ETC.) AND HOW rH EFFECTED:I l.tr\l BE .'-F- VAIL PHONE ^f;(ATTA A SECOND SHEET IF NECESSARY. A SKETCH OF ALL IMPROVEMENTS SHOW LOCATIONS ANDMUST BE ATTACHED TO THE APPLICATION TO DIMENsIoNs. ) ft1i c-Va e- l - l{q sc.t ho n Sf NAME OF ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR:t^R HONE N ER9 AGREEI'TENT: I UNDERSTAND THAT ALL REMODEL PROJECTS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. PROJECTS MAY NOT START UNTIL AFTER THE SCHEDUI,ED CLOSE OF SKI SEASON AND MUST BE COMPLETED AT LEAST 10 DAYS PRIOR TO THANKSGIVING. I AGREE TO OBTAIN ANY NECESSARY BUILDING PERMITS FROM THE TO}TN OF VAIL AND SUPPLY A COPY OF SUCH TO THE PROPERTY MANAGER I FURTHER AGREE THAT NO COMMON ELEMENTS OF THE BUILDING WILL BE EFFECTED OTHER THAN THOSE S,PECIFIED ABOVE' 0f t^r+ f DATE:4.9-?O srcNAruRE,n;/aJ****************************************** RECEIVED BY: PROJECT INSPECTED BY; X o"r*ouro REI'{ARKS/COMMENTS: DATE: g+2, FqgI--,p^Y-DArE t h? (-"e1 DI SAPPROVED o*et ?Ar ?./791 BONDED CONTRACTORS. A COPY OF THE CONTRACTOR'S WORKERS COMP t ******************** ** COMPLETED PROJECT INSPECTED BY: REI.IODEL ING CONS IDERAI IONS DATE: -J s iJiT $r 1 'lil l.rl itl ,t ia''Vlr[Mnrl' ,G'evu : ''i},i :-ii -. i ,l{-'lbnAmttrrrnln^ &+ s. '' - I *J* "Lo, mrr,t.rl I ,',ffil i *H-,rffi-igEIArrrdilr*.,,. . nftrdil ', TOhJFI OF UFIII- l'liscel I aneous Cash s€,-83-?{,1?:46: 1E E*ceipr. * 2Bl:28Fccounl.* CE: *f,gig HffSELHOFjST CSF.:PEI.ITH?\.PEEPfl Ir) DHB FEE.'flOT] TL GRFFI Bntr-'unt t.endersd ) fiB.6E Iten paid ErlBBSA4lSSlsEE B1EBSg41f,3EEnff l;hang* re t u rn*d ). ffrmun? paid 5Er. S€l ?981. gEl B. €18 THJfhfr< volJ 'y'c'ur ra::hier HElttI PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE T' '<' <' "' :,' JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: 3! INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 ,"c tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDtr DISAPPROVEDI] APPROVED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL DATE ))'''-':6':z'J INSPECTOR /'' , I / l'',t / ' o fr L AIfit3 2f (fz o +\r ,$ ls$lril5.lts*z =sgr l7lo k LllJ1 uri !-l $l =t o o trr o o ,t 3 o I Id q ul Hd q I o FI o 0q oo o d g b o cr o Eo o'8 d t t- ( I ottt 0 J1 ji +{I lr4 t-sx IJ\ t zat- {, RC\ttz \1\z t-'t- h$ =3 rl lrv 1lrl alrl 0 U U f,Ft I I t,\t 'V i ttr o , !, 1 rI 3 $ d D ilri R\l f:r-s 7+J-tl s*z F* Ns 7+ oit7grjj $$II '" '/ iW 3daL J\s s,) ,s._\- rt ) uJ eJ l-fg E I 0 c (, J L 4g t.F Jl{ uJ oz 2 $ 'b-z F 6 I zo F [rJ,Jir!l IF =oa -(t-11 fl Ir tlll -r.l l1rl jr ll l1 ir ff rl 1f rl tl 'l I lfrl rl t1 ,l t; l, If, llrl I I., rlrl llrl Ir' lIt L; - .r 1 ir t t, I LJ I tF. Ut oz == uJo- $i, zzf;5 g i--urP,s;E*3 iFa3 i oZE .DZ= o o tr J =I(J TJJ =n ,,lolEI ol"lElEl =l.pl utlol =l (, =J d) F L IoE ()ov,tn o'o o(J E =+) ano =il =z. (D ur o a = =2 -(! F (_) t uJ o Fo .tJ U'Eo(-' +) G' CL =tr u., oo a (! =tr Eoo = I I I I I Il-IU'IH lo >l Jcl aEt > -.L F c v lrlEoo = G,oo 2=Etr I tr(J :r! UJz = ulF_r (J t th eq= dfi: <a5 - A <o -< u,2fro Zt =#f,FJZo-Oo JIY<^ YFza) =rY,Z w t- b2 (i t <->a4AE3 Jz z /'r = =<.Do =z (L lr- J z& -FJO =t!-) -J(!) ur o o o o ': E= o iii(); ou- C rrro; E>-tF oz F ul -lo G, -l?l =lrl,ol I UJF o ts =E lrJ o-z9F(J EFq,zoo t_tLl G I uD c\)n ,ii z I alti- .- | LrJr: l> | F-t; r?19 '' t= loloro lzl z r olFI| <l:d cllc'l 19 | t, Ill* IH IKk ro:rrl,l !r I lo. ":, 2=--'^ =,-?t---u -_ <. - 7.-t:. < tF!,. VLta!-.1 ].3!-'iel!.:lz- <v 422;.: ?.='.,tt F F 3ie<! ,.. l1i,::)-: =<ti3,i: li"<'c <a-',ir:<r<J-: 9. NO[VntVA YE Bz z',.)-ooo F^AZ : f >:l g Y Lr ir <h O G_]zto9e n- LL< arrJ :i 5;-Lj-laXz t,l-r iN(, =>V -IC' =(DN oa o-t!G z Eoo ; tr =z =22V E: F6.,i-.a1,33{4!E EE6 E:9<cD(rcoz= z o uJ_-1 o u.JF o zoz z2 coo>z O- tL i=.a / \ = ===6d> t.lLtL,l E 0t {, E= ():- otrrOC ,rrox'tr>- .B (! F 15 = liE l-lrl l- o-zo F() ftFazo(J ,,(----\/ '--f-A/'AE\ j/lE= \' '// te :-r-t 6 a FI El =t oo 3l 3lol 1l =l>l too z) ul z (I) --) I F O I l.. l" -l HI-.1 >--l F>l o E t- =\rz O Eo f-O E za) 9z I O tJ.l E. zt- =#i= ) E, LIJz LLIo <o :..< =zu:o(J t LUz3 F L!F I E J<O(a A ']iuJfo ELTLI .: ,' '/''.DATE ,,'i '."i"1.' JOB NAMEi READY FOR INSPECTION:MON i/: -INSPECTIfi REQUEST... FRI,}iAM TOWN OF VAIL CALLER TUES PM....| LOCATION: tr tr E tr o tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH /WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oohnecrrorus: i DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTIT REQUEST VAILTOWN OF DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR EUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUITIBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr tr tr tr FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB n 6 t,"o,tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER iIECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT 0_ tr SUPPLY AIR n O FINAL r] FINAL APPROVED hnecrroHs, tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED t- '. .. :o:7.,a: <.. :.: :1 <c =ltj :' I'-l I I II -: liillltlIItlti.ll ll tl.tt rll,t!ilrli.ti:ll,titl,ll'f Itltltltl tlllllI'tlIrilll It a) l- o F = o o { t $lJ', tJt ttt iJ- = LLIo- F- ) 1--' Ct o.- o (l I I It'l a\- |>-lFl ta .ct s a o o -( azl9 112:oo a() :>JC')Z ,):()-cr-o Y'!> ri,i'1 , i t. i t.-<o. 'ii,rl -sl-';'i- t-r l' q '.r .. < Iccrul-r <l "j to" . Ar.zi:,3(- Y r- F :\,<(-, . <(J'r: :'- .- :,, .- o , ::--_ t- .r < <o,-*'a _-.---.:::--:=rlrlltlltt,lttiltt-illttittilttilt'ttlt t' iltttlI t. tlttllI I lrI | ;;ll;;l;iillxlr?ii ,,;L-l:,J :lI I Il .-llll,.*I I ti .:| | ll rI I ll c'| | -;I I ll *r I U,'ll ;:II r.l.' il li II I ll':l fs;ffiii :iI.dteil ilri | -',t - I : ----"* - I a--t<- | ",-t -T' I I l' Il1-titltlbl Iol ) =l il| ,'! i| .1. i--??-t- lllll||l||l||il||ll|tlritl lrlll l€ ll I'-'j::::,-::- illll'llll rlNi,lHl l["J-l LJil _l'd'i I ,- i ul u,I t.' --"-- -''*--1$ ltiitl Ir"il rt I I il\ii ) t:: l;! I I lt,il i'' I llifY't rllJ llll,-llrlll,., ll I l"r | |\.il ; r;i I ..N+ lilfill \; l:lz Yll l:j .zl zf-11 '-) lolc) ---' 'jj).--!:rl-.::-rl l-l =lz I [-l i i I lnl' ;r, lllii-tl l,l. i.n= I'l rt:5 l['_- ;E [l i Db,-;F 'J. il;) -:l ilvrl EI €l I --11>l i-JI Cj-l rlil \Sl -t 1l .\l ;l ..1 t'iiItlli II Ir rllj *llsliulisll ]i '- Jlit lli qjlq, .,.t. ,, ( 1, : _t ro .-rL -7)5i.6 iZi -olttt o Ql:. z ,f l :f .l ;fo- 11_ 9.1 fJ[ltrlf I .-_r .( i.ri)1?l ;' l- 'i I c _9 ! .': ( ) ". tl_ () I I\ .:iil \l::ril- "{ I\? ,-) cr 1,., n IYA c) c- 7:< :: fi/n',fi-+$af' J €sTd r4D5 ooF Qe9AtP t-r. ?<- F, s F 1t4 R-gv(^? 2 '2,-,i cYt 'T ?1'6..oco.. i) S.e*.-ure- oUr sh,-^1)-1 +-te.[b, t AAA 3" Iins.^\qdnl. *.,..,d., ?[u.ad 3) Brcrr*enc 6)uer plt*^rord " d o* s\r.^3t 1 o,r."r' bt,{*.{A,, ^ Q t 4,8oo"' \Jerr.rl*or .n t-# &32 f,VA S Fn,afl<e Rg- ,^),., YC v(\'t.rt{ \t '\ 1., \\\, t'rs t ( t-17 READY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI tr DISAPPROVED AM PM [.aeenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED N\$s. \ t\\ h BUILDII{G: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER .- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAIL|NG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL ,!Grr.rnr- DATE -,:-.- 7 /'INSPECTOR oz E =culo-F\ o\ (n lu IJJu- E E IJJc hh/r//h Tzbta Tl lt,,f,,/ .n -, .f (f) .ir \for I -{- I.f * |l.tz Fa z u,lF s9t!IIoo2o 6 uJF F FIz =o ozzo U)ulF z z 6 =o{ ozz N t!Julo =I o Eq) g -o EE (o 'fl(l, o oo(tc6 p' o o.c o Etr G o o E co o =f, E(, o o.o.6 =.9 E E.E: FHfg *;eE-.= d -Ea.c6 E 6P:Ec-o> : iFiE >=:c96F -*=d)B t;.; t Eisi!Eo E;;E Xiseo-6 0_- SEasoi-o-ots€:€ E6:F EEEE_ o..y o 6 0'-.:-c;or,'' e'fi;t E ei; ;f;s;9Eo - eEgg - (, 6:: Oro a&tdXg |qx Lr)o\ A @ ts E G, tU o2oJf co -() UJI C)z Jc J a o IJJJ uJ oz 00 =- 9z oIu = ul uJIIz LU LU o 3g UJ z 6 IJJo F Xul ; uJJ x F ulol Fl F-l F-1 Fl E U' uJ uJl! E =tul o- J FoF z to C' c, UJ ll"l oz6 J =Iou,- NO|lVnlVA =l>El -rFrlitl S l=.9Nl ; o =Zztr-o ooF^.rz3; =FltoGz>oR9 ?,;e o9q dP-GXEg HT 'ic.i 6x n!4zH IIJ&H fq 14 zH F E zI F J IL 4 ul F trl f z E z EEutF.J =llJz tltltltl trzf,zOa <oo<oi =Pxu-6o<z <DFz, gz 3tr ul lJJ (r v) U) u,lzY tF ul F zo F J oz 3 I o (l i at) Jl<l -l zl zl .. >loul Itlulzot ul J z E z tr J c) I I -.{ I r- (o(o uJ tsodlofzo FoulY IJJ @ oF F E-tCC o\lll o1o- r-r b ".i>-lc.loElocl,o.lr<lgr!bkzo L IJJ o- IL E52zE<o.f€q39!ir;9'ES =>=uJ:-E h=o o-- fiE =*E 559 \utE XO-t x>t q-o-I'E uJt0 o E =E, UJo.zIF(Jf E,Fazoo tr! z z F B z J l.l. dl E H at)FrJ) U' zH F rJ) E 'jj=zo -6--) ;& E{zo trl .J) @.:rr) v, UJ oo{1 = 2 zHBH F uJ =z F o\ I i F lf)\o FlH ==G, u- o uJEoo J ;i tr ci z.l ol Llll 5 al>lttlol zl 3tolH 9zr C) rd r.-1 : E tq ttl z (' ul J t!oz =oH "i,po EA c{ Ir\ C\ II iit' E tr q A HE F F.] c tr Iro z ';uJE J ? lt z3 F F--tF\ I .v u u F =tr Iolzl o1r!l 1l <l>l l!l ol zl BlolFI uJ LIJ IJJz 3 F C)ul =? E,-:o<FG()uJ<zd.|rrF(42o -Jll,<o()F -<7E;'iF C t 9P E3:fFd6 (J Iz r UJ = Y ;(I ) EoF!+ (J !tv Oz<offfr,1 F E --{rlL* H -F,&!F tu ffi =n z o9zedro =zd8 J(rozd =o53 aD uJ nn .l oz ts =e IIJo-F <) ooa) (h (t IJJ UJtt tr =E uJo w i*'%hw, \tq'l I{f.t & z F 4 UJF J t! z f UJF FL == zzo o UJF z oz 6Jfdt .at oz 2 rl.Julo o oE o o o o) E o E o =cf q) o C'] o) q, o - (6 .Y' i;;: €fr cEF.r (E a S 6P:Ec-o> cf ;E = gi; c9cF.l o€ or 3 E;.; E EE; EE gE E!sect 6 c!- SEreo!E-<rr s fie€E6:i :EgHEiHE.siE - o..lJ o (E 0'- .=.c;o/' et;sgg=,E 9Ilo6 ;ffE eEg: - o 6: o t!t!xEq,( Or co \o o fa E Et UJo0z -J r(J lll oz .) E uJJ llJ z = Iz UJ = ul ll, zo tr |lJ () gJ oE oto =g UJEz 6gJo a o uJ z q,Jo x uJo F-l oItlulu-t =G u.J o- J FoF z o o o u,l ut z 6 =J =Io u,l = NOtrvnlvA laH HH lktrIt('t<l{ H F') F F =lt z tr t uJ urE4 bT =>d --o =ultri =cool zzo9 = ''t'-66EOa.no1>E9l!<o* i-o;OFO;Gi rlt: U'xU' z tr .J LL ttto- F a(L u, '(*J z E zo F trutFJ 3 UJz g) Fzlz tr o o Q) Ez oz =Jut- ut 5 UJ(! tr z tz I oI LUl cc aaulzY iF i- z tr J z l I -.1 II _l 'Dr I JI<l:l 8l oo IE oo = JI<li-l zl zl .. >lo llJ u,lulzot = uJ IL J z E --l --t z E dt -lI I I.lzlYItl(!l I q I i-- .--f {:O co UJ Eooo1zo Fo-ulY ulo oF tsEqfr$ tt .{o(.|l>-lbdlotrlr<lgru :^Fr-.,zo z ,r9 =e60 =zu fL tr- - ---{JuuLg F{ "df =E? =HS!trfl tr =fr(! u-oEU E<ql€uB9!t irbe =[E ;IE FEE =aE E39 5utE XO-t x>t q* €= ulooF -f - E =e, lrJo-zoF()fE 6zo() I tv2to lztc:<-() z 3 F..rafrl3 z) II J co F tIrltsV, >rth rt tsr td & c9 zHBt-'.ttidB ri,i =z r--t 7 rt) aa IBo nH3t-{ TArtl3 t! =z & |Il tsz uk €O.t tr1 E UJ -.J = F. aa( \o i t\ rr'l\o dl tr =tr IJJ e,o J =o c oz oul J t!oz;9 .A(, l-.1z F lr: J g z d IIJ .E J a l! z3 F o.l c IF- ol = tr oz ,; uJ CE a l! z; !O (daH3 ts arl =t G a7ro ctz (, ul J lt z3o |.\.t|.\ Io\$o\ u u F = tr z ctul J t!oz3oF l,uJ uJ F Eulz =o FolLl =J- t -rO<Fd()r!<zFIIJ F(1 Z () JE<o()F HfEEf3 2? =<=cfFd6 C) dE =3E6 o*. ir =*&-t-o .2.-i- O <O _a- n=l t' .la ilulfr_ DATE:^Dt 1? i',?rl' . AppLrcABroN MUsr BE FrLr.,ED our colrpr,ErEr,y oR rrnittl( ssti'|.{t$EV,€tFFp{ f,****************t************ PEII!{IT TNFORT,IATION *.*************************** I J-Building [ ]-P1unbing ffi-Electrlcal lxl-Uechanl.cal I l-other \ajetr,.lratD GAPAC€Job Narne: @ Job Addreeez -WuJ E S-rt^Jl dO er^J Oofrll,J I tr/y\^SLegal Description: Iot Block_ Siltng susprvrsroNt '' -STIJ|615 CoNOOmr$l(r"\^owners Naue: *= Assoc{Frr,b*r 'fEaress: @Prr.Ll16-q318 Architect, =il Address: m*ffi@General Description:'\.rJ€3]-r,Jr ND GAA p{eL AeZ SPfrrdl<l€f- 5-167<,1^ V AtL) cAL_oehN t' Work Class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteratton fil-AddltLonal [ ]-Repatr [ ]-Other Nunber of Dwelllng UnLts:s7 Ntunber of Acconmoda tLon unitsz 37 ^ llpnber and Tlpe of Fireplaces: cas Appllances- cas Logs-6lDr"rr et 3'bv fi********************************* VAI;UAUONS ** *****************************r* tiuttorNe: S Er.,EctRrcArJzt G86,s8 orHER: I ^ BLII,{BrNGr -- }rEcrrANrcAlrl@- TorAL: @ I********** ** ***********.t** CONTRAQIOR INFORITIATION ***************************/lenerat contractor: Tonn of vall Rec. No.Address: Phone Number: ElectrLcaL Contractor:At Address: -P.o. Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: f o.Box 5o8o **** * ***** * * ****** * t * * ** * **** ***FOR BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PI['}'BING PERMIT FEES I{ECIIA}IICAIJ PERT{IT FEE : ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: .*Hgrrrs(-Town of Vail Reg. No. /O3-P Phone Nunber: qqq- t'IqT oFrrcE usE ******** ** ********************* BUILDTNG PI.AT{ CHECK FEE: PIUI'IBTNG PIAN CHECK F8E: IIIECHANICAI, PIAIT CHECK EEE: TRECREATION TEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: ToTAL PERI.III rEES: -5.3/ -- /) / t BuTLDTNG: ,4'Z / - 4-H'qf SIGNATT'RE: '- ZONING: SIGNAN'RE! Reg. No. /98-s*1-9t&o COntrnentS: CtEAf llP ITXPOSIT 8@_!qi \^)gsTurrOD COt!0OrntNrrr,rr\S ,t lmno llal t5 aoulh lrontrrga rord Y!ll, colorrdo E1857 13031 479-2138 or 479-2139 olllce ol communlly dcvclopmrnl BUILDING PER}IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME !f this perylt lgqu.rlres a Town of Vail fiire Department Approval, Engi neel hs..(.Pub,l i9 Works) reyiew and approval,' a pl anni ng' Oepartmentrevfew Qr.Hea'lth Department review, and'a review by the Euiliing Department, the estimated time for a total review iray take as l6ngas three weel(s. All comnercial (large or small) and all mu1ti-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requiremlnts. Residentia'land-small projects should take a lesser amount of tjme. However, if fesi.denti.al or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments wi.th regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso taRe the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermi:t as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. Corrnuni ty Development Department. : 75 aoulh tront ge rold t|ll. colorado E1657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: EROI.I: DATE: su&TEqt: ottlc. of communlly dcvelopmcnt ALL CONTRAqTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH TIIE TO!{N OF VAIL TOI{N OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMLNITY DEVELOPMENT UARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKTNG & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sunrnary, .ordinance No. 6 states that l-t is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash dunpsters, portable toileti andworkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, al1ey or public PI?9e 9r any portion theieof. The right-oi-way on atl Town ofVaj.I streets and-roads is approxinately 5 ft. 6ff pavement.This ordinance rrirl be strillry enforc6d by the Toin of VailPY!lr-" I{orks Department. persons found vi6lating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour nritten notice to remove-said naterial .In the event the person so notified does not conply with thenotice within the 24 hour tiroe specified, the puific WorksDepartrent wlll remove said uateliat at ihe expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sfriff not beapplicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utillties in the rlght-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building oepartment to obtaln I copy. rirani< you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. Read Y and acknowledged by: ?At -Date 75 south frontage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 479'2138 (303) 479-2139 oflice of community development NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/OWNER BUILDERS Effective June 20, L99L, the Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sit.es have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vaif roads or streets. The Town of Vail Pubtic Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the install.ation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street on to the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any request for inspection by the Town of VaiI Building Department for footings or temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please ca1I 4'79-2160 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. AIso, the Town of Vail Publj-c Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert inst.allation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to Fj.na1 Certificate of Occupancy issuance. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDI'M AII Architects, Contractors and Surveyors the Town of Vail Communit,y Development Department April 3, 1991 Survey Requi.rements Doing Work in The Town staff would like to make the 1991 buiLding season a smooth one for all contractors, architects, surveyors as weII asthe Town. Staff has identified a few problemg, that surfaced a number of times last surnmer which can be avoided without muchadditional work. With the following policies, we think we canprevent most of these problems. If you have questions, pleasecall our office and request to speak to a planner so they canhelp you. Of the seven policies listed below, five simply clarify thepieces of information the Town currently requires. The Last twopertain to projects involving setback or height variances or those built by owner/builders. A. Suzrrey Policy CJ.arifications 1. Improvement Location Certificate (ILC). An ILC wilL be required prior to any framing inspections t.o verifythat height and setback standards have been met. No framing inspect,ions will be scheduled until the ILC isapproved. Please allow two working days from t.he Linethe ILC is submitted to the time the inspection can bescheduled. Listed below are standards for theinformation t,o be shown on the ILC. Architects andBuilders should be aware that discrepancies exist in established monumentation in the Vail Valley. Please consult a surveyor to verify monumentation prior to developing plans for a site. 2. Format for ILC Information. On the survey prepared forthe framing inspection, indicate the highest points ofthe roof ridge using a symbol. Staff will indicate on the approved field set of the building permit drawings whj.ch ridge(s) need to be shot. Thecontractor can then let the surveyor know whatinformation is needed. The roof plan does not need tobe drawn on the ILC. The planner will overlay the survey on the approved building permit plans. The roofridge points identified with the symbol on the ILC should align with the roof plan on the town's set ofbuilding permit plans. 3.Roof Heiqht. On the ItC, the surveyor should not,e the roof naterial (if any) on the highest point of the ridge whlch exists the day of the shooting. The planner will add the dlmensions of aII other naterials lexcept a cold roof vent) which will be built in tbe following weeks. For example, if only the ridge beam has been constructed the day of the shooting, the surveyor should noLe that on the survey and then the planner will add the dlmensions of the insulationt sheathingr €tc. to verify that the finished product will not exceed'the height limit. Ridge height will be measured to the top ridge of the sheathing. On tbe attsached diagrams' the point ldentified with an asterisk is the top ridge of the sheathing. A cold roof vent, not exceeding 12 inches in height, measured from the sheathing to the top of the shingles, is considered an architecturat projection and will not be included in the height. Setbacks. When specifying the distance of a setback onthe ILC, note the naterial existing on the structure the day of the shooting. Planners will then add any waLl material to what is shown on the survey in order to determine the final distance of the setbacks in the same way that $rill be done for height. If ledges or supports for rock veneer or any other facing material have been built, into the foundation, measure the setback to that exterior point (see diagram below). Final distance will be rneasured from the outside edgeof the exterior wall mat,erial . 4. Benchnark. on the ILC1 identifythe basis of the elevat,ions. If used throughout the construction measurement of a building should the benchmark used forthe same benchnark isprocess, the be consistent. As long ag the same benchmark is used for every shooting,the bullding can be measured accurately and should not 5. excfed tbe height limit. Items which make good I benchmarks are sewer inverts, section corners, andproperty corners. Do not use manhole rims, the asphaltin streets, or fire hydrants. B. Survay Requirements for Projects witb Variances and Recopnendations for Orner/guilder Projects For owner/builder projects and devel-opments that have varj.ances for setback or height, Town staff believes thefollowing survey information will be helpful . Staff encourages all owner,/builders to provide this information to avoid projecL layout problems that in turn affect height and setbacks, but rill only require these itens f,or projectsiavolving variances. 6. For owner/builders, the Town strongly suggests t.hat. aregistered surveyor stake out the fd:ndation prior to excavation or pouring. Additionally, after thefoundation walls have been poured, we strongly encourage that a surveyor shoot the elevation of the foundation wall. wit.h this information, contractorswill be able to accurately estimate the final height before the structure is built. Contractors will beable to compensate in the construction process to ensure that the structure does not exceed t.he heightIimit. "l . For all projects involving variances to the height orsetback standards, the suggestions list,ed in Number 6 above will be conditions of approval at the time Planning and Environment,al Commission approval isreceived. All projects involving a setback variance rnust be laid out by a registered surveyor prior to excavation or pouring. AII projecLs involving a heightvariance must be surveyed after the foundation walLs have been poured. Once the top of foundation wall has been determined, the contractor can compensaLe in theconstruction process to ensure that the height approved' by the PEC is what is built. The Planning staff would appreciate hearing your conments on this memo, and will try to answer any guestions you may have. If you would like to discuss any of these issues, please do not hesitateto contact any of the planners (4?9-2138). Thank you for your cooperation. Contractors wilL be asked to read the above memo and sign theattached stat,ement. to insure that everyone is operating with the same understanding. Two other documents, Building PermitIssuance Time Frame and Construct.ion parking and Mat.erialStorage, must be signed before a building permit is submitted.The statement on survey policies will be a third item that mustalso be signed prior to applying for a permit. Jo \-14" {\ cItl '( -i s's' d t a\ { rI\i $i A trrLrlFr.$r Td d- $ t0.' -$}i ,l*$; lli u ;Rl i, :** i til I$ H; fr $:i '* [i." $ i$'"I'.' d-trT J Trl-.s- $i tri i i:r dJ 1:. rtl $ tt-. il-f){'t. { II It : l/ $ \ -:, , 9?i.'. i .r': t.Zf $[ h$ $ \C' $v, |{s R* 'lf t a -l1 F TIJo Fz IIJ EJ o ITE 13b- -l "- f $ T I I J I: s I $ \q\ 0 L 0{ g 'L I d. of!. $-d- B.tl!lJo+t l. I oo=la r L8 EIs = Ii sxlr \t I J ; I! II a,. . '') f have read the memo dated Aprll survey policies stlpulated ln tbe Town of Vail 3, 1991 and commit to adherLng to them. -r Block -, SubdlvLsl.on Date c1 JoE-Tame Perrnit Nunrber Legal DescrLptlon: c s \krl.t.n\rso3\turvry.Pol 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 1. 2. INFORMATION }TEEDED TIITEII APPLYI}IG FOR A MECHANICAL PERMIT Deparnnent of Community Deve lopment HEAT LOSS CALCULAT]ONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSTCAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. SHOW SIZE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANTCAL ROOM. 3. 4. FAILURB TO PROVIDE IHIS INFORMAIION WIL,[ DELAY YOUR PERI'{IT. NAME LOCATION BUILOING CONTRACTOR GALCULATED AY CONSTFIUCTION: OCCUPANCY D CoMBUST|BLE ltome ?/tt /Q3 - SYSTEM NO. corurnrcr no. ?a-D7ot DRAWING NO. CEILING HEIGFIT-- -FT. I Do D D NFPA 13: NFPA 23I OTHER (spectry) LT. HAZ. NFPA 23IC: ORD. HAZ.GP. d.,t D FIGURE 2D GURVE D Ex. HAz. AREA OF SPRINKLER OPERATIOf\T OENSITY AREA PER SPRINKLER HOSE ALLOWANCE GP',: INSIDE HosE ALLOWANCE GpM: OUTSTDE 2qiFACX SPFTINKLER ALLOWANCE DATE E TIME STATIC PSI hESIOUAL PSt GPM FLOWING ELEVATION RATEO CAPACITY AT PSI ELEVATION COIIIMODlTY STORAGE HEIGHT STORAGE METFICO:SOLIOPILEO-'6 PALLETIZEO D STNGLE ROri D oouBLE ROu, c MULT|PLE FOy/ o coNvENrtoNAL PALLET E sLAvE PALLET TRANSVERSE ONTAL BAFRIERS PROVIDEO li sL*\ cpu REorJrREo .1 / o, 3 pst REoutRED /2/, 4 AT BASE oF RrsER. FACTOR I,SEO:ovEFutEAD_ ,/ ) r)uNDERGFowo /4D CAPACITY LOCATTON SOURCE OF INFOF,ilATION zIv,ulo =UJFut af, SPECIFIC RULIIG MADE AY ERATURE RATING OATE SYSTEM TYPE DELUGE PFE.ACTION r,|AKE- I'ODEL -- nze !/. K-FAcroR _54._.. CALC:tJLATIOil 6ui,f,ARY JA o.fv, lct!F - :((, ar Lr.J(J croFg) F 6o o c) . WELL PR@F FLOW- GPM I'tf-Ouarrc SToRAGE D erucapsutateo soLto SHELVING ! r.roN- E oPEN ENcApsuLArED c LeeneNce rnotl'l'DwronBtftlFce ro ce r L r.Jc /n,Lffi Lr:,). I iloT6; Fu,u 7-c-s7 Ru.ar.o tsy Z%, ,ey lN. SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO: 2O16HY1 WESTWIND CONDOMINIUMS vArL, col-,o ORD HAZ.I .L5/LsOO SQ.FT. PARKING GARAGE FLOW TEST RESULTS Water SupplySTATIC 132. OORESIDUAL 128.O0 CITY PRESSURE AVAII,ABLE AT PSIPSI € 9O9.OO GPM 560.2 cPM 130.37 PSI 09-02 - 1 PAGE 1 o 993 SUMIT,IARY OF SPRTNKLER OUTFLOWS ACTUAL SPR FLOW MTNIMUM FLOW K-FACTOR PRESSURE t_oL 27.90 15.00 102 26 .88 15. 00L03 24.35 15.00l_04 24 .65 L8 . 00105 21. 6L. L8. 00l_06 20.83 18. 00L07 20.46 L8. OO108 20.34 L8.001,09 23.59 19.201L0 2L.29 L9.20111 20.24 L9.2011-2 19.60 L9.201l_3 19.30 19.20 t t-4 L9.20 L9.20 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5.50 5. 60 5. 60 5.60 5.60 5. 60 5. 60 s. 60 5.60 24.82 23.04 L8.91 1_9.38 L4.89 L3.84 13.35 13.20 17.75 ),4 .46 13.06 t2.26 1"1.87 l_1.76 310.25 GPI'{ 250.00 GPM 560.25 GPM 118.37 PSI TOTAL WATER REQUIRED FOR SYSTEM OUTSIDE HOSE STREAMS AT O TOTAL WATER REQUIREMENT PRESSURE REQUIRED AT O MAXIMUM PRTSSUNN UNBAI,ANCE TN LOOPS O.O9 PSI MAXIMUM VELOCITY IN PIPES 18.25 FPS SUBMITTAL SERfAL NO: 2Ot 6Hy1 WESTWIND CONDOMINIUMS VAIL, COLO ORD HAZ.I .L5/Lsoo sQ.FT. PARKTNG GARAGE FROM TO FLOW DTAM GPM IN 113 114 r.687 Q 19.20 112 113DQ l_9.30 L.687 Q 38.50 L1-1 1l_2DQ 19.60 1.6A7 Q s8.10 11O 11lDQ 20.24 L.587 Q 78.34 19 110DQ 2L.29 1,.687a 99.63 19 109 1.452a 23.59 107 108 L.687 Q 20.34 106 t"07DQ 20.46 7.687o 40.80 10s 106DQ 20.83 L.6A7 Q 51.63 18 IOSDQ 2L.6I r.452 Q 83.24 PE 0.00PF 0.10 L 8.66 0.0432 PT 11.86 (113)PE 0.00PF O.37 L 8.66 O.092s PT 12.23 (112)PE 0.00PF 0.80 L 8.55 0.1609 PT 13.03 (111)PE 0. o0PF 1.39 L 7.00 0.2s10 PT 74.42 (110) F=0 F 0.00BN ct20 T 10.oo F=O F 0.0OBN c120 T 10. oo F=T F 6.00BN4 c120 T 13.50 F=T/T F 12.00BN3 c120 T 14.50 PE 0.00PF 3.76PT 18.18 ( 19) PE o.00PF O.57PT 19.e5 ( 18) PF 0.50 PT L8.25 ( 19) L 10.00 0.0133 PT 13.20 (108) F=0 F 0.00BN c120 T Lo.oo PE 0.00PF 0. 13 L 10.00 0.0481 PT 13.33 (107)PE 0. o0PF 0.48 L L0.00 0.1032 PT 13.81 (105) PE 0.00 PF 1.03 L 7.50 0.3737 PT 14.84 (105)PE o.00PF 5.04PT 19.88 ( 18) L 2.50 0.0393 PT 19.38 (1O4) -09-02-1993 PAGE 2 EQUIV P-LOSS PRESSURELENGTH PTPE SUMMARYFt PSrlFt PSr L 8.66 0.0119 PT LL.76 (114) F=0 F 0.00BN c120 T 8.66 F=0 F 0.00BN c120 T 8.66 F=0 F 0.00BN c120 T 8.66 F=0 F o.00BN cL20 T 8.56 F=T F 8.00BN5 c120 T 15.00 BN3 C120 T 13.65 L 1.66 0.0363 PT L7.75 (1,O9)F=T/T F 12.00 pE o.oo 18 104 Q 24.65 I.452 o 09-02-L9 93 PAGE 3 SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO: 2O15HY1 WESTWTUO CONDOMINIUMS VAIL, col-,o ORD HAZ.I .r.5/l.5oo sQ.FT. PARKING GARAGE FROM TO FI,OW DIAM GPM IN EQUIV LENGTH Ft 1.104 L F=T/T F BN2 c120 T 1.687 L F=o/2E,a F BL cl-20 T L. 68? L F=0 F BL cl-20 T L.68't L F=T F BL C12O T P-IOSS PRESSURE PIPE SUMMARY PSrlFt PSr 6.Oo o.L46L PT 18'9L (1o3) ro.oo PE o'oo io-oo PF 2'34 4.75 o- oEso PT 2L'25 ( 17) ro.oo PE 0'00 )o.is PF 1'7 6 10.00 0-1765 PT 23'01 (102)-o.oo PE 0'00 ro.oo PF r'76 t-L2.5O 0.3028 PT 24'17 (LoL) --e. oo PE 0 ' 00 rzo. so PF 36 ' 49 Pr 6L'26 ( 12) 7.75 O.l-038 PT 2r'2O ( 17) o.oo PE o'oo i.ts PF o'8o 1.6.00 0.0293 PT 22'oo ( 16) ii-.oo PE o'oo ati. oo PF r 'L'7 126.50 0.2569 PT 23'L7 ( 15)-ii. oo PE o ' oo tii.so PF 36'6L 10.50 0.0293 PT 59'78 ( 10)-0.oo PE o'00 ro.so PF 0'31 PT 60'oe ( 11) L2g.25 0.2484 P'f 22'oo ( 15)-)i-.oo PE o'oo tli'.zs PF 38 ' 07 10.50 0.1038 PT 60'07 ( 11)-0.oo PE 0'00 ro'so PF l-'o9 PT 61'16 ( 12) 16.oo o.0424 PT 18'19 ( 19) i+.oo PE o'oo a6.oo PF r'7o 17 103 o LO2 17DQ a 101 102DQ v 12 101DQr\Y 24.35 31 . l-4 55 .49 26. 88 82.37 27 .90 Lto.27 t6 L7 a 199.98 16DQ -99. 09 a 100.89 15 Q 100.89 10 Q 100.89 2 .635 cM2 2 .635 cM2 1. 687 BL 2 .535 L F=0 F c120 T L F=48 F cl20 T L F=T/a F c120 T L F:0 F c120 T F=48 cl20 15 t0 t-L cM1 1l LZ L6 a 99-0e rrDQ 100.89 a 199.98 I.687 L F=T/2E,T F BL C12O T 2.635 L F=0 F cMl c120 T L .r T 2 .635 FM3 tb 19 r23.22 I / ;g:+*llB" "'.iBlfi l,,I3;'" o' u n"09-02- o 199 PAGE 4 FROM TO FLOW DIAM EQUIV LENGTHFt vArL, col,o "ruxi'llg':t P-les-: :lfliiHi"PIPE >UI PSflFt Psr e-66 0.L357 PT 19'89 ( 18) '^';; - PE o-oou'vv ndr 1'3Ls.66 fi zi'.lo (17)L7 GPM TN rsDe 1oz.8e 2.635 "=o Ia 231.LZ nI3 ct 20 T ' t' o 310'25 ffiiiffiil ilffi:Yli 45.oo 0.2339 PT 51'17 ( 12) PE 0.0030.30.00 75.00 PF I7.54.00 24.00 0.233e Pr "^'z: ( 7) 7 .00 LL.25 ' ' , 310.25 ''"u "r, :;it i 1?,SB i"' -2"2" u ' o 3r.o. 25 ''"'u ,*n :;il i i. zo ' 233e Pr ' i::2\' " n u o 31o.2s ''t'u "*, "l;: i i,ll ''233e Pr 'i.li t " ' n o 3ro'25 3'260,ull-il,r"li,""i'*ii.0'o"o ii li.ii ' '' COMMENT: FITTS= REDUCED PRESSURE z 3e 310.25 u'ouu "*, "l;: i il:l: o'oo4o i"i t'i,i: t t' r ze 3r.0.25 6'065 ,l;t,":f: "i fi:ls 0'0040 ii t'itli t t' o 'o 310.25 t'noou*r=r,"xiit i t??,ffi 0'0021 "#r'1i.ii t t' PT 118'31 ( o) 2.635 UNBAT,ANCEIN PIPES L F=5E F FM2 c120 T rN LooPS o'9? Psr 18 ' 25 FPS 42 ll/est Mcadow Driae Vail, Colorado 81617 t0t-479-22r0 TO: FROM: Fire DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM TOWN OF VAIIJ BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT -.-.1Michael Mccee, Fire Marsnat ,/y'/,Jeff Atencio, Fire Inspecto{-Z ,/- Z< i? ":oZ-o-i"o, .-et/ a:/ /// 4)'t- The Fire Deparfment has reviewed the plans / suamittea Vail Fire Department for the project named above. The itens marked below need to be: revised furnished. sprinkler shop drawings need to be subrnitted: with a Colorado Registered Engineerrs or N.I.C.E.T. Level 3(ninlnun) stamp. / with cut sheets on rnaterials. with hydraulic calculations. with a State of Colorado Plan Registration form. by a Registered Fire Protectl.on Contractor. 42 lVest llleadow Drite Vail, Colorado 81657 t0t-479-22r0 Vail Fire Dcpartmcnt TRANSMITTAL SHEET al< {' Tsst'd ,n2'4n-''-"')'"\J ) olign Review Action FCI TOWN OF VAIL CategoryNumber 7- ?.-. /.,,r, Oate s-/ra/.'J Prqed.Name: '.' l, ^t',., .'.^/ it-t.'r/ ,?O? vJ 'r,.^/-^ot -).t'--f., t t,. - -'/ Building Name: Project Description: ' / ) ,.1.C, (ffiXoressand Phone: ., ' I t-a<? ',./ l, Cc. :'t /6sz 416 'I /<aR $ t-egat Description: Lot - Block- Subdivision Zone District Project Street Address : Comments: ,.-:1-*-.'..-..-. Board (9t1t!!9ti_on Motion by: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval 4 StaffAppioval Conditions: Town Planner DRBFee ere-oaia z'() t *t') ^^IBNVIR]N .J JUL 1 2 1sg4 AT VAIL Your Other World on the Edge ol the Wind June 29, 1994 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Meier 4OO East Randolphr #1717 Chicagor Illioois 60601 RE: Firat Westvind at, Vail Unit 209 548 South Frontage Roadvailr Colorado 81657 Dear !1r. & Mrs. Meier: The purpose of this letter is'to confirm that your proposed renodeling of Westwind Unit 209r whereby you will be installing an exterior window approxinntely thirty-five inches high and trenty- five inches wide on the west. wall of your condominium (which is also the west, va1l of the Westvind bhrirlding) has the approval of the Westwind Association. Sincerely, FIRST WESI'!^IIND OF VAIL CANDOI'IINILM ASSOCIAT]CIr{, Oi[trC. *,&4{r"ro'-n--ffi-Larye?E- Vice President 548 S. FRONTAGE RD. VAIL, CO 81657 / (303) 476-5031 / A.rri."a sl4lsL COI.ORADODRB .EPPLTCATION - TOWN'OF 1IAII,, DATE APPI,ICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** T TS APPLICATION VIILL NOjr BE I'N:TII, AITL REQUIRED INFOR!'TATION********** ACCEPlEDIS SI'BIIITTED t$$$\'( \ T PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION.: E'.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200.00)Minor Alteration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTIoN: Lot _ Block subdivision Ftasr LJ€5rc.: rxt> c. D" If property is described by a meets and bounds legaldescription, please provide on a separate sheet anaattach to this application. ZONING: LOT AREA: If required, appticantstamped survey showing l_ot area. must provide a current NAME OF APPLICANT' JUO {qi-ling Address: k)rsrutiio - aoq.f{g s. FRowmfebctz- caLD 8/eSf r.r NAME OF APPLICANT,S REPRESENTATIVE: 5qtue. - Mailing Address: Phone I. NAME OA OWNERS: *STGNATURE(S): 'J. K. yat_liqS Address : a,t AS. -, n T;tf S. rrlaw?eauA/L_ €oLa g/6€7 Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEEI DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid att,he tine of submittal of DRB application. Llter, whenapptying for a building permit, please identify theaccurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of VailwiIJ- adjust the fee according to the table below, t,o ,rr roto, s .- .oJ l(ft%rt $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE SCHEDULE: VAI,UATION$ 0 - $ 10,000$ 10,001 - $ 50,000. $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001. - $ 500,000 $500r 001 - s1r 000,000$ Over $1r 000,000 * DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROIIlitr EXPIRES ONE YEAR AI'TER AIIIALAPPRovAr, ItNI.Ess-A-.Bur'tDrNG -PERMIT "rs - IssuED AlrD coNsrRucrroN Is STARTED. **No APPLTCATTON wrrr. BE PRocEssED wrrltour owNER's STGNATURE L v PRE-APPLTCATION MEETTNG :II A pre-application meeting with a member of the planningstaff is strongry encouraged to determine if any addit.ionalapplication information is needed. It is the applicant, sresponsibility to make an appointment with the ilaff todetermine if ttrere are additi-onal subnittal requirements.Prease note that a coMpLETE apprication will sCreamline theapproval process for your project III. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARQIN9 ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to neeting submittal requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property lines, building tines and buildingcorners. A11 Lrees to be renoved must be taped. Al_fsite tapings and staking must be completed piior to theDRB site.visit. The applicant, must ensure Lhat stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. B- The review process for NEW BUTLDTNGS normalry reguiresfwo separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approval and a final approval . Applicantsshourd pran on presenting their deveropment. pioposal ata minimum of two meetings before obtaining finaiapproval . c- Applicants who fair to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their schedured meeting date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their itern bepostponed, wiII have their items removed from t,he DpBdocket until such time as the item has beenrepublished. D. The foLlowing items may, at the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the CommunityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylights which do not alterbuilding; and and slnilar exterior changesthe existing plane of the b. Building addition proposals not visible from anyother lot or public space. At the time such aproposal is submitted, applicants must includeIetters from adjacent property ovrners and/or fromtbe agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the associationapproves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc) r a hazard study must be submitted and theowner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior. to the issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged to check wit.h a Town plannerprior to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property to all napped hazards. F. Eor all resldentlal construction: ar Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior structural waLls of thebuilding; andb. Indicate with a dashed Line on t.he site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding wa1ls or supporting colurnns. If -DRB approve€,-the application-with conditions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must beresolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit. LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: lJ r u o e.J wL A c I LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT BLOCK suBDrvrsroN (Jesr(r/n*lD o PRO,IECT z UJ /rvDaTrJ O KI / d €S-f L) eLL tl STREET ADDRESS: DESCR]PTION OF The. following information is required for submittal to the DesignReview Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other SIaII Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door lrim Hand or Deck RaiLs Flues Flashings Chimneys ' Trash Enclosures ' Greerihouses Ot.her COLORTYPE OF MATERIAL Fatte L) t ru Dac^) FRnnc oPeu/N6: &t //'J;g 4 B.LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIAIS: Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimurn caliper fordeciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate neight tor coniferoustrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. PLANT MATERII: Botanicat Name ao**onQ"*" ouantitv Size* PROPOSED S}IRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Ind.icate size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is5 qalIon. Tvpe square Footage GROUND COVERS soD SEED rYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separat,eIighting.plan. Identify each fixture from the lilhting planon the list below and provide the wattage, height abov6grade and type of light proposed. D. orHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining warrs' fences, swiruningpoo1s, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwaLls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback ia3 feet. Maximum height of wa1ls elsewhere on the propertyis 6 feet. v c :9= ga €a €E !'- aai - =: -- == I ,l)x\' gg @ 0asement -i' Wnclorv Sizes fl'LLt r \:ent and Fixed units "tttt $ooo'' A ,..--/\. (445) f,*, r5si) r6,q8' I 1719) (,r32) (s3g) ls8{) (€3s) (737) ujn!",5 srJ€5 u o...td. 2r"n- *['e- 4esi"{"(,Jht { a''r- .,,,.4 be i "r kee Pi"3 t''\4r in-c-cf< ?3nl o'- sla^-pe- o{ exit *'5 Oo in"( ".-'StrNEEn i5 ls c,rc-ho(f (Z) ij. ol srls+i.1 p {f r o c *^, 1.,: 'r 'r I c-.^-l 16a2CC m 1648CC a t551CC m r660cc il 125,lCC m 1260CC m 1268CC ts#ffir mnn; 305,tCC EEN b mnnnE216tCC 3066CC T=Lnh standard $ith tenlpered glass F=Fired unit onl)' ' Smar$a-sh'l' insulating glass is on\'glazing 0ption. mmmmntr 1236CC 1636CC 1E30CC 2036CC 2436CC 3036CC mmmnnn n 'o'rrJfl RECETV Pcrmit Nudcn n ? D-o. -**rAJ- -|-ahlF{ EF l,rtrt I t_ l4iscel lanesu= Cash 115-:::t:l*!r+lEt: i.:l: ffB Er-=,:*i.Ft.# i4!t,9h Rc':*un t #r:H * lB'-" tit-Jf.i nE iutr:TH t'lELEFr.FEEFF|IIi nEE: flrrr,::'r_rn t l':inr.J* r*':l ] :ltt , EtfJ I tEm p.r id El i r:lsff E4 1 f, ;i f . iJ[]El lL ft.:rnrl* ri* t-r-t r-n*d l -rHtrlht}{ Rmoun t paid ?$.813 l:1, Ffi \/slj r,rrrr-rr r:.lghi*r HEItII TOWN OFVAIL n\ DITPARTT{bI\T OFCOMMUNTTy DEVELOPMET{rl/ l'. ^ t -'--\ , \.,*,. NNt Y Ztr*nt_ Ak L ADDRrss / CIIFTKS M/{DE PAYABLE TO TOI*N OF VAIL E,L TOT 0l 0000 4211 IFORIVI PLU\,IBINC CODt 12115 i OTHER CODE BOOKS I 0000 .12112 {I.13: I PLAN R llJll I co CTORS LICENSES 1i{t -l APPLIC.ATIO Iiiii VTC ART PROJECT DONATION GATI O,..* FEE t BUl L Dl n* r 0000{r010 iTA C APPL]CATION I 0000113-10 coNDlTtoNAL us '133-,ETTERToRAL-TlrRAnoN_iTESSTFANIffi lo.pr 10000413-10 ,EX PECIAL DEVELOP]\,1ENT 413_r0 iSUBDIVISION 4l-130 TVARIA Mo.# | ,r*,, lo1 DAl+: 1:.:,--.t { :i e t- Prolect Application nate Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Archiloct, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPBOVAL DISAPPROVAL [.t"u Approval ll '14 u r€vised 9l4l9l DRB tPPLtqArION - tOwN OF VArr., coroRADo DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OT DRB MEETING: *****t*t** TBIS IPPLICITION WILL NOT BE ICCEPTED ttNTIL ILL REQUIRED INFORIIATION IS SI'BIIITTED****t***** r. A. DESCRIPTION:.{i"t€ B.TYPE OF FSVIEW: New Construction ($200.00) Additlon ($50.00) ADDRESS: y' uino. Alteration ($20.00) onceptual Review ($0) Block a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and c. D.LotLEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivision If property is described bydesqription, please provide attach to this applicatlon. ZONING:E. F. G. LOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing NAME OF APPLICANT: must provide a currentappllcantlot area. Mailinq Address: G\o\)o.,.\ - Q-o .QIGS ' Phone t{*1 L. \Bss H.NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE : Address: Frgcvq C.",R tlDr.o*- Phone f.NAME OF OIINERS: srGNAnrRE (S) :Mailing Addy€ss: Phone J. Condominium Approval K. DRB FEE3 DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlne of submittal of DRB application. Later, hrhenapplylng for a building pernit, please identify theaccurate valuation of the proposal. The Town of Vailwill adJust the fee according to the table below, to ensure the correct fee is paid.lYtru FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATIONI o - s 1o,ooo$ 10r 001 - $ 50,000 $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 s150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,00r - $1,000,000$ over $1,000,000 * DESIGN Rg1'IEW BOARD .EPPRO\IAI EXPIRES IPPROVAI UNI.ESS A BUII.DING PERMIT IS STARTED. ONE YBAR A.FTER rINAL ISSI'ED AIID CONSTRUCTION s100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 **NO APPIJICITfON WILL BE PROCESSED llITEOUl OWNER'S SIGllAl\tBE IS o ION A pre-applicatlon meeting with a member of the planningstaff is strongly encouraged to determine lf any additionalapplication information is needed. It is the applicantrsresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff todetermine lf there are addltlonal submittal requirements.Please note that a COMPLETE applicatlon wlll streamline theapproval process for your proJect. III. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDIN9 AI,L SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: ,a II. PRE-APPLICAT MEETING: In addition to meeting submittal requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property lines, building lines and buitdingcorners. All trees to be removed must be taped. AIIsite tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done durLng the winter ie not buried by snow. The revlew process for NE$l BUILDfNGS normally requirestwo separate meet.ings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approval and a flnal approval . Applicants should plan on presentlng thelr development proposal ata minlmum of two meetlngs before obtainlng final approval . Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their it,ems removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the it,en has beenrepublished. The following items may, at the discretion of thezoning adninistrator, be approved by the CommunityDevelopnent Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be reguired): a. lrlindows, skylights and sini]ar exterior changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuildingr' and b. Building addition proposals not visLble from anyother lot or public space. At the time such aproposal ls submitted, appllcants must includeIetters from adjacent property owners and/or fromthe agent for or manager of any adjacent condoninium association stating the associationapproves of the addition. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc) r a hazard study must be submitted and theowner must sign an affidavit recognizlng the hazardreport prlor. to the issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a Tonn plannerprior to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property to all napped hazards. For all resldentlaf construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior structural walls of thebuilding; andb. fndicate with a dashed line on the slte plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. If DRB approves the application with conditions ornodifications, aII conditions of approval must beresolved prior to Town issuance of a building permlt. A. B. c. D. E. F. G. LIST OF MATERIALS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT BLOCK SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS:\o- DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:GD. *&o* '.. i s{ *\\ o \,.o.,. Co. Soss^\*os-rr u)n'r* * 3tro The following S.nformation Ls Review Board before a final A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Sidtng Other Wall Materlals Fascia Sofflts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Slashings Chlmneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B. LANDSCAPING: Name PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES required for submittal to the Design approval can be given: TYPE OF T'{ATERIAL COLOR O! <-r ($l- c\)L o \ r cl.F\ of Designer: Phone: Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Mininurn caliper fordeciduous trees is 2 inches. rndicate hmtrees. Minimum heiqht for conifsrous trees is 6 feet. PT,ANT l.lATERra: Botanlcal Name comnoearne ouantltv size* ' . \- PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *fndicate size of proposed shrubs. MlnLmum sLze of shrubs LsTTvpe Square Footaqe GROI'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATTON TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL D. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swinmingpoo1s, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwalls. Maximum height of warls within the front setback i63 feet. Maximun height of wal_ls elsewhere on the propertyis 6 feet. C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separat,elighting plan. Identify each fixture from the fithting planon the list below and provJ.de the wattage, height abovegrade and type of light proposed. I fnstall window design on west of equal width and side of dormitogy WEST ELEVATION t/?' - lt' atl Install window where fan vent of matching design presiouslY was. 1 i I ' -rEh-th{ (fF lJFl r L- l,liscel I aneo{rs Cash ErS- 1t-gi I f,: l. €,: !5 F,'*cxipt * 1.r.1L11€,1' fl,:count # r:.:li. * 48154"i tiE5TillFiTIuH RE!;r:rET l'lflHffGEl,lEHT..FF'E Fti t:'FiEr FEE Flnir:urrl tEnd*r'*d i !€r. BEI Item paid H1ErErff6413f,1LrEtB l:h.3ngE r'= t.U t"ner:l :., Emoun t paid :fi. EiB fi. ffE THFIFI|< 1/OU !'L:lt,rr cEshi a r .IEi.lt,l L FEFI :- I. flJG le '9e 1e:e9 JRo{S I1.€ 6642 H.Z6TH ST EFutytL-_;;s;; -;;**,?*H; DATE IDP',TCTTIOII RECBIIIDD : Df,tE Of Dm UEETlt|ot l*lataalarflls rt?'.lcrltfi rrldt rr}! tE rccl'rlDutir, rr.r. nroornlD tliltolrrllton ta S0EtttrtEID**r.tttt.* @t l,.DEBCRlPtlOtf r . t l\ - - r !.TTEE OE. IIIVIEI|3 (f,io.00) tlock lf pro,pcrty lE clescrlbed.bY deccrlpt,lon, pleaac ProvldsrEtach to thlc appllcatlon. a m€cts and boundE lrgal on I Eepttate rheet end E. F. G. IOt TREAI It rcqulrcdr EcAnped FurvGy thoTtng NTIIE O? IPPLICAIIT: ruft provldg e .culrGntatDlldlntlot afca. ual1lnE \ ll .NAI{E OR APPLICAI.|!'S REPRUSEHTATIITEI rf. l(. Mrtllng lddfclft Phonc .-.- NAIIE OF OINEnS ! rtronrfilrrrgt, -&Malllng lddrerts Condoulnlu[ lpprovel lf app[lcabla. Df,l ltEt DR! fsesr ts Bhorn rbov91 rr? to b6-peld rttil lfi; o!-dnniitil or Dna appr-lcarlort, Latcr, rth;n ippriiiis ior-a bultdl'ng^ perrltr pleaac. ldcntlrv -thei'c';u'riil valuatton-oi -[ni proplsit. IhG-Tofln-ot vall;EfifiU: iliuatton-oi-[tri-ptapbtil' 'rhG tonn ot vall iiii-iaj"ir-iha-i-s -acoording .to Ehc teblE belonl to Gnrurr ihr ooricct fci tr pctd- ,* p^,D! | __ ilew Conrtnrctlon ($200,001 .y' Utnor tltcratlon ($20.00) Concaptutl Revlrr l$ol gubrllvtaLon ZONING: _ lddttlon c. l,DDRn3sr D. lBCAtr DE$CRlttId0l t.ot fltf tCHEDttLET -r g 0-f t0r000. Sl0rQgl-9 !0r00Q E50,001 -t rs0r000i $lSorool-8 600'000: ft00r00l - !1r999rQ99: 9 over. Clr0o0r000 . onCf* nnntr t0rnD llDf,OUrr. DiDtrlg rDtrorru, unrtg r EgtriDlle PlnHrr t3 8lrttrtD, aooutlt. Ytluatloffstll adturE the f.lcnlotfihe oorracs trLS![EI4Er' YlDurElotl . 'a'nll' 59wll lra uor.trble balorrl to f100.00 8200,00 9{00.00 s500.00 ortr rErn tlftr' rtf,rB rCausp lflD corsEf,gcltloil rg i..IO terr,rcl$I$l rttl, ts pn{n!88fD lltlfout oN|f,ln'g 8l6r$Era '"ryb rLKY6v<P\"* mfl) AUC 2 41s92 \dt-lt{ AT VA|L Your Othar World on tha Edge ot the Wind August 18, 1992 Town of Vail Planning Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail C0 81657 Attn: Lorelei Dear Lorelei, The Board of Directors of the Westwind AssociaEion approves of the decision to add two(2) windows to the dormitory unit#300 at the WesEwind complex as specified in the DRB application. If you have any more questions or need additional inf-ormation, please contact me aE (708)788-4300. Robert T. J President Westwind Board of Directors CC: Geoff l,Iright Roger Marce Ed Lampert I oz E =E uJo- o uJ uJtl- ==E uJo- '2a2L34;ti, "r" rlrl c..l NO\' ot\ --l o{ r-{ -rr -l'! '.-1,,,.{=-rq -16l"rI' !r It I' . YFI l-.1 <Hi drd9. z -:-<!r- -=qs 3E 7Z HZaJ (/l = Hl rtl*l &l Frl rI]IFrl trl Ial t'l IvlolEIU)l in uJFoz o 4 J 5 d)€ ozz --.1 .-l --.{ N 4 E n-Jul(tt =f Got! E.oFo EFzoo uJz =o tl. uJ .E ts z llJz3 urt F z 869?c; EE; S frgEg.=('-ct SEEe' $ 5e; iE&€ib E F}g\ ' .Tl * t lE-- : o-o egggqJ '. O O EEH!, gE g; AP o' Eel3€!5!= c 3 ''3--HA:E ;E:AE9E: s$ei E €, o .9 6 E o ; .; o Eg i .9 o .o o- rE .9 E G o) o (E =(U oo)E -9;o .Yo(o o lD (t !n co ctrN I I c\ H ro F =ul z J ! UJ oz) J 9 Fo UJJ UJ 2 (ll = E - o IJJ ul lr-z tr |.l,| u, ao 3g uJ z -t UJ F oo- uJoc z UJ o x uJo (n uJluu- ==E uJo- FoF zo -Jo o EF(J UJJ uJ (,zo = c J = ulE NOtrvn'tv c z at F c\ JEo =2ZtL i o- A=x f zYe,9 of, ooEZr()ooaQzXt! <(oq iH6 s =R Z rN(5 >G --lYli tr,t & =@ol = H z tr IL E UJ F a(L t!E z.9tro X D<z tr ulF 3 z IItltl I FzlzOatru,<oo< =F8o<z Fz, 2= d63trOI u,tl J G <t) UJz iF z tr J oz U' J =F UJ o oo 3 Jl<l -l zl zl .. >l uJollt UJzoF uJ J z E o az tro & O tc) @ LOOO No\o\ z LrJF U) c0oazo FI UJY UJo oFt =G lrJ o- t!o o-oo I UJFoz ulF o = ut o- tr_oEE2zE<cLl€8B9!irb9'EE i> = u.l i-5 b=o I i'iiE =*-i ubE 5st x>t q- o-irri uldloF -f - ts =E, lrJo.zIFc,f E,Fazoo !! J o(Jz;, :io =uJ.-J Jd] u.l d HI JI <l>l tr-lol zl 3lotH I I I el sl 5l <l>l t!lol Pl e zl ol rl <l>l ttlol zl 3lolFI I olull cEl JI <l>l u-lol zl 3lolFI @ F- I F\f. I FlH E tsz at .{i rn ll | ,oltlll_:fl lslclqel vl ol>1 WlECIdalHill:l =l Bl -sl Pl sHz F E iri = = J(L EoF C) EFzo C) l-o(ir UJ F t--o2 (r -rO<F(l()uJ<ZE, IJJ F o C) <()qH c|') F C' Hz t-frLF a tr z .r UJ =f-tt-_J z .-r Pz& d)o =z=)fde ElD oz t =t IJJo- o o(t C)llJul lJ- == tJ.jd 2d'L7to,',i', 'j u <.{ ^'1cno1Ol t-r d\t.l \ nE -.. lr IJHiddo |1<trH*N(ltg J A= t4<o :Eqi1 t!F e. F EFIz o zz i:a&Hl Flsl dl Fl(Jt ETI F..lT{I*l 9.llvl EIull ollJF z z d dt .o o =z L'€ s c N l{U' d t V' Ex fro !d'l :1 tuz3 lu F z l!J UJo ='r l! oFo crFz G u,lz3o LL ultr F z oc6.9?i,,38 EO o) EaEo oi: Ee:(!r-(0 p'a a6.> I 5E; P (^6. =E.NE ;1a--i4.o\30 0) Fl'F-:' -; .- -_F \J E^eg -- --o o o!E3s;Errg.!66 EH3I ar.E :E= E3do(/,FEo-o 'Fol- >=qg:; o-; 'E O-OC(!6'-tgg; E',! E Eox E3 eOo-EX ;: .:Fr6g o(u.c,:d =.Y;> d.0 E(sotr 5O CC' EYtqi o(\' -(6'- -c 'F o)E6 E6o1t O(E (!c -c(o-a(60 dr (D |rr, altl E3o(! ;E >,9 9a=-\., Er-o -o o rn(n o c.t I I c\l{t H oo ts =E IIJc z ! @ x() u.l z J () F qJJ UJ z6 .Jo- J = tu = UJ uJ z TJJ E 3g UJGz 6 LUo ocuto o- z llJ x F urof o uJulIt- == IJJ J FoF z = J uJJgJ zo =J oz o uJE NOtrvntv^ c tr ,aI A v.I ,F, z c. ! .3zzv F o- A=x f zYe9 of, ooEz>ooir9'QzXr!<o+ i|.rJ :,:-R 2 d(\lo =>E iu.t3 =toGl & z tr l! f UJ - (L L! G. z Eoo XXz EE llJF =uJz I l l I I tzlz <oo< =FRn6o<z !) Ez, 9z do3trOI ilil ll I t] lololl*'l uJlJ ulz =F F z F Jlaz _l :;-'l-i f 3 !lrl E o = (/) _l Il I 5l:6 -Jl<l -l zl zl .. >lottlo uJ u,JzoF uJ(L) 2 Eoo I Il I-l I "l>lullol z tr dl il; l;,- & p( 11.) u) c) IIJ booo1.zo Fo- uJY UJ @ 9X'Or. F-. ="EOllJ -.o-,.froa>E*;6P u,F o I ul Foz o (rl F e M tsr F or-6L-& U' g:/rz T uJ t-] z rn =za CDO =zJOa! rJ- flt-t J zE f'r F:O JJ(Dtu = ul o- .!, uJE()9zE<ol6U) B9Eir 5t =>E::{FE h=|)*i;: >o- E 66lP \tuE XO-t x>t q-o-?i tutoo F ffia \ L-lfl=!\z/J=.'= *tl '= .\ I E =E. lrJozoF(J f E,Fazoo =,|olr!l 5l al>l bl zl 3lolFI "lcil z.l ol uJl 5t al>l ttlol zl 3l9lFI I I I I cil =.1olull :l ?l>l 5l zl '"31olFI l-lt+lI cil I (.iltl il-l1-lul <9l eHlililtrf qllollzl =l llsl 9lz ll- |-\(n o\ I\o F-.i| F & rd F{zo&h ti co.rttn o tt FTH3E v)B AH.F .hz r-{ =Frvt,rlB ui x6 =FEo2 E2? =<zef,F--a F EFz -..r O<F(rO r,! <ZFIIJ F(aZo ul I<()qHEtr l.l ^,! c.ll\ir s-l,I--L \' E" r h+f--lo-,)-r I ,algl 5t .lk an uJ uJt! E =E u.,o- .EUIz3o u, F z 9 HH 9r z o att 0, oo g, = .D E o :) lto o o6 3 0) a' IooE a;o\to(, F o o(, o t o at o E o D att at,3l! o ag o D ag arl e,o 6 oc' ',o iE(}e;9E€;:- 6 0-6 cLSErU'- cL =*:9; 'oE:.E O (o: EE E 6 0'--c 'ii 0,-'E E'fi;6 5'tE3;o 6= E{Ei'i e9Eo P5g -()6 0) o ,t, D 0, ut6 Eo o o oo o o 6 E o o o lto itt UJFoz oz6J3 @ a an IU UJt! ts =c IIJA J Fo F { 9<r ur*.Dn| {< zzoo F-all:3 =tDO1>E9F*v.=H6 =t-.; (\i uJ ) z F zl .. >lo UJ uJz at, tr = UJ J zo F I J o 1c,ufI >i rrJq 2iq H Jzl g +P ?.t .l JI q 1i s ?i {\ 1J 'jj=z d rl I I I I Il+IE I I I I ")all!l Hof 4><tr-(, 3F F> :I-tr 9F 3Ed5o oz ts = uJo- z oPzz.oo =zdP J(,o =8.35\=uJ \lou, NN tr =t uJrttoEgE3€uE9=ra 5gF-J> E $E: =az 8E9 iurE .X O-E 5rsi !J @oF Dtr ut tr U) .? zo F u,Y UJ trt 9 ,..l- <r\rSl fctllJ r--L l! :-Io: ll a ;;l iiHt: ?. 1rlguJbEzo ts =g, lrJ o-zoF(Jf E.F(nzo(J t' ",l 75 soulh tronlage road ' vail, colorado 81657 (3o3t 479-2L.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TECT: ottlca of communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN Ot' VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONS?RUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE In sunmary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anvperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash durnpster-, portable toiLets andworkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public Ehge or any portion thereof. The right-oi-=way on al1 Town ofVail streets and roads is approximatei.y 5 ft. 6ff pavernent.This ordinance will be striltly enforc3d, by the Toin of Vaileg!]ic Works Department. persggs__found vi6lating this ordinancettrrr be given a 24 hour written notice to renove said materiar.fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the puLfic WorksDepartment will- remove said mateiial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance snlft not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ord,inance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain I copy. tlank you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. (i.e. contractor, owner) t It 75 routh fronlrgc rord uall, colondo E1657 (303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2\39 BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE Conrnuni ty Development Department. otflco of communlty dev.lopmenl If this perni.t req.ui.res a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineep"s (.Pyblir Works) reyiew and approval,' a planning' Deparirnent review.or Health Departnent revi'ew, and a review by the Bui'lding Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as longas three weells. All commercia'l ('large or small) and all multi-famfly permits will have tq follow the above mentioned maxi,4g4;equirements. Residential and small projects should take a lessefTmound of time. However, if fesi.denti.al or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments wrlth. regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso taRe the three week period. Every attempt wrlll be nnde by this departnent to expedite thispermit as. spon as possible. I', the undersigned, understand the p'lan check procedure and timefrarne. , : Projett Name <,.., ".5, Vt rr,f".i |. |. t-- il; ..'++''._ WEST ELEVATION J-- ._-.-:-.-l* l.:--'-----_.+, i/O" 3 |-a o o A Fq m tr1 ^"rn+. Yr F *s ,l:r $*l tr h'( qJ W fi:t "*,,i t e,i E E Ft:^,n t.rei! tga2 T'CrWfd OF VA.IL ,,rt t -z''wc ECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER READYFoR|NSPrcT|oN:MoNTUESWEDTHURFR|-AMPM LocArloN: /^f7,'L/-4..^'ey'e?",-./D+s('O IN A BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAltplNG n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr n !1rrrunl tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOOOS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL g(iffiaoveo tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED COHRECTIONS: INSPECTOR I 1r\ ,!{sfo rNtnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL oALLER Llu'' k'/zLf ?qf'o{{7 TUES WED THUR FRI - AM N>tfz.(, ?r/, # soo t"/ NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: sq r-. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor, /t /A-l /f L ,o, BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr tr X tr tr tr rn FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr B tr tr n FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEEtrROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:ME trl trt tr{ tr CHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR nffis.rcP oz ts =& uJo- CN rn o o CN IJJ IJJlt b =El!o- sN*RS*N o\ ( (f) e\l .A H z F) u,F o tJ otrt!o(,zoJ- IIJF EoF E FI == o =z oluFoz oz o!l @ € o =zo g, Fo2 -! \r<.\-r- l() {('(r sUt stii;l slii t I l|rsci flil\''lll{! tl u,o I trott o EoE -9'lto .9 CL CNg 'oF o \q $oC Ftt d oE o EcG Q't'oo CD .sI @ E o =l do o CLo.6 'o E .9 at,oo cioEoI co al, ::.t,tt5o Es ct) .sc,o ,N -o 'oF ot'o ,o)E Eoooltt EJ of o .9.c s '3.l! o ogo 4;,i'6 E;f;'=Oo gEE iEH EsE :€Ec96'- ct< aE; E EE,-oo gE; g=E c\(g cLSEi(D- cL =€eEiE g 6-6 EEE_ a.9 teCd o'-5rP gsE ]6>,96a!FE ;a: PEg -o6 @ $rn \fs rn(n @ tr =EurAoz6 =6 3() u, ()z J 9 F() uJ UJ (,z 6 E JA J Iz ()qtt UJ UJIIz 9F uJc, uJE oE o .D =u, UJEz 6 uJ F atI t'|J o- z ut () x l- u,l 3t,f (, UJ u.llt ts =E UJo- FoF 0z 6J o c,Fo uJ ur (5 =ottJo. J I- oul. ,l F.l ts NO[Vn]Y 2 u FxF -C 5>:l, t!o=zCocFgo.EF()Fn< J^<ts tr6zE) 9!Xrj, frJ I >E --dlEur I =coal zzoo He =U'O1>E9rI.<oqH6E8jnj a Ei zo F J |! o c e(9 uJo' F o\ c o- UJE z9 Eo xxt4z9 Ee !i.l =l!z. o z zI o =oo I oF 2l z u,l3 at) u,lo 5o.ul fi oz Ftr =I EI ull f G o atlll2YorF zo FI oz <tJ =F uJ o 3 g, lJl<l FI z_l zl .. >lo UI UJ UJzot ul o- J z 9Loo z F d) [[ t;; IM o,t cvO OO z .rP =eoo =zJO aL tr EEi A;E ulF at> .oo-zo Fo UJY ut dt oFt Go\llJ coo. or b-liRlo.lObd ldl HFJo=zo F =IE lrJo.tro EgE<8aEeIP!egEE ;=E !E: =EE 8bI \urE XO-E HTsi UJ -^. / :\---t\ \'<-,lfl=\zJE 't! E =OEtuo.zo l-o :)E,, zo(J )4t rr rr E<l Ll L_l th z zHE E-.'.t) B \t \t tsH7 AzHl!F a2 F]B i'i =z loo-) I ls | 14.gl l*cAt Irl1l I3t nl Hr H3= @N F-.") I (\ Or INN ci2 ctt!tr J a ltoz 'oF H E-{ ct) Fl al) :c tr I Irqtrllnl\al-l I cilzlcl-utloEl_t Jl -i 3laqx zl il H Fl H tsH B td l! @ F ca I\o o.l c'r .lzlHI EIpl Ftl*l xlrqlHI sl r.l IF{l oz ci l,u tto z3 F (Jz dt =J z. Ic) uJ = c. -.r O<FG() IIJ <ztLUFa6 o EhUJX+tFFo2FF! J \.{v. I'I d- =eulo- ! o 0)? a) Luc u 0) tr zo oz =P tr ffg oz \=\) \o- fiIJ ts =E UJ o- ILo lljL F ILoEEzzE<ctt€sloJFb0EE =>EJ EF8iEiIl,Hc\rOFF]EOEq€i UJqt o IEtr-a ts =E,lrlo-zo Fo =EFazoo anu,u,ll. EEeu,o- tu o coF EF.2 =Io I I I I I I I I I I I I I oz 5ul U' ; aco llo (, zooco F$E$g € rc'Efi igiif E€F!$g.; tje €sEaei ; g;g€ igEEg(' 0-: Ft= o (' E gEi;i iEiEg x>El !ur =o 53 5e =E!lr<og Hgjnl o- tr,l u, =z @o-r c6 N \s\ E fr@ctq 3E E:o<FcouJ<zEl!FarzoO uJ \rz E.Cn-!.i{ 5",, I $',Atr}K'rt I. l 75 south lronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TO!{N OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMITNITY DEVELOP:,rENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKTNG & I.,IATERTAL STORAGE olllce ol communlly deyelopment rn surnroary',ordinance No. 5 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soir, ror*, sand, debrisor rnateriar, including trash aurnpsterl, porlabre !oir.et! ;;a---workmen vehicres. |pon any streetl sidewaix, iii.v or publicp1?9" or any porrion theieof. rire righi:;;_;;t-;n arr rown ofVail streets and.rgags is approxirnateiy-s-it.-irri pavement.This ordinance wi.1l be strillry enforcld by the-Town of vai.l -lylii,: works Department. pers6ns found vi6rai:.nq this ordinance ''/r-r-r-- De grven a 24 hour written notice to remove-said rnaterial .rn the event the person so notified does not cornpry with d;-- - notice within the 24 hour time -peJifi.-,--ir,"-puElic worksDepartment, will remove said rnateiiur at i,tt"--."p""se of, personnotified- The provisions of this ordinance snirr not beapprrcabre to constructi.on, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right_a_way. To review ordinance No. 6 in furl, prease stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain i copy. tirani you for yourcooperation on this raatter. Read and, acknowledged by: ]li (i.e. contractor, owner) -',':,a'-:,'.'il.':l I fnx a/, t <,J' .,,s 14 |lt o)-! , N E 3I vl ot I lJ1 I -- |D*.-- _1q' {":L-*J L, n .a r0 -\- I \ t4 th f, '295Fr:t("oYt.-.Fvq t - -ft.f'A .e 6_ ;_ctr ' ,'nx'c L: *x oP.ar22s(^P',. I a 'r'*lvt'.t\oa ..J'- r4it ToT', 7 0 +a C lo s'e* I I I I .t I I I t: a\ C /ose* o C tr 7 / o FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belov itens need to be complete beforegiving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. T FINAL PLUMBING MTE: FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMPORARY C of 0 o ' ..:'i. Structural Rcvlcu of Acoustlc Recornnenda t t onsUnIt 1404, l^r€stu,ind at UaI I Vai I , Co I ora do ' nevicur of thc abov€ not€d to thc unlt and deterlrlncd thc Furt hsrr'rore. I have . 16vleu,€ datad July 18, 1989. Bxact , . d..thc j to nittgatc sound transnlsslon fron . Jdcuzel. Some of thcse rcasunrrto thc €xlJtlng floor systen. R"& INC. A boyle engineering, inc. professionol structurol engine?rs Augurt I, 1989 ': Is. t'lartIyn Snlth. SLIFER OESIGNS P.0. 8ox 1617 Avon, Colorado 81620 :i. SubJcct: Dear llar I I yn r , Al you . knor.r I have 'nado a structuralSpcclflcally, I havc nade anothcr trlpfloor fralrlng systan and dlncctlon of sp*irs.rcpont by Davtd L. Adalrs Associates. Inc. This rcport proposcs a nunber of mcaruresthls untt duc to thc installatlon of tha new r.rlll require addlng a conslderable dead load Thts floor systen ls colrposed of lS l/2 " TJL jotrts at lE'on center spanntng21'-6'. I am pleased to inform you that I have determined that thrs extstlng.structural fnaning sys{en ts capable of supporting thc exl,ra dead loads fron the round danpenlng proposa I s . Pleas.e glve ne a call if you have any questlons regardlng thls natter. Slncercly ouFS, BOYL Tt r'rot hy .E. Prc r t dent Tl,lB.zdn '.. : , l. -::...: -, ,,'.''...: 143 e. meodo,v dr., suite 3901crossroocJs shopping center .\oil, colorodo 81657. 303/4762170 boyla engineering, inc. professionol struclurol engineers June 7, 1989 f1r. Jin Becdic 5337 l'lap I cr,rood Placc Dounera Grove, IL 60515 SubJect: Structural Inspecllon & Analysis Unit f40t[, Llestuind at, Uail Val l , Colonado 0ear Mn. Beedi e : At the naquist of f'larilyn Snith of Sllfen D€signt I havc nade an lnspectton of. the abovc noted unlt and revter.red the ex.isttng structural plans for cald untt attho sane tipre. l'larllyn, Mike Hazlehorst, and the nanagor, Davld Danissen, ucre also present at the time of this visit, The purpose of the inspcctlon uas to determine 1f the bathroon uall that is b6Ing renoved 1s a load beartng r,rall and also io detert4lne if the exlsting floor systern ts capable of barrying the neur Jacuzzi. tde also discussed insulating the unlt belou fron the increased nolsc level and the condition of the balcony off of the living room at this time. I have determined that the bathroom r.rall dhich you ar€ moving is non-load beaning and hence no speclal stnuctural nequirements are involved. Funthernore, the existing floor joist system has an adequate capacity io support the proposed new tub. I feel that injecting insulation inio the joist space belor.r the tub are6 h,ill dar,'lpen nost of the sound transmissi.on fron the equipment into the unit belor,l . Isolating the pump above the floor on a shock absorbing platf onrn will also be critical in elinninating the sound tnansmission tnto thls'louen unit. Finally' I looked at the cantilevered balcony off of the living roolr and feel that a fair arnount of permanent deflection has taken place. I uras unable to delermine the structural systen used to support thts deck or.its connectlon to the primany floor joists since this r^rould requlre tearlng into the floor or the ceiling belor.l. Houever, I lntuitively feel that a potentially unsafe sttuatlon exists and recommend further study of thfs deslgn. I r,lould not stone any flrewood on thts dEck. Please call me if you have any questions on th tter. Pres i dent 143 e. meodo,v dr., BOYLE EN6 Tlmothy M. $-i$ti';1-1i'et- -.;'..J 3 14985 : 3n- -St suite 390 . crossroods shopping center . voil, colo'odo 81657 o o DAVID L ADAMS ASSOCIATES INC Co.rdr.r.u r^ Acou3tkrr .|r(t ttrfol'r ns A.rt lcchrslollar July 18, 1989 Mr, Davld Denissen Wcsmind at Vall 548 S. Frontage Road Vail. Colorado E0657 RE:. Wrctwind Jgcuzzi JnstalladptlFlAA ltojt,.' N,.}l&43) DcarDavld: Wc have completed our analysis of theiacuzri installadon ln unlt *q0+ gt rhe Wcstwind Condoruiniunis. Tho following recommendations pertdn to the uirbrme and sttucturcbtrtte noisc gcncratcdby thc pump and jaiuzzi. Thc rccommendurions servc [o isolcrc the noisc from rhe jacuzzi ro lri aoj'accnt-unirs. fnformation on pnrducts dcscribod hertin is enctosid. Figuru onc pNr.scnts a sumrnary of iterns to be addr€sscd. Thcy arc as follows: l. Sincc rhc floor/cciling construction felts rhon of thc typical minirnunr sound fansmission rating fjr a multi-fernily dwelling, thc c6listruction nceds to bc improved. Thc cxisting consmrcrion would typically cxhibit a Sor:nd Transmission Class (STC) of 46 assuming all flanJrirtg pctbs ate climinated. An acccptable STC rangc should bo 50 or greater. Sincc noise contplaints arc pervasivc in this devclopment due to poor sound trinsmission construction, o minimum STC of 55 would be rnore appropriarc since thc ciwncrs atc sensitiz.ed to thc noise problcm. Wc recornmend a floating floor sysriin such as ths Kinctics lsolated floor system. This system utilizrs e 2-inch thick molded fiberglass isoladon pad or mat such as modcl RIM or FP. A 2-inch concrcte pad ls poured on top of plywood rusdng on the isolators. Ttc system also utilizes t pcrirnetcr isolation ttratcliul to restrict uansmission of smltrurcborne sound intb the sunounding structurc. We rccommend thc platform constructed to support rhe tub bc uscd to cnvclope the floated floor. Thts assembly will ralse the tub approximately 4.?S-inchcs, 2. Ttc enclosuro should be consnuccd to contain airborne sound crnanating frorn the e<tuipment. ltre wslls should be consuucted out of stud franring with a 5/ll. inch iv6sum boatd facc on both sides. The stud cavitv should bc fillcd with fihriiais barts. The stud platcs should be scalcd ainikht to the floor with clnstic caulk. ffinrrr 301r455.te00 Mr. David Dcnisscn .t July lE, 1989 Pagc2. 3. 4. 5. lhe top 9f ttle enctosurs should be consfucred out of 2 laycrs of 3/4-inchplyuood. All joints gho. uld be sealcd atnighr with cautk. lf a door is required for Ealntenancc, it should bc constructed out of 2 laycrs of 3/4-jnch plywood and fully gasketed with a closed cel ncoprene gasker. Alt plping conne*ted to the purnp and tub should be fiucd wirh flexiblc connectors mountcd as close to the unit as possible. Wd rccommend installhg flcxible pipe connections such cs " Hose of Tcflon", munufactured hy Southcasrcm Hosc, Ins or Series 400H manufacrured by Mountain Hqse, Inc. Thc pipcs to be reated are pump inlet and ourlct and any pipe thar is rigidty attachcd to thc rub. namcly thc draln pipc, If thc hot and cold warcr pipes lre rlgtdly mounrcd to the tub, thcy should be lsolated as wcll. All pipcs penetrBting thc 0oor should bs madc in a resilicnt manncr. Tltc drain pipc shoutd bc isolated as shown in Figurc 2, small pipes may bc trcated as shown in Figrre 3. Rigid oontEct between thC pipes snd ths floor should bc svoiderl at all times. The tub should bc isolarcd from thc platform sinCC lt will vibrratc when the jcts nre orcrsdnt. Wc recornrnend rcstins tie rim on 2 layers of 5/16-inch' 40 durometer riiuca oiwafflc r)?e neoptcnc pids. Trim pads t6 conform to footprint of thc tub. To ancnuatc thc noise within the enclosurc thc interior should bs lined witlt 2- lnch thick, 3 to 5 pound per cubic foot (pcf), scmi-rigid fibcrgluss as Esnufsctured by Owcns Coming or Manvillc. Thc existing floor assembly ls extrernety flcxibte ss is evident by.thc.crackpd ffi;lii6g[1e. fiased on ti:y sire visit, ihc floor is easily cxcited by. just gently bouncing (not jurnping) on thc flool. BccauSO of tltis, extril pfecautrons alc wan8nted in isolating thc pump from thc floor. An ineaia bssc should bc instaltcd on spring mounts. {1 .t u'iLctt uy. l8'inch base ii i"iifaUfifro. t"taioii"Oiiinies, Inc. Th-e base shoulcl bc fillcd with a 5-inch i[i;l;;;;;tA.- The additional'mnss is nccesssry to offset the starting]l!'rque "iitrc unit. ptiase norir'triitiic weight of rhe concnltc is approxitnately 170 il;d5ana ;-3laite il;tis typi"qiiy a"ound 125 pounds, .11at in addidon to thc i".iiili#ir,i Finrii'nfi ni6t ititi. tub.-weter and ociupant intposed on thc structurc shoirld be rwicwcd b'y a strucrural cngmeer. . I-a s$ins shoutd exhibit a minimum ststlc dchection of l'lnch such as Mosott Indusfoies-Modcl Gl10. The lloc,r/cciling ptenum bslow should be fillcd with fibcrglass batts, at le'nsl in fi;-"fi ;i;;,f#;lhil;: -ri ilaqn ;y obs ervar ions, rherc cx i sts no bagier 6;d;;-8dj;"cnt unit, in-i-tre nooilieitingiprenum. Bccause of this situution' thc 7. 8. oo Mr. David Dcnissen July lt, l9E9 Pagc 3 ) inuoductionofnoiscfromoneunitmayimpactnoton|ytheunitdirectlybglgw'.. bu! also unirc rqia"o-ni ro-tf,c unit.Uctoi.- id'ectly tlic ptinum sho-u-ld bc scalcd off bctwccn aojaccntii"n'rir;. -d;'gfi."r iie-inijh sybs.uq or lKl-inch thick shcct lerd wouU s'uf?tii'il iilfiit thi necessa,Jiiolation, given that it is PrcPcrlY acaled. Unless the floor i3 to be complctely.rcmoved, lnsta]lation.ofa bnrticr may not bc . fcasibte. In lieu "'r i-iiili,f ; uoii.r, rho huerglass lnsulation should bc exrended as far as possible p.st thc owneii unif In addition,.ceiling mounted frxtures in rtrosc ufiii'-iJji.[ti t itte unii bclow may nced to be senled properly es dircusscd undcr 4. bclow' In rddition o thc recorrncndatiors for the jacuzzi, exEr steFs shoultl-bemade to climinatc flanking paths 6].*";; adjaccnt rinis. -Exra preciudons rryy 5c dcsircd to further anenuate cxistinffirifii;; ffi;;t* ro thcpreicnt scnsitization to noisc ffiUlffi;'iliil#iiffi 'rttJt""6mmcndationsardasfollows: l. Alt ioints in thc floor substmte should bs scaled with silisono cuulk' Tlese joinn erc i1'picet at door thrcsholds. 2.Allclecrr|calboxesshouldbsscatedqirtighuThepcrirncter.oftheboxesshould-u"'s6r"i t" tr," f;;i;i;.,fib** boafo with elirstic cuulk. 3.Hiif"liilttEh'StHlitrl"ig:S,tr1il"1""J'glii"lil'lpratcinthcstud 4.Allflushmountedexhnustflns-orlightfixturesintheceiling.oftheunitbclow should bc sealed airttght to thoface.layo o]'ivpiu* board with caulk' In addition, r ilro u,iis ie ri;-ilJ,l r" iri# gaicSif,ect mctsl or havc. holes in the cnclosurcs, a sheer iead rcnt should bc prilEa otlt the fixturc and scalcd' 5. To frurher atrcnuolo-noise g-entrated hy- the toilct' it s!1oufd be-1-ounled over 2 Iavers of 5/l&inch thick' 40duromltt.;b-tiJJoiwarnc typc neoprenc puds' Trim pads to conform to foorprinl.or rou"i.-ltl.itet draiir pipe should also bc ' dil 5fiffi1t,;;liiil* S'cc Figrrc 4 ror details' NotonlydopipcstransntitvibnilonftomrotatinscQuiDtncnl,theycanulso.- ucneratc thcr own uto,"tioi iu"io iuiuurtnt '"stir flo; and abrupt changcs in frow. rn order to ,onooiini*"""i-uFill_41':l1mqu1t!ng uf att piqc119 stn:cture is recornmendea. rr,e rivdla-zorb systcms is a prefawicared system tor rcsilicntly mounting pip*:il;;:r,o-Fi-u--ui, unolrt"i systenr. see Figutc 5 for dctails. lf these rccommendations arp implcmcntcd conectly' the jacuzzi noise should trc ;ffifi64-'d"ii,Htv. ; I I -.D r- laJg qeor\r,rrl!,, nr vHrL Mr. Dsvid Dcnisecn . ' July lE, 1989 Pagc 4 Ifyou havc arry qucsdons, plcalc crll o /'\ O, O44 )-YY ^ ilfi ; rI7 n l-"^fx?d\- -V WJft/J/rvvtr<A ' {I.' SlnccttlY' .",[ . Michacl Barohadt " /l,n ir1i;::".A i- Q^J / -t tAI ,1 'l'7n L.'r \ \/t4.n//l1... v '\tJ j rt J Ut .$ - --r ',{ I / "r'. t ' ,tr ./' .,, .. ; W Jc' a \"$s date: T JACUZI ISOTATION Westwind orVqti Froj{,cl n0. 3843 19 July'8s drawn by: MBB irli', JUL lE '89 tir59 tiEsl ldu Ht |JfilL o Cr'HVf,Hflr'HALlFe ZtAF,4/ W#uurtra MEfaL CLEta/E!P?AVtQep EN. Y-=#AEtrFe Ffftffit'xfEffiF" xrrt#ffi*ffzffirffi' YL^LV- t^lt:t.g.tflffi#, t'lrHrf4uM oF TW LAYgKtDF )lUDt T,lt,-Kft##*ff,ffi,#\ffi-*f ?lz/vrt?c +gf1r|l:.tiflaH -gE1-YtlEEH ?t"/ Lt-An{z AhrP l}urL7$4c-a, ^ no scole proJecl no' 3843 1S JulY'89 drawn by: SKB f-rrr-:a.a-i1'Arr-ai:;i,:.--::':-;--"'-:i---lJ:''r'--:''-'-"'-;""'!-":----":'-:+-1;:::t=]'- ']"t'-' FTOOR PENETRANON DETAIL FOR PIPES westwind oiVoil bS,**W^" MAKE CERTAINHtoo*o"" EJilSTS. SMALL PIPE OR CONDUIT PENETRATIONS MECHANTCAL PENETRATION SEATS West\,vind oi Voil no ecale proiecr no. etoz 1"lg' 2t-111ry drawn bY: MBB aI' -O? ID: tT vJaSru'i|1e Fri tHrL fau.yT V IBRATION I SOIANON FO R TOITEI/BI DEI I NSTALTAIION o Eh/,. MEIIL efuv IVLE-TDL tAtAaDq l1ot ff4d* VIBRATION ISOI.ATION IOR SMATL PIPES affi'westwlnd qtVqll no scol+ proled no. 9843 drto: 'lg JulY E9 drawnby: MBB t)Cttn -" tL./L__ PERMIT NUMBE OF PROJECTa-l INSPECTION: JOB NAME INSPECTION REQU'EST DATE READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI 1S vr (. : TOWN OF VAIL CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr/)DERGRoUND g /ouGH / D.w.v. ET ROUGH i WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr - tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D N SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR \\xr\rt^\\ r.\,>\ INSPECTIONTOWN OF REOUESTVAIL \PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION:MON:\\ - S t\$ JoB NAME .\ CALLER TUES THUR \FRIIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL &:ry'::; ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB $'tr_ HEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: .MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oot, /O-0*?? rNSPEcroR 4ul1 I INSPE T NUMBER OF PROJECT CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL TPERMI DATE 1-z 5 -9J JoB NAME CALLER TUES PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR (!! BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING E GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL o trtr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL S4PPnoueo CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR The fo'l 1 oivi ng pa rt'i a'l on Purchase Order l'lo. Tor,rn of Vail Purchase 0rdcr Partial Receiving lteport delivery has been received from Qcz 3 B'{ Yez l,,cut, (t, 8/Ltz on I clUA.l,trrrYtT!l,t No. 1 .--t-' It,-2,12L(.< 2: vlA DESCRIPTION /-t!;-t.-'a.tc Tlr e alrovc joods vcrc reccivcd in good ordcr exccpt ulrcre noted. L.r t c _U*-yL_ts1ci signna ('d- [tllnwn department of community development vail, colorado 81657 B03l 476-s613 [4ay 11, L979 Weshrlnd/Lan&mrhbx 4tI Vail, @ 81657 Re; Rrb}ic/kivate Joint Vqrfi;re ProgranrPathrway betueen Lan'jrmrk and lYesturind) Ibar Sir: I an sorry to inforrn you that your prcject has not been approved as part of the Rrblic/Private Joint Venture Program for 1979. the Tcnn Council bas declded that yor;r project should not be funded due to its being located on private property which is not directly adjacent to a public way. I vu'fld like to thank you for applying and hope you have a good . slnltEr. Sincerely, fu)-8,0*/,"'Jarcs A. hrbin Zoning aAU." lstrator 07, JAR:cqj F ,/' \-,1 \-l \r Nl I €qolbl€t .-€ cNl fl s-l*\lr"l3.e E€.;8EEc?!c) Eofiezg(h ch H E d I I $ RIq I I o d! I I I :/l IFI2l lt d t 2 6 o ' o t q .i $ sl ; .E rE, 6 IItr t-l6) { $llr)l *l H'tl )<l I I (|) c tc a cl E8E€sb5: E lASS€I€ET; : , .-#S*;EE;E A1 :*bxE€;l.a v y.VF€€*9EE .E i E; f$ii,E tE ; A !F;E€fiHE E.s E slaeeE;E E E E:*8s:;E: ; E E:;;E:E;s E t s;tI='IiS:. E E E E:aEEEqS€ g g E -a€F{€€f g€ g s €_-iEpgEs#o € EEEE:EiE€; ; E € Ei;EEsEgt € E E ;;E;;E:E; g i€ €EEF;"#se€ E; E isi::3;Es ; ; ,: a$eE HEE fs E r g Q) B e B 6 o qt Fl Er Fl frl F A/lryl-l\n 5lq trl (D ; lr F -b ,,o Y-9F C)l l-l Ir{t I IArtl(') ' rlfri YlA ^^^ '/11xlF -tlXo +t EB H 6lv\lY4Xlst< Ifr!'lv). 1,lFqi-lha. IiP I-.r'lUFi E ctxo .9 oo >lE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NoTICE I5 HEREBY GMN THAT Mr. 0ran Palmateer, representing First Westwind @ Vail, has applied for a setback variance from the provlsions of Section 9.602 of the zoning ordinance,Qrd'inance No. 8 (Series of 1973) jn order to construct an entry over the southwest entrance approximately 3 feet from the property'ljne. Application has been made in accordance with Section '19.200 of the zoning ordinance. Said bujlding is located on a tract of land described by metes and bounds, Vail Lionshead First Filing' A Public Hearing wi'11 be he'ld in accordance with Section 21.500 of Ordinance No.8 (Serjes of .|973) on November'13,'1975 at 3:00 p.m' before the Vail planning Cormission whose decjsion wjl'l be transmitted to the Town Council for fina] decision. Said hearing wi1'l be he]d in the Vail Municipal Building. Tol.tN VAIL DEP 0Fc TY DEVELOPMENT -.-1 Di ana Zoni ng S. Toughi 'l 1 Admi ni strator Published i1 the Vail Trai'l 0ctober 24, 1975 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Mr. Oran Palmateer, representlng Flrst Westwind G Vail, has appl'ied for a setback variance from the provisions of Section 9.602 of the zoning ordjnance,0rd'inance No. 8 (Series of 1973) in Order to Construct an entry over the southwest entrance approximately 3 feet from the property line. App'lication has been made in accordance with Section 19.200 of the zoning ordinance. Said building is located on a tract of land described by metes and bounds, Vajl Lionshead First Fil'ing' A Public Hearing will be held jn accordance with section 21.500 of Ordinance No.8 (Series of 1973) on November'13,'1975 at 3:00 p.m. before the Vail Planning Comnission whose decision will be transmitted to the Town Council for fina] decision. Said hearing will be held in the Vail Municipal Building. TOl,lN DEPA VAIL ENT OF Di ana Zoni ng S. Toughil'l Admi ni strator Published i4 the Vajl Trai'l TY DEVELOPMENT -.--1 0ctober 24, 1975 I I Orrn I prulrhfnntrt " Geil6ral Htnrycn Westwind at Vail P.O.Box427 Vail, Colorado 91657 (303) 476_5031 AT VAIL Jf;' ,,hl*": ,/*/t/,,,e* y' /'/tvzL"n J UY).t* t^'i''' c''l Fr- r4lo"^ Ptr 4 App I i Hea r i Final o APF . CAT ION FOR VAR IANCE. And,/0r Ci,:.i;lTl0NAL USE PERMIT 0rdinance I'lo. B (Series ot 1973) ca t i on DatOctober 20. 1975 Pub I i ca t i on Da te ng Date_Hearing Fee Deci s ion date for Town Counc | | | (we ) FIBST WESTIIIND e VAIL of 5h8 South Frontaqe Roaal(Applicant) Coloraclo (Address ) Valf(State) (City) do hereby request permiss ion to appear before the Va i Commission fo requesf the following:I Planning q(x ( ( ( Variance f rom Arti Zon i ng Change f rom Park ing Va r iance Conditional Use Permi in CC X- cte7,6o2, Section TO f to allow Zone. For the following described property: Lot/ tract_, Vai.l Lionsllead, First Filing B lock Fi ling Number Clearly state purpose and intent cf this application 'rtre lurpose of this apglicatj.on is to receive approval for the construction of an addi t:L6n consistina of L protective cover over the Bouthvest entrance to the garage. Ttre intent is t,o create a. covering that na']te s entrence to and fronr said builclin8 Bafe and tq nq&e said afea more aesthetic tha^n at present. What do you feel is the basis for hardship in this case? fhe existing bullciing is 5' from the property line vhich nakes any ailditions for safety and aesthetic reasons irtpossible according to present zoning. The present bullding was conpleted ln 1969 before being snnexed into the Torm of Vaif "nd before present "oning lars. Pleor. ,..," t<. i\^ol bo. \l €,.\"o-^e First Westvlnd @ Vail/oran F General Manager o u\rsPEcrlru F|EEL'EST VAIL TIME RECEIVED'- AM PM gOrrr^ ',,'li.,,...,,-,t,,rr,.,/.,,.:a.t.,, i/r,,1 .'f...',.tt.,-.,!.r.,:-r, C orHen ! penrral.LOCATION MON COMMENTS: TUE READY FOR INSPECTION ( WED ' THUR FRI AM PM Elfp.pp Rov E D E upoN THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS I orseppRovED fl nerNSPEcr INSPECTOR o November 11, lfestwinds At Vall Oran Palmateer P.O. bx 427Yal1, Colorado 8165? Dear Oran, Please be advised that Bill Pierce and myseLf have inspected the addltion enclosure to the lfestwindsto meet uniform bullding and fire code. o box roo r vril, colorado 8t6sz . t976 3O3. t| 76-5613 revlewed and and find it MWC/Jb cc: Bill Pteree / CarlleLe // forr*ou.o E olseppn F'LUMEIING'/MECHANICAL FEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL ADDRESS Box 427 oF BUILDING: Lobbv and Office Remodle oF woRK: E r,rew E aoornoru E neuooel fl neparn oFWoRK: Additional baseboard and one zone valve MECHANIGAL: NUMBERNG: NUMBER TOTAL FEES: $ 7.50 '*'//,bf7r. "-N*N, Qfri\ti $rilHIil \' E UJ z F o J oul tc ul ()2 F O tz IJ a h z Fof F OE F F z fcl FAr.E<yIvFO AF k !'l ill& z.< 2zo< FF<()aEl o-E <9 9,a FAa><oIrl Ed< z 'F.|rtoz st Fzu,z!Jo UJ F !J J tt t! J FoF u,l J oF ! :r lrl o o z -o Jl o l&et =,-et- i I EI NOtrvnlvA f?l t Yo ;'!(.l zo9 -o 5 z trcqn6 t4|Jt>xo:z:< lll ro- (J >Q ;ri /.2 ../ TIME RECEIVED- AM PM I II\ISFECTIN TOWN OF HEEUEST VAIL E oruen ! pnnnal.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM I eppRovED fl upom rne CORRECTIONS @rc/-sapp RovE D NG CORRECTIONS: D netNsPEcr rNseecrGru I "f.:. TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE . ',.i + t',' /: ' \ -." JOB NAME _), T|ME REGEIVED 'i '''. AM PM CALLER ! ornen E panrral.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE :.,,.\i r'' WED.,j THUR COMMENTS: tJ APPROVED E orsnppRovED fl nerNsPEcr EI upon rHE FotLowrNG coRREcnoNS: CORRECTIONS .F'rF.t f-_rn-T,. _qlgTs t FIEOUEST F VAIL rNsPEcfiru TOWN TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orxen Elap+noveo Epnnnau \ READY FOR INSPECTION El o! snpp Rov E D FRI-AM PM ! nerNSPEcr LOCATION Eltpor,r rHE FoLLowtNn aor*rtr,orr, CORRECTIONS ,.. nuseecrOru TOWN OF FIEGIUEST VAIL JOB NAME I TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orHrn fl pnnrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM E nppRovED flotsappRovED ! netNsPEcr ! upom THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR Town of Vail I:I,I.ICTRICAL PERMIT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Received By 327 t/ ?/ Erectricarcon*^"tor-.,fl-A.h.t-..C/e..C-f.tte--....... APPROVALS $."...-.......-.............. 400.a s....JL.h .//lelil-ru Chld Bulldlla Oftlctrl Datc THTS FORilI 13 TO BE POSTED ON .'OB SITE DURTI{G COilSTRUCTTON 24 HO[tnSi ADVAI\ICE NOnCE REQI'IRED FIOR, INSPECTTONS rHr a. /. Hcrrrlt !o., o:ivrt rr0a5t Dris Icli RllV I rl'/-nOARD lrlliETING:DATI OII LtEIUIIERS PRESENT: SUBJIJCT: ACTION TAKBN BY BOARD: IvtOTION : /,4'/ ! VOTE: /EoR: APPROVED: DISAPPIiOVIjD: SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTION: SUIIINIAIiY: /t I tr,krtar,?JJ,-- > I o{"\r i,u ce a)5!. :ai.o, q ull \Q, .5 '>,- 2' Aris s \.$o<- ir ' O ou b\e 6 o"*" Ooor i !l ;aWf *qf,"= ft7l,oQLe- raK AqAtt'-"a2 lt;vzrJL / q auor l.;?A | | ' y: lKe Ei'lKlcL - ?n'h?:'": -, * eAvHvcE g t lyx* aft + eflKhtlt\f,' 1 FOr*, x?e,ir1wl4/'-N'vt:$e Cl^ t,'"''r'g/ ..--i..-- | , , LLh*Wf fmcz. K?YaDL?. raR tJY1afiz+ VALtCal-<tt(J-.;Jdr*i'/,lKeEfi:hti\-czil'{^';l':i:(_.v;gyizv+ r fHer+a; f €ziivYr\i sl fv*'"c, AF i{l 1ecT4/'.}i,'trt':K* ot,/ t/ o* F74t,""t l..cr -/\';' I I 3 f o o --l .J s \J J,(- .^,v.-' il {l..\l {.- / )\\ 'j. --].' -\I, i-- l;)' ') ) ,,i rt ,) \,J qt t_ 0l -) -1() i T \r) ,. \ \,\l 1i,'-I /" II i -\ l*. 3 a, f / U ,I../'I :r:\_,1 ,. -/ ,1,:r ) ., 1 {-l ),i',/ ,tt , .."a, !\r\ -:' l€09€l'? (eoe) 299!8 operoloc 'l!BA /z?xog'o'd tlBA le puwtlsoM uaaauet/- preu'g IiruFdttlltt'|Io lrv^ rv oo ILsva qq1c=, K7Y??r7 fat2t? faK v-.+71Alr?a2 v/.\iL ) <aLo1^\?a ll {lKe Ei1(lcl ' a2l'':\?r": **7,i "* 4 ii rl* ?i't + Q1 t< P'tlrlp,' I tprtx" r\ec\ fr w r4/' ^f'ttrrrlr"I /l<'f-i'tt- ..-.1-l-tEnY fn=ct. k=noDL?. raL ;)qAfi=a vAr- / catAlLl-po F iilKa Svli:lg,\ 'e2iitr\;l.i;l ir, i,= J"* r; H ^tfi t qziivY rr+ ft A'** 6', AFd;i{ I p'c1 +/' t**'tK*' -a 6. r'- \-rJ ( e "rc (( .-- \ r+- aK\'l J 1- rut.. l(,(crs bi"--- iOouute 6:C:: Ooon Itfi;vv qq7cv, KvY??eL 7aKpWt lzi ,-:/AiL ) qaloFt\.?a ll {lKe Ei1(tcL -'l -nr.ri"* g fii,;-;, un i "1,*'r'wtr' ! 5gv27, t\pciflecr4/'-,N'wrAl:'- .,llI l/ .---..i....-r..lftnY f ffiCa k?nocLt. FoF- AqAtfiza rl\//1U / 'CoL-<tfcl.-:-O n )ilKe 5fi:!5t\ - ctzl]{t\;,'-r,= ;:.,xLtiJ,sw4 t f ti*rzn t €z'ivYA1 rl lc*""c, AR.:i{l lEcTqfJ\r,r:t:'Kr*t ,t' Il Town of Vail EI,NCf,RICAL PERIVIIT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee L92 $-.".........-...........-.-. $. -... e?-A$- -, &-...... 5......... e?P..&.... -. - s............0 :.P-...... s.........*.Q:.€.... oate pua.../!..:.* :.f.€-.*l .U.4 . . . naairrarr -,,-ifus"1...^...',-,...f. rou Name-iJ.-€s ttst-t+t.bs--:.lta.r..lfl.ar-s.-.-5.o..,.-.&n*.ag.QE-.......... Date of Appticatiorl... -..A.eee .rzt.g.€e-.......&...........-........--.1g..-.?.5-. Electri cal contractor-.. -. .0 e.^1. * Ce.r. C.t C.,....{..+) *,- .1 tppticant-..Ytzn^fu-... K-,. .A.r*t *.*,. SlSnatur€ APPROVALTI THIS FORilI IS TO BE POSTED Oil .,OB SITE DURII{G CONSTRUGTIOil ?/t HOURSI ADVANCE NOTICE NEQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS lir a. t. Nal!trt a!,, !rrval l0llll I I tNSPECIDN TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orHen MON COMMENTS: fl pnnrtnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED AM PM E nppRovED I orsnreRovED ! nErNsPEcr E upor.r rHE FoLLowrNG conRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR O l-."rNseecforu TOWN OF FIEOIJEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED-'AM PM CALLER I orxen MON COMMENTS: f] plnrral. LocATroN TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM D nppRovED E orseppRovED ! nerNsPEcr f] upol,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR ts :. o< c|n D:z;ox1ZoatiOIEEI z g> o "z ^ =. rn N1t .|,o !I r-! VALUATION -{et - =e -l E g l-I z o tI T; :1 lll TI 3!I tll Do m3 mz-l tzo|lr {>io ii o>- <o> "J:F;;i _ o>: :xErzFrobQ>o:::e zz 7z fiigH-irl..:>,-rlrz ;': > !rol-iE:F;EH; m =-t+ \k ) -{oI D- 'Ir m -l f a{ >T m 1tt- m z nt* 1,j,\l) pu rNseeefiru TOW OF FIEOUEST VAI L E orxen E penrtal LOCATION TUE READY FOR INSPECTION - WED THUR .i !M)FRI AlrlMON COMMENTS: E orseppRovED f] upoH THE FoLLowtNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS E eppRovED E nerNsPEcr DATE \' INSPECTOR DESIGN REVIIj1'T BOARD DATE OF MEETING SUBJECT: ACTION TAKXN MOTION: VOTE: tsY '/.APPROVED:. ,.2 DISAPPROVED: SUMMARY: ,rt-62 9o. fuery-e ED Drztf4tr, c2tz o, {a Z 3 / DESIGN BEVI]iW BOARD DATE OF MEETIN ' MEMBERS PRESEI.IT: SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN MOTION: VOTE: /tTg BY / )/ 1,1 FOR: APPRoVED / DISAPPROVED: SUMMARY: tsY BOARDI z F F ? zI o z d H , rl F] FI 2 e z z z 'tr -1 trt Irl > FArr> Frr Irl FF ..<t -u, e ,,< zzo<Er.<i)(Je.cEc <c) 2,a F.Ao><oEl l0E< >O.\o \ o Cl {F =u,l tsl F. Y ll,t (.' 2 o uJE ut qz llloz s z|ll =u,l u,l i LlE oo tt ul IE F J J o ulE o J tt J F F ! t L .E =r= lrlo l&Gr tg-z =oElt-- --- f, o E-r l3 >(,.rt :*N 2o9 -o z tr9qd.6Ft!t4Q =>-z*< IIJ J >oFO ;.i "t rNsPEe roru FlEouEsr TOWN OF VAlL E ornen n pnnrrlu. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: FRITUE AM PM Effi_! orsnppRovED D uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! nerNsPEcr \ DATE INSPECTOR tNsPEeGN TOWN OF ..'t FIEOUEST VAIL E ornen I penrreu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR l. :. ,' MoN ( COMMENTS: TUE flnppRovED ! orsneeRovED E neINSPECT D upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR t/ oorc t..- t''''t't JOB NAME J INsPECrDru HEOIJEST ' TOWN OF VAIL i' TIME REdEIVED:---IAM 'PM CALLER E orxEn E pnnnnu LocATloN READY FOR INSPECTION THURMON COMMENTS: ,.TUE FRl AM PM El npp RovED D UPOT'T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: I orseerRovED ! nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR R3Y'2gFi l'r /.\'tJato i'r EFxo El --- oataFrg F o L'- z G 6 a o .Dc r D {o ,f o{ g E a 6t. I I I I e. E T B E l> t6tcF I Itr l.D I I tD ; tdt' It o D E' F o n o { n e.o o{ tt ttlb I|= Fr! F B I tD !r (o- F .-, v 3. at a I o e E o E E J o I I I I lr r^ll -lt- I I I D I lF lr I I I I I P ;(DrJ l.A ch o 6- Ecl ; =r6', N t0t\ I 0 I I I ^lt)(.-l\ n\N- I\t\- tl t' I I I I I .F( ; t\t\ t\ g X! a I I tlsIJ IN IFIt ^L It\ ls.; I I I I I I I I ,6t\\ f^'r-1 //IL-/ V & '---*' ,)a'*' '. t o !a t p ETD E + ln r '.] t- E's afo g It F{xF (D{ tt t3 .L t''"t$'('; 00' ,cAr roN FOR vAR r ANcE And/Or COND I T IONAL USE PERM I T Ordinance No.8 (Series of 1973) Date March 27, 1974 Publication Date laarch 29, 1974Application Hearing Date April L5, 1974 Heari ng Fee $roo.oo !.a^J')-n j'l F i na I Dec i s i on date for Town Counc i I (App I icant) Colorado F,.eterson P. O. Box 1408 (Address) Phone 476-2427VaiI'' (State)(City) do hereby request permission to appear before the Vail Planning Commission to request th.e f ollowing: ) Variance f rom Article -t Sect ion to) Zon i ng Cha nge f rom X) Pa'-king Variance ) Conditiona I Use Permi tn T to al.l ow Zone. Clearly state purpose and intent of this appl For the fo.l lowing described SroOerty:od/tract, I , Block-- Fi I ins Numbe , V;l {"2.A {-*"t- ication:We are re- covered''questin a variancb to allow us to" provide 60 arkin sDaces in lieu of 86 covered parking spaces out of a total of 114 s aces reguired.We are providing a total bf I54 s ces, 40 s ces more What do you feel is the basis for hardship in this case?'{e are attemp- ting to provide eionomical employee housing. If we are required to erably down-zoned the property by reducing density well below the Town requirements. then are required. provide the additional covered ces, the cost will by nece- ssity be passed on to the tenants. We are providing 40 additlona! outside spaces which the town does not require. lle have also consid- i cant Fltt OCT 1 5 1974 / Town of Vail ELECIRICAL PERMIT rou Name..-(d.e-.5-1:.C,U., : .*J 5... H /-o..,*t'o.i.u.i,a.s-,..... eppri",nt....-(ill.tzvrz*9.n&p.*r*M. A"PPROVALS l.Q....se..r- 2.* N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 63 $...............-............ E.....-..{. -. a.. a...a. s........?.9-.'...Q.o $.......4.Q-..,..Q.p Date THIS FORM IS TO BE PIOSTED OI{ JOB SITE DURING GOI{STRUCTIOI{ 24 HOI,JRS AI)VANCE NOTICE REQI,IIRED F1OR INSPECTIONS o^t" p^ia..Q..cf,.. U, 2{ Received t".......... Jk., ......... l.o-l 5 h I t8r a. t. toa!rrr !o.r arxvlt t0rtt t att Nov 2]74 rNsPEcrCru -'-"-,'--*,""""._LowN o F CALLER FIEOIJEST VAlL DATE ! 91169 i: \. v-, . i, lr.r s,:,i.,- 'i ! penrrel LocATtoN READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: Ele+rRoveo El orsnpp RovED fl nerNSPEcr E upon rHE FoLLowrNG GoRREcToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR loNo BUILDIN GPE t)671 IT Applicant to comptete numbered Jurisdiction 1'1L4.. WHEN PROPEBLY VALIDATED {IN THIS SPACEI THIS 1S YOUR PERMIT I DESCI.fisee rrrrcxeo sx:er; MArL aDoR Ess Fy LicX,.Sq - zto 47b- MAI I. ADOFE3S FHON E LrcENSE t{O. S\ ARCHITECA OR OE!'IGNEh MAIL ADDFESS PHONE !lcENgE t{o, ENGINEER MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO. MAIL ADDiE 59 BRANCH U5E OF BUILDIN67 Trat rn 8 ctasolwork: tr NEW fl AoDtiloil Efattenntton tr REPATR tr MovE tr REMoVE /'x 94 " l0 Ghange of use from Change of use to 11 Vafuationof work:$ QQC2 eeeutr ree ftj SPECIAL CONDITIONST Slze ot Bldg. (Totall sq. Ft. NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ABE REOUIRED FO8 ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OB AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF IIIOR K OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN OO OAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDEDOR ABANOONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. .1,11 INSPECTOR iEOiDEi FROM: INTERNATTONAL CONFERENCE OF BUTLOING OFFICIALS ' !O SO. LOS ROBLE3 'PA3ADENAI CALITORNIA 9IIOIForm lOO.l 969 a N il,o* H//I BUILDI Jurisdiction to complete numbered Wces only. € I] IS EE ATIACHED !HEE'I zIP PH OiI E LtcEt{sE No.j AiCHIYECT Oi DESIGNEF MAII AODhESS ' PHONE LtcEt'lsE il EXGII{EER ADDhESS PI'ONE LICEN9E NO. LENDER 6 MAIL ADORES9 b'ANCH U3E O' BIJI LDINE 7 8 CIASS Of WOrK: tr NEW tr ADOITION tr ALTERATION il NTPNIN N MOVE tr REMOVE Change ot use to il valuationotwork:g _<DO * PERMTT FEE t O.& SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size of Bldg. (Total) Sq. Fr. ,/l ,rf)t_ v A,j OFFSTREET PARKI NG SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ABE REQUIREO FOR ELECTFICAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN @ DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDEDOR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. SOI L REPORT WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. M.o.cAsH PERMIT VALIDA TION p 'll INSPECTOR REOROEi FROM: IN TERNATIONAL CON FERENC E OF BUILDING OFFICIAL9 ' IO 50. LOS iOELES ' PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 9I IOIForm 1OO.1 $69 -rxspbcrroN npconn t BUILDING DEPARTMENT Vail, Colorado Phone 476-5613 To Insure Inspection the same day call : 476-5613 before 11:00 A M DO NOT COVER UP ANY WORK NOT INSPECTED Notice: Inspections will not be made unless this card is posted on the job. -ALL subcontractors must be licensed and sigrt this ca,rd to obta,in inspection. Permit No. ,.', Name Concrete Heating Electrioal Plumbing Roofing Dry W T() G(IiIPLY WITH CODE INSPECTION RECORI) Inspection Date Approved To obta'n in:pections call 4?6-5613. Inspections will be made the same day on calls before 11 A. M. No inspection will be made on Saturday, Sunday, or legal holidays. Inspections will not be made until nermit has been secured anil contrae- lor ha^s signed and placed his llcense number in the spaces above. Rejeoted 'By -l nrcotricat- Heating o- , -zr- 6, Certificate of Occupancy and Compliance must be ob- -q tained befor€ structure is occupied. Fram€ -- APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT THE TOWN OF VAIL Applicant fill in this section onl BUILDINGJNFORMATIOI! New ./ Additiou Alteration- RePairs Type of occuPancy (A1l parte of building) Td.l f1""" ""." ( srs ftl-@!-p Q,ao No. of rooms-- No. of water closets No. bathe- Idt. trou Name Address City Lot Block Subdivision Approval by p permit. Tel. No.No. of Families ESTIMATED COST or coNsrF(vcrroN:+/^e (Materirle & Labor).d b0 ru t1 (Circle correct claaeification) ^l. Type of conetruction I.II.ruC)V. Occupancy group A. B.C.D.E-. C@Ul. Signed (Perrnittee) architectural control co4lmittee to obtain Building address Date of Application Tel. No. /41-,.r{e' Addre City Tel, No. ffi building BUILDING INSPECTICN Receipt of Plane _ t:Ze_-lL*- -__..._ __ Approval of Plane ty't raarte/ -(2 sets required)Date "/fAmount of Permit F"" $ tfzt.zS* to./)/JlS P^idt Caah $ Amount of Clcan up Fee $Paid:Caeh $ Date check \Urc Check $ id Amount_ate perrnit iesued 3-lZ-l? Tap fee pa Final inepection t(/t?/6T<7Zfl- Construction certif icateof o"fr f liEf &-i6;pt-iiiii@/Z-Afr%clean- up tt.ra /O o+<t (/ arao d'Aa 6.ae 7a 'eo {2. t') 2 2'' act ?eul ' n' / 4t f'>-o J.e7.75 - fe-trt'* -. 2/* 6rt zfo.oo - A/** /nfa / - /77 )J .2 f ''*/- /@ 3tx3 Ztx 2.fo :fc2 x ,/cfO 7aa r / '{7izJ ' 2t'FrZ /, - z-;) a€ - ta') 'z'd - ,/tl ar) aO C - 8/4 r.a ]UII,DING PEIiMIT ' Vai I, Colore do Dut. /ana 4 19 (2 Pe rmit Pe rrnis sion is heleby grantcd ^/)a./.n /ontt fo. as Caa.*-ocfa, to co'tt*...f v l/t story on /ront t/a../ 4-r4 l ddre s s /y'afnrr,"/., ., f J/a ,'/ In accordance with the provisiollb^ sct forth by the Vail Cornmittee, subject to the rul€is ancl regulations a s s;et Plotcctive Covenants. ancl i r-r cornpliance with the I964 T'ype of C onstruction Group -l rchitectural Control f orth in the Vail Viliage Unif o rrn E uilding C ocle . H Contractor -,f 1rp r o ved 4*-./,f4.,4?.,4,l.-.. VaiI B uilding INSPECTIC)N RECORD (For Departrnental use Only) INSPF,CTION J.'OUNIJ;'I. IONS .'PPROV-A i-COMNTtrNTS DATl-.- & SICN-^TURE FR.I MING FINA L uI] )a ROI-]GI-Io OJ FINI ]- ROUGFI l.n b al J 0-r FIN,,1 L ROUCH b0 i,(i 0,i[ tt a FINA L Vail , Colorado January lJ, 1972 llr. Ed Struble, Building Official Town of Vail Box 631 Vail , Colorado 81657 Dear IvIr. Struble: Re: gas heaters in driveway and. venting of garage The infrared gas heaters have been removed from the drive ramp as further assurance that no gas can escape. 2. Concerning the ventj,lation of the qara e, I am enclosinq a cooy o1" a letter: from Richard Ekrem, i'/cstrvi.nd Condominirrm Assoeiatj on Presi-dent, and a fact sheet on the Dayton Roof Venti-lator fan. f do feel that the letter in itself is self exolanatorv and therefore rvi.ll. not add any of my own comments. Thanks for your heln and i.nterest in thi-s matter. Sincerely yours, CFP Cooies to:A1 Hanna Richard Ekrem Itlarlin Hadlerr Robert Redpath Ed Lamrrert Gene Dellas Barrv lvlerr i.1 1 Phil WoodwarC A\NSr""^/ ?"J^r,ffi'. Oran F. Pal#ateer. Ivlanar|en YOUR OTHER WORLD ON THE EDGE OF THE WIND Richard T. Ekrern 1193 Old Tale Road Boulder, Colorado 80302 January LOt L972 Ur. Oran Palnate6r lrlanager, Westwlnd at VailP. O. Box 427Vall, Colorado 81657 Dear Oran: The citatlon by ltr. Ed Struble, Bulldlng Inspector, Torrn of Vail ,regardlng Unlform Bullding Code, Sectlon 1109 (open parklng garages) and more apeciflcally ln our car€ Sectlon 1105 (llght, ventllatlon and eanltation) of enclosed garager poaca the gueetlon aa to thecorrect arnount of ventllatLon ln a Eroup F occupaney where auto- urobLles are stored. Speaklng for the Flrat Weatwlnd at Vail Condonl.nlun Aesociatlon,I appreclate the concern of alert bulldlng offlcials ln calllngattentl.on to porslble dangere to the safety of our asaoclation owner!, trenters, and/ot our property. The ventllatlon requl.rements of the Unlforn Bullding Code, however, appear to have been met by the origl,nal deeLgn epecl,flcations, ce!-talnly reviewed when the bulldLng permLt was taken out and acknow- J.edged ar properly lnstalled and operable when the certlflcatc of occupancy wag lggucd by the Town of Vall. I have revlewed the orlglnal plans and speciflcatlons by Anderson, Barker, and Rlnker and offer the following fact lnformatl,on. Thc volurne of the "F" DlvisLon I occupancy lg 80,000 to 8{'000 cubLcfeet. The fan capaclty for an air chang€ every 15 rrinutea ls 5,300to 5,500 C.l..M. Tha exhauet fans of the dealgn pJ.ans and epecifl-catlons eall out two unLts powered by one-half horeepolret, three phaae motora. ThE two unlte furnished are each Dayton Model 3e05{, 18 Lnch wal,l mounted ventllatorg rated at 2520 C.F.I'|. Alr dellverylc rated ln accordance wLth A}ICA test sodee. ft le apparent that all- intent of desl.gn as well as conetruction conpletlon naa to, and does meat the code. If Mr. Struble deglres to pursue these facte further, f eannot ae a profecsLonal engLneer and Pregldent of Weetwlnd at vall be the profesel.onal expert. we w111 , lf necessaryr review the probleut wlth the orlglnal archltects. Our buildLng Ia recognized as one of the most outstandlng and wellbullt structureg ln Vall, and my review of the orlqinal documents merely confLrne thie fact. llr.Oran Palmate€r -2-January 10, 1972 I do howavor' diract you to do tha follorcLng ae the resldent nant- ger ao that wc are not ln v{olatlon of the "Fr DivigLon I ocoupancy by lgnorancel l. Poat two each aigns that notify automoblle storaglo uaera that 'no autonrotlve repalr work le allowed.o 2, No Btorage of flannable llqulds ln the garage la allowed other than the garollne ln the autonobiles. 3. Asauro that the two fans ar€ oP€ratlng. 4. Do not allow automobile motora to be excesslvely operatcd for othsr than entrance to or exlt frorn the garage- f have eettt you two coples of thls letterl plaare uae one wlth ths accompenylng Dayton Fan Data Sheet ag backuP to your letter to llr. Struble, prlor to Janu&ry 15, L972. Alao Eend copy of, your Lettrr and attachmcnts to all executive dLrectors. Flrst lrlestwl.nd at vall condorolnlum Aeaociatlon Attachrcntg mE,&b cos AlHt C. Eanna P€rcy wllson uortgeg€ t PLnance CorP. 221 North La salle st. ChlEago, IUlnole 60601 [lebrcl Vaggalic 1700 BroadwaySultc 2002 Denver, Colortdo 80202 l. Slncorcly, t( Q^-^R. T. Ekron Prcsl.dent, .1], v I I t c 4. 8' i+. e S F- i :i f;l U l.J ? i: D \"r $ r\"i T i U\ Te ${$ :ohllt,t-"1..::ntiit'lE:, rvlre:1., Dcltver up to Jl,coo cFr,l. gnurl.r and B;rd screent)i,)'E ; ,.,.; $ i, i ff "i..*:,i;ltiii'f Tiqil{ :,.":?iii:,i!:,ii{.j :ii"ri .. . . _ _:_ iir3i:t,:.:,;.qiiffii;iiilt*r.:"..,lpijil.*:ii+j,. -.-' -"'-- -,_., rsl. :r;-u,iii--.. r;"1;:rJ;j;,;,,X-jffi;iiiil?jill*l+i -"' :lil"*,l"si;ru,g1:1;;. ,i, Li,i,\iirti,i t*t;:,,,t,''t..,,iiiii::i*f'-ii: illi iii,\..*.*.._-* _..i.) ,:#irff},$-tffiii,iiiliiii+tinr ,.),.... ,.,' i -.-:-l::l-11 F':,rlt_"j:rl:1." * l' or 3nr Lhr. ,'nc ovdrf;: 'l\"u.:=:, -,,,..- ",: ' till' il"': E*, - .u?'"'"\. c,"J"1r:rr;i;;' l* ' -.)i,li lFm:f;$T f-frJt ifi iPm$*'**fi$ffi*# VISii. GRAiNGE;1'S-SEE Ti.IE LARGE STOCKS-.I(NO\Y THE ^{SN You'll like lrhot yo!, !ee otycur reorby cr"...r^. 1r.",-jj & . linre,ycu nc':d tornelhi'rg in -.,rhe l<,roe, w;t,.'.-.p, 5,.:k - =----,;;;;--:-=_ ill.'].1-"; 1,.^.i in and se+ -rhu <ou,;.,"u,. ,,..r, lil,.]"t^.] --. :": -:-- -i::"'i I : " J hoa .,rell we ore 3l up rJ rhen tho! se.yi .,(rU. .ar, ;."; -**'.r.'4:-.*J:..-*LJ serve /uu, Pr-e your:cti;foc- -_-.__l___ - ___ tion is olvrcyl gvr.tr<tnletC, e n a n : Ei i:s- rnil r.r,qrE lr. r-fi ;r^.:i- -- _ '\..:ar-r+-* si: vEH;llA;$tis 'runl V!'t,l'tl.. Up lo ?:4C CFI''i 'r. t i.n..'. tnii;. irlnlo Cu!br{rll S.t. Wrdtlr Sird il,l. :i--. - z;:;*- rt'i - :i r :.r !i ,t)r.. .. 1-.- iit-- 2r'\2, -,'.,IYTC H t,: O.l Oti l I't It I, at llo: kllr.ii iLi; ll Frin 4C-r25 S:i7.r,\)39 3.SrO VFirlTllAT{:il V/llii li2-i h,pl;i, 9;iLL illJrili;{c D,..\...t._i}i,l .,,iOTrJ;i S, DRtITE-'-.-: ^,*, ,*or,r, i j 1_ve",,Liru-a, Irq r,Trw;l; r. u; i.i-_ tr '.u'. 1,.,1;#, ^tilflgi-iit-i*' *i' i,i ti" - iLitt iiti l:it t;;; lj;l ,Iltil' iiSi ii\ii lr;: t*-;.-_- l,iit:l: iig:t :, tii :, :,:; r,i;ji - . I Ji35L{r :t:;i') :::,;,r :l.ii., if ili fl;O I Cl """i iill i;ili l-;3 ::*l-,*'--t lil_ _l_8i,t fjll i;iij llL: l5i l*Jii '""1 :iii itii iild; ljl;,, Il i;-;lfl ,'ii; al,,1 iil,:t ir; m l l;s;j -,.,ri, i- s,i,,,, -,,j-.. - ,;,:,r__ l?j;li ,fii:ll jlll t:l;l :,ll ,;^iil | jii 'i,;,- |3'til;lLir_ r,,r_. i,i:r| :l j ii:'j' i act?C 1i,'.r0 123.8C .18 .c..r:L:-ir.ii;]-;i iF r/[i.ITtt/r?dri:5 .rm tlniriing thd Sh!,rlar rtlii{crc!, r!^dr:i|i rxSlLst-rs '1rai: hl i.,n. tlrrs,rrliJ'.t.ricL be-nnrl rtic!r). oltcrate out;'.tf oI r f'( rr r, rrn n 'r cc d ai, c,.l o !v,.rf,tt::l1o ortsido .ri air sl;(.'r!ll.r,!: o.tr'c \:r:rfl, aair lro:r dri., e, . a'l.,l r i f.rmud of lon,t.l:f0,:rlt.i5 l,irri sarccil. -\iutrrinu:r'l:s. 11.,t)i .rn,l dllvlj pi.ekedrr ('i.lc11.d Ccn.!'j.'te. ,r:icni'' ali *'oroa i,;;.:| -'fi ;;, -;t,,.is, ;r' gr.r. H tnsrdc Ju. idc y.t. ', , r--:t;---)itl- r.:" -- r;j-65 l. -.i'. :.,-_.: ii _,.0!-!:11,_ lcr R O;:'VE . it',rc. i e-r,'.,.. i ..,,, au Y. | 2ln rf',V. ':i hr.Itin I slx. tii. !r'. L --t-----l2 36.0 I Tc5riar srr'|rf .-<6':42.J3 ! tc\;l ::..tO?St.63 | 7a5tj :-.i3.1 , -l!52.2:, , 't 1;,'1." t:i:.633t;6..,i | 'rt-. 17 :t: ! -.--z.:91.?6 lc5?9 Ji,S.t'J4O4.O1 i 7: irI 3i,/.?a '--_'-l-_- ."1 Fosl Ship;r:onts from Cr!lcrc-'S SlrrCk ta ' trpt lIt (:etrtrri f)i:tri'orl. Crillnter Si-lcslrrtn. :5S I I I :J il(- llerr: er lirr r .j'i, I t7l F.t r . C r,1 n Fn I r'.n t** riiestwinri rt Vall Pron*rt lesF. O. 8ox 4lf7 Vat l, ColoreCc i)ear Slrr rre r our conversatlon of i.roconbc.rr ?g, thls lotter ts to Infornyou on thl followinn: | . The gas h+;ators e lono your c.l rlvoroy to the park Ing garFSonre nftncQn f r'i |-i;l I nr' aq f or Os f ho Codo I g cOncornod ln froreip€rls; {lex I lnes cannot be ussd and each h€ater pusinave ii s'ieel plpe or concret6 abutrnont ln front of l+so a veir lc le cannot hlt the unlf d l rect ly. 2. In checkln$ thls et your request, I have found your parklng !]arage tc be nonconf orr:rlnq and hazordous. In aecordancavlth Section ll09 of the Unlform ilultClng Code, pBrkln.c;(.t rages sh e | | be 50I opon on fwo or noro s l des to be ven_tl loted try nafural n:erang or shal I bo mechanlcrlly vsntl latedsufflcl€nt to provlde ono co'io lote change of alr €v9ry l, r, lnutes. such r.necfranlcar oxhausf ventr ratron shart betakon fror' a polnt at or noar the lloor level. ln ref erencc to lten I'to. l, you havs alruady tskrn r corroctlvaReasure by havlng; thon shu* off, but there ls stl ll o posolbledan(!er 6s lonir as' ?here ls gas In the ltnes.: f horaforc', theyshou I d be repa I red to rreet code or rosiovod as soon os DosB I b I e.vlith reg6rd to the nonconfornlng garage, I rl ll have to hovearl ansh'e.- by tlre r5th of January as to nhat actlon you planto tnkq: f or corre,ctlon. lf you ptan on uclnc nochonlcal vsntllo-tlcn, Inust havc calculallirns subnlt*ed by i .*gistered nrechanlcaleri., I neor. Yol rt t ru I v , Ed Strub letiulldlng 0f f lclnl d!, 1,\.'lii l-' . i(\.. tlt L. I' iL t1 u lrt)es/ utt'^t/s l/",{io,u'h*/ /st NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT PETMiI #: 895-0013 APPT,ICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Job Address: 548 S FRONTAGE RD Location...: 548 S FRONEAGE RD Parcel- No.. : 2101-063-12-013 RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES , vArL, co 81658 RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES , vArL, co 81658 MEIER DONALD L & JUDITH E 400 E RANDOLPH t7 17, cHrcAGo rL 60601 WEST StaIUS...: ISSUED #209, WApplied.. : 12/30/Igs4 I6sued. . .: Ol/03/L995 Expires..: 07/o2/L995 Phone: 3034764374 Phone z 3034'16437 4 fof tlood/Pa t Let: Description: WINDOW Occupancy: R1 Type Construction: V Type Occupancy: R1 Valuation: Fi rep[ace Information: Rest ri cted: MuJ.ti-Family l--HR Type V l-Hour Not in tabfe! /5U #0f Gas App I iances.#of Gas Logs: Add Sq Ft: *******************************tr****S***lr******** FEE SUtlt'IARY *lr******|Hr***'tir***tr****|t**'t**!k**jr**rrffiffiir****t*ffi***** Bui Lding-----> 29.00 Restuarant Ptan Revieu--> .00 Total catcutated Fees---> 50'85 Pl.an ch!ck---> 18.E5 DRB Fee-------- Investigation> .oo Recreation Fee----------> .oo Totat Permit Fee--------> 50-E5 Ui|'|'ca|'|.---->3.0oc[ean-upDeposit-------->.ooPayments----------------> TOTAL FEES-----****f,ffirtffi rffi trffirrrffi *ff ffi *ffi ,rffit*t tffi twrt*ffi ****i**tffi *f,rnffirt****Hffirt|i*lt Item: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT02/16/1995 TRYNIS Action: APPRIt'em:' 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT02/L6/1995 TRYNIS Action: APPRIt'em:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTITem: O55OO PUBLTC WORKSrTem: O57OO ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Pivision:Debt: PUB WORK Divis!on:Depu: HEALTH DlvJ-slon: ***ffff***ffiffi********ffiffilrtr*tric'Sffiffir***ffi***ffiff#**tr*#**irrrtt#rtrinffirlttr*ffir**lt**,rffrffi**Jr*tffi See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this appl,ication, fil,ted out in futt the information required, conpleted an accurate ptot pLan, a;a state thlt atl, the information pro;ided as required is correct. I agree to compLy with the information and ptot.Ptan, io compLy vith aLl, Toun ordinances and st-ate taws, and io buil,d this structure according to the Town's zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Torrn aPPl'icabte thereto. REoUEsTs FoR INsPEcTIoNs SHALL BE ItAoE TI.IENTY-FoIJR HoURs IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE Ar 479-2138 OR AT OUR OIFICE FRO}I 8:OO AI.I 5:OO PII Send C[ean-tp Deposit To: RUSTY SPIKE SIC'NATIJRE 0f 0ttllEn OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OtlNER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permi-t #: 895-0013 as of o2/L6195 status: TSSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMTT Applied: \?/,29/,12?!apprici-nt: Rusiv sPrKE ENTERPRTSES rssued: 0\/91/.\29,5_ 3034764374 To ExPiret 07/02/1995 Job Address:Location: 548 S FRONTAGE RD *209, WESTWIND Parcel- No: 2101-063-12-013 Description: WINDOW Conditions: oo **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0006 Amount:s0.85 02/L6/95 11:33Init:Payment Method: CK Notation:6830 895-0013 TyPei A-MF ADD/ALT MF 2101-0 6 3- 12-013 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST 548 S FRONTAGE RD #209, WESTWTND 50. 85 50. 85 50.85 Balance: .00**************************************************************** Permit No: ParceL No:Site Address: Location: This Paynent Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 BUILD PER Anount 29 .00 18.85 3. 00 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Description BUILDING PERMTT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE ciz E =c. uJo- ra F- (n IJJ uJ lJ- E =Eulc . av sbldlf a€?h #/ |r} o\ I I |4 z tsv) z t !! E Lr)o\ I cl.t I E|d tod lo 11z9oii :(J , u,F o F 2z o zz ;; uJFoz oz oJ- dl .6 zz JItlo ilt, o 0)-cl o c, {5 E o). o (! o o ct) E o E =cl (D oo.o ! .9 c) c '6 q)o u;q)Eoo .9o ; -o IA E G .E oN F o.c ct) = ()() a6 E ol (r, .9E !t o 6 !6 3(s E .:o 't'i (! '=oo*ioXOcEO(E cout9; IEPc oxEc-o :i;d'! = E:E_E>.!, o=sE=soo;Eo .e; I FE c.Y- 6 O- (g O- sEE OP CL5€: E6: E E.Eoo= EE E_ o..!l 2.d6.= -aEi|iOr SEE-ei=36>,9(!E iTE ,bt e9E ar eEg -o(' @N co A (t \' ts UJc z !l I UJ z c F() uJ lu (,z6 = .J 2 t1J = tutllltz tr ll,e() oe o 3g u/ zI u, F or UJo z C) x F uJo Fl '-t Fl FJH3 at IJ.J IJ.Jt! = =E uJo- J o 0z. J J a Fo UJJ uJ oz =J J oz -o uJ = NO|lVnlVA LI t? |E-fe. 9r z- EF 87. 3.'Ao Jilfr, 2? U5 >E --(a =@61 zz9oF^<t XfFPOrf, oz>oiJQZlL<o1 CYiE -ici +8 fr 1j x.1,tl 7 IL )l il I !l il ilIE rl F4 1l r=1 I l"!.\ w. t& I frR K lcn lFl llItnlc l+ I t#lfr I trlIH lv) )= >,9fr E l b 1+cr ,ri g o o ^. 4 \I> IL uJE z Eo x*x,o F- uJ =UJz Illtl I Lzl z9a <()o<>ft>r! xl!5o<z =z, Oz do3trOI 2l Fl<lJI (r .nl ozli u,l o UJzY =F F G loqtY6t: .. >-l ul lu IJJz <t) tr E uJ ) z F-<66oF<(, z tr d) z Y c uJo .l(rot{ ultt llJCL>oF I I - F ut I r-r- f- z BF B (,z Jtr J F J F zHB H tLlE iri E z -) EI :] z H =4 Fl a td .v uloloo = .qo.\o Fl H Fo c! I ta) Ic.l tr v)ttl uJ o = IL Hztlt t/, H va Fts U) t tr I \o oz ou!l \ <li olz 31olFI i...tt$. b" F \T I F-.iI ui) |lJF tr z out J lt z3ot-ttr o ult J a ttoz3o tr z ctru J q z3oF E. olz) UJ <1 ltoz 3I uJ JulF ulz = FouJ F Io E, E -rO<FE()lrJ <ztr!F6Zo )E<o()F F? ^r;.,iF 13 E2? =#]Fd6() i5::F 13sz =u Ei\g l- t_Oz J<c)an5E Or e.l --Fe CPa Jln lJgo4 T't J oc) =tr:iJ =t!.JJd) uJ l4r r-rXILJ tr =llJ II #ulE9EAc!lo t!2 E2B9v[E Ed =>=uJ-E h=ar-lYs : i'iiE =E-_ (J U_E 9o9 \tnE XO-r x>6=Fa-o-itttr llJ F -=- IJJFo cooa zo f, tJJY ul dt oFr\ =!fi6id- 1l-1o"liaog??ra Eurbkzo ts =E. lrJo-z9F(JfE 6zo(J z.-o =-'<(I)o =z a! u- nn -ttro,olr ; u*" """rr**rr"p R b?Qs'* "'*iLil1??TSl"* B\I ^, APpLrcArroN MUsr BE FTLLED our coMpLErELy oR rr r,rlhlloFnthtfiEfFnEBn S * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + pERl{rr rNFoRl{Arroil,\r ,.::::..."::::"""*;;,TJ;,I l].30.[ieffi[nnnru****, Pqr[ ]-Buildi?ir,]r)-prurnbins [ ]-Erectricar [ ]-rilechanicar fil-ott"= ?rj,,,X9,9 /1or -0 Q3 - /z -o/ 3 HttEkJob Naroe: &tfuekL httttDoc^)tN EYtSlrA6Job Address: -f o. FRoxtr+eE RO. asncc L'JeST.D/ND - AO7 ,_Legar Description: Lot- Block- Filinq SUBprvrsroN: r/f .(r (J€Szr.rr /Lf// u /2 ,JD BUILDTNG PERMTT FEE: PLI'MBTNG PERMTT FEE: ITfECHANICAIJ PERUTT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OA FEE: DRB FEE: Olrners Nane: Architect: ceneral Descriptionz ()AJD Addressz +Db . Stuootfrt' /?/ip:ntZ/reE@/ScH(c*a6 /L-Zo6a /Address: ph. Gast >€/K) Ee-o BUTLDTNG pr.lN cHEcK FEE: /g- PLUMBING PI,A}T CHECK TEEs !,IECHANTCAL PI.AN CHEEK FEE: RECREATION FEE: t/ cLtaN-UP DEPOSTT:I\? TOTAL PERMTT }EES: Af- VALUATION ZONING: STGNATTIRE: work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration frl-aaaitional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwetling Units: Nunber of Accommodation Units! ^ llrmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ cas Logs l{oodlpellet_v It*rr******************************* vALUATToNs **** ******** * *************** ***** iulr,prHe, +7fO.0C Ir,EcrRrcAL:$ orHER:!_ r}Lnr.{BrNG: F- - }recgAir'i;;;;i- rorAL: t_-rY ,u;:::i.;;::::i:::.;:z:tr"<g?)rygg:o,_33'roN-1:*::*:.*::*:*"************C-ontractorz R!-sr\ 1?=ttse Etl-relr-f RtSe sW.-l5_t"I vAtL gl6sE-Address: a-xlgl'r 3;H"RH:1,".9. No.- ffi;::::.r contracro'r *r{r-"U;;; -il Phone Nunber: Plunbing Contractor:aaaiei=l ---------\Jr' - ff:l"Rffill,*'n' No.- llechartical Contractor: Address:Phone Nunber: ********************************FOR OTFICE USE ******** ********** ************* - 'r'e'rlArJ PERTTTT )ry,// 3YEHiffi,44u Doru+tD |na& 5+8 sa. rai*e ?o. ao7 t/A/L_. Co. 8/65*7 CLBAN UP IIEPQSIT rEnND ms TO: FROM: DATE: RE: A MEMORANDUMv ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMTT'IS REOUTRED ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public progerty? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent a@ess needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easem€nts, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit' required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be ussd for staging,paking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? It-v9u- a19yer9d yes to any of these questions, a "Public way permit" must be obtained.?ublic way Permit" applicationg miy be obtained ar the pubtic work,s office or atc,grylitv Development. lf you have'any questions please caltCnarrie Davis, the Townof VailConstruction Inspectoi, d 479-21ffi.' ,-- | have qead and answered alltherne/E< I * above queslions. 1) 2) Please answer the follbwing questionnaire regarding the ne€d for a ,public Way permit': YES NO K Y X BeSrD€ S/u( i;> ftu fffQ€ST Q +LL_ /2 3) 4) s) 6) X X 8) hstuo 5 Job Name Contracto/s Signaure Date 3o lnwn 75 roulh frontrgG rord urll, c61666s 6557 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 ottlcc ot communlty d.yclopmattl BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TII{E FMIIE If this peryit requi.res a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approva.l,Engineer''s. (Public 19$) review anO ipp"oual, a planning-Departmentreview or Health Department review, ani-i-iiuid ;i';il";rTiaingDepartment, the estirnated time for'a iot"r ;di;.-;"i"ia[!'as tongas three weeks. All comnerciar (]arge or smailt) and arl murti-famiry permits wiilhave to follow the ibove menti6neJ-maiimum reguirenents. Residentiarand small projects shou'ld take a reiier-'amouni of time. However, ifresidential or sma'r't er .projecis-impici' the various above mentionedlgll"llla:, with regard' to-necessiry-"eui"n, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt wir'r be made by this departrnent to expedite thispermi't as soon as possible. - vY -^TEvr eE er' l:-il. undersigned, understand the plan check prrcedure and timetrame - /a-=o Corrnuni ty Developnent Department. o o o 0asement Wndow Sizes Vent and Fixed Units (902) (8891 (445) (546) (5s7) (432) (533) (584) 99 tr 2020cc m 1ffi] 'm' 2tltzcc m 2048CC m 205'lCC m 20mcc m 2068CC tr 't8t 8cctr 1820CC m 1030cc E 1836CC D t842CC n lM8CC n 185aCC m rt60cc ilIt iltl||tl IIJJ 186[CC E 1220CC U r230cc m t236CC m 1242CC U 124ECC n 1254CC m 1260CC fl 12t8CC tT-il ft-iltLJt tr__Jl 2a20cc 3m[cc Nt-------l IU 2421t,C E2t30cc 3030ccntr trtrEE2436CC 3036GC 36:r6CC r236CC 4836CC 5436CCrE trtrtrE 2a12CC 304ZCC 3642CC a242CC 4842CC 5442CCEE Etrtrtr244!CC 3048CC 36{8CC ,l248CC 4848CC 54rl8CC NE EEtrtr2{54CC 3(F{CC 3651CC 425,lCC {051CC 5454CCnn nnnnru rJr tJ tji Lil tJ 2400cc 3060cc 366rcc |260CC 4tiocc s{mccnn trFrmqumr dl utitil2t68C[ SmtCC 3660CC 'lLLnit standard wilh lempered glass F=Fixed unil only - Smartsash'I' insuLaling gLass is 0nlyglazing Opl:i0n. tl E 1615CC tr 1620CC n 16:]0CC m r636CC m 1642CC E 1640CC a 1t51CC ffi 1660CC F an€ ''t 1 Y an- ; N a\l a.r hsigner Series- AwninsWindows "T7re maintenance-fiee aluminum cladding on Pellaa Windows k mucb better for our climate. viTtj,l jrlst bakes and shrinks in tbe summef and. it can brcak or crack uben ltb cold.', lVotld cons truct ron adtls bw u.l1', strmglh, and thurnal rcistance thut! 1 ,500 ttmes grealer than rnetal. Srch amm arefttsbwl tltree vths-inter- knkiry1 unod jainl,:, metullalmers and ghu to stny hue. Cornxkm-resktant ala- mlnum claddlng uilh aur adtuned baked'on LndtruChd" finirh, 1ro- ta$ modfrom a'ert lnrsh :;ancDo,tl etuiro me lt. And alumiflurn unn'l uarp. cnrk or Elil lihe tin.yl. Wite, Tan atul I aun re slatultwJ- or lnmatu ters a ot cboav lrcm an ona.y' oJ distinctitu alars. Innot)athte gl.szlng optlons hrclule lnnlShitltX" iruukkryq glnr.s, SmarL\zsh Il ghzry4 @hith allou,s lytlla pfui a sbudmg ,ptian). 1ur Stnarl&:tsh II q).tlem (hiph llluzing pfus room for ane option) and our uftra-efinml h*ul- Slield D( nstem. Dennis Spadl Spady Conshuction Chanpion, \eb. For easy clcanlng of outslde glass, tln vsh tnoux tanard lln cenl.er of the fiam,e. A larlety of ttrstallatton rccessorles are auihble. ht make your job ts uts:t' n possibk. Only Pella factory- tests eoery stmdail operabh auml.ng ulndou for air inrtllrarion. If it rkan't pas, i1 daanl shitt. Carumlent ope/atur attd leb aNe laitknul lor easy ac*x-no rced ta remnv the screen lo apsn u sanrell lock tfu uirukna. All har&tnre is Pella-oryn@rd anrl @rftskn-reststant enough f1r suooasl enuiNmmentr. 'lt ru standtrd fmsh optkrc are at'ailabb: Chan4ngne, Bra.s md Wile. \ \ t, oGign Review Action Ffrn TOWN OF VAIL Project Description: 4@;'aor"ss and Phone: ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: * Legal Description: Lot - Block- Subdivision Zone District Projec'tstreetAddress: 5</d -4.,, t li F * , , t," rr "xI ,r..,/, \l^'. / Ccl / Comments: Motion by: Board /$taf.f Agtion Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval D Disapproval Q Staff Approval Conditions: ,zl) Town Planner DRB Fee Pre-paid \ Plan Review Based on I I the L991 Uniform Codes II NAME: usmn WINDOW DATE: 1-3-95 f ADDRESS:548 S. FRONTACE RD CONTRACTOR: RUSTY SPIKE VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: NONE OCCUPANCY:R-I ENGINEER:NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-IHR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CoRRECTTONS REQr.rnED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted cndes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. I I FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. I FrELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER MAYBE REQUIRED TO APPROVE AI.TY STRUCTUAL CHANGES BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION IS APPROVED BY TOV. I 1. 2. 3. o Project Application Date 5-{-?7 Projecl Name: Projecl Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: /t-- /s' I ,h o9 A=o4nrs/- ' "oC/,, .1 (- ,,.,.,,1/, .lZ.."od;,Architect, Address and Phone: r) Legal Description: Lot EJu,ro,.O", (o 2/ A )2- Block Filing , ron. 1<-T Commenls Design Review Board Molion by: ,^," {/e/r z DISAPPR OVAL Seconded by: APPROVAL Sum mary: tafl Approval It ('ull thc I'inrrnirtq Stal'f'tit .179-212S APPLICA'TION IIOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is fbr any projcct rcquiriug Dcsign [{cviov approval. Any ])ro-jcct rcquiring tbsign rcvtcrv ntttst .rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicrv approval prior to subrnitting ibr l building pcrrrit. Fol spcciiic inlbrnntion, scc thc subrlittal 'rcquircntcnts tbr thc particular approval tlrat is rcqucstcd. Thc applicltion cannot bc acccptcd urrtil all thc rcquircd intbrmation i.s subrnittcd. Thc projcct nlay also nccd to bc rcviovcd by thc Town ('ouncil undior thc Plrurning and trtlvlr0nn)clltronrrrcntal Conrnrission. Dcsign Rcviov Board approval cxpircs onc )'0al al'tcr linal approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issucd and construction is startcd. A. DESCRIPTION OF'THE REQUES'| : TOWN OFVAIL LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: I]LOCK:FILIr..\Ci:B. (- D. ZONING: NAME OF OlVNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: ( PI{O\[: E. r. OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NN ME OF APPLICANT , MAILINC ADDRESS: G.TYPE OF REVIEW AND FI]I]: tr Ncw Construction - 5200 tl Addition -ss0 PIION L,: Constnrction of a ncw bLrilding, Includcs any additiorr rvhcrc sqirarc firotaiic is addcd to any rcsidcntial or conurtcrcial building. Includcs rninor charrgcs to building-s arrci sitc itrprovcurcnts. r^uch rls, rcroolingt. painting, '"vindow additions. landscaping, t'cnccs arrJ rct,rinirtg ',vails, ctc, For iury application rvhcrc thc applicant rvishcs to nrcct .'vith Dcsiglt Rcvicrv Boald to dctcr-rninc whcthcr of not thc pro.icct gcncnLlll' conrplics u'ith thc dcsign guidcliucs. Thc DRLI docs not Vorc on c0l]((-ptr[rl rc\'ic$'s. ( tllinor Altcration - S20\.< D Conccptual Rcviov - $0 ' DRBfccsarctobcpaidatthctirncofsubmittal. Lutcr,rvhcnappll,'inglbrrrbLLildingpcrrrrit,plcascidcntify' thc accuratc valuation ofthc projcct. Thc To',\r of Vail rvill adjLrst thc f-cc according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION' ALL SUBNIITTAL REQUIRE}IENTS AND 'TI{E FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF CONIMUNITY DEVELOP]VIENT,75 SOUTFI FRO\TAGE ROAD, vArL. coI-oI{ADO {i1657, llest (,opY Availablc J; 1 Updatcd I/97 It{} LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPEOF MATERIAL:COLOR:*I]UILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Ce\..,^ {o rya{gL--@"utBlqe * Plcasc specifu thc nranufacturer's color, nutnbcr and attach a snrall color chip ** All cxtcrior lighting rnust mcct thc Town's Lighting Ordinancc 18.54.050(J), If extcrior lighting is proposcd, plcase indicate the numbcr offixturcs and locations on a separatc lighting plan. ldentify cach fixhrre type and provide the height abovc gradc, luntens output, luminous area and attach a cut shcet ofthc lighting fixturcs' othcr waf l Matcrials M^\..i^- o' li e'x , r-f, ,^g 6 v'"^t'* ,.L" Fascia Sot'lits Windows Window Trint Doors Door Trirn Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chinrncys Trash Enclosurcs Crccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting++ Other v {, PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Namc Conrnron Namc Ouantity Sizr* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minirnunr rcquircnrcnts for landrrcaping: dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons Typc Squarc Footagc CROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATlON TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (rctaining walls, fencc.s, swimming pools, ctc.) Plcasc specify, Indicate top and bottom elcvations of retaining walls. Maximum hcight of walls within thc front setback is 3 feet. Maxirnurn height of walls clsewhere on the property is 6 fcct' tt UTILITY I,OCATION VERIFICATION This fornt is to vcrily scrvicc availability and locatiorr for ncw con.shrrclion and should bc uscd in conjunction rvith prcparing your utility plan and schcduling installltions. Thc location and availability of utilitic.s, wlrcthcr thcy hc ntain trunk lincs or proposcd lincs, must bc applovcd and vcrificd by thc follorving utilities for thc acconrpanying sitc plan. Authorizcd Signahrrc Datc U.S. Wcst Conrntunications I -U00-922- | 987 468-61t60 or 949-4530 Public Scrvicc Cbrirpany 949-5781 Gary Hall Holy Cross Elcctric Assoc. 949-5892 Tcd Husky/John Boyd T.C.t. 949-5530 Floyd Salaziu Eaglc Rivcr Watcr & Sanitation Distriot * 476-74fi0 Frcd Haslcc * Plcitsc bring a sitc plan. lloor plan, and clcvations whcn obtaining Uppcr Eagtc Vallcy Watcr & Sanitation signahrrcs. Firc flow nccds rnust bc addrcsscd. NOTES: lf thc utility vcrilication form has signaturcs from each of thc utility conrpanics. and no conllllcnts arc ntadc dircctly on thc fornr, thc Town will presunrc that thcre arc no probtcrns and thc dcvclopmcnt can procccd. Ifa utility conrpany has conccnts with the proposed constructiou, the rrtility rcprcsentative shall notc dircctly on thc utility verification lbrnr that thcrc is a problem which needs to bc rcsolvcd. Thc issuc should then be detailcd in an attachcd letter to thc Town of Vail. Howcver, plcasc kccp irr mind that it is the rcsponsibility ofthe utility conrpany and the applicant to rcsolvc idcntified problcnm. Thcse verifications do not relicve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit fron'r the Dcpartment of Public Works at the Town of Vail, Utility locations must be obtaincd bcfore digging in any public right-of-way or eascmcnt rvitlrin thc Torvn of vail, A t. 2. J. v I. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A prc-application confcrcncc with a planning staff nrcnrbcr is strongly cncouragcd. No application catr bc acccptcd unlcss it is contplctc. lt is thc applicant's rcspoltsibility to ntakc an appoitlttllcnt with thc staffto dctcrnli nc additional subrnittal rcquirclDcnts. II. TIME REOUIREMENTS Thc Design Revicw Board nrcets on thc lst and 3rd Wcdncsdays ofcach nronth. A complctcapplication lbrm ald all acconrpanyitrg nratcrial must bc acccptcd by thc Colnntunity Dcvcloptnent Dcpartutcnt a milimurn of thrcc and a half (3 l2) wccks prior to thc datc of thc DRB public hcaring. with thc cxccption of conceptual rcvicws. III. REVIEW CRITERIA J Your profiosal will bc revicwed for compliance with thc Dcsign Cuidclirrcs as sct forth in Scction 18.54 of thc Municipal Codc. IV. NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS: A. Ifa propcrty is locatcd in a mappcd hazard arca (i.c. snow avalanchc. rockfall. floodplain. dcbris flow, wctland. ctc), a hazard study rnust bc submittcd and thc owncr urust sign an affidavit rccognizing thc hazard rcport prior to thc issuance ofa building pcrnrit. Applicants arc cncouragcd to chcck with thc planning staffprior to subnrittal ofa DRB application to dctcrnrinc thc rclationship ofthc propcrty to all nrappcd hazards. B. Basic Plan Shcct Fornrat. Forall survcys, sitc plans. landscapc plans and othcr sitc ituprovcmcnts plans. all of thc following trlust bc shown' I . Plan shcct sizc nrust bc 24" x36" , For largc projccts, largcr plan sizc may bc allowcd. 2. Scalc. Thc luininrunr scalc is I "=20', All plans nlust bc at thc santc scalc. 3. Craphic bar scalc. 4. North arrow. 5. Titlc block, projcct nanrc. projcct addrcss and lcgal dcscription. 6. lndication ofplan prcparcr. addrcss and phonc nuntbcr' 7. Datcs of original plan prcparation and all rcvision datcs' ll. Vicinity tnap or locatiolt nup at a scalc of I "=1.000' or largcr. L Shcct labcls and nunrbcrs. l0 . A bordcr with a tninimunr left sidc nurgin of L5". I l. Namci ofall adjaccnt roadways. 12. Plan lcsend. C. For ncw construction and additions. thc applicant must stake and tapc thc projcct site to indioatc propcrty lincs, proposcd buildings urd building comcrs. All trccs to be removcd must be taped. Thc applicart rnust cnsurc that staking done during the winter is not buricd by snow. All site tapings and staking must be complctcd prior to thc day of the DRB mccting. D. Applicants who fail to appcar before thc Design Rcview Board on thcir scheduled nrceting date and who have not euked in advance that discussion on thcir itern be postponed. will have their items rcntoved fronr the DRB agcnda unti I such timc as the item has been republished, E. Ifthc DRB approvcs the application with conditions or modifications. all conditions of approval must bc rcsolved pdsl to thc issttancc of a building perndt. \ () v STAFF APPROVAL Thc Adnrinistrator ulay rcvicrv arrd approvc Dc.sign Rcvicw applications. approvc rvith ccrtain lnodifications, dcny thc application, or nray rcfcr thc application to thc Dcsign Revicw Board lbr dccision. All stafT approvals arc subjcct to final approvtrl by thc DRB. Thc following typcs of Dcsigr Rcvicw applicatiolls may bc statT approvcd: A. Any application for an addition to an cxisting building that is consistcnt rvith thc architcchrral dcsign. nlatcriats and colors ofthc building. and approval has bccn rcccivcd by an authoriz-cd lttcutbcr ofa condonriniunr association, if applicablc; B. Any application to modify an cxisting building that docs not sigrificantly changc thc cxisting plancs ofthc building and is gencrally consistent with thc architcchrral dcsign, lnatcrials and colors ofthc building, including, but not linritcd to cxtcrior building finish nratcrials (c.g. stonework, siding' roof rrlateriais. paint or stain,), cxtcrior lighting. canopics or awnings. fcnccs, antcnnas, satcllitc dishcs, viindo*s. skylights, siding, nrinor contrnercial facadc ittrprovctncllts. and othcr sinlilar nrodificationsl C. Any applicatiorr for sitc inrprovements or urodif'ications including. but not limitcd to, drivcway nrodifications, sitc gra{ing, sitc walls. rcmoval or rrrodifications to cxisting landscaping, installation of acccssory structurcs or rccrcational facilitics' ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. If this applicatiorr rcquircs a scparatc rcvicw by any looal, statc or Fcdcral agcncy othcr than thc TorvnofVail,thcapplicationfccshall bcincrcascdby$200.00. Exantplcsofsuchrcvicrv.ntay includc, but arc not linlitcd to: Colorado Dcpartnlcnt of Highway Acccss Pcrntits, Arnly Corps oi Enginccrs 404, cto. B. Thc applicant shall bc rcsponsiblc for paying any publishing tbcs which arc in cxccss of50%, ofthc application fcc. It. at thc applicant's rcqucst, any nrattcr is postponcd tbr hcaring, causing thc mattcr to bc rc-publishc{. thcn thc cntirc fcc tbr suoh rc-publication shall bc paid by thc applicant. C. Applications tlccnrcd by thc Comnrunity Dcvcloprlcnt Dcpartrlrcnt to havc dcsign. land usc or othcr issucs which nray havc a significant inlpact on thc comntunity ntay rcquirc rcvicw by consultattts iu ad{ition to Towrr statl. Should a dctcrmination bc nrade by thc Town staff that an outsidc cousultart is nccdcd. thc Cornntunity Dcvclopnrcut Dcpartnlcnt rnay hirc thc consultant. Thc Dcpadnlcnt shall cstinratc thc antount of nroncy ncccssary to pay thc consultant and this amount shall bc forwardcd to thc Town by thc applicant at the tinrc of filing an application. Expcnscs incurrcd by thc Town in cxcess of thc arnount forwardcd by thc application shall bc paid to thc Town by thc applicant within 30 days ofnotification by the Town. Any cxccss iilnds will bc rctuntcd to thc applicant upon revicw corrrpletion. vt. v MrNoR ALTERATIoNS ro rHE ExrERtoR cir nurlultlcs AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS GENEML INFORMATION This application applies to changes made to a site or octcrior alterations ofa building. Any alteration in which additional building square foohge is added will require an 'bdditions" application. I. SUBMITTALREOUIREMENTS Photgs or sketches which Clgfly convey the o<isting conditions. Photos or sketches which CleAdI convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). All relcvant spccifications for the propoml including colors and matcrials to be uscd. Condonrinium Association approval (if applicable). lf thc intcnt of the proposal is not clcarly indicated, the Administrator may dctermine that additional matcrials are nccessary for thc review ofthe application, o o tr o tr TOWNOFV4IIL ,1Ht : ;r, [1[f1.1';11- ^-,v [,r .r:'r::j FtF'r it ':-t7 Qucrtious'.) Coll thc "'' l !11 BLOCK::-- - FlLtNGr Best copy Available