HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIRST WESTWIND SIGN LEGALTOWN OFVAIL Depqrtment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 HX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us March27,2OO1 Westwind Condominium Association Attn: Geoff Wright / Destination Resorts Management 548 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re; Westwind's request for a variance to add a second building identification sign Dear Geoff: This letter will serve as verification that the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission (March 12, 2OO1) and Town of Vail Design Review Board (March 21 , 2OO1) have approved the above-referenced application as submitted. lf you would like to discuss this matter in greater detail, please contact me at (970) 479- 2140. Sincerely, B^---r-k---r BrentWilson, AICP Planner ll {g rot"uornr"" TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development March 12,2001 A request for a variance from Section 11-48-3(D) Vail Town Code, to allow for a second building identification sign, located at 548 S. Frontage RoadMestwind Condominiums. Applicant: WestwindCondominiumAssociation,lnc.Planner: Brent Wilson / Bill Gibson il. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The Westwind Condominium Association is requesting a variance to allow a second building identification sign at the southwest corner of lhe Westwind building (facing the Lionshead pedestrian mall). Section 1 1-4B-3(D) of the Town of Vail Sign Regulalions allows a maximum of one building identification sign per building. This application involves the placement of a 7.33 square foot hanging wrought iron sign along the southwest enlry adjacent to the Landmark Building. This sign would supplement the existing 17.25 square foot building identification sign along the northern fagade of the condominiums. An exisling non-conforming sign al this location was removed recently and a variance is necessary for its replacemenl. The applicanl's stalement of the nature of the variance request is attached lor reference. REV]EWING BOARD ROLES The PEC is resoonsible for evaluatino a orooosal for: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potenlial uses and slructures in the vicinity. 2. The degree 1o which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specilied regulation is necessary 1o achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this Title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to.the proposed variance. Desion Review Board: Action: The DRB has NO review authority on a variance, but must review any accompanyi ng D R B applicatio n. The DRB is responsible for evaluating the DRB proposal for: - Architectural compatibility with other structures, the land and surroundings - Fitting buildings into landscape - Configuration of building and grading of a site which respects lhe topography - Removal/Preservation of trees and native vegetation - Adequate provision for snow storage on-site - Acceptability of buiHing materials and colors - Acceptability of roof elements, eaves, overhangs, and other building forms - Provision of landscape and drainage - Provision of fencing, walls, and accessory structures - Circulation and access to a site including parking, and site distances - Location and design of satellite dishes - Provision of ouldoor lighting III. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Upon review of the criteria outlined in Section lV of this memorandum, the Community Development Department stalf recommends denial of the variance request to allow for a second building identilication sign, located at 548 S. Frontage RoadMestwind Condominiums, based upon the following finding(s): 1. That special circumslances or conditions do not apply to the land, building, topography, vegetation, sign structures or other matters on adjacent lots or within the right-of-way, which would substantially restrict the effectiveness of the sign. 2. The variance applied for departs from lhe provisions of the Vail Town Code more than is required to identify the applicant's business use. lv. A. CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION - SIGN VARIANCE Consideration of factors: 1. Special Circumstances Exist: There are special circumslances or conditions applying to the land, buildings, topography, vegetation, sign structures or other matters on adiacent lots or within the adjacent right-of- way, which would substantially restrict the effectiveness of the sign in question, provided, however, that such special circumstances or conditions are unique to the particular business or enterprise to which the applicant desires to draw attention, and do not apply generally to all businesses or enterprises. The applicant slates the variance is necessary to facilitate building idenlification from residents and guests arriving via the Lionshead pedestrian mall. While it is recognized the building fronts along a major pedestrian way, residenUguest vehicular traffic arrives via the entrance along South Frontage Road (where the 17.25 square foot building identilication sign exists). The Westwind Condominiums are not part of the town's "parking pay-in-lieu" program and residenVguest parking is accommodated on-site. Therefore, staff believes the issue of pedestrian traffic from the mall area is only relevant to short-term guests relurning from a day of skiing or shopping in the Lionshead vicinity. This situation is identical to nearly all other residential properties in Lionshead. Additionally, the town's Sign Regulations currently allow for pedestrian traffic circulation signage lo address this issue without a variance. Stalf does not believe there are any special, unique circumstances on this site that warranl a deviation in the application of the town's Sign Regulations. 2. Applicant Not Responsible: That such special circumstances were not created by the applicant or anyone in privy to the applicant. Staff does not believe there are any special, unique circumstances on this sile lhal warranl a deviation in the application of the town's Sign Regulations. 3. Harmonv Maintained: That granting of the variance will be in general harmony with lhe purpose ol the sign code, and will not be materially detramental to the persons residing or working in the vicinity, to adjacent property, to the neighborhood, or to the public welfare in general. Similar variances have been approved in the past for building identification signs on large condominium or hotel projects. lt is important to note, however, thal a variance approved for the Landmark Building in 1989 (to allow tor lhree building identification signs) involved a staff error in the interpretation of the sign code. 4. In 1987, the PEC approved a similar variance for the Evergreen Lodge (lormerly the Doubletree Hotel) upon finding that the location of a large retaining wall restricted lhe exposure of one identification sign to passersby. Therefore, the "special circumstances" criterion had been addressed to the satisfaction of the PEC. With regard to a Chateau at Vail sign variance in 1986, the PEC found the location of the Alpine Standard gas station blocked the visibility of the guest enlrance to the hotel and that an additional sign was warranted along South Frontage Road. Therefore, the "special circumstances" criterion was also addressed in this situation. Staff does not believe an approval of this variance requesl would be malerially delrimental to the persons residing or working in the vicinity, to adjacent property, to the neighborhood, or to the public welfare in general. In Line With Provisions: The variance applied for does not depart from the provisions of this Title any more than is required to identily the applicant's business or use. The Town of Vail Sign Regulations currently allow for pedestrian circulation directional signage that would address many, if not all, of the association's concerns. This type of signage is encouraged in the town's master plan documents. Policy 6.7 of the Lionshead Redevelopmenl Master Plan encourages a "consistent, comprehensive directional signage program. Vehicular and pedestrian-scaled directional signage should be incorporated into the design of all primary corridors." Therefore, staff believes there are alternatives under the provisions of the town's Sign Regulations that could meet the applicant's objectives without the need for a variance. Other Factors: Such other tactors and criteria as the Planning and Environmental Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinos belore qrantinq a variance: 1. That special circumslances or conditions apply to the land, building, topography, vegetation, sign struclures or olher matters on adjacent lots or wilhin the right-of-way, which would substantially restrict the effectiveness of the sign. 2. That such special circumstances were not created by the applicant. 5. 4. That granting the variance will be in general harmony with the purpose of lhis title and will not be detrimental lo the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious lo properties or improvements in lhe vicinity. The variance applied for does not depart from the provisions of the Vail Town Code more than is required to identify the applicant's business use. DESTINATION RESORTS 6IO WEST LIONSHEAD CIRCLE VAIL, COLOMDO 81657 - 5293 TELEPHONE (970) 476-1350 FtJ, (97O) 476-1617 February 9,2001 Town of Vail: BrentWilson Planning & Environment Committee 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Dear PEC Members, The Westwind Condominium Association is requesting a variance to install a second sign onto the south side of their building because unnecessary physical hardship. The building has two active entrances to our building and only one visible sign. One entrance services our Frontage Road driving traffic and the other entrance services our Lionshead Mall walking traffic. At this time the building has the only one sign that is placed above its front entrance on its north wall. This sign is only visible to someone on the Frontage Rd. or approaching from the north side of the building. Many of our guests look for our building from the mall area and the building does not have any visible sign for someone approaching from the south. As you are aware, many Vail visitors do not have cars. They use the bus system which drops them into the Lionshead mall. They then approach our building from the south on foot. Without this sign we have had, and will continue to have, to visitors approaching from the mall that are unable to easily find our building. At one time the building did have a sign in the requested location that was stolen. Apparently, since vrre did not replace that sign immediately, we now have to request a variance to install its replacement. Because of this unnecessary hardship the Association is asking for this variance which will allow the installation of a new second sign to be located on the building's south west corner according to all other sign regulations. We thank you in advance for your consideration. Westwind Condominium Ass.. Inc. A Lowe Enterprises Company -to- €aea t C3 ,a3 ;)r3LF?{n{r) rDt) -rl. x ttNN ? Call the Planning Stdat 479-213t APPLICATION FOR PLI\IYMNG AND EI\MRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is fu any project rcquiring approval by the Planning and Enviroomental Commission For spcific inforrnatim, see the submittal roquircmenb for the particllar apprwal that is rcqucsEd Thc pplication can not bc aocc,ptcd gntil all rcquired infornratiqr is submitrcd The project nay also n€cd to be ruviewcd by tie To$n Council and/orthe Dcsigr Rwicw Bord" A. TYPE OF APPLICATION: o tr Additional CRFA(250)tr Bcd and Brealdasttr Conditional Use Permittr Majm or tr Minor Subdivisiontr Rezoningtr SignVriancetr Variancetr ZoningCodeAmendment tr AnendmentbmApprovcdDcvelopmeatPlantr Employcc Housing Unit CD?e: -) tr Majorotr MinorCCl ExeriqAlteotio (Vait Vilagp) Major or tr Minor CCII ExteriorAltsatim (Lionshead) Spccial Dwelopmcnt Disbict Major c E Minor Amendmeot to an SDD tr tr tr B.DESCRIPTION OF TTIE REQI.]EST: sr^\o {I.. S...<L *-'o*\ c-ct Erar- o ( *Lo- QI)o.'*\ *.* LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LOT-BLOCK- FILING ADDRESS: S\B I. D.ZONING: a-\\ i,l *.. S\B S q \-r- c-NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING \./"..\ F. G. Q-o \x-- \3so o$rtYER(s) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF REPRESENTA \**. *t (LLo.,* PHONE:- FEE - SEE TI{E STJBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR TI{E APPROPRTATE FEE. SIJBMIT THIS APPLTCATION, ALL STJBMITTAL REQIIREMENTS AND TIIE TEE TO TIIE DEPARTMENT oF coMMlrNrrY..r#"tfflfo"NT,775 sourH FR.oNTAGE RoflDt c E I v E 0 I 2001 VAIL, COLORADO u657. re-wa: f 1z0C cr#:-By: .-7 ll ..., t Application Datc:- PEC Meering Dafe :-7J/ I /M"-fnlot 'ffit5 FECO/-Ws Rcrinl6D6 II. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR A SIGN VARIANCE This application is required for any project seeking a variance from any soction ofthe Town ofVail Si9r Code. PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-ryplicdion confcrence with a planning stdmernba is strongly encouraged No application can be accepted unless it is complete. It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointnant with the staff to determine additional submittal requirements. SI.JBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS FEE: $200.00. The fee muet be paid at thc time of submittal. Stamped addrcssed cnvelopcs and a list of the names and mailing addrcsscs ofall prop€rty owners adjacent to the subject property, including propcrtics bchind and across streeb. Thc applicant is responsible for correct narnes and mailing addresses. This information is available fiom the Eagle County Assessor's offi ce. Condominium association ryproval (if applicable). The Administrator may determine that additional material is necessary for rwiew of the application. Two (2) copies of thc following: A staterncnt ofthe pnccise nature ofthe variance requested" the regulation involved. and the practical difficulty or umnecessary physical hrdship inconsistent with the objectives of this title that would result from srict or literal interprctation and enforcernent ofthe specified regulcion. A site plan showing all existing and proposed features on the site, and on adjoining sites if necessary, pertinent to the variance requested. including site boundaries, required setbacks, building locations and heights, topography and physical features, existing sign locations, proposed sigr locations and any other related dafa. ElwAtiotls orphotos showing the proposed location of the sign. Colored scaled (l/4"=l') drawing, including specific lettoing and dimensions. Description and sample of proposcd materials. Drawing showing how and where the sign or awning will attach to the building. PLEASE NOTE THAT ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS CAN BE ACCEPTED. ALL OF THE REQUIRED INFORMATION MUST BE SUBMITTED IN ORDER FOR THIS APPLICATION TO BE DEEMED COMPLETE. TIME REOUIREMENTS The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on thc 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material (as described above) must be accepted by the Community Dwelopment Department by the appropriatc submittal datc. which is a mininnrm of four (4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. Incompl*e applications (as dd€nnined by the planning satr) will notbe acce,pted. o tr tr o tr o a tr o a ry. Page I of2 V. ADDMONALREVIEWANDFEES A. If this application rcquires a separatc rwisw by my local, State q Fcderal agcncy other ttan the Town of Vail, thc appliction fcc shall be incr€ased by $200.00. Examples of zuch review, may include, but rc not limitcd to: Colorado Dcprtnat of Higbway Acccss Permits, Army Corps of Enginess 404, Etc. B. Tho applicant shall bc rcspoosible for payrng my publishing fec which are in excess of 5flo of the applic*io fcc. If, at thc 4plicanfs Fqu€sl any mafrcr is p@oned for hearing cansing tte mancr to bc re-prblishc{ thco, the cntirc fce fa eirch re-ptblicatiqt shall be paid by the aPPlicanL C. Applications decrned by the Commrmity Dct elopncnt Dcpartmcnt to have desip. land usc or o$cr issues which may havc a sigrrificurt impacl m the community may require review by consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a dacrmination bc nnde by thc Town staff thd an outsidc oonzulht is nccdcd, thc Community Dcvclopmatt Dcpartmatt may hire thc consultant Tbe Depctmcnt shall cstimstc frc anromt of rmncy n€€ssary to pay tbe consultant and this amount shall bc forwrdcd to Sc Torvn by 6c ryplicant at frc time of filing an apliction. Expenses incuncd by the Town in excess of thc arnont forunrdcd by the aplicant shalt be paid to tte Torm by the ryplicut within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any exccss finrds will be rehrmed to ttc applicant rpott rwicrw complction. Pege 2 of 2 Adjacent Property Omerc... Landmark Condominium Ass. 610 W. Lionshead Circle Vail, GO 81657 Lifihouse Condominium Ass. 555 E. Lionshead Circle Vail, CO 81657 Vantage Point Condominium Ass. 508 E. Lionshead Gircle Vail. CO 81657 , ,*,. rrEM MAY AFFEcr "or* r#=*t UBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and EnvironmentalCommission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3€ of ihe Municipal Code of the TownofVail onMarch12,2OO1,at2:00P.M.intheTownofVail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a variance from Seclion 11-48-3(D) Vail Town Code, lo allow for a second building identification sign, located at 548 S. Fronlage RoadAlVestwind Condominiums. Applicant: Westwind CondominiumAssociation, Inc.Plannen Brent Wilson A request for a worksession to discuss rezoning from Agriculture and Open Space to Primary/Secondary Residential and a Minor Subdivision to create two residential lots and a request for a recommendation to the Town Council for an amendment to the Vail Land Use Plan changing the land use designation from Publicy'Semi-Public use to Low Density Residential, locat6d it Steo Booth FalliRoad/Part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Mllage 12th Filin-g. Applicant: Planner: Boothfalls Homeowne/s Association, represented by Braun Associates, Inc. Russell Fonest A request for variances from Section 12€D-6 (Setbacks) and Title 14 (Development Standards- locating required parking in the Right-oFWay), to allow for a residential addition and remodel located at 2955 Bellflovver Dr. / Lot 6, Block 6, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Alan Peters, represented by Braun AssociatesPlannen Allison Ochs The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the projecl planner's office, located at the Torvn of Vail Community Developmeni Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend projest orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Pfease cp,ll 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon r€quest with 24-hour notification. Please call 47* 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Pubfished February 23,2001 in ihe Vail Trail. n17 fi Nff, FEB-2o-ol 14.12 FROU lrlanager INATTON RESORTS-VAI L t",, DESTINATION PAGE 2/2 RESORTS 610 wEsr uoD{$&rD clRcLE VAtL TETEPIIONE (970) {7e1350 Frx (970) a7e1617 : DESTo Febrr.rary 9, 200't Tom of Vail: ErentWlson Planning & Enrironment Committee ?5 S- F:s:tege Rd Vail, CO 8165/ Dear PEC uemoeri, {> ' .. The Westwind Condominium Association is reqr,Jesting a variance to install a second sgn onto tF soufi side of ilreirbuildirg because ullteceseg physicd hardship. The hudlding has tun aciive enhancesto ourbuilding and onlyone viSiile 6ign. One entrance services orr Frontage Road diving traffic and the other entane services our Lionshead Mall walking taffic. At thls time tlre h.rilcting tras tlre only one sign that is placed above its front enbanoe On its north r,rall- This sign is only visible b sorForp on the Frontage Rd. or approacfring ftom the irrth s,ide d the hJilding' Many of our gnres[s look fur our building fiom the mall area and the buildirB does not liave any visrbe sign for someone aPpracfr-ng trpy11 g,," *{!' As you are ar lare, many Vait visitors do not have cars. They use the bus sysle- m wtricft Orops ifrem into the Limsh€ad malt. They lfrcn.approacfr our build[ng trom the *udr on fuoL w'rihoui ihie dgn .,re ha.re'had, a:d w.Il continr.re to l'.ave is visitors approadring fiqn tre matt that are unable to easily find otrr building. At one time the building dd have a sign in tre requested location that was s{olen' Apparendy, sinoe u,e oo not replace tr|d sign imrfttciatel.Y, ue novv have to rdduest a variance to install ib irgplattrnent Because of ttis r^nnecessay frarOsfrip the Associalion is *king ficr this rrarianoe lvhidt will dtoiflthe instatlaton cf a noa'sesond egn to be tccated on the bu!*fng's soutlt Yvest comer acpording to ail oilrer sigirr iegi..iator's- V\b ttnr* you in advance for yanr consideration. westwind Condonninium Ass., !nc. ( A Irtrc EotqFbca Odapany DESTINATION RESORTS 610 WEST LIONSHEAD CIRCLE VAIL. COLORADO 81657 -5293 TELEPHONE (970) 476-1350 FAX(970\ 476-1617 February 9, 2001 Town of Vail Planning & Environment Committee 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Dear PEC Members The Westwind Condominium Association is requesting a variance to install a second sign onto the south side of their building. At this time the building has only one building sign that is on its north wall and is only able to be seen by someone on the Frontage Rd. or from that side of the building. The building does not have any signage that is visible to someone in the mall area or approaching from the south side of the building. Up to a few years ago the building did have a sign in this location that was stolen. Since the sign has been gone we have had continual comments of guests not being able to locate out building fom the south side. Recently, we decided itwas important to have this building recognition and to replace this missing sign. The Association is asking for this variance which will allow the installation of a new second sign to be located on the building's south west corner. We thank you in advance for your consideration. Westwind Condominium Ass.. Inc. A Lowe Enterprises Company are avaiiable from the Department of Community Development. PARCEL# ? \O \ OGj\ )O00(Contact Eagte Co. Assessors office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S):*&c MAIUNG ADDRESS: owNER(S) SrGNA H,NAME OF APPUCANT: MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: TYPE OF SIGN (see nerd page for definitions): a Sign Awningu Other, specifo: {..,q-,qI:.A. B. a D. E. F, G. J. K. L, NAME OF BUSINESS: BUITDING NAME and ADDRESS: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: IEGAL ADDRESS: Lot:_ Block:_ \t a Free standingo Wall Sion{ Hanging Sign NUMBER OF SIGNS PROPOSED:NUMBER OF SIGNS SISTING: {M. N. a. R. SIGN MESSAGE: SIGN AND LETTERING DIMENSIONS FOR EACH PROPOSED SIGN (Attach a schematic on 8.5" x 11" paper): LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE:(*$. HEIGHT OF SIGN(S) ABOVE GMDE: SIGN LOCAION (Attach a site pian and an elevation drawing or a photograph clearly proposed location of sign(s)): La.i <\X^ r \q)trA\ \os 'b-q MATERTALS anl nPS nF qiCN /Attarh camnlc<]..-ot-", \;.-S DESCRIBE SIGN LIGHTING: -t :.L\?$is\ FEE: $20.00, plus $1.00 per squard foot bf total sign area DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIRETIENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD VAil-, COLORADO81657. TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Strlcnmt *tl,l+t'ttt*tl***li**f *a*ttf *f ti*tf iittt**+*rt'ttltif rttlr*f *t****'f *tt**'|**l*'trtttt*'t'ttlt**rlt'|+f *a*t*a Statement lfumber: R000000438 Amount: $200.00 02/09/2OOI03:23 P[l Payment Dtethod: Check Init : iIAR Notatidr! 3 654 PermLt No: P8C010008 ParceL No: 210105312000 Site Addreaa: 548 S PROITTAGB Loeation: Itrls Palment. 3 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 Balance: 90.00*flt**r**ff**tl+'lfl+******+'!l****f*l't:t*ilt'|if*f*t******f***'t******l**tff**l+*:t****lllaaalrtl ACCOUNTIIEMLIST: Account Code Description PV 001000031i2500 PEC APPLICATION FEES 200.00 Type: PEC - Sign Variance RD TIEST VAII. Total Feeg: Total lllilr hrta: Current Pmts TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development March 12,200'l A request for a variance from Section 11-48-3(D) Vail Town Code, to allow for a second building identification sign, located at 548 S. Fronlage Road/Westwind Condominiums. Applicant: WestwindCondominiumAssociation,lnc.Planner: Brent Wilson / Bill Gibson il. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The Westwind Condominium Association is requesling a variance to allow a second building identificalion sign at the southwest corner of the Wegtwind building (facing the Lionshead pedestrian mall). Section 1 1-48-3(D) of the Town of Vail Sign Regulations allows a maximum of one building identification sign per building. This application involves the placement of a 7.33 square foot hanging wroughl iron sign along the southwesl entry adjacent to the Landmark Building. This sign would supplement the existing 17.25 square foot building identification sign along the northern fagade of the condominiums. An existing non-conforming sign at this location was removed recently and a variance is necessary for its replacement. The applicant's statement of the nalure of the variance request is attached for reference. REVIEWING BOARD ROLES The PEC is responsible for evaluatino a proposal for: 1. The relationship of the requesled variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcemenl of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in lhe vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this Title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requesled variance on light and alr, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to.the proposed variance. t; Desion Review Board: Action: The DRB has NO review authority on a variance, but must review any acco m pany i ng D R B applicati o n. The DRB is responsible for evaluating the DRB proposal for: - Architectural compalibility with other structures, the land and surroundings - Fitting buildings into landscape - Configuration of building and grading of a site which respects the topography - Removal/Preservation of trees and native vegetation - Adequate provision for snow storage on-site - Acceptability of building materials and colors - Acceptability of roof elements, eaves, overhangs, and other building forms - Provision of landscape and drainage - Provision of fencing, walls, and accessory structures - Circulation and access to a site including parking, and site distances - Location and design of satellite dishes - Provision of outdoor lighting III. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Upon review of the criteria outlined in Section lV of this memorandum, the Community Development Department staff recommends denial of the variance request to allow lor a second building identification sign, located at 548 S. Frontage RoadiWestwind Condominiums, based upon the following finding(s): 1. That special circumstances or conditions do not apply to the land, building, topography, vegetation, sign structures or other matters on adjacent lots or within the righl-ot-way, which would substantially restrict the effectiveness of the sign. 2. The variance applied for departs from the provisions of the Vail Town Code more than is required to identify the applicant's business use. lv. A. CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION - SIGN VARIANCE Consideration of factors: 1. Special Circumstances Exist: There are special circumstances or conditions applying to the land, buildings, topography, vegetation, sign structures or other matters on adiacent lots or within the adjacent right-of- way, which would substantially restrict the eftectiveness of the sign in question, provided, however, that such special circumstances or condilions are unique to the particular business or enterprise to which the applicant desires to draw attention, and do not apply generally to all businesses or enterprises. The applicant states the variance is necessary to facilitate building identification from residents and guests arriving via the Lionshead pedestrian mall. While it is recognized the building fronts along a major pedestrian way, residenVguest vehicular traffic arrives via the entrance along South Frontage Road (where the 17.25 square foot building identification sign exists). The Westwind Condominiums are not part of the lown's "parking pay-in-lieu" program and residenVguest parking is accommodated on-site. Therefore, staff believes the issue of pedestrian traffic from the mall area is only relevant to short{erm guests returning from a day of skiing or shopping in the Lionshead vicinity. This situation is idenlical to nearly all other residential properties in Lionshead. Additionally, the town's Sign Regulations currently allow for pedestrian traffic circulation signage to address this issue without a variance. Staf{ does not believe there are any special, unique circumstances on this site lhal warrant a deviation in the application of the town's Sign Regulalions. 2. Applicant Not Responsible: That such special circumstances were not created by the applicant or anyone in privy to the applicant. Staff does not believe there are any special, unique circumstances on this site thal warranl a deviation in the application of the town's Sign Regulations. 3. Harmonv Maintained: That granting of the variance will be in general harmony with the purpose ol the sign code, and will not be materially detrimental to the persons residing or working in the vicinity, to adjacent property, to the neighborhood, or to the public welfare in general. Similar variances have been approved in the past for building identilication signs on large condominium or hotel projects. lt is important to note, however, that a variance approved for the Landmark Building in 1989 (to allow for three building identification signs) involved a slaff error in the interpretation of the sign code. 4, In 1987, the PEC approved a similar variance for the Evergreen Lodge (formerly the Doubletree Holel) upon finding that lhe localion of a large retaining wall restricted the exposure of one identification sign to passersby. Therefore, the "special circumstances" crilerion had been addressed to the satisfaction ot the PEC. Wilh regard to a Chateau at Vail sign variance in 1986, the PEC found the localion of the Alpine Standard gas station blocked lhe visibility of the guest entrance to the hotel and that an additional sign was warranled along South Fronlage Road. Therefore, the "special circumstances" criterion was also addressed in this situalion. Staff does not believe an approval of this variance request would be materially detrimental lo the persons residing or working in the vicinity, lo adjacent property, to the neighborhood, or to the public welfare in general. In Line With Provisions: The variance applied for does not depart lrom the provisions of this Title any more than is required to identily the applicant's business or use. The Town of Vail Sign Regulations currently allow for pedestrian circulation directional signage that would address many, if not all, of the associalion's concerns. This type of signage is encouraged in the town's master plan documenls. Policy 6.7 of the Lionshead Redevelopmenl Master Plan encourages a "consislent, comprehensive directional signage program. Vehicular and pedestrian-scaled directional signage should be incorporated into the design of all primary corridors." Therefore, staff believes there are alternatives under the provisions of the town's Sign Regulations that could meet the applicant's objectives without lhe need for a variance. Other Factors: Such other factors and criteria as the Planning and Environmental Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinos before qrantinq a variance: '1 . That special circumstances or conditions apply lo the land, building, topography, vegetation, sign structures or olher matters on adjacent lots or within lhe right-otway, whicll would substantially restrict the effectiveness of the sign. 2. That such special circumstances were nol created by the applicant. 5. B. 3. That granling the variance will be in general harmony with the purpose of this title and will not be detrimenlal to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 4. The variance applied for does not deparl from the provisions ol the Vail Town Code more than is required to identify the applicant's business use. +*' '>a;/c/t f.;J o't'- /arr B*L - pa;J t* 't'at /fuJ *^+'^4"'J ck - ,J dt ,( 4 ^a/,-itt*t*lt 'i6 ctJt' fry t '4i^ ctlt- "!'J' )a fr) /qu r''^t rt*4 a'ft"t *q t/r.' - fuLul r h,L-, e twt tf/^.! r';;l+ a- .1+a4u1_ + -, /ea - PfS 6/q*4"" aa^afu^', ft/I> | fry to z) DRt +f^-v.z @ DE t ST INATION SORTS i RE 610 WEST LIONSHEAD CIRCLE vAtL, coLoRADo 8r6s7 -5293 TELEPHONE (970) 476- l3s0 F AX (9701 476-t6r7 February 9, 2001 Town of Vail: Brent Wilson Planning & Environment Committee 76 Q Frnnla.ra QdI e, ,rsvv r iv. Vail, CO 81657 Dear PEC Members, The Westwind Condominium Association is requesting a variance to install a second sign onto the south side of their building because unnecessary physical hardship. The building has two active entrances to our building and only one visible sign. One entrance services our Frontage Road driving trafiic and the other entrance services our Lionshead Mall walking trafftc. At this time the building has the only one sign that is placed above its front entrance on its north wall. This sign is only visible to someone on the Frontage Rd. or approaching from the north side of the building. Many of our guests look for our building from the mall area and the building does not have any visible sign for someone approaching from the south. As you are aware, many Vail visitors do not have cars. They use the bus system wtrich drops them into the Lionshead mall. They then approach our building from the south on foot. Without this sign we ha.re had, and will continue to have, to visitors approaching from the mall that are unable to easily find our building. At one time the building did have a sign in the requested location that was stolen. Apparently, since we did not replace that sign immediately, we now have to request a variance to install its replacement. Because of this unnecessary hardship the Association is asking for this variance $/hich will allowthe installation of a new seccnd sign to be located on the building's south west corner according to all other sign regulations. We thank you in advance for your consideration. Westwind Condominium Ass.. lnc. A lawe Enterprises Company - O- CIIItf? t CT ,aF ;).F)IF?{F){r) rDg) D {'x ttNN 3' Riq,h\ -fIt l tt iI ,k F H H I I !.,f.Sarrtr -- r- Y H'S.a*r Cnos\S*r i - S :fl e,' ab\.s,J.,l) (J"lcn\cr l"r b z-E r$'o 'cri Vd'gF D y't\,A. -N WlBt a - $ip? t' etr\ sir.r) - I Ver*q-oc.P"tnf b a'8.5.. I flr*' r \^,*G,aAt,o..,r - aOt ->.1..r Cr.Qb\ f.r.d) (3..\&..\rt\, €.o* L.orae.4 fv\-\\ X 9*E- & t'S ltcs{ior.. if [:,--,-.Jl {T"T:> 5-6: *l'1,. "'-.,.i*^\ so..ircr, O ps\-l.a qi g<.,' iL q-761437t t:i f i -l -r !-t' .:' * l,:.: ':1 L" :-- |: tl :* ,r--i = *:.'j' .:!,5 We**i*, a+ {aiL q7t,-q'378 lljc.Y'"cI \lct tlv q16-ct37s -lolt C3tta t CI ,e 3 ;)rF)tI?{ts) {:) rDg) Drl. x -INN are avaihble from the Deoartment of Community Develooment. A. B. c. D. E, F. NAME OF BUSINESS: BUILDING NAME and ADDRESS: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: LEGALADDRESS: Lob_ Block:_ .tf rUO.r (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors ffice at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) Qst{ PARCEL# ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAIUNG ADDRESS: owNER(S) SrGM H.NAME OF APPLICANT: MAIUNG ADDRESS: ..-.0 (rs\ \ ij g-a PHoNE: L{-IG- \bSO PHONE: TYPE OF SIGN (see next page for definitions):D Free standinga Wall Siond Hangin-g Sign NUMBER OF SIGNS PROPOSED: a Sign Awning s Other, specify: J. K. NUMBER OF SiGNS DOSTING:t("*\L.d) SiGN MESSAGE: SIGN AND LETTERING DIMENSIONS FOR EACH PROPOSED SIGN (Attach a schematic on 8.5,'x 11,, paper), ?)" k \t.," M. N. tfIlGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE:*& HAGHTOF SIGN(S) ABOVE GMDE: SIGN LOCAION (Attach a site plan and an elevation drawing or a photograph clearly proposed location of sign(s)):s \a s- \\\ MATERIALS COLORS OF SIGN (Attach samples): DESCRIBE SIGN LIGHTING: } FEE: $20.00, plus $1,00 per squard foot bf total sign area DRB fees are to be Daid at the time of submittal PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATIOT{, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVETOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VArL COLORADO 81657. the v. R. \-"\ [$] I t- '- { tl t:li JAN 2 4 Z0t:t fthcnvDi) "'^ ' SU BMITTAL REOUIREMET{TS: n Complete Application. tr A site plan showing the exact location where the sign is to be located. tr Elevation drawings or photos showing proposed location of the srgn or awnrng. fl Colored scaled (1/4"= 1') drawing, including specific lettering and dimensions and a photo, if available. tr Sample of proposed materials. n Drawings showing how and where sign or awning will attach to the building and how the awning will be constructed. CI Condominium Association or Landlord approval - attach a letter. SIGN CATEGORIES: Freestandino -A single or muli-faced sign affixed to a supporting structure, or imbedded in and extending from the ground and detached from the building. Awnino or Hanoino -Any sign attached to a building and extending in whole or in part rnore than 9" beyond the building line. Wall - A sign attached to, painted on, or erected against the wall of a buihing or structure with the exposed face of the sign in a plane paralhl to the face of the wall and not projecting more than 9" from the fuce of the wall. Display Box - A freestanding or wall sign enclosed in glass for the express purpose of displaying menus, current enterGinment or real estate listings, Joint directory sion - A freestanding, hanging or wall sign that lists all the tenants within a muftF tenant building. Subdivision entrance sion - A sign to identify a major subdivision, a condominium complex, or group of apartment buildings having at least 100 linear feet of frontage along a vehicular or pedestrian way in any RC, LDMF, MDMF, HDMF, or SDD zone district. SUGGESTIOI{S: 1. 5. 6. 2. Copies of the Sign Code are available from the Department of Community Development. You may wish to check the Code to verify the type and size of sign you are allowed. Be specific. Vagueness in the description of design, size, construction may delay the approval of your sign. Measure the frontage of your business to determine the size (area) of the sign you are allowed. Lighting for awnings may spotlight only the sign lettering on the awning. Lighting may not shine into pedestrian or vehicular ways, All individual business signs will be reviewed by the Department of Community Development. New sign programs or amendrnents to sign progmms will be reviewed by the Design Review Board. 4. q :t**tt****:tr'trttr,,r,rit*,trr*tt**l**'i'|*****rr'i*tt+*itt*t!t't*t{t*,},r**,r***'rl**'r*'tf t***t****,}*,t*,r*** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Stareinent ******?t|f **********{.**l*******ttt}***t**l**rtr}l*****l****t********rt'*t*tt*rtr}l*tt*lrtrt**l*'}**!t*'}**t}'* Statement Nunrber: R000000401 Arnount: $28.00 OL/26/2OOLO2:04 Pll Palment Method: Check Init : JAR Notation: 3538 Permit No: DR8010025 Type: DRB - Sign Application Parcel No: 210105312000 SiTe Addreeg: 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIIJ IJocat,ion: Total FeeE: $28.00 This Pa)ment: $28.00 Total AL,L RntB: $28.00 Balance: $0.00 ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122O() DESIGN REVIEW FEES sP 00100003124000 SIGN FEES 20 .00 8.00 f 'tttf 't't*r'*'t**'r***,r{,*tf,}*tn**'rt'tttt't'tl'*tttt't**f t**'rrt*tt*t***t*+J|l*+****t't,t**rf '}ltl*f **'tl. TOWIIOF VAIL, COLORADO sralctnent tl*l***fl*'it********t'trt'|tt*****t**********lt*'t*{tt****t*t**t*rt*r*,}*'t*****'l**t'}**l*!t:tl*'t*l**'l Statement t$.rmber: R0OOO004O1 Amount: $28.00 011261200]02:04 PM Paytnent llethod: Check Init: JAR ocatlon: 3538 Permit l{o: DRB01OO25 flpe: DRB - Sign Application Parcel l{o: 210106312000 Site Addrees: 548 s FRO!fltAGE RD rBST lrAlt Irocat ion : Total Feee: 528.00 Thia Payment: $2S.O0 Total ALrL, Prnte: $28.00 Balance: $0.00 I *t*t*'t'l**+*****lttt:;* *'t*'r* *!t*.t* *'l,trt*t t't*** I trt***l t**tl'|**f rtr*** l**tti t**rt**+f {ta ***'lr *'ll* *t'}+ ACCOI.JNT ITEMLIST: Account Code Description Current hrtls DR OOI()()()O31122(}O DESIGN REVIEI,J FEES sP 00100003124000 siGN FEES 20.00 8 .00 vv 'l**:l**'t*******'l't*+l't*'ii*'t'*+*{t{.*****,}******rt**'}**'rr***{.*rrrt **** *d.**'t* *** **t I't *t* a*,t i****r *+,+* rr TowN'oF VAIL, coLoRADo sratemenl 'r*tf,*'t*******'l'***t'lttt*ttt*'t***ttt*rt*{'t**,t******'}'t*+rt'tr****rtt*******'t,t **t***t **tt:t **t*'r4'******'}*'} Statement Number: R000000402 AtnounE.: $30.00 Ot/26/ZOOLO}:t3 ptrt Palment ltethod: Check Init: ,tilR Notation: 004440 Permit No: DRBO10026 Type: DRB - Sigr Applicatlon ParceL No: 21010G403 000 Site Mdrege: 521 E LIONSI{EiAD eR \'AIL LrocatLon: ToEal Feea: $30.00This Payment t $30.00 ToEal A[Ir [rntE i $30.00Ba1ance: 90. O0*'lf **,t *'ttl *'ltl * 't*** l*** * *'t'l** *'*** * * !*'|* ** * **{' * * **t***'f 't +'tr****'} *****f *'t'f *'}f arll|}f f r+{trt *{.'r*'}.}*+** ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Curent pmts DR OOIOOOO3I122()O DESIGN REVIEW FEES sP 00100003124000 std't FEES 20. 00 10. 00 ****t*:1.* TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statemcnt l,|*rtttf **** !art*l**{.**'t**l*'t*t'}t*****'t **'t****t+trt** tttrt******:t't*t:t*****{r***'t{r*,*!t:}***'t{r*'}{.{r*f *** StaEement Number: R000000402 Amount: $30.00 OL/25/2OOLO2:13 pM Palment ltlethod: Check Init: JAR Notation: 004440 Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addreee: Irocation: ThiE Payment: DR8010025 210106403 000 521 E I,IONSI{EAD Tlpe: DRB - Sign Application CR VAII, $30 . oo tt*l tt **'f:l:ft***** **:f * +***t ***f* *rl*** * *'i,l** t**** | +t*t* * 'l * *** *'|'i** ***** *'l '|'|t* **!t'F***** {t'} '}* **'}* *{t Total Fees: Total AIJtrJ Pmts : BaLance : Current ffis $30.00 $30.00 $0.00 ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Des*iption DR 00100003112200 sP 00100003124000 DESIGN REVIE|^l FEES SIGN FEES 20.00 10 .00 SIGN/AWNING APPLICATION TOWNOFVAN Oiun.f Call thc Planning Dcsk at 479-2128 This application is lbr any sign that is locatcd within thc Town of Vail. Spccilic rcquircnlcnts arc availahlc from thc Dcpartnrcnt of Conrntunity Dcvcloprncnt. Nantc ofBusincss:[,^.Jer-:\w,*J Cc^Jo A\:".A, B. c. D. E. F. Building namc and Namc of owncr: Mailing addrcss: Signoture of owner: Go^t^l. RD A\)CL phorrc: L+ 1L -q j 78 Se Ff lo.q,6y ,^- DR/h Naurc of pcrson phonc: .176*01978 (lf diffcrcnt than owner) Addrcss: Typc ofsign (see back for definitions): tr Frec standingF Wall signtr Other, spccify: Sign nrcssagc:rues.\*,"J Siz-c of sign and siz.c of lcftcring for cach sign proposcd:\e' t 71r*tl reol OV0r a.b.\ 6.tc,^ Lcngth of busincss frontagc: l5o f I Hciglrtofsignabovcgradc: $9 Feot Ntrrlbcr of signs proposcd: I Numbcrandsizcof existingsignr, l- ll.7z V | '/z Location ofcach sign (attach a sitc plan and an clcvation drawing or a photograplr clcarly irrrlicatirrg tlrc proposcd tocationl: \o P of -!c..,\h €.c, T 7 a-|1,5ne/ 5 f.,.kf So.-\h Sec los 1 'p1"1) | TgSF T,r.c"6s tr tr Hanging sign Awning G. H. t, .t. K, ! M. N. Ch.rt Alrr,^.rrr W*t[ mo'"\.J izl{e',* [7 r o',,2e Describe lighting ofsigrr (existing or proposcd): o.FEE: $20.00. PLUS $1.00 PER SQUARE FOOT OF SrcN AREA. '':::., ,,:,.,, ,: oo AD st -f{- hl'l n{e*/ exufu :T,LS V 6tsr G-6^d.a v tr\\ ll\:9 J q) o)J ?)')L '{ .!. J I0l{il A. B. C. E. F. G. SrGN/AWNTNG APPUCATION This application is for any sign hat is locateC within the Town of t/ail. Specific require'nents are available from the Deparsnent of Community De,/elopment. Qru.{ . D. LEGAL ADDRESS: Lot_ Block:_ Fiiing: NAME OF BUSINESS: BUILDING NAME and ADDRESS: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL# ZONING: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors ffice at 970-328-8640 tor parce! #) NAME OF OWNER(S): MAIUNG ADDRESS: owNER(S) SIGNA H.NAME OF APPUCANT: .-&.itE\\ \: S1' PHoNE: tt'TL- \lSO PHONE: TYPE OF SIGN (see next page for definitions):u Free standingJ, Wall Sign{ Hanging Sign o .J Sign Awning Other, specify: J. K. L. NUMBER OF SIGNS PROPQSED: SiGN MESSAGE:( L)",-{.,.'..-A ad \)-i\ SIGN AND LETTERING DIMENSIONS FOR EACH PROPOSED SIGN (AttACh A SChCMAtiC ON 8.5" X 11'' LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE: HEIGHT OF SIGN(S) ABOVE GRADE: SIGN LOCATION (Attach a site plan and an elevation drawing or a phorograph clearly i proposed location of sign(s)): Lq;">\o .-( -\\ MATFRIAI q COLOPS OF Sici\l (Attach samnle<), -(!\ FEE: 920.00, plus 91.00 per squard foot bf total sign area DRB fees are to be oaid at the time of submittal PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FROilTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. NUMBER OF SIGNS EXISTING: I (o"r\L\d) M. N. o. p a. K. ,*q DESCRIBE SIGN LIGHTTNG: To:) €It- -b CI ,a3T}rF)IF?{D {r)r-,gaq) -af x ttNN oe TOWN OFVATL Deportment of C ommunity Developnent 75 Soulh Frcntage Road Yail, Colorqdo 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 97U479-2452 wwrc.ci.vail.co'us February 9' 2001 Westwind Condominium Association 548 S- Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 RE:WestwindBuibingtdentificationSignApp|ication,|ocatedat548S.FrontageRd. Dear Geoff, I wanted to reilerate our phone conversation regfldlng the westwind sign application' I am unabte to approve Vout Jpp]i"ltio-n';.;;;";^d"bui6ilg idenlification sign at Westwind' unfortunalely, the sign regulations are very specific witfi regards to the number of building identification signs. secii'oi'iilB-c, Aii,iaiig tdentification srgns of the Town code states: A. Purpose: To identify the name of a building' B. Size: No greater than tvventy (20) quarc feet' c' Height: wail-Mounted: No part ot the sign shatt extend.ab,ove twenty five feet (25') kom "ritt;;;;;d" "r tie plate line of a building' whichever .is.less'z. rrii;,tZiiig, No part ot the iign shall exiend above eight feet (8') from existing grade' D. Number: One sign'E. Location: Eiiiei ta+mo'nted or freestanding' subiect b design rewew' F. Design:Sublecl to design review' G. Speciat Provisions: (. -t. riei"{anJing, e frcestanding buiung iafrtiation sign sha!! be governed by the piriiint ii this Article for freestanding slon1-.for 2ingl?-bus'ness use' 2. wail-Mounted: A walt-mountid ouidin{ td'ntitication,sig.n shall be governed by thi provisions in this Articte for wall signs fot single-bustness use' Al this time, should you choose to pursue this sign application,.l recommend applying for a variance. The variance "ppfi"iti"ti15 available on-fine at ci-vail'co'us' In addition' the Town is in the process ot revie*iii-out i'gn code. .Should the Town Council choose lo amend lhe sign code, a variance may not"be nec6ssary, However, I am unsure of the exact timing of any code amendments. should you have any questions, please do not hesitate lo contacl me at 479- 2369 or by e-mail at aochs@ci-vail'co'us' { ''wlx.@, Allison Ochs Planner ll Town of Vail {s ^tuo' o* {,*